Hongkong Directory 1888



















ongkong Dispensary, Hongkong.

anghai Pharmacy, 24, Nanking Road, Shanghai.

Inglesa, 14, Escolta, Manila,

nton Dispensary, Canton.

spensary, Foochow.

pensary, Haukow.

pensary, Tientsin.

Office, 106, Fenchurch Street, E.C.

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3 1924 069 324 337



Is situated on the QUEEN'S ROAD and PRAYA CENTRAL, having entrances from both thoroughfares, and faces POTTINGER WHARP. It has FORTY COMMODIOUS and WELL FURNISHED BEDROOMS, with BATHROOMS, a most SPACIOUS DINING ROOM looking on the Harbour, together with a smaller PRIVATE ROOM FOR PARTIES, SITTING ROOMS, and READING ROOMS. The Building has been greatly enlarged and the Establishment. fitted up at great outlay with every requisite for the comfort of visitors. As the building covers an immense area, it only consists of two stories,

and is therefore easily accessible.


Are on the Ground Floor, and are fitted up in SUPERIOR STYLE.


Is supplied with every delicacy of the Season.


Of the BEST QUALITIES and BRANDS only are kept.



DORABJEE & HINGKEE, Proprietors,


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ITHACA, N. Y. 14853


John M. Echols

Collection on Southeast Asia


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Tong lồng



BOYD & C Amoy
















Hong Kong






GALTON & OP Poochow




HEDGE & CO Poochow










'NAV. GLE. ITALIANA Florio & Rubattino.



Hong Kong









Hong Kong

Bong Kong




Bong Kong







      MORRIS & C Shanghai

Hong Kong


















ES & C


[ROZARIO & C° Bong Kong








SCHRIEVER & Co Tonquin.







J. Bartholomew, Edit

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Plate of Signals and House Flags.

Manila Directory.



Manila, Plan of


Amoy Descriptive and Statistical


Amoy Directory......


Military Forces (Briti›h) in China... Nagasaki, Descriptive and Statistical..



Annam, Towns f, Descriptive


Nagasaki Directory...


Bangkok Descriptive and Statistical..


Naval Department, Hongkong:


Bangkok Directory


Naval Squadron, British, in China and Japon.... 331

Borneo, Descriptive and Statistical


Naval Squadron, French, in China and Japan ...320

Borneo, British North, Deseri, tive and Statistical..608

Brneo. Eritish North, Directory


Naval Squadron, United States. in China & Japan 337 Naval Squadion, German, in Chira


Cambodia, Descriptive and Statistical


Cambodia Directory


Naval Squadron, Portuguese, in China Navel Squadron, Japanese



Calendar for 1887....

Naval Squadron, Chinese, Northern


Calendar Angle-Chinese. for 1887..


Canton, Descriptive and Statistical


Newchwang, Descriptive and Statist cal Newchwang Directory...



Canton Directới 7...


Niigata, Descriptive and Statistical


Cebu, Descriptive and Statistical


Niigata Directory.


Cebu Directory......


Ningp, Descriptive and Statutical


Chefoo, Descriptive and Statistical.........


Ningpo Directory..


Ch-foo Directory


Osaka, Descriptive and Statist cal


China, Descriptive and Statistical


Osaka Directory......


Chine e Festivals, Fasts, and Observances......


Pal hoi, Descriptive and Statistical


Chinking, Descriptive and Statistical


Fakhri Pirectory....


binkiang Directory......


Peking, Descriptive and Statistical


Chungking, Descriptive and Statistical.


Peking Directory....


Chungking Directory


Penang, Descriptive and Statistical


Cores, Descriptive and Statistical


Penang, Plan of George Town


Far East, Map f

Corean Directory


Penang Directory



Ferak, Descriptive and Statistical


Foorhow, Descriptive and Statistical


Perak Directory

Foochow Directory....



Philippines, Descriptive and Statistical


Foreign Residents, Aphabetical list of....


Port Arthur (Lu Shun K'so) Directory


Formosa, De criptive....


Saigon, Descriptive and Statistical..


Haiphong, Descriptive and Statistical


Saigon Directory


Ha horg Directory......


Saigon, Plan of


    Halodate. Descriptive and Statisticul Hakodate Directory.

i f4

Sarawak, Descriptive and Statistical


Serawak Directory


Hankow, Deser ptíve and Statistical


Selengor, Descriptive and Statistical..


Hakow Directory


Selar gor Directory


Hanoi, l'escriptive and Statistical..

Hanoi Diz. ctory.



Shar ghai, Descriptive and Satistical


Hoihow, e críptive and Statistical

... 639

Shanghai Direct ry



Shanghai, Pords in the Settlements...


Hoihow Directory...


Sharghai, Plan of...


Hongkong, Map of...


Siam, Descriptive ard Statistical


Hongkong, I'lan of Victoria


Singapore, Descriptive and Statistical


Hongkong, Plan of Peak Di trict


Singapore Directory.


Hongkong, Descriptive and Statistical


Singapore, Plan of


Hongkong Directory


Sungei Ujong, Descriptive and Statistical


Hongkong, Ladies' Directory.


Sungei Ujong Directory


Hongbong, Peak Directory


Swat w, Descriptive and Statisticul


Hongkong Streets Directory...


Swatow Directory...


Hué Descriptive and Statistical


Takao, ard Taiwanfeo, Descriptive and Statistica 1.388

J'ué D rectory


Takao and Taiwanfoo Directory..


Ielang, Descriptive and Statistical


Taku, Descriptive and Statistical


lebang Directory


Taku Directroy....


loilo, Descriptive and Statistical


Tamsui, Tescriptive and Statistical


Ikilo Directory..


Tamsui Duectory


Japan, Descriptive and Statistical........


Tientsin, Descriptive and Statistical


Johore, Descriptive and Statistical


Tientsin Directory...


Johore Directory


Tokyo, Descriptive and Statistical.


Kelung, Descriptive and Statistical


Tokyo Directory


Kelung Directory


Tenquin, Descriptive...


Kiukiang, Descriptive and Statistical


Wenchow, Descriptive and Statistical


Kiukiang Directory.


Wênehow Directory...


Kobe (Hyogo) Descriptive and Statistical


Whamy oa, Descriptive and Statistical


Kobe (Hyogo) Directs rỵ............


Whampoa Directory..



Labuan, Descriptive and Stati-tical


Wladivostock, Descriptive



Wladiwostock Directory


Maan, Descriptive ar d Statistical. Macau Directory...


Wulu, Descriptive and statistical



Wuhu Directory.


    Malacca, Descrip ive and Statistical Malacca Diretory....

Manda, De cript ve and Statistical


Yokohama, Descriptive and Statis ical


701 Yokohama Directory..



Yokohama, Plan of


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Admiralty. Rules of Pro edure in Supreme Court.101


Amoy Customs Regulations


Canton Cust ma Rules ...


With Annam:-

France, 1886


Cha..ber of Commerce, Hongkong, Scale of Com-

miss ons, &c..


Spain, 1880. With Cambodia :-


Chamber of Commerce, Amoy, Scale of Commis-

France, 1881


With Chin:-



Br zil, Tientsin, 1881


Chamber of Commerce, Newchwang, Scale ‹f Com-


Franc, Tientsin, 1858.



France, Convention of Pence, 1860.


Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, Scale of Com-

mi sions, &c......

France, Tientsin, 1885.....


France, Trade R gulations for Annam Fron-

Chin-se Passenger Act. Hongkong, 1855..


tier, 1886,


Consular Fees, Table of..


France, Convention, 1887.


Court of Consuls at Shanghai, Rules of Pro-


Germany, Peing, 1880



Great Britain, Nanking, 1842.


Customs Seizure, China, Articles relative to.


Great Britain, Peking Convention, 1860..


Customs Tariff,



Great Britain, Tientsin, 1858....


Customs Tariff,

Do. Rules..


Great Britain, Chefoo Convention....


Customs Tariff, Japan, Exports.

Custom Tariff, Do. Imports.......

Customs Tariff, Siam,

Customs Tariff, Corea





Great Britain, Chefoo Convention, Additl. ...210 G cat Britain, pium Convention, 1856 .381 Great Britain, Convention, 1886, Burinah and



Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1878


Japan, Tientsin, 1871.


Hongkong, Char er of the Colony


Peru, Tientsin, 1875..


Hngkong, Code of Civil Procedure.


Prussia, Tientsin, 1 61


Hongkong, Court Fees..


Russia, Convention, 1860.


Hongkong, Port Regulations


Russia, St. Petersburg, 1881


Hongkong Legislative Council, Rules of..


Regulations for Russian Land Trade.


Hongkong Stamp Duties.


Spain, Peking, 1877..


Hongkong, Postal Guide


United States, Tientsin, 1858


Hongkong, Chair, Ricksha, Boat and Coolie Hire 400

United States, Additional, 1889


Macao, Harbour Regulations....


United States, Peking, 1880


Mails, Departure and Arrivals of


With Corea:-

Manila, Customs Administration


Great Britain, 1884


Order in Council 1865 for Govt. of H.B.M. subjects

Great Britain, T ade Regulations


in China and Japan.


Japan, 1876...


  Order in Council, 1877 Order in Council, 1879 Order i Council, 1881

Order in Council, China, Japan and Corea, 1884... 40 Order in Council. China, Japan and Corea, 1834... 43 Order in Council, China, Japan and Corea, 1886... 44 Order in Counc 1, China, Japan and Corea, 1886... 45 Order in Council, Siam, 1588

Pilotage Regulations


Japan, Supplementary, 1878



United States, 1883



With Japan

Great Britain, 1859....................


Gt. Britain, France. America and H‹lland.....312 Regulations for British Trade in Japan...


United States, 1878



United States, 1588, Extradition Trenty



With Sia:-

Port Regulations, &c., China.


France, 1867


Shanghai, Harbour Regulations.....


Great Britain, 1856..


Swatow, Regulations for Coasting Steamers.... .373 Supreme and other Courts in China and Japan,

Great Britain, Trade Regulations with


United States Co sular Courts in Chiva, Regula-

Rules of.......


Tides, between Hongkong, Canton and Macao.....367

tions of. Weights and Measures, Money



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Anglo-Chinese Calendar for 1888.





XIII et Kwang-sü, being Ting-hối, or the 24th Year of the Cycle, and XIV. of Kwang-sü, being Mo-teze, or the 25th Year of the Cycle.





(31 Days.)


(29 Days.)










(31 Days)

(30 Days.)

(31 Days.)

(30 Days.)

(31 Days.)

(31 Days.)

(30 Days.)

(31 Days.)

(30 Days.)

(31 Days.)



of the






11 & 12


of the




12 & 1

of the


1x 18 Wed. 1x11 20 Thur. 1 19 Thur. 2|

20 Fri.

21 Fri.

22] Sat.



21 Sat.

23 S.




21 Mon.



23 Mon.


25 Tues.

24 Fri. 6

25 S.

21 Tues. 7

28 Wed.

25 Sat.


26 Mon.



Tues. 10

Wed. 11

25 Wed.

26 Thur. 9


27 Fri. 10 28 Sat. 11.

Thar. [12]


29 S. 12

27 Thur.

28 Fri.

29 Sat.

30 S. 11 I 1 Mon. 12

28. S. 8

27 Tues.



29 Wed. 11 m 1 Fri. 11 IV 30] Thur.[12] 2 Sat. 12

13 x

1 Mon.[13]

1 Fri. 13/

3 S. [13]



S. 15


Tues. 17

Wed. 18

Thur. 19



Tues. 14

Wed. 15


2] Sat. 140 3 S. 15 4 Mon. 16|

5 Tues, 15 6 Wed. [18


Tues. [31]



$. [22]

Mon. 23

Tues. 24 Wed. 25

Thur. 26


5 Fri. 17 6 Sat. 18| 7 S. 19 8 Mon. 20 9 Tues. 21 10 Wed, 22



11 Thur.[23] 12 Fri. 24 13 Sat, [25] 14 S. 26 15 Mon. 27| 16 Tues. 28

S. [28]

Mon. 80]

17 Wed. 29



7 Thur. 17 8 Fri. 18 9 Sat. 19] 10 S. PO 11 Mon. 21 12 Tues. 22} 13 Wed. 23] 11 Thur.21| 15 Fri. 25| 16] Sat. [26] 17 S. |27| 18 Mon 28| 19 Tues. [29] 20 Wed. 30|

Thur. 31




I 19


of the



•2 & 3


S. 1 20 Mon. 2) 21 Tues. 3) 22 Wed. 4| 23 Thur. 5


of the



3 & 4


II 20 Tues. 1 21 Wed. 2 22| Thur.] 31

23 Fri.

24 Sat.

27 Mon. 9. 28 Wed. 28 Tues.[10] 29 Thur.10

Thur. 16


Tues. [13] II Wed. 11

Thur. 15 5 Fri. 18

6] Sat.

7 S. 18 8 Mon. 19 9] Tues. [20] 10 Wed. 21 11 Thur. 22| 12 Fri. 23} 13 Sat. 21| 14 S. 25 15] Mon. 26| 16 Tues. 27 17 Wed. 28 ..18] Thur.|29| Fri. 30

Sat. 31

Tues. 17

Wed. 18

Thur. 19

8 Fri. [20] 9 Sat. 21 10 S. 22 11 Mon. 23 12 Tues. [21] 13 Wed.125 14] Thur. 26) 15] Fri. 27 16] Sat. 281 17 S. 29 18] Mon.[30


Mon. 14


lof the


In 21] Fri.



4 & 5

1 IV 22


22 Sat.

23 S. 3 24 Mon. 4| 25 Tues. 5 26 Wed. 6] 27 Thur. 7 28] Fri. H 29 Sat.

30 S.

Thur. 14

7 S. 17 8 Mon. 19



of the




5 & 6




6 & 7



of the



of the


▼ 22 Wed. 1 vi 24 Sat.

23 Thur. 2}

23 Mon. 24 Tues. 3 25 Wed. 4 26 Thur. 5| 27 Fri.

28 Sat.

29 S. 8 30 Mon. 9 vi 1 Tues. [10] 2 Wed. 11 3 Thur.[12] 4 Fri. 13] 5 Sat. 14 6 S. [15]

27] Mon. 6) 28 Tues. 7 29 Wed. 8 vu Thur. 9

2 Fri. [10] 3 Sut. 11

S. [12]

5 Mon. 13] Tues. '14

Wed.,15] 8 Thur. 18| 9 Fri. 17

10 Sat. 18

11 S. 19 12 Mon. 20| 13 Tues. 21 14| Wed.[22| 15 Thur.[23] 16 Fri. 24|


7 & 8 MOON.


of the


1vII 25 Mon.

25 S. 2

26 Tues. 2|

24 Fri.

25 Sat. 4 261 S. 5

26] Mon. 3|

27 Wed. 3

27] Fri.

28 Sat.

27 Tues. 4.

28 Thur. 4

29 S.

28] Wed. 5

29 Thur. 6 VIII 1 Sat. 61


8 & 9 MOON.


of the



⚫ & 10



of the


l♥m 26 Thur. 1] Ix 25 Sat.

29 Fri. 5 IX 1 Mon.


29 S.

30 Mon.

1 Tues.

2 Wed.

3 Thur.


10 & 11



123450 S

I 28


II 1

2 Tues.

30 Fri.

2 S. 7

Sat. 8

3 Mon. 8


2 S. 9


3 Mon. 10

Mon. 11

2 Tues. 12| 3 Wed. 13.

5 Fri. 15 6 Sat. 16)

Tues. 19| 10 Wed. 20 11 Thur. 21.

12] Fri.

13 Sat. 23 14 S. 21 15 Mon. 25 16 Tues. 26Į 17 Wed. [27 18 Thur. 28, 19 Fri. 29| 20 Sat. 30|



7 Mon. [16] 8] Tues. [17] 9 Wed. 18) 10 Thur. 19 11 Fri. 20) 12 Sat. 121| 13 S. |22| 14 Mon. 23| 15 Tues. 24| 16 Wed. 25] 17 Thur.|26| 16 Fri. 27 19 Sat. 28| 201 S. [29] 21 Mon. 30)

4 Tues. 11 5 Wed. 12 6] Thur.[13

7 Fri.

8 Sat. 15

9 S. 16 10] Mon. 17) 11 Tues. 18 12| Wed.]19) 13 Thur. 20|| 14 Fri. 21| 15 Sat. 22| 16 S. [23]

4 Tues. 9| 5] Wed. [10]

Thur. 11

7 Fri. 12


Thur. 8


6 Sat.

7 S. 11 8 Mon. 12]


4 Fri.

5 Sat.





8 Sat. 13]

9 Tues.[13)


17 Mon. 24]

17 Sat. 25|

18 Tues.[25]

18 S. 26 19] Mon. 27. 20 Tues. 28) 21 Wed.|29|

19 Wed.[26]

20 Thur. 27 21 Fri. 28

22] Sat. 29

Tues. 31

22 Thur.30] 23 Fri. 31



S. [30]

9 S. 14] 10 Mon. 15| 11 Tues. 16| 12 Wed. 17 13 Thur. 18) 14 Fri. 19 15 Sat. 20) 16 S. 21 17 Mon. 22| 18 Tues. 23] 19 Wed. 24| 20 Thur. 25 21 Fri. 26| 22 Sat. 27 23 S. 28 24 Mon. 29 25 Tues. 30] Wed. 31

10 Wed 14| 11 Thur. 15| 12 Fri. 16

13 Sat. 17 14 S. 18 15 Mon. 19| 16 Tues. 20| 17 Wed. 21 18 Thur. 22| 19 Fri. 23 20 Sat. 24 21 S. 25 22 Mon. 26) 23 Tues. 27| 24 Wed. 28 25 Thur.[29] 26 Fri. |30|


7 Mon, 10 8 Tues. 11 9 Wed. [12] 10 Thur.13| 11 Fri. [11 12 Sat. 15 13 S. [16] 14 Mon. 17| 15 Tues. 18| 16] Wed, 19} 17 Thur.[20] 18 Fri. 21 19 Sat. 1221 20 S. 23 21] Mon. [24] 22 Tues. 25| 23 Wed. [26] 24 Thur. 27| 25 Fri. 28 26] Sat. 29

















S. 301

Mon. 31



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d. h. m. sec.



Last Quarter


7 18






New Moon 13 First Quarter 21 Full Moon








0 25




6 54 49



























9 26

Tues. 10


Wed. 11


Thur. 12








Sun. 15


PERIGEE, 8 days, 9 hours, P.M. APOGEE, 21 days, 9 hours, A.M.



Max. ....30.184 Min.......29.759

1886. 2.015 inches.


1887. 8.430 inches.

Chronology of Remarkable Events.

1st after Christmas. Kobe and Osaka opened, 1868. Overland Telegraph through

Russia opened, 1872.

The Emperor Kang-hi sends as his Envoy to the Pope the Jesuit Father Bouvet, 1708. Imperial Decree disgracing Ch'ung How issued, 1850. First election by the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce of a member of the Legislative Council, 1884.

Lin Tai-heu appointed Commissioner, 1839. Li Sing-yuen appointed Imperial Commis-

sioner in Kwangsi, 1851.

First election by the Hongkong Justices of the Peace of a member of the Legislative

Council, 1881.

Decree of Emperor Tao-kwang .prohibiting trade with England, 1840. Commissioner

Yeh captured, 1858.

Epiphany. Fearful fire at Tientsin, 1,400 famine refugees burnt to death, 1878. Forts at Chuenpi taken with great s-aughter, 1841.

1st after Epiphany. Ice one-fourth inch thick at Canton, 1852. Gunner of the "

"Lady Hughes" strangled at Canton, 1785. Execution of Li Yung-choi, the rebel leader in Kwangsi, 1880.

Murder of Mr. Holworthy at the Peak, 1869. Marriage of the Mikado of Japan, 1869.

everal chests of Opium forcibly taken by the Mandarins from an English resident in

Canton, 1838. Sir R. Alcook left Hongkong for England, 1870. Seamen's Church, West Point, opened,


Tung-chi, Emperor of China, died, in the nineteenth year of his age, 1875.

Ki-ying, Viceroy of Kwang-tung and Kwang-si, 19sues a proclamation recommending moderation in dealing with foreigners, and intimating the intention of opening up Canton according to the Treaties, 1848.

Secretary of American Legation murdered at Tokyo, 1871.

2nd after Epiphany. Bread poisoning in Hongkong, by Chinese baker Alum, 1857

Telegraph osble between Japan and Cores opened to traffic, 1884.

Mon. 16


Tues. 17


Wed. 18


Great Gunpowder explosion in Hongkong harbour, 1867.

Thur. 19








Sun. 22


Mon, 23. 11

Tues. 24


Wed. 25


Thur. 26








Sun. 29


Mon. 30


Elliot and Kishen treaty, ceding Hongkong, 1841. Sailors' Home at Hongkong formally opened, 1863. The Frederic "burnt by the Coolies, 1870. Chung How and Suite returned to China from France, 1878.

Attack on Lieut. Kerr and the both of the "Cockchafer" at Swatow, 1869. Collision near Woosung between P. & O. str. "Nepaul" and Chinese transport "Wan-nion- ching"; latter sunk and eighty lives lost, 1887.

3rd after Epiphany. The Chinese Ambassadors arrived in London, 1877. P. & O. steamer "* Niphon" lost off Amoy, 1868.

Matheus Ricoi, the Jesuit Missionary, enters Peking, 1601. U.S. corvette "Oneida "

lost through collision with P. & 0, steamer "Bombay," near Yokohama, 1870.

Instructions from Lord Palmerston to Lord Napier, superintendent of British Trade in China, 1834. Hongkong taken possession of, 1841. 8. Paul's Church at Macao burnt, 1886. Terrific fireatTokyo; 10,000 houses destroyed and many lives lost,1881, Establishment of Amoy Chamber of Commerce, 1876. British str. "Carisbrooke" burned

and scuttled in Hongkong harbour, 1883.

Huang-trung-han appointed Imperial Commissioner at Canton, 1855.

Septuagesima, Decree from Yung-ching forbidding, under pain of death, the pro-

pagation of the Christian faith in China, 1733.

Lord Saltoun left China with $3,000,000 ransom money, 1846.

Tues. 31


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HONGKONG Temperature.


d. h. m.


Last Quarter New Moon 12 First Quarter 20 Full Moon


3 1




5 28




9 35 42



7 33 46








Barometer, 1887.

Max. ......30.307 Min. ......29.815

PERIGEE, 2 days, 1 hour, P.M. APOGEE, 18 days, 6 hours, A.M.

1886. 1.535 inches.


1.895 inches.













































































Chronology of Remarkable Events.

Inhabitants of Hongkong declared British subjects, 1841. The Additional Article to

Chefoo Convention came into force, 1-87.

Letters from the Imperial Commissioner Lin to H.B.M. the Queen, complaining of the persistency of her subjects in sending Opium to China, 1840. The now German Club at Hongkong opened, 1872.

Great robbery in the Central Bank, Hongkong, discovered, 1865.

Sexagesima. The Spanish brig

"Nuevo Lepanto," on her way from Hongkong to Macao, was taken by two pirate junks near Lantao, 1865.

The Spanish Envoy Halcon arrived at Macao to demand satisfaction from the Chinese for

the burning of the Spanish brig "Bilbaino," 1840.

The "Therose," 62 days after her departure, while in sight of land, was taken by the

coolies, who killed the officers and crew, 1868.

The Spanish fleet leaves the port of Cavite, by order of the Governor of Manila, for the

purpose of taking Formosa, 1626.

The "Henrietta Maria" was found drifting about in the Palawan Passage, captain, crows

and 250 coolies missing, 1857,

Death of Emperor Kien-lung, 1795. Ki-chen received at Canton " decree from Emperor Tao-kwang rejecting conditions of peace agreed upon by hin. with the English, 1841. Quinquagesima, The Allied Commissioners at Canton send a letter to the Secretary of State at Peking recommending the advisability of appointing a Plenipotentiary to settle the difficulties at Shanghai, 1868.

Outbreak of Convicts in Singapore Gaol, 1875.

Shrove Tuesday. St. Valentine's day. Tung Wah Hospital, Hongkong, opened by Sir R.

G. Macdonnell, 1872.

Ash Wednesday. Ports of Hongkong and Tinghai declared free, 1841. Telegraph cable between Japan and Cores opened to traffic, 1884. The Chinese frigate Yu-yuen and corvette Chin-cheng sunk by the French in Sheipoo harbour, 1885.

Insurgents evacuated Shanghai, 1855. Stewart scholarship at Central School, Hongkong

founded, 1884. Alice Memorial Hospital, Hongkong, opened, 1887.

The U. 8. paddle man-of-war "Ashuelot" wrecked on the East Lammock Rock, near Swatow, 1883. Telegraphic communication between Haiphong and Saigon established, 1884.

lat in Lent. Lord Amherst's Embassy, returning from Chins, was shipwrecked in the

Java Sea, 1817.

Outrage on Bir Harry Parkes in Japan, 1868.

Medical Missionary Society organised at Canton, 1838. Mr. A. R. Margary, of H.B.M.'"

Consular Service, was murdered at Manwyne, Yunnan, by Chinese, 1878. The Emperor Tao-kwang died, 1850 (reigned 30 years).

Several chests of Opium publicly burnt at Canton, 1835. Hostilities between England and China recommenced, 1841. Steamer "Queen" captured and burnt by pirates, 1867. First stone of the Hongkong City Hall laid, 1887.

Chusan evacuated by the British troops, 1941. Explosion of boiler of the str. "Iqtsai " between Hongkong and Macao; six Europeans and thirteen Chinese killed and vessel destroyed, 1884.

Captain Da Costa and Lieut. Dwyer murdered at Wong-me-kok, in Hongkong, 1849.

Rewards offered for Englishmen by Lin, 1841.

2nd in Lent. Bogue Forts (Canton) destroyed by Bir Gordon Brammer, 1841. A Chinese Opium merobant was executed by order of Viceroy of Canton before the factories. The foreign Consuls hauted down their flags, 1841. Hongkong polios chọp burnt, 1884. Treaty of pesce between Japan and Cores signed at Kokwa, 1876. Evacuation of Port

Hamilton by the British forçes, 1887.

Capture of the Sulu éspital by the Spaniards, 1876.

Wed. 29


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HONGKONG Temperature.

d. h. m. sec.



Last Quarter New Moon

5 11

2 41













First Quarter 21 4

19 44


Full Moon



30.135 Min.




2.590 inches.

1887. 2.950 inches.

28 5 43 44 A.M.

PERIGEE, 1 day, 0 hour, midnight. APOGEE, 16 days, 10 hours, P.M. PERIGEE, 29 days, 7 hours, P.M.


Chronology of Remarkable Events.

St. David's day. Bombardment of the Chinhai forts by French men-of-war, 1885. First Dutch Embassy lest China, 1657.

Imperial Decree sentencing Ch'ung How to death by decapitation, 1880. 3rd in Lent.















Expulsion of Chinese Custom House from Macao by Governor Amaral, 1849.



Hostilities at Canton recommenced. Fort Napier taken by the English, 1841.












Sun. 11


Mon. 12


Tues. 13



Departure of Governor Sir J. P. Hennessy from Hongkong, 1882.

Commercial treaty concluded between the United States and Japan, 1854. The "Jeddo,*

after passing Anjer, was burnt at sea by the coolies, 1887.

Attack on Messrs. Farnham and Robl at Shanghai, 1872.

Lin arrived in Canton, 1839. 12,000 Chinese troops attacked the English in Ningpo

and Chin-hai and were repulsed with great slaughter, 1842.

4th in Lent. Governor Sir R. G. MacDonnell arrived in Hongkong, 1866.

Imperial Commissioner Ki-chen, degraded by the Emperor, left Canton as a prisoner 1811. Opening of new German Bethesda Chapel, Hongkong, 1881. Capture of Bacninh, Tonquin, by the French, 1884.

Chinese Custom House closed at Macao, 1849.

8,000 Chinese troops routed by the English at Tze-hi, with great slaughter, 1843.

Outrage on French Sailors in Japan, 1868,

Thur. 15


Governor Sir H. Robinson left Hongkong for Ceylon, 1865.

Frid. 16


Chinese Envoy Ping and suite left Shanghai for Europe, 1866.




Lord Macartney's Embassy left China, 1794.







Tues. 20


Wed. 21


Thur. 22


Frid. 23





Sun. 25


Mon. 26


Tues. 27


5th in Lent. Governor of Canton accedes to the request of Captain Elliot to reside in that city, 1837. Edict of Commissioner Lin to surrender all opium in Canton, 1839. Governor Sir. G. Bonham landed at Hongkong, 1848. Mutiny on board the coolie

ship "Robert Brown," captain and part of the crew murdered, 1852.

British ship "Sarah," first free-trader, sailed from: Whampoa, 1834. Death, at Peking, of Sir Harry Parkes, H. B.M, Minister to China, 1885. Captain Elliot forced his way to Canton, 1939. Death of Major-General Brunker commander-in-chief of H.M.'s forces in China and Japan, 1869. Death of Mr. W. F. Mayers, Chinese Secretary of H.B.M.'s Legation at Peking, at Shanghai, 1878.

Palm Sunday. Captain Elliot demands passports for himself and all the British subjects

imprisoned in Canton, 1839.

Great Flood at Foochow, 1874.

Death of the widow of the Emperor Tung-chi, 1875. Protocol of Convention between

China and Portugal signed at Lisbon, 1887.

Wed. 28


20,289 Chests of Opium burned by Lin, 1839.

Thur. 29


Seizure and occupation of the Pescadores by the French fleet, 1885.

Frid. 30





Good Friday. Arrival of Governor Sir George Bowen, G.C.M.G., in Hongkong, 1883. Abolition of the Coolis trade at Macao, 1874.

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d. h. m. sec.

1886. 1887.

Last Quarter New Moon First Quarter 19 Full Moon


8 17 43 P.M.






4 43 47 7 28 42 1 58 41 A.M.








30.158 Min.


APOGEE, 13 days, PERIGEE, 26 days,

7 hours, A.M. 5 hours, P.M.

1886. 5.680 inches.


1887. 5.640 inches.






















Chronology of Remarkable Events.

Easter Sunday. The port of Hoihow, Hainan, opened, 1876. Hongkong joins the Postal

Union, 1877. The ports of Pakhoi, Wenchow, Wuhu, and Ichang opened, 1877. Prince Kung degraded by the Empress Dowager, 1885.

Tung-chi, late Emperor of China, born 1857. Protocol arranging the preliminaries of

peace between France and China signed at Paris, 1885.

Bogue Forts destroyed by General D'Aguilar, 1847. Coolie mutiny on board the Italian

ship" Therese," 1868.

Convention between Sir John Francis Davis and the Viceroy Ki-ying for the admission

of Europeans into the city of Canton, within two months, 1842.

Hongkong Mint opened, 1866.



Low Sunday. Arrival of M. Paul Bert at Hanoi, 1888.




Tues. 10


Ki-ying appointed Imperial Commissioner, 1842.

Wed. 11


Terrifle tornado in Canton ; 2,000 houses destroyed, and 10,000 lives lost, 1878.

Thur. 12


37,000 Christians butchered in Japan, 1738.

Frid. 13





Mon. 16


Tues. 17





Thur. 19











Mon. 23


Tues. 24


Wed. 25


Thur. 26














Yih-shan, Lung-wan, and Ki-kung arrived in Canton to command Chinese troops, 1841.

2nd after Easter, St. Francis Xavier left Gos for China, 1552,

Governor Sir Arthur Kennedy arrived in Hongkong, 1872.

Telegraph to Shanghai opened, 1871. Arrival of Prince Heinrich of Germany in

Shanghai, 1880. Convention between China and Japau settling Corean differences signed at Tientsin,


The "Sir Charles Forbes," the first steamer in China waters, arrived, 1830.

H.M.S." Salamis" returned to Hankow from Upper Yangtze, 1869.

3rd after Easter. East India Co. ceased trade with Chins, 1834. Arrival of Governor

J. Pope Hennessy in Hongkong, 1877.

St. George's Day.

Revolt on board the "Tamaris," captain killed by the coolies, 1870.

St. Mark's day. Capture of the citadel at Hanoi, Tonquin, by the French forces, 1882. Signature at Tientsin of the Franco-Chinese Commercial Treaty relating to Tonquin, 1896. Departure of Sir William Marsh, acting Governor of Hongkong, from that Colony, 1887. The second Dutch Embassy arrived at Canton from Peking, 1798. Foundation stone

of New Central School, Hongkong, laid, 1884.

Ratifications of Corean treaty with England exchanged, 1884.

4th after Easter.

Arrival of General Grant in Hongkong, 1879.

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HONGKONG Temperature.

d. h. m. sec.

1886. 1887.

Last Quarter 3 7 New Moon 11 First Quarter 19 Full Moon



23 41 A.M. 8 59 45

A.M. 41 41 A.M. 9 16 41 P.M.

Maximum Minimum







29.908 Min. ................ 29.597



3.560 inches.

1887. 2.045 inches.




























10 30

Frid. 11






Mon. 14





APOGEE, 10 days, 9 hours, A.M. PERIGEE, 25 days, 3 hours, A.M.


Chronology of Remarkable Events.

St. Philip and St. James's day. First number of Hongkong Gazette published, 1841. Prince Heinrich of Germany visits Hongkong, 1880. Telegraphic communication established between Hongkong and the Philippines, 1880,

Announcement of the appointment of Sir Harry Parkes as Minister to China, 1883. Suspension of Oriental Bank, 1884. Opening of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition in London, 1868.

Riot in French Concession at Shanghai, 1874, Roman Catholic Cathedral at Peking in-

angurated, 1884.

British troops evacuated Ningpo, 1842. The "Dolore Ugarte," coolie ship, burnt near

Macao, 1871. Ratifications of the Chefoo Convention exchanged in London, 1896. Rogation Sunday. Attack on Mr. Wood at the British Legation at Tokyo, 1874.

Prince Kung's honours restored, 1865.

Ascension Day. Colonel Gordon with the Imperial troops captured Chang-chow, the

rebel city, 1864. Occupation of Port Hamilton by the British Squadron, 1885. Arrival in Hongkong of Prince Thomas, Duke of Genoa, 1880.

East India Co.'s garden at Canton destroyed by the Mandarins, 1831. Foo-yuen and Hoppo forcibly enter the Company's factory at 7 a.m., 1831. 8igning of the Li-Fournier Convention, 1884.

Sun. after Ascension. A corporal of the British Legation barbarously murdered by

Chinese soldiers at Peking, 1864.

Arrival of Sir John Walsham, Bart., in Hongkong, on his way to Peking to assume the

functions of British Minister, 1886.

Ratification at Peking of the amended Treaty between Russia and China, 1881.




Thur. 17


Lons off Amoy of the French war steamer "

Shanghai, 1879.

'Isere," 1860. Arrival of General Grant in

Frid. 18





Sun. 20


Mon. 21


Tues. 22


Wed. 28


Thur. 24








The city of Chapu taken by the British troops, 1842.

The Select Committee issued a notice that the British trade would be suspended on the first of August, 1831. Disastrous surprise of a French sortie in Tonquin led by Com- mandant Kiviere, and death of the latter, 1883.

Whit Sunday. Forts at mouth of Peiho captured by British and French forces, 1858.

German barque "Lesmona" captured by pirates in the China Sea, 1868.

Delivery of 20,283 chests Opium completed, 1839. Tornado at Taiwan, Formosa, 1878. Loss of M. M. str. "Menzaleh" while on her passage from Hongkong to Yokohama, 1887. Foreign factories at Canton pillaged, 1841. Treaty between the United States and

Corea signed at Rensan, 1892.

U. 8. A. Legation at Tokyo burned down, 1863.

Queen Victoria born, 1819. Captain Elliot and all the British subjects left Canton for

Macao, 1899.

The city of Canton invested by British troops, 1841. Imperial decree for opening of

Yunnan mines, 1884.

Death of Grand Secretary Wen-siang, 1876.




Trinity. Canton ransomed for $6,000,000, 1841.







Wed. 30


Thur. 31


Mr. Lindsay delivered the keys of the Company's factory at Canton to Kwan-Heep, 1831. H.B.M. screw sloop "Reynard" lost on the Pratas shoal in trying to rescue remainder

of crew of "Velocipede," 1851.

Corpus Christi. Typhoon at Hongkong and Masso; loss of the "Poyang," with 100

lives near Masso, 1975,

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HONGKONG Temperature.

d. h. m. sec.



Last Quarter 1 New Moon 10 First Quarter 17 Full Moon



44 P.M.





Maximum Minimum





2 25 47 24 4 43 45 A.M.




29.821 Min................. 29.506

APOGEE, 6 days, 5 hours, P.M.

PERIGEE, 22 days, 8 hours, A.M.

1886. 8.875 inches.



5.475 inches..




















Chronology of Remarkable Events.

Attempt to blow up the Hongkong Hotel, 1868. New Opium Agreement between -

Hongkong and China came into force, 1887. Hongkong connected with London by wire, 1871.

let after Trinity. Earthquake at Manila destroying the town and killing more than›

8,000 persons, 1888. Death of Sir Arthur Kennedy, 1883.

Treaty between France and Korea signed at Seoul, 1888.

Departure of the first steamer of the Occidental and Oriental Co.'s line from Hongkong

to San Francisco, 1875,

Heavy rains in Hongkong, property to the value of $500,000 destroyed, and many lives

lost 1864. Amended French treaty with Annam signed, 1884.










Sun. 10





St. Barnabas. Portuguese prohibited trading at Canton, 1640.










Attempt to destroy by fire the British fleet in Canton river, 1849. Treaty of Peace

between France and China signed at Tientsin, 1885.

2nd after Trinity. Typhoon at Formoss; loss of several vessels, 1876.

Opening of the first Railway in Japan, 1872.

British steamer "Carisbrooke" fired into and captured by Chinese Customs cruiser,


Russian and Chinese treaty, 1728.




British bark" Cæsar" and Danish schooner "Carl" taken by pirates off Pedro Branca,

1866. Hope Dock opened at Aberdeen, 1867.











Woosung taken, 1842.

3rd after Trinity.

Explosion of the "Union Star" at Shanghai, 17 persons killed, and 10 wounded, 1862.

Disastrous inundation at Foochow, two thousand lives lost, 1877.

Shanghai occupied by British forces, 1842.




Macartney's embassy arrived, 1793.




Massacre at Tientsin, 1870.

Frid. 22


Canton blockaded by English forces, 1840.







Mon. 25


Tues. 26


Wed. 27


Thur. 28








Ki-ying visits Hongkong, 1843. Shock of Earthquake in Hongkong, 1874. French troops

surprised by Chinese near Langsor, 1884.

4th after Trinity. St. John the Baptist. Midsummer day.

Treaty of Nanking exchanged, 1843. Attack on British Legation at Tokyo, 1882. Treaty between England and China signed at Tientsin, 1858. Decree respiting Ch'ung How, 1880. Additional Convention between France and Chins signed at Peking, 1887. Treaty between France and China signed, 1858. Confiscation of the str. "Prince Albert"

by the British Consul and Customs at Canton, 1866.

The Foreign Ministers admitted to an audience of the Emperor of China at Peking, 1873. First sitting, at Hongkong, of the Joint Opium Commission appointed under the Chefoo Convention, 1986.

British expedition to China arrived, 1840. Opening of a section of the Shanghai and

Woosung railway, 1876.

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d. h. m.




Last Quarter


11 28

46 · A.M.




New Moon









First Quarter 16





Full Moon






First Quarter 31

5 46




29.824 Min. ................ 29.270

1886. 28.330 inches.


1887. 12.075 inches.












APOGEE, 4 days, 8 hours, A.M. PERIGEE, 20 days, 3 hours, A.M.


Chronology of Remarkable Events.

5th after Trinity. Hakodate, Kanagawa, and Nagasaki (Japan) opened to trade, 1957

Serious anti-missionary riot at Chungking, 1886.

Amoy forts and many junks destroyed by H.M.S. "Blonde," 1840. French Expedition

from the Hoongkiang arrived in Hongkong, 1873.

Treaty of Wanghia with the United States signed, 1844. Colonel Gordon arrived in

Hongkong on his way to visit the Grand Secretary Li Hung-chang, 1880.

American Independence declared, 1776. Telegraph cable laid between Hongkong and

Macao, 1884.

Tinghsi first taken, 1840. Attack on British Embassy at Tokyo, 1861.





Order of nobility instituted in Japan, 1884.




8th after Trinity. Canton factories attacked by Chinese, 1846,




Tues. 10

Wed. 11



First Dutch embassy arrived at Tientsin, 1656. Incendiary fire on board the American

ship "Benefactor" in Hongkong Harbour, 1872. Portuguese fleet left Malacca for China, 1622.

British fleet, 1840.

The Yang-tase-kiang blockaded by

Engagement between the American Naval Forces and the Koreans; the Expedition

leaves to await instructions, 1871. Amherst's embassy arrived in China, 1816.

Foreign Inspectorate of Customs established in Shanghai, 1854.

Frid. 13


First English ship reached China, 1835.







Mon. 16


Tues. 17


Wed. 18


Thur. 19


Frid. 20








Mon. 23

Tues. 24


Wed. 25 17

7th after Trinity. Lord Napier and Suite arrived in China, 1834. Shimonoseki forts

bombarded by the English, French and American squadron, 1873. British trade with China re-opened, 1842. The King of Cambodia arrived on a visit to

Hongkong, 1872.

Dutch envoy Goyer, as bearer of tribute, received in Peking, 1856.

The passage to the Imperial Canal (Yang-taze) blockaded by the British fleet, 1842. Ter- rible earthquake at Manila, 1880. Additional Article to Chefoo Convention signed in London, 1885.

Nanking captured by the Imperialists, 1963. Ratification at Peking of the new treaties of

commerce and emigration between the United States and China, 1881.

Typhoon at Tamsui, 1881. Wreck of the C. M. 8. N. Co.'s str. "Pautah" on Shantung

Promontory, 1887.

8th after Trinity. The "Providenza," coolie ship, discovered off Hakodate with only

42 coolies on board and no Europeans, 1868.

Armed attack on Japanese Legation at Seoul, Corea, and eight of its members killed, 1883. British trade prohibited at Canton, 1834. Anglo-Chinese Burmah Convention signed

at Peking, 1886.

St. James. Defeat of British forces at Taku, Admiral Hope wounded, 1859.

Thur. 26


Frid. 27





Canton opened to British trade, 1843. Terrific typhoon at Canton, Macao, Hongkong,

and Whampoa; loss of life estimated at 40,000 persons, 1868. Nanking re-taken by Imperialists, 1864.




9th after Trinity. Treaty between United States and Japan signed, 1858.

Mon. 30


Bevere typhoon at Macao, 1836.

Tues. $1


Fleet of China Merchants' 8, N. Co. soki to Messrs. Russell & Co., 1904.

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d. h.

m. sec.

1886. 1887.

New Moon

8 1

First Quarter 15 Full Moon




Last Quarter 29

57 40 A.M. 20 41 A.M. 56 43 P.M. 9 54 43 P.M.







Barometer, 1887.


29.836 Min.


1886. 8.955 inches.


1887. 13.155 inches.

APOGEE, 1 day, 2 hours, A.M. PERIGEE, 14 days, 8 hours, P.M. APOGEE, 28 days, 9 hours, P.M.


Chronology of Remarkable Events.

Mr. T. F. Wade, C.B., appointed H.B.M. Minister at Peking, 1871. Peh-tang occupied by the Allied forces, 1859. Re-purchase by the China Merchants' B. N. Co. of their fleet from Russell & Co.

Victims of Massacre at Tientsin buried, 1870.











British fleet arrived before Nanking, 1842.




























Thur, 16


Frid. 17








Mon. 20





Wed. 22











10th after Trinity. Macartney's Embassy entered Psiho, 1796. Bombardment of Kelung

by French, 1864,

Serious Flood at Tientsin, 1871.

British squadron arrived off the Peiho, 1840.

Assassination of Mr. Haber, German Consul at Hakodate, 1874.

British troops landed at Nanking, 1842.

Bir H. Pottinger and Admiral Parker arrived, 1841.

First public meeting of British merchants in Canton, called by Lord Napier, who suge

gested the establishment of a Chamber of Commerce, 1834.

11th after Trinity. Imperial decree ordering release of Ch'ung How out of deference to

Russia, 1880.

174 British prisoners executed in Formosa, 1842. Death of Bir John Smale, late] Chief

Justice of Hongkong, in London, 1882.

Tong-nr-ku taken, 1860.

Great Fire on French Concession, Shanghai; 991 houses destroyed; loss Tls. 1,500,000 1879. Serious riot at Nagasaki between Chinese men-of-war's men and the Japanese police, 1888.

Second public meeting of British merchants in Canton. British trade stopped by Hong

merchants, 1834. French treaty with Siam signed, 1856.

Lord Napier ordered by the Viceroy to leave Canton, 1834. Dutch treaty with Japan

signed, 1858. Great åre in Hongkong, 1868.

12th after Trinity.

First conference between Sir Henry Pottinger and Ki-ying on board the "Cornwallis, (

at Nanking, 1842. laku forts taken by the Allied forces, 1860. Emperor Hien Fung died, 1861.

Governor Amaral (Macao) assassinated, 1849. Ma, Viceroy of Nanking, stabbed, 1879. Seizure of steamer Spark" by pirates between Canton and Macao, 1874. Telegraph line to Peking opened, 1884.

Large meeting in Hongkong to protest against the military contribution, 1864. Chinese

fleet at Pagoda Anchorage destroyed by French, 1884.


St. Bartholomew. Wreck of the C. N. Co.'s str. "Tioutsin near Swatow, 1887.

British Chamber of Commerce established at Canton, 1834. Treaty between Great Britain

and Japan signed, 1958.




13th after Trinity, British left Macao, 1839.

Mon. 27


Amoy taken by the English, 296 guns captured, 1841.




Wed. 29


Treaty of Nanking signed, 1842.

Thur. 30


Frid. 31


Lord Amberst's Embassy left for Ynen-ming-yuen, 1816. Slavery abolished in British

possessions, 1833. Kimpai forts silenced by French, 1884.

Conference at Tientsin with Ki-shen, 1840.

Severe typhoon on Coast of China, many lives lost, and much damage done to shipping

at Hongkong, Macao, and Whampoa, 1848.

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HONGKONG TemperatureE.

d. h. m. sec.

New Moon

6 0 32




First Quarter 13

5 35










Full Moon


0 43


Last Quarter


6 42


Barometer, 1887.



Min. ...... 29.

PERIGEE, 9 days, APOGEE, 25 days,

7 hours, Pp.m. 4 hours, P.M.

1886. 3.590 inches.


1887. 11.085 inches.

























Mon. 10

Tues. 11

Wed. 12


Thur. 13

Frid. 14










Chronology of Remarkable Events.

Ha, Viceroy of Nanking, died of the wounds inflicted by an assassin, 1870. 14th_after_Trinity. Treaty with Austria signed at Peking, 1860. Arrival of the "Vegs" at Yokohama, after having discovered the North-East Passage, 1879. Terrifio fre at Hankow; over 1,000 lives lost, 600 houses, 512 junke, and 2,000 sampans burned, 1887,

Forts in Canton river garrisoned by Chinese troops, 1841.

Attack on the forts at Shimonoseki, Japan, by the allied fleets under Adml. Kuper, 1864. H.M.8. "Zephyr" fired on by Chinese in Kimpai Pass, 1894. Death of Tso Trung. tang at Foochow, 1885.

H.R.H. Prince Alfred received by the Mikado of Japan, 1869.

"Imogene" and "Andromache" passed the Bogue, 1834. H.E. Count Rochechouart

Minister for France, left for Europe, 1872.

Great typhoon in Hongkong, 1867.

16th after Trinity. 8ir Hercules Robinson assumed the government of Hongkong, 1859

Riot by Chinese mob at Canton; great destruction of houses and property on Shameen, 1888. Typhoon in Hongkong, steamer "Taisang" driven "shore, 1884. British gun- boat "Wasp" left Singapore for Hongkong and was seen no more, 1887.

H.I.H. the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia visited Hongkong, 1873. Convention signed

at Chefoo by Sir Thomas Wade and Grand Secretary Li Hung-chang 1876.

Public Meeting in Hongkong, with reference to the blockade of the port by the Chinese

Customs' cruisers, 1874.

Typhoon at Yokohama and Tokio, 1884. Chinese transport "Waylee" driven ashore on

Pescadores; upwards of 370 lives lost, 1887.

16th after Trinity. New convention between Germany and China ratified at Peking, 1881.

Public meeting at Shanghai on Franco-Chinese difficulty, 1884.

Pier and Godown Co. olosed, 1873.

Tues. 18


Wed. 19


Thur. 20


Frid. 21


St. Matthew.




Sun. 23





Tues. 25


Terrific typhoon at Swatow, 1858.

17th after Trinity. Am. Brig "Lubra" taken by pirates, 1886. Terrific typhoon in

Hongkong and Macao; many thousands of lives lost, 1874.

H.M.S."Rattler" lost off Japan, 1888. Piratical attack on the German barque "Apen- rade," near Macao, 1869. The Satsuma rebels in Japan routed with great slaughter their leader, Saigo, killed, and the insurrection suppressed, 1877.

Land Regulations for Canton passed, 1871. Daring attack upon a Chinese shop in Wing

Lok street, Hongkong, by armed robbers, 1878.

Wed. 26


Lord Napier arrived at Macao dangerously ill, 1834.

Thur. 27


Commissioner Lin degraded, 1840.

Frid. 28








Rules and Regulations of the Morrison Education Society approved, 1836. Michaelmas Day. Hurricane at Manila, osusing immense damage to shipping, 1806 18th after Trinity. All the Bogus forts destroyed by the British fleet, 1841.

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d. h. m.




New Moon

5 10 10 42





First Quarter 12

Full Moon


1 5 4 44 49







Last Quarter 28 9 31 46 A.M.






PERIGEE, 7 days, APOGEE, 23 days,

3 hours, P.M. 6 hours, A.M.

1886. 2.815 inches.



2.120 inches.













by French, 1884.



Chronology of Remarkable Events.

The "Daily Press" started, 1857. Ting-hai captured by the English, 1841. French

landed at Kelung, 1884. Inauguration of Hongkong College of Medicine, 1887. Great Landslip in Tai-ping-shan, 1867. Confucius born, B.C. 562. Tamsui bombarded

Treaty between Brazil and China signed at Tientsin, 1881. Berious riot at Hongkong, 1884. Attack on foreigners at Wenchow, 1884.



French expedition left Chefoo for Corea, 1866. Arrival in Hongkong of Governor Sir

William Des Voeux, K C.M.G., 187.


























Tues. 16


Wed. 17























Thur. 25




















19th after Trinity. H.R.H. Prince Alfred visited Peking, but not received by the Emperor, 1889. Great public meeting at Hongkong to consider the increase of crime in the Colony, 1878.

Supplementary treaty signed at the Bogue, 1849.

French landing party at Tamsui repulsed, 1884.

Bevere gale in Hongkong, 1878

Shanghai captured, 1841. Chinhai taken, 1841. Fire at Canton, property destroyed

worth $1,000,000, 1861.

Lord Napier died at Macao, 1834.

The first Chinese merchant steamer (the "Meifoo") left Hongkong for London with

passengers to establish a Chinese firm there, 1881.

Revolt in the Philippines, 1872.

Ningpo occupied by British forces, 1841. First Railway in Japan officially opened by

the Mikado, 1872.

20th after Trinity. "Flora Temple" lost in the China Ses, with upwards of 800 coolies

on board, 1859. Outrage on foreigners in Formosa, 1868.

Khanghoa, in Cores, taken by the French, 1866.

St. John's Cathedral, Hongkong, dedicated, 1842. Daring piracy on board the British

atr. "

Greyhound," 1885.

Great fire in Hongkong, 1859. Great typhoon at Formoss, 1861.

Terrific typhoon at Manila; enormous damage to property, 1882.

21st after Trinity. The Shanghai and Woosung railway closed by the Chinese Govern-

ment, 1877.

H.R.H. Prince Alfred arrived at Shanghai, 1869. Cosmopolitan Dock opened, 1875. Death,

at Saigon, of M. Filippini, Governor of Cochin-China, 1887.

68 piratical vessels destroyed by Captains Hay & Wilcox, H. M. Ships "ColumbineTM

and "Fury," 1849.

Treaty of Whampoa between France and China signed, 1844. Kahding recaptured

by the allies, 1862.

In Canton 1,200 houses and 3 factories burnt, 1843.

22nd after Trinity. St. Simon and St. Jude. Terranova executed by the Chinese, 1822. Portuguese frigate "D. Maris IL" blown up at Macao, 1850.

Great fire in Hongkong, 1866.

H.R.II. Prince Alfred arrived at Hongkong, 1869. Settlement of the Formosa difficulty

between Japan and China, 1874.

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d. h. m.




New Moon


38 44





First Quarter 10 11

51 51 48





Full Moon 18 10 Last Quarter 27 0 56 45

51 49




Max. ...30.

Min. ......29.

PERIGEE, 4 days, 11 hours, P.M. APOGEE, 19 days, 11 hours, A.M. ›


Chronology of Remarkable Events.

All Saints. The port of Quin-hon, Annam, opened to foreign trade, 1876.




0.050 inches.

0.072 inches.








All Souls. Chinese lighthouse tender "Fci-boo" captured by French, 1884. Great Britain commenced the first war with China by the naval action of Chuen-pee, 1839.

Great fire at Swatow; several hundred houses destroyed, 1887.









23rd after Trinity. Hongkong Jockey Club formed, 1884.

Great fire at Macao, 500 houses burnt, 1834. Peking evacuated by the Allies, 1860.

English and French treaties promulgated by the Peking Gazette, 1860.
















Mon. 12


Tues. 13


Earthquake at Shanghai, 1847.

Wed. 14


Thur. 15

















Wed. 21



22' 19



Sun. 25











Thur. 29





2 22 2

* ** 22828



The French repulsed at Cores, 1866. Celebration, with great pomp, of the Queen's

Jubilee in Hongkong, 1887.

Statue of Sir Arthur Kennedy unveiled in the Botanic Gardens, Hongkong, 1887.

24th after Trinity. H.M.8. "Racehorse" wrecked off Chefoo, out of a crew of 108 only 9 saved, 1861. Death of M. Paul Bert, Resident General of Annam and Tonquin, 1896. Hongkong first lighted by gas, 1864.

Convention signed between Russia and China, 1860.

H. M. gunboat "Gnat" lost on the Palawan, 1868. Destruction of the str. "Wah

Yeung" by fire in the Canton river; upwards of 100 lives lost, 1887. H.R.H. Prince Alfred left Hongkong, 1869.

Shanghai opened to foreign commerce, 1843.

25th after Trinity. Great Fire in Hongkong, 1867. Ch'ung How arrived in Hongkong

en route for France as special Ambassador, to explain the Tientsin Massacre, 1870. Terrific gunpowder explosion at Amoy; upwards of 800 houses destroyed, and several

hundred lives lost, 1887.

Portuguese Custom house at Macao closed, 1845. Lord Elgin died 1833.

Major Baldwin and Lieut. Bird, of II.M.'s 20th Regt., murdered in Japan, 1864. Great fire at Canton, 1,400 houses destroyed, 1835. Terrible boiler explosion on board

the steamer "Yesso" in Hongkong harbour, 86 lives lost, 1877. Arrival of the Princes Albert Victor and George of Wales in the "Bacchante" at

Woosung, 1881.

28th after Trinity. Tremendous fire at Yokohama, 1866. Capture of Anping, Formoss, 1868. H.E. Marquis Tseng, Chinese Ambassador to England, arrived in Hongkong, on his way to London, 1878.

Edict issued by the Viceroy of Canton forbidding trade with British ships, 1839.

M. Thiers accepts the apology of Ch'ung How, the Chinese Ambassador, for the murder

of the French at Tientsin, June 21st, 1870-1871.

Foreign factories burnt at Canton, 1858. Great fire in Hongkong, 1867.

Murder of captain and four men of the British barque "Crofton," near Ku-lan, 1869,

St. Andrew's day. St. Joseph's Church, Hongkong, consecrated, 1873.

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d. h. m.


1886. 1887.

New Moon

3 5 41





First Quarter 10 Full Moon 18 Last Quarter 26

2 21






16 49 P.M. 1 35 49 P.M.




PERIGEE, 3 days, 0 hour, noon. APOGEE, 16 days, 0 hour, noon. PERIGEE, 31 days, 11 hours, P.M.

Chronology of Remarkable Events.

1886. 1.775 inches.


1887. inches.










Advent. St. Francis Xavier died on Sanchoan, 1552.



First census of Hongkong taken, population 15,000, 1841.




Six foreigners killed at Wang-chuh-ki, 1847. Soochow re-taken by the Imperialista

under General Gordon, 1863.

East India Co.'s last servant left Chins, 1886. Confucius died, B.C. 400.




European factories at Canton destroyed by a mob, 1842,
















Thur. 13








2nd Sunday in Advent. Ningpo captured by the Taipings, 1861.

Indemnity paid by Prince Satsuma, 1863. Admiral Bell, U.S.N., drowned at Osaka,


French flag bauled down from the Consulate at Canton by Chinese, 1832,

All Catholic Priests (not Portuguese) expelled from Macao, 1838.




3rd in Advent,





The P. M. S. S. Co.'s stcamer "Japan burnt, 1 European passenger, the cook, and 389

Chinese drowned, ₹358,508 treasure lost, 1874.




Earthquake in Formosa, 1867.




Thur. 20

















Wed. 26


Sir Hugh Gough and the Eastern Expedition left China, 1842.

Arrival of Princes Albert Victor and George of Wales at Hongkong in the "Bae-

chante," 1881.

St. Thomas. Steam navigation first attempted, 1736.

Two Mandarins arrived at Macao with secret orders to watch the movements of Plenipo.

tentiary Elliot, 1836.

4th in Advent. British Consulate at Shanghai destroyed by fire, 1870.

Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day. Great Fire in Hongkong; 368 houses destroved, immense' destruction of

property, 1878.

Great fire at Tokyo, 11,000 houses destroyed, 263 lives lost, 1879.

Thur. 27


Dedication of Hongkong Masonic Hall, 1866.

Frid. 28


Canton bombarded by Allied forces of Great Britain and France, 1857.;










1st after Christmas.

Prince Kung received Captain Garcia y Garcia, Peruvian Minister, 1874.

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Ting-hoi Year.

XI. Moon.

Tauist feast day of Chang Sin, extensively worshipped for male issue. Fête of the Genius of the North (one of the five evil genii). Festival of the Angel of Sunlight.









XII. Moon.









The Great Cold.






£5 11



First day of the twelfth moon.

The Emperor Tung Chi died, A.D. 1875. Great Buddhistic Festival.

He is said

Festival of Lu Pàn, the patron saint of carpenters and masons.

to have been a contemporary of Confucius. Among the many stories related of his ingenuity, it is said that, on account of his father having been put to death by the men of Wu, he carved the effigy of one of the genii with one of its hands stretched towards Wu, when, in consequence, drought prevailed for three years. On being supplicated and presented with gifts from Wu, he cut off the hand, and rain immediately fell. On this day carpenters refuse to work.

Worship of the god of the Hearth at night fall.

The god of the hearth reports to heaven.

Fête of the Bodhisattva, Padma Vyuha. All the Buddhas descend to search

out the merits and demerits of mankind.

~ *** - *** BRUTET


Year. I. Moon.



Chinese New Year's day. First day of the first moon.

Festival Chè Kung, a minor Chinese deity.

The Emperor Kienlung died, 1796.

The Emperor Shunche died, 1662.

Fôte day of Wen and Hü, deified warriors worshipped at Fatahán, the well

known manufacturing centre near Canton.


Fête day of the Spirits of the Ground.





Mar. II. Moon.










Death of the Emperor Taokwang, 1850.

Feast of Lanterns, Fête of Shang-yuen, ruler of heaven.

Fête of Shen and Ts'ai, the two guardians of the door. Auspicious day for

praying for wealth and offspring.

First day of the second moon. Fête day of the Supreme Judge in the Courts

of Hades.

Mencius born B.C. 371. Spring worship of the gods of the land and grain. Fête of the god of literature, worshipped by students.

Fête day of Hung-shing, god of the Canton river, powerful to preserve people

from drowning, and for sending rain in times of drought.

Birthday of Lao Taze, founder of Tauism, B.C. 604. The fête of Yoh Fei, A.D. 1103-1141. A canonized statesman of the Sung dynasty. He was a celebrated commander in the civil wars of the Sung Kao Tsung, and was an inflexible opponent of the Tartars of the Kin dynasty. As he would never consent to make peace with these "barbarians;" he was removed from his command, committed to prison, and subjected to a trial which only served to demonstrate the falsity of the charges brought against him. Nevertheless his enemies succeeded in obtaining an Imperial mandate for his execution, which was forthwith carried into effect. This act has been attended by the undying execration of the historians and of the Chinese people.

Fête of Kwanyin, goddess of mercy; for a full description of the dogmas

connected with this goddess, see Eitel's Hand Book, page 18.

Tsing Ming, or Tomb Festival.

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April | III Moon.









IV. Moon.

*****-** **PAR 389

** ** * ***** ** ******~~ 2±









V. Moon.



11 13





*2* 5*28-

18 VI. Moon.







VIL. Moon.


First day of the third moon.

Fête of Hiuen Tien Shang-ti, the supreme ruler of the Sombre heavens, or

Peh-te, Tauist god of the North Pole.

Fête of Chang Fi (see 27th August).

Fête of I-ling, a deified physician, and of the god of the Sombre Altar, wor◄

shipped on behalf of sick children.

Fête of Heu Tu, the goddess worshipped behind graves; of the god of the

Central mountain, and of the three brothers.

Fête of Tien Heu, Queen of Heaven, Holy mother, goddess of sailors. Fête of Tez Sun, goddess of progeny.

National Festival of Ts'ang Kieh, inventor of writing.

Summer sets in.

First day of the fourth moon.

Fête of the Bodhisattva Mandjushri; worshipped on behalf of the dead. Fête of San Kai, ruler of heaven, of earth, and of hades; also a fête of


Fête of the dragon spirits of the ground.

Fête of Lu Sien, Tauist patriarch, worshipped by barbers. Fête of Chung Li-kien, discoverer of the elixir vitæ.

Fête of Kin Hwa, the Cantonese goddess of parturition.

Fête of Wa To, a deified physician, and of Tsz Mi, the star god of malaria, Fête of the goddess of the blind.

Fête of Samanta Bhadra, patron of monasteries. Fête of Yoh Wong, the Tauist god of medicine.

First day of the fifth moon. Fête of the god of the South pole. National fête day. Dragon boat festival and boat races. On this day the Cantonese frantically paddle about in long narrow boats much orna- mented. In each boat is a large drum and other musical instruments used to incite the crew to greater exertions. The festival is called Pa Lung Shun or Tiu Wat Uen, and is held to commemorate the death of the Prince of Tsoo, who, neglecting the advice of his faithful Minister Wat Uen, drowned himself about B.C. 500.

National fête of Sheng Wang, the tutelary god of walled towns, National fête of Kwân Ti, god of war, and of his son General Kwan. Fête of Chang Tao-ling (A.D. 84), ancient head of the Tauist sect. His des

cendants still continue to claim the headship. It is said "the succes- sion is perpetuated by the transmigration of the soul of each successor of Chang Tao-ling, on his decease, to the body of some youthful member of the family, whose heirship is supernaturally revealed as soon as the miracle is effected. Fête of Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Bud、 dhism.

Summer solstice.

The first day of the sixth moon.

Fête of Lu Pan, the god of carpenters and masons.

Fête of the goddess of mercy.

Fête of the god of horses.

Anniversary of Kwán Tï's ascent to heaven. Fête of Chuh Yung, the spirit

of fire; and of the god of thunder.

First day of the seventh moon. During this moon is held the festival of all souls, when Buddhist and Tauist priests read masses to release souls from purgatory, scatter rice to feed starving ghosts, recite magic incanta- tions accompanied by finger play imitating mystic Sanskrit characters which are supposed to comfort souls in purgatory, burn paper clothes for the benefit of the souls of the drowned, and visit family shrines to pray on behalf of the deceased members of the family. Exhibitions of groups of statuettes, dwarf plants, silk festoons, and ancestral tablets are com- bined with these ceremonies, which are enlivened by music and fire- works. Fête day of Lao Tssu, the founder of Tanism.

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Aug. VII. Moon.















12 213 25

328 22


VIII. Moon.




























IX. Moon.

1 *








22 22-






X. Moon.









Dee. XI. Moon.





Autumn sets in.

Fête of the god of Ursa Major, worshipped by scholars, and of the seven

goddesses of the Pleiades, worshipped by women.

Fête of Chung Yuen, god of the element earth. Death of the Emperor Hien Fêng, A.D. 1861.

Fête of the three gods of heaven, of earth, and of water, and of the five

attendant sacrificial spirits.

Fête of the ruler of the planet Jupiter, and of the sixty year gods.

Fête of Chang Fi, A.D. 220. A leader of the wars during the Three King- doms. He is said have been at first a butcher and wine seller. After many heroic exploits, he perished by the hand of an assassin. Fête of the god of wealth.

Another fête of Sheng Wang, the tutelary god of walled cities, and of Chang

Sien, the patron of child-bearing women.

The Emperor Kia K'ing died A.D. 1821. Fête of Hü Sün-ping, a Tauist


Fête of Ti Ts'ang-wang, the patron of departed spirits.

First day of the eighth moon. Fête of Hü Sun, a deified physician, worshipped by doctors, and of Kin Kiah (god of the golden armour) worshipped by the literati.

Fête of the gods of land and grain.

Descent of the star god of the northern measure, and fête of the God of the


The Emperor T'ien Tsung died A.D. 1644. The Emperor T'ien Ming died A.D. 1627.

National fête day. Worship of the moon, and Feast of Lanterns. Autumnal equinox. The Emperor Yung Ching died A.D. 1735. Fête of the god of the Sun.

Fête of Confucius (born 551 B.C.), the founder of Chinese ethics and politics.

First day of ninth moon. Descent of the Star gods of the northern and

southern measures from the 1st to the 9th day inclusive.

Fête of Kwan Ti, the god of war; kite-flying day. Fête of Tung, a ruler in


Fête of Yen Hwui, the favourite disciple of Confucius.

National fête of Chu Hi (A.D. 1130-1200), the most eminent of the later Chinese philosophers whose commentaries on the Chinese classics have formed for centuries the recognized standard of orthodoxy.

Fête of the god of the loom.

Fêtes of the god of wealth; of Koh Hung, one of the most celebrated of Tauist

doctors and adepts in alchemy; and of the golden dragon king. Fête of Tsü Shêng, one of the reputed inventors of writing.

Fête day of Hwa Kwang, the god of fire, and Ma, a deified physician.

First day of the tenth moon. Fête of the god of the Eastern Mountain. Fête of the three brothers San Mao.

Fête of the inferior celestial spirits.

"Winter sets in."

Fêtes of Ha Yuen, the god of water; of the god of small-pox; and of the

god and goddess of the bedstead.

Fête of Tsz Mi, god of malaria.

First day of the eleventh moon.

National fête of Confucius (born 551 B.C.), the founder of Chinese ethics

and politics.

Fête day of Yuh Hwang, the higher god of the Tauist pantheon. The Emperor Kang Hi died A.D. 1723.

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In the following List the occupation and residence are both given so far as ascertained. Where the Name of the Place is omitted, Hongkong will be understood.

Aarestrup, A., steward, International Hospital, Kobe

Abad, J. M., agent, Singer Manufacturing Co., Manila

    Abad, V., assistant, section pericial de reconocimiento de tabacos, Manila Abad, V., assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Manila

Abbadie, J. d', (Marty & d'Abbadie) merchant, Haiphong

Abbass, S. H., (A. Robinson) clerk, Shanghai

Abbey, F., (Jno. W. Hall) clerk, Yokohama

Abbey, R., customs agent, Yokohama

Abbey, Rev. R. E., missionary, Nanking

Abbott, E., broker, Yokohama

Abbett, F. J., clerk, P. & O. S. N. Co., Shanghai

Abbott, R. H., manager, Sail and Rigging Co., Yokohama Abbott, R. J., Maritime Customs assistant, Shanghai Abdoola, A., (A. Abdoola & Co.) draper, Wellington street Abdoola, Ebrahim, (A. Abdoola & Co.) manager, Shanghai Abdoollally, A. S., (A. M. Essabhoy) clerk, Cochrane street Abdoolally, D., (A. Ebrahim & Co.) clerk, Sha. ghai Abdoolally, E. M., (A. Ebrahim & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Abdoolally, Essoofally, (Abdoolally Ebrahim & Co.) clerk, Gage street Abdoolrahim, A. S., (J. Oosman) manager, Singapore Abdulcader, F., (Abdulcader Esmaljee) clerk, Gage street

    Abedin, Abdoolcarrim, (Nujmoodin Jeewakhan) merchant, Peel street Abegg, H., (Siber & Brennwald) clerk, Yokohama

Abell, J. C., broker, and secretary Hyogo Chamber of Commerce, Kobe Abella y Casariego, E., chief engineer, geological commission, Manila Abenheim, R., (Samuel Sondheim) jeweller importer, Yokohama

Abesser, R., (Scheele & Co.) merchant, Stanley street

Abina, P., (Larinaga & Echeita) clerk, Manila

Aboitez, P., (Warner, Blodgett & Co.) clerk, Manila

Abonnel, A., professor, Saigon Seminary, Saigon

Abraham, clerk, public works department, Saigon

Abraham, L. D., (I. Marians & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Abrahamson, E. E., (E. E. Abrahamson & Co.) timber merchant, Sandakan Abrams, C., (Blaze, Reidel & Co.) clerk, Penang

Abrams, H., horse dealer,Singapore

Abreu, J., sobrestante mayor, ayuntamiento, Manila

Abubaker, H. H., G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., &c., Sultan of Johore

Acedo, P., La Flor de la Isabela Cigar factory, Manila

Acevedo, A., assistant, Spanish Royal Mail Steamers office, Manila

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Acevedo, V., oficial, seccion de orden publieo, Manila

Acha, A. de, (Peres & Acha) assistant, Iloilo

Acha, J. B. G., ayudante, public works department, Manila Acha, M. de, (Perez & Acha) storekeeper, Iloilo

Achar, engineer, Massageries Maritimes steamer Haiphong, Saigon Achard, excise department, Bac Nam, Cambodia

Achard, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Acheson, J., Maritime Customs, assistant, Canton

Ackroyd, E. J., registrar, Supreme Court, acting attorney general Acordagoicoechea, J. P., (Macleod & Co.) clerk, Cebu

Acosta, G., alferez, marina sutil, Manila

Acosta, I., telegraphist, Manila

Acosta, J. T., comandante guardia civil, Manila

Acosta y Ojeda, M., oficial, Contaduria de Hacienda, Manila

Acton, W. W., draughtsman, public works dept., Selangor Adaa, A., (Wilson & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Adam, tidewaiter, Customs, Haiphong

Adam, Rev. H., Roman Catholic missionary, Osaka

Adam, R., sugar boiler, China Sugar Refining Co., East point

Adam, T., third interpreter, French Legation, Tokyo

Adam, T. B., M.D., (Rennie & Adam) medical practitioner, Foochow Adamolle, commis, French Residency, Haiphong

Adams, A. J., Maritime Customs tidewater, Whampoa

Adams, A. P., (W. Mansfield & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Adams, E., clerk, Brigade office

Adams, H. R., lieut. and commander, H.B.M. gunboat Espoir

Adams, J., third engineer, str. Ningpo, Hongkong and Shanghai

Adams, Rev. J. S., missionary, Kingwa, Ningpo

Adams, K. D., (Birley &Co.) merchant, Canton

Adams, M., (M. Adams & Co.) compradoie, Nagasaki

Adams, W. T. Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

Adamson, C. M., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Adamson, G. F., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Penang

Adamson, W., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

-Addis, C. S., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) acting agent, Peking

Addosio, Rev. P. d', Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

Adhémar, L., resident, Kampot, Cambodia

Adiceam, clerk, land office, Saigon

Adigrad, commander, gun-vessel Jaguar, Saigon

Adler, M., (Reiss & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Adolph, Bro., teacher, St. Joseph's College, Robinson road

Adrian, T., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Adriano, D., capellan, San José hospital, Manila

Adriano y Gallardo, J. de D, canonigo de gracia, ecclesiastical depatment, Manila Aeartz, E., assistant, Silk Condition House, Ca ton

Aenlle, M., proprietor "El Bazar Espagnol," Manila

Aenlle, R., manager, "Maria Cristina" cigar manufactory, Manila

Aereboe, E., n.aster, steamer Anton, Hongkong and Tonkin

 Aeria, F, second clerk, Resident Councillor's office, Penang Aeria, J., chief Customs clerk, Parit Buntar, Krian, Perak Aeria, L. S., clerk, treasury, department, Penang Aeria, S. S., clerk, M.lakoff Estate, Province Wellesley Aeria, W. A., apothecary, pauper hospital, Singapore Aeria, W. L., chief clerk, Police Court, Province Wellesley Aeria, Z. C., fourth clerk, police department, Penang Aeria, Z.C., second clerk, Marine department, Penang


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Agabeg, A., (W. W. Brewer) assistant, Queen's road Agacino, J. C., commandante, sixth regiment, Manila Agaman, R., telegraphist, Manila

Agar, G. B., boarding officer, protectorate of Chinese, Singapore Agassiz, A. R., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Tientsin

Agnew, R., first engineer, Revenue cruiser Pingching, Shanghai

Agostini, P. d,' (Eastern Extension A. & C. Telegraph C..) operator, Queen's road Agsburg, B., fifth engineer, steamer Arratoon Apcar, Hongkong and Calcutta Agthe, K., (Agthe & Ismer) watch maker, Shanghai

Aguiar, M. d,' engineer, Portuguese gunboat Dilly Aguila, E. S., del, (E. Schellhass & Co.) clerk, Praya Aguila, J. M. S. del, ensign, national battalion, Macao Aguilar, A. clerk, Messageries Maritimes, Manila Aguilar, J., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila Aguilar, J., telegraphist, Manila

Aguilar, R. de, chief engineer, public works, Ilocos, Philippines

Aguilar, Y., oficial, communications department, Manila

Aguillon, clerk, post and telegraph department, Hanoi

Aguirre, J. G., lieut. commander, guardia civil veterana, Manila Aguirre, L., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) Manila

Ahern, M. J., gunner, H.Á.M.S. Victor Emanuel

Ahlmann, J. A., (F. Blackhead & Co.) hulkkeeper, East point

Ahrens, H. A., (Ahrens & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Ahumada y Arias, A., comisario, administracion militar, Manila Aihicher, Alex., café Alexandre, Hanoi

Aiken, Rev. E. E., missionary, Peking

Ailion, J. A., (R. Isaacs & Bro.) merchant, Kobe

Aillaud, A., assistant secretary of Customs, Hanoi

Air, Alex., second engineer, steamer Kiangteen, Shanghai and Ningpo Aitchison, W., (Jardine, Matheson & Co,) clerk, Yokohama

Ai ken, A. G., (Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co.) engineer in harbour Aitken, W. F., Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

Aitkin, W. K, medical missionary, Kaiping, Tientsin

Akimoff, M. E., engineer, S. 8. Vladivostock Wladiwostock

Akimoff, P. P., Lieut. S. 8. Vladivostock Wladiwostock

Alabaster, C., consul for Great Britain, Canton

Alaejos, J., telegraphist, Manila

Alarakia, M., assistant, Hongkong Observatory, Kowloon Alares, J. B., lieut. comdt., civil guards, Manila

Alavaille, agent voyer de police, Hanoi

Alba, F., chaplain, eclesiastical department, Iloilo

Alba, V., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Albarel, J., wine merchant, Saigon

Albercht, J., engineer, Chinese ironclad Ting Yuen

Alberich, J., procurador, mission de la compania de Jesus, Manila

Albers, G, (Kunst & Albers) merchant, Wladiwostock (absent)

Albert, Mrs. R., hotelkeeper, Saigon

Albertini, inspector of police, Saigon

Alberto, M., chief of station, telegraph and postal department, Manila

Albignac, d', captain, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Alborado, A., constable, British consulate, Takao

Albrecht, Rev. G. E., missionary, Ni.gata

Albaro, R., (E. M. Barretto & Co.) clerk, Manila

Alcada y Rey, A., surgeon, army med cial department, Manila

  Alcalde, F. G. de, inspector, "Maria Cristina" cigar manufactory, Manila Alcántara, D., secretario, O. T. de S. Francisco, Manila

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Alcantara, T, medical practitioner, Manila

 Alcazar y Herraiz, J. de, contador, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila Alcobia, J. C., watch officer, Portuguese gunboat Rio Lima

Alcuas, V., ecclesiastical department, Manila

Alcuaz, B. C. de, vice-secretary, University, Manila

Alda, J. R., captain, sixth regiment, Manila

Aldana, J. V. de, treasurer, Ayuntamento, Manila

Aldana y Lafuenta, J. de, oficial, contaduria gl. de hacienda, Manıla

Aldecoa, Z. I. de, (Aldecoa & Co.) merchant, Manila

Aldecoa y Olalde, M. de, magistrate, Marila

Aldrich, A. S., secretary, Government railway service, Yokohama

Aldridge, E. A, Maritime Customs assistant, and medical officer, Wuhu

Alemaão, D., (Brandão & Co.) clerk, Wellington street

Alexander, C., engineer, New Harbour Dock, Singapore

Alexander, L. M., (Patterson, Simons & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Alexander, Rev. T. T., missionary, Osaka

Alexander, Miss C. T., missionary, Tokyo

Alexis, Rev., Russian Greek Orthodox mission, Peking

Alezandrine, merchant, Namdinb

Alier, Rev. Ramon, Roman Catholic missionary, Amoy Alington, A. H., captain, H. B. M. corvette Satellite

Alix, excise department, Kampot, Cambodia

Alix, overseer, excise department, Viuhlong, Cochin China Alizart, assistant paymaster, Treasury, Saigon

Allan, mission school teacher, Banting, Sarawak

Allan, H. T., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Allan, J., M. L. C., (Sandilands, Buttery & Co.) merchant, Penang Allan, R., (Riley, Hargraves & Co.) engineer, Singapore

Allan, W. W., chief officer, steamer Fatshan, Canton river

Allanson, Wm., (Dyce & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Allarakhia, A. (Jafferbhoy Ludhabhoy Chutto) manager, Gage Street Allchin, Rev. Geo., missionary, Osaka

Allcock, G. H., silk inspector, Yokohama

Allcot, G., Maritime Customs examiner, Chinkiang

Allen, A., (China and Japan Trading Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Allen, A. C., chief officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Allen, A. E., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Allen, C. F. R., British consul, Kiukiang

Allen, C. M., (Perseverance Estate) manager, Singapore Allen, C. W. P., lieutenant, H. B. M. S. Audacious Allen, E. L. B., interpreter British consulate, Amoy Allen, G., (Hongkong Ice Co.) engineer, East point Allen, Dr. H. N., government hospital, Seoul

Allen, J. W., (Mackenzie & Co.) assistant, Shanghai Allen, J. H. B., (Geo. Oliver & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Allen, J. R., (Riley, Hargraves & Co.) engineer, Singapore Allen, Jas., gunner, H. B. M. gun-vessel Swift

Allen, José, assistant paymaster, Portuguese gunboat Tamega Allen, R. B., (Geo. Oliver & Co.) merchant, Macao and Canton Allen, R. W., paymaster, U. S. S. Brooklyn

Allen, W., barrack sergeant, commissariat department, Singapore

Allen, W., (Allen & Kennedy) broker, Penang

Allen, W. B., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Allen, W. J. M., assessor and collector, Municipality, Province Wellesley Allen, Rev. Y. J., D.D., LL.D., missionary, Shanghai

Allenby, R. A., lieutenant, H. B. M. S. Audacious

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Allène, sanitary inspector, French Municipal Council, Shanghai Allford, G., sub-overman, Engineering and Mining Co., Tientsin Allilaire, treasury paymaster, Hanoi

Allimahomed, A., (A. Ebrahim & Co.) clerk, Gage Street

Allin L., (Cornabé & Co.) clerk, Chefoo

Alling, Miss H. S., missionary, Aoyama, Japan

Allinson, J. M., (W. R. Scott & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Allison, A., miner, quicksilver mines, Sarawak

Allmacher, chief engineer, str. Hai Riong, Chemulpo, Corea

Allofs, Rev. Jos., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

Allport, J. R., clerk, land department, Krian, Perak

Allshorn, F. J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Hoihow

Allum, W. E., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) agent, and consul for Denmark, Swatow Allworden, T. ven, (E. Spitz) clerk, Manila

Ally, Akber, auctioneer and commission agent, Singapore


Ally, H. M. M., (Hajee Mirza Mahomed Ally & Co.) merchant, Lyndhurst ter. (abt.) Ally, M., (H. M. M. Ally & Co.) assistant, Lyndhurst Terrace

Allymahomed, Abdooltyeb, (Abdoolally Ebrahim & Co.) clerk, Gage street

Almada e Castro, F. X. d', (Caldwell and Wilkinson) clerk, Queen's road

Almada e Castro, J. T. d'. clerk, Colonial Secretary's office

Almada e Castro, L. G. d', clerk, Import and Export office

Almario, F., (Noronha & Co.) compositor, Zetland street

Almech, E., assistant, Philippines General Tobacco Co., Manila

Almeida, A. J. d', (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Almeida, A, M. d', (Holme, Ringer & Co.) clerk, Nagasaki

Almeida, C. M. d', wine merchant, Shanghai

Almeida, E. d', merchant, Singapore

Almeida, Rev. F. A. d', acting vicar of St. Laurence's church, Macao

Almeida, F. A. M. d', (Geo. McBain) clerk, Shanghai

Almeida, F. J. d', (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Almeida, J. d', clerk, ordnance store department

Almeida, J. d', broker, and consul for Brazil, Singapore

Almeida, J. d', (H.C. & M.S.B. Co.) wharfinger, Praya

Almeida, J. E. d', (Melchers & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Almeida, J. E. d', merchant, Macao

Almeida, J. E. d', interpreter, procurador's department, Macao

Almeida, J. H. d', (Almeida & Son) broker, Singapore

Almeida, J. M. d', (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Almeida, L. d', Jr., clerk, American Trading Co., Shanghai

Almeida, Pe. M. F. do R., Capellão do Hospital de S. Raphael, Macao

Almonte y Muriel, E. d', assistant, geological commission, Manila

Alonço, T. F. da S., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Alonso, M., (Gutierres Hermanos) clerk, Manila

Alonso, M., professor of Philosophy, University, Manila Alonso, P. M., professor, St Thomas' college, Manila

Alonso y Cuevillas, G., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila Alonso y Diaz, J. H., ayudante, division forestal, Manila Alonzo, C., restaurant keeper, Manila

Alonzo, T., assayer, Mint, Manila

Alonzo y Martinez, dispenser, army medical department, Manila Aloysius, Rev. Bro., principal, St. Xavier's Institution, Penang Alpa, M. L., lawyer, Manila

Alquier, assistant examiner, Custom, Hanoi

Alsagoff, 8. M. b. S. A., (Ann Bee & Co.) merchant, Singapore Aleing, H. A., hulk keeper, Indo-China S. N. Co., Chinkiang Alsop, C., surgeon, H.B.M. gunboat Cockchafer

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Alton, E. St. G., assistant paymaster, H.B.M. corvette Cordelia

Alvardo, P., Compania Gl. de Tabacos, Aparry, Cagayan, Philippines Alvares, A. A., clerk, Chartered Bank of India, Queen's-road

Alvares, E. M., surgeon, police force, Macao

Alvarez, J. G., oficial, ordenacon gl. de pagos, Manila

Alvarez, L., captain, civil guard, Manila

Alvarez, N. E., maestra, casa de recogidas, Manila

Alvaro, J. P., oficial, gobierno civil, Manila

Alves, A. F., accountant, Treasury

Alves, J. L. de S., clerk, Harbour Master's office

Alves, J. M. S., first clerk, Colonial Secretary's office

Alzas, telegraphist, Bienhoa, Cochin China

Amade, Captain R. d', military attaché French Legation, Peking

Amadei, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Amadeus, P., clerk, Land office, Selangor

Amador, A., Jenchuan

Amalric, electrician, telegraph department, Saigon

Amaran, telegraphist, Saigon

Ambler, T. B., (F. G. Durnford & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Ambrose, J., (Iveson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Amelunxen, E. A. von, merchant, Shanghai

Amerman, Rev. J. L., D.D., missionary, Tokyo

Ames, H. E., P. A. surgeon, U. S. S. Monocacy

Aminoff, Jno., colporteur, American Bible Society, Foochow Amouroux, captain, third regimant, Saigon

Amphilochius, Rt. Rev., Russian Greek Mission, Peking Ampuero, P., alferez, guardia civil, Iloilo

Amy, superintendent of Customs, Quinhon, Annam

Anatoly, Rev. A., Russian mission, Tokyo

Anaya y Castellanos, C., treasurer, ecclesiastical dept., Manila Anchant, A., teacher, government central school, Singapore

Anchant, C. P., clerk, audit department, Singapore

Andersen, C. G., second officer, steainer Yungching, China coast Andersen, F. C., chief officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisba, Japan

Andersen, L., (Brown & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Andersen, N., proprietor, Oriental Hotel, Bangkok

Andersen, N. P., commander, revenue steamer Pinyching, Shanghai

-Andersen, P., proprietor, Oriental Hotel, Bangkok

Anderson, A., (D. Gilmour & Co.) silk inspector, Shanghai

 Anderson, Alexr., (H. G. Brown) assistant, Laguimanoc, Tayabas, Philippines Anderson, Anton, missionary, Fatshan, Canton

Anderson, C. L., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Kobe

Anderson, D., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) accountant, Swatow Anderson, D. G., Lieut.-Colonel, Northampt nshire Regiment

Anderson, Rev. D. L., missionary, Soochow

Anderson, D. M., maritime customs tidewaiter, Kowloon

Anderson, F., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Anderson, F. J., (H. G. Brown) assistant, Laguimanoc, Tayabas, Phillipines

Anderson, G., captain, steamer Mongkut, Hongkong and Bangkok

Anderson, G. C., marine surveyor, Praya central

Anderson, Jas., (MacEwen, Frickel & Co.) storekeeper, Queen's roal

Anderson, Lieut. J. D., R. A., A.D.C. to Governor

Anderson, John, storekeeper, Nagasaki

Anderson, John, M. L. C., (Guthrie & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Anderson, J., locomotive inspector, railway department, Tokyo

Anderson, J. H., (Robt. Anderson & Co.) merchan', Shanghai and Kiukiang (absent)

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Anderson, P., (MacKenzie & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Anderson, P., medical missionary, Taiwanfoo

Anderson, R., superintendent engineer, Prye River Dock, Penang Anderson, R. A. J., Pilot Company, Shanghai

Anderson, R. F., second officer, steamer Kungpae, China coast

Anderson, T., engineer, Iloilo

Anderson, T. J., accountant, Chartered Bank of India, &c., Foochow Anderson, W., carpenter, Yokohama

Anderson, W., chief clerk, Supreme Court, Singapore

Anderson, W. C. C., (Collins & Co.) merchant, Tientsin

Anderson, W. H., accountant, North China Insurance Co., Shanghai

Anding, W., German postmaster, Shanghai

Andoynaud, Mrs. restaurant keeper, Hanoi

Andrade, Lieut. C. J. C., second battalion, Macao

Andrade, Lieut. J. M. G. de', second battalion, Macao

Andrade, P., telegraphist, Manila

Andrade, R. J. Lopes d', Commander, Portuguese gunboat Rio Lima

Andral, negociant, Hanoi

   Andral, E., assistant, Philippines General Tobacco Co., La Barraca, Manila André, captain, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

André, clerk, post and t-legraph office, Hanoi

André, conductor, public works department, Saigon

André, receiver. adminis. of native affairs, Sadec, Cochin-China

André, A. von, (Melchers & Co.) merchant, (absent)

Andréi, brigadier, Excise department, Saigon

Andrés, Zimotea, (Guevara Bros.) storekeeper, Manila

Andreu, Fr. J., professor of Philosophy, Manila

Andreu, N. J. M., (Campbell, Moore & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Andrew, C. B., tracer, revenue survey department, Penang

Andrew, G., clerk and cashier, (Presgrave & Clutton), Penang

Andrew, G., inspector, water works, municipality, Singapore Andrew, G., China Inland missionary, Kweiyang

Andrew, J., agent, Straits Insurance Co., Queen's road Andrew, P. J., professor, St. Thomas' College, Manila Andrew, P. M., clerk, marine department, Penang Andrew, R., captain, steamer Hoonan, China coast Andrew, R. M., captain, steamer Haean, China coast Andrew, W. M., maritim customs assistant, Canton


Andrews, H. J., (H. J. Andrews & Co.) merchant, Manila (absent) Andrews, J. F. J., assistant magistrate and collector, Kinta, Perak Andrews, J. W., Maritime Customs boat officer, Newchwang

Andrews, P. A., (Gaggino & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Andrews, Rev. W., missionary, Hakodate

Andrews, W. T., second engineer, steamer Thales, China coast

Andrews, Miss M. E., missionary, T'ung-chau (absent)

Andries, E., (L. Caudrellier) assistant, Yokohama

Andrieu, contractor, Pnom-penh, Cambodia

Andrieu, telegraphist, Haiphong

Andujar, M. P., alférez, marine infantry, Manila

Anger, Rev. P., missionary, Hwa Trang, Annam

Angiboust, lieutenant, Fr. cruiser Primauguet

Angier, H. E., (Holme, Ringer & Co.) clerk, Nagasaki

Anglada y Raba, Lieut. J., avudante, Spanish Navy, Manila Anglard, rue Catinat, Saigon

   Anglin, J. R., proprietor, Japar Gazette, Yokohama Angot, excise department, Saigon

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 Anguisola, B., second engineer, steamer Don Juan, Hongkong and Manila Anguita y Saavedra, A., ministro, tribunal de cuentas, Manila Angulo, A., restaurant keeper, Manila

 Angulo, J., chief of N. E. station, telegraph dept., Manila Angus, H. N., clerk, Penang Library, Penang

Angus, J., (H. & W. Deck Co.. Ld.) foreman engineer, Kowloon Angus, J. M., (Chart red Mercantile Bank) clerk, Singapore Angus, J. W., manager, Buddoh Cocoanut Estate, Singapore Angus, W., second officer, steamer Yangtze, Hongkong and Shanghai Angus, W. R., apothecary, Medical department, Malacca Angus, Miss A., teacher, Pulo Tikus girls' school, Penang Anido, T., maestra, casa de recogidas, Manila

Annand, A. S. (National Bible Society of Scotland) assistant, Hankow Annot, lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon.

Annuski, P., secretary, acting recorder, Postal department, Bangkok Anot, Rev., Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang

Ansaldi, lieut., fourth regiment, Saigon

Anselmo, C. A., (Anselino Bros.) merchant, Singapore (absent) Anselmo, G., (Anselmo Bros.) merchant, Singapore

Anstey, W. J., engineer, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Antelo, J. de, professor of practice of medicine, university, Manila Anthonisz, G. E., clerk, Chartered Mercantile Bank, Singapore Anthonisz, J. O., third magistrate, Singapore

Anthonisz, W. V., railway station master, Port Weld, Perak

Anthony, G., advocate and solicitor, Penang

Anthony, J. M., (A. A. Anthony & Co.) merchant, Penang

Anthony, Seth, (A. A. Anthony & Co.) merchant, Penang

Antia, Ñ. K., (Tata & Co.) manager, Shanghai

Anton, C. E., clerk, Associated Wharves, Shanghai

Anton, J. Ross, bill and bullion broker, Hongkong

Antonetti, tax receiver, adminis. native affairs, Tanan, Cochin-China

Antoni, excise department, Saigon

Antonio, A., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Antonio, E., (Ho Wyson) book-keeper, Queen's road

Antonio, F., captain of police, Macao

Antonio, J., ajudan e, national battalion, Macao

Antonio, M., portera, casa de recogidas, Mania

Antonoff, J. J., (I. Speshioff & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Antroleus, W., armourer sergeant, Ordnance store department

Antunes, J., assistant engineer, Portuguese gunboat Rio Lima Aoscano, J. M., commaudante, third regiment, Manila

Apan, director, Mont du Piété, Saigon

Apcar, A. G., sbare-broker, Beaconsfield Arcade

Apcar, A. M., merchant and commission agent, Gage street

Apcar, Rev. L. G., vicar of Armenian church, Singapore

Apenes, R. A., bookkeeper, Hongkong aud Kowloon Wharf Co.

Appenzeller, Rev. H. G., missionary, Seoul

Appenzeller, Mrs. Ella D., missionary, Seoul

Appert, G., professor of French law, University, Tokyo

Appleby, G., assist. engineer, Chinese cruiser Ching Yuen, Port Arthur

Appleton, Rev. G. H., missionary, Shimonoseki, Japan

Aprá, L. A., lieutenant, Portuguese gunboat Tejo

Aquenza, J., archivero, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

 Aquino, A. M. d', compositor, Shanghai Mercury office, Shanghai Aquino, B. J. d', purser, steamer Powan, Hongkong and Canton Aquino, E. H. d', clerk, Stamp Revenue office

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Aquino, F. A. de, escrivao, T'aipa and Colowan districts, Macao Aquino, J. C. d', (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Aquino, J. F. d', compositor, N. U. Herald Office, Shanghai

Aquino, J. P. d', clerk, China Traders' Insurance Co., Queen's road Aquino, M. J., (North China Insurance Co.) clerk, Queen's road Aquino, T. J. d', (Maitland & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Aragon y Celisso, A., alférez, marine infantry, Manila

Aragon y Dominguez, F., oficial, contaduria de hacienda, Manila Arana, M. R. de, oficial, Tribuna de Cuentas, Manila Aranda y Lopez, R., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila Aranjo, B. E. d', chief clerk, Medical department, Singapore Aranjo, J. d', clerk, public works department, Singapore

Aranjo, L. d', sub post and telegraph master, Matang Tapa, Perak Aranjo, P. d', chief clerk, telegraph department, Perak

Aranllo, A., overseer, " Maria Cristina" cigar factory, Manila Arantegin, A, (El Siglo XIX) assistant, Manila

Araud, directeur de l' exploitation, Messageries Fluviales, Saigon

Arborati, warehouseman, excise department, Long xuyên, Cochin-China Arbuthnot, E. O., (Reid, Evans & Co.) merchaut, Shanghai

Arceo, J., writer, Supreme Court, Manila

Archer, W. J., assistant, British Legation, Bangkok


Archibald, John, agent, National Bible Society of Scotland, and supt. of press, Hankow Arcillon, excise department, Saigon

Arcillon, warehouseman, Excise department, Baria, Cochin-China

Arcivaud, (Marty and d'Abbadie) clerk, Haiphong

Arderins y Garia, Governor of Visayas, Philippines

Ardizzone, (E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Haiphong

Arduser, pilot for Messageries Maritimes steamers, Saigon

Arellano, C. S., lawyer, and professor, University, Manila

Arellano, E. R. de, lawyer, Manila

Arellano, R. de, secretary, casa de recogidas, Manila

Arenosa, M. L. de, (R. de la Vara & Co.) clerk, Manila

Arevalo, B., dentist, Manila

Arevalo, J., chaplain, third regiment, Manila

Arevalo, J., dentist, Manila

Argence, d', assistant master, boys' school, Hanoi

Argence, A. d', merchant, Hanoi

Argencé, L. d', procureur de la Republique, Saigon Arguallas, J. C., oficial, hacienda publica, Manila Arguellas, I., oficial, hacienda publica, Manila

Arguelles, D., oficial, adminis. de impuestos, Manila (absent) Arguellez y Fresus, R., lieutenant, marine infuntry, Manila Arias, A. Ģ. de, director and professor, naval academy, Manila Arias, Fr. E. F., professor, Universidad de S. Tomas, Manila Ariscum, J., inspector de hacienda, Manila

Aristegui, J., assistant, new port works impost office, Manila Arlegui, S., proprietor "Los Filipinos," Pottinger street Arlington, L. C., tidewaiter, Maritime Customs, Chinkiang

   Armada y Herrera, A., oficial, contadaria de hacienda, Manila Armada y Tejeiro, M., surgeon, naval dept., Manila

Armand, (Chammont & Daniel) assistant, Haiphong

Armanig, cantenier, Hanoi

Armas, E. M., capitan la. seccion, infanteria, Manila

Armengol, R., (Guevara Bros.) assistant, Manila

Armour, J., Maritime Customs tidesurveyor and harbour master, Hankow Armstrong, A., headmaster, High School, Malacca


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Armstrong, G., (Armstrong & Sloan) broker, Manila

Armstrong, G. F., (H. J. Andrews & Co.) clerk, Manila

Ariostrong, J., third engineer, revenue cruiser, Pingching, Shanghai

Armstrong, J. M., Government auctioneer and commission agent, Queen's roal central Armstrong, John, sub-accountant. Chartered Bank of India, Shanghai Armstrong, O., (Hongkew Iron Works) assistant, Shanghai

Armstrong, W., clerk, Gas Co., Shanghai

Arnal, overseer, public works department, Cochin-China

Arnasalem, M., dresser, Bertain District Hospital, Province Wellesley Arnemann, A., (Grosser & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Arnhold, J., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) merchant, Praya (absent) Arnhold, Ph., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Arnold, O. W., clerk, P. & O. S. N. Co., Yokohama

Arnold, T., secretary, H., C., and M. Steamboat Co., Queen's road

Arnould, midshipman, French cruiser Primauguet

Arnous, H. G., Maritime Customs, tidewaiter, Fusan, Corea Arnoux, P., accountant, Tamhoi rice mill, Saigon

Aroozoo, S., clerk, Trafalgar Estate, Singapore

Arrajo, E. S. de, teniente, infantari, Manila

Arranger, J., acting agent, Comptoir d'Escompte, Praya

Arreta, L., superintendent, La Flor de Filipinas tobacco manufactory, Manila Arriaga, A. d', prefeito, Seminario de S. José, Mac10

Arrighi, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Arrighi, clerk, excise department, Saigon

Arrivet, J. B., teacher of French, foreign language school, Tokyo

Arrobsa, A. dos S., mistress, College de Santa Rosa, Macao

Arroyo, F., carriage builder, Iloilo

Arrue, Fr. L., bishop, Iloilo

Artadi, captain, river steamer Mayon, Iloilo

Arthur, T., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) assistant, Quarry Bay

Arthur, Wm. M. B., first clerk, Magistracy

Artindale, R. H., (Iveson & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Arvidson, J. A., second officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Satsuma-maru, Japan

Asensi, M., director, Banco Espanol Filipino, Manila

Asgar, M. E.. (H. A. Asgar & H. Esmail) merchant, Gage street (absent)

Ash, Arthur, sub-editor, The Chinese Times and Shih Pao, Tientsin

Ashburner, Miss L. A., missionary, Amoy

Ashley, O. J., sail maker, Shanghai

Ashmore, Rev. Wm., D.D., missionary, Swatow

Ashmore, Rev. Wm. Jr., missionary, Swatow (absent)

Ashness, E. N. M., accountant, land survey department, Sandakan

Ashness, Jas., surveyor, Surveyor-General's office, Singapore

Ashton, F., (Douglas Lapraik & Co.) agent, Tamsui

Ashton, H., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Manila

Ashton, S., captain, steamer Haitan, China Coast Ashworth, Lieut. P., Royal Engineers, Singapore Askham, A. W., paymaster, H.B.M. gunvessel Swift Aspinwall, T., manager, (Lyon & Co.) Singapore Asse, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon Asselin, oyerseer, excise department, Saigon

Assis, F. d', boarding-house keeper, Square street

Assomull, Wassiamull, dealer in Indian goods, Queen's road central

Assumpção, C. A. R. d', interpreter, Procurador's department, Macao Assumpcao, J., compositor, Shanghai Mercury, Shanghai

Assumpcao, J., foreman, Hongkong Telegraph office, Pedder's Hill Assumpção, J. C. d', olerk, revenue office, Macao

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Assumpção, J. C. P. d, intendencia militar, Macao

Assumpção, J. C. P. d', secretary, revenue office, Macao

Astalopoff, A. A., Commander S.S. Wladivostock, Wladiwostock

Astill, R. W., third engineer, steamer Hasan, China coast

Aston, W. G., Japanese sec. British Legation, Tokyo, and consul gl., Seoul (abst.) Aström, C. engineer, Ice Co., Bangkok

Aström, C., pilot, Bangkok

Asverus, Otto, marine surveyor, Swatow

Atayde, J., oficial, personal agregado, Mainla

Ater, Rev. Bro. sub-director, St. Joseph's College, Robinson road

Athenour, telegraphist, Haiphong

Atiensa, R., oficial, Customs and Treasury, Iloilo

Atienza, J., telegraphist, Manila

Atkins, J., chief officer, steamer Hacan, China coast

Atkinson, B., (Thos. W. Kingsmill) assistant, Shanghai

Atkinson, Capt. G. R., Ordnance store officer in charge

Atkinson, H. A., lightkeeper, Ockseu, Amoy

Atkinson, Rev. J. L, missionary, Kobe

Atkinson, J. M., M.B., Supt. Civil Hospital

   Atkinson, R. S., operator, Eastern Extension A. & C. Telegraph Co., Saigon Atkinson, Miss A. P., Missionary, Tokyo

Atkinson, Miss J., mis-ionary, Shanghai

Atterbury, B. C., medical missionary, Peking

Atwood, Rev. I. J., missionary, Pang Tswang, Shantung

Atzenroth, G., (Scheele & Co.) merchant, Stanley street

Aubeaud, Annamite interpreter, Saigon

Aubert, captain, Messageries Maritimes str., Aréthuse, Saigon Aubert, F. B., (Butterfield & Swire) assistant, Shanghai Aubertin, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Aublin, clerk, Admins. Native Affairs, Travinh, Cochin-China

Aubrey, R. H., supdt., refinery, Penang Sugar Estate Co., Penang Aubry, clerk. adminis. native affairs, Sadec, Cochin China Aubry, physician, Native Hospital of Choquan, Saigon Audebert, inspector, post and telegraph department, Hanoi Audibert, commissary, str. Licorne, Haiphong

Audouin, inspector of roads, Saigon

Augier de Maintenon, asst. commissioner of marine revues, Saigon

Augrain, clerk, Treasury, Saigon

Augustesen, H. C., (H. Sietas & Co.) assistant, Chefoo

Augustin, S. W., inspector, registration department, Penang

Augusto, V. J., assistant engineer, Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Diaz

Auld, W., second engineer P. & O. steamer Thibet, Hongkong and Japan

Ault, Miss M. B., missionary, Sendai, Japan

Aumar, sub-lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Auméran, (Messaries Maritimes,) second captain, steamer Saigon, Saigon Aumoitte, sub-res dent of France, Haiduong, Tonquin

Auney, tidewaiter, customs, Haiphong

Aarientis, Rev. P., Rian Catholic missionary, Iché, Japan

Aurquia, J. B., (Inchausti & Co.) clerk, Manila

Auseco, D., telegraphist, Manila

Ausejo, M., teacher, Municipal school, Manila

Austen, W. T., missionary to seamen, Yokohama

Austeri, C. R. de, ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Austin, E., merchant, Singapore

   Auvergne, J. C. A., surgeon, Kampot, Cochin-China Auvray, J. E. A. surgeon, Mytho, Cochin-China

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Avancena, Miss, teacher, Molo, Iloilo

Avecilla, L., oficial, adminis. de rentas, etc., Manila Averill, J. O. Jr., (Middleton & Co.) clerk, Yokohama Avila, Fr. V., teacher, College of S. Tomas, Manila Avrard, captain, M. F. steamboat Nam Vian, Saigon

Awdry, Reginald, act. treasurer and private secretary to Rajah of Sarawak Ayas, J., teacher, College of S. Tomas, Manila

Ayerve y Cubero, P., teacher, ecclesiastical department, Manila

Ayguier, clerk, arsenal, Saigon

Aymonin, V., Yokohama

Ayre, A. F., superintendent of works, Survey departinent, Malacca

Ayre, R., (Hill & Rathborne) assistant, Teluk Anson

Ayres, L. da Silva, (J. W. Ord) clerk, Amoy

Ayres, Philip B. C., Colonial surgeon and inspector of hospitals, Caine road

Ayres, S. L. P., fleet engineer, U.S. S. Brooklyn

Ayrton, W. S., assistant, British Consulate, Hankow

Azedo, C. M. D., captain of police, Macao

Azémar, H., missionary, Laithieu, Thudaumot

Azénor, lieut. judge, district court, Bentré, Cochin-China

Azevedo, A. d', purser, steamer Honam, Canton river

Azevedo, F. d', (Deacon & Co.) clerk, Canton and Macao

Azevedo, F. H. d', clerk, China Traders' Insurance Co., Queen's road

Azevedo, J. J. d', clerk, New Oriental Bank Queen's Road

Azevedo, J. J. d', retired civil servant, Macao

Azevedo, L., (Borneo Co., Ld.) clerk, Queen's Road

Azevedo, L. d', (Linstead & Davis) clerk, Queen's Road

Azevedo, M. d', (Wotton & Deacon) clerk, Queen's road

Azuar, M., (J. Zobel) assistant, Capiz, Phillipines

Baber, E. C., British Consul, Swatow (absent)

Bacharach, N., (Bacharach, Oppenheimer & Co.) merchant, Yokohama Bachelier, L., assistant surgeon, Saigon

Bachés, clerk, postal department, Saigon

Bachrach, O., agent, Austro-Hungarian Lloyd's S. N. Co., Praya central Bacon, A., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Penang

Bacon, G., warehouseman, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Bacon, H. C., overseer, public works department, Singapore

Badenas, J., captain, civil guard, Manila

Badman, H. A., storekeeper, Bangkok

Badolato y Casaus, L., contador, tribunal de cuentas, Manila

Badger, Č. J., lieutenant, U. S. S. Brooklyn

Baehr, H., (C. Rohde & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Baelz, Dr. E, professor, Medical College, Tokyo

Baena, A. J., medical practitioner and professor, University, Manila

Baenziger, G. A., assistant, Luzon Sugar Refinery, Manila

Baer, G. A., (Baer & Subm) merchant, Manila (absent)

Baer, S., (Baer Serior & Co.) merchant, Manila (absent)

Baerenachea y Alcanie, P., surgeon, army medical department, Manila Baessler, J., freight and ship broker, Shanghai

Baggallay, H. L., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Kobe

Baggallay, M., (Mourilyan, Heimann & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Bagley, H. P., clerk, New Harbour Dock, Singapore

Bailey, O. E., Maritime Customs examiner, Foochow

Baillot, merchant, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Baillot, overseer, telegraph construction service, Tonkin

Baillou, E. de, assistant, Messageries Maritimes, Praya central

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Bailly, captain, fourth regiment, Saigon

Bailly, A. M., lieut.-comdr., guardia civil veterana, Manila

Bain, A. W., (Bain & Co.) merchant, and con-ul for Netherlands, Taiwanfoo Bain, G., chief clerk, Treasury, Krian, Perak

Bain, G. Murray, proprietor China Mail, Wyndham street Bain, W. B., Pilot Company, Shanghai

Bainbridge, Miss, missionary, Tung Chow-foo, Shantung Baird, engineer, Gula estate, Krian, Perak

Baird, A., chief lightkeeper, Cape D'Aguilar lighthouse

Baird, C. W., (Union Insurance Society of Canton) acting agent, Shanghai

Baird, J., (American Trading Co.) agent, Shanghai

Baird, J. W., assistant, Rawang Tin Mining Co., Rawang, Selangor

Baird, J. W., (Holme, Ringer & Co.) clerk, Nagasaki

Baird, R., assistant, Straits Insurance Co., Singapore

Baird, Miss M. A., missionary, Canton

Bajot, teacher, Chasseloup Laubat's College, Saigon Baker, Lieut. A. T., Royal Artillery, Singapore

Baker, C., (Colgate, Baker & Co.) merchant, Kobe Baker, Prof. E., Tokyo

   Baker, H., (Butterfield & Swire) tea inspector, Shanghai Baker, Jos., confectioner, Singapore

Baker, L. J., engineer, Surveyor General's office, Singapore

Baker, R. C., clerk to Admiral's secretary, H. B. M. Squadron Balanzat, Comdt. J., secretary, Artillery, Manila

Balbas, V. (R. de la Vara & Co.) clerk, Manila

Balderrama, I., colonel, civil guard, Manila

Baldwin, Rev. C. C., D.D., missionary, Foochow

Baldwin, G., Maritime Customs assist, examiner, Kowloon

Baldwin, H. B., clerk, land office, Kinta, Perak

Baldwin, W., assistant manager, Penang Foundry Company, Penang

Balet, A., inspector of the line, Tramway Company, Saigon

Balfour, A., superintendent engineer, Naval department, Bangkok

Balfour, A. F., lieutenant, H. B. M. gun vessel Rambler

Balfour, C. J., captain commanding H. B. M. corvette Heroine

Balfour, F. H., (N. C. Herald,) Shanghai (absent)

Balharry, A., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Hankow

Balion, A., lawyer, Haiphong

Ball, J. Dyer, interpreter, Supreme Court

Ballagh, J. C., missionary, Tokyo

Ballagh, Rev. J. H., missionary, Yokohama

Ballagh, Miss A. H., missionary, Tokyo

Ballaga, Miss A. P., missionary, Tokyo

Ballagh, Miss Lizzie, missionary, Yokohama

Ballsh, F., photographer, public works department, Penang

Ballantyne, J., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Ballantyne, W., third engineer, steamer Mongkut, Hongkong and Bangkok

Ballard, E., first officer, steamer Kwanglee, China coast

Ballard, T. J., maritime customs assistant tidesurveyor, Chinhai, Ningpo


   Ballauf, H., (E. Meyer & Co.) clerk, and acting vice consul for Sweden, &c., Tientsin Ballesteros, B. Q., director of civil alministration, Manila

Ballesteros, G.,,medio racioneros, ecclesiastical dept., Manila

Ballie, E., (Lasserre & Co.) assistant, Saigon

Ballie, V., (Lasserre & Co.) assistant, Saigon

Ballotino, (Reynaud) assistant, Haiphong

Balmann, de, clerk, district court, Soctrang, Cochin-China

Balmelle, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Manila

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Balmes, E., (Durand & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Balmouet, brigadier, excise department, Katmo, Cambodia Balmouet, excise department, My ho, Cochin-China Baltao, D., (E. Garchitorena & Co.) assistant, Manila

Baltazar M. (F. Wilson) assistant, Manila

Bamforth, E. O., surveyor, public works department, Malacca

Bampfylde, Hon. C. A., resident, third division, Sarawak

Bamsey, W. Sydney, (Hongkong Gas Company) asst. manager, West point

Banbury, Rev. J. J., missionary, Kiukiang

Bancal, E., (Ulysse Pila & Co.) clerk, Haiphong

Bance, H., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Saigon

Bandinel, J. J. F., merchaut, and vice-consul for U.S.A., Germany, &c., Newchwang

Bania, S. del, proprietor "Cuid id de Cebu," Cebu

Banister, Rev. W., missionary, Ku Cheng, Foochow

Banker, G., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Canton

Banker, W. S., pilot, Newchwang

Banks, C. W., (John Little & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Banks, M., pilot, Nagasaki

Bannerman, J., chief engineer, Tugboat Association, Shanghai

Bannerot, A. M. C., surgeon, Tayninh, Cochin-China

Baptist, H. A., municipal clerk, Perak

Baptista, A. M., (Sharp & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Baptista, J., in charge Lepers' Asylum, Macao

Baptista, J., commanding, S. Francisco Fort, Macao

Baptista, Rev. J. J., Portuguese Catholic Mission, Hoihow

Baptista, L., (Guedes & Co.) compositor, Wellington street

Baptista, L. J., Macao

Baptista, L. M., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Baptista, M. A., drawing master, Hollywood road

Baptista, M. A., Jr., (Sharp, Johnson & Stokes) clerk, Supreme Court House

Baptista, O., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Duddell St.

Baptista, T. B., manager, Commercial printing office, Shanghai

Baptiste, (E. Baud & Co.) clerk, Saigon

Baptiste, B., steward, "Grand Hotel," Yokohama

Baptiste, F., second clerk, H. B. M. Assistant Residency, Perak

Baptistide, receiver, adminis. of native affairs, Taynnih, Cochin-China

Baradas, D. J., clerk, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Queen's Road

Baranda, J. S. de, inspector General de Montes, Manila Baranoff, A. L., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow Baranoff, N. P., clerk, National Volunteer Fleet, Wladiwostock Barbe, de, administrator of native affairs, Tanan, Cochin-China Barbeito, J. F., contador, tribunal de cuentas, Manila Barber, B. C., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Heroine

Barber, Rev. W. T. A., M. A., missionary, Wuchang Barberet, Rev. E., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo

Barbier, Rev. P. N., French missionary, Ban-nok-kuak, Siam

Barbosa, A. T., ajudante, Intendencia Militar, Macao

Barbosa, A. T. do Motta, Contador, revenue department, Macao

Barbot, overseer, railway company, Saigon

Barchet, S. P., M.D., missionary, Ningpo

Barclay, R., chief engineer, steamer Yangtze, Shanghai and Hongkong

Barclay, Rev. T., M.A., missionary, Taiwanfoo

Bardens, F. J., (Samuel Samuel & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Bardy, hairdresser, Saigon

Barff, C. S., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Lombard street

Barff, F. W., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Shanghai

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Barff, S. deputy registrar and accountant, Supreme Court Barge, J., merchant, Haiphong

Bargen, J. von, (Rautenberg, Schmidt & Co.) clerk, Singapore Bargues, J. compositor, Shanghai Mercury, Shanghai

Barker, A., merchant, Singapore

Barker, F. W., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Barker, J. E., Maritime Customs, tidewaiter, Amoy

Barkelly, C., gunner, revenue cruiser Pingching, Shanghai

Barkley, W. A., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Sapphire

Barlow, G. P., government resident, Third Division, Muka, Sarawak Barlow, H., wine merchant, Yokohama

Barnaby, Rev. F., Roman Catholic missionary, Chefoo

Barnard, A., merchant, Yokohama

Barnes, A., chief constable, British Consulate gaol, Shanghai

Barnes, B. J., engineer, H. M. Naval Yard

Barnes, C. I., (Warner, Blodgett & Co.) assistant, Manila Barnier, Rev. Reini, Roman Catholic missionary, Canton Baroud-Bouvines, overseer, excise department, Saigon

   Barr, Miss A. M., assist. mistress, S. George's girls' school, Penang Barradas, A. C., (Chartered Bank of I. A. & C.) chief clerk, Yokohama Barradas, A. M., (Meyeı & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Barradas, C. M., money order clerk, Post office

Barradas, E. C., clerk, China Traders' Insurance Co., Queen's road

Barradas, J. P. de, clerk, Treasury, Manila

Barradas, M. F., clerk. Union Insurance Society, Praya

Barradas, T., clerk, Post-office

Barradas. Z. M., supdt. money order office, Post-office

Barranechea, V., military surgeon major, Iloilo

Barrant, E. H., clerk to puisne judge, Penang

Barraquer, J., chief engineer, public works dept., Pampanga, Philippines

Barre, F., (Pasedag & Co.) clerk, Amey

Barreira, M. de J., chaplain, Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Dian

Barreiros, A. P. D., lieutenant, second battalion, Macao

Barrena, V., pay clerk, new port works, Manila

Barrera y Caldes, E., clerk, Governor-General's office, Manila

Barretto, A. M., (A. V. Barretto) clerk, Manila

Barretto, A V., merchant, Manila

   Barretto, F. M., (E. M. Barretto & Co.) merchant, and Italian consul, Manila Barretto, J. A., (Fearou, Low & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Barretto, L., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Barretto, L. A., (Ed. Schellhass & Co.) clerk, Praya Barretto, L. G., (E. Schell. ass & Co.) clerk, Praya

Barretto, L. L., writer, H.M. Naval Yard

Barretto, M. A., organist, St. Joseph's Church, Singapore

Barretto, R. E., (Warner, Blodgett & Co.) clerk, Manila

Barrie, W., assist. superintending engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co., Yokohama Barriére, clerk, post and teleg ph dept., Hanoi

Barriére, Ch., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Barrinque, chief engineer, M. F. steamboat Aigrette, Saigon

Barrios, J. de, accountant, Banco Espanol Filipino, Manila

Barron, A., assist, accountant, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Singapore Barron, N. G., lieutenant, Royal Artillery, Singapore

Barros, geometer, survey office, Saigon

Barros, A. M., purser, steamer Fatehan, Canton river Barros, E., clerk to Registrar, Supreme Court

Barros, F. A. M. de, captain, second battalion, Macao

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Barros, F. X. de, (Typographia Mercantil) compositor, Macao Barros, J., (W. Powell & Co.) assistant, Queen's road Barros, J. F. F., (B. de S. Fernandes) clerk, Macao

  Barros, J. J. G. de, assistant engineer, Portuguese gunboat Tejo Barry, R., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Barstow, E. S., chief officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Bartenstein, F., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Wuhu

Bartholomensy, R., inspector, railway permanent way, Selangor Bartlett, R., undertaker, Penang

Bartlett, S. C., Jr., missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Bartolini, A., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Hankow

Bartolome, G., tasador de alhajas, Monte de Piedad, Manila

Bartolomé, M., maestro de ceremonias, ecclesiastical department, Manila

Barton, J. K., P. A. engineer, U. S. S. Essex

Barton, John, (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Barton, W. B., second officer, steamer Fokien, China coast

Barugh, E., pepper planter, Batu Tiga, Selangor

Barugh, R. H., (Singapore Aerated Water Manufactory) proprietor, Singapore Basa, E., (J. M. Basa) clerk, Pottinger street

Basa, G., calculator, Observatory, Manila

Bass, J., (J. M. Basa) assistant, Pottinger street

Basa, J. M., merchant and proprietor City of Manila Cigar Store, Pottinger street Basa, S., (H. J. Andrews & Co.) clerk, Manila

Bassabin y Americh, M., lieut. commanding Spanish gunboat Paragua, Manila Basagoiti, C., apprentice, public works department, Singapore

Basil, A. G., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Basilisse, Bro., director, West point Reformatory

Basire, de, captain, second regiment, Saigon

Basoormanoff, N. K., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Basset, secretary adminis, of native affairs, Tayninh, Cochin-China Basset, provisioner, Saigon

Basset, F., third officer, steamer Haitan, China coast

Basset, T., ship's steward, Yokosuka arsenal, Japan

Bassett, T., captain, steamer Kiangfoo, Shanghai and Hankow

Bassett-Smith, P. W., surgeon, H. B. M. gun-vessel Rambler

Basso, Rev. Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow

Basterrechea, V. M. de, (J. M. Fleming) clerk, Manila

Bastian, J., surgeon, Saigon

Bastiani, J., fruit preserver, Singapore

Bastide, L., interpreter, French Consulate, Yokohama (absent)

Bastien, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Bastien, surveyor of works, French Municipal Council, Shanghai

Bastien, M., (H. Coelho) assistant, Singapore

Basto, A. J. d'A. F. P., second lieutenant, Portuguese gunboat Rio Lima

Basto, H. M., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Basto, J. C, (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Bastos, A. J., Junr., lawyer, Macao

Bastos, J. A., assistant engineer, Portuguese gunboat Tamega

Bataille, administrator native affairs, Vinhlong, Cochin-China

Batard, F., chief surveyor of roads, Cholen

Batavus, Ed., (Langfeldt & Mayers) clerk, Yokohama

Batchelor, H. W., C.E., staff paymaster, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Batchelor, Rev. J., missionary, Hakodate

Batchelor, T., chief engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Bateman, C. J., head master, Hongkong Public School

Bateman, F., (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) clerk, Singapore

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Bateman, F. G., inspector of dangerous goods, Singapore Bateman, H., teacher, Government School, Singapore Bateman, S. T., accountant, Perak Sikhs, Perak Bateman, Miss, tacher, Hongkong Public School

Bates, Rev. J., missionary, Ningpo

Bathgate, J. H., (Bathgate & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Bathgate, J., Jnr., (Bathgate & Co.) merchant, Foochow

Batliwalla, B. L., (N. Mody & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Batten, W. T., engineer and secretary, Gas Company, Sing pore Battle, E., (Battle Hermanos & Co.) merchant, Manila

Battle, E., ayudante, inspeccion de Montes, Manila

   Battle, J., (Battle Hermanos & Co.) merchant, and Consul for Guatemala, Manila Batty, G. T., acting assistant postmaster general, Penang

   Bauche, Captain, aide-de-camp to Governor, Saigon Baud, A., (C. & J. Favre-Braudt) assistant, Yokohama Baud, Em., (E. Baud & Co.) contractor, Saigon (absent) Baud, P., "Parisian Saloon," Shanghai

Baudet, assistant judge, Mytho, Co hin-China Baudeuf, L., (Ulysse Pila & Co.) clerk, Haiphong Bandier, (E. Baud & Co.) plumber, &c., Saigon Baudin, teacher, Adran's college Saigon

Baudonin, clerk, Treasury, Saigon

Baudot, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Bauer, R., (Speidel & Co.) clerk, Saigon

   Bauert, W., (Emery & Co.) manager, Hoberoffha, Wladivostock Baumberguen, A. van, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Baumes, engineer, M. M. steamer Saigon, Saigon

Baumgarten, C., advocate and solicitor, Singapore Baumgarten, H. W., (A. H. Drew) clerk, Singapore

Bausili, R., professor of pharmacy, University, Manila

Bautista, A. R., abogado, Manila

Bavier-Chauffour, engineer, Haiphong

Bavier, E. de, (Bavier, Meyer & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (al sent)

Bavier, El. de, (B vier & Co.) merchant, and con. gen. for Denmark, Yokohama

Bavin, Qr. Mr. Sergt. W., foreman of Works, Royal Engineers

Baxter, J., (Baxter & Fittock) marine surveyor, Singapore

Bayfield, G. (Smith, Baker & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Baylet, excise department, Tam-lon, Cambodia

Bayley, F., manager supply association, Sandakan, British North Borneo

-Bayne, W. G., agent, North China Insurance Company, Yokohama

Baynes, C. J., second officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Hyogo-maru, Japan Baynes, H. C. A, lieutenant, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Barnes, G., overseer of works, Surveyor-general's department

Bazile, overseer of roads, Cholon

Bazing, M., (C. & J. Trading Co.) manager tea department, Yokohama Bazonjee, Pestonjee, (Rehemebhoy Habibbhoy) manager, Shanghai Bazonjee, Merwanjee P., (Rehemebhoy Habibbhoy) clerk, Peel street Beach, Rev. H. P., missionary, Tungchau

Beal, J. P. B., (Robinson & Co.) manager, Penang

Beal, W. E., chief engineer, H. B. M. gun-vessel Rambler

Beal, Mrs., (Robinson & Co.) assistant, Penang

Beale, J. E., manager, Japan Mail, Yokohama

Bean, A. W., (Robinson & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Bean, C., (Sayle & Co.) assistant, Singapore Beau, M., (Syme & Co.) clerk, Singapore Bean, W., merchant, Chinkiang

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Bear, Rev. J. E., missionary, Chinkiang

Bear, S. (Bear & Co.) tea exporter, Yokohama (absent) Beardsley, G. S., fleet surgeon, U. S. S. Brooklyn

Beart, E., Yokohama

Beart, M., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Queen's-road

Beaskin, J. W., head master, lower school, Raffles Institution, Singapore

Beatson, H. E., sub-assistant surveyor, Krian, Perak

Beatsow, H., sub-assist. surveyor, Kwala Kangsa, Perak

Beattie, J., chief officer, str. Wingsang, Hongkong and Calcutta Beattie, J., (Ilbert & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Beattie, J. M., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Manila

Beatty, W. H., (Forrester & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Beauchamp, I. W., (Amer. Trading Co.) clerk, Kobe

Beauchamp, M., China Inland missionary, Pao-tin-fu, North China

Beauchamp, R. H., (North China Insurance Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Beauchef, P., S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Beaufort, de, secretary, adminis. of native affairs, Cantho, Cochin-China Beauger, controller, excise department, Saigon

Beaugez, telegraphist, Thuan-An, Annam

Beaumont, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Beauvaes, chef de Bureau, Douanes, Quang Yuen, Tonquin

Beauvoir, receiver, adminis. of native affairs, Rachgia, Cochin-China

Bec, teacher, school at Bentré, Cochin-China

Becu, C., professor, mision de la compania de Jesus, Manila Becher, H. M., mining engineer, Singapore and Hongkong

Beck, H., (Max Slevogt) clerk, Shanghai

Beck, J. M., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Penang Beck, L., chief engineer, steamer Activ, Hongkong and Haiphong

Beck, T., accountant, Dock Co., Bangkok

Beck, T. R., instructor, Yamaghuchi School, Japan

Becke, F. G., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Foochow

Becker, A., (Wieler & Co.) clerk, Praya

Becker, B., (Sander & Co.) clerk, Queen's-road

Becker, E. J., (Kaufmann & Co.) merchant, i'enang

Becker, H., (H. C. Morf & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Becker, J. E. de, (Rottmann, Strome & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Becker, R., (Sander & Co.) merchant, Queen's road

Beckett, W. R D., student interpreter, British Legation, Bangkok J'ecquevort, Rev. E. de, S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Tientsin Bedat, engineer, usine à glace, Hanoi

Beddek, E. E., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment

Bedout, J. B., third secretary, French Legation, Tokyo

Beebe, Rev. R. C., M. D., missionary, Nanking

Beeston, Capt. R. D., commanding constabulary, Sandakan

Becton, S. E., (E. W. Mitchell & Co.) clerk, Canton

Beffort, head teacher, school at Vinblong, Cochin-China

Begg, C., medical practitioner, Hankow

Begley, Mrs. A. H., (Foochow Ice C›.) manager, and agent river steamers, Foochow Beguerie, J., chancelier, French consulate, Manila

Behn, P., (Kunst & Albers) assistant, Wladiwostock

Behnke, H. A., Maritime Customs signaluan, Taku

Behr, Meyer, (Katz Brothers) merch nt, Singapore

Behr, Sig., (Katz Bros.) assistant, Singapore

 Bidek, O., (Falck & Beidek) merchant, Bangkok Bins, J., clerk, magistracy, Malacca

Beins, J. M., inspector of burial grounds, Municipality, Singapore

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Beins, L., clerk, Straits Insurance Co., Singapore Beins, M., (Borneo Co.) clerk, Singapore

Beire, Beljonne de, particulier, Hanoi

Bejar, V. de, acting official, adminis. de impuestos, Manila Belan, T., ("La Puerta del Sol ") assistan, Iloilo

B laveff, A. D., bookseller, Wladiwostock

Belbin, E., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Shanghai Belfield, H. C., magistrate, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor Belfour, clerk, Messageries Fluviales, Saigon Bélicard, teacher, school at Vinhlong, Cochin-China

Belilios, E. R., (Belilios & Co.) merchant, Lyndhurst terrace Belilios, I. R., merchant, Singapore

Bell, E. H., superintendent of police, Singapore

Bell, F. H., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

   Bell, H. W., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street Bell, J. A., chief engineer, str. Ashington, China coast Bell, John, medical practitioner, Pedder's street Bell, L. K., lieutenant, H. B. M. cruiser Leander Bell, W., (S. C. Farnham & Co.) assistant, Shanghai Bellairs, B. St. J., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Bellamy, G. C., collector & magistrate, Langat Jugra, Selangor Bellamy, H. F. superintendent of public works, Selangor Bellido, P., engineer, Inspeccion General de Montes, Manila Bellier, clerk, district court, Bentré, Cochin China Bellier, telegraphist, Saigon

   Belliot, Rev, J. W., French Roman Catholic missionary, Singapore Belloeuf, clerk, administration of native affairs, Baria, Cochin-China Bellon, excise department, Kompong-Tiam, Cambodia

   Belloni, Mlle. C., assistant, Russell & Co.'s Silk Filature, Shanghai Bellver y Mateo, F., surgeon, army medical department, Manila Belogolovy, A A., merchant, Tientsin

Beltran, E. alferez, archivo militar, Manila

Beltran, F., encargado de trasportes, new port works, Manila

Beltran, P., secretary, mision de la compañia de Jesus, Manila

Beltran, R., chief officer, steamer Don Juan, Hongkong and Manila Bénard, Mrs., teacher, municipal girls' school, Saigon

Benavent, F. chemist, Iloilo

Benbow, H., Iuspr. of Machinery, H.B.M.'s Victor Emanuel

Bender, Rev. H., missionary, Basil Mission

Benecke, M., assistant, Hotel des Colonies, Shanghai

Benedicto, J., trader in sugar, Iloilo

B. nedicts u, Th., manager, Dock Co., Bangkok

Benetti, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Caine road

Benigni, overseer, excise department, Sigon

Benis, J., arting ch.ef clerk, court of requests, Malacca

Benjafield, T. J., proprietor, Singapore aerated waters manufact›ry, Singapore

Benjamin, B. D, merchant, Shanghai

Benjamin, S. S., (Benjamin & Danby) share broker, Hongkong

Bennett, Rev. A. A., missionary, Yokohama

Bennett, C. C., (Mustard & Co.) storekeeper, Shanghai

Bennett, E. F., interpreter, British Consulate, Tientsin

Bennett, H., gunner, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Bennett, J. W., (Mustard & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

   Bennett, W. R., (Bennett and Steele), bill and bullion broker, Yokohama Benoit-Duportait, sub-lieutenant, second regiment, Saigon

Benoits, tide waiter, customs, Haiphong

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Benson, A., captain, steamer Phra Chula Chom Klao, Hongkong and Bangkok Bent, H., (Herbert Dent & Co.) assistant, Canton

Bentley, A. J. M., M.B., colonial surgeon, Singapore (absent)

Bentley, H. E., magistrate and inspector of hospital, Johore

Benton, O. M., missionary, Kanazawa, Japan

Bentzwiller, chief secretary of police, Saigon

Benyto, I., medico de naves, Iloilo

Beranger, surgeon, Messageries Maritimes steamer Saigon, Saigon

Berard, E., (Walsh, Hall & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Berden, G., Consul for Belgium, Tokyo

Berebon, telegraphist, Pnompenh, Cochin-China

Berendt, F., master mariner, Bangkok

Berengueras, S., coadjutor, mission de la compania de Jesus, Manila Bérenguier, proprietor, Pharmacie Normale, Saigon

Beretta, P., merchant, Yokohama

Berg, J. O., second officer, steamer Hae-Chang, China coast

 Berg, V., second officer, steamer Peking, Canton and Shanghai Bergé, inspector of roads, Saigon

Bergen, Rev. Paul D., missionary, Tsinan-foo

Berger, E., Yokohama

Berger, J. A., chief of battalion, third regiment, Saigon

Berger, P., (J. Tournier) tailor, Saigon

Bergmann, O., (Bacharach, Oppenheimer & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Bergmann, G., (M. Perez) assistant, Manila

Berigny, C. W. de, Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Ningpo

Berigny, Th. de, (Fearon, Low & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Bering. L. van, clerk, Chartered Mercantile Bank, Malacca

Berizo y Arroyo, J., alférezl commanding Spanish gunboat Urdaneta, Manila Berkeley, G. A., proprietor, Universal Hotel, Bangkok Berkeley, H. C., (Lambert Bros.) manager, Singapore Berland, head master, School at Soctrang, Cochin-China Berlin, A. P., coffee house keeper, Haiphong

Berlioz, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Hakodate Berlioz, R., proprietor, Hongkew Stables, Shanghai

Bermudes, C. M., colonel, fourth regiment, Manila

Bernal, F. F., chief colonel, third brigade, infantry, Manila

Bernard, Bro., teacher, St. Joseph's College, Robinson Road

Bernard, C., chief engineer, steamer Kiangkwan, Shanghai and Hankow

Bernard, C. B., (Bernard & Wood) mercbant, Yokohama

Bernard, E., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Chinkiang

Bernard, F. G., bill broker, Singapore

Bernardo, R., telegraphist, Manila

Berne, G., (Ulysse Pila & Co.) clerk, Haiphong

Bernhard, merchant, Hanoi

Bernhard, D., (Eug. Koenig & Co.) assistant, Hanoi

Bernhardt, R., constable, German Consulate, Kobe

Bernheim, E., (J. Ullmann & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Bernheim, J., (F. Ullmann) assistant, Manila

Bernheim, M., (J. Ulimann & Co.) assistant, Queen's Road Bernière,second deputy, administration of justice, Saigon Bernis y Martin, V., ayudante, division forestal, Manila Bernom, Rev. A., French missionary, Swatow Berquó, P., lieutenant, Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Diaz Berrick, G. B., (Berrick Brothers) stationer, Yokohama Berrick, J., (Berrick Brothers) stationer, Yokohama Berriz, M. R., letrado, Adminis. de rentas, &c, Manila

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Berry, J. C., M.D., missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Berry, P., clerk, Municipality, Singaporo

Berry, W., assist. signal sergeant, marine department, Singapore Bert, A, procureur general, administration of justice, Saigon

Bertadano, C. E. de, engineer director, Manila to Dagupan tramway, Manila Bertaud, lieutenant, Fr. cruiser Primauguet

Bertaux, assistant chief surveyor, survey office, Saigon

Berteaux, C., (Denis frères) clerk, Saigon

Bertbaud, Roman Catholic missionary, Nam-dinh

Berthelot, C., chief, French Municipal police, Shanghai

Berthelot, J., clerk French Consulate, Shanghai

Berthet, A., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Shanghai

Berthet, J. A., maritime customs watcher, Shanghai

Berthet, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Berthoin, assist. manager, Courrier d' Haiphong, Haiphong

Berthoin, A., (Molinard and Berthoin) merchant, Haiphong

Bertin, administrator of native affairs, Thudaumot, Cochin-China

Bertin d'Averne, Administrator of Native Affairs, Long Xuyen, Cochin-Chin a Bertin, L. E., chief of constructive section, Naval dept., Tokyo

Bertran, J., ayudante, public works, Pampagna, Philippines

Bertrand, conductor of works, arsenal, Saigon

   Bertrand, overseer, excise department, Pnompenh Bertrand, overseer, excise dept., Baria, Cochin-China

Bertrand, overseer, excise dept., Saigon

Beruete y Palacios, R., contador, tribunal de cuentas, Manila

Berwick, D. J., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) assistant, Singapore Besançon, head teacher, school at Tanan, Cochin-China

Besant, torpedo instructor, Port Arthur

Bes d'Albaret, administrator of native affairs, Sadec, Cochin-China

Besse, chief engineer, Cholen Rice Mill, Saigon

Bessiere, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Bessiere, E., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Best, A., (J. L. Simon) agent, Hanoi

Best, A. W., Customs tidewaiter, Shanghai

Best, C. H., (Tait & Co.) agent, Tamsui

Best, J. R., (Tait & Co.) clerk, Takao, Formosa

Best, L., (L. Simon) agent, Haiphong

Bethell, Slingsby W., private secretary to Governor

Bethell, T. H., (Nicolle & Co.) merchant, Kobe (absent) Bethje, C., commission agent, Bangkok

   Bettines, G., (Voelkel and Schroeder) assistant, Shanghai Betts, T., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Newchwang

Beurmann, C., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Beveridge, R., second engineer, steamer Haeting, China coast

Bevis, H. M., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) sub-manager Shanghai (absent)

Beyfus, W., (Garcia & Beyfus), merchant, Yokohama

Beynon, W., China Inland missionary, Kwei Hwa Chen, North China

Bezaure, Vte. de, consul for France, Canton

Bhabha, S. B., ship broker, Elgin street

Bhaisania, B. P., merchant, Canton

   Bhassania, C. O., (Cursedjee Ookerjee Bhassania & Co.) merchant, Peel street Bhathana, S. D., manager, B. P. Bhaisania, merchant, Canton

Bhaymia, Essofally, (A. Ebrahim & Co.) manager, Shanghai

Bhuggut, R. R., commission agent, Gage street

Biada, J. M., oculist, Manila

Biagioni, F., (Dell' Oro & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

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Bianchi, A., (Dell' Oro & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Bianchi, E., clerk, E. E. A. & C. Tel. Co., Singapore Bick, W., third engineer, steamer Kwang-Cho, China Coast Bickersteth, Rt. Rev. E., missionary, Tokyo

Bicknell, G. A., lieutenant commander, U. S. S. Essex

Bicknell, W. A., chief clerk, Colonial Secretary's office, Singapore

Bieber, Th., (Justus Lembke & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Bielfeld, A., auctioneer and broker, Shanghai

Bielfeld, F., (Illies & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Biera, D., procurador, seminario de Jaro, Iloilo Bidard, captain, fourth regiment, Saigon Biele, B. pianoforte maker, Singapore

Biemont, telegraphist, Chaudoc, Cochin China

Bienes, Rev. Ramon, Roman Catholic missi nary, Foochow Bigelow, Miss, missionary, Tokyo

Biggs, Rev. S. C., chaplain, S. George's Church, Penang Bigoteau, (Reynaud) assistant, Haiphong

Bihourd, Georges, Resident General of Annam and Tonkin, Hanoi Bijno, F., maritime customs tidewaiter, Wuhu

Billanlt clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Bille, S., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) telegraphist, Shanghai

Billequin, A., professor of chemistry, College of Peking

Billes, P. E. J., colonel, fourth regiment, Saigon

Billia, D. R., (N. Mody & Co.) assistant, Queen's road Billings, C. C., cadet, Ú. S. S. Brooklyn

Bing, A., (Bing & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Bing, A. C., marine surveyor and pilot, Singapore

Bing, Geo., reporter, Sin apore Free Press, Singapore

Binks, E., sub-overman, Engineering and Mining Co., Tientsin Binondo, J. chemist, Manila

Binot, merchant, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Binto, Rev. N. J. T., Roman Catholic missionary, iagapore

Bintrago, J., professor of pharmacy, University, Manila

Biot, telegraph overseer, Pnompenh, Cochin China

Birch, A., military clerk, Treasury, Singapore

Birch, B. H., gunner, H. B. M. gun-vessel Linnet

Birch, E. W., second assistant colonial secretary, Singapore

Birch, J. K., magistrate, Province Wellesley

Birch, J. M., consul for United States, and acting Portuguese vice-consul, Nagasaki

Birch, P. C., third engineer, str. Yangtze, Hongkong & Shanghai

Birchan, W., (Eastern Extension A. & C. Telegraph Co.) cable jointer, Singapore

Bird, E. A., (Bild & Co.) draper, Yokohama

Bird, S. G., (Bird & Palmer) architect, 2, Seymour terrace

Birden, C., (A. Rebelle) assistant, Haiphong

Birrell, Jas. W., (Austin & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Bisbee, A. M., coast inspector and harbour master, Shanghai

Biscarrat, proposé, excise department, Saigon

Bischoff, Chs., (Samuel Bischoff) clerk, Iloilo

Bischoff, F., pilot, Yokohama, Kobe, and Nagasaki

Bischoff, H., clerk (Bebn, Meyer & Co.), Singapore

Bischoff, Samuel, merchant, Iloilo

Bishop, Rev. C., missionary, Nagasaki

Bishop, F. C., manager, Chartered Mercantile Bank, I. L. & C., Shanghai

Bisset, J., (Bisset & Co.) merchant, Yokohamna

Bissey, telegraphist, Saigon

Bisson, surveillant, telegraph department, Saigon

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Bitley, F. W., third engineer, steamer Kwanglee, China coast Bizard, teacher, Chasseloup-Laubat's college, Saigon

Bizcarra, L., ayudante, division forestal, Laoag, Philippines Bizot, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Bjelajeff, N., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladivostock

Bjerre, J., engineer to the Palace, Seoul

Bjierre, A., chief engineer of electric lights, King's Palace, Seoul Björnson, E., Maritime Customs assistant, Tamsui

Blacas, L., Yokohama

Black, C. A., (Hongkong & Saanghai Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Black, D. T., (S. C. Farnham & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Black, J. K., (Pho Chin Soo's Rice Mill) engineer, Bangkok

Black, R., chief engineer, steamer Mongkut, Hongkong and Bangkok Black, Miss E., missionary, Swatow

Black, Miss H., China Inland missionary, Nganking

Blackall, Lieut. H. O., Royal Engineers

Blackburu, H., inspector of police, Province Wellesley

Blackburne, Jos., captain, steamer Nanshan, China Coast

Blackmore, J., merchant, Kobe

Blair, John, manager and secretary, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Blair, T., chief gaoler, Klang, Selangor

Blake, C., pay clerk, U. S. S. Brooklyn

Blake, John, (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co,) assistant, Quarry Bay

Blake, W. G., Maritime Customs tide waiter, Chinkiang

Blakeway, G., lessee, Club Hotel, Yokohama

Blanc, Monseigneur, Roman Catholic missionary, Seoul

Blanc, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Blanc, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Blanc, (Reynaud & Blanc) druggist, Hanoi

Blanc, A., agent, Messageries Fluviales, Pnom-penh, Cambodia

Blanc, E., agent, Messageries Maritimes, Yokohama

Blanchard, A., smith, H.M. Naval Yard

Blanchard, W., pilot and captain steam tug Gem, Taku

Blauchfield, J. T., Maritime customs watcher, Canton

Blanchy, P., timber and stone merchant, and president Colonial Council, Saigon

Blanco, B., (T. L. Gosling & Co.,) clerk, Singapore

Blanco, G. G. oficial, gobierno civil, Manila

Blanco, R., interpreter, Gobierno-General, Manila

Bland, J. P., Maritime Customs assistant, Peking

Blandy, Major W. P., Royal Artillery

Blatchford, B. F., pilot, Newchwang

Blaze, D. S., (Blaze, Reidel & Co.) druggist, Penang Bleckinder, J., (Kobe paper mill) clerk, Kobe

Bleifus, R., (H. Grauert) clerk, Yokohama

Blese, Dr. E. de P., vice consul for Spain, Amoy

Blesky, P., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Blethen, G. C., chief officer, steamer Fuyew, China coast

Bleton, A., merchant, Haiphong

Block, (Schroeder Brothers) assistant, Hanoi

Block, J., (H. Sietas & Co.) assistant, Chefoo

Blodgett, E. W., (Warner, Blodgett & Co.) merchant, Manila

Blodgett, Rev. H., D.D., missionary, Peking

Blohm, Th., (Grossmann & Co.) clerk, d'Aguilar street

Blomfield, R. G. H., lieutenant, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Blondin, clancelier, Judicial department, Hauoi

Blondin, C., engineer, French Municipality, Shanghai

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 Blot, teacher, Chasseloup-Laubat's college, Saigon Bloume, proprietor of market, Haiphong Blow, H., (H. Blow & Co.) storekeeper, Tientsin Blowey, Albt., chief storeman, Naval Yard Bluhm, J., lightkeeper, Shanghai

Blum, H., (Oppenheimer Fières) agent, Yokohama Blum, M., (Oppenheimer Frères) agent, Kobe Blum, M., Café de la Paix, Hanoi

Blumenthal, supt. engineer, Chinese cruiser Lai Yuen, Port Arthur Blumer, Fr., (Samuel Bischoff) clerk, Iloilo

Blunn, W., (John Little & Co.) assistaut, Singapore

Boad, W., pilot, Taku (absent)

Boad, W., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Ningpo

Boag, J. T., (McDonald and Boag) bill broker, Yokohama

Boag, T. L., (Cocking & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Bobillier, telegrapbist, Cho-Huyen, Annam

Bobo, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Boboeuf, lawyer, Saigon

Bobrownikoff, J., (Kunst and Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock Boccognani, second captain, M. M. steamer Haiphong, Saigon Boch, A., printer, Saigo..

Boch, J., telegraphist, Manila

Bock, C., acting consul-general for Sweden and Norway, Shanghai Boden, Rev. F., missionary, Wusueh, Hankow

Bodestyne, A. B., forest ranger, land office, Singapore

Bodestyne, E., (Gaggino & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Bodkin, J. C., fleet surgeon, Chinese ironclad Ting Yuen, Port Arthur

Bodkin, J. C., Maritime Customs assistant and medical officer, Tientsin

Boecher, J., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Boeddinghaus, C. E., merchant, Nagasaki

Boegel, F. A., (C. Illies & Co.) clerk, Tokyo

Boehmer, L., horticulturist, Yokohama

Bohrer, Rev. J. E., Romar Catholic missionary, Nagasaki

Boerner, G., (M. Perez) assistant, Manila

Boesler, H., legal adviser, board of auditors, Tokyo

Boffey, Wm., (Lane, Cra · ford & Co.) tailor, Queen's road

Bogaardt, T. C., (Mansfield, Bogaardt & Co.) merchant, Singapore and Penang

Böger, H., (Kirchner & Böger) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Bohr, H., superintendent, Chinese Telegraphs, Shanghai

Boie, R., (Farmacia Sartorius) chemist and druggist, Manila Boillot, rue Catinat, Saigon

Boin, E., tavern keeper, Saigon

Bois, Ed., (Welsh, Lewis & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Bois, J. C., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Tientsin Boissel, commission agent, Saigon

Boisson, geometer, survey office, Saigon

Boix, C., (J. Zobel) assistant, Cavite, Philippines

Bojesen, C. C., chief engineer, Chinese Telegraphs, Shanghai

Bollhalder, E., (Friederichs & Co.) clerk, Penang

Bollhorst, H., (C. Fressel & Co.) merchant, Manila

Bolliet, bookkeeper, Messageries Fluviales, Saigon

Bolliet, clerk, public works department, Cochin-China

Bollmann, A. G., (M. G. Sheveleff & Co.) clerk, Wladiwostock

Bolton, A. C., captain, Northamptonshire Regiment

Bomanjee, Cooverjee (C. Pallanjee & Co.) merchant, Gage street (absent) Bomanjee, Cursetjee (C. Pallanjee & Co.) merchant, Gage street (absent)

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   Bomanjee, F., (Cawasjee Pallanjee & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Bon, French Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Bonabeau, J., secretary, French Municipal Council, Shangbai Bonardel, tavernkeeper, Saigon

Bond, C. W., chief lightkeeper, Shanghai

Bond, E. T., (Deacon & Co.) tea inspector, Canton

Bonde, de, chaplain of hospital, Haiphong

Bondfield, Rev. G. H., acting military chaplain, and minister, Union Church Bondville, C. M., dresser, govt. medical department, Penang

Bondville, F., assistant, Pulo Tikus School, Penang

Bondville, J. J., dresser, govt. medical department, Penang Bondville, W. H., scavenging overseer, Municipality, Penang Bone, Rev. C., missionary, Canton

Bond, W. C., customs, tidewaiter, Ningpo

   Bonché, J. J. Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Whampoa Bond, E., reporter, Hongkong Telegraph, Pedder's Hill Bondet, P., (Uysse Pila & Co.) clerk, Haiphong Bondewyn, H. E., usher, Magistrate court, Singapore Bonger, E., manager, Club Concordia, Kobe

Bonger, W. C., architect and surveyor, Kobe

Bonger, Mrs. E., proprietor, private hotel, Kobe

Boniface, interpreter, French Residency, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Bonifay, commander, La Framee, Saigon

Bonilla, F. G. de, vice-consul for Spain, Shanghai

Böning, G. D., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Icehouse lane

Bonjean, clerk, public works department, Saigon

Bonn, C., (Ed. Schellhass & Co.) Praya

Bonnardel, hairdresser, Saigon

Bonnat, overseer, customs, Haiphong

Bonnaure, assistant treasurer, Saigon

Bonne, Rev. F., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki

   Bonneau, controleur, Excise department, Saigon Bonneau, acting head master, Adrian's college, Saigon Bonneau, E., constable, French Consulate, Tientsin Bonnefond, B., (Speidel & Co.) clerk, Saigon

Bonnefoy, clerk, district court, Chandoc, Cochin-China Bonnefoy, principal geometer, survey office, Saigon Bonnefoy, Mme., (Café du Commerce) assistant, Saigon Bonnell, Rev. W. B., missionary, Shanghai Bonnemaille, tidewaiter, customs, Haiphong

Bonnemanton, inspector of weights and measures, Saigon

Bonnetain, acting commissioner, Residency, Haiphong Bonner, F. X., captain, marine artillery, Saigon Bonnet, telegraphist, Tourane, Annam

Bonnet, A., contractor, Saigon

Bonnett, Miss, M., missionary, Yokohama

Bonney, C. E., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Whampoa

Bonnifay, entreposeur, Excise department, Cholon, Cochin-China

Bono, C. V., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Ningpo

Bons d'Anty, P., vice-consul for France, Pakhoi and Hoihow

Bonsall, E., boatswain, U. S. S. Brooklyn

Bonser, Hon. J. W., attorney general, Singapore

Bonsey, Rev. A., missionary, Hankow

Bonstow, Wm, gunner, H. B. M. gunboat Espoir

Boodilin, W. L., merchant, Tientsin

Boone, Dr. H. W., missionary, in charge of Hongkew hospital, Shanghai

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Boone, Rt. Rev. W. J., D.D., Bishop of Am. Prot. Episcopal Ch., Shanghai (absent) Boos, E. F., constable, German consulate, Tientsin

Booth, Rev. E. S., missionary, Yokohama

Booth, G., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Booth, G. C., (E. J. Moss) clerk, Yokohama

Booth, J., engineer, (Nippon Yusen Kaisha) Yokohama Booth, W., railway engine driver, Selangor

Boothe, C. J., lightkeeper, Malacca

Boquel, telegraphist, Viettri, Tonquin

Boquel, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Boquet, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

 Boralho, M., accountant and distributor, judicial department, Macao Borelle, overseer, public works department, Saigon Borgelot, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon Borges, A., professor, Seminaro de S. José, Macao Borioni, F., examiner, Customs, Jenchuan, Corea Borisoff, A., (Kunhardt & Co.) clerk, Wladiwostock Borkowsky, P., (Overbeck & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Börner, H., (Schriever & Co.) merchant, Haiphong

Borralho, M. M., acting clerk, Judicial Department, Macao

Borregon, J. M., inspector general, public works department, Manila Borrero, E., oficial, Ayuntamiento, Manila

Borri, J., Boulangerie Francaise, Shanghai

 Borris, captain, Messageries Maritimes, steamer Haiphong, Saigon Borton, Wm., lightkeeper, Cape d'Aguilar lighthouse

Boscat, Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang

Boscq, E., Annamite interpreter, Saigon

Bose, C. W. B. von, (Carlowitz & Co.) merchant, Ice-house lane Bosque, D. G., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Bossan, L. (Jos. Bastiani), assistant, Singapore

Bosshard, Rev. J., Basil mission, Hinnen, Kwangtung

Bostholm, A., master, schooner Kostik, Wladiwostock

Bostwick, F. M., ensign, U. S. S. Palos

Boswell, R. V., acting surveyor, Surveyor-General's office, Malacca Boteler, H. H., lieutenant and commander, H.B.M. gunboat Cockchafer Botelho, A. A., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Botelho, A. C., clerk, Harbour Master's office

Botelho, A. G., clerk, Union Insurance Co., Praya

Botelho, B. M., (Wisner & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Botelho, D., lightkeeper, Tsing-seu lighthouse, Am y

Botelho, E., compositor, Commercial printing offie, Shanghai Botelho, E. F., (Fearon Low & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Botelho, F. de S., (Chinese Insurance Co.) clerk, Queen's road Botelho, G. S., foreman, Oidn ınce Store department Botelho, J. M., (Noronha & Sons) compositor, Snghai Botelho, J. M., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Botelho, R. F., (China Traders' Insurance Co.) clerk, Shanghai Bottolier, pilot, Saigon

Bottomley, C. D., (Douglas Lapraik & Co.) merchant, Praya Bouchant, assistant commissioner of Naval Stores, Saigon Bouche, president, district court, Chaudoc, Cochin-China Bouche, Rev., French Catholic missionary, Larut, Perak Bouché, J. J., maritime customs tidewaiter, Cantor

Boucher, D., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Tamaura-maru, Japan Boucher, treasury paymaster, Hanoi

Boucherie, Capt. A. H. E., marine artillery, Saigon

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Bouchet, acting Resident for France, Bacninh Bouchet, Emile, avocat, Hanoi

Boudin, overseer, excise department, Saigon Boudon, M., "Hotel des Colonies," Kobe

Bouet y Navarro, M., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila Boughton, G. B., third officer, steamer Fokien, China coast

   Bougouin, Capt. A.E., military attaché, French Legation, Tokyo Bouillard, tidewaiter, customs, Yen-lang, Tonquin

Bouillet, clerk, Treasury, Saigon

Bouis, R. L. J., lieutenant of artillery, Saigon

Boukhovetsky, W., interpreter, Russian Legation, Tokyo

Boulin, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Boulloche, L., sub-inspector of customs, Tourane, Annam (absent)

Boulore, conductor, public works department, Saigon

Boulton, Miss E. B., missionary, Osaka

Bounous, Mrs., coffee-house keeper, Saigon

Bourchier, Lieut. H.R., R.N., gunnery department, Port Arthur

Bourchier, Geo. L., assistant supt. of works, public works dept., Singapore Bourdin, clerk, director of the interior, Saigon

Bourdin, Mme., dressmaker, Saigon

Bourgain, clerk, public works department, Saigon

Bourgarel, accountant, Messageries Maritimes, Saigon

Bourgarel, de N., first secretary, French Legation, Tokyo

Bourget, lieutenant, Fr. gunboat Parseval

Bourgey, Capt. J. A., adjutant major, fourth regiment, Saigon

Bourgoin-Meiffre, H., merchant, Hanoi

Bourgouin, A. P., lieutenant of artillery, Saigon

Bourguignon, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Bourjea, telegraph overseer, Saigon

Bourke, H. G., chief engineer, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Bourne, F. S. A., acting British Consul, Wuhu

Bourne, Wm., (Bourne & Co.) public tea inspector, Yokohama Boussac, Rev. J. M., French missionary, Swatow

Bousson, telegraphist, Bong-song, Annam

Boustead, E., (Boustead & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Bouteiller, clerk, Land and Stamp Office, Saigon

Bouteiller, Mme., sub-mistress, municipal girls' schools, Saigon

Boutet, teacher, municipal school, Cholon

Boutet, telegraphist, Cam-lo, Annam

Boutier, clerk, district court, Mythɔ, Cochin-China

Boutier, C., missionary, Thudaumot

Boutin, J. V. P., surgeon, Saigon

Boutonnet, assist. secretary, Customs, Quang-Ngaï, Annam

Boutrois, Captain C. V. A., adjutant-major, fourth regiment, Saigon

Bouveret, clerk, Treasury, Hanoi

Bouvet, Rev. Fr., S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Bouvet, L., S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Bouvie, de, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Bouvines, Miss de, teacher, municipal girls' school, Saigon

Bouzard, telegraphist, Hanoi

Bovet, A., (Bovet Bros. & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Bowdler, E., assistant surveyor-general

Bowern, S., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) assistant, Quarry Bay

Bowie, R. F., surgeon, H. B. M. S. Swift

   Bowker, W., second officer, steamer Wingsang, Hongkong and Calcutta Bowler, T. I., geological surveyor, Queen's road

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Bowles, C. E., (Wotton & Deacon) solicitor, Queen's road

Bowman, A. R., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai Bowman, G. C., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Taku

Bowman, R., physician and surgeon, Singapore

Bowman, R. J., constable, British Legation, Peking

Bowness, S., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai Bowra, C. A. V., assistant, Maritime Customs, Tientsin

Bowring, C. T., Maritime Customs assistant, Shanghai

Box, T. H., (C. I lies & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Boyaval, (Leroy & Cahors) clerk, Dapcau, Tonquin

Boyd, C., chief constable, Labuan

Boyd, F. N., (Illies & Co.) clerk, Tokyo

Boyd, J. G., (Singapore Insurance Co.) clerk, Singapore

Boyd, J. W., superintendent engineer, H. & W. Dock Co's Kowloon docks

Boyd, R. H., accountant, North China Insurance Co., Shanghai

Boyd, T., (W. W. Brewer) assistant, Nanking Road, Shanghai

Boyd, T. D., (Boyd & Co.) merchant, Amoy (absent)

Boyd, T. M., (Boyd & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Boyd, W., superintendent of gaol, Malacca

Boyer, counsellor, court of appeal, Saigon

Boyer, J., proprietor "Grand Hotel," Yokohama

Boyes, F., (Boyes & Co.) m rchant, Yokohama

Boyes, T., (H. & W. Dock Co.) foreman engineer, Kowloon

Boyle, A., (Wilks & Boyle) en gineer, &c., Manila

Boyol, H. V., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Boyol, J. M., (Brown & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Boyol, J. S., Maritime Customs examiner, Kiukiang

Boys, H. H., captain, H. B. M. corvette Cordelia

Boysen, L. P., second officer, steamer Kiangpiau, Shanghai and China coast

Bozier, A. H., steward, P. & O. steamer Teheran, Hongkong and Japan

Bozier, G., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Nagasaki

Bozzolo, C. F., collector and magistrate, Upper Perak

Brace, M., captain, steamer Pasig, Canton river

Brace, W. H., district supdt. Public Works department, Selangor

Bradbury, W., assistant master, Raffles Institution, Singapore

Braddell, R. W. G. L., (Braddell Brothers) barrister-at-law, Singapore

 Braddell, T. de M. L., (Braddell Brothers) barrister-at-law, Singapore Braddock, A. D., chief clerk, collector's office, Lower Perak

Braddon, H. W., assist. paymaster, H. B. M. S. Audacious

--Bradfield, J., proprietor, Shanghai Medical Hall, Shanghai

Bradford, E. E., lieutenant H. B. M. sloop Mutine

Bradley, D. B., printer and publisher, Bangkok

Brady, H. F., accountant, British Legation, Peking

Brady, W., second officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Braess, C., (Meyer & Co.) merchant, and con. for Netherlands and Denmark, Kobe

Braga, A., (Noronha & Co.) compositor, Zetland St

Braga, F. X., (Delacamp & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Braga, J. organist, S. José College, Macao

Braga, J. V., clerk, Treasury

Braga, V. E. (V. E. Braga & Co.) Kobe

Braidwood, W. D., headmaster, Victoria Boys', School

Braithwaite, G., assist. agent, British and Foreign Bible Society, Tokyo

Brake, Staff Sergt. F., chief wardmaster, army medical department

Brake, J., constable, river police, Shanghai

 Bramati, Mlle. E., assistant, Russell & Co.'s Silk filature, Shanghai Bramfitt, Rev. T., missionary, Wusueh, Hankow (absent)

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Bramwell, G. A., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment

Brand, D., (Brand Brothers & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent) Brand, E., pilot, and government surveyor, Shanghai

Brand, H. Shelley, tea inspector, (Jardine Matheson & Co.) Fuochow Brand, Wm., (Brand Bros. & Co.) merchant, changhai

Brandão, A. J., lieutenant, National battalion, Macao

Brandão, A. J., clerk, revenue office, Macao

Brandao, F. X., clerk, O Correio Macaense, Macao

Brandão, M. M. da Souza, engineer, P rtuguese gunboat Rio Lima

Brandon, E. F., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Shanghai

Brandram, Rev. J. B., missionary, Nagasaki

Brandram, Miss M. E., missionary, Nagasaki


Brandt, D., (D. Brandt & Co.) merchant, and consul for Austria-Hungary, S'pore (abt.) Brandt, F., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Calliope

➡Brandt, M. von, German Minister Plenipotentiary, Peking

Brandt, O., merchant, Stanley St.

Brandt, Miss L, teacher, Berlin Foundling Hospital, High street

Branson, E. J. W., clerk, Police Court, Penang

Branson, J. E., chief clerk, Treasury, Malacca

Branzell, A., contractor, Saigon

Brasier, R., acting chief assistant, Messageries Maritimes, Singapore

Brass, (Vve. Marrot & Co.) assistant, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Braun, K. Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Shanghai

Braun, S,, supt. mails, postal dept, Bangkok

Branss, H., (H. Brauss & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Bravo y Molto, E., oficial, adminis. de Impuestos, Manila

Bray, (Leroy & Cahors) assistant. Langson, Tonquin

Bray, Roman Catholic bishop, Kiukiang

Bray, H. W., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Manila

Bray, R. O., paymaster, H.B.M. sloop Wanderer

Brayer, geometer, survey office, Saigon

Braysher, C. Deighton, Maritime Customs assistant Harbour mater, Shanghai

Brazier, H. W., assistant, Maritime Customs, Shanghai

Brazier, J. R., Maritime Customs assistant in charge, Wênchow

Brea, C. L., professor of medicine, University, Manila

Brearley, D. S., merchant, Yokohama

Brébion, teacher, school at So:trang, Cochin-China

Breckwoldt, G., (Ed. Schellhass & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Bredenberg, A. T., tidewaiter, Maritime Customs, Chefoo

Bredon, M. Boyd, deputy Commissioner of Customs, Shanghai Bredon, R. E., commissioner, Maritime Customs, Hankow Breen, D., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Kowloon

Breillet, registrar, district court, Bentré Cochin-China

Bremner, D., inspector of police

Bremner, E. A., clerk, H. B. M. corvette Satellite

Bremner, J., captain, steamer Canton, China coast

Bremsinger, H., (Falck & Beidek) assistant, Bangkok

Bren, R., librarian and stationer, Manila

Bren, J. M., telegraphist, Manila

Brenan, Byron, H.B.M. consul, Tientsin

Brenan, E. V., Maritime Customs tide surveyor and harbour master, Chefoo Brenel, Jules, butcher, Hanoi

Brenger, S. A., sub-surveyor, revenue survey department, Penang

Brenilh, Lt. Col. L. A. H., director, marine artillery, Saigon

Brennan, W., maritime customs tidesurveyor, Pakhoi

Brennand, Jas., general broker, Singapore (absent)

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Brenner, R., (Rautenberg, Schmidt & Co.) merchant, & consul for Hawaii, Singapore Brenner, W. H., (Frazar & Co.) assistant. Yokohama

Brennwald, C., (Siber & Brennwald) merchant, Yokʊhama (absent)

Brenot, lieutenant, third regiment, Sigon

Brent, W., (Browne & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Brereton, R., chief officer, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co's steamer Recorder

Brereton, Rev. W., officiating chaplin, British Legation, Peking

Bressan, Rev., Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang

Bret, J. B., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo

Bret, Rev. L. E. A., teacher, College of Pulo Ticus, Penang

Bretfeld, C., chief pilot, steamer Kiangkwan, Shanghai and Hankow

Breton, staff surgeon, French Squadron

  Brett, H., (A. L. Johnston & Co.) clerk, Singapore Brewer, E., clerk, Botanical gardens, Singapore

Brewer, E., Jr., herbarium keeper, Botanical gardens, Singapore

Brewer, H., chief engineer, str. Amoy, Hongkong and Shanghai

Brewer, J., (H. Abrams) assistant, Singapore

  Brewer, J. S., Government marine surveyor, Harbour Office Brewer, T., manager, United Club, Yokohama

Brewer, W. J., inspector of police, Perak

Brewer, W. W., bookseller, Queen's road

Brewin, Lieut. T. P., Royal Engineers

Brewitt, P., (Siemssøn & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Brewitt-Taylor, C. H., acting foreign secretary, Imperial Arsenal, Foochow Brewster, E. J., deputy magistrate, Selama, Perak

Brewster, F. W., collector and magistrate, Selama, Perak Briard, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Brias, E., medical practitioner, Iloilo

Bridie, Rev. W., missionary, Faishan, Canton

Briegleb, lieutentant, German man-of-war Iltis

Brien, agent, Messageries Fluviales, Battambang, Siam

Briere, French Resident, Thuan Krank, Hwa Trang, Annan

Bright, W., Statistical department, Inspectorate of Customs, Shanghai

Brimlow, E. W., third engineer, steamer Haitan, China coast

Brinkley, Capt. F., R. A., proprietor and editor, Japan Mail, Yokohama Brinkmann, J. G., (Brinkmann & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Brinkmeier, A., chief officer, str. Deutschland, Chemulpo

  Brinkworth, B. J. S., (Kelly & Walsh) bookseller, &c., Yokohama Brinkworth, Geo., (Kelly & Walsh) manager, Singapore

Brion, captain, fourth regiment, Saigon

Briones v Angosto, T., lieutenant, Marine Infantry, Manila

Brioso, E. R., (Larrinaga & Echeita) clerk, Manila

Brisac, chief, first office, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Brisac, A., director of gaol, Saigon

Briser, clerk, direction of the Interior, Saigon

Brision, telegraphis!, Kep, Tonquin

Brissac, clerk, Messageries Fluviales, Saigon

Brissac, milliner and ressmaker, Saigon

Brissander, F. A., captain, steamer Kungpai, China coast

Brisson, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Bristow, H. B., acting British consul, Chefoo

Bristow, H. W., clerk, railway department, Selangor

Bristow, J. W., clerk, Land office, and postmaster, Selangor

Bristow, W., proprietor, Albion Hotel, Singapore

Brittan, Miss H. G., missionary, Yokohama

Britto, A. de, (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

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Britto, C. A. de, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Canton Britto, F. M., (Wm. Meyerink & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Britto, F. X., assistant, Šilk Condition House, Canton Britto, J. de, (Herbert Dent & Co.) assistant, Canton Britto, J., (China and Japan Trading Co.) clerk, Shanghai Britto, J. M., clerk, Chamber of Commerce

Britto, L. de, (Arnhold, Karl erg & Co.) clerk, Praya Brizara, telegraphist, Bac Ninh, Tonquin

Brocherie, clerk, postal department, Saigon

Brock, F. E. E., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Bröckelmann, F. A., (Pustan & Co.) merchant, Canton (absent)

Brockett, G. T., commission agent, and proprietor Foochow Hotel, Foochow (absent)

Brockett, T., (G. T. Brockett.,) clerk, Foochow

Brockman, E. L., cadet, colonial secretary's office, Singapore

Brockmann, C., (Windsor, Rose & Co.) clerk, Bangkok

Brockmann, G., (C. Heinszen & Co.) clerk, Manila

Brodersen, C., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Brodie, W. G., (Borneo Co., Ld.) manager and consul for Siam, Queen's Road Brokaw, Miss M. E., missionary, Nagasaki

Brolin, G., (E. Kunhardt) clerk, Wladiwostock

Bromley, A. C. B., commander, H.B.M. gun-vessel Swift

Bromley, J., maritime customs watcher, Canton

Brooke, A. de V., major, Royal Engineers

Brooke, H. H. Charles, Rajah of Sarawak, Kuching, Borneo

Brooke, J. H., proprietor, Japan Herald, Yokohama

Brooker, F. G. St. G., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Brooking. R. gunner, H.B.M. gunboat Firebrand

    Brooks, W. P., professor, Agricultural College, Sapporo, Japan Broomball, A. H., China Inland missionary, Taiyuenfu, North China Broomhall, Miss, China Inland missionary, Taiyuenfu, North China Brosche. H., Maritime Customs assistant, Hankow

Brost, H., foreman carpenter, H. & W. Dock Co., Kowloon

Broton, L., official, contaduria gl. de hacienda, Manila

Brou, sub-chief of Cochin China post and telegraph service, Saigon

Brous-aud, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonkin

Brousse, tidewaiter, customs, Haiphong

Brower, T. L., (C. & J. Trading Company) clerk, Yokohama

Browett, H., (W. V. Drummond) solicitor, Shanghai

Brown, A., chief engineer, str. Fungshuu, China coast

Brown, A., head turukey, Victoria Gaol

    Brown, A., third engineer, str. Phra Chula Chom Klao, Hongkong and Bangkok Brown, A. D., superintendent, Shanghai Electric Co., Shanghai

Brown. A. E., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Manila

Brown, A. G., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Kobe

Brown, A. R., managing director, J..pan Mail S. S. Co., Yokohama

Brown. C., acting agent, National Bible Society of Scotland, Peking

Brown, C., underviewer, Takasima Colliery, Nagasaki

Brown, Ch., "Hotel des olonies," Shanghai

Brown, D., (Brown & Co.) merchant, Penang (absent)

Brown. E. A. B., proprietor and manager, Prye Sugar Estate, Province Wellesley Brown, Rev. F., missionary, Peking

Brown, F. J., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Takasago-maru, Japan

Brown, G., foreman carpenter, Manila Slip Co., Manila

Brown, G., second engineer, steamer Toonan, China coast

Brown, Geo., vice consul in charge shipping dept. British Consulate General, Shanghai Brown, G. S., assistant master, Raffles' Institution, Singapore

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Brown, G. W., ensign, U. S. S. Palos

Brown, H., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Brown, H. D., managing director of Dock, Amoy

Brown, H. G., timber merchant, Laguimanoc, Tayabas, Philippines Brown, J., proprietor, Star taveru, Kobe

Brown, J, chief engineer, steamer Danube, Hongkong and Bangkok Brown, J., staff-commander, H.B.M.S. Victor Emanuel

Brown, J., third engineer, steamer Fushun, China coast Brown, J., torpedo foreman, ordnance store department

Brown, J. A., (Brown & Co.) merchant, Penang

Brown, Sergt. J., ordnance artificer, ordnance store department

Brown, J. H., fifth officer, P. & O. steamer Thibet, Hongkong and Japan

Brown, J. L., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Hankow

Brown, J. McLeavy, Maritime Customs, commissioner, Amoy

Brown, L. C., (Brown & Co.) merchant, Penang (absent)

Brown, M., Jr., (Findlay, Richardson & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Brown, R. M., (Russell & Co ) clerk, Tientsin

 Brown, R. W., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, &c., Manila Brown, T., second officer, steamer Ashington, Hongkong and Shanghai Brown, T., (Kelly & Walsh) director, Shanghai

Brown, T. F., chief engineer, H.B.M.S. Orion

Brown, W., lightkeeper, Tungsha lightship, Shanghai

Brown, W. C., M.D., medical practitioner, Penang

Brown, Mrs. L. A., missionary, Yokohama

Brown, Miss E. M., missionary, Kobe

Brown, Miss M., missionary, Yokohama

'Browne, H. St. John, (Browne & Co.) merchant, Kobe

Browne, John, staff commander, H.M. naval yard.

Browne, R. C., forest ranger, land office, Singapore

Browne, T. McC., assistant accountant, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Tientsin

Browne, W. C., supdt. of scavenging, Municipality, Singapore

Browne, Miss H. M., missionary, Sendai, Japan

Brownhill, J., second engineer, str. Mongkut, Hongkong and Bangkok

Bruce, F. W., (Tait & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Bruce, J. R., apothecary, Government medical department, Penang

Bruce, R. E., commission agent, Hoihow

Bruce, R. H., (Tait & Co.) merchant, Amoy

Bruce, R. J., municipal sanitary inspector, Perak

Bruhn, A., second officer, steaner Marie, Hongkong and Haiphong

Bruhn, L., master mariner, Bangkok

Bruine, J., pastry cook, Shanghai

Brulin, C., (C. F. M. Nickel) foreman, Kobe

Brüll, Ad., (F. Retz, merchant) clerk, Yokohama

Brumfield, F. J., Customs tidewaiter, Hankow

Brun, assistant treasurer, Saigon

Brun, excise department, Saigon

Brun, excise department, Chaud oc, Cochin-China

Brun, private secretary to governor, Saigon

Brun, H., farrier, Saigon

Brun, J., Yangtsze pilot, Shangbai

Brunat, P., manager, Russell & Co.'s silk filature, Shanghai

Brunati, A., Macao

Brunel, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Brunet, A., telegraph ist, Haiduong, Tonquin

Brunet, telegraphist, Haiphong

Brunet, teacher, municipal boys' school, Saigon

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Brunner, C. A., (Hirsbrunner & Co.) clerk, Tientsin Brunner, J. G., (Koch & Brunner) merchant, Cebu

Bruno, pilot, Saigon

Brunt, G. H., (A. S. Watson & Co. Limited,) assistant, Canton Bryan, Rev. A. V., missionary, Tokyo

Bryan, J. S., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai Bryan, Rev. R., missionary, Yokohama

Bryan, Rev. R. T., missionary, Chinkiang

Bryant, A. T., acting deputy commissioner of lands, Penang

Bryant, C. M. B., Maritime Customs assistant, Chinkiang

Bryant, J., sugar boiler, China Sugar Refining Co., Bowrington Bryant, N. E., Maritime Customs assistant, Tamsui

Bryer, A. C., (Fearon, Low & Co.) agent, Tamsui

Bryner, J., shipping agent, Wladiwostock

Bryson, A., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Swatow

Bryson, Rev. T., missionary, Tientsin

Board, tax receiver, adminis. native affairs, Hatien, Cochin-China

Buchanan, B., clerk, Eastern Extension A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Buchanan, G., captain, steamer Fuyew, China coast

Buchanan, W., (Wadleigh & Emery) merchant, Chinkiang

Buchanan, Mrs., head mistress, Roman Catholic Girls' School, Singapore

Buchheister, J. J., merchant, Shanghai

Buck, H., (Buck & Ramsay) tailor, Shanghai

Buck, Q. A., Resident, Third Division, Bintulu, Sarawak

Buckland, Geo. assistant, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Quarry Bay

   Buckley, C. B., (Rodyk & Davidson) solicitor, and prop. Free Press, Singapore Buckley, E., missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Buckley, Mrs. Sara, M.D., missionary, Kyoto

Buckner, J. A. G., staff commander, H.B.M.S. Victor Emanuel

Bucquet, assist. secretary, Customs Tourane, Annam

Budd, H. E., operator, Eastern Extension A & C Telegraph Co., Singapore

Budd, J C., manager, Chartered Bank of India, &c., Penang

Budler, H., consul for Germany, Canton

Buenaventura, J., sacristan, ecclesiastical department, Manila

Buenaventura, J., (E. Garchitorena & Co.) assistant, Manila

Buenaventura, M., (Chuidian, Buenaventura & Co.) merchant, Manila

Buenaventure, M. de San, procurador, Supreme Court, Manila

Buencamino, F., lawyer, Manila

Bueno y Chicoy, F., medical practitioner, and professor, University, Manila

Bueno, E. G., captain, third regiment, Manila

Baerle, L. C. van, (Presgrave & Clutton) clerk and cashier, Penang

Bufauméne, (Leroy & Cahors) assistant, Dapcau, Tonquin

Buffel du Vaure, clerk, direction of the interior, Saigon

Buhle, H. P., (Behn, Meyer & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Buisson, engineer, Tamhoi rice mill, Saigon

Buisson, Mme. Vve., milliner, Haiphong

Buitrago, Fr. G., professor of medicine, and vice-rector University, Manila Bull, F. H., (W. M. Strachan & Co.) silk inspector, Yokohama

Bull, Lieut. J. H., U. S. S. Monocacy

Ball, M., berthing officer, Harbour department, Shanghai

Bullard, W., controller, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph office, Shanghai

Bullock, T. L., acting Chinese secretary, British Legation, Peking Bulner, P. A., storekeeper, public works department, Penang Bunda, A., (Battle Hermanos & Co.) clerk, Manila Bünese, O., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Hankow Bunker, D. A., government school, Seoul

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Bunt, W., marine engineer, Kiangnan Arsenal, Shanghai Bunting, I., merchant, Yokohama

Buquet, inspector of police, Saigon

Burbridge, W., operator, E. E. A. & C. Tel. Co., Malacca

Burchardi, F. A., (Gipperich & Burchardi) merchant, Shanghai (absent) Burchands, M., (G. Hieber & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Burchett, T. C., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Canton

Burder, R. H. R., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Burdis, G. S., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Hiroshima-maru, Japan Burdon, Right Kev. J. S., D.D., Bishop of Victoria, St. Paul's College

Bure, P. (Heemskerk & Co.), clerk, Shanghai

Buren, J. S., van, (P. M. S. S. Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Burge, F. J., medical practitioner, Shanghai

Burghignoli, Very Rev. G., pro-vicar apostolic, Roman Catholic church, Caine road Burghope, L., Veterinary Surgeon, Horse Repository, Penang

Burgie, L., (F. Klampermeyer) assistant, Shanghai

Burgoyne, G. E., (Cornabé & Co.) clerk, Chefoo

Burgoyne, J. W. H., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Burguet, first clerk, direction of the Interior, Saigon

Burguez, clerk, court of first instance, Saigon

Burjorjee, Dadabhoy, broker, Shanghai

Burke, E. G., maritime customs watcher, Canton

Burke, J., warder, gaol, Singapore

Burke, J. W., maritime customs examiner, Ningpo

Burke, Rev. W. B., missionary, Shanghai

Burkill, A. R., public silk inspector, Shanghai

Burkinshaw, J., (Donaldson & Burkinshaw) attorney, Singapore Burman, A., bill and bullion broker, Shanghai

Burmeister, Ed., (Schmidt & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Burmeister, Emil, (Schmidt & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Burnett, H. S. D., Malay interpreter, magistracy, Singapore Burnett, T. G., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Amoy

Burnett, W. E., China Inland missionary, Kansuh

Burnett, Miss M. A., missionary, Shanghai

Burnie, Ed., marine surveyor, Praya

Burnó, Rev. G., Roman Catholic missionary, Lam-pi-lau, Amoy Burnside, P., Yokohama

Burr, W. A., pilot, Shanghai

Burrell, E. A.. St. C., chief engineer, steamer Yiksang, China coast

Burrell, T., (Martin & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Burrows, H., commission agent, (Gearing & Co.) Wuhu

Burrows, H. C., lieutenant, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Burt, G. A, inspector of police, Perak

Burté, storekeeper, Municipal Council, Saigon


Burton, H., assistant overseer, municipal surveyor's office, Shanghai Burton, W. K., professor, sanitary engineering, University, Tokyo Bury, A. J., (Wilkinsou & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Busch, H., (Möller & Meisner) shipchandler, Bangkok (absent) Busch, L., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Buschendorff, A. W., proprietor, Beach Hotel, Chefoo

Euschmann, J., pilot, Amoy

Buschmann, B., (Ed. Schellhass & Co.) merchant, Canton

Buschmann, R., (Ed. Schellbass & Co.) merchant, Praya (absent)

Fuse, J., (J. J. Buchheister) merchant, Shanghai

Bush, E. A., (E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Queen's road Eush, F. D., (Russell & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

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Bush, H., second officer, str. Kong Beng, Hongkong and Bangkok Bush, H. A., (Bush Brothers) clerk, Newchwang

Bush, Henry E., (Bush Brothers) merchant, Newchwang

Bush, Capt. John, harbour master, Bangkok

Bush, L. L., manager, Pootung Wharf and Godown Co., Shanghai

Bush, P. W., lieutenant, H. B. M S. Audacious

Bushby, G., (Purdon & Co.) tea inspector, Foochow

Bushell, S. W., M.D., physician to British Legation, Peking

Bushell, Miss, missionary, Foochow

Busnel, lieutenant, French corvette Turenne

   Busse, Ludwig, professor of philosophy, Imperial university, Tokyo Bustamante, A., (Tillson, Hermann & Co.) clerk, Manila

Bustillo, J. de Fuentas, fiscal, real audiencia, Manila

Bustillo, V. P., contador decano, tribunal de cuentas, Manila Busto, M. del, chief engineer, Agricultural Department, Manila Buswell, W. J., chief inspector of police, Thaij ing, Perak

Buswell, Walter, inspector of police, Perak

Buthmann, C. J. B., captain, steamer Dicky, Bangkok Butland, Miss, China Inland missionary, Chêntu

Butler, A., assistant, collector's office, Lower Perak

Butler, A., (R. Telge & Co.) clerk, Formosa

Butler. Geo., public tea inspector, Shanghai

Butler, J. M., overseer of works, Surveyor-General's Office

Butler, T. S., steward, Sailors' Home, Singapore

Butler, Mrs. F. E., missionary, Ningpo

Butler, Miss, missionary, Taiwanfoo

Butler, Miss E. M., missionary, Canton

Butler, Miss F., missionary, Ningpo

Butlin, John, sergeant of police, Stanley

Butscbik, customs, Wladiwostock

Butt, J. W., third officer, Nippon Yusen Kaishia str. Nagato Maru, Japan Buttery, John, (Sandilamds, Buttery & Co.) merchant, Penang (absent)

Bux, S. E., (D. Nowrojee) clerk, Queen's road

Buxton, Major J. W. F., R. Inniskilling Fusiliers, dep. assist. adjutant, Singapore Buyers, A., foreman carpenter, H. & W. Dock Co., Kowloon

Buyers, C. B., (Dobie & Co.) assistant, Pagoda Island, Foochow

Buyers, W. B., chief engineer, steamer Kwang-lee, China coast

Buzork, H. M., (H. M. M. Ally & Co.) manager, Lyndhurst terrace

Buzzell, Miss M. A., missionary, Swatow (absent)

Bymia, Essoofally, (A Ebrahim & Co.) manager, Shanghai

Byres, G. M., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bauk) assistant accountant, Yokohama Byrne, E., broker and marine surveyor, Kobe

Byrne, E., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) manager, Shanghai

Byron, Rev. J., missionary, Sandakan

Byworth, L. A., Maritime Customs chief examiner, Canton

Caballero, J. P., alferez, marine infantry, Manila

   Caballero, J. P., third secretary, Spanish Legation, Tokyo Cabañas y Auslestia, F., ayudante, division forestal, Manila Cabañas Garoz, J., teniente, infanteria, Manila

   Cabañas y Andestea, F., assistant, forestry department, Manila Cabañas y Perez, N., ministro, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila Cabarrús, J. B., teacher of arithmetic, Nautical academy, Manila Cabeldu, P. S., tailor & outfitter, Kobe

Cabera Pereyro, A., surgeon, army medical department, Mani'a Cabo, B. M., interventor, admins. de rentas, etc., Manila

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Cabral, A. da Costa, capt., Port. corvette Bartholomeu Dias, chief of the naval station Cabral, J. A. R., colonial treasurer, Macao

Cacho, F., chemist and druggist, Iloilo

Cada, Y., assistant, Singer Manufacturing Co., Manila

Cadelago, F. G., (Anselmo Bros.) merchant, Singapore

Cadell, A. J. R., (Smith Bell & Co.) clerk, Cebu

Cadell, G. E. A., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, and vice-consul for Great Britain, Cebu Cadell, W. A., (Borneo Co.) manager, and H.B.M. vice-consul, Sarawak

Cadier, excise department, Saigon

Cadiou, officer of administration, French gunboat Parseval

Cadro, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Cady, Rev. C. M., missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Cady, Rev. H. O., missionary, Chungking

Caffort, administrator, native affairs, Rachgia, Cochin-China

Caffrer, A., (Wusinowsky & Co.) Manila

Cagigas, J. de las (Ayala & Co.) merch nt, Manila

Cagnon, L., missionary, Taran, Cochin-China

Caher, E. V., examiner, maritime enstoms, Shanghai

Cahill, Mlle, schoolmistress, Haiphong

Cahors, E., (Leroy & Cahors) contractor, Dapcau, Tonquin

Cail, ensign, French gunboat Parseval

Cain, J. W., assistant, store department, Japan Mail S. S. Co., Yoh◆hama Cairncross, A., chief engineer, steamer Kiang-ping, Canton and Macao Cairns, J., superintendent and engineer, Patrew steam rice mill, Bangkok Cala, Viuda d', teacher, Iloilo

Calado, F., (Hongkong Soda Water Manufacturing Co.) Hollywood road Calano, V., constable, Italian Consulate, Shanghai

Calas, C., (Calas & Grappe), merchants, Hanoi

Caldarola, Mlle. A., assistant, Russell & Co.'s Silk Filature, Shanghai Caldarola, Mme. Eug., assistant, Russell & Co.'s Silk Filature, Shanghai Caldarola, Mlle. G., assistant, Russell & Co.'s Silk Filature, Shanghai Caldbeck, E. J., (Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co.) wine merchant, Shanghai Calder, J. F., (Nagasaki Dockyard) manager, Nagasaki

Caldera, B. Bazar Estremeno, Iloilo

Calderon, F., assistant, "La Opinion " Manila

Calderon, F. Blanco y, contador, seccion de atrasos, tribunal de cuentas, Manila

Caldwell, D. E., (Caldwell & Wilkinson) solicitor, Queen's road

Caldwell, G. A., (H. & W. Dock Co.) accountant, Praya central

Calero, F. E., auctioneer and commission agent, Manila

Calixto, S., (A. de Marcaida) clerk, Manila

Callaghan, Chas., boatswain, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Callaghan, F. G., assistant resident, Darrel Bay, Silam, N. Borneo

Callaway, F. A., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Penang

Callaway, J. W., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai

Callcott, J. H., C.E, superintendent of works and surveys, Singapore

Callejas, M. M., alferez, fifth regiment, Manila

Callip, W. C., lightkeeper, Shanghai

Calobardes, J., coadjutor, mision de la compañia de Jesus, Manila

Calvaire, engineer, railway company, Saigon

Calvert, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Calvez, master, Customs junk, Haiphong

Calvo, A., assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Manila

Calvo, E., comisario, administracion militar, Manila Calvo, M., (Diaz Puertas & Co.) assistant, Manila Calvo, V. P., ayudante, division forestal, Manila Cama, P. B., bill broker, Aberdeen street

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Camaca, A. de la, chief engineer, public works, Batangas, Philippines Camacha, A. de, contador, administracion civil, Manila Camantigue, C., assistant, Observatory, Manila Cámara, M. de la, ayudante, public works department, Camara, P. S., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Cebu


Camatte, lieut. judge, district court, Mytho, Cochin China

Cameron, E., (Singapore Insurance Co.) clerk, Singapore

Cameron, Ewen, (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) manager, Shanghai

Cameron J., chief officer, steamer Kong Beng, Hongkong and Bangkok

Cameron, J., fourth engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaishia, Japan

Cameron, Rev. J., M.D., missionary, Chefoo

Cameron, J. B., chief inspector of police, Shanghai

   Cameron, Capt. M. A., R.E., deputy col, engineer and surveyor-general, Penang Cameron, Robt., foreman, Sawmills Co., Johore

Cameron, W., blacksmith, Sawmills Co., Johore

Cameron, Major-Gen. W. G., C. B., commanding H. M. Forces in China & Straits Cameron, Mrs. J., proprietrix, Straits Times, Singapore

Caminero, M. G., surgeon, army medical department, Manila

Caminha, C, R., commander, Portuguese gunboat Tejo

Camouilly, chief registrar of lands, Saigon (absent)

Campagnol, lawyer, Saigon

Campbell, A., fourth engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Campbell, Alexander, merchant, Kiukiang

Campbell, C. W., vice consul, British Consulate, Seoul

Campbell, D., (Rose & Co.) assistant, Queen's Road

Campbell, D. C, pilot, Shanghai

Campbell, D. G., assistant collector, Rawang, Selangor

Campbell, Rev. G., missionary, Swatow

Campbell, J., naval draughtsman, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Yokohama

Campbell, J. C., traffic manager, state railway department, Selangor Campbell, John, (Campbell, Heard & Co.) assistant manager, Singapore Campbell, M., chief engineer, steamer Devawongse, Hongkong and Bangkok Campbell, R. M., (Agra Bank) acting manager, Shangbai

Campbell, T. M., Maritime Customs, assistant examiner, Shanghai Campbell, W. H., (Rosenzweig & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Campbell, Rev. Wm., missionary, Taiwan-foo (absent)

Campbell, Mrs. J. P., missionary, Shanghai

Campo y Manzano, S. del, oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Campos, A. P. P., clerk, Comptoir d'Escompte, Shanghai

Campos, A. H. de, master mariner, Bangkok

Campos, B. P., (Noronha & Co.) foreman, Zetland street

Campos, E. P., (P. & 0.8.N. Co.) clerk, Praya

Campos, F. N. de, (Messageries Maritimes) clerk, Shanghai

Campos, J. M. da Costa, general foreman, Ordnance Store Department

Campos, L. P., clerk, P. & O.S.N. Co., Praya

Camps, O., professor, Real casa de la Misericordia, Manila

Camps, S., coadjutor, normal school, mision de la compania de Jesus, Manila

Camus, W. de (W. de Camus & Co.) cigar merchant, Singapore

Canal, president of Court of first instance, Saigon

Cañal, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Caine Road

Canal, R., (M. Aenlle) assistant, Manila

Canapi de los Reyes, A., (Oscar Dürr) assistant, Yging, Philippines

Canarvon, J., assistant, German Borneo Co., Banguey, B. N. Borneo Canavaggio, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Canavarre, J. de 6. C., adjutant, national battalion, Macao

Cance, W., acting manager, N. Č. Herald office, Shanghai

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Candau, V., (Roque Frères) clerk, Haiphong

Candelas, J. A., civil doctor, and health officer of port, Manila

Candeleer, telegraphist, Hong-yen, Tonquin

Candler, T. E., mining engineer, Canton Mining office, Canton and Hongkong Candlin, Rev. G. T., missionary, Laoting, Tientsin

Canduglia, Rev., Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang

Caneller, E., (Gutierrez Hermonos) merchant, Manila Caneller, R., (Gutierrez Hermanos) clerk, Manila Canete, E. F., abogado, Manila

Cañete y Ruiz, R., surgeon-major, Arsenal, Manila

Canu, tidewaiter, Customs, Haiphong

Canning, J. D., manager, Brick and Cement Co., Deep Water Bay

Cannis, E,, (A. S. Walson & Co. Ld.) assistant, Mapila.

Cansdale, A., quarter master, South Lancashire Regt., Singapore

Cansino, E., interventor, customs and treasury, Iloilo

Canterwell, Yangtsze Pilot, Criterion Hotel, Shanghai

Cantlie, Jas., medical practitioner, Robinson Road

Cantillo, J. G., chief of south station, telegraph department, Manila Cantley, N., superintendent Botanical Gardens, Singapore

Canivet, captain, second regiment, Saigon

Capagorry, C., "Restaurant de Paris," Manila

Capel, A. C., barrister-at-law, Penang

Capel, J. B., (A. C. Capel) managing clerk, Penang

 Capel, W., Major, second South Lancashire Regt. Penang Capelle, unter-lieut., German gunboat Wolf

Caperoni, assistant clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Capilla, C. R., comandante, Guardia Civil, Manila

Capitaine, Rev. L., S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Caplen, sub-cashier, Messageries Fluviales, Saigon

Cappa y Martin, J. de, chaplain, Spanish navy, Manila

Capper, A. H., passed cadet, protectorate of Chinese, Penang

Carabelli, R., lawyer, and mayor, Saigon

Caradza, J., compositor, Shanghai Mercury office, Shanghai

Caralp, mecanicien, Haiphong

Caralp, shoemaker, Haiphong

Caralp, H., (Oberg & Co.) clerk, Haiphong

Caranes, F.. official, intendencia general de hacienda, Manila

Carapiet, M. J., merchant, Singapore

Caratini, apprentice pilot, Saigon

Caraves, T., official, personal agregado, Manila

Carbajo, Roman Catholic missionary, Haiphong

Carballo y Gargollo, Lieut. M., ayudante, Spanish Navy, Manila

Carballo, J., (Hens & Co.) clerk, Manila

Carbonnier, clerk, Messageries Fluviales, Saigon

Cardella, J., (J. Bastiani) assistant, Singapore

Cardenas, J., (Genato & Co.) assistant, Manila

Cardenas y Pacheco, M. de, director of Mint, Manila

Cardew Colonel, commanding South Lancashire Regt. Singapore

Cardo, S., manager, "La Opinion," Manila

Cardoso, F. A. G., assist. paymaster, Portuguese gunboat Rio Lima

Cardu, S., (S. Cardu & Co.) architect and contractor, Bangkok

Cardwell, Rev. J. E., missionary, Shanghai

Care, E. A., Maritime Customs assistant, Hankow

Carew, W. R. H., collector and treasurer, Sungei Ujong

 Carballo, D. L., lieut. commanding Spanish gunboat General Lezo, Manila Carion, L., compositor, N. C. Herald office, Shanghai

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Carion, F. F., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai Carlassare, Rt. Rev. Fr. V. E., Roman Catholic bishop, Hankow Carles, pilot, Saigon

Carles, W. R., British vice-consul, Shanghai

Carleton, Miss May E., M. D., medical missionary, Chinkiang

Carlier, head master, College at Mytho, Cochin-China (absent)

Carlier y Velasquez, D., lieutenant, commanding gunboat Mindoro, Manila Carlill, A. J. H., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Carlini, chief engineer, M. F. steamboat Oriental, Saigon

Carlos, B., pilot, Newchwang

Carlotti, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Carlotti, registrar of archives, law courts, Saigon

  Carlson, F., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) Woosung Station, Shanghai Carlson, F., second pilot, str. Kiangtung, Shanghai and Hankow

Carlson, W., first berthing officer, Harbour Master's office, Shanghai

Carmouze, principal geometer, survey office, Saigon

Carnacho, U. Diaz, ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Carnegy, J. F., apothecary, govt. medical department, Penang

Carneiro, A. M., (Ulysse Pila & Co.) clerk, Haiphong

Carneiro, J., clerk, Agra Bank, Shanghai

Carneiro, J. V., (H. J. Holmes) clerk, Queen's road

Carneiro, J., ward-master, Sinall Pox Hospital, West point

Carner, L., manager, Horse-food Steam-crushing Co., Penang

Carnero, assistant, Compagnie Française du Tonkin, Haiphong Carnie, F., commission agent, Chinkiang

Carnt, E. C., engineer, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Caro, F., ayudante, capitania de puerta, Manila

Caro, R., chief of South station, Telegraph department, Manila


Carpani, E., (Dyce & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Carpenter, J., (H. & W. Dock Co.) foreman engineer, Cosmopolitan docks Carpenter, Miss C., missionary, Kienchau, Ningpo

Carpenter, Miss M., missionary, Shauohying, Ningpo

Carqui y Torres, A., dispenser, army medical dept., Manila

Carr, C. A., assist. engineer, U. S. Š. Omaha

Carr, R., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Queen's road

Carr, S. R., (John Little & Co.) warehouseman, Singapore

Carrales, F., assistant, forestry department, Manila

Carranceje, M., medical practitioner, Manila

Carrasa, L., comandante, civil guard, Manila

Carrasco, E., assistant, Compania General de Tabacos, S. Marcelino, Manila

Carrasco y Moret, R., Treasurer, Manila

Carreon, master of works, Ayuntamiento, Manila

Carrére, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Carrere, P. de, second secretary, Spanish Legation, Tokyo

Carrère, submanager, Banque de l'Indo-Chine, Saigon

Carrow, H. J. captain, Japan mail steamer Owari-Maru, Japan

Carrier, inspector, head master, Adran's college, Saigon (absent) Carrière, lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Carriles y Fernandez, M., captain, marine artillery, Manila Carrique, captain, customs vessel Hanoi, Haiphong

Carroll, J. D., Kobe

Carson, Rev. J., missionary, Newchwang

Carst, Captain Jan, manager, Salvage Company, Yokohama

Carst, L. A., fourth engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Cartano, captain, river steamer Gonzalez, Iloilo

Carter, A. T. S., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire

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Carter, W., assistant engineer, King Cheng Steam Rice Mill, Bangkok Carthegasam, S., clerk, Treasury, Kwala Kangsa, Perak

Cartman, F. A., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Tientsin

Cartwright, M. G., Lieut. H. B. M. S. Calliope

Cartwright, W., Chinese secretary, Inspectorate General of Customs, Peking Carvajal, Luis, (Macleod & Co.) clerk, Manila

Carvajal, J. G., contador, tribunal de cuentas, Manila

Carvajal y Trelles, B., administrador, hacienda publica, Manila

Carvalho, A., procurador's department, Macao

Carvalho, B. L. de, compositor, Seminario de S. José, Macao

Carvalho, U. F., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Queen's road

Carvalho, C. C., (Amoy Dock Co.) accountant, Amoy

Carvalho, E. A. de, clerk, Treasury

Carvalho, F. E., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) clerk, Amoy

Carvalho, F. A., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's Road

Carvalho, F. X., clerk, revenue office, Macao

  Carvalho, G. M. de, (Jardine, Matbeson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street Carvalho, H. de, (Union Insurance Society,) clerk, Praya

Carvalho, L. G. H., (Chartered Bank of India, &c.) clerk, Queen's road Carvalho, J. A. de, first clerk and cashier, Treasury

Carvalho, J. J. T., de A. guarda marinha, Portuguese gunboat Tamega Carvalho, J. J. dos P., first clerk, colonial secretary's office, Macao

Carvalho, J. M., clerk, Hongkong & China Gas Co., West Point

Carvalho, L. F., writer, H.M. Naval Yard

Carvalho, M. de, (Turner & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Carvalho, P. M. de, (New Oriental Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Cary, A. M., medical missionary, Chiang Mai, Siam

Cary, Rev. O., Jr., missionary, Okayama, Japan

Casademunt, F., secretary, New Port Works department, Manila

Casado, M., vice rector, seminario conciliar de Jaro, Iloilo

Casado y Lemmni, A., surgeon, army medical department, Manila Casanave, Rev. J., teacher, college of Pulo Ticus, Penang

Casanova, E., oficial, admins. de rentas, etc., Maniln

Casas y Marty, T., sub-inspector, Sanidad militar, Manila Casa i, L., interpreter, Italian Legation, Tokyo

Cascarosa, R., oficial, Gobierno-General, Manila

  Casc urosa, R., C. E., commi sioner of works, Ca. Gl. de Tabacos, Manila Casenave y Lopez, J., comisario, administracion militar, Manila

Cashin, N. W. V., clerk, Colonial Treasury, Singapore

Casier, station master, Saigon-Mytho railway

Caspari, Miss J., missionary, Osaka

Cass, F., (Russell & Co.) clerk and acting U. S. vice-consul, Amoy

Cassagne, (Leroy & Cahors) assistant, Thai Nguyen, Tonquin

Cassels, Rev. W. W., China Inland missio: ary, Pao-tin-fu, North Coina

Cassidy, Rev. F. A., missionary, Tokyo

Cassum, Omar, (C. Moosa) Lasistant, Macao

Cassumbhoy, E., furniture dealer, Beaconsfield Arcade

Cassumbhoy, S. E., (E. Cassumbhoy) furniture dealer, Beaconsfield Arcade

Castagné, assist. secretary, Customs, Tan-quam, Tonquin

Castaing, excise department, Kampot, Cambodia

Castaing, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Castanera, E., assistant, post office, Iloilo (absent)

Castanier, clerk, Adminis. Native Affairs, Travinb, Cochin-China

Castanier, lieutenant, second regiment, Saizon

Castel Branco, F. V. E., captain, second battalion, Macao

Castellana, D., oficial, conta luria gl de hacienda, Manila

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Castellani, commissioner of police, Haɛoi

Castellani, overseer of roads, Saigon

Castella y Parrefio, Col. J. de, secretario, infanteria, Manila

Castello, R. L., altérez, commanding Spanish gunboat Basco, Manila Castensehjöld, J. de, captain, palace guard, Bangkok

Castéra, pilot, Saigon

Castilho, S. P., wine merchant etc., Shanghai

Castilia y Parreño, F., chief col. first half brigade infantry, Manila Castilla, A., telegraphist, Manila

Castilla, J., secretario, Sub-inspeccion gl. del Ejercito, Mahila Castillo, J. del, oficial, Gobierno General, Manila

Castillo, J. G. de, ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Castillo y Penelosa, J., surgeon, naval department, Manila

Castle, C., second officer, steamer Taichiow, Hongkong and Bangkok Castro, A. de, vista, Customs, Manila

Castro, A. F. de, chief engineer, division forestal, Manila

Castro, C. M., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Castro, F., lieut-col., commanding military engineers, Cavite

Castro, G. B. A., Maritime Customs examiner, Tientsin

Castro, J. Ma. de, medico, Iloilo

Castro, J. S., alférez, first regiment, Manila

Castro, M. de, maestra, casade recogidas, Manila

Castro, M. de, procura lor, Supreme Court, Manila

Castro y Gavalda, M., engineer, agricultural department, Manila Cataumber, J., contador. Seccion de Atrasos, Manila

   Catin, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Hiroshima, Japan Catoire, A., timber merchant, Saigon

Cator, B. A., lieutenant, H.B.M.S. gunboat Rattler

Cattaneo, A., professor of music, Beaconsfield Arcade

Cattenburch, H. W. C. van, agent, Netherlands Trading Society, Singapore

Catterall, F. P., (Myburgh & Dowdall) solicitor, Shanghai

Caudrelier, L., storekeeper, Yokohama

Caulfeild, F. St. Geo., state engineer and surveyor, Perak (absent)

Caulfield, St. Geo., (Hill & Rathborne) manager, Rassah

Caunter, J. A. A., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Penang

Cautiellox, proprietor, cafe continental, Saigon

Cave, H. W., (A. S. Watson & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Cave-Thomas, F., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) tea inspector, Foochow

Cawley, J. A., engineer, H. B. M. gunboat Cockchafer

Cazajeux, clerk, French residency, Pnompenh

Cazalas, L. J., clerk of works for native states, Malacca

Cazaux, retail dealer, Saigon

Cazaux, A., acting manager, Tramways Co., Saigon

Ceccaldi, E., commission agent, Haiphong

Cedrus, E., assistant, customs and treasury, Iloilo

Celis, F. R. de, (F. Yap Tico) clerk, Iloilo

Celis, V., telegraphist, Manila

Celiseo, A. A., alterez, arsenal guard, Manila

Cembrans, Lieut. M. T., assistant, arsenal, Manila

Centenera, I, ayudante, forestry department, Iloilo

Centeno, J., acting civil governor, Manila

Centeno y Antonio Veloa, José, Sociedad Economica de Amigos, Manila.

Center, A., agent, P. M. S. S. Co., Yokohama

Cerero, R., subinspector of military engineers, Manila

Cereso, A., dentist, Manila

Cerrejon, B., teniente carabineros, Iloilo

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Ceron y Gutierrez, C., ayudante, division for stal, Manila Cerrute, G. B., storekeeper, Singapore

Cervantes, J., tente-auditor, Auditoria de Guerra, Manila Cervetti, geometer, survey office, Saigon

Cervetti, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Césaire, Rev. F., Roman Catholic missionary, Chefoo Céspedes, L., architect, Public Works department, Manila Chaalons, principal conductor, Public Works department, Saigon Chaalons, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Chaalons, Mrs., inspectress, municipal girls school, Saigon Chabanit, E., proprietor, Grand Hotel, Saigon Chabaud, proprietor, cafe de la Marine, Saigon

Chabaud, (Marty & d'Abbadie) accountant, Haiphong Chabert, tidewaiter, customs, Haiphong

Chabert, tidewaiter, customs, Phat Dtem, Tonquin Chabot, tidewaiter, customs, Cam-Ranh, Tonquin

Chaby, J. C. N., aide-de-camp o Governor, Macao Chadefaux, telegraphist, Hanoi

Chagas, J. N. da, Municipal Council, Macao

Chagas, M. J., inspector of cargo boats and junks, Harbour Master's department Chaillet, examiner, customs, Haiphong

Chaix, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Chaix, overseer, excise department, Pnompenh

Chair, J. M. R., lieut. commanding Spanish gunboat Pampanga, Manila

Chalan, telegraphist, Dong-Dang, Tonquin

Chalant, F., (Shaw & Chalant) timber merchant, Bangkok

Chalfant, Rev. C., missionary, T'sinanfoo

Chalk, W. G., assistant manager, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Challe, commisary, steamer Bac Kat, Haiphong

Challet, A., "Restaurant de Paris," Manila

Chalmers, A. M., assistant, British consulate, Yokohama

Chalmers, J. L., Maritime Customs assistant in charge, Tamsui

Chalmers, Rev. J., LL.D., missionary, London Mission, Staunton street

Chamberlain, B. H., of philology, university, Tokyo

Chamberlain, C. B. d'E., surgeon H.B.M. gunboat Rattler

Chamberlain, R., sergeant, navy yard police

Chambers, H. J. J., (John Gittins & Co.) merchant, Foochow

Chambers, J., Maritime Customs civil engineer, Tientsin

Chambodut, Rev. C. M., French missionary, Swatow

Chambor, procureur, district court, Vinh-long

Chamin, warehouseman, excise department, Camon, Cochin-China

Chamot, J., (L. Tallieu), assistan, Peking

Champagne, trader, Hanoi

Champeaux, de, inspector of native affairs, Saigon

Champeaux, G. de, agent, Messageries Maritimes, Praya central

Champeaux, J. de., resident general, Cambodia

Champernowne, Major H., Royal Engineers

Champin, And., Haiphong

Champon, butcher, Saigon

Chanavat, engineer, public works department, Saigon

Chandler, H. W. (A. S. Watson & Co., L-1.) assistant, Queen's Road

Chandler, Ralph, Rear Admiral, commanding U. S. Squadron

Chandoo, E., (E. Pabaney) clerk, Lyndhurst Terrace

Chanot, director l'Unité Indo-Chinoise, Saigon

Chanot, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Chantriau, commisary, steamer Tigre, Haiphong

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Chanu, General, commander in chief, Saigon

Chape, G., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Chapelet, accountant, Messageries Fluviales, Saigon

   Chapgur, S. D., (Framjee Hormusjee & Co.) clerk, Queen's road Chapin, Rev. F. M., missionary, Pang Tswang, Shantung

Chapin, Miss J. E., missionary, Peking

Chapman, Rev. G., missionary, Osaka

Chapman, J., lightkeeper, Sugar Loaf, Amoy

Chapplle, Mrs., proprietrix "Restaurant du Louvre," Yokohama

Chapsal, J., agent, Messageries Maritimes, Shanghai

Chapuis, Rev. H., vice procureur, French Catholic Mission, Staunton street Charbouillet, clerk, Administration of Native affairs, Bienhoa, Cochin-China Charlery, overseer, excise department, Chandoc, Cochin-China

Charlesworth, G., secretary, Yokohama Engine and Iron Works, Yokobama Charlety, plumber and lightfitter, Saigon

Charlot, accountant, government printing office, Saigon

Charlwood, V. H. S., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Charon, telegraphis!, Thanh-moi, Tonquin

Charrin, clerk, administration of native affairs, Saigon Charton, J., (Démolis) assistant, Saigon

Charvet, lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Chasle, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo

Chassagnot, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Chasseriau, L. Es., manager, Chasseriau Land and Planting Co., Singapore Chasseriau, L., (Chasseriau Estate) assistant, Singapore

   Chassieur, commis, M. F. steamboat Nam Vian, Saigon Chatelard, Jr., engineer, railway company, Saigon Chatelard, Sr., engineer, railway company, Saigon Chater, C. A., (Powell & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Chater, Hon. C. P., bill and bullion broker, Queen's Road Chater, L J., broker, and varnish manufacturer, Singapore Chatron, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Hyogo Chaumassiera, engineer, Hanoi

Chaumel, sub-inspector, railway company, Saigon

Chaumont, (Chaumont & Daniel) contractor, Haiphong (absent) Chaumont, M., clerk, Maritime Customs engineer's office, Shanghai Chauntler, F., acting resident engineer, state railway, Selangor Chausse, Rt. Rev. Aug., Roman Catholic bishop, Canton

Chauvin, A., farrier, Saigon

Chauzcis, clerk, French residency, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Chavassieux, administrator of native affairs, Tayninh, Cochin-Chinn

Chaves, E., magistrado, real audiencia, Manila

Chaves, F. M., boarding house keeper, Bridges street

Chayard, telegraphist, Vinh, Annam

Chaytor, Major R. J., Northamptonshire Regiment

Chebrier, clerk, Privy Council, Saigon

Cheek, M. A., medical missionary, Chiang Mai, Siam

Cheerkoff, S. A., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Cheetham, J. C., second officer, steamer Kiang Yang, Shanghai and Hankow

Cheetham, J. F., (Turner & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Chemin, warehouseman, excise department, Caman, Cochin-China

Chemineau, clerk, public works department, Cochin-Chino

Cheney, Mrs., China Inland missionary, Chefoo

Chenoweth, R., second officer, Customs revenue cruiser Fee Hoo Chensun, V., (Chuidian, Buenaventura & Co.) clerk, Manila Chered off, P. Ñ., (S. I. Speshiloff & Co.) clerk, Foochow

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Chesbron, Rev. Th., Roman Catholic missionary, Pouang

 Cheshire, F. D., Chinese secretary, United States Legation, Peking Chesnay, Th., manager, l'Avenir du Tonkin office, Hanoi

 Chesnè, chief, second office, Direction of the Interior, Saigon Chesney, J. H., chief engineer, steamer Powan, Hongkong and Canton Chevalier, Rev. Fr., Roman Catholic missionary, Chinkiang Chevallier, H., (Swan & Lermit) manager, survey dept., Singapore Chevassu, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon Chevénement, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi Chevillé, purser, M. F. steamer Phuoc Kien, Saigon Chevrer, surgeon, French corvette Turenne

Chevreux, A. F., chief of battalion, second regiment, Saigon Chevrier, Rev. J. L., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking Chiarisoli, chief gaoler, Saigon

 Chiarisoli, overseer, public works department, Cochin-China Chiarri y Llobregas, B., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila Chiaville, telegraphist, Hanoi

 Chicone y Perez, R., chaplain, Spanish Navy, Manila Chiene, Č. M., (Macleod & Co.) clerk, Cebu

Child, Chas., J., United States Vice-Cousul, Bangkok

Child, J. T., minister resident and consul general for United States, Bangkok Child, Thos., gas engineer, Maritime Customs, Peking

Chinchon, Rt. Rev. D. A., Roman Catholic bishop, Amoy

Chinchon, J. N., ayudante, division forestal, Mauila

Chinoy, A. H., commission agent, Graham street (absent)

Chinoy, K. A., (A. H. Chinoy) commission agent, Graham street

Chiovatti, M., chief steward, Grand Hotel, Yokohama

Chiron, P., clerk, Mess gerie Maritimes, Yokohama

Chit, F., photographer, Bangkok

Chofré, printer, Manila

Cholmondeley, Rev. L. B., missionary, Tokyo

Chomley, F., (Brown & Co.) merchant, Amoy

Chopard, H. A., (Rodyk & Davidson) clerk, Singapore

Chopard, H. D., chief clerk, Import and Export office, Singapore

Chopard, J. R., clerk, Supreme court, Singapore

Chopard, W., lightkeeper, marine department, Singapore

Chopard, W. W., clerk, public works department, Singapore

Chophard, B., clerk, magistrate court, Singapore

Choppin, W. E., second officer, steamer Formosa, China coast

Chotard, clerk, postal department, Saigon

Chouvenin, telepraphist, Sontay, Tonquin

Christ, L., captain commandant of artillery, Saigon

Christensen, A. F., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co. str. Wakanoura-maru, Japan

Christensen, K. L., general manager, Prye River dock, Penang

Christensen, L., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Hankow

Christensen, T. A., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) barge Kozaki-maru, Nagasaki

Christiaens, Rev. Fr. B., Roman Catholic missionary, Ichang

Christian, A. J., assistant accountant, Ch. Mercantile Bank, Singapore

Christian, P., manager, coffee estate, Kudat

Christiansen, A., tax collector, Municipal Council, Shanghai

Christiansen, E., chief officer str. Peking, Canton and Shanghai

Christiansen, L., manager, Straits Pepper Co., Selangor

Christiansen, O. A., inspector, sanitary dept. Municipality, Singapore

Christie, D., medical missionary, Moukden

Christie, J., second engineer, str. Bangkok

Christie, Jas., chief engineer, steamer Hankou, Hongkong and Canton

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Christy, Wilfred, (Russell & Co.) assistant, Amoy,

Chu, Rev. Y. T., Church of Our Saviour, Hongkew, Shanghai Chuidian, F., (Chuidian, Buenaventura & Co.) assistant, Manila Chuidian, J., (Chuidian, Buenaventura & Co.) assistant, Manila

Chuidian, Telesforo (Chuidian, Buenaventura & Co.) merchant, Manila Chuquet, L., Roman Catholic missionary, Osaka

Chuquian, E. S., (C. G. Lin & Co.) merchant, Manila Church, W., commission agent, Shanghai

    Churchill, H. W., (Hedge & Co.) assistant, Foochow Churchill, Major, M., Northamptonshire Regiment (absent) Ciceri, Rev., Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang Cifuentes, L., assistant, Agricultural department, Manila Cimper, engineer, public works department, Cochin-China Circulado, E., (J. J. Reyes) godown koeper, Bohol, Philippines Ciria y Pons, Capt. M. de, lieutenant, marine infantry, Manila Civilini, J. P., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Fusan, Corea Clair, J. B., prof. ssor, Saigon Seminary, Saigon Clairbois, C., (Oberg & Co.) clerk, Haiphong Clamens, storekeeper, Messageries Maritimes, Saigon Clamorgan, Major L., chief of staff, Saigon

Clark, A. J., Maritime Customs salt searcher, Chinking Clark, Alex., Yokohama

Clark, C. B., surveyor, Municipal Council, Shanghai

Clark, G., chief officer, str. Fushun, China coast

Clark, Geo., merchant, Hankow (absent)

Clark, H. J., (Fergusson & Co.) clerk, Chefoo

Clark, J., third officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Nagoya-maru, Japan

Clark, J. D., commission merchant, and proprietor Shanghai Mercury, Shanghai

Clark, J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Chinkiang

Clark, T., chief engineer, steamer White Cloud, Macao and Canton

Clark, W., fifth engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisba, Japan

Clarke, ensign, French cruiser Primauguet

Clarke, Alf., (Brandt & Co.) clerk, Stanley Street

Clarke, A. W., chief inspector of nuisances, Municipality, Singapore

Clarke, Brodie A., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Clarke, C. C., Maritime Customs assistant in charge, Hoihow

Clarke, E. C., clerk, Muara Coal Co., Labuan

Clarke, F., livery stable keeper, Singapore

Clarke, Fred., proprietor, Bangkok Saw Mills, Bangkok

Clarke, G. R., Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

Clarke, J. S., gunner, H. B. M. despatch vessel Alacrity Clarke, J. S., Lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire Clarke; Robt., bread and biscuit baker, Yokohama Clarke, S. R., missionary, Chêntu

Clarke, W., clerk, Colonial Treasury, Singapore

Clarke, W. E., captain, steamer Fatshan, Canton river

Clarke, W. J., manager, Associated Wharves, Shanghai

Clarke-Thornhill, T. B., second secretary, British Legation, Tokyo

Classen, W. J., sub post and telegraph master, Kinta, Perak

Clataud, J., navy contractor, Haiphong

Clausen, C. B., foreman carpenter, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s engine works, Yokohama Claudon, tidewaiter, customs, Monkay, Tonquin

Claude, sub-chief, government printing office, Saigon Clausen, proprietor, Hotel de Commerce, Yokohama Claxton, A. W., clerk, H. B. M. corvette Heroine

Clayson, F., Maritime Customs assistant, China (absent)

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 Clayson, W. H., Maritime Customs commissioner of coast guard, Kowloon Clayton, Capt. F. T., R. War R., depy. asst. commissary general Clemence, J. L., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Tientsin

Clement, captain, Annamite tiralleurs, Saigon

Clement, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonquin

Clément, pilot, Saigon

Clément, (Chaumont & Daniel) agent, Saigon

Clement, Prof. E. W., Mito, Japan

Clement, H., (Browne & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Clemente, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Bankimcheng, Formosa

Clemente, M., chantre, ecclesiastical department, Manila

Clements, E. W, chief engineer, steamer Haeting, China coast

Clements, J. J., chief engineer, steamer Yung-ching, China coast

Clerc, lieutenant, second regiment, Saigon

Clerc, overseer, excise department, Pnompenh

Clerc, preposé, excise department, Saigon

Clerihew, J. J., inspector of nuisances, sanitary department

Clervoy, conductor of works, arsenal, Saigon

Clifford, C. F., chief officer, str. Hae-Chang, China coast

Clifford, C. H., chief officer, steamer Kiangpiau, China coast,

 Clifford, W. W., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) secretary, Shanghai (absent) Clifton, A. S. T., (North China Insurance Co.) clerk, Shanghai Clifton, F., foreman plumber, Water Works Co., Shanghai Clifton, Mrs., assist. English teacher, Public School, Shanghai Climen, J. M., provisor, ecclesiastical department, Iloilo Clissone, E., Government printing office, Tokyo

 Clive, H. St. G. S., sub-lieutenant, H. B. M. gunboat Espoir Cloarec, pilot, Saigon

Cloëss, assistant examiner, Customs, Tourane, Annam

Clough, B., Upper Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

Clunis, J., Government architect, Bangkok

Clunis, J. Jr., Government architect, Bangkok

Clutton, W., (Presgrave & Clutton) advocate and solicitor, Penang

Coates, Rev. C. H., M. A., H. B. M. corvette Cordelia

Coats, E. J., wharfinger, Associated Whares, Shanghai

Coatwal, B. B., (S. M. Coatwal) merchant, Canton

Coatwal, S. M., merchant, Canton (absent)

 Cobban, A. W. R., chief officer, steamer Diamante, Hongkong and Manila Cocherie, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Niigata

Cochran, Rev. G., D.D., missionary, Tokyo

Cochran, Miss M, missionary, Tokyo

Cochran, Miss S. J., missionary, Tokyo

Cock J. F. M., Jr., superintendent, government plantations, Kwala Kangsa, Perak Cockburn, Hy., British resident, Chungking

Cockburn, Rev. Geo., M.A., missionary, Ichang

Cocker, T. E., maritime customs acting deputy commissioner, Canton

Cockey, C. F., assistant engineer, gas works, Shanghai

Cocking, Rev. C. T., missionary, Tokyo

Cocking, S., Jr, (Cocking & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Codino, F., (Sans, Codino y Pedreño) merchant

Codino, J., (Sans, Codino y Pedreño) merchant, Manila (absent)

Coelho, H., piano tuner, Singapore

Coelho, J. J., compositor, Seminario de S. José, Macao

Coffey, J. J., United States deputy consul general, Shanghai

Coffignal, tidewater, Customs, Wa-Long, Tonquin

Coffin, J. A., (Hedge & Co.) assistant, Foochow

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Coghlan, Henry, (Sayle & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Coghlan, J., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) cable foreman, Singapore Cogolin, De Cuers de, director and editor, Courrier d'Haiphong, Haiphong Cogset, Right Rev. Roman Catholic Bishop, Kiukiang Cohen, A. S., (Cohen & Gubbay) broker, Queen's road Cohen, A. E. S. (E. S. Cohen & Sons) assistant, Penang Cohen, C. C., (Cohen & Georg) broker, Queen's road Cohen, E. S., (E. S. Cohen & Sons) auctioneer, Penang Cohen, M. B., timber merchant, Bangkok

Cohen, S. E., (E. S. Cohen & Sons) auctioneer, Penang

Cojeces, J. G., teniente coronel, comandante, infanteria, Manila

Colard, clerk, direction of the interior, Saigon

Colby, Miss A. M., missionary, Osaka

Colding, C., engineer-in-chief, Imperial Chinese Telegraphs, Foochow

Cole, C., (Maitland & Co.) tea inspector, Shanghai

Cole, C. J., superintendent, Eastern Extension A. & C. Telegraph Co., Macao

Cole, C. W., Staff paymaster, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Cole, G. E., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Penang Cole, Rev. J. T., missi‹ nary, Tokyo

Cole, Miss E. S., missionary, Bangkok

Coleridge, G. E, secretary's clerk, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Colgan, E. J., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Colhouer, Rev. T. H., M. A., missionary, Yokohama

Colinet, overseer, telegraph construction, Tonkin

Colquhoun, C., second engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co. str. Satsuma-Maru, Japan

Collaço, A., (China Traders' Insurance Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Collaço, A. P., clerk, Union Insurance Society of Canton, Yokohama

Collaço, C., (Noronha & Co.) compositor, Zetland street

Collaço, F. C., in charge of signal station, Victoria Peak

Collaço, J., (Dennys & Mossop) clerk, Queen's road

Collaço, J., (J. M. J. P. Collaço) assistant, Macao

Collaço, J. M. J. P., storekeeper, Macao

Collaço, J. M., Maritime Customs watcher, Shanghai

Collaço, J. J., inspector of cargo boats & junks, Harbour Master's department

Collace, J. P. P., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Yokohama

Collaço, L., (Messageries Maritimes) storekeeper, Praya central

Collaço, V. A. P., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Collada, C., assistant, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Collard, clerk, French Residency, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Collard, M. G., (H. & K. Wharf Co.) wharfinger, West Point

Collier, A. J., Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., superintendent, Malacca

Collier, J., second officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co. str. Niigata-Maru, Japan

Collin, (Eiffel & Co.) engineer, Saigon

Collinet, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Collinge, H. B., head master, St. Francis School, Malacca

Collingwood, G., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Gubat, Philippines

Collins, B S., assist. superintendent, survey department, Bangkok

Collins, C. J., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Collins, Cornelius, gunnery instructor, Uraga, Japan

    Collins, D. E, conductor of stores, ordnance store department, Singapore Collins, Rev. D. G. missionary, Chiang Mai, Siam

Collins, D. J., surveying department, Bangkok

Collins, F., (Bisset & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Collins, F. G., clerk, H. and C. Gas Co., West Point Collins, F. W., tidewaiter, Corean Customs, Chemulpo

Collins, G. W., (Collins & Co.) merchant, Tientsin (absent)


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Collins, H., foreman, Japan Herald office, Yokohama

Collins, H. A., assistant surveyor, H.B. M. office of works, Shanghai Collins, J., boatswain, H, B. M. S. Audacious

Collins, John, instructor, Naval training ship, Yokosuka, Japan

Collins, Rev. John, missionary, Foochow

Collinson, Capt. J., Northamptonshire Regiment

Collis, W. J. P., (E. E., A. & C. Telegraph Co.) superintendent, Cape St. James Collomp, telegraph inspector, Mytho, Cochin-Chinn

Callongeat, agent, river mail service, Hongyen, Tonquin

Collot, clerk Treasury, Saigon

Collyer, Qr. Mr. sergt. J., foreman of works, Royal Engineers

Collyer, J. F., "Exchange Market," Yokohama

Colman, Robt., M. D., missionary, Tsinanfoo

Cologan, J., engineer, public works dept., Manila

Colog. n, A., assistant manager, Société des Etains de Kinta, Lahat, Perak

Coloma, D. R. S., professor de pintura, College of S. Jose, Macao

Colomb, H. W., midshipman, H. B. M.S. Audacious

Colomb, J., (J. Colomb & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Colomb, P., (J. Colomb & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Colomb, R. P., apothecary, general hospital, Thaiping, Perak

Colombel, Rev. F. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Nanking

Colombert, Monseigneur, bishop of Samosate, Saigon

Colombet, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Colombet, E. A., French missionary, Bangkok

Colombier, gardener, Saigon

Colombo, L., (Dell' Oro & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Colomer, Rev. R., Roman Catholic missionary, Lochucheng, Formosa

Colomer, Mgr., Roman Catholic bishop, Bacninh, Tonqnin

Colquhoun, J., second engineer, steamer Peking, Hongkong and Shanghai

Colquhoun, Wm., (Macleod & Co.) merchant, Cebu

Colson, N., missionary, Tauqui, Giadinh

Colston, H. S., medical attendant, U. S. Consulate, Bangkok

Combalbert, J., missionary, Datdo, Baria, Cochin-Chinn Combaz, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki Combes, hairdresser, Saigon

Combes, Roman Catholic missionary, Ba-num, Cambodia Combourieu, P., French missionary, Mu'ang Ubon, Siam

Comer, E. L., second engineer, steamer Pakshan, China Coast

Comerma, J. M., assistant, Philippines General Tobacco Co., Manila Comins, C., broker, Shanghai

Comninet, conductor, public works department, Pnompenh

Compagnon, Rev. P., Roman Catholic missionary, Hiroshima, Japan Compère, clerk, law court, Saigon

Compton, G., inspector of shipwrights, H. M. Naval Yard Compton, J., constable, British Consulate, Wênchow Compton, T. E., captain, Northamptonshire Regiment Comrie, David, (Comrie & Co.) commission agent, Penang Conceição, A. de, (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Singapore Conceição, C. de, clerk, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Conceição, D. D., (Straits Insurance Co.) clerk, Singapore Conceição, J. F. de, ("Hotel de l'Europe") assistant, Singapore Conceicao, P. de, clerk, magistracy, Singapore

Concepcion, J. (W. A. Hindley & Co.,) clerk, Manila Conceição, Roza de, prefect Pessol do Collegio, Macao Conde, J., clerk, Fabrica de Tabacos, "La Insular," Manila Conder, Jos., lecturer on architecture, University, Tokyo

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Condy, Wm., carpenter, H.B.M.S. Wivern

Coney, F. E., (W. F. Stevenson & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Congdon, A. W., (Frazar & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Conington, C. W., (Syme & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Connell, M., second engineer, str. Phra Chula Chom Klao, Hongkong and Bangkok

Connell, W., chief engineer, H.S.M. steamer Regent, Bangkok

Conner, G. W., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Satsuma-maru, Japan

Conner, L. B., clerk, P. M. S. S. Co., Queen's road

Conner, T. W., pilot, Taku

Connetable, Lieut., paymaster, second regiment, Saigon CoLnu, inspector, postal and telegraph dept., Hanoi

Conort, P., Kobe

Conrandy, clerk, harbour-master's department, Saigon

Constans, E. governor general of Cochin-China, Annam, Tonkin, Saigon

Constant, telegraphis, Saigon

Constante y Blanc, L., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Constantino, N., lawyer, Manila

Consunji, J., vice-secretary, Ecclesiastical department, Manila

Conti, ensign, French gunboat Aspic

Conui, I., proprietor, Hope & Charity coal mines, Cebu

Conway, Geo, usher, magistrates' court, Singapore

Conziceau, E., sub chief, governor's office, Saigon

Cook, A., treasurer and auditor general, Sandakan, British North Borneo Cook, H., carpenter, Yokohama Engine and Iron Works, Yokohama

Cook, Rev. J. A. B., missionary, Singapore

Cook, J., proprietor, Stag Hotel, Queen's read central

Cook, Lieut. Col. J. F. G., senior commissariat officer

Cook, Mat. H., sail maker, Shanghai

Cook, Neil, manager, Ayer Etain Coir Co., Penang

Cook, R. Home, (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) agent, Amoy

Cook, W., storeman, H. M. Naval Yard

Cooke, G. H., engineer, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Cooke, R., (Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co.) assistant manager, Praya Central Cooke, S., chief revenue officer, Opium & Spirit Farms, Singapore

Cookson, T. W., engineer, steamer Chao Phya, Bangkok

Coombes, W., operator, Eastern Extension, A. & E. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Coombs, H. R., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) agent, Saigon

Cooper, C. H., storekeeper, Jenchuan, Corea

Cooper, F. C., (Voelkel & Schroeder) assistant, Shanghai

Cooper, F. P., (Bush Brothers) clerk, Newchwang

Cooper, F. W., (John Little & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Cooper, G. E., clerk, audit office, Singapore

Cooper, H., (Associated Wharves) wharfinger, Shanghai

Cooper, H. N., (H. N. Cooper & Co.) merchant, Pottinger street and Canton

Cooper, J., gunnery instructor, Chinese ironclad Ting Yuen, Port Arthur

Cooper, J., (Cumine & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Cooper, J. E., clerk, public works department, Singapore

Cooper, J. E., inspector of hackney carriages, Penang

Cooper, R. H., R. N., engineer, Naval Yard

Cooper, W., China Inland missionary, Ngankin

Cooper, W. M., British consul, Ningpo (absent)

Cooverjee, P., (Cawasjee Pallanjee & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Cooverjee, R., (Cawasjce Pallanjee & Co.) merchant, Gage Street, (absent)

Cope, A. E., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) agent, Manila

Cope, F. A., reporter, Japan Herald office, Yokohama

Cope, W., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

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Cope, William H., merchant, Haiphong

Copeland, W., Yokohama

Copland, C. S., captain, Northamptonshire Regiment

Copley, G., secretary, Municipality, Malacca

Coquelin, overseer, public works departmetn, Cochin-China

Coqueugniot, telegraphist, Saigon

Coqui, C., inspector, excise department, Saigon

Coqui, N., excise department, Saigon

Corbach, W. van, Yangtsze Pilot Company, Shanghai

Corbett, Rev. H., D.D., missionary, Chefoo

Corcoran, J., inspector of police

Cordeiro, A. A., (Typographia Mercantil) compositor, Macao

Cordeiro, A. A., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Cordeiro, D. A., (Gibb, Living-ton & Co.) clerk, Lombard street

Cordeiro, F., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Praya

Cordeiro, F. A., clerk, imports and exports office

Cordeiro, Flor., teacher, Assumption school, Bangkok

Cordeiro, L. M., (Crane Bros.) assistant, Singapore

Cordeiro, P. A., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Cordeiro, R. E., (Chartered Bank of India) clerk, Manila

Cordes, A. C., (Cordes & Co.) merchant, Tientsin (absent)

Cordier, Roman Catholic Bishop, Pnompenh, Cambodia Cordova, A., assistant, Custom House, Manila

Cordovo, J. V., acting bailiff, Macao

Cores y Lopez, J., governor, Iloilo

Corey, Miss Kate A., M.D., missionary, Foochow

Cork, L. P., (Paterson, Simons & Co.) clerk, Singapore Cork, W. P., (Rodyk and Davidson) clerk, Singapore

Cornabé, W. A., (Cornabé & Co.) merchant, Chefoo (absent) Cornaby, Rev. W. A., missionary, Hankow

Cornehls, E., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock Cornelius, A. F., apprentice, municipality, Singapore

Cornelius, A. N., clerk, general post office, Singapore

Cornelius, B. M. A., bookkeeper, Straits Times office, Singapore

Cornelius, F., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Singapore

Cornelius, F. J., clerk, Municipality, Singapore

Corner, Geo. R., accountant., sec. Ch. of Com., and agent Reuter's Telegram Co., S'ghai Cornes, F., (Cornes & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Cornet, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Cornet, sub-lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Cornillon, secretary, Customs, Hanoi

Cornish, E., engineer, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Cornish, N. E., gun factory, Kiangnan Arsenal, Shanghai

Cornish, J., (Maynard & Co.) assistant, Penang

Cornu, telegraphist, Haiphong

Cornu, A., manager, Cholen rice mill, Saigon

Cornu, F., cashier, Banque de l' Indo-Chine, Saigon

Cornuel, Capt. A. C. A., fort adjutant, Saigon

Coroneo, G., (S. Cardu & Co.) contractor, Bangkok

Corradi, Lieut. A., Capitania General, Manila

Corrales F. C., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Corre, Rev. J. M., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki

Correa, A. J., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Correa, E. A. assistant engineer, Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Dias Correa, Emilio, sugar dealer, Iloilo

Correa, L. A., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

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Correll, Rev. H., missionary, Yokohama Correll, Rev. I. H., missionary, Yokohama

Corro, F. del, telegraphist, Manila

Cort, Miss Mary L., missionary, Petchaburi, Siam

Corte y Baer, P. de la, surgeon-major, Army Medical dept., Manila Cortella, C., assistant, Egriga de Santo Agostinho, Macao

Cortella, Rev. F. X., canon, ecclesiastical department, Macao

Cortes, E. H., commandante, Caballeria, Manila

Cortes, R., commandante, civil guard, Manila

Corteza, M., trader in sugar, Iloilo

Cortial, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

   Cortijo, W., assis, "La Flor de Isabela" Cigar factory, Manila Cortina, J. Y. M. de la, secretary to civil governor, Manila Corveth, C. C., (Messageries Maritimes) clerk, Praya central Corveth, C., (Messageries Maritimes) clerk, Praya central Cory, J. M., architect, Shanghai

Cosin y Martin, A., magistrate, Manila

Coska, organist, Roman Catholic cathedral

Cosserat, (provicaire) R. C. missionary, Hanoi

Costa, Ange, receiver, Municipal Treasury, Cholon

Costa, A. A. da, clerk, Colonial Secretary's office

   Costa, A. R. da, watch officer, Portuguese gunboat Tamega Costa, Lieut. C. J. da, second battalion, Macao

Costa, D. A. da, marine officer, Post-office

Costa, D. B. da, second lieutenant, Portuguese gunboat Tejo

Costa, F., compositor, "Shanghai Mercury," Shanghai

Costa, F. G. da, (Noronha & Sons) compositor, Shanghai

Costa, Firmino Jose da, Governor of Macao and minister to China, Japan and Siam Costa, F. M., (Margesson & Co.) clerk, Macao

Costa, F. de P., clerk, post office, Macao

Costa, G., da, compositor, "O Independente," Macao

Costa, G. G. da, (Ñabholz & Osenbrüggen) clerk, Shanghai

Costa, G. H M. da, (Chartered Bank of I. A. & C.) clerk, Yokohama

Costa, J. A. da, (Gilman & Co.) clerk, D'Aguilar street

Costa, J. C. da, compositor, N. C. Herald office, Shanghai

Costa, J. M. da, clerk and notary public, Macao

Costa, J, M., first lieutenant, Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Diaz

Costa, J. M. F. da, chief inspector, Customs, Bangkok

Costa, J. P. (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

   Costa, Rev. J. V., Roman Catholic missionary, Taipa, Macao Costa, M. M. da, Macao

Costa, R. A. da, clerk, Post Office

Costa, R. C. F. da, ensign, National battalion, Macao

Costa, R. G. da, (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Canton

Costa e Andrade, C. L. da, captain, second battalion, Macao Costa e Silva, A. T. da, harbour master, Macao

Costantino, H., storekeeper, Singapore

Coste, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Seoul Coswell, S. J., engineer, Kobe

Cotewal, H. R., (Tata & Co.) broker, Hollywood road

Cotewall, E. D., (J. Jamasjee) yarn broker, Gage street

Coton, C., assistant, public works department, Manila

Cotrel, telegraph overseer, Saigon

Cotta, C., de, accountant, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co. Singapore-

Cottam, J. P., (Cottam & Rawlinson) draper, Shanghai

Cotte, A. P. de, assistant surgeon, Choquan, Cochin-China

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Cottell, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow Cottes, F. D., ayudante, division forestal, Manila Cotto, E., clerk, E. E. A. & C. Telelgraph Co., Penang Cotton, secretary, customs, Haiphong

Cotton, C., (Ulysse Pila & Co.) clerk, Haiphong Cotton, J. T., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Pakhoi Couchais, overseer, construction of teleraphs, Tonkin Couder, J., (R. H. Powers & Co.) clerk, Nagasaki Coudray, excise department, Kompang-Chuang, Cambodia Coudurcbet, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonkin Coudurier, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonkin

Coudurier, F., compositor, Imperimerie Commerciale, Saigon Comedor, V., (Reynaud) assistaut, Haiphong

Couffinal, teacher, Adran's college, Saigon

Coughtrie, J. B., (China Fire Insurance Company) secretary, Queen's road Coulgeans, telegraphist, Crauchmer, Cambodia

Couling, Rev. S., missionary, Tsing-cheu-fu, Shantung

Coulomb, chief accountant, arsenal, Saigon

Coulon, telegraphist, Haiphong

Coultas, Rev. G. W., missionary, Hangchow

Coulthard, J. (W. M. Harvie) assistant, Shanghai

Coulthard, J. R., assistant, British consulate general, Shanghai

Coumany, A., minister plenipotentiary for Russia, Peking

Couper, Geo., lieutenant, H. B. M. gunboat Espoir

Couradsen, C., chief engineer, Gt Northern Tel. Co.'s str. Store Nordiske, Shanghai

Courre, overseer, telegraphs construction, Tonkin

Court, A., staff paymaster, H. B. M. corvette Heroine

Court, J., clerk, Treasury, Hanoi

Courtau, A., Maritime Customs assistant, Shanghai Courteaud, chief registrar, land registry, Saigon Courtes, warehouseman, excise department, Saigon Courtés, Rev., Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang Courthez, director, Goverument printing office, Saigon

Courtial, officer of administration, French gunboat Aspic Courtis, F., Lieat., commander, U. S. S. Omaha

Courtois, telegraphist, Saigon

Courty, assistant, Customs, Yen Lang, Tonquin

Cousin, Jules, editor, l'Avenir du Tonkin, Hanoi

Cousin, Rt. Rev. J., Roman Catholic bishop, Nagasaki and Osaka

Cousins, E., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Cousins, Jas., fitter, Naval Yard

Cousins, R. A., (Wilson & Co.) clerk, Tientsion

Cousland, P. B., medical missionary, Swatow

Coutel, entrepreneur, Haroi

Coutrest, clerk, post and telegraph dept., Hanoi

Coutts, A., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Hankow Coutts, G. W., bill broker, Shanghai

Coutts, W. S., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Couvreur, Rev. N. J., French Catholic missionary, Singapore

Coveney, A., draftsman, Public Works department, Singapore

Coventry, T., fifth officer, P. and O. str. Teheran, Hongkong and Japan Covil, T., (Boyd & Co.) merchant, Amoy

Covington, W. A., gunner, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Cowan, C., (W. Mansfield & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Cowan, W., assistant, Chinese immigration office, Perak

Cowdell, H., engineer, Batukawan Sugar Estate, Province Wellesley

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Cowie, teacher, municipal boys and girls' schools, Saigon

Cowie, A., (Cowie Brothers) merchant, Labuan (absent)

Cowie, F., English interpreter, Saigon

Cowie, W. C, (Cowie Brothers) merchant, and manager, Muara Coal Co. Labuan Cowles, J. P., Jr., U.S. Vice Cousul and interpreter, Foochow

Cowley, R. A., marshall, U. S. consulate, Ningpo

Cox, C., overseer, public works dept., Larut, Perak Cox, E. A. W., government office, Trusan, Sarawak

Cox, F. S. D., Government service, Sibu, Sarawak

Cox, G. A., lieutenant of marines, H. B. M. corvette Cordelia

Cox, G. C., sub-editor, Daily Press office, Wyndham street

Cox, J. H. (Turner & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Cox, J. Langford, reporter, Daily Press office, Wyndham street

Cor, John S., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) storekeeper, Queen's road (absent)

Cox, W. D., instructor, first higher middle school, Tokyo

Coxon, A., bill and bullion broker, and consul for Belgium (absent)

Coxon, E. J., bill and bullion broker, Seymour terrace

Coxon, G. S., bill and bullion broker, Seymour terrace

Core, A., (Ulysse Pila & Co.) agent, Namdinh

Coyne, clerk, Adminis. Native affairs, Tayninh, Cochin China

Craddock, A. K., clerk, P. & O. S. N. Co., Shanghai

    Cradock, C. G. F. M., lieutenant, H. B. M. gun-vessel Linnet Cradock, J., inspector of police, Central station

Craig, E. K., pilot, Singapore

Craig, J. E., commander, U. S. S. Palos Craig, J. F., (Syme & Co.) merchant, Batavia Craig, R., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Singapore Crainouzaud, lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon Crame, M., oficial, hacienda publica, Manila Cramoisy, captain, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon Cramp, J., clerk of works, surveyor-general's office Crane, C., clerk, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Penang Crane, C., clerk, (Guthrie & Co.) Singapore

Crane, C. E., (Crane Bros.) auctioneer, Singapore

Crane, H. A., (Crane Bros.) assistant, Singapore

Cranston, D., (8. C. Farnham & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Crave, F. P. A., captain major, fourth regiment, Saigon

Craven, C. E., assistant master, Raffles' Institution, Singapore

Crawford, A., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co's steamer Niigata-maru, Japan

Crawford, A., second engineer, steamer Meefoo, China coast

Crawfor1, C., R. A., armourer sergeant, Ordnance Store department

Crawford, C. R., accountant, Treasury, Lower Perak

Crawford, D. R., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) storekeeper, Queen's road (absent) Crawford, D. W. S., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Crawford, H., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) storekeeper, Queen's road

Crawford, J. R., engine driver, railway, Perak

    Crawford, N. R. S., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) storekeeper, Queen's-road Crawford, R., third engineer, str. Amoy, Hongkong and Shanghai Crawford, Rev. T. P., D.D., missionary, Chefoo

Creagh, C. V., H.B.M. assistant Resident, Perak

    Creagh, E. F., Maritime Customs acting commissioner, Yuensan Creagh, J., solicitor, and editor Hiogo News, Kobe

Crean, Surgeon-Major J. J., senior medical officer, Singapore

Crebessac, overseer, printing office, Courrier d'Haiphong, Haiphong Crebessac, (Denis Frères) clerk, Hanoi

Creek, W., Maritime Customs assista t examiner, Foochow


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Creery, J. F., commander, P. & O. steamer Thibet, Hongkong and Japan Cregan, C., third engineer, str. Zafiro, China coast

Crejas y Canseco, E., chief of store dept., naval commissariat, Manila Crénan, tidewaiter, Customs, Quinhon, Annam

Crescini, D., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Manila

Crescini, R., (A. Roensch) assistant, Manila

Crespo, R., ayudante, sub-inspeccion gl. del Ejercito, Manila

Crespo, V., chief of N. W. station, telegraph department, Manila

Crespo y Mantecca, F., captain of guards, arsenal, Manila

Crestien, first clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Cretin, baker, &c., Haiphong

Creus, C., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Manila

Crevich, J., proprietor, Universal Saloon, Nagasaki

Crews, Rev. G. B., M.D., missionary, Peking

Crighton, R. J., master, light ship, Taku (absent)

Crichton, W., assist. engineer, Chin se cruiser, Chih Yuen, Port Arthur Cristobal, R., telegraphist, Manila

Crittenden, Miss H. E., missionary, Yokohama

Croad, A., captain, steamer Fu-shun, China coast

Croal, R. W., commander, receiving ship Ariel, Shangbai

Crochet, clerk, excise department, Pnompenh

Crochet, A. G., secretary, Messageries Maritimes, Saigon

Crocker, E. A., (Geo. Oliver & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Crocker, J. W., (J. W. Crocker & Co.) engineer, Bowrington

Crocombe, J., boatswain, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Croisdale, Capt., R. quarter-master, commissariat and transport staff

Crolius, V. F., chief engineer, str. Fushun, China coast

Cromie, Chas., public silk inspector, and agent Hagart & Co., Shanghai Cropley, A., surgeon, H. B. M. S. Calliope

Cropley, G. E., clerk, H.B.M. Residency, Perak

Crosby, Miss J. N., missionary, Yokohama

Cross, F. W., manager, Gas Co., West point

Cross, J. J., first inspector of police, Selangor

Crosthwaite, P. A., (Reiss & Co.,) tea inspector, Shanghai

Crouzat, conductor, public works department, Saigon

Crouzet, overseer, public works department, Saigon

Crouzet, A. du, (A. Ogliastro & A. du Crouzet) merchant, Saigon

Crouzet, O. du, clerk, Mont du Piété, Saigon

Crouzillaid, lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Crow, W. E., acting sanitary superintendent and analyst, Government Civil Hospital

Crowe, D., (Nagasaki Dockyard) engineer, Nagasaki

Crowe, J. W., (W. M. Strachan & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Crowell, Wm. S., United States consul, Amoy

Crowley, T. J., surgeon, R.N. Hospital

Crowlie, H., pilot and captain, tug Heron, Taku

Cruickshank, W., chemist, Victoria Dispensary, Queen's road

Cruickshank, W. A., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Cruickshank, W. J., (Mourilyan, Heimann & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Cruise, W., reporter, Hongkong Telegraph, Pedder's Hill

Crusson, tidewaiter, Customs, Monkay, Tonquin

Cruxeiras y Martinez, T., alferez, marine infantry, Manila

Cruys, C., (Netherlands Trading Society) clerk, Singapore (absent)

Cruz, A. A. da, (G. Falconer & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Cruz, B. A. da, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Canton

Cruz, C., (Battle Hermanos & Co.) clerk, Manila Cruz, C., (La Puerta del Sol) assistant, Manila

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Cruz, D. de la, assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Manila

Cruz, F. A. da, commission agent, and agent for H. C. & M. S. B. Co. Macao Cruz, G. C. de, telegraphist, Manila

Cruz, H. de la, assistant, La Flor de Filipinas tobacco manufactory, Manila Cruz, J., calculator, Observatory, Manila

Cruz, J. de, engineer (Brick & Tile Co.), Johore

Cruz, J. d', engineer, Jin Heng State, Krian, Perak Cruz, J. de la, sacristana, casa de recogidas, Manila Cruz, J. M. da, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Canton

Cruz, M., ("La Puerta del Sol") assistant, Iloilo

Cruz, M., da, (Imprimerie Commerciale) compositor, Saigon

Cruz, M. C. de la, ayudante, division forestal, Manila

    Cruz, O. A. da, (China Traders' Ins. Co.) clerk, Queen's road Cruz, R. P., alferez, infanteria, Manila

Cruz, S. M. da, (Rowe & Co.) clerk, Canton

Cruzado, L. S., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Cruze, B. N., de, clerk, post office, Singapore

Cruze, E. da, assistant, Central School, Singapore

Cruze, J. da, (New Harbour Dock Co.) time keeper, Singapore

Cruze, M. de, (Behn, Meyer & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Cruze, T. de, clerk, public works department, Singapore

Cruze, T. A. da, boarding and emigration officer, import and export office, S'pore

Cuadra, J. F., teacher, College S. Tomas, Manila

Cuadra y Cabello, C. de la, chief of repairs, naval commissariat, Manila

Cuadrado, A., ayudante, public works, Ilocos, Philippines

Cubaraillos, J. M., assistant "La Opinion," Manila

Cubilles, S. M., acting clerk, Police Court, Province Wellesley

Cudenet, secretary, adminis. of native affairs, Thudaumot, Cochin-China

Cudinet, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Cue, J. M., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Manila

Cuejilo, L., (Genato & Co.) assistant, Manila

Cuellar, Juan, assistant, Compania General de Tabacos, Manila

Cuesta, A., assistant, public works department, Manila

Cueto, F. S., agent Compania Gl. de Tabacos, Cebu

Cuff, J. C., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) electrical engr., Singapore Cuicia, C., telegraphist, Manila

Cuisia, E., (Chuidian, Buenaventura & Co.) clerk, Manila

Cuisia, P., (Chuidian, Buenaventura & Co.) clerk, Manila

Cuisinier, clerk, arsenal, Saigon

Culmsee, V. teacher, Imperial Telegraph College, Tientsin Culty, A., hairdresser, Yokohama

Cumberbatch, L. C., (Borneo Co.) assistant, Bangkok

Cumine, A. G. T., (Cumine & Co.) assistant, Shanghai (absent) Cumine, Chas., (Cumine & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Cumming, A., (McAlister & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Cumming, Jas., assistant, Saw Mills Co., Johore (absent)

Cummins, F., (Walsh Hall & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Cunault, chief clerk, post and telegraph office, Hanoi

Cundall, C. H., (H. J. Andrews & Co.) clerk, Manila

Cunha, F. D. da, third engineer, Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Dias

Cunha, F. M. da, merchant, Macao

Cunha, J. I. da, proprietor, hairdressing saloon, Kobe

Cunha, Rev. J. P. Sta. Anna da, manager, Roman Catholic girls' school, Singapore

Cunha, P. de, clerk, Chinese sub-post office, Singapore

Cunniffy, P., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Hankow

Cunningham, H. N., pilot, Shangbai


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Cunningham, J., turner and fitter, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Cunningham, T. B., (Russell & Co.) agent, and vice-con. for Sweden, Canton Cunningham, Miss J., missionary, Tokyo

Cunynghame, P. F., government service, third division, Sarawak

Curdin y Cruz, P., surgeon, army medical department, Manila

Curet, overseer of roads, Saigon

Curiol, warehouseman, excise department, Saingon

Curiol. L., proprietor, Imprimerie Commercial, Saigon

Curnoe, T., second engineer, steamer Ashington, Hongkong and Shanghai Curnow, M., second officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Curreem, V., (W. G. Humphreys & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Currie, A., (Borneo Co.) manager, Singapore

Currie, C.H.D., manager, Straits Horse Repository, Singapore Currie, R., third engineer, steamer Toonan, China coast Currie, R. A., assistant, Maritime Customs, Tientsin

Currier, C. C., forest ranger, land office, Malacca

Currimmahomed, S., (H. A. Esmail & Co) clerk, Peel street

Curle, clerk, post and telegraph departme::t, Hanoi

Cursetjee, D., (C. Pallanjee & Co.) merchant, Gage street (absent)

Curteis, R. H., lieutenant, H.B.M. corvette Satellite

Curtis, A. W., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) assistant, stores dept., Yokohama Curtis, C., assist. superintendent, forest department, Penang

Curtis, J. H., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Curtis, Mrs., (Leslie & Curtis) milliner and dressmaker, Yokohama

Curtius, J. H. Donker, assistant, (Japan Mai! S. S. Co.) Yoko nama

Cuscaden, W A., assistant superintendent of Police, Penang

Cushny, Alex., Jr., (J. P. Bisset & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Cust, H. E. P., lieutenant, H.B.M. gun-vessel Rambler

Custer, C., (E. A. Keller & Co.) clerk, Manila

Cuthbertson, J. R., (Boustead & Co.) merchant & consul for Sweden & Norway, S'pore Cuthbertson, T., M. L. C., (Bous'ead & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Cuylenberg, J. van, draftsman, revenue survey dept., Singapore

Cuylenberg, L. van, field assistant, public works dept., Singapore

Cuylenburg, C. M. van, clerk of works, Public Works department, Malacca

Cuyngan, M., auxiliar, ecclesiastical department, Manila

Cuyugan, V., notario, ecclesiastical department, Manila

Cyriac, pilot, Haiphong

Dane, I. M., Maritime Customs deputy commissioner, China (absent)

Dabin, G. A. M., Roman Catholic Mission, Mu'ang Ubon, Siam

Dabos, telegraph clerk, Pursat, Cambodia

Dacal, A. G., Lieut.-col., Carabineros, Manila

Dad, John, senior clerk, army commissariat department

Dady Burjor, D. S., (Dauver & Co.) merchant, Amoy

D'Agon de la Coutrie, sub-commissioner, marine equipment office, Saigon

Dagneaud, captain, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Dagmaux, sub-lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Dagregorio, (E. Baud & Co.) lightfitter, plumber, &c., Saigon

Dahirel, clerk, direction of the interior, Saigon

Daignan, telegraphist, Tui- Hoa, Annan

Daigremont, G., contractor for public works, Yokohama

Dainty, A., assistant, Nagasaki Dockyard, Nagasaki

Dakes, (Leroy & Cahor) assistant, Dapcau, Tonquin

Daland, W. A., (Warner, Blodgett & Co.) clerk, Manila

Dalby, T. H., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Dale, C. T., chief officer, steamer Kiangyung, Shanghai and Hankow

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Dalgarno, F., chief engineer, steamer Ningpo, Hongkong and Shangbai Dalgliesh, W. H., (Westall, Little & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent) Dalidon, clerk, commisariat, Arsenal, Saigon

Dall, A. L., second officer, steamer Chintung, China coast

Dallan, W. D., breaker and trainer, Straits Horse Repository, Singapore Dallas, A., assistant, surveyor's office, Municipal Council, Shangbai Dallas, Barnes, commission agent, and secretary Race Club, Shanghai Dallas, C. H., head master, public school, Shanghai

Dallas, F., (Barnes Dallas) assistant, Shanghai

Dallas, G., (Barnes Dallas) assistant, Shanghai

Dallas, Mrs. C. H., lady principal, public school, Shanghai

Dalmann, C. B., (Dalmann & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Dalmases, F. X., professor, normal school, Manila

Dalrymple, H. L., (Birley, Dalrymple & Co.) merchant, Queen's road Dalton, F., lightkeeper, Houki lighthouse, Cheloo

Dalton, F., telegraphist, Manila

Dalton, J., customs maritime tidewaiter, Hankow Dalton-Hawkins, E., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Daly, C. C. De Burgh, medical practitioner, Ningpo

Daly, D. D., assistant resident in charge, Province Dent, Br. North Borneo Dalziel, Jas., missionary, Shanghai

Damabhoy, R. M., (J. Peerblioy & Co.) clerk, Wellington street

Damais, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Singapore

Damazio, J. S., (Gate & Fairall) assistant, Queen's oad

Damm, O., (Boyes & Co.) clerk, Yokobama

Damon, telegraphist, Bac Ninh, Tonquin

Dampney, J., (A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.) agent, Manila

Damstrong, O. P., (Gardner & Co.) baker "Glenvue House" Chefoo

Dauby, S. J., (Benjamin & Danby) broker, Queen's rond

Danby, W., (Danby & Leigh) civil ergineer and architect, Praya central

Dandan, P., ecclesiastical department, Manila

Dando, J. W., (Robinson & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Danenberg, C., (Reiss & Co.) clerk, Lombard street

Danenberg, H., writer, H.M. Naval Yard

Danenberg, J., (Drysdale, Ringer & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Danenberg, M. J., (Reiss & Co.) clerk, Lombard-street

Danenberg, V., writer, H.M. Naval Yard

Danenberg, D. L. de la Sta. Cruz., reg. nta, College of Sta. Roza, Macao Danforth, A. W., engineer & supdt., Cotton Mills, Shanghai

Danger, telegraphist, Hanoi

Dauw, A., (É. H. Hunter & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Dauw, W., (E. H. Hunter & Co.) clerk, Kobe D'Angeville, lieutenant harbour master, Saigon Daniel, commander, gunboat Brandon, Saigon Daniel, (Chaumont & Daniel) contractor, Haiphong

Daniel, F. R., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Daniel, H. W., (Fearon, Low & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Danielis, Miss C. H., M.D., missioua y, Swatow (absent)

    Daniels, F., third officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Hyogo-Maru, Yokohama Danielsen, J., caplain, steamer Hae-chang. China coast Danker, overseer of works for Native States, Malacca Danker, A. G., (Kumpers & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Darbier, J. P., (Whitfiel & Co.) engineer, Yokobama

    Darby, J. C., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Singapore Darby, W. H. F., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) manager; Ice House street (absent) Dardart, inspector of teleg: aph lines, Mytho, Cambodia

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Dare, A. H., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) acting accountant, Yokohama Daridon, Rev. H., Roman Catholic inissionary, Osaka

Darke, F. M., pilot, Singapore

Darke, G. T., (Hongkew Iron Works) engineer, Shanghai Darke, Capt. T. N., (W. Mansfield & Co.) pilot, Singapore Darling, D. A., (Barlow & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Darling, J., (H. & W. Dock Co., Ld.) foreman joiner, Kowloon Darnell, M.D., pay clerk, U.S.S. Essex

Darracq, president, district court, Vinh-long, Cochin-China Darré, teacher, school at Bentre, Cochin China

Dattan, A., (Kunst and Albers) merchant, Wladivostock

Daubeny, official, Baram, Sarawak

Daud y Aute. F., dispenser, army medical department, Manila Daughaday, Miss A., missionary, Osakı

Dausque, E., engineer, Haiphong

Dautremer, J. A., interpreter, French Legation, Tokyo

Dauver, H. B., (Dauver & Co.) merchant, Amoy

Dauverchain, Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang

Davault, Mrs., missionary, Chefoo

Daver, P. F., Lyndhurst terrace

David, sub-chief, fourth office, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

David, clerk, arsenal, Saigon

David, B., (John Lowell) assistant, Singapore

David, D. M., merchant, Chinkiang

David, J., blacksmith and engineer, Saigon

David, J. E., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

David, S. J., (S. J. David & Co.) merchant, Hollywood road (absent)

Davidge, F. C., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Yokohama

Davidson, C. A., (John Little & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Davidson, F. G., (P. & O. S. N. Co.) chief assistant, Singapore

Davidson, Geo. (Davidson & Co.) merchant, Ningpo

Davidson, J., manager, Perak Tin Mining Co., Perak

Davidson, J. G., (Rodyk & Davidson) advocate and attorney, Singapore Davidson, Patrick, (Davidson & Co ) merchant, Ningpo

Davidson, Rev. Robt., missionary, Tokyo

Davidson, T., (Kelly & Walsh) assistant, Queen's road

Davidson, W., timekeeper, Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Kowloon

Davidson, W., (China Sugar Refining Co.) foreman, Bowrington

Davies, C. W., Maritime Customs assistant, Haukow

Davies, D., shipchandler, Singapore

Davies, D., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Canton

Davies, D. P., assistant accountant, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Davies, Major F. J. W., assistant military secretary, Hongkong

Davies, G., Labuan

Davies, G. L., government resident, Kudat, Br. North Borneo

Davies, G. W., tax collector, Municipal Council, Shanghai

Davies, J. C., pilot, Singapore

Davies, T., storekeeper, Newchwang

Davies, T. E., (Douglas Lapraik & Co.) clerk, Praya

Davies, T. L., captain, Indo-China steamer Taisang, Hongkong and Calcutta

Davies, W., second engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Owari-Maru, Japan

Davies, W., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Davies, W. L., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Davieson, J. C., (Japan Mail S S. Co.) clerk, Nagasaki Davin, E. F., lieut. of marines, H.B.M.S. Orion Davis, C., overseer, railway department, Selangor

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Davis, Rev. D. H., missionary, Catherine's Bridge, Shanghai Davis, Ed., (Wisner & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Davis, Rev. G. E., missionary, Tientsin

Davis, H. W., (Linstead & Davis) merchant, Queen's road (absent) Davis, Rev. J. D., D.D., missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Davis, L. K., (North China Insurance Co.) clerk, Queen's road Davis, W. M., marshal and clerk, United States consulate, Amoy Davis, Miss A. T., missionary, Kobe

Davis, Miss J. K., missionary, Tokyo

Davison, Rev. J. C., missionary, Nagasaki

Davolio, engineer, Cholen Rice Mill, Saigon

Daroust, warehouseman, Excise department, Sadec, Cochin-China Davir, J. B., (Framjee Hormusjee & Co.) clerk, Queen's road Dawson, C. P., Maritime Customs boat officer, Canton

   Dawson, H., paymaster, H.B.M. gun-vessel Rambler Dawson, J., coast guard officer, Customs, Kowloon

Dawson, T. A., bookkeeper, China Mail office, Wyndham street Day, Major F. I., military commandant, Sarawak

Day, H. B. government officer, in charge, Lundu, Sarawak

Deacon, E., (Deacon & Co.) merchant, Canton and Macao

Deacon, V. H., (Wotton & Deacon) solicitor, Queen's road

Deakin, F. H., (Deakin Brothers & Co.) fancy goods dealer, Yokohama (absent)

Deakin, L. H., (Deakin Bros. & Co.) fancy goods dealer, Yokohama

Dealy, T. K., assistant master, Central School, Gough street

Dean, H. Y., (H. J. Andrews & Co.) clerk, Manila

Deane, A. S., Maritime Customs assistant, China (absent)

Deane, W. M., captain superintendent of police

Deas, G. P., (Boyd & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Deas, J., constable, British consulate, Ningpo

Deas, W. A., medical missionary, Wuchang

Deas, W. P., third engineer, steamer Kutsang, China coast De Ath, A., merchant, Kobe

Death, A. D., (Lane, Crawford & Co) assistant, Queen's road Death, W. H., (Butterfield & Swire) hulk keeper, Hankow Debbe, C. (Ahrens & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Debeaux, (Debeaux & Co.) merchant, Hanoi

Deblenne, P. R., surgeon, Vinh-long, Saigon

Debrabant, S., (Cozon & Giraud) assistant, Canton Debrand, A., merchant, Hanoi

Debrunner, A., (A. E. Keller & Co.) clerk, Manila

De Chauvet, telegraphist, Bentre, Cochin-China


Dechevrens, Rev. Fr. Marc., R. C. missionary, & director of Observatory, Shanghai

De Chey, A., chief officer, steamer Baikal, Wladiwostock

Deck, A., engineer, French Gas Company, Shanghai

De Cotta, J. L., pianoforte instructor, Singapore

Decoursier, tidewaiter, Customs, Hanoi

Decourtis, clerk, Treasury, Saigon

Decoux, surveillant, telegraph department, Krauchmar, Cambodia

De Crespigny, V. A. lieutenant, H.B.M. sloop Mutine

De Custine, chief paymaster, Treasury, Hanoi

De Donckert, (Marty & d'Abbadie) customs clerk, Haiphong

Deeguria, E. J., (C. O. Bhassania & Co.) merchant, Peel street

Deeguria, R. N., (R. Nowrojee & Co.) merchant, Peel street

Defrance, teacher, college at Mytho, Cochin-China

    DeGaillande, receiver, adminis. of native affairs, Thudaumot, Cochin-China Degardin, chancelier, French consulate general, Shanghai

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Degenfeld, H., (Schriever & Co.) clerk, Haiphong

Deighton, J., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Deitz, G., second mate, lightship, and master rev. cruiser Hwa Shu, Newchwang Dejardin, L., acting consul for France, Shanghai

Dejean, Lieut., commander of defensive force, Port de Guerre, Saigon

De Jong, Dr. C. G., Yokohama

Dejoux, clerk, Treasury, Saigon

Dejoux, vice-resident for France, Namdinh

Delacamp, C. L., (Delacamp & Co.) merchant, Kobe

Delacamp, H. O., (Delacamp & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Delahaye, J., (De Vigan & Co.) clerk, Kobe

De la Juveny, sub-lieutenant, Aunamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Delaland, J., third officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co. steamer Satsuma Maru, Japan Delalande, staff officer, flagship Loire, Saigon

De la Loyere de Beuverand, chancelier, Phu Yen, Annam

Delannay, (Marty & d'Abbadie) accountant, Haiphong

 Delanoue, secretary, administration of native affairs, Baria, Cochin-China Delaplace, Jeanne, cafe cercle du Tonkin, Hanoi

Delarne, clerk, Residency, Haiphong

De la Taille, ensign, French co vette Turenne

De la Toste, ensign, French gunboat, Aspic

Delaunay, Capt. F. J., assistant director, marine artillery, Saigon

Delavalle, Captain, fourth regiment, Saigor

Delavat, José, Spanish Minister Resident, Tokyo (absent)

Delaville, A., architect and surveyor, Haiphong

Delavelle, G., attaché au Cabinet, résidence generale, Hanoi

Delbrück, E, assessor, Kaminibaucho, Japan

Delbrück, F., assessor, Kaminibaucho, Japan

 Delemasure, Rev. J. B., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking Del-schamps, French resident, Kratié, Cambodia De Lesquen, midshipman, French corvette Turenne

Delestre, J. E., Tonquin Customs chief examiner, Haiphong Delf, A. M., (Skipworth, Haminond & Co.) assistant, Kobe Delfin, G., abogado, Manila

 Delgado, C. J. M., compositor, Tientsin Printing Co., Tientsin Delliard, first clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Dell'Oro, I., (Dell'Oro & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Delmas, Firmin, merchant, Hanoi

Delmas, Gabriel, avocat, Hanoi

Delmas, Henry, merchant, Hanoi

Delouette, Rev. E. F., manager, French Catholic Mission, Malacca

Deloute, clerk, district court, Soctrang, Cochin-China

Delowstal, défenseur, Hanoi

Delpech, R., missionary, Thinghe, Binh-hoa

Delpit, counsellor, court of appeal, Saigon

Delthey, C. H., (Moses & Co) assistant, Singapore

Delve, A. J., gunner, Chinese 1evenue cruiser Fei Hoo

DeMabille, de Brouac, excise department, Kompong-Cassang, Cambodia

Demarest, Rev. N. H., missionary, Nagasaki

Demée, (Kuhn & Co..) assistant, Queen's Road

Demée, A., (Stringer & Co.) assistant, Peel street

Démée, A. Č., (A. R. Marty) clerk, Haiphong

Demel, telegraphist, Bambous, Tonquin

DeMigieu, excise department, Kompong-Luong, Cambodia

 Démolis, timber merchant, Saigon and Tayninh, Cochin China Demolle, acting French resident, Kompong-Thom, Cambodia

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Dempster, Major T. C., paymaster, Army Pay department, and adjutant of Police

Denby, C., US. Minister plenipotentiary, Peking

Denby, C., Jr., second secretary, United States Legation, Peking

Denby, E., assistant, Inspectorate General of Customs, Peking

Denholm, H., (Ann Bee & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Denig, R. G., P. A. engineer, U. S. 8. Brooklyn

Dening, W., missionary, Tokyo

Denis, clerk, excise department, Saigon

Denis, (Chaumont and Daniel) assistant, Haiphong

Denis, A., (Denis Frères) merchant, and consul for Siam, Saigon (absent)

Denis, E., (Denis Frères) merchant, Saigon (absent)

Denis, G., (Denis Frères) mercbant, Saigon (absent)

Denison, A., (Danby & Leigh) assistant, Praya central

Denison, H. W., official, Foreign office, Tokyo

   Denison, J. lieutenant, and commander, H.B.M. gunboat Firebrand Denison, N., superintendent and collector, Lower Perak

Dennemont, pilot, Saigon

Denny, O. N., director of Foreign affairs, Seoul

Dennys, H. L., (Dennys & Mossop) solicitor, Queen's road Dennys, H. P. clerk, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co. Penang Deanys, L., assistant magistrate, Krian, Perak

Dennys, N. B., Ph.D., magistrate, Singapore

Denoc, J., distiller, Hanoi

Denson, H. E., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant, Queen's road Dent, A., (Alfred Dent & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent) Dent, F. E. G., secretary to Admiral, H.B.M. Squadron Dent, H. F., (Herbert Dent & Co.) commission agent, Canton Dent, V. E. J., Maritime Customs assistant, Foochow Dentice, M., proprietor, Provençal bakery, Yokohama Depied, surgeon, fourth regiment, Saigon

Dépierre, J. M., professor, Saigon Seminary, Saigon

Dermer, T. M., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Derrick, C. P., (Powell & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Derry, B., assist. superintendent, forest department, Malacca

Dervost, A., proprietor, Pharmacie Centrale, Haiphong

Desbon, H. F., aide-de-camp to H.H. The Rajah of Sarawak, Kuching Desjacques, clerk, treasury, Hauoi

Deaker, A., (Tanjong Pagar Dock Co.) clerk, Singapore

Desker, A. G., (Desker & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Desker, A. W., (Desker & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Desker, E. H, clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Singapore

Desker, E. H., (Desker & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Desker, H. F., (Desker & Co.) butcher, Singapore

Desker, J., apprentice, Public Works department, Singapore

Deslions, Lieut. J. M. A., commandant, detachement de Conducteurs, Saigon

Désormeaux, telegraphist, Saigon

Despar, counsellor, court of appeal, Saigon

Dessalles, Rev. E., French missionary, Bangkok

Dessay, bricklayer and mason, Hanoi

Desse, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Des Voeux, Sir G. William, K.C.M.G., Governor of Hongkong

Dethlefsen, P. A., pilot, Nagasaki

Detmering, H., commission agent, Canton

Detmering, W., (W. G. Hale & Co.) merchant, Saigon

Detmers, W., (Radecker & Co.) merchant, Wyndham street

Detring, Gustav, commissioner of Customs, Tientsin

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Devenet, C., director, Compagnie Francaise Rice Mill, Saigon

Devenish, F., second officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Tsuruga-maru, Japan Deveze, A., (Wagen Frères) merchan*, Yokohama

Devine, W. H., (Nagasaki Dock Yard) accountant, Nagasaki

Deviot, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Devise, excise department, Saigon

Devise, soap manufacturer, Saigon

Devjee, Rehmtoola, merchant, Gage street

Devorst, Chamber of Commerce, Haiphong

Dew, A. T., assistant collector and magistrate, Krian, Perak

De Wnd, A. A., land owner, Malacca

Dewjeie, Allarackiabhoy, (E. Pabaney) manager, Lyndhurst terrace

Dexter, R. H., warder, Gaol, Singapore

Dhalla, N. P., (N. Mody & Co.) manager, Queen's road

Dhers, E., assistant, Chasseriau Land and Planting Co., Singapore Diack, J., architect and civil engineer, Yokohama

Diament, Miss N., missionary, Kalgan

Dias, J. W., clerk, marine office, Singapore

Dias, S. J., dresser, medical department, Malacca

Diaz, E. A., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Diaz, J. Ha. Á., assistant, forestry department, Manila

Diaz, U. C., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Diaz de la Quintana, M., presidente, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Diaz y Puertas, F., (Diaz Puertas & Co.) printer and publisher, Manila Dibona, Rev. F., missionary, Sari, Sarawak

Dick, H., China Inland missionary, Shashi

Dick, H. W., (W. Hewett & Co.) clerk, Bank Buildings

Dick, J., (S. C. Farnham & Co.) shipbuilder, Shanghai

Dick, S. V., operator, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Dickie, J., (China Sugar Refining Co.) chief sugar boiler, Bowrington Dickinson, J. M., (Geo. W. Collins & Co.) storekeeper, Tientsin Dickinson, W. W., (Collins & Co.) merchant, Tientsin (absent) Diickson, C. W., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street Diickson, F. J., (E. E. Everett) wine merchant, Singapore (absent) Dickson, John, clerk, Brigade office

Dickson, Hon. J. F., C.M.G., Colonial Secretary, Singapore

Dickson, J. M., first engineer, revenue steamer Feihoo

Dickson, R. J., (E. E. Everett) wine merchant, Singapore

Didier, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Diego y Molins, V. de, sub director, communications department, Manila Dienst, Rev. G. E., missionary, Tokyo

Diercking, A., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Canton

Diercks, F., Maritime Customs chief examiner, Hankow

Dies, T., captain, infanteria, Manila

Diethelm, W. H., (Hooglandt & Co.) mer. and vice-consul for Russia, Singapore Dietrich, C., engineer, Royal Mint, Seoul

Dietrich, Rev. W., missionary, Tungkwang, Kwangtung

Diez, Emilio, storekeeper, Iloilo

Diez, F. M., dispenser, army medical department, Manila

Digard, midshipman, French corvette Turenne

Dilger, Rev. J., missionary, Basil Mission, Hinnan, Kwangtung Dillère, process server, Saigon

Dillon, H. P., lieutemant, H. B. M. corvette Cordelia

Dimalanta, A., telegraphist, Manıla

Dimaliuat, T., Ecclesiastical department, Manila

Dimock, C. W., (American Trading Co.) agent, Kobe

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Dina, teacher, municipal boys' school, Saigon Diniz, A., (Chartered Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Diniz, A. J., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Shanghai Diniz, S. J., (Chartered Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Dinnen, H. T., inspector of nuisances, sanitary department Dinsdale, G. K., merchant, Yokohama

Dinsdale, H., manager, Patent Paint Co., Singapore Dinsmore, H. A., United States Consul General, Seoul Dios, Luisa de, "Establecimiento de Tejidos," Manila Dipner, G., chief of telegraph department, Wladivostock Dipple, R. P., (Butterfield and Świre) clork, Queen's road Dirivault, excise department, Saigon

Dirksen, Dr., assistenzarzt, German gunboat Wolf Disbrowe, H., (G. D. Gordon) clerk, Selangor

   Dishman, J., foreman, gaol printing department, Perak Diss, G. H. (John Little & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Dissmeyer, G. A., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Hoihow

Distant, H. D., (Katz Bros.) assistant, Singapore

Distant, Miss, (Robinson & Co.) assistant, Singapore

   Ditahbaru, R., second engineer, P. & O. str. Teheran, Hongkong & Japan Ditblefsen, P. A., pilot, Yokoh ma and Nagasaki

Dithlow, Th., (M. Raspe & Co.) assistant, Kobe

Divers, E., M. D., professor of chemistry, niversity, Tokyo

Divin, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Dixon, Rev. H., missionary, Taiyuenfoo, Shansi

Dixon, H., writer, Naval Yard

Dixon, J., assistant, Stag Hotel, Queen's road

Dixon, J., gaol warder, Perak

Dixon, J. M., pro essor of English literature, University, Tokyo

Dixon, J. W., assist. paymaster in charge, H. B. M. Naval depot, Yokohama Dizon, J., assistant, mint, Manila

Dmitrevsky, P. A., consul for Russia, Hankow

Dmitrieff, M., (Kunst & Albeis) clerk, Wladiwostock

Dmitrieff, W. W., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Doberck, W., Ph.D., Government Astronomer, Kowloon

Dobie, W., commander, receiving ship Yuen Fah, Shanghai

Dobson, W. H., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Doceul, administrator, native affairs, Gocong, Cochin China

Doceul, first clerk, direction of the interior, Saigon

   Docherty, J., turner and fitter, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Dodd, John, (Dodd & Co.) merchant, Tamsui

Dodd, Rev. W. C., missionary, Chiang Mai, Siam

Dodd, W. L., cadet, U. S. S. Brooklyn

Dodds, Jas., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Yokohama

Dodwell, Fred., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk in charge, Queen's road

Dodwell, G. B., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai (absent)

Doebbeling, W., (Paul Heinemann & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Doel, P., police inspector, Nagasaki

Doering, J. G, piano manufacturer and tuner, Yokohama

Doernberg, Baron C. von, secretary, German Legation, Tokyo

Doffe, conductor, public works department, Saigon

Doheny, J. W., (Fraser, Farley & Varnum) clerk, Yokobama Doineau, conductor, public works department, Saigon

Doineau, sub-lieutenant, second regiment, Saigon

D'Ollendon, secretary, adminis. native affairs, Hatien, Cochin-China Dombret, G. P., (C. Labarbe & Co.) merchant, Manila

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Domenjod, clerk, Compagnie Francaise rice mill, Saigon Domerque, chancelier, residence general, Hanoi

Domingo, T., fitter, Municipality, Penang

Domingo, Y., (Sans, Codina y Pedreño) clerk, Manila

Dominguez, E., director, Fabrica de Tabacos "La Insular," Manila

Dominguez, E. A., captain, fifth regiment, Manila

Dominguez, F., aspirante, ordenacion gl. de pagos, Manila Dominguez, J. D., captain cavalry, Manila

Dominguez, S., vista, Customs, Manila

Domvile, Major B. F., Royal Artillery, Singapore

Donaire, A., chaplain, cavalry, Manila

Donald, W., assistant, Japan Mail S. S. Co., Yokohama

Donaldson, A. A., (Fearon, Low & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Donaldson, A. L., (Donaldson & Burkinshaw) attorney, Singapore

Donaldson, C. Jr., commission agent, Shanghai

Donaldson, C. M., commission agent, Shanghai

Donaldson, J., secretary, Japan Brewery Co., Yokohama

Donaldson, R., (Rose & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Donelan, J., medical practitioner, and acting surgeon to British consulate, Manila Doney, L. Watts, manager, Co-operative Store, Taku

Donjoux, Rev., Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang

Donnadille, tidewaiter, customs, Hanoi

Donnat, overseer, railway company, Saigon

Donnelly, A. R., (Cornabé & Co.) merchant, Chefoo Donop, L. B. von, Government Secretary, Sandakan Donough, J., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Singapore Donovan, F., teacher, Assumption College, Bangkok Donovan, J. P., postal clerk, maritime customs, Shanghai Donthée, overseer, public works department, Cochin-China Dooman, Rev. J., missionary Osaka

Dopfeld, inspector, postal and telegraph dept, Hanoi Dor, midshipman, French cruiser l'urenne

Doral, A. C., chief clerk, Municipality, Penang

Doral, B. C., clerk, stamp office, Penang

Doral, E. N., (Brown & Co.) clerk, Penang

Doral, J., shipping clerk, Penang Foundry Co., Penang

Doral, J. E., (Brown & Co.) clerk, Penang

Doral, J. P., (Behn, Meyer & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Doral, M. P., (Brown & Co.) clerk, Penang

Dorall, H. J., assistant master, High school, Malacca

Doran, J., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co,) assistant, Quarry Bay

Doriani Bouillac, Mme., milliner, Saigon

Dorizon, overseer, excise department, Saigon

D'Orville, H. S., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Penang

Dorward, A. C., China Inland missionary, Shashi

Dosset, telegraphist, Don-Hoi, Annam

Dossie, (Leroy & Cahors) assistant, Dapcau, Tonquin

Doufour, sub-lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Dougal, Wm., manager, Chartered Bank of I. A. & C., Singapore

Douglas, A. G, staff commander, H. B. M S. Audacions

Douglas, B., fourth engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Douglas, J., second officer, steamer Thales, China coast

Douglas, J. B., government service, Sibu, Sarawak

Douglas, W. W., superintendent of Police and gaol, Sungei Ujong Dougherty, W., clerk, Naval Yard

Douno F., (Andersen & Co.) clerk, Bangkok

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Douresamy, overseer, public works department, Saigon Dourille, P., public silk inspector, Yokohama

Dourzal, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonkin

Douthwaite, Rev. A. W., China Inland missionary, Chefoo

Douzans, captain, French cruiser Primanguet

Dow, W. N., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) accountant, Singapore (absent) Dowd, Miss, missionary, Kochi, Yokohama

Dowdall, C., (Myburgh & Dowdall) solicitor, Shanghai

Dowdall, W. M., A.R.I.B.A., architect, Shanghai

Dowler, H. G., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Queen's road

Down, St. V. B., (Borneo Co.) clerk, Singapore

Down, W., outfitter, Kobe

Downes, L., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Downie, W., (Pooles, Downie & Co.) storekeeper, Singapore

Downing, Miss, China Inland missionary, Tung Chow-foo, Shantung

Dowsley, Rev. A., missionary, Ichang (absent)

Dowson, H., agent, China and Japan Telephone Co., D'Aguilar street Doyle, J. J., reporter, Straits Times, Singapore

Drage, F. S., Residency officer, Oya, Sarawak

Dragon, P., Customs clerk, Kwala Kuran, Krian, Perak

Dragon, W., chief clerk, Resident Councillor's office, Penang

Dragon, W., Jr., (A. C. Capel) clerk, Penang

Drake, Rev. S. B., missionary, Tsing-chou-fu, Shantung

Drake, Miss, China Inland missionary, Hanchong

Draper, Rev. G. F., missionary, Hakodate

Drennan, Miss A. M., missionary, Osaka

Dresel, H. G., ensign, U.S.S. Omaha

Drespy, C., tailor, Saigon

Dresser, C., assistant, store department, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Yokohama Dreusche, H. von, merchant, Tientsin

Drew, A. H., L.L. B, advocate and solicitor, Singapore

Drewell, A., coal and ship broker, Nagasaki

Drewes, J., second officer, str. Phra Chom Klao, Hongkong and Bangkok

Driffield, Wm., midshipman, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Dross, R., merchant, Yokohama

Droste, G. T., (E. Meyer & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Drum, M., detective inspector of police, Penang

Drummon, W. E., merchant, Kobe

Drummond, J., captain, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

    Drummond, J. T. M., Maritime Customs assistant, Foochow Drummond, W. V., harrister-at-law, Shanghai

Drury, B., constable, river police, Shangbai

Druwert, C., lightkeeper, Shanghai

Drysdale, T., engineer, New Harbour Dock, Singapore

Drysdale, W., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Batavia

Duarte, I. R. da C., Colonial Secretary General, Macao

Dubarry, P. R., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Hoihow

Duberly, F., assistant collector, land office, Thaiping, Perak Dubois, proprietor, Hotel de l'Europe, Saigon

DuBois, C., (C. & J. Favre Brandt) assistant, Yokohama

Dubois, D. F., Tokyo

Dubois, J. F., Maritime Customs boat officer, Wuhu

DuBois, L., (C. & J. Favre Brandt) assistant, and consul for Belgium, Osaka

Dubourg, A., (J. Colomb & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Dubuffet, A., (8. Bing & Co.) assistant, Kobe

Dubuffet, D., (S. Bing & Co.) Yokohama (absent)

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Dubroffsky, L. P., (Emery & Co.), manager, Blagovaschensk Eastern Siberia Duc, midshipman French corvette Turenne

Duc, L., (C. Favre & Co.) fruit preserver, Singapore

Duch, D., engineer, Imperial Chinese Telegraphs, Pakhoi Duchemen, overseer, telegraphs construction, Tonkin

Duchemin, clerk, post and telegraph dept., Hanoi

Ducos, counsellor, Court of Appeal, Saigon

Dudgeon, O. J., (Ilbert & Co.), merchant, Shanghai

Dudgeon, F. A., lieutenant, South Lancashire Regiment, Singapore

Dudgeon, John, M.D., missionary, & professor of anatomy & physiology, Peking

Dudgeon, P. C., lieutenant, H.B.M. sloop Wanderer

Dudley, Miss J. E., missionary, Hyogo

Duenas, lieut. M., ayudante, Spanish Navy, Manila Dudouis, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Duer, A., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Duer, Yeend, agent, Japan Mail S. S. Co. and Takasima Colliery, Shanghai Dueso, B., ayudante, public works, Pampanga, Philippines

Duff, A., second engineer, Indo China str. Taisang, Hongkong and Calcutta Duff, Thos. W., commission agent, Chinking

Duff, W., third engineer, steamer Kiangtung, Shanghai and Hankow Duffield, Miss B. A., missionary, Osaka

Duffus, Rev. Win., missionary, Swatow

Dufour, "Cafe de la Paix" Hanoi

Duggan, C. W., first clerk, Central Police Station

Dujantien, telegr phist, Hue, Annam

Duke, V., staff surgeon, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Dukes, Rev. O. A., M.D., missionary, Kobe

Düllerg, F. W. E., clerk, Customs Statistical department, Shanghai

Duliot-Seyne, pilot, Saigon

Dumant, storekeeper, public works department, Saigon

Dumas, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonkin

Dumas, E., trader, Hanoi

Dumas, J. A., professor, Saigon Seminary, Saigon

Dumavuga, a'ogado, Manila

Dumelin, A., (Siber & Brennwald) clerk, and Vice-Consul for Switzerland, Yokohama

Dumestre, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Duming, E. H.. (Mustard & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Dumont, lieutenant, second regiment, Saigon

Dumont, assistant, Customs, Namdinh, Tonquin

Dumontel-Lagrege, E., (Messageries Maritimes) clerk, Kobe

Dumoulin, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Dumoulin, A., (P. Uilmann) assistant, Manila

Dumoutier, directeur, ensig..ment, Hanoi

Dun, Edwin, second secretary, U.S. Legation, Tokyo

Dunbar, G. H., (Japan Mail S. S. Co,) master, barge Ikuta, Kobe

Duncan, A., Maritime Customs assistant, Canton

Duncan, Chesney, foreign secretary, Corean Merchants S. S. Co., Seoul

Duncan, G. L., (Lane Crawford & Co.) assistant, Queen's-road

Duncan, J. A., second engineer, steamer Kiangyung, Yangtsze river

Duncan, R. P., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Manila

Duncan, W., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Yokohama-maru, Japan Duncan, W., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Canton

Duncan, W. C., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Manila

Dunlap, Rev. E. P., missionary, Petchaburi, Siam

Dunlop, A. R. J., chief clerk, Colonial secretary's office, Sandakan

Dunlop, C., (Powell & Co.) auctioneer, Singapore

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Dunlop, C. G., (Findlay, Richardson & Co.) merchant, Manila Dunlop, D. J., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Dunlop, H. B., cashier, Government Treasury, Sandakan Dunlop, Jas., chief engineer, Penang Sugar Estate Co., Penang Dunlop, M. J., captain, commanding H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Dunlop, Col. S., R.A., C.M.G., Inspector General of Police, Singapore

Dunlop, W., (Windsor, Rose & Co.'s Rice Mill) engineer, Bangkok


Dunmall, R. H., sec. officer, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co.'s S. S. Sherard Osborne," S'pore Dunman, B., broker and secretary, Tanjong Pagar Land Co., Singapore

Ducmore, D., storeman, H.M. Naval Yard

   Dunn, C. A. L., (Lewis and Hopkins) general broker, Shanghai Dunn, Rev. E., Roman Catholic missionary, Kanowit, Sarawak Dunn, Rev. J., missionary, Osaka

Duan, Thomas, (Hedge & Co.) merchant, Foochow (absent) Dunn, W., manager, Marine Engine rs' Institute, Shanghai Dunne, J. J., (American Trading Co.) assistant, Shanghai Duc, P., professor, Saigon seminary, Saigon Daperier, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon Dupeyron, sub-lieutenant, second regiment, Saigon Dupins, G. M. F., surgeon, Saigon

Duplessis, sub-lieutenant, Anamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Dupont, chief engineer, M. M. steamer Arethuse, Saigon

Dupont, telegraphist, Thuan-An, Annam

Dupont, Ch., (E. Ceccaldi) assistant, Hué

Dupont, Geo., proprietor Sam Saan Saw Mil and Timber yard, Bangkok Dupouhet, tax receiver, administration of native affairs, Soctrang

Dupoy, assist. secretary, Customs, Haiphong

Dupré, (haumont and Daniel) assistant, Haiphong

Dupree, A., tidewaiter, Maritime Customs, Satow

Dupuis, (Marty & d'Abbadie) accountant, Haiphong Durafour, E., (H. Péré) clerk, Haiphong

Duran, C., clerk, contaduria de hacienda, Manila

Duran, F, lieut.-commandant, veteran civil guard, Manila Duran y Cottes, J., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Durand, Rev. J. B., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki

Durand, U., (Durand & Co.) saddler, Yokohama

Durand, de Lincon, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon Durand, A., telegraphist, Chieng Mai, Siam

Durat, assist. treasurer, Saigon

Durazzo, counsellor, Court of Appeal, Saigon

Dur-l, overseer, contruction of telegraphs, Tonkin

Durillon, secretary, customs, Haiphong

Durivault, Mrs., teacher, Adran's college, Saigon

Dürler, A., (Schmidt, Kustermann & Co.) clerk, Penang Dürler, A., (Strehelin & Stah necht) clerk, Singapore Durnford, F. G., civil engine an surveyor, Singapore Duroch, first aide-de-camp, Fch Squadron

Durousseau de Coulgeaus, subsi tent, Kranchmar, Cambodia

Dürr, Oscar, tobacco merchant, Tugnegarao, Philippines

Durrie, Miss M., teacher, Roman Catholic Girls' School, Singapore

Dussaud, Capt. J. A., Marine Artillery, Saigon

Dussol, administrator of native affairs, Chaudoc, Cochin-China Dussutour, Mme., mistress, Municipal Girls' School, Saigon

Dutriaux, E. A., commission agent, Saigon

Dutronquoy, S., howling saloon keeper, Kobe

Duns, E. H., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) agent, Nagasaki

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Dūūs, J. H., merchant, and consul for Denmark, Hakodate

Duval, V., assistant, French Municipal department, Shangbai Dyce, C. M., (Dyce & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Dyck, Rev. A. S. van, missionary, Amoy

Dyer, H., carpenter, H.B.M.S. Orion

Dyer, H. J., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) manager, Shanghai Dyer, S., (British and Foreign Bible Society) agent, Shanghai Dyere, A. W. E., Maritime Customs, tidewaiter, Swatow

Eagles, F. H., lieutenant, H.B.M. sloop Wanderer

Eagling, E., apothecary, U.S. Naval Hospital, Yokohama Earle, T. E., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Earnshaw, M., engineer, Mint, Manila

Earnshaw, T., supdt. engineer, Chinese cruiser Chih Yuen, Port Arthur

Eason, A., China Inland missionary, Yunna foo

Eastabrooke, D., leading man, of storehouse, H. M. Naval Yard

Eastlack, R. F., (Frazar & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Eastlack, W. R., (C. & J. Trading Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Easton, A. J., (Union Insurance Society) agent, Yokohama

Easton, G., clerk, E. E. A., & C. Telegraph Co., Penang

Easton, Rev, G. F., missionary, Hanchong

Eaton, J., (W. M. Strachan & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Eaton, Rev. L. A., missionary, and U.S. Consular chaplain, Bangkok Eaves, Rev. G., missionary, Tokyo

Ebbs, W., (R. Telge & Co) clerk, Shanghai

Eber, F. W., clerk, Supreme Court, Singapore

Eber, J. L., (Rodyk & Davidson) clerk, Singapore

Eber, S., clerk, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Eberwein, A., clerk, St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore

Eberwein, J., chief officer, steamer Ranee, Sarawak and Singapore

Ebbar it, H., (Hilty & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Ebihara, interpreter, United States consulate, Kobe

Ebrahim, E., (Abdoolally Ebrahim & Co.) merchant, Gage St. (absent)

Ebrahim, E., (Tharia Topan) clerk, Shanghai

Ebrahimbhoy, C., (Ebrahimbhoy Pabany) merchant, Lyndhurst terrace ("bsent) Ebrahmjee, M. M., (A. M. Essabhoy) clerk, Yokohama

Eby, Rev. C. S., missionary, Tokyo

Eça, C. M. d', purser, steamer Kiukiang, Hongkong and Macao

Eça, J. M., (Union Insurance Society) clerk, Praya

Ecalle, conductor, public works department, Saigon

Eccles, J., lightkeeper, Shantung Ñ.E. Promontory Light, Chefoo

Ecclestone, J., assistant examiner, Maritime Customs, Tientsin

Echalier, clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Echegoyen, B., professor, Ateneo Municipal, Manila

Echegoyen, D., teacher of music, College of S. Tomas, Manila

Echeita, J. M., (Larrinaga & Echeita) merchant, Manila

Echevaria, P., clerk, Seccion de Atrasos, Manila

Echevarria, E. J., "Los Catalanes," Manila

Echevarria, Fr. G., rector of the University, Manila

Echevarria y Folgueras, A., ayudante, Forestry department, Manila

Eck, captain of the port, Haiphong

Eckford, A. M., (Cornabé & Co.) merchant, and consul for Netherlands, &c., Chefoo Eckhardt, C., (Puttfarcken & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Eckhert, F., professor of music, naval school, Tokyo Eckhold, M., Maritime Customs examiner, Shangbai Edblad, H., (S. C. Farnham & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

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Eddy, E C., carpenter, H. B. M. corvette Heroine Ede, C. M., clerk, Union Insurance Society, Shanghai Ede, George, missionary, Taiwan foo

Ede, N. J., secretary, Union Insurance Society, Praya Edelmann, W., (Behn, Meyer & Co.) clerk, Singapore Edgar, C., (Edgar & Co.) merchant, Singapore Edgar, G., (Edgar & Co.) merchant, Singapore Edgar, J., (W. R. Loxley & Co.) clerk, Praya

Edgar, J., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Newchwang Edgar, J., (Edgar & Co.) merchant, Sourabaya Edgell, H. M., Maritime Customs watcher, Whampoa Edgcombe, H. H., acting boatswain, H.B.M.S. Audacious

Edkins, J., D.D., Maritime Customs, translator, Peking Edmonds, Lieut. J. E., Royal Engineers Edmonds, Rev. W. J., missionary, Osaka

Edouard, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Edralim, F., telegraphist, Manila

Edralim, J., telegraphist, Manila

Edulji, Kavasji, clerk, Daily Press office, Wyndham street

Edward, Bro., teacher, St. Joseph's College, Robinson road

Edwardes, Capt. C. G. W. E., Northamptonshire Regiment (absent)

Edwards, A. T., clerk, Taku Hotel, Taku

Edwards, C. C., International Novelty Co., Amoy

Edwards, E. H., China Inland medical missionery, Taiyuenfu

Edwards, F. H., (Malcampo & Co.) clerk, An.oy

Edwards, F. W., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) senior clerk, Foochow

   Edwards, Geo. chief officer, Japan Mail S. S. & Co.'s str. Tokyo-maru Japan Edwards, H., engineer, Gas Co., Shanghai

Edwards, Jas., inspector of brothels

Edwards, J. J., chief officer, str. Taichiow, Hongkong & Bangkok

Edwards, B. M., third engineer, steamer Fungshun, China coast

Edwards, St. J. H., International Novelty Co., Amoy

Edwards, W., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shangbai

Edwards, W. D. Š., (Mourilyan, Heimann & Co.) clerk, Yokohama


Edwards, W. E., assist. manager, Caledonia Estate, Penang Sugar Estates Co., Penang Efford, J. J., marine surveyor, Yokohama

Egerton, W., police magistrate, Penang

Egg, E., (Sprüngli & Co) clerk, Manila

Eggert, T., chief officer, steamer Anton, Hongkong and Pakhoi

Eggert, U., Ph.D., professor of finance and national economy, Imperial University, Tokyo

Eguia, N. de, secretario comdte., Ingenieros, Manila

Eguidazée, D. de, official, inspecion general de hacienda, Manila

Egville, L. H. D', chief officer, steamer White Cloud, Canton and Macao

Ehlers, Aug., merchant, Shanghai

Ehlert, F., professor of English, naval college, Tokyo

Ebman, E., Ushigome Sanaizaka, Japan

Ebmer, H., (Meyer & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Ehren, J. von, (Sander & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Ehrenberg, Gus., (A. S. Rosenthal & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Ehrich, A., compradore and navy contractor, Newchwang

Eichler, Rev. E. R., missionary, Canton

Eickhoff G., chief operator, telegraph dept., Bangkok

Eickstedt, von, commanding German man-of-war Iltis

Eitel, Rev. E. J., M.A., Ph.D., inspector of schools, Queen's road Eitter, J., overseer of roads, Municipal Council, Shanghai Eizmendi, 8., marmolista, Manila

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Ekstrand, J. W., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Kumamoto-maru, Japan Ekstrand, T. A., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) assistant, Kobe

Elberg, L., (F. A. Schultze & Co.) storekeeper, Newchwang

Elcum, J. B., passed cadet, colonial secretary's office, Singapore Elder, A. G., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Chefoo

Eldridge, G. B., chief officer, steamer Formosa, China coast Eldridge, Stuart, M.D., physician, General Hospital, Yokohama Elera, Fr. C. de, professor, University, Manila

Elias, E. E., (Moses & Elias) broker, Hongkong

Elias, J. R., broker and auctioneer, Shanghai

Elias, J. B., (Belilios & Co.) merchant, Lyndhurst terrace Elias, R. H., (L. Moore & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Elie, magistrate, Saigon

Elzaga, J. S. de, Maritime Customs lightkeeper, Cape of Good Hope, Amoy Elzalde, J. M., (Inchausti & Co.) merchant, Manila

Elizarde, L. R. de, assistant, adminis. Obras Pias, Manila

Eliza y Vergara, Lieut.-Col. T., captain of the port, Ma...ila Eliert, A., (Schmidt & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Ellerton, H. B., (Galton & Co.) tea inspector, Fooclow Ellerton, J., engineer, Kobe

Elliot, E. H. M, captain, South Lancashire Regt., Singapore Elliott, J. R., (Hellyer & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Elliott, S. E, assistant payinaster, H. B. M. gunboat Merlin

Ellis, lieutenant in charge, H. S. M. steamer Coronation, Bangkok

Ellis, H., master attendant and shipping master, Marine department, Singapore

Ellis, H., chief officer, steamer Kinng Kwan, Shanghai and Hankow

Ellis, L. R., (Forbes, Munn & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Ellis, W. A., torpedo machinist, H.B.M.S. Victor Emanuel

Ellis, Major W. T., Northamptonshire Regiment

Ellis, Miss, China Inland missionary, Chefoo

Elordi, Diego, chief engineer, steamer Don Juan, Hongkong and Manila

Eloriaga, B., (Genato & Co.) assistant, Manila

Elorza é Yzuel, J., administrador central de Impuestos, Manila

Elphick, E. J., (H. Abrams) veterinary surgeon, Singapore

Elvaim, F. P. M. F., ensign, police, Macao

Elvin, E. J., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Elvins, H. V., dresser, govt. medical department, Penang

Elvira y Sanchez, F., surgeon-major, naval departinent, Manila

Elwin, Rev. A., missionary, Hangchow

Elzière, conductor, municipal department, Saigon

Elzinger, watchmaker, Manila

Emanoodean, S., merchant, Shanghai

Embden, C. M. v., (Hens & Co.) merchant, Manila

Emens, W. S., interpreter, United States consulate general, Shanghai

Emery, D. A., (Wadliegh & Emery) merchant, Chinkiang

Emery, E. merchant, Amoor river, and Wladiwostock Emilian, asst. supdt. fire brigade, port de guerre, Saigon Eminente, trader, Hanoi

Emmanuel, (Chaumont & Daniel) assistant, Haiphong Emmern, J., Customs, Wladiwostock

Emonet, Rev. N. M., Roman Catholic missionary, Newchwang Encarnaçao, C., clerk, Chartered Mercantile Bauk, Shanghai Encarnaçao, F. X., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Encarnacao, J., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Encarnaçao, L. d', (Reid, Evans & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Encarnação, P., clerk, military hospital of San Jauuario, Macao

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Encarnação, P. d', clerk, Club União, Macao

Encarnacao, S. J. d.', clerk, Colonial Secretary's office, Macao Enciso, E., asesor, auditoria de guerra, Manila

Endicott, H. B., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai Endicott, R. R., (Fearon, Low & Co.) assistant, Shanghai Endicott, S., (Cornes & Co.) clerk, and consul for Hawaii, Kobe Endress, F., (Rautenberg, Schmidt & Co.) clerk, Singapore Endtner, A., (F. Engler & Co.) clerk, Saigon

Engelson, O. boarding house keeper, Shanghai Engert, M., bill and bullion broker, Yokohama

England, C. R., assistant Superintendent of Police, Hankow England, F. H., (F. H. England & Co.) merchant, Foochow

England, McHenry, merchant, Foochow

England, T. H., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Hoihow

Engler, A., (F. Engler & Co.) merchant, and Consul for Austria, Saigon Engler, E., (Behn, Meyer & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Eogler, F., (F. Engler & Co.) merchant, Saigon (absent)

Engler, R., (D. Brandt & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Enriquez, A., interpreter, Supreme Court, Manila

Enriquez, A., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Manila

Enriquez, A., official, adminis. de rentas, etc., Manila Enriquez, D., (Hens & Co.) clerk, Manila

Enriquez, P., clerk, Supreme Court, Manila

Enriquez y Villaneuva, F., judge, Quiapo district, Manila Enslie, J. J., British consul, Nagasaki

Enthoven, B., (M. Levy & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Ephraim, T. A., (Robinson & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Ephraums, C. A., (Wm. McKerrow & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Ephraums, W., clerk, audit office, Perak

Epper, J., (A. Germann & Co.) clerk, Manila

Eraña, F. de, gefe de negociado, Contaduria Gl. de Hacienda, Manila

Eranee, B. A., commission agent, Gage street

Eranee, B. B., (Burjorjee, Khodadad & Co.) merchant, Penang

Eranee, C. B., (Burjorjee Khodadad & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Ercole, controller, excise department, Mytho, Cochin-China

Erdmann, C., (Carlowitz & Co.) merchant, Ic house street and Canton (absent) Erhardt, (Godard & Co.) clerk, Hanoi

Erny, excise department Ka-mo, Cambodia

Errard, J., missionary, Baria, Cochin-China

Erskine, C. H., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Anping. Formosa

Erskine, S., (Howarth, Erskine & Co.) engineer, Singapore

Esbran, D., foreman, Government Printing office, Singapore

Escalante, José, (Hoskyn & Co.) clerk, Пloilo

Escalier, Roman Catholic missionary, Tonkin

Escay y Hernandez, E., oficial, adminis. de impuestos, Manila

Escondrillas, D., architect, Cebu

Escoubet, administrator of native affairs, Baria, Cochin-China

Escribano, F., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Escud ro, J., abogado fiscal, real audiencia, Manila

Escudero, M. J., alferez, infanteria, Manila

Escudero y Sagartin, F., lieut. commanding Spanish gunboat Manileno, Manila

Esdale, J. T., (W. M. Strachan & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Esheguyen, B., teacher, college of S. Juan de Letran, Manila

Esmail, H. M. S., (H. A. Asgar & H. Esmail) merchant, Gage street

Esmaljee, A., merchant, Gage street

Esmenjaud, overseer, excise department, Saigon

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Esmerado, A, importer of Spanish wines, Manila Espana, Lieut. A., ayudante-major, arsenal, Maaila España, L., oficial, adminis. de impuestos, Manila Especkerman, B. H., proprietor, Mercantile Press, Singapore Especkerman, S., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Singapore Especkermann, H. I., chief c'erk, education department, Singapore Espejo, R., practicante, San José hospital, Manila Espino, M., constable, Spanish Consulate, Amoy Espino y Capo, P., surgeon major, naval dept. Manila Espinosa, G. G. de, official, lottery department, Manila Espinosa, M. S., oficial, Treasury, Manila

Esquivillon, captain, second regiment, Saigon Esquizabal, P., (A. de Marcaida) clerk, Manila

Ess, J. M., assistant, works department, Municipality, Singapore Essabboy, Abdoolkader M., merchant, Singapore

Essabboy, Abdoolkyum M., (A. M. Essabboy) merchant, Cochrane street Essalhoy, M. M., (A. M. Essabhoy) manager, Singapore (absent)

Esselin, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Esson, D., (New Harb ur Dock Co.) boilermaker, Singapore

Estanislao, E., (F. Wilson) assistant, Manila

Estanislao, E., (Sans, Codina y Pedreño), assistant, Cebu

Esteves, F., (S. P. Castilho) clerk, Shanghai

Esteves, J. J., retired civil servant, Macao

Estorges, telegraph clerk, Saigon

Estrada, Dr. A., secretary, Universidad de S. Tomas, Manila Estrada, J. de, oficial, consejo de administracion, Manila Estrada, S., clerk, Supreme Court, Manila

Estrop, W. A., goods clerk, railway, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor Estruch, A., assistant, Mint, Manila

Etam, Baboo, storekeeper and navy contractor, Foochow Etellin, head teacher, school at Sadec, Cochin-China

Eudel, acting resident, Pursat, Cambodia

Eugster, J., (Gsell & Co.) merchant, Manila

Eugster, Ph., (Gsell & Co.) clerk, Manila

Eunician, Bro., teacher, St. Joseph's College, Robinson road

Eusebio, S., Assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Manila

Eustace, F. O., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant, Yokohama Evangelista, E., (C. Lebarbe & Co.) clerk, Manila

Evangelista, F., ecclesiastical department, Manila

Evans, Rev. A. C., M.A., H.B.M.S. Calliope

Evans, A. M. A., clerk, Associated Wharves, Shanghai

Evans, A. W., lieutenant, Royal Artillery, Singapore

Evans, H., constable, British Consulate, Canton

Evans, H., assistant Indian immigration agent, Penang

Evans, J., cable jointer, Ea-tern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Evans, J. H., (Evans, Pugh & Co.) merchant, Shanghai and Hankow (absent)

Evans, M. P., (Reid, Evans & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Evans, W., inspector of police, Perak

Evans, W., collector of land revenue, Malacca

Evans, Miss J. G., missionary, Tungchau

Evans, Miss M., China Inland missionary, Ngankin

Evatt, P. T., accountant, Chartered Mercantile Bank, Singapare

Eveleigh, J., superintendent, Sailors' Home, Shanghai

Everding, Miss E. A., missionary, Nagasaki

Everett, Hon. A. H., Resident of 4th division, Sarawak Everett, E. E., wine and spirit merchant, Singapore

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Everett, H. H., superintendent, Government Mines, Sarawak (absent) Everingham, Rev. W., chaplain, Malacca

Evers, A., (Simon, Evers & Co.) merchaut, Kobe

Evers, H. C., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.), Saigon

Evington, Rev. H., missionary, Osaka

Evrard, Rev. F., Roman Catholic missionary, Tokyo

Ewart, H., (Macleod & Co.) clerk, Cebu

Ewens, Creasy, solicitor, Queen's road

Ewer, F. H., Maritime Customs, chief examiner, Kowloon

Ewing, E. Orr, Jr., missionary, Taiyuenfu, N. China

Exbrayat, telegraphist, Haiphong

Exelmous, ensign, French gunboat Vipere

Eychenne, telegraphist, Saigon

Eymard, receiver, administration of native affairs, Baclieu, Cochin China Eymard, C. L., Yokohoma

Eyre, telegrapbist, Phé-Pho, Annam

Byre, F. G., lieutenent, H.B.M. sloop Wanderer

Eyton, J. L. O., manager, Eyton & Pratt, Yokohama

Ezekiel, A. C., apothecary, Malakoff Estate, Province Wellesley

-Ezekiel, A. R., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Praya

Ezekiel, F., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Praya Čentral

Ezekiel, N. D., (Ezekiel & Joseph) broker, Queen's road Erra, E. M., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Ezra, I., (Isaac Ezra & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Ezra, N. Ñ. J., (Hughes & Ezra) broker, Wellington street

Faber, Rev. E., missionary, Shanghai

Faber, H., (Faber and Voigt) merchant, Kobe

Fabie, R., lawyer, Manila

Fabre, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Fabre, chief of public works, Pnompenh

Fabre, (E. Baud & Co.) engineer, Saigon

Fabregas, C., lawyer and professor of notoriado, University, Manila

Fabry, contre-mâitre, Messageries Fluviales, Saigon

Faciolle, A., controleur, excise department, Saigon

Faciolle, M. overseer, excise department, Saigon

Faga, V., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Fahmy, Dr. A., missionary, Amoy

Fair, G. M. K., midshipman, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Fairall, Miss, (Gate & Fairall) dressmaker, Queen's road

Fairhurst, Thos., (Fairhurst, Sutherland & Co.) tea inspector & com. merchant, F'chow Faizally, A., broker, Grabam street

Fajardo, J. P., assistant, Philippines General Tobacco Co., S. Marcelino, Manila

Falaventour, warehouseman, Excise department, Saigon

Falek, C. P., (Paul Heinemann & Co.) assistant, Kobe

Falck, G., (Falck & Beidek) merchant, Bangkok

Falck, W., (Langfieldt & Mayers) clerk, Yokohama

Falcken, E., (Lindholm & Co.) merchant, & manager Nicolsk flour mill, Wladiwostock Falconer, Alexander, second master, Central School

Falconer, I. B., (G. Falconer & Co.) watchmaker, Queen's road (absent)

Falconer, Jas, manager, Golden Grove Estate, Perang Sugar Estate Co., Penang

Falconer, M., (4. Falconer & Co.) watchmaker, Queen's road

Falconer, T. W., second class Resident, Third Division, Sarawak

Falkner, R. C., acting assistant superintendent of police, Singapore Falls, W. T. B., colonial surgeon, Malacca

Falque, P., sub-agent, Messageries Maritimes, Kobe

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Famin, captain, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon Faniard, A. A., inspector of arms, artillery, Saigon Fardonnez, L., brigadier, police, Cholon Farenberg, tavern-keeper, Saigon

Fareno, telegraph inspector, Saigon

Faria, F. A. L. de, secretary, Italian consulate, Singapore Faria, S. A. L. de, procurador, Portuguese Mission, Macao Farinha, Rev. M. J., vicar of St. Anthony's church, Macao

Farinole, L., tidewaiter, Tonquin Customs, Tonquin

Farley, Gus., Jr., (Fraser, Farley, & Varnum) merchant, Yokohama (absent) Farnham, Rev. J. M. W., D.D., missionary, Shanghai

Faron, E., missionary, Mytho

Farrant, (Vaudèlet & Farrant) merchant, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Farrant, H., operator, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Penang Farrell, H. A., Maritime Customs tide waiter, Shanghai

Farrosa, W., chemist, Jaro, Philippines

Farsari, A., (A. Farsari & Co.) photographer, Yokohama Farthing, Rev. G. B., missionary, Tai Yuenfoo, Shansi Fatiquet, Rev., Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang Faton, ensign, French gunboat Parseval

Fauchet, telegraph overseer, Tayninh, Cochin-China Faucon, commander, French gunboat Bouclier, Saigon Faulcon, lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Faulds, A., third engineer, Nippon Yus n Kaisha, Japan Faulkner, W., dispenser, general hospital, Larut

Faunch, H. J. coast guard officer, Kowloon

Fauque, telegraphist, Hanoi

Fauque, Rev. J. A., French missionary, Ban-nok-kuak, Siam Faura, F., director, Observatory, Manila

Faure, watchmaker, Saigon

Faurie, Rev. U., Roman Catholic missionary, Hakodate

Favacho, F. X., (Turner & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Favalleli, A., military attaché, resi lence general, Hanoi Favascho, P. A., (M. Fusco) assistant, Bangkok

Favean, P. L., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo Favier, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

Favier, J., missionary, Giongrum, Travinh, Cochin-China Favre, overseer, contruction of telegraphs, Tonkin

Favre, C., fruit preserver, Singapore (absent)

Favre-Brandt, C., (C. & J. Favre-Brandt) watch importer, Yokohama

Favre-Brandt, J., (C. & J. Favre-Brandt) watch importer, Yokohama

Fawcett, Captain W. F., adjutant, Northamptonshire Regiment

Fawcus, W., commander, E. E., A. & C. Telegraph Co.'s steamer Sherard Osborne, S'pore Fay, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Fayula, M., assistant, pub ic works department, Iloilo

Fazulally, Mahomedally, (Shaikally Fazulally) milliner, Wellington street

Fazulally, Shaikally, milliner and draper, Wellingt、n street

Fearon, C. H., (Fearon, Low & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Fearon, G. D., (Deacon & Co.) clerk, Canton and Macao

Fearon, J. S., (Fearon, Low & Co) merchant, Shanghai

Fearon, W. F. K., (Fearon, Low & Co.) clerk and consul for Belgium, Kobe Featherstonhaugh, D., assistant examiner, Maritime Customs, Kowloon Featherstonbaugh, M. H., (Geo. Oliver & Co.) clerk, Shanghai. Fechteler, A. F., Lieutenant, U. S. S. Essex

Feck, W., second engineer, steamer Alwine, Hongkong and Southern ports Fedy, conductor, public works department, Saigon

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Fee, Rev. R., French Catholic missionary, Penang Feer, C. P. H., assistant, Maritime Customs, Chefoo Fehlburg, Miss E., assistant, Hermitage Hotel, Shanghai Fe lburg, Miss M., assistant, Hermitage Hotel, Shanghai Feblburg, Miss S., assistant, Hermitage Hotel, Shanghai Fehlmann, F., (Katz Brothers) assistant, Singapore Feit, J., bandmaster, Bangkok

Felisa rdo, J., (Wilks & Boyle) clerk, Manila


Felix, F., assistant, La Puerta del Sol," Manila Felix, J., professor, ateneo municipal, Matila

Fellonneau, principal agent, river mail service, Hanoi Fellows, E. P., assistant, American Trading Co, Yokohama Felman, B., proprietor, Germania Bowling Saloon, Nagasaki Felman, Mrs. E., proprietrix, Eureka Hotel, Nagasaki Femenias, R. L., oficial, Intendencia Miitar, Man la

Feneron, instructor, Chinese gunnery ship Kang-chi, Port Arthur Fencott, F. C., overseer of roads, Municipality, Penang

Fenning, W., Maritime Customs assistant tide-surveyor, Amoy

Fenton, J. W., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) assistant, Quarry Bay Fenwick, Geo., (Geo. Fenwick & Co.) engincer, Wanchai

Féraud, chief storekeeper, arsenal, Saigon

Feraud, overseer, excise department, Pnompenh

Ferand, L., assistant, Pharmacie Normale, Saigon

Feraud, E., process-server, Saigon

Ferguson, G., (China Sugar Refining Co.) chief engineer, East point

Ferguson, G. H., chief engineer, steamer Kiang-yung, Shanghai and Hankow Ferguson, J., second officer, steamer Fuyew, China coast

Ferguson, J. C., cviil engineer and architect, Shanghai

Ferguson, J. H., Netherlands minister, Peking

Ferguson, Rev. J. W. C., missionary, Chinkiang

Fergusson, John C., C.E., Chefoo

Fergusson, R., (Morriss & Fergusson) bill and bullion broker, Shanghai


    Fergusson, T.T., (Fergusson & Co.) mer., Rus'an, Belgian con'l, & Fr. Conʼlar agt, Chefoo Ferlet, manager, "Le Saigonnais," Saigon

Ferlet, Mrs., restaurant keeper, Saigon

Ferlie, W. B., captain, steamer Poochi, China coast

Fermièr, assistant clerk, tresury, Hanoi

Fernandes, B. de S., merchant, and consul for Siam and Italy, Macao

Fernandez, field assistant, public works dept., Malacca

Fernandez, A., clerk, audit office, Singapore

Fernandez, A. T., captain, second regiment, Manila

Fernandez, C., overseer, public works dept., Singapore

Fernandez, C. J., boarding officer, Protectorate of Chinese, Penang

Fernandez, D., lightkeeper, Breaker Point lighthouse, Amoy

Fernandez, D., M., clerk, magistracy, Singapore

Fernandez, E. A., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Fernandez, F. G., medical practitioner, Manila

Fernandez, G., clerk, marine department, Singapore

Fernandez, G. A., clerk, Import and Export office, Singapore

Fernandez, J., assistant, "La Fior de la Isabela" cigar factory, Manila

Fernandez, J., Guarda da Ilha Verde, College of S. José, Macao

Fernandez. J. A., assistant master, Raffles Institution, Singapore

Fernandez, J. C., Boletim da Provincia, Macao

Fernandez, J. D., secretary, ecclesiastical department, Iloilo

Fernandez, J. V., compositor, Bolitim da Provincia, Macao Fernandez, L., assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Manila

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Fernandez, L., boarding officer, Protectorate of Chinese, Singapore Fernandez, M., restaurant keeper, Manila

Fernandez, M., (Battle Hermanos & Co.) clerk, Manila

Fernandez, Capt. M. C., assistant, arsenal, Manila

Fernandez, N. T., proprietor, Boletim de Macao e Tmor, Macao

Fernandez, O., (Compania General de Tabacos) agent, Tuguegarao, Philippines Fernandez, R., (Josè Reyes) assistant, Manila

Fernandez, R., telegraphist, Manila

Fernandez, R., chemist, Manila

Fernandez, S., assistant "La Flor de la Isabela" cigar, Manila

Fernandez, T. W., field assistant, Survey Dept., Malacca

Fernandez, V., (J. B. Roxas) clerk, Manila

Fernandez, V., (Farmacia Sartorius) assistant, Manila

Fernandez, V. A., assist. bailiff, court of requests, Singapore

Fernandez, V. M., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Fernandez de Terran y Pozas, G., teniente-coronel, Guardia civil, Manila

Fernandez y Garcia, H., ministro, tribunal de cuentas, Manila

Fernandis, A. M., clerk, Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Singapore

Fernando, G. A., draftsman, railway dept., Selangor

Ferral, F., Jr. (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Cebu

Ferral y Mateo, F., medical practitioner, Cebu

Ferramors, Dr., schoolmaster, Haiphong

Ferrand, restaurant keeper, Saigon

Ferrand, (Fréchet & Ferrand) aerated waters manufacturer, Saigon Ferrand, Rev. Em., 8. J., Roman Catbolic missionary, Shanghai Ferrando, government architect, Bangkok

Ferrant, P. L., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo

Ferrao, F., draftsman, public works department, Thaiping, Perak Ferrao, J. G., clerk, Land office, Perak

Ferrari, first lieutenant, M. M. str. Meinam, Saigon

Ferrari, E. E., light keeper, Dodd Island, Amoy

Ferras, P., telegraphist, Manila

Ferraz, L. A. M., retired judge, Macao (absent)

Ferreira, A. M., clerk, China Sugar Refining Co., East Point

Ferreira, C. J., (Phipps, Phipps & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Ferreira, F. M., clerk, (Brandt & Co.), Stanley street

Ferreira, J. A., capt. commanding fourth company police, Macao

Ferreira, J. M., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Ferreira, S. J., ensign, second battalion, Macao

Ferrer, M., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Ferrer, R., assistant, Philippines General Tobacco Co., Manila

Ferrer, S, mision de la Compañia de Jesus, Manila

Ferrer y Gonzalez, L., surgeon, naval department, Manila

Ferrer y Plantada, M. seccion de fomento, adminis. civil, Manila Ferrero, S., ayudante, public works dept., Manila

Ferrers, C. S. F., lieutenant, South Lancashire Regt., Singapore Ferretter, assistant, engine works, Japan Mail S.S. Co., Yokobama Ferreux, clerk, public works department, Saigon

Ferrié, Rev. J. B., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki Ferrier, G. H., paymaster, South Lancashire Regt, Singapore Ferrier, J., chief engineer, steamer Kiang-yu, Shanghai and Hankow Ferrière, telegraphist, Tourane, Annam

Ferris, F. F., (N. C. Herald Office) clerk, Shanghai Ferru, headmaster, school at Bienhoa, Cochin-China Fesca, Dr. Max., Geological Survey of Japan, Tokyo Festa, Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang

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Feugnet, tidewaiter, Customs, Quinhon, Annam

Field, A. W., Maritime Customs boat officer, Amoy Field, W., armourer, Perak Sikhs, Perak Fielle, Miss A. M., missionary, Swatow

Fière, P., merchant, Saigon

Fieron, captain, French cruiser Turenne Fiévet, tide waiter, Customs, Haiphong

Fife, Misa N. E., n issionary, Sendai, Japan

Figg, F. G., first assistant, Hongkong Observatory, Kowloon

Figueiredo, F., clerk, Eastern Extension A. & C. Telegraph Co., Queen's road Figueiredo, F. X., de., (Herbert Dent & Co.) clerk, Canton

Figueiredo, H. C. V. de., (Fearon, Low & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Figueiredo, J. A., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Figueiredo, J. M. V. de Jr., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Icehouse street

Figueiredo, L. J. 1. de, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Figueireido, A. de, enfermeiro, military hospital, Macao

Figueras, José, merchant, Iloilo

Figueras, M., merchant, Iloilo

Figurey, sub-commissioner, marine stores, Saigon

Filippi, Rt. Rev. Fr. A.M., Roman Catholic bishop, Chingchow, Ichang

Fillod, overseer, Excise department, Saigon

Finch, E. H., (Borneo Co., Ld.) clerk, Queen's road

Finch, R. L., (Huttenbach Bros. & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Finck, R. L., (E. E. Abrahamson & Co.) assistant, B. N. Borneo

Findlay, J., (Major Bros.) clerk, Shanghai

Findsen, G. J. F., Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

Finkelstein, M., proprietor," Hotel du Louvre," Singapore

Finlayson, J., (Boustead & (Co.) merchant, Singapore

Finlayson, J., China Inland missionary, Honan

Fioritti, Rev. J, B., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

Firth, F. N., assistant accountant, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Singapore

Fischer, pilot, Saigon

Fischer, H., (Kaltenbach, Fischer & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Fischer, O., (Baer Senior & C.) clerk, Isabela, Philippines

Fisher, Rev. C. H. D., missionary, Tokyo

Fisher, Rev. C. M., missionary, Osaka

Fisher, E., bill and bullion broker, Hankow

Fisher, Rev. F. W., missionary, Tokyo

Fisber, H. J., assistant, Maritime Customs, Shanghai

Fisher, H. K., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) asst. electrician, Singapore

Fisher, J. W., M.D., fleet surgeon, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Fisher, R., assistant, Sailor's Home, Praya

Fisher, Miss L. M., missionary, Foochow (absant)

Fitch, Rev. Geo. F., missionary, Ningpo

Fittock, C., (Baxter & Fittock) marine surveyor, Singapore

Fitzgerald, G., (Fitzgerald & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Fitzgerald, J., boatswain, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Fitzgerald, M., (Fitzgerald & Co.) aerated waters maker, Kobe

Fitzgerald, R., second engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Shinagawa-maru, Japan

Fitz Gerald, R. P., lieutenant, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

    Fitzgibbon, W. B., acting assistant, British Consulate, Amoy Fitz Henry, D., agent, Comptoir d'Escompte, Tientsin Fitzmaurice, H., gunner, H. B. M. corvette Satellite Flachaire, overseer, public works department, Saigon Flad, Rev. F., missionary, Nyenhangli, Kwangtung Flais, lieutenant judge, district court, Chandoc, Cochin-China

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Flambart, telegraphist, Quang-yen, Tonquin

Flanagan, J., overseer, forest department, Singapore Flavianos, pilot, Haiphong

 Flayol, capain, M.F. steamboat Phuoc-Kien, Saigon Fleet, Arthur, (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Canton Fleischer, F., supdt. engineer of torpedo school, Port Arthur Fleith, B., (Fleith & Laplace) broker and auctioneer, Saigon Fleming, D. M., (W. F. Stevenson & Co.) clerk, Manila

 Fleming, J., inspector of municipal police, Lowza station, Shanghai Fleming, J. M., mechant and cigar manufacturer, Manila Flemming, L., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Fletcher, A., clerk, post office, Singapore

Fletcher, J., (D. Davis & Co.) assistant, Singapore Fletcher, J. F., assistant master, High School, Malacca

Fleury, J. J. M., vice consul for Netherlands, Singapore Flint, W. R., harbour master, Sandakan

Flood, F., Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

 Florentin, clerk, Post and Telegraph dept., Phu Yen, Annam Florentin, lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Flores, B., (L. Génu) clerk, Manila

Flores, C. H., compositor, Tientsin Printing Co., Tientsin Flores, J., lawyer, Manila

Flores, J. Arizcun y, treasurer, Mint, Manila

Flores, M., (Sans, Codina y Pereño) clerk, Manila

Flothow, C., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Flothow, H., (Wm. Meyerink & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Foch y Montaner, E., lieut. commanding Spanish gunboat Elcano

Fock, O., (R. Telge & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Focke, H., Dr. jur., German consul general, Shanghai

Forken, C. F., second engineer, steamer Nanshan, China coast

Focken, F. W., pilot, Swatow

Foenander, M., apothecary, medical department, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor

Fogores y Arjona, P., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Foley, H., clerk, post and telegraph department. Perak

Foley, W. J., inspector of police, Perak

Folgueras, A. E., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Folleat, teacher, Adran's college Saigon

Foltête, postmaster & telegraphist, Hué, Annam

Fonsagrives, assist. commissioner, Naval stores dept., Saigon

Fonsales, A., (Denis Frères) merchant and Siamese consul, Saigon

Fonseca, A. J. da, commission agent, heut. National battalion, Macao

Fonseca, A. M. R. da, Lieut. Col., military department, Macao

Fonseca, E. T., operator, Eastern Extension A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore Fonseca, F. V da, (Evans, Pugh & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Fonseca, J. A., da, Yokohama

Fonseca, J. B., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai

Fonseca, J. C., operator, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Fonseca, J. M. C. da, clerk, ordnance store department

Fonseca, V P., purser, receiving ship Wellington, Shanghai

Fonseca, V. P., (Noronha & Sons) printer, Shanghai

Fonseca, W. C., clerk, Collector's office, Lower Perak

Font, E., assistant, Spanish Royal Mail Steamers office, Manila

Font, L., assistant, Spanish Royal Mail Steamers office, Manila

Font, N., merchant and agent, Marquis de Campo's Steamers, Manila Font, Fr. S., inspector, misericordia, Manila

Fontaine, chief of Excise, Pnompenh, Cambodia

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Fontaine, director of excise, Saigon

Fontarabie, G. B. de, legal adviser, Board of auditors, Tokyo Fontecha, V., co-adjutor, normal school, Manila

Fonteilles, telegrapbist, Nam-Dinh, Tonquin

Fontela, P. N. D., ayudante, public works dept., Manila

Fontela, B. L., alferez, second regiment, Manila Fontes, O. C., engineer, Portuguese gunboat Tejo

Foord, E., captain, Royal artillery, Singapore

Foot, C. R. de C., lieutenant, I.B.M. cruiser Leander

Foote, C. S., captain, South Lancashire Regt., Singapore

Foot, R. E. O., commander, H.B.M.S. Orion

Forbes, C., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Singapore Forbes, D. M., (Forbes, Munn & Co.) merchant, Manila (absent)

Forbes, G. H. (Hatch, Forbes & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Forbes, J., sugar boiler, China Sugar Refinery, East point

    Forbes, J. M., chief clerk, China Sugar Refinery, East point Forbes, John M. (Rus..li & Co.) merchant, Playa (absent) Forbes, P. R., (Russell & o.) clerk, Praya

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Forbes, W. H., (Russell & Co.) merchant, Praya

Forbes, W. H., (Hatch, Forbes & Co.) merchant, Tientsin

Forbes, W., (Forbes, Graham & Co.) merchant and Belgian consul, Tientsin

Ford, Chas., superintenden', botanical and afforestation dept.

