政府報告 | Government Reports

Report regarding the Chinese Union at Hongkong | Register Office | 1851

Documents connected with the Hong Kong Stamp Act, passed in the Legislative Council, Sept 5th 1866

The water supply of Hong Kong being a report submitted to H. E. Sir Arthur E 1873

The Insecure condition of the colony of Hongkong report of a great public meeting 1878

Slavery in Hongkong in the Supreme Court of Hongkong, criminal sessions, September 1879

The personal statement of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong 1881

Mr. Chadwick's reports on the sanitary condition of Hong Kong | 查維克報告書 | 1882

Rules and regulations Hongkong volunteers 1882

Dates and events connected with the history of education in Hongkong 1887

The malarial fevers of Hong-Kong 1894

A Report on the epidemic of bubonic plague in Hongkong in the year 1898

A Report on the epidemic of bubonic plague in Hongkong in the year 1900

Military Report on Hong Kong 1930 | War Office

Hong Kong Under Japanese Occupation: A Case Study in the Enemy's Techniques of Control | Evan King | 1943 | USA

Abercrombie Report | 亞拔高比報告 | 1948

雙十暴動——九龍及荃灣暴動報告書:一九五六年十月十日至十二日,附一九五六年十二月廿三日香港總督呈殖民地部大臣函 [維基文庫]

Tong and Tso in the New Territories 1962 | James Hayes

天星小輪騷亂——一九六六年九龍騷動調查委員會報告書 [中文 | 英文] (1966 Disturbance / 1996 Riot | PDFSlide外部連接)


Report of the Working Group on the New Territories Ordinance (Cap. 97) April 1988


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