CO129 搜尋器





英國國家檔案館關於 CO129 的介紹:

Reference:CO 129
Title:War and Colonial Department and Colonial Office: Hong Kong, Original Correspondence

This series contains original correspondence relating to Hong Kong.


Bound volumes arranged chronologically within the following subject headings: Despatches (letters of the Governors), Offices (letters of government departments and other organisations), and Individuals (arranged alphabetically). Each volume with a contents list, or a précis of each letter giving name of correspondent, date of letter and subject matter. From 1926 correspondence is arranged in subject files.

Related material:

For later correspondence see CO 1023

Held by:The National Archives, Kew
Legal status:Public Record(s)
Physical description:629 files and volumes
Access conditions:Subject to 30 year closure unless otherwise stated
Unpublished finding aids:

For registers of this correspondence see CO 326 before 1849, CO 349 after 1849. For indexed précis of correspondence see CO 714.


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The text is purely generated by OCR, and is only for quick reference and search purposes. Do not use it for formal research citations.

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