Ford, C. M., British Vice-Consul, Pagoda Anchorage, Foochow

Ford, E., clerk 10 chief justice, Singapore

Ford, J., (Boyd & Co.) sssistant, Shanghai

Ford, Richd., fitter, Naval Yard

Ford, T, (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai

    Ford, T. R. W., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Ford, Theodore T., chief justice, Singapore

Forder, F. C., second engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Foreman, J., engineer, Manila

Forestier, administrator of na ive affairs, Cholon, Cochin China Foret, commander French ship Parseval

Forgeard, tidewait r, customs, Quang-Ngai, Annam

Formentos, V., (Singer Manufacturing Co.) clerk, Manila Fornel, M. G.; surg on, army medical department, Manila Fo rest, C., apprentice, public works department, Singapore Forrest, R. J., H.B.M. consul, Amoy

Forrester, Wm., (Forrester & Co.), merchant, Shanghai

    Fors, A., contador, seccion de atrasos, ti unal de cuentas, Manila Forsaith, G. A, Maritime Customs boat officer, Foochow

Forster, R. G. E., student interpreter, British Legation, Tokyo Forsyth, J., electrician, Palace, Seoul

Forsyth, R. C., missionary, Tsing-chou-fu, Shantung

Fort, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Fuse, Rev. H. J., missionary, Hyogo

Fosse, Excise department, Saigon

Foster, Rev. A., missionary, Hakow

Foster, A. T. V., staff engineer, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire

Foster, E., third ngineer, steamer Meejoo, China coast

Foster, FT. P., (Linstead & Davis) merchant, Queen's road

Foster, Rev. J. M., missionary, Swatow

Foster, J., chief gaoler, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor

Foster, Jas., (Mackenzie & Co.) as:istant, Shangbai

Foston, H. T., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Singapore Foucalt, captain, steamer Dragon, Haiphong


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Foucar, F. T., China Inland missionary, Talifoo Fougerat, J. H., Maritime Customs assistant, Yuensan Fougerouse, J., missionary, Macbac, Travinh

Fouillet, excise department, Krauchmar, Cambodia

Foulhoux, architect in chief, public works departinent, Saigon Fouque, P. F., teacher f French, Nobles' school, Tokyo Fourcoux, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon Fourestier, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon Fourestier, telegraphist, Baclieu, Cochin-China Fournel, J., (Bavier, Meyer & Co.) assistant, Shanghai Fournel, J., (Schönhard & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Fournier, (Marty & Abbadie) clerk, Haiphong Fournier, M., storekeeper, Queen's road

Fourss, secretary-general, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Fowler, Rev. C. W., missionary, Quop, Sarawak

Fowler, J., captain, str. Phra Chom Klao, Hongkong and Bangkok

Fowler, John, accountant & sub-manager, Chartered Bank of L., A. & C., Queen's road

Fowler, W., inspector of municipal police, Hongkew station, Shanghai

Fox, A., (John Little & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Fox, E., (Samuel Samuel & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Fox, F., headmaster, Government Central School, Singapore

Fox, F., B. & F. Bible Society's depository, Singapore

Fox, J., (Marians & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Fox, W., assistant superintendent, Botanical Gardens, Singapore

Fox, W. R., (Robinson & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Foyn, M., second officer, steamer Chiyuen, China coast

Foz, E. P., lawyer, Manila

Foz, J., telegraphist, Manila

Fragorre, C. G., commandante, carabineros, Manila

Fragosa, S. R., assistant, Custom House, Manila

Frahm, J., chief officer, steamer Ningpo, Hongkong and Shanghai

Frahm, J., second officer, steamer Alwine, Hongkong and Southern ports

Co.'s str. Fushiki-maru, Japan

erchant, Gage street

Fraineau, Rev. T., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki

Frahm, P., captain, Japan Mail S.

Framjee, Pallanjee, (P. F. Tolate

Framjee, S., (J. Jamasjee) cotton broker, Gage street

Franca, M. da G. d'O. Pinto da, watch officer, Portuguese gunboat Rio Lima

Francech, C. M., alferez, Marine Infantry, Manila

Francia y Ponce de Leon, B., surgeon major, Naval dept., Manila

Francis, C. A., postmaster, Province Dent, B. N. Borneo

Francis, E., fitter, Municipality, Penang

Francis, J., clerk, Chartered Bank of India, Queen's road

Francis, J. J., Q.C., barrister-at-law, Bank Buildings

Francis, R., (R. Francis & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Francis, S., assistant master, St. George's Tamil Mission, Penang

Francisco, I., (W. F. Stevenson & Co.) clerk, Manila

Francisco, J. S., bailiff, water rate dept., Municipality, Singapore

Francisco, Pedro, (J. B. Roxas) clerk, Manila

Franck, P. J. C., chief officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Kumamoto-maru, Japan Franco, F., clerk, Post-office

Franco, H. M., compositor, Commercial Printing office, Wellington street

Franco, J., professor of medicine, University, Manila (absent)

Franco, L. A., Macao

François, chef du cabinet, Résidence Gene ale, Hanoi

Francon, secretary, Residency, Kampot, Cambodia

Francoso, J. B., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

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Frandin, T. H., French, Portuguese, & Spanish consul, Foochow Frandon, E., Vice-Consul for France, Kobe

Frangos, Georges, tobacconist, Haiphong

Frank, H., (G. Hieber & Co.) merchant and commission agent, Singapore Frankford, F., telegraphist, Paknam, Siam

Frankfurt, J. J., inspector, Customs, Bangkok

Frankfurter, O., Ph. D., foreign office, Bangkok

Franklin, B. J., consul for United States, Hankow and Ichang

Franklin, W. H., assistant clerk, H.B.M.S. Audacious

Franks, F., second officer, steamer Kiangfoo, Shanghai and Hankow Franquet, lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Franzenbach, L., metallurgist, Tientsin

Franzini, B., (Toilet Club) hairdresser, Shanghai

Franzoni, Rev. Fr. G., Roman Catholic missionary, Kintcheou, Ichang Fraser, A., (Hill and Rathborne) engineer, Sunjei Ujong Fraser, A., surveyor, public works department, Malacca

Fraser, Qr. Mr. Sergt. D., foreman of works, Royal Artillery

Fraser, D., (New Oriental Bank) manager, Yokohama

Fraser, D. G., assistant, Waterloo estate, Kwala Kangsa, Perak

    Fraser, John, bill broker and proprietor Singapore Free Press, Singapore Fraser, J. A., (Fraser, Farley, & Varnum) mercbant, Yokohama Fraser, B., (Victoria Dispensary) assistant, Queen's-road Fraser, R. B., scnd engineer, steamer Yiksang, China coast Fraser, B. H. W., (Fraser, Ramsay & Co.) tea merchant, Foochow Fraser, T., manager, Waterloo estate, Kwala Kangsa, Perak Fray hier, tidewaiter, Customs, Phat Diem, Tonquin Fraysse, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Frazar, E., merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Frazer, John, medical practitioner, Tientsin

Freart, L., assistant, new port works, Manila

Freauff-Ozenne, midshipman, French frigate Turenne

Fréchet, (Fréchet & Ferrand) aerated waters manufacturer, Saigon

Frederick, F., apprentice dresser, medical department, Malacca Frederick, Jos., overseer, Trafalgar Estate, Singapore

    Fredericks, J. A., (Joseph and Frederick) broker, Queen's road Fredriks, D, compositor, Government Printing office, Singapore Fredricksen, A. F., pilot, Newchwang

Freeman, A, H., lieutenant, H. B. M. gunboat Merlin

    Freeman, W. H., chief officer, steamer Kutsang, China coast Frege, A., assistant, Bangkok saw mill, Bangkok

Frei, J., (Puttfarcken & Co.) clerk, Singapore Freitus, J. V., (J. M. J. P. Collaço) clerk, Macao Frélat, clerk, arsenal, Saigon

French, E. H., British vice-consul, Chiengmai, Siam French, W., Maritime Custo.ne boat officer, Taku Frensberg, C., Consul for Germany, Singapore Frere, A. T., inspector of police, Kuching, Sarawak Frèrejean, sub-lieutenant, second regiment, Saigon Fressel, Carl, (C. Fressel & Co.) merchant, Manila

Fretta, J. S., chief inspector of telegraph line, Bangkok

Frewin, Henry, pilot, Swatow

Friederichs, F. H., (Friederichs & Co.; merchant, and consul for Denmark, Penang Friedrich, G., (Brinkmann & Co) clerk, Singapore

Friedrichs, E., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Icehouse street

Friedrichs, F., (B. Grimm & Co.) assistant, Bangkok

Friend, Thos., second officer, steamer Haeshin, Cochin-China


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Friere, F., clerk, auditor general's office

 Friere, F. V., clerk, China Sugar Refining Co., Ld., East point Fries, L. von, Maritime Customs assistant, Chefoo

Fries, S. von, Maritime Customs assistant, Takao

Frigast, C. V., first officer, steamer Kiang-teen, Shanghai and Ningpo Fritschi, F., chief engineer, Telegraph Dept., Bangkok

Fritz, J., master, steam tug Tschaiha, Wladiwostock Froberg, G., chief officer, steamer Poochi, China coast

Frois, A., printing superintendent, Straits Times office, Singapore Frois, A. L., clerk, Supreme Court, Singapore

Frois, B. S., (Edwin Koek) clerk, Singapore

 Frois, C. P., teacher, government school, Singapore Frois, John, foreman, Straits Times office, Singapore Frois, R. A., (E. Koek) clerk, Singapore Fromaget, clerk, postal department, Saigon

Fromont, Lieut. A. M., paymaster, artillery, Saigon

 Frone, A., third engineer, str. Kiangteen, Shanghai and Ningpo Frontil, in charge of plans, port de guerre, Saigon

Frost, A., (C. F. M. Nickel) foreman, Kobe

Frost, J. J., engineer, H. B. M. gunboat Espoir

Fruitier, clerk, railway company, Saigon

Fry, R. S., surveyor, Public Works department, Singapore

Fryer, H., (P. & O.S.N. Co.) gunner, Shanghai

Fryer, John, scientific translation department, Kiangnan Arsenal, Shanghai Fuchs, A., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Queen s road

Fuchs, Rev. L., Roman Catholic missionary, Ichang

Fuente, M. de la, Fabrica de tabacos "La Insular," clerk, Manila

Fientes, de, Roman Catholic missionary, Haiphong

Fuentes, J. M. de, assistant, new port works department, Manila

Fuertes y Crespo, Z., surgeon major, army medical department, Manila Fues, H., (Hirsbrunner & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Fuetscher, M., superintendent, Post office, Bangkok Fuhrmann, R., (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Fukeera, A., interpreter, army commissariat and transport department Fulkerson, Rev. E. R., missionary, Aoyama, Japan

Fuller, Rev. A. R., missionary, Shaouhying, Ningpo (absent)

Fuller, W. R., Chefoo Dispensary, Chefoo

Fullerton, G., (Mackenzie & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Fullerton, A., (But:erfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai

Fulliero, Rev. B. E., missionary, Macao

Fulton, Rev. A. A., misionary, Canton

Fulton, Rev. T. C., missionary, Newchwang

Fulton, Miss M. H., M.D., missionary, Canton

Funcke, B. J. G. M., bookkeeper, Grand Hotel, Yokohama Funel, pilot, Saigon

Furcy, overseer, public works department, Cochin-China Fusco, M., bandmaster and general storekeeper, Bangkok Fistier, agent, Messageries Fluviales, Battambang, Siam

Fustier, L. H., telegraphist, Battam, Siam

Futtakeea, B. M., merchant, Canton

 Futtakia, B. S. (Hussunally & Co.) draper, Wellington street Futtakia, S. R., merchant, Canton

Fuzier, conductor, public works department, Saigon

Fyfe, W. F., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Fyffe, J. G., second engineer, str. Fuyew, China coast Fyson, Rev. P. K., missionary, Tokyo

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Gabada y Gil, J., surgeon, army medical department, Manila Gabaretta, R., engineer, "The Relief Fire Brigade," Yokohama Gabriel, clerk, "Õ Corrieo Macaense," Macao

Gabriel, C., (The Toilet Club) assistant, Shanghai

Gabriel, Dr. jur. H., German consul, Amoy

Gabriel, J., clerk, Municipality, Singapore

Gabriel, J., (Noronha & Co.) compositor, Zetland street

Gabriel, J., sergeant of constabulary, B. N. Borneo

Gabriel, L., clerk, Municipality, Singapore

Gabriel, L., restaurant keeper, Hanoi

Gadoulet, assist. commissioner, revues, Marine dept., Saigon

Gaddum, H. E., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Gaedertz, J. H., (Gaedertz & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Gaffour, R. P. de, ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Gaggino, F., (G. Gaggino & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Gaggino, F. P., (Gaggino & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Gaggino, G., (G. Gaggino & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Gahagan, A. Y., (E. E., A. & C. Telegraph Co.) acting clerk in charge, Singapore-

Gaidon, pilot, Haiphong

Gaillande, de, chief commissioner of marine, Saigon

Gaillande, de, chief secretary, public works dept., Saigon

Gaillard, C. E., admicistrator of native affairs, Cholon

Gaine, E., captain, steamer Kiungchow, Hongkong

Gaines, Rev. M. R., missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Galassi, Capt., drillmaster, Royal Siamese Army, Bangkok

Galban, A., chaplain, second regiment, Manila

Galbraith, J., sugar boiler, China Sugar Refinery, Bowrington

Galbraith, J. H., chief engineer, steamer Wingsang, Hongkong and Calcutta

Gal, telegraphist, Hanoi

Galan, M., assistant, Singer Manufacturing Co., Iloilo

Gale, J. W., third officer, steamer Namoa, China coast

Gale, S. R., librarian, Shanghai Library, Shanghai

Gale, Dr. Ma y, medical missionary, Shanghai

Galembert, P. M. G. de, assistant, Maritime Customs, Shanghai

Galiano, A., (Ramirez & Giraudier) assistant, Manila

Galindo y Alcedo, L., ayudante, inspeccion de montes, Manila

Galitsch, Customs, Wladiwostock

   Gallagher, J., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Takasago-maru, Japan Galland, teacher, school at Mytho, Cochin-China (absent)

Ga!!é, captain, third regiment, Saigon

Gallego, C., assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Iloilo

Gallegos, V., assistant, Civil Governor's department, Manila Galles, G., (S. C. Farnham & Co.) shipwright, Shanghai Gallet, G., foreman "Imprimerie Commerciale" Saigon Galletti, J. D., Maritime Customs tide-waiter, Shanghai Gallo, A. S., surgeon, naval department, Manila

Galloway, A. A. C., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Cordelia Galloway, C. D., lieutenant, U. S. S. Essex

Galloway, D. J., medical practitioner, Singapore

Galmel, Rev. L., Roman Catholic missionary, Malacca

Galstaun, M. N., (Galstaun & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Galsworthy, T. R., chief officer, steamer Pechili, China coast

Galton, W. P., ( Galton & Co.) public tea inspector, Foochow

Galvan, F. de P., administrator of Customs, Manila

   Galvez Y B. de Arias, F., lieut., commanding gunboat Mindanao, Manila Gama, B. da, ensign of police, Macao (absent)

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Gama, J., assistant, "Grand Hotel" Yokohauja

Gamaban, J., (Oscar Dürr) assistant, Cordoba, Philippines

Gamaban, P., (Oscar Dürr) assistant, Malaney and Mauanan, Philippines Gambe, F., encargado de material flote, new port works, Manila

Gamble, E. G. H., sub-lieutenant, H. B. M. gunboat Merlin

Gamero, J., professor of topography, nautical academy, Manila Games, Miss W. B., missionary, Kobe

Gamir, A. N., (D. D. Ollia & Co.) clerk, Tamsui

Gamir, H. N., (Hussunally & Co.) assistant, Wellington street Gamir, S, oficial, hacienda publica, Manila

Gamman, E., (Edwin Gamman & Co.) merchant, Shanghai and Hankow Gammell, W. H., compositor, government printing office, Singapore Gamraadt, gunner's assistant, Chinese ironclad Chen Yuen, Port Arthur Gamwell, F. R., (Butterfield & Swire) merchant, Queen's road (absent) Gandart, P. H., (F. Clarke & Co.) clerk, Singapore

  Gande, J. W., (Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co.) assistant, Shanghai Gandillon, preposè, excise department, Saigon

Gandon, sub-lieutenaut, fourth regiment, Saigon

Ganeval, captain, third regiment, Saigon

Ganofsky, clerk, district court, Mytho, Cochin-China

Ganslooser, G., (Katz Bros) assistant, Singapore

Gantou, Rev. P. G. B., teacher, Assumption College, Bangkok

Garagoza, M., oficial, seccion pericial de reconocimiento de tabacos, Manila Garcerie, A., timber merchant, Pnom-penh, Cambodia

Garchitorena. J. C. de, (E. Garchitorena & Co.) carriage builder, Manila -

Garcia, midshipman, French frigate Turenne

Garcia, A., professor, ateneo municipal, Manila

Garcia, B. N., alferez, third regiment, Manila

Garcia, C., assistant, new port works impost office, Manila

Garcia, E., contador, tribunal de cuentas, Mauila

Garcia, E. P., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Garcia, F., (A. de Marcaida) clerk, Manila

Garcia, Fr. F., teacher, College of S. Tomas, Manila Garcia, Francisco, carriage builder, Iloilo

Garcia, G., druggist, Manila

Garcia, J., teacher of music, College of S. Tomas, Manila Garcia, J. C., ayudante, division fo estal, Manila

Garcia, J. M: interventor, adminis. central de Rntas, Manila Garcia, Fr. J. M., professor of theology, University, Manila Garcia, J. S., magistrate and professor, University, Manila Garcia, Fr. L., teacher, College of S. Tomas, Manila Garcia, M., guardamonte, forestry department, Iloilo Garcia, M. dos D. da Costa, teacher, Central School, Macao Garcia, P., (Baer Senior & Co.) clerk, Isabela, Philippines Garcia, P. P., teacher, Iloilo

Garcia, Fr. Q., teacher, College of S. Tomas, Manila Garcia, R., official, customs, Iloilo

Garcia, R., (J. Zobel) chemist, Manila

Garcia, R. J., alferez, Marine Infantry, Manila

Garcia Requejo, A., commandante, infanteria, Manila

Garcia, S., (Garcia & Beyfus) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Garcia, T., assistant, "Maria Cristina" Cigar factory, Manila Garcia, V., penitenciario, ecclesiastical department, Manila Garcia y Artune, E., surgeon, Naval depariment, Manila Garcia y Basa, B., ayudante, Botanical department, Manila

Garcia y Garcia, J., sub-director, communications department, Manila

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Garcia y Gil, E., surgeon-major, Army Medical department, Manila Garcia y Medina, M., oficial, Customs, Manila

Garcia y Meriet, R., dispenser, army medical department, Manila Garcia y Olonzo, F., ayudante, forestry department, Manila Garcimartin, Carlos de, consul for Spain, Singapore

Garcintorena, R., lieut.-comr., veteran civil guard, Manila

Garcio, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Garcon, receiver, adminis. of native affairs, Longxuyen, Cochin-China

Gardelin, J. W., second officer, Japan Mail S.S. Co.'s str. Takachiho-maru, Japan Gardès, P., (Schroeder Frères and Gardès) bookseller, Saigon

Gardiner, Geo. E. J., (Sanderson & Co.) tea inspector, Foochow

Gard'ner, J. P. Wade, (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) acting manager, Singapore Gardiner, J. McD., missionary, Tokyo

Gardner, Rev. C. G., missionary, Tokyo

Gardner, C. T., acting British Consul, Hankow

Gardner, R., gunner, H.B.M.S. Wivern

Gardner, T. S., captain, steamer Japan, Hongkong and Calcutta

Gardner, W, engineer, Hongkong Rope Manufacturing Co., Belcher's Bay

Gardner, W. A E., (Gardner & Co.).baker and grocer, Chefoo (absent)

Gardner, Miss F. A., missionary, Osaka

Gardo, M., presidente de sala, real audiencia, Manila

Gardot, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

  Garfit, A. S., (China Traders' Insurance Co.) acting secretary, Queen's road Garibaldi y Fuentes, R., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Garien, chief, tax office, Hanoi

Garijo é Ysasa, J., oficial, adminis. de Impuestos, Manila

Garin, J., ayudante, public works, Nueva Caceres, Philippines

Garland, E. T. C., (W. F. Garland & Co.) civil engineer, Singapore

Garland, W. F., civil engineer, Singapore and Jobore

Garnier, wine merchant, Saigon

Garnier, Rev. L. F., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki


Garnier, Mgr. V., S. J., Roman Catholic bishop & Vicar Apostolic of Kiang-nan, Shanghai Garnot, sub-lieuterant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Garoz, J. C., lieutenant, infantry, Manila

Garrard, C. G., (Braddell Brothers) managing clerk, Singapore

Garrels, J. H., (Meyer & Co.) merchant, Queen's road

Garret, clerk, telegraph construction service, Hanoi

Garretson, Miss E. M., missionary, Foochow

Garrieu, (Bank of Indo-China), clerk, Hanoi

Garrigues, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

Garriock, A. B., (Wheelock & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Garst, Chas. E., missionary, Akita, Japan

Garves, conductor, public works department, Cochin-China

Garvin, Miss A. E., missionary, Osaka

Gascueña y Cruz, R., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Gaskell, J. M., (Forbes, Munn & Co.) clerk, Manila

Gaskell, W. H., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Gasnier, Rt. Rev. Dr. E., French Catholic bishop, Singapore

Gasper, A. V., (L. J. Chater) assistant, Singapore

Gasper, M. A., dresser, medical department, Penang

Gasse, lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Gassier, cafetier, Haiphong

Gastardi y Trihay, J., lieut., commanding Spanish gunboat Prueba, Manila

Gastaud, exptain, M. M: steamer Feluse, Saigon

Gaston, compositor, Courrier d'Haiphong, Haiphong

Gate, Miss, (Gate & Fairall) milliuer, Queen's road

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Gatti, C., assistant, Ewo Silk Filature, Shanghai

Gaubert, teacher, Chasseloup Laubat's college, Saigon Gaudaubert, G., Cafe Restaurant du Commerce, Haiphong Gauroy, captain, fourth regiment, Saigon

Gauthier, clerk, arsenal, Saigon

Gauthier, Rev. J., French missionary, Swatow

Gautier, conductor of public works, Cochin-China Gautier, midshipman, French frigate Turenne Gauvin, clerk, district court, Vinh-long

Gavard, maker of automatic punkahs, Hanoi Gavelle, G., bookseller, Haiphong Gavieres, F. G., magistrate, Manila

Gavin, overseer, excise department, Saigon Gavino, R., telegraphist, Manila

Gawthorne, J., (Presgrave & Clutton,) manager, Penang Gawthorne, Jas., chief clerk, Court of Requests, Penang Gawthorne, S. J., apothecary, medical dept., Penang Gay, A. O., (Walsh, Hall & Co.) merchant, Yokohama Gay, V., agent, Compania General de Tabacos, Iloilo Gayet-Laroche, merchant, Hanoi (absent)

Gayme, (Chas Vezin & Co.) chemist & cement manufacturer, Hon-gay, Tonkin Gaynaire, Rev. P., missionary, Binhhoa, Saigon

Gaynor, B., sub-treasurer, Kwala Kangsa, Perak

Gay y Costa, V., assistant, governor's office, Iloilo

Gazee, A. G., assistant, Victoria Hotel, Queen's Road

Gazoro, J., teacher of horsemanship, Iloilo

Gearing, H. C., lieutenant, U. S. S. Essex

Gebhardt, F., (H. M. Schultz & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Geenday, chief officer, str. Yiksang, China coast

Geffeken, (Kundardt & Co.), merchant, Wladiwostock, (absent)

Geffeney, C. H., hair-dresser, Yokohama

Geffeney, C. H. Jr., (C. P. Low & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Geffroy, chemist, Saigon

Geiger, A., (D. Brandt & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Geiger, H. W., M.L.C., agent, P. & O. S. N. Co., Singapore

Gélédan, teacher, school at Mytho, Cochin-China

Genähr, Rev. E., missionary, Fukwing, Canton

Genato, M., (Genato & Co.) auctioneer and commission agent, Manila

Genato, Vte. A., (Genato & Co.) auctioneer and commission agent, Manila

Gendre, (Cazaux) assistant, Saigon

Gendre, Em., contractor, Saigon

Gendre, Mrs., milliner, Saigon

Gener y García de Genevaro, R., alferez, arsenal guard, Manila

Generoso, A., (Gsell & Co.) clerk, Manila

Genevedas, M., lieut. commanding Spanish gunboat Calamianes, Manila

Genin, excise department, Rachgea, Cochin-China

Genin, telegraphist, Hongay, Tonpuin

Genin, P., (Bavier, Meyer & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Genissieu, A., "Café japonnais," Haiphong

Gennevoise, P. T. F., French missionary, Mu'ang Prom, Siam

Genotin, tidewaiter, customs, Haiphong

Genou, Mrs., milliner, Saigon

Gente, H., (A. Markwald & Co.) clerk, Bangkok

Gentle, Alex., secretary, Singapore Exchange, and Chamber of Commerce, Singapore

Génu, L., merchant, Manila

Geoghegan, E. J., (Delacamp & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

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Georg, E., (Cohen & Georg) broker, Queen's road

George, watchman, Grand Hotel, Yokohamna

George, C., clerk of works, public works department, Selangor

George, E., broker, and agent Reuter's Telegram Co., Queen's road Georgeot, telegraphist, Haiphong

Georges, pilot, Haiphong

Georgeson, C. C., teacher, agricultural college, Tokyo

Georgi, engineer, Compagnie Francaise rice mill, Saigon

Georgsen, C., chief officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Takachiho-maru, Japan Gerard, commissary, str. Cerf, Haiphong

Gérardin, Rov. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Canton

Gerard von Oyen, L. B., (Anselmo Bros.) clerk, Singapore

Géraud, Vve., baker and grocer, Saigon

Gerier, telegraphist, Phuly, Tonquin

Gerlach, C., M.D., medical practitioner, Alexandra terrace

Germain, J. R., chief inspector of nuisances, sanitary department Germanicus, conductor, municipal department, Saigon

Germanicus, Mme., inspectress, municipal girls' school, Saigon Germann, A., (Germann & Co.) merchant, Manila (absent) Germann, C., (Germann & Co.) merchant, Manila

Gernot, C., missionary, Cai-Mong, Bentré

   Geruot, C. J., provicar-general, Catholic mission, Saigon Gérolami, sub-brigadier of police, Cholon

Gers des Rivières, receiver, registry of lands, Saigon Gertner, P., Customs, Wladiwostock

Gervais, deputy-judge, Saigon

Gervais, telegraphist, Hondau, Tonquin

Gesche, M., municipal police, Kobe

Geslien, H., (Meier & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Gesseit, A., broker, Shanghai

Gesseit, F. A., (A. Gesseit) assistant, Shanghai

Gest, sub-commissioner, marine approvisionnements, Saigon

Gestel, Rev. Fr. G. van, Roman Catholic missionary, Ichang

Getley, A., pilot, Shanghai

Getten, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Gex, Rev. G., French Catholic missionary, Singapore

Geyer, A., (B. Biele) assistant, Singapore

Geyer, A., (C. P. Low & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Geyzel, E. J. van, Residency, Malacca

Geyzel, G. van, goods clerk, railway, Selangor

Geyzel, V. van, checking clerk, railway, Selangor

Ghaut, F. H., assistant accountant, New Oriental Bank, Kobe

Ghazee, A., clerk, Victoria Hotel, Queen's road

Gheeting, T., (Tait & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Ghezzi, Mme. R., assistant, Russell & Co.'s silk filature, Shanghai

Ghisi, E., (Dufour Brothers & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Giafferi, controller of excise, Pnompenh

Giat, principal, municipal boys' school, Saigon

Giat, Mrs. mistress, municipal boys' school, Saigon

Gibarta, Rev. M., Roman Catholic missionary, Bangkok

Gibb, Alex. W. V., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Gibb, R. G., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

   Gibbous, C., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) tea inspector, Yokohama Gibbs, A. W., engineer, H.B.M S. Orion

Gibhs, H. J., apothecary, medical department, Singapore Gibbe, J. B., Yokohama

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Gibert, chief commissioner, revues, administration of Marine, Saigon Gibert, G., (H. Péré) architect, Saigon

 Gibert y Roig, J., oficial, intendencia gl. de Hacienda, Manila Giboin, A., (Denis Frères) clerk, Saigon

Gibory, lieutenant French cruiser Turenue

Gibson, second engineer, Siamese govt. str. Siam Supporter, Bangkok Gibson, Jas., (Sandilands, Buttery & Co.) clerk, Penang

Gibson, Rev. J. C., M.A., missionary, Swatow

Giese, J., chief officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Fetchiu-maru, Japan Giffard, G. A., commander, H. B. M. sloop Wanderer

Giffening, P., Thaiping, Perak

Giffening, T. G., overseer, public works dept., Larut, Perak

Gigon, receiver, land an I stamp office, Saigon

Gil, Captain H. M., adjutant, second battalion, Macao

Gil, G. Lopez, oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Gil, J. L., lieutenant of guards, arsenal, Manila

Gil y Pastor, J. Ma., oficial, Mint, Manila

Gilbert, G., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) silk inspector, Yokohama

Gilly, H. H., (Eastern Extension, A. and C. Telegraph Co.) operat›r, Shanghai

Gilchrist, D., (Sandilands, Buttery & Co.) clerk, Penang

Gilchrist, Geo., manager, Manila Slip Co., Manila

Gildemeister, B., (Brinkmann & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Giles, Capt. G. E., R. A., assistant commissioner of police, Thaiping, Perak Giles, H. A., British Consul, Tamsui

Gile, H. R., gunner, H.B.M.S. Orion

Giles, W., warder gaol, Penang

Giles, W. H., clerk in charge, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Queen's road Giles y Gomez, J., oficial, adminis. de rentas, etc., Manila

Gilfillan, S., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Gill, E. H., (Browne & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Gill, W. Hope, China Inland missionary, Pao-tin-su, Chilili

Gillanders, A., chief engineer, China Sugar refinery, Bowrington

Gillard, hairdresser, Saigon

Gillet, procureur, district court, Mytho, Cochin-China

Gillet, (H. Péré) painter and decorator, Saigon

Gillet, L. merchant, Hanoi

Gillett, B., merchant, Yokohama

Gillett, F., (Mollison & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Gillford, Lord R. C., midshipman H.B.M. corvette Sapphire

Gillies, D., secretary and manager, Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co., Praya

Gillies, J., chief engineer, steamer Kutsang, China coast

Gillingham, A. W., (Mourilyan, Heimann & Co.) merchant, Kobe

Gillingham, J., (Mourilyan, Heimann & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Gillison, Thos., M. B., medical missionary, Hankow

Gillouin, chief engineer, Messageries Fluviales steamboat Nam Vian, Saigon

Gilly, excise department, Saigon

Gilly, principal geometer, survey office, Saigon

Gilman, Rev. F. P., missionary, Hoihow

Gilmore, G. W., government school, Seoul

Gilmour, D., public silk inspec or, Shanghai (absent)

Gilmour, Rev. J., M.A., missionary, Peking

Gilpatrick, W. W., lieutenant, U. S. S. Monocacy

Gilpin, F. C. A., lieutenant, South Lancashire regt., Singapore

Gilpin, G. D., second officer, steamer Diamante, Hongkong and Manila Gilse van der Pals, A. H. van, (D. Brandt & Co.) clerk, Singapore Gimel, chief of battalion, fourth regiment, Saigon

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Gimenez, P., teniente, guardia civil, Iloilo

Gimenez, R. L., director, military hospital, Iloilo

Gimeno, Rev. M., Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow

Gimlette, T. D, staff surgeon, H.B.M.S. Orion

Giminez de Quiros, J. C., Compania Gl. de Tabacos, Sto. Miguel, Philippines Giner, Rev. F., missionary, Soalun, Formosa

Giner, J. F., presidente de sala, real audiencia, Manila

Ginsburg, M., merchant, Nagasaki and Yokohama

Giovansili, usher, municipal boys' school, Saigon

Gipperich, E., (Gipperich & Burchardi) merchant, Shanghai

Gipperich, G., (Anz & Co.) merchant, Chefoo

Giquet, (Reynaud) assistant, Haiphong

Giraldez, F., chief engineer, public works, Nueva Caceres, Philippines

Giralt, Rev. Juan, Roman Catholic missionary, Amoy

Giran, W., inspector of machinery, mines department, Perak

Girard, clerk, Excise department, Saigon

Girar:1, telegraphist, Cape St. James

Girard, E. commissioner of police force, Saigon

Girard, Rev. J. J. J., teacher, college of Pulo Ticus, Penang

Girard, U., (Cozen & Girard) merchant, Shanghai

Girardot, bead master, Govt. School, Gocong, Cochin-China Giraud, Mme., restaurateur, Hanoi

Giraudier, B., (Ramirez & Giraudier) printer, Manila Giraudier, L., (Ramirez & Giraudier) assistant, Manila

Girault, captain, third regiment, Saigon

Girault, G., (Guieu Freres) assistant, Shanghai

Girod, Roman Catholic missionary, Tonkin

Girordin, geometer, survey office, Saigon

Gisbart, H. E. Lope, administrator general, Compania General de Tabacos, Manila Gisbert, A., accountant, hospital de S. Juan de Dios, Manila

Gisbert, L., vice-president, board of harbour works, Manila

Gisper Fr. M., teacher, college of S. Tomas, Manila

Gittins, J., (John Gittins & Co.) merchant, Foochow (absent) Gittins, Thos., Jr., (John Gittins & Co,) merchant, Foochow Gittins, Wm., (John Gittins & Co.) clerk, Foochow Gitton, accountant, hospital, Haiphong

    Git y Gil, M., surgeon, naval department, Manila Giussani, C., (Gieber & Co.) silk merchant, Yokohama Glass, C. C. N, (McAlister & Co.) ship broker, Singapore Glass, D., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) assistant, Shanghai Glass, Commander H., commanding U. S. S. Monocacy Glass, L. J. R., (Guthrie & Co.) merchant, Singapore Glazebrook, F. E., (Findlay, Richardson & Co.) clerk, Manila Gleig, C. H. A., lieutenant, H. B. M. gunvessel Firebrand

Gleim, G., (B. Grimm) assistant, Bangkok

Glénat, L., (Comptoir d' Escompte) acting agent, Yokohama

Glenk, C., wharfinger, C. M. S. N Co.'s central & Hongkew wharves, Shanghai Glentzlin, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonkin

Gloria, C., (F. L. Roxas) clerk, Manila

Gloria, R., enfermera, casa de recogidas, Manila

Gloss, Miss A. D., missionary, Tientsin

Gloaton, Roman Cat olic missionary, Tonkin

Glover, A. B., (Holme, Ringer & Co.) clerk, Nagasaki

Godard, Roman Catholic missionary, Tonkin

Godard, chief accountant, railway company, Saigon Godard, clerk, treasury, Hauoi

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Godard, C., negociant, Hanoi


Goday de Castello, J., alférez auxiliare habilitado, infanteria, Manila Goddard, F. D., captain, steamer Namoa, China coast

Goddard, Rev. J. R., missionary, Shoohing, Ningpo

Godinez, F., abogado, Manila

Godinez y Esteban, A., lieut. commanding Spanish transport Valiente, Manila Godino, E., oficial, personal agregalo, Manila

Godment, J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Shanghai

Godsil, F. W. J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Amoy

Godwin, A. A., Maritime Customs examiner, Amoy Godwin, W., sergeant, naval yard police

Goebel, M., Belgian consul-general, Shanghai

Goetz, E., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Praya

Gogeard, P. C., accountant, Municipal Council, Cholon

Goggin, S. W., captain, steamer Kiukiang, Hongkong and Macao

Gogorza, F., telegraphist, Manila

Gois, P., clerk, marine department, Singapore

Goldenberg, H., proprietor, City of Hamburg Tavern, Nagasaki

Goldham, C., head master, Government school, Penang

Goldie, Miss, missionary, Hok Ning Foo, Foochow

Golding, T. B., real estate broker, Shanghai

Goldman, S., proprietor, Victoria Hotel, Shanghai

Goldman, S., storekeeper, Nagasaki

Goldney, J. T., puisne judge, Singapore

Goldsmith, Rev. A. G., chaplain, St. Peter's (Seamen's) Church, West point Goliath, telegraph overseer, Saigon

Gollan, Alex., H.B.M. consul, Manila

Golobardas, S., commandant of artillery, Manila

Goltz, Baron vou der, student interpreter, German Legation, Peking

Gomboyeff, N., postmaster, Russian Legation, Peking

Gomes, A., clerk, municipal works department, Singapore

Gomes, A., (F. A. da Cruz) clerk, Macao

Gomes, A, J., (Brandão & Co.) merchant, Wellington street

Gomes, A. S., M.D., medical practitioner, Seymour road

Gomes, C. J., clerk, "Hotel de l' Europe," Singapore

Gomes, C. W., turner and fitter, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Gomes, E. H., missionary, Banting, Sarawak

Gomes, F., (Cohen & Georg.) clerk, Queen's road

Gomes, F. A., (Brandão & Co.) merchant, Wellington street

Gomes, F. H., manager, Quedah Dispensary, Penang

Gomes, H., lightkeeper, Malacca

Gomes, J., proprietor, "Globe Hotel," Queen's road central

Gomes, J., proprietor, Fashion Emporium, Lyndhurst terrace

Gomes, J. B., Jr., (Brandao & Co.) merchant, Wellington street

Gomes, J. E., (Douglas Lapraik & Co.) clerk, Praya

Gomes, J. das., third engineer, Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Diaz Gomes, M. A., (H. & W. Dock Co.) clerk, Kowloon

Gomes, M. H., acting secretary, China ginger manufactory, Bowrington

Gomes, M. H., manager, "Globe Hotel," Queen's road

Gomes, M. H., (Fashion Emporium) assistant, Lyndhurst Terrace

Gomes, M. J., assistant master, High School, Malacca

Gomes, N. J., (Belilios & Co.) clerk, Lyndhurst terrace

Gomes, R., alferez, seccion de archivo, Manila

Gomes, S., overseer, Trafalgar Estate, Singapore Gomes, Rev. W. H., missionary, Singapore Gomez, B. B., chaplain, fifth regiment, Manila

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Gomez, F., reporter, Supreme Court, Mauila

Gomez, F., (Secker & Co.) assistant, Manila

Gomez, J. A., professor de notoriado, university, Manila

Gomez, J. B., restaurant keeper, Manila

Gomez, J. C., comandante, guardia civil veterana, Manila

Gomez, J. C., (Fashion Emporium) assistant, Lyndhurst Terrace Gomez, J. E., captain, thi:d regiment, Manila

Gomez, J. Vidal, teniente fiscal, real audiencia, Manila

Gomez, Fr. M., professor, University, Manila

Gomez, N., teacher, St. Francis School, Malacca

Gomez, Q., observer, Observatory, Manila

Gomez, S., telegraphist, Manila

Gomez y Arce, J., Government physician, Iloilo

Gomez y Gomez, ayudante, brigada sanitaria, Manila

Gonbier, third clerk, Messageries Maritimes, Saigon

Gonçalves, A. compositor, College of S. José, Macao

Gonçalves, F. A. L., medical officer, Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Dias Goncalves, T. T., (Deacon & Co.) clerk, Canton

Gonidec, master of customs junk, Haiphong

Gonino, E., letrado, intendenica general de hacienda, Manila

Gonnord, F., overseer of roads, Cholon

Gonnord, Mme., coffee house keeper, Haiphong

Gonsalez, A., photographer, Jaro, Iloilo

Gonsalves, B. F., (Deacon & Co.) clerk, Canton and Macao

Gonsalves, C. J., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Gonsalves, D., assistant, war stores department, Macao

Gonsalves, D. M., (Gipperich & Burchardi) clerk, Shanghai

Gonsalves, F. M., (Gonsalves & Co.) merchant, Aberdeen street

Gonsalves, Rev. F. P., missionary, and vice-rector, Seminario de S. José, Macao Gonsalves, J. B., adjutant lieutenant, Police, Macao

Gonsalves, N. P., clerk, tax office, Maoac

Gonsalves, Pe. F. P., Encarregado Egraja de S. José, Macao

Gonzales, G., (J. Zobel) assistant, Cavite, Phillipines

Gonzalez, J. S., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Gonzales, M., assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Manila

Gonzales, S., captain, seccion de archivo, Manila

Gonzalez, E. M., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Gonzalez, F., (Ayala & Co.) merchant, Manila Gonzalez, G., comandante, Governor's office, Iloilo

Gonzalez, R. C., pawnbroker, Manila

Gonzalez, Victor, perfume dealer, &c., Cebu

Gonzales y Suares, A., arcediano, ecclesiastical department, Manila (absent)

Gonzalves, A., (Ed. Schellhass & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Goodall, Mrs. E., missionary, Nagasaki

Goodenough, J. S., forest ranger, land office, Singapore

Goodenough, B., (E. E. Abrahamson & Co.) assistant, B. N. Borneo

Goodfellow, W., (Gas Co.) foreman fitter, Shanghai

Goodheart, C. F., warder, gaol, Singapore

Goodison, F. S., (Cornes & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Goodrich, Rev. C., missionary, Tung-chau (absent)

Goodrich, J. K., instructor, higher middle school, Tokyo

-Goodwyn, C. S., Jr., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Icehouse street

Goolamhoosenbhoy, J., (Jairezbhoy Peerbhoy & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Goonting, R., medical department, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor Goosmann, J., (Melchers & Co.) clerk, Praya

Gordes, A., (Gordes & Co.) photographer, Nagasaki


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Gordes, H., (Gordes & Co.) photographer, Nagasaki

Gordo, G. F., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Yokohama Gordon, A. A., midshipman, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Gordon, A. G., engineer, Bowrington

Gordon, Major-General A. H. A., superintendent, Victoria gaol

Gordon, C. W., (A. L. Rodionoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Gordon, G. D., (Gordon & Co.) railway contractor, Selangor

Gordon, J., sergeant of police, Penang

Gordon, Jas., assistant manager, Caledonia Estate, Penang Sugar Estate Co., Penang Gordon, Rev. M. L., D.D., missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Gordon, W., chief engineer, steamer Pechili, China coast

Gordon, W., (Delacamp & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Gordon, W. G., (Gordon Bros.) commission agent, Hankow Gordon, Miss A. F., missionary, Soochow

Gore-Booth, E. H., broker, Shanghai

Gore-Booth, R. H., broker, Shanghai

Gorham, C. L., (P. M. S. S. Co.) chief clerk, Queen's road central

Gorham, J. F., (P. M. S. S. Co.) supt. of coal depot, Yokohama

Gorman, H. J., furniture dealer, Yokohama

Gorostiza, A. de, contador, ayuntamiento, Manila

Gorostiza, V. de, contador, Mo te de Piedad, Manila

Gorschalki, storekeeper, Jenchuan

Gosch, H., chief officer, Japan Mail S.S. C's. str. Nagato-maru, Japan

Gosling, T. L., commission agent, Singapore

Gossard, A. A., assistant surgeon, Pulo Condore, Cochin China

Gostelow, B., chief clerk, land office, Malacca

Gostelow, G. W., clerk, Treasury office, Malacca

Gotla, C. D., (P. D. Gotla & Co.) shopkeeper, Peel street

Gotla, H. C., (N. Mody & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Gotla, P. D., (P. D. Gotla & Co.) shopkeeper, Pel street

Gott, D. W., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) supdt., Penang (absent) Götte, R., merchant, Bangkok

Gottlieb, F. H., barrister-at-law, & vice-consul for Belgium & France, Penang (abs(n:) Gottlieb, F. H. V., chief clerk, general post office, Singapore

Gottschalk, Rev. R., missionary, Thongthan, Kwangtung

Göttsche, artillery instructor, Paknam forts, Bangkok

Goudareau, G., chancelier, French consulate, Yokohama Goudot, restaurant keeper, Hanoi

Goudret, telegraph inspector, Saigon

Gouin, French Resident, Sentay, Touquin

Gouin, telegraphist, Zuc Dien, Tonquin

Goulard, clerk, admins. native affairs, Hatien, Cochin-China

Goulbourn, W., assistant and storekeeper, Tytam Water Works

Goulé, A., veterinary surgeon, Royal Siamese Army, Bangkok

Goulerte, D., (G. R. Stevens & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Gould, E. B., British consul, Bangkok

Gould, J., tax collector, municipal council, Shanghai

Gourdin, A. O'D., secretary, Punjom Gold Mining Co., Club Chambers

Gourier, telegraphist, Hong-Hoa, Tonquin

Gourreau, tax receiver, admins., native affairs, Saigon

Gourvenec, telegraphist, Chaudoc, Cochin-China

Gouvea, C. P. J. de: commandante Portuguese gunboat Tamega

Gouvea, Rev. I. C: de, curate of the Cathedral, Macao

Govantes, F. M., consjero, seccion de lo contencioso, consejo de administracion, Mani

Gove, F., (Wheelock & Co.) broker, Shanghai

Gow, J., (Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co.) draughtsman, Praya

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Gowan, P., M.D., surgeon and physician to H.M. the King, Bangkok Gower, S. J., secretary, Chinese Insurance Co., Queen's road

Gowland, T. G., (Russell & Co.) clerk and U. S. consular agent, Tamsui Gowland, Wm., F.C.S., chemist and assayer, Mint, Kawasaki, Japan Gown, J. V., negociado, Civil Governor's office, Manila Goyena, F. S., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila Goyon, excise department, Kompong-Chuang, Cambodia Goyon, storekeeper, Messageries Fluviales, Saigon Goyzueta, Chev. F. de, consul for Italy, Singapore Grabert, E., (A. Markwald & Co.) clerk, Bangkok Graça, F. M. de, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Graça, J. M., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Graca, P. M. A. de, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya Grace, C. F., dentist, Singapore

■Grace, C. H., secretary, Hongkong Club, Queen's road

Graffun ler, F., engineer, Chinese ironclad Lai Yuen, Port Arthur

Grage, W., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Graham, Chas., foreman of works, H.K. High Level Tramways Co. Graham, E. S., chief officer, steamer Thales, China coast

Graham, G. C., captain, steamer Yéh-sin, China coast

      Graham, G. F., (H. & K. Wharf Co.) wharfinger, Kowloon Graham, J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Tientsin

Graham, J., second engineer, steamer Kutsang, China coast

Graham, J., watchmaker, jeweller, &c., Singapore

Graham, Jas., (Syme & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)


Grabam, J. W., (Forbes, Graham & Co.) merchant, and Belgan vice-consul, Tientsin

Graham, M., chief engineer, steamer Japan, Hongkong and Čalcutta

Graham, M. D., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment

Graham, W., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Suminoye-maru, Japan

Graham, Wm., (W. L. Hunter) tea inspector, Foochow

Graindorge, chief of telegraph service, Pumpenh

Grainer, administrator, native affairs, Gocong, Cochin-China

Grainer, overseer, Excise department, Saigon

Grainger, S. J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Ichang

Gral, F., chief engineer, N. D. Lloyd str. General Werder, Hongkong and Japan Gram, C. C., Maritime Customs godown keeper, Shanghai

Granados, G., (J., B. Roxas) clerk, Manila

Granados, J., chaplan, first regiment, Manila

Granados, J., (J. B. Roxas) clerk, Manila

Grand, Rev. J. P., French missionary, Kanburi, Siam

Granda, A. G., assistant, Mint, Manila

Grandclement, midshipman, French cruiser Primauguet

Grandguillaume, A. (L. Vrard & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Grandjean, Ch., director, Banque de l' Indo-Chine, Haiphong

Grandmann, W., Maritime Customs assistant, Ningpo

Grandon, master, Tugboat Association, Shanghai

Granier, captain, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Grant, Alex,, missionary, Singapore

Grant, Chas., (Kelly & Walsh) manager, Queen's road

Grant, C. Lyall, (Adamson, Bell & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Grant, D., chief engineer, steamer Ranee, Sarawak and Singapore

Grant, D., medical missionary, Amoy

Grant, G. T., carpenter, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Grant, J., (Douglas Lapraik & Co.) clerk, Praya

Grant, J., (McAlister & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Grant, J., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) assistant, Quarry Bay

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Grant, L. M. F., (Gilman & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Grant, P. McGregor, (Robt. Anderson & Co.) merchant, Shanghai and Kiukiang Grant, P. V., (Boyd & Co.) engineer, Shanghai

Grant, R., (H. & W. Dock Co.) foreman turner, Cosmopolitan docks

Grant, R., Maritime Custon 8 tide waiter, Tamsui

Grant, W., superintendent shipwright, Naval yard, Taku

Granzella, A., assistant, Maritime Customs, Peking

Grape, J. G., Customs tidewaiter, Hankow

Grapengeter, engineer, Chinese torpedo cruiser Chi Yuen, Port Arthur Grappe, A., (Calas & Grappe), merchant, Hanoi

Grassi, J., (Grassi Brothers & Co.) builder, contractor, &c., Bangkok Gratton, F. M., (Morrison and Gratton) architect, Shanghai

Grauert, H., merchant, Yokohama

Grauert, Henri, (H. Grauert) clerk, Yokohama

Gravalos, M., lieut., seccion de archivo, Manila Graves, Rev. R. H., missionary, Canton (absent)

Graves, Mrs. M. L., missionary, Niigata

Gravier, (Denis Frères) clerk, Haiphong

Gray, B. C. T., (North China Insurance Co.) agent, Singapore Gray, G. E., (Reiss & Co.) merchant, Duddell street

Gray, J., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Manila

Gray, J., (New Oriental Bank) accountant, Queen's road Gray, J. W., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Yokohama

Gray, R. M., (Reiss & Co.) mercbant, Lombard street

Grayson, A. K., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) assistant, Wuhu

Grayson, T. H., chief officer, steamer Haeshin, China coast

Greathouse, C. B., consul general for United States, Yokohama

Greave, A., assist. engineer, Chinese cruiser Lai Yuen, Port Arthur Greaves, A. R., broker, Hankow

Greaves, Rev. T. R., missionary, Hankow

Green, A. G., (Medical Hall) assistant, Yokohama

Green, A. W., Maritime Customs salt watcher, Hankow

Green, C. M., chief officer, str. Kiangfoo, Shanghai and Hankow

Green, Rev. C. W., missionary, Hakodate

Green, Geo., Kobe

Green, H., assist. observer, trigonometrical survey, Penang

Green, H. T. S., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Queen's road

Green, J., (Fearon, Low & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Green, J., (Marians & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Green, J. T., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Wuhu`·

Green, L. M., fleet engineer, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Green, Mrs., milliner, Shanghai

Green, Miss N. R., missionary, Peking

Green, Miss V. O., missionary, Peking

Greenblet, Miss F., Café de Singapore, Saigon

Greene, Rev. D. C., D.D., missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Greene, J. L., head master in charge of education dept., Thaipeng, Perak

Greenfield, W., third officer, steamer Japan, Hongkong and Calcutta

Greenham, P., (Grassi Brothers & Co.) draftsman, Bangkok

Greenhill, G. C., (Boyd & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Gregoire, harbour-master, Saigon

Gregorio, A., chief of South station, telegraph department, Manila

Gregory, E. J., clerk, registration dept., Penang

Gregory, J. H., maritia e customs tidewaiter, Shanghai

Gregory, S. M., chief clerk, audit office, Perak

Gregory, T., chief clerk, Marine department, Penang

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Gregory, T. A., fourth engineer, steamer A. Apcar, Hongkong and Calcutta

Gregory, Wm., British consul, Ichang

Gregson, F., commission agent, Chinkiang

Gregson, H. R., lieutenant, H.B.M.S. Victor Emanuel

Greig, A., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Greig, F., second engineer, steamer Haiphong, China coast

Greig, M. W., (Russell & Co.) tea inspector, Foochow

Greive, Wm. C., accountant, Chartered Bank, Singapore Greminger, H., (Hooglandt & Co.) clerk, Singapore Grenfell, J. S. W., marine surveyor, Saigon

    Grenier, Rev. C. A. Ch., French Catholic missionary, Penang Grépon, treasury paymaster, Hanoi

Greppi, A., Kobe

Greset, P., missionary, Caibé, Mytho

Gresse, chancelier, French Residency, Quinhon, Tonquin Greterin, registrar, excise department, Saigon

Grevedon, P. J., assistant, Maritime Customs, Canton

G evenitz, C., chief engineer, steamer Anton, Hongkong and Tonkin

    Grey, R., operator, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Saigon Grey, W. G., lieutenant, South Lancashire Regiment, Singapore

Grey, Major W. R., inspector of prisons, Singapore

Grey y Formentoz, F., (C. Labarbe & Co.) clerk, Manila

Grey y Ramos, M., lawyer, Manila

Greyson, A. K., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) agent, Wuhu Grieb, paymaster, German man-of-war Iltis

Grierson, R., missionary, Ping Yang

Griese, C. W., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Tientsin

Griffel, F., chief engineer, steamer Marie, Hongkong and Haiphong

Griffin, Geo., head master, Free School, Penang

Griffin, J. T., (Griffin & Co.) silk merchant, Yokohama

Griffiu, M., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Amoy

Griffin, Miss, missionary, Chiang Mai, Siam

Griffith, D. K., photographer and aerated water manufacturer (absent)

Griffith, E. M., M.D., missionary, Shanghai

Griffiths, E. A., assistant, British consulate, Nagasaki

Griffiths, L., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Grigorieff, J., assistant, telegraph office, Wladiwostock

Grill, L. F., purser, steamer Hankow, Hongkong and Cantou

Grillon, sub-lieutenant, second regiment, Saigon

Grimal, lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Grimaud, clerk, railway company, Saigon

Grimaud, postmaster, Ninhbinh, Haiphong

Grimble, E. R. W., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Grimble, F., (H. & W. Dock Co. Ld.) bookkeeper, Praya Gr.mble, G., (Butterfield & Swire), clerk, Kiukiang Grimble, J. R., inspector of nuisances, sanitary department Grimble, P., chief foreman, Ordnance Store department Grimes, H. E., captain, South Lancashire regt. Singapore Grimes, J. H., (Dennys & Mossop) clerk, Queen's road Grimm, Dr. F., director of hospital, Sapporo, Japan

Grimm, J., (J. Zobel) assistant, Manila

Grimmer, Jas., proprietor, Family House, Shanghai

Grimshaw, T., (Maynard & Co.) chemist, manager, Penang Gring, Rev. A. D., missionary, Tokyo

Grinnan, Mrs., missionary, Yokohama

Griswold, J. N. E., cadet U. S. S. Brooklyn


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Groizard, P., assist. "La Opinion," Manila

Groizard y Saenz, P., oficial, Customs, Manila

Gronazel, telegraphist, Saigon

Groom, A. H., (Mourilyan, Heimann & Co.) merchant, Yokohama Gros, H., (J. Tournier) tailor, Saigon

Grose, telegraphist, Mytho, Cochin China

Grose, F., (Hewett & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Groshéany, controller, excise department, Saigon

Groslier, secretary, French residency, Pursat, Cambodia

Grosse, M. A. A., clerk, marine department, Singapore

Grosse, V. J., boarding officer, import and export office, Singapore Grösser, E., (Grosser & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Grösser, F., (Grosser & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Grosset, engineer, Tamhoi rice mill, Saigon

Grossetête, teacher, Chasseloup Lauba:'s college, Saigon

Grossmann, C. F., (Grossmann & Co.) merchant, d'Aguilar street

Grote, M., share broker, Hongkong

Grotefend, Miss M., teacher, Berlin Foundling Hospital, West point Groth, A., (E. Klöpfer & Co.) merchant, Manila

Groth, J. C., dresser, General Hospital, Sungei Ujong

Grothhuus, O., chief assistant, civil administration, Władiwostock

Groub, G., assistant, sanitary department, Shanghai

Grouchetsky, A., student, Russian legation, Peking

Groundwater, S., chief engineer, steamer Honam, Hongkong and Canton Groupierre, telegraphist, Quinton, Anɩm

Grove, L., (H. & W. Dock Co.) storekeeper, Kowloon

Groves Miss, China Inland missionary, Chefoo

Grubitz, E., (Justus Lembke & Co.) clerk, Club Chambers

Gruebel, E., (Labhart & Co.) clerk, Manila

Grunauer, Louis, (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Swatow

Grünberg, C., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow Grundy, A., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) merchant, Manila Grünenberg, Mme. coffee-house keeper, Saigon Grunwald, F., (H. C. Morf & Co.) merchant, Yokohama Gschwind, O., (Rädecker & Co.) clerk, Wyndham street Gsell, Chs., (Gsell & Co.) clerk, Manila

Gsell, H. A., (Gsell & Co.) merchant, Manila

Guadras, J. F., assistant, botanical department, Manila

Guantini, J., baker, Yokohama

Guarro y Fernandez, F., lieut. commanding Spanish gunboat Albay, Manila

Gubbay, D. S., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Gubbay, R. A., (Cohen & Gubbay) broker, Queen's road

Gubbins, J. H., acting assistant Japanese secretary, H.B.M.'s Legation, Tokyo Gubbins, R. H., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Gubboy, D. A., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Gubeau, (Reynaud) assistant, Haiphong

Gubiaud, engineer in chief, public works dept., Saigon.

Guedes, F. D., (Guedes & Co.) printer, and wine merchant, Wellington street

Guedes, J M., auctioneer, broker, and house and land agent, Hongkong and Macao

Guego, F. X., French missionary, Muang Ubon, Siam

Guego, M., French missionary, Mu'ang Phanatsa, Nikhom, Siam

Gueneau, Rev. P. G., teacher, College of Pulo Ticus, Penang Gueneno y Ordonez, G., ayudante, division forestal, Manila Guénin, Rev. J. L., Roman Catholic missionary, Yokohama Guerin, student interpreter, French Legation, Peking Guérin, telegraphist, Dong-Hoi, Annam

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Guéry, teacher, school at Giadinh, Cochin-China

Guerra, F., restaurant keeper, Manila

Guerra y Croquer, R. M., lient., ayudante, Spanish Navy, Manila

Guerrero, A., jefe de negociado, personal agregado, Manila

Guerrero, E., ponente, seccion de lo contencisco, consejo de administracion, Manila Guerrero y Esparaducer, A., jefe de negociado, contaduria gl. de hacienda, Manila Guerrero y Larro, A.. surgeon, naval department, Manila

Guesdon, Roman Catholic missionary, Pnom-penb, Cambodia

Guevara, J., oficial, ayuntami‹ nto, Manila

Guevara, L., (Guevara Bros.) storekeeper, Manila Guevara, R., (Guevara Bros.) storekeeper, Manila Guggenheim, B., (B. Roth) assistant, Yokohama Guiborat, cominisary, steamer Mon Kay, Haiphong Guichard, apprentice geometer, survey office, Saigon Guide, J., (La Insular tobacco factory) clerk, Manila

Guiedau, Geo., (Campbell, Moore & Co.) assistant, Queen's road Goieu, A., (S. Bischoff) clerk, Iloilo

Guieu, C., (Guieu Frères) storekeeper, Shanghai and Haiph ng (absent) Guigne, de, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saig ›n

Guijarro, J., contador, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Guila, P., coadjutor, normal school, 'Manila

Guild, T., warder, gaol, Singapore

    Guiles, G., lieutenant colonel, civil guard, Manila Guillaume, engineer and director, arsenal, Saigon Guillaume, tide waiter, Customs, Nam-dinh, Tonquin Guillaume, (Guillaume Frères) storekeeper, Hanoi

Guillaumot, treasurer gen ral, Hanoi

Guillebaud, overseer, excise department, Viuhlong, Cochin-China Guillelmi y Coll, J., engineer, division forestal, Manila

Guillen, J. A., inspector general, inten:lencia de hacienda, Manila

Guillet des Grois, lawyer, Saigon

Guillermin des Sagettes, overseer, excise d. partment, Saigon

Guillien, interpreter, French consulate, Canton (absent)

Guillien, interpreter, French consulate, Shanghai

Guillon, clerk, postal department, Saigon

Guillon, P., student, French mission, Bangkok

Guillot, F., clerk, excise department, Pnompenh

Guillot, R., first clerk and cashier, Messageries Maritimes, Saigon

Guillot, V., clerk, excise department, Pnompenh

Guillou, Jules, Roman Catholic missionary, Bangkok

Guilloux, Rev. C., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

Guinaud, E., (Hirsbrunner & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Gainement, clerk, Colonial Council, Saigon

Guinness, B. C., assistant accountant, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Penang

Guirao, R., ayudante, public works department, Manila

Guirro, Rom in Catholic missiona y, Haiphong

Guis, clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Guise, B. J. B., assist. engineer, H. R. M. corvette Sapphire

Guiseppi, teacher, municipal boys' school, Saigon

Guisen, A., (F. G., Dunford & Co.) assistant, Saigon

Guismar, sub-chier, direction ot the Interior, Saigon

Guitard, M., (L. Génu) clerk, Manila

Guiza, Rev. Nicolas, Roman Catholic missionary, Anpao, Chiang Chiu

Guldberg, V., chief officer, steamer Phra Chom Klao, Hongkong and Bangkok

Gulick, Rev. J. T., missionary, Osaka (absent)

Gulick, Rev. L. H., pastor, Union church, Shanghai


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Gulick, Rev. O. H., missionary, Okayama, Japan

Gulick, T. W., instructor of English, Naval Engineering College, Tokyo Gulick, Dr. Theo. W., dentist, Ösaka

Gulland, H. C., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Penang

Gullon, L., oficial, ordenacion general de pagos, Manila

Gulston, F. W. K., China Inland missionary, Shashi

Gültzow, A., (Siemssen & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Gültzow, A., (Paul Heinmann & Co.) clerk, Yokohama Gumila, E., clerk, Seccion de Atrasos, Manila

Gundlach, J. F., Shanghai

Gunn, Alex., broker and public accountant, Singapore Gunn, A. J., exchange broker, Singapore

Gunn, G., clerk, Chartered Bank of India, Foochow

Gunn, R. J., (A. L. Johnson & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Gunn, W. F., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Heroine

Gunnison, Miss E. B., missionary, Kobe

Günther, J. H. C., Maritime Customs tide-surveyor and harbour master, Kiukiang Gurney, J., assistant, Hall & Holz Co-operative Co., Shanghai

Gusman, S., (F. Klampermeyer) assistant, Shanghai

Gussmann, Rev. G. A., missionary, Basil Mission, Fuchukphai, Kwangtung

Gutbrod, H., secretary, German consulate, Kobe

Gutcher, J., assistant, Singapore Oil mill, Singapore

Gutcher, Wm., manager, Singapore Oil Mill, Singapore

Guterres, A. P., deputy superintendent, Mercantile Marine office, West point Guterres, F., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Kobe

Guterres, F. d' A., sacristao, egreja de S. Lourenco, Macao

Guterres, F. F., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Kobe

Guterres, N. Q., (Hellyer & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Gutierrez, A. A., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Gutierrez, A. O., (China Fire Ins. Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Gutierrez, D., (Battle, Hermanos & Co.) clerk, Manila

Gutierrez, F. G., oficial, Intendenc:a Militar, Manila

Gutierrez, F. M., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Gutierrez, F. M., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Gutierrez, F. X., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Gutierrez, G. M, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Gutierrez, J. (Gutierrez Hermanos) clerk, Manila

Gutierrez, J. A., captain, seventh regiment, Manila

Gutierrez, J. A., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Gutierrez, J. B., clerk, Chinese Insurance Co., Queen's road

Gutierrez, J. F., lawyer, Manila

Gutierrez, J. G., clerk, Surveyor-General's office

Gutierrez, J. M., letrado, intendencia general de hacienda, Manila

Gutierrez, J. M., elerk, Colonial Secretary's office

Gutierrez, M., first clerk, Surveyor-general's office

Gutierrez, M., (Gutierrez Herinanos) merchant, Manila

Gutierrez, P., (Guti rrez Hermanos) merchant, Manila

Gutierrez, Q. J., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Gutierrez, R. F., printer, Wyndham street

Gutierrez, R. F., parcels clerk, Post-office

Gutierrez, V., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Gutteres, D. M., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Gutterres, L. M., (Co-operative Cargo Boat Co.) clerk, Shanghai Guy de Ferrières, clerk, archives office, law courts, Saigon Guy de Ferrières, president, court of appeal, Saigon Guyot, G., secretary, Municipal Council, Cholon

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Guzdar, H. S., (S. J. Guzdar) storekceper, Shanghai

Guzdar, S. J., storekeeper, Shanghai

    Guzder, D. D., (Nowrojee & Co.) manager and sharebroket, Graham street Guzman, D., (Compania General de Tabicos) agent, Cabayan, Philippines

Haalcke, J., (C. Illies & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Haas, J., Austro-Hungarian consul, Shanghai

Hab, Rev. F. H., French Catholic missionary, Penang

Hacche, J., (H. & W. Dock Co.,) superintendent, Aberdeen

Haderup, E., outdoor foreman, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Hadley, A. J., Maritime Customs, clerk, Amoy

Haefker, Mis., proprietrix "Haefker's Hotel," Yokohama

Haenni, C., (Siber & Brennwald) clerk, and chan. of Swiss consulate, Yokohama

Haesloop, F. H. L., (Lauts & Harsloop) merci ant, and vice consul for Sweden, Swatow

Haffenden, J., agent B. & F. Bible Society, Singapore

Haffenden, W. B., (Tanjong Pagar Dock Co.) wharfinger, Singapore

Haffner, chief gardener, Botanical Gardens, Saigon

Haffner, W. W., maritime customs watcher, Shanghai

Haffter, Paul, (Bautenburg, Schmidt & Co ) clerk, Singapore

Hagart, H. W., (Hagart & Co.) merchant, Kobe

Hagelweiss, W., chief engineer, steamer Alwine, Hongkong and Southern Ports

Hagen, C., (Crasemann & Hagen) merchant, & vice-consul for Germany & Italy, Chefoo

Hagen, J. S., (A. S. Watson & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Hagens, A., (Stachelin & Stablknecht) merchant, Singapore

Hagens, E., (Bacharach, Oppenheimer & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Hager, Rev. C. R., missionary, Bridges street

Hagge, H., (Schmidt & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Haggitt, J. R., (New Oriental Bank) accountant, Shanghai

Hague, F., tea inspector, Shanghai

Hague, W. A., Shanghai

Hahn, A., (Hahn, Piron & Co,) piano tuner, Queen's Road

Hahn, Dr., cabinet councillor, French residency, Cambodia

Hail, Rev. A. D., missionary, Osaka (absent)

Hail, Rev. J. B., missionary, Osaka

Hake, Th., (Ahrens & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Halcomb, Rev. N. W., missionary, and U. S. vice-consul in charge, Chefoo

Halcombe, C. J. H., Maritime Customs watober, Shanghai

Hale, A., inspector of mines, Kinta, Perak

Hale, A., Collector and Magistrate, Tampin, Malacca

Hale, A. A., apothecary, general hospital, Singapore Hale, W. P., clerk, colonial secretary's office, Singapore

Halili, I., portera, casa de recogidas, Manila

Halka, J., assistant superintendent of Police, Tientsin

Hall, C. H. H., P. A. surgeon, U. S. Naval Hospital, Yokohama Hall, C. P., (Walsh, Hall & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Hall. G., warder, gaol, Singapore

Hall, H. E., veterinary surgeon, French concession, Shanghai

Hall, J., running shed foreman, Railway department, Kobe

Hall, J., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai

Hall, J., Larut, Perak

Hall, J. C., acting British consul, Yokohama

Hall, J. P., clerk of works dept., Larut, Perak

Hall, J. W., auctioneer, and agent, Reuter's Telegram. Co., Yokohama

Hall, J. Ward, surgeon dentist, Shanghai

Hall, R. H., captain, South Lancashire regt., Singapore

Hall, T., captain, steamer Formosa, Hongkong and Foochow

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Hallais, C., vice resident for France, Hanoi

Halliburton, C. D., agent, Chartered Bank of India & China, Yokohama Hallifax, F. O., (Sandilands, Buttery & Co.) assistant, Penang

Hallifax, J. W., secretary, municipality, Penang

Hallifax, T. E., engineer, telegraph dept., Seoul, Corea

Hallinan, T. H., Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

Hallward, L., (Reiss & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Halphen, J. L., sub-accountant, Comptoir d'Escompte, Shanghai

Halton, E., Jr., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Hambling, H. W., professor, Commercial School, Macao

Hamblyn, T. H., second officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co. str. Sagami-maru, Japan

Hamel, receveur, telegraph office, Haiphong

Hamel, P. S., Netherlands consul-general, Bangkok

Hamilton, A. G., fourth officer, str. Japan, Hongkong and Calcutta

Hamilton, Hon. A. S., Lieut. R.N., colonial treasurer, Labuan

Hamilton, E., Thaiping, Perak

Hamilton, Geo., (Mollison, & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Hamilton, G., (Riley, Hargreaves & Co.) moulder, Singapore

Hamilton, H., (Howarth, Erskine & Co.) foreman engineer, Singapore

Hamilton, H. J., supdt.at works, G.18 Co., Singapore

Hamilton, J., foreman, 'China Sugar Refining Co., Bowrington

Hamilton, R., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Owari-maru, Japan Hamilton, R., Thaiping, Perak

Hamilton, Sir R. V., K.C.B., admiral commanding H.B.M. Naval Squadron Hamilton, Miss, missionary, Osaka

Hamilton, Miss D., missionary, Shanghai

Hamlyn, J. G., Maritime Customs chief examiner, Shanghai

Hamm, N., missionary, Choquan, Cochin-China

Hammaren, J. H., light keeper, lightship, Newchwang

Hammond, F. W., gunnery instructor, Naval College, Tokyo

Hammond, R., colporteur, B. & F. Bible Society, Singapore Hamon, posts and telegraph dept., Namdinh

Hamon, C. M. F., surgeon, third regiment, Saigon

Hampshire, F. K., M.B., senior medical officer, Penang

Hampshire, S. F., captain, steamer Kwang-chi, China coast

Hampton, Miss M. S., missionary, Hakodate (absent)

Hance, A. C. B., second engineer, Chinese revenue cruiser Fei Hoo

Hance, T. A. W., Maritime Customs assistant, Chefoo

Hancock, Alfred, bill and bullion broker, Hongkong

Hancock, A. J., carpenter, H. B.M. sloop Mutine

Hancock, S., engineer, F. E., A. & C. Tele. Co.'s store ship Southern Ocean, Singapore Hancock, Sidney, bill and bullion broker, Hongkong

Hancock, W., acting professor of English, College of Peking

Handro, C. E. R., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Tientsin

Handro, R., acting captain, customs lightship "Taku," Taku

Hane-Steenhuyse, Ch. d', consul general for Belgium, Manila Hanisch, S. J., Maritime Customs assistant, Takao

Hanish, F. A., clerk, C.M.S.N. Co's. central and Hongkew wharves, Shanghai Hankin, Miss, missionary, Foochow

Hanlon, Mrs. J. M., Victoria School, Hollywood road

Hannen, C., commissioner of Customs, Foochow

Hannen, N. J., judge, H.B.M. Court, Yokohama

Hansel, G. T., gunner, South Cape lighthouse, Amoy

Hansen, C. P. R., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Chefoo Hansen, G., printer, post office, Singapore

Hansen, G. J., (Kunst & Albers) assistant, Wladiwostock

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Hansen, H. A., (H. Sietas & Co.) assistant, Chefoo

Hansen, J., acting clerk-in-charge, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Sharp Peak, Foochow Hansen, J. chief officer, str. Hai Riong, Chemulpo, Corea

Hansen, J.. (H. A. Petersen & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Hansen, J. A., teacher of music, Singapore

Hansen, J. F., proprietor, "Commercial Press," Singapore

Hansen, T. J. G., foreman, "Commercial Press," Singapore

Hanser, F., commissioner of Customs, Quangyen, Haiphong

Hansknecht, E., professor of German literature, University, Tokyo

Hanson, C., matron, lock bospital, Singapore

Hanson, C. R., M.I.C.E., resident engineer, State railway, Perak Hansou, H. V., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Yokohama Happel, P., (C. Rohde & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

     Happer, Rev. A. P., D.D., missionary, Canton (absent) Happer, Miss A. C., missionary, Canton

Hardie, Rev. A., M.A., professor, Nobles' school, Tokyo Hardie, W., engineer, Shanghai

Harding, H., aerated waters maker, Yokohama

Harding, J., signal sergeant, marine department, Singapore

     Harding, J. R., Maritime Customs assistant engineer, Amoy Harding, J. W., (Turnbuil, Howie & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

     Hard meat, J., second officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Nagoya-maru, Japan Hardeon, E. A., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Hardoon, S. A., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Hardouio, C., interpreter, French consulate general, Bangkok

Hardouin, E., assistant, "Société des Etains de Kinta," Lahat, Perak

Hardwick, W. W., assistant engineer, H.B.M.S. Orion

Hardy, W., assistant, Japan Mail S. S. Co., Yokohama

Hardy, W. H., carpenter, H.B.M.S. Cordelia

Hare, A. J., professor of commerce, Commercial Academy, Tokyo

Hare, G. T. cadet, Colonial Secretary's office, Singapore

Harel, secretary, adminis. of native affairs, Cholon, Cochin-China Harfleet, J., gaol warder, Perak

Hargens, G., (ciemssen & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Harger, R. 8. (Brown & Co.) tea inspector, Tamsui

Hargraves, J., (Huttenbach, Liebert & Co.) assistant, Penang

Hargreaves, Rev. G., missionary, Canton

Harkness, J., fourth engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaishia, Japan

Harkness, Miss M., missionary, Swatow

Harling, G., (Ei. Schellbass & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Harling, W. G., maritime customs boat officer, Kiukiang

Harlow, C. H., ensign., U. S. S. Omaha

Harlow, L., chief engineer, Jap in Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Hiroshima-maru, Japan: Harman, C. D., agent, P M.S.S. Co. and O. & O. S. S. Co., Queen's road

Harman, Geo., auctioneer and commission agent, Foochow

Harman, T. O. B., (G. Harman & Co.) commission agent, Foochow (absent)

Harmer, H. J., harbour master and officer in charge, post office, Malacca

Harmon, Rev. F., missionary, Tsing Chou-fu

Harmon, Mrs. J. Rose, (Rose & Co.) milliner, Queen's road

Harmond, A., (P. Dourille) assistant, Yokohama

Harms, H., (Chinese Insurance Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Harper, A. F., surveyor, Public Works department, Penang

Harper, A. S., (Chartered Bank of India) acting accountant, Manila

     Harper, A. W., chief clerk, Supreme Court, Selangor Harper, Rev. H. B., H.B.M.S Victor Emanuel

Harper, J., designer, Shanghai

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Harper, R. I., general broker, Sing pre

Harper, S. E., inspector of police, Selangor

Harrell, F. W., medical missionary, & instructor, higher middle school, Tokyo Harrington, Rev. C. K., missionary, Yokohama

Harrington, D., chief warder, gaol, Singapore

Harris, A. H., Maritime Customs assistant, Tientsin

Harris, Rev. H., missionary, Tokyo

Harris, H. C. A., master, steamer Haiphong, China coast

Harris, J., pilot, Kobe and Yokohama

Harris, Dr. J., Yokohama

Harris, J., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai

Farris, R. H., captain, H. B. M. 8. Audacious

Harris, T., (China & Japan Trading Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Harris, T., (P. & O. S. Ñ. Co.) gunner, Shanghai

Harris, W. E., (Langfeldt & Mayers) clerk, Kobe

Harris, W. F., (S. Moutrie) assistant, Shanghai

Harris, Wilmer, public accountant, and secretary, Shanghai Club, Shanghai Harrison, C. R., (Maynard & Co.) secretary, Singapore

Harrison, M., missionary, Ninghai

Harrison, Wm., (Tillson, He: mann & Co.) clerk, Manila

Harrison, Miss C. J., missionary, Akita, Japan

Hart, G. M., assistant, Municipal Council offices, Shanghai

Hart, Sir Robert, K.C.M.G., inspector-general, Maritime Customs, Peking Hart, Rev. V. C., missionary, Nanking

Hartford, Miss M. C., missionary, Foochow

Hartigan, W., medical practitioner, Caine road (absent)

Hartland, J. C., (Hunt & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Hartmann, excise department, Kampot, Cambodia

Hartmann, Pastor F. E. W., superintendent, Berlin Foundling Hospital Hartmann, J., merchant, Ningpo

Harton, C. F., (Fearon, Low & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Hartshorn, J. L., (Hedge & Co.) assistant, Foochow

Hartwell, Rev. Charles, missionary, Foochow

Hartwell, J. H., Maritime Customs watcher, Whampoa

Hartwell, Miss Emily S., missionary, Foochow (absent) Hartwig, F. von, shipchandler, Singapore

Hartzler, Rev. J., missionary, Tokyo

Harvey, A., second officer, Japan Mail S. 8. Co.'s str. Owari-maru, Japan Harvey, A., (Hongkong & Whainpoa Dock Co.) foreman moulder, Kowloon Harvey, C., staff-surgeon, H.B.M. Royal Naval Hospital, Yokohama

Harvey, C. D., (Borneo Co.) assistant, Singapore

Harvey, Robt., carpenter, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire

Harvey, R. S. chief engineer, steamer Kiangteen, Shanghai and Ningpo Harvie, J., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) assistant, Quarry Bay

Harvie, J. A., merchant, Shanghai

Harvie, W. M., commission agent, Shanghai

Harwood, H. G., (R. E. Wainewright) solicitor, Shanghai

Harwood, J. A., registrar, Supreme court, Penang

Hase, N., shipping clerk, National Volunteer Fleet, Wladiwostock Haselwood, A. H. C., agent, longkong and Shanghai Bank, Kobe Haskell, F. E., (China & Japan Trading Co.) manager, Shanghai Haskell, F. H., (China & Japan Trading Co.) clerk, Shanghai Haskell, H. B., (Takasima Colliery) shipping clerk, Nagasaki Haslett, J. C., M. D., surgeon, army medical department, Singapore Hasse, master, M. M. steamer Saigon, Saigon

Hassell, J. G. T., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

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Hasson, W. F. C., assist. engineer, U.S.S. Brooklyn

Hassumbboy, Curmallybhoy (E. Pabaney) clerk, Lyndhurst terrace

Hastings, J., (Wotton & Deacon) solicitor, Queen's road

Hastings, R. J., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Taiwanfoo

Haswell, E. W., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Yokohama-maru, Japan

Hatch, J. N., (Hatch, Forbes & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Hatch, John J., (Hatch, Forbes & Co.) inerchant, and Portuguese consul, 'Tientsia Hatcher, Jas., chief storeman, Naval Yard

Hatherly, W. F., secretary and manager, Masonic Club, Icehouse lane

Hauberton, telegraphist, Phuong Lam, Cochin Coina

Hauenstein, G., pilot, Amoy

Haughton, F., Maritime Customs, assistant examiner, Ningpo

Houghton, H. T., collector of land revenue, Singapore

Haughton, M., second officer, P. & O. steamer Teheran, Hongkong & Japan

Haupt, A., (Melchors & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Hau-auer, telegraphist, Tonquin

Hauterserre, "Cafe central," Hanoi

Haven, Miss A., missionary, Peking

Havers, A. V., Maritime Customs watcher, Whampoa

Hawes, J. A., (Evans, Pugh & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Hawke, J. A., surgeon, U.S.S. Essex

Hawkins, F., assistant master, Free School, Penang

Hawkins, Lieut. H. T., adjutant, Royal Artillery

Hawkins, L. 8., assistant master, Free School, Penang

Hawkins, V. A. C., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road (absent)

Hawkshaw, R. P., paymaster, H.B.M. sloop Leander

Hay, C. W., (Boyd & Co.) engineer and shipwright, Shanghai Hay, G., assistant, Japan Mail S.S. Co., Yokohama

Hay, R., reporter, Japan Mail office, Yokohama Hayden, F., assistant, Saw Mill Co., Johore

Haydn, G. W., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Canton

    Hayeen, M. E. (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Queen's road Hayes, Rev. J. N., missionary, Soochow

Hayes, Rev. M. C. missionary, Kanazawa, Japan

Hayes, Rev. W. M., missionary, Tungchow-foo, Shantung

Haygood, Miss L. A., missionary, Shanghai

Hayllar, H. F., inspector of buildings, public works department

Hayllar, T. C. L., Maritime Customs assistant, Pakhoi

Haynemann, O., (C. Rohde & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Haynes, H. S., in charge of Treasury, Province Keppel, B. N. Borneo

Hays, Rev. Geo. S., missionary, Cheloo

Hays, T. H., medical missionary, Bangkok

Hayter, H. W. G., (Wilkinson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Hayward, G. C., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Hayward, W., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) acting secretary, Shanghai

Hayworth, Rev. B. C., missionary, Kanazawa, Japan

Hazañas, B. de, advocate, and professor, University, Manila

Hazeland, F. A., clerk to chi f justice, Supreme Court

    Hazeland, J. I., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Queen's road Heal, Rev., J., missionary, Shauohying, Ningpo Heald, E. D. F., lieutenant, U. S. S. Brooklyn Heard, H. L. P., midshipman, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire Heard, R. H., (China Sugar Refining Co.) clerk, East point Heard, Wm., (Campbell, Heard & Co.) manager, Singapore Hearn, R. H., (A. Dent & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Hearne, A., proprietor "Club Hotel," Yokohama

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Hearson, G. H., R.N., assistant, naval college, Tientsin

Hearst, Rev. J. P., missionary, Osaka

Heaslop, Rev. C. L. P. T., chaplain and nav. instructor, H.B.M.S. Constance Heath, A. B., (Russell & Co.) tea inspector, Foochow

Heath, A. H. (Rodewald & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Heath, J. J., manager, Central Livery Stables, Shanghai

Heaysman, D. S., constable, British Consulate, Hoihow

Hebditch, A. E., (Kelly & Walsh Ld.) assi tan', Queen's 10ad

Heck, C., engineer, Bangkok Saw Mill, Bangkok

Heckert, H., brewer, Japin Brewery Co., Yokohama

Heckman, A., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo

Hecquard, J., assistant, French Municipal Secretary's office, Shanghai Hedding, G., (Kaltenbach, Fischer & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Hedouin, clerk, direction of the interior, Saigon

Hee, C T., M.D., physician to the Siamese Army, Bangkok

Heemskerk, J. J. Bysterus, (Heemskerk & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Heer, C., (Friederichs & Co.) clerk, Penang

Heermann, C., (C. J. Gaupp & Co.) watchmaker, Queen's road

Hegt, M. J. B. N., Yokohamna

Heidegger, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Kuching, Sarawak

Heidenburg, H., (Grassi Brothers & Co.) engineer, timber dept., Bangkok

Hellstrand, M., Customs tidewaiter, Wuhu

Heimann, Chas. A., (Mourilyan, Heimann & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent) Hein, J., (Huttenbach Bros. & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Heine, H., supdt. engineer, Chinese cruiser King Yuen, Port Arthur

Heinemann, Paul, (Paul Heinemann & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Hein-Hansen, V., accountant, Gt. Northern Telegraph Co., Shanghai

Heinszen, C., (C. Heinszen & Co.) merchant, Manila (absent) Heinszen, N., (C. Heinszen & Co.) merchant, Manila (absent)

Heintz, clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Heitmann, W., (Emery & Co.) clerk, Nico'ajefsk, Wladiwostock Heitor, A., desenhador, public works department, Macao

Hekman, A., gunnery officer, Chinese cruiser King Yuen, Port Arthur Helbling, L. H., (Butterfield & Swire) assistant, Foochow Helfer, W., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Pakhoi

Hallendale, P., (Stibolt & Co.) undertaker, Yokohama Hellyer, F., (Hellyer & Co.) merchant, Kobe

Hellyer, T. W., (Hellyer & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Helm, Paul, lan ling and shipping agent, Yokohama

Héloury, controller, Excise department, Saigon

Helquera, J. de la, oficial, seccion de orden publico, Manila

Hember, S., merchant and commission agent, Wuhu

Hemert, J. Ph. von, merchant, Yokohama

Hemme, E., purser, N. D. Lloyd str. General Werder, Hongkong and Japan

Hempel, B, (Pasedag & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Hendersen, J., fourth engin er, Nip; on Yusen Kaishia, Japan

Henderson, D. M., engineer-in-chief, Maritime Customs, Shanghai

Henderson, Ed., M.D., medical practitioner, & municipal officer of health, Shanghai Hen lerson, F., Hongkong

Henderson, I., (Boustead & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Henderson, J., chief engineer, str. Phra Chula Chom Klao, Hongkong and Bangkok

Fenderson, J., third engineer, steamer Yiksang, China coast

Henderson, J., arsenal foreman, Ordnance Store department

Henderson, Jas., chief engineer, Kim Ching & Co.'s Rice mills, Saig.n

Henderson, Jas., merchant, Tientsin

Henderson, W., superintendent of roads, Sarawak

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Henderson, W., (Sayle & Co.) assistant, Sourabaya Henderson, W. A., medical practitioner, Chefoo

Hendricks, D. J., chief clerk, public works department, Selangor Hendricks, F. A., (Lambert Bros.) assistant, Singapore Hendricks, G., (Paterson, Simons & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Hendricks, J. W., interpreter, Lord Mayor's department, Bangkok Hendricks, Jas., clerk, law court, Perak

Hendricks, L., assistant,, medical department, Larut

Hendriks, F. O., chief clerk, Public Works department, Singapore Hendriks, R., interpreter, German consulate, Bangkok Hendroff, A., assistant, "Hotel de l' Europe", Singapore

Hendry, J. C., (E. E., A. & C. Tel. Co.) clerk, Penang

Hendry. R., (Prye River Dock Co. Ld), secretary, Penang

Henkell, O., (C. Gerard & Co.) mana er, Amoy

Hennessy, J. L., inspector of police, Sungei Ujong

Henningsen, J., K. D., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) general manager, Shanghai Hénouville, d', school inspector, Saigon

Henrick, W. C., (T. C. Loveridge) assistant, Singapore

Henriod, Rev. A. S., teacher, College of Pulo Ticus, Penang

Henriques, Win. H., assistant, Victoria Hotel, Queen's road

    Henry, alministrator of native affairs, Travinh, Cochin-China Henry, lawyer, Saigon

Henry, agent, Banque l'Indo-Chin, Hanoi

Henry, inspector, marine department, Saigon

Henry, Bro., assistant, West point Reformatory

Henry, A., Maritime Customs assistant and medical officer, Ichang

Henry, Rev. B. C., missionary, Canton

Hens, J. Pb., (Hens & Co.) merchant, and consul for Netherlands, Manila Henson, H. V., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Henson, J., (Henson & Co.) merchant, Hakodate

Hepbarn, J. C., M.D., LL.D., missionary, Yokohama

Hepburn, S. D., agent, Japan Mail S. S. Co., Yokohama

Heras, L. M., (Baer & Suhm) clerk, Manila'

Heras, M., (E. M. Barretto & Co.) clerk, Manila

Heras, R. T., clerk, Chartered Bank of India, Mauila

Herber, telegraphist, Van-gian, Tonquin

Herbert, H. A., (New Orien;al Bank) manager, Queen's road (absent) Herbert, W. B., marshal, United States consulate, Yokohama

Herbst, E., (Heuermann, Herbst & Co.) storekeeper, &c., Queen's road

Herce, Rev. F. B., Roman Catholic missionary, Takao

Hérés, conductor, public works department, Saigon

Herft, T. R., railway goods clerk, Port Weld, Perak

Hering, Dr. O., Tokyo

Hérissé, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Hermann, M., proprietor, Grand Hotel, Saigon

Hermenier, merchant, Haiphong

Hermitte, chief lightkeeper, Cape St. James, Cochin-China

Hermoso, R. L., assistant, water works, Manila

Hernandez, A., professor of philosophy, University, Manila

Hernandez, B., telegraphist, Manila

Hernandez, F., comandante, civil guard, Manila

Hernandez, Ferrer, J., colonel, first regiment, Manila

Hernandez y Craine, E., oficial, adminis. de Impuestos. Manila

    Hernandez y Lorenzo, E., ayudante, divison forestal, Manila Heron, Dr. J. W., government hospital, Seoul

Heron, Capt. T., senior ordnance store officer, Singapore


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 Herran y Puebla, J. de la, alferez commanding Spanish gunboat Gardoqui, Manila Herreborg, C., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kish, Japan Herrera, B., assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Manila Herrera, Engracia, "Establecimiento de Tejido," Manila Herrera, F., (F. L. Roxas) clerk, Manila

Herrera, Felipa, "Estab ecimiento de Tejido," Manila Herrera, M. G. de, contador general de hacienda, Manila Herrera, Trinidad, "Establecimiento de Tejido," Manila. Herrera y Netto, oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila Herrero, A. S., assistant, agricultural department, Manila Herrero, L., lieutenant of cavalry, Manila Herrero, T., teriente, guardia civil, Iloilo

Herring, R. D., acting sergeant, British Legation Escort, Peking

Herrington, Rev. F. G. H., missionary, Tokyo

Herrmann, Ed., (Tillson, Herrmann & Co) merchant, Manila

Herrmann, M. A., (Tillson, Herrmann & Co.) merchant, Manila (absent)

Herton, E., (Herton & Co.) merchant, Hoilow and Pakhoi

Hertrich, clerk, Treasury, Pnompenh

Hertz, J., (Ed. Schellhass & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Hervas, Capt. E., aide-de-camp to the Captain General, Manila

Hervás, J. J., architect, ayuntamien'o, Manila'

Hervé, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Hervel, Rev. D., Roman Catholic missionary, Swatow

Hervey, telegraphist, Bambous, Tonquin

Hervey, Hon. D. F. A., Resident Cou: cillor, Malacca (absent)

Hervey, W. G. E., secretary to Resident, Perak (absent) Herwig, H., P. A. engineer, U. S. S. Essex

Hess, C. I., aerated water manufacturer, Tokyo

Hess, Miss C. M., missionary, Swatow

Hesse, J. C., railway station master, Thaiping, Perak

Hesser, Miss M. K., missionary, Kanazawa, Japan

Hetherington, T., (A. S. Watson & Co.) manager, Foochow

Heude, Rev. P., S. J., curator of Zi-ka-wei museum, Shanghai

Heuermann, F. W., (Heuermann, Herbst & Co.) storekeeper, &c., Queen's road Heuermann, G., captain, steamer Peking, Hongkong and Shanghai

Hewat, H., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Hewett, A. B., general contractor, Perak

Hewett, E. A., (P. & O. S. N. C".) chief clerk, Shanghai

Hewett, F. W. R., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Hewett, G., (H. & W. Dock Co. Ld.) assist. storekeeper, Kowloon

Hewett, H. C., maritime customs tidewaiter, Ichang

Hewett, R. D., magistrate, Kinta, Perak

Hewett, W. J., maritime customs tidewaiter, Whampoa

Hewitt, A. H., second engineer, steamer Amoy, Hongkong and Shanghai Hewitt, Miss E. J., missionary, Hakodate

Hey, E., broker, Shanghai

Hey, H., chief engineer, steamer Fatshan, Canton river

Heyde, E vos der, (C. Rohde & Co.) merchant, and consul for Peru, Yokohama

Heyde, O. von der. (Schriever & Co.) merchant, Haiphong (absent)

Heyde, Th. von der, (Sander & Co.) merchant, Queen's road (absent)

Heydeman, Th., assistant, telegraph office, Wladiwostock

Heyden, Dr. van der, medical officer, Netherlands and Swedish Legation, Tokyo Heymann, J., (Baer Senior & Co.) merchant, and Russian vice-consul, Manila Heymans, E., (E. & G. Heymans) merchant, Wellington street Heymans, G., (E & G. Heymans) merchant, Wellington street Heyn, H., (Pustau & Co.) merchant, Canton

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Hibberd, Miss, China Inland missionary, Chefoo Hibler, S., (W. G. Hale & Co.) clerk, Saigon Hibler, T., proprietor "Hotel de Paris," Singapore Hicheas, F. D, (Robinson & ('o.) assistant, Penang Hicken, H., medical missionary, Hangchow Hickey, P. S., Upper Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai Hickley, S. A., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Audacious Hicks, F. G., marine surveyor, Bangkok

Hicks, R., boatswain, H. B. M. corvette Satellite Hickson, Miss Braxton, missionary, Tokyo Hidalgo, F., acting Portuguese consul, Manila

Hidrio, telegraph overseer, Saigon

Hieler, J., master, government schools, Thaiping, Perak

Hieras, F., director, La Flor de Filipinas tobacco manufactory, Manila Hieras, H., (A. Germann & Co.) clerk, Manila

Hiern, J., (Guevara Bros.) assistant, Mani a

Higgenbotham, E., lieutenant, Northamptonshire regiment

Higginbotham, Miss A., missionary, Ningpo

Higgins, gunnery instructor, Chinese irouclad Chen Yuen, Port Arthur Hilaire, sub-lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Hildebrand, master, str. Deutschland, Chemulpo, Corea

Hill, A., electrician (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Tel. Co) Singapore Hill, Rev. D., missionary, Hankow

Hill, F. W., inspector of mines, Selangor

Hill, J., (Nagasaki Dockyard) engineer, Nagasaki

Hill, J. C., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Chefoo

Hill, J. S. M., boatswain, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Hill, Robt. H., (Bradley & Co.) merchant, Swatow

Hill, T. H., assistant, Pulo Obin Coffee estate, Singapore

Hill, T. H., (Hill & Rathborne) planter, Selangor

Hill, W., second engineer, steamer Phra Chom Klao, Hongkong and Bangkok Hillebrand, J., Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

Hilliard, E. W. G., lieutenant, H.B.M.S. Orion

Hillier, E. G., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) assist. accountant, Tientsin

Hillier, H. M., Maritime Customs deputy commissioner, Shanghai

Hillier, W. C., Chinese secretary, British Legation, Peking

Hiltermann, T., (Brinkmann & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Hilty, T. Reid, (Hilty & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Hinds, Rev. J., missionary, Kaiping, Tientsin

Hinnekindt, E., (E. & H. Hinnekindt) merchant, Singapore

Hinnekindt, H., (E. & H. Hinnekindt) merchant, & consul for Belgium, Singapore

Hinnekindt, L., (E. & H. Hinnekindt) clerk, Singapore

Hinnekindt, L. H., Juor., (E. & H. Hinnekindt) merchant, Singapore

Hinnekindt, M., (É. & H. Hinnekindt) clerk, Singapore

Hinnerd, Rev. V., provicaire, Roman Catholic mission, Newchwang

Hinotan, J., carriage builder, Jaro, Iloilo

Hinrichs, J. H., Maritime Customs tide waiter, Amoy

Hinsch, H., (Möller & Meisner) assistant, Bangkok

Hintze, J., Maritime Customs, tid waiter, Yuensan, Corea

Hippisley, A. E., Maritime Customs commissioner, China (absent) Hirsbrunner, J. (Hirsbrunner & Co.) watch importer, Shanghai Hirsch, E. von, consul elève for Austro-Hungary, Shanghai Hirschfelder, K., (Faber and Voigt) clerk, Kobe

Hirst, C. J., (Stoiterfoht & Hirst) merchant, Praya

   Hirth, F., Maritime Customs assistant statistical secretary, Shanghai Hitchcock, chief engineer, Siamese govt. str. Siam Supporter, Bangkok

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Hitchcock, R., instructor, higher middle school, Tokyo

Hjousbery, E. H., pilot, Shanghai

Hoag, Miss Lucy H., M.D., missionary, Chinkiang Hoar, J. H., pilot, Shanghai

Hoar, Miss A., missionary, Tokyo

Hoare, Rev. J. C., M.A., missionary, Ningpo

Hobart, Rev. W. T., missionary, Peking

Hobday, J. G., assistant master, High School, Malacca

Hobson, H. E., commissioner of Customs, Shanghai

Hochreuter, A., captain, steamer Bangkok, Bangkok and Singapore Höckert, R., (Bacharach, Oppenheimer & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Hockin, G. S., lieutenant, H.B.M.S. gunboat Sapphire

Hocquard, P. J., missionary, Penang

Hocquart, Lieut. A. C. L., military staff, Saigon

Hodge, J., head turnkey, Victoria Gaol

Hodge, J. W., clerk of works, Surveyor-general's office, Penang

Hodges, G., gaoler, British consular gaol, Yokohama

Hodges, Rev. H. C., M.A., chaplain, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Shanghai

Hodges, L. C., proprietor "Criterion" tiffin rooms, Singapore

Hodges, P. J., sub-lieutenant, H. B. M. gunboat Cockchafer

Hodges, T. (F. G. Dunford & Co.) apprentice, Singapore

Hodges, Rev. S. R., medical missionary, Hankow

Hodgins, A. E., chief officer, steamer Namoa, China coast

Hodgkinson, G., sub-overman, Engineering & Mining Co., Tientsin

Hodgson, C., second officer, steamer Kutsang, China coast

Hodsoll, R., clerk in charge, Eastern Extension A. & C. Telegraph Co., Penang Hoeckert, R. (Bacharach, Oppenheimer & Co.) merchant, Kobe

Hoeflich, R., (Rosenswieg & Co.) draper, Shanghai (absent)

Höeflich, Mrs. A., proprietrix, Hermitage Hotel, Shanghai

Hoehn, H. F. W., professor, police training school, Tokyo

Hoesly, C., (Luchsinger & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Hoffman, telegraphist, Nu-Cham, Touquin

Hoffman, G., assistant engineer, Chinese cruiser King Yuen, Port Arthur

Hofman, Rev. Fr. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Hankow

Hofmann, A., (Ahrens & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Hofmann, A., (Jucker, Sigg & Co.) clerk, Bangkok

Hogan, E., apprentice, public works department, Singapore Hogan, E., surveyor and architect, Penang

Hogan, H. C., (Hogan & Co) engineer and contractor, Singapore Hogan, J., notary public and estate agent, Penang

Hogan, J. E., chief surveyor, Surveyor-general's office, Singapore

Hogan, J. W. W., resident apothecary, Sungai Bacap Hospital, Province Wellesley

Hogan, P. J. C., assistant master, Raffles' Institution, Singapore

Hogan, R. A. P., barrister-at-law, Penang

Hogg, A., (Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co.) head watchman, Kowloon

Hogg, C. F, China Inland missionary, Singan

Hogg, E. C., lieutenant, H.B.M. corvette Leander

Hogg, E. J., merchant, Shanghai

Hogg, H. W., captain, steamer Fooksang, China coast

Hoggan, W., accountant, Chartered Bank of India, A. ·nd China, Yokohama Hoggan, Major W. B., Royal Artillery, Singapore

Hoggatt, W. B., ensign, U.S.S. Essex

Hogge, E., assist. superintendent of police, Province Wellesley

Höhnke, F. H., (F Blackhead & Co.) assistant, Prava

Hoizen, W. J. van, second clerk, magist:acy, Malacca Ho Kai, Dr., barrister-at-law, Queen's road

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Holah, A., (W. V. Drummond) solicitor, Shanghai

Holbe, V. H., chemist, Saigon

Holdinghausen, F., (Meyer, Lamke & Co.) assistant, Shanghai Hole, W., private secretary to H. H. the Sultan of Johore

Holkar, H., gaoler, Labuan

Holland, C. J., secretary, Masonic Club, Shanghai

Holland, W., acting British, French, Austrian, etc. consul, Newchwang Holland, Miss, missionary, Tokyo

Holleben, Dr. T. von, German minister, Tokyo

Holleville, overseer, excise department, Hatien, Cochin-China

Holliday, C. J., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Holliday, J., Maritime Customs watcher, Shanghai

Hollingworth, J., watcher, royal customs, Chemulpo, Corea Hollmann, G., (Hollmann & Co.) merchaut, Manila

Holloway, E. P., clerk, Medical department, Singapore

Holloway, J., (Lambert Bros.) assistant, Singapore

Holloway, J. T., second lieutenant, South Lancashire Regt., Singapore Holm, A., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Holm, H. J., (C. Illies & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Holmberg, F. X., draftsman, public works department, Penang

Holmberg, L. J., assistant, water supply dept., Municipality, Singapore Holmberg, P. J., forest ranger, Land office, Malacca

Holme, R., agent for Jardine, Matheson & Co., Nagasaki Holmes, C., captain, steamer Kiangping, Canton and Macao Holmes, E. R., assistant, Japan Mail S. S. Co., Yokohama

·Holmes, F. H., lieutenant, U.S.S. Brooklyn

Holmes, G., ship broker, Praya

Holmes, H., acting manager, Trafalgar Estate, Singapore Holmes, H., second officer, str. Canton, China coast

Holmes, H. J., solicitor, Queen's road

Holmes, M. E., chief clerk, treasury, Thaiping, Perak

Holmes, R., fourth engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaishia, Japan

Holmyard, E., inspector of police, Malacca

Holozet, overseer, excise department, Kompong-Luong, Cambodia

Holst, H. H., lightkeeper, Fisher Island, Amoy

Holst, J. M., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) engineer and electrician, Shanghai

Holworthy, C. E., clerk to puisne judge, Supreme Court

Holz, J. Č. A., assistant examiner, Maritime Customs, Shanghai

Homann, A. E., (Struckmann & Co.) clerk, Manila

Hommel, storekeeper, Hanoi

Honoré, clerk, postal department, Saigon

Honore, R., assist. secretary, Customs, Tourane, Annam

Hont, Rev. A. d', French missionary, Bangkok

Hood, G., (Bisset & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Hood, Hon. H.D.A., midshipman, H.B.M.S., Calliope

Hood, J., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Higo-maru, Japan

Hoogewerff, J. A., ensign, U.S.S. Brooklyn

Hooker, H., (H. A. Badman & Co.) assistant, Bangkok

Hooley, W., blacksmith, Prye River Dock, Penang

Hooper, A. S., valuator of police and lighting rates, Treasury

Hooper, C. F., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Yokohama (absent)

Hooper, F. H., (Flint, Kilby & Co), Yokohama

Hooper, J., manager, Perak Tin Mining Co., Selama, Perak

Hooper, T. H., carpenter, H.B.M.S. Audacious

Hooper, W., (Medical Hall) proprietor, Nagasaki

Hooper, W. E., (A. L. Johnston & Co.) merchant, Singapore

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Hooper, W. J., constable, British Consulate, Kobe Hooper, Miss F., missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Hoosen, M., (H. H. Josuph) assistant, Yokohama

Hope, E. R., (Rose & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Hopkins, G. G., (Lewis and Hopkins) broker, Shangbai

Hopkins, G. T., manager, Scottish Oriental S. S. Co., Queen's road

Hopkins, L. A., tide waiter, Corean Customs, Chemulpo

Hopkins, L. C., acting British consul, & Austro-Hungarian & German Consul, Pakhoi Hopkins, Dr. N. S., missionary, Tientsin

Hopper, Rev. E. C., missionary, Tokyo

Hopper, F. O., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Amoy

Hoppius, H., (Siemssen & Co.) merchant, Queen's road

Horder, Dr. E. G., missionary, Pakhoi

Hore, Thos., chief usher, Supreme Court, Shanghai

Horiot, tidewaiter, Customs, Lao-kay, Tonquin

Hormusjee, Pestonjee, (Pestonjee & Co.) merchant and commission agent, Pnompenh Horn, R. R., inspector of locomotives, Railway department, Kyoto

Horobin, C., China Iuland missionary, Ninghsia

Horsborough, A., third engineer, steamer Peking, Canton and Shanghai

Horsburg, Rev. J. H., missionary, Hangchow

Horsley, L., Prince of Wales Iun, Kobe

Horspool, G., chief inspector of police and asst. supdt. fire brigade, Central station Horta e Costa, J. M., surveyor general, Macao

Horton, W., inspector of brothels, Wanchai

Hose, C., government officer, Baram, Sarawak

Hose, Rt. Rev. G. F., D.D., Bishop of Singapore, Labuan and Sarawak, Singapore Hosey, J., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Penang

Hosie, A., British acting vice-consul, Whampoa

Hosking, R., fitter, Government railway service, Yokohama

Hoskyn, D. T., surgeon, H.B.M. sloop Wanderer

Hoskyn, H. C., (Hoskyn & Co.) merchant, Iloilo

Hoskyn, H. P., (Hoskyn & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Hoskyn, R. F., (Hoskyn & Co.) merchant, Iloilo

Hoste, D. E., China Inland missionary, Pingyang-fu, North China

Hot'ais, D., storekeeper, Hanoi

Hottinger, Th., engineer, A. Markwald & Co.'s steam rice mill, Bangkok

Houcix de la Brousse, P. M. J., sub-director, marine artillery, Saigon

Houdebine, conductor, public works department, Saigon

Hough, T. F., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Housez, private secretary, French Residency, Cambodia

Housez, secretary adminis. native affairs, Mytho, Cochin-China

Houssin, head teacher, school at Bentre, Cochin-China

Houzelle, L., brigadier of police, Saigon

Hovel, P. J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Shanghai

How, A..J., broker, Shanghai

How, G. T., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) a sist. accountant, Shanghai Howard, B. C., clerk, P. M. S. S. Co., Yokohama

Howard, F., second officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Howard, G., inspector of municipal police, Hongkew station, Shanghai

Howard, H. C. B., secretary, British Legation, Peking

Howard, Thos., merchant, Bank Buildings

Howard, W. (M. H. Cook) assistant, Shangbai

Howard, W., (Thos. Howard & Co.) clerk, Bank Buildings

Howard, W. C., chief tidesurveyor, Maritime Customs, Amoy

Howard, W. G., inspector of machinery, Port Arthur

Howard, Miss Meta, M. D., medical missionary, Seoul


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Howe, D., carpenter, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Howe, H. A., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Howe, Jas., first steward, H.B.M. naval hospital, Yokohama Howe, Miss Gertrude, missionary, Kiukiang

Howell, F., bailiff, Supreme Court

Howell, J., bead master, Malay College, Singapore

Howell, Rev. W., missionary, Undup, Sarawak

Howes, J. H., inspector of nuisances, &c., Municipal Council, Shanghai Howes, T., second engineer, steamer Yehsin, China coast

❤Howie, W., (Turnbull, Howie & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Howis, captain, F. M. steamboat Attalo, Saigon

Howman, C. J., quartermaster, Perak Sikhs, Perak

Howroyd, J. E., first clerk of works, Surveyor-General's office

Ho Wsyon, solicitor, Queen's road

Hoy, Rev. W. E., missionary, Sendai, Japan

Hoyland, J. P., captain, steamer Powan, Canton and Hongkong

Hoynek van Papendrecht, P. C., (Hooglandt & Co.) clerk, Singapore Huard-Lauoiraix, sub-commissioner of stores, marine department, Saigon

Hubbard, lawyer, Saigon

Hublard, G., leading man of storehouses, H.M. Naval Yard

Hubbard, Rev. Geo. H., missionary, Foochow

Hubbard, Hon. R. B., United States minister plenipotentiary, Tokyo

Hubbard, W. J., paymaster, H. B. M. gun-vessel Linnet

Haber, H., (Kaltenbach, Fischer & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent) Hubert, tide waiter, Customs, Luc-Bô, Tonquin

Hubert, J., merchant, Saigon

Huchting. F., (Rodewald & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

    Huddle, R., deputy master attendant and shipping master, Singapore Hadson, G., assistant, Luzon Sugar Refinery, Manila

Hudson, Rev. G. G., missionary, Osaka

Hudson, G. W., engineer, H.B.M. corvette, Cordelia

Hudson, H. H., advocate and solicitor, Singapore Huerta y Toledo, E., abogado, Manila

Hueto, J., comandante, Estado Mayor, Manila

Hugh, A., clerk, Tre-sury, Sarawak

Hughes, E. J., (Hughes & Ezra) broker, Hongkong

Hughes, H., teacher, mission school, Kobe (absent)

Hughes, H. E., assistant, medical department, Goping Kinta, Perak

Hughes, J. Isaac, secretary, Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf & Godown Co.

Hughes, P. J., H.B.M. consul general, Shanghai

Hughes, R., (Hughes & Co.) merchant, Kobe

Hughes, R. L., clerk and storekeeper, public works dept. Kinta, Perak

Hugbes, S., lieutenant, H.B.M. corvette Cordelia

Hughes, Thos., chief engineer, H.B.M. gun-vessel Swift

Hughes, Col. W., chief paymaster, Army Pay department

Hughes, W. Kerfoot, Pedder's street

Hughes, Miss L. B., missionary, Shanghai

Hugli, G., (Samuel Bischoff) clerk, Iloilo

Hugny, (Cretin) manager, and secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Haiphong

Hugon, secretary, education department, Saigon

Huguenin, secretary, customs, Haiphong

Huguenin, watchmaker, Hanoi

Huguenin-Hainard, watchmaker, Saigon

Huillard, sub-lieutenant, second regiment, Saigon

Huisgen, E., clerk, (Friederichs & Co.) Penang

Hulbert, H., clerk and storekeeper, public works dept., Krian, Perak


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Hulbert, H. B., government school, Seoul

Hulbert, H. L., inspector, public works dept., Krian, Perak Hullett, R. W., principal, Raffles' Institution, Singapore

Hülsz, F., (Tillson, Herrmann & Co.) clerk, Manila

Hülsz, Emil, (Hüisz & Co.) merchant, Manila Hülsz, J. H. N., (Hül-z & Co.) merchan, Manila Hultmark, A. J. W., lightkeeper, Shangbai

Humbert, F., professor, Saigon Seminary, Saigon Humblot, side commissionaire French cruiser, Turenne

Humblot, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

Humby, J., proprietor "London Inn," Queen's road central

Hume, A., assist. paymaster in charge, H. B. M. gunboat Espoir

Hummel, G. L., Maritime Customs assistant tide-surveyor, Shanghai

Hummelke, Ch., constable, German Legation, Peking

Humphreys, J. D., general manager, Hongkong Dispensary, Queen's road Humphreys, T., (A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.) assistant, Queen's road Humphreys, W. G., commission agent, Queen's road Hünerfauth, F., hairdresser, Queen's road

Hunnex, Rev. W. J., missionary, Chinkiang (absent) Hunt, E., (Hunt & Co.) merchant, Kobe and Yokohama Hunt, Qr. Mr. Sergt, F., clerk, army pay department Hunt, H. J., (Hunt & Co.) merchant, Kobe and Yokohama Hunt, H. W., China Inland missionary, Kansuh Hunt, J., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Queen's road Hunt, J. H., chief secretary, Corean Customs, Seoul Hunt, Wm. E., public silk inspector, Shanghai Hunter, A. C., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Hunter, E. H., (Hunter & Co.) merchant, Kobe

Hunter, F. H., (E. H. Hunter & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Hunter, H. E. R., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Shanghai Hunter, Rev. Dr. S. A.D., missionary, Chefoo

Hunter, W. L., merchant, Foochow

Hunter, W. Y., captain, steamer Thales, China coast

Huntington, E. H. M., (Russell & Co.) merchant, Praya

Huntsman, H. de C., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment

Hunsley, C., assistant, public works department, Selangor

Huon, captain, M. F. steamer Jennine, Saigon

Hurley, R. C., commission agent, Hongkong

Huron, sub-lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Hurst, assistant and postal agent, H.B.M. consulate, Foochow

Hurst, H., pilot, Taku

Hurtin, telegraphist, Langson, Tonquin

Hussey, P., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Tsuruga-marx, Japan

Husson, Leon, superintendent, Eastern Extension A. & C. Telegraph Co., Haiphong

Hutchings, C. H., general broker, Shanghai

Hutchings, J., (H. & W. Dock Co.) foreman carpenter, Kowloon

Hutchinson, Rev. A. B., missionary, Nagasaki

Hutchinson, T. R., assistant master, Free School, Penang

Hutchinson, Miss, (Sayle & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Hutchison, H. D., (J. D. Hutchison) clerk, Queen's road

Hutchison, J., assistant, Nagasaki Dockyard, Nagasaki

Hutchison, J. D., merchant, Queen's road

Hutchison, J. D., (W. M. Strachan & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Hutchison, W. D. F., chief secretary, Corean Customs, Chemulpo

Huttenbach, Aug., (Huttenbach Bros. & Co.) merchant, Penang (absent)

Huttenbach, E., (Huttenbach Bros. & Co.) manager, & U.S. con. agent, &., Penang

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Huttenbach, L., (Huttenbach Bros. & Co.) merchant, Penang Hutton, F., China Inland missionary, Kansuh

Hutton, W., (John Little & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Huyvenaar, A., clerk, Mont de Pieté de Cholon, Cochin China

Hyatka, H., (Hussunally & Co.) draper. Wellington street

Hyde, W. P., captain, stea ner Ban Yong Seng, Bangkok and Singapore Hyeems, M. E. (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Foocho

Hykes, Rev. J. R., missionary, Kiukiang

Hyndman, C., (Geo. Fenwick & Co.) assistant, Wanchai

Hyndman, E. M., (China Sugar Refining Co.) clerk, East point Hyndman, H., (Rozario & Co.) merchant, Stanley street Hyndman, H., Jr., (Geo. Fenwick & Co.) clerk, Praya East Hyndman, João, judge's clerk, Macao

Hyser, H., second engineer, steamer Yungching, China coast

Ibañez, F. B., (Diaz Puertas & Co.) assistant, Manila Ibanez, Rev. I., Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow Ibañez, P. B., (Diaz Puertas & Co.) assistant, Manila Ibanez, R, commandante, military engineers, Manila Ibarra, G., oficial, administracion de loterias, Manila Ibarruthy, B. L., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo Iberson, G. F., (S. I. Speshiloff & Co.) clerk, Foochow Iburg, C., (Iveson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

    Iburg, J. C. H,, music teacher and piano tuner, Shanghai Icasañas, V. B., capellan, ecclesiastical department, Manila Icaza, J. J. de, lawyer, Manila

Idatte, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Idiart, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Ifland, A., Maritime Customs assistant tidesurveyor, Chinkiang

Ifland, D, supdt. engineer, Chinese ironclad Chen Yuen, Port Arthur

Iglesia, A., assistant, Companía General de Tabacos, Manila

Iglesia, C., sub-director-general, Compania General de Tabacos, Manila Iglesias, R. la, professor, Seminario S. Vicente de Paul, Manila

Ignacio, L., sochantre, ecclesiastical dept., Minila

Ignecio, C. del Rosario, chaplain, Prison, Manila

lllescas, J. M., alferez, marine infantry, Manila

Illescas I. M., assistant, harbour works, Manila

Illesias y Pardo, L., surgeon major, naval department, Manila

Illiers, d,' (Chaumont & Daniel) contractor, Man.la

Illies, C., (C. Illies & Co.) merchant, Tokyo

Illuca y Curvels, C., surgeon, naval department, Manila Imbeck, C., (P. Kierulff) assistant, Peking

Imbrie, Rev. W., D. D., missionary, Tokyo

Inchausti, J. J., (Inchausti & Co.) clerk, Manila

Inchausti, J. J. de, (Inchausti & Co.) merchant, Manila

Inchausti, B. C., (Inchausti & Co.) clerk, Manila

Inchbald, C. C., (Comptoir d'Escompte) accountant, Shanghai

Infante, L., (R. Č. Gonzalez) assistant, Manila

Ingles, Capt. J., R.N., naval adviser, navy dept, Tokyo

Inglis, G., fourth officer, P. and O. steamer Thibet, Hongkong and Japan

Inglis, G. T., chief engineer, steamer Taichiow, Hongkong and Bangkok

Jughe, B. (Jardine, Matheson & Co,) clerk, Shanghai


Inglis, R., acting assistant superintending engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co., Yokohama

Inglis, W. F., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) assistant, Swatow

Ingram, Dr. J. H., medical missionary, Tung-chau

Ingram, W. L., chief officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Satsuma-maru, Japań

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Innes, H. D. C., acting accountant, Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Manila Innes, J, R., cadet, colonial secretary's office, Singapore Innes, N. G. Mitchell, acting police magistrate Innocent, G. M., missionary, Laoling, Tientsin Innocent, Rev. J., missionary, Tientsin

Innocent, J. W., assistant, Maritime Customs, Shanghai Inveen, Miss E., missionary, Ningpo (absent)

Inverarity, A. J. M., (Chartered Bank) manager, Shanghai Ippolito, L., draftsman, Municipal Council, Cholon Irastorza, J. L., professor of medicine, University, Manila Irens, Mrs., proprietrix "Chefoo Hotel," Chefoo Irvine, D. G., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Manila

Irvine, Miss R. L., missionary, Nagasaki

Irving, Hon. C. J., C.M.G., resident councillor, Penang

Irving, Hon. J. Bell, (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) merchant, Pedder's street Irving, J. J. Bell, (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) merchant, Pedder's street

Irwin, Andrew, medical practitioner, Tientsin

Irwin, R. W., minister resident for Hawaii, Tokyo

Irwine, Rev. E. C., iɛcumbect of Christ Church, Yokohama

Isaac, A., (Schultz & Co.) assistant, Manila

Isaacs, Israel, (R. Isaacs & Brother) merchant, Yokohama

Isaacs, S., (R. Isaacs & Brother), clerk, Yokohama

Isaacs, R., (R. Isaacs & Brother) merchant, Yokohama (absent) Isemonger, Hon. E. E., Colonial Treasurer, Singapore

Isidore, controller, excise department, Soctrang, Cochin-China Isidore, secretary, adminis. native affairs, Giabinb, Saigon Isit, S., (A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.) assistant, Manila

Ismael, S. A., clerk, Magistracy

Ismail, A., boarding-housekeeper, Circular Pathway Ismer, C., (Agthe & Ismer) jeweller, Shanghai

Isnard, deputy, bar of first instance, Saigon

Isnard, procureur, district court, Chandoc, Cochin-China

Iturralde, Lieut. T., ayudante, capitania de puerta, Manila Ivanoff, J., telegraph department, Wladiwostock Iveson, Egbert, (Iveson & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Iveson, H., butcher, Yokohama

Iwersen, H., merchant and consul for Germany, Nagasaki Itzel, H., (Katz Bros.) assistant, Singapore

Izambert, chief of naval construction, Arsenal, Saigon

Izat, J., second engineer, steamer Chi-yuen, China coast Izebault, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Izquierdo, M., assistant, Custom-house, Manila

Izquierdo, M. G., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Izquierdo y Pozo, A., presidente real audiencia, Manila

Jacas, H., procurar general, mision de la compañia de Jesus, Manila

Jacinto, M., (Louis Génu) clerk, Manila

Jacinto, T., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Iloilo

Jack, J. B., Customs tidewailer, Chinkiang

Jack, R. W., fourth engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Jack, W. C., (Marty & d'Abbadie) engineer superintendent, Haiphong

Jackman, J. J., instructor in seamanship, Chinese training ship Wei Yuen, Port Arthur

Jackson, A., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Manila

Jackson, A. J., second engineer, customs revenue cruiser Pingching, Shanghai

Jackson, D., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) acting sub-manager, Shanghai Jackson, G., second engineer, steamer Japan, Hongkong and Calcutta

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-Jackson, J., pilot, Bangkok

Jackson, Rev. J. A., missionary, Nanking

Jackson, O., chief engineer, steamer Kiukiang, Hongkong and Macao Jackson, S. L., lieutenant of Marines, U.S. S. Brooklyn

Jackson, Thos., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) chief manager, Queen's road Jackson, Very Rev. Thos., Roman Catholic missionary, Kuching, Sarawak Jackson, W., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Manila

    Jackson, W. H., captain, str. Kutsang, China coast Jackson, W. S., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Jacob, clerk, post and telegraph office, Saigon

Jacob, midshipman, French frigate Turenne

Jacob, M., third engineer, steamer Japan, Hongkong and Calcutta

Jacob, R. J., assistant surveyor of public works, Sungei Ujong

Jacob, S., telegraphist, Cholon, Cochin-China

Jacob, T. F., (Campbell, Heard & Co.) clerk, Singrpore

Jacobi, C. H., second pilot, steamer Kiangteen, Shanghai and Ningpo Jacobs, H. H., (I. Marians & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Jacobs, J., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Jacobs, S., warder, gaol, Penang

Jacobsen, A., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Jacobsen, E., (Wm. Meyerink & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Jacobson, P., assist. superintendent, water supply, Singapore

    Jacobson, R., superintendent, Education department, Penang Jacquemain, controller of direct taxation, Saigon

Jacquemin, clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Jacquemin, telegraphist, Hatien, Cochin-China

Jacquemin, Rev. C., French missionary, Swatow

Jacquey, registrar, district Court, Mytho, Cochin-China

Jacquinot, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Jacquot, brigadier, excise department, Saigon

Jacquot, clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Jaeschke, kapitan-lieut., kommandant, German gunboat Wolf

Jaffray, A., proprietor, Cliff Dairy, Yokohama

Jaffray, R., supt. of Farms, Seoul

Jagerspacher, R., (G. R. Lambert & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Jago, F. E., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Jahreis, A., (Ed. Schellhass & Co.) clerk,Praya

Jalade, clerk, Immigration office, Saigon

Jalleh, P. P., clerk, police department, Penang

Jamasjee, J., cotton and yarn broker, Gage street Jambu, A. G., clerk, Supreme Court, Penang

Jambu, J. J., clerk, Supreme Court, Penang

Jambu, W. R., (C. S. Tennent & Co.) clerk, Penang

Jame, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Jame, F., (Denis Frères) clerk, Saigon

Jame, G., notary public, Saigon

Jame, J., (Denis Frères) clerk, Hanoi and Haiphong

James, (Viterbo) clerk, Hanoi

James, È. E., (J. A. Harvie) clerk, Shangbai

James, Rev. F. H., missionary, Tsing Chou-fu, Shantung

James, F. S., (Fraser, Failey, & Varnun) merchant, Yokohama

James, H., chief officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Totomi-maru, Japan ́

James, H. D., chief officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Hiogo-maru, Japan James, J. C., teacher, Assumption College, Bangkok

James, J. M., adviser, constructive section, Naval department, Yokohama James, S., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) clerk, Haiphong

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James, T., China Inland missionary, Shashi

James, T. H., R. N., navigating inspector, Japan Mail S. S. Co., Tokyo James, W., constructor, Naval Yard

James, Kate, instructor, normal school, Tokyo

Jameson, J. W., (Geo. Fenwick & Co.) engineer, Wanchai

Jameson, R. M., M.A., assistant master, Central School

Jamieson, G., acting assistant judge, H.B.M. Supreme Court, Shanghai

Jamieson, Rev. J., missionary, Tamsui

Jamieson, J. W., student, British Legation, Peking

Jamieson, R. Alex., M.D., consulting physician to Maritime Customs, Shanghai Jamieson, W. B., broker, Shanghai

Jamin, clerk, railway company, Saigon

Jamsedjee, P., broker, Peel street

Jamsetjee, Framjee, broker, Peel street

Jan, M. J. A., surgeon, Choquan, Cochin-China

Janmahomed, Curmally bhoy, (E. Pabauey) manager, Shanghai

Janning, J., (Janning Philippe & Co.) merchant, Hanoi

Janning, Jr., (Janning, Philippe & Co.) as-istant, Hanoi

Jansen, A., superintendent, Sailors' Rest, Singapore

 Jansen, A. E. A., field assistant, Survey departinent, Penaug Jansen, D. C., proprietor, Astor House Hotel, Shanghai

Jansen, L. J., clerk, Supreme Court, Singapore

Jansen, S., clerk, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Janson, J. L., husbandry depart., & professor of veterinary, College of Agriculture, Tokyo Janssen, E., (Farmacia Sart ›rius) assistant, Manila

Jantzen, C., (Melchers & Co.) merchant, and consul for Netherlands, Shangha

Janz, C. A., telegraph overseer, state railway dept., Selangor

Jaouen, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Jappe, A., thir engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Jaques, A. H., (Skipworth, Hammond & Co.) assistant, Kobe

Jardonnet, P., overseer, Tonquin Customs, Haiphong

Jarmin, J. J., superintendent, cemetery, Yokohama

Jarmain, W. T., second turnkey, British Consular Gaol, Yokohama

Jarvis, F., assistant engineer, H.B.M.S. Leander

Jardin, F. du., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) assistant, Kiukiang

Jardine, W., (J. M., Cazalas and Son) engineer, Singapore

Jarno, telegraphist, Bin-Dinh, Annam

Jau, principal conductor, public works dept., Saigon

Jaudon, P., Government architect, Tokyo

Jauffret, process server, Saigon

Jauin, R., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Jaumain, telegraphist, Phu-ninh-gian, Tonquin

Jaume, D., mission de la Compania de Jesus, Manila

Javaux, clerk, Adminstration Native Affairs, Bentre, Cochin-China

Javier, overseer, telegraphs construction, Tonkin

Javier, J., (Tillson, Herrmann & Co.) clerk, Manila

Javier, M., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Javier, S., telegraphist, Manila

Javier y Mathen, F., magistrate, Manila

Javier y Rodriguez, P., (F. L. Roxas) clerk, Manila Jayesuria, D., assistant surveyor, Larut

Jean, conductor of public works, Cambodia

Jean, tidewaiter, customs, Quan-Ngai, Annam Jean, Rev. G., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

Jeandot, conductor of public works, Pnompenh, Cambodia Jeanjean, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

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Jeanneret, telegrapbist, Saigon

Jeannet, principal geometer, survey office, Saigon Jeanrenaud, Ad., (Čhs. Jeanrenaud) assistant, Peking

Jeanrenaud, Chs., curio dealer, Pek.ng

Jebsen, Herm., merchant, Penang

Jeewakhan, Nujmoodin, merchant and commission agent, Wellington street (absent) Jeffrey, J. A., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Yokohama

Jeffrey, R., foreman of engineer shop, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Jeffreys, E. A., officer in charge, land department, Kuching, Sarawak

Jeffries, H. U., secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Hongkong

Jellat, D., assistant, Museum, Perak

Jelovis, Hotel des Voyageurs, Haiphong

Jencks, DeWitt C., M.D., missionary, Kobe (absent)

Jenkins, B. N., (Russell & Co.) assistant, Amoy

Jenkins, Rev. H., missionary, Shaoling, Ning po

Jenkins, J., chief officer, steamer Mongkut, Hongkong and Bangkok

Jenkins, M. A., interpreter, U. S. Consulate, & propr. Hankow Printing Office, Hankow Jenkins, T. O. S., (Fearon Low & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Jennings, F. K., inspector of police, Penang

Jennings, Rev. W., M.A., colonial chaplain

Jensen, Chr., engineer, Imperial Chinese Telegraphs, Yunnan

Jensen, Jas., second officer, steamer Anton, Hongkong and Tonkin

Jensen, J. L., (Iveson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Jensen, J. M., (China & Japan Trading Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Jerdein, M. S., merchant and commission agent, Chinkiang

Jeremiah, E., (Logan & Ross) clerk, Penang

Jeremiah, J., clerk, land office, Krian, Perak

Jeremiah, J. E. V., chief clerk, court of requests, Province Wellesley

Jeremiab, J. W., clerk, marine department, Penang

Jeremiah, L. F., teacher, Government School, Singapore

Jeremiah, N., (Tanjong Pagar Dock Co.) clerk, Singapore

Jeremiah, P., overseer, Batukawan Sugar Estate, Province Wellesley

Jeremiah, P. R., overseer, Prye River Dock, Penang

Jeremiah, R., clerk, post and telegraph department, Perak Jeremiah, R. H., chief clerk, land office, Krian, Perak Jeremiah, W. D., usher, police court, Penang

    Jeremiah, Miss M., teacher, Pulo Tikus girls' school, Penang Jeremiassen, C. C., missionary, Hainan

Jerez, F. M., oficial, contaduria gl. de hacienda, Manila Jerez, F. M., (Diaz Puertas & Co.) printer, Manila

Jerkins, S., (Hill and Rathborne) engineer, Sunjei Ujong

Jernigan, T. R., consul for United States, Kobe

Jernando, L., (Battle Hermanos & Co.) clerk, Manila

Jersey, Miss de., Baxter Girls' school

Jesus, C. A. M. de, (G. C. Anderson) clerk, Praya

Jesus, C. M. de, (De Jesus Bros. & Co.) merchant, Bangkok

Jesus, F. A. de, (Hellyer & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Jesus, F. V. de, (Grassi Brothers & Co.) clerk, Bangkok

Jesus, F. X. M. de, (Honggong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Jesus, J. M., compositor, Shanghai Mercury, Shanghai

Jesus, J. M. de, (H. Péré) clerk, Saigon

Jesus, J. M. E. de, (De Jesus Bros. & Co.) commission agent, Bangkok

Jesus, J. V. de, teacher, "Escola Central," Macao

    Jesus, J. V. de, (Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co.) bead clerk, Kowloon Jesus, L. de, (Inchausti & Co.) clerk, Man la

Jesus, M. de, assistant, new port works, Manila

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Jesus, R. T. de, manager, Sociedad de Escultores, Manila Jewell, Commander T. F., commanding U.S.S. Essex Jewell, Miss C. I., missionary, Foochow

Jewell, Mrs. C. M., missionary, Tientsin

Jewett, J. H., (Bavier & Co.) clerk, Yokohı ma

Jex, 8. C., assistant, Hongkong Dispensary, Queen's road

Jeyes, H. O., (Fearon, Low & Co.) merchant, Amoy

Jezewski, J. von, Maritime Customs assistant tidesurveyor, Foochow Jimenez, captain, river steamer Bais, Iloilo

 Jimenez, D., director, Porvenir de Bisayas, Iloilo Jimenez, I. G., ayudante, division forestal, Manila Joakim, S., (Edgar & Co.) clerk, Singapore Joannes, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Jobard, lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Jochaux, sub-lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Johannsen, E., second engineer, str. Marie, Hongkong and Haiphong

Johansen, C. H., M.D., physician, customs medical attendant, Tamsui (absent)

Johansen, G., (Kunst & Albers) assistant, Wladiwostock

Johansen, K. P., second officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

John, Rev. Griffith, missionary, Hankow

John, J. W., proof reader, Customs printing office, Shanghai

John, M. H., pilot, Singapore

Johnmahomed, A., (Jairazbhoy Peerbhoy & Co.) manager, Wellington street Johnsen, A., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Kiukiang

Johnsen, P. E., lightkeeper, Shanghai

Johnsford, A., overseer of taxes, Municipal Council, Shanghai Johnsford, W., Customs tidewaiter, Chinkiang

Johnson, A. B., (Sharp, Johnson & Stokes) solicitor, Supreme Court house

Johnson, Capt. C., quarter master, army medical staff

Johnson, C. H., operator, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Johnson, C. W., inspector, assessment department, Municipality, Singapore Johnson, F. W., (Levy & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Johnson, Rev. J. F., missionary, Hangchow

Johnson, J. J., proprietor "Brooklyn Free and Easy," Nagasaki

Johnson, M., constable, British consulate, Pakhoi

Johnson, O., H. B. M. acting consul, Hoihow

Johnson, P., master, steam launch Kinta, Perak

Johnson, W., quartermaster, Ordnance Store Department

Johnson, W. G., proprietor Hyogo Hotel, Kobe

Johnson, W. P., chief pilot, steamer Kiangyu, Shanghai and Hankow

Johnson, Miss Ada B., missionary, Tokyo

Johnson, Miss R. V., missionary, Akita, Japan

Johnston, And., consulting engineer, Marine House, Queen's road

Johnston, A., (Guthrie & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Johnston, Major D. A., Royal Engineers

Johuston, H. C., superintendent, water supply, Singapore

Johnston, Jas., (Boyd & Co.) engineer and shipwright, Shanghai

Johnston, J. C., Maritime Customs assistant, Kowloon

Jobuston, R. T., bailiff, assessment departmen', Municipality, Singapore

Johnston, Miss J., missionary, Amoy

Johnstone, D., warder, gaol, Singapore

Johnstone, F. H., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment

Johnstone, J., (Japan M il S. S. Co.,) manager, store department, Yokohama

Johnstone, R., (Findlay, Richardson, & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Johnstone, S. J., first officer, revenue steamer Pingching, Shanghai Joanstone, W., commission agent, Amoy

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Johnstone, Miss, manager, Baxter Girls' school Jokhee, P. B., (Mehta & Co.) clerk, Amoy Joliot, telegraphist, Gocong, Cochin-China

Jolly, Thos. F., (Tillson, Herrmanu & Co.) clerk, Manila Joly, lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Joly, H. B., assistant, British consulate, Canton

Joncour, P., S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Jones, master, steam lighter Chamrosus, Bangkok


Jones, General A. C., United States Consul, acting Japanese con'l, Chinkiang & Wuhu Jones, A. E., assistant, municipal council, Shanghai

Jones, Rev. A. G., missionary, Tsing Chou-foo, Shantung

Jones, C. H., (John Little & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Jones, D., (Union Insurance Society) acting secretary, Praya

Jones, D., Tam Chow mines, Canton

Jones, D. W., chief engineer, steamer Toonan, China coast

    Jones, E. B., (H. E. Reynell & Co.) wine merchant, Yokohama Jones, Rev. E. H., missionary, Sendai, Japan

Jones, F. S., (Smith, Bell & Co,) clerk, Iloilo (absent)

Jones, H. D. C., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Manila

Jones, I. W., assistant, Chartered Bank of India, Penang

Jones, J., (China & Japan Trading Co.) clerk, Nagasaki

Jones, Jas., commander, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Higo-maru, Japan

Jones, J. C. D., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) electrician in chief, S'pore Jones, J. H., constable, British consulate, Whampoa

Jones, J. H., inspector, permanent way railway, Perak

Jones, J. H. D., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) electrician, Singapore Jones, J. P., breaker and trainer, Straits Horse Repository, Singapore

Jones, J. W., assistant master, Central School

Jones, M., clerk, Supreme Court, Shanghai

Jones, S. C., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) supervisor, Queen's road Jones, T. sub-accountant, Chartered Bank, Singapore

Jones, Thos., proprietor, Emmerson's tiffin rooms, Singapore

Jones, W., Tam Chow mines, Canton

Jopp, Major S. J. M., Northamptonshire Regiment

Joram, telegraphist, Cantho, Cochin China

Jordan, A., (H. & W. Dock Company) storekeeper, Cosmopolitan docks

Jordan, C., second officer, str. Fushun, China coast

Jordan, G. P., health officer of the port, Wyndham street

Jordan, J. N., acting assistant, Chinese Secretary, British Legation, Peking Jordan, M., assistant, Sanitary department, Municipal Council, Shanghai

Jordan, O., (Kaufm n & Co.) clerk, Penang

Jordan, P., (Chater & Vernon) broker, Queen's road

Jonlan, T. D., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Tsuruga-maru, Japan Jorge, A., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Jorge, A., clerk, Comptoir d' Escompte, Shanghai

Jorge, C., lawyer, Ma ao

Jorge, F. J. V., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Jorge, G. T., clerk, Hongkong and China Gas Co., West Point

Jorge, J. V., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Manila

Jorge, P., secretary, Manila Slip Co., Manila

Jorge, P., (Warner, Blodgett & Co.) clerk, Manila

Jörgensen, C., Maritime Cuatoms tidewaiter, Heibow

Jörgenseu, E. J. F., master mariner, Bangkok

    Jorgensen, H. P. C, Maritime Customs ti lewaiter, Canton Jörgensen, J., pilot, Newchwang

Jorus, B., Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

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Jose, G. R., procurador, Supreme Court, Manila José, H. J., (Noronha & Co.) compositor, Zetland street Joseph, Bro., teacher, St. Joseph's College, Robinson road Joseph D., sharebroker, Queen's road

Joseph, E. H., (Ezekiel & Joseph) broker, Queen's road Joseph, E. S., cotton and yarn broker, Icehouse lane Joseph, H. H., (P. & O).S.N. Co.) agent, Shanghai Joseph, I., (Shooker, Abraham & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Joseph, M. A., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Praya Joseph, N. A, assistant, revenue survey department, Singapore Joseph, S. A., (Joseph & Fredericks) broker, Queen's road Joseph, S. H., (S. J. David & Co.) clerk, Hollywood road Josephs, T., time-keeper, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Josuph, H. H., merchant and commission agent, Yokohama Joubert, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonkin Joubert, A. J., director, Taberd School, Saigon

Jouge, M. de, agent, Netherlands India Postal agency, Singapore Jourdan, Ch., lawyer, Saigon

Jourdan, J., telegraphist, Bangkok

Jourdan, P., assistant, Messageries Maritimes coal depôt, Yokohama Jourden, commander, gunboat Bayonnette, Saigon

Jourdin, A., Royal Horse Mart," Penang

Jourdren, clerk, public works department, Saigon

Jouron, assistant accountant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Jouvet, A., commission agent and public accountant, Saigon Jouvet, G., assistant, Messageries Maritimes, Yokohama

Jovellanos, C., calculator, Observatory, Manila Joven, Z., (C. Labarbe & Co.) assist nt, Singapore

Jovet, clerk, arsenal, Saigon

Jovino, F., assistant, Sanitary dept., Shanghai

Joyce, W., commander, steamer Ranee, Sarawak and Singapore

Joyeux, receiver, adminis. of native affairs, Travinh, Cochin-China Joynson, T. O., fleet paymaster, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Juan, A. S., assistant, Mint, Manila

Juan, M., sub-direct r, observatory, Manila

Jubera, F. S. de, inspector de hacienda, Manila

Jubin, C., Yokohama

Jubin, L., (Dell'Oro & Co) clerk, Yokohama

Jubiot, agent, Messageries Maritimes, Haiphong

Juday, A. R. S., interpreter and clerk, Portuguese consulate, Bangkok

Judah, J. E., (D. Sassoon Sons & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Judah, J. I., (D. Sassoon Sons & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Judah, J. J., (S. J. David & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Judah, J. S., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Praya Central

Judah, R. S., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Praya Central

Judd, Rev. C. H., missionary, Chefoo

Judd, W., manager, E. E. A. & C. & Gt. Nor. Telegraph Cos., Queen's road Jüdell, L., (A. Schomberg & Co.) merchant, Hoihow

Judet, tailor, Hanoi

Judson, Rev. J. H., missionary, Hangchow

Judson, Miss C., missionary, Niigata

Juganoff, J., Customs, Wladiwostock

Juge, captain, French frigate Turenne

Juille, J., medical practitioner, Iloilo

Jukes, R. R., clerk, Union Insurance Co., Praya

Jules, R. J., Maritime Cus'oms tidewaiter, Shanghai

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Julia, P., telegraphist, Bangkok


Julian, Bro., teacher, St. Joseph's College, Robinson road Julian, M. A., storekeeper, Prye River Dock, Penang

Julien, overseer, excise department, Cholon, Cochin-China Jully, surveillant, telegraph department, Hatien, Cochin-China Jung, clerk, residency, Namdinh

Junguera y Gomez, R., surgeon, naval department, Manila Junker, Emil, (Faber & Voigt) clerk, Kobe Junkin, Rev. D., missionary, Yokohama

Jürgens, H., broker and auctioneer, Shanghai

Jürgens, O., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Kiukiang Jürgensen, H., (Dalmann & Co.) merchant, Singapore Jurgensen, J., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock Jürgensen, J., pilot, Shangbai

Jürgensen, J., (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Queen's road Jury, engineer, public works department, Saigon Just, H. Z., bill and bullion broker, Hongkong Club Justice, merchant, Namdinh

Justine, telegraphist, That-Khê, Tonquin

Kacker, C.H.A., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Hoihow

Kaderdena, Abdulla, (Hajee Hamed Hajee Essack & Co.) manager, Gage street: Kaderdina, M. (H. H. Josuph) assistant, Yokohama

Kadooree, E. S., commission agent, Wuhu

Kähler, W., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Chinkiang

Kahler, W. F., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Kowloon

Kahler, W. R., reporter, N. C. Herald, Shanghai

Kahlike, D. H. M., proprietor, "Hotel de la Paix," Singapore

Kalinofsky, naturalist, Seoul

Kalischer, storekeeper, Hanoi

Kaltenbach, G. (Kaltenbach, Fischer & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Kamer, A., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Praya

Kammel, H., (Medical Hall) assistant, Queen's road

Kane, H. C., captain commanding H.B.M.S. Calliope

Kanow, W., (Staehelin and Stahlknecht) clerk, Singapore

Kanzler, M., sub-manager, "El Oriente" tobacco manufacturing Co., Manila

Kapadia, E. M., (Hussunally & Co.) draper, Wellington street

Kappeler, A., (Samuel Bischoff) clerk, Iloilo

Kappenberg, E., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Kapudia, M. M., (M. M. Kapudia & Co.) merchant, Canton

Karanfia, B. P, merchant, Canton

Karberg, C. P., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Praya

Karberg, Peter (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) merchant, Praya (absent)

Karl, E., assistant protector of Chinese, Singapore

Karrer, (Lehmann & Karrer) merchant, Hanoi

Karslake, W. C., captain, H.B.M. corvette Sapphire

Katz, H., (Katz Bros.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Katz, L., (Katz Bros.) clerk, Singapore

Katz, Sig. (Katz Bros.) clerk, Singapore

Kauffar, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Kaufman, C., (Kaufman & Co.) clerk, Penang

Kaufman, J., (Kaufman & Co.) merchant, Penang (absent)

Kaufmanu, M., (Simon, Evers & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Kaulback, Miss A., missionary, Hakodate

Kavarana, B. F., merchant, Canton

Kıvarana, D. B., (B. F. Kavarına) assistant, Cant ›n


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Kavarana, H. O., (S. F. Kavarana & Co.) assistant, Canton

 Kavarana, S. F., (S F. Kavarana & Co.) merchant, Peel street and Canton (absent) Kayser, Theo., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Keau, P., inspector of police, Malacca

Keasberry, C., (Swan & Lermit) apprentice, Singapore Keate, R. H., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Keating, J., fourth engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Keaughran, T. J., Singapore

Keeble, G., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Kiukiang Keeble, W., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Swatow Keeka, F. C., (D. D. Ollia & Co.) merchant, Foochow Keeling, F. G., sergeant, detective police, Shanghai Keen, J. E., carpenter, U.S.S. Omaha

Keetch, J. Z., shipping agent, Yokohama

Kehrberg, P. de, student, Russian Legation, Peking

Keir, A., solicitor, Yokohama

Keiser, J., (C. J. Gaupp & Co.) watchmaker, Queen's road

Keizer, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Kanowit, Sarawak

Keller, E. A., (E. A. Keller & Co.) merchant, & con. for Switzerland, Manila (absent)

Kellet, S., staff-surgeon, H.B.M. corvette Cordelia

Kellman, E., (C. Rohde & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Kellner, Dr. Oscar, professor of agricultural chemistry, Tokyo

Kelly, E. S., (Benjamin & Danby) broker, Queen's road

Kelly, J. D., midshipman, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Kelly, J. W., chief engineer, steamer Nanshan, China coast

Kelsey, Miss A. H. D., medical missionary, Yokohama

Kemp, Geo., foreman, fire brigade

Kemp, J. P., warehouseman, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Kemp, R. W., boilermaker, Naval Yard

Kemp, W. F., (Grassi Brothers & Co.) manager, timber department, Bangkok Kempermann, T., consul general for Germany, Seoul (absent)

Kempf, H., proprietor, Union Inn, Newchwang

Kendall, Mrs. E. E., missionary, Niigata

Kenderdine, T. S., commander, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Sagami-maru, Japan

Kennelly, A., manager, Penang Gazette, Penang

Kennedy, D., assistant, Horse Repository, Garden road

Kennedy, F., chief engineer, steamer Kiangpiau, China coast

Kennedy, J., proprietor, Horse Repository, Garden road

Kennedy, General J. D., consul general for United States, Shanghai

Kennedy, J. Y., (Allen & Kennedy) broker and commission agent, Penang

Kennedy, R., assistant accountant, Ch. Mercantile Bank, Singapore

Kenney, E. H., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) tea inspector, Shanghai

Kent, M. M., assist surveyor, revenue survey dept., l'enang

Kent, W. I., (Tyler & Co.) merchant, Iloilo

Keppel, Capt L. C., commanding H.B.M.S. Constance

Ker, J. P., (Syme & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Ker, M. G., oficial, Ayuntamiento, Manila

Ker, T. R., superintendent, Marine dept., Johore

Kergaradec, Le Comte d, French chargé d' affaires and consul general, Bangkok

Kermandoc, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Kern, T., (Siber & Brennwald) clerk, Yokohama

Kerr, C. D., secretary, Straits Insurance Co., Singapore

Kerr, E., oficial, Monte de Piedad, Manila

Kerr, Jas., (Fraser & Co.) share broker, Singapore Kerr, J. A., Maritime Customs assistant, Ningpo

Kerr, J. D., forem un, engine d pt., Dock Co., Bangkok

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Kerr, J. G., M.D., medical missionary, Canton

Kerr, R., second officer, steamer Marcia, Hongkong and Shanghai

Kerr, R. H., assist. accountant, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Singapore Kerr, T. S., colonial surgeon, Peuang

Kerr, W., (W. E. Drummond) clerk, Kobe

Kerr, Miss Emma, missionary, Soochow

Kershaw, T. H., (Logan & Ross) barrister-at-law, Penang

Kershner, E., surgeon, U.S.S. Omaha

Kersting, T., (Kumpers & Co) clerk, Singapore

Kesslar, A. W., clerk, marine office, Singapore

Kesalar, F., compositor, government printing office, Singapore

Kessler, A., (Kumpers & Co.) manager, Singapore

Keswick, J. J., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) merchant, and actg. Danish consul, Shanghai

Keswick, W., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) merchant (absent)

Ketteler, Baron von, secre:ary, German Legation, Peking

Keun, R. M., apothecary, General hospital, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor

Keun, W. C. P., clerk, audit department, Singapore

Keutgen, A., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) merchant, Praya

Kew, C. H., (Chartered Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Kew, C. T., (Strachan & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Kew, J. W., third engineer, str. Diamante, Hongkong and Manila Key, Geo., gunner, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Key, W., China Inland missionary, Pingyangfu, North China

Keyt, J. T., magistrate and land officer, Perak

Khan, S. C., (Cawasjee Pallanjee & Co.) clerk, Gage street

Khanh, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Taiwan-foo

Khetsey, Mahomedbhoy, (Tharia Topan) manager, Gage street

Khimjee, E., (Tharia Topan) clerk, Gage street

Kidder, Miss A. H., missionary, Tokyo

Kieffe, A. J., surgeon majo, šou th regiment, Saigon

Kiehne, F., second officer, N. D. Lloyd str. General Werder, Hongkong & Japan

➡Kierulff, H., proprietor, Globe Hotel, Tientsin

Kierulff, P., commission agent and storekeeper, Peking

Kilby, E. Flint, (Flint, Kilby & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Kilby, J., second office", st. Meifoo, China coast

Kileh, A. von (Nabholz & Osenbruggen) merchant, Shanghai

Killoyle, E., manager, Yokohama engine and ironworks, Yokohama

Killin, J., (Hongkong and Whampoa Ďock Co.) sawmiller, Kowloon

Killin, J. J., boatswain, U. S. S. Omaha

Kimball, R. H., (Winn & Kimball) dentist, Bank Buildings

Kinch, P. B. C., (G assi B others & Co.) eivil engineer, Bangkok

Kinck, F., (Anderson & Co.) manage, Bangkok

Kindblad, A. W., examine, ma itime customs, Newchwang

Kinder, Chas., (Windsor, Rose & Co.) clerk, Bangkok

Kinder, C. W., (C. E. & Mining Co. & Kaiping Railway Co. Ld.) engineer in chief, T'tsin

Kindervater, R., (Puttfarcken & Co.) clerk, Singapore

King, Rev. A., missionary, Tientsin

King, C., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) tea inspector, Foochow

King, C. A. E., assistant engineer, U. S. S. Brooklyn

King, C. H., (Brand Bros. & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

King, D., second office, str. Kiangteen, China coast

King, G. J. W., land bailiff, public works department

King, G. L., chief officer, P. & O. str. Teheran, Hongkong and Japan

King, G. Y., (W. G. Hale & Co.) clerk, Saigon

King, J., chief clerk, Land office, Singapore

King, J., second engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Niigata-maru, Japan

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King, J. C., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) ass stant, Quay Bay King, P. H., Maritime Customs assistant, Tientsin

King, T., China Inland missionary, Kwei Hwa Chen, North China King, W. W., tea inspector, Shanghai and Hankow

Kingdon, N. P., (Kingdon, Schwabe & Co.) merchant, Yokohama Kinghorn, J. W., engineer in charge, volunteer fire engine Kingsell, F., printer, Yokohama

Kingsley, T. H., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Kowloon Kingsmill, Thomas W., civil engineer and architect, Shanghai

Kingston, W., surveyor, Royal Engineers

Kingsworth, G., supdt. enginee, Chinese cruiser Chih Yuen, Port Arthur Kinnear, H. R. (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Kiölseth, Theo., chief officer, steamer Toonan, China coast

Kip, Rev. L. W., D.D., missionary, Amoy

Kirby, H., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Kirby, R. J., Tokyo

Kirch, H. (Ed. Schellhass & Co.) clerk, Praya

Kichhoff, E., (Speidel & Co.) clerk, Saigon

Kirchhoff, E., (Speidel & Co.) agent at Battambang, Siam

Kirchner, A., (Kirchner & Böger) merchant, Shanghai

Kirk, J., second engineer, steamer Kiangpiau, China coast Kirke, A., midshipman, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire

Kirkland, Miss Helen, missionary, Hangchow

Kirkpatrick, M. C., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) acting agent, Batavia Kirkwood, J., inspector of machinery, Naval Yard, Port Arthur (absent) Kirkwood, M., barrister-at-law, and legal adviser, Judical Dept., Yokohama Kirschstein, J. C., (H. Sietas & Co.) storekeeper, Chefoo

Kisseleff, M.G., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Kiukiang

Kist, C., (Taumeyer & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Kitchin, Rev. W. C., Ph. D., missionary, Aoyama, Japan Kite, W., engineer, Fire department, Shanghai

Kittzsteiner, lieutenant, German gunboat Wolf

Kladt, T. G., (Ed. Schellhass & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Klampermeyer, F., hair dresser and sick nurse, Shanghai Klaus, M., (Lohmann & Co.) assistant, Yokohama Kleffel, Dr., German Naval Hospital, Yokohama

Kleine, R., consul for United States, Ningpo

Kleinwachter, F., commissioner of Maritime Customs, Ningpo Kleinwort, A., (C. H. Morf & Co.) manager, Yokohama Kleinwort, O. A., (H. C. Morf & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Klemme, C., Mombitsu beet sugar manufactory, Sapporo, Japan

Klemme, F., Mombitsu beet sugar manufactory, Sapporo, Japan

Kliene, A., Maritime Customs tide-surveyor and harbour-master, Ningpo Kliene, C., clerk, Maritime Customs, Tientsin

Klingemann, C., (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Klobukowski, secretary g neral, Saigon

Klock, C., supdt. engineer, Chinese ironclad Ting Yuen, Port Arthur

Klöpfer, E., (E. Klöpfer & Co.) merchant, Manila

Klopfer, F., chief officer, str., Kwangcho, China Coast

Klopp, H., merchant, Bangkok

Kloss, W. (F. Engler & Co.) clerk, Saigon

Klueppel, E., (Speidel & Co.) clerk, Saigon

Klünder, R., (Rautenberg, Schmidt & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Kluth, O., inspector of municipal polic", Central station, Shanghai

Klyhn, L. H. C., lightkeeper, South Cape, Amoy

Klyne, F. C., second clerk, Supreme Court, Malacca

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Klyne, G. C., clerk, Netherlands India Postal Agency, Singapore Klyne, J. F. C., clerk, Gas Company, Singapore Klyne, J. R., (New Harbour Dock Co.) clerk, Singapore Knaff, E., (Ulysse Pila & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Knaggs, A. L., clerk to puisne judge, Singapore Knäpel, F., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Amoy Knapton, A. L. K., flag lieutenant, H.B.M. Squadron Knight, A., assistant auditor general, Singapore (absent) Knight, G. G., assistant, engineer, H. B. M. corvette Cordelia Knight, Captain H. P., Royal Engineer

Knight, J., railway clerk in charge, Batu Tiga, Selangor Knight, W., lightkeeper, lightship, Taku

Knight, Miss, China Inland missionary, Chefoo

    Knights, A. E., captain, steamer Kiangyu, Shanghai and Hankow Knipping, E., meteorologist, Meteorological office, Tokyo Knobloch, G., assistant, Taikoo Sugar Refinery, Quarry Bay Knosp, entrepreneur, Hanoi

Knott, Dr. C. G., professor of physics, University, Tokyo

Knott, J., examiner, Customs, Yuensan, Corea

Knowles, J. S., (S. C. Farnham & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Knowling, G. F. S., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Satellite

Knox, Bev. G. W., professor of logic, University, Tokyo (absent)

Knox, H., (H. Blow & Co.) assistant, Tientsin

Knox, Jas., third engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Segami-maru, Japaa

Knox, R., second engineer, Japan Mail S. S.Co.'s str. Suminoye-maru, Japan Kobke, K., telegraphist, Bangkok

Koch, chief of customs bureau, Fai-foo, Annam

Koch, Alex., (G. R. Lambert & Co.) photographer, Singapore

Koch, F., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Canton

Koch, Fr. W., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Koch, H., (H. C. Morf & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Koch, J. G., surveyor, Revenue Survey department, Singapore Koch, Otto, (Koch & Brunner) merchant, Cebu

Koch, T., assistant, telegraph office, Wladivostock

Kochen, M., (C. Пlies & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

    Kochler, F., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Kock, C., (Kirchner & Böger) clerk, Shanghai

Kock, J., (E. Klöpfer & Co.) clerk, Manila

Kock, M., usher, German consulate, Shanghai

Koear, C. B., (D. D. Ollia & Co.) clerk, Wellington street

Koehler, R., captain, steamer Amoy, Hongkong and Shanghai Koehler, Mrs. A., Haefker's Hotel, Yokohama Koehn, G., medical practitioner, Singapore

Koek, E., solicitor, Singapore

Koek, H., (Braddell Brothers) conveyancing clerk, Singapore

Koek, J. P., draftsman, public works department, Sungei Ujong

Koenig, Eug., (Eug. Koenig & Co.) merchant, Hanoi

Koenitz, A., (McAlister & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Koenitz, A. L., Singapore

Koepke, paymaster, German gunb at Wolf

Kõeppe, C., (M. Raspe & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Koerner, F., (Morf & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Koerner, Miss C., missionary, Foochow

Koffer, P., second officer, str. Poochi, China Coast Kofod, F. A., Pilot Company, Shanghai

Kofod, J., in charge hulk Sultan, Kiukiang`


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Kofod, V., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) electrician, Nagasaki

Kofoed, N. C., Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

Koger, W., (G. Hieber & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Koblhoff, P., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Singapore Kolb, lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

"Kolémine, A. de, consul for Russia, Yokohama

Kollerbohm, L., (J. Witte & Co.) clerk, Manila

Kölling, W., secretary, Gernian consulate, Shanghai

König, W., (J. Bryner) assistant, Wladiwostock

Koorn, B., shipping master, German consulate, Singapore

Koosnetzoff, W. M., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Kiukiang

Kopp, G., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Takao

Kopp, Mrs E., (C. Gerard & Co.) shipchandler, &c., Amoy (absent) Koreylin, W. M., (S. I. Speshiloff & Co,) clerk, Foochow

Korff, A., (Melchers & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Korn, F., (Taikoo Sugar Refiuing Co.) assistant, Quarry Bay Kortlepel, J. T., mate. Tungsha lightship, Shanghai

Kostileff, V., Russian Consul, Nagasaki

Kostromitin, Customs, Wladiwostock

Köttnitz, K., (Gsell & Co.) clerk, Manila

Kotwall, D. R., (Merza Ebrahim & Co.) clerk, Hollywood road

Kovrigin. P. P., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Tientsin Kraal, Edwin, (Sayle & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Kraal, H. E., bailiff, Sheriff's department, Singapore

Kraal, J., writer, Naval Yard

Kraal, S. A., (N. Moalle) assistant, A moy

Kraetzer, E., consul-general for France, Shanghai (absent)

Krafft, P., (Baer Senior & Co.) clerk, Manila

Krafzeff, T. T., assistant, telegraph office, Wladiwostock

Kragh, C. H., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) superintendent, Nagasaki

Kramer, J., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) silk-inspector and consul for Denmark, Canton Kraus, F., Director of Mint, Seoul

Krause, B., interpreter, German consulate, Amoy

Krause, E., (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Canton

Krauss, A., (Carlowitz & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Kreitner, Chev. G. de, consul for Austria-Hungary, Yokohama

Krell, N., (Langfeldt & Mayers) assistant, Yokohama

Krencki, R. von, German consul, Bangkok

Kribbe, P. G. (Stolterfoht & Hirs1) clerk, Praya

Krien, F., acting consul general for Germany, Seoul

Krips, S., merchant, and vice-consul for Sweden and Norway, Wuhu

Krisnausamy, A., (A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.) assistant, Queen's road

Krivoschapkin V., (Lindholm & Co.) clerk, Wladiwostock

Krohn, Werner, (Schönfeld & Co.) merchant, & sec. Chamber of Commerce, F'chow Kroker, P. R., lightkeeper, Shantung N. E. Promontory Light, Chefoo

Kröncke, E. A., pilot, Takao

Krug, apprentice geometer, survey office, Saigon

Krug, A., watchmaker, A moy

Krüger, J., (L. Vrard & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Krugloff, K. S., (Piatkoff, Mo.chanoff & Co,) clerk, Hankow

Kruse, A. L. B., master mariner, Bangkok

Küchler, L. W., acting Registrar, H.B.M. Court, Yokohama

Kuenzle, A., (Hollmann & Co.) clerk, Manila

Kühl, O., assistant engineer, Chinese cruiser King Yuen, Port Arthur Kuhlmann, H., (Kruse & Co.) storekeeper, &c., Queen's road Kuhn, A., (M. M. Kuhn & Co.) assistant, Bank Buildings

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Knbn, Fr. third officer, N. D Lloyd steamer General Werder, Hongkong and Japan Kuha, M. M., (Kuhn & Co.) curio dealer, Yokohama and Hongkong

Kühnell, M., chemist, Manila

Kumpers, E. N., (Kumpers & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Kunhardt, E., merchant, Wladiwostock

Konst, G., (Kunst & Albers) merchant, Wladiwostock (absent) Kunstler, H., naturalist, Perak

Kunts, overseer, telegraphs construction, Tonkin

Kup, P., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Kupfer, Rev. C. F., missionary, Kiukiang

Kurg, H., (Speidel & Co.) clerk, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Kurmaybhoy, M., (J. Peerbhoy & Co.) manager, Shangbai


Kurtzbalas, A., (A. Markwald & Co.) mert., and con. for Austria-Hungary, Bangkok Kurt, Rev. B., missionary, B. N. Borneo

Karz, E., (Farmacia Sartorius) assistant, Manila

Kurz, H., (Speidel & Co.) clerk, Saigon and Pnompenh

Kurz, O., (Speidel & Co.) clerk, Saigon

Kustakin, D., chief officer, str. Siberia, Wladiwostock

Kaster, J., proprietor, Askold gold mine, and brick-kiln, Wladiwostock

Kuster, J., (Erwin Kunhardt) clerk, Wladiwostock

Kutter, Rev. R., missionary, Kayinchu, Kwangtung

Kyles, J., (Hongkong & Whampoa Dock) foreman turner, Kowloon

Kynnersley, C. W. Sneyd, first police magistrate and supdt. of prisons, Penang Kyshe, J. W. N., deputy registrar, Supreme Court, Penang

Lebarbe, C., (C. Labarbe & Co.) merchant and commission agent, Manila Labarra, A. C., capta n, fourth regiment, Manila

Labarsouqu,e sub-lientenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Labedan, J. B., proprietor, "Restaurant de Paris," Manila

Labenski, clerk, Direction of the Int rior, Saigon

Laberye, accountant, Courrier d'Haiphong, Haiphong

Labeye, cantinier, Haiphong

Labogue de, receiver, administration native affairs, Baria, Cochin-China

Laborde, R,, storekeeper, Hanoi

Laborderie, P,, wine merchant, Saigon

Labordery, controller, excise department, Saigon

Laborie, telegraph clerk, Saigon

La Brooy, H. A., (J. Sword) clerk, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor

Lacal, F. M., ayudante, pul·lic works, llocos, Philippines

Lacalle, J. M., professor, University, Manila

Lacalle y Sanchez, F. de la, surgeon-major, army medical dept., Manila Lacassagne, Rev. P., missionary, Phan Rang, Annam

Lacaze, registrar, justice of the peace court, Saigon

Lacaze, receiver, land office, Saigon

Lacaze, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Lacaze, A., storekeeper, Saigon and Hanoi

Lachal, L., (L. Simon) clerk, Haiphong

Lachat, telegraphist, Thanh-quan, Tonquin

Lachevrotière, de, pilot, Saigon

Lacombe, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonkin

Lacon, chief, first office, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Lacote, administrator of native affairs, Cantho, Cochin-China

Lacouture, telegraphist, Mytho, Cochin China

Lacroix, commissary, steamer Dragon, Haiphong

Lacson, D., chemist, Molo, Philippines

Lacy, Rev. W. H., missionary, Foochow

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Ladds, C. V., M.R.C.V.S., inspector, live stock and markets Lidigensky, N., first secretary, Russian Legation, Peking (absent) Laffaix, Captain L. F., commandant, compagnie d'ouvriers, Saigon Laffin, T. M, "Exchange Market," Yokohama

Laffitte, chief of bureau, Customs, Phat-Diem, Tonquin

Laffont, surgeon, Pursat, Cochin-China

Lalond, secretary and chief of customs bureau, Quinhon, Annam

Lafont, J., administrator, "La Oceania Espanola," Manila

Lafont, T., assist. secretary of Customs, Hanoi

Lafont y Fons, F., assayer, Mint, Manila

Laforgue, agent d'affaires, Saigon

Laforgue, fi st clerk, fifth office, direction of the Interior, Saigon Laforgue, sub-chief, second office, direction of the interior, Saigon Laforteza, C., delineante, Observatory, Manila

Lafosse, clerk, magistrate's court, Saigon

Lafregoniere, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Lafrentz, C. J., (Herbert Dent & Co.) clerk, Canton

Lafuente y Almeda, A., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Lagarde, Rev. G., missionary, and chaplain, French Legation, Peking Lagaspie, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Lagrost, surgeon, French cruiser Primauguet

Laheir, E. S., (D. D. Ollia & Co.) merchant (absent)

Lahire, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Lahona y Telles, E., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Lahuppe, teacher, Chasseloup. Laubat's College, Saigon

Laidler, T. W., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Shanghai

Laidrich, A., (L. Vrard & Co.) storekeeper and watchmaker, Shanghai La Iloz, H., prestamista, Iloilo

Laines, Fr. M., professor of medicine, University, Manila

Laing, J. M., (Kelly & Walsh, Ld) assistant, Queen's road

Laird, G. F., chief engineer, H.B.M.S. Wivern

Lajeat, G., (Cezon & Giraud) clerk, Shanghai

Lake, Edward, (G. W. Lake & Co.) shipchandler, Nagasaki

Lalcacca, B. P., broker, Shanghai

Lalcacca, C., M.D., medical practitioner, Shanghai

Lalcaca, E. P., broker, Shanghai (absent)

Lalcaca, P. S., (Tata & Co.) clerk, Hollywood road

Lallement, P., missionary, Bienhoa

Lalmeeya, Hoosenalty, (Shaikally Fazulally) clerk, Wellington streɔt Laloy, telegraphist, Saigon

Lamache, P., surgeon dentist, Saigon

Lamarche, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Lamasurieur, chief accountant, Treasury, Saigon

Lamb. J., assistant manager, Batakuwan Sugar Estate, Provinco Wellesley Lamb, J., inspector of police, Perak

Lamb, J. F., assist. manager, Prye Sugar Estate, Province Wellesley Lamb, J. M., medical officer, Kudat, B. Ñ. Borneo

Lamb, T. H., gaoler, Penang

Lambert, telegraphist, Saigon

Lambert, G., attaché au Cabinet, residence general, Hanoi

Lambert, G. R., (G. R. Lambert & Co.) photographer, Singapore (absent)

Lamberte, M., (José Reyes) clerk, Facloban, Philippines

Lambuth, Rev. J. W., D.D. missionary, Kobe

Lambuth, Rev. W. R., M.D., missionary, Kobe

Lameau de Marey, de, secreta y general, direction of the interior, Saigon Lamke, J., ship broker, Praya Central

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Lammers, J., manager, Straits Pepper Co., Selangor Lammert, C. H., (G. R. Lammert) assistant, Duddell street Lammert, G. P., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Queen's road Lammert, G. R., auctioneer, &c., Duddell street

Lammert, T. W., (Butterfield & Swi e) clerk, Queen's road Lammolle, lieutenant, Annamite ti ailleurs, Saigon

Lamond, H., accountant, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Manila (absent) Lamond, J. B., chief engineer, steamer Fuyew, China coast

Lamond, W., Jr., (Westall, Little & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

    Lamont, A. D., accountant, Singapore & Straits Printing Office, Singapore Lamont, D., fourth engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaishia, Japan

Lamont, T. G., foreman shipwright, New Harbour Dock, Singapore

Lamothe de Carrier, administrator of native affairs, Baclieu, Cochin-China Lampe, L., pilot, Bangkok

Lamp edo y Lopez, G., chaplain-majo-, Spanish navy, Manila

Lamy, telegraphist, Sontay, Tonquin

Lancard, captain, fourth regiment, Saigon

Lancaster, M. V., captain, steamer Meifoo, China coast

Lancaster, Rev. R. V., missiona y, Ningpo

Lancelot, F., lieutenant, H.B.M. sloop Wanderer

Land, J. M., Maritime Customs assistant tidesurveyor, Shanghai

Landes, telegraphist, Hué, Annam

Landeira y Rodriguez, M., gefe de negociado, Consejo de Administracion, Manila

Lang, C., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire

Lang, E., (Hilty & Co.) cle k, Singapore

Lang, J., third engineer, st. Phra Chom Klao, Hongkong and Bangkok

Lang, John, medical missionary, Amoy

Lang, John, (Robt. Lang & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Lang, K., tailor and outfitter, Queen's road

Lang, W., (Butterfield & Swire) merchant, Shanghai

Lang, W. H., lieutenant, H.S.M. steamer Apollo, Bangkok

Lang, W. H., (Jos. Bastiani) assistant, Singapo e

Lang, W. M., R.N., admiral, Chinese Northern Fleet, Port Arthur

Langan, P., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Penang Lange, A. E., storekeeper, store department, Sarawak

Lange, C., master mariner, Bangkok

Lange, C., (Justus Lembke & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Lange, G., student inte peter, German Legation, Peking


L'Angellier, R. C., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Singapore Langfeldt, A., (Langfeldt & Mayers) storekeeper, Yokohama

Langford, W. S., (Maynard & Co.) assistant, Penang

Langguth, M. E. C., (Grassi Brothers & Co.) accountant, Bangkok

Langhler, H., assistant master, Raffles' Institution, Singapore

Langier, L., overseer, excise department, Saigon

Langlade, principal conductor, public works department, Saigon

Langley, J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Canton

Languan, R., missiona y, Kingwha

Langridge, F., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Sakata-maru, Japan

Langelow, R., assistant surveyor, Krian, Perak

Laning H., M.D., missionary, Osaka


   Larning, Geo., headmaster, Anglo-Chinese school, and organist, Cathedral, Shanghai Lannon, J., barrack sergeant, commissariat department, Singapore

Lant, T. J., Maritime Customs boat officer, Hankow

Laplace, E.. (Fleith & Laplace) broker, Saigon

Laplace, S., (Denis frères) assistant, Haiphong

Laporte, E., assistant, Customs, Jenchuan, Corea

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La Porte, M. W., apothecary, pauper hospital, Singapore

Lapraik, John S., (Douglas Lapraik & Co.) merchant, Praya (absent) Lapuerta y Gomez, G., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Lara, F. A. de, comandante, first regiment, Manila

Lara, J. A., comandante, fourth regiment, Manila

Lara, J. G. de, ayudante, inspeccion general de Montes, Manila Lara, L. P. de, ayudante captain, civil guards, Manila

Laracine, telegraphist, Bao-Ha, Tonquin

 Lara y Castillo, J. G. de ayudante, division forestal, Manila Larcina, A. M., (J. M. Basa) assistant, Pottinger street Laredo, J. M. de, fiscal, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Large, I. F., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Shanghai Large, Rev. T. A., missionary, Tokyo

 Larken, M., proprietor, Castlewood plantation, Johore Larnaudie, director of school, Hanoi

Larnaudie, Rev. F. L., French missionary, Siam (absent)

Larne, assistant clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Laroche, engineer, railway company, Saigon

Laroceh, G., chief clerk, residence office, Cambodia

Larosiere, de, clerk, admins. native affairs, Travinh, Cochin-China

Larrey, first clerk, direction of the Interior, Saigon

Larrinaga, P., (Larrinaga & Echeita) merchant, Manila

Larroder, C., oficial, inspeccion gl. de hacienda, Manila

Lartigue, clerk, admins. native affairs, Saigon

Larue, G., (V. Larue & Co.) assistant, Saigon

Larue, V., ice manufacturer, Saigon

Lasala, C., comandante, fifth regimeut, Manila

Lasam, C., telegraphist, Manila

Laseron, E. W., superintendent, revenue survey dept., Singapore

Lasnier, A., banker, Saigon

Laspe, Ad., (Behn, Meyer & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Lassaire, clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Lassalle, principal geometer, survey office, Saigon

Lasserre, surgeon of hospital, Haiphong

Lasserre, (Lasserre & Co.) brewer, Saigon

Latorre, L., telegraphist, Manila

Latour, telegraphist, Saigon

Latronce, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Latter, E., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Amoy

Latto, Robert, assistant master, High School, Malacca

Latty, E. H., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Laub, J. L. G., (A. S. Watson & Co,) manager, Hankow

Laucht, H. W., Customs examiner, and bead of outdoor staff, Fusan, Corea

Laughlin, Rev. J. H., missionary, Wei Hien, Shantung

Laughton, W, F., China Inland missionary, Kansuh

Laugier, lieutenant, gunboat Fanfare, Saigon

Laugier, warehouseman, Excise department, Tayninh, Cochin-China

Laumondais, Rev. M. C., teacher, College of Pulo Ticus, Penang

Laumonier, midshipman, French cruiser Primauguet

Laun, sous lieutenant, milice, Langson, Annam

Launey, A., maritime customs tidewaiter, Chinkiang Laurans, lawyer, Saigon

Lauré, G., (C. Labarbe & Co.) accountant, Singapore Lauré, J. M., (C. Labarbe & Co.) assistant, Manila Lauré, M., (C. Labarbe & Co.) merchant, Singapore Laureans, José, photographer, Iloilo

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Laurence, Miss, missionary, Ningpo

Laurent, clerk, adminis. native affairs, Cantho, Cochin-China Laurent, telegraphist, Sept Pagodes, Tonquin

Laurent, A., surgeon, Saigon

Laurent, C., chef des service financiers, Hanoi

Laurent, Rev. F., French missionary, Swatow

Laurent, L., missionary, Thala, Tayninh

Laurie, Mrs. E., matron, gaol, Peuang

Laurin, J., fourth engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Lauts, J. T., (Lauts & Haesloop) merchant, Takao

Lauzanne, sub-lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Lavacry, V., (Oppenheimer Frères) clerk, Yokohama

Laval, proprietor of "Hotel Laval," Saigon

Laverdet, warehouseman, excise department, Chaudoc, Cochin-China Lavers, E. H., (Lavers & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Lavers, P. F., (Cornabé & Co.) clerk, Chefoo

Lavino, G., consul general for Netherlands, Singapore

Lavison, Rufz da, extra telegraph inspector, Saigon

Lavoue, telegraphist, Phulang Chuong, Tonquin

Lavrador, M. D., assistant engineer, Portuguese gunboat Tamega Law, D. R., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai

Lawder, F. E., collector and magistrate, Kwala Selangor Lawder, T. M. L., deputy commissioner of Police, Perak Lawrence, A., bookkeeper, Penang Foundry Co., Penang Lawrence, J., chief officer, steamer Kiungchow, Hongkong

   Lawrence, J., (China Sugar Refining Co.) foreman, East point Lawrence, 8. F., constable, British Consulate, Nagasaki

Lawrie, Lieut. C. E., Royal Artillery

Lawsen, P., second pilot, steamer Kiangyung, Shanghai and Hankow Lawson, J., (J. M. Cazalas & Son) engineer, Singapore

Lawson, J., (Tanjong Pagar Dook Co.) moulder, Singapore

Lawson, J. J., clerk, Foreign office, Bangkok

Lawson, W., (Jas. Motion) watchmaker, Singapore

Laxton, H. J. D., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Satellite

Lay, A. H., student interpreter, British Legation, Tokyo

Lay, A., Maritime Customs assistant, Anping. Formosa

Lay, W., Maritime Customs commissioner, Wuhu

Lay, W. G., Corean Customs assistant, Fusan

Layard, R. de B. M., second assistant, British Legation, Tokyo (absent)

Layrle, contre-amiral, French Squadron, China station

Layten, instructor, Chinese gunnery ship Kang Chi, Port Arthur

Layton, B., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) merchant, Ice House lane

Layton, De Westley, (Bain & Co.) merchant, Taiwanfoo

Lays, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Lazare, Roman Catholic missionary, Mot-Kasar, Cambodia Lazareft, J., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock.

Lazareff, W. N., (Tokmakoff, Molot koff & Co.) assi-tant, Tientsin Lazaroo, F. C., clerk, land revenue department, Malacca

Lé, Dr. F., director of boys' school, Soutay

   Leach, A. J., barrister-at-law, and acting puisne judge, Hongkong Leach, A. W., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Shanghai. Leach, Lt. Col. C. F., senior commissariat officer, Singapore.. Leach, P., P. A. surgeon, U.S.8. Palos

   Leach, W. A., (Clyde Saw Mills) engineer, Bangkok Leah, H., lieutenant, H. B. M. S. Audacious




Leake, F. M., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Sapphire

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Learmouth, F. C., lieutenant, H.B.M.S. Orion

Learned, Rev. D. W., Ph. D., missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Leask, captain, steamer Yiksang, China coast

Leask, J. T., M. B., (Little & Leask) medical practitioner, Singapore Leatherbarrow, T. M., boarding officer, Harbour Master's department Léau, telegraphist, Rivière-Noire, Tonquin

Leavitt, Miss Julia, missionary, Osaka

Lebedeff, N. R., (A. L. Rodionoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Lebedeff, W. R,, (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Leblanc, midshipman, French frigate Turenne

Leblanc, principal geometer, survey office, Saigon Leblanc, L., conductor, marine artillery, Saigon Le Bolay, clerk, commissariat, arsenal, Saigon Le Boulaire, captain, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon Lebreton, clerk, district court, Bentré, Cochin-China Lebrun, postmaster and telegraphist, Hanoi Lebury, J., (P. & O. S.N. Co.) gunner, Praya Lecain, W., inspector of police, Bangkok

Leeauchois, tidewaiter, customs, Wu-Long, Tonquin

Léchelle, president, district court, Bentré, Cochin-China

Lechler, Rev. R., missionary, Basil Mission (absent)

Leckie, Chus. S., (Borneo Company) manager, and Danish Consul, Bangkok

Leckie, G. S. M., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire

Leclerc, commis, M. F., steamboat Francis Garnier, Saigon

Leclère, telegraphist, Haiphong

Lecomte, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Lecomte, L. J. A., aide-commissaire, French gunboat Vipère Lecoq, conductor, public works department, Cochin-China Lecoq, captain, M. F. steamboat Aigle, Saigon

Levo, principal conductor, public works department, Saigon Lecuyer, tidewaiter, customs, Haiphong

Le Dall de Kerongalet, midshipman, French frigate Turenne Le Dentu, Lieut-Čol. A. P. M., garrison major, Saigon Ledesma, P., sugar dealer, Iloilo

  Le Divellec, M. M., sub-lieutenant of artillery, Saigon Le Duc, commercant, Haiphong

Leduc, H., student interpreter, French Legation, Peking

Lee, F., wharfinger, C. M. S. N. Co.'s wharves, Shanghai

  Lee, H., proprietor, Penang Horse Repository, &c., Penang Lee, J., (Lambert Boss) stable manager, Singapore

Lee, Jas., (M. B. Cohen) clerk, Bangkok

Lee, John, inspector of brothels

Lee, R. R., assistant clerk, H. B. M. S. Cordelia

Lee, R. E., (Penang Horse Repository) trainer, Penang

Leech, H. W. C., LL.D., B.L., C.E., collector and magistrate, Krian, Perak

Leech, J. B. M., collector of land revenue, Thaiping, Perak

Lees, E. B., (Geo. W. Collins & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Lees, F. B., secretary, Singapore Insurance Co., Singapore

Lees, G. H. (T. C. Loveridge) assistaut, Madan, Deli

Lees, Henry, clerk, Government service, Second Division, Sarawak

Lees, Rev. J., missionary, Tientsin

Lees, R. chief engineer, steamer Taisang, Hongkong and Calcutta Lees, W., pilot, Nagasaki and Yokohama

Leete, Miss I. A., missionary, Tokyo

Lefavour, G. B., captain, steamer Honam, Hongkong and Canton

Lefebre, Rev., Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang

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Lefebvre, student interpreter, French Legation, Peking

Lefebvre d'Argence, assistant judge, Mytho, Cochin-China


Leffler, H., chief officer, steamer Phra Chula Chom Klao, Hongkong and Bangkok

Lefrancois, deputy judge, Saigon

Lefrançois, station master, Saigon-Mytho railway

Lefroy, G. A., acting superintendent, public works, Larut, Perak

Legaillard, Capt., chef du gènie, Namdinh

Legarda, B., abogado, Manila

Legarda, T. P., (J. M. Tuasɔn & Co.) merchant, Manila

Legaspi y Vallencia, T., official, navy department, Manila Legaspy, J., (8. J. Guzdar) clerk, Shanghai

Le Gendre, General C. W., Tokyo

Leggatt, C. W. S., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Mutine

Leggatt, Rev. F. W., missionary, Sarawak

Legge, J. A., medical officer, Perak Sikhs, Perak

Legge, J. A., Jr., clerk, Residency, Perak

Legge, J. S., broker, Queen's-road

Legge, W., share broker, Queen's road

  Leggett, H. T., gunner, H. B. M. corvette Heroine Legrand, clerk, law courts, Saigon

Legrand, station master, railway company, Saigon

LeGros, G., professor of mathematics, Imperial Arsenal, Foochow Le Guillouzer, J. A. M., sub-lieutenant of artillery, Saigon

Lehmann, (Lehmann & Karrer) merchant, Hanoi

Lehmann, R., teacher of German, Foreign Language school, Tokyo Lehmann, T., chief officer, steamer Amoy, Hongkong and Shanghai

Lehnert, O., clerk, "El Oriente" Tobacco Manufacturing Co., Manila Leicester, A. B., apothecary, lock hospital, Singapore

Leicester, E. C., clerk, Supreme Court, Kuching, Sarawak

Leicester, H. E., clerk, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Leicester, R. B., chief clerk, treasury, Singapore

Leicester, S., chief clerk, Police Court, Penang

Leigh, J., fleet engineer, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Leigh, R. K., (Danby & Leigh) civil engineer and architect, Praya Central

Leighton, J., chief engineer, H.B.M. sloop Wanderer

Leipnitz, H., assistant engineer, steamer Alwine, Hongkong and Southern ports

Leiria, J. J., chancelier, Port. and Brazilian consulates, Arbuthnot road

Leisk, W. R., (E. & H. Hinnekindt) merchant and acting Consul for Belgium, Singapore Leitao, F. F., chief clerk, Secretary general's office, Macao

Leitao, T, J., bookbinder, seminario de S. José, Macao

Leite, L. P., clerk and notary public, Macao

Leite, Mrs. S., teacher, Government Girls' School, Macao

Leith, Alexr., agent, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Tientsin

Leithen, R. von der, Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Hankow

Lejemble, vice-president, court of appeal, Saigon

Lejeune, telegraphist, Quang-ngai, Tonquin

Lejurde, T., assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Manıla

Lelandois, telegraph clerk, Travinh, Cochin-China

Lelauzin, H., proprietor, Cafè de la Rotonde, Saigon

Lelay, chief controleur, excise department, Saigon

Lelièvre, excise department, Kampot, Cambodia

Lelievre, warehouseman, excise department, Hatien, Cochin-China Lema, P. J., vigario, Egreja de S. Lazaro, Macao Lemaire, captain, Anramite tirailleurs, Saigon

Lemaire, lieutenant, French frigate Turenne

Lemaire, G., French minister plenipotentiary, Peking

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Leman, Rev. C., missionary, Nanking

Lemaréchal, Rev. J. L., Roman Catholic missionary, Niigata Lemasheffsky, P. G., captain, steamer Baikal, Wladiwostock Lemercier, Y., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Lembke, G., pilot, Taku

Lembke, Justus P., merchant and commission agent, Club Chambers Le Mée, lawyer, Haiphong

Le Mee, A., missionary, Macbac, Travinh

Le Mée, Abbè H., curate of Saigon

Leménager, excise department, Saigon

Lemercier, C., surveyor, public works department, Singapore


Lemercier, E., assistant overseer of oads, Municipal Works department, Singapore Lemercier, E., wine merchant, Singapore

Lemercier, J., warehouseman, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Lemière, J. Em., (Oppenhemier Frères) assistant, Kobe

Lemire, Ch., French resident, Quinhon, Tonquin

Lemke, F. F. C., (Meyer, Lemke & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Lemke, R., (Meyer, Lemke & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Lemoan, sub-liutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Lomoel, lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Lemoine, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon Lemoine, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Le Moine, paymaster, French flagship Loire, Saigon

Lemonnier, Rev. E., procureur general, French Roman Catholio Mission, Staunton street Lemos, A. P. T. de, surgeon, military department, Macao

Lemos, José de, retired civil officer, Macao

Lemos, Lieut. J. C. de, administrator, Taipa & Colowan islands, Macao

Lemos de Casanave, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Le Nestour, warehouseman, excise department, Gocong, Cochin-China

Lengo, A., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Lenny, H., (Lindholm & Co.) engineer and manager, Wladiwostock

Lent, H., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Lent, R. H., chief engineer, steamer Chintung, China coast

Lent, R. J., assi tant, Maritime Customs, Shanghai

Lent, R. T, (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Lenz, Dr., acting interpreter, German Legation, Peking

Lenz, T., (Faber & Voigt) merchant, Kobe

Leon, J., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) clerk, Manila

Leon, J. C. de, telegraphist, Manila

Leon, J. E., de, telegraphist, Manila

Leon, J. F., (Campbell, Moore & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Leon, L. de, (R. C. Gonzalez) assistant, Manila

Leon, M., assistant bailiff, Supreme Court

Leon, M. de, superiora, casa de recogidas, Manila

Leon, M., (F. Blackhead & Co.) clerk, Praya

Leon, N. de, (Sans, Codina y Pedreño) clerk, Manila

Léon, V., assistant, Monte de Piété, Cholon

Leonard, J. T., second engineer, str. Kiang-yu, Shanghai and Hankow

Leonardi, engineer, Government service, Bangkok

Léonardi, J., proprietor, Hotel Central, Haiphong

Leonhardt, Rev. J., Basil Mission, Nyenbangli, Kwangtung

Leonowens, L. T., (Borneo Co.) clerk, Raheng, Siam

Leopold, E., (Ahrens & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Leopold, M., (Speidel & Co.) clerk, Saigon

Lepage, curé, Hanoi

Lepidi, warehouseman, excise department, Cantho, Cochin-China

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Lépine, assistant chemist, Saigon

Le Pontois, chief commissione, marine hospital, Saigon

Le Poutre, midshipman, French cruiser Primauguet

Le Prévost, sec eta y and chief of customs bu eau, Namdinh, Tonquin Lequeux, Andre, French consul, Yokohama

Lera, Rev. Fr. D., Roman Catholic missionary, Hankow

Lerède, (Marty & d'Abbadie) capt. superintendent, Hiphong Lerena, J. C. de S., assistant paymaster, Portuguese gunboat Tejo Leriche, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Le Roy, distributor, arsenal, Saigon

Leroy, C., (J. De Vigan & Co.) assistant, Kobe

Lermit, A. W., (Swan & Lermit) su veyor, Singapore

Leroux, telegraphist, Thudaumot, Cochin-China

Leroy, clerk, French resident, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Leroy, paymaster, treasury, Hanoi

Leroy, warehouseman, excise dept., Pnompenh

Leroy, warehouseman, excise department, Tanan, Cochin-China

Leroy, Eug., (Leroy & Cahors) contractor, Haiphong

Le Boy, G., (J. de Vigan & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Le Savouroux, excise depa tment, Saigon

Lesimple, E., (Cretin) assistant, Haiphong

Leslie, B. S., Maritime Customs assistant, Swatow

Leslie, J., chief engineer, steamer Arratoon Apcar, Hongkong & Calcutta

Leslie, Jas., second engineer, steamer Honam, Hongkong and Canton

Leslie, Mrs., milliner and dressmaker, Yokohama

Lesoin, J., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo

Lesslar, H., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Penang

Lessler, Paul, (A. Markwald & Co.) merchant, Bangkok (absent)

Lester, H., architect, &c., Shanghai

Lestrade, tidewaiter, Customs, Faifoo, Annam

Le Terrier, midshipman, French curiser Primauguet

Lethbridge, C. F., gunner, H. B. M. cruiser Leander Letourmey, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Letourneur, O., Yokohama

Leupold, E., secretary, German consulate, Manila

Levallois, telegraphist, Cam-Ranh, Annam

Lévié, druggist, Saigon

Levis, F. A., cadet, U.S.S. Essex

Levy, A., (F. Ullmann) assistant, Manila

Levy, A., (E. D. Sassoon & C.) clerk, Shanghai

Levy, Alex., merchant, Pedder's street

Levy, J., paymaster, third regiment, Saigon

Levy, N. S., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Praya

Levy, S. A., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Lewellin, H. G. H., fourth officer, P. & O. str. Teheran, Hongkong and Japan

Lewer, Dy. Surgeon General R., principal Army medical officer

Lewis, A., assistant, Emmerson's tiffin rooms, Singapore

Lewis, A., Maritime Customs clerk, Shanghai

Lewis, B., lightkeeper, Houki lighthouse, Chefoo

Lewis, F. J., (Danby & Leigh) assistant, Praya Lewis, H., storeman, Naval Yard

Lewis, J., chief officer, steamer Haitan, China coast

Lewis, J., (Ramsay & Co.) assistant, Bangkok

Lewis, J. E., editor, Sarawak Gazette, Sarawak

Lewis, J. H., (Douglas Lapraik & Co.) clerk, Praya

Lewis, P., chief clerk, state railway department, Selangor

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Lewis, P. V., sub-lieutenant, H.B.M.S. Cockchafer

 Lewis, R., assistant scavenging overseer, municipality, Penang Lewis, R. W., clerk, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Lewis, Rev. Spencer, missionary, Chungking

Lewis, W., constable, British Consulate, Amoy

Lewis, Miss H., missionary, Canton

Lewish, Rev. A M., missionary, Tokyo

Leyburn, F., (Fearon, Low & Co.) merchant, Amoy

Leyco, L., sacristan, ecclesiastical department, Manila

Leyenberger, Rev. J. A., missionary, Weibien

Leynard, F., clerk, marine office, Singapore

Leyret, P., architect, Hanoi

Leys, A. K., magistrate, Court of Requests, Kuching, Sarawak

Leys, P., administrator, Labuan

Leyser, A, captain, H.S.M. str. Siamese Crown, Bangkok

L'Hermitte, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

L'Hermitte, A., brigadier of police, Saigon

L'Honan, L. M., surgeon, third regiment, Saigon

Liaigre, J., Maritime Customs examiner, Foochow

Liberge, J. M., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo

 Libermann, S., proprietor, Rose, Shamrock & Thistle Hotel, Queen's road Lichtenstein, L., merchant, Yokohama

Liddell, A., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Lid·lell, C. O., (W. Birt & Co.) hide merchant, Shanghai

Liddell, H., acting surveyor, land office, Perak

Liddell, T., second engineer, steamer Kiang-kwan, Yangtsze river

Liddelow, R., (Sayle & Co) general manager, Singapore

Liddle, J., second engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Yokohama-maru, Japan

Liddle, J. D., general foreman and superintendent of docks, Amoy

Liebard, A., (A. R. Marty) clerk, Queen's road

Liebard, E., (A. R. Marty) clerk, Haiphong

Liebert, Alfred, (Huttenbach, Liebert & Co.) merchant, Penang

Liedcke, L., Maritime Customs examiner, Wuhu

Lieder, Ph., (R. Telge & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Lieutard, acting head teacher, college at Mytho, Cochin-China

Liger, clerk, direction of the interior, Saigon

Liger, first clerk, direction of the interior, Saigon

Light F., clerk, law courts, Perak

Light, Rev. W., missionary, Pakhoi

Lightwood, H. H., sharebroker, Club Chambers

Lilley, W. H., Maritine Customs watc:er, Canton

Lilley, Sergt. W. J., clerk, Royal Engineers

 Lima, J. da C., second commander, water police, Macao Lima, M., (Macleod & Co.) clerk, Cebu

Lima, Rev. P. V. P., Portuguese missionary, Singapore Limbour, captain, second regiment, Saigon

Limby, H. J., (Lavers & Co.) clerk, Shangbai

Lin, F., acting chancelier, French consulate, Singapore

Linage, J., proprietor "l'Indo-Chinois," Saigon

Linares y Garcia, E., secretary general, tribunal de cuentas, Manila

Lincoln, J. H., apothecary, Gula estate, Kiran, Perak

Lincoln, J. H., Tamil interpreter, Supreme Court, Penang

Lincoln, R., captain, steamer Yungching, China coast

Lincoln, W. H., steamer Siberia, Wladiwostock

 Lind, A. J., manager, German Borneo Co., Banguey, B. N. Borneo Lindberg, A., captain steam tug Peiho, Taku

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Lindberg, C., superintendent of Municipal police, Canton Linden, L. von der, S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai Lindholm, O. W., (Lindholm & Co.) merchant, Wladiwostock Lindsay, G., (Myburgh & Dowdall) clerk, Shanghai

Lindsay, G., third engineer, steamer Taisang, Hongkong and Calcutta Lindsay, Rev. T., missionary, Tokyo

Lindsley, John, (Frazar & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Lindstrom, E., chief pilot, steamer Kiangfoo, Shangbai and Hankow Lines, A. J., (China & Japan Trading Co,) clerk, Yokohama

Ling, P. J., assistant clerk, H.B.M.S. Audacious

Linnaco, F., (J. Witte & Co.) machinist, Manila

Liot, E., Maritime Customs, private secretary, Peking (absent)

Li Pivain, secretary, adminis. native affairs, Chaudoc, Cochin-China Lipman, president, district court, Mytho, Cochin-China

Lipman, G., (Kunbardt & Co.) merchant, Wladiwostock (absent) Lipscomb, Miss L. H., missionary, Shanghai

Liskow, B., navigator, Chinese ironclad Ting Yuen, Port Arthur

Lisles, Geo. second engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Higo-mark, Japan Lister, Hon. A., treasurer, postmaster-general, and collector of Stamp Revenue Lister, Hon. Martin, superintendant, Negri Sembetan, Malacca

Litchagoff, W. F., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Litchfield, H. C., barrister-at-law, and H.B.M. legal adviser, Yokohama Little, Archd. J., merchant, Shanghai and Ichang

Little, Rev. E. S., missionary, Kiukiang

Little, F., (E. Emery) manager, Wladivostock

Little, Lieut. J., garrison adjutant, Northamptonshire Regiment

Little, L. S., M.D., physician to General Hospital, Shanghai

Little, R., (Howarth, Erskine & Co.) bookke per, Singapore

Little, R., (John Little & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Little, R., M.D., medical practitioner, Singapore (absent)

Little, R. M., assistant resident in charge, Province Keppel, Br. North Borneo Little, R. W., secretary, Shanghai Electric Co., Shanghai

Little, T., sergeant of police, Penang

Little, W. D., (Westall, Little & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Littlejohns, A., fitter, Naval Yard

Litton, H. J., second officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Litton, Jas., boatswain, H. B. M. corvette Heroine

Litwinoff, 8. W., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) merchant, Hankow

Livesey, J., in charge gunpowder depôt, Stonecutter's Island

Lazé, F., missionary, Vinh-long

Lizo, G., ecclesiastical department, Manila

Llado, I., capitan, seccion de archivo, Manila

Llamas, E., telegraphist, Manila

Llamas, J., oficial, hacienda publica, Manila

Llana, A. D., captain of artillery, Manila

Llanos, A. G., lieutenant, carabineros, Manila

Llanos, J. S., ayudante, prison, Manila

Llanos, L. G., lieutenaut, batallon disciplinaro, Manila

Llanos, P. 8., contador, tribunal de cuentas, Manila

Llanos y Baera, R., chief of station, telegraph dept., Manila

Llewellyn, J., (Primrose & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Llopis, J., (José Reyes) clerk, Manila

Llorente, Count de, second secretary, Spanish Legation, Peking

Llorente, M., professor, municipal school, Manila

Lloyd, Rev. A., professor of English, Naval Medical College, Tokyo

Lloyd, Lieut. A. A., Northamptonshire Regiment


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Lloyd, C. V., captain, steamer Hankow, Hongkong and Canton Lloyd, J. L., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Manila

Lloyd, John, (Powell & Co.) auctioneer, Singapore

Lloyd, Rev. L., missionary, Foochow

Lloyd, T. H., surveyor, land office, Perak (absent)

Loam, W. B., clerk, engineers' dept., Maritime Customs, Shanghai

Loane, A. J., lieutenant, H.B.M. gun-vessel Swift

Lobanow-Rostovsky, Prince, second secretary, Russian Legation, Peking

Lobaton y Prieto, É. S. F., rear-admiral, commanding Spanish Navy, Manila Lobb, W. H., storekeeper and accountant, Naval Yard

Lobo, E., assistant, public works department, Manila

Lobo, J. M., (Guedes & Co.) compositor, Wellington street

Lochead, J., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) assistant, Quarry Ray Lochhead, John H., M.D., Elgin street

Lock, G., third engineer, steamer Kiangkwan, Yangtsze river Lock, H. I., chief engineer, H.B.M. sloop Mutine

Locke, Rev. A., missionary, Hankow

Locke, John, superintendent of public works, Sungei Ujong Lockhart, J. H. Stewart, registrar-general

Locoq, pilot, Haiphong

Loebr, Rev. G. R., missionary, Nantsiang

Loercher, Rev. J., missionary, Basil Mission, Lilong, Kwangtung

Loff, J. D, "Hotel de la Paix," proprietor, Singapore

Loff, P. H., captain, steamer Devawongse, Hongkong and Bangkok Loft, L., Maritime Customs boat officer, Whampoa

Loftie, F. R. M., staff surgeon, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Loftus, A. J., Government surveyor and hydrographer, Bangkok Loftus, R. H., assistant to minister of foreign affairs, Bangkok

Loftus, W. K., photographer, Bangkok

Logan, C., (R. G. van Someren) barrister-at-law, Penang

Logan, D., (Logan and Ross) barrister-at-law, Penang

Logan, J., (H. & W. Dock & Co.) foreman boilermaker, Kowloon Lohmann, W., (Melchers & Co) clerk, Shanghai

Loichot, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Lombard, electrician, telegraph department, Saigon

Lombardero, R. P., sub-director, communications department, Manila Lombardy, clerk, public works dept., Cochin China

Lomet, chancellor, Residency, Namdinh

Loms y Mirabelle, secretary, army health department, Manila

Long, C. C,, secretary, U.S Legation, Seoul

Longford, J. H., vice-consul, H.B.M. Consulate, Tokyo (absent)

Longhurst, H., warder, gaol, Penang

Longman, A., China Inland missionary, Yangchow

Longue, J., clerk, marine department, Singapore

Longuet, F., (Ed. Schellhass & Co.) clerk, Canton

Longueteau, clerk, adminis, of native affairs, Longxuyen, Cochin-China

Loomis, F. J., ensign, U.S.S. Esse

Loomis, Rev. H, agent, American Bible Society, Yokohama

Looser, V., (A. Germann & Co.) clerk, Manila

Lopes, A., verde, Seminario de S. José, Macao

Lopes, A. L., (H. & K. Wharf & Godown Co.) clerk, Kowloon

Lopes, C. J., (Wotton & Deacon) clerk, Queen's road

Lopes, C. V., captain, national battalion, Macao

Lopes, E. M., (Guedes & Co.) compositor, Wellington street

Lopes, J., sachristao, St. Joseph's college, Macao

Lopes, L. L., (B. M. Ruttonjee & Co.) assistant, Lyndhurst terrace

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Lopes, L. L., (H. & K. Wharf & Godown Co.) clerk, Kowloon

Lopes, T. M., clerk, Victoria Gaol

Lopez, C., consul for Portugal, Iloilo

Lopez, D. V., assistant, Customs, Manila

Lopez, E., clerk, Procurador's department, Macao

Lopez, E. C., teniente, infanteria, Manila

Lopez, G., capellan, seminario S. Vincente de Paul, Manila

Lopez, J., oficial, admins. de Impuestos, Manila

Lopez, J., captain, river steamer Rapido, Iloilo

Lopez, J. R., comandante, infantry, Manila Lopez, J. R., (A. de Marcaida) clerk, Manila Lopez, L. F., assistant, Mint, Manila

Lopez, M., captain, carabineros, Manila

Lopez, R., (A. Millar & Co.) clerk, Beaconsfield Arcade

Lopez, R., (Baer Senior & Co.) clerk, Isabela, Philippines Lopez, P. E., postmaster, Iloilo

Lopez y Gomez, M., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Lopez y Rodriguez, A.. lieut. commanding Spanish transport Manila, Manila Lopez y Selano, S., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Lopez y Ziminier, R., surgeon, army medical department, Manila

Lord, C. A., Maritime Customs assistant, Foochow

Lordeiro, A., (Grosser & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Lorentzen, J. J. C., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Hankow

Lorenzana, E., clerk, Supreme Court, Manila

Lorenzen, H., (Grassi Brothers & Co.) overseer, Bangkok

Lorenzen, P. F., pilot, Newchwang

Lorenzo, E. H., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Lorenzo y Seco, A., surgeon-major, naval department, Manila

Lorgeou, E., chancelier-interpreter, French consulate general, Bangkok Lorin, Annamite interpreter, Saigon

Lormier, captain, steamer Phoenix, Haiphong

     Lory, J. L., navigating lieutenant, H. B. M. despatch vessel Alacrity Lothaire, Bro., headmaster, St. Joseph's school, Singapore

Loudon, A., turner and fitter, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Louel, lieutenant, gun-vessel Jaguar, Saigon

Louis, Rev., director, St. Joseph's College, Robinson road

Louis, H., foreman shipwright, Dockyard, Yokosuka, Japan

Loup, A., (L. Vrard & Co.) merchant and commission agent, Tientsin

Loup, P., (L. Vrard & Co.) merchant and commission agent, Tientsin (absent) Loupy, secretary, French Residency, Kratié, Cambodia

Lourdin, A., Perak

Loureiro, E. J. da Silva, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Loureiro, José da Silva, consul general for Portugal, Tokyo

Loureiro, T., clerk, Messageries Maritimes, Praya Central

Loureiro, Mrs. Jessie W., mistress, College de Sta. Roza, Macao

Lourenco, E. C., professor of natural history, Seminario de S. José, Macao Lourenco, Captain E. C., inspector of war stores, Macao

Lourenço, F., boatswain, water police, Macao

Lourme, clerk, excise department, Saigon

Lourme, chief of Cochin-China post and telegraph service, Saigon

Loury, captain, steamer Medusa, Bangkok and Singapore

Louvet, L., missionary, Tandinh, Saigon

Love, J. H., (Love & Co.) merchant, Foochow

Lovell, D. W., (Wm. McKerrow & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Loveridge, T. C., draper, Singapore

Lovering, P. A., P. A. surgeon, U.S.S. Brooklyn

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Low, Chas. P., (C. P. Low & Co.) merchant, Yokohama Low, E. G., (Fearon, Low & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Low, Sir Hugh, K. C. M. G., H.B.M. Resident, Perak Lowdell, E. L., lieutenant, H.B.M. gun-vessel Swift Lowder, E. G., Maritime Customs assistant, Kiukiang

Lowder, J. F., barrister-at-law, counsel to Japanese Customs, Yokohama Lowe, A. D., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) tea inspector, Shanghai

Lowe, C., accountant, "Société des Etains de Kinta," Lahat, Perak

Lowe, J. P., chief officer, steamer Yungching, China coast

Lowe, R., commission agent, Pagoda, Foochow

Lowell, John, planter, Singapore

Lowndes, R. W., (Norton & Co.) clerk, Queen's road Central

Lowrie, Rev. J. W., missionary, Peking

Lowrie, Miss M. J., missionary, Peking

Lowry, Rev. H. H., missionary, Peking (absent)

Lowry, J. H., Maritime Customs assistant and medical officer, Hoihow

Loxley, W. R., commission agent, Praya

Loxton, W., superintendent of police, Kobe

Loyzaga, H. de, (Diaz Puertas & Co.) printer, &c., Manila

Loyzaga, J., (Diaz Puertas & Co.) printer, Manila

Lozado, F. L., comisario, administracion militar, Manila

Luard, H. A., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment Lubbé, G., assistant, Telegraph office, Wladiwostock Lubeck, H. C., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Lubeck, L. A., (Russell & Co.) olerk, Shanghai Luc, lieutenant French gunboat, Alouette, Saigon

Luca, Count F. de, minister plenipotentiary for Italy, Peking Lucas, chef d' atelier, Messageries Fluviales, Saigon

Lucas, G., lightkeeper, Marine department, Singapore

Lucas, H. B., constable, British consulate, Hakodate

Lucas, Henry, merchant, Kobe

Lucassen, F. H., lightkeeper, Turnabout, Amov

Lucciana, administrator of native affairs, Bienhoa, Cochin-China Luce, G. W., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Wenchow Luce, J., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Luchsinger, F., (Luchsinger & Co.) merchant, Iloilo

Lucini, C., storekeeper, Shanghai

Lucio, M., (Gutierrez Hermanos) clerk, Mauila

Luck, H., second officer str. Mongkut Hongkong and Bangkok

Lücke, G., (Melchers & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Lugo, C., (F. Engler & Co.) merchant, and acting vice consul for Portug›1, Saigon

Lugueer, J. M., (Tyler & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Lührs, C., (E. Meyer & Co.) clerk, Chemulpo, Corea

Lührss, G. F. W., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Tamsui

Luiz, F. M., clerk, Eastern Extension A. & C. Telegraph Co., Queen's road

Luke, Wm., inspector of police, Singapore

Luna, B. de, abogado, Manila

Luna, F. S., magistral, ecclesiastical department, Manila

Luna, J., medical practitioner, Manila

Lunas, S. G., intendente general de hacienda, Manila

Lunas, S. M., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Lunberg, J. H., manager, Deli and Langkat Cigar Co., Penang

Lünd, J. A., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) electrician, Wladiwostock

Lund, Miss H., missionary, Tokyo

Lundberg, C., proprietor Colonial Hotel, Yokohama

Lundt, R., (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

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Luneau, Rev. A., French Catholic Mission, Okayama, Japan Lunier, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Lunt, A. D., (J. W. Crocker & Co.) assistant, Bowrington Luong, P., clerk, public roads department, Saigon

Luperne, pilot, Saigon

Lurbe, P., telegraphist, Manila

Luscombe, E. P., (T. Weeks & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Lush, instructor, Chinese gunnery ship Kang Chi, Port Arthur

Luther, C. F., sergeant, river police, Shanghai

Luther, E. W., staff surgeon, H. B. M. corvette Satellite

Lutecher, F., eléve chancelier, French consulate general, Shanghai

Lutz, Theo., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Praya

Luyki, N. G. M., (Brinkmann & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Luz, A da, typographo, O Correio Macaense, Macao

Luz, C. da, compositor, (Noronha & Co.), Zetland street

Luz, D. M. da, (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Praya Luz, F., (8. A. Noronha) compositor, Zetland street Luz, F. A., da, clerk, military department, Macao

Laz, F. de P. da, major, second commandant of police, Macao Luz, F., retired ensign, Macao

Luz, F. M. da, (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Luz, J. A. da, proprietor, Commercial Printing office, Wellington street Luz, L. F. da, second Chinese interpreter, police department, Macao Luz, L. J. A. de, lightkeeper, Shanghai

Luz, M. J. da, printer, St. Joseph's College, Macao

Luz, P. da, teacher, Escola Central, Macao

Luz, S. E. da (Gilman & Co.) clerk, d' Agnilar street

Luz, S. J. da, clerk, Treasury department, Macao

Luzignan, assistant, Service des Correspondences Fuviales, Hanoi Lrousky, D., Russian mission, Tokyo (absent)

Lyall, Alexr., medical missionary, Swatow

Lyall, Jas., broker, Singapore

Lvall, L. A., assistant, Maritime Customs, Wuhu

Lyall, R., (Norton & Co.) merchant, Queen's road central

Landet, storekeeper, Hanoi

Lye, W. J., maritime customs watcher, Canton

Lynborg, C. P. C., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Ichang

Lyon, E. M., (J. M. Lyon & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Lyon, J. M., (J. M. Lyon & Co.) engineer, Singapore

Lysaught, W., inspector in charge of Naval Yard Police

Maack, J., (Ahrens & Co.) clerk, Yokohama Maasberg, C. A., maritime customs, Swatow

Mablanc, de, surgeon, M. M. steamer Arethuse, Saigon

MaAlpine, Rev. R. E,, missionary, Nagoya Japan

MacAlpine R. K., lieutenant, H.B.M.S. Calliope

MacAlister, A., second engineer. str. Yehsin, China coast

MacArthur, G. H. C., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Constance

MacArthur, H., ship broker, Yokohama

MacArthur, J., third engineer, steamer Pautah, China coast

Macarthy, F., assistant, Protestant collegiate school for boys, Chefoo

Macaulay, C. A., M. D., staff surgeon, H.B.M. corvette Constance

MacBain, D., third engineer, steamer Haeting, China Coast

MacBain, Geo., merchant and shipowner, Shanghai

Ma bean, J. J., (Howarth, Erskine & Co.) engineer, Singapore

MacBean, T. R., usher and bailiff, and Hindustani interpreter, Supreme Court



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Macbean, Wm., chief clerk, Straits Insurance Co. Singapore MacBeth, J. R., (Wheelock & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

McBreen, J. J., chief clerk, Ordnance Store department

McCaffery, J., lieutenant & Qr. Mr., Commissarist dept., Singapore McCallum, A., chief officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

MacCallum, A., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai MacCallum, A. Jr., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai MacCallum, D., second engineer, steamer Poochi, China coast MacCallum, H., sanitary superintendent (absent)

McCallum, Hon. Major H. E., colonial engineer, Singapore McCallum, J., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) storekeeper, Queen's road McCallum, T. A., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

McCance, R., deputy marshal, U. S. Consulate, Yokohama McCandliss, H. M., M. D., missionary, Hainan

McCann, J., warder, gaol, Singapore

McCappin, A., Upper Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

McCarteney, C. M., lieutenant, ÜÛ.S.S. Omaha

McCarthy, C. J., (Cottam & Rawlinson) assistant, Shanghai

McCarthy, J., inspector of police, Central station, Shanghai McCarthy, L., boatswain, H.B.M. corvette Cordelia

McCarthy, M. J., surgeon, R. N. Hospital, Wanchai

McCarthy, W., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shangbai

McCaslin, A. A., master, steamer Diamante, Hongkong and Manila

MacCaslin, C., marine superintendent, Tug-boat Association, Shanghai

McCaslin, C., commission merchant, Ningpo

McCaslin, L., (McCaslin & Co.) clerk, Ningpo (absent)

MacCaslin, R. J., Pilot Company, Shanghai

MacCauley, Rev. J. M., pastor of Union Church, Tokyo (absent)

McCauley, J. W., boatswain, H.B.M.S. Rambler

Machefert, L, F., normal dispensary, Yokohama

McChlery, J., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Shanghai

McCloskey, J. H., colonial surgeon, Province Wellesley

MacClure, Rev. W. G., missionary, Bangkok

MacClymont, A., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

McConachie, A., (Gilman & Co.) merchant, d'Aguilar street

Maconochie, R. B., commander, H. B. M. despatch vessel Alacrity

MacCormick, P. J., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Nagoya-maru, Japan McCormick, W., sugar boiler, China Sugar Refinery, Bowrington

McCormick, T., warder, gaol, Singapore.

McCoy, Rev. D. C., missionary, Peking

McCrackett, J. S., overseer, public works department, Singapore

MacCraith, Mrs., proprietor coffehouse, Saigon

McCreath, D., engineer, Antimony M.nes, Sarawak

MacCulloch, D., (Turner & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

MacCully, J., warner, gaol, Singapore

MacDonald, A., (J. M. Lyon & Co.) foreman, Singapore

MacDonald, D., reporter, China Mail office, Wyndham street

Macdonald, Rev. D., M.D., missionary, Tokyo

MacDonald, G. B. Douglas, medical missionary, Ichang

MacDonald, H., boilermaker, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

McDonald, H., fourth engineer, steamer Taisang, Hongkong and Calcutta

McDonald, J., second engineer, steaner Kiangfoo, Shangbai and Hankow

MacDonald, J., timber merchant and commission agent, Tientsin MacDonald, J., third engineer, steamer Wingsang, H'kong & Calcutta MacDonald, J., foreman, railway dept, Tokyo

MacDonald, J., chief engineer, str. Haitas, China cɔast

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MacDonald, Neil, assistant, Taikoo Sugar Refinery, Quarry Bay MacDonald, Rev. R., M.D., missionary, Fatshan, Canton MacDonald, W., (Barlow & Co.) merchant, Shanghai McDonnell, J. R., surgeon, H. B. M. S. Audacious

McDonough, E., first attendant, H.B.M. naval hospital, Yokohama

McDonough, M., customs clerk, Linggi, Sungei Ujong

McDougal, John, attorney, Penang Sugar Estate Co., Penang

MacDougall, D., second engineer, steamer Ranee, Sarawak and Singapore McDougall, D., third engineer, steamer Fooksang, China coast

MacDougall, H., M B., physician, Amoy

MacDougall, J. W., observer, trigonometrical survey, Singapore Mace, V. T., maritime customs watcher, Shanghai

Mace, W. H., maritime customs salt searcher, Chinkiang McElroy, T., chief engineer, steamer Chiyuen, China coast McEmery, J., clerk, Military Secretary's office

McEuen, J. P., R.N., captain superintendent of police, Shanghai MacEwen, Hon. A. P., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) merchant, Praya

MacEwen, H. F., (Galton & Co.) assistant, Foochow

MacEwen, J. T., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai McEwen, Geo., chief engineer, H. B. M. corvette Constance

McFadyen, F., (Geo. W. Collins & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

McFarland, S. Ed. H., teacher of natural science, the King's School, Bangkok McFarland, Rev. S. G., superintendent of education, Bangkok

McFarland, Wm. H., private secretary to Minister of telegraph dept., Bangkok

McFarlane, E. P., medical practitioner, Kobe

McFarlane, J. R., inspector, Protectorate of Chinese, Penang

McFarlane, W., third engineer, steamer Poochi, China coast

Macfarlane, Walter, marine surveyor, Manila

Madden, L. J. B., clerk, Chinese Protectorate, Singapore

McGarry, J. H., (H. & K. Wharf & Godown Co.) assistant, Kowloon

McGavin, J. D., (Forbes, Munn & Co.) clerk, Manila

MeGeorge, D., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Manila

MacGibbon, T., merchant, Iloilo

McGiffin, P., U S.N., instructor in nav., training ship Wei Yuen, Port Arthur McGill, H., gunner H.B.M. gunboat Rattler

McGill, J., (J. M. Cazalas & Son) clerk, Singapore

Macgill, R., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

McGillavray, F., manager, Byram Estate, Penang Sugar Estate Co., Penang

McGillivray, J. H., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

MacGilvary, Rev. D., missionary, Chiang Mai, Siam

McGlashan, P. B., acting district engineer, Kinta, Perak

Macgowan, A., (Tait & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Macgowan, D. J., M.D., Customs assistant and medical officer, Wênchow

Macgowan, Rev. John, missionary, Amoy

Macgowan, J. R., assistant, Presbyterian Mission Press, Shanghai

McGrath, T. F., manager, China & Japan Trading Co., Yokohama

Macgregor, A. M., Indian immigration agent, Penang

MacGregor, A. P., (Turnbull, Howie & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

    MacGr gor, G. H., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Penang Macgregor Geo., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Satsuma-maru, Japan MacGregor, J., (Caldbeck, MacGregor & Co.) wine merchant, Shanghai (absent) Macgregor, J., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) mei chant, Shanghai

Macgregor, J. H., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) foreman boilermaker, Yokohama Macgregor, R., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Kiukiang

MacGregor, Rev. W., M.A., missionary, Amoy

McGuinnes, chief engineer, steam lighter Chamrosus, Bangkok


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McGuinnes, J. M., Tam Chow mines, Canton

McGuire, C. F., railway booking clerk, Thaiping, Perak McGuire, F., maritime customs assistant examiner, Shanghai Machado, A. D., chief clerk, land revenue department, Perak Machado, F., clerk, Harbour-master's office

Machado, F. G., postmaster, British Post-office, Shanghai Machado, J., clerk, Comptoir d' Escompte, Shanghai Machado, J., (Westall, Little & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Machado, J. M. E., (Ilbert & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Machado, J. M. E., clerk, Post-office

Machado, M., deputy foreman, Daily Press office, Wyndham street Machaffie, D., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Canton

MacHardy, J., (Campbell, Heard Co.) foreman carpenter, Singapore MacInnes, H. A., Maritime Customs acting tidesurveyor, Tamsui

McInnes, J., assistant, Hongkong Hotel, Queen's road

McInnes, J., second engineer, steamer Danube, Hongkong and Bangkok McIntosh, A., captain, steamer Marcia, Hongkong and Shanghai

MeIntosh G., missionary, Shanghai

MacIntosh, J., thira engineer, steamer Pakshan, China coast

MacIntosh, W. F., chief engineer, steamer Namoa, China coast

McIntyre, A., chief engineer, steamer Fokien, China coast

McIntyre, A. J., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Singapore

McIntyre, G. D., accountant, audit office, Singapore

MacIntyre, J. J., dresser, Sungai Bacap Hospital, Province Wellesley MacIntyre, Rev. John, missionary, Haichong

MacIntyre, J., (Tanjong Pagar Dock Co.) blacksmith, Singapore

McIntyre, M., general agent, Penang

McIntyre, B., assistant master, Free School, Penang

McIntyre, W., wharfinger, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

MacIver, Rev. Donald, M. A., missionary, Swatow

McIver, W, S., chief officer, steamer Kiukiang, Hongkong and Macao

McIvor, R., second officer, Hiroshima-Maru, Japan

Mack, A., acting inspector, river police, Shangliai

Mackay, A., manager, The Dispensary, Singapore

MacKay, G. D., general broker, Manila

Mackay, Rev. G. L., D. D., missionary, Tamsui

Mackay, J. A., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Manıla

MacKay, J., superintendent engineer, Dock Co., Bangkok

Mackean, E., statistical secretary, Inspectorate General of Customs, Shanghai

McKechnie, A., third officer, revenue steamer Pingching, Shanghai

McKechnie, W., second engineer, steamer Fokien, China coast

McKechnie, Miss E. M., missionary, Shanghai

McKee, S., missionary, Ninghsia

McKee, Rev. W. J., missionary, Ningpo

Mackell, W., second master, Diocesan Home, Bonham road

Mackelvie, A. assistant marine superintendent, C. M. S. N. Co., Shanghai

Mackenzie, Rev. H. L., M.A., missionary, Swatow

MacKenzie, J., chief engineer, steamer Kwang Cho, China coast

Mackenzie, J., inspector of police, Province Wellesley

Mackenzie, J., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) engineer, Yokohama

Mackenzie, J. K., medical missionary, Tientsin

Mackenzie, Jas., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Mackenzie, H. E., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) assistant, Quarry Bay MacKenzie, M, Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Canton

Mackenzie, R., (Mackenzie & Co.) storekeeper, Shanghai

Mackenzie, R. M., accountant, Treasury, Sarawak

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Mackenzie, S. G. (Mackenzie & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Mackenzie, W. H., surveyor, revenue survey department, Singapore McKeon, J. J., assistant master, Free School, Penang

McKeon, Jas., inspector of police, Krian, Perak

McKerrow, W., (Ŵm. McKrrow & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Mackertoom, J. G., commission agent, Singapore

Mackey, Jas., Maritime Customs deputy commissioner, Amoy

Mackie, A., inspector of police, Shau-Ki Wan

Mackie, A. G., (Hill & Rathborne) contractor and planter, Perak McKie, C. F., accountant, New Oriental Bank, Singapore

Mackie, C. R., clerk, collector's office, Upper Perak

Mackie, F., pilot, Singapore

Mackie, J., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

MacKim, Rev. J., missionary, Osaka (absent)

McKinnett, R., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Mackintosh, D. H., assistant, Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Queen's road Mackintosh, E., (Butterfield & Swire) merchant, Queen's road

McKnight, W. McG. S., assistant, Luzon Sugar Refinery, Manila

Mackray, H. A. J., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

     aclachlan, John, supdt. engineer, Hluang Narilson rice mill, Bangkok MacLagan, R., engineer, Government mint, Kawasaki, Japan

Maclagan, Miss G. J, missionary, Amoy

Ma Laren, D., (W. M. Strachan & Co.) clerk, Kobe

MacLaren, J. H., assistant, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Shanghai Me Laughin, J., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) assistant, Quarry Bay Maclay, E. S., (Maclay & Co.) merchant, Tien:sin (absent) Maclay, R. H., (Maciay & Co.) merchant, Tientsin Maclay, Rev. R. S., D.D., missionary, Aoyama, Japan M.Lean, C., chief engineer, steamer Yehsin, China coast Maclean, A., (Maclean & Co.) timber merchant, Bangkok Maclean, A. H. H., Maritime Customs assistant, Kowloon

Maclean, H. C., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street McLean, J., third engineer, steamer Ashington, Hongkong and Shanghai Maclean, J., (Maclean & Co.) timber merchant, Bangkok

Mclean, John, interpreter, United States consulate, Yokohama

MacLean, L., boilermaker, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Maclean, Wm., chief engineer, steamer Diamante, Hongkong and Manila

Marlean, W. P., Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., operator, Shanghai

Maclehose, J., (MacEwen, Frickel & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Macleish, A. L., M. A., medical missionary, Amoy

Mcleish, P., assistant, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co, Quarry Bay

McLeish, S. M., (Mactavish & Lehmann) druggist, Shanghai and Tientsin

MacLeish, Wm., assistant, Imperial naval college, Tientsin

Maclellan, J. W., editor, N. C. Herald, Shanghai

McLelland, V., assistant manager, Gula estate, Kiran, Perak

McLennan, J., assist. accountant, Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Singapore

MacLeod, A., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Macleod, A. S., (Macleod & Co.) merchant, Manila

Macleod, E., overseer of works, public works department

Macleod, H. A., (Macleod & Co.) clerk & act. vice consul for Germany, Cebu

Macleod, J. T. B., (Macleod & Co.) clerk, Manila

Macleod, J. F., (Macleod & Co) merchant, Iloilo

Macleod, M. C., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

McLeod, N., curio dealer, Yokohama

Macleod, N., (Macleod & Co.) merchant, Manila

Macleod, Neil, (Henderson, Macleod, & Milles) medical practitioner, Shanghai


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Macler, entreposeur, excise department, Baclieu, Cochin-China MacLintock, A., (A. G. Gordon & Co.) manager, Bowrington McMenamin, W., second engineer, steamer Kungpai, Yangtze River McMichael, J. H., (Frazar & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Macmillan, A., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) superintending engineer, Yokohama McMillan, A., assistant, Luzon Sugar Refinery, Manila

McMillan, H., third engineer, steamer Taichiow, Hongkong and Bangkok

MaMillan, P., fourth engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Sagami-maru,"Japan McMullen, J., missionary, Chungking

McMurray, J., engineer, tug K'ai l'ai, Taku

McMurtrie, D., surgeon in charge, U. S. Naval Hospital, Yokohama

Macnab, A. F., inspecting engineer, marine department, Tokyo

MacNab, J., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) agent, Iloilo

McNair, Capt. F. V., U.S.S. Omaha

McNair, G., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road

MacNair, Rev. T. M., missionary, Tokyo

McNamee, R., Maritime Customs probationary tidewaiter, Chinkiang

Macomber, W. H., merchant, Shanghai

Macphail, T., Maritime Customs examiner, Hankow

MacPhee, Rev. A. S., M.A., B. D., minister, Presbyterian Church, Singapore

Macpherson, A., shipwright, Nagasaki

Macpherson, A. J., (Bisset & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

MacPherson, H. A., (Smith, Bell & Co.) merchant and acting Danish consul, Manila McPherson, Jas., second engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Macpherson, M. T. B., (Browne & Co.) clerk, Kobe

McPhun, J. F., medical missionary, Swatow

McQuarrie, W., boilermaker, P. & O. steamer Thibet, Hongkong and Japan

MacRae, D., (China Sugar Refining Co.) foreman, East point

Macrae, H. J., engineer, tug boat Gem, Taku

MacRitchie, Jas., engineer to Municipality, Singapore

McShane, J. S., (A. S. Rosenthal & Co.) manager, Yokohama

MacTaggart, F. D., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Mactavish, A. B., captain, steamer Arratoon Apcar, Hongkong and Calcutta

Mactavish, A. D., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) acting agent, Foochow

Mactavish, Jas. W., (Mactavish & Lehmann) druggist, Shanghai and Tientsin McThorn, H., pilot, Newchwang

MacVeigh, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

McWaters, J., broker, Tientsin

McWilliams, H., second engineer, steamer Haeshin, China coast

Madar, A. R., clerk, Treasury

Madar, I. P., (Victoria Hotel) clerk, Praya

Madar, M. H., clerk, Army Commissariat and Transp rt department

Madar, O., clerk, ordnance store department

Madar, S., clerk, Chartered Bank of India, Queen's road

Madden, L. J. B., teacher, Raffles Institution, Singapore

Madeira, A. B., engineer, Portuguese gunboat Tamega

Madeira, J. A., assistant engineer, Portuguese gun oat Rio Lima

Madeiros, A. J. de, rector, Semenario de S. José, Macao

Madet, overseer, excise department, Pnompenh

Madge, C. O., commander, E. E., A. & C. Telegraph Co's steamer Recorder, Singapore Madirolas, A., oficial, seccion archivo, Manila

Madrigal, I., professor de Farmacia, University, Manila

Madrigal y Legaspie, R., surgeon, army medical department, Manila

Madsen, P., engineer, Imperial Chinese Telegraphs, Wangchow

Maertens, A. H., superintendent, silkworm nursery, Seoul

Maës, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

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Maffei y Puigdollars, E., ayudante, division forestal, Manila Mafiote, M., oficial, hacienda publica, Manila Magens, H. (Anz & Co.) assistant, Cheloo

Maggridge, J. A., captain, South Lancashire Regt., Singapore Magiola, G. B., (Anselmo Bros.) assistant, Singapore

Magnan, B., "Parisian Saloon," Shanghai

Magnay, P., constable, Spanish Legation, Peking

Magness, J., (Penang Foundry Co.) assistant, Penang

Mahéo, secretary to sanitary council, Saigon

Maher, D., (A. Bielfeld) clerk, Shanghai

Maber, F. F., lieutenant, police force, Macao

Maher, J. A., (Brown & Co.) c'erk, Amoy

Maher, J. M., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Mahlmann, J. J., commander, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Yamashiro-maru, Japan Mahomed, Curmally Jan, (E. Pubaney) man ger, Shanghai

Mahoney, W. J., chief clerk, H.B.M. Assistant Residency, Perak

Maigre, Mme. Vve, (R. Maigre) engineer, Yokohama

Maillard, telegraphist, Thuan-an, Annam

Mailles, Miss M., missionary, Osaka

Main, D., medical missionary, Hangchow

Main, D., overseer, Waterworks Company, Shanghai

Main, E. J., (H. & W. Dock Co.) harbour engineer, Cosmopolitan Dock

Main, J. L., captain, steamer Chao Phya, Bangkok

Main, W. A., agent, Chartered Bank of India, Batavia`

Maine, J. L., master mariner, Bangkok

Mainfroy, F., bookseller, Hanoi

Mais, F. W., act. chief assistant, survey dept., Thaiping, Perak

Maisonneufve Lacoste, avocat général, Saigon

Maitland, A. W., chief accountant, Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Queen's road

Maitland, Dougall, W. H., lieutenant and commander H.B.M. gunboat Rattler

Maitland, E. W., clerk, China Traders' Insurance Co., Queen's road

Maitland, F., (Linstead and Davis) clerk, Queen's road Maitland, F. J., (Maitland & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Maitland, H., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai Maitland, J., (J. Maitland & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Maitland, J. A., (Maitland & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent) Maitland, W., superintendent, Paper Mills Co., Shanghai Maitre-Allain, clerk, telegraph construction service, Hanoi Majó, I., secretary, mission de la compañia de Jesus, Manila Major, Ernest, (Major Bros.) merchant and director Shun-pau, Shanghai Major, F., (Major Bros.) merchant, Shanghai and Hinkow Major, T. M., gunner, H. B. M. gunboat Merlin

Makepeace, W., sub-editor, Singapore Free Press, Singapore Makoffsky, J., mayor, Wladiwostock

Malard, chief engineer, M. F. steamboat Cantonnais, Saigon Malanca, J. G., lieutenant colonel, sixth regim nt, Manila Malashkin, S. D., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Foochow Malcampo, J., (Malcampo & Co.) clerk, Tamsui

    Malcampo, J., (Malcampo & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent) Maldonado, M. G., comandante, Estado Mayor, Manila

Malein, W. von, (Melchers & Co.) clerk, Praya

Malet, clerk, arsenal, Saigon

Malherbe, R. de, (Bovet Bros & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Malhome, te icher, school at Tayninh, Cochin-China

Malibr.n, A., clerk, Seccion de archivo, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Malifaud, commissaire of division, French Squadron


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Maligin, A. P., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff, & Co.) clerk, Hankow Mallat, T., (J. Zobel) assistant, Guagua, Phillipines Mallat, Y., pharmacist, Tondo, Manila

Mallory, L., proprietor, Hongkong Timber Yard, Wanchai Malod, menusier, Haiphong

Malpas, Miss L., China Inland missionary, Chungking Malsch, C. C., assistant engineer, public works dept Malteste, sub-accountan, second regiment, Saigon Mana ff, W., (Kunhardt & Co.), clerk, Wladiwostock Mañalac, V., (Hens & Co.) clerk, Manila

Mañalac y del Rosario C., official, arsenal, Manila

Manasseh, S., (Manasseh & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent) Manaut, telegraphist, Quang-Tri, Anuam

Mancell, A. H., (A. S. Watson & Co.) assistant, Queen's road Mancilli, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Manduit, L., interpreter, customs, Manila

Mañé, Javir, assistant, Philippines General Tobacco Co., Manila Manen, B., draftsman, public works dept., Kwala Kangsa, Perak Manferes, A. E., comandante, Guardia Civil, Manila

Manghan, A., inspector of police, Penang

Manicus, C., assistant, Gt. Northern Telegraph Co., Wladivostock Manler, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Manley, E. II. R., (P.M.S.S. Co.) clerk, Yokohama Manley, J. T., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Shanghai Mann, F., manager, K angsoo Acid works, Shanghai Mann, Rev. G., Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow

Mann, W., Yokohama engine and iron works, foreman, Yokohama Mann, W., (Johore Brick & Tile & Co.) engineer, Johore Mannheimer, E. P., Customs tidewaiter, Yuensan, Corea Mannich, Julius, merchant and commission agent, Takao Mannix, Capt. D. P., fleet marine officer, U.S.S. Brooklyn Manotoc, C., (Battle Hermanos & Co.) clerk, Manila Manqual, receiver, adminis. native affairs, Mytho, Cochin-China Mans, Rev. C., Rhenish missionary, Fukwing, Kwangtung Mansbridge, J., diver, Nagasaki Dock, Nagasaki Mansel, W. L., major, South Lancashire Regt. Singapore Mansfield, F. S., secretary, United States Legation, Tokyo Mansfield, J. J, (S. Moutrie) assistant, Shanghai Mansfield, R. W., H.B.M. acting consul, Swatow

Manson, E. captain, South Lancashire Regiment, Penang

Manson, P., M.D., medical practitioner, Bank Buildings

Manteca, F. L., ayaudane, brigada sanitaria, Manila

Manteca, R., oficial, adminis. de rentas etc., Manila

Mantelin, Mme., proprietrix, "Hotel de l'Univers," Yokohama

Manuel, J. C., lieut. commanding aviso Marqués del Duero, Manila Mapa, A., medico, Iloilo

Mapa, B., abogado, Pototan, Philippines

Mapa, C., medical practitioner, Iloilo

Mapa, N., chemist and druggist, Jaro, Iloilo

Maquiguas, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Marais, deputy judge, tribunal of first instance, Saigon

Marbs, H., (C. Rohde & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Marcaida, A. de, merchant, Manila

Marcaida, A., (Chuidian, Buenaventura & Co.) merchant, Manila

Marcaida, C. B. Viuda de, pawnbroker, Manila

Marcaida, F., assistant, Ayuntamiento, Manila

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Marcaillou, telegraphist, Haiphong

Marçal, A. A., proprietor and publisher, Amoy Gazette, Amoy Marçal, A. A., (Caldwell & Wilkinson) clerk, Queen's road' Marçal, E. M., chief clerk, Colonial Treasury, Macao

Marçal, F. de P., ajudante, tax office, Macao

Marçal, J. F., foreman, Amoy Gazette office, Amoy


Marçal, 8. A., manager, Amoy Gazette office, Amoy

Marc-Dutrain, importer, Saigon

Marcellin, teacher, school at Bienhoa, Cochin-China

Marcellot, Administrator second arrondissement, Cochin-China March, C., oficial, hacienda publica, Manila

    Marchaise, lieutenant, second regiment, Saigon Marchan, E. G., captain, fifth regiment, Manila

Marchan, A. E., lieutenant of marines, H. B. M. S. Calliope

Marchant, F., pilot, Singapore

Marchant, G. F., pilot, P. & O.S.N. Co., Singapore

Marcó, P., telegraphist, Manila

Marcon, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Marcos, V., abogado fiscal, real audiencia, Manila

Marcus, E., boarding officer, import and export office, Singapore

Marcus, F. H., clerk, Alexandra powder magazine, Singapore

Marcus, H. M., apprentice, public works department, B. N. Borneo Marcus, M., lightkeeper, Marine department, Singapore Marcus, P. F. J., chief clerk, Resident's office, Sandakan Marcus, S., (S. Marcus & Co.) importer, Yokohama

Marcus, S. R., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Queen's road Marcus, W. I. J., (P. & O. S. N. Co.) godown clerk, Singapore Maréchal, A., professor of commerce, Commercial School, Tokyo Marechal, G. R., lawyer, Haiphong

Maréchal, principal conductor, public works department, Saigon Margaillan, second clerk, Messageries Maritimes, Saigon Margotin, lime-kiln, Pnom-cau-long, Cambodia

Marians, I., (I. Marians & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent) Mariette, Rev. C., French Roman Catholic missionary, Singapore Marin, J., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Marin, J. P., chief of N. W. station telegraph department, Manila Marin, P., sugar manufacturer, Janiuay, Iloilo

Marina, J., comandante, civil guard, Manila

Marinburk, J., furniture maker, College Chambers

Mariot, L., S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Maris, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Mariscal, J. Gomez, commandante, infanteria, Manila

Marischall, Arthur, instructor, higher commercial school, Tokyo Markham, Rev. A., chaplain, Thaiping, Perak

Markwald, A., manager, Ice Co. Bangkok

Markwick, R. Jr., Maritime Customs assistant, Kowloon

Markwick, R., first class assistant, Maritime Customs, Shanghai

Marladot, overseer, public works department, Saigon

    Marmand, Rev. J. F., Roman Catholic mis-ionary, Nagasaki Marolles, Lieut, L. R. G., commandant, French gunboat Vipère

Maron, (Marou & Michel) contractor, Haiphong

Marot, Capt. M. P. C., paymaster, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Maroto y Rivera, M. de, sub-intendente, administration militar, Manila Marper, G., overman, Engineering and Mining Co., Tientsin

Marples, E. M., Treasurer, Perak

Marquant, president, Supreme Court, Pnompenh

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Marques, A. O., interpreter, Procurador's department, Macao Marques, A. M. P., teacher, Government school, Macao Marques, D. P. d'A, clerk, Public Works department, Macao Marques, E., interpreter, procurador's department, Macao Marques, E. J., (New Oriental Bank) clerk, Yokohama Marques, E. Pio, (L. Marques) clerk, Macao

Marques, F. P., treasurer, municipal chamber, Macao

Marques, J. P., (Austro-Hungarian Lloyd's S. N. Co ) clerk, Praya Central

Marques, L. J. M., captain, National battalion, Macao

Marques, L. P., medical officer, Victoria gaol

Marques, Lourenço, merchant, Macao

Marques, M. (Sharp, Jobnson & Stokes) clerk, Supreme Court House

Marques, T. M., clerk, mun cipal chamber, Macao

Marques, Mrs. C., teacher, Government girls' school, Macao

Marquet, clerk, adminis. native affairs, Chaudoc, Cochin-China

Marqueti, M. P., merchant, Manila

Marquez, J. M., captain, steamer Don Juan, Hongkong and Manila Marquis, administrator of native affairs, Saigon

Marquis, Mrs. head mistress, S. George's Girls School, Penang

Marrack, Wm., commander, H. B. M. gun-vessel Linnet

Marro, J., professor, normal school, Manila

Marrot, midshipman. French frigate Turenne

Marrot, Jr., (Vve. Marrot & Co.) storekeeper, Pnom-penh, Cambodia

Marrot, Vve., (Vve. Marrot & Co.) storekeeper, Pn.m-penh, Cambodia Marsac, assistant secretary, customs, Haiphong

Marsac, clerk, French residency, Haiduong, Tonquin

Marselle y Aguilar, M., lieutena..t, marine infautry, Manila

Marsh, D., Tamil interpreter, magistracy, Singapore

Marsh, H., paymaster, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire

Marsh, S., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Marsh, Miss (Rose & Cc.) milliner, Queen's road

Marshfield, W., boatswain, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Marshall, A. C., (Chartered Bank of India) agent, Foochow

Marshall, D., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Cheloo

Marshall, E. J., (Howell & Co.) assistant, Hakodate

Marshall, F. B., (Tait & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Marshall, F. L., (C. & J. Trading Co.) clerk, Kobe

Marshall, F. Julian, surveyor, H.B.M. Works department, Shanghai

Marshall, F. W., agent, Chartered Bank of India, Foochow

Marshall, H. A., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Co., Ld.) operator, Queen's road

Marshall, H. J., (Cornes & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Marshall, H. J. T., midshipman, H.B.M.S. Audacious

Marshall, J., commander, Siamese str. Coronation, Bangkok

Marshall, John, editor, Straits Times, Singapore

Marshall, W., second engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Marshall, W., (Geo. Smith) assistant, Shanghai

Marston G. M., midshipman, H.B.M.S. Audacious

Martel, surgeon, French gunboat Aspic

Martel, A. M., oficial, consejo de administracion, Manila

Martell, A., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Shanghai

Martell, C., dentist, Manila

Marten, R., (Rädecker & Co.) merchant, Wyndham street

Marten, W. S., (Hall and Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Martens, A., (Melchers & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Marti y Estivill, S., captain, marine infantry, Manila

Marti y More, J., surgeon, naval department, Manila

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Martia, D. M., chief draftsman and surveyor, Municipality, Singapore Martignolles, conductor, public works department, Saigon Martin, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Martin, blacksmith and farrier, Saigon

    Martin, entreposeur, excise department, Gocong, Cochin-China Martin, master mariner, Bangkok

Martin, overseer of telegraph construction, Tonquin

Martin, photographer, Saigon

Martin, telegraphist, Hanoi

Martin, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Martin, A., overseer, Prye Sugar Estate, Province Wellesley

Martin, A. M., (John Little & Co.) warehouseman, Singapore (absent)


Martin, C. M., (Martin & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Martin, C. O., gunner, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Martin, D., consultor, mision de la compania de Jesus, Manila

Martin, D., pilot, Shanghai

Martin, E. A., sub-lieutenant, H.B.M. cruiser Leander

Martin, E. J., assistant surgeon, Pnompenh

Martin, F. R., Maritime Customs clerk, Tamsui Martin, G., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Taku

    Martin, G., (Butterfield & Swire) tea inspector, Foochow Martin, G., (Maitland & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Martin, J., lightkeeper, Lamocks lighthouse, Amoy Martin, Rev. J., missionary, Hok Ning Foo, Foochow Martin, J., (Martin & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Martin, J., Junr., (Martin & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Martin, J., missionary, Cholon

Martin, J. H., commander, H.B.M. sloop Mutine

    Martin, J. McC., surgeon, H. B. M. despatch vessel Alacrity Martin, M., clerk, excise department, Saigon

Martin, R., clerk, treasury. Manila

Martin, R., medical practitioner and professor, University, Manila

Martin, S. L., oficial, inspeccion gl. de hacienda, Manila

    Martin, V., sobrestante, public works department, Manila Martin, V. Bernis, ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Martin, W., warder, gaol, Singapore

Martin, W., (John Little & Co.) clerk, Singapore

    Martin, W. A. P., LL.D., president, College of Peking, Peking Martin, W. G., chief officer, steamer Pakshan, China coast Martin, Georgiana, matron, general hospital, Singapore Martin, Mrs., mistress, Chasseloup-Laubat's College, Saigon Martin y Matute, J., clerk, Tribunal de Cueutas, Manila Martineau, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Martinelli, B., (L. Caudrellier) assistant, Yokohama

Martin t, receiver, adminis. native affairs, Bentre, Cochin-China

Martinet, Rev. J. B., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Martinez, A., oficial, public works dept., Manila

Martinez, A. A., (M. de Camus & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Martinez, B., assistant, Supreme Court, Manila

Martinez, C., assistant, Customs, Iloilo

Martinez, C., (Keller & Co.) merchant, Manila

Martinez, D., teacher, Iloilo

Martinez, E., assistant, public works department, Manila

Martinez de Hos., midshipman, French frigate Turenne Martinez, J, chaplain, seventh regiment, Manila Martinez, M., assistant, new port works, Manila


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Martinez, Col. P., director, meastranza y parque Artillery, Manila Martinez, P. F., promotor fisoal, eoclesiastical dept., Mrnila Martinez, R 8. J., (F. L. Roxas) clerk, Manila

Martinez, S., assistant, Customs, Iloilo (absent)

Martinez, S., assistant, Singer Manufacturing Co., Iloilo

Martinez, S. D., purser, steamer Don Juan, Hongkong and Manila Martinez y Ramierez, E., surgeon, army medical department, Manila Martino, Commander Renato de, Italian minister, Tokyo Martinoff, G. F., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Tientsin Martins, C. F. F., lieut. quartermaster, police, Macao Martins, H., third engineer, steamer Chiyuen, China coast

Martins, J., second engineer, Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Dias Martins, Rev. J. dos R., missionary, Timor

Martinson, W., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Newchwang Martlew, Geo., boatswain, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Martsinkeviecz, P. P., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Marty, A. R., merchant and commission agent, Queen's road

Marty, P., (A. R. Marty) assistant, Queen's road

Marwood, J. H., (Hill & Rathborne) managing engineer, Sungei Ujong,

Marwood, R. B., assist. paymaster in charge, H. B. M. gunboat Cockchafer Mary, ptain, Annamite ti ailleurs, Saigon


Marydassou, assistant, Municipal Treasury, Cholon

Marzal, J. de L., Chinese secretary, Spanish Legation, Peking Marzano, B., regidor secretario, ayuntamiento, Manila

Marzano, G., lawyer, Manila

Marzano, G., secretary, monte de piedad, Manila

Marzano, M., director-gerente, monte de piedad, Manila

Mascarenhas, J., professor of music, College of S. José, Macao

Mascarenhas, J. S., broker, Kobe

Masclet, telegraphist, Dong Song, Tonquin

Maseras, A. A., medical practitioner, Manila

Masfen, L. C., manager, New Oriental Bank, Kobe

Masius, F., (A. Markwald & Co.) merchant, Bangkok

Mason, A., mechanic, Maritime Customs engineer's office, Shanghai

Mason, Rev. G. L., missionary, Hangchow

Mason, Rev. J. E. S., chaplain and nav. instructor, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire

Mason, Lieut. T. M. B., lieutenant commander U.S.S. Essex

Mason, W., (H. & W. Dock Co.) foreman boilermaker, Cosmopolitan Dock

Mason, W. B., foreman secretary, Government telegraphs, Tokyo

Masot, Right Rev. Dr. Salvador, Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow

Massaguer, I. professor, Real casa de la misericor·lia, Manila

Massang, B. B., headmaster, Pulo Tikus School, Penang

  Masse, administrator of native affairs, Soetrang, Cochin-China Masse, lieutenant, Anuamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Massé, H., Treasury payma ter in chief, Hai

Massey, de, geometer, surv y office, Saigon

Massie, J. S., proprietor, "International Hotel," Nagasaki

Massi y Lopez, J., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Masso Rodriguez, A., alferez, biblioteca militar, Manila

Masson, chief engineer, Compagnie Francaise rice mill, Saigon

Masson, A., compositor, Imprimerie Commerciale, Shigon

Massy, excise department, Cherin Chongra, Cambodia

Massy, Lieut. G. A. N., four h regiment, Saigon

Master, G. C. C., (Sharp, Johnson, & Stokes) managing clerk, Queen's road

Matchitt, H., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Swatow

Mateer, Rev. C. W., D.D., missionary, Tung-chow-foo, Shantung

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Mateer, Rev. R. M., missionary, Chefoo

Mateos de Santillan, R. J. ayudante, division forestal, Manila Maten, J., (J. B. Roxas) assistant, Manila

Mather, H. L., lightkeeper, Green Island lighthouse

Matheson, H. C., (Matheson & Grant) engineer and agent, Shanghai

Mathews, E., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Tokyo-maru, Japan Mathews, J. W., fleet paymaster, U. S. S. Brooklyn

Mathias, H., third officer, steamer A. Apcar, Hongkong and Calcutta

Mathie, John, chief engineer, gunboat Adeh, Sarawak

Mathieson, A., (S. C. Farnham & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Mathieson, J., inspector of police, Yaumati

    Mathieu, first clerk. Messageries Maritimes, Haiphong Mathieu, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Torkin Mathieu, overseer, excise department, Pnompenh

Mathis, principal conductor, public works department, Cochin-China Mathisen, Wm., Hongkong

Matienzo, L., sacristan, capilla real, ecclesiastical dept., Manila

Matoni, F. D., commandante, marine infantry, Manila

Matrat, Rev. J. Fr., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki

Matres y Pró, J., lieut. commanding gunboat Mariveles, Manila

Matthews, D., (W. Mansfield & Co.) clerk, Singapore

    Matthews, D. J., (W. Mansfield & Co.) clerk, Singapore Matthews, G. A., (Dyce & Co.) clerk, Shangbai

Matti, I. M., watchmaker, Manila

Mattie, accountant, public roads dept., Saigon

Maturin, W. M., lieutenant and commander, H.B.M gunboat Merlin

Matzen, F., chief pilot, str. Kiang-yung, Shanghai and Hankow

Maude, H., (Jardine, Matheson & Co..) clerk, Shanghai

Mauge, telegraphist, Thuan-An, Annam

Maundrell, Venble. Archdeacon H., missionary, Nagasaki Maurel, clerk, arsenal, Saigon

Maurel, sub-inspector, telegraphs, Haiphong

Maurey, clerk, telegraph construction service, l'onkin

    Mauricio, E., (W. Powell & Co.) assistant, Queen's road Maurie, L., (Cocking & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

    Maury, J. L., oficial, seccion de orden publico, Manila Mauss, overseer of roads, Saigon

Mauvoisin, station master, Saigon-Mytho railway

Maw, D., (John Little & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Maxwell, Hon. F. R. O., Resident of Sarawak Proper

Maxwell, J. B., (Cornes & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Maxwell, R. W., superintendent of police, Penang (absent)

Maxwell, Hon. W. E., C.M.G., commissioner of lands, Singapore

Maxwell, Capt. W. H., R.N., commodore. H. M. naval yard

May, A. J., assistant master, Central school

May, C., lightkeeper, Dodd Island, Amoy

May, F. H., passed cadet, Colonial Secretary's Office

May, G., storeman, H.M. Naval Yard

May, J. C., (Hunter & Co.) clerk, Kobe


thaswell Lean?

Royal Navy tels Gekshaf

May, J. H., Maritime Customs tidesurveyor and harbor master, Canton Mayen, (Reynaud) assistant, Haiphong

Maver, E., cashier, Banque de l' Indo-Chine, Haiphong

Mayer, R., photographe, Manila

Mayers, Jos. L., (Langfeldt & Mayers) manager, Kobe

Mayet, P., professor of German, University, Tokyo

Mayezono, G., (Winckler & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

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Mayhard, H. O., (G. D. Gordon, contractor) clerk, Selangor Maynard, W. C., proprietor, Railway Hotel, Perak Mayo y Mayo, E., interventor gl. de comunicaciones, Manila Mazery, Rev. C., manager, Pulo Tikus Schools, Penang Meaburn, R. H., (Bun Kim Co.) merchant, Perak

Meade, H. J., Maritime Customs chief tide surveyor, Shanghai Meaden, N., chief engineer, H.B.M. gun-vessel Linnet Meadows, J. J., missionary, Shaohying, Ningpo

Mears, C. B., gas engineer, Inspectorate of Customs, Peking Measor, E. A., (P. & O. S. N. Co.) clerk, Praya

  Méasson, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonkin Mechet, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Mecklenburg, M., (Dalmann & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Mécre, Dr. A., physician, Yokohama

Médard, L., professor of pure mathematics, Imperial Arsenal, Foochow

Medeiro, A. J. de, bishop of the diocese, Macao

Medhurst, Rev. C. S., missionary, Tsing Chou-fu, Shantung

Medina, B., (A. Millar & Co.) assistant, Beaconsfield Arcade

Medina y Gonzales, A., surgeon, naval dept, Manila

Medina, J.S., master of works, ayuntamiento, Manıla Medrano, D., telegraphist, Manila

Medrano, M., captain, carabineros, Iloilo

Meech, Rev. S. E., missionary, Peking

Mees, R. A., (J. Ph. von Hemert) clerk, Yokohama

Meffre, clerk, admins. native affairs, Soctrang, Cochin-China

Meherally, M. H., (J. Peerbl.oy & Co.) c'erk, Wellington street

Mehl, Miss, mistress, girls' school, Hanoi

Melita, B. S., (Mehta & Co.) merchant and commission agent, Amoy (absent)

Mehta, C. E., (E. N. Mehta & Co.) merchant and commission agent, Hollywood road

Mehta, D. C., (Mehta & Co.) merchant, Taiwanfoo (absent)

Mehta, D. M., (Framjee Hormusjee & Co.) merchant, Queen's road (absent)

Mehta, D. N., (Mehta & Co.) merchant, Takao

  Mehta, E. N., (E. N. Mehta & Co.) merchant and commission agent, Canton (absent) Mehta, H. M., (Framjee Horn.usjee & Co.) merchant, Queen's road

Mehta, K. B., broker, Queen's road

Mehta, M. M., (Mehta & Co.) clerk, Taiwanfoo

Mehta, N. F., (Mehta & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Mehta, R. M., (Framjee Hormusjee & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Mehta, S. F., (E. N. Mehta & Co.) merchant, Canton (absent)

Meibielli, secretary of customs, Thuan Khanh, Annam

Meier, A., (E. A. Keller & Co.) clerk, Manila

Meier, A., merchant, Yokohama

Meier, H. H., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) chief clerk, Shanghai Meier, J., (Kruse & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Meik, C. S. engineer for harbours, Sapporo, Japan

Meiklejohn, R., printer, Yokohama

Meily, J. U., assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Manila

Meisner, C. F, (Möller & Meisner) shipchandler, Bangkok

Meissen, C., manager, Siam Dispensary, Bangkok

Meisterhaus, C., (Kalteubach, Fischer & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Majia, A., oficial, ordenacion general de pagos, Manila

Melbye, E. H., (Dunn, Melbye & Co.) merchant and consul for Denmark, Stanley st. Melchers, H., (Melchers & Co.) merchant, Praya (absent)

Melchers, W., (Melchers & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Meldrum, A., lieutenant, H. B. M. despatch vessel Alacrity

Meldrum, Dato Jas., proprietor, Saw Mills, Johore

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Melendez, A., assistant, public works department, Manila Melgrath, J. D., assistant examiner, customs, Swatow Melhuish, G. J., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Melillo, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Melinkoff, D. M., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Foochow Melliza, C., sugar trader, Molo, Visayas, Philippines

Melliza, R., promoter, Justicia, Iloilo

Mello, Rev. F. X. de, missionary, Timor

Mello, J. F. de, (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Penang

Mello, L. T. de, (E. F. Thomas) mar.aging clerk, Penang

Melnikoff, D. M., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Melse, chief of battalion, third regiment, Saigon

Melsen, C., third engineer, Nippon Yuen Kaisha, Japan

Melson, J. S., senior overseer, public works department, Malacca Membert, C. E., chief engineer, Electric Co., Shanghai

Memije, G., celadore, O T. de S. Francisco, Manila

Mena, E. L., oficial, Customs, Manila

    Menahim, S. N., (Meyer Bros.) assistant, Singapore Ménard, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Menasee, S., reader, Jewish Synagogue, Shanghai

Mencarini, J., Maritime Customs assistant, Chinkiang

Mendelson, J., (Mendelson Brothers) merchant, Yokohama

Mendelson, S., (Mendelson Brothers) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Mendes, A. N., (Turner & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Mendez, J. M., lawyer, Manila

Mendez, M., oficial, Con-eijo de Administracion, Manila

Mendiola, captain, river steamer Cubanbaman, Iloilo

Mendis, R. E., assistant surveyor, Malacca

Mendo y Figueroa, A., magistrate, Manila

Mendonca, F. A. M. de J. P., Macao

Mendonça, H. A. M. de, clerk & wardmaster, Hospital de San Rafael, Macao

Mendoza, E., (N. Font) assistant, Manila

Menendez, J., (Guevara Bros.) assistant, Manila

Menendez, R., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Meneuvrier, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Singapore

Menguy, inpsector, education dept., Saigon

Menke, Wm., merchant, Singapore

Menkie, A., supdt. engineer, Chinese torpedo cruiser Chi Yuen, Port Arthur Meño, J. B., chief engineer, public works dept., Manila

Mensayas, F., magistrate, Manila

Mensier, clerk, post and telegraph dept., Hahoi

Mensier, general, second brigade, Dap-Cau, Tonkin

Menzies, A. B., clerk, maritime customs, Shangı ai Merbielle, secretary of Customs, Hua Trang, Annam Mercer, J., third engineer, str. Kiangpiau, China coast Mercet, R. assistant, "La Opinion," Manila Mercier, clerk, court of first instance, Saigon Mercier, paymaster, French frigate Turenne

Mercier, teacher, Adran's School, Saigon

Mercier, Mrs., teacher, Adran's college, Saigon

Merconel, C., vice-consul for Spain, Elgin Terrace

Méré, chief of commissariat, arsenal, Saigon

Meredith, J., garrison sergeant-major, Hongkong

Meredith, Venble. T., archdeacon and colonial chaplain, Singapore Merenguel, A., chemist, Manila

Merian, J. R., (Ziegler & Co.) merchant, Yokoliania


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Meric, head master, Municipal School, Cholon, Cochin-China Meric, teacher, school at Bienhoa, Cochin-China

Merican, N., (H. M. Noordin) merchant, Penang

Merino, M. P., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Merle, clerk, excise department, Travinh, Cochin-China

Merlet, tavernkeeper, Saigon

Mermier, botel keeper, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Merrilees, A. G., proof reader, printing office, Maritime Customs, Shanghai Merrill, H. F., chief commissioner of Corean Customs, Scoul

Merriman, C. H., (Walsh, Hall & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Merriman, W. L., clerk in charge of foreign mails, Post office, Yokohama

Merritt, C., sergeant-major, Volunteer Corps, Shanghai

Merritt, C. P. W., M. D., missionary, Paoting foo

Merry, Miss, (Robinson & Co.) assistant, Penang Merten, lieutenant, German gun-vessel Iltis

Mèry, coffee-house keeper, Saigon

Mesa y Sala, L. de, ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Meslin, overse r, construction of telegraphs, Tonquin

Mesney, Venble. Archdeacon W. R., chaplain, Sarawak (absent)

Mesny, J. W., Maritime Customs salt watcher, Hankow

Mesny, W., lieut.-general in Chinese service, Shanghai

  Mess, M., (M. Ginsburg) clerk, Nagasaki and Yokohama Mess, N., (Mess & Co.) merchant, Nagasaki

Messey, A,, assistant "Hele l'Europe," Singapore

Messier de St. James, E.C.A., midtary attaché, Residency, Hanoi Messier, secretary, Customs, Haiphong

Metcalfe, H. C., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment

Metge, Rev. P. J. F. A., teacher, College of Pulo Ticus, Penang Metta, S. M., (Cawasjee Pailanjee & Co.) clerk, Gage street Mettlerkamp, F., (Möller & Meisner) shipchandler, Bangkok Metyer, T., second officer, str. Ningpo, Hongkong and Shanghai Metze, hospital inspector, German Naval hospital, Yokohama Meugniot, Ph., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai Meunier, engineer, railway company, Saigon

Meurant, G., (G. R. Stevens & Co ) clerk, Pedder's street Meuser, O., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Meyer, master mariner, Bangkok

Meyer, A., master, steamer Signal, Jenchuan

Meyer, A., diver, H. & W. Dock Co., Kowloon

Meyer, A. O., (Behn, Meyer & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Meyer, C. A., Maritime Custom assistant examiner, Chefoo

Meyer, C. E., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Wuhu

Meyer, C. L. W., (E. A. Keller & Co.) clerk, Manila

Meyer, E., (Speidel & Co.) clerk, Saigon

Meyer, E., (Meyer Bros) merchant, Singapore (absent) Meyer, E., tailor, Manila

Meyer, E. L., (Behn, Meyer & Co.) merchant, Singapore Meyer, F. A., teacher, Naval College, Tokyo

Meyer, G., watchmaker, Hanoi

Meyer, G. A., Maritime Customs assist. examiner, Canton

Meyer, H., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Swatow

Meyer, H. C. E., (E. Meyer & Co ) merchant, Tientsin (absent)

Meyer, I. B., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Praya central Meyer, M., (Meyer Bros.) merchant, Singapore

Meyer, O., (Meier & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Meyer, O. R., (Bavier Meyer & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

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Meyer, P., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock Meyer, Robt., (J. J. Buchheister) clerk, Shanghai Meyer, S., watchmaker, Hanoi

Meyer, Th., (J. Zobel) chemist, Manila

Meyerdircks, Th., (A. Oestmann) clerk, Kobe

Meyeren, H., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) telegraphist, Wladiwostock Meyerink, W., (Wm. Meyerink & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Mialhe, telegraphist, Thai-Nguyen, Tonquin

Mibelli, tidewaiter, Customs, Tourane, Annam

Michael, Isaac R., (D. Sassoon Sons & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Michael, J. R., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Michael, M. J., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.), assistant, Shanghai

Michaelis, Dr. G., Tokyo

Michaelsen, master mariner, Bangkok

Michaelsen, St. C., (Melchers & Co.) mer., & con. for Russia & Austria, Praya central Michel, clerk, public works department, Cochin-China

Michel, pilot, Saig n

Michel, clerk, court cf first instance, Saign

Michel, A., lightkeeper, South East Promontory lighthouse, Chefoo

Michel, C., secretary interpreter, Belgian Legation, Peking

Michel, H., defenseur-conseil, Hanoi

Michelli, hairdresser, Saigon

Michelot, warehouseman, excise department, Bienhoa, Cochin-China

Michelot, L., (Banque de l'Indo Chine) manager, Saigon

Michelsen, C. A., (H. A. Petersen & Co.) clerk, Amoy


   Michelsen, L P., (H. A. Petersen & Co.) mer., & v.-con. for S'den & N'way, Amo y (abt. Michie, A., (Jardin, Mathe-on & Co.) special agent, Tientsin

Michon, telegraphist, Quang-Khe, Annam

Michon, tidewaiter, customs, Xuan-Day, Annam

Middledyke, proprietor, Adelphi Hotel, Singapore

Middleton, J. J., warder, gaol, Singapore

Middleton, John, (Midleton & Co.) m rchant, Yokohama

~Middleton, O., manager, C. M. S. N. Co.'s Kin Lee Yuen & Hongkew Wharves, Shanghai

Middleton, P., writer, Government service, Sarawak

Midon, Rev. F., Roman Catholic provicar apostolic, Yokohama

Mielenbausen, J. W., (Wilck & Mielenhausen) tailor, Shanghai

Migien, Mrs. de, milliner, Saigon

Migieu, de, warehouseman, excise de ortent, Saigon


Migliaresi, Conite J., aide-de-camp to the Captain-General, Manila

Mignal, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi (absen1)

Mikkelsen., J., Maritime Customs watcher, Shanghai

Mildebrath, H., boatswain, Chinese i onclad Ping Yuen, Port A thur

Miles, Geo., missionary, Hankow

Miles, R. A., proprietor, Colonial Dispensary, Singapore

Miles, T. R., clerk, post office, Singapore

Miles, W. H., major, Royal Artillery

Milbe, E., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Shanghai

Milisch, C., (Milisch & Co.) merchant, and vice-consul for Austria, &c., Macao Mill, J. third officer, steamer Formosa, China coast

Millar, A., plumber & gas fitter, Beaconsfield Arcade and Queen's road east

Millar, A. Jr., (A. Millar & Co.) assistant, Beaconsfield Arcade

Millar, C. W., (China and Japan Tading Co,) assistant, Shanghai

Millar, G., fourth engineer, P. & O. steamer Thibet, Hongkong and Japan Millar, H., inspector of municipal police, Kiuk ang

Millar, H. G., (Guthrie & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Millar, J., (Riley, Hargraves & Co.) engineer, Singapore

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Millard, E. C., (Geo. Oliver & Co.) clerk, Feochow

Mille y Suarez Vidal. R., surgeon, naval department, Manila Miller, A., chief engineer, str. Haean, China coast

Miller, C. E., (Kelly & Walsh, Ld.) assistant, Queen's road Miller, E., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Miller, Rev. E. R., missionary, Tokyo

Miller, G., chief officer, steamer Nanshan, China coast Miller, J., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) merchant, Singapore -Miller, J. I., (White & Miller) bill broker, Shanghai

Miller, R., (E. E., A. & C. Tel. Co.) cle k, Singapore

Miller, Wm., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Omi-maru, Japan Miller, Miss O., missionary, Amoy

--Milles, W. J., (Henderson, Macleod, & Milles) physician and surgeon, Shanghai

Millet, conductor, public works department, Cochin-China

Millet, conductor, public works department, Saigon

Millett, Wm., carpenter, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Milliken, Miss E. P., missionary, Tokyo

Millin, F. M., storekeeper, Hanoi

Millne, F. A., staff sergeant, Volunteer Corps, Shanghai

Millon, assistant paymaster, Treasury, Saigon

Millon, Mme., milliner and dressmaker, Hanoi

Millot, telegraphist, Cape St. James, Cochin-China

Milot, telegraphist, Hanoi

Mills, Rev. C. R., D.D., missionary, Tung-chow-foo, Shantung Mills, Rev. F. V., missionary, Hangchow

Mills, Jos., (Hogan & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Milne, A., (Mourilyan, Heimann & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Milne, J., professor of mining, Engineering College, Tokyo

Milne, J. L. Hart, sub-editor, Hongkong Telegraph, Pedder's hill

Milroy, A., third officer, steamer Thales, China coast

Milton, W., enginee, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Milutin, S. N., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow Minami, Teiske, consul for Japan, Cain road

Minano, P. A., contador, Administracion Obras Pias, Manila

Mineur, commissa y, str. Météore, Haiphong

Mingard, A., aerated waters manufacturer, Yokohama

Miniac, de, commander, French gunboat Caronade, Saigon

  Minjoot, A. A., clerk of works, Surveyor-General's office, Singapore Minjoot, A. G. L., inspector of nuisances, Municipality, Singapore Minjoot, A. W., (Katz Brothers) assistant, Singapore

Minjoot, F., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Minjoot, J., compositor, government printing office, Singapore Minjoot, T. J., chief clerk, court of requests, Singapore

Minka, J., Customs, Wladiwostock

Mioux, Rev. E., director of Roman Catholic Orphanage, Canton Mir y Cousino, G., surgeon, army medical department, Manila Mirabel, M., physician, French Legation, Peking

Miramond, Col. R., commandant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon Miranda, J. G., (M. Anelle) assistant, Manila

Miranda, M., assistant, new port works, Manila

Miranda, M., oficial, inspeccion gl. de hacienda, Manila

Miranda y Sidoncha, J. S., engineer, agricultural department, Iloilo

Mismer, Roman Catholic Missionary, Cherony Chongua, Cambodia Missier, telegraphist, Saigon

Mitchell, C., clerk audit office, Singapore

Mitchell, A., (J. Curnow & Co.) storekeeper, Yokohama (absent)

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Mitchell, C. E., marine sorter and first clerk, Post office, Singapore

Mitchell, E. W., (E. W. Mitchell & Co.) commission agent, Canton and Macao Mitchell, J., chief engineer, steamer Peking, Canton and Shangbai

Mitchell, J. C., deputy registrar, Supreme court, Singapore Mitchell, Jas., (Forbes, Munn & Co.) clerk, Manila

Mitchell, R., (H. & W. Dock Co.) draughtsman, Praya central Mitchell, R. H., chief clerk, Police department, Penang Mitchell, S., (Engineering and Mining Co.) sinker, Tientsin Mitchell, W., second engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Mitchell, W. McD., surveyor, public works department, Singapore Mitchell, W. F., (Samuel Samuel & Co.) merchant, Yokohama Mitchell-Innes, N. G., assistant registrar-general and acting magistrate Mitchil, Chas. W., missionary, Hanyang, Hankow

    Mittag, M., (Gipperich & Burchardi) clerk, Shanghai Mittaine, chief engineer, M. M. steamer Haiphong, Saigon

Mitjuiela v Ribar, F., surgeon, army medical department, Manila Mitzger, W., chief engineer, steamer Baikal, Wladiwostock

Mjasnikoff, assistant, telegraph office, Wladivostock

Moalle, N., shipchandler and pilot, Amoy

Moan, apprentice, public works department, Singapore Mobsby, G., Upper Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

Mody, H. N., auctioneer and broker, Queen's road

-Mody, S. K., broker, Sangh i

Moeller, E., master mariner, Bangkok

Moffat, J., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Shanghai (absent)

Moffat, R., sergeant of police, Penang

Mogra, R. S., merchant, Canton

Mohamedally, S., broker, Graham street

Mohn, B. E., (Jucker, Sigg & Co.) merchant, Bangkok

Mohr, L., (H. A. Petersen & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Moine, secretary, administration of native affairs, Bac-lieu, Cochin-China

Moir, A., assistant, Borneo Co. Sarawak

Moir, A., superintendent, Sailors' Home, West Point

Moisan, Rev. Fr., S. J., R. C. missionary, & manager of St. Xavier school, Shanghai Moïse, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Mojica, J., assistant, tribunal de cuentas, Manila

Moladena, O., (H. A. Esmail & Co.) manager, Peel street

Molchanoff, J. M., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) merchant, Hankow (absent)

Molina y Lemaur, Lt.-Col. A., sub-director of artillery, Manila

Molina, J. (La Insular tobacco factory) clerk, Manila

Molina, J. R., oficial, inspeccion general de hacienda, Manila Molina, L. J. W. (Battle Hermanos & Co.) clerk, Manila Molina y Montinola, N., notario, ecclesiastical depar: ment, Iloilo Molchanoff, N. M., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow Molinard, A., (Molinard & Berthoin) merchant, Haiphong Molinier de Montplanopia, counsellor, appeal court, Saigon

Molinier, entreposeur, excise department, Thudâu-môt, Čochin-China Möllendorf, master mariner, Bangkok

Möller, Chrys., (Nils Möller) assistant, Shanghai

Möller, H., steward, Club Concordia, Shanghai

Möller, Joh. F., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Möller, Nils, shipowner and agent, Shanghai

Möller, O., traffic manager, Imp. Chinese Telegraphs, Canton

Mollison, J. P., (Mollison & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Molloy, E., Maritime Customs acting tidesurveyor, Takao Molotkoff, N. J., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow

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Molotkoff, O. J., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) merchant, Hankow (absent) Molto, V., ayudante, sub-inspector gl. del ejercito, Manila Molto y Diaz Berrio, A., sub-inspector gl. del ejercito, Manila Momsen, E., Maritime Customs tide waiter, Chinkiang

Monasterio, A., clerk, tribunal de cuentas, Manila

Moncada y Alvarez, A. surgeon, army medical department, Manila Monceaux, Huc, medical practitioner and municipal surgeon, Saigon Monckton, H. G., lieut. H.B.M.S. Calliope

Monct, R., comandante, civil guard, Manila

Mondielli, conductor, public works department, Cochin-China

Mondini, Ph., Maritime Customs tide waiter, Shangbai

Mondot, conseiller, Saigon

Monfort, J., captain, civil guard, Manila

Monges, inspector of police, Saigon

Mongeol, overseer, public roads dept., Saigon

Mongeot, medical practitioner, Saigon

Mongoloff, V., manager (Emery & Co.), Strealiusk, Eastern Siberia

Moninot, A., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Monis, C. F., storekeeper, government printing office, Singapore

Monniapa, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Monro, J. D., (Bradley & Co.) clerk, and acting Consul for Netherlands, Swatow

Monro, W., cashier and sub-acct., Chartered Bank of I. A. & C., Queen's road

Montague, conductor, public works departmeut, Cochin-China

Montaignac de Chauvance, de, superintendent of Customs, Tourane, Annam Montalant, telegraphist, Saigon

Montant, chief of naval construction, arsenal, Saigon

Mouteiro, A., (Jos. Bastiani,) assis ant, Singapore

Monteiro, A. J., lightkeeper, Malacca

Monteiro, A. J., clerk, court of requests, Singapore

Monteiro, C., clerk, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Monteiro, E. B. J., clerk, Municipality, Malacca

Monteiro, H., dresser, medical department, Penang

Monteiro, J., keeper of powder magazine, Singa, ore

Monteiro, J., (Margesson & Co.) clerk, Macao

Monteiro, John, (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Monteiro, J. C., (Holliday Wise) clerk, Praya

Monteiro, J. E., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Monteiro, J. J., chief clerk, Medical department, Penang

Monteiro, T. J. B., assistant, Lisbon Dispensary, Macao

Monteiro, V. C., clerk, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Montejo y Robledo, F., acting administrator, Admin. Central de Rentas, &c., Manila Montell, A. M., maritime customs watcher, Shanghai

Moutell, H. H., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Hankow

Montera, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Montero y Gay, director, naval department, Manila

Montero, R., oficial, tesoreria general, Manila

Montes, A., oficial contaduria gl. de hacienda, Manila

Montes, Manuel, captain civil guard, Manila

Montes y Bordi, R., captain, marina sutil, Manila

Montfleury de Villeneuve, chief warehouseman, excise dept., Saigon

Montgomery, G. F., Maritime Customs assistant, Shanghai

Montgomery, P. H. S., Maritime Customs assistant in change, Ichang

Montgomery, R. H., lieutenant of marines, H. B. M. S. Constance Montinola, P., carriage builder, Jaro, Iloilo

Montmayeur, L., missionary, Thu-thiem, Binh-hoa

Montojo y Pasaron, C., captain, Spanish cruiser Aragon, Manila

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Montojo y Salcedo, F., captain, Spanish steamer Argos, Manila Moola, C. R., (Hussunally & Co.) assistant, Wellington street Moon, H. J. J. G., engineer, H. B. M. corvette Heroine Moon, Miss Lottie, missionary, Chefoo

Mooney, C., (China Traders' Insurance Co.) assistant, Queen's road Mooney, J., second engineer, steamer Powan, Hongkong and Canton Moonshee, S. D., broker, Queen's road

Moore, apprentice, public works department, Singapore

Moore, A. C. F., clerk, public works department, Selangor Moore, A. L. G., tracer, public works department, Selangor

Moore, C. F., pastor, "Bethesa," Free Meeting house, Singapore Moore, C. S., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Moore, J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Kowloon

Moore, J. H., lieutenant, U.S.S. Omaha

Moore, Rev. J. P., missionary, Yamagata, Japan

Moore, L., broker and auctioneer, Shanghai

Moore, L. P., merchant, Yokohama

Moore, L. W., chief officer, steamer Canton, China coast

Moore, W. P., (Campbell, Moore & Co.) hairdresser, Queen's road

Moore, W. U., commander, H.B.M. gun-vessel Rambler

Moorhead, J. H. M., Maritime Customs assistant, Foochow

Moorhead, R. B., Commissioner of Customs, Chefoo

Moorhead, T. D., Maritime Customs assistant, Wuhu

Moorhouse, J., Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

Moosa, C., draper, Macao

Moosa, J., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) c mm ander, opium hulk Corea, Shanghai Moosa, S., clerk, Post-office

Moosabhoy, A., (A. Esmaljee) manager, Gage street

Moosdeen, A., boarding house-keeper, Lower Lascar Row

Moosdeen, A., clerk, barrack office, commissariat department Mootian, S., clerk and interpreter, Botanical department Moquin-Tandon, director of Botanical Gardens, Saigon Mor, M., coadjutor, normal school, Manila Morales, E., (Schultz & Co.) assistant, Manila Morandini, merchant, Namdinh

Morano, E. S., surgeon, army medical department, Manila Morato y Elices, A., oficial, Întendencia Militar, Manıla Morcau, chief engineer, M. F. steamboat Attalo, Saigon Mordborst, ()., (Ă. Cordes & Co.) clerk, Tientsin Moreau, chief engineer, M. F. steamer Mouhot, Saigon Moreau, superintendent of public gardens, Saigon Moreau, teacher, Chassloup-Laubat's college, Saigon

Moreau, E., missionary, Thungu, Mytho

Moreau, E., S. J., Roman Catholic, missionary, Shanghai

Moreau, Mme., mistress, Chasseloup-Laubat's College, Saigon

More, A. C., (China Sugar Refining Co.) clerk, East Point

Moreda, A., professor of singing, Seminario de S. Vicente de Paul, Manila

Moreira, Rev. A. M., missionary, Timor

Moreira, J. A., goods clerk, railway, Thaiping, Perak

Moreira, J. E., engine driver, railway, Perak

Mo el, clerk, teasu y, Hanoi ·

Morel, excise department, Saigon

Morel, Jules, French resident, Namdính

Morelos, A., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) clerk, Manila Morelos, C., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) clerk, Manila Mor, los, J., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) clerk, Manila

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Morelos, N., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) clerk, Manila

Moren, Capt. E. D., R. S. N., naval attaché, Spanish Consulate

Moreno, A. A. da S., second lieut., Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Diaz Moreno y Lorenzo, C., su' geon-major, a my medical department, Manila Moreno y Guzman, I., lawyer, Manila

Moreno, F., oficial, adminis. de rentas, etc., Manila

Moreno, G., secretary, Municipal Sanitary department, Manila

Moreno, M., clerk, Supreme Court, Manila

Moreno, Rev. M., Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow

Moreno, M. P., lieut. commanding gunboat Callao, Manila

Moreno, P., lawyer, Manila

  Moreny, civil superintendent of line, railway company, Saigon (absent) Moreta y Tiedra, E., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Moreton, Miss, missionary, Peking

Morf, H. C., merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Morgado, Rev. F. A., chief treasurer, ecclesiastical dept., Macao (absent) Morgan, C. M. A., naval instructor, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Morgan, Rev. E., missionary, Taiyuenfoo, Shansi

Morgan, F. A., Maritime Customs commissioner, Kowloon Morgan, J., Maritime Customs examiner, Canton

Morgan, Rev. J. H., missionary, Ningpo

Morgan, J. T., (W. Mansfield & Co.) supdt. engineer, Singapore

Morgan, J. U., second engineer, steamer Formosa, China coast

Morgan, R. H., surveyor, Revenue Survey department, Singapore

Morgenroth, Rev. G., missionary, Basil Mission, Lilong, Kwangtung (absent) Morin, agent, Messageries Maritimes, Quinhon

-Morin, lieutenant, French cruiser Primauguet

Morin, E., chief, fifth office, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Morinigo, E., assistant, Civil Governor's office, Manila

Morioux, acting chief gaoler, Saigon

Morison, M., (Eastern Extension, A. C &. Telegraph Co.) operator, Singapore

Moritz, A., (Schmidt &Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Moritz, C., (Secker & Co.) hat manufacturer, Manila

Morlet, chief, immigration office, Saigon

Morley, A., medical missionary, Hankow

Morling, W. A., (Collins & Co.) assistant, Tientsin

Mornay, A. L. de, assist. manager, Penang Plan'ations Co., Penang

Morney, C. F. A., proprie: or, Malakoff Estate, Province Wellesley

Morney, C. F. de, manager, Malakoff Estate, Province Wellesley

Mornay, G. E. de, assist. manager, Malakoff Estate, Province Wellesley Moron, J. Garcia, engineer, new port works, Manila

Morony, T. F., operator, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Saigon Mo

   lo quay, J., acting second constable, British consulate gaol, Shanghai Morris, chief officer, steamer Devawongse, Hongkong and Bangkok

Morris, A., (A. De Ath & Co.) clerk, Kobe

··Moris, A. G., (Morris & Ray) ship broker, Queen's road

Morris, Rev. A. R., missionary, Tokyo

Morris, J., (Morris & Co.) commission agent, Shangbai

Morris, John, (Kelly & Walsh, Ld.) manager, printing office, Shanghai

Morris, J., E., (Mollison & Co.) cle k, Yokohama

Morris, S. J., civil and mining engineer, Shang ai

Morris, S. J., (Morris & Wright) broker, Manila (absent)

Morris, T. J., (C. & J. Trading & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Morris, W., warder, prison department, Malacca

Morisey, R., lieutenant, H.B.M.S. sloop Mutine

Morrison, A., superintendent, Singapore & Straits Aerated Water Co., Singapore

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-Morrison, G. James, (Morrison and Gratton) civil engineer, Shanghai

Morrison, H., assistant, Hongkong Medical Hall, Shanghai Morrison, J. K., manager, New Oriental Bank, Shanghai Morrison, R., (Morrison & Co.) merchant, Oaska

Morrison, W., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) assistant, Quarry Bay

Morrison, W., medical practitioner, Newchwang

Morriss, E., manager, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Yokohama

-Morriss, Henry, (Morriss & Fergusson) bill & bullion broker, Shanghai

Morse, A., captain, str. Kiang-yung, Shanghai and Hankow

Morse, F. S., (Smith, Baker & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Morse, H. B., Maritime Customs deputy commissioner, Shanghai

Morse, J. R., (American Trading Co.) manager, Yokohama

     Morse, W. H., (Smith, Baker & Co.) merchant, Kobe and Yokohama (absent) →Mörsel, F. H., acting tidesurveyor, Customs, Jenchuan, Corea

Morstadt, R., (Rautenberg, Schmidt & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Mortimer E. T., deputy inspector general, Royal Naval Hospital

Mortimore, F. W., assistant paymaster in charge, H.B.M. gunboat Firebrand

Morton, Thos., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Totomi-maru, Japan Mory, B. H., (D. D. Ollia & Co.) clerk, Foochow Moscovich, Mile., coffee-housekeeper, Saigon

Mosely, Rev. C. B., missionary, Kobe

Mosely, J. A., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Praya central Moses, A. C., (Sarkies & Moses) merchant, Singapore

Moses, Catchick, (Sarkies & Moses) merchant, Singapore Moses, D. E., (S. J. David & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Moses, D. M., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Moses, E. J., (Belilios & Co.) clerk, Lyndhurst Terrace Moses, G. G., (M. J. Carapiet) assistant, Singapore

   Moses, Rev. Hullel, rabbi, "Magain Aboth" synagogue, Singapore Moses, J. S., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) merchant, Queen's road

Moses, M. C., (Moses & Co.) watchmaker and photographer, Singapore Moses, M. J., (S. J. David & Co.) clerk, Hollywood road

Moses, M. J., (Moses & Elias) broker, Shanghai

Moses, M. M., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Moses, N. C., (Sarkies & Moses) clerk, Singapore

Moses, R. M., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Moskaleff, A. P., (S. I. Speshiloff & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Morle, A. G., Tokyo

Mosle, G. R., (Ahrens & Co.) merchant, Kobe

MORS, A. Spence, engineer, state railway department, Selangor

Moss, C. D., chief clerk, British court, Yokohama

Moss, E. J., furniture warehouse, Yokohama

Moss, F. W., merchant, Shanghai

Moss, J., master, Government brigantine Black Diamond, Sarawak

Moss, P., (John Little & Co.) agent, Thaiping, Perak

Moss, R., (Hooglandt & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Moss, S., (H. & W. Dock Co.) draughtsman, Praya central

Moss, T., (D. Musso & Co.) clerk, West point

Mossard, L, missionary, Chodui, Saigon

Mosse, A., legal adviser, Board of Auditors, Tokyo

Mosse, T. F., in charge, Batu Batu, Br. N. Borneo

Mosso?, W. H. R., (Dennys & Mo-sop) solicitor, Queen's road

Mota, J., (Hens & Co.) clerk, Manila

Mothe, excise department, Kratié, Cambodia

Motion, J., watchmaker, Singapore (absent)

Moita, A. T. da, contador, da Junta da Fazenda, Macao

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Mottram, M., second officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Takasago-maru, Japan Mottu, A., (Schonë & Mottu) merchant, Yokohama

Mouchet, adju lant de milice, Muong, Annam

Mouet, Comte R., Capitania General, Manila

Mougeol, forester, Municipal department, Saigon

Mougeot, Capt. L. J., adjudant major, second regiment, Saigon

Mouillard, M. (Marty and d'Abbadie) chief clerk, Haiphong Mouilot, Lieut. A., paymaster, fourth regiment, Saigon

   Mouinot, A., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Mouja y Lazano, R., surgeon, Naval dept., Manila Mouland, H. J., (John Little & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Moulard, surgeon of hospital, Haiphong

Mould, Lieut. C. F., Royal Engineers, Singapore


Moule, Ven. Archdeacon A. E., B.D., secretary, Church Missionary Society, Shanghai Moule, Rt. Rev. Geo. E., D.D., Bishop in Mid-China, Hangchow

Moulier, vice-resident, Muong, Annam

Moulin, P., missionary, Mytho

Moulron, E., (Schonhard & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Moulsy, E., (Mine. Doriani Bouillac) bookkeeper, Rue Catinet, Saigon

Mouly, V., S.J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Moureal, F., tailor, Iloilo

Mourente, M., merchant, Arbuthnot road

Mourente, R., merchant, Arbuthnot road

Mouriaux, tidewaiter, Customs, Tan-Quam, Tonquin

Moutrie, S., piano warehouse, Shanghai

Mowat, R. A., assistant judge, H.B.M. Supreme court, Shanghai (absent)

Mowe, Jas., clerk, government service, Third Division, Sarawak

Mowe, S., assistant master, Raffles' Institution, Singapore

Mowe, S., clerk, government service Third Division, Sarawak

Mowjce, E. D., (Tharia Topan) clerk, Gage street

Moyères, controller of excise, Pnompenh

Muda, John, mission school teacher, Sentah, Sarawak

Mudget, E. H., pay clerk, U.S.S. Omaha

Mudie, C. A., (H. J. Andrews & Co.) clerk, Manila

Mudie, J. R. (H. & W. Dock Co.) clerk of works, New Dock Works, Kowloon

Muenster, B., engineer, torpedo department, Tokyo

Muezo, J., professor of music, College of S. Tomas, Manila

Mugabure, Rev. P. X., Roman Catholic missionary, & pro. Fr. Lit., University, Tokyo Mugliston, T. C., medical practitioner and act. colonial surgeon, Singapore Muguruza, F., ayudante, inspeccion de montes, Manila

Muhle, H., (Paul Heinemann & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Mühlensteth, I, Imperial Chinese Telegraphs, Seoul

Muhlinghaus, H., manager, Straits Trading Co. Singapore

Mühry, O., (Behn, Meyer & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Muir, G., (Paterson, Simons & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Muir, Jas., (W. R. Scott & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Muir, John, manager, Rawang Tin Mining Co., Kawang, Selangor

Muir, W. L., (S. C. Farnbam & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Muir, Wm., (Tanjong Pagar Dock Co.) coppersmith, Singapore

Muir, Miss, China Inland missionary, Hanchong

Muirhead, Rev. W., missionary, Shanghai

Mulder, A. J. L. R., civil engineer, home department, Tokyo

Muldoon, J., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) assist-ut, Quarry Bay Mulguialdy, G., ayudante, Granja de Visayas, Philippines Müller, A., (Andersen & Co.) manager, Oriental Bakery, Bangkok Muller, B. J., (Guieu Frères) storekeeper, Queen's road

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Muller, C., proprietor, "Eureka Hotel," Kobe

Müller, C. E., (Russell & ('o.) assistant, Shanghai

Müller, E., (B. Grimm & Co.), druggist and importer, Bangkok

Müller, G. F., Maritime Customs assistant, Amoy (absent)

Müller, H., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Canton

  Müller, H. C., Maritime Customs tide surveyor and harbour master, Hoihow Müller-Beeck, consular attaché, German Consulate, Yokohama

Mulock, E. R., staff surgeon, H. B. M. corvette Heroine

Mumbux, E., (H. A. Badwan & Co.) assistant, Bangkok

Munain, A., oficial, hacienda publica, Manila

Münch, Otto, (H. C. Morf & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Muncherjee, D., (Tata & Co.) manager, Hollywood road Munck, H., (Great Northern Telegraph Co) electrician, Amoy Munely y Navas, F., surgeon, army medical department, Manila Mungal, A., (E. S. Cohen & Sons) manager, Larut

Munier, telegraphist, Lam, Tonquin

Munn, D., (Forbes, Munn & Co.) merchant, Manila (absent) Muñoz, Juan, proprietor, "Bazar Oriental," Manila

Muñoz, T., assistant, new port works, Manila

Munro, H., (H. & W. Dock Co.) foreman mason, Kowloon

  Munro, Wm., accountant, Chartered Bank of I. A. & C., Foochow Munshi, R. B., (E. N. Mehta & Co.) clerk, Hollywood road Munsie, E., second engineer, steamer Pechili, China coast

Munthe, J. W., Maritime Customs watcher, Shangbai

Mur, J. M., auctioneer and estate agent, Kobe

Muraccioli, clerk, public works department, Saigon

Muraour, L., supdt. of kitchen, Grand Hotel, Yokohama

Muraour, P., proprietor, Grand Hotel, Yokohama

Murat, J. P. de, (Login & Ross) managing clerk, Penang

Murbeck, J. W., Maritime Customs watcher, Shanghai

Murdoch, R., turner and fitter, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Murdoch, T. C., second engineer, steamer Fooksang, China coast

Murdock, Miss V. C., M.D., missionary, Kalgan

Murgadas, sub-director, Observatory, Manila

Murgadas, J., director, normal school, Manila

Murillo, J., assistant, "La Flor de la Isabela" Cigar factory, Manila

Murphy, E. J., assist. engineer, H. B. M. Audacious

Murphy, P., wardmaster, Lunatic Asylum, Bonham road

Murphy, P. St. C., lieut. of marines, U. S. S. ( moha

Murray, A., (Hill & Rathborne) assistant, Weld's Hill Estate, Sungei Ujong

Murray, C. D., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Murray, D. S., British and Foreign Bible Society, Shanghai

Murray, G., (Sayle & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Murray, G. S., manager, Chartered Mercantile Bank, Singapore

Murray, G. T., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Shanghai

Murray, Rev. John, missionary, Tsi-nan-foo (absent)

Murray, Jas. (National Bible Society of Scotland) assistant, Hankow

Murray, J. S., Maritime Customs tide waiter, Canton

Murray, J. W., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Manila

Murray, M. E., (Margesson & Co.) merchant and vice co sul for Great Britain, Macas

Murray, R., third engineer, steamer Pechili, China coast

Murray, W. C., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Murray, Rev. W. H., agent, National Bible Society of Scotland, Peking

Murria y Nava, A., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Murtrie, G., operator, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Penang

Muse, Miss A. J., missionary, Shangbai

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Musgrave, G., second engineer, steamer Haitan, China coast

Musso, Chevr. D., (D. Musso & Co.) merchant and consul for Italy, West point Mustan, M., pilot, Penang

Mustard, R. W., (Mustard & Co.) commission agent, Shanghai

Mustel, C. E., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo

Muthikumaru, K., L. C., M. C., apothecary, Batu Gajot, Kinta, Perak

Muty, Rev. C., French Catholic Mission, Okayama, Japan

Myburgh, A., (Myburgh & Dowdall) barrister-at-law, Shanghai

Myres, C., merchant, Tientsin

Myers, H. S., (Crasemann & Hagen) merchant, Chefoo

Myers, W. W., M.B., medical practitioner, Takao

Myhre, C., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co,'s str. Shario-maru, Japan

   Nachtrieb, G., (Schönhard & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent) Nadar, P. N., apothecary, Kwala Kangsa, Perak

Nadet, overseer, public works department, Cochin-China Nadielajeff, M., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Naef, W., (Hooglandt & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Naeyer, L. Verhaeghe de, minister resident for Belgium, Peking (absent) Nagera y Cantarero, R., racionero, ecclesiastical dept., Manila

Naharro, N. E. chief colonel, second half brigade, infantry, Manila

Nahmens, M. G., clerk, German consulate, Swatow

Nalda y Moline, C., medical practitioner, and professor, University, Manila Nalda, P y Gil., medical practitioner, and surgeon to prisons, Manila Nalet, engineer, public works dept., Saigon

Nandy, teacher, municipal boys school, Saigon

Nankivell, G., foreman smith, Government railway service, Kobe

Nanson, E. J., (Rodyk & Davidson) solicitor, Singapore

Manson, Wm., (Rodyk & Davidson) solicitor, Singapore

Nanzaneque, F., auditoria de guerra, Manila

Naquet, telegraphist, Tayninh, Cochin-China

Naranjo, S., surgeon, army medical department, Manila

Naranjo y Gomez, S., surgeon, army medical department, Manila Narelli, L., Macao

Nasee, J., municipal storekeeper, Singapore

Nash, S. C., (Cocking & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Natermann, G., (Grosser & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Nathan, E., broker, Singapore

Nathan, J. J., (S. Manasseh & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Nathan, S. J., (S. Manasseh & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Natividad, C., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Manila

Naturel, clerk, survey office, Saigon

Naturel, clerk, administration native affairs, Chaudoc, Cochin-China

Naudin, A., (Boyes & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Naudin, F., (Naudin & Co.) merchant, Club Chambers

Naudin, J., (Boyes & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Naulet, overseer, railway company, Saigon

Nauta, J. M., photographer, and proprietor cigar factory, Penang

Naval, M., lawyer, Singapore

Navaria, A., sub-editor, Celestial Empire office, Shanghai

Navarro y Cañezares, J., surgeon, naval dept, Manila

Navarro y Ortez, E., surgeon, naval departinent, Manila

Naylor, J., (Engineering and Mining Co.) overman, Tientsin Naylor, Mrs. L. M., missionary, Kanazawa, Japan Nazareth, Rev. Z., chaplain, Civil Hospital, Macao Nazarre, A. T.. captain, sixth regiment, Manila

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Nazer, J. S., (Geo. McBain) clerk, Shanghai

Neal, J. B., M.D., medical missionary, Tungchow-foo, Shantung Neale, Rev. J. M., missionary, Hangchow

Neat, J., acting boatswain, H.B.M. corvette Constance

Neave, D. C., manager, Singapore and Straits Printing office, Singapore Nedham, C. S., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Heroine

Needham, W. R., acting accountant, New Oriental Bank, Yokohama Neeson, J. W. S., Yangtsze Pilot, Shanghai

Négre, A. F., exchange broker, Yokohama

Negro, M., farmac.tico-mayor, sanidad militar, Manila

Neibaum, G., (Lindholm & Co.) merchant, Wladiwostock (absent)

Neil, R., Kidsugama Cotton Mill, Osaka

Neitbardt, E., (Huttenbach Bros & Co.) manager, import dept., Penang Nekrasoff, E., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Nelligan, C., chief clerk, Protectorate of Chinese, Penang

Nello, J., (Sprungli & Co.) clerk, Manila

Nelson, surveillant, telegraph department, Banam

Nelson, C., lightkeeper, Kintoan lightship, Shanghai Nelson, H., (Dr. W. C. Brown) dispenser, Penang

Nelson, H., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Shanghai

Nelson, M., pilot, Shanghai

Nelson, P. J., supt. Government Telegraphs, Penang

Nelson, R., naval instructor, Chinese training ship Wei Yuen, Port Arthur Nempon, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Neny, L., vice resident, Langson Tonkin

Neobey, E., substitute, bar of first instance, Saigon

Neobold, S., gaol warder, Penang

Nesbitt, D., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai

Nessler, clerk, treasury, Hanci

Nethersole, H., (H. Nethersole & Co.) aerated water manufacturer, Singapore Ne shaeff, N.. (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Netshajefsky, D., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwestock

Netter, E., dean, ecclesiastical department, Manila

Neubourg, Aug., (A. Neubourg & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Neubronner, A. D., consul for Siam, Penang

Neubronner, E., Malay interpreter, Supreme Court, Malacca

Neubronner, E. W., clerk, treasury, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor

Neubronner, G., clerk, Straits Insurance Co., Singapore

Neubronner, J. C., clerk, Residency, Perak

   Neubronner, J. L., (Borneo Co.) clerk, Singapore Neubronner, L. A., (Borneo Co.) clerk, Singapore

Neubronner, L. E., overseer, survey dept., Malacca

Neukey, P., overseer, forest department, Penang

Neumann, J., Maritime Customs assistant, Kiukiang

Nevells, F., (R. H. Powers & Co.) assistant, Nagasaki

Neves, L. V., olerk, Cosmopolitan Dock

Neveux, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Nevin, second engineer, steamer Wingsang, Hongkong and Calcutta

Nevius, Rev. John L., D.D., missionary, Chefoo

New, M. H., accountant, Chinese Telegraph, Shanghai

Newbury, J., Maritime Customs examiner, Tamsui

Newcombe, Miss H., missionary, Foochow

Newcombe, Miss J., missionary, Foochow

Newcome, H., chief officer, steamer Haeting, China coast

Newell, Rev. H. B., missionary, Niigata

Newham, H. L., second officer, steamer Toonan, China coast

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Newlands, A., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street Newman, E. S., Chefoo Family Hotel, Chefoo

Newman, G., railway station master, Bukit Kuda, Selangor Newman, J., chief warder, gaol, Perak

  Newman, Mrs. M. A., proprietrix, Chefoo Family Hotel, Chefoo Newton, H., assistant engineer to Municipality, Singapore

Newton, J., captain, steamer Taichiow, Hongkong and Bangkok

Newton, W., gunner, H.B.M.S. Orion

Newton, W., superintendent moulder, Kiangnan Arsenal, Shanghai

Newton, W., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Shanghai Newton, Miss Ella J., missionary, Foochow

Newton, Miss G., missionary, Peking

Neyret, J. C., chancelier, residency, Hanoi

Neyt, George, minister plenipotentiary for Belgium, Yokohama

Nichol, F. E., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Praya

Nicholas, E. T., (Cornes & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Nicholas, F., forest ranger, land office, Province Wellesley, Penang

Nicholas, F. W., apothecary, Medical department, Lower Perak

Nicholas, J., (Powell & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Nicholl, T., instructor, Chinese gunnery ship Kang Chi, Port Arthur Nicholls, B., (Wilson, Nicholls & Co.) shipchandler, Amoy

Nicholls, Mrs. T. C., (F. C. Brown & Co.) draper, Amoy

Nicholson, C. J. L., (Tillson, Hermann & Co.) merchant, Manila (absent)

Nicholson, H. A.. major, South Lancashire Regt., Singapore

Nicholson, J. C., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Nicholson, J. F., (Syme & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Nicholson, J. T., proprietor, Emmerson's tiffin rooms, Singapore

Nicholson, Wm., lightkeeper, Singapore

Nicholson, W. S., Naval cadet, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Nickalls, Rev. E. C., missionary, Tsing-chou-fu, Shantung

Nickel, C. F. M., stevedore and customs agent, Kobe

Nickels, M. C., broker, Shanghai

Nickelsen, R. C., town inspector, Municipality, Penang

Niclassen, M., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Canton

Nicod, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Nicolai, administrator, native affairs, Mytho, Cochin-China

Nicolai, Rt. Rev. Bishop, Russian mission, Tokyo

Nicolas, clerk, Treasury, Saigon

Nicolas, captain, fourth regiment, Saigon

Nicolas, dealer, Saigon

Nicolas, D., foreman shipwright, Govt. Dockyard, Yokosuka, Japan

Nicolay, H., teacher, survey department, Bangkok

Nicoll, coppersmith, New Harbour Dock, Singapore

Nicoll, Geo., missionary, Chungking

Nicoll, J., fourth engineer, P. & O. steamer Teheran, Hongkong and Japan Nicolle, P. A., (P. A. Nicolle & Co.) merchant, Kobe

Niedhardt, E., proprietor, Medical Hall, Queen's road

Niel, captain, M. M. steamer Meinam, Saigon

Nielsen, A., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Nielsen, C., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Nielsen, F. G., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) operator, Queen's road

Nielsen, J., Maritime Customs tidesurveyor, Kowloon

Nielsen, J., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) supervisor, Queen's road

Nielsen, Jas., assistant, Kuster's brick-kiln, Wla liwosteck

  Nielsen, O., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) telegraphist, Shanghai Nienkey, J., clerk, Penang Foundry Co., Penang

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Nienstead, military instructor, Seoul

Nieto y Canesias, L., dispenser, army medical department, Manila Nieto, P., (A. Germann & Co.) assistant, Manila

Nieto, V., telegraphist, Manila

Nightingale, J. H., Maritime Customs assist, examiner, Kowloon Niles, Miss M. W., M.D., missionary, Canton

Niquin, telegraphist, Quang-Nam, Annam

Nissen, J. N., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Amoy

Nissen, Waldemar, (Siemssem & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent) Nissim, M., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai Nissle, R., (Windsor, Rose & Co.) clerk, Bangkok

Nisted, master mariner, Bangkok

Nivard, J. R., surgeon, Saigon

Niven, J., third engineer, steamer Namoa, China coast

Noailles, Rev. O. de, Roman Catholic missionary, Niigata

Noble, E., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Kumamoto-maru, Japan.

Noble, G. E., inspector, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank

Noble, J., lightkeeper, south Cape, Amoy

Noble, J. W., (Poate and Noble) surgeon dentist, Wyndham street

Noble, W. C., treasurer, American Board of Missions, Peking

Nocentini, L., secretary, Italian Legation, Peking

Nodot, Charles, consul for France, Manila

Noé, J. A. de la, assistant, Messageries Maritimes, Yokohama Noël, G. W., (L. Moore & Co.) broker, Shanghai Noenchen, C., (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Canton Nogue, H., Chamber of Commerce, Haiphong

Nogueira, V., (H.C. & M.S.B. Co.) wharfinger, Macao Nolan, N., head turnkey, Victoria Gaol

Nōlting, J., (Taumeyer & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

    Nōlting, P. H., Maritime Customs watcher, Shanghai Nonis, G. B., (A. A. Anthony & Co.) clerk, Penang

Nouis, F., clerk, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Nonis, J., examiner of Customs, B. N. Borneo

Nonis, R., clerk, Land office, Malacoa

Nonis, T. H., clerk, marine depatrment, Singapore

Noodt, J. H. M., Maritime Customs tide-waiter, Swatow Noodt, Oscar, (Herton & Co.) clerk, Hoihow

Noordin, H. M., merchant, Penang

Noordio, N. E., (Abdoolally Ebrahim & Co.) merchant, Gage street

Noorkhan, A., proprietor, "Café de Singapore," Saigon

Nooroodin, B. M., (Abdoolally Ebrahim & Co.) manager, Gage street

Noraleda, P. B., rector, coll ge of San Juan de Letran, Manila

Noraly, P. J., professor, St Thomas college, Manila

Nordemann, E., watchmaker, Haiphong

Nordmann, L., watchmaker, Hanoi

Norgate, R. S. G., engineer, H.B.M.S. Orion

Norman, A., manager, Rising Sun office, Nagasaki

Norman, A. C., assistant superintendent of public works, Selangor

Norman, R. J., engineer, H.B.M. gunboat Merlin

Norney, F. A. de, field assistant, land office, Krian, Perak

Noronha, A. J., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai

Noronha, D., (Noronha & Co.) printer, Zetland street

Noronha, F. P. de, Municipal Council, Macao

Noronha, H. D., proof reader, Government printing office, Singapore Noronha, H. L., superintendent, Government Printing office, Singapore Noronha, J., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai


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 Noronha, L., (Noronha & Co.) manager, Zetland street Noronha, M. F., clerk, water police, Macao Noronba, P. P., clerk, Treasury office, Micao

Noronha, S. A., printer and stationer, Zetland street

Norris, C. V., apothecary, lock hospital, Penang

Norris, G., assist, treasurer and collector of stamp revenue, Penang

Norris, H. L., missionary, teacher protestant collegiate school for boys, Chefoo

Norris, R. C., overseer, public works dept., Penang

Norris, R. O., (Netherlands Trading Society) clerk, Singapore

Norris, W., sheriff, Singapore

Norris, W. H., clerk, Resident's office, Manila

Norris, W. W., clerk, post office, Singapore

Norris, Wm., sheriff, Supreme Court, Singapore

North, John, (Medical Hall and Dispensary) chemist, Yokohama

North, Rev. T. E., missionary, Hankow

Northcote, G. S, clerk, Registrar-general's office

Northmann, J., (J. Blackhead & Co.) clerk, Praya Central

Northup, G, carpenter, U.S.S. Brooklyn

Norton, O. D,, assistant surgeon, U.S.S. Brooklyn

Nothman, C., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Noton, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Nouchuen, H., (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Canton

Noval, Fr. J., professor of philosophy, University, Manila

Novellas, J. G., (Compania General de Tabacos) agent, San Ysidro, Philippines Novillars, Girod de, telegraphist, Saigon

Novion, A., Maritime Customs commissioner, Chinkiang

Novorute, F., clerk, treasury, Manila

Nowrojee, D., merchant and baker, and proprietor of Victoria Hotel, Praya

Nowrojee, Dinshaw, (Mehta & Co.) merchant, Hollywood road

Noyas, J., teacher, college of S. Juan de Letran, Manila

Noyes, Rev. H. V., missionary, Canton

Noyes, O. H. P., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) tea inspector, Yokohama

Noyes, Miss H., missionary, Canton (absent)

Nozaleda, Fr. B., professor, University, Manila

Nubla, E. M., abogado, Manila

Nubla, E. M., (Genato & Co.) assistant, Manila

Null, C. R., captain, steamer Chi-yuen, China coast Nully, R., Maritime customs assistant, Tientsin

Nunes, A., teacher, St. Francis School, Malacca

Nunes, A. A., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Nunes, A. R. P., guarda marinha, Portuguese gunboat Tamega Nunes, E. J., clerk, administrative council, Macao

Nunez y Chinchon, E., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Nunes, G., printer, Shanghai

Nunes, I. S., compositor, N. C. Herald office, Shanghai

Nunes, M. J., Jr., captain, Portuguese gunboat Dilly

Nunis, B., boarding officer, Mariue department, Malacca

Nunis, F. F., sub-warder of gaol, Malacca

Nunis, S. J., dresser, medical department, Malacca

Nunn, Charles, constable, British consulate, Chinkiang

Nuttall, W., sergeant, naval yard police

Nutter, Geo., Maritime Customs clerk, Canton

Nye, C., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Hyogo-maru, Japan

Nye, Gideon, United States Vice-consul, Canton

Nygard, P. N., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) electrician, Queen's road Nyssens, Geo., (Hens & Co.) merchant, Manila

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Castler, W., (Oastler & Co.) shipbuilder, Kobe

Obadaya, E. J., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Queen's road Obadaya, I. E., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Oberg, E., (Oberg & Co.) clerk, Haiphong

Oberg, G. L., (Oberg & Co.) landing and commission agent, Haiphong Oberlein, C. F., clerk, China and Japan Trading Co., Nagasaki

Obieta, J. de, encargado de dragados, new port works, Manila

Obregon, M. R. de, judge, Intramuros district, Manila

O'Brien-Butler, P., British vice consul, Taiwanfoo and Takow

O'Brien, H. A.,acting senior magistrate, Singapore

O'Brien, Thos., Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

O'Brien, W., clerk, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Queen's road Ocampo, D. de, telegraphist, Manila

Ocampo, G. de, coffee house keeper, Manila

Ocampo, H., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) clerk, Manila

Ocampo, M., (Ocampo & Arévalo) druggist, Manila Ocampo, P. de, lawyer, Manila

Ocampo, V. E. de, wine merchant, Cebu

O'Connell, interpreter, excise department, Saigon

O'Connell, secretary, adminis. of native affairs, Longxuyen, Cochin-China

O'Conner, R. S., senior magistrate, Singapore

O'Connor, T. J., maritime customs watcher, Canton

Octave, clerk, adminis. of native affairs, Vinh-long, Cochin-China

Odell, John, (Odell & Co.) merchant, Foochow

Odlum, Rev. E., M. A., missionary, Tokyo

O'Driscoll, T., lightkeeper, Middle Dog lighthouse, Amoy

Oelkers, H., (Nils Moller) shipwright, Shanghai

Oelkers, H., (S. C. Farnham & Co.) assistant, Shanghai Oestmann, A., commission merchant, Kobe

Oestmann, C., (A. Oestmann) clerk, Kobe

Oettle, C., (Puttfarcken & Co.) clerk, Singapore

     Ofsiankin, W., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock Ogden, Dr., dentist, Yokohama

Ogier, clerk, direction of the interior, Saigon

Ogilvie, Robt., (Forbes, Munn & Co.) assistant, Manila

Ogle, J. W., apprentice, public works department, Selangor

Ogle, R. G., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Ogley, W., sergeant, naval yard police

Ogliastro, A., (A. Ogliastro & A. du Crouzet) merchant, and consul for Italy, Saigon O'Hegerty de Magnières, clerk, Residency, Haiphong

Ohlmer, E., audit secretary, Inspectorate General of Customs, Peking

Obly, R. N., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Icehouse street

O'Keeffe, J. A., clerk, telegraph dept., Butterworth, Prov. Wellesly

O'Keeffe, S. A., apothecary, Govt. medical department, Penang

O'Kelly, clerk, Direceion of the Interior, Saigon

O'Kelly, clerk, second office, Direction of the Interior, Saigon Olague Felui, R., oficial, contaduria gl. de hacienda, Manila Olano, V., (Battle Hermanos & Co.) clerk, Manila Oldfield, A., (Maynard & Co.) manager, Thaiping, Perak Oldfield, M. R. T., assistant surveyor, revenue service, Penang Oldham, Rev. T., missionary, Singapore

Olea y Mavaver, A., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila Oliveira, A. dos S., compositor, N. C. Herald office, Shanghai


Oliveira, A. M. d', (Oliveira & Co.) broker & interpreter, Spanish consulate, Shanghai Oliveira, A. M. d', procurador, Macao

Oliveira, F. M. de, secretary, Portuguese consulate, Shanghai

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Oliveira, F. S., printing manager, N. O. Herald office, Shanghai Oliveira, J. B. d', clerk, Prye River Dock, Penang

Oliveira, Jose F. d', retired major, Macao

Oliveira, J. M., (P. Kierulff), assistant, Peking

Oliveira, J. M. d', (Oliveira & Co.) broker, Shanghai

Oliveira, V. d', porter, revenue office, Macao

Oliveiro, D. P. d'., sub-inspector, hackney carriages, Province Wellesley Oliveiro, E., draftsman, Municipal Works department, Singapore

Oliveiro, G. H., clerk, Post office, Penang

Oliveiro, J. C. d', clerk to engineer, Municipality, Penang

Oliveiro, P. P. d', clerk, Prye River dock, Penang

Oliveiro, R., (Edwin Koek) clerk, Singapore

Oliver, C. H., M.A., professor of English, College of Peking (absent)

Oliver, E. H., overseer, Trafalgar Tapioca estate, Singapore

Oliver, Geo., (Geo. Oliver & Co.) mer., Cauton, Foochow, Shanghai, & Hankow (abt.) Oliver, J., overseer, Trafalgar Tapioca estate, Singapore

Oliver, Miss J. C., missionary, Wenchow

Olivera, José, chancelier, Spanish consulate, Elgin Terrace

Olivier, C., butcher, and storekeeper, Haiphong

Olivieri, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Olivieri, captain, Messageries Fluviales steamer Mouhot, Saigon

Ollerdessen, H., (Morris & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Ollerdessen, J., clerk, American Trading Co., Shanghai

Ollerich, J., shipwright, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Ollia, D. D., (D. D. Ollia & Co.) merchant and commission agent, Taiwanfoo

Ollia, J. N., (N. D. Ollia) merchant, Amoy (absent)

Ollia, N. D., merchant, Amoy

Olliver, H. S. S., (Rose & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Ollivier, pilot, Saigon

Ollivier, proprietor, Hotel de l'Univers, Saigon

Ollivier, secretary, administration native affairs, Bienhoa, C›chin-China

Olmo, R. A. del, Compania General de Tabacos, Ylagan, Philippines

Olmsted, F. H., (Smith, Baker & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Olsen, A., photographer and undertaker, Shanghai

Olsen, John, manager, Temperance Hall, Queen's road

Olsen-Stahre, H., maritime customs tidewaiter, Chinkiang

Olson, John, stevedore, Kobe

Oltmans, Rev. A., missionary, Nagasaki

O'Malley, Hon. E. L., attorney-general, Supreme Court (absent) Oms, L., professor of medicine, University, Manila

Oñate, Mgr., bishop, Spanish mission, Namdinh

Ondin, excise department, Saigon

O'Neale, J. M., gefe de negociado, Gobierno General, Manila

O'Neil, J., jailer, U.S. Consulate-general, Shanghai

O'Neil, J. S., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Pagoda, Foochow

O'Neill, J., Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

Onis, L. C. de, first secretary, Spanish Legation, Peking

Ontoria, Rev. Filipe, Roman Catholic missionary, Amoy

Ooms, Bernard, Rev. Fr.,.&. J., sub-director, Si-ka-wei Observatory, Shanghai Oostveen, A. J. van, (Hooglandt & Co ) clerk, Singapore

Oppel, J., lithographer, Manila

Oppenheimer, G., (Bacharach, Oppenheimer & Co.) merchant, Yokohama Oppenheimer, L., (Oppenheimer Frères) merchant, China and Japan (absent) Oráa, R., contadɔr, tribunal de Cuentas, Manila..

Oranı, W. A., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) cleik, Yokohama

Orange, Jas., resideut engineer, Tytam waterworks

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Orobard, T. A., engine driver, railway, Perak

Ord, C. H., chief inspector of police, Penang Ord, J. W., marine surveyor, Amoy Ordas, G., official, Customs, Manila Ordaz, S., medical practitioner, Iloilo

     Ordonez, G. G., ayudante, division forestal, Manila Ordonez, J. D., ayudante, division forestal, Manila Orduñía, E. de, magistrate, Manila

O'Reilley, A. A., sub-editor, Straits Times, Singapore Orfeur, W. W., master, light vessel, Newchwang Oriou, M. J., French postmaster, Shanghai

Urmêlise, accountant, telegraph departmen', Saigon

Ormond, G., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

O'Rourke, D., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai Orozco, E. del Saz, professor, University, Manila

Orr, W. P., fourth engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaishia, Japan

Orr, W. S., (Boyd & Co.) merchant, Amoy

Orr, Miss Alice M., missionary, Osaka

Orrechioni, paymaster, Treasury, Hanoi

Orriols, M., rector, seminario S. Vicente de Paul, Manila

Orsini, acting secretary general & resident, French Residency, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Ortega, A., assistant, seccion pericial de reconocimiento de tabacos, Manila

Ortega, D., medio-racioneros, ecclesiastical dept., Manila

Ortejas y Canseco, E., commissary, naval commissariat, Manila

Ortells, F. D., secretary, Mutual Marine Insurance Co., Manila

Orth, E., (M. Raspe & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Orth, Hugo, (M. Raspe & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Orthion, master of customs vessel Nam Dinh Haiphong

Ortigé, deputy harbour master, Saigon (absent)

Ortiz, A., liquidator, estate A. Franco & Co., Manila

Ortiz, A., restaurant keeper, Manila

Ortiz, F., carriage builder, Iloilo

Ortiz, Francisco, teacher of music, Iloilo

Ortiz y Pi, L, gefe de negociado, contaduria general de hacienda, Manila

Ortlepp, O., manager, Straits Trading Co. Sungei Ujong

Ortolan, Lieut., director, port de guerre, Saigon

Orton, G. W., assistant collector of Customs, S. Raya, Sungei Ujong

Ortuño, T., consul general for Spain, Amoy

Ortuoste, P., chief of administration, Gobierno General, Manila

Ortwin, W., chief engineer, steamer Kiangtung, China coast

Osborn, G., Comptior d'Escompte de Paris, Yokohama

Osborn, P., foreign secretary, Kanagawa Kencho, Yokohama

Osborne, E., (P. & 0.8.N. Co.) clerk, Praya

Osborne, Lord F. G. G., sub-lieutenant, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Osborne, H., Maritime Customs tide waiter, Hankow

Osborne, J. H., (Mackenzie & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Osborne, J. H., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Osborne, W. McC., acting assistant audit secretary, Maritime Customs, Peking

Osete, R., telegraphist, Manila

O'Shea, H., sub-editor and reporter, N. C. Herald, Shanghai

Osmeña, T., trader and planter, Cebu

Osmeña, V., trader and planter, Cebu

Osmund, C., first clerk, Registrar-General's office

Osmund, C. E., (North China Insurance Co.) clerk, Queen's road.

Osmund, J. H., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Manila

Ossorio, M., (Warner, Blodgett & Co.) clerk, Manila

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Ost, Rev. J. B., missionary, Church Mission House, West point Osterholm, C. A., light keeper, Lamocks lighthouse, Amoy Ostermeyer, M., (Grosser & Co.) clerk, Yokohama Oswald, J. C., (Odell & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Oswald, R. R., (S. C. Farnham & Co.) assistant, Shanghai Otal, M., lieut. commanding gunboat Bulusan, Manila

Otea y Cordova, G., dispenser, army medical department, Manila Otero, A. S., surgeon, navy department, Manila

O'Toole, J., sergeant, Naval Yard police

Ott, Rev. R., missionary, Basil Mission, Hok-sha-ha, Kwangtung Ottaway, E. F., Maritime Customs boat officer, Chefoo

Ottomeier, P. A. W., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Oudin, clerk, administration of native affairs, Bac-lieu, Cochin-China

Oughton, J., second officer, steamer Devawongse, Hongkong and Bangkok Outrey, secretary, administration of native affairs, Vinh-long, Cochin-China Overbeck, Chas., (Overbeck & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Overbeck, H., (Overbeck & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent) Oveyrin, M. S., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Owen, Rev. G., missionary, Peking (absent)

Owen, G., operator E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Penang Owen, G. P., secretary, Singapore Club, Singapore

Owen, G. P., superintendent, fire brigade, Singapore

Owen O. L., (W. F. Stevenson & Co.) clerk, Manila

Owen, R. H. lie tenant, South Lancashire Regiment, Singapore Owen, Rev. W., missionary, Wuchang

Owsten, A., importer, Yokohama

Oxenham, E. L., British consul, Chinkiang

Oxlade, R., station supdt., Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Oxley, E. H., agent, Hongkong & Shangbai Bank, Hankow

Oziol, conductor, public works department, Pnompenh

Ozores, R., oficial, contaduria gl. de hacienda, Manila

Ozorio, C. A., bookkeeper, Hongkong Hotel, Queen's road

Ozorio, C. J. (W. R. Loxley & Co.) clerk, Prava

Ozorio, E. C., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Ozorio, F. A., (Hongkong, Canton, and Macao Steamboat Co.) clerk, Queen's road Ozorio, F. X., (H. & W. Dock Co.) clerk, Praya

Ozorio, L. E., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Ice house street

Ozorio, L. M., (Hongkong & Kowloon Wharf Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Ozorio, N. F. clerk, Lusitano club, Shelley street

Ozoux, lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Pabalan, A., (A. de Marcaido) clerk, Manila

Pabalan, E., (Genato & Co.) assistant, Manila

Pacheco, A. A., lawyer, Macao

Pacheco, D. C, (B. de S. Fernandes) clerk, and vice-consul for Siam, Macao Pacheco y Gonzalez, J., administrador de loterias, Manila

Pacheco, R. G., comandante, infanteria, Manila

Pachin, clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Pack, É. A, clerk, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Macao

Padday, A. C., (C. S. Tennent & Co) merchant, Penang

Paddy, R. H., sub-accountant, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Paderin, J. W., Russian Consul and acting Consul for Denmark, Tientsin

Padilla y Lagaspi, G. official, naval department, Manila

Padilla, R., aspirante, ordenacion general de pagos, Manila Padin y Gil, M., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Paetow, M. (C. Heinszen & Co.) clerk, Manila

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Paez, B., (F. L. Roxas) clerk, Manila Page, Rev. H. D., missionary, Osaka.

Page, Rev. L., French Catbolic missionary, Balek Pulao, Penang Page, T, accountant, Gas Co., Singapore

Page, T. K., gunner, H.B.M. corvette Cordelia

Page, W., cable foreman, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore Page, W. F., traffic manager, Government railway service, Kobe

Pages, engineer, Hanoi

Pagès, G., Hotel Grand, Hanoi

Pagler, E. F., agent, Society for prevention of cruelty to animals, Singapore Pagnat, overseer, public works department, Cochin-China

Paillard, F., storekeeper, Hanoi

Pailley, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonkin

    Paillot, chief clerk, telegraph office, Haiphong Paillot, teacher, Mytho College, Cochin-China Pailloux-Madet, clerk, excise department, Saigon Painter, Rev. G. W., missionary, Hangchow

Paja y Ferrera, F., provisor, Ecclesiastical department, Manila -Pakenham, G. C., (Bernard & Wood) clerk, Y.kohama

Palacia y Grinia, S., surgeon, arms medical department, Manila Palacia, R. M., surg: on, army medical department, Manila

Palamountain, B., printing office manager, Maritime Customs, Shanghai Palandoni, N., chemist and druggist, Jaro, Iloilo

Palazuelos, J. G., (Gutierrez Hermanos) merchant, Manila

Palazuelos, Ven. G., (Gutierrez Hermanos) clerk, Manila

Palazuelos, Vic. G., (Gutierrez Hermanos) clerk, Manila

Pallas, pilot, Saigon

Pallanjee, C., (C. Pallanjee & Co.) merchant, Gage street (absent)

Pallanjee, E. C., (Cawasjee Pallanjee & Co.) merchant, Gage street

Pallett, Geo. B., chief officer, str. Arratoon Apcar, Hongkong and Calcutta

Paller, secretary, adminis. of native affairs, Sadec, Cochin-China

Pallister, E. P., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Palm, J. Lloyd E., commissioner of Customs, Swatow

Palma, J. L., abogado, Manila


Palmer, A. E., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) mechanician, Singapore Palmer, C. (Bird & Palmer) architect, Queen's road'

Palmer, C. H., tide-surveyor and barbour-master, Maritime Customs, Swatow

Palmer, F., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Palmer, F. A., chief clerk, stamp office, Penang

Palmer, G., clerk, P. & U. S. N. Co., Yokohama

Palmer, G., clerk, audit office, Singapore

Palmer, H. B., (Stiven & Co ) clerk, Singapore

Palmer, H. N., (Warner, Blodgett & Co.) clerk, Manila

Palmer, Col. H. S., R. E., supdt. engineer, water works, Yokohama

Palmer, J. B. K., clerk, Magistracy, Singapore

Palomares, P. J., assistant, Customs, Manila

Pampel, G., clerk, German Legation, Peking

Pan, E. del, clerk, contaduria de hacienda, Manila

Pan, J. F. du, editor, "La Oceania Española" Manila

Panadé, F., timber merchant, Balasan, Iloilo

-Pander, E., Ph. D., professor of German and Russian, College of Peking

Pando, R., assistant, "La Flor de Isabela" cigar factory, Manila

Pang, C., public vaccinator, government medical department, Singapore Panoff, J. K., (Piatkoff, Molchanoft & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Panomareff, W., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Pantin, E., third engineer, str. Don Juan, Hongkong and Shanghai

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Pantoja, E. L., chief of station, telegraph dept., Manila Pantoja, J. L., tente. comandante, guardia civil veterana, Manila Paoli, clerk, post office, Saigon

Pape, C., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Kowloon

Papendieck, H., (Rautenberg, Schmidt & Co.) clerk, Singapore Papin, receiver, laud and stamp office, Saigon

Papin, Rev. B., Roman Catholic missionary, Ichang Papon, procureur, district court, Bentré, Cochin-China

Papps, Wm., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) brewer, Shanghai Paquin, M., (Carlowitz & Co.) merchant, Icehouse street (absent) Paquini, watchman, Grand Hotel, Yokohama

Párano y Aguilar, S., chief enginee, navy department, Manila Paramore, B., second officer, steamer Fungshun, China coast

Paredas y Rodrigues, F., surgeon, army medical department, Manila

Paredes, V. telegraphist, Manila

Pareja y Rodriguez, J., sub-instructor, navy health dept., Manila

Parek, E. N., (Pestonjee & Co.) assistant, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Parfitt, W., (P. & O.S.N. Co.) clerk, Praya

Pariamall, (Tarachand Thawardass & Co.) dealer in Indian goods, Queen's road Paris, clerk, telegraph construction service, Hanoi

Paris, Rev., P. S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Pariset, J., assistant, French Municipal department, Shanghai

Parize, clerk, court of first instance, Saigon

Parizet, assistant paymaster, Treasury, Saigon

Park, Robt., supdt. engineer, Ice Manufactory, Singapore

Park, S. D., second pilot, str. Kiang-foo, Shanghai and Hankow

Park, W. H., M.D., missionary, Soochow

Parker, A., chief engineer, steamer Pasig, Canton river

Parker, Rev. A. P., missionary, Soochow

Parker, C., pilot, Taku

Parker, E. H., first assistant, British consulate general, Shanghai

Parker, F. C., third engineer, str. Kiang-yung, Shanghai and Hankow Parker, Geo., missionary, Kansuh

Parker, Rev. H. J., missionary, Shiu Chau-foo, Canton

Parker, J. H. P., government surveyor, H.B.M. office of shipping, Shanghai

Parker, M. C., (Guthrie & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Parker, W. A., surgeon, army medical department, Singapore

Parkhill, S., Maritime Customs tide-surveyor, and harbour master, Pagoda, Foochow

Parkin, A., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment (absent)

Parkin, W. H., gunner, H.B.M. sloop Wanderer

Parkin, Wm., fitter, Naval Yard

Parkinson, R. J., manager, Sugar Cultivation Co., Perak

Parlane, M. G., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Parlane, Wm. manager, Hongkong Ice Co., East point

Parmentier, treasury paymaster, Hanoi

Parnaud, secretary, adminis. native affairs, Rachgia, Cochin-China

Parr, W. R., M.D., assistant, maritime customs, Newchwang

Parrado, J. G., lieut.-col., civil guards, Manila

Parreau, inspector of native affairs, Saigon

Parrot, tidewaiter, Customs, Taifoo, Annam

Parrott, Rev. A. G., missionary, Yangchow (absent)

Parry, Lieut. J. F., H.B.M., gunboat Rambler

Parsons, J. R., agent, Chartered Bank of India, Sourabaya

Parsons, Miss, missionary, Chefoo.

Partridge, Rev. S. C., missionary, Hankow

Partridge, Rev. 8. B., missionary, Swatow

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Pasagali, A., assistant, Mint, Manila

   Pascoal, J. P., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Praya Pascual, H., (C. Labarbe & Co.) clerk, Manila

Pascual, P., assistant, Hope & Charity coal mines, Cebu Pasqual, C., fitter, Municipality, Penang

Pasqual, J. C., clerk, audit department, Selangor

Pasquet, E., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Canton

Pass, C., (Joo. W. Hall) clerk, Yokohama

Pass, S. O., accountant, and teacher, Christ Church School, Yokohama Pass, Miss A., teacher, Christ Church School, Yokohama

Passaga, sub-lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Passmore, R. C., second officer, revenue cruiser Pingching, Shanghai

Passos, M. D., compositor, N. C. Herald office, Shanghai

Passy-Adams, E. C., (S. Marcus & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Pastor, A., notario, Iloilo

Pastor, A. G., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Pastor y Turacena, C., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Pastor y Magan, secretary, Gobierno General, Manila

Pastor y Mora, E. assistant, Philippines General Tobacco Co., Manila

Pastor y Mora, L., oficial, adminis. de Impuestos, Manila

Patch, H. D., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) brewer, Shanghai

Paté, inspector of immigration, Saigon

Patell, M. J., (A. H. Chinoy) assistant, Graham street

Patell, P. C., storekeeper, Lyndhurst terrace & Canton

Pater..o y Chacon, R., captain, Spanish despatch boat San Quintin, Manila

Paterson, C. G., (Paterson, Simons & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Paterson, R. J., (Ker & Co.) merchant, Manila

Paterson, W., (Jardine, Matheson & Cc.) mer., and con. for Denmark, Shanghai (absent) Patersson, J. W., maritime customs ide surveyor in charge, Whampoa

Patey, G. E., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire

Patey, P. E., assistant, native hospital, Saigon

Patiño y Alaré, J., altérez, marine sutil, Manila

Paton, R., engineer, Hyogo Gas Company, Kobe

Paton, Wm., missionary, Swatow (absent)

Patou, excise department, Ta-Kéo, Cambodia

Patrick, D., third engineer, steamer Diamante, Hongkong and Manila Patrick, D. J., chief engineer, steamer Zafiro, Hongkong and Manila

Patterson, A., staff surgeon, H.B.M. sloop Mutine

Patterson, A., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) manager, engine works, Yokohama (absent) Patterson, M. F., captain, steamer Haeting, China coast

Patterson, W., inspector of police, Singapore

Patterson, W. H., staff surgeon, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire Paul, mechanic, Grand Hotel, Yokohama

Paul, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonkin

Paul, F., master, government school, Penang Paul, F. J., compositor, Amoy Gazette office, Amoy Paul, H. H., compositor, Amoy Gazette office, Amoy Paul, Rev. J., bible colporteur, Canton and Singapore Paul, M., railway guard, Perak

Paul, W. F. B., British Resident, Sung-i Ujong

Paulsen, P. N., captain, Tungsha lightship, Shanghai

Pavellana, P., sugar dealer, Iloilo

Paves, F. de P., administrador, hospital de S. Juan de Dios, Manila

   Pavés y Sanchez, P., contador, tribunal de cuentas, Manila (absent) Paviot, telegraphist, Saigon

Payet, telegraphist, Baclieu, Cochin China

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Fayne, A. W., Jr., (Frazar & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Payne, G., captain, steamer Pechili, China coast

Payne, J. E., wharfinger, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Payne, W. T., (Frazar & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Paynter, H. H., sub-lieutenant, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Payo, Fr. P., archbishop, Manila

Payomo, P., telegraphist, Manila

Paz, M., second officer, steamer Don Juan, Hongkong and Manila

Peace, G., (Weeks & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Peacock, P., inspector, British Legation escort, Tokyo

Peake, R. T., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Penang

Pearce, Chas. S., Government treasurer, Sarawak (absent)

Pearce, E. C., (Geo. Oliver & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Pearce, R. R., chief officer, P. & O. steamer Thibet, Hongkong and Japan l'earce, Rev. T. W., missio::ary, Canton

Pearse, Rev. E., China Inland missionary, Hanchong

Pearse, W., chief engineer, steamer Meifoo, China coast

Pearson, B. H., (Hellyer & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Pearson, F. A., Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

Pearson, F. B, assistant accountant, New Oriental Bank, Singapore

Pearson, J. H., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Kiukiang

Pearson, J. T., Maritime Customs clerk, Shanghai

Pearson, S., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Pease, W., (Hall & Holtz Co operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Pech, acting secretary, French residency, Kompong-Thom, Cambodia Pech, sub-brigadier of police, Cholon

Peche, J., (Robinson & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Peck, A. P., M.D., missionary, Pang Tawang, Shantung

Peck, Capt. H. W., supdt. of police, Kuching, Sarawak

Pedersen, A., master mariner, Bangkok

  Pedersen, A., (Kuster's brick-kiln) assistant, Wladiwostock Pedersen, P. M., pilet, Ningpo

Peddie, Qr. Mr. Serg. A., clerk, Royal Engineer Department

Pedler, C. P., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment

Pedreño, L., (Sans, Condina y Pedreño) merchant, Manila

Pedro, J., enfermeiro, commissão do hospital militar de S. Januario, Macao Pedro, W., compositor, Amoy Gazette office, Amoy

Pedroja, E. S. de la, secretario, Juzgado de Marine, Manila

Pedron, tidewaiter, Customs, Nam Dinh, Tonquin

Peel, H. C. W., assist. engineer, H. B. M. cruiser Leander

Peel, W. E., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment

Peerbhoy, Fajulbboy, (E. Pabaney) clerk, Lyndhurst terrace

Peerbhoy, N. M. J., (J. Peerbhoy & Co.) merchant, Wellington street (absent)

Peggs, J. A., op rator, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Penang

Peigneau, O., chief of battalion, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Peilicer, E., merchant and agriculturist, Bohol, Philippines

Pein, G. E. von, lightkeeper, Amoy

Peirson, Rev. J., missionary, Paoting-foo

Pelayo, E., C. E., Compania General de Tabacos, Manila

Pelayo, F., ayudante, public works, Cebu

Pelbois, secretary, adminis. native affairs, Bentre, Cochir.-China

Pellereau, E., puisne judge, Penang

Pelletier, acting vice resident, Hung Hoa, Annam

Pelletier, receiver, posts and telegraphs, Haiduong, Tonquin

Pelletier, director of education, French protectorate, Pnompenh, Cambodia Peltier, clerk, Treasury, Saigon

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Peltzer, J., (Lohmann & Co.) tailor, &c., Yokohama

Pélu, Rev. A. C. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki

Pemberton, H. L., chief assistant, survey department, Thaiping, Perak (absent) Pemberton, J., P.A. engineer, U.S.S. Monocacy

Pemberton, T., (Wheelock & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Pena, F., "La Esperanza" hotel, Manila

Peña y Galvez, F., fiscal, naval court, Manila

Peña y Galvez, M. de la, surgeon, naval department, Manila

Peña y Peña, J. de la, comandante, Infanteria, Manila

Peñaranda y Escudero, C., jefe de negociado, treasury, Manila

Penard, telegraphist, Haiphong

Penegar, W., senior warder, gaol, Penang

Penguet, E., Customs tidewaiter, Tientsin

Pennefather, J. P., district surveyor, Surveyor-general's office, Penang

Penney, F. G., acting inspector of schools, Singapore

Penney, G. J., (Sayle & Co.) bookkeeper, Singapore

Penninga, P., sub-agent, B. & F. Bible Society, Singapore

Peny, J., (S. Bing & Co.) assistant, Kobe

Penzig, A. F. C., lightkeeper, Shanghai

Peoples, Rev. S. C., M.D., missionary, Lakawan, Siam

Pequignot, M., French livery stables, Yokohama

Peralta, J. M., inspector of police, Penang

Peray y Vintorez, L., director, army health department, Manila

Perbet, Rev. J. F., Roman Catholic missionary, Patrew, Siam Percebois, D., Maritime Customs, clerk, Wenchow

Perchel, pilot, Saigon

Percival, R. H., (Reiss & Co.) silk inspector, Shanghai

Percival, W. H., agent, North China Însurance Co", Queen's road

Percival, W. S., clerk, H.B.M. Supreme Court, Shanghai

Percy, H., Maritime customs watcher, Canton

Perdiguero, B., archivero bibliotecario, intendencia general de hacienda, Manila

Péré, H., painter and contractor, Saigon

Pereda, G., assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Iloilo

Pereira, A., assistant, Central school, Singapore

Pereira, A., compositor, Tientsin Printing Co., Tientsin

Pereira, Rev. A. C. B., Portuguese missionary, Timor

Pereira, A. G., continuo, Revenue office, Macao

Pereira, A. F., (Campbell, Moore & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Pereira, A. H., encarregado, "O Correio Macaense," Macao

Pereira, A. J. G., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Praya

Pereira, A. M. R., (O. & O.S.S. Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Pereira, A. P., clerk, Chartered Mercantile Bank, Shanghai

Pereira, A. W., chief clerk, state railway, Perak

Pereira, B., (F. H. Englaud & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Pereira, B. P., bailiff, court of requests, Penang

Pereira, C., compositor, governmen priating office, Singapore

Pereira, D. B., apothecary, medical department, Thaiping, Pera k

Pereira, D J., clerk, Colonial Treasury, Singapore

Pereira, E., turner and fitter, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Pereira, E., (Ed. Schellhass & Co) clerk, Praya

Pereira, E. A., (New Harbour Dock Co.) clerk, Singapore

Pereira, E. F., (Maitland & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

   Pereira, E. G., clerk, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore Pereira, E. J., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Yokohama Pereira, E. Z., (Chartered Mercantile Bank) clerk, Queen's road Pereira, F., teacher, Government school, Kampong Glam, Singapore

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Pereira, F., (Braddell Brothers) clerk, Singapore

Pereira, F., (J. W. Crocker & Co.) assistant, Bowrington Pereira, F. A., clerk, military secretary, Macao

Pereira, F. C., clerk, post and telegraph department, Perak

  Pereira, F. L., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) clerk, Queen's road Pereira, H. A., manager, Shun-pau office, Shanghai

Pereira, I. J., clerk, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Queen's road Pereira, J., chief clerk, Chartered Bank of I. A. and C., Singapore

Pereira, J. F., clerk, Associated Wharves, Shanghai

Pereira, J. G., (Wm. Meyerink & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Pereira, J. J., (Austin & Co.) clerk, Singapore Pereira, J. L., cashier, Municipality, Singapore

Pereira, J. L., (New Oriental Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Pereira, J. L., (Hellyer & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Pereira, J. M. G., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street Pereira, J. P., (John Gittins & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Pereira, J. P. R., clerk, post and telegraph department, Perak Pereira, J. R., ensign of police, Macao (absent)

Pereira, J. V., teacher, Government School, Macao

Pereira, J. V. Jr., printer, Seminario de S. José, Macao

Pereira, L., ayudante, public works, Batangas, Philippines

Pereira, L., (Naudin & Co.) clerk, Club Chambers

Pereira, L. A I., member of municipal chamber, Macao Pereira, M. A., clerk, British Post office, Shanghai

Pereira, M. E. S., (Linstead & Davis) clerk, Queen's road

Pereira, P., compositor, government printing office, Singapore Pereira, P., (D. Nowrojee) assistant, Queen's road

Pereira, P., clerk, telegraph department, Kwala Kangsa, Perak Pereira, P., Post Office, Sungei Ujong

Pereira, P. A., clerk, Military department, Macao Pereira, R. G., clerk, Municipality, Singapore

Pereira, T. S., (Noronha & Sons) compositor, Shanghai Pereira. V., clerk, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Pereira, V. S., lawyer, Macac

Perera, D. P., parcels clerk, railway, Thaiping, Perak Peres, Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang

Peres, B. A., (Typographia Mercantil) compositor, Macao

Peres, J. M., lieutenant quarter-master, National Battalion, Macao

Pereyra, J., oficial, contaduria gl. de hacienda, Manila

Perez, lieutenant Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Perez, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Perez, E. y Banquet, pharmacist, Manila

Perez, F. F., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Perez, F., "Los Catalanes," Manila

Perez, J., captain, civil guard, Manila

Perez, J. G., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Perez, J. M., abogado, Manila

Perez, M., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) clerk, Manila

Perez, M., (M. P. Marqueti) clerk, Manila

Perez, M. M., archivero, ecclesiastical department, Manila

Perez, Pedro, teacher, Jaro, Iloilo

Perez, P. J., (Perez & Acha) storekeeper, Iloilo

Perez, P. V., professor, college of S. Juan de Letran, Manila

Perez, Fr. V., teacher, college of S. Tomas, Manila

Perham, Rev. J., missionary, Banting and Sebetan, Sarawak

Perier, clerk, administration native affairs, Soctrang, Cochin-China

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Périnelle, chief engineer, M. M. steamer Meinam, Saigon and Singapore Periquet, F., clerk, seccion de atrasos, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila Perkins, telegraphist, Bangkok

Perkins, G., constable, British Consulate, Wuhu

Perkins, H. G., railway guard, Perak

Perkins, H. M., (Rogers & Perkins) dentist, Shanghai

Perkins, Rev. H. P., missionary, Tientsin

Perkins, J. A., captain, steamer Kiang-kwan, Shanghai and Hankow

Perks, H., bible colporteur, American Bible Society, Shanghai

Perks, Mrs., mistress, girls' school, Malacca

Peron, teacher, college at Mytho, Cochin China

Peroni, Rev. R., Roman Catholic missionary, Caine road Perot, conductor, public works department, Cochin-China Péroux, A., compositor, " Imprimerie Commerciale," Saigon Perouz, P., manager, Hotel Alexandre, Hanoi

Perras, J. L., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo Perraux, Rev. R. N., French missionary, Ayuthin, Siam Perreau, A. M., chief clerk, stamp office, Singapore Perreau, D. E., clerk, educat.on department, Singapore Perretti, A. de, engineer, Hanoi

Perrichon, Rev. P., Roman Catholic missionary, Singapore Perrin, assist. secretary, Customs, Cam ramh, Annam Per riu, captain, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon Perrin, conductor, public works department, Saigon Perrin, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Perrin, A., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Saigon Perrin, F., S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Perrin, Frédéric, butcher, Hanoi

Perrin, Rev. H., Roman Catholic missionary Kobe

Perrot, C., compositor, Imprimerie Commerciale, Saigon Perrott, E. S., (Reid, Evans & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Perroud, overseer, telegraph construction, Tonkin

Perruchet, clerk, arsenal, Saigon

Perry, J., inspector, Protectorate of Chinese, Province Wellesley

Perry, M. S., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) agent, Foochow

Perry, N., inspector of police

Pet y, T., lieut.-comdr., U. S. flagship Brooklyn

Perryman, J. T., (F. G. Durnfo d & Co.) a chitect, Singapore

Persyn, P., manager, Kanao Tobacco Estate, Kulat

Pertierra, L., contador, tribunal de cuentos, Manila

Pertile, G., (D. Brandt & Co.) clerk, and acting consul for Aus tria-Hungary, S'pore Pessoa, J. C. acting conductor, public works dept., Macao

Pestalozzi, W. (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Canton

Pestana, A., clerk, Singapore Exchange, and Chamber of Commerce, Singapore

Pestana, A. M., usher, marine department, Singapore

Pestana, A. S., boarding officer, import and export office, Singapore

Pestana, J. C., acting deputy registrar and chief clerk, Supreme Court, Penang

Pestana, P. O., teacher, Government Schools, Singapore

Pestell, proprietor, Cafè C'atinat, Saigon.

Pestonjee Hormusjee, (Pestonjee & Co.) merchant, Cambodia

Pestonjee, Jeejeebhoy, merchant, Peel street

Pestonjee, Jehange: rjee, merchan', Victoria Hotel

Pestonjee, N. H., (Hormusjee Pestonjee & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Pestonjer, R., (Buijorjee Khodadad & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Pestonjee, Rustomjee, broker, Shanghai

Peth, E. C., assistant paymistor in charge, H. B. M. gaba' Rattler

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Petchatnoff, S. A., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow Petel, A., sugar estate owner, Porac-Pampanga, Philippines Beter, Bro., assistant, West Point Reformatory

Beter, C., (W. R. Scott & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Bater, J. C., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Queen's road

Boters, L. C., lieut. of marines, H.B.M.S. Victor Emanuel

Peters, P. A., observer, trigonometrical survey, Singapore

Hetersen, captain, steamer Rudolph, Bangkok

Fetersen, A. C., (Tanjong Pagar Dock Co.) foreman shipwright, Singapore

Pétersen, C. F. W., boarding-house keeper, Queen's road west

Pétersen, Emil, second engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Yamashiro-maru, Japan

Petersen, F., overseer, Ayer Etain Coir Co., Penang

Petersen, H., chief officer, Gt. Northern Tel.Co.'s str. Store Nordiske, Shanghai

Petersen, H. A., (H. A. Petersen & Co.) merchant, Amov (absent)

Petersen, J. V., (Great Northern Telegraph (o.), controller, Queen's road

Petersen, N. C. R., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) assist. accountant, Shanghai

Petersen, P. M., Upper Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

Petersen, P. W., constable, British consulate, Tamsui

Peterson, C. M., lightkeeper, Chapel Island, Amoy

Peterson, D. E:, (Hall & Peterson) surgeon dentist, Shanghai

Peterson, F., saw mills, Kwala Kangsa, Perak

Peterson, H., (Grassi Bros & Co.) overseer, Bangkok

Peterson, J., (G. S. H. Gottlieb) chief clerk, Penang Peterson, J., saw mills, Kwala Kangsa, Perak

Betherbridge, R. C., (Tennent & Co.) clerk, Penang

Petherbridge, W. S., (Brown & Co.) merchant, Penang (absent) Pat hiek, W. N., U.S. vice-consul, and interpreter, Tientsin Pòtigura, D. J., (D. D. Ollia & Co.) clerk, Amoy and Takao Petinto, N. P., consul for Spain, Yokohama (absent)

Petit, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Petit, telegraphist, Dap-cau, Tonquin

Petit, C., French missionary, Vat Phleng, Siam

Petitet, telegraphist, Huê, Annam

Petrie, J. L, second officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Petroff, telegraph department, Wladivostock

Pettee, Rev, J. H., missionary, Okayama, Japan

Petten, Mrs. C. W. van, missionary, Yokohama

Fettick, Paul, (Hok Lee & Co.), assistant, Foochow

Pettier, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Yokohama

Pettus, T. F., consul for United States, Ningpo

Feypock, M., assistant, Spanish Royal Mail Steamer office, Manila Beyranne, commander of gendarmerie, Saigon Peyre, Café Restaurant du Commerce, Haiphong Peyre, E., (Peyre Frères) pastry cook, Yokohan.a

Peyton, A. D., surgeon, H.B.M. gunboat Firebrand

Pfaff, L., (H. Müller & Co.) watchmaker, Shanghai

  Pfankuchen, A. E., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Pagoda, Foochow Pfützner, G., (Baer Senior & Co.) clerk, Manila

Phelps, A., China Inland missionary, Pao-lin-fu

Philip, Miss, missionary, Peking (absent)

Philippe, (Janing, Philippe & Co.) merchant, Hanoi

Philippe, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Philippe, lieutenant, gunboat Brandon, Saigon

Philippot, A., accountant, Comptoir d'Escompte, Tientsin

Philipps, G., third officer, P. & O. steamer Teheran, Hongkong and Japan

Philips, G. J., Maritime Customs assi-tant, China (absent)

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Phillippo, Sir Geo., chief justice, (absent)

Phillips, C., inspector, protectorate of Chinese, Singapore

Phillips, C., superintendent, sailor's home, Singapore

   Phillips, F. W., captain, str. Kong Beng, Hongkong and Bangkok Phillips, Geo., H.B.M. acting consul, Foochow

Phillips, J., (H. Abrams) assistant, Singapore

Phillips, J., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Canton

Phillips, Jos., broker, and agent Reuter's Telegram Co., Foochow

Phillips, R., (Holme, Ringer & Co.) clerk, Nagasaki

Phillips, R. K., Government residency officer, Sarawak

Phillips, W., railway engine driver, Selangor

Phillips, W., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Phillips, Miss L. E., missionary, Soochow

Phillips, Miss M., M.D., missionary, Soochow

Phipps, A. L., (Phipps, Phipps & Co.) merchant, Foochow (absent)

Phipps, H. G., (Phipps, Phipps & Co.) merchant, Foochow

Phipps, J., clerk, audit department, Singapore

Phipps, W. T., merchant, Shanghai

Piatkoff, M. F., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff &Co.) merchant, Hankow (absent)

Piau, E. P., French missionary, Ban-nok-ku tk, Siam

Piazzoli, Rev. L., pro vicar apostolic, Roman Catholic Church, Caine road

Picard, C. M. A., surgeon, Saigon

Picard, F., assistant surgeon, Tayninb, Cochin-China

Picavet, clerk, Treasury, Saigon

Pichon, secretary to director of arsenal, Saigon

Pichon, A., (A. Rebelle) assistant, Haiphong

Pichon, L., M.D., medical practitioner and Customs medical attendent, Shanghai Pickering, W. A., C. M. G., protector of Chinese, Singapore

Picut, treasury paymaster, Hanoi

Pichard, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Picquart, Capt., major de deuxième brigade, Dap-Cau, Tonkin

Piehl, A., (Pasedag & Co.) merchant, and consul for Netherlands, Amoy

Picquet, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Pied, receiver, adminis. of native affairs, Cantho, Cochin-China

Piercy, G., Jr., head master, Diocesan school, Bonham road

Piersdorf, N. S., fourth engineer, steamer Chintun, China coast

Piersdorff, A. L., pilot, Swatow

Pierson, pilot, Saigon

Pierson, Rev. I., missionary, Pau-ting-foo

Pierson, Miss L. B., missionary, Pau ting-foo (absent)

Pierson, Mrs. L. H., missionary, Yokohama

Pietri, A. M., assistant, native bospital, Saigon

Piétri, J. B. overseer, excise department, Saigon

Piglowski, defenseur, Hanoi

Pignatel, C., (Pignatel & Co.) storekeeper, Nagasaki (absent) Pignatel, V., (Pignatel & Co.) storekeeper, Nagasaki Piguet-Laina, pilot, Saigon

Pigott, H. C., (Mourilyan, Heimann & Co.) clerk, Yokohama Pike, J., Pilot Company, Shanghai

Pike, W., chief officer, steamer Hankow, Canton and Hongkong

Pila, L., (Ulysse Pi'a & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Pila, U., (Ulysse Pila & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Pilar, M. H. del, abogado, Manila

Pilcher, Rev. L. W., missionary, Peking

Pillai, V. T., assistant gods clerk, railway, Thaiping, Perak Pillai, W. W., railway storekeeper, Perak

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Pillas, treasurer, Saigon


Pillay, J. D., chief clerk, Police department, Selangor Pillay, J. P. C., Tamil interpreter, Supreme Court, Singapore Pillay, K. T., chief clerk, treasury, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor Pillay, T. S., clerk, public works dept., Thaiping, Perak Pillay, V. R., clerk, public works dept., Thaiping, Perak Pillet, controller, excise department, Bentre, Cochin-China

Pillet de Thorat, surgeon, Messageries Maritimes str. Haiphong, Saigon Pilon, Roman, Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Pilon y Sterling, Capt. B., mayor-general, Spanish navy, Manila

Pim, C.. (Gaedert & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Pim, T., (Bathgate & Co.) merchant, and cons il for Netherlands, Foochow Pimentel, D. F. de S. L., lieu:enant, Portagnese gunboat Rio Lima

Pimental, C., telegraphist, Mauila

Pinckney, H., (E. E. Everett) assistant, Penang

Pineda, E., oficial, adminis. de rentas etc., Manila

Pineda, J., overseer, "El Oriente" tobacco manufacturing Co., Manila

Pineda, P., procurador, Iloilo

Pineda y de la Torre, Lieut. P., secretary, Arsenal, Manila

Pinel, Jolin, (Geo. Oliver & Co.) merchan ́, Canton, Foochow and Shanghai (absent) Pinelli, warehouseman, excise department. Mytho, Cochin-China

Piñero y Merino, M., ayudaute, division forestal, Laoag Phillipines

Piñero, P., chaplain, fourth regiment, Manija

Pinet, Capt. G. C., jefe del detall, Batallon Disciplinario, Manila Pingol y Santillan, M., official, arsenal, Manila

Pini, C., (Baehr & Suhm) clerk, Manila

Pinkney, G. F., paymaster, Northamptonshire Regiment

Pinn, J. F., lessee and editor, Japan Herald office, Yokohama Pinna, F. F., (Noronha & Co.) compositor, Zetland strect

Pinna, J. de, writer, H.M. Naval Yard

Pino y Marufo, R. del, comisario de marina, Arsenal, Manila

Pintava, J. F., lieut. commanding ponton Doña Maria de Molina, Manila Pinto, M., (Braddell Bros.) clerk, Malacca

Pinto, Rev. Canon N. J. T., vicar of Portuguese mission, Singapore

Pinto e Souza, J. P. S. C., retired major, Macao

Pinton, telegraph inspector, Saigon

Pitos, F., clerk, Eastern Extension A. & C. Telegraph Co., Queen's roid Pinzon, Rafael, tailor, Iloilo

Piper J. W. (Chartered Bank of I. A. & C.) clerk, Yokohama

Piqué, J., professor, normal school, Manila

Piquer, R., (H. G. Brown) assistant, Laguimanoc, Tayabas, Phillipines

Piqueras, J., ayudante, inspección de Montes, Maɔila'

Piques, accountant, governor's office, Saigon

Piques, teacher, Adran's college, Saigon

Piquet, lieutenant governor, Saigon

Piraces, M., abo, ado fiscal, Supreme Court, Manila

Pires, Rev. J. A., missionary, Timor (absent)

Pires, J. S., engineer, Portuguese gunboat Tamega

Pirie G., lieutenant, H. B. M. gunvessel Rambler

Pirie, H. R., writer and teacher of English, Yokohama

Pirie, W. G., assistant, British dispensary, Shanghai

Piron, E., (Hahn, Piron & Co.) professor of singing, piano, &c., Bank Buildings

Piry, P., Maritime Customs assistant, Canton

Piry, S. D. (A. R. Marty) clerk, Queen's road

Piry, T., acting commissioner of Corean Customs, Fusan Pitcher, Rev., P. W., missionary, Amoy

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Pitersky, V. J., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Foochow Pittar, Rev. J., S.J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Pitts, W., foreman, locomotive dept., Government railway service, Hyogo Pittsfrude, J. H., warder, gaol, Singapore

Plá, Rev. C., Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow

Placé, C. de S., writer, procurador's department, Macao

Place, F. director of typographia, College of S. Jose, Macao

Placé, F L., (Comptoir d'Escompte) clerk, Shanghai

Placé, J. L, (Turner & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Place, L. de S., (Syme & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Place, P. L., compositor, O Correo Macaense, Macao

Place, P. P. Jr., compositor, Seminario de S. José, Macao

Plage, P., (China Sugar Refining Co.) foreman, East point

Plambeck, H., deck officer, Chinese ironclad Chen Yuen, Port Arthur

Planas, E. B., ayudante, division fores al, Manila

Planté, overseer, excise department, Pnompenh

Planté, A., proprietaire, Haiphong

Plate, F., (Japan Mail S.S. Co.) agent, Kobe

Platon, Rev., Russian Greek Church Mission, Peking Platt, C. H. C., (Gilman & Co.) clerk, d'Aguilar St. Platt, Mrs. proprietrix, "Seaview House," Chefoo

Playfair, F. W., assistant and British pro-Consul, Kobe Playfair, G. W. F., (New Oriental Bauk) manager, Singapore Plenderleath, C. W. M., lieutenant, H.B.M. gunboat Firebrand Plesnewich, L. A., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow Plessis, Rev. M. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Kotchi, Japan Plettner, F., master mariner, Bangkok

Plumb, Rev. Nathan J., missionary, Foochow

Plumbe, C., manager, Melbourne Tin Mining Co., Perak


Plunkett, Hon. Sir F. R., K.C.M.G., H.B.M. Minister plenipotentiary, Tokyo (absent) Poate, H., ('oa'e and Noble) surgeon dentist, Wyndham street

Poate, Rev. T. P., missionary, Morioka, Japan

Poate, W., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Queen's road

Poate, W. H., (Mackenzie & Co.) storekeeper, Shanghai

Poblete, G., assistant, La Flor de Filipinas tobacco manufactory, Manila

Poblete, P. H., proprietor, La Flor de Filipinas tobacco manufactory, Manila

Pocard-Kerviller, J.M., captain commandant, artillery, Saigon

Pochont, clerk, district court, Chaudoc, Cochin-China

Poell, Rev. Fr. M., Roman Catholic missionary, Hankow Poesnecker, L., (Arnhold, Karberg & C.) merchant, Praya Pognet, commissary, str. Phoenix, Haiphong

Pobl, N., (Pohl Freres & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Pohl, S., (Pohl Freres & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Poignand, W., warehouseman, Associated Wharves, Shanghai Poiltevin, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Poinat, J., missionary, Datrang, Bienhoa

Point, overseer, telegraphs construction, Tonkin.

Poirier, clerk, administration native affairs, Rachgia, Cochin-China

Poirrier, V., (J. Tournier) assistant, Saigon

Poisnul, Rev., Roman Catholic missionary, Seoul

Poix, L. F. A., surgeon, Sambor, Cochin-China

Poland, A. E., sub-lieutenant, H B. M. corvette Satellite

Polder, L. van der, sec-interpreter, Neth. rlands, Swedish, & Danish Legations, Tokyo.

Pole, Rev. G. H., missionary, Osaka

Pole-Carew, C. E., assistant, Indian Imigration dept., Perak

Polglase, J., assistant s:cretary, Municipality, Singapore

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Polhill-Turner, A., China Inland missionary, Wan Hsien Poli, J. D., Maritime Customs clerk, Shanghai Polini, Victor, commissaire, Hanoi

Polinton, V., (Sans, Codina y Pedreño) merchant, Manila Polishwalla, M. B., cotton and yarn broker, Aberdeen street Pollanco, J., director, "La Opinion" Manila Pollard, C. F., clerk, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire Pollede, C., oficial, hacienda publica, Manila (absent) Pollet, conductor, public works department, Saigon Pollitt, J. S., (Barlow & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Pollman, Max., director of public works, Hakodate Pollman, M., proprietor Sapporo brewery, Sapporo, Japan Pollock, John, medical practitioner, Swatow

Pollock, W., Maritime Customs examiner, Swatow

Ponce, E., agent, Compania General de Tabacos, Batangas, Philippines Ponce, J., (Sans, Codina y Pedreño) shipping agent, Manila

Poncelet, H. J., organist, St. Thomas Church, Kuching, Sarawak Poncet, clerk, postal department, Saigon

Pond, J. A., accountant, Municipal Council offices, Shanghai

Ponel, (Chaumont & Daniel) assistant, Haiphong

Pongin de la Maisonneuve, Director of the Interior, Saigon

Ponnou, registrar, district court, Soctrang, Cochin-China Pont, principal geometer, survey office, Saigon


Bellanger, de, second deputy, administration of justice, Saigon

Ponzi, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Penang

Pool, G., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Poole, Miss M., missionary, Osaka

Pooles, F., (Pooles, Downie & Co) storekeeper, Singapore

Poons, C., clerk, British consulate, Manila

Poons, E. L., dresser, Bukit Muniah Hospital, Province Wellesley

Pootiata, Colonel D., military attaché, Russian Legation, Peking

Pope, C., (Japan Mail S. S. Co.) godownkeeper, stores dept., Yokohama






opineau, chief engineer, railway company, Saigon

opoff, assistant, telegraph office, Wladiwo:tock

opoff, P., interpreter, Russian Legation, Peking

opoff, N. A., consul for Russia, Foochow

opp, B., Upper Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

opp, E., (M. Raspe & Co.) m. rchant, Yokohama (absent)

Dorbaugh, Miss L. R., missionary, Sendai, Japan




orras, J. F. A., sobrestante, public works department, Manila

orres, J., interventor, bacienda publica, Manila

¡ors, M., (Paul Heinemann & Co.) clerk, Kobe

P ortaria, V., compositor, Tientsin Publishing Co., Tientsin


jortas, F. C., chief engineer, public works d ́pt., Manila

Sortenu, A. E, surgeon, Chaudoc, Cochin-China

ortella, G. A., watch officer, Portuguese corvette Bartholomen Diaz

Sorteous, W., inspector of police, Pr. vince Wellesley





orter, A. P., marine surveyor, Hakodate

orter, E. E., manager, Telephone Co., Shanghai

orter, Rev. J. B., missionary, Kanazawa, Japan

orter, R. B., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japau


porter, Rev. H. D., M.D., missionary, P'ang Tswang, Shantung




Sorter, W., armourer sergeant, Ordnance Store department porter, Miss F. E., missionary, Kanazawa, Japan

ortes, telegraphist, Banam, Cambodia

ortes, Rev., Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang

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Portier, midshipman, French frigate Turenne

Portier, E., assistant, French Municipal department, Shanghai Portley, W., assist. protector of Chinese, Singapore

Portman, B., state auditor, Perak

Portnagin, P., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Portret, president, district court, Soctrang, Cochin-China Portzamparc, de, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Portzamparc, de, sub-lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Posch, W., (China and Japan Trading Co.) manager, Kobe and Osaka Posthumus, O., Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

Pot, J. J. van der, minister for Netherlands, Sweden & Norway, & Denmark, Tokyo Pott, Rev. F. L. H., missionary, Shanghai

Potteaux, Annamite interpreter, Saigon

Pottecher, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Potter, H., second officer, steamer Zafiro, Hongkong and Manila

Pottier, sub-lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Pottier, (Denis Frères) clerk, Haiphong

Potts, G. F. H., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Pouget, Rev. L., French Roman Catholic missionary, Perak

Pougio de la Maisonneuve, commodore, French flagship Loire

Pouligo, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Poulin, commis des douanes, Vung Lam, Annam

Poulin, superintendent of customs, Phu Yen, Tonkin

Poulle, lawyer, Saigon

Poulnot, J. B., chief of battalion, third regiment, Saigon

Poulsen, C., assistant director and teacher, Imperial Telegraph College, Tientsin Poulter, Thos., assistant, Luzon Sugar Refinery, Manila

Poundstone, H. C., ensign, U.S.S. Essex

Pouri, Ch., (S. Bing & Co.) engineer, Yokohama Pouymaydon, clerk, administration native affairs, Sagion Pouzin, B., assistant surgeon, Mytho, Cochin-China Povonaris, A., (Braddell Bros.) clerk, Malacca Powell, C. S., (Brown & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Powell, E. P., lieutenant, H. B. M. gun-vessel Linnet Powell, F., commander, H. B. M. S. Audacious Powell, F., assistant protector of Chinese, Penang Powell, J. W., (W. Powell & Co.) assistant, Queen's road Powell, T. B., (W. Powell & Co.) assistant, Queen's road Powell, W., (W. Powell & C..) draper, Queen's road Powell, W. B., second lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment Power, W. Le P., captain, Northamptonshire Regiment (absent) Powell, Sergt-major W. R., clerk and draftsman, Royal Engineers Powers, R. H., (R. H. Powers & Co.) storekeeper, Nagasakı

Pownall, C. A. W., resident engineer, Railway department, Kobe

Powys, E., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) a-sistant, Yokohama

Poynter, J., Maritime Customs tide surveyor and harbour master, Chinkiang Pozo, J., assistant, "La Opinion," Manila

Pozo, J. del, assistant, Custom House, Manila

Pozurama, R., captain infantry, Manila

Pozzoni, D., Roman Catholic missionary, Caine road

Praça, J. L. M. R., professor, government school, Macao

    Prado, Fr. N. del, professor of theology, university, Manila Praehl, F., superintendent of municipal police, Tientsin

Praire, G., merchant, Saigon

Pratt, B. (Eyton & Pratt) clerk, Yokohama

Pratt, N., captain, steamer Kiangteen, Shanghai and Ningpo

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Pray, Miss S. R., medical missionary, Foochow (absent) Preciado, T., sugar dealer, Iloilo

Preire, clerk, direction of the interior, Saigon

Prendergast, E. J., naval cadet, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Prenger, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Bunda, Borneo Prentice, A., (Sayle & Co.) assistant, Sourabaya

Prentice, D., foreman fitter, railway department, Selangor Prentice, H. V., (A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.) assistant, Manila Prentice, J., (Boyd & Co.) engineer and shipwright, Shanghai Presgrave, D. G., secretary to municipality, Singapore

Presgrave, E. W., (Presgrave & Clutton) advocate and solicitor, Penang Prestage, J. T., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Queen's road Prestavery, Mile. milliner and dr. ssmaker, Hanoi

Preston, G. M., (Riley, Hargraves & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Preston, T. J., staff surgeon, H. B. M. S. Victor Emanuel

Préteigne, assistant examine, Customs, Namdinh, Tonquia

Prevost, F, chief engineer, steamer Kiangjoo, S anghai and Hankow

Prévot, engineer, public works department, Saigon

Prevot, tidewaiter, customs, Luc-Bô, Tonquin

Preysler, G., (José Reyes) assistant, Manila

Price, Rev., missionary, Nagoya, Japan

Price, Alex., bill broker, and secretary of Chamber of Commerce & H'kow Club, Hankow Price, B. J., (B. J. Price & Co.) storekeeper, Chefoo

Price, C. J., Maritime Customs assistant tidesurveyor, Amoy

Price, G. U., (Tait & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Price, Hon. John M., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., surveyor-general

prichard, A. T., (Smith, Baker & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Prichard, C. S., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment

prichard, G. H., (Smith, Baker & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

prickell, G. B., third officer, P. & O. steamer Thibet, Hongkong and Japan

prieto, captain, river steamer Moleno, Iloilo

prieto, L., (Baer Senior & Co.) clerk, Manila


prieux, clerk, Treasury, Saigon

primaire, clerk, land office, Saigon

primrose, W. M., (Primrose & Co.) commission agent, Shanghai

princé, de, Ch., resident, Haiphong

prince, H. I., (North-China Insurance Co.) clerk, Shanghai

prince, Isabella G., instructor, higher female school, Tokyo

pri ce, Mary G, instructor, higher femal school, Tokyo

pringault, warehouseman, excise department, Cape St. James, Saigon

Pringle, A. E., assistant master, High School, Malaca

Pringle, J., overman, Engineering and Mining Co., Tientsin

priou, lieutena t, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Prisse, paymaster, Treasury, Haiphong

Priston, R. B., engineer, H. B. M. corvette Satellite

Pritchard, E., second officer, Jap in Mal S. S. Co.'s str. Yokohama-maru, Japau

Pritchard, E. T., medical missionary, Peking

Pritchard, G. H., (T. C. Loveridge) assistant, Madan, Deli

Pritchard, H. L. L., Maritime Customs tidevaiter, Ningpo

Privé, clerk, Treasury, Saigon

Probst, E. A., (Iveson & Co.) clerk, Shang! ai

Probst, Miss M., Berlin Foundling hospital

Procacci, D. V., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo

Prodhomme, secretary to Bishop, Saigon

Prodhomme, J. B., French missionary, Muang Ubon, Siam

Proenca, P. A. A., surgeon, gunboat Tamega, Macao

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Prosper, Bro., teacher, St. Joseph's College, Robinson road

Protheroe, F., lieutenant, South Lancashire Regiment, Penang Protheroe, Thos, bible colporteur, American Bible society, Wachang Provost, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

Provost, P., teacher, Tabe d school, Saigon

Prugnar, captain, M. F., steamboat Cantonnais, Saigon

Pruitt, Rev. C. W., missionary, Chefoo

Prunes, 8., conseige, normal school, Manila

Prunier, S., architect of roads, Cholon

Pryde, R. D., (R. Lang & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Pryer, H., (Bisset & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Pryer, W. B., government resident, Sandakan

Puente y Olea, L. de la, letrado consultor, intendencia de bacienda, Manila

Puget, telegraphist, Hanoi

Pugh, W., (Evans, Pugh & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Pugiuier, Roman Catholic Bishop, Hanoi

Puigdollers, E., apothecary, Manila

Puigdolle s, J. M., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Puissan, F.X.F.C., chief of battalion, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Pujal, overseer, public works department, Cochin-China

Pujol, A., (late Pardo), agent, Compania Gl. de Tabacos, Guinobatan, Albay Pujol, J. S,, alferez, marine infantry, Manila

Pujol, José tailor, Iloilo

Pullan, C. A., (Reid, Evans & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Pullen, H., (Drysdale, Ringer & Co.) tea inspector, Shanghai

Pumperneel, R. A., enseigne, French gunboat Vipère

Punleider, Rev. B., Roman Catholic missionary, Patatan, Borneo Purcell, C. L., (Mackenzie & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Purcell, G. H., (W. Birt & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

     Purcell, P. H., Maritime Customs examiner, Shanghai Purcell, W. H., (Kelly & Walsh) assistant, Shanghai

Purchas, J. R. P., captain, South Lancashire Reg ment, Singapore Purdie, Robt., gunner, H. B. M. gunboat Cockchafer Purdon, Jas., Jr., (Maitland & Co.) clerk, Shangbai Purdon, John G., (Maitland & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Purvis, A., assistant engineer, Chinese cruiser Chih Yuen, Port Arthur Purvis, J. M., broker, Singapore


Pustau, T. J. E. von, (Pustau & Co.) merchant, Hongkong and Shanghai Puthon, E., (L. Vrard & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Puttfarcken, M., (Puttfarcken & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Putzier, F., instructor, higher middle school, Tokyo

Pütz, J., secretary, German consulate, Yokohama

Puyols, R., chief N. E. station, telegraph department, Menila

Pye, Chas., (Tait & Co.) clerk, and consul for Netherlands, Tamsui

Pye, R. H., (Fearon, Low & Co.) merchant, and consul for Denmark, Amoy Pye, W. warder, gaol, Singap re

Pyke, Rev. J. H, missionary, Tsunhua, Tientsin

Pym, E. T., Maritime Customs assistant, Canton

Pym, W. H. J., secretary, H. B. M. S. Victor Emanuel

Pyot, lieutenant colonel, infantry, Dap-Cau, Tonkin

Quán, school inspector, Saigon

    Quelch, C. B., (Quelch & Co.) shipchandler, Swatow Quero, J., liquidator, new port works impost, Manila Querrelle, Louis, hairdresser, Hanoi

Quéru, clerk, botanic gardens, Saigon

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Quesada, E. F. de, official, civil governor's office, Manila

Quevada y Gayoso, L., comandante, seventh regiment, Manila Quick, Jao. C., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shangbai Quijada, G., assistant, Observatory, Manila

Quin, J. J., British consul, Hakodate and Niigata

Quin, Jas., inspector of police, Singapore

Quincey, W., inspector of police

Quine, W. H., second officer, steamer Fooksang, China coast Quintao, Rev. J. M., curate of the Cathedral, Macao

Quinto, F. de, letrado, intendencia general de hacienda, Manila Quinto, F., teacher of French, language school, Manila Quinton, A. W., manager, Japan Gazette office, Yokohama Quintos, L. de, telegraphist, Manila

Quioga, J. Malcampo, (Malcampo & Co.) merchant, Amoy

Raasloff, H. de, (Frazar & Co.) assistant, Yokohama Rabère, F., surgeon, Baria, Cochin-China

Kackley, J. S., warder, gaol, Singapore

Radamelle, F., assistant, Messageries Maritimes, Shanghai Radcliffe, F. J., assistant treasurer, Treasury, Perak Raddigan, Jas., (Samuel Samuel & Co.) clerk, Koke Radiguet, acting interpreter, French Consulate, Canton Radiguet, vice resident of France, Quanyen, Tonkin Rae, captain, steamer Hecate, Bangkok and Singapore Rae, Geo., assis: ant inspector of markets

Rae, J., resident engineer, pumping station, Municipality, Singapore Rae, J., second engineer, steamer Taichiow, Hongkong and Bangkok Rae, W., Maritime Customs tidesurveyor and barbour master, Wuhu Rae, W., police, Kobe

Raeburn, A. H.. (Gutbrie & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Raeburn, P. L., maritime customs watcher, Shanghai

Rafael, G., hat maker, Iloilo

Rafallo é Eglesia, F., 1 eut. commanding ponton Animosa, Manila Raffan, W., inspector of police, Singapore

 Raffegeaud, engineer, public works department, Saigon Raffi, telegraph clerk, Vinh-long, Cochin-China Raffray, A., consul for France, Singapore (bsent) Rago, A. de, (Union Insurance Socie: y) clerk, Shanghai Raguet, Rev. E., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki Rabamim, A. J., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Rahman, S. A. (Wotton & Deacon) clerk, Queen's road Raiff, F. H., Maritime Customs w..tche", Canton

Raimondi, Right Rev. T. J., D.D., vicar apostolic, Roman Catholic bishop Rainore, (Marty & d'Abbadie) shipping clerk, Haiphong

Ralston, J., (New Oriental Bank) accountant, Queen's road

Ramage, W. J., proprietor, "Occidental Hotel," Yokohama

Ramasse, A., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Shanghai

Ramer, I. de la, merchant, Iloilo

Raming, G., (J. Bryner) assistant, Wladiwostock

Ramirez, F., "La Puer a del Sol," stor, ke-per, Manila

Ramirez, H., (Battle Hermanos & Co.) clerk, Manila

Ramirez, J. F., "L" Puerta del Sol," storekeeper, Manila (absent)

Ramirez, M., engineer-in-chief, water works, Mani¡a

Ramirez, S., doctoral, Cabildo Eclesiastico, Manila

Ramirez, U., (Ramirez & Giraudier) assistant, Manila Ramirez de Arellano, E., lawyer, Manila

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Ramon, P., consultor, mision de la compañia de Jesus, Manila Ramond, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Ramos, J., coadjutor, mision de la compania de Jesus, Manila Ramos, Rev. Josephus, Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow Ramos, J. A., proprietor, bazaar "La Gran Bretaña," Manila Ramos, M., interprete, sanidad maritimo, Iloilo

Ramos, P., (C. Labarbe & Co.) clerk, Manila

Rampendahl, H., (Tillson, Herrmann Co.) clerk, Manila Ramsay, A. C., (Buck & Ramsay) tailor, Shanghai

Ramsay, C. H., (Ramsay & Co.) commission agent, Bangkok

Ramsay, G., second engineer, steamer Hinkow, Hongkong and Canton Ramsay, H. E., (H. F. Ramsay) assistant, Hankow

Ramsay, H. F., merchant, Hankow

Ramsay, R., (Fraser, Ramsay & Co.) merchant, Foochow

Ramsay, R. H., (Ramsay & Co.) commission agent, Bangkok (absent)


Ramsay, T. C., accountant, C M. S. N. Co.'s Kin Lee Yuen & Hongkew Wharves, S'hai Ramsay, Wm., supdt. engineer, Scottish Oriental S. S. Co., Queen's road

Ramsin, S., C. & J. Telephone Co., Shanghai

Randolph, Mrs. A. E., missionary, Hangchow

Rangel, I. M., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) Shanghai

Rangel, J. M., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Rangel, L., storekeeper, gaol, Singapore

Rangel, S. J., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Rankin, Miss L., missionary, Nantsiang, Shanghai

Ransom, G. B., P. A. engineer, U.S.S. (maha

Rapacke-Warma, B. von, chief officer, German mail steamer General Werder

Rapalje, Rev. D., missionary, Amoy

Raper, F. F., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Shanghai

Raper, R. St. J., assist. engineer, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Raphael, R. S., merchant, Shanghai

Rapp, F., auctioneer and commission agent, Zetland street

Rappa, Geo., chief clerk, Magistracy, Singapore

Rappa, G. M. apothecary, government medical department, Singapore

Rasmussen, lieutenant, government service, Bangkok

Rasmussen, C., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) telegraphist, Shanghai Rasmussen, G. W., acting captain, Kiutoan lightship, Shangha

Raspe, M., (M. Raspe & Co.,) merchant, Yokohama

Rathborne, A. B., (Hill & Rathborne) contractor, Perak

Rathgen, Dr. K., prof. of public law and statistics, Imperial university, Tokyo Rathje, baker, government service, Bangkok

Rathonis, Rev. C. S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Rathsam, Th. Ph. D., interpreter, German consulate, Canton

Rathweiller, Miss L., teacher, mission school, Seoul

Ratinam, secretary, Opium Excise department, Saigon

Rattinam, clerk, French Consulate, Singapore

Rancaño y Apdevila, E., chaplain, Spanish Navy, Manila

Rauch, C. A., (Rauteuberg, Schmidt & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Rauh, F., (E. Spitz) clerk, Manila

Raux, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Ravasco, M., encargado, monte de piedad, Manila

Ravasco, R., telegraphist, Manila

Ravaut, sub-chief, post and telegraph service, Saigon

Ravensway, J. C., undertaker, Singapore

Ravier, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Rawlins, C. E., fourth clerk, police, Perak Rawlins, E., gaoler, Perak

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Rawlinson, C. J., (Cottam & Rawlinson) draper, Shanghai Rawsthorne, F. W., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai Ray, A., druggist, Hanoi

Ray, E. C., (Morris & Ray) shipbroker, Queen's road

 Ray, W. H., secretary, China Traders' Insurance Co., Queen's road (absent) Raymond telegraphist, Hanoi

Raymond, tidewaiter, customs, Cac-Bá, Tonquin

Raynal, G., merchant, Queen's road

Rayner, Chs., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Razon, B., telegraphist, Manila

Read, A. C., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Bead, H. H., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Bead, W. H. M., (A. L. Johnston & Co.) merchant, Singapore Reade, Miss, missionary, Tokyo

Reagan, Miss Ada, missionary, Nantsiang, Shanghai Real, C. G. del, clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila Reaucar, surgeon, second regiment, Saigon

Rebeau, chief engineer, M. F. steamer Francis Garnier, Saigon Rebbeck, J. K., (Geo. Fenwick & Co.) engineer, Wanchai Rebelle, A., coiffeur, Haiphong

Reboul, clerk, post and telegraph office, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Reboul, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Reboul é Isasa, F., lieut. commanding Spanish transport Sirena, Manila

Récaste, tidewaiter, Customs, Tourane, Annam

Receveur, ensign, French gunboat Aspic

Becker, A., proprietor, Hotel de l'Europe, Singapore

Reddelien, A., (A. Reddelien & Co.) mert., & con. for Netherlands, Sweden, &c., Nagasaki Reddelien, G., (C. Illies & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Redfield, J. B., paymaster, U.S.S. Monocacy

Redgrave, R. C., cadet engineer, U.S.S. Essex

Reding, J. E., agent, China Traders' Ins. Co., and consul for Russia, Shanghai

Redondo y Godino, J., surgeon, naval department, Manila

Reed, W., (W. W. Brewer) assistant, Queen's road

Reeks, A. J., Maritime Customs clerk, Shanghai

Reepen, H., (Huttenbach Bros. & Co.) clerk, Singapore

 Rees, C., second officer, str. Amoy, Hongkong and Shanghai Rees, C. A., (Gilmour & Co.) silk inspector, Shanghai

Rees, Rev. W. H., missionary, Peking

Reeves, C., (More & Seimuad) assistant, Praya

Reeves, Geo., Maritime Customs chief examiner, Chefoo

Regagnon, merchant, Namdiuh

Regalado, J., sugar dealer, Iloilo

Regaldo, Lieut D., interim chief of armament, arsenal, Manila

Regnault, master, Customs vessel Ninh Binh, Haiphong

Regnier, sub-lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Rego, A. A. de, captain of police, Macao

Rego, M. M. do, encarregado, companhia de limpeza, Macao

Regremille, overseer, telegraphs construction, Tonkin

Reguciferos, W., interventor, ordenacion gl. de pagos, Manila (absent)

Reguler y Saur del Rio, V., surgeon, army medical department, Manila

Rehders, E., (A. Cordes & Co.) merchant, Tientsin

Reichwald, P., maritime customs tidewaiter, Taku

Reichwald, P. E. W., Customs tidewaiter, Tientsin

Reid, superintendent, Chih Chou coal mines, Wuhu Reid, Rev. C. F., missionary, Shanghai

Reid, D., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Hyogo-maru, Japan

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Reid, D., (MacEwen, Frickel & Co.) clerk, Queen's road Reid, D., Maritime Customs boat officer, Canton

Reid, D. J. (Jamieson & Reid) medical practitioner, Shanghai Reid, F., broker, Shanghai

Reid, Rev. G., missionary, Tsinantoo

Reid, H., third officer, str. Zafiro, Hongkong and Manila Reid, J. P., (W. M. Strachan & Co.) clerk, Kobe (absent) Reid, W., clerk of works, public works department, Penang Reid, W. H., missionary, Hankow

Reidel, K. A., (Blaze, Reidel & Co.) druggist, Penang Reiff, R., (Boyes & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Reifenyder, Dr. Elizabeth, medical missionary, Shanghai

Reilhac, registrar, District Court, Vinh-long, Cochin-China

Reilly, F. E., proprietor " Central Hotel," and "The Point " Hotel, Shanglími Reim, E., (Katz Bros.) watchmaker, Singapore

Remedi, P., (Grassi Brothers & Co.) draftsman, Bangkok Reimer, G., (Rautenberg, Schmidt & Co.) clerk, Singapore Reimer, J., (Schmidt, Kustermaun & Co.) clerk, Penang Reimers, Otto, (P. Heinemann & Co.) merchant, Yokohama Reinbold, O., (Kaltenbach, Fischer & Co.) clerk, Singpaore Reiner, A., assistant chemist, Saigon

Reinhardt, A., (W. F. Stevenson & Co.) clerk, Manila Reinsdorf, F., interpreter, German Consulate, Canton Reis, E. O., assistant, Maritime Customs, Canton

Reis, S. A. de, chief clerk, Post office, Penang

Reis e Cunha, Rev. J. dos, missionary, Timor

Relave, Rev. L., Roman Catholic missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Rellan, F. M., comisario, administracion militar, Manila

Remedios, A. dos, (Remedios & Co.) clerk, Priya

Remedics, A. A. dos, (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Remedios, A. F. dos, (Douglas Lapraik & Co.) clerk, Praya

Remedios, A. F. dos, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Remedios, A. F. dos, Jr., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Remedios, A. G. dos, (Douglas Lapraik & Co.) clerk, Praya

Remedios, A. H., (Chartered Mercantile Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Remedios, A. M. P. dos (Chartered Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Remedios, B. F. dos, Hollywood road

Remedios, B. F. S. dos, (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Remedios, C. C. dos, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Remedios, E. A. dos, writer, Royal Naval hospital

Remedios, E. F. J., (Danby & Leigh) assistant, Praya central

Remedios, E. G. dos, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Remedios, F., (Wotton & Deacon) clerk, Queen's road

Remedios, F. dos, clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Kobe

Remedios, F. dos, (Union Insurance Society) clerk, Praya

Remedios, F. J. dos, (Douglas Lapraik & Co.) clerk, Praya

Remedios, F. P. dos, (Straits Insurance Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Remedios, F. X., clerk, Post Office

Remedios, F. X., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) clerk, Queen's road Remedios, G. dos, (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Remedios, G. M. dos, Yokohama

Remedios, José A. dos, (Remedios & Co.) merchant, Praya

Remedios, J. A. dos, jun., clerk to valuator, Treasury

Remedios, J. A. dos, (Douglas Lapraik & Co.) clerk, Praya Remedios, J. A., (H. & W. Dock Co.) clerk, Kowloon Remedios, J. C. dos, (Remedios & Co.). clerk, Praya


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Remedios, J. G. dos, (A. G. Gordon & Co.) clerk, Bowrington

Remedios, J. M. dos, (J. J. dos Remedios & Co.) clerk, Stauley street Remedios, J. M. dos, (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road Remedios, L., canon, ecclesiastical dept., Manila

Remedios, Luis, M. secretary, ecclesiastical department, Manila

Remedios, M. dos, interpreter, police, Macao

Remedios, M. A. dos, merchant, Macao

Remedios, M. E., clerk, Chartered Bank of India, Queen's road

Remedios, R. G., (Mustard & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Remedios, R. J. dos, (Chartered Mercantile Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Remedios, S. A. dos, (Canton Hotel) assistant, Canton

Remedios, S. B., (Hall and Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai Remedios, V. dos, (J. M. Armstrong) clerk, Queen's road

Remedios, V. J. dos, first engineer, Portuguese gunboat Dilly

Remeras, J., (Sans, Codina y Pedreño) translator, Manila

Rémes, Very Rev. Canon J. P., Roman Catholic missionary, Singapore Remise, excise department, Vinh-loi, Cambodia

Remusat, J. L., Maritime Customs assistant, Canton Remy, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking Renard, acting superintendent of police, Cholon Renard, captain, second regiment, Saigon

Renard, chief of customs bureau, Cae-Bà, Tonquin Renard, M, (De Vigan & Co.) merchant, Kobe Renaud, (Marty & d'Abbadie) clerk, Haiphong Renault, telegraphist, Hanoi

Rendle, Jamese, boatswain, H. B. M. S. Orion Rendon, B., telegraphist, Manila

Rene, chief second office, Direction of the Interior, Saigon Renier, J., missionary, Datrang, Bienboa

Rennie, Alex., medical practitioner, Tamsui

Rennie, H. acting sergeant of police, Penang

Rennie, Sir R. T., judge, H.B.M.'s Supreme Court, Shangbai

Rennie, T., M.D., (Rennie & Adam) medical practitioner, Foochow

Renny, J. M., second officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Renny, R. C., (Reid, Evans & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Rentzsch, F. J., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) superintendent, Foochow

Renucci, (Leroy & Cahors) assistant, Phulang Thuong, Tonquin

Requejo, A. G., comandante, infantry, Manila

Bern, A., (Schmidt, Kusterman & Co.) clerk, Penang

Retana, M. E., oficial, intendencia general de hacienda, Manila

Retif, treasury paymaster, Hanoi

Rettich, Dr., German Consul, Tientsin (absent)

Retz, F., merchant, Yokohama

Reubert, E., (Farmacia Sartorius) assistant, Manila

Reuchlin, usher, municipal boys' school, Saigon

Reuchlin, G., slaughter house foreman, Municipal Council, Saigon

Reusch, Rev. C. G., missionary, Basil Mission

Reutens, A., clerk, police department, Province_Wellesley

Routens, A. J., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Penang

Reutens, F. G., (Paterson, Simons & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Reutens, G. S., clerk, Marine department, Singapore

Reutens, P., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Penang

Reutens, P. A., (W. R. Scott & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Reutens, V., (H. M. Noordin) clerk, Penang

Reuters, W. D., clerk, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Reuter, E. L., (Pustau & Co.) merchant, Queen's road

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Beveilhac, Capt., c ›mandant of Military Post, Hone Kobe, Annam Reveilla, T., surgeon, ecclessistical dept, Manila

Reverchon, geometer, survey office, Saigon

Revilla, A., Philippines General Tobacco Co., La Barraca, Manila

Revilla, R. captain of artillery, Manila

Reviller, chief engineer, M. F. steamer Phuoc-Keen, Saigon

Révilliod, J., chief secretary, Municipal Council, Saigon

Révouy, teacher, college at Mytho, Cochin-China

Revsbeck, N. C., captain, steamer Activ, Hongkong and Southern ports

Rex, A. B., (Iveson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Rey, M., proprieto, Imprimerie Commerciale, Saigon

Rey, M. G. del, medico-titular, civil governor's office, Manila

Rey, P., assistant, Russell & Co.'s Silk Filature, Shanghai

Rey, R. M., medical practitioner, Manila

Reyes, merchant, Ninhbinh, Haiphong

   Reyes, A., (A. S. Watson & Co. Ld.) assistant, Manila Reyes, A., (José Reyes) clerk, Samar, Philippines Reyes, A. C., (Battle Hermanos & Co.) clerk, Manila Reyes, A. E. los, medical practitioner, Manila Reyes, C. de los, naval effects manufacturer, Manila Reyes, F, (José Reyes) clerk, Manila

Reyes, F. de los, (C. Reyes) assistant, Manila

Reyes, F. ()., (Warne, Blodgett & Co.) clerk, Manila Reyes, J., (Genato & Co.) auctioner, Manila Reyes, J., (José Reyes) assistant, Manila

Reyes, J., (Sans, Codina, y Pedreno) assistant, Ioilo

Reyes, José, shipchandler, Manila

Reyes, José, (C. Labarbe & Co.,) accountant, Manila

Reyes, J. J., merchant, Bohol, Philippines

Reyes, José M., shipchandler, Manila

Reyes, J. N. C., carriage builder, Manila

Reyes, Leon, dentist, Manila

Reyes, M. (Campbell, Moore & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Reyes, M., (Genato & Co.) assistant Manila

Reyes, M. de las, (E. M. Barretto, & Co.) clerk, Manila

Reyes, N., (L. Genu) clerk, Manila

Reyes P., aspirante, ordenacion general de pagos, Manila

Reyes, P. F., (Chartered Bank of India, &c.), clerk, Manila

Reyes, R., (José Reyes) assistant, Manila

Reyes, V., "La Puerta del Sol,' storekeeper, Manila

Reyes y Gab iel, J., clerk, Supreme Court, Manila

Reyffert, Rev. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Sari, Sarwak

Reyna, R., telegraphist, Manila

Reyna y Lopez., M., contadar, seccion de atrasos, Manila

Reynaud, assistant, Compagnie Française du Tonkin, Haipnong

Reynaud, (Reynaud & Blanc) druggist, Haiphong

Reynaud, J., Yokohama

Reynaud, N., merchant, Haiphong

Reynaud, N., proprietor, Mont de Piété, Cholon

Reynaud, P. M., Bishop in charge, Roman Catholic mission, Ningpo

Reyne, S. B. R., first surveyor, Land Office, Selangor

Reynell, A. E., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Reynell, H. E., merchant, and consul for Portugal, Kobe

Reynell, W., captain, steamer Ashington, Hongkong to Shanghai Reynolds, master mariner, Bangkok

Reynolds, C. E., captain, Royal Artillery

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Reynolds, J., second engineer, steamer Canton, China coast Reynolds, M., (Macleod & Co.) clerk, Manila

Reynolds, T. J. R., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Manila Rezner, Miss R., missionary, Osaka

Rhees, Rev. H. H., missionary, Kobe

Bhein, G., storekeeper, Shanghai

Rhein, J., secretary interpreter, Netherlands Legation, Peking Rhodes, J. H. A., surgeon, South Lancashire Regiment, Penang Riach, J., (Boyd Co.) engineer, Shanghai (absent)

Riach, J., engineer, New Harbour Dock, Singapore

Rialan, C. A., surgeon, Saigon

Rialan, Vice-Resident for France, Thai Nguyen, Tonquin Riansares, G., (Chuidian, Buenaventura & Co.) clerk, Manila Riaud, F., (Fleith & Laplace) clerk, Saigon

Ribail, brigadier, Excise department, Saigon (absent) Ribas, Juau, tailor, Iloilo

Ribeire, secretary, adminis. native affairs, Travinh, Cochin-China Ribeiro, assistant, Compagnie Française du Tonkin, Haiphong Ribeiro, A. A. V., foreman, Daily Press office, Wyndham street Ribeiro, A. F., (Borneo Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Bibeiro, A. F. Jr., (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Ribeiro, A. J. V., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street Ribeiro, A. V., clerk, revenue office, Macao

Ribeiro, C. A., clerk, Government printing office, Singapore

Ribeiro, D., (Noronha & Co.) compositor, Zetland street

Ribeiro, F. C. V., (Langfeldt & Mayers) clerk, Yokohama

Ribeiro, F. F., (Borneo Company) clerk, Queen's road

Ribeiro, F. I., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) clerk, Queen's road Ribeiro, F. V., clerk, audit office

Bibeiro, F. V., recebedor, tax office, Macao

Ribeiro, F. X. V., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Ribeiro, J., storek eper, Macao

Ribeiro, J. F., clerk, Eastern Extension A. & C. Telegraph Co., Queen's road

Ribeiro, J. M. V., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Ribeiro, J. R., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Queen's road

Ribeiro, M., proprietor, Imprimerie Commerciale, Singapore

Ribeiro, S. S., (J. Marinburk) clerk, College Chambers

Ribeiro, V., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Queen's road

Ribeiro, V., (Stolterfoht & Hirst) clerk, Praya

Riber, J., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Ribie, assistant, customs, Namáinh

Ribière, assistant examiner, Customs, Quinhon, Annam Ribière, chef de bureau, Customs' La-cac-ba, Tonquin Ricafort, D., telegraphist, Manila

Ricard, telegraphist, Vinhlong, Cambodia

Ricard, Herbert, licensing officer, Malacca

Ricard, L. E., surgeon, Soctrang, Cochin-China

Ricart, J., superior, mision de la compania de Jesus, Manila

Riccard, H. J. H., superintendent of police, Malacca

Ricco, E., (Guieu Frères) assistant, Haiphong

Rice, E. W., commission agent, Shanghai

Rice, G. W., lieutenant, Royal Artillery, Singapore

Rice, Geo. E., clerk, American Trading Co., Yokohama Rice, T., boatswain, H. B. M. S. Sapphire

Richard, aumônier de l'hôpital, Sontay

Richard, assistant paymaster, Treasury, Saigon

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Richard, Rev. T., missionary, Taiynen-foo, Shansi Richards, C. P., detective inspector of police, Singapore

Richards, C. W., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street Richards, F. E., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Foochow

    Richards, F. M., chief officer, receiving ship Wellington, Shanghai Richards, F. T., professor of mathematics, Imperial Arsenal, Foochow Richards, G. C., pilot, Newchwang

Richards, J., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Hankow Richards, J. F., (A. L. Johnston & Co.) clerk, Singapore Richards, P., apprentice, public works dept., Singapore Richards, W. T., assistant, Yokohama Dairy, Yokohama Richards, Miss L. A. J., missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Richardson, A., second steward, Br. Roval Naval hospital, Yokohama Richardson, R. L., (Bradley & Co.) clerk, Swatow

Richardson, T. W., (Bradley & Co.) merchant, Swatow (absent)

Richmond, A., third engineer, steamer Kiangfoo, Shanghai and Hankow Richmond, T. G., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Richter, A. B., hat manufacturer and storekeeper, Manila

Richter, F., (Á. Richter) assistant, Manila

Richter, R., (El Siglo XIX) storekeeper, Manila

Richter, W., (C. J. Gaupp & Co.) assistant, Queen's road Rickerby, C. D., (Browne & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Rickerby, F. J., (Mourilyan, Heimann & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Rickets, O. F., resident, Trusan, Sarawak

Rickett, C. B., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) agent, Penang Rickett, J., agent, P. & O. S. N. Co., Yokohama

Ricketts, W., lieutenant, H.B.M.S. Victor Emanuel

Ricketts, Miss C. M., missionary, Swatow

Rickman, C. Le Bas, Maritime Customs assistant, Peking

Rickman, W., fourth engineer, N. D. Lloyd str. General Werder, H'kong & Japan Rico, Lieut. J., aide-de-camp to the Captain General, Manila

Ricou, W., (Speidel & Co.) clerk, Haiphong

Riddell, Rev. W., medical missionary, Swatow

Riddick, Miss S. L., missionary, Tokyo

Riddle, W. D., maritime customs watcher, Canton

Riddock, R., chief engineer, str. Kong Beng, Hongkong and Bangkok

Riddy, J., barkeeper, Grand Hotel, Yokohama

Ridges, H. C., assist. collector, Klang, Selangor

Ridgway, C., assistant, Eastern Extension, A. and C. Telegraph Co. Singapore- Riechmann, J. J., (A. Markwald & Co.) merchant, Bangkok (absent)

Riedt, C., chemist, Royal mint, Seoul

Rief, J., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Rieke, A., chief officer, str. Marie, Hongkong and Tonkin

Rieutond, clerk, adminis. native affairs, Cholon, Cochin-China

Riera, F., ccadjutor, normal school, mision de la compania de Jesus, Manila

Riess, L., professor of history, imperial university, Tokyo

Rieth, M., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Praya

Rigaudie, clerk, direction of the interior, Saigon

Rigbye, R. B., assist. paymaster in charge, H. B. M. despatch vessel Alacrity Rigdon, W., third officer, str. Toonan, China Coast

Rigoland, chief of office, railway company, Saigon

Rigoreau, J., chancelier, French consulate, Arbuthnot road

Rigouin, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Rihouet, commander, gunboat Alouette, Saigon

Rimington, H., second officer, steamer Haiphong, China coast Rincon, M., oficial, inspeccion general de hacienda, Manile

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Ringer, B. S., physician, Amoy

Ringer, F., (Holme, Ringer & Co.) merchent, and acting consul for Belgium, Nagasaki Ringer, J. M., (Drysdale, Ringer & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Rinz, Fr. J., professor of jurisprudence, University, Manila

Rio, G. D. del, lieutenant, marine infantry, Manila

Rio, I. F., lawyer, Manila

Rio y Diaz, J. del, lieut. commanding ponton Marqués de la Victoria, Manila Rios, F., (Gutierrez Hermanos) clerk, Manila

Rios, M. de los, official, customs, Iloilo

Rios, M. R. de los, official, ordenacion gl. de. pagos, Manila (absent) Ripley, C. H., Tokyo (absent)

Ripoll, A. T., captain, first regiment, Manila

Ripoll Lopez, J., commandante, infanteria, Manila

Ripton, purser, M. F. steamer Mouhot, Saigon

Riquelme, A. G. y, racionero, ecclesiastical dept., Manila

 Riquelme, J. P., lieut. commanding Spanish gunboat Panay, Manila Risby, W. J., captain, str. White Cloud, Macao and Canton

Ristelhueber, P., consul for France, Tientsin

Ristory y Butler, A., interventor, Adminis. de Marina, Manila

Ritchie, E. A., clerk, Chartered Bank, Yokohama

Ritchie, J., (Delacamp & Co.) cle k, Yokohama

Ritchie J., Major, South Lancashire Regt., Singapore

Rittener, E., (L. Simon) clerk, Haiphong

Ritter, E., (Puttfarcken, & Co.) mercbant, Singapore (absent)

Ritter, G., proprietor, Astor House Hotel, Ti ntsin

Ritter, G., missionary, Cainhum, Vinh-long

 Ritter, M., director, Chi Nhum Minor Seminary, Saigon Ritter, R., tidewaiter, maritime customs, Canton

Riva, A., assistant, Russell & Co.'s Silk Filature, Shanghai

Rivadulla, S., Auditoria de Guerra, Mauila

Rivadulla, V. medico-titular, Gobierno Civil, Manila

Rivayran, chief secretary, Customs, Haiphon

Rivera, F., mestre descuela, San José hospital, Manila

Rivera, J., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Rivera, P., (Schultz & Co.) assistant, Manila

 Rivera y Rodriguez, Capt. E. R., secretary, Spanish navy, Manila Rivero, E. T., clerk and linguist, British Consulate-gene: al, Shanghai Rivero, F. M., Consul for Spain, Elgin Terrace

Rivers, G. T., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant. Queen's road

Rivet, warehouseman, excise department, Pnompenh

Rivet, warehouseman, excise department, Soctrang, Cochin-China Rivet, Rev. H., French Roman Catholic mission, Singapore

Rivié, assistant, Customs, Namdinh, Tonquin

Rivière, commissaire, M. F. steamer Cantonmais, Saigon

Rivière, lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Rizzi, J. M., Roman Catholic missionary, Ningpo

Roa, A., profes-or of pharmacy, University, Manila Roach, J. S., captain, steamer Fokien, China coas:

Roa y Garcia, A., disp user, army medical department, Manila Robarts, A, purser, receiving ship Corea, Shanghai

Robarts, C., mate, receiving ship Corea, Shanghai

Robarts, C. M., (W. Powell & Co.) assistant, Queen's road Robarts, E., (Dennys & Mossop) clerk, Queen's road

Robarts, E. E., procurador's department, Macao

Robarts, J., (J. Gomes) assistant, Lyndhurst Terrace

Robarts, J. A. T., lingaist, Procurador's department, Macao

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Robarts, R. R., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Icehouse street Robb, W., assistant engineer, New Harbour Dock, Singapore

Robbins, A. G., second officer, steamer Namoa, Chiua coast

Robbins, R. O., clerk of court and interpreter, U. S. Legation, Bangkok Robert, clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Robert, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Robert, J. B. H., chemist, Saigon

Robert, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Robert, R. G., (Illies & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Roberts, C. M.., manager, Hongkong Hotel, Queen's road

Roberts, E. A., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Swatow

Roberts, E. L., manager, Penang Plantations Co., Penang Roberts, G., Maritime Customs acting postal clerk, Tientsin

Roberts, H. M., (Carroll & Co.) commission agent, Yokohama

Roberts, O., master, Tugboat Association, Shanghai Roberts, J., diver, Tugboat Association, Shanghai

Roberts, J., second engineer, steamer Yangtsze, Hongkong and Shanghai Roberts, Rev. J. H., missionary, Kalgan (absent)

Roberts, J. P., marine surveyor, supt. of C. M. S. N. Co.'s steamers, Shanghai Roberts, J. S., turnkey, British Consular gaol, Yokohama

Roberts, R. G., (C. Illies & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Roberts, W. assistant, Sanitary Department, Shanghai

Roberts, W., chief engineer, steamer Haiphong, China coast

Roberts, W. H., Yangtsze Pilot, Shanghai

Roberts, Miss K. R., missionary, Nantsiang, Shanghai

Robertson, A., clerk, Hongkong Shanghai Bank, Manila

Robertson, A., engineer, steam tug Heron, Taku

Robertson, A. L., assistant, Agra Bank, Shanghai

   Robertson, D., (Takasima Colliery,) mechanical engineer, Nagasaki Robertson, E. J., assistant, Straits Insurance Co., Singapore

Robertson, H. Jr., (A. L. Rodionoff & Co,) clerk, Hankow

Robertson, H. J., architect and builder, Foochow

Robertson, J., engineer and manager, Sadong Coal Mine, Sarawak

Robertson, J., engineer, New Harbour Dock, Singapore

Robertson, J., missionary, Pingyangfu, North China

Robertson, J., superintendent of public works, Sandakan

Robertson, J., second engineer, steamer White Cloud, Canton and Macao

Robertson, J., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Manila

Robertson, James, Yokohama

Robertson, J. B, (Straits Insurance Co.) assistant, Singapore

Robertson, Russell B., consul for Great Britain, Yokohama (absent)

Robertson, W., superintendent engineer, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Robertson, Wm., (Boyd & Co.) engineer, Shanghai

Robertson, Wm., sub-editor and reporter, China Mail office, Wyudham street

Robertson, W. B., assistant accountant, Chartered Mercantile Bank, Queen's road Robiledo y Gonzales, P., public vaccinator, Manila

Robin, assistant secretary, Customs, Quiuhon, Annam

Robin, sub-engineer and sub-director, Arsenal, Saigon

Robinson, A., solicitor, Shanghai

Robinson, A L., (W. M. Strachan & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Robinson, D. F., lieutenant, H.B.M. corvette Cordelia

Robinson, Ed., barrister-at-law, Hongkong

Robinson, G. G., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Yokohama

Robinson, J., Upper Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

Robinson, J., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Sagami maru, Jajan Robinson, lev. J., missionary, Tientsin

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Robinson, N. J., (J. W. Crocker & Co.) assistant, Bowrington Robinson, S. E., (Robinson & Co.) manager, Singapore Robinson, W., assistant, government central school, Singapore Robinson, W. E:, Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Wenchow Robinson, W. G., (S. Moutrie) assistant, Shanghai

Robinson, W. J., (Butterfield & Swire) tea inspector, Foochow Robinson, Miss Mary C., missionary, Chinkiang

Robison, Richard D., (Wilkin & Robison) merchant, Yokohama Robledo, P., medical practitioner, Manila

Robles, Z., carriage builder, Jaro, Iloilo

Robles, Z., veterinary surgeon, Iloilo

Robless, E. N., inspector gunpowder ordnance, police department, Penang Robless, L., clerk, Municipality, Penang

Robless, L. M., overseer, Prye Sugar Estate, Province Wellesley

Robless, R. R., clerk, gaol department, Penang

Robrain, J., (Oscar Dürr) assistant, Teguegarao, Philippines

Robson, A. J., chief officer, steamer Haiphong, China coast

Roca, C., telegraphist, Manila

Roca d'Huiteza, lawyer, Saigon

Rocafull, A. D., chief engineer, Inspeccion general de Montes, Manila

Rocafull, A. Diaz, chief eng neer, land department, Manila

Roccaserra, acting head master, Chasseloup-Laubat's college, Saigon (absent)

Roch, tidewaiter, Customs, Quinton, Annam

Rocha, Dr. A. A. secretary, Military Hospital of San Januario, Macao

Rocha, A. da C., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Rocha, A. C. da, clerk, Telegraph Office, Macao

Rocha, A. J. da, (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Praya

Rocha, A. L., marine surveyor, and professor, nautical academy, Manila Rocha, C. J. da, (Holliday, Wise & Co.,) clerk, Shanghai

Rocha, E. I., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Queen's road Rocha, F. J. (W. Powell & Co.) assistant, Queen's road Rocha, F. de P. M. da, clerk, revenue office, Macao

Rocha, J. G. da, accountant, Post-office

Rocha, J. G,, director. Banco Espanol Filippino, Manila

Rocha, L., teacher, school of fine arts, Manila

Rocha, R. L., clerk, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Queen's road Rocha, T. da, Macao

Rochats, (Debeaux & Co.) merchant, Hanoi

Roché, conductor, public works department, Saigon

Roche, G. B., Maritime Customs, Newchwang

Roche, J., chief engineer, str. Canton, China coast

Rocher, E., director of Annam and Tonquin Customs, Haiphong

Rocher, L., proprietaire, Haiphong

Rocher, Ls., deputy commissioner, Maritime Customs, Amoy (absent)

Rochfort, G. C., clerk, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Rochon, pilot, Saigon

Rockhill, W. W., charge d'affaires, United States Legation, Peking

Roco, R. G., Ker & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Rodatz, G. C. F., merchant, Tientsin

Roddon, G., gunner, H.B.M., cruiser Leander

Ródejas, J. J., captain, second regiment, Manila

Rodewald, J. F., (Rodewald & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Rodger, A., (China Sugar Refining Co.) chief sugar boiler, East point

Rodger, J., (China Sugar Refining Co.) sugar boiler, East point

Rodger, J. P., chief magistrate, Selangor

Rodgers, Capt., R.N., chief in charge, torpedo instruction, Port Arthur

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    Rodil, 8., (J. B. Roxas) clerk, Manila Rodman, H., ensign, U.S.S. Essex

Rodoredo, F. de P., marmolista, Manila

Rodrigo, draftsman, survey department, Krian, Perak Rodrigo, A., sub-assistant surveyor, Lower Perak

Rodrigo, A. C., draftsman, public works dept., Krian, Perak Rodrigues, apprentice, public works department, Singapore

Rodrigues, A., bailiff, judicial department, Macao

Rodrigues, A., trader, Dumangas, Visayas, Philippines

Rodrigues, A. A., chief clerk, laud revenue department, Malacca Rodrigues, A. J., clerk, Gas Co., Singapore

Rodrigues, A. J., clerk, Post-office

Rodrigues, B., (Typographia Mercantil) foreman, Macao

Rodrigues, B. S., warden, Water Police, Macao

Rodrigues, D. J., Government printer, Sarawak

Rodrigues, E. A., clerk, audit office, Sing. pore

Rodrigues, E. A., clerk, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Rodrigues, E. E., second engineer, steamer Kiukiang, Hongkong and Macao

Rodrigues, E. H., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Rodrigues, F., resident apothecary, Bukit Meniah Hospital, Province Wellesley Rodrigues, F. F., clerk, magistracy, Singapore

Rodrigues, F. de P., sacristao, cathedral, Macao

Rodrigues, G., compositor, Imprmerie commerciale, Singapore

Rodrigues, G. E., clerk, Supreme Court, Penang

Rodrigues, H., librarian, Malacca library, Malacca

Rodrigues, H. J., clerk, and usher, Supreme Court

Rodrigues, J., compositor," Imprimerie Commerciale," Singapore

Rodrigues, J., lightkeeper, Shanghai

Rodrigues, J., (A. L. Johnston & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Rodrignes, J., College of S. Jose, Macao

Rodrigues, J. A., retired civil officer, Macao

Rodrigues, J. C., (Rautenberg, Schmidt & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Rodrigues, J. J., guarda da ilha, Seminario de S. José, Macao

Rodrigues, J. M., (P. & O.S.N. Co.) clerk, Singapore

Rodrigues, J. S., first clerk, Stamp Revenue office

Rodrigues, L. F., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Rodrigues, L. H., demarcator, land office, Malacca

Rodrigues, S., bailiff, Administrative Council, Macao

Rodrigues, T., teacber, Escola Central, Macao

Rodrigues, Rev. V. V., chaplain of ex-convent of Sta. Clara, Macao

Rodrigues, W., fitter, Municipality, Penang

Rodriguez, A. M., alferez, biblioteca militar, Manila

Rodriguez, D., contador, seccion de atrasos, tribunal de cuentas, Manila

Rodriguez, J. A. S., lieutenant, marine infantry, Manila

Rodriguez, J. V., telegraphist, Manila

Rodriguez, M. A., agencia editorial, Manila

Rodriguez, P. V., (Melchers & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Rodriguez, R., alferez, seccion de archivo, Manila

Rodriguez, Simeon, carriage builder, Molo, Iloilo

Rodriguez, T., abogado, Manila

Rodriguez, U., professor of pharmacy, University, Manila

Rodriguez y Muñoz, T., Spanish minister plenipotentiary, Peking

Rołyk, J. B. D., sheriff, Supreme Court, Penang

Roehr, V., agent for Orobeo de Castro & Co., Kobe

Roensch, A., hat manufacturer, Manila and Iloilo (absent)

Roensch, E., (A. Roensch) hat manufacturer, Iloilo

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Roensch, O., (A. Roensch) hat manufacturer, Manila

Roeser, P., Osaka

Roessing, R. L. A. von, (Behn, Meyer & Co.) clerk, Singapore Roethan, W., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Roffey, J. R., assistant engineer, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Roger, chief draftsman, survey office, Saigon

Rogers, B., paymaster, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Rogers, C. Skerrett, (F. H. England & Co.) tea inspector, Foochow Rogers, Ed., (China and Japan Trading Co.) manager, Nagasaki (absent) Rogers, E. B., passed assist. paymaster, U. S, Naval Hospital, Yokohama Rogers, F. R., assistant, Pootung Wharf and Godown Co., Shanghai Rogers, G., steward, Civil Hospital

Rogers, H. Skerrett, (F. H. England & Co.) merchant, Foochow Rogge, C., (Melchers & Co.) clerk, Praya

Rogge, C. G., (Spiedel & Co.) agent, Pnompenh

Rogissart, telegraphist, Haiphong

Rogister, A., Maritime Customs tidewater, Takao

Rogne, M. G., commandante, battalon disciplinario, Manila

Rognoin, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Rognoni, clerk, law courts, Saigon

Rohde, A., (M. Rohde) assistant, Shanghai

Rohde, M., merchant, Shanghai

Rohde, R., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Rohlk, H., (Hartwig & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Roi, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Roig, F. N., lieutenant colonel, second regiment, Manila

Rojoux, L., assistant, Chasseriau Land and Planting Co., Singapore Roland, E., (Jucker, Sigg & Co.) assistant, Bangkok

Roland,, Jean, commission agent, Hanoi

Rolland, telegraphist, Phunho, Annam

Rolland, A., agent principal, Messageries Maritimes, Saigon

Rollin, Treasury paymaster, Hanoi

Rolman, Miss E. L., missionary, Yokohama

Romaine, W. T., warder, Gaol, Singapore

Roman, F., proprietor, Para Usted tobacc› manufactory, Manila

Roman, J., director, Para Usted tobacco ma ufactory, Manila

Roman, J. Jr. assistant, Para Ustei tobacco manufactory, Isabela de Luzon, P'pines

Romanet, E., comptable, French Municipal Council, Shanghai

Romano, A. G., (J. J. dos Remedios & Co.) merchant, con. gen. for Portugal & Brazil

Rome, G., first officer, revenue cruiser Fei Hoo

Romenij, J. E., (W. Mansfield & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Romer, A., Local post-master, Shanghai

Romer, Frau, music teacher, Public School, Shanghai

Romera, F. de P., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Römera, M., clerk, Tribunal de cuentas, Manila

Romero, C., (Secker & Co.) assistant, Manila

Romero, E. G, lieutenant colonel, third regiment, Manila

Romero, J. M., administrador de aduana y hacienda publica, Iloilo

Romero, M., (A. S. Watson & Co. Ld.) assistant, Manila

Romero, R., secretary, public works department, Manila

Romero, R., telegraphist, Manila

Romero, T. G., colonel, civil guards, Manila

Romieux J., (Favre & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Ronchard, telegraphist, Saigon

Rondel, A. M., French missionary, Muang Prom, Siam

Rondot, distributor, arsenal, Saigon

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Rooke, Jas., (Sayle & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Rooke, M., tracer, survey dept., Larut, Perak

   Rooyen, A. E. van, assistant surveyor, revenue survey department, Penang Roper, warder, gaol, Singapore

Ropers, captain of the port, Pnompenh

Roque, F., (Guevara Bros.) assistant, Manila

Roque, V., (Roque Frères) merchant, Haiphong and Hanoi

Roques, tidewaiter, customs, Haiphong

Roques, M., attaché du cabinet, governor's office, Saigon Roques, Mrs. teacher, municipal boys' school, Saigon

Rordan, master, tugboat association, Shanghai

Ros, R. de, engineer in chief, public works, Iloilo Rosa, A. de la, (Inchausti & Co.) clerk, Manila

Rosa, C., (Warner, Blodgett & Co.) clerk, Manila

Rosa, A. M., Concelho Municipal, Macao

Rosa, Dr. B. M. das N. d'Avanjo, telega dos Estudos Gov. School, Macao Rosa, F. de P. de la, ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Rosa, M. A. y, telegraphist, Manila

Rosa, R. de la, telegraphist, Manila

Rosales, José, assistant, Compania General de Tabacos, Manila

Rosales, M., cajero, Treasury, Manila

Rosario, A., abogado, Manila

Rosario, A. Avelino del, secretary, Supreme Court, Manila Rosario, D. E. del, telegraphist, Manila

Rosario, F., abogado, Manila

Rosario, H. A., (A Fong) managing clerk, Ice House street

Rosario, J., assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Manila

Rosario, J. A. do, (Gaggino & Co.) clerk, Sinnapore

Rosario, M. do, sacristao, egreja de S. Domingo, Macao

Rosario, R. A. do, sacristao, Hospital de S. Raphael, Macao

Rosario, V. del, chaplain, Casa de Recogidas, Manila


Rosario e Almeida, Rev. M. F. do, chaplain, Hospital de S. Raphael, Macao Rosario y Sales, A. del, chemist, Manila

Rosch, M., (Simon, Evers & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Rose, C., (Windsor, Rose & Co.) merchant, Bangkok

Rose, E., overseer of water works, Surveyor-general's department

Rose, E. N., (Boyd & Co.) merchant, Amoy

Rose, L., (J. F. Webber) clerk, Queen road

Rose, T., engineer, Yokohamna

Rose, T. I., broker, Queen's road

Rose, W. E., (A. S. Watson & Co., L.) assistant, Queen's road

Rose, W. H., (Rose & Co.) broker, Singapore

Rose, Miss C. H., missionary, Tokyo

Rosenbaum, S., Maritime Customs examiner, Amoy

   Rosenbaum, Jos., stationer and tobacconist, Shanghai Rosenberg, W., assistant, Luzon Sugar Reinery, Manila Rosenströn, I., (Lindholm & Co.) clerk, Wladiwostock Rosenzwieg, H., draper &c., Shanghai

Roses, M., mision de la compañia de Jesus, Manila

Rosnet, L., clerk, Banque de l' Indo-Chine, Haiphong

Ross, A., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Ross, A., (North China Insurance Co.) secretary, Shanghai

Ross, A. J., (Guthrie & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Ross, F. J. C., (Logan & Ross) barrister-at-law, Penarg

Ross, H. L., (Sayle & Co.) assis'an, Singapore

Ros, J. (Syme & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)


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Ross, J. D. Jr., (Borneo & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Ross, J. E., clerk, Municipality, Singapore

Ross, Rev. John, missionary, Moukden

Ross, K. McK., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Pedder's street

Ross, Rev. R. M., missionary, Amoy

ROBS, W., engineer, steamer Pakshan, China coast

Ross, W., (G. Falconer & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Ross, W. M., chief engineer, P. & O. steamer Thibet, Hongkong and Japan Rossel, assistant commissioner of naval stores, Saigon

Rosselet, J., watch importer, Wyndham street, and manager Guieu Frères Rossell, A., comandante, military engineers, Manila

Rossi, supdt. fire brigade, port de guerre, Saigon

Ross-Lewin, Rev. R. O'D., chaplain, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Rost, W., (Carlowitz & Co.) merchant, Canton (abs"nt)

Rosthorn, A. E. von, Maritime Customs assistant, Shanghai

Roth, Dr., surgeon, German man-of-war Iltis

Roth, tidewaiter, customs, Cam-Ranb, Annam

Roth, B., mercbant, Yokobama

Roth, Wm., (B. Roth) assistant, Yokohama

  Rothdauscher, A., (H. Rothdauscher) assistant, Cebu Bothdauscher, H., chemist, Cebu

Rothwell, H. J., (New Oriental Bank) acting accountant, Yokohama Rotily, C., (Ulysse Pila & Co.) clerk, Haiphong

Rötschke, C. A., (H. J. Andrews & Co.) merchant, Manila (absent)

Röttgen, G., (Staehelin and Stahlknecht) clerk, Singagore

Rotts, first officer, Massageries Maritimes str. Arethuse, Saigon

Rotz, Rev. M. M. de, Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki

Rouard, overseer, telegraphs construction, Tonkin

Rouard, pilot, Saigon

Roubeau, captain, artillery, Tican, Tonquin

Roucoules, head master, Chasseloup-Laubat's College, Saigon (absent)

Rouët, attendant, Messageries Maritimes, Saigon

Rougement, de, storekeeper, arsenal, Saigon

Rougier, telegraphist, Baria, Cochin-China

Rouhet, clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Rousseau, chancelier, French residency, Thuan Khanh, Annam

Rousseau, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Rousseau, Rev. P. L., French missionary, Bang-pla-soi, Siam (absent)

Rousselet, station master, Saigon Mytho railway

Roussin, acting sub-chief, third office, Direction of the Interior, Saigon (absent)

Roustan, L., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) silk inspector, Shanghai

Rouvier, assistant accountant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Roux, pilot, Saigon

Roux, L., chief assistant and acting agent, Messageries Maritimes, Singapore

Rovira y Arbuixed, F., ministro, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila (absent)

Row, M. A. C., clerk, law court, Perak

Rowan, Captain T. T., adjutant, Royal Artillery, Singapore

Rowand, A. G., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Queen's road

Rowband, C. F., manager, Chartered Mercantile Bank, Malacca

Rowe, Alfred, (Rowe & Co.) commission agent, Canton

Rowe, Miss, London Mission, Staunton street

Rowell, T. Í., M.D., principal medical officer, Singapore (absent)

Rowell, W. A., third engineer, steamer Haiphong, China coast Rowland, E. J. O., (R. E. Wainewright) clerk, Shanghai Rowland, Rev. Geo. M., missionary, Okayama, Japan

Rowland, H., fourth engineer, steamer Japan, Hongkong and Calcutta

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Roxas, A., abogado, Manila

Roxas, F. L., merchant, Manila

Boxas, J. B., merchant, Manila


Roxas, P. P., (J. B. Roxas) merchant, Manila

Roxburgh, H., second engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Nagato-maru, Japan

Roy, A., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Royen, V. W. van., road overseer, public works department, Selangor

Royse, T. H., captain, H.B.M.S. Orion

Roza, A. A. da, (Sanderson & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Roza, A. B. da, (Birley & Co.) clerk, Canton

Rosa, A. M. da, opium dealer, Macao

Roza, B. M. das N. d' A.. surgeon, Police force, Macao

Roza, C. B. da, (H. J. Holmes) clerk, Queen's road

Roza, D. da, (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Foochow Roza, F. da, (De Ath and Co.) assistant, Kobe Roza, F. A. da, retired judge, Macao

Roza, F. 8. da, bedel, St. Joseph's College, Macao Roza, F. X. da, clerk, revenue office, Macao

Roza, J. F. C. da, broker, Elgin Terrace

Roza, J. M. da, escrevente, St. Joseph's College, Macao

  Roza, L. d'A., (Chartered Bank) head clerk, Queen's road Roza, M. M. da, share broker, Elgin Terrace

Roza, P. da, (Mustard & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Roza, P. B. de, clerk, Import and Export office, Singapore Roza, P. B. da, clerk, Mariue department, Singapore Roza, R. da, ensign of police, Macao

Roza, S. V., (Hagart & Co.) clerk, Kobe Bozario, clerk, district court, Vinh-long

Rozario, A., assistant, Pulo Tikus school, Penang

  Rozario, A., (Typographia Mercantil) compositor, Macao Rozairo, Aug., overseer, Tientsin Printing Co., Tientsin Rozario, A. C. do, master of Governor's galley, Macao Rozario, A. D., assisant, water works, Singapore

Rozario, A. F. do, proprietor "Canton Hotel," and auctioneer, Canton Rozario, A. J. do, (Rozario & Co.) merchant, Stanley street

Rozario, A. J. do, (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Praya central

Rozario, Art. do, foreman, Shanghai Mercury office, Shanghai

Rozario, B. del surgeon, ecclesiastical dept., Manila

Rozario, C. do. (Braddell Bros.) clerk, Malacca.

Rozario, D. do, (D. Rozario & Co.) commission agent, Foochow Rozario, D. A. do, clerk, Water Police Station, Macao

Rozario, E. F., (G. Raynal) clerk, Queen's road

Rozario, F., (Typographia Mercantil) compositor, Macao

Rozario, F. do, (Braddell Bros.) clerk, Malacca

Rozario, F. do, clerk, magistrates court, Singapore

Rozario, F. do, clerk, Government Office, Third Division, Sarawak

Rozario, F. do, lightkeeper, Malacca

Rozario, F. do, (Schönhard & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Rozario, F. F. do, clerk, harbour department, Macao

Rozario, F. H., (Mackenzie & Co.) auction clerk, Shanghai

Rozario, F. X. do, (Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Rozario, F. J. do, (M. A. dos Remedios) clerk, Macao

  Rozario, F. M., clerk, China Sugar Refining Co., Exst point Rozario, F. P. do, foreman, shanghai Mercury office, Shanghai Rosario, F. P., (Victoria Dispensary) assistant, Queen's road Rozario, F. X., (Meyer & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

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  Rozario, H., clerk, Import and Export office, Singapore Rozario, H. G., clerk, Colonial Secretary's office

Rozario, J., compositor, Imprimerie Commerciale, Singapore Kozario, J., wharfinger, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Rozario, J. F. do, (North China Insurance Co.) clerk, Shanghai Rozario, J. M., (Chartered Bank) clerk, Queen's road Rozario, J. P., clerk, colonial treasury, Singopore Rozario, L., (J. Ribeiro) assistant, Macao

Rozario, L. A., compositor, Daily Press office, Wyndham street Rozario, L. A. do, (J. M. Cazalas & Son) engineer, Singapore Rozario, L. M. do, messenger, municipal chamber, Macao Rozario, M., assistant, Pulo Tikus school, Penang Rozario, M. do, clerk, Supreme court, Singapore Rozario, M. do, (Braddell Bros.) clerk, Malacca

Rozario, N. G., fourth clerk, Colonial Secretary's office Rozario, P. do, guardi n, leper hospital, Malacca Rozario, P. do, (Braddell Bros.) clerk, Malacca Rozario, P. A. do, clerk, auit office, Singapore Rozario, P. A. do, demarcator, land office, Malacca Rozario, P. A. do, (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Queen's road Rozario, P. F., (Meyer & Co.) clerk, Queen's road Rozario, P. H. do, clerk, Colonial Secretary's office

Rozario, R. do, assistant wardmaster, Hospital de San Rafael, Macao Rozario, S., (A. G. Gordon & Co.) assist. draughtsman, Bowrington Rozario, S. F. do, (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Rozario, V., clerk, Messageries Maritimes, Praya

Rozario, V. A. do, clerk, to Attorney General

Rozario, X. de, (Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Rozas, F., teacher of drawing, College of S. Tomas, Manila

Roze, J., superintendent captain, Messageries de Cochin-Chine, Haiphong

Rozello, P. C., demarcation officer, Krian, Perak

Rozells, B. B. J., chief clerk, police department, Singapore

Rozells, C. R., clerk, public works dept., Thaiping, Perak Rozells, E., (John Little & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Rozells, J. G., Thaiping, Perak

Rozells, N. J., chief clerk, Supreme Court, Malacca

Rozells, P. A., clerk, court of requests, Province Wellesley

Rozells, R., storekeeper, public works department, Thaiping, Perak

Rozells, R. R., chief clerk, Residency, Perak

Rozells, W., (Logan & Ross) clerk, Penang

Rozey, geometer, survey office, Saigon

Rozier, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Ruben, J. J., (Lauts & Haesloop) clerk, Swatow

Ruberg, W. G., (M. G. Sheveleff and Co.) clerk, Wladiwostock

Rubi, G., oficial, Ordenacion gl. de Pagos, Manila

Rubis, J. M. Perez, abogado, director de "El Paso Juridico," Manila Ruchetti, (Chaumont & Daniel) assistant, Haiphong

Rucker, H. von, (Schmidt & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Rudland, W. D., missionary, Taichow

Rudolph, Ch., (Nabholz & Osenbrüggen) clerk, Shanghai

Rudolph, O., legal adviser to H.I.M.'s Cabinet, Tokyo

Ruegg. E., broker, Shanghai (absent)

Ruel, J., wine merchant, Yokohama

Rufasta, R., lawyer, Manila

Ruff, J., (Siemssen & Co.) silk inspector, Canton Ruff, Th., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

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Ruin, A., auditoria de guerra, Manila

Ruiz, A., (MacLeod and Co.) clerk, Cebu

Ruiz, A. P., telegraphist, Manila

   Ruiz, G., second chief of staff, Capitania General, Manila Ruiz, Fr. J., professor of jurisprudence, university, Manila

Ruiz, Fr. J. Ma., professer of theology, University, Manila Ruiz, J. S., clerk, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Ruiz, R., assistant, new port works, Manila

Ruiz, T. G., (Battle Hermanos & Co.) merchant and Mexican consul, Manila Ruiz, V. J., telegraphist, Manila

Ruiz de Austen, C., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Ruiz y Curtallo, F., surgeon, army medical department, Manila

Ruiz y Mateo, J., telegraphist, Manila

Ruiz y Moreno, L., secretary general, Compañia General de Tabacos, Mauila

Rul, general director, Government schools, Saigon

Rulofson, Miss G. M., missionary, Yokohama

Rulbe, clerk, adminis, of native affairs, Tauan, Cochin-China

Rumble, Miss H. R. (Bird & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Rümelin, C., (Schriever & Co.) clerk, Hanoi

Rumjaho, A., (Sharp, Johnson, & Stokes) clerk, Supreme Court house

Rumjahn, U., (Wotton & Deacon) clerk, Queen's road

Rump, C., (E. Meyer & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Rumpeter, Rev., pastor, Lutheran church, Wladiwostock

Rumpeter, A., Protestant teacher of religion, gymnasium, Wladiwostock


Rumsey, Com. R.M., R.N., (Retd.), assist. harbour master, supt. exports and imports

Runcie, W., third engineer, steamer Canton, China coast

Rupé, Lieut. V., commandant, French gunboat Aspic

Rupol y Sanchez, J., engineer, navy department, Manila

Rusca, A., telegraphist, Manila

Rusch, C., (Scheele & Co.) merchant, Stanley street Rushstrat, E., Maritime Customs assistant, Chinkiang Rüssel, H., importer of opium, Battambang, Siam Russell, E. S., (John Little & Co.) assis: ant, Singapore Russell, E. T., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Manila

Russell, H., (J. Curnow & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

   Russell, H. C., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Amoy Russell, Hon. J., C.M.G., puisne judge, Supreme Court

Russell, J. J., (Findlay, Richardson & Co.) clerk, Manila

Russell, M., (J. Curnow & Co.) storekeeper, Yokohama

   Russell, S. M., M.A., professor of astronomy and mathematics, College of Peking Russell, T., chief engineer, steamer Poochi, China coast

Russell, W., c'erk, Hongkong Hotel, Queen's road

Russell, W. B., Maritime Customs deputy commissioner, Foochow

Russell, Miss E., missionary, Nagasaki

Rustant, A., chief assistant, Messageries Maritimes, Manila

Rustant, F., (C. Labarbe & Co.) accountant, Manila

Rustomjee, S., sharebroker, Queen's road

Rutherford, D. C., (Collins & Co.) assistant, Tientsin

Rutter, E. W., (New Oriental Bank) acting manager, Queen's road

Rutter, R., (H. & W. Dock Co.) foreman blacksmith, Kowloon

Ruttonjee, B., shopkeeper, Peel street

Ruttonjee, B., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bauk) clerk, Shanghai Ruttonjee, E., shopkeeper, Peel street

Buttonjee, H., (B. M. Ruttonjee & Co.) manager, Lyndhurst terrace Ruttonjee, M., (D. Nowrojee) assistant, Queen's road Ruyter, J. L., (Cornes & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

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Ryan, C. B., operator, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore Ryan, R., inspector of nuisances, Municipality, Singapore

Ryckelyn, cantinier, Haiphong

Ryke, J. de, engineer, government engineering bureau, Tokyo

-Ryrie, Hon. Phineas, (Turner & Co.) merchant, Queen's road

Sá, A. F. de, (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Sá, F. de, (Lane, Crawford & Co.) olerk, Queen's road

Sa, H. de, assistant, Foreign office, Bangkok

Sá, L. J., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Saavedra, A. de, (Messageries Maritimes) agent, and consul for Brazil, Manila Sabathier, assistant commis, of archives, Direction of the Interior, Saigon Sabille, Rev. C., French Roman Catholic missionary, Singapore

Sabot, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonquin

Saburoff, J., assistant, telegraph office, Wla liwostock

Saca, G. C., captain, fourth regiment, Manila

Sachau, G., (Arnhold, Karberg & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Sachs, Capt. H., secretary to German Consulate, Singapore

Sachse, G., (Naudin & Co.) merchant, Club Chambers

Sachse, P., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, and acting consul for Netherlands, Canton Sackermann, E., (Tillson, Herrmann & Co.) merchant, Manila

Sacks, L. R., mate, customs lightship "Taku," Taku

Sackstoff, J., clerk, Dock Co., Bangkok

Sadeck, M. B. M., (A. Abdoola & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Sadler, Rev. J., missionary, Amoy

Saenger, J., (Simon, Evers & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Saenz, T., escribano, juzgado de Baratac Viejo, Iloilo

Saeton, captain, M. F. steamer Francis Garnier, Saigon

Saez, A., professor, Ateneo municipal, Manila

Saez, F., assistant secretary, Banco Español Filipino, Manila Saez, F., engineer, geological department, Manila

Sage, H., constable, British Consulate, Swatow

St. Amand, secretary, na ive hospital of Choquon, Saigon

St. Amand, (St. Amand and Hess) merchant, Hanoi

St. Catharina, D. de, Malay writer, land office, Malacca

St. Clair, W. G., editor, Singapore Free Press, Singapore

St. Croix, d'A. D., captain, steamer Wingsang, Hongkong and Calcutta

St. Croix, F. A. de, (Alfred Dent & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

St. Croix, W. de, (Butterfield & Swire) agent, Kukiang

St. John, F. G., midshipman, H. B. M. corvette Constance

St. John, J. H., second officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha str. Higo Maru, Japan

St. John, R. N., bill broker, Yokohama

St. Len, clerk, administration of native affairs, Tayninh, Cochin-China

St. Maria, A. J., clerk, colonial treasury, Singapore

St. Maria, C. H., clerk, Customs, Rassa, Sungei Ujong

Sta. Maria, A., clerk, treasury, Sungei Ujong

Sta. Maria, F., teacher, St. Francis School, Malacca

Sta. Maria, G., clerk, Customs, S. Raya, Sungei Ujong

Sta. Maria, P., druggist, Manila

Sta. Marina, J., proprietor, Fabrica de tabacos "La Insular," Manila St. Michel de, chief, fourth office, Direction of the Interior, Saigon Sainchaud, clerk, education department, Saigon

Saint Paul, overseer, telegraphs construction, Tonkin Saintenoy, telegraphist, Cape St. James, Cochin-China Sainz, Ben., (V. Sainz) pawnbroker, Manila Sainz, T., escribano, Justicia, Iloilo.

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Sainz, V., pawnbroker, Manila


   Sait, H., electrician, Chinese cruiser Chih Yuen, Port Arthur Saiz y Gomez, J., official, lottery department, Manila Sakaloff, A. A., (J. Bryner) assistant, Wladiwostock Saklatwalla, D. N., (Mehta & Co.) merchan', Hollywood road Sala, L. de M., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Salabelle, L., teacher of French, Comm rcial School, Tokyo Salabelle, S., secretary, Annam and Tonquin Customs, Haiphong Salabelle, Mme., Bay View House academy, Yokohama Salabelle, M sa A., Bay View House academy, Yokohama Salamanca, G., (J. Zobel) assistant, Laguna, Philippines Salanoue-Ipin, H., surgeon, fourth regiment, Saigon

Salay, overseer, excise department, Song-Doc, Cochin-China

Salazar, E., assistant "La Flor de la Isabela" Cigar factory, Manila Salcedo y Grande, J., ayudante, d vision forestal, Manila

Sale, C. V., (Mawe & Co.) clerk, Yok hama

Sale, Geo., (Mawe & Co.) merchant, Yokohama Sale, T. G., (Mawe & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Sale, W. H., (Mawe & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Sales, F., lawyer, Macao

Sales, F. M., clerk, register department, Macao

Sales, J. M., (A. G. Gordon & Co.) clerk, Bowrington

Sales, Q. V., alferez, fourth regiment, Manila

Salette, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

Salgado y Teller, Capt. E.S.A.A., second chief, Spanish navy, Manila Salio, Vve., milliner, Saigon

Salinger, F., (Carlowitz & Co.) silk inspector, Can'on

Sallio, A. M., French missionary, Muang Ubon, Siam

Salmon, J. W., clerk, gaol, Singapore

Salmon, Rev. M. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki

Salmon, P. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Ban-nok-kuak, Siam

Salmon, R. M., (Guthrie & Co.) clerk. Singapore

Salmond, W, chief officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha str., Awari-Maru, Japan

Saltarel, P. M., Yokohama

Salter, G. H. Colton, M. D., education department, Nagasaki

Salzmann, E., teacher of music, and organis, St. Andre ›'s Cathedral, Singapore

Salzwedel, H., (H. Salzwedel & Co.) photographer, Shanghai

Samie, L., first clerk, French consulate, Yokohama

Samuelseng, J., captain, str. Alwine, Hongkong and Southern ports

Sampedro, G., chaplain. arsenal, Mai a

Sampson, J. land surveyor, public works department

Sampson, Jas. A., assistant, survey depar1me t

Sampson, Theo., bead master, Government School, Canton

Samson, J., (Reid, Evans & Co.) inerchant, Shang hai

Samuel, M., (Samuel Samuel & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Samuel, S., foreman, Tamil branch, government printing office, Singapore

Samuel, S., (Samuel Samel & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Samuel, T., (Reynaud) clerk, Haiphong

Samuel, V. P., chief clerk, post office, Johore

Samuels, F. V., (Mackinzie & Co.) assistant, Yokoham

San Augus.ine, J., curiage builder, Iloilo

Sanches, R., (Dauver & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Sanchez, Rev. E., Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow

Sanchez, F., profess. r, mision de la compania de Jesus, Manila

Sanchez, F., agent, Singer Manufacturing Co., no lo

Sanchez, J. G., alferez, mariue infantry, Manila

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Sanchez, T., ecclesiastical department, Manila

Sanchez y Fernandez, L., surgeon, army medical dept., Manila Sancho, J., assistant, Mint, Manila

Sanda, P., architect, Yokohama

Sandeman, W. S., chief officer, steamer Yeh-sin, China coast Sander, F., (Sander & Co.) merchant, Queen's road (absent) Sanders, A., boatswain, H. M. Naval Yard

Sanders, M. J., (American Trading Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Sandersen, B. H., master mariner, Bangkok

Sanderson, J. L. P., (Sanderson & Co.) merchant, Foochow (absent)

Sandilands, G. M., (Sandila ds, Buttery & Co.) merchant, Penang (absent) Sandin, D., cbiet of N. W. Station, telegraph department, Manila

San Domingo, J., surgeon, army medical department, Manila Sandret, administrator of native affairs, Bentré, Cochin-China Sands, Miss C. A., missionary, Yokohama (absent)

Sandstedt, E., chief officer, str. Kiang-yu, Shanghai aud Hankow Sang, Ed. M., agent, Singer Manufacturing Co., Shanghai Sangster, C. F. A., deputy registrar, Supreme Court

Sangster, P. F., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Lombard street Sanial, procureur, district court, Soctrang, Cochin-China

San Juan, E., ayudante, public works, Batangas, Philippines

San Juan, P., (A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.) assistant, Manila Sanjurgo, captain, river steamer Taculin, Iloilo

Sankey, A., captain, Royal Artillery

Sankey, E. R., lieutenant, H.B.M.S. Audacious

Saninarey, W. E., second lieutenant, South Lancashire Regt., Singapore

San Roman y Montero, R., secretary, naval department, Manila

Sans, A., (Sans, Codino y Pedreño) merchant, Manila

Sans, P., (Sans, Codino y Pedreño) merchant, Manila (absent)

Santalices, B. G., oficial, contaduria gl. de hacienda, Manila Santamarina, J., oficial, Gobierno General, Manila

Santi, warehouseman, exci-e department, Caibe, Cochin-China

Santiago, E. H., almacenen, hacienda publica, Manila

Santiago, M., chemist, Manila

Santiago, S., superintendent, La Flor de Filipinas tobacco manufactory, Manils Santiago, T., restaurant keeper, Manila

Santiago de la Pisa, T., oficial, Gobierno Geueral, Manila

Santillan, R. J. M. de, ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Santini, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Santisteban, A. de, inspector de hacienda, Manila

Santisteban, L., clerk, seccion de atrasos, Manila

Santos, A., (Guedes & Co.) compositor, Wellington street

Santos, A. M. dos., lightkeeper, Chapel Island, Amoy

Santos, C. G., clerk, telegraph department, Manila

Santos, D. S., compositor, Shanghai Mercury, Shanghai

Santos, E. de los (Oscar Dürr) clerk, Tuguegarao, Phlippines

Santos, E. C. dos, (Julius Mannich & Co.) clerk, Takao

Santos, E. G., tel graphist, Manila

Santos, F. F., clerk, Hongkong Rope Manufacturing Co., Belcher's Bay Santos, J., telegraphist, Manila

Santos, J. M., overseer, Japan Gazette office, Yokohama

Santos, J. P., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) clerk, Manila

Santos, J. da S. P. dos, lieutenant, police, Macao Santos, J. U. dos, clerk, military secretariat, Macao Santos, M., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) clerk, Manila Santos, M. de, procurador, Supreme Court, Manila

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Santos, S. J., (Wotton & Deacon) clerk, Queen's road Santos y Santa Auna, F. P. official, arsenal, Manila Santucci, clerk, public works department, Cochin-China Sanz, J., restaurant keeper, Manila

  Sanz y Peray, L., oficial, contaduria gl. de hacienda, Manila Sapoorjee, E., (P. & O.S.N. Co.,) clerk, Praya

Saraco, E., (Sans, Codina y Pedreño) assistant, Jolo, Philippines Sarazin, F., teacher, Foreign Office, Tokyo

Sargatal, R., official, or lenance general de pagos, Manila (absent) Sargent, C. F., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Manila Sargent, C. G. M., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Manila Sargent, E. A., (American Trading Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Sarkies, A., manager, Eastern Hotel, Penang

Sarkies, M., proprietor, Eastern Hotel, Penang and Raffles Hotel, Singapore Sarkies, S., proprietor, Raffles Hotel, Singapore

Sarkies, T.. proprietor, Eastern Hotel, Penang Sarlabus, M., official, Ayuntamiento, Manila Sarmeo, Café de Paris, Hanoi

Sarre, N. J., (T. C. Loveridge) assistant, Penang,

Sasso, A., Roman Catholic missionary, Caine road

Sassoon, D. E., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Sassoon, E. E., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Sassoon, M. E., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) merchant, Queen's road (absent)

Satow, E. M., C. M. G., British minister resident and consul general, Bangkok

Sauger, P. M., (Dauver & Co) clerk, Amoy

Saul, G. M., (Hoskyn & Co.) merchant, Iloilo

Saull, G. E., colporteur, American Bible Society, Shanghai

Saulnier, telegraphist, Phan-kang, Annam

Saunby, Rev. J. W., missionary, l'okyo

Saunders, A., R.N., boatswain, H M. Naval Yard

Saunders, J. M., reporter, Japan Herald, Yokohama

Saunders, Jas., gunner, H. B. M. corvette Sapphire

Saunders, J. B., manager, Oriental Telephone Co., Singapore


Saunders, J. C., marine surveyor, and manager dockyard, l'agoda Anchorage, Foochow

Saunders, J. D., assist. accountant, New Oriental Bank, Qom's read.

Saunders, W., artist and photographer, Shanghai

Saunders, W. J., clerk, Union Insurance Society, Praya

Saura, P., surgeon, army medical department, and professor, University, Manila

Sauret, cafetier, Hanoi

Sauret, Rev. M., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki

Sauvage, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Sauvage, telegraphist, Haiphong

Sauvage, port-master, Saigon

Sauvage, A. A., conductor of public works, Macao

Sauvan, commander, gunboat Fanfare, Saigon

Sauvée, Paul, merchant and marine surveyor, Haiphong

Sauvelet, G., professor of music, Yokohama

Savage, T. A., warder, gaol, Malacca

Savary, Accountant, marine artille y, Saigon

Savelieff, telegraph departmen', Wladiwostock

Savile, H., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Satellite

Savill, H. J., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Audacious

  Savilla y Gonzalez, J., ayudante, division forestal, Manila Sawer, W. E., captain, steamer Leesang, China coast Sawyer, F. H., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Queen's road Sawyer, F. H., consulting engineer, Manila

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Saxetor, P., master, s eam lighter Bangkok, Bangkok Saxtorph, P. A., (Oriental Hotel) clerk, Bangkok Saxtorph, V., master mariner, Bangkok

Sayé, E., chief accountant, Philippines General Tobacco Co., Manila Sayers, E. S., missionary, Wenchow

Sayers, W., missionary, Ping Yang

Sayle, B. B. D., (W. R. Loxley & Co.) commission agent, Praya (absent) Sayle, T. H., (Weeks & Co.) draper, Shangosi

Sayle, W. J., Maritimes Customs examiner, Shanghai

Sayre, J. S., assist. surg on, U.S.S. Omaha

Scagliotti, A., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Chinkiang Scal, sub-lieutenant, third regiment, Sigon Scales, C., paymaster, H.B M. corvet e Cordelia Scampucci, geometer, survery office, Saigon

Scanlan, A. de C., surgeon, army medical department Schaaf, J. H. A., lightkeeper, Amoy

Schaal, registrar, District Court, Chaudoc, Cochin-China Schacker, Theo., (Maclean & Co.) assistant, Bongkok Schaedeline, J., Wanchai

Schaedeline, M. E,, commission agent, Wanchai

Schaetzen, C. F., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaishia, Japan

Schäfer, W., captain, steamer Marie, Hongkong and Southe.n ports

Schaible, Rev. D., missionary, Hok-sha-ha, Kwangtung

Scharenguivel, J. C., clerk of works, Public Works department, Singapore Schärer, A., (Schmidt, Kustermann & Co.) clerk, Penang

Scharfe, E., lazareth gehülte, German Naval Hospital, Yokohama

Scharhoff, telegraph department, Whadiwostock

Schaub, Rev. M., missionary, Basil Mission, Lilong, Kwangtung

Schaumlöffel, H., Maritime Customs examiner, Shanghai

Schedel, J., assistant, Japan Dispen arv, Yokohama

Scheel, Fried, (Herm. Jebsen & Co.) clerk, Penang

Scheerder, J. L., (Chartered Mercantile B nk) clerk, Singapore Scheerer, O., (F. Klöpfer & Co.) clerk, Manila

Scheffer, J. F., shipchandler, Pottinger street

Scheilling, Dr. G. von, vic. -consul for Germany, Yokohama

Schelkis, C. L., forest ranger, Land Revenue department, Malacca Schellbass, A., (Melchers & Co.) clerk, Praya

Scheppelinann, C., (Gas Co.) acting secretary, Shanghai

Scherer, F., S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shaughai Scherzer, A., Maritime Customs assistant, Kiukiang

Scheuring, tidewait r, customs, Hinoi

Scheuren, H. A., (C. P. Low & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Scheyne, D., customs clerk, Kudat, Br. N. Bornco Schiff, F., (H. C. Mort & Co.) clerk, Yokohama Schiffman, M. clerk, (Friede ick & Co.) Penang

Schileiks, Kuster's gold mines, Wlidiwo tock

Schiller, E. G., act. secretary, Swedish consulate, Shanghai Schinne, O., (Wilkin & Robison) clerk, Yokohama

Sc iotz, H., assistant, Gt. Northern Telegraph Co., Wladivostock

Schischoff, telegraph department, Wla tiwostock

Schjöth, F., Maritime Customs assistant, Chinkiang

Schlee, C., (Rbt. Anderson & Co.) clerk, Kiukiang and Shanghai

Schlesinger, M., second engineer, Japan Mail 9. S. Co.'s str. Sakala-maru, Japan Schlesser, N., merchant, Kobe

Schlichlin, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

Schlichting, H., (Max. Slevogt) assistant, Shanghai

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Schlichtmann, Miss, (Sohlichtmann & Midau-) milliner, Shanghai Schlötke, J. (C. Gerard & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Schlumberger, A., accountant, Comptoir d'Escompte, Praya

Schlüter, J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Kowloon

Schmacker, B., (Carlowitz & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Schmid, G., (Samuel Bischoff) clerk, Iloilo

Schmid, S. H., proprietor, Crí erion Hotel, Shanghai Schmidt, A., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Newchwang Schmidt, Alb., (H. Klopp) clerk, Bangkok Schmidt, C. V., (Bisset & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Schmidt, F. (Wilck & Mielenhausen) tailor, Shanghai

Schmidt, G., (Cordes & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Schmidt, H., (W. G. Hale & Co.) clerk, Saigou

Schmidt, J., (Schmidt & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Schmidt, J. Meinhard, public accountant and commission agent, Shanghai

Schmidt, O., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Schmidt, P., tax collector, Municipal Council, Shanghai

Schmidt, W., captain, steamer Whaon, Singapore

Schmidt, W., (H. Lucas & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Schmidt, W., (Möller & Meismer) clerk, Bangkok

Schmidt, W., (W. Schmidt & Co ) gunsmith, Beaconsfield Arcade

Schmiedel, Rev. O., missionary, Tokyo

Schmiegelow, master matiner, Bangkok

Schmitt, Rev. F. J., French missionary, Patrew, Siam Schneebeli, Miss A., teacher, Berlin Foundling hospital Schnéegans, E., (Denis Frères.) clerk, Saigon

Schneer, M., (S. Sobneer y Hermano) jeweller, Manila Schneer, S., (S. Schneer y Hermano) jeweller, Manila Schneider, overseer, excise department, Saigon Schneider, F. H., bookseller and printer, Hanoi

Schneider, G., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Hankow

Schnell, T., assistant, fortifications and ordnance dept., Port Arthur Schnepel, H., gunner, customs cruiser Fei Hoo, Amoy

Schnitger, H., pilot, and secretary, Taku Pilot Co., Taku

Schoenke, F., watchmaker and photographer, Foochow

Scholinus, Frau, assist. German teacher, Public School, Shanghai

Schomburg, Ad., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Hankow

Schomburg, Aug., merchant, Pakho

Schomberg A. C., (Carlo ritz & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Schönau, W., electrician, Great Northern Telegraph Co.'s, str. Store Nordiske, Shanghai

Schönberger, R., (Kruse & Co.) storekeeper, Que n's road

Schöne, F., (Schöne & Mottu) merchant, Yokohama

Schönemann, A., (F. Biackhead & Co.) clerk, Praya Central

Schönfeld, F., (Schönfeld & Co.) merchant, Foochow

Schönfelder, H., (Taikoo Sugar Refining & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Schönicke, J. F., acting commissioner of Customs, Chemulpo

Schoop, Ed., (C. Fressel & Co.) clerk, Manila

Schöttler, Fr., third engineer, Ñ. D. Lloyd str., General Werder, H'kong & Japan

Schovitch, Dimitri, Russian minister, Tokyo

Schrameier, Dr., interpreter, German consulate, Tientsin

Schram, Miss, teacher of music, Baxter house, Caine road

Schramm, P., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Schramm, P., (M. Raspe & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Schreiner, cadet, survey office, Saigon

Schrenel, C. J., operator, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore Schreuel, H., clerk, Netherland Trading Society, Singapore

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Schriever, W., (Schriever & Co.) merchant, Haiphong (absent) Schroeder, A., (Pharmacie de l'Union) proprietor, Shanghai Schroeder, A., (Schroeder Frères) merchant, Hanoi

Schroeder, F., Tokyo

Schroeder, K., (Schroeder Fières) proprietor saw mills, and merchant, Saigon.

Schroeder, Th., (H. Klopp) clerk, Bangkok

Schroeder, W., overseer, steam launch service, Bangkok

Schroers, A., (Dufour Brothers & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Schroeter, H., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Canton

Schröter, J. G, (Meyer & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Schubert, A., brewer, Wladiwostock

Schuch, secretary, Customs, Mon-Kay, Tonquin

Schuckman, W. von., capt. Norddeutscher Lloyd, str. General Werder, H'kong & Japan Schuffenhauer, O., broker, Shanghai

Schüffnuer, R., (A. Meier) clerk, Yok hama

Schukoff, Mrs. telegraph department, Wladiwostock

Schukewitch, W., commissioner of customs, Wladiwostock

Schultz, C. A., registrar of mines, Perak

Schultz, Capt. C. A., secretary for Chinese affairs, Perak

Schultz, C F., clerk, El Oriente tobacco factory, Manila

Schultz, F., captain, steamer Ningpo, Hongkong and Shanghai

Schultz, H. M., merchant, Shanghai

  Schultz, J. F., (Schultz & Co.) shipchandler, surveyor, &c., Mauila Schultze, A., merchant, Yokohama

Schulz, lieutenant, German man-of-war Iltis

Schulz, F. R., lightkeeper, Shangnai

Schulze, Rev. O., Basil mission, Chongtshun, Kwangtung

Schumacher, L. G., master mariner, Bangkok

Schuster, P., chemist, Manila

Schutz, telegraphist, Haiphong

Schwabe, R. S., (Kingdon, Schwabe & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Schwarzkopf, P., (F. Blackhead & Co.) shipchandler, Praya (absent) Schwarzkopf, F., (F. Blackhead & Co.) assistant, Praya

Schwa:, D., (Hemskerk & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Schweiger, H., Maritime Customs ticewaiter, Pagoda, Foochow

Schwenger, A., (J. Witte & Co.) ice manufacturer and engineer, Manila Schwanger, H., (J. Witte & Co.) assistant, Manila

  Schwilp, C. A., lightkeeper, Shantung S. E. Promontory Light, Chefoo Seidmore, G. H., U.S. vice-consul, Yokohama

Scortechini, Rev. Fr., Thaiping, Perak

Scotland, J., third engineer, steamer Fatshan, Canton river

Scott, A. G., assist. manager, Prye Sus ar Estate, Province Wellesley

Scott, A. L. M., (Brow & Co.) assistant, Penang

Scott, B. C. G., H.B.M. acting consul, and acting consul for Austria-Hungary, Ningpo

Scott, Rt. Rev. C. P., D.D., Bishop in North China. Peking

Scott, D., (Japan Mil S. S. Co.) engineer, Yoko ama

Scott, F. W., (Donaldson & Burkinshaw) clerk, Singapore

Scot, G., (Boyd & Co.) t a inspector, Tamsui

Scott, G. A., (Takata & Co.) clerk, Tokyo

Scott, G. D., assist. accountant, Chartered Mercantile Bank, Queen's road

Scott, H. J., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Amoy

Scott, H S., (Brown & Co.) merchant, P nang

Scott, Jas., acting British vice-consul, Seoul

Scott, J., (Howarth, Erskine & Co.) moulder, Singapore

Scott, Jas., millwright and machinist, Hakodate

Scott, J. B., third engineer, stea ner Marcia, Hongkong and Shanghai

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Scott, J. B., (A. S. Watson & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Scott, J. H., (Butterfield & Swire) merchant, Queen's road (absent) Scott, J. L., (Turnbull, Howie & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Scott, J. K., (Takata & Co.) clerk, Tokyo

Scott, J. W., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Amoy

Scott, R., second officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Nagato-maru, Japan Scott, R. M., (C. & J. Trading Co.) assistant, Nagasaki

Scott, S., (Maynard & Co.) manager, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor

Scott, T., (Geo. W. Lake & Co.) assistant, Nagasaki

Scott, T., (Guthrie & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Scott, T. A., supdt., fitting dept., Gas. Co., Singapore

Scott, T. G., Singapore and Straits Printing Office, superintendent, Singapore Scott, W., inspector of mines, Perak

Scott, W., (Hongkong Ice Company) assistant, Ice House street

Scott, W. D., district surgeon, Kinta and Lower Perak

Scott, W. M., (Brown & C.) assistant, Penang

Scott, W. R., (W. R. Sco' & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Scotta, F., (Grassi Bros. & Co.) assistant, Bangkok

Scrant on, Dr. W. B., missionary, Seoul

Scranton, Mrs. L. A., missionary, Seoul

Scranton, Mrs. M. F. teacher, mission school, Seoul

Scriba, J., professor, Medical department, Imperial University, Tokyo Scudder, D., M.D., missionary, Niigata

Scudder, Rev. H. B., missionary, Niigata

Scudder, J. M., superintendent, Hongkong Rope Manufacturing Co.

Scudder, Miss C. S., missionary, Niigata

Scully, A. A., Malay interpreter, Supreme Court, Singapore

Scully, C., clerk, marine department, Malacca

Scully, C. J., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Penang

Scully, D. O., clerk, Supreme Court, Penang

Scully, E. F., (Sandilands, Buttery & Co.) clerk, Penang

Scully, J. D., town inspector, Municipality, Penang

Scully, J. M., clerk of courts, Perak

Scully, M. M., Malay interpreter, police court, Penang Scully, R. S., clerk, land office, Penang

Scully, S. D., clerk, Stamp Office, Penang

Seabright, Coy. Sergt.-major, foreman of works, Royal Engineers Seaman, John F., (Wisner & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Seam in, T., a sistant paymaster, H.B.M.S. Calliope

Searle, Miss S. A., missionary, Kobe

Sears, Miss Annie B., missionary, Peking

Seaton, A. N., second officer, steamer Nanshan China coast Seaton, F. O., (Herbert Dent & Co.) assistant, Canton Seaton, Wm. A., bailiff, Supreme Court, Penang

Seaver, A. H., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Sebastian, E., comandante, Estado Mayor, Manila Seckendorff, Baron von, vice-consul for Germany, Swatow Secker, J., (Secker & Co.) assistant, Manila

   Seckinger, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Wuhu Sedgwick, Rev. J. H., missionary, Hangehow (absent)

Seeburg, F. L., Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

Seed, Miss, missionary, Taiyuenfu, North Chin Seel, C. M. Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

Segardal, J. N., Maritime Customs tide-waiter, Nantai, Foochow Segaud, grocer, Saigon

Ségot, clerk, public works department, Saigon

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gegrave, J., second officer, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co.'s steamer Recorder geier, J. F. J., Maritime Customs police sergeant, Foochow

geigneur, telegraphist, Quinhon, Ânnam

Seiler, A., (Puttfarcken & Co.) clerk, Singapore

geimund, C. H. E., (More & Seimund) shipchandler, Praya

gein y Ichaeno, L., jefe de negociado hacienda, Manila

  Seip, F., (Ed. Schellhasa & Co.) merchant, and acting consul for Netherlands, Praya geisson, A., proprietor, " Hotel des Colonies," Shanghai (absent)

Seitz, Chr., (M, Perez) assistant, Manila

Seitz, C. L., Maritime Customs tide waiter, Hankow

Seitz, F., secretary, German consulate, Amoy

Seitz, Rob., (E. Meyer & Co.) clerk, Jenchuan, Corea

Sekon, professor of mathematics, College of Peking

Selano, S. Lopez, ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Selfe, P. H., chief clerk, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Saigon

Sell, G. P., chief officer, steamer Kiangtung, Shanghai and Hankow

Sellar, J., draughtsman, New Harbour Dock Co., Singapore

Seller, J. W., chief engineer, P. & O. str. Teheran, Hongkong and Japan

Sellier, administrator stagairè, adminis. native affairs, Hatien, Cochin-China Sellman, H., (Geo. Whymark & Co.) assistant, Kobe

Selma, M. M., engineer, Water works, Manila

Sélves, L., "Parisian Sal on," Shanghai

Semionoff, P. L., merchant, Wladiwostock

Sempere, P. L. G., profesor, college of S. Juan de Letran, Manila

Senin, foreman, Imprimerie Commerciale, Singapore

Senna, Etelvira, teacher, Escola Central, Macao

Senna, F., clerk, Chartered Mercantile Bank, Shanghai

Senna, F. de, clerk, (Russell & Co.) Shanghai

Senna, F. P., (Margesson & Co.) clerk, Macao

Senna, J. F., compositor, Amoy Gazette office, Amoy

Senna, R. M., compositor, N. Č. Herald office, Shanghai

Sennett, F. W., (Kelly & Walsh, Ld.) assistant, Queen's road

Sensinoff, S. A., bookseller, Wladiwostock

Sens-Olive, clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Sentance, W. V., merchant, Shanghai

Sentenach, F. S., lawyer, Manila

Sequeira, E. P., reader, Daily Press office, Wyndham street

Sequeira, F., compositor, O Correio Macaense, Macao

Sequeira, G. J., (A. R. Marty) clerk, Queen's road

Sequeira, J., Macao

Sequeira, J. B, (A. R. Marty) clerk, Queen's road

Sequeira, N. A., overseer, China Mail office, Wyndham street

Sequeira, P., clerk, Chin Traders' Insurance Co., Queen's road

Sequeira, P. A., pianoforte tuner, Mosque street

Sequeira, S., (Typographia Mercantil) compositor, Macao

Sequera, M., camisero, Manila

Serdet, Rev. L., Roman Catholic missionary, Swatow

Sère, keeper of records, Municipal Council, Saigon

Seredin-Sabatin, A., customs tidewaiter, Jenchuan, Corea

Sérez, surgeon of hospital, Haiphong

Sergeant, clerk, Land and Stamp Office, Saigon

Sergel, V., (Brinkmann & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent) Sergent, A., (Denis Frères) clerk, Saigon

Sérié, teacher, college at Mytho, Cochin-China

Serifia y Reymundo, J., governor of M ndanao, Philippines

gerisier, assist. secretary, Customs, Tourane, Annam

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Serivadene, J., clerk, audit office, Perak

Serna, J. G. de la, assistant, Philippines General Tobacco Co., Manila Serpa, E., clerk, procurador's department, Macao

Serra, F., medical practitioner, Manila

Serra, F. G., assistant engineer, Portuguse gunboat Rio Lima

Serrachioli, teacher, school at Giadinh, Cochin-Chiua

Serrallonga, S., vice-rector, seminario S. Vicente de Paul, Manila

Serrano, D., (M. P. Marqueti) clerk, Manila

Serrano, J., (Battle Hermanos & Co.) accountant, Manila

Sers, clerk, district court, Bentré, Cochin-China

Servière, acting resident, Cao-Bang, Tonquin

Beth, A., chief clerk, Col. Secretary's office and clerk of councils

Seth, A. P., (Cornabé & Co.) clerk and manager Waterboat Co., Chefoo

Setna, H. C., (Cawasjee Pallanjee & Co.) merchant, Gage street (absent) Seu, clerk, Treasury, Saigon

Severin, A. B., (Associated Wharves) clerk, Shanghai

Sevilla y Echevaria, J., surgeon, army medical department, Manila

Sevilla y Gonzalez, J., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Seville, administrator stagiaire, adminis. nat ve affairs, Mytho, Cochin-China

Seward, Miss, missionary, Tung Chowfoo, Shantung

Seymour, Chas., United States consul, Canton

Seymour, F. H., commander, P. & O. str. Teheran, Hongkong and Japan Seymour, J. N., instructor, normal school, Tokyo

Shadgett, H. E., assistant, local post office, Shanghai

Shallow, Miss E., (Robinson & Co.) milliner, Singapore

Shand, W. J. S., merchant, Yokohama

    Shangam, F., (Dunn, Melbye & Co.) clerk, Stanley street Shanks, A., second engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Sharikoff, V., (Lindholm & Co.) clerk, Wladiw stock Sharikoff, W. A., (Lindholm & Co.) clerk, Wladiwostock Sharland, Mrs. E., missionary, Yokohama

    Sharnhorst, G. C., inspector of nuisances, Municipality, Malacca Sharnhorst, G. D., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Kowloon Sharp, C. S., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Sharp, Ed., (Sharp, Johnson & Stokes) solicitor, (absent) Sharp, Granville, (Sharp & Co.) estate agent, Queen's road

Sharp, H., vice-consul and marshal, United States consulate, Kobe Sharp, J., (Wheelock & Co.) broker, Shanghai

    Sharp, M. E., second engineer, steamer Fatshan, Canton river Sharp, S. J., (Kelly and Walsh, L.) assistant, Shanghai Sharp, W. F., broker, and agent for Russell & Co., Hankow Sharples, E., (Kelly & Walsh, Ld.) assistant, Shanghai Sharples, H. J., maritime customs watcher, Shanghai Shaw, Rev. A. C., M.A., missionary, Tokyo

Sbaw, Rev. C., missionary, Foochow

Shaw, J. F., engineer, public works dept., Manila

Shaw, J. G., extra government officer, Kuching, Sarawak

Shaw, R. W., proprietor "The Farm," Shanghai

Shaw, S. L., (Shaw & Chalant) timber merchant, and Belgian consul, Bɛngkok

Shaw, Capt. S. L., marine surveyor, Pagoda Anchorage, Foochow

Shaw, T., operator, E. E., A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Shaw, Rev. W. W missionary, Newchwang

Shaw, Mrs. J. M., missionary, Tung-chowfoo, Shantung (absent) Shaw, Miss Ella C., missionary, Chinkiang

Shawe, J., third engineer, str. Kong Beng, Hongkong and Bangkok Shazzini, A., Macao


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Shea, J. M., boatswain, H. B. M. gunboat Tweed

Shea, W., writer, H. M. naval yard

Shearer, A., chief engineer, str. Hae Chang, China coast

Shearer, Jas., chief engin er, steamer Haeshin, China coast

Sheedeck, M. H., (H. H. Josuph) assistant, Yokohama

Sheerazi, H. A. N., broker, Gage street

Sheffield, Rev. D. Z., missionary, Tung-chow

Shelford, T., M. L. C., (Paterson, Simons & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Shellabear, Captain W. G., Royal Engineers, Singapore

Shellim, E., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Praya

Shellim, S. E., (D. Sassoon, Son & Co.) merchant, Praya

Shelmerdine, G., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk and H.B.M. vice-consul, Iloilo

Shenenson, T. J., warder, gaol, Penang

Shepherd, A., second officer, steamer Haean, China coast

Shepherd, B., clerk of dee! registry, Supreme court

Shepherd, E., (Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Shepherd, E. B., cle:k, imports and exports office

Shepherd, F., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Queen's road

Shepherd, F. H., fourth clerk, imports and exports office

Shepherd, J., assistant, Sailors' Home, West Point

Shepherdson, John, clerk, public works department, Thaiping, Perak Shepherdson, J. D., clerk, public works department, Thaiping, Perak Shepherdson, L. J., chief clerk, marine departmeni, Malacca

Shepher ison, M., petition writer, Thaiping, Perak

Shepherdson, R. J., bailiff, sheriff's department, Malacca

Sheppard, F. C., (J. M. Lyon & Co ) civil engineer, Singapore

Sheppard, G. W., second officer, str. Taisang, Hongkong and Calcutta Sheppard, H., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) clerk, Icehouse street Sheppard, H. H., surgeon, medical department, Perak

Shepperd, Jas., chief officer, str. Japan, Calcutta and Hongkong Sheriff, B. M., inspector of police, Bangkok

Sherkoonoff, L. P., (S. I. Speshiloff & Co.) merchant, Hankow

Sherman, C. B., pilot, and captain steam tug Gem, Taku

Sheveleff, M. G., (M. G. Sheveleff & Co.) merchant, Wladiwostock (absent)

Shewan, A., (Turner & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Shewan, R., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Suewan, G., chief officer, steamer Chi Yuen, China coast

Shewan, W., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Shields, J., lightkeeper, Turnabout lighthouse, Amoy

Shipton, T., (Stevenson & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Shirkoonoff, L. P., (A. L. Rodionoff & Co.) merchant, Hankow

Shirras, G., third engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Hiroshima-maru, Japan Shoemaker, W. R., ensign, U.S.S. Palos

Shooisky, secretary, Russian Legation, Soul

Shooker, A. S., merchant, Singapore

Shoolingin, C. N., (M. G. Sheveleff & Co.) assistant, Wladiwostock

Shoolingin, P. N., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Short, W. H., (Hall & Holtz Co operative Co.) manager, Shanghai

Shottey, Rev., Roman Catholic missionary, Kinkiang

Showler, W. Y., (Huttenbach Bros. & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Shroff, C. F., (D. D. Ollia & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Shuckburgh, G. S., lieutenant, I.B.M.S. Orion

Shuckford, T., inspector of police, Penang (absent)

Shufeldt, G. A., marshal, United States consulate general, Shanghai

Shufeldt, M. A., lieutenant, U.S.S. Omaha

Shuillier, overseer, excise department, Saigon

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Shurrock, J. S., (McAlister & Co.) clerk, Singapore Shuttlewood, W. B., assistant, Hongkong Dispensary, Queen's road Shuttleworth, H. P., surgeon, H.B.M. gunboat Espoir Siam, P. B., professor of Latin, College of S. Jose, Macao Siber, H., (Siber & Brennwald) merchant, Yokohama (absent) Sibérilé, conductor of public works, Pnompenh

Siciliano, assistant, municipal secretary's office, Saigon

Sidball, Miss Lily, missionary, Ningpo

Siddons, T. W., (Tanjong Pagar Dock Co.) warehouseman, Singapore Siddons, W. E., clerk, audit department, Singapore Sidebottom, J. N., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Cebu Sidoroff, K. A., (W. I. Boodilin) clerk, Tientsin Sidot, F., missionary, Caibong, Bentré

Siebermann, J. E., maritime customs tidewaiter, Pagoda, Foochow Siebold, H. von, secretary, Austro-Hungarian Legation, Tokyo Siebs, N. A., (Siemssen & Co.) inerchant, Shanghai

    Siddons, T. E., secretary, Netherlands consulat general, Penang Sidford, H. E., Maritime Customs commissioner, Pakboi

Siegert, O., (Farmacia Sartorius) chemist, Manila

Siegert, S., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Icehouse street

Siegfried, W. H. L., proprietor, Hotel de l'Europe, Singapore (absent)

Sielcken, O. E. M., (Behn, Meyer & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Siemers, G., (Farmacia Sartorius) assistant, Manila

Siemsen, F. H., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Pagoda, Foochow

Siemssen, G., (Simssen & Co.) tea inspector & vice-consul for Sweden, Foocho Siemssen, H. T., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Sienkiewicz, J. A., French minister, Tokyo Sierich, G., (Melchers & Co.) clerk, Shanghai Sierp, E. F., customs tidewaiter, Ningpo

Sierra, A., comandante, Estado Mayor, Manila

Sierra, S. de la, assistant, Customs, Manila

Sievers, O., (A. Roensch) as-istant, Manila

Sigg, H., (Jucker, Sigg & Co.) merchant and acting consul for Italy, Bangkok Silas, D. H., commission agent, Shangbai

Silas, M. S., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Silberman, T., proprietor, "Land We Live In Hotel," Queen's road

    Sillem, H., (L. Vrard & Co.) storekeeper and watchmaker, Shanghai Sillewe, gunnery instructor, Chinese cruiser Chi Yuen, Port Arthur Silos, V., clerk, Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Iloilo

Silsby, Rev. J. A., school teacher, Shanghai

Silva, clerk, archives office, law comts, Saigon

Silva y Sou a, A., chancelier, Spanish consu'ate, Amoy

Silva, A. da, (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Sing pore

Silva, A. A. da, (Chartered Mercantile Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Silva, A. A. Eça da, commission agent and broker, Caine road

Silva, A. B. de, assistant, Residency, Malacca

Silva, A. C. da, (North-China Insurance Co., Ld.) clerk, Queen's road

Silva, A. E. M. da, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Silva, A. H. M da. (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Silva, A. M. da, (China and Japan Trading Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Silva, A. M. da, marine officer, Post-office

Silva, A. M. Placé da, (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road Silva, A. T. da Costa e, professor of mathematics, College of S. Jose, Macao Silva, A. T. G. da, (Belilios & Co.) clerk, Lyndhurst terrace

Silva, C. A. da, manager, Singapore Free Press, Singapore

Silva, C. A. de lieutenant, police, Macao

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Silva, C. I. da, ensign, police, Macao

Silva, C. J. P. da, retired major, Macao

Silva, D. de, draftsman, public works dept., Thaiping, Perak Silva, D. P. da, commanding Guia Fort, Macao

Silva, E. da (Baxter & Fittock) clerk, Singapore

Silva, E. da, (Hewett & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Silva, E. A. da, (Chartered Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Silva, E. A. da, niv. lieut., Portuguese gunboat Dilly

Silva, E. E. da, (China Sugar Refining Co.) clerk, East point

Silva, E. L. da, (F. B. de Sena) cle k, Macao

Silva, E. M. da, lawyer, Macao

Silva, E. M. da, (C. P. Chater) clerk, Queen's road

Silva, Rev. E. S. da, missionary, Timor

Silva, F. A. F. da, colonel, commanding police, Macao

Silva, F. F., compositor, Tientsin Printing Co., Tientsin

  Silva, F. F. da, (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) operator, Amoy Silva, F. R. da, (Wagen Frères) assistant, Yokohama Silva, F. X. Placé da, clerk, auditor-general's office

Silva, Rev. F. X. da, canon, ecclesiastical department, Macao Silva, Rev. F. X. A. da, canon of the cathedral, Macao

Silva, F. R., (J. Marinburk) clerk, College Chambers, Wyndham street Silva, F. X., clerk, New Oriental Bank, Queen's road

Silva, G. da, O Independente, Macao

Silva, G. F. da, apothecary, government medical department, Singapore Silva, Rev. dean G. F. da, secret ry, ecclesiastical cha'nber, Macao

Silva, H., de, (Imprimerie Commerciale) compositor, Saigon

Silva, H. L. Eça da, (Eça da Silva & Co.) clerk, Caine road

Silva, J. M. Eça da, assist. secretary, Canton Club, Canton Silva, J. da, clerk, Singapore Club, Singapore

Silva, José da, lawyer, Macao

Silva, J. A. da, clerk, Club, Kwala Lampor, Selangor

Silva, J. F. da, clerk, Misericordia, Micao

Silva, J. F. da, second lieut,, Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Diaz

Silva, Dr. J. G. da, president, board of health, Macao

Silva, Dr. J. J. da, judge, Macao

Silva, J. M. da, clerk, Great Northern Telegraph Co., Shanghai

Silva, J. M. A. da, clerk, Auditor-general's office

Silva, J. M. Placé da, fourth clerk, Magistracy

Silva, J. M., de Sa, (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Yokohama Silva, J. P. da, (Alfred Dent & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Silva, J. P. N. da, manager, Dairy Farm, Paksulum

Silva, L. S. da, (Horse Repository) clerk, Garden roa

Silva, L. de, (Tanjong Pagar Dock Co.) assist. storekeeper, Singapore Silva, Lieut. L. da, second battalion, Macao

Silva, L. C. da, (E. W. Mitchell & Co.) clerk, Canton

Silva, L. E. da, (B. de S. Fernandes) clerk, Macao

Silva, L. E. da, justice of the peace, Macao

Silva, L. L. D.', clerk, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singaporǝ

Silva, L. M. da, clerk, residency, Perak

Silva, M. da, clerk, land revenue depar ment, Sungei Ujong

Silva, M. de, clerk, marine department, Singapore

Silva, M. F. da, commission agent, Canton

Silva, Rev. M. M. A. da, missionary, Timor

Silva, N. da, draftsman, revenue survey department, Singapore

Silva, P. da, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Silva, P. M. Ñ. da, (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

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Silva, P. N. da, interpreter, Procurador's department, Macao Silva, S., draftsman, public works depar ment, Penang Silva, S., (Noronha & Co.) compositor, Zetland street Silva, S. de, assist. surveyor, rev nue survey dept., Perang Silva, S. de, land surveyor, Penang

Silva, Rev. S. M. A. da, missionary, Macao

Silva, T E. de, chief clerk, Perak Sikhs, Thaiping, Perak Silva, W. H., draughtsman, Land Office, Selangor

Silva, Mrs. M. Marques da, mistress, College de Sta. Roza, Macao Silvano, A. M., commandant, second Battalion of Infantry, Macao Silveira, A. da, (Union Insurance Society) clerk, Praya (absent) Silverlock, J. Jr., (W. L. Hunter) tea inspector, Foochow Silverthorne, A. H., (Crasemann & Hagen) clerk, Chefoo Sim, A. C., (Medical Hall) druggist, Kobe

Sim, G., third engineer, steamer Yungching, China coast

Simard, inspector of police, Saigon

Simas, E. A. da C., paymaster, Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Dias

Simeaō, Rev. J. M. da C., professor of philosophy, Seminario de S. Jose, Macao Simeon, K. S., dresser, Butterworth General Hospital, Province Wellesley

Simmonds, Lieut. P. R., fire master & inspector warlike stores, Royal Artillery Simmons, Rev. E. Z., missionary, Canton

Simmons, M., matron, lunatic asylum, Bonham road

Simo, F., pro essor, mison de la compania de Jesus, Manila

Simoens, B. P., interpreter, International court, Bangkok

Simões, A., ensign, commanding Barra Fort, Macao

Simões, C. P., clerk, British consulate, Amoy

Simoes, D. P., clerk, revenue office, Macao

Simoes, J. R., (Comptoir d'Escompt) clerk, Shanghai

Simon, sub-lieutenant, second regim nt, Saigon

Simon, teacher, municipal girls' sc..ool, Saigon

Simon, registrar, court of first instance, Saigon

Simon, A. R., Compañia Gl. e Tabacos, Lalloc, Cagayan

Simon, C., chief engineer, Tamhoi rice mill, Saigon

Simon, C. J. B., surgeon, French gunboat Vipère

Simon, J., (Simon, Evers & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Simon, J. B. F., chief druggist, Saigon

Simon, J. L., merchant, Haiphong and Hanoi (absent)

Simon, L., merchant, Haiphong

Simon, M., missionary, Tayninh

Simon, M. F., acting principal civil medical officer, Singapore

Simon, S., (J. J. Reyes) bookkeeper, Bohol, Philippines

Simondant, clerk, Treasury, Sa gon

Simonin, L., S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Simonot, overseer, construction of telegraphs, Tonkin

Simons, H. M. Jr., (Paterson, Simons & Co) clerk, Singapore

Simpson, C. L., Maritime Customs commissioner, Kiukiang

Simpson, H., inspector of police, Malacca

Simpson, J., gaol warder, Penang

Simpson, R. D. J., Customs tidewaiter, Wenchow

Simp-on, Colonel S., R. A., commandant, Singapore

Sims, W., boilermaker, P. & O. steamer Teheran, Hongkong and Japan

Sinclair, A., superintendent engineer, Naval Yard, Taku

Sinclair, A. W., residency surgeon, S. langor

Sinclair, G., assistant, Luzon Sugar R-finery, Manila

Sinclair, H., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Canton Sinclair, J., Tam-chow mine, Canton

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Sinclair, W., (Samsen Rice Mill Co.) proprietor and manager, Bangkok Sinclair, W. H., clerk, post and shipping office, Sarawak

Sineriz, J. M., director, San José hospital, Manila

Singleton, J., (H. & W. Dock Co., Ld.) foreman boilermaker, Kowloon Singleton, T. A., (M. Levy & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Sinnaya, clerk, public works department, Saigon

Siqueira, F., clerk, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Queen's road Sirugue, telegraphist, Hanoi

Sisi, A., oficial, Customs, Manila

Sites, Rev Nathan, missionary, Foochow

Skeels, A. E., assistant, Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co., Shanghai

Skene, J., coppersmith, New Harbour Dock, Singapore

Skinner, Hon. A. M., acting Colonial secretary, Singapore

Skinner, C. J., collector of land Revenne, Penang

Skinner, G. L., tax collector, Municipal Couucil, Shanghai

Skinner, H., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Shanghai Skinner, J. J., (Mourilyan, Heimann & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Skipworth, W. G., (Skipworth, Hammond & Co.) tailor, Kobe Skirrow, A G. W., lieutenant, South Lancashire Regiment, Singapore Skoett, H., (Ed. Schellhass & Co.) clerk, Praya

Skottowe, A. B., (E. F. A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Haiphong

Skottowe, E. B., (Chartered Bank) acting accountant, Shanghai and agent, Hankow Skrimshire, E. W., (Dodd & Co.) assistant, Tamsui

Slade, G., (Gilman & Co.) merchant, Foochow

 Slagbek, F. H., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, and act. consul for Belgium, Pedder's street Sleeman, W. J., secon-1 officer, steamer Yiksang, China coast

Slevogt, Max, merchant, Shanghai

Slimmon, J. A., China Inland missionary, Honan

Sloan, Jus., (Armstrong and Sloan) broker, Manila

Sloan, J. J. A., paymaster, H. B. M. corvette Satellite

Sloan, R. J., medical practiti ner, Shanghai

Sluch, M., (El Siglo XIX) assistant, Manila

Small, J., third engineer, P. & O). str. Teheran, Hongkong and Yokohama

Small, M., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Small, Miss J., missionary, Petchaburi, Siam

Smart, J. D., assistant, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Singapore

Smellie, W., manager, Chartered Mercantile Bank, Penang

Smerdeley, N., chief lightkeeper, Shanghai

Smidt, C., storekeeper, Shanghai

Smiles, P., second officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha Kumamoto Maru, Japan Smith, A., clerk, audit office, Singapore

Smith, A., (Butterfield and Swire) clerk, Shanghai

Smith, A., Maritim": Customs tidewaiter, Cantou

Smith, Alfred, gunner, H. B. M. S. Victor Emanuel

Smith, A. Findlay, (MacEwen, Frickel & Co.) storekeeper, Queen's road Smith, Rev. A. H., missionary, P'ang Tswang, Shantung

 Smith, A. J. M., municipal secretary and supdt. public works, Tientsin Smith, A. L. R., pilot, Newchwang

Smith, Sir C. C., K.C.M.G., Governor of Straits Settlements, Singapore

Smith, C. V., (Russell & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Smith, D. Warres, manager, Daily Press office, Wyndham street

Smith, E. E., Maritime Čustoms tidewaiter, Tamsui

Smith, E. J. clerk, maritime customs, Shanghai

Smith, E. J., (Borneo Company) assistant, Bangkok

Smith, E. O., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment

Smith, E. R., (Smith, Baker & Co.) merchant, Yokohama and Kobe

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Smith, E. W.H., (China and Japan Trading Co.) assistant, Nagasaki

Smith, F. A., (Turnbull, Howie & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Smith, F. B., (E. W. Mitchell & Co.) commission agent, Canton and Macao Smith, F. J., Maritime Customs assistant, Shanghai

Smith, G., chief engineer, steamer Formosa, China coast

Smith, Rev. G., M.A., missionary, Swatow

Smith, Geo., wine merchant, Shanghai

Smith, Geo. T., missionary, Akita, Japan

Smith, H., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai

Smith, H., (Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co.) superintendent, Cosmopolitan Dock Smith, Herbert, (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Smith, H. B., reporter, Shanghai Mercury, Shanghai

Smith, H. F. W., midshipman, H.B.M.S. Audacious

Smith, H. G., sub-lieutenant, H.B.M.S. Audacious

  Smith, H. L., commission agent, and proprietor Tasseh Brick Co., Penang Smith, H. R., P.A. paymaster, U.S.S. Essex

Smith, J., foreman blacksmith, New Harbour Dock, Singapore

Smith, J., (Chefoo Supply Association) assistant. Ciefoo

Smith, J., China Inland missionary, Talifoo

Smith, J., (J. M. Lyon & Co.) blacksmith, Singapore

Smith, J., (New Harbour Dock Co.) assistant engineer, Singapore

Smith, J., clerk, post and shipping office, Sarawak

Smith, J., pilot, cutter Orphan, Ningpo

Smith, Jas., warder, gaol, Singapore

Smith, Jas., (S. C. Faraham & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Smith, Jno., warder, gaol, Singapore

Smith, J. A., chief engineer, H. B. M. despatch vessel Alacrity

Smith, J. C., (Holme, Ringer & Co.) merchant, ard consul for Denmark, Nagasaki

Smith, J. D., Maritime Customs examiner, Swatow


Smith, John Grant, (J. G. Smith & Co.) commission agent, & con. for Peru, Queen's road

Smith, Jos., manager, Tasseh Brick Works, Province Wellesley

Smith, J. H., (F. Blackhead & Co.) shipchandler, Praya

Smith, Rev. J. N. B., missionary and supt. of boys' school, Shanghai

Smith, J. P., (W. Powell & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Smith, J. R. M., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Smith, J. T., (Kelly & Walsh) assistant, Shanghai

Smith, J. U., marine surveyor, pilo', and proprietor "Smith's Hotel" Nagasaki

Smith, L. H., (Emery & Co.) manager, Nicolajesk, Eastern Siberia

Smith, L. S., (Singapore Insurance Co.) clerk, Singapore

Smith, M., locomotive inspector, railway service, Osaka

Smith, M., (Holme, Ringer & Co.) clerk, Nagasaki

Smith, N. F., (Smith, Baker & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Smith, P. Y., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Smith, R. B., (Smith, Baker & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Smith, R. C., general agent, Manila Slip Co., Manila

Smith, R. Fraser, proprietor and editor, Hongkong Telegraph, Pedder's Hill

Smith, R. M., (Holme, Ringer & Co.) clerk, Nagasaki

Smith, Rev S. J., missionary, Bangkok

Smith, S., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Kiukiang

Smith, S., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai

Smith, S. P., China Inland missionary, Pingyangfu, North China

Smith, T. G., chief clerk and private secretary, Supreme Court, Shanghai

Smith, T. H., carpenter, H. B. M. corvette Satellite

Smith, T. S., Hongkong civil service passed cadet, acting police magistrate Smith, Thos., (Borneo Company) clerk, Sarawak

Smith, W., chief engineer, steam lighter Bangkok, Bangkok

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Smith, W., proprietor, Bank Exchange Bowling Saloon, Yokohama Smith, W. B., bill and share broker, Singapore

 Smith, W. E., accountant, Chartd. Mercantile Bank, Penang Smith, W. H., (Frazar & Co.) a-sistant, Yokohama

Smith, W. R., (Jas. Motion) assistant, Singapore

Smith, W. S., wharfinger, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Smith, director, railway company, Saigon

Smith, Mrs. J. N. B., superintendent of girls' school, Shanghai Smith, Miss, missionary, Peking

Smith, Miss G., missionary, Ningpo

Smith, Miss S. E., missionary, Hakodate

Smorodinoff, N., (Lindholm & Co.) engineer, flour mill, Wladiwostock

Smyth, Rev. E. C., missionary, Tshingchowfoo, Shautung

Smyth, Rev. G. B, missionary, Foochow (absent)

Smythies, P. K., commander, H.B.M.S. Victor Emanuel

Snethlage, H., merchant and commission agent, Shanghai

Snodgrass, A., (Howarth, Erskine & Co ) foreman engineer, Singapore Snow, E. A., lieutenant, South Lancashire Regt., Singapore

Snowden, J., Pilot Company, Shanghai

Soares, A. F. de J., broker, Stanley street

Suares, A. G. B., (Belilios & Co.) clerk, Lyndhurst terrace

Soares, E. E., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bink) clerk, Shanghai Soares, F. A., (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Soures, F. P., clerk, P. & O. S. N. Co., Praya

Soares, F. P., (Oriental Dispensary) manager, Stanley street

Soares, L. J., sacristao, Ermida de Penha, Macao

Sobrailoo, R. clerk, Municipality, Singapore

Sobrailoo, S., clerk, Municipality, Singapore

Soderberg, O., chief officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Hyogo-maru, Japan

Sæderstrom, C., master mariner, Bangkok

Soelberg, C. G., lightkeeper, Ocks u, Amoy

Sohst, Th. (Putt farcken & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Sola y Gallegos, B., captain infantry, Minila

Solano, Lieut.-Col. E., Capitania General, Manila

Solar, M, (E. Garchitorena & Co.) carriage maker, Manila

Soldeirlay, J., chief of station, telegraph department, Manila

Soler, Antonio, hotel keeper, Iloilo

Soler, Eusebi, hotel ke per, Iloilo

Soler, F., telegraph:st, Manila

Soler, J. A., telegraphist, Manila

Solis y Bazan, J., surgeon major, army medical department, Manila

Solmitz, A., (Simon, Evers & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Soloman, E. A., (Meyer Bros.) clerk, Singapore

Solomon, lightship keeper, Harbour department, Bangkok

Solomon, E. A., merchant, Singapore

Solomon, F., (S. Marcus & Co.) Yokohama

Solomon, F., chief inspector of police, Bangkok

Solomon, R. J., broker aud commission agent, Shanghai

Solomon, S. J., (E. D. Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Solorzano, P. O. de, i terveutor, lottery department, Manila Sombreuil, H. de, Maritime Customs assistant, Shanghai

⚫ Someren, R. G. van, advocate and solicitor, Penang

Somerville, C. D, (C. S. Tennent & Co.) clerk, Penang Somerville, E., Residency officer, Bintulu, Sarawak Somerville, H. B. T., sub-lieutenant, H.B.M. corvette Heroine Somerville, J. (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) clerk, Singapore

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Somerville, Lient. T. C. F., aide-de-camp to General Cameron

Sommer, F. L., chief officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Hiroshima-maru, Japan Somoza, E., (La Puerta del Sol) assistant, Manila

Sonderburg, A. N. N., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) clerk, Wladiwostock Sonnaville, J. de, Craigieburn, Peak


Sonne, C. Chr., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) superintendent, Wladiwostock Sonne, H., engineer surveyor, Shanghai

   Sonsini, Rev. Fr. L., Roman Catholic missionary, Hankow Soothill, Rev. W. E., missionary, Wênchow

Soovoroff, A. T., (M. G. Sheveleff & Co.) clerk, Wladiwostock

Soper, Rev. J., missiovary, Tokyo

Sopher, M. A., (D. Sassoon, Sons & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

   Sorensen, C., second officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Sörensen, John, (Schriever & Co.) clerk, Haiphong

Soriano, A., medical practitioner, Manila

Soriano, Juan, tailor, Iloilo

Soriano, R., judge of Tondo district, Manila

Sorin, Rev. H., R man Catholic missionary, Swatow

   Sorin, Rev. P. F., French Catholic missionary, Province Wellesley Sorin, Rev., procurator, French Mission, Canton

Sostoa y Or lones, J., colonel, v. arine Infantry, Manila

Sotelo, R., ma.......ger,


La Puerta dei Sol," Iloilo

Soto, I. G., chief colonel, mixe: brigade, Manila

   Soto y Cañas, I., assistant, Compania General de Tabacos, Manila Soto y Rueda, T., oficial, a minis. de ren as, etc., Manila

Soudheim, S., Yokohama

Sueix, te graphust, Saigon

Souffron, telegraphist, Phulang-Chuong, Touquin

Sou art, F., seer, tary, French legation, Peking

Soulas, clerk, Trasury, Saigon

Sour ers, Dewriter, Customs, Tou:ane, Auna

Southenti, W. E., Maritime Customs ass stant examiner, Chinkiang Shu'ara a Lient. W. H. H., Flag heut, 0.9. nary, China station


Southey, '. S., clerk, Harbour Master's Deputati

Suvinet, Roman Catholic missionary, II...

Souza, A. de, (H. Brauss & Co.) clerk, >.n

Sonza, A. A. de, li hkeeper, Malacca

Souza, A. F. de, clerk, Magistracy, Singapore


Souza, A. J. de, senior bailiff, Sheriff's department, Singapore

Souza, A. J. S., (C. G. Lin Co.) assistant, Amoy

Souza, A. R. de, clerk, New Oriental Bank, Singapore

Sonza, B. G. de, (Chartered Mercantile Bank) cleik, Singapore Souza, C. A., writer, H.M. naval yard

   Souza, C. C. de., (R. A. P. Hogan) managing clerk, Penang Suza, C. de, composit. r, Daily Press Office, Wyndham street

   Souza, C. M. de, meirinho, ecclesiastical chamber, Macao Soʻza, D). M. de, assistant "The Farm," Shanghai

Souza, E., (Wieler & Co.) clerk, Praya

Souza, E. de, surveyor, public works de; artm ut, Singapore

Souza, E. F. de, surgeon. military hospital, Macao

Souza, E. F. de, commission agent, Wyndham street

Souza, E. J. de, draftsman, public works department, Malacca

Souza, E. L. M. de, (E. L. M. de Souza & Co.) shipping agent, Singapore

Souza, E. M. de, clerk, Cosmopolitan Dock

Souza, F. de, chief clerk, Resident's office, Malacca

Souza, F. de, clerk, Agra Pank, Shanghai


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Souza, F. A. de, clerk, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore Souza, F. J. de, bailiff, court of requests, Singapore Souza, F. S., (C. K. E. Woods) clerk, Singapore

Souza, F. S. de, clerk, Central Police Station

Souza, F. X. S., (Great Northern Telegraph Co.) clerk, Shanghai Souza, H. J. de, (Katz Bros) assistant, Singapore

Souza, Justinian de, teacher, St. Francis' school, Malacca

Souza, J. de, captain, H.S.M. steamer Siam Supporter, Bangkok

Souza, J. de, clerk, land revenue department, Malacca

Souza, J. de, compositor, Government Printing office, Singapore

 Souza, J. de, (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) clerk, Singapore Souza, J. de, (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Souza, J. de, (McAlister & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Souza, J. de, Stiven & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Souza, J. de, (Tanjong Pagar Dock Co.) clerk, Singapore

Souza, J. A. de, clerk, Municipality, Singapore

Souza, J. A. H. de, fourth officer, steamer Arratoon Apcar, Hongkong and Calcutta Souza, J. C. B. de, conductor, public works department, Macao

Souza, J. F. de, warden, St. Michael's cemetery,


Souza, J. J. de, assistant and marshal, United States Consulate, Foochow

Souza, J. J. de, clerk, post office, Malacca

Souza, J. J. de, storekeeper, public works department, Singapore

Souza, J. J. de, (Love & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Souza, J. M. de, clerk, Municipality, Penang

Souza, J. Neves e, (Lisbon Dispensary) chemist, lieut. National Battalion, Macao

Souza, J. O. E. de, apprentice, public works department, Singapore

Souza, L. R. de, clerk, Chartered Mercantile Bank, Malacca

Souza, Luiz de, (Guedes & Co.) compositor, Wellington Street

Souza, M. A. A. de, (Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co.) clerk, Praya Central

Souza, M. de, clerk, Assessor and Collector's Office, Province Wellesley Souza, M. de, (Barlow & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Souza, M. de, (Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co.) cashier, Praya central

 Souza, M. V., apprentice, Battu Kawan Sugar Estate, Province Wellesley Souza, M. C., writer, Naval Yard

Souza, M. G. de, (Frazar & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Souza, M. J. de, clerk, U. S. Consulate, Singapore

Souza, M., Jr., clerk, Japan Mail S. S. Co., Shanghai

Souza, M. V. de, overseer, Battu Kawan Sugar Estate, Province Wellesley

Souza, P. D.', clerk, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Souza, R. de, postmaster, Macao

Souza, R. L. de, clerk, Municipality, Penang

Souza, S. A. M. d,' clerk, government printing office, Singapore

Souza, S. R., captuin, first regiment, Manila

Souza, S. P. de, clerk, court of requests, Singapore

Souza, S. R. de, clerk, United States consulate, Nagasaki

Souza, S. R. de, (Edwin Koek) clerk, Singapore

Souza, S. R. de, (Tanjong Pagar Dock Co.) clerk, Singapore

Souza, Rev. S. S. de, librariau, Seminario de S. José, Macao

Souza, V. B. de, (Reiss & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Souza, V. de, (Reiss & Co.) clerk, Lombard street

 Souza, V. M. D. da, first engineer, Portugues corvette Bartholomeu Dias Sowerby, Rev. A., missionary, Taiyuenfoo, Shansi

Sowerby, Rev. H., missionary, Wuchang

Spafford, T., leading man of storebouse, H. M. naval yard

Spalding, C., railway locomotive superintendent, Perak

Spalding, F., agent, Compania General de Tabacos, Zamboanga, Philippines

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Sparham, Rev. G., missionary, Hankow

Sparling, F. C., second officer, steamer Pechili, China coast Sparrow, H. S. R., surgeon, H. B. M. S. Victor Emanuel

Sparshott, Geo., engineer, river steamer Rapido, Iloilo

Spearman, A. Y. C. M., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Specht, Chr., (Brinkmann & ('o.) clerk, Singapore


Speidel, F. W., (Speidel & Co.) merchant, and consul for Belgium and Denmark, Saigon Speidel, P., (C. J. Gaupp & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Speidel, T., (Speidel & Co.) merchant, and consul for Germany, Netherlands, Saigon

Spence, J. G., second officer, steamer Japan, Hongkong and Calcutta

Spence, R., second officer, steamer Danube, Hongkong and Bangkok

Spence, T. B., third engineer, P. & O. steamer Thibet, Hongkong and Japan

Spence, W. D., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Spencer, Rev. D. S., missionary, Nagasaki

Spencer, Rev. F, H., missionary, Osaka

Spencer, Rev. J. O., missionary, Aoyama, Japan

Spencer, R., chief officer, steamer Fokien, China coast

Spencer, master mariner, Bangkok

Spencer, Miss M. A., missionary, Tokyo

Spencer, Miss E. A., missionary, Shanghai

Speshiloff, S. I.,, merchant, Hankow

Speyer, A. de, secretary, Russian Legation, Tokyo

Spirgalthal, J., captain, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Spielman, chief accountant, Banque de l' Indo-Chine, Saigon

Spiers, W., (H. G. Brown) engineer, Laguimanoc, Tayabas, Philippines

Spinner, Rev, W., pastor, German Evangelical congregation, Yokohama Spinney, W. F., Maritime Customs deputy commissioner, Canton

Spitz, E., merchant, Manila

Spitzer, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Sponholz, P., (Overbeck & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Spooner, J. J., chief ex ise officer, opium farm, Bonham strand

Spooner, S., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Sprague, Rev. W. P., missionary, Kalgan

Spreadborongh, Qr. Mr. Sergt. J., foreman of works, Royal Engineers

Spring, C. A., (Spring & Co.) draper, Manila

Spring, Miss, (Spring & Co.) assistant, Manila

Sprüngli, E., (Sprüngli & Co.) merchant, Manila

Squire, Comdr. M., assistant supdt., marine office, Tokyo

Srendsan, M. A, second officer, Japan Mail S. S. str. Shinagawa-maru, Japan

Sriwardene, W. M., clerk to residency surgeon, Thaiping, Perak

Stack, F., second officer, steamer Kwangcho, China coast

Staffa, P., second engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co,'s steamer Hiroshima-maru, Japan Stafhel, H., (G. R. Lambert & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Stahlberg, R., (Mülier & Co.) nssistant, Shanghai

Stablknecht, C. G., (Staehelin & Stablknecht) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Stainfield, Mrs., boarding house-keeper, Queen's road east

Stainton, R. J., second officer, steamer Haitan, Chi..a coast

Stampa, de, conducto, public works department, Saigon

Stanford, Rev. A. W., missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Stanford, J. W., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) storekeeper, Shanghai

Stanley, Rev. C. A., missionary, Tientsin (absent)

Stanley, Capt. E. T., ordnance store officer in charge

Stannius, H., Dr. jur., consul for Germany, Russia, Italy and Switzerland, Kobe

Stanton, W., inspector of police, Aberdeen

Stanton, Miss, head mistress, Raffles' Institution, Singapore

Starkey, E., (Gearing & Co.), merchant, Chinkiang

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Starkey, R. D., (North China Insurance Co.) assistant secretary, Shanghai Starling, E. W., captain, st. Yangtze, Hongkong and Shanghai Startzeff, A. D., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) merchant, Tientsin Stavers, J. W., chief officer, str. Pasig, Canton river

Stead, Hy., A.C.A., average adjuste, Praya Stean, H., constable, British Consulate, Tientsin Stean, H., (Samuel Samuel & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Stean, J., (Samuel Samuel & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Stebbins, W., Maritime Customs examiner, Canton

Steedman, J., captain, Japan Mail S. S. ('o.'s str. Totomi-maru, Japan Steel, W., second engineer, steamer Diamante, Hongkong and Manila Steele, H., (B. nnett & Steele) bill broker, Yokoliama Steenackers, F., assistant, French consulate, Kobe Steevens, Major J., senior ordnance store officer Stegen, L. van der, Customs tidewaiter, Shanghai

Steglich, Oscar, (Great Northern_Telegraph Co.) mechanician, Shanghai Stehmeyer, J, master mariner, Bangkok

Stein, A., assistant, stores lept., Japan Mail S. S. Co., Yokohama Stein, Miss S. E., missionary, Canton

Steinam, secretary, adminis. native affairs, Soctrang, Cochin-China Steinbach, I., proprietor, Britannia Hotel, Nagasaki

Steinbeck, J., Hotel de Corée, Jenchuan

Steinbring, master mariner, Bangkok

 Steinch, W., lazareth gehulfe, German Naval Hospital, Yokohama Stellingwerff, P. J. J., lightkeeper, Fisher Island, Amoy

Stem, overseer, customs, Haiphong

Stenross, H., (Grassi Brothers & Co.) ove see, Bangkok Steph rius, C., (J. J. Buchheister) clerk, Shanghai

Stephen, A. G., clerk, Hongkong and Shang a Bauk, Batavia Stephen, Jas., (Victoria Dispensary) assistant, Queeu's road Stephen, W. M., chief officer, steamer Kungpai, China coast Stephens, C. E., (Colgate, Baker & Co.) clerk, Kobe Stephens, M. assist. paymaster, H. B. M. corvette Constance Stephens, M., (Elgar & Co.) merchant, Singa," re


Stephen T. gable, British consulate, Hankow


      A (anjong Pagar Dock Co.) ace untant, Singapore Step. ea, P., (J. Foreman) mechanical engineer, Manila (bsent) Stephensen, G. analyst, government medical department, Singapore Stepheuson, G. H., (Maynard & Co.) manager, Singapore

Stephenson, J. T., (W. Saunders) assistant, Shanghai

Sternen fels B. v., (E Spitz) clerk, Manila

Sternseher, D., proprietor, Wharf Hotel, Shanghai

Stettin, O. von, (Hollmann & Co.) clerk, Manila

Stevens, E., Maritime Customs tidesurveyor and harbour master, Newchwang

Stevens, Geo. R., merchant, Pedder's street

Stevens, J., (Chinese Engineering and Mining Co.) viewer, Tientsin

Stevens, J. G., engineer, H. B. M. despatch vessel Alacrity

Stevens, T. H., lieu:enant, U.S.S. Palos

Stevens, Miss, missionary, Taiyuenfu

Stevenson, J. W., China Inland missionary, Shanghai

Stevenson, W. F., Maritime Customs assistant tidesurveyor, Taku

Stevenson, W. F., (W. F. Stevenson & Co.), merchant, Manila

Stewart, A., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of I. A. & C., Queen's road

Stewart, A., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Stewart, C. E. assist. Manila to Dagupan tramway, Manila

Stewart, C. G., lieut., arcond South Lancashire Regiment, Penang

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Stewart, C. J., Jr., assistant, Hall & Holz Co-operative Co., Shanghai Stewart, Hon. Fred., LL.D., colonial secretary

Stewart, G., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road Stewart, Geo., engineer, Kiw Ching steam rice mill, Bangkok

Stewart, H. N., clerk in charge, post & telegraph dept., Penang Stewart, J., chief officer, steamer Meifoo, China coast Stewart, J., clerk, telegraph service, Nagasaki

Stewart, J., second engineer, steamer Haean, China coast

Stewart, J., (Riley, Hargraves & Co.) foremn, Singapore

Stewart, J., (Imperial Arsenal) superintendent engineer, Tientsin Stewart, J. A., assistant, Hall and Holtz Co-operative Co., Shanghai Stewart, J. C., M. D. medical missionary, Taiyuenfoo, N. China

Stewart, R., Jr., assist. engineer, U.S.S. Monocacy

Stewart, Rev. R. W., M. A., missionary, Foochow

Stewart, W., (H. & W. Dock Co.) head clerk, Aberdeen Stewart, Mrs. J. A., milliner, Shanghai

Stewart, Miss, missionary, Taiwanfoo

Stewart, Miss E., missionary, Ningpo

Sthamer, lieutenant, German gunboat Wolf

Stibio, assistant paymaster, Treasury, Saigon

Stiefel, W., (Hooglandt & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Stiene, C., assistant, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Quarry Bay

Stiles, Geo. W., public accountant, Shanghai

Still, J. M., chief officer, steainer Marcia, China coast

Stirling, R. M., (Bisset & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Stiven, A. W., (Stiven & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Stiveu, R. G., (Stiven & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Stivers, G. W., chief engineer, U.S.S. Essex


   Stockbridge, H. E., Ph. D., professor of chein stry, Agricultural School, Sapporo, Yesso Stockhausen, F. W. G. von, secretary, German consulate and German Club

Stocks, W., constable, British Consulate, Pagoda, Foochow

Stoddart, J. M., (Takasima Colliery) superintending mining engineer, Nagasaki Stoddard, W., turner and fitter, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore

Stoecklin, telegraph clerk, Kampot, Cambodia

Stoffregen, W., (C. Illies & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Stokes, A. G., (Stokes & Young) broker, Queen's road

Stokes, A. P., (Sharp, Johnson & Stokes) solicitor, Supreme Court house

Stokes, R., assistant, maritime customs, Shanghai

Stölker, J., (Grassi Bros. & Co.) architect, Bangkok

Stoll, E., (Sprüngli & Co.) clerk, Manila

Stoll, F., (Rautenberg, Schmidt & Co.) assistant, Singapore Stolle, M., surgeon, Gobierno Civil, Manila

Stolterfoht, H., (Stolterfoht & Hirst) merchant, Praya (absent) Stone, F. G., (C. & J. Trading Co.) ac ing manger, Nagasaki Stone, P. E. F., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Yokohama Stone, W. H., secretary, Government telegraph service, Tokyo Stonehold, H., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Kiukiang Stonehouse, G., warder, gaol, Singapore

Stonehouse, Rev. J., missionary, Peking

Stopani, A., (H.K. & W. Dock Co.) captain, steam tug Pilot Fish

Stopani, J., third engineer, steamer Fokien, China coast

Storer, Col. A. T., commanding Royal Engineer

Storey, G., overman, Engineering and Mining Co., Tientsin

Storie, C. G. R., medical officer, Sarawak

Stork, L., assistant, Trafalgar Estate, Singapore

Storm, N. W., chief officer, ste..mer Activ, Hongkon, and Haiphong

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Stornebrink, L., manager, Yokohama Ice Works, Yokohama Stott, Dr., district surgeon, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor Stott, Rev. G., missionary, Wênchow (absent)

Stout, Rev. H., missionary, Nagasaki

Stovell, E. F., second officer, steamer Pakshan, China coast

Stovin, L. G., navigating lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Constance

Stows, C. B., professor of English law, University, Tokyo

Strachan, A. D., sub accountant, Chartered Bank of I. A. & C., Singapore Strachan, B, (Medical Hall) assistant, Kobe

Strachan, W. M., (Strachan & Co.) merchant, Kobe (absent)

Strachan, W. W., chief officer, steamer Zafiro, Hongkong and Manila

Strähler, F., (Paul Heinemann & Co.) clerk, Yokohaına

Strange, F. W., instructor, first higher middle school, Tokyo

Strangman, R. H., tidewaiter, maritime customs, Kiukiang

Straubé, J. A., (Dodd & Co.) godown keeper, Tamsui

Strauss, S., merchant, Yokohama

Streich, K. J., interpreter, German consulate, Shanghai

Streiff, E. J., supdt. of company's police, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Singapore Streiff, H., (Luchsinger & Co.) merchant and German consul, Iloilo

Streiff, H., (Hollinann & Co.) clerk, Manila

Strenna, commissaire, M. F. steamboat Song Kee, Saigon

Stringer, C., (Paterson, Simons & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Stringer, C. E. W., student interpreter, British Legation, Bangkok

Stringer, H. L., (Brown, Jones & Co.) undertaker and house agent, Queen's road east Stripling, A. B., Seoul, Corea

Strite, S. M., cadet, U.S.S. Brooklyn

Stritte, R., (E. Meyer & Co.) clerk, Tientsin

Strome, C. J., (Rottmann, Strome & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Stronach, J., foreman, New Harbour Dock, Singapore

Stronach, W. G., British consul, Wênchow

Strong, J. P., Maritime Customs tide waiter, Wuhu

Strugnell, R., inspector, sanitary department municipality, Singapore

Strugnell, R., signal sergeant, marine department, Singapore

Struoneli, W., (Katz Bros) assistant, Singapore

Struthers, J., ccond engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Stuart, Gilbert, (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) assistant, Quarry Bay Sturt, Rev. G. A., missionary, Nnking

Stuart, Dr. G. A., medical missionary, Wuhu

Stuart, J. D., clerk to attorney-general, Singapore

Stuart, Rev. J. L., missionary, Hangchow (absent)

Stuart, J. P., (Hill and Rathborne) civil engineer, Sungei Ujong Stucken, E., merchant, Kobe

Studd, C. T., missionary, Taiyuenfu, N. China

Studer, A. G., United States consul, Singapore

Stuhlmann, P. (C. Fressel & Co.) clerk, M nila

Stulz, E., (C. Heinszen & Co.) clerk, Manila

Sturcke, J., (Grosser & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Sturman, J. H., China Inland missionary, Kansuh

Sturzenegger, C., (Schmidt, Kusterman & Co.) merchant, Penang (absent)

Styan, F. W., (Robt. Anderson & 15.) clerk, Shanghai

Suarez, F., (Louis Génu) clerk, Manila

Suarez, M., mision de la Compañia de Jesus, Manila

Such, F. W., (Hewett & Co.) clerk. Shanghai

Such, H. J., (Hewett & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Sudka, K. A., (S. J. David & Co) clerk, Hollywood road

Suenson, A., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) superintendent, Amoy

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Suenson, E., captain, Gt. Northern Telegraph Co's str. Store Nordiske, Shanghai Sugden, A. H., "maritime customs assistant, Chefoo

Sugden, C., (Borneo Company) assistant, Singapore

Sugden, Miss, missionary, Hankow

Suhl, M., (Schmidt, Kusterman & Co.) merchant, Penang (absent)

Suhm, O. von W., (Baer & Subm) merchant, Manila

Suhr, G., (Kunst & Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock

Sullivan, Jno. A., share broker, Shanghai

Sullivan, T. O., third officer, str. Haiphong, China coast

Sulzer, E., (Ziegler & Co.) clerk, Yokobama

Sumner, C. M., captain, South Lancashire Regt., Singapore

Summers, E. H., chief officer, str. Powan, Hongkong and Canton

Summers, F., abogado, Supreme Court, Manila

Summers, G., third engineer, steamer Thales, China coast

Summers, Rev. J., missionary, Tokyo

Summers, R., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Manila

Summers, R., cashier, Banco Español Filipino, Manila

Summers, W. H., Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

Sundios, A. J., student, British Legation, Peking

Sunol, J., medico, Iloilo

Suppanci, engineer, H. S. M. steamer Impregnable, Bangkok

Suria y Fulgas, R., surgeon, army medical department, Manila Surin, J. A., assistant master, Free School, Penang Surmam, W., constable, British Legation, Bangkok Surth, M., (Ahrens & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Susemihl, J. H. J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Ningpo Susini, process server, Saigon

Süse, Miss L., teacher, Berlin Foundling hospital (absent)

Sutcliffe, E., (W. F. Stevenson & Co.) assistant, Manila

Suter, W., teacher, Government Central School, Singapore

Sutherland, A., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Swatow

Sutherland, D., chief engineer, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co.'s steamer Recorder

Sutherland, Hugh, (Fairhurst, Sutherland & Co.) merchant, Foochow

Sutherland, J., sugar boiler, China Sugar Refining Co., East point

Sutherland, J. W., (Cobb & Co.) carriage builder, Yokohama

Sutter, W., (Thomas & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Sutton, C., comtractor, Nagasaki

Sutton, G., (M. Adams & Co.) butcher and compradore, Nagasaki

Sutton, H., Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

Sutton, W. J., cable foreman, E. E. A. & C. Tele. Co.'s storeship Southern Ocean, S'pore

Suvoong, V. P., M.D, sieatific translation department, Kiangnan Arsenal, Shanghai

Swain, R., captain, Japan Mail S.S. Co.'s steamer Umi maru, Japan

Swainson, G., Maritime Customs boit officer, Anping, Formosa

Swales, G., (W. W. Brewer) assistant, Shanghai

Swan, A. A., (Swan & Lermit) architect, Singapere

Swan, J. M., medical missionary, Canton

Swan, W., operator, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore Swanston, J. C., inspector of police, Shaukiwan

Swanstrom, C. A., Maritime Custo ng tidewaiter, Pakboi

Sweichnikoff, S. F., (A. L. Rodionoff & Co) clerk, Hankow Swettenham, F. A., C.M.G., British Resident, Selangor (absent) Swinney, E. F., M.D., missionary, St. Catherine's Bridge, Shanghai Sword, J., (Straits Tra ling C.) manager, Kwla Lumpor, Selangor Syberg, F. von, acting German consul, Praya East

Sy lenstricker, Rev. A., missionary, Chinkiang (absent)

Syers, H. C., acting Collector and Ma ;istrate Ulu Langat, Selangor

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Sylva, H., (Japan Mail S.S. Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Sylvestre, Roman Catholic missionary, Paompenh, Cambodia Symes, J., inspector of police, Perak

Symes, P. S., clerk, Japan Mail 8.S. Co., Yokohama

Symes, R. L., (Chartered Mercantile Bank) accountant, Queen's road Symonds, G. H. H., surgeon, H. B. M. gunboat Merlin

Symonds, W., warder, ga 1, Singapore

Symons, B., overseer, Gula estate, Krian, Perak

Symons, E., inspector of shipwringhts, H. M. naval yard

Symons, G. R., assist. manager, Prye Sugar Estate, Province Wellesley

Symons, H., proprietor, Shanghai Horse Bazaar and Central Livery Stables, Shanghai

Symons, J. A., public vaccinator, Butterworth General Hospital, Province Wellesley Symons, N., (A. H. Drew), clerk, Singapore

Symons, T. F., clerk, H. B. M. Naval depot, Yokohama

Symons, T. N., engineer, Prye Sugar Estate, Province Wellesley Symphorose, teacher, Chasseloup Lanbat's college, Saigon Synge, F. R. N., captain South Lancashire regt., Singapore Szigetvarry, L. E. N., maritime customs watcher, Shanghai

Tablares, P., racionero, ecclesiastical dept., Manila Tafalla, J., professor, norm I school, Manila

Taft, Rev. M. L., missionary, Peking

Tafte, second engineer, str. Anton, Hongkong and Tonkin Taggart, J. H., (C. P. Low & Co.) clerk, Yokohama Tagle, J. P. de, (H. J. Andrews & Co.) clerk, Manila Tagliabue, Rt. Rev. F. French Catholic bishop, Peking

Tait, third engineer, steamer Danube, Hongkong and Bangkok Tait, T., (Hill & Rathbone) assistant, Kinta, Perak

Tait, W., pilot, Penang

Talati, B. N., (E. N. Mehta & Co.) merchant, Hollywood road

Talati, D. D., (Mehta & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Talati, M. B, (Mebta & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Talati, M. P., (E. N. Mehta & Co.) merchant, Hollywood road (absent)

Talati, Pestonjee F., merchant, Gage street

Talati, Pallanjee F., (P. F. Talati) clerk, Gage street

Talati, R. S., (Mehta & Co.) merchant, Hollywood road and Canton

Talbot, A. P., assistant colonial secretary and clerk of councils, Singapore

Talbot, R. M., captain, steamer Zafiro, Hongkong and Manila

Talbot, W. H., average adjuster, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Yokohama

Talbot-Ponsonby, J. S. W., midshipman, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Talcott, Miss E, missionary, Okayama, Japan

  Talleksen T., chief engine r, Japan Mail S. S. Co. steamer Takachiho-Maru, Japan Tallers, W., merchant, Kobe

Tallieu, L, storekeeper, Peking

Tallon, (Cretiu) assistant, Haiphong

Talmage, Rev. J. V. N., D.D., missionary, Amoy

Talmage, Miss K. M., missionary, Amoy

Talmage, Miss M. E., missionary, Amoy

Talon, sub-lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Talon y Calvo, S., surgeon, army me lical department, Manila

Talp y, A. H., pilot, and captain steam tug Kai Tai, Taku

Tumert, J., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Canton

Tamet, Roman Catholic missionary, Kiukiang

Tumora, F., captain, civil guard, Manila

Tandberg, L. J., pilot, Newchwang

Tannahill, R., chief engineer, Japan Mail S.S. Co.'s str. Yamashiro-maru, Japan

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Tanner, P. von, Maritime Customs assistant, Foochow

Tanont, C. E., Marine Customs assistant, Cauton

Tantra, N. S., (C. O. Bhassania & Co.) clerk, Peel street Taquet, teacher, Chass. loup Laubat's College, Saigon Tarbouriech, A., hairdresser, Hanoi

Tarmahmed, H., (H. H. H. Esack & Co.) clerk, Gage street Tarn, W., clerk, Naval Yard

Tarray, C., cashier, Banque de l'Indo-Chine, Hanoi

Tarver, F. H., operator, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Haiphong Tassard, excise department, Kompong Reap, Cambodia

Tata, C. B., (Dorabjee Tata & Co.) merchant, Gage street

Tata, D. B., (Dorabjee Tata & Co.) merchant, Gage street

Tata, R. D., (Tata & Co.) merchant, Hollywood road and Shanghai Tatay, J., assistant, Custom-house, Manila (absent) Tatlock, T., (Gipperich & Burchardi) clerk, Shanghai Tatner, Frank, (Ramsay & Co.) assistant, Bangkok Taumeyer, E., (Taumeyer & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Tavares, E. F. das Neves, (Lisbon Dispensary) assistant, Macao Tavares, F. X., clerk, Board of administration, Macao

Tavares, J. F., (Messageries Maritimes) clerk, Praya central Tavares, J. M., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Icehouse street Tavares, P. J., compositor, N. C. Herald office, Shanghai Tavaria, P. J., merchant, Peel Street

Taylor, A., manager, "Société des Etains de Kinta," Lahat, Perak

Taylor, A., foreman engineer, New Harbour Dock, Singapore

Taylor, B. v. S., M.D., missionary, Hok Ning Foo, Foochow

Taylor, C. S., clerk, Maritime Customs, Ha kow

Taylor, D. B., (Smith, Baker & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Taylor, F., Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai


Taylor, F. E., act. assist. Chinese secretary, Inspectorate General of Customs, Peking

Taylor, G., pilot, Yokohama, Kobe, and Nagasaki

Taylor, G., lightkeeper, Amoy (absent)

Taylor, G. J., lieutenant, H.B.M. corvette Cordelia

Taylor, H., storeman, Naval Yard

Taylor, J. D., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road

Taylor, G. Y., medical missionary, Peking

Taylor, Captain P. B., R. A., aide-de-camp to the governor, Singapore

Taylor, S. G., Maritime Customs watcher, Shanghai

Taylor, T., chief engineer, steamer Kiungchow, Hongkong

Taylor, T., second attendant, H.B.M. naval hospital, Yokohama

Taylor, W., chemist, China Sugar Refinery, East point

Taylor, W. H., (Cornes & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Taylor, Rev. W., M.D., missionary, Osaka

Tavn, captain, second regiment, Saigon

Tebbutt, J. L., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Tientsin

Tedeschi, J., clerk, excise department, Saigon

Tehermadeff, Kuster's gold mine, Wladiwostock

Teichert, C. W. P., tidewaiter, Maritime Customs, Whampoa

Teillol, A., (E. Millot & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Teissier, telegraphist, Mytho, Cochin-China

Teixeira, A. P., surgeon, Portuguese gunboat Tejo

Teixera, Mrs. (W. Powell & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Telford, J., chief engineer, E. E. A. & C. Tel. Co.'s str. Sherard Osborne, Singapore

Telge, A., (G. C. F. Rodatz), clerk, Tientsin

Telge, R., (R. Telge & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Telles, A. da Silva, proprietor, "O Correio Macaense," Macao

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Telles, E. L., ayudante, division forestal, Manila Telles, J. C. da Silva, physician, Seminario de S. José, Macao Tellier, clerk, French Residency, Pnompenh, Cambodia Tem, P., interpreter, Italian consulate, Shanghai

Templet, J., S. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai Temponco, A., (Chuidian, Buenaventura & Co.) clerk, Manila Tennant, C. S., (C. S. Tennant & Co.) merchant, Penang Tennant, H. P., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) merchant, Foochow Teplaschenin, J., (Kunst and Albers) clerk, Wladiwostock Terentieff, Capt. V. A., national volunteer fleet, Wladiwostock Terlet, P., foreman, Imprimerie Commerciale, Saigon Terlier, commander, gunboat Sagaie, Saigon

Terpa, telegraph inspector, Saigon

Terras, Malle, principal of school, Hanoi

Terrero y Perinat, E., Governor-General of Poilippines, Manila

Terrey, E. W., (Hongkong and China Gas Company) foreman fitter, West point Terriblé, J. B., (Rosenzweig & Co.) assistant,, Shanghai

Terrigi, warehouseman, excis: department, Saigon

Terry, G., medical missionary, Tientsin

Terry, T. B., acting district superintendent, public works dept., Selangor

Tescari, Cav. A., consul for Italy, Shanghai

Tessensohn, E. W., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Tessier, inspector, railway company, Saigon

Tesson, telegraphist, Thanh Hoa, Annam

Testevuide, Rev. L. G., Roman Catholic missionary, Yokohama

Tetzlaff, C., clerk, German Consulate, Canton

Téus, V., (Inchausti & Co.) merchant, Manila

Texero, J. P., ayudante, public works dept., Manila

Texier, sub-lieutenant, fourth regiment, Saigon

Teyssie, tidewaiter, customs, Hanoi

Teyssier, clerk, excise department, Saigon

Thavurbhoy, F., (Tharia Topan) clerk, Gage street

Thayser, T., chief officer, str. Alwine, Hongkong and Southern ports

Themoin, F. M., surgeon, Pulo Condore, Cochin-China

Themoin, physician, native hospital of Choquan, Saigon

Themudo, Rev. E. J., missionary, Timor

Thérèse, tide waiter, customs, Haiphong

Theseira, A. G., clerk, R ·sident's office, Ma'acca

Theseyra, P., teacher, St. Francis School, Malacca Thétard-Pozzi, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Thétard, overseer, excise department, Puompenh

Thévenard, de, assist. secretary, Customs, Quinhon, Annam Theveret, engineer director, Harbour Works, Port Arthur Thévenot, overseer of roads, Saigon

Thexeira, E., dresser, general hospital, Malacca

The xeira, J, sub-inspector of nuisances, Municipality, Malacca

Thibault, conductor, public works department, Saigon

Thibault, excise department, Binghi, Cambodia

Thiebault, clerk, Treasury, Saigon

Thedey, teacher, College, at Mytho, Cochin-China

Thierot, M., Lahat, Perak

Thierry, lieutenant, French frigate Turenne

Thierry de Maugras, sub-lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon Thies, C., assistant, German Borneo Co., Banguey, Br. N. Borneo Thiessen, J,, (A. Roensch) assistant, Manila

Thil, engineer, public works departinen, Saigon

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Thinselin, L., chaplain, Military hospital, Saigon

Thiriet, F., provicar g neral, Catholic mission, Saigon Thiriet, J., superior, Saigon Seminary, Saigon

Thirkell, J. G., proprietor and editor, Shanghai Courier, Shanghai Thirod, E. Annamite interpreter, Saigon

Thiseira, E., compositor, government printing office, Singapore Thiseira, S., compositor, Government printing office, Singapore Thistle, J. M., (Shanghai Gas Co.) meter inspector, Shanghai Thistlethwaite, A. R., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Manila Thogersen, G. G., Maritime Customs watcher, Canton Thomann, R., third engineer. steamer Haeshin, China coast Thomas, (Denis Frères) clerk, Saigon

Thomas, A., chief officer, steamer Honam, Hongkong and Canton Thomas, A. A., (Delacamp & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Thomas, A. C., clerk, Police Court, Penang

Thomas, E., engineer, H. B. M. gunboat Firebrand

Thomas, E. F., solicitor, Penang

Thomas, G. B., clerk of Customs, Port Weld, Perak

Thomas, J., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Shinagawa-maru, Japan Thomas, J. A., chief officer, str. Yangtze, Hongkong & Shanghai

Thomas, J. A., clerk, marine department, Penang

Thomas, J. clerk, marine department, Penang

Thomas, R., chemist, Manila

Thomas, T., (Toomas & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Thomas, W., second engineer, steamer Marcia, Hongkong and Shanghai

Thomas, W. H., (C. S. Tennent & Co.) clerk, Penang

Thomas-Brondeau, excise department, Ba:am, Cambodia

Thomasin, lieutenant, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Thompson, A. F., (Wilkinson & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Thompson, A. W., Tsukiji Dispensary, Tokyo

Thompson, C., Upper Yangtsze pilot, Shanghai

Thompson, C. C., (W. Mansfield & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Thompson, C. H., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Praya Thompson, D., missionary, Kiench"u

Thompson, F., apothecary, general hospital, Singapore

Thompson, Rev. D., D.D., missionary, Tokyo

Thompson, E., overseer in charge of Protestant Cemetery, Surveyor-general's dept.

Thompson, G., storekeeper, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. Singapore

Thompson, G. E., overseer, public works department, Penang

Thompson, Rev. H., missionary, Amoy

Thompson, H. N., surgeon, ariny medical department

Thompson, J., (Kobe Dispensary) chemist, Kobe

Thompson, J. B., medical missionary, Petchaburi, Siam

Thompson, J. J., second engineer, stea:ner Zafiro, China coast

Thompson, J. R., shipbuilder, marine surveyor, &c., Hakodate

Thompson, R., (Eastern Extension, A. and C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Singapore Thompson, S. B., Customs tide waiter, Kowloon

Thompson, W., commander, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Yetchiu-maru, Japan Thompson, W., Tamil interpreter, Supr me Court, Singapore

Thompson, Miss Annie D., missionary, Yokohama

Thompson, Miss, China Inland missionary, Che oo

Thompson, Miss Marv E., missionary, Swatow (absent)

Thomsen, A., chief officer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Thomsen, J. C., master mariner, Bangkok

Thomsett, F. D., assist. engineer, H. B. V. S. Audacious Thomsett, Hon H. G., R.N., harbour-master

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Thomset*, H. M., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Queen's road Thomson, D., inspector of police, Yow-ma-tee

Thomson, E. A., proprietor, Singapore Dispensary, Singapore

Thomson, Rev. E. H., missionary, Shanghai

Thomson, G. S., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Thomson, J., third engineer, steamer Kungpai, China coast

Thomson, J. A., agent, National Bible Society of Scotland, Yokohama

Thomson, Rev. J. C., M.D., missionary, Canton

Thomson, R A., assistant, National Bible Society of Scotland, Yokohama Thomson, R. H., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Prays

Thomson, T. S., (W. R. Scott & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Thomson, Wm., chief engineer, steamer Fooksang, Hongkong and Shanghai Thomson, Wm., ("The Dispensary ") assistant, Singapore

Thomson, W. W., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Cebu

Thorburn, J. D., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Thorburn, R. F., secretary, Municipal Council, Shanghai

Thorel, ensigne, French gunboat Vipère

Thorkelson, H. A., lightkeeper, Shanghai

Thorne, C., merchaut, Shanghai

Thorne, Ch., (Maclean & Co.) assistant, Bangkok

Thorne, T., engineer, H. B. M. Victor Emanuel

Thornicraft, T. C., medical practitioner, Kobe

Thornton, R., foreman platelayer, State railway, Selangor

Thornton, S. L., registrar, Supreme Court, Malacca

Thornton, W. T., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Amoy

Thornton, Miss, missionary, Tokyo

Thorold, F. T., assistant secretary, British residency, Perak

Thorp, R. W., clerk, railway department, Yokohama

Thorpe, W. P., financial clerk, public works department, Thaiping, Perak

Thouillot, overseer, telegraph department, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Thow, Rev. W., M.A., missionary, Taiwanfoo

Thurburn, A., share broker, & secretary to General Hospital, Shanghai Thurbura, J., (Chartered Mercantile Bank) manager, Queen's road Thurburn, W. O., lieutenant, H. B. M. gun-vessel Linnet Thureau, chief justice, Haiphong

Thurston, R. R., purser, steamer Japan, Calcutta and Hongkong Thus, C. H., third officer, str Kiangyu, Shanghai and Hankow Thuyde, R. Brasier, assistant, Messa reres Maritimes, Praya Central Thwaites, G. W., assistant, revenue survey department, Singapore Thyen, Job., merchant, and vice-consul for Sweden and Norway, Hankow Tiberii, C., Maritime Customs assistant, Ningpo

Tice, R., (A. S. Watson & Co.) manager, Shanghai

  Tickell, G. T., assist. engineer of public works, Kwala Kangsa, Perak Tiddy, J. R., chief officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Omi-maru, Japan Tiefenbacher, M., (Wm. Meyerink & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Tighe, Barr.-Col. Sgt., barrack sergeant, commissariat

Tilden, E. W., clerk, P. M. S. S. Co., Yokohama

Tilford, R. C., (Wal h, Hall & Co.) clerk, Yokohama Till, W. W., (Cornes & Co.) clerk, Yokobama

Tilley A. H., pilot, Singapore

Tilley, J. W., (W. L. Hunter) clerk, Foochow

Timm, E. 4., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Timm, J., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) mechanician, Shangai

Timmer, Rev. Br. B., Roman Catholic missionary, Ichang

  Tindall, W. G., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Anping, Formosa Tinel, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

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Tionges, F., promotor, Juzgado de Barotac Viejo, Iloilo Tip, J. A., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Kowloon

Tipping, C. W. S., deputy assist. commissary general, Penang

Tipveau, Captain, Annamite tirailleurs, Saigon

Tira lo, J. M., lieut. commanding gunboat Arayat, Manila

Tirant, Dr. G., chancelier, French Residency Binh Dinh & Phu Yen, Annam Tirigi, fournisseur du government, Haiphong

Tirnstein, A., (Stolterfoht & Hirst) clerk, Praya

Tisdale, R. D., cadet, U.S.S. Omaha

Tisdall, E. W., captain, steamer Fung-shun, China cost

Tisseman, S., watchmaker, Bangkok

Tisseyre, B F. J., attaché militaire, Residence general, Hanoi

Tissier, Rev. F. D., Roman Catholic missionary, Nagasaki

Tité, telegraph clerk, Saigon

Titjen, C. F. H., (Carroll & Co.) commission agent, Yokohama and Kobe

Tobler, F., (Saehelin & Stablnecht) clerk, Singapore

Toche, J., (Ulysse Pila & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Tod, D., chief engineer str. Phra Chom Klao, Hongkong and Bangkok Toda, B., comisario, military department, Manila

Todd, H. H., (Smith, Bell & Co.) cl rk, Manila

Todd, Miss, China Inland missionary, Talifoo

Todd, J., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Toeg, R. E., bill broker, Shanghai

Toft, . F., superintendent, post and telegraph department, Perak

Togores, J., couandante, guardia civil, Iloilo

Tokmakoff, J. A., (Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co.) merchant, Hankow (absent)

Tolaty, D. C., (Pestonjee & Co.) assistant, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Tolaty, D. D., (Mehta & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Told, R., varder, gaol, Singapore

Tolfree, J. E., fleet paymaster, U.S.S. Omaha

Tolliday, T., chief examiner, Maritime Customs, Shanghai

Tomalin, Ed., missionary. Nganking

Tomas, R., (A. S. Watson & Co. Ld.) assistanuk, Mazila

Tomasi, excise department, Bac-Xay, Cambodia

Tomes. C. A., (Russel & Co.) merchant, Prava

Tomkins, H. E., (Reiss & Co.) tea inspector, Lombard street

Tomlin, E., (Bu terfield & Swire) clerk, Shanghai

Tomlin, G. L., (China Fire Insurance Co.) clerk, Queen's road Tomlinson, W. L., gunmaker, Shanghai

Tom, W., sergeant of police, Kobe

Tonkin, C., assistant examiner, Maritime Customs, Foochow Tonnaire, telegraphist, Tamki, Annam

Tonnelier, clerk, court of first instance, Saigon

Tope, Rev. S. G., missionary, Shin Chan-fo, Canton

Topete y Rodriguez, F., surgeon, naval department, Manila

Topping, A., pilot, Nagasaki and Yokohama

Toquet, clerk, district court, Mytho, Cochin-China

Torcapel, chief, third office, direction of the interior, Saigon

Tornel, J. M., cashier, Compania General de Tabacos, Manila

Tornel, M. G., oculist, Manila

Tornos y Morales de la Rios, M., negociado, naval department, Manila Torpete y Angulo, A., lieutenant of guards, arsenal, Manila

Torrano, V., assistant, "La Puerta del Sol," Manila

Torre, J. de la, oficial, Customs, Manila

Torre, S. de la, chief of staff, Capitania General, Manila Torrejon, M. S., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Mauila

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Torres, Rev. E., Roman Catholic missionary, Caine road Torres, M., escribano de hacienda, Manila

Torres, Mgs., Roman Catholic bishop, Haiduong

Torres, P. C., (J. Witte & Co.) machinist, Manila

Torres, T., chemist, and professor of pharmacy, University, Manila

Torres, V., consejero, sec. de lo. contencioso, consejo de administracion, Manila

Torres y Perona, F., chief public vaccinator Manila

Torrija, M., surgeon major army medical department, Manila

Torrontegin, M., lieut. commanding gunboat Leyte, Manila Tortosa, R. de, oficial, adminis. de rentas, etc, Manila

Touche, J. D. D. de la, Maritime Customs assistant, Swatow Tourillon, commissioner of police, Pnompenh

Tourillon, L., chief inspector of police, Saigon

Tournaire, C., second clerk, Messageries Maritimes, Shanghai Tourne, lieutenant judge, district court, Vinblong, Cochin-China Tournell y Ballagas, C., inspector general of prisons, Manila Tournie, sub-commissioner, marine dept., Saigon Tournier, C., missionary, Cainhum, Vinh-long Tournier, J., tailor and storekeeper, Saigon

Touzalin, R., (Russell & Co) clerk, Amoy

Tovar, Rev. Jer., S.J., Roman Catholic missionary, Shanghai

Towell, M. E., deputy commissioner, Maritime Customs, Hankow

Towers, J., (Iveson & Co.) el rk, Shangbai

Townley, F., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant, Yokohama

Townley, R. G., second secretary, British Legation, Peking

Townsend, G. H., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank), acting accountant, Singapore

Townsend, W. D., (Morse, Townsend & Co.) merchant, Chemul o, Corea

Toynbee, F. A., (Hill & Rathborne) agent, Selangor

Toynbee, J. D., (H II & Rathborne) manager, Trong estate, Perak

Trabaud, J. J. B., surgeon, Saigon

Trafford, C. de, chief draftsman, public works department, Thaiping, Perak

Trail, E., second engineer, H.S.M steamer Regent, Bangkok

Trail, W., captain superintendent of marine, Bangkok

Tran, director, boys' school, Ninhbinh, Haiphong

Trancoso, J. B., ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Trannack, R. J., Maritime Customs tide surveyor and harbour master, Tien'si Trauchell, Major G.A., gaol superintendent, Perak

Tratman, J. Noël, assistant, H.B.M. Consulate general, Shangha

Travers, A. K., assistant postmaster general

Travers, director of postal and telegraph dept., Hanoi

Travers, E. A. O., res dency surgeon, Sungei Ujong

Treacher, Hon. W. H., Governor of British Ñ. Borneo (absent)

Tregillus, E. C., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Amoy

Trelles y Burges, A., naval medical department, and professor, university, Manila Trémaulet, mayor, Hanoi

Tremlett, C. F. (W. G. Hale & Co.) merchant, and consul for Great Bri'ain, Saigon Trench, Hon. P. H. Le Poer, secretary, British Legation, Tokyo

Tretheury, J., consable, H.B.M. Consulate, Tientsin

Trevenan, W. P., private secretary to the governor, Singapore

Trevithick, F. H., locomotive supt., Government railway service, Tokyo

Trew, A. E., (Hunt & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Trickfave, J. H. C. (Kaufman & Co.), clerk, Penang

Trigant, (Trigant & Co.) harness-maker, Saigon

Trillo y Gadea, J., treasurer, Monte de Piedad, Manila

Trinidad, D., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) clerk, Manila

Trinidad y Torres, J., assistant, La Flor de Filipinas tobacco manufactory, Manila

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Tripler, Dr., physician and surgeon, Yokohama

Tripp, C. LI. H., medical practitioner, and acting Colonial surgeon, Singapore

Tripp, H. J. H., agent, Takashima Colliery, Hongkong

Troch, M., (Simon, Evers & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Trodd, A. B., (Shanghai Gas Company) meter inspector, Shanghai

Trojel, J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Pagoda, Foochow

Trompeta, E., chief engineer, public works ept., Manila

Tron, telegraph clerk, Saigon


Trotter, C. acting assistant state auditor, Perak Trotter, D. A., (Tait & Co.) merchant, Amoy Trotter, C. C., chief clerk, audit-office, Perak Trotter, Hon. H., auditor general, Singapore

Trotter, Noel, acting postmaster general, Singapore Trotzig, H., superintendent, Municipal Council, Kobe Troughton, H. J., assistant clerk, H.B.M.S. Audacious Troup, Jas., H.B.M. consul, Kobe

Troyaux, A., (Guieu Freres) assistant,, Haiphong Trüb, R., Yokohama

Truby, J. T., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Ningpo True, Mrs. M. T., missionary, Tokyo

Trueman, T. E., (T. Werks & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

   Trugillo, Lieut. T. R., assistant harbour-master, Manila Trump, J., acting engineer and surveyor, Thaiping, Perak Truscott, F., chief engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Tuason, C., (W. F. Stevenson & Co.) clerk, Manila

   Tuason, G, (J. M. Tuason & Co.) merchant and banker, Manila Tuason, J. B., (W. F. Stevenson & Co.) clerk, Manila

Tuason, J. J., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) clerk, Manila

Tuason, J. P., (J M. Tuason & Co.) merchant and banker, Manila

Tuason, P., (W. F. Stevenson & Co.) clerk, Manila

Tuason, T., (Genato & Co.) auctioneer and commission agent, Manila

Tuck, Ed, assistant, Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co., Shanghai

Tuck, Major J. J., mi itary staff paymaster, Singapo:e

Tucker, Percy, (A. S. Watson & Co. Ld) assistant, Manila Tueleau, tidewaiter, Customs, Cac-Bà, Tonquin

Tuesoff, S., (E. Kunhardt) clerk, Wladiwostock

Tulloch, C., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Shanghai

   Tulloch, D., (H. & W. Dock Co.) foreman shipbuilder, Kowloon Tulloch, J., (Adamson, Bell & Ćo.) clerk, Queen's road Tulloch, T., chief officer, str. Danube, Hongkong and Bangkok

Tumboly, D. F., (Mehta & Co.) merchant, Foochow

Tumboly, N. F., (R. S. Woouwalla & Co.) clerk, Gage street Tumboly, S. F., (R. S. Woonwalla & Co.) manager, Gage street Tur y Planells, J., oficial, admins. de impuestos, Manila

Turacena, C. P., ayudante, divison forestal, Manila

Turley R. T., agent British and Foreign Bible Society, Newchwang Turnbull, W. A., (Turnbull, Howie & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent) Turnel, C., alterez, seventh regiment, Manila

Turner, A., (Bird & Palmer) assistant, Queen's Road

Turner, A. E., (Mansfield, Bogaardt & Co.) manager, Penang

Turner, Rev. J. A., missionary, Shin Chau-foo, Canton

Turner, Rev. J. J., missionary, Taiyuenfoo, Shansi

Turner, G. S., metallurgist, Canton Mining office, Canton

Turney, C. H. A., collector and magistrate, Klang, Selangor

Tweedie, A. C., second engineer, steamer Fung-shun, China coast

Tweedy, J. J. chief engineer, steamer Marcia, Hongkong and Shanghai

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Twentyan, J. R., (S. C. Farnham & Co.) shipbuilder, Shanghai

Twisell, E., second engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Omi-maru, Japan Twyford, H., clerk, E. E. A. & C. Telegraph Co. Singapore Tychicus, N. P., first clerk, Protectorate of Chinese, Singapore

Tyler, C. T., (Tyler & Co.) merchant, and U. S. consular agent, Iloilo Tyler, J. C. Jr., (Tyler & Co.) merchant, Iloilo

Tyler, T. P., (Fraser, Farley & Varnum) c'erk, Yokohama Tyng, Rev. T. S., missionary, Osaka (absent)

Typhanus, storekeeper, arsenal, Saigon

Tyrer, W. H. M., boatswain, H.B.M. corvette Cordelia

Tysseire, (Tysseire frères), proprietor, Grand Hotel, Saigon Tyssere, clerk, adminis. Native affairs, Bienhoa, Cochin-China

Ubago, G. M, de, jefe de negociado, hacienda, Manila Ubaldo, C., mechanic, observatory, Manila

Udale, D., (Shanghai Medical Hall) assistaut, Shanghai Ullmann, B., (Felix Ullmann) assistant, Manila Ullmann, E., (Felix Ullmaun) jeweller, Manila

Ullmann, Edmond, (F. Ullmaun) assistant, Manila

Ullmann, F., importador de alhajas, Manila (absent)

Ullmann, J., (J. Ullmann & Co.) merchant and commission agent, Queen's road Ullmann, M., (J. Ullmann & Co.) merchant, Queen's road (absent)

Ullmann, Oscar, (F. Ulimann) assistaut, Manila

Ulrich, C., master mariner, Bangkok

Underwood, G. R., medicial practitioner, Kiukiang

Underwood, F. H., assis. chemist, China Sugar Refinery, East Point

Underwood, Rev. H. G., missionary, Seoul

Underwood, J. J., medical practitioner, Pagoda Anchorage, Foochow

Underwood, J. M., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Unland, P., bookkeej er, S'raits Horse Repository, Singapore

Unsworth, R., captain, steamer Danube, Hongkong and Bangkok

Upton, F, appra ser, Customs, Kobe

Upton, J., assistant, Pangkok saw mill, Bangkok

Ure, C. W., (J. P. Bisset & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Uren, G. G., operator, Eastern Extension A. & C. Tel. Co., Sharp Peak, Foochow Urge, I., Roman Cath-l ́e missionary, Ningpo

Uria, C., guarda almacen, adminis. de reutas, etc., Manila

Urquhart, A., clerk, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Yokohama

Urquhart, F., chiel engineer, steamer Thal 8, China coast Urquhart, J., (Mack nzie & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Urquhart, W. F., (Findlay, Richardson & Co.) clerk, Manila Urrutia, L. H., colonel of cavalry, Manila

Ursua, A. D., comandant, second regiment, Manila

Usen, A. H., licutenant colonel, fifth regiment, Manila

Vaca, J. C. de, Philippines General Tobacco Co., Ylagan, Philippines Vache, lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Vacher, H. H., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) assist. accountant, Kobe Vacle, trader, Hanoi

Vacquerel, Rev. H., Roman Catholic missionary, Swatow

Vahovitch, A., second interpreter, Russian Legation, Peking

Vail, Rev. M. S., missionary, Aoyama, Japan

Vail, Miss J. S., missionary, Aoyama, Japan

Vaillant, telegraphist, Cau-hai, Annam

Vaino, assistant paymaster, Treasury, Saigon

Vaite, chief of Customs bureau, Lao-kay, Tonquin

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   Vajifdar, J. M., (D. D. Ollia & Co.) clerk, Wellington street Valantine, B. A., (Shangbai Horse Bazaar) clerk, Shanghai Valberg, F. W., (Powell & Co.) clerk, Singapore Valberg, H., assistant, Central school, Singapore

Valcarcel y Viale, J., auditor, Juzgado de Marina, Manila

Valdez, J. M. T., consul for Portugal. Shanghai

Valdez, R. teacher of music, College of S. Tomas, Manila

Valdezco, C., canciller, registry, Supreme Court, Manıla

Valdezco, J., printer, Manila

Valdivay y Aguilera, A. R. de, sub inspector, navy health department, Manila Valdivia, J. M., inspector, Inspeccion gl. de hacienda, Manıla

Vale, T. H., (W. Birt & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Valenciano, E., abogado, acting judge, Iloilo

Valentin, A., encargado, new port works, Manila

Valentine, J., (Cumine & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Valentine, Rev. J. D., missionary, Shaouhying, Ningpo

Valera, G., assistant, forestry department, Tayabas, Philippines

Vales, J., telegraphist, Manila

Valette, G., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Valk, A. van der, (Baer Senior & Co.) clerk, Manila

Vallance, inspector, postal & telegraph dept, Hanoi

Valle, A. A. del, alferez, marine infantry, Manila

Valle, E. A. do, lieutenant commander, Portuguese corvette Bartholomeu Dias

Valledor, L., sub-intendente de hacienda, Manila

Vallejo, J. M., assistant, public works departinent, Manila

Vallery, E. H., lieutenant, compagnie d'ouvriers, Saigon

Vallés, M., professor, mision de la compania de Jesus, Manila

Vallespin, R., chief engineer, public works, Cebu

Vallant, G. P., third engineer, steamer A. Apcar, Hongkong and Calcutta Vallin, superintendent of police, Namdiuh

Valls, J., commandante, civil guard, Manila

Valls, J., professor, mision de la Compania de Jesus, Manila

Valls, Rev. J., Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow

Vally, excise department, Hougchong, Hatien, Cochin-China

Vally, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Vally, warehouseman, excise department, Rachgia, Cochin-China Valoopilli, A., land surveyor, Malacca

Valtriny, V. C., merchant, Singapore

Van Aalst, J. A., Maritime Customs assistant, Amoy

Van der Heyden, Dr., Yokohama

Vance, M. A., missionary, Tokyo

Vandagna, Rev. Fr. A., Roman Catholic missionary, Hankow

Vandelet, trad r, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Vandenberg, F. V., (Austro-Hungarian Lloyd's) clerk, Praya central

Van Dort, W., draughtsman, survey department, Laut, Perak

Van Duzer, L. S., ensign, U.S.S. Omaha

Van Dyke, Rev. A. S., missionary, Amoy

Van Dyke, Rev. J. W., missionary, Bangkok (absent)

Van Ess, W., constable, British consulate, Chefoo

Van Langenberg, J., (F. G. Durnford & Co.) chief draftsman, Singapore Van Langenberg, J. Junr., (F. G. Durnford & Co.) draftsman, Singapore Van Langenberg, T., (F. G. Durnford & Co.) draftsman, Singapore Vane, H. G., acting assistant auditor general, Singapore

Vaneeghem, facteur, telegraph office, Hanoi

Vanhanne, L. J., pipelayer, Water Works, Shanghai Vania, A. D., (D. D. Ollia & Co.) clerk, Foochow

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Vania, R. C., merchant, Gage street

Vanot, usher, judicial dept., Pnompenh, Cambodia Vanstone, J., sergeant, Naval Yard police

Vapereau, C., professor of French, College of Peking

Vara, R. de la, (R. de la Vara & Co.) merchant, Manila (absent) Varagoza, V., chemist, Manila

Varda, F., assistant, Austro-Hungarian Lloyd's S. N. Co., Praya Vareilles, overseer, public works department, Saigon

Varela, J., (Banco Español Filipino) assistant accountant, Manila

Varela, J., "El Progreso," Manila

Vargas, J., contador, Tribunal de Cuentas, Manila

Vargas, P. F., oficial, Gobierno Civil, Manila

Vargas y Diez de Bulnes, interventor, adminis. central de impuestos, Manila Vargas y Fernandez, G. de, oficial, adminis. de rentas, etc, Manila

Varizat, treasury clerk, French residency, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Varnum, R. M., (Fraser, Farley & Varnum) merchant, Yokohama

Vasconcellos, Rev. A. M. de, archdeacon of cathedral, Macao (absent) Vasquez, A., (J. M. Fleming) clerk, Manila

Vass, F., compositor, Government Printing office, Singapore

Vassenaea, J. P., (R. S. Mogra) manager, Canton

Vasse, telegraphis, Cape St. James, Saigon

Vasselon, Rev. H., Roman Catholic missionary, Osaka

Vasserot, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Vasseur, secretary, Customs, Lao-Kay, Tonquin

Vasson, clerk of judicial dept., French residency, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Vaucher, A. E., silk inspector and broker, Queen's road

Vaucher, E. (L. Vrard & Co.) assistant, Tientsin

Vaudelet, (Vaudelet & Faraut) merchant, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Vaughan, G. O., barrister at-law, Malacca

Vanghan, J., pilot, Shanghai

Vaughan, J. D., barrister-at-law, Singapore

Vaumoron, tidewaiter, Customs, Lao-Kay, Tonquin

Vaz, J., porter, St. Joseph's College, Macao

Vazques y Perez de Vargas, R., captain, marine infantry, Manila

Vazguez Rivero, A., clerk, Treasury, Manila

Veaux, H., first clerk and accountant, Municipal Council, Saigon Veer, P., foreman, Bangkok Saw Mills, Bangkok

Vega, A., telegraphist, Manila

Vega, J. F. de la, ayudante, division forestal, Manila

Vega, L., (J. Zobel) assistant, Manila

Veiga, G. L. da, sergeant ajudante, infantry,' Macao

Veile, Mrs. A., missionary, Yokobama

Veitch, A., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) sub-manager, Queen's road Veitch, G. T.. (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Vela, Chev. M., teacher of music, Shangbai

Velarde y Naveda, J., ordenador general de pagos,


Velasco, A., administrator, El Porvenir de Bisayas, Iloilo

Velasco, J., (M. P. Marqueti) clerk, Manila

Velasco, J. V. de, (Banco Español Filipino) assistant cashier, Mauila

Velasco, M. M., lieut.-col., seven regiment, Manila

Velasco, M. Y., assistant, Compania General de Tabacos, Manila Velasco, R., lieutenant colonel, civil guards, Manila

Velasco, Roman Catholic missionary, Haiphong

Velasco, V., professor of bookkeeping, Manila

Velazquez, E., (Sans, Codina y Pedreño) clerk, Ma l'a

Velazquez, Fr. R., director, colegio de Sto. The mas, Manila

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Velez, J., assistant, governor's office, Iloilo

Velge, A. C., chief clerk, British Residency, Sungei Ujong Velge, C. E., registrar, Supreme Court, Singapore Velge, F., (Powell & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Velge, John H., retired merchant, Malacca

Velitchkovsky, S., physician, Russian Legation, Peking Velozo, B., merchant, and vice consul for Venezuela, Cebu Velozo, R., (B. Velozo) clerk, Cebu

Vendrel, L. comisario administracion militar, Manila Venien, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon Venillier, (Chaumont & Daniel) assistant, Haiphong

Venning, A. R., treasurer, Selangor

Ventura, F. C., (Battle Herinanos & Co.) clerk, Manila

   Venturini, receveur comptable, Post and Telegraph Department, Saigon Vera, J. B. de, (Sans, Codina y Pedreño) clerk, Manila

Verbeck, Rev. G. F., D.D., missionary, Tokyo

Verbeck, Miss Emma, missionary, Tokyo

Verchere, Rev. J. M. P., French missionary, Swatow

Verdejo y Pareja, surgeon major, army me ical dept., "Manila

Verduga, B. G., ayudante, commandancia de marina, Iloilo

Verdugo, F., sub-inspector, artill ry, Manila

Veret, sub-lieutenant, third regiment, Saigon

Vergara, M., telegraphist, Manila

Verge, clerk. Treasury, Saigon

Verges, Rev. E., Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow

Vergonjeanne, blacksmith, Saigon

Verleye, H. L., Consul for France, Arbuthnot road

Verloop, H. C., (Hartwig & Co.) shipchandler, Singapore


Vermont. J. M., M.L.C., proprietor & manager, Batukawan Sugar Estate, Pro. Wellesley Verner, F. C., reporter, Penang Gazette, Penang

Vernéville, H. de, inspector of native affairs, Saigon

Verney, M. A., professor, Saigon Seminary, Saigon

Vernier, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Vernon, J. Y. V., (Chater & Vernon) broker, Queen's road

Veron, acting bead master, Chasseloup Laubat's College, Saigon

Veron, captain, French cruiser Primauquet

Verrat, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Versev, R., (E. Pubaney) clerk, Shanghai

Versini, clerk, treasury, Hanoi

Versini, overseer, excise department, Sai_on

Vert, clerk, excise department, Saigon

Verwiebe, P., dentist, Amoy

Vesine-Larrue, de, engineer, public works department, Hanoi

Vessiot, clerk, law courts, Saigon

Vessiot, overseer, excise department, Saigon

Vessiot, Miss, teacher, municipal girls' school, Saigon

Vesteen, H., captain, steam-tug, Sin Taiwan, Taiwanfoo

Vetta, Rev. Br. U., Roman Catholic missionary, Hankow

Vey, Right Rev. J. L., Roman Catholic Bishop of Gerasen, Bangkok (absent) Veyres, engineer, Hanoi

Veyttez, M., captain, seventh regiment, Manila

Vezin, Chas., (Chas. Vezin & Co.) chemicals and cement manufacturer, Hanoi Viana, G., contador, seccion do atrasos, tribunal de cuentas, Manila

Vianna, A. A. B. attorney general, Macao

Vianna, E. H. R., clerk, Administracao do Conselho, Macao

Viaud, veterinary surge n, Saigon

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Vic, Rt. Rev., Roman Catholic bishop, Kinkiang

Vicente, M., (El Siglo XIX.) assistant, Manila

Vickers, F., teacher, Government Central School, Singapore

Vickers, H., lieutenant, Northamptonshire Regiment

Victal, F. I. dos S., clerk, contribuicao Directa da Repartioao, Macao Victor, (Gayet-Laroche) clerk, Hanoi

Victor, S. T., (Dauver & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Vidal, merchant, Haiphong

Vidal, telegraphist, Hattinh, Annam

Vidal, Fr. P., professor of philosophy, University, Manila

Vidal y Soler, S., chief engineer, hotanical department, Manila

Vidard, geometer, survey office, Saigon

Videau, U., "Hotel des Colonies," Shanghai

Videyani y Anos, F, surgeon, army medical department, Manila Viego, M., aspirante, personal agregado, Manila

Vieira, A. J., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Praya Vieira, D. M., (Alex. Levy) clerk, Pedder's street

Vieira, I. L., (Oriental Dispensary) assistant, Stanley street Vieria, J. M. da L., vice consul for Portugal, Penang Vieira, J. M., J., (W. R. Loxley & Co.) clerk, Praya Vieira, U., purser, receiving ship Yuenfah, Shanghai Vieira, Z. A., sacristao, egreja de Santa Clara, Macao Viel, hotelkeeper, Pnompenh, Camboddia

Vielle, clerk, adminis. Lative affairs, Bac-Lieu, Cochin-China Viera, F., juez de Barotac Viejo, Iloilo

Vierra, E. J., clerk, New Oriental Bank, Singapore

Vierra, M., chief clerk, audit office, Singapore

Vieux, superintendent of cemetery, Saigon

Viez, E. V. H., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Tamsni

Vigan, C. de, (De Vigan & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Vigan, J. de, (De Vigan & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent) Vigerie, A., clerk, Hanque de l'Indo Chine, Saigon

Vigil, J. G., chap·la.n, sixth regiment, Manila

Viglieno, surveillant, telegraph department, Saigon

Vignaud, bend teacher, school at Giadinh, Cocain-China

Vignol, clerk, postal department, Saigon

Vignol, Rev. F., French Roman Catholic missionary, Singapore

Vignoles, H. C., lieutenant, Royal Artillery

Vila, Rev. M., Roman Catholic missionary, Foochow

Vilas, G., mision de la compañia de Jesus, Manija

Vilches, J., Spanish consul, Saigon

Vilches, J., (Compania General de Tabacos) agent, Laoag, Ylocos Norte, Philippines

Villa, J. R., de, oficial, personal agregado, Manila

Villa, Mme., grocer, Saigon

Villacampa, E., oficial, Ordenacion de Pagos, Manila (absent)

Villaneuva, D. F., lawyer, Manila

Villaneuva, E., procurador, Iloilo

Villanova, C., signalman, Harbour Master's office, Shanghai

Villanueva, E., oficial de hacienda publica, Manila

Villar, J. G., oficial, hacienda publica, Manila

Villard, direction of the interior, Saigon

Villard, Baron R. A. de, teacher of music and languages, Shanghai

Villard, E., (Guieu Frères) storekeeper, Shanghai

Villareal, B., lawyer, Manila

Villareal, L., lawyer, Manila

Villarragut, C., magistrate, Manila

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Villarroel, J., pay clerk, new port works, Manila

Villaume, Rev. P., missionary, Phan Rang, Annam

Villava, A. de, ordenador, civil administration, Manila

Villava, M. de, acting sub-director, civil administration, Maniła

Villegas, R., (C. Labarbe & Co.) clerk, Manila

Villemer, A., C. E., chief of industrial dept., Compania General de Tabacos, Manila Villena, M. S., (J. M. Tuason & Co.) clerk, Manila

Villeneuve, de, captain, fourth regiment, Saigon

Villeroi, A., acting Consul for France, Singapore

Villion, Rev. A. Roman Catholic missionary, Kyoto, Japan

Viloudaki, M., (Kelly & Walsh, Ld.) assistant, Shanghai Vinas, telegraphist, Langson, Tonqu.n

Vinay, controller, excise dept., Baclieu, Cochin-China Vincenot, tailor, Hanoi

Vincens, D., (Denis frères) clerk, Haiphong

Vincent, J. F., pilot, Singapore

Vincent, Mrs. E. A., milliner and draper, Yokohama

Vincentelli, clerk, adminis. native affairs, Gocong. Cochin-China

Vinel, telegraphist, Laokay, Tonquin

Vinet, telegraphist, Saigon

Viniegra y Mendoza, L., lieut. commanding Spanish transport Cebu, Manila Vinson, restaurant keeper, Hanoi

Vinuesa y Larriba, L., oficial, Intendencia Militar, Manila

Virscaino y Gijou, O., alf-rez commanding Spanish gunboat Otálora, Mani la

Vischer, A., (N. Schlesser) assistant, Kobe

Visran, Ludhabboy, (E. Pabaney) clerk, Lyndhurst terrace

Vissière, A., first interpreter, French Legation, Peking

Vita, A., professor of music, Shanghai

Vital, F., (W. F. Stevenson & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Viterbo, entrepreneur, Hanoi

Vivanti, A., (Vivanti Bros.) public silk inspector, Yokohama

Vivanti, F., (Vivant: Bros.) public silk inspector, Yokohama

Vivié, E., assistant, Chasseriau Land and Planting Co., Singapore

Vizconde, J., (Syme & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Vizenzinovich, M., constable, river police, Shanghai

   Vizenzinovich, V., clerk, Austro-Hungarian consulate general, Shanghai Vizmanos, C., clerk, treasury, Manila

Vizmanos y Lecaroz, M. S. de, secretary, Banco Español Filipino, Manila Voegelein, Rev. F. W., missionary, Tokyo

Voelkel, S., (Pharmacie de l'Union) proprietor, Shanghai

Voigt, E., (C. Robie & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Voigt, J. G., United States consul, Manila

Voigt, O., (P. Heinemann & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Voisin, clerk, postal department, Sadec, Cochin-China

Voisin, A., restaurant keeper, Hanoi

Voisin, Rev. J. M., French missionary, Takien, Siam Volpicelli, Z. P., Maritime Customs assistant, Hankow

Von Tunselmann, E. W., surgeon. H. B. M. corvette Constance Vorrath, P. W., captain, s'eamer Sury Wongse, Bangkok Vorwald, M., (Bacharach, Oppenheimer & Co) clerk, Yokohama Vos, A. E. de, railway station master, Simpang, Perak Vos, R W. de, clerk, public works department, Sungei Ujong Voss, C., (H. Sietas & Co.) assistant, Chefoo

Voss, W. Jr., (Emery & Co.) clerk, Hoberoffha, Eastern Siberia Vosteen, H., pilot, and captain steam-tuz Sin Taiwan, Takao Vouillac, (Leroy & Cahors) assistant, Sept Pagodas, Tonquin

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Vouillemont, E. G., (Comptoir d'Escompte) manager, Shanghai Vries, H. A. de., assist, bailiff, Municipality, Singapore

Vuillermoz, watchmaker, Saigon

Vulfingh, clerk, Residency, Heiphong

Vulley, V. (Tharia Topan) manager, Shanghai

Vytelingan, M., overseer of roads and works, Municipality, Singapore

Wächter, Rev. E., missionary, Bangkok

Waddell, Rev, Hugh, missionary, Tokyo

  Waddell, Jas., (Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.) assistant, Quarry Bay Waddell, W. P., (Boustead & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Wade, H. T., tea inspector, Shanghai

Wade, J. J., second officer, steamer Haeting, China coast

Wadhams, A. V., lieutenant, U.S.S. Brooklyn

Wadman, E., (Wadman & Co.) merchant, Ningpo

Wadman, H. P., (China Traders' Insurance Co.) clerk, Queen's road Wadman, H. E., Maritime Customs assistant, Amoy

Waeber, C., chargé d'affaires for Russia, Seoul

Waege, W., (Struckmann & Co.) merchant, Manila

Wagen, Conrad, (Wagen Frères) o. mmission merchant, Yokohama

Wagen, J. F., (Wagen Frères) commission merchant, Yokohama

Wagener, G. V., instructor, technical school, Tokyo

  Waggott, W., (Langfeldt & Mayers) assistant, Yokohama Waghorn, G., (Luzon Sugar Refining Co.) manager, Manila Wagner, accountant, marine artillery, Saigon

Wagner, A., assistant government marine surveyor, Harbour office Wagner, B., (Katz Brothers) assistant, Singapore

  Wagner, C., supdt. police intelligence department, Thaiping, Perak Wagner, Dr. Gottfried von, prof. technical school, Tokyo Wainwright, R. D., lieutenant of marines, U.S.S. Essex Wainwright, Miss M. E., missionary, Kyoto Wainewright, R. E., solicitor, Shanghai

Waite, G., gunner, gunpowder depôt, Stonecutter's Island Wake, J. P., (Fergusson & Co.) clerk, Chefoo

Wakefield, C. E. S., maritime customs assistant, Hankow

Walch, treasury accountant, French Residency, Pnompenh, Cambodia

Walden, A., (Lindholm & Co.) assistant, Wlad.wostock

Wales, J. F., medical practitioner, Canton

Wales Mrs., Yokohama Hotel, Yokohama

Wales-Edward, W., dispenser, Royal Naval Hospital

Walford, A. B., barrister-at-law, Yokohama

Walker, A., maritime customs tidesurveyor, Shanghai

Walker, Geo. W., superintendent captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co., Yokohama

Walker, H., c mmissioner of lands, Sandakan

Walker, H., telegraphist, Bangkok

Walker, H. W., R.Ñ., professor cf engineering, naval college, Tientsin

Walker, J., fourth engineer, Japan mail S. S. Co's. steamer Hiroshima-maru, Japan Walker, J., overseer, forest department, Pesang

Walker, Rev. J. E., missionary, Foochow

Walker, J. H., principal medical officer, Sandakan

Walker, R., Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

Walker, R. N., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Takachiho-maru, Japan

Walker, Major R. S. F., commander of Perak Sikhs, Thaiping, Perak

Walker, S., (Ilbert & Co.) merchant, Shanghai


  Walker, W., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Nagoya-maru, Jaan Walker, Rev. W. F., missionary, Tientsin

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Walker, W. H., (And. Johnston) assistant, Marine House Walker, Miss, missionary, Chefoo

   Walkinshaw, A. W., (Turner & Co.) merchant, Foochow Wall, M., colonel, military engineers, Manila

Wallace, C. H., (Quelch & Co.) assistant, Swatow

Wallace, G., secord engineer, str. Fu Shun, China coast

   Wallace, J., chief engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Nagato-maru, Japan Wallace, J., (Hon kong & Whanpoa Dock Co.) foreman shipbuilder, Kowloon Wallace, J. H., secretary, Singapore Tramway Co, Singapore

Wallace, B., quarter-master, Northamptonshire Regiment

Wallace, T., clerk, Water Works, Shanghai

Wallace, Thos., (Mackenzie & Co.) auctioneer, Shanghai

Wallace, W. H., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Queen's road

Wallays, Vy. Rev. E., superior, college of Pulo Ticus, Penang

Wallberg, R., (Kirchner & Böger) clerk, Shanghai

Walley, Rev. J., missionary, Wuhu

Walling, B. F., lieutenant, U.S.S. Brooklyn

Walls, M., colonel, commanding military engineers, Manila

Walsh, F., printer, and proprietor Hiogo News, Kobe

Walsh, G., light-keeper, Shanghai

Walsh, J. J., gunner, U.S.S. Brooklyn

Walsh, John G., (Walsh, Hall & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Walsh, Thomas, (Walsh, Hall & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Walsham, Sir John, Bart., British minister plenipotentiary, Peking

Walter, H., chief officer, Japan Mail S. S. Co. str. Niigata-Maru, Japan Walter, H., gerichtsvollzieher, Gerinan consulate, Yokohama

Walter, Jas., (Siber & Brennwald) merchant, Yokohama

Walter, J. F., second engineer, steamer Kiangtung, Shanghai and Hankow Walter, W. B., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Walter, W. B., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Chefoo

Walters, W., Perak

Walven, E. A. C. van, (Rose & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Wambeck, J., Mountain Gardens, Perak

Wanderleach, C., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Pakhoi

Wanliss, C., lieutenant, South Lancashire regiment, Singapore

Warburg, C. G., (North China Insurance Co.) marine surveyor, Shanghai

Warburton, W., shipping agent, Kobe

Ward, E., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) silk-inspector, Shanghai

Ward, J. F., surveyor, public works department, Penang

Ward, R., locomotive inspector, railway servic, Yokohama

Ward, W., cable jointer, Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Ward, W. C., (Iveson & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Ward, W. S., (Maclay & Co.) assis ant, Tientsin

Ward, Miss, (Rose & Co.) milliner, Queen's road

Wardell, W., (Engineering and Mining Co.) overman, Tientsin

Warden, F. A., lieutenant, H.B.M. gun-vessel Swift

Ware, Jas., bible colporteur, American Bible Society, Shanghai

Ware, W., inspector of police, Penang

Wark, W., assistant, Taikoo Su ar Refining Co., Quarry Bay

Warleta, Jose., captain of the port, Iloilo

Warlomont, E., (Bazar Filipino) assistant, Mauila

Warlomont, H., (Bazar Filipino) assistant, Manila

Warlomont, L., (Bazar Filipino) storekeeper, Manila (absent)

Warlomont, P., (Bazar Filipino) assi-taut, Manila

Warnecke, G., (Yokohama engine and iron works) foreman, Yokohama

Warneken, E., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

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  Warner, E. H., (Warner, Blodgett & Co.) mer. & act. consul for Sweden, Manila Warner, Miss N., missionary, Osaka

Warner, Miss S. A., missionary, Ningpo

Warnes, T. J., conductor of stores, ordnance store department

  Warnken, H., lightkeeper, Regent lighthouse, Bangkok Warrack, F., (Paterson, Simons & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Warren, A. R. C., Lieutenant, H. B. M. despatch vessel Alacrity Warren, E., (Singer Manufacturing Co.) clerk, Manila Warren, F., assist. engineer, Chinese cruiser, Ching Yuen Warren, Rev. G. G., missionary, Hankow

Warren, P. L., British consul, Taiwanfoo and Takow

Warrender, G. J. S., lieutenant H. B. M. S. Orion

Warrick, W., Canton Mining Office, Canton

Warwick, J., captain, str. Haeshin, China coast

Wasey, C. L., sub-lieutenant, H. B. M. S. sloop Mutine

Washbrook, W. A., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Chinkiang

Wasserfall, A., (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Wassiamull A-somull, dealer in Indian goods, Queen's road

Waterman, G., (Grosser & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Waters, Rev. B. W., missionary, Kobe

Watkins, G. A., (J. Llewellyn & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Watkins, J., usher, police court, Penang

Watkins, W. H., second officer, P. & O. steamer Thibet, Hongkong & Japan

Watson, A. H. C., (Findlay, Richardson & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Watson, A. T., (Japan Dispensary) druggist, Yokohama

Watson, Rev. C., Roman Catholic missionary, Peking

Watson, E. B., merchant, Yokohama

Watson, G., third engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan

Watson, G. I.. (Russell & Co.) clerk, Praya

Watson, J., proprietor Hankow Dairy, and commission agent, Hankow

Watson, J. C., controller of Taotai's police, Ningpo

Watson, J. C., superintending clerk, army pay office

Watson, Rev. J., M. A., missionary, Amoy

Watson, Jas., M.D., medical practitioner, Newch wang (absent)

Watson, J. R., medical missionary, Tsing chou-fu, Shantung

Watson, R. G., passed cadet, colonial secretary's office, Singapore

Watson, W. A., proprietor, Hongkew Hotel, Shanghai

Watson, W. C. H., assistant, Maritime Customs, Shanghai, Watson, Rev. W. H., missionary, Wusueh, Hankow

  Watson, W. M., assistant apothecary, Government Civil Hospital Watson, Miss, missionary, Wusueh, Hankow

Watson, Miss M, missionary, Wusueh, Hankow Watson, Miss R. J., m:ssionary, Tokyo

Watt, G., assistant, engine works, Japan Mail S. S. Co., Yokohama Watt, G. H., (Jardine Matheson & Co.) lerk, Pedder's street

Watt, J. R., pilot, Penang

Watt, W. N., engineer, Japan Brewery Co., Yokohama

Watt, W. T., editor Japan Gazette, Yokohama

Watters, T., Bri ish cousul general, Seoul

Watts, T. W., sub-marine mining storekeeper, Royal Ergineers

Watts, W., overseer of works, Surveyor-general's office

Watts, W., second engine r, str. Arratoon Apcar, Hongkong & Calcutta

Waubert, (Chaumont & Daniel) contractor, Haiphong (absent)

Wauchope, G., (E. B. Watson) clerk, Yokohama

  Wavell, H. T., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Tientsin Way, W., pilot, Taku

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Weale, A. G. M., (Cornes & Co.) clerk, Yokoban.a

Weatherston, T., commission agent, Wubu

Weaver, A. C.M., assist. electrician, E. E., A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Weaver, W. D., assist. engineer, U.S.S. Omaha

Webber, J. F., solicitor, Queens' road

Weber, G. E., (Baer Senior & Co.) clerk, Manila

  Weber, O., (Windsor, Rose & Co.) mer., and consul for Sweden and Norway, Bangkok Webster, D. J., acting manager, Taku Tug Co. Takn

Webster, G. A., second officer, steamer Phra Chula Chom Klao, H'kong & Bangkok Webster, G. B., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank, Singapore

Webster, J. (P. & O. 8. N. Co.) clerk, Praya

Webster, Rev. Jas., missionary, Moukden

Webster, J., railway engine driver, Selangor

Webster, J. G., godownkeeper, China Sugar Refining Co., East point

Webster, K., mate, lightship, Newchwang

Webster, L., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) accountant, Queen's road Webster, S. H., (Fergusson & Co.) clerk, Ch. foo

Wedell, O., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Newchwang

Wedemeyer, C., (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Wedler, J., proprietor, British Queen Tavern, Nagasaki

Weed, G. N., second engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Nagoya-maru, Japan Weed, Jas. A., assistant inspector of markets, Municipal counci!, Shanghai

Weeks, H., boatswain, H.B.M.S. Orion

Weeks, H. B., broker and commission agent, Foochow

Weeks, W. S., gunner, H. B. M. gunboat Esk

Wefer, B., telegraphist, Bangkok

Wegelin, W., (E. A. Keller & Co.) merchant and Austro-Hungarian consul, Manila Wegener, O., (Stolterfoht & Hirst) clerk, Praya

Wehrmann, F., baker, Kobe

Weil, A., assistant, Café de la Paix, Hanoi

Weiller, A., attorney and counsellor-at-law, Yokohama

Weinberg, M., (Schneer y hermano) jeweller, Manila

Weinberger, C., (F. Retz) clerk, Yokohama

Weipert, H., professor of Roman and German Law, University, Tokyo

Weir, C. S., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Weir, T., acting marine superintendent, C. M. S. N. Co., Shanghai

Weis, G., chancellor, Residency, Hanoi

Weissenfeldt, J., (J. Zobel) assistant, Manila

Weith, Capt. C., attaché, Saigon

Welch, C. A., (Morse, Townsend & Co.) assistant, Jenchuan, Corea.

Welch, J., (Welch Lewis & Co.) tea inspector, Shanghai

Weldon, A. F., lieutenant, H.B.M.S. Orion

Well, W. F., assistant clerk, H.B.M.S. Leander

Wells, C. H., captain, steamer Kwang-lee, China coast

Wells, E., engineer, Taku Tug and Lighter Co., Taku

Wells, E., chief engineer, U.S.S. Omaha

Wells, H. R., colporteur, American Bible Society, Canton Wells, J. W., engineer and architect, Singap. re

Welman, G., assistant magistrate, Perak

Welsh, D., (G. & D. Welsh) curio dealer, Yokohama

Welte, receiver, adminis. native affairs, Bien hoa, Cochin-China

Wemyss, J. L., manager, Penang Foundry Co., Penang

Wenewitinoff, N. N., (Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co.) clerk, Hunkow (absent)

Wengel, F., assistant, Nagasaki Dockyard, Nagasaki

Wenndrich, Geo. de, student interpreter, Russian Legation, Tokyo

Wenyon, Rev. C., M.D., supdt. Wesleyan Methodist mission, Fatshan, Canton

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Werner, E. T. C., assistant, British Legation, Peking

  West, C. D., professor of mechanical engineering, Engineering College, Tokyo West, Lieut. C. H., aide and secretary, U.S. Squadron West, C. M., lieutenant, Royal Siamese Army, Bangkok West, G. F., (Hill & Rathborne) manager, Teluk Anson West, Jas., agent, Chartered Bank of India, &c., Manila West, J., (Kelly & Walsh) book keeper, Shanghai

West, T. C. M., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Penang West, W. H., State auditor, Selangor

West, Miss A. B., missionary, Tokyo

Westall, A. .C, (Westall, Little & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Westendorf, C., (C. Heinszen & Co.) merchant, Manila

Westerhout, J. E., sheriff, Malacca

Westerhout, N. B., (Donaldson & Burkinshaw) clerk, Singapore

Western, W. H., clerk, Ordnance s ore department

Westervelt, Miss, missionary, Chiang Mai, Siam

Westerwondt, Rev. F., Roman Catholic missionary, Singhai, Sarawak

Westland, A. B., head gardener, botanical and afforestation department

Weston, A., manager, Yokohama Drayage Co., Yokohama

Westphalen, W., boatswain, str. Marie, Hongkong and Tonkin Westwater, A. McDonald, medical missionary, Haichong

Westwater, Mrs, J., Zenana missionary, Moukden

Westwood, A. C., Tamil clerk and interpreter, gaol department, Penang Wetmore, W. S., (Frazar & Co.) merchaut, Shanghai

Wex, E., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) manager, Yokohama

Weynand, clerk, Direction of the Interior, Saigon

Whealler, E. 8., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) clerk, Queen's Road

Wheatley, J. E. G., magistrate in charge, Papar, Br. N. Borneo

Wheatley, J. G. G., postmaster, Kudat, Br. North Borneo

Wheatley, J. J. L., apothecary, Johore

Wheatley, W. (W. F. Garland & Co.) assistant, Singapore

Wheeler, C. H., surgeon, Krian, Perak

Wheeler, Dr. E., medical officer to Board of Health, Yokohama

Wheeler, E. L., operator, E., E. A. & C. Telegraph Co., Singapore

Wheeler, G. H., (Russell & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Wheeler, H. Z., appraiser, Customs, Yokohama

Wheeler, Miss Frances, missionary, Kiukiang

Wheeley, E., (A. Dent & Co.) merchant, Shangbai

Wheeley, J. T. M., assistant, Shanghai Medical Hall, Shanghai

Wheelock, T. R., (Wheelock & Co.) broker, Shanghai

Whelan, A. A., acting accountant, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Singapore

Whelan, J. H., surgeon, H. B. M. gun-vessel Linnet

Wherry, Rev. J., missionary, Peking

Whetstone, Miss Jane, missionary, Yokohama

Whicher, J. C. F., surgeon, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Whilden, Miss L., missionary, Canton (absent)

Whistler, H., (Evans, Pugh & Co.) clerk, and vice consul for Netherlands, Hankow

White, captain, steamer Hecuba, Bangkok and Singapore

White, Aug., (White & Miller) bill broker, Shanghai

White, A. M., (A. Jourdin) assistant, Penang

White, C., Kinta, Perak

White, D., (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

White, F., draughtsman, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Praya

White, Fred. E., coal merchant, Yokohama (absent)

White, F. C., collector of land revenue, Sungei Ujɩng

White, F. W., commissioner of Customs, Canton

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White, H. P., (Dodd & Co.) tea inspector, Tamsui White, J., head wa: chman, Associated Wharves, Shanghai White, J., sexton, St. John's Cathedral

  White, J. B., boarding house keeper, Macao White, R. G., medical practitioner, Chinkiang

White, R. J., tidewaiter, maritime customs, Canton

White, T. B., sailmaker, U.S.S. Brooklyn

White, T. E., (Robinson & Co.) assistant, Singapore

White, W. J., lieutenant, H. B. M. corvette Heroine White, Rev. W. J., missionary, Canton

White, Rev. W. J., missionary, Tokyo

Whitehead, A., third engineer, str., Fuyew, China coast

Whitehead, G., (Cowie Bros,) clerk, Labuan

Whitehead, T. H., manager, Chartered Bank of I. A. & C., Queen's Road Whitewright, Rev. J. S., missionary, Tsing Chou-fu, Shantung

Whitfield, Geo., (Whitfield & Co.) engineer, Yokohama

Whitfield, W., wharfinger, Birt's Wharf, Shanghai

Whiting, Rev. J. L., missionary, Peking

Whitlock, G., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Anping, Formosa

Whitman, Miss M. A., missionary, Tokyo

Whitmore, Major M.D., Royal Engineers, Singapore

Whitney, H. T., medical missionary, Foochow

Whitney, Dr. W. N., medical practitioner, and interpreter, U. S. Legation, Tokyo Whittall, E., merchant, Yokohama

Whittall, J. B. K., (China Traders' Insurance Co.) clerk, Queen's Road

Whittington, Rev. R., missionary, Tokyo

Whittle, J., (Butterfield & Swire) marine superintendent, Shanghai

Whittlesey, H. C., Maritime Customs assistant, Tientsin

Whormby, W. A. D., engineer, H. B. M. gunboat Rattler

Whymark, G. H., (Geo. Whymark & Co.) storekeeper, Kobe

Whyte, A. B., (Smith, Bell & Co.) merchant, Manila

Wibaux, J., merchant, Hanci

Wickassen, M., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Canton

Wickel, overseer, customs, Haiphong

Wicking, H., commission agen:, Club Chambers

Wickremesekere, J., chief clerk, railway de, artment, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor

Wickwar, V. R., (Hill & Rathborne) assistant, Sungei Ujong

Widmer, H., (Ulysse Pila & Co.) clerk, Haiphong

Wiechmann, H., (J. Zobel) assistant, Iloilo

Wiede, E., (A. Markwald & Co.) clerk, Bangkok

Wiederhold, W., (Carlowitz & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Wieler, G., (Wieler & Co.) merchant, Praya

Wieler, Oscar, (Wieler & Co.) merchant, Praya

Wiese, C. O., chief officer, steamer Fungshun, China coast Wiget, F., (F. Ullmann) assistant, Mamla

Wight, C. T., (Hill & Rathborne) assistant, Perak


Wight, Miss, missionary, Chefoo

Wignall, M., second engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Wigzell, A., instructor of engineering, Naval college, Tokyo Wijnboven, Rev. F., Roman Catholic missionary, Tientsin Wilby, R. G., engineer, H. B. M. corvette Cordelia Wilck, C.. (Wilck & Mielenhausen) tailor, Shanghai Wilcox, Rev. M. C., missionary, Foochow

Wilcox, R. C., lessee and editor, Daily Press, Wyndham street Wild, Geo., accountant, Banque de l' Indo-Chine, Haiphong Wilde, S., chief officer, steamer Fooksang, China coast

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Wildey, A. G., surgeon, R.N., Victor Emanuel

Wileman, A. E., assistant, British Consulate, Yokohama

Wiles, W., second officer, steamer Powan, Hongkong and Canton Wilford, F. C., (Lane, Crawford & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Wilgaard, J. J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Tamsui

Wilhelm, Rev. N. J. M., teacher, College of Pulo Ticus, Penang Wilkins, E., (A. S. Watson & Co.) manager, Tientsin

Wilkins, A. E., inspector of police, Perak

Wilkins, T., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Canton

Wilkinson, C. D., (Caldwell & Wilkinson) solicitor, Queen's road

Wilkinson, E. G., captain of marines, H. B. M. S. Audacious

Wilkinson, H. S., British crown advocate, Shanghai

Wilkinson, J. C., (E. H. Hunter & Co.) clerk, Kobe Wilkinson, M. E., tutor, British Legation, Peking

Wilkinson, W. H., interpreter, British consulate, Swatow Wilks, H., (Wilks & Boyle) engineer, &c., Manila Willar, Roman Catholic missionary, Hanoi

*. Wille, G. von, (Melchers & Co.) clerk, Praya

  William, Bro., teacher, St. Joseph's College, Robinson road Williams, third engineer, steamer Formosa, China coast

Wil iams, C., (Engineering & Min:ng Co.) sub-overman, Tientsin Williains, C. J., forest ranger, land office, Penang

Williams, Right Rev. C. M., D D., missionary, Tokyo

Williams, E. H. assistant Resident, Sadong, Sarawak

Williams, F., aritime Customs tidewaiter, Pagoda, Foochow

Williams, F. T., assistant, Shanghai club, Shanghai

Williams, G., Maritime Customs watcher. Canton

Williams, H. C. W., (W. H. Hindley & Co.) assistant, Manila Williams, J., in charge hulk Storm King, Hankow

Williams, Rev. J., missionary, Tokyo

Williams, J., coastguard officer, Customs, Kowloon

Williams, J. A. A., assistant surveyor, Kwala Kangsa, Perak

Williams, Rev. J. W., missionary, Chefoo

Williams, Rev. Mark, missionary, Kalgan

Williams, P., pilot, Swatow

Williams, R., pilot, Shanghai

Williams, S. E., (H. Sietas & Co.) clerk, Chefoo

Williams, W., pilot, Penang

Williams, W. H., Maritime Customs examiner, Canton

Williams, Wm., boarding officer, harbour master's department

Williams, Miss L., China Inland missionary, Nganking

Williams, Miss, missionary, Hankow

Williamson, Rev. Alex., LL.D., missionary, Shanghai

Williamson, J., (Ker & Co.) clerk, Manila

Williamson, J. W., (Holliday, Wise & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Williamson, Rev. Jas., missionary, Fungwha, Ningpo

Williamson, T., Maritime Customs assistant examiner, Wuhu

Williamson, Miss E., municipal school, Osaka

Williamson, Miss, Cuina Inland missionary, Shanghai

Willis, J., sergeant of police, Ningpo

Willis, W., M.D., physician to British Legation, Bangkok Willits, Rev. O. W., missionary, Tientsin

Willis, telegraphist, Rahong, Siam

Willmott, J., (A. S. Watson & Co.) assistant, Queen's road Willox, J. H., assistant, Manila to Dagupan railway, Manila Wills, Rev. W. A., missionary, Tsing chou-fu, Shantung

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Wilnau, P. F. S., lightkeeper, Breaker Point, Amoy

Wilson, A., assistant paymaster, H.B.M.S. Orion

Wilson, A., clerk to principal medical officer, army medical staff

Wilson, A., second engineer, steamer Ningpo, Hongkong and Shanghai Wilson, Captain B., chief of staff, U.S. navy, China station

Wilson, C. H., (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) clerk, Yokohama

Wilson, C. J., Maritime Customs tide waiter, Canton

Wilson, E. G., superintendent of police, and postmaster, Hankow Wilson, F., consulting engineer, Manila

Wilson, F. H. O., (Wotton & Deacon) solicitor, Queen's road Wilson, G., coastguard officer, Customs, Kowloon

Wilson, J., (Nagasaki Dockyard) assistant, Nagasaki

Wilson, J., (Geo. W. Collins & Co.) storekeeper, Tientsin Wilson, J., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Iloilo

Wilson, J. P. A., medical officer, Johore

Wilson, J. assist. treasurer, Sandakan, Br. North Borneo

Wilson, J. R., second engineer, steamer Namoa, China coast

Wilson, Rev. J., missionary, Chiang Mai, Siam (absent)

Wilson, J., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) clerk, Queen's road Wilson, J. A., (Howell & Co.) merchant, Hakodate

Wilson, Jas., (Wilson & Co.) merchant, Tientsin

  Wilson, Jno., supdt., Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co.'s Saw mills, Shanghai Wilson, John, (Boyd & Co.) assistant, Shanghai

Wilson, John, chief pilot, steamer Kiangteen, Shangbai and Ningpo

Wilson, John, (Wilson & Co.) merchant and commission agent, Tientsin


Wilson, Rev. J. W., missionary, Wuchang

Wilson, R., (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank) accountant, Shanghai

Wilson, R., government apothecary, Labuan

Wilson, W., maritime customs tidewaiter, Shanghai

Wilson, W., medical missionary, Hanchong

Wilson, W., (Chefoo Supply Association) assistant, Chefoo

Wilson, W., (John Harper) clerk, Shanghai

Wilson, W., (Wilson, Nicholls & Co.) shipchandler, Amoy

Wilson, W. W., clerk, general post office, Singapore

Wilzer, A. H., assist. commissioner, customs, Swatow

Winchester, Rev. A. B., missionary, Pan Ting-foo


Winchester, D., asst. manager, Caledonia Estate, Penang Sugar Estate Co., Penang Winckler, J., (Winckler & Co.) merc ant, Yokobama

Windsor, T., (Windsor, Rose & Co.) merchant, Bangkok (absent)

Windsor, T., China Inland missionary, Kweiyang

Wingate, J. C. A., U.S. Consul, Foochow

Wingrove, G. R., (Brand Bros. & Co.) clerk, Shanghai

Winkel, C., second engineer, N. D. Lloyd str. General Werder,Hongkong and Japan

Winn, H. H., (Winn & Kimball) dentist, Shanghai

Winn, Miss H. L., missionary, Yokohama

Winn, Miss M. L, missionary, Yokohama

Winskill, T. B., sub-editor, Shanghai Mercury Shanghai

Winsor, J. A., captain, steamer Chintung, China coast

Winstanley, A., (Cornes & Co.) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Winstanley, J., Yokohama Dairy, Yokohama

Winemute, Miss, missionary, Tokyo

Winter, F., (M. Raspe & Co,) clerk, Yokohama

Winterburn, W., third engineer, steamer Kiang-yu, Shanghai and Hankow

Wintle, V. D'O., (Russell & Co clerk, Shanghai

Winton, J., second officer, steamer A. Apcar, Hongkong and Calcutta

Wirgman, C. A., (E. Whittall) dderk, Yokohama

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Wirth, teacher, municipal girls' school, Saigon

Wirth, G., tobacconist, Saigon

Wisas, D., light keeper, Chefoo lighthouse, Chefoo

  Wise, A. G., barrister-at-law, police magistrate, actg-registrar, Supreme Court Wiseman, R., second officer, steamer Fatshan, Canton river

Wishart, C., (New Harbour Dock Co.) manager, Singapore

Wismer, E., (Ahrens & Co.) merchant, Kobe

Wisner, Rev. O. F., missionary, Canton

Wisner, Miss J. E., missionary, Canton

Wispaner, M., manager, Medical Hall, Singapore

Withers, R. E., consul for United States, Caine road

Withers, R. E., Jr., vice and deputy consul for United States, Caine road Witherspoon, E. T., cadet, U.S.Š. Omaha

Witt, H. C. N., proprietor, Concordia Hotel, Yokohama

Witte, H., (Justus Lembke & Co.) clerk, Club Chambers

Witte, Julio, (J. Witte & Co.) ice manufacturer, Manila (absent)

Wittenburg, W., telegraph department, Wladiwostock

Witthoefft, F. H., (Behn, Meyer & Co.) clerk, Singapore

Wodehouse, H. E., C.M.G., police magistrate, coroner, and supdt. of fire brigade Woelz, F., (Speidel & Co.) clerk, Saigon

Wohlfarth, R. (E. Kunhardt) clerk, Wladiwostock

Wohlters, A., (F. Blackhead & Co.) assistant, Praya central

Wokey, Edgar, (A. S. Watson & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Wölbar, G. H. W., (H. Brauss & Co.) merchant, Singapore

Wolder, H. C. J., (Gt. Northern Telegraph Co.) mechanician, Shanghai

Wolf, L., proprietor "Gran Hotel," Yokohama


Wolfe, R., (E. E., A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Singapore

Wolfe, Ven. Archdeacon, missionary, Foochow

Wolff, A., (Siber & Brennwald) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Wolff, C. X., professor, Nobles' School, Tokyo

Wolff, E. B. (Adamson Bell & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Wolff, M., bill broker, Shanghai

Wolter, C., (E. Meyer & Co.) merchant, Chemulpoo

Wolter, G., (E. Meyer & Co.) merchant, Tientsin

Wonnacott, Rev. B., seamen's chaplain, Singapore

Wood, A. P., engineer-in-chief, Waterworks Co, Shanghai'

Wood, A. G., (Gibb, Livingston & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Wood, C., second engineer, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Wood, D., (G. Falconer & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Wood, F. M., China Inland missionary, Nganking

Wood, G. C., (Bernard & Wood) merchant, Yokohama (absent)

Wood, H. W., (Gilfillan, Wood & Co.) merchant, Singapore and Penang (absent) Wood, J. M., (Smith, Bell & Co.) merchant, Manila

Wood, I., (Engineering and Mining Co.) foreman mechanic, Tientsin

Wood, R. E. B., (Hunt & Co.) clerk, Kole

Wood, R. H., (Smith, Bell & Co.) clerk, Manila

Wood, R. W. H., (Jardine, Matheson & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Wood, T., first officer, steamer Taisang, Hongkong and Calcutta Wood, Thos., (Drysdale, Ringer & Co.) merchant, Shanghai Wood, Thomas L., puisne judge, Penang

Wood, W. T., surveyor, land office, Kwala Lumpor, Selangor Wood, Miss., missionary, Canton

Woodbridge, Rev. S. J., missionary, Chinkiang

Woodcock, F. J., Maritime Customs tidewaiter, Canton

Woodcock, H. S., lieutenant, Royal Artillery

Woodford, A., (W. N. Woodlord & Co.) clerk, Penon;

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Woodford, A. J., (Kelly & Walsh) clerk, Singapore Woodford, J. A., inspector, Registration department, Malacca Woodford, J. D., (E. H. Hunter & Co.) clerk, Kobe Woodford, J. F., (Langfeldt & Mayers) clerk, Kobe Woodford, P. I., (Rodyk & Davidson) clerk, Singapore Woodford, R., clerk, land department, Kuching, Sarawak Woodford, R. G., clerk, Registration department, Penang Woodford, R. H., assistant draftsman, Municipality, Singapore Woodford, W. B., (H. Lucas & Co.) clerk, Kobe

Woodford, W. N., (W. N. Woodford & Co.) merchant, Penang Woodhull, Miss Hannah C., missionary, Foochow Woodhull, Miss Kate C., M.D., missionary, Foochow

Woodin, E. L., superintendent, P. & O.S.N. Co., Praya

Woodin, Rev. Simeon F., missionary, Foochow

Woodley, M., (Adamson, B 11 & Co.) tea inspector, Foochow Woodman, Rev. E. R, missionary, Tokyo (absent)

Woodruff, F. E., Commissioner of Customs, Takao

Woodruff, F. G., bill collector, Yokohama

Woods, C. K. E., solicitor, Singapore

Woods, Rev. H. M., missionary, Chinkiang (absent)

Woodward, Mrs., proprietrix, Nanking House, Shanghai

Woodward, Wm., instructor, naval training ship, Ulaga, Japan

Woog, N., (F. Ullmann) ass stant, Manila

Woolley, A., clerk, P. & O.S.N. Co., Praya

Woolnough, H. A., (A. S. Watson & Co., Limited) secretary, Queen's road Worch, A., (Bacharach, Oppenheimer & Co.) merchant, Yokohama

Worden, Rev. W. S., M. D., mis ionary, Yokohama, Japan

Workman, H. J., (Warner, Bladgett & Co.) clerk, Calbayog, Philippines Worley, Rev. Jas. H., missionary, Foochow

Worms, apothecary, hospital, Haiphong

Worthington, F. E., (Schilling & Co.) assistant, Yokohama Worthington, H. E. F., lieutenant, H.B.M. cruiser Leander Wotton, Wm., (Wotton & Deacon) solicitor, Queen's road Wray, C., magistrate and collector, Batang Padang, Perak Wray, G. C., assist. protector of Chinese, Province Wellesley Wray, L., planter, Thaiping, Perak

Wray, Leonard, Jr., curator of museum, Thaiping, Perak Wrench, W. T., assistant master, Raffles Institution, Singapore Wright, A., missionary, Kingwha

Wright, A H., chief officer, str. Chintung, China coast

Wright, Alex., (Butterfield & Swire) clerk, Queen's road

Wright, A. G.. (Sandilands, Buttery & Co.) clerk, Penang

Wright, B. F., locomotive superintendent, railway service, Kobe

Wright, C. Q,, chaplain, U.S.S. Omaha

Wright, C. T., manager, Kumnuning Estate, Kwala Kangsa, Perak

Wright, D. M., (Russell & Co.) agent, Takao and Taiwanfoo

Wright, F., (Eastern Extension, A. & C. Telegraph Co.) operator, Saigon

Wright, F. R. G., staff paymaster, H.B.M.S. Orion

Wright, G. H. B., M.A., head master, Central school

Wright, J. M., surgeon, Yeng Wah Hospital, Thaiping, Perak

Wright, R., (Morris & Wright) broker, Manila

Wright, R. T., clerk, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Queen's road Wright, T. W., Maritime Customs assistant, Amoy

Wright, Wm. constable, British consulate, Yokohama

Wright, Capt. W. F., senior ordnance store officer, Singapore

Wusinowski, A., (Wusinowski & Co.) merchant, Manila

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Wyckoff, M. N., M.A., teacher of physics and chemistry, Meiji Gakuin, Tokyo Wylie, B. A., (Cornes & Co.) clerk, Yokohama

Wylie, W. K., engineer, tug Peiho, Taku

W ynn, J., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Tokyo-maru, Japan Wynne, W. R., collector and magistrate, Matang, Perak (absent)

Xavier, C. A., assistant, British Dispensary, Shanghai

Xavier, C. A., (Kelly & Walsh) compositor, Queen's road

Xavier, C. J., clerk and messenger, Supreme Court

Xavier, C. J., manager, "Armazem Cooperativo" Ld., Lyndhurst terrace Xavier, F., sacristao, egreja de Santo Anthonio, Macao

Xavier, F. P., (Campbell, Moore & Co.) clerk, Queen's road

Xavier, F. Q., chef de seccão, water police, Macao

Xavier, H., (Langfeldt & Mayers) assistant, Yokobama

Xavier, H. A., (Geo. Whymark & Co.), clerk, Kobe

Xavier, I. A., (E. Burnie) clerk, Prava

Xavier, J., compositor, Shanghai Mercury office, Shanghai

Xavier, J., (Comptoir d'Escompte) clerk, Shanghai

Xavier, J. M., (Hahn, Piron & Co.) assistant, Bank Buildings Xavier, J. R.. (Chartered Bank) clerk, Shanghai

Xavier, L., (Langfeld & Mayers) clerk, Kobe

Xavier, L. A., (Douglas Lapraik & Co.) clerk, Praya Xavier, L. A., purser, receiving ship Ariel, Shanghai

Xavier, L. J., (Kelly & Walsh) compositor, Queen's road Xavier, L. T., (Hy. Stead) clerk, Praya

Xavier, Luiz, (Noronha & Co.) compositor, Zetland street Xavier, M. B., linguist, Procurador's department, Macao Xavier, S., (Noronia & Co.) compositor, Zetland street Xavier, V. M. F., (C. Ewens) clerk, Queen's road Xeres, M., medical practitioner, Manila

Yankowsky, K. M., captain, str. Kiangtung, Shanghai and Hankow Yanny, Geo., storekeeper, Købe

Yareloff, J., (Lindholm & Co.) bookkeeper, Wladiwostock

Yarr, M. T., surgeon, army medical staff

Yartseff, G. J., (Sheveleff & Co.) clerk, Wladiwostock

Ybarra, D., telegraphist, Manila

Ye herd, Capt. E. W., D. A. A. and Qr. Mr. Gl.

Yeats, J., Maritime Customs watcher, Canton

Yeats, R., (Boustead & Co.) c'erk, Penang

Yellop, Miss, (W. Powell & Co.) assistant, Queen's road

Yen, Rev. Y. K., M.A., Church of our Saviour, Hongkew, Shanghai

Yncan, M. S., clerk, treasury, Manila

Yockney, Algernon, staff paymaster, H.M.S. Victor Emanuel

Yorke, R. S., Maritime Customs assistant, Ningpo

Yond, F. M., (Adamson, Bell & Co.) merchant, Shanghai (absent)

Young, A., (H. & W. Dock Co., Ld.) foreman carpenter, Kowloon

Young, C., captain, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s steamer Nagato-maru, Japan Young, D. M., cadet, U.S.S. Omaha

Young, G. B., second engineer, Japan Mail S. S. Co.'s str. Takasago-marx, Japan Young, J., pilot, Taku

Young, J., (Boustead & Co.) merchant, Singapore (absent)

Young, Jas., captain, steamer Pakshan, China coast

Young, J. M., (Rodewald & Co.) merchant, Shanghai

Young, Lieut. J. R., Royal Engineers

Young, R., medical practitioner, "Woodville," Arbuthnot road (absent)

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    This, the most eastern of British possessions, is situate off the coast of the Kwangtung province, at the mouth of the Ĉanton river. It is distant about 40 miles from Macao and 90 from Canton, and lies between 22 deg. 9 min. and 22 deg. 1 min. N. lat. and 114 deg. 5 min. and 114 deg. 18 min E. long. The name of the island (Heung Kong) signifies Good Harbour. Hongkong is a Crown Colony and was ceded to Great Britain by the Chinese Government in 1841. The Government is admi- nistered by a Governor, aided by an Executive Council of five officials. The Legis- lative Council is presided over by the Governor, ard is composed of the Chief Justice, the Colonial Secretary, the Attorney-General, the Treasurer, the Surveyor-General, and one other official, and five unofficial menibers.

The island is about 11 miles long and from 2 to 5 broad; its circumference is about 27 miles. It consists of a broken ridge of lofty hills, with few valleys of any extent and scarcely any ground available for cultivation. It is well watered by numerous streams, many of which are perennial, and from the waterworks at Pok- flum water of excellent quality but in limited quantity is supplied to all parts of the city of Victoria. New and extensive waterworks at Taitam to provide an ample supply were commenced at the close of 1882 and are now almost completed. The water is conveyed into town by means of a tunnel more than a mile in length and a conduit along the hillside some 400 feet above the sea level, on which a fine road- called the Bowen Road-has been formed, which commands the most charming views of the city and the eastern district, and which has already become the favourite resort of pedestrians.

    The harbour of Hongkong is one of the finest and most beautiful in the world, baving an area of ten square miles, and, with its diversified scenery and varied ship- ping, presents an animated and imposing spectacle. It consists of the sheet of water between the island and the mainland, and is enclosed on all sides by lefty hills, unfortunately bare of foliage, except where trees have been planted near the city, but pleasingly green during the south-west monsoon. An extensive scheme of afforesta- tion is, however, being carried out. The City of Victoria is magnificently situated, the houses, many of them large and handsome, rising, tier upon tier, from the water's edge to a height of several hundred feet on the face of the Peak, while several bungalows are visible on the very summit of the hills. Seen from the water at night, when lamps twinkle among the trees and houses, the city, spreading along the shore for upwards of four miles, affords a sight not to be forgotten.

Nor on landing are the favourable impressions of the stranger dissipated. The city is well built, the roads and streets are for the most part admirably made and kept, the Public Gardens almost unrivalled for their beauty, and many of the thoroughfares delightfully shaded with well grown trees. A fine bronze statue of Sir Arthur Kennedy, Governor of the Colony 1872-6, erected by public subscrip- tion, stands in these Gardens. It was unveiled in November, 1887, by Governor Sir William Des Voeux. The chief public building is the City Hall, erected in 1866-0 by subscription; it contains an elegant theatre, numerous large rooms used for balls and public meetings, an excellent and valuable Library, and a Museum yearly increasing in importance. The Government Offices, Supreme Court House, and Post Office are plain but substantial edifices. Government House occupies a con manding situation, in pictures que grounds pleasingly laid out, in the centre of the city. The Gaol is a large and massive structure, but the accommodation afforded by it is not in excess of the large demands made on it, owing to the inreads of the criminal population of Kwangtung being so constant and persevering. The Civil Hospital is a large but plain building in Taipingshen. The Alice Memorial Hospital, situated at the corner of Hollywood Read and Aberdeen Street, is a useful and philanthropic institution for the benefit of poor Chinese. The Government Central School, a most important institution, having some six hundred pupils, is very badly housed at present, but will soon be removed to a stately and commodious structure, to be called Victoria College, now just completed. The Tung Wa Hospital, a Chinese

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institution, occupies a large and roomy building. The Barracks for the garrison are large, and constructed with great regard to the health an I comfort of the troops, and the buildings belonging to the Naval Establishment are substantial and spacious. The present Central Market is a dirty and inconvenient place, but a new and spacious market is in course of erection. The new building of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank is large, handsome, and massive, and would do credit to any city. The Praya wall, which was reconstructed in 1879-80, is a work of much solidity and strength, reflecting the greatest credit on the Survey Department. The Clock Tower, near Pedder's Wharf, was erected by public subscription in 1862, and the illuminated clock was presented to the Colony by the firm of Messrs. Douglas Lapraik & Co.

   The chief religious buildings are: S. John's Cathedral (Anglican), which oc- cupies a commanding site above the Parade Ground, and is a Gothic church of considerable size but with few pretensions to architecture. It has a square tower, with pinnacles, over the western porch, and possesses a peal of bells. A handsome stained window in the east end, over the altar, is the chief adornment of the interior. It also possesses a fine three-manual organ containing 47 stops, erected in 1887 and opened on the 20th June. S. Peter's (Seamen's) Church, at West Point, close to the Sailors' Home, is a neat Gothic erection with a spire. It also has a stained glass window, presented in 1878. S. Stephen's (Chinese) Church, in Taipingshan, is a plain building with a bell turret. Union Church is a pleasing edifice in the Italian style of architecture, with a spire, and contains accom- modation for about 500 persons. The Roman Catholic Cathedral, now partially erected, is situated in Glenealy ravine, near the Public Gardens, and when completed will be a fine structure in the Gothic style. S. Joseph's Church, in Garden Road, is a neat edifice erected in 1876 on the site of one destroyed by the great typhoon of 1874; and there are several smaller Catholic mission churches. There is also a Jewish Synagogue in Staunton Street, and a Mahomedan Mosque in Mosque Street. S. Joseph's College, a schol for boys managed by the Christian Brothers, oc- cupies a large and handsome building on a com nanding site in the centre of the city. The Roman Catholics possess a Reformatory for Chinese boys and several charitable and educational institutions which are very efficiently managed. Other denominations likewise support establishments of the same character, conspicuous among which are the Diocesan Home and Orphanage, the German Foundling House, Baxter Vernacular School, &c.

The Protestant, Roman Catholic, Parsee, Jewish, and Mahomedan Cemeteries oc- cupy sites in Wong-nai Chung Valley, and are kept in good order. The Protestant Cemetery is almost a rival to the Public Gardens, being admirably laid out and charm- ingly situated.

   There are several Clubs in the Colony. The principal are the Hongkong Club, the Club Germania, in Wyndham Street, the Lusitano Club in Shelley Street, and the Masonic Club in Icehouse Street. There is a Recreation Club,

which possesses Bath and Boat houses on the Praya near the Cricket Ground, a Cricket Club, a Rifle Association, and a Yacht Club, all kept up with considerable spirit.

The annual races are held at the latter end of February, under the auspices of the Hongkong Jockey Club, on the Race Course in Wong-nai Chung Valley, at the east end of the town, a beautiful spot enclosed by fir-clad hills. On this occasion the whole colony makes holiday, and the stands and course are crowded with one of the most motley collections of humanity to be seen in any part of the world. Most of the races are run with North China ponies, and there is generally good sport. A regatta is held in December in the harbour, but it does not evoke the same enthusiasm as the races. Athletic Sports are also got up every year by the residents and the garrison, and occasional swimming matches and boat races take place. There is an Amateur Dramatic Club, the members of which give several performances in the City Hall Theatre during the season; and the Choral Society also provides a series of entertainments.

   There is excellent Dock accommodation for the largest merchant vessels. The Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company, Limited, have three extensive establish-

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ments, two at Kowloon, the other at Aberdeen. The Docks of this company are fitted with all the best appliances for engineering and carpenter's work, and are seldom empty. Their docks are of the following dimensions:-Kowloon :-No. 1 dock--Length over all, 340 feet; breadth at entrance, 74 feet; depth over sill at ordinary spring tides, 18 feet. No. 2 dock-Length over all, 245 feel; breadth at entrance, 49 feet depth, 13 feet. Patent Slip-Length over all, 250 feet; breadth, 60 feet; depth, 11 feet. Tai Kok Tsui: Cosmopolitan dock-Length over all, 465 feet; breadth at entrance, 85 feet; depth, 20 feet. Aberdeen: Hope dock-Length over all, 433 feet; breadth at entrance, 84 feet; depth, 24 feet. Lamont dock-Length over all, 340 feet; breadth, 64 feet; depth, 16 feet. Another fine and commodious dock is now nearly completed at Kowloon, in which the largest ironclads can be received. It is 500 feet in length, 86 feet in breath at entrance at top and 70 fee: at bottom, and 29 feet deep. There are other establishments at which shipbuilding and foundry work are carried on, and some good sized steamers have been launched in the Colony. Her Majesty's Naval Yarl likewise contains machine sheds and fitting shops on a large scale, and repairs can be effected to the machinery of the British men-of-war with great expedition.

There are three good hotels in the Colony. They are, the Hongkong Hotel, close to the Clock Tower, the Victoria Hotel, facing the Queen's Road and the Praya, and the Sta; Hotel, in Queen's Road, all of which are centrally situated.

There are three daily papers published in English: the Hongkong Daily Press, which appears in the morning, the China Mail an the Hongkong Telegraph, issued in the evening. There is a weekly paper, the Overland China Mail, and one fortnightly paper, which is published on the morning of be departure of the English mail, namely, the (hina Overland Trade heport (the commercial jurnal of the Far East). A mail issue o the Daily Press is also printed weekly. The Hongkong Catholic Register is a religious piper published weekly. O Extremo Oriente, a Portuguese journal, is issued weekly. The Chronicle and Directory for hina, Japan, &c, appers annually, and is print d at the Daily Press office. The China Review, which is devoted to reviews and papers on Chinese topics, is published once every two months. The native Press is represented by five daily papers-the Chung Ngoi San Po, which is the oldest and most influential, published at the Daily I ress Office; the Wa Taz Yat Po, or Chinese Mail; the Tsun Wan Yat Po, the Yut Po, and the Wai San Yat Po, The Government Gazette is published once a week.

Manufactures are yearly increasing in importance. There are three large sugar refineries: the China Sugar Refining Co.'s establishments at East Point and at Bowring on, and the Taikoo Sugar Refinery at Quarry Bay. In connection with the first-named Company tere is also a large Distillery, where a considerable quantity of rum is manufac ured. There is an Ice Fac'ory, a lar. e Rope Factory in Belcher's Bay, and Glass Works in the same locality which are temporarily closed. Large Steam Saw Mills are in active work at Bowrington, where also is situate a Ginger Prepara- tion factory. The works of the Hongkong Brick and Cement Company are situated in Deep Bay, on the south si le of the island. Among the industries pursued by the Chinese are glas, blowing, opium boiling, vermillion and soy manufacture, tanning, dyein; beancurd, to hp wder, match, cigar making, &c., &c.

There are several villages on the island, the largest of which is Shau-ki Wan, situate in a bay in the Li-ü Mun Pass. Aberdeen, on the south of the island, possesses a wll sheltered little hrbour, much frequented by fishing craft. Two large docks of the Hongko g and Whampòa Dock Company are situated there, and add to the importance of the place. Poktolum, on the road to Aberdeen, about four miles from Victoria, is a place of resort for European re-idents in the hot weather, and some elegan. bungalows have been erected in pleasant and picturesque situations, commanding fine sen views and cool breez 8. The sanitarium of the French Missions is located at Pok olum, and is a fine build ng with an elegant chapel attached. The Dairy Farm is also situate! there. Stanley, situated in so all bay on the sou b-east of the island, was once the site of a mil tory station, but most of the barrack buildings were pulled down a few years back, and the village is

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stagnant. There are good carriage roads from Victoria both to Aberdeen and Shau- ki Wan, and a bridle road to Stanley. A good bridle road leads up to the summit of Victoria Peak, with other paths branching off from it along the adjoining hills. A tramway, to be worked on the wire rope system, has been laid to the Victoria Gap, where there is a station; the lower terminus is close to St. John's Cathedral. Within the past few years the number of bungalows in and about the Peak has increased so much that they now form quite an alpine village. The Military erected a sanitarium on the heights in 1883; and in June of the same year the Peak Church was opened for worship there. The Peak Hotel, at Victoria Gap, close to the Tram- way terminus, has just teen opened.

Across the harbour is the dependency of British Kowloon. This peninsula was ceded to Great Britain in 1861. I has an area of four square miles, and has lat:erly made considerable progress. Yau-ma Ti, the principal village, has increa ed in popula- tion, and bids fair to some day become an important town. A number of European houses and a club have been erecte i and numerous gardens la d out at Tsim-tsa Tsui. A fine praya, with a massive granite wall, has been constructed at Tsim-tsa Tsui, and some extensive godowns have been built and fine waves made, for discharging cargo and coaling. An Observatory as also completed at the en i of 1883 on Mount Elgin; and a large and handsome Police Station for the Water Plice has been erected on an eminence just above the new praya. A Time Ball occupies a prominent posi- tion in front of this Station, and is dropped daily. Steam ferries ply regularly between Kowloon and Victoria.

   The total population of the Colony of Hongkong, according to the census of 1881, was 160,402, showing an increase of 21,258 since 1876, when the preceding census was taken. The total population of the city of Victoria was returned at 141,494; that of Kowloon at 9,021; of Shau-ki Wan 3,274; of Aberdeen 1,305; and Stanley 829. The rest of the population is distribute l among the smaller villages and the boat population other than in Victoria harbour. The total British and foreign population numbered 7,990; but the residents proper are returned at 3,040, the former figures including the naval and military establishments, police, shipping in barbour, and temporary residents. The Indians and others of mixed. blood numbered 1,722. The population is now probably not less than 190,000.

   Hong kong formerly enjoyed a most unenviable notoriety for unhealthiness, and in years past the troops garrisoned here undoubtedly suffered severely. A great deal of the sickness in the early days of the Colony was caused by excavating and other- wise disturbing the disintegrated granite of which the soil of the island mainly con- sists, and which appears to throw off malarious exhalations when upturned. At the present time, however, the Colony is one of the healthiest spots in the world in the same latitude, and all circumstances considered the mortality is by no means excessive. New sanitary regulations were inaugurated in 1883. The annual death rate per 1,000 for the whole population in 1886 was 28.07, for the British and foreign population 18.54. The annual average rainfall is about 80 incues, while the average annual range of the thermometer is from 43 deg. to 89 deg.

The finances of the Colony have for several years gone on improving, and the estimated revenue for 1888 is $1,437,670 and the expenditure $1,318,545.

Hongkong is a free port, and there is no official return of the imports and exports compiled, but the value of its trade is estimated at about £40,000,000 per annum. During the year 1886 the following tonnage entered and cleared with cargoes :--

111... 14,122....... 110...


CLEARED Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons.

676... 487,786...





Vessels. Tons. Vease 8.





23... 44,514...





Chinese Junks


18... 1...

1... 2,982 3,371,547... 2,951... 9,3411,830 142... 183,304... 132... 168,971 22,971... 1,762,869... 22,673... 1,730,363


German Hawai

666... 476,338












12... 19,604



4,UAS... 7...




21,688... 24... 92,526



62... 22,377 36 45,971 127... 179,907

55... 22,896...

89... 49,945... 128... 176,278...

7,483... 17... 8,140

33. 18,701...


A total of 18,298 vessels, of 5,585,219 tons entered, and 20,890 vessels, of 5,458,824




10... 14,105






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tons cleared with cargoes.


                  There also entered in ballast 8,294 vessels, with 738,945 tous, and there cleared 5,979 vessels with 780,633 tons. The total shows an increase as compared with the previous year of 704,587 tons.

     The trade chiefly consists in opium, cotton, sugar, salt, flour, oil, cotton and wool- len goods, metals, earthenware, amber, ivory, sandalwood, betel, vegetables, granite, &c., &c. The bulk of the European trade of China and Japan pas-es through this port.

Hongkong possesses unrivalled steam communication. The P. & O. S. N. Co. and the M. M. Co. convey the European mail weekly, the Norddeutscher Lloyd Co. maintain a regular monthly mail service between Bremen and Hongkong, the P. M. S. S. Co. and the O. & O. S. S. Co, maintain a mail service with San Francisco, the Canadian Pacific S. S. Co. a regular mail s rvice with Vancouver, B.C., and the E. & A. S. S. Co., the Gibb Line, and the C. N. Co. keep up a frequent but irregular service with the Australian Colonies.

        In addition to all t ese, several great lines of merchant steamers run between London, Liverpool, and Hongkong, of which the Ocean S. S. Co. and the Glen and Castle lines are the most conspicuous. The Austro-Hungarian Loyd's steamers also ply from Trieste to Hongkong, and the Florio Ruba tino Company's steamers run monthly from Genoa. The N. I. S. N. Co. maintain direct monthly communication between Java and Hougkong. Between the ports on the ast coast of China and Hongkong the steamers of the Douglas S. S. Co. ply regularly twice a week, and there is con tant steau communication with Hoihow, Manila, Saigon, Haiphong, Bangkok, &c. With Shanghai and the ports of Japan there is frequent communication in addition to the English and French mail steamers, which leave weekly. Between Hongkong, Macao, and Canion there is a daily steam service. The telegraphic cominunication of the Colony extends to nearly every part of the world.

Colonial Government.


Governor, Commander-in-Chief, and Vice- Admiral-His Excellency Sir George William Des Voeux, K.C.M.G. Colonial Secretary-Hon. F. Stewart,


Aide-de-camp to H.E. the Governor-Lt.

J. D. Anderson, R.A.

Private Secretary-Slingsby W. Bethell


局政議 IChing Kuk.

His Excellency The Governor

The Senior Military Officer in Command

Hon. Colonial Secretary

Hon. Attorney General

Hon. Colonial Treasurer

Hon. Surveyor-General

The Captain Superintendent of Police


Ting Lai Kuk.

His Excellency The Governor

Hon. Chief Justice

Hon. Colonial Secretary

   Hon. Attorney-General Hon. Colonial Brassurer

Hon. Surveyor General Hon. Phineas Ryrie Hoa. H. G. Thomsett, R.N. Hon. F. D. Sassoon (absent) Hon. . P. Chater Hon. Wong Shing

Hon. J. Bell-Irving

Hon. A. P. MacEwen



Clerk of Councils-Arathoon Seth

Public Offices.


Colonial Secretary-Hoo. F. Stewart,


Assistant Secretary-

Chief Olerk-Arathoon Seth

First Clerk-J. M. S. Alves

Second do. -P. H. do Rozario

Third_do. -J. M. Gutierrez

Fourth do. -H. G. Rozario

Temporary Clerks-J. T. d'Almada e Cas-

tro, A. A. da Costa

Passed Cadets-F. H. May, T. Serpombe


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Pedder's Street.

署務庫 Fu Mò Shi.

Treasurer-Hon. A. Lister

First Clerk & Cashier-J. A. de Carvalho

2nd do. and Accountant - A. F. Alves

3rd do.-A. R. Madar

4th do.-E. A. de Carvalho

5th Clerk-J. V. Braga

Notice Server-Tsang Kit-fan First Shroff-Cheung Loi

Valuator of Police and Lighting Rates-

A. Shelton Hooper

Clerk to do.-J. A. dos Remedios, Jr. Interpreter-Lau Hi-tò


Auditor General-llon. F. Stewart Assist. Auditor-

First Audit Clerk-J. M. A. da Silva Second Clerk-F. V. Ribeiro

Third Clerk-F. Friere

Fourth do. -F. X. Placé da Silva


HI Kung Mò Shi.

  Surveyor General-Hon. John M. Price Assistant Surveyor General-E. Bowdler Resident Engineer Tytam Waterworks-

Jas. Orange

Assist. Engineer-C. C. Malsch Land Surveyor-J. Sampson First Clerk of Works-J. E. Howroyd Second Do. -J. Cramp Inspector of Buildings-H. F. Hayllar First Clerk-M. Gutierrez Second do. -Chan a Fook Third do. -J. G. Gutierrez Accountant and Storekeeper Tytam Water-

works-W. Goulbourn Land Bailiff-G. J. W. King Overseers of Works- E. Macleod, W.

Watts, G. Baynes, J. M. Butler Overseer of Waterworks-E. Ro e Overseer in charge of Protestant Cemetery-

E. Thompson

Interpreters-Li King Pan, Lo Tez Lam

GENERAL POST-OFFICE. Queen's Rad and Pedder's Street. ### Shü-sun Kún. Postmaster General-Hor. A. Lister Assistant Do.-A. K. Travers Accountant-J. G. da Rocha

Supdt. Money Order office-Z. M. Barradas Money Order Clerk-C. M. Barradas Parcel Clerk-R. F. Gutierrez, Jr. Clerks―J. M. E. Machado. A. J. Rodri-

gues, T. Barradas, Sheik Moosa, F. Franco, F. X. Remedios, R. A. da Costa Marine Officers-D. A. da Costa, A. M.

Placé, A. M. da Silva


Postmaster-F. G. Machado Clerk-M. A. Pereira


Hoihow-D. S. H-aysman Canton-H. B. Joly Swatow-W. H. Wilkinson Amoy-E. F. B. Allen Foochow-J. N. Tratman Ningpo-B. C. G. Scott Hankow-W. S. Ayrton


Yan-kün Kuk.

Collector-Hon. A. Lister First Clerk-J. S. Rodrigues Second Clerk-E. H. d'Aquino Shroff-Chan Wai

REGISTRAR GENERAL'S OFFICE. Supreme Court House, Queen's Road. **K Wà Man Ching Mò Sz Shã, Registrar General-J. H. Stewart Lock.


Assistant Registrar General-N. G. Mit- chell-Innes (acting Police Magistrate Acting Asst. Registrar General F. Ser-

combe Smith

First Clerk- C. Osmund

Second Clerk-G. S. Northcote Linguist-Mk Man-cheung Chinese Clerks and Writers-Im Among, Ip Ping Kwan, Chan U Chün, To Lok Him, Cing Un, Yung Kan, Lam Trun Chinese Registration Clerks-Sung Sing,

Fung Chan, Ho Tsung Chi



Cheung Fan-yan Se Mo Kün.

Registrar--The Registrar General

Deputy Registrar-C. Osmund

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         SANITARY BOARD. Sanitary Board-Hon. J. M. Price (chair- man), Dr. P. B. C. Ayres, Major T. C. Dempster, J. H. Stewart Lockhart, Hon. A. P. MacEwen, Dr. P. Manson, N. J. Ede, (absent) Dr. Ho Kai, Dr. Jas. Cantlie, H. McCallum, (absent) Wm. Edward Crow (secretary) Sanitary Superintendent-Hugh McCallum



            do. Wm. Edward Crow Inspector of Live Stock and of Markets-

Č. V. Ladds, M.R.C.V.S.

Chief Inspector of Nuisances-J. R. Ger


Assistant Inspector of Markets-Geo. Rae Inspectors of Nuisances-J. J. Clerihew,

J. R. Grimble, II. T. Dinnen

Clerk and Interpreter-Pang Shau Chun


Superintendent-Charles Ford

Head Gardener~A. B. Westland

Clerk and Interpreter-S. Mootian


Shün-ching Se.

Harbour Master, Marine Magistrate, Emigra tion and Customs Officer-H. G. Thom sett, R.N.

Assistant do.-Comdr. R. M. Rumsey,

R.N. (Retd.)

HARBOUR OFfice, Praya WEST. Clerks-F. Machado, J. L. de S. Alves,

A. C. Botelho, Hung Kam Ning Boarding Officers-T. M. Leatherbarrow,

Win. Williams

Inspectors of Cargo Boats & Junks-J. J.

    Collaço, M. J. Chagas Indian Interpreter-Soonderam Chinese Interpreters and Writers-Lo U

Shing, Chan Chan, Cheung Ip Shroff-Leong Chung

MERCANTILE MARINE OFFICE. Sailors' Home, West Point. Deputy Superintendent-A. P. Guterres Indian Interpreter-Idroos Moosdeen


Collector of Light Dues-Comdr. R. M.

Rumsey, RN. (Retd.)

Light Keepers, Cape d'Aguilar-A. Baird,

Wm. Borton, and two Chinese


Green Island-H. L. Matber & I Chinese Cape Collinson-Two Chinese


Officer in charge-John Livesey Gunner-George Waite


Shau-ki Wan-Inspector A. Mackie Stanley-John Butlin Aberdeen-Inspector W. Stanton Yau-Ma Ti-Inspector J. Mathieson

SIGNAL STATION, VICTORIA Peak. In charge F. C. Collaço Assistants-Two Chinese


Office, Harbour Office.

Govt. Surveyor of Ships-John Sherron


Assistant Surveyor--Arthur Wagner

Clerk-Chan Tseung-fit

署務事 貨各口入出港本辦總

Taung pan Pun-kong Chut-yup-haw Kok-fo Sze-mo-shu.


Superintendent.-Commdr. R. Murray

Rumsay, R. N. (Retd.)


First Clerk.-L. G. D'Almada e Castro, Second do. E. B. Shepherd Third do. -F. A. Cordeiro Fourth do. F. H. Shepherd



Queen's Road.

署臬 Nip Shi.

Chief Justice-Hon. Sir Geo. Phillippo, Knt.


Acting Chief Justice.-Hon. Jas. Russell,


Puisne Judge-Hon. Jas. Russell, C.M.G. Attorney-General--Hon. E. L. O'Malley


Acting Attorney General.-Hon. E. J.


Registrar, Official Administrator, Official

Trustee, and Registrar of Companies- Hon. E. J. Ackroyd



-A. G. Wise

Deputy Registrar and Appraiser-C. F. A.


Deputy Registrar en Accountant-S. Barff

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Crown Solicitor-A. B. Johnson: Clerk of Deed Registry-B. Shepherd Clerk to the Chief Justice-F. A. Hazeland Clerk to the Puiane Judge-C. E. Holworthy Clerk to Attorney General-V. A. Rozario Interpreter-J. Dyer Ball

Assistant Interpreter-Li Hong Mi Clerk to Registrar-E. Barros


Central Station, Hollywood Road.

Ts'un-pò Ting.

Capt. Superintendent W. M. Deane, M.A. Adjutant-Major T. C. Dempster, A.P.D.,

late 28th Regt.

Chief Inspector-G. Horspool

Clerk and Messenger in Bankruptcy-C. J. First Clerk and Account't-C. W. Duggan


Clerk and Usher-H. J. Rodrigues Chinese Clerk and Translator-Chung Shing


  Usher and Bailiff-T. R. McBean Hindustani Interpreter-T. R. McBɛan Clerk in Land Office-Wong Tsün Shroff-Leung A Tsau Bailiff-F. Howell


Assistant Bailiff-M. Leon Librarian-J. M. P. da Silva

VICE-ADMIRALTY COURT. Judge and Commissary-Sir George Phil-

lippo, Knight (absent)

Acting Judge and Commissary-Hon. Jas.

Russell, C.M.G.

Queen's Advocate-Hon. E. L. O'Malley


Acting do. Hon. E. J. Ackroyd Registrar-Edward J. Ackroyd Acting Registrar-A, G. Wise Deputy do. -C. F. A. Sangster Queen's Proctor A. B. Johnson

Marshal-F. A. Hazelaud


Te'un-li Ting.

Police Magistrate-H.E. Wodehouse, C.M.G.


Acting do.

-A. G. Wise (acting Re- gistrar, Supreme Court) -N. G. Mitchell-Innes First Clerk-W. M. B. Arthur Second do. - Ng Kwai Shang Third do. -Chan Kai Ming

Fourth do. -J. M. Placé da Silva Fifth do.-S. A. Ismael

First Chinese Interp.-Hung Kam-shing Second do. do.

Third do. do. Chau Kwai Un Hindustani Interpreter-No Fuk-shang Interpreter and Usher-Luk Chow-poe Chinese Clerk and Shroff-Lo Sing-lau Usher and process server-Chau A Shau Assistant do.


-Mok Lai-chi

Clerks-F. S. de Souza, Leung Kwai


Indian Interpreter-Samuel Baboo Chinese Sergeant Interpreters-Fourteen Inspectors-J. Cradock, D. Thomson, J.

Mathieson, J. Corcoran, J. C. Swanston, A. Mackie, D. Bremner, W. Stanton, W. Quincey, N. Perry

European Force-

11 Sergeants, 6 Lance Sergeants, 4

Acting Sergeants, 78 Constables

Indian Force-

1 Jemadhar, 5 Sergeants, 5 Acting

Sergeants, 189 Constables

Chinese Force-

5 Sergeants, 170 Constables Water Police, Chinese-

3 Sergeants, 8 Acting Sergeants, 118


Seconde l to other departments-

3 Europeans, 17 Indians, 29 Chinese


A Im-shi Kun.

Coroner-H. E. Wodehouse, C.M.G. Deputy Coroner-N. G. Mitchell-Innes

Chinese Interp. and Clerk-Chau Kwai



Arbuthnot Road.

房監 Kàm Fong.

Superintendent-Major-General A. H. A.


Clerk-T. M. Lopes

Assist. Clerk and Interp.-Yip Ling Mũi Warden-J. Jones

Head Turnkeys- J. Hodge, N. Nolan, A


9 European turnkeys, 25 Assistant turn- keys, 1 Chinese assistant turnkey, 2 Hos- pital warders, 1 Matron, 18 Gaol guards

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Hon. Frederick Ste-

wart, LL.D.

Shan Sz.

H. A. Herbert

Ho Kai

Hon. John M. Price | Thos. Howard

Hon. Alfred Lister Hon. E. J. Ackroyd Hon. H. G. Thomsett,

R.N. Hon. Phineas Ryrie Hon. Wm. Keswick Hon. Frederick Da-

vid Sassoon Hon. Wong Shing Hon. A. P. MacEwen Hon. J. Bell-Irving Hon. C. P. Chater W. S. Adams J. R. Anton P. B. C. Ayres S. Barff E. R. Belilios S. G. Bird

C. D. Bottomley E. Bowdler J. S. Brewer

J. A. de Carvalho Chan Kwáii Chow Ping Choy Chee-mee J. B. Coughtrie J. H. Cox J. S. Cox

D. R. F. Crawford H. L. Dalrymple W. Danby W. H. F. Darby H. W. Davis W. M. Deane T. C. Dempster N. J. Ede

C. Ford

H. Foss

F. T. P. Foster

J. J. Francis, Q.C.

E. George

D. Gillies S. J. Gower W. Hartigan

J. G. T. Hassell

F. Henderson

W. K. Hughes C. C. Iuchbald Thos. Jackson G. P. Jordan Kaw Hong Take B. Layton A. J. Lea h

J. H. S. Lockhart R. Lyall

A. MacClymont John Macgregor A. McIver

Edwin Mackintosh A. McConachie

P. Manson

H. M. Mehta

N. G. Mitchell-Innes

H. N. Mody

J. A. Mosely

J. S. Moses

G. E. Noble

C. Palmer

W. H. Percival

R. M. Rumsy, R.N.

E. E. Sassoon M. E. Sassoon A. Seth

H. C. Setna Granville Sharp S. E. Shellim C. F. Stiebel Jobn Thurburn A. K. Travers

H. J. H. Tripp A. Veitch

J. Y. V. Vernon

Wei Yuk

T. H. Whitehead A. G. Wise

H. E. Wodehouse,

C.M.G. Wong She-tai E. L. Woodin

Woo Lin-yuen G. H. B. Wright Wm. Young

MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT. Colonial Surgeon and Inspector of Hospitals-

Philip B. C. Ayres, L.M., and M.R.C.S., Eng.; L.R.C.P., Edin., Caine Road Health Officer of Port-G. P. Jordan, M.B.


West Point.

*** Kwok-kà I-yun. Superintendent-John Mitford Atkinson, M.B., Lond.; M.R.C.S.E.; L.S.A.L.

Apothecary and Analyst-W. E. Crow

Assistant Apothecary-W. M. Watson

Steward G. Rogers

Clerk-Lo Cheung Ip


院醫女 Noi I-yin.


High Street, West Point.

Medical Officer in charge-The Colonial


Clerk and Stew ird-G. Rogers

Matron-Jane Ackers

Inspectors of Police under C.D.O.-Joka

Lee, W. Horton, Jas. Edwards

SMALL POX HOSPITAL. West Point (Temporary).

**I* Kwok-ka Chong-tau-yɛɛn, Medical Officer-J. M. Atkinson, M.B. Wardmaster-J. Carneiro



Bonham Road.

In charge The Colonial Surgeon

Wardmaster-P. Murphy

Matron-M. Simmons

VICTORIA GAOL HOSPITAL. Medical Officer in charge-L. P. Marques,

M.K.Q.C.P.I., L.M., L.R.C.S.I.

In charge of Post Mortem Examinations-.

L. P. Marques. L.M., etc.


Inspector-Dr. E. J. Eitel

Clerk-Lo Sik-ning

Chinese Writer-Wong Kun-lan


Gough Street.

Êt Tài Shugin.

Head Master-G. H. Bateson Wright, M.. Second Master-Alexander Falconer

Assistant Master-A. J. May




-T. K. Dealy

-J. W. Jones

-R. M. Jameson, M.A.

Chinese Assistant Masters-Chiu Chi-ts'ung, Luk King-fo, Chü Tsun Ching, Lo Kit Chinese Masters-Ho Chuk-shan, Ch'an

Tsz-fai, Kwong Nam-tong

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OBSERVATËRY DEPARTMENT. Observatory Hill Kowloon,

Government Astronomer-W. Doberck

First Assistant-F. G. Figg

Second Assistant-Mahomet Alarakia

Clarks-Lau Shan, Ho To Shang



Superintendent-H. E. Wodehouse, C.M.G.

Assistant Supdt.-Geo. Hors; ool


--J. S. B ewer

Engineer A. Wagner (acting)

Clerk and Accountant-Ng Fuk-Shang Assist. Engineer→→→

Overseer of Water Works-E. Ro-e

ficer in charge of Stores-Geo. Rae Foreman-Geo. Rae

do. -Geo. Kemp 4 Assistant Foremen Engine Drivers-T. Campbell, J. R. Grim-

   ble, T. James, T. Foord, and 2 Chinese Assistant Engine Drivers-G. Gane, (ab-

Bent) H. J. Gidley, J. S. Witchell European Firemen, 17; Chinese, 7 Stok- ers, 15 Watchmen, 76 Firemen, 10 Con- tingent, 150 Volunteers


European Fireman 1; Chinese, 2 Fire-

men, 22 Volunteers


European Fireman 1; Chinese, 2 Fire-

men, 22 Volunteers


European Fireman, 1; Chinese, 2 Fire-

men, 40 Volunteers

Inspr. of Dangerous Goods-J. Robertson



-Cheong Shing



Engine House, Praya Central.

Hon. Foreman-W. Ross

Hon. Secretary-W. A. Cruickshank

Engineer in charge-T. W. Kiughorn

24 European firemen



Commandant-Major H. J. H. Tripp

Ajutant-Lieut. H. T. Hawkins, R.A.

Captain J. J. Francis 1.ieutenant-J. MacCallum





-J. A. Mosely

-A. Woolley

-H. J. Holmes


HH Yat-Màn Zing-ss Kèn.


Prava Central,

Acting Consul General-St. C. Michaelsen


Pedder's Wharf.

Consul-Atwell Coxon, (absent)

Acting Consul-F. H. Slagbek


Tai-pa-sai-kwok Ling-sz Kun.


15, Arbuthnot Road.

Consul- A. G. Ro.nano

Chancelier-J. J. Leiria

Ê LI ĐÃ ĐẠ Mà Tin mak Ling- Kin

DENMARK. Stanley Street. Consul-E. H. Melbye

ÈXITMÆ Fat-lan-sai Ling-sø Kùn°


10, Wyndham Street.

Consul--H. L. Verlege Chancelier-J. Rigoreau

* Tai-tak-kwok Ling-sz Kùn

GERMANY. Praya East.


Acting Consul-F. von Syburg Secretary-F. W. G. von Stockhausen Physician-C. Gerlach, M.D. Shipping Master-W. Peters n

HAWAII (SANDWICH ISLANDS). Pedder's Wharf. Consul-General-Hon. J. Bell-Irving

ɶ¶#★¶I-tai-li Ling-82 Kùn.


Praya West.

Consul-Chevalier D. Musso

Chancelier -


官事頠本日 Yat-pun Ling-82 Kùn.


7, Cain Road.

Consul-Teiske Minami

Clerk-Miki Saitow

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***** Làp-fa-lan Ling-an Kùn.

NETHERLANDS. Praya Central.

Consul-R. Buschmann, (absent) Acting Consul-F. Seip

***** Pe.lu-kwok Ling-ss Kùn.


Consul-J. Grant Smith, 43 Queen's Road


Tai-sai-yeung-luok Ling 8: Kim.


15, Arbuthno' Road.

Consul General-A. G. Romano Chancelier-J. J. Leiia

*****#Ngo-lo-sz Ling-sz Kùn


Prava Central.

Acting Consul-St. C. Michaelsen

# Tsim-lo Ling-sz Kùn.


Consul-Wm. Gibson Brodie (Borneo

Company), Queen's Road

****£ Lui-sung Ling-sz Kùn.


29, Elgin Terrace.

   Consul-Francisc. Ma. Rivero Vice-Consul-Celestino Marconel Chancelier-José Olivera

Naval Attaché-Capt. Einelio D. Moreu,


Ê HIEN Suikook Ling-8% Kin

Sweden and NORWAY.

Prava Central.

Consul-R. Buschmann, (absent) Acting Consul-F. Seip

*** Faki Ling-sz Kùn.

United States

Douglas Villa, Caine Road. Consul-R. E. Withers

   Vice and Deputy Consul-R. E. Withers, Jr. Chinese Clerk and Interp.-Chue Asine


COLLEGE OF MEDICINE FOR CHINESE Rector-Hon. F. Stewart, M.A., LL.D. Dean-P. Mauson, M.D., LL.D. Treasurer-J. H. Stewart-Lockhart Secretary-Jas. Cantlie, M.A., M.B., &c.



RRR! Shing Polo Shü-yun. Visitor-The Archbishop of Canterbury Warden-Right Rev. Bishop of Victoria Sub-warden-Rev. J. B. Ost


Visitor-Rt. Rev. Bishop Burdon Committee-Bishop Burdon (chairman), Hon. E. J. Ackroyd, Hon. J. Bell-Irving, Rev. Dr. Chalmers, W. H. Forbes, E. II. M. Huntington, T. Jackson, Rev. W. Jennings, G. R. Lammert, Hon. A. P. MacEwen, Rev. J. B. Os', Hon. A. Lister (hon. secretary and treasurer.)

Head Master-C. J. Bateman Matron-Mrs. Bateman

Assist. (for younger boys)-Miss Bateman

DIOCESAN Home and Orphanage. Bonham Road.

* Pai-sui Shü-shat. Visitor Rt. Rev. The Bishop of Victoria Committee-Right Rev. Bishop of Victoria, (chairman), Hon. E. J. Ackroyd, T. Jackson, Sir Geo. Phillippo, Hon. C. P. Chater, Hon. A. P. MacEwen, A. B. Johnson

Hon. Treasurer-Hon. J. Bell-Irving Hon. Secretary-Rev. W. Jennings Hon. Sub-Treasurer-Rev. J. B. Ost Had Master-Geo. Piercy, Jr. Second Master--W. Mackell Assistant Master-Chin Ho-ping Chinese Teacher-Wong Sin-shang Inmates-47 Boarders (boys) European, mixed, and Chinese, 30 day scholars


Taiping shan: Masters-Sham Kwan Hing,

Lam Wai Kwong

Saiyingpun: Master- Shiu Tsô Hung Lyndhurst Ter.(boys): Master-UnYing Fong Wellington St. (boys): Master-Chak In Kai Taipingshan, Baxter Memorial: Mistress-

Chan Liu

Lyndhurst Terrace (girls) : Mistress--Kam


Third Street: Mistress-U Yau Liu Yaumati (mixed): Master-Fung Mui

Chai; Mistress-Fung Tsang Shé Hung Hom boyx): Master-Wong Tsik


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Miss Johnstone

Miss de Jersey

Educational-Roman Catholic.

ST. JOSEPH'S ENGLISH College. Robinson Road.


Sing Yeuk-sut Ying-mun Shu-yun.

Provincial Visitor-Rev. Bro. Idinaelis

Director-Rev. Brother Louis

Sub-Director-Rev. Bro. Ater

Teache 8-Bros. Bernard, William, Ju-

lian, Joseph, Prosper, Adolph, Eunician, Edward

Portuguese Teacher-

Chinese Teacher-Joseph Awing Chinese Assistant Teachers-Cheang Yok-

tong, Lan In-i

250 Foreign and 125 Chinese pupils

THE CONVENt, Caine Road. ĐỂ ĐÊ ĐÃ KH Lò.Mà Ku-neung. Lady Superioress-Mother Maria Stella Sisters Claudia Compagnotti, Giuditta Manzato, Angelica Barretto, Luigia Fri- gerio, Teresa Rossi, Regina Ferrario, Emilia Bertalotti, Maria Allanson, To- masia Ricci, Teodora Lucian, Anna d'Almada, Marianne Danelli, Francesca Soave, Giovana O.tolini, Erminia Gal- barini, Giacinta Motta, Anua Boniati, Teresa Remedios, Mercè Gonzalves, Giulia Lanati, Agnese Ford, Maria de

la l'az Reis, Emilia Figaredo



Sai-ying-poon Yeung-ching-yuen.

Director-Brother Basilisse

Assistants-Bros. Joseph, Henry, Peter

No. of Boys-90.


Wik-to-li-à Fan-mung Shu-kwoon.


Hollywood Road.

Mrs. J. M. Hanlon

W. D. Braidwood, M.A. (Ph. S.)

Clubs, Societies, Institutions, &c.


✰✰ Tai Ui-tong.

Committee-Hon. J. Bell-Irving, chair- man; Hon. F. D. Sassoon, Hon. A. P.

MacEwen, W. H. Forbes, H. Hoppius, W. H. F. Darby, H. L. Dalrymple, H. N. Mody.

Secretary, Lib., & Curator-H. L. Dennys Chinese Clerk-Lau-a-yau



Rooms and Secretary's Office, City Hall. Chairman-Hon. P. Ryrie

Vice-Chairman-Hon. A. P. McEwen Committee-Hon, J. Bell Irving, H. Hop- pius, W. H. F. Darby, E. Mackintosh, W. H. Forbes, T. Jackson, St. C. Mi- chaelsen

Secretary-H. U. Jeffries Clerk-J. M. Britto

HONGKONG Club. Queen's Road.

A San Kung-sze.

Committee Dr. Ayr. 8, J. B. Coughtrie, W. H. F. Darby, H. Hoppius, A. Mc- Conachie, J. A. Musely, J. Y. V. Ver- nor, A. G. Wise Secretary-C. H. Grace


Wyndham Street.

BAB Tai-po-kwok Kung-sze. Committee H. Hoppius, G. Wieler, F.

W. Koch, M. Rieth, C. Rogge Secretary-F. W. G. von Stockhausen

LUSITANO CLUB. Shelley Street.

President J. A. dos Remedios

Hon. Secretary-J. M. d'Almeida

Hon. Treasurer-A. de Britto

Committee-F. J. Barros, D. A. Remedios,

A. M. P. Remer ios

Clerk-H. F. Ozorio


Icehouse Lane,

Directors-Hon. C. P. Chater, Dr. W. Young, S. J. Gower, G. C. Cox, M. Falconer, J. D. Humphreys

Secretary and Manager-W. F. Hatherley

Parsee Church OR CLUB HOUSE. No. 11, Shelley Street. Trustees-H. N. Mody, N. P. Dhalla, E.

C. Setna, H. M. Mehta

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President-H. E. Šir G. William Des

Vœux, K.C.M.G.

   Chairman-Hon. A. P. MacEwen Sub-Committee, Bath House-A. Denison,

M. Falconer, F. Grimble

Sub-Committee, Boat House-G. C. C. Mas- ter, J. Sampson, H. N. Thompson, A.M.D. Sub-Committee, Gymnasium-F. W. Koch,

    Major Ellis, C. H. Thompson Hon. Treasurer-R. T. Wright Hon. Secretary-J. H. Stewart Lockhart

HONGKONG CRICKET CLUB. BARNES Hong-kong Ta-po Kung-sse. (Season 1st October to 31st May) President-W. H. F. Darby

Committee Col. Anderson, F. H. O. Wil- son, E. J. Coxon, A. J. Leach, M. D. Graham

    Hon. Treasurer-J. C. Peter Hon. Secretary-A. K. Travers

HONGKONG JOCKEY CLUB. Stewards-Hon. P. Ryrie, H. Hoppius, Hon. J. Bell-Irving, M. Grote, Hon. C. P. Chater, J. Grant, E. L. Woodin, W. H. Forbes, T. Jackson, J. Gray, H. A. Herbert, hon. treasurer, H. J. H. Tripp

clerk of course

AMATEUR Dramatic Club. Committee-C. H. Grace, J. Whittall,

Major Brooke, R. E., Major Jopp Hon. Secretary and Treas.-H. M. Thom-



Hong-kong Cheong-shee-wui. Meets in the Music Room, City Hall. President-Vacant

   Vice-President-Major A. Brooke, R.E. Hon. Secretary-N. G. Mitchell-Innes Hon. Treasurer-G. A. Caldwell Committee C. S. Goodwyn, J. S. Brewer,

G. P. Lammert, J. Orange, N. G. Mit- chell-Innes, C. F. A. Sangster, R. Lyall

HONGKONG FOOTBALL Club. President-Major H. J. H. Tripp Committee-J. H. Stewart Lockhart, Lieut. Metcalfe, H. N. Thompson, A.M.D.

Hon. Treasurer-J. D. Saunders

Hon. Secretary-W. H. Wallace


HONGKONG HORTICULTUral SocietY. Committee-J. M. Armstrong (chairman,)

W. M. B. Arthur, Hon, C. P. Chater, J. H. Cox, C. Ford, E. George, H. J. Holmes, W. K. Hughes, F. Rapp, A. G. Romano, A. E. Vaucher, J. Y. V. Ver- non, E. L. Woodin, A. B. Westland Hon. Treasurer--J. M. Armstrong Hon. Secretary-C. Ford

HONGKONG Sketching CLJB. Committee-J. B. Coughtrie, G. S. North-

cote, C. Palmer

Hon. Secretary-A. S. Yockney, R.N.

RACQUET COURT CLUB. Committee-W. II. F. Darby, A. J. Leach,

C. S. Goodwyn, V. H. Deacon Hon. Sec. and Treasurer-A. S. Garfit


Chairman of Committee-Major General


Hon. Secretary and Treas.-Alf. Woolley

Catholic Cercle. Glenealy, Caine Road. President-A. da Silveira

Vice President-J. G. da Rocha

Secretary and Treasurer--G. S. Botelho Chaplain-Father G. Burghignoli

BIBLIOTHECa Lusitana, At Lusitano Club, Shelley St. President-L. F. Carvalho

Secretary―J. M. V. de Figueiredo

Treasurer-A. F. Alves

Librarians-J. C. da Cunha, E. H.


Revisores-A. F. dos Remedios, J. M. dos


Clerk-J. C. Chaves


Nga-lai-se-li Chai-i-yun.


Hollywood Read and Aberdeen Street.

Medical Committee--Rev. Dr. Chalmers,

Rev. G. H. Bondfield, Dr. Ho Kai; Drs. Cantlie, Hartigan, Jordan, Manson, Young, honorary physicians Hon. Dental Surgeon-Dr. Poate Resident Surgeon-Dr. Tchin Eng Secretary-Rev. Dr. Chalmers Hon. Treasurer-A. MacClymont Hon. Medical Secretary-Dr. Jordan

Digitized by




SAILORS' HOME, West Point.


Sai-ying-poon Shui-shau kwoon.

Trustees-Hon. W. Keswick, W. H. Forbes,

Hon. H. G. Thomsett, R.N.

Directors-W. H. F. Darby, John Mac- gregor, Hon. A. P. MacEwen, H. L. Dal- rymple, E. Mackintosh, S. E. Shellim Hon. Secretary--Hon. H, G. Tuomsett,


Treasurers-Hongkong & Shanghai Bank-

ing Corporation Superintendent-J. Moir Runner-R. Fisher


HONGKONG Temperance Hall, Fletcher's Buildings, Queen's Road. Committee-G. R. Lammert, Rt. Rev. Bishop Burdon, Rev. J. B. Ost, Rev. H. B. Harper

Hon. Secretary-Granville Sharp Manager-J. Olson


117, Queen's Road East.

Naval District.

W. Goulbourn, 119, Queen's Road East Visiting Deputy, G.W.C.T. Celestial Temple B.-J.Collyer, Q.M. Serg.,

R. Enginee: 8, T.D.

Hongkong Lodge, A.C.-W. Goulbourn,


Victoria Lodge, X.-W. Bawden, H.M.

Naval Yar, L.D.

Wanderer's Rest Lodge, H.M.S. "Wan- derer."-D. Rowson, Sergt. R.M.L.I., L.D.

Rising Star of Hope Lodge-H.M.S. "Con-

stance" E. Makehom, Signalman, L.D.

Alarity" Better days Lodge H.M.S. "Ala rity"

W. Bishton, Leading Stoker, L.D.

Military District.

United we Stand Lodge I. 20,―J. Lowry, Cr. Sergt. Northampton Regt., L.D.


President of Committes-Commodore W.

   H. Maxwell, R.N, A.D.C. Hon. Treasurer-A. Yockney, R.N. Hon. Secretary-W. H. J. Pym, R.N.

ROYAL NAVAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. Temperance Hall. President-G. S. Northcote Vice President-J. Dyer Ball Organizing Agent-Jas. Francis

Masonic Lodges.

Masonic Hall, Zetland Street.

DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF HONGKONG and South China, 1888. ## Yung-yan Wui-kwoon. D. G. M.-R. W. Bro. C. P. Chater D. D. G. M.-W. Bro. S. J. Gower

D. G. S. W.-W. Bro. W. M. B. Arthur D. G. J. W.-W. Bro. F. E. C. Georg

D. G. Chaplain-W. Bro. J. B. (st D. G. Treasurer-W. Bro. P. Bazonjee D. G. Registrar-W. Bro, R. K. L igh D. G. Pres. B. G. P.-W. Bro. P. Jordan D. G. Secretary-W. Bro. A ̧ O'D. Gourdin D. G.S. D.-W. Bro. David Gillies D. G. J. D.-W. Bro. J. McLeavy Brown


D. G. Sup. of Works-Bro. E. A. Crocker


D. G. D. of Cer.-W. Bro. F. A. Hazeland D. G. A. D. of C.-W. Br. W. Goulbourn D. G. S. B.-W. Bro. Wm. Boffey D. G. Organist-Bro. H. L. Stringer D. G. Pursuivant-Bro. G. H. Brunt, C'ion D. G. Asst. do. W. Bro. A. J. Hadley


D. G. Steward-Bro. A. D. Death

D. G. D. G.



D. G.


D. G.


L. G. do.



-Bro. T. E. Edmonds

-Bro. G: P. Jordan

-Bro. C. S. Powell (Amoy) -Bro. J. W. Ord (Amoy) -Bro. T. Hetherington

D. G. Tyler--J. R. Grimble

Unofficial Membe:s, B.G.P. Wor. Bros. Wm. Young, C. W. Duggan

Zetland LoDGE, No. 525, late 768, E.C. Worshipful Master-D. Gillies I. P. M.-M. Falconer

Senior Warden-A. D. Death Junior Warden-J. Willmott Treasurer-E· Wookey Secretary-J. D. Bal

Senior Deacon--J. B. Scott Junior Deacon-R. Cooke Director of Ceremonies--M. Bevan Inner Guard-H. B. Rawlinson Steward―T. Humphreys Tyler-J. Maxwell

Digitized by



    VICTORIA LODGE, No. 1026., E.C. Worshipful Master-W. Boffey Senior Warden-J. E. Edmonds Junior do. -C. H. I. Harms Treasurer-P. Bazonjee Secretary-G. J. W. King Senior Deacon-L. R. Connor Junior do. -L. K. Davis Chaplain-J. B. Ost

Director of Ceremonies-M. P. Bazonjee Inner Guard-H. Sheppard Tyler-J. R. Grimble

   PERSEVERANCE LODGE, NO. 1165., E.U. Worshipful Master-F. A. Hazeland Senior Warden-G. P. Jordan Junior Warden-R. P. Dipple hon. Treasurer-A. S. Hooper Hon. Secretary-R. Wallace Senior Deacon-G. Brewitt Junior Deacon S. Jopp

Inner Guard-J. F. Möller

Director of Cer.-E. Osborne

Stewards-J. F. Webber. G. L. Tomlin Tyler-J. R. Grimble

UNITED SERVICE LODGE, No. 1341, E.C Worshipful Master-H. L. Stringer I. Past Master-W. Goulbourn Senior Warden-G. J. W. King Junior Warden-H. Baker Treasurer-W. Goulbourn Secretary-J. White

Senior Deacon-J. Bryant Junior Deacım-J. J. hnston Director of Cer.-H. J. Watson Steward G. McClure Tyler-J. Maxwell

    ST. JOHN'S Lodge, No. 618, S.C. Right Worshipful Master-E. J. Main Immediate Past Master-J. W. Croker Deputy Master-C. Grant

  Worshipful Senior Warden-J. Mitchell Worshipful Junior Warden-J. Stephen Treasurer-M. Falconer Secretary-A. R. Madar Senior Deacon-E Sapoorjee Junior Deacon-W. H. Henriques Organist-H. L. Stringer

Director of Ceremonies-L. Kirchmann

   Steward-H. A. Shirazee Inner Guard-J. J. Spooner Tyler-J. Maxwell

EOTHEN MARk Lodge, No. 264. Worshipful Master G. C. Cox Senior Warden-A. O'D. Gourdin Junior Warden-W. Boffey Master Overseer-M. Falconer Senior Overseer-Dr. G. P. Jordan Junior Overseer- F. A. Hazeland Chaplain-R. Wallace Treasurer-John Willmott Reg. of Marks-M. P. Bazonjee Secretary-A. R. Madar Organist-H. H. Lightwood Senior Deacon-J. Hatcher Junior Deacon-Wm. Quincey Director of Ceremonies-H. Ruttonjee Inner Guard-W. Baker Steward-A. D. Denth Tyler-J. R. Grimble

VICTORIA CHApter, No. 525, E.C. M. E. Z.-Comp. G. C Cox H.-Comp. M. Falconer

J. Comp. J. W. Crocker Scribe E-Comp. J. Dyer Ball Scribe N.-Comp. C... E. Herbst P. S.-Comp. D. Gillies

1st Assist. S.-Comp. R. Cooke 2nd Assist. S.-Comp. G. Sachse Treasurer Comp. A. R. Madar Steward-Comp. E. J. Main Janitor-Comp. J. Maxwell

CATHAY CHApter, No. 1 165, M. E. Z.-E. Comp. Paul Jordan H.-E. Comp. Alt. Woolley J.-E. Comp. A. O'l). Gourden Scribe E.-Comp. R. P. Dipple Scribe N.-P. Brewitt

P. 8.-Comp. II. McCallum (absent) Treasurer-G. P. Jordan

Dir. of Cer.-S. A. Joseph Janitor-J. Maxwell

UNITED CHAPTER, No. 1941, E.C. M. E Z.-M E. Comp. R. Croisdale, P.X H.-E. Comp. J. Robertson J.-E. Comp. W. Goulbourn

Treasurer-Comp. A. R. Madar Scribe E.-Comp. G. J. W. King Scribe N.-Comp. H. L. Stringer P. S-Comp. W. L. Ford

1st Assist. Soj.-Coinp. H. A. Sherasee 2nd Assist. Saj, -Comp. W. Baker Lir of Cer.-J. R. Grimble

Steward E. Rose

Janitor―J. Maxwell

Digitized by





E. Preceptor-E. Sir Knight F. A. Hazeland Registrar-Sir Ku ght A. Seth Treasurer-Sir Knight R. Markwick Guard-J. Maxweil


M. W. Sovereign-Paul Jordan High Prelate-Dr. G. P. Jord 'n First General-A. O'D. Gourdin Second General-F. A. Hazeland Grand Marshal-D. Gillies Kaphael J. W. Croker Recorder-Arathoon Se h

   Treasurer-W. Danby, P.M.W.S. Equerry-J. R. Grimble

Churches & Missions-Protestant.



Tai Lai-pai-tong.

Bishop of the Diocese-Right Rev. J. S.

Burdon, D.D.

Colonial Chaplain--Rev. W.Jennings, M.A. Organist-C. F. A. Sangster Verger and Sexton-J. White

Trustees-Colonial Chaplain, chairman ex officio; Hon. A. Lister, Hon. E. J. Ackroyd, A. B. Johnson, Hon. H. G. Thomsett, R.N., Hon. A. P. Mac- Ewen, J. Walter

Hon. Sec. & Treasurer-Hon. A. Lister Auditors-J. H. S. Lockhart, J. H. Cox

UNION CHURCH. Staunton Street. *#*#* Tai-shek-ch'u Lai-pai-tong. Minister Rev. G. H. Bondfield Trustees-Rev. Dr. Chalmers, G. Sharp, D. R. Crawford, H. W. Davis, J. Macgregor, N. J. Ede, D. Gillies Committee of Management-W. Young, M.D., D. Gillies, Inspector Matheson, W. Parlane, J. D. Ball, G. Murray Bain, J. Goosmann, H. McCallum, J. Boyd, J. Rodger, W. Powell, J. Duncan, A. Falconer

Secretary to Committee of Management-

A. Falconer

Treasurer-H. McCallum, J. Goosmann,


Sittings may be obtained on application to Lane, Crawford & Co. or Ŵ. Powell, Queen's Road

Services-Sundays 11 a.m. and 7.80 p.m.


Chaplain-Rev. A. G. Goldsmith, M.A.


CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Rev. J. B. Ost, C. M. House, West Point South China Finance Committee-Rt. Rev. Bp. Burdon, (chairman) Hon. E. J. Ackroyd, T. Jackson, Rev. J. Wolfe, (Foochow corresponding member) Rev. J. B. Ost, (treasurer and secretary)


Shing Sz-tai-fan Lai pai-tong.


Native Minister-Rev. Fong Yat-sau

Church Missionary-Rev. J. B. Ost



Garden Road, West Point.

Rev. J. B. Ost



Garden Road, West Point.

Mrs. Ost


**** Lun-tun Chun-kau-wui.



Beauregard" Bonham Road.

Rev. John Chalmers, M.A., LL.D. Rev. G. H. Bondfield Miss Rowe


No. 1, High Street (West.)


Sai-ying pon Yuk-ying-tong.


Superintendent-Pastor F. E. W. Hart-


Mrs. Hartmann

Miss Louise Brandt

Miss L. Süss (absent) Miss Anna Schneebeli Miss Mathilde Grotefend Miss Martua Probst

RAENISH Missionary SOCIETY. Rev. W. Dietrich, (Tungkun) Rev. Emanuel Genähr (Fuk-wing) Rev. R. Gottschalk (Thongthauha) Rev. C. Mans (Fuk-wing)

Digitized by



堂拜禮家客盤營西 Sai-yin-poon Hak-ka Lai-pai-tong.


Rev. R. Lechler (absent)

Rev. H. Ziegler (Chonghangkang)

Rev. H. Bender

Rev. G. Reusch



Rev. J. Loercher (Lilong)

Rev. M. Schaub do.

Rev. G. Morgenroth (absent) Rev. O. Schulze (Chongtshun)

Rev. G. A. Gussmann (Fuchukphai) Rev. J. Dlger (Hianen)

Rev. J. Bosshard do.

Rev. R. Kutter (Kayinchu)

Rev. R. Ott (Hokshuha)

Rev. G. Ziegler do.

Rev. J. Leonhardt (Nyenbangli)

Rev. F. Flad

Rev. D. Schaible



嘉喜 Hi-ka.



Rev. C. R. Hager, 2, Bridges St.

BRITISH and Foreign BIBLE SOCIETY. Corresponding Committee. Hon. Sec. and Treas.-Rev. J. B. Ost

RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY. Corresponding Committee. Hon. Treasurer-F. T. Pearce Foster Hon. Secretary-Rev. G. H. Bondfield

Churches & Missions-R. Catholic.

ROMAN CATholic Cathedral. Glenealy, Caine Koid.

±±Ƒa Lo-ma Tien-chu-kau-tong. Vicar Apostolic-Right Rev. T. John Raimondi, D.D., Bishop of Acantho Pro-Vicars Apostolic-Very Rev. G. Bur-

ghignoli, L. Piazzoli

Missionaries-Rev. B. Vigano, A. Sasso, Rev. R. Peroui, Rev. A. Benetti, D. Pozzoni

Native l'riests-Revs. M. Leang, A. Leang,

M. Fou, J. Leang, F. Ceong

Organist--M. Coska


Tai-li-sung chun-kau-tong.


10, (aine" Road,

Procurator-Rev. Evaristo Torres

Vice Procurator-Rev. A. Cañal



Staunton Street.

*&#TWO Fat-lan-sai Chün-kau-tong. Rev. E. Lemonnier, procureur général

Rev. H. Chapuis, vice-procureur

Rev. G. Gex, vice-procureur


Rev. L. J. Holhaun, superior

ASILE DE LA SAINTE ENFance. Queen's Road East.

Rev. Mother Paul de la Croix, supérieure Sisters Macarie Benoit Joseph, Angéline Joseph, Electa, Placide, Onésime, Anna Joseph, Clémence

CONFERENCE of St. Vincent of Paul. President A. da Silveira

Vice Presidents-A. B. da Rova, (absent),

C. J. Ozorio

Hon. Secretary-G. S. Botelho

Treasurer-J. G. da Rocha

Spiritual Director-Very Rev. G. Burghig-


Steamship Companies.


DARKĜ# Tit-hong Fo-shun Kung-sze.

E. L. Woodin, superintendent

A. Woolley W. Parfitt E. Osborne E. A. Measor E. P. Campos E. Sapoorjee L. P. Campos J. Webster F. P. Soares

STEAMER "TEHERAN," 1,661 tons. Commander-F. H. Seymour Chief Officer-G. Leigh King Second Officer-M. Haughton Third Officer-G. Philipps

Fourth Officer-H. G. H. Lewellin Fifth Officer-T. Coventry Chief Engineer-J. W. Sellex Second Engineer-R. Ditahbaru Third Engineer-J. Small Fourth Engineer-J. Nicoll Boilermaker-W. Sims

Steward in charge-A. H. Bozier

Digitized by




    STEAMER "6 THIBET," 2,127 tons. Commander-J. F. Creery Chief Officer-R. R. Pearce Second Officer-W. H. Watkins Third Officer-J. B. Pickell Fourth Officer-G. Inglis Fifth Officer-J. H. Brown Chief Engineer-W. M. Ross Second Engineer-W. Auld

Third Engineer-T. B. Spence

Fourth Engineer-G. Millar Boilermaker-W. McQuarrie


Fat-lan-sai Fo-shun Kung-sze.



Praya Central.

G. de Champeaux, agent

E. de Baillou,


R. Brasier de Thuy, do.

J. F. Tavares

C. Corveth

C. C. Corveth

V. Rozario

T. Loureiro

L. Collage, storekeeper NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. (German Mal Steam S ip Co.) Melchers & C..., agents.

STR. "GENERAL WERDER," 1,820 fons. Captain--W. von Schuckmann Chief Officer -B. v. Rupacki-Warnia Second Officer-Fr. Kiehne

Third Officer--Fr. Ku n Chief Engineer-F. Giäl Second Engineer-C. Winkel Tuird Engineer-Fr. Schöttler Fourth Egi er-W. Rickmann Purser E. Hemme



OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Office, Queen's Road Cential. Chas. D. Harı:an, ag, nt

C. L. Gor1 an

J. S. van Buren

A. M. R. l'ereira L. B. Connor


COMPANY, LIMITED. Jardine, Matheson & Co., general managers BRIT. STEAMER "PECHILI," 889 tons. Captain-

BRIT. STEAMER "Taisang," 1,506 tons

Calcutta Line

Captain-T. L. Davies Chief Officer-T. Wood Second d.-G. W. Sheppard Chief Engineer-R. Lees Second do. A. Duff

Third do. -G. Lin Isay

Fourth do. -H. McDonald

BKIT. STEAMER "Wingsang," 1,515 tons. Calcutta Line

Captain-d'A. D. St. Croix

Chief Officer-J. Beattie Second do. -W. Bowker

Chie Engineer-J. H. Galbraith

Second do. -Nevin

Third do. -J. McDonald

BRIT. STEAMER "KUTSANG," 1,495 tons. Captain-W. H. Jackson

Chief Officer-W. H. Freeman Second do. -C. Hodgson Chief Engineer-J. Gillies Second do. -J. Grahan Third do. -W. P. Deas

BRIT. STEAMER "FOOKSANG," 990 tons. Captain-H. W. Hogg

Chief Officer-Spencer Wilde Second do. W. H. Quince Chief Engineer-Wm. Thomson Second do. -T. C. Murdɔch Third do. D. MacDougall

Brit. Steamer "Canton," 1,111 tone. Captain-J. Bremner

Chief Officer -L. W. Moore Second do. -H. Holmes Chief Engineer-J. Roche Second do. -J. Reynolds Third do. Wm. Buncie

BRIT. STEAMER "LEESANG," 1,191 tons. Captain-W. E. Sawer

BRITISH STEAMER "YIESANG," 888 tons. Captain-Lensk

Chief Officer-Geendav

Serund do. -W J. Sleeman

Chief Engineer-E. A. St. C. Burrell Second do. -Fraser

Thir do. -Henderson

BRITISH STEAMER "El Dorado." Cap.ain-Geo. Payne

Digitized by





  Russell & Co., general managers BRIT. STEAMER "Zafiro," 675 tons. Captain-R. M. Talbot

Chief Officer-W. W. Strachan Second do. -P. H. Potter

Third do. -H. Reid

Chief Engineer-D. J. Patrick Second do. Jas. J. Thompson Third do. C. F. Cregan

Brit. Steamer "Diamante," 514 tons. Captain-A. A. McCaslin

First Officer-A. W. R. Cobban Second do. G. D. Gilpin

Third do.

Second do.

A. Patrick

-Wm. Steel

Chief Engineer-Wm. McLean

Third do. J. W. Kew



Douglas Lapraik & Co., general managers

Hon. P. Ryrie, Hon. F. D. Sassoon, B. Layton, Hon. A. P. MacEwen, Consult- ing Committee

BRIT. STEAMER "HAITAN," 1,183 tons. Captain-S. Ashton

Chief Officer-J. Lewis

Second do. -R. J. Stainton Third do. -F. Bassett

Chief Engineer-J. Macdonald Second do. -G. Musgrave Third do. -E. W. Brimelow

BEIT. STEAMER "FOKIEN," 509 tons. Captain J. S. Roach

Chief Officer-R. Spencer

Second do.

Third do.

Second do.

-W. B. Barton

G. B. Boughton

Chief Engineer-A. McIntyre

Third do.

-W. McKechnie


-J. Stopani

BRIT. STEAMER "NAMOA," 862 tons.

Captain-F. D. Goddard Chief Officer-A. E. Hodgins Second do. -A. G. Robbins Third do. -J. W. Gale

Chief Engineer-W. F. McIntosh Second do.

-J. Wilson

Third do.

-J. Niven


BRIT. STEAMER "THALES," 820 tons. Captain-W. Y. Hunter

Chief Officer-E. S. Graham Second do. -J. Douglas Third do. A. Milroy Chief Engineer-F. Urquhart Second do. -W. T. Andrews Third do. -G. Summers


BRIT. STR. "HAIPHONG," 1,125 tons. Captain-H. C. A. Harris Chief Officer--A. J. Robson Second do. -H. Rimington Third do. -T. O. Sullivan Chief Engineer--W. Roberts Second do. -F. Greig

Third do. -W. A. Rowell


Captain-T. Hall

Chief Officer-G. B. Eldridge

Second do. W. E. Choppin

Third do. -F. Evans

Chief Engineer-G. Smith

Second do. -J. U. Morgan

Third do. -Williams


Shang Kong O Fo-shu Kung-sse.




7, Queen's Road.

Directors-Hon. P. Ryrie, chairman, F.

A. Gomes, E. R. Belilios, Hon. J. Bell Irving

Secretary-T. Arnold Clerk-F. A. Ozorio

Agents at Canton-Deacon & Co. Agent at Macao-F. A. da Crus

Hongkong-Canton Line.

BRIT. STEAMER "POWAN," 1,842 tons, Captain-J. P. Hoyland

Chief Officer-E. H.-Summers

Second do. -L. H. d'Egville

Chief Engineer-J. H. Chesney Second do. -J. Mooney Purser B. J. d'Aquino

Br. Steamer "HONAM," 1,398 tons. Captain-G. B. Lefavour

Chief Officer-A. Thomas

Chief Engineer-S. Groundwater Second do. -Jas. Leslie Purser A. d'Azevedo

Digitized by




Canton-Macao Line.

BRIT. STR. "WHITE CLOUD," 527 tons. Captain W. J. Risby Chief Officer-J. Lawrena Chief Engineer-T. Clark

Hongkong-Macao Line.

BR. STEAMER "KIUKIANG," 1,284 tons. Captain-S. W. Goggin

Chief Officer-W. S. McIver

Chief Engineer-O. Jackson Second do. -E. E. Rodrigues Purser-C. M. d'Eça

Laid up in Canton.

Be. Steamer "KIUNGCHOW," 288 tons. Officer in charge-Capt. E. Gaine BEIT. STEAMer "Fatshan " 1,425 tons. H. C. & M. Steamboat Co. and China Navigation Co.

Hongkong-Canton Line.

Captain-W. E. Clarke


Chief Officer-W. W. Allan Second do. - R. Wiseman Chief Engineer-H. Hey Second do. -M. E. Sharp Third do. -J. Scotland Puiser A. M. Barros


Hongkong-J. d'Almeida Macao V. Nogueira Canton-Chop Dollar


Butterfield & Swire, agents

BRIT. STEAMER "HANKOW," 2,235 tons. Captain-C. V. Lloyd

Chief Officer-William Pike

Chief Engineer-Jas. Christie

Second do. G. Ramsay


Purser-L. F. Grill


O-kwok lun-shun Kung-sze.



Office, Praya Central.

O. Bachrach, agent; res. Westbourne

Villas, Bonham Road

F. Varda

J. P. Marques

F. V. Vandenberg

Z Lun-shun Chiu-sang-kuk. CHINA MERCHANTS' STEAM


Cheong Luk Yu, manager

(For list of Steamers see Shanghai.)


48, Queen's Road.

Manager-G. T. Hopkins Supdt. Engineer-Wm. Ramsay Agents-Yuen Fat Hong Clerk-F. Tsung

Agents at Swatow-Butterfield & Swire

Macao-Margesson & Co.



Hoihow & Pakhoi-Schomberg

& Co.

Singapore-Behn, Meyer & Co.

BRIT. STEAMER "Danube," 561 tons. Captain-R. Unsworth

Chief Officer-T. Tulloch

Second do.

R. Spence

Chief Engineer-J. Brown

Second do. -J. McInnes


do. -Tait

BRIT. STEAMER "Mongkut,"_858 tons. Captain-Geo. Anderson

Chief Officer―J. Jenkins Second do. -A. Luck

Chief Engineer-R. Black

Second do. -J. Brownhill

Third do.

-W. Ballantyne

BRIT. STEAMER "Kong BeNG," 862 tons. Captain-F. W. Phillips

Chief Officer-J. Cameron

Second do. -H. Bush 4

Chief Engineer-R. Riddock Second do. -J. Christie Third do.

-J. Sbawe

BRIT. STEAMER "TAICHIOw," 862 tons.. Captain-Jos. Newton

Chief Officer-J. J. Edwards

Second do. -Chas. Castle

Chief Engineer-G. T. Inglis

Second do. -Jos. Rae

Third do. -H. Macmillan


Captain-J. Fowler

Chief Officer-V. Guldberg Second do. -J. Drewes Chief Engineer--D. Tod Second do. -W. Hill Third do.

-J. Lang

Digitized by




1,010 tons.

Captain-A. Benson Chief Officer-H. Leffler Second do. -G. A. Webster

Chief Engineer-John Henderson Second do. -M. Connell

Third do. -A. Brown

Brit. Str. "Devawongs '


Captain-P. H. Loff

Chief Officer-Morris

Second do. -J. Oughton

Chief Engineer-M. Campbell

"BANGKOK" Steam Lighter and tug, Bangkok.

Master-P. Saxetorf Chief Engineer--W. Smith

"CHAMROSUS," Steam Lighter.


Chief Engineer-McGuinnes


Siemssen & Co., agents


Captain-R. Koehler

Chief Officer-T. H. Lehmann

Second do. -Ch. Reea

Chief Engineer-H. Brewer

Second do. -A. H. Hewitt

Third do. -R. Crawford

"MARCIA," Brit. Steamer, 1,060 tons Captain-A. McIntosh Chief Officer-J. M. Still Second do. -R. Kerr

Chief Engineer-J. J. Tweedy Second do. -W. Thomas

Third do. -J. B. Scott

"NINGPO," BRITISH STEAMER, 761 tons. Captain F. Schultz

Chief Officer-S. Frabm

Second do.

T. Metyer

Chief Engineer-H. Dalgarno

Second do. -O. Wilson

Third do. -J. Adams


Captain-G. Heuermann

Chief Officer-E. Christiansen

Second do V. Berg


Chief Engineer-J. Mitchell Second do. J. Colquhoun

do. -A. Horsborough




YANGTSZE," BRIT. STEAMER, 784 tons. Captain-E. W. Starling Chief Officer-J. A. Thomson Second do. -W. Angus

Chief Engineer-R. Barclay Second do. --J. Roberts

Third do. -P. C. Birch


David Sassoon, Sons & Co., agents BRIT. STEAMER "A. APCAR," 1,392 tons Captain-A. B. Mactavish

Chief Officer-Geo. B. Pallett Second do. -J. Winton Third do. -H. Mathias Fourth do. -J. A. H. de Souza Chief Engineer-J. Leslie Second do.

Third do.

Fourth do.

Fifth do.

-W. Watts -G. P. Valliant -T. A. Gregory -R. Agabeg

BRITISH STEAMER "JAPAN," 1,865 tons. Captain-T. S. Gardner

Chief Officer-Jas. Shepperd Second do. -J. G. Spence Third do. -W. Greenfield Fourth do. -A. G. Hamilton Purser-R. R. Thurston Chief Engineer-M. Graham Second do. -Geo. Jackson Third do. -M. Jacob Fourth do. -H. Rowland




Charterers--Roque & Co., Haiphong Captain-N. C. Revsbeck Chief Officer-N. W. Storm Second do. P. Moyonier Chief Engineer-L. Beck

Second do. -E. Hasidoje

GER. STEAMER " ANTON," 396 tons. Agents-Wieler & Co.

Captain-E. Aerehoe Chief Officer-T. Eggert

Second do. -Jensen

Chief Engineer-C. Grevenitz Second do. -Tafte

Digitized by




German Steamer "Alwine," 400 tons. Agents-Wieler & Co.

Captain-J. Samnelseng Chief Officer-T. Thayser Second do. -J. Frahm

Chief Engineer-W. Hagelweiss Second do. -W. Feck

Asst. do. . Leipnitz


Agents-Siemssen & Co.

Captain-W. Reynell

Chief Officer-

Second do. -T. Brown

Chief Engineer-J. A. Bell

Second do.

-T. Curnoe

Third do. -J. McLean

SPANISH STR.. "Don Juan," 654 tons. Agents-Brandao & Co.

Captain-José M. Marquez Chief Officer--Rafael Beltran Second do. -M. Paz Purser-S. D. Martinez Chief Engineer-Diego Elordi Second do. -B. Anguisola Third do. -E. Pantin

GER. STEAMER "MARIE," 604 tons. Agent-A. R. Marty.

Captain-W. Schafer Chief Officer A. Rieke

Second do. -A. Bru¡ n Boatswain-W. Westphalen Chief Engineer-F. Griffel Second do. -E. Johamsen

BRIT. STEAMER "PASIG," 257 tons. Agents-Arnhold, Karberg & Co. Captain-M. Brace

Chief Officer-J. W. Stavers Chief Engineer-A. Parker


  GLEN LINE OF STEAMERS. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents

 CASTLE LINE OF STEAMERS. Adamson, Bell & Co., agents

OCEAN STEAM Ship Company.

Butterfield & Swire, agents


Adamson, Bell & Co., agents

SHIRE LINE of SteamERS. Adamson, Bell & Co., agents

GELLATLY LINE OF STEAMERS. Adamson, Bell & Co., agents

UNION LINE OF STEAMERS. Russell & Co., agents



Arnhold, Karberg & Co., agents



Remedios & Co., agents


Melchers & Co., agents

∙Д±❖ Kum Sing Kung-sze. GERMAN STeamship Company of HAMBURG. KINGSIN-LINE. Siemssen & Co., agents

NAVIGAZIONE General ItalIANA. (Florio & Rubattino United Cos.) Carlowitz & Co., agents


Arnhold, Karberg & Co., agents

NEDERLANDsch-Indische StoomvarT


Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents

RUSSIAN Volunteer FLEET. Melchers & Co., agents

NOUVELLE Compagnie Marsbilla(83 DE NAVIGAtion ▲ Vapeur


Adamson, Bell & Co., agents

Miscellaneous Public Companies.


Hong-hong Hak-tim Kung-sse.


Directors-D. McCulloch (chairman), W.

Parfitt, A. dos Remedios, W. K.

Hughes, F. Dodwell

Secretary-R. Lyall

Digitized by



Hongkong AND CHINA Gas Co., LD.

West Point.

4# Mui-hi Kung-sze.

Local Committee-Hon. P. Ryrie, chair-

man, Hon. F. D. Sassoon Manager-F. W. Cross

Assistant Manager-W. S. Bamsey

Foreman Fitting Depart.-E. W. Terrey

Clerk-F. G. Collins

do. G. T. Jorge

do. J. M. Carvalho


Hong-kong Wong-po Shun-o Kung-sze.


Head Office-14, Praya.

Directors -C. D. Bottomley, H. Hoppius, L. Poesnecker, Hon. J. Bell-Irving, W. H. Forbes, E. L. Woo.in, St. C. Mi- chaelsen

Secretary and Manager-D. Gillies, M.

Inst. N.A.

Assistant Manager-R. Cooke Accountant-G. A. Caldwell Book-keeper-F. Grimble Cashier-M. de Souza Clerk-M. A. A. de Souza

do. -F. X. Ozorio

Draughtsmen-J. Gow, R. Mitchell, S.

Moss, F. White

Kowloon Establishment.

Superintendent Engineer-J. W. Boyd Engineer in Harbour-A. G. Aitken Foreman Engineers-T. Boyes, J. Angus Foreman Shipbuilder-J. Wallace do. -D. Tulloch Foreman Turner-J. Kyles


Foreman Boilermaker-J. Logan


do. -J. Singleton

Foreman Moulder-A. Harvey

Foreman Blacksmith-R. Rutter

Foremen Carpenters-A. Young, H. Brost,

J. Hutchings, A. Buyers

Sawmiller-J. Killin

Foreman Joiner-J. Darling

Timekeeper--W. Davidson

Clerk-J. A. Remedios

Head Clerk--J. Victor de Jesus

do. -M. A. Gomes

Storekeeper-L. Grove

Asst. do. G. Hewett, F. Gomes

Head Watchman-A. Hogg

Clerk of Works, New Dock-J. R, Mudie Foreman Mason-H. Munro Diver A. Meyer

Cosmopolitan Docks. Superintendent-H. Smith Foreman Engineer-J. Carpenter Foreman Boilermaker-W. Mason Foreman Turner-R. Grant Harbour Engineer-E. J. Main Head Clerk J. Wilkie Storekeeper A. Jordan Clerk-T. V. Neves

do. E. M. de Souza

Aberdeen Establishment. Superintendent J. Hacche Head Clerk-W. Stewart

Steam Tug "Pilot Fish." Captain A. Stopani



Jardine, Matheson & Co., general agents


Chung-wa Fo-cheh Tong-kuk.

CHINA SUGAR REFINING COMPANY, Ld. East Point and Bowrington.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., general agents

Hon. J. Bell-Irving (chairman), Hon. F. D. Sassoon, W. K. Hughes, J. B. Elias, B. Layton, St. C. Michaelsen, consulting committee

J. McGregor Forbes, chief clerk

E. M. Hyndman, accountant A. C. More, clerk

E. E. da Silva, do.

R. H. Heard, do.

A. M. Ferreira, do.

F. M. Rozario, do.

F. V. Friere, do.

A. Rodger, chief sugar boiler

G. Ferguson, chief engineer

W. Taylor, chemist

F. H. Underwood, assist. chemist

J. Sutherland, sugar boiler

R. Adam,

J. Rodger,

J. Forbes




J. G. Webster, godown kee per

D. McRae, foreman

J. Lawrence, do.

P. Plage, do.

Bowrington Branch.

J. Dickie, chief sugar boiler A. Gillanders,chief engineer J. Galbraith, sugar boiler

J. Bryant,


W. McCormick, do.

W. Davidson, foreman J. Hamilton,


Digitized by





Butterfield & Swire, agents

### Hong-kong Suet-chong. HONGKONG ICE COMPANY, LIMITED. Works, East Point; Depôt, Ice House St. Jardine, Matheson & Co., gl. managers Wm. Parlane, M.I.M.E., manager

Geo. Allen, engineer Wm. Scott, clerk

Hongkong and China Bakery Co., Ld. Lane, Crawford & Co., general managers HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMited.

Belcher's Bay, Lap Sap Wan. Russell & Co. general managers

J. M. Scudder, superintendent

W. Gardner, engineer F. F. Santos

HONGKONG AND Kowloon Wharf and GODOWN COMpany, Limited.

Office: Pedder's Street. Directors-Hon. J. Bell-Irving, Hon. F.. D. Sassoon, Hon. A. P. MacEwen, Hon. C. P. Chater, W. H. F. Darby, M. Grote, H. Hoppius, E. H. M. Huntington, J. S. Moses

J. Isaac Hughes, secretary

R. A. Apenes W. Mathisen L. M. Ozorio

E. F. Ozorio

G. F. Grabam, wharfinger, Kowloon

F. A. Brown

J. Ozorio

L. L. Lopes

F. Marquis

J. Lampert, wharfinger, West Point J. A. Barretto


Hong-kong cha-ki-shan tit-lo Kung-sze.


MacEwen, Frickel & Co., general managers

Jas. Anderson, superintendent Alex. Bain, engineer

Chas. Graliam, foreman of works

HONGKONG STEAM LAUNDRY Co., Ld. Bowrington. Directors-E. L. Woodin, Andrew Johns- ton, H.J. H Tripp, Wm. Legge (absent) Manager A. O'D. Gourdin

DAIRY FARM COMPANY, LIMITED. Pokfulum: Office, 5. Stanley St. Directors-Dr. Manson, Hon. C. P. Chater, J. B. Coughtrie, W. H. Ray, G. Sharp, J. D. Humphreys

J. P. N. da Silva, manager

HONGKONG BRICK AND CEMENT COM- PANY, LIMITED. Directors-Hon. C. P. Chater (chairman), D. Gillies, W. Wotton, E. L. Woodin, J. B. Coughtrie (secretary pro. tem.) Manager-J. D. Canning, Deep Water


Do.-Andrew Johnston, Hongkong

PUNJOM AND SUNGHIE DUA SAMANTAN MINING COMPany, Limited. Office: 4, Club Chambers. Directors-W. G. Brodie (chairman), Hon. C. P. Chater, W. H. Ray, (absent) D. Gillies, E. L. Woodin, W. Kerfoot Hughes, C. D. Bottomley, W. Wotton Secretary-A. O'D. Gourdin


WANCHAI GODOWN COMPANY. Office, 1, Zetland St.

Hughes & Ezra, agents

RICHMOND TERRACE ESTATE AND BUILDING COMPANY, LIMITED. Office, 36, Queen's Road. J. D. Humphreys, general manager John Willmott, secretary

Shark Fishery Co., Ld.

Office, 36, Queen's Road.

J. D. Humphreys, Fung Cheong, directors

John Willmott, secretary

CHINA GINGER ManufactuRING CO., LD. Bowrington.

S. J. Gower, J. Grant Smith, C. Kam

Ting, directors

M. H. Gomes, acting secretary

Hongkong Paper Manufactory, Ld. Shau kiwan.

Brandt & Co., general managers

Reuter's Telegram Co., Ld. 7, Queen's Road.

E. George, agent

Digitized by




司公報電亞利斯澳及洲部東 Tung-po-chau kup O-sz-li-á Tin-po Kung-sze. EASTERN EXTENSION, AUSTRALASIA AND CHINA TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Limited. Chief Office, 66, Old Broad Street, London, E.C.

Tien-sin Hong.

GREAT NORthern Telegraph Co. Chief Office, 28, Kongens Nytorv, Copenhagen.

Offices, Marine House, Queen's Road;

W. Judd, manager in China

J. V. Petersen, controller W. H. Giles, clerk in charge L. Webster, accountant P. N. Nygard, electrician

S. Corrie Jones, supervisor J. Nielsen,


F. G. Nielsen, operator

H. A. Marshall,


E. Bush,


P. d'Agostini,


P. A. Cordeiro,


F. L. Pereira,


F. I. Ribeiro,


F. X. Remedios,


J. Wilson


F. M. Luiz


F. Pintos,


D. J. Barradas,


J. F. Ribeiro,


F. Figueiredo,


I. J. Pereira,


F. Siquira,


R. L. Rocha,



W. O' Brien,

(For Rates see Advertisement.)


Office, Marine House, Queen's Road Superintendent-Wan Chung-yen Clerk in charge-Woo Yau-chen


Hongkong Exchange, 4, Club Chambers.

Harold Dowson, agent



Agents-Birley, Dalrymple & Co.


Mitsui Bussan Kaishia, agents

IMPERIAL GOV. PAPER MILLS, TOKYO. Mitsui Bussan Kaishia, agents

TAKASIMA Colliery. H. J. H. Tripp, agent

NEWCASTLE Coal Mining Company, Ld.

Gibb, Livingston & Co., agents


Adamson, Bell & Co., agents-

Merchants' Marine Insurance Co., Ld. Thames & Mersey Marine Insce., Ld. London & Provincial Fire Insce. L 1. South Australian Insurance Co., LI. Pacific Fire and Marine Insurance

Co., of Sydney

Australian Alliance Assurance Co.,

of Melbourne

The Fire Insurance Association, Ld. National Marine Insurance Assn. L.l. Singapore Insurance Co., Limited Sun Fire Office

Arnhold, Karberg & Co., agents-

Mannheim Insurance Company, Ld, Lancashire Insurance Company, Fire

and Life Eidgenössische Transport Versicher-

ungs Gesellschaft, Zurich

Swiss German Marine Insurance

Association of Manchester Caledonian Insurance Co., Fire and


Java Sea & Fire Insurance Company National Marine Insurance Company

of South Australia

New York Board of Underwriters Record of American and Foreign


Birley, Dalrymple & Co., agents-

Union Marine Insurance Company, Guardian Fire Assurance Company Norwich Union Fire Insurance Soc. Union Fire and Marine Insurance

Company of New Zealand

New York Life Insurance Company

Borneo Company Limited, agents→→→

Commercial Union Assurance Com-

pany, Fire Branch Standard Life Assurance Co.

Butterfield & Swire, agents-

British and Foreign Marine Insur

ance Company, Limited Royal Exchange Assurance Corpn. London and Lancashire Fire Insur-

rance Company

Digitized by




ĦARIH Can-ton Po-him Kung-sze. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE, Limited.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., general agents


Chung-wa Fo chuk Po-him Hong. [理自伴各份股]


Directors-Hon. P. Ryrie, chairman, H. L. Dalrymple, W. H. F. Darby, H. Hop- pius, L. Poesnecker, W. H. Forbes, St. C. Michaelsen

J. B. Coughtrie, secretary

G. L. Tomlin

A. O. Gutierrez

Chan Apat

(For List of Agencies see Advertisement)


Chung-ngoi-trung-kwok Po-him Kung-sze.


Directors-L. Poesnecker, (chairman), J. Thurburn, C. von Bose, J. S. Moses, St. C. Michaelsen

W. H. Ray, secretary (absent)

A. S. Garfit, acting secretary

J. B. K. Whittall

H. P. Wadman

E. W. Maitland

C. Mooney

O. A. da Cruz

E. C. Barradas

A. Collaço

F. H. D'Azevedo

J. P. D'Aquino

P. Sequeira

J. E. Reding, agent, Shangbai

R. F. Botelho,


Waldemar Schmidt, manager, Lon-


B. Goldsmith, manager, Melbourne Agents for London and Provincial Marine

Insurance Co., Limited

THE CHINESE Insurance Company, LD.

Queen's Road.

Directors-St. C. Michaelsen, chairman, Hon. C. P. Cùater, J. B. Elias, F. Dod- well, J. A. dos Remedios, Fung Tang, Lon Wai Chuen

S. J. Gower, secretary

H. Harms

F. de S. Botelho

J. B. Gutierrez

Carlowitz & Co., agents-

Allgemeine Versicherungs Gesell- schaft für See, Fluss, und Land- transport, in Dresden Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co. Gibb, Livingston & Co., agents--

Imperial Fire Insurance Company Reliance Marine Insurance Company Amicable Insurance Office, Ld. North Queensland Insurance Co., Ld. North Australian Lloyd's Commercial Union Assurance Com-

pany (Life department)

Gilman & Co., agents-


North British and Mercantile Fire

Insurance Company

Universal Marine Insurance Co. Liverpool Underwriters' Association Salvage Association, London

The Underwriting and Agency Assn. Mannheim Insurance Co., Limited Mannheim Reinsurance Co., Ld. Merchants' Shipping and Under-

writers' Association of Melbourne Committee of Underwriters of Glas-


Underwriters' Union of Amsterdam Ocean Marine Insurance Co. "Italia," Societa d'Assicurazoni Maritime Fluviali e Terrestri, Genova

"Schweiz" Transport Versicherungs

Gesellschaft, in Zurich

Lloyd Generali Italiano, in Genova Royal Exchange Assurance

Comité des Assureurs, Paris

Union Malonine et Servannaise, St


Compagnia d'Assicurazioni Generali

in Triest, Limited

Holliday, Wise & Co., agents-

Manchester Fire Insurance Company

London Assurance Corporation, Fire,

Marine, and Life

Manchester Underwriters Association


Hong-kong Fo-chuk Po-him Kung-sze.


Jardine, Matheson & Co., general man-


Hon. A. P. MacEwen, C. D. Bottomley, Hon. F. D. Sassoon, F. T. P. Foster, Hon. C. P. Chater, consulting committe

Digitized by



Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents-

Triton Insurance Company Alliance Marine Assurance Office Alliance Fire Assurance Office

Lapraik & Co., Douglas, agents-

Phoenix Fire Insurance Company Liverpool and London and Globe In-

surance Company

Levy, Alex., agent-

South British Fire and Marine In- surance Co. of New Zealand

Linstead & Davis, agents-

Boston Board of Marine Underwriters Universal Life Assurance Society Boston Marine Insurance Co.

Loxley & Co., W. R. agents

Netherlands Fire Insurance Co.


Man-on Po-him Kung-sse.


Directors-Lum Sin Sang, Ban Hap, Yow

Chong Peng, Quan Hoi Chune, Chan Li


Secretary-Woo Lin Yuen

See Advertisement.

Melchers & Co., agents-

Austrian Insurance Co., "Donau" North German Fire Insurance Co. Royal Insurance Co., Fire and Life La Neuchateloise Société Suisse

d'Assurance of Neuchatel

Transport Versicherungs Ges." Schweiz" Basler Transport Versicherungs Ges. Algemeine Versicherungs Gesell-

schaft, Helvetia

United Swiss Marine Insurance Cos. Rhenania Versicherungs Actien Ge-

sellschaft in Köln Germanic Lloyd's, Berlin

Meyer & Co., agents-

Scottish Imperial Life Insurance New Swiss Llovd Transport Insurance

Company, of Winterthur

Prussian National Insurance Com-

Fany of Stettin

Mitsui Bussan Kaishia, agents→→

Tokio Marine Insurance Co., Ld.

Mody & Co., N., agents-


Bombay Mody Insurance Company

Musso & Co., D., agents

Cassa Marittima di Napoli Mutua Sorrentina Association Mutua Reunita di Genova Registro Italiano

Naudin & Co., F., agents-

Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. of


Lübeck Fire Insurance Co. (sub.


New Oriental Bank Corporation, agents-- National Life Assurance Society

New York Life Insurance Co.

C. Seton Lindsay, resident manager Birley, Dalrymple & Co., agents

A+ No-chin-na Kung-sze.


W. H. Percival, agent

L. Kennard Davis

C. E. Osmund

A. C. da Silva

Agents for Commercial Union As-

surance Co., Ld. (Marine dept.)

Norton & Co., agents-

Queen Fire Insurance Company of


司公限有險保泰安港香 On-Tai Po-him Yau-han Kung-sze.

ON TAI INSURANCE COMPAny, Ld. Head Office, 8 & 9, Praya West.

Directors--Lee Sing, Lo Yeok Moon, Lee

Yat Lan, Chu Chik Nung Manager-Ho Amei

See Advertisemeni'

Pustau & Co., agents-

Fire Insurance Company, of 1877,


Manhattan Life Insurance Co., New


General Life and Fire Assurance Co.. Mannheimer Reinsurance Co.

Digitized by



Russell & Co., agents-


Yangtsze Insurance Association Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co. Reliance Marine Insurance Co., Ld. California Insurance Co.

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

of New Zealand

Union Insurance Co. of San Fran-


Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. of San


Commercial Insurance Co. of San


Sander & Co., agents-

Hamburg-Magdeburg Fire Insurance

Scheele & ('o., agents-

Lubeck Fire Insurance Co. Ungarisch-Französische Vers. Act.

Ges., Budapest

Schellhass & Co., Ed., agents-

Deutscher Rhederei Verein, Ham-


Bremen Underwriters

Transatlantic Marine Insurance Co. Consolidated Marine Insurance Com-

panies, of Berlin and Dresden "Rhenania" Versicherungs Actien

Gesellschaft, Coeln

Badische Schifffahrts Assecuranz

Gesellschaft, Mannheim Guernsey Mutual Insurance Society

for Shipping

Providentia Insurance Co., Frankfort Hanseatic Fire Insurance Company

Siemssen & Co., agents-

Globe Marine Insurance Company Ld. Transatlantic Fire Insurance Co. The Union of Hamburg Underwriters Samarang Sea and Fire Insce. Co. The Dusseldorf Universal Marine In-

surance Company, Dusseldorf German Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. De Private Assurandeurer, Kjoben-


Foncière, Pester Insurance Company,

of Burlapest

The Union of Geneva Underwriters

Stolterfoht and Hirst, agents-

Scottish Union and National Iusce. London and Lancashire Fire Insce.

STRAITS Insurance Company, LIMITED. STRAITS FIRe Insurance Co., Limited. Bank Buildings, Queen's Road-Head Office, Singapore.

John Andrew, agent

Turner & Co., agents-

Netherlands India Sea and Fire In-

surance Company

Northern Assurance Co., Fire & Life


Yu-yan-young-min Po-on Hong.


N. J. Ede, secretary

Douglas Jones, acting secretary

A. da Silveira (absent)

R. R. Jukes W. J. Saunders

A. G. Botelho F. dos Remedios H. de Carvalho M. F. Barradas J. M. Eça

Agents for Home and Colonial Marine Insurance Co., Limited and New Zea- land Insurance Co., Limited

For List of Agencies see Advertisement.

Woodin, E. L., (P. & O. S. N. Co.),agent-

Marine Insurance Company


Agra Bank, Limited

Gilman & Co., agents, Hongkong

Yow-le Ngan-hong.

Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, Lon-

don, and China, Queen's Road

J. Thurburn, manager R. L. Symes, accountant Geo. D. Scott, asst, acct. E. Z. Pereira

R. J. dos Remedios A. A. da Silva

A. H. dos Remedios

F. C. Bishop, manager, Shanghai W. Bruce Robertson, act. acct., do. A. Pereira


Boyd & Co., agents, Amoy Purdon & Co., agents, Foochow Smith, Bell & Co., Manila Bisset & Co., agents, Yokohama

Digitized by



## Cha-ta Ngan-hong. Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and

China, Queen's Road

T. H. Whitehead, manager

John Fowler, accountant and sub-


W. Monro, cashier and sub-accout't. A. G. Rowand, sub-accountant

A. Stewart,


L. d'A. Roza, head clerk

J. M. Rozario

James Francis

A. M. dos Remedios

M. E. Remedios

E. A. da Silva

C. H. Kew

S. Madar

L. G. H. Carvalho

A. A. Alvares

F. W. Marshall, agent,


T. J. Anderson, accountant, do. J. Gunn


A. J. M. Inverarity, mgr., Shanghai E. B. Skottowe, acting acct. do.

and agent at Hankow

J. Armstrong,


C. D. Halliburton, agent, Yokohama


Hong-kong Shang-hai Ngan-hong.


Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor-

poration, No. 1, Queen's Road Directors-C. D. Bottomley, chairman; Hon. J. Bell-Irving, deputy chairman; H. L. Dalrymple, W. H. F. Darby, W. H. Forbes, H. Hoppius, Hon. A. P. MacEwen, St. C. Michaelson, J. S. Moses, Hon. F. D. Sassoon

Thomas Jackson, chief manager G. E. Noble, inspector of branches A. Veitch, sub-manager

A. W. Maitland, chief accountant

W. H. Gaskell

V. A. C. Hawkins (absent)

G. Stewart

H. M. Thomsett

D. H. Mackintosh

H. T. S. Green

J. C. Peter W. H. Wallace J. D. Taylor R. T. Wright G. McNair

C. J. Gonsalves

A. Jorge

W. Hoggan, accountant


F. M. da Luz

F. C. Davidge, sub-acct.


A. A. Gutierrez

Jas. West, agent,


V. A. P. Collaço

A. S. Harper, act. acct.


J. M. dcs Remedios

R. W. Brown, sub-acct.


A. F. dos Remedios, Jr.

C. G. M. Sargent, do.


F. A. Carvalho

Wm. Dougal, manager,

J. C. Budd,


W. A. Main, agent,

J. R. Parsons do.

Singapore Penang Batavia Sourabaya

J. M. Ferreira

A. M. P. da Silva

C. F. Carvalho

J. T. Prestage


         Fat-lan-sai ngan.hong. Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris

at Russell & Co.'s Offices, Praya

J. Arranger, acting agent A. Schlumberger, accountant

Deutsche National Bank at Bremen

Melchers & Co., agents

First National Bank of Tokyo

Mitsui Bussan Kaishia, agents

Gilman & Co., agents for payment of cir-

cular notes

National Provincial Bank of England London and Westminster Bank Stockholms Enskilder Bank

Bank of New Zealand

Ulster Bank, Limited

F. X. M. de Jesus

Ewen Cameron, manager, Shanghai

H.M. Bevis, sub-manager, (abst.) do. D. Jackson, act. sub-manager

R. Wilson, accountant



H. Hewat, (absent)


F. W. Barff


J. C. Nicholson


J. Moffatt (absent)


J. R. M. Smith (absent)


H. E. R. Hunter


G. T. How





H. Skinner


C. Tulloch


C. A. Black


B. Ruttonjee

A. J. Diniz

do. do.

J. Maclaren

F. F. Raper J. McChlery

Digitized by




D. M. Guterres


A Barron


S. J. Rangel

E. E. Soares


A. A. Whelan



R. H. Kerr


J. de Souza


J. D. Smart


J. M. Rangel


F. N. Firth


E. Morriss, manager,


C. B. Rickett, agent,


A. H. Dare, acting acct.,


R. C. Guinness


E. J. Pereira


M.C. Kirkpatrick, act. agent,


G. M. Byres


W. Drysdale


G. Gower Robinson


A. G. Stephen


W. A. Oram


A. M. Townsend, agent,

New York

C. H. Wilson


G. W. Butt, accountant,


J. A. Jeffrey


C. H. Balfour


G. F. Gordo


J. Turner


J. M. de S. Silva


J. P. P. Collaço


R. H. Hayashi


A.D. Mactavish, act. agent, Foochow

A. H. C. Haselwood, agent,


H. H. Vacher


C. L. Anderson

E. Remedios

Z. F. Guterres




E. H. Oxley, agent


A. Coutts


A. Leith, agent,


T. McBrown


E. G. Hillier


C. S. Addis


L. C. Balfour, acting agent, Calcutta

· W. B. Thomson, accountant,


A. B. Anderson


F. de Bovis, agent,


P. E. Cameron, act. acc'tant,


T. S. Baker


J. Maclean


R. Home Cook, agent,


H. J. Scott

David McLean, manager,

do. London

John Walter, sub-manager,


G. H. Burnett, accountant, E. Morel, agent,



C. S. Haden, Jr., accountant, A. E. Cope, act. agent,



H. Lamond, act. acct. (abt.)


H. D. C. Jones, act. acc'tart,


A. Robertson


John McNab, agent,


W. H. Harries, agent, San Francisco M. M. Tompkins, accountant, do.

J. Orman




A. Perrin

H. R. Coombs, act. agent,

Wade Gardner, act. man., Singapore G. H. Townsend, act. acc'tant, do. W. N. Dow, acc'tant. (abt.)

J. McLennan

Hongkong Savings Bank, at Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, 1, Queen's Road

National Bank of Scotland

Borneo Company, Limited, agents

Tai-fung Ngan-hong.

New Oriental Bank Corporation, Limited,

Queen's Road

H. A. Herbert, manager (absent)

E. W. Rutter, acting manager

J. Ralston, accoun ant

J. Gray


J. D. Saunders, asst. accountant F. X. Silva

J. J. d'Azevedo


J. K. Morrison, manager, Shanghai J. R. Haggitt, accountant G. W. F. Playfair, mgr., Singapore C. F. McKie, accountant


F. B. Pearson, asst. acct. do. D. Fraser, manager, Yokohama W. R. Needham, acting acct. do. H. J. Rothwell, asst. acct. do. L. C. Masfen, manager, Kobe F. H. Grant, a-st. acct. do.

↑↑ Kam-po Ngan-hong. Oriental Bina Corporation, in Liquida-

tion, Queen's Road

E. W. Rutter, attorney for the official


National Bank of India, Limited

Turner & Co., agents

Merchants, Professions, Trades, &c.



Abdoola & Co., A., drapers and storekeep-

ers, 116, Wellington Street

Digitized by





Abdoolally, Ebrahim & Co., merchants and commission agents, 23 and 25, Gage Street

Essabboy Ebrahim (Bombay) Noordin Ebrahim Noordin

Budroodin Moolla Nooroodin, man-


Essoofally Bymia, manager, S'hai Abdooltyeb Allimahomed Essoofally Abdoolally Dawoodbhoy Abdoolally (Shanghai) Ensoofally Moolla Abdoolally do.


Adamson, Bell & Co., merchants, Queen's


F. H. Bell (Shanghai)

C. Lyall Grant (London)

F. M. Youd (London)

F. Dodwell

E. S. Whealler

J. Tulloch

A. A. Botelho

E. B. Wolff

S. V. Remedios

F. J. Rocha

A Fong, photographer, Ice House Street

H. A. Rosario, managing clerk

(See Advertisement.)

美 Me.ke.

Ally & Co., Hajee Mirza Mahomed, mer-

chants, 44, Lyndhurst Terrace

H. M. M. Ally (absent)

Hajee Mirza Buzork, manager

Mahomed Ally



Anderson, Geo. C., marine surveyor and

surveyor for Bureau Veritas, 13, Praya


G. Yvanovich

C. A. M. de Jesus

Anton, James Ross, bill and bullion co-

ker, "The Haystack," Victoria Peak

加鵝 Ap-ka.

Apter, A. M., merchant and commission

'agent, 21, Gage Street

*** Ap-ka King-kee.


Apcar, Apear G., share and general broker

and commission agent, Beaconsfield Ar- cade


"Armazem Cooperativo," Limited, 30,

Lyndhurst Terrace

A. R. Pereira, C. J. Ozorio, J. M. P.

Remedios, directors

C. J. Xavier, manager

#*# Am-se-tong-long. Armstrong, J. M, Government auc- tioneer and commission agent, No. 49, Queen's Road Central J. M. Armstrong

V. dos Remedios


Arnhold, Karberg & Co., merchants,


Jacob Arnhold (London) Peter Karberg

L. Poesnecker


Ph. Arnhold (Shanghai).

Theo. Lutz

C. P. Karberg

M. Rieth

E. Goetz

A. Kamer

E. Keutgen L. de Britto

D. M. da Luz

F. Cordeiro

A. J. da Rocha

J. Kramer (Canton) signs per pro.

W. Pestalozzi do.

W. Dowler


G. Sachau (Shanghai),

L. Roustan

do. silk inspector,


W. Grage

F. X. Encarnacao do.

J. Encarnacao do.

C. Beurmann (Hankow) signs per



A-sze-ka Esse-mo.

Asgar, H. A., & Hajee Esmail, merchants,

27, Gage Street

M. E. Asgar (absent)

H. M. S. Esmail

H. A. N. Sheerazi, broker B. A. Eranee

Basa, Jose Maria, merchant and commis- sion agent and proprietor of "City of Manila Cigar Store," 33, Pottinger St. Central

J. M. Basa

Emileo Basa Joaquin Basa

A. N. Larcina

Digitized by




Barros, F. J., sharebroker, 12, Wyndham


Becher, Harry Macdonald, A.R.S.M., A.M.I.C.E., F. G. S., consulting mining engineer and metallurgist; address, care of Borneo Co.

Bell, John M. R. C. S. etc., medical

practitioner, 3, Seymour Terrace and 2, Pedder's Street

士刺厘庇 Pi-li-la-se.

Belilios & Co., merchants, Lyndhurst


E. R. Belilios

J. B. Elias

N. J. Gomes

A. T. G. da Silva

A. G. B. Soares

E. J. Moses

Benjamin & Danby, share and general


S. S. Benjamin

S. J. Danby



Blackhead & Co., F., shipchandlers, sail-

makers, coal merchants, &c., Praya Central

B. Schwarzkopf (absent)

J. H. Smith


F. H. Höhnke, signs the firm F. Schwarzkopf

A. Schönemann

J. Northmann

A. Wohlters

M. Leon

(See Advertisement.)

"Bon Marche," Fancy Store, 130, Queen's


J. Cook

A# Poon-niu Kung-sze. Borneo Company, Limited, merchants, Queen's Road, and London, Manchester, Singapore, Batavia, Sarawak, and Bangkok

Wm. Gibson Brodie, manager

E. H. Finch

A. F. Ribeiro

F. F. Ribeiro

E. S. Kelly

Bhabha, S. B., ship-broker, Elgin Street

Bhassania & Co., C. O., shopkeepers and

commission agents, 16, Peel Street Cursedjee Ŏokerjee Bhassania Eduljee Jamsetjee Deeguria Nowrojee Sorabjee Tantra

Bhuggut, Rustomjee Ruttonjee, commis-

sion agent, 32, Gage Street

Bird and Palmer, architects, surveyors,

and civil engineers, Queen's Road

S. Godfrey Bird

Clement Paliner, A.R.I.B.A.

Arthur Turner

厘巴 Pa-lee.

Birley, Dalrymple & Co., merchants,

Queen's Road

H. L. Dalrymple


Bowler, Thos. Ide, M.E., geological sur- veyor and metallurgist, assayer and valuator of minerals and mineral ores, Queen's Road Central, and Yaumati

L. G. Azevedo



Brandão & Co., 35, merchants, Welling-

ton Street

F. A. Gomes

J. B. Gomes, Jr.

A. J. Gomes

D. Alemão

泰廣 Kwong-Tai.

Brandt & Co., merchants and commission

agents, 18, Stanley St.

O. Brandt

Alfred Clarke

F. M. Ferreira

Chen Shew Kee


Brewer, Walter W., bookseller, stationer, photographer, news agent, piano and music dealer, fancy goods dealer and tobacconist, Queen's Road, under Hong- kong Hotel

W. W. Brewer

Thos. Boyd (Shanghai) W. Reed

A. Agabeg

Digitized by Google

Burnie, E., surveyor to Lloyd's Register, and for Local Insurance offices, 14, Praya; residence "Fernside," Robinson Road


Pong-long Chun-se.


H. B. Endicott (Shanghai)

Brown, Jones & Co., undertakers, 6,

Queen's Road East H. L. Stringer

James Hall


F. B. Aubert


H. Baker


E. Tomlin


D. Nesbitt


Stuart Smith


A. Smith


E. B. Dowley


J. W. Callaway


John Whittle



J. Harris


T. Ford


H. Maitland


D. R. Law


J. Fullerton


J. B. Fonseca


A. J. Noronha


G. Grimble


E. Burnie

T. A. Xavier

Butterfield and Swire, merchants, Queen's


J. S. Swire (London)

W. Lang (Shanghai) J. H. Scott (absent)

F. R. Gamwell (London) E. Mackintosh

A. Wright W. Poate

J. Hunt

R. Carr

F. H. Sawyer

J. I. Hazeland

H. G. Dowler, a.c.a.

M. Beart

R. P. Dipple

T. W. Lammert

F. Shepherd

J. Mitchell

J. R. Ribeiro V. Ribeiro

F. Korn

J. Blake

J. Harvie

T. Arthur

N. McDonald

J. Muldoon Pat. McLeish J. Waddell C. Stiene

Geo. Buckland

W. Wark

H. Schönfelder

T. Bowern

J. Grant

J. W. Fenton

W. Morrison

H. E. Mackenzie

J. Dorran

J. McLaughlin J. Lochead J. C. King Gilbert Stuart G. Knobloch

W. de St. Croix (Kiukiang)

J. L. Brown (Hankow)

W. J. Robinson (Foochow)

G. Martin


L. W. Helbling do.

H. Matchitt (Swatow)

L. Grunauer


James Dodds (Yokohama)

J. W. Gray do.

H. L. Baggallay (Kobe) A. G. Brown

H. Smith

do. (Tientsin)

J. C. Bois (absent)

Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., wine, spirit

and beer merchants, Pedder's St.

Alexr. Levy, agent

Cama, P. B., bill and general broker, 12,

Aberdeen Street

Campbell, Moore & Co., Limited, hairdres- sers, perfumers, and wigmakers; tobac- conists and proprietors Variety Store, Queen's Road

A. Fuckeera (chairman), W. P. Moore,

A. M. Apcar, directors, W. P. Moore, manager


J. F. Leon,

A. F. Pereira, do.

N. J. M. Andreu

Geo. Guiedan

M. Reyes

and Japanese


Cantlie, Jas., M.A., M.B., F.R.C.S. Eng.,

medical practitioner, "Rocklands," Ro- binson Road and Bank Buildings

Digitized by





Ko.lo-wan kap Wai-li.kin-shan chong-sze.

Caldwell & Wilkinson, solicitors and

proctors, 50, Queen's Road Central

D. E. Caldwell

C. D. Wilkinson

A. A. Marçal

Shi Ping Kwong

F. X. d'Almada e Castro

Chan Yau

Tang Kit Shang


Thos. Ed., M.E.,

                 F.G.S., M.I.M.M.E.,consulting mining engineer,

manager of Tam Chow and Tai Yu

Shan Mining and Smelting Co., mining

office, Canton: res. "Dunford," Peak


Carlowitz & Co., merchants, Ice House


W. Rost (Hamburg)

C. Erdmann (do.)

B. Schmacker (Shanghai)

Alf. Krauss

C. von Bose


Max Paquin (absent)

E. Friedrichs

R. N. Obly

S. Siegert G. D. Böning

J. M. V. de Figueiredo, Jr.

J. M. Tavares

P. Sachse (Canton)

Fred. Salinger do. M. Wiclassen do.

R. G. da Costa do.


P. Blesky

A. Holm


Theo. Ruff


A. Wiederhold do.

Chas. Rayner


Ad. C. Schomburg do.

杯必加 Ka-sum-poy.

Cassumbhoy, Ebrahim, furniture ware-

house, 12, 13 and 14, Beaconsfield


Ebrahim Cassumbhoy

Sharalee E. Cassumbhoy

*** Kut-ta-nu Kau-kun-sue.

Cattaneo, A., professor of music, 9, Bea-

consfield Arcade

"Catholic Register," fortnightly news-

paper, 5, D'Aguilar St.

F. D. Guedes, printer and publisher


Chater, C. P., bill and bullion broker,

7, Queen's Road Central

E. M. da Silva, clerk


Chater & Vernon, share and general

brokers, Queen's Road

J. Y. V. Vernon

Paul Jordan

Max. Grote

#E# Tuk-sun Yan-tsz-koon.


"China Mail" Office, 2, Wyndham Street China Mail, every evening except Sun- day; Overland China Mail, weekly; Chi- nese Mail, daily; China Review, once in two months

Geo. Murray Bain

Wm. Robertson, sub-editor and


Donald MacDonald, reporter

T. A. Dawson, book-keeper N. A. Sequeira, overseer

Chinese Mail-Ho Chung Shang, lessee

A ZVHE Aa-ti-sa-chi-nai. Chinoy, A. H., merchant and commission

agent, 26, Graham Street

Ardaseer Hormusjee Chinoy (absent) Kaikuusroo Ardaseer Chinoy

Jamsetjee Ardasser Chinoy (Bombay) Mancherjee Jamsetjee Patell

Chutto, Jafferbhoy Ludbabboy, merchant and commission agent, 22, Gage Street Jafferbhoy Ludhabhoy Chutoo, Bom-


Abdoolabhoy Allarakhia

Cohen & Georg, share and general brokers,

Queen's Road

C. C. Cohen Erich Georg

F. Gomes

Cohen & Gubbay, bill, bullion and general

brokers, Queen's Road

A. S. Coben R. A. Gubtay

Digitized by




Kam-ma-sho Yun-tes-koon.

"Commercial Printing Office," Welling-

ton street

J. A. da Luz

H. M. Franco

吧高 Ko-pa.

Cooper & Co., H N., merchants and com-

mission agents, 33, Pottinger Street

H. N. Cooper

E Kok-sun.

Coxon, A. (absent)) bill and bullion bro-

Coxon, G. S.

Coxon, E. J.

kers, 1, Seymour


Croker & Co., J. W., engineers and ship

builders, Bowrington

J. W. Croker

N. J. Robinson A. D. Lunt F. Pereira

Yeung Hap Kat

✯✯H✯✯‡ Ma-la San-mun-chi-koon. "Daily Press" Office, Wyndham Street, Daily Press, English edition, published

every morning; Chung Ngoi San Po, | Chinese edition, with a market extra, every morning; China Overland Trade Report, fortnightly, for English Mail.

Mrs. Y. J. Murrow (England), pro-


B. Chatterton Wilcox, lessee & editor

D. Warres Smith, manager Geo. C. Cox, sub editor

J. Langford Cox, reporter Kavasji Edulj, clerk

E. P. Sequeira, reader

Adelino A. V. Ribeiro, foreman M. Machado, deputy foreman A. M. Pinna, compositor

L. A. Rozario,

C. de Souza,



Chan Kin-hoi, clerk

Chinese Edition.

Ng Chan, general manager Mui Tin Shiek, editor

Ow Kit Sang, sub-editor

Dawood & Co., Hajee Hassun, merchants,

Graham Street



Tan-pi kap Li Ki-hi-sze-wui-to.

Danby and Leigh, civil engineers, archi.

tecis and surveyers, 13, Praya Central

Wm. Danby, M. Inst. C. E.

R. K. Leigh, A. M. Inst. C. E.

Albert Denison, A.M.I.C.E., assis


F. J. Lewis

E. F. X. Remedios Sang Kee, clerk

Chan A Fook and others

David & Co., S. J., merchants, 19, Holly.

wood Road

Sassoon J. David (Bombay) A. J. David

D. E. Moses (Shanghai)

M. J. Moses K. A. Sudka

S. H. Joseph

J. J. Judah (Shanghai)


Deetjen & Co., merchants and agents for

Heidsieck & Co., Reims

Carlowitz & Co., agents


Tin-ni-es kap Mo-sup Chong-s.

Dennys and Mossop, solicitors, conveyan

cers, proctors aud notaries public, 60, Queen's rond

H. L. Dennys

W. H. R. Mossop

Ho Fook

J. H. Grimes Ho Tsik Shin

E. Robarts

Leong Chi Cheong

Devjee, Rebmtoola, merchant and com-

mission agent, 18, Gage Street

Drude, H., share and general broker

Âu Ho Chung 0.

Dunn, Melbye & Co., merchants, Stanley


E. H. Melbye

F. Shangam

R. Hopkins

Ebrahim & Co., Mirza, Persian merchants,

28, Hollywood Road

D. R. Kotwal

Digitized by




Erack & Co., Hajee Hamed Hajee, mer-

chants, 16, Gage Street

Hajee Esack Ellias (Bombay)

Abdoola Kaderdena, manager Hamed Tarmohamed

Esmail & Co., Hajee Adum, merchants,

28, Peel street

Oomer Moladena, manager

Salaman Currimmabomed

**+* I-se-man-tse.

Esmaljee, Abduleader, merchant and

commission agent, 26, Gage Street

A. Moosabhoy, manager Fidaally Abdulcader

Essabboy, A. M., merchant and com-

mission agent, 21, Cochrane Street

Abdoolkader Moola Essabhoy (S'pore) Abdooltyab Moola Essal hoy (C'cutta) Moʻabloy Moola Essabboy (Bombay) Abdcolkyum Meola Essabhoy

Abdooliyab Stick Abdoollally Moosabhoy Moola Ebrahmjee


"O Extremo Oriente," weekly newspaper,

5, D'Aguilar St.

F. D. Guedes, editor and proprietor

**** E-wün-se chong-sze. Ewens, Creasy, solicitor and notary public,

Queen's Road

C. Ewens

Sin Tak Fan

Yu Sui Wan

Chan Long Hin V. M. F. Xavier

Hung Tsun Tsung

Ezekiel & Jose; b, share and general bro-

kers, Queen's Road

N. D. Ezekiel E. H. Joseph

Faizally, A., and S. Mohomedally, gene- ral brokers and commission agents, 16, Graham Street

Fournier & Co., Henry, storekeepers and

wine merchants, 48, Queen's Road

M. Fournier



Falconer & Co., G., watch and chrono- meter makers, jewellers, &c., Queen's Road Central

I. B. Falconer (Scotland)

M. Falconer

W. Ross

D. Wood

A. A. da Cruz

(See Advertisement.)

Fazulally, Shaikally, milliner, draper, &c.,

106, Wellington Street

Shaikally Fazulally

Nujmoodin Jeewakhan (Bombay) Abdoolcarrim Abedin

Mahomedally Fazulally (Bombay)

Hoosenally Lalmeeya

Fenwick & Co., George, engineers, &c.,


Geo. Fenwick

J. K. Rebbeck, engineer J. Jameson, engineer

H. Hyndman, Jr.

C. Hyndman

Framjee Hormusjee & Co., merchants,

41, Queen's Road Central

D. M. Mehta (Bombay)

H. M. Mehta

M. S. Mehta (Bombay)

R. M. Mehta

S. D. Chapgur

J. B. Davur

Framjee Jamsetjee, general broker, 28,

Peel Street

Francis, John Joseph, Queen's Counsel,

J.P., 18, Bank Buildings

Kit fa-lo.

Gate and Fairall, milliners, drapers and dressmakers, "The White House," Queen's Road

Miss Gate

Miss Fairall

J. S. Damazio

Ka-lack E-sang.

Gerlach, C., M.D., medical practitioner

1, Alexandra Terrace

Digitized by



# Po-wai Piu-teem.

Gaupp & Co., Charles J., chronometer and watchmakers and jewellers, Queen's Road

J. Keiser

C. Heermann

P. Speidel

W. Richter

(See Advertisement.)


Gilman & Co., merchants, d'Aguilar St.

W. S. Young (absent)

 G. Slade (Foochow) A. McConachie

C. H. C. Platt

J. A. da Costa

S. E. da Luz

L. M. F. Grant (Foochow)


Kip Kung-sze.

Gibb, Livingston & Co., merchants, Lom-

bard street

A. G. Wood (Shanghai) A. McLeod


 H. P. Tennant (Foochow) W. H. F. Darby (absent)

B. Layton

H. Sheppard

C. S. Goodwyn, Jr.

C. S. Barff

P. F. Sangster

L. E. Ozorio

R. R. Robarts

O. Baptista

D. A. Cordeiro

A. W. V. Gibb (Foochow)

C. S. Sharp

E. Halton, Jr.



H. R. Kinnear


R. G. Gibb


R. G. Ogle


E. C. Ozorio


Gomes, A. S., M.D., M.R.C.S., medical

practitioner, Lena Cottage, Seymour Road

Gomes, J., "The Fashion Emporium," draper, hosier, milliner and haberdasher, 6 and 8, Lyndhurst Terrace

J. Gomes

J. C. Gomes M. H. Gomes John Robarts




Gonsalves & Co., merchants, 14, Aberdeen


F. M. Gonsalves

HASHUT Ko-tun Ki-hi Kung-sze. Gordon & Co., A. G., engineers, iron and

brass founders, Bowrington

A. G. Gordon

Alex. MacIntoch, monager J. G. dos Remedies, i ookkeeper E. J M. Sales, clock

S. Rozario, asst. draughtsman

Gotla & Co., P. D., shopkeepers, 18, Peel


Pestonji Dorabji Gotla Cowasji Doralji Gotla

HEFTS Ki-li-fi ying-seung. Gridi h, D. K., portrait and landscape

phot grapher (absent)


Grossmann & Co., inerchants, 1, D'Aguilar


C. F. Grossmaun

Th. Blohm

Guedes, J. M., anction"er, broker, house and land agent, and commission agent, Wellington St. and 77, Praia Grande, Macao

MIHINK Kee-tee-sze Yan-tsz-koon. Guedes & Co., wine merchants, commis- sion agents, imp rters, aerated waters manufacturers ad printers; publishers of "Catholic Register," and "O Extremo Oriente," corner of Wellington and d'Aguilar Streets

F. D Guedes

A. Santos

Luiz de Souza. J. M. Lobo

E. M. Lopes

L. Baptista

埃全 Chun-ai.

Guieu Frères, successors to F. Vincenot, purveyors to French Navy, commission

agents, bakers, wine, spirit and provi-

sion merchants, 8, Queen's Road Central

J. Rosselet

B. J. Muller

(See Advertisement.)

Digitized by




**** Kot-te-le Yan-tes-koon. Gutierrez, R. F., printer, 12, Wyndham


Guzder, D. D., share and general broker,

26, Graham Street


Habibbhoy, Rehemoobhoy, merchant, 11

and 13, Peel Street

R. Habibbhoy (Bombay)

Pestonjee Bazonjee, manager

Merwanjee P. Bazonjee


Ha-li Sou-ching-young-kum.

Hahn, Piron & Co., importers of musical

instruments, piano tuners and repairers;

teachers of music, &c., Bank Buildings,

Queen's Road

A. Hahn

E. Piron

J. M. Xavier

Hancock, Sidney, bill and bullion broker

Hancock, Alfred, bill and bullion broker

Hartigan, W., M.K.C.P. and L.M.,

L.R.C.S.I., (absent)

****# Hoi-a-man Hop-se. Heuermann, Herbst & Co., shipchand- lers, sailmakers, provision merchants, and general storekeepers, 14, Queen's Road (opposite Hongkong Hotel)

F. W. Heuermann

E. Herbst


Hewett & Co., W., merchants, 16, Bank


W. Hewett, Jr. (Lond n)

F. Hewett


H. W. Dick, signs per pro.

Heymans, E. & G., merchants, 35, Well-

ington St.

Edgar Heymans

Gaston Heymans

###@ Ho-Kai tai-lut-sue.

Ho Kai, M.B., C.M., M.R.C.S. Eng., bar-

rister-at-law, 61, Queen's Road

Yeong U-kwai, clerk

**EAM · Ho-wy-son chong-sse, Ho Wyson, solicitor, conveyancer, and

procter, 61, Queen's Road Ho Wyson, solicitor

E. Antonio, bookkeeper Ho You, clerk

±#⠀⠀ Ha-la-te Wai-se. Holliday, Wise & Co., merchants, Praya

John Holliday (Manchester)

C. W. Farbridge

J. F. Holliday



C. J. Holliday (Shanghai)

A. P. MacEwen

A. Grundy (Manila)

C. W. Holliday (Shanghai)

F. E. Nichol

C. H. Thompson

A. J. Vieira

J. P. Pascoal

J. C. Monteiro

A. J. G. Pereira J. W. Williamson F. Anderson A. Ross




W. H. Dobson


L. Barretto


C. J. da Rocha


H. Ashton


A. R. Thistlethwaite do.

J. A. Mackay


A. E. Brown


T. J. Reynolds


J. M. Ysasi




Holmes, George, ship broker, &o., 14,


Hom-se chong-sse.

Holmes, Henry J., attorney, solicitor, and

proctor, 24, Queen's Road

Henry J. Holmes, solicitor

J. V. Carneiro

C. B. da Roza

Lam Wing Kwai, interpreter

Mah Yan


Hong-kong So-ta shui-koon.

Hongkong Soda Water Manufacturing

Company, 12 Hollywood Road

F. Callado, manager

Digitized by



****± 8-mit sun-mun-chi-koon "Hongkong Telegraph" (daily), office,

6, Pedder's Hill

Robt. Fraser-Smith, editor and propr.

J. L. Hart Milner, sub-editor W. Cruise, reporter

E. Bond,


Leung Akit, manager

J. Assumpçao, reader and foreman


Hong-kong Wan-chai Muk-ün.

Hongkong Timber Yard, Wanchai

L. Mallory, proprietor

Tai-ma-fong ngau-nai-po.

"Horse Repository" and Hongkong Dairy, Garden Road, rear of Murray Barracks

J. Kennedy

D. Kennedy

L. A. Silva


Howard & Co., Thos., merchants, Bank Buildings, Wyndham Street, and How- ard's Godowns, West Point

Thomas Howard

Walter Howard

Hussunally & Co., milliners and drapers,

128, Wellington St.

E. S. Lahair E. M. Kapadia H. Hyatkha B. S. Futtakia

H. N. Gamir

C. R. Moola

Hughes & Ezra, share and general bro-


E. Jones Hughes

N. N. J. Ezra


Hamphreys & Co., W. G., merchants and commission agents, Queen's Road, and Avenue Buildings 2-4, Billiter Avenue, London

W. G. Humphreys Jas. Black (London)

V. Curreem Lee Keung

it Fu Wo-kee.


Hutchison, John D., merchant, Queen's

Road Central, and Stanley Street

J. D. Hutchison

H. D. Hutchison

Jamasjee J., cotton and yarn broker

Gage Street

E. D. Cotewall

S. Framjee

Jamsedjee, P., broker, 61, Hollywood Rd.


Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants, East

Point and Pedder's Street


Sir Robert Jardine, Bart. (England) William Keswick John Bell-Irving Jas. J. Keswick

Jas. J. Bell-Irving

John Macgregor (Shanghai) Herbert Smith


A. MacClymont, signs per pro.

H. C. Maclean

Kenneth McK. Ross F. H. Slaghek W. A. Cruickshank


C. W. G. C. Anderson J. G. T. Hassell W. C. Murray C. W. Dickson John Barton

R. H. R. Burder G. H. Watt

H. W. Bell

A. Newlands

G. dos Remedios

A. de Britto

A. J. V. Ribeiro

G. M. de Carvalho

F. X. V. Ribeiro

J. M. G. Pereira

J. M. V. Ribeiro

A. A. dos Remedios

G. A. Yvanovich

J. P. da Costa

B. F. S. dos Remedios

J. Antonio

J. E. Monteiro

E. Ward, silk inspr. (Shanghai)

B. A. Clarke


Duncan Glass


E. H. Kenney, tea inspr. do.

H. T. Allan


G. T. Veitch


Digitized by



F. R. Daniel



A. E. Allen


R. Inglis


C. E. Anton


A. D Lowe, tea inspr. do.

W. Davies


A. Moninot


M. C. Macleod


Arthur Fleet


H. E. Gaddum


E. A. Timm


T. F. Hough


C. Gatti


C. R. W. Ford


F. Kup


A. Yvanovich


L. A. Tavares


A. F. da Sa


L. J. Sa


J. Noronha


W. Dobie (Yuen Fah)



H. Mandl


A. E. Reynell


F. du Jardin,


Edmond Cousins


A. Michie, special agent


A. W. Greyson,

R. W. H. Wood

(Wuhu) (Foochow)

C. King, tea inspr.


H. S. Brand do.


D. da Roza


W. B. Walter, 8. per pro. (Y'hama)

Wm. Aitchison


C. F. Hooper



James McKie

W. Donald Spence

Jordan, Gregory P., M.B. & C.M. Ed., M.R.C.S. Eng., acting Health Officer and Medical Inspector of Emigrants, 2, Pedder's St.; res. Grosvenor Villas, Caine Road

Joseph & Fredericks, bill, bullion, and ge-

neral brokers, 7, Queen's Road

S. A. Joseph

J. A. Fredericks

Joseph, E. S., cotton and yarn broker, Ice-

bouse Street

Joseph, D., share and general broker

Just, H. Z., bill and bullion broker, Hong-

kong Club; residence, The Peak

Kavarana & Co., S. F., merchants and commission agents, 16, Peel Street, and Honam, Canton


Kelly & Walsh, Limited, publishers, prin- ters, bookbinders, booksellers, statio- ners, musicsellers, newsagents, tobac- conists, &c. Queen's Road; agents for Henry S. King & Co., London

Thos. Brown, Shanghai, director Chas. Grant, manager

T. Davidson

J. M. Laing

H. O. Noyes, tea inspr.


A. E. Hebditch

C. Gibbons



C. E. Miller

G. Gilbert, silk inspr.


F. M. Sennett

Victor Faga


L. J. Xavier

A. C. Read


C. A. Xavier

H. V. Henson

G. Ormerod



Ryle Holme


W. E. Allum


Drummond Anderson


W. F. Inglis


炒老告 Ko-lo-sa.

Kruse & Co., storekeepers, tobacconists,

and commission agents, 10, Queen's

Road Central

H. Kuhlmann

D. Machaffie


R. Schönberger

G. L. Montgomery (New York)

Robert Macgregor do.

E. F. Alford (Manchester)

Johnston, Andrew, consulting engineer' machinery surveyor to Lloyd's Regis- ter, Marine House, Queen's Road

Andrew Johnston

W. W. Walker

John Meier

Kuhn & Co., Fine Art Gallery, Bank

Buildings, Queen's Road

M. M. Kuhn

Arthur Kuhn

Lamke, J., shipbroker, Praya Central

Digitized by



***"* Lam-mat Ye-lang-kwoon.

Lammert, G. R., auctioneer, appraiser, and

commission agent, Duddell Street

G. R. Lammert

C. H. Lammert

佛刺架連 Lin ka-la-fat.

Lane, Crawford & Co., generalstorekeepers,

shipchandlers, tailors, news agents and

auctioneers, Queen's Road

David R. Crawford (England)

John S. Cox

Henry Crawford

N. R. S. Crawford

John McCallum

F. de Sá Wm. Boffey H. E. Denson

M. G. Parlane G. L. Duncan A. D. Death

F. C. Wilford

G. T. Rivers

C. M. Castro

G. C. Hayward

T. H. Dalby


(See Advertisement.)

Lang & Co., Robert, tailors, hatters, shirt- makers, hosiers and outfitters, Queen's Road (opposite Hongkong Hotel)

Robert Lang

John Lang

R. D. Pryde


Lapraik & Co., Douglas, merchants,


John S. Lapraik (England)

C. D. Bottomley

J. Grant

T. E. Davies

J. H. Lewis

A. F. dos Remedios

A. G. dos Remedios

F. J. dos Remedios

L. A. Xavier

J. E. Gomes

J. A. dos Remedios

Leach, Andrew John, barrister-at-law

Legge, Wm., share broker, Pedder's St.

Legge, Jas. Spence, general broker, Ped-

der's St.



Lembke & Co., Justus, merchants and

commission agents, Pedder's Street

Justus P. Lembke Th. Bieber (Shanghai)

E. Grubitz

H. Witte

C. Lange (Shanghai)


Levy, Alexr., merchant and commission

agent, Pedder's St.

Alex. Levy

D. M. Vieira

Lightwood, Hy H., share and general

broker, Club Chambers


Linstead & Davis, merchants, 15, Queen's


H. W. Davis (England)

F. T. Pearce Foster

F. Maitland

M. E. S. Pereira

L. d'Azevedo

生醫乞洛 Lock-het E-sang.

Lochhead, John H., M.D., 2, Elgin Street

Lowndes, R. W., broker, 120, Queen's

Road East

Loxley & Co., W. R., merchants and com-

mission agents, 8, Praya

W. B. Loxley

B. B. D. Sayle (London)

J. Edgar

C. J. Ozorio

J. M. Vieira, Jr.

Lyall, R., share and general broker, Queen's


Manson, Patrick, M. D., LL.D., medical practitioner, Bank Buildings, Wynd-

ham St.; residence, "Rocklands," Ro- binson Road


Ma-kiu wun Foo-lik-ka.

MacEwen, Frickel & Co., storekeepers, wine

merchants, shipping and commission

agents, Queen's Road central, agents for North China Herald, Shanghai, &c.

A. Findlay Smith James Anderson

J. Maclehose David Reid

Digitized by




北厘馬 Ma-li-puk.

Marinburk, J., manufacturer of furniture

and upholstery, College Chambers

J. Marinburk

S. S. Ribeiro

F. R. Silva

地孖 Ma-ti.

Marty, A. R., merchant, commission and shipping agent; agent Hongkong and Tonquin steamers; agent for "Service Subventionne des Correspon lences Flu- viales du Tonkin," 8, Queen's Road

A. R. Marty

P. Marty, signs per pro.

A. Liebard,

G. J. Sequeira

L. B. Sequeira

S. D. Piry


E. Liebar (Haiphong)

邊麥 Malk-pin.

McBain, G., broker, &c., Aberdeen Street

C. A. Hon

Lai-yan yeuk-fong.

Medical Hall, 50, Queen's Road

E. Niedhardt, analytical chemist

H. Kammel

Mehta & Co., merchants, Hollywood Road

Dinshaw Nowrojee

Mebta & Co., E. N., merchants and commission agents, 58, Hollywood Rd.

E. N. Mehta (Bombay)

B. N. Talati


S. F. Mebta (absent)

M. P. Talati do.

R. S. Talati

C. E. Mehta

R. B. Munshi

Mehta, K. B., cotton and yarn broker, 41,

Queen's Road


Meyer & Co., merchants, 13, Queen's

Road Central

H. C. Eduard Meyer (Hamburg)

J. H. Garrels

J. G. Schröter, signs per pro. H. Ebmer

P. F. Rozario

F. X. Rozario

A. M. Barradas

±⇓ Mat-che-se.

Melchers & Co., merchants, Praya Central

Hermann Melchers (Bremen)

Adolf von André (London) Carl Jantzen (Shanghai) St. C. Michaelsen

J. Goosmann, signs per pro. G. von Wille

C. Rogge

A. Schellhass W. von Malein H. Boner G. Lücke


A Korff


A. Haupt


W. Melchers


W. Lohmann do.

G. Sierich


P. V. Rodriguez do. J. E. d'Almeida do. Joh. Thyen (Hankow) A. Martens



Millar & Co., A., house and ship plumbers, gasfitters, painters, coppersmiths, brass- founders, and general contractors, Bea- consfield Arcade, and Queen's Rd. East

Andrew Millar

Andrew Millar, Jr. B. Medina R. Lopez


Sam Ching.

Mitsui Bussan Kaishia, merchants, 18,

Bank Buildings

Y. Wooyeda, manager for Hongkong

and Shanghai (Shanghai)

Y. Fukuhara, acting manager

S. Komuro

G. Soyeshima

I. Ono

T. Takayanagi

Mo-tee kung-sze.

Mody & Co., N., merchants, 40, Queen's Rd. Ardeshir N. Mody (Bombay) Jehangërjee N. Mody

N. P. Dhalla

Dossabboy R. Billia

Bomanjee L. Batliwalla

Hormusjee C. Gotla



Mody, H. N., bill, bullion, and general broker and auctioneer, 7, Queen's Road; residence, Buxey Lodge, Caine Road

Digitized by



Moonshee, S. D., broker, 40, Queen's Rd.

女三麽 Mo Sam-mun.

More & Seimund, (late Broadbear, Au-

thony & Co.) shipchandlers, Praya

C. H. E. Seimund

C. Reeves

(See Advertisement).

Д±* Mo-li-se Le.

Morris & Ray, ship brokers, 7, Queen's


A. G. Morris

E. C. Ray

Mourente, R. & M., merchants, and pro-

prietors of Tutuban Rope Manufactory of Manila, 5, Arbuthnot Road

Ramon Mourente Miguel Mourente

Musso & Co., D., merchants, 252 Praya, W.

D. Musso

T. Moss


National Printing Press, corner of Well-

ington St. and Lyndhurst Terrace

E. Sapoorjee

豐利 Lee-fung.

Naudin & Co., F., merchants and com-

mission agents, Club Chambers

F. Naudin

G. Sachse

L. Pereira

‡EŁBA Lo-long-ya yan-tsz-koon. Noronha & Co., Government and general printers and stationers, 5, 7, and 9, Zetland Street; "Government Ga- zette," published every Saturday.

D. Noronha

L. Noronha, manager

B. P. Campos, foreman A. Braga

F. F. Pinna

S. Xavier

Luiz Xavier

F. Almario

S. Silva

J. Gabriel

D. Ribeiro

H. J. José C. Collaço

C. da Luz


Noronha, S. A., printer, stationer, and

bookbinder, 7, Zetland St.

S. A. Noronha

O. Franco F. Luz

Nowrojee & Co., merchants and commis-

sion agents, 26, Graham St.

Cooverjee Bomanjee Guzder (C'cutta) ·

Dinshaw Dadabhoy Guzder

MEET Ta-lap-chee min-pau-po. 舖飽麵治 笠打

Nowrojee, Dorabjee, merchant, baker, and H.B.M. navy contractor, Victoria Hotel Buildings, 51, Queen's Road

D. Nowrojee

S. E. Bux

P. Pereira

M. Ruttonjee

(See Advertisement).

Nowrojee & Co., R., merchants and com-

mission agents, 20, Peel St.

Rustomjee Nowrojee Deeguris

Norton & Co., merchants and commis- sion agents, Queen's Road Central; agents for Geo. Smith, wine merchant, Shanghai

Robert Lyall

R. W. Lowndes

Nujmoodin Jeewakhan, merchant and commission agent, 196 Wellington St. Nujoodin Jeewakban (Bombay) Abdoolcarrin Abedin

Hoosenally Lalmeeya

Ollia & Co., D. D., merchants, 31, Wel-

lington Street

Ě. S. Lahir (Bombay) F. C. Keeka (Foochow) J. M. Vajifdar

C. B. Koear

Opium Farm, Hock Taik, 18, Bonham.

Strand, West

Khoo Teong Poh, opium farmer

Chea Taik Soon


Khoo Thean Pob, manager

Chea Choo Yen


J. J. Spooner, chief excise officer

Digitized by




Ngau-pun-hoi. Oppenheimer Frères, exporters and im-

porters, Siemssen & Co., agents

FLO-le-yan-ta yeuk-fong. "Oriental Dispensary," 10, Stanley Street

F. P. Soares, manager

I. L. Vieira

A Pat-pa-lee.

Pabaney, Ebrahimbhoy, merchant, 54,

Lyndhurst Terrace

Currimbhoy Ebrahimbboy (Bombay) Allarackiabboy Dewjee, manager Curmallybhoy Hassumbhoy Esmailbhoy Chandoo Fajulboy Peerbho? Ludhabhoy Visram

Curmallybhoy Janmahomed, man-

ager, Shangbai

Rahimtool bhoy Versey, Shanghai


Pestonjee, Jeejcebhoy, merchant, 19, Peel


Pestonjee, Jehangeerjee, Khrass, mer-

chant, Victoria Hotel

Poate and Noble, dental surgeons, Bank

Buildings, Wyndham St.

Herbert Poate, D.D.S.

Jos. W. Noble, D.D.S.

路寶 Po.lo.

Powell & Co., W., drapers, tailors, milli- ners, dressmakers, hosiers, baberdashers,

furnishers and outfitters, Victoria Ex-

change, Queen's Road and Stanley St.

W. Powell

Mrs. Powell Miss Yellop Mrs. Teixera J. W. Powell T. B. Powell J. Barros

C. M. Robarts

F. J. Rocha

Pallanjee & Co., Cawasjee, merchants,

Gage Street

J. P. Smith

E. Mauricio

Cawasjee Pallanjee


Cursetjee Bomanjee


Cooverjee Bomanjee


Rustomjee Cooverjee


Polishwalla, M. B., cotton and yarn

broker, 12, Aberdeen Street



Dbunjeebhoy Cursetjee

Hormusjee Cooverjee Setna do.

Eduljee Cawasjee Pallanjee

Pestonjee Cooverjee (Shanghai)

S. M. Metta

S. C. Khan

F. Bomanjee (Shanghai)

Patell, P. C., Indian and English store-

keeper, Lyndhurst.terrace


Peerbhoy & Co., Jairazbhoy, merchants,

112 and 114, Wellington Street.

Noor Mahomedbboy Jairazbhoy Peer-

bhoy (Bombay)

Allarukhiabhoy Johnmahomed, manager

Mahomed Hoosain Meherally Rehemoobhoy Meereallybhoy Dam-


Meherallybhoy Kurmsey, manager


Joosubbhoy Goolamhoosen (Shang-


Pustau & Co., merchants, Queen's Road

T. J. E. von Pustau (Shanghai)

E. L. Reuter

F. A. Broeckelmann (Europe) H. Heyn (Shanghai)

R. Fuhrmann, signs per pro.

C. Noenchen (Canton)

J. Jürgensen

C. Klingemann

E. Krause

R. Lundt

P. A. do Rozario

F. A. Soares

A. F. Ribeiro, Jr.

S. F. do Rozario


Rädecker & Co., merchants and commis-

sion agents, Wyndham Street

W. Detmers

R. Marten

J. O. Gschwind

Digitized by



Rapp, F., auctioneer, appraiser and com-

mission agent, Zetland Street

拿連 Lin-na.

Raynal, G., merchant and commission

agent, 8, Queen's Road

G. Raynal

E. F. Rozario

和泰 Tai.wo.

Reiss & Co., merchants, Lombard St.

M. Adler (Shanghai)

R. M. Gray

H. E. Tomkins, tea inspector

G. E. Gray, silk inspector

R. H. Percival, silk inspector


P. A. Crosthwaite, tea inspector


L. C. Halward (Shanghai)

C. Danenberg

M. J. Danenberg

V. de Souza (Shanghai)

Remedios & Co., merchants, Praya

José A. dos Remedios

J. C. dos Remedios

A. dos Remedios

塘魚 U-tong.

Remedios & Co., J. J. dos, merchants,

Stanley Street

A. G. Romano

J. M. dos Remedios

J. J. Leiria

Remedios, B. F. dos, 30, Hollywood Road

Robinson, Edward, barrister-at-law

Rose, Thomas, J., broker, Queen's Road

Rose & Co., tailors, dra ers, outfitters, milliners, dressmakers, carpet and fur- nishing warehouse, 31 and 33, Queen's Road Central

Mrs. J. Rose Harmon

R. Donaldson

E. R. Hoje Miss Ward

士這 Cha-8ze.


Rosselet, J., Swiss Watch Company, 33,

Wyndham Street

Roza, J. F. C. da, general broker and com-

mission agent, 31, Elgin Terrace

Roza, M. M. da, share and general broker,

31, Elgin Terrace


Rozario & Co., merchants, 8, Stanley Street

Augusto J. do Rozario

й. Hyndman



Russell & Co., merchants, Praya

William H. Forbes

John M. Forbes (New York)

S. W. Pomeroy (London)

Charles Vincent Smith (Shanghai) F. D. Bush (Shanghai) G. H. Wheeler (absent)

E. H. M. Huntington

C. A. Tomes (absent)

L. Downes

A. Dure D. J. Dunlop P. R. Forbes G. F. H. Potts

R. Shewan

W. Shewan B. R. Thomson G. I. Watson

L. M. Baptista A. A. Cordeiro

P. M. A. de Graca

J. M. de Graca

F. M. Gutierrez

F. X. Gutierrez

G. M. Gutierrez F. J. V. Jorge

E. J. da Silva Loureiro

A. E. M. da Silva

P. M. N. da Silva

J. A. Gutierrez

Q. J. Gutierrez

T. B. Cunningham (Canton)

F. Koch


E. Pasquet


J. Tamet


J. M. da Cruz


H. S. S. Olliver

C. A. de Britto


D. Campbell

B. da Cruz


Miss Marsh J. P. Boyle

Digitized by



F. Cass


W. Christy

T. G. Gowland











J. A. Ballard


C. C. dos Remedios do.

E. G. dos Remedios do.

A. de Figuereido do. A. A. Nunes


D. Moncrieff Wright (Takao) R. J. Hastings (Taiwantoo)

M. W. Greig

A. B. Heath

C. S. Moore

C. M. Adamson A. J. d'Almeida

J. C. d'Aquino

Sassoon, Sons & Co., David, merchants,

Praya Central

Sir Albert D. Sassoon (England)

R. D. Sassoon

Arthur D. Sassoon

E. A. Sassoon

S. D. Sassoon (Bombay)

S. E. Shellim

M. M. Moses

J. E. Judab

John A. Mosely

J. S. Judah

F. Ezekiel

R. S. Judah

E. Shellim




(Shanghai) do.

P. Brunat


F. J. Green


N. S. Levy

A. R. Ezekiel

F. M. de Graça


M. A. Joseph

A. C. Hunter


J. J. Aaron

W. S. Jackson


A. J. do Rozario

L. A. Lubeck

H. C. Lubeck



I. B. Meyer

J. R. Michael


J. M. Maher


R. M. Moses


C. E. Müller


A. F. dos Remedios


M. A. Sopher


A. J. Rahamim


P. da Silva


Jos. J. Judah


F. de Senna


I. R. Michael


J. D. Thorburn


D. M. Moses


G. Valette


V. D'O. Wintle


C. Wedemeyer


R. M. Brown


Henry Hannah

(New York)

J. B. Manson O. Bullock

(London) do.

Rustomjee, S., share and property broker,

5, Queen's Road

Ruttonjee, B. & E., shopkeepers, Peel St.

B. Ruttonjee E. Ruttonjee

Ruttonjee & Co., B. M., storekeepers, 2 &

4, Lyndhurst Terrace

H. Ruttonjee, manager L. L. Lopes


Sander & Co., merchants and commission

agents, Queen's Road Central

F. Sander

Th. von der Heyde

R. Becker

J. von Ehren

B. Becker




Sassoon & Co., E. D., merchants, Queen's


Jacob E. Sassoon (Bombay) Edward E. Sassoon (Shanghai) Meyer E. Sassoon (absent) Aaron M. Gubay (Bombay) Jacob S. Moses

Marcus David Ezekiel

David E. Sassoon Isaac E. Obadaya M. S. Silas S. R. Marcus J. E. David S. S. Joseph M. S. Joseph L. A. Levy

E. J. Obadaya

J. S. Perry (Foochow) M. E. Hayeem do.

S. A. Hardoon (Shanghai)

D. A. Gubboy


E. A. Hardoon


J. Moosa


S. J. Solomon


Digitized by



E. M. Ezra


M. S. Perry


D. A. Levy


S. A. Levy


D. S. Gubboy


Schaedeline, M. E., commission agent,



Schellhass & Co., Eduard, merchants,

Praya Central

B. Buschmann (Hamburg) G. Harling (Shanghai)

F. Seip

B. Buschmann (Canton)

A. Jahreis

H. Kirch

C. Bonn

H. Skoett

E. Pereira

L. G. Barretto

E. S. del Aquila

F. Louguet (Canton)

T. G. Klat


Geo. Breckwoldt


A. Gonzalves


J. Hertz



Scheffer, J. F., ship-chandler and general storekeeper, 21 and 23, Pottinger Street

J. F. Scheffer

Ching Atong


Scheele & Co., merchants, 2, Stanley St.

Alfred Scheele (Hamburg)

Carl Rusch

Richard Abesser

Gustav Atzenroth


Schmidt & Co., W., gun and rifle makers, machinists, and dealers in arms, am- munition, and sporting gear, Beacons- field Arcade

Wm. Schmidt

E Se-quai-la.

Sequeira, P. A., pianoforte tuner and re-

pairer, 19 and 21, Mosque Street


Shap Wui-tan ngan-leung king-ke.


Sharp & Co., valuers, negotiators, and

auctioneers o lands, buildings and

estates, Marine house, Queen's Road Central

Granville Sharp

A. M. Baptista


Shap-to-la chong-sze.

Sharp, Johnson, and Stokes, attorneys, so- licitors, proctors, and notaries public; office, Supreme Court House

Edmund Sharp (absent)

Alfred Bulmer Johnson (Crown Solicitor and Queen's Proctor)

Alfred Parker Stokes

G. C. C. Master (solicitor), manag-

ing clerk

M. A. Baptista, Jr.

A. Rumjahn

M. Marques

Chau Yau Lok, interpreter

Silva & Co., Eça da, commission agents, auctioneers, and share and general bro- kers, 5, Caine Road

A. A. Eça da Silva

H. L. Eça da Silva


Smith & Co., J. G., coumission mer-

chants, 43, Queen's Road

John Grant Smith

### So-li King-ki.

Soares, A. F. de J., share and general

broker, 10, Stanley Street

Sodutroy Chokhany, merchant, 28, Holly-

wood Road

D. R. Kotwal



Souza, E. F. de, commission agent,

14, Wyndham St.

E. F. de Souza

Stainfield, Mrs., private boarding house,

55, Queen's Road East

Stead, Henry, A.C.A., notary public, average adjuster, chart red accountant and arbitrator, 21, Praya, entrance Pot- tinger Street

Henry Stead

L. T. Xavier

Digitized by






Siemssen & Co., merchants, 5, Queen's

Road central

Woldemar Nissen (Hamburg)

H. Hoppius

A. Gültzow (Hamburg)

N. A. Siebs (Shanghai)

Leop. Fleuiming, signs per pro.

P. Brewitt

H. T. Siemssen

E. Miller

Joh. F. Möller

F. W. Koch

C. Brodersen

G. P. Lammert

A. Fuchs

H. M. Basto

A. H. M. da Silva

T. F. da Sá Alonço

A. da Cruz Rocha

A. Wasserfall (Sh'hai) signs p. pro.

P. A. W. Ottomeier (Shanghai)

C. Flothow

J. Rief



G. Hargens


E. Warneken


H. Puttfarcken


J. Ruff


H. Schroeter do.

利義 E-lee.

Stevens & Co., G. R., merchants, Pedder's


Geo. R. Stevens

G. Meurant

D. Goularte

士希 He-se.

Stolterfoht & Hirst, merchants, Praya


H. Stolterfoht (absent)

Chas J. Hirs:

O. Wegener, signs per pro.

A. Tirnstein

P. G. Kribbe

V. Ribeiro

Stokes and Young, stockbrokers, 7, Queen's


Arthur G. Stokes Walter H. Young

T+ 82e-ting-ling.

Stringer & Co., house and estate agents,

6, Queen's Road East

H L. Stringer

G. Orley (England)

Stringer & Co., hosiers, drapers, etc., 6 &

8, Peel Street

H. L. Stringer

J. S. Tyebally

A. Deniée

Tarachund Thawardass & Co., dealers in

Indian goods, 40, Queen's Road

Thawardass Pariamall

他他 Ta-ta.

Tata & Co., merchants, Hollywood Road

Ramnarayen Nathuram (Bombay)

S. C Tata

R. D. Tata

D. Muncherjee, manager

P. S. Laleacea

H. R. Cotewal, broker

N. K. Antia (Shanghai)



Tata & Co., Dorabjee, merchants, 15, Gage


D. B. Tata

C. B. Tata

Tavaria, Pallunjee Jeevunje, merchant,

16, Peel Street

Tharia Topan, merel ant, 15, Gage St.

Mahomedbhoy Khetsey

E. Khimjee

F. Thavurbboy

E. D. Mowjee

V. Vulley, manager, Shanghai

M. Ebralim

拿丹 Tan-na.


Turner & Co., merchants, Queen's Road



E. C. smith (London)

A. W. Walkinshaw (Foochow)

D. McCulloch

James H. Cox

M. de Carvalho

F. X. Favacho

J. F. Cheetham (Shanghai)

Alexr. Shewan



J. L. Placé

A. N. Mendes, Junr. (Foochow)

Digitized by



Talati, Pestonjee Framjee, merchant and

commission agent, 19, Gage St.

P. F. Talati

Pallanjee Framjee Talati

Ullmann & Co., J., merchants and com-

mission agents, 74, Queen's Road

Felix Ullmann (Paris)

Jé. Ullmann (Switzerland) Jacques Ullmann

M. Ullmann (absent)

M Bernheim

E. Bernheim


Vaucher, A. E., share and general broker, commission agent, and silk inspector 7, Queen's Road

Vania, R. C., merchant, 24, Gage St.

Ka-la-see yeuk-fong.

Victoria Dispensary," Queen's road

W. Cruickshank

Jas. Stephen

R. Fraser

F. P. Rozario

Ng Ah Yen

Victoria Hairdressing Saloon, Bank Build-

ings, Queen's Road

F. Hunerfaub, manager Japanese assistants

Wassiamull Assomull, dealer in Indian

goods, 32, Queen's Road

Wicking, Harry, merchant and commis-

sion agent, 4, Club Chambers



Wieler & Co., merchants, 19, Praya

Oscar Wieler

Gustav Wieler

A. Becker

C. Souza


Wat-sun-sz tai-yeuk-fong.

Watson & Co., A. S., Limited, Head

Office, Hongkong Dispensary, Queen's


J. D. Humphreys, general manager

H. A. Woolnough, secretary

John Willmott.

Fung Acheong

J. S. Hagen

J. B. Scott

A. H. Mancell W. B. Shuttlewood S. C Jex Edgar Wookey T. Humphreys H. W. Chandler Fung Apoey John Soon Sing Hung Atsin

W. E. Rose

A. Krisnat samy

T. H. Talbot, London manager Thos. Hetherington, Foochow

Geo. H. Laub, Hankow

A. Hunt


Geo. Brunt, Canton

John Dampney, Manila

Percy Tucker

H. V. Prentice Romon Tomas R. Tice, Shanghai H. W. Cave do.




Ed. Wilkins, Tientsin

(See Advertisements.)

Wai-pa chong-sze.

Webber, J. Francis, solicitor

Wong Po Chuen

L. Rose


Winn and Kimball, dental surgeous, 16,

Bank Buildings

H. H. Winn, D.D.8. (Shanghai)

R. H. Kimball, D.D.S.


Wot-ton kap Ti-kan chong-sze.

Wotton and Deacon, solicitors, convey-

ancers, proctors, notaries public, and

patent agents, 35, Queen's Road

Wm. Wotton

V. H. Deacon

F. II. O. Wilson, solicitor and

not ry public

C. E. Bowles, solicitor

J. Hestings, solicitor

M. d'Azevedo

F. Remedios

C. J. Lopes

S. J. Santos

P. C. Souza

U. Rumjabn

S. A. Rahman

Tsang Kam Chiu, interpreter

Lo Tat,

Lam Ching



Digitized by





Aa-á-sz Woon-wa-la.

Woonwalla & Co., R. S., merchants and

commission agents, 20, Gage Street

Kaikhusroo Rustomjee Woonwalla


Shapoorjee Framjee Tumboly Naoroji Framji Tumboly

Yashim & Co., dealers in Japanese articles

50, Queen's Road

H. Kusakabe

T. Murata


Young E-sang.

Young, Richard, L.R.C.P. Edin., F.R.C.S.

Edin., (absent)

Young, William, M.D., "Woodville," 3,

Arbuthnot Road

Hotels, Taverns, &c.

"German Tavern," 268, Queen's Road


C. F. W. Petersen

"Globe Hotel," 184, Queen's Road Cen-


J. Gomes, proprietor

M. H. Gomes, manager

Grand Hotel, 204, Queen's Road

A. Hans, pro rietor

   #### Hong-kong hak-tim. "Hongkong Hotel," Queen's Road

C. M. Roberts, manager

Mrs. C. M. Roberts, matron Wm. Russell, clerk

C. A. Ozorio, bookkeeper John McInnes, assistant

"Land We Live In Hotel," 294, Queen's

Road Central

T. Silberman, proprietor

"London Inn," No. 262, Queen's Road


J. Humby

Peak Hotel, Restaurant & Café, Tramway

terminus, Victoria Gap

Win. Thomas, proprietor

(See Advertisement.)

Rose, Shamrock, and Thistle Hotel,

Queen's Road

S. Libermann, proprietor



"Sailors' Home," Praya West

Alex. Moir, superintendent R. Fisher

#Se-tak tsau-tim.

Stag Hotel," No. 148 and 150, Queen's

Road Central

J. Cook, proprietor

J. Dixon

(See Advertisement.)

"Victoria Hotel," 51, Queen's Road and

22, Praya

Dorabjee & Hingkee, proprietors Dorabjee Nowrojee, manager

Ismael P. Maar

Wm. H. Henriques

A. G. Gazee Pang At ün

(See Advertisement.)

Licensed Boarding House Keepers.

Sailors' Home, West Point

C. F. W. Petersen, Queen's road west Abdool Ismail, Circular Pathway Alli Moosdeen, Lower Lascar row Francisco d'Asais, Square Street F. M. Chaves, Bridges Street Awang, Hollywood Road

Digitized by



Ackroyd, Mrs., 3, Seymour Terrace, and

"Rockyda," Mount Kellet Aitken, Mrs., Nullah Side, Bonham Road Aitken, Miss, Nullab Side Alves, Mrs. A. F., Shelley Street Alves, Mrs. J. L. da S., Mosque Terrace Alves, Mrs. J. M., Chancery Lane Anderson, Miss, East Point Anderson, Mrs. Jus., Craigieburn, Peak Andrew, Mrs. John, 4, West Terrace Auton, Mrs. Rss, Seymour Terrace, and

"The Haystack," Peak


Apenes, Mrs., Kellett Bungalow, Peak Armstrong, Mrs. J. M., "Kurahjeen' Arranger Mrs., The Albany Arthur, Mrs. W. M. B., Magistracy Bain, Mrs. G. M., 10, Seymour Terrace Bain, Mrs. W. N., The Gap, Peak Bill, Mrs., "Fernside," Peak Ball, Mrs. Dyer," Fernside," Peak Birff, Mrs. S. "The Hut," Castle Road Barros, Mrs. F., Wyndham Street Bateman, Mrs. C.J., "Sunnyside," Bonham


Bateman, Miss, "Sunnyside "

Belilios, Mrs. E. R., "Kingsclere," Caine

     Road, and "The Eyrie," Peak Bell-Irving, Mrs. J., East Point, and "The

Mount," Mount Gough

Bird, Mrs. S. G., "The Grotto," Robinson


Blandy, Mrs., Blue Buildings

Bondfield, Mrs., London Mission, Bon-

ham Road

Bose, Mrs. von, Belle-vue

Bowdler, Mrs. E., "Fung-shui," Mount


Boyd, Mrs. J. W., Kowloon Docks Boyd, Mrs. T., Elgin Street Boyes, Mrs. T., Kowloon Docks

Brewer, Mrs. W., 19, Belilios Terrace Brooke, Mrs. A. de V., "Hazeldene," Ro-

binson Road

Brost, Mrs. H., Kowloon Docks Bunce, Miss, Mosque Terrace Burdon, Mrs., St. Paul's College Burnie, Mrs. E., "Fernside," Robinson


Butler, Mrs. J. M., Mosque Street Butlin, Mrs., Police Station, Stanley Buyers, Mrs. A., Kowloon Dock Byramjee, Mrs., 2, Old Bailey

     Caldwell, Mrs. D. E., 1, West Villas Cameron, Mrs., Head Quarter House Cameron, Miss, Head Quarter House

Cameron, Miss B., Head Quarter House Cameron, Miss S., Heid Quarter House Candler, Mrs., 3, "Dunford," Peak Cantlie, Mrs., "Rocklands," Robinson Rd. Carvalho, Mrs. M. A., "Craigengower

Caine Road


Carvalho, Miss, Arbuthnot Road Carvalho, Miss Edith, Arbuthnot Road Carvalho, Miss J., Arbuthnot Roa Carvalho, Miss Maria, Arbuthnot Road Chalmers, Mrs., London Mission House,

Bonham Road

Chalmers, Miss, London Mission House Champeaux, Mrs. de, No. 2, Albany Champernowne, Mrs.,

Chaytor, Mrs., Murray Barracks Clarke, Mrs. W. E..

Cohen, Mrs., "Burnside," Robinson Road Copland, Mrs., 1, Belilios Terracc Cook, Mrs. J., Stig Hotel, Queen's Road Cook, Mrs. J. F. G., Hongkong Hotel Cooke, Mrs. R., Robinson Road Corcoran, Mr., Police Station Coughtrie, Mrs. J. B., "Teraverte" Ricb-

mond Road

Cox, Mrs. J. H., 2, West Villas, Castle Rd. Costa, Mrs. P. A. da, Elgin ztreet Cramp, Mrs. J., 20, Belilios Terrace Croisdale, Mrs., 7, Mosque Terrace Croisdale, Miss, 7, Mosque Terrace Cross, Mrs. F. W., Gas Works, West


Crown, Miss, Albany Road

Dalrymple, Ms. II. L., Davis, Mrs. H. W., (absent)

Deacon, Mrs. V. H., Hongkong Hotel Deane, Mrs. W. M., Police Compound De Jersey, Mass, "Fairlea," Bonhamn Road Dempster, Mrs., Police Station, Kowloon


Dennys, Mrs. H. L., "Brockhurst," Peak Denson, Mrs., Myrtle Villa, Kowloon Dickie, Mrs. J., Bowrington

Dodwell, Mrs., 9, Belilios Terrace (Middle) Dove, Mrs., H., 5, R chmond Terrace Detmers, Mrs. W., No. 1, Wyndham St. Duggan, Mrs., 6, Chancery Lane

Ede, Mrs., 6, Seyinour Terrace; and Dun.

beved," Victoria Gap

Eitel, Mrs. "Boulder Lodge," Castle Rd. Eitel, Miss, "Boulder Lodge


Ellis, Mrs. W. T., Richmond Terrace Ellis, Mrs. F. E, 67, Wyndham Street Ewens, Mrs., "Hurford," Magazine Gap Fairall, Miss, 10, Queen's Road Central

Digitized by




Falconer, Mrs. A., Central School Fenwick, Mrs. G., Praya East

Forbes, Mrs. J. M., China Sugar Refinery,

East Point

Forbes, Mrs. W. H., "Rose Hill," Caine


Ford, Mrs. C., Albany Road

Foster, Mrs. Pearce, "Dunnottar," Peak Fournier, Miss, Upper Wyndham Street Garrels, Mrs., 11, Prava East

Gate, Miss, 10, Queen's Road Central Germain, Mrs. J. K.,

Gillies, Mrs., Rose Villas East Goggin, Mrs., West Point

Gomes, Mrs. A. J., Lena Cottage Gomes, Mrs. A. S., "Highfield," Seymour


Gomes, Mrs. J. B., Craigengower, Caine Rd. Gonsalves, Mrs. C. J., 8, Wyndham Street Grimble, Mrs. P., 5, Belilios Terrace Grimble, Mrs. F.,

Grotefend, Miss, Berlin Foundling House,

Bonham Road

Guedes, Mrs. F. D., 15, Wellington St. Guterres, Mrs. A. P., Remedios Terrace Gutierres, Mrs. M., Elgin Villa, Caine Rd. Hagen, Mrs., 10, Belilios Terrace (middle) Hance, Mrs., 8, Seymour Terrace

 Hancock, Mrs. A., 11, Seymour Terrace Hancock, Miss, 11, Seymour Terrace Hancock, Miss E., 11, Seymour Terrace Hanlon, Mrs. J. M., Victoria School, 1,

Hollywood Road

Harman, Mrs. C. D., "Ravenshill," Ro-

binson Road

Harmon, Mrs. J. R., 33, Queen's Road


Hartigan, Mrs., (absent)

Hartmann, Mrs., Berlin Foundling House,

Bonham Road

Hatherley, Mrs., Wyndham Street Hayward, Mrs., Mosque Street Hazeland, Mrs., "Priory Lodge,"

ham Road


Hopkins, Miss, "The Bungalow," Ro-

binson Road

Howard, Mrs., 1, Albany

Howroyd, Mrs. E. J., Hill Side Bungalow,

High Street, West Point

Hughes, Mrs. W., Marine Villa, Kowloon Hughes, Miss, Marine Villa, Kowloon Hughes, Miss Ethel, Marine Villa, Kowloon Hughes, Miss Alice, Marine Villa, Kowloon Humphreys, Mrs. J. D., Richmond Terrace Humphreys, Mrs. W. G., 14, Queen's

Road Central

Huntington, Mrs., Hermitage West, Caine


Hurley, Mrs. R. C.,

Hutchison, Mrs. J. D., "Oeono1a," Mount


Inglis, Mrs. G. T., Belvidere Terrace

Jackson, Mrs., St. John's Place James, Mrs., Blue Buildings, Praya East Jameson, Mrs. R. M., West Point Jameson, Mrs. J. W., Praya East Jeunings, Mrs. W., 6, West Terrace Johnson, Mrs. A. B., Morrison Hill; and

Bu-hy Cottage, Peak Johnson, Mrs. W.,

Johnston Mrs. D. A.,

Johnstone, Miss," Fairlea," Bonham Road Jones, Mrs. J. W., 6, Belilios Terrace Jones, Mrs. R., 29, Elgin Terrace Joseph, Mrs. S. A., Peel Street

Just, Mrs., Stokes's Bungalow West, Peak

Keiser, Mrs. J., Albany

Kimball, Mrs.

Kneebone, Miss, 8, Seymour Terrace King, Mrs. G. J. W., Mosque Junction Kyles, Mrs. J., Kowloon Dock

Lamke, Mrs., 12, Lower Seymour Terrace Lammert, Mrs. G. R., Albany Lammert, Miss, A.bany

Lang, Mrs., Blue Buildings, Praya East Bon-Layton, Mrs., Ice House Street

Hazeland, Miss, "Priory Lodge" Hazeland, Miss Winifred, "Priory Lodge" Heermann, Mrs., The Albany Hennessy, Mrs., Police Station Herbst, Mrs., Queen's Road Central Hirst, Mrs., "As you like it," Albany Rd. Holmes, Mrs. G., Victoria Hotel Holmes, Mrs. H. J., Rosendale, Kowloon Holworthy, Miss," Burnside," Robinson Rd. Holworthy, Miss M. M., "Burnside" Hooper, Mrs., Seymour Terrace Horspool, Mrs., Police Compound

Leatherbarrow, Mis. T. M., Praya West Ledstone, Mrs., Belvedere Terrace, Bon-

ham Road

Legge, Mrs. W., "Marlingford," Robin-

son Road (absent)

Leiria, Miss L., "Duart," Arbuthnot Rd. Leslie, Mrs. W. H., 7 Praya West Levy, Mrs., Parsee Villa, Robinson Road Lewer, Mrs., Breezy Point Bungalow Lewis, Mrs. H., 4, Mosque Street Ligh wood, Mrs., 17, Belilios Terrace Livesey, Mrs., Stonecutter's Island Lloyd, Mrs., No. 5, Mosque Terrace

Digitized by


Lobb, Mrs., Lobb, Miss,

Lobb, Miss L.,


Loxley, Mrs. W.R., "Idlewild," Castle Rd.

Machado, Mrs. P., Old Bailey Machado, Mis. J., Arbuthnot Road Mackie, Mrs. A., Police Station Macleod, Mrs. E., Mosque Terrace Magill, Miss," Fairlea," Bonham Road Malsch, Mrs. C. C., 4, Seymour Terrace Manson, Mrs., Cronest, Peak Marinburk, Mrs., College Chambers Marsh, Miss, Rose & Co., 33, Queen's Rd. Matthews, Miss, "Rosendale," Kowloon Maxwell, Mrs., Victor Emanuel MacEwen, Mrs. A. P., Morrison Hill McCallum, Mrs. J., Kowloon

Mehta, Mrs. H. M., 41, Queen's Road Michaelsen, Mrs., 14, Albany Road (Up-

   per Albany Miles, Mrs.,

Millar, Mrs. A., Carlton Terrace, Queen's

Road East

Minami, Mrs., Japanese Consulate, 7,

Caine Road

Mody, Mrs. H. N., Buxey Lodge, Caine

Road (absent)

   Mooney, Mrs. Jas., 22, Caine Road Moran, Mrs. R., Blue Buildings, Praya East Morden, Mrs. J., Elgin Street More, Miss, East Point -Morgan, Miss,

Mortimer, Mrs., R. N. Hospital, Wanchai Mudie, Mrs. J. R., Kowl on Docks Musso, Mrs. D., Praya East, and Villa

Lucia, Pokfulum (summer only)

Newton, Mrs., str. Taichiow

Niedhardt, Mrs., Medical Hall, 50, Queen's

Road Central

Noronha, Mrs. D., Zetland Street Noronha, Mrs. S. A., 7, Zetland Street Noronha, Mrs. L., 4, Belilios Terrace

Obadaya, Mrs, J. E., No. 1, Pedder's Hill Obadaya, Mrs. E. J., No. 8, Pedder's Hill Ost, Mrs. J. B., 5, Bonham Road

Parlane, Mrs. W., East Point Phillippo, Lady, "La Hacienda," Mount

Kellett (absent)

Piercy, Mrs. G., Diocesan School, Bonham


Pocock, Mrs. T. G., "Fairlea," Bonham

Road (absent)

Poesnecker, Mrs. L., The Albany

Powell, Mrs. W., Caine Road Poate, Mrs. H.,


Raynal, Mrs. G., No. 3, Mosque Terrace Reeves, Miss, East Point

Remedios, Mrs. J. A. dos, Remedios Ter-


Remedios, Mrs. J. H. dos, "Baxter House,"

Hospital Road

Remedios, Mrs. J. M. dos, Elgin Street Remedios, Mrs. J. C. dos, Chancery Lane Remedios, Mrs. A. dos, Remedios Terrace Reuter, Mrs., F. L., Robinson Road Reuter, Miss E., Robinson Road. Robinson, Mrs. N. J., Bowrington Rocha, Mrs., C. V. da, Pottinger Street Rogers, Miss, Traverte, Richmond Road Romano, Mrs. A. G., "Duart," Arbuth-

not Road

Rose, Mrs. E., 27, Mosque Street Rowe, Miss, London Mission House Royall, Miss C., 1, Douglas Villas, Caine Rd. Rozario, Mrs. A. J. do, Caine Road Rozario, Mrs. M. do, Caine Road Rozario, Miss L. do, Caine Road Rutter, Mrs. R. V., Kowloon Docks Sangster, Mrs., 4, Mosque Terrace Sangs er, Miss, 4, Mosque Terrace Schaedeline, Mrs., Wanchai Schmidt, Mrs. W., Beaconsfield Arcade Schonem un, Mrs. A., Rose House, Caine


Schram, Miss, "Baxter House," Caine Rd. Seimund, Mrs. C. H. E., East Point Seth, Mrs. A., "Norman Cottage," Al-

bany Road

Sharp, Mrs., Rose Villas West; and the

"Homestead," Peak

Silva, Mrs. J. M. da, Old Bailey Street Smith, Mrs. A. F., "Myrtle Bank," Peak Smith, Mrs. D. Warres, 3, Belilios Terrace Smith, Mrs. H., Cosmopolitan Dock Smith, Mrs. R. Fraser, 7, Pedder's Hill Smith, Mrs. J. Grant, The Sheiling, Peak Smith, Mrs. J. H., Rose House, Castle Rd. Solomon, Mrs. R., Elgin Street Souza, Mrs. M., Caine Road

Souza, Mrs. E. F. de, Wyndham Street Souza, Mrs. F. de, Mosque Junction Stanley, Mrs., 7, Belilios Terrace St. Croix, Mrs., Richmond Terrace Stevens, Mrs. Geo. R., "Greenmount,"

Bonham Road

Stockhausen, Mrs. F. W. von Stolterfoht, Mrs. (absent)

Stopani, Mrs. A., Pedder's Hill

Stopani, Miss, Pedder's Hill

Digitized by




Storer, Mrs., "Cringleford," Robinson Rd Stuart, Miss Burnett, "Cringleford."

Swanston, Mrs., No. 7, Police Station

Taylor, Mrs. T., 8, Wyndham Street Thomsett, Miss, "The Bluff," Peak Thomsett, Miss Ada, "The Bluff, Peak Thomson, Mrs.,

Travers, Mrs. A. K., 3, Morrison Hill

Ullmann, Mrs. C., 41, Wynd' am Street Urquhart, Mrs. F., "West Villa," Pok-

fulum Road

Veitch, Mrs., Lower St. John's Place Vernon, Mrs., Robinson Road, and "The

Falls," Peak

Wagner, Mrs. Arthur, 2, Belilios Terrace Wallace, Mrs., Murray Barracks Ward, Miss, 31, Queen's Road Central Wat's, Mrs., Rednaxela Terrace Webster, Mrs. J., Kowloon Docks

Whittall, Mrs., 2, Seymour Terrace Wicking, Mrs. H., Blue Buildings, Praya Wieler, Mrs. Oscar, 19, Prava Wilcox, Mrs. R. Chatterton, Wyndham St. ¦ Wildey, Mrs.

Willmott, Mrs., (absent)

Wise, Mrs. A. G., "Stonehaven," Robin-

son Road

Withers, Mrs., No. 1, Douglas Villas,

Caine Ro d

Withers, Miss, 1, Douglas Villas Withers, Miss S., 1, Douglas Villas Wodehouse, Mrs.,

Wohlters, Mrs., Kowloon

Wotton, Mrs., Ravenshill, Robinson Road Wright, Mrs. A., "The Neuk," Mount


Wright, Mrs. G. H. B., 5, Seymour Terrace

Yeatherd, Mrs., "The Chalet," Peak Yellop, Miss, Victoria Exchange, Queen's

Road Central

Young, Mrs. A., Kowloon Docks


Ackroyd, Hon. E. J., Rockyda Anderson, J., Craigieburn Anton, J. R., The Haystack Apenes, R., Kelett Bungalow

Bain, W. N.,

Ball, J. D., Fernside Beart, M., Kellett Spur

Belibios, E R., The Eyrie (summer only) Bell-Irving, J., The Mount (summer only) Bowdier, E., Fungsbui

Candler, T. E., Dunford Dennys, H., Brockburst

Dowler, H. G., Stonyhurst

Ede, N. J., Dunheved

Ewens, C., Harford

Foster, F. T. Pearce, Dunnottar

Hastings, J., Stonyhurst

H.E. The Governor, Mountain Lodge

(summer only)

Hutchison, J. D., Oeonora

Johnson, A. B., Bushy Cottage Just, H. Z., Stokes's Bungalow West

Layton, B., Stokes's Bungalow East Leigh, R. K., Leigh Torr

Manson, Dr., Cronest

Mitchell-Innes, N. G., Bangour

Maxwell, Commod‹ re, Aduiiralty Bunga-

low (summer only)

Ost, Rev. J. B., C. M. S. Sanatorium

(summer only)

Phillippo, Sir George, La Hacienda


Poesnecker, L., house (no name)

Ryrie, Hon. P., Craig Ryrie (summer only)

Saunders, W. J., Stonyhurst Smith, A F., Myrtle Bank Smith, J. G., The Sheiling Smith, T. Sercombe, Fernside Sharp, G., The Homestead Thomsett, Capt., The Bluff

Vernon, J. Y. V., The Falls

Wilkinson, C. D., Stonyhurst

Wright, A., The Neuk, Mount Kellett Yeatherd, Capt. E. W., "The Chalet."

VACANT AT Date of Publication.

The Cliff Creggan


1, Cameron Villas

Digitized by





Major General Commanding Forces in China and Straits Settlements, As- sistant Military Secretary, Colonel on the Staff, Aide-de-Camp to the General, D. A. A. & Q. M. G.,` Garrison Ad- jutant, Officer Commanding Royal Artillery, Commanding Royal En- gineer, Senior Commissariat Officer, Senior Orduance Store Officer, District Paymaster, Principal Medical Officer

Commanding H. M. Forces in China and Straits Settlements-Major-General W. G. Cameron, C.B.

Colonel on the Staff-Lt.-Col. and Colonel

A. T. Storer

Assistant Military Sec.-Major F. J. W.

   Davies, R. Munster Fusiliers Aide-de-camp-Lt. T. C. F. Somerville, R.

Lancashire Regt.

D. A. A. and Q. M. G.-Capt. E. W.

Yeatherd, Royal Lancashire Regt. Garrison Adjutant-Lieut. J. Little,

Northamptonshire Regt.

Acting Military Chaplains-Rt. Rev. Bishop Burdon, Ch. of England Rev. G. H. Bondfield, Presbyterian Very Rev. G. Burghignoli, Roman Ca-


Garrison Sergeant-Major-J. Meredith

MILITARY STAFF CLERKS. Military Secretary's Office-J. McEmery Brigade Office-John Dickson, E. Adams Army Pay Depart.-Qr. Mr. Sgt. F. Hunt Superintending Clerk-J. C. Watson

ROYAL ARTILLERY. Commanding Royal Artillery in China and Straits Settlements-Colonel S. Simpson (Singapore)

Fire Master and Inspector Warlike Stores-

Lieut. P. R. Simmonds

Adjutant R. A. in China and Straits Settle-

ments-Lieut. H. T. Hawkins

5th Battery, 1st Brigade. Fastern Div. Major-W. P. Blandy

Captain A. Sankey

Lieutenant-J. D Anderson

do. -C. E. Lawrie

7th Battery, 1st Brigade, Western Div. Major-P. W. H. Miles

Captain-C. E. Reynolds Lieutenant-H. S. Woodcock

do. -H. C. Vignoles

ROYAL ENGINEERS. Comdg. Royal Eng.-Col. A. T. Storer Major-A. de V. Brooke



H Champernowne 1). A. Johnston

Captain-H. P. Knight

Lieutenant-J. E. Edmonds


-T. P. Brewin


-J. R. Young


-H. O. Blackall

Surveyor-W. Kingston

Engineer Clerks-Qr. Mr. Sergt. W. J.

Lilley, Sergeant Ped lie

Engineer Clerk and Draftsman-Coy. Sergt.

Mjr. W. R. Powell

Military Foremen of Works-Q. M. Sgts. W. Beavin, J. Collyer, J. Spreadborough, D. Fraser, Cov. Sgt.-Major Seabright Submarine Mining Storekeeper-T. W.


Digitized by






Second Battalion.

M. Churchill (Staff College)...16 Dec. '82


'D. G. Anderson.....

1 Apr. '84


W. T. Ellis

1 July '81

R. J. Chaytor.

6 Aug. '83

S. J. M. Jopp.

22 Apr. '86


...25 Aug. '80


W. Le P. Power (absent) C. G. W. E. Edwardes


T. E. Compton

W. F. Fawcett (adjutant)

J. Collinson

.15 Aug. '83 14 Nov.' 83

...25 Mar. '84

20 Aug. '84

A. C. Bolton

22 Nov. '84

C. S. Copland....

1 July '87


1 July '81

10 May '82

.19 Dec. '83

14 May '84

.10 Sept. '84

7 Feb. '85

7 Feb. '85

7 Feb. '85

7 Feb. '85

W. E. Peel... ~C. S. Prichard

A. Parkin (Depot)

J. Little

E. O. Smith

M. D. Graham A. A. Lloyd

H. C. Metcalfe G. A. Bramwell

C. P. Pedler

H. Vickers

H. A. Luard

C. E. Higgenbotham

H. de C. Huntsman

F. H. Johnstone

Second Lieutenants.

E. E. Beddek.

W. B. Powell

23 May '85

25 Nov. '85 .30 Jan. '86 ́

5 Feb. '87

4 May '87 14 Sept. '87 .14 Sept. '87 .28 Sept. '87

Paymaster-G. F. Pinkney Adj.-W. F. Fawcett (capt.)...20 May '85 Quarter-master-R. Wallace...29 Sept. '80


Senior F. Commissariat Officer --Lieut.-Col. J. T. G. Cook, Asst. Commissary Ge- neral

Officer in charge of Supplies and Trans- port-Capt. F. T. Clayton, R. War. R.,

    Dy. Asst. Commissary General Cfficer in charge of Barracks--Capt. R. Croisdale, Qr.-Mr. Commissariat and Transport Staff

Barrack Sergeant-Barr. Qr. Mr. Sgt. J.


Senior Clerk-John Dade

Clerk Supply and Transport Office-M. H.


Clerk Barrack Office-A. Moosdeen Interpreter A. Fukerra

ORDNANCE STORE DEPARTMENT. Senior Ordnance Store Officer-Major J. Steevens, Asst. Commissary General of Ordnances

Ordnance Store Officers in charge-Capt. G.

R. Atkinson, Capt. E. T. Stanley Quarter Master-W. Johnson

Inspector of Warlike Stores-Lieut. P. R.

Simmonds, R.A.

Conductor of Stores-T. J. Warnes Chief Foreman-P. Grimble Chief Clerk-J. J. McBreen

Clerks W. H. Western, J. d'Almeida, O.

Madar, J. M. C. da Fonseca Foreman of Magazines-

General Foreman-J. M. da Costa Campos Receiving do. -G. S. Botelho Arsenal Foreman-J. Henderson Torpedo Foreman-J. Brown

Ordnance Armourer Sergeant-C. Craw-

ford, Sergt., R.A.

Armourer Sergeants-W. Porter, W. An-


Corps of Ordnance Artificers-Sergt. J.


ARMY PAY DEPARTMENT. District Paymaster and Agent for the. Lords Commissioners of H. M. Treasury-Col. and Chief Paymaster W. Hughes Paymaster-Major T. C. Dempster, late

28th Regt.

Superintending Clerk-J. C. Watson Clerk-Qr. Mr. Sergt. F. Hunt


Principal Medical Officer China and Straits Settlements-R. Lewer, Deputy Surgeon General


Medical Officer in charge Station Hospital

Meeance"-Surg. Major W. Ffolliott Surgeon―H. N. Thompson



-A. de C. Scanlan

-M. T. Yarr

Chief Ward Master-Staff Sergt. F. Brake Quarter Master-Capt. C. Johnson Compounder-Sergt. H. Whitcher P. M. O.'s Clerk-A. Wilso

Digitized by



Royal Naval Department. Vice Admiral-Sir Richard Vesey Hamil-

ton, K.C.B., Commander-in-chief Flag Lieutenant-A. L. K. Knapton Secretary-F. E. G. Dent (acting) Clerks to Secretary-R. C. Baker, H. J.

Troughton, G. E. Coleridge


Naval Officer in charge of Naval Establish- ments-Commodore Wm. H. Maxwell, R.N., A.D.C.

Sec. to Commodore-W. H. J. Pym, R.N. Staff Commander-John Browne, R.N. Storekeeper and Accountant-W. H. Lobb Clerk-W. Tarn

Constructor-W. James

  Boatswain-A. Saunders, R.N. Inspectors of Shipwrights-G. Compton,

E. Symons

Writers-V. Danenberg, H. Danenberg, L. F. Carvalho, J. Pinna, L. L. Barretto, M. C. Souza, H. Dixon, J. Kraal, C. A. Souza, W. Dougherty, W. Shea Leading-men of Storehouses-Jas. Hatcher,

Albt. Blowey

Storemen-D. Dunmore, H. Taylor, W. Cook, S. Eastabrook, G. Hubbard, T. Spafford

STEAM DEPARTMENT. Inspector of Machinery-Henry Benbow,


Engineers-Robt. B. Cooper, R.N., Benj. J. Barnes, R.N., Thos. Thorne, R.N. Boiler Maker-R. W. Kemp Smith-A. Blanchard

Fitters-Jas. Cousins, Alex. Littlejohns,

Wm. Parkin, Richd. Ford


Inspector in Charge-Wm. Lysaught Sergeants-J. Vanstone, J. O'Toole, W. Godwin, W. Ogley, R. Chamberlain, W. Nuttall, and 25 Constables, European


Naval Officer in charge-Commodore Wm.

H. Maxwell, A.D.C. Deputy Inspector General T. Mortimer Surgeons-M. J. McCarthy, M.D., T. J.

Crowley, M.D.

Chaplain-Rev. H. B. Harper, B.A. Dispenser in charge of Stores-W. Wales Writer-E. A. dòs Remedios

H.B.M. Squadron in China & Japan,

ALACRITY, 4. Twin Screw Steel Despatch Vessel.

1,400 Tons. 3,180 H.P. Comm.-R. B. Maconochie ...22 June '86 Lieut.-Alex. Meldrum



......22 June '86 (N) John L. Lory 5 Feb. '86 A. R. C. Warren..

.22 June '86

(In lieu of a Sub-Lieut. Staff Eng.-J. A. Smith ......17 Nov. '84 Surgeon J. McC. Martin

...22 June '86 Assist. Paym. in charge-R.

B. Rigbye

22 June '86 Engineer John G. Stevens... 6 May '85 Gunner-James S. Clarke ...20 May '86 (Commissioned at Portsmouth, June 22, 18×3.)

AUDACIOUS, 18. Twin Screw Iron Ship, Armour Plated. 6,010 (3,774) Tons. 4,830 (800) H.P.

Flag Ship.

Admiral-Sir Richard Vesey

Hamilton, K.C.B. 1 Sept, '25 Flag Lieut.-A. L. K. Knapton 1 Sept. '85 Secretary-Francis E. G. Dent 1 Sept. '85 Clerk to Sec.-Reginald C. Baker 1 Nov. '85 -H. J. Troughton.25 Feb. '87 -G. E. Coleridge.18 July '87



Captain-Robert H. Harris...81 Oct. '85 Commander-Francis Powell 31 Oct. '85 Lieut.-(a) Henry Leah

do. -C. W. P. Allen.. do. (T) P. W. Bush do. -H. C. Burrows do. -R. A. Allenby do. E. R. Sankey

1 Nov. '85

1 Nov. '85

1 Nov. '85

2 Sept. '85

1 Nov. '85

.31 Oct. '84

Staff Comm.-A. G. Douglas... 1 Nov. '85 Capt. Mar.-E. G. Wilkinson ..19 Nov. '85 Chaplain-Rev. R. O'D. Ross-

Lewin, M.A., L.TH.

9 Mar. '86 Fleet-Surg.-J. W. Fisher, M.D. 1 Nov. '85 Fleet-Paym.-T. O. Joynson....... 1 Nov. '85 Fleet-Eng.-L. M. Green 1 Nov. '85 Nav. Instr.-C. Morgan, M.A. 9 Mar. '85 Sub-Lieut.-Lord F. G. G. Os-



1 Nov. '85 -H. G. Smith 27 Jan. '87 Surg.-J. R. McDonnell, M.d..10 Nov. '85 do. -J. C. F. Whicher 1 Nov. '85 Assist. Paym.--H. W. Braddon 1 Nov. '85 Engineer-G. H. Cooke.....

do. --W. J. Anstey Assist. Eng.-E. J. Murphy Gunner-H. Bennett...

1 Nov. '85

1 Nov. '35

1 No. 35

1 Nov. '$5

Digitized by




Boatswain-J. Collins

do. -J. Fitzgerald do. -H. H. Edgcombe


Midshipman-Hon. H. D. A.

..25 June '85

1 Nov. '85





.27 Nov. '86 Carpenter-T. H. Hooper......28 Aug. '85 Midshipman B. St. J. Bellairs 2 Nov. '85

do. -J. S. W. Talbot-



-J. Luce








1 May '86

2 Nov. '85

1 May '86

-H. F. W. Smith -C. J. Collins 2 Nov. '85 -S. A. Hickley... 2 Nov. '85 -H. J.T. Marshall 2 Nov. '85 -R. H. Keate 2 Nov. '85 -H. J. Savill.............. 2 Nov. '85 -F. W. R. Hewett 2 Nov. '87 -L. Griffiths ......27 July '86

-Francis G. St. G.


-J. D. Kelly.

...25 Jan. '87 ..............25 Jan. '87 -F. Brandt ......25 Jan. '87

Naval Cadet-W. 8. Nicholson.25 Jan. '87

-E.J. Prendergast.25 Jan. '87 (Commissioned at Portsmouth 15th January, 1887).

COCKCHAFER, 4. S. Composite - Gun-Boat.

465 Tons. 470 H.P.'ƒ

Lieut. & Com.-H H. Boteler::~9-July '84 Sub-Lieut.-(N). P. V. Lewes. 1 Nov. '86 do. -P. J. Hodges ...26 Apr. '86 Surgeon-C. Alsop

.26 Apr. '86 Assist. Paym. in charge―R.


Engineer-J. A. Cawley






Brooker 29 July '86 -H. W. Colomb..27 July '86 --G. M. Marston.. 3 Sept. '87 Assist. Clerk-W. H. Franklin.

Sept. '87 Sept. '87

Gunner-R. Purdie

-Percy J. Lang...

The following officers are borne as additional for various special Services :-

Staff Surg.-C. Harvey... 31 Oct. '81 For Sick Quarters, Yokohama. Assist. Paym.-J. W. Dixon...20 Aug. '85 (In charge of Yokohama Depôt) (Re-commissioned at Hongkong, Jan. 7, 1886.)

CALLIOPE, 16. Screw Corvette. Steel and Iron cased with Wood. 2,770 Tons. 4,020 H.P.

Captain-H. C. Kane

Lieut.-R. K. M'Alpine


-(N) H. Pearson


-A. W. Carter


.25 Jan. '87

25 Jan. '87

.22 July '86

25 Jan. '87 (a) H. G. Monckton..25 Jan. '87 do. M. G. Cartwright ...25 Jan. '87 Lieut-Mar. -A. E. Marchant.25 Jan. '87 Chaplain and Nav. Instr. - Rev.

         A. C. Evans, MA. 4 May '87 Staff Surg.-V.Duke, B.A., M.B.25 Jan. '87 Paymaster-B. Rogers...25 Jan. '87 Chief Eng.-H. G. Bourke ...16 Aug. '86 Sub-Lieut.-H. H. Paynter ...25 Jan. '87 Surgeon.-A. Cropley .25 Jan. '87 Assist. Paym.-T. Seawan ...25 Jan. '87 Engineer-W. Milton Assist. Eng.-J. R. Roffey Gunner-C. O. Martin Boatswain-W. Marshfield


26 Apr. '86

..26 Apr. 1'86

26 Apr. '86

(Re-commissioned at Hongkong,

28th July, 1886).

CONSTANCE, 14. Screw Corvette.

Steel and Iron cased with Wood. 2,380 Tone. 2,590 H.P. Captain-L. C. Keppel... 3 June '87 Lieut.-G. H. C. MacArthur.. 1 Nov. '85

do. -F. E. E. Brock


1 Nov. '85

-R. H. Gubbins..

1 Nov. '85


A. Y. C. M. Spearman

1 Nov. '85

Nav. Lieut.-L. G. Stovin 4 Nov. '85 Lt.-Mar.-R. H. Montgomery.20 Jan. '87 Chaplain and Nav. Instr.-Rev.

C. Le P. T. Heaslop ... Staff Paym.-H. W. C. E. Bat-


Chief Eng.-Geo. McEwen Sub-Lieut.

Staff Surg.-C. A. Macaulay,


Surg.-E.W.von Tunselmann,


19 Jan. '86

1 Nov. '85

1 Nov. '85

25 May '87

10 Nov. '85

Assist. Paym.-M. Stephens... 1 Nov. '85 Engineer-E. Cornish

1 Nov. '85

1 Nov. '85 11 Feb. '87

1 Nov. '85 17 Nov. '86

Assist. Eng.-R. St. J. Raper.. Gunner-W. A. Covington Boatswain-Geo. Martlew do. -J. Neat (act.) Carpenter-Wm Millett.... Midshipman-W. Driffield ...15 Nov '85

23 Mar. '85


...25 Jan. '87


11 June '86 ...15 Feb. '87


Carpenter-G. T. Grant ......11 Mar. '85

1 Nov. '85

-G. M. K. Fair..15 Nov. '85 -F. G. S. John..15 Nov. '85 -A. A. Gordon...15 Nov. '85 (Re-commissioned at Hongkong, 17th January, 1886.)

Digitized by




CORDELIA, 10. Screw Corvette. Steel and Iron cased with Wood.

2,380 Tons. 2,420 H.P. Captain-H. H. Boys ...... .25 Jan. '87 Lieut-(&) A. A. C. Galloway.25 Jan. '87

do. -(N) S. Hughes..... do. -H. P. Dillon

do. -G. J. Taylor...

do. D. F. Robinson.. Lieut. Mar.-G. A. Cox Chaplain-Rev. C. H. Coates,


Staff Surg.-S. Kellet Paymaster-C. Scales Sub-Lieut.-

.25 Jan. '87 25 Jan. '87 .25 Jan. '87 .25 Jan. '87 .25 Jan. '87

...25 Jan. '87

25 Jan. '87

..25 Jan. '87

Asst. Paym.-E. St. G. Alton...25 Jan. '87 Engineer-R. G. Willby......10 Feb. '87

(In lieu of a Chief Engineer.)

    do. -G. W. Hudson.. 7 Feb. '87 Assist. Eng.-G. G. Knight...25 Jan. '87 Gunner―T. K. Page

                15 July '86 Boatswain-L. McCarthy......22 Feb. '87 do -W. H. M. Tyrer...17 Feb. '87 Carpenter-W. H. Hardy...... 1 July '86 Assist. Clerk-Reginald R. Lee (Commissioned at Portsmouth, Jan. 25, 1887.)

ESK, 3. Twin Screw Iron Gun Boat. 363 Tons. 340 H.P.

Gunner-W. S. Weeks..

Surgeon Andrew D. Peyton. 6 May '84 Assist. Paym. in charge-F. W.


6 May '84 Engineer-Elijah Thomas 6 May '84 Gunner-R. Brooking

......15 Sept. '88 (Commissioned at Devonport, 6th May, 1884.) HEROINE, 8. Screw Composite Corvette. 1,420 Tons. 1,130 H.P. Captain Chas. J. Balfour ...26 Apr. '86 Lieut.-Wm. G. White 26 Apr. '86 do. (N) C. S. Nedham...18 Sept. '84 do. -Wm. F. Gunn .26 Apr. '86 do. -B. C. Barber..... .26 Apr. '86 do. -H. B. T. Somerville...28 July '86

(In lieu of a Sub-Lieut.)

Staff Surg.-Ed. R. Mulock.....18 Mar. '86 Staff Paym.-A. Court.........26 Apr. '86 Engineer-H. J. J. G. Moon. .26 Apr. '86 Gunner-H. T. Leggett ...26 Apr. '86

26 Apr. '86 26 Apr. '86 ...26 Apr. '86

Boatswain-J. Litton Carpenter-Ed. C. Eddy Clerk-Alfred W. Claxton (Re-commissioned at Hongkong, July 28, 1886.)

LEANDER, 10. Twin Screw Steel Second-class Cruiser.


3,750 Tors. 5,500 H.P. Captain-M. J. Dunlop

29 May Lieut.-(G) H. C. A. Baynes..29 May '85 (N) L. K. Bell. 29 July '85 R. G. H. Blomfield ...26 Nov. '85 -R. P. Fitz-Gerald ...10 Sept. '85

.17 June '86




(Borne in "Victor Emanuel.")

ESPOIR, 4. Screw Composite Gun-Boat.

465 Tons. 470 H.P.

Lieut. & Com.-H. R. Adams. 5 Jan. '85 Lieut.-Geo. Couper...

26 Apr. '86 (In lieu of a Sub-Lieutenant). do. (N) H. St. G. S. Clive.26 Apr. '86

(In lieu of a Sub-Lieutenant. N.) Surg.-H. P. Shuttleworth... 5 Apr. '87 Asst. Paymaster in charge-A.


Engineer-J. J. Frost

Gunner-W. Bonstow

26 Apr. '86

26 Apr. '86

.26 Apr. '86

(Re-commissioned at Hongkong, 27th July, 1886).

FIREBRAND, 4. Screw Composite Gun-Boat.

         455 Tons. 460 H.P. Lieut. & Comdr.-J. Denison. 6 Jan. '87 Lieut.-(N) C. W. M. Plender-


23 May '84 (In lieu of a Sub-Lieut. (N).

Lieut.-Chas. H. A. Gleig ...15 Nov. '87

(In lieu of a Sub-Lieut.)

do. -H. E. F. Worthington.30 June '86 do. E. C. Hogg

do. -C. R. de C. Foot.

20 Dec. '86

.25 Jan. '87

Staff Surg.-F. R. M. Loftie..29 May '85 Staff Paym.-C. W. Cole......29 May '85 Fleet Eng.-J. Leigh..

Sub-Lieut.-E. A. Martin..... .25 Nov. '86 Engineer-Ed. C. Carnt

8 Sept '81

29 May '85

17 Apr. '86

Asst. Eng.-H. C. W. Peel...29 May '83

do. -F. Jarvis


Gunner-C. F. Lethbridge ...24 Oct. '85

do. (T) George Key

3 Sept. '83 Boatswain-J. S. M. Hill.. 7 July '85 do. -Charles Callaghan 4 June '85

do. -John Crocombe 4 June '83 Carpenter-David How...12 Jan. '83 Assist. Clerk-W. F. Wells 18 July '87 (Commissioned at Chatham, May 29, 1885.)

LINNET, 5. Twin Screw Composite Gun-Vessel.

756 Tons. 1,050 H.P. Commander-Win. Marrack...31 Oct. '85

Lieut.-Ed. P. Powell..


1 Nov. '85

-(N) W. O. Thurburu. 1 Nov. '85

Digitized by




Lieut-C. G. F. M. Cradock. 1 Nov. '85 Paymaster-Wm. J. Hubbard. 1 Nov. '85 Chief Eng.-N. Meaden........ 1 Nov. '85 Surgeon-J. H. Whelan, M.D. 1 Nov. '85 Gunner-B. H. Birch...

1 Nov. '85 (Re-commissioned at Hongkong, 7th January, 1886.)

MERLIN, 4. Screw Composite Gun-Boat•

430 (295) Tons.


430 (60) H.P.

4 July '85

Lieut. and Com.-William M.

Lieutenant-A. H. Freeman... 3 May '86

(In lieu of a Sub-Lieut.)

Assist. Eng.-W. W. Hardwick 18 April'85 (Lent to Superb.')


Gunner-W. Newton

do. - Richard Giles.. Boatmain-H. Weeks

do. -James Rendle Carpenter-H. Dyer.

22 April'85 5 Sept. '85 14 May '87

3 Oct. '85 .20 Nov. '85

(Commissioned at Malta, 26th April, 1885.)

RAMBLER, 3. Screw Composite


835 Tons. 690 H.P. Surveying Service.

Commander-Wm. U. Moore.12 Sept. '85

Lieutenant-A. F. Balfour

-C. H. Simpson...11 Nov. '84 -J. F. Parry

Paymaster-H. Dawson

11 Nov. '84

.11 Nov. '84

11 Nov. '84

Sub-Lt.-(N) E. G. H. Gamble.26 Apr. '86


Surg.-G.H H. Symonds, M.B. 26 Apr. '86 Assist. Paym. in charge-S.

~(N) G. Pirie....

23 July '84


-H. E. P. Cust

11 Nov. '84


E. Elliott..

.25 Feb. '87


Engineer-R. J. Norman

26 Apr. '86

Gunner-T. M. Major

28 Apr. '86

(Re-commissioned at Hongkong, 27th July, 1886.)


Screw Composite Sloop.

1,130 Tons. 1,120 H.P.

Commander-J. H. Martin

7 April'87

Lieut.-E. E. Bradford

7 April'87

7 April'87

do. (N) R. Morrisey

do. -Chas. W. S. Leggatt.16 Aug. '87 Staff Surg.-A. Patterson 7 April '87 Paymaster-R. P. Hawksbaw. 7 April '87 Chief Eng.-H. J. Lock .19 Jan. '87 Sub-Lieut.-C. L. Wasey 14 April '87 Gunner-G. Roddon..... .22 Dec. '86 Carpenter A. J. Hancock

             ...18 Aug. '86 (Commissioned at Devonport. April 7, 1887.)

ORION, 4. Twin Screw Iron Armour- plated Ship.

4,870 Tons. 4,040 H.P. Captain-T. H. Royse ....18 April '85 Commander R. F. O. Foote .18 April'85 Lieut.-A. F. Welld n... 14 Aug. '87 do. -(N) G.J. S. Warrender.18 April'85 do. G. S. Shuckburgh ...21 July '85 do. F. C. Learmonth 3 Sept. '87

(In lieu of a Sub-Lieutenant.) Nav. Lt.-E. W. G. Hilliard.. 9 Feb. '85 Lieut. Mar.-E. F. Davin....

9 July '86 Staff Surg.-T. D. G mlet e 27 Aug. '85 Staff Paym-F. R. G. Wright.21 April'85 Chief Eng.-T. F. Brown. 4 Feb. '87 Assist. Paym.-A. Wilson 5 Aug. '85 Engineer-R. S. G. Norgate...29 Nov. '84 -A. W. Gibbs 22 April'85


Chief Engineer-W. O. Beal.., 1 Oct. '84 Surg.-P. W. Bassett-Smith .11 Nov. '84 Boatswain-J. W. McCauley ..31 Jan. '85 (Commissioned at Chatham, Nov. 11, 1884.)

RATTLER, 6. Screw Composite Gun-Boat.

670 Tons. 1,200 H.P.

Lieut. and Com.-W. H. Mait-

land-Dougall. 5 May '87

Lieut.-(N) B. A. Cator .21 June '87 (In lieu of a Sub-Lieut. N) Sub-Lieut.-G. S. Hockin.. 14 May '87 Surgeon-C. B. d'E. Chamber-

lain Assist. Paym. in charge―E. C. Petch

5 May '87

5 May '87

Eng.--W. A. D. Whormby...19 Mar. '87 Gunner-H. McGill

25 Jan. '87 (Commissioned at Sheerness, 5th May, 1887.)

SAPPHIRE, 12. Screw Corvette. 1,970 (1,405) Tons. 2,360 (350) H.P. Captain W. C. Karslake......18 May '87 Lieut.-G. L. M. Leckie 1 Mar. '87

do. -A. T. Shaen Carter

...26 Apr. '86 -(N) J. S. Clarke


(a) G. E. Patey



-P. J. Elliot

14 Aug. '87 8 June '86 27 Jan. '87

(In lieu of a Sub-Lieutenant.)

Chaplain and Nav. Instr.-Rev.

J. E. S. Mason, B.A. Staff-Surg.-Wm. H. Patter-


28 July '86

26 Apr. '86

Staff Paym.-Henry Marsh...26 Apr. '86 Staff Eng.-A. T. V. Foster...21 Dec. '85

Digitized by



Assist. Eng.-B. J. R. Guise...26 Apr. '86

Gunner-J. Saunders

                26 Apr. '86 Boatswain-T. Rice

.27 Nov. '86 Carpenter R. Harvey 26 Apr. '86 Midshipman-Lord Gillford...25 Oct. '86





-A. Kirke

1 May '86 -F. M. Leake..... 1 May '86 -H. L. P. Heard 1 May '86 -W. A. Barkley.28 Aug. '86 Clerk C. F. Pollard

18 Jan. '87 (Re-commissioned at Hongkong, 27th July, 1886.)

1 Aug. '85 26 Apr. '86 .24 Nov. '86

SATELLITE, 8. 8. Composite Corvette. 1,420 Tons. 1,400 H.P. Captain-A. H. Alington......12 Dec. '84 Lieut.-G. F. S. Knowling ...26 Apr. '86

do. -(N) H. Savile do. -H. J. D. Laxton do. -R. H. Curteis Staff Surg.-Ed. W. Luther ..26 Apr. '86 Paymaster-John J. A. Sloan.26 Apr. '86 Chief Eng.-R. B. Priston ...26 Apr. '86 Sub-Lieut.-A. E. Poland 1 Nov. '86 Gunner-H. Fitzmaurice......26 Apr. '86 Boatswain-R. Hicks

.26 Apr. '86 Carpenter-Thos. H. Smith...26 Apr. '86 Clerk-E. A. Bremner 26 Apr. '86 (Re-commissioned at Hongkong, 28th

July, 1886.)


SWIFT, 5. Twin Screw Composite Gun-Vessel.

        756 Tons. 1,010 H.P. Commander-A. C. B. Bromley.21 June '84 Lieut.-A. J. Loane

21 June '84 do. −(N) F. A. Warden.....21 June '84 do. -È. L. Lowdell ...... .13 Feb. '84 Chief Eng.-Thos. Haghes ...24 June '84 Paymaster-A. W. Askham...26 Nov. '86 (In lieu in the A. P. in charge.) Surgeon-R. F. Bowie .24 June '87 21 June '84

Gunner-Jas. Allen

(Re-commissioned at Hongkong, 15th August, 1884.)

TWEED, 3. Twin Screw Iron Gun-Boat. 363 Tons. 340 H.P.

Boatswain-J. M. Shea................ .17 June '86 (Borne in "Victor Emanuel.")

VICTOR EMANUEL, 2. Receiving Ship at Hongkong.

5.157 (3,087) Tons.

Captain Wm. H. Maxwell,

Ad. C.

.12 Feb. '87

(Commodore of the 2nd Class.)

Secretary-W. H. J. Pvm ...12 Feb. '87


Commander-P. K. Smythies.13 June '87 Lieut.-H. K. Gregson..... .15 Nov. '86 Staff Com.-J. A. Ğ. Buckner.15 Nov. '86 Lieut. Mar.-L. C. Peters ...20 Jan. '87 Staff Surg.-Theo. J. Preston. 2 Nov. '85 Staff Paym.-A. Yockney ...16 Aug. '87 Surg.-H. S. R. Sparrow.

do. A. G. Wildey. Gunner A. Smith Clerk-G. C. Rochfort..

5 Sept. '86 1 Nov. '85 .28 Apr. '86 .25 Feb. '87

The following Officers are borne for various


Lieut.-(T) William Ricketts...15 Sept. '87 (For Torpedo duties at Hongkong.) Staff Comm.-John Brown Inspector of Machinery-Henry


Engineer-R. H. Cooper....



-Thomas Thorne

-B. J. Barnes

8 Aug. '87

15 Nov. '86

.16 Aug. '84

...22 Nov. '86

.26 Apr. '86

(For reventing heavy guns.)

William A. Ellis ...27 Nov. '86 (For charge of machinery of Torpedo Boats.) Chaplain-Rev. Henry B. Har-

per, B.A.

7 May '87 For Hongkong Yard and Hospital. Assist. Eng.-F. D. Thomsett.. 1 Mar. '87 (For service in Tenders.) Gunner--(T) M. J. Ahern......29 Jan. '87 (For charge of Torpedo Boat Stores, &c.) Boutswain-Albert Sanders ...16 Feb. '86 For Hongkong Yard.



WANDERER, 4. S. Composite Sloop. 925 Tons. 750 H.P. Commander-G. A. Giffard... 1 July '87 Lieutenant-P. C. Dudgeon... 1 Aug. '84 do. (N) F. Lancelot...23 Jan. '84 -F. H. Eagles...... 1 May '84 -F. G. Eyre ......10 July '84 (In lieu of a Sub-Lieutenant.) Paymaster-R. O. Bray ... 1 May '84 Chief Engineer-J. Leighton... 3 Feb. '83 Surgeon-D. T. Hoskyu, M.B.. 1 May '84 Gunner-W. H. Parkin, (act.).19 Mar. '84 (Commissioned at Sheerness, 1st May, 1884)

WIVERN, 4. Screw

Iron Turret Ship, Armour-plated. 2,750 (1,833) Tons. 1,450 (350) H.P. Chief Engineer-G. F. Laird..26 Óct. '86 Gunner-R Gardner.. .29 Aug. '85 Carpenter-Wm. Condy ......15 May '85

(Borne in "Victor Emanuel.")

Digitized by




Commandant en Chef-Layrle, contre-


Chef d'Etat Major-Juge, capitaine de


ler. Aide-de-Camp-Duroch, lieutenant de


2e. Aide-de-Camp-Láyrle, enseigne de


Commissaire de Division-Malifaud

Médecin de Division-Breton, médecin

  principal Aumônier-Mercier

TURENNE, (Vaisseau-Amiral). Cuirassé de Station.

6,400 Tr. de Déplacement. 12 Canons.

850 Chevaux.

Capitaine de Vaisseau-Juge, commandant Capitaine de Frégate-Fiéron, second

Lieut. de Vaisseau-Thierry









Enseigne de Vaisseau-De la Taille Mécanicien Principal-Mercier

Aide-Commissaire-Humblot Médecin de 2e. classe-Chevrel Aspirant de lère. classe-Duc

K C C C C R R££ ££


-Le Dall de Keron-

galet -Marrot

-De Lesquen












---Martinez de Hoz




-Digard -Jacob


PRIMAUGUET, Croiseur à hélice de lère, classe.

2,400 Tr. de Déplacement. 550 Chevaux.

17 Canons.

Capitaine de Vaisseau-Véron, command-


Lieut. de Vaisseau-Angiboust Capitaine de Frégate-Douzans, second

id. id.

-Ber:aud -Morin

Enseigne de Vaisseau-Clarke Médecin de ler. classe-Galibert Mécanicien Principal-Lagrost Officier d'Administration-X*** Aspirant de ler. classe-Lauwonier





-Le Terrier -Grandclément

- Arnould


PARSEVAL, Aviso de lère. classe à hélice. 800 Tx. 4 Canons. 175 Chevaux.

Capitaine de Frégate--Foret, commandant Lieut de Vaisseau-Bourget, second Enseigne de Vaisseau-Fatou

id. id.

-Cail -Leguin

Officier d'Administration― Cadiou Médecin de ler. classe-Grandmoursel

ASPIC, Canonnière.

480 Tx. 4 Canons.

100 Chevaux. Lieut. de Vaisseau-Rupé, commandant Enseigne de Vaisseau-De la Toste, second

id. id.




Officier d'Administration-Courtial Médecin de 2e. classe-Martel

VIPERE, Canonnière.

480 Tx. 4 Canons. 100 Chevaux. Lieut.de Vaisseau- de Marolles, com'ndant Enseigne de Vaisseau-Pumpernéel, second

id. id.



Officier d'Administration-Leconte

Médecin de 2e. classe-Simon



480 R.T. 340 H.P. 4 Guns. Kapitän-Lieutenant-von Eickstedt, Kom-


Lieutenant zur See-Merten, I Offizier





Assistenzarzt-Dr. Roth



489 R.T. 340 H.P. 4 Guns.

Kapitän-Lieut.-Jaeschke, Kommandant Lieut. zur See-Kitts'einer, I Offizier



-Capelle II


Assistenzarzt-Dr. Dirksen


Digitized by



United States Naval Forces on the Asiatic Station.

Commander in Chief-Rear

Admiral Ralph Chandler...15 Oc. '86 Chief of Staff-Capt. B. Wilson 3 Aug. '87 Flag Secretary-Lieut. C. H.



Commander-Capt. Fred. V.


Lieut. Comdr.-F. Courtis.. Lieut.-J. H. Moore......

do. -M. A. Shufeldt..

1 April'87

1 April '85 15 Jan. '85

do. C. M. McCarteney...25 Mar. '85

.16 Oct. '86


C. H. Harlow...


-H. G. Dresel

Flag Lieut.-Lieut. W. H. H.


..15 Oct. '85 Aid-Cadet J. N. E. Griswold 9 June '86 do.-Cadet C. C. Billings 9 June '86 Fleet Surgeon-Med. Inspr. G.

S. Beardsley

Fleet Engineer-Chief Eng.

S. L. P. Ayres

Fleet Paymaster-Paymaster

J. E. Tolfree Fleet Marine Officer-Capt. D.

P. Mannix..

"BROOKLYN." (Flagship)

23 June '86

5 Oct. '85

15 Feb. '86

5 Oct. '85

Commander-Capt. B. Wilson 3 Aug. '87 Lieut. Comdr.-T. Perry......29 July '87 Lieutenant-E. D. F. Heald.. 17 Nov. '85




-A. V. Wadhams. 1 July '86 -C. J. Badger ...15 Oct. '85 ...15 Oct. '85 -F. H. Holmes 15 Oct. '85 do. -B. T. Walling ...29 July '86 -Ensign-J. A. Hoogewerff.....15 Oct. '85 Naval Cadet-W. L. Dodd... 9 June '86 -J. N. E. Gris-


9 June '86 do. -C. C. Billings.. 9 June '86 Medical Inspr.-G. S. Beards-



.23 June '86

22 June '86

P. A. Surgeon-P. A. Lover-

    ing... Assist. Surgeon-Q. D. Norton.12 July '86 Paymaster J. E. Tolfree......15 Feb. '86 Chief Eng.-S. L. P. Ayres... 5 Oct. '85 P. A. Engineer-R. G. Denig.15 Oct. '85 Asst. Eng.-W. F. C. Hasson.15 Dec. '85

5 Oct. '85

do. -C. A. E. King....15 Oct. '85 Capt. of Marines-D. P. Man-

     nix. 2nd Lieut. of Marines-S. L.


Boatswain-E. Bonsall.. Gunner-J. J. Walsh.. Carpenter-G. Northup Sailmaker-T. B. White. Pay Clerk-C. Blake.

  do. (Fleet)~J. W. Ma- thews..

4 Juue '86 4 Nov. '85

15 Oct. '85

15 Oct. '85

14 June '86 .22 Dec. '85

9 Aug. '86


.25 Mar. '85

25 Mar. '85

.25 Mar. '85

-L. S Van Duzer ....25 Mar. '85

Naval Cadet-R. D. Tisdale.. 9 June '86

do. -E. T. Wither-


9 June '86 do. --D. M. Young... 9 June '86 Surgeon-E. Kershner 20 Mar. '85 Assist. Surgeon-J. S. Sayre..17 Dec. '85 Paymaster-R. W. Allen......15 Oct. '85 Chief Engineer-E. Wells......22 June '86 P. A. Eng.-G. B. Ransom. 20 Mar. '85 Asst. Engineer-C. A. Carr ...10 Aug. '95


-W.D. Weaver.20 Mar. '85 Charlain-C. Q. Wright.... 1 May '85 1st Lieut. of Marines-P. St.

C. Murphy..

2 Mar. '85

25 Mar. '85 25 Mar. '85

Boatswain-J. J. Killin Carpenter J. E. Keen. Pay Clerk-E. H. Mudgett...22 June '87


(Sailed from Yokohama September 3rd, 1887, for Panama to exchange Officers and Crew.)


Comdr. Comdr. H. Glass... 5 April'86 Lieut.--W. W. Gilpatrick

1 April '85

do. -J. H. Bull

8 Jan. '87 do. H. . Gearing. 3 July '86 Ensign-H. Rodman

1 July '86 P. A. Surgeon--H. E. Ames.22 June '86 Paymaster J. B. Redfield ...12 May '86 P. A. Eng. J. Pemberton ...12 May '86 Cadet Eng.-R. Stewart, jr.... 9 July '86 Naval Cadet-*S. M. Strite... 9 June '86

" ESSEX." Comdr.-Comdr. T. F. Jewell.10 June '86 Lieut. Comm.-G. A. Bicknell.14 June '86 Lieut.-T. M. B. Mason...... 24 Nov. '85

do. -C. D. Galloway. do. -A. F. Fechteler...

13 July '86 1 July '86

Ensign-H. C. Poundstone ...31 July '86

do.-W. B. Hoggatt

do. -F. J. Loomis..

6 July '86

6 July '86

Naval Cadet-F. A. Levis....14 June '86

Digitized by




Surgeon-J. A. Hawke......... 1 July '86 P.A. Paymaster-H. B. Smith.10 June '86 Chief Eng.-G. W. Stivers ...10 June '86 P. A. Engineer-H. Herwig...30 April'87 Cadet Eng.-R. C. Redgrave.23 June '86 1st Lieut. of Marines-R. D.


               26 May '86 Pay Clerk-M. D. Darnell... 9 Oct. '86


Commander-Lt. Comdr. J. E.


Lieut.-T. H. Stevens

7 Mar. '87 .26 Feb. '85

Ensign F. M. Bostwick..............15 June '86

Ensigu-*G. W. Brown 25 Mar. '85 do. -W R. Shoemaker... 6 July '86 P. A. Surgeon-P. Leach...... 1 Nov. '84 Assist. Pay.-H. R. Sullivan..16 Oct. '84 P. A. Engineer-J. K. Barton. 1 July '86

NAVAL HOSPITAL, YOKOHAMA. In Charge-Surgeon Daniel


28 July '85 P. A. Surg.-C. H. H. Hall..13 July '86 P. A. Paym.-E. B. Rogers .28 Feb. '85 * For temporary duty only.

Address of Squadron-Care of Post- master, Yokohama, Japan.


Corvetta "Bartholomeu DIAS." 1,243 toneladas. 9 bocas de fogo.

400 cavallos de força.

Commandante o capitão de fragata F. A. da Costa Cabral, chefe da Estação Naval

Immediato O capitão tenente E. A. do



Primeiro Tenente―J. M. da Costa Segundo do. -A. A. da S. Moreno


          -J. F. da Silva do. do. P. Berquó Guarda Marinha-G. A. Portella Capellão de 3a. classe-M. de J. Barreira Medico de 2a. classe-F. A. L. Gonçalves Official de Fazenda-E. A. da C. Simas Engenheiro Machinista de la. classe-V.

M. Dias de Souza


Eng. Machinista de 2a, classe-J. Martins de 3a. classe-F. D. da Cunba -J. da S. Gomes Ajudante Machinista-J. A. Corrêa

-V. J. Augusto




CANHONEIRA "TAMEGA." 539 toneladas. 5 bocas de fogo. 100 cavallos de força.

Commandante-O capitão tenente conse-

lheiro P. Ignacio de Gouvêa Guarda Marinha-J. J. T. de A. Carvalho



-A. R. P. Nunes -A. R. da Costa

Medico de la. classe-P. A. d'A. Proença Encarregado de Fazenda-José Allen Engenheiro Machinista de la. classe-A. B.


Ajudante Machinista―J. S. Pires

do. do.

-M. D. Lavrador -J. A. Bastos


587 toneladas. 3 bocas de fogo. 100 cavallos de força. Commandante-O capitão tenente supra.

numerario C. R. Caminha Immediato―O segundo tenente L. A. Aprá Segundo Tenente-D. B. da Costa

Medico de 2a. classe-A. P. Teixeira Encarregado de Fazenda-J. C. de S. O.

Daun e Lerena

Engenheiro Machinista-O. C. Fontes Ajudante Machinista-J. J. G. de Barros


539 toneladas. 5 bocas de fogo. 100 cavallos de força. Commandante-O primeiro tenente R. J.

Lopes d'Andrade Immediato O primeiro tenente D. F. de

Serpa Leitão Pimentel

Segundo Tenente-A. J. d'A. F. P. Basto Guarda Marinha-M. da G. d'O. Pinto

da França


-J. C. Alcobja Encarregado de Fazenda-F. A. G. Cardozo Engenheiro Machinista de 3a, classe-M.

M. de Souza Brandão

Ajudante Machinista-J. Antunes

do. do.

-F. G. Serra

-J. A. Madeira


Commandante-M. J. Nunes, Jr. Piloto-E. A. da Silva

Engenheiro Machinista-V. J. dos Reme



do. -M. d'Aguiar

Digitized by



ABERDEEN STREET, Ap-pa-tin Kai, from Queen's Road Central to

Caine Road.

A-CHUNG'S LANE, Kwok Teung Kai, from Lower Lascar Row to

'Ng-kwai Lane.

ALBANY, A-pan-ni, the Garden Terrace, in Albany Road.

ALBANY ROAD, A-pan-ni Tò, from Upper Albert Road to Peak


ALBANY STREET, A-pan-ni Kai, from Queen's Road East to Praya


ALBERT ROAD (Lower), A-li-pat Tò, from Queen's Road Central to

Wyndham Street.

ALBERT ROAD UPPER, A-li-pat Sheung Tò, from Albert Road, by

the Government Gardens to Caine Road.

ALEXANDRA Terrace, A-li-shan-ta Kai, from Old Bailey to Shelley


ALGAR COURT, A-li-ka Hong, from Queen's Road West to First


RAN FUNG LANE, An-fung Kai, from Queen's Road West to Praya


ARBUTHNOT ROAD, A-pat-nok Tò, from Caine Road to Hollywood


A-Sow's LANE, A-sau Hong, from Market Street to Caine Road. ASTOR BUILDINGS, Tung On Li, from Staunton Street to Aberdeen


BATTERY PATH, Pau-toi Lo, from Queen's Road Central to St.

John's Cathedral.

BATTERY ROAD, Pau-toi Tò, from Sailors' Home to Pokfolum Road

BEACH STREET, at Kennedy-town.

BEACONSFIELD ARCADE, Pak-kung-hong, opposite City Hall.

BELCHER'S STREET, at Kennedy-town.


BELILIOS TERRACES, Be-li-li-0-8e Toi, on Robinson Road, between

Glenealy and Mosque Junction.

T BLACKSMITHS' LANE, Ta-tit Hong, from Fung Un Lane.

BONHAM ROAD, Man-ham Tò, from Caine Road to Pokfolum Road. BONHAM STRAND, Man-ham Tai Kai, from Queen's Road Central to

Queen's Road West.

BONHAM STRAND WEST, Man-ham Sai Yeuk, from Bonham Strand

to Prava West.

BRIDGES STREET, Pit-lit-che Kai, from Shing Wong Street to

Tai-ping Shan Street.

BRIDGE STREET, Pit-lit-che Kai, from Leighton Hill Road to

Morrison Hill Road.

BRIDGE STREET, at Kennedy-town.

BURD STREET, Pat Kai, from Mercer Street to Cleverly Street.

BURROWS' STREET, Pa-lo Kai, from Wanchai Road to Praya East. CADOGAN STREET, at Kennedy-town.

EX CAINE ROAD, Kin Tò, from Arbuthnot Road to Bonham Road.

Digitized by





CAINE LANE, Kin hong, from Caine Road to Hollywood Road. X CAROLINE HILL ROAD, Ka-lo-lin Shan Tò, round Caroline Hill.

CASTLE ROAD, Wai-shing Tò, from Caine Road to Robinson Road


CASTLE STEPS, Wai-shing Kai-kap, from Seymour Road to Robinson


CENTRAL MARKET, Chung Wan Kai-shi, from Queen's Road Central

to l'raya Central.

E CENTRE STREET, Ching Kai, from Praya West to Bonham Road.

CHANCERY LANE, Chan shi-li Hong, from Arbuthnot Road to Old

Bailey Street.




CHEE TONG LANE, Chee-tong Li, First to Second Street.

CHEE TSZE LANE, Chee-tsze Li, in Tsze Mi Lane.

CHEUK ON LANE, Cheuk-on Li, from Wellington Street to Stanley


CHEUNG HING STREET, Cheung Hing Kai, from Hollywood Road to

Lower Lascar Row.

CHEUNG SHING LANE, Cheung Shing Li, from Caine Road to Tai-

ping Shan Street.

CHEUNG ON LANE, Cheung On Li, from Centre Street.

CHI YUNG STREET, Chi Yung Kai, First to Second Street.

CHIU TSANG LANE, Chiu Tsang Li, Queen's Road East between

Houses 199 and 197.

CHINA STREET, Chung-kwok Kai, from Queen's Road Central to

Praya Central.

CHIU KWONG STREET, Chiu Kwong Kai, Battery Road to Praya.

CHUK HING LANE, Chuk hing Li, off Gage Street.

CHUK LIN LANE, Chuk-lin Li, off Gap Street.

CHUNG WO LANE, Chung Wo Li, from Staunton Street.

CIRCULAR PATHWAY, Kung In Hong, from Gough Street Steps to

Ladder Street.

CLEVERLY STREET, Kap-pi-li Kai, from Praya Central to Queen's

Road Central.

COCHRANE STREET, Kok-lun Kai, from Queen's Road Central to

Gage Street.

COMMISSARIAT LANE, Kam-se-li Hong, from Queen's Road East to

Commissariat Wharf.

CROSS LANE, Kau-ka Hong, Cross Roads

CROSS ROADS, Kau-ka Kai.

CROSS STREET, Kau-ka Tò, from Wanchai Road to Spring


D'AGUILAR STREET, Tak ki-la Kai, from Queen's Road Central to

Wyndham Street.

DAVIS STREET, at Kennedy-town.

DUDDELL STREET, Tò-te-li Kai, from Queen's Road Central, to Ice

House Street.

EAST POINT HILL, Tung-pin San, in Queen's Road East.

UT EAST STREET, Tai-ping Shan Tung Kai, from Queen's Road Central

to Tai-ping Shan Market.

Digitized by




# ELGIN STREET, I-li-kan Kai, from Staunton Street to Hollywood


ELGIN TERRACE, I-li-kan Toi, from Shelley Street to Caine Road. ENDICOTT LANE, Hing Lung Kai, from Praya Central to Queen'

Road Central.

EZRA LANE, E-sz-la Hong, off Pottinger Street.

FAT HING STREET, Fat Hing Kai, from Hollywood Road to Queen's

Road West.

-FIRST STREET, Tai-yat Kai, from New East Street to Pokfolum




FORBES STREET, at Kennedy-town.

FRENCH STREET, Fat-lang-sai Kai, from Battery Road to Praya


FOX HING LANE, Fuk Hing Li, from Jardine's Bazaar.

FUK ON LANE, Fuk On Li, Market Street, Tai-ping Shan.

FUNG UN STREET, Fung Un Street, Jardine's Bazaar.

GAGE STREET, Kit-chi Kai, from Lyndhurst Terrace to Aberdeen


GARDEN ROAD, Fa-ün To, from Albert Road by the East side of

the Government Gardens to Robinson Road.

GARDEN LANE, Fa-ün Hong, Shek-tong Tsui.

GARDEN STREET, Fa-ün Kai, from Bonham Road to Battery Road.

GILMAN'S BAZAAR, Ki-li-man San Kai, from Queen's Road Central

to Praya Central.

GILMAN STREET, Ki-li-man Kai, from Queen's Road Central tọ

Praya Central.

GOUGH STREET, Ko-fu Kai, from Aberdeen Street to Queen's Road


GRAHAM STREET, Ka-ham Kai, from Queen's Road Central to

Staunton Street.

GREAT GEORGE STREET, Ku-li-tsoi-che Kai, from Royal Mint Street

to Causeway Bay.

GUTZLAFF STREET, Kwok-sz-lap Kai, from Queen's Road Central to

Lyndhurst Terrace.

HAM Yü STREET, Ham-yu Kai, from Praya West to New East


HAU FUNG LANE, Hau Fung Li, from Ship Street.

HEANG HING STREET, Heung-hing Kai, in Queen's Road West.

HEARD STREET, Hot Kai, from Wanchai Road to Praya East, HEUNG LANE, Heung Kai, from Queen's Road West to Bonham

Strand West.

HI LUNG LANE, Hi-lung Hong, from Queen's Road East to St,

Francis Street.

HIGH STREET, Ko Kai, from Bonham Road to Pokfolum Road,

HILL LANE, shan Hong, from Hospital Hill Road.

HILL ROAD, Shan To, from Pokfolum Road to Middle Street.

Digitized by




HILLIER STREET, Hi-li Kai, from Praya Central to Queen's Road



KA HING LUNG LANE EAST, Hing-loong-li-tung, in Praya West. HING LUNG LANE WEST, Hing-loong-li Sai, in Praya West.


HING WAN STREET, Hing Wan Kai, from King Sing Street to

Lung On Street.

CHING YAN LANE, Hing Yan Li, from Upper Station Street.

道活李荷 HOLLYWOOD ROAD, Ho-li-wut Tò, from Pottinger Street to Queen's

里聖嬰孩 *


Road West.

HOLY INFANT LANE, Sing-ying-hai Li, in St. Francis Street.

HOSPITAL HILL LANE, I-kun Shan Hong, from Queen's Road West

HOSPITAL ROAD, I-kun Tò, from Bonham Road to New East Street.

HUNG HING LANE, Hung-hing Li, in Upper Station Street.

ICE HOUSE STREET, Ping-chong Kai, from Praya Central to Albert

Road, at Peddar's Hill.

IN KU LANE, In Ku Li, Sutherland Street to Praya West

* IN ON LANE, In On Li, from Praya West to Queen's Road West.

I WO STREET, I Wo Kai, near the Sugar Refinery.






I YIK LANE, I Yik Kai, from Middle Street.

Jardine's Bazaar, Cha-tin Kai, from Praya East to Shau-ki Wàn


JERVOIS STREET, Cha-wai Kai, from Queen's Road Central to

Morrison Street.

JOSE'S LANE WEST, Jos-li-sai, from Bridge's Street to Tank Lane.

JOSE LANE EAST, Teo-shi Tung, from Ladder Street.

KAI UN LANE, Kai Un Li, from Peel Street.

KAT ON STREET, Kat On Kai, from King Sing Street to Lung On


KAT SING ALLEY, Kut-sing Li, in Ladder Street.

KAU U FONG, Kau-ü Fong, from Gough Street to Wellington


KEEN UN LANE, Kin Un Li, from Praya East.

KENNEDY ROAD, Kin Ne To, Garden Road to Wanchai Gap.

KI LING LANE, Ki Ling Li, from Queen's Road West to Praya


KING SING STREET, King Sing Kai, from Queen's Road East.

KIN SOW COURT, Kin Sau Li, from Gage Street.

KING STREET, Wong Kai, from Pennington Street to Nullah.

KING WILLIAM STREET, Wai-lam Wong Kai, from Pennington

Street to Sea Wail.

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里松郭 里忪

KOM U STREET, Kom U Kai, from Queen's Road West to Praya


KUNG SHUN LANE, Kung Shun Li, in First Street, Sai Ying-pun.

KWAI WA LANE, Kwai Wà Li, from Hillier Street to Cleverly


KWOK CHEONG LANE, Kwok-cheong Li, off Ham Yu Street.

KWOK CHEONG LANE, Kwok-cheong Li, off Centre Street.

里松郭 KWOK CHUNG LANE, Kwok Chung Li, Hollywood Road to Lower




Lascar Row.

KWONG FUNG LANE, Kwong Fung Li, in Battery Road.

KWOK HING LANE, Kwok-hing Li, off Third Street.

KWONG FOOK LANE, Kwong Fuk Li, from Upper Station Street to

Lower Caine Road,

KWONG-YUN STREET EAST, Kwong Un Tung Kai, from Bonham

Strand to Praya Central.

KWONG-YUN STREET WEST, Kwong Un Sai Kai, from Bonham

Strand to Praya Central.

LADDER STREET, Lau-tai Kai, from Queen's Road Central to Bon-

ham Road.

LADDER STREET TERRACE, UPPER, Lau-tai Kai Sheung Fong, from

Ladder Street.

#LADDER STREET TERRACE, LOWER, Lau-tai Kai Ha Fong, from

Ladder Street.

XLAMONT'S LANE, Lam-man Hong, from Fúk Hing Lane.

LAN KWAI FONG, Lan-kwai Fong, in D'Aguilar Street.

BLASCAR ROW, UPPER, Mo-lo Sheung King, from Ladder Street to

West Street.

THE LASCAR ROW, LOWER, Mo-lo Ha King, from Ladder Street to Fat

Hing Street.

LAU U LANE, Lau U Li, in High Street.

LEIGHTON HILL ROAD, Lai-tun Shan Tò, round bottom of Leighton


A LEONG HUNG LANE, Leong Heung Li, off Tung Woh Lane East. HA LEUNG WA TAI LANE, Leung Wà Tai Li, in Queen's Road West.

LUNG ON STREET, Lung On Kai, from Nullah Lane.

1 LYNDHURST TERRACE, Lun-hat-sz Kai, from Wellington Street to

Hollywood Road. BAXMAN HING LANE, Man Hing Li, Peel Street to Hollywood Road.

MAN MING LANE, Man Ming Li, from Ship Street.

# MAN WA LANE, Man Wà Li, from Bonham Strand to Praya


MARKET STREET, Kai-shi Kai, from Ladder Street to Pò Yan Street.

街市街 #MASON'S LANE, Ma-son Hong, from Wyndham Street to Zetland 巷臣摩 Street.

MATHESON STREET, Mat-ti-shan Kai, from Shau-ki Wàn Road to

Perceval Street.


Digitized by






MEE LUN LANE, Mee-lun Li, in Aberdeen Street.

MERCER STREET, Ma-sha Kai, from Bonham Strand to Queen'

Road Central.

MIDDLE STREET, Chung Kai, from Battery Hill to Slaughter House.

MING TAK LANE, Ming Tak Li, from Market Street.

MINT STREET, Ngan-kük Kai, East Point.

MORRISON HILL ROAD, Ma-li-sun Shan Tö, from Observation Place

to Wanchai Gap.

MORRISON STREET, Ma-li-sun Kai, from Bonham Strand to Queen's

Road Central.

* MOSQUE JUNCTION, Mo-lo Miu Kau Kai, from Robinson Road to


Shelley Street.

MOSQUE STREET, Mo-lo Miu Kai, from Robinson Road to Peel Street

MOSQUE TERRACE, Mo-lo Miu Toi, from Robinson Road to Peel


U MOUNT SHADWELL, Sit Wai Li Shan, Naval Hospital.

MUN HING LANE, Mun-hing Li, in Peel Street.





街西 新 里西新





MURRAY PATHWAY, Ma-li King, from Queen's Road Central to the

Government Offices.

NEW EAST STREET, San Tung Kai, from Praya West to Bonham


NEW WEST STREET, San Sai Kai, from Praya to Bonham Road.

NEW WESTERN STREET, San Sai Kai, from Bonham Road to Praya NEW WEST LANE, San Sai Li, from Pokfulam Road to New West


NG FUK LANE, Ng Fuk Li, from I. Lot 521, East Street to Queen's


NG KWAI FONG, Ng Kwai Fong, from Upper to Lower Hollywood


NORTH STREET, at Kennedy-town.

NULLAH LANE, Shek Shui-kü Hong, from King Sing Street to


OLD BAILEY STREET, O-lo Pi-li Kai, from Hollywood Road to

Caine Road.

里安 ON NING LANE, On-ning Li, from Praya West to Battery Road. 里懷安





On Wo Lane, On Wo Li, from Queen's Road Central to Gough


OVERBECK'S COURT, O-wah-ping-se-cot, in Peel Street.

PAK TSZ LANE, Pak-teze Li, off Gage Street

PAN KWAI LANE, Pàn Kwai Li, from Wo Fung Street.

PECHILI TERRACE, Pit-chi-li Toi, from Peel Street to Shelley


PEDDER'S STREET, Pit-ta Kai, from Queen's Road Central to Praya


PEDDER'S HILL, Pit Ta Shan, Albert Road.

Digitized by




PEEL STREET, Pi-li Kai, from Queen's Road Central to Robinson


PENNINGTON STREET, Pin-ning-tun Kai, from Mint to Shau-ki

Wan Road.

# PERCEVAL STREET, Pa-sz-wà Kai, from Shau-ki Wàn Road to




POKFOLUM ROAD, Pok-u Lam Tò, from Queen's Road West to Pok-


POND LANE, Pong-hong, in Queen's Road East.

POSSESSION STREET, Po-se-shun Kai, from Hollywood Road to

Queen's Road.

POTTINGER STREET, Po-tin-cha Kai, from Praya Central to Holly

wood Road.

POUND LANE, Pong Hong, from Hollywood Road to Rutter's Lane.

巷磅 街仁普 約中旁海 PRAYA CENTRAL, Hoi-pong Chung Yeuk, from Wardley Stroet to

PO YAN STREET, Pò Yan Kai, from Gap Street to Market Street.

Bonham Strand.

約東海 PRAYA EAST, Hoi-pong Tung Yeuk, from Eastern Market to East



里龍盤 PUN LUNG LANE, Pun-lung Li, off Queen's Road East.

PRAYA WEST, Hoi-pong Sai Yeuk, from Bonham Strand to Shek-

tong Tsui.

  道大后皇 東道大后皇


QUEEN'S ROAD CENTRAL, Wong-hau Tai To, from the Western

Main Guard to West End of Hollywood Road.

QUEEN'S ROAD EAST, Wong-hau Tai Tò Tung, from the Western

Main Guard to Wanchai Market.

QUEEN'S ROAD WEST, Wong-hau Tai Tó Sai, from West End of

Hollywood Road to Pokfolum Road.

QUEEN STREET, Wong-hau Kai, from Queen's Road West to Praya


REDNAXELLA TERRACE, Red-na-se-la toi from Shelley Street to

Peel Street.

RICHMOND TERRACE, Richmon Toi, Bonham Road.

ROBINSON ROAD, Lo-pin-sun Tò, from Albany Road to Bonham


ROYAL MINT STREET, Chü tein Kuk Kai, from Jardine's Bazaar to


ROZARIO STREET, Lò-se-li Kai, from Ladder Street to Tank Lane.

RUSSELL STREET, L3-8%-li Kai, from Bowrington Canal to Perceval


RUTTER LANE, Lat-ta Kai, from Pò Yan Street to Upper Station


HTE SAI FOO LANE, Sai-foo Li, in Queen's Road East.

SAI HING LANE, Sai-hing Li, in First and Second Streets.

SAI LUNG LANK, Sai Lung Li, from Queen's Road West.

SAI ON LANE, Sai On Li, from Battery Road to Praya.

U SAI WA LANE, Sai Wà Li, from Pokfolum Road to New West


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SAI WO LANE, Sai-wo Li, in First and Second Streets.

SAI WOO LANE, Sai U Kai, from Queen's Road West to Praya


SALT FISH STREET, Hàm U Kai, from New East Street.

SAM TO LANE, Sam To Li, from Battery Road.

SANDS' STREET, at Kennedy-town.

SAU WA FONG, Sau-wa Fong, from Queon's Road East to

Francis Street.


SECOND STREET, Tai I Kai, from Hospital Road to Pokfolum


SEYMOUR ROAD, Sai-mo To, from Bonham Road to Robinson


SEYMOUR TERRACE, Sai-mo Toi, from Castle Steps to Seymour


SHARP STREET EAST, Shap Tung Kai, from Bowrington Canal to

Shau-ki Wàn Road.

SHARP STREET WEST, Shap Sai Kai, from Bowrington Canal to

Morrison Hill Road.

SHEK KAI LANE, Shek Kai Li, from Nullah Lane.

SHELLEY STREET, She-li Kai, from Hollywood Road to Mosque


SHEUNG FUNG LANB, Sheung Fung Li, from Third Street to Second


SHIK CHAN LANE, Shik Chan Li, from Queen's Road West to

Praya West.

NZ SHIK CHAU LANE, Shik-chan Li, from Praya West to Battery Road

SHIN HING LANE, Shin Hing Li, from New Eastern Street.

H SHIN HING LANE, Shin Hing Li, from Gough Street to Hollywood


ASHING HING ALLEY, Shing-hing Li, in New East Street.

#SHIP STREET, Yeung-shin Kai, Praya East across Queen's Road


SHUNG HING LANE, Shung Hing Li, from Queen's Road West to


SHING-WONG STREET, Shing Wong Kai, from Caine Road to Gough


SIEMSSEN'S LANE, Shim-shan Kai, in Pò Yan Street.

SMITHFIELD STREET, at Kennedy-town.

#SO-KON PO MARKET STREET, Sò-kon Pò Shi Kai, Jardine's Bazaar.

** SPRING GARDENS' LANE, King-chün Un Hong, from Queen's Road

East to Praya East.



SQUARE STREET, Sze-fong Kai, from Ladder Street to Market Street.

ST. FRANCIS LANE, Shing Fat-làn-sz Hong, from St. Francis Street. ST. FRANCIS STREET, Shing Fi-làn-sz Kai, from Queen's Road East

running south.

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ST. FRANCIS' Yard, Sing-fo-lan-si-se-yat, in St. Francis' Street.

± ST. JOHN'S PATH, Sing-chau-si-to, in Albert Road.


STANLEY STREET, Sa-tan-li Kai, from D'Aguilar Street to Graham


STATION STREET, Chai-kun Kai, from Caine Road to Pò Yan Stree

STATION STREET UPPER, Chai-kun Sheung Kai, in Caine Road.

STAUNTON STREET, Sa-tan-tun Kai, from Old Bailey to Bridges


STONE-CUTTERS' LANE, Shek-tseung Li, from Hollywood Road.

STONE NULLAH LANE, Shik-ku Li, from Praya East to Queen's

Road East.

SUI HING LANE, Sui Hing Li, from Caine Road.

AT SUN WAI LANE, Sun Wai Li, off Hollywood Road near Central

Police Station.

SHUNG ON LANE, Shung On Li, Queen's Road East.

TSUTHERLAND STREET, Sau-ta-lan Kai, from Praya West to Queen's

Road West.

* TAI LOI LANE, Tai Loi Li, First Street, Sai Ying-pun.

  A TAI PING LANE, Tai Ping Li, from Tai-ping Shan Street to Market. UT TAL-PING SHAN STREET, Tai-ping Shan Kai, from Bridges Street

to Pò Yan Street.

TAI WO STREET, Tai Wo Kai, from Wanchai Road to Praya East.

E TAI WONG LANE, Tai Wong Li, from Queen's Road East to Praya,


TAI WONG STREET, Tai Wong Kai, from Queen's Road East to

Praya East.

TAK HING EAST ALLEY, Tak Hing Tung Hong, from Praya West to

Queen's Road West.

TAR HING WEST ALLEY, Tak Hing Sai Hong, from Praya West to

Queen's Road West.

TAK HING LANE, Tak Hing Li, off Pd Yan Street.

BE TAK SING LANE, Tak Sing Li, from Second Street.



TAM KUI LANE, Tam Kui Li, off Western Street.

Tang LuK STREET, Tạng Luk Kai, from Praya East to Morrison

Hill Road.

TAN KWAI LANE, Tan Kwai Li, from Ladder Street.

★ TANK LANE, Shui-chi Hong, from Lascar Row to Caine Road.


TANNERY LANE, Im-pi Hong, from Market Street to Tank.

THE GAP, Kwat-tün Shan, from Wanchai Market to Morrison

Hill Road.

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THIRD STREET, Tai Sàm Kai, from New East Street to Pokfolum


TI-PO LANE, Ti-pò Li, from High Street, Sai-ving-pun.

TIK LUNG LANE, Tik Lung Li, in Queen's Road East.

Y TRIANGLE STREET, Sam A Kai, from Wanchai Road to Praya East. ATSING KAI LANE, Teing Kai Li, from Nullah Lane to Albany


TSING TSUNG LANE, Tsing Toung Li, from Queen's Road East.

HMR TSUI LUNG LANE, Toui Lung Li, in Queen's Road East,

TSUN WING LANE, Toun Wing Li, off Graham Street.

TSUNG SAU LANE, Teung Sau Li, from Queen's Road West.

TSUNG SAU LANE WEST, Tsung-sau Li-sai, Queen's Road West to

Praya West.

Tsz.MI ALLEY, Tez Mi Kai, from Queen's Road West to Praya


TSZ TUNG LANE, Tez Tung Hong, from First Street, Sai Ying-pun.

TUNG HING ALLEY, Tung Hing Kai, from Queen's Road West to

Praya West.

* TUNG LOI LANE, Tung-loi Li, from Harbour Master's Office west-


TUNG LOK LANE, Tung Lok Li, from Tai-ping Shan Street Steps.

TUNG LUNG LANE, Tung Lung Li, from Wanchai Road.

TUNG MAN LANE, Tung Man Kai, from Queen's Road Central to

Praya Central.

TUNG SHING LANE, Tung-shing Li, in Wellington Street.

TUNG TAK LANE, Tung Tak Li, from Cochrane Street.

TUNG WO LANE EAST, Tung Wo Tung Kai, from Middle Street.

TUNG WO LANE WEST, Tung Wo Li Sai, from Middle Street.

TUNG WOH LANE, Tung-wo Li, in Cochrane Street. UHING LANE, U Hing Li, from Queen's Road Central.

HA UI HING LANE, Ui Hing Li, Spring Gardens.

UI LUNG LANE, Ui Lung Li, in Bowringtor, Leightou Hill Road.

UI ON LANE, Ui On Li, from Second Street to Third Street.

L UI UN LANE UPPER, Ui Un Sheung Li, from Upper Erd of Peel


UI UN LANE LOWER, Ui Un Ha Li, from Upper End of Peel Street

U LOK LANE, U Lok Li, from Third Street.

U PO LANE WEST, U Pò Li Sai, from First Street, Sai Ying-pun.

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JU PO Lane East, U Pò Li Tung, from First Street, Sai Yirg-pun

UN FUR LANE, Un-fuk Li, from Second to Third Streets. Us On LANE, Un On Li, Hollywood Road to Circular Pathway. UN SHING LANE, Un-shing Li, from Second to Third Streets.


UN WOO LANE, Un Woo Li, Hollywood Road between Houses 278

and 280, I. Lot 853.

UPPER ROBINSON ROAD, Lo Pin Sun Sheung Kai, from Robinson

Road to Richmond Terrace.

UPPER STATION STREET, Chai-kun Sheung Kai, from Hospital Road

to Station Street.

U YAM LANE, U Yam Li, in East Street, Tai-ping Shan.

VALLEY ROAD, Wà-li To, round Wong-nai Chung Valley.

VILLAGE STREET, Heung-ha Kai, from Leighton Hill Road to

Jardine's Bazaar.

WA IN FONG, Wà In Fong, from Staunton Street.

# WA IN FONG EAST, Wà In Tung Kai, from Staunton Street to Shing

Wong Street.

WA LANE Wa Li, from Lower Lascar Road to Ng Quai Lane.

WA ON LANE, Wà On Li, from Aberdeen Street.

WA HING LANE, Wah-hing Li, in Shing Wong Street.

WAI TAK LANE, Wai-tak Li, in Wellington Street.

WAI YAN LANE, Wai Yan Li, from Ladder Street, Tai-ping Shan.

WANCHAI ROAD, Wan-teai To, from Bowrington Canal to Queen's

Road East.

WARDLEY STREET, Wak-li Kai, from Queen's Road Central to

Praya Central.

WEBSTER BAZAAR, Kam Lung Kai, from Queen's Road Central to

Praya Ceutral.

WEBSTER LANE, Kam Lung Li, from Queen's Road Central to

Praya Central.

WELLINGTON STREET, Wai-ling-tun Kai, from Wyndham Street to

Queen's Road Central.

WEST END TERRACE, Sai-mee Li, in Bonham Road.

UT WEST STREET, Tai-ping Shan Sai Kai, from Queen's Road Central

to Tai-ping Sban Street.

HWEST TERRACE, Lok Kan, from Castle Road.

WESTERN STREET, Sai Kai, from Bonham Road to Praya West. WILMER STREET, Wai-li-ma Kai, from Praya West to Queen's Road


BR WING Fung Lane, Wing Fung Li, from Queen's Road East. BAR WING HING LANE, Wing Hing Li.

WING KUT LANE, Wing Kut Li, M. Lot 59, Queen's Road to


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WING ON LANE, Wing On Kai, from Queen's Road Central to Praya. WING LOK STREET, Wing Lok Kai, from Praya Central to Praya


WING SHING STREET, Wing-shing Kai, Praya Central to Queen's

Road Central.

WING WA LANE, Wing Wa Li, from D'Aguilar Street.

WING WO LANE, Wing-wo Li, from Queen's Road Central to Praya


WING Woo LANE, Wing Woo Li, 15 and 13, D'Aguilar Street.

WITTY STREET, Wat-ti Kai, from Praya West to Middle Street.

WO FUNG STREET, Wo Fung Kai, from Queen's Road to Praya


WOI ON LANE, Wai On Li, Second to Third Street.

WONG NEI CHUNG ROAD, Wong-nei-chung.

WO ON LANE, Wo On Li, from D'Aguilar Street. WUI LUNG LANE, Wei-lung Li, in Second Street.

WYNDHAM STREET, Wan-ham Kai, from Queen's Road Central to

Hollywood Road.

YAM ON LANE (East and West), Yam-on Li, in Hollywood Ro ad.

YAN SHAU LANE, Yan Sau Li, from D'Aguilar Street.

YAP CHU ALLEY, Yap Chi Hong, from Praya East.

YEE WO STREET, Yee-wo Kai, from Royal Mint Street to Shau Ki

Wan Road.

YU HING LANE, Yu Hing Li, Circular Pathway.

YU PO LANE (East and West), Yu-po Li, from First to Second


YEONG LOK LANE, Yeong Lok Li, off Upper Station Street.

YUNG WO LANE, Yung Wo Li, from Pound Lane, Tai-ping Shan.

ZETLAND STREET, Sit-lan Kai, from Queen's Road Central to Ice

House Street.

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Macao is situated in 22 deg. 11. min. 30 sec. N. latitude, and 113 deg. 32 min. 30 sec. E. longitude, on a rocky peninsula, renowned, long before the Portuguese settled on it, for its safe harbour for junks and small vessels. The Portuguese, who had already settled on the island of Lampacao, and frequented for trading purposes Chin-chew, Lianpo, Tamao, and San-choan (St. John's island, where St. Francis Xavier died) first took up their residence at Macao in 1557. Shortly after their arrival pirates and adventurers from the neighbouring islands commenced to molest them. The Chinese authorities were powerless to cope with these marauders, who went so far as to blockade the port of Canton. The Portuguese manned and armed a few vessels and succeeded in raising the blockade of Canton and clearing the seas. The town of Macao soon afterwards began to rise, and during the eighteenth century trade flourished there, the difficulty of residence at Canton greatly contributing towards it. The East India Co. and the Dutch Co. had establishments in Macao.

Historians are divided in opinion as to whether the possession of Macao by the Portuguese is due to Imperial bounty or to right of conquest. There can be no doubt, however, that it was held at a rental of 500 taels a year until Governor Ferreira do Amaral in 1848 refused to pay it any longer and forcibly drove out the Chinese Custom-house, and with it every vestige of Chinese authority. This bold stroke cost him bis life in August, 1849, for he was waylaid and barbarously murdered near the Barrier of Porta Cerco and his head was taken to Canton. The sovereignty of Portugul over the peninsula was, however, formally recognised by China in the Treaty signed with Portugal in 1887.

The colony is separated from the large island of Heang-shan by a wall built across the narrow connecting sandy isthmus. Two principal ranges of hills, one running from south to north, the other from east to west, may be considered as forming an angle, the base of which leans upon the river or anchoring place. The public and private buildings, a cathedral, and several churches, are raised on the declivities, skirts, and heights of hillocks. On the lofty mount eastward, called Charil, is a fort, enclosing the hermitage of Na. Sra. de Guia, and westward is Nillau, on the top of which stands the hermitage of Na. Sra. de Penba; entering a wide semi-circular bay, which faces the east, on the right hand stands the fort San Francisco; and on the left, that of Na. Sra. de Bom Parto. Seen from the roads or from any of the forts crowning the several low hills, Macao is extremely picturesque. The public and private buildings are gaily painted and the streets kept very clean.

     After the cession of Hongkong to the British, the trade of Macao declined rapidly, and the coolie traffic subsequently developed there gave it an unenviable notoriety. This traffic, pregnant with abuses, was happily abolished in 1874. Tea continues to be an article of export, showing the value of from $700,000 to $800,000 a year. Essential oils are also exported to some extent. There is likewise some trade in opium. Silk filature, cement works, and other factories have also been established. The commercial activity of the place, however, is a thing of the past. Owing to its pleasant climate and the quietude always prevailing, Macao has become the occasional retreat of invalids and business men from Hongkong and other neighbouring ports.

     In the town there are several places of interest apart from the Fan-tan or gam- bling saloons. The gardens aud Grotto of Camoens, once the resort of the cele brated Portuguese Port Camoens, are worth seeing, as also the noble facade of the ancient Jesuit church of San Paulo, burnt in 1835. Pleasant excursions can be made to the Hot Springs of Yô-mak, about sixteen miles from Macao, accessible

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by steam launch. In winter snipe are plentiful in the neighbourhood and afford good sport.

   The Hongkong, Canton, and Macao Steamboat Company runs a daily steamer (Sundays excepted) between Macao and Hongkong, leaving the former port at 8 o'clock a.m. and Hongkong at 2 p.m. To Canton there is a steamer on every alternate day, Sundays excepted. The distance from Macao to Hongkong is 40 miles, and to Canton 88 miles. Macao is now connected with Hongkong by telegraph, the cable being opened for traffic on the 9th July, 1884. The population of Macao, according to returns made in 1879, was-Chinese, 63,532; Portuguese, 4,476; other nationalities, 78; or a total of 68,086.

Colonial Government.




Plenipotentiary in China, Japan, and Siam, and Governor of the Province-His Excel- lency Firmino Jose da Costa

Secretary General and Secretary of Lega-

tion-I. R. da Costa Duarte Aide-de-camp to H. E. the Governor-J. C.

Nogueira Chaby Adjutant to II. E. the Governor-Ensign

Š. J. Ferreira


# Fu--cheng-sz'-shü.

Colonial Secretary-General-I. R. da Cos-

ta Duarte

Civil Department.

房務民 Man-mu-fóng.

Chief Clerk-F. F. Leitão

1st Clerk-J. J. dos P. Carvalho

2nd do.-S. J. de Encarnação

Messenger-A. C. Lopes

Military Department.


Lieut.-Col.-A. M. R. da Fonseca Clerk-P. A. Pereira Temporary Clerk-A. F. da Luz

COUNCIL OF Government.

# Chung-toc đúng-hui.

President The Governor Secretary-I. R. da Costa Duarte Members-The Bishop, the Judge, the Commandant of Police Guard, Colonel A. J. Garcia, the Attorney-General, the Chief clerk of the Exchequer, the Pre- sident of the Municipal Chamber, the Colonial Surgeon


          Ou-mun káng-hui. President-The Governor

Members-The Colonial Secretary, the At- torney-General, A. J. Bastos, Jr., A. A. Pacheco

COUNCIL OF PUBLIC WORKS. President The Governor F. J. da Costa

AI Kung-cheng kúng-hui. Members-The Director of Public Works, the Secretary of the Exchequer, the Secretary-J. C. B. de Souza

Attorney-General, F. Volney Sanches


President-The Governor F. J. da Costa Vice-President-The Bishop

Members-J. A. R. Cabral, J. V. de

Jesus, Dr. B. M. das N. A. Roza


Military Section.

A Man-hin kúng-hui.

President-The Governor F. J. da Costa Members-The Judge, the Commandant Policial Guard, the Commandant of the Line Regiment, the Senior Naval Officer, the Second Naval Officer

Civil Section. A Mou-hin kúng-hui, President-The Governor F. J. da Costa Members-The Judge, the two elective members of the Provincial Council, the President of the Municipal Chamber, the Procurador dos Negocios Sinicos



President-The Governor F. J. da Costa Members-The chief clerk of the Exche- quer, the Treasurer, the Attorney- General

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  EAHI King-mat-hui king-80. Secretario-J. C. P. d'Assumpção Contador-A. T. da Motta Barbosa


lo. Escripturario-F. de P. M. da Rocha


do. -J. C. d'Assumpção

lo. Amanuense-A. V. Ribeiro 10. do. -F. X. da Roza 20. Amanuense-D. P. Simoes

20. do. -F. X. de Carvalho Porteiro-V. de Oliveira Continuo-A. G. Pereira

TREASURY Department.

HHX Kúng-mát-fú fóng.

Thezoureiro-J. A. R. Cabral Fiel-Edmundo M. Marçal Amanuense-P. dos P. Noronha


EU sao-hung-chau-fong.

Recebedor-F. V. Ribeiro Ajudante-F. de P. Marçal

Amanuense-N. P. Gonsalves


   Presidente-A. T. da Motta Barbosa Fiscal Delegado do Procurador da Coroa Vogaes-Administrador do Concelho, 1o. Interprete Sinologo, J. Silva, L. E. da Silva

Secretary-A. J. Brandão Vogaes Chinezes-Ho-lin-vong, E. Hui


AI Kung-cheng kúng-80. Director-Capitão d'Engenheria J. M.

Horta e Costa

Conductors-A. A. Sauvage, J. C. B. de


Desenhador-A. Heitor

Amanuense-D. P. d'Almeida Marques


President-The Governor F. J. da Costa Members Director J. M. Horta e Costa, the chief clerk of the Exchequer, the Attorney-General, A. A. B. Vianna, and a member of the Municipal Council Secretary-J. C. B. de Souza

       ADMINISTRATIVE. COUNCIL, *#*#*_Sai-iéong-cheng-mu-t'iang. Administrator-L. Ferreira Substitute-A. A. Pacheco 1st clerk-E. H. R. Vianna

2nd do. -E. J. Nunes Bailiff 8. Rodrigues


ADMINISTRACão do Concelho da TaiPA



Tám-chai Cô-lu-van-cheng-mu-trang.

Administrador-J. C. de Lemos, tenentė

Escrivao-F. A. de Aquino

Recebedor-L. J. M. Marques


Kao-fó kúng-kun.

Inspector-Lieut. J. C. da Costa Pessoa




Presidente-A. A. Pacheco Vice-Presidente-L. E. da Silva Vogaes-A. dos Remedios, J. M. P. Col- laço, F. M. da Cunha, D. Barros, J. C. do Rozario Substitutos-J. V. Freitas, J. J. Almeida, F. J. do Rozario, J. V Barros, C. A. da Rocha, J. A. dos Remedios


BAG I-cốc trúng hui.

President Dr. J. G. da Silva Members-Dr. A. T. de Lemos, Dr. L. L.


POST OFFICE, PRAIA GRANDE. ##### Nam-van Su-son-kun. R. de Souza, postmaster, 1, Rua de Sta.


F. de Paula da Costa, clerk

P. M. Marques and Chinese, postmen

Procuratura dos NegociOS SINICOS. 門衙歐華 Uá-cheng nga-mun.

Procurador A. M. d'Oliveira

Primeiro Interprete-P. N. da Silva

Segundo Interprete-Eduardo Marques

Terceiro Interprete-C. A. R d'Assumpção

Interpretes de 2a. Classe-Augusto O. Mar-

ques, João E. d'Almeida Escriväes-E. Lopez, J. A. Serpa Amanuense-C. de S. Placé

Linguas-M. B. Xavier, J. A. T. Robarts Officiaes de Deligencias-Alfredo Carvalho,

E. E. Robarts

ADMINISTRACAO DO CONCELHO CHINA. **** Ua-man-cheng-mu-tiang. Administrador-A. M. d'Olivera Escrivao-E. P. Leite

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FE Camfing.

J. M. Peres, carcereiro

J: Antonio, ajudante


Carlos Gouvêa, fiel encarregado de guarda

e conservação dos objectos da Fazenda existentes no palacio do Governo


GÀ #

Nghi sử trng cốc.

Members-D. C. Pacheco, C. Jorge, F. V. Sanches, A. J. da Fonseca, J. Ribeiro,

A. G. da Silva Telles

Clerk-S. A. Tavares

Treasurer F. P. Marques

Clerk T. M. Marques

Messenger-Luiz Maria do Rozario



Nghi sử hung côc-hai-seong-son-82.

B. S. Fernandes, L. Marques, A. M. da Rosa, E. E. Robarts, F. P. de Noronha, J. N. das Chagas, E. Lopes, M. A. dos Remedios, L. J. Baptista, J. C. da Silva Telles, R. de Souza, F. P. Cortella

CONTRIBUICAo Directa da Reparticao' (Annexa ao Leal Senado da Camara.) Escripturario-F. I. dos Santos Victal Informador-E. F. de Paula


# Sai-ieong-fan-iun. (Under the charge of the Municipal Chamber.)

Warden-J. F. de Souza

Porter-P. R. Souza

COMPANHIA de Limpeza.

 #IR hit-cheng hai-tou kun. Encarregado-M. M. do Rego


MADE‡ On-ch'at-sz nga-mun. Judge-Dr. J. J. da Silva Substituto-P. N. da Silva

   do. -F. M. de Salles Attorney General-A. A. Barbosa Vianua Lawyers-A. Bastos, Jr., E. M. da Silva, A. A. Pacheco, José da Silva, F. Sales, C. Jorge

Clerks and Notaries Public-José M. da

Costa, M. M. Borralho (interino)

Clerk to the Judge and Orphans' Fund-

João Hyndman

Accountant & Distributor-A. de Souza


Bailiffs-A. Rodrigues, S. F. do Rozario

(interino), J. V. Cordova

REGISTER Department. FARE Chü-kai-kün kúng-80. Chief-The Attorney-General, A. A. Bar-

bosa Vianna

Clerk-F. M. Sales

Clerk-R. Xavier (interino)



Nicazio Simões, judge, M. A. dos Reme- dios, substitute, Sé and Santo Antonio Districts; F. A. M. de Mendonça, judge, F. de Paula Senna, substitute, San Lourenço District; B. Siqueira, clerk



President The Judge Secretary―The Attorney General



Sun-cheng- t'iang.

Capitão do Porto-A. T. da Costa e Silva Immediato-J. da Cunha Lima Escrivão-Feliciano do Rozario lo. Escrevente―D. A. do Rozario 20. do.

-Minervino F. Noronha

Mestre-Francisco Lourenço

Patrüo da Galeota do Governo-Antonio C.

do Rozario

Chefes de Seccäo-B. S. Rodrigues, J. C.

Lobo, Francisco Q. Xavier Interprete-Lu-ahoi



ED Ngoi-iong-pú-peng-ieng, Commandant-Major A. Maria Silvano Acting Adjutant-Capt. do 1o. Bataleão

A. M. Gil

Acting Quarter-Master-Sargento ajudante

do 30. Bataleão J. C. Leitão da Veigas Surgeon Dr. A. P. Tovar de Lemos

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Chaplain-H. F. Rodriguez (absent) Captains-F. A. M. de Barros, C. L. Cos- ta e Andrade, F. V. E. Castello-Branco Lieutenants-J. M. G. d'Andrade, L. S. M. Eça (absent), C. J. C. Andrade, P. D. Barreiros

Ensigns-S. J. Ferreira, J. de S. C. Cana-




Deposito do Material de Guerra. Encarregado-F. A. Pereira Laboratorio Pyrotechnico-D. Gonsalves



Commandant-Retired Lieut. F. Luiz


Ma-kóc p'ao-t'oi.

Commanding-Ensign A. Simões


Ê thể H 19 Chóc-chai-sát-phao-toi.



Amanuenses-J. U. dos Santos, F. A. Pe-



÷ THU Ká-sz'-lán p'ao-t'oi. Commanding-J. Baptista


SATKOU __ Ká-sz'-lán-h'a p'ao-t'oi. Commanding-J. Baptista


GIA Tung mỏng reong phaotoi. Commanding-D. P. da Silva


647Kg Má-kao-siác p'ao-t'oi. Commander-The commandant of the de-



Mong-há p'ao-t'oi.

Commander-The commandant of the de-



Ê tô Lieut. Comdr.-J. C. de Lemos

+ Sáp tsu miền phao trai.

INTENDENCIA MILITAR. Intendente-J. C. P. d'Assumpção Ajudante―A. T. Barbosa

REPARTICAO do CazerneiRO. FÂ * Chi-ieng-cốc.

Retired Major-José F. d'Oliveira


RETIRED MILITARY OFFICERS. Majores-C. J. P. da Silva, A. J. Ruas, J.

P. S. C. Pinto e Souza

Alferes-F. Luiz


Chefe de Servico de Saude-Dr. L. A. da

Silva (ausente)

Cirurgiao-Mor-Dr. J. C. da Silva Telles

RR Mou-ieng-i-iün.

MILITARY HOSPITAL OF San JanuariO. President-Dr. J. G. da Silva

Member-Dr. A. T. Lemos

Secretary-Dr. A. A. Rocha

Companhia de Saude.

lo. Escrivao-P. d'Encarnação

Enfermeiros de la. classe-A. de Figuei

redo, J. Pedro

Enfermeiros de 2a. classe-E. F. de Souza

GREMIO MILitar de Macao. DAEA Mou-kun kung-sz'.

Commissão Directora

Presidente-A. M. Ribeiro da Fonseca Vice-Presidente-J. C. Alcobia

Secretario-Antonio Heitor

Vice-Secretario-Ignacio Pessoa

Thesoureiro-F. M. de Salles


RR Man-peng-ieng.

Lieut. Colonel-Albino Antonio Pacheco Acting Major-F. A. Martins de Barros Adjutant J. de S. C. Canavarro Standard Ensign-M. M. Borralho Surgeon Major-A. P. Tovar de Lemos Lieut. Qr. Mr.-Antonio Heitor

Captains-A. J. Brandão, C. V. Lopes, F.

M. Salles, F. F. Leitao

Lieutenants-A. M. Guttierrez, J. M. .P Collaço, P. J. da Luz, A. O. Marques

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Ensigns-J. M. S. del Aguila, S. J. d'En- carnação, E. H. R. Vianna, F. M. da Cunha, S. A. Laboto de Faria, J. E. d'Almeida, Jr., F. X. de Carvalho, R. C. F. da Costa


   * Ch'an-pú peng-ieng, Colonel Commanding-F. A. F. da Silva Major 2nd Commandant-F. de P. da Luz Adjutant Lieutenant -J. B. Gonsalves First Surgeon-B. M. N. d' A. Roza Second Surgeon-E. M. Alvares Lieut. Quarter Master-C. F. F. Martins Captain Commanding 1st Company-C. M.

D. Azedo

Ensign B. da Gama (absent)

do.-J. R. Pereira (absent)

Capt. Commanding 2nd Company-A. A.


Lieutenant-J. de S. P. dos Santos Ensign-R. da Roza

Capt. Com'ing 3rd Company-F. Antonio Lieutenant-C. A. da Silva Ensign C. I. da Silva

Capt. Commanding 4th Company-J. ́A.


Lieutenant-F. F. Maher

Ensign F. P. M. F. Elvaim

First Chinese Interpreter-M. dos Remedios Second do.

-L. F. da Luz

Chinese Clerk-Li Fun

  ECCLESIASTICAL GOVERNMENT. Bishop-D. Antonio Joaquim de Medeiros Secretary of the Ecclesiastical Chamber-

   Rev. Canon G. F. da Silva Meirinho-C. M. de Souza


President-Dean F. H. A. da Silva Secretary-Canon G. F. da Silva

Treasurer-Rev. F. A. Morgado (absent) Archdeacon-Rev. A. M. de Vasconcellos


Canons-Rev. F. X. Cortella, Rev. V. V. Rodrigues, Rev. G. F. da Silva, Rev. J. M. da C. Simeão, Rev. F. A. d'Al- meida, Rev. I. C. de Gouvea, Rev. J. M. Gomes, Rev. B. E. Fulleiro

Vicars and Chaplains. Curate of the Cathedral-Rev. J. M. Quin-


Vicar of St. Laurence's parish church-

Rev. F. A. d'Almeida (acting)

Vicar of St. Anthony's parish church-

Rev. M. J. Farinha

Vicar of St. Lazaro's parish church-Rev.

J. Lema

Chaplain of St. Augustine's church-vacant Chaplain of St. Domingo's church-Rev.

G. F. da Silva

Chaplain of ex-Convent of Sta. Clara-

Rev. V. V. Rodrigues

ADMINISTRACAO DOS BENS DAS MISSOENS PORTUGUEZAS na China. Presidente-Antonio J. de Medeiros, Bishop

of the Diocese

Vogaes-Rev. F. X. Anacleto da Silva, Dean of the Cathedral; Rev. F. P. Gon- çalves, vice-rector of the Seminary;

A. T. da Motta, contador da Junta da Fa- zenda

Secretario-F. F. Leitao

Advogado-A. J. Bastos, Jr. Escripturario-8. A. L. de Faria

Procurador em Macau-S. A. L. de Faria Procuradores em Hongkong-J. J. dos

Remedios & Co.

Procurador em Singapura-Rev. N. J. T.


MISSAO DE TIMOR. Superior-Rev. F. X. de Mello Missionarios-Rev. A. C. B. Pereira, Rev.

M. M. A. da Silva, Rev. J. A. Pires (ab sent), Rev. A. C. da S. Garcez (absent), Rev. J. dos Reis e Cunha, Rev. E. S. da Silva, Rev. A. M. Moreira, Rev. J. dos Reis Martins, Rev. E. J. Themudo

MISSAO DE HAINAN. Missionario-Rev. A'Tang




Parocho-missionario-Rev. J. V. Costa



Cura-J. M. Quintão Sacristão-F. de P. Rodrigues.

EGREJA DE S. Lourenço. HE Fung-son-tông. Vigario-Conego F. A. d'Almeida Sacristão-F. d'A. Gutterres


It Fa-uong tương Vigario-Pe. M. J. de Farinha Sacristão-F. Xavier

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EGREJA DE S. Lazaro.

H = Seng mô tổng. Vigario-Pe. J. Lema Sacristão-A-Chan



Encarregado-Pe. F. P. Gonsalves Sacristão J. J. Lopes

EGREJA DE Santa Clara. 堂辣嘉 Ka-lát-tông.

Assistente Conego V. V. Rodrigues

Sacristãɔ-Z. A. Vieira



Assistente-Conego Cortella Sacristão-A. Li


BUT Pan-cheong-tông. Assistente-Conego G. F. da Silva Sacristão-M. do Rosario


AGL sai móng veong siu Đông. Encarregado-Conego V. V. Rodrigues Sacristão-L. J. Soares.



ENGE Tung mong vong siu Đông. Encarregado-Cura da Sê Cathedral


Má-học-phao-toi-siu trong.

Encarregado-Conego F. A. d'Almeida



EA I-ien-iun-siu-t'ong.

Capellão-Pe. M. F. do Rosario e Almeida

Sacristão-R. A. do Rosario


GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS. Teacher of Navigation and Mathematics-

A. T. da Costa e Silva

Prof. of Portuguese-for boys' classes, J. L. M. R. Praça; for Chinese boys' classes, J. V. Pereira; for girls' classes, San Lourenço District, Mrs. Casimira Marques,; Se's District, Mrs. Sarah Leite

Delegado dos Estudos-Dr. B. M. das N.

d'Araujo Rosa



B* Lộc sát trong su-van Reitor-A. J. de Medeiros, Bispo Vice-Reitor-Conego F. P. Gonçalves Director d'Estulos-Conego J. M. da Cruz


Director Espiritual-Pe. S. M. A. da Silva Prof. de Teologia-Conego J. M. da

Cruz Simeäo

Prof. de Geographia e Historia~E. C. Lou-


Prof. de Mathematica-A. T. da Costa e


Prof. de Latim e Portuguez (1o. Anno)-

Conego I. C. de Gouvêa

Prof. de Portuguez (20. Anno)-J. A. R.


Prof. de Latinidade e Francez-Pe. J. M.


Prof. de Instn. Prim. para os Chinas-Pe.

S. S. de Souza

Prof. de Latim para os Chinas-Pe. Pedro

B. Siam

Prof. de Dezenho Linear-A. Heitor Prof. de Instn. Prim. Elementar-A. Borges Prof. de China-Paulo Liu

Prof. Ajudt. Interprete J. E. d'Almeida, Jr. Prof. de Pintura-D. R. S. Coloma Prof. de Musica-J. Mascarenhas Organista-J. Braga

Prefeito-Pe. A. d'Arriaga

Bibliothecario-Pe. S. S. de Souza

Secretario d' Estudos-Pe. S. S. de Souza Medico-Dr. J. C. da Silva Telles Advogado--A. J. Bastos, Jr.

Escripturario-S. A. L. de Faria Escrevente-J. M. da Rozu Bedel-F. S. da Roza

Continuo-J. Rodrigues

Director da Typographia-F. Placé Director da Encadernação--M. J. da Lus Typographos-J. V. Pereira, Jr., P. P. Placé, Jr., J. J. Coelho, B. de Carvalho, A. Gonçalves

Porteiro-J. Vaz

Encadernador-T. J. Leitao

Guarda da Ilha Verde-J. Fernandes Sachristao-José Lopez

COLLEGIO De Santa Roza de Lima. 院書女麻猁嗲曬


Commissao Directora.

Presidente-The Bishop

Vice-Presidente-Lourenço Marques

Vogal-P. N. da Silva

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Thesoureiro-F. V. Sanches Secretario-Rev. V. V. Rodrigues

Pessoal do Collegio. Regenta-D. Lydia de Sta. Cruz Danen-


Mestras-D. Jessie Wild Loureiro, M. Marques da Silva, Asteria dos Santos Arrobas

Prefeitas-Rosa de Conceição, Lydia No-


Capellão-Rev. V. V. Rodrigues

ESCOLA CENtral (Instruccao



Teachers-P. da Luz, J. V. le Jesus, Theo.


Infant School Teachs -Maria das Dores

da Costa Garcia, Etelvira Senna


Presidente-P. N. da Silva

Secretario-M. A. dos Remedios

Thesoureiro-B. de S. Fernandes

Vogaes-R. de Souza, D. C. Pacheco, A.

J. Bastos, Jr., A. J. da Fonseca




Professores-H. W. Hambling, Hsŭ Hua-





Professor-J. V. Pereira



Presidente-Rev. Conego Anacleto da Silva Secretario-Rev. S. Souza

Veneravel Ordem Terceira.

Ministro-J.J. Rodrigues Vice-Ministro-H. M. Mendonça

Syndico-B. de S. Fernandes

Secretario-F. J. M. do Rozario

Procurador-J. T. Robarts

      SANTISSIMO Sacramento. Presidente-Conego F. X. A. da Silva Secretario-C. V. Lopes Thesoureiro-D. R. da Silva


Presidente-L Marques Secretario-A. J. da Fonseca Thesoureiro-B. S. Fernandes Procurador-E. P. Marques

Voters-A. Bastos, Jr., Dr. J. C. Silva Telles, J. F. E. de Barros, M. A. dos Remedios, J. J. de Azevedo, F. P. Cor- tella

DE N. S. DE CONCEICAO. Presidente-P. N. da Silva Secretario-J. J. Rodrigues Thesoureiro-J. T. Robarts Procurador-M. M. da Costa

DE N. S. DO RozABIO. Presidente-A. J. Bastos, Jr. Secretario-F. P. Marques Thesoureiro -J. P. da Silva Procurador-T. da Rocha

DE N. S. DOS REMEDIOS. Presidente-F. A. da Cruz Secretario-F. P. M. da Rocha Thesoureiro-F. de P. Cortella Procurador-A. J. dos Remedios

DE N. S. Da Boa MORTE.

Presidente Substituto-F. P. Marques Secretario-S. de Lobato Faria Thesoureiro-D. R. da Silva

Procurador-A. F. da Rosa


Presidente-L. E. da Silva

Secretario-F. do Rozario

Thesoureiro-F. P. Marques Procurador-F. de P. Noronha


Santa Caza DE MISERICORDIA. 會公業物堂罌育理管

Kun-li-ioc-ing-t'ong mat-ip kung-hui.

Board of Administration.

President-L. A. Ferreira

Secretary-Cancio Jorge

Voters Rev. F. A. d'Almeida, L. A. J.


Treasurer-J. V. de Jesus Solicitor-Cancio Jorge 1st Clerk-S. S. da Silva 2nd do. -F. X. Tavares

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SAINT RAFAEL'S CIVIL HOSPITAL. (Under the immediate charge of the Misericordia institution.) REAĦT Sai-iong-ien i-iun. Rev. Z. Nazareth, chaplain


H. A. M. de Mendonça, first wardmaster R. do Rozario, second wardmaster and




  (Also under the charge ofthe Misericordia) João Baptista, in charge

Rev. A. Soe


10. Administrador-José Ribeiro 20. Administrador-J. L. Marques 30. Administrador-N. T. Fernandes Secretario-L. M. dos Remedios

Associação dos Bemfeitores de Caridade. Presidente--Rev. F. X. Cortella Secretario-M. A. dos Remedios Thesoureiro-T. J. Rodrignes

INSTITUICAO HUMANITARIa de Firmino DA COSTA. General Meetings.

President Dr. Ignacio da Costa Duarte Becretaries-C. Jorge, I. Pessoa

Board of Directors.

President-B. de S. Fernandes Vice-President-C. F A. d'Almeida Secretaries-A. F. d'Abreu, M. Barbosa,

    A. T. da Costa Silva Treasurer-F. Volney Sanches

Fiscal Commission.

Presidente--A. M. R. da Fonseca

Secretaries-J. A. Ribeiro Cabral, P. da


COFRE DE SOCCORO DOS POBRES. Presidente-Revmo. Prelado D. Antonio

Joaquim de Medeiro Secretario-Rev. G. F. da Silva Vogaes-Reveren los Cura da Sé J. M. Quintão, Vigario de S. Lourenço F. A. d'Almeida, Vigario de Sto. Antonio M. J. de Farinha


* * * * *

Regenta T. Lucian


L. Marelli, G. Tronconi, J. Sequeira, L.

Spazzini, . Cruz, A. Brunati, G. Bia mardi, M. Porroni

BEATERIO Do Cordeiro de Deus.


Directora M. M. Cheong

Professora-M. Lui

CLUB UNIAO. #NH Kóng-tiang-hi-iun.

President-P. N. da S lva Secretary-F. M. de Salies Treasurer-F. M. da Cunha Vogaes-A. Heitor, C. F. F. Martins

BIBLIOTHECA DO CLUB UNIAO. Presidente-J. M. de. S. Horta e Costa Secretario-F. F. Leitão Thesoureiro-)·'. Vogaes-A. A.

nches b.co, I. Pessoa


RETIRED CIVILIAN OFFICERS. Juiz de Direito-L. A. M. Ferraz (absent) Juiz Ordinario de Timor-F. A. dà Roza Escrivao do Juízo d'Orphaos--J. de Lemos lo. Escripturario da Junta da Fazenda-

J. J. d'Azevedo

Amanuense da Thesouraria-S. Rodrigues Prof. d'Instruccao Primaria-J. J. Esteves Officines de Diligencias da Procuratura-

B. Simoes, V. E. da Luz



*** Tai-ieng-kuoc-leng-sz'-kun. Vice-Consul-Mortimer Murray


***E** Tai-fai-kúoc-leng-su'-kun. Vice-Consul-vacant


£¥¤**✡ I-ta-li-leng-søʻ-kun. Consul-B. S. Fernandes


t*1** Ho-lan-leng-ss-kun.

Consul-C. Milisch


***** Tai-ou-kuoc-leng-82'-kun. Acting Consul-General-St. C. Michaelsen

(residing in Hongkong) Vice-Consul-C. Milisch

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Consul-B. de Senna Fernandes

Vice-Consul-D. C. Pacheco

Insurance Offices.

Deacon & Co., agents-


A. A. Cordeiro


F. Rozario,


A. Rozario,


J. V. Fernandes,


S. Siqueira,


F. X. de Barros,


B. A. Peres,


Union Insurance Society of Canton Ld. China Traders' Insurance Co., Ld.

Milisch & Co., agents-

K. K. Priv. Õesterreich Versicherungs

  Gesellschaft "Donau," Vienna Hamburg Magdeburg Fire Insurance


Mitchell & Co., E. W., agents-

The Marine Insurance Company

Margesson & Co., agents-

North China Insurance Company Canton Insurance Office, Limited Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Li-


Chinese Insurance Company, Limited

Steam Ship Agencies.

China Shippers' Mutual S. N. Co. Deacon & Co., general agents

Netherlands India Steam Navigation

Company, Limited

Margesson & Co., agents

North German Lloyd

Milisch & Co., agents


New Oriental Bank Corporation, Limited

B. S. Fernandes, agent

Professions, Trades, &c.

Almeida, J. E. de, merchant, Rua de Sam


Baptista, Luiz J., 6, Rua do Pe. Antonio


Keng-hoi-gan-mu chung các.

Boletim da Provincia de Macao e Timor,"

Typographia Mercantil, N. T. Fernan- des & Sons, 25, Praia Grande

N. T. Fernandes, proprietor

J. C. Fernandes

B. Rodrigues, foreman

Carim & Co., A., milliners and drapers,

45, Rua Central

Amanjee Dawoodjee, clerk

Cassum Moosa, milliner and draper, 47,

Rua Central

Omar Cassam

Cruz, F. A. da, commission agent, and agent for Hongkong, Canton, and Ma- cao Steamboat Co., Ld., 1, Praia Grande

F. A. da Cruz

A. Gomes

Collaço, J. M. J. P., general storekeeper,

Rua Central

J. Collaço

J. V. Freitas

"O Correio Macaense"

A. da Silva Telles

F. X. Brandão

A. H. Pereira, 1o. typo. encarregado F. Siqueira, typographo

P. L. Placé,




Athanasio da Luz, do.

Cunha, Francisco Manuel da, 29, Praia



Deacon & Co., Praia Grande

Ernest Deacon

G. D. Fearon

E. T. Bond

F. d'Azevedo

B. F. Gonsalves

Dent & Co., Herbert, public silk and tea inspectors and commission agents, 12, Rua da Sé

Digitized by




Eastern Extension, Australasia and China Telegraph Co., Limited: Office, Praia Grande Central

C. J. Cole, superintendent A. C. da Rocha

E. A Pack

E Sam-ki.



Marques, Lourenço, 4, Praça de Luiz.

de Camões

Eduardo Pio Marques


Milisch & Co., merchants and commission

agents, 3, Calçada de Bom Jesus

C. Milisch

Fernandes, B. de Senna, 33, Praia Grande Mitchell & Co., E. W., tea inspectors and

B. de S. Fernandes

D. C. Pacheco

José F. E. Barros

Luiz E. da Silva

Fonseca, A. J. da, commission agent

Ponta da Rede

Franco, L. A., Rua do Barão

Gomes, J. Baptista, Largo da Sé

commission merchants.

E. W. Mitchell

Fred. Burgess Smith

L. C. da Silva

S. E. Beeton

茂太 Tai-mow.

Oliver & Co., George, merchants, 18, Rua


Geo. Oliver (London)

John Pinel do.

R. B. Allen

Guedes, J. M., auctioneer, broker, house Pereira, L. A. I., 18, Rua da Sé

and land, and commission agent, 77,

Praia Grande


Num-wan Hing-kee tsau-tim.

Hingkee's Hotel, 101 & 103, Praia Grande

L. Hingkee, proprietor


Hing-kee toi-mai-yea-lang.

Hingkee, L., auctioneer

"O Independente "

J. da Silva

G. da Costa, typographo



Margesson & Co., merchants, 16, Rua de

8. Lourenço

Mortimer E. Murray

F. P. Senna

J. C. P. d'Assumpção F. M. da Costa

* Ni-vei-sz'-ióc-fong.

Pharmacia Lisbonense (Lisbon Dispen-

sary), Praia Grande

J. Neves e Souza

Theofilo J. B. Monteiro

E. F. das Neves Tavares

Bà Nghi đông.


Remedios, M. A. dos, merchant, 4, Rua do


F. J. do Rozario

Ribeiro, J., naval and general storekeeper

and commission agent

J. Ribeiro

L. Rozario

B. do Rozario

Roza, A. M. da, dealer in opium, &c.,

Largo do Senado

White, J. R., private boarding house and

ice depôt, Largo de Sto. Agostinho

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REIGNING Sovereign and Family.

    Kuang Su, Emperor of China, is the son of Prince Ch'un, the seventh son of the Emperor Tao Kuang; hence he is cousin to the late Emperor Tung Chi, who died without issue on the 12th January, 1875, from small-pox.

    The proclamation announcing the accession of the present sovereign was a follows:- "Whereas His Majesty the Emperor has ascended upon the Dragon to be a guest on high, without offspring born to his inheritance, no course has been open but that of causing Tsai-Tien, son of the Prince of Ch'un, to become adopted as the son of the Emperor Wêng Tsung Hien (Hien Fung) and to enter upon the inheritance of the great dynastic line as Emperor by succession. Therefore, let Tsai Tien, son of Yih Huan, the Prince of Ch'un, become adopted as the son of the Emperor Wên Tsung Hien, and enter upon the inheritance of the great dynastic line as Emperor by succes- sion." The present sovereign is the ninth Emperor of China of the Tartar dynasty of Ta-tsing, (Sublime Purity) which succeeded the native dynasty of Ming in the year 1644. There exists no law of hereditary succession to the throne, but it is left to each sovereign to appoint his successor from among the members of his family. The late Emperor, dying suddenly, in the eighteenth year of his age, did not designate a successor, and it was in consequence of a palace intrigue, directed by the late Empress Dowager, widow of the Emperor Hien Fung, predecessor of Tung Chi, in concert with Prince Ch'un, that the infant son of the latter was declared Emperor. The Emperor Kuang Su, now in his seventeenth year, assumed the reins of Government in February, 1887.

Government and Revenue.

The fundamental laws of the empire are laid down in the Ta-tsing Huei-tien, or Collected Regulations of the Great Pure Dynasty, which prescribe the government of the State as based upon the government of the family. The Emperor is spiritual as well as temporal sovereign, and, as high priest of the Empire, can alone, with his immediate representatives and ministers, perform the great religious cere- monies. No ecclesiastical hierarchy is maintained at the public expense, nor any priesthood attached to the Confucian or State religion.

    The administration of the empire is under the supreme direction of the Interior Council Chamber, comprising four members, two of Manchu and two of Chinese origin, besides two assistants from the Han-lin, or Great College, who have to see that nothing is done contrary to the civil and religious laws of the empire, contained in the Ta-tsing Huei-tien, and in the sacred books of Confucius. These members are denominated Ta Hsio-sz, or Ministers of State. Under their orders are the Li Pu or seven boards of government, each of which is presided over by a Manchu and Chinese. They are:-(1) The board of civil appointment, which takes cognisance of the conduct and administration of all civil officers; (2) The board of revenue, regulating all financial affairs; (3) The board of rites and ceremonies, which enforces the laws and customs to be observed by the people; (4) The military board, superintending the administration of the army; (5) The board of public works; and (6) The high tribunal of criminal jurisdiction; (7) The board of admiralty, newly formed to govern the infant navy

of China. To these must be added the Tsung-li Yamên, or board of foreign affairs. Independent of the Government and theoretically above the central administration, is the Tu-cha Yuan, or board of public censors. It consists of from 40 to 50 members, under two presidents, the one of Manchu and the other of Chinese birth. By the ancient custom of the empire, all the members of this board are privileged to present any remonstrance to the sovereign. One censor must be pre- sent at the meetings of each of the six government boards.

The estimates of the public revenue of China vary greatly, and, while they are stated by some to exceed 100 millions sterling, are held by others not to come up to

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half that amount. Official returns of the Chinese Government, published in 1844, stated the annual revenue at that time at Tls. 191,803,139, or £63,934,713. Accord- ing to the memorials from officials published in the Peking Gazette, it would appear that there are almost constant deficits, which the governors and high officials of pro- vinces must cover by extraordinary taxation. The public revenue is mainly derived from three sources, namely, customs duties, licences, and a tax upon land, but the receipts from the foreign customs are alone made known. According to the returns published by the Government, the total receipts from foreign customs were as follow in each of the sixteen years from 1871 to 1886 :-




Haikwan Tls.








Haikwan Tls.



1879.... 1880.

10,977,082 1881.

11,497,272 1882.

11,968,109 1883.

















China had no foreign debt till the end of 1874, when a loan of £627,675, bearing 8 per cent. interest, was contracted through the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, under Imperial authority and secured by the customs' revenue. Since then a number of loans have been raised, most of them through the agency of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, several of which have been paid off. The total Foreign debt of China is, however, still inconsiderable.


    China proper, extending over 73,093 geographical, or 1,534,953 English square miles, is divided into eighteen provinces, the area and population of which are given as follow in the most recent estimates, partly based on official returns:-

Chihli Shantung



Kiangsu Anhwei Kiangsi Fobkien Chekiang Hupeh Hunan














Peking Tsinan



28,114,023 28,958.764


55,268 27,260,281






92,661 {

















381,724 18,652,507






| 21,185,678













1,534,953 405,213,152

    The above population, giving 263 souls per square mile throughout China proper, appears to be excessive, considering that some of the outlying portions of the immense territory are by no means densely inhabited.

According to a Consular return the total number of foreigners in China was 8,995 at the end of 1884. Among them were 2.070 natives of Great Britain and Ireland, 469 of the United States, 364 of Germany, and 228 of France, all other nationalities being represented by very few members.

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In addition to China proper there are its dependencies. The principal of these are Mongolia, with an area of 1,288,035 square miles, and some 2,000,000 people; and Manchuria, with an area of 362,313 square miles, and an estimated population of 15,000,000. The latter is being steadily and rapidly colonised by Chinese, who greatly outnumber the Manchus in their own land. Thibet, which is also practically a dependency of China, has an area of 643,734 square miles and a population of 6,000,000 souls. Itis ruled by the Dalai Lama, but subject to the Government of Peking. ARMY AND Navy.

The standing military force of China consists of two great divisions, the first formed by the more immediate subjects of the ruling dynasty, the Manchus, and the second by the Chinese and other subject races. The first, the main force upon which the Imperial Government can rely, form the so-called troops of the Eight Banners, and garrison all the great cities, but so as to be separated by walls and forts from the population. According to the latest reports, the Imperial army comprises a total of 850,000 men, including 678 companies of Tartar troops, 211 companies of Mongols, and native Chinese infantry, a kind of militia, numbering 120,000 men. The native soldiers do not as a rule live in barracks, but in their own houses, mostly pursuing some civil occupation.

   The Chinese navy is in process of formation. It consisted, prior to the Franco- Chinese war of 1884, mainly of small gunboats built at the Mamoi Arsenal, Foochow, and at Shanghai, on the foreign model, but has since been greatly strengthened. The most formidable vessels now possessed by China unquestionably are the ironclad turret ships Ting Yuen and Chen Yuen, built in 1883, and the Tai Yuen in 1884, at Stettin, and sent out to China in 1885; and two gun-vessels, the Chao Yung and Yung Wei, built on the Tyne in 1881. These latter vessels have a displacement of 1,350 tons, are built of steel, and are propelled by twin screws driven by compound engines of, together, 2,600 indicated horse-power. They each carry two 26-ton breech-loading guns, one mounted forward and the other aft, four 40-pounder breech-loading guns, two 9-pounder breech-loaders, two Norden-felts, and four Gatlings. They are both armed with a formidable steel knife-edged ram, and carry steam-cutters fitted with spur torpedoes. An armoured cruiser, called the Nan Thin, built in Germany in 1883, and a steel corvette, the Nan Shuin, launched at Kiel in January, 1884, are also recent important additions to the navy. Two more Armstrong cruisers arrived out last year, and also another cruiser from Stettin. After these come the eleven gunboats commonly known as the "alphabetical" gunboats. The first four are 118 feet 6 inches long, with a draught of 7 feet 6 inches, and a displacement of 400 tons. They each carry a 271-ton gun. The next four, which arrived in China in October, 1879, are built of steel, and are double-ended, the stern lines being exactly after the model of the bow rudders. They measure 127 feet in extreme length and 125 feet at the water line, with 29 feet beam, a depth of 12 feet 3 inches, mean draught of 9 feet 6 inches, and a displacement of 440 tons. The main feature of these boats is the 11-inch 35-ton muzzle-loading gun carried by each. They are further armed with two 12-pounder breech-loading Armstrong guns and four Gatlings. The last three, which arrived in China in July, 1881, are almost identical in style with their immediate predecessors, and each carry one 35-ton gun, but are also provided with two 13-pounders, two Gatling, and four Nordenfeldt guns. They were all built on the Tyne by the Elswick Company. Lu Shun Kou, re-named Port Li, in honour of the Viceroy of Chihli, on the south coast of Shingking, has lately been selected as a naval depôt, and is being strongly fortified.


Great Britain has, in virtue of various treaties with the Chinese Government-the first and most important signed August 29th, 1842-the right of access to the following ports and cities of the Empire :-Canton, Hoihow (in Hainan), Pakhoi, Swatow, Amoy, Foochow, Takow and Taiwan-fu, Tamsui and Kelung, Wenchow, Ningpo, Shanghai, Chinkiang, Wuhu, Kiukiang, Hankow, Ichang, Chefoo, Tientsin, and Newchwang. Under the provisions of the Chefoo Convention, permission is also accorded to British merchants to trade at Chung-king and Yunnan-fu, at which places British Consular

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Agents reside. The import trade from Great Britain, exclusive of the Colony of Hongkong, centres at Shanghai, Hankow, and Tientsin, while the bulk of the erports to Great Britain pass through the ports of Shanghai, Foochow, Hankow, and Canton. The annual value of the foreign trade of China was as follows in each of the sixteen years from 1871 to 1886:-



Haikwan Tls.



Haikwan Tls.



Haikwan Tls. 136,956,238






























































     Of the total value of the imports and exports to foreign countries for 1886- Tls. 164,685,891-Tls. 121,424,159 must be credited to Great Britain and her colonies, including India. The remainder is thus divided among other countries:-United States, Tls. 14,333,024; Continent of Europe, Tls. 14,677,487; Russia, via Odessa, Tls. 1,470,993; Siberia and Russia, via Kiachta, Tls. 4,948,009; Russian Manchuria, Tis. 823,248; Corea, Tls. 131,736; Japan, Tls. 6,913,525; Philippine Islands, Tls. 257,364; Cochin China, Tls. 349,463; Siam, Tls. 504,321; Java, Tls. 464,129; Turkey and Egypt Tls. 213,567; and South America, Tls. 6,026. Among the exports, tea and silk take the first places. In 1886 the export of tea amounted to 2,217,295 piculs, and the value of raw silk exported was Tis. 21,482,048. Manufactured Cotton and Woollen Goods and Opium constitute the bulk of the imports of foreign produce into China. The value of Cotton Goods imported in 1886 was Tls. 29,049,653 ; · that of Woollen Goods, Tls. 5,630,948; and of Miscellaneous Piece Goods, Tls. 74,485. Most of these goods came from British looms. The value of the Opium imported in 1886 was Tls. 24,988,561.

Although China is traversed in all directions by roads, they are usually mere tracks, or at best footpaths, along which the transport of goods is a tedious and difficult undertaking. It was owing to the imperfect means of communication that such a fearful mortality attended the last famines in Shausi, Honan, and Shantung. A vast internal trade is, however, carried on over the roads, and by means of numerous canals and navigable rivers. The most populous part of China is singularly well adapted for the contruction of a network of railways, and a first attempt to introduce them into the country was made in 1876, when a line from Shanghai to Woosung, ten miles in length, was constructed by an English Company. The little railway was subsequently purchased by the Chinese Government and closed by them on the 21st October, 1877. The Kaiping railway is being extended from the coal mines there to Lutai, a distance of 27 miles, and thence to Tientsin. A telegraph line between Tientsin and Shanghai was opened in December, 1882, and has since been extended southwards to Canton. A line between Tientsin and Peking was opened to traffic in August, 1884. Hankow is also connected with the telegraph system, and a line from Canton to Luugchau-fu, on the Kwangsi and Tonquin border, was completed in June, 1884. Canton was connected with Kowloon by an overlaud telegraph line in the middle of 1883.

• Net Imports, i,., the value of the Foreign Goods imported direct from Foreign Countries, less the value of the

Foreign Goods re-exported to Foreign Countries during the year.

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   Pakhoi is one of the ports opened to foreign trade by the Chefoo Convention of 1876. It is situated on the Gulf of Tonquin in long. 190 deg. 13 min. E. and lat. 21 deg. 30 min. N. The British Consul hoisted his flag on the 1st May, 1877, and the foreigners were well received by the natives. Pakhoi is the port for the important city of Lien-chau, from whence considerable quantities of foreign piece goods are distributed over the country lying between the West River and the sea-board. It is believed that it will also become one great outlet for the trade of the province of Kwangsi. The trade was formerly almost exclusively in the hands of Chinese, who transhipped goods from Hongkong and Macao (chiefly the latter) in native bottoms, and in 1877 the value of the trade passing through the Foreign Customs amounted to no more than Tis. 11,714, while in 1878 it was nil. Trade afterwards, however, greatly improved. In 1886 the value of the trade was 2,978,759 as compared with Tls. 2,584,403 in 1885, and Tls. 1,703,289 in 1884. The exports are sugar, oil, rice, tea, &c. It is anticipated that the trade of Pakhoi will be very considerable whenever the transit pass system is availed of.

The town is situated on a small peninsula and faces nearly due North. It stands at the foot of a bluff nearly forty feet high, which deprives it of the South-west breeze in summer, while in winter it is exposed to the full force of the North-east monsoon. From the bluff an extensive uncultivated plain stretches, over which there is good sport, geese, duck, snipe, plover, quail, and pigeons being found in abundance. The climate is considered to be very salubrious. The estimated population of the port is 25,000. No port in China is more easily approached and entered than that of Pakhoi. The landmarks are conspicuous and unmistakeable. The channel is wide and deep and has no hidden danger to be avoided. The anchorage is a mile and a half from the town. There is good landing at high water, but at ebb tide only for small boats


BRITISH Consulate. Consul-Clement F. R. Allen (absent) Acting Consul-L. C. Hopkins, also in charge of Austro-Hungarian and German interests

Constable-M, Johnson


Commissioner-Henry E. Sidford Assistant― T. C. L. Hayllar

Tidesurveyor-W. Brennan

 Assistant Examiner-C. Wanderleach Tidewaiters-C. A. Swanstrom, W. Helfer,

J. T. Cotton

Chinese Clerks-Ch'an Shu-fan, Chun King

Herton & Co., agents-

Douglas Steamship Company, Ld. Gibb Line of Steamers Ben Line of Steamers

K. K. Priv. Oesterreich Versicher-

ungs Gesellschaft "Donau " Scottish Imperial Insurance Co. Second Colonial Sea and Fire Insur-

ance Company of Batavia Correspondents Yangtsze Insurance


Schomburg & Co., A. agents-

Scottish Oriental S. S. Co., Ld. North China Insurance Co., Ld. Prussian National Insurance Co. of


Canton Insurance Office, Ld.


Herton & Co., merchants

Ed. Herton

Oscar Noodt (Hoihow) signs the


C. A. Soo


Schomburg & Co, A., merchants and com-

mission agents

Aug. Schomburg L. Jüdell (Hoibow)


Rev. W. Light

Dr. E. G. Horder

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Hoihow is the seaport of the city of Kiung chow (the seat of the local govern- ment, and distant from its port about three and a half miles) which was opened to for-ign trade on the 1st April, 1876. A Consul, who also acts for Germany and the United States, represents British interests, and there is a branch of the Imperial Maritime Customs controlling the duties, &c., paid on foreign trade. The position of the port, though geographically favourable, is topographically unsuitable for the development of any extensive commercial trausactions, vessels being compelled to anchor some two miles from the entrance of the creek, or branch of the main river upon which Hoihow is situated. The tides are extremely irregular, and the anchorage is liable to the visitation of very severe typhoons, being moreover entirely unprotected from the north. The width of the Hainan Straits, between Hoihow and the mainland-the Lien-chau peninsula-is about twelve miles. As regards health, Hoihow compares favourably with the other parts of Hainan, though fever and ague are said to prevail to some extent. The port is badly supplied with water.

     The approaches to the shore are extremely shallow, so that loading and unloading can only be carried on at certain states of the tide. Despite this disadvantage, however, the advent of foreign steamers has given a considerable impulse to trade, and Hoihow now almost vies with the Formosan ports in importance. The town itself contains about 12,000 souls, and is governed by a Tsan-fu, or Lieutenant- Colonel. The mercantile population, though respectable, is by no means rich. No foreign settlement has as yet been formed, nor does it appear that any steps will be taken to that end for a considerable time. The foreign residents at present number less than a dozen. The value of the whole trade of the port was Tls. 3,017,876 as compared with Tls. 2,725,026 in 1885. A large export trade in pigs, eggs, and provisions has grown up with Hongkong.



Acting Consul-Oct. Johnson

Constable-D. S. Heaysman

Chinese Writer-Wu Tzŭ-ch'êng


Consular Agent―Oct. Johnson


Assistant in Charge-C. C. Clarke Assistant and Medical Officer-J.H. Lowry Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master-H.

C. Müller

Assistant Examiner-P. R. Dubarry Tidewaiters-F. J. Allshorn, G. A. Dissme- yer, T. H. En land, C. Jörgensen, C. H. A. Kacker

Chinese Clerks--Wong Kum Ping, Un Yuk



Bruce, Rob. E., merchant, commission

agent, and auctioneer


Herton & Co., merchants

Edward Herton (Pakhoi)

Oscar Noodt, signs the firm C. A. Soo (Pakhoi)


Schomburg & Co., A., merchants and com-

mission agents

Aug. Schomburg (Pakhoi) L. Jüdell

Digitized by




Herton & Co., agents-


Hongkong and Shanghai Banking


Douglas Steamship Co., Ld. Ben Line of Steamers

Gibb Line of Australian Steamers Bun Hin & Co.'s Steamers Austrian Insurance Co., "Donau." Scottish Imperial Insurance Company Correspondents Yangtsze Insurance

Association, Limited

Schomburg & Co., A., agents--

Scottish Oriental Steamship Co., Ld. North China Insurance Co., Limited

Canton Insurance Office, Ld.

Prussian National Insurance Co. of



Herton & Co., merchants

Edward Herton (Pakhoi)

Oscar Noodt, signs the firm

AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN MISSION. Carl C. Jeremiassen Henry M. McCandliss, M.D. Rev. F. P. Gilman



This village was formerly the seat of a large portion of the foreign trade with Canton, as foreign sailing vessels are not allowed to go fartber up the Pearl River. The trade in sailing vessels has, however, fallen off very much, and Whampoa is now almost deserted. A British Vice-Consulate is stationed here, and a branch of the Maritime Customs, but there are no other foreigners. The large dooks formerly belonging to the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company here have been sold to the Chinese Government. A Government Torpedo School has been established here. The village, known as Bamboo Town, is a dirty and unattractive place, without any feature of interest, but the scenery round is picturesque and pleasing. Two lofty pagodas on neighbouring eminences are conspicuous objects from the river. The first of these, called the Whampoa Pagoda, is built on an island rising abruptly from the river to the height of 100 feet. It was erected about the year 1598, and is very much out of repair. A good sized tree grows from the brickwork at the summit. The other pagoda, called the First Bar Pagoda, is nearer to Canton, and occupies a bill which is considered the guardian hill of the province. It was built between the years 1621 and 1628 as a palladium to the water way of the provincial capital.

The importance of Whampoa is now a thing of the past, and there are seldom more than one or two small foreign sailing vessels in port. The place will always, however, possess some interest for foreigners, since the earliest recollections of foreign commercial intercourse with China are associated with it, all foreign ships being in old times compelled to anchor at Whampoa.



 Acting Vice-Consul-A. Hosio Constable-J. H. Jones

Linguist-Li Po-cho


Wong Pau-cheng, president

Tsai Sil-yung, director

NAVAL AND MILITARY ACADEMY. Woo Chung-chang, president

Tsai Sib-yung, director

Jeme Tien-yow, Fong-kai, Tong Kam-

ming, Chow-king Lam, teachers


Wong Pau-cheng, manager Chin Peng-yew


IMPERIAL MARITIME CUSTOMS. Tide Surveyor in charge―J. W. Patersson Boat Officer-

Tidewaiters-W. J. Hewett, C. E. Bonney Probationary Tidewaiters-J. J. Bouché,

A. J. Adams

Watchers-J. H. Hartwell, A. V. Havers,

H. M. Edgell

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     Canton is situated on the Chu-kiang, or Pearl River, in latitude 23 deg. 7 min. 10 sec. N., and longitude 113 deg. 14 min. 30 sec. E., and is the capital of the province of Kwangtung. It is sometimes called the City of Rains and the City of Genii, both of which names are derived from ancient legends. One of the first cities in the Chinese Empire, it is also the seat of government for the province, and is the residence of the Viceroy of "The Two Kwang" (Kwangtung and Kwangsi). The Governor of Kwangtung and the Tartar General are likewise resident here, besides a number of other government officials of more or less distinction, including the Haikwan, or Superintendent of Customs, a post always held by a Manchu.

     Canton, owing to its favoured situation, became at an early date the port to which the traffic of European countries was attracted. The Portuguese found their way thither in 1516, and Arab navigators had been making regular voyages between Canton and the ports of Western Asia as early as the tenth century. The Dutch appeared on the scene about a hundred years later than the Portuguese, and these in their turn were supplanted by the English. The latter, towards the close of the seventeenth century, founded the very profitable trade which was conducted for nearly one hundred and fifty years by the Agents of the East India Company, who established a Factory there in 1684, which was afterwards celebrated throughout the world. From 1684 the export of tea to England increased rapidly. The Company's monopoly terminated in 1834. In 1839, Great Britain was led to a declaration of war with China in consequence of the oppression to which foreigners were subjected by the native authorities, and Canton was menaced with capture in 1841. A pecuniary ransom was, however, received in lieu of the occupation of the city, and hostilities were for the time being suspended. The lesson, unfortunately, was without effect, and the arrogance of the Chinese continued unabated. The British campaign in Central China ensued, and the result was the signature of the Treaty of Nanking (August 29th, 1842), by which what was called the Co-Hong monopoly at Canton was abolished and four additional ports thrown open to foreign trade. Never- theless, the provisions of the Treaty continued to be ignored in the City of Rams, and foreigners were still denied admittance within its walls. The result of protracted annoyances and insults was that in October, 1856, Sir Michael Seymour, with the fleet, again opened hostilities, and some two months later a mob in retaliation pillaged and burned all the foreign residences. In December, 1857, Sir Charles Straubenzee, in command of an expedition which had been specially despatched from England, attacked the city, and it was taken on the 29th of that month. The French also sent out an expedition, and the city was occupied by the Allied Forces until October, 1861, a period of nearly four years.

Canton proper extends to a breadth of about two miles, is about six miles in circumference, and is enclosed by walls about twenty feet thick and from twenty-five to forty feet high. The suburbs spread along the river for nearly five miles. The entire circuit, including the suburbs, is stated by Williams to be nearly ten miles, the walls enclosing about six miles. What is called the New City now was formerly known as the Southern Suburb. The Western Suburb stretches for miles along the river. The gates by which entrance is gained into the city are sixteen in number, and two water gates. Canton contains great attractions for foreign visitors in its numerous temples, pagodas, &c., and in the many curio shops to be found there. As a specimen of Chinese architecture the Chin Chew Club is well worthy of inspec- tion; and the Examination Hall, the City of the Dead, the Execution Ground, the Gaols, the Arsenal, an ancient Water Clock, and the Mahomedan Mosques are among other show places. The French Mission have erected a large and handsome Gothic cathedral, with two lofty towers surmounted by spires, in the city. The structure is entirely built of dressed granite, and has been completed externally. On the opposite side of the river the Honam Temple is the principal attraction. The population of Canton is estimated at 1,600,000.

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When the foreign merchants went back to Canton to establish trade after the capture of the city by the English at the close of 1857, they found the Factory and the buildings along the river in ruins. Recourse for accommodation was consequently had to warehouses on the Honam side of the river. Considerable discussion subse- quently took place as to the selection of a site for a permanent British settlement, and it was eventually determined that an extensive mudflat known as Shameen should be filled in and appropriated. In 1859 an artificial island was created there, a canal constructed between the northern side of the site and the city, and solid and extensive embankments of masonry built. It took about two years to complete this undertaking, and cost no less than $325,000. Of this sum four-fifths were defrayed by the British, and one-fifth by the French Government, to whom a portion of the reclaimed land was given, but they have never built on it. The French also received a grant of the old site of the Viceroy's Yamên, on which the new Catholic Cathedral has been erected. Shamcen is pleasingly laid out, and the roads are shaded with well grown trees.

        A neat church, called Christ Church, stands at the western end. During an anti-foreign riot on the 10th September, 1883, sixteen houses and the Concordia Theatre on the Settlement were burned by the mob.

   In consequence of the decline in the importance of Canton as a place of trade, caused principally by the opening of some of the northern ports, many of the merchants by whom lots were purchased there in 1861, at enormous prices, have withdrawn from Canton altogether. The trade now transacted there by foreigners is limited. Tea and Silk are the staple exports. The tot 1 export of Tea for the year ending 31st December, 1886, was 13,686,631 lbs. compared with 17,438,428 lbs. in 1885, and the quantity of Raw Silk exported in 1886 was 19,406 piculs as compared with 11,491 piculs in 1885. The import of Opium in 1886 was 1,070 piculs as com- pared with 2,761 piculs in 1885. The total value of the trade of the port for 1886 was Tls. 37,593,405 as compared with Tls. 28,804,228 in 1885. The purely native trade of Canton still enjoys a high degree of prosperity.

   Ample means of intercommunication exist between Canton and Hongkong, a distance of about ninety-five miles, by foreign steamers plying daily, and a large number of native craft. There is daily steam communication with Macao. Steamers also run regularly between Shanghai, Hongkong, and Canton. There is a safe and commodious anchorage within 150 yards of the river wall at Shameen. Only steamers go to Canton; sailing vessels never ascend beyond Whampoa, owing to the difficulties of navigating a crowded river. Canton was connected by telegraph (an overland Ine) with Kowloon in 1883, and another overland line was completed from Canton to Lungchau-fu, on the Kwangsi and Tonquin frontier, in June, 1884.




Tai Ying-kwok Ling-sz shü.


Consul-C. Alabaster

Interpreter & Pro Consul-A. Hosie

Assistant-H. B. Joly

Linguist-Feng Min-sun

Constable H. Evans

 Writers--Lu Hsio-t'ing, Li Mêng-hsiang Post Office Agent-H. B. Joly


Consul-Vte. de Bezaure

Interprète Chancelier-Guillien (absent)

id. p.i.

Writer-Ou Jen-y


UNITED STATES. Consul-Chas. Seymour Vice-Consul-Gideon Nye

| Interpreter-Loo Tau Wha

Chinese Writer-Lee U Lin;

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Tai-tuk-kwok Ling-sz-kun-shü.


Acting Consul---H. Budler

Acting Interpreter-Th. Rathsam, Ph. D.

Clerk-C. Tetzlaff

Linguist-Fang Topui

Chinese Clerk-Chou Mêng-ching


Acting Consul-P. Sachse

Sweden and Norway.

Vice-Consul―T. B. Cunningham


Tai Ao-kwok Ling-sz-kun-shü.


Consul-C. Alabaster


Consul-J. Kramer

Shameen Municipal Council.

      IT Sha-min kung-po. Chairman-Ernest Deacon Treasurer and Secretary-Alfred Rowe Councillors-T. B. Cunningham, J. Kra-

mer, H. F. Dent

Superintendent Fire Brigade-G. D. Fearon Clerk-J. M. Eça da Silva

Police Superintendent-C. Lindberg

Imperial Maritime Customs.

Yueh Hai-Kwan. Commissioner-Francis W. White Deputy Commr. (Indoor)-W. F. Spinney

    do. (Outdoor)-T. E. Cocker (acting) Assistants--J. Acheson, J. Remusat, E. T. Pym, E. O. Reis, P. J. Grevedon, C. E. Tanout, W. M. Andrew, A. Duncan Clerk-G. Nutter

    Medical Attendant-J. F. Wales, M.D. Tung Wên Kuan Headmaster-T. Sampson Agents to Chinese I. M. Customs, Hongkong

-Lane, Crawford & Co.

Chinese Clerks-Tai Tsze King, and 23



(On leave from Southern Ports). Commissioners-I. M. Daae, E. Hippisley Deputy Commissioner-L. Rocher Assistants G. F. Muller, H. de Sombreuil,

G. J. Philips, A. S. Deane, F. Clayson


Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master-J. H.


do.-J. W. Patersson, Whampoa

Boat Officer and Asst. Harbour Master.-

C. P. Dawson

Boat Officers-D. Reid, L. Loft Chief Examiner-L. A. Byworth Examiners-W. Stebbins, J. Morgan Assistant Examiners-M. Mackenzie, W. H. Williams, J Phillips, G. A. Meyer Tidewaiters-D. Davies, G. W. Hadyn, P. Teichert, H. P. C. Jörgensen, A. Smith, W. J. Hewett, A. Diercking, C. E. Bon- ney, J. Langley, T. C. Burchett, T.

Wilkins, G. Banker, J. J. Bouché, R. J.

White, R. Ritter, H. Sinclair, A. J. Adams, J. S. Murray, W. Duncau, F. J. Woolcock, C. J. Wilson Watchers-J. Yeats, W. J. Adams, W. J. Lye, H. Percy, T. J. O'Connor, J. Moor- house, G. Willians, J. H. Hartwell, J. Bromley, A. V. Havers, H. M. Edgall, G. R. Clarke, R. Walker, F. H. Raiff, B. Jorus, F. A. Pearson, F. W. Aitken, G. G. Thögersen, W. H. Lilley, W. H. Summers, F. L. Seeberg, G. J. F. Find- sen, W. D. Kiddle, E. G. Burke, J. T. Blanchfield, C. M. Seel


Female Watcher-F. Sennett


(On leave from Southern ports.) Tide Surveyors -T. Moorehead, D. Conklin Boat Officer-H. J. Brockdorf Examiner-M. B. J. Ström


Commissioner-F. A. Morgan

Assistants-J. C. Johnston, A. H. H. Mao-

lean, R. Markwick, Jr.

Medical Attendant-P. Manson, M.D. Tidesurveyors-J. Nielsen, T. D. Burrows Chief Examiner-F. H. Ewer Assistant Examiners-W. F. Kahler, T. H. Kingsley, J. Fetherstonhaugh, G. Bal- win, J. H. Nightingale

Tidewaiters-G. D. Sharnhorst, J. A. Tip, C. Pape, S. B. Thompson, J. Moore, O. M. Anderson, D. Breen, J. Schluter Stations under the Kowloon Customs- Cap Sui Moon, Chang Chow, Fo To Chow, Kowloon City. Coast Guard. Commissioner-W. H. Clayson

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Officers-H. J. Faunch, J. Dawson, G. W.

Ellis, G. Wilson, J. Williams

Revenue Cruiser "Fei Hoo." Commander (ad. int.)-W. R. Clayson 1st Officer-Graham Rome 2nd. do. -R. Chenoweth 1st Engineer-J. M. Dickson 2nd do. -A. C. B. Hance Gunners-H. Schnepel, A. Delve

#TB+ Chung-kwok Tin-po-kuk. IMPERIAL CHINESE TElegraphs. Administration Two Kwang Provinces. Director-Wong Yung Ho (absent) Acting Director-Shi Hsiung Ling Traffic Manager-O. Möller Engineer-Chr. Jensen, Yunnan


P. Madsen, Wangchow

   do. D. Duch, Pakhoi Supervisor-Yu Loe Tong



Head Master-Theos. Sampson

Assistant Master-Kwai-yên Chinese Teachers-Three

Canton Club.

Committee-H. F. Dent, G. 1). Fearon, F.

Koch, P. Sachse

Hon. Secretary-E. W. Mitchell Assistant Secretary-J. M. Eça da Silva

CANTON THEATRICAL SOCIETY. Committee-G. D. Fearon, E. W. Mitchell,

R. B. Allen


Deacon & Co., agents

NEW Oriental Bank Corporation, LIMITED.

Herbert Dent & Co., agents


Deacon & Co., agents

HONGKONG, Canton, and Macao Steam

BOAT Co., Limited.

Deacon & Co., agents


Jardine, Matheson & Co., agats


H. Detmering, agent


Russell & Co., correspondents

CHINA SHIPPERS' Mutual Steam NAVIGATION Co., LIMITED. Deacon & Co., agents

OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Russell & Co., agents

CHINA NAVIGAtion Company, Limited. Russell & Co., agents

CHINA MERchants' S. N. Cɔ. Wu Sheong Po, shipping agent


Ho Amei, managing director Thos. Ed. Candler, M. E., F.G.S.,

M.I.M.M.E, manager

G. S. Turner, Tai Yu Shan mining, reduc-

tion and smelting works

J. S. Sinclar

W. Warwick



D. Jones, Tam Chow mines

W. Jones,


J. M. Guinis, do.

SILK Condition House.

J. Kramer, F. Koch, J. Ruff, H. F. Dent,


E. Aeartz

F. X. de Britto, assistant


Arnhold, Karberg & Co., agents-

Lancashire Insurance Company Java Sea and Fire Insurance Company Hamburg-Magdeburg Fire Insur-

ance Co., of Hamburg

Birley & Co., agents-

New York Life Insurance Company

Carlowitz & Co., agents-

Hamburg and Bremen Fire Insurance


Allgemeine Versicherungs Gesells. chaft für See, Fluss und Land- transport, in Dresden

Detmering, H., agent-

Chinese Insurance Company, Limited

Digitized by


Deacon & Co., agents-


Union Insurance Society, Limited China Traders' Insurance Company,


London and Provincial Marine In-

surance Co., Limited

China Fire Insurance Co., Limited Imperial Fire Insurance Company

Dent & Co., Herbert, agents-

North British and Mercantile Insur-

ance Company

National Marine Insurance Associa-

tion, Limited Singapore Insurance Co., Ld.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents-

Canton Insurance Office, Limited Hongkong Fire Insurance Company,


Mitchell & Co., E. W., agents--

Marine Insurance Co.

Pustau & Co., agents

Fire Insurance Company of 1877, in


Manhattan Life Insurance Co., New


Mannheimer R. G., General Life and

Fire Insurance Co.

Rowe & Co., agents-

  North China Insurance Co., Ld. Lloyd's

Standard Life Assurance Co. Commercial Union Assurance Co.

Russell & Co., agents-

Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld.

Schellhass & Co., Eduard, agents-

Straits Insurance Co.

Straits Fire Insuranee Co. Deutscher Rhederei Verein, Hamburg Bremen Underwriters

Transatlantic Marine Insurance Co.,

Ld., Berlin

Guernsey Mutual Insurance Society

for Shipping

Providentia Insurance Co., Frankfort Consolidated Marine Insurance Com-

panies of Berlin and Dresden Rhenanin Versicherungs Actien Ge-

sellschaft, Coeln

Badische Schifffahrts Assecuranz

Gesellschaft, Mannheim Hanseatic Fire Insurance Co., Ham-


Siemssen & Co., agents-


Transatlantic Fire Insurance Com- pany, Limited, of Hamburg North German Fire Insurance Com-

pany, at Hamburg

Dusseldorf Universal Marine Insur

ance Company, Limited

German Lloyd's Marine Insurance

Company, Limited, Berlin Globe Marine Insurance Company,

Limited, London

Samarang Sea aud Fire Insurance

Company, of Samarang

Second Colonial Sea and Fire In-

surance Company of Batavia

Professions, Trades, &c.

Abdoolally, Ebrahim & Co., merchants and

commission agents, Honam

記瑞 Sui.kee.

Arnhold, Karberg & Co., merchants

J. Kramer, silk-inspector, signs per


H. Müller

W. Pestalozzi, silk inspector

Bhaisania, B. P., merchant, Honam S. D. Bhathana, manager

Birley & Co., merchants

K. D. Adams

A. B. da Roza

"Canton Hotel"

A. F. do Rozario, proprietor and aus


S. A. dos Remedios

Carlowitz & Co., merchants

P. Sachse, signs per pro. F. Salinger, silk inspector Max. Niclassen R. G. da Costa

Coatwal, S. M., merchant

8. M. Coatwal (absent) B. B. Coa wal

Cooper & Co., H. N., merchants and com-

mission agents, Honam

H. N. Cooper

Digitized by




Deacon & Co., public tea inspectors and

commission agents

Ernest Deacon

G. D. Fearon, signs per pro.

E. T. Bond (tea inspector) signs

per pro.

F. d'Azevedo

B. F. Gonsalves

T. T. Gonsalves

Dent & Co., Herbert, public silk and tea

inspectors and commission agents

C. J. Lafrentz

F. O. Seaton

H. Bent.

J. de Britto

F. X. de Figueiredo

Detmering, H., commission agent

Esack & Co., Hajee Hamed Hajee, mer-


Hajec Esack Ellias (Bombay) Abdolabh y Kaderdena, manager Hamed Tarmohamed

Esmaljee, Abdulcader, merchant and com-

mission agent

Futtakeea, B. M. merchant, Honam

Futtakia, Sorabjee Rustomjee, merchant,


Habibbhoy, Rehemoobhoy, merchant,


Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants

D. MacHaffie

Jeewakhan, Nujmoodin, commission agent

Karanjia, Bamanjee Pallanjee, merchant

and commission agent, Honam

B. P. Karanjia

Kapadia & Co., M. M., merchants, Ho-


M. M. Kapadia

Kavarana, B. Framjee, merchant and

commission agent, Honam

D. B. Kavarana

Kavarana S. F., merchant and commis-

sion agent, Honaш

H. O. Kavarana

Mehta & Co., E. N., merchants and com-

mission agents, Honam

E. N. Mehta (Bombay)

S. F. Mehta (absent)

C. E. Mehta

R. S. Talati (Hongkong)

Mitchell & Co., E. W., tea inspectors and

commission merchants

E. W. Mitchell F. Burgess Smith

L. C. da Silva

S. E. Beeton

Mogra, R. S., merchant, Honam

J. P. Vassaneea, manager


Oliver & Co., Geo., merchants

Geo. Oliver (London)

John Pinel do.

R. B. Allen

Patell, P. C., commission agent and pro-

prietor Ice depot, Honam

Pustau & Co., merchents

Th. v. Pustau (Shanghai) E. L. Reuter

F. A. Bröckelmann (Europe) Heinr. Heyn

Chr. Nõuchen

Ed. Krause


Rowe & Co., public silk inspectors and

commission agents

Alfred Rowe

S. M. da Cruz


Russell & Co., merchants

T. B. Cunningham F. Koch

E. Pasquet

J. Tamet

C. A. de Britto

J. M. da Cruz

B. A. da Cruz

Schellhass & Co., Eduard, merchants R. Buschmann, (Hamburg)

G. Harling, (Shanghai) F. Seip (Hongkong) B. Busc mann

C. Lougnet

Digitized by






Biemssen & Co., merchants

J. luff, silk inspector

H. Schroeter

A. Pui

Silva, M. F. da, commission agent, Canal Rd

M. F. Silva

Wales, J. F., M.D., medical practitioner

S Wat-sun-sz tai-yeuk-fong. Watson & Co., A.S., Limited," The Canton Dispensary," chemists and druggists, ærated water manufacturers, wine, spirit, and cigar merchants

Geo. H. Brunt, manager Wai Nam

MEDICAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. President-Hon. P. Parker, M.D. (U.S.A.) Senior Vice President-John G. Kerr, M.D. Second Vice President-Rev. A. P. Hap-

per, D.D.

Vice-Presidents-G. Nye, Hon. W. Kes- wick, W. H. Forbes, Hon. P. Ryrie, H. L. Dalrymple, A. Duval, T. Sampson, Rev. J. Chalmers, LL.D., Rev. R. H. Graves, M.D., D.D., T. B. Cunningham, F. E. Woodruff, A. Rowe, Chas. Seymour, C. Alabaster, F. W. White, Ch. Fendel; In Europe, Rev. Prof. Legge, LL.D., Ven. Archdeacon Gray, LL.D.; in United States, Warren Delano. Becretary-J. M. Swan, M.D. Treasurers-Russell & Co. Auditor-Commissioner of Customs



Trustees.-E. Deacon, J. F. Wales, M.D. Hon. Sec. and Treas.-T. B. Cunningham

Lodge "Star of SOUTHERN China,"

No. 2013, E.C.

Wor. Master-G. H. Brunt I. Past Master-F. W. White Senior Warden-W. Pike Junior Warden-L. A Byworth Treasurer--B. P. Kranjia Secretary-G. A. Meyer Senior Deacon-L. L ft Junior Deacon-R. Ritter Director of Cer.-P. Jorgensen Steward L. Loft (a ting) Inne Guard-W. M. Kapadia Tyler-


Lun.tun Kau-wui.



Rev. T. W. Pearce

Rev. E. R. Eichler


Rev. John Grundy

WESLEYAN Methodist MISSION. Rev. C. Wenyon, M.D., M.Ch, superin-

tendent, Fatshan

Rev. G. Hargreaves, Canton Rev. C. Bone,


Rev. S. G. Tope, Shiu Chau-foo Rev. W. Bridie, Fatshan

Rev. H. J. Parker, Canton

Rev. R. Macdonald, M.D., Fatshan

Rev. J. A. Turner, Shiu Chau-foo Miss Wood, Canton

Anton Anderson, Fatshan

AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN Board. Rev. A. P. Happer, D.D. (absent) J. G. Kerr, M.D. Rev. H. V. Noyes Rev. B. C. Henry Rev. W. J. White

Rev. A. A. Fulton

Rev. J. C. Tuomson, M.D.

J. M. Swan, M.D.

Rev. O. F. Wisner

Miss H. Noyes (absent)

Miss A. C. Happer

Miss Mary W. Niles, M.D. Miss E. M. Butler Miss H. Lewis

Miss M. A. Baird

Miss M. H. Fulton, M.D.

Miss Jessie E. Wisner


Rev. R. H. & Mrs. Graves (absent) Rev. E. Z. & Mrs. Simmons

Miss L. Wbilden (absent)

Miss S. E. Stein

Miss E. Young


Right Rev. Aug. Chausse Rev. S rin, procurator

Rev. E. Mioux, director of Orphanage Rev. J. Gérardin, pro prefect

Rev. Remi Barnier, secretary

Rev. L. Yang, professor of Latin

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Swatow, which was first thrown open to foreigners by Lord Elgin's Treaty, is uated at the mouth of the river Han, near the eastern border of the Kwangtung province, in lat. 23 deg. 20 min. 43 sec. N., and long. 116 deg. 39 min. 3 sec. E. I the shipping port for the city of Cha'o-enow-fu, the seat of the local governmentt 35 miles inland, and San-Ho-Pa, forty miles farther up tue river.

Swatow is built on the northern bank of the Han, which forms part of an alluvial plain through which the branches of the river flow. The shore on the opposite side is bold and striking, the hills stretching away to the coast and forming what is known to sea-going people as the "Cape of Good Hope;" Pagoda Hill rises at the side; and in a direct line from this lies the large island of Namoa,


The first foreign trading depôt in this locality was inaugurated at Nam, where the opium vessels used to anchor, but it was subsequently removed to Double Island, which is situated just inside the river and is four miles from Swatow. Foreigners here made themselves notorious in the early years of the settlement by the kidnapping of coolies, and so strong was the feeling shown against them by the natives that foreigners were safe far from Double Island, while they were strictly forbidden to enter Swatow, and it was not until 1861 that they could do so. In the country round Swatow the antipathy to foreigners was of much longer duration. The British Consul was held technically to reside a: Co-chow-fu, and subsequent to 1861 several in- effectual attempts were made to pass through its gates. In 1866 a visit was mado under more favourable circumstances, but it is only within the last few years that the population has refrained from annoyance and insult to foreigners within its walls. In 1862 the lease of a piece of land was applied for and granted to the British Government on the north bank of the river about a mile from Swatow, but so strong were the demonstrations of the populace against it that the matter fell through. Foreign residences, however, commenced to spring up here and there, and many o, them are consequently somewhat scattered, though the majority are in or near thf town of Swatow. The yearly increasing traffic of the port has led to much overa owding on the narrow strip of land on which it is built, and since February, 1877- less than 21 acres have been reclaimed from the sea, the greater part of which now covered with shops and houses.

The climate of Swatow is reputed to be very salubrious. The town occupies, how- ever, an unenviable position as regards typhoons, on account of being opposite the lower mouth of the Formosa Channel, and it has on many occasions been subjected to all the viclence of these terrible storms, which almost every year sweep across the flower coast of China. The population of Swatow is estimated at 30,000.

The foreign trade of Swatow has never been large, but of late years it has shown a slight increase. The proximity of the port to Hongkong, which can be reached in from 15 to 20 hours, no doubt tells against it, as it enables the Chinese to conduct their own import business. The quantity of Opium imported, once very considerable, has of late years declined, but the total in 1886 showed an increase, being 6,471 piculs as compared with 3,888 piculs in 1885, 4,397 piculs in 1884, 4,377 piculs an 1883, and 10,068 piculs in 1879. The quantity of Tea exported is very small, and reached only 10,042 picula in 1886. A considerable trade is done in Sugar, there being 632,973 piculs brown and 656,512 piculs white exported in 1886. The Chini Bugar Refining Co. of Hongkong have a large Sugar Refinery here. A large bean- sake factory was also started in 1882. The value of the trade of the port for 1886

as Tls. 21,112,425, as compared with Tls. 19,268,156 in 1885.

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***** Ta Eng nian-sso-kwan.


Consul-E. Colborne Baber (absent) Acting Consul-R. W. Mansfield Interpreter-W. H. Wilkinson

Post-office Agent-W. H. Wilkinson

Constable-Henry Sage


Ta-me-kwoh nian-880-kwan.


Acting Consular Agent-Baron von Sec-



Acting Consul-R. W. Mansfield


Consul-Thomas W. Richardson (absent)

Acting Consul-R. H. Hill


Consul W. E. Allum


Ta-ti-kwok fu nian-880-kwan.


Vice-Consul-Baron von Seckendorff

Consular Clerk-M. G. Nahmens

Interpreter-Fang Topui

Writer-Ting Che-wei

Sweden and Norway.

Vice-Consul-F. H. L. Haesloop

Imperial Maritime Customs.

Chao Hai-Kuan.

Commissioner-J. Lloyd E. Palm Assistants-S. Leslie, J. D. D. de la Touche,

A. H. Wilzer

Medical Officer-Dr. J. Pollock Tidesurveyor & Harbour Master-C. H.


Assistant Tidesurveyor-D. C. Byworth Examiners-W. Pollock, J. D. Smith

IMPERIAL Chinese TelegRAPHS Liao Tze San, Manager


A. L. Piersdorff, F. W. Focken, P. Willia

H. Frewin


Jardine, Mathieson & Co., agents

W. E. Allum, agent

DOUGLAS STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LEU Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents


Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents

INDO-CHINA Steam NavigatION CO., L■. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents


Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents



Liao Tze San, agent

Lauts and Haesloop, agents


Florio & Rubattino Co

Lauts & Haesloop, agents


Agents-Bradley & Co.

BUN HIN LINE OF STEAMERS. Agents-Lim Yam Seng & Co.

SCOTTISH ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP Co, La Agents-Butterfield & Swire

German STEAMSHIP CO., OF HAMBU Agents-Lauts & Heasloop


Assistant Examiners-J. J. Melgrath, G. | Agents-Butterfield & Swire


Tide-waiters-J. H. M. Noodt, E. A.

Roberts, A. Sutherland, F. Benson, H. Meyer, J. O'Neill, A. Dupree, A. W. E. Dyere, W. K. Roberts, C. A. Maas- berg, A. Bryson

OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Agents-Butterfield & Swire

PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL S. N. C Agents-Bradley & Co.

Digitized by




Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents


Bradley & Co., agents


Bradley & Co. agents

    BRITISH NORTH BORNEO COMPANY. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents



Medical Officer-J. Pollock, L.K. & Q.

C.P.I., L.R.C.S.I.

Trustee and Hon. Sec.-Dr. Pollock

Insurance Offices.

Bradley & Co., agents-


London and Oriental Steam Transit

Insurance Company

 Amicable Insurance Office of Calcutta North China Insurance Company Royal Insurance Company of Liver-

pool (Fire and Life)

Imperial Insurance Co., London (Fire) China Fire Insurance Co., Limited Straits Insurance Company, Limited Singapore Insurance Co., Limited Straits Fire Insurance Co., Ld. Standard Life Insurance Co.

Butterfield & Swire, agents-

Union Insurance Society of Canton,


 Royal Exchange Assurance Assocn. London and Lancashire Fire Insce.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents--

 Canton Insurance Office, Limited Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

Liao Tze San, agent

China Merchants' Insurance Co., Ld.

Lauts & Haesloop, agents

North British and Mercantile Insur-

ance Co.

Hamburg Bremen Fire Insurance Co. South British Fire & Marine Insur-

ance Co. of New Zealand China Traders' Insurance Co., Ld. Chinese Insurance Co., Ld. Yangtsze Insurance Assocn., Ld. Union of Bremen Underwriters


Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor-


Bradley & Co., agents

New Oriental Bank Corporation, Limited

Bradley & Co., agents

Professions and Trades.

Asverus, Otto, marine surveyor

記德 Tey-kee.

Bradley & Co., merchants

Thomas Wm. Richardson (London)

Robt. H. Hill

J. D. Monro

R. L. Richardson

Chee Pek low

Steamer Nan Shan.

Captain-Jos. Blackburne Chief Officer-G. Miller Second do. -A. N. Seaton Chief Engineer-J. W. Kelly Second do. -C. F. Focken Third do. -Millar

Steamer Pak Shan. Captain Jas. Young Chief Officer-W. G. Martin Second do. -E. F. Stovell Chief Engineer-W. Ross Second do. -E. L. Comar Tuird do. -J. Mackintosh


Butterfield & Swire, merchants

H. Matchitt

L. Grunauer

和怡 E-wo.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants

W. E. Allum, agent

Drummond Anderson

W. F. Inglis


Lauts and Haesloop, merchants

J. T. Lauts (Formosa) L. Haesloop

J. J. Ruben

S. Penglam

Lim Yam Seng & Co., chop "Hock Cheang Yam Kee," merchants and commission agen s

Lim Yam deng Thum Chin Tye

Digitized by



41 Sze-cut E-sang.

Pollock, John, L. K. &Q.C.P.I., L. R.C.S.I.,

medical practitioner

Miss E. Black

Miss M. Harkness


Quelch & Co., shipchandlers, auctioneers, Rev. Wm. Ashmore, D.D.

and general storekeepers

Chas. Bewick Quelch

C. H. Wallace

裕德 Tuck-yu.

Sim Kye Pang & Co., merchants and com-

mission agents

Sim Kye Pang


PRESBYTERian Church of England.

Rev. George Smith, M.A.

Rev. H. L. Mackenzie, M.A.

Rev. Wm. Duffus

Rev. J. C. Gibson, M.A. Rev. Donald Mclver, M.A.

Alexr. Lyall, M. B., C.M, Edinr. Rev. W. Riddell, M.B., C.M. Win. Paton (absent)

J. F. McPhun, M.B., C.M. Philip B. Cousland, M.B., C.M. Miss C. M. Ricketts

Rev. S. B. Partridge

Rev. Wm. Ashmore, Jr. (absent)

Rev. J. M. Foster

Rev. Geo. Campbell

Miss A. M. Fielde

Miss Mary E. Thompson (absent) Miss C. H. Danielle, M.D. (absent) Miss M. A. Buzzell (absent) Miss C. M. Hess


Rev. A. Bernom

Rev. C. Jacquemin

Rev. J. M. P. Verchere

Rev. J. M. Boussac

Rev. J. Gauthier

Rev. H. Sorin Rv. D. Hervel Rev. H. Vacquerel Rev. L. Serdet Rev. F. Laurent

Rev. C. M. Chambodut



Amoy was one of the five ports open to foreign trade before the ratification of the Treaty of Tientsin. It is situated upon the island of Haimun, at the mouth of the Dragon River, in lat. 24 deg. 40 min. N. an i long. 118 deg. E. It was the scene of trade with Western nations at a very early date. The Portuguese went there in 1544, but in consequence of their cruelty towards the natives, the Chinese authorities forcibly expelled them and burned thirteen of their vessels. The English had commercial dealings there up to 1730, when the Chinese Government issued an edict prohibiting tra le with foreigners at all ports except Canton. They made an exception as regards Spanish ships, which were allowed to trade at Amoy. The vessels of other nationa lities, however, continued to visit the place, and did so till the city was captured in 1841. The Treaty of Nanking was signed soon afterwards, and foreigners have since been allowed to live there in peace and security.

   In describing Amoy, Dr. Williams says:-"The island (upon which Amoy is built) is about forty miles in circumference, and contains scores of large villages besides the city. The scenery within the bay is picturesque, caused partly by the numerous islands which define it, surmounted by pagodas or temples, and partly by the high barren hills behind the c ́ty. l'her is an outer and an inner city, as one approaches it seaward, divided by a high ride of roky hills having a fortified will running along the top. A paved road connects the two. The entire circuit of

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city and suburbs is about eight miles, containing a population of 300,000, while that of the island is estimated at 100,000 more. The harbour is one of the best on the coast; there is good holding ground in the outer harbour, and vessels can anchor in the inner, within a short distance of the beach, and be perfectly secure; the tide rises and falls from fourteen to sixteen feet. The western side of the harbour, here from six hundred and seventy-five to eight hundred and forty yards wide, is formed by the island of Kulangsu. It is a picturesque little spot and maintains a rural population of 8,500 people. Eastwar of Amoy is the island of Quemoy or Kinmun (Golden Har- bour), presenting a striking contrast in the low foreground on its south shore to the high land on Amoy." The population of the city is, however, now estimated at 95,600. There is little to be said about the city. It ranks as a third class city in China, but it bears no comparison to Canton in wealth or general appearance.

                                            It is con- sidered, even for China, to be very dirty, and its inhabitants are unusually squalid in their habits. There are several places of interest to foreigners in the vicinity, and excursions can be made to Chang-chow-fu, the chief city of the department of that name, and situated about 35 miles from Amoy. The island of Kulangsu is about a third of a mile from Amoy, and the residences of nearly all the foreigners are to be found there, although most of the foreign business is transacted on the Amoy side. There are three granite docks at Amoy, the largest being 310 feet by 60 feet; they are owned and managed by foreigners. A small shipping sheet called Amoy Gazette is published daily. The foreign residents number about 280.

  There has always been a comparatively good trade done at Amoy. There is frequent and pretty regular steamer communication with Hongkong, Swatow, and Foochow. Direct communication with Manila and the Straits Settlements is also maintained. The total export of Tea for 1886 was 158,284 piculs as against 174,494 piculs in 1885. The export of Sugar for 1886 was 226,032 piculs, compared with 197,861 piculs in 1885. The net importation of Opium for 1886 was 7,768 piculs as compared with 9,610 piculs in 1885. The total value of the foreign trade of the port for 1886 was Tls. 11,398,546, against Tls. 11,964,240 in 1885.



* Tai Ying ling-su-ge-mong.


R. J. Forrest, consul

E. L. B. Allen, interpreter

W. B. Fitzgibbon, acting assistant and

Post Office agent

C. P. Simões, clerk

W. Lewis, constable


Tai-me-kʊk ling-su ge-mong.


(For Amoy and Formosa).

Wm. S. Crowell, consul

Francis Cass, acting vice-consul

W. M. Davis, marsbal and clerk U Lai Un, interpreter

門衙事頜西蘭法大 Ta Fuh-lan-se ling-su ge-mong. FRANCE.

Tomas Ortuño, in charge of French in-


A. Souza, secretary


Ta se-yong ling-su ge-mong. PORTUGAL.

Tomas Ortuño, consul

A. Souza, secretary


Tai-tek-kok ling-su ge-mong. GERMANY.

(For the Fohkien Province and Formosa).

Dr. jur. H. Gabriel, consul

B. Krause, interpreter

F. Seitz, secretary

Hsü Chi, writer

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N6**** Tai-ao ling-su ge-mong.


R. J. Forrest, consul

門衙事領總國亞呢巴斯日大 TaJih-ssu-pa-in-a-kuo Chun-ling-su ge-mong


Tomas Ortuño, consul general

Dr. Jur. E. de Perera Blesa, vice-consul

A. Silva y Souza, canciler y recuadador,


Juan Chang Chew, interpreter

Mariano Espino, constable


Randall H. Pye, consul

Sweden and Norway.

L. P. Michelsen, vice-consul

* Ho-lan ling-su ge-mong.


Aug. Piebl, consul

Imperial Maritime Customs. WHsia-mên-kuan.

Commissioner-J. McLeavy Brown Deputy Commissioner-Jas. Mackey Assistants-P. Piry, J. A. van Aalst, H. E.

Wadman, T. W. Wright Clerk-A. J. Hadley

Chief Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master-

W. C. Howard

Assistant Tidesurveyors-W. Fenning, C.

J. Price

Boat Officer-A. W. Field

Examiners-A. A. Godwin, S. Rosen-


Assistant Examiners-F. Knäpel, H. C.


Tide-waiters-E. C. Tregillus, J. E. Barker,

J. W. Scott, T. G. Burnett, W. T. Thornton, J. H. Hinrichs, F. O. Hop- per, J. N. Nissen, F. W. J. Godsil, M. Griffin

Principal Chinese Clerk-L. Wong Chinese Clerks-C'bun Mun, Wong Kam-

ming, L. Kwan-tung, Kwok Lo Kwai, Chun Kwok Tsün, Soon Sooh Yan





Middle Dog-G. E. von Pein, T. O'Driscoll

Turnabout-J. Shields, F. H. Lucassen

Dodd Island-C. May, E. E. Ferrari

Ockseu-C. G. Soelberg, H. A. Atkinson

Tsing-seu-D. Botelho

Chapel Island-C. M. Peterson, A. M.

dos Santos

Fisher Island-P. J. J. Stellingwerff, H.

H. Holst

Lamocks-J. Martin, C. A. Osterholm Sugar Loaf-J. Chapman

Cape of Good Hope-J. S. de Elizaga Breaker Point-P. F. S. Wilnau, D. Fer-


South Cape-J. Noble, L. H. C. Klyhn do. -G. T. Hansel, gunner 8. L. Headquarters-J. H. A. Schaaf On Leave-Geo. Taylor


G. Hauenstein, J. Buschmann, N. Moalle

Amoy General ChambeR OF COMMERCE.

C. F. Harton, secretary

 = Tin sin hong.


A. Suenson, superintendent

H. Munck, electrician

F. F. da Silva

F. E. Carvalho

Three Chinese operators

CHINESE TELegraph ADMINITRATION. Yeh Ta-yung, agent

Steamship Agencies.

Boyd & Co, agents-

E. & A. S. S. Co., Limited Ocean Steamship Company China Navigation Company, Limited Dauver & Co., agents-

Spanish steamers Visayas and España Fearon, Low & Co., agents-

Indo-China Steam Navigation Co. Glen Line of Steamers

Ben Line of Steamers

Lloyd, Khoo Teong Poh & Co., agents-

Bun Hin Line of Steamers

Assistant Engineer-J. R. Harding, Malcampo & Co., agents-


Olano Larrinaga & Co.'s Steamers

Digitized by



Pasedag & Co., agents-


Netherlands India S. N. Co. German Steamship Co. of Hamburg Siemssen & Co.'s Coasting Steamers

Petersen & Co., H. A., agents-

Navigazione Generale Italiana, Florio

& Rubattino Cos. Norddeutscher Lloyd

Russell & Co., agents-

Douglas Steamship Co., Ld.

Pacific Mail Steamship Company Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co.


'Union" Line of Steamers

Tait & Co., agents-

P. & O. S. N. Company

China & Manila Steamship Company China Shippers' Mutual S. N. Co.

Yeh Ta-yung, agent-

China Merchants' S. N. Co.

Insurance Offices.

Boyd & Co., agents-


China Traders' Insurance Co., Limited Royal Fire and Life Insurance Co. Sun Fire Insurance Company Bremen Marine Insurance Companies Underwriters' Union at Amsterdam Jersey Mutual Insurance Society for


Netherlands India Sea and Fire In-

surance Company

The Underwriting and Agency Asso-

ciation, London

Le Cercle Transports, Société Anony- me d'Assurances Maritimes de Marseille

National Marine Insurance Associa

tion, Limited.

London and Lancashire Fire Insu-

rance Co.

Brown & Co., agents-

Lancashire Insurance Company South British Fire and Marine Insur-

ance Co. of New Zealand Standard Life Assurance Co. Imperial Fire Insurance Co.

Kung Phoe Chun & Co., agents-

Khean Guan Insurance Co., Penang

Fearon, Low & Co., agents.-

Canton Insurance Office, Limited Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld. Alliance Assurance Co.

London and Provincial Fire Insurance London and Lancashire Fire Insur

ance Company

New York Life Assurance Co.

Pasedag & Co., agents-

Germanischer Lloyd's

Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co. Transatlantic Marine Insurance Com❤

pany, Limited, of Berlin

Prussian National Insurance Co. Samarang Sea and Fire Insurance

Co. of Samarang

Union of Hamburg Underwriters. Deutscher Lloyd Marine Insur. Co. Schweiz Marine Insurance Co. Baden Marine Insurance Co. Netherlands Fire Insurance Co.

Petersen & Co., H. A.,

agents- Chinese Insurance Company, Limited K. K. Priv. Oest. Versicherungs Ge- sellschaft" Donau," Limited Mannheimer Versicherungs Ges. Hamburg-Magdeburger Fire Insce. Bureau Veritas

Deutscher Rhederei Verein, H'burg

Russell & Co., agents-

Yangtsze Insurance Association of


Alliance Marine Insurance Company China Fire Insurance Company, Ld. Commercial Union Insurance Co.

Tait & Co., agents-

Marine Insurance Company North British and Mercantile Fire

Insurance Comp ny

North China Insurance Company, Ld. Northern Assurance Company Union Insurance Society of C nton


Straits Insurance Co., Limited Java Sea & Fire Insurance Company Scottish Imperial Insurance Company Strats Fire Insurance Co., Limited La Foncière Cie. d'Assurances Singapore Insurance Co., Limited

Yeh Ta-Yung, agent-

Man On Insurance Co.

China Merchants' Insurance Co.

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AMOY DOCK Company.

H. D. Brown, managing director

C. C. Carvalho, accountant

J. D. Liddle, general foreman, and supdt.

of docks

(See Advertisement.)


### Cha-ta Goon-hang.

Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and


Tait & Co., agents

Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, Lon

don and China

Boyd & Co., agents

Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris Russell & Co., agents

✪#!H Hway-Hong Goon-hang. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor-


R. Home Cook, agent

H. J. Scott

New Oriental Bank Corporation, Limited

Boyd & Co., agents

Professions, Trades, &c.

***** Foo-keen yung-tse-koon. "Amoy Gazette and Shipping Report,"


A. A. Marçal, proprietor & publisher

S. A. Marçal, manager

J. F. Marçal, foreman F. J. Paul, compositor J. F. Senna


Anto. A. Marçal, do.

H. H. Paul



Boyd & Co., merchants and com. agents

T D. Boyd (absent)

Edward N. Rose

Thos. Covil

W. Snell Orr

T. G. Harkness (Taiwan)

Grant Scott (Tamsui)

G. P. Deas

T. M. Boyd

G C. Greenbill

E. Latter

陸水 Sui Liock.

Brown & Co., merchants

F. Chomley

C. S. Powell

R. S. Harger (Tamsui)

J. A. Maher

J. M. Boyol

L. Andersen


Chew Tiam Eck & Co., merchants and

commission agents

Chew Tiam Eck

Chew Luck Quah Wee Wei Pew Chia Guan Liang How Jean Keat

Oon Leang Seng


Dauver & Co., merchants and commission


H. R. Dauver

D. S. Dady Burjor

P. M. Sauger

S. T. Victor

Rafael Sanches


Ewe Boon & Co., merchants and commis-

sion agents

See Ewe Lay (absent)

See Ewe Boon

K. C. Wat

W. Pedro



Amoy Tug and Lighter Co.

N. Moalle, manager


Brown & Co., F. C., drapers, silk mercers,

milliners, &c., Kulangsoo

O. C. Liau


Fearon, Low & Co., merchants

Randall H. Pye

Frank Leyburn

C. F. Harton A. A. Donaldson J. A. Barretto

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Gerard & Co., C., shipchandlers, store- keepers, sailmakers, compradores, &c.

Mrs. E. Kopp, proprietrix (absent)

O. Henkell, general manager, signs

per pro.

J. Schlötke

Ice and Aerated Water Company

N. Moalle, manager


International Novelty Co., importers of

European and American goods, Koo- langsoo

St. J. H. Edwards Chas. C. Edwards

Wat Apak, manager

International Photographic Atelier, Koo-


St. J. H. Edwards, manager and pro-

prietor Wat Apak

Johnstone & Co., commission agents

W. Johnstone

Krug, A., watchmaker


Kung Phoe Chun & Co., merchants and

commission agents

Kung Phoe Chun

Khoo Chin Siang U Choontee Oon Byan Shien Kung Tsung Yao

Khoo Bin Chaung Kung Phoe Wooi

Khoo Chin Wooi


Leong Hee & Co., merchants and com-

mission agents

Chew Leong Hee

發源 Yin-fat.

Lie Sim Tee, agent for Guan Wat & Co.,


Major Lie Saay


Capt. Lie Khong Teek




Lie Khong Haan

Lie Sim Tee

記孫 Soon-kee.

"Soon Kee"

Lin & Co., C. G., merchants and commis

agents; chop

C. G. Lin

Lim Chor Ghee

Carlos Sy Chuquian (Manila)

A. J. Š. Souza


Lloyd, Khoo Teong Poh & Co., merchants

and commission agents

Khoo Teong Poh (Singapore) Khoo Phee Soon


Lee Pek Gum, signs per pro. Yeo Boon Leong

Khoo Tiong Tian

Khoo Heng Poh

Khoo Soo Check

Hung Yee Yuen

Gob Boon Toh

Yeap Teck Ghee

記瑙 Soy-kee.

Malcampo & Co., merchants

J. Malcampo Quioga

F. H. Edwards

Joseph Malcampo (Tamsui)

Ow Yeong Swee Chuan

Wee Tek Chim

Chang Tien Sze


Lim Teog Hoey

Lee Siang

打美 Me.ta.

Mehta & Co., merchants and commissi on


E. N. Mehta (Bombay)

B. S. Mehta (absent)

D. Nowrojee (Hongkong)

M. B. Taláti

D. F. Tumboly (Foochow) C. E. Mehta (Hongkong) P. B. Jokhee (absent) M. M. Mehta (Taiwanfoo) N. F. Mehta (absent) D. C. Mehta (absent) D. N. Mehta (Takao)

D. D. Tatáti (Foochow)

Moalle, N., shipchandler, compradore, ste-

vedore, navy contractor, auctioneer, &c.

Nicholas Moalle

S. A. Kraal C. M. Chiu

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Ollia, N.D., merchant & commission agent

Nusserwanjee Dadabhoy Ollia

J. N. Ollia (Bombay)

Khen kee.

Ollia & Co., D. D., merchants and com-

mission agents

E. S. Laheir (Bombay) D. D. Ollia (Taiwanfoo) F. C. Keeka (Foochow)

  C. B. Kohiar (Hongkong) J. M. Vajifdar

             do. C. F. Shroff

D. J. Petigura

  D. J. Petigura (Takao) A. D. Vania (Foochow) A. N. Gamir (Tamsui) B. H. Mory (Fuochow)

Ord, John Wallace, surveyor for Lloyd's agents, Veritas, Germanic Lloyd's and local offices

L. da Silva Ayres, clerk


Pasedag & Co., merchants

A. Piehl

F. Barre

B. Hempel

記成 Sin-kee.

Petersen & Co., ti. A., merchants and com-

mission agents

H. A. Petersen (absent)

L. P. Michelsen


C. A. Michelsen, signs per pro.

L. Mohr

J. Hansen

生醫 E-sang.

Ringer, B. Stewart, M.R.C.S., L.S.A.

MacDougall, H., M.B.

Russell & Co., merchants

Francis Cass

Wilfred Christy

T. G. Gowland (Tamsui) C. C. dios Remedios

L. J. I. de Figueiredo

A. A Nunes

E. G. dos Remedios

B. N. Jenkins

B. Touzalin



Tait & Co., merchants

R. H. Bruce

D. A. Trotter

J. R. Best

F. W. Bruce G. U. Price C. H. Best

A. Macgowan

Chas. Pye

F. B. Marshall

T. Gheeting


Verwiebe, Paulus, dentist, Kulangsoo


Wilson, Nicholls & Co., commission agents,

shipchandlers, sailmakers, and com-


W. Wilson

B. Nicholls



Sui-sou E-koon.


B. S. Ringer, surgeon

H. MacDougal, surgeon

館醫世濟 Chai-sai E-koon. NATIVE HOSPITAL.

B. 8. Ringer, surgeon

H MacDougal, do.



Rev. J. V. N. Talmage, D.D.

Rev. D. Rapalje

Rev. L. W. Kip, D.D.

Rev. A. S. van Dyck

Rev. P. W. Pitcher Miss K. M. Talmage Miss M. E. Talmage


Rev. John Macgowan

Rev. J. Sadler

Rev. R. M. Ross

Miss O. Miller

Miss L. A. Ashburner

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ENGLISH Presbyterian Mission.

 Rev. W. McGregor, M.A. Rev. H. Thompson

 Rev. John Watson, M.A. D. Grant, M.B., C M.

A. L. Macleish, M.A., M.B., C.M. Miss G. J. Maclagan Miss J. Johnston

John Lang, L.R.C.P., L.F.P.S.


ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, Church of the "Holy Rosary" Rt. Rev. Andrés Chinchon, Bishop of Chiang-chiu and Chuan-chiu, and For-


 Bev. Nicolas Guixa, An-poa, Chiang-chiu Rev. Guilhermo Burnó, Lam-pi-lau Rev. Ramon Alier, Kangboe

Rev. Juan Giralt,


 Rev. Felipe Ontoria, do. Two native priests

Spanish Convent and Foundling Hospital. Under the control of Italian Sisters. |

Mothers Ida Belgieri, Carolina Rognoni, Fiorentina Boriani, Marianne Winter

Masonic Lodges.

CORINTHIAN LODGE OF AMOY, No. 1806. Worshipful Master A. J. Hadley Im. Past Master--C. H. Palmer Senior Warden-J. W. Ord Junior Warden-W. T. Thornton Secretary-W. C Lewis Treasurer-B. N. Jenkins Senior Deacon-R. P. Verwiebe Junior Deacon-J. E. Barker

Director of Ceremonies―T. G. Burnett Steward-W. Wilson

Inner Guard-F. H. Edwards

Tyler-H. J. Wood

IONIC LODGE of Amor, No. 1781, E.C. Worshipful Master-J. McLeavy Brown Im. Past Master-F. W. Bruce Senior Warden-C. S. Powell Junior Warden-T. W. Wright Treasurer-R. H. Cook Secretary-H. J. Scott Organist-W. C. Lewis Senior Deacon-C. H. Best Junior Deacon-F. B. Marshall Steward-N. Moale

Inner Guard-G. Hauenstien Tyler-H. J. Wood

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This island, one of the largest in Asia, is situated between latitude 22 and 26 degrees N., and longitude 120 and 122 degrees E., and is separated from the coast of Fukien, China, by a channel about one hundred miles in width. Its name Formosa, signifying "beautiful island," was conferred by the Portuguese, the first Europeans to visit it, but it is called Taiwan (Great Bay) by the Chinese, to whom it has belonged since 1661. It is said that the Japanese endeavoured to form a colony in the is an in 1620, but large numbers of Chinese were settled there prior to that date. The Dutch arr ved in 1634 and founded several settlements, and traces of their occupation are still to be found in the island, but they were compelled in 1661 to re ire by the Chinese pirate chief Koxinga, who then assumed the sovereignty of western Formosa. His grandson and successor, however, was induced, twenty-two years later, to resign the crown to the Emperor of China. Formosa is about 210 miles in length, and from 60 to 70 miles broad in the widest part, with a circumference of 8 me 450 miles. It is intersected from north to south by a range of mountains, which forms a kind of backbone to the island, the loftiest peak of which, Mount Sylvia, is 11,300 feet high. On the western side of this range the slope is more gradual than on the eastern side, and broken by fertile valleys which lose themselves in the ge undulating plain on which the Chinese are settled. The whole of the territory east of the dividing chain is p opled by an aboriginal race who acknowledge no allegiance to the Chinese Government and make frequent raids on the outlying Chinese settlements. They are a savage and warlike people, allied to the Malays and Polyne- sians, and live principally by the chase. The Chinese hold the aborigines in much dread on account of their ferocity, but of late years they have steadily continued their encroachments on the eastern coast, keeping the natives at bay by the aid of Hakka settlers, a hardy race, who in Formosa go by the name of Hillmen, and who have proved a resolute foe to the aborigines. Until 1874, when the Japanese landed a force in Formosa to punish one of the aboriginal tribes for the murder of some Loochooans shipwrecked on their coast, the Chinese Government had made no serious effort to extend their rule over any part of the eastern half of the island, but ti at event caused them to push forward their lines. A few of the aborigines nearer the coast have settled down to peaceful avocations, but the mountaineers still regard the Chinese with unappeasable hatred and hostility, though they have shown courtesy a: d kindness to the few foreigners who have visited their villages. The aborigines are said to be a fine featured, well made race, but sunk in barburism and ignorance. The Chinese population o. Formosa is estimated at about 2,500,000; the number of the abori- gines it is, of course, quite impossible to estimate. The productions of Formosa are numerous, theegetation being everywhere most luxuriant, testifying to the richness of the 8 i Ri e, sugar, tea, and camphor are largely cultivated and exported. The faunas include bears, monkeys, deer, wild boar, badgers, martens, the scaly ant- eater, and other smaller animals. Birds are not very numerous, and snakes are not so common as might be expected where vegetation is so abundant, while the insect pests are not so great as in most parts of South China. It is believed that the mineral wealth of the island is very considerable. Gold has been found in the beds of the streams; valuable coal mines are in work near Kelung, and sulphur springs also exist in the north of the island. The interior of the island is, however, still practi- cally unexplored. One great drawback to the island is its want of good harbours, which is more especially folt on account of the strength of the monsoons in the Formosa lannel. Those on the eastern side are few and neither commodious nor accessible, while on the west coast most of the harbours are little better than open roa isteads. The Treaty por s are all situate on the western coast, and are four in number-Takao and Ta'wan-fu in the south, and Tamsui and Kelung in the north. The later was held for some months in 1884-5 by the French, under Admiral Courbet, but was evacuated on the 21st June, 1885. The rivers of Formosa are lew, shallow, and winding, only navigable to small flat-bottomed boats. The scenery is delightful, and the climate is very pleasant in the winter, but hot and malarious in the wet season.

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The city of Taiwan-foo, situated in lat. 23 deg. 6 min. N. and long. 129 deg. 5 min. E., is the capital of the island of Formosa, and is credited with a population of 235,000 inhabitants. Compared with other Chinese cities it is moderately clean and well paved. The walls are some five miles in circumference. The shipping port of Taiwan-foo is Anping, situated on the coast about three miles to the eastward of the city and connected with the suburbs by a creek. The port is an open roadstead, vessels having to anchor a mile or so from the beach. From the 1st November to the end of May the anchorage is a perfectly safe one, but during the S. W. monsoon a heavy swell sets in, rendering it difficult, and at times impossible, for vessels to load or discharge. Anping has of late risen greatly in importance, the foreign firms making it their headquarters instead of Takow, which port in former years was considered of more significance. Tempered by sea breezes, Anping, during the summer months can boast of a cool and healthy climate. From 1st October to the end of April there is little or no rai and the temperature leaves nothing to be desired. Sugar is the principal expo South Formosa, shipments in 1880 having reached 997,690 piculs; in 1881 the export amounted to 897,110 piculs. In 1886 the export was only 362,826 piculs. The import of Opium during 1886 was 2,913 piculs; the value of the whole tra le Tls. 2,583,625 as compared with Tls. 2,478,681 in 1885.


    Takow is a port twenty-four miles to the southward of Anping. It takes little or no share in the import trade, and is rarely visited by the foreign merchants, excepting for a few months in the winter.



BRITISH, also Danish, French, German (vice-consulate), AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN (vice-consulate), SPANISH (vice-con- sulate), AND UNITED STATES (consular ageney).

Consul-Pelham L. Warren

Assistant-P. O'Brien- Butler Constable-Antonio Alborado


Consul-A. W. Bain

Imperial Maritime Customs.


Acting Commissioner- -ǹ. E. Woodruff Assistant-A. Lay (Anping)

Do. -S. von Fries

Do. -S. J. Hanisch

  Medical Officer-W. Wykeham Myers, M.B. Acting Tide-surveyor-E. Molloy

Boat Officer-G Swainston (Anping) Examiner - G. Whitlock


Assistant Examiner-W. G. Tindall (An-


Tidewaiters-C. H. Erskine (Anping), G.

Kopp, A. Rogister

Chinese Clerks-Mak Sze-che; Yip Ah Hon,

and Mo Sih Chiu (Anping)


H. Vosteen, E. A. Kröncke


Bain & Co., agents-

Canton Insurance Office, Limited Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld. China Traders Insurance Co., Ld. New York Life Insurance Co. Douglas Steamship Co., Ld. Indo-China S. N. Co., Ld.

Boyd & Co., agents-


China Traders' Insurance Co., Limited Chinese Insurance Co., Limited

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Lauts & Hesloop, agents-


South British Fire and Marine Insur-

ance Co. of New Zealand German Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. Mannheim Insurance Co., Ld. Transatlantic Marine Insurance Co. Austrian Insurance Co.

"Donau Union of Bremen Underwriters Union of Hamburg-Bremen Under-



Société Anonyme d'Assurances Franco-

   Hongroise German Lloyd's

Transatlantic Fire Insurance Co. Prussian National Insurance Co. North German Fire Insurance Co. Baden Marine Ins. Co., Mannheim Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen Navigazione Gen. Italiana, Florio &

Rubattiuo United Cos.

Mannich & Co., Julius, agents-- Mannheim Reinsurance Co. Chinese Insurance Co., Ld.

Russell & Co., agents

Yangtsze Insurance Association. Ld. Reliance Marine Insurance Co. Ld.,


Tait & Co., agents--

North China Insurance Company Java Sea and Fire Insurance Company Union Insurance Society of Canton Straits Insurance Co., Ld.


Bain & Co., managers

Professions, Trades, &c.

記怡 Ee-kee.

Bain & Co., merchants

A. W. Bain

De Westley Layton

Boyd & Co., merchants

T. G. Harkness

Brown & Co., merchants

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation

Bain & Co., agents

ĐH Sư hỏng.

Lauts & Haesloop, merchants

J. T. Lauts

F. H. L. Haesloop (Swatow)


Mannich & Co., Julius, merchants and com-

mission agents

Julius Mannich

E. C. dos Santos

Myers, W. Wykeham, M.B., C.M., &o.,

medical practitioner

Mehta & Co., merchants and commission


D. C. Mehta D. N. Mehta M. M. Mehta

Ollia & Co., D. D., merchants and com-

mission agents

D. D. Ŏllia (Taiwanfoo)

D. J. Petigurra (Taiwanfoo and


Russell & Co., merchants,

D. Moncrieff Wright, agent Takao

and Taiwanfoo

R. J. Hastings (Taiwanfoo)

Stean: Tug "Sin Taiwan," Capt. H. Vesteen

Tait & Co., merchants

J. R. Best, agent

Takow Tug Company

Bain & Co., general managers


ENGLISH PREsbyterian MISSION. Taiwanfoo.

Rev. W. Campbell (absent) Rev. Thos. Barclay, M.A.

Rev. Wm. Thow, M.A.

Peter Anderson, L.R.C.P. & S.E.

Geo. Ede

Miss Butler

Miss Stuart


Rev. F. B. Herce, Takao

Rev. J. Clemente, Ban-kim-cheng

Rev. F. Giner, Soa-lun

Rev. R. Colomer, Lo-chu-cheng

Rev. J. Khanh, Taiwanfoo


Hon. Surgeon and Instructor-W. Wyko

ham Myers, M.B., &c.

Committee-P. L. Warren, A W. Bain,

D. M. Wright

Hon. Treasurers-Bain & Co.

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The port of Tamsui lies in lat. 25 deg. 10 min. N. and long. 101 deg. 26 min. E.. on the northern side of the fertile island of Formosa. It is an uninteresting place, The harbour, like all others in Formosa, has a troublesome bar, which greatly retards the growth of the port. Dredging would do much to render it more accessible. The town, called Hûbei, is situated on the north side of the river, about two miles from the bar. The trade at Tamsui is not extensive. Tea grows on the hills in the locality, and the production of Formosa Oolongs is annually increasing. In 1872 the export only amounted to 19,513 piculs, while now it exceeds 120,000 piculs. The export of Camphor, on the other hand, shows a steady decline, owing probably to the wholesale destruction of the trees, which were once exceedingly abundant in most parts of the island. In October, 1884, the French ships under Admiral Courbet bombarded Tamsui, but were unable to take the place. The population of Tamsui is estimated at 95,000. The principal exports are Tea, Camphor, and Coal. The value of the trade of the port in 1886 was Tls. 5,434,463, and in 1885, Tls. 4,499,255.

The port of Kelung lies to the north-east of Tamsui, in latitude 25 deg. 9 min. N. and longitude 121 deg. 47 min. E. It is situated on the shores of a bay between the capes of Foki and Peton, some twenty miles apart, amidst bold and striking scenery, backed by a range of mountains. It was once a Spanish Settlement, but was subsequently captured and held by the Dutch until they in turn gave place to the Chinese under Koxinga. Though only a mere village, it has long carried on a con- siderable native trade with Amoy, Chin-chew, and Foochow. Its staple product is coal, the mines of which are very productive; one colliery at Coal Harbour has been worked by the Government, with modern English machinery, but the output has never been very great. Sulphur also abounds in a valley in the neighbourhood, but the Authorities will not allow it to be worked. Kelurg was opened to foreign trade at the same time as the other Formosan ports. The foreign trade at this port is confined to the shipment of coal. Its exports are included in the returns for Tamsui. The limits of the port are defined to be within a straight line drawn from Image Point to Bush Island. On the 5th August, 1884, the port was bombarded by the French under Admiral Léspes, when the forts above the town were reduced to ruins, and the place captured. It was then garrisoned by the French, who held it until after the Treaty of peace had been signed at Tientsin in June, 1885. A railway to connect Kelung with Tamsui is progressing towards completion.


Consulates. BRITISH.

UNITED STATES. Consular Agent-T. G. Gowland

Consul-H. A. Giles Writer-Lin Hsün Chên

Linguist-Yeap Thian-lye Constable-P. W. Petersen


Acting Consul-H. A. Giles


Aeting Vice-Consul-H. A. Giles


Consul-C. Pye


Vice-Consul-Francis Cass


Acting Vice-Consul-H. A. Giles

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Imperial Maritime Customs. Assistant-in-charge-J. T. Chalmers Assistants-N. E. Bryant, E. Björnson Clerk-F. R. Martin Surgeon-A. Rennie, M.B.

Acting Tide-surveyor-H. A. McInnes Examiner-J. Newbury

  Assistant Examiner-G. F. W. Lübrss Tidewaiters-E. E. Smith, J. J. Wilgaard,

R. Grant, E. V. H. Viez

Chinese Clerks-Wong Wai, Chew Leong

Hoe, Tang Wing Ki


Boyd & Co., agents-

China Traders' Insurance Company,


Chinese Insurance Company, Limited

Dodd & Co., agents―

Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. South British Fire and Marine Insu-

rance Co., New Zealand

Lapraik & Co., Douglas, agents-

Canton Insurance Office, Limited Union Insurance Society of Canton Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

Russell & Co., agents-

Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld.

Tait & Co., agents-

Java Sea and Fire Insurance Co. North China Insurance Company Straits Insurance Company


Boyd & Co., merchants

Grant Scott, tea inspector

Brown & Co., merchants

R. S. Harger, tea inspector

M Po-soon.

Dodd & Co., merchants

John Dodd

E. W. Skrimshire

H. Percy White, tea inspector J. A. Straubè, godown keeper

Fearon, Low & Co., merchants

A. C. Bryer, agent


Johansen, C. H., M.D. medical practitioner

for Tamsui and Kelung (absent) Alex. Rennie, M.B., C.M.

Laprak & Co., Douglas, merchants

F. Ashton, agent

記瑞 Soy-kee.

Malcampo & Co., merchants and commis-

sion agents

J. Malcampo Quioga (Amoy)

Joseph Malcampo

Cheo Sooh Peck

Ollia & Co., D. D., merchants and com-

mission agents

A. D. Vania

A. N. Gamir

Russell & Co., merchants Francis Cass (Amoy)

T. G. Gowland

Tait & Co., merchants

C. H. Best, agent



Rev. Geo. L. Mackay, D.D. Rev. J. Jamieson

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Foochow (or Fuh-chau-fu) is the capital of the Fokien province. It is situated in lat. 26 deg. 02 min. 24 sec. N., and long. 119 deg. 20 min. E. The city is built on a plain on the northern side of the river Min, and is distant about thirty-four miles from the sea, and nine miles from Pagoda Island, where foreign vessels anchor.

    The attention of foreigners was early attracted to Foochow as a likely place where commercial intercourse could be profitably carried on in the shipment of Bohea Tea, which is grown largely in the locality. Before the port was opened, this article used to be carried overland to Canton for shipment, a journey which was both long and difficult. The East India Company, as early as 1830, made representations in favour of the opening of the port, but nothing definite was done till the conclusion of the Treaty of Nanking in 1842. The early years of intercourse with the natives were anything but what was anticipated. The navigation of the river was difficult, there was no market for imports, and several attacks by the populace rendered the port an undesirable place of residence for some time. It was not until some ten years after the port had been opened that there was much done in the export of Tea from the interior, but after that the quantity shipped increased largely, and Foochow is now one of the principal tea ports in China.

The city is built around three hills, and the circuit of the walled portion is between six and seven miles in length. The walls are about thirty feet high and twelve feet wide at the top. The streets are narrow and filthy, but the number of trees about the official quarter of the city, and the wooded hills enclosed by the walls, give a picturesque appearance to the general view. Near the east gate of the city are several bot springs, which are used by the natives for the cure of skin diseases and are believed to be every efficacious. The Foochow people excel in the manufacture of miniature monuments, pagodas, dishes, &c., from what is called "soap stone," and in the construction of artificial flowers, curious figures of birds, &c. A few miles above the city the river divides into branches, which, after pursuing separate courses for fifteen miles, unite a little above Pagoda Anchorage. The foreign settlement stands on the northern side of the island thus formed and which is called Nantai. munication with the city is kept up by means of a bridge.


The climate of Foochow is moist and enervating; it is rather warmer in summer and cooler in winter than that of Hongkong. Frost and ice are occasionally-but very

seldom-met with here.

    The scenery surrounding Foochow is very beautiful. In sailing up the river from the sea vessels have to leave the wide stream and enter what is called the Kimpai Pass, which is barely half-a-mile across, and enclosed as it is by bold, rocky walls, it presents a very striking appearance. The Pass of Min-ngan is narrower, and with its towering cliffs, surinounted by fortifications and cultivated terraces, is extremely picturesque, and has been compared to some of the scenes on the Rhine.

    Foreign vessels, with the exception of those of very light draught, are compelled to anchor at Pagoda Island, owing to the shallowness of the river, which has been increasing of late years, and the difficulties of navigation. The limits of the port of Foochow extend from the City Bridge to the Kimpai Pass. The Mamoi Arsenal, near Pagoda Anchorage, is an extensive Government establishment, where several good sized gunboats have been built. The Arsenal was bombarded by the French on the 23rd-24th August, 1884, and reduced to partial ruin, but has since been restored. There is a granite-floored dock at the Anchorage owned and managed by foreigners. The population of Foochow is estimated at 630,000.

    The trade of Foochow is mainly in Tea, the quantity exported in 1886 amounting to 665,507 piculs against 661,686 piculs in 1885. Of Opium 4,747 piculs were imported in 1886 as against 4,407 piculs in 1885. The value of the trade of the port for 1886 was Tls. 16,219,108; for 1885 it was Tls. 15,097,720.

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Ta-ying-kwok ling-shih ya-mun. GREAT BRITAIN.

Acting Consul―Geo. Phillips

Vice-Consul-Colin M. Ford (at Pagoda


Assistant-E. L. B. Allen

Acting Assistant and Postal Agent J. Nöel


Constable at Anchorage-W. Stocks

₪6**** Ta-me ling-shih ya-mun.


Consul-Joseph C. A. Wingate

Vice-Consul and Interpreter-John P.

Cowles, Jr.

Assistant and Marshal-J. J. de Souza


Ta-te-kwok ling-shih-kwan.


Acting Consul―J. C. A. Wingate

Acting Interpreter-J. P. Cowles, Jr.

**E** Ta-fah-kwok ling-shih.


Consul-J. Hte. Frandin

Interpreter-Tchas Tehen Tchonen


Consul―J. H. Frandiu


Consul-J. H. Frandin

***#* Ta-ngo-kwok ling-shih.


Consul-N. A. Popoff

Sweden and Norway.

Vice-Consul―G. Siemssen


Consul-T. Pim


Ta-ji-pen ling-shi-kwan.


Acting Vice-Consul-S. Uyeno

Imperial Arsenal.

Acting Foreign Secretary-C. H. Brewitt-

Taylor, F.R.A.S.

Professor of Navigation and Mathematics-

C. H. Brewitt-Taylor, F.R.A.S.


Prof. of Mathem. and English.-G. Le Gros do. -F.T. Richards


Prof. of Pure Mathematics-L. Médard Medical Officer-J. J. Underwood

Imperial Maritime Customs.

Hai-kwan. Commissioner-C. Hannen

Deputy Commissioner-W. B. Russell Assistants-C. A. Lord, J. H. M. Moor- head, V. E. J. Dent, P. von Tanner, J. T. M. Drummond

Chinese Clerks-Lim Chinguan, Li Wang- yang, Choab Leng-tee, Li Tat Chang, Cheong H. Kam, Whang Fan chi, Chỉu Chi-ing

OUT-DOOR STAFF AT Nantai. Assistant Tidesurveyor-J. von Jezewski Examiners-J. Liaigre, O. E. Bailey Assistant Examiners--W. Creek, F. G.

Becke, C. Tonkin Tidewaiter- J. N. Segardel


Harbour Master and Tide surveyor-S


Boat Officer-G. A. Forsaith Tidewaiters-H. Schweiger, F. H. Siemsen,

A. E. Pfankuchen, F. Williams, J. S. O'Neil, J. Trojel, J E. Siebermann


Sergeant J. F. J. Seier


Adamson, Bell & Co., agents-

Chinese Insurance Company, Limited South Australian Marine Insurance


Lancashire Fire Insurance Company Thames and Mersey Marine Insur-

ance Company

National Marine Insurance Associa

tion, Limited

Singapore Insurance Co., Limited

Bathgate & Co., agents-

South British Fire and Marine Insur-

ance Co. of New Zealand

Butterfield & Swire, ageuts

The British and Foreign Marine In- surance Company, Limited Royal Exchane Insurance Company London and Lancashire Fire Insur-

ance Company

Digitized by




Fairhurst, Sutherland & Co., agents-

North British and Mercantile In-

surance Company

Galton & Co., agents―

Phoenix Fire Insurance

Universal Marine Insurance Co., Ld. Merchants' Marine Insurance Com-

pany, Limited

China Traders' Insurance Co., Ld. Austrian Insurance Company, "Don-



GBB, Livingston & Co., agents-

China Fire Insurance Company, Ld. Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld. Commercial Union Assurance Com-

pany, Life Department

Home and Colonial Marine Insurance


New Zea and Insurance Company North Queensland Insurance Com-

pany, Limited

Gilman & Co., agents-


Association of Underwriters of Glas-



Underwriters' Association ofLiverpoo Merchant Shipping and Underwriters

   Association of Melbourne North China Insurance Co., Ld. London Assurance Corporation, Fire Imperial Fire Insurance Company

Gittins & Co., John, agents―

Sun Fire Office

Hock Lee & Co., agents-

Man On Insurance Company

Hunter, W. L., agent-

Straits Insurance Co., Limited

Straits Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents-

Canton Insurance Office, Limited Triton Insurance Company

Hongkong Fire Insurance Company Alliance Fire Insurance Company

Kaw Hong Take & Co., agents

On Tai Insurance Co., Limited Khean Guan Insurance Co., Limited

Odell & Co., agents-

London and Provincial Marine In-

surance Company

New York Life Insurance Co.

Oliver & Co., George, agents-

Scottish Imperial Life Insurance Co. Queen Insurance Company, Fire

Phipps, Phipps & Co., agents--

Liverpool and London and Globe

Insurance Company, Fire Marine Insurance Co., London Standard Life Assurance Company

Purdon & Co., agents-

Royal Insurance Company

Russell & Co., agents―

Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld.

Sanderson & Co., agents-

Union Marine Insurance Co., Limited Guardian Fire Assurance Company Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society

Siemssen & Co., agents-

Globe Marine Insurance Company,

Limited, of London Dusseldorf Universal Marine In. surance Company, Limited, of Dusseldorf

German Lloyd's Marine Insurance Company, Limited, Berlin

Silverlock John, Junr, agent-

The Fire Insurance Association, Ld. London and Lancashire Li'e Assur-

ance Co.

Turner & Co., agents-

Netherlands India Marine Insurance


Home & Colonial Assurance Company

Northern Fire and Life Assurance


塢船州褔 Soong-hoe.

FOOCHOW Dockyard.

Capt. J. C. Saunders, manager


Turner & Co., agents

EASTERN AND Australian S. S. Co., Ld. Russell & Co., agents

NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD S. N. Co. Schönfeld & Co., agents

Digitized by



COMPANY, Limited.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents


CANADIAN Pacific Railway Co.'s STEAMERS.

Adamson Bell & Co., agents

CHINA NAVIGATION CO., LIMITED. Butterfield & Swire, agents

Douglas STEAMSHIP CO., LIMITED. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents



Chang Tun-foo, agent

Chung Keen-t'sew, sub-agent

Austro-Hungarian Lloyd's Steam NAVIGATION Co.

Russell & Co., agents


Siemssen & Co., agents

      GLEN LINE OF STEAMERS. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents


Cibb, Livingston & Co., agents



Gibb, Livingston & Co., managers


Russell & Cɔ., agents

CASTLE LINE OF STEAMERS. Adamson, Bell & Co., agents


Fairhurst & Sutherland, agents


Adamson, Bell & Co., agents


Butterfield & Swire, agents


Purdon & Co., agents

WEST AUSTRALIAN STEAMSHIP Co. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents




Chow Kung-foo, manager

Chow Yu-ting, assistant manager

L. Colding, engineer-in-chief

REUTER'S Telegram Co.

Joseph Phillips, agent


Ta-tong teen-hsien kong-sze.



F. J. Rentzsch, superintendent, Foochow

and Sharp Peak

J. Hansen, acting clerk in charge,

Sharp Peak

G. G. Uren, operator, Sharp Peak F. W. Edwards, senior clerk, Foochow Hon Mann Chow, counter clerk 3 Chinese operators

3 Chinese clerks




Mrs. A. H. Begley

T. Brockett

River Steamers.

"Hongkong," "Grip," "Mingan"

SHANGHAI Local Post Office.

Hedge & Co., agents at Foochow Dobie & Co., agents at Pagoda Anchorage


Agra Bank, Limited

Gilman & Co., agents


Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and


F. W. Marshall, agent

W. Munro, accountant

行銀利有 Yew.lee.

Chartered Mercantile Bank of India,

London, and China

Purdon & Co., agents

Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris

Russell & Co., agents

Digitized by





Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpo-


A. D. Mactavish, acting agent

National Bank of India, Limited

Turner & Co., agents

New Oriental Bank Corporation, Limited

Gibb, Livingston & Co., agents

Professions, Trades, &c.


Adamson, Bell & Co., merchants

F. Cave Thomas, tea inspector M. Woodley,

F. E. Richards

H. V. Boyol


Bathgate & Co., merchants

John Bathgate

Tobias Pim

Jas. H. Bathgate


Brockett, G. T., commission agent

. T. Brockett (London)

T. Brockett

(See Advertisement.)


Butterfield & Swire, merchants

W. J. Robinson, tea inspector G. Martin do.

L. H. Helbling


Dobie & Co., shipchandlers and coal dea-

lers, Pagoda Island

C. B. Buyers, in charge


England & Co., Frank H., merchants

F. H. England

H. Skerrett Rogers

C. Skerrett Rogers, tea inspector B. Pereira


England & Co., McHenry, merchants


Etam, Baboo, general storekeeper, navy

 contractor, purveyor, and proprietor of "Foochow Bakery"


Fairhurst, Sutherland & Co., merchants, commission agents and public tea in- spectors

Thos. Fairhurst Hugh Sutherland Li Shun Ting


Fearon, Low & Co., merchants

Randall H. Pye (absent) Frank Leyburn (Amoy)

John Odell, agent

"Foochow Daily Echo


Foochow Printing Press, proprietors

Foochow Hotel

G. T. Brockett, proprietor (absent)

T. Brockett


Fraser, Ramsay & Co., tea merchants

R. H. W. Fraser

R. Ramsay

A Koon-yeek.

Galton & Co., public tea inspectors and

commission agents

W. P. Galton

H. B. Ellerton, tea inspector

H. F. MacEwen

記乾 Kien-kee.

Gibb, Livingston & Co., merchants

H. P. Tennant

Alex. W. V. Gibb

* Tai-ping.

Gilman & Co., merchants

G. Slade

L. M. F. Grant


Gittins & Co., John, merchants John Gittins (London)

H. J. J. Chambers

Thos. Gittins, Jr., Wm. Gittins

J. P. Pereira

** Ah-Tai.

Harman & Co., G., commission agents,

ship brokers, and auction: ers

Geo. Harman

Thos. O. B. Harman (absent)

Ting Mu-Lan

Digitized by




Hedge & Co., merchants

Thomas Dunn (absent)

J. A. Coffin

H. W. Churchill

J. L. Hartshorn

利復 Hock-lee.

Hock Lee & Co., merchants and commis-

sion agents

Tan Kim Ching (Singapore)

Tiong Ah Hok

Paul Pettick, signs per pro.

Lim Ting Ping

Lew Kim Sen, European dept.

Wong Chik Sing,


Wong Siong Twan, Chinese dept.

Hee Sit Chong, Silk dept.

Chai Tan Chee, do.

Lim Chong Yee, Insurance

and others

(See Advertisement.)


Tung chung.

Hunter, W. L., merchant

W. L. Hunter

J. W. Tilley

Wm. Graham, tea inspector John Silverlock, Jr., do.


Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants

R. W. H. Wood

C. King, tea inspector

H. Shelley Brand, do.

D. da Roza

興怡 Yee-hein.


Kaw Hong Take & Co., merchants, com-

mission agents, and shipbrokers

Kaw Hong Take (Hongkong)

Kaw Eong Hean

Kimura, S., photographer



Love & Co., merchants

J. H. Love

Jno. J. de Souza

Lowe, R., Pagoda Anchorage

打美 Me.ta.

Mehta & Co., merchants and commission


E. N. Mebta (Bombay)

B. S. Mehta (Amoy)

D. N. Saklatwalla (Hongkong) Dorabjee F. Tumboly

D. D. Talati



Minchin & Co., merchants and commis- sion agents, and agents Chinese En- gineering and Mining Co., Kaiping

G. Minchin

G. Bengsian

Wong Poa

C. K. Lee



Odell & Co., merchants

John Odell

John C. Oswald

茂太 Tai-mow.

Oliver & Co., George, merchants

George Oliver (London)

John Pinel (London)

E. A. Crocker

E. C. Pearce

E. C. Millard


Ollia & Co., D. D., merchants and com-

mission agents

E. S. Labier (Bombay)

D. D. Ollia (Taiwanfoo)

F. C. Keeka (Foochow)

C. B. Kohiar (Hongkong)

J. M. Vajifdar


C. F. Shroff (Amoy) D. J. Petigurra (Takao) A. D. Vania Tamsui)

B. H. Mory

A. N. Gameer (Tamsui)

Dinshaw J. Petigurra (Amoy)

Fu Wo-kee.

Phillips, Joseph, exchange and share broker and general commission agent


Phipps, Phipps & Co., merchants

A. L. Phipps (absent)

H. G. Phipps


Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co., merchants.

M. F. Piatkoff (absent)

J. M. Molchanoff (absent)

S. A. Cheerkoff

S. D. Malashkin

Digitized by




Purdon & Co., merchants

J. A. Maitland (absent)

J. G. Purdon (Shanghai)

Goring Bushby, tea inspector

生醫你厘 Lin-ne E-sang.


Rennie and Adam, medical practitioners

T. Rennie, M.D. & C.M.

T. B. Adam, M.D. & C.M.



Robertson, H. J., architect and builder


Rozario & Co., D., commission agents

D. do Rozario


Russell & Co., merchants

M. W. Greig, tea inspector

C. A. B. Heath

C. S. Moore



臣禪 Seem-sun.

Siemssen & Co., merchants

G. Siemssen, tea inspector H. Puttfarcken


Speshiloff & Co., S. I., merchant

S. I. Spesbiloff (Hankow)

L. P. Sherkoonoff, do.

W. M. Koreylin

P. N. Cheredoff

G. F. Iberson

豐類 Shun-feng.

Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co., merchants

J. F. Tokmakoff (Moscow)

O. J. Molotkoff (Hankow)

A. D. Startseff (Tientsin)

P. N. Shoolingin

D. M. Melinkoff P. Mallakoff Alves


Turner & Co., merchants

A. W. Walkinshaw

A N. Mendes

Sanderson & Co., merchants

K. D. Adams (Canton)

J. L. P. Sanderson (London)

Geo. E. J. Gardiner, sigus per pro.

A. A. da Roza

宜沙新 Sin-ga-8un.

Sassoon & Co., E. D., merchants

M. S. Perry, ageut

M. E. Hyeems

Saunders, Captain J. C., marine surveyor for Lloyd's agents and local insurance offices, Pagoda Anchorage


Schoenke, F., watchmaker & photographer


Schönfeld & Co., merchants

F. Schönfeld

Werner Krohn

Shaw, Capt. S. L., marine surveyor for Germanic Lloyd's and local insurance offices, Pagoda Island; residence, Pagoda Anchorage


Underwood, J. J., M.B., C.M. Edinr.,

L.R.C.S.E., medical practitioner, Pago.

da Anchorage


Watson & Co., A. S., Limited, "The

Dispensary," chemists and druggists,

aerated water makers, wine, spirit, and

cigar merchants

T. Hetherington, manager Lou Yut Chor


Weeks, H. B., exchange and general broker,

and commission agent


Committee of Management-G. Siemssen (hon. secretary and treasurer), Colin M. Ford, J. C. A. Wingate, C. Hannen, H. Sutherland, T. Rennie, M.D., T. B. Adam, M.D.

Medical Officers-Drs. Rennie and Adam

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FOOCHOW General Chamber of


Committee-Gerald Slade, chairman; R. W. H. Wood, vice-chairman; John Odell, H. P. Tennant, W. L. Hunter Secretary-Werner Krohn


Chairman-G. Slade

Hon. Treasurer-R. W. H. Wood

Committee-C. M. Ford, G. E. J. Gar-

diner, T. Pollard, T. Rennie, M.D., G.

     Siemssen, J. W. Tilley Secretary-J. Phillips


Ang-lik-kang Hoi.


Ven. Archdeacon John Wolfe Rev. R. W. Stewart, M.A.

Rev. L. Lloyd

Rev. W. Banister (Ku Cheng)

Rev. J. Martin (Hok Ning Foo) Rev. C. Shaw

Rev. John Collins

B. v. S. Taylor, M.D. (Hok Ning Foo)

Miss Goldie, C.M.S.,

Miss Bushell, F.E.S.

Miss J. Newcombe, C.E.Z.S.

Miss H. Newcombe, C.E.Z.S.

Miss Hankin, C.E.Z.S.



Rev. Nathan Sites

Rev. Nathan J. Plumb

Rev. M. C. Wilcox

Rev. G. B. Smyth (absent)

Rev. J. H. Worley

Miss Kate A. Corey, M.D.

Miss Lizzie M. Fisher (absent)

Miss Carrie I. Jewell

Miss S. R. Pray, M.D. (absent)

Miss Mabel C. Hartford

Rev. W. H. Lacy


Mei-pu-chwʻen-tao kung-wui.


Rev. Caleb C. Baldwin, D.D. absent)

Rev. Charles Hartwell Rev. Simeon F. Woodin Rev. J. E. Walker

Rev. Geo. H. Hubbard H. T. Whitney, M.D. Miss Ella J. Newton

Miss Emily S. Hartwell (absent)

Miss Hannah C. Woodbull

Miss Kate C. Woodhull, M.D.

Miss Elsie M. Garretson

Miss Caroline Koerner

Jones, Spencer, evangelist


Nan-tay huan-sun-puo-muy tsen-chio-tin. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.

Right Rev. Dr. Salvador Masot, O.P.


Nan-moon-noi o-muy-hong tsen-chio-tin.

Rev. Basso, O.P., provincial vicar

Rev. I. Ibanez, O.P.

Rev. J. Cottell, O.P.

Rev. C. Plá, O.P. Rev. M. Gimeno, O.P. Rev. E. Verges Rev. G. Mann

Rev. E. Sanchez

Rev. J. Valls

Rev. M. Vila

Rev. M. Moreno

Rev. Ramon Bienes

Rev. Josephus Ramos

15 Chinese priest missionaries

20 Scholars in seminary

堂慈仁菴尾澳 外門 南

Nan-moon-noi o-muy-hong yan-tze-tin.


Under the control of Dominican Sisters.


Mother Joaquina del Sso. Sacramento, su


Mother Trinidad Romero

Mother Pascuala Viron

200 Foundlings


FOOCHOW LODge, No. 1912.

Worshipful Master-E. A. Crocker

Im. Past Master-T. Ronnie

Senior Warden-T. Hetherington

Junior Warden-G. Le Gros

Treasurer-A. C. Marshall Secretary-J. W. Tilley, P.M. Senior Doacon-F. G. Becke Junior Deacon-J. N. Segardel Inner Guard-J. Phillips Tyler-O. E. Bailey

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  Wên-chow-fu, one of the five ports opened to foreign trade by the Chefoo Convention, is the chief town in the department of the same name occupying the south-east corner of Che-kiang province. The city is situated on the south bank of the river Ou-kiang, about twenty miles from its mouth, in lat. 27 deg. 18 min. 4 sec. N., long. 120 deg. 38 min. 28 sec. E. The site is a well cultivated plain, bounded on all sides, but at a distance of some five miles, by lofty hills. The walls are said to have been first erected during the fourth century, and enlarged and re-built by the Emperor Hung-Wu in 1385. They are formed of stone, diagonally laid at the foundation, and partly also of brick, and measure about four miles in circumference. The streets are wider, straighter, and cleaner than those of most Chinese cities. They are well paved with brick and kept in careful and constant repair by the housebolders. They slope down on either side to water ways, which in their turn communicate with canals permeating the whole city. There are numerous large nunneries and temples in Wênchow. The Custom-house, outside the chief gate, known as the Shwang Mên or Double Gate," the Tautai's Yamên, the Prefect's and other public offices in a cluster, and the Founding Hospital, all near the centre, are the other chief buildings. The latter institution, built in 1748, contains one hundred apartments. It is supported by the interest of invested subscriptions and the rental of alluvial lands presented to it by the Government. There is also a Beggar's Asylum outside the south-west gate. It was built during the 14th century, and is supported by the State. The monthly allowance for each recipient is one tael and a balf, but it is reported that few avail themselves of the charity. Among the objects of greatest interest and curiosity to the stranger are two pagodas situated on Conquest" Island abreast of the city. They are both of great antiquity and, with the houses close by, were some time the retreat of Ti Ping, the last Emperor of the Sung dynasty, when seeking to escape from the Mongols under Kublai Khan. The British Consul and the Customs tide- waiters occupy apartments on the island used by His Majesty, who has left behind bim autographs preserved to this day in the adjoining temple. The estimated population of the city is from 80,000 to 100,000.


  Wêuchow was formerly a great seat of the tea trade, and previous to 1861 was, it is said by some, the only port in the department from which the tea was allowed to be exported. The city was then in a flourishing condition. But in order to prevent the teas from falling into the hands of the Tai-p'ing rebels, who overran the whole district during that year, this regulation was exchanged for one which authorized the export of tea at any of the Customs stations along the coast; consequently the trade soon gra- vitated to Foochow in the south and to Ningpo in the north. It was thought that on the conversion of Wênchow into a treaty port it would speedily recover its old position as a tea exporting place, but this has not proved to be the case, although it is estimated that ea could be put on the Wênchow market for $2 per picul less than at Foocbow, owing to the higher cost of transport to the latter part. At present there is no foreign settlement, and the foreign residents are a mere handful, consisting almost entirely of officials and missionaries. A large quantity of native opium is produced in the vicinity of Wênchow. There is a considerable native export trade in wood and amboos, brought down the river in rafts from Ch'u-chow. The annual value of this trade is estimated to be not less than $2,000,000. The shops and yards engaged in it are situated in the west suburb, where immense quantities of bamboos and poles are kept on hand. Wenchow is also celebrated for its bitter oranges. The net value of the foreign imports for the year 1886 was Tls. 368,238 s against Tls. 296,343 in 1885. The export of Tea in 1886, was 2,619 piculs, as com: ared with 2,919 piculs in 1885. The value of the whole trade of the port for 1886 was Tle. 576,932, compared with Tls. 487,870 in 1885.

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Ta Ying-kwok ling-sz-nga-mun.


Consul-W. Gavin Stronach

Constable-John Compton


In charge of Interests-W. G. Stronach


Consul-W. Gavin Stronach

          SWEDEN ANd Norway. In charge W. Gavin Stronach

Imperial Maritime Customs.

Ou Hai-kuan.

Assistant in charge-Jas. R. Brazier Assistant-D. J. Macgowan Clerk-D. Percebois


Medical Officer-D. J. Macgowan, M.D. Linguist-Huang Ping

Assistant Examiner-Ğ. W. Luce

Tidewaiters-R. D. J. Simpson, W E.



Yeh Chang, shipping agent



Rev. G. and Mrs. Stott (absent) R. Grierson (Ping Yang)



Miss J. C. Oliver

Miss Britton

Miss Judd



Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Soothill


       Ningpo is situated on the river Yung, in the province of Chekiang, in lat. 29 deg 55 min. 12 sec. N., and long. 121 deg. 22 min. E. It was one of the five ports thrown open to foreigners in 1842. Foreigners had, however, visited Ningpo at an early date. Portuguese traded there in 1522; a number of them settled in the place in that and succeeding years, and there was every prospect of a rising and successful colony soon being established. But the lawless acts of the Portuguese soon attracted the attention of the Government, and in 1542 the Governor of Chekiang ordered the settlement to be destroyed and the population to be exterminated. A large force of Chinese troops soon besieged the place, destroying it entirely, and out of a population of 1,200 Portuguese, 800 were massacred. No further attempt at trade with this port was made till towards the close of the 17th century, when the East India Company established a factory at the island of Chusan, some forty miles from Ningpo. The attempt to found a trade mart there, however, proved unsatis- factory, and the factory was abandoned after a very few years' trial. The port was deserted by foreigners for many years after that. When hostilities broke out between Great Britain and China in 1839, the fleet moved north from Canton, and on the 13th October, 1841, occupied Ningpo, and an English garrison was stationed there for some time. In March, 1842, an attempt was made by the Chinese to retake the city, but the British artillery repulsed them with great slaughter. Ningpo was evacuated on May 7th, and, on the proclamation of peace in the following August, the port was thrown open to foreign trade.

Ningpo is built on a plain, which stretches away to a considerable distance on either side. It is a walled city, the walls enclosing a space of some five miles in cir- cumference. The walls are built of brick, and are about twenty-five feet high. They

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are fifteen feet wide at the summit, and twenty-two at the base. Access is obtained to the town by six gates. A large moat commences at the north gate and runs along the foot of the wall for about three miles on the landward side, until it stops at what is called the Bridge Gate. The main street runs from east to west. Several of the streets are spanned by arches erected in memory of distinguished natives. Ningpo has been celebrated as possessing the fourth library of Chinese works, in point of numbers, which existed in the empire. It was owned by a family who resided near the south gate. The site occupied by the foreign residences is on the north bank of the river. The population of Ningpo is estimated at 240,000.

The trade at Ningpo has never been large. This is owing to a considerable extent, doubtless, to the proximity of Shanghai. The net quantity of Opium imported in 1886 was 8,243 piculs, as compared with 7,866 piculs in 1885. Of Tea, there were 149,125 piculs exported in 1886, and 168,462 in 1885; Cotton, 5,198 piculs in 1886, and 6,434 piculs in 1885. The total value of the trade of the port was Tls. 13,248,307 in 1886; and Tls. 12,481,097 in 1885.




Da Ing-hsh Ling-ze-ngô-meng. GREAT BRITAIN.

Consul-William M. Cooper (absent)

Acting Consul-B. C. G. Scott Constable-J. Deas


Agent for Consul General-W. M. Cooper


Prett Da-me Ling-xe-ngô-meng. UNITED STATES.

Consul-Thos. F. Pettus

Interpreter-R. Kleine Marshal-R. A. Cowley

*** Da-tá Ling-ze-ngô-meng.


Acting Vice-Consul-


Coneul-W. M. Cooper (absent)

Acting Consul―B. C. G. Scott


Da-sae-uhe nau-way Ling-se-ngô meng.

SWEDEN ANd Norway.

Acting Vice-Consul-M. S. Perry


Vice-Consul-W. M. Cooper (absent)

Imperial Maritime Customs.

Che Hae-kwan.

Commissioner F. Kleinwachter Assistants-R. S. Yorke, J. A. Kerr, 0.

Tiberii, W. Grundmann

Medical Officer-C. C. De Burgh Daly Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master-A.


Examiner-J. W. Burke

Assistant Examiners-C. V. Bono, F.


Tide-waiters-J. H. J. Susemihl, J. T. Truby, H. L. L. Pritchard, W. Boad, A. W. Best, C. W. de Berigny, W. C. Bond, E. F. Sierp


Assist. Tidesurveyor-T. J. Ballard


Tiger Island-Ku Ah-hsiao and two assis-


Square Island-Chen Chang-yung and

three assistants



Controller and Magistrate-J. C. Watson

Sergeant-John Willis

Interpreter-Chang Fung

Constables-16 Chinese

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Davidson & Co., agents―


Lloyd's North China Insurance Company, Ld Canton Insurance Office, Límite d Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld. China Fire Insurance Company, Ld. New York Life Insurance Company Commercial Union Assurance Com-

pany of London--Life

Hartmann, J., agent-

Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld. Chinese Insurance Co., Limited Sun Fire Office

Standard Life Assurance Co.

McCaslin & Co., agents--

Straits Insurance Co., Limited

Wadman & Co., E., agents--

China Traders' Insurance Company Imperial Fire Insurance Co.

    INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LD. Davidson & Co. agents


CHINA MERCHANTS' S. N. Co. Hwa Siau Hu, shipping agent

BRITISH NORTH BORNEO CO. Wadman & Co., agents


Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor-


Davidson & Co., agents

Merchants, Professions, and Trades.

生醫臺 Dae I-sang.

Daly, C. C. de Burgh, M.B., B.Ch.

LH Khuông-ngn.


Davidson & Co., merchants

Patrick Davidson

Geo. Davidson



McCaslin & Co., merchants, commission

agents, and manufacturers of rush hats

C. McCaslin

L. McCaslin


Wadman & Co., merchants

E. Wadman

Ê ty Hung chong. Wong & Co., C. T., merchants W. King Kow, manager Ooey Keng Beng


P. M. Pedersen, lugger Teazer J. Smith, cutter Orphan


CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Rt. Rev. G. E. Moule, D.D. (Hangchow) Rev. J. Bates

Rev. J. C. Hoare, M.A.

Rev. J. H. Morgan Rev. W. Moule, B.A.

Rev. C. J. S. Symons, B.A. Miss Laurence Rev. A. Elwin


Rev. J. H. Sedgwick do., Rev. J. H. Horsburgh



Rev. G. W. Coultas


Dr. D. Main


Rev. J. M. Neale,


Dr. Herbert Hicken


Bev. J. D, Valentine (Shaoubying)

Rev. A. R. Fuller (absent)



Rev. W. J. and Mrs. McKee

Mrs. F. E. Butler

Miss S. A. Warner

Rev. G. F. and Mrs. Fitch

Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Judson (Hangchow) Rev. F. V. and Mrs. Mills




Rev. J. L. Stuart

Rev. G. W. Painter


Rev. J. F. Johnson Mrs. A. E. Randolph Miss Helen Kirkland Rev. R. V. Lancaster Miss Lily Sidball

Hartmann, J., merchant

Julius Hartmann


do. (Hangchow) do. do.

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Miss G. Smith



Mgr. P. M. Reynaud, Bishop of Fussulan


J. J. Meadows (Shaohying)

Rev. James Williamson (Funghwa)

W. D. Rudland (Taichow)

Miss A. Higginbotham

J. M. Rizzi


Fung-hua Hsien.

J. B. Bret


I. Urgé


D. V. Procacci


J. L. Perras


A. Heckmann


J. Chastle


B. L. Ibarrutby


C. E. Mustel


P. L. Ferrant


P. L. Favean


E. Barberet


R. Langman do.

J. M. Liberge


J. Lesoin


G. Stott (absent)

Rev. J. Heal (Shauhying)

Miss S. Carpenter (Kien-chow)

Miss M. Carpenter

Miss Oliver (Wenchow)

A. Wright (Kinghwa)


M. Harrison (Ninghai) R. Grierson (Wenchow) E. S. Sayers


D. Thompson (Kien-chow)



Rev. F. and Mrs. Galpin

Rev. R. and Mrs. Swallow

Rev. W. E. Soothill (Wênchow)

會公禮浸美大 1408★ Ta Me Tsing-li Kong-we.


Rev. Horace Jenkins, Shao-hing

Mrs. H. M. Jenkins,


Rev. J. R. and Mrs. F. D. Goddard

S.P. Barchet, M.D.and Mrs. M. E. Barchet Rev. G. L. Mason, and Mrs. E. K. Mason


Rev. J. S. Adams (Kinghwa)

Mata do.

Mrs. Adams

Miss E. Inveen

Miss E. Stewart

Chu-san Ting-hay.


At Ningpo, "Maison de Jésus Enfant"- Marie Louise Solomniac, supérieure, Louise Louy, Germaine Dauverchain, Louise Guillon, Augustine Perreaud, Magdeleine Rattat, Jeanne Bogliassino, Agnès Maidieux, Marie Théron At Tinghai (Chusan), "Maison de la Pré- sentation "-Marie Archenault, supé- rieure, Cécile Roddier, Marie Perrin, Adèle Faure, Vencent Cettier

At Hangchow, "Maison de St. Vincent".

Marie Inbert, supérieure, Gabrielle Perboyre, Angelique de Luscan, Marie Duparc, Marguerite Ricaud

Tgy-Ping Yuen.

At Ningpo, "Hospital St. Joseph"-Phi- lomène Gilbert, supérieure, Jeanne Ridez, Marie Cayrel, Stephanie Muhlinghaus

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Electric Company


Portuguese Club


General Hospital




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Mixed Court




#Polico *Station







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Passage Montigny.

Frenchi {Post Office

French Municipal





de France

S.Joseptie Church

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French Hoad to Sicawei


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"1. Bartholomew, Falin"

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      The most northerly of the five ports opened to foreign trade by the British Treaty of Nanking, is situate at the extreme south-east corner of the province of Kiang-su, in latitude 31.15 north, and longitude 121.29 east of Greenwich, at the junction of the rivers Hwang-po and Woosung (the latter called by foreigners the Soochow Creek), about twelve miles above the village of Woosung, where their united waters debouch into the estuary of the Yangtsze. The soil is alluvial and the country perfectly flat, the nearest eminence that can be called a hill being distant about nineteen miles. The river opposite the city and foreign settlements, once a narrow canal, was, some seventeen years ago, 1,800 feet broad at low water, but has been rapidly narrowing till it is now only 1,200 feet. The Soochow Creek, which was, judging by old records, at one time at least three miles across, has now a breadth of only a hundred yards. The average water on the bar at Woosung at high water springs is nineteen feet, the greatest depth of late years being twenty-three feet. The bar is the cause of heavy loss to shipowners and merchants through the detention of ocean steamers. After repeated efforts to induce the Chinese authorities to deepen it, a dredger was recently built for the purpose, but has not yet been brought into use.


     Shanghai-the name means upper sea or near the sea "-became a hsien or third rate city in the fourteenth century, and the walls, which are three and a half miles in circuit, with seven gates, were erected at the time of the Japanese invasion, in the latter part of the sixteenth century. It had been an important seat of trade for many centuries before the incursion of foreigners. It was captured by the British forces on 19th June, 1842.

The ground selected by Captain Balfour, the first British Consul, for a Settle ment for his nationals, lies about half a mile north of the city walls, between the Yang-king-pang and Soochow Creeks, and extends backward from the river to a ditch connecting the two, called the Defence Creek, thus forming what may be called an island, a mile square. The port was formally declared open to trade on the 17th November, 1843. The French subsequently settled on the ground between the city walls and the British Concession, and in exchange for help rendered in driving out the rebels who had seized the city in 1853, got a grant of the land extending for about a mile to the south between the city walls and the river. They have since by purchase extended the bounds of the Concession westward to the " Ningpo Joss house," a mile from the river. Later on the Americans rented land immediately north of Soochow Creek, in the district called Hongkew, so that the ground now occupied by foreigners extends for about four miles on the left bank of the river. The land in the British Settlement was assessed in November, 1882 at Tls. 10,340,650, that in Hongkew at Tls. 3,550,660, an advance since 1880 of seventy per cent. The assessed value of the land in the French Concession was Tls. 2,306,677 in 1885. The Chamber of Commerce in 1882 valued the lands in the three Settlements at Tls. 24,355,000 and the merchandise in stock at Tls. 32,645,000, together equal to fourteen and a quarter millions sterling. Most of the land along the outside roads and at Pootung, on the opposite bank of the river, is now also rented by foreigners, but natives have recently been considerable purchasers of landed property within the Settlements. All ground belongs nominally to the Emperor of China, but is rented in perpetuity, a tax of fifteen hundred copper cash, equal to about a dollar and a quarter per mow, being paid to the Government annually. About six mow equal one English acre.

     The approach by sea to Shanghai is now well lighted and buoyed, and the dangers of the ever shifting banks and shoals as well guarded as can be expected. Under the superintendence of the Engineering department of the Customs, light- houses have been erected on West Volcano, Showeishan, North Saddle, Gutzlaff, Bonham, and Steep Islands, and at Woosung. There are also two lightships in the Yangtsze below Woosung.

     As a port for foreign trade Shanghai grew but gradually until it gained a great impetus by the opening in 1861 of the Yangtsze and Northern ports, secured by the

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Treaty of Tientsin, and a further increase by the opening up of Japan. The first event of importance since the advent of foreigners was the taking of the city by a band of rebels in September, 1853, who held it for seventeen months. This caused a large number of refugees to seek shelter within the foreign settlements, and the price of land rose very considerably. At that time a Volunteer force was formed among the foreign residents, under the command of Captain, now Sir Thomas, Wade, which did really good service. The battle of "Muddy Flat," when the Volunteers, in conjunction with the Naval forces, drove the Imperialists from the neighbourhood" of the Settlements and burned their camps, was fought on 4th April, 1854. Owing to the occupation of the city the authorities were powerless to collect the duties, and it was in consequence agreed between the Taotai and the three Consuls (British, French, and United States') that they should be collected under foreign control. This was found to work so much to the advantage of the Chinese Government that the system was extended, subsequently to the Treaty of Tientsin, to all the open ports, and thus the Foreign Inspectorate of Customs was established, the head- quarters of which were for some years, and according to the original regulations ought still to be, at Shanghai. In 1861 the Taipings approached Shanghai and threatened the city and settlements. The taking of Soochow on 25th May, 1860, had driven a large number of the inhabitants of that city and the surrounding districts to Shanghai for protection, so that the native population increased rapidly. It was variously estimated at from four hundred thousand to a million, but the smaller number is probably nearer the truth. So immensely did the price of land rise that it is stated ground which had originally cost foreigners fifty pounds per acre was sold for ten thousand pounds. At this time the old Race Course and Cricket Ground was sold at such an enormous profit that after the shareholders had been repaid the original cost there was a balance of some forty-five thousand taels, which the owners generously devoted to the foundation of a fund for the use of the public, to be applied to the pur- poses of recreation only. Unfortunately thirty thousand taels of this amount was lent by the treasurer on his own responsibility to the Club, in which institution he was a shareholder. As the shareholders were never able to repay this loan out of the profits on the Club, the building and furniture were taken over in 1869 by the trustees on behalf of the Recreation Fund, to which the building still belongs. This fund has proved very useful in rendering assistance to some other public institutions, besides having purchased for public recreation all the ground in the interior of the new Race Course. By 1861 provisions had increased in price to four times what they had been some years previously. Efforts were made to keep the rebels at a distance from Shanghai; a detachment of British Royal Marines and an Indian Regiment garrisoned the walls, while the gates on the side towards the French Settlement were guarded by French Marines. In August, 1861, the city was attacked, and the suburbs between the city walls and river were in consequence destroyed by the French, the rebels being ultimately driven back. In December, the rebels to the number of one hundred thousand again threatened the Settlements. The approaches were barricaded and the Defence Creek constructed and fortified at an expense of forty-five thousand taels. Before the close of 1862 the rebels had been driven by the British Forces beyond a radius of thirty miles around Shanghai.

At the time the local native Authorities were severely pressed they availed themselves of the services of an American adventurer named Ward, who raised a band of deserters from foreign ships and rowdies of all nations who had congregated at Shanghai, with whose help he drilled a regiment of natives. After passing under the command of another low caste American of the name of Burgevine, who sub- sequently deserted to the rebels, the Imperial Authorities found it impossible to control these raw and undisciplined levies, and at their earnest request Admiral Sir James Hope consented to the appointment of Major, afterwards General, Gordon, R.E., to the command. Having by him been made amenable to discipline, they now rendered the greatest service in the suppression of the rebellion; indeed it is generally believed that the Taipings would never have been overcome but for the assistance of The Ever Victorious Army," as this hastily raised band was named. Amongst other

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services they regained possession of the important city of Soochow on 27th November, 1863, which virtually ended the rebellion. A monument in memory of the officers who fell stands at the north end of the Bund. From 1860 to 1865 one British and two Indian Regiments and a battery of Artillery were stationed at Shanghai.

     Since that time there have been few historical events worthy of record in a brief summary. On Christmas eve, 1870, the British Consulate was burned down and most of the records completely lost. In May, 1874, a riot occurred in the French Settlement, owing to the intention of the Municipal Council to make a road through an old graveyard belonging to the Ningpo Guild. One or two Europeans were severely injured, and three natives lost their lives. A considerable amount of foreign owned property was destroyed. An extensive fire in the French Concession in August, 1879, destroyed 221 houses; the loss was estimated at Tls. 1,500,000.

As at all the open ports, foreigners are in judicial matters subject to the immediate control of their Consuls, British subjects coming under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court which was opened in September, 1865. Subjects of Her Britannic Majesty have to pay a poll tax of five dollars for gentlemen and one dollar for "artisans and labourers," for which they have the privilege of being registered at the Consulate, and of being heard as plaintiffs before the Court. There is enforced registra- tion at several of the other Consulates, but it is free of charge. Chinese resident in the Foreign Settlements are amenable to their own laws, administered by a so-called Mixed Court, which was established at the instigation of Sir Harry Parkes in 1864, and is presided over by an official of the rank of Tung-chi. The cases are watched by foreign assessors from the different Consulates. The working of the Court, especially in regard to civil suits, is far from satisfactory, as the judge has not sufficient power to enforce his decisions. The matter has lately been engaging the attention of the authorities at Peking. For the French Concession there is a separate Mixed Court, which sits at the French Consulate.

    In local affairs the residents govern themselves by means of Municipal Councils, under the authority of the "Land Regulations." These were originally drawn up by H.M.B. Consul in 1845, but have since undergone various amendments. In 1854 the first general Land Regulations-the city charter, as they may be called-were arranged between the British Consul, Captain Balfour, and the local authorities, by which persons of all nationalities were allowed to rent land within the defined limits, and in 1863 the so-called "American Settlement" was amalgamated with the British into one Municipality. The "Committee of Roads and Jetties," originally consisting of "three upright British Merchants," appointed by the British Consul, afterwards became the "Municipal Council," elected by the renters of land, and when the revised Land Regulations came into force in 1870, the "Council for the Foreign Community of Shanghai North of the Yang-king-pang," elected in January of each year by all householders who pay rates on an assessed rental of five hundred taels and owners of land valued at five hundred taels and over. The Council now consists of nine members of various nationalities, who elect their own chairman and vice-chairman, and who give their services free. A committee of residents was appointed in November, 1879, to revise the present regulations, and their work was considered and passed by the ratepayers in May, 1881. Many important improvements have been proposed, but they have yet to receive the sanction of the various governments. The Ministers at Peking have suggested some radical alterations, but these are so opposed to the necessities of the city that the residents, for their own preservation, are bound to offer a strenuous resistance, and it is therefore probable that the new Regulations will not come into force for some time. A separate Council for the French Concession was appointed in 1862, and now works under the "Règlement d'Organisation Municipale de la Concession Française," passed in 1868, and consists of four French and four foreign members, elected for two years, half of whom retire annually. They are elected by all owners of land on the Concession, or occupants paying a rental of a thousand francs per annum, or residents with an annual income of four thousand francs. This, it will be noticed, approaches much more nearly to "universal suffrage" than the franchise of the other

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  Settlements, which, however, will be considerably reduced should the new Regulations ever become law. The qualification for councillors North of the Yang- king-pang is the payment of rates to the amount of fifty taels annually, or being a householder paying rates on an assessed rental of twelve hundred taels. For the French Concession the requirement is a monetary one of about the same amount. Several efforts have been made to amalgamate the French with the other Settlements, but hitherto without success. A revision of the Règlements for the French Concession is now under consideration. Meetings of ratepayers are held in February of each year, at which the budgets are voted and the new Councils instructed as to the policy they are to pursue. No important measure is undertaken without being referred to a special meeting of ratepayers. The Council divides itself into Defence, Finance, Watch, and Works Committee. This cosmopolitan system of government has for many years worked so well and so cheaply, that Shanghai has fairly earned for itself the name of "The Model Settlement.'

The Revenue of the "Anglo-American Settlement for 1886 amounted to Tls. 377,296.19, and was derived as follows:-







Land Tax, four-tenths of 1 per cent. General Municipal Rate, Foreign Houses, 8 per cent. General Municipal Rate, Native Houses, 10 per cent. Wharfage Dues, including Contribution from Taotai Licences, principally opium shops and jimrickshas Local Post Office Tls. 5,290.20; Sale of Stores Tis. 4,891.40 Night Soil, Tls. 3,661.21, Miscellaneous, Tls. 1,688.68 Interest and Sinking Fund Outstanding, 1885













Tls. 54,156.75








91,256.09 10,181.60 5,349.89 17,867.78 15,557.78

Tls. 377,296.19

The Expenditure for the same year was Tls. 353,964.02, and may be divided as

nder :-

Police Department

Sanitary Department, including Hospitals




Tls. 72,232.84


Lighting TI". 24,800.74, Water Supply Tls. 9,025.50 Public Works & Survey, including Garden, Cemeteries, and outside roads Secretariat, Legal and General ...







Interest Tls. 14,179 83, and Sinking Fund Tls, 10,511.28... Volunteers Tls. 5,657.35, Fire Dept. Tls. 2,378.37, Band Tls. 5,878.56. Education Tls. 1,879.30, Museum Tls. 500, Library Tls.100 Local Post Office Tls. 5.211.76, Municipal Stock and Stores 8,753.30... Loan 15,000, Deficit 1885, Tls. 4,215.77







Tls. 353,964.02

  The Municipal Revenue for 1887 was estimated at Tls. 388,436, and the Expenditure at Tls. 387,987.

The Revenue of the French Concession for 1886 was Tls. 129,975.23. The sources from which it was derived were:-

Land Tax, four tenths of 1 per cent. Foreign House Tax, 4 per cent.... Native House Tax, 8 per cent.









Licences, principally jinrickshas, brothels and opium shops Cleaning and Lighting Rates and other Taxes ..... Paid by the Taotai and rent of quays and jetties Miscellaneous receipts

Balance from 1885











Tls. 9,110.52












The Expenditure in 1886 amounted to Tls. 156,877.32:- Secretariat (including Hospitals, Band and Fire Brigade) Public Works (including Lighting)...

Police ...













21,532.50 7,340.33 30,008.18

Tls. 159.983.41

Tls. 38,278.22

85,431.52 33,167.58

Tls. 156,877.32

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    The revenue for 1887 was estimated at Tls. 145,248 and the expenditure at Tls, 132,826.00.

The Foreign population has considerably increased during late years. The census of 1865 gave the number of foreign residents in the three Settlements as 2,757, army and navy (British) 1,851, shipping 981, a total of 5,589. By the census of June, 1885, there were in the Settlements north of the Yang-king-pang a total of 3,673 foreigners, 1,381 in the English division, 1,934 in Hongkew, and 358 in outside roads and Pootung; of these 1,775 were males, 1,011 females, and 887 children, against 1,281 males, 218 females, and 167 children, a total of 1,666 in 1870, and 1,171 males, 502 females, and 524 children, a total of 2,197 in 1880. The increase has been greatest in Hongkew, where the population is three and a-half times what it was only ten years ago. The proportion of different nationalities was 1,453 British, 457 Portuguese, 274 American, 232 Spanish, 216 German, 66 French, 51 Danish, 178 of various other European nationalities, 595 Japanese, 58 Indians, and 95 Manilaman and other Asiatics. While the adult Foreign male population had increased only 38 per cent. since the census of 1870, the number of women and children had been multiplied five times, and nearly doubled during the last five years. The French Concession con- tains about 400 foreigners, the greater proportion being French and the remainder mostly from other European Continental countries. These figures do not include the population afloat, which may be estimated at from 800 to 1,100. Although the Chinese have no right of residence within the Foreigu Settlement, and indeed were expressly prohibited by the original Land Regulations, some twenty thousand sought refuge within the boundaries from the rebels in 1854, and when the city was besieged by the Taipings in 1860 there were, it is said, at least four hundred thousand natives within the Settlements. As they found some amenities from "squeezing" when under- the protection of foreigners, and foreigners themselves being able to obtain a much higher rental for their land, and finding native house property a very profitable investment, no opposition was made to their residence. In 1870 there were in the three Settlements 75,047. The numbers by the last census (June, 1885) were:- -In the British Settlement 78,735, in Hongkew 20,571, in Foreign Hongs in both Settle- ments 5,864, in villages and huts 4,308, in shipping and boats 6.187, total 125,665. Only 39,604 are natives of Kiangsu, the province in which Shanghai is situated, 41,304 being from Chekiang and 21,013 Cantonese; those in the direct employ of foreigners being almost exclusively from these provinces. The native population of the French Concession in 1885 was estimated at 40,000, and the boat population. about 5,000, say a total for the three Settlements and afloat of 170,500. Nearly two- thirds are adult males. The population of the native city is supposed to be about 125,000. The large congregation of natives in the Settlements is kept in admirable order by a Police force of 56 Europeans, 51 Indians, and 200 natives for the north of the Yang-king-pang, and 40 foreigners and 30 natives for the French Concession. the natives have to be tried by their own authorities, and bribery doubtless works its effects in Shanghai as elsewhere in China, the difficulties of organizing and efficiently working such a small force are considerable. In few places is life and property more


     The climate of Shanghai is generally allowed to be fairly healthy. The death rate amongst foreigners ashore and afloat during the past seventeen years has ranged from 16.9 per thousand (in 1884) to 30.8 per thousand (in 1881). The rate in 1886 was 23.5 per thousand. `Partial outbreaks of cholera have occurred at intervals in recent years, but the great majority of the cases were among the ships in harbour. The number, 25, in 1885 was the highest recorded. Of these 8 were amongst residents If we exclude non-residents the death rate was 18 per thousand in 1886 and has varied, so far as can be estimated in the absence of an annual census, from 14.2 per 1,000 in 1884, to 20 per 1,000 in 1883, a rite which compares favourably with that of large towns in Europe. The Health Officer in a late report says, "out of the seventy-five deaths registered, there were but nine which can in any sense be termed climatic." The Chinese authorities reported 2,486 deaths amongst the natives in the "Anglo-American Settlement" in 1885, which would make the rate 21 per thousand,

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but that is probably under the real number. The thermometer ranges from 25 deg. to 100 deg. Fahrenheit, the mean of eight years having been 59.2 deg.; winter being 39.1 spring 50.9, summer 78.2, and autumn 62.6. Shanghai approaches nearest to Rome in mean temperature, while the winter temperature of London and Shanghai are almost identical. In the months of October and November there is generally dry, clear, and delightful weather, equal to what can be found in any other part of the world; but when the winter has fairly set in the north-east winds are extremely cold and biting. On January 17th, 1878 the river was frozen over at Woosung. The heat in the summer is sometimes excessive, but generally lasts only a few days at a time. In late years very severe gales have become more frequent. The annual average of rainy days in Shanghai during eight years was 124, the annual rainfall 32.464 inches; 55 wet days occurred in winter, and 69 in summer; the heaviest shower was on the 24th October, 1875, when 7 inches fell in 3 hours. Earthquakes occasionally occur, but have not been known to inflict any serious injury.

    The streets of the English and French Settlements all run north and south and east and west, mostly for the whole length of both settlements, crossing each other at right angles. Notwithstanding the soft nature of the soil they are now kept in remarkably good order, at least those near the river, the district chiefly occupied by Europeans. Owing to the nature of the ground, expensive piling is necessary before any foreign buildings can be erected, and all stone has to be brought from a long distance. The Soochow Creek, between the English Settlement and Hongkew, is now crossed by six bridges, three of which are adapted for carriage traffic, and the French is connected with the other Settlement by eight bridges. There are several good driving roads extending into the country, two leading to Sicawei, a distance of about six miles, and one to Jessfield by the banks of the Soochow Creek, for about seven miles.

        Another broad road, more recently constructed, runs by the side of the river for six miles. It is intended ultimately to extend it to Woosung. Several other roads have been proposed, but although foreigners are prepared to pay high prices for the land the opposition of the officials has hitherto prevented their construc- tion. At the time the Taipings approached Shanghai some roads for the passage of artillery were made by the British military authorities at the expense of the Chinese Government, one of them extending for seventeen miles into the country; but ex- cepting those close to the settlement they have now been turned into ploughed fields. An inland carriage road to Woosung, made at the expense of Messrs. Jardine, Matheson & Co. and others, has now also been reduced to a narrow footpath. The foreshore in front of the settlement has been raised, turfed, and planted with shrubs. The trees planted some years ago having now attained a good height, and several more imposing buildings having been completed, the English and French Bunds form as magnificent a boulevard as any in the East.

    Many foreign houses, nearly all of them with several mow of garden ground, have been erected near the outside roads, especially on that leading to the Bubbling Well, which is the main outlet from the settlement, and from which most of the other roads branch off. This road and its extension to Sicawei is planted with trees on both sides, forming a fine avenue of over five miles in length. A small but well laid out and admirably kept Public Garden was formed about 1868 on land recovered from the river in front of the British Consulate. It is now proposed to considerably extend its area by reclaiming the foreshore.

    Immense sums have been wasted in various attempts to drain the settlements, principally from the want of skilled direction; but the great difficulties in this matter, arising from the low lying and level nature of the ground, have now been fairly overcome. The settlements are well provided with telegraphic fire alarms. The desire of the Municipal Councils to keep the monopoly in their own hands retarded for many years the inauguration of water works, but a public company has now been established, which furnishes a continuous supply of filtered water at mode- rate rates. The Electric light was introduced in 1882; lamps have been erected at the wharves and on the principal thoroughfares, but it has not yet proved quite satisfactory.

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Shanghai can boast of several fine buildings of various and varied styles of architecture. Trinity Cathedral, erected from a design by Sir Gilbert Scott, is one of the finest specimens of modern ecclesiastical architecture to be found out of Europe, but, from want of funds, the tower and spire, which is an essential part of the design, has not yet been built. There is a Roman Catholic Church in the Fren h Concession and another in Hongkew, the Union Church on the Soochow Creek, also a Chapel belonging to the London Mission and one to the American Episcopalians, and a very pretty and prettily situated Seamen's Church at Pootung, besides several Mis- sion Chapels for natives. The Jesuit Fathers have an extensive Mission establishment and orphanages at Sicawei, to which is attached a museum of natural history, etc., and a valuable scientific observatory, in connection with which there is a time-ball on the French Bund. Under the direction of this institution, a complete system of meteoro logical observations, embracing the whole of the China Seas, has been inaugurated. The Shanghai Club occupies a large and elaborate building at one end of the English Bund. It cost Tls. 120,000, and at that is said to have ruined three contractors. has passed through a varied and peculiar history. There is a really fine Masonic Hall at the other end of the Bund. Amongst the other conspicuous buildings may be mentioned those occupied by the Oriental and Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporations. There is a very fair Theatre, seating 600 persons. The members of the German (Concordia) Club have also a handsome little Theatre attached to their premises in the Canton Road. A monument to the memory of Mr. A. R. Margary, of the British Consular service, who was murdered by Chinese in Yunnan, was unveiled in June, 1880. The principal buildings on the French Concession are the Municipal Hall and the Consulate.


     Among the institutions of the place may be mentioned the Volunteer Defence Force, consisting of Field Artillery, Light Horse, and Rifle Brigade, the latter con- prising a battalion of four companies. Originally formed in 1861 it gradually went to decay, until the fear of attack after the Massacre at Tientsin in 1870 caused is revival with considerable vigour. It again dwindled in numbers, but the last re- organisation under Major Holliday proved successful, there being now three hundre l members, almost all of whom are effective. The Fire Brigade, which is entirely volunteer, consists of seven Engine and two Hook and Ladder Companies. It is pronounced to be the most efficient Brigade out of the United States. There is a Hospital for foreigners, the building for which, although only completed in 1877, is already found inadequate and so badly situated that a new one is proposed. There are also several Hospitals for natives. The Temperance Society has a good hall and well furnished library, The other public institutions may be enumerated as, a Subscription Library containing about 12,000 volumes, a branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, with the nucleus of a Museum, a Masonic Club, a Sailors' Home, a Polytechnic Institution for Chinese, a Seamen's Library and Museum, a well sup. plied Gymnasium, a Wind Instrument Band, which gives concerts in the Public Gar- dens three times a week during the summer months, a Race Club, possessing a course of a mile and a quarter, a Country Club on the Bubbling Well Road, Parsee, Portu- guese and Customs Clubs, also Pony Paper Hunt, Cricket, Rifle, Yacht, Racquet, and various other Clubs for recreation. The last named owns a building containing two splendid Courts, Bowling Green, Tennis Lawns, etc. There are ten or eleven Masonic bodies, with over 500 members. In 1876 a District Grand Lodge for North China was constituted, with Shanghai as its head-quarters.

There are four Docks at Shanghai, the one at Tunkadoo, opposite the city, having a length of 380 feet over all with a depth at spring tides of 21 feet; the Old Dock at Hongkew is 400 feet long and 18 feet deep at springs, and the New Dock at Pootung, at the lower end of the harbour, measures 450 feet on the blocks, with a depth at high water springs of about 21 feet. All steamers and most sailing vessels now discharge and load at the various public and private wharves. The premises of the Associated Wharf Company have a frontage of about three-quarters of a mile. The Chinese Government has an Arsenal, Dock, and shipbuilding establishment at Kaou Chung- mow, a short distance above the city. The Great Northern Telegraph Company's cable

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was laid to hanghai in 1871, and that of the Eastern Extension Company in 1884, there being now two distinct lines of communication with Europe. An overland line to Tientsin was opened in December, 1881, which has recently been extended to Peking. There is also a line west to Hankow and south as far as Lungchow, on the Kwangsi border. A railway constructed by a foreign company was opened to Woosung in June. 1876, but after running for sixteen months it was purchased and taken up by the Chinese Authorities. During the short time it was running the passenger traffic alone covered the working expenses, leaving sufficient profit to pay a small dividend. A scheme for Tramways in the settlements was sanctioned some years ago, but has not yet been commenced.__There are four locally owned lines of steamers running on the coast and the river Yangtsze. Several manufactories under both native and foreign auspices have sprung up of late years, and would considerably increase were it not that the native authorities are offering the most determined opposition to any manufactures under the control of foreigners.

   The "Astor House" in Hongkew, the "Central" in the British, and the "Hotel des Colonies" in the French Concession, b-sides many second class, give hotel accommodation unexcelled by any port in the East. There are three daily newspapers, the North China Daily News, morning, and the Shanghai Courier, and Shanghai Mercury, evening, also three weeklies, the North China Herald, Celestial Empire, and Temperance Union. There are two native daily papers, the Shun-pao and the Hu-pao. These are sold at the prices of ten and eight cash, equal to a farthing and a half, and have a very large circulation. In one matter, that of Postal accommodation, Shanghai is perhaps over-supplied, there being British, French, American, Japanese, German, Local, and Customs Post-offices. A proposition was recently made by the Chinese Government through the Foreign Customs to take over the Foreign Agencies and Local Post Office, as a preliminary to the establishment of a National Postal Department, but the com- inunity are almost unanimously opposed to giving up the present facilities until they have experience of the working of a Chinese office, and can feel more confidence in the good faith of the Chinese Government. Shanghai was made a port of Registry for British ships in 1874. All foreign hongs and even private houses have to give themselves fancy Chinese names, by which only they are known to the natives. The system is, however, found to have its conveniences. Jinrickshas to the number of 2,500, 1,900 passenger wheelbarrows, and 177 horse vehicles ply for hire in the Settlements.


The currency of Shanghai is the tael weight of silver, cast into "shoes

of fifty taels, more or less. The foreign banks issue notes of the value of one dollar and upwards for both taels and dollars. Smaller transactions are conducted in clean Mexican dollars and copper cash. There are seven foreign and numerous native banks in the Settlement.

    Shanghai is the great emporium for the trade of the Yangtsze and Northern ports, and to a considerable extent for Japan and Corea. The export of Tea from 1846 to 1850 averaged sixteen million pounds, and Silk during the same period seven- teen thousand bales. The total import and export trade of 1868 was sixty-five million taels. It steadily increased each year until 1881, when it reached Hk. Tls. 141,921,357 but afterwards shewed a great decline, the total for 1884 having been twenty per cent. less than that of 1881. It has since, however, shewn a rapid recovery, the total trade in foreign bottoms, import and export, for the year 1836, as given by the Customs Statistical Department, being Haikwan Tls. 132,671,799, equal to, at Ex. 1.45, $192,374,108, or at Ex. 5s. Otd., slightly over thirty-three millions sterling, an increase of three and two-thirds per cent. on the previous year, which was Hk. Tls. 128,003,083, equal to, at Ex. 1.52, Mex. $194,564,686, or or at Ex. 5s. 34d., nearly thirty-four millions sterling. This was in spite of the rapid and heavy fall in silver, which necessarily restricted business. The value of foreign Opium imported continued to shew a falling off, owing to increased production of and demand for native opium, the quality of which is now much superior to what it formerly was. There was an increase in the export of Black Tea of 24,937 piculs compared with 1885, but a

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decrease of 90,000 piculs in five years; in Green Tea a falling off of 21,461 piculs, being a decrease of 140,000 piculs for the five years. The export of Silk amounted to 45,740 piculs and about 46,000 piculs waste, etc., against 40,000 piculs and 30,000 piculs waste, etc. the previous year. The import trade in Foreign Goods for 1886 may be summarised as follows:-

From Great Britain

From India


From Hongkong

From Japan

From United States

From Continent of Europe...

Tls. 21,563,154 | From Straits

16,980,035 From Australia.


From Chinese Ports 5,230,137 From other Countries

4,556,369 2,216,822


Tls. 610,876




Hk. Tls. 60,054,928

Of this amount to the value of Haikwan Tls. 45,698,859 was re-exported, namely to the Yangtsze ports Hk. Tls. 20,983,101, to the Northern ports Hk. Tls. 16,259,861, to Ningpo and Southern ports Hk. Tls. 6,844,194, to Japan Hk. Tls. 966,914, to Hongkong Hk. Tls. 354,996, aud to other Foreign Countries Hk. Tls. 289,793, leaving a balance for local consumption and stock of Hk. Tls. 14,356,069. The following were the values of the principal classes of goods imported :-

Cotton Goods. Tls. 22,946,821 Sandalwood


Woollen Goods.

Metals ...

Kerosine Oil ...





Dyes and Colours

15,426,450 Isinglass

4,626,824 Biche de Mer 3,727,727 Birds' Nests... 2,145,113 Ginseng 1,566,426 Pepper


858,932 Chinaware... 657,524 Matches... 560,115 Needles


...Tls. 215,445 203,564

...Tls. 547,157 | Flour ...



442,991 Sharks' Fins


376,134 Soap and Perfumery. 162,677

358,720 Mushrooms


320,616 Cardamoms


315,464 Sapanwood






311,490 Umbrellas... 232,315 Sundries 221,427

Hk. Tls. 60,054,928

Imports to the value of Tls. 1,886,976 were sent to the interior under Transit Passes; Metals, Kerosine, Coal and Sugar being the principal articles thus conveyed. The imports in foreign bottoms of native produce not re-exported amounted to Hk. Tls. 7,058,374.

     The total values of Exports and Re-exports of Native Produce to Foreign Countries, Hongkong, and Chinese ports in 1886 were :-

Tls. 20,767,940 | Nankeens

11,698,989 Tobacco

    Silk Tea Rice



945,431 enware...

Tls. 1,081,259 | China & Earth-} Tls.328,042


6,742,385 Fi'e

902,637 Fruit...



do. (Tribute)

1,415,722 | Skin Rugs

609,659 Musk...


Sugar & Sugar Candy_,78.282 Hemp


539,394 Cuttle Fish


Raw Cotton

2,430,034 Wool

455,948 Dried Lily Flowers 293,162.

Straw Braid

1,908,663 Beaus and Beancakes 433,939 | Vermicelli




1,357.513 Wax

414,066 Sundries




1,223.715 Copper Cash



1,158,242 Rhubarb


Hk. Tls. 65,558,497

Of this amount there was sent to

Continent of Europe... Tls. 12,108,107

Southern Ports

...Tls. 13,411,916

Great Britain


Northern Ports ..


United States


Yangtsze Ports


Hongkong. Straits, & India


Hongkong for Chinese Ports 2,361,654

Japan and Corea


Other Foreign Countries


To Foreign Countries, Hk. Tls. 31.309,865

To Chinese Ports, Hk. Tls. 34,248,632

The goods for Export brought down under Transit Passes amounted to only Tls. 887,240, almost all of which was Waste Silk and Cocoons.

The total Shipping, entrances and clearances, for the year were-

Steamers ..

ailing Vessels

4,5'3 1,026


Tonnage Tonnage





Of which 118 steamers and 28 sailing vessels entered, and 321 steamers and 124 sailing

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  vessels cleared in ballast. The total carrying trade was divided amongst the different flags as under :-

British German... Japanese





Steamers. Tonnage. Sailing. Tonnage. Total. Tonnage.

2,598 2,472,683


124,765 2785 2,597,418

Duties. Tls. 2,455,695

392 999




446 280,117




191,444 48




203 796







304 321














1,224 1,265 721


6,884 1,743 1,334,605





American ... Other Countries.


On Opium



The total Customs Revenue for the year was Haikwan Tls. 4,354,110, consisting of

Import Duties, exclusive of Opium


Coast Trade Duties do.


Export Duties


On Oji"m, Import, Export, and Coast Tade

Tonnage Dues




Transit Dues...




Tls. 2,166,912









Hk. Tls. 4.354,110

Of the Imports at all the Treaty ports from foreign countries sixty-eight and two- thirds per cent. passed through Shanghai, and of the Exports forty and a half per cent., besides most of the coasting trade; more than half of the whole trade thus belonging to "the commercial metropolis of China."


Consulates and Public Offices.

H.B.M.'s Supreme Court FOR CHINA AND JAPAN.


Ta Ying hsing-ch'ien-sih-ssu Ya-mên.

·Chief Justice-Sir R. T. Rennie

Assistant Judge-R. A. Mowat (absent)

Acting Assistant Judge-Geo. Jamieson

Chief Clerk and Private Secretary-T. G.


Clerk, Civil Department-M. Jones

do. Criminal Department-W. S. Per-


Chief Usher-T. Hore

Crown Advocate-H. S. Wilkinson, barris-



The Bund.


Consul-General-P. J. Hughes

Ta Ying ling-shi-tsung Ya-mên.

Vice-Consul-W. R Carles

First Assistant-E. H. Parker Second do. -J. R. Coulthard Acting do. J. Noël Tratman Clerk and Linguist-E. T. Rivero

do. do.

-Liang C. Weng -Choo Hai Poo


At the British Consulate-General Registrar-P. J. Hughes

Government Surveyor-J. H. P. Parker




Yuen-ming-yuen Road.


Ta Ying hung-pu Tsung-shu.

Surveyor-F. Julian Marshall

Assistant Surveyor-Henry A. Collins

BRITISH COnsulate Gaol. Soochow Creek.

Do. in charge of Shipping Dept- Chief Constable-A. Barnes

G. Brown

Act. 2nd do.

-John Morquay

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CONSULAT General de France. French Bund.


Ta Fah-lan-se-kwoh tsung-ling-shi Ya-mên.


-Acting Consul-Leon Dejardin


Elève Chancelier-F. Lutscher

✔Assistant-J. Berthelot


Writers-Chang Tse-chiang, Ho Tsze-ko



Ta-me-kwoh tsung-liny-shi Ya-mên.

Consul-General-John D. Kennedy

Deputy Consul-General―J. J. Coffey

Marshal, and Clerk of Consular Court-

George A. Shufeldt

Interpreter, and Assessor at Mixed Court―

W. S. Emens

Physician-Neil Macleod

Gaoler-John O'Neill


7, Nanking Road.


Ta Ngoo-loo-shi-kwoh Ya-mên.

Consul- J. E. Reding



Ta-te-kwoh tsung-ling-shi Ya-mên.

Consul-General-H. Focke, Dr. jur.

Vice-Consul-F. von Syburg

Interpreter-K. J. Streich (absent) Acting do.-Dr. Merz

Secretary-W. Kölling Usher-M. Kock

Chinese Writer-Ma Yao-ch'un

Physician-K. Zedelius, MD.

Postmaster-W. Anding

DANISH Consulate.

At Messrs. Jardine, Matheson & Co.'s

BAB Ta-tan-kwoh Koong-kwan.

Acting Consul-J. J. Keswick


1 and 2, French Bund.


Ta Ho-kwoh ling-shi Ya-mén.

BELGIAN COnsulate.


Ta Pe-li-sz-kwoh ling-shi Koong-kwan.

Consul-General-Max Goebel


SWEDISH AND NORWEGIAN Consulate. Peking Road.


Ta Soi-tin Nau-way-kwoh Koong-kwan.

Acting Consul-General-Carl Bock

Acting Secretary-E. G. Schiller


36, Broadway, Hongkew.


Ta Se-yang-kwoh tsung-ling-shi Koong-kwan.


Chancelier-G. Vigna dal Ferro

Interpreter-H. A. Pereira

Clerk-C. M. da Silva

Chinese Secretary-Syng Tsa

SPANISH COnsulate.

Szechuen Road, Horgkew.


Ta Jih-sz-pa-ne-ya-kwoh Koong-kuan.

Vice-Consul F. G. de Bonilla

Interpreter A. M. de Oliveira

Chinese Secretary-Yu Cha-yung


32, Szechuen Road.


Ta E-ta-lee-kwoh Ling-shi Ya-mên.

Consul-Cavre. A. Tescari

Interpreter-P. Tem

Constable-V. Calamo



26, Wbangpoo Road.


Ta Ao-sz-mah-ka-kwoh ling-shi Ya-mên.

Consul Joseph Haas

Consul Elève-E. von Hirsch

Clerk-V. Vizenzinovich

Physician-Dr. C Zedelius


13, Whangpoo Road, Hongkew.


Ta Jih-pen tsung-ling-shi Ya-mên.

Consul-K. Takahira

Consul for Shanghai and the ports of the Secretary-S. Ohta

Yangtsze-Carl Jantzen

Chancelier-A. Haupt



-Y. Futakuchi

-S. Ban

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Municipal Departments.




A. G. Wood, Chairman

M. Adler

Th. Bieber

F. D. Bush D. A. Darling Yeend Daer H. H. Joseph R. de Malherbe

G. J. Morrison

R. F. Thorburn, Secretary


I Kung-boo.

  23, Kiangse Road, corner of Hankow Road. Secretary-R. F. Thorburn

Accountant-J. A. Pond

Assistant-G. M. Hart

do. -A. E. Jones

Overseer of Taxes-A. Johnsford

Tax Collectors-G. L. Skinner, J. Gould. P. Schmidt, A. Christiansen, G. W. Davies

Linguist-Chang Sang

SANITARY DEPARTMENT. Officer of Health-E. Henderson, M.D. Inspector of Nuisances, Markets and Livery

Stables-J. Howes

Assistant Inspector of Markets-Jas. A.


Sub-Inspectors-M. Jordan, W. Roberts,

F. Jovino, G. Groub


Hankow Road.


Kung-boo sia-zz-vong.

Surveyor-C. B. Clark, A.M.I.C.E.

Assistant-Arthur Dallas

Overseer of Roads-James Beckhoff

do. -J. Eitter (Hongkew)

Assistant Overseer-H. Burton

Linguist-Ah King Tracer-S. Yung-Kiang


Central Station, No. 14, Honan Road.


Captain Superintendent―J. P. McEuen

Chief Inspector-J. B. Cameron Inspector-0. Kluth (Central Station)

-J. McCarthy





W. Fowler (Hongkew Station) G. Howard (Central Station)

do. J. Fleming (Lowza Station) Detective Sergeant-F. G. Keeling

16 sergeants and 32 European constables 13 do.

176 Chinese

1 Sikh jemadar

4 Sergeants and 46 Sikh

12 detectives, 1 shroff, 1 writer




Interpreters-Yeng He Hung, Ng Hing:


10 station interpreters

SHANGHAI Volunteer Corps..



Commandant G. J. Morrison

Surgeon Major-E. Henderson

Sergeant Major-C. Merritt Staff Sergeant-F. A. Millne

Light Horse-Strength, 38 Captain-T. F. Hough Lieutenant-R. de Malherbe do. -C. A. L. Duan

Artillery-Streng, 45

Captain-Barnes Dallas Lieutenant-G. W. Noel

do. -W. Lamond Surgeon-R. J. Sloan

Infantry: No. 1 Company, Mih Ho Loong

Rifles Strength, 60

Captain C. J. Dudgeon

Lieutenant-W. D. Little


Infantry: No. 2 Company-Strength, 57 | Captain-W. Bright

Lieutenant-W. H. Anderson

do. -J. Gurney

Infantry: No. 3 Company-Strength, 42 Captain-G. Lanning

Lieutenant-J. W. H. Burgoyne


-A. Lewis

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***** Sz-loong Koong-80. No. 2 Company Engine House, 51, Broad-

way, Hongkew

No. 4 Company Engine House, 23, Kiang-

se Read

No. 5 Company Engine House, East Gate


No. 6 Engine House, French Municipal


No. 7 Steam Fire Engine, Gibb, Living-

    ston & Co.'s Compound, Bund No. 1 Hook and Ladder Company, Truck House, Municipal Council Compound No. 2 Hook and Ladder Company, Truck

    House, 51, Broadway, Hongkew Chief Engineer-C. J. Ashley Engineer for District 1-(Hongkew)-

Engineer for District 2-(British Conces-

sion) L. Moore

Engineer for District 3-(French Conces-

sion) C. Bondin

Surgeon-E. Henderson, M.D. Secretary J. A. Pond

Engineer-W. Kite



J. Chapsel, chairman

J. Morris, vice-chairman

G. Brunat

J. Fournel

W. Lang

G. Harling

Ph. Meugniot

T. R. Wheelock

J. Bonabeau, secretary



Ta Fah-kwoh Kung-boo-jooh.

Secrétaire-J. Bonabeau

Comptable-E. Romanet

Expéditionnaire―J. Hecquard

Percepteur-E. Portier


--J. Pari et

do. -V. Duval


Central Station, Rue du Consulat.


Ta Fah-kwoh Dring-boo-ting-vong.

Chef-C. Berthelot

:8 sergeants, 28 foreign agents, 27 native

agents, 4 interpreters, 2 detectives

TRAVAUX PUBLICS. Ingenieur-C. Blondin Surveillant des Travaux-Bastien Inspecteur de la Salubrité-Allène




***** Ta-ying Su-sing-kwan.

Postmaster-F. G. Machado Clerk-M. A. Pereira


61, Rue Montauban. 館信書國法大

Ta Fah-kwoh Su-sing-kwan.

Postmaster Principal- M. J. Oriou Assistant-L. Berthon


Consulate-General, Hongkew.

̄ˆ‡ ̄‡ Mé-kwoh Su-sing-jooh. Consul-General and Postal Agent-John

D. Kennedy

Deputy Postal Agent-J. J. Coffey


Consulate-General, Hongkew.


Ta Jih-pen Su-sing-kwan.

Postmaster-S. Yoshida

S. Yotsumoto

MA#E6★ Ta-tê-kuo Su-sing-kwan.

GERMAN Post Office.

(Kaiserlich Deutsche Postagentur.)

Postmaster-W. Anding


12, Hankow Road.

### Koong-boo Su-sing-kwan.

Local Postmaster-A. Romer

Assistant-H. E. Sbadgett


Custom House, The Bund.


Kiang-nan Hai-kwan Su-sing Kwan."

D. Percebois, clerk in charge

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W Kiang-nan Hai-kwan. Commissioner-H. E. Hobson Deputy Commissioner-H. M. Hillier

-M. Boyd Bredon

-H. B. Mose



Assistants, 1st class-R. Markwick, R. J. Abbott, H. J. Fisher, H. de Sombreuil Assistants, 2nd class-F. J. Smith, J. W.


Assistants, 3rd class-R. Stokes, G. F. Montgomery, M. G. de Galembert,

H. W. Brazier

Assistant, 4th class-C. T. Bowring, A. E.

von Rosthorn, W. C. H. Watson Assistants-A. Courtau, R. J. Lent Clerks E. J. Smith, A. B. Menzies, J. T. Pearson, A. J. Reeks, A. Lewis, G. D. Poli

Postal Clerk-J. P. Donovan

Consulting Physician-R. Alex. Jamieson,

M.A., M.D.

Medical Attendants-L. Pichon, M.D., C.

Zedelius, M.D.


Chief Tidesurveyor-H. J. Meade Tidesurveyor-A. Walker

Assistant 'lide-surveyors-J. M. Land, G.

L. Hummel

Chief Examiners-T. Tolliday, J. G. Ham-


Examiners- W. Youngson, W. J. Sayle. H. Schaumlöffel, P. H. Purcell, M. Eckhold, E. V. Calver

Assist. Examiners--T. M. Campbell, E. Brandon, J. F. Large, J. C. A. Holz, A. Martell, F. McQuire, F. W. Laidler, R. Braun, A. Berthet, A. W. Leach Tidewaiters, 1st class-G. T. Murray, E. Belbin, H. Nelson, J. Godment, P. Mon- dini, E. Milhe

Tidewaiters, 2nd class-A. Ramasse, N. J. B. Galleti, H. A. Farrell, R. J. Jules Tidewaiters, 3rd class-J. F. Manley, L. van der Stegen, W. Wilson, J. H. Gre- gory, T. J. Hovell

Watchers-S. G. Taylor, W. W. Haffner,

H. J. Sharples, J. A. Berthet, J. Mik- kelsen, V. T. Mace, J. W. Murbeck, L. E. N. Szigetvary, P. H. Nolting, J. Holliday, P. L. Raeburn, W. W. von Zochowski, J. W. Munthe, J. M. Col- laço, A. M. Montell, C. J. H. Halcombe, J. Bentley


Li Ch'uan Ting.

Const Inspector and Harbour Master-A.

M. Bisbee

Assistant Harbour Master-C. Deighton-


Clerk-T. S. Southey

1st Berthing (fficer-W. Carlson 2nd

do. -Marcus Bull (in charge

of Woosung Inner Bar)

Signalmen― C. Villanova, A. Zulueta


Hsün Chiang Li.

Acting Inspector-A. Mack Sergeant-C. F. Luther

Constables-M. Vizenzinovich, J. Brake,

B. Drury


Captain-P. N. Paulsen Mate-J. T. Kortlepel Lightkeeper Probty.-W. Brown

"KIUTOAN" LIGHTSHIP. Acting Captain-G. W. Rusmussen 3rd Class Lightkeeper-C. Druwert Lightkeeper Probty.-C. Nelson

LIGHTHOUSES IN SHANGHAI DISTRICT. Shaweishan, North Saidle, Gutzlaff, West Volcano, Bonham Island, Steep Island Chief Lightkeeper-N. Smerdeley

-C. W. Bond


Lightkeepers, 3rd class B.-L. J. A. de

E. Johnsen, J. Blubm, W. C. Callip,A. J. W. Hultmark, G. Walsh

Lightkeepers (on probation)-H. A. Thor-

kelsen, F. R. Schulz


處造營 Ying Tsao Chu.

Engineer-in-Chief-D. M. Henderson

Clerks W. B. Loam, M. Chaumont Mechanic-A. Mason

Godown Keeper, Pootung Fard-C. C. Gram

Revenue CRUISER "PING CHING." Commander-N. P. Anderson First Officer-S. J. Johnstone Second do. -R. C. Passmore Third do. A. McKehnie First Engineer-R. Agnew Second do. - A. J. Jackson Third do. -J. Armstrong Gunner-C. Barkeley

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9, Peking Road.


Tsung-shui-wu-see Tsao-ts'é-ch'u.

Statistical Secretary-E. McKean (Ccm.



ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. French Concession, Rue Montauban. Rev. Em. Ferrand, S.J., procureur general Rev. L. Capitaine, S.J.

Rev. P. Paris, S.J.

Rev. C. Rationis, S.J.

P. Beauchef, S.J.

L. Mariot, S.J.

Assistant Secretary-F.

Hirth (Deputy

J. Templet, S.J.


Clerk-F. W. E. Dülberg


Hong-kew Tien-tsu-tang.

Printing Office.

Chinese Clerk-Ting I-hsien

Printing Office Manager-B. Palaniountain

Proof Reader-Wm. Bright


-J. W. John

Do. -A. G. Merrilees

***** Kao-chang-miao.


Chief Director-Ʌ★ Nieh ta-jen Assist. do. - Wang-ta-jen -Wang-ta-jen do. 一人大倪 Nie ta-jen

Engineering Department.

Marine Engineer-Ŵ. Bunt Moulder--Wm. Newton

Gun Factory-N. E. Cornish

   Dept. for Translation of Foreign Books. John Fryer

V. P. Suvoong, M.D.

Schools for Languages.

English School-V. P. Suvoong, M.D.

French do. -Alphonse Bottu


Yang Chu-tang, Yah Ching-dong

Churches and Religious Missions.


Ta Le-pa-tang.


Bishop in Mid-China-Rt. Rev. Geo. E. Moule, D.D. (residence, Hangchow) Archdeacon-Ven. A. E. Moule, B.D. Chaplain-Rev. H. C. Hodges, M.A. Trustees-J. Welch, W. Brand, E. J.


Treasurer-J. Welch

Organist―G. Launing



Bishop of Titopolis and Vicar Apost. of

Kiang-nan-Monseigneur V. Garnier,


ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Hongkew, Nanzing Road.

Rev. Jer. Tovar, S.J.


Rev. P. Heude, S.J., curator


Rev. Fr. Marc Dechevrens, S.J., director

Rev. F. Barnard Ooms, S. J., sub-director




Rev. J. B. Martinet



French Concession.

Ph. Mengniot

A. E. Bessiere

Ch. Barrière


Sin Tien-on-tang.

UNION CHURCH. minister

W. P. Hamlin, J. Howes, R. Law, A. Ma- thieson, W. H. Poate, J. F. Seaman, T.

E. Trueman, J. W. Little, committee

Hong-kew Kiu-chiu-tang.

CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUE. Broadway, Hongkew.

Rev. Y. K. Yen, M.A.

Rev. P. T. Hwa

Rev. Y. T. Chü

SHANGHAI FREE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. (Worships in the Masonic Hall).




Rev. W. Muirhead, Shantung Road

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Ven. Archdeacon Moule, B.D., secretary

of the Society in Mid-China, care of Local Post

G. Lanning, master of C. M. S. Anglo-

Chinese School


Rev. Alex. Williamson, B. A., L L.D.



Rt. Rev. W. J. Boone, D.D., Bishop of

Shanghai (absent)

Rev. E. H. Thomson, St. John's College Rev. Y. K. Yen,

Rev. F. L. H. Pott,



H. W. Boone, M. D., St. Luke's Hospital,


E. M. Griffith, M.D., St. John's College Miss E. A. Spencer,




Rev. J. M. W. Farnham, D.D.

Rev. J. N. B. Smith

Rev. Geo. F. Fitch, Ningpo

Rev. J. N. Hayes, Soochow Rev. C. Leman, Nanking Rev. R. E. Abbey, do.

Rev. J. H. Judson, Hangchow Rev. F. V. Mills,


Rev. W. J. Mackee, Ningpo

Mrs. Frances Butler, do.




5, Yuen Ming Yuen Buildings

Rev. J. E. Cardwell, secretary

Mrs. Cardwell

Rev. J. W. Stevenson, deputy director

Miss Williamson


A Kan-li Kung-wei.


Episcopal Church, South U.S.A.

Rev. Young J. Allen, D.D., LL.D., S'ghai Rev. W. B. Bonnell, Shanghai

Miss Anna J. Muse,

Miss Jennie Atkinson, Miss Dona Hamilton,

Mrs. J. P. Campbell,

Rev. C. F. Reid,


Rev. W. B. Burke,


Miss Laura A. Haygood,






Miss L. B. Hughes,


Miss Lula H. Lipscomb,


Rev. A. P. Parker,


W. H. Park, M.D.,


Rev. D. L. Anderson,


Miss Mildred Phillips, M.D., do.

Miss L. E. Phillips,


Miss Addie F. Gordon,


Miss Emma Kerr,


Rev. G. R. Loehr


Miss Lochie Rankin,


Miss Kate R. Robert,


Miss Ada Reagan,




Miss S. A. Warner, do.


Mei-hwa shu-kwan.


Central Depository of Religious Tract Society, General Agency for "The School and Text Book Series," Office of "The Chinese Recorder and Mis- sionary Journal," and "Chinese Illus- trated News and Child's Paper" 18, Peking Road.

Rev. J. M. W. Farnham, D.D., manager

J. R. Macgowan, assistant

Y. T. Lam, book keeper


**** Se-men nga sia-jau. SEVENTH Day Baptist MISSION.

Catherine's Bridge, beyond West Gate.

Rev. D. H. and Mrs. S. G. Davis

E. F. Swinney, M.D.




Residence "Bridgman Home."

Miss M. A. Burnett

Dr. Eliz. Reifsnyder

Miss E. M. McKechnie



3, Ming-hong Road, Hong-kew. Rev. Ernst Faber, hon. editor

Rev. A. Williamson. L.L.D., hon. secretary

Gilbert McIntosh, supdt. of press


Shing-shu Kung-wei.

BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. S. Dyer, 2, Whangpoo Road, agent D. 8. Murray

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Rev. A. P. Happer, D.D., president,


Rev. J. M. W. Farnham, D.D., corres. sec.



Ta-me-kwoh Sheng-king-hway.


Rev. L. H. Gulick, agent

James Dalziel, assistant

Jas. Ware, colporteur, Shanghai

G. E. Saull,



H. Perks,



J. Aminoff,



H. R. Wells,



號八第路德華西口虹 生先涂


Jas. Dalziel

8, Seward Road.


Yu-t'ai-chiaou chen-tsu-tang.


24, Foochow Road.

L. Moore, president

R. A. Gubbay, vice-president

S. A. Nathan

M. M. Moses, hon. treasurer M. A. Sopher, hon. secretary S. Menasee, reader



Chekiang Road.

  Gulamally Muhamad Azum, priest Abdulaziz Gulamally

Ramjan Ally Golomally



Nanzing Road, Hongkew.

Rev. Fr. Moisan, S.J., manager Rev. Fr. Pittar, S.J.

Rev. Fr. Bouvett, S.J.

F. Perrin, S.J.

F. Scherer, S.J.

L. van der Linden, S.J.

E. Moreau, S.J.

L. Bouvet, S.J. Y. Lemercier P. Joncour, S.J. L. Simonin, S.J. V. Mouly, S.J.

I Si-tung-shu-yuen, SHANGHAI PUBLIC SCHOOL. Under the Auspices of the Masonic Fraternity.

Head Master-Chas. H. Dallas

Lady Principal-Mrs. C. H. Dallas Asst. English Teacher-Mrs. Clifton Asst. German Teacher-Frau Scholinus Prof of Singing-A. Vita

Music Teacher-Frau Römer



Shen-ya-hsi ne-ho-dong.


28, Rue Montauban, French Concession

Mother Mary of St. Dominic, superioress

Mother Mary of St. Vincent, treasurer

Chung-sui Shu-yuen.



Young J. Allen, D.D., L.L.D.

Rev. W. B. Bonnell

Miss Dona Hamilton

Miss Lula H. Lipscomb

**** Ying-hwa Shu-kuan.


(Church Missionary Society.)

Geo. Lanning, head master

Giu Ooug Sung, assistant

院書英 Yung sui-yuen.


15, Boone Road, Hongkew

Mrs. Lanning, superintendent



SCHOOL (For Chinese).

Outside the South Gate.

Rev. J. N. B. Smith, supdt. of boys' school Mrs. J. N. B. Smith, supdt. girls' school Rev. J. A. Silsby


KENA Kung-che E-yuen. SHANGHAI GENERAL HOSpital. North Soochow Road.

Physician Dr. L. S. Little

Secretary-A. Thurburn

### Zung-che E-kwan. CHINESE HOSPITAL.

3, Shantung Road.

Medical Officers-Ed. Henderson, M.D., &c., Neil Macleod, M.D., W. J. Milles, F.R.C.S.Eng., &c.

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RC Doong-zung E-yuen.

ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL, HONGKEW. Superintending Surgeon-Dr. H. W. Boone


Hon. Visiting Surgeon-Dr. R. A. Jamie-


Hon. Dental Surgeon-D. H. M. Perkins House Surgeon-H. N. Woo, clk.

Voo-dzü e-yön.

   MARGARET WILLIAMSON HOSPITAL. Eliz. Reifsnyder, M.D., physician in charge Miss E. M. McKechnie, assistant supdt.

Clubs and Institutions.



2, Yangtsze Road.

Secretary-Wilmer Harris

Assistant-F. T. Williams

房子彈路馬四 Wu-ma-loo Dan-tsz-vong.


Canton Road.

Committee-Th. Bieber (president), Ph. Lieder (vice president), W. Ebb (hon.

treasurer), H. Beck, (hon. librarian), A. Holm, A. M. ritz (working committee) Steward-H. Möller

# Sia-kiu T'soong-way.

COUNTRY CLUB. Bubbling Well Road.

Committee-W.V. Drummond (chairman), E. G. Low, R. H. Percival,J. L. Scott, E. Wheeley, A. Burman, P. McGregor Grant, R. D. Starkey Secretary-C. J. Dudgeon

## Se-yang Tsoong-way.


1, Chapoo Road, Hongkew


L. J. de Sá, norary scoretary

Kwei-chü Tsoong-way.


30, Yangtaze Road.

C. J. Holland, secretary

↑ Sin-kwan Tsoong-way.

CUSTOMS' Club. 20, Whangpoo Road.


Hang-hai le-che kung-way.


8, Nanking Road.

President-W. Hardie

Hon. Secretary-Wm. B. Buyers

Manager-W. Dunn

E Chung-ying-huei. CATHOLIC CIRCLE.

President-H. Lübeck

Vice-Presidents- J. P. da Silva, José


Secretary-A. Jorge

Treasurer-P. E. d'Almeida

Councillors-J. F. de Senna, Jr., A. dos




27, Hongkew Road.

Superintendent J. Eveleigh

BF Ho-ming.



Secretary-Geo. R. Corner; office, 19, Sze-

chuen Road

*#*# Yang-wên-shu-yuen. ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY, CHINA Branch. Museum Road.

President-F. Hirth, Ph.D.

Vice-Predt.-R. A. Jamieson, M.A., M.D.

do. -P. J. Hughes, M.A. Hon. Secretary-Wm. Bright Hon. Treasurer-Geo. Jamieson Hon. Librarian-H. Beck

Curator of Museum-H. E. Hobson Councillors-Rev. E. Faber, W. R. Carles, T. W. Kingsmill, A. J. Little, E. Major

Bath to Pouyuen.


Hon. Curator-H. E. Hobson


Secretary-Barnes Dallas

Clerk of Course-E. H. Gore Booth

Shanghai Paper Hunt Club. Master-Frank Maitland

Hon. Secretary-H. Baker

Digitized by



塲球地內塲馬跑 Bau-mo-zang noi-p'au-jew-zang. CRICKET CLUB.

Hon. Secretary-H. T. Wade

Hon. Treasurer-R. G. Gibb

Amateur Dramatic Club.

Hon. Secretary-P. Macgregor Grant

Hon. Treasurer-Thos. Brown



Hon. Secretary-Geo. R. Corner

Pau jew-zang. RACQUET COURT.

45, Nanking Road.

Hon. Secretary-F. A. de St Croix


✶✶WT Ao-dou San-pan-tsang. Lower Boat House, Soochow Creek

Sang-dou San-pan-tsang. Upper Boat House, Soochow Creek. Hon. Secretary-F. luchting

SHANGHAI Yacht Club.

Commodore-Capt. W. Dobie

Vice-Commodore-B. Schmacker

Hon. Secretary-J. F. Cheetham




Hon. Secretary-

Hon Treasurer-F. H. Haskell Committee-A. E. Jones, J. Purdon, Jr., J. Calloway, J. L. Jensen, H. G. Har- wood, Hart Buck


Hon. Secretary-A. Rohde


Hon. Secretary-Drummond Hay

        SHANGHAI PUBLIC BAND. Committee-G. R. Corner, (chairman), P. Brunat, H. H. Joseph, G. Harling, R. de Malherbe, J. L. Scoit, E. G. Vouille- mont

    Secretary-J. A. Pond Conductor-M. Vela

23 Bandsmen

↑£#** Wên-yu-fu jên-wei.




President-General J. D. Kennedy Vice-Presidents-John Fryer, R. A. Jam-

ieson, M.D.

Hon Treasurer-T. Brown Hon. Secretary-H. T. Wade

Committee-Wm. Bright, F. H. Haskell, R. D. Starkey, A. P. Macgregor, Rev. H. C. Hodges, M.A.


Committee-J. Danenberg, H. Vinay, H.

M. Hillier

Hon. Secretary & Treasurer-S. Aloutrie Librarian-J. J. Mansfield Conductor-Chev. M. Vela


Committee-H. A. Pereira, president, L. A. Lubeck, hon. sec., F. S. Oliveira, hon. treas., E. E. Soares, E. J. de Couto





Corner of Quangsi and Hoopeh Roads.

Chairman-W. V. Drummond

Hon. Secretary-J. Fryer

Hon. Treasurer-Toug Mow Chee Teacher of Mathematics -Hwa Jeh-Ting Teacher of English-C. T. Woo

## Yang-van shu-kwan


1, Museum Road.

Hon. Secretary & Treasurer-A. J. How Librarians-Mr. and Mrs. Gale


18, Nanking Road.

Hon. Secretary-E. J. Coats Hon. Treasurer-W. P. Hamlin


Kway-chü-dong. MASONIC Hall. ›

30, The Bund.

Executive Committee-T. "W. Kingsmill, president, A. Johnfsord, J. M. Cory, H. F. Fisher, R-A. Gubbay, secretary and treasurer

Caretaker-C. Merritt

Digitized by Google




District Grand Lodge of Northern China D. Grand Master-John Irwin Miller

Royal Sussex, No. 501

Northern Lodge of China, No. 570 Tuscan Lodge, No. 1027


H.R.M. of K.L.W.N.G. and the R.S Y.C.S. Provincial Grand Lodge for China and


P.G. Master-C. M. Donaldson D.P.G. Master-D. C. Jansen

Senior Warden-C. Deighton-Braysher Junior Warden-Jas. H. Osborne Secretary-C. J. Holland Treasurer-Geo. Lanning Sword Bearer-Wm. Youngson

Banner Bearer-H. S. Goodfellow Marischal-Jas Baird Deputy do. -T. Hore

· Ex. and Intro.-A. Webster

Organist R. W. Astill

Stewards-Jas. Mackay, H. M. Perkins,

A. C. Ramsay -Guarder-Chas. Merritt

Cosmopolitan Lodge, No. 428 R.W.M.-Wor. Bro. J. G. Thirkill I.P.M.-Wor. Bro. T. Southey D.M.-Wor. Bro. T. Pemberton 8.M.-Bro. J. Gould

S.W.-Bro. E. H. Latty

◄ J.W.-Bro. J. M. Mielenhausen Treasurer-Bro. W. Youngson Secretary-Bro. B. R. Grayston S.D.-Bro. J. Ladrich I.G.-Bro. J. H. Pearson Tyler-Bro. C. Merritt


No. 4 of Supreme Council of Scotland *M.W.S.-C. M. Donaldson

P.M.W.S.-C. Penfold

High Prelate-D. C. Jansen

~S.W.-C. J. Holland

J.W.-Dr. H. M. Perkins Treasurer-Geo. H. Ferguson Secretary-Wm. Inman

→→M. Cer.-W. H. B. van Corbach

·~Chancellor-Artemas Webster -Standard Bearer-M. H. Cook

Organist-B. Angove LG-Chas. Merritt


"SHILOH" CONSISTORY OF K.H., No. 3 S.C. Grand Commander-C. M. Donaldson

Ancient Land Mark, Mass. C.

W.M.-A. Webster S.W.-Bro. A. D. Brown

J.W.-Bro. D. R. Black

"Treasurer-W. Bro. M. H. Cook Secretary-Bro. F. H. Farwell

S.D.-Bro. H. L. Gordon J.D.-Bro. F. G. Keelung Tyler-Bro. C. Merritt


Rising Sun," No. 129, S.C.

·M.E.Z.-C. J. Holland M.E.H.-Jas. H. Osborne M.E.J.-T. Hore

P.M.E.Z.-Jas. Bannerman

S.E.-C. M. Donaldson, P.Z.

*8.N.-D. E. Sassoon

D.C.-R. Pestongee

P.S-R. E. Toeg 2.S.-W. M. Harvey Z.S.-W. Kits

S.B.-C. T. Benney A.S.S.S.B.-

Janitor-C. Merritt


Zion," No. 570, E.C.

M.E.H.-R. D. Starkey H.-A. P. MacGregor J.-H. J. Fisher

Treasurer-T. W. Kingsmill Scribe E.-G. M. Hart Scribe N.-J. Henningsen P.S.-F. M. Gratton

First Assistant-F. Clifton

Jointer-C. Merritt

"Celestial Preceptory," E C.

Em. Preceptor-Sir Kt. R. A. J. Andersen

Registrar-H. Mason Perkins, P.E.C.

Public Companies.


Ta Ying za-lay-hoo-vong.


Directors-R. Francis (chairman) J. G.

Purdon, E. Jenner Hogg

Acting Secretary-C. Scheppelmann Engineer-H. Edwards

Assist. Engineer-C. F. Cockey Clerk-W. Armstrong

Foreman Fitter-W. Goodfellow Meter Inspector-A. B. Trodd


-J. M. Thistle

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UPPER YANGtsze Steam Nav. Co., LD.



Fah-lan-se za-lay-hoo-vong.


Agents-Schönhard & Co.

Chef d'Exploitation-A. Deck


Tien-shin tso-tsze kung-sze.


Works: 5, Yangtszepoo Road

Office: 39, Nanking Road

Managing Director-Tso Tsze-chün

Managing Compradores-Chai Shun-hin,

Chin Wing-poo

Superintendent-W. Maitland


Shang-yang Sze-lai-sui Kung-sz


Pumping Station, Yangtszepoo Road.

Directors-A. MacLeod, H. R. Hearn, R.

Mackenzie, J. M. Ringer

Secretaries-Drysdale, Ringer & Co.

Engineer-in-chief-A. P. Wood

Foreman Plumber-F. Clifton

Pipelayer-L. J. Vanhanne

Clerk-T. Wallace

Overseer D. Main


A Tin-chi kung-sze.


Chapoo Road, Hongkew.

Secretary-R. W. Little; office, 10, Kiu-

kiang Road

Superintendent-A. D. Brown

Chief Engineer-C. E. Membert


Ta Ying ho-lan-so kung-sze.


24, Yangtzse Road.

Agent-H. H. Joseph

Chief Clerk-E. A. Hewett

Clerk-A. K. Craddock

do. -F. J. Abboit

Gunners-H. Fryer, T. Harris


Ta-fah-kwoh ho-lan-80 Kung-8ze.


French Bund.

Agent J. Chapsal

Premier Commis-F. Radamelle

Deuxime Commis-C. Tournaire

Commis aux Marchandises - F. N. de Campos

Archd. J. Little, manager


E-wo lan-so Kung-sze.


Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents


Jih-pen lan-so Kung-sze.



North Yangtze Road.

Agent-Yeend Duer

Henry Sylva

M. Souza, Jr.


Lun-chúen Chau-shang-tsung-kiuk.


Head Office, 1, Foochow Road.

Directors-Sheng Hsuan-huai, Ma Kiet-

chong, Shin Nang-hoo, Chen Shu-tang

Marine Superintendent-Thos. Weir

Assistant-A. McKelvie


Lun-chuen Chau-shang-hu-kiuk.

Shipping Office, 9, The Bund

Manager-Tong Fung-chee

Assistant-Chun Fai-ting and Chinese


Captain-J. A. Winsor


Chief Officer-A. H. Wright

Second do. -A. L. Dall Chief Engineer-R. H. Lent Second do. -A. McAlister

Third do. -N. S. Piersdorf

(4) Fung-shun

Captain-E. W. Tisdall

Chief Officer-J. C. C. Weise Second do. -R. P. Paramore Chief Engineer- A. Brown

Second do. -A. C. Tweedie

Third do. -R. M. Edwards

(5) Chi-yuen,


Captain-C. R. Nuli

Chief Officer-G. Swan

Second do. -M. Foyn

Chief Engineer-T. McEllroy Second do. -J. Izat


do. -H. Martens

Digitized by




(6) Yê-skin,

Captain-G. C. Graham

Chief Officer-W. S. Sandeman

Second do. -J. Jurgens Chief Engineer-C. McLean Second do. --J. Howes

Third do.

-J. McArthur

     (7) Hae-shin. Captain-John Warwick Chief Officer--T. Grayson Second do. -J. Friend Chief Engineer-J. Shearer Second do. -H. McWilliam Third do. -H. Thomann

     (8) Hae-ting. Captain-M. F. Patterson Chief Officer-H. New.ome Second do. -J. J. Wade Chief Engineer-E. W. Clements Second do. R. Beveridge Third

-D. McBain


(9) Hae-an.

Captain-R. M. Andrew Chief Officer-J. Atkins Second do. A. Shepherd

Chief Engineer--A. Miller

Second do. -John Stewart

Third do. -R. W. Astill

(10) 南圖

南圓 Toonan. Captain-R. Andrew

Chief Officer-J. Kiolseth

Second do. -H. L. Newham

Third do. W. O. P. Rigdon Chief Engineer-D. W. Jones Second do. Geoge Brownr Third do. R. Currie

    (12) # Kung-pai. Captain-F. A. Brissander Chief Officer-W. Stephen Second do. -R. F. Andersen Chief Engineer-W. Graham Second do. -W. McMenamin Third do. -J. Thomson

(13) Fu-yew-

Captain-G. Buchanan Chief Officer-G. C. Bletben Second do. J. Ferguson Chief Engineer-J. B. Lamond Second

do. -A. G. Fyffe Third do. -W. Whitehead

(14) Yung-ching.


Captain-R. Lincoln

Chief Officer-J. P. Lowe

Second do. -C. G. Andersen

Chief Engineer-J. J. Clements Second do. -H. Hyser Third do. -G. Sim

(16) Mei-foo. Captain-M. J. Lancaster Chief Officer-J. Steward Second do. -J. Kilby Chief Engineer-Wm. Pearse Second do. -A. C awford Third do. -F. Foster

(21) Kiang-teen. Captain-N. Pratt Chief Officer A. Palmquist Second do. C. V. Frigast Chief Pilot -John Wilson S cond Pilot-C. H. Jacobi Chief Engineer-R. S. Harvey Second do. - A. Air

Third do. -O. Frone

(23) Kiang-yu.

Captain-A. E. Knights

Chief Officer-E. Sandsted

Second do. C. This

Chief Pilot-W. P. Johnson

Second do.-P. Lawsen

Chief Engineer-J. Ferrier

Second do. -J. Leonard

Third do. -W. Winterburn

(24) Kiang-kwan. Captain-J. A. Perkins Chief Officer-H. Ellis Chief Pilot-C. Bretfeld Chief Engincer-C. Bernard Second do. -T. Liddle Third do. -G. Lock

(25) Kiang-yung.

Captain-A. H. Morse Chief Officer-C. Dale Second do. -T. C. Cheetham Chief Pilot-F. Matzen Second do. -P. Lawson

Chief Engineer-G. H. Ferguson Second do. -J. A. Duncan Third do. -F. C. Parker

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(26) Kiang-tung.

Captain-K. M. Yankowsky Chief Officer-G. P. Sell Second Pilot-F. Carison Chief Engineer--W. Ortwin Second do. -J. F. Walter Third do. -J. Duff

       (27) Kiang-piau. Captain-J. W. Johnson Chief Officer-C. H. Clifford Second do. W. King Chief Engineer-F. Kennedy Second do. -J. Kirk Third do. -J. Mercer

(28) Kiang-foo.

   Captain T. Bassett Chief Officer-C. M. Green Second do. -F. Franks Chief Pilot--E. Lindstrom Second do.-S. D. Park Chief Engineer-F. Prevost Second do. -J. McDonald Third do. -A. Richmond

(29) Kiang-ping.

Captain-C. Holmes

Chief Engineer -A. Cairncross

(31) Poo-chi.


Captain-W. R. Ferlie

Chief Officer-G. Froberg

Second do. -P. Kloffer

Chief Engineer--T. Russell

Wm. McFarlane

Third do.

Chief Engineer-V. F. Crolius


Captain-J. Danielsen

Chief Officer-C. F Clifford Second do. -T. O'Berg Chief Engineer-D. Shearer


Captain-S. F. Hampshire Chief Officer-F. Klopfer Second do. -F. Stack Chief Engineer-J. Mackenzie Third do. -W. Bick


Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents




Adamson, Bell & Co., agents


Adamson, Bell & Co., agents


Adamson, Bell & Co., agents

Alfred Dent & Co., ageuts



Russell & Co., agents

BAR✰ Ta-koo lan-so kung-840, 司公船輪古太


Butterfield & Swire, agents


Butterfield & Swire, agents

NAVIGAZIONE GENERALE ITALIANA, Florio & Rubattino United Cos. Carlowitz & Co., agents

Second do. -. McCallum

(32) Fu-shun.


Captain-A. Croad

Chief Officer - G. G. Clark

Second do. -C. Jordan

Second do. -G. Wallace

Third do. -J. Brown




Melchers & Co., agents

Captain-C. W. Wells

Chief Officer-E. Ballard

   Second do. -A. F. Zungloff Chief Engineer-W. B. Buyers Second do. -F. Bruce Third

do. F. W. Bitley

AUSTRO-HUNgarian Lloyd's S. N. Co. Russell & Co., agents

COMPAGNIE Nationale de Navigation, Cozon & Giraud, agents

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C. M. S. N. Co.'s PooTung Wharf. O. Middleton, manager

Wheelock & Co., agents

T. Pemberton

***** Yoong-ta poh-so-hong. 行船駁泰榮



Lewis and Hopkins, managers

L. M. Gutterres



Directors-R. Francis, W. Short, John


Agents-Morris & Co.

Marine Superintendent-Capt. C. McCaslin

Masters of Tugs-Roberts, Grandon, Ror-


Chief Engineer-J. Bannerman

Diver and Master-J. Roberts

CHINA SHIPOWNERS' ASSOCIATION. Directors-John Morris, J. Bannerman, M.

    H. Cook, G. Galles Agents-Morris & Co.

     SHANGHAI SHIPPING COMPANY. Nils Möller, agent

**A Kung-wo-chang-mo-dow.



Manager-W. J. Clarke Accountant-Robert Law Clerk-A. M. A. Evans

do. -A. B. Severin do.-J. F. Pereira de. -Hung Suit-kai Warehouseman-W. Poignand Wharfinger-H. Cooper

     do. -E. J. Coats Watchman-John White

CHINA MERCHANTS' S. N. Co.'s Central


Siemssen & Co., lessees

O. Middleton, manager

T. E. Ramsay, accou:.tant

F. A. Hanich, clerk

Frank Lee, wharfinger

源利金 Kin Lee Yuen.


O. Middleton, supdt. foreign goods ware-


F. Lee, wharfinger

Chu Soi-fu, manager

Poo-tung mo-dow.


Russell & Co., agents

E. U. Smith, manager

F. R. Rogers



Geo. R. Corner, trustee

W. Birt & Co., general managers

C. Oswald Liddell

W. Whitfield, wharfinger

易高 Kaou-yeh.


Myburgh & Dowdall, 21, Foochow Road,

secretaries and legal advisers


Myburgh & Dowdall, 21, Foochow Road,

secretaries and legal advisers



Foundry, Machine Shop, and Ship Yard.

S. C. Farnham & Co., lessees


Poo-tung Toong-ka-doo zay-00. POOTUNG DOCK.

S. C. Farnham & Co., lessees

FZeang-sung zay-00. NEW DOCK.

Boyd & Co., agents and owners

***** Pau-zung chi-tsang. LOWER DOCK.

S. C. Farnham & Co., proprietors



Office, Mustard & Co., Nanking Road; Schooners S. C. Farnham, C. P. Blethen, and Bonita

R. A. J. Anderson, W. B. Bain, J. Brun, *W. van Corbach, A. Getley, J. H. Hoar, Ed. H. Hjousbery, F. A. Kofod, R. J. MacCaslin, J. Pike, Thos. O'Brien, O. Posthumus, J. W. S. Neeson, H. Sutton, F. Taylor, J. Hillebrand, John Snowden

Digitized by




E. Brand, W. A. Burr, D. C. Campbell, F. H. Hallinan, F. Flood, H. N. Cun- ningham, J. Jürgensen, M. Nelson, -W. H. Roberts, Y. Č.Kofoed J. Vaughan, R. Williams, -Cantermale (address Criterion Hotel) Reserve-D. Martin


J. Brun, B. Clough, P. S. Hickey, E. H. Hjousberry, A. McCappin, G. Mobsby, (address Temperance Hall) P. M. Pe- tersen, J. Pike, B. Popp, J. Robinson, C. Thompson



Office, 9, Kiukiang Road.

C. J. Dudgeon, secretary


Kai-ping kwang-wu-hu-kiuh.


W. C. Tong Kidson, agent

行線電 Deen-seen hong.

Great Northern TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Office, 7, The Bund.

General Manager for China and Japan

J. Henningsen, K.D., C.W., R.L.H., R.I.C.

Engineer and Electrician-J. M. Holst Accountant-V. Hein-Hansen

Asst. do. -N. C. R. Petersen

Mechanician-Oscar Steglich



-J. Timm

-H. C. J. Wolder

Chief Clerk-Hans H. Meier

Telegraphists-C. Ramussen, O. Nielsen,

Steen Bille, H. Meyeren

Counter Clerks-J. M. da Silva, F. X. da

S. Souza

Chinese Interpreter-Tsai Shou Kie

F. Carlson

Woosung Station.

Gutzlaff Station.

Electrician-P. Nygaard

Store Nordiske, repairing steamer.

Captain- E. Suenson

Chief Officer-H. Petersen

Chief Engineer-C. Couraden

Electrician-W. Schönau


**** Ta-dong deen-seen hong. EASTERN EXTENSION, AUSTRALASIA AND CHINA TELEGRAPH Co., Limited. Office, The Bund.

W. Bullard, controller

W. Newton, operator W. P. McLean do. H. H. Gilby, do.

#1+ Chung-kwoh deen-pau-kiuh.

IMPERIAL CHINESE TELEGRAPHS. Sheng Hung-Shuen, director general Year Sui-Chee, manager King Ling-San,


Chu Tze Ven, asst. do.

H. Bohr, chief superintendent

C. C. Bojesen, engineer-in-chief

Dzau Kit Foob, chief accountant

Tong Yun-Cham, asst. clerk-in-charge

BF Ho-ming.



19, Szechuen Road.

Geo. R. Corner, agent

J. F. D'Almeida

DA*## Te-li-feng Kung-88e. CHINA AND Japan Telephone Co., LD. Head Office, 14, Austin Friars, London Shanghai Exchange, 7, The Bund

E. E. Porter, A. I. T. E. &. C., ge-

neral manager

S. Ramsin, J. Ah Hoo, inspectors 3 Chinese operators


Frazar & Co., agents


Alfred Dent & Co., agents


Mitsui Bussan Kaishia, agents

NAGASAKI Dockyard and Patent Slip Yeend Duer, agent

Takasima Colliery.

Yeend Duer, agent

H. Sylva

Digitized by





Adamson, Bell & Co., agents-

Lancashire Insurance Co., of Man-


Pacific Insurance Co., of Sydney South Australian Insurance Co., of

Adelaide (Marine)

Mercantile Marine Insurance Co., of

South Australia

Thames and Mersey Marine Insur-

ance Company

National Marine Insurance Co. Singapore Insurance Co., Ld.

American Trading Co., agents-

Economic Fire Office, Limited

Arnhold, Karberg & Co., agents

South British Marine and Fire In- surance Co. of New Zealand Hamburg Magdeburg Fire Insurance


Federal Marine Insurance Co. of


Mannheim Insurance Co., Ld.

Butterfield & Swire, agents-

Royal Exchange Assurance Corpora-

tion of London

British and Foreign Marine In- surance Company, Limited

London and Lancashire Fire In-

surance Co.

Carlowitz & Co., agents-

Hamburg Bremen Fire Insurance Co.



9, The Bund

Chu Ching-shan, manager

彎保 Pao-ning.


LIMITED, 7, Nanking Road.

J. E. Reding, agent

R. F. Botelho

China & Japan Trading Co., Ld., agents- London and Lancashire Insurance Co.

Cozon & Giraud, agents-

La Fonciere (Lyonnaise réunie) Com-

pagnie d'Assurance Maritimes

Dent & Co., Alfred, agents-

Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Royal Exchange Assurance, Marine


Drysdale, Ringer & Co., agents-

London and Provincial Marine In-

surance Co., Limited

Positive Government Security Life

Assurance Co., Limited

Dyce & Co., agents-

Scottish Imperial Life Insurance Co. Caledonian Fire Insurance Co.

Ehlers, Aug., agent-

Hanseatic Fire Insurance Compnay,

of Hamburg

Evans, Pugh & Co., agents-

Universal Marine Insurance Co. City of London Fire Insurance Co. Fearon, Low & Co., agents-

General Fire Assurance Company New Zealand Fire Insurance Co. Atlas Assurance Co.

Forrester & Co., agents―

Lion Fire Insurance Co., Limited

Frazar & Co., agents-

New York, Boston, and San Fran-

cisco Boards of Underwriters American Shipmasters' Association Queen Fire Insurance Company Java Sea and Fire Insurance Co. National Marine Insurance Co. of

South Australia

Fung Hing Hong, agents-

On Tai Insurance Co. of Hongkong

Gibb, Livingston & Co., agents-


Imperial Fire Insurance Co. China For Insurance Co., Limited Merchant Shipping and Underwriters,

Association of Melbourne

The Underwriting and Agency Asso-

ciation, London

Societa Italia d'Assicurazione Marit-

time Fluivlia e Terrestri, Genova Assicurazion Generali in Trieste Italia and Helvetia Marine Insur-

ance Company, Limited Commercial Union Assurance, Life


New York Life Insurance Co.

Digitized by



Gipperich & Burchardi, agents--

Prussian National Fire Insurance Co. German Marine Insurance Co.

Harvey, Jas. Alex., agent-

Whittington Life Assurance Co.

Heemskerk & Co., agents-

Underwriters' Union of Amsterdam

Holliday, Wise & Co., agents-

Manchester Fire Insurance Company London Assurance Comporation, Fire

and Marine

Manchester Underwriters Asscn.

Iveson & Co., agents-

Royal Insurnace Co. of Liverpool

Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents-

Canton Insuranc Office, Limited Triton Insurance Company Ocean Marine Insurance Co. of Bombay Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Limited Alliance Fire Insurance Company

Joseph, H. H., agent-

Marine Insurance Co., Limited Marine and General Mutual Life

Assurance Society

Kirchner & Boger, agents--

Fire Insurance Co., of 1877, Hamburg

Lavers & Co., agents-

Commercial Union Assurance Co.,

Limited, (Fire)

Melchers & Co., agents-

Chinese Insurance Company, Limited Austrian Insurance Co., "Donau,"

Vienna Germanic Lloyd

Basler Transport Versicherungs Ge-


Allgemeine Versicherungs Gesell-

schaft "Helvetia"

"Rhenania" Versicherungs Action

Gesellschaft, in Kölu

"Providentia" Frankfurter Versiche-

rungs Gesellschaft

Badische Schifffahrts Assecuranz

Company, Mannheim Bremen Underwriters

United Swiss Marine Insurance Co. Consolidated Marine Insurance Co.,



Transatlantic Marine Insurance Co.

of Berlin

North German Fire Insurance Co

of Hamburg

Fire Insurance Association, Limited London and Lancashire Life Assu

rance Co.

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, agents-

Tokio Marine Insurance Co.

Möller, Nils, agents-

Sveriges Allmänna Insurance Co.,

Limited, of Gothenburg

Nabholz & Osenbrüggen, agents-

"La Suisse" Compagnie d'Assur-

arces Maritimes

New Oriental Bank Corporation, agents- National Life Assurance Society

✯ Pau-ka-hong.


Alexr. Ross, secretary

R. D. Starkey, assistant secretary W. H. Anderson, accountant

R. H. Beauchamp

A. S. T. Clifton

H. I. Price

H. Adams

J. F. do Rozario

C. G. Warburg, marine surveyor Hongkong Branch. W. H. Percival, agent L. Kennard Davis C. E. Osmund A. C. da Silva

Yokohama Branch.

W. G. Bayne, agent

Singapore Branch.

B. C. T. Gray, agent

London Branch, 78, Cornhill, E. C. Herbert S. Morris, agent

Agents for the Commercial Union

Assurance Co. (Marine Branch)

Overbeck & Co., agents-

Netherlands Fire Insurance Co.

Phipps, W. T., agent-

Standard Life Assurance Company Sun Fire Office

Digitized by



Russell & Co., agents―


North British and Mercantile Insur-

ance Company, Fire

Schellbass & Co., Ed., agents-

Magdeburger Allgemeine Versiche-

rungs Gesellschaft

"Rhenania" Versicherumgs Action

Gesellschaft in Cölon

Deutscher Rhederei Verein, Hamburg


Shang-hai po-him kung-sze.

Shanghai Fire Insurance Co., Limited, 21

Foochow Road

Tong Mow Chee, chairman

Lee Chu Ping, general manager

Lee Hip San, assistant manager

Wong Tsze-shun, clerk

Siemssen & Co., agents-

 Samarang Sea and Fire Insurance Co. Globe Marine Insurance Company,

Limited, of London,

Transatlantic Fire Insurance Com-

pany, Limited, of Hamburg Dusseldorf Universal Marine In- surance Company, Limited German Lloyd Marine Insurance Com-

pany, Limited, of Berlin Union of Ham urg Underwriters Foncière Pester Ve sicherungs Ans-

talt, Buda-Pest

The German Marine Insnrance Asso-

    ciation Veritas-Austro-Ungarico, Trieste



Chs. J. Dudgeon, agent

F. P. dos Remedios

Turnbull, Howie & Co., agents-

Liverpool and London and Globe

Insurance Company

Turner & Co., agents-

Northern Assurance Company

Westall, Little & Co., agents-

Phoenix Fire Office, London

Merchants Marine Insurance Com-

pany, Ld., London

安保 Pau-an.


17, Yangtze Road.

Douglas Jones, agent (absent)

C. W. Baird, acting agent

C. M. Ede

A. de Rago

Agents for the Home and Colonial Marine Insurance Co., Limited, and New Zealand Insurance Co.

Welch, Lewis & Co., agents-

Scottish Union and National In-

surance Company, Fire and Life

Wisner & Co., agents-

Guardian Assurance Company





Agra Bank, Limited, 4, Kiukiang Road

R. M. Campbell, acting manager

A. L. Robertson, assistaat

J. Carneiro

F. de Souza



Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and

China, Yangtze Road

A. J. M. Inverarity, manager E. B. Skottowe, pro-accountant John Armstrong, sub-accountant A. Diniz

S. J. Diniz

J. R. Xavier


Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, Lon-

don, and China

F. C. Bishop, manager

W. Bruce Robertson, acting account-


A. P. Pereira

C. Encarnacao F. Senna

Man Sing

Digitized by





Fah-lan-se ning-hong.

Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris, The Bund

➡E. G. Vouillemont, manager

C. C. Inchbald, accountant

J. H. Halphen, sub-accountant F. L. Placé

J. R. Simoes

J. Xavier

A. P. P. Campos

J. Machado

A. Jorge

D. Fitz-Henry, agent, Tientsin A. Philippot, accountant, do.

J. Arranger, act. agent, Hongkong

L. Glénat, act. agent, Yokohama

First National Bank, Tokio

Mitsui Bussan Kaishia, agents


Hongkong & Suanghai Banking Corpora-

tion, The Bund

Ewen Cameron, manager

H. M. Bevis, sub-manager (absent) D. Jackson, acting sub-manager Robt. Wilson, accountant

H. Hewat (absent) F. W. Barff

J. C. Nicholson J. Moffat (absent)

J. B. M. Smith (absent)

H. E. R. Hunter T. McC. Browne

G. T. How

J. Maclaen

F. F. Raper

A. Coutts

J. McChlery H. Skiuner

C. Tulloch

C. A. Black B. Ruttonjee A. J. Diniz D. M. Gutterres S. J. Rangel

E. E. Soares J. T, de Souza J. M. Rangel

London and Westminster Bank, Limited Bank of Montreal

Ulster Bank, Limited, Belfast

Lavers & Co., agents for payment of

circular notes

National Bank of India, Limited

Turner & Co., agents

如麗 Le.tzu.


New Oriental Bank Corporation, Limited,

The Bund

Jas. K. Morrison, manager

John R. Haggitt, accountant P. M. de Carvalbo

J. L. Pereira

Oriental Bank Corporation, in liquidat'n John R. Haggitt, attorney for the

official liquidator

Merchants, Professions, Trades, &c



Adamson, Bell & Co., merchants, The Bund

F. H. Bell

Chas. Lyall Grant (London) F. M. Youd (London)

T. M. Dermer

G. B. Dodwell (absent) Otto Meuser

A. J. H. Carlill J. W. H. Burgoyne Alex. Stewart H. A. J. Mackray P. Y. Smith

J. H. McGillivray

S. Spooner

C. M. de Senna

J. M. Botelho

F. H. Cave-Thomas (Fuochow)

T. M. Gutierrez

M. Woodley


F. E. Richards


H. Boyol


E. Wex


G. J. Melquish


G. S. Thomson


P. E. F. Stone


A. J. Correa


Fred. Dodwell


E. S. Whealler


J. Tulloch


A. A. Botelbo


E. B. Wolff


S. V. dos Remedios


E. J. da Rocha



Abdoola & Co., A., milliners, drapers, &c., 704, Narking Road, opposite Racquet


Ebrahim Abdoola, manager

M..B. M. Sadeck

Digitized by





Abraham, A. E. J., merchant, 35, Kiangse


D. H. Silas


Abraham & Co., Shooker, merchants, 16,

Szechuen Road

I. Joseph

Shuang Loong.

Agthe and Ismer, watch and chronometer makers, jewellers and opticians, 23, Nan- king Road

Karl Agthe Carl Ismer


Almeida, C. M. d', wine merchant and com-

mission agent, 5, Yangking Pang


Amelunxen, E. A. v., merchant

E. A. Amelunxen

生茂 Mow-sing.

American Trading Co., 1, Nanking Road

Jas. Baird, "gent

J. J. Dunne

M. J. Sanders

J. Oller lessen

L. d'Almeida, Jr.

和協 Hip-wo.

Anderson & Co., Robt., merchants, 11,

Peking Road

J. H. Anderson (absent)

P. McGregor Grant

F. W. Styan

C. Schlee


Arnhold, Karberg & Co., merchants, 10,

Nanking Road

Ph. Arnhold

C. Beurmann, signs per pro. (Han-


G. Sachaü

L. Roustan, silk inspector

W. Grage

F. X. Encarnação

J. Encarnação

W. L. Davies (Hankow)

敬永新 Sing yoong-fah.

Ashley & Co., sailmakers, 80 to 83, Tsingpoo

Road, Hongkew

C. J. Ashley

查禮 Lai-zo.

Astor House, Hotel, 7, Whangpoo Road

D. C. Jansen, proprietor


Baessler, John, ship and freight broker and commission agent, 65, Rue Montauban;

owner str. Whaon, Capt. W. Schmidt

利倍 Bay-lee.

Bailey, Jno., accountant, land, house, and

estate agent, land 7, Commercial Cham-

bers, 24, Nanking Road

G. W. Stiles


Barlow & Co., merchants, 2, Canton Road

D. A. Darling

J. S. Pollitt

W. McDonald

M. de Souza

Bavier, Meyer & Co., 6, Yang King Pang

French Concession

E. de Bavier (Lyons)

O. R. Meyer (New York) H. Simon

J. Fournel

P. Genin



Benjamin, B. D., merchant, 15, Kiukiang


發倍 Bay.fah.

Bielfeld, Alex., auctioneer and broker'

4, Canton Rd.

Alex. Bielfeld

D. Maber

平和 Bing-oo.

Birt & Co., W., commission merchants,

wool, hide, skin and produce brokers

and inspectors, 14, Foochow Road

C. Oswald Liddell

T. H. Vale

G. H. Purcell

Digitized by




Bisset & Co., J. P., land agents, share

brokers, &c., 6, Foochow Road

Jas. Buchanan

C. W. Ure

Alex. Cushny, Jr.


Boulangerie Francaise, 47, Rue du Consulat

D. Borri



Boyd & Co., engineers and shipbuilders,

Pootung and New Dock

P. V. Grant

Wm. Robertson

John Riach (absent)

C. W. Hay

John Prentice

James Johnston

James Mackenzie

Jas. H. Osborne

Alex. MacCallum

A. Liddell John Ford

T. A. Macallum

F. W. Rawsthorne

John Wilson

J. Bæcher

R. Barry

H. Sinagawa

T. Adrian W. Edwards

R. T. Lent W. McCarthy

H. Lent

J. Deigl,ton

D. White

S. Pearson


Brewer, Walter, W., bookseller, stationer, photographer, newsagent, piano and music dealer, fancy goods dealer and tobacconist, Nanking Road

W. W. Brewer (Hongkong)

Thos. Boyd

G. Swales


Da-ying E-yuen.

British Dispensary; Mactavish and Leh- mann, chemists, druggists, and aerated water manufacturers, 1, The Bund

Jas. W. Macta vish Stewart M. McLeish

W. G. Pirie

C. A. Xavier


Buchheister, J.J., merchant, 1, Ningpo Rd.

J. J. Buchheister

J. Buse

C. Stepharius Robert Meyer


Buck & Ramsay, tailors and outfitters, 4,

Nanking Road

Hart Buck

A. C. Ramsay



Butterfield & Swire, merchants, The Bund

John S. Swire (England)

William Lang

J. H. Scott (absent)

F. R. Gamwell (England)

E. Mackintosh (Hongkong)

F. B. Aubert

H. B. Endicott


A. MacCallum, Jr.

威播 Poo-wai.

Bovet Brothers & Co., merchants, 29,

Kiangse Road

A. Bovet (absent)

R. de Malherbe


Brand Brothers & Co., merchants, 10,

Yangtsze Road

David Brand (absent)

William Brand

C. H. King

G. R. Wingrove

Jas. Hall

H. Baker

E. Tomlin

H. Smith D. Nesbitt

J. W. Callaway John Whittle

T. Ford

Stuart Smith

A. Smith

J. Harris

D. Law H. Maitland

A. Fullerton J. B. Fonseca A. J. Noronha

Digitized by





Pui-che E-sang.

Burge, F. J., L.R.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S.

Eng., L.M., A.K.C., Riverbauk, 71. Broadway, Hongkew

茂祥 Dziang-meu.

Burkill, A. R., public silk inspector, 3,

Kiukiang Road

G. Henderson

璊伯 Pow-man.

Burman, Andrew, bill and bullion broker,

1A, Kiukiang Road


Butler, Geo., public tea inspector, 11, Sze-

chuen Road

和廣 Kwang-wo.

Caldbeck, MacGregor & Co., wine, spirit,

and beer merchants, 7, Foochow Road

E. J. Caldbeck

J. MacGregor (London)

J. W. Gande

F. X. do Rozario

London Branch, 101, Leadenhall St. Hongkong Branch, Pedder's St.

Alexr. Levy, agent Agencies: Amoy, G. C. Greenhill

Chinkiang, Gearing & Co. Foochow, J. Phillips Hankow, Alexr. Price Kobe, H. E. Reynell & Co. Nagasaki, Holme, Ringer & Co. Chefoo, B. J. Price & Co Tientsin, Forbes, Graham &


Yokohama, H. E. Reynell &


(See Advertisement)


Camp Hotel, Yangtszepoo Road

和禮 Lai-wo0.

Carlowitz & Co., merchants, 19, Kiu-

kiang Road

A. Krauss (absent)

B. Schmacker

P. Blesky

A. Holm Th. Ruff

W. Wiederhold G. D. Böning

Castilho, S. P., dealer in provisions, wines,

tobacco, &c., Seward Road, opposite

Astor House

F. Esteves


Cawasjee Pallanjee & Co., merchants, 3,

Yang King Pang


Pestonjee Cooverjee F. Bomanjee

## Chun-yuen Yan-shu-koon. "Celestial Empire," published weekly, Shanghai Courier," every evening, 42, Kiangse, corner of Peking Roads

John G. Thirkell, proprietor, mana-

ger and editor

A. Navarra, sub-editor

Tsoy Wun Chung, reporter and


R. F. Martins, printing manager D. S. Santos, compositor

J. M. Jesus,


Julien Bargues, do.

and Chinese


China and Japan Trading Company, Li- mited, importers of, and dealers in general merchandise, commission agents and auctioneers; Head Office, 34 and 36, Burling Slip, New York, Branches in ports of Japan and Shanghai

F. E. Haskell, manager

W. R. Eastlack F. H. Farwell A. M. da Silva J. Britto

F. H. Haskell T. Harris

C. W. Miller Arthur Allen

*** Shiu-bun sho-kwan.

Chinese Type Foundry, printers, manu- facturers of printing machines, and stereotypers, 6, Canton Road

N. Matsumo, manager

H. Matsuno

T. K. Kuwada

S. Kamiya

K. Takeda, foreman, and others


Central Hotel, corner of Nanking Road

and The Bund

F. E. Reilly, proprietor

Digitized by



房馬商總 HH Tsoong-shang ma vong.

Central Stables, Foochow Road

Symons, Sewjee & Co., proprietors

J. J. Heath, manager


Church, W., ta inspector and commission

merchant, 5, Hankow Road



Clark, J. D., commission merchant, valuer,

and broker, 3, Canton Road

#Fock-sang shu-kun.

A Koong-tsang.

Cromie, Cuarles, public silk inspector, 3,

Kiukiang Road

名錦 King-ming.

Cumine & Co., merchants, 5, Kiukiang


Chas. Cumine (absent)

A. G. T. Cumin: (absent) John Cooper

J. Valentine


Commercial Printing Office, 43, Kiangse Dadabhoy Burjorjee, broker, 32, Foochow


T. P. Baptista, manager

E. Botelho, compositor


Comins, C., share, bill, metal, and general



Cook, M. H., sail-maker, rigger, and ship- chandler, 324, 325 and 326, Broadway

M. H. Cook

W. Howard

HF Ho-ming.


推拿 Day-vee.

David & Co., S. J., merchants, 10, Szechuan


D. E. Moses

J. J. Judah

泰裕 Yu-tai.

Dallas, Barnes, broker, importer and com-

mission agent 16, Foochow Road

Barnes Dallas

F. Dallas

G. Dallas


Corner, Geo. R., public accountant, 19, Deanery, The, 17, Hankow Road.

Szechuen Road


Cory, J. M., F.R.I.B.A., architect, 1, Kiu-

kiang Road


Cottam & Rawlinson, drapers, silk- mercers, etc., 26 and 27, Kiangse Road

J. P. Cottam

C. J. Rawlinson

C. J. McCarthy

Coutts, G. W., bill and bu'lion broker,

The Club


Cozon & Giraud, 6, Hankow Boad

U. Girard

G. Lajeat


Criterion Hotel, 17, Whangpoo Road

S. H. Schmid

Rev. H. C. Hodges, M.A., chaplain

順寶 Pau-zung.

Dent & Co., Alfred, merchants, 16, The Bund

Alfred Dent (absent)

H. R. Hearn

Edward Wheeley

F. A. de St. Croix J. P. da Silva


Donaldson, C. Melville, commission agent,

2, Tiendong Road

C. Donaldson, Jr.


Dowdall, W. M., architect, chief engineer of coast defences of Kiangnan, Szechuen Road, opposite Agra Bank

W. M. Dowdall, A.R.I.B.A. Woo Li Oong, surveyor Cieling, assistant do. Haeling do.

Digitized by





Drummond W. V. barrister-at law, 5,


Balfour Buildings

Arthur Holah, solicitor

Harold Browett, solicitor

Lo Cheng Yee, clerk


Emamoodeeu, S., merchant, commission

and property agent, 47, Rue du Con- sulate

和寶 Pow-wo.

Kum Allum,


Chen Tia Chi


and Chinese writers


Drysdale, Ringer & Co., 7, Kiukiang Road

J. M. Ringer

H. Pullen

J. Danenberg


Dufour Brothers & Co., 7, Museum Road

A. Schroers

E. Ghisi

信惇 Tun-sin.

Dyce & Co., merchants, 1, Kiukiang Road

C. M. Dyce



G. A. Matthews

E. Carpani


Ebrahim & Co., Abdoolally, merchants and commission agents, 6, Sunkiang Rd. Esootally Bhaymia, manager D. Abdoolally


Ehlers, Aug., merchant, 9A, Hankow Road

Aug. Ehlers

Th. Meyer Aug. Moll

J. Braga



Elias, J. R., auctioneer, broker and com-

mission agent, Sassoon's buildings,

Nanking Road

凡埃 A.van.

"Empire Steam Brewery and Aerated

Mineral Water Factory," Ming Hong

and Seward Roads, Hongkew


Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co., Ld.,


Wm. Papps, brewer

H. D. Patch, asst. do.

Evans, Pugh & Co., 11A, Szechuen Road

J. H. Evans (absent)

W. Pugh

J. A. Hawes


F. V. da Fonseca

H. Whistler (Hankow)


Ezra & Co., Isaac, merchants, 18, Kiukiang


1saac Ezra

Abraham Ezra (Bombay)

棚奶牛英大 ***

Da-ying New-na-ban g.

Farm, The, opposite the Grand Stand

R. W.Shaw

D. M. de Souza


Fearon, Low & Co., merchants, 20, Foo-

chow Roa

J. S. Fearon

R. I. Fearon (New York)

E. G. Low

T. O. S. Jenkins

R. H. Pye (Amoy)

H. O. Jeyes (Amoy) H. W. Daniel

H. C. V. de Figueiredo C. H. Fearon

R. R. Endicott


Farnbam & Co., S. C., dock owners, ship- wrights, engineers, &c., 14, Broadway, Old Dock, Pootung Dock, & Lower Dock

Gerrit Galles James Dick

J. R. Twentyman J. S. Knowles D. Cranston A. Mathieson

D. T. Black Jas. Smith

R. R. Oswald W. L. Muir

H. Oelkers H. Edblad W. Bell

Digitized by




Forrester & Co., merchauts, 6, Foochow


Wm. Forrester

W. H. Beatty

茂英 Ying-mow.

Francis & Co., R., 10, Peking Road

Robert Francis


Frazar & C..., merchants, 8, Hankow Rd.

Everett Frazar (New York)

W. S. Wetmore

R. F. Eastlack

J. H. McMichael

M. G. de Souza


Furg Hing Houg, merchants, 37, French


Lee Keng Yam, (Singapore)

L. Seck Long, manager

T. W. Song

F. Tsoo-chang Tong Kie Geok Lim Kok Eye Koh Chie-hian K. Y. Wong S. P. York

Chew Li-hoo

Gaedertz & Co., merchants, 7, Kiangse Rd.

J. H. Gaedertz

Carlos Pim


Gamman & Co., Edwin, 20, Foochow Road

Edwin Gamman

German and Scandinavian Sailors' Home

23, Rue du Consulat

O. Engelsen, proprietor


Gesseit, A., broker and general commis-

sion merchant, 60, French Bund

A. Gesseit

F. A. Gesseit

H. C. Chow



Gilmour & Co. D., public silk inspectors,

Hankow Road

D. Gilmour (absent)

Arthur Anderson

Claude A. Rees



Gibb, Livingston & Co., merchants, Bund

A. G. Wood

A. McLeod

C. S. Sharp

E. Halton, Jr. H. R. Kinnear Ramsay G. Gibb R. G. Ogle

E. C. Ozorio

G. Chape


Gipperich and Burchardi, merchants, 6

Kiangse Road

E. Hip; erich

Fr. A. Burchardi (absent)

M. Mittag

D. M. Gonsalvez


Golding, T. B., real estate broker, 25,

Nanking Road


Gore-Booth, E. H.. broker, The Club

Gore-Booth, R. H., The Club

Green, Mrs., milliner and dressmaker,

Nanking Road


Guieu Frères, wine and spirit importera, storekeepers, and commission agents, Rue Montauban, agents for the Widow Remi de Montigny, and at Haiphong and Hongkong

C. Guieu (Paris) E. Villard

G. Girault

# Lau-hung-foong.

Habibbhoy, Ahmedbhoy, merchant, Kiangse


Pestonjee Bazonjee, manager

# Sin-hung-foong.

Habibbhoy, Rehemoobhoy, merchant,

Kiangse Road

Pestonjee Bazonjee, manager.

A Kung-chang

Hagart & Co., merchants, 3, Kiukiang


C. Cromie, agent

Digitized by




德泰 Tek-tai.

Hague, F., tea inspector

Hague, W. A.


4*5# Loong-sing Ma-e-sang. Hall, H. E., veterinarian, shoeing smith, and cattle dealer, Rue des Pères, French Concession

Hoh E-sang.

Hall, J. Ward, D.D.S., dental surgeon, 1,

The Bund

Denton E. Peterson, dental surgeon


           Fuh-lee Kung-sze. The Hall & Holtz Co-operative Company, Ld., provision importers, brewers, aera- ted water manufacturers, stationers, wine and spirit merchants, furniture manufacturers, jewellers, drapers, out- fitters, tailors, upholsterers, house fur- nishers, bakers, &c., &c. Office and Stores, Nanking Road; Steam Saw Mills and Furniture Factory, Soochow Road; Empire Brewery and Stram Fac- tory, Seward Road; Bakeries, Szechuen Road and Minghong Road

**W. H. Short


E. Byrne>

H. J. Dyer



W. W. Clifford, secretary (absent) W. Hayward, acting secretary

W. B. Allen

A. R. Bowman

8. Bowness

J. S. Bryan

F. F. Carion E. J. Colgan James Gurney Hector Kirby E. H. Latty W. S. Marten M. J. Michael

M. Nissim

D. O'Rourke


Wm. Papps, brewer

H. D. Patch, do. W. Pease, Jno. C. Quick 1. M. Rangel 8. B. Remedios -E. Shepherd A. E. Skeels J. A. Stewart

C. J. Stewart, Jr.

Ed. Tuck

~*~Jno. Wilson, supdt. steam saw mills


Harris, Wilmer, public accountant and

auditor, 6, Foochow Road


Harper, John, peuman, designer, en- graver, painter, short-hand writer, ac- countant, &c., 1152-1155, Seward Road, opposite Astor House

John Harper

William Wilson


Harvie, Jam 8 Alex., merchant and com-

mission agent, 11, Foochow Road

J. A. Harvie

E. E. James


Harvie, Wm. Morrison, importing and commission agent, 5, Thorne's Build- ings, Ningpo Road

W. M. Harvie

J. Coulthard

* Tien-fung-yuen.

Heemskerk & Co., merchants, 22, Kiangse


J. J. Bysterus Heemskerk

Pierre Bure

D. Schwab

利波 Poo-le.

Hermitage Hotel, Sicaway

Mrs. Anna Höflich, proprietrix

Miss Sophie Fehlberg

Miss Margarethe Fehlberg

Miss Elizabeth Fehlberg

生醫栢 Pah E-sang.

Henderson, Macleod, and Milles

Edward Henderson, M.D., F.B.C.S.,

Edin., municipal surgeon and health

officer, and medical officer H.B.M.

Consulate, 2, Shantung Road Neil Macleod, M.D., C.M., Edio., medi. cal officer to U.S. Consulate General, 4, Hongkong Road

W. Jennings Milles, F.R.C.S. Eng., L.B.C.P. Lon., 2, Shantung Road (Surgeons to Chinese Hospital)

Digitized by





Hewett & Co., merchants, 8, Peking Road

W. Hewett, Junr. (London)

F. Hewett,

H. J. Such

F. W. Such

F. Grose

E. da Silva



Hey, E., general broker, auctioneer, and commission merchant, 8, Foochow Road


Hirsbrunner & Co., watchmakers, jewellers, and general importers, 1, Nanking Road

J. Hirsbrunner

Emile Guinaud Herrmann Fues

Chs. A. Brunner (Tientsin) Paul Zurin



Hogg, E. Jenner, 10, Peking Road


Holliday, Wise & Co., merchants, Kiangse

and Foochow Roads

C. J. Holliday

C. W. Holliday.

F. Anderson

J. W. Williamson

W. H. Dobson

A. Ross

L. Barretto

C. J. da Rocha

Hongkew Ho'el, Broadway

W. A. Watson, proprietor


Kwan-Tsang Ki-he-chong.

Hongkow Iron Works, 1113 and 1114, Broadway, Hongkew; Fau Chung & Co., engineers, boilermakers, contrac- tors, and ship builders

Fau Chung

Tai Yung

G. T. Darke

O. Armstrong


Hong-kew Ta-ying E-yuen.

Hongkew Medical Hall, Whangpoo Road

Mactavish and Lehmann

Jas. W. Mactavish

Stewart M. McLeish

Hector Morrison




Hopkins, Mrs. Lavinia, butcher and cattle

dealer, corner of Ningpo and Szechuen Roads


Hotel des Colonies, A. Seisson & Co., Rue


A. Seisson (absent) Ch. Brown

U. Videau

Maurice Benecke


How, A. J., 1, Hongkong Road


Tez-lin Hu-pao.

"Hu Pao," Chinese Daily News, 2, Kiu-

kiang Road

Pickwoad & Co., proprietors


Hunt, W. E. public silk inspector and

commission agent, 46, Kiangse Road

師鎮海 Ho-ching.

Hutchings, C.H., general broker, shipping

and commission agent


Ilbert & Co., merchants and auctioneers

9, Kiukiang Road

J. Beattie

C. J. Dudgeon

S. Walker

J. M. E. Machado

Kwong Chiu-wing

FA Kung-bing.

Iveson & Co., merchants, 13, Nanking Road

Egbert Iveson, (London)

Robert H. Artindale, do. W. C. Ward

A. B. Rex

J. Ambrose E. A. Probst

C. Iburg

J. L. Jensen

J. Towers

Digitized by





Iburg, J. C. H., professer of music 9, Al-

bany Ga dens

記利 Le-ke.

Jairazbhoy Peerbuoy & Co., merchants,

Ta-lay building, French Bund

M. Kurams y bhoy, manager

Joosub Goolamhusenbboy


Jamieson & Co., brokers and commission

agents, French Concession

W. B. Jamieson

生醫哲 Tseh E-sang.

Jamieson, R. Alex., M.D., etc., consulting

★ Dzing-da.

Jürgens, H., general broker, commission agent, & auctioneer, 13, Szechuen Read


Kelly & Walsh, Limited, printers, publi- abers, wholesale and retail booksellers, stationers, newsagents and tobacconists; The Bund

Thomas Brown, director

John West

J. T. Smith John Morris H. F. Sharp W. H. Purcell

E. Sharples

Bih-fah yin-ze-vong.

Printing Office, Nanking Road

John Morris, manager M. Viloudaki

Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants, Bund Kiang-sü yeak-shui-tsong.

surgeon to Imperial Customs, Shanghai,

5, Kiukiang Road

Duncan J. Reid, M.B.

和怡 E-wo.

John Macgregor

Herbert Smith

E. Ward, tea imspector

***B. A. Clarke

Duncan Glass

E. H. Kenney, tea imspector

Jas. McKie

R. Inglis

H. T. Allan

G. T. Veitch

F. R. Daniel

A. D. Lowe, tea inspector

W. J. Clarke, Hongkew Wharf

* T. F. Hough

M. C. Macleod

W. Davies

C. E. Anton

A. E. Allen

Arthur Fleet

H. E. Gaddum

E. A. Timm

W. Dobie "Yuen Fah"

W. Donald Spence

C. B. W. Ford

C. Gatti, Ewo Filature

A. Moninot

F. Kup

A. Yvanovich

L. A. Tavares A. F. de Sá Lino J. Sá J. Noronha

Kiangsoo Acid and Soap Works, Soochow

Creek, near Stone Bridge

Major Bros., proprietors, directors

F. Mann, manager

King, W. W., tea inspector, Szechuen Road



Kingsmill, hos. W., civil engineer and

architect, 28, Kiangse Road

Brenan Atkinson

FM Sun-lee.

Kirchner & Böger, merchants, Kiangse Rd.

A. Kirchner

H. Böger (absent)

R. Wallberg

C. Kock


Klampermeyer's Hairdressing Saloon, op-

posite Astor House

F. Klampermeyer, proprietor, surgical

assistant and sick nurse

Louis Burgie

S. Gusman

記利 Le-che.

Lalcacca, E. P., broker (absent)

Lalcaca, B. P., general broker, 6, Sunkiang


Digitized by




Lane, Crawford & Co., shipchandlers, tailors, outfitters, wine merchants, go- vernment contractors and shipping agents, 11, Nanking Road

 N. Crawford (London) D. R. Crawford (absent)

J. S. Cox

J. W. Stanford

W. Cope

H. H. Read


D. W. S. Crawford

W. Phillips

生醫記利 Lee-che E-sang.

Lalcaca, Cawas, M.D., L.R.C.P. London,

L.M., 35, Kiangse Road

** Tai-ping.

Lavers & Co., merchants, 9, Kiukiang Rd.

E. H Lavers

H. J. Limby


Lembke & Co., Justus, merchants, 5,

Canton Road

Justus P. Lembke (Hongkong)

Th. Bieber

C. Lange


Lester, H., architect, surveyor, and estate

agent, 1, Kiukiang Road

件壳 Ho Kin.

Lewis and Hopkins, general brokers, 5,

Foochow Road

G. G. Hopkins

C. A. L. Dunn



Llewellyn & Co.



see "Shanghai Medical Hall"

* Pau-ka-hong.

Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign

Shipping, Hankow Road

G. C. Warburg, surveyor


Lucini, Cleofas, merchant and commis.

sion agent, 131, Boone Rd.

C. Lucini


McBain, Geo., commission agent, office

of strs.

" "W. Cores de Vries and "Sual;" agency of Shanghai-Sumatra Tobacco Co., 2, French Bund

Geo. McBain

J. S. Nazer

F. A. M. D'Almeida

Yop Fong

隆茂 Loong-mow.

Mackenzie & Co., storekeepers, wine mer-

chants, commission agents, auctioneers,

and bydraulic press packers, 4, Foochow Road

Robert Mackenzie W. H. Poate

J. H. Osborne

J. W. Allen

J. Urquhart

P. Ande son C. Purcell

G. Fullerton

Auction Department, Foochow Road

Thos. Wallace, auctioneer

F. H. Rozario

Little, Arcl:d. J., merchant, 10, Kiukiang Macomber, W. H., care of A lam son, Bell


醫儒李 Lee-ji-ee.

Little, L. S., M.D., F.R.C.S., B.A., physi-

sian to Shanghai General Hospital, 10, Kiuki ng Road

德立 Li.teh.

Little, R. W., land and house agent,

secretary Shanghai Electric Company,

  10, Kiukiang Road; residence, 2, Kiu- kiang Road

& Co.


Mactavish & Lotmann, merchants and

commission agents, 1, The Bund

Jas. W. Mactavish

Stewart M. McLeish

S. D. Yang

Koo Soong Chi



Mailand & Co., J., 41, Ru: Montauban

John Mai land

Digitized by





Maitland & Co., merchants, la, Hankow


J. A. Maitland (absent)

J. G. Purdon

G. Martin Chas. Cole Jas. Purdon, F. J. Maitland E. F. Pereira

T. J. d'Aquino

G. Bushby (Foochow)

E. W. Noël do.

C. Thorne

查美 May-20.

Major Bro., 14, Haukow Road, mer-

chants and directors of

Kiangsoo Acid and Soap works

Sun Pau (Chinese Daily News) Sui Chong Match Factory

Tien Shih Chai photo-lithographic


Shun Chong publishing depot

E. Major

F. Major

J. Findlay

H. A. Pereira


Malcampo & Co., general merchants and commission agents, 77, French Con- cession

Joaquim Malcampo (absent)

K. Keong Soon

O. Y. Tat Sum

O. Y. Teng Leong

C. Saw Kheng

W. Chu Dong


Matheson & Grant, engineers and agents,

care of Russell & Co., 6, Yangtze Road Henry C. Matheson, Assoc. M. Inst.,

C.E., M.I.M.E.

Meyer, Lemke & Co., merchants, 35, Nan-

king Road

й. C. Eduard Meyer (Hamburg) F. F. C. Lemke

J. H. Garrels (Hongkong)

Rudolf Lemke

F. Holdinghausen


Melchers & Co., merchants, 1 and 2, French


Hermann Melchers (Bremen) Adolf von André (London) Carl Jantzen

St. C. Michaelsen (Hongkong)

Job. Thyen (Hankow)

G. Lücke

A. Korff

A. Haupt

Wm. Melchers

A. Martens (Hankow)

P. V. Rodriguez

J. E. d'Almeida

隆全順 San-gee-loong.

Meyerink & Co., Wm., merchants and

commission agents, 15, Canton Road

W. Meyerink

M. Tiefenbacher (absent)

A. Zickermanu (Tientsin)

H. Flothow

E. Jacobsen

J. G. Pereira

F. M. Britto


Mitsui Bussan Kaishia, 11, Szechuen Road Y. Wooyeda, manager for Hongkong

and Shanghai

K. S. Tanaka N. Hasebe

K. Fukui

Hisao Tanaka

G. Okada

M. Hayashi

M. Fujisi

Y. Kobayashi



Mody, S. K., bill, bullion, and opium broker,

16, Cinton Road

賜賚 Lay-8z.

Moller, Nils, shipowner and general agent,

Fogg's Buildings, The Bund

Nils Moller

Christopher Moller

Morriss and Fergusson, bill and bullion

brokers, Bubbling Well Road

Henry Morriss

Robert Fergusson

Digitized by





Moore & Co., L., brokers, commission

agents, and auctioneers, 11, Canton


Lewis Moore

Geo. W. Noël

R. H. Elias

利得安 E-teh-les

Piece Goods Office, 7, Canton Road

Geo. W. Noël



Morris, S. J., civil and mining engineer,

25, Kiangse Road

師立馬 Ma-le-sz.

Morris & Co., commission and ship agents

and owners, Yang-king Pang, French Concession

John Morris

H. Ollerdessen


Morrison and Gratton, civil engineers, architects, and estate agents, 1, Foochow Road

G.James Morrison, M.I.C.E.,M.S.T.E. Fredk. M. Gratton, A.R.I.B.A.


Moses & Elias, general brokers, 22, Foo-

chow Road

M. J. Moses

E. E. Elias (Hongkong)

Moss, F. W., care of Adamson, Bell & Co,


Moutrie, Sydenham, "The Pianoforte and Music Warehouse," 3, Nanking Rd.

8. Moutrie

J. J. Mansfield

W. F. Harris

W. G. Robinson


Mustard & Co., storekeepers and general commission agents, agents for the Pilot Company, Nanking Road

R. W. Mustard

C. C. Bennett

J. W. Bennett

P. da Roza

E. H. Dunning R. G. Remedios



Müller & Co., H., watch and chronometer

makers, jewellers, and opticians, 21, Nanking Road

L. Pfaff

R. Stahlberg


Myburgh & Dowdall, 21, Foochow Road

Alex. Myburgh, barrister-at-law

Chas. Dowdall, solicitor

F. P. Catterall, solicitor

Geo. Lindsay

Sin Tsi-tsang.

Nabholz & Osenbrüggen, merchants, 2,

and 3, Hankow Road

A. von Kilch

Chas. Rudolph

G. G. da Costa


Nanking House boarding-house, 5, Nan-

king Road

Mrs. Woodward, proprietrix

李美 Mei.foru.

Neubourg & Co., A., merchants and com-

mission agents, 6, Canton Road

Aug. Neubourg


Nickels, M. C., 41, Ruc Montauban


"North China Herald and Supreme Court and Consular Gazette," and "North- China Daily News," 2, Kiukiang Road

Pickwoad & Co., proprietors

F. H. Balfour, co-prop'r. (absent)

J. W. Maclellan, editor

R. W. Little, sub-editor

A. Greathead, gl. manager (abst.) W. Cance, acting


Henry O'Shea, sub-editor and


W. R. Kahler, reporter

F. F. Ferris, clerk

F. S. Oliveira, printing manager

P. J. Tavares, compositor

J. C. da Costa


R. M. Senna


J. F. d'Aquino, do.

I. S. Nunes


A. S. Oliveira


L. Carion,


M. D. Passos,


Digitized by





Vong-yuk tsz.kwan.

Noronha & Sons, printers, stationers and

book-binders, 12, Canton Road

V. P. Fonseca

T. S. Pereira

F. G. da Costa

J. M. Botelho

刺筆 Pe.la.

Pila & Co., Ulysse, 8A, Upper Yuen-ming-

yuen Road

Ulysse Pila (absent)

Louis Pila

J. Toche

E. Knaff



Nunes, G., printer and bookbinder, 12,

Canton Road



Point Hotel, The, Yangtsze-poo Road

F. E. Reilly, proprietor


Oliveira & Co., general brokers, merchants,

and commission agents, Rue La Guerre

A. M. d'Oliveira

J. M. d'Oliveira

茂泰 Tai-mow.

Oliver & Co., Geo., merchants, 33, Sze-

chuen Road

Geo. Oliver (London)

John Pinel (do.)

J. H. B. Allen

M. H. Featherstonhaugh

茂松 Soong-mow.

Olsen, A., undertaker and municipal sexton,

47, Kiangse Road


Overbeck & Co., merchants, 9B, Hankow


Hermann Overbeck (Europe) Chas. Overbeck

P. Borkowsky

P. Sponholz

*IVE# Fa-kuo Ti-tou-tien.

Parisian Saloon, 19, Nanking Road

B. Magnan

L. Sélves

P. Baud

和送 Soe-wo0.

Pestonjee, Rustomjee, general broker

Phipps, W. T., 3, Kiukiang Road

A. F. D'Almeida

Photographic an Art Studio, 20, Nan-

king Road

A. Olsen, proprietor


Pichon, L., M.D., medical practitioner, corner of Peking and Kiangse Roads

寶昇 Sung-pau.

Primrose & Co., commission agents, 7.

Canton Road

W. M. Primrose

J. Llewellyn


Pubaney Ebrahimbhoy, merchant, 29

French Bund

Carmally Jan Mahomed, manager

Rebmtoola Versey

麟魯 Loo-ling.

Pustau & Co., merchants, Bund, corner

Canton Road.

T. J. E. von Pustau

E. L. Reuter, Hongkong

F. A. Bröckelmann, Canton

Heinr. Heyn

R. H. Lundt



Raphael, R. S., merchant, 5. Hankow Rd.

R. S. Raphael


Reid, Evans & Co., merchants, 3, Peking Rd.

M. P. Evans (absent)

E. O. Arbuthnot

J. Samson

E. S. Perrott

R. C. Renny

C. A. Pullan

L. d'Encarnaço

Reid, Frank, sharebroker, The Club


Reiss & Co., merchants, 7, Hankow Road

Max. Adler

R. H. Percival, silk inspector P. A. Crosthwaite, tea inspector L. Hallward

V. B. de Souza

Digitized by




因來 Lai-yin.

Rhein, G, store keeper, 60, Rue Montauban,

French Concession


Rice, E. W., commission agent and auc-

tioner, The Bund

茂新 Sing-mow.

Roberts, John P., marine surveyor, 2,

Yangtsze Road


Robinson, A., solicitor, 1, Kiukiang Rd.

S. H. Abbass, clerk

Hoj Ah-hwo-way.

Rodewald & Co., merchants, 4, Hongkong


J. F. Rodewald

J. M. Young

F. Huchting

A. H. Heath

444 Chin-zing E-sang.

Rogers & Perkins, dental surgeons, 1, Kiu-

kiang Road

G. O. Rogers, D.D.S. (absent)

H. Mason Perkins, D.D.S.

Rosenbann, Jos., stationer and tobacco.

nist, 30, Nanking Road

克屨 Lineé.

Ruegg, E., general broker


Rohde, Martin, merchant and commission

agent, 3, Siking Road

Adolf Robde


Rosenzwieg & Co., drapers, milliners, silk

mercers, 21, Szechuen Road

Henry R senzwieg R. Hoeflich (absent)

J. B. Terriblé W. H. Campbell

Russell & Co., merchants, The Bund

Wm. H. Forbes (Hongkong)

John M. Forbes (New York)

S. W. Pomeroy (London) C. Vincent Smith

G. H. Wheeler

F. D. Busb


E. H. M. Huntington (Hongkong)

* C. A. Tomes

C. M. Adamson

J. C. d'Aquino

A. J. d'Almeida

J. A. Ballard

R. M. Brown (Tientsin)

**P. Brunat

F. J. Green

F. M. de Graça

A. C. Hunter 'W. S. Jackson

L. A. Lubeck H. C. Lubeck J. M. Maher

C. E. Müller

A. F. dos Remedios

F. de Senna

P. da Silva

J. D. Thorburn

G. Valette

C. Wedemeyer

V. D'O. Wintle



Li Hong-kew Ke-chong Chao-82-kiuh,

Russell & Co.'s Silk Filature, Li-Hongkew

P. Rey

Mme. Regina Ghezzi

Mile. Elisa Bramati


Lao-za Ke-chong Chao-sz-kiuh.

Russell & Co.'s Silk Filature, North Soo-

chow Creek

A. Riva

Mlle. A. Caldarola

Mme. Eug. Caldarola

Mlle. C. Belloni

Mlle. G. Caldarola

Salzwedel & Co., H,. photographers, 30-

Nanking Road

Sing Sang.

Sang, Edward M., agent for The Singer Manufacturing Co., 333c, Honan Road

Digitized by




Lau So-sang.

Sassoon, Sons & Co., David, merchants,

23, The Bund

→ M. M. Moses

J. E. Judah

J. R. Michael

-Marcus A. Sopher

A. J. Rahamim *Isaac R. Michael

D. M. Moses

Jos. I. Judah

Sin So-sang.

Sassoon & Co., E. D., merchants, 20,

The Bund

E. E. Sassoon

→D. Gubboy


E. A. Hardoon

S. A. Hardoon

" E. M. Ezra

S. J. Soloman

S. A. Levy

D. A. Levy


*** Süng-t'a Zeang-kwan,

Saunders' Photographic Studio, 3, Whang-|

poo Road

W. Saunders

J. F. Stephenson

泰匯 Hui-tai.

Schmidt, J. Meinhard, public accountant,

bill collector, and commission agent, Foochow Road, W.


Schellhass & Co., Eduard, merchants,

French Bund

R. Buschmann (Hamburg)

G. Harling

F. Seip (Hongkong)

B. Buschmann (Canton)

J. Hertz (Hankow)

T. G. Klalt

G. Breckwoldt

A. Gonzalves


Schmidt & Co., merchants, 27, Rue Colbert

Ed. Burmeister (Hamburg) Emil Burineister

Arnold Ellert Anthony Moritz

John Schmidt

H. von Rücker

H. Hagge (Tientsin)

# Sin-ta-tsang.

Schönhard & Co., 6, Yang-king Pang,

French Concession

G. Nachtrieb (absent)

J. Fournel

E. Moulron

F. do Rozario

Schuffenhauer, O., bill, bullion, and stock

broker, Talay Buildings

士亞地 Der-a-ze.

Schultz & Co., H. M., merchants, 8, Sze-

chuen Road

H. Munster Schultz

F. Gebhardt

### Sen-ta-zse.

Sentance, W. V., merchant, 16, Canton Rd.


Shang-hai Ki-hi chik-pu tsung-huck.

Shanghai Cotton Mill Co.

A. W. Danforth, M.A.S.M.E., engi-

neer and superintendent

飛龍 Loong-fe.

Shanghai Horse Bazaar, Race Course

Symons, Sewjee & Co., proprietors

H. Symons

T. Sewjee

B. A. Valantine

Shanghai Carriage & Harness Manufactory

Symons, Sewjee & Co., proprietors

L. Ashing, manager

₪₺ Lao-ti-ke.

Shanghai Medical Hall, 1, Nanking Road

J. Llewellyn & Co.

J. Bradfield

G. A. Watkins D. Udale

J. T. M. Wheeley

Ka-tsiu Wei-dong.

Shanghai Mercantile and Family House,

18, Nanking Road

J. Grimmer, proprietor

J. Davison

Digitized by




"Shanghai Mercury," evening newspaper,

3, Canton Road

J. D. Clark, manager and proprietor T. B. Winskill, B.A., B.D., sub-


H. B. Smith, reporter

Art. do Rozario, jobbing foreman

F. P. do Rozario, news foreman

F. Costa

J. Assumpção

A. .M Aquino

J. Xavier

J. J. Caradza


☛ Shang-yang tien-fung shing-e kung-sze.

Shanghai Washing Company

Mackenzie & Co., agents

Kay Foo and Shi Shing, lessees


"Shun-pau" (Chinese Daily News), 14,

Hankow Road

Major Bros., directors

й. A. Pereira, manager

Tsien Hing-peh, editor Ho Kuei-seng,


Wong Sa-chu,


Tsien Ming-lio,




Siemssen & Co., merchants, The Bund

Woldemar Nissen (Hamburg) H. Hoppius (Hongkong) A. Gultzow (Hamburg)

N. A. Siebs

A. Wasserfall, signs per pro.

P. A. W. Ottomeier

C. Flothow

J. Rief

G. Hargena

E. Warneken


Silas, D. H., 13, Canton Road


Slevogt, Max, merchant, 23, Szechuen Rd.

Max Slevogt

H. Schlichting

H. Beck


Sz-loo E-sang:

Sloan, Robt. J., M.D., 45, Kiangse Road



Smidt, C., auctioneer, commission agent and storekeeper, 37, Nanking Road


Smith Geo., wine and spirit merchant,

8, Kiukiang Road

Geo. Smith

W. Cance

W. Marshall


Snethlage, H., merchant and commission

agent, 4, Canton Road


Solomon, R. J., broker and commission "

agent, 22A, Foochow Road


Sonne, H., engineer surveyor to Lloyd's

Register and local offices: Office, Marime Engineers' Institute


Sorabjee Jawanjee Guzdar, dealer in In-

dian gools

Sorabjee Jewanjee Guzdar Hormesjee Sorabjee Guzdar

J. Legaspy


Stewart, Mrs., milliner, 4, Kiukiang Road



Sui Chong Match Factory, Soochow creek,

near Stone Bridge

Major Bros, proprietors and directors

Sin Van-loong.

Sullivan, Jno. A., share and general bro-

ker, Sassoon's Building, Nanking Road

德寶 Pau-te.

"Sweetmeat Castle," French baker, pas-

trycook and confectioner, 27, Nanking Rd.

J. Bruine, proprietor


Tata & Co., merchants, 65, Rue du Con-


R. D. Tata (Hongkong) N. K. Antia, manager


Thurbura, A., stock and sbare broker,

Siking Road

Digitized by






Taumeyer & Co., merchants, corner of

Kiangse and Frochow Roads

Ernst Taumeyer

J. Nolting

Carl Kist


Telge & Co., R., merchants, French Bund

R. Telge

Pb. Lieder

O. Fock

A. Butler (Formosa) W. Ebbs

*** Ka-tseu sin-wen-chi. "Temperance Union," weekl・ "ewspaper, corner of Peking and K. se Roads

W. R. Kahler, editor

Tien-sh h-chai,

Tien Shih Chai, photo-lithographic pub-

lishing works, corner of Peking and

Chekiang Roads

Major Bos, proprietors and directors

Wang Chub-jen, Chinese manager

易都 Tu-e.

Toeg, R. E., bil aud bullion broker, Sas-

soon's Buildings, Nanking Road

利波新 Sin Poo-le.

"Toilet Club," Nanking and Szechuen


B. Franzini, proprietor

Cornion Gabriel

3 Japanese assistants


Tomlinson, W. L., gunmaker, 9, Langham

Place, Newchwang Road


Turnbull, Howie & Co., merchants, 18,

Kiukiang Road

Wm. A. Turnbull (absent) Wm. Howie

J. L. Scott, signs the firm

J. W. Harding

A. P. MacGregor

F. A. Smith


Turner & Co., merchants, 13, The Bund

J. F. Cheetham

A. Shewan

J. L. Placé

立威 Ve-la.

Vela, Chev. M., professor of music, 6,

Saunders' Compound, Seward Road

Victoria Hotel, 18, Broadway

S. Goldman, proprietor

Villard, Baron R. A. de, professor of music and languages, 13, Seward Road

Vita, A., professor of music and importer of musical instruments, 3, Seward Road

# Ko-fa yo-fang. Voelkel & Schroeder; "Pharmacie de l'Union," corner of Nauking and Kiangse Roads

S. Voelkel A. Schroeder

F. C. Cooper

G. Bettines


Vrard & Co., L., storekeepers and watch-

makers, 36, Nanking Road

H. Sillem

A. Laidrich

A. Grandguillaume, signs per pro.

E. Puthon



Wade, H. T., public tea inspector, metal,

and freight broker, 12, Szechuen Road



Wainewright, R. E., solicitor, 4, Balfour


R. E. Wainewright

H. G. Harwood (solicitor)

E. J. O. Rowland

Char Gno-kee


Waller, Ll. Ede, public buyer and inspec

tor of straw plait, share and general broker, 8, Yang-king Pang


Wa-sun-sz Ta-yah-vong.

Watson & Co., A. S., Limited, Shanghai Pharmacy, wholesale and retail chemists and druggists, wine, spirit, and cigar merchants, 24, Nanking Road i Richard Tice, manager

H. W. Cave

Yu Hong


Digitized by



記彙 Wee-kee.

Weeks & Co., T., drapers, outfitters, and

dry-goods importers, Thorne's Buildings,

41, Kiangse, and 5, Ningpo Road

T. H. Sayle

Mrs. T. H. Sayle

T. E. Trueman

E. P. Luscombe

G. Peace



Welch, Lewis & Co., public tea inspectors,

commission merchants, 16, Canton Rd.

Joseph Welch

Ed. Bois



Westall, Little & Co., silk brokers,

Hankow Road

Wm. H. Dalgliesh (absent)

Alfred C. Westall

Wm. D. Little

Win. Lamoud, Jr.

J. Machado

Wharf Hotel, 466-476, Broadway D. Sternseher, proprietor

J. Will. Allan


Wheelock & Co., auctioneers, coal, ship

and freight brokers, French Bund

T. R. Wheelock

John Sharp

F. Gove

J. R. Macheth

A. B. Garriock


White & Miller, bill and bullion brokers,

32, Nanking Road

Aug. White

J. I. Miller

Sze Yung-ming

A King-tsang.

Wilck & Mielenhausen, tailors and out-

fitters, 26, Nanking Road

C. Wilck

J. W. Mielenhausen

F. Schmidt


Wilkinson & Co., 6, Peking Road

A. F. Thompson

A. J. Bury

H. W. G. Hayter



Williams, J. C., auctioneer and storekee-

per, and agent Upper Yangtsze Pilots, Rue du Consulat


Nga E-sang.

Winn, H. H., D.D.S., dental surgeon, 2,

The Bund

Kimball, R. H., D.D.S. (Hongkong)

李同 Doong-foo.

Wisner & Co., merchants

J. F. Seaman

Edward Davis

B. M. Botelho


Wolff, Marcus, bill and bullion broker, 5,

Soochow Road

# Sin-ko-bu E-sang.

Zedelius, C., M.D., 10, Kiangse Road


Receiving Ships. Sing-yuen.

"Corea," British ship, E. D. Sassoon & Co.

J. Moosa, commander

C. Robarts, mate

A. Robarts, purser

記類 Zung-ke.

Ariel," British ship, Cawasjee Pallanjee

& Co., owners

R. W. Croal, commander

L. A. Xavier, purser

源開 K'ay-yuen.



"Wellington," British ship, D. Sassoon,

Sons & Co.

J. H. P. Parker, commander

F. M. Richards, chief officer

V. P. Fonseca, purser A. Rowland, clerk


"Yuen-fah," Jardine, Matheson & Co.

Wm. Dobie, commander

U. Vieira, purser

Digitized by






Yangtsze Road (The


Yuen-ming-yuen Road


Museum Road

路子洋 路園明圓Chekiang Road. 路院物博| Kwangse Road

Fuhkien Road ................ Hooper Road Hoihow Road

路建福 路北湖 路口海 路江浙


Szechuen Road

Kiangse Road

路川四Kweichow Road

Honan Road....

路西江||Yunnan Road 路南河 Lloyd Road

路州貴 路南雲


Shantung Road

路東山| Thibet Road or Defence


Shanse Road




Chibli Road ..




南 天臺寕牛桀芝北香厦蘇


路 路路路路路路路路路路 京 津灣在錫 京港門州


Sungkiang Road (Yang}


Pakhoi Road

King-loong-ka (or Woo-

woo Road)

Canton Road

Siking Road.....

Swatow Road

Toochow Road..

Hankow Road.

Kiukiang Road


Nanking Road (upper

portion known as The Maloo)

路江松 Tientsin Road 街路江松| Taiwan Road

路海北 | Ningpo Road... 街隆金 Newchwang Road 路東廣| | Chefoo Road..... 路涇泗 || Peking Road

Woo-sieh Road

路頭油 || Hongkong Road 路州福| Amoy Road 路口漢 路江九

Soochow Road.....




Seward Road....


North Yangtsze Road ...


Broadway (part runs

Whang-poo Road.........


North & South)..

Yang-tsze-poo Road ......

路浦黃 匯老百


Tiendong Road ....

Miller Road

Hanbury Road

Quinsan Road







Digitized by





Tsingpoo Road


North Honan Road


Boone Road


North Kiangse Road


North Szechuen Road ...


Chapoo Road......


Woosung Road ......


Broadway (part runs

East & West)

Astor Road

Woochang Road

Ming-hong Road

Old China Street

匯老百 路查禮 路昌武

Dent Road...



Fearon Road Dixwell Road Taiping Road

Kee-cheong Road Yuen-fong Road Hwa-kee Road

Chaou-foong Road

Kung-ping Road










Nanzing Road





Rue Protêt......

沿南橋宮妃天| Rue de la Porte 城面後源

Quai de France

Quai des Remparts

Rue Laguerre

Rue Montauban.


天 金河 永新堂興

du Nord..

Rue de la Mission...

Rue Petit

Rue du Marché


Rue Discry...

Quais du Yang-king-

Quais de la Pagode,

Rue de l'Administration Rue du Moulin...... Rue Touranne..

街星興|| Rue Hué ... 街祥吉| Rue des Pères... 街興實|| Rue de Saigon... 街來紫 || Rue Palikao



街當德悺 街新

街房磨輪火 街橋木家陳


街行火來自 街西行火來自 路橋里八



pang et Confucius...



Rue Formose....


Rue Takou

des Fossés, et de la Brèche

Rue du Consulat

Rue Colbert

Rue du Weikwé

橋宮后天 濱河城 路馬館公 西東安永 街興響

Rue de Ningpo

Rue de la Paix

路馬波寧 街大興裕

Rue de l'Est


Rue Chusan Rue du Fokien

Rue du Whampou Rue Chin Chew Rue des Poissons Rue Ming-hong Rue Transversale

Passage Néziang





Digitized by



The port of Chinkiang (or Chên-kiang-fu), which was declared open to foreign trade by the Treaty of Tientsin, is situated on the Yangtsze, about 150 miles from its mouth, and at the point where the Grand Canal enters the river.

The history of Chinkiang possesses but few features of interest. The town, as a translation of its name implies ("River Guard"), was at one time a post of considerable importance from a military point of view, when all the rice-tribute from the south of China was transported to Peking by the interior route. The British forces captured the place in July, 1842, and as the cutting off of supplies always operates with great effect, the commanding situation thus secured was not long in producing the desired result upon the Central Government, for the Treaty of Nanking was signed a month afterwards. The Taiping rebels entered the town in April, 1853, and continued to occupy it till 1857, when they had to evacuate it from the same cause which had made the Government yield fifteen years before.


   The city lies between one of the mouths of the Grand Canal and the right bank of the Yangtsze. Most of the houses are built on level ground, but the surrounding hills lend a pleasant appearance to the locality, which is considerably enhanced by the bluff scenery of the island of Ts'io-shan. When the city was abandoned by the rebel forces, its destruction was very nearly complete, and it has now hardly recovered its former prosperous aspect. The city is enclosed by walls and defended by rather formidable looking batteries commanding the river approaches. The foreign settlement occupies a tract of land extending from the mouth of the Canal along the bank of the river. The little settlement has a neat bund, is provided with a club, and has small Protestant and Catholic churches. The population of Chinkiang is estimated at 135,000.

Considerable commercial importance was attachedto the port when it was first opened. The largest vessels can approach it, and hopes were high as to the position it would occupy in the development of inland trade with China; but the trade on the Yangtsze seems to have centred at Hankow, farther up the river. The import of Opium into Chinkiang in 1886 was 6,763 piculs, against 8,301 piculs in 1885, and has been steadily declining for some years owing to the competition of the lighter taxed native drug. The net value of the foreign imports for 1886 was Tls. 7,685,956. The total value of the trade of the port for 1886 amounted to Tls. 12,815,581, and in 1885 it was Tls. 12,881,223.




府事頜國德大 Ta-teh-kwoh ling-sze-foo.



Ta Ying ling-sze ya-mun.

Consul―E. L. Oxenham

Consul-E. L. Oxenham

Constable-Charles Nunn



Ta-mei-kwoh ling-ese-kwan.

Consul-Genl. A. C. Jones

Vice-Consul-Leo A. Bergholz

Interpreter-Wên Ping-chung

Chinese Writer-Wong Pah Heung


Consul-E. L. Oxenbam


Consul-E. L. Oxenham


*6*1# Ta-tan ling-sze ya-mun. Consul-E. L. Oxenham


Acting Consul-Genl. A. C. Jones

Digitized by


Imperial Maritime Customs.


Commissioner A. Novion


Assistants-F. Scbjöth, J. Mencarini, E.

K. A. Rushstrat, C. M. B. Bryant Medical Officer-R. G. White

Tide Surveyor and Harbour Master-J.


Assistant Tidesurveyor-A. Iffland Examiners-G. Alicot, W. A. Washbrook,

E. Bernard, W. E. Southcott Tidewaiters-A. Scagliotti, E. F. Momsen,

L. C. Arlington, H. Olson-Stahre, J. Clark, W. Johnsford, J. B. Jack, W. C. Blake, R. McNamee, A. Launay Salt Searchers--W. H. Mace, A. J. Clark Chinese Clerks-Wong Lum, Chun Yü, Lo Tseung, Chun Yin-kwai, Leang Chim-fung, Lai Chee-san, Lo U Cheong REVENUE CRUISER-Hsin Ch'iao-shan


"Bean, Wm., agent-

Canton Insurance Office, Limited Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

Carnie, F., agent-

North China Insurance Co., Limited

David, D. M., agent-

Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld.

Gearing & Co., agents-

Wu-chao Shan Bungalow

E. L. Oxenham, A. Novion, trustees

Merchants and Agents.

源有 Yau.yun.

Bean, Wm., merchant


Buchanan & Co, W., merchants

W. Buchanan

D. A. Emery

Wong Yu Yü



Carnie, F., commission agent

康裕 U-kong.

David, D. M., merchant, shipping, and ge-

neral commission agent, No. 1, Bund


Duff, Thos. W., shipping and commission



Gearing & Co., merchants; agents Siemssen

& Co.,

E. Starkey

Gregson, F., commission agent


Jerdein, M. S., merchant & commission agent

和瑞 Sui.ho.

Scottish Imperial Fire and Life In-Starkey, E., commission agent


Alliance Assurance Co.


Zung-che-ho puo-zien-kiuk.

See Tsze Ching, agent

China Merchants Insurance Co.

Indo-China Steam Navigation Co., Ld.

Wm. Bean, agent


China Merchants' S. N. Co.

See Tze Ching, agent

China Navigation Co., Ld.

F. Carnie, agent

McBain's Steamers

Thos. W. Duff, agent

Chiukiang Club


R. G. White, hon. secretary


Wadliegh and Emery, general and com

mission merchants

E. C. Wadliegh (New York)

D. A. Emery W. Buchanan

Yü Fung Yü Ching

Choo Lang-an

Chang Ching Wen

***** Ta Ying-kwoh E-shirk,

White, Dr. R. G., Custoins medical officer





Rev. S. I. and Mrs. Woodbridge

Rev. H. M. and Mrs. Woods (Chiu-chiang

Rev. A. and Mrs. Sydenstricker, do.)

Digitized by






Rev. V. C. Hart, superintendent, Nanking Rev. R. C. Beebe, M.D. and Mrs. Beebe do. Rev. J. and Mrs. Jackson

Miss Ella C Shaw,

Miss May E. Carleton, M.D.,




Rev. W. C. and Mrs. Longden (Chinkiang)

Rev. G. W. and Mrs. Woodall,


Rev. J. C. and Mrs. Ferguson


Miss M. E. Robinson


Miss L. H. Hoag, M.D.



Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Hunnex (absent) Rev. R. T. and Mrs. Bryan



Ed. and Mrs. Tomalin, Nganking Wm. Cooper,

Rev. A. G. and Mrs. Parrott, Yangchow


A. Longman, Yangchow



Rev. F. Chevalier, S.J.

Rev. F. A. Colombel, S.J., Nanking

Receiving Ships.

Cadiz-F. Carnie

Hulk-keeper, S. Monsenares Express--China Merchants S. N. Co. Hieronymus-McBain's Strs. Orissa-Indo-China S. N. Co.

Hulk-keeper, H. A. Alsing


DORIC LODGE, No. 1433, E.C. Worshipful Master-G. A. Allcot I. M. !'.--D. M. David Senior Warden-H. A. Alsing Junior Warden-J. Clark Treasurer-D. A. Emery, P.M.

Secretary-D. A. Emery, P.M., officiating Senior Deacon-C M. Green


F. Marcus Wood,


Miss L. Williams,


Miss M. Evans,


Miss L. Malpas,


Miss H. Black,


Inner Guard-C. Gultzech

Junoir Deacon-E. F. Momsen


   This port was opened to foreign trade, by the Chefoo Convention, on the 1st April, 1877. It is situated on the river Yangtsze, in the province of An-hwei, and is a half-way port between Chinkiang and Kiukiang, though nearer to the former. It has the appearance of a thriving and busy town, and is admirably located for trade. This is mainly owing to the excellence of its water communication with the interior. A large canal, with a depth of five to six feet of water in the winter and ten to twelve feet in the summer, connects the port with the important city of Ning-kuoh-fu, in southern An-hwei, fifty miles distant. Another canal runs inland for over eight miles in a south-westerly direction to Taiping-hsien, an extensive tea district. This canal, which is only navigable in the summer, passes through Nan-ling and King- hsien, where the cultivation of silk is carried on, and may some day be of importance. The silk districts of Nan-ling and King-hsien are situated within fifty miles of Wuhu. Besides the canals leading to Ning-kuoh-fu and Tai-ping-hsien, there are two others communicating with Su-an and Tung-pó.


   It will be seen, from the above enumeration of the facilities for water carriage from Wuhu, that it is calculated to prove an emporium for commerce. A very import trade has sprung up, and both that and the export trade are growing steadily The net value of the foreign imports for the year 1886 was Tls. 3,764,837, compared with Tls. 2,660,787 in 1885. 5,751 piculs of Opium were imported in 1886, as compared with 4,853 piculs in 1885. Coal is likely, at no dis- tant date, to become a considerable article of export from Wuhu, the mines at Chih-

Digitized by




   chou, near Ta-tung, turning out some 20 tons a day. Th Chih-chou mines are worked with Western appliances and machinery. The export in 1886 was 4,079 tons. There is a large trade in Timber in Wuhu, but that like all other trade, is in the hands of the Chinese. The total value of the trade of the port for 1886 was Tls. 7,989,833 as against Tls. 5,255,360 in 1885.

     The town is fairly well built, with rather broader streets than most Chinese cities possess, and is tolerably paved. The tract of land selected for the British Settlement, though admirably suited for the purpose, with good deep water frontage, has not yet been availed of, and there are few foreign houses in the place. The population of Wuhu is estimated at 60,000 inhabitants.



*** Ta Ying ling-ex-foo.



Acting Consul-F. S. A. Bourne

Constable-G. Perkins


Consul-Genl. A.C. Jones, residing Chin-


SWEDEN ANd Norway. Vice-Consul-S. Krips

Chinese Secretary-Chun Man-pao

IMPERIAL Maritime CUSTOMS. * Wu-hu hsin-kwan, Commissioner-W. T. Lay

Assistants-E. A. Aldridge, T. D. Moor-

head, L. A. Lyall

Medical Officer-E. A. Aldridge Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master--W.


Boat Officer-J. F. Dubois Examiner-L. Liedcke

Assistant Examiner-T. Williamson

Tidewaiters-F. Bartenstein, J. T. Green, J. P. Strong, C. E. Meyer, M. Hell strand, F. Bijno

Watcher-D. Lamacchia

China Navigation Co., Hulk "Le-tai"

T. Weatherston, agent


China Merchants' Steam Navigation Co.

C. C. Lee, agent

Bulk "Bombay"

和德新 Sin Ta Ho.

Gearing & Co., merchants and commission


H. Burrows, agent

泰謙 Him-tai.

Hember, S., commission agent

Hulk "Spirit of the Age," Geo. McBain,


Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants

A. W. Greyson


Kadooree, E. S., commission agent


Krips, S. merchant, shipping and commis-

sion agent

Chinese Clerks-Leang Ateem, Ko Taim Un Weatherston, T., commission agent


Krips, S., sub-agent

Straits Insurance Co., Limited

Straits Fire Insurance Co., Limited


Burrows, H., merchant, shipping and com-

mission agent

Chih Chou Coal Mines

Reid, superintendent



Rev. Pére J. Seckinger, Society of Jesus

and others


AMERICAN Methodist Episcopal MISSION.

Rev. J. and Mrs. Walley

Dr. G. A. and Mrs. Stuart

Digitized by



   Kiukiang is situated on the river Yangtsze, near the outlet of the Poyang Lake, and is a prefectural city of the province of Kiang-si. It is distant about 187 geographical miles from Hankow and 445 miles from Shanghai. Kiukiang was before the Rebellion a busy and populous city; but it was occupied by the Taiping rebels in 1853, and before it was given up to the Imperial troops it was almost entirely destroyed. When the foreign settlement was established there, however, the population soon returned, and it has continued to increase rapidly: it is now estimated at 53,000.

   The city is built close to the river, the walls running along the banks of it for some 500 yards. Their circumference is about five miles, but a portion of the space enclosed is still not occupied. The city contains no feature of interest. There are several large lakes to the north and west of it, and it is backed by a noble range of hills a few miles distant. The foreign settlement lies to the west of the city and is neatly laid out. It possesses a small bund lined with trees, a tiny club, and small Protestant and Roman Catholic churches.

The idea which led to the opening of Kiukiang was, no doubt, its situation as regards communication by water with the districts where the Green Tea is produced. But the hopes entertained respecting Kiukiang have never been wholly realised. The total quantity of Tea exported in 1886 was 307,095 piculs, of which 45,579 piculs were Green, the export for 1885 being 285,618 piculs. Opium was imported to the extent of 2,493 piculs in 1886, and 1,870 piculs in 1885. Kiukiang is the port from whence the ware made at the far-famed porcelain factories at Kin-tê-chen is shipped.

In 1886, 20,685 piculs of this ware was exported. The total value of the trade of the port for 1886 was Tls. 11,460,880, and for 1885, Tls. 10,122,064.



***** Ta Ying ling-shih-kwan.


Consul-C. F. R. Allen

Constable-Charles Rowe


Ta-mai-kwok ling-shih-kwan.


Consul-B. J. Franklin, residing at Han-


***** Ta-ao ling-shih-kwan.


Consul-C. F. R. Allen

****** Ta-tan ling-shih-kwa.


Consul--C. F. R. Allen

Imperial Maritime Customs.

#I_Kiu-kiang hsin-kwan.

Commissioner C. Lenox Simpson Assistants-J. Neumann, A. Scherzer, E

G. Lowder

Medical Officer-Geo. R. Underwood, M, B. Harbour Master and Tidesurveyor-J. H.

C. Günther

Boat Officer-W. G. Harling Examiner J. 8. Boyol

Assistant Examiners-R. MacGregor, A.


Tidewaiters-S. Smith, R. H. Strangman,

H. Stonebold, O. Jürgens, J. H. Pear- son, W. Keeble


Municipal Council.

Ta Ying Kung-pao. F. du Jardin, chairman Rev. J. R. Hykes, hon. secretary Alexr. Campbell, hon. treasurer H. Millar, inspector of police Nine native policemen

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Anderson & Co., Robt., agents-

 Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld. Chinese Insurance Co., Limited China Fire Insurance Co., Limited Marine Insurance Company, Limited

Butterfield & Swire, agents--

British & Foreign Marine Insurance London & Lancashire Fire Insurance

Campbell, Alexr., agent-

North China Insurance Company, Ld. Sun Fire Office

New York Life Insurance Co.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents-

Canton Irsurance Office, Limited Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co., agents--

China Traders' Insurance Co., Ld.

   INDO-CHINA Steam Navigation Co., Ld. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents

Hulk Queen of India

CHINA NAVIGATION CO., LIMITED. Butterfield & Swire, agents

Hulk Sultan-J. Kofod, in charge

OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Butterfield & Swire, agents


Robt. Anderson & Co., agents

    CHINA SHIPpers Mutual S. N. Co. Robt. Anderson & Co., agents


Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents


Wong Moi-see, manager

CHARTERED MERCANTILE Bank of India, London, and China. Robt. Anderson & Co., agents-

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.

Alexr. Campbell, agent-

Merchants, Professions, Trades, &c.

* Ta-koo.

Butterfield & Swire, merchants

W. de St. Croix

和協 Hip-wo.

Anderson & Co., Robt., merchants

J. H. Anderson (absent)

P. McGregor Grant (Shanghai)

F. W. Styan

C. Schlee

Baessler, John, merchant

裕天 Teen-eu.

Campbell, Alexander, merchant, and agent

steamers W. Cores de Vries and Sual; hulk


Alexr. Campbell


Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants

F. du Jardin


Kadooree, E. S., commission agent


Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co., merchants

W. M. Koosnetzoff


Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co., merchants

M. G. Kisseleft

順義 E-shun.

Underwood, Geo. R., M. B., Edinr. &o.,

medical practitioner




Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Hvkes

Rev. C. F. and Mrs. Kupfer

Rev. E. S. and Mrs. Little

Rev. J. J. and Mrs. Banbury

Miss Gertrude Howe

Miss Frances Wheeler



Kiangsi Septentrional (North Kiangsi.)

Bishop-Bray, Apostolic Vicar

Pères-Portes, Lefebvre, Ciceri, Fatiquet Kiangsi Méridional (South Kiangsi.) Bishop-Coqset, Apostolic Vicar

Pères---Boscat, Perès, Festa, Canduglia,

Courtés, Shottey

Kiangsi Oriental (East Kiangsi.) Bishop-Vic, Apostolic Vicar

Pères-Anot, Dauverchain, Tamet, Bres

sau, Donjoux

Sisters of Charity Kiukiang-Soeurs

Foubert, Ducci, Tonrrel, orphanage Ryan, Dereu, Marzi, Duprat, hospital

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    Hankow is situated on the river Han at the point where in enters the Yangtze, and is in lat. 30 deg. 32 min. 51 sec. N., and long. 114 deg. 19 min. 55 sec. E. It was formerly regarded as only a suburb of Hanyang, which it immediately adjoins, and which is a district city of the province of Hupeb, but has outstripped the older city in wealth and importance. These two towns lie immediately facing the city of Wuchang-fu, the capital of the province, which is built upon the south bank of the Yangtaze. Hankow is distant from Shanghai about 600 miles.

Attention was first drawn to Hankow as a place of trade by Huc, a French missionary. Captain Blakiston, in his work "The Yangtsze," gives the following correct description of the place and its surrounding:-"Hankow is situated just where an irregular range of semi-detached low bills crosses a particularly level country on both sides of the main river in an east and west direction. Stationed on Pagoda Hill, Hanyang, a spectator looks down on almost as much water as land even when the rivers are low. At his feet sweeps the magnificent Yangtsze, nearly a mile in width; from the west and skirting the northern edge of the range of hills already mentioned, comes the river Han, narrow and canal like, to add its quota, and serving as one of the highways of the country; and to the north-west and north is an extensive treeless flat, so little elevated above the river that the scattered hamlets which dot its surface are without exception raised on mounds, probably artificial works of a now distant ag. A stream or two traverse its farther part and flow into the main viver. Carrying his eye to the right bank of the Yangtsze one sees enormous lakes and lagoons both to the north-west and south-east sides of the hills beyond the provincial city."

    The port was opened to foreign trade in 1861. The British Settlement is located at the east end of the city, which it joins, and is, together with the Race Course, inclu led within the city walls, which are quite modern, having been built at the time of the Taiping Rebellion. It is well laid out, the roads being broad and all lined with well grown trees. The Bund, which is exactly half a mile in length, affords a very fine and pleasant promenade, and has an imposing appearance from the river. There are a large Roman Catholic and small Protestant and Greek churches, the latter a rather handsome structure built by the Russian residents. Several Brick Tea factories owned by Russians are located in the Settlement, A capital club, with tennis and racquet courts, bowling alley, billiard and reading rooms, library, &c. is kpt up. A French Settlement was also fixed upon, but it has never been occupied. The river steamers go alongside bulks moored close to shore; ocean steamers anchor iu mid stream. The current is very strong in the river. The population of Hankow is estimated at 700,000.

    Great expectations as regards trade were entertained respecting the opening of Hankow. Foreign commerce would, it was thought, be brought into immediate contact with the large internal population of China, and a port be established in the locality of the great tea producing districts. These expectations, however, have been but partially realised. Tea is, of course the staple export, and it is at Hankow that the first steamers for home take in their cargoes. The total export of Tea from Hankow (including re-exports of Kiukiang tea) amounted in 1886 to 895,031 piculs, as compared with 804,934 piculs shipped in 1885. In 1886 Opium was imported to The extent of 1,342 piculs as against 2,418 piculs in 1885. The trade under the transit pass system is urger at Hankow than at any other port; its value in 1886 was Tls. 4,931,557 as compared with Tls. 6,339,700 in 1885. The total value of the trade of the port in 1886 amounted to Tls. 34,191,477, and in 1885 to Tls. 38,247,658.

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*** Ta Ying ling-sze-foo.


Acting Consul--C. T. Gardner Assistant-W. S. Ayrton

Post office Agent-W. S. Ayrton Constable-T. Stephens

***** Ta-fa ling-sze-kwan.



***** Ta-mei ling-sze-kwan.


Consul―B. J. Franklin Interpreter-M. A. Jenkins


In Charge of Interests-C. T. Gardner


In Charge of Interests-C. T. Gardner


In Charge of Interests-C. T. Gardner


In Charge of Interests-C. T. Gardner


Ta-ngo-kwoh ling-¿ze-kwoon.


Consul-P. A. Dmitrevsky




Vice-Consul-Joh. Thyen


Ta-sai-young ling-sze-kung-kwoon.


Consul-J. H. Evans (absent)


In Charge of Interests-C. T. Gardner


Consul-S. Machida

Chancelier-K. Yamada


Ta-ho-lan-kwoh liny-sze-kung-kwan.


Vice-Consul-H. Whistler

Imperial Maritime Customs.



Commissioner-Robt. E. Bredon


Deputy Commissioner-M. E. Towell Assistants-F. A. Care, G. W. Davies, H. Brosche, Z. P. Volpicelli, C. E. S. Wakefield

Clerk C. S. Taylor

Medical Officer-Chas. Begg, M.B. Principal Chinese Clerk-Tsau Wan Tidesurveyor & Harbour Master-J. Armour Boat Officer-T. J. Lant

Chief Examiner-F. Diercks Examiner T. Macphail

Assistant Examiners-A. Bartolini, P. Cun- niffy, H. H. Montell, R. von der Leithen Tidewaiters-L. Christensen, C. L. Seitz, H. Osborne, J. J. C. Lorentsen, A. Bal- harry, J. Dalton, G. Schneider, J. G. Grape, F. J. Brumfield, O. Bünese Salt-watchers-J. W. Mesny, A. W. Green

Municipal Council.


R. E. Bredon (chairman), E H. Oxley, H. Whistler, A. R. Greaves, acting secretary

***** Ta Ying seun-po-yang.

Superintendent of Police-E. G. Wilson

Assist. Supdt.-C. R. England

Four Chinese sergeants and thirty-six



Postmaster--E. G. Wilson



H. J. Muhlensteth, agent

Chong-kon-teen-poo choke

Insurance Companies.

Adamson, Bell & Co., agents-

National Marine Insurance Assocn. Thames & Mersey Marine Insurance

Co., Là.

Singapore Insurance Co., Limited

Arnhold, Karberg & Co., agents-

Hamburg Magdeburg Fire Insurance


South British Marine and Fire In

surance Co., of New Zealand

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Butterfield & Swire, agents-


British and Foreign Marine Insce, London and Lancashire Fire Insce. Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld Drysdale, Ringer & Co., agents-

Queen Insurance Company China Traders' Insurance Company,


Hongkong Fire Insurance Company,


New York Life Insurance Co. London and Provincial Marine Insur-

ance Company

Imperial Fire Insurance Company

Evans, Pugh & Co., agents-

Phoenix Fire Insurance Company North China Insurance Company, Ld.

Gordon Bros., agents-

Chinese Fire Insurance Company North British and Mercantile Insurance


Greaves, A. R., sub agent-

Straits Insurance Co., Ld.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents-


Canton Insurance Office, Limited

Ramsay, H. F., agent-

Universal Maine Insurance Com-

pany, Limited

Royal Insurance Company, (Fire)

Russell & Co., agents-

Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld.

Sharp, W. F., agent-

Standard Life Assurance Co. Sun Fire Office

London Assurance Company

South British Insurance Company of

New Zealand

Thyen, Joh., agent-

China Fire Insurance Company, Ld.

Turner & Co., agents-

Northern Assurance Company

PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL S. N. Co. Evans, Pugh & Co., agents


CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAy Co., and LINE OF Steamers. Adamson, Bell & Co., agents

SHIRE LINE OF STEAMERS. Adamson, Bell & Co., agents

CASTLE LINE OF STEAMERS. Adamson, Bell & Co., agents

CHINA SHIPppers Mutual S. N. Co. Robt Anderson & Co., agents


Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents-


Joh. Thyen, agent

CHINA NAVIGATION COMPANY. Butterfield & Swire, agents



Wang Shew Fang, shipping agent

OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Butterfield & Swire, agents


H. F. Ramsay, manager


Alexander Price, secretary

樓波 Po-lau.


C. W. Gordon, chairman, N. M. Mol-

chanoff, J. L. Brown, L. Sherkoonoff, committee

Alexander Price, secretary

A Char-yue-koong-800.


Chang-yin-pin, chairman J. M. Kinger, arbitrator


Agra Bank, Limited. H. F. Ramsay, agent


Chartered Bank of India, AUSTRALIA.


Butterfield & Swire, agents

Digitized by


利有 Yew-lee.



Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents


Russell & Co., agents


HONGKONG And Shanghai Banking


E. H. Oxley, agent


Fisher, E., bill and bullion broker


Gamman & Co., Edwin, merchants

Edwin Gan.man


Gordon Bros., commission agents

W. G. Gordon

Hankow Dairy



A. Coutts

如麗 Lee-zh.

NEW ORIENTAL Bank Corporation, LD.

-Drysdale, Ringer & Co., agents

Merchants, Professions, Trades, o.


Adamson, Bell & Co., merchants

Arnbold Karberg & Co., merchents

C. Beurmann, signs per pro. W. L. Davies



Anderson & Co., Robt., merchants J. H. Anderson (absent)

P. McGregor Grant (Shanghai)

F. W. Styan

C. Schall


Begg, C., M.B., C.M., Pres. R.M.S., me-

dical practitioner


Burnett & Co.

J. H. Burnett

古太 Ta-koo.

J. Watson, proprietor


Hankow Dispensary; Mactavish and Leh-

mann, chemists, druggists and ærated

wate's manufacturers

Jas. W. Mactavish

Stewart McLeish

#*#4¤ Wan-sung yin-sze-kwan,

Hankow Printing Office

M. A. Jenkins

和怡 E-200.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants

A. E. Reynell


Jenkins, M. A.


和信 Sin-ho.

Butterfield & Swire, merchants

J. L. Brown

Clark, George, merchant


Drysdale, Ringer & Co., merchants J. M. Ringer (Shanghai) Thos. Wood


H. Pullen, tea inspector


Evans, Pugh & Co., merchants J. H. Evans (absent)


W. Pugh

J. A. Hawes (Shanghai)

H. Whistler

Maitland & Co., merchants

Major Bros., merchants, The Bund

F. Major

Ernest Major


Oliver & Co., Geo., merchants


Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co., merchants

M. F. Piatkoff

J. M. Molchanoff (absent)

N. M. Molchanoff

N. N. Wenewitinoff (absent)

S. N. Milutin

J. K. Panoff

N. K. Basoormanoff (Foochow) J. Richards

S. A. Petchatnoff

P. P. Martsinkeviecz

S. A. Cheerkoff

W. M. Koosnetzoff (Kiukiang)

S. D. Malashkin (Foochow)

Digitized by



A L. Baranoff

K. S. Krugloff

W. R. Lebedeff

C. Grüuberg


A. A. Belogolovy, agent (Tientsin)

Price, Alexander, bill and bullion broker



Ramsay, Hugh F., merchant, and agent

steamers W. Cores de Vries and Sual

H. F. Ramsay

H. E. Ramsay


Reid, Evans & Co., merchants


Rodewald & Co., merchants


Russell & Co., merchants

F. J. Green

Schellhass & Co., Eduard, merchants

和普 Poc-ho.

Sharp, W. F., bill, ballion, and general

broker and agent

A. R. Greaves


Speshiloff & Co., S. J., merchants

8. J. Speshiloff

L. P. Shirkoonoff

S. F. Sweichnikoff

A. P. Moskoloff

N. R. Lebedeff

C. W. Gordon

H. Robertson, Jr. J. J. Antonoff


Thyen, Joh., merchant, agent for Melchers

& Co., Shanghai

Joh. Thyen

A. Martens



Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co., merchants

J. F. Tokmakoff (Moscow)

O. J. Molotkoff (Kazan)

A. D. Startzeff (Tientsin)

S. W. Litwinoff

A. P. Maligin

L. A. Plesnewich N. J. Molotkoff M. S. Oveyrin V. J. Pitersky W. F. Litchagoff

S. Marsh

M. G. Kisseleff (Kiukiang)

P. N. Shoolingin (Foochow)


D. M. Melnikoff

泰祥 Cheong-tai.

Turnbull, Howie & Co., merchants


Turner & Co., merchants


Watson & Co., A. S., Ld. "The Hongkong

Dispensary," chemists and druggists,

aerated waters makers, wine, spirit and

cigar merchants

J. L. Geo. Laub, manager

Muk Li Chean

茂致 Chi-mow.

Watson, J., commission agent

信公 Koong-sin.

Welch, Lewis & Co., merchants




Rev. Griffith John

Rev. A. Bonsey

Rev. Arnold Foster, B.A.

Rev. G. Sparham

Thos. Gillison, M.B., C.M. Rev. Wm. Owen (Wuchang) Rev. J. W. Wilson do.

CHURCH OF England.

H. F. Ramsay, hon. secretary

NATIONAL BIBLE SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. John Archibald, agent and Supdt. of

P 98

A. S. unnand

Jas. Murray


Thos. and Mrs. Protheroe, Wuchang

Digitized by


堂香福 Fuh-yin-tang.



Rev. David Hill

Rev. T. E. North

Rev. W. A. Cornaby

Rev. G. G. Warren

Rev. S. R. Hodges, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

Geo. Miles

W. Hope Reid

Arthur Morley, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Miss Sugden

Miss Williams

Rev. W. T. A. Barber, M.A., Wuchang

Rev. Thomas Bramfitt, Wu-sueh (absent) Rev. W. H. Watson

Rev. F. Boden

Miss Watson

Miss M. Watson

Chas. W. Mitchil, Hanyang





***** Ta-mei-kien-tuh-hwuy. AMERICAN EPISCOPAL MISSION.

Rev. H. Sowerby (Wuchang)

W. A. Deas, M.D.

T. Protheroe



Rev. Arthur Locke (Hankow)

Rev. T. R. Greaves


Rev. S. C. Partridge do.


Miss Drake (Hancheng) Miss Muir


C. F. Hogg (Si-ngan)

G. and Mrs. Parker (Kansub)

H. W. and Mrs. Hunt do.

J. H. Sturman


W. E. Burnett


W. F. Laughton


F. Hutton



***** Kiao-shou-ying-shu-kwan. Rev. Arnold Foster, B.A.


ROMAN CATholic MissiON.

Right Rev. Fr. V. Epiph. Carlassare, Bishop tit. of Madaura and Vicar Apost, of Eastern Hupeh

Rev. Fr. Angelo Vandagna Rev. Fr. Luigi Sonsini Rev. Fr. Martin Poell Rev. Fr. Diego Lera Rev. Fr. J. Hofman Rev. Br. Umile Vetta




Mother Paula Vismara, superior Sister Carolina Tarchini

Rosa Piccinelli

Rachele Paleari

Teresa Arcbinti

Giuseppina Gali




F. T. Foucar (Talifoo)

Santa Mesini


J. Smith


Florinda Gandini


A. Eason (Yunnanfoo)

Giuditta Bernasconi


T. Windsor

Miss Todd (Talifoo)

G. and Mrs. Andrew (Kweiyang)

S. R. and Mrs. Clarke (Chêntu)

Natalina Pietra


Erminia Nardon



Maria Bonza



Regina Gaibiati

Miss Butland


A. C. Dorward (Shashi)

H. Dick


T. James


F. W. K. Gulston do.

J. Finlayson (Honan)

J. A. Slimmon do.

Rev. G. F. and Mrs. Easton (Hanchong)

Rev. E. and Mrs. Pearse


W. Wilson, M.B., C.M. and Mrs. Wilson


***** Tien-choo-tang E-yuen. 院醫堂主天


(In charge of the Sisters of Roman Catholic Orphanage.)

Receiving Ships.

Storm King-C. M. S. N. Co.

J. Williams, in charge

Lancefield-Butterfield & Swire W. H. Death, in charge

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    This is one of the four ports opened to foreign trade on the 1st April, 1877, according to the provisions of Clause I. of Section III. of the Chefoo Convention. Ichang is a prefectural city, of considerable official importance, in the province of Hupeh. It is situated on the river Yangtsze, about 363 miles above Hankow. The navigation of the river up to this port is easy for vessels of light draught, but the minimum depth of water at Ichang is only seven or eight feet. There is good anchorage at and near the city. Few cities in China are more strikingly situated; none can surpass it for uncleanliness. The port is the centre of a fairly rich country. Be- sides the common productions of the great plain of Hupeh, the cultivation of the tungtsze tree, from which the tung oil is expressed, begins on the hills near Ichang and extends westward into Szechuen. Opium is grown in considerable quantities in the district. Ichang is conveniently situated as a mart for the tea districts of Hoh-fung- chow, the produce of which might, it is thought, be made suitable for foreign use. It was generally supposed that, as Ichang is situated at the head of steamer navigation on the Yangtsze and occupies a good position for trade, the port would speedily become an im- portant commercial centre. For the first three years these anticipations appeared little likely to be realised: the port cut a miserable figure the first year of its existence as a treaty port. Later returns show, however, that Ichang is becoming a con- siderable distributing centre, and its inward transit trade is now only second to that of Hankow. The total value of the trade för 1886 amounted to Tls. 3,421,665 as compared with Tls. 3,077,166 in 1885, Tls. 2,079,732 in 1884, and Tls. 2,550,648 in 1883. No foreign Opium has been imported at this port for the last two or three years, the native drug being generally used. The estimated population of the port is 34,000.




   ** Ta Ying ling-shih. Consul Wm. Gregory

*** Ta-me-kwoh ya-men.


Consul-B. J. Franklin, residing at Han-



WE I-chang-kwan, Assistant-in-charge-P. H. S. Montgomery Assistant and Medical Officer-Aug. Henry,

M.A., L.R.C.P.

Assistant Examiner C. P. C. Lynborg Tidewaiters-S. J. Grainger, H. C. Hewett

Chinese Clerk-Ho A-che

     CHINA MERCHANTS' S. N. Co. Wu Chok Mo, shipping agent

Little, A. J., merchant, owner S.S. I-ling


ESTABLISHED CHURCH Of Scotland. Bev. George Cockburn, M.A., and Mrs.


Rev. Andrew Dowsley, B.A. (absent) G. B. Douglas MacDonald, M.B., C.M.,



ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION. Right Rev. Fr. Alexis M. Filippi, Bishop tit. of Paneade and Vicar Apost. of Rev. Fr. Giovanni Franzoni

Southern Hupeh (Ching-chou)

Rev. Fr. Benjamin Christiaens Rev. Fr. Gabriel van Gestel

Rev. Br. Bonif. Timmer Rev. Fr. Laurentius Fuchs Rev. Fr. Odoric Timmer Rev. Fr. Basilius Papin

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Chungking, one of the most important places in the large inland province of Szechuen, is situated in lat. 29 deg. 33 min. 50 sec. N., and long. 107 deg. 2 min. E., and occupies a rocky peninsula at the junction of the river Kia-ling-kiang with the Upper Yangtsze, some 1,250 miles from the mouth of that great river. It is surrounded by somewhat low but strong walls, about five miles in circumference, which include the entire peninsula, and have seventeen gates, only nine of which open. The walls were rebuilt in 1761 by the then Viceroy. The city is closely built, every available bit of ground being covered with buildings. The population is estimated at 250,000, which includes that of Kiang-peh Ting, a suburb on the opposite side of the Kia-ling, wrongly described by Blakiston as Li-Lin.

The city is the headquarters of a large and thriving trade, and from its situation must naturally be a very important mart, but its capabilities and trade have been over-estimated, as also have the resources of the province of Szechuen, of which it is the commercial capital. Under the provisions of the Chefoo Convention, a British Con- sular Agent is allowed to reside in Chungking to watch the conditions of British trade in Szechuen, but foreign merchants will not be allowed to reside there until steamers reach the port. A considerable quantity of British and foreign manufactured goods, however, find their way to Chungking in native craft suited for the navigation of the rapids. The Yangtsze is about 800 yards wide at Chungking, and it is na- vigable for boats of light draught as far as Cheng-tu. From Chungking to this city the Yangtsze is properly called the Min-kiang. The Kia-ling is a river of some importance, and a considerable traffic is done on it. Chungking, like most Chinese cities, though pleasingly and picturesquely situated, is dirty and repulsive upon close inspection.



  ***** Ta Ying ling-shih-shu. Resident-Henry Cockburn


Rev. H. Olen Cady

Rev. Spencer Lewis


George Nicoll, Chungking

J. McMullan

Miss L. Malpas



Rev. W. W. Cassel, Pao-lin-fu

Mrs. Cassels

A. Phelps

M. Beauchamp




W. Hope Gill


A. Polhill-Turner, Wan Hsie n


Chefoo is situated on the northern side of the Shantung Promontory, in lat. 37 deg. 35 min. 56 sec. N., and long. 124 deg. 22 min. 33 sec. E. The designation by which it is generally known among foreigners is a misnomer, as the town of Yentai is really the port to which the name has come to be applied. Chefoo is a harbour in the locality of Yentai, but has no connection with it.

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   When the town was first occupied by the merchants of other nations, it was in the possession of a number of French troops, and no definite foreign settlement was then marked out. The consequence is that no plan has ever been adopted in the arrangement of the houses, and many of them have been in time surrounded by native buildings. The Chinese town is squalid and uninteresting. It is built on the shore, and possesses a fine sandy beach. The surrounding country is gently undulated for some little distance from the town, and beyond that the hills rise to a considerable height and lend to the landscape an interesting and varied aspect.

Chefoo of late years has become the resort of many foreign residents in China in consequence of its very salubrious climate. It is said to be the healthiest port in China. In winter, when the Pei-ho is frozen, merchandise and mails for Tientsin and some of the more northern cities are landed at this port and conveyed to their destina- tions overland. The harbour is commodious and possesses sufficient depth of water for vessels of considerable draught, but it is exposed to strong gales which prevail at certain seasons of the year. Chefoo is celebrated as the place where Sir Thomas Wade and the Grand Secretary Li Hung-chang concluded the "Chefoo Convention" in September, 1876. The population of Chefoo is estimated at 32,000.

The trade of Chefoo, like that of Newchwang, is principally in Beancake and Beans, of which large quantities are annually exported to the southern ports of China. In 1886, the net export of Beancake amounted to 1,142,140 piculs and of Beans to 105,498 piculs, as against 1,263,721 piculs of the former and 169,721 piculs of the latter in 1885. The total value of the trade of the port for 1886 was Tis. 11,698,857, and for 1885 Tls. 10,583,486.



***** Ta Ying ling-shi-shu.


Acting Consul-Henry B. Bristow Constable-W. Van Ess

***** Ta-fah ling-shi-shu.


Consular Agent-T. T. Fergusson

****** Ta-mei-kuo ling-shi-shu ̧ 署事領國美大


Vice-Consul in charge-N. W. Holcomb

**MEN★ Ta-ao-kuo ling-shi-shu.


Acting Consul-Henry B. Bristow *****_Ta-ngo-kuo ling.shi-shu.


Vice-Consul-T. T. Fergusson

***** Suy-naou lingshi-shu. SWEDEN AND Norway.

Vice-Consul A. M. Eckford

*** Tan-kuo ling-shi-shu, DENMARK.

Acting Vice-Consul-A. M. Eckford

*#* Pi-li-shih ling-shi-shu.


***** Tay-ch-chu ling-shi.shu. Consul-T. T. Fergusson


Vice-Consul-C. Hagen


Ta-jih-pen-kuo ling-siḥ-ya-mén.


* Vice-Consul-G. Hayashi

***** Ta-ho-lan ling-shi-shu. 署事頜繭荷大


Acting Consul-A. M. Eckford

****** E-ta-lee ling-shi-sku.


Consular Agent C. Hagen

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Da Yeh-sz-po ne-ya ling-shih-shu. SPAIN.

Vice.Consul-T. T. Fergusson


Imperial Maritime Customs.

Commissioner-R. B. Moorhead


Assistants-L. von Fries, T. A. W. Hance

     A. H. Sugden, C P. H. Feer Medical Officer-Dr. W. A. Henderson Chinese Clerks-Fan Yung, Cheong Yin,

Sung Man-hoi

Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master-E. V.


Boat Officer-E. F. Ottaway Chief Examiner-Geo. Reeves Assistant Examiners-C. A. Meyer, W. B.


Tidewaiters-D. Marshall, A. G. Elder, A. T. Bredenberg, C. P. R. Hansen, J. C. Hill


Chefoo Light-D. Wisas

Shantung N. E. Promontory Light-J.

Eceles, P. R. Kroker

Houki Light-B. Lewis, F. Dalton Shantung S. E. Promontory Light-A.

Michel, C. A. Schwilp

Insurance Offices.

Anz & Co., agents

China Traders' Insurance Co.

Cornabé & Co., agents-

Germanic and International Lloyd's Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool

      (Fire and Life) Imperial Fire Office

Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld. Canton Insurance Office, Limited Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld. Samarang Sea and Fire Insurance Co. Singapore Marine and Fire Insurance South British Marine Insurance Co., of

New Zealand

Crasemann and Hagen, agents

Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld. Oosterling Sea and Fire Insurance Com-

pany of Batavia

Second Colonial Sea and Fire Insurance

Company of Batavia

Colonial Sea and Fire Insurance Company

of Batavia Bremen Underwriters

Hamburg Magdeburg Fire Insurancǝ


Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co.

Straits Insurance Co., Limited

E Shun & Co., agents-

China Merchants Insurance Co.

Fergusson & Co., agents-


North China Insurance Company, Ld. North British and Mercantile Fire Insur

ance Company

China Fire Insurance Company, Ld. Merchants Shipping and Underwriters'

Association of Melbourne

Chinese Insurance Company, Limited New York Life Insurance Company

NAVIGAZIONE Generale Italiana. (Florio and Rubatrino Cos.) Cornabé & Co., agents

AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN LLOYD'S S. N. Co, Cornabé & Co., agents


Cornabé & Co., agents


Cornabé & Co., agents


Cornabé & Co., agents

Deutsche Dampfschiff Rhederii (Kin Sin line.)

Cornabé & Co., agents

China Shippers Mutual S. N. Co. Cornabé & Co., agents

CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMship Line. Cornabé & Co., agents


Cornabé & Co., agents


Fergusson & Co., agents

PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. Fergusson & Co., agents


Fergusson & Co., agents

Digitized by




CHINA NAVigation Company.


Crasemann & Hagen, agents


Cornabé & Co., agents


E Shun & Co., agents

CHINESE Engineering and Mining Co. E Sbun & Co, agents

NEW ORIENTal Bank Corpn., Ld. Cornabé & Co., agents

AGRA BANK Limited.

Cornabé & Co., agents

Hongkong and Shanghai Banx.

Fergusson & Co., agents

Merchants, Professions, and Trades.


Anz & Co., merchants

G. Gipperich

H. Magens

Chefoo Dispensary

W. R. Fuller

有富 Fu-yu.

Chefoo Supply Association, navy contract-

ors and storekeepers

J. Smith

W. Wilson

Chefoo Waterboat Co.

Estate of T. Lyell

H. Sietas & Co.

A. P. Seth, manager



Cornabé & Co., merchants

W. A. Cornabé (absent)

A. M. Eckford

P. F. Lavers

Geo. E. Burgoyne

A. P. Seth

L. Allin


Crasemann & Hagen, merchants

C. Hagen

H. S. Myers

J. Schulte

A. H. Silverthorne

Donnelly, A. R., merchant and commission



E Shun & Co., merchants

Chan King Ting, manager (absent) Chan Fu-cho

Li Tsoi-chee, and others


Fergusson & Co., merchants

T. T. Fergusson

J. P. Wake

S. H. Webster

H. J. Clark

Fergusson, John C., civil engineer and


Gardner & Co., bakers and provisioners

Mrs. O. P. Damstrong

W. A. E. Gardner (absent)

Henderson, W. A., L.R.C.S.E., L.R.C.P.E.,

medical practitioner


Mitsui Bussan Kaishia, merchants

M. Hayashi, agent


Price & Co., B. J., navy contractors and


B. J. Price

Protestant Collegiate School for Boys

H. L. Morris F. Macarthy

Miss Hibberd

*#*# King-yip shu-yuen.

Reading Room for Chinese

A. R. Donnelly, bon. sec. and treas. Li Alin, hon. Chinese secretary


Sielas & Co., H., naval contractors and


J. C. Kirschstein

H. A. Hansen

J. Block

V. Voss

H. C. Augustesen

Williams, S. E.

Digitized by


Mrs. M. A. Newman, proprietrix E. Sait Newman



Dung la


"Beach Hotel"

A. W. Buschendorff, proprietor

Ta-mei-kuo chiang-laou-wei.


Rev. Jobu L. Nevius, D.D.,



"Chefoo Family Hotel," Tungshan,


Rev. Geo. S. Hays,


Rev. Hunter Corbett, D.D.



Miss Wight,

Rev. J. A. Leyenberger,

Rev. S. A. D. Hunter, M.D.

Rev. Rot. M. Mater,

Rev. J. 1. Laughlin,


Wei Hien




Rev. John Murray, (absent) Rev. Paul D. Bergen,

Tsi Nan-foo




Robt. C

зun, M.D.


Rev. C. Mateer, D.D., Tung Chow-foo

Rev. C... Mills, D.D.


Rev. W. M. Hayes,


J. B. Neal, M.D.,


Mrs. J. M. Shaw (absent)


Miss Seward


"Chefoo Hotel"

Mrs. Irens

"Glenvue House


Mrs. O. P. Daunstrong

"Seaview House "

Mrs. Platt



Rev. J. W. Williams, S.P.G. Miss Parsons, St. Agnes Girls' School Miss Walker



Shantung Branch.

Address, care of H. Sietas & Co., Chefoo

Rev. G. Reid,

Rev. C.Ifant,


AMERICAN Southern Baptist Mission.

Rev. T. P. Crawford, D.D.

Mrs. T. P. Crawford

Rev. C W. Pruitt

Mrs. Davault, L.A.

Rev. A. G. and Mrs. Jones (Teing Chou-fu) | Miss Lottie Moon


Bev. J. S. Whitewright


Mrs. Whitewright (absent)


Rev. Francis H. and Mrs. James



R. C. and Mrs. Forsyth


Rev. Alexr. Williamson B. A., LL.D.

Rev. Samuel and Mrs. Couling


Rev. C. S. and Mrs. Medhurst



J. Russell Watson, M.B. and Mrs. Watson

(T'sing Chou-foo)

Miss Bambridge

Miss Downing




Rev. F. Césaire, M.D., O.S.F.

Rev. E. C. Nickalls

Rev. Francis Siu

Rev. W. A. & Mrs. Wills (Tsing Chou-foo) Rev. E. C. Smyth

Rev. F. and Mrs. Harmon

Rev. 8. B. and Mrs. Drake

Tai-nan-too Rev. F. Barnaby, 0.8.F.


CHINA INLand Mission.

Rev. A. W. Douthwaite, M.D.

Rev. J. Cameron, M.D.

H. L. Norris

Mrs. Cheney

Rev. C. H. and Mrs. Judd

Miss Hibberd

Miss Knight



Mère M. de St. Seba-tien, supérieure

M. de Ste. Madeleine, assistant

M. de Berchmans


M. de l'Asceusion


M. de St. Jn. Baptiste

M. de Ste. Germaine


M de St. Colette


M. du St. Marie

Miss Ellis

Miss Groves

Miss Thompson


M. de la Salette

of the congregation of Franciscaines of

St. Brieuc (France)

Digitized by



     This village is situated at the mouth of the Pei-ho, on the southern side of the river, about sixty-seven miles from Tientsin. The land is so flat at Taku that it is difficult for a stranger to detect the entrance to the river. There are two anchorages, an outer and inner. The former extends from the Customs Junks to three miles outside the Bar, seaward; the latter from Liang-kia-yuan on the south to the Customs Jetty, Tz'chu-lin, on the north. The village is a poor one, possessing few shops, no buildings of interest except the forts, and the only foreign residents are the Customs employés, some pilots, and the members of the Vice-Consular establish- ment. A line of telegraph was constructed in the early part of 1879 from Taku to Tientsin by the Provincial Authorities, and a railway to Tientsin is now projected.

Taku is memorable on account of the engagements that have taken place between its forts and the British and French naval forces. The first attack was made on the 20th May, 1858, by the British squadron under Sir Michael Seymour, when the forts were passed and Lord Elgin proceeded to Tientsin, where on the 26th June he signed the famous Treaty of Tientsin. The second attack, which was fatally unsuccessful, was made by the British forces in June, 1859. The third took place on the 21st August, 1860, when the forts were captured, the booms placed across the river destroyed, and the British ships sailed triumphantly up to Tientsin. The water on the bar ranges from about two to fourteen feet at the Spring tides. At certain states of the tide, steamers are obliged to anchor outside until there is sufficient water

to cross.


IMPERIAL Maritime CUSTOMS. Assistant Tide-surveyor-W. F. Stevenson Bost Officer-W. French

Tide waiter-G. C. Bowman, P. Reich-

wald, G. Martin

Signalman H. A. Behnke

Lightship Taku.

   Captain R. J. Crighton (absent) Acting Captain-R. Handro Mate-L. R. Sacks

Lightkeeper-W. Knight

Customs Cruiser Foam.

Captain-P. Reichwaldt

-G. Martin

IMPERIAL Naval Yard.

Directors-G. Detring, and Kao Tsan Ling

Secretary-W. F. Stevenson

Superintendent Shipwright-W. Grant

Independent PILOTS.

W. Boad (absent) J. Young

TAKU TUG and LightER COMPANY. Jas. Stewart, A.D. Startseff, R. M. Browu,

W. C. C. Anderson, directors

W. H. Fe bes, secretary, head office, Tien-


D. J. Webster, acting manager, Taku E. P. Innocent, chief clerk, head office E. Wells, engineer

Steam Tug Heron, Capt.


Engr. A. Robertson. Peiho, Capt. A. Lindberg.


Engr. W. K. Wylie.

Gem, Capt. C B. Sherman.

Engr. H. J. Macrae.


Lee Tah, Capt. Ah Young.














Ewo, Hyson and Chiang Li

利德 Daw-lee.

Kai T'ai, Capt. A. H. Talpey,


Engr. J. McMurray.

Orphan, Capt. Wong


Engineer A. Sinclair

TAKU PILOTt Company.

C. B. Sherman

A. H. Talpey

H. Crowlie

T. W. Conner

C. Parker

W. Blanchard G. Lembke W. T. Way

H. Schnitger H. S. Hurst

H. Schnitger,



L. Watts Doney, manager

A. T. Edwards


Chung Hong, manager

Digitized by



Tientsin is situated at the junction of the Grand Canal with the Peiho river lat. 39 deg. 3 min. 55 sec. N. and long. 117 deg. 3 min. 55 sec. E. It is distant from Peking by river about 80 miles. It was formerly only a military station, but towards the close of the 17th century it became a place of some importance. The walled portion is small compared with the suburbs, the circumference of the walls being only a little over three miles. The principal trade is carried on in the suburbs. The purely native city has the reputation of being exceptionally dirty. There are a num- ber of soap-boiling works in the neighbourhood, and the smell that arises from them is most disagreeable.

A number of foreigners live in the suburbs of the native city, but the concession, which is situated about a mile and a half farther down on the south bank of the river, has been largely taken up during the last few years, and is now pretty well covered with buildings.

   Tientsin will always be famous for the Treaty signed by Lord Elgin in a temple since called the Treaty Temple, or Elgin's Joss-house, on the 26th June, 1858, and known as the Treaty of Tientsin. The port is also infamously notorious for the massacre of the French Sisters of Charity and other foreigners on the 21st June, 1870, by a Chinese mob, under circumstances of shocking brutality. Tientsin is now connected with Shanghai by telegraph, and in 1884 a line to Peking was opened. A Chinese daily paper, called the Shih-pao, was started in May, and an English weekly, entitled the Chinese Times, in November, 1886. The population of Tientsin is estimated at 950,000.

   There is a fair foreign trade done at Tientsin compared with the other open ports but the exports are very small compared with the imports. The Tea exported goes principally to Russia and Siberia, via Kiachta. In 1886, 445,158 piculs were exported by this route, compared with 345,391 piculs in 1885. A trade in Coal from the Kaiping mines has sprung up, the export for 1886 being 34,100 tons against 17,486 tons in 1885. Opium to the extent of 2,106 piculs was imported in 1886, as compared with 1,936 piculs in 1885. The total value of the trade of the port in 1886 was Tls. 27,382,445, as compared with Tls. 26,242,763 in 1885.




Ta Ying-kwo ling-shih-kwan. GREAT BRITAIN.

(For Tientsin and Peking.)

Consul-Byron Brenan

Interpreter-E. F. Bennett

Constable-J. Tretheury


Ta-fah-kwo ling-shih ya-men. FRANCE.

Consul-P. Ristelhueber


Constable E. Bonneau


Ta-ngo-kwo_ling-shih ya-men. RUSSIA.

Consul-J. W. Paderin


Ta-mi-kwo ling-shih ya-men. UNITED STATES.

Consul-E. Smithers

Vice-Consul-W. N. Pethick

Interpreter-W. N. Pethick



· Ta-te-kwo ling-shih ya-men. GERMANY.

Consul-Dr. Rettich (absent)

Interpreter-Dr. Schrameier

Constable-E. F. Boos


Consul-W. Forbes

Vice-Consul-J. Graham

Digitized by



            PORTUGAL. Consul-John J. Hatch


Acting Consul-Dr. Rettich (absent)



Acting Vice-Consul-H. Ballaut


Ta-tan-kwo ling-shih kung-kwan. DENMARK.

Acting Consul-J. W. Paderin


Ta-ho-lan-kwo ling-shih-kwan.


Acting Consul--H. Ballauf


Ta Ji-pen-kwo ling-shi ya-men. JAPAN.

Consul-Shogoro Hadano

Chancelier-Nagasama Tei


Ta-ao-kwo ling-shih-kwan.


Acting Consul-Byron Brenan

I Kung.pu.

Municipal Council.

Chairman-G. Detring


Acting Hon. Treasurer-A. D. Startseff Members-Ed. Cousins, W. H. Forbes,

Dr. A. Irvin

Secretary and Supt. of Public Works-A.

J. M. Smith

Superintendent of Police-T. Praebl Assist.

do. --J. Halka

Twenty-five Native constacles

      FRENCH MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. President-P. Ristelhueber Secretary-Guérin

Treasurer-V. Loup

Members-Becquevort, Detring, Startseff,

Thévenet, Wijnhoven

Chief of Police-E. Bonneau

Imperial Maritime Customs.


Commissioner-G. Detring

Assistants-P. H. King, R. de Nully, H.

C. Whittlesey, R. A. Currie, C. A. V. Bowra

Clerks-C. Kliene

Acting Clerk (Postal)-G. Roberts Medical Officer-J. Fraser

Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master-R. J.


Acting Asst. Tidesurveyor-W. F. Steven-

son (Taku)

Boat Officer-W. French (Taku) Examiner-G. B. A. Castro

Assistant Examiners-J. Ecclestone, J. L.

Tebbutt, H. T. Wavell

Tidewaiters-F. Cartman, C. E. R. Handro, J. L. Clemance, A. R. Agassiz, G. C. Bowman, E. Penguet, C. W. Griese, P.

E Reichwald, J. Graham, G. Martin Signalman H. A. Behnke (Taku)


Civil Engineer-J. Chambers

Assistant and Med. ff.-J. C. Bodkin

Assistant-A. H Harris

Engineer-J. Kirkwood (absent)


Superintendent Engineer-J. Stewart


Chan, Ta-jen, director

C. Poulsen, cand. phil, assist. director and


V. Culmsee, professor

Na San, assistant professor

Two Chinese teachers


Kai-ping Kwang wu-hu-kiuh.



Tong King Sing, managing director

Woo Nan Ko, assistant


C. W. Kinder, A.M.I.C.E., engineer-in-


James Stevens, viewer

Kwong Yung Kwong, mining student Tong Wing Ho,

J. Naylor,

W. Wardell,



G. Marper,


J. Pringle,


G. Storey,


C. Williams, sub-overman

Jas. Naylor,


E. Binks,



G. Allford,

G. Hodgkinson, do.


S. Mitchell, sinker and pitman Isaac Wood, foreman mechanic Principal Works at Tong Colliery, near

Kaiping, Chihli

Postal address : care of H.B.M., and U. 8.

Consulates, Tientsin

R. W. Brown, agent, Tientsin

Digitized by





Woo Tsung Chian, director

Jew Tsung Kwang, professor of navigation

and nautical astronomy

Seh Ching Ping, professor of mathematics H. W. Walker, professor of engineering G. H. Hearson, assistant

Kaiping Railway Company, Limited.

Woo Ng Choy, managing director

Woo Nan Ko, assistant


C. W. Kinder, A.M.I.C.E., engineer-in-

chief and superintendent


Pei-yang tien-pao-kwang-tsun-chu.


Head Office.

Chow Ta-jen, director agent

Sheng Ta-jen,


Sha Ta-jen, managing director

C. Poulsen, assistant,


Wong Kae-wan, assistant engineer Chin Tang, clerk in charge

5 operators


Chow Ta-jen, director general Sha Ta-jen, managing director C. Poulsen, assistant


Yang Taze-hang, clerk in charge

PEI YANG SQUADRON. (See Port Arthur Directory.)

#TB+ Chung-kwok tin-po-chu.


Shêng Taotai, director general

Wong Fa Nung, agent-


ong Lau Yeh, assistant agent

Woo Han Yung, clerk in charge

7 operators,



Alexr. Leith, agent

T. McC. Browne, asst. accountant E. G. Hillier,


NEW ORIENTAl Bank Corpn., Ld. Forbes, Graham & Co., agent

COMPTOIR D'ESCOMPTE DE Paris. D. Fitz Henry, agent

A. Philippot, account

PENINSULAR & Oriental S. N. Co. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents

MESSAGERIES MARITIMES. Forbes, Graham & Co., agents

CHINA SHIPPERS' MUTUAL S. N. Co. Forbes, Graham & Co., agents

AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN LLOYD'S S. N, Co. Russell & Co., agents


Russell & Co., agents

INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents

GLEN LINE OF STEAMERS. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents

OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. Butterfield & Swire, agents

CHINA NAVIGATION COMPANY. Butterfield & Swire, agents

NAVIGAZIONE GeneralE ITALIANA. Carlowitz & Co, agents

BEN LINE MUTUAL S. N. Co. Forbes, Grahan & Co., agents

NIPPON YUSEN KAISHIA. Forbes, Graham & Co., agents



Wong Fa-nung, manager

Liang Chung-yuen




Forbes, Grabam & C..., agents-



Directors. D. Startseff, H. Ballauf, A.


Secretary-J. McWaters


Biterfield & Sire, agents-

Bri ish_al Foreign Marine Insurance

Co., Lad.

Digitized by



Carlowitz & Co., agents-

Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insce. Co.


Collins & Co., G. W., agents-

London and Lancashire Fire Insurance


Collins & Co., agents-

Chinese Insurance Cc. Limited

Transatlantic Marine Insurance ('o., Ld.

Cordes & Co., A., agents-

Germanic Lloyd's

Scottish Imperial Insurance Company

Hamburg Madgeburg Fire Insurance


Hamburg Fire Insurance Co. of 1877 Alliance Life and Fire Insurance Co. Mannheim Marine Insurance Co. Hamburg Underwriters

Forbes, Grabam & Co., agents-


China Traders' Insurance Company, Ld. China Fire Insurance Co., Limited Straits Insurance Co., Limited

Straits Fire Marine Insurance Co., Ld.

Imperial Fire Insurance Co.

North British & Mercantile Insurance


Marine Insurance Company

New York Life Insurance Co.

Hatch, Forbes & Co., agents-

National Marine Insurance Association,


Liverpool and London and Globe In-

surance Company

Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents

 Canton Insurance Office., Ld. Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

Meyer & Co., E, agents-

 Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld. Prussian National Insurance Company,

of Stettin

Hanseatic Fire Insurance Co., Hamburg Samarang Sea and Fire Insurance Co.

Russell & Co., agents―

Yangtsze Insurance Association

Wilson & Co., agents-

North China Insurance Company, Ld. Sun Fire Office

Standard Life Assurance Co.

South British Fire and Marine In-

surance Co., of New Zealand

Professions, Trades, &c.

Astor House Hotel

G. Ritter


Belogolovy, A. A., merchant

A. A. Belogolovy


Blow & Co, H., wine and spirit merchants

and general storekeepers

H. Blow

H. Knox

利益 Ye.li.

Boodilin, W. I., merchant

• W. I. Boodilin

K. A. Sidoroff


Butterfield & Swire, merchants

J. C. Bois

和禮 Lai-wo.

Carlowitz & Co., merchants

Chs. Rayner

Ad. Schomburg

Clyatt & C


來克 Kai-lai.

merchants and commission

W. B. Clyatt (London) J. McDonald, agent


Collins & Co., merchants

G. W. Collins (London) W. C. C. Anderson

W. W. Dickinson, (London)

D. C. Rutherford

W. A. Morling


Collins & Co., Geo. W., commission agents, wine merchants, tailors, shipchandlers, and general storekeepers

W. C. C. Anderson, manager J. M Dickinson John Wilson

E. B Lees

Findlay McFadyen

Digitized by




Cordes & Co., A., merchants

August C. Cordes (Hamburg)

E. Rehders

O. Mordhorst

G. Schmidt

利信 Sing-lee.

Dreusche, H. von,


記仁 Rin-chee.


Forbes, Graham & Co., merchants and com-

mission agents

William Forbes

John W. Graham T. Kamimura

Franzenbach, L., metallurgist

Frazer & Irwin, medical practitioners

John Frazer Andrew Irwin


Globe Hotel

H. Kierulff


Hatch, Forbes & Co., merchants

John J. Hatch

W. H. Forbes

G. H. Forbes

J. N. Hatch

茂增 Tsun-mow.

Hirsbrunner & Co., merchants and com-

mission agents

J. Hirsbrunner (Shanghai)

Chas. A. Brunner

Paul Zurin


Henderson, James, merchant

Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants

E. Cousins

A. Michi, special agent


McDonald & Co., J., timber merchants, com- mission agents, and auctioneers, City

J. McDonald


McWaters, J., broker, auctioneer, and

commission agent



Maclay & Co., merchants

R. H. Maclay

E. S. Maclay (New York)

W. S. Ward



Meyer & Co., E., merchants

H. C. Eduard Meyer (Hamburg)

G. Wolter

H. Ballauf

C. Rump

R. Stritte

G. T. Droste


Meyerink & Co., merchants

A. Zickermann


Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, merchauts

Y. Sasaki

T. Takagi

Myres, C., merchant


倉大 Ta T8'ang.

Okura & Co., merchants

S. D. Miasaky

K. Ninomiya

K. Tachibana

S. Seki

昌阜 Foo-chang.

Piatkoff, Molchanoff & Co., merchants

A. A. Belogolovy, agent

Rodatz, G. C. F., merchant

A. Telge

Russell & Co., merchants

R. M. Brown

Schmidt & Co., merchants

Arnold Ellert



Toa Boyeki Co., merchants and commis

sion agents

N. Kanazawa

M. Numata K. Furukawa K. Katsuno

Digitized by





Tientsin Dispensary; Mac'avish and Leh-

mann, chemists, druggists and ærated

waters manufacturers

Jas. W. Mactavish

Stewart M. McLeish

Tientsin Printing Co., publishing office of

The Chinese Times and Shih Pao.

Arthur Ash, sub-editor

Aug. Rozario, overseer C. H. Flores,


C. P. M. Delgado, do.

V. Portaria,


F. F. Silva,


A. Pereira,



Tokmakoff, Molotkoff & Co., merchants

A. D. Startseff

W. W. Dmitrieff

. F. Martinoff

P. P. Kovrigin

W. N. Lazareff

利達亨 Han-ta-li.

Vrard & Co., L., merchants and commis-

sion agents

P. Loup (absent)

A. Loup

J. Krüger

E. Vaucher

Ƒ⠀⠀⠀ Wa-sun-sz ta-yah-von, Watson & Co., A. S., "The Hongkong Dispensary," chemists and druggists, aerated waters makers, wine, spirit and cigar merchants

Ed. Wilkins, manager Lam Li Tong

Wilson & Co., merchants and general con

mission agents

John Wilson

James Wilson

R. A. Cousins A. Adaa



Dr. J. Kenneth Mackenzie, M.R.C.S. Rev. A. King

Rev. T. Bryson



Rev. C. A. and Mrs. Stanley (absent) Rev. H. P. and Mrs. Perkins

Rev. A H. and Mrs. Smith, Pang

Tswang, Shantung

Rev. H. D. Porter, M.D. and Mrs.

Porter, Pang Tswang, Shantung A. P. Peck, M.D. and Mrs. Peck, do. Rev. F. M. and Mrs. Chapin

Rev. I. J. and Mrs. Atwood



Rev. I. and Mrs. Peirson, Paoting-foo

C.P.W, Merritt, M.D., & Mrs. Merritt, do.



: care of Collins & Co., Tientsin

A. H. Broomball

Miss Broomball

T'ai Yuen Fu


E H. Edwards, M.B., C.M.Ed. do.

Mrs. Edwards


A. Orr Ewing, Jr.


Miss Stevens


J. C. Stewart, M.D


M. Beauchamp, B.A.

Ping Yang Fu

Rev. W W. Cassels


Rev. 8. B. Drake (absent)


Mrs. Drake



D. E. Hoste, B.A.


Miss Kerr


W. and Mrs. Key


J. Robertson


Miss Seed


Stanley P. Smith, B.A.


C. T. Študd, B.A.


W. and Mrs. Beynon, Kwei Hwa Chéng

Thos. King

C. Horobin, Ning-hsia

S. McKee




Shansi Brach.

Rev. Timothy Richard (Tai-yuen-foo)

Rev. Arthur Sowerby


Rev. J. J. Turner


Rev. Evan Morgan


Rev. Herbert Dixon


Rev. G. B. Farthing



TIENTSIN And Laoling.

Rev. J. Innocent and family

Rev. J. Robinson and family, Tientsin Rev. G. T. Candlin and family, Laoling Rev. J. Hinds and family, Kai Ping G. M. Innocent, Laoling

W. Kyd Aitkin, M.D., Kai Ping..

Digitized by






Rev. G. R. and Mrs. Davis,


Rev. W. F. and Mrs. Walker, Mrs. C. M. Jewell,



Miss A. D. Gloss, M.D.,


Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Pyke, Rev. O. W. and Mrs. Willits, Dr. N. S. and Mrs. Hopkins Miss E. G. Terry, M.D.




Rev. F. Wijuboven



Rev. E. de Becquevort, S.J.


Sister Superior-M. Dutrouilh and six Sis-

ters of Charity


The present capital of China was formerly the Northern capital only, as its name denotes, but it has long been really the metropolis of the Central Kingdom. Peking is situated on a sandy plain 13 miles S.W. of the Pei-ho river, and about 110 miles from its mouth, in latitude 39 deg. 54 min. N. and longitude 116 deg. 27 min. E. or nearly on the parallel of Naples. A canal connects the city with the Pei-bo. Peking is ill adapted by situation, to be the capital of a vast Empire, nor is it in a position to become a great manufacturing or industrial centre. The products of all parts of China naturally find their way to the seat of Government, but it gives little save bullion in return.

From Dr. Dennys's description of Peking wo quote the following brief historical sketch: "The city formerly existing on the site of the southern portion of Peking was the capital of the Kingdom of Yan. About 222 B.C., this kingdom was over- thrown by the Chin dynasty and the seat of Government was removed elsewhere. Taken from the Chins by the Khaitans about 936 A.D., it was some two years after- wards made the southern capital of that people. The Kin dynasty subduing the Khaitans, in their turn took possession of the capital, calling it the

'Western Residence.' About A.D. 1151, the fourth sovereign of the Kins transferred the court thither, and named it the Central Residence. In 1215, it was captured by Genghis Khan. In 1264, Kublai Khan fixed his residence there, giving it the title of Chung- tu, or Central Residence, the people at large generally calling it Shun-l'ien-fu. In 1267 A.D., the city was transferred 3 li (one n il›, to the North of its then site, and it was then called Ta-tu-'the Great Residence, The old portion became what is now know as the 'Chinese city' and the terms 'Northern' and 'Southern' city, or more commonly nei-cheng (within the wall) and wai-cheng (without the wall) came into


The native Emperors who succeeded the Mongol dynasty did not, however, continue to make Peking the seat of Government. The court was shortly afterwards removed to Nanking, which was considered the chief city of the Empire until, in 1421, Yung Lo, the third Emperor of the Ming dynasty, again held his court at Peking, since which date it has remained the capital of China."

The present city of Peking is divided into two portions, the Northern or Tartar city and the Southern or Chinese. The former is being gradually encroached upon by the Chinese, and the purely Manchu section of the capital will

                              soon be very limited. The southern city is almost exclusively occupied by Chinese. The general shape of Peking may be roughly represented ¡y a square placed upon an oblong, the former standing for the Tartar and the latter for the Chinese city. The whole of the capital is, of course, walled. The walls of the Tartar city are the strongest. They average 50 feet in height and 40 feet in width, and are buttressed at intervals of about sixty yards. The parapets are loop-holed and crenelated. They are faced on both sides with brick, the space between being filled with earth and concrete. Each of the gateways is surmounted by a three-storied pagoda. The walls of the Chinese city are about 30 feet in height, 25 feet thick at the base, and 15 feet wide on the terre plein. The total circumference of the walls round the two cities slightly exceeds twenty miles.

The Tartar city consists (Dr. Williams tells us) of three enclosures, one within the other, each surrounded by its own wall. The innermost, called Kin-ching or

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Prohibited City, contains the Imperial Palace and its surrounding buildings; the second is occupied by the several offices appertaining to the Government and by private residences of officials; while the outer consists of dwelling-houses, with shops in the chief avenues. The Chinese city is the business portion of Peking, but it presents few features of interest to the sight-seer, while the enclosure known as the Prohibited City is, as its title denotes, forbidden to all foreign visitors. The numerous temples, the walls, the Imperial Observatory, the Foreign Legations, and the curio shops are the chief attractions to the tourist. The streets of the Chinese metropolis are kept in a most disgraceful condition. In the dry season the pedestrian sinks deep in noxious dust, and in wet weather he is liable to be drowned in the torrents that rush along the thoroughfares, where the constant traffic has worn away the soil. There is an air of decay about Peking, which extends even to the finest of the temples. The population of Peking is not accurately known, but according to a Chinese estimate, which is probably slightly in excess, it is 1,300,000, of whom 900,000 reside in the Tartar and 400,000 in the Chinese city. There is no Liect foreign trade with Peking, and the small foreign population is made up of the members of the various Legations, the Maritime Customs establishment, the professors at the College of Peking, and the missionary body. In August, 1884, the city was brought into direct telegraphic communication with the rest of the world, by an overland line to Tientsin vid Tungchow.




Ta Ying-kuo Ch'in-ch'ai Kung-shu. BRITISH.


Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni. potentiary Sir John Walsham, Bart. Secretary of Legation-Henry Howard, C.B. 2nd Secretary-R. G. Townley Chinese Secretary-W. C. Hillier (absent) Acting Chinese Secretary-T. L. Bullock Act. Asst. Chinese Secretary-J. N. Jordan Accountant-Herbert F. Brady Physician-S. W. Bushell, M.D. Assistant-E. T. C. Werner

Officiating Chaplain-Rev. W. Brereton

Students-J. W. Jamieson, A. J. Sundius

Tutor-M. E. Wilkinson

Acting Sergeant of Escort-R. D. Herring

Constable-R. J. Bowman


Ta Fa--kuo Ch'in-ch'ai Kung-shu. FRENCH.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni-

potentiary-G. Lemaire

First Secretary-F. Souhart

Military Attaché-Capt. A. D'Amade

·· First Interpreter-Arnold Vissière

Physician-Dr. M. Mirabel

Student Interpreters-H. Leduc, Guerin,


Chaplain-Rev. G. Lagarde


署公差欽國俄大 Ta Ngo-kuo Ch'in-ch'ai Kung-shu.


Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo

tentiary-A. Coumany

First Secretary-N. Ladigensky (absent) Second Secretary-Prince Lobanow-Ros-


Military Attaché-Colonel D. Pootiata First Interpreter-P. Popoff

Second Interpreter-A. Vahovitch Physician-Dr. S. Velitchkovsky

Students A. Grouchetsky, P. Kehrberg

Postmaster-N. Gomboyeff

Legation Guard-Four Cossacks


Ta Mei-kuo Ch'in-ch'ai Kung-shu, UNITED STAtes.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo-

tentiary-Charles Denby

First Secretary of Legation-W. Woodville


Second Secretary-Charles Denby, Jr.

Chinese Secretary-Fleming D. Cheshire 署公差欽國志意德大

Ta Te-i-chih-kuo Ch'in-ch'ai Kuug-shu. GERMAN.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo-

tentiary-M. von Brandt

Secretary of Legation-Baron von Ketteler

Acting Interpreter-Dr. Lenz

Student Interpreters-Baron von der Goltz,

G. Lange


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Clerk-G. Pampel

Constable-Ch. Hummelke


Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni-

potentiary Secretary-Count Ferdinand de Luca

Chinese Secretary-Ludovici Nocentini


Ta Ao-ssú-ma-chia-kuo Ch'in-ch'ai Kung-shu


Minister Resident and Consul-General for China-Count Zaluski (residing at Tʊ- kyo)


Minister Resident-L. Verhaeghe de Naeyer


Secretary Interpreter-C. Michel



Ta Ho-lan-huo Ch'in-ch'ai Kung-shu. NETHERLANDS.

Minister Resident J. H. Ferguson

Secretary Interpreter-J. Rhein

署公差欽國牙尼巴斯日大 Ta Jih-sau-pa-ni-ya-kuo Ch'in-ch'ai Kung-shu



Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni-

potentiary-Tiburcio Rodriguez y Muñoz

1st. Sec. of Legation-L. Carlos de Onis

2nd. Secretary-Count de Llorente

Chinese Secretary-Juan de Licópolis

Constable-P. Magnay


Imperial Maritime Customs.


Toung Shui-wu-ssü Kung-shu.


Inspector Gen.-Sir Robert Hart, K.C.M.G.

Chief Secretary-

Chinese Secretary-W. Cartwright

Audit do. -E. Ohlmer

Statistical do. -E. Mackean (Shanghai)

Non-Resident do. -J. D. Campbell (London) Marine do. (vacant)

Assistant Secretary-H. B. Morse

Acting Assistant Chinese Secretary-F. E.


Acting Assist. Audit Secretary-W. Mc C.


Assistant Statistical Secretary-F. Hirth


Private Secretary-Edwin Liot (abs nt) Assistants-J. P. Bland, E. Denby

Translator-J. Edkins, D.D.

Gas Engineers-Thos. Child, C. B. Mears

Medical Officer-J. Dudgeon, M.D.

Bên A là Tung tên Hoan,


President-W. A. P. Martin, LL.D.

Professor of Chemistry-Anatole Billequin

Professor of Anatomy and Physics-J.

Dudgeon, M.D.

Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics

S. Marcus Russell, M.A.

Professor of English-C. H. Oliver, M.A.


Professor of French-C. Vapereau

MarzalProfessor of German and Russian-E.

Ta Jih-pen-kuo Ch'in-ch'ai Kung-shu. JAPANESE.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni-

potentiary-Shioda Saburo

Secretary of Legation-Lieut. Col. Kaji-

Jama Teisuke

Military Attaché-Koizuini Masayasu

Attaché-Nakashima Takeshi

Chancelier-Kato Hidekazu

Do. Tei Nagakuni


Ta Si-iang-kuo Ch'in ch'ai Kung-shu.


Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni-

potentiary-Firmino José da Costa (absent)

Pander, Ph. D.

Professor of Mathematics-Sekon

Acting Prof. of English-W. Hancock

Profs. of Chinese Literature--Three Chinese


Proctors-Four Chinese Officials



Rt. Rev. Bishop F. Tagliabue Rev. Alph. Favier

Rev. P. d'Addosio

Rev. A. Humblot

Rev. J. B. Delemasure

Rev. J. L. Chevrier

Rev. J. Garrigues

Rev. J. B. Fioritti

Rev. A. Provost Rev. J. Ponzi Rev. G. Jean Rev. J. Salette

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Rev. Jos. Allofs Rev. J. MacVeigh Rev. G. Lagarde Rev. C. Guilloux Rev. C. Watson Rev. A. Maës Rev. J. Remy


Mother Jaurias and 33 Sisters of Charity


Rev. Platon

Rev. Alexis

    LONDON M188IONARY SOCIETY. Rev. Geo. Owen (absent) Rev. J. Gilmour, M.A. Rev. S. E. Meech

Rev. W. H. Rees

-E. T. Pritchard, M.B., C.M.

Rev. J. Stonehouse

Miss Fhilip (absent)

Miss Smith

Miss Moreton


Rt. Rev. Chas. P. Scott, Bishop in North


Rev. W. Brereton, S.P.G.



Rev. H H. and Mis. Lowry (absent)

Rev. L. W. and Mrs. Pilcher

Rev. W. T. and Mrs. Hobart

Rev. M. L. and Mrs. Taft

Rev. F. & Mrs. Brown

Rev. Dr. G. B. & Mrs. Crews

Miss A. B. Sears

Miss N. R. Green

Miss V. O. Green

W. C. Noble, treasurer and supdt. of press

Miss J. E. Chapin


Miss A. Haven


Rev. C. Goodrich


Rev. D. Z. Sheffield, secretary, do.



Rev. H. P. Beach,

Dr. J. H. Ingram

Miss M. E. Andrews (absent) do. Miss J. G. Evans,

do. Rev. I. and Mrs. Pierson, Pau Ting-foo Bev. A. B. Winchester,


Dr. C. P. W. Merritt (absent), do. Miss L. B. Pierson (absent) do. Rev. Mark and Mrs. Williams, Kalgan Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Sprague, do. Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Roberts, Miss N. Diament,

Miss V. C. Murdock, M.D.,





Rev. J. Wherry

Rev. D. C. McCoy

Rev. J. L. Whiting

B. C. Atterbury, M.D.

G. Y. Taylor, M.D.

Mrs. R. Lowrie

Rev. J. W. Lowrie

Miss M. J. Lowrie

Miss G. Newton

Professions, Trades, &c.

Addis, C. S.

Jeanrenaud, Cbs., dealer in curios and

Peking enamels

Ad. Jeanrenaud

"Hotel de Peking," storekeepers

L. Tallieu, proprietor

J. Chamot


NATIONAL BIBLE SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. Kierulff, P., commission agent, storekeeper

Rev. W. H. Murray, agent Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown



Rev. Henry Blodgett, D.D., Peking Rev. E. E. Aiken,


and dealer in curios, manufacturer of

Peking Enamels; agent Hamburg Fire Insurance Co. of 1877, and Hamburg-

Magdeburg Fire Insurance Co.

P. Kierulff

C. Imbeck

J. M. Oliveira


  Newchwang is the most northerly port in China open to foreign trade. It is situated in the province of Shing-king, in Manchuria. It is called by the natives Ying-tz, and lies about thirteen miles from the mouth of the river Liao, which falls into the Gulf of Liao-tung, a continuation of the Gulf of Pechili.

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Before the port was opened, comparatively little was known of this part of the Central Kingdom. Manchuria has since, however, been largely colonised by the Chinese, who now outnumber the natives. The word Ying-tz means military station, and that was the only use formerly made of the place. Between the years 1858 and 1860, the British fleet assembled in Ta-lien-wan Bay, and early in 1861 the foreign settlement was established. The town of Newchwang itself is distant from Ying-tz about thirty miles, and is a sparsely populated, uninteresting, and unimportant place. The country about the port of Newchwang is bare and desolate, and in sailing up the river the voyager encounters a cheerless prospect. Ying-tz is surrounded by dreary marshes, and the land under cultivation produces principally Beans. The river is closed by ice for more than three months every year, during which period the residents are entirely cut off from the outer world. The climate, however, is healthy and bracing. The population of the place is estimated at 60,000.

The chief articles of trade at the port are Beans and Bean-cake, 1,898,873 picult of the former and 1,480,048 piculs of the latter being exported in 1886, as againsf 2,561,577 piculs and 1,804,720 piculs respectively in 1885. The net quantity of Opium imported in 1886 was 287 piculs, compared with 2,453 piculs in 1879. The import of Opium has of late years shown a continuous decline, the poppy being largely and successfully cultivated in Manchuria. The value of the total trade os the port for 1886 amounted to Tls. 8,601,216 as against Tls. 8,298,116 in 1885.




Ta Ying-kuo ling-shih ya-mén.


Acting Consul-W. Holland

Constable-Chas. Farmer


Acting Vice-Consul-W. Holland


Ta-jui-wei-kuo ling-shih ya-mên. Sweden and NORWAY.

Vice-Consul-J. J. F. Bandinel


Ta-ho-kuo ling-shih ya-mên.


Consul―J. J. F. Bandinel


Consular Agent J. J. F. Bandinel

Imperial Maritime Customs. Commissioner-Henry Edgar

AssistantsC. Le Bas Rickman, A. G. D.

Granzella, W. R. M. D. Parr

Medical Officer-W. Morrison, M.B.

Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master-E.


Examiner-A. W. Kindblad

Assistant Examiner-J. Edgar

Boat Officer-J. W. Andrews

Tide-waiters-A. Schmidt, T. Betts, O..

Wedell, W. Martinson, G. B. Roche


Master-G. Deitz



Ta-mei kuo l'ny-shih ya-mên.


Vice-Consul-J. J. F. Bandinel

LIGHTSHIP "Newchwang."

Master-W. W. Orfeur

First Mate-K. Webster


Acting Consul―-W. Holland


Acting Vice-Consul-W. Holland


Ta-tô-kuo ling-shih ya-mén.


Acting Vice-Consul-J. J. F. Bandinel

Second Mate-G. Deitz, in charge of tender

Third Light-keeper-J. H. Hammeran

Insurance Offices.

Bandinel & Co., agents-

Imperial Fire Insurance

Deutscher Lloyd

Standard Life Assurance Co.

China Traders' Insurance Co., Limited

Chinese Insurance Co., Limited

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Bush Brothers, agents-

North China Insurance Company Canton Insurance Office, Limited Yangtsze Insurance Association Lloyd's, London


German'scher Lloyd's, Berlin Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld. Lancashire Insurance Co. Straits Insurance Co., Ld.

Scottish Imperial Insurance Co. (Life) South British Fire and Marine In-

surance Co. of New Zealand

The Underwriting and Agency Asso-

ciation, London

London Assurance Corporation (Fire)

   INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Bush Brothers, agents

DEUTSCHE Dampfschiffs Rhederei. Kingsin Line

Bush Brothers, agents

     CHINA NAVIGATION COMPANY, Bush Brothers, agents

     CHINA MERCHANTS' S. N. Co. Yung Shau Shen, shipping agent

   OCEAN STEAM SHIP Navigation Co. Bush Brothers, agents

     JAPANESE MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. Bandinel & Co., agents

    CHINA SHIPOWNERS' ASSOCIATION. Bandinel & Co.. agents

Professions, Trades, &c.


Bandinel & Co., merchants

J. J. F. Bandinel



Bush Brothers, merchants and commission


Henry E. Bush

F. Perrin Cooper

H. A. Bush


Davies & Co., T., shipchandlers and store-


T. Davies

Ehrich, A., compradore and contractor

for H.B.M. Navy

Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants

Bush Brothers, agents

Russell & Co., merchants

Bush Brothers, agents

Union Inn

H. Kempf, proprietor


Wa-hsien-sheng ying-kuo ling-shih ya-men.

Watson, James, M.D., L. R.C.S.E., (absent)

Morrison, Wm., M. B. & C. M., Edinr.


Rev. Wilfrid W. Shaw Rev. Thos. C. Fulton


R. F. Turley, agent


Rev. J. MacIntyre (Haichong) Rev. John Ross (Moukden)

Rev. Jas. Webster do.

D. Christie, M.B., L.R.C.S., P.E.(Moukden) Dr. A. M. Westwater (Haichong)


Mrs. J. Westwater (Moukden)

ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION. Monseigneur Dubail, vicar apostolic of


Rev. V. Hinard, provicaire Rev. N. M. Emonet, procureur

PENSION DE LA STE. PRovidence. Sister Augustine, superintendent Sisters Philamène, Domitille, St. Croix, Rosine Gerardine, Symphorose, Bathilde, Julie, Gregroire, Felix


***** Lin-can heei-tre-wu.

H. McThorne, B. F. Blatchford, G. C. Ri- chards, A. F. Fredricksen, L. J. Tand- berg, A. L. R. Smith, B. Carlos, J. Jör gensen, W. S. Banker, P. F. Lorenzen

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Harbour W WORKS,

In hands of French Syndicate Ten to Twelve French Residents.

Engineer Director-Thevenet Interpreter-Theo. Schnell

Army and Navy Hospital-Dr. Tsao

    FORTIFICATIONS AND ORDNANCE DEPT. Director-Tautai Liu Assistant-Theo. Schnell

        TORPEDO Department. Captain in charge-Mah Fu-heng Chief in charge of Torpdo Instruction-

Capt. Rogers, R.N.

   Torpedo Instructors- Besant, Cheshire Supdt. Engineer-Han Liang-shun


(IMPERIAL NAval Yard.)


Inspector of Machinery-Jas. Kirkwood, M.I.M.E., M.I.N.A. (in England) and W. G. Howard

Supdt. Engineer of Torpedo School-W.

Fleischer, I.G.N.


    Ting Yuen. Ironclad. Flag Ship. Admiral-Ting Ju-ch'ang

do. W. M. Lang, R.N.

Fleet Surgeon Dr. J. C. Bodkin Captain-Lew Poo-chin Commander-Li Ting-sing Deck Officer-B. Liskow

Supdt. Engineer-Yü Ching-shun

-C. Klock

do. Engineer-J. Albrecht

Boatswain-H. Mildebrath

Gunnery Instructor--J. Cooper

Chen Yuen. Ironclad.

Captain and Commodore-Lin Tai-tsan Commander-Yang Yung-lin Deck Officer-H. Plambeck Supdt. Engineer-Lok Lin-ching do. -D. Iffand


do. -Zaphie

Assistant Gunner-Gamradt Gunnery Instructor-Higgins

Chi Yuen. Torpedo Cruiser

Captain-Fong Pei-kien Supdt. Engineer-A. Menkie Engineer-Grapengeter

Gunnery Instructor-Sillence


Chih Yuen. Steel Cruiser.

Captain-Tang Shi-ch'ang

Supdt. Engineer J. Earnshaw Assistant do. A. Purvis, W. Crichton Electrician-H. Sait

Ching Yuen. Steel Cruiser. Captain-Yih Choo-kwei

Supdt. Engineer-G. Kingsnorth Assistant do. G. Appleby, F. Warren

King Yuen. Belted Cruiser.

Captain-Lin Yung-hing Supilt. Engineer-Ă. Heine Assistant do. -O. Kühl, G. Hoff man Gunnery Officer-A. Hekman

Lai Yuen. Belted Cruiser. Captain-Kea Pow-chin Supdt. Engineer-Blumenthal Assistant do. -F. Graffunder Do. do. A. Greave

Yang Wei. Armstrong Cruiser. Captain-Lin Li-chung Chief Engineer-Chen Hsio-shu

Chao Yung. Armstrong Cruiser. Captain-Wong Kien-shoon Chief Engineer-Lai Sing-kin

Kang Chi. Gunnery Ship. Captain-Sah Ching-ping

Capt. in charge of Gunnery Dept. & School

Lieut. H. E. Bourchier, R.N. Instructors-T. Nicholl, Lush, Layton,


Wei Yuen. Training Ship. Captain-Lin Ying-khe

Naval Instructors-P. McGiffen, R. Nel


Seamanship Instructor-J. J. Jackman

ARMSTRONG ALPHABETICAL GUNBOATS, each carrying one 35-ton M. L. gun. Chen Hei, Captain Lau Kien-kü Chen Tung, Captain

Chen Pien, Captain

Chen Ngan, Captain Li-ho

Chen Pei, Captain Tai Peh-keng

Chen Chung, Captain Hwang Pein-tchich

Tsao Kiang.

Despatch Boat.

Captain-Wang Yung-fah ̧

Tae An. Despatch Boat and Transport, Captain-Li-tin

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   Corea, or Chosen (the native name), is a peninsula situated to the north of China which hangs down between that Empire and Japan, separating the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea, between the 34th and 43rd parallels north. It is bounded on the north by Manchuria, on the north-east by Siberia, on the east by the Sea of Japan, on the west by the Yellow Sea, and on the south by the Chanuel of Corea. It has a coast line measuring 1,740 miles, and with its outlying islands is nearly as large as Great Britain. The name Corea is derived from the Japanese Korai (Chinese Kaoli); and the Portuguese, who were the first navigators in the Yellow Sea, called it Koria. Chosen is translated into "Morning Calm." The eastern half of the peninsula is a sinuous range of mountains of which western Corea is the slope. The chief rivers of importance are naturally to be found on the western side, and most of the harbours are situate on that coast. Corea is divided into eight do or provinces, named Ping-an, Whang-hai Kiung-kei (which contains the capital), Chung-chong, Chulla, Kiung-sang, Kang-wen, and Ham-kiung. The climate is considered healthy and temperate, bracing in the north and milder in the south, where it is more expo ed to summer breezes. The Han river at Seoul is often frozen for two months in the year. The fauna includes tigers of the fiercest kind, leopards, wild deer, wild hogs, and in the south monkeys are to be found. A stunted breed of horses exists, and immense numbers of oxen are raised as fo d; goats are rare, and sheep are only imported from China for sacrificial purposes. The pheasant, eagle, falcon, crane, and stork are common. A great portion of the soil is fertile, and the mineral wealth of the kingdom is believed to be considerable. The history of Corea, like that of its neighbours, is lost in the mists of obscurity, but according to native and Chinese tradition a Chinese noble named Kishi or Ki-tsze, who migrated with his followers to Corea in 1122 B.C., was the founder of the Corean social order and the first monarch. His descendants are said to have ruled until the fourth century before the Christian era.

                                  The present dynasty is descended from Ni Taijo, a young soldier who was the architect of his own fortunes, and who succeeded in deposing the Wang dynasty. It was at this time, in the 14th century, that Han-yang, kuown as Seoul, was selected as the national capital. His Majesty King Li Fin is the twenty-eight sovereign of the present line. The kingdom is governed, under the King and three Prime Ministers, by six boards or departments-namely, Office and Public Employ, Finance, Ceremonies, War, Justice, and Public Works. The general method of procedure is modelled on that of Peking. The State revenue is derived from the land tax, and it is estimated to amount to about £200,000.

For many centuries the Coreans successfully resisted all efforts to induce them to hold intercourse with foreigners. The King of Corea is a vassal of the Emperor of China, but the latter attempts no interference in the administration of Corean domestic affairs. In former times Corea was invaded by both Chinese and Japanese, but for some centuries she enjoyed rest and seclusion, and not until 1876, when she signed the Treaty of Kokwa with Japan, were any foreigners admitted to the kingdom. Upon the establishment of Japanese in the ports of Fusan and Yuensan, the prejudice against foreign intercourse gradually abated, and on the 22nd May, 1882, a treaty of friendship and commerce was signed by the Corean Government at Jenchuan with Commodore Shufeldt on behalf of the United States. A Treaty with England was signed by Sir Harry Parkes on the 26th November, 1883; in 1884 Treaties were also concluded with Germany and Russia, and later with France, Italy, and Austria. The population of Corea, according to the last Government census, was 10,518,937, The value of the foreign trade of Corea is between three and four million dollars per annum. The principal articles of import are cotton manufactures, and of export, rice, bides and bones, beans, and gold. A Foreign Customs service on the model of that of China, and subordinated to it, has been established.

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The capital city of Han-yang, better known to foreigners as Seoul (which is merely the native term for capital), is situated almost in the centre of the province of Kiung-kei, on the north side of and about three miles from the river Han, about thirty five miles from its mouth. It lies in 37 deg. 30 min. N. lat. and 127 deg. 4 min, E. long. Han-yang means "the fortress on the Han." The city is enclosed by crenellated walls of varying height, averaging about twenty feet, with arched stone bridges spanning the water-courses. It is iu the form of an irregular oblong, and stretches lengthwise in a valley that runs from north-east to south-west. The houses are about eight or nine feet high, built of stone or mud, and mostly roofed with tiles. Internally they are clean, for the Coreans, like the Japanese, take off their shoes before entering their houses. A long main street, about 100 feet wide, running east and west, divides the city into two nearly equal portions. In the northern balf are the walled iuclosures containing the king's palace and the more important public buildings. A street about 50 feet wide intersects the main street at right angles, dividing the northern half of the city into eastern and western quarters. At the point of intersection stands a pavilion called Chong-kak (the "Bell Kiosk"), from a large bell about seven feet high which is placed there. This spot is regarded as the centre of the city; and from it another street, as wide as the main street, branches off to the south west. The four wide streets which thus radiate from the "Bell Kiosk" are known as the four Chong-ro or Bell roads." Another conspicuous feature of this central part of the city is tho row of large warehouses two storeys high, the lower portions of which are divided off into little shops, opening into a small court-yard instead of facing the street. The width of the main streets is much reduced by the construction in front of nearly every house of a rude wooden shanty used for a workshop or for business purposes, which gives the streets a poor and squalid appearance. The city, like most eastern towns, is very dirty, heaps of filth being allowed to accumulate, and the open drains on each side of the streets are the receptacles for all sorts of abominations. The shops are small and unattractive, and contain no articles de luxe or curios. The population of the city is variously estimated at from 150,000 to 240,000 persons; official returns give the number of houses as 30,000.




President-Cho Pyeng Sik

Vice-President-Yi Yin-kung


-Sin Hon-kou

Adviser to the King and Director of For-

esgn Affairs-0. N. Denny


President-Sim Ni Tuk

Vice-President. N. Denny

Minister-Kim Yung

do. -Sim Ung-sik

Japanese Legation.

Chargé d'Affaires-Kondo Masuki Attaché-T. Hayakawa, M.A.

doi Y. Kato (Chinese Interpreter) Corean Interpreter-K. Takata Junior do. -T. Kawakami Chancelier-S. Yanada

Assistant-M. Okada

Military Attaché-Capt. Y. Miura

Do. Physician-B. Kojo

-Lieut. K. Yeda


Vice Conoal-N. Hashiguchi

Chancelier-K. Kokube

Sec. and Eng. Interpreter-Shim Wohan Police Inspector-N. Sawada

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Resident Commissioner-Yuan Sic-kwai Chief Secretary-S. Y. Tong Consul-Chen Tong-shu



Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary-Sir John Walsham, Bart, resident in China

Acting Consul General-Thos. Watters Acting Vice-Consul-J. Scott (at Che-


Assistant-C. W. Campbell

UNITED STAtes Legation. Minister Resident and Consul General-H.

A. Dinsmore

Secretary of Legation-Chas. C. Long

GERMAN Consulate.

 Consul General-T. Kempermann (absent) Acting Consul General-F. Krien Interpreter-F. Reinsdorf Clerk-M. J. Domke


Chargé d'Affaires-C. Waeber Secretary-N. A. Shooisky Naturalist-Kalinofsky

HIS COREAN MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS Chief Commissioner-H. F. Merrill Chief Secretary-J. H. Hunt Assistant-M. T. Liang Chinese Writer-Chao Lan

Medical Officer-H. N. Allen, M.D. (ab-


Acting do. -J. W. Heron, M.D.


Technical Director-F. Kraus

Chemist-C. Riedt

Engineer-C. Dietrich

Architect-T. Yoshizawa, M.E.


R., Lärsen, engineer and electrician


Dr. H. N. Allen (absent) Dr. J. W. Heron Mrs. D. A. Bunker

Government School.

G. W. Gilmore

H. B. Hulbert D. A. Bunker


AM. METHODIST MISSION SCHOOL. Rev. H. G. and Mrs. Appenzeller Mrs. M. F. Scranton


H. N. Allen, M.D. (absent) J. W. Heron, M.D.

Mrs. D. A. Bunker


Monseigneur Blanc, vicaire

Rev. J. Coste, provicaire

Rev. Poisnul

OTHER EUROPEAN RESIDENTS. Bjerre, J. chief engineer in charge of

electric lights at King's palace Duncan, C.

Forsyth, J., electrician in charge of elec-

tric lights at King's palace

Hallifax, T. E.

Jaffray, R., superintendent of farm Maertens, A. H., superintendent silkworm


Mühlensteth, H., traffic manager and engineer Imperial Chinese Telegraphs Stripling, A. B.

Allen, Mrs. H. N. Appenzeller, Mrs. H. G. Bunker, Mrs. D. A. Denny, Mrs. O. N.

Gilmore, Mrs.

Hashiguchi, Mrs.


Heron, Mrs. J. W.

Hunt, Mrs. J. H.

Kondo, Mrs.

Kraus, Mrs..

Maertens, Mrs. A. H.

Merrill, Miss

Scranton, Mrs. Mary Scranton, Mrs. W. B

Sontag, Mrs. Waeber, Mrs.

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Province of JENCHUAN, called also JINSEN and INCHIUN.

This port, known to the Japanese as Jinsen, is situated in lat. 37 deg. 28 min. 30 sec. N. and long. 126 deg. 37 min. E., at the entrance to the Saleé river, an embouchure of the Han-kang close to and immediately east of Roze island, on the west coast of Corea, in the metropolitan province of Kiung-kei. Though only four years ago a mere fishing village, and now still in its infancy, many buildings of a substantial character have been erected and the port is rapidly rising into importance as a commercial


The sub-prefectural town of Jenchuan is situated 10 li distant from the port, which latter is locally known as Chemulpo. Fut-bing on the Han-kang is the nearest prefectural city, and is distant some 35 li, near which place is situated, also on the Han-kang, the rising town of Mapu, which lies on the main road to Hanyang (Soul) some 75 l distant from the port (Chemulpo), or 30 li from Söul. The whole of the land formimg the Japanese Settlement at Chemulpo was sold publicly early in 1884; and the first land sales in the general Foreign Settlement took place on the 7th November of the same year. There is a Municipal Council at Chemulpo composed of the Foreign Consuls, one Corean official, and three represen- tatives of the landholders. The Council employs two foreign and four Chinese police constables. The approaches to the river (Salée) are now well surveyed, and the latest British Admiralty charts are quite reliable. The outer anchorage is accessible to ships of all sizes, and the inner one to coasting vessels and steamers ordinarily employed in the local trade. The river is navigable for vessels not drawing over 10 feet up to Mapu; but seeing that at certain seasons there are a few places where the fall in the river is very considerable, owing to the existence of sand banks, it is desirable that river steamers, intended to run regularly, should not draw over six feet. An overland telegraph line from China to this port and the city of Seoul was opened to traffic in November, 1885. The climate is healthy and may be compared to that of Chefoo. The foreign population was 976 in 1886, and the natives were estimated at 2,000.

     The port was opened to Japanese trade on the 1st January, 1883, and to foreign trade on the 16th June of the same year. The value of the imports from foreign countries in 1886 was $1,348,406, and that of the exports $215,959. The value of the trade of the port in 1886 was $1,760,832 compared with $1,159,322 in 1885.


BRITISH Consulate.


Jas. Scott, acting vice-consul


Mitsuyoshi Suzuki, consul and judge S. Hisamizu, chancelier and assistant


N. Tani, chancelier and postmaster K. Okuyama, do. and paymaster

K. Takao, do.

N. Ishiyama, do.


J. F. Schóenicke, acting commissioner ·

E. Laporte, assistant

Woo Li Tang,


S. K. Nakabayashi, do.

Hong U-kuan, Corean assistant Kong Hoa Siök, Corean clerk

S Furnkawa, medical officer

F. H. Mörsel, acting tidesurveyor and'

harbour master

J. Shiwokawa, do. and assistaut clerk of F. R. Borioni, examiner


CHINESE Consulate.

Hung Tzu-Pin, consul

Hung Show Peng, secretary

Yin Paw-Lin, Japanese interpreter Kim Yi-Mann, Corean interpreter

A. Seredin-Sabatin, L. A. Hopkins, F.

W. Collins, tide waiters

J. Hollingworth, watcher

IMPERIAL CHINESE TELEGRAPHS. Ching Cook-Yuen, manager Liang Kok-ching, clerk in charge

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S. Hurukawa, chief surgeon



K. Sato, inspector, and assist. procurator

to Consular Court

10 policemen


Y. Sawaki, president Yamaguchi, vice president

Chinese Chamber of COMMERCE. Tan E Doang, Lu Wan Pack, Ting Mi

Sin, co.nmittee


Meyer & Co., E., agents


Union Insurance Society of Canton Prussian National Fire Insurance Co.

Morse, Townsend & Co., sub-agents Straits Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

Tung Shun Tai & Co., agents

On Tai Insurance Co.

Merchants, &c.


Cooper & Co., H., storekeepers, druggists,

commission agents, and brokers

C. H. Cooper

S. T. Tong

C. Eno

Dai-ichi Ginko First National Bank and

Customs Bank

Y. Sawaki, agent

G. Miki, accountant (absent)

G. Shimanchi, cashier Miyata, clerk

Hotel de Corée

J. Steinbeck, proprietor


Meyer & Co., E., merchants

Eduard Meyer (Hamburg)

Carl Wolter

Robt. Seitz

Carl Lührs

Morse, Townsend & Co., merchants

Jas. R. Morse (Yokohama) W. D. Townsend

Chas. A. Welch

Nippon Yusen Kaishia

S. Sakaki

K. Tosa, S. C. Telada, clerks

OTHER EUROPEAN Residents. Allmacher, chief engineer str. Hai Rong Amador, A.

Brinkmeier, A., chief officer str. Deutsch-


Gorschalki, auctioneer and storekeeper Hansen, J., chief officer str. Hai Riong Hildebrand, master str. Deutschland Meyer, F., master str. Signal Petersen, B., master str. Hai Riong

CHIEF JAPANESE Merchants, &c. Doi & Co., junk agency Fukushima & Co. Hamada & Co.

Hayashi & Co.

K. Hori, "Daibutsu," restaurant keeper Horiguchi & Co.

Ideta, K., medical practitioner Kaiso Gaisha, schooner agent Keida & Co.

Kiodoshia & Co.

K. Kojo, medical practitioner

Kugimiya & Co., porcelain merchants Mine & Co., junk agency Mirayama & Co.,

Miyata & Co.

Mukoyama & Co.

Okino, carpenter, builder and contractor Saitzu, hotel keeper

Tanaka & Co., junk agency

Tomita & Co.

Woayeda & Co.

Yamaguchi & Co.

CHIEF CHINese Merchants and


Ho Yi Ann, merchant

Kwong Shing Loong, compradore Kwong Ta & Co., merchant

Lei Hing & Co., contractors

Loong Hing & Co., furniture manufac-


Say Shing

Shing Fung, brick manufactory

Shuan Shin Tai & Co., merchant

Tai Ho Shun, innkeeper

Tick Hing & Co., storekeepers

Tung Shun Tai & Co., merchant

Tze Chong Tung & Co.,


Yee Sam & Co., storekeepers Yee Sung Shing, compradore Yu Tseng Swng

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Fusan, or Pusan as it is also called, is the chief port of Kiung-sang-do, the south- eastern province of Corca, and lies in lat. 35 deg. 6 min. 6 sec. N. and long. 129 deg. 8 min. 2 sec. E. It was opened to Japanese trade in 1876 and to Western nations in 1883. The native town is a collection of thatched cabins with a population of about 2,000 inha- bitants. The Japanese settlement is situated a little distance from the native town, opposite the island of Cholyongdo, and is regularly laid out, clean, and well kept. It is under the control of the Consul, who is, however, assisted by an elective Municipal Council. Order is maintained by a Police Force in uniforms of European pattern. The Japanese residents number over 2,00). The Corean town of Fusan is a walled city, situated at the head of the harbour; it contains the Royal granaries for storing rice, a few wretched houses, and the residence of the small military official in charge. The harbour is good and capacious, with a sufficient depth of water to accommodate the largest vessels. The climate is very salubrious and the place considered extremely healthy. Sea bathing may be had in perfection. The district city Toong Li Fu, which is distant about eight miles, is the local centre of trade. A branch of the Foreign Customs Service was established in July, 1883. The Nippon Yusen Kaisha run a regular line of steamers between Nagasaki and Wladi. vostock, calling at Fusan and Yuensan; and also a line from Kobe to Jenchuan, calling at Nagasaki and Fusan. Fusan was connected with Japan by a submarine telegraph cable in November, 1883.

The trade of the port fell off considerably after the opening of Chemulpo, that port being nearer the capital. The value of the trade for 1886 was $699,777, 8

compared with $593,119 in 1885.


JAPANESE Consulate.

Y. Murota, consul

T. Nosse, secretary

8. Miyamoto, do.

K. Y. Misaka, accountant

N. Tsunoye, Corean interpreter

A. Kosone, English interpreter

BRITISH Consulate. J. Scott, act. prov. vice-consul

(residing at Chemulpo.)



Li Ying-wu, acting consul

Yin Sik-chü, secretary

Yang Se-chin, accountant




T. Piry, acting commissioner

W. G. Lay, assistant

C. L. Chow



K. Takesita,

H. I. Yi, Corean clerk

Tao Huan Yu, Chinese writer

H. W. Laucht, examîner and head of

outdoor staff

J. P. Civilini, H. G. Arnous, tidewaiters



G. Abiru, chairman

T. Ichinomiya, secretary

K. Tatsuta




R. Morohoshi, superintendent

T. K. Hatashima, assist. do.

Ten constables



M. Takamiya, superintendent

S. Araki, assist.

T. Iwai

S. Futatsubashi


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T. Nishida, vice-president, in charge




Benten Machi.

G. Sasaki, surgeon

T. Uyeba, assistant surgeon




Sai-wai Machi.

A. U. Shigehisa, surgeon



Hon Machi.

T. Sato, manager*

M. Igimi, clerk




K. Kuroiwa, manager

Shipping Companies.



S. Yanagi, agent

S. Yamaoka, cashier

T. Ikuwo, clerk

Y. Mariko, do.


"Takachiho "-Nagasaki, Fusan, Yuen-



"Higo"-Kobe, Shimonoseki, Nagasaki,

Goto, Tsushima, Fusan, Jenchuan


KWAI SOSHIA (Sailing Vessel Co.) Benten Machi.

K. Shibata, agent

K. Kokuboo, clerk



J. Oiike, Benten Machi

J. Fugimori, do.




Merchants, Traders, &c.

M. Fukuda, Benten Machi

Hamada & Co., Osaka Firm, Hon Machi

S. Hamada, agent

N. Sato

S. Hoke, Benten Machi

Holiguchi & Co., Osaka Firm, Hon


M. Nakagawa, agent

S. Horiguchi

Iwoy, Hon Machi

Kiodoshia & Co., Osaka Firm, Hon Machi

T. Nishida, agent

D. Nishimura, Hon Machi

K. Saito, Hon Machi

K Sasaki, Nagasaki Firm, Benten Machi

K. Sasaki, agent

S. Tamiya, Hon Machi


   This port, situated in Broughton Bay, on the north-eastern coast of Corea, is in the southern corner of the province of Ham-kiung, about half way between Fusan and Vladivostock. It was opened to Japanese trade on the 1st May, 1880, and to other nations in January, 1883, but with the exception of Japan and China no other coun- tries are commercially represented at present. It is called Gensan by the Japanese- and Wonsan by the Coreats, and under that name is thus described by Mr. Aston :- "The town extends for a mile along the southern shore of the bay, and consists of about two thousand houses with a population of perhaps 10,000 inhabitants. One

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   main street of some ten to twelve feet in width winds through from end to end, and into this open numerous narrow and crooked alleys." Near each end of the town is an open space where a market, chiefly for agricultural produce, is held about six times a month. The houses are mean and dirty, and the town presents a poverty- stricken appearance. The harbour is a good one, being spacious, easy of access, well sheltered, with excellent holding ground, and convenient depth of water. January is the coldest month, and one corner of the harbour-that before the native town-is some- times frozen over, but the part used by shipping is never covered with ice of such a thickness as to interfere with navigation. The Japanese have a nice clean looking Settlement, consisting of about fifty houses built in semi-European style and a really fine Consulate, of foreign design, containing at least forty rooms and offices. A Chi- nese Consul also resides here, and a tract of land has been selected for a Chinese Settlement contiguous to the Japanese Settlement. The country around Yuensan is under cultivation, and the soil is very rich. Within a short distance of the port are mines producing copper and other minerals, and gold is found amongst the neighbouring mountains. The cattle at this port, as nearly all over the country, are very fine and plentiful, and can be bought at very low rates; they are used as beasts of burden and for agricultural purposes.

     The trade is carried on by a tri-weekly Nippon Yusen steamer from Nagasaki and Vladivostock, occasional steamers from Shanghai, and schooners and junks from Japan. The net value of the trade in 1886 was $965,406, as compared with $564,058 in 1885. The exports consist chiefly of hides, beans, gold-dust, dried fish, and skins. The imports consist chiefly of cotton and woollen manufactured goods and dyes.



S. Watanabe, vice consul

Y. Oku, chancelier

A. Suzuki, do. and interpreter

8. Iwamatsu, do.

K. Yoshizoye, do. and postmaster

8. Nakamura, do. and Corean interpreter

K. Kurodaki, do.

M. Oishi, do,

Japanese Consular Police.

K. Kurotaki, inspector

Eight constables

S. Kand, chief constable


CHINESE COonsulate.

Woo Chung Yen, consul

Fung Taze Lin, accountant

Pak Hung Yung, Corean interpreter

HIS COREAN Majesty's Customs.

E. F. Creagh, acting commissioner J. H. Fougerat, assistant

A. Harada, interpreter Kuan Chong-in, clerk Ko Yung-hun, do. J. Osaki, medical officer

J. Knott, examiner

E. P. Mannheimer, J. Hintze, tide waiters:


S. Okumura, president

J. Kumada, clerk


J. Osaki, physician

U. Sago, accountant and interpreter

S. Nakao, apothecary


C. Ashihama, representative

C. Kumada, clerk

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FIRST NATIONal Bank of Japan,

T. Tori, manager

S. Fujii, B. Takata, clerks

S. Yanagi, agent

Risshin Sho Kai, merchants

M. Takagi, manager

Y. Tachibana, clerk

JAPANESE Merchants.

T. Nishida

M. Okumura

NIPPON YUSen Kaisha.

M. Inamatsu

S. Kajiyama

S. Okumura, manager

K. Kato

Y. Otsuka

Z. Kawanishi

G. Sanoda

K. Koka

S. Shimajo

C. Tanaka

T. Fukumi, T. Shirahama, clerks

Fukushima, storekeeper & shipchandler

S. Tawara, manager

M. Nishiyama, T Miyata, T. Saiki


Hamada Gumi, merchants

S. Kimura, manager

H. Takeshita, T. Yokogama clerks

Kiodo Sha, merchants

T. Nishida, manager R. Hori, clerk

S. Kono

K. Miyabara

C. Nakamura

H. Watanabe

CHINESE Merchants.

On Tai Insurance Co.

Low York Poo, agent

Sin Man Sing "Sing Kee," storekeeper Tung Fung Tai & Co.

Low York Poo, manager

Yuen Cheong & Co.

Fung Tung Foo, manager


   This port, on some charts still called Port May, lies in latitude 49 deg. 7 min. Ñ. and longitude 131 deg. 54 min. E., at the southern end of a long peninsula reaching into Peter the Great Bay. Of all the ports in East Siberia, it is by far the most important, both as a military and commercial centre. It is a free port except for the importation of alcohol, which is subject to duty. Wladiwostock is one of the most magnificent harbours in the East. From its peculiar long and narrow shape and the once supposed hidden treasures in the slightly auriferous soil of its surrounding hills, it has not inappropriately been called the Golden Horn. The entrances to the harbour are hidden by Dundas Island, which divides the fairway into two narrow passages. This fine sheet of water first runs for about half a mile in a northern direc- tion and then suddenly bends to the east for a distance of about one mile. On all sides it is surrounded by hills, low on the southern and higher on the northern shore, and which slope sharply down to the water's edge. These hills, once verdant with foliage, have been completely denuded of trees by reckless felling. The harbour, capable of accommodating an almost unlimited number of vessels of deep draught and large capacity, affords a safe anchorage. It is usually closed by ice from about Christmas till the beginning of April, but even then ships may safely approach the entrance by making either for Diomed Bay or some of the numerous sheltered

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anchorages along the eastern shore of Dundas Island. The transit of cargo is then effected to Wladiwostock over the ice.

This port, now the chief naval station of Russia on the Pacific, is governed by an Admiral appointed from home, but whose jurisdiction does not extend beyond the peninsula. The Governor is independent of the Governor-General of the province or of the Government of Irkutsk, receiving his instructions direct from St. Petersburg. He is aided by a staff of naval and military officers, as well as by a Mayor and Town Council elected by and from among the Russian civil community. The town is built on the southern slope of the hills running along the northern shore of the harbour. The entire area, with the exception of many unoccupied lots intervening here and there, is covered by buildings; and the town is well laid out with good roads. Most conspicuous among the buildings are the Government Offices, the Barracks, and the Governor's residence, which is surrounded by a Public Garden, while the houses of the more affluent merchants are well and substantially built. In the Public Garden the town band plays twice a week during the summer. There is a Naval Club, to which civilians are admitted as non-voting members; two or three hotels; a Gymnasium, or School for boys; an Institute for young ladies; and a General Hospital. The city now contains upwards of 12,000 souls, most of whom are of European extraction. The value of the import trade of Wladiwostock in 1885 was 5,227,332 roubles; the exports were very trifling.


Local Government.

Commander in chief of Russian Ports in Pacific and Military Governor of Wla- diwostock Acting do.

Capt. Engelm Aide-de-Camp-Capt. Boyle Port Captain-Capt. Lawroff Hydrographic Department-V. Panoff,

acting chief

Building Department-Col. Iwanoff Chief Medical Adviser-Dr. Siebert Naval Department-Capt. Engelm Floating Dock-Capt. Kasi Gout. Treasury-Telech Chief of Police-F. Petroff


Governor's Office-F. Popoff, secretary Mayor J. Makoffsky Councillor A. Efseyeff Secretary-Jermakoff

Superintendent of Revenues-W. T. Schu-


Chief Assistant-O. Grothhuns


Chief Judge N. Charepanoff Assessor-A. Wedensky

Do. Bagulin

Attorney General-Buschyeff Clerk of CourtIwanoff, secretary

GYMNASIUM (GOVERNMENT SCHOOL.) Woosnesensky, director

Rev. Smirnoff, Orthodox teacher of reli-


A. Rumpeter, Protestant teacher of religion William P. Margaritoff, teacher of ma-


, teacher of Greek and Latin Woldemar Ruberg, teacher of English Harry Peters, teacher of German

teacher of Russian Theodor Degtereff, teacher of preparátory


N. Vasilieff, teacher of drawing and


Edward Tarashkewitch, physician

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J. Lisitzin, postmaster



G. Dipner, chief

Th. Heydemann W. Wittenburg

Schark off

Mrs. Scharkoff J. Ivanoff


Saveljeff Petroff G. Lühbe

T. T. Krafzeff

J. Saburoff

J. Grigorieff

G. Koch

Mjasnikoff Popoff

CUSTOM HOUSE (Excise Office.)

W. Schukewitch, commissioner

O. v. Grothüss

J. Emmera

J. Minka

P. Gertner

J. Juganoff Butschik




Terami, commercial agent

Public Companies, &c.

Great Northern Telegraph Co.

C. Chr. Sonne, superintendent

J. A. Lünd, electrician

A. N. N. Sonderburg

H. V. E, v. Meyeren

H. Schiotz

C. F. E. Manicus

National Volunteer FLEET. Capt. V. A. Terentieff, L.B.N., agent

N. P. Baranoff, chief clerk J. N. Hase, shipping clerk

S. S. Vladivostock.

Commander-Lieut. A. A. Astalopoff Lieutenant-P. P. Akimoff Engineer-M. E. Akimoff

NORDDEUTScher Lloyd.

Kunst & Albers, agents


Trading Co., Odessa.

Kunst & Albers, agents

INDO-CHINA STEAM Navigation Co. Kunst & Albers, agents

E. Emery, agent, Nicolaefsk


Kunst & Albers, agents



J. Kuster, proprietor

P. W. Tcherniadeff

K. E. Schileiko


T. Makoffsky, agent


Rev. Rumpeter, pastor


Agresti, manager

NEW ORIENtal Bank Corporation. O. W. Lindholm & Co., agents

Insurance OFFICES.

Emery, E., agent, Nicolaafsk

China Traders Insurance Co.

Kunhardt, Erwin, agent-

Deutscher Lloyd's

Kunst & Albers, agents-


Chinese Insurance Company, Ld. Mannheim Versicherungs Ges. "Jakor" Fire and Life In- surance Co.

Verein Hamburger Assecurdeure Deutscher Rhederei Verein, Ham-


Kuster, J., agent-

Rus-ian Fire Insurance 1867

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Langelütje, J. H., agent-

Transatlantic Fire Insurance

Sheveleff & Co., M. G., agents-


 China Traders' Insurance Co. Russia Fire and Life Insurance Co.

Wittenburg, W., agent-

Russian Fire Insurance Co, 1827 Russian Life Insurance Co.

Merchants and Storekeepers.

Abasas Brick Kiln

A. Pedersen

Belayeff & Seusinoff, booksellers

A. D. Belayeff

S. A. Sensinoff

Boyeki Shokwai, Japanese storekeeper

Bryner, J., landing and shipping agent

and Government contractor

W. König

G. Raming

Emery, Enoch, merchant, Amoor River

and Wladiwostock

Enoch Einery (Nicolaefak)

T. Little, manager, Wladiwostock

L. H. Smith, manager,

Wm. Heitmann, clerk,

Kunhardt, Erwin, merchant

Erwin Kunhardt (Hamburg) G. Lipman & (effcken do. J. Kuster, signs per pro. R. Wohlfarth

G. Brolin S. Tuesoff W. Manaeff A. Borisoff

Kunst & Albers, merchants

G. Kunst (Hamburg) G. Albers

A. Dattan

G. J. Hansen E. Kappenberg A. Nielsen

P. Behn

R. Rohde

E. Cornehls

G. Suhr

J. Riber O. Schmidt M. Dmitrieff J. Jurgensen W. Panomareff L. Busch P. Portnagin N. Bjelajeff M. Nadielajeff

E. Nekrasoff


W. Ofsiankin



Wm. Bauart, manager, Hoberoffha Wm. Voss, Jr,, clerk

S. P. Dubroffsky, manager, Blago-


V. Mongoloff, manager, Streatinsk and Russian clerks

Federoff, M., proprietor of Richnoy Steam Saw Mill, Flour Mill, and Suifun river

boat Pioneer

M. Federoff

Chs. Lovelius

Goldenstädt, C., horticulturist

C. Goldenstädt

Golden Horn Hotel

F. Galetzky, proprietor Hagemann, W., merchant

C. Grant

Hagemeyer, C. H., merchant

C. H. Hagemeyer

F. Hagemeyer

J. Lazareff

J. Teplaschenin G. Johanson Chr. Nielsen

P. Meyer W. Roethan

A. Jacobsen

C. Nothmann

J. Jacobs

D. Netshajefsky N. Netshaeff J. Bobrownkoff

J. Jacobs

Kuster's Brick-kiln


J. Kuster, proprietor

Jas. Nielsen


Kusnezoff, N., landing and shipping


G. Bollmann

C. Mietke

R. Ford

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Langelütje, Joh. H., merchant

J. H. Langelütje

Ad. Andreae C. Albertz

C. Jollasse C. Lühdorf

Sheveleff & Co., M. G., merchants

M. G. Sheveleff (absent)

C. N. Shoolingin, signs per pro. A. G. Bollmann

W. G. Ruberg

G. J. Yartseff


K. Lewashoff J. Stschukin

A. W. Wassileff A. F. Belajeff N. J. Samiatin P. Spremist N. Nakamuria

A. Manakoff

S. Permin

Lindholm & Co., O. W., merchants, pro-

prietors of Steam Flour Mills

O. W. Lindholm

G. Neibaum (San Francisco) A. Walden

J. Yareloff, bookkeeper V. Krivoshapkin

J. Rosenström

V. Sharikoff

A. Sharikoff

H. Lenny, engineer and manager,

flour mill

E. Falcken, merchant and manager,

Nicolsk flour mill

W. H. Lincoln, master steam

brig "Siberia"

D. Kustakin, chief officer,


A. Bostholm, master schooner

'Kostik "


Fritz, master "Tschaika



A. Pedersen, manager brick fac-


Ménard, A., baker and biscuit manufac- turer, contractor to Government and British Navy

Moncet, A., proprietor Steam Saw Mill

Piankoff, M., merchant

W. P. Piankoff, manager

S. Stepanoff

Schultz, Carl, photographer

Semionoff, J. L., merchant

J. L. Semionoff

A. T. Soovoroff

Str. Baikal

M. G. Sheveleff & Co., owners P. G. Lemasheffsky, captain A. De Chey, chief officer

P. M. Zookoffsky, second officer W. Mitzger, chief engineer

Shoolingin, C. N., merchant

S. A. Sensinoff

Skolnicoff, K. A., storekeeper

J. Belokopitoff

A. Kaufmann

Smith, Oscar, stevedore

Sonnenblick, T., ship supplier

Spengler, O., merchant and com. agent

A. Wort, signs per pro.

Teissier, T., café restaurant

R. Pontele

Wladivostock Brewery

Erwin Kunhardt (Hamburg) G. Lipman & Geffcken do. P. L. Semenoff, manager

J. Kuster, signs per pro. A. Rieck

A. Schubert, brewer

Tschuren & Co., merchants J. S. Tschurin (absent) V. Babintsoff

A. Feklin, signs per pro. Korsakof

W. Gavriloff Sokoloff


W. Tarasoff Beloff

Wladiwostock Windmill

C. H. Hagemeyer, proprietor

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The system of government of the Japanese Empire is at present that of an absolute monarchy. It was adopted in the year 1868, when the now ruling sovereign overthrew, after a short war, the power of the Shogun, together with that of the Daimios, or feudal nobles, who on the 25th June, 1869, resigned their lands, revenues, and retainers, to the Mikado, by whom they were permitted to retain one-tenth of their original incomes, but ordered to reside in the capital in future. The sovereign bears the name of Supreme Lord, or Emperor; but the appellation by which he is generally known in foreign countries is the ancient title of Mikado.

Mutsu-hito, the reigning monarch, was born at Kyoto, on September 22nd, 1652; succeeded his father, Komei Tenno, 1867; married December 28th, 1868, to Princess Haro-ko, born April 17th, 1850, daughter of Prince Itchijo. The reigning Emperor is the 123rd of an unbroken dynasty, which was founded 666 B.C.. By the ancient and regular law of succession the crown devolves upon the eldest son, and, failing male issue, upon the eldest daughter of the sovereign. This law has often been disregarded in consequence of the partiality of the monarch or the ambition of power- ful ministers, which was one of the principal causes that culminated in the dual system of Government in Japan. The old law of succession has, however, been restored during the present reign. The Throne has frequently been occupied by a female.

The power of the Mikado is really absolute, but ita exercise is controlled to some extent by custom and public opinion. The Emperor himself, in 1875, when the Senate and Supreme Judicial Tribunal were founded, solemnly declared bis earnest desire to have a constitutional system of government. Since that time any legislative measure, before becoming law, must go before the Senate for discussion and pass that assembly by a majority of votes. The Mikado has long been regarded as the spiritual as well as the temporal head of the Empire, but although the present sovereign is favourable to the Shinto faith, he does not actively interfere in religious matters, and all religions are tolerated in Japan. The Ecclesiastical Department was in 1877 reduced to a simple bureau under the control of the Minister of the Interior. The Mikado acts through an Executive Ministry divided into ten departments, namely:-The Kunai Sho (Im- perial Household), Gaimu Sho (Foreign Affairs), Naimu Sho (Interior), Okura Sho (Finance), Kobu Sho (Public Works), Kaigun Sbo (Navy), Rikugun Sho (Army), Shiho Sho (Justice), Mombu Sho (Education) and Nomu Sho (Agriculture and Commerce). The Government has been re-organized during the last few years. The Sain, or Left, was abolished in 1875, and the Sho In, or Centre, in 1877. In place of these the Genro In (the Seuate), and the Daisbin In (the Supreme Judicial Tribunal) have been established, and, united with the Daijo Kwan, (Imperial Council of Senate), form the Administrative Authority. The Dai- jo Kwan, the centre of the Executive power, consists of the Prime Minister, Vice- Minister, and the Sangi or Councillors. The Council is presided over by the Mikado. The ministers decide ordinary questions, only measures of Imperial importance being submitted for the decision of the Mikado. The Genro In discusses and elaborates or modifies all laws prepared by the Daijo Kwan for enactment. The Daishin In has the power of reviewing and annulling the decrees of inferior courts. In September, 1881, in a proclamation the Mikado announced bis intention of grant- ing a constitution and representative Government to Japan in the year 1890.

The Empire is divided for administrative purposes into three Fu, or cities (Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka), and forty Ken, or districts, including the Loochoo Islands, which have been converted into a ken, and named Okinawa, and Yesso, which has lately been

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divided into three ken. These fu and ken are governed by prefects. The prefects of the three cities are of higher rank and have more extensive powers than those of the ken. The latter are all on an equal footing, are under control of the Naimu Sho, and have limited powers, being required to submit every matter, unless there is a precedent for it, to the Minister of the Interior. Nor have they any concern in judicial proceedings since the establishment of the twenty-three local Courts and the four Supreme Courts at Tokyo, Sendai, Nagasaki, and Osaka, over which the Daishin In presides at Tokyo.

Previous to the last change of Government, which restored the ancient Imperial régime, the administrative authority rested with the Shogun (Military Comman der) whom foreigners were at first led to recognise as the temporal sovereign, and with whom they negotiated treaties of peace and commerce. The Shogunate was founded in 1184 by Yoritomo, a general of great valour and ability, and was continued through several dynasties until 1869, when the Tokugawa family were dispossessed of the usurped authority. Under the Shogun two hundred and fifty Daimios (feudal princes) shared the administrative power, being practically supreme in their respective domains, conditionally upon their loyalty to the Shogun; but their rank and

                                          power disappeared with the Shogunate. On the 7th July, 1884, however, His Majesty issued an Imperial Notification and Rescript rehabilitating the nobility, and admitting to its ranks the most distinguished civil and military officials who took part in the work of the Restoration. The old titles were abolished, and have been replaced by those of Prince (Ko), Marquis (Kô), Count (Haku), Viscount (Shi), and Baron (Dan). The nobles now number 500, and the future House of Peers will thus be easily constituted.


The estimated total revenue of Japan for the year 1886-87 was given in official returns at $74,695,415, and the total expenditure at $74,689,014, a large increase on the previous year's estimates.

The domestic debt of Japan in 1886 was $237,905,297. The Foreign debt amounted to $7,522,032.

Army and Navy.

The armed force of Japan is divided into the Standing Army, the Reserve, and the Militia, and the troops into five classes. The Standing Army comprises 42 battalions of Infantry, and one of Cavalry, 30 batteries Artillery, 14 companies Engineers, 6 companies of Transport Corps, and 9 companies Marine Artillery. When on a peace footing the Army numbers about 32,300 men, and on a war footing 85,000 men. They are stationed in various parts of the Empire, which is divided into six military districts, having headquarters at Tokyo, Nagoya, Sendai, Osaka, Hiroshima, and Kumamoto. Camps are established in 37 places. Not included in the above are the Imperial Guard, composed of about 3,700 picked troops, which bring up the strength of the regular army, in time of peace, to some 44,426. The army has been organised on the French system by officers specially selected by the French Government.

The navy of Japan consists of one ironclad frigate, four composite corvettes, three steel cruisers, one ironclad turret ship, four wooden corvettes, three sloops, eight gunboats, one despatch vessel, and three training ships, all steamers, besides three torpedo boats. The largest of these ships, the ironclad frigate Fu-so, has a displacement of 3,700 tons with engines of 3,500 horse-power. The armour is from 7 inches to 9 inches in thickness, while the armament consists of four 151-ton and two 51-ton steel breechloaders by Krupp, so arranged as to command every point of the horizon. The second largest ship of the navy is an ironclad corvette, called the Kon-go, which has a displacement, of 2,800 tons, with engines of 2,500 horse-power, and has a belt of armour 4 inches thick. The armament consists of 12 Krupp guns, capable of throwing steel shells of 142 pounds. The Hi-yei is a sister ship to the Kon-go. The steel cruiser Tsukushi-kan steams 16 knots an hour, and carries two 25-ton breechloading guns, one in the bow and stern respectively. Two more fast and powerful armed cruisers, the Naniwa Kan and Takachiho Kan, built by Messrs. Armstrong & Co. in England, arrived in Japan in 1886. They

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steam 18 knots an hour and carry two 25-ton breechloading guns besides machine guns.



The total area of Japan is estimated at 156,604 square miles, and the popula tion according to census returns for 1883, prepared on the 1st January, 1884, was 37,451,764, namely, 18,954,770 males and 18,496,994 females. The empire is geogra phically divided into the four islands: Hondo, the central and most important territory; Kiushiu, "the nine provinces," the south-western island; Sikoku, "the four states," the southern island; and Yesso, the most northerly and least developed. The former three islands are sub-divided into eight large roads, containing sixty-six provinces, and the latter (Yesso) is divided into eleven provinces. Administratively, as before mentioned, the Empire is divided into fu and ken, each ken containing more than one province.

    Education is very general in Japan, and is making greater progress than before the revolution which made Japan a monarchy. In 1971, the Mikado appointed a Board of Public Instruction, which is reported to be very active. Of Middle Schools there are 163 public and 9 private esta shments. There are 76 Normal Schools; and Colleges for special studies, such as Law, Medicine, Mining, Agriculture, and Foreign Languages, and 5 High Female Schools have been established, and are carefully fostered by the Government. In order to facilitate the acquirement of foreign languages, the Government of the Mikado has engaged many European professors, and also sent, at the public expense, a large number of students to America and Europe. An association called the Romaji Kai, for promoting the adoption of the Roman alphabet in Japan, was formed in 1885, and is making progress.

The trade of 1886 was divided between the ports in the following proportions:-



Kobe and Osaka...



























The two staple articles of import into Japan in the year 1880 were cotion yarn and cotton piece goods and woollen and mixed cotton and woollen fabrics, the former of the value of £1,681,840, and the latter of the value of £699,973. The two staple articles of export in the year 1886 were raw silk, of the value of £3,312,466, and tea, of the value of £1,287,220. The commercial intercourse of Japan is carried on mainly with two countries, namely, Great Britain and the United States of America, the former absorbing more than two-thirds of the whole.

By treaties made with a number of foreign Governments the Japanese ports of Kanagawa (Yokohama), Nagasaki, Kobe, Hakodate, Niigata, and the cities of Tokyo (formerly called Yedo) and Osaka were thrown open to foreign commerce. A revision of the treaties is desired by the Japanese Government, and negotiations to that end are proceeding.

    Railways in Japan are now being rapidly pushed forward. The first railway constructed was the one connecting Yokohama with Tokyo; it is 18 miles long and was opened for the traffic as a single road on the 12th June, 1872, and was completed as a double line throughout on the 8th May, 1880. The gauge, like that of all other railways in Japan, is 3 ft. 6 in. The Kobe and Osaka section, 22 miles long, was.com- pleted and opened to passenger traffic on the 11th May, 1874; the extension of the same from Osaka to Kyoto, 27 miles in length, was opened to traffic on the 5th Sept., 1876; and the extension from Kyoto to Otsu, 11 miles in length, was formally opened by the Mikado on the 14th July, 1880. The Tsuruga and Ogaki Railway, 49 miles in length, connects the northern end of Lake Biwa with the Japan Sea, was com-

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menced on the 6th April, 1880, and opened for traffic throughout on the 25th May 1884. The foregoing are Imperial Government Railways. The Japan Railway Company, which has a capital of 20,000,000 yen, has constructed the following lines: -The Uyeno (Tokyo), Takasaki, and Mayebashi section was commenced in 1882, and was opened to Takasaki, a length of 68 miles, on the 25th June, 1884; another portion, from Takasaki to Sakamoto, 17 miles in length, was opened to traffic on the 15th October, 1885; and a branch of the same from Omiya to Utsunomiya, 49 miles in length, was opened to traffic on the 16th July, 1885. Utsunomiya is only 22 miles distant from Nikko, which contains the most famous and beautiful temples in Japan, and the district round is equally renowned for the beauty of its scenery. The line will therefore prove a great convenience to tourists. The Shinagawa and Kawaguchi Railway is a connecting link between the Tokyo and Yokohama and Takasaki lines, 13 miles in length, and was opened on the 1st March, 1884. The first section of a line to connect the capital with Kyoto, from Yokohama to Kodzu, 35 miles in length, was opened to traffic on the 11th July, 1887. The Temiya, Sapporo, and Poronai Railway, constructed by the Government, is the only railway in the island of Yesso. This line, which starts from the harbour of Temiya to the coal mines at Poronai, is 563 miles in length, and was completed in May, 1883. It is constructed on the lightest and cheapest American system.

The ports of Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, Nagasaki, and Hakodate are connected with each other, and with Europe, by lines of telegraph, and the telegraph system has lately been extended to all the important towns of the Empire. Japan has joined the Universal Postal Union, and for the past six years has conducted the interna- tional as well as domestic postal service.


Nagasaki is a city of great antiquity, and in the early days of European inter- course with the Far East was the most important seat of the foreign trade with Japan. It is admirably situated on the south-western coast of the island of Kiushiu. A melancholy interest attaches to the neighbourhood as the scene of the extinction of Christianity in the empire and the extermination of the professors of that religion in 1637. At the entrance to the harbour lies the celebrated island of Pappenberg, where thousands of Christian martyrs were thrown over the high cliff rather than go through the form of trampling on the cross. Not far from Nagasaki is also the village of Mogibay, where 37,000 Christians suffered death in defending themselves against the forces sent to subdue them. Whe en the Christian religion was crushed and the foreigners expelled, to the Dutch alore was extended the privilege of trading with Japan, and they were confined to a small plot of ground at Nagasaki called Desima. By the treaty of 1858, Nagasaki was one of the ports opened to British trade on the 1st July in the following year. On entering the harbour of Nagasaki no stranger can fail to be struck with the admirable situation of the town and the beautiful panorama of hilly scenery opened to his view. The harbour is a landlocked inlet deeply indented with small bays, about three miles long with a width varying from half a-mile to a mile. The native town is on the eastern side of the harbour, and is about two miles long by about three-quarters of a mile in extreme width. The foreign settlement adjoins the native town on the south side. The chief mercantile houses are situated on the bund facing the harbour, behind which are a few streets running parallel with it, and there are a number of private residences on the hill side. There are English Protestant and Roman Catholic churches and a commodious club. The Nagasaki dock is capable of docking the largest steamers. Its dimensions are:-Length (inside caisson at top), 438 feet; length on blocks, 375 feet; breadth of entrance at top 89, and at bottom, 77 feet; depth of water on blocks at spring tides, 27 feet 6 inches, and at neap tides 22 feet. The climate of Nagasaki is mild and salubrious, but in

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summer it is hot during the day by reason of the position of the town, beingfin a hollow surrounded by hills.

After the opening of the port the trade for several years steadily developed, but it subsequently declined, owing to various causes, but chiefly perhaps on account of its gradual attraction to Yokohama. Latterly there has been a slight improvement in the export trade. The chief articles of import are cotton and woollen manufactures. The principal exports are coal, tea, camphor, rice, vegetable, wax, tobacco, and dried fish. There are several very productive coal mines on the islands near Nagasaki, of which the Takashima mine, which is under European management, is the most important, The net output of the Takashima mines in 1886 was 295,494 tons; that of the various other mines, 435,461 tons.

The value of the foreign import trade of Nagasaki during the year 1886 was £196,914 as compared with £233,481 in 1885, and that of the foreign export trade, £798,241 as against £611,845 in 1885. Coal is the staple article of export, accounting for about half of the total export trade.

The population of Nagasaki in 1885 was 33,518. The number of foreign residents, as given in the Consular report for 1886, was 977 (including 284 children), of whom 716 were Chinese, 95 British, 54 American, 13 German, and the rest of various nationalities. A small foreign weekly paper entitled the Rising Sun is pub-

lished in the port.



Consul―J. J. Enslie

Assistant-E. A. Griffiths

Constable-S. F. Lawrence


Consul-Frandon, (Kobe)


Consul-J. J. Enslie




Consul-A. Reddelien


Consul-A. Reddelien


Consul-H. Iwersen


Acting Consul-V. Kostileff


Acting Consul-F. Ringer

H.B.M.'s Consul in charge of Spanish in-

terests-J. J. Enslie

United States.

Consul-John M. Birch

Clerk-S. R. de Souza

Consul-V. Kostileff



Acting Vice-Consul-John M. Birch Chancelier-S. R. de Souza


Consul-J. C. Smith


Consul-Tsai Hsien

English Translator-Fau Tsung

Japanese Interpreter-Liu Cheinz Fun

Chinese Secretary-Liang Wei Nien


S. Nagayama, di ector

M. Sugiura, chief clerk in charge of postal


Y. Hugiwa, chief clerk in charge of tele-

graph service

Jas. Stewart

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Y. Yoshida, physician and surgeon

EDUCATION Department.

G. H. Colton Salter, M.D.

Insurance Companies.

Boeddinghaus, C. E., agent-


Transatlantic Marine Insurance Company

· Hamburg and Bremen Underwriters Bureau Veritas

Netherlands Fire Insurance Co.

China & Japan Trading Co., Ld., agents-

China Traders' Insurance Co., Limited China Fire Insurance London & Lancashir

Ld. re Insurance Co. ce Co.

Standard Life Assu Phoenix Fire Insurance Co. Commercial Union Fire Insurance Co. Manchester Fire Insurance

Holme, Ringer & Co., agents-


Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld. Chinese Insurance Company, Limited North British & Mercantile Insurance Co Yangtsze Insurance Association Singapore Insurance Co., Ld. Straits Fire Insurance Co., Ld. Straits Insurance Co., Ld.

Iwersen, H., agent-

Imperial Fire Insurance Company

Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents-

Hongkong Fire Insurance Company, Ld. Canton Insurance Office, Limited North-China Insurance Co., Ld.

Reddelien & Co., A., agents-

Northern Assurance Company

Transatlantic Fire Insurance Company German Lloyd's

P. & Ò. S. N. COMPANY.

! Holme, Ringer & Co., agents

MESSAGERIES MARITIMES. Holme, Ringer & Co., agents


H. Iwersen, agent

    GLEN LINE OF STEAMERS. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents

INDO-CHINA S. N. Co., Ld. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents

Ocean Steam Ship Company. Holme, Ringer & Co., agents

NIPPON YUsen Kaishia.

S. Yamada

E. H. Duus agents

T. C. Davieson

T. A. Christensen, master of receiving

ship Kozaki-maru


Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and


Holme, Ringer & Co, agents

Chartered Mercantile Bank

A. Reddelien & Co., agents

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpn.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents

New Oriental Bank Corporation, Limited

Holme, Ringer & Co., agents

Merchants, Professions, and Trades,

Adams & Co., M., butchers and compradores

M. Adams G. Sutton

Anderson, John, storekeeper

"Army and Navy Inn"


"Belle Vue Hotel"

A. Drewell, proprietor

Mme. Labastie D. Borri, cook

Boeddinghaus, C. E., merchant

"Britannia Hotel"

I. Steinbach

"British Queen" Tavern

J. Wedler

"Brooklyn Free and Easy"

J. J. Johnson

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China and Japan Trading Company,


Edward Rogers, manager (absent)

F. G. Stone, acting manager

Jas. Jones

R. M. Scott

E. W. H. Smith

C. F. Oberlein

Y. Kumamoto

Y. Fuji

"City of Hamburg" Tavern

H. Goldenberg

Doel, P., police inspector

Drewell, A., coal, ship and freight broker,

and commission agent

"Eureka Hotel

Mrs. E. Felman

"Falcon Hotel"

H. Mills

H. Thomson

"Germania Bowling Saloon B. Felman, proprietor

Ginsburg, M., merchant

M. Mess

Goldman, S., storekeeper

Gordes & Co., photographers

A. Gordes

H. Gordes

Great Northern Telegraph Company

C. H. Kragh, superintendent V. Kofod, electrician

H. Koïke

M. Ikuta

K. Watanabe

G. Horike

Y. Furumi

S. Harada

Holme, Ringer & Co., merchants

F. Ringer

J. C. Smith

R. M. Smith

A. B. Glover

A. M. d'Almeida

R. Phillips

H. E. Angier J. W. Baird

M. Smith

"International Hotel" J. S. Massie

Iwersen, H., merchant

Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants

R. Holme, agent

Geo. Bozier

Lake & Co., Geo. W., shipchandlers, &a

Edward Lake

T. Scott

Macpherson, A., ship carpenter

"Medical Hall


W. Hooper, proprietor

Mess & Co., merchants

N. Mess

Mitsu Bishi Sha

P. Krebs, agent


Nagasaki Dockyard and Engine Works

J. F. Calder, manager

W. H. Devine, accountant H. Nakamura, cashier J. Hill

D. Crowe

J. Wilson

A. Dainty

J. Hutchison F. Wengel

J. Mansbridge

Nagasaki Aerated Waters Manufactory

W. Hooper, proprietor

Nagasaki Club

Jas. Jones, hon. sec. and treas.

Nagasaki Bowling Club

A. Norman, hon. sec. and treas.

Nagasaki Theatre

J. C. Smith, hon. sec.

Powers & Co., R. H., shipchandlers, com

mission merchants, and auctioneers

R. H. Powers

F. Nevells

J. Couder

N. Takamura

Pignatel & Co., storekeepers

Victor Pignatel

C. Pignatel (absent)

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Reddelien & Co., A., merchants

A. Reddelien

*Restaurant l'Union'




Rising Sun & Nagasaki Express" print- ing office

C. Sutton, proprietor

A. Norman, manager

Salvery, A., French Bakery

"Seamen's Institute," coffee house and

reading room

Rev. A..B. Hutchinson, hon. sec. Smith, Capt. J. U., surveyor to Germanis- cher Lloyd, Bureau Veritas and local Insurance offices

Smith's Hotel

J. U. Smith, proprietor Sutton, C., general contractor

*Universal Saloon"

J. Crevich

TAKASIMA Colliery.

Iwasaki Hisaya, proprietor, Tokyo Kawada Koicbiro, manager do.

F. Wuriu, agent


H. B. Haskell, shipping clerk


M. Yamawaki, agent

J. M. Stoddart, superintending mining


K. Nambu, mining engineer

D. Robertson, mechanical engineer

€. Brown, underviewer

Masonic Lodge.


 Right Worshipful Master-D. Robertson I. Past Master-J. F. Calder

Deputy Master-D. Crowe

Senior Warden-J. Hutchison Junior Warden-J. Hill Treasurer-J. Dainty Secretary-A. Norman Senior Deacon-C. Brown Junior Deacon-W.

J. U. Smith M. Banks A. Topping,

G. Taylor

P. A. Dethlefsen F. Bischoff


Nagasaki Harbour

Gulf of Tokyo to Naga-

saki viâ Inland Sea


FRENCH ROMan Catholic.

Right Rev. J. Cousin, Bishop of Acmonia and Vicar Apostolic of Southern Japan Rev. M. A. Salmon, provicar apostolic Rev. M. M. de Rotz Rev. A. C. A. Pélu Rev. Th. Fraineau Rev. J. M. Corre Rev. J. F. Marmand Rev. E. Raguet Rev. M. Sauret Rev. Fr. Bonne Rev. J. Cl. Combaz Rev. J. B. Ferrié Rev. Jos. Ed. Bohrer Rev. J. Fr. Matrat

Rev. F. D. Tissier

Rev. J. B. Durand

Rev. L. Fr. Garnier


Sœur Marie-Justine, superieure Sœurs St. Elie, Zacharie, Agnès, Auysie


Rev. J. C. and Mrs. Davison

Rev. Chas, and Mrs. Bishop

Rev. D. S. and Mrs. Spencer

Miss E. Russell

Miss E. A. Everding


Rev. H. Stout

Rev. N. H. Demarest

Rev. A. Oltmars

Miss M. E. Brokaw

Miss R. L. Irvine


Venble. Archdeacon Maundrell


Rev. A. B. Hutchinson

Inner Guard-R. M. Scott Steward-J. Wilson Tyler J. S. Massie

Rev. J. B. Brandram

Mrs. E. Goodall Miss M. E. Brandam

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Adams, Mrs. M. C.

Boeddinghaus, Mrs. C. E. Brandram, Miss J. B. Brokaw, Miss M. E.

   Christensen, Mrs. T. A. Crevich, Mrs. J. Crowe, Mrs. D.

Davidson, Mrs. J. Demarest, Mrs. N. H. Drewell, Mrs. A. A. S. Duus, Mrs. E. H. Everding, Miss E. A. Felman, Mrs. L.



Gheer, Miss J. M.

Goldman, Mrs. S.

Goodall, Mrs. E.

Haimovich, Mrs. M. Harris, Mrs. H. Haskell, Mrs. S. E, Hutchinson, Mrs. A. B.

Hutchison, Mrs. J.

Irvine, Miss R. L.

Kragh, Mrs. C. H. Labastie, Mme. Lawrence, Mrs. S. F. Mansbridge, Mrs. J.

Mills, Mrs. H.

Reddelien, Mrs. A. Reymond, Mrs. J. B. Ringer, Mrs. F. Russell, Miss E.

Smith, Mrs. J. C.

Smith, Mrs. J. U.

Smith, Mrs. R. M.

Souza, Mrs. S. R. de Stone, Mrs. F. G. Stout, Mrs. H.

Walker, Mrs. R. N. Wengel, Mrs. F. Wilson, Mrs. J.



Kobe is the foreign port of the adjoining town of Hyogo and was opened to foreign trade in 1868. It is finely situated on the Idzumi-nada, at the gate of the far famed Inland Sea. The harbour is good and affords safe anchorage for vessels of almost any size. The two towns face the landlocked water covered with white sails, while behind, at a distance of about a mile, rises a range of picturesque and lofty hills, some of which attain an altitude of about 2,500 feet, and the steep sides of which are partly covered with pines. Kobe and Hyogo stretch for some three miles along this strip of land between the hills and the water. The Foreign Concession at Kobe is well laid out, the streets are broad and clean, and lighted with gas. There is a Municipal Council consisting of the Prefect, the Foreign Consuls, and three elected members of the community. The Bund has a fine stone embankment and extends the whole length of Kobe. The foreign houses are neatly built, and the San- nomiya railway station, within three minutes' walk of the Concession, has a very English look. The railway terminus is at the other end of Kobe, where it meets Hyogo, and there are extensive carriage works adjoining the station. A rice-cleaning mill was started here in 1885. The foreign concession at Kobe is the "model settlement of Japan. There is a good Club and a spacious recreation ground at the East end of the settlement. The Union Protestant Church and a French Roman Catholic Church are in the Concession, and there is also a native Protestant Church in Kobe town. The Hyogo Hotel is situated on the Bund, at the west end of the settlement. A well conducted foreign daily paper, entitled the Hiogo News, is published in Kobe, and there are one or two native papers. The population of Kobe-Hyogo in January, 1887, was 101,231. The foreign residents in Kobe in 1886 numbered 1,000, of whom 596 were Chinese, 223 British, 56 German, and 52 American.


    The old town of Hyogo is only divided from Kobe by the river Minato-gawa, which is spanned by a substantial stone bridge. Hyogo contains few features of interest, and the streets and shops are inferior to those of Kobe. The Temple of Shin-ko-ji,

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 which possesses a large bronze Buddha, is worth a visit; and there is a monument to the Japanese hero Kiyomori, erected in 1286, in a grove of trees in the vicinity of the temple, which claims some attention from its historic associations. A new Slip, which will accommodate vessels up to 2,000 tons, has been constructed in the Imperial Shipbuilding Yard at Hyogo, and was opened on the 20th September, 1885. Its total length is 900 feet; length above water, 300 feet; breadth, 38 feet; declivity, 1 in 20. The slip is worked by hydraulic power. The population of Hyogo in January, 1886, was 27,720.

Kobe is connected with Osaka by rail, the distance between being twenty miles. This line, which has been extended to Kyoto (the ancient capital of Japan), a distance of 27 miles from Osaka, was formally opened to traffic along its whole length by the Mikado on the 5th February, 1877, and has since been successfully worked. The connection of Osaka with Kobe by rail has naturally tended to centralise trade at the port of shipment. Among the exports, tea, rice, camphor, copper, and vegetable wax, take the lead. The value of the foreign import trade for 1886 was $11,038,563; that of the exports $12,519,900. In 1885, the value of the imports was $8,567,100, and that of the exports $9,024,300. The quantity of tea shipped from Kobe-Hyogo last season (1886-87) was 18,197,370lbs., compared with 16,875,345lbs. in the preceding season. The whole of this went to the United States of America and Canada. Shipbuilding is an important industry of the port, and a goodly number of iron and wooden screw steamers are annually laid down here.




Consul-Chas. Braess


Assistant, and pro-Consul-F. W. Playfair Consul-S. Endicott


Consul-James Troup

Constable-W. J. Hooper


Vice-Consul-E. Frandon

Assistant-F. Steenackers

Interpreter-Shozi Kataro


Consul-Hsu Cheng-Li

Secretary and Interpreter-Choy Chew Secretary-Yu Jackson

Japanese Interpreter-Yung Yin Chee


Goneul-W. F. K. Fearon


Acting Consul-Dr. jur. H. Stannius


Consul-Chas. Braess


H.B.M. Consul in charge of Spanish In-

terests-James Troup


Acting Coneul-Dr. jur. H. Stannius


Acting Consul-James Troup

GERMAN EMPIRE.-5. Consul-Dr. jur. H. Stannius Secretary-H. Gutbrod Amtsdiener-R. Bernhardt Interpreter-S. Homma

United States.15-

Consul-T. R. Jernigan

Vice-Consul-Hunter Sharp

Marshal-Hunter Sharp


Interpreter-W. Ebihara

Consul-H. E. Reynell


Acting Consul-Dr. jur. H. Stannius

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Sweden and Norway.-91.

Consul-Chas. Braess

Imperial Government.


Utsumi Tadakatsu, Chiji

Makino, Shoshokikwan

Murano Sanji, Shoshokikwan



Municipal Council.

Wakiyaka Hiota, chief inspector of police Tojio Saburo, commissioner of the Foreign

Office, Hyogo Ken

KOBE SHISHIN AND KEIZAI SAIBANSHO. Takagi Tsutomu, resident and chief judge Akahori Yoshitami, acting chief judge Fukukama Yoshitaka, chief kenji Hirakura Yasaku, interpreter and re- Yegawa Masanobe,



Kimihira Yegawa, superintendent

M. Watanabe, appraiser

F. Upton


    IMPERIAL NAval Yard, Onohama. 8. Yamagata, director

T. Kirino, manager

POST OFFICE-Sakai Machi.

Toshi Kano, postmaster B. Santa, clerk in charge


Toshi Kano, director

K. Sudzuki, clerk in charge B. Yoshida, vice do.

KYOTO, KOBE, and Otzu Railway. Engineers and Locomotive Establish-


C. A. W. Pownall, M.I.C.E., resident


B. F. Wright, M.I.C.E., locomotive supdt. G. Nankivell, foreman in charge of smiths'

and boiler shops

W. Pitts, foreman in charge of locomotive

and carriage shops

J. Hall, running foreman

R. Horn, inspector of locomotives, Kyoto W. F. Page, agent and traffic manager,

General Offices, Kobe Station


YOSENSHO (SHIPBUILDING AND ENGINEEring Yard) Shinden. 8. Kwasaki, proprietor and manager S. Watanabe, chief secretary

The Governor of Hyogo

The Consular Body

T. Lenz

F. S. Goodison

R. Hughes

H. Trotzig, superintendent


W. Toms (sergt.), W. Rae, Max. Geschke,

11 Japanese


Committee-M. T. B. Macpherson (chair- man); R. Hughes, Chas. Braess, T.. Lenz, S. Endicott Secretary-J. C. Abell


Manager-E. Bonger

KOBE HOSPITAL (HYOGOKEN Kenritsu.) Dr. T. Kanda, director

Dr. Shiraikosaku

NIPPON YUsen Kaisha. (Japan Mail Steamship Co.) K. Uchida agents

F. Plate,

T. A. Ekstrand

G. H. Dunbar, master barge Ikuta

P. & O. S. N. COMPANY.

, agents

Compagnie des MessagerIES- MARITIMES.

P. Falque, sub-agent

E. Dumonteil-Lagrege

NORDDEUTCHER LLOYD S. N. Co. H. Ahrens & Co., nachfolger, agents

AUSTRO-HUNgarian Lloyd's S. N. Co. Browne & Co., agents

NAVIGAZIONe Generale Italiana. (Florio & Rubattino United Cos.) Simon, Evers & Co., agents


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APCAR & Co.'s Calcutta-HONGKONG


Browne & Co., agents



Fearon, Low & Co., agents


Simon, Evers & Co., agents


Butterfield & Swire, agents


Smith, Baker & Co., agents

      BEN LINE OF STEAMERS. Mourilyan, Heimann & Co., agents


OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Butterfield & Swire, agents----


Ahrens & Co., H., nachfolger, agents-

Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society London Assurance Corporation, Fire,

Marine and Life

Browne & Co., agents-

Canton Insurance Office, Limited Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Limited British & Foreign Marine Insurance

Company, Limited

Marine Insurance Company, Limited Straits Insurance Co., Limited Straits Fire Insurance Co., Ld. Standard Life Assurance Co. Singapore Insurance Co., Ld.

Butterfield & Swire, agents-

Royal Exchange Assurance Corpors-

tion (Fire)

Braes, Chas., sub ageut-

Manchester Fire Insurance Co. Lubeck Fire Insurance Company

China and Japan Trading Co., agents-

Phoenix Fire Insurance Co.

Cornes & Co., agents-

Lancashire Insurance Company Royal Exchange Assurance Corpora-

tion (Marine)


Delacamp & Co., agents-

Alliance Assurance Co.

Faber & Voigt, agents-

Hamburg and Bremen Underwriters Norddeutsche Feuer Versicherungs

Gesellschaft, Hamburg

Consolidated Marine Insurance Co.

of Berlin and Dresden, London

Fearon, Low & Co., agents--

Boston Board of Underwriters London and Lancashire Fire Insur-

ance Company

Union Insurance Society of Canton New Zealand Fire and Marine In-

surance Company

Scottish Union and National Insur-

ance Company

New York Life Insurance Company

Heinemann & Co., Paul, agents-

China Traders' Insurance Co., Limited Imperial Fire Insurance Company Merchant Shipping and Underwriters

Association, Ld., of Melbourne

Hellyer & Co., agents-

City of London Fire Insurance Co.

Hughes & Co., agents-

Commercial Union Fire Insurance Co. National Marine Insurance Associa-

tion, Limited

Royal Fire & Life Insurance Co. Universal Marine Insurance Co.

Illies & Co., C., agents-

Transatlantische Feuer Versicherungs Actien Gesellschaft of Hamburg Scottish Imperial Insurance Co.

Morf & Co., H. C., agents--

North British and Mercantile In-

surance Company

Hamburg Magdeburger Feuer Ver-

sicherungs Gesellschaft Hanseatische Feur Vereicherungs


General Marine Insurance Company,

Limited, Dresden

Mourilyan, Heimann & Co., agents➡

North China Insurance Company, Ld. China Fire Insurance Company, Ld.

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Oestmann, A., agent-

Hamburg Bremen Fire Insurance Co.

Simon, Evers & Co., agents-

Chinese Insurance Co., Limited Helvetia Swiss Fire Insurance Com-

pany of St. Galls

Helvetia Marine Insurance Company

of St. Galls

Prussian National Fire Insurance Co.,


Smith, Baker & Co., agents-

Guardian Fire Assurance Co., London South British Fire and Marine Insu.

rance Co., of New Zealand

Strachan & Co., W. M., agents- Northern Assurance Co. Queen Insurance Co.

Stucken, Edmund, agent-

Mannheim Marine Insurance Co., Ld. Fire Insurance Association, Ld. Fire Insurance Co., of 1877, Hamburg

Walsh, Hall & Co., agents-

London & Provincial Fire Insurance

Company, Limited

Yangtsze Insurance Association

Wilkin & Robison, agents-


Sun Fire Office

Underwriting and Agency Association

Professions and Trades.

Abell, Jno. C., bill & bullion broker, and

agent for E. B. Watson--27

Ahrens & Co., H., nachfolger, merchants


Th. Hake (Yokohama)

E. Wismer

G. R. Mosle

C. Debbe

American Tra ing Co.-17

C. W. Dimock, agent

I. W. Beauchamp


Bacharach, Oppenheimer & Co., mer.


R. Hoeckert

Baker & Co., Colgate, merchants- 49

Colgate Baker

C. E. Stephens

T. Morofugi

Bing & Co., S.

S. Bing


A. Bing



H. Ernaux

D. Dubuffet (Yokohama)

J. Peny

A. Dubuffet

Blackmore, J., commission merchant-64

Bonger, W. C., architect and surveyor-

78B, Concession

Bonger, E., private Hotel-79

Mrs. E. Bonger

Braga & Co., V. E., Shimoyama te dori-15

V. E. Braga

Butterfield & Swire, merchants-103

H. T. Baggallay A. G. Brown

Browne & Co., merchants-26 H. St. John Browne ...M. T. B. Macpherson *Eugene H. Gill Walter Brent H. Clement

C. D. Rickerby

Byrne, Ed., bill & bullion broker and

marine surveyor-83

Cabeldu & Co., P. S., tailors and general


P. S. Cabeldu

Carroll & Co., commission merchants-

38 Native Bund

C. F H. Titjin

K. Naka

Carroll, J. D.-38, Yama

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Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and


Browne & Co., agents

Chartered Mercantile Bank of India,

London and China

Cornes & Co., agents

China and Japan Trading Company, Li-

mited-4, Native Bund

Wm. Posch, manager

F. H. Ziegfeld F. L. Marshall

Conort, P.-Ono

Cornes & Co., merchants

Fredk. Cornes (London) W. H. Taylor (Yokohama) Arthur Winstanley (absent)

F. S. Goodison Saml. Endicott E. T. Nicholas

H. J. Marshall

Coswell, S. J., engineer, 31 Sakaye machi

Creagh, J., solicitor-1, Native Town

De Ath & Co., A., Eastern and Colonial


A. De Ath

A. Morris

F. de Roza

Delacamp & Co., merchants-121

H. O. Delacamp (New York) Ch. Lange-de la Camp

W. Gordon

A. A. Thomas

F. X. Braga

Down, W., outfitter and fancy goods

store, 18B


Drummon, W. E., merchant

Wm. Kerr

Ellerton, J., consulting engineer, naval architect and surveyor; surveyor to Lloyd's Register-13

Faber & Voigt, merchants-25

H. Faber

T. Lenz

Emil Junker

R. Hirschfelder

Fearon, Low & Co., merchants-118

W. F. K. Fearon James Green

Th. de Berigny

E. F. Botelho

Fitz Gerald & Co., mineral waters makers.

and exporters-97, Native Bund

Maurice Fitz Gerald

Gerald Fitz Gerald

Green, Geo.-11, Ikuta Baba

Greppi, A,,-90 Native Town

Grosser & Co., merchants-32

E. Grosser (absent) F. Grosser (Yokohama)

G. Natermann

Hagart & Co., merchants-111

H. W. Hagart

T. Kondo

S. V. Roza

Heinemann & Co., Paul, merchants-8 P. Heinemann (New York) Otto Reimers (Yokohama)

Oscar Voigt

M. Pors

Wm. Döbbeling C. P. Falck

Hellyer & Co., mercbants-112

F. Hellyer

T. W. Hellyer (Yokohama)

J. R. Elliott

B. H. Pearson (Yokohama) N. Q. Guterres

F. A. de Jesus

Hiogo News" Office, F. Walsh & Co.

-1, Native Town

F. Walsh

J. Creagh, editor

"Hiogo Hotel," 36, Bund

W. G. Johnson

Hyogo Gas Company-Ono

Browne & Co., general agents and


E. Byrne, chairman, E. H. Gill, R. Hughes, A. Oestmann, R. Mac- lagan, directors

R. Paton, engineer

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Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor-


A. H. C. Haselwood, agent

H. H. Vacher, assistant accountant

C. L. Anderson

F. dos Remedios

F. F. Guterres

"Hotel des Colonies "-56

M. Boudon

Hughes & Co., merchants-53

Robt. Hughes

K. Ueta

Hunt & Co., merchants-62

H. J. Hunt

E. Hunt

A. E. Trew

J. C. Hartland (Yokohama) R. E. B. Wood

Hunter & Co., E. H., merchants, 29; agents Osaka Iron Works and Dock Company, and Hirano Rice cleaning and polishing Mills, Hyogo

E. H. Hunter

J. C. May F. H. Hunter J. D. Woodford

J. C. Wilkinson

A. Dauw

W. Dauw

Illies & Co., C., merchants-12

C. Illies (Tokyo)

G. Reddelien (absent)

M. Kochen

R. G. Robert

F. Bielfeld

International Hospital of Hyogo-Ikuta-


E. Frandon, chairman, J. F. Broad- bent, C. W. Dimock, H. L. Bag- gallay, W. Fearon, hon. secretary,


T. C. Thornicraft, medical director

A. Aarestrup, steward

Isaacs and Brother, R.-50

J. A. Ailion

Japan Mineral Waters Manufactory-18

A. C. Sim

Kobe Cricket Club

H. Lucas, president

F. R. Southern, captain

F. W. Playfair, hon. sec., T. C. Thornicratt, C. E. Stephens, com- mittee

Kobe Club-Ono

W. Fearon, honorary secretary

Kobe Pharmacy and Dispensary, chemists and pharmacists and booksellers and stationers-3, Division street

J. Thompson & Co.

Kobe Fire Brigade

A. C. Sim, superintendent

M. T. B. Macpherson, hon. secretary

Kobe Hair Dressing Saloon,-63, Divi-

sion Street

J. Ines da 'unha

Kobe Ice Co.-Works, Ono, Office, 26

Ed. Byrne, A. W. Gillingham, H. St. J. Browne, A. Oestmann, directors Browne & Co., secretaries

R. Paton, engineer

Kobe Paper Mill

J. G. Walsh

J. Blechynden

Kobe Regatta and Athletic Club

A. C. Sim, captain

E. T. Nicholas, hon. secretary and


Kobe Temperance Hall

J. Troup Rev. H. J. Foss, F. L. Mar- shall, hon. secretary and treasurer, trustees

Langfeldt & Mayers-18

A. Langfeldt (Yokohama) 8. Mayers (San Francisco) J. L. Mayers, manager J. F. Woodford

L. Xavier

W. E. Harris

H. Esabro

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Langgaard, Kleinwort & Co., merchants.

in liquidation-82

Otto A. Kleinwort, liquidator

Levy & Co., M., merch ints-68, Concession

T. A. Singleton (Yokohama) M. Levy (London)

J. L. Yous do.

B. Enthoven

Lucas & Co., H., merchants-20

Henry Lucis

H. B. Woodford W. Schmidt

McFarlane, E. P., L. R. C. P. & S. Ed.,

medical practitioner-30, Hill

Marians & Co., I., merchants-55

I. Marians (London)

J. Geen


L. D. Abraham

J. P. Fox

H. H. Jacobs (Yokohama)

Mascarenbas & Co., J. S., brokers and

commission agents-12

Mawe & Co., merchants-81

Wm. Mawe (London) F. H. Mawe do.

Geo. Sale, manager

C. V. Sale

W. H. Sale

Fred. G. Sale

McKenzie & Co., commission merchants

-39, C'oncession

Spencer G. McKenzie (Yokohama) Chang Ah Hok

F. V. Samuels

Medical Hall-18

A. C. Sim

B. Strachan


Mourilyan, Heimann & Co., merchants-

33, 34 and 35

Chas. A. Heimann (absent) Arthur H. Groom (Yokohama) W. J. Cruickshank

A. W. Gillingham

J. J. Skinner

John Gillingham M. Baggallay

A. Milne F. J. Rickerby


Morf & Co., H. C., merchants-82

O. Münch (Yokohama)

O. A. Kleinwort

E. Becker

W. Lange

Muller, C., Eureka Hotel-18

Mur, J. M., public accountant, auctioneer

and estate agent-36, Division St.

New Oriental Bank Corporation Ld.-11

L. C. Masfen, manager

F. H. Grant, assistant accountant

Nickel, C. F. M., stevedore and landing

agent, 2, Division St.

A. Frost, foreman

C. Bruhn do.

Nicolle & Co., merchants-42

P. A. Nicolle

T. H. Bethell (London)

T. Inouye

Oastler & Co., engineers, ship-buildersc blacksmiths, iron and brass founders, coppersmiths and general contractors- Shinden

'W. Oastler

Oestmann, A., commission merchant-47

A. Oestmann

T. Meyerdircks

C. Oestmann

Olson, John, stevedore-97, Bund

Oppenheimer Frères, merchants-28

M. Blum, agent


J. Em. Lemière

F. Bischoff, P. A. Dithlefsen A. Topping, G. Taylor, Inland Sea aud Coast

J. Harris, Kii Channel

Prince of Wales' Inn-86, Division St.


L. Horsley

Reynell & Co., H. E., merchants --14

H. E. Reynell

E. B. Jones, (Yokohama)

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Roehr, Victor, agent for Orobio de Castro | Tallers, W., merchant-43

& Co., Amsterdam and Berlin-30

Rottmann, Strome & Co., merchants, Mo-

tomachi Sichome

C. J. Strome (Yokohama)

F. Hamada

S. Tanaka

Schlesser, N., merchant-85

A. Vischer

Samuel Samuel & Co.-63

M. Samuel (absent) S. Samuel

W. F. Mitchell


F. J. Bardeno

H. Stean

E. Fox (Yokohama)

J. Raddigan

Simon, Evers & Co., merchants-101

Jul. Simon (Hamburg) Aug. Evers

M. Rosch

A. Solmitz

Skipworth, Hammond & Co., tailors -

Division street

W. G. Skipworth

A. M. Delf

A. H. Jaques

Smith, Baker & Co., merchants-8

W. H. Morse (absent) E. B. Smith (Yokohama) R. B. Smith (absent)

A. T. Prichard

F. S. Morse

Star Tavern-35, Native Town

J. Brown

Strachan & Co., merchants-1

W. M. Strachan (London) J. P. Reid (absent)

J. D. Hutchison (Yokohama)

J. W. Crowe J. S. Esdale

C. T. Kew

Stucken, Edmund, merchant-66

Takasima Colliery

Browne & Co., agents


Thornicraft, T. C., L.R.C.P. Ed., L.M.,

M.R.C.S.E., medical practitioner-94

Travellers' Billiard Room and Bowling


J. Dutronquoy, proprietor

Vigan & Co., J. de, merchants-22

J. de Vigan (Paris)

Ch. de Vigan do. M. Renard

J. Delaliye

G. Le Roy

Walsh, Hall & Co., merchants-32

John G. Walsh

Thomas Walsh (Yokohama) Arthur O. Gay do.

C. P. Hall

Warburton, W., landing and shipping

agent-97, Native Bund

Wehrmann, F., baker-Ikuta-maye, 2

Whymark & Co., Geo., butchers, bakers,

and storekeepers, 81, Division St.

Geo. H. Whymark

H. A. Xavier H. Sellman

Wilkin & Robison, merchants-26

H. St. J. Browne

Yanny, Geo., storekeeper-43

UNION PROtestant CHURCH. N. F. Page, Rev. F. L. Atkinson,


R Hughes, hon. treasurer


ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION. Notre Dame des sept douleurs, 37. L'Abbe Jules Chatron, mission. apost. L'Abbe Henri Perrin, miss. apost.


Orphelinat des Sœurs du St. Enfant Jesus. Mére Ste. Anne, superieure Sœurs Therese, St. André

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Rev. J. W. Lambuth, D.D., and Mrs.


Rev. W. R. Lambuth, M.D., and Mrs.


Rev. O. A. Dukes, M.D., and Mrs. Dukes Rev. C. B. Moseley

Miss N. B. Gaines Rev. B. W. Waters

AMERICAN BOARD MISSION. Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Atkinson, 48 Hill De Witt C. and Mrs. Jencks, (absent) Miss E. M. Brown, 36, Hill

Miss M. J. Barrows 1, Hill

Miss S. A. Searle, 36, Hill

Miss J. E. Dudley, 1, Hill Miss E. B. Gunnison, 36, Hill Miss A. T. Davis, (absent)


Rev. H. J. Foss, M. A., San-no-miya Cho H. Hughes, Mission School, do.

AMERICAN Baptist MissioN. Rev. H. H. Rheeз-5, Hill

R.v. G. H. Appleton-Shimonoseki


RISING SUN Lodge, No. 1401, E.C. Wor. Master-M. Fitzgerald

I. Past Master-R. Hughes

Senior Warden-Rev. Edmonds Junior Warden-Geo. H. Why mark Sec. & Treas.-H. Lotz

Senior Deacon-L. D. Abraham

Junior Deacon-R. Hamilton

Inner Guard-H. A. Jaques Tyler Ch. N, Spottiswoode

Hyogo and Osaka Lodge, No. 498, S.C. Right Wor. Master-Bro. J. C. May Im. Past Master-Bro. J. W. Barry Deputy Master-E. Bouger

S. M.-Bro. F. Walsh

Senior Warden-Bro. C. E. Stephens Junior Warden-Bro. F. H. Hunter Treasurer-E. H. Hunter P.M. Secretary-Bro. W. Warburton, P.M. Senior Deacon-Bro. W. G. Skipworth Junior Deacon-Bro. A. Aarstrup Inner Guard-Bro. T. Ditton Tyler--Bro. H. Heidkeper


  Osaka is the second city in Japan in point of size and commercial importance, and has not inaptly been termed the Venice of the Far East, owing to the manner in which it is intersected by canals. The city is compact and well laid out, the streets being regular, clean, and animated. Osaka is essentially Japanese, though a go-ahead and progressive city, and possesses much of interest to the foreign visitor. It is situated in the province of Settsu, and is built on the banks of the river Ajikawa, about five miles from the sea. The river is only navigable for small vessels, and on the opening of the railway to Kobe the foreign trade of Osaka commenced to decline. Almost all the foreign firms in the latter city have removed to Kobe. The most imposing and at the same time the most interesting object to be seen in Osaka is the Castle, erected in 1583 by one of the Shoguns, the famous Tai-ko-Sama. Though less extensive than that of Tokyo, it is a much grander and more striking edifice, and is indeed, on the whole, the finest example of the ancient feudal castles of Japan. It is now occupied by the Osaka garrison, and forms the headquarters of one of the six great military districts. The city is the seat of the provincial government, which is called Fucho, in contradistinction to the other provincial governments, which are termed Kencho. Osaka is the seat of numerous

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industries, including a cotton spinning mill, shipbuilding yards, and iron works, and the Imperial Mint is located there. This establishment is in active operation and turns out a coinage not surpassed by any in the world. The population of the city in 1887 was 299,154; the number of foreign residents in 1886 was 238, of whom 121 were Chinese, 66 American, and 25 British, nearly all of the two latter nationalities being missionaries. The imports and exports are included with those of Kobe- Hyogo.


Government Departments.


Tateno Gôzô, Chiji

Imai Gonichi, Sho-ki-kwan Takenouchi Koretaka


Takasaki Chika Akira, superintendent of


Sato Cho, chief collector of revenue


General Visct. Takashima, commandant

OSAKA KOSO SAIBANSHO. (Court of Appeal).

Kojima Korekata, Chief Judge, President

OSAKA SHISHIN SAIBANSHO. (Court of First Instance).

Imai Gon-ichi, Chief Judge, President


Colonel Makino, director

Colonel Tajima

Major P. Asa

Major P. Grillo

M. Bisso

M. Forniers



K. S. Endo, commissioner

Wm. Gowland, F.C.S., F.I.C., Assoc.

  R.S.M., technical adviser, chemist and assayer

R. MacLagan, M.I.M.E., engineer


Acting Consul-L. Du Bois


The Governor of Osaka

The Consular Body

Rev. H. Evington, chairman

L. Du Bois, vice chairman and hon.


Rev. G. Allchin

Dr. H. Laning, hon. secretary

W. Loxton, superintendent of police

Professions & Trades.

China and Japan Trading Company, Li-


Wm. Posch, manager

T. Asai

Agents Phoenix Fire Insurance Co.

Favre-Brandt, C. & J., watch and clock

importers-10, Concession

C. Favre-Brandt (Yokohama) J. Favre-Brandt

L. Du Bois

Heitkemper, H.-17


Gulick, Dr. Theodore, W., 26, Concession

Kidsugawa Cotton Mill

R. Neil

Morrison & Co., merchants-111

John Morrison

Nippon Yusen Kaisha

K. Uchida, agent

G. Haruta, acting agent

Roeser, P., 1, Honden

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CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Miss J. Caspari, 8, Concession Rev. G. Chapman, 3, Concession Rev. J. and Mrs. Dunn, 3, Concession Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Edmonds, 9, Conces-


Rev. H. Evington, M.A., and Mrs. Eving-

ton, 4, Concession

Miss Hamilton, 17, Concession

Rev. G. H. Pole, M.A. and Mrs. Pole, 23


Rev. F. H. Spencer, 9, Concession

   Cumberland PRESBYTERIAN MISSION. Rev. J. B. Hail, 13, Concession Rev. A. D. Hail (absent)

Rev. G. G. Hudson, Aridacho, Itchome,


Miss Julia Leavitt, 19, Concession Miss Alice M. Orr (absent)

Miss A. M. Dren an, 22, Concession Miss B. A. Duffield, Aridachome, Itchome,


Miss Rena Rezner, 22, Concession

AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN MISSION. Rev. T. T. and Mrs. Alexander, 14b. Con-


Rev. C. M. and Mrs. Fisher, 15, Concession Rev. J. P. and Mrs. Hearst, 33, Concession Miss Nettie Warner, 16b, Concession Miss A. E. Garvin, 16b,



Rev. T. S. and Mrs. Tyng, 14, Concession Rev. J and Mrs. McKim (absent)

Rev. H. D. and Mrs. Page, 7, Concession Rev. J. and Mrs. Dooman, 27,


H.Laning, M.D. and Mrs. Laning, 5, do. Miss M. Mailes, 27,


Miss E. Williamson, 6,



Rev. Wallace Taylor, M.D., 15, Concession Miss F. A. Gardner, Tosa Bori, Uradori,


Miss A. M. Colby, 25, Concession

Miss A. Daughaday, Tosa Bori, Uradori,


Rev. J. T. Gulick (absent)

Rev. Geo. Allchin, 24, Concession

Miss M. Poole, 25, Concession


Miss Boulton, 17, Concession Miss Hamilton,



Furukawa Bashi.

L'Abbé M. J. Plessis, Kotchi L'Abbé H. Vasselon

L'Abbé P. Aurientis, Iche,

L'Abbé H. Adam, Osaka uchi Awajimachi L'Abbé H. Daridon Matsuyama L'Abbé L. Chuquet

L'Abbé P. Compagnon, Hiroshima L'Abbé A. Catin,


SISTERS OF Charity 1 & 2, CONCESSION. Rev. Mère Justine, superieure générale Sœur Bernardiue, superieure local Sœurs Norbert and Marie



Rev. M. L. Gordon, D D. and Mrs Gordon Rev. J. D. Davis, D.D.

Rev. D. W. Learned, Ph.D. and Mrs.


Rev. D. C. Greene, D.D. and Mrs. Greene Rev. M. R. Gaines, and Mrs. Gaines Rev. C. M. and Mrs. Cady

J. C. Berry, M.D. and Mrs. Berry Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Stanford Edmund Buckley

Mrs. Sara Buckley, M.D. Miss F. Hooper

Miss L. A. J. Richards

Miss M. E. Wainewright

S. C. Bartlett, Jr.

FRENCH CATholic MissiON. L'Abbé Aimé Villion, mission, apost. L'Abbé L. Relave


American Board MissiON.

Rev. Otis Cary, Jr.

Rev. J. H. Pettee (absent) Rev. Orramel H. Gulick Rev. Geo. M. Rowland Miss Eliza Talcott

FRENCH CAtholic MissION.

Rev. A. Luneau

Rev. Ch. Muty

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     The capital of Japan [until the Restoration called Yedo] is situated at the north of the Bay of Yedo, has a circumference of 24 miles, and covers a surface of nearly 36 square miles. The Sumida, or Great River, runs through the city, dividing Tokyo proper from the districts on the east side called Honjo and Fukagawa.

     Tokyo as viewed from the bay is a pleasant-looking city, being well situated on undulating ground, and possessing abundant foliage. The city is divided into fifteen grand divisions, each of which is again subdivided into smaller sections. It is in fact more like an aggregation of towns than one great city. The Castle of Tokyo occupies a commanding position on a hill a little to the westward of the centre of the city. It is enclosed in double walls, and surrounded by a fine broad moat. Within the Castle formerly stood the Imperial Palace and several public offices, but the destructive fire of the 3rd of April, 1872, levelled these ancient and massive buildings, leaving only the surrounding lofty turrets and walls. Since this great disaster, by which more than 5,000 houses were destroyed, the Mikado has taken up his residence temporarily in one of the Daimios' palaces at Akasaka, while the public offices are now located in new brick or stone buildings in various places near the Castle. A new Imperial Palace on the old site is in course of construction. The Imperial Garden called Fukiage is situated within the enclosure of the Castle. It is tastefully laid out in the pure native style, and contains fine forest trees, rare and beautiful plants of all kinds, a large pond, cascades, &c., and is most carefully kept. This fine garden well repays inspection, and admission can readily be obtained twice a week by visitors with orders granted by the different Legations.

     Between the Castle and the outer walls, a large area was until recently occupied by the numerous palaces of the Daimios, but nearly all these feudal erections have now given place to smart brick or stone buildings, used as Public Offices, Barracks, Government Schools, &c., so that at the present time very few of the Daimios' palaces remain to illustrate what old Yedo was like in the time of the Shogunate. Some of those that remain, near the Castle, have been converted into Government Offices. They are large long buildings of a single high storey, plain but substantial, with no pretensions to architecture, but interesting as reminiscences of feudal Japan.

     The remaining portion of the city outside the walls is very densely inhabited, and may be called the commercial district of Tokyo. It has a circumference of 24 miles and covers an area of about 29 square miles. The most important part of the business quarter is on the east of the Castle, and is traversed by a main street running from the north to the south-west under different names. A considerable length of this thoroughfare, which is called Guinza, is lined with newly built brick buildings in the European style; the road is wide and well kept, the pavement broad and planted with trees on either side. As it is in close contiguity to the railway station, it is always very animated and thronged with vehicles and foot passengers.

     The north end of the main street leads to the new public park or garden named Uyeno, which was formerly occupied by the magnificent Temple founded and main- tained by the Shoguns, and which was destroyed by fire during the revolution in July, 1868. In these grounds the Industrial Exhibition of 1877 was erected, when the gardens were converted into a public pleasure resort by the Government. Several exhibitions have since beeu held here and have proved very successful. In Uyeno is also situated the fine Imperial Museum (Haku-butsu-kwan).

     Among the places much resorted to by visitors is the ancient temple of Quannon, at Asakusa, not far from Uyeno, one of the most popular and most frequented temples in Japan. The temple is elevated about 20 feet from the ground. A flight of steps gives access to the interior. There is a chief altar at the extreme end of the temple, with side chapels at its right and left, containing a great number of wooden images and ex votos. The interior is not very large, and is not

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  so conspicuous for cleanliness as most of the public buildings in Japan. At the right of the temple there is a fine old Pagoda, and near it two colossal stone statues. A new park was also opened close to the temple, about the same time as that of Uyeno. Thus, with Shiba in the South West, where are to be seen some of the splendid shrines of the Shoguns, among the chief glories of Tokyo, there are three large public gardens within the city. The buildings which are called the Temple of Confucius were formerly the University of Tokyo, but this has been superseded since the Restoration by the Tokyo Dai-gaku-kö (Tokyo University), and other schools in which Foreign instructors are employed. There are altogether 1,275 temples in Tokyo, some of which are fine edifices.

    The districts of Honjo and Fukagawa form the quiet portion of the capital. This quarter is connected with Tokyo proper by five great bridges, some of which are constructed of stone and some of wood. They are called, commencing on the north, Adsuma Bashi, Umaya Bashi, Riogoku Bashi, Ohashi, and Yeitai Bashi respectively. The quay on the banks of the Sumida forms a spacious and handsome street, and may be especially recommended to a traveller who has only a few days to spend in Tokyo. In passing along the quay, he will see across the stream several fine temples and great buildings which stand on the western bank of the Great River, and he may get at the same time a very good idea of the animated river-life of the Sumida, whose waters are always covered with junks and boats of all descriptions.

A great part of the remaining area forming the district North of the Castle is covered by paddy fields, in the midst of which rise picturesquely situated houses. There are also extensive pleasure gardens, such as Aska-yama, and neat little villages. The surface covered by paddy fields and pleasure gardens may be estimated at 41 square miles. The part West of the Castle contains fifty temples, and a number of nobles' palaces. The district on the South of the Castle, with an area of about of 17 square miles, contains about sixty temples. The most remarkable among them is the Tera of Meguro.

    Several great fires have during the last few years swept Tokyo, and these have led to great improvements and the widening of the streets. Rows of good houses in brick and stone, and new bridges, in many cases of iron or stone, have been built, and the city has in many portions been thoroughly modernised. Tramways have been laid and the cars are usually crowded with passengers. The main streets and those adjacent to them are lighted by gas, and the remainder by oil lamps. A race course has been formed close to Uyeno. Lines of telegraph, amounting in all to 200 miles, connect the various parts of the city with one another, and with the country lines. The main streets are broad and well kept, and improvements attend the work of reconstruction after each conflagration. But as the city is in a transition state, it necessarily presents many strange anomalies. Side by side with lofty stone buildings stand rows of rude wooden houses. As with the buildings so with the people; while the mass still wear the native dress, numbers appear in European costume. The soldiers and police are dressed in uniform on the

Western model.

    The environs of Tokyo are very picturesque and offer a great variety of pleasant walks or rides. Foreigners will find much to interest them in the country round. The finest scenery is at the northern and western sides of the city, where the country is surrounded by beautiful hills, from which there is a distant view of the noble mountains of Hakone, while beyond rises in solitary grandeur the towering peak of Fusi-yama, covered with snow the greater part of the year. The population of Tokyo and its suburbs was, according to the official census of 1885, 1,207,847, of whom 631,005, were males and 576,842 females. The foreign residents number about 800, many of whom are in Government or Japanese employ. The number of houses in 1885 was 361,479.

    The native Press is represented by more than a hundred newspapers, several of which are dailies. Among them the Nichi Nichi Shimbun, the Hochi Shimbun, the Choya Shimbun, the Jiji Shimpo, and the Mainichi Shimbun, take the lead. There are 1,225 schools of different classes, including one university.

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1, Gobantcho, Koji-machi. Hon. Sir F. R. Plunkett, K.C.M.G., Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary, and Consul-General (absent) Hon. P. H. Le Poer Trench, secretary of

Legation, Chargé d'Affaires

T. B. Clarke-Thornhill, second secretary W. G. Aston, Japanese secretary

J. C. Hall, assistant Japanese secretary

(acting consul at Yokohama)

J. H. Gubbins, acting assistant Japanese

secretary, and vice-consul

J. H. Longford, chancelier (absent)

R. de B. M. Layard, second assistant


R. G. E. Forster, A. H. Lay, student


H. C. Litchfield, legal adviser

Dr. E. Baelz, medical officer

  Rev. A. C. Shaw, M.A., honorary chaplain Ogita Masaichi, linguist

Mounted Escort.

P. Peacock, inspector

Vice-Consulate. (Koji-machi.)

J. H. Longford, vice-consul (absent)

UNITED STATES. 1, Tsukiji.

Richard B. Hubbard, Envoy Extraordinary

and Minister Plenipotentiary

Fred'k S. Mansfield, secretary of Legation Edwin Dun, 2nd


Dr. W. N. Whitney, interpreter


1, Ura Kasumigaseki.

Dimitri Schévitch, Envoy Extraordinary

and Minister Plenipotentiary

A. de Speyer, secretary

Y. Tihaï, attaché (absent)

Geo. de Wenndrich, student interpreter W. Boukhovetsky,

Rev. Anatoly, chaplain



4, Sannencho, Tora-no-mon. Commandeur Renato de Martino, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pl nipoten- tiary Luigi Casati, interpreter


7, Nagata-cho, Ni-cho-me.

J. A. Sienkiewicz, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary (absent) E. Bourgarel, first secretary, Chargé


J. B. Bedout, third secretary

Captain A. E. Bougoüin, military attaché J. A. Dautremer, second interpreter L'Abbé Evrard, honorary interpreter T. Adam, third interpreter Dr. A. Mécre, physician Kurosawa Shuji, writer


14, Nagata-cho.

Dr. Theodor von Holleben, Envoy Extra- ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary Baron C. von Doernberg, secre:ary of Le-


Ferd. Krien, interpreter

Fritz von Zander, student interpreter


3, Akasaka Tamato Yaski.

Count C. Zaluski, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary for China, Siam, and Japan (absent)

Henry von Siebold, Chargé d'Affaires


1, Tokyo Shiba Kiridoshi.

J. J. van der Pot, Minister Resident Leon. van de Polder, secretary. interpreter Dr. W. van der Heyden, physician

SWEDEN ANd Norway,

1 Tokyo Sbiba Kiradoshi. J. J. van der Pot, Minister Resident Léon van de Polder, secretary-interpreter Dr. W. van der Heyden, physician


24. Fukidetcho.

Firmino José da Costa, Envoy Extraor

dinary and Minister Plempoteniary (absent)

José de Silva Loureiro, Consul Genera

and chargé d'affaires, ad. int. E. J. Pereira, vice-consul and acting


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118a, Bluff, Yokohama.


Geo. Neyt, Envoy Extraordinary and Mi-

nister Plenipotentiary

G. Berden, chancellor (absent) Idaka Yosimasa, interpreter


67, Isarago Shiba.

José Delavat y Areas, Minister Resident

and Consul General (absent)

Pedro de Carrere y Lembeye, Chargé


Juan Perez Caballero, secretary of Lega-


Kitsokazu Ouchimasu, interpreter


5, Shiba Kiridoshi.

R. W. Irwin, Minister Resident and Con-

sul General


1, Tokyo Shiba Kiridoshi

J. J. van der Pot, diplomatic representative Léon van de Polder, secretary-interpreter



Count Oyama Iwao, Minister of War Count Saigô Tsukumichi, Minister of the


Count Yamada Akiyoshi, Minister of Jus-


Viscount Mori Arinori, Minister of Edu-


Count Kuroda Kiyotaka, Minister of Agri-

culture and Commerce

Viscount Adiniral Enomoto Takeaki, Mi-

nister of Communications

Viscount Tanaka Mitsuaki, chief secretary

for Naikaku

KIROKU KYOKU (RECORD Bureau). Sone Arasuke, director

Kaikei Kyoku (Accountant'S OFFICE.) Inoue Kiyoshi, director

KAM PO KYOKu (Official Gazette.) Takahashi Kenzo, sub-director

TOKEI KYOKU (STATISTIC BUreau.) Ishibashi Shigetomo, director

Sera Taichi, sub-director



C. Rohde, Consul, in charge of consulate-Shigeno Yasunori, superintendent

general (absent)

Eug. von der Heyde, in charge


2, Nagata-cho, Nitchome.

Hsu Cheng-tsu, Envoy Extraordinary and

Minister Plenipotentiary

Yang Shoo, secretary

Chin Ming-Yuan, secretary

Loo Yung Ming, interpreter


Count Yanagibara Sakimitsu, president Viscount Ogiu Yuzuru, vice-president

HOSEI KYOKU (LEGISLATIVE BUREAU.) Viscount Yamao Yôzô, president

Executive Section.

Sung Lin, Hsu Chih Yuen, Liang Chih Tai, | Iwasaki Kojiburô, councillor and director

Chin Chia Lin, attachés

Ko Nêng Tsun, physician

Imperial Government.



Count Itô Hirobumi, Prime Minister and

Minister for Foreign Affairs Count Yamagata Aritomo, Minister for

Home Affairs

Count Matsukata Masayoshi, Minister of


Law Section.

Hirata Tosuke, councillor and director

Judicial Section.

Mayabara Akira, councillor and director

KAIKEI KENSA In (Board of AUDITORS.) Dosambashi-dori.

Viscount Watanabe Nobori, president G. Boissonade de Fontarabie, legal adviser H. Roesler, A. Mosse,

do. do.

P. Jaudon, architeet and civil engineer

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TETSUDO KIOKU (RAILWAY Bureau.) Viscount Inoue Masaru, chief comm'ner Noda Masaharu, commissioner Iida Toshinori, chief engineer Matsumoto Soichiro, chief engineer

A. S. Aldrich, A.I.C.E., sec,, Yokohama R. W. Thorp, clerk,


Northern Lines.


Head Office, Yokohama Station. F. H. Trevithick, A.M.I.C.E., locomotive


John McDonald, foreman mechanic, fitting


R. Hosking, foreman mechanic, fitting shop J. Anderson, locomotive inspector R. Ward,


Southern Lines. General Offices, Kobe Station. W. F. Page, agent and traffic manager Engineers' and Locomotive Establishments. C. A. W. Pownall, M.I.C.E., resident


B. F. Wright. M.I.C.E., M. I. M. E., lo-

comotive superintendent

G. Nankivell, foreman in charge of smith

and boiler shops

W. Pitts, foreman in charge of locomotive

   and carriage shops J. Hall, running shed foreman

R. R. Horn, inspector of locomotives, Kyoto M. Smith,


Osaka T. R. Shervinton, M.I.C.E., consulting en-

gineer in London

Malcolm, Brunker & Co., agents in London


Viscount Hisamoto Hijikata, minister Count Tomosane Yoshi, vice-minister Y. Sakurai, chief of division of internal

affairs (Naiji Kwa)

Y. Sannomiya, chief of division of ex-

ternal affairs (Guiji Kwa)

Marquis Tokukaiji Sanetsume, grand

chamberlain (Jiju Shiki)

Marquis Nabeshima Naohiro, president of

board of ceremony (Shikibu Shiki) Baron Takaaski Harukaze, asst. predt., do. Viscount Sugi Magohicbirô, Taifu, in charge of the Empress Dowager's house- hold (Kôt aikogo Shiki)

Viscount Kagawa Keizô, Taifu, in charge of the Empress's household (Kôgô Shiki) Prince Iwakula Tomosada, Taifu, in charge

of imperial table (Daizen Shiki)


Viscount Sugi Magohichirô, superintend、

ent imperial treasury (Kura Ryô) Viscount Kagawa Keizô, president, palace

keeper's office (Tonomo Ryô)

K. Kawabata, chief of palace police office

(Kôkyo Keisatsusho)

Inoue Kawashi, president, imperial library

(Zusho Ryô)

M. Tsutsumi, president, construction office

(Takumi Ryo)

Colonel Komeda Taroa, acting superin.

tendent, imperial stable (Shiume Ryô) Viscount Kakawa Keizó, president, impe

rial tomb keeper's office (Shoryô Ryỗ) Hida Hamagoro, president, imperial es-

tates (Goryo Kyoku)

Dr. Ikeda Kensai, president, imperial phy.

sician's office (Ji-i Kyoku) Tsutsumi Masanori, superintendent, pro.

provision office (Chôlo Kyoku) Marquis Tokudaiji Sanetsune, president

peerage bureau (Kwazoku Kyoku) Viscount M. Sugi, superintendent of new palace architecture (Kokyo Gozoeijimu Kyoku)

K. Otori, director boys' school of peerage

(Gakushin In)

Miss U. Shimoda, inspectross, girls' sohool

of peerage (Kazoku Jio Gakko)

N. Yamataka, acting chief of museum

(Hakubutsu Kwan)

Prince Sanjo Sanetomi, (Naidaijin) Lord、

keeper of the Seals

GENRO IN (SENATE.) 5, Iwata-machi.

Count Oki Takatô, president Count Higashikuze Michiyoshi, vice-


G. Boissonade de Fontarabie, legal adviser


1, Kasumigaseki, Tokyo. Count Hirobumi Ito, minister Viscount Siuzo Aoki, vice-minister


Keiroku Tsuzuki, secretary to the minister Tsunasuke Ohyama,

do. T. Sameshima,


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Vice-Minister Viscount Siuzo Aoki, direc-


K. Hongma, U. Hurusawa, T. Sekiguchi, secretaries to the ministry for foreign affairs

Seimu Ka (Section of Political Affairs.)

Jinji Ka (Section of the Personnel.) Becretary to the Ministry for Foreign Af-

fairs-K. Hongma, chief

Section of Reports.

Secretary to the Ministry for Foreign Af-

fairs-U. Hurusawa, chief

Ofuku Ka (Section of Despatches.) Sub-Director of the Direction of Archives

-R. Naito, chief

Deushin Ka (Section of Ciphers.) Secretary of Legation-A. Satô, chief


Y. Assada, director

TORISHIRABE KYOKU (LAW BUREAU). K. Hatoyama, director T. Kato, assistant director


K. Hatoyama, director

J. Komura, sub-director T. Imstati, translator


R. Naito, sub-director

KWAIKEI Kyoku (Direction of ACCOUNTS.)

Y. Asada, director

A. Tatsuta, sub-director

H. W. Denison

F. Sarazin

NAIMUSHO (HOME DEPARTMENT.) 2, Ote-machi I-chome.

General Count Yamagata Aritomo, mi-


Yoshikawa Akimasa, vice-minister


Homatsubara Yeitaro

Osada Keitarô

Higaki Naoye

Kuroda Tsunahiko

Arakawa Kunizô Hisamatsu Sadahiro Ukawa Seisaburo Kume Kinya

KEIKAMBO (MINISTER'S SECRETARIAT). Omori Chôichi, confidential secretary Nakayama Kwanrokurô, do.


Ofukukwa (Correspondence Office.) Sawa Masashi, director

Hokokukwa (Section of Reports) Akidzuki Shintaro, director

Bunsh Kwoa (Documentary Section.) Shirane Senichi, director

Kiroku Kwa (Section of Archives.) Akidzuki Shintaro, director

Koseki Kwa (Census Office.) Kuroda Tsunashiko, director

Tosho Kwa (Section of Library.)

Sawa Masashi, director


Suyematsu Kincho, chief commissioner Toriyama Shigenobu, asst.



Kioura Keigo, chief commissioner Tarabara Nagateru, assist. do.

Keikwanren Shujio (Police Training School.)

Higaki Naoye, director

H. F. W. Hoehn, professor


Nishimura Sutezô, chief commissioner

Nakamura Koki, assist.

J. de Ryke, civil engineer

A. J. L. R. Mulder,



YEISEI KYOKU (Sanitary Bureau.) Nagayo Sensai, president


Yoshikawa Akimasa, vice-minister for

Home Affairs, president

Dr. E. Wheeler

Dr. Stuart Eldridge

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   Sakurai Tsutomu, chief commissioner Fukuda Shigenobu, assist. do.



Arai Ikunosuke, director E. Knipping, meteorologist


   Maruoka Kwanji, chief commissioner Terashima Akisuke, assist.



Oya Yasushi, chief commissioner Fujisawa Chikayuki, assist. do.


Ishizawa Kingo, governor, Tokyo prison Takayama Itsushô, governor, Miyagi pri-


Kanbara Tomifumi, governor, Meiki prison Sakabe Makota, governor, Hyogo prison

OKURASHO (FINANCE DEPT.) 2, Ote-machi, I'chome.

Count Matsukata Masayoshi, minister Gỗ Junzô, vice-minister


Kwashima Jun

Narikawa Hisayoshi

Yokose Fumihiko

Komai Jokaku

Sakabe Kunsei


   Hirayama Narinobu, coufidential secretary Tani Kinichiro



Go Junzo, president

     Bunsho Ka (Documentary Office.) Fujishima Seiken, director

Denhiô Ka. (Warrant Office) Aoki Kanichi, director

Ofuku Ka (Communication Office.) Ura Haruki, acting secretary

Hôkoku Ka (Report (ffice.)

Ro Takaakira, director

Kantoku Ka (Inspector's Office.)

Yoshida Ichijirô, director

Biko Chochiku Ka (Distress Relief Fund Office.)

Suzuki Riko, director

Seiri Ka (Adjuster's Office.)

Suzuki Riko, director


SHUJEI KYOKU (REVENUE BUREAU.) Nakamura Motowo, chief commissioner


Nakano Kenmei, acting commissioner Konmuchi Tomot-une, assist. do.

KANZEI KYOKU (CUSTOMS BUREAU.) Nakano Kenmei, chief-commissioner Ishikawa Ariyuki, assist.


SHUKEI KYOKU (ACCOUNTANT'S OFFICE.) Watanabe Kunitake, chief commissioner Fukaye Juucho, assist.


SUITO KYOKU (TREASURER'S BUREAU.) Matsuo Onuyoshi, chief commissioner Nagao Taishin, assistant



Tajiri Inajirô, chief commissioner

Nomoto Takayoshi, assist. do.

KINKO KYOKU (Treasury.)

Kobayashi Koai, chief commissioner

Shinozaki Masayasu, assist. do. Yamanouchi Hoshu, accountant


Katô Watari, chief commissioner Uwatoko Kisai, assist.


YOKIN KYOKU (DEPOSIT BUREAU.) Ono Naosuke, chief commissioner Sekiguchi Tadaatsu, assist. do.

KIROKU KYOKu (Record Bureau.) Uura Haruki, chief commissioner Sawakara Gentarô, assist. do.

KAIKEI KYOYU (DISBURING Bureau.) Yamamoto Toyomi, chief commissiorer Lieut. Yanagita Yosetsu, assist. do.

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Arishima Takeshi, supdt.,

Watanabe Itaru, assist. do.

Yokohama do.

J. F. Lowder, standing counsel,


H. Z. Wheeler, appraiser,


Yegawa Kunpei, superintendent,

Frank Upton, appraiser,

Yegawa Kunpei, superintendent,

Kobe do. Osaka

Hirakawa Buhei, supdt.,


Noda Takao, superintendent,



Ashiwara Kiyokaze, supdt.,


Shin Kawasaki-Machi, Osaka. Yendo Kinsuke, chief commissioner Hasegawa Tam baru, assist do. W. Gowland, F.C.S., A. R.M.S. technical

adviser, chemist, and metallurgist R. MacLagan, M.I.M.E. engineer


Ote-machi, Nichome.

Ichikawa Kenzô, chief commissioner

Tokuno Michiharu, ass:st. Edoardo Clissone, engraver


KWOZAN KYOKU (MINES.) Asakura Moriaki, director, Ikuno Oshima Takato, director, Sado Kobayashi Hidetomo, director, Miike

RIKUGUN SHO (WAR DEPT.) 1, Nagata-cho, I'-chome. Lieut.-General Count Oyama Iwao, mi-


Major-General Katsura Taro, vice-minister


Colonel Kojima Masukane, director Lt. Col. Terauchi Seiki, assistant director Major Kobayashi Katsuteru, aide-de-camp


Major-General Katsura Taro, chief commr. Col. Kojima Masukane, commissioner

KIHEI KIOKU (Cavalry Bureau.) Lt.-Col. Tsutsumi Kanetake, chiet com-


HOHEI KIOKU (ARTILLERY BUREAU.) Colonel Inouye Norimichi, chief commr.

KOHEI KIOKU (ENGINEERING Bureau.) Lt. Col. Yabuki Hideichi, chief commmis-


KWAIKEI KIOKU (MILITARY ACCOUNT- ANT'S OFFICE.) Intendant General Kawasaki Sukena, chief


Intendant Koike Masabumi, vice-commr.

IMU KIOKA (MEDICAL BUREAU.) Surg.-Gen. Hashimoto Tsunatsune, pre-


Surgeon-Inspector Ishiguro Tadanori, vice-


ТОКТО НОНЕІ Ковно (Токто AESENAL.) Colonel Kuroda Hishatake, director Major Hoshiyama Teikichi, assist. director

OSAKA HOHEI KOSHO (OSAKA ARSENAL.) Colonel Makino Ki, director Major Kumabe Hisomu, assist. director

FUKUKWAN BU (ADJUTANT'S OFFICE.) Colonel Tsuchiya Yoshinari, adjutant Lt. Col. Kamiryo Yorikata, assist. do.

KANGUNBU (ARMY INSPECTION OFFICE.) Lt.-General Count Yamagata Aritomo,

general inspector

Colonel Kodama Gentaro, chief staff officer

TUKAKWANBU (ADJUTANT'S OFFICE.) Major Furukawa Sengo, adjutant.

YONEN GAKKO (MILITARY SCHOOL.) Lt. Col. Fujii Kanefusa, director




Lt. Col. Teranchi Seiki, director Major Wada Yoshifuru, assist. director

TOYAMA GAKKO (SCHOOL FOR TARGET PRACTICE AND GYMNASTICS.) Col. Ibaraki Koreaki, president Lt. Col. Haraguchi Kensai, vice-president

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Major General Shigeno Kiyohiko, Shoko-

gakkokan (College and Academy) Colonel Sano Nobukatsu, Keikei-kan (Ca-


Major General Otsuki Shoshi, Hobei-kan


Colonel Betsuyaku Nariyoshi, Kohei-kan


Major Tokuda Masatoshi, Shichohei-kan


KIODO DAN (MILITARY SCHOOL FOR NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS.) Colonel Anno Motoyuki, president Lt.-Col. Yamanouchi Michiyoshi, vice-



Colonel Mitsuma Masahiro, president Major Haruta Kageyoshi, assistant di-


SANBO HONBU (General StAFF OFFICE.) General H.I.H. Prince Arisugawa Taru-

hito, president

Lt.-General Baron Ozawa Takeo, vice-


DAI-ICHI KIOKu (Bureau for Eastern

Strategical Department.) Colonel Nishi Kaujiro, chief commr.

DAI-NI KIOKU (Bureau for WEST- ERN STRATEGICAL DEPARTMENT.) Colonel Ogawa Mataji, president


Colonel Kuroda Hisataka, president SOKURIO KYOKU (SURVEYING Bureau.) Colonel Kosuge Chiyen, chief commissioner

TONDEN HOMBU (STAFF FOR COLONIAL TROOPS.) Mjr.-General Nagayama Takeshiro, presdt. Lt. Col. Iyemura Sumiyoshi, assistant


KONOYE KIOKU (IMPERIAL Guard.) General H.I.H. Prince Arisugawa Taru-

hito, chief commander

Major General Oku Yasukata, commander

of first brigade

Major General Baron Shigeno Kiyohiko,

commander of second brigade



Lt. Gen. Viscount Miyoshi Shigeomi,

commander, Tokyo

Majr General Prince Noshihisa, com-

mander of first brigade

Major General Nosaki Sadasumi, com-

mander of second brigade

Lt.-Gen. Baron Sukuma Samata, com-

mander, Sendai

Major General Yamasawa Seigo, com-

mander of third brigade

Major General Watenabe Nakaba, com-

mander of fourth brigade

Lt.-Gen. Baron Kurokawa Michinori, com-

mander, Nagoya

Major General Kuroki Itei, commander

of fifth brigade

Major General Okamoto Hyoshiro, com-

mander of sixth brigade

Lt.-Gen. Viscount Takashima Tomono-

suke, commander, Osaka

Major General 1mai Kanetoshi, com-

mander of seventh brigade

Major General Okasawa Sei, commander

of eighth brigade

Lt. Gen. Viscount Nodzu Michitsura,

commander, Hiroshima

Major General Onuma Wataru, com-

mander of ninth brigade

Major General Shinagawa Ujiakira, com-

mander of tenth trigade

Lt.-Gen. Baron Yamaji Motoharu, com-

mander, Kumamoto

Major General Nogi Kiten, commander

of eleventh brigade

Major General Hasega Yoshimichi, com-

mander of twelfth brigade


KAIGUN SHO (NAVAL DEPT.) 2, Awai-cho, Akasaka-ku. Lt.-General Count Saigo Tsukumichi, mi-


Vice-Admiral Kabayama Suketomo, vice-

minister (absent)


Captain Honjuku Takumei, confidential

secretary Commander Funaki Rentaro, confidential


Fleet paymaster Iwamura Kaneyoshi,

confidential secretary

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Fleet paymaster Murakami Keijiro, con-

fidential secretary

 Fleet paymaster Toki Yutaka, do. Lieutenant Hosoya Sukeuji, aide-de-camp Lieutenant Kawamuro Shosuke, do.

   GUMMU KYOKU (WAR BUREAU.) Rear-Admiral Inoue Yoshika, president Captain Motoyama, vice-president

  Shoko Ka (Executive Officers' Office.) Captain Motoyama, chief

Jun Shoko Ka (Non-Executive Officers' Office.)

Captain Itô Môkichi, chief

    Heiin Ka (Registrar's Office.) Captain Senju Narisada, chief Captain Jolin Ingles, R.N., naval adviser


Rear-Admiral Itô Siunkichi, president Captain Shibayama Yahachi, vice-president

Heiki Ka (Ordnance Office.) Captain Shibayama Yahachi, chief

Zôsen Ka (Shipbuilding Section.) Engineering Inspector Saso Sachû, chief

Kikan Ka (Engine Section.) Fleet Engineer Miyabara Jiro, chief

Giso Ka (Equipment Section.) Commander Tashiro Ikuhiko, chief

Juhin Ka (Store Section.) Commander Ban Masatoshi, chief

Kaiun Ka (Conveyance Section.) Commander Sugano Cakubei, chief

Kenchiku Ka (Constructive Section.) Fleet paymaster Gejio Masao, chief Louis E. Bertin, adviser

J. M. James

ONOHAMA Dock Yard. Engineering Inspector Yamagata Shotaro,


(For Foreigners see Kobe Directory.) KWAIKEI KYOKU (ACCOUNTANT-GENE- RAL'S RUBEAU.)

Accountant-General Hayashi Kiyoyasu,


Accountant Inspector Hasegawa Sadao,


Sciri Ka (Adjuster's Office.) Accountant-Inspector Hasegawa Sadao,


Suitô Ka (Treasurer's Office.) Fleet paymaster Hachisu Tôru, chief

Kanhi Ka. Account-Inspector Inuyama Nariyuki,


Yodô Ka (Provision Section.) Fleet paymaster Gejio Masao, chief


Rear-Admiral Ito Shiunkichi, secretary

of Board

Vice Admiral Viscount Nakamuda Kura-

nosuke, councillor

Vice-Admiral Viscount Nire Kagenori


Vice Admiral Viscount Kabayama Suke-

tomo, councillor (absent)

Vice Admiral Akamatsu Noriyoshi, coun-


Rear-Admiral Yanagi Yûetsu, councillor Rear-Admiral Ainoura Michinori, do. Rear-Admiral Arichi Shinanojo, do. Rear-Admiral Inouye Yoshika,


ZÔSEN KWAIGI (SHIPBUILDING Com- MITTEE.) Rear-Admiral Ainour. Michinori, pre-


HEIKI KWAIGI (Ordnance COMMITTEE. Rear-Admiral Ainoara Michinori, pre)


Captain Suekawa Hisayosbi, secr. tary Lieutenant Tomioka Sadayasu, assistant


HEI GAKKO (Naval CollegE.) Tsukiji, Tokyo. Rear-Admiral Arichi Shinaojo, president Captain Miura Isao, vice-president F. Adrian Meyer, instructor of English F. Ehlert

do. F. W. Hammond, chief gunner's mate

R.N., guunery instructor

SUIRO BU (HYDROGRAPHICAL Board.) Rear-Admiral Yanagi Yûetsu, president

TOKUBAI BU (CONTRACT BOARD.) Reur-Admiral Itó Shunkichi, president

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EISEI BU (BOARD OF HEALTH.) Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets

Takaki Kanehiro, president


Public Garden, St.iba. Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets

Takaki Kanehiro, president

KAIKEI KENSA BU (Board of AUDITORS.) Accountant Inspector Nara Shinshi, chief


HEIKI SEIZÔSHồ (Arsenal.) Capt. Tanaka Tsunatsune, superintendent

    KAYAKU SEIZOSHO (POWDER MILL.) Captain Isuboi Kôjo, superintendent

    SHUKI GAKKO (PAYMASTERS' SCHOOL.) Account-Inspector Nara Shinshi, director Rev. A. Lloyd, professor of English


nosuke, commander in chief

YOKOSUKA Shipbuilding Yard. Captain Tôtake Hed-yuki, superintendent Engineer Watanabe Kinzô, assistant supdt. A. Wigzell, chief engineer Thomas Basset, R.N., ship's steward Henry Louis, foreman shipwright David Nicolas, foreman shipwright


Inspector of Machinery Yagi Yoshitame,



Fleet Surgeon Mitamura Chiukoku, su-

perintendent, Tokyo Surgeon-Inspector Yano Gitetsu, super-

intendent, Yokosuka

TRAINING SCHOOL FOR THE Naval Band. Shinsenza, Shiba, Tôkyô.

Lieutenant. Orui, superintending Franz Eckert, professor of music Anna Lober, teacher of the piano


Mori Arinori, minister Tsuji Shinji, vice-minister


Tsuji Shinji, director



SPECIAL SCHOol Affairs.)

Hamao Arata, director


Hamao Arata, acting director


Izawa Shiuji, director

KAIKEI KYOKU (BUREAU OF FINANCE.) Kubota Yuzuru, director

Teshima Seiichi, vice-director


1, Moto ujicho, Hongo. Watanabe Hiromoto, president Professors Toyama Masakazu, M.A., Ki- kuchi Dairoku, M.A., Hozumi Nobushi- ge, barrister-at-law, Osawa Kenji, M.D., Miyake Hiidzu, Yatabe Ryokichi, B. Sc., Furnichi Koi, ingenieur des arts et manufactures, licencie es sciences, Kinoshita Hiroji, licencie en droit, councillors

Nagai Kinichiro, secretary

Professor Kinoshita Hiroji, licencie en

drɔit, librarian

Professor Yatabe Ryokichi, B. Sc., curator

of the University Botanic Gardens

College of Law.

Watanabe Hiromoto, president of the

University, director

Professor Hozumi Nobushige, barrister-at-

law, chief professor


George Appert, bachelier es lettres, ba- chelier es sciences, docteur en droit (de la Faculté de Paris), French Law Hozumi Nobushige, barrister-at-law, Ro-

man Law and Jurisprudence

Karl Rathgen, doctor rerum politicarum, Statistics, Public Law, and Adminis- trative Science

Kiuoslita Hiroji, licencie en droit, Cri-

minal Procedure and French Civil Law Tomii Masaakira, docteur en droit, French

Civil Law and Criminal Law

Charles B. Stows, B.A., L.L.B., English


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Wadagaki Kenzo, Bungakehi, Political


Heinrich Weipert, Dr. jrs., barrister-at-

law, German and Roman Law Sueoka Seiichi, Bungakehi, International

Law and Administrative science

U. Eggert Ph. D, Finance and National


Hijikata Yasushi, Hogakushi, English

Law, assistant professor Uyemura Shumpei, Hogakushi, English



Kaneko Kentaro, LL.B., Japanese Admi-

nistrative Law

College of Medicine.

Professor Miyake Hiidzu, director Professor Osawa Kenji, M.D., chief prof, Professors.

Miyake Hiidzu, Pathology

Erwin Baelz, M.D., Clinical Medicine,

Gynecology, and Obstetrics Taguchi Kazuyoshi, Anatomy, Histology,

and Topographical Anatomy Julius Scriba, M.D., Surgery, Clinical Sur-

gery, Medical Jurisprudence, &c. Osawa Kenji, M.D., Physiology Uno Akira, Jyun-Igakuchi, Clinical Sur-

gery, &c.

Sasaki Masakichi, Igakuchi, Clinical Me-

dicine and Diagnosis

Oga a Masanuri, Igakushi, Hygiene Koganei Ryosei, Igakushi, Anatomy, His-

tology, and Embryology

Takahashi Juntaro, Igakushi, Pharmacol


Sakaki Shiku, Igakushi, Psychiatry Miwa Moriji, Igakushi, M.D., Pathology, Pathological Anatomy, and Histology Shimoyama Junichiro, Seiyakushi,

Ph. D., Pharmacology Tauba Kizo, Seiyakushi, Ph. D., Phar-


Aoyama Janemichi, Igakushi, Medicine

Assistant Professors.

Imada Tsukamu, Anatomy Niwa Tokichiro, Seiyakuchi, Pharmacy Ise Jogoro, Igakusbi, Medicine

Kono Tasuku, Igakushi, Ophthalmics Katayama Horiu, Igakusbi, Surgery Uno Akira, Igakushi, director of the hos-


College of Engineering.

Prof. Furnichi Koi, ingenieur des arts et manufactures, licencie es sciences, di-



John Milne, F.A.S., Hon. Fellow of King's College, Lon..on, and Royal School of Mines, London, Mining

Matsui Naokichi, Ph. D., Applied Chemis-


Charles Dickinson West, M.A.. C.E.,

M.I.M.E., Mechanical Engineering Shida Rinzaburo, M.E., Electrical Engi-


Takamatsu Toyakichi, Rigakuski, F.C.S.,

Applied Chemistry

Imaya Ryntaro, Hütten, ingenieur, Metal-


Watanabe Wataru, Rigakushi, Mining Miyoshi Shiurokuro, M.E., Naval Aichi-


Tatsino Kingo, M.E., Architecture Furnichi Koi, ingenieur des arts et manu- factures, licencie es sciences, Civil Eng. Taniguchi Naosada, B. Sc., C.E., Mecha-

nical Engineering

Shiraishi Naoji Rigakuski, Civil, Engi-


Nakazawa Iwata, Rigakushi, Applied


W. K. Burton, C.E., MS.I., Sanitary

and Engineering

Amano Tomitaro, Technology of Arms

and Explosives

Wakayama Kemkichi, Naval Architecture Assistant Professors.

Fujioka Ichisuke, M.E., S.T.E. & E., Lon-

don, Electrical Engineering Nakamura Teikichi, Applied Chemistry Kawakita Michitada, M.E., M.S.C.I.,

London, Applied Chemistry

Nakano Hatsune, M.E., F.M., S.T.E. & E.

Lon., Electrical Engineering Matoba Naka, M.E., Mining Nakajima Yeiji, Rigakushi, Civil Engi


Inokuchi Ariya, M.E., Mechanical En-


Yamaguchi Junnoske, Hogakushi Civil


Futami Kyozaburo, Rigakushi, Civil Eng. Shichiku Iwaichiro, Kogakushi, Applied


Yamakawa Gitaro, Kogakushi, Electrical



Josiah Conder, F.R.I.B.A., Architecture Kojima Noriyuki, B.A., Architecture Kouo Shacio, Rigakushi, Mining and


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    Nakamura Ta: sutaro, Architecture Yashida Tomokichi, Rigakushi, Mecha-

nical Engineering

College of Literature.

Prof. Toyama Misakazu, M.A., director Prof. Toyama Masakazu, M.A., chief prof. Professors.


Toyama Masakazu, M.A., Sociology and


James Main Dixon, M.A., F.R.S.E., Eng.

lish Literature

Shimada Shigamichi, Chinese Classics- History, Literature, and Philosophy, and Ancient Chinese Law

Konakamura Kiyonori, Japanese History and Literature, & Ancient Japanese Law Naito Chiso, Chinese Classics, Japanese

and Chinese History, Ancient Japanese and Chinese Laws, etc.

Mozume Takami, Japanese Literature Basil Hall Chamberlain, Philology and

Japanese Literature

Kanda Na bu, B.A., English and Latin Ludwig Busse, M.A.Z., Ph. D., Philoso-


Emil Hausknecht, M.A.Z., Ph. D., Ger-

man Literature and Pedagogy Ludwig Riess, M.A.Z., Ph. D., History


Hara Tanzan, Hindoo Philosophy Yoshitani Kakuju,


Namma Tsubanori, Chinese Classics, His-

     tory, etc., and Ancient Chinese Law Kume Mo:obumi, Japanese Literature Hidaka Shinjitsu, Bungakushi, English


Rev. P. X. Mugabure, M.A., French Li-


College of Science.

Prof. Kikuchi Dairoku, M.A., director Prof. Yatabe Ryokichi, B. Sc., chief prof.


Edward Divers, M.D., F.R.S., F.I.C.,

F.C.S., M.S.C.I., Chemistry Yatabe Ryokichi, B. Sc., Botany Kikuchi Dairoku, M.A., Mathematics Yamagawa Kenjiro, Ph. B., Physics Sakurai Joji, F.C.S., Chemistry Mitsukuri Kakichi, Ph. D., Zoology Cargill G. Knott, D. Sc., F.R.S.E., Pby-


Terao Hisashi, Rigakushi, licencie es

science mathematiques, Astronomy Koto Bunjiro, Rigakushi, Ph. D., Geology Wada Tsunashiro, Mineralogy


Harada Toyokichi, Ph. D., Paleontology Iijima Isao, Rigakushi, Ph. D., Zoology Sekiya Seikei, Seismology

Fujisawa Rikitaro, Rigakushi, Pb. D.,


Assistant Professors.

Miwa Kanachiro, Rigakushi, Mathematics Tanakadate Hikitsu, do., l'hysics Yoshida Hikorokuro, do., M.S.C.I., Che-

mistry Kikuchi Yasushi, Okubo Saburo, Botany

do., Geology

Haga Tamemasa, M.S.C.I., Lon., Chemistry Lecturers.

Muraoka Hamichi, Ph. D., Physics Kuhara Mitsuru, Rigakushi, Ph. D., Che-


Matsubara Shinnoske, Biology


23, Miyamatocho, Kanda. Tokyo. Yamakawa Hiroshi, director

Sakurai Boki, chief manager

Ishuin Kaneyoshi,

Sagara Nagatsuna,



Takamine Hideo, chief instructor John Nicholson Seymour, instructor Kate James,


FIRST HIGHER MIDDLE SCHOOL. 2, Nishikicho Sanchome, Kanda, Tokyo. Furusho Kamon, director

Muraoka Hnish, chief instructor Imamura Yourin, chief manager Jakahashi Nagaaki,


Frederick W. Strange, instructor William D. Cox,


Fritz Putzier,


Jean Baptiste Arrivet,


Rudolf Lehmann,


Paul Mayet,



Yoshimura Torataro, director

Namba Tadashi, chief instructor Tomitsuka Makoto, chief manager F. W. Harrell, instructor

THIRD HIGHER MIDDLE SCHOOL. 6. Otemaimachi, Higashiku, Osaka. Orita Hikoichi, director Matsui Naokichi, chief instructor Hirayama Jaro, chief manager Suzuki Muneyasu, instructor Joseph King Goodrich, do. Romyn Hitchcock,


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Kashiwada Moritumi, director Eimori Jeizō, chief instructor Kawakami Chikabaru, chief manager

FIFTH HIGHer Middle School. Kumamoto.

Nomura Hikoshiro, director Ohashi Taro, ci:ief manager


Kochi Nobutomo, director

  Yatabe Umekichi, chief instructor Ihara Momosuke, chief manager

T. Romeyn Beck, instructor


1, Hitotsubashidoricho, Kandu, Tokyo. Yana Jiro, director

Naruse Masatada, chief manager Alexander Joseph Hare, instructor Arthur Marischal,


TOKYO TECHnical Shcool. Kuramaye Asakusa, Tokyo.

Masaki Taizo, director

Gottfried V. Wagener, instructor


Uyeno Park.

Teshima Seiichi, director


Uyeno Park.

Teshima Seiichi, director


24, Hitotsubashidoricho, Kanda. Mitsukuri Kakichi, director Nakamura Akiki, chief manager Isabella Graham Prince, instructor Mary Gray Prince,


Institute of Music. Uyeno Park.

Kotsu Senzaburo, chief manager G. Sauvlet, instructor

INSTITUTE OF FINE ARTS. Koishikawa Botanical Garden. Hamao Arata, acting director Okakura Kokuzo, chief manager


BLIND AND DUMB SCHOOL. Tsukiji Sanchome.

Yatabe Riokichi, director

Konishi Shinpatchi, chief manager


Lt.-General Viscount Kuroda Kiyotaka, mi-


Hanabusa Yoshimoto, vice-minister

HISHO KWAN (SECRETARIAT.) Komaki Masanara, confidential secretary Yanagiya Kentaro,


SANJIKWAN (Councillors).

Hida Roichi

Okuda Yoshito

Kito Teijiro

SOMU KYOKU (BUREAU OF General AdministratION.)

Hanabusa Yoshimoto, director

Bunsho Ka (Draft Office.)

Kijadai Masaonii, chief

Ofuku Ka (Correspondence Office.) Kajima Isomaro, chief and secretary

Hokoku Ka (Report Office.)

Shamida Tanenori, chief and secretary

Kiroku Ka (Archives Office.)]

Kajima Isomaro, chief and secretary

Bunseki Ka (Analyst's Office.) Takamine Jôkichi, chief aud technicist Dr. G. Wagner

Hakurankai Ka (Exhibition Office.) Sakata Haruo, director

NOMU KIOKU (Board of Agriculture-) Misjajima Nobuyoshi, director Katayama Yempei, assistant director

SHOMU KIOKU (BOARD OF COMMERCE.) Yoshida Jiro, director

Sano Tsuneki, assistant director

KOMU KIOKU (BOARD OF INDUSTRY.) Tomita Touzo, director

Capt. Oyama Tsumamasa, assistant do.

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Yanagiya Kantaro, director

Somekawa Wataru, assistant do.

SANRIN KIOKU (FORESTRY BOARD.) Tanabe Teruzane, director Oita Tsutomu, assistant do.

CHISHITSU KYOKU (Geological Survey.) Wada Tsumashiro, acting director Dr. Harda Toyokichi, assist. director Dr. Max. Fesca


Ito Yajiro, director

Tashiro Nayetomi, assistant do.



Takahashi Korekiyo, assistant do.

KWAIKEI KYOKU (BOARD OF ACCOUNTS.) Sugiyama Eizo, director

Hadano Yukitoru, assistant do

TOKYO NORIN GAKKO (Imperial College OF AGRICULTUre and DendROLOGY.) Mayeda Keukichi, director Sako Tsuneaki

Dr. Oscar Kellner, professor of agricul

tural chemistry

J. L. Janson, professor of veterinary C. C. Georgeson, professor of agriculture


Hayami Kenso, principal


Nakazawa Nagahide, principal



1, Kobiki-cho, Itchome. Admiral Viscount Enomoto, Takeaki, mi-


Viscount Nomura, Yasushi, vice-minister


Kurino, Shinichi, confidential secretary

Sanjikwan (COUNSELLORS,)

Kurino Shinichero

Nakamura Hajime


Viscount Nomura, Yasushi, director general Iiyama, Masahide, secretary and director

of the inspection section

Matsuura, Yoshihara, secretary and direo.

tor of the section of archives

Yamamoto, Kensuke, secretary and direo-

tor of the correspondence section Wakayama, Seion, secretary and director

of examiners section

P. Mayet

Wm. H. Stone, foreign secretary



Hyash, Tadas, director

Indo, Narimitsu, assistant director

GUAISHIN KYOKU (BUREAU OF INTERNA- tional Posts and TelegrapH8.) Wakano, Munshiro, assistant director in


KOMU KYOKU (Bureau of EngINBERING.) Suida, Rinsaburo, assist. director in charge Yoshida, Masahide engineer W. B. Mason, foreign secretary



Yoshida, Seizo, assist. director in charge

TODAI KIOKU (LIGHTHOUSE BUREAU.) Honcho Gochome, Yokohama Fujikura, Kentatsu, director Kusama, Tohiyoshi, assist. do.

KWANSEN KIOKU (MARINE OFFICE.) Tsukabara, Shuzo, director Nakamura, Hajime, assist. do.

A. R. Brown, a-st. superintendent (absent) Comdr. Mountjoy Squire, assist. supdt, A. F. Macnal, inspecting engineer


Yamanouchi, Teiun, superintendent Hyashi, Eikichi, assistant do.



Nakamura, Rokusaburo, principal

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Shida, Rinsaburo, principal

Oi, Saitaro, warden

W. B. Mason, professor


Manaka, Tadanao, director

Yamada, Yukiske, assistant director Kumagai Kunro, inspector


Yamada, Yukiske, postmaster


Hane, Kiyoshi, director



General Count Yamada Akiyoshi, minister Miyoshi Taizô, vice-minister

G. Boissonade de Fontarabe, legal adviser

and teacher

G. Appert, counsellor-at-law and teacher M. Kirkwood, legal adviser O. Rudolff,



Korizuka Sbogo, confidential secretary Kikuchi Takeo,



Miyoshi Taizô, president

Bunsho Ka (Documentary Section.) Inoue Masaichi, director

Ofuku Ka (Communication Section.) Ideura Rikio, director

Hokoku Ka (Report Section.) Sugiyama Kobin, director

   Kiroku Ka (Section of Archives.) Ideura Rikio, director

MINJI KYOKU (CIVIL BUREAU.) Komatsu Saiji, vice superintendent

KEIJI KYOKU (CRIMINAL BUREAU.) Kawazu Sukeyuki, superintendent

Obara Shigeya, vice do.


Takaki Hideomi, superintendent Fukuhara Kyosuke, assist. do.

DAISHIN-IN (COURT OF CASSATION.) Ozaki Tadaharu, president


Nambu Mikao, president, first office Ozaki Tadaharu, president, second do.


president, first office

Matsuoka Köki, president of second office


Harada Taneshige, act.-president, second




Kôso-IN (COURTS OF APPEAL.) Nishi Shigenori, president, Kitabatake Harufusa, chief commissary, do. Kojima Iken, president, Inutsuka Moritaka, chief commissary, do. Nishioka Yumei, president, Nagasaki Hayashi Seiichi, chief commissary, do. Nomura Ishô, president, Hakodate

Nagoya do.

Haruki Yoshiaki, chief commissary, do. Otsuka Masao, president, Kano Ken, chief commissary, Tsutsumi Masami, president, Hiroshima Ishii Tadayasu, chief commissary, do. Mudaguchi Michiaki, president, Miyagi Seki Yoshiomi, chief commissary, do.

SHISHIN SAIBansho (Courts of First INSTANCE.)

Takaki Tsutomu, president, Tokyo Okamura Teruhiko, president, Yokohama


Viscount M. Mishima, superintendent-


Adachi Toshitsuma, first class inspector

general Hayashi Sansuke




Baron Takasaki Goroku, Tokyo Kitagaki Kunimichi, Kioto Tateno Gozo, Osaka

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Oki Morikata, Kanagawa Utsumi Tadakatsu, Hyogo Kusaka Yoshio, Nagasaki Shinosaki Goro, Niigata Yoshida Kiyohide, Saitama Sato Yozo, Gumba Funakoshi Mamoru, Chiba Yasuda Sadanori, Ibaraki Kabayama Sukeo, Tochigi Viecount Saisho Atsusbi, Nara Ishii Kuninori, Miye Katsumata Minoru, Aichi Sekiguchi Kiyokichi, Shizuoka Yamasaki Naotane Yamanashi Nakai Hirom, Shiga Kosaki Toshinori, Gifu Kinashi Seiichiro, Nagano Orita Heinai, Fukushima Matudaira Masanao, Miyagi Ishii Shoichiro, Iwate Nabeshima Kan, Awomori Baron Aoyama Tai, Akita Shibabara Kwa, Yamagata Iwamura Takatoshi, Ishikawa Kunishige Masabumi, Toyama Ishiguro Tsutomu, Fukui Koteta Yasusada, Shimane Yamada Nobumichi, Tottori Chisaka Koga, Okayama Senda Teigio, Hiroshima Hara Yasutaro, Yamaguchi Matsumoto Kanaye, Wakayama Sakai Akira, Tokushima Tanabe Yoshiaki, Kochi Fujimura Shiro, Yehime Yasuba Yasu, Fukuoka Nishimura Riokicai, Oitu Kamada Keihitsu, Saga Tomioka Keimei, Kumamoto Tanabe Terusane, Miyazaki Watanabe Chiaki, Kagoshima

Fukusara Makoto, Okinawa (Loochoo)

Professions, Trades, &c.

Baillod, A.A., 19, Suzukicho, Surugadai

Baker, Prof. E., Doninsha, Koishikawa

Braithwaite, Geo., 5, Hikawacho, Akasaka

Chamberlain, B. H., professor, Imperial University: residence 20, Kojimachi, Iidamachi, Rokuchome

Clement, Prof. E. W., Chingakko, Mito

Delbrück, F., assessor,


Delbrück, E., assessor, Kaminibaucho

Dening, W., Department of Education and

15, Inasago Cho Hongo

Deutsche Gesellschaft für

Natur und

Voelkerkunde Oestasiens, 8, Imakawa-

koji Ichome, Kandaku

Dr. von Holleben, president

E. Knipping, vice president

Dr. O. Kellner, Dr. G. Michaelis, se-


Dr. K. Rathgen, Dr. H. Weifert, li-


C. Weinberger, treasurer

Dubois, F., 48, Tsukiji

Ehmann, E., 21, Ushigome Sanaizaka

Gakushu In, Nobles' College, 1, Nishi-

kicho Sanchome

K. Otori, president

J. Kano, principal

H. Kadono, managing director Rev. A. Hardie, M.A., prof. of En-

glish Language and Literature Prosper F. Fouque, prof. of Fren h Chas. X. Wolff, prof. of German

Hare, A. J., 6, Minami Odawara-cho,


Hering, Dr. O., 28, Hirakawacho


Hess, C. I., Tokyo aerated water manu- and bakery, 1, Shin Sakayecho, Shichi- chome, Tsukiji

Hirano & Co., T., Ishikawashima Docks

and Engine Works, Ishikawashima

T. Hirano, proprietor

K. Kawamura, manager

Ilkener, Lieut., agent for Krupp & Co., Shinonibancho, Ichibanchi, Kajima- chiku

Illies & Co., H. merchants

C. Illies

G. Reddelien (absent)

A. G. Mosle

F. N. Boegel

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Kirby, R. J., 13, Tsukiji

Le Gendre, Genl. Chas. W., 2, Koishi-

kawa, Sagsugayacho


Meyer, F.. Adrian, prof. of languages, I. Naval College, 3, Minami, Odawaracho, Tsukiji

Michaelis, Dr. G., 15, Kojimakiku Kami-


Morris, Rev. A. R., 4, Tsukiji

Mosle, A. G., Takashima Yashiki, Tsukiji

Muenster, B., engineer, torpedo depart-

ment, Funakuhis, near Yokosuka

Nippon Yusen Kaisha

Rempei Koudo, agent

K. Okasaki

J. Ikushima

Putzier, F., Instructor, University 12,

Akashicho, Tsukiji

Ripley, C. H., 33, Tsukiji (absent)

Schroeder, F., 41b, Tsukiji

Scott, J. K., agent for North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., 41, Tsukiji

Seiyoken Restaurant, Uyeno Park

Seiyoken Hotel, 32, Unemecho, Tsukiji

T. Matsui, manager

George Ume, clerk

C. I. Hess, chief cook

Stone, W. H., 28, Katamachi, Iigura Agabu

Summers, Rev. J., 33, Tsukiji

Tokyo Chigaku Kyokwai, Tokyo Geogra- phical Society, 19, Nishi Konyacho, Krobashiku


H.I.H. Prince

miya, president

Marquis N. Nabeshima, T. Enomoto,


Hon. Sir F. R. Plunkett, K.C.M.G.. B. H. Chamberlain, Ernest M. Sa- tow, Siam, J. Dautremer

Takata & Co., merchants, 18, Ginza San-

chome, and 17, Basinghall St. London

J. R. Scott, 41 Tsukiji

G. A. Scott, 45 Shimo Rokubanoho

Tokyo Shogio Dai Gakko, Tokyo Commer- cial College, 20, Kaigandori, Gochome, Hitotsubashidori

Yano Jiro, director

Arthur Maréchal, professor of


L. Salabelle, teacher of French

Tokyo Kaijo Hoken Kwaisha, (Tokyo Ma- rine Insurance Co.), Minami Kayabacho

Tsukiji Dispensary, 8, Odawaracho, Shi-

chome, Tsukiji

A. W. Thompson

Tsukiji Hospital, United Presbyterian Mission (Scotland), 8, Odawarach o, Shichome, Tsukiji

Whitney, Dr. W. Norton, 5, Hikawacho



UNION CHURCH 17, Tsukiji.

Rev. J. Hartzler, pastor

J. C. Ballagh, Rev. Dr. D. MacDonald, M.

N. Wycoff, trustees


Right Rev. C. M. Williams, D.D. 37, Tsukiji Rev. E. R. & Mrs. Woodman, (absent) Rev. A. R. Morris,

J. McD. and Mrs. Gardiner, Rev. J. T. and Mrs. Cole,

4, Tsukiji









Rev. A. M. Lewish, Miss S. L. Riddick, Miss Emma Verbeck, 1, Irefunecho

METHODIST EPISCOPAL MISSION. Rev. R. S. Maclay, D.D., Aoyama Rev. Julius Soper, 15, 'Tsukiji Rev. M. S. Vail, Aoyama Miss J. S. Vail, (absent)

Rev. W. C. Kitchin, Ph. D., Aoyama Rev. J. O. Spencer Rev. E. N. Fulkerson, Miss H. S. Alling

Miss M. A. Spencer, 13, Tsukiji Miss A. P. Atkinson, (absent) Miss R. J. Watson, 13, Tsukiji Miss M. A. Vance,





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AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN MISSION. Rev. D. Thompson, D.D., 23, Tsukiji Rev. Wm. Imbrie. D.D., 16, Rev. J. M. McCauley, (absent) Rev. G. W. Knox,



Rev. A. V. Bryan, Hiroshima Rev. T. M. MacNair, 27, Tsukiji

J. C. Ballagh, Shirogane Mrs. M. T. True,

24, Bancho

Miss K. M. Youngman, 6b, Tsukiji Miss S. C. Smith, (Hakodate)

Miss J. K. Davis, 24, Bancho Miss I. A. Leete, 42,


Miss C. T. Alexander, Dai Machi

Miss A. B. West

Miss A. H. Ballagh,

24, Bancho

Miss E. P. Milliken, 24, do. Miss Caroline H. Rose, 24, do. Miss Bigelow, 42, Tsukiji

                do. Miss Reade,



       AMERICAN Baptist MISSION. Rev. C. H. D. and Mrs. Fisher, 5, Tsukiji Rev. F. G. & Mrs. Harrington, 30, Tsukiji Miss A. H. Kidder, teacher, 10, Fukuro

machi, Surugadai

Mies M. A. Whitman,


AMERICAN REFORMED CHURCH MISSION. Rev. G. F. Verbeck, D.D. Rev. E. Rothesay Miller

Rev. J. L. Amerman, D.D.

Prof. M N Wyckoff

Rev. Howard Harris

Tokyo Itchi Yeiwa Gakko.


John C. Ballagh, professor Rev. J. M. McCauley, do. M. N. Wyckoff,


   Rev. Howard Harris, do. Rev. T. M. MacNair, do.

Mrs. McCauley,


Miss A. P. Ballagh, do. Ishimoto Sanjuro, do. Hattori Ayao Kanji, (director)


Rev. Ambrose D. Gring

Rev. J. P. Moore,


Rev. W. E. Hoy


Miss Mary B. Ault


Miss Lizzie R. Porbaugh do.



Rev. F. W. and Mrs. Voegelein, 50, Tsukiji Rev. F. W. and Mrs. Fisher, 44, Rev. G. E. and Mrs. Dienst, 44, Miss Ada B. Johnson,


49a, ""



Rev. Wilfrid Spinner, V.D.M., 12, Suzu-

kidso Surugadai

Rev. Otto Scumeidel,



H.E. Minister Dr. von Holleben, chairman Rev. W. Spinner, pastor

CHURCH OF England.

Rt. Rev. Bishop Bickersteth, D.D., 11,

Sakaicho, Shiba

Rev. L. B. Cholmondeley, M.A.,


SOCIETY FOR PROPAGATION OF GOSPEL. Rev. A. C. Shaw, M.A., 13, Rokuchome,


Rev. E. C. and Mrs. Hopper, 48, Tsukiji Rev. A. Lloyd, M.A., Keyogjjiku Mifa


Miss Alice Hoar, 13, Rokuchome, Igura Misa Annie Hoar,


Rev. C. Graham Gardner, 11, Sakaicho-

ma, Shiba


Rev. P. K. Fyson (absent.)

Rev. J. Williams, 52, Tsukiji

ST. PAUL'S Associated MISSION.

Miss Thornton,

Nagasakucho, Azabu

Miss Braxton Hicks,



Miss Holland,


Rev. Geo. Eaves



Rev. Hugh Waddell, B.A., 25, Ichibei Ma-

chi, Nichome

Rev. Robt. Davidson, 20, Tsukiji

Rev. T. Lindsay, 41, Imaicho, Azaba

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Rev. D. Macdonald, M.D., and Mrs. Mac-

donald, 5, Tsukiji

Rev. C. S. Eby, D.D., and Mrs. Eby, 5b,


Rev. R. Whittington, M.A., and Mrs.

Whittington, 4, Tsukiji

Rev. G. Cochran, D.D., and Mrs. Coch-

rane, 13, Toriizaka, Azabu

Rev. T. A. Large, B.A., and Mrs. Large,

14, Torüzaka, Azabu

  E. Odlum, M.A., and Mrs. Odlum, 13, do. Miss S. J. Cochran, 13,

Miss E. M. Cochran, 13,

Miss A. Wintemute, 14, Miss H. Lund, 14,





Rev. F. A. Cassidy, M.A., and Mrs. Cas-

sidy, Shidzuoka

  Rev. C. T. and Mrs. Cocking, do. Miss. J. Cunningham,


Rev. J. W. Saunby, B.A., and Mrs. Saun-

by, Kofu


    Committee for North Japan. Rev. R. S. Maclay, D.D., chairman, Prof. M. N. Wyckoff, sec. & treas., Rev. J. L. Amerman, D.D., Rev. Wm. Imbrie, D.D., Rev. D. Thompson, D.D., Rev. A. A. Bennett

BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. G. Braithwaite, assistant agent, 151, Tsu-



  Rev. Hugh Waddell, chairman Rev. W. J. White, hon. treasurer Rev. C. S. Eby, D.D., hon. secretary J. A. Thomson, ag-nt Robert A. Thomson, assistant


7 and 17, Tsukiji.

Directors-Rev. Kajinosuke Ibuka, A.M., president, M. N. Wyckoff, secretary, Jno. C. Ballagh, treasurer, Rev William Imbrie, D.D., Rev. Jas. L. Amerman, D.D., Rev. G. F. Verbeck, D.D., Rev. T. M. MacNair, Rev. H. Waddell, Rev. M. Ogimi, A. Hattori, S. Ishimato, Rev. M. Uemura, Y. Kumano, Nobuyuki Nakajima


Jas. C. Hepburn, M.D., LL.D., president Academic Department (Ichi Yeiwa Gakko.) Shirokanemura.


Jas. C. Hepburn, M.D. LL.D., physiology

and hygiene

J. C. Ballagh, mathematics and astronomy

and bookkeeping

Rev. J. M. McCauley, M.A., history & ethics M. N. Wyckoff, M.A., physics & chemistry

and Latin

Rev. Howard Harris, M.,A. English lan-

guage and literature

Rev. T. M. MacNair, M.A., psychology,

logic, and political economy

S. Ichimoto, English language A. Hattori, English language

Assistant Teachers.

Miss A. P. Ballagh, English Mrs. Ballagh, instrumental music K. Sugimori, English language

C. Kondo, Chinese language and literature Y. Hashimoto, mathematics and geography A. Uchida, drill and gymnastic master

Japanese Theological Department (Union

Theological School.)

17, Tsukiji.


Rev. Jas. L. Amerman, D.D., biblical and

systematic theology

Rev. Geo. Wm. Knox, apologitics pastoral

theology and holimitics (absent)

Rev. Hugh Waddell, Old Testament his-

tory and literature

Rev. William Imbrie, D.D., New Testa-

ment exegsis

Rev. K. 1buka, life of Christ and church



Rev. E. R. Miller, New Testament exegesis Rev. M. Ogimi, biblical geography and

antiquities and church government Rev. G. F. Verbeck, D.D., homilitics Rev. M. Uemura, pastoral theology and


S. Ishimoto, instructor in English


Rev. Årchimandrite Anatoly D. Lvowsky

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ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSIONS. H. G. Mgr. P ierre Marie Osouf, Bishop of Arsinoe, and Vicar Apostolic of Northern Japan

   Bev. Paulin Vigr oux, Provicar apostolic Rev. Félix Evrard Miss. apostolic


Rev. Charles Brot elaude, Rev. Dosithés Le comte, Rev. Pierre X. Mugabure Rev. Justin Balette





Rev. Marie D. A. Clément Rev. François Ligneul



Rev. Jean P. Rey


Rev. Hippolyte Čadilhac


Rev. Jean C. Enjalbal




Rev. Mère Ste. Domitille, superieure Sœurs St. Gélase, St. Emmanuel, St. Bər-

nard, St. Hubert, St. Omer

SŒURS DE ST. PAUL De Chartres. Sœur Marie-Olier, superieure

Sœurs Marie Elise, St. Marc, Eulalie de la

Croix, Julitte, Ste Augustine


The Tokyo Lodge, No, 2015, E.C. Worshipful Master A. F. Macnab



Vice-Adiniral Viscount K. Nakamuta,


Captain T. Omoto, chief, staff Commander Sawa Riokau, staff Lieutenant Taketomi, staff

Fleet Paymaster Hirano, chief secretary O. Nakao, flag lieutenant Deputy Inspector of Hos; itals and Fleet Kagami Mitsukata, superintendent Mc- dical dept.

Accountant Inspector Honda, superinten-

dent, Accountants' dept. Captain Totake Hideyuki, superintendent,

Shipbuilding dept.

Captain Ikeda Teiken, superintendent,

Ordnance dept.

Captain Imai Kanesuke, superintendent,

Civil Constructive dept.

Commander Maki, chiet judge, Council of


Lieut. Mizoguchi Toshiakira, governor,

Naval prison

YOKOSUKA GUNKO SHIREI Bu (Yoxo- SUKA PORT ADMIRAL'S OFFICE.) Rear Admiral Fukushima Keiten, com-


Captain Takino Naotoshi, commanding

Naval reserve

Fleet Engineer Yuchi Sadami, Naval re-

serve dept.

Captain Tsunoda Hidematsu, chief of

Torpedo dept.

Captain N. Takino, chief of Navigation


Captain Oro Yoshikata, commanding

Yokosuka Barracks

Captain Hamatake Shin, commanding

Uraga barracks

Captain Tsunoda, commanding Nagaura

Torpedo Station


Ironclad, 510 tons, 3 guns, Flag ship, Captain Kunitomi, commanding


Captain H. Tago, commanding

Gunnery ship (Yokosuka.)


Torpedo ship (Nagaura.) Commander S. Kamimura, commanding Fujiyama-kan.

Training ship (Uraga.)

Lieutenant Ishihara Tadatoshi, flag lieut. Captain H. Asaba, commanding

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Composite Corvette, 2,154 tons, 9 guns.

Training ship.

Captain Yoshijima


Captain Aoki, commanding


 Sailing schooner, 248 tons, Training ship. Lieutenant Kimura

Kaiso Maru.

Sailing schooner, 532 tons, Training ship. Lieutenant T. Nogi


Sloop, 709 tons. 6 guns, Training ship for

Stokers and Seamen.

Captain S. Kubota


884 tons, 4guns, Training ship for Stokers. Lieutenant T. Honda


Composite Corvette, 1,481 tons, 9 guns, Training ship for Cadets.

Captain Kito, commanding


Corvette, 808 tons, Training ship for

Cadets, 9 guns.

Captain Nomura, commanding


Sloop, 548 tons, 8 guns.

Commander Tajiri


Despatch boat, 705 tons, 8 guns.

Commander Mori

SHIPS under Equipment at Yokosuka,

Yamato kan.

Corvette, 6

Commander Kawara


Katsurakı kan. Corvette, 6 guns.

Captain Matsuoka

Musashi-kan. Corvette, 6 guns.

Commander Azima


1st class Torpedo boat. Four Torpedo boats, (each in charge of Lieutenant.)


Ironclad, 2,154 tous, 6 guns, Flagship. Commander-in-chief-Rear Admiral Ito


Captain and Chief of Staff-K. Yamasaki Fag Lieutenant-Y. Shimasaki F.ag Sub-Lieutenant-T. Kobashi Secret ry-Lieutenant-U. Fukushima

Fleet-Surgeon-C. Susuki



Gunboat, 303 tons, 3 guns.

Commander Matchida

Kaimon kan. Corvette, 1,400 tons, 8 guns.

Captain-A. Árai


Steel Cruiser, 3,650 tons, 8 guns.

Captain H. Isobe

Captain Ogata

Tsukushi-kan. Steel Cruiser, 6 guns.


Steel Cruiser, 3,650 tons, 8 guns. Captain M. Matsumura


Third Class, 1,372 tons, 8 guns.

Commander Hirao


Gunboat (lately launched at Onohams.)


Chokai, building at Ishikawajima Atago-kan, building at Onohama Takao-kan, building at Yokosuka Akagi-kan, building at Yokosuka

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ppi Bay


148】 166



















Rifle Range



























48 177





Germay hospital





















































































Kakoma Pichom










Nox val. Des



2013 48

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Race Course
















Chine Lashe


Chartered of I., A., & C. 78

Chartered Mercantile

Comptoir d'Escompte

Hongkong & Shanghai

Now Oriental



Christ Church

Roman Catholic

Union Church


Grand Hotel

18, 19-20

Raspe & Co., M.


Haefker's Hotel


Rohde & Co., C.



Sieber & Brennwald.



Smith, Baker & Co.



Adamson, Bell & Co.


Simon, Evers & Co.



American Trading Co.


Strachan & Co., W. M.


Bacharach, O. & Co.


Walsh, Hall & Co.

Bavier & Co.


Wilkin & Robison


Bing & Co.



Bissett & Co.




Bourne & Co.


Japan Gazette


Boyes & Co.


Japan Herald


Butterfield & Swire


Japan Mail





Bluff 118A

Cornes & Co.



Dell'Oro & Co.

Chinese Danish French


De Vigan & Co.






China & Japan Trad`g. Co. 89

Findlay, Richardson & Co. 6 Fraser, Farley, & Vernum

S. S. COMPANIES. Austro-Hung'n Lloyd's 214 Canad an Pacific Indo-China S. N. Co.





[143, 216-218

Messageries Maritimes Nippon Yusen, Onoye-cho86




Frazar & Co.


Occidental & Oriental




Heinem inu & Co.


Pacific Mail S. S. Co.




Hellyer & Co.


Peninsular & ( riental



Hunt & Co.




Illies & Co.




Jardine, Matheson & Co.


Swedish and Norwegian 81

Kelly & Walsh, Ld.


Chamber of Commerce Club Germania





Laus, Crawford & Co.


Masonic Hall


United States


Langfeldt & Co.


Public Hal

Bluff, 257

Low & Co., C. P.


Seamen's Mission



Mollison & Co.

Club Hotel


Oppenheimer Frères

48 Yokohan a Fire Brigade 238 13 Yokohama United Club


Marete Baske




Minate Market



Loves 239




224|2/6||214 | 2/4 | 200|

202 200


162 163


145 MA


153 Jail


169 160

140 146



























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204 204||2322



Custom Bouse





Logoku Baski


Yurunge Busty

Nashiki Dunki

Minato Cho

Machi Kuwa isko



Ichome Nickom Sancheme Shichone Gockome


Gustom House








Newmal Coll

Light House Dept

Trally Whart

Dia tized by Google

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     Yokohama is the principal Treaty port of Japan, and was opened to foreign trade in July, 1859. It is situated on the Bay of Yokohama, a small bay on the Western side of the Gulf of Yedo, in lat. 35 deg. 26 min. 11 sec. N., and long. 139 deg. 39 min. 20 sec., in the island of Hondo, and is distant about eighteen miles from the capital, with which it is connected by a line of railway. The settlement stands on what was originally a swamp, and the town having sprung up only since the site was selcet- ed for a treaty port instead of the little town of Kanagawa-possesses few attrao- tions for the visitor. The scenery around, however, is hilly and pleasing, and on clear days the snow-crowned summit and graceful outlines of Fusiyama, a volcanic mountain 13,540 feet high-celebrated in Japanese literature and depicted on so many native works of art is most distinctly visible though some seventy-five miles distant. Yokohama is compactly built of low houses with tiled roofs. The town is divided into two nearly equal parts, the western half being occupied by the foreign settlement. Beyond the plain on which the town is built rises a sort of semicircle of low bills called "The Bluff," which is thickly dotted with handsome foreign villas and dwelling-houses in various styles of architecture, all standing in pretty gardens. From these dwellings charming prospects are obtainable. Along the water-front of the foreign settlement runs a good road called the Bund, on which, facing the water, stand many of the principal houses and hotels and the United Club. The streets in the foreign settlement are fairly paved, kerbed, and drained. There are Anglican, French Catholic, Union Protestant, and native Mission Churches in the settlement. A fine Cricket and Recreation Ground exists in the Settlement, and there are some well laid out Public Gardens on the Bluff. A new Theatre and Assembly Rooms, neatly built of brick, was opened on the Bluff in 1885. The chief public buildings in the native town are the Kencho, opposite the British Consulate, the Town Hall, which has a clock tower, and the Custom House, a fine building erected in 1885. The Railway Station is also a creditable structure, being a well designed and commodious terminus. The town is now in the enjoyment of an excellent water supply, large new Waterworks having been completed in 1887. There is a fairly good Race Course situated about two miles from the Settlement. Yokohama is well supplied with hotels, some of which afford good accommodation. There are three English daily papers published in the port, namely, the Japan Gazette, the Japan Herald, and the Japan Daily Mail; the latter has also a weekly edition.

     The native population of Yokobama was, according to a census taken in January, 1885, 80,603. The number of oreign residents in 1886 was 3,936, of whom 2,573 were Chinese, 625 British, 255 American, 172 German, 115 French, 37 Swiss, 48 Dutch, 24 Portuguese, 3 Russian, and the remainder of various nationalities.


The imports into Yokohamna consist chiefly of cotton and woollen goods. 1886, according to the British Consul's report, the value of the different classes of imports was as follows:-Cotton manufactures, £986,038; woollen and mixed cotton and woollen manufactures, £490,774; metals, £421,529; kerosine, £202,027; sugar, £823,709; miscellaneous foreign, £978,677; miscellaneous eastern, £210,119; total, £4,131,993, as against £3,894,984 in 1885. The total value of the exports was £5,908,136 against £4,178,282 in 1885. Silk is the most valuable of the exports, being set down at £3,292.340. The value of the tea exported was £829,538. The total export of raw silk during the season from 1st July, 1886, to same date 1887, only half of which period is covered by the Consular returns, was 26,371 bales. The total export for the previous year was 25,884 bales. The export of tea during the season 1st May, 1886, to same date 1887, was 27,723,344 lbs., nearly all for America. The export during the previous season was 23,415,323 lbs.

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Consul-Ed. Zappe

Consul-Chev. Gustave de Kreitner


Consul-Ed. Zappe



Legation, 118 Bluff, Yokohama. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni-

potentiary-George Neyt Chancellor-Geo. Berden (absent) Interpreter-Idaka Yosimasa


Consul General-E. de Bavier


Consul-Yuen Tsu Tang

English Interpreter-Sen 'Toh

Japanese Interpreter-Low Bo Sum


Consul-André Lequeux Chancelier-G. Goudareau First Clerk-L. Samie Interpreter-L. Bastida Native Interpreter-C. Oueda Writer-T. Tsubowoutchi


Consul General-Ed. Zappe

Vice Consul-Dr. G. von Schelling Consular Attaché-Müller-Beeck

Secretary-J. Pütz

Gerichtsvollzieher--H. Walter Interpreter-Harada


Consul-Russell B. Robertson (absent) Acting Consul-J. Carey Hall Second Assistant-A. E. Wileman

do. -A. M. Chalmers

Constable and Gaoler-Geo. Hodges Constable-Wm. Wright Turnkey-J. S. Roberts Second Turnkey-W. T. Jarmain

H. B. M.'s COURT FOR Japan. Judge-N. J. Hannen

Assistant Judge-J. C. Hall (acting) Crown Prosecutor-H. C. Litchfield Acting Registrar-L. W. Küchler

·Chief Clerk-C. D. Moss Acting Usher-G. Hodges

Consul in charge of Consulate General-

E. von der Heyde




Consul-A. de Kolémine

Interpreter-Haniuda Sacutaro


Consul-N. Perez Petinto (absent) Acting Consul-Chev. G. von. Kreitner


Consul General-Arnold Wolff (absent) Vice Consul―A. Dumelin Chancellor-C. Haenni

Sweden and Norway-81.

Consul-Ed. Zappe

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-234. Consul General-C. R. Greathouse

Vice and Deputy Consul General-Geo. H.


Marshal-W. B. Herbert

Interpreter-John McLean

Deputy Marshal-Richard McCance Office Clerk-Miura Rikitaro

H B. M. NAval Depot.

117, Bluff.

Asst. Paymaster in charge-J. W. Dixon,


Clerk-Thos. F. Symons


Staff Surgeon in Charge C. Harvey First Steward-Jas. Howe

Second Steward-Alan Richardson First S. B. Attendant-Ed. McDonough Second do. -Thos. Taylor

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40 and 41,


Stabsarzt-Dr. Kleffel, chefarzt Lazareth Inspector-Metze Ober Lazareth Gehülfe-W. Steinch Lazareth Gehülfe-E. Scharfe


U. S. NAVAL HOSPITAL. 99, Bluff.

In charge Surgeon Daniel McMurtrie P. Asst. Surgeon-C. H H. Hall P. Asst. Paymaster-E. B. Rogers Apothecary-E. Eagling

Government Departments. See also Tokyo


Postmaster-Y. N. Takahashi


In Charge of Foreign Mails-W. L. Mer-


       TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Clerk in charge-W. L. Merriman


Superintendent-Arishima Takeshi Vice do.

-Watanabe Itaru

Chief Surveyor-Nakamura Kurasuke Chief Appraiser-Tomita Atsuhisa Chief Receiver-Kikuna Hiroyuki Supdt. of Bonded Warehouses-Tomari


Chief Tidewaiter-Tomari Naoyoshi Chief Clerk-Sato Matasu

Chief, Statistic Office-Yamaguchi Keizo Standing Counsel-J. F. Lowder Appraiser-H. Z. Wheeler


Governor Oki Morikata

Secretary-Tanuma Ken

   Secretary-Mitsuhashi Nobukata Inspector in chief of Police-Denkenjiro Foreign Secretary-Percival Osborn

Water Works.

Supt. Engineer-Col. H. S. Palmer, R.E.



Directors and Surgeons in Charge E.

Wheeler, M.D., S. Eldridge, M.D.

    SETTLEMENT POLICE STATION-203 Superintendent-Giro Hirabe Inspectors-Chickateru Sugiyama, Shige-

taro Koboyashi, Tetsuya Cawada, Hi- saki Ninomiya


Acting Inspectors-Shinobu Harada,

Kataro Okada, Tienosuki Ihashi


(Naimusho Yeiseikiyoku Yokohama Shikenjo.)

Director and Chief Analyst-S. Tsujioka, Analysts--H. Saito, Y. Nakamura, M. Ta- kahasi, II. Ikuta, M. Okuchi, S. Enami, M. Kamiyama

Yokohama Gas Company. (Works at Noge.)

Director---M. Asada

Manager-S. Nakasono


Committee-H. Grauert, E. Blanc, Jas. Bodds, Jas R. Morse, Rev. E. C. Irwine Hon. Secretary and Treasurer-B. Gillett Superintendent J. J. Jarmain



Rev. T. P. Poate, Merioka

Rev. Chas. K. Harrington, 252, Bluff Miss C. A. Sands, (absent)

Mr. L. A. Brown, 67a. Biuff

Miss Eva L. Koljane, 64a, B'uff

Rev. E. H. Jones, 3, Nakajim icho, Sendar Miss H. M. Browne, 46, Terakoji, do. Miss N. E. Fife,


Rev. T. P. Poate, Merioka



SOUTHERN Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.

Rev. R. Bryan, Kochi

Mrs. Grinnan do.

Rev. D. Junkin do.

Miss Dowd


Rev. R. E. and Mrs. McAlpine, Nagoya

Rev. G. W. Painter Rev. Price




CHURCH Mission.

Rev. I. H. and Mrs. Correll, 222B, Bluff Rev. W. S. Worden, M.D. and Mrs. Wor-

den, 222, Bluff

Miss G. M. Rulofson, 221 Bluff

Mrs. C. W. van Petten, 221, Bluff

Japan Publishing Agency.

Rev. Irwin H. Correll, agent, 222B, Bluff

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AMERICAN Reformed Church MISSION. Rev. J. H., and Mrs. Ballagh, 48, Bluff Rev. E. 8. and Mrs.Booth, 178, Bluff Miss M. L. Winn, 178, Bluff

Miss Annie de F. Thompson, 178 Bluff


Geo, T. Smith

Chas. E. and Mrs. Garst

Miss Calla J. Harrison

Miss Kate V. Johnson

METHODIST PROTESTANT MISSION. Rev. T. H. and Mrs M. A. Colhoter, 120,


Mrs. Hattie E. Crittenden, 120, Bluff Miss Maggie Brown, 84, Settlement Miss Jane Whetstone Miss Mellissa Bonnett


WOMEN'S UNION MISSIONARY SOCIETY. American Mission Home, 212, Bluff. Miss Julia N. Crosby

  Mrs. L. H. Pierson Mrs. A. Veile

Miss Adaline H. D. Kelsey, M.D. *

   MISSIONARIES-SELF SUPPORTING. Miss Harriet G. Brittan, 2, Bluff Miss Lizzie Ballago, 48, Bluff

Mrs Ellen Sharland, 212, Bluff

  GERMAN EVAngelical CoNGREGATION. C. Illies,


Rev. W. Spinner, pastor


In connection with the "Mission to Seamen Society," of Londor, and the "Ame- rican Seamen's Friend Society" of New York; Royal Naval Scripture Readers' Society of London

Missionary-W. T. Austen, agent for Church of England Temperance Society, Mission to Seamen Branch; Royal Naval Temperance Society

BRITISH and Foreign BIBLE SOCIETY. Rev. P. K. Fyson, hon. secretary, 51,

Tsukiji, Tokyo

G. Braithwaite, assistant agent

   NATIONAL BIBLE SOC. OF Scotland. · J.. A. Thomson, agent

Robt. A. Thomson, assistant

London Religious Tract Society. Agency, 77, Main St.

J. A. Thomson, agent Robt. A. Thomson, assistant

AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, 42A. Rev. Henry Loomis, agent: res., 223 Bluff


Rev. E. Champneys Irwine, M.A., incumbent Russell Robertson (chairman), J. A. Fra- ser, Montague Kirkwood, E. Wheeler, M.D., J. Rickett, committee

John Rickett, F. S. James, A. J. Wilkin,


D. S. Brearley, hon. treasurer


S. C. Pass, teacher

Miss Alice Pass, teacher

ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION. Rev. Félix Midon, pro-vicar apostolique Rev. Léger G. Testevuide, miss. apost. Rev. Alfred Pettier, Rev. J. L. Guenin,



SISTERS OF CHARITY. (Pensionnat du St. Enfant Jesus.) Rév. Mère S. Mathilde, supérieure Sœurs Ste. Marthe, Ste. Domitille, St. Epurem, St. Xavier, St. Guillaume, Ste. Mary, St. François, De Sales, Ste. Adeline, St. Louis..


CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.-60 Chairman―T. Thomas

Vice-Chairman-A. O. Gay

Committee-A. Winstanley, J. P. Molli- son, J. Dodds, F. Grinwald, E. Kilby, C. Ziegler Secretary-0. Keil

YOKOHAMA United Club.-5, Bund.. President-A. Winstanley Vice-President-W. J. Cruickshank Hon. Secretary-J. Dodds

Hon. Treasurer-W. J. 8. Shand Committee C. B. Bernard, J. Rickett, R

C. Tilford

Manager-T. Brewer

CLUB GERMANIA.-235 Committee-0. Keil, F. Retz, S. Strauss,

M. Troch, J. Winckler

Steward-H. Lutber

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President-Hou. P. le P. French

Committee-Ed. Wheeler, A. J. Easton (treasurer), T. Thomas (clerk of the course), R. D. Robison Secretary-J. F. Pinn


President-N. J. Hannen Vice-President and Captain-J.P. Mollison Committee-W. Sutter, T. Brewer, S. D.

    Hepburn, E. Abbott, W. Needham Hon. Secretary-W. D. S. Edward Hon. Treasurer~A. M. Chalmers

YOKOHAMA SKATING CLUB. Committee-W. L. Merriman, J. Stewart, J. O. Averill, Jr., hon. sec. and treas.

       YOKOHAMA Sailing Club. Committee.-J. J. Efford, J.O. Averill, Jr., E. Beart, R. Hay, Allan Owston, hon. sec. and treas.

YOKOHAMA Amateur Rowing Club. Captain-H. C. Litchfield Hon. Secretary-W. W. Till Hon. Treasurer-W. Sutter

SW188 RIFLE Club.

President-F. Schoene Secretary-F. Straehler Treasurer-H. Deck

      YOKOHAMA CHORAL SOCIETY. Committee-J. T. Griffin, president; F. Gillett, vice-president; C. Marshall Martin, hon. secretary; E. Flint Kilby, hon. treasurer; Mrs. E. Wheeler, Mrs. J. C. Hall, Mrs. McMurtrie, Mrs. A. C. Read

ASIATIC SOCiety of Japan. President-N. J. Hannen Vice-Presidents-Rev. Dr. J. L. Amerman,

W. G. Aston

Councillors-Dr. E. Divers, Rev. E. R. Miller, J. M. Dixon, J. C. Hall, J. H. Gubbins, J. Milne, N.Kanda, R. Ya- tabe, W. Dening, Rev. Dr. C. 8. Eby Corresponding Secretary-B. H. Chamber-

lain (Tokyo)

Treasurer-M. N. Wyckoff

Recording Secretaries Dr. C. G. Knott

(Tokyo), W. J. S. Shand (Yokohama) Librarian-Rev. J. Summers

YOKOHAMA PUBLIC HALL ASSOCIATION. Director.-A. O. Gay, chairman, W. Thomas, hon. treasurer, M. Kirkwood, A. Langfeldt


Captain-Jas. Walter

Foremen C. M. Martin, E. Leopold Hon. Sec. and Treas.-O. Kiel Engineer R. Gabaret:a

YOKOHAMA FIRE BRIGADE-238. Chief Superintendent-Jas. Walter Committee-Jas. Dodds, F. Strabler, T. Brewer, James Walter, W. B. Walter, H. Abegg

Supdt. Manual Engines-N. Morgin


Chief Superintendent-Jas. Walter Foreman H. Abegg

Masonic Lodges.

DISTRICT Grand Lodge of Japan. R. W. D. G. M.-W. H. Stone D. D. G. M.-Robert Hughes D. S. G. W.-O. Keil

D. J. G. W.-A. T. Watson

D. G. Chaplain-Rev. E. C. Irwine

D. G. Treasurer-W. A. Crane

D. G. Registrar-A. F. Macnab

Pres. D. B. of G.P.-Montague Kirkwood D. G. Secretary-J. Conder

D. S. G. D.-Ŵ. A. Oram

D. J. G. D.-J. W. Hall D. G. S. of W.-W. Barrie D. G. D. C.-E. Flirt Kilby D. G. S. B.-A. Hearne D.G.O.-D. Fraser

D. G. P.-G. Hodges

D.G.S.-F. Retz, J. W. Edmonds, H. A.


YOKOHAMA Lodge-1,092, E.C. Worshipful Master-E. Flint Kilby Senior Warden-R. N. St. John Junior Warden-G. Hay Treasarer-R. Inglis Secretary-W. T. Watt Senior Deason-W. Barrie Junior Deacon-L. Stornebrink Inner Guard-G. A. Scott Tyler-H. Yeomans

Past Masters-C. H. Dallas, E. J. Geog- hegan, W. H. Stone, M. Kirkwood, A. T. Watson

Digitized by



    OTENTOSAMA Lodge-1,263, E.C. Worshipful Master-J. W. Hall Senior Warden-G. Hodges Junior Warden-F. Retz Treasurer-H. Moss Secretary-J. W. Gray Senior Deacon-A. Hearne Junior Deacon-H. Hardy Inner Guard-W. Falck Tyler-H. Gosch


Past Masters-A. Langfeldt, H. Moss, J. W. Gray, W. A. Crane, C. D. Moss, O. Keil

STAR IN THE EAST LODGE, No. 640, S.C. R. Worshipful Master-T. H. Tripler I. P. Master-S. Eldridge Sub. Master-Jno. W. Hall Deputy Master A. Weiller Senior Warden-A. Patterson Junior Warden-R. Tannahill Treasurer A. Langfeldt Secretary-B. O. Squier Senior Deacon-R. McCance Junior Deacon-J. W. Donald Director of Cer.-

Inner Guard-R. Pender Tyler-H. Witt


Z-A, T. Watson

H.-O. Keil

J.-.H M088

E.-E. C. Irwine

N.-A. Farsari

Treasurer-W. H. Stone, P.Z.

P.8.-W. A. Oram

A. S.-G. Hay

Janitor G. Hodges

Ancient and Accepted SCOTTISH RITE, S.J. OF THE U.S.

A. Langfeldt, deputy

The Grand Consistory of THE EMPIRE of Japan, 32°.

Grand Master-O. Keil

Grand Prior-A. Farsari

Grand Preceptor-D. F. Robertson

Grand Hospitaller-S. Eldridge

  Grand Chancellor~A. T. Watson Grand Secretary-

Grand Treasurer-A. Patterson

Grand M. of Ceremonies-D. Crowe Grand Expert-C. J. Strome


Commander-D. W. Stevens

1st Lient.-Commander--D. F. Robertson 2nd


-D. Crowe

Chancellor-A. Patterson

Orator-S. Eldridge


Treasurer-A. T. Watson


Worshipful Master-Stuart Eldridge S. W.-A. T. Watson J. W.-A. Patterson Orator-C. J. Strome Almoner-C. Ginssain Secretary-W. A. Crane Treasurer-C. Giussani

Master of Ceremonies-J. F. Gorham


Worshipful Master-A. T. Watson S. W.-Stuart Eldridge J. W.-A. Patterson Orator C. J. Strome Almoner-C. Ginssain Secretary-W. A. Crane Treasurer-C. Giussani

Master of Ceremonies-J. F. Gorbain

CHRYSANTHEMum Chapter of Rose CROIX, No. 94.

M. W. S.-E. I. Geoghegan

H. P.-Rev. E. Champneys Irwine First G.-F. Brinkley

Second G.-A. F. Macnab

Recorder and Treasurer-W. H. Stone G. M.-Montague Kirkwood R.-Arthur Larcom

C. of G.-Josiah Conder

P. M. W. S.-W. H. Stone, 31°; C. H.

Dallas, 30°; M. Kirkwood, 30o, E. Champneys Irwine

Janitor A. Hearne

Public Companies, &c.


Abbott, Edgar, agent-

Queen Fire and Life Insurance Com-

pany of Liverpool

Reliance Marine Insurance Co. of


Ahrens & Co., H. agents-

London Assurance Corporation

Digitized by



Adamson, Bell & Co., agents-

Singapore Insurance Company, Ld. Singapore Fire Insurance Company,


National Marine Insurance Associa-

tion, Limited

 Globe Marine Insurance Co., Limited Home and Colonial Marine Insurance

Co., Limited

South Australian Marine Insurance Co. Merchants' Marine Insurance Co. of

South Australia

American Trading Co., agents-

Economic Insurance Co.

--Barnard, A., agent-

Universal Marine Insurance Co., Ld.

Bernard & Wood, agents-

London and Lancashire Insurance Co. Sea Insurance Co., Limited Scottish Metropolitan Life Assurance New York Life Insurance Co.

Bisset & Co., agents-

London and Provincial Fire Insu-

rance Co., Limited

Butterfield & Swire, agents-

Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation


British and Foreign Marine Insu-

rance Company

London and Lancashire Fire Insu-

rance Company

Cornes & Co., agents――


Lancashire Fire Insurance Company Royal Exchange (Marine) Underwriting Agency Association of


Norwich Union Insurance Society Mannheimer Versicherungs Ges. Assicurazioni Generali in Trieste

Findlay, Richardson & Co., agents

North British and Mercantile Insurance

Company (Fire and Life) Manchester Underwriters' Assocn.

Fraser, Farley, & Co., agents-

Boston Board of Underwriters Standard Life Assurance Company Scottish Union and National Fire and

Life Insurance Company New Zealand Insurance Co. (Fire and


Frazar & Co., agents


New York Board of Underwriters. Record of American and Foreign


Glennie, A. W., agent-

Commercial Union Assurance (Fire) Universal Marine Insurance Co., Ld.

Grauert, H., agent-

North German Fire Insurance Co.

Grosser & Co., agents-

The Fire Assurance Association, Ld. Fire Insurance Co., of 1877, Hamburg Bremen Board of Underwriters London and Lancashire Life Insce. Badische Schifffahrts Versicherungs

Gesellschaft, Frankfurt-on-Main

Heinemann & Co., Paul, agents-

China Traders' Insurance Co., Limited Merchant Shipping and Underwriters Association, Limited, Melbourne

Hemert, J. Ph. von, agent-

Second Colonial Sea and Fire Insu-

rance Company of Batavia Java Sea and Fire Insurance Company Board of Underwriters, Amsterdam

Illies & Co., C., agents-

Transatlantische Feuer Versicherungs

Actien Gesellschaft, in Hamburg Scottish Imperial Life Insurance Atlas Assurance Co., Fire

Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents-

Canton Insurance Office, Limited Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Id. Alliance Fire Assurance Company Compagnie La Foncière

Kingdon, Schwabe & Co., agents-

Phoenix Fire Insurance, London Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ld. Manchester Fire Insurance Company The Union Marine Insurance Co., Ld.

Macpherson, A. J., agent-

Imperial Fire Insurance Company

Meier & Co., A., agents-

Bureau Veritas

Baden Marine Insurance Co.

Digitized by



Middleton & Co., agents-


South British Fire and Marine Insu-

rance Co. of New Zealand

Mollison & Co., agents-

Thames and Mersey Marine Insu-

rance Company

Imperial Life Insurance Company Liverpool Underwriters' Association Liverpool and London and Globe

Fire Insurance Company

Morf & Co., H. C., agents-

Consolidated Marine Insurance Co. of

Berliu and Dresden, at London Transatlantic Marine Insurance Co.

Ld., Berlin

Mourilyan, Heimann & Co., agents-

China Fire Insurance Co., Limited

Netherlands Trading Society, Liquidator

in Japan

Board of Underwriters, Amsterdam

New Oriental Bank Corpn., agents-- National Life Assurance Society

North China Insurance Company, Ld.-75

W. G. Bayne, agent

Agents for Commercial Union Assur-

ance Co., Ld., Marine Branch

Raspe & Co., M., agents-

Lubeck Fire Insurance Co.

Rickett, J., agent-

The Marine Insurance Company

Rohde & Co., Carl, agente-

Hamburg Bremen Fire Insurance Co. Board of Hamburg Underwriters Foncière Insurance Co. of Buda-Pest

Schoene and Mottu, agents-

Schweiz Marine Insurance Company, Lion Fire Insurance Co.

Schultze, Adolph, agent- German Lloyd's

Royal Insurance Company

Shand, W. J. S., agent-

City of London Fire Insurance Co. Provident Clerks' Mutual Life Assur,

ance Association

General Fire Insurance Co.

General Life Assurance Co.

Siber & Brennwald, agents-

Helvetia Marine Insurance Company Helvetia Swiss Fire Insurance Co. Hamburg-Magdeburg Fire Insurance


Le Comité des Assureurs Maritimes

de Paris

Simon, Evers & Co., agents-

Hanseatic Fire Insurance Co. Prussian National Insurance Co. Deutsche Transport Versicherungs-


Smith, Baker & Co., agents---

Guardian Fire and Life Assurance

Strachan & Co., W. M., agents-

Northern Assurance Co., Fire and Life London and Provincial Marine In-

surance Co., Ld.

Talbot, W. H., Nippon Yusen Kaisha,

claims agent for Japan-

United Swiss Marine Insurance Com-

panies, viz.

The Helvetia in St. Gall, Limited The Bâloise in Basle, Limited The Switzerland in Zurich, Limited The New Swiss Lloyd in Winther-

thur, Limited

The Neuchâteloise in Neuchâtel, Ld.

Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld.

A. J. Easton, acting agent

A. P. R. Collaço

Walsh, Hall & Co., agents-

Yangtsze Insurance Association Merchant Marine Insurance Co., Ld.

Watson, E. B., agent-

Chinese Insurance Company, Limited

Whittall, E., agent-

Caledonian Fire Insurance Company

Wilkin & Robison, agents-

Sun Fire Office

Straits Fire Insurance Co., Limited Straits Insurance Co., Limited

Ziegler & Co., agents-

New Swiss Lloyd, Winterthur Netherlands Fire Insurance Co.


Jno. W. Hall, agent

Digitized by





C. D. Halliburton, acting agent

W. Hoggan, acting accountant F. C. Davidge, sub-accountant A. C. Barradas, chief clerk J. W. Piper

E. A. Ritchie

G. H. M. da Costa



E. Morriss, acting manager

A. H. Dare, acting accountant

E. J. Pereira, assistant accountant G. M. Byres,


G. Gower Robinson, do.

C. H. Wilson,


J. A. Jeffrey,


C. L. Anderson,


G. F. Gordo,


J. M. de Sa Silva,



E. Blanc, agent

J. A. de la Noé

'G. Jouvet

P. Chiron, customs clerk

P. Jourdan, coal depôt

Kataoka, interpreter


NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. (Japan Mail STEAMSHIP Co.) Head Office, 86 Onoye-cho, Rokuchome. M. Morioka, president

T. Yoshikawa, director

A. R. Brown, managing director W. H. Talbot, secretary

M. Asada, chief accountant

Makoto Kato, assist. do.

E. L. James, do. do.

T. Yoshikawa, freight department M. Sayenobu,


Marayoshsi Kato, correspondence dept.

S. Yoshitake,

H. A. Howe,

E. P. Pallister,

E. R. Holmes,

Theodore Kayser,






J. P. P. Collaçao, do.

S. H. Hayashi, interpreter



Bisset & Co., agents


L. Glénat, acting agent

Geo. Osborn


D. Fraser, manager

W. R. Needham, acting accountant H. J. Rothwell, assist. accountant E. J. Marques, clerk

K. S. Misawa, interpreter


Donald Fraser, attorney for the official


Steamship Companies.

Peninsular and Oriental Stham NAVIGATION COMPANY-15

J. Rickett, agent

A. D. Uloth

C. W. Arnould

Wong Yick Tong

G. Palmer

J. H. Donker. Curtius, do.

A. Urquhart,


A. Macmillan, superintendent engineer

William Barrie, outdoor assist.

R. Inglis, acting Jo.



T. H. James, R.N., navigating inspector G. W. Walker, superintendent captain

G. Hay, assist. to

M. Tomita, do.

W. Donald, do.

W. Hardy,






J. Campbell naval draughstman K. Ozeki, manager printing dept. T. Ishizawa, manager stationery dept,

Store Department, Kaigan-Dori. J. Johnstone, manager

D. Kanada,

A. W. Curtis

A. Stein

J. W. Cain


C. Pope, godown keeper

C. Dresser, assitsant do.

Engine Works, Kaigan-Dori.

Andrew Patterson, manager

J. Mackenzie, engine shop foreman

J. H. Macgregor, foreman boilermaker D. Scott, engineer

C. B. Clausen, foreman carpenter

G. Watt


H. Tonami, accountant

Digitized by



Yokohama Agency.

8. Iwanaga

8. D. Hepburn,} agents

J. H. Curtis

P. 8. Symes


Rompei Kondo, agent, Tokyo 8. Iwanaga, agent, Yokohama 8. D. Hepburn, agent, do. K. Uchida, agent,


F. Plate, agent,


8. Yamada, agent,



E. H. Duus, agent,

Yeend Duer, agent, Shanghai 8. Sonoda, agent, Hakodate 8. Yanagi agent, Fusan

K. Harada, agent, Fushiki 8. Yanagi, agent, Gensan F. Kubo, agent, Ishinomaki 8. Sasaki, agent, Jinsen

K. Uchida, agent, Kagoshima 8. Akiba, Nemuro

M Hama, Niigata 8. Tsuda, Otaru, Fusan H. Kume, agent, Kochi K. Uchida, agent, Osaka

G. Haruta, acting agent, Osaka D. Kurahashi, agent, Sakata O. Sasaki, agent, Shimonoseki D. Kurahashi, agent, Tsuchisaki K. Uchida, agent, Tsuruga B. Funamoto, agent, Yokkaichi Cornabé & Co., agents, Chefoo


Forbes, Graham & Co., agents, Tientsin Kunst & Albers, agents, Wladiwostock


  Chitose-maru, 481 tons, 70 H.P. Commander-M. Tsuji

Fushiki-maru, 1,919 tons, 200 H.P. Commander-P. Frahm

  Gembu-maru, 644 tons, 75 H.P. Commander-R. (Pender

Harima-maru, 677 tons, 75 H.P.

Commander-S. Tsuge

 Higo-maru, 1,354 tons, 150 HP. Commander-J. Jones Chief Officer-H. D. James Second do. J. H. St. John Chief Engineer-J. Hood

Second do. -G. Lisles

Hyogo-maru, 1,411 tons, 200 H.P. Commander-C. Nye

Chief Officer-O. Soderberg Second do.-C. J. Baynes Third do. -F. Daniel Chief Engineer-D. Reid Second do. -A. Shanks Third do. -R. B. Porter Fourth do. -D. Lamont

Hiroshima-maru, 1,869 tons, 320 H.P. Commander-G. S. Burdis Chief Officer-F. L. Sommer Second do. -R. McIvor Third do.

Chief Engineer-L. Harlow Second do. -P. Statta Third do. -G. Shirras

Fourth do. -J. Walker

Idzumo-maru, 677 tons, 70 H.P. Commander-H. Misaki

Ise-maru, 1,184 tons, 120 H.P. Commander-K. Kori Chief Engineer-C. Volke

Kii-maru, 1,355 tons, 150 H.P. Commander -H. Kawaoka Chief Engineer-T. Uno-awa

Kiorio-maru, 374 tons, 100 H.P. Commander-J. Higo

Kobe-maru, 3,000 tons, 500 H.P. (Building in Gasgow.)

Kumamoto-maru, 1,913 tons, 200 H.P. Commander-J. W. Ekstrand

Chief Officer-P. J. C. Franck Second do. -P. Smiles Third do. S. Yamanouchi Chief Engineer-E. Noble Second do. --M. Small Third do. A. Campbell Fourth do. -L. A. Carst

Kwanko-maru, 298 tons, 50 H.P. Commander-S. Yoshisawa

Matsumaye-maru, 608 tons, 90 H.P. Commander-T. Araki

Mino-maru, 893 tons, 95 H.P. Commander Y. Kaya

Mororan-maru, 177 tons, 50 H.P.

Commander-S. Nakamura

Mutsu-maru, 891 tons, 95 H.P. Commander-8. Mitamura

Digitized by




Nagato-maru, 1,810 tons, 250 H.P.

Captain C. Young

   Chief Officer-H. Gosch Second do. -R. Scott

   Third do. -J. W. Butt Chief Engineer-J. Wallace

do. do. H. Roxburgh



Third do. -G. Watson Fourth do. G. Barclay

Nagoya-maru, 1,914 tons, 310 H.P.

Commander-W. Walker Second Officer-J. Hardmeat Third do. -J. Clark

Chief Engineer-P. J. McCormick Second do. -G. N. Weed Fourth do. J. Keating

Naniwa-maru, 198 tons, 85 H.P. Commander-

      Nemuro-maru, 194 tons, H.P. Commander-R. Igawa

    Niigata-maru, 2,031 tons, 250 H.P Captain J. Drummond Chief Officer-H. Walter Second do. -J. Cottier Chief Engineer-A. Crawford Second do. J. C. King Third do. -J. Todd Fourth do. -J. Booth

Omi-maru, 2,460 tons, 350 H.P.

   Commander -R. Swain Chief Officer-J. R. Tiddy Second do. -C. Soren-on Fourth do. -D. R. Buchan Chief Engineer-W. Miller Second do. -E. Twisell Third do. -F. Palmer Fourth do. -R. Holmes

Owari-maru, 1.094 tons, 125 H.P. Commander-H. J. Carrew Chief Officer-W. Salmond Second do. -A. Harvey Chief Engineer-R. Hamilton Second do. -W. Davies

    Sagami-maru, 1,799 tons, 225 H.P. Commander-T. S. Kenderdine Chief Officer-J. M. Renny Second do. T. H. Ihamblyn Chief Engineer-J. Ro inson Second do. -J Struthers Third do. -J. Knox Fourth do. -P. McMillan

Saikio-maru, 3,000 tons, 500 H.P.

(Building in Glasgow.) wine

Sakata-maru, 1,856 tons, 200 H.P. Commander-J. Spiegelthal Chief Officer-F. C. Anderson Second do.

Third do.

Chief Engineer-F. Langridge Second do -W. Schlesinger

Third do --A. Faulds

Satsuma-maru, 1,810 tons, 250 H.P. Commander-G. W. Conner Chief Officer-W. L. Ingram Second dc. -J. A. Arvidson Third do. -J. Delaland Chief Engineer-G. McGregor Second do. -C. Colquhoun Third do. A. Roy Fourth do. -J. Harkness

Seirio-maru, 591 tons, 90 H.P. Commander-K. Nakashima

Shario-maru, 800 tons, 110 H.P. Commander-J. Miyaki Chief Engineer-C. Myhre

Shinagawa-maru, 1,307 tons, 120 H.P. Commander-J. Thomas

Chief Officer-A. McCallum Second do. -M. A. Svendsen Chief Engineer-T. Bachelor Second do -R. Fitzgerald Third do. R. Macgill


Suminoye-maru, 1,820 tons, 150 H.P. Commander-T. Sakai

Chief Engineer-W. Graham Second do. -R. Knox

Suruga-maru, 677 tons, 70 H.P. Commander Y. Arai

Tagonoura-maru, 662 tons, 96 H.P. Commander-K. Motoki

Takachiho-maru, 2,152 tons, 200 H.P. Commander-R. N. Walker Chief Officer- C. Georgaen Second do. -J. W. Gardelin Chief Engineer- T. Talleksen Second do. -W. Mitchell Third do. -C. F. Schaetzen Fourth do.

-W. P. Orr

Digitized by




Takasago-maru, 2,121 tons, 250 H.P. Commander-F. J. Brown Chief Officer-H. D. James Second do. -M. Mottram Chief Engineer-J. Gallagher Second do. -G. B. Young Third do. Fourth do.

-A. H. Seavor

-J. Cameron

Fifth do. -W. Clark

Tamaura-maru, 877 tons, 118 H P. Commander-M, Matsumoto Chief Engineer-D. Boucher

Tokai-maru, 1,042 tons, 140 H.P. Commander-M. Fukui

Tokyo-maru, 2,130 tons, 280 H.P. Commander-J. Wynn Chief Officer-G. Edwards Second do. -E. Prichard Third do.

Chief Engineer-E. Mathews

Second do.

-F. C. Forder

Third do. -C. Herreborg Fourth do. -J. Henderson

   Totomi-maru, 1,840 tons, 18v H.P. Commander-J. Steedman Chief Officer-H. James Second do. -M. Curnow Chief Engineer-T. Morton Second do. -W. Marshall Third do. -P. Schramm

Toyoshima-maru, 1,189 tons, 150 H.P.

Commander-T. Kasuga Chief Engineer-R. M. Thomson

Tsuruga-maru, 880 tons, 110 H.P. Commander-P. Hussey Chief Officer-F. Devenish

Second do. -J. L. Petrie

Yamashiro-maru, 2,490 tons, 350 H.P. Commander-J. Mahlmann

Chief Officer-E. Barstow Second do. Brady


Chief Engineer-B. Tannahill Second do. -E. Petersen Third 'do. -F. Kochler Fourth do. -J. Laurie

Yechigo-maru, 1,014 tons, 130 H.P. Commander-J. Nerei

Yetchiu-maru, 877 tons, 98 H.P. Commander-W. Thompsen Chief Officer-J. Giese Second do. -F. Howard Chief Engineer-J. McPherson

Yokohama-maru, 2,237 tons, 350 H.P. Commander-E. W. Haswell Chief Officer-A. Allen Second do. -H. F. Litton Third do. A. Jappe Chief Engineer-W. Duncan Second do. -J. Liddle

Third do.

J. Ballantine

Fourth do. -R. W. Jack

Yoshino-maru, 310 tons, 70 H,P.

Commander-S. Muramatsu

Sailing Vessels.

Hidesato-maru, 293 tons

Commander-K. Chiba

Masashige-maru, 300 tons.

Commander-G. Tamai

Minatogawa-maru, 135 tons.

Commander T. Hoshino

Mitsunaka-maru, 406 tons.

Commander-T. Hayashi

Nishibetsu-maru, 144 tons.

Commander-R. Lida

Tametomo-maru, 372 tons.

Commander-Y. Muraoka

Yorinobu-maru, 483 tons.

Commander-A. Oishi

Yoshiiye-maru, 348 tons.

Commander-S. Suda

Chief Engineer―T. D. Jordan Second do. -C. Wood

     Urado-maru, 500 tons, 80 H.P. Commander-G. Nagashima

Wakanoura-maru, 2,125 tons, 300 H.P.

Commander A. F. Christensen Chief Officer--A. Thomsen Second do. -K. P. Johansen Chief Engineer-F. Truscott Second do. M. Wignall Third do. --C. Melsen Fourth do. -B. Douglas

AUSTRO-HUNgarian Lloyd's S.N. Co.

F. Retz, agent

Digitized by





Alex. Center, agent

B. C. Howard

E. H. R. Manley E. W. Tilden

J. F. Gorham, supt. of coal depot

and lighters


Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents

GLEN LINE OF STEAMERS. Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents


W. M. Strachan & Co., agents

CANADIAN PACIFIC S. S. LINE. Frazar & C., agents


CASTLE LINE OF STEAMERS. Adamson, Bell & Co., agents

  SHIRE LINE oF STEAMERS. Adamson, Bell & Co., agents

 OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Butterfield & Swire, agents

 CHINA NAVIgation CompANY, Butterfield & Swire, agents


Simon, Evers & Co., agents

BEN LINE OF STEAMERS. Mourilyan, Heimann & Co., agents

APCAR & Co.'s Calcutta Steamers,

A. Barnard, agent, 75


Adamson, Bell & Co., agents

EASTERN ANnd AustralIAN 8. 8. Co.

Bisset & Co., agents


Yokohama and Nagasaki via Inland Sea

W. Lees

W. Topping

P. A. Dithlefsen

Gulf of Yedo and Hyogo

Geo. Taylor Kii Channel

J. Harris


Merchants, Professions, Trades, &c.

Abbey, R., customs agent-108

Abbott, Edgar, bill, bullion & shipbroker, 67

Adamson, Bell & Co., merchants-36

E. Wex, manager

G. J. Melbuish G. S. Thomson

P. E. F. Stone

A. J. Correa

Ahrens & Co., nachfolger, merchants-29

Th. Hake

E. Wismer (Kobe) G. R. Mosle do.

John Maack E. Leopold H. A. Ahrens

M. Sürth

A. Hofmann

Allcock, Geo. H., silk inspector-33

American Trading Co.-28

Jas. R. Morse, manager

C. W. Dimock (Kobe) E. A. Sargent Geo E. Rice E. P. Fellows

J. W. Beauchamp (Kobe)

Anderson, W., carpenter, shipwright, &c. 277

Aymonin, V.-10

Bacharach, Oppenheimer & Co., merchants

-154, and Rue Bergère, 28, Paris

N. Bacharach

G. Oppenheimer A. Worch

E. Hagens

M. Vorwald

Otto Bergmann

R. Höckert (Kobe)

Barlow, H., wine merchant and commis

sion agent―30

Barnard, A., merchant-75

Digitized by



Bavier & Co., merchants-76

Ed. de Bavier

J. H. Jewett, signs per pro.


Bay View House Academy-241, Bluff

Mme. Salabelle

Miss A. Salabelle

Bear & Co., tea exporters-201

S. Bear (San Francisco)

W. Berl (San Francisco)

R. Dross

Beart, E., 130, Bluff

Bennett & Steele, bill & bullion brokers-89

W. R. Bennett

H. Steele

Beretta, P., merchant-10

Berger, E.-234, Bluff

Bernard and Wood-27

C. B. Bernard

G. C. Wood (New York)

G. C. Pakenham

Berrick Brothers-56

G. B. Berrick

J. Berrick

Bing & Co., S.-75

S. Bing (Paris)

A. Bing

H. Ernaux (Paris)

D. Dubuffet do.

A. Harmand, 8:gns per pro.

Ch. Pouri, engineer

J. Peny (Kobe) signs per pro.

A. Dubuffet do.

Bird & Co., drapers, etc.- -66

E. A. Bird

Miss H. R. Rumble

Bisset & Co., merchants-78

James Bisset

A. J. Macpherson (London)

H. Pryer

R. M. Stirling C. V. Schinidt

F. Collins

G. Hood K. Uchiyama

Blacas & Co., sailmakers-124

L. Blacas

Boag, John T., bill and bullion broker--

32, Water street

Boehmer, L., horticulturist, 28, Bluff

Boulangerie Francaise-134

J. Quantini

Bourne & Co., public tea inspectors, land and commission agents, and auctioneers 71

Wm. Bourne

Boyes & Co., merchants-153

Fred. Boyes

Richard Reiff

J. Naudin

O. Damm

A. Naudin

Brearley, D. S., merchant-3A

Bunting, Isaac, merchant-100

Burnside, P.-43

Butterfield & Swire, merchants-7

James Dodds

Jesse W. Gray

Carroll & Co., cemmi sion agents-43

H. M. Roberts

C. F. H. Titjen

Carst, Captain Jan, Salvage and Divers' Company, Moto Benten, and 98, Bluff

Caudrelier, L., storekeeper and contrac


E. Andries

B. Martinelli

China & Japan Trading Company, Limit- ed; importers of, and dealers in, general merchandise, commission agents-89

Thos. F. McGrath, manager

A. J. Lines

T. J. Morris

J. M. Jensen

T. L. Brower

China & Japan Trading Company, Tea


Marshall, Bazing, manager

Clark, Alex., 223, Bluff

Clarke, Robert, bread and biscuit baker-189

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Cliff Dairy-Negishi

Andrew Jaffray, proprietor

Club Hotel, A. Hearne & Co-5

A. Hearne

G. Blakeway

H. Salomon, chef

John Herring, steward


Cobb & Co., carriage builders and livery

stable keepers-37

J. W. Sutherland

Cocking & Co., merchants-55

Samuel Cocking, Jr.

T. L. Boag

S. C. Nash

Z. Maurie

K. Asashima

Collyer, J. E., Exchange Market-42

T. M. Laffin

Colomb & Co., J., merchants-10

Jules Colomb

Paul Colomb

A. Dubourg

Concordia Hotel-179

H. C. N. Witt, proprietor

Cope, F. A., auctioneer and financial

agent-28 & 52

Copeland, W.-123, Bluff


Cornes & Co., merchants-50

Frederick Cornes (London) W. H. Taylor A. Winstanley R. A. Wylie J. B. Maxwell W. W. Till

A. G. M. Weale

J. L. Ruyter

Culty, A., hairdresser-51

Curnow & Co., J., storekeepers-82

A. Mitchell (London)

M. Russell

H. Russell

Daigremont, G., contractor for public


De Jong, Dr. C. G.-179


Deakin Brothers & Co., dealers in fine

art goods-16, Bund

L. H. Deakin

F. H. Deakin (San Francisco) W. Deakin

Delacamp & Co., merchants-194

H. O. Delacamp (New York) Cb. Lange Delacamp (Kobe)

Wm. Gordon E. J. Geogbegan J. Ritchie

Dell'Oro & Co., merchants-91

Isidoro Dell'Oro (absent) F. Biagioni

A. Bianchi

L. Colombo

L. Jubin

Dentice, M., "Provencale Bakery "-186

De Vigau & Co., J., merchants-202

J. de Vigan (absent) C. de Vigan (absent) M. Renard (Kobe)

C. Leroy do.

J. Delahaye

Diack, J., architect and civil engineer,

157, Bluff

Dinsdale, G. K., merchant-28

Doering, J. G., piano manufacturer, tuner

and repairer-109

Dourille, P., silk merchant-164B

Dross, R., merchant and commission


Durand & Co., saddlers-61

U. Durand

E. Balmes

Efford, John J., surveyor for Lloyd's British Government and local offices, 30, Water St. and 72 Bluff

Eldridge, S., medical practitioner-167

Essabhoy, A. M., merchant and commis-

sion agent

Moosabboy Moola Ebrabmjee, mat-




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Eugert, M., bill and bullion broker-5

Eyton & Pratt-76

J. L. O. Eyton Barbin H. Pratt

Eymard, C. L.-26

Farsari & Co., A., photographers-16,


A. Farsari

Favre Brandt, C. & J., watch and clock im-


C. Favre Brandt

J. Favre Brandt

A. Baud

L. Du Bois, signs per pro. (Osaka) C. Du Bois,


Findlay, Richardson & Co., merchants-6

Robert Johnstone

Mat. Brown, Jr.

A. H. C. Watson

Fonseca, J. A. da-25

Fraser, Farley, & Varnum, tea merchants

-143, 216, and 218

J. A. Fraser (absent) Gustavus Farley, Jr. (absent) F. S. James

R. M. Varnum

J. W. Doheny T. P. Tyler

Frazar & Co.-200

J. Lindsley

W. H. Brenner

A. W. Congdon

A. W. Payne, Jr.

H. de Haasloff

W. H. Smith

Gabaretta, R., "The Relief Fire Brigade"


Garcia & Beyfus, merchants-83

W. Beyfus

S. Garcia (absent)

Gerard's Steam Tile manufactory-77


Gibbs, J. B.-14, Bluff

Gillett, B., merchant-24B

Ginsburg, M., merchant-59

M. Ginsburg

M. Mess

N. Mess

Gorman & Co., H. J., furniture dealers-86.

Grand Hotel-18, 19, 20, Bund

J. Boyer

P. Muraour L. Wolf

L. Muraour, supdt. of kitchen B. J. G. M. Funcke, bookkeeper J. Gama, agent

M. Chiovatti, chief steward B. Baptiste, steward

J. Riddy, barkeeper George Paquini, watchman Paul, mechanic

Grauert, H., merchant-92

H. Grauert

Robt. Bleifus

Heori Grauert

Griffin & Co., silk merchants-89

J. T. Griffin

T. M. Uyeno

Grosser & Co., merchants-180

E. Grosser (absent)

F. Grosser

G. Natermann (Kobe)

J. Sturcke

M. Ostermeyer

A. Arnemann

A. Cordeiro

Gulick, Theo. W., dentist-22, Bluff

Haefker's Hotel-87 Main street

Mrs. Haefker

Mrs. A. Koehler

(See Advertisement.)

Hall, Jno. W., auctioneer and general agent


John. W. Hall

F. Abbey

C. Pass

(See Advertisemeut.)

Harding, H., aerated waters manufacturer ·


Harris, Dr. J.-234, Bluff

Hegt, M. J. B. N. 59, Bluff

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Heinemann & Co., Paul, merchants-198

Paul Heinemann (New York)

Otto Reimers

Oscar Voigt (Kobe)

A. Gültzow

F. Strähler

H. Muhle

Martin Pors (Kobe) W. Doebbeling (Kobe) C. Falck (Kobe)

Hellyer & Co., merchants-32

F. Hellyer (Kobe) T. W. Hellyer

B. Hyde Pearson J. L. Pereira, Jr. J. R. Elliott (Kobe) N. Q. Guterres, do.

Helm, Paul, landing and shipping agent


Hemert, J. Ph. von, merchant-25

R. A. Mees

"Hotel du Commerce ". -133

Hotel et Café de l'Univers-187

Mme. Mantel.n

Hunt & Co., merchants-211

H. J. Hunt

E. Hunt

J. C. Hartland

A. E. Trew (Kobe)

R. E. B. Wood

Illies & Co., C., merchants-54

C. Illies (Tokyo)

G. Reddelien (absent)

J. Holm

W. Stoffregen

J. Haalcke

M. Kochen (Kobe)


R. G. Robert

F. Bielfeld


A. G. Mosle (Tokyo)

F. H. Boegel do.

International Bowling Saloon

C. Heldt

Isaacs & Brother, R., gen. merchants-195

Israel Isaacs

R. Isaacs (absent)

Segimund Isaacs

T. H. Box

Iveson & Co., H., butchers, etc.-70

Japan Brewery Company, Limited

Head Office, Hongkong; Branch

Office, 7, Yokohama


Directors-Jas Dodds, chairman, F. Grösser, vice chairman, H. Baher, A. Winstanley, W. H. Talbot, E. Abbott, T. B. Glover Secretary-J. Donaldson Brewery-123, Bluff

H. Héckert, brewer W. N. Watt, engineer

Japan Dispensary, Brett & Co.-60

A. T. Watson

Jos. Schedel

Japan Gazette and Japan Directory Office


J. R. Anglin, proprietor

W. Tasker Watt, editor A. W. Quinton, manager J. M. Santos, overseer

Japan Herald Office-28

J. H. Brooke, proprietor (absent) J. F. Pinn, lessee and editor J. M. Saunders, reporter H. Collins, Jr.

H. Collins, foreman

Japan Mail Office-72

Capt. F. Brinkley, R. A., proprietor

and editor

J. E. Beale, manager

R. Hay, reporter

H. Macarthur, accountant

M. Zumoto, translator

Japan Tea Syndicate-243

Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants-1

W. B. Walter

C. F. Hooper

O. H. P. Noyes, tea inssector

C. Gibbons,

W. Aitchison


G. Gilbert, silk inspector

A. C. Read

Victor Faga

H. V. Henson

Jarmain, J. J.-96, Bluff

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Josuph, H. H., merchant and commission

agent, milliner, tailor and draper

Abdools Hajee Josuph (Bombay) Hassumbhoy Hajee Josuph

M. H. Sheedeck

M. Kaderdine

M. Hoosen

See Advertisement.

Jubin, C.-157, and 247, Bluff

Keetch, John Z., landing, shipping and forwarding agent and drayman-121,


Kelly & Walsh, Limited, booksellers, sta- tioners, news agents, tobacconists, &c. -28

T. Brown (Shanghai), director B. J. S. Brinkworth, manager

C. E. Miller

Kilby & Co., Flint, merchants-70

Arthur Brent (London)

E. Flint Kilby

Leonard Pulford (London)

F. H. Hooper

Kingdon, Schwabe & Co., merchants--193

N. P. Kingdon, 16 & 17, Bluff R. S. Schwabe, 81, Bluff

Kingsell & Co., F., printers, stationers, and


F. Kingsell

Kirkwood, Montague, barrister-at-law; legal adviser to H.I.M.'s Department of Justice, 10 Water St.: residence, Tokyo, Asatu Nakano-cho-19

M. Kirkwood

A. B. Walford, barrister-at-law A. Keir, solicitor, Kintaro Nagai

Kuhn & Co., curio merchants-79

M. M. Kuhn

See Advertisement.

Lane, Crawford & Co., storekeepers and commission merchants, auctioneers and compradores, tailors and outfitters-59 David R. Crawford (Hongkong) John S. Cox (England)

Frederic Townley

G. Booth, manager tailoring and out-

fitting department

F. O. Eustace

T. G. Richmond

J. B. Coulson

E. Powys

R. Mckinnett

K. Inouye

Langfeldt & Mayers, importers and dea- lers in provisions, shipchandlers, _navy contractors and coal merchants-73

A. Langfeldt

S. Mayers (San Francisco)

F. Č. V. Ribeiro W. Falck

E. Batavus W. Waggot N. Krell

Jos. L. Mayers (Kobe)

H. Xavier

J. Sekanoura



Leslie and Curtis, Mesdames, milliners

and dressmakers-79

Letourneur, 0.-85

Levy & Co., M.-31

Montague Levy (London) T. A. Singleton

J. Lyons (London)

F. W. Johnson

Lichtenstein, L, merchant-57

Litchfield, H. C., barrister-at-law; H.B.M.'s

Crown Prosecutor for Japan-82

Lohmann & Co., tailors, &c.-53

J. Peltzer

M. Klaus

Low & Co., C. P.,

C. P. Low


Jas. H. Taggart

H. A. Schouten

C. H. Geffeney, Jr.

A. Geyer

T. Okamoto

K. Mishima

Lowder, J. F., Larrister-at-law, standing counsel to Financial and Judicial Depts.


MacArthur & Co., H., ship and freight bro-


H. MacArthur

McDonald and Boag, bill and bullion bro-

kers-32, Water street

John T. Boag

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MacKenzie & Co., commission merchants


Spencer G. MacKenzie Chang Ah Lok

F. V. Samuels

Macpherson, A. J., merchant-78

Maigre, R., engineer-31

Mme. V. Maigre

Marians & Co., I., merchants-24B

I. Marians (London)

J. Green,


H. H. Jacobs

L. D. Abraham (Kobe) J. Fox,


McLeod, Nicholas, curio dealer-60

Marcus & Co., S., merchants-56 S. Marcus (London) J. Witkowsky (do.)

E. C. Passy-Adams F. Solomon

Martin & Co., coal merchants-107

J. Martin

J. Martin, jun.

Clarence M. Martin

T. Burrell

Mingard, A., aerated waters manufac-


Mawe & Co., merchants-94

Geo. Sale

C. V. Sale

Middleton & Co., merchants-22

John Middleton

J. O. Averill, Jr.

Mollison & Co., merchants-48

James Pender Mollison George Hamilton (New York)

F. Gillett

Ed. Morris, Jr.

Moore & Co., L. P., tea exporters-218

L. P. Moore

Morf & Co., H. C., merchants-176

F. Grunwald

O. Münch

F. Schiff

F. Koerner

H. Koch

A. Kleinwort, manager

H. Becker


Moss, E. J., Yokohama Furniture Re-

pository-86 A. B. and c.

E. J. Moss

G. C. Booth

Mourilyan, Heimann & Co., merchants-35

Chas. A. Heimann (absent)

Arthur H. Groom

W. J. Cruickshank

A. W. Gillingham (Kobe)

M. H. R. Harris

H. C. Pigott

W. D. S. Edwards

J. J. Skinner (Kobe)

J. Gillingham


M. Baggallay


A. Milne


H. W. Sale

T. G. Sale

Mecre, Dr.-232 and 91, Bluff

Meier & Co., A., merchants-8

A. Meier

H. Geslien

O. Meyer

R. Schüffner

Meiklejohn & Co., R., letterpress and lithographic printers, stereotypers, pu- blishers and bookbinders-26

R. Meiklejohn

Mendelson Brothers, merchants-94

J. Mendelson

S. Mendelson (absent)

A. J. Rickerby do.

Negre, A. F., agent de change-58

Netherlands Trading Society-25

J. Ph. von Hemert, liquidator

Normal Dispensary-77A

L. F. Machefert

North & Rae, Medical Hall and Dispensary


John North

A. G. Green

Occidental Hotel-40

W. J. Ramage

Ogden, Dr., dentist-66

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Oppenheimer Frères, merobants-13

M. Oppenheimer (Paris)

I. Oppenheimer

H. Blum

V. Lavacry


Jamemura, interpreter M. Blum (Kobe) Em. Lemière do.

Owston, Alan, importer-179

Pass, S. C., accountant-121, Bluff


Pass, S. C. and Mrs, Private Boarding

School, 121, Bluff

Pequignot & Co., French Livery Stables-37

C. Pequignot

Peyre Frères, pastrycooks

Eugene Peyre

Pillon, F., carpenter-162

Pirie, Harry R., writer, and teacher of

English School

Pohl Frères & Co., merchants-67

N. Pohl (Paris)

S. Pohl

Raspe & Co., M., merchants-199

M. Raspe

E. Popp (absent)

Hugo Orth

C. Koeppe, (Kobe) E. Orth

P. Schramm

Th. Dethlow (Kobe) Franz Winter

Remedios, G. M. dos-88

"Restaurant du Louvre Mrs. Chapplle

Retz, F., merchant-214

F. Retz

C. Weinberger

Ad. Brüll

Vict. Mabien

H. Okada

Reynaud, J.-157



Reynell & Co., H. E., wine, spirit, and

beer merchants

H. E. Reynell (Kobe)

E. B. Jones

Robertson, James-33, Bluff

Rohde & Co., C., merchants-70

Carl Rohde (absent)

E. von der Heyde

H. Baehr

E. Kellmann P. Happel

O. Haynemann E. Voigt

H. Marbs

Rosenthal & Co., A. S. merchants-166

A. S. Rosenthal (New York)


S. Fried

J. S. McShane, manager Gus. Ehrenberg

Rose & Co., T., engineers, &c.-118

Thos. Rose

Roth, B., importer and commission mer


B. Roth

Wm. Roth

B. Guggenheim

Rottmann, Strome & Co., merchants, 28

C. J. Strome

J. E. de Becker

J. Sobichi

Ruel, J., wine merchant-52

Samuel Samuel & Co., merchants-68

Samuel Samuel (absent) Marcus Samuel

W. F. Mitchell


F. J. Bardens (Kobe) E. Fox

Jas. Raddigan

J. Stean (Kobe)

Saltarel, P.-86

Sarda, P., architect-46, Bluff

Sauvelet, G., professor of music.-78,


Sondheim, Samuel, agent for D. O. M. Bruhl & Co., diamond and jewellery importers-24 Water street

R. Abenheim

St. John, R.N., bill broker-30

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Schilling & Co., A.-241

F. E. Worthington

Schone & Mottu, merchants-177

F. Schone A. Mottu

Schultze, Adolph, merchant-24

Shand, W. J. S., merchant-75

Sieber & Co., silk merchants-90

C. Giussani

Biber & Brennwald, merchants-90

H. Siber (absent)

C. Brennwald (absent) A. Wolff (absent) A. Dumelin

James Walter

C. Haenni

H. Abegg T. Kern

Smith, Baker & Co., merchants-178

W. H. Morse (absent)

E. R. Smith

R. B. Smith (absent)

D. B. Taylor

A. T. Prichard (Kobe)

F. H. Olmsted

N. F. Smith

G. H. Prichard

F. S. Morse

G. Bayfield

Simon, Evers & Co., merchants-25

J. Simon (absent)

A. Evers (Kobe)

M. Kaufmann, signs per pro.

M. Troch

J. Saenger

M. Rosch (Kobe)

A. Solmitz do.

Soudheim, S.-24

Spring Valley Beer Gardens--121, Bluff

Stibolt & Co., undertakers-163

P. J. Hellendale

Strauss, S., merchant-73

8. Strauss


Strachan & Co., W. M., merchants-68

W. M. Strachan (London)

J. P. Reid

J. D. Hutchison


F. H. Bull, silk inspector

D. McLaren

A. L. Robinson

H. A. Vincent

J. Eaton

J. W. Crowe (Kobe) J. T. Esdale do.


Talbot, W. H., (corresponding Associate of the Average Adjusters' Association of Great Britain, sworn adjuster to H.L German M.'s Consulate General) Nippon Yusen Kaisha head office

Thomas & Co., merchants and commission


T. Thomas

W. Sutter

Tripler Dr.-39▲

Trüb, R.-164

Tuska, E. H., curio exporter-242

Van der Heyden, Dr.-82, Bluff

Vincent, Mrs. E. A., millinery, drapery,

and hosiery establishment-85

Mrs. E. A. Vincent

Miss J. Frankcom

Miss A. Crawford

Vivanti Brothers, public silk inspectors and

commission merchants-168B

F. Vivanti

A. Vivanti

Wagen Frères, 57, Main St.

J. F. Wagen

Conrad Wagen

A. Deveze

F. R. da Silva

Walsh, Hall & Co., merchants-%

John G. Walsh

Thomas Walsh

A. O. Gay

C. P. Hall (Kobe)

F. Cumming

R. C. Tilford

E. Berard

C. H. Merriman

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Watson, E. B., merchant-46

E. B. Watson

George Wauchope

Yokohama Cigar Co., and Hairdressing


C. H. Geffeney

Weiller, A., attorney and counsellor-at-Yokohama Coal Depot-118

Langfeldt & Mayers, proprietors

law-70; residence, 15, Bluff

Welsh, G. & D., curio dealers-37

David Welsh

Wheeler, Dr. E.-97, Bluff

Whittall, E., merchant-4B

E. Whittall

C. A. Wirgman

White, F. E., coal merchant (absent)

Whitfield & Co., engineers, &c., Yokohama

Iron Works-117

George Whitfield

Jules P. Darbier

W. Mann

J. Booth

Wilkin & Robison, merchants-3

Richard Durant Kobison

Otto Schinne

Y. Hadano

Winckler & Co., merchants-245

J. Winckler

G. Mayezono

Woodruff, F. G., bill collector-29, Bluff

Yokohama Butchery and Shipchandlery

Langfeldt & Mayers, proprietors

Yokohama Dairy, New Road, Negishi

J. Winstanley

W. T. Richards

Yokohama Drayage Company-98

A. Weston, manager

Yokohama Hotel-52

Mrs. Savory

Yokohama Ice Works-184, Bluff

L. Stornebrink

Yokohama Engine & Iron Works-69,

158, 159 and 161

E. Kildoyle, manager G. Charlesworth, secretary

W. Mann, foreman G. Warnecke, do.

H. Cook, carpenter

Yokohama Photographic Co.-16, Bund Deakin Bros & Co., proprietors

Yokohama Sail and Rigging Co.-43

R. H. Abbott, manager

Ziegler & Co., merchants-47

Chas. Ziegler

J. R. Merian

E. Sulzer H. Zaeslin


   Niigata is situated on the west coast of Japan, and in the southern part of the province of Echigo, at the mouth of the river Shinano-gawa. Though well located for trade it has yielded the most disappointing results of all the Treaty ports of Japan. Foreign goods find their way to Niigata in considerable quantities, but since the opening of the port nó direct foreign trade has been developed there.

   The town, which is perhaps the cleanest and one of the best laid-out in Japan; covers an area of rather more one square mile and consists of five parallel streets inter- sected by cross streets watered by canals which communicate with the river. It has been materially improved within the last few years by the widening of the canals and

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56 3

streets, the latter of which are now lighted with petroleum obtained in the district. New Law Courts, Post-office, and Schools have been built, and the town is connected by telegraph with Tokyo and other cities of the Empire. A Government Hospital and a Medical School, as well as a large English school under English and American masters, have been established here. A handsome building for the loc al assembly was completed in 1884. A steam rice mill has been started and some fresh industries have been commenced. Niigata is still famed for the beauty of its women. The population of the town in 1885 was 40,185. The number of foreign residents in 1884 was 7, none of them being merchants.

The value of the imports for the first half of 1884 was Yen 1,691,857 and that of the exports Yen 2,745,602. The whole of the trade is carried on in nativ e craft.



Shinozaki Goro, governor

Kondo Sachimoto, secretary

No. 4, National Bank.

(Niigata Daishi Kokuritsu Ginko).

 Yagi Tomónawo, director Shiroshi Hikojiro, manager

  No. 69, Nagaoka National Bank. Nagaoka Dairokujin Kukokuritsu Ginko Mishima Okujiro, director Kishi Wukichi, manager

No. 71, Murakami National Bank. Murakami Daistichijin Ickọkuritsu Ginko.

 Sato Denshiro, director Awoyama Saichi, manager

No. 116, SHIBATA NATIONAl Bank. Shibata Dai Hiyaku Jinroku Kokritsu


 Ikaroshi Jinzo, director Tanabe Kuzo, manager

No. 31, TSUGAwa National Bank. Hirata Jisichi, director Hirata Jihathiro manager


M. Hama, agent

NIIGATA Bussan KaishA. (Niigata Produce Co.)

Sudzuki Chohachi, director Fujita Bunji, manager Sudzuki Chozo, do. Sudzuki Sushiro, agent

and agent


J. J. Quin (Hakodate)

ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION. Rev. J. L. Lemarécbal, mission. apost. Kev. O. de Noailles, mission. apost.

Rev. Alexis Cocherie


Sœurs Vitalme, supérieure, Aspasie,


AMERICAN BOARD MISSION. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. E. Albrecht Mrs. M. L. Graves

Miss C. Judson

Mrs. E. C. Kendall

Rev. H. B. Newell

| Doremus Scudder, M.D.

Miss C. S. Scudder

Bev. H. B. Scudder, D.D., M.D. and

Mrs. Scudder




Rev. T. C. and Mrs. W nu Rev. J. B. and Mrs, Porter Miss F. E. Porter

Miss M. K. Hesser

Mrs. L. M. Naylor

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This, the most northerly of the treaty ports of Japan, is situated in the south of Yesso on the Straits of Tsugar, which divide that island from Hondo. The port lies in latitude 41 deg. 47 min. 8 sec. N., and longitude 140 deg. 45 min. 34 sec. E., and the harbour is nearly land-locked. The town clusters at the foot and on the slope of a bold rock known to foreigners as Hakodate Head, 1,106 feet in height. The surrounding country is hilly, volcanic, and striking, but the town itself possesses few attractions. A destructive fire in December, 1879, led to great improvements and the widening of the streets. The foreign concession has never been built upon, the few foreign residents in the port having taken up their quarters in Japanese buildings. A row of fine temples, with lofty picturesque roofs, occupying higher ground than the rest of the town, are the most conspicuous buildings. There are some Public Gardens at the eastern end of the town, which contain a small but interesting Museum. The climate of Hakodate is healthy and bracing. The hottest month is August, but the thermometer then rarely rises above 90 degrees Fahr.; in the winter it sometimes sinks to 18 degrees. The mean temperature throughout the year is about 48 degrees. The population of Hakodate in 1886 was 48,366. The number of foreign residents in 1886 was 77, of whom 37 were Europeans and Americans, and 43 Chinese; there are 13 more Europeans in other parts of Yesso.


The foreign trade of the port is small and has never been important. The foreign shipping is annually decreasing and the direct imports have fallen off largely. The imports in 1886 amounted to £3,316 as compared with £1,386 in 1885. The exports for 1886 amounted to £112,958, compared with £119,447 in 1885. The agricultural resources of Yesso have been to some extent developed under the auspices of the Kaitakushi or Colonization Department. rich pasture lands are well adapted for breeding cattle. In the valuable and extensive fisheries on the coast, however, the chief exports of the future from Hakodate are to be looked for. Increasing quantities of dried fish and seaweed are exported annually, mostly to China. The mineral resources of Yesso, said to be large, may also some day yield a valuable addition to the exports of this port. Hakodate is connected with the capital by telegraph. A railway from Otarunai to Sapporo, 22 miles long, was opened to public traffic on the 28th November, 1880, and has since been carried on to Poronai, where are some coal mines, the total length of the line being 56 miles.




Iwamura Michitoshi, chief

Takito Tamemoto, Chiji

Noda Takao, superintendent



Hori Kimpo, chief secretary

Terada Rioski, assist. do.

Hakodate Koso In (Court of Appeal.)

Nomura Isho, president

Haruki Yoshiakira, procurer general



Saito Kinpe, president

Nishimura Minoru, chief commissary

Consul J. J. Quin

Constable-H. B. Lucas


Acting Consul-J. J. Quin


Consul-John H. Düüs

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Dūūs, John H., agent-


Marine Insurance Company, Limited Lloyd's, London, sub agent

Henson & Co., agents-

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpn. Hongkong Fire Insurance Company, Ld. Indo-China Steam Navigation Company, Takasima Colliery

Howell & Co., agents-

  Yangtsze Insurance Association North China Insurance Company China Fire Insurance Co., Limited

Professions and Trades.

Dūūs, John H., merchant

Henson & Co., merchants, late Blakiston,

Marr & Co.

J. Henson

Howell & Co., merchants

J. A. Wilson

E. J. Marshall

Nippon Yusen Kaisha (Japan Mail Steam-

ship Company)

S. Sonoda, agent

Porter, A. P., general agent and marine


Scott, James, millwright and machinist

Thompson, J. R., shipbuilder, marine sub- veyor, compradore and naval contractor, 58 Toyo-kawa Chö

J. B. Thompson

American Methodist EPISCOPAL MISSION.

Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Green Rev. G. F. and Mrs. Draper Miss M S. Hampton (absent) Miss E. J. Hewitt

Miss A. Kaulback

CHURCH OF ENGLAND MISSION. Rev. W. and Mrs. Andrews (absent) Rev. J. and Mrs. Batchelor


Rev. A. Berlioz

Rev. Urbain Faurie



Soeurs Maric Auguste, superieure, Aga-


Marie, Onésime,




AGRICULTUbal College. Sato Shosuki, Ph. D., professor W. P. Brooks, B.S. professor of agricul

ture and botany

H. E. Stockbridge, Ph. D. professor of

chemistry and geology

C. S. Meik, engineer for harbours, etc. Dr. F. Grimm, director Sapporo hospital Max. Pollman, Sapporo brewery

C. Klemme, Mombitsu beet sugar mana-


Fred. Kiemme, Mombitsu beet sugar manu-



Miss S. E. Smith


Mrs. W. P. Brooks Mrs. H. E. Stockbridge Miss R. B. Brooks

Miss S. E. Smith


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    The Philippines are a rich group of islands, situate between lat. 5 and 22 N., and long. 123 and 133 E., and form a Spanish colony. The islands are over five hundred in number and contain an area of 52,647 English square miles, with a population, in 1876, of 6,173,632 souls. At the end of 1883 the population, including the army and navy, was estimated at 7,636,632. The principal islands are divided into twenty- seven provinces, thirteen of which are on the Isle of Luzon, four on the Isle of Negros, three on Panay, and three on the Isle of Mindanao. The islands were formally annexed to the Crown of Spain in 1565.

    The early history of the Philippines is a record of continual trouble. Conflicts between the civil and ecclesiastical authorities led to internal contentions, while both Portugal and the Netherlands coveted these rich possessions and harassed the Spaniards. Attacks were also made at differents points by powerful Chinese piratical fleets. In 1762 the capital was taken by the English, but was restored to Sain two years afterwards for a ransom of £1,000,000. The ransom, however, has never been exacted.

After the discovery of the islands ecclesiastics flocked to them in large numbers, and, undisturbed by the attacks on Spanish authority, the work of converting the natives was carried on with great vigour. The clergy at the present time number 1,962, and most of the natives brought under subjection profess the Roman Catholic religion. In the Philippines there has been little of that cruelty to the aboriginal population which so often characterises the process of colonization, and the natives are in general contented and well conducted, the priests exercising the almost unbounded influence they possess with great effect in the preservation of order. In the inaccessible mountainous parts of the islands there are still tribes of unsubdued Bavages, but their number is comparatively small and the authority of the Govern- ment is being rapidly extended over them. In the last census returns the number of natives not subject to the civil government and paying no tribute is given as 602,858, while the number of natives paying tribute is returned as 5,501,356. There is a considerable number of mestizos or half-castes, some of whom are the children of Spanish fathers by native mothers and some the children of Chinese fathers.

    During the year from 1st July, 1885, to 30th June, 1886, the total public revenue of the Philippines was $11,528,178, of which the larger part was raised from the following sources, viz:-Direct taxes, $6,262,738; Customs, $2,176,500, monopolies, $1,254,400; lotteries, $525,000. The expenditure was $11,526,753. In addition to the ordinary Customs dues special dues are imposed at Manila for the new harbour works, the figures of which are not included in the above.

    The chief articles of produce are sugar, bemp, and tobacco. The total export of sugar in 1886 was 2,972,789 piculs, of hemp 743,364 piculs, of cigars 107,861 mills, and of tobacco 120,793 quintals. The foreign trade is confined to the ports of Mauila, Iloilo, Cebu, and Zamboanga. The imports in 1886 were valued at $20,073,598, and the exports at $25,721,032.

    The climate of the Philippines varies little from that of other places in the same latitude. The range of the thermometer during the year is from a little over sixty degrees to about ninety. The rainy season usually lasts six months, and during this time inundations of rivers are frequent and travelling in the interior almost impossible. Long continued droughts, however, sometimes occur, when the ground becomes parched and the crops are utterly destroyed. Husbandry also suffers from the ravages of locusts, which will sometimes almost entirely denude a whole province of herbage. The principal part of the group comes within the range of the typhoons,

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and terrific storms are of frequent occurrence. 'The islands are also the centre of great volcanic action. "The destructive ravages and changes produced by earth- quakes," says Sir John Bowring, writing in 1859, "are nowhere more remark- able than in the Philippines. They have overturned mountains, they have filled up valleys, they have desolated extensive plains; they bave opened passages from the sea into the interior, and from the lake into the sea. There are many tradi- tional stories of these territorial revolutions, but of late disasters the records are trustworthy. That of 1796 was sadly calamitous. In 1824 many churches in Manila were destroyed, together with the principal bridge, the barracks, great numbers of private houses; and a chasin opened of nearly four miles in length. The inhabitants all fled into the fields, and six vessels in the port were wrecked. The number of victims was never ascertained. In 1828, during another earthquake, the vibration of the lamps was found to describe au arc of four and a half feet; the huge corner stones of the principal gate of the city were displaced; the great bells were set ringing. It lasted between two and three minutes, rent the walls of several churches and other buildings, but was not accompanied by subterranean noises, as is usually the case.' In 1863 also a very disastrous earthquake occurred, and another fraught with disaster made 1880 memorable in the annals of Manila.


    Persons visiting the Philippines are required to obtain a passport from their own Government, and have it viséd at the Spanish Consulate at the port of embarkation.


    Manila, the capital of the Philippines, is situated in the island of Luzon, at the mouth of the river Pasig, which empties itself into the Bay of Manila. The city was founded in 1671. In 1645 it was almost entirely destroyed by an earthquake, in which upwards of three hundred lives were lost. In 1863 a great part of the city was again destroyed from the same cause, and in July, 1880, another terrible upheaval again made wreck of a great portion of it: the inhabitants are naturally in constant fear of these visitations. The dwelling-houses are built with especial reference to safety under such circumstances, and, although large, possess few pretensions to architectural beauty. The streets, also, are narrow and but small attention has been devoted to securing shade by the growth of trees. There are several ancient churches which are worthy of notice. The cathedral, founded originally in 1578, has been several times destroyed by earthquake and did not escape in 1863. It has been since rebuilt, but again sustained considerable damage in 1880, when the tower was so much shattered that it bad to be pulled down. The city and its suburbs contain a population of over 200,000 and are the seat of a considerable and yearly increasing commerce. The principal articles of export are hemp, sugar, tobacco, cigars, coffee, and indigo, while of the imports cotton goods form the chief item. Only a small portion of the present city is enclosed within the walls. The anchorage is distant some three miles from the shore. The river presents a scene of great animation, being crowded with native craft interspersed with vessels of foreign build. The passport system is in force and no one can enter or leave without previously obtain- ing a pass.

       Before landing passengers are obliged to pull alongside a Custom-house guard boat stationed near the landing place to prevent smuggling. The garrison of Manila consists of one European and several native regiments. The police of the city is also under military discipline and is composed of natives. A very low average of crime is said to exist, but the native classes are much addicted to gambling, an offence punishable by law, although the Government reaps a large portion of its re- venue from the sale of lottery tickets. A race meeting is held in the spring. There are three daily papers, El Diario de Manila and La Oceania Española, published in the

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Administrador General, Director de Sec- cion de 2a. clase, Jefe de Administracion de 3a.-Vacante Interventor General Director de Seccion de 3a. clase, Jefe de Negociado de la.- E. M. y Mayo Sub-Directores de Seccion de 2a., Jefes de Negociado de 3a.-V. de Diego y Mo- lins, J. Garcia y Garcia, R. Perez Lom- bardero

Jefes de Estacion, Oficiales los. de Admi- nistracion-R. Puyols, J. Angulo, E. Lopez Pantoja, R. Caro, J. Soldeirlay R. Llanos y Baera

Offciales los. de Seccion, 2os. de Adminis

tracion-J. P. Marin, J. G. Cantillo, A. Gregorio

Oficiales 208. de Seccion, 3os. de Adminis- tracion-V. Crespo, D. Sandin, M. Al- berto, Y. Aguilar

Telegrafistas los., Oficiales 4os. de Admi- nistracion-M. A. y Rosa, F. Gogorza, A. Dinalanta, J. Edralim, J. M. Bren, J. Santos, E Llamas, V. Paredes, R. Fernandez, V. Celis, D. E. del Rosario, D. Medrano, A. Rusca, J. C. de Leon, R. Gavino, F. Edralim, J. Aguilar, J. A. Soler, C. G. Santos, V. Nieto, R. Osete, P. Lrbe, D. Ricafort, J. E. de Leon, B. Hernandez, S. Javier, R. Ro- mero, V. J. Ruiz

Telegrafistas 2os., Oficiales 5os. de Admi-

nistracion-C. Lasum, R Cristobal, R. Agaman, P. Ferras, A. Castilla, C. Roca, P. Marcó, J. Atienza, J. Alaejos, F. Soler, J. Boch, L. de Quin'os, B. Ren- don, C. Pimentel, A. Vega, F. del Corro, G. C. de Cruz, E. Cuici, M. Vergara, R. de la Rosa, P. Ravasco, R. Reyna, J. Foz, B. Razon, R. Bernardo, E. G. Santos, D. Auseco, D. Ybarra, P. An- drade, A. P. Ruiz, F. Ysac, F. Daltou, D. de Ocampo, S. Gomez, P. Payomo, J. Vales, J. Vito Rodriguez, I. Acosta, J. Ruiz y Mateo, L. Lato.re 64 Aspirantes á Telegrafistas 20s.

ESTABLECIMIENTOS PENALES. Presidente-Jefe de la Provincia Vice-Presidente-Cura Párroco de la Ca-


Vocales Natos-El Administrador de Ha-

cienda Pública, Promotor Fiscal, Mé- dico Titular, Tres vecinos de la loca- lidad


Inspector General-C. Tournell y Ballagas Mayor-

Ayudante-J. S. Llanos Medico-Dr. P. Nalda y Gil Capellan-C. del Rosario Ignacio

AYUNTAMIENTO DE MANILA. Presidente-Gobernador General Vice-Presidente-El Corregidor Alcalde de la. cleccion-L. R. de Elizalde

id. 2a. id. -J. Sta. Marina Regidores-J. Muñoz (hijo), F. de P. Pavés, J. Ga. Guerrero, B. de Hazañas, R. Martin, J. Ma. Lago, A. Marcaida, A. Goyenechea, J. B. Gomez, J. M. Abad, M. Perez (hijo), J. Reyes y Mi- jares, J. Clavet, B. Marsano

Secretaria. Secretario-B. Marzano y Puig Oficiales-1o. : G. Moreno, 20. : E. Borrero, 30. J. Guevara, 40., lo: M. Gonzales Ker, 40., 20.: M. Sarlabus

Oficinas de Contabilidad. Contador-A. de Gorostiza Auxiliar-F'. Marcaida Tesorero A. Vazquez de Aldana Auxiliar-C. S. del Valle

Direccion de Obras. Arquitecto J. J. de Hervas Maestros de Obras-V. Carreon, J. S.


Sobrestante Mayor--J. H. de Abréu

La espresada direccion cuenta, ademas, con el personal de cinco Sobrestantes y con el Cuerpo de Peones Bomberos, compuesto de ciento veintenueve in- dividuos

Direccion de las Obras de Abastecimiento de Aguas Potables.

Ingeniero Gefe Director-M. Ramirez y


Ayudante Mayo:-R. L. Hermosa Maquintsta-M. M. Selma Pagador-R. Romero Moreno

Cuenta esta direccion tambien con un cuerpo de Peones Fontaneros, dedi. cados exclusivamente al servicio de la extincion de incendios en union de los Peones Bomberos

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Beneficencia Municipal.


Disto. Norte de Intramuros-V. Rivadulla

id. Sur de





     idem -T. Alcantara Norte de Binondo-J. Grany Batle Sur de idem -P. Robledo

Norte de Sta. Cruz-P. Robledo y [Gonzales

Sur de idem -A. J. Baena id. de Sn. Miguel-N. Padilla id. Este de Sampaloc-M. Xeres id. Oeste de idem -F. Serra id. de Quiapo J. Lopes Irastorsa id. de S. José (Trozo)-A. Soriano y [Roca

id. Norte de Tondo-J. Luna y Novicio id. Sur de idem -A. A. Maseras id. de la Ermita-R. Moreno Rey id. de Malate-V. Rivadulla

id. de S. Fernando de Dilao-A. E. de [los Reyes

id. de Sta. Ana-M. Carranceja y Mo-



COMISION SUperior de Instruccion


Presidente-El Gobernador General Vice-Presidente-El Arzobispo

Vocales-J. Borregon, J. F. del Pan, M. Clemente, B. de Hazaños, P. Torra, J. Sta. Marina

Vocal Secretario-R. Fragoso


Director-J. Murgadas

Profesores-F. J. Dalmases, J. Piqué, J.

Marro, J. Tafalla

Coadjutores-P. Guila, P. Fontecha, S. Prunes, S. Camps, F. Riera, M. Mor

         ATENEO MUNICIPAL. Profesores-E. Marrugat, I. Majó, J. Murgadas, F. Sanchez, J. Alberich, J. Marro

Estudios de Aplicacion. Profesores-F. Faura, F. Simo, J. Mur-

gadas, J. Alberich

Clases de Adorno para los Alumnos Internos. Profesores-A. Saez, B. Echegoyen, O. Camps, R. Valdès, S. Solis, A. Garcia, J. Félix, J. Muego, J. F. Cuadra, C. Bech, M. Llorente, J. Valls, M. Ausejo

ESCUELA DE DIBUJO Y Pintura. Profesores-A. Saez, L. Rooha

ACADEMIA De Nautica de Manila, Profesores.

Director y profesor de Trigonometria o

fèrica analitica, Astronomia naùtion, Navegacion é Hidrografia-A. Garcia de Arias

De Aritmètica J. B. Cabarrus

De Algebra, Geometria elemental y Trigo. nometria plana, analitica-A. L. Bocha De Topografia y dibujo topogràfico è bildro

gràfico-J. Gamero


Partida Doble-V. Velasco Idioma Francés-F. Quinto Id. Inglès-R. Blanco


Presidente-E.S. Gobernador General Vice-Presidente-E. S. Director Gl. de Åd-

ministracion Civil

Vice-Presidente (accidental)-E.S. L. Gi


Secretario Jefe de la Comision Agronómies

M. del Busto

Vice-Secretario-B. Giraudier

Seccion de Agricultura.

Presidente-P. P. Roxas

Secretario-Je:e de la Comision Agronómion

M. del Busto

Vocales-Inspector general de Montes Jefe de la Seccion de Fomento en la Direccion Civil y los Provinciales de & Agustin, Recoletos San Francisco y Sto, Domingo

Seccion de Industria. Presidente-J. F. del Pan Secretario-R. Aenlle Vocales-Inspector de Obras públicas, Pre- sidente de la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País, Superior de la Com- pañia de Jesús, B. Giraudier, M. Asensi y M. Marzano

Seccion de Comercio. Presidente-E.S. L. Gisbert Secretario-V. Balbás Vocales-Administrador de Rentas y Pro- piedades, Capitan del puerto, C. Iglesia, G. Tuason, E. 8. F. Godinez, Jo Rocha (ausente)

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JUNTA SUPERIOR DE PRIVILEGIOS. Presidente-Director de Administracion


Secretario-El gefe de la Seccion de Fo-

mento, M. Berrer y Plantada Vocales--Intendente general de Hacienda, M. Morzano, V. Torres, B. Giraudier


Inspector General-J. M. Borregon Arquitecto del Estado-L. Cespedes Secretario-R. Romero

Oficiales C Coton, J. M. Vallejo, E. Mar- tinez, J. T. Zulueta, A. Cuesta, A. Me- lendez

Ingenieros-F. Cristobal Portas, J. D. Meño, E. Trompeta A. de la Cámara, J. Barraquer, R. Vein, R. de Ros, R. Aguilar, J. Co gan, J. Fernandez Shaw, F. Giraldez

Ayudantes R. Guirao, M. de Camara, F. Pelayo, J. Bertran, E. Lobo, S. Ferrero, J. B. G. Acha, P. N. de Fontela, E. San Juan, F. M. Lacal, M. Fayula, L. Pereira, J. P. Texero, A. Cuadrado, J. Garin, P. Nolasco, J.B. Garcia, B. Dueso, R. Lugue Sobrestantes-A. Martinez, J. F. A. Por-

ras, V. Martin

    INSPECCION General de Montes. Inspector General-J. Sainz de Baranda Ingenieros-P. Bellido, A. D. Rocafull, A.

F. de Castro

Ayudantes-I. G. Jimenez, F. Caballero, J. Salcedo, F. C. Corrales, E. Battle, L. Galindo, G. Guerrero

Comision de Ventas y Composiciones de Terrenos.

Ingeniero-J. Guillelmi

Ayudantes-A. Echevarria, J. G. de Lara,

J. Piqueras, F. Muguruza

DIVISION FOrestal del ARCHIPIELAGO. Inspeccion General de Montes. Inspector General-J. Sainz de Baranda Ingeniero-J. Guillelmi y Coll Ayudantes-I. G. Jiminez, V. Bernis y Martin, R. Garcia y Basa, D. G. Bosque, C. Ruiz de Austeri, J. F. Guadras, F. Corrales, J. Ha. Alonso y Diaz, L. Ga- lindo y Alcedo, A. Lafuente y Almeda, G. Gueneno y Ordonez

ler. Distrito, Norte de Luzon. Ing ni ro Gefe-E. R. Perez (Laoag, Ylo-

co Norte)

Ayudantes.-L. Bizcarra, M. Pinero J Merino, I. F. de la Vega, J. Salcedo y Grande, M. C. de la Cruz, J. B. Tran, coso, E. Maffei v Puigdollers, L. de Mesa y Sala, U. Diaz Camacho, M. Lo- pez e Gomez, J. M. Aguinagalde, J. Duran y Cottes, E. Aeulle

20. Distrito, Sur de Luzon. Ingeniero Gefe-A. Diaz Rocafull (Ma-

nila) Ayudantes-G. Valera y Jimeno, F. Garcia y Alo so, F. Diaz y Lopez, J. Piquerao y Mumera, R. P. Alerrera, R. G. Arribas, E. Amor y Diaz, A. Echevarria y Fol- guerras, F. de P. de la Rosa, J. G. de Lara y Castillo, R, Jan n y Mateos de Santillan, E. Hernandez de Lorenzo, R. P. Gaffour, C. Argnellas y Fernandez, F. de P. Romera, E. Nunez y Chiuchon


3er. Distrito, Visayas y Mindanao. Ingeniero Gefe-A. F. de Castro (Manila) Ayudantes-F. Cabañas y Anlestia, J. G.

Alonso, S. Lopez y Solano, I. Centenera y Garcia, A. G. Pastor, E. Batlle y Planas, J. D. Ordonez, C. Pastor y Turacena, E. Lahona y Telles, J. Sevilla y Gonzalez, V. P. Calve, C. Cercn y Gutierrez

Estudios de la Flora Forestal. Ingeniero Gefe-S. Vidal y Soler Ayudantes-R. Garcia, F. Guadras

Comision Agronomica de Filipinas. Jefe Ingeniero-M. del Busto y del Vado


Ayudante―L. Cifuentes

Granja Modelo de Visayas.

Director Ingeniero-J. S. Miranda y Ci.


Ayudante G. Mulguialday

1 capatez, 10 obreros-alumnos

Granja Modelo de Luzon.

Director Ingeniero-M. de Castro y Ga-


Ayudante A. S. Herrero

1 capatez, 10 obreros-alumnos

Jardin Botanico de Manila. Director-El Inspector General Ayudante R. Garcia

1 capataz, 10 obreros alumnos

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Jefe E. Abella y Cisariego

Ingeniero titular-F. Saez (electo) Auxiliar-E. N. Almonte



Director-F. Faura Sub-director-M. Juan

Observatores y Calculistas-Q Gomez, C.

    Jovellanos, G. Basa, J. Cruz Delineante-C. Laforteza Mecánico-C. Ubaldo

Ordenanzas-C. Camantigue, G. Quijada


Presidente-J. Centeno Vice-Presidente-L. Gisbert

Vocales de Oficio-J. D. Meño, J. Eliza,

M. Walls, J. Polanco

Vocales Electivos-G. Tuason, P. P. Roxas, J. leymann, A. Goyenechea, L. de Aurtenech, V. Balbas, J. G. Moron, ingeniero director de las obras Secretario-F. Casademunt


Director-J. G. Morón Ayudantes-L. M. Illescas, J. M. Fuen-

tas, L. Freart, R. Ruiz

Sobrestantes-T. Munoz, M. Miranda, M.

Martinez, M. de Jesus

Oficiales Pagadores-J. Villarroel, V.


Servicio de Talleres.

Encargado A. Valentin


     de Dragados-J. de Obieta ld. de Trasportes-F. Beltran Id. de Material flote-F. Gambe

RECAUDACION DE DERECHOS PARA LOS OBRAS DEL PUERTO IMPUESTOS. Jefe-El Administrador de la Aduana Interventor-El Contador de la misma Oficial Liquidador-Juan Quero Auxiliar de Liquidacion-Julian Aristegui Oficial Recaudador-Carlos Garcia



Protector-E. Terrero

Director-E. de Molins


Vice-Director-Sebastian Vidal У

Vice-Censor-P. Bellido

Soler }

Consiliario de Ciencias-R. P. F. Faura Consiliario de Agricultura-M. del Busto Consiliario de Comercio-C. Labhart Consiliario de Artes-B. Giraudier Tesorero-L. R. de lizalde

Vice-Tesorer --T. Torres

Secretario A. de M libran Vice-Secretario-L. S. del Valle Apoderado-R. Oráa

Archivero Bibliot geario-J. L. de Irastorza Letrado Cous-ti. M. Nubla Revisores d ertas-C. Collada, V. de

Alba Inspectore

la Escuela de Dibujo y Pintura J. Centeno, A. Ulloa



Consul-Alex. Gollan Clerk-Chas Poons

Acting Surgeon-J. Donelan, M.D.

UNITED STATES. Consul-Julius G. Voigt


Consul-Charles Nodot Chancelier-J. Bégnerie

Sweden and Norway. Acting Consul-5. H. Warner

RUSSIA. Vice-Consul-J. Heymann



Secretary-E. Leupold

AUSTRIA-Hungary. Acting Consul―W. Wegelin

ITALY. Consul-E. M. Barretto

NETHERLANDS. Consul-J. Ph, Hens

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Calle Harran, 1 Malate.

Consul General-Ch. d'Hane-Steenhuyse


Acting Consul-H. A McPherson


Calle Real, 34.

Consul-Federico Hidalgo (interino)


Consul A. de Saavedra y Asensi


Consul―E. A. Keller


Consul-Tomas Garcia Ruiz


Consul-Joaquin Batlle




Junta Directiva.

ler. Director-Z. I. de Aldecoa 20. do. -J. M. de Lago ler. Consiliario-E. de Elizalde 20. do. -M. Bertoluci

30. do. -R. Aenlle ler.Suplente-Angel Ortiz 20. do. -José Munoz (bijo) So. do. -V. Bulbas Secretario-F. Domingo Ortells

Aldecoa & Co., agents-


Compania Seguras Maritimes Mutual

Baer & Suhm, agents-

Norddeutsche Feuer Versicherungs

Gesellschaft, Hamburg

Findlay, Richardson & Co., agents-

Singapore Fire Insurance Co. Singapore Marine Insurance Co. Northern Assurance Company

North British and Mercantile Ing.

urance Company

City of London Fire Insurance Co.

Forbes, Munn & Co., agents-

Lancashire Insurance Company London and Lancashire Insurance Co.

Fressel & Co., agents-

Fire Insurance Co. of 1877, Hamburg

Germann & Co.. A., agents-

Federal Marine Insurance Company,


La Baloise Transport Insurance Co.,


Deutsche Transport Versicherungs,

Gesellschaft Berlin

Frankfurter Transport und Glas Ver-

sicherungs Actien Gesellschaft Nouveau Lloyd Suisse Société ď'As- surances de Transport, Winterthur Deutsche Bück und Mitversicherungs

Gesellschaft, Berlin

Heinszen & Co., agents-

Hanseatic Fire Insurance Company of


Transatlantic Marine Insurance Com-

pany, Limited

Holliday, Wise & Co., agents-

Liverpool and London and Globe Fire

Insurance Company

North China Insurance Company Hongkong Fire Insurance Company, Ld. Manchester Fire Assurance Co.

Keller & Co., E. A., agents-

Rheinish Westphäl Lloyd

Schweiz Transport Versicherungs Ge

sellschaft, Zurich

Rhenania Transport Versicherungs

Gesellschaft, Coln

Helvetia General Insurance Co. Magdeburger Allgemeine Versiche-

rungs Gesellschaft, Magdeburg Helvetia Swiss Fire Insurance Com-

pany, St. Gall

Aachen Leipziger Versicherungs Actien

Gesellschaft in Aachan Vaterländische Transport Versiche-

rungs Actien Gesel., Elberfeld "Neuchâteloise," Société Suisse d'As-

surance des risques de Transport, Neuchâtel

The Fire Insurance Association Ld.

Ker & Co., agents-


Italian Lloyd's

Liverpool Underwriters' Association Sun Fire Office

British and Foreign Marine Insurance Union Marine Insurance Co., Ld. Straits Insurance Company, Limited Singapore Insurance Co., Limited

Digitized by



Macleod & Co., agents

Underwriting and Agency Associa-

tion (Lloyd's)

Stevenson & Co., W. F., agents-

Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld. Marine Insurance Company, Limited Norwich Union Insurance Society Scottish Union and National Insu-

rance Co.

Standard Life Assurance Co.

Smith, Bell & Co., agents-


"Paz," Spanish str., Z. I. de Aldecoa


"Butuan," Spanish str, Macleod & Co.,



Romulus," Spanish str., Macleod & Co.,


"Eolus," Spanish steamer, Macleod & Co,


"Mindanao," Spanish str., Macleod & Co.,



Remus," Spanish str., Macleod & Co,


Luzon," Spanish str., J. Reyes, agent

Netherlands India Sea and Fire In- "Salvadora," Spanish str., J. Reyes, agent

surance Company

Commercial Union Assurance Com-

pany, (Fire and Marine)

Imperial Fire Insurance Co Canton Insurance Office, Limited Chinese Insurance Co., Limited China Traders' Insurance Company South British Fire and Marine In-

surance Co., New Zealand

Sprüngli & Co., agents-

Transatlantic Insurance Co., Hamburg Hamburg-Madgeburg Fire Insurance

Tillson, Herrmann & Co., agents-

Guardian Fire and Life Insurance Office Royal Insurance Co., Fire & Life Phoenix Assurance Company German Lloyd's Fortuna Insurance Co.

Union of Hamburg Underwriters Bremen Marine Insurance Companies Foncière Insurance Co., in Budapest

Tuason & Co., J. M., agents--


Lübecker Feuer Versicherungs Gesell-

schaft of Lübeck

North British and Mercantile Insce. Atlas Assurance Co.

General Fire and Life Assurance Co.

Warner, Blodgett & Co., agents-

Queen Insurance Company (Fire) China Fire Insurance Co., Limited Yangtaze Insurance Association

Steam-ship Agencies.

"Diamante," British str., Warner, Blod-

gett & Co., agents

"Zafiro," British str., Warner, Blodgett

Co., agents

"Francisco Reyes," Spanish str., J. Reyes,


"Espana," Spanish str., J. Reyes, agent "Castellano," Spanish str., J. Reyes, agent "Mendez Nuñez," Spanish str., Inchausti

& Co., agents

"Serantes," Spanish str., N. Font, agent "Ordonez," Spanish str., N. Font, agent "Camiguin," Spanish str., Smith, Bell &

Co., agents

"Bacolod," Spanish str., Inchausti & Co,



"Isabella.," Sp. str., Inchausti &Co., agents Filipino," Sp. str., Inchausti & Co., agents "Manila," Sp. str., Inchausti & Co., agents Mariposa," Sp. tug, Inchausti & Co., owners "Felisa," Sp. tug, Inchausti & Co., owner. Relampago," Sp. tug, Inchausti & Co,s




'Mayon," Sp. str., Inchausti & Co., owners "Bauan," Sp. str., Inchausti & Co., agents

MANILA ANd Laguna. "Laguna de Bay," Spanish str., Incbausti

& Co., agents "Bulacan," Spanish str., Inchausti & Co,


"Isabel 2a." Spanish str., Inchausti &

Co., agents


N. Font, manager

M. Peypoch

L. Font

A. Acevedo

E. Mendoza

PENINSULAR and Oriental Steam NAVIGATION Company.

W. F. Stevenson & Co., agents

Digitized by





A. Rustant, chief assistant

A. Aguilar, clerk


Baer Senior & Co., agents


Tillson, Herrmann & Co., agents


Baer Senior & Co., agents

German STEAMSHIP Company of HAM-


Baer Senior & Co., agents


Smith, Bell & Co., agents

     CHINA NAVIGATION COMPANY. Tillson, Herrmann & Co., agents

      GLEN LINE OF STEAMERS. Smith, Bell & Co., agents

EASTERN & AUSTRALIAN S.S. Co., Ld. Smith, Bell & Co., agents

   PACIFIC MAIL STEAM SHIP Company. Warner, Blodgett & Co., agents

SHIRE LINE OF STEAMERS. Findlay, Richardson & Co., agents

      GIBB LINE OF STEAMers. W. F. Stevenson & Co., agents

BEN LINE Of Steamers.

W. F. Stevenson & Co., agents



Warner, Blodgett & Co., agents

EL VABADEro de ManILA. Manila Slip Company Limited. R. Calder Smith, general agent

 Pompilio Jorge. secretary Geo. Gilchrist, manager Q. Brown, foreman carpenter


Smith, B.ll & Co., agents



Smith, Bell & Co., agents

Malabon Refinery.

Geo. Waghorn, manager G. A. Baenziger

W. McG. S. McKnight G. Sinclair

Thos. Poulter

G. Hudson

A. McMillan

W. Bosenberg


Central Offices-Carballo, 2. H.E. Lope Gisbert, special commissioner of the Council and administrator general Claudio Iglesia, sub-administrator general and chief of the commercial department Armando Villemer, C.E., chief of indus-

trial department

Eduardo Pelayo, C.E., second chief

of industrial department Luis Ruiz y Moreno, secretary-general Emilio Sayé, chief accountant José M. Tornel, cashier

José Mani Comerma (com❜l dept.) José Gomez de la Serna Javier Mañé Alberto Iglesia E. Pastor y Mora

R. Ferrer

Isidoro Soto y Cañas

José Rosales

Enrique Almecb

Manuel Y. Velasco

Juan Cuellar






(indus'l dept.)


(acct's dept.)



"La Flor de la Isabela" General Cigar

Pedro Acedo


Wenceslao Cortijo

Recaredo Pando

José Murillo José Fernandez Santos Fernandez Enrique Salazar

Digitized by


Tobacco leaf Warehouses at S. Marcelino. Enrique Carrasco

Juan Perez Fajardo

Tobacco leaf Warehouses at la Barraca. Aquilino Revilla Enrique Andrade


Rafael Cascarosa, C.E., commissioner of


Provincial Houses.

Ysabel de Luzon-J. C. de Vaca, (Ylagan) Ysabela de Luzon-Rogelio A. del Olmo,


Ysabela de Luzon-Salvador Pan, (Sta.

Ysabel en Ylagan)

Ysabela de Luzon-Dimas Guzman, (Ca-


Cagayan-O. Fernandez, (Tuguegarao Cagayan-A. Rodriguez Simon, (Lilloc) Cagayan-Pedro Alvarado, consignatary


Ylocos Norte-Joaquin de Vilches, (Laoag) Tarlac Juan Carlos Gimenez de Quiros,

(Sn. Miguel)

Nueva Ecija-Juan G. Novelles, (Sn. Ysidro) Zebú-F. Sanchez Cueto, (Dumanbóc)

Provincial Agencies for the sale of Manu- factured Tobacco.

Albay-Aurora Pujol, late Pardo, (Guino-


Batangas-Enrique Ponce

Zebú-Boada y Marti

Yloilo Vicente Gay

Ylocos Sur-Primitivo Formoso, (Vigan)

Cavite-Enrique Rodriguez

Zamboanga-Francisco Spalding

Agencies Abroad.

Davis, Samuel & Co., London

Bazin & Co.,

Denis Frères,

A. de Saavedra,

Remedios & Co.,





Samuel Samuel & Co., Yokohama (Japan)

Scott, Henderson & Co., Sydney

Jacobs, Hart & Co., Melbourne


FABRICA DE Tabacos "La Insular," Calle de Echague, 45

J. Sta. Marina, proprietor

E. Dominguez, director

M. de la Fuente

J. Coude

J. Molina

F. Guido


Carlos E. de Bertadano, engineer direetor

Charles E. Stewart

J. H. Willox

MANILA JOCKEY CLUB. President J. Gonzalez Parrado Vice-President-C. J. B1rnes Secretary-E. H. Warner

Clerk of the Course-E. Herrmann Stewards-S. Stuart, M. Villaba, J. Chin.

dian, C. Klinck, R. Cabanas


BANCO ESPANOL FILIPINO. Directores-M. Asensi, J. G. Rocha Sindico Oficial-F. Casademunt Sindico do Eleccion-J. Balbas y Ageo Consiliarios-M. Perez, F. L. Roxas, I. Laguna, E. Tuason, P. Jorge, J. Zara- goza Secretario-M. S. de Vizmanos y Lecaros Tenedor de Libros-J. de Barrios

Cajero R. Summers

Consultor y Official de la Secretaria-F. Saes

Official de la Contaduria-J. Varela

Official de la Caja-J. V. de Velasco



Plaza de San Gabriel.

Jas. West, agent

A. S. Harper, accountant

R. W. Brown, sub-accountant

P. Hayman & Co.,

Dunedin, N.Z.

C. F. Sargent



C. Ingenohl, director (Antwerp)

C. Germann, manager

M. Kanzler, sub-manager

O. Lehnert, clerk

C. F. Schultz, clerk

J. Pineda, overseer

R. T. Heras

R. E. Cordeiro

P. F. Reyes

CHARTERED Mercantile Bank of

INDIA, LONDONn, and China.

Smith, Bell & Co., agents


Smith, Bell & Co., agents

Digitized by





Plaza de San Gabriel, 7

Edward Cope, agent

H. Lamond, accountant (absent)

H. D. C. Jones

J. Robertson

D. Crescini

C. Natividad

J. M. Cue

A. Enriquez

J. V. Jorge

BANQUE DE L'Indo-Chine.

Smith, Bell & Co., agents

COMPTOIR D'ESCOMPTE DE PARIS. Smith, Bell & Co., agents

Merchants, Professions, and Trades.

Agencia Editorial, Carriedo, 2

M. A. Rodriguez, ageut

Aldecoa & Co., merchants, Barraca

Z. I. de Aldecoa

Amigos del Pais, printing office, Real, 34

Armstrong & Sloan, ship, bill and pro-

duce brokers

Geo. Armstrong Jas. Sloan

Andrews & Co., H. J., merchants, An-

loague, 19

H. J. Andrews (absent)

C. A. Rötschke do.

H. Y. Dean

C. H. Cundall

G. F. Armstrong

C. A. Mudie

S. Basa

J. P. de Tagle

Ayala & Co., merchants

Felix Gonzalez

J. de las Cagigas

Baer & Suhm, merchants, Escolta, 14

G. A. Buer (Paris)

O. von Willemoes Suhm

J. H. Gaedertz

C. Pini

L. M. Heras

Balbas, E., printer, proprietor of "Nueva

Imprenta," Calle de Cabildo,

Baer Senior & Co., merchants, Escolta, 20

Saly Baer (absent)

J. Heymann

G. Pfützner, signs per pro.

A. van der Valk

G. E. Weber

P. Krafft

L. Prieto

O. Fischer (Isabela)

R. Lopez


P. Garcia do.

Balut Rope Factory

Inchausti & Co., owners

Barretto, A. V., merchant, Sampaloc

Street, 38

A. V. Barretto

A. M. Barretto

Barretto & Co., E. M., merchants, Barraca

E. M. Barretto

M. de las Reyes

M. Heras

R. Alburu

Battle Hermanos & Co., merchants and

bankers, Pasage de Perez (Escolta)

Joaquin Battle

Tomas Garcia Ruiz

J. Serrano, accountant L. J. W. Molino M. Fernandez

A. C. Reyes D. Gutierrez C. Cruz

A. Bunda

L. Jernando

F. C. Ventura

H. Ramirez

Bren, R., librarian & stationer, 10, Magal-


Brown, Henry G., timber merchant,

The Saw mills Laguimanoc, Prov. of Tayabas

H. G. Brown

Alexr. Anderson

Forbes J. Anderson W. Spiers, engineer R. Piquer

Vessels-Penshaw, bq., Soflid, 3m. schr.,. Margarita, brig, Enrique, brig, Alf- redo schr. Agents:-Hongkong, Lane, Crawford & Co.; Shanghai, Gibb, Livingston & Co.; Tientsin, Forbes, Graham & Co.

Digitized by


"Bazar Filipino," Escolta, 37

L. Warlomont, Paris

P. Warlomont,

H. Warlomont

E. Warlomont

"El Bazar Espanol," Escolta, 31

Mannel Aenlle

José G. Miranda Ricaros Canal


Calero, Federico E., commission agent, auc- tioneer, and storekeeper, Escolta, 16

Chofre & Co., printers, proprietors of "La

Ciudad Condal," San Gabriel

Chofré & Co., printers, proprietors of "La

Comercial," Calle Real de Intramuros

Chuidian, Buenaventura & Co., merchants and commission agents, Anloague, 23

 Mariano Buenaventura Telesforo Chuidian Antonio de Marcaida

J. Chuidian

F. Chuidian

V. Chensun A. Temponco G. Bianzares E. Cuisia

P. Cuisia

"Los Catalanes," Escolta, 9

F. Perez

E. J. Echevarria

"La Ciudad de Peking," Tiaoqui & Co.


J. R. Yu Joco

A. Yu Quinco E. Muy-chiong

Diaz Puertas & Co., printers; proprietors of "Mercantile Review," "El Comercio," afternoon paper, 8. Jacinto, 5, esquina á S. Vicente, 24, (Binondo)

 Herederos de Loyzaga Francisco Diaz y Puertas F. Moreno Jerez

J. Loyzaga

P. B. Ibañez

F. B. Ibañez

M. Calvo


Dürr, Oscar, Tuguegarao, tobacco mer- chant for Provinces of Cagayan and Isabela.

Oscar Dürr

J. Robrahn, signs per pro.

E. de los Santos

A. Canapi de los Reyes (Yging) P. Gannaban (Malau g& Mauanan) J. Gannaban (Cordoba)

Esmerado, Antonio, importer of Spanish

wines, David, 4

"Establecimiento de Bordados y Tejidos,"

de verdadera piña Crespo, 4, Sta. Cruz

Felipa Herrera


Trinidad Herrera Engracia Herrera Luisa de Dios

"La Estrella del Norte," Escolta, 8

A. C. Levy

Farmacia Sartorius, Boie and Siegert chemists and druggists, Escolta, 25

R. Boie

O. Siegert

V. Fernandez

E. Reubert

E. Janssen

E. Kurz

G. Siemers

Elzinger Brothers, watchmakers, Escolta, 8

"La Favorita," cigar manufactory, An-

loague, 11

Gsell & Co., proprietors

Fernandez, F. G., physician and surgeon,

San Sebastian, 29

Findlay, Richardson & Co., merchants,

Plaza de Goite, Isa del Romero, 8

C. G. Dunlop

W. F. Urquhart F. E. Glazebrook L. A. Barretto J. J. Russell

Fleming, J. M., merchant, commission agents and cigar manufacturer, Barraca, 19; Cigar factory, San Fernando de Dilao

J. M. Fleming

V. M. de Basterrechea

A. Vasquez

Digitized by Google


Forbes, Munn & Co., merchants

D. M. Forbes (London) D. Munn (absent)

J. D. McGavin

L. R. Ellis (Iloilo) Jas. Mitchell

J. M. Gaskell

Rob. Ogilvie


"La Flor de Filipinas," tobacco manu.


Pascual H. Poblete, proprietor

F. Hiears, director

S. Santiago, superintendent

L. Arreta,

G. Poblete



Trinidad y Torres

H. de la Cruz

Font, N., merchant

N. Font

M. Alonso

L. Font

A. Acevedo

E. Mandoza

E. Font

Foreman, J., chief engineering agent for G. Buchanan & Co., London, Es- colta, 31

E. Stephenson, assistant engineer

Franco & Co., A., merchants, in liquidation,

S. Gabriel, 6

A. Ortiz

Fressel & Co., C., merchants, Calle Nueva, 36

Carl Fressel

H. Bollhorst

Ed. Schoop

P. Stuhlmann

Garchitorena è Hijo, E., carriage makers,

Escolta, 30

J. C. de Garchitorena

Manuel Solar

D. Baitao

J. Buenaventura

Génu, Louis, merchant and commission

agent, Calle de Jolo, 25

L. Génu

M. Jacinto, signs per pro.

M. Guitard

F. Suarez

N. Reyes B. Flores

Genato & Co., auctioneers and commission

agents, Escolta, 30

M. Genato

Vte. A. Genato

T. Tuason

J. Reyes

E. M. Nubla, abogado consultor B. Eloriaga

E. Pabalan

L. Cuejilo J. Cardenas M. Reyes

Germann & Co., A., late Sulzer & Co., merchants, Plaza Calderon de la Barca, 45

Arnold Germann (St. Gall)

Chas. Germann

V. Looser

J. Epper H. Hieras

P. Nieto

Gonzalez, R. C., pawnbroking agency,

Plaza de Calderon de la Barca, 15

R. C. Gonzalez

L. Infante

L. de Leon

"La Gran Bretaña," bazaar for English goods, Calle Real, esquina á la de San Juan de Dios, 2

J. A. Ramos, proprietor

Gsell & Co., merchants, Anloague, 17

H. Alfred Gsell Jacob Eugster Ph. Eugster Chs. Gsell Kurt Köttnitz

A. Generoso

Gutierrez Hermanos, comerciantes, almac

ienistas, Benterio, 14

Placido Gutierrez Miguel Gutierrez J. G. Palazuelos Ed. Caneller Victoriano

G. Palazuelos R. Caneller

L. G. Palazuelos

Venancio G. Palazuelos

M. Alonso

J. G.utierrez

M. Lucio

F. Rios

Digitized by



Guevara Hermanos, Gran Bazar de No-

 vedades, imprenta, papeleria, etc., Es- colta, 18

Zimotea Andrés

Laureano Guevara Remegio Guevara J. Menendez

R. Armeugol

F. Roque

J. Hiern

Heinszen & Co., C., merchants, Rosario, 24

Conrad Heinszen (Hamburg)

Nicolaus Heinszen

C. Westendorf

E. Stulz

G. Brockmann

M. Paetow


Hens & Co., merchants and commission

agents, David, 1

John Ph. Hens

Geo. Nyssens

Chs. Meerkamp v. Embden

J. Carballo

D. Enriquez

J. Mota

V. Mañalac

Hindley & Co., Walter H., merchants,

Plaza Cervantes, 5

Walter H. Hindley (London)

D. C. P. Hindiey


Geo. Packle


Geo. Goodchild


R. G. Winney

(New York)


J. Cook

H. C. Warren Williams, signs per pro.

J. Concepcion

La Hensiana Cigar Company, Limited;

office, David, 1

J. Ph. Hens, manager

Holliday, Wise & Co., merchants

A. Grundy

H. Ashton

A. R. Thistlethwaite

J. A. Mackay

A. E. Brown

T. J. R. Reynolds

Hülsz & Co., merchants

J. H. N. Hülsz- Euii. Hülst

"Hotel d Europa," Escolta' ·



Hollmann & Co., merchants, Plaza S. Ga-

briel, 2

G. Hollmann

A. Kuenzle

O. von Stettin

H. Streiff

Inchausti & Co., merchants, S. Fernando

J. J. de Inchausti

J. M. Elizalde

V. Téus

J. M. Yrisarry

R. C. Inchausti J. J. Inchausti J. B. Aurquia L. de Jesus

A. de la Rosa

Keller & Co., Ed. A., merchants, Calle

Martinez, 2

Eduard A. Keller (Zürich)

Werner Wegelin

C. L. W. Meyer, signs per pro.

A. Debrunner

Carl Custer

Ad. Meier

Ker & Co., merchants, Callejon de S. Ga-

briel, 11

R. J. Paterson (absent)

J. W. Murray, signs per pro.

J. M. Beattie

D. G. Irvine

J. L. Lloyd

J. Williamson E. T. Russell

J. Gray C. Creus

A. Jackson

C. S. Weir



J. M. Underwood do.

F. Escribano


Klöpfer & Co., E., merchants, 8, Calle An-


E. Klöpfer

A. Groth

Jobs. Kock

O. Scheerer

Larrinaga & Echeita, merchants and stea-

mer owners, Plaza P. Moraga, 8

Pedro Larrinaga

J. M. Echeita

E. R. Brioso P. Abina

Digitized by




Labarbe y Cia., C., merchants and com-

mission agents, Calle David, 16

C. Labarbe

G. P. Dombret

J. Mario Lauré, signs per pro. Ferd. Rustant, accountant

José Reyes,


F. Grey y Formentoz

R. Villegas

H. Pascual

E. Evangelista P, Ramos

  Branch Firms: Vazille, 6 Rue Martel, Paris; T. A. Nègre & Co., 116 Rue Ton- du, Bordeaux; C. Labarbe & Co., Singa- pore

Macfarlane, Walter, marine surveyor and surveyor to China Insurance Offices and Bureau Veritas, agent and surveyor to the Record of American and Foreign Shipping

Mackay, G. D., general broker, Muelle

del Rey, 2

Macleod & Co., merchants, Muelle del Rey

N. Macleod

Alex. S. Macleod

Wm. Colquhoun (Cebu)

J. T. B. Macleod

M. Reynolds

Luis Carvajal

H. A. Macleod

H. Ewart

C. M. Chiene

(Cebu) do.


J. M. Acordagoecoechea do. J. F. Macleod (Iloilo)

Marcaida, Catalina B., Viuda de, pawn-

broking agency, S. Jacinto, 52

Marcaida Angel, de, merchant, Jolo, 20

Angel de Marcaida

Joaquim R. Lopez Santiago Calixto A. Palealan Juan Ferran

Pedro Esquizabal Francisco Garcia

"Maria Cristina" Cigar manufactory

R. Aenlle, man:ger

F. G. de Alcalde, inspector

T. Garcia, assistant

A. Aranllo, overseer

Marqueti, M. P., merchant, Anloague, 6

Manuel Perez Marqueti Manuel Perez, hijo

J. Velasco

D. Serrano

Matti, I. M., watchmaker, Escolta, 16 Mayer, Radolpho, photographer, Escolta, 9

Meyer, E., tailor, Escolta, 21

Morris and Wright, ship and general brokers

S. J. Morris Robert Wright

Muñoz, Juan, proprietor "Bazar Oriental,"

S. Juan de Letran, 3

"La Oceania Española," daily newspaper,

Calle Real, 2

J. F. del Pan, editor J. Lafont, manager

Ongcapin, E. F., merchants, Rosario, 22

E. F. Ongcapin Ong Cakue Gui Ting Chua Wan

Cue Boco

"La Opinion" daily newspaper, Passage

de Pery, 1

J. Polanco, director

S. Cardo, manager P. Groizard

R. Mercet

J. Pozo

F. Calderon

J. M. Cubaraillos

"Para Uste 1," Tobacco manufactory, San

Geronimo, 14, Quiapo

F. Roman, proprietor J. Roman, director

J. Roman, Jr., Isabela de Luzon

Paterno de Mora, Establecimiento de Bor-

dados, San Sebastian, 8

Perez, Manuel, lithographer, S. Jacinto, 48

J. Oppel

Chr. Seitz

Gustavo Bergmann

G. Boerner

"La Primavera," Cigar factory, Anloague

9 and 11

Gsell & Co., proprietors

Digitized by


"El Progreso," Real, 16

J. Varela

"La Puerta del Sol," Escolta, 11

J. F. Ramirez (Paris) Francisco Ramirez

V. Reves

J. U. Meily

E. Somoza

A. Calvo

L. Fernandez

V. Abad

A. Salazar

C. Cruz

P. Felix

M. Gonzales

V. Torrano

B. Herrera

T. Lejurde

D. de la Cruz

J. Rosario

S. Eusebio



Reyes, C., naval effects manufacturer, Vivao, 4, proprietario del Almacen de efectos navales "La Indus ria," Plaza Cer- vantes, 7, Crisanto de los Reyes

Teodoro de los Reyes

Reyes, José, steamer agent

José Reyes

R. Reyes, signs per pro. R. Fernandez

J. Reyes

G. Preysler

F. Reyes

J. Llopis

A. Reyes (Samar)

M. Lamberte (Facloban)

Reyes, J. N. C., carriage builder, 7

Teatro, Viejo Street

Richter, Adolfo, hat manufacturer, Escolta, 15

Adolfo Bruno Richter

Richter Federico

Ramírez de Arellano, E., barrister, David, 4 Rocha, Antonio, L., professor of mathe-

Ramirez & Giraudier, printers, newsagents,

and proprietors "El Diario de Manila,' Magallanes, 3

B. Giraudier

A. Galiano

U. Ramirez

L. Giraudier

Reyes, José, shipchandler, Callejon de S.

Gabriel, 8

José M. Reyes José Reyes

Ramos, J. A., "La Nueva Imprenta" en- graver, die-sinker, relief stamper, litho- grapher and printer, Calle Real, esquina á la de San Juan de Dios, 2

"El Rey de los Gallos," Fabrica de Ta-

bacos, Jolo, 26, Binondo

Leoncia Arrieta,


proprietrix and

Constancia Poblete

Amparo Poblete

Cecilia de la Cruz

Macaria Gongon

V. Poblete

L. Gongon

J. de los Santos

matics and navigation,

marine surveyor, average stater, land surveyor, appraiser, &c., S. Luis 4, Ermita

Roensch, A., hat and military effects manu-

facturer, Escolta, 21, and Iloilo

A. Roensch (absent)

O. Roensch

E. Roensch (Iloilo)

R. Crescini

O. Sievers

J. Thiessen

Roxas, F. L., merchant and ship agent

F. L. Roxas

R. S. Javier Martinez

P. Javier y Rodriguez

C. Gloria

F. Herrera

B. Paez

Roxas, J. B., merchant, Solano, 40, S. Mi-


José B. Roxas

Pedro P. Roxas

Joaquin V. Fernandez

Gregorio Granados

Pedro Francisco

Vicente Fernandez

Juan Granados

8. Rodil

J. Maten

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Rubio, J. M. Perez, abogado, director de "El Paso Juridico," Plaza Calderon de la Barca, 10

Sainz, Vicente, pawnbroking agency,

Jolo, 11

Vicente Sainz Benito Sainz

P. Salamanca

Sans, Codina, y Pedreño, merchants, com- mission and ship agents, Calle Barcel- lona 3 (Binondo)

A. Sans

J. Codino

S. Pedreño

F. Codina (Barcelona)

P. Sans (London)

Valentin Polintin

J. Remeras, translator

Si-Cao, translator of Chinese Juan Reyes (Iloilo) Eugenio Estanislao (Cebu) Florencio Saracho (Jolo) Juan Ponce, shipping agent J. B. de Vera Marcelino Flores Ylonovato Domingo Ed. Velazquez Narciso de Leon

See Advertisement.

Sawyer, Frederic H., Assoc. M. Inst. C. F. M. Inst. N.A., consulting engineer, ship and engineer surveyor to Lloyd's Register; surveyor of iron ships and machinery for government': office, Muelle del Rey

Schneer y hermano, Simon, dealers in diamonds, jewellery and watches, Plaza Goiti, 12

Simon Schneer Mayer Schneer

Mayer Weinberg

Schultz & Co., shipchandlers, stevedores, and owners steam launches Consuelo and Stag, Muelle del Rey

J. F. Schultz

A. Isaac

P. Rivera

E. Morales

Schultz, John E., Surveyor to Germanic


Secker & Co., hat manufacturers, Escolta, 35

Carl Moritz

J. Secker F. Gomez

C. Romero

Sequera, M., camisero, Carriedo (Sta. Cruz)

El Siglo XIX., Almacen de Tejidos y 'Nov-

edades de Europa, Escolta, 33

Adolfo Bruno Richter Reinaldo Richter

M. Sluch A. Arantegin

M. Vicente

Singer Manufacturing Co., Escolta, 9

Juan M. Abad, agent

Y. Cada

V. Formentos E. Warren

Smith, Bell & Co., merchants R. P. Wood (Liverpool) G. B. Cadell do. G. R. Young (London) D. A. Smith do.

A. B. Whyte H. A. McPherson J. M. Wood

H. H. Todd R. H. Wood R. P. Duncan J. H. Osmund H. W. Bray W. C. Duncan D. McGeorge R. Summers W. Jackson

Geo. Collingwood (Gubat) G. E. A. Cadell

W. W. Thomson A. J. R. Cadell J. N. Sidebottom G. Shelmerdine W. F. Fyfe

F. S. Jones

J. Wilson









E. Dalton Hawkins do.

Sociedad de Escultores, Santa Crus

R. T. de Jesus, manager

Spitz, Enrique, merchant, Escolta, 8

E. Spitz

F. Rauch

B. v. Slernenfels

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Spring & Co., drapers, mercers, and gene

ral outfitters, 23, Escolta

C. A. Spring

Miss Spring

Sprüngli & Co., merchants, Escolta, 14

E. Sprüngli

J. Ruppanner, (Zurich)

E. Stoll, signs per pro.

J. Nello

E. Egg

Stevenson & Co., W. F., merchants, 4,

Muelle del Rey

W. F. Stevenson

Edwin Sutcliffe

F. E. Coney (Iloilo)

D. M. Fleming

A. Reinhardt

O. L. Owen

Em. Zeller (Iloilo)

T. Shipton do.

F. Vital


Juan B. Tuason

C. Tuason

P Tuason

Isidoro Francisco

Struckmann & Co., merchants, Calle

David, 5

Theodor Struckmann (Hamburg) Wilhelm Waege

A. E. Homann

Th. von Allwörden

Tanduay Distillery

Inchausti & Co., proprietors

Tillson, Herrmann & Co., merchants, Anlo-

ague, 15

Moritz A. Herrmann (Hamburg)

E. Sackermann

C. J. L. Nicholson (London)

Edwd. Herrmann

Wm. Harrison, signs the firm

H. Rampendahl

Thos. F. Jolly

E. Hülsz

J. Javier

A. Bustamante

Tuason & Co., J. M., merchants and

bankers, Plaza S. Gabriel, 2

G. Tuason

J. P. Tuason

T. P. Legarda

J. J. Tuason A. Morelos N. Morelos

M. S. Villena J. Leon

M. Santos L. Aguirre C. Morelos

J. P. Santos J. Morelos D. Trinidad

H. Ocampo

M. Perez


Ullmann, Felix, importador de alhajas,

Anloague, 3 and 7

Felix Ullmann (Paris) Emanuel Ullmann

N. Woog

B. Ullmann

Edmond Ullmann

Oscar Ullmann

F. Wiget

A. Levy

Achille Dumoulin

José Bernbeim

Valdezco, Jorge, bazar e imprenter, Real,


Vara & Co., Rafael de la, merchants

R. de la Vara (absent)

M. L. de Arenosa, signs per pro. V. Balbas


"La Villa de Paris," Real, 37

Castillo Brothers

Warner, Blodgett & Co., merchants, Muel-

le del Rey, 7

E. H. Warner

E. W. Blodgett

C. J. Barnes H. N. Palmer W. A. Daland

P. Jorge

R. E. Barretto

M. O-sorio

P. Aboitez

F. O. Reyes

C. Rosa

M. Zubeldia (Legaspi)

H. J. Workman (Calbayog)

Wilks & Boyle, engineers, boiler makers,

founders and coppersmiths, Calle Barce- lona, 4

Henry Wilks

Allan Boyle

J. Felisardo, clerk

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Watson & Co., A. S., Ld. chemists and druggists, perfumers, aerated waters manufacturers, wine, spirit and cigar merchants "Botica Inglesa," Escolta, 14

John Dampney, agent

Percy Tucker H. V. Prentice Ramon Tomas Enrique Camus P. San Juan A. Reyes

8. Isit

Sui Nam

Marcelo Romero

Juan Guidote, Escolta M. Velasco, Calle Nueva Tan Aji, Puente Binondo Lorenzo Uy Duco, Sacristia Yu-Joco, San Fernando

L. Yap-Ney Chin, Sto. Christo Yap-Joa,

Uy Chinque,



Vicente Barretto, Vichnanco, Anloague Mariano Jaucinco, Barraca

Uy Champo, Rosario

J. Zavate, Sy Cip, Plaza Binondo E. F. Ong, Capin, Rosario, 20

Domingo Tremoya, Lianfun, Barraca, 17 Ong-Tiang-Seng,

Wilson, Frederick, consulting engineer Tan-Chiana, Jolo

and engineering agent

E. Estanislao

N. Baltazar

Witte & Co., J., ice manufacturers, and

distillers of oil, ylang-ylang

Julio Witte (absent)

Albert Schwenger

H. Schwenger,


L. Kollerbohm,


F. Linnaco, machinist

P. C. Torres, do.

Wusinowski & Co., merchants

Adolfo Wusinowski Alfredo Caffier

Zobel, J., chemist and druggist, Calle

Real, 13

J. Zobel Th. Meyer

J. Grimm

J. Weissenfeldt

L. Vega

R. Garcia

T. Mallat (Guagua)


H. Wiechmann (Iloilo) F. Benavent M. Aznar (Capiz) C. Boix (Cavite) A. Merenguel (Batangas) G. Salamanca (Laguna) G. Gonzales (Cavite)

      COMERCIANTES CHINOS, Ildefonso Son Tua, Escolta José 8. Tiao Qui, id. Ygracio Buncan, Teatro Viejo Vicente Sy Quia, Jolo

Joaquin Barrera Lim Jap, Anloague Carlos Palanca, Rosario


Serafin Te Yuco, Jolo Ong Tong Juy, Anloague

Po Gui.yao, Anloague, 9

Que Jong, Anloague

id. 25

Jose Baora Quin Tiao, Anloague, 9 Antonio Godinez, Nueva

Joaquin Fun-Angeo, Puente de Binondo

Joaquin Bintong, Jalioneros

Ong Juanco, Barraca

Chuce Ucmeen, Rosario, No. 5

Apolonis Uy-Fiouliep, Coudeza Antonio Osorio, Sto. Cristo

J. Gems-Buanco, Jabancos

BOTICAS Y FABRICAS DE Aguas GaseosAS Jacobo Zóbel, Real, 13, (intramuros) Mariano Kühnell, Cabildo, 14 do.

T. Torres, Plaza de Calderon de la Barca M. Santiago, Tondo

Farmacia Sartorius, Escolta, 25, (Binondo) Rafael Fernandez, Binondo

Pablo Schuster, Plaza de Sta. Cruz Ocampo y Arévalo, Plaza de Quiapo J. Garrido, Plaza de Cervantes (Binondo) R. Thomas, Escolta, 14

Ulpiano Rodriguez, Carriedo, 27, Quiapo A. del Rosario y Sales, S. Fernando, 63 E. Puigdollers, S. Sebastian

G. Garcia, Escolta, 95 Binondo) Y. Mallat, Tondo (Divisoria)

R. Garcia, Real de la Ermita

E. Perez y Banquet, Alcala, 27, Sta Cruz A. Merenguel, Sto. Cristo, 26 (Binondo) Pablo Sta. Maria, Camba (Binondo) V. Zaragoza, Real Paco

CIRUJANOS Dentistas. José Arevalo, Plaza de Quiapo, 6 Andres Cereso, Calle de Legaspi Bonifacio Arevalo, Dulumbayan, 6 Leon Reyes, Plaza de Sta. Cruz, 4

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J. M. Biada, Real, 22 M. G. Tornel, Kesi, 10



Eizmendi, S., S. Geroniano, 12 (Quiapo )

Fabian, N. C., Calle de S. Marcelino (Pacc)

Rodoreda F. de P., Marmolista de la Real Casa, Carriedo, 14, Plaza de Quiapo 4 and Palma, 8


El Lucero, Plaza de Sta. Cruz, 5

M. Fernandez

El Luzon, Plaza de Cervantes, 6

A. Ortiz

El Vivac, Plaza de Cervantes, 7

J. Sanz

See Advertisement.

La Bilbaina, Escolta, 39, 40

F. Guerra

La Castellana, Esculta, 35

A. Angulo

La Malagueña, S. Jacinto, 1

J. B. Gomez

La Sevillana, Puente de Binondo, 3

T. Santiago

La Villa de Burdeos, Real, 17

C. Alonzo


Restaurant v Dulceria de Paris, Escolta, 26

J. B. Labedan C. Capagorry Armand Challet

La Esperanza, Real

F. Pena


Fonda "La Catalana," Calle del Beaterio

Fonda "El Universo," Calle de Palacio, 18


     This port, which is the chief town of the populous province of the same name in the island of Panay, is situated in lat. 10 deg. 48 min. W., near the south-eastern extremity of the island, close to the sea, on the border of the narrow channel formed by the opposite island of Guimaras. The town is built principally on low marshy ground, partly fronting the sea, and partly along the left bank of a creek, or inlet, which runs towards Jaro, and after describing a semicircle again meets the sea near Iloilo. Although the principal seaport and seat of the government of the province, Iloilo is much smaller than many towns in its vicinity. The harbour is well protect. ed and the anchorage good, the island of Guimaras forming a sheltered passage. The depth of water on the bar at the entrance to the creek or river Iloilo is about five fathoms at low water, but at a short distance within it decreases to fifteen feet and and then deepens again. At spring tides the whole town is covered with water, but notwithstanding this it is a very healthy place. The high ground of Guimaras forms a kind of funnel with the Panay shore, and the result is that a calm is of rare occurrence, there being almost always a breeze of some kind. The N. E breeze blows very strongly. It is much cooler in Iloilo than in Manila.

The port is as yet neither properly buoyed nor lighted, but measures are being taken to this end. The better class of houses in Iloilo are built on strong wooden posts, two or three feet in diameter, that reach to the roof, stone walls to the first floor, with wooden windows above and an iron roof. The poorer class of dwellings are flimsy structures of nipa, built on four stout posts. The roads and bridges are in a deplorable condition, and quite impassable in the rainy season.

The principal manufacture in Iloilo for local consumption and export to Manila is that of piña, a cloth very finely made from the fibre of the pineapple leaf. Another cloth called jusi is woven from silk, and is made in white and colours.

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   The country round Iloilo is very fertile and is extensively cultivated. The annual crop of sugar is estimated at about a million piculs. Tobacco is also largely culti vated. Rice is grown on a considerable scale, but locusts are very plentiful in the island and often do great damage to the cane and paddy.

Typhoons frequently work great havoc. Earthquakes, however, seldom occur. Iloilo is about 250 miles distant from Manila.

   Iloilo has greatly increased in importance of late years. export is sugar, of which 1,388,775 piculs were shipped in 1886. are Chinese mestizos, who are very numerous in the port.

The chief article of The principal traders

   The island of Negros is extremely fertile and contributes three-fourths of the sugar shipped from Iloilo, the quality of which is improving very much every year.


Colonial Government.

   GOBIERNO POLITICO Y Militar. Gobernador-J. Cores y Lopez Auxiliares-V. Gay y Costa A. de Barceló,

J. Velez

Comandante Gabriel Gonzalez

JUNTA SUBAlterna de Almonedas. Presidente-El Gobernador de la Provincia Vocales-El Juez de la. Instancia, El Ad- ministrador de Hacienda Publica, El In- terventor de Hacienda Publica

Junta de Sanidad. Presidente-El Gobernador Vice-presidente-El Capitan del Puerto Vocales-El Administrador de la Aduana, El Medico Naves, El Medico Militar, El Me- dico Titular, El Juez, El Comandante Jefe del lo. Distrito de Guardia Civil, El Cura Parroco, El Capitan Jefe de la fuerza de Carabineros, El Ingeniero Jefe de Obras Publicas, El Subdelegado de Vete- rinaria, El Subdelegado de Farmacia, T. Lizarraga, en representacion del comercio, J. Juille, en representacion de los propietarios Secretario-Auxiliar de Fomento, V. Gay

JUNTA DE INSTRUCCION PRIMARIA. Presidente-El Gobernador Vocales-El Juez de la. Instancia, El Cura Parraco, El Administrador de Ha- cienda Publica


COMANDANCIA de Marina. Capitan del Puerto-Josê Warleta Ayudante-B. G. Verduga

ADMINISTRACION DE ADUana y HACIENDA PUBLICA. Administrador-J. Maria Romero Interventor E. Cansino Oficial 50.-R. Atiensa Almacenero--E. Cedrun Oficial 1o. agregado-M. de los Rios Oficial 50. agregado-R. Garcia Vista-S. Martinez (ausente) Auxiliar de Vista-C. Martinez

SEMINARIO CONCILIAR De Jazo. Rector-J. Miralda Vice-Rector-M. Casado Procurador-D. Biera Secretario-F. Tasso Caledraticos-T. Lozano, F. Vilanova

Gefatura dE OBRAS Publicas. Ingeniero Jefe-R. de Ros Ayudante Mayor-M. de Camara Ayudante 30.-M. Fayula Sobrestantes--E. Manuel,!M. Diez Pagador-

ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS. Administrador-P. Esteban Lopez ! Interventor-E. Castanera (ausente)

DISTRITO FORESTAL. Ayudante 30. Encargado-J. Centenera Guardamonte-M. Garcia

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Titular y Subdelegado-J. Gomez y Arce Particulares-S. Ordaz, J. Juille, E. Brias, A. Mapa, J. Ma. de Castro, J. Sunol


Director-R. Lopez Gimenez



   Iloilo F. Cacho, F. Benavent Jaro-W. Farrɔsa

Molo-D. Lacson


Subdelegado-Z. Robles

SANIDAD Maritimo.

Medico de Naves-I. Benyto

Interprete-M. Ramos



Juez-E. Valenciano (interino)

Promotor-R. Meiliza

   Escribano-T. Sainz Notario-A. Pastor

Juzgado de Barotac ViejO.

Juez-F. Viera

Promotor-F. Tionges

Escribano-T. Saenz


E. Aules, F. G. Zoboli, E. Valenciano (juez interino), V. Mapa, E. Yusaz (Molo), B. Mapa (Pototan)


E. Villanueva, P. Pineda, F. Gomez (Po-




Capitan-Mariano Medrano

Teniente-B. Cerrejon


Comandante-J. Togores

Alferez-P. Ampuero


Tenientes-P. Giminez, T. Herero

Director-R. Lopez Gimenez


OBISPADO DE STA. Ysabel de Jaro. Obispo J. S. Fr. L. Arrué Provisor y Vicario gl-J. Ma. Climen Fiscal y Secretario-D. Fernandez Notario-N. Molina y Montin ola Capellanes-F. Alba, C. Hinolan

COLEGIO DE MUAS DE SN. JOSE. Superiora -Sor Josefa Casadevall Hermanas de la Caridad-Sors M. Juana Goitia, J. Mari, E. Aspiasu, D. Graelles, J. Erraskin, C. Cañamaque, C. Marciano, A. Corominas


Vice-Consul-G. Shelmerdine



Vice-Consul-H. Streiff


Consular Agent~~~Columbus T. Tyler


Consul-Claudio Lopez, Jaro

ILOILO TUG AND LIGHTER Co. Smith, Bell & Co., agents

P. & O. S. N. Co. W. F. Stevenson & Co., agents


Forbes, Munn & Co., agents-

Lancashire Insurance Co. London & Lancashire Insurance Co.

Ker & Co., agents-

Union Marine Insurance Co., Limited Straits Insurance Co., Limited Sun Fire Office

Luchsinger & Co., agents-

Java Sea & Fire Insurance Company Hamburg-Magdeburg Fire Insce. Co. North British and Mercantile In-

surance Co.

City of London Fire Insurance Co.

Macgibbon, Thos., agent-


German Lloyd's

Fortuna Marine Insurance

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Macleod & Co., Agents-

North China Insurance Co. Royal Fire and Life Insurance Co. Guardian Fire & Life Assurance Co. Phoenix Assurance Co.

Smith, Bell & Co., agents-


Chs. Bischoff

Fr. Blumer

A. Kappeler A. Guien

Cacho, F., chemist and druggist

Netherlands India Sea & Fire Insce. Co. Caldera, Bibiano "Bazar Estremeño"

Chinese Insurance Co., Limited

Imperial Fire Insurance Co.

Commercial Union Assurance Co.

Cala, Viuda de, teacher

South British Fire Insurance Co. of Caridad, Hermanas de, teachers, Jaro

New Zealand

Stevenson & Co., W. F., agents-

Union Insurance Society of Canton Ld. Marine Insurance Co., Limited Norwich Union Fire Insce. Society Scottish Union and National Insce. Co.

Tyler & Co., sub-agents-

Queen Insurance Co.

China Fire Insurance Co.,


Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor-


John McNab, agent

T. Jacinto

V. Silos

Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and


Smith, Bell & Co., agents

Merchants, &c. Aguade del Puerto de Iloilo Inchausti & Co., agents

Anderson, T., engineer

Arnaez, Julian, sugar dealer

Arroyo, F., carriage builder Austin & Co., merchants

Avancena, Señoritas, teachers, Molo Azuar, M., chemist and druggist

Barcelo, Arturo de, teacher of music

Benedicto, T., trader in sugar

Bischoff, S., merchant

Samuel Bischoff

G. Hugli G. Schmid

Cassels & Co., merchants

Correa, Emilio, trader in sugar, and com-

mission agent

Corteza, M., trader in sugar Degude, T., watchmaker

Diez, Emilio, storekeeper

Figueras, José, merchant and storekeeper

Figueras, Manricio, merchant and com-

mission agent

Forbes, Munn & Co., merchants D. M. Forbes (London) D. Munn (absent)

L. R. Ellis

Garcia, Francisco, carriage builder and


Garcia, P. P. teacher

Gazoro, Joaquin, teacher of horsemanship Gonsalez, A., photographer, Jaro

Hinotan, Jacinto, carriage builder, Jaro

Hoskyn & Co., merchants

R. F. Hoskyn G. Medhurst Saul H. C. Hoskyn

H. P. Hoskyn José Escalante

Inchausti & Co., merchants

Innes & Keyser, merchants in liquidation

J. C. Tyler, liquidator

Imprenta Almacen, Libreria, &c., Calle

Real, Boulevard Vidas

Diego Jimenez

Digitized by


Ker & Co., merchants

C. S. Weir

D. G. Irvine

J. M. Underwood H. Brown

F. Escribano

R. G. Roco

La Iloz, H., prestamista

Lacson, D., chemist and druggist, Molo

Laureans, José, photographer

Ledesma, P., sugar dealer


Levy, Bros, Bazar "Estrella del Norte"

Manuel Sevet

Emilio Block

Luchsinger & Co., merchants Federico Luchsinger Henry Streiff

C. Hoesly

Macgibbon, Thomas, merchant

Macleod & Co., merchants

J. F. Macleod

Mapa, V., solicitor

Mapa, N., chemist and druggist, Jaro

Marin, P., sugar manufacturer, Janinay

Martinez, D., teacher

Melliza, Cornelio, sugar trader, Molo

Moureal, F., tailor

Moutes, Samuel, teacher

Montinola, P., carriage builder, Jaro

Ordax, Sabino, medical practitioner

Ortiz, Federico, carriage builder

Ortiz, Francisco, teacher of music

Palandoni, N., chemist and druggist, Jaro

Panadé, F., timber merchant, Balasan

Pavellana, P., sugar dealer

Perez, Pedro, teacher, Jaro


Pineda, Bros., printers, booksellers and


Perez & Acha, commission agents and go" neral storekeepers, agents for Messrs. Larrinaga & Co.

Pedro J. Perez Marcos de Acha A. de Acha

Pinzon, Rafael, tailor

"El Porvenir de Bisayas" bi-weekly jour- nal, and printing, stationery and library establishment, Calle Real, 19

Diego Jimenez, director, proprietor Artuso Velasco, administrator

Preciado, T., sugar dealer

"La Puerta del Sol," Bazar, Calle Real

J. F. Ramirez (absent)

R. Sotelo, farmaceutico, manager M. Cruz

G. Pereda

T. Belan

C. Gallego

Pujol, José, tailor

Rafael, Gazetano, hat maker

Ramer, Isidor de la, merchant

Regalado, José, sugar dealer

Ribas, Juan, tailor

Robles, Z., carriage builder, Jaro

Robles, Z., veterinary surgeon

Rodrigues, A., trader, Dumangas

Rodriguez, Simeon, carriage builder, Molo

Roensch, A., hatmaker

E. Roensch

Sun Augustine, J., carriage builder

Sans, Codina & Pedréno. merchants and

commission agents, aud at Manila

Juan Rezes

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Seminario Conciliar, Jaro


Singer Manufacturing Co., Calle Real

F. Sanchez, agent

M. Galan

S. Martinez

Smith, Bell & Co., merchants

G. Shelmerdine

W. F. Fyfe

F. S. Jones (absent) R. D. Wilson

E. Dalton-Hawkins

Soler, Antonia, hotel keeper

Soler, Eusebio, hotel keeper

Soriano, Juan, tailor

Stevenson & Co., W. F., merchants

E. Sutcliffe (absent)

F. E. Coney

E. Zeller

F. Shipton

F. R. Vital

Tienda de los Bombays, milliners and


Nimbunal & Jawarmal Calumul Ningamal

Tyler & Co. merchants

J. C. Tyler, Jr.

C. T. Tyler

W. Irving Kent J. M. Luqueer

Yap Ti-co, Francisco, merchant

F. Rubin de Celio

Zaragoza, M. painter

Zobel, J., chemist and druggist

H. Wiechmaun F. Benavent

Zobolo, F. G., abogado


"Moleño," Capt. Prieto


Mayon," Capt. Artadi

"Bais," Capt. Jiminez

"Gonzalez," Capt. Cartano


Taculin," Capt. Sanjurgo

"Cubanbaman," Capt. Mendiola


Rapido," Capt. J. Lopez

Engineer Geo. Sparshoot


This is an important port and city of the Philippines. It is the capital of the island of Cebu, and ranks next to Iloilo among the ports of the Philippines. It was at one time the seat of the administration of revenue for the whole of the Bisayas, but this was removed to Manila in 1849. Cebu is a well built town and possesses fine roads, but the people are devoid of commercial enterprise. The trade of Cebu consists principally of hemp and sugar. The neighbouring islands of Leyte, Mindanao, and Camiguin possess extensive hemp plantations, a large proportion of the produce of which finds its way to Cebu for shipment. There are some very valuable and extensive coal deposits in the island of Cebu, but the mines have not as yet been worked with any enterprise.




Vice-Consul-G. E. A. Cadell


Consular Agent―G. E. A. Cadell


Consular Agent-G. E. A. Cadell


Vice-Consul-Neil Macleod (absent) Acting Vice-Consul-H. A. Macleod

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Consular Agent-G. E. A. Cadell


Vice-Consul-B. Velozo


         ARZOBISPODO DE CEBU. Arzobispo-Fr. Pedro Payo

Curia Eclesiastica.

Provisor y Vicario General-L. P. Gassó Secretario de Cámara y Gobierno-B.


Promotor Fiscal-F. Redondo y

Sendino Notario Mayor-P. S. de la Anunciacion

    COLEGIO SEMINARIO de San Carlos Director-F. Jarero Vice-Director-P. Julia

Profesor de Felosofia-R. del Rio

do. de Logica-N. Vilá do. de Gramática-T. Gonzalez Mayordomo-V. Alvarez


Macleod & Co., agents-


Koyal Fire & Life Insurance Company Guardian Assurance Company Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld. Yangtsze Insurance Association London and Lancashire Fire Insurance German Lloyd's and Fortuna Marine

Insurance Co.

Phoenix Fire Insurance Co.

Smith, Bell & Co., agents-


Netherlands India Sea and Fire In-

surance Company

British & Foreign Marine Insurance


Imperial Fire Office

Chinese Insurance Co., Limited

South British Fire and Marine In-

surance Co. of New Zealand


(Compostela Village.)

Isaac Conui, proprietor

Pedro Pascual

Merchants, &c.

Bania, Serafin del, proprietor "Ciudad de

Cebú "

Escond rillas, D., architect

Ferral y Mateo, F., medical practitioner


Gonzalez, Victor, perfume and essence dealer

Koch & Brunner, merchants, commission

agents, and shipchandlers

Otto Koch

J. G. Brunner

Macleod & Co., merchants

W. Colquhoun

C. M. Chiene

H. Ewart

J. P. Acordagoicoechea A. Ruiz Manuel Lima

Ocampo, Valentin E. de, wine merchant

R. Tarrosay Minatay, clerk

Osmeña, Tomas, trader and planter

Osmeña, Victoriano, trader and plante:

Rothdauscher, Henry, apothecary, chemist

and druggist

H. Rothdauscher

A. Rothdauscher

Sans Codina & Pedreño, merchants and

commission agents, and at Manila

Eug. Estauislas

Smith, Bell & Co., merchants

G. E. A. Cadell

W. W. Thomson J. N. Sidebottom A. J. R. Cadell F. Ferral, Jr. P. S. Camara

Velozo, B., merchant

B. Velozo

R. Velozo

S. W. Monalits


Petel, A. & A., sugar estate owners

A. Petel


Peilicer, Eugenio, merchant and agriculist

Reyes, J. J., merchant

Juan José Reyes

S. Simon, bookkeeper

E. Circulado, godown keeper

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After Australia this island is the largest in the world. It extends from abou 7 deg. N. to 4 deg. S. latitude, and from 109 deg. to 118 E. longitude. Its length is about 750 miles, its greatest breadth 600 miles, and its average breadth is estimated at 350 miles. Its vast interior consists of almost impenetrable forests, which teem with animal life, but are sparsely populated by man. The soil is fertile, and in some parts near the coast the land is marshy and well adapted for the cultivation of sago. It was discovered by the Portuguese in 1526, and they as well as the Spaniards, Dutch, and English formed settlements on different parts of the coast, but none of these were long maintained. The Dutch claim sovereignty over the greater part of the south and west of the island, along the coast of which they maintain establishments; the territories of the British North Borneo Company, the Sultan of Brunei, and the Rajah of Sarawak extend over and along the north and north-eastern coast. The native states are insignificant and in a bɩckward condition. The total population of Borneo is roughly estimated at 3,000,000. The productions are many and varied, and its mineral resources believed to be great. The Chinese, who have been settled in most Bornean towns for generations, conduct all the trading operations. The country generally is in an undeveloped condition. The natives are of the Malayan type, and are, as a rule, indolent and wanting in enterprise.


The territory of Sarawak comprises an area of about 40,000 square miles, with a population of about 300,000, composed of various races. It is situated on the north-west coast of the island of Borneo, is intersected by many rivers navigable for a considerable distance inland, and commands about 400 miles of coast line. The sovereignty of the district from Tanjong Datu to the entrance of the Sama- haran river was obtained from the Sultan of Brunei in the year 1842 by Sir James Brooke, who became well known as Rajah Brooke of Sarawak. In 1861, a second cession was obtained, from the Sultan of Brunei, of all the rivers and land from the Samarahan river to Kadurong Point; in 1882 a third cession was obtained of one hundred miles of coast line and all the country and rivers that lie between Kadurong Point and the Baram river, including about three miles of coast on the north-east side of the latter; and in 1885 another cession was obtained of the Trusan river, situated on the north of the mouth of the Brunei river. The present Rajah, H.H. Charles Johnson Brooke, is a nephew of Sir James Brooke, and was born 3rd June, 1829, succeeded 1868, married 1869 to Margaret de Windt. His heir- the Rajah Mudah-Charles Vyner Brooke, was born 26th September, 1874.

The country produces diamonds, gold, silver, antimony, quicksilver, coal, gutta- percha, india-rubber, canes, rattans, camphor, beeswax, birdsnests, sago, pepper and

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gambier. The principal towns, are:-Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, situated on the Šarawak river, about 23 miles from its mouth, in latitude 1 deg. 32 min. N., longitude 110 deg. 28 min. E. (approximate). Claude Town, the principal town and fort in the Baram river, is about 60 miles inland. Bintulu, situate at the mouth of the Bintulu river, is famous for its sago. Oya, which lies about 1 miles up the Oya river; and Matu, about 5 miles up the Matu river, are both noted for their sago. Sibu is situated about 60 miles, Kanowit about 100 miles, and Kapit about 160 miles up the Rejang river. Rejang village, at the mouth of Rejang river, is noted for its Bilian (iron wood) works. Kabong is situated at the mouth of the Kalaka river. Saribas lies about 80 miles up the river of the same name, and has a tidal wave or bore. Simang- gang is about 60 miles up the Batang Lugar river, and also has a bore. Simunjan is situated about 18 miles up the Sadong river, where the Government work a coal mine.

    The revenue for 1886 was $346,661.71, and the expenditure $319,239,62; the estimated revenue for 1887 was $319,290. The value of the imports in 1886 was $1,780,531; that of the exports $1,720,921. The principal sources of revenue are the opium, gambling, arrack, and pawn farms, producing in 1886 $172,231.69, as against $150,250.50 in 1885.

Harbour, buoy, and light dues:-Three cents per ton, payable on arrival, and chargeable to all vessels of 5 tons and upwards.



Bajah of Sarawak-His Highness Charles Brooke, Commander of Crown of Italy Private Secretary- Aide-de-camp-H. F. Deshon


President His Highness The Rajah Member-Hon. F. R. O. Maxwell, Resi-

dent of Sarawak Proper

do. -Datu Bandar, Haji Bua Hassan do.

--Datu Imaum, Haji Metaim

do. -Abang Mahomad Kassim Clerk to the Council-Charles S. Pearse

COUNCIL NEgri, or General COUNCIL. President-His Highness The Rajah Members The Divisional Residents, the Residents of Districts, the Command- ant, the Principal Chiefs of each Re- sidency

Chaplain-Venble. Archdeacon Mesney Clerk to the Council-Reginald Awdry


FIRST DIVISION, OR SARAWAK PROPER, comprising-Kuching, Paku, Sadong,

Lundu, and Simatan.

Resident 1st class-Hon. F. R. O. Maxwell Officer in Charge of Upper Sarawak-

R. V. Awdry

Assistant Resident, Sadong-E. H. Wil-


Officer in charge of Lundu-H. R. Day Extra Officer, Kuching-J. G. Shaw Magistrate Court of Requests-A. K. Leys Writers--Choon Quee, Kong Ghim, Kang Chin, Kin Chong, Peter Middleton, Tet Shin

SECOND DIVISION, comprising-Batang Lupar, Saribas, and Kalaka. Resident 2nd class-H. F. Deshon (Ba-

tang Lupar)

Extra Officer-R. K. Phillipps Clerks-Henry Lees, Simon Than

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THIRD DIVISION, comprising-Rejang, Muka, Bintulu and Oya.

Resident 1st class-Hon. C. A. Bampfylde Resident 2nd do.-G. Pratt Barlow (Muka)

do. do. Q. A. Buck (Bintulu) do. do. -T. W. Falconer Extra Officer-F. S. Drage (Oya)


-E. Somerville (Bintulu)

   do. -F. S. D. Cox, J. B. Dou- glas (Sibu), P. F. Cunynghame Clerks Shaliong Mowe, F. do Rozario,

Jas. Mowe, Usman

FOURTH DIVISION, comprising-Baram and Trusan Districts.

  Resident 1st Class-Hon. A. H. Everett Resident, 2nd Class-O. F. Rickets (Trusan) Extra Officer-C. W. Daubeny (Baram)

do. -C. Hose do. -E. A. W. Cox (Trusan)

CONSULATE at Brunei.

Consul-Hon. A. H. Everett



Judge-H.H. The Rajah

do. Hon. F. R. O. Maxwell

Assistant Judge-Charles S. Pearse (Eu-



-The Datu Bandar


-The Datu Imaum



-Abang Mahomad Kas-

Clerk-E. C. Leicester

Malay Writer and Interpreter-Inchi Ba-

kar bin Boyong

Chinese Writer and Interpreter-Choo Lee


GENERAL AND POLICE COURT, KUCHING. Magistrate-Hon. F. R. O. Maxwell Assistant Magistrate-The Datu Banlar

do. do.


-The Datu Imaum

-Abang Mahomad

Clerk-E. C. Leicester

   COURT OF REQUESTS, KUCHING. Magistrate-A. K. Leys

Assistant do. Abang Mahomad Kassim Clerk-E. C. Leicester

BANKRUPTCY Courts. Established in Kuching, Muka, and Sibu. Presidents--Senior European Officer of

the district

Assistant Judges-Principal Magistrate

of district and th 2 e delegated natives



Collectors-Inchi Bakar, Inchi Omar

THE DATUS' COURT, KUCHING. Judges-The Datu Bandar, The Datu Imaum, Abang Mahomad Kassim, The Tuan Hakim, The Tuan Belal


Officer in charge-E. A. Jeffreys Clerk-R. Woodford


At Tanjong Po, Tanjong Sirik, Muka river, Tanjong Kidurong, and Tanjong Baram


Medical Officer-C. G. R. Storie, M.B. Assistants J. Kay Tye, Kee Wat, Kong


Coroner A. K. Leys


Commandant-Major F. I. Day, late 66th


Instructor of Gunnery-

Active force of 250 men.

NAVAL DEPARTMENT. Screw gunboat "Aline," 2 guns. Brigantin "Black Diamond"

J. Moss, master Paddle steamer "Adeh"


J. Mathie, chief engineer Screw despatch boat "Lorna Doone Screw launches "Ghita," "Firefly," Young Harry," "Bujang Baram," "L'Aubaine"

POST AND SHIPPING OFFICE. Postmaster and Harbour Master-A. K.


Clerk-W. H. Sinclair

do. -J. Smith



Superintendent-Capt. H. W. Peck Inspector-A. Temple Frere


Active Force, 80 men; at outstations, 40

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PUBLIC WORKS and Prison Labour


Supdt. Public Works-E. A. Jeffreys

Roads-Wm. Henderson



Scientific Explorer-vacant


Storekeeper-A. E. Lange


Treasurer-Charles S. Pearse Accountant-R. M. McKenzie Clerks Anthony Hugh, B. Hock Kee

AGENTS FOR GOVERNMENT. London-Borneo Co., Limited, 28, Fen-

church Street

Singapore-A. L. Johnston & Co.

H. B. M. Consulate.

Consul-P. Levs

Vice-Consul--W. A. Cadell

Merchants, Trades, &c.

Bilian Timber Works, Rejang Village

Wing Chong Seng, Kong Song Tak,

Ban Soon Ho

Borneo Co., Limited, merchants; Head

Office, 28, Fenchurch St., London Agents in Sarawak for-


North British and Mercantile Insur-

ance Co.

Sarawak and Singapore Steamship Co.,


Singapore Insurance Co., Limited Sarawak Government Coal Mines Sarawak Government Str. Adeh

W. A. Cadell, manager

A. Moir, assistant

C. G. R. Storie, medical officer

Thos. Smith, clerk

L. Kon-end

V. Kon Seong

F. Ah Lan, cashier

Brick, Tile, and Pottery Works

Swee Guan, Seng Soon, Hong Heng,

Ngee Wat, proprietors

Coal Depôts, (Government) at Pinding

Kuching, and Sadong


Opium, Spirits, and Gambling-Ong

Ewe Hai & Co.

Pawn-Chong Kim Eng

Gambier and Pepper Gardens in Sarawak Proper, principally under control of the Kongkek

Ko Eng See, chop "Yap Soon Seng,"


Gold Works-

In Upper Sarawak, at Bau and Paku In Batang Lupar, at Marup

Lithographic Press

Inchi Bakar, proprietor


Antimony Mines, Busau and Bidi

H. H. Everett, supdt.

D. MeCreath, engineer

Yeo Kim Eng

Quicksilver Mines, Tegora and Gading

H. H. Everett, supdt. (absent) | A. Allison, miner

Ahmee, clerk

Gold and Silver Mines, Bau

H. H. Everett, superintendent and


Sadong Coal Mine

J. Robertson, engineer and manager

Sago Flour Manufactories, Kuching

Ghee Soon & Co., Ong Ewe Hai & Co., Tong Ngee An & Co., Trong Bee & Co., Soon Seng & Co.

Sarawak Club

Captain Peck, hon. secretary

"Sarawak Gazette"

J. E. Lewis, editor

D. J. J. Rodrigues, printer

Sarawak and Singapore Steamship Co.,


Agents-The Borneo Co., Limited Agents in Singapore-Lim Lan & Co. S.S. "Ranee," 378 Tons Reg., 99 H.P. Commander-W. Joyce Chief Officer-J. Eberwein do. Engineer-D. Grant Second do. -D. MacDougall

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Sarawak Reading Room

W. A. Cadell, hon. secretary

H. J. Poncelet, librarian


Mission School (S.P.G.), Kuching. Rev. F. W. Leggatt, acting

Fhoo Nyen Thiam, Ha Ah Yang, Chinese


Sabu School, Undup

Rev. W. Howell

Chin A Fook, teacher

Banting School

Rev. John Perham Allan, teacher

Quop School

Rev. C. W. Fowler

Sentah School

Rev. C. W. Fowler

John Muda, teacher

Government Free School, Kuching. Chinese-Fhoo Nyen Thiam, master Malay-Inchi Sawal, Abang Akep, mas-



See of Singapore, Labuan, and Sarawak, Founded, 6th August, 1855. Bishop of Singapore, Labuan, and Sara- wak-The Rt. Rev. G. F. Hose, D.D.

Missionaries (S.P.G.)

Archdeacon of Sarawak, and Government Chaplain-Venble. W. R. Mesney (Eu-


St. Thomas' Church, Kuching

The Bishop

Archdeacon Mesney, chaplain Ha Ah Yang, catechist

H. J. Poncelet, choir master

Christ Church, Lundu-Rev. J. L. Zehn-


St. James's Church, Quop-Rev. C. W.

Fowler, Rev. Choon Ah Luk

St. Paul's Church, Banting--Rev. J. Per-

ham, E. H. Gomes

St. Augustin's Church, Sebetan-

St. Luke's Church, Undup-Rev. W.


Sarawak Mission-Rev. F. W. Leggatt


Very Rev. Thomas Jackson, Prefect Apos. Rev. A. Heideggar, Kuching

Rev. J. Byron, Sandakan

Rev. F. Westerwondt, Singhai Rev. E. Dunn, Kanowit Rev. A. Keizer, do. Rev. F. X. Dibona, Sari Rev. A. Reyffert.


St. Theresa's Convent, Kuching. Mother Helen and four sisters


The territory of Sabah, situated at the northern end of the island of Borneo contains an area of some 20,000 square miles and has a coast line of about 500 miles The indigenous population is estimated to number about 150,000, located chiefly on the West coast. It is composed principally of an inoffensive race known as Dusuns, who live a quiet lazy life, subsisting on rice, tapioca, bananas, Indian corn, sweet potatoes, and the like, cultivation of which makes the smallest call on their energies. The chief geographical feature in the territory is the mountain of Kina Balu, about 13,000 feet high. A large lake until lately shown on all maps of Borneo has been proved to have no existence. The principal rivers on the West coast are those of Kimanis, Papar, and Pandassan; on the East there are the Kina-Batangan, Labuk, Sibuku, Paitan, Sugut, Sigalind, Sigama and many others. The best harbours are those of Gaya on the West coast, Kudat on the North, and Sandakan and Timbun Mata on the East.

   The climate is particularly pleasant for the tropics; the days are rarely very hot, while a blanket is often required at night; and in many places, particularly on the East coast, very little inconvenience is experienced from insect pests, such as mosquitoes and the like. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural disturbances are unknown. The seas are teeming with fish, and the prospects of an export trade

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in dried and salted fish are encouraging. A trade with Australia has already commenced. Amongst the zoological productions of Sabah are to be noted elephants, rhinoceros, deer of three kinds, buffalo (Bos Ghaur as well as Bos Banleng probably), pigs, bears, &c. There are pythons of 20 feet and upwards in length, but other snakes, particularly poisonous varieties, are very rare. Of game birds there are a few, Argus, Fire back, and Bulwer pheasants, three sorts of partridges, many pigeons and doves, snipe and quail.

Elopura, in the magnificent harbour of Sandakan, is the chief place of trade. The imports include cloth, rice, hardware, manufactured goods of all kinds, opium, Chinese tobacco, Chinese coarse crockery, matches, biscuits (a great many biscuits are consumed by the numerous produce collecting parties up country), oil, sugar, &c. The chief exports from Sabah are rattans, gutta-percha, india-rubber, birdsnests, seed pearls, trepang, sharksfins, camphor, tortoiseshell, dried cuttle fish, beeswax, and other natural products. These are brought in from the numerous rivers, the neighbouring Sulu Archipelago, &c. The imports and exports for 1886 represented a trade of $1,373,839 as compared with $1,049,959 in 1885. The value of the trade for the first half of 1887 was $677,410. The revenue in 1886 was £21,288 as compared with £18,605 in 1885.

The territory of Sabah was acquired from the Sultans of Brunei and Sulu by cession for a small annual payment in 1879-80, and the British North Borneo Com- pany was incorporated by Royal Charter on the 1st November, 1881.




Incorporated by Royal Charter, 7th November, 1881.

COURT OF DIRECTORS, LONDON. Sir Rutherford Alcock, K.C.B., chairman Admiral A. C. Mayne, C.B., vice-chairman John Cunliffe

Alfred Dent

Edward Dent

John D. Dewhurst

Rt. Hon. Lord Elphinstone,

Hon. Sir Henry Keppel, G.C.B. Richard B. Martin, M.P. Philip A. Myburgh, Q.C.

Assistant Manager-W. M. Crocker Secretary-Benjamin T. Kindersley Offices 4 & 6, Throgmorton Avenue,

London, E.C.

Governor and Commander-in-chief

    Hon. William Hood Treacher (absent) Acting Governor-Hon. W. M. Crocker Private Secretary

      EAST COAST DISTRICT. Goverment Secretary-L. B. von Donop Clerk-P. F. J. Marcus Malay Writer-Inchi Yusoff

SANDAKAN. Resident's Office.

Resident of the Interior-W. B. Pryer


Treasurer and Auditor General-A. Cook Asst. Treasurer and


Cashier-H. B. Dunlop Clerk-Tan Swee Hymn


District Court.

Judge-L. B. von Donop

Registrar-P. F. J. Marcus


Magistrate-Dr. J. H. Walker Clerk-P. F. J. Marcus Chinese Interpreter-G. Tek Seng

Land and Survey Dept.

Commissioner of Lands-H. Walker Assist. Surveyor-J. Robertson

Clerk and Accountant-E. N. M. Ashness Draughtsman--Pong Chu On

Public Works Department. Superintendent J. Robertson Apprentice-H. M. Marcus Overseer-Chong Ha

Harbour and Postal Dept.

Harbour and Postmaster-W. R. Flint




Clerk-Inchi Yusoff

-H. B. Dunlop

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Medical Department.

Principal Medical Officer-J. H. Walker,

A.M., M.D., C.M.

Customs Department.

Superintendent-Alex. Cook Examiner-J. Nonis

Clerk-Sheik Ahmat


Captain Commanding-Capt. R. D. Bees-

ton, late Bengal Staff Corps Staff Sergeant-Isaac Gabriel


Asst. Resident, Darel Bay District-F.

G. Callaghan

Native Magistrate, Silam-Panglima Lant Penunga-Hadjee Mussa Quamote--Ebrahim Belmarat-Plando Melapi-Hadjee Datoh,





Mohamed Auserudin


Abrahamson & Co., E. E. timber mer-

chants and contractors

E. E. Abrahamson, managing director

J. J. Minjoot, signs per pro.

M. Zechariah, manager Timber


R. Goodenough, assist. do.

R. L. Finck

Agents North Borneo Trading Co.,

Ld. of Melbourne

China Fire Insurance Co. China Traders' Insurance Co.

British Borneo Trading and Planting Co.

A. Walker, manager

Fung Young-choon, manager Saw-mill

Sandakan Stores

F. Bayley, manager

Sandakan Hotel

Sun Kwong Lung, proprietor Wong Son Chun, minager


Very Rev. Thos. Jackson, prefect apos-

tolic, superior, Kuching, Sarawak

Rev. A. Prenger, Bundu

Rev. B. Punleider, Patatan Rev. J. Byron

Rev. B. Kurz

WEST COAST DISTRICT. Resident's Office.

Resident of West Coast-G. L. Davies,


Clerk-A. J. Dunlop

Malay Writer-Abang Daraham Medical Officer-J. Marshall Lamb, M.A.,

M.B., C.M., Kudat

Treasury and Customs Department. In charge of Treasury-J. G. G. Wheatley Malay Clerk- Inchi Buyong

Customs Clerk, Kuda:-D. Scheyne


Su ut-Salahudin Judicial Department.

Judge of District Sessions Court-G. L.

Davies, Kudat

Clerk of do.

A. J. Dunlop

Imaum-Hadji Durhime, Kudat

Postal Department. Postmaster A. J. Dunlop

Native Magistrates.

Hadji Durhime, Kudat; Sherib Shi, Bon- gon; Sherib Alley, Tertipan; Datu Mohamed, Tamimisan; Datu Undok, Tibmag Bato.


German Borneo Co., Limited, Banguey

Limbuak Tobacco Estate

J. A. Lind, J. P., manager J. Canarvon, assistant C. Thies, do.

Kudat Coffee Estate

P. Christian, manager

Ranao Tobacco Estate

P. Persyn, manager

Sago Factory, Gaya

Lim Eng Keng & Co., owners


Assistant Resident in charge-J. E. G.

Wheatley (act.)

Magistrate in charge Papar, &c.-J. G. G.

Wheatley, Papar

Treasury and Customs Department. In charge of Treasury-H. S ̊ Haynes Customs Clerk-Pangeran Sabudin, Ta-


Judicial Department.

Magistrate of Province-J.E. G. Wheatley Do., Papar, Benoni, &c.-J. E. G. Wheatley

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Postal Department.

Postmaster-H. S. Haynes

Native Magistrates. Datu Raja Muda Indra Jair, Pandassan; Dutu Rambongon, Datu Tumongong, Tampassuk; Datu Raja Mudu Pandaret, Abai; Pangeran Sabudin, Tawaran; Datu Stia, Panglima, Maharaja Leila, &c., Putatan; Orang Kaya Dugassa, Orang Kaya Tumonggong, Datu Amir Bahar, Papar; Ampuan Kassim, Benoni; Pan- geran Bahar, Pangeran Saripudin, Bon-


          PROVINCE Dent. Assistant Resident in charge-D. D. Daly In charge Batu Batu-W. Forbes Mosse Malay Clerk-Senudin

    Treasury and Customs Department. In charge C. A. Francis, Mempakol Customs Clerks-Lee Boon Gee, Kwala

Penu, Abdullah, Bangkalalak

Judicial Department.

Magistrate of Province-R. M. Little

Postal Department. Postmaster-C. A. Francis

Native Magistrates.

Pangeran Abbaso, Hadji Dato Bandar, Klias River; Stia Raja, Datu Mabaraja Leila, Padas River


Sago Factory, Manumbok

Lee Pek Keng & Co., owners

Principal Chinese Merchants.






Ngee Hong & Co., Guan, Guan & Co., Eng Guan & Co., Chow Leong & Co., Man Cheong & Co., Hock Sing Bee & Co., Gaya Lim Eng Keng & Co, do. Ah Ting & Co.,

do. Lim Eng Keng & Co., Mempakol Lee Pek Keng & Co. do.


Commercial Agents B. N. Borneo Co. Hongkong-Birley, Dalrymple & Co. Amoy-Russell & Co.

Shanghai-Alfred Dent & Co. Singapore-A. L. Johnston & Co. Labuan-Wee Lim Guan & Co. Brunei-Capt. Tummonggong Kim-Swee Calcutta-Gillanders, Arbuthnot & Co. Ceylon-W. D. Gibbon

Colombo-J. M. Robertson & Co. Galle-Clark, Spence & Co. Madras-Arbuthnot & Co.


This, the smallest British Colony in Asia, was ceded to Great Britain by the Sultan of Brunei in 1846, and taken possession of in 1848. It is situated on the north-west coast of Borneo in latitude 5 deg. 16 min. N., and longitude 115 deg. 15 min. E. It has an area of 30 square miles, and is about six miles from the Borneo coast. Although Labuan possesses a fine port, has extensive coal deposits, and by situation seemed likely to become a depôt for the trade of the north coast of Borneo, it has only partially fulfilled the expectations formed of it. The pro- duce of Brunei finds a market in Labuan, but the volume of the trade is small. The value of the imports and exports during the last three years was as follows:- 1884, imports, £84,869; exports, £85,740; 1885, imports, £85,332; exports, £80,435; 1886, imports, £79,781; exports £84,022. There are three sago manu- factories on the island, where the raw material is converted into flour, for export chiefly to Singapore. The Government is administered by a Governor appointed by the Crown, and a nominated Legislative Council. Since 1871 there has been no military garrison, but an armed police force is maintained instead. The population is slightly under 6,000, of whom the bulk are Malays. The Chinese, who number over a thousand, are the chief traders, and most of the industries of the

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island are in their hands. The European population, under twenty in number, consist mainly of Government officials. The revenue is chiefly derived from the farming out of licenses to sell tobacco, spirits, opium, and fish.



President--The Administrator

Members-W. H. Treacher, A. S. Hamil-

ton, Hadji Damit

OFFICIAL Residents.

Administrator-P. Leys

Private Secretary-

Treasurer-Hon. A. S. Hamiltɔn, Lt. R.N.

Apothecary-Richard Wilson

Gaoler-Henry Holkar

Chief Constable-Christopher Boyd

BRITISH Consulate GenERAL. Borneo.

Consul General-P. Leys


Consul.-A. H. Everett

BRITISH North Borneo Co.

Agent-Wee Lim Guan


Cowie Brothers, commission agents

W. C. Cowie

A. Cowie (Europe)

A. H. Everett, C. M. Z. S., owner o

Tanjong Terras Estate

J. Smith

G. Davies

G. Whitehead


Mines in Brunei, 22 miles from Labuan. Agents-Cowie Bros.

Managing Proprietor-W. C. Cowie Clerk--Ed. C. Clarke

Superintendents-Inchis Sappar, Jimur-

din, Dolab

Agent at Labuan-Wee Lim Guan Agents at Singapore-A. L. Johnston & Co.

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Saigon, the capital of French Cochin-China, is situated on the Saigon river, a branch of the Donnai, in latitude 10 deg. 50 min. N., and longitude 104 deg. 22 min. E. Saigon was conquered by the Franco-Spanish fleet on the 17th February, 1859, but Lower Cochin-China, (comprising the provinces of Giadinh, Bienhoa, and Mytho, and the Islands of Pulo Condor), was not definitely occupied until 1862, when it was formally surrendered by treaty; in 1867, three more provinces were conquered by the French and added to their possessions, viz., Chaudoc, Hatien, and Vinhlong. The actual boundaries of French Cochin-China now are: on the North the kingdoms of Annam and Cambodia, on the East and South, the China Sea, on the West the Gulf of Siam and the kingdom of Cambodia.

French Cochin-China is divided into seven large provinces, comprising in all twenty-one Inspections. Besides Saigon, which is the capital of Cochin-China and at the same time of the province of Giadinh, the other chief towns bear the names of their respective provinces, Bienhoa, Mytho, Chaudoc, and Hatien. The population amounts to 1,765,135 inhabitants. The European population, exclusive of the official element, is very small. The country resembles a vast plain with small hills on the West and some mountains on the East and North; the three highest are Batlen 884 metres, Baria 493 metres, and the Moi mountains 550 and 600 metres in height. The principal rivers are the two Vaico, the Saigon River, and the Donnai river. The lower parts of French Cochiu-China are wrinkled with small creeks or arroyos, giving easy and rapid communication to all parts of the country, Of late several canals have been opened. The magnificent river Meikong, which descends from the Thibetan mountains, after running through different territories, crosses Cambodia, enters the lower provinces of French Cochin-China by two branches, and empties itself into the China Sea by five large outlets called respectively Cua Tieu, Của Balai, Cua Cochien, Cua Dinh-an, Cua Batac.

The principal product of French Cochin-China is rice. It is planted in almost every province except some of the northern districts. After this important grain the principal products are:-sugar cane, mulberry tree, pepper, betel-nut, cotton, tobacco, and maize; china grass, sesamun, palma-christi, indigo, saffron gum-lac, sapan (dye-wood), and cinchona also exist in pretty large quantities, with several other minor productions. The principal salt pits are in the province of Baria. The forests contain large quantities of fine timber and abound with game of nearly every description, amongst which may be named elephants, rhinoceros, tigers, deer, wild boars, and elands, while amongst the feathered game the peacock, partridge, snipe, woodcock,

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jungle fowl or wildcock, pheasant, &c., may be mentioned. The rivers and creek" swarm with fish of every description, and alligators abound in some.

   In the chief towns of each province there is a citadel sufficiently garrisoned, and numerous military posts in the interior maintain and watch over the security of the inhabitants. The Annamites are a race devoted principally to agriculture; they are not so industrious as the Chinese and are indifferent traders. The Chinese have the largest proportion the trade in their hands. The budget of the colony for 1887 amounted to 30,195 francs. The expenditure on public works was set down at 4,843,566 francs.

The Government of French Cochin-China is administered by a civil Governor appointed from Paris, who is assisted by a Privy Council composed of all the Heads of Departments as official members and two unofficial members. The Colonial Council, some of the members of which are elected by the residents, consists of sixteen members, four of whom are natives. In the various arrondissements, moreover, councils have lately been introduced composed entirely of natives. The towns of Saigon and Cholon are ruled by Municipal Councils, the members of which bodies are partly French and partly native. The Chamber of Commerce at Saigon is also an official body elected by the merchants and traders, and is composed of French, foreigners, and Chinese.

   Saigon is situated about 40 miles from Cape St. James and is accessible to the largest vessels. Since its occupation by the French the climate has undergone a very favourable change, owing to different sanitary works in the town, such as drains, the filling up of pools, marshes, &c. The town presents a fine appearance, the roads and thoroughfares being broad and regular. Amongst the public buildings Government House is the most remarkable; several millions of francs have been spent upon its construction and decoration. The other prominent public buildings are the "Direction de l'Interieur," the Treasury, the Post Office, the Land Office, Public Works Department, the Schools, and the Supreme Court. The Military Hospital is a fine and handsome building, as are also the Arsenal, Barracks, and Artillery parc. There is also a stately gothic Cathedral of large proportions. Saigon has two public gardens, the "Jardin de la Ville," which is maintained at the expense of the municipality, and the Botanical Garden. There are several rice-mills in Saigon and Cholon. There are also steam brick-yards in each town. Cholon is the granary of the colony, and its commercial activity is great. There is moderate docking accommodation, The population of Saigon on the 31st December, 1886, was 18,009 (exclusive of the Naval and Military Forces), of which number 8,986 were Annamites and 6,649 Chinese. The French population numbers 1,257, and other Europeans 97. The town of Cholon is four miles distant from Saigon, and its population may be set down at 70,000. It is connected with Saigon by a steam tramway.

The M. M. steamers call twice a month at Saigon on their homeward and outward trips. Easy communication is afforded with the principal towns of the interior by subsidized mail steamers, and there is a railway to Mytho. All the principal towns of French Cochin-China possess telegraphic communication, and a sub-marine cable unites the colony with Singapore, Hongkong, Haiphong, &c. The postal organization of the colony is very complete and efficient. Correspondence can be sent daily to almost all parts of the country. The Journal Officiel, which is also the Government Gazette, is published twice a week, and Le Saigonnais and L'Indo- Chinois also appear twice a week.

   The import and export trade of Saigon, which is practically that of the whole colony, amounted in 1886 to a value of $42,029,929. The quantity of rice exported was 7,949,394 piculs. In 1886, 501 vessels, aggregating 588,357 tons, cleared from the port, of which 203 vessels of 237,691 tons were British, a proportion, excluding the French mail boats, of about five-eighths.

   Saigon is no longer a free port, heavy_Customs dues having been imposed since July last, with exemptions in favour of French goods and shipping. The tariff is based on the General Tariff of France.

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Colonial Government.

Governor General-H. E. Constans

   ide-de-Camp-Captain Bauche Lieut. Governor-Piquet

Secretary General-Klobukouski


Chief of the Cabinet and of Political


Private Secretary to the Governor-Brun Sub-Chief-E. Couzineau, (p.i.) Attaché du Cabinet-M. Roques Accountant-Piques

Secretary Interpreter for the Annamite



Piquet, lieutenant governor Bert, procureur general

De Gaillande, commissioner of marine Pillas, treasury paymaster Guillaume, director of arsenal

director of excise

Gubiaud, director of public works Camouilly, chief of lands and surveys Lourme, chief of posts and telegraphs Rul, director of education

         PRIVY COUNCIL. President-H.E. The Governor General Official Members-Piquet, Lieut. Governor; General Chanu; Pougin de la Maison- neuve, Commander of the Marine; Bert, Procureur General

Ordinary Members-G.Jame, Cornu, Jour-

dan, Fonsales

Secretary-G. Douville

Chief Clerk-Chabrier

DIRECTION OF THE INTERIOR. Director-Villard, administrator principal' Secretary-General-anneau de Marey



First Clerk-Doceul

Lourès p.i.

Clerks-Weynaud, Brisfer, Boquet, Jame First Office.

Chief-Brisac Sub-Chief-Guismar

First Clerks-Igonel, Billault, Fourestier Clerks-Labenski, Venien Paternelle, At- thenon, Nicod, Manler, Vernier, Ogier, Arrighi

Second Office.

Chief-Bené Sub-Chief-Laforgue

First Clerks-Fourcoux, Carrère, Delliard, Clerks-Blanc, Dahirel, O'Kelly, Aubertin

Fort, Asse, Carrère


Third Office.


First Clerks-Crestien, Burgnet

Clerks-Mullot, Joannès Preire, Cudinet

Fourth Office.

Chief-de St. Michel Sub-Chief-David, p.i.

First Clerks-Ligèr, O'Kelly

Clerks-Fabre, Hedouin, Bourdin, Deviot,

Ligèr, Piequet, Izebault Fifth Office. Chief-E. Morin Sub-Chief-Roussin, p.i. First Clerk-David

Clerks-Buffel du Vauré, Chair, Colard,

Tinel, Rigaudie


First Clerk-Larrey


Immigration Office.


Representative of the Colony in the Cham- | Clerk-Sabathier

ber of Deputies-J. M. Blancsubé


President-Blanchy Vice-President-Garcerie

Members-Blancsubé (deputy at Paris), Branzell, Laurans, Carabelli, Garcerie, Ogliastro, Praire, Jourdan, Cuniac, Mar- gotin, and five Annamites Secretary-Guinement Interpreters-Potteaux, Aubeaud

Clerk-Jalade, Sombsthay

European Interpreters, 1st class. Potteaux, for Annamite language Aubeaud

do. Frank Cowie, for English

European Interpreters, 4th class. Lorin, for Annamite language





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POSTS HELD by French Government. Bac-Lieu, Baria, Bienhoa, Bentré. Binh. hoa, Cholon, Chaudoc, Cantho, Gocong, Hatien, Long-Xuyen, Mytho, Rach-gia, Sadec, Soctrang, Tanan, Tayninh, Tra- vinh, Thudaumot, Vinh-long, 20e ar- rondissement

   ADMINISTRATtion of NatiVE AFFAIRS. Director of the Interior

de Champeaux, Villard, Parreau, de Ver-

neville, inspectors

Beauvoir, receiver,

Bés d'Albaret, administrator, Pallier, secretary, Aubry, clerk,

Perier, Meffre, clerks,

Rachgia Sadec




André, receiver,

Masse, administrator, Steinam, secretary,




Dupouhet, receiver,


de Barbe, administrator,


Ruihe, secretary,


Pottecher, clerk,


Lamothe de Carrier, adminʼtor, Bac-Lieu

Antonetti, receiver,


Moine secretary


Chavassieux, administrator,


Oudin, Vielle, clerks,


Basset, secretary,


Eymard, receiver,


Coyne, St. Leu, clerks,


Escoubet, administrator,


Baptistide, receiver,


Delanoue, secretary,


Henry, administrator,


Bellœuf, clerk,


Ribeire, secretary,


de Lahogue, receiver,


Aublin, clerk,


Lucciana, administrator,


Joyeux, receiver,


Ollivier, secretary,


Bertin, administrator,


Charbouillot, Tyssère, clerks,


Cudenet, secretary,


Welté, receiver,


de Larosière, Castanier, clerks,


Sandret, administrator,


De Gaillande, receiver,


Pelbois, secretary,


Bataille, administrator,


Javaux, clerk,


Outrey, secretary,


Martinet, receiver,


Octave, clerk


Dussol, administrator,

Li Pivain, secretary, Nativel, Morguet, clerks, Lacote, administrator,

de Beaufort, secretary,

Laurent, clerk,

Pied, receiver,





Marcellot, p.i., 20e arrondissement

Marquis, adm'or., Gia Dinh (Binh hoa) Isidore, secretary,


Pouymadyon, Lartigue, clerks,



Gourreau, receiver




Forestier, administrator,


Harel, secretary,


Rul, general director

Rieutord, clerk,



Hugon, secretary


Granier, administrator,


Painchaud, clerk

Doceul, administrator stagiaire,



Vincentelli, clerk,


Menguy, D'Hénouville, Quán

Oulin, receiver,


Sellier, administrator stagiaire,





d'Ollendon, secretary,

Goulard, clerk,

Buard, receiver,

Bertin d'Avesne, admin'tor, Long Xuyen

O'Connell, secretary,

Longueteau, clerk,

Garçon, receiver,

Nicolai, administrator,

Seville, administrator stagiaire,

Housez, secretary,

Manqual, receiver,

Caffort, administrator,

Parnaud, secretary,

Poinier, clerk,









Roucoules, head master (on leave) Roccaserra, acting head master (on leave) Véron, acting head master

Bajot, Lahuppe, Taquet, Grossetéte, Sym- phorose, Moreau, Gaubert, Bizard, Blot, masters

Mme. Martin, Mme. Moreau, mistresses


Carrier, head master (on leave) Bonneau, acting head master

Rachgia Couffinal, Mercier, Folliot, Baudin, Pi-



ques, masters

Mme. Mercier, Mme. Durivault, mistresses

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Carlier, head master (on leave) Lieutard, acting head master Péron, Paillot, Gélédan, Revouy, Defrance, Thiédey, Sérié, Gallaud (on leave),



Bentre-Houssin, head master do. -Bec, Darré, masters Bienhoa-Ferru, head master

do. -Méric, Marcellin, masters Giadinh-Vignaud, head master

do. Guéry, Serrachioli, masters Gocong-Girardot, head master Sadec-Etellin, head master Soctrang-Berland, head master

    do. -Brébion, master Tayninh-Malhome, head master Vinhlong-Beffort, head master

do. -Bélicard, master Canan-Besançon, head master


Courteaud, chief registrar

Gers des Rivières, Gigon, Papin, Lacaze,


Bouteiller, Sergent, Adiceam, Prunaire,



Camouilly, chief surveyor (on leave) Bertaux, assist.


Gilly, Lassalle, Leblanc, Jeannet, Pont, Bonnefoy, Carmouze, principal geome-


Vidard, Brayer, Barros, Girardin, Bois- son, Reverchon, Scampucci, Cervetti, de Massey, Rozey, geometers Schriener, Krug, Guichard, apprentice


Roger, principal draughtsman Naturel, clerk


Bounemain, verificateur des poids et me-



Se rétariat.

Faciotte, Auguste, contrôleur de 2e. classe chargé provisoirement du secré- tariat

Martin, Marie, commis de comptabilité de

lere. classe

Lourme, Joseph,

Tédeschi, Joseph



2e. classe



Arrighi, Antoine, commis auxre. de comp-

Matériel et Solde.

Beauger, contrôleur de 2e. classe Hélsury, id. de 3e. id.

Teyssier, commis

de Se. id.

Pailloux, Madet, commis de comptabilité

de lere. classe Thétard, Lozzi,

id. de 2e. classe


Bonneau, contrôleur de 2e. classe Denis, commis de lere. classe Vert, commis de comptabilité de 2e. classe Service Actif.

Bonneau, contrôleur de 2e. classe Falaventour, entreposeur de lere, classe Rozier, brigadier

Leménager, Courtez, Devise, sous-briga-



Groshaeny, contrôleur de 2e. classe Ribail, Jacquot, verificateurs

Coqui, Nicolas, Maris, verificateurs adjoints. Fosse, Angot, caissiers

O'Connel, interprète traducteur




Balmonet, verificateur



Holleville, id.



id. (Song Doc) Caman

id. (Hong Chong) id.


Gréterin, régisseur de la manufacture


Montfleury de Villeneuve, entreposeur

garde magasin général

De Migieur, magasinier comptable Didier, chef d'atelier Ratinam, secrétaire


Ercole, contrôleur de la circonscription



Faciotte, id.




Isidore, id.




Bruim, id.



Fontaine, directeur

Grenier, id.




Pillet, id.



Coqui, Claude, inspecteur

Le Lay, Guillaume, ontrôleurs principal Labordery, contrôleur de lere. classe en

Vinay, id.



de 2e. classe


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Andrei, brigadier


Edouard, Benigni, Laugier, Lou's, Ca- vanaggio, Carlotti, Asselin, Amadéi, Bobo, Lemoine, Monniapa, préposés de Se. classe

• ·

Cambodge. Chef de Service.

de Giafferi, contrôleur de 2e. classe chef

de service, p.i.


de Giafferi, contrôleur de 2e. classe



Personnel Divers.


de Migieu, Ruffat, Costa, Patout, entre-

Terrigi, entreposeur



Bonnifay, entreposeur


Julien, sous-brigadier


Arcillion, entreposeur


Macler, entreposeur



Pillet, contrôleur chargé de l'entrepôt


Michelot, entreposeur













Charlery, sous-brigadier



Martin, entreposeur


Le Nestour, sous-brigadier





Rachgia Sadec Soctrang Tanan Thudaumot



Lelièvre, préposé chargé de l'entrepôt

Arborati, entreposeur















de l'entrepôt

Alix, brigadier

Guillebaud, sous-brigadier chargé


Tayninh Pringault, entreposeur Cap St. Jacques Préposés.

Laugier, préposé, chargé de l'entrepôt

Curiol, Floret, Dirivault, Arcillion, Moise, Oudin, Bourguignon, Perrin, Brun, Antoni, Le Savouroux, Briard, Lacaze, Chaalons, Gandillon, Rousseau, Robert, Cadier, Morel, Gilly, Esselin, Schnei- der, Versini, Petit, Sauvage, Blanc, Jaouen, Santini, Gavini, Martineau, Neveux, Boudin, Roi, Castaing, préposés de lere classe

Martin, Achard, Lamarcbe, Desse, Cal- vert, Baroude Bouvines, Faciolle, Marie, Vessiot, Dorizon, Lays, Latronce, Gra- nier, Lecomte, Lemos de Casanave, Cervetti, Clerc, Montera, Getten, Olivieri, Hérissé, Vasserot, Reboul, Bizot, Bo- zier, Raux, Baudot, Rolland, Bastien, préposés de 2e. classe

Jean Bte., Piétri, Mancille, Guillermin des Sagettes, Mélilo, Loichot, Ménard, Bis- carrat, Leriche, Esmenjaud, Rognoni, Zevaco, Chassagnol, Vally, Fillod, Bou- lin, Verrat, Bertrand, Cornet, Shuillier,


Journet, comis de comptabilité de lere


Crochet, Guillot, Fourcade, Geslin, Maris, commis de comptabilité de 2e. classe Labataile, sous-brigadier Tassart, Remise, Coudray, Courtin, Pel- len, Fouillet, Mathieu, Malet, Hart- mann, Baylet, Planté, Feraud, Mourey, préposés de lere classe

Carbonnel, Mássy, Bollon, Eruy, Thétard, Dourousseau de Coulgcaus, de Mabile de Brouac, Holozet, Bertrand, Lebreton, Guiliani, Tomasini, Prudent, Metzger, Chair, Lallemand, Lacaze, Isidore, Gai- lard, Cabrol, préposés de 2e classe Berny, Tristani, Tomasini, Oudin, pré-

posés de 3e. classe

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Lourme, inspector, chief of the service Brou, inspector

Ravaut, sub-inspector

Venturini, receveur comptable Saigon-Paoli, Eychenne, Latour, Desor- moux, Bissey, Estorges, commis prin- cipal Constant, Jacob, Vinet, Rouchaud, Bel- lier, Courtois, commis de lère. classe Tité, Morzelle, Gronazel, Paviot, Pon- cet, Barbés, Laborie, Tron, Girod de Novillars, commis de 2e. classe Jeanneret, Laloy, Coqueugniot, Guil- lou, Brocherie, Honoré, Vignol, Cho- tard, Montalant, commis de 3e. classe Fromaget, Girard, commis de 4e. classe Ormélise, comptable

Lombard, mécanicien de lère classe Amalric, mécanicien de 3e classe Hidrio, Goliath, surveillants de lère.


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Viglieno, Bourjea, Cotrel, Lambert,

surveillants de 2e. classe

Goudret, Terpe, Farenc, Pinton, sur-

veillants de 3e. classe

Bisson, Fierelly, Rufz da Lavison, sur-

veillants auxiliaires

Saigon Port-Soueix, commis principal

id. -Mussier, id. 40. classe Banam-Portes, commis de 2e. classe,

Nelson, surveillant

Bacliêu-Fourestier, commis de 3e, classe

Payet, surveillant auxiliaire Baria-Rongier, commis de lère, class

     Bertrand, surveillant auxre. Bayxan-Tov.-Guong, télégraphiste Benluc-Ng-v.-Tinb, télégraphiste Bentré-De Chauvet, commis de lère. cl. Bienhoa-Alzas, commis de 2e. classe Caibe-Ng-tan-Loi, télegraphiste prin'pal Cailay-Ng-v.-Hoi, télégraphiste Camau-Ng-v.-Than, Cangrou-Trg-v.-Hoi, id.






Cantho-Joram, commis de 3e. classe Cap St. Jacques-Saintenoy, id. lère. id.


            Millot, id. 2e. id. Cangioc-Ph-Trg-Tho, télégraphiste aux. Chaudoc-Gourvermec, commis de 2e. cl.

        -Biemont survt. de 3e. classe Chogao Ng. v. Bay, télégraphiste Cholac-Ng.-Chan-Ban, id. Cholon-Jacob (Samuel), com. de lère. cl. Daingai-Ng-tan-loc, télégraphiste prin. Giadinh-Ng-tan-vang, id. auxre. Gocoug―Joliot, commis de 2e. class Hatien Jacquemin, id. de 2e. id.

Jully, surveillant auxre. Hocmon-Lé-v-Lien télégraphiste auxre. Kampot-Stecklin, commis de lère cl. Kathom-Ng-v.-Dou, télégraphiste aux. Kompong Chuang-Ng-v.Xuan, télge. Kompong-Luong-Huynh-Mai-Hue, id. Kompong-Tian-Ar-de-Abréo, Krauchmar-Durousseaud de Coulgeans,

commis de lère classe Krauchmar-Decoux, survt. de Se. classe Kratió Ng-v.-Ton, télegraphiste Longthank-Ng-v-Ho, telegraphiste auxre. Mangthiet-Ng-v-Tho, telegraphiste id. Mocay-Ph-v-Hien, telegraphiste Longxuyen-Teyssier, commis de lère. classe



id. -Dardart, survt. de 2e. id. Mytho-Laconture, commis de 2e. id. id. -Collomp, surveillant de Se. id. Whabé-Lé-v-Lang, telegraphiste auxre. Pnompenh-Grandorge, commis de lère cl. id. -Reboul, id. de 2e. id.


Prompénh-Barabon, commis de 2e. classe

-Biot, survt. de 2e. id.



-Thouillot, i. de 3e, id.

Pursat-Dabos, commis auxre. Rachgia-Sassias id. de 4e. id. Sadec-Voisin,

id. de 3e. id.

Sambor-Ng. v. Kieu, télégraphiste Soctrang-Tournier, commis de lère classe

id. -Besnard, survt. de 3e. id. Takeo-Pb-dien-Mo, télégraphiste auxre Tanan-Sarrazin, commis de 2e. classe Tayninh-Naguet, id. lère id.

id. Fau het, surveillant de le. id. Thudaumot-Leroux, id. 3e. id. Thuduc-H-eg-Than télégraphiste Trangbang-Ng. v. Nhien, télégraphite


Travinb-Lelandois, commis de 2e. classe Vinhlong-Raffi, id. 20. id.

id. -R card, survt. de 2e. id. Ving-Liem-Tr-cong-Tieb telegraph.iste



Pillas, tres. payeur

Millon, payeur particulier, receveur spécial Lamasurieur, chef de comptabilité Durat, Costa, Brun, Bonnaure, Alizart, Richard, Vaino, Stibio, Parizet, payeurs adjoint Simondant, Baudonin, de Maisou Blau- che, Dejoux, Vergé, Soulas, Bouil- let, Picavet, Augr.in, Seu, Decourtis, Thiebault, Collot, Privé, Nicolas, Prieux, Peltier, commis

MEDICAL SERVICE. Surgeons of First Class.

J. Bastian, Saigon C. A. Rialan, id.

J. E. A. Auvray, Mytho J. R. Nivard, vaccinator J. V. P. Boutin

F. M. Themoin, Poulo-Condore M. J. A. Jan, Choquan J. J. B. Trabaud, Saigon A. Laurent,


Surgeons of Second Class.

Laffont, Pursat

J. C. A. Auvergne, Kampot L. E. Ricard, Soctrang C. M. A. Picard, Saigon F. Rabère, Baria

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L. F. A. Poix, Sambor

 A. M. C. Bannerot, Tay-ninh G. M. F. Dupuis, Saigon P. R. Deblenne, Vinhlong A. E. Porteau, Chandoc

Assistant Surgeons. A. A. Gossard, Poulo-Condore

F. Picard, Tayninh


E. J. Martin, Pnom-penh

A. P. de Cotte, Choquan

B. Pouzin, Mytho

L. Bachelier, Saigon


J. B. F. Simon, pharmacien principal

J. B H. Robert,

id. lerclasse, Saigon

V. H, Holbé,

id. 2e id.


E. F. Geffroy,

fd. 3e id.



A. G. Lépine, aide pharmacien, Saigon

A. Reiner,


Monin, president

Simon, Trucy, Bontin, members

Maheo, secretary



Grégoire, harbour master

Ortigé, deputy harbour master, (absent)

 D'Angeville, lieutenant harbour master Couraudy, clerk

Sauvage, portmaster


Arduser, pilot for M. M. steamers Pallas, Luperne, Roux, Castera, Carles, Dennemont, Michel, de Lachevrotière, Ollivier, Bruno, Perchel, Rochon, Pignet-Laina, Clément, Rouard, Botto- lier, Pierson, Fischer, Cloarec, pilots Caratini, apprentice pilot

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Gnbiaud, engineer-in-chief, director Foulhoux, architect, chef du Service des

bâtiments civils

Prévôt, civil engineer, chef du service des

ponts et chaussées

de Gaillande, chief secretary Jourdien, Muraccioli, Bonjean, clerks


Jury, Chanavat, engineers

Thil, Rassegeaud, Ñalet sub-engineers

Maréchal, Langlade, Lecoq, Chaalons, Jau,"

principal conductors

Millet, Ecalle, Pollet, Roché, 2nd class


de Stampa, fléres, Doineau André, Fuzier, Perrin, Doffe, Lecastève, Gibert, Luret, 3rd class conductors

Houdebine, Thibault, Bounlore, 4th class


Bourgain, Ségot, Sinnaya, Abraham, Fer-

reux, clerks

Varcilles, Borelle, Marladot, Crouzet, Dou-

ressamy, Flachaire, overseers

In the Interior.

Cimper, Henry, engineers

Mondielli, Mathi, Gardes, Lecocq, 1st

class conductors

Pérot, 2nd class conductor

Fédy, Millet, Montagne, Crouzat, 3rd

class conductors

Jean, Gautier, Truitart, 4th class conduc-


Pagnat, Pujal, Arnal, piqueurs

Chemineau, Lombardy, Bollièt, Michel,

Santucci, clerks

Chiarisoli, Coquelin, Nadet, Donthée,

Furey, overseers

Cape St. James Lighthouse.

Hermitte, chief keeper

BOTANIC Gardens.

Moquin-Tandon, director

Quéru, clerk

Hassner, chief gardener


Tourillon, general inspector Renard, acting inspector at Chólou Albertini, inspector of 1st class at Saigon Buquet-Simard, inspector of 2nd class at


Monges, inspector of 20e arrondissement Paté, acting inspector imm:gration office Bentziviller, chief secretary

Sergeants 4, Under Sergeants 5, European Constables 14, Asiatic Constables 101, Interpreters 42


Director A. Brisac Chief Gaoler-Chiarisoli Acting do. Morioux

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Government Printing Office; office of "Journal officiel de la Cochinchine"

Courthez, director

Claude, sub-chief

Charlot, accountant

NATIVE Hospital of ChoqUAN.

J. P. André, director

Durand St. Amand, secretary Thémoin, physician Aubry, physician

A. M. Piétri, P. E. Patey, dressers


A. Bert, procureur-général Maisonneufve Lacoste, avocat général de Pont Bellanger, second deputy Berniére,


Roca d'Huiteza, Henry, Poulle, Boboeuf, Campagnol, attachés au parquet du pro- cureur-général


   Guy de Ferrières, president Lejemble, vice president

Ducos, Delpit, Mondot, Boyer, Durazzo,


Trouette, Durwell, Despax, Molinier de

Montplanqua, conseillers auditeurs

Registrar of the Court.

Canal, registrar in chief

Parize, Zegrand, Vesnot clerks


Baudin, president

Jollivet, acting president

Michel, Lefrancois, Marais, Gervais, de-

puty judges

BAR OF FIRst Instance.

Lefebre d'Argencé, procureur de la Repu-


E. Niobey, substitute

Isuard, deputy

Registrar of Tribunal.

Simon, registrar in chief

Mercier, Burguez, Rognoni, Tonnelier,

Michel, clerks

Registrar of Archives.

Carlotti, registrar

Silva, Guy de Ferriéres, Compère, clerks


Elie, magistrate

Lacaze, registrar

Lafosse, clerk

DISTRICT Courts. Vinh-long.

Darracq, president

Tourné, lieutenant judge

Chambor, procureur de la republique Reilhac, registrar

Gauvin, Rozario, clerks

Lipman, president


Camatte, lieutenant judge

Bandst Lefebvre d'Argenié, assistant


Gillet, procureur de la republique Jacquey, registrar

Bontier Ganofsky, Toquet, clerks


Bouche, president

Flais, lieutenant judge

Isnard, procureur de la republique Schaal, registrar

Pochont, Bonnefoy, clerks

Léchelle, president


Azénor, lieutenant judge Papon, procureur de la republique Breillet, registrar

Lebreton, Bellier, Sers, clerks


Portret, president

N., lieutenant judge

Sanial, procureur de la republique Ponnou, registrar

Deloute, de Balmann, clerks

CONSEIL DE DEFENCE. President-His Excellency the Governor


Members-The General Commanding the Troops, Commander of the Marine, Lieutenant Governor, Director of Ar- tillery



Commissioner-de Gaillande, chief of the

Administrative service


Tournié, sub-commissioner


Gibert, chief commissioner

Augier de Maintenon, assist. commissioner



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Huard, Lanoiraix, sub-commissioners Fousagrives, assistant


Marine Hospital.

Le Pontois, chief commissioner Leonce, sub-commissioner

Inscription Maritime and Marine Equipment Office.

D'Agon de la Contrie, sub-commissioner


Figurey, sub-commissioner

Bouchant, assistant do.


Gest, sub-commissioner

Rossel, assistant commissioner

Inspection des Services Administratifs et Financiers.

Henry, inspector


"LOIRE," Flag Ship. Commodore--Tougin de la Maisonneuve Staff Officers-Gouts, Delalande Paymaster-Lemoine


 Commander-Adigard Lieutenant-Louël


    ALOUETTE," Paddle Gunboat Commander-Rihouet Lieutenant-Lue

"BRANDON," Paddle Gunboat Commander-Daniel Lieutenant-Philippe

FANFARE," Gunboat.




"LA FRAMEE," commander Bonifay







do., de Miniac








Guillaume ingénieur, directeur

Robin, sous-ingénieur, sous-directeur

· Pichon, secrétaire du directeur


Bureau des Approvisionnements et Marchés. Méré, chef de service

Le Bolay, Dalidon, Cuisinier, Gauthier,

Malet, Gauthier, commis

Bureau de la Comptabilité des Travaux. Coulomb, chef de service

Perruchet, Frélat, Ayguier, Jovet, commis

Izambert, Montant, maitres des construc-

tions navales

Clervoy, Bertrand, conducteurs des travaux hydrauliques et constructions à terre Magasin.

Féraud, chef

Maurel, David, commis

de Rougemont, Tiphanno, magasiniors Le Roy, Roudot, distributeurs

PORT DE Guerre.

Ortolan, lieut. de vaisseau, director Péroig, maitre principal

Lieut. Dejean, commandant of defensive


Torpedo vessels Nos. 44 and 50 and four

torpedo boats

Frontil, in charge of charts and plans Rossi, superintendent of fire brigade Emilian, assistant supdt. fire brigade


Général de Brigade Chanu commander in

chief, O*

Staff Major L. Clamorgan, chief of the



Capt. Ch. Weith, attaché

Lieut. A. C. L. Hocquart, officer of ord-


Lieut-Col. A. P. M. Le Dentu, 0* gar-

rison major

Capt. A. A. C. A. Cornuel, fort adjutant


Lt. Col. L. A. H. Breuilh,* director Chef d'Escadron P. M. J. Honeix, de la

Brousse,* sub-director

Capt. F. J. Delauney,* assistant director F. X. L. H. M. C. Bonnier* A. H. E.

Boucherie; J. A. Dussaud, captains L. Leblanc, conductor

Savary, Wagner, accountants


Peyranne, commander of the detachment

Digitized by




Lt. Col. L. A. H. Breuilh,* commandant P. M. J. Honeix de la Brousse,* chief of


Lieut. A. M. Fromont, paymaster

Twenty-third Battery.

L. Christ, J. M. Pocard-Kerviller, captain


A. A. Faniard, inspector of arms

R. L. J. Bouis, A. P. Bourgoin, lieutenants M. M. Le Divellec, J. A. M. Le Guillou-

zer, sub-lieutenants

Détachement de Conducteurs.

Lieut. J. M. A. Deslions, commandant

Compagnie d'Ouvriers.

Capt. L. F. Laffaix, commandant

Lieut. E. H. Vallerey

Marine Infantry.

Colonel P. E. J. Billes, O*



chief of battalion


adjutant major


, paymaster

Secondary portion of Second Regiment. Lieut.-Col. A. P. M. Le Dentu, O* staff


A. P. Chevreux, O* chief of battalion Capt. L. J. Mougeot, adjutant major Lieut. Connetable, paymaster

Reaucar, surgeon

Renard, Limb ur, Canivet, de Basiri, cap-


Dumont, Clerc, Castanier, Marchaise, lieu-


Grillon, Benoit-Duportail, Huillard, Doi- neau, Dupeyron, Simon, Frerejean, Malteste, sub-lieutenants

Secondary portion of the Third Regiment. J. B. Poulnot, * chief of battalion Capt. A. C. A. Cornuel, adjutant major Lieut. J. Levy, paymaster

L.M. L'Honen, C. M. F. Hamon, surgeons Esquivillon, Gallé, Ganeval, Amouroux,

Girault, Tayn, captains

Annet, Gasse, Brenot, Faulcon, Crainou-

zaud, Charvet, Vache, lieutenants Joly, de Portzamparc, Aumar, Scal, Re- gnier, Passaga, Dagneaux, Pothier, Lauzanne, Veret, Talon, sub-lieutenants Secondary portion of the Fourth Regiment. P. E. J. Billes, O.*, colonel

    J. Melse J. A. Berger chiefs of battalion Capt. J. A. Bourgey, O. V. A. Boutrois

adjutants major

F. P. E. Crave, captain major Lieut. A. Mouilot, paymaster


Lieut. G.A.N. Massy, officer d'habillement

et d'armement

A. J. Kieffer, surgeon major

H. Salanoue-Ipin, Depied, P. E. H. Du-

prat, surgeons

Brion, Gauroy, Nicolas, Lançard, Dela- val, Bidard de Villeneuve, Bailly, captains

Ozoux, Rivière, Jobard, Carrière, Fran- quet, Lemoel, Grimal Florentin Kolb, Crouzillard Ansaldi, lieutenants Brouet, Pierron, Chanot, Noton, Poit- levin, Lafregoniere, Labarsouque, Gan- don, Labire, Texier, Lagaspie Colombet, Dumestre, Kauffer, Garnot, Le Moan, Divin, Duperier, Dudouis, Lunier, sub- lieutenants

ANNAMITE Tirailleurs.

R. Miramond, Col. O.*, commandant F. X. F. C. Puissan, chief of battalion O. Peigneaux, chief of battalion P. A. Gimel, chief of battalion M. P. C, Marot, captain accountant Rouvier, Jouron, assistant accountants

First Battalion.

Le Boulaire, Clément, Granier (S. F.)*,

Mary, captains

Pouligo, Fay*, Gardot, Hervi, Priou, lieu-


Dufour, Hilaire Cornet, sub-lieutenants

Second Battalion.

d'Abbignac, André, Lemaitre, Perrin,

captains Cortral, Collinet, Jacquinot Spitzer, Thom- assin de Bouvie. Bergelot, lieutenants. Chierry de Maugras, sub-lieutenant

Third Battalion. Dagneaud, Cramoisy*, Famin, Tipveau,


Masse, Jeanjean, L'hermitte, Fraysse, Durand de Lançon, Philippe, Lam- molle, Chevassu, Perez, Lemoipa, de Portzamparc, de Guigné, Pichard, lieu-


De la Juveny, Huron, Durocher, Jochaux,

Duplessis, sub-lieutenants

COUNCILS OF War and oF REVISION. First Council of War.

Chief of Battalion, Berger.*, president

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Capts. Laffaix, Bourgey, Esquivillon, Lieut. Bourel, Sub-Lieut. Scal, Adjutant, Remy, judges

Delauney, commissaire Tonsagrives, reporter Bernhard, registrar

Second Council of War.

Chief of Battalion, Chevreux, O.*, pre-


Capts. Canivet, Pocard-Kerviller, Bou- trois, Lieut. Marchaise, Sub-Lieut. Au- mar, Adjutant, Ducret, judges Leonce, commissaire

Bouchaut, reporter

Leroy, registrar

Council of Revision.

Général, Chanu, O.*, president Colonels, Billes, O., Miramond, O.*, Chief of batallion, Melse*, Chief of Squadron, Houeix de la Brousse.*, judges

Puissan, commissaire Debao, registrar

Second Permanent Maritime Tribunal. Lt. Col. Breuilh, president Engineer, Guillaume, Capts. Arlen,

Boucherie, Trouette, Counsellors Duraz- zo, Crouette, Tournier, judges Lieut.de Vaisseau Gouts, commissaire


Adjutant Caillaud, registrar



H. Le Mée, curate of Saigon L. Thinselin, chaplain to the mil. hospital

CHI NHUм MINOR SEMINARY. M. Ritter, director; P. Provost, teacher

MISSION OF Cochin China. Monseigneur Colombert, bishop of Samo-

sate and vicar apostolic C. J. Gernot, provicar general F. Thiriet, provicár general Prodhomme, secretary to the bishop


J. Thiriet, superior

J. A. Dumas, F. Humbert, J. B. Clair, A. Abonnel, J. M. Dépierre, M. A. Verney, P. Duoc, professors



F. Lizé, Vinhlong

H. Azémar, Lai-thieu, (Thudaumot) C. Gernot, Cai-Mong, (Bentré) L. Montmayeur, Thu-thiem (Binh hoa). J. Errard, Baria

H. Le Mée, Saigon

C. Tournier, Cai-nhum (Vinhlong) J. Fougerouse, Mac-bac (Travinh) B. Delpech, Thi-nghe (Binh-hoa) M. Simon, Tayninh

L. Thinselin, aumônier de l'hôpital de


E. Moreau, Thu-ngu (Mytho) P. Moulin, Mytho

N. Colson, Tan-qui (Giadinh) J. Favier, Giong-rum (Travinh) C. Boutier, Thudaumot

L. Louvet, Tan-dinh (Saigon) P. Greset, Caibé (Mytho) E. Faron, Mytho N. Hamm, Cho quan L. Cagnon, Tanan P. Lallement, Bien-hoa

G. Ritter, Cai-nhum (Vinhlong) J. Poinat, Da-trang (Bien-boa) L. Mossard, Cho-dui (Saigon) J. Martin, Cholon

F. Sidot, Cai-bong (Bentré) J. B. Clair, Thudaumot J. Combalbert, Dat-do (Baria) L. Laurent, Tha-la (Tay ninh) J. Renier, Da-trang (Bien-hoa) A. Le Mée, Mac-bac (Travinh)




1st Adjutant-Roussier 2nd do. -Clochard Members-Ducos, Cuniac, Laurans, Oglias- tro, Dr. Mougeot, Bérenguier, Curiol, Vuillermo, Lehun nho, Nguyenlinh- nghiem, Pium-ngoc-Thỉnh, Trau-van-


SECRETARY'S OFFICE Chief Secretary-J. Révilliod

First Clerk and Accountant-H. Veaux Assistant- Siciliano

Keeper of Records-Sère



"Do. -Audouin Conductor-Germanicus.

A. J. Joubert, director; P. Provost



Digitized by






Clerk-P. Luong

Overseers-Thévenot, Mauss, Curet, Mou-

geol, Castellani

Slaughter House Foreman-Reuchlin

Cemetery Superintendent-Vieux

Public Gardens Supt.-Moreau

Storekeepers-Dumant, Burté



Giat, head master

Dina, Bonneau, Brunet, Guiseppi, Cowie,

Consul-F. W. Speidel


Consul-T. Speidel


Consul-A. Ogliastro


Consul-T. Speidel


Acting Vice-Consul-C. Lugo


Consul-José Vilches


Consul-A. Engler


Mme. Bénard, Mlles. de Bouvines, Wirth,

Consul-A. Fonsales

Public Institutions.

Nandy, masters

Mme. Giat, Mme. Roques, mistresses

Reuchlin, Giovansili, ushers


Mme. Dussutour, mistress

Mme. Bouteiller, sub-mistress

Vessiot, teachers

Cowie, Simon, professors

Mme. Germanicus, inspectress

Mme. Chaalous,



Alizart, municipal receiver Dejoux, clerk


E. Girard, commissaire central Albertini, Buquet, commissaires L. Houzelle, A. L'Hermitte, brigadiers

2 sub-brigadiers, 20 European constables,

67 native constables, 4 interpreters

SANITARY Department. Monceaux, municipal surgeon Viaud, veterinary surgeon

COMMISSION DE L'ASSISTANCE PUBLIQUE. The Attorney-General, The Mayor of Saigon, The Chief of the third Office, The Curate of Saigon, Bérenguier, and a surgeon



Consul-F. W. Speidel


Consul-C. F. Tremlett



Secretary-G. Praire

French Members-Alb. Cornu, Ogliastro, Curiol, Rolland, Peré, Gendre, P. Fiere

Foreign Member-Bock

Asiatic Members-Ng Truong Tao, Yo

Sing Tuong, Phung Sam Archiviste-G. Lamouroux



Hon. President-H.E. The Governor Hon. Members-The King of Cambodia, the Director of the Interior, the Mayor of Saigon, the General Commanding the Troops

President-Brou (absent)

Vice President, acting President-Niobey Treasurer-Frank Cowie Secretaries-Fieres, Huyvenaar


Committee-J. G. E. Margry, president,

Schroeder, Blanchy, J. M. S. Vergé


Vice Presidents-Dr. Mougeot, Viaud Secretaries-Folliot, Broussemiche Treasurer-Vinel

Digitized by




(Société Philharmonique de Saigon). President-Moquin-Tandon

Vice President-Dejean


Treasurer-A. Perrin



Commissaires-Bertrand, Montagne, Do-

menjod, Fière




Head Office, 9, Rue Bergère, Paris. Conseil d'Administration.

J. Rueff, administrateur délégué Vian, Barbe, Comte de Tinseau, admi-


Blanchet, secrétaire général à Paris G. Lévy, commissaire

Direction de Saigon.

Araud, directeur de l'exploitation à Saigon Chapelet, agent comptable, caissier

"Loge Réveil de l'Orient," Rue d'Espagne Caplen, sous caissier

DeMonceaux, vénérable

Curiol, ler surveillant

Labordery, 2e

Giat, orateur


J. Bolliet, contrôleur chef de la comp-


Carbonnier, comptable



Lelay, secretaire

Public Companies.


Agent Principal-A. Rolland, Lieut. de

vaisseau, N.M.

First Clerk and Cashier-R. Guillot

Secretary-A. G. Crochet


Second Clerk-Margaillan

Third do. -Goubier


Contre-Maitre, Surveillant-Rouët

Local Steamers.


Ferrari, first officer

Niel, captain

Périnelle, chief engineer

Itasse, captain


Aumeran, first officer

Beranger, surgeon

Baumes, chief engineer

Aubert, captain


Rotté, first officer

de Mablanc, surgeon Dupont, chief engineer

Bouis, captain


Boccognani, second captain Pillot de Thorey, surgeon Mittaine, chief engineer

Peluse, in reserve.

Gustaud, captain

Achar, engineer


Goyon, garde-magasin

Lucas, chef d'atelier Fabry, contre-mâitre

A. Blanc, agent, Phnom-Penh Fustier, agent, Battambang


Nam Vian,


Phuoc Tien,



Chefs Mé

Capitaines. Commissaires. canicien.. Avrard, Chassieur, Gillouin


Lim-Gioc, Morcau

Flayol, Chevillé, Revillet

Francis Garnier, Saeton, Leclerc, Rebeau


Prugnar, Rivière,


Olivieri, Repton,









Song Kee,



Chaloupes-Tonle-Sap, Sirène, Pelican.

PENINSULAR and Oriental Steam NAVIGATION Company.

W. G. Hale & Co., agents

PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Co. W. G. Hale & Co., agents


Speidel & Co., agents


W. G. Hale & Co., agents

Eastern & Australian STEAMSHIP Co

W. G. Hale & Co., agents

AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN LLOYD'S. F. Engler & Co., agents

INDO-CHINA Steam Navigation Co.

Speidel & Co., agents

Digitized by





Speidel & Co., agents

COMPAGNIE Nationale de NavigatioN'

Denis Frères, agents


Deutsche Dampfschiffs Rhederei.

Speidel & Co., agents


Speidel & Co., agents

NAVIGAZIONE GENERALE Italiana. (Florio & Rubattino United Cos.)

Denis Frères, agents


Denis Frères, agents


Denis Frères, agents



(Chargurs réunis)

Denis Frères, agents

COMPAGNIE Francaise de Saigon pour LE DECORTicage et Blan- CHISSAGE Du Rız.

President-Comte S. W. de la Valette


Delegated Administrator-A. Pilliet (Paris) Director-C. Devenet (Saigon) Clerk-Domenjod

   Chief Engineer-Masson Engineer-Davolio

do. -Georgi

KIM CHING & Co's. RICE MILL. Tan Kim Chiug, (Singapore) Wee Bian Gien, manager Jas. Henderson, chief engineer

TAMHOI RICE MILL. "La Rizerie Saigonnaise."

Denis Frères, managers P. Arnoux, accountant C. Simon, obief engineer Grosset, Binsson, engineers



W. & Th. Speidel & Co., géneral agents E. Geyer, accountant J. Tyrie, chief engineer Ammann, engineer


W. G. Hale & Co., agents-

COMPAGNIE DES CHEMINS DE FER GARANTIS DES COLONIES FRANCAISES. Rue de la Chaussée d'Antin, 42, Paris. Baron de Reinach, president; Durrieu, Thelier, Fredureau, administrateurs Robin, secretaire général

Service de l'Exploitation.

Smith, directeur

Moreny, chef du service de la vie (absent) Godard, chef de la comptabilité et du


Tessier, inspecteur

Chaumel, sous inspecteur

Rigoland, chef de bureau

Barbot, Naulet, Donnat, piqueurs

Legrand, Lefrançois, Casier, Rousselet,

Mauvoisin, chefs de gare Popineau, mecanicien-chef

Chatelard, Sr., Meunier, Chatelard, Jr.,

Calvaire, Laroche, mecaniciens

Fruitier, Jamin, Grimaud, employés


Vapeur de CochinchinE. Office: Quay de l'Arroyo Chinois. A. Ogliastro, director

A. Cazaux

A. Balet, inspector of the line

chief engineer


Office: Cape Saint James

W. J. P. Collis, superintendent H. C. Evers, acting clerk in charge P. H. Selfe, chief clerk

R. J. B. Grey

P. F. Morony F. Wright R. S. Atkinson

H. A. Bance

W. G. Hale & Co., agents, Saigon

Digitized by



Insurance Agencies.

Catoire, Amédée, agent― Assuran Coloniale

Denis Frères, agents-


Maritime Insurance Companies of Bordeaux, Paris, Marseilles, and Havre

La Foncière

La Compagnie Lyonnaise Réuine Fire Insurance Co., "La Confiance" Registre Maritime

National Marine Insurance Associa-

tion, Limited

South British Fire and Marine In- surance Co. of New Zealand Merchants' Marine Insurance Co.,


Badische Schifffahrts-assecuranz Ges.,


Engler & Co., F., agents-

Chinese Insurance Company, Limited Straits Insurance Company, Limited Sun Fire Office, London

Austrian Insurance Company, "Don-


au of Vienna

Straits Fire Insurance Co., Ld. La Baloise

Eidgenossiche Transport Versich-

erungs Ges., Zurich

Hale & Co., W. G., agents-

Lloyd's, London

Western Clubs, Topsham

China Traders' Insurance Co., Ld. Union Insurance Society of Canton. Ld. Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co. China Fire Insurance Co., Limited Java Sea and Fire Insurance Co. Colonial Sea and Fire Insurance Co. North British and Mercantile Insu-

rance Company

Societa "Italia," Genoa General Insurance Co., Trieste Oosterling Insurance Co., Batavia

The Underwriting and Agency Asso-

ciation, London

United Insurance Company, Lloyd

Austriace, Trieste

New York Life Insurance Co.

Speidel & Co., agents―

Yangtsze Insurance Association Transatlantische Gueterversicherungs


Queen Fire Insurance Company

Hamburg Magdeburg Fire Insurance


Lubeck Fire Insurance Company North China Insurance Company Canton Insurance Office, Limited Samarang Sea & Fire Insurance Co. Germanic Lloyd's

Dusseldorfer Allgemeine Versiche- ruugs Gesellschaft, Duesseldorf Registro Italiano

Verein Bremer See Versicherungs


Verein Hamburger Assecuradeure Deutscher Rhederei Verein Hamburg Basler Transport Versicherungs Ges. Deutsche Transport Versicherungs

Gesellschaft, Berlin

Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld. Scottish Imperial Insurance Co. Alliance Life and Fire Insurance


London and Lancashire Fire Insu-


Singapore Insurance Co., Ld.


Banque de l'Indo-Chine

L. Michelot, manager Carriere, sub-manager

Spielman, chief accountant Felix Cornu, cashier A. Vigerie, clerk

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor-

poration, Rue d'Adran

H. R. Coombs, agent

A. Perrin, clerk

E. C. Seng

C. K. Siew

E. N. Hee

Chartered Bank of India, Australia, an1


Speidel & Co., agents

Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, Lon-

don, and China-

W. G. Hale & Co., agents

Deutsche Bank, Berlin

F. Engler & Co., agents

Professions, Trades, &c.

Albarel, J., wine merchant, and ice manu-

facturer, Rue Rigault de Genouilly

Digitized by


Anglard, Rue Cutinat

Bardy, hairdresser, Rue Catinat


Baud & Co., E., contractors, lightfitters,

plumbers, &c., Rue Catinat

 Em. Baud (absent) Dagregorio


Fabre, engineer Baptiste, clerk

Bazar Indien

Pestonjee Hormusjee, proprietor

E. N. Parek

D. C. Tolaty

Basset, provisioner, Rue Vannier

Bock, printer, Quai Charner

Blanchy, Paul, timber and stone mer-

chant and contractor, Bienhoa

Boin, E., tavern keeper, Rue Taberd

Boissel, commission agent, Quai de

l'Arroyo Chinois

Bonnardel, hairdresser, Rue Catinat

Bonnet, A., contractor, Rue Turc

Borllot, Rue Cantinat

Bounous, Mme. "Cafè du Commerce,"

Boul. Bonnard

Bouardel, tavernkeeper, Rue Catinat

Bourlin, Mme., milliner and dressmaker,

Rue Catinat

Branzell, A., contractor, Rue Nationale

Brissac "Aux Armes de France," milliner,

dressmaker, etc, Rue Catinat

Brun, farrier and harness maker, Rue

Rigault de Genouilly

Hippolyte Brun

" Café Catinat," Rue Catinat

Pestel, proprietor

"Café du Commerce," Boulevard Canton

Mme. Bonnefoy ·

"Café Continental," Rue Nationale.

Cautiellox, proprietor

"Café de la Marine," Rue Catinat

Chabaud, proprietor

"Café de la Rotonde," Quai du Commerc Hermince Lelaurin, proprietor

"Café et Hotel de l'Europe," Quai du


Dubois, proprietor

Carabelli, R., lawyer, Rue Vannier

Catoire, A., timber merchant, Rue Van-


Cazaux, P., retail dealer, &c., Rue d'Or-


Gendre, signs per pro.

Chaumont & Daniel, entrepreneurs de

travaux publics

Clément (agent, Saigon) Daniel (Haiphong) d'Illiers (Hanoi)

Waubert (Paris)

Chaumont (Bône)


Chauvin, A., farrier and harness maker,

Rue Pellerin

Champon, butcher, Boulevard Bonard

Charlety & Co., plumbers and lightfitters

Rue Catinat

Collin, engineer, Firm Eiffel & Co., Rue


Combes, hair dresser and dealer in per

fumery, Rue Catinat

Colombier, horticultural gardener, Rue

Chasseloup Laubat

Courtinat Bazaar, Rue Catinat

David, J., blacksmith and engineer, Rue.


Démolis, timber merchant and contractor,

Rue Lagrandière and Tayninh

J. Charton, signs per pro.

Devise, soap manufacturer, Route haute

de Cholon

Digitized by



Denis Frères, merchants, Rue Catinat

Emile Denis (Bordeaux) Gustave Denis

Alphonse Denis

Ainé Fonsales



E. Schnéegans, signs per pro.

C. Berteaux

A. Sergent

A. Giboin Thomas

Dillère, process server, Rue d'Adran

Drespy, C., tailor, Rue Catinat


Doriani Bouillac, Madame, milliner and dressmaker, Rue Catinat and Boulevard Board.

Mme. Doriani Bouillac

Ernest Moulys

Mme. Fournier

Mlle. Lina Schoumel

Mme. Alguier

Mme. Baudaer

Dutriaux, E. A., commission agent and

broker, Rue Cati, at

Engler & Co., F., merchants, Quai de

l'Arr yo Chinois and Rue d'Adran

Frederic Engler (Europe)

A. Eugler

C. Lugo

A. Endtner Walter Kloss

Farenberg, tavernkeeper, Rue Nationale

Faure, watchmaker, Rue Vannier

Feraud, E., process server, Rue d'Ormay

Ferrand, Café-restaurant, Rue Chasse-

loup- Laubat

Ferlet, Mme., Café, Rue McMahon

Fleith & Laplace, auctioneers and brokers, Rue Catinat and Quai de Mytho, Cholen

Bernard Fleith E. Laplace

F. Riaud

B. Chouna

... Assam (Cholen)

Fréchet & Ferrand, Café des Girondins, aerated waters manufacturers, Kue Chasselop Laubat

Fière, merchant, Rue d'Ormay

Garnier, wine merchant, Rue Catinat

Gendre, Mme., milliner and dressmaker,

Rue Catiuat

Gendre, Em., contractor, Rue d'Ormay

Genou, Mme., milliner and dressmaker,

Rue Catinat

Géraud, Mme. Vve., baker and provision

dealer, Rue Catinat

"Gia Dinh Bao," official native bi

weekly paper

Gillard, F., hair dresser, Rue Catinat

"Grand Hotel & Café Tisseyre frères"

Rue Catinat

"Grand Hotel & Café de la musique"

Boulevard Bonard

Eugénie Chebanit Malvina Herman

Grenfell, J. S. W., surveyor to Lloyd's agents and local offices, Quai de l'Arroyo Chino.s

Grünenberg, Mme., Café du Chemin

de fer, Boulevard de Canton

Guillet des Grois, lawyer, Rue d'Ormay

Hale & Co., W. G., merchants, Quai de

l'Arrovo Chinois

C. F. Tremlett W. Detmering

H. Schmidt S. Hibler

G. Y. King

Hubbard, lawyer, Rue Cha rner

"Hotel Laval," Rue Catinat

Laval, proprietor

"Hôtel de l'Univers," Bue Vannier

Ollivier, proprietor

Hubert, J., merchant, Rue' Catinat

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Huguenin-Hainard, watchmaker, Rue Ca-



"Imprimerie Commerciale,' printing and bookbinding office, Rue d'Adran

M. Rey

L. Curiol

G. Gallet, foreman

P. Terlet, compositor

F. Coudurier


A. Péroux


M. da Cruz,


C. Porrot


A. Masson


H. de Silva,


R. Zuzarte,


"l'Indo-Chinois" weekly newspaper, Rue


J. Liuage

Jame, G., notary public, Rue Rigault de


Jauffret, process server, Rue Rigault de


Jordan, Ch, lawyer, Rue Rigault de


Jouvet, A., commission agent and public

accountant, Rue Rigault de Genouilly

A. Jouvet, junr.

Labordery, P., "Aux Armes de Lyon,"

store-keeper, Rue Catinat

Lacaze, A., stor-keeper, Rue Catinat

Antoine L.caze (absent)

G. Lacaze

Laforgue, agent d'affaires, Rue Amiral


Lamache, P., surgeon dentist, Rue Ri-

gault de Genouilly

Larue & Co. V., iron works and ice

manu acturers, Rue Nationale

V. Larue

H. Péré

N. Reynand

E. Duraffour

G. Larue

Lasnier, A., banker, Rue MacMahon


Lasserre & Co., brewers, Rue Nationale


Ernest Ballie

Victor Ballie

Laurans, lawyer, Rue Rigault de Genou


Lévié, druggist, Rue Catinat


Linage, J., commission agent and sta

tioner, Rue Catinat

MacCrait", Mme., Café, Rue Charner

Marc-Dutrain (les fils de,) importera,

Rue Vannier

Martin, photographer, Rue Catinat

Martin, blacksmith and farrier, Rue Na-


Merlet, tavernkeeper, Rue Nationale

Mèry, Café, Rue de l'Hospital

Michelli, hairdresser and storekeeper,

Rue Catinat

Monceaux, Huc, medical practitioner,

Boulevard Bonard

Mont de Piété, Quai de l'Arroyo Chinois

Apan, director

O. du Crouzet, sworn clerk

Migien, Mme. de, milliner and dress-

maker, Rue Catinat

Moscovich, Mlle., café keeper, Rue d'Es


Mongeot, medical practitioner, Rue de la


Nicolas, dealer, Rue de Bangkok.

Noor Khan, "Café de Singapore," corner

of Rue Catinat and Rue Vannier

A. Noor Kban

F Greenblet

Digitized by




Noor Khan, commission agent, compra-

dore and stevedore, 6, Rue Vannier

A. Noor Khan

A. Ogliastro and A. du Crouzet, merchants,

Quai de l'Arroyo Chinois

A. Ogliastro

A. du Crouzet

O. du Crouzet

Péré, H., commission agent, painter, fur- niture manufacturer, and Government contractor, Place du Rond Point, Rue Turc, and Rue de Y.kobama

H. Péré

G. Gibert, architect

E. Duraffour

A. Huyvenaar

T. Gillet, painter and decorator J. M. de Jesus

Pharmacie Normale, manufactory of sy- rups and aerated waters, Rue Catinat

Berenguier, proprietor

L. Ferand

Praire, G., merchant, Quai du Commerce

Rangassamy, Cafe, Rue d'Adran

Rose Abert Mme., Hotel & Café de la

Rade, Quai du Commerce

"Le Saigonnais," bi-weekly newspaper

4, Rue d'Adran

Ferlet, manager

Salin, Mme. Vve., milliner, Rue Catinat

Sanson, midwife, Rue Nationale

Schroeder Frères, contractors and pro- prietors Steam Saw Mills at Kanhoi

K. Schroeder

A. Schroeder (absent)

Schroeder Frères & Gardès, librarians, 24,

Rue Catinat

K. Schroeder

A. Schroeder (absent). P. Gardès

Schroeder Frères & Gardès, engineers, blacksmiths, painters and proprietors Telephone, 50, Rue Pellerin

K. Schroeder

A Schroeder (absent)

P. Gardès

Segaud, grocer and dealer in provisions

and wines, Rue Catinat

Speidel & Co., merchants

F. W. Speidel

T. Speidel

F. Woelz, signs the firm H. Kurz, signs per pro. 0. Kurz

E. Meyer M. Leopold

H. Zinaser B. Bonnefond

E. Kirchhoff R. Bauer

E. Klueppel

Susini, process server, Rue Catinat

Tang Eng Bok, merchant, Quai de l'Arroyo


Tisseyre Frères, hotel keepers, Rue Na-


Tournier, J., tailor and storekeeper, Rue


P. Berger H. Gros

V. Poirrier, clerk

Trigaut & Co., harness makers, Quai


"l'Unité Indo-Chinoise," weekly news-

paper, Quai Charner

Chairot, director

Vergonjeanne, blacksmith, Rue Vannier


Viaud, veterinary surgeon, Rue MacMahon

Villa, Mme., grocer and dining rooms, Rue


Vuillermoz, watchmaker and jeweller, Bue


Wirth, G., tobacconist, Rue Catinat

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C. E. Guillard, administrator of native

affairs, mayor

MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. B. Fleith, A. Cornu, Ò. Du Crouzet, Tran Tuong Thoai, Nguyen Quan Biểu, Lai Huu Le, Ban Hap, Vuong Kinh, Luu Gia Du, Yo Sing Toung, councillors


G. Guyot, secretary

P.C. Gogeard, accountant


S. Prunier, architect of roads

L. Ippolito, draftsman

F. Batard, chief surveyor of roa is

F. Gonnord, Bazile, overseers of roads


Ange Costa, receiver

Mary dassou, writ server


Renard, brigadier, act. commissioner

Fardonnet, brigadier

Gérolami, Pech, sub-brigadiers


Méric, bead master

Boutel, master


Sister Louise de Jesus, directress Sister Rose, teacher



Sister Lydia, superior, Sisters Emilienne,

Ste. Paule, Antonie, and Natives

CHOLON STEAM RICE MILL. Administrator-Manager-A. Cornu Chief Engineer-B: sse

Mont de Piété

N. Reynand H. Péré

E. Duraffour A. Huyvenaar V. Léon


      Cambodia, or the Kingdom of the Khmer, as it is called by the natives, extends from 101 deg. 30 min. to 104 deg 30 min. longitude, and from 10 deg. 30 min. to 14 deg. latitude. It was reduced to its present proportions in 1860 by the annexation of its two richest provinces, Angcor and Battambang, to Siam. Its area is about 62,000 square miles. It is bounded on the south-west by the Gulf of Siam, on the south-east by French Cochin-China, on the north by the Laos, and on the north. west and west by Battambang and Angcor. The noble river Meikong flows through the kingdom, and after passing through French Cochin-China, empties itself, by a number of mouths, into the sea. The Meikong is the grand waterway of Cambodia, and, like the Nile in Egypt, lays the greater part of the country under water annually, greatly increasing its fertility. The soil of Cambodia is rich and productive, and rice, pepper, indigo, cotton, tobacco, sugar, maize, and cardamons are cultivated. Coffee and spices of all sorts could be grown. Among woods, ebony, rose, sapan, pine, iron, and other valuable sorts exist, no less than eighty different kinds of timber bing found in the forests. Iron of good quality has been discovered, and it is affirmed that there are gold, silver, and lend mines in the mountains. The fisheries of Cambodia are very productive, and salt fish forms one of the chief articles of export.

Cambodia was once an extensive an! powerful state, and proofs that it possessed

    ■ much higher civilisation than now prevails are to be found in the architectural remnants of former grandeur. The noble ruins of the ancient city of Angcor are monuments of a people much superior to the feeble race which now inhabits Cambodia. The Cambodians differ entirely from their neighbours the Annamites, both in features and customs. Polygamy is practised an:ong them. The prevailing religion is Budd- hism. The people are apathetic and indolent, and have allowed the trade to fall into.

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⚫ 634


the hands of Chines, of whom there are about 100,000 in the country. The entire population of the kingdom in 1882 was 950,000, of which number 130,000 were slaves. Slavery, however, was abolished by the Treaty of 1884.

The Government of Cambodia is a monarchy, under French protection. The present King, Sodach Pra Maha Norodom, succeeded his father King Ang Duong in 1860. As in Sium, there is a Second King, Maha Obera', brother to the King, but his title is purely nominal. In June, 1884, King Norodom signed a new treaty with France by which the administration of the country is handed over to French Residents.

Phnom-penh, the pre-ent capital of Cambodia and seat of the Government, is situated on the river Meikong, nearly in the heart of the kingdom. The King's palace is a large building, and the portion devoted to his use is built and furnished in European style. Attached to the Palace, and inside the Palace walls, are the Hall of Justice, Audience Rooms, Treasury, Armoury, and some steam workshops and magazines. His workshops are superintended by European engineers, and a European has charge of the public works. Phnom-penh is improving under the present rule. Some good roads have been made, and brick houses are gradually superseding less durable structures. The French Resident-General has a haudsome residence in the eity.__The population of Phnom-per.h is estimated at 60,900.

Trade at present is limited, and the country generally is entirely undeveloped. It is practically shut out from foreign commerce, and has no seaports of any impor. tance. The port of Kamput can only be frequented by small coasting native vessels from Siam and by Chinese junks. A railway from Saigon to Phnom-penh has been projected, but is at present in abeyance.


Supreme King-H. M. Somdach Pra Maha

Norodom Tippudey Kampouchia Second King-H. R. H. Somdach Pra

Maba Obbarack



Resident General-de Champeaux

Acting Secretary General-Orsini Cabinet Counsel-Dr. Hahn

Private Secretary-Housez

Resident Office Chief-Garnier Laroche

Clerks Chauzeia, Collard, Tellier, Leroy,

Cazajeux Interpreter-Boniface



Clerks-Hertrich, Varizat


Acting President-Gemain Acting Procureur-Fuynel Registrar-Jarrige Clerk-Vassou


President-Marquant Acting Judge- Interpreter-


Chief of Service-Fabre Conductors-Oziol, Comminet Overseers-Jeandot, Sibérilé



POST AND Telegraph.

Chief of Service-Graiulorge



Reboul, Montalant, Pnom Penh Stocklin, Kan pot

do. -Portes,

do. -Dabos,



do. -de Colugeans, Krauchmar

Over eers-Piot, T ouillot

HARBOUR Department.

Captain of the Port-Ropers Lieutenant-





Chief of Service-Garnier la Roche

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Chief of Service -Fontaine Controller-Giafferi, Majeres Warehousemen-Chemin, Rivet, Leroy Clerks V. Guillot, Crochet, F. Guillot Overseers-Mathieu, Madet, Planté, Fé- raud, Thétard, Bertrand, Chaix, Clerc


Cherin-Chongva-Massy Kompong-Reap-Tassard

Kompong-Chuang-Coudray, Goyon Kompong-Luong-De Migieu, Holozet


Kratié Mothe





Peam-Mau-Chey-Durousseaud de Coul-






Bac-Nam-Achard Bac-Xay-Tomasi

Kompong-Cassang-De Mabille de Brouac Ta Kéo-Paton

Kampot Alix, Lelièvre, Hartmann, Cas-












Gardien des batiments de la Residence-



Resilent-Lclère, Adhemar



Acting Resident - Demolle

Acting Secretory-Pech


Acting Resident-Eudel




Sub-Resident-Durousseau de Coulgeans


Bishop Cordier (Pnom-penh) Rev. Fr. Sylvestre

Rev. Fr. Guesdon



Rev. Fr. Mismer (Cherouy Chongua) Rev. Fr. Combes (Ba-num)

Rev. Fr. Lazare (Mot-Kasar)


Andrieu, contractor

Baillot, merchant

Binst, merchant

Garcerie, A., timber merchant and pro-

prietor steam saw mill

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor-


Speidel & Co., agents

Margotin, lime-kiln (Pnom-cau-long)

Marrot & Co., Vve., storekeepers

Marrot, Jr.


Mermier, hotel keeper

Messageries Fluviales de Cochin-Chine

A. Bianc, agent

Pestonjee & Co., merchants, commission agen:s, aerated waters manufacturers, bakers, and owners tug boat Suriwan

Pestonjee Hormusjee

E. N. Parek D. C. Tolaty

Speidel & Co., merchants

H. Kurg, signs per pre.

Vaulelet & Farant, commission mer-


Viel, hotel restaurant

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   The kingdom of Annam, which also includes the ancient kingdom of Tonquin, conquered and annexed by King Gialong of Annam in 1802, is bounded on the east by the Gulf of Tonquin and the China Sea, on the west by Siam, Cambodia, and the Shan States, on the north by the Chinese provinces of Yunnan and Kwangsi, and on the south by French Cochin-China. Annam proper is a narrow strip of country between the sea and the mountains, the territory beyond which is occupied by aboriginal tribes who are practically independent. Annam is to Tonquin in native parlance as the girdle to the tunic, the latter being a broad and rich territory. Annam proper is a poor country, and is dependent for part of its rice supply upon Tonquin. The population of Annam is uncertain, but, including that of Tonquin, it may be roughly estimated at 20,000,000.


Hué, the capital of the kingdom of Annam, is situated on a small scarcely navigable river named Truong Tien and called by the French the Hué river, which debouches on the coast in about lat. 16 deg. 29 min N., and long. 107 deg. 38 min E. Huè is a walled city and has been built on lines similar to those of a fortified European town of the seventeenth century. According to M. Chaigneau, Huê consists of two distinct parts-the city proper and the suburbs. The former stands, in the middle of a square island, separated from the latter on three sides by a river and on the fourth by a canal. It is defended by a fortified enceinte, six kilometres in circumference, constructed by French engineers after the system of Vauban, and having six large gates. Within this enceinte reside all the Goverment officials. The walls are built of brick and are very lofty. Inside the outer enceinte is the citadel, similarly but less solidly fortified, and having eight, instead of six, gates. The six offices of the Ministry are in this quarter, as well as the Library, the Mandarins' College, the Courts of Justice, the Observatory, and numerous arsenals and barracks. The palace of the Council of State, and a host of other edifices, all of an official character, stand within the second enceinte. Behind these buildings is a wall of brick, which traverses the citadel throughout, separating it completely into two parts. This wall, which encloses the royal palaces and harem, has three gates; that in the centre being in the form of a pagoda, gilt and adorned with elaborate carvings. The mass of the houses and even the public buildings in Hué are, however, very mean and in a bad state of repair. The Royal palace, like that of Peking, has yellow tiles; those of the nobles are red. The population of the city and suburbs is estimated at 90,000. The mouth of the Huê river is defended by forts, which were bombarded and taken by the French in August, 1883, when the Hué Government at once capitulated.




RESIDENCE SUPERIRURE DE L'Annam. Résident Supérieur-C. Dillon (absent) Résident Supérieur-S. Hector p.i. Vice-Résident-F. Baille Chancelier-Destenay

Commis-L. M. Michel

Lettré Principal-Le-duy-hinh-

Interprète Principal-Nguyen-van-ban

Commis de Trésorerie-Genoux-Prachée,


Sous-intendant Militaire-Coppens de Nor-


Commandant, Troisiéme Brigade-Callet

Commandant, l'Artillerie-L"clien Chefs de Bataillon-Leschères, de Schrieber, Devaux de Saint Maurice, Bertrand (Dong-hoi), Tré je 1 (Binh-dinh) Lieutenant-Colonel-Boilève (Thuan-an) Capitaine, Artillerie-Gouilly Capitaine, Gen.e-Clavez

Ceccaldi, E., commission agent

E. Ceccaldi, (Haiphong)

Ch. Dupont

BINH DINH (PORT, QUINHON.) Resident of France-Ch. Lemire Chancelier-F. J. Gresse

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Secretary-Lafond, chief of bureau

Assistant Secretary-Robin

Préposés-Ribière, (assistant examiner),

Crenan, Feugnet



PHU YEN (Port, Vung Lam.) BAIE DE Xuan Dai.

Résident-Dr. G. Tirant, en mission dans les Provinces de Binh-dinh et de Phu-yên Chancelier-De Beuverand de la Loyère Commis de Douanes-Poulin

Do. des Postes et Telegraphes--Florentin THUAN KHANH (CHIEF PoBT NHA TRANG.)

Resident of France-Brière


   Secretary of Customs-Meibielli Commandant of Military Post, Hone Cohe -Capt. Reveilhac


Missionary-Rev. P. Gaynaire, Ninh Hoa

-Rev. P. Anger, Nha Trang -Rev. P. Villamne, Phan Rang -Rev. P. Lacassaque, do.



Hone Cohe


Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa

Cua Bê

Cam Ranh

Thuan Khanh

Phan Rang )

Phan Ki

Binh Thuan

Phan Thật


Vice-Resident of France-J. A. Houdayer


Commis-J. Duranton


Secretary-de Montaignac de Chauvance,

chief of bureau

Assistant Secretaries-Honoré, Bucquet Préposés-Cloëcs, (assistant examiner),

Sourgens, Récaste


Résident-C. Hamelin

Chancelier Substitué-P. Letulle Payeur Adjoint de Trésorerie-P. Retif Chef de Bataillon, Première Brigade-



Vice-Résident--C. L-proue Commis―J. B. Triau

Chef de Bataillon, Première Brigade-



Vice-Résident-P. E. Ory

Commis Auxiliair.-P. Doucet


Payeur Adjoint de Trésorerie-C. E. N.


Lieutenant-Colonel, Deuxième Brigade-



This port is situated about 40 miles south-east of Hué. Tourane has a fine harbour capable of giving shelter to any amount of shipping. The trade of the port is entirely in the hands of the Chinese. The exports consist mostly of sugar, silk, betelnuts, and oil; the imports of rice, piece goods, &c. The trade is chiefly with Hongkong. Rice is imported from Haiphong, Hai Duong, and Namdinh. Tourane was not, strictly speaking, an open port, until the treaty of 1883 with France. Coal mines have been opened here, but the quality proved rather disappointing, though it is believed that deeper workings would yield better mineral.


Quinhon was opened to foreign trade upon the conclusion of the treaty between France and Annam, signed in March, 1874. It is situated on the coast of Annam in about lat. 13 deg. 54 min. N., long. 109 deg. 02 min. E. The entrance to the port is obstructed by a bar, which may be crossed, however, by any vessel with a draught not exceeding 16 to 16 feet. The chief article of export is salt. The population and country being very poor, the commercial prospects of the port are not very brilliant. What little trade exists is chiefly with Hongkong and is at present all in the hands of the Chinese. There are no European merchants established in Quinbon.

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Anciently an independent kingdom, but since 1802 a province of Annam, is situated between lat. 19 deg. and 23 deg. N. and long. 102 deg. and 108 deg. 30 min. E., bounded on the north by China, on the west by the Laos country, on the south by Annam, and on the east by the Gulf of Tonquin. The country near the sea is a rich alluvial plain, well watered by numerous rivers, and produces large crops of rice, while sugar, cotton, spices, indigo, silk, and various other articles are also raised. It is believed to possess valuable mines of silver, and gold is also known to exist. A concession was granted in 1887 for the working of the coal mines at Hongai. By the Treaty of Hué, dated the 6th June, 1884, the Annamite Govern- ment placed Tonquin under a French Protectorate, and its affairs are in future to be administered under the supervision of French Residents. The country is, however, still in a somewhat disturbed state. Tonquin is divided into seventeen provinces, namely, Quang-yen, Hai-duong, Bac-ninh, Thainguyen, Lang-son, Cao-bang, Tuyen-quang, Hong-hoa, Son-tay, Ha-noi, Ninh-binh, Hung-yen, Nam-dinh, Thanh-hoa, Nghé-an, Ha-tinh, and Bo-chinh. Hanoi, the capital, is the chief town of the province of the same name, and appears on old maps as Ke-sho. The population is estimated at from 10,000,000 to 12,000,000. The imports of Annam and Tonquin in 1886 amounted to 23,808,505 francs and the exports to 9,112,433 francs. The protectorate's (Annam and Tonquin) budget for 1887 gave the receipts as 44,860,000 francs, of which 30,000,000 was a grant-in-aid from France, and the expenses 44,758,230 francs, including 31,255,000 for the army and navy.


   Hanoi, the capital of Tonquin, and the head-quarters of the French Protectorate, is situated on the Song-koi, or Red River, 110 miles from its mouth. The city is built close on the river, here about a mile in width, and, being embowered in trees, presents a pleasing appearance on being approached by water. The citadel occupies the highest site, and is surrounded by a brick wall twelve feet high and a moat. Five gates give access to it, and in front of each is a redan strongly defended and manned by troops. Three of the five gates have been walled up since the occupation of the citadel by the French in 1882. The Govern pent buildings and barracks are all inside the citadel. The city is situated between the citadel and the river. The principal streets occupied by Chinese are wide and the houses well built of brick; in the other quarters of the city the shops and houses are mat erections. The streets, with the exception of the Chinese quarter, are mostly unpaved, and in wet weather are simply impassable on account of the mud, but great improvements are being carried out by the French. The French Settlement is separate from the city proper, and stands on the river bank to the south of the native town.

The Song-koi is navigable for ships of very light draught as far as Mang-hao, a considerable trading city in Yunnan, some 300 miles above Hanoi, but the disturbed condition of the frontier has hitherto prevented any systematic attempt to open communication by this route with Western China. The French Government purpose to open up this route to trade when they have restored order and fully established their authority, but there is strong re son to doubt that as a waterway the river will ever be of any great value.

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Résident Général en Annam & au Tonkin

    M. Geo ges Bihourd Chef du Cabinet-A. Farçois

Attachés id. L. Autié, G. Delavelle,

G. Lambert

Chancelier-E. Domergue

Attaché Militaire-B. F. J. Tisseyre, lieut.-



col. d'infanterie

-A. Favalleli, capitaine


·E. C. A. Mes-ier de

  Saint James, heut. de infanterie de marine

Chef des Service Financiers-C. Laurent Chancelier de Premier Bureau-J. C.


Chancelier de Second Bureau- -G. Weis


Le Général Commandant la Division


8. E. le Kinh-Luoc

Le Tong Doc de la Province de Hanoi Le Chef de la Division Navale Le Directeur du Service du Santé Le Sous-Intendant, Directeur des Ser-

vices Administratifs

Le Directeur du Service des Douanes Negociants-Koenig, Du Crouzet Secretaire Autié

    RESIDENCE Superieure du Tonkin. Résident Supérieur-C. Dillon (absent)

-S. Hector, p.i.


Vice-Resident-F. Baille Chancelier-Destenay


Trésorie Central-S. Guillaumot, chef en

service Payeur-De Custine, chef de comptabilité Payeurs Adjoints-Lieut. Grépon, Oree- chioni, Leroy, Boucher, Retif, Par- mentier, Allilaire (Fontaine, Delaplace en congé) Commis-Jacquemin, Versini, Heintz, Sens-Olive, Nessler, Guis, Pachin, Ronbet, Robe t, Godard, Lassaire, Des- jacques, Moret (Badaire en congé) Commis Auliaires-Caperony, Larne,




Secretaire aurre., chef de bureau, p.i.-J.

A. T. Lafont


Secretaire auxre.- -A. Aillaud Préposés-Pedron, Decoursier

Chef de Bureau (Quang Yen)-C. J. Be-


હું છું હું





auvais, p.i. (La-Cac-Ba)-E. Ribiè-

re, p.i.

(Ha-Koi)-A. Coffignal,


(Phat-Diem)-M. Schuch (Lao-Ki)-J. F. Cor-

nillon (Fai-Fo)-A. Vasseur

Secrétaire Auxiliaire (Fai-Fo)-R. P.


Chef de Bureau (Xuan-Day)-C. E. Pou-


Patron (Xuan-Day)-G. F. Parrot



Travers, directeur

Connu, Valance, Aud-bert, Dopfeld, ins-

pecteurs et sous-inspecteurs

Audibert, commis principal

André, Coutrest, Duchemin, Barriere, Mensier, Aguillon, Currle, Weyhès, commis

Service des Constructions. Paris, Maurey, Garret, Maitre-Allain,


Baillot, Perroud, Rouard, Saint Paul, Tourre, Point, Paul, Pailley, Favier, Balmelle, Favre, Durel, Dourzal, Jou- bert, Colinet, Mathieu, Méasson, Du- chemin, Glentzlin, Coudurier, Kuntz, Clément, Régremille, Simonot, Brous- saud, Lacombe, Martin, Sabot, Dumas, Couderchet, Touchais, Meslin, surveil- lants

Hanoi Recette.

Lebrun, receveur

Bouzard, Chadefaux, Danger, commis Vaneeghem, facteur

Hanoi Concession.

Cunault, commis principal, faisant fonc-

tions de receveur

Raymond, Renault, Sirugue, Fauque, Pu- get, Gal, Thiaville, Millot, Martin, commis

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Bureaux du Tonkin.

Bac Ninh-Bizard, ffons. de receveur id. -Damon, auxiliaire mre. Bambous-Hervy, ffons. de receveur

id. -Deniel, commis





  Bao-Ha-Laracine, ffons. de receveur Dap-Cau-Petit, Dong-Dang-Chalen, Dong Song-Masclet, Haiduong-A. Brunet, id. Haiphong-Cable-Husson, controleur au-


Athenoux, Sauvage, commis Haiphong Recette-Maurel, sous-inspec-


Hamel, receveur

Paillot, cominis principal

Marcalion, Cornu, J. Brunet, Rogis- sart, Andrieuc, Leclère, Pénard, Schutz, Exbrayat, Coulon, Georgi of, commis



Hondau-Gervais, gardien du phare

Hongay-Genin, ffons. de receveur







Van-Gian (Bureau militaire)-Herber,


Viettri-Boquel, ffons. de receveur

Bureaux de L'Annam.

Binh-Dinb-Jarno, ffons. de receveur








Can-Ranh-Levallois, Cho-Huyen-Bobillier, Dong-Hoi-Guérin,

id. -Dosset, auxiliaire Hattinh-Vidal, ffons. de recevǝur Hué-Foltête, receveur

id. Dujantieu, Landes, commis id. Petitet, auxiliaire Mytho-Grose, ffons. de receveur Phan-Rang-Saulnier


Phanri-Ho-van Hien, id.

Phantiet-_Tran-van-nham, id.


Quang Khả-Michon, id.






Cau-hai (Bureau militaire)-Vaillant, gé-


Quang-Tri-Manaut, ffons. de receveur

Késat (Bureau militaire)-Hausauër, gé- Quinhon-Groupierre,


Lam-Munier, ffons. de receveur


id. Hurtin, commis


Laokay-Viuel, ffons. de receveur

Luc Dien (Bureau militaire)-Gouin, gé-


Na-Cham-Hoffman, ffons. de receveur Nam-Dinh-Hamon,


    id. -Fonteilles, commis Ninh-Binh-Grimaud, ffons. de receveur Phalang-Thuong-Souffron,



-Lavoué, commis

Phuly-Perrier, ffons. de receveur Phunho-Rolland,


Phu-Ninb-Gian (Bureau militaire)-Jan-

    main, gérant Phuong-Lam-Hauberdon, gérant Quang-Yen-Flambart, ffons. de receveur Rivière-Noire-Léau, gérant

Sept Pagodes-Laurent, ffons. de receveur Sontay-Lamy,


   id. Thouvenin, commis Thanh-Hoi-Charon, ffons. de receveur Thanh Quan-Lachat,



Thai Nguyen-Mialhe,





id. -Seigneur, auxiliaire Tamki-Tonnaire, ffons. de receveur Thanb-Hoa-Tesson,


Thang-An (cable)-Maugé, id.




-Maillard, commis

-Dupont, Beaugez,

Tourane--Ferriére, ffons. de receveur

id. -Bonnet, commis

Tuy-Hon-Daignan, ffons. de receveur Vinh-Chayard,




Cap St. Jaques (cáble)-Hermitte, chef

de bureau


-Vasse, Girard, commis

Personnel Indigéne

reparti dans les divers bureaux de l'An- nam et du Tonkin.

Lettré, 1; Secrétaire aux liaire, 1; Fac- teurs lettrés, 5; Plautons, 19; Aides Surveillants, 16; Ouvriers, 59.

Réseau électrique, 3,000 kilométres Réseau des Trams (courriers), 5,000 ki-


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TRAVAUX PUBLICS. Ingenieur, Chef du service-H. L. M. De


Ingénieur Adjoint-P. M. Fauquier Voyers Architectes-C. Grandmange, E.


Conducteurs de Travaux-G. L. F. Bon- jour, J. Botzenhart, L. J. Audoyueau, M. Galland, F. C. Laguisquet Agente de Travaux-C. L. Macler, A. Bois- son, P. Galland, A. Barelly, G. Ville- min, F. A. Morel, N. Keyl, R. A. Pre- chey



DIVISION D'Occupation du Tonkin ET DE L'ANNAM.

General de Brigade, Commandant la

Division-C. Munier

Officiers d'Ordonnance-d'Amade, capit.

Eudes d'Eudeville, lieut.


Chef d'Etat-major-Gillet, lieut-col. Chef de Bataillon-O. Marsaa

Capitaines-Lancelin, Calusac, Hugot-

Derville, Frauchet d'Espèrey, Putz Archiviste-Ghis


Chef de Bataillon-Berthaut

Lieutenants-Launay, le Gallais, Bouland



Commandant-Heintz, colonel

Adjoint-Zeydet, captain


Commandant-Granade, lieut-colonel Adjoint Massclin, captain

    SERVICE DE L'Intendance Militaire. Directeur-Boulanger Adjoint-Chaumont

Sous-Intendants Garrig, Pasquier, ▲y-

mard, (Dap-cau)


Directeur-Dujardin-Beaumetz Adjoint+Bodinjer ·

JUSTICE MIlitaire.

CONSEIL DE Guerre de Hanoi. Commissaire Rapporteur-Davoine, capit. Greffier-Pion

CONSEIL DE Guerre de Hue. Commissaire Rapporteur-Riou, capitaine Greffier-Vallecalle

SERVICE DE LA TelegraphIE OPTIQUE. Chef de Service-Bailly, lieut. Adjoints-Vicherat, lieutenant, Escarnot REMONTES DU TONKIN ET DE L'ANNAM, Commandant-de Carné, capitaine Ajoint-Deschamps, sous-lieut.


Chef du Service-Voinier

PREMIERE Brigade. Chef de Bataillon-Baudart

TROUPES Non EmbrigaDEES. Chef de Bataillon-Poucet

RESERVE D'ART. ¿LERIE. Commandant-Stiltz, lint-colonel Adjoint-Isidor, capitaine

Capitaines-Rivals, Béraud, Lantroy, Félix



Detachement D'INFIRMIERS


Commandant-M. Jeantret


Directeur-Palle, chef d'Escadron Sous-Directeur-Pertus, capitaine

Detachement D'OUVRIERS


Commandant-Robert, lieutenant


Commandant Particulier de la Marine-

Bougard, capitaine

Chargé des Ateliers Navals-La Ronche


Vice Résident C. Hallais

Chancelier-E. Blandin

Mairo-G, Weiss (chancelier acting) Contributions Direct. M. Garien Tang, Doo--Le Dink


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Chef-Le Vice-Résident




Agent Voyer-Atavaille

COMMISSION Consultative Municipale. Président-Le Vice-Résident de Hanoi Vice- do. Trémoult


Members-De Custi e, Maurel, Bolinier, Bourgouin-Miffie, Phillipe, Lacaze, Leyret, Wehrung, Wibaux, Viterbo, Lhuy-Huan, Vuon-Ky, Le-Van-Hong, Vu-Duc-Phong, Tran-Ky, Phu-Tuc- Chan, A-Tseng

CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE. Président-Le Vice-Résident de Hanoi Vice- do. Jeann og


Membres Be at, Bourgouin-Meiffre, Da Crouzet, Dausq e, Jacquet, Viter- bo, Laurent, Leyret, Schneider, Web- rung, Wibaux


College des Interprètes-Larnaudie, direc-

teur, d'Argence, adjoint

Ecole Primaire de Garçons-Cuong, direc-


Ecole Elementaire de Garçons-Uan, direc-


Ecole de Fille- Mlle. Motil, directrice Ecole de Couture-Mlle. Terras, directrice Assistant Master--d'Argence Mistress, Girls' School-Miss Mehl


Mgr. Puginier, Evêque, Grondeau (pro- vicaire), Cosserat (prov.caire), Dumou- lin, Deux, Bon, Cidro, Bareille (pro- cureur), Godard (imprimeur), Ravier, Hé ert, Lepage (curé d'Hanoi), Berthet, Mignal (absent), Girod, Rigouin. Richard (aumônier de l'hôpital de Sontay), Marcou, Ramond, Berthaud (aun.ônier de l'hôpital de Nam Dinh), Brisson, Robert, Souvignet, Méchet, Bessière (sécrétaire de l'evêque), Robert, Glouton, Willar, Brunel, Letourmey, Boquel (aumônier de l'hôpital de Hanoi), Brunet, Chevénement, Martin, Idiart-Alhor, Pilon, Escalier, Maquig- nas, Nempon, Beaumont, Schlichlin, Idatte


Banque de l'Indo-Chine, Rue des Bro-


Henry, agent


Ch. Tarray, cashier Garrien


Denis Freres, agents-

South British Fire and Marine In-

surance Co. of New Zealand Union Marine Insurance Co. Comité des Assureuis du Havre Fraissinet Line of Steamers "Chargeurs Réunis " Line of Strs. Compagnie Nantaise Line of Strs. Compania Generale Italiana Strs. Gllatly Line of Steamers

Gibb Line of Steamers

Pila & Co., Ulysse, agents-


China Traders' Insurance Co. Straits Insurance Co.

La Foncière Insurance Co. Cie. Na ionale de Navigation Cie. Commerciale d" Navigation Société des Transport Maritimes

Schriever & Co., agents-


Prussian National Insurance Co.


Manette,"-Denis Freres

"Gironde,' CL




Merchants, Professions, Trades, &c.

Andoynand, Mme., Café restaurant, Rue

Paul Bert

Andral, négociant, Rue des Incrusteurs

d'Argeuce, A., négociant, Rue Neuve Armaing, cantenier, Citadelle

"L'Avenir du Tonkin," weekly newspaper

Rue des Broeurs

Jules Cousin, editor

Th. Chesnay, manager

Breuel, Jules, butcher, Rue Paul Bert

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Bernhard, négociant, Rue Paul Bert

Bouchet, Emile, avocat, Rue de Incrus-


Bourgoin-Meiffre, merchant, Rue Neuve

H. Bourgoin-Meiffre

"Café de Paris," Boulangerie française,

Rue Paul Bert



"Cafè du Commerce,'

A. Voisin


Rue Paul Bert

'Café de la Paix," Rue Paul Bert

M. Blum


A. Weil

"Cafè de l'Univers," Rue des Cartes


L. Gabriel

Calas, C., and A. Grappe, négociants et proprietaires du Stand, Rue des Bro- deurs

"Cercle du Tonkin," (Café), Rue des


Jeanne Delay lace

Chaumassiera, mecanicien, Rue des Bro-


Champagne, commerçant, Rue Paul Bert

Coutel, F., entrepreneur, Rue des Bro-


Debeaux & Cie., marchands, Rue des In-


Deb aux Rochat

Debsand, A., négociant, Rue Paul Bert

De Beire, Beljonne, particulier, Rue des


Delmas, Henry, négociant, magasin de

Quincaillerie, Ru Nouve

Delmas Gabriel, avocat, Rue l'aul Bert


Delmas, Firmin, négociant, Rue de la


Deloustal, J., cabinet d'affaires, defenseur prés les Tribunaux cnsula ires, Rue des Voiles

Denis Freres, merchants

Emile Denis (Bordeaux) Alphonse Denis (Saigon) J. Jame, signs per pro.


Denoc, J., Rue de la Citadelle, fabrique

de sirops et liqueurs

Dessay, bricklayer and mason, Rue de-


Dumas, E., commerçant, Rue Paul Bert

Emin nte, négociant, Rue des Incrusteurs

Gayet-Laroche, merchant, Rue des In-


Gavet-Laroche (absent)


Gavards, fabricants de punkahs autho-

matiques, Rue de la Ci adele

Gillet, Leopold, merchant, Rue Pul Bert

Guillaume fières, négociants, Rue Paul Bert

Giraud, Mme., restaurateur, Rue Neuve

Godard & Co., négociants, Rue du Lac

C. Goda d Erhardt

Hommel, négociant, Rue des Brodeurs

Hotel & Café Alexandre

H. Aibicher, proprietaire

P. Peroux, g...rant

Hauterserre, "Cafe Central," Rue des In-


Hottais, D., négociant, Rue des Brodeurs

"Grand Hotel," Rue des Brodeurs

G. Pagès, propriétaire

Huguenin, horloger, Rue des Incrusteurs


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Janning, Philippe & Co., marchands, Rue


J. Janning Philippe

Janning fils

Judet, tailleur, Rue Paul Bert

Kalischer, "Bazar de Paris," Rue des In-


Knosp, entrepreneur, Rue Cartes

Koenig & Co., Eug., merchants, Quai de

Phuxa, agents du Mont de Piété

Eug. Koenig

D. Bernhard

Laborde, R., négociant, Rue des Cartes


Lacaze, marchand, Rue des Incrusteurs

A. Lacaze

Lehmann & Karrer, négociants et entre-

preneurs, Rue du Lac

Leyret, Paul, architect, Rue du Lac

Lyandet, négociant, Rue des Brodeurs

Marty & d'Abbadie, service subventionné des correspondences Fluviales au Ton-


A. Felloneau, agent principal


Mainfroy, F., libraire, Rue Paul Bert

Millon, F. M., négociant, Rue Paul Bert

Millon, Mme., milliner and dressmaker,

Rue Paul Bert

Mercki, loueurs de voitures

Michel, H., défenseur-conseil, Rue de Lac

Mayer, Geoffroy, "a l'Etoile du Nord," horlogerie, bijouterie et boites à musi- que, Rue Paul Bert

Meyer, Samuel, horloger, Rue des Bro-



Ogliastro & du Crouzet, merchants, Quai

de Piura ·

Pagés, mécanicien, Rue des Brodeurs

Pailard, T., négociant, Kue Dupuis

Prestavery, Mlle., milliner and dress-

maker, Rue Jean Dupuis

Perrin, Frédéric, boucherie, comestibles,

èpicerie, Rue Paul Bert

Perretti, A. de, mecanicien, Rue du Lac

Pila & Co., Ulysse, m rchants, Rue Neuve

Bancal (Haiphong)

Piglowski, défenseur, Avenu du Grand


Polini, Victor, commissaire priseur, Rue

des Brodeurs

Querelle, Louis, hairdresser and perfumer, "Salon de Paris," Rue des Incrusteurs

Ray, A., druggist, Rue Dupuis

Reynaud-Blanc, druggists, Rue Paul Bert

Reynaud (Haiphong)


Roland, Jean, commission agent, Rue des


Roque, V., merchant and commission

agent, Rue des Cantonnais

Sauret, cafetier, Rue de la Citadelle

St. Amand, merchant, Rue Neuve

Schneider, F. H., bookseller and printer,

Rue des Brodeurs

Schriever & Co., merchants and commis-

sion agents, Rue Neuve

W. Schriever, (Europe) O. von der Heyde (absent) H. Börner (Haiphong)

C. Rümelin, signs per pro.

Schroeder, Brothers, merchants, Rue des


Karl Schroeder (Saigon) Albert Schroeder


Schroeder Brothers, merchants. and ⋅ com- tractors for public works, Quai de Phuza

Karl Schroeder (Saigon)

Albert Schroeder

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Simon, J. L., merchaut, Quai de Phuza

J. L. Simon (Paris)

A. Best, agent


Tarbouriech, A., hairdresser and perfumer,

Rue des Incrust urs

Usine à Glace, Quai de Phuxa A. Molinard (Haiphong) A. Bertboin


Bédat, ingenieur

Vacle, négociant, Rue Neuve


Payour Adjoint de Trésorerie-M. E.


Conducteur de Travaux-J. P. Muraccioli Agent de Travaux-('. Porraz Lieutenant-Colonel Deuxième Brigade


Capitaine, Escadron de Train-Cécillion Director of Boys' School-Dr.


Resident of France-Morel Vice Resident-Dejoux Chancelier-Lomet Clerk of Residency-Jung

Vezin & Cie, Ch., fabrique des produits Supdt. of Police-Vallın

chimiques, ciment, etc.

Chas. Vezin

Garfme (Hon-gay)

Veyn's, mécanicien, Rue des Incrusteurs

Vincenot, tailleur, Rue des Cartes

Viterbo, entrepreneur, Rue des Brodeurs



Wibaux, Jean, merchant, Rue Neuve


Résident of France-A. J. Gouin Vice Resident-G. Tranbé Chancelier-P. E. Dufré: il Interpreter-Nguyen van Hai

Superintendent of Police-E. Gibou Director of Boys' School-Dr. F. Lê Lieutenant Commandant la Milice-Franck Payeur Adjoint de Trésorerie-M. C. C.


    Agent de Travaux-A. Themonier Commandant de Première Brigade-Bris-

saud, colonel

Officier d'Ordonnance-Masson, lieut Major de Brigade-Houdaille, capitaine Chef de Bataillon, Infanterie-Bourdeau Capitaine Commandant, Artillerie-Gerard Capitaine, Génie-Julien

   do., Escadron du Train-Robin do., Pioneers de Discipline-Colman (Vinh-Tuy)


Résident of France-A. P. Bouchet Vice-Résident-L. Chaurion Chancelier-A. A. Delmas Adjudant-Clément

Brigadier de Police-P. Jordany

Superintendent of Customs-Le Prevost Assistants, Customs-Dumont, Ribie, Laf,

fitte, Courty

Treasury Paymaster-A. Orecchioni Director of Boys' School-Dr. Geyer Directrix of Girls' Scool-Mlle. Clément Governor of Province-Duong Khuê Posts and Telegraphs-Hamon Commander of Troops-Col. Voyron Surgeon-Dr. De-jardin

Chief du Gènie-Capt. Legaillard Commander of Gunboat-Dau.in, lieut. de


Voyer Architecte-Ducos de la Haille Bishop, Spanish Mission-Mgr. Oñate Lieutenant Commandant la milice-Thi-



Sousintendant Militaire-Doménechi, Cellè

EUROPEAN Merchants.

Ulysse Pila & Co.

Coye, agent Morandini Regagnon

Alexandrine Justice

Marty & d'Abbadie, Service des Cor respondances Fluviales du Tonkin


Vice Resident of France-S. L. C. A. Unal Commis Auxiliaire-Gault

Conducteur de Travaux-A. Bourguet

Marty & d'Abbadie, Service des Corres-

pondances Fluviales

Collongeat, agent


Vice Resident of France-C. A. Rialan Commis-J. P. Minault

Conducteur de Travaux-J. M. J. Varnet Chef de Bataillon-Cheroutre

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Vice Resident of France-A. Aumoitte Clerk of Residency-Marsac

Receiver, Posts and Telegraphs--Pelletier Director of Boys' School-Dr. Uyen Lieutenant Commandant la Milice-Ca-



Conducteur de Travaux-M. Crapoix Lieutenant Colonel, Deuxième Brigade-


Nicolas & Co., merchants


Vice-Resident of France-Pelletier, acting Chef de Bataillon, Première Brigade



Vice-Resident of France-J. E. Moulier Clerk of Residency-J. C. Hauberdon Sous-Lieutenant Commandant la Milice--

  Laune Adjudant-Mouchet


Général, Commandant Deuxième Brigade


Officier d'Ordonnance-Millard, lieut. Major de Brigade-Picquart, capitaine Lieutenant-Colonel, Infanterie-Pyot Capitaine, Artillerie-Roubeau, (Ticau) Capitaine, Gènie-Charpentier


Vice-Resident of France-L. Nény, acting Paymaster of the Treasury-N. F. De-


Chef de Bataillon, Deuxième Brigade-



Vice-Resident of France-A. Servière,



Vice Resident of France-Trémoulet Chancelier-Adamolle


Director of Boys' School-Dr. Tran Conducteur de Travaux-S. Hirano

Reyès, merchant


Vice Resident of France-R. Radiguet Chancelier-F. Hauser



Payeur Adjoint de Trésorerie-C. E. N.


Lieutenant Colonel, Deuxième Brigade-


Leroy & Cahors, merobants and agents Service Subventionné des Correspon- dances Fluviales du Tonkin Renucci, representative


This is the shipping port for Hanoi, Hai-Dzuong, and Namdinh, the commercial centres of Tonquin. It is situated in lat. 20 deg. 51 min. N., and long. 106 deg. 42 min. E., on the river Cua Cam, which is connected by two or more channels or dreeks with that great river connecting Yunnan with the Tonquin Gulf, called the Song-koi. The town of Haiphong is about sixteen and a half miles from the light- house. The lighthouse at the entrance of the river, on the island of Hon-Dau, is visible at a distance of about six miles. The entrance to the port is obstructed by two bars; the outer one sand, the inner one mud. Haiphong is accessible, however, by vessels drawing from 19 to 20 feet. There is plenty of water in the river. Vessels anchor about a quarter of a mile from the shore in from 40 to 60 feet of water abreast of a creek communicating with the Song-koi. The banks of the river are low and consist of alluvial mud, from which the French Settlement and the town have with great labour and expense been reclaimed.

Haiphong proper is situated on both sides of the creek above referred to, and is in the midst of an extensive rice swamp with low lying, swampy land all around it for miles, having in the distance the monotony relieved by rugged ranges of low hills and beyond these to the northward, at a distance of some twenty miles, is a range of mountains. The streets are to a great extent as yet in an embryotic state, but are broad and well laid out with a view to the wants of a rapidly increasing town, and already show considerable improvement on their pristine state, most of them having been metalled and paved recently by the French

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authorities. The native buildings are wretchedly constructed of mud, bamboo, and matting. The only decent buildings are those occupied by foreigners and Chinese, to which many have lately been added and more are in course of construction. The European population of Haiphong on 1st January, 1887, was 323 exclusive of officials. The Chinese population is about 4,700, and the Annamite population 3,800. A number of small steamers ply regularly between Hanoi and Haiphong. Haiphong is connected by submarine cable with Saigon and Hongkong.

Government Offices.


Resident Ch. de Pincé


Vice Resident-Thureau, president du Tri-


Chancelier-V. E. W. Rustant Commis-Bonnetain, officiating Chancelier, Vulfingt, Delarne, O'Hegerty de Mag. nières

    Lieut. Commandant la Milice-Traversé Adjudant-Huet

Brigadier chef de Police P. Weber ·


Maître de Port-Drouillard ·· Gardien chef de Phare de Hondau-Gervais




Pilots. Locoq, Georges, Flavianos, Gaidon, Cyriac

DOUANES DE L'Ànnam et du Tonquin.

· Direction à Haiphong. Directeur des Douanes de l'Annam et du Tonquin-E. Rocher, res. de lere classe


Secrétaires-S. Salabelle, Rivayran

Préposé-J. Bonnat


Service Maritime.

Patrons de Jonque-Carrique, captain of the Hanoi, Regnault, captain of the Ninh-binh, Orthion, capta n of the Nam dinh, Gonidec, master of Junk No. 3 Préposé-Calvez, captain of Junk No. 1

Bureau de Hanoi.

Secrétaire-Cornillon, chef de bureau Préposés-Alquer, (assistant examiner)

Decoursier, Bonnadille, Teyssie

Bureau de Quang-yen.


Bureau de la Cac-Bă. Préposés-Ribière, Lasserre

Bureau de Ha Koi. Préposés-Coffignal, Préteigne

Bureau de Nam Dinh Secrétaire-Le Prévost, chet de bureau Préposés-Préteigne, (assistant examiner)

Rivié, Pedron, Guillaume

Poste flottante de Yen Lang. Préposés-Courty, Bouillard

Poste flottante de Wu Long. Préposés-Coffignal, Lecauchois

Poste flottante de Ruc Bê. Préposés-Hubert, Prevot

Bureau de Phat-Diem. Secrétaire-Laffitte, chef de bureau Préposés-Chabert, Frayhier

Préposés P. Jardonnet, Bonnat, Wie- Secrétaire-Vaïte, chef de bureau

kel, Stein


Bureau de Haiphong.

Bureau de Lao-Kai.


Préposés-Horiot. Vaumoron

Bureau de Tourane.

Secrétaires― Messier, chef de bureau, Cot- Secrétaire de Monteignac de Chauvance,

ton, Durillon, Hugeuin

Secrétaires Auxiliaires-Marsac, Dupoy

Service Extérieur.

Examineurs-J. E. Delestre, (chief ex-

aminer), Chaillet

Préposés Adam, Scheuring, Thérèse, Benoits, Canu, Génotin, Lécaver, Biousse, Fiévet, Roques, Bonnemaille, Anney

chef de bureau

Secrétaires Auxiliaires-Honoré, Bucquet, Préposés-Cloess, assist. examiner, Ré-

caste, Sourgens

Bureau de Qui Nhơn. Secrétaire-Lafond, chef de bureau Secrétaire Auxiliaire-Rotin Préposés-Ribiére, assist, examiner, Cre-

nan, Feugnet

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Bureau de Fai Fo.

Préposé-Kocb, chet de bureau p.i.

Bureau de Xuan Day.

Préposé-Poulin, chef de bureau p.i. Préposé-Michou

Bureau de Tan-Quan.


Secrétaire Auxiliaire-Castagné, chef de


Préposés-Farinole, Mouriaux

Bureau de la Cac Bà.

Préposés-Renard, chef de bureau, p.i.,

Tueleau, Raymond

Bureau de Monkay.

Secrétaire-Schuch, chef de bureau Préposés-Crusson, Claudon

Bureau de Cam Ranh.

Secrétaire Auxiliaire-Perrin, chef de

bureau p.i.

Préposés Charbot, Roth

Bureau de Quang--ngaï.

Secrétaire Auxiliaire-Boutonnet, chef de

bureau p.i.

Préposés Jean, Forgeard


Eu Congé.

Secrétaires Auxiliaires-de Thevenard,


Préposés-Beauvais, Mibelli, Le Bescond,


       TRAVAUX PUBLIQUES. Voyer-Architecte-L. Vola

Conducteur de Travaux-J. Bernard Agents de Travaux-G. Tatin, Santini, J. Barruyer, Jeannin, G. C. É. Durand


Primary School for Boys-Dr. Terramors School for Girls-Mlle. Cahill



Surgeons-Moulard, Sérez, Lasserre Apothecary-Worms


Chaplain-de Bonde


President-The Resident of France

Vice President-Bleton


Members-Bandeuf, Bleton, D'Abbadie,

Dewost, Hermenier, Jame, Ollivier, Reynaud, H. Roque,

CHAMBRE De CommercE. Président-Le Résident de Haiphon g


Membres-Bleton, Ceccaldi, d'Abbadie, Dewost, Grandjean, Larue, Reyn aud, Roque


Paymaster-G. A. E. Prisse Clerk-P, Lassaire

INTENDANCE MILITAIRE. Sous-intendant-Blanchenay

MARINE ET Division NavALE.

Chef de Division et Commandant de la Marine- de la Bonninière de Beaumont, capitain de vaisseau


Adjudant de Division-Dupriez, lieut. de


Officier d'Ordonnance-Vogt d'Hunolstein,

enseigne de vaisseau

Sous-Commissaire-de Quesnet Médecin de Division-Alix

"KEP" (en Desarmement.)

Commandant de la Bonnınieu de Beau-

mont, capitain de vaisseau

Commandant en Second-Bugard, capit.

de frégate

Officier d'Administration-de Guesnet Médecin Major-Alix

Mécanicien Principal-La Ronche


"" ADOUR (Pouton-caserne.) Commandant-Sales de Banières

Officier en Second-de Lartigue, lieut. de


Officier d'Aministration-de Penguern Médecin Major-Durand

"PLUVIER" (Aviso.)

Commandant-Bonnifay lieut. de vais. Officier en Second-de Comminges, en-

seigne de vaisseau


Aspirant de Lacost

Officier d'Administration-Ayral


"LION" (Cannonière.)

Commandant-Fort, lieut. de vaisseau Officiers en Second-Poncelet lieut., Des-

bans, enseigne, Foult, enseigne Officier d'Administration-Allemès


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"NIEVRE" (Aviso-transport.) Commandant-Coffinières de Nordeck,

lieut. de vaisseau

Officiers en Second-Janin, Crozals, Bagay,


Aspirant de Saussure

Officier d'Administration-Godey

Médecin Major-Laugier

      "LUTIN" (Cannonière.) Commandant-Duval, lieut. de vais. Officiers en Second-de Mauduit-Duplessis, de Lagarde, de Perrinelle-Dumay, en- seignes

Officier d'Administration-Lièvre


"COMETE" (Cannonière.) Commandant-Martel, lieut. de vais. Officier en Second-Le Boulleur de Courion enseigne, Lévy-Bing, enseigne, Tapissier, aspirant

Officier d'Administration--Thomas


    CHALAUPES Cannoneres a ROUES. "Frombe," Commandant- "Henri Riviere," Commandant-Lenor-

mand, lieut. de vais. "Jacquin," Commandant-Le Golleur,

lieut. de vais.

   'Moulun," Comdt.-Surcouf, lieut. de vais "Bossant," Commandant-Le Prieur,

lieut. de. vais.

  "Doucet," Comdt.-Andréani, lt. de vais. "Rollandes," Commandant-Lapotaire,

lieut. de vais.

   CHALOUPES CANNONIERES A HELICE. "Alerte," Comdt.-Dantin, lieut. de vais "Arquebuse," Comdt.-Gilbert, It. de vais. "Avalance," Comdt.-Burle, lieut. de vais. "Bourrasque," Comdt.-Coantic, lieut. de


"Case-Tête," Comdt.-Thomine, lieut. de


  "Estoc," Comdt.-Lemogne, lieut. de vais. "Mutine," Comdt.-Clement, lieut. de vais. "Rafale," Comdt.-Ventre, lieut. de vais.

"THUAN-AN" (Transport de Charge.) Commandé par le première maître de

timonerie Berlin

THUAN-THIEP (Transport de charge.) Commandé par le première maître de



Batiments en RESERVE.


Hyène Cannonière


"Eclair" Chaloupe-Cannonière à roues

"Berthe de Villers "Francis Garnier "Bobillot"


Cuvellier "Levrard"


"Raynaud "










"Carabine" Chaloupe-Cannonière à hélice

"Mitrailleuse "


"Léopard" Cannonière



Nagotna Aviso


"Massue" Chaloupe-Cannonière à hélice "Mousqueton "Hache"



DIRECTION DU PORT DE HAIPHONG. Directeur des Movements--Lieutenant,


ATELIERS EE Haiphong. Surviellant des Travaux-Jaoin, sous-


MISSION HYDROGRAPHIQUE. Chef de Mission-La Porte, sous-ingénieur Sous-ingénieur Hydrographe-Gauthier

SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE. Chef du Se vice-Martin Aides-Commissai es-André, Terrier


Colomer (evêque, Bac-ninh), Torres (evê- que, Haiduong), Kermandoc, Perez, Vélasco, Hébrida, de Fuentes, Guirro, Garcio, Arellano

RIVER STEAMERS. Denis Frères, owners



Gironde "Manette" d'Abbadie, J., agent-

"Courbet," Capt. Gouidec

Sontay "Annam"



"Raphael " "Paul"

Eastern ExtTENSION, AUSTRALASIA AND CHINA TELEGRAPH Co. Léon Husson, superintendent

8. James

A. Skottowe J. Ardizzone F. larver E. Baronaki

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Cb. Grandjean, directeur

E. Mayer, cashier

Geo. Wild, accountant

L. Rosnet


Jubiot, agent

Mathieu, first clerk


Denis Freres, agents-


South British Fire and Marine Insur-

ance Co. of New Zealand

Union Marine Insurance Co. Comité des Asscureurs du Havre Fraissinet line of steamers


Chargeurs réunis" line of steamers Compagnie Nantaise line of steamers Compania Generale Italiania steamers Gellatly line steamers

Gibb line of steamers

Pila & Co., Ulysse, agents-

Societé des Docks d'Haiphong

Sociéte Foncière et Fluviale du Tonkin Hongkong and Shanghai Banking



China Traders' Insurance Co., Straits Insurance Co., Ld.

Straits Fire Insurance Co. Ld.

La Foncière

China Fire Insurance Co.

Speidel & Co., agents-

Merchants, Professions, Trades, &c.

Balion, A., lawyer

Barge, J., merchant

Bavier, Chauffour, engineer

Iverts, engineer,

Bleton, A., merchant

Berlin, A. P., coffee rooms

Bindow Dock

G. L. Oberg, proprietor

Bloume, contractor and proprietor of

public market

Buisson, Mme. Vve., milliner and dress-


"Café Nutionale

Mme. Gonnord, proprietaire

Caralp, mecanicien

Caralp, shoemaker

Ceccaldi, commission agent

E. Ceccaldi


Cercle français (Café)

Chartered Bank of I., A. and China Canton Insurance Office, Ld. North-China Insurance Co., Ld.

Transatlantic Gueterversicherung Ge-


Queen Fire Insurance Co.

Verein Bremer Seeversicherungs Ges. Deutsche Transport Versicherungs


Dusseldorfer Allgemeine Versiche-

rung Gesellschaft Assicurazoini Generali Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld. Singapore Insurance Co., Ld. La Baloise

Deutscher Rhederei Verein, in Ham-


Schriever & Co., agents-

Prussian National Fire Insurance Co. German Steamship Co. of Hamburg Douglas Steamel ip Con pany, Ld.

Mme. Eva

Chaumont & Daniel, entrepreneurs de

travaux publics

Daniel (Haiphong)

d'Illiers (Hanoi)

Clément (agent, Saigon)

Waubert (Paris)

Chaumont (Bône)

Ateliers de Construction et de reparation






Emmanuel Ruchetti

Clataud, J., navy contractor

Cope, William H., merchant, Monkai Crétin & Co., bakers, butchers, and store-



E. Lesimple Tallon


Digitized by



"Le Courrier d'Haiphong," bi-weekly

newspaper, Cits Marty, 30-32

De Cuers de Cogolin, director and


 Berthoin, assistant manager Crebessac, overseer, printing office Labeye, accountant



J. M. Sequeira, do.



A. Francis,


da Cruz,



Cretin, army




do Rozario,

Hugny, manager

Dausque, E., engineer, "Compagnie In-



Delaville, A., architect and surveyor, Rue

du Marché, 18

Denis Frères, merchants

Emile Denis (Bordeaux)

Gustave Denis


Alphonse Denis (Saigon)

D. Vincens, signs per pro.




S. Laplace


Dupont, Ch., merchant

Frangos, Georges, debit de Tabac

Gaudaubert & Peyre, "Café Restaurant

du Commerce'

Gassier, cafetier

Gavelle, G., bookseller and stationer

Genissieu, A., "Café Japonnais


Guieu Frères, merchants and commission


C. Guieu (Paris)

E. Ricco, sigus per pro. A. Troyaux


Wong Taik

Heymans, E. & G., merchants

E. Heymans G. Heymans

Hermenier, merchant

"Hotel de Voyageurs "

A. Jelovis, proprietor


Hotel Central"

J. Léonardi, proprietor

Labeye frères, cantiniers

Le Duc, commerçant

Le Mée, lawyer


Leroy & Cahors, fournitures et travaux, agences Service des Correspondances Fluviales du Tonkin

Eug. Leroy (Haiphong) E. Cahors (Dapcau) Bufauméne, id. Dossie,


Dakes, id. Boyaval, id.

Renucci, Phulang Thuong

Cassagne, Thai Nguyen

Vouillac, Sept Pagodes

Bray, Langson

Leroy, J. F., architect

Malod, menusier

Maréchal, G. R., lawyer

Maron & Michel, contractors


Marty, A. R., merchant and commission


A. R. Marty (Hongkong)

E. Liebard

A. C. Demée

Marty & d'Abbadie, proprietors Service

Subventionné des Correspondances Flu viales du Tonkin

A. R. Marty, (Hongkong) J. d'Abbadie, manager

L. Mouillard, chief clerk Dupuis, accountant

De Donckert, clerk customs Rainoird, shipping clerk Delaunay, accountant Chabaud,


Shipping Department.

Th. Lerede, captain superintendent Renand, clerk

Arciveaud, do.

Digitized by





W. C. Jack, engineer superinten dent Fournier, clerk

Steamers Captains


 Tigre' "Licorne "Cerf" "Bac Kat

Annamite Chinese





"Phénix Lormier










"Mon-kay" "Météore "Antoinette








Rebelle, Alexandre, "Salon de Paris,"

perfumerie, brosserie, &c.

A. Rebelle

Chas. Birden Aug. Pichon

Reynaud, merchant

N. Reynaud

T. Samuel, signs per pro.


P. Couedor Ballotino


Hanoi Fellonneau, agent principal

Luzigna, assistant

Dapcau-Leroy & Cahors

Sept Pagodes--


Phulang Thuongdo. Hongyen-Collongeat

Namdinh, Haiduong, and Monkay

Molinard & Berthoin, merchants

A. Molinard

A. Berthoin

Nordemann & fils, Louis, watchmakers

L. Nordemann E. Nordemann

Oberg & Co., landing and commission


G. L. Oberg

C. Clairbois

E. Oberg

H. Caralp

Olivier, C., butcher, baker, and store-

keeper, Rue de Marchê, 12-14

Pharmacie Centrale

A. Dervost, proprietor

Pila & Co., Ulysse, merchants Ulysse Pila (Europe)

E. Bancal, signs per pro.

L. Baudeuf

C. Cotton

H. Widmer

C. Rotily

A. M. Carneiro

G. Berne

P. Boudet

Planté, A., proprietaire

Reynaud-Blanc, druggists

Reynaud Blanc





Rocher, L., proprietaire

Roque, V., "Messageries de Cochin Chine"

V. Roque

V. Candau, signs per pro.

J. Roze, superintendent captain

Ryckelyn, cantinier

Sauvée, Capt. Paul, merchant and ma-

rine surveyor

Schriever & Co., merchants and commission


W. Schriever (Europe)

O. von der Heyde (absent)

H. Börner

C. Rümelin (Hanoi) signs per pro. Joh. Sörensen Hugo Degenfeld

Simon, J. L., merchant

J. L. Simon (Paris)

L. Best, signs per pro.

L. Lachal

E. Rittener

A. Best (Hanoi)

Société francaise d'Entreprises coloniales,

68, Rue de la Victoire, Paris

J. d'Abbadie, agent

Speidel & Co., merchants

F. W. Speidel (Saigon) T. Speidel


W. Ricou, signs per pro. C. G. Rogge do.

Tirigi, fournisseur du gouvernement

Usine à Glace & Fabrique des Eaux Ga-


Reynaud, proprietor

Vidal, merchant

Digitized by



    The kingdom of Siam, of which Bangkok is the capital, extends from the latitude of about 23 deg. north to the Gulf called after itself. It is bounded on the west by Burmah and the Bay of Bengal, and on the east by the Lai Mountains. The. kingdom proper lies in the valley of the Menam, the country of the true 8 Siamese The boundaries of Siam on the Bay of Bengal reach from Burmah in a isutherly line to the boundary between Perak and Quedah in the Malayan Pen naula in the latitude of 5 deg. south. The island of Junck Salong, containing enormous deposits of tin ore, is included in the territories of Siam.

                               The boundary line runs nearly east from Perak across the peninsula in about the same latitude between the provinces of 'Iringanu and Paharg to the China Sea, thence north to the head of the Gulf of Siam. The kingdom also comprises the greater part of the ancient domain of Lao and the rich and valuable possession of Buttambang, once a part of the kingdom of Cambodia. The various dependencies and outskirts are peopled by a variety of races, some sui generis, others illustrating every form and shade of the transition between the original race and the Annamites on the east, and the Malays and Burmese on the south and east. The former capital of Siam was Ayuthia, situated on the Menam river (literally the "Mother of Waters"), about 90 miles from its mouth. In 1767 a series of bloody and desperate combats between the Siamese and the Burmese culminated in the capture and des- truction of that city by the victorious Burmese general and the consequent exodus of the conquered. They moved down the river about 60 miles and there founded the present populous_and_flourishing city of Bangkok. The chief of the Siamese Army rallied the scattered troops, and, building a walled city at Toutaboree, declared himself King under the title P'ya Tak. In 1782 the reins of empire were seiz d by one of his most distinguished generals named Yaut Fa, who founded the present dynasty, of which His Majesty the present King (the 40th reigning monarch in Siam of whom we have any record] is the fifth in regular descent. The revenue of Siam is very large, and if properly collected would be enormous, but the inertness of the nobility and the frauds practised with the utmost boldness and impunity, have very seriously impaired it. The general revenue is farmed out to Chinese, and a triennial tax is also imposed upon all foreigners unrepresented by a Consul, such. as Chinese, Annamites, &c. Siam entered the Universal Postal Union on the 1st July, 1885, having for some time previously efficiently conducted an internal Service,

    The army in time of peace, is small, and is made up of the following. 1st.- The Royal Body Guard, which consists of one squadron of cavalry, two battalions of infantry, and one company of artificers and sappers. This body of troops is re- cruited from the sons of noblemen di scended from the blood royal. 2nd.-The Palace Guard, which is composed of two battalions of infantry. 3rd.-The Royal Elephant Troops. 4th.-The Royal Infantry, consisting of three battalions of four companies each. To this corps is attached a squadron of cavalry and a brigade of artillery. This branch is open to the sons of slaves, who gain their freedom after their term of five years' active service. 5th.-The Royal Marines, numbering about 400, who serve on board the Royal yachts and gunboats,

    The native population of Siam, with Laos, Tavoyans, Peguans, and Burmese, excluding those under Consular protection, is variously estimated at from six to ten millions. The number of Chinese in the kingdom is estimated at about 1,300,000.

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The town of Bangkok is situated on both sides of the Menam, about thirty miles from where this magnificent stream empties itself into the Gulf. On the east bank of the river is the city proper enclosed by a wall, the Royal palaces, the foreign hongs, the Consulates, the principal rice mills, and most of the Public Offices. The left is principally occupied by the Siamese, Chinese, and Mahomedan residents, though the ex-Foreign Minister's House and the Yanea of the Prime Minister are situated on canals leidiag from it. The bulk of the business is, however, trans- acted on the east. Here a roal, not in all places passable for wheeled vehicles in the wet season, the Charurn Krung, extends from the Palace walls to Bangkolem, and a telegraph line connects the Light-house at the Bir beyond the mouth of the river with the business portion of the city. Bangkok is now connected, through Saigon, with the rest of the world by wire, and a linet) Lower Barmaà has since been completed. The principal trade of Bangkok, and the foundation on which not only its prosperity but its actual existence mainly rests, is rice. This article is drawn in immense quantities, not only from the innumerable fields which line the fertile valley of the Menam, but from the adjacent rivers which flow into the Gulf from the enormous watershed of the mountain crescent which fringes the northern extremity of the kingdom. The out- turn of this grain in favourable years is scarcely to be calcuated. It not only furnishes sup- port to the native population of Siam and the Peninsula, but supp.ies China, Manila, the Straits, and even Java and Sumatra. There is also a large and flourishing trade in teak wood and ivory, with very many other min ›r articles of native produce which are exported to China and the Straits. The steamers of the Scottish Oriental Steam- ship Co. keep up regular communication with Hongkong, (occasionally leaving and returning via Swatow and the Straits Settlements), besides special boats only running during the rice season; while another line of steainers connect the kingdom with the Straits Settlements.

   The public buildings and institutions include the British Consular Church, a Roman Catholic Cathe Iral, several Missionary Chapels both Protestant and Catholic, one Hospital extant and another projectel, a Lalies' Library, several Schools under Government, Assumption College, managed by the French Ronan Catholic Mission, liberally patronised by the King, aal assistel by the community generally. There are two Hotels, one a new one on a han some scale; aiso a club called the Bangkok United Club. The King's palace, temples, au public buildings are maguificent and on a large scale. Tae architecture is of a kind peculiar to the country, and there is more of novelty and interest to be witnessed by passing travellors in Bangkok than can be found in Chinese cities. The population of Bangkok is estimated at 350,000.

The imports during the year 1886, as reported by the Custom House, amounted to $7,384,710 a3 compared with $6,830,013 in 1835, and $6,217,893 in 1854; tue exports to $10,372,818 as compared with $3,436,73) in 1385, and $11,194,572 in 1884; but the actual amount of both was probauly in excess of this value. The principal imports were piece goods and opium, the principal export rice.


H.M. Somdetch P'ra Paramindr Mahah

  Chulalonkorn, King of Siam H.R.H. Krom Mun Samet Amabandhu, private secretary to H.M. for the Siamese Branch

H.R.H. Prince Sonapandit, private secret- ary to H.M. for the Foreign branch


Chow Phya Ratana Patindr, Minister of

the North of the Interior

WAR DEPARTMENT. Chow P'rayah Surawongs Waiyawat t'ee Samuha P'ra Kalahome, Minister of War and Marine

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FOREIGN Department.


H.R.H. Krom Laung Devawongse Varo- praker, Minister for Foreign Affairs

ROYAL PALAce Department. H.R.H. Krom Mun Pracheks Silpagom,

Lord Chamberlain

AGRICULTURAL Department. Chow P'rayah P'olatape, Minister of



Committees H.R.H. Krom Mun Narésr Vareriddhi, H. R.H. Prince Swasti Sob- hon, Phya Dhamasaranit

      ROYAL TREASURY Department. Somdetch P'ra Chow Nanngrah t'ee Chow- fâh Chaturon Rasimi Krom Hluang Chakrap'adipongs, President

H.R.H. Prince Wa awanakara, Vice-


Phya Bhas Karawongse, Chancellor of the



ROYAL REGistrar DepARTMENT. Chow P'rayah Mahint'arasak Damrong

ROYAL MINt Department.

P'rayah Norarat


P'ra Silsunt'aun Woharn

Hluang Sarapraset

K'un Hahah Sitwoharn


Prayah Bhaskarawongse

P'rayah Prap'ahkarawongs

Phya Surasakti Moutri

Chow Man Sri Sararaks

Chow Mann Sarapet Pakder


Prayah Nararat Rachamanit, major in


SURVEY DEPARTMENT. H.R.H. Krom Mun Damrong Rajanu

bharb, director general

J. Macarthy Phra Wibbarg Bhuvadal,


B. S. Collins, Luang Sarcol, Luang Kum-

nuan, asst. superintendents

Henry Nicolay, head teacher of survey class


Prince Sri Savabhang, superintendent


Prince Jaiya Mijit, director Nai Chai, curator



H.R.H. Phra Ong Tong Tham, director



One squadron of cavalry, two battalions of infantry, one company of arti- ficers and sappers.

H.R.H. Somdetch Krom Phra Bhanupan- thawongs Waratej, honorary lieutenant colonel

H.R.H. Krom Mun Damrong Rajanu

bharb, lieutenant colonel, commanding and A.D.C.

H.R.H. Prince Sonapandit, honorary

major and aide-de-camp to H.M. Major Phra Waratej

ROYAL AIDEs-de-Camps.

H.R.H. Krom Mun Adisorn Udontej H.R.H. Krom Mun Sanbasithi Prasong H.R.H. Krom Khun Narisra Nuvatiwong Chamun Sarabhye


Chamun Vichit, Chamun Suratej, Laung Vithaya, Laung Raj, Laung Saljut, G. Schau, captains

C. M. West, lieutenant

Dr. Goulé, veterinary surgeon

ROYAL PALACE Guard-(Tahan Krom Wang.)

Two battalions of infantry. H.R.H. Krom Mam Prachaksilpacon,

commander in chief


Somdetch P'ra Chow Naung Ya t'oe Chakrapadipong Krom P, com- mander general

Phya Racha Wang Muang, comman-


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H.R.H. Semdetch Chow Fa Bhanurangsi Swangwongse Krom Pra Bhanubandou Wongue Varetej, acting commander- in-chief

H.R.H. Krow Mun Damroug Raja Nub-

hab, adjutant general

H.R.H. Krom Kbun Narisra Nuvadti-

wongse, paymaster general

H.H. Pra Ong Chow Sai Saindwongse,

secretary of the Navy

Phya Surasakta Moutri, quartermaster


STANDING ARMY-(Krom Tahan Nah.) Three battalions, one squadron cavalry, brigade artillery.

H.E. Chow Prayah Mahinthasak Dam-

rong, commander general

Chow Mun Wauworanarth, colonel (abst.) Hluang Nai Sidhi, lieut. col., commanding Major P'hra Amarawisai Saradet, com-

manding artillery

Khun Pau, lieutenant in charge of cavalry Hluang Nai Rit, Hluang Tuai Han, Khun

Cha Yuat, majors Capt. Galassi, drillmaster

A. Goulé, veterinary surgeon Dr. Tian Hee, surgeon major


Phra Amazawisai Saradet, major com-



H.R.H. Krom Khun Maratsavah, com-


ROYAL Marines.

H.H. Pra Ong Chow Sai Sainthurngs,

commander general

Capt. A. P. de Richelieu, commander Three European drillmasters


Chief of H.M. Navy-H. E. Phya Pra Pah


Superintendent of Marine-Capt. W. Trail Superintendent Engineer-A. Balfour



"REGENT," S. 8.

Chief Engineer-W. Connel Second Engineer--Edmond Trail


Captain-J. de Souza Lieutenant-

Chief Engineer-Hitchcock Second Engineer-Gibson


Captain- Engineer-Suppanci


Commander-J. Marshall




Captain-A. Leyser

Chief Engineer-


Captain-Vil Lieutenant-W. H. Lang

CUSTOM HOUSE SERVICE. (Under superintendence of H.E. Phya Bhasha Karawongse) Khoon Maha Siddhivohar, private secre-



J. M. Fidelis da Costa, chief inspector;

residence, Custom house road


P. N. Massang, J. J. Frankfurt, Nai Chang, Nai Bindh, Nai Rot Mahatlek, Nai Cha- reon Mahatlek, F. da Costa, Jr., C. M. Saudell, sub-inspectors and tidewaiters 36 revenue guards, 28 weighing and ex-

mining clerks, 40 chintangs


Chesna Hob Luan, manager

Nai Cha Yuat

O. Frankfurter, Pu. D., secretary Hoh Whee Hong, cashier

Phra Debaratna Narindr, jewellery valuator Lim Eng Kiang, valuator

Hluang Mongalavatna, trade reporter Nai Mah Mahatlek chief Siamese clerk Tan Him Kiat, English head clerk Tan Chuan Tiong, assistant do. Chew Teck Seng, clerk Koh Lian Boon do. Sian Saa, interpreter

4 Siamese clerks

At PaknaM.

Leong Ong, inspector, and 26 guards

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Under management of H.E. Phya Bididth


Phra Sawasdi Wamadit

Phra Tape Palne, Law Pahn, Nai Puak,


Koon Cham Nee, treasurer Nai Chatt, interpreter

C. Tit Poh, Nai Tien, Nai Rop, Nai Rung,

      Nai Lek, Nai Ee, assistants and clerks Peng Soon, and 51 clerks


Under management of H.E. Chow Phya Baladeb

Hluang Narissara, collector

POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. H.R.H. Somdetch Chow Fa Bhanurangse Sawangse Krom Phra Bhanupanahu- wongse Voradej, &c., Minister of Posts and Telegraphs

W. H. McFarland, private secretary and

interpreter to Minister

H.H. Prince Prisdang, Director General

of Posts and Telegraphs

Phra Toralek Thuranurax, first assistant Lluang Phrachaks Shawakar, second do. Nai Cham, accountant-general

Phra Toraleks Thuranuraks, treasurer-



P. Annuske, secretary

E. Trinkhaus, acting recorder

C. Edlefsen, supdt. of P. O. No. 1 M. Fuetscher, supdt. of P. O. No. 2 S. Braun, supdt. of mails, Nakonsavan W. Schroeder, overseer of steamlaunch



E. Kederer, secretary for department Fr. Fritschi, chief engineer

Mom Tewatira Racha Nicul, chief line-

man, Bangkok

John S. Fretts, Bourgueil, Kun Chuman,

linemen, do.

Nai Sawat, cashier, general office Nai Phnang, cashier, Custom House office G. Eickhoff, chief operator, do.

E. Perkins, P. Julia, H. Walker, K. Kobke, B. Wefer, and Chinese opera- tors, do.

J. Jourdan, telegraph master, Kauburee Willix,

Raheng Chieng Mai Sisophon


A. Duraudo,




Keng Teen,


Siem. ap


Nai Kate, telegraph master, Patriew

Nai Yah,



L. H. Fustier,



Nai Sam,



Kim Heng,




Nai Chan,

F. Frankford,

Lophburi Nakonsuwau Pakna in

H. Warnken, signaller, Bar lighthouse

HARBOUR MASTER'S DEPT. Harbour Master & Master Attendant-Capt.

John Bush


Interpreter-Nai Wan

Bar Lighthouse Keeper-H. Warnken Lightship Keeper-Solomon Ghaut Sirang-Suloy man


C. Aström, L. Lampe, J. Jackson


Ministry--Krom Mun Nares Varariddhi, Prince Svasti Subhana, Chow Phya Po- latape, minister for agriculture, Phya Dharma-araniti

Chief Judaes-Phya Bhejta, Phya Bechar- pani, Luang Riddhiruangpamrapchor, Luang Kamchatsoudaducharit, Luang Ngammuang

Judges-Khuu Darapala, Khun Narapala, Kun Lokapala, Khun Dharanipala, Khun Klang, Khun Puriraks, Khuu Bhidakshdhanin, Khun Drougdharani,

Khun Añaraja, Mun Rid biyodha Chief Secretary-Pradang Chan Akshara Assistant Secretaries-Khun Suit, Nai

Thong Yu

Treasurer-Luang Svastinagaresr

Assistants Treasurers--Mun Vicharnbu-

chara, Nai Bhlap

Chief Police Magistrates, (Right side)-

First-Phya Indaradhipati Srirajaroug-


Second Hluang Svasti Nagaresr Third-Khun Nagarakhetrakshemsri Chief Police Magistrates, (Left side)--

First-Phra Devaphalu Second-Luang Visesdhani Third-Kbun Vithidharmsauchara Chief Magistrate, (Chinese)-Phya Joduk


Assistant Magistrates-Phra Svasti Wama- dith, Khun Jamuangadichin, Khun Bhinichgadichin

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Chief Inspectors of Police and Commanders for the Districts-


 Phya Nararatrajamanitr, Phya Bhibhidhbogaisvarga, Talad Bhlu Police Inspector-Luang Ruthyadipala-

banja, (S. J. B. Ames) Sambheng Police Inspector-F. Solomon, Vang Na

do. -B M. Sheriff, Bangrak

-W. Lecain, Bangkhwang -Khun Devaparai, New



Road left bank of tue river

Inspector of Roads and Bridges-Phra


Second Inspector-Khun Bhumibhakbhi.



Chief Engineer-Nai Bhaa

Inspector of Canals and Creeks-Phra Ja

ladhav inichai

 Second Inspector-Khun Prapjalajai Secretary-

Chief Engineer-

Inspectors of Prisons-Luang Bhasti Klang, Khun Bhasti Kwa, Khun Bhasti Sai, Truad Kbwa, Truad Sai Chief Registrars-Luang Sudhabhidaksh,

Khun Prapprajapala

       THE KING'S SCHOOL. Supdt.-Rev. S. G. McFarland, D.D. Teacher of Mathematics and Natural Scien-

ces-S. Ed. H. McFarland Asst. Teacher of English-Nai Kling

EUROPEANS IN Government Employ.

Additional to those given above. Bradley, translator, Foreign office Clunis, J., Government architect Clunis, J., Jr., architect

Collins, D. J., surveying dept.

Castensebjöld, J. de, captain palace guard Ferrando, architect

Feit, J., bandmaster

 Frankfurter, Dr. O., Foreign Office Fusco, bandmaster

Göttsche, artillery instructor, Paknam


Hendricks, Jas. W., interpreter, Lord

Mayor's department

Lawson, J. J., clerk, Foreign office Leonardi, engineer

Loftus, A. J., Government surveyor and


Loftus, R. H., assistant, Foreign office Ratbje, baker

Rasmussen, lieutenant

Sa, H. de, K.N.S.C., Foreign office Simoens, B. P., interpreter, International


Legation and Consulates.

BRITISH LEGation and Consulate GENERAL.

Minister Resident & Con. General-E. M.

Satow, C.M.G.

Consul-E. B. Gould

Vice-Consul at Chiengmai-E. H. French 1st Assistant-W. J. Archer 2nd Assistant-

Student Interpreters-W. R. D. Beckett,

C. E. W. Stringer

Medical Attendant-W. Willis, M.D. Constable-W. Surman

Legation and Consulate General OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Minister Resident and Consul General-

Jacob T. Child

Vice-Consul-Chas, J. Child Clerk of Court-R. O, Robbins Chaplain-Rev. L. A. Eaton Interpreter-R. O. Robbins

Medical Attendant-H. S. Colston, M.R.

C.S. Eng.


Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary-Firmino José da Costa (absent)

Consul for Siam and Straits Settlements-

F. A. Pereira

Secretary-T. A. da Luz

Interpreter and Clerk-

FRENCH CONSULATE GENERAL. Chargé d'Affaires and Consul General-Le

Comte de Kergaradec Chancelier-Interpreter-E. Lorgeou 2nd Interpreter -C. Hardouin Native Interpreter-P. Niu Clerks P. Chin, N. V. Duc Constable-Gabriel

DANISH Consulate. Consul-Charles Stuart Leckie

AUSTRO-HUNGarian ConsulaTE.

Consul-A. Kurtzhalss

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SWEDISH ANd Norwegian CONSULATE. Consul-O. Weber

    NETHERLANDS Consulate GENERAL. Consul General-P. S. Hamel Interpreters-J. Chuey, Nai Chaleam

    CONSULATE FOR THE German Empire. Consul-R. von Krencki Secretary-

Interpreter-R. Hendriks Second do.-Bua


Acting Consul-H. Sigg

BELGIAN Consulate.

Acting Consul―F. Chalant

Public Companies.

Bangkok Dock CompaNT.

Capt. Bush, managing director Th. Benedictsen, manager T. Beck, accountant

Swee Seong, cashier

J. Sackstoff, clerk

Engineering Department.

J. Mackay, superintendent J. D. Kerr, foreman

Ko Chen, clerk


A. Markwald & Co., managers

C. Aström, engineer

Bangkok Saw Mill.

Windsor, Rose & Co. Frederick Clarke

J. Upton

C. Heck, engineer Peter Veer, foreman Cheng Bee, cashier Poon, clerk


    SAM SAAN Saw Mill and TIMBER YARD. Geo. Dupont, proprietor and manager

      SAW MILLS AND TIMBER YARD. Borneo Company, Limited, proprietors W. A. Leach, engineer



Mah Wah & Co., proprietors

Gop Heap Joo, manager Guan Hua Seng, foreman Gap Joon Hee, accountant Bay Hoe, engineer


A. MARKWALD & Co.'s STEAM RICE MILL Th. Hottinger, engineer

O. Sweemob, manager

Poh Deng, assistant

THE PATREW STEAM RICE MILL. Phya Smud Buranurako, proprietor and


Nai Preik, local manager

John Cairns, supdt. and engineer Nai Rott, engineer

Steamer Patrow

Nai Preik, managing owner


Phya Smud Buranurako, proprietor and


John Cairns, local, manager and supdt.


A. Nahim, accountant

PоH CHIN Soo's Steam RICE MILL Poh Chin Soo, proprietor

J. K. Black, engineer, Bangkok Mill

Steamer Simoon

Poh Chin Soo, owner


Tat Suey Chin, proprietor

CHIN TONG BEE, STEAM RICE MILL. Tan Hok Poh, Tiong Bien, Tiong Sai, pro-


WINDSOR, ROSE & Co.'s RICE MILL. W. Dunlop, engineer

Kroon Naa, assistant


Tay Keng Joo, manager

Geo. Stewart, engineer Wm. Carter, assist. engineer

Lim Ab Hay, Wee Tiong Beng, clerks


Jucker, Sigg & Co. proprietors

W. Sinclair

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Tan Hoo Ching, manager

Tan See Sing,


John Maclachlan, supdt. engineer

STEAMERS TO Singapore.


Captain-A. Hocbreuter

Agent and Owner-Pohkien

"BAN YONG Seng."

Captain-W. P. Hyde

A. Markwald & Co., agents




MENAM FLOTILLA Co., Limited. Head Office, 28, Fenchurch St. London

Borneo Co., La., managers

Str. Chao Phya.

Captain-J. L. Main

Engineer-F. W. Cookson

OCEAN STEAMship Company.

Windsor, Rose & Co., agents


Hecuba, Capt. White, Bangkok & S'pore Hecate, Capt. Rae, Medusa, Capt. Loury,


SCOTTISH Oriental Steamship Co., Ld. Windsor, Rose & Co., agents

(for Steamers see Hongkong)



Jucker, Sigg & Co., agents


(FLORIO & Rubattino).

Jucker, Sigg & Co., agents



Jucker, Sigg & Co., agents

    COMPTOIR D'ESCOMPTE DE Paris. Jucker, Sigg & Co., agents

Chartered Bank of India, AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA.

A. Markwald & Co., agents

Chartered Mercantile Bank of INDIA, LONDOn, and China. Windsor, Rose & Co, agents

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking CORPORATION. Jucker, Sigg & Co., agents

NEW ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION, LD. Borneo Company, Ld., agents

Insurance Companies.

Borneo Company, Limited, agents-


North China Insurance Co.

Northern Assurance Co., Fire and Life Hongkong Fire Insurance Company, Ld. Singapore Insurance Co., Limited New York Life Insurance Co.

Götte, R., agent-

Hamburg-Magdeburg Fire Insurance

Company of Hamburg Magdeburg General Insurance Co., Ld.

Jucker, Sigg & Co., agents-

Yangtaze Insurance Association North British and Mercantile In-

surance Company (Fire) Universal Marine Insurance Co., Ld. Chinese Insurance Compay, Limited Colonial Fire Insurance Co., Batavia Transatlantic Fire Insurance Co. Switzerland" Marine Insurance

Co., Zurich

Klopp, H., agent-

Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co.

Markwald & Co., A., agents-

Hamburg, Dresden and Bremen Un-


Canton Insurance Office, Limited Germanic Lloyd's-with power for

classing ships

German Transatlantic Transport In-

surance Company, of Berlin Westphalia Lloyd's Insurance Company "Iakor," of Moscau

Hanseatic Fire Insurance Company Rhenania Insurance Co., of Cologne German Lloyd Transport Insurance

Company, of Berlin

London and Laucashire Fire Insur-

ance Co.

Transport Insurance Co., of Basel Aachen Leipziger Fire Insurance Co. Düsseldorf General Insurance Co, for

Sea, River, and Land Transport Transatlantic Insurance Co. of Berlin Fire Insurance Co. of 1877, Hamburg Oberrheinische Versicherungs Gesel-

lschaft, Mannheim

Digitized by


Windsor, Rose & Co., agents-


Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld. China Traders' Insurance Co., Ld. Straits Insurance Co., Limited China Fire Insurance Co, Limited Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co. Samarang Sea and Fire Insurance Co. Straits Fire Insurance Co., Limited

Merchants and Traders.

Badman & Co., Harry A., general ware- housemen, auctioneers, commission agents, and tailors

H. A. Badman

H. Hooker

E. Mumbar

Tan Keong Whey Wang Chee

"Bangkok Times," bi-monthly newspaper

T. Lloyd Williamese, editor

Bethj, C., commission agent, New Road,

opposite Custom house lane

Borneo Company, Limited, merchants; head Office, London; branches, Bangkok, Sarawak, Singapore, Hongkong, Ba- tavia, Minchester

Charles Stuart Leckie, manager

E. J. Smith

L. C. Cumberbatch

E. H. Finch

Louis T. Leonowens (Raheng) Lee Boon Seck, (Pahuau pho)

Bradley's printing, publishing, and bind-

ing house

Cardu & Co., S., architects and contractors,

near Wat Chaang

S. Cardu

G. Coroneo

Chit & Son, F., photographers

Cohen, M. B., timber merchant, Floating Villa; timber yards Ban Kuang and Bang Lampoo

M. B. Cohen

Jas. Lee, foreman

Falck & Beidek, merchants and commis-

sion agents

Gustav Falck Otto Beidek

H. Bremsinger, signs per pro.

Nai Yye, and 16 other native clerks

Fusco, Michele, general store P. A. Favacho


Goulé, Arthur, M.R.C.V.S., veterinary

surgeon to Govt., Palace Road

Gowan, P., M.D., B. Sc. Edinr., surgeon and physician to His Majesty the King

Grassi Brothers & Co., civil engineers, architects, contractors, &c., West side

J. Grassi

J. Stölker, architect

P. B. C. Kinch, civil engineer

M. E. C. Langguth, accountant F. Scotta

F. V. de Jesus, clerk

P. Greenham, draftsman

P. Remedi,


H. Peterson, overseer H. Lorenzen do. Hoc. Chueng, torekeeper 12 native clerks Timber Department

W. F. Kemp, manager H. Heidenburg, engineer H. Stenross, overseer 3 native clerks

Götte, R., merchant

R. Götte

G. Gleim

A. P. Ruang

Steamers: Dicky-Capt. Buthmann

Rudolph-Capt. Petersen t.obert-



Grimm & Co., B., druggists, analytical chemists and importers, inside City walla

Erwin Müller

F. Friedrichs, signs per pro. G. Gleim


H. They

Hee, C. T., M.D., physician and surgeon

to the Siamese Army

Hicks, F. G., surveyor for Lloyd's Agents,

Germanic Lloyd's and local offices

Jesus Bros. & Co., De, merchants, and

commission agents

C. M. de Jesus J. M. E. de Jesus

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Jucker, Sigg & Co., merchants

H. Sigg

B. E. Mohn

E. Roland

A. Hofmann

R. Zürcher


Kim Ching & Co., merchants and commis-


ag nts

Tau Kim Ching (Singapore)

Tay Keng Joo, manager Ho Hang Keng

Tan Eng Hoh

Klopp, H., merchant and commission


Hermann Klopp

1h. Schroeder Alb. Schmidt

Poh Rim, cashier, and native clerks

Loftus, W. Kennett, photographer, within the city, between Wat Se Ket and Samon Nai Gateways

Maclean & Co., timber merchants and

commission agents

J. M clean

A. Maclean

Theo. Schacker

Ch. Thorne

Markwald & Co., A., merchanta

Paul Lessler (absent)

J. J. Riechmann do.

A. Kurtzhalse

F. Masius

E. Wiede

H. ente

E. Grabert

Lim Kian Seng Wee Boon Seng Yom Beng

Ghuan Thye

Mission Printing Press, Samray

Rev. E. Wachter, manager

Möller & Meisner, merchants, storekeepers

and shipchandlers

C. F. Meisner

H. Busch (absent)

F. Mettlerkamp

H. Hinsch M. Schmidt

"Oriental Hotel"-Andersen & Co.

P. Andersen

- N. Andersen

P. A. Saxtorph

Oriental Bakery-Andersen & Co.

P. Andersen

· N. Andersen

A. Müller,


Oriental Provision Store-Andersen & Co.

- P. Andersen

--N. Andersen

F. Kinck, manager

F. Donno

Ramsay & Co., army contractors, com. mission agents and general warehouse- men, opposite the Grand Palace adjoin- ing the War Office

R. H. Ramsay (London) C. H. Ramsay

Joseph Lewis Frank Tatuer B. Bugga S. Pooke

O. Suman

C. Harman

C. Boon Guan

C. T. Seng

A. C. Hong

A nuddy Mistry

Francis, Ramsay & Co.

Ramsay, Wakefield & Co.

Calcutta &


Shaw and Chalant, timber merchants,

and commission agents

S. L. Shaw

F. Chalant

Siam Dispensary

B. Grimm & Co., proprieto:■

E. Meissen, manager

Smith, S. J., publisher Siam Directory, Bangk❜olém Point, East side of the river

S. J. Smith, proprietor and editor

Tisseman, Samuel, watch and clock maker, and fancy store, Fuang Lacon St., City

Universal Hotel

G. A. Berkeley, proprietor

Willis, W., M.D., F.R.C.S.E., Įhysician

to H.B.M. Legation

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Windsor, Rose & Co., merchants, and owners

of Stea'n Rice Mill

T. Windsor (London) Carl Rose Otto Weber

C. Brockmann, signs per pro. R. Nis-le

Ch. Kinder

A. Frege

Wee Chin Heng, head cashier

Lao Koon Siew

Kee List

Chang Watt

Chin Lin, 2nd cashier

Guan Tye

Kroon Naa

W. Dunlop, engineer

MARINERS at Bangkok.

L. Bruhn, F. Berendt, A. H. de Campos. E. J. F. Jörgensen, A. L. B. Kruse, C. lange, Maine, Martin, Mever, Michael- sen, E. Moller, Möllendorf, Nisted, A. Pedersen, F. Piettner, Reynolds, C. Sæderstrom, V. Saxtorph. Stehmeyer, Steinbring. Spencer, Schmieg low, B. H. Sandersen, L. G. Schumacker, J. C. Thomsen, C. Ulrich, P. W. Vorrath


AMERICAN Baptist Board. Chinese Mission, commenced 1835. Rev. Lewis A. and Mrs. Eaton


Rev. Samuel J. and Mrs. Sarah J. Smith


Stationed at Bangkok.

    Rev. Jas. W. Van Dyke (absent) Rev. Egon and Mrs. Wachter

T. H. Hays, M.D., and Mrs. Hays Rev. W. G. and Mrs. MaeClure Miss E. S. Cole

         Stationed at Petchaburi. Rev. E. P. and Mrs. Dunlap

J. B. Thompson, M.D., and Mrs. Thompson Miss Mary L. Cort

Mis J. Sinall

     Stationed at Chiang Mai, (Laor.) Rev. D. and Mrs. McGilvary

Rev. J. Wilson (absent)

A. M. Cary, M.D.

Rev. D. G. and Mrs. Collins

Rev W. C. Dodd

Miss Westervelt Miss Griffin


Stationed at Lakawan.


Rev. S. C. Peoples, M.D., and Mrs. Peoples


Right Rev. J. L. Vey, bishop of Gerasen, and vicar apostolic of Siam, (absen ) Alois d'Hont, pro vicar-apostolic, Church

of St. François Xavier, Bangkok F. L. Laruaudie (absent)

Ignace Jung, Secretary to the Mission (abst.) Gibarta, Church of Sta. Crux, Bangkok F. J. Schmitt, Petriu

J. F. Perbet


K. N. Perraux, Ayuthia

P. L. Rousseau, Bang-pla-soi (absent)

J. M. Vo sin, Thakien

M. Guégo, Mu'ang Phanatsa, Nikhom

P. A. Salmon, Ban nok-kuak

P. N. Barbier,

E. P. Piau,

do. do.

J. A. Fauque, Col ege, Ban-nok-kuak E. A. Coloinbet, Church of the Assump

tion, Bangkok

A. M. Rondel, Mu'ang Prom P. F. Gennevoise, do.

E. Dessalles, Church of the Holy Rosary, [Bangkok

Jules Guillou,

J. B. Prodhome, Muang Ubon

F. X. Guego,

G. A. M Dabin,

P. Combourieu,

A. M. Sallio,






Charles Petit, Vat-Phleng

J. P. Grand, Church of Kanburi

ASSUMPTION College for Boys. Rev. E. A. Colombet, superintendent Rev. P. G. B. Gantou, French department F. Donovan, beadmaster, English dept. J. C. James, assistant

F. Cordeiro,


Nai Xeet, Siamese department.



HIGH SCHOol for Girl8.

Directed by ladies of the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus.


Brien, telegraphist

Kirchhoff, agent for Speidel & Co..

H. Russel, opium importer

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  This Colony-now consisting of the island of Singapore, the province of Malacca, the island of Penang, the Dindings further south, Province Wellesley on the mainland, and the Cocos Islands, recently placed under the same Government-was transferred from the control of the Indian Government to that of the Secretary of State for the Colonies by an Order in Council dated the 1st April, 1867. The estimated revenue of the colony for 1888 is $3,808,890, and the expenditure $3,719,698, The estimated assets are $1,510,000. The total value of the imports and exports in 1886 was $225.666,000 as compared with $210,870,009 in the previous year. The estimated population in 1886 was 506,000.


  The town of Singapore, situated on the southern shore of an island of the same name in lat. 1 deg. 16 min. N. and long. 103 deg. 35 min. E., is the seat of government of the Straits Settlements.

The Island of Singapore is about 27 miles long by 14 wide, and is separated by a narrow strait about one or two miles wide from the territory of Johore, which occupies the southern extremity of the Malay Peninsula. Originally taken possession of in 1819 by Sir Stamford Raffles, it was, until 1823, subordinate to our then settlement in Sumatra. In that year it became an appanage of the In ian Government in which condition it remained until 1867, when it was placed under the Colonial Office in conjunction with the other Settlements above mentioned.


The town proper extends for about four miles along the south-eastern shore of the island, spreading inland for a distance varying from half to three-quarters of a mile, though the majority of the residences of the upper class Europeans lie, as a rule, much further back, within a circle with a radius of three and a half miles from he Cathedral. This portion of the Settlement is almost entirely level, the highest hill in the island, indeed, about seven miles from the town, only rising to a height of 500 feet. The country roads are well kept, and, thanks to the luxuriance of tropical vegetation, abound in shade. The town streets, on the other hand, though wide and well metalled, are, as regards architectural matters, drains, and gutters, no great crédit to the Municipality which has them in charge. Filth and obstructions of all sorts distinguish the native portion of the town, while as compared with nearly every other Eastern city in European hands, the buildings of the business quarters are somewhat shabby and médiocre. The Government Offices, Police Quarters, Magistrates' Courts,

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SHERIFF'S Department.

Sheriff-W. Norris



Overseer, Penang-T. Kristnasawmy

-Soon Seow Kee

Senior Bailiff-A. J. de Souza



-R. C. Norris

Second do. -H. E. Kraal


do. G. E. Thompson




Attorney General-Hon. J. W. Bonser Clerk-J. D. Stuart

PROTECTORATE OF CHINESE. Protector of Chinese and Registering Officer

S. S.-W. A. Pick ring, C.M.G. Assistant Protector of Chinese-W. Portley First Clerk-N. P. Tychicus Chief Clerk-Quay Yan Hye

Malacca―J. S. Melson

Draftsman and Computer, Survey-A.


Penang S. Silva


Do. Malacca-Chia Ong Tin Chief Surveyor, S. S.-J. E. Hogan District Surveyor, Penang.-J. P. Penne-


District Surveyor, Malacca-R. H. Young First Class Surveyor-Mahomed Ariff

do.-R. S. Fry


do. Penang-A. F. Harper

Malacca-A. Fraser

-W. McD. Mitchell -Jas. Ashness




Clerks L. J. B. Madden, Thung Boon Kiet, Wong Chak Chow, J. C. Fernandez Inspectors C. D. 0.-C. Phillips, S. W.







do. Penang-J F. Ward




Interpreter and Clerk C. D. 0.-Jong

Nenk Siong

Japanese Interpreter and Clerk, C. D. O.-

H. Shingow

   Boarding Officer-L. Fernandez Assist. do. -G. R. Agar



Col. Engineer, Surveyor General and Comp- troller of Convicts-Hon. Major H. E. McCallum, R.E.

Deputy Col. Engineer and Surveyor Ge- neral, Penang - Capt. Cameron, R.E. Superintendent of Works and Surveys-J.

H. Callcott, C.E.

Asst. Supt. of Works--Geo. L. Bourchier Supt. Works & Surveys-

Do. Prov. Wellesley-R. V. Boswell Do. Malacca-A. F. Ayre Engineer Surveyor-L. J. Baker

Clerk of Works & Draftsman-J. C. Scha-

[renguivel --A. A. Minjoot

Penang-W. Reid




do. J. W. Hodge

   Do. Malacca-C. M. van Cuylen- burg


   Assist. Draftsman-B. Gannapathy Draftsman, Penang-P. Holmberg Overseer-H. C. Bacon



-C. Fernandez

-J. S. McCrackett


do. Malacca-E. O. Bamforth

do. E de Souza


do. -C. L mercier

Field Assistant-L. van Cuylenburg



Penang―. E. A. Jansen Malacca-Fernandez Apprentices-J. O. E. de Souza, E. Hogan, J. Desker, P. Richards, C. Forrest, C. Basagoili, Rodrigues, Moore, Moan Store-keeper-J. J. de Souza

Chief Clerk-F. O. Hendriks Clerks J. E. Cooper, T. de Cruze, Chis Ong Cheng, J. D'Aranjo, W. W. Cho- pard


Surveyors-J. G. Koch, R. H. Morgan,

W. H. Mackenzie

Superintendent-E. W. Laseron

Office Assistants- G. W. Thwaites, N. A.

Joseph, B. Dharmaratna

Draftemen-J. van Cuylenburg, N. da

Silva, Thassim Lye


Observer-J. W. MacDougal

Do. P. A. Peters


Superintendent-N. Cantley, F.L.S., R.G.S.

& R.A.S.

Assist. Superintendent-Walter Fox

| Clerk and Herbarium Keeper-E. Brewer

Jr. Propagator-

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       FOREST Department. Superintendent-N. Cantley Assist. Supdt.-C. Curtis (Penang) do. -R. Derry (Malacca) Overseer-J. Flanagan





-J. Walker (Penang)

P. Neukey -R. M. Ningehie


Commr. of Lands, S. S.-W. E. Maxwell,


Collector of Land Revenue-H. T. Haugh-


Chief Clerk-John King

Forest Rangers-A. B. Bolestyne, R. C.

Browne, J. S. Goodenough

GENERAL POST OFFICE. Acting Postmaster General -Noel Trotter;

res. Claremont "


Chief Clerk-F. H. V. Go.tlieb; res. Post


Marine Sorter and 1st Clerk - C. E. Mitchell Clerks A. N. Cornelius, Chong Choon, B. N. de Cruze, T. R. Miles, W. W. Norris, Wee Boon Teck, A. Fletcher, Wee Haap Lang, W. W. Wilson Printer-G. Hansen

      CHINESE SUB-POST OFFICE. Bub-Postmaster-Ho Yang Peng Clerk-P. de Cunba

   NETHERLANDS INDIA Postal Agency. Agent-M. de Jouge

Clerk-G. C. Klyne

MARINE DEPARTMENT. Master Attendant and Shipping Master-

Henry Ellis

Deputy do.-R. Huddle

Import and Export OFFICE. Registrar-Henry Ellis

Chief Clerk and Manager-H. D. Chopard Clerks G. A. Fernandez, P. B. de Roza, A. W. Kesslar, P. Gois, J. Longue, H. do Rozario

Boarding and Emigration Officer-T. A.

de Cruze

Boarding Officers-A. S. Pestana, E. Mar-

cus, V. J. Grosse

Interp. & Storekeeper-Goh Sang Tian Light Keepers-M. Marcus, G. Lucas, W.

Chopard, Wm. Nicholson

PRISONS DEPARTMENT. Inspector of Prisons, S. S.-Major W. R.

Grey; residence, Pearl's Hili Chief Warder-D. Harrington European Warders-J. McCully, G. Stone- house, R. H. Dexter, W. T. Romain, J. H. Pittsfiude, J. Burke, R. Told, F. Zimmer, T. Guild, W. Martin, W. Pye, J. McCann, H. Birch, J. Brind, J.ˇ J. Middleton, W. Symonds, D. Roper, J. Crein, J. S. Rackley, D. Johnstone, T. Dowling, G. Hall, Jas. Smith, John Smith. E. Bar, A. Abrams, T. McCor- wick, C. F. Goodhart, P. H. Emam Matron-Mrs. M. Stonehouse First Clerk-J. W. Salmon Second do. -C. H. Yzelman Storekeeper and Printer-L. Rangel Chinese Clerk and Interpreter-Choe Kay


Second do.-Cheok Geob Kim

Native Warder and Clerk-V. Veerasamy

POLICE DEPARTMENT. Inspector General-Col. S. Dunlop, R.A.,


Superintendent--E. H. Bell

Acting Assistant Superintendent-R. C.


Senior Boarding and Emigration Officer Chief Inspector-R. C. Falkner

T. A. da Cruze

Chief Clerk-H. D. Chopard

Clerks G. S. Reutens, M. A. S. Grosse,

P. B. de Roza, H. do Rozario, M. da Silva, T. H. Nonis, J. W. Dias, P. Gois, A. W. Kesslar, J. Longue, G. Fernan- dez, F. Leynard

Usher--A. M. Pestana

Boarding Officers-A. S. Pestana, E. Mar-

cus, V. J. Grosse

Signal Sergeante R. Strugnell, J. Harding Asst. do.

-W. Berry

Detective Inspector-C, P. Richards Inspectors-J. Quin, W. Luke, W. Patter-

BOU, W. Raffan

Chief Clerk-B. B. J. R zells

2nd Clerk and Chinese Interpreter-Tan

Kim Keat

3rd Clerk and Tamil Interpreter-Satha-

sioner Pilai

Clerks -Chew Swee Keat, Lee Pun Hok Inspector under Gunpowder Ord.-F. G..


Clerk under Excise Ord.-Neor Mamat

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REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT. Registrar General of Births and Deaths and of Mahomedan Marriages-T. Irvine Rowell, M.D. (absent) Acting do. -M. F. S mon Chief Clerk-B. E. Aranjo Second do. -Shaik Abbas bin Alfoo Third do. E. P. Holloway

      COURT OF REQUESTS. Commissioner-R. S. O'Connor Chief Clerk-T. J. Minjoot 2nd do. A. J. Monteiro 3rd d. -S. P. de Souza

Bailiff and Appraiser-F. J. de Souza Assist.

-V. A. Fernandez


Chinese Interpreter-vacant


Colonial Surgeon-M. F. Simon, M.R.C.S

[& L R.C.P.

do. A. J. M. Bentley, M.B. (abt.) Acting do. T. C. Mugliston, M.R.C.S. & [L.R.C.P.

do. do. --C. L. H. Tripp, L.R.C.P., [M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Apothecaries-A. B. Leicester, M. W. La Porte, G. F. de Silva, F.Thompson, H. J. Gibbs, W. A. Aeria, A. A. Hale, G. M. Rappa

Public Vaccinator--C. Pang

GENERAL HOSPITAL, SEPOY LINES. Col. Surgeon Resident―M. F. Simon Apothecaries-F. Thompson, A. A. Hale Matron-Georgiana Martin


Tamil and Hindustani do.-N. R. Namas- Colonial Surgeon-A. J. M. Bentley (abt.)


MAGISTRATES' DEPARTMENT. Senior Magistrate-R. S. O'Connor; resi- dence, "The Grange" Grange Road Second Magistrate-N. B. Dennys, l'h. D.; residence, Atjeh House, Orchard Road Third Magistrate-J. O. Anthonisz; resi-

    dence, Balmoral" Stivens Road Chief Clerk-Gro. Rappa


Clerks-A. F. de Souza, P. de Conceiçao, J. B. K. Palmer, B. Chophard, D. M. Fernandez, F. F. Rodrigues, F. do Ro- zario

Ushers-Ramjee Bheem, Geo. Conway,

H. E. Boudewyn

Malay Interpreter-H. S. D. Burnett Tamil Interpreters-D. Marsh, Maha-


Hindustani Interpreter-Abdul Kader

Chinese Interpreters - Von Koon Shoon,

Yeo Swee Bee, Siow Kai Soon, Tan Tian Siong, Wan Seow Mok, Pan Pong Guan, Chean Cheow Heng


   Coroner-T. C. Mugliston Clerk and Interpreter-Lee Chong Yen

      MEDICAL D: PARTMENT. Principal Civil Medical Officer and Health fficer-T. Irvine Rowell, M.D. (absent) Acting do. M. F. Simon Chief Clerk-B. E. d'Aranjo Second Clerk-Shik Abbas bin Alfeo Third do. E. P. Holloway


Acting do. -T. C. Mugliston Apothecaries-M. W. La Porte, W. A.


PRISON HOSPITAL, PEARL'S HILL. In Medical Charge-J. T. Leask,M. B., C.M. Apothecary-G. M. Rappa


In Medical Charge-Dr. Rowell (absent)

do. Acting Apothecary-A. B. Leicester

-C. L H. Tripp Matron, Lock Hospital-C. Hanson

OUTDOOR DISPENSARY, HILL ST. Surgeons in Charge-C. L. H. Tripp, M.R.

C.S., L.R.C.P., L.S.A., J. T. Leask Apothecary-H. J. Gibbs

LUNATIC ASYLUM, SEPOY LINES. Medical Officer in charge-C. L. H. Tripp Supdt. and Apothecary-(t. F. de Silva Govt. Analyst-G. Stephenson GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE.

Office of "The Straits Se tlements Government Gazette," publ shed Fridays. H. L. Noronha, superintendent; residence

65, Sirangoon Road

H. D. Noronha, proof reader C. A. Ribeiro, chief clerk S. A. M. de Souza, second do. C. F. Monis, storekeeper D. Esbran, foreman

A. Rodrigues, F. Vass, S. Thiseira, J. de Souza, E. Thiseira, W. H. Gamell, P. Pereira, C. Pereira, D. Fredricks, J. Minjoot, F. Kesslar, and other com- positors

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Vernon Allen W. Allen

J. d Almeida Hon. J. Anderson J. O. Anthonisz J. M. Anthony A. Armstrong C. Baumgarten E. H. Bell

  Dr. A. J. M. Bentley E. W. Birch

J. K. Birch J. Blair

E. Bradbery

R. W. G. L. Braddell L. C. Brown

A. T. Bryant

   J. C. Budd, C.M.G. J. H. Callcott A. H. Capper Cheang Hong Lim D. Comrie C. E. Crane A. Currie

W. A. Cuscaden T. Cuthbertson H. De Mornay A. A. De Wind

R. W. Hullett, M.A' L. Huttenbach Hon. E. E. Isemon-


R. C. Jacobson

J. Y. Kennedy

K. h Seang Tat C. W. S. Kynnersley J. W. N. Kyshe A. M. MacGregor

R. W. Maxwell Hon. W. E. Max-

well, C.M.G. Hon. Major H. E. McCallum, R.E.,


Dr. J. H. McClosky J. McDougall

A. B. McKean W. McKerrow

E. M. Merewether J. Miller

A. G. Morrison

Dr. T. C. Mugliston G. S. Murray

A. D. Neubronner H. A. O'Brien

R. S. O'Connor

N. B. Dennys, PH. D. A. W. O'Sullivan

A. T. Dew

W. Dougal

A. C. Padday

R. Padday

F'. G. Penney

Col. S. Dunlop, c.M.o. W. A. Pickering,

C. Dunlop

W. Egerton

T. B. Elcum

H. Ellis

W. Evans

R. C. Falkner

Dr. W. T. B. Falls

Foo Tye Sin J. Fr.ser

Hon. H. W. Geiger A. Gentle J. C. F. George W. G. Greig Major W. R. Grey A. J. Gunn Dr. F. K. Hampshire R. Huddle

H. T. Hughton Hon. D. F. A. Hervey E. C. Hill E. Hogge W. E. Hooper


W. Portley

F. Powell

F. Pulsford

H. J. H. Riccard C. B. Rickett

E. L. Roberts Dr. J. H. Robertson

| C. F. Rowband

Dr. T. I. Rowell Seah Cheo Seah Hon. Seah Liang


Hon. T. Shelford Dr. M. F. Simon Hou. A. M. Skinner C. J. Skiner C. Stringer

F. A. Swettenham,

C.M.G. J. J. Tait

A. P. Talbot Tan Hun Guan Tan Keong Saik Tau Kim Ching Tan Teck Cheang Tan Teck Guan W. G. Taylor T. S. Thompson H. A. Thompson Hon. H. Trotter

N. Trotter

A. E. Turner J. D. Vaughan J. H. Velge

Hon. J. M. B. Ver-


R. G. Watson J. E. Westerhout G. C. Wray


Commissioners-J. P. Joaquim, president, Col. S. Dunlop, C.M.G., J.G.P., Dr. T. C. Mugliston, Tan Keong Saik


Secretary Treasurer and Assessor-D. G.


Assistant Secretary and Paymaster-J. Pol-




Assistant Bailif-H. A. de Vries Assessment Inspector-C. W. Johnson Clerks-J. A. de Souza, J. E. Ross, Khoo Soon Eng, R. Sobrailoo, Tan Tiang Ann, J. Gabriel, P, Berry Cashier-J. L. Pereira Collectors-Tan Chor Eng, and 4 others

CONSERVANCY DEPARTMENT. Municipal Engineer - Jas. MacRitchie,


Assist. do. H. Newton, A.M.I.C.E. Chief Draftsman and Surveyor-D. M.


Overseer of Roads and Works--M. Vyte-


Assistant, Roads and Works-E. Lemercier Assistant Draftsman-E. Oliveiro

do. do.

-G. Saverinada -R. H. Woodford

Apprentices-A. F. Cornelius, M. Muttu Clerks-A. Gomes, A. Kandasamy, V.

Ramasamy, S. Kylasum

Overseer of Country Roads-V. Murugasu

WATER RATE DEPARTMENT. Clerks R. G. Pereira, Koh Chin Seng, F. J. Cornelius, S. Sobrailoo, Z. Gabriel Cashier-Chew Keng Swan

Bailiff J. S. Francisco

Collectors-Tan Chin Watt and 5 others

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  Chief Inspector-A. W. Clarke Inspectors-A. G. L. Minjoot, R. Ryan, O.

A. Christiansen, R. Strugnell Sup. of Scavenging-W. C. Browne


Res. Engineer, Pumping Station-J. Rae Assistant-L. J. Holmberg

Superintendent of Town Water Supply-H.

    C. Johnston Assist. do.

-P. Jacobson Inspector-G. Andrew

In charge of Impounding Reservoir-A. D.


Registrar of Burials-W. Norris

Inspector of Burial Grounds-J. M. Beins Municipal Storekeeper-J. Nasee

In charge of Crushing Machine-J. M. Ess


Jas. McRitchie, president, Col. Dunlop, J. P. Joaquim, C. E. Crane, Dr. Mugliston, Keorg Seck Superintendent, Fire Brigade-G.P.Owen

MILITARY STAFF. Major General Commanding H.M. Forces in China and Straits Settlements-Major General W. G. Cameron, C.B. (Hong- kong)

Assistant Military Secretary-Major F.

   J. W. Davies (Hongkong) Aide-de-Camp-Lt. T. C. F. Somerville


Dep. Assist. Adjutant and Qr. Mr. Gl.--

Capt. E. W. Yeatherd (Hongkong) Commandant S. S.-Colonel S. Simpson,

Royal Artillery

Dep. Assist. Adj. and Qr. Mr. Gl. S. S.-

Major J. W. F. Buxton, R. Inniskilling Fusiliers

Officer Commanding Royal Engineers, Sin-

   gapore-Major M. D. Whitemore Officer Commanding Second Bat. South Lan- cashire Regt.-Lt. Col. and Bt. Col. F. Cardew

Senior Commissariat Officer, S. S.-Asst. Commissary General C. F. Leach, (bon. Lt. Col.)

Senior Medical Officer, S. S.-Surgeon

Major J. J. Crean

Senior Ordnance Sior Officer, S. 8.-Dep. Asst. Commissary General of Ordnance W. F. Wright (hon. Capt)


District Paymaster, S. S.-Staff Pay-

master J. J. Tuck (hon. major) Church of England Chaplain-Vea. Arch-

dearon Meredith

Presbyterian Chaplain-Rev. A. S. Mac-


Roman Catholic Chaplain-Rev. J. Damais

ROYAL ARTILLERY. Commanding Royal Artillery in China and Straits Settlements-Colonel S. Simpson (Singapore)

Adjutant-Captain T. T. Rowan

6-1 Eastern Division.

Major-M. B. Hoggan Captain-P. B. Taylor Lieutenant-A. T. Baker

do. -G. W. Rice

9-1 Western Division Major B. F. Domville Captain-E. Foord Lieutenant-A. W. Evans do. -N. G. Barron

ROYAL ENGINEERS. Major-M. D. Whitmore Captain-W. G. Shellabear Lieutenant-C. F. Mould

do. -P. Ashworth



.27 Mar. '83

27 Mar. '87


6 Aug. '84

F. Cardew


W. Capel (Penang)

Captains. R. H. Hall, adjutant.. F. R. W. Synge J. R. P. Purchas E. H. M. Elliot H. E. Grimes C. M. Sumuer

J. A. Maggridge

...15 July '88 15 July '83 .25 July '83

E. E. M. D. Manson (Penang)

F. C. A. Gilpin

E. A. Snow..


A. G W. Skirrow

C. S. F. Ferrers..

C. G. Stewart (Penang)

4 June '84 9 Aug. '84 3 Nov. '85 .23 Ap. '87 2 May '87

1 July '81

10 May '82

5 Dec. '83 12 D. c. '83 .23 Aug. '84

F. F. L. S. Protheroe (Penang) 7 Feb. '85 F. A. Dudgeon

.29 Aug. '85

Digitized by



Lieutenants, Continued.



R. H. Owen

28 Apr. '86

C. Wanlis

25 Aug. '86



W. G. Grey.

8 Sept. '86

2nd Lieutenants.

Consul D. Brandt (absent) Acting Consul-G. Pertile

W. E. Saumarez-Tyler

J. T. Holloway

5 Feb. '87 16 Mar. '87


H. M. Lych

G. M. Morris

Paymaster-G. H. Ferrier hon. major Adjutant-R. H. Hall (Capt.) lu Jan. '83 Quarter-master-A. Cansdale, hon. lieut.

IMPERIAL TREASURY. Office, Pearl's Hill.

Treasury Chest Officer-Major J. J. Tuck,

Staff Paymaster, A.P.D). Clerk-Col. Sergt. A. Buch, Mil. Staff


ARMY PAY Department. District Paymaster-Major J. J. Tuck,

Staff Faymaster, A.P.D.


Office, Pearl's Hill.

Senior Commissariat Officer 8. S. and Acting Naval Agent-Lt. Col. Cecil Francis Leach, Asst. Comy. GI.

In charge of Barracks and Transport-

Lieut. and Qr. Mr. Jas. McCaffery Superior Barrack Sergt.-J. Lannon


Barrack Sergt.-W. Allen (Pearl's Hill) Principal Clerk and Storekeeper-H. E.


Clerks E. F. Rodrigues, A. Albuquerque,

J. L. Nonis, N. N. P. Angus

ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Office: Tanglin. Surgeon Major-J. J. Crean, Senior Me-

dical Officer S. S. (Tanglin) Surgeon-W. A. Parker (Tanglin)


do. J. C. Haslett, M.D.,, Fort Can- ning, in charge Station Hospital

do. A. J. H. A. Rhodes (Penang) in charge Station Hospital

ORDNANCE STORE DEPARTMENT. Office: Arsenal, Pearl's Hill. Senior Ordnance Store Officer, 8. S.-Capt.

T. H⋅ron, D.A.C.G.O. Conductor of Stores-D. E. Collins

Consul-H. Hinnekindt Acting Consul-W. R. Leisk


Consul-J d'Almeida


34, Hill Street.

Consul-Tso Ping Lung Secretary-Tso Tang Clerk-Čuin Tsung Hsi

DENMARK. Consul-W. R. Leisk

FRANCE. Consul-Achille Raffray Acting Consul--A. Villeroi Acting Chancelier-S. Lin



Consul-Carl Frensb rg Secretary-Capt H. Sachs Physician-Dr. Koehn Shipping Master-B. Koorn


Consul-R. Klünder


Consul-Chevalier F. de Goyzueta Secretary-F. A. Lobato de Faria


Consul General for Straits Settlements-

Geo. Lavino; res. Spring Grove Vice Consul for Singapore--J. J. M.


Clerks-Boon Swee, Keng Ho


Acting Consul-Carlos de Garcimartin


Vice-Consul-W. H. Diethelm


Consul & Commissioner-Tan Kim Ching · Vice-ConsulTan Soon Toh

Assistant-Tan Tek Soon

Clerks―Teo Tek Swee, Choa Boon Ghee

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Consul-Don Carlos Garcimartin Vice-Consul-Manuel R. Escudero Chancelier-J. Vizco:de

Sweden and Norway.

Consul-J. R. Cuthbertson


Consul-A, G. Studer Vice-Consul-John Anderson Clerk-Max. Jas. de Souza Medical Officer-T. C. Mugliston


Borneo Company, agents

SARAWAK Government.

A. L. Johnston & Co., agents


A. L. Johnst n & Co.,


Johore GovERNMENT.

Paterson, Simons & Co., age..ts

Public Companies.

TANJONG PAGAR Dock Co., LIMITED. Regist red Office: No. 6, Collyer Quay. Directors-J. Fin ayson chairman; James

Mill r, Th. Sohst, J. C. Lutjens, L. J. R. Glass, A. P. Adams, (). Sugden Manager and Secretary-John Blair, Tan-

joug Pagar Wharf

Assistant Manager W. E. Chalk, Borneo


Accountant-A. Stephenson, Institution


Sub-Accountant-R. H. Padday, Green Hill Chief erk-A. Desker


Town Office. Assistants-S. R. de Souza, H. Leicester, J. D. de Souza, Kway Tiang Hoe, Soh Peng Lim, C. de Conceicao, Soh Hiang Chiang, W. D. Reutens, R. W. Lewis, F. Nonis, Boon Chie, 8. Eber, G. Ahin Cashier-Soh Hong Soon Assist. do.-Teo Beng Lee

Graving Docks.

Shaphoright A. C. Petersen do. -J..Olbrich

Clerk--P. de Silva

torekeeper-G Thompson

Assistant››do. - L. da Silva

Clerks N. Jeremiah, S. Janson, V. Pe-

seira, L.. L. da Silva

Supdt of Co.'s Police

J. Streiff


Wharfingers-W. B. Haffenden, J. E. Pay- ne, W. McIntyre, W. S. Smith, J. Rozario Warehousemen-T. W. Siddons, L. Le-

mercier, (+. Bacon, J. P. Kemp

Water Service Clerk-Lee Loon Kee Telephone Clerk, T. P. Wharf-V. C. Mon-


do. Borneo do.

Baylong Chief Coal and argo Clerk--Lee Tian Lye Assistant-Goh Keng Hood

Engineers' Works.

Superintendent Engineer-W. Robertson Outdoor Foreman--E. Ha lerup Foreman of Shop--R. Jeffrey Boilermaker-L. MacLean

do. -H. MacDonald

Moulder-J. Lawson

Coppersmith --William Muir Blacksmith-J. McIntyre

Turners and Fitters-C. W. Gomes, J. Dougherty, J. Cunningham, A. Loudon, R. Murdoch, W. Stoddard, E. Pereira Time-keeper-T. Josephs

Graving Docks.

Victoria Dock-Albert Dock. Steam Tugs. Bangkok "Sunda"


London Agency, 1, Whittington Avenue, E.C.; L. Fraser, secretary to committee New Harbour Dock Co., LIMITED. Paterson, Simons & Co., agents Charles Wishart, manager T. G. Lamont, foreman shipwright J. Sellar, draugh sman

P. Stormouti, foreman engineer J. Stronach, shop forem in

W. Robb,

J. Smith,

assistant engineer



A. Taylor,


C. Alexander,


T. Drysdale,


J. Riach,



J. Robertson,

T. Esson, boilermaker J. Smith, blacksmith J. Nicoll, coppersmith J. Skene,


H. P. Bagley, clerk in town

C. Wishart, Jr., clerk at dock

E. A. Pereira,

J. R. Klyne, Chan Jang-Seng,

Tan Boon Seng,





J D'Cruze, timekeeper

Baboo, Oosman, overseers

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EASTERN EXTENSION, AUSTRALASIA AND CHINA TELEGRAPH ( ́OMPany, Ld. Offices: 5 and 6, Princes Street. F. von der Pfordt n, acting general


Electrical Department

J. C. D. Jones, electrician in chief J. H. D. Jones, electrician

A. C. M. Weaver,

J. Coghlan, cable foreman


A. Hill, assist.


H. K. C. Fisher


J. C. H. Darby


W. J. Sutton

W. Page

J. Evans,

cable jointer

W. Birchan


W. Ward




E. Rodman, asst. do.

Workshop Department

J. C. Cuff, electrical engineer A. E. Palmer, mechanician

C. Ridgway, asst. do.

A. C. Rodrigues, storekeeper


R. Oxlade, superintendent

A. Y. Gahagan, acting clerk in charge H. E. B. dd, operator

C. Forbes


R. Wolte


R. Thompson


W. Swan


M. Morison


J. C. Fonseca


8. V. Dick


H. T. Foston


P. Kohlhoff


E. T. Fonseca


E. L. Wheeler


W. Coombes


C. B. Ryan


T. Shaw


C. H. Johnson


C. J. Schreuel


C. I. Vermandel

H. Twyford

R. De Cotta, accountant

J. L. de Souza, counter clerk

B. Buchanan, assist.


E. Bauchi, in charge check office

W. A. Boyd, check clerk

E. G. Pereira

F. A. de Souza

E. A. Rodrigues

N. Samy

C. Monteiro

R. Miller, delivery clerk

Maintenance Steamer Sherard Osborn-

W. Fawcus, commander F. R. Madge, chief officer R. R. Dunmall, s cond officer J. Telford, chief engineer Ma ntenance Steamer Recorder-

C. O. Madge, commander R. Brereton, chief officer J. Segrave, second officer D. Sutherland, chief engineer Storeship Southern Ocean--

S. Hancock, engineer

W. J. Sutton, cable foreman

ORIENTAL Telephone Co., LIMITED. Offices and Exchange, 32, Raffles Place.

J. B. Saunders, agent and manager

REUTER'S TELegram Co., Limited.

H. W. Geiger, agent

Tanjong Pagar Land Company, Ld.

R. Dunman, secretary

A. W. Lermit, manger of works

SINGAPORE TRAMWAY COMPANY, LD. Office: 16, "ollyer Quay. Directors-Hon. T. Shelford, J. Cuth- bertson, John Blair, Hon. C. W. Con- ington

Secretary-J. H. Wallace

General Agents-Syme & Co.


W. T. Batten, A.M.I.C.E., engineer,

manager, and local secretary Theodore Page, accountant Thos. A. Scott, supdt. fitting dept. H. J. Hamilton, supdt. at works A. J. Rodrigues, J. F. C. Klyne,

Buu Keng, clerks

STRAITS TRADING COMPANY, LD. Gilfillan, Wood & Co., agents


Putt'arcken & Co., agents

RAWANG TIN MINING CO., LD. Selangor--Offices 5, Collyer Quay. Directors J. G. Davidson, chairman, T. Sohat, T. S. Thomson, C. C. N. Glass, Lee Keng Yong, Yap Kwan Seng General Agents-W. E. Scott & Co.' Manager, Rawang-John Muir. Assist: do. · do. -M. W. Baird

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Singapore OIL MILLS.

Bukit Timah Road.

D. Brandt & Co., proprietors Wm. Gutcher, manager

A. G. Gutcher, assistant

SINGAPORE Patent Paint Company.

Works, Bukit Timah Road. Bun Hin & Co., agents

H. Dinsdale, manager

PUNJOM AND SUNGHIE dua Samantan MINING CO., Limited.

Syme & Co., agents


McAlister & Co., agents

  JOHOR STEam Saw Mills Co. H. H. Unko Abdul Mejid

Jam 8 Meldrum, partner and manager Jas. Cumming, sigus per pro. (absent) F. Hayden

Robt. Cameron, foreman W. Cukieron, blacksmith

MUARA COAL MINES, BORNEO. A. L. Johnston & Co., agents


River Valley Road and Serangoon Road

Robt. Park, supdt. engineer Katz Bros., general agents

Steamship Companies.

Singapore Steamship Company.

Offices: 12, Battery Road. Syed M. Alsagoff, general agent


H. W. Geiger, agent

F. G. Davidson, chief assistant Sang Hoot Kiam, cashier

J. M. Rodrigues, clerk

K. Tiang Bee


K. Geok Thye do.

G. F. Marchant, pilot

W. I. J. Marcus, godown clerk



L. Roux, chief assist, and acting agent

F. Lin,

Chim Geok,

Mohamed Gbose,




Boustead & Co., agents, Penang

NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD'S. Behn, Meyer & Co., agents


Behn, Meyer & Co., agents

Eastern & Australian S. S. Co., Ld

Guthrie & Co., agents

PACIFIC MAIL S. S. COMPANY. Gilfillan, Wood & Co., agents


Gilfillan, Wood & Co., agents


W. Mansfield & Co., agents

GLEN LINE OF STEAMERS. Boustead & Co., agents


Boustead & Co., agents

BRITISH INDIA S. N. Co., Limited.

Boustead & Co., agents


Boustead & Co., agents


Sarkies & Moses, agents

INDO-CHINA Steam Navigation Co.,

W. B. Scott & Co., agents


Navigazione Generale Italiana.

(FLORIO, RUBAttino Line.) Behn, Meyer & Co., agents

CASTLE LINE OF STEAMERS. Guthrie & Co., agents


Guthrie & Co., agents

SHIRE LINE OF STEAMERS. Boustead & Co., agents

GULF LINE OF STEAMERS. Boustead & Co., agents

GERMAN S.S. Co., or HAMBURG. King Sin Line

Puttfarcken, Rheiner & Co., agents

Digitized by




     UNION LINE OF STEAMERS. Patterson, Simons & Co., agents

BEN LINE of SteamerS. Patterson, Simons & Co., agents


Patterson, Simons & Co., agents


Syme & Co., agents


Katz Brothers, agents

Douglas Steamship Company, Ld.

Gilfillan, Wood & Co., agents

CHINA MERchants' Steam Naven. Co.

Kim Ching & Co., agents


Boustead & Co., agents


D. Branct & Co., agents


COMPANIA Trasatlantica. E. & H. Hinnekind, agents


Borneo Company, agents

SARAWAK And Singapore Steamship


'Lin Lan & Co., agents


BANDULAH Cocoanut ESTATE. Serangoon District. Cheang Hong Lim, proprietor

BUDDOH. Cocoanut ESTATE. Changie and Buddoh Road. J. W. Angus, manager

CHASSERIAU Tapioca Plantation. Bukit Timah Road.

Puttfarcken & Co., ag, nts

Le pold Es. Chasseriau, manager

E. Doers, assistant L Rojux,

E Vivié




C. E. Crane, proprietor

CONFEDERAte Cocoanut Estate.

A. Annamalai and others, proprietors

EMERALD HILL ESTATE. Fruit and Coffee, "Claymore," Orchard Road, Tangliu. Edwin Kock, proprietor


C. E. Craue, executor

JOHORE COFFEE Company, Limited. Paterson, Simons & Co., agents

JOHORE FIBRe and Planting Co., Ld. Paterson, Simons & Co., agents


John Paul, pro¡ rietor


Boustead & Co., a... ents

PULO OBIN Coffee and Cocoa ESTATE.

D. Brandt & Co., agents

T. H. Hill

PERSEVERAnce Estaté.

Essential Oil Manufactor, Changhie Rd.

C. M. Allen, proprietor

C. Allen, manager

SIGLAP COCOanut Estate. R. Little, proprietor

Teban Louisa Estate. Katz Brothers, agents

Digitized by




Pongal District, Serangoon Road. Jas. Guthrie, Jas. Guthrie Davidson, and

 Guthrie & Co., proprietors Guthrie & Co., town agents H. Holmes, acting manager Louis Stork, assistant S. Aroozoo, clerk

John Oliver, E. H. Oliver, S. Gomes,

Jos. Frederick, field overseers


Cocoanut and Fruit, District of Pongol

Edwin Koek, proprietor



Patron-H.E. Sır C. C. Smith, K.C.M.G. Do. His Honour Thos. Theodore Ford Do. -The Bishop of Singapore and


Trustees-The Colonial Secretary (Hon. A. M. Skinner) presi leut, The Colonial Chaplain (Venble. Aichdeacon Mere- dith) vice-president, The Principal (R. W. Hullett) ex officio; Rev. W. H. Gomes, C. B. Buckley, Rev. A. S. Mac- Phee, Hon. T. Shelford, A. Gentle, J. R. Cuthbertson, J. Miller, Hon. C. W. Connington

Hon. Secretary-C. B. Buckley Assist. do. -J. W. Beaskin

Boys' School.

Principal-R. W. Hullett, M.A.

Head Master of Lower School-J. W.


Assistant Masters-G. S. Brown, C. E. Craven, H. Laughler, W. Bradbury, W. T. Wrench, S. Mowe, J. A. Fernandez, P. J. C. Hogan

          Chinese Class. Teacher-L. J. B. Madden

Malay Class.

Teacher-Munshi Md. Syed

Girls' School.

Head Mistress-Miss Stanton

GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS. Teachers of English.

Govt. Central School, Upper Cross St. Head Master-F. Fox

English Assistants-W. Sutter, F. Vickers Eurasian Assistants-C. P. Frois, H. Val- berg, E. da Cruze, A. Pereira, W. Rc- binson, A. Ancbant, J. R. Sathsivam


Malay Branch, Kampong Bakur-P. O,


Chinese Branch, Kampong Glam-E. T.

Yzelman, H. Bateman, F. Pereira, Tamil Branch. Kampong Kapor-L. F Je

remiah, T. S. Muttu

Malay Branch, Gaylang-D. A. Yzelman

MALAY COLLEGE. Head Master-J. Howell Assistant Master-Husein

ST. JOSEPH'S INSTITUTION. Director-Bro. Lothaire

For Girls.

Manager-Rev. J. P. Sta. Anna da Cunha Head Mistress-Mrs. Buchanan Assistant-Miss M. Durrie


119 South Bridge Road Committee-Ven. Archdeacon Meredith, Col. Dunlop, C.M.G., Hon. Col. Cardew, E. C. Hill, A. Currie, Miss Cooke, Hon. T. Shelford, (hon. treasurer), Rev. A. S. MacPhee, (hon. secretary), Blair, C、 Phillips, C. Wishart Superintendent A. Jansen

THE SAILORS' HOME. North Bridge Road

Committee-Hon. J. F. Dickson, C.M.G., chairman, A. G. Studer, Colonel S. Duulop, C. B. Buckley, John Blair, W. H. Read, H. W. Geiger, F. C. Bogaardt, G. Lavino, A. Currie, C. Freasburg. Hon. Secretary-H. Ellis Superintendent-C. Puillips Steward-T. S. Butler

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Committee-Hon. T. Shelford, chairman; W. Dougal, vice-chairman; J. Lutjens, Jas. Miller, A. Currie, Th. Sohst, J. R. Cuthbertson

Secretary-Alex. Gentle

Clerk-A. Pestana


Committee-The Hon. A. M. Skinner, chairman; Ven. Archdeacon Meredith, Hon. J. W. Bonser, A. Currie, R. W. Hullett, W. Nanson

Acting Secretary-W. T. Wrench Curator of Museum and Librarian-W,

H. Davidson

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MUTUAL Improvement SOCIETY. 9, Mount Sophia.

Patron-Hon. W. H. Read President-P. A. Reutens *Committee-Rev. W. H. Gomes, H. D.

Chopard, H. A. Chopard, W. Norris Becretary and Treasurer-D. M. Martia


Patron-His Excellency the Governor. President-Hon. J. F. Dickson, C.M.G. Vice-President-W. A. Pickering, C.M.G.


  Vice-President-D. Logan (Penang) Joint Hon. Secretaries-Hon. W. E. Max-

well, C.M.G., H. T. Haughton Hon. Treasurer-E. Koek

Councillors-N. B. Dennys, Ph. D., H. L. Noronha, R. W. Hullett, J. Miller, Hon. A. M Skinner

STRANGERS' FRIEND SOCIETY. Committee-Ven. Archdeacon Meredith, Rev. A. S. MacPhee, The Inspector General of Police

    SINGAPORE Debating SOCIETY. Committee-J. P. Joaquim, president; J. C. Cuff, vice-president; J. Graham, hon. treasurer; W. A. Bicknell, hon. secretary; J. D. Ross, 'I'. R. Little Rev. W. F. Oldham, W. Portley, J. W. Benskin

CELESTIAL REASONING ASSOCIATION. President-Tso Ping Lung Vice-President-Tchun Chun Fook Hon. Secretary-Low Cheng Geok Asst. do. -Low Cheng Chuan Hon. Treasurer-Khoo Boon Lim Councillors-Chan Kim Boon, Hoh Yeang

Moh, Tan Keong Saik

SOCIETY FOr the PrevENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. Committee-Hon. J. F. Dickson, C.M.G., Rev. B. Wonnacott, Rev. A. McPhee, Dr. J. T. Leask, D. G. Presgrave, A. Gentle, Hon. A. M. Skinner, Jas. Miller Hon. Secretary-St. V. B. Drown

·Agent and Inspector-E. F. Pagler, 39,

Princep St.

Hon. Veterinary Surg.-C. D. H. Currie

SINGAPORE CLUB. Committee-Hon. J. W. Bonser, Hon. Capt. Cameron, Th. Sobst, Wm. Dougal, A. P. Talbot, C. E. Velge, Jas. McRit- chie, G. W. F. Playfair, L. R. Glass Secretary-Geo. P. Owen Clerk-J. da Silva Steward-Kee Boon


Committee-Johs. Lütjens, president; W, Stiefel, vice-president; G. Friedrich. hon. secretary; R. Kindervater, hon. accountant; Th. Kersting, hon. treasurer


Committee L. R. Glass, president; J. R. Cuthbertson, vice-president; D. G. Presgrave, E. M. Alexander, W. Hut- ton, G. W. F. Playfair

Hon. Treasurer-J. Maclennan Hon. Secretary-R. J. Dickson


President-Robt. Park Vice-President-John Allan Hon. Secretary-A. Richardson Hon. Treasurer-Jas. Stewart

SINGAPORE ROWING CLUB. Committee-F. G. Davidson, president; W. Hutton, vice-president; G. L Bour- chier, Jas. Kerr, Geo. Dade, Scott Rus- sell, hon. secretary; J. B. Robertson, hon, treasurer

SINGAPORE RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Committee-C. Phillips, president; R. Dunman, hon. secretary and treasurer; A. Mackay, Dunman, Fittock, Martia, Maw, Morrison

SINGAPORE RECREATION Club. Committee-J. F. Nicholson, president; C. M. Van Cuylenberg, vice-president; B. E. d'Aranjo, hon. secretary; A. Smith, hon. treasurer; T. de Cruze, captain; A. Coveney, vice-captain; W. Clarke, F. Clarke, H. A. Chopard, C. P. Anchant, and 80 ordinary members

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SINGAPORE CRICKET OLUB. Committee-L. R. Glass, president; E. W. Birch, captain; Geo. P. Owen, hon. secretary and treasurer; E. J. Nanson, A. P. Talbot, G. S. Brown, D. G. Pres- grave, A. H. Raeburn, Jas. McRitchie, P. T. Evatt

THE AMATEUR Orchestra. Conductor-E. Salzmann Sub-Conductor-M. Galiston Hon. Secretary-D. M. Martia Hon. Treasurer-J. Graham

Committee-J. J. Minjoot, P. A. Reutens

       Singapore Yacht Club. Commodore-J. P. Joaquim Hon. Secretary-T. de M. Braddell Committee-C. Dunlop, Inche Ibrahim, The Commodore, The Hon. Secretary

SWISS RIFLE SHOOTING Club. Balestier Road.

Committee-W. Stiefel, president; E. Lanz, vice-president; F. Stoll, hon. secretary

SINGAPORE ART CLUB. Committee His Honour T. T. Ford, E.

L. Meyer, Mrs. Bell, R. Dunman Hon. Secretary-Jas. Miller

SINGAPORE Sporting Club. Committee-Hon. A. Currie, G. Lavino,

J. Lutjens, W. G. Greig Clerk of the Course-A. P. Adams Hon. Secretary-J. M. Allinson




President and Treasurer-Vy. Rev. Canon

J. P. Remes

Choir Master-G. S. Reutens Organist-P. A. Reutens Secretary-John Pereira

Members of Board-F. Bateman, W. D.

Reutens, R. de. Cotta



President-C. Phillips Vice-PresidentW. Pye

Secretary and Treasurer-G. E. Cooper Visiting Agent


LADIES' Lawn Tennis Club. Committee-Mesdames Dare, Conington, Paterson, Donaldson, Miss L. d'Al- meida

Hon. Treasurer-H. T. Haughton Hon. Secretary-A. P. Talbot

MUTUAL PHILANTHROPIC ASSOCIATION. President Chua Boon Wan Hon. Secretary-Chia Keng Chin Hon. Treasurer-Wee Keng Hoh Assistant Treasurers-Chew Peng Siang, Chua Kim Peng, Chan Cheng Kang

SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF WOMEN ANd Children. Patron-H.E. Sir C. C. Smith, K.C.M.G. Committee-The Protector of Chinese, ex

officio chairman; the Consul for China Tan Kim Cheng, Lee Chen Yan, T'Chun Chun Fook, Tan Kiong Sek, M.C., Wee Boon Tek, Lim Eng Keng, Tan Beng Gam

SINGAPORE Exchange. Committee-L. R. Glass, chairman; Hon.. T. Shelford, deputy chairman; W. Dougal, J. Lutjens, J. Miller, Th. Sobst, A. Carrie Secretary-Alex. Gentle Clerk-A. Pestana


-Wee Keng Guan

Churches, Missions, &c.

St. Andrew's Cathedral. Bishop of Singapore, Labuan and Sarawak

-Rt. Rev. G. F. Hose, D.D. Archdeacon of Singapore-Venble. T. Me-

redith, M.A.

Registrar of the Diocese-Rev. W. H. Go-

mes, B.D.

Colonial Chaplain-Venble. T. Meredith Seamen's Chaplain-Rev. B. Wonnacott Organist and Choir Master-E. Salzmann Clerk-A. Eberwein

Trustees The Colonial Chaplain, chair- man; The Colonial Secretary, The Colonial Engineer, Hon. T. Shelford, Major J. W. F. Buxton


Mission House, Devonshire Road. Chapels: Buhit Timah Rd., Serangoon Rd., Princep St., Tek Kha, Johor Bahru.

Rev. J. A. B. Cook

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PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Minister-Rev. A. S. MacPhee, M.A., B.D. Elders-Col. Dunlop, C.M.G., W. A. Pic- kering, C.M.G., C. Phillips, A. Johns- ton, W. McKerrow, Rev. J. A. B. Cook, Robt. Park

Board of Managers-The Session and Hon. T. Cuthbertson, A. Currie, J. G. Davidson, A. Knight, R. Little Treasurer-W A. Pickering Acting Secretary-R. Little

ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH MISSION. Committee The Trustees of the Cathedral, if subscribers, Rev. W. H. Gomes, J. Cooper, St. V. B. Down


Hon. Secretary-The Colonial Chaplain Treasurer-St. V. B. Down Superintendent-Rev. W. H. Gomes

ST. ANDREW'S SEAMEN'S MISSION. Hon. Secty, and Treasurer-C. Crane Chaplain-Rev. B. Wonnacott

ARMENIAN Church of St. Gregory. Hill Street

Vicar-Rev. L. G. Apcar

Trustees-M. Stephen, M. M. Galstaun Wardens-J. P. Joaquim (honorary), J.


Treasurer-M. Stephen

Sexton-G. John



Brass Basa Road

Vy. Rev. Canon J. P. Rémes

Rev. J. Damais

Rev. H. Rivet

ST. PETER and St. Paul's CHURCH. Queen Street

Rev. F. Vignol, vicar

Rev. E. Mariette

Rev. F. Terrion

OUR LADY Of Lourdes CHURCH. (Tamil Mission.)

Rev. Meneuvrier

French Roman Catholic MISSION.

Rt. Rev. Dr. E. Gasnier, bishop of Eucar-


Very Rev. J. P. Rémes, pro vicar

Rev. J. Damais

Rev. Mariette

Rev. J. Meneuvrier

Rev. C. Saleille (Sirangoon) Rev. F. Vignol

Rev. H. Rivet

Rev. Perrichon (Sirangoon) Rev. J. M. Belliot (Buket Timah)

See also Penang

PROCURE DES MISSIONS Etrangeres. 73, River Valley Road. Procurator-Rev. N. J. Couvreur Assistant-Rev. G. Gex


Vicar and Superior of the Mission-Rev.

Canon Nicolau J. T. Pinto Coadjutor-Rev. P. V. P. Lima Organist-M. A. Baretto

JEWISH Synagogue, "MagAIN ABOTH." Waterloo Street.

Rabbi-Rev. Moses Hullel

Trustees-E. A. Solomon, M. Meyer, S.

Manasseh, D. A. Gubboy

Treasurer-M. Meyer Secretary-Jos. J. Natban


Free Meeting House, corner of Middle

Road and Waterloo St.

President-C. Phillips

Secretary-R. M. Salmon

Treasurer-J. Woods

Committee-G. E. Cooper, W. Hale, A.

Fox, W. C. Keun


Pastor C. F. Moore, Sophia Road Trustees-Philip J. Hocquard, missionary,

Penang, C. F. Moore, A. Koenitz

EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE. John Haffenden, secretary, branch for


BRITISH ANd Foreign BIBLE SOCIETY. Agency for Malaysia

Depôt, 46 Raffles Place

John Haffenden, agent

F. Fox, depository

P. Penninga, sub-agent, Java

R. Hammond, 2 Tamil, 4 Chinese, 2

Batla, and 1 Javanese, colporteurs Sub Depots in Java, Penang, Thaiping

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Missionary-Alexander Grant, M.A. (abt.) Three Chinese Evangelists


President-G. S. Reutens Vice-President-C. P. Richards Treasurer-P. A. Reutens

Secretary-W. J. Valberg


President-G. G. Pereira Secretary-P. B. da Roza

Treasurer-Rev. C. S. de Siqueira Procurator-J. Vass

Councillors-J. A. Varella, C. J. Gomes

Masonic Lodges.


D. G. M.-Col. S. Dunlop, C.M.G. Past do.-W. H. Read, Č.M.G. D. D. G. M.-J. P. Joaquim S. W.-J. P. B. Beal J. W.-A. Knight Reg.-W. E. Hooper Chaplain-Rev. B. Wonnacott Treas.-R. O. Norris Sec.-J. T. Leask, M.B. S. D.-W. A. Parker J. D.-F. K. Jennings S. of W.-C. Godham D. C.-E. A. Thomson Asst. do.-S. C. Hodges Std. B.-C. F. Mckie do. -J. W. Dando S. B.-J. S. Sturrock Purs.-J. D. Stuart

Stew.-R. Little

do. -J. G. Koch


C. D. H. Currie


W. M.-W. E. Hooper S. W.-D. G. Presgrave J. W.-J. S. Sturrock Sec.-St. John P. Joaquim Treas.-C. F. Mckie S. D.-S. C. Hodges J. D-C. D. H. Currie I. G.-W. C. Grieve Tyler-J. Lannon


Lodge Zetland in the East, No. 508. W. M.-W. A. Parker

S. W.-Rev. B. Wonnacott J. W.-E. A. Thomson Chap.-

Treas.-J. D. Stuart Sec.-T. J. Leask S. D.-W. Allen J. D.-G. Thompson D. of C.-A. Evans I. G.-H. Kemp Tyler J. Lannon


M. W. S.-J. P. Joaquim Recorder-J. Leask M.B. Uuter Guard-R. O. Morris

Other Officers-Thos. Cargill, R.W. Fowke, F. H. Gottlieb 320, A. Knight, D. G. Presgrave, T. H. Sohst, J. S. Sturrock


Z.-M. E. Comp. J. T. Leask, M.D. H.-E. Comp. N. B. Dennys

W. E. Hooper



Scribe E-Comp. S. C. Hodges



G. A. Derrick


P. S. A. S.- Janitor. Treasurer.-


G. Thompson

L. J. Chater



J. Launon



E. A. Thomson


Tyler-J. Lannon

    Masonic Hall Building Fund. Trustees-W. Bros. Col. S. Dunlop, J. D. Vaughan, J. P. Joaquim, A. Kinght Treasurer-W. Bro. J. D. Vaughan Hon. Secretary-W. Bro. J. P. Joaquim Auditors-Bro. C. Dunlop, Bro. J. Rae


Almeida, José, agent-

Lloyds' "Andaluz," Spain, and Re-

gistro Italian

Digitized by



Behn, Meyer & Co., agents-

Boards of Underwriters, New York, Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia, Hamburg

North British and Mercantile Insur- ance Company, Fire Branch Hamburg Magdeburg Fire Insurance

Company, Hamburg

Magdeburg General Insurance Co. Rheinisch Westphaelischer Lloyd at

M. Gladbash

Agrippina of Cologne

Düsseldorfer Allgemeine Versiche-

rungs Gesellschaft, Dusseldorf



Actien Gesellechaft, Aachen Niederländische Allgemeine Versi- cherungs Gesellschaft, Tiel Rhenania Versicherungs Actien Ge-

sellschaft, Cologne

Nieder Rheinsche Gueter Assecurans

Gesellschaft, in Wesel Allgemeine Transport Versicherungs

Gesellschaft at Vienna

La Neuchateloise at Neuchatel La Foncière Pester Versicherungs

Gesellschaft, Budapast

Germanischer Lloyd, Berlin American Shipmasters' Association General Assurance Company, London

Borneo Co., Limited, agents-

National Fire and Marine Insurance

Co., of New Zealand

Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Standard Life Assurance Company "Cassa Marittima" of Genoa


Registro Italiano" of Genoa

"La Fiducia Ligure" of Genoa

Boustead & Co., agents-

China Traders' Insurance Co., Ld. Thames and Mersey Marine In-

  surance Company, Limited Merchants' Marine Insurance Co., Ld. Royal Insurance Company of Liver-

pool (Fire and Life) Caledonian Insurance Company, (Fire

and Life)

London and Lancashire Insurance

Company (Fire and Life)

Brandt & Co., D., agents-

Hanseatic Fire Insurance Company,


Northern Assurance Co., London Assicurazioni Generali of Trieste

Brauss & Co., agents―

Mannheim Reinsurance Co.

Brinkmann & Co., agents-

Reliance Marine Insurance Co., Li-


Sun Fire Office, London

Bun Hin & Co., agents-

Man On Insurance Co., Limited, of


Gaggino & Co., agents-

Societa Riunite di Assicurazione Mari-

tima, Genova

Gilfillan, Wood & Co., agents-

Commercial Union Assurance Co, Ld. British and Foreign Marine Ins. Co. China Fire Insurance Company, Ld. Yangtaze Insurance Association, Ld. La Foncière (Cie. Lyonnaise d'Assu-

rance Maritimes) Réunie New Zealand Insurance Co. (Fire and


Geiger, H. W. agent-

Marine Insurance Company, London

Guthrie & Co., agents-

London Assurance Corporation

London and Provincial Marine In-

surance Company

Triton Insurance Company, Ld. Red Cross Mutual S. S. Insurance


Hilty & Co., agents-

Colonial Sea & Fire Insurance Co.


Fire Insurance Co. of 1877, Hamburg

Hooglandt & Co., agents-

Joint Underwriters Union at Amster-


Zutphen Fire Insurance Company Nederlands Fire Insurance Company Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co. Samarang Sea & Fire Insurance Co. Neth. India Sea & Fire Insurance Co. Dutch Lloyd's

French Underwriters Queen Insurance Company Providencia Insurance Company

Digitized by


Hinnekindt, E. & H., agents-


Chinese Insurance Co., of Hongkong

Johnston & Co., A. L., agents→→

The Fire Insurance Association,


Katz Brothers, agents-

Prussian National Insurance Com-

pany of Stettin

Kim Cheng & Co., agents-

On Tai Insurance Co., Ld.

Kümpers & Co., agents

Consolidated Marine Insurance Com-

panies of Berlin and Dresden Transatlantic Marine Insurance Co.,


Manchester Fire Assurance Co.

Lyall, Jas., agent-

Positive Government Security Life

Assurance Co., Limited

McKerrow & Co., Wm., agents-

South British Fire and Marine In-

   surance Co. of New Zealand Scottish Provident Institution

North China Insurance Co., Limited

B. C. T. Gray, agent

Powell & Co., agents-

Lancashire Fire Insurance Co.

Paterson, Simons & Co., agents-

Alliance Fire Assurance Company Alliance Marine Assurance Company Church of England Life Assurance


Guardian Life Assurance Company Globe Marine Insurance Company Union Insurance Society of Canton,


Puttfarcken & Co., agents-

North German Fire Insurance Co. Transatlantic Fire Insurance Co. Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co. Schweiz Marine Insurance Company New York Life Insurance Company Deutscher Rhederei Verein zu Ham-


Rautenberg, Schmidt & Co., agents-

Bremen Underwriters

Antwerp do.

68 8

Deutsche Rück und Mitversicherungs

Gesellschaft, Berlin

Java Sea and Fire Insurance Co. Helvetia Swiss Fire Insurance Co. Badische Schiffahrts Assecuranz Ges. Eidgenössische Transport Versicher

ungs Gesellschaft, in Zurich German Transport Insurance Com

pany, in Berlin

Sjo Assurans Foreningen (Finland) Providentia Insurance Co. of Frank-


Oberrheinische Vers. Ges., Mannheim

Sarkies & Moses, agents-

Amicable Insurance Office Reliance Marine Insurance Office


change Buildings

Directors-A. Currie, chairman; T. C. Baggardt, W. G. Greig, Alexr. Johnston, A. C. Moses, E. L. Meyer, Lim Eng Keng

F. Balfour Lees, secretary

L. S. Smith E. Cameron J. G. Boyd

Scott & Co., W. R., agents―

Canton Insurance Office, Limited Imperial Fire Insurance Company Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

Staehelin & Stahlknecht, agents-

New Swiss Lloyd Transport Insurance

Company Helvetia General Insurance Company Mannheim Insurance Company Lubeck Fire Insurance Co.

Syme & Co., agents-

Lloyd's, London

Liverpool Underwriters' Association Merchants Shipping and Under vrit" ing Association, Melbourne General Insurance Co. of Venice Lloyd Austriaco, Trieste

Scottish Union and National Insce. London and Provincial Fire Insurance Scottish Imperial Insurance Co.

Digitized by




Straits Insurance Company, Limited STRAITS FIRE Insurance Co., LIMITED. D'Almeida St.

Directors-L. R. Glass, Th. Sobst, T. S. Thomson, Meyer Behr, J. Lütjens, Wce Boon Teck, Khoo Tiong Poh Secretary-Crawford D. Kerr Chief Clerk-Wm. MacBean Assistant-J. B. Robertson

  Do. -Robert Baird Fire Inspector-E. J. Robertson Clerk-D. D. Conceiçao Do. G. Neubronner Do. -Loftus Beins Cashier-Chen Swee Tiong Clerk-Teo Choon Hian Do.-Tock Sin-Leong To. -Kua Seng Watt Do. -Tock Keng Guen

Do. --Foo Joon Yeok

Stiven & Co., agents-

North British and Mercantile Insur-

ance Co. (Life)

Ocean Marine Insurance Company Phoenix Fire Office


Chartered Bank of India, Australia and


Wm. Dougal, manager Wm. C. Greive, accountant

A. D. Strachan, sub-accountant G. Bruce Webster, do.

Thos. Jones,

J. Pereira, chief clerk


Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, Lon.

don and China

G. S. Murray, manager

P. T. Evatt, accountant

A. J. Christian, asst. accountant

R. Kennedy,

J. M. Angus

J. L. Scheerder B. G. de Souza G. E. Anthonisz Tan Saik Choo Siow Tiang Guan Lim Kim Tin

Leow Teck Khoon

Gob Sin Hock

Chan Kian Whatt

Tan Kim Teck


Chia Leong Chuan, head shroff

New Oriental Bank Corporation, Limited

Geo. W. F. Playfair, manager Cras. F. McKie, accountant F. B. Pearson, assist. do.

E. J. Vierra,


A. R. de Souza do.

Ong Eng Tuan



Tan Tek Chuan ́

Choo Yap Lee, head shroff

National Bank of India, Limited National Bank of Scotland, Limited

Borneo Co., agents

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor-

poration, 19, Collyer Quay

J. P. Wade Gard'ner, acting manager W. N. Dow, accountant (absent)

G. H. Townsend, acting accountant

J. McLennan, assistant accountant

A. Barron

A. A. Whelan

R. H. Kerr




J. D. Smart


F. N. Firth


A. M. Fernandis

F. Bateman

E. H. Desker

S. Especkerman

T. Cornelis

Savings Bank and Widows and Orphans

Pension Fund

Valentine Hill, secretary

London & Westminster Bauk

Bank of Montreal

Ulster Bank, Limited

Stiven & Co., agents

National Bank of New Zealand W. R. Scott & Co., agents

Coutts & Co., London

Herries, Farquhar & Co., London Drummonds', London

London and Westminster Bank

Donnell, Lawson & Co., New York

Ulster Bank, Limited

Guthrie & Co., agents

Bank of Rotterdam

Netherlands India Discount Company

Hooglandt & Co., agents

Brown, Shipley & Co.

Syme & Co., agents

Digitized by



Banque de l'Etat, St. Petersburg Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris Banque de l'Indo-Chine Baring Bros. & Co. Franco-Egyptienne Banque

A. L. Johnston & Co., agents

Deutsche Bank, Berlin Deutsche Nationalbank, Bremen

Rautenberg, Schmidt & Co., agents

Merchants, Professions, Trades, &o.

Abrams, H., horse dealer & trainer: Horse

Repository, 110, Brass Bassa Road

H. Abrams

E. J. Elphick, veterinary surgeon J. Phillips

J. Brewer

"Adelphi Hotel," 20, Coleman Street

Middledyke, proprietor

Albion Hotel, Stamford Road

W. Bristow, proprietor

Alexandra Gunpowder Magazine, Tanah Merah; Office, 1, North Bridge Road

Seah Liang Seah, proprietor

John Monteiro, keeper of magazine F. H. Marcus, clerk in town

Almeida, E. d'., merchant, 12, Battery Rd.

E. d'Almeida

Guam Soon

Ann Bee & Co., merchants and ship- chandlers: chop "Sin Bee Seang," Corner of Bonham Street

Cheong Ann Bee

Syed Mahomed bin Syed Ahmed


 Khoo Tiong Poh Lim Eng Keng Gwee Chun Seng

H. Denholm, English clerk Tan Kee Swee, Chinese do. Tay Yam Kang, do. do. Yeo Bah Seng, cashier

Ann Hock & Co., merchants and ship

chandlers, Battery Road


Almeida & Son, commission agents and

general brokers, 42, Raffles Place

José d' Almeida, J. P.

J. Herbert d'Almeida

Gay Hock Seng

Lim Hob Swee

Austin & Co., merchants 6, Battery Road

Edwin Austin Jas. W. Birrell

J. J. Pereira Wee Chin Long

Wee Teng Hoon Khos Kim Tee

London: Arthur Austin, 102, Fenchuroh

Street, E.C.

Anselmo Brothers, merchants, 28, Ma

lacca St., corner of Raffles Place

G. Anselmo

C. A. Anselmo (Europe)

F. G. Cadelago

G. B. Magiola

L. B. Gerard von Oyen Wah Chin

Baker, Jas., confectioner, 6, Victoria St,

Barker, Arthur, merchant and commission

agent, 23, Raffles Place

Bastiani, Joseph, fruit preserver, 5, 6, 7,

& 8, High Street

J. Bastiani

J. Cardella L. Bossan W. H. Lang A. Monteiro

Baumgarten, C., advocate, solicitor, and

notary public, 49, Raffles Place

Christian Baumgarten

Chan Keng Lan Low Boon Seng

Baxter and Fittock, marine surveyors

John Baxter

Chas. Fittock

E. de Silva

Becher, Harry Macdonald, A.R.S.M., A.M. I.C.F., F.G.S., consulting mining engineer and metallurgist; Address care of Borneo Co.

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Behn, Meyer & Co., merchants, de Souza

Street and Collyer Quay

Arnold Otto Meyer (Hamburg)

Ed. Lorenz Meyer

Otto Mühry


W. Edelmann, signs per pro.

Ad. Laspe Eug. Engler

H. P. Buhle

F. H. Witthoefft

O. E. M. Sielken

K. L. A. von Roessing

H. Bischoff

J. P. Doral

Chiew Swee Leong

M. da Cruze

Tan Eng Yew

Song Seck Kum

Belilios, I. R., merchant, Rochore Road

I. R. Belilios

Kadrod Nondy Baboo

Dobbier Oodeen

Bernard & Son, bill, bullion and stock

brokers, Raffles Place

F. G. Bernard

Biele, B., pianoforte maker, 5, Stamford


B. Biele

Alfred Geyer

Bing, A. C., marine surveyor and pilot,

Cliffe House, Bukit Chermin

Borneo Co., Limited, merchants and agents for H.M.'s Government of La- buan, No. 1, Cecil Street

Andrew Currie, manager; residence


C. Sugden, signs per pro.

St. V. B. Down; res. "Neidpath'

C. D. Harvey;


J. D. Ross, Jr.


J. L. Neubronner; res. "Spring

Cottage," Sirangoon Road

L. A. Neubronner

M. Beins

R. Craig, signs per pro.

W. P. Waddell

F. E. Jago

T. S. Young

A. Greig

R. Laird

F. D. Mactaggart V. H. S. Charlwood A. H. B. Dennys A. J. McIntyre F. Minjoot

E. W. Tessensohn P. McIntyre A. da Silva

E. J. Elvin

Tan Kang Chuan Goh Sin Hee

Lim Eng Kiat

Bowman, Richard, physician and surgeon, "Mapledurham," Mount Elizabeth and Oriental Dispensary

Braddell Brothers, advocates, 29, Raffles


T. de M. Lee Braddell, barrister-at-


Robert W. G. Lee Braddell, barris-


C. G. Garrard, managing clerk F. Pereira, chief clerk

H. Koek, conveyancing clerk Chee Bee

Brandt & Co., D., merchants, Battery Rd.

D. Brandt

G. Pertile, signs per pro.

A. H. van Gilse v. d. Pals, do. R. Engler,

A. Geiger

Hye Kim

Sig Guan

Tan Chew Seng

Brauss & Co., H., merchants

Hugo Brauss

G. H. W. Wölbor

Yeo Hoek Cheng

A. de Souza


Boustead & Co., merchants, 18, Collyer Bun Guan Hin & Co., merchants, 3, Bon-

ham St.


E. Boustead


J. Young


I. Henderson


T. Cuthbertson


J. R. Cuthbertson

J. Finlayson

Tang Yong Seah

Keng Yong Bok

Chia Guan Heng

Choa Boon Wan

Tay Kim Kiu, English clerk and


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Brinkmann & Co., merchants, Collyer Quay, and at 7, Mincing Lane, London

 Theodor Hiltermann, Dusseldorf Marie Hiltermann, née Barth, Osna-


John G. Brinkmann, Manchester Bernbard Gildemeister Victor Sergel (London)

Gustav Friedrich, signs per pro. Chr. Specht Otto Ziegele

N. G. M. Luykse

Branch Firm: Hiltermann Bros., Man-

chester and Bradford

Bun Hin & Co., merchants, Malacca St.

Khoo Tiong Pob

Quah Beng Hong, cashier, signs

per pro. do.

Khoo Phee Soon, Steamers-Cheang Hock Kian, Pearl, Petrel, Chow Phye, Shunon, Hongkong

Burjorjee Khodadad & Co., merchants, 9

Raffles Place

Rustomjee Pestonjee

Byramjee Burjorjee Eranee (Penang) Nowrojee Hormusjee (Bombay) Branch Houses: Nowrojee Byramjee & Co., Bombay; Rustomjee Pestonjee & Co., Penang

Camus & Co., M. de, cigar merchants, 20,

Battery Road

M. de Camus

A. A. Martinez Chey Loy

Campbell, Heard & Co., Limited, Patent Slipway, engineers, boilermakers, ship- builders; Tanjong Roo, 44, Raffles Place

C. R. Derrick, secretary Wm. Heard, manager

John Campbell, assist. manager J. McHardy, foreman carpenter T. F. Jacob, clerk

Cazalas & Son, J. M., engineers, contrac- tors, iron and brass founders, boiler- makers, and copper and iron smiths, 55, Victoria Street

W. Jardine

J. Lawson

L. A. do Rɔzario

J. McGill, clerk

Mohamed Yacob, clerk and cashier



Cheang Hong Lim, Chop "Wanseng,

merchant, 107, Havelock Road, and 99, River Valley Boad

Cheang Hong Lim

Cheang Jim Hean, asst. manager,

signs per pro.

Cheang Jim Kheng, asst. manager Cheang Jim Chwan,

Low Jim Yin, ·



Lim Kwee Eng, head Chinese clerk Low Thuan Looke, head English


Choe Sin Seang Wee Cheow Yeong Cheang Hong Liap Tan Swee Hong

Khoo Tin Chang, English clerk Cheow Ley Long

Tan Boon Kim

Cheang Hong Guan

Ong Choon Seng

Cheang Chong Wee

Cheang Jim Khiam, cashier C. Jim Teat

Quayh Hong Sah

Gan Teck Guan


Chater, L. J., broker and commission

agent, 32, Raffles Place

"Chin Hing," house and land proprietor

2, South Bridge Road

Estate of Seah En Chin Seah Liang Seah, manager and ex-


Seah Song Seah

Seah Peck Seah

Chun Choo Joe

Clarke & Co., F., livery stables, 55, Hill St.

F. Clarke

P. H. Gaudart, clerk

do., Johore

Puah Tek Chiang do.

Quak Yan Tin,

Kong Tuan,


Coelho, H., piano tuner, repairer and

instructor, Stamford road

M. Bastian

Colonial Dispensary, 22, Battery Road

R. A. Miles, proprietor, and manager

Colonial Press, 12, Raffles Place D. Zuzarte, proprietor

Digitized by




Commercial Press, Queen Street

J. F. Hansen, proprietor

T. J. G. Hansen, foreman

Costantino, Heigiopulos, storekeeper, 51,

South Bridge Road

Crane Bros., auctioneers, estate and com-

mission agents, Raffles Place

C. E. Crane

H. A. Crane, signs per pro.

L. M. Cordeiro

Tay Yam Leng

Ong Su Kiat

"Criterion," tiffin, billiard and reading

rooms, 42 and 43, Rffles Place

J. C. Hodges, proprietor

Davies & Co., D., shipchandlers, sail-

makers, &c., Battery Road

D. Davies

J. Fletcher

Dalmann & Co., merchants, Collyer Quay

C. Berghofer Dalmann

H. Jürgensen

M. Mecklenberg Nah Kim Siang Tan Hoon Soon Seet Ghee Kim Tay Hup Keat

Chun Teck Chye

De Cotta, Joze L., pianoforte instructor, tuner, and repairer, 2, Waterloo Street

Denodya Press, 1, Mohamed Ally Lane

8. K. Makadoomsahiboo

Desker & Co., butchers, Serangoon Road

H. F. Desker

A. G. Desker

E. H. Desker

A. W. Desker

Donaldson and Burkinshaw, advocates, solicitors, proctors, and notaries public, 19, Collyer Quay

A. L. Donaldson

J. Burkinshaw

C. Kim Boon

Frederick W. Scott

Newbold B. Westerhout

T. R. V. Rajah

Abdul Vahid

Lim Teow Chuan and others

Dispensary, The, 45, Raffles Place

D. J. Galloway, M.B., C.M., Edinr.,


A. Mackay, proprietor and manager



G. Chin Yam

C. Swee Eng

Drew, Alfred H., LL.B., advocate, solici- tor, and notary public, 10, Collyer Quay

Herbert H. Hudson, advocate, solici-

tor and notary public Yeo Hong Ghee N. Soobramany N. Symons Zymul Abedin N. S. Kolundu H. W. Baumgar'en Yeo Hock Liat Tan Swee Lye Tan Kim Eng E. Soon Seng

J. Bheem

See Chuan Kiat

Dunman, Robert, broker and accounta t,

5, Raffles Place

Durnford & Co., F. G., civil engineers, architects and surveyors, 29, Malacca St.

F. G. Durnford

J. T. Perryman (absent)

T. B. Ambler

A. Guisen

John van Langenberg, chief drafts-


John van Langenberg, Jr., drafts-


T. Hodge, apprentice

Edgar & Co., merchants, Raffles Place

Galastan Edgar

M. Stephens

John Edgar

C. Edgar (Sourabaya)

S. Joakim

Emmerson's tiffin, billiard and reading

rcoms, Cavanagh Bridge

J. T. Nicholson

Thos. Jones

Alex. Lewis Cheng Chuan Tek Soon

Digitized by



Essabhoy, A. M., merchant and commis-

sion agent

Abdoolkyum M. Essabhoy

Abdoolcader Moola Essabhoy, ma-

   nager Karimbhoy Tyebally Hasanally Abdoocader

Everett, E. E., wine and spirit merchant,

Battery Road

E. E. Everett

F. J. Dickson (Europe) R. J. Dickson

H. Pinckney (Penang)

Favre & Co., C., fruit preservers, 603,

North Bridges Road C. Favre (Europe)

L. Duc

J. Romieu

Fraser & Co., exchange and share brokers,

1, Exchange Buildings

John Fraser

Jas. Kerr

Gaggino & Co., G., merchants and ship-

brokers, Flint St.

G. Gaggino F. Gaggino

Gaggino & Co., shipchandlers, provision merchants, sailmakers, auctioneers and navy contractors, 14 and 15, Tanjong Pagar Road, and 1, 2 and 3, Flint St.

G. Gaggino

F. Gaggino (Europe)

F. P. Gaggino

P. A. Andrews

J. A. do Rosario

E. Bodestyne

Kam Ching Gum, storekeeper

Tan Koon Yong, cashier

Liar Pet, storekeeper, Tanjong

Pagar store

Lian Eng

Galloway, D. J., M.B., C.M., Edinr., me-

dical practicioner, 45, Raffles Place

Galstaun & Co., merchants and commis-

sion agents, 32, Raffles Place

M. N. Galstaun



Garland & Co., W. F., civil engineers and

surveyors, 24, Collyer Quay

W. F. Garland, A.M.I.C.E. E. T. C. Garland

W. Wheatley

Geok Teat & Co., 11, Battery Road

Tay Geok Teat

Tay Kim Tee, signs per pro.

Goh Chin Tye, cashier Hadjee Abdol Ganny, do. Koo Chin Whatt

Gam Chwan aud others

Gilfillan, Wood & Co., merchants, 15,

Collyer Quay

S. Gilfillan (Europe) W. Adamson (do.) H. W. Wood (do.) James Miller

T. E. Earle, signs the firm R. T. Peake, signs per pro., Penang G. F. Adamson, Penang G. Pool

F. W. Barker

John Somerville W. S. Coutts D. J. Berwick J. Donough L. F. Rodrigues A. G. Basil E. H. Rodrigues A. de Conceição John Monteiro R. C. L'Angellier Kho Keng Chuan

Gosling & Co., T. L., tobacconists and commission agents, and agents for Com- pania Gl. de Tabacos de Filipines, 3, Battery Road

T. L. Gosling

Benito Blanco Thiang Whatt

Grace, C. F., dental surgeon, Ushton Lodge

and 13, Sophia Lodge

Graham, J., chronometer, watch and clock maker, jeweller, optician, &c., 22, Battery Road

Gunn, Alexander James, exchange broker and public accountant, 44, Raffles Place

Digitized by




Gunn, Alexr. broker and public account- Hinnekindt, E. & H., merchants, 2,

ant, 44, Raffles Place

Guthrie & Co., merchants

Thos. Scott

Louis J. R. Glass (Europe)

John Anderson (Europe)

Alex. Johnston

Henry G. Millar, signs per pro. A. H. Raeburn

A. J. Ross

Chas. J. Davies

M. C. Parker

C. Crane

R. M. Salmon

Kho Tiang Bee

Tan Boon Chin

J. Nonis

Teo Boon Hee

Lim Koon Tye Goh Yam Cheang A. B. Chopard H. F. Neubronner Wee Chen Seng


London House-Scott & Co., 1 Whit.

tington Avenue, Leadenhall St.

Hansen & Co., commission, news and ad-

vertising agents

J. A. Hansen

Flint St., and 1, Boat Quay

Henri Hinnekindt

W. R. Leisk

E. Hinnekindt

L. H. Hinnekindt, Jun.

M. Hinnekindt, signs per pro.

L. Hinnekindt

Hogan & Co. H. C., engineers and con-

tractors, Liverpool Road

H. C. Hogan

Tan Hood Choe

Tan Hood Chang, cashier and store-


Jos. Mills

Goolun Karder

Hooglandt & Co., merchants, Boat Quay

W. H. Diethelm

W. Stiefel

P. C. Hoynck van Papendrecht,

signs the firm

H. Greminger

A. J. van Oostveen Werner Naef

R. Moss

Branch House; W. H. Diethelm,


Hansen, J. A., teacher of music and piano Hoon Keat & Co., merchants, 25, Raffles

tuner, 83, Victoria St.

Harper, R. I., exchange and share broker, 32-2, Raffles Place, res. Syedally Road

Hartwig & Co., shipchandlers, sailmakers,

and auctioneers

F. von Hartwig H. C. Verloop H. Roblk

Hieber & Co., G., merchants and commis-

sion agents

H. Frank

W. Koger

M. Burchardt .

Hilty & Co., merchants and commission

agents, 1, Malacca St.

T. Reid Hilty

E. Lauz

H. Ebbardt

Tiang Seng, cashier

Chin Watt


Tan Gin Hock

Tock Choon Gwan Lim Kim Cheang

E. Whye Gin Gun Kim Cheow

Teo Kong Hin, cashier

Hormusjee Pestonjee & Co., merchants and commission agents, 8, Raffles Place; Branches: Nowrojee Byramjee & Co., Bombay; Chapsee Damjee, Calcutta Rustomjee Pestonjee & Co., Penang

R. Pestonjee

N. H. Pestonjee (Bombay) B. B. Eranee (Penang)

"Hotel du Louvre

M. Finkelstein

"Hotel de la Paix," J. D. Loff & Co., 4,

Coleman St.

J. D. Loff

P. H. M. Kahlike

Digitized by




"Hotel de l'Europe," Esplanade

Albert Recker

W. H. L. Siegfried (Europe)

A. Messey

J. F. de Conceição

C. J. Gomes

A. Hendroff

Wee Chang Bee

Khoo Teck Weng

"Hotel de Paris," 87, Hill Street

T. Hibler, proprietor

Huttenbach Bros & Co., merchants, 12,

Collyer Quay

August Huttenbach (London) Ludwig Huttenbach (Penang) Jos. Heim, signs per pro. Hugo Reepem W. Y. Showler

R. L. Finch

Howarth, Erskine & Co., engineers, iron founders and contractors, River Valley Road, and Kwala Lumpor, Selangor S. Erskine; res. River Valley road J. J. MacBean; res.

R. Little, bookkeeper


H. Hamilton, foreman engineer A. Snodgrass

J. Scott, moulder


Khoo Tek Lin, storekeeper

Wee Hup Lee, cashier

Lim In Moh, clerk

Imprimerie Commerciale, 8, Commercial


M. Ribeiro, proprietor

Senin, foreman

G. Rodrigues, compositor

J. Rodrigues

J. Rozario

Johnston & Co., A. L., merchants, Collyer


William Henry Macleod Read

W. E. Hooper

T. Davidson

R. J. Gunn

H. Brett

J. F. Richards

Lee Cheng Lew

J. Rodrigues

Leo Eng Leng

Wee Kay Siew, cashier

Wee Kay Hock, storekeeper

Kaltenbach, Fischer & Co., merchants

G. Kaltenbach (Paris)

H. Fischer

H. Huber



G. Hedding, signs per pro.

C. Meisterhaus

O. Reinbold

Katz Brothers, merchants, storekeepers, commission agents, and watchmakers, Commercial Square

H. Katz (Europe) Meyer Behr

B. Wagner Louis Katz Sigmund Katz H. Itzel G. Gansloser F. Fehlmann Sig. Bebr W. Strugnell A. W. Minjoot

E. Reim, watchmaker H. J. de Souza

H. D. Distant

Chua Kim Peng, shipping clerk Branch Houses: H. Katz & Co., 49, Lime St., London, E.C.; H. Katz, 76, Mendelssobnstrasse, Frankfurt o-M.; Katz Bros., Penang

Kelly & Walsh, Limited, publishers, prin- ters, bookbinders, stationers, music sellers, newsagents, tobacconists, 5, Bat- tery Road

Thos. Brown, Shanghai, director George Brinkworth, manager

A. J. Woodford

Kim Ching & Co., merchants and com- mission agents, 28, Boat Quay; Branch Houses at Bangkok and Saigon

Tan Kim Ching

Tan Soon Toh, signs per pro.

Tan Kim Chuan

Choa Siao Hing Gan Koon Tiong Boh Han Keug Ong Hwee Boh Chan Why Lee Bok Sian Hong Tan Chai Luan Tan Cheng Phiow Tan Ann Siang

Digitized by




Kim Seng & Co., merchants, 9, Boat Quay

Tan Beng Gum

Tan Beng Guat, Malacca

Tan Jieck Kim

Tan Jiak Chuan, signs per pro.

Knight & Co., upholsterers and furniture

dealers, Battery Road

Koek, Edwin, advocate, solicitor, and

notary public, 3, d'Almeida St.

E. Koek, advocate and solicitor

B. S. Frois

Low Cheng Koon R. A. Frois Seow Seang Eng Tan Tek Chye S. R. de Souza Low E. Yang R. Gopaloosamy R. Oliveira

and others

Kumpers & Co., merchants

Ê. N. Kumpers (Europe)

A. Kessler, signs per pro. Theod. Kersting Choa Cheng Lian A. G. Danker

Labarbe & Co., C., merchants and com-

mission agents

C. Labarbe (Manila)

J. Mario Lauré

Z. Joven

Gaston Lauré, accountant

Khoo Kim What

Koo Yok Sun

Branches: Manila, Paris, Bordeaux

Lambert & Co., G. R., photographers, 186,

Orchard Road

G. R. Lambert (Europe)

Alex. Koch

R. Jagorspacher

H. Stafhell

Mahomad Tayeb

Lambert Brothers, coach builders, Singa-

pore carriage works and livery stables, 194, Orchard Road

Estate of R. Lambert, proprie tor

H. C. Berkeley, manager

J. Holloway

F. A. Hendricks

John L ́e, stable manager

Hajee Mahomed Sayd, agent, Jo-


"Lat Pau," Chinese daily paper, 25,

Taluk Ayer St.

See Ewe Lay, proprietor

See Hock Lian, manager See Bwe Chuan

Yeap Kwei Woan, editor

Leok Choo Poh,

Teng Gan Pin,



Lemercier, Fils & Cie., E., soda water- works and wine merchants, 38, Victoria Street

Lee Cheng Yan & Co., chop "Chin Joo,"

merchants, 139, Teluk Ayer Street

Lee Cheng Yan

Lee Keng Tit, signs per pro.

Little & Leask, medical practitioners, 40,

Raffles Place

R. Little, M.D., F.R.C.S. (Europe) John T. Leask, M.B., C.M.

Little & Co., John, merchants, store- keepers and commission agents, Raffles Place; London Branch, 26, Cannon Street

J. M. Little (London)

M. Little


A. M. Martin (do.)

S. R. Carr

W. Hutton, signs per pro.

E. S. Russell

Daniel Maw C. W. Banks W. Blunn

C. H. Jones G. H. Diss F. W. Cooper R. Little

W. Martin

P. Moss

H. J. Mouland

C. A. Davidson E. Rozells

A. Fox

Lim Lan & Co., chop "Swee Tye," mer-

chants, 65, Boat Quay

Koh Mah Cheow

Lim Eng Keng, signs the firm Lim Eng Guan Lim Eng Seng

Digitized by



Loveridge, T. C., draper, outfitter, and

storekeeper, 2, Battery Road

T. C. Loveridge

W. C. Henrick

G. H. Pritchard (Madan, Deli) G. H. Lees,


Lowell, John, planter and rentier, Bouddoh Estate and 3, Castle Lodge, Oxley Road

Bastian David, manager on estate

Lyall, James, exchange, share, and general broker, and agent, Exchange Buildings

Lyon & Co., J. M., civil and mechanical engineers and contractors, Albion En- gine Works, Beach roa 1, Campong Glam; Office, 6 Flint Street, opp. Post Office

J. M. Lyon

F. C. Sheppard, A.M. Inst. C.E.

E. M. Lyon, signs per pro. T. Aspinwall, manager

A. McDonald, foreman J. Smith, blacksmith

Lua Siew Snan

Lim Eng Tian

Lua Sin Suan, cashier

See Advertisement.

McAlister & Co., ship brokers, chandlers, general merchants, and commission agents

E. McAlister (Europe)

C C. N. Glass

J. S. Surroch

J. Grant

A. Cumming

A. Koenitz

J. de Souza

C. Whye Teck

A. Mahomed

McKerrow & Co., Wm., merchants, Boat


Wm. McKerrow

Douglas W. Lovell

C. A. Ephraums

Kong Hee

Cheng Kang

Chua Boon Quay

Ang Tek Hoe

Mackertoom, J. G., commission agent and

cigar merchant, 25, Raffles Place

J. G. Mackertoom


Manasseh & Co., 9., merchants, 37, Raf-

fles Place

Selleh Manasseḥ (Calcutta)

Saul Jacob Nathan

J. J. Nathan

Cheong Beng Poh Tamby Marican

Mansfield & Co., W., merchants

T. C. Bogaardt

A. E. Turner, manager, Penang,

signs per pro.

A. P. Adams, signs per pro. D. J. Matthews

J. E. Romenij

C. C. Thompson

Wee Choon Lim, bookkeeper C. Cowan

David Matthews

Lao Chin Siew

Gob Cheng Moh

Eck Tek Seen

Khoo Kean Cheang

T. Bawasah

Capt. T. N. Darke, pilot

J. T. Morgan, supdt. engineer.

Maynard & Co., Limited, wholesale and retail chemists and druggists, general storekeepers, and aerated waters ma- nufacturers; "Straits Dispensary." Branches: Penang, Thaiping, Kwala Lumpor

G. H. Stephenson, manager W. S. Langford Penang

C. R. Harrison, secretary T. Grimshaw, manager, Penang

A. Oldfield, manager, Thaiping

S. Scott, Kwala Lumpor

J. Cornish, assistant, Penang

Medical Hall, 25, Collyer Quay, opposite

Post Office

G. Koehn, Dr. med.

M. Wispaner, manager Chan Seng Hock

Menke & Co., Wm., merchants and com,

mission agents, 26, Raffles Place

Win. Menke

Lim Swee Guan

On Swee Hoon

Mercantile Press, Raffles Place

B. H. Especkerman, proprietor

Digitized by




Meyer Bros., merchants and commission

agents, 23, Raffles Place

Manasseh Meyer Elias Meyer (Calcutta)

8. N. Menahem

Tan Keng Lau

Moses & Co., watchmakers, jewellers and

commission agents, Battery Road

M. C. Moses

A. Seng

Moses & Co., photographers, 4, Orchard


M. C. Moses

C. H. Delthey

Motion, James, watch and chronometer

maker, and jeweller, Flint Street

Jas. Motion (Europe)

Wm. Lawson, manager W. R. Smith

Mugliston, T. C., physician and surgeon,

"Colonial Dispensary," Battery Road

Nathan, E., broker, Raffles Place

Netherland Trading Society, 2, Collyer


H. W C. van Cattenbuch, agent

C. Cruvs

R. O. Norris

H. Schreuel

Nethersole & Co., H., mineral waters

manufacturers, 23, High Street

H. Nethersole

Opium and Spirit Farms: Chop "Jo Soon Hong," Office of pium Farm, 61, Kling St., of Spirit Farm, 12, South Canal Road

Lee Keng Yam, Syed Mohamed bin A. Alsagoff, Wee Kim Yam, Koh San Tee, Syed Massin al Joffree, Loh Lam, Tan Beng Wan, Gan Eng Seng, Sia Leng Chye, Sia Jim Quee, farmers

Lee Keng Yam, principal manager Wee Kim Yam, manager

G. W. Symons, agent

S. Cooke, chief revenue officer an 1

assistant agent


Oosman, Janmahomed, merchant and

commission agent, Raffles Place Oosman Abbah (Bombay)

Alleebhoy Shaikh Abdoolrahim,


Oriental Dispensary, 16, High Street

Dr. R. Bowman

Paterson, Simons & Co., merchants

W. Paterson (London)

H. M. Simons (do.)

T. Shel:ord

W. G. Gu!land (London)

Cosmo G. Paterson, signs per pro. F. Warrack,

C. Stringer

L. M. Alexander

G. Muir

H. M. S mons, Jr.

G. Hendricks

L. P. Cork

F. G. Reutens


Pilot office, Tanjong Pagar

Board-H. Ellis, president, John Blair,

Giegor, A. C. Bing


M. H. John

J. C. Davies

A. C. Bing A. H. Tilly F. M. Darke

F. Mackie E. K. Craig F. Vincent

F. Marchant

Pooles, Downio & Co., warehousemen,

storekeepers, and agents

F. Pooles

W. Downie

Purvis, J. M., broker and commission

agent, Raffles Place

Powell & Co., auctioneers, house and estate agents, valuers, 20 and 22, Raffles Place

John Lloyd Charles Dunlop

C. A. Chater J. Nicholas F. Velge F. W. Valberg Cheow Keat

Tan Ting Choon, storekeeper Tan Keng Siong, cashier

Digitized by


Puttfarcken & Co.


 O. Puttfarcken (Hamburg) E. Ritter (Europe)

Th. Sohst

A. Seiler, signs per pro. Max Puttfarcken, do.

J. Frei

R. Kindervater

C. Eckhardt

C. Oettle

Raffles Hotel, 2, Beach Road

M. Sarkies

T. Sarkies

Ranjbhoy & Co., H., merchants and com-

mission agents, 15, Raffles Place Hakimjee Ranjbhoy (Bombay) Peerbhoy Esoobjee

Allybboy Adamjee

É. S All bhoy Hassanally


Ravensway & Co., J. C. v., undertakers and exporters of orchids, 187, Orchard Road

Rautenberg, Schmidt & Co., merchants,

4, Cecil St.

C. Sturzenegger, (Schaffhausen) M. Suhl (Hamburg)

R. Klünder

Gustav Keimer

F. Stoll

H. Papendieck

F. Endress

Paul Haffter

John von Bargen J. C. Rodrigues Kho Keng Chew

Branches-Schmidt, Kustermann & Co., Penang; Schmidt & Kustermann, Hamburg

Riley, Hargreaves & Co., engineers, foun- ders, shipbuilders, and contractors, Merchant Road, Kampong, Malacca

J. R. Allen

J. Millar

R. Allan

G. M. Preston, bookkeeper J. Stewart, ebop foreman ⚫G. Hamilton, moulder


Rodyk and Davidson, advocates, solicitors,

and notaries, 4, Raffles Place

Jas. Guthrie Davidson

C. B. Buckley

E. J. Nanson, B.A.

Wm. Nanson, B.A., F.S.A. Low Cheng Chuan, bookkeeper H. A. Chopard, managing clerk P. I. Woodford do.

W. P. Cork

Low Bon Seang

C. S. Ablool Gaphore

J. L. Eber

C. Siu Chook Unkoo Omar Kho Saik Lwee

R. Kylasam

Cho Peck Ghay

Tan Ek Lin

Md. Ta b bin Abdullah E. L. Seth

A. Joseph

Rose & Co., brokers, shipchandlers, auc- tioneers and general agents, 44, Cecil St. W. Harley Rose; res. "Dingwall,"

Passir Panjang

E. A. C. van Walven Seah Quee Boon Lee Kee Chec ng

Robinson & Co., drapers, milliners, dress- makers and tailors, 23, Collyer Quay

E. K Robinson (London)

S. R. Robinson, signs per pro.

A. W. B an,

T. E. White

W. R. Fox T. A. Ephraim J. Peché

Miss E. Shallow Miss Dist nt


J. P. B. Beal (Penang)

J. W. Dando


F. D. Hickens do. Mis. Beal

Miss Merry



Salzmann, E., professor of music, Eber

road, Oxley Road

Sarkies & Moses, merchants, Raffles Place ·

Catchick Moses

A. C. Moses

N. C. Moses

Digitized by




Sayle & Co., Limited, drapers, tailors, dressmakers and outfitters, Commercial Square

Robert Liddelow, general manager;

res. Muor house, Cowrie Hill

G. J. Penny

C. Bean G. Murray

Jas. Rooke

H. L. Ross

Miss Hutchinson Henry Coghlan

Edwin Kraal

W. Henderson, Sourabaya

A. Prentice


London Agents: Scott & Co., 1, Whit- tington Avenue, Leadenhall Street

"Scott's Hotel" 5, Victoria St.

T. Scott, proprietor

Scott & Co., W. R., merchants, Collyer


W. R. Scott (London)

T. S. Thomson, signs per pro.

J. M. Allinson

Jas. Muir

P. A. Reutens

C. Peter


Seng Whay & Co., importers of general stores: chop "Eng Yap Seng" 43, Kling Street

Thay Seng Whay

Toh Boon San

Lim Teng Leck, clerk Wee Achee, cashier

Shooker, A. S., merchant and commission

agent, 3, Raffles Place

A. S. Shooker

Khoo Kim Yang

Sim Sean Chew & Co., 6, North Canal


Sim Sean Chew

Sim Kye Pang (Swatow).

Simon, M. F., L. D. S. Edinr., surgeon dentist, General Hospital, Sepoy Lines

Singapore and Straits Aerated Waters Co.

John Fraser

D. C. Neave, proprietors

D. C. Neave, manager A. Morrison, superintendent Allan D. Lamont, accountant

Singapore Dispensary, 40, Raffles Place

E. A. Thomson, managing proprietor

Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser," daily and weekly newspa- per, 3, Malacca Street

C. B. Buckley, proprietor John Fraser,


W. G. St. Clair, editor W. Makepeace, sub-editor Geo. Bing, reporter

C. A. da Silva

Singapore Patent Varnish Co., Manufac-

factory, 75, Princep St.

L. J. Chater, proprietor

A. V. Gasper, managing assistant

Singapore Aerated Waters Manufactory,

23, High St.

R. H. Barugh T. J. Benjafield

Singapore and Straits Printing Office

John Fraser & D. C. Neave, pro-


D. C. Neave, manager

T. Goldie Scott, superintendent Allan D. Lamont, accountant

Smith, William Buchanan, bill and share broker and accountant, 32-1, Raffles Place

Solomon & Co., E. A., merchants, 19,

Raffles Place

Spanjaard & Co., merchants, Raffles


Staebelin & Stablknecht, merchants, 12,

Collyer's Quay

C. G. Stahlknecht (Bremen) J. B. Müller A. Hagens

F. Tobler G. Röttgen Kanow


A. Dürler O. Zieler Lim Hup Kiat Nee Chye Seng Lim Soon Hee Seow Seng Lin

Branob House; Stahlknecht & Co.


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Souza & Co., E. L. M. de, shipping agents and brokers, 40, South Bridge Road

E. L. M. de Souza; res. 213, Queen St. Mee Swee Lian

Yeo Wab Say Tan Chin Hin

Ho Ab Fatt

Stiven & Co., merchants and commission

agents, Boat Quay and Battery Road

A. W. Stiven

H. B. Palmer

J. de Souza

Straits Dispensary, 14, Battery Road

(see Maynard & Co., Limited)

Straits Horse Repository & Livery Stables,

596, North Bridge Road


C. H. D. Currie, M.R.C.V.S., ger and veterinary surgeon W. D. Dallan, breaker and trainer J. G. Jones, assistant, do.

P. Unland, bookkeeper

"Straits Times" Office, 39, Raffles Place,

Straits Times, evening; Weekly Straits Times

Mrs. John Cameron, proprietrix

John Marshall, editor

A. A. O'Reilly, sub-editor

J. J. Doyle, reporter

B. M. A. Cornelius, bookkeeper André Frois, printing supdt. John Frois, foreman

Straits Trading Company, Limited

Gilfillan, Wood & Co., general agents H. Muhlinghaus, manager

O. Ortlepp, manager, Sungei Ujong Jas Sword, manager, Selangor

Swan & Lermit, architects and surveyors,

7, Raffles Place

A. A. Swan, C.E.

A. W. Lermit

H. Chevallier, manager, survey


R. Keasberry, apprentice

T. Dorasamy, draftsman

Sim Boon, asst. do.

Syme & Co., merchants, Collyer's Quay

R. Jardine (London)

J. Ross (Glasgow)

James Grabam (Glasgow)

John F. Craig (Batavia) C. W. Conington

M. Bean

J. F. Nicholson

J. P. Ker

L. de S. Place

J. Vizconde

Sim Boon Keat


Tivoli Baths & Hotel, Bukit Timah Road

F. Simon, proprietor

Tripp, C. Ll. H., physician, surgeon and

oculist, 17, Battery Road

Valtriny & Co., V. Ch., merchants and commission agents, 10, 11, 12, 13, Bonham St.

V. Ch. Valtriny

Vaughan, J. D., barrister-at-law, notary public, advocate, and solicitor of Su- preme Court, Grange Road

J. D. Vaughan

Khoo Boon Lim Yeow Boon Kim Lim Koon Yeong Lim Pang Kiah Lee Siong Moh E. Kim Choon Tan Choon Fah

and others

Wells, J. W., C. E., M. Inst. E.E., engi-

neer and architect, Raffles Place

Whampoa & Co, commission agents, warehousemen and general merchants, Boat Quay and Bonham Street

Cheah Hee Lin, (Mrs. H. A. K.

Whampoa proprietrix Tchun Chun Fook (Whampoa)

signs per pro.

Hoo Keng Choong

Oh Chin Swee

Lee Chee Woon, cashier Tchun Suk Toon


Woods, C. K. E., advocate, solicitor, and

notary public, 10, Battery Road

Chas. K. E. Woods

F. S. de Souza

Narramasamy Pillay Rutnasamay Pillay Shaik Daud

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   This state occupies the southern portion of the Malayan Peninsula, and its capital, called Bharu (New Johore) is situated on the Old Strait, or Silat Tambrau, which divides the island of Singapore from Johore territory. Johore is an independent state, ruled by a Sultan, who is on the best of terms with the British Authorities, and has enlarged his ideas by travel and intercourse with Europeans. The territory is steadily improving under the present liberal rule, and a good deal of European capital has been introduced into the state.


THE GOVERNMENT. Sovereign Ruler-His Highness Abuba- kar, Sultan of Johore, G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., Royal Prussian Order of the Crown (1st class), Grand Cross of the Order of Kalakaua, Commander of the Cross of Italy, Commander of the Or- der of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Private Secretary-William Hole Aide-de-camp-Ungkoo Othman Pemangkus Rajahs-Unkoo Abdullah,

Unkoo Abdul Majid


Unkoo Abdullah

Unkoo Abdul Majid

Unkoo Mohamed Khalid

Unkoo Ahmed

Unkoo Hadji Mohamed

The Datu Muntri, Inchi Jaffar B. Hadji


The Mufti, Syed Mohamed B. Sheikh The Tuan Hakim, Hadji Mohamed Salleh The Datu Bintara Luar, Inchi Mohamed

Salleh B. Prang

The Datu Bintara Dalam, Inchi Mohamed

Ibrahim B. Abdullah

The Commissioner of Police, Inchi Ab-

dullah B. Tahir

The Engineer and Surveyor, Inchi Yayah

Bin Awal

The Superintendent of Public Works,

Inchi Yayah Bin Shaaban

The Imaum, Hadji Abdul Rahman Inchi Andak

Tuan Hadji Othman

Clerk of Council-Inchi Mohamed B.



The Datu Muntri, The Datu Bintara Luar, The Datu Bintara Dalam, (keeper of State Seal)

Asst. Secy. to Govt., (under the Datu Muntri), Inchi Abdul Rahman B. Andak Second Asst. Secy. to Govt., (under the Datu B. Dalam), Iuchi Mohamed B. Mahbob


Assistant-Tunkoo Sahat

Chief Clerk-Inchi Mohamed B. Andak Second do. Inchi Mustapha B. Jaffar English Translator-Inchi Abdul Rah.

man B. Andak

Asst. Translator-Hadji M. Kassim


Assistant-Inchi M. Hassan Chief Clerk-Inchi Awang Bin Ali Second do. Inchi Issa B. Abdul Majid Third do. -Inchi Aman B. Rasib


Treasurer-The Datu Bintara Dalam Chief Clerk-Syed Alwee Al-Codsi Second do. -Inchi Mohamed B. Andak Third do. -Inchi Ahmad B, Aboo-bakar Cashier-Inchi Mohamed Salleh Asst. do. Inchi Hadji Taher

AUDIT OFFICE. Auditor-Inchi M. Hassan

Chief Clerk-Inchi Awang Bin Alli Second do. -Inchi Mustapha

Third do. Inchi Abdul Majia B. Alli

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Mohamedan Law Adviser-The Mufti Judge The Tuan Hakim Magistrate-H. E. Bentley Registrar-Inchi Moobin B. Ibrahim Chief Clerk-Inchi Mohamed B. Hussain Second do. Seyd A. Rahman Third do.-Seyd Moussain Fourth do. -Syed Abdullah B. Hussain Fifth do. -Syed Hussain B. Hassan Chinese Interpreter-Eo Joo Guan Tamil Interpreter-Tambi Saber Alli

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Commissioner-Walter F. Garland, Assoc.


Chief Engineer-Inchi Yahya B. Awal Superintendent-Inchi Yayah B. Shaaban Assist. do. -Tunkoo Indot Clerk-Inchi Suliman B. Ahmad Draughtsman-Inchi Tewik B. Poonak Translator-Inchi Ismail B. Bachok Storekeeper-Inchi Uda B. Othman Overseers-John Klyne, Inchi Suliman B. Hadji Omar, Ñong Muda, Leman B. H. Omar, Kassim R. Karim

GAOL. Commissioner-Walter F. Garland, A.M.


   Superintendent Inchi Yayah B. Shaaban Jailer-Hadji Abdul Samad

Chief Warder-Inchi Chee B. Omar Clerk-Inchi Uaa B. Othman


Superintendent T. R. Ker

          Steam Yacht Pantie. Captain-Inchi Abu Bakar Chief Engineer-W. Kilgour

Chief Officer-Inchi Abdullah B. Omar

Steam Gunboat Pulai. Captain-Hadji Mohamed Kassim Chief Engineer-Inchi Ahmed B. Othman Chief Officer-Inchi Sulieman Bin Omar Steam Launches Sayan, Bintayan, Gazelle,

Duffadar, Phatander

         MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Inspector of Hospital-H. E. Bentley Medical Officer-J. P. A. Wilson, surgeon Apothecary J. J. L. Wheatley


Postmaster-H. E. Bentley Chief Clerk-V. P. Samuel Second do. -Ahmad B. Hadji Ahmad Third do. -Ahmad Shah Bin Abu Bakar Fourth do. -Abdul Gahnie Bin Arsat


INDIAN IMMigration Department. Asst. Indian Immigration Agent-H. E.


Clerk-D. Siraphir Pillay


Commissioner-Inchi Abdullah B. Tahir Acting Commissioner-Inchi Mohamed

B. Mahbob Assist.

-Unkoo Mohamed Deputy Commissioner-Inchi Dapat Chief Inspector-Inchi Mohamed Saëd B.



Inspector-Tuan Sharif

Chief Clerk-Inchi Kabot

2nd do. -Inchi Abubakar B. Hussain Clerks-Wan A. Majid, Jaffar B. H. M.

Yassin, Inchi Busoo B. Saed, Ibrahim B. M. Saleh, Klang B. Alli, Inchi M. S. B. Awang, Inchi M. B. Abutalib, Syed Zen Alyahya, Ungkoo Mat B. Ungkoo, Abdullah

Chinese Clerk-Seah Ah Lak Chinese and English Interpreter-Yeo

Chiow Wan

Asst. Chinese Interpreter-Tan Kia Heng

SURVEY DEpartment. Gambier and Pepper Districts. Chief-The Datu Bintara Luar Surveyors-Inchi Awang B. Hussain, In- chi Madon B. Hussain, Syed Mashhor, Inchi Suliman B. M. Saleh Draftsman-Inchi Yusof B. M. Saleh Second Draftsman-Inchi Yacob B. M,


Apprentice-Abdul Rahman B. Hamidon Chinese Clerk and Interpreter-Tan Ah-


Overseer-Inchi Mahmood

Coffee Districts. Surveyor-Walter F. Garland, Assoc,


Forest Produce Branch.

In Charge--The Datu Bintara Dalam Clerk-Inchi Abdul Hamid


Coffee Districts-Rodyk and Davidson,


Rivers The Datu Bintara Dalam Gambier and Pepper Plantation-The

Commissioner of Police

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Chief Engineer and Surveyor-Inchi


Assist. Surveyor-Inchi Abubakar B.


Draftsman-Inchi Usop Bin Tahar


Chief The Datu Bintara Dalam · Acting Assist.-Inchi M. Hassan Visiting Teacher-Inchi Khalid B. Abdul-


Clerk- Inchi Awang B. Ali


Johore Bahru Malay.

Head Master-Inchi Ismail

Second Master-Inchi Joosoh B. Omar Third do. T. Mohamed Taher

     Jobore Babru-Religious. Master-Hadji Mohamed Kassaim Assist. Master-Inchi Ismail B. Sahab Marriage Registrar-The Imaum

Johore Bahru-English.

Head Master-G. H. Yzleman

Johore Babru-Agricultural. Master-Radin Tjokrode-rodjo

Yanjong Surat.

Teacher-Inchi Awang Bin Net

Yanjong Surat Religious. Master-Inchi Abdullah B. M. Alli


Teacher-Tuan Sulong


Master-Hadji Ismail

Bandar Maharanee.

Teacher-Inchi Omar B. Imbob


Teacher-Inchi Daud B. Mahmood.


Muar (West Coust).

Naëb (Resident)-Ungkoo Suliman Hakim (Judge)-Hadji Othman Supdt, of Police-Ungkoo Othman Assist. do. -Ungkoo Makmood Chief Inspector-Inchi Hassan Inspector-Inchi Awang

Chief Clerk and Registrar-Inchi Abdul-

lah B. Saleh

Second Clerk-Inchi M. Yassain Third do. -Inchi Awang B. Bachok Chinese do. and Interpreter-Keng Huat Apothecary in charge of Govt. Chinese Hospital-Abdul Rahman B. Abdullah

Paret Jawa.

Asst. Naëb (Resident)-Inchi Mahmood

Indau (East Coast).

Naëb (Resident)-Inchi Mohamed Allie

Bin Khamis

Assistant-Hadje Abdul Latip Clerk-Inchi Abubakar B. Mat

West Coast and Islands.

Penggawa Kanan (Commissioner)-Inchi

Abdul Samat B. Ibrahim

Sadili and East Coast. Islands. Penggawa Kiri (Commissioner)-Inchi

Jaffar B. Nong Yahya

GOVERNMENt Printing OFFICE. Chief-The Datu Bintara Dalam

Acting Superintendent-Inchi M. Hassan Clerk-Inchi Ahmad B. Hashim Foreman-Inchi Abdul Rahman

OPIUM AND SPIRIT FARM. Farmers-Chew Seng Jong, Lee Chin




President-Jaffar biu Hadjee Mabomed

(The Datu Muntri)

Committee-Howard E. Bentley, E. E. Everett, Dr. Wilson, Metcalfe Larken, The Datu Muntri, A. H. Mitchelson, T. Rawson Ker

Hon. Secretary-T. Rawson Ker

JOHOR STEAM SAW MILLs Company. Johor Baru, near Singapore.

H.H. Unkoo Abdal Mejid

Dato James Meldrum, D.P.M.J.

James Cumming, signs per pro. (Europe) F. Hayden

Foreman-Robt. Cameron


Blacksmith-W. Cameron

JOHORE BRICK AND TILE COMPANY. On the Scudie and Danga Rivers, about four miles from Johore Baru. John Fraser and R. W. Fowke, proprietors R. W. Fowke, manager W. Webber, assistant W. Mann, first engineer J. de Cruz, second do.

CASTLEWOOD PLANTATION. M. Larken, proprietor and manager Gibson, C. Leathes, landsurveyor and


MISSIONS. Presbyterian Church of England. Rev. J. A. B. Cook, missionary

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     The settlement of Malacca excites more interest from a historical point of view than either of its sister towns, but has so completely fallen to the rear since the establishment of Penang and Singapore as to merit but brief notice in this compila- tion. Seldom visited by foreigners except for relaxation, its white population, including the troops stationed there, scarcely reaches fifty individuals, the permanent residents numbering only six or seven. Originally settled by the Portuguese in 1511, it retained its importance as the one foreign entrepôt in the East until the founding of Penang, when its fortunes rapidly declined. At the present moment it is the least European of all British Settlements in the East, though the facts that it has given its name to the Peninsula and that it was the cradle of Anglo-Chinese study attest its former importance. Its area is embraced by boundaries some 42 miles in length, with breadth of from 8 、o 25 miles. It is governed by a Resident Councillor in subordina- tion to Singapore.

Its one poict of interest is its location as a natural history centre, the majority of its casual visitors being attracted thither for sport or science. Beyond this it possesses no attractions except to those who like to visit scenes famous in the annals of discovery for the bloody fights they have witnessed between the natives and the European nations who contended for their possession. Its population in 1881 amounted to 93,579 individuals, of whom 52,059 were males and 41,250 females, an increase since 1871 of 15,823. Of these 40 were Europeans, 2,213 Eurasians, 19,741 Chinese, 67,488 Malays, and the remainder various Eastern races. The population was estimated in 1883 at 95,500.


Colonial Government.

RESIDENT COUNCILLOR'S OFFICE. Resident Councillor-Hon. D. F. A. Hervey


Acting Resident Councillor-E. E. Ise-


   Chief clerk-F. de Souza Second clerk-W. H. Nonis Third Clerk-A. G. Theseira Office keeper-A. B. da Silva Malay writer-Mobamet Jafar

Native States.

Superintendent of the Negri Sembelan-

Hon. Martin Lister

Collector and Magistrate, Tampin-A. Hale

Clerk-E. J. Van Gezred Chinese Interpreter-Yeo Saik Hin Malay Writer-Mohd. Husin Clerk of Works-L. J. Cazalas

Overseer do. -A. Danker

TREASURY AND STAMP OFFICE. Officer in charge-H. A. O'Brien Acting do. -C. J. Skinner Chief clerk-J. E. Branson 2nd do. -G. W. Gostelow Clerk and Shroff-Chan Cheng Wan

MARINE Department. Harbour Master-H. J. Harmer Chief clerk-R. L. Shepherdson Second do.-C. Scully Boarding officer-B. Nunis

Signal Station. Signal Sergeant-F. do Rozario Cape Rachado and Screw Pile Light-house. Senior Light keeper-





-A. A. de Souza

-A. J. Monteiro

Pulan Undan Light-house.

Senior Light keeper-H. Gomes

Light keeper-C. J. Boothe

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SUPREME Court. Registry.

Registrar-S. Leslie Thornton

Acting do.-J. W. N. Kyshe Chief clerk-N. J. Rozells Second clerk-F. C. Klyne


  Tamil Interpreter-Peter Ayadorai Malay Interpreter-E. Neubronner Chinese Interpreter-Moi Foi Chong Malay Writer-Sheik Amat bin Sheik



Magistrate-H. A. O'Brien Acting do.-C. J. Skinner Chief clerk-J. Beins

Second do. and Usher-W. J. van Hoizen Chinese Interpreter-Moi Fa Chang Tamil

      do. -Peter Aya Dorai Malay do. -Abdul Haji


Commissioner-S. Leslie Thornton

Act. Chief clerk J. Benis

CORONER'S Department.

Coroner-H. O. Newland

MEDICAL Department.

  Colonial Surgeon-W. T. B. Falls Apothecary.-W. R. Angus

Dressers S. J. Dias, Ed. Thexeira, S. J.


Apprentice Dresser-F. Frederick Vaccinator-Teo Geok Peg

Guardian (Leper Hospital)-P. de Rozario Chinese Clerk and Interpreter-Choe Teng


POLICE DEPARTMENT. Superintendent-H. J. H. Riccard Inspector-E. Holmyard

do. -Henry Simpson

-Patrick Kean


Sergeant Major-Mohamat Sergeants-Four

Corporals-Thirty one

1st Class Constables-Thirty-five

2nd do.


3rd do.



-One hundred and


Sikh Contingent-Sergeant, one

- Corporals, two -Constables, twenty-nine

Chief clerk-J. J. de Rozario

2nd Clerk and Interpreter-Yap Soon Guan

INDIAN IMMigration Department. Assist. Indian Immigration Agent H. J.



President-H. J. H. Riccard

Members-R. W. Boswell, G. Copley, A.

J. Collier

LICENSING Department.

Members-C. J. Skinner, chairman; W. T. B. Falls, G. Evan, Tan Tek Guan Licensing Officer-Herbert Riccard


Acting Deputy Registrar-H. J. H. Riccard Clerk-E. Sta. Maria

Inspector C.D.O.-J. A. Woodford

LAND REVenue DepaRTMENT. Commissioner of Lands-Hon. D. F. A.

Hervey (absent)

Acting Collector of Land Revenue-W. Evans Chief clerk-A. A. Rodrigues Second clerk-Richard Nonis

Third clerk-F. C. Lazaroo Fourth clerk-Chan Tek Hin

Fifth clerk-Chan Teh Hong Sixth clerk-J. D. Souza

Forest Rangers-P. J. Holmberg, C. C.

Currier, Č. L. Schelkis Bailiff-Kechot bin Ali

Malay Writer and Shroff-David de St.


Demarcatore-S. H. Rodrigues, P. A. S.


PRISON DEPARTMENT. Superintendent and Gaoler-W. Boyd Warders-W. Morris, T. A. Savage Sub warder-F. F. Nunis Native warders-Five


Clerk and Interpreter-Choe Teng Quan

FOREST Department.

Atg. Asst. Supdt.-J. Flanagan


Officer in charge-H. J. Harmer Chief Clerk--L. J. Sheperdson Second do. -J. J. de Souza

SHERIFF'S Department. Sheriff-J. E. Westerhout Bailiff-R. J. Shepherdson

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      PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Supt. of Works & Survey - A. F. Ayre Acting do. -R. V. Roswell Clerk of Works -C. M. Cuylenburg Senior Overseer-J. S. Melson Draftsman and Computer-Chia Ong Tin District Surveyor-R. H. Young Surveyor 1st class-A. Fraser

Surveyors 2nd do. -E. O. Bamforth, E.

J. de Souza, C. J. Lemercier Field Assistant-T. W. Fernandez Overseer -A. G. Westerhout

     Do. -L. E. Neubronner Chief Clerk-J. D. do Rozario Second do. -J. W. Minjoot Temporary Road Clerk-C. W. Clark Apprentices Survey Dept.-C. J. Pereira, A. H. Rodrigues, M. do Rozario, J. S. Robinson

Apprentice P.W.D.-A. J. do Rozario Guardian of the Stadthouse and Store-

keeper-F. W. Dias

      ECCLESIASTICAL DEPARTMENT. Chaplain-Rev. Wm. Everingham Clerk-J. G. Hobday


Commissioners-Hon. D. F. A. Hervey,

president, J. E. Westerhout, A. J. Col lier, Chan Teck Chang, Tan Teck Guan Secretary-Geo. Copley

Chief Clerk-L. R. Beins

Second Clerk-E. B. J. Monteiro Municipal Engineer-R. V. Boswell Inspr. of Nuisances-G. C. Sharnhorst Sub.

-J. Thexeira


Professions and Trades.

Braddell Bros., advocates and solicitors,

3, Church St.

T. de M. L. Braddell R. W. G. L. Braddell M. P. do Rozario Charles do Rozario P. do Rozario

A. Povanaris

M. Pinto

F. de Rozario

Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, Lon-

don and China

C. F. Rowoaud, manager Khoo Khim Se g, head shroff L. R. de Souza, clerk

I. van Bering dɔ.

DeWind, A. A., landowner


Eastern Extension, Australasia and China

Telegraph Co., Limited, The Fort

A. J. Collier, superintendent W. Burbridge, operator

Hill & Rathborne, planters, agents, and contractors; and at Perak, Selangor, and Sungei Ujong

(See Selangor.)

Hong Bun & Co., merchants and owners strs. Macassar and Cecil Smith, Benka- lio, Kian Aum, 56, First Cross St.

Chan Teck Cheang

Chan Kin Hock, manager

Koh Eng Hoon & Co., merchants and

agents str. Bentam

Koh Sang Chuan, manager

Lee Keng Liat, opium and spirit farmer, Chop "H ng Yap Moh" Heeren St.

Tay Quin Hin, manager

Choa Cheng Wee, agent

Lee Keng Kiat, trader and tapioca plan. ter; chop "Hin Joo Chan," Heeren St. agent for steamer Billiton

Yeo Kim Lee

Tan Kang Whye, cashier

Choa Cheng Siong, asst. do. Seow Pee Peng, chief clerk Qua Chye Seng

Lee Tiow Kee

Malacca Dispensary, 11, First Cross St.

Dr. W. B. Falls, proprietor

Teoh Ting Chye, do. and manager

Oh Geok Luan & Co., merchants, jewellers, tapioca planters, carriage works, etc. 84-85, Heeren St., works 9, Tranquerah

Oh Geok Luan

Neo Ong Hee

Leak Chin Seng & Co., agents, Sin-


Seet Boon Teong, planter; chop "Kim

Chee Tye"

Toh Keng Sim, clerk

Seet Teck Guan, agent for strs. Benmore

and Japan

Tan Chin Foon, 1: nl owner, Fort Road

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Tan Hoon Guan & Co., planters, and owcers of str. Louisa IIÏ., and agents for strs. Mayflower and Helone, Old Fort, River Side

Tan Kim Seng & Co., agents for s.s.

Rainbow, Blacksmith St.

Tan Teck Guan, landowner and planter,

41, Hereen street

Tan Teck Guan

Tan Team Seng

Lim Geock Chay

Seng Way & Co., agents, Singapore

Valoopillai, A., Government Contract and

private surveyor, 16, Fort Road

R. E. Mendis, assistant surveyor K. Kasinath, draftsman and computor M. Assan, field assistant

Vaughan, G. O., barrister-at-law, advocate

and solicitor, 2, Church Street

G. O. Vaughan

Kho Tiang Sieu


A. Hendriks

Max Luboo

Velge, John H., J.P., The Fort

Yeap Chom San, coffee, pepper and tapioca | planter, Machap district, office Heeren Street

Neo Tek Jin

Oh Chan Kin

Teo Guan Choon

and others

M. J. Gomes, assistant master H. J. Dorall J. G. Hobday. J. E. Fletcher




MALACCA GIRLS' SCHOOL. Committee-Hon.Resident Councillor, pre- sident, J. E. Westerhout, treasurer, Rev. W. Everingham, secretary, S. L. Thorn- ton, A. J. Collier Mistress-Mrs. Perks

ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL. Manager-Rev. E. F. Délouette, mis. apos. Head Master-H. B. Collinge

1st Teacher-Justinian de Souza

2nd do.

3rd do.

4th do.

--N. Gomez

-André Nunis

-Francis Sta. Maria

5th do. P. Theseyra


Rev. Mother St. Marcienne

Sœurs St. Denis, St. Prudence, St. Mi- chael, Philomena, Maria, St. Ignacius

R. C. CHINESE CONGREGATION. Rev. L. Galmel, mis. apos.

ST. FRANCIS CHURCH. Vicar-Rev. E. F. Délouette, mis. apos.

ST. PETER's Church.

Very Rev. Vicente de Sta. Catharina, vicar general and superior of mission Rev. J. de Noronha, president of con


Keng Tiong Brothers, agents, Sin- P. do Rozario, secretary



Alex. Armstrong, B.A., head master Robert Latto, assistant master A. E. Pringle


L. Lazaroo, treasurer

MALACCA LIbrary. Hon. Treas.-H. Armstrong Hon. Sec.-S. Leslie Thornton Librarian-H. Rodrigues


    This state, which is under British protection, is situated to the north-west to Malacca. Its area is roughly estimated at 500 square miles, and a range of hills of the north attain a height of about 3,800 feet, the slopes of which have been pro- nounced by Ceylon planters as most suitable for the cultivation of coffee, cocoa, &c. On the lower ground, nearer the coast, tapioca is successfully cultivated. Tin min- ing is carried on to a considerable extent. The population is estimated at 10,000 Chi- nese and 4,000 Malays, &c. The British Resident is the virtual ruler of the state. The revenue for 1886 was $120,740. Trade is steadily progressing; its value in 1885 was-imports $580,429, and exports $577,873.

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President-Datu Klana Petra Members-The Resident, Datu Bandar, Datu Muda Linggi, Raja Yahya of Lukut, Hajee Wahid Tuan Khadhi, Chin Woh, Chong Fong Chong


British Resident--W. F. B. Paul Chief Clerk-A. C. Velge

Malay Writer Useoh bin Datu Bandar


President-The Resident Clerk-A. C. Velge

Chinese Interpreter-Tan Swi Siang

LAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT. Collector of Land Revenue-F. C. White Clerk-M. da Silva

House Assessment Collector-Pakir Sultan

PUBLIC WORKS AND SURVEYS. Superintendent-John Locke

Assistant Surveyor-R. J. Jacob




do. -R. A. Naganathar

Clerk-R. W. de Vos

Draftsman J. P. Koek


Superintendent-W. W. Douglas

Gaoler-W. Hussin

1 turnkey, 5 warders


In Charge-P. Pereira


Superintendent-W. W. Douglas Inspector J. L. Hennessy Clerk-H. A. Gaffar


6 sergeants, 6 corporals, 183 constables

TREASURY AND CUSTOMS. Collector and Treasurer-W. R. H. Carew Assistant Collector at S. Raya-G. W. Orton Clerk of Customs, Linggi-M. McDonough

Si Ruca-Kassim Lukut-Raja Abdulkadir Treasury-C. H. St. Maria do. -A. Sta. Maria Linggi-Cheulk Teng S. Roya-G. Sta Maria

Do. Do. First Clerk, Second do.,




Residency Surgeon-F. A. O. Trave s Dresser-J. C. Groth


Hill and Rathborne, planters, agents, and contractors; and at Perak, Selangor, and Malacca

(See Selangor.)

Straits Trading Company, Limited

O. Ortlepp, manager


     The protected native state of Selangor, containing a total area of about 3,000 square miles, lies on the western coast of the Malay Peninsula, and is bounded by the protected native states of Perak on the north, and Sungie Ujong on the south, extending inland to the mountains in the centre of the peninsula, which divide it from Pabang and Jelebu.

     The Government consists of the Sultan, advised by the British Resident, who is directly responsible to the Governor of the Straits Settlements, and assisted by the State Council. The State is divided into the following six Collectorates:-1. Kwala Lumpor, the central district where the Residency and principal Government Office are situated, and which also contains the richest tin mines that have yet been developed. 2.-Klang, the principal port, situated about 14 miles from the mouth of the Klang River. 3.-Kwala Langat, an agricultur l district, in which the Sultan resides. 4.-Kwala Selangor, containing the most important fisheries in the State. 5.-Ulu Langat, an inland mining district on the borders of Sungie Ujong. 6.- Ulu Selangor, a district adjoining Perak, containing much valuable mining land, as yet comparatively undeveloped.

Each Collectorate is under the charge of an European Collector and Magistrate, from whom the Native Penghulus (in charge of the districts into which each Collec- torate is subdivided) receive their instructions. The law and procedure administered

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in the Courts are practically the same as those in the Colony of the Straits Settle- ments, and the powers of a Collector and Magistrate are almost identical with those of a Magistrate and Commissioner of the Court of Requests in the Colony. The decisions of the Magistrates are subject to revision by the Resident, and again by the Sultan in Council. The Police Force consists of a superintendent, two European inspectors, and 305 native non-commissioned officers and men, chiefly Malay.

    According to a census taken during the year 1884 the total population of the State amounted to 46,568 persons, and in 1887 was estimated at 72,000, of whom 50,000 are Chinese, 20,000 Malays, and about 2,000 Tamils. The European popula- tion is a little over 100.

    The principal industry of the State, and from which it derives the largest portion of its revenue, is alluvial tin mining, on which a duty is charged of $3 per picul. The export in 1885 amounted to 82,901 piculs.

    In addition to its mineral resources, the State, however, possesses large tracts of land well adapted for agricultural purposes, and the recent removal of restrictions on the free importation of Indian coolies into the Protected Native States renders it possible for European planters to obtain cheap labour and to open estates on a large scale. Small plantations of Coffee, Cacao, and Pepper have already been successfully commenced, and Rice, Sugar, and other products of the Peninsula under native cultivation, are doing well in various parts of the State, and to encourage pioneer planters, large grants of land have recently been made, on special terms, for the planting of Sago, Pepper, and Gambier.

    The following table shows the total annual revenue and expenditure of the State since the year 1878:-


1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884.



1885. 1886.

1887. Estimated.

189,897 184,387|215,614 235,227|300,423| 450,664 494,483 566,411 689,401| 918,272|

Expenditure... 187,621|185,725 202,806, 234,383 259,081 448,703 514,948, 826,526, 683,876 900,581|

    The principal exports are Tin, Hides, Garmwood, Tapioca, Canes, Rattans, and Gutta Percha. The principal imports are Opium, Salt, Salt-fish, Rice, Oil, Tobacco, and Tea, and from the commencement of the year 1885, all duties have been abolished, with the exception of those on Tin and Opium. The value of the trade of the state in 1886 was $7,920,498 as against $4,820,345 in 1885.

    There is frequent and regular communication, by means of coasting steamers, between the Straits Settlements and Selangor, and from Kwala Lumpor a system of cart and bridle roads extends to the boundaries of Perak, Sungie Ujong, and Pahang.

    A line of metre gauge railway, to connect Kwala Lumpor and Klang (a distance of 22 miles), has been constructed, and was formally opened by Sir F. Weld on the 15th Sept., 1886. In connection with the Railway a line of Telegraph has been erected between the same terminal stations and extended to Malacca viá Sungie Ujong.



President H.H. The Sultan


Sultan-His Highness Abdul Samat bin Ahmerhum, Rajah Abdulla, K.C.M.G. H.B.M. Resident-F. A. Swettenham,


Member-The Chief Magistrate Kwala


Rajah Sleman (Raja Muda)

Raja Kahar, Kajang

Tunkur Panghima Raja, Kan-


-Yap Ah Shak, (Capitan China)

Kwala Lumpor

Raja Hassan, Klang

Raja Laut, Kwala Lumpor







Member-The Resident of Selangor


-Syed Zin, Klang

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Resident-F. A. Swettenham, C.M.G.

Chief Clerk-


Chinese Clerk and Inter.-Chan Ah Long


Judge The Resident

Chief Magistrate-J. P. Rodger, barrister-


Magistrate H. Conway Belfield, barrister-

at-law, B. A. Oxon. Magistrate-Rajah Laut



-Yap Ah Shak (Capt. China)

do. -Teo Ah Yok

Chief Clerk-A. W. Harper

Malay Clerk-Mahomed Noor

Chinese Interpreter-Yeo Boo Seng

Tamil do. and Clerk-Ragavellos


Commissioner of Lands-J. P. Rodger

Collector of Land Revenue-H. Conway


Inspector of Mines-Fenton W. Hill Chief Clerk-J. W. Bristow

Second Clerk-P. Amadeus

1st Surveyor-S. B. R. Reyne 2nd Surveyor-W. T. Wood 3rd Surveyor-vacant Draughtsman-W. H. de Silva Clerk-Heng Seng Cheok

        TREASURY AND CUSTOMS. Treasurer A. R. Venning

Chief Clerk-K. Tambusamy Pillay Cashier-E. Teck Seang

    2nd Clerk-E. W. Neubronner 3rd do. -Chiow Ah Jim

First Weighing Clerk-Lebbi Hamid

AUDIT DEPartment.

Auditor-W. H. West Chief Clerk-vacant

Clerks M. Rangasamy Pillay, J. C. Pas-


PUBLIC WOrks and SURVEYS. Superintendent-H. F. Bellamy, A.M. Inst.


Assistant Supt.-A. C. Norman, A.R.I.B.A. District Supdt.-W. H. Brace Acting do. T. B. Terry Clerk of Works-C. George

Draughtsman and Surveyor-W. W. Acton Assistant C. Hunsley

Chief Clerk-D. J. Hendricks


Clerks-Moy Kon Fa, A. C. F. Moore, C.


Tracer-A. L. G. Moore Storekeeper-J. A. da Zylva

Road Overseers-A. Valupillai, M. Sup- piah Pillay, S. Visuvanatban, V. W. van Royen

Apprentices E. Yzelman, J. W. Ogle


Residency Surgeon and Registrar of Births and Deaths-A. W. Sinclair, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.M., Edinr.

District Surgeon-Dr. Stott Apothecaries-R. M. Keun, M. Foenander Clerk-R. Goonting

Dispenser-Hugh Ah Shin Storekeeper-E. L. de Souza

General Hospital, Kwala Lumpor. Dresser-C. W. de Witt

Pauper Hospital, Kwalu Lumpor.

Chief Dresser-Joseph W. B. Pasgual Dressers S. Cameron, W. L. Hoeden, A.


Prison Hospital, Kwala Lumpor.

Dresser A. Shadrach

Infectious Diseases Hospital, K. Lumpor. Dresser-A. Shadrach

Field Hospital, Batu Tiga.

Dresser-C. Kandappo

Field Hospital, Pataling.

Dresser-T. Frankfort

Field Hospital, Rawang Road. Dresser-S. T. Pillay


Inspector of Schools-H. Conway Belfield Master English School-vacant

Master Malay School-Mahomet Zin Assistant do.


Master Chinese School-Fu Nian Theam Master Tamil School-Seraphim Pillay


Postmaster-J. W. Bristow


Superintendent and Coroner-H. C. Syers First Inspector-J. J. Cross Second do. -S. E. Harper

Sub do.

Chief Clerk and Tamil Interpreter-K.

Doraisamy Pillay

> >

Sergeant Majors, 2; Sergeants, 16; Cor- porals, 29; Lance Corporals, 9; 1st class Constables, 313; 2nd class Cons- tables, 40; Buglers, 4

Registrar-S. E. Harper

Registration Clerk-G. St. Maria

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Suprintendent-H. C Syers Gaoler-J. Foster European Warder- Clerk-Atheroobam Pillay Chief Warder-Imbeh, and 20 warders

   KLANG (PENCALLAN BATU.) Collector and Magistrate-C. H. A. Turney Assist. Collector--H. C. Ridges Chief Clerk-Yeo Guan Hup Postmaster-

2nd Clerk and Chinese Interpreter- Shipping Clerk-Zenal Abedin Malay Schoolmaster-Ibrahim Surgeon, General Hospital-Dr. Stott Dresser,


-C. Wyramuttu Surgeon, Leper Hospital, Teluk Gadong-

Dr. Stott

District Supdt. of Public Works-W. H.


Clerk, P. W. D.-C. Chellappa Gaoler-T. Blair

Keeper of Lighthouse, Klang Straits-Hadji

Darau, and three assistants

Protector of Tamil Immigrants-C. H. A.


KWALA LANGAT. Collector & Magistrate-G. C. Bellamy Clerk-V. Govindasamy Pillay Forest Ranger-Mahomed Saleh Schoolmaster-Abdul Kadir

Clerk to H. H. The Sultan-Inche Behak


Acting Collector & Magistrate-H. C. Syers Clerk-A. D. Pakiaim Gillay

Forest Ranger-Raja Ahlang

Malay Schoolmaster-Raja Sulong


Collector and Magistrate-F. E. Lawder Clerk-Abdul Razac

Chinese Clerk and Interpreter-Yap Kong


Forest Ranger-Yohar

Forest Ranger-Kamarudin

Malay Schoolmaster-Mahomed

Dresser, General Hospital-L. M. H. Klyne


Assistant Collector-D. G. Campbell Clerk-Ah Cheong

STATE RAILway Department. Resident Engineer and Supdt. Telegraphs-

A. Spence Moss, A.M.I.C.E Acting do.-F. Chauntler, A.M.I.C.E. Chief Clerk-P. Lewis

Second do. -H. W. Bristow Draughtsman-G. A. Fernando

Inspector Permanent Way-R. Bartholo-


Telegraph Clerk, Klang-N. Dorasamy Telegraph Overseer-C. A. Jansz Foreman Platelayer-R. Thornton Overseer-C. Davis

Locomotive Supdt. and Traffic Manager-

J. C. Campbell

Chief Clerk and Assistant Station Master, Kwala Lumpor-J. Wickremesekere Check Clerk-V. van Geyzel

Goods Clerk-W. A. Estrop

Foreman Fitter--D. Prentice

Engine Drivers-W. Phillips, J. Webster,

W. Booth

Booking and Telegraph Clerk-S: Savara-


Assist. Goods Clerks-G. van Geyzel, Guan

Hin, Sinnappat, Pakersamy Station Master, Pataling―J. Valupillay Clerk in charge, Batu Tiga-J. Knight Station Master, Bukit Kuda-G. Newman Goods Clerks,

-Chan Fook Nyan, M. Hassain, J. Pereira Booking and Telegraph Clerk, Bukit Kuda→→

G. Meier


Guards-H. E. Clarkson, G. Whittaker,

S. M. S. Esmail

Telegraph Clerk, Kwala Lumpor-H. H.


Storekeeper-S. Abdool Kader Sahib


Malay Schoolmasters-Md. Raus, Raja Raja Laut, Magistrate and M.C., Kwala



Collector & Magistrate-Honble. Martin


·Clerk-Yap Ah Swee

Clerk, Ulu Bernam-Md. Arip


Raja Amas, Ulu Klang

Haji Kechil, Pataling

Haji Mohamed Saleh, Bandar Kauching Raja Dolah, Jeram

Raja Ahmin, Samunieh

Inchi Mat Saman, Gombak and Batu

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Raja Hassan, M.C., Klang

Raja Manan, Sapang Besar

Raja Mahmud bin Sultan Mahmud, Ulu


Raja Husein, Beranang

Syed Jair, Cheras

Syed Mashor, Ulu Kerling

Raja Jafar, Pasangan Selangor

Haji Mahomet Talip, Panchang Pedina Datoh Sati, Sungei Stapak Dato Kota Penang, Serandah Baginda Pakei, Ulu Yam Raja Etam, Sungei Rambei

Raja Kahar, Magistrate and M.C., Ka-


Tunku Panglima Raja, Magistrate and

M.C., Kauchong

Shaik Abdul Mohet, Damansara Inchi Man, Kagang

Imam Prang Perkasa, Kwala Selangor Raja Bot, Sungei Bulu

Inchi Etam, Sungei Rambei Baja Daud, Sepangkechil Raja Daud, Ulu Langat

Hadji Mat Nusi, Ulu Selangor, and Kwala


Tanjong Duablas


Barugh, E., pepper planter, Ebor Estate,

Batu Tiga

Gordon, G. D., contractor

G. D. Gordon

H. O. Maynard

E. B. Gordon

H. C. Rendle

H. Disbrowe

Hill & Rathborne, planters, agents, and contractors; and at Perak, Sungei Ujong, and Malacca

T. H. Hill

A. B. Rathborne

A. Grant Mackie (Perak)

J. D. Toynbee, mgr., Trong Estate T. Tait, assistant, Kinta

C. G. Wight, sub-manager, Perak G. F. West, manager, Teluk Anson R. Ayre, assistant,


F. A. Toynbee, manager, Selangor A. Murray, asst., Weld's Hill Est. L. Rathborne, assist., do. V. R. Wickwar, manager, Linsum


 St. G. Caulfield, manager, Rassa J. P. Stuart, do., Jeleb

J. H. Marwood, managing engineer

S. Jerkings, assistant

A. Fraser,




Kerling Tin Mining and Boring Co., Ulu


Rodyk & Davidson, agents, Singapore

Rawang Tin Mining Co., Limited, Kwala


John Muir, manager

J. W. Baird, assistant

W. R. Scott & Co., agents, Singapore

Selangor Club, Kwala Lumpor

President The Resident Vice-President-The Chief Magistrate Hon. Sec. and Treas.-H. F. Bellamy Committee-H. C. Syers, F. A. Toynbee,

A. C. Norman, A. R. Venning Clerk-J. A. da Silva

Selangor Padi and Sago Planting Co.,

Limited, Klang

H. H. Tunku dia Udin, Yap Ah Shao (Captain China), Syed Abubakar Aljumed, H. C. Syers, directors Munshi Md. Syed, general agent,


Stephenson, Walter, pepper planter, Bev.

erloc Estate, Klang

Selangor Gambier Plantation Co., Klang J. G. Davidson (Singapore) director Syed Abubahar Aljumed Syed Zin bin Syed Puteh


Selangor Volunteer Fire Brigade H. F. Bellamy, captain


do. and

F. W. Hill, A. C. Norman, lieutenants G. George, quartermaster

E. W. Neubronner, treasurer

14 European Firemen

Straits Dispensary Branch, Market Square, Kwala Lumpor; Maynard & Co., Ld.

S. Scott, manager in charge Agents Ocean Steamship Co.

Straits Pepper Co., Ld., Glen Marie Estate,

Batu Tiga

L. Christiansen

Jac. Lammers, manager

Straits Trading Co., Ld., Kwala Lumpor

Jas. Sword, manager

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Perak is on the west coast of the Malayan peninsula, and lies between Kedah or Queda, on the north and Selangor on the south. It extends along the coast for about 90 miles, and includes, inland, the greater part of the watershed of the Perak river and its tributaries, and of the Krian and Bernam rivers. The seat of government, and the residence of H.M .'s Resident, is Kwala Kangsa, on the Perak river. The chief town and centre of the mining industry is Thaipeng, in the province of Larut.

The state is under British protection and the government is carried on under the Raja Muda as Regent, aided and advised by the Resident, and a Council consisting of the Resident and Assistant Resident, and several native chiefs. A Military Police Force of 500 men, mainly Sikhs and Pathans, is maintained. The most important province of Perak is Larut, which has tin deposits of great richness within a few miles of the sea-coast. It is thus most advantageously situated in respect of commercial intercourse with the British port of Penang, which is about 50 miles off. Larut is under the charge of the Assistant Resident, and its chief town, Thaipeng, is the head-quarters of the Military Police, and of the chief departments of the State. British Officers (Magistrates and Collectors) and detachments of Police are also stationed in other important districts. The Dindings, including the island of Pangkor and the district of Dinding on the mainland, which is British territory, come under the administration of the Resident of Perak. In the interior of Perak, except in mining districts, the population is almost entirely Malay, the exceptions being a few Chinese shopkeepers, and the Government establishments, police, &c. At Larut, and at the chief mining settlements in the interior, Kinta, Batang, Padang, &c., the Chinese form a large part of the population, and may be roughly estimated at 47,000, while the Malays number about 53,000. The country is rapidly increasing in im- portance, and on the 1st June, 1885, a railway, 84 miles in length, connecting Thai- peng with Port Weld, was formally opened to traffic. There are about 250 miles of telegraph and telephone wires in use.

The only duties levied on exports are a royalty of $10 per bhara (400 lbs.)_on tin, and a royalty of one-tenth on timber, ataps, and other jungle produce :-The value of the trade in 1886 was $14,260,595 against $12,381,071 in 1885. Tin is the principal export, and its value has increased yearly until 1884, when there was a fall in price; most of it is produced in Larut. The revenue in 1887 was $1,686,774, and the expenditure $1,683,056. There is daily communication by trading steamers between Penang and Larut.



  H.H. Sultan Idris, C.M.G. H.B.M. Resident

The Assistant Resident Datu Tumunggong

Rajah Mahkota

Chang Ah Kwee, Capitan China Chin Ah Yam, Capitan China Dato Panglinia, Kinta Toh Muda Wahab

Khoo Boo Ann, Capitan China



Sir Hugh Low, K.C.M.G., H.B.M.'s Re-


G. E. Cropley, clerk


W. G. E. Hervey, secretary to Resident

and Magistrate

F. T. Thorold, asst, secretary and clerk of


R. R. Rozells, chief clerk

J. C. Neubronner, second clerk J. A. Legge, Jr., fourth clerk L. M. da Šilva, fourth writer Wan Mat Salleh, Malay writer

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I. M. Scully, clerk of courts Chong Tak Foon, Chinese interpreter Sergt.-Major Bob, Tamil interpreter


    C. V. Creagh, H.B.M.'s Assist. Resident G. Welman, second magistrate

J. T. Keyt, assistant

W. J. Mahony, chief clerk

F. Baptiste, second do.


Mahomed Kassim, clerk of court and

Tamil interpreter

Neo Swee Cheong, Chinese

Abdul Sabahan, Hindustani

Inchi Mat, Malay writer

Li Yin Fah, Chinese do.



Othmansah, bailiff and process server

Treasury (ThAIPING).

E. M. Marples, treasurer

F. J. Radcliffe, assistant treasurer M. E. Holmes, chief clerk Cheah Cheang Hual, weighman Cheng Ghee, shroff

Muttusamy Pillay, assistant shroff


J. B. M. Leech, Collector of Land Revenue F. Duberley, asst. do. do.

A. D. Machado, chief clerk

J. G. Ferrao, second do.

Cheah Ching Hooi, third clerk


Abdoolrahman, registration clerk, Trong Ahamat, asst.



Leong Kam Tsun, first Chinese interpreter

and translator

Leong Sui Chong, second do.

Leong Kam Weng, Chinese writer Md. Abdul Hamid, Hindustani interpreter

and translator

M. A. C. Row, Tamil interpreter and


Tam Hock Seng, stamp vendor and shroff


B. Portmann, state auditor H. Vane, assistaut do. C. Trotter, act. assist. do. C. C. Trotter, chief clerk S. M. Gregory, first clerk W. Ephraims, second clerk J. Serivadene third clerk

Indian Immigration DEPARTMENT. A. M. McGregor, immigration agent (at


C. E. Pole-Carew, assistant do.


L. Wray, Jr., curator

D. Jellah, collector and taxidermist

POSTAL AND TELEGRAPH Department. T. Fred. Toft, superintendent

P. D'Aranjo, chief telegraph and post-


H. Lang Taylor, post and telegraph mas-

ter, Krian

S. S. Kussim

do. do.

M. Kanthayah,

A. P. Nadar,

L. d'Aranjo,

Abdool Jalil, registration clerk, Changkat


A. Abdoolrahman, registration clerk, Ulu


Sheik Natharsa, registration clerk, Jebong Pachee, registration clerk, Bukit Gantang Mahomet, Bongou,

do. do. Sungi Tuiggi

do. do. Sepatang

G. B. Thomas, do. do. Port Weld

(also clerk of customs)

Kitchil Said, forest ranger

T. H. Lloyd, surveyor (absent) H. Liddel, act. do.

Monug Sha Nyo, sub. asst. surveyor Lee Ah Seng, draftsman


G. W. Welman, magistrate and coroner F. Light, chief clerk

M A. C. Row, second clerk

J. A. Hendricks, third do.

W. J. Classen,

do., Port Weld sub. do., K. Kangsa sub. do., Tapa

sub. do., Matang sub. do., Kinta

Goh Beng Keat, clerk in charge, Penang

H. N. Stewart,

do., Butterworth

Mahomed Ibrahim, clerk

V. Aroonasallam,


J. P. R. Pereira,


R. Jeremiah,


F. C. Pereira,




H. Foley,

H. S. Baptist, clerk

R. J. Bruce, sanitary inspector Jaffar, bailiff

PERAK STATE Railway. C. R. Hanson, M. Inst. C.E., resident en-

gineer and traffic manager

A. W. Pereira, chief clerk

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Thaiping Station.

  J. C. Hesse, station master J. A. Moreira, goods clerk V. Tamley Pillai, assistant do. C. T. McGuire, booking clerk D. P. Perera, parcels clerk

Port Weld Station.

W. V. Anthonisz, station master T. R. Herft, goods clerk Lee Eng Choon, asst. do. S. Cassim, booking clerk

Simpang Station.

A. E. E. de Vos, station master


M. Paul, H. G. Perkins

Locomotive Department.

C. Spalding, locomotive superintendent

and workshop engineer

J. E. Moreira, T. A. Orchard, J. R. Craw-

ford, engine drivers

W. Vytalingem Pillai, clerk and store-


Permanent Ways.

J. H. Jones, inspector of permanent ways


Head Quarter Office, Thaiping.


F. St. G. Caulfield, state engineer and

surveyor (on leave)

J. Trump, acting


A. D. Machado, chief clerk

W. P. Thorpe, financial clerk

J. D. Shepherdson, third do.

T. S. Pillay, fourth

V. R. Pillay, fifth

C. R. Rozells, sixth





John Shepherdson, seventh clerk R. Rozells, storekeeper Hadji Abdulla, cashier

Cuthbert de Trafford, chief draftsman D. de Silva, second

C. F. Ferrão, third

S. Suppramaniam, tracer C. E. Rawlins, apprentice

District Division.



Geo. A. Lefroy, act. supdt., Larut

P. B. McGlashan, acting district engineer,


G.P. Tickell, asst. engineer, Kwala Kangsa J. P. Hall, clerk of works, Larut

C. Cox, building overseer, do.

do., do. do., Kwala Kangsa H. Hulbert, clerk and storekeeper, Krian Kinta

T. G. Giffenning

8. Sabapathy,

R. L. Hughes,


Survey Branch.

H. R. Pemberton, chicf office asst. (abst.) T. W. Mais, acting chief office assistant J. A. A. Williams, assistant survevor,

Kwala Kangsa Robt. Langslow,

D. Jayesuria,

do., Krian

do.. Larut

H. Beatson, sub assist. ɛurveyor, Kwala


A. Rodrigo,


Lower Perak

Moung Tha Ngo, do.,


Moung Zian,





Kwala Kangsa

G. Mancino,


Krian (on leave)

Moung Chaw,





Veragava Mudly, do.,

A. R. Murngasu, do.,

B. Manen, draftsman, Kwala Kangsa

A. C. Rodrigo, do., Krian

W. Van Dort, do., Larnt

R. Sabapathy, do.,


Mahomed Sheriff, computer, Larut

Lee Ah Seng, tracer,

M. Rooke, do.,

A. Viramuttu, improver,





H. H. Sheppard, M.R.C.S., residency


J. Macartney Wright, M.B., C.M., sur- geon, Yeng Wah Hospital, Thaiping W. D. Scott, M.A., M.B., C.M., Edinr. district surgeon, Kinta and Lower Perak C. H. Wheeler, district surgeon, Krian R. P. Colomb, apothecary, General Hos-

pital, Thaiping

D. B. Pereira, apothecary, Yeng Wah

Hospital, Thaiping

F. W. Nicholas, apothecary, Lower Perak H. E. Hughes, apothecary, Goping, Kinta K. Muthikumarn, L.C. M.C., apothecary,

Batu Gajah, Kinta

P. N. Nadar, apothecary, Kwala Kangsa M. Naganathur, N. P. Pillai, Sinnathan-

by, 8. Nunameah, dressers, Larut J. Francis, F. E. Mujan, dressers, Kinta S. Pooniah, dresser, Krian

J. Smith, dresser, Selama

L. Hendricks, steward, Yeng Wah Hos-

pital, Larut

M. Vengedesalemn, storekeeper, do. W. Faulkner, vaccinator and dispenser,

Gen. Hospital, Larut

W. M. Sriwardene, clerk, residency sur-

geon's office

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Capt. C. A. Schultz, registrar of mines.

W. Scott, inspector

W. Giran, inspector of machines

H. Liddell, surveyor



Chan Sup Koon, overseer and interpreter W. Sabapathy, draftsman


Khoo Kim Ki, third and pay clerk C. A. Rawlins, fourth clerk


Major G. A. Tranchell, superinten dent E. Rawlins, gaoler

J. Newman, chief warder Syed Khan, jemnadar

J. L. Greene, head master, Thaiping, in Joseph Chong, chief clerk

charge of department

   J. Hieler, second master, Thaiping Cheah Chua, assistant do. do.

Mahomed Sedik, teacher, K. Kangsa

Mahomed Cassim, do..

Teluk Anson




Mahomed Ibrahim, d.›., Ahmet Malacca, do.,



do., Kenta

Abdul Rahman,

SECRETARIAT FOR CHINESE AFFAIRS. Captain C. A. Schultz, secretary

W. Cowan, assistant

W. M. Young, Registration clerk, Telok


Lung Tso Ting, first Chinese writer

Lim Wah, second

do. do.

Hsu Ah Tack, chief clerk

Tong Kwok Yui, second clerk

Ong Eng Thiam, third


FIRST BATTALION PERAK Sikhs. (1 troop Lancers 1 Field Battery, 1 Gar-

rison Battery, 1 Battalion Foot)

Head Quarters, Thaiping, Larut. R. S. F. Walker, Major 28th Regiment,


G. E. Giles, capt. R.A., assistant com-


T. M. L. Lawder, late 96th Regiment,

deputy commissioner

C. Wagner, superintendent Intelligence


W. J. Buswell, chief inspector

Jas. McKeon, John Symes, W. J. Brewer, W. Evans, Walter Buswell, Jos. Mc- Keon, W. J. Foley, J. Lamb, A. E. Wilkins, G. A. Burt, inspectors Abdul Rahim, sub-inspector Walter Field, armourer

   C. J. Howman, quartermaster J. A. Legge, medical officer N. Vurda Rajooloo, dresser S. T. Bateman, accountant

T. E. de Silva, chief clerk

Syed Abdul Hassan, firs: clerk (Munsbi) Tan Chiu Tak, second clerk


Lek Mow, second Sambarapullie, third do. J. Harfleet, warder J. Dixon,


Printing Department.

J. Dishman, foreman


C. F. Bozzolo, collector and magistrate C. R. Mackie, clerk




N. Denison, superintendent and collector C. R. Crawford, accountant

A. Butler, second assistant

F. W. Brewster, third assistant

W. C. Fonseca, fourth do.

A. D. Braddock, chief clerk Y. Yangkin, Chinese interpreter Mahomed Sabat, Malay writer

MATANG AND PORT WELD. W. R. Wynne, collector and magistrate


G. B. Thomas, clerk of customs Khee Meng, Chinese interpreter and clerk

of courts

Abdulrahman, Malay writer

Che Mab, Tamil interpreter and bailiff S. S. Cassim, telegraph and post-office


Lo Kim Lwee, second clerk


R. D. Hewett, magistrate

J. F. J. Andrews, assistant magistrate

and collector

Haji Mat Saman, Malay writer

Shak Yin Fook, Chinese interpreter and


Leow Kim Leong, clerk of courts Anjang, bailiff and process server A. Hale, inspector of mines

Chee Kulup Rhio, overwer of mines H. R. Baldwin, land office clerk Che Noh, forest ranger

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Steam Launch S.S. Kinta, P. Johnson,

master, and S.S. Rapid.


J. M. B. Leech, collector and magistrate

Cecil Wray,


Tan Kok An, Chinese interpreter

Kalana, Malay writer


Sub Treasury.

Brian Gaynor, assistant treasurer

S. Cartbegasam, clerk

Post and Telegraph Office.

Brian Gaynor, in charge

Mahomed Ibrahim, sub post and tele-

graph master

Percy Pereira, clerk


H. W. C. Leech, LL.D., B.L, C.E., collec-

tor and magistrate

L. Dennys, assistant magistrate

Land Department.

A. T. Dew, assistant collector R. H. Jeremiah, chief clerk J. R. Allport, second do. J. Jeremiah, third do.

F. A. de Mornay, field assistant Mahomed Sahat, Malay writer


H. W. C. Leech, LL.D, B.L., C.E., magis. trate and commissioner of Court of Re- quests

A. T. Dew,

C. H. Wheeler, M.D.



Howard McD. Peché, clerk of courts

Oni Seng Soon, Chinese interpreter Govinda Naiken, Tamil


Mat Arib, bailiff and process server Mat Jusoh,



George Bain, financial clerk

Sabino Flores, shroff


H. L. Hulbert, inspector of works C. S. Ganapathy Pillay, field and office



R. Langslow, Ph. D., assistant surveyor H. E. Beatson, sub assistant surveyor Moung Chaw,

J. Rodrigo, draftsman


DEMARCATIon Department.

P. C. Rozells, demarcation officer

POLICE DEpartment.

J. McKeon, inspector

Md. Wazeer,


Seow Cheng Guan, clerk and interpreter Ong Cheah Lai, clerk

MEDICAL Department.

C. H. Wheeler, M.D., surgeon

S. Ponniab, dresser

L. H. Sriwardene, assist. dresser

CUSTOMS Department.

Jude Aeria, chief Customs clerk, Parit


Peter Dragon, Customs clerk, Kwala Ku-


Mat, Customs clerk, Bagan Tiang Mun, Customs clerk, Simpang Ampat Karrim, Customs clerk, Tanjong Piandang Sahid, Customs clerk, Kwala Gula

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. M. Kanthyah, post and telegraph master

EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. Chemat, master, Malay school, Simpang


Che Mat, do.

Brahim, do.


do. Kampong Kedda

do. Bagan Serai

X. M. Doraysamy, master, Tamil school,

Bagan Serai

Tangapragassy, mistress, Tamil school,

Bagan Serai


F. W. Brewster, collector and magistrate Ho Ah Ng, Oosmansah, clerks


Parit Buntar, chop "Bat Jit Cheang"

Wong Ah Meng, manager

Kuala Kuran, chop "Ban See Cheang'

Ung Kim Liew, manager

GovernmenT REST HOUSES. Peter, guardian, Parit Buntar

Awang, do.

Bagan Serai

Francis, do.

Kuala Kuran


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Bun Kim Company, merchants

R. H. Meaburn Kway Kim Teong

Kway Kohe, manager of store Six Chinese assistants

Hewett, A. B., general contractor

Hill and Rathborne, planters, agents, and


(See Selangor.)

Maynard & Co., Limited, Thaiping

A. Oldfield, chemist, manager

Melbourne Tiu Mining Co., Selama

C. Hooper, manager

Perak Tin Mining Co., Selama

J. Hooper, manager

Railway Hotel and Billiard Room

W. C. Maynard, proprietor

"Société des Etains de Kinta," Labat

Arthur Taylor, manager Alex. Cologon, asst. manager Chas. Lowe, accountant Emile Hardouin, assistant

Wray, Leonard, Jr., M.S.T.E.E., M.P.S.,

curator of museum, Thaiping


Government Plantations, coffee, Kwala


J. F. M. Cock Jun., superintendent

Gula Estate, Krian, Sugar Cane

The Perak Sugar Cultivation Co.,

Ld., proprietors

R. J. Parkinson,


Vernon McLelland, asst. do.

- Baird, engineer

J. H. Lincoln, apothecary Guan Soon, clerk

B. Symons, overseer

Allen & Kennedy, agents in Penang

Jin Heng Estate, Krian, Sugar Cane

Executors of Hiah Jin Wee, proprietors

Hiah Guan Kheang, manager J. D'Cruz, engineer

Kumnuning Estate, coffee, Kwala Kangsa

C. T. Wright, manager



Nebong Boodoogoo Estate, Krian, Sugar


Oh Cheng Chan, proprietor Oh Ah Koon, manager

F. Pulsford, J.P., superintending


Samagagga Estate, Krian, Sugar Cane

Wong Ah Meng, and Tan Weng

Cheang, proprietors

Tan Weng Cheang, manager M. Allee, engineer

Sin Thye Seng Estate, Sugar Cane

Wong Ah Buang, proprietor

Wong Hap Tek, manager

F. Pulsford, J.P.. superinten ing


Sungei Semang Estate, Krian, Tobacco

Khor Boo Ann, proprietor

J. H. Lunberg, manager Khaw Ah Pek, asst. do.

Waterloo Estate, coffee, Kwala Kangsa

T. Fraser, manager

D. G. Fraser

OTHER RESIDENTS IN PERAK. Fraser, Thos., Waterloo Estate, Gapis Giffenning, P., Thaiping

Hall, J., Larut

Hamilton, E., Thaiping Hamilton, R.

Kunstler, H. (& family), naturalist Lourdin, A.,

Moss, P., Thaiping, agent Little & Co. Peterson, F., Saw Mills, Kwala Kangsa Peterson, J.,Saw Mills, Kwala Kangsa Rozells, J. G., Thaiping

Scortechini, Rev. Father, Thaiping Shepherdsou, M., petition-writer, Tuaiping Thierot, Monsieur, Lahat

Walters, W., do.

Wambeck, J. Mountain Gardens, Thaiping White, C., Kinta

Wray, L. (& family), planter, Thaiping


Rev. R. Feé, St. Joseph's Tamil mi-sion,

Bagan Srai, Krian

ALL SAINTS CHURCH THAIPING. Rev. A. Markham, M. A., chaplain

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   Penang, or Prince of Wales' Island (the latter name having only been officially abndoned within the last few years) is an island situated on the west coast of the Malaay Peninsula in 5 deg. North latitude and with a strip of land on the opposite coast known as Province Wellesley, from which it is separated by a strait varying from 2 to 10 miles in width, constitutes the second in importance of the three governments known as the "Straits Settlements." The island contains an area of about 107 square miles, being 15 miles long and 9 broad at its widest portions, while Province Wellesley extends for a distance of 45 miles along the coast,and has an average width of 8 miles. The chief town of Penang is George Town, but the name of the island (which signifies "Betel nut island") has become so identified with the town that the specific designation has almost dropped out of use.

   Penang was ceded to the famous Captain Light for the East India Com- pany in the year 1785 for an annual payment of $10,000 to the Rajab of Queda, a step which was followed 13 years later by the cession of Province Wellesley. In the year 1806, Penang was elevated to the rank of a presidency, its rising fortunes even then bidding fair to eclipse those of Malacca, while Singapore was as yet un- known as a settlement. In 1825 Singapore and Malacca were incorporate with Penang, and the three were designated by the title they still retain. But as the fortunes of Singapore brightened, those of Penang declined, until the former quite overshadowed her older sister, and in 1832 the principal seat of government was transferred to Singapore.

The settlement of Penang is governed by a Resident Councillor, but is in effect an appanage of Singapore, a resident merchant and a leading Province Wellesley planter representing it in the Singapore Council, An important department of its trade lies in the business transacted with the Dutch settlements in Sumatra, and much excitement was caused during the Acheen war, by what its merchants deemed the undue restrictions placed on their trade by the Dutch authorities. Penang will always remain of certain importance, although it is not likely to again assume the position in the commercial world it formerly held. It is much looked to as an emigration centre for the labour required by the Dutch planters at Acheen and elsewhere. It is a convenient coaling and man-of-war station, and is of yet greater necessity as the virtual seat of gove rnment as regards Province Wellesley, which when the Peninsula is placed under British protection as it must, sooner or later, be, will be an important centre of British influence. George Town is built on a plain, at the back of which rises the hill which, as Penangites declare, renders life on the island endurable. The census of 1881 gave 190,597 as the population, in which return, however, were included the population of Province Wellesley and the Dindings. The population is thus divided:-Europeans, 674; Armenians, 32; Jews, 32; Eurasians, 1,597; Chinese, 67,502; Arabs, 574; Tamils, 25,094; Malays, 84,724; and the rest of various races. The estimated population in 1885 was 244,000.


Colonial Government.

RESIDENT COUNCILLOR'S OFFICE. Resident Councillor-Hon. C. J. Irving,


Acting do. -Hon. W. E. Maxwell,

C.M.G., res: "Uddini," Jelubong Chief Clerk-W. Drago; res., Leith St. Clerks F. Aeria, P. P. Jaleh, Lim Thuan,

J. G. Dragon

Malay Writer-Mohamed Hashim


Judge - T. L. Wood

do. E. Pellereau Registrar-J. A. Harwood Deputy Registrar-J. W. N. Kyshe Acting Deputy Registrar-J. C. Pestana Chief Clerk-J. C. Pestana

Clerks Jno. Joseph Jambu, A. G. Jambu,

D. O. Scully, G. E. Rodrigues Tamil Interpreter-John Henry Lincoln Second do. -8. M. Chinayah

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Malay School

Northam Lodge






Chinese Club


8 3






Police Barracks




Smallpar Hospital



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40 14











Free School





Chinesi Tawn-{{a}}/












Town Hall








Police Courts





Post thee











Harbour Masters








Scale of Yards

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i Bartholomew. fin.

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1st Malay Interp.-

Second do. -F. V. Massang


Chinese Interpreters-Lam Su, Lim Kok

Cheng, Lim Teow Chong Sheriff-J. B. D. Rodyk Bailif-W. A. Seaton


Senior Commissioner-C. W. S. Kynnersley Second do. -W. Egerton Chief Clerk-Jas. Gawthorne Clerks-Kader Ismail, S. W. McIntyre Tamil Interpreter-Mahd. Hashim Chinese do. -Teb Ab Shwee Bailiff-B. P. Pereira

Assist. Bailiffs-Meah Khan, Baba Meah Process Servers-Moonosamy, Abdul Kader


First Magistrate C. W. Sneyd Kyn-

nersley; residence, Northam Road Second do. W. Egerton; residence,

Northam Road


Chief Clerk-8. Leicester, Burmah Road Clerks E. J. W. Branson, A. C. Thomas, A. Divia Nathan Pillay, C. P. Monteiro, Shaik Ahamad Meah, N. Pasgual Ushers-J. Watkins, W. D. Jeremiah Malay Interpreter-M. M. Scully Acting 2nd do. -M. Lebby Tamby Tamil Interpreters-Sondrum Pillay, Ao-

rakia Sami

Chinese Interpreters-Chan Lye Seng,

Goon Fook Weng



Magistrate and Commr.-J. K. Birch

Chief Clerk-W. L. Aeria

Acting 3rd do.-S. M. Cubilles

Malay Interpreter-Teh

Tamil do.

Chinese do.

-J. \. N. Pulleh

-Fum Yun Sen


Chief Clerk-J. E. V. J"remiah Second do. -P. A. Rozells Tamil Interpreter-Husna Merican Chinese Interpreter-Ng Lean Heng

TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Assist. Treasurer and Collector of Stamps

-G. Norris

Chief Clerk-Koh Choon Teat 2nd Clerk-L. S. Aeria

3rd do.-S. R. Krishnasamy Naids Shroff and Clerk-Mohamed Ismail


Chief Clerk-F. A. Palmer 2nd do. --S. D. Scully Probate Duty Clerk-B. C. Doral




Asst. Postmaster General-Noel Trotter Acting Asst. Postmaster Gl.-G. T. Batty Chief Clerk-S. A. de Reis

Clerks G. H. d'Olivero, Chee Kok Peng,

C. Kok Foo, E. de Souza, C. Doral Stamp Vendor-T. Angus Butterworth-Sub Postmaster, A. S. Pillai Bukit Tamboon-



Niebong Tabal-C. Subrien

Balek Pulau-Sub-Postm'r, Gouse Meab Printer-E. Monteiro


Agent-E. E. A. Marcks

INDIAN IMMIGRATION DEPT. Indian Immigration Agent S. S.-A. M.




do. H. A. Thompson

do. -H. Evans

Chief Clerk-All"dad Kahn

Second Clerk-H. T. Bellaverdrum Pillay Tamil Interpreter-S. Joseph

PROTECTORATE OF CHINESE. Assistant Protector of Chinese and Regis-

trar C.D.O.-F. Powell

Chief Clerk-C. Nelligan

Clerks-Lee Ab Seng, Tan Seng Joe, Tho

Seng Go, Chew Ah Sang

Inspector, C. D. O.-J. R. Macfarlane Interpreter, C. D. O.-Ng Theng We Boarding Officer-J. C. Fernandez


Asst. Protector of Chinese-G. C. Wray Inspector C. D. Ö.-J. Perry

SECRETARIAT. Passed Cadet-A. H. Capper

MARINE DEPARTMENT. Acting Harbour Master, Marine Magistrate, and Registrar of Imports and Exports- R. Huddle; residence, Oriental Hotel Chief Clerk-T. Gregory; residence,

Newington Villa, Burmah Road Clerks-J. Thomas, J. W. Jeremiah, J. A. Thomas, Md. Sheriff, Mahomed Issa, P: M. Andrew, Cheah Eng Keat

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Collector of Land Revenue-Chas. J. Skinner



            -Alf. T. Bryant Chief Clerk-Ong Thean Lye Clerks R. S. Scully, Maas Jehan, F. A. Pillay, H. M. Joseph, Ho Chye Teong, J. M. Jalleh and T. J. Lesslar Forest Rangers, P. W.-F. Nicholas, Chan

Yong Seng

Forest Ranger, Penang-C. J. Williams

FORESTRY DEPARTMENT. Assistant Superintendent-C. Curtis


GENERAL ESTABLISHMENT. Acting Deputy Col. Engineer and Surveyor

   General J. H. Callcott Photographer-F. Ballah

Assistant Photographer-K. Yacobe Chief Clerk-Yeow Sew Beow

Clerks J. Pereira, V. A. R. Naidoo, F.

L. Nicholas, Lim Keng Eow, S. Asir- vadam

PUBLIC WORKS BRANCH. Acting Asst. Supdt. of Works-W. Reid Clerk of Works-J. Scharenguivel

    Do. -J. W. Hodge Overseers-T. Krishnasamy, Soon Seow Kee, R. C. Norris, G. E. Thompson, M. Ghosemeah

Draftsman-F. X. Holmberg Assist. do. Yeow Beng Lee Storekeeper-P. A. Buluer

SURVEY Branch.

District Surveyor-J. P. Pennefather Surveyors-J. F. Ward, A. E. Jansen Draftsman and Computer- M. de Zilva Field Assistant-

Apprentices-E. de Wit, J. Boudville, L. Pasqual, A. E. Clough, C. Raja Soon- drum, P. Pasqual

Survey Record Keeper-Mahomed Cassim Trigonometrical Survey.

Observer-P. A. Peters

Assistant do.-H. Green

TELEGRAPH Branch. Supdt. Gov. Telegraphs-P. J. Nelson Telegraph Clerk, Penang-H. N. Stewart

Do. Butterworth -J. A. O'Keeffe Do. Bukit Tamboon-G. Periasanny Pillay Do. Nebong Tebal-Goh Beng Keat


Deputy Inspector-S. W. Augustin Clerk-E. J. Gregory

do. R. G. Woodford Interpreter-Cheong Kim Quee


Superintendent-E. W. Laseron Chief Clerk-Ooee Eah Beng Second do. -S. M. Cubilles Extra do. P. Pillay

Office Assistants-N. A. Joseph, B. Dhar-

ma Ratne

Draughtsmen-T. S. Layou, W. H. Pen-


Computer-H. Subba Raw

Assist. do.-Tan Choo Choy, Kung Kim


Plotting Draftsmen-Ramasawmy Naidu Somasoonderam Pillay, Sanniasi Pillay Teruvangada Rajoo, Jacob Bondville K. D. Maria Susey

Tracers-C. B. Andrew, Kung Thean

Sung, Md. Sahak

Field Staff. Surveyors-J. G. Koch, W. H. Mackenzie,

R. H. Morgan

Assistant Surveyors-A. E. van Rooyen, Samuel de Silva, G. W. Thwaites, M. M. Kent, M. R. T. Oldfield Sub-Surveyors-S. A. Brenger, C. Shun-

muga Mudali

EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. Superintendent-R. Jacobson

Visiting Teacher, Penang-Shaik Emam Do. Prov. Wellesley-Md. Hashim Head Master English School-C. Goldham Master-F. Paul and 4 assistants

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Senior Med. Officer-F. K. Hampshire, M.B. Colonial Surgeon-T. S. Kerr, M.B., C.M. Apothecaries-J. R. Bruce, S. A. O'Keeffe, C. V. Norris, J. F. Carnegy, S. J. Gaw- thorne Dressers-M. Emuang, C. M. Bondville, M. Arnashellum, J. J. Bondville, H. V. Elvins, Lim Tai Lee, H. Monteiro, M. A. Gasper

Apprentices-Yong Chew Sin, C. A. Doral,

F. Pakiam

Clerks-J. J. Monteiro, T. Ramanjooloo,

J. B. Abdalrahim

Chinese Interpreter-Teo Tai Hoon

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Surgeon-F. K. Hampshire, M.B. Apothecary-C. V. Norris


Colonial Surgeon-J. H. McCloskey, F.R.



Vaccinator J. A. Symons


BUKIT MENIAH HOSPITAL, P. W., SOUTH. Resident Apothecary-F. Rodrigues Dresser-E. L, Poons

SUNGAI BACUP HOSPITAL. Resident Apothecary-J. W. W. Hogan Dresser J. J. MacIntyre

POLICE DEPARTMENT. Superintendent and Registrar of Secret So"

cieties and of Hackney Carriages, and Li censing Officer-R. W. Maxwell (absent) Acting do.-H. J. H. Riccard Assist. do. Penang-W. A. Cuscaden Chief Inspector-C. H Ord Detective Officer-M. Drum Inspector-W. Ware, Central Station

do. -F.K.Jennings, Magazine Station do. -T. Shuckford, (absent)


-J. M. Peralta, Pitt St. Station do. -A. Manghan, Ralow Station Inspector Hackney Carriages-J. E. Cooper Inspector Gunpowder Ord.-E. N. Robless Sergeants-J. Gordon, R. Moffat, T. Little,

É. Rennie (act)

Chief Clerk-R. H. Mitchell

Clerks-P. P. Jalleh, Z. C. Aeria, Md.


Cashier A. Nagalingam

Interpreters-Che Mat, Oh Koon Pek, K.

D. N. Pilley and others

PROVINCE WELLESLEY. Assist. Sapdt.-E. Hogge

Inspectors W. Porteous, Bukit Tambun, J. Mackenzie, Bukit Mertajam, H. Blackburn, Butterworth Station, H. Simpson, Penaga

Sub-Inspector Hackney Carriages-D. P.

D. Olivero

Second Clerk-Md. Ismael Fifth Clerk-A. Reutens

Interpreters-Lim Hen Yen, Foo Ah Wan,

Tan Teng Gim


Superintendent-C. W. S. Kynnersley Gaoler-T. H. Lamb

Senior Warder-W. Penegar

Warders-H. Longhurst, S. Jacobs, J. Simpson, S. Neobol, C. Buchell, W. Giles, T. J. Sheuenson

Matron-E. Laurie

Native Warders-Thirty-five

Tamil Clerk and Interpreter-R. R. Robless

Do. Chinese

do. do.

-A. C. Westwood

-Tan Kim Jeow


Colonial Chaplain-Rev. L. C. Biggs, M.A


Commissioners-The Resident Councillor

(president), The Deputy Colonial En- gineer, Foo Tye Sin, Cheah Chen Esk Secretary-J. W. Hallifax Chief Clerk-A. C. Doral Clerks J. M. de Souza, H. H. Palmer, H. H. Peterson, R. L. de Souza, Cheah Khoy Beng, L. Robless


Clerk to Engineer-J. C. d'Oliveiro Town Inspectors-R. C. Nickelsen, J. D.


Overseer, Scavenging-W. H. Bondville Assistant do.

-R. Lewis

Overseers of Roads-F. C. Fencott, Rajab Fitters-W. Rodrigues, T. Domingo, C.

Pasqual, E. Francis

Assessor and Collector Province Wellesley-

W. J. M. Allen

Clerks do. M. de Souza, E. S. Scully,

A. H. Aeria, C. R. Rozells



Major-W. Capel

Captain-E. Manson Lieutenant-C. G. Stewart

do. -F. Protheroe

Act. Dpty. Asst. Commissary Gl.-Capt. E.


Surgeon-J. H. A. Rhodes Chaplain-Rev. L. C. Bigges



Consul General-J. A. Kruijt

Secretary-T. E. Siddons

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Consular Agent-E. Huttenbach


Consul R. Klunder


Vice-Consul-F. H. Friederichs


Consular Agent-F. H. Gottlieb, (absent)


Consul-R. Klunder


Vice-Consul-F. H. Gottlieb, (absent)


Vice-Consul-J. M. da L. Vieria


Consul-A. D. Neubronner

Clerk-Law Sit Kee

Siamese Clerk-Simean

Writer-Mydin bin Pakir

Malay Writer-Mahomed bin Tomby


Consular Agent-. Huttenbach



Trustees-Hon. J. M. Vermont, D. Logan,

R. Klunder, F. J. C. Rose Committee-J. A. Harwood, R. Morstadt, H. Jebsen, John C. Budd, president; Dr. Brown, W. Egerton, R. Yeats Treasurer and Secretary-Seth Anthony

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Committee J. C. Budd (chairman), D. Comrie (vice-chairman), A. Huttenbach, R. T. Peake, A. E. Turner, C. B. Rickett, R. Yeats

Acting Secretary-W. Allen

VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE. Captain Commandant-A. Huttenbach Captain J. Brown

Lieutenant-H. S. Scott

Engine Master--W. A. B. Cullin

Secretary J. Howell

Treasurer-W. Cowan


Royal Prince of Wales Lodge, No. 1555 Wor. Master-F. K. Jennings

Treasurer-A. R. Adams Secretary-J. W. Dando


Richmond House, 104, Penang Road. Committee-Yeap Hup Keat, Lim Pek Lian, Oh Tek Lecng, Choong Kew Hoe, Ho: Teang Wan, Lim Kam Hin, Khoo Oon Keong, Yeap Puat Suan, Lim Khie Hee, Lee Boon Keat

Hon. Secretary-Ong Beng Tek Hon. Treasurer-Lye Nhee Quee Hon, Auditor-Yeow Sew Beow

PENANG LIBRARY. President-Hon. C. J. Irving, C.M.G. Committee-Hon. John Allan, D. Comrie, Dr. W. C. Brown, J. C. Budd, C. W. S. Kynnersley, Dr. N. B. Dennys Hon. Librarian-Rev. L. C. Biggs Hon. Treasurer-G. Griffin

Hon. Secretary-J. N. Kennedy Clerk-Horatio N. Angus

PENANG Free School. Patron-H. E. Sir Cecil C. Smith Managing Committee-The Hon. W. E. Maxwell, C.M.G., President; C. W. S. Kinnersley, The Colonial Chaplain, Foo Tye Sin, F. H. Gottlieb, W. T. Smellie, F. Powell, Cheak Chen Eok, A. D. Neubronner, Ong Boon Tek, Koh Seang Tat, D. Comrie, Chew Sin Jong, Shaik Eusoof, T. Norris

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer-G. Norris Auditor-Foo Tye Sin

Financial Committee-The Treasurer, D.

Comrie, W. T. Smellie

Head Master-Gorge Griffin Assistant Masters-L. S. Hawkins, F. H. Hawkins, J. J. McKeon, J. A. Surin, R. McIntyre, T. R. Hutchinson, Lim Sin Keong, Khoo Teik Seang, Khoo Boon Chuan, Lim Sin Fean, Foo Nan Kin, Kam Im Keat

S. GEORGE'S CHURCH. Chaplain-Rev. L. Coutier Biggs, M.A. (Surrogate) "The Manse," Farquhar St. Organist E. R. Hutchinson


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Head Mistress-Mrs. Marquis Asst. do. -Miss A. M. Barr


S. GEORGE'S TAMIL MISSION (S.P.G.) Deacon-Rev. R. Balavendrum Schoolmaster G. Yokannau Pillai Assistant Master-S. Francis

Mistress, Girls' School-Mrs. Balavendrum


Rev. C. Mazery, vicar, Pulo Tikus

Rev. C. A. Ch. Grenier, vicar, Assump

tion Church, Georgetowu

Rev. Th. Cesbron, assistant

Rev. F. H. Hab, vicar, St. Francis Xavier

Church, Penang

Rev. R. Fee, assistant

Bev. P. F. Sorin, Province Wellesley Rev. L. Page, Balek Pulao

Rev. Bouche, Larut


Lady Superior-Mother St. Anseleme

14 Sisters

GENERAL COLLEGE OF THE MISSIONS ETRANGERES, PULO-TICUS. Superior-Vy. Rev. E. Wallays Directors-Revds. J. J. J. Girard, M. C. Laumondais, P. G. Guéneau, A. S. Henriod, L. E. A. Bret, N. J. M. Wil- helm, P. J. F. A. Metge, J. Casanave Chinese Tutor-Ng Ah Loc

        ST. XAVIER'S INSTITUTION. Principal-Rev. Bro. Aloysius Assistants-Rev. Bros. Andrew, Avelliro, Anthelm, Philip, Casamir, Andrew Corsini, Isidore, Zeboras, Emile


Manager-Rev. C. Mazery

Head Master-R. B. Massang

Teachers A. Rozario, M. Rozario, F.



Chulia Street.

   Chairman-Lim Quan Cheang Vice Chairman-Yeow Sew Beow Honorary Treasurer-Lye Nhee Quee

do. Auditor-Kam Chew Poh

Secretary-Cheah Teow Eang do. -Khoo Eu Yong

      do. Acting


Manager-Rev. C. Mazery


Mistresses-Miss M. Jeremiah, Miss J.

Chong, Miss A. Angus

Public Companies.

EASTERN Extension, Australasia and CHINA TELEGraph Co., LIMITED. Beach Street.

D. W. Gott, superintendent (absent) R. Hodsoll, acting superintendent J. C. Hendry, acting clerk in charge G. H. Macgregor, assistant

J. M. Beck


H. P. Dennys


De H. Farrant


J. A. Peggs


C. Crane


G. Easton


T. C. M. West


P. Langan


J. Hosey





E. Cotter

G. Murtrie

G. Owen

Lee Ah Koon, operator

Lee Poh Seng


G. A. Surin, Ismail Kahn, Bobjee, clerks

BRITISH North Borneo Company. Brown & Co., agents

PRYE RIVER DOCK COMPany, Limited. Office, 27, Beach Street.

Secretary-Robert Hendry Clerk―J. B. d'Oliveiro Cashier-Lim Sim Khoon


General Manager-K. L. Christensen Superintendent Engineer-Robert Ander-


Clerk-P. P. d'Oliveiro Blacksmith-W. Hooley Overseer-P. R. Jeremiah Storekeeper-M. A. Julian


R. Hedsoll, acting agent


Proprietor-Aug. Huttenbach

Manager-E. Huttenbach

Engineer-J. Watson

Agents-Huttenbach Brothers & Co.

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   REUTER'S TELEGRAM COMPANY, Ltd. Allen & Kennedy, agents

      AYER ETAIN COIR COMPANY. Partners-Z. C. Brown, J. J. Tait, E. A. B. Brown, J. A. Brown, H. S. Scott, W. S. Petherbridge

  General Manager-W. S. Petherbridge Manager-Neil Cook Overseer-F. Petersen Agents-Brown & Co.


Boustead & Co., agents


Jebsen & Co., agents


PENANG and Province WELLESLEY Steamboat Company, LimITED. Brown & Co., agents


Friedericks & Co., agents

NATIONAL STEAMSHIP Company. OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. Mansfield, Bogaardt & Co., agents



Sandilands, Buttery & Co., agents


A. A. Anthony & Co., agents


Huttenbach, Liebert & Co., agents

NEGAPATAM STEAMERS. Huttenbach, Liebert & Co., managing


GERMAN STEAMship Co. of HamburG. Kin Sin Line.

Friederichs & Co., agents


Friederichs & Co., agents

PRYE SUGAR ESTATE, PROV. WELLESLEY. D. Brown, Hon. J. M. Vermont, L. C. Brown, Exrs. of Jas. Lamb, Exrs. of Walter Scott, E. A. B. Brown, pro- prietors

Brown & Co., agents, Penang E. A. B. Brown, manager A. G. Scott, asst. manager W. R. Young, assistant Jas. F. Lamb, do. G. R. Symons,

do. T. N. Symons, engineer M. Lawrie, dresser

L. M. Robless, Md. Cassim, A. Martin,



WELLESLEY. 1000 Proprietors-Col. A. M. Brown, R. A., H. Aylesbury, Hon. J. M. Vermont, J. J. Tait, Executors of Estate L. Nairne · Manager-Hon. J. M. Vermont Asst. do.-L. Chasseriau

Do. A. F. Vermont Do. -J. Lamb Engineer-H. Cowdell Apprentice-M. V. de Souza

Overseers-M. V. de Souza, P. Jeremiah Agents, Penang-Brown & Co.

MALAKOFF ESTATE, PROV. WELLESLEY. C. F. A. Mornay, D. Comrie, proprietors C. F. de Mornay, manager

G. E. de Mornay, asst. manager S. S. Aeria, clerk

A. C. Ezekiel, apothecary Comrie & Co., agents, Penang


Comrie & Co., agents


L. P. Co. Padang Brahrang Estate.


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PAYA JAMBU Tobacco Estate, Langkat. Melbourne TIN MINING Co., LIMITED. LARUT TIN MINING Co., Limited. Sandilands, Buttery & Co., agents


Allen & Kennedy, agents, Beach St.


Jebsen & Co., agents


C. S. Tennent & Co., agent E. L. Roberts, manager

A. L. de Mornay, assistant mauager

Penang Sugar Estate Co., LIMITED.

John McDougal, attorney Boustead & Co., agents

J. McDonald, manager, Caledonia Jas. Gordon, assist. do. do. David Winchester,

W. E. Edwards,

do. do.



Jas. Dunlop, chief engineer D. Beaudville, asst. do.

  R. H. Aubrey, supdt. sugar refinery F. McGillavray, manager, Byram Ja. Falconer, manager, Golden Grove

TASSEH BRICK Co. P. W. Henry L. Smith, proprietor Jos. Smith, manager


John Hogan, propreitor

TAIKOO SUGar Refining Co. of HONGKONG.

Mansfield, Bogaardt & Co., agents


Anthony & Co., A. A., agents-

Reliance Marine Insurance Office China Fire Insurance Company, Ld. Commercial Union Assurance Co.,

Life, Fire, and Marine

Boustead & Co., agents

China Traders' Insurance Co., Ld. Union Insurance Society of Canton Thames and Mersey Marine In-

surance Company, Limited Royal Insurance Company of Liver-

    pool (Fire and Life) Caledonian Insurance Co.


London and Lancashire Insurance Co. Merchant Marine Insurance Company National Marine Insurance Company

Brown & Co., agents

North British and Mercantile Insoe. Canton Insurance Office, Limited The Marine Insurance Co., Limited Positive Government Security Life

Assurance Co., Limited

Marine and General Mutual Life As-

surance Co.

Second Colonial Sea and Fire Insce.

Friederichs & Co., agents-

Queen Insurance Company Transatlatic Fire Insurance Company North German Fire Insurance Co. Rotterdam Lloyd's

Mannheim Insurance Co.

Gilfillan, Wood & Co., agents-

La Fonciere Marine Insurance Co. Singapore Insurance Co., Limited London Assurance Corporation (Ma-


New Zealand Insurance Co.

Hall & Co., W., agents-

Globe Marine Insurance Company Ocean Marine Insurance Company Standard Life Assurance Company

Huttenbach Bros. & Co., agents-

Straits Insurance Company, Limited Straits Fire Insurance Co., Ld. North China Insurance Co., Limited New York Board of Underwriters Philadelphia Board of Underwriters The Underwriting and Agency Associ-

ation, Ld., London

Jebsen & Co., Herm., agents-

Northern Assurance Company Hanseatic Fire Insurance Co. Prussian National Insurance Co. "Schweiz" Transport Insurance Co.

Kaufman & Co., agents-

Mannheimer Ruckversicherungs Ges. North German Fire Insurance

Mansfield, Bogaardt & Co., agents New York Life Insurance Co.

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PENANG KHean Guan Insurance Co., LIMITED.

Tan Ley Kum, chairman Lee Ohe Yeun, Khoo Thean Tek, Cheah

Tek Soon, Foo Tye Sin, Khaw Siew Bee, Gaw Kiew Siew, Cheah Eu Ghee, Khoo Sim Bee, Ong Beng Tek, Yeoh Ching Tek, Cheah Leng Hoon, Tan King King, directors

 Cheah Cheng Eok, secretary Ong Boon Tek, treasurer

Sandilands, Buttery & Co., agents


Liverpool Underwriters' Association Glasgow Underwriters' Association Imperial Fire Insurance Co., Limited Standard Life Assurance Co. Chinese Insurance Company, Limited Yangtsze Insurance Association City of Glasgow Life Assurance

Schmidt, Kustermann & Co., agents

Helvetia Fire Insurance Co. Lubecker Feuer Versicherungs Ges. Fire Insurance Co. of 1877, Hamburg Hamburg Magdeburg Fire Insurance Transatlantic Marine Insurance Co. Hamburg Underwriters Bremen Underwriters

Assureurs Maritimes d'Anvers Dresden Insurance Company Sun Fire Office

Assicurazioni Generali, Trieste

Foncière Pesther Versicherungs Ges. Rheinisch Westfaelischer Lloyd Allgemeine Transport Versicherungs

Gesellschaft in Wien

Austrian Lloyd's

Badische Schiffahrts Assecuranz Ges. Sjó Assurans Foreningen, in Finland Elementar Versicherungs Actien

 Bank, in Wien Magdeburger Allgemeine Versiche-

 rungs Actien Gesellschaft Basler Transport Versicherungs Ges. Oberrheinische Versicherungs Ges. Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co. Eidg Transport Versicherungs Ge-

sellschaft, Zurich

Rhenania Versicherungs Actien Ge-

sellschaft, Coln

Aachen Leipzig Versicherungs Ge-

sellschaft, Aachen

Schweiz Transport Versicherungs Ge.

sellschaft, Zurich

Deutscher Lloyd Transport Vers. Ges

ellschaft in Berlin

Deutsche Rüch-Mitvers Ges.in Berlin

Smith & Co., Henry, agents

Lancashire Insurance Company

Tennent & Co., C. S., agents

Alliance Life and Fire Assurance Co. London Assurance Company Scottish Imperial Insurance Co. London and Provincial Fire Insce. North China Insurance Co., Ld.


W. Smellie, manager W. E. Smith, accountant

Saw Teng Garn and others Neo Chu Chye, head shroff

Chartered Bank of India, Australia, AND CHINA.

33, Beach Street.

John C. Budd, manager; residence

Northam Road

J. Williamson Jones, accountant H. C. Gulland, sub-accountant

Kam Chew Poh, cashier Goh Aik Chiew

Yeap Keng Teng

Yeoh Cheow Chye Tan Ah Seng


C. B. Rickett, acting agent

R. C. Guinness, asst. accountant

J. A. A. Caunter, clerk Lim Swee Cheong, do. Lim Tiang Hooi, cashier


Sandilands, Buttery & Co., agents

Merchants, Professions, Trades, &o.

Allen & Kennedy, brokers and commis. sion agents, Logan's Buildings, Beach Street

Whitworth Allen J. Y. Kennedy

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Alexandra Hotel, Waterfall Road


Anthony & Co., A. A., merchants, 56,

Beach St.

Joseph M. Anthony Seth Anthony

G. B. Nonis

Mahomed Sultan

Abdul Cauder

Anthony, G., advocate and solicitor, 3,

Beach Street

Chan Heang Thoy

Bartlett, Ridley, undertaker, upholsterer, gun, lock and blacksmith, 7, Penang Road, and 31B, Leith Street

Blaze, Reidel & Co., chemists, druggists, and commission agents, 18, Beach Street

D. S. Blaze

K A. Reidel

C. Abrams

Shaik Allee, storekeeper Branch Quedah Dispensary F. H. Gomes, manager Veterinary Infirmary

D. S. Blaze, supervisor

Aerated Waters Manufactory, 77,

Bishop Street

Ban Aik & Co., merchants, 52, Beach St.

  Lee Chin Thuare Tau Kim Kung Liu Poh Chuan Neoh Chu Chye Lock Soo Tean Ooi Yeow Kee Cheang Eng Hin

Boon Eng & Co., ship chandlers, com- mission agents, compradores and store. keepers, 5, Beach Street

Lye Nhee Quee, manager Boey Teang Beng Lim Hoe Lip

Khoo Guan Bee

Lee Phee Chuan

Boon Tek & Co., 29, Beach Street, ship chandlers and commission agents; sole agents for the Deli and Langkat Cigar and Cigarette Co., Limited

KLOO Eu Yong, managing partner


Brown & Co., merchants, 35, Beach St.,

established 1795

David Brown (Europe)

Law. C. Brown

W. S. Petherbridge (Europe) John A. Brown

H. S. Scott

W. M. Scott

A. L. M. Scott

M. P. Doral, bookkeeper J. E. Doral, shipping clerk E. N. Doral

M. W. Jeremiah F. E. Rebeiro Lim Kim Cheang Guen Guan Unn

Ho Tek Kaing, broker Mahomed Cassim, cashier S. Abdul Karim

Md. Hassan

Boustead & Co., merchants, 11, Beach St.

Edward Boustead (London)

Jasper Young

I. Henderson

T. Cuthbertson

J. Finlayson




J. R. Cuthbertson (Singapore)


Robt. Yeats, signs per pro.

W. A. Greig,

F. A. Callaway


H. Lesslar, bookkeeper

J. F. de Mello

P. Reutens

D. Pastry

A. L. Bacon

H. S. D'Orvilie

London House, E. Boustead & Co.,

34, Leadenhall St., E.C.

Brown, W. C., M.D., "Litherland;" sur-

gery, 19, Beach Street

H. Nelson, M.Ph.S. Eng. dispenser

Capel, A. C., barrister at-law, advocate,

and solicitor, 35, Beach Street Arthur Christopher Capel

J. B. Capel, managing clerk W. Dragon, Jr.

Ghee Boon and others

Clarendon Hotel, Penang Road

H. Lee, proprietor

Comrie & Co., commission agents and bro-

kers, Logan's Buildings, Bishop St.

David Comrie

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Cohen E. S. & Sons, auctioneers, ap- praisers, brokers, commission and estate agents, 7, Beach St.

E. S. Coben

S. E. Cohen

A. E. S. Cohen

A. Mungal, manager, Larut

Deli and Langkat Cigar Company

J. H. Lunberg, manager

Eastern Hotel, la., Light Street, Sarkies

Brothers, proprietors

T. Sarkies M. Sarkies

A. Sarkies, manager

Ee Thye & Co., merchants, 48, Beach St.

Lim Kek Chuan, manager Lim Keng Boon, assistant Tan Eng Hoon, and others clerks

Eng Beng Keng, Brickworks, Bata Man

R. H. Meaburn

Eng Bun Heng "chop"

Keng Hong " chop"

Kway Kim Teong, manager

Everett, E. E., wine and spirit merchant

F. J. Dickson (Europe) R. J. Dickson (Singapore)

H. Pinckney

Friederichs & Co., merchants

F. H. Friederichs

Edward Bollhalder, signs per pro. E. Huisgen

C. Heer

M. Schiffmann

Gilfillan, Wood & Co., merchants, Beach


W. Adamson (London)

S. Gilfillan

H. W. Wood

do. do.

J. Millar (Singapore)

R. T. Peake, signs per pro.

G. F. Adamson

A. J. Reutens

C. J. Scully

Eng Bee

Mahomed Abass

Khoo Sun Poe

Khoo Keng Hean, cashier KiddersЯboo Mercian, broker Branch Houses:

Adamson, Gilfillan & Co., London Gilfillan, Wood & Co., Singapore

Gottlieb, G. S. H., barrister-at-law, advo-

cate and solicitor

J. Peterson, chief clerk Chew Joo Ee Mahomed Allee

Hampshire, F. K., M.B., senior medical officer and colonial surgeon, Westlands, Burmah Road and Beach St.

Hendry, Robert, general commission agent

Hogan, Ernest, A.M.S.E.. M.C. & M.E.S..

architect and land surveyor

Henry Caunter

Lim Eng Sun, draftsman

Hogan, John, notary public, conveyancer,

and estate agent, 12, Beach Street

B. Acan, managing clerk Nasoordin

Lin Soo Khean

Fogen, R. A. P., barrister-at-law, alvocate,

and solicitor, 12, Beach Street

C. C. de ouza, managing clerk Ng Theng Kim, clerk Che Dui, cashier

Huttenbach Bros. & Co., (late Katz Bros.)

merchants, 27, Beach St.

A. Huttenbach

L. Huttenbach (Europe)

E. Huttenbach, manager, export

department, signs per pro.

E. Neithardt, manager, import de-

partment signs per pro.

Branch Firms:-Huttenbach Bros. &

Co., Singapore

Huttenbach & Co., 4, Fenchurch Ave-

nue, London, E.C.

Huttenbach, Liebert & Co., merchants

August Huttenbach

Ludwig Huttenbach (Europe) Al red Liebert

John Hargraves, signs per pro. Emil Huttenbach,


Jebsen & Co., Herm., merchants

Herm. Jebsen

Friedr. Scheel

Jourdin, A., "Royal Horse Mart," and carriage and saddlery factory, 8, Leith Street

A. M. White, assistant

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Kaufman & Co., merchants, Beach Street | Penang Cigar and Cigarette manufactory,

Jul. Kaufman (Europe)

Ed. J. Becker

Ot'o Jordan

Carl Kaufman

J. H. C. Triekjane

Sui Koerus, cashier

Branches, Oh Leh, Acheen; Home Office, Kaufman & Beeker, Berlin

Logan & Ross, advocates and solicitors of the Supreme Court, 2, Union Street

D. Logan, barrister-at-law, solicitor-


Fr derick J. C. Ross, barrister-at-law

T. H. Kershaw,


J. P. de Murat, managing clerk Chua Khee Fong

E. Jeremiah

W. Rozells

Loveridge, T. C., draper and outfitter,

1 and 2, Beach Street

N. J. Sarre

W. C. Henrick

S. G. Mocka

Mansfield, Bogaardt & Co., merchants T. Cornelis Bogaardt (Singapore)

A. E. Turner, manager, signs per pro. R. Hendry

Maynard & Co., Limited, Beach St.

   (Head Office, Singapore.) T. Grimshaw, chemist, manager W. S. Langford

McIntyre, Matthew, general agent, 35,

Beach Street

Nauta, J. M., photographer, 9, Farquhar


Noordin, H. M., merchant, 31, Chulia St.

  H. M. Noordin Nacoda Merican

V. Reutens


Oriental Hotel, 10, Farquhar St.; Sarkies

Brothers, proprietors

M. Sarkies

T. Sarkies

Penang Aerated Water Co., Logan's Build-


N. J., Sarre, proprietor

8, Farquhar Street

J. M. Nauta, proprietor

Penang Foundry Co., 37A, Beach Street J. L. Wemyss, manager; res. Farqu

har St.

W. Baldwin, assist. manager; res.

Burmah road

A. Lawrence, cashier and bookkeeper J. Magness

J. Nienkey, clerk J. Doral

Penang Ice Works, 27, Beach St.

Huttenbach Bros. & Co., agents

"Pinang Gazette, "Press, Logan's Build-

ings, Beach Street

J. Y. Kennedy, proprietor

Archd. Kennedy, manager

F. C. Verner, sub-editor and re.


Penang Horse Repository

H. Lee, proprietor and veterinary inspector for Penang and Prov. Wellesley

R. E. Lee, assist. trainer and breaker L. Burghope, M.R.C.V.S., veterinary


Penang Horse-food Steam-crushing Co.,

26 and 28, Northam Road

L. Carner, manager

H. Anfar Ally, asst. engineer

Presgrave & Clutton, advocates and soli-

citors, 15, Beach Street

Ed. W. Presgrave (absent) Walter Clutton

Jos. Gawthorne, managing clerk G. Andrew, clerk and cashier L. C. Van Buerle Mahomed Ismail Ong Cheong Kung Yee Kye

Shaik Mahomed

Pilot Board.

President-R. Huddle, Harbourmaster Members-W. S. Petherbridge, J. Al-

lan, J. R. Watt

Pilots-W. Tait, W. Williams, J. R. Watt, M. Mustan, Eusoof Gunny, De- van Rallee

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Prince of Wales Tavern, 517, Chulia St.

M. Sternberg

Robinson & Co., outfitters, drapers, milli. ners, dressmakers and tailors, Beach St.

E. K. Robinson (London)

J. P. B. Beal

J. W. Dando F. H. Hichens

Mrs. Beal

Miss Merry

Sandilands, Buttery & Co., merchants, 29,

Beach St.

G. M. Sandilands (Europe) John Buttery

John Allan


Jas. Gibson, signs per pro. A. G. Wright,

F. O. Hallifax

D. Gilchrist


Tan Choo Kley, bookkeeper

E. F. Scully

Tong Ching Seng

Tan Gim Chooie

Teoh Hean Wah

Ung Creng San

Yeap Poe Soon

Teoh Beng Guan, cashier Teoh Cheng Yean

Samsoodin, storekeeper

Branch House, John Buttery & Co., 5,

Mark Lane, London, E.C.

Schmidt, Kustermann & Co., merchants

C. Sturzenegger (Schaffhausen) Martin Subl (Hamburg)

R. Klünder (Singapore) R. Brenner (Singapore)

R. Morstadt, sigus per pro. John Reimer

A. Dürler

A. Schärer

A. Rern

Ho Tek Cheong

Soh Oock Taik

Cheat Keang Ee

Lim Kheng Thuan

Silva, Samuel de, land surveyor, Beach


Singapore & Straits Printing Co.

L. Whitworth, agent

Smith & Co., Henry, merchants, ship brokers, and commission agents, 35, Beach Street

Henry L. Swith

Malomed Heydun, clerk

Lim Khim Soon, cashier

Swee Joo & Co., merchants, 65, Beach St.

Thio Mah Khit

Cheak Teow Eang Lim Teow Saing Gun Gnor Bee

Lee Thor Tee

Thio Mah Khit

Tennent & Co., C. S., merchants, 17, Beach


A. C. Padday

Chas. Stanhope Tennent

C. D. Somerville R. C. Petherbridge W. H. Thomas

W. R. Jambu

Mahomed Eusoof

Mahomed Sulhan, cashier

H. N. Merican, broker

A. M. G. Merican

Cheni Bee Merican

Thomas, E. F., advocate and solicitor,

34, Beach Street

Edward, F. Thomas

L. T. de Mello, managing clerk Koon Tuck Choon

Wee Beng Chye

Teiffenberg & Co., aerated water manufac-

tory, 440a, Chulia Street

Van Someren, R. G., advocate and solicitor,

1, Union Street

R. G. van Someren

C. Log u, barrister-at-law, advo-

cate and solicitor

Woodford & Co., W. N.,

W. N. Woodford A. Woodford


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6 and 7 Vict.

WHEREAS an Act of Parliament was passed in the Session of the sixth Preaulde, and seventh years of Her Majesty's reign (chapter eighty) "for the better government of Her Majesty's subjects resorting to China":

     And whereas, by that Act it was ena-ted (among other things) that it should be lawful for Her Majesty, by any Order or Orders made with the advice of Her Privy Comicil, to ordain for the governsent of Her Majesty's subjects being within the d ́sniuions of the Emperor of China, of being within any ship or vessel at a distance of not more than one hundred miles from the coast of China, any law or ordinance which to Her Majesty in Council might seem meet, as fully and effectually as any such law or ordinance could be made by Her Majesty in Council for the government of Her Majesty's subjects being within Her Majesty's Island of Hongkong:

c. 80.

c. 94.

And whereas, another Act of Parliament was passed in the same 6 and 7 Vici..

·Session (chapter ninety-four) "to remove doubts as to the excrcise of power and jurisdiction by Her Majesty within divers countries and places out of Her Majesty's domniuions, and to reu lor the same u ore effectual" (to which Act the expression The Foreign Jurisdiction Act when hereafter used in this Order refers):

And whereas, by The Foreign Jurisdiction Act it was enacted (among other things) that it was and should be lawful for Her Majesty to hold, exercise, and enjoy any power or jurisdiction which Her Majesty then had, or might at any time thereafter have, within any country or place out of Her Majesty's dominions, in the same and as ample a manner as if Her Majesty had acquired such power or jurisdiction by the cession or con- quest of territory:

     And whereas, Her Majesty has had and now has power and jurisdic- tion in the dominions of the Emperor of China, and in the dominions of the Tycoon of Japan:

     And whereas, Her Majesty was pleased from time to time, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, by Orders in Council of the several dates in the Schedule to this Order specified, to ordain laws and ordinances for the better government of Her Majesty's subjects being within the dominions of the Emperor of China, or being within certain ships or vessels at a distance of not more than one hundred miles from the coast of China and to make provision for the exercise of Her Majesty's power and jurisdiction aforesaid in the dominions of the Emperor of China and of the Tycoon of Japan respectively:

     And whereas, it has seemed to Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to be expedient at the present time to revise the provisions of the said Orders, and to ordain further and other laws and ordinances for the better government of Her Majesty's subjects being

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Short Title,



within the dominions of the Emperor of China, or being within such ships or vessels as aforesaid, and to make further and other provision for the due exercise of Her Majesty's power and jurisdiction aforesaid and par- ticularly for the more regular and efficient administration of justice among Her Majesty's subjects resident in or resorting to the dominions of the Emperor of China or of the Tycoon of Japan:

And whereas, under the authority of provisions in this behalf in the first-recited Act contained, ordinances for the peace, order, and good government of Her Majesty's subjects within the dominions of the Em- peror of China, or being within certain ships or vessels at a distance of not more than one hundred miles from the coast of China, have been from time to time made by the Superintendent of the Trade of Her Majesty's subjects in China (such Superintendent being also the Governor of Hong- kong), with the advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong, which ordinances are known as Consular Ordinances:

And Whereas such of those Consular Ordinances as are described in the Schedule to this Order are now in force, wholly or in part, but they are liable to repeal by order of Her Majesty in Council, and it is expedient that they be repealed, such of their provisions as are not intended to be abrogated being consolidated with this Order:

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue of the powers in this behalf by the first recited Act and The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, or either of them, or otherwise in Her vested, is pleased by and with the advice of Her Privy Council to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:


1. This Order may be cited as The China and Japan Order in Coun- cil, 1865.

2. In this Order-

The term "China" means the dominions of the Emperor of China: The term "Japan" means the dominions of the Tycoon of Japan: The term "Minister" means the superior diplomatic representative of Her Majesty for the time being, whether Ambassador, Envoy, Minister Plenipotentiary, or Chargé d'Affaires :

The term "Chief Superintendent of Trade" means the Superintendent of the trade of Her Majesty's subjects in China for the time being, or any person for the time being authorized to act as such : The term "Consular Officer" includes every officer in Her Majesty's Consular Service, whether Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent, or person authorized to act in any such capacity in China or Japan:

The term "British vessels" includes every vessel being a British ship within the meaning of The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, or any other Act of Parliament for the time being in force for the regulation of merchant shipping, and any vessel owned wholly or in part by any person entitled to be the owner of a British ship in the sense aforesaid, and any vessel provided with sailing- letters from the Governor or Officer administering the Govern- ment of Hongkong, or from the Chief Superintendent of Trade: The term "Treaty" includes Convention, and any Agreement, Regula- tions, Rules, Article, Tariff, or other instrument annexed to a Treaty, or agreed on in pursuance of any stipulation thereof: The term "month" means calendar month:

Words importing the plural or the singular may be construed as referring to one person or thing or more than one person or thing, and words importing the masculine as referring to females (as the case may require).

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3. The provisions of this Order relating to British subjects apply to British subjects, all subjects of Her Majesty, whether by birth or by naturalization.

The provisions of this Order relating to foreigners apply to subjects Foreigners, of the Emperor of China and of the Tycoon of Japan respectively, and subjects or citizens of any State other than China or Japan (not being enemies of Her Majesty).



jurisdiction to


4. All Her Majesty's jurisdiction exercisable in China or in Japan for Her Majesty' the judicial hearing and determination of matters in difference between be exercised British subjects, or between foreigners and British subjects,-

                                        -or for the according to this administration or control of the property or persons of British subjects,―or for the repression or punishment of crimes or offences committed by British subjects, or for the maintenance of order among British subjects,-shall be exercised under and according to the provisions of this Order, and not otherwise.

to be adminis-

5. Subject to the other provisions of this Order, the civil and criminal Law of England jurisdiction aforesaid shall, as far as circumstances admit, be exercised tered. upon the principles of and in conformity with the Common Law, the Rules of Equity, the Statute Law, and other Law for the time being in force in and for England, and with the powers vested in and according to the course of procedure and practice observed by and before Courts of Justice and Justices of the Peace in England, according to their respective jurisdictions

and authorities.

6. Except as to offences made or declared such by this Order, or by What to be any Regulation or Rule made under it

Any act other than an act that would by a Court of Justice having criminal jurisdiction in England be deemed a crime or offence making the person doing such act liable to punishment in England, shall not, in the exercise of criminal jurisdiction under this Order, be deemed a crime or offence making the person doing such act liable to punishment.

III.-CONSTITUTION of Her Majesty's Court. 1.-The Supreme Court at Shanghai.

deemed criminal nots.

Supreme Court,

7. There shall be a Court styled Her Britannic Majesty's Supreme Style and seal of Court for China and Japan.

     The Supreme Court shall have a seal bearing its style and such device as one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State from time to time directs.

8. The Supreme Court shall hold its ordinary sittings at Shanghai, Place of sitting. or, on emergency, at any other place within the district of the Consulate of Shanghai; but may at any time transfer its ordinary sittings to any such place in China as one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State or Her Majesty's Minister in China approves.

9. There shall be one Judge of the Supreme Court.


    He shall be appointed by Her Majesty, by warrant under Her Royal Appointment, sign manual.

He shall be a subject of Her Majesty (by birth or naturalization) who qualification, at the time of his appointment is a member of the bar of England, Scotland, or Ireland, of not less than seven years' standing, or has filled the office of Assistant Judge or Law Secretary in the Supreme Court, of the office of Judge or Legal Vice-Consul or Law Secretary in Her Majesty's Consular



10. The Judge may from time to time, in case of his absence or in- Deputy of tended absence from the district of the Consulate of Shanghai, either in the discharge of his duty or with permission of one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, or in case of illness, appoint, by writing under his hand and the seal of the Supreme Court, a fit person to be his

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Acting Judge.

Assistant Judge, Law Secretary, Officers, and Clerk

Appointment of


deputy for the time therein mentioned; but every such appointment shall be revocable, at pleasure, by the Judge, by writing under his hand and the seal of the Supreme Court.

The person so appointed shall, during the continuance of his appoint- ment, have all the like power and authority as the Judge.

11. During a vacancy in the office of Judge, or on emergency, a fit person approved by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, or (in the absence of notice to Her Majesty's Minister in China of any such approval) by Her Majesty's Minister in China, may temporarily be and act as Acting Judge, with all the powers and authority of the Judge.

12. There shall be attached to the Supreme Court-

(1.) An Assistant Judge.

(2.) A Law Secretary.

(3.) So many officers and clerks as one of Her Majesty's Principal

Secretaries of State may from time to time think fit.

13. The Assistant Judge shall be appointed by Her Majesty, by war-

Assistant Judge. raut under Her Royal sign manual.

Duties of

    Assistant Judge in civil cases,

In criminal


    Acting Assistant Judge.

Appointment of Law Secretary.

    Law Secretary to be Registrar. Duties of Law Secretary in civil cases.

In criminal prosecutions.

In hearing criminal cases.

Acting Law Secretary.

14. The Assistant Judge shall hear and determine such matters and questions arising in suits and proceedings of a civil nature, originally insti- tuted in the Supreme Court, as are from time to time especially referred to him by the Judge; and in every such case any party to the suit or pro- ceeding shall be entitled as of course to a re-hearing before the Judge.

15. The Assistant Judge shall bear and determine in summary way such criminal charges originally brought before the Supreme Court as may be lawfully so heard and determined, and as are from, time to time referred to him by the Judge.

16. In case of the al sence or illness of the Assistant Judge, or during a vacancy in the office of Assistant Judge, or during the temporary employ- ment of the Assistant Judge in any other capacity, or on emergency, the Judge may, by writing under his hand and the seal of the Supreme Court, appoint the Law Secretary, or any fit person approved by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, or by Her Majesty's Minister in China, to act as Assistant Judge for the time therein mentioned; but every such appointment shall be revocable, at pleasure, by the Judge, by writing under his hand and the seal of the Supreme Court.

The Law Secretary, or other person so appointed, shall during the continuance of his appointment, have all the power and authorities of the Assistant Judge.

17. The Law Secretary shall be appointed by Her Majesty by warrant under Her Royal sign manual.

18. The Law Secretary shall be the Registrar of the Court.

19. The Law Secretary shall hear and determine such matters and questions arising in suits and proceedings of a civil nature originally instituted in the Supreme Court as the Judge from time to time for the despatch of urgent business thinks fit to refer especially to him, but in every such case any party to the suit or proceeding shall be entitled, as of course, to a rehearing before the Judge.

20. The Law Secretary shall discharge such duties in connexion with the conduct of criminal prosecutions as the Judge from time to time directs. 21. The Law Secretary shall hear and determine in a summary way such criminal charges originally brought before the Supreme Court as may be lawfully so heard and determined, and as the Judge from time to time for the despatch of urgent business thinks fit to refer specially to him.

22. In case of the absence or illuess of the Law Secretary, or during a vacancy in the office of Law Secretary, or during the temporary employ- ment of the Law Secretary in any other capacity, or on emergency, the Judge may, by writing under his hand and the seal of the Supreme Court,

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appoint any fit person approved by one of Her Majesty's Principal Seere. taries of State, or by Her Majesty's Minister in Chim, to act as Law Secretary for the time therein mentioned; but every such appointment shall be revocable, at pleasure, by the Julge, by writing un ler his hand and the seal of the Supreme Court.

    The person so appointe 1 shall, during the continuance of his appoint- ment, have all the power and authority of the Law Secretary,

of Judge,

    23. The Judge, Assistant Judge, and Law Secretary shall hold office Tenure of office during the pleasure of Her Majesty, but any warrant of appointment to Assistant Judge, the office of Judge, Assistant Judge, or Law Secretary shall not be vacated and Law by reason only of a demise of the Crown.

In case at any time Her Majesty thinks fit by warrant under Her Royal sigo manual to revoke the warrant appointing any person to be Judge, Assistant Julge, or Law Secretary,-or while there is a Judge, Assistant Julge, or Law Secretary in office, thinks fit by warrant under Her Royal siga manual to appoint another person to be Judge, Assistant Judge, or Law Secretary (as the case mɩy be),-then and in every such case, until the warrant of revocation or of new appointment is notified by Her Majesty's Minister in China to the person holding office, all powers and authorities vested in that person shall continue and be deemed to have continued in as full force,-and he shall continue and be deemed to have continued entitled to all the privileges and emoluments of the office as fully, and all things done by him shall be and be deemed to have been as valid in law, as if such warrant of revocation or new appointment had not been made.



    24. One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State may, and Her Consular offers Majesty's Ministers in China and Japan respectively, with the approval temporarily of the Judge of the Supreme Court in each instance first obtained, from time to time temporarily attach to the Supreme Court any persons holding appointments as Consuls or Vice-Consuls.

Every person so attached shall discharge such duties in connexion with the Court as the Judge from time to time, with the approval of one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, directs, and shall have the like power and authority as the Assistant Julge or Law Secretary has, according as in each case the nature of the duties directed to be discharged by the person so attached may require.

2.-The Provincial Courts.

Courts to be


Consuls or Vice-Oɔnsule,

25. Each of Her Majesty's Consuls-General, Consuls, and Vice- Provincial Consuls (holding a commission as such fron Her Majesty) resident in held by Consule China or in Japan (with the exception of Her Majesty's Consuls at Shanghai, or Vice-Consuls and with such other exceptions as one of Her Majesty's Principal Secre- or by Acting taries of State at any time thinks fit t› make), or any person acting temporarily, with the approval of one of Her Majesty's Principal Secre- taries of State or of Her Majesty's Minister in China or in Japan, as and for a Consul-General, Consul, or Vice-Consul, so commissionel as afore- said, shall, for and in his own Co sular district, hold and form a Court styled Her Britannic Majesty's Court at [Canton or as the case may

be], hereafter in the Order called a Provincial Court.

     Each Provincial Court shall have a seal bearing its style and such sesi. device as one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State from time to time directs.



26. Every mile British subject resident in China or in Japan, -being Qualification of of the age of 21 years or upwards,―being able to speak and read English, -having or earning a gross income at the rate of not less than 250 dollars a year,-not having been attainted of treason or felony, or convicted of any

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Making of jury


    Bummoning and attendance of Jurors.


Number of jury,


crime that is infamous (unless he has obtained a free pardon) and not being under outlawry,-shall be qualified to serve on a jury.

27. All persons so qualified shall be liable so to serve, except the following:--

Persons in Her Majesty's Diplomatic, Consular, or other Civil service

in actual employment;

Officers, clerks, keepers of prisons, messengers, and other persons

attached to or in the service of any of Her Majesty's Courts; Officers and others on full pay in Her Majesty's Navy or Army, or in actual employment in the service of any Department connected therewith;

Persons holding appointments in the Civil service, and Commissioned Officers in the Naval or Military service of the Emperor of China or of the Tycoon of Japan;

Clergymen and ministers in the actual discharge of professional duties; Advocates and attorneys in actual practice;

Physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries in actual practice;

And except persous disabled by mental or bodily infirmity.

28. On or before the 14th day of September, in the year 1865, and on or before the 14th day of January in every subsequent year, each Court shall make out a list of the persons so qualified and liable, resident within its district.

The list shall, on or before the 21st day of the same respective month, be affixed in some conspicuous place in the Court, and shall be there exhibited until the end of that month, with a notice annexed that on a day specified, not being sooner than the 7th nor later than the 14th day of the then next month, the Court will hold a special sitting for the revision

of the list.

The Court shall hold such special sitting accordingly, and at such sitting, or at some adjournment thereof (of which public notice shall be given), shall revise the list by striking out the name of any person appearing to be not qualified or not liable to serve, and by inserting the name of any person omitted and appearing to be so qualified and liab either on the application of the person omitted, or on such notice to hir as the Court thinks fit.

The list shall be finally revised and settled not later than the 21st day of October in the year 1865, and not later than the 21st day of February in every subsequent year, and when settled shall be affixed in some conspicuous place in the Court, and be there exhibited during not less than two months.

Such list, as settled, shall be brought into use in the year 1865, on the 1st day of November, and in every subsequent year on the 1st day of March, and in every case shall be used as the jury list of the Court until the 1st day of March next after the time of its being brought into use.

29. Where, in pursuance of this Order, a jury is ordered, the Court shall summon so many of the persons comprised in the jury list, not fewer than fifteen, as seem requisite.

Any person failing to attend according to such summons shall be liable to such fine, not exceeding 50 dollars, as the Court thinks fit to impose.

Any such fine shall not be levied until after the expiration of 14 days. The proper officer of the Court shall forthwith give to the person fined notice in writing of the imposition of the fine, and require him within six days after receipt of the notice to file an affidavit excusing his non-attendance (if he desires to do so). The Court shall consider the affidavit, and may, if it deems proper, remit the fine.

30. A jury shall consist of five jurors.

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31. In civil and in criminal cases the like challenges shall be allowed Challenges. as in England, with this addition,-that in civil cases each party may challenge three jurors peremptorily.

32. A jury shall be required to give an unanimous verdict.



33. Where a Provincial Court proceeds, in pursuance of this Order, Provincial to hear and determine any case, civil or criminal, with Assessors, the Court,- Court shall nominate and summon as Assessors, not less than two and Assessors,

their number; not more than four indifferent British subjects of good repute, resident qualifications; in the district of the Court.

      Where, however, by reason of local circumstances, the Court is able to obtain the presence of one fit person only as Assessor, the Court may sit with him alone as Assessor; and where for like reason the Court is not able to obtain the presence of any fit person as Assessor, the Court may (notwithstanding anything in this Order) sit without an Assessor; but in every such case the Court shall record in the minutes of proceedings its reasons for sitting with one Assessor only, or without an Assessor.

       34. An Assessor shall not have voice or vote in the decision of the and functions. Court in any case, civil or criminal; but an Assessor dissenting in a civil case from any decision of the Court, or in a criminal case from any decision of the Court, or the conviction, or the amount of punishment awarded, may record in the minutes of proceedings his dissent and the grounds thereof; and an Assessor dissenting shall be entitled to receive gratis a certified copy of the minutes.


I.-In General.

35. All Her Majesty's jurisdiction, civil and criminal, exercisable in Ordinary China, shall, for and within the district of the Consulate of Shanghai, jurisdiction of

                                                original be vested exclusively in the Supreme Court as its ordinary original Bupreme Court. jurisdiction.


     36. All Her Majesty's jurisdiction, civil and criminal, exercisable in Jurisdiction of China, beyond the district of the Consulate of Shanghai and not under Provincial this Order vested exclusively in the Supreme Court,-and all Her Majesty's jurisdiction, civil and criminal, exercisable in Japan and not under this Order vested exclusively in the Supreme Court,-shall to the extent and in the manner provided by this Order, be vested in the Provincial Court, each for and within its own district.


37. The Supreme Court shall have, in all matters civil and Concurrent jurisdiction criminal, an extraordinary original jurisdiction throughout China and of Supreme with Japan, concurrent with the jurisdiction of the several Provincial Courts, Cra such extraordinary jurisdiction to be exercised subject and according to the provisions of this order.


     38. The Judge of the Supreme Court may, from time to time, visit Visits to in a magisterial or judicial capacity any Provincial Court, and there Courts. inquire of, or hear and determine, any case, civil or criminal, pending in that Court, or arising within its district,-or, from time to time, may appoint the Assistant Judge or the Law Secretary of the Supreme Court to visit in the like capacity and for the like purpose any Provincial Court. 39. A Provincial Court may, of its own motion, or on the application of any person concerned, report to the Supreme Court the pendency of any case, civil or criminal, which appears to the Provincial Court fit to be heard and determined by the Supreme Court.

Provincial to Supreme Court.

Reference of case

     The Supreme Court shall thereupon direct in what mode and where the case shall be heard and determined, and (notwithstanding anything in this Order) the same shall be so heard and determined accordingly.

     40. Every Court shall, in the exercise of every part of its respective Courts of jurisdiction, be a Court of Record.


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Barristers, attorneys,

and solicitors.

Consul at Shanghai

to be Sheriff.

Execution by Provincial Court of writs, &o., from Supreme Court.

Execution of writs, &o., from Hongkong.

Protection of Consular Offers.

Courts to be suxiliary.

   Report by Provincial to



41. The Judge of the Supreme Court my from time to time admit fit persons to practice in the Supreme Court as barristers, attorneys, and solicitors, or in any of those capacities.

The Judge of the Supreme Court may, from time to time, subject to the approval of one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, make Rules for regulating the admission of persons to practise as aforesaid in☛ Provincial Courts.

42. Her Majesty's Consul at Shanghai shall have all the

                                powers and authorities of the Sheriff of a county in England, with all the privileges and immunities of the office, and as such Sheriff shall be charged with the execution of all decrees, orders, and sentences made and passed by the Supreme Court, on the requisition in that behalf of the Supreme Court.

43. Each Provincial Court shall execute any writ, order, or warrant issuing from the Supreme Court an 1 directed to the Provincial Court,- and may take security from any person named therein for his appearance personally, or by attorney, according to the writ, order, or warrant; or may cause such person to be taken in custody or otherwise, to the Supreme Court, or elsewhere in China or Japan, according to the writ, order, or warrant.

44. Any of Her Majesty's Courts in China or in Japan may execute any writ, order, or warrant issuing from the Supreme Court of Hongkong, and accompanied by a request for such execution in writing under the seal of that Court;-and may take security from any person named in any such writ, order, or warrant for his appearance personally, or by attorney, at Hongkong; or may cause any such person to be taken in custody, or other- wise, to Hongkong, according to the writ, order, or warrant.

45. Any of Her Majesty's Judicial or Consular Officers shall not be liable to action for the escape of any person taken under any writ, order, or warrant of the Supreme Court of Hongkong.

46. Her Majesty's several Courts in China an 1Japan shall be auxiliary to one another in all particulars relative to the administration of justice, civil or criminal.

37. Each Provincial Court shall every six months furnish to the Supreme Court. Supreme Court for China and Japan a report respecting every case, civil and criminal, brought before it, in such form as the Judge of the Supreme Court from time to time directs.

Bettlement of litigation.

Reference to arbitration by Court.

Reference to arbitration male rule of Court.


48. Every Court may pronote reconsiliatioa, and encourage and facilitate the settlement in an amicable way of any suit or proceeding pending before it.

49. A Court may, with the consent of the parties, refer to arbitration the final determination of any suit or proceeling pending before it, or of all matters in difference between the parties, on such terms an 1 with such directions as to appointment of a arbitrator and other things as may seem fit, and m, if it think fit, take from the parties, or any of them, security to abide by the result of the reference.

In any such case the award shall be final and conclusive.

On the application of any party a decree of the Court may be entered in conformity with the award, and such decro? shall not bɔ open to any appeal or re-haring whatever.

59. Every agreement for referee to arbitration, or submission to arbitration, by consent, may, on th; application of any party, be made a rule of a Court having jurisdiction in the matter of the reference or submission, which Court shall thereupon have power and authority to enforce the agreement or submission and the award made thereunder, and

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to control and regulate the proceedings before and after the award in such mauner and on such terms as may be just.

General Authorities of Courts.

51. The Supreme and every other Court shall be a Court of Law and low and

Eqonty. Equity.

Special Authorities of Courts.

52. The Supreme and every other Court shall be a Court of Bank Bankruptoy. ruptcy, and as such shall, as far as circumstances admit, have (as to a Provincial Court, for and within its own district), with respect to British subjects and to their debtors and creditors, being either British subjects or foreigners submitting to the jurisdiction of the Court, all such juris- diction as for the time being belongs to the Court of Bankruptcy and the County Courts in England, or to any other judicial authority having for the time being jurisdiction in Bankruptcy in England.

53. The Supreme and every other Court shall (as to a Provincial Coroner. Court, for and within its own district) have and discharge all the powers, rights, and duties appertaining to the office of Coroner in England,- summoning when necessary a jury of not less than three persons com- prised in the jury list of the Court.

     Any person failing to attend according to such summons shall be liable to the like fine, to be levied in the like manner, as in this Order provided with reference to juries in civil and criminal proceedings.

54. The Supreme Court shall be a Vice-Admiralty Court, and as such Admiralty. shall, for and within China or Japan, and for vessels and persons coming to and within China or Japan, have all such jurisdiction as for the time being ordinarily belongs to Vice-Admiralty Courts in Her Majesty's possessions abroad,

     55. The Supreme Court shall, as far as circumstances admit, have in Lunasy. itself exclusively, for and within China and Japan, with respect to British subjects, all such jurisdiction relative to the custody and management of the persons and estates of persons of unsound mind, as for the time being belongs to the Lord Chancellor or other person or persons in England instructed by virtue of Her Majesty's sign manual with the care and com- mitment or the custody of the persons and estates of persons found by inquisition in England, idiot, lunatic, or of unsound mind.


56. The Supreme Court shall be a Court for Matrimonial Causes, and Matrimonial. as such shall, as far as circumstances admit, have in itself exclusively, for and within China and Japan, with respect to British subjects, all such jurisdiction, except the jurisdiction relative to dissolution or nullity or jactitation of marriage, as for the time being belongs to the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes in England.


     57. The Supreme Court shall be a Court of Probate, and as such shall, Probate and as far as circumstances admit, have for and within China and Japan, with respect to the property of British subjects, having at the time of death their fixed places of abode in China or Japan, all such jurisdiction as for the time being belongs to Her Majesty's Court of Probate in England.

A Provincial Court shall, however, also have power to grant probate or administrations where there is no contention respecting the right to the grant, and it is proved on oath that the deceased had at the time of his death his fixed place of abode within the jurisdiction of the Provincial Court.

Probate or administration granted by a Provincial Court shall have effect over all the property of the deceased within China and Japan, and shall effectually discharge persons dealing with an executor or`ad- ministrator thereunder, and that, notwithstanding any defect afterwards appears in the grant.

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Testamentary papers to be deposited in Court.


Property of Intestate until administration.

   Penalty on administering without probate,

Taking posses-




Such a grant shall not be impeachable by reason only that the de- ceased had not at the time of his death his fixed place of abode within the particular jurisdiction.

58. Any person having in his possession or under his control any paper or writing of a deceased British subject, being or purporting to be testa- mentary, shall forthwith bring the original to the Court within the district whereof such person is at the time of his first knowledge of the death of the deceased, and deposit it there.

Any person neglecting to do so for fourteen days after having know. ledge of the death of the deceased shall be liable to such penalty, not exceeding 250 dollars, as the Court thinks fit to impose.

59. From the death of a British subject, having at the time of death his fixed place of abode in China or Japan, intestate, until administration is granted, his personal property within China and Japan shall be vested in the Judge of the Supreme Court, as the personal property of an intestate in England is vested in the Judge of Her Majesty's Court of Probate there.

60. If any person, other than one of Her Majesty's Consular Officers, takes possession of and in any manner administers any part of the personal property of any person deceased, without obtaining probate or administra- tion within three months after the death of the deceased, or within one month after the termination of any suit or dispute respecting probate or administration (if there is any such which is not ended within two months after the death of the deceased), he shall be liable to such penalty not ex- ceeding 500 dollars as the Court having jurisdiction in the matter of the property of the deceased thinks fit to impose; and in every such case the same fees shall be payable by the person so administering as would have been payable by him if he had obtained probate or administration.

61. When a British subject, not having at the time of death his fixed Men of property place of abode in China or Japan, dies there, the Court within whose dis- trict he dies shall, where the circumstances of the case appear to the Court so to require, forthwith on the death of the deceased, or as soon after as may be, take possession of his personal property within the particular jurisdiction, or put it under the seal of the Court (in either case, if the nature of the property or other circumstance so require, making an inven- tory) and so keep the property until it can be dealt with according to law.

Cases for trial With jury.

Provincial Consular


Trial with a Jury.

62. Where a suit originally instituted in the Supreme Court relates to money, goods, or other property, or any matter at issue of the amount or value of 1,500 dollars or upwards,-or is brought for recovery of dam- ages of the amount of 1,500 dollars or upwards, the suit shall, on the demand of either party, be, under order of the Court, tried with a jury.

In any case (except where, according to the Rules of the Court, the suit is to be heard and determined in summary way) a suit so instituted may be tried with a jury, if the Court of its own motion, or on the ap- plication of either party, thinks fit so to order.

One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, may, by order under his hand, extend the present provision to any Provincial Court, where it appears to him there is a sufficient Jury list.

Trial with Assessors.

63. Where a suit instituted in a Provincial Court relates to money, goods, or other property of a less amount or value than 1,500 dǝllars,-or he Astors. does not relate to or involve, directly or indirectly, a question respecting any matter at issue of the amount or value of 1,500 dollars or upwards,-or is brought for recovery of damages of a less amount than 1,500 dollars,- the Court may hear and determine the case without Assessors.

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     In all other cases the Court (subject to the provisions of this Order respecting inability to obtain an Assessor) shall hear and determine the case with Assessors.

III.-In Criminal Matters.


64. Every Court may cause to be apprehended and brought before it Power of

apprehension any British subject being within the district of the Court and charged

over British with having committed a crime or offence in China or in Japan, and subjects. deal with the accused according to the jurisdiction of the Court and in conformity with the provisions of this Order; or where the crime or offence is triable, and is to be tried, in Her Majesty's dominions, may take the preliminary examination, and commit the accused for trial, and cause or allow him to be taken to the place of intended trial.


65. Where a person charged with having committed a crime or offence Accused escap in the district of one Court escapes or removes from that district, and is

ing to another district, found within the district of another Court, the Court within the district of which he is found may proceed in the case to examination, indictment, trial, and punishment, or in a summary may (as the case may require) in the same manner as if the crime or offence had been committed in its own district;-or may, on the requisition or with the consent of the Court of the district in which the crime or offence is charged to have been committed send him in custody to that Court, or require him to give security for his surrender to that Court, there to answer the charge, and be dealt with according to law.

Where any person is to be so sent in custody, a warrant shall be issued by the Court within the district of which he is found, and such warrant shall be sufficient authority to any person to whom it is directed to receive and detain the person therein named, and carry him to and deliver him up to the Court of the district within which the crime or offence was committed according to the warrant.


     66. Where a warrant or order of arrest is issued by a competent Backing of authority in Her Majesty's dominions for the apprehension of a British warranteed subject, who is charged with having committed a crime or offence within dominions, the jurisdiction of the authority issuing the warrant or order, and who is, or is supposed to be, in China or Japan, and the warrant or order is produced to any Court, the Court may back the warrant or order; and the same, when so backed, shall be sufficient authority to any person to whom the warrant or order was originally directed and also to any constable or other officer of the Court by which it is backed, to apprehend the accused at any place where the Court by which the warrant or order is backed has jurisdiction, and to carry him to and deliver him up in Her Majesty's dominions according to the warrant or order.

67. Where any person is charged with the commission of a crime or Sending of offence, the cognizance whereof appertains to any of Her Majesty's Courts Prisoner to

                                                Hongkong for in China or Japan, and it is expedient that the crime or offence be enquired trial." of, tried, determined, and punished within Her Majesty's dominions, the accused may (under the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, section 4), be sent for trial to Hongkong.

     The Judge of the Supreme Court may, where it appears expedient, by warrant under his hand and the seal of the Supreme Court, cause the accused to be taken for trial to Hongkong accordingly.

     Where any person is to be so taken to Hongkong, the Court before which he is charged shall take the preliminary examinati n, and shall send the deposition to Hongkong, and (if it seems necessary or proper) may bind over such of the proper witnesses as are British subjects in their own recognizances to appear and give evidence on the trial.

68. All crimes which in England are capital shall be tried by the Supreme Judge of the Supreme Court with a jury.


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Summary jurisdiction.

Sentence of death,

Provincial Consular Court,- Procedure,

and extent of Punishment.

Reservation of case by Provincial for



Other crimes and offences above the degree of misdemeanour, tried before the Judge, Assistant Judge, or Law Secretary of the Supreme Court, and not heard and determined in a summary way, shall be tried with a Jury.

Ang crime or offence tried before the Judge, Assistant Judge, or Law Secretary of the Supreme Court, may be tried with a Jury, where the Juage, Assistant Judge, or Law Secretary so directs.

Subject to the foregoing provision, such classes of criminal cases tried before the Judge, Assistant Judge, or Law Secretary of the Supreme Court, as the Judge, having regard to the law and practice existing in England, from time to time directs, shall be heard and determined in a summary way.

69. Where any person is sentenced to suffer the punishment of death, the Judge of the Supreme Court shall forthwith send a report of the sentence, with a copy of the minutes of proceedings and notes of evidence in the case, and with any observations the Judge thinks fit, to Her Ma- jesty's Minister in China or in Japan, according as the crime is committed in China or in Japan.

The sentence shall not be carried into execution without the direction of Her Majesty's Minister in China or in Japan (as the case may be) in writing under his hand.

In any such case, if Her Majesty's Minister in China or in Japan (as the case may be) does not direct that the sentence of death be carried into execution, he shall direct what punishment in lieu of the punish- ment of death is to be inflicted on the person convicted, and the person convicted shall be liable to be so punished accordingly.

70. Where the crime or offence with which any person is charged before a Provincial Court is any crime or offence other than assault; endangering life, cutting, maiming, arson, or house-breaking, and appears to the Court to be such that, if proved, it would be adequately punished by imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a term not excee ling three months, or by a fine not exceeding 200 dollars, the Court shall hear and determine the case in a summary way, and without Assessors.

In other cases the Court shall hear and determine the case on indict. ment and with Assessors (subject to the provisions of this Order respect- ing inability to obtain an Assessor).

71. A Provincial Court may impose the punishment of imprisonment for any term not exceeding twelve months, with or without hard labour, and with or without a fine not exceeding 1,000 dollars, or the punishment of a fine not exceeding 1,000 dollars without imprisonment.

72. Where the crime or offence with which any person is charged before a Provincial Court appears to the Court to be such that, if proved, Supreme Court it would not be adequately punished by such punishment as the Court has power to impose, and the accused is not to be sent for trial to Her Majesty's dominions, the Court shall reserve the case to be heard and determined by or under the special authority of the Supreme Court.

Punishment in England to be regarded.

The Provincial Court shall take the depositions, and forthwith send them, with a minute of other evidence, if any, and a report on the case, to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court shall direct in what mode and where the case shall be heard and determined, and (notwithstanding anything in this Order) the same shall be so heard and determined accordingly,

73. Every Court and authority in imposing and inflicting punish- ments, and Her Majesty's Ministers in China and Japan in directing what punishment is to be inflicted in lieu of the punishment of death, shall have regard, as far as circumstances admit, and subject to the other provisions of this Order, to the punishments imposed by the law of Eng-

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and in like cases, and to the mode in which the same are inflicted in England.

expenses by

74, Any Court (but, in the case of a Provincial Court, subject to the Payment of approval of the Supreme Court), may order any person convicted before offender; it of any crime or offence to pay all or any part of the expenses of, or preliminary to, his trial and of his imprisonment or other punishment.

     75. Where it appears to any Court that any charge made before it is or by accuser. malicious, or is frivolous and vexations, the Court may order all or any part of the expenses of the prosecution to be paid by the person making the charge.

76. In either of the two last-mentioned cases, the amount ordered to Recovery of be paid shall be deemed a debt due to the Crown, and may by virtue expenses, of the order, without further proceedings, be levied on the property of the person convicted or making the charge, as the case may be.

rend-sion of

     77. Where any punishment has been awarded by the Supreme or Mitigation or any other Court, then, if the circumstances of the case make it just or punishment, expedient, the Judge of the Supreme Court may at any time, and from time to time, report to one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, or to Her Majesty's Minister in Chia or in Japan (according as the crime or offence was committed in China or Japan), recommending a mitigation or remission of the punishment; and on such recommendation any such punishment may be mitigated or remitted by direction of the authority to whom the report is made.

      But no such recommendation shall be made with respect to any punishment awarded by a Provincial Court, except on the recommendation of that Court, or on the dissent of an Assessor (if any) from the conviction, or from the amount of punishment awarded.


     78. The Judge of the Supreme Court may, where it seems expedient, Place of by warrant under his hand and the seal of the Supreme Court, cause any in china or offender convicted before any Court and sentenced to imprisonment, to be Japan. taken to and imprisoned at any place in China or in Japan, from time to time approved by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State as a place of imprisonment for offenders.

A warrant of the Supreme Court shall be sufficient authority to the Governor or keeper of such place of imprisonment, or other person to whom it is directed, to receive and detain there the person therein named, according to the warraut.

in British

79. Where any offender convicted before a Court in China or in Japan Imprisonment is sentenced to suffer imprisonment in respect of the crime or offence of dominions, which he is convicted, and it is expedient that the sentence be carried into effect within Her Majesty's dominions, the offender may (under The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, section 5) be sent for imprisonment to Hongkong.

     The Judge of the Supreme Court may, where it seems expedient, by warrant under his hand and the seal of the Supreme Court, cause the offender to be taken to Hongkong, in order that the sentence passed on him may be there carried into effect accordingly.

cases, reports

     80. The Judge of the Supreme Court shall, when required by one of In criminal Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, send the Secretary of State to Secretary a report of the sentence passed by the Judge, Assistant Judge, or Law of State. Secretary of the Court in every case not heard and determined in a sum- mary way, with a copy of the minutes of proceedings and notes of evidence, and the Judge may send with such report any observations he thinks fit.

     Every Provincial Court shall forthwith send to the Judge of the Supreme Court a report of the sentence passed by it in every case not heard and determined in a summary way, with a copy of the minutes of proceedings and notes of evidence, and with any observations the

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Punishment for



Court thinks fit. The Judge of the Supreme Court shall when required by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, transmit the same to the Secretary of State, and may send therewith any observations he thinks fit.

VI.-WAR, Insurrection, or Rebellion. 81. If any British subject commits any of the following offences, that

levying war, &c. is say:-

  Punishment for serving with Forces of Emperor of China without Heenos.

Report by Provincial Court.

  Penalties for violation of Treaties.

Regulations for Chias.

(1.) In China, while Her Majesty is at peace with the Emperor of China, levies war or takes part in any operation of war against the Emperor of China, or aids or abets any person in carrying on war, insurrection, or rebellion against the Emperor of China. (2.) In Japan, while Her Majesty is at peace with the Tycoon of Japan, levies war or takes part in any operation of war against the Tycoon of Japan, or aids or abets any person in carrying on war, insurrec- tion, or rebellion, against the Tycoon of Japan; every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, and on con- viction thereof shall be liable (in the discretion of the Court before which he is convicted) to be punished by imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without a fine not exceeding 5,000 dollars, or by a fine not exceeding 5,000 dollars without imprisonment.

In addition to such punishment every such conviction shall of itself, and without further proceedings, make the person convicted liable to deportation; and the Court before which he is convicted may order that he be deported from China or Japan to such place as the Court directs.

82. If any British subject, without the licence of Her Majesty (proof whereof shall lie on the party accused) takes part in any operation of war in the service of the Emperor of China against any person engaged in carrying on war, insurrection, or rebellion against the Emperor of China, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, and on conviction thereof shall be liable (in the discretion of the Court before which he is convicted) to be punished by imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without a fine not exceeding 5,000 dollars, or by a fine not exceeding 5,000 dollars without imprisonment.

83. If the Court before which any person charged with having com- mitted such a misdemeanour as in the two last preceding Articles mentioned is brought is a Provincial Court, the Court shall report to the Judge of the Supreme Court the pendency of the case.

The Judge of the Supreme Court shall thereupon direct in what mode and where the case shall be heard and determined, and (notwithstanding anything in this Order) the case shall be so heard and determined accord- ingly.


84. If any British subject in China or in Japan violates or fails to observe any stipulation of any Treaty between Her Majesty, her heirs, or successors, and the Emperor of China, or the Tycoon of Japan, for the time being in force, in respect of the violation whereof any penalty is stipulated for in the Treaty, he shall be deemed guilty of an offence against the Treaty, and on conviction thereof under this Order shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding the penalty stipulated for in the Treaty.

85. Her Majesty's Minister in China may from time to time make such Regulations as seem fit for the peace, order, and good government of British subjects resident in or resorting to China, and for the observance of the stipulations of Treaties between Her Majesty, her heirs or successors, and the Emperor of China, and for maintenance of friendly relations

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between British subjects and Chinese subjects and authorities, and may make any such regulations apply either throughout China or to some one or more of the Consular districts in China, and may by any such Regula- tions repeal or alter any Regulations made for any such purpose as aforesaid before the commencement of this Order.

      Any such Regulations shall not have effect unless and until they are approved by Her Majesty, such approval being signified through one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State,-save that in case of urgency, declared in any such Regulation, the same shall have effect unless and until they are disapproved by Her Majesty, such disapproval being signified through one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and notification of such disapproval is received and published by Her Majesty's Minister in China.

     86. Such Regulations may impose penalties for offences against the Penaltion. same, as follows: namely,-for each offence imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour, and with or without a fine not exceeding 500 dollars, or a fine not exceeding 500 dollars without imprisonment,-and with or without further fine for continuing offences not exceeding in any case 25 dollars for each day during which the offence continues after the original fine is incurred,-but so that all such Regulations be so framed as to allow in every case of part only of the maximum penalty being inflicted.

     87. All such Regulations shall be printed, and a printed copy thereof Publication shall be affixed and at all times kept exhibited conspicuously in the public office of each Consular Officer in China, to whose district the Regulations apply.

     Printed copies of the Regulations applicable to each district shall be provided and sold therein at such reasonable prices as Her Majesty's Minister in China from time to time directs.

88. No penalty shall be enforced in any Consular district for any When penation offence against any such Regulation until the regulation has been so affixed enforceable, and kept exhibited in the public office of the Consular officer for that district during one month.

     89. For the purpose of convicting any person committing an offence Proof of against any such Regulation, and for all other purposes, a printed copy of Regulations the Regulation purporting to be certified under the hand of Her Majesty's Minister in China, or under the hand and consular seal of one of Her Majesty's Consular Officers in China, shall be conclusive evidence of the Regulation; and no proof of the handwriting or seal purporting to certify same shall be required.

90. The foregoing provisions relative to the making, printing, publica- Regulations for tion, enforcement, and proof of Regulations in and for China shall extend Japan and apply, mutatis mutandis, to the making, printing, publication, enforce- ment, and proof of Regulations in and for Japan, with the substitution only of Japan for China, and of the Tycoon of Japan for the Emperor of China, and of Her Majesty's Minister in Japan for Her Majesty's Minister in China, and of Her Majesty's Consular Officers in Japan for Her Majesty's Consular Officers in China.

     91. Any charge under this Order of an offence against any Treaty or Trial of offenses against any such Regulation as aforesaid, shall be enquired of, heard, and determined in like manner in all respects as any ordinary criminal charge may be inquired of, heard, and determined under this Order, subject only to this qualification, that (notwithstanding anything in this Order) every charge of an offence against any Treaty or against any Regulation for the observance of the stipulations of any Treaty shall be heard and determined in a summary way, and (where the proceeding is before a Provincial Court) without Assessors.

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Trade except to open ports mali.wful,

Report of Provincial Court,

   Feizure of vessel, &c.


waters, &o.





92. All trade of British subjects in, to, or from any part of Japan, except such ports and towns as are for the time being open to British subjects by Treaty between Her Majesty, her heirs or successors, and the Tycoon of Japan, is hereby declared "unlawful.

If any person engages in such trade as a principal, agent, ship-owner, ship-master, or supercargo, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, and on conviction thereof shall be liable to punished (in the discretion of the Court before which he is convicted) by imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years with or without hard labour, and with or without a fine not exceeding 10,000 dollars without imprisonment.

93. If the, Court before which any pron charged with having committed such a misdemeanour is brought is a Provincial Court, the Court shall report to the Judge of the Supreme Court the pendency of the case.

The Judge of the Supreme Court shall thereupon direct in what mode and where the cose shall be heard and determined, and (notwithstanding anything in this Order) the case shall be so heard and determined accordingly.

94. The Officer commanding any of Her Majesty's vessels of war, or any of Her M›jesty's Naval Officers authorised in this behalf by the Officer having the Command of Her Majesty's Naval Forces in Japan, by writing under his hand, may seize any British vessel engaged or reasonably suspected of being or having been engaged in any trade by this Order declared unlawful, and may either detain the vessel, with the master, officers, supercargo, crew, and other persons engaged in navigating the vessel, or any of them, or take or cause to be taken the vessel, and the master, officers, supercargo, crew, and other persons aforesaid, or any of them, to any port or place in Japan or elsewhere, convenient for the prosecution of a charge for the misdemeanour alleged to have been committed.

Any such vessel, master, officers, supercargo, crew, and persons may lawfully be detained at the place of seizure, or at the port or place to which the vessel is so taken, under the authority of any such officer, or of any of Her Majesty's Consular Officers in China or Japan, until the conclusion of any proceedings taken in respect of such misdemeanour.


95. When and as often as it appears to Her Majesty's Minister in se to entering Japan that the unrestricted entrance of British vessels into, or the unrestricted passage of British vessels through, any straits or other water in Japan may lead to acts of disturbance or violence, or may otherwise endanger the maintenance of peaceful relations and intercourse between Her Majesty's subjects and the subjects of the Tycoon of Japan, Her Majesty's Minister may make any regulation for prohibiting or for restricting, in such manner as seems expedient, the entrance or passage of any British vessel (other than a vessel of war of Her Majesty) into or through any such straits or other water as aforesaid, as defined in the Regulation.

Penalties and proceedings.

Her Majesty's Minister may from time to time revoke or alter any such regulation.

96. The foregoing provisions of this Order relative to the making, printing, publication, enforcement, and proof of Regulations to be made by Her Majesty's Minister in China, and to the mode of proceeding in respect of any charge for an offence against any such Regulations, shall extend and apply, mutatis mutandis, to any Regulation made by Her Majesty's Minister in Japan, as last aforesaid,

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97. If any person navigating a British vessel wilfully violates, or Seizure of vessel. wilfully attempts to violate, any such Regulation, the officer commanding any vessel of war of Her Majesty, or in charge of any boat belonging to such vessel of war, may use force for the purpose of compelling him to desist from the violation or attempted violation of the Regulation, and if it appears necessary or expedient may seize the vessel, and such Command- ing Officer may either detain her at the place of seizure, or take her, or cause her to be taken to any port or place in Japan or elsewhere where the offender may be more conveniently prosecuted for such offence.

     Any such vessel may lawfully be detained at the place of seizure, or at the port or place to which she is so taken, under the authority of any such Commanding Officer, or of any of Her Majesty's Consular Officers in Japan, until the conclusion of any proceedings taken in respect of the offence.


98. Any British subject being in China or in Japan may be proceeded Jurisdiction as

                                                to piracy. against, tried, and punished under this Order for the crime of piracy wherever committed.

99. If the Court before which a British subject charged with the crime Report by of piracy is brought is a Provincial Court, the Court shall report to the Provincial Court. Judge of the Supreme ourt the pendency of the case.

     The Judge of the Supreme Court shall thereupon direct in what mode and where the case shall be heard and determined, and (notwithstanding anything in this Order) the case shall be so heard and determined accord- ingly.


or religious

100. If any British subject is guilty of publicly deriding, mocking, or Punishment in insulting any religion established or observed in China or in Japan-or of for public insult publicly offering any insult to any religious service, feast, or ceremony to religion established or kept in any part of China or in Japan, or to any place for institutions. worship, tomb, or sanctuary belonging to any such religion, or to the ministers or professors thereof,-or of wilfully committing any act tending to bring any such religion or its ceremonies, mode of worship, or observances into hatred, ridicule, or contempt, and thereby to provoke a breach of the public peace,--he shall be liable (in the discretion of the Court before which he is convicted) to imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without a fine not exceed- ing 500 dollars, or to a fine not exceeding 500 dollars without imprisonment.

     Notwithstanding anything in this Order, every charge against a British subject of having committed any such offence shall be heard and deter- mined in a summary way, and any Provincial Court shall have power to impose the punishment aforesaid.

Her Majesty's Consular Officers shall take such precautionary measures as seem to them proper and expedient for the prevention of

such offences.

Courts in China


101. Where a British subject, being after the commencement of this Jurisdiction of Order in China or in Japan, is charged with having committed, either and Japan. before or after the commencement of this Order, any crime or offence within a British vessel at a distance of not more than 100 miles from the coast of China,- -or within a Chinese or Japanese vessel at such a distance as aforesaid,-or within a vessel not lawfully entitled to claim the protec- tion of the flag of any State, at such distance as aforesaid,-any of Her Majesty's Courts in China or in Japan within the jurisdiction whereof he is found may cause him to be apprehended, and brought before it, and may take the preliminary examination and commit him for trial.

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Reports by Provincial Court.

Application of other provisions,

Jurisdiction at Hongkong.

Military and


102. If the Court before which the accused is brought is a Provin cial Court, the Court shall report to the Judge of the Supreme Court the pendency of the case.

The Judge of the Supreme Court shall thereupon direct in what mode and where the case shall be heard and determined, and (notwithstanding anything in this Order) the case shall be so heard and determined accord- ingly.

103. The provisions of this Order relative to crimes and offences, and proceedings in criminal matters, shall in all respects, as far as may be, extend and apply to every such case, in like manner as if the crime or offence had been committed in China or Japan.

104. Where a British subject being after the commencement of this Order in Hongkong, is charged with having committed, either before or after the commencement of this Order, any crime or offence within any British, Chinese, Japanese, or other such vessel at such a distance as aforesaid, the Supreme Court at Hongkong shall have and may exercise authority and jurisdiction with respect to the crime or offence as fully as if it had been committed in Hongkong.

105. Her Majesty's Minister in China or in Japan, the Judge or Naval Deserters. Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court, and any of Her Majesty's Consular Officers in China or in Japan, or the Governor or person administering the Government of Hongkong, on receiving satisfactory information that any soldier, sailor, marine, or other person belonging to any of Her Majesty's Military or Naval forces, has deserted therefrom, and has concealed himself in any British, Chinese, Japanese, or other such vessel at such a distance as aforesaid, may, in pursuance of such information, issue his warrant for a search after and apprehension of such deserter, and on being satisfied on investigation that any persen so apprehended is such a deserter, shall cause him to be with all convenient speed taken and delivered over to the nearest military station of Her Majesty's forces or to the officer in com- mand of a vessel of war of Her Majesty serving in China or Japan, as the case may require.

Deportation in what cases,

Place of Deportation.

Report by Provincial Court.


106 (i.) When it is shown on oath, to the satisfaction of any of Her Majesty's Courts in China or in Japan that there is reasonable ground to apprehend that any British subject in China or in Japan is about to commit a breach of the public peace,- -or that the acts or conduct of any British subject in China or in Japan are or is likely to produce or excite to a breach of the public peace,-the Court within the jurisdiction whereof he happens to be may cause him to be brought before it, and require him to give security to the satisfaction of the Court, to keep the peace, or for his future good behaviour, as the case may require.

(ii.) Where any British subject is convicted, under this Order, of any crime or offence, the Court within the jurisdiction whereof he happens to be may require him to give security to the satisfaction of the Court for his future good behaviour.

In either of the cases, if the person required to give security fails to do so, the Court may order that he be deported from China or Japan to such place as the Court directs.

107. In any case where an order of deportation is made under this Order the Court shall not, without the consent of the person to be deported, direct the deportation of any person to any place other than Hongkong or England.

108. A Provincial Court shall forthwith report to the Judge of the Supreme Court any order of deportation made by it, and the grounds thereof.

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    The Judge of the Supreme Court may reverse the order, or may confirm it with or without variation, and in case of confirmation, shall direct it to be carried into effect.

109. The person to be deported shall be detained in custody until a Time of

                                                       deportation. fit time and opportunity for his deportation arrive.

     The Judge of the Supreme Court shall then (and in the case of a person convicted, either after execution of the sentence or while it is in course of execution) by warrant cause him to be taken to the place of deportation.

     110. The Judge of the Supreme Court may order that the person to Order for be deported do pay all or any part of the expense of or preliminary to his expenses, deportation.

111. The Judge of the Supreme Court shall forthwith report to one Report of

                                                       deportation. of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State any order of deportation made or confirmed by him, and the grounds thereof, and shall also inform Her Majesty's Ministers in China and Japan of the same.

to and from

    112. Where any person is deported to Hongkong, he shall on his Deportation arrival there be delivered, with the warrant under which he is deported, Hongkong. into the custody of the Chief Magistrate of Police of Hongkong, or other officer of Her Majesty there lawfully acting as such, who, on receipt of the person deported, with the warrant, shall detain him and shall forthwith report the case to the Governor or person administering the Government of Hongkong, who shall either by warrant (if the circumstances of the case appear to him to make it expedient) cause the person so deported to be taken to England, and in the meantime to be detained in custody (so that the period of such detention do not exceed three months), or else shall discharge him from custody.


    113. If any person deported returns to China or Japan without the Punishment for permission of one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, in writing under his hand (which permission the Secretary of State may give) he shall be guilty of an offence against this Order; and shall be liable on conviction thereof to punishment (in the discretion of the Court before which he is convicted) by imprisonment for any term not exceeding one month, with or without hard labour, and with or without a fine not exceeding 200 dollars, or by a fine not exceeding 200 dollars, without imprisonment, and also to be forthwith again deported in manner hereinbefore provided.


tion of residents,

114. Every British subject resident in China or Japan,-being of the age Annual registra of 21 years or upwards, or being married, or a widower or widow, though under that age,-shall, in the month of January in the year 1866, and every subsequent year, register himself or herself in a register to be kept at the Consulate of the Consular district within which he or she resides-subject to this qualification, that the registration of a man shall be deemed to include the registration of his wife (unless she is living apart from him), and that the registration of the head of the family, whether male or female, shall be deemed to include the registration of all females, being relatives of the head of the family (in whatever degree of relationship) living under the same roof with the head of the family at the time of his or her registration.

     Every British subject not so resident arriving at any place in China Registration of or Japan where a Consular Officer is maintained, unless borne on the muster roll of a British vessel there arriving, shall, within one month after his or her arrival, register himself or herself in a register to be kept at the Consular Office, but so that no such person shall be required to register himself or herself more than once in any year, reckoned from the 1st day of January.


Any person failing so to register himself or herself, and not excusing Penalty, his or her failure to the satisfaction of the Consular Officer, shall not be

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  Buits by foreigners





entitled to be recognized or protected as a British subject in China or Japan, and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten dollars for each instance of such failure.

115. Every person shall on every registration of himself or herself pay a fee of such amount as one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State from time to time by order under his hand appoints, such amount either to be uniform for all persons, or to vary according to the circums tances of different classes, as the Secretary of State from time to time by such order directs.

116. The Consular Officer shall issue to every person so registered a certificate of registration under his hand and Consular seal; and the name of a wife (unless she is living apart from her husband) shall be indorsed on her husband's certificate; and the names and descriptions of females whose registration is included in that of the head of the family shall be indorsed on the certificate of the head of the family.


117. Where a foreigner desires to institute or take any suit or against British proceeding of a civil nature against a British subject, the Supreme or other Court according to its jurisdiction, may entertain the same, and where any such suit or proceeding is entertained shall hear and determine it according to the provisions of this Order, and of the Rules made under it applicable in the case,-either by the Judge, Assistant Judge, Law Secretary, or proper Consular Officer sitting alone (or with Assessors when the case so requires), or, if (in any case where a trial with a jury may by had under this Order) all parties desire, or the Court thinks fit to direct, a trial with a jury, then, but not otherwise, by the Judge, Assistant Judge, Law Secretary, or proper Consular officer, with a jury.

  Compulsory attendance of

British subjects before foreign tribunals.

Leave to appeal to be obtained,

118. Where it is shown to any of Her Majesty's Courts that the attendance of a British subject to give evidence, or for any other purpose connected with the administration of justice, is required in a Chinese or Japanese Court, or before a Chinese or Japanese judicial officer, or in a Court or before a judicial officer in China or Japan of any State in amity with Her Majesty, the Court may, in cases and under circumstances which would require the attendance of that British subject before one of Her Majesty's Courts in China or Japan, and if it seems to the Court just and expedient so to do, make an order for the attendance of the British subject in such Court or before such judicial officer and for such purpose as aforesaid, but so that a Provincial Court shall not have power to make an order for such attendance of a British subject at any place beyond the particular jurisdiction of the Court.

Any British subject duly served with such an order, and within reason- able notice of the time and place at which his attendance is required, failing to attend accordingly and not excusing his failure to the satisfaction of the Court making the order, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 500 dollars, or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding one month, in the discretion of the Court.


1.-In Civil Cases.

119. Where any decision of a Provincial Court, sitting with or without Assessors, is given in a civil case in respect of a sum or matter at issue of the amount or value of 250 dollars or upwards, or determines, directly or indirectly, any claim or question respecting property of the amount or value of 250 dollars or upwards,-any party aggrieved by the decision may apply to the Provincial Court for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court, and shall be entitled to leave on the terms prescribed by the Rules made under this Order, and subject to any restrictions and exceptions therein contained.

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     In any other case the Provincial Court may, if it seems just and expedient, give leave to appeal on like terms.

In any case the Supreme Court may give leave to appeal on such terms as seem just.

2.-Criminal Cases.

on indictment,

120. Where any person is convicted otherwise than in a summary way on conviction of a crime or offence the Court or Officer trying the case may, if it seems fit, question of law reserve for the consideration of the Supreme Court any question of law may be reserved, arising on trial.

The Court or Officer shall then state a special case, setting out the question reserved, with the facts and circumstances on which it arose, and shall send the case to the Supreme Court.


121. Where any person is convicted in a summary way of a crime or On summary offence, and is dissatisfied with the conviction as being erroneous in point appeal on point of law, the Court or Officer trying the case may, on his application in writing, and on compliance by him with any terms prescribed by the Rules made under this Order, state a special case, setting out the facts and the grounds of the conviction, for the opinion of the Supreme Court, and send it to that Court.

122. Where a special caso is stated, the Court or Officer stating it shall, Postponement of

judgment or as seems fit, either postpone judgment on the conviction, or respite execution

                                                                   execution. of the judgment, and either commit the person convicted to prison, or take proper security for him to appear and receive judgment or render himself in execution (as the case may require) at an appointed time and place,

123. The Supreme Court shall hear an determine the matter, Authority of

                                                        Supreme Court. and thereupon shall reverse, affirm, or amend, the judgment, conviction, or sentence in question,-or set aside the same, and order an entry to be made in the minutes of proceedings to the effect that in the judgment of the Supreme Court the person convicted ought not to have been con- victed, or arrest the judgment, or order judgment to be given at a subsequent sitting of the Court or Officer stating the case, -or make such other order as justice requires-and shall also give all necessary and proper consequential directions.

be public.

124. The judgment of the Supreme Court shall be delivered in open Proceedings to Court after the public hearing of any argument offered on behalf of the prosecution or of the person convicted.

Amendment of special case.

Refusal to state

125. Before delivering judgment the Supreme Court may, if necessary, cause the special case to be amended by the Court or Officer stating it.

126. If on an application for a special case, on a summary conviction, it seems to the Court or Officer that the application is merely frivolous, summary con but not otherwise, the Court or Officer may refuse to state a case.

A Court or Officer so refusing shall forthwith send to the Supreme Court a report of the sentence, with a copy of the minutes of proceedings and notes of evidence, and any observation the Court or Officer thinks fit, and with a copy of the application for a special case.

The Supreme Court shall examine the report and documents so sent, and, unless the Supreme Court is of opinion that the application was merely frivolous, shall, on the application in that behalf of the appellant, if made within one month after the refusal of a special case, procced to hear and determine the matter according to the foregoing provisions as nearly as may be as if a special case had been stated.


special case on


of Supreme

     127. The Judge of the Supreme Court may, from time to time, frame Rules to be Rules for any purpose for which it is before in this Order expressed or framed by Judge implied that Rules of procedure or practice are to be made, and also for Court, the regulation of procedure and pleading, forms or writs, and other pro-

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Publication of Rules

Evidence of Rules.

Revocation of



ceedings, expenses of witnesses and prosecutions, costs and fees, in civil and in criminal cases, in the Supreme Court and other Courts, including the regulation of cross-suits and the admission of counter-claims, and the regulation of proceedings thereon, and for the regulation of appeals to the Supreme Court from the other Courts in civil and in criminal cases, and of rehearings before the Judge of the Supreme Court, and may thereby impose reasonable penalties.

Rules affecting the conduct of civil suits shall be so framed as to secure, as far as may be, that cases shall be decided on their merits accord- ing to substantial justice, without excessive regard to technicalities of pleading or procedure, and without unnecessary delay.

Rules framed by the Judge shall not have effect unless and until they are approved by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State,- save that in case of urgency declared in any Rules framed by the Judge, with the approval of Her Majesty's Minister in China, the same shall have effect, unless and until they are disapproved by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and notification of such disapproval is received and published by the Judge.

128. A Copy of the Rules for the time being in force shall be kept exhibited conspicuously in each Court and Consulate in China and Japan. Printed copies shall be provided and sold at such reasonable price as the Judge of the Supreme Court from time to time directs.

No penalties shall be enforced in any Court for the breach of any Rule until the Rule has been so exhibited in the Court for one month.

129. A printed copy of any Rule, purporting to be certified under the hand of the Judge of the Supreme Court and the seal of that Court, shall be for all purposes conclusive evidence of the due framing, approval, and publication of the contents thereof.

130. From and after the commencement of any Rules made by the existing Rules. Judge of the Supreme Court under this Order, all Rules and Regulations theretofore made by the Chief Superintendent of Trade in China, or by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Japan, in respect.of any matter in respect whereof the Judge of the Supreme Court is by this Order authorised to make Rules, shall cease to operate.

Appeal on question of law from Supreme Court in Civil cases involving 2,500 dollars or upwards.

Execution or suspension.

   Becurity on execution.

Security on suspension.


131. Where any final decree or order of the Supreme Court is made in a civil case in respect of a sum or matter at issue of the amount or value of 2,500 dollars or upwards, or determines directly or indirectly any claim or question respecting property of the amount or value of 2,500 dollars or upwards, any party aggrieved by the decree or order may, within fifteen days after the same is made, apply by motion to the Supreme Court for leave to appeal to Her Majesty in Conncil,

132. If leave to appeal is applied for by a party adjudged to pay money or perform a duty, the Supreme Court shall direct either that the decree or order appealed from be carried into execution, or that the exccution thereof be suspended, pending the appeal, as the Court considers to be in accordance with substantial justice.

133. If the Court directs the decree or order to be carried into execu- tion, the party in whose favour it is made shall, before the execution of it. give security to the satisfaction of the Court for the due performance of such order as Her Majesty in Council may think fit to make.

134. If the Court directs the execution of the decree or order to be suspended pending the appeal, the party against whom the decree is made, shall, before any order for suspension or execution, give security to the satisfaction of the Court for the due performance of such order as Her Majesty in Council may think fit to make.

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135. In all cases security shall also be given by the appellant to the Security on satisfaction of the Court to an amount not exceeding 2,500 dollars for the appeal. prosecution of the appeal, and for payment of such costs as may be awarded to any respondent by Her Majesty in Council, or by the Lords of the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Privy Council.

     136. If the last-mentioned security is given within one month from Leave to appeal, the filing of motion paper for leave to appeal, then, and not otherwise, the Supreme Court shall give leave to appeal.


137. In any case other than the cases hereinbefore described the Leave in other Supreme Court may give leave to appeal on the terms and in the manner aforesaid if it consider it just or expedient to do so.


138. In every case where leave to appeal is given as aforesaid, the Liberty to

                                                        appeal accord- appellant shall be at liberty to prefer and prosecute his appeal to Her Majesty in Council according to the rules for the time being in force respecting appeals to Her Majesty in Council from Her colonies, or such other rules as Her Majesty in Council from time to time thinks fit to make concerning appeals from the Supreme Court.

139. Nothing in this Order shall affect the right of Her Majesty at Saving for other

                                                rights of appeal, any time, on the humble petition of a party aggrieved by a decision of the Supreme Court in a civil case, to admit his appeal thereon on such terms and in such manner as Her Majesty in Council may think fit, and to deal with the decision appealed from in such manner as may be just.

question of law

criminal cases.

     140. Where any judgment, order, or sentence of the Supreme Court Appeal on is given, made, or passed in the exercise of either original or appellate from Supreme criminal jurisdiction, the party charged with the crime or offence, if he Court in considers the judgment, order, or sentence to be erroneous in point of law, may appeal therefrom to Her Majesty in Council, provided that the Supreme Court declares the case to be a fit one for such appeal, and that the appellant complies with such conditions as the Supreme Court establishes or requires, subject always to such rules as from time to time Her Majesty in Council thinks fit to make in that behalf.


141. Nothing in this Order shall be deemed to affect Her Majesty's Saving for

                                                        prerogative prerogative of pardon.

of pardon.


     142. Except as in this Order expressly provided, nothing in this Order Saving for shall preclude any of Her Majesty's Consular Officers in China or in general Consular Japan from performing any act not of a judicial character, that Her Majesty's Consular Officers there might by law or by virtue of usage or sufferance, or otherwise have performed if this Order had not been made.

     143. Every of Her Majesty' Consular Officers shall, as far as there is Reconciliation proper opportunity, promote reconciliation, and encourage and facilitate the before litigation. settlement in an amicable way, and without recourse to litigation, of matters in difference between British subjects in China or in Japan.

Presumption as

     144. Every signature or seal affixed to any instrument purporting to to signatures be the signature of the Judge of the Supreme Court, or of any officer or and seals. person acting under this Order, or to be the seal of any of Her Majesty's Courts in China or in Japan, shall for all purposes under this Order, without any proof thereof, be presumed to be genuine, and shall be taken as genuine until the contrary is proved.

     145. In every case, civil or criminal, heard in any Court, proper minutes of the proceedings shall be drawn up, and shall be signed by the Judge or Officer before whom the proceedings are taken, and sealed with the seal of the Court, and shall, where Assessors are present, be open for their inspection, and for their signature if concurred in by them.

      The minutes, with depositions of witnesses and notes of evidence taken Minutes of at the trial, by the Judge or Officer, shall be preserved in the public office proceedings. of the Court.

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Costs in civil cases.


British subjects.

Expenses of witnesses in Civil cases.

Examination on oath,


Enforcing pay. ment of costs, penalties, and other moneys,

Application of fees and other moneys.

Mode of removal of prisoners.



146. In a civil case any Court may order such cost or costs, charges, and expenses, as to the Court seem reasonable, to be paid by any party to the proceeding, or out of any fund to which the proceeding relates.

147. Any Court, cither of its own motion, or, in civil cases, on the application of any party to any suit or proceeding or reference, may summon as a witness any British subject in China or in Japan,-but so that a Provincial Court shall have power so to summon British subjects in its own district only.

Any British subject, duly served with such a summons, and with reasonable notice of the time and place at which his attendance is required, failing to attend accordingly and Lot excusing his failure to the satisfaction of the Court, shall over and above any other liability to which he may be subject, be liable to a fine not exceeding 500 dollars, or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding one month, in the discretion of the Court.

148. In civil cases any Court may, where the circumstances appear to justify it, order that the expenses of a witness, on his appearing to give evidence, shall be defrayed by the parties or any of them.

149. Any person appearing before a Court to give evidence in any case, civil or criminal, may be examined or give evidence on oath in the form or with the ceremony that he declares to be binding on his conscience.

150. Any British subject wilfully giving false evidence in any suit or proceeding, civil or criminal, or on any reference, shall, on conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of wilful corrupt perjury.

151. All costs and all charges and expenses of witnesses, prosecutions, punishments, and deportations, and other charges and expenses, and all fees, fines, forfeitures, and pecuniary penalties payable under this Order, may be levied by distress and seizure and sale of ships, goods, and lands; and no bill of sale, or mortgage, or transfer of property, made with a view to security in regard to crimes or offences committed, or to be committed, shall be of any avail to defeat any provisions of this Order.

152. All fees, fines, forfeitures, confiscations, and pecuniary penalties by treaty appropriated or payable to the Government of China, or to that of the Tycoon of Japan, shall be carried to the public accounts, and be applied in diminution of the public expenditure on account of Her Majesty's Courts in China and Japan; but if the Government of China or that of the Tycoon of Japan declines to receive any confiscation or pecuniary penalty by treaty appropriated or payable to it, the same shall be applied as other confiscations and pecuniary penalties are applicable.

153. Whenever under this Order any person is to be taken in custody or otherwise, for trial or imprisonment, or by way of deportation, or for any other purpose, to the Supreme Court or elsewhere in China or Japan, or to Hongkong, England, or elsewhere, the Court or other authority by this Order anthorized to cause him to be so taken, may for that purpose (if necessary) cause him to be embarked on board one of Her Majesty's vessels of war, or if there is no such vessel available, then on board any British or other fit vessel, at any port or place, whether within or beyond the particular jurisdiction or district of that Court or authority, and in order to such embarkment may (if necessary) cause him to be taken in custody or otherwise, by land or by water, from any place to the port or place of embarkment.

The writ, order, or warrant of the Supreme Court for China and Japan, or of a Provincial Court in China or Japan, or of the Supreme Court of Hongkong, or the warrant of the Governor or person administering the Government of Hongkong (as the case may be), by virtue whereof any person is to be so taken, shall be sufficient authority to every constable, officer, or other person acting thereunder, and to the commander or master of any vessel of war, or other vessel (whether the constable, officer, or other

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person, or the vessel or the commander or master thereof, is named therein or not), to receive, detain, take, and deliver up such person, according to the writ, order or warrant.

     Where the writ, order, or warrant is executed under the immediate direction of the Court or authority issuing it, the writ, order, or warrant shall be delivered to the constable, officer, or other person acting there- under, and a duplicate thereof shall be delivered to the commander or master of any vessel in which the person to whom the writ, order, or warrant relates is embarked.

     Where the writ, order, or warrant issues from the Supreme Court for China and Japan, and is executed by a Provincial Court iu China or Japan,-and where the writ, order, or warrant issues from the Supreme Court of Hongkong, and is executed by any of Her Majesty's Courts in China or Japan.--

--a copy thereof, certified under the seal of the Court executing the same, shall be delivered to the constable, ollier, or other person acting thereunder, and to the commander or master of any vessel in which the person taken is embarked; and any such copy shall be for all purposes conclusive evidence of the Order of which it purports to be

a copy.

removal of

     154. Subject to the other provisions of this Ord r, all expenses of Expenses of removal of prisoners and others from or to any place in China or Japan, prisoners, &c. or from or to Hongkong, and the expenses of deportation and of the sending of any person to England, shall be defrayed as the expenses relating to distressed British subjects are defrayed or in such other manner as one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State from time

to time directs.

     155. If any British subject wilfully obstructs, by act or threat, an Punishment for officer of a Court in the performance of his duty,-

Or within or close to the room or place where a Court is sitting wilfully behaves in a violent, threatening, or disrespectful manner, tɔ the disturbance of the Court, or the terror of the suitors or others resorting thereto,

     Or wilfully insults the Judge, Assistant Judge, or Law Secretary of the Supreme Court, or any Consular Officer, or any Juror or Assessor, or any clerk or officer of a Court during his sitting or attendance in Court, or in going to or returning from Court,-

     He shall be liable to be imme liately apprehended by order of the Court, and to be detained until the rising of the Court, and further, ou due inquiry and consideration, to be punished with a fine not exceeding 25 dollars, or imprisonment for any term not exceeding seven days, at the discretion of the Court, according to the nature and circumstances of the case.

     A minute shall be made and kept of every such case of punishment, recording the facts of the offence and the extent of the punishment, and in the case of a Provincial Court a copy of such minute shall be forthwith sent to the Supreme Court.

obstructions or disturbance of Court.

     156. If any clerk or officer of a Court acting under pretence of the Misconduct of process or authority of the Court is charged with extortion, or with not duly officers of Court, paying any money levied, or with other misconduct, the Court may (without prejudice to any other liability or punishment to which the clerk or officer would in the absence of the present provision be liable) inquire into the charge in a summary way, and for that purpose sum non and enforce the attendance of all necessary persons in like manne as the attendance of witnesses and others may be enforced in a suit, and make such order thereupon for the repayment of any money extorted or for the due payment Order for re- of any money levied, and for the payment of such damages and costs as payment.

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Buits for things done under Order.

Backing of

warrant or


Jurisdiction at Несво.

Abolition of Jurisdiction of

and Japan.



the Court thinks just; and the Court may also, if it thinks fit, impose such fine upon the clerk or officer, not exceeding 50 dollars for each offence, as seems just.

157. Any suit or proceeding shall not be commenced in any of Her Majesty's Courts in China or Japan or in any Court of Hongkong, against any person for anything done or omitted in pursuance or execution or intended execution of this Order, or of any Regulation or Rule made under it, unless notice in writing is given by the intending plaintiff or prosecutor to the intended defendant one month at least before the commencement of the suit or proceeding, nor unless it is commenced within three months next after the act or omission complained of, or, in case of a continuation of damages, within three months next after the doing of such damage has ceased.

The plaintiff in any suit shall not succeed if tender of sufficient amends is made by the defendant before the commencement thereof; and if no tender is made, the defendant may, by leave of the Court, at any time pay into Court such sum of money as he thinks fit, whereupon such proceeding and order shall be had and made in and by the Court as may be had and made on the payment of money into Court in an ordinary



158. Where a warrant or order of arrest issued by any of Her Majesty's Courts in China or Japan for the apprehension of a British subject, who is charged with having committed a crime or offence within the jurisdiction of the Court issuing the warrant or order, and who is or is supposed to be in Hongkong, and the warrant or order is produced to any of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for Hongkong, such Justice way back the warrant or order, and the same when so backed shall be sufficient authority to the person to whom the warrant or order was originally directed, and also to any constable or other peace officer in and for Hongkong, to apprehend the accused in Hongkong, and to carry him to and deliver him up within the jurisdiction of the Court issuing the warrant or order, according to the warrant or order.

159. The Supreme Court of Hongkong may take cognizance of offences committed by British subjects within the peninsula of Macao, and of suits originating there, when the party offending or the party sued comes or is found within the jurisdiction of that Court; but that Court shall not have power to issue any warrant or writ to be executed or served within that peninsula.

160. Save as expressly provided by this Order, all jurisdiction, power, Court in China and authority of the Supreme Court of Hongkong exercisable in relation to British subjects resident in or resorting to China or Japan, shall, from the commencement of this Order, absolutely cease.

Order and Ordinances repealed.

Baving for pending proceedings.


161. From and immediately after the commencement of this Order, the Orders in Council or any Consular Ordinances described in the Schedule to this Order shall be repealed; but this repeal shall not affect the past operation of any such Order or Ordinance, or any appointment made or thing done, or right, title, obligation, or liability acquired or accrued thereunder before the commencement of this Order.


162. Nothing in this Order, or in any Rules made under it, shall apply to or in any manner affect any suit or proceeding, either of a civil or of a criminal nature, pending at the commencement of this Order, either with reference to the original proceedings therein or with reference

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to any appeal therein, or otherwise, subject nevertheless to the following provisions and qualifications:-

(1.) All suits and proceedings, whether of a civil or of a criminal nature, instituted or taken before the commencement of this Order in the district of the Consulate of Shanghai, and pending at the commencement of this Order, are hereby transferred to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, and the same may be carried on and shall be tried, heard, and determined in and by the Supreme Court in like number as nearly as may be in all respects as if the same had been instituted or taken in the district of the Consulate of Shanghai after the commencement of this Order. (2.) In any suit or proceeding, whether of a civil or of a criminal nature, the Court before which the same is pending at the com- mencement of this Order, after hearing the parties, either of its own motion, or on the application of either party, or by consent, may, if it sees fit, from time to time direct that the procedure and practice prescribed by this Order, or by any Rule made under it, be followed in any respect.

Appeals in

     163. Nothing in this Order shall take away any right of appeal of any pending suits. suit of a civil nature pending at the commencement of this Order,-or inter- fere with the bringing or prosecution of any appeal in any such suit that might have been brought or prosecuted if this Order had not been made, -or take away or abridge any jurisdiction, power, or authority of any Court, Judge, Officer, or person in relation to any appeal in any such suit, or to the execution or enforcement of any judgment, decree, or order made before or after the commencement of this Order, in or respecting any appeal in any such suit; and notwithstanding this Order, any appeal in any such suit shall lie and may be brought and prosecuted, and any such judgment, decree, or order may be made, executed, and enforced in like manner and with the like effect and consequences in all respects as if this Order had not been made, subject only to this qualification: that in case of any appeal, which, if this Order had not been made, would have lain or been heard and determined to or by the Chief Superintendent, or to or by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Japan, the same shall lie to and be heard and determined by the Supreme Court in a like course of procedure as nearly as may be in all respects as if this Order had not been made.


164. This Order shall commence and have effect as follows :-

(1.) As to the making of any warrant or appointment under this Order, immediately from and after the making of this Order: (2.) As to the framing of Rules by the Judge of the Supreme Court, and the approval thereof by oue of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, immediately from and after the first appoint- ment under this Order of a Judge of the Supreme Court: (3.) As to all other matters and provisions comprised and contained in this Order, immediately from and after the expiration of one month after this Order is first exhibited in the public office of Her Majesty's Consul at Shanghai; for which purpose Her Majesty's Consul at Shanghai is hereby required forthwith, on receipt by him of a copy of this Order, to affix and exhibit the same conspicuously in his public office, and he is also hereby required to keep the same so affixed and exhibited during one month from the first exhibition thereof; and of the time of such first exhibition notice shall, as soon thereafter as practicable, be published in every Consular District in China and Japan, in such manner as Her Majesty's Ministers there respectively direct.

Times of com→ mencement,

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of Order,



And, notwithstanding anything in this Order, the time of the expiration of the said month shall be deemed to be the time of the commencement of this Order.

165. A copy of this Order shall be kept exhibited conspicuously in cach Court and Consulate in China and in Japan.

Printed copies shall be provided and sold at such reasonable price as Her Majesty's Minister in China directs.

And the Right Honourable the Earl Russell, and the Right Honour able Edward Cardwell, two of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, are to give the necessary directions herein as to them may respectively appertain.



The SCHEDULE to which the foregoing Order refers.

Orders in Council Repealed.




1833 (Two Orders.) 23 JANUARY,







1860 4 FEBRUARY, 1861 12 SEPTEMBER, 1863 7 JANUARY, 1864



13 JUNE,




12 SEPTEMBER, 1863





Consular Ordinances Repealed.

No. 1.-19 January, 1854. Deserters.

No. 2.-31 MARCH, 1854.

1855. Neutrality.

Lunatics; Coroner.

No. 1.-17 January,

No. 1.- 5 MARCH,



No. 2.-29 May,


Removal of Prisoners, &c.

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OF APRIL, 1877.



     Whereas by The China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, Her Majesty the Queen was pleased, by the advice of Her Privy Council, to make provision for the exercise of Her Majesty's power and jurisdiction over Her Majesty's subjects resident in or resorting to China or Japan:

     And whereas in China and Japan additional ports may be from time to time opened to foreign trade, and it is expedient to prov ide for the exercise at those ports of Her Majesty's power and jurisdiction before the establishment there of Commissioned Consular Officers:

     Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue of the powers in this behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, 1843 to 1875, and by the Act of the Session of the Sixth and Seventh years of Her Majesty's Reign, chapter eighty, "for the better government of Her Majesty's subjects resorting to China," or otherwise, in Her vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:-

     1.-The provisions of Article 25 of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, and all provisions of that Order consequent thereon or relative thereto, shall extend and apply to every person (not holding a Consular Commission from Her Majesty) from time to time appointed by Her Majesty's Minister in China or Japan to be Acting Consul, and to be resident at a port in China or Japan, which is for the time being open to foreign trade, and at which no Commissioned Consular Officer of Her Majesty is resident.

     2. For the purposes and within the meaning of the said Order, every person so appointed as an Acting Consul shall be deemed a Consular Officer, and the district for which he is appointed to act shall be deemed a Consular District, and the Court held by him shall be deemed a Provincial Court.

3.-Words in this Order have the same meaning as in the said



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OF AUGUST, 1878.



Whereas Her Majesty the Queen has power and jurisdiction over Her Majesty's subjects resident in or resorting to China and Japan :

   Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue of the powers in this behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, 1843 to 1875, and by the Act of Parliament of the session of the sixth and seventh years of Her Majesty's reign (chapter 80), "for the better government of Her Majesty's subjects resorting to Clina," or otherwise, in Her vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:-


1.-This Order may be cited as "The China and Japan Order in Council, 1878," 2.-This Order shall commence and have effect as follows:-

(a.) As to the making of any warrant or appointment under this Order, imme- diately from and after the making of this Order.

   (5.) As to all other matters and provisions comprised and contained in this Order, immediately from and after the expiration of one month after this Order is first exhibited in the public office of Her Majesty's Consul-Geveral for the district of the Consulate of Shanghai; for which purpose Her Majesty's Consul-General or other principal Consular Officer for the time being for that district is hereby required forth- with, on receipt by him from Her Majesty's Minister in China of a copy of this Order, with instructions in this behalf, to affix and exhibit this Order conspicuously in that public office, and to keep the same so affixed and exhibited during one month there. after;

    of the time of which first exhibition notice shall be published as soon there- after as practicable in each Consular district in China and Japan, in such manner as Her Majesty's Ministers there respectively direct; and the time of the expiration of that month shall be deemed the time of the commencement of this Order.

  3.-(1.) Articles 9 to 22, both inclusive, of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, are hereby revoked

(2.) Articles 36 and 37 of that Order are hereby revoked as regards Japan only. (3.) In this Order "The Secretary of State" means one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State.

(4.) Subject to the foregoing provisions, this Order shall be read as one with the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865.

   (5.) A copy of this Order shall be kept exhibited conspicuously in each Court and Consulate in China and in Japan.

   (6.) Printed copies thereof shall be provided, and shall be sold at such reason- able price as Her Majesty's Ministers there respectively direct.

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Supreme Court for China and Japan.


4. (1.) There shall be a Chief Justice and an Assistant-Judge of the Supreme Court for China and Japan.

(2.) The Assistant-Judge shall be the Registrar of the Supreme Court; and the office of Law Secretary of the Supreme Court is hereby abolished.

(3.) The Assistant-Judge shall hear and determine such causes and matters, civil and criminal, and transact such other part of the business of the Supreme Court, as the Chief Justice from time to time by general order, or otherwise, directs; and for that purpose the Assistant-Judge shall have all the like jurisdiction, power, and authority as the Chief Justice.

(4.) Any party to a suit or proceding wherein any matter or question is heard and determined by the Assistant-Judge shall be entitled, as of course, to a rehearing before the Chief Justice, sitting with the Assistant-Judge, or, in the unavoidable absence of the Assistant-Judge, alone,

     (5.) If, on any such rehearing, there is a difference of opinion between the Chief Justice and the Assistant-Judge, the opinion of the Chief Justice shall prevail.

     (6.) Throughout the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, and the Rules made thereunder, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall, as regards China, be deemed to be therein substituted for the Judge of the Supreme Court.

     (7.) There shall be attached to the Supreme Court a Chief Clerk, and so many officers and clerks as the Secretary of State from time to time thinks fit.

Court for Japan.

5.-(1.) There shall be in and for Japan à Court styled Her Britannic Majesty's Court for Japan.

(2.) The Court for Japan shall have a seal, bearing its style and such device as the Secretary of State from time to time directs.

     (3.) The Court for Japan shall hold its ordinary sittings at Kanagawa, or, on emergency, at any other place within the district of the Consulate of Kanagawa, but may at any time transfer its ordinary sittings to any place in Japan approved by the Secretary of State or by Her Majesty's Minister in Japan.

(4.) There shall be a Judge and an Assistant-Judge of the Court for Japan.

     (5.) The Assistant-Judge shall hear and determine such causes and matters, civil and criminal, and transact such other part of the business of the Court, as the Judge from time to time by general order, or otherwise, directs; and for that purpose the Assistant-Judge shall have all the like jurisdiction, power, and authority as the Judge.

     (6.) Any party to a suit or proceeding wherein any matter or question is heard and determined by the Assistant-Judge shill be entitled, as of course, to a rehearing before the Judge, sitting with the Assistant-Judge, or, in the unavoidable absence of the Assistant-Judge, alone.

     (7.) If, on any such rehearing, there is a difference of opinion between the Judge and the Assistant-Judge, the opinion of the Judge shall prevail.

(8.) In Japan, persons accused of crimes which in England are capital shall bə tried by the Judge of the Court for Japan, with a jury, and not otherwise.

     (9.) There shall be attached to the Court for Japan a Chief Clerk, and so many officers and clerks as the Secretary of State from time to time thinks fit.

Jurisdiction in Japan.

     6.-(1.) Her Majesty's Consul for the district of the Consulate of Kanagawa shall cease to hold and form a Provincial Court.

(2.) Unless and until the Secretary of State otherwise directs, Her Majesty's Consul for the time being for the district of the Consulate of Kanagawa shall be the Assistant-Judge of the Court for Japan.

     (3.) All Her Majesty's jurisdiction, civil and criminal, exercisable in Japan shall, for and within the district of the Consulate of Kanagawa, be vested in the Court for Japan as its ordinary original jurisdiction.

     (4.) All Her Majesty's jurisdiction, civil and criminal, exercisable in Japan beyond the district of the Consulate of Kanagawa, and not under this Order vested

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in the Court for Japan, shall, to the extent and in the manner provided by the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, as modified by this Order, be vested in the Pro- vincial Courts in Japan, each for and within its own district.

    (5.) The Court for Japan shall have, in all matters, civil and criminal, an extra- ordinary original jurisdiction throughout Japan, concurrent with the jurisdiction of the several Provincial Courts in Japan, the same to be exercised subject and accord- ing to the provisions of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, as modified by this Order.

7.-(1.) Subject to the provisions of this Order, the provisions of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, and the Rules in force in the Supreme Court and other Courts in China and Japan made under that Order, shall extend and apply to the Court for Japan, as if the same were a Court (not a Provincial Court) established under that Order.

(2.) For the purpose of the application thereof to the Court of Japan, in Articles 23, 24, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 47, 54 to 57, 59, 61, 62, 67, 68, 69, 72, 74, 77 to 80, 83, 93, ́99, 102, 105, 108 to 111, 117, 119, 120 to 126, 144, 153, 155, all inclusive, of that Order, and throughout those Rules, there shall, as regards Japan, be deemed to be substituted Japan for China or for China and Japan, Kanagawa for Shanghai, the Court for Japan for the Supreme Court for China and Japan, and the Judge and Assistant-Judge of the Court for Japan for the Judge and Assistant-Judge of the Supreme Court; but not so as to affect those Articles and Rules as regards operation thereof in and for China.

8.-(1.) Article 119 of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, relative to appeals in civil cases to the Supreme Court for China and Japan, shall extend and apply to appeals from decisions of the Court for Japan, as if the same were a Pro- vincial Court within that Article; and that Article, and the Rules therein referred to, shall accordingly, notwithstanding anything in this Order, apply to appeals from the Court for Japan to the Supreme Court for China and Japan; but the last mentioned appeals shall not be heard except by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, sitting with the Assistant-Judge of that Court, or, in the unavoidable absence of the Assistant-Judge, alone.

(2.) If, on any such appeal, there is a difference of opinion between the Chief Justice and the Assistant Judge, the opinion of the Chief Justice shall prevail.

(3.) Articles 120 to 126, both inclusive, of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, relative to appeals to the Supreme Court for China and Japan in criminal cases, shall extend and apply to appeals to that Court in criminal cases from decisions of the Court for Japan, both in cases originally tried in the Court for Japan and in cases brought by virtue of this Order before that Court, under those Articles, by way of appeal from any Court or Officer in Japan; and, for the purposes of this Article, the Court for Japan shall, in cases so brought before it by way of appeal, be deemed to be the Court trying the case.

Judges in China and Japan.

9.-(1.) The Chief Justice and Assistant-Judge of the Supreme Court and the Judge and Assistant-Judge of the Court for Japan shall each be appointed by Her Majesty by warrant under Her Royal Sign Manual, subject and according to Article 23 of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865.

(2.) The Chief Justice and the Judge shall each be a subject of Her Majesty by birth or naturalization, who, at the time of his appointment, is a member of the Bar of England, Scotland, or Ireland, of not less than seven years' standing.

10.-(1.) In the case of the death or illness, or the absence or intended absence from the district of the Consulate of Shanghai, of the Chief Justice or of the Assistant-Judge of the Supreme Court, Her Majesty's Minister in China may appoint a fit person to be the Acting Chief Justice or to be the Acting Assistant-Judge (as the case may require); but, unless in any case the Secretary of State otherwise directs, the Assistant- Judge, if present and able to act, shall always be appointed to be Acting Chief Justice.

   (2.) In case of the death or illness, or the absence or intended absence from the district of the Consulate of Kanagawa, of the Judge or of the Assistant-Judge of the

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Court for Japan, Her Majesty's Minister in Japan may appoint a fit person to be the Acting Judge or to be the Acting Assistant-Judge (as the case may require).

Vice-Admiralty Jurisdiction.

     11.-Any proceeding taken in China or Japan against one of Her Majesty's vessels, or the officer commanding the same, as such, in respect of any claim cognisable in a Court of Vice-Admiralty, shall be taken only in the Supreme Court or in the Court for Japan, under the Vice-Admiralty jurisdiction thereof, respectively.

Pending Proceedings.

     12.-Nothing in this Order shall affect any suit or proceedings, civil or criminal, pending at the commencement of this Order, with reference either to the original proceedings therein, or to any appeal therein, or otherwise; save that all suits and proceedings, civil or criminal, instituted or taken in the district of the Consulate of Kanagawa before and pending at the commencement of this Order are hereby trans- ferred to the jurisdiction of the Court for Japan; and the same may be carried on and shall be tried, heard, and determined, in and by the Court for Japan, as nearly as may be, as if the same had been instituted or taken in the district of the Consulate of Kanagawa after the commencement of this Order.

And the Most Honourable the Marquis of Salisbury, and the Right Honourable Sir Michael Edward Hicks-Beach, Baronet, two of Her Majesty's Principal Secreta- ries of State, and the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, and the Lords Commis- sioners of the Admiralty, are to give the necessary directions herein as to them may respectively appertain.





WHEREAS Her Majesty the Queen has power and jurisdiction in relation to Her Majesty's subjects and others in the dominions of the Emperor of China and the dominions of the Mikado of Japan:

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this be- half by the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, 1843 to 1878, or otherwise, in Her vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:-


1.-This order may cited as the China and Japan Order in Council, 1881.

2.-This Order shall, except as otherwise expressed, commence and take effect from and immediately after the 31st day of December, 1881, which time is in this Order referred to as the commencement of this Örder.

3. In this Order-




China means the dominions of the Emperor of China :


Japan means the dominions of the Mikado of Japan :

"Minister" means superior Diplomatic Representative, whether Ambassador,

Envoy, Minister Plenipotentiary, or Chargé d'Affaires :

"Consular Officer includes every officer in Her Majesty's Consular Service, whether Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent, or person authorised to act in any such capacity in China or in Japan; "British subject

turalisation :


means a subject of Her Majesty, whether by birth or by na-

"Foreigner" means a subject of the Emperor of China or of the Mikado of Japan, or a subject or citizen of any other State in amity with Her Ma- jesty:

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includes Convention, and any Agreement, Regulations, Rules, Ar- ticles, Tariff, or other instrument annexed to a Treaty, or agreed on in pursuance of any stipulation thereof :

"Month" means calendar month :

Words importing the plural or the singular may be construed as referring to one person or thing, or more than one person or thing, and words importing the masculine as referring to females (as the case may require).


   4. Subject to the provisions of this Order, Article Eighty-five to Ninety-one, inclusive, of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, authorising the making of Regulations for the purposes and by the authority therein mentioned, and the Re- gulations made thereunder, dated respectively 11th July,1866, and 16th November, 1866, relating to mortgages, bills of sale, and proceedings against partnerships or partners or agents thereof, and Rule 252 of the Rules of the Supreme Court and other Courts in China and Japan of 4th May, 1865, relating to proceedings by or against partnerships, and Articles One hundred and seventeen and One hundred and eighteen of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, relating to foreigners and foreign tribunals, are hereby repealed, as from the commencement of this Order: but this repeal does not affect any right, title, obligation, or liability acquired or accrued before the commencement of this Order.

Confirmation of Regulations not Repealed.

5. Such Regulations as are described in the Schedule to this Order, being Regulations made or expressed or intended to be made under or in execution of the powers conferred by Articles Eighty-five to Ninety-one of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, and all other Regulations made or expressed or intended to be so made and having been approved, or, in case of urgency, not disapproved, under that Order, before the cominencement of this Order, except the Regulations expressed to be repealed by this Order, are hereby confirmed, as from the passing of this Order, and the same, as far as they are now in force, shall be in force, and shall be deemed to have always been of the like validity and effect as if they had been originally made by Order in Council.

Authority for further Regulations.

6.-Her Majesty's Minister in China may from time to time, subject and according to the provisions of this Order, make such Regulations as to him seem fit for the peace, order, and good government of British subjects, resident in or resorting to China.

7.-The power aforesaid extends to the making of Regulations for securing observance of the stipulations of Treaties between Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and the Emperor of China, and for maintaining friendly relations between British subjects and Chinese subjects and authorities.

   8.-Her Majesty's Minister in China may, as he thinks fit, make any Regulation under this Order extend either throughout China, or to some one or more only of the Consular districts in China.

9. Her Majesty's Minister in China, in the exercise of the powers aforesaid, may, if he thinks fit, join with the Ministers of any foreign Powers in amity with Her Majesty in making or adopting Regulations with like objects as the Regulations described in the Schedule to this Order, commonly called the Shanghai Land Regulations, or any other Regulations for the municipal government of any foreigu concession or settlement in China; and, as regards British subjects, joint Regulations so made shall be as valid and binding as if they related to British subjects only.

10.-Her Majesty's Minister in China may, by any Regulation made under this Order, repeal or alter any Regulation made under the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, or under any prior like authority.

11.-(a) Regulations made under this Order shall not have effect unless and until they are approved by Her Majesty the Queen, that approval being signified through one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State,-save that, in case of

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   urgency declared in any such Regulations, the same shall take effect before that approval, and shall continue to have effect unless and until they are disapproved by Her Majesty the Queen, that disapproval being signified through one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and until notification of that disapproval has been received and published by Her Majesty's Minister in China.

(b). That approval, where given, shall be conclusive, and the validity and regularity of any Regulations so approved shall not be called in question in any legal proceeding whatever.

     12.-Any Regulations made under this Order may, if Her Majesty's Minister in China thinks fit, impose penalties for offences against the same.

13.-Penalties so imposed shall not exceed the following, namely:-For any offence imprisonment for three months, with or without hard labour, and with or without a fine of $500, or a fine of $500 without imprisonment, with or without a further fine for a continuing offence of $25 for each day during which the offence continues after the original fine is incurred.

14.-Regulations imposing penalties shall be so framed as to allow in every case of part only of the highest penalty being inflicted.

15.-All Regulations made under this Order, whether imposing penalties or not, shall be printed, and a printed copy thereof shall be affixed, and be at all times kept exhibited conspicuously in the public office of each Consulate in China.

16.-Printed copies of the Regulations shall be kept on sale at such reasonable price as Her Majesty's Minister in China from time to time directs.

17.-Where a Regulation imposes a penalty, the same shall not be enforceable in any Consular district until a printed copy of the Regulation has been affixed in the public office of the Consulate for that district, and has been kept exhibited conspicuously there during one month.

18.-A charge of an offence against a Regulation made under this Order, imposing a penalty, shall be inquired of, heard and determined, as an ordinary criminal charge under the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, except that (notwithstanding anything in that Order) where the Regulation is one for securing observance of the stipulations of a Treaty, the charge shall be heard and determined in a summary way, and (where the proceeding is before a Provincial Court) without


19.-A printed copy of a Regulation, purporting to be made under this Order, and to be certified under the hand of Her Majesty's Minister in China, or under the band and Consular seal of one of Her Majesty's Consular Officers in China, shall be conclusive evidence of the due making of the Regulation, and of its contents.

     20. The foregoing provisions authorising Regulations for China are hereby extended to Japan, with the substitution of Japan for China, and of the Mikado_of Japan for the Emperor of China, and of Her Majesty's Minister in Japan for Her Majesty's Minister in China, and of Her Majesty's Consular Officers in Japan for Her Majesty's Consular officers in China.

Prison Regulations.

21.-The respective powers aforesaid extend to the making of Regulations for the government, visitation, care, and superintendence of prisons in China or in Japan, and for the infliction of corporal or other punishment on prisoners committing offences against the rules or discipline of a prison; but the provisions of this Order respecting penalties, and respecting the printing, affixing, exhibiting, and sale of Regulations, and the mode of trial of charges or offences against Regulations do not apply to Regulations respecting prisons and offences of prisoners.


22.-A deed or other instrument of mortgage, legal or equitable, of lands or houses in China or in Japan, executed by a British subject, may be registered at any time after its execution at the Consulate of the Consular district wherein the property mortgaged is situate.

    23. Registration is made as follows:-The original and a copy of the deed or other instrument of mortgage, and an affidavit verifying the execution and place of

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execution thereof, and verifying the copy, are brought into the Consulate; and the copy and affidavit are left there.

    24.-If a deed or other instrument of mortgage is not registered at the Con- sulate aforesaid within the respective time following (namely) :

(i.) Within fourteen days after its execution, where it is executed in the Con-

sular district wherein the property mortgaged is situate:

    (ii.) Within two months after its execution, where it is executed in China or Japan, elsewhere than in that Consular district, or in Hongkong:

    (iii.) Within six months after its execution, where it is executed elsewhere than in China, Japan or Hongkong :

then, and in every such case, the mortgage debt secured by the deed or other instru- ment, and the interest thereon, shall not have priority over judgment, or simple con- tract debts contracted before the registration of that deed or other instrument.

25.--Registered deeds or other instruments of mortgage, legal or equitable, of the same lands or houses have, as among themselves, priority in order of registration. 26.-(a.) The provisions of this Order do not apply to a deed or other instru- ment of mortgage executed before the commencement of this Order.

(b.) As regards a deed or other instrument of mortgage executed before the commencement of this Order, the Regulations repealed by this Order shall, notwith- standing that repeal, be in force, and shall be deemed to have always been of the like validity and effect as if they had originally been made by Order in Council.

27.-The power conferred on the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for China and Japan by Article 127 of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, of framing Rules from time to time, is hereby extended to the framing of Rules for prescribing and regulating the making and keeping of indexes, and of a general index, to the re- gister of mortgages, and searches in those indexes, and other particulars connected with the making, keeping, and using of those registers and indexes, and for authoris- ing and regulating the unregistering of any deed or other instrument of mortgage, or the registering of any release or satisfaction in respect thereof.

Bills of Sale.

28. The provisions of this Order relating to bills of sale-

    (i.) Apply only to such bills of sale executed by British subjects as are intended to affect chattels in China or in Japan :

(ii.) Do not apply to bills of sale given by sheriffs or others under or in execu- tion of process authorising seizure of chattels.

29.-(a.) Every bill of sale must conform with the following rules (namely): (1.) It must state truly the name, description, and address of the grantor. (2.) It must state truly the consideration for which it is granted.

   (3.) It must have annexed thereto or writtin thereunder an inventory of the chattels intended to be comprised therein.

(4.) Any defeasance, condition, or declaration of trust affecting the bill not contained in the body of the bill must be written on the same paper as the bill.

(5.) The execution of the bill must be attested by a credible witness, with his address and description.

    (b.) Otherwise, the bill is void in China and in Japan to the extent following, but not further (that is to say):

(i.) In the case of failure to conform with the rule respecting an inventory, as far as regards chattels omitted from the inventory; and

(ii.) In any other case, wholly.

(c.) The inventory, and any defeasance, condition, or declaration as aforesaid, respectively, is for all purposes deemed part of the bill.

   30.-A bill of sale conforming, or appearing to conform, with the foregoing rules, may be registered, if it is intended to affect chattels in China, at the Supreme Court;

     and if it is intended to affect chattels in Japan, at the Court for Japan; or in either case at the Consulate of the Consular district wherein the chattels are, within he respective time following au 1 not afterwards (namely):

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(i.) Within fourteen days after its execution, where it is executed in the Con- sular district wherein the chattels are:

    (ii.) Within two months after its execution, where it is executed in China or in Japan, elsewhere than in that Consular district, or in Hongkong:

    (iii.) Within six months after its execution, where it is executed elsewhere than in China, Japan, or Hongkong.

    31.-Registration is made as follows: The original and a copy of the bill of sale, and an affidavit verifying the execution, and the time and place of execution, and the attestation thereof, and verifying the copy, are brought into the proper office of the Court or the Consulate; and the copy and affidavit are left there.

    32. If a bill of sale is not registered at a place and within the time by this Order appointed and allowed for registration thereof, it is, from and after the expiration of the time, void in China or in Japan, according as that place is in China or in Japan to the extent following, but not further (that is to say):

    (i.) As against trustees or assignees of the estate of the grantor, in or under bankruptcy, liquidation, or assignment for benefit of creditors; and

(ii) As against all sheriffs and others seizing chattels under process of any Court, and any person on whose behalf the seizure is made; but only

(iii.) As regards the property in, or right to, the possession of such chattels comprised in the bill as, at or after the filing of the petition for bankruptcy or liqui- dation, or the execution of the assignment, or the seizure, are in the grantor's pos session, or apparent possession.

    33.-Registered bills of sale affecting the same chattels have as among them- selves priority in order of registration.

    34.-Chattels comprised in a registered bill of sale are not in the possession, order, or disposition of the grantor within the law of bankruptcy.

    35.-If in any case there is an unregistered bill of sale, and within or on the expiration of the time by this Order allowed for registration thereof, a subsequent bill of sale is granted affecting the same or some of the same chattels, for the same or part of the same debt, then the subsequent bill is, to the extent to which it com- prises the same chattels and is for the same debt, absolutely void, unless the Supreme Court for China and Japan, or the Court for Japan, as the case may require, is satisfied that the subsequent bill is granted in good faith for the purpose of correcting some material error in the prior bill, and not for the purpose of unlawfully evading the operation of this Order.

    36. The registration of a bill of sale must be renewed once at least every five years.

37.-Renewal of registration is made as follows:-An affidavit stating the date of and parties to the bill of sale, and the date of the original registration, and of the last renewal, and that the bill is still a subsisting security, is brought in to the proper office of the Court or the Consulate of original registration, and is left there.

    38.-If the registration of a bill of sale is not so renewed in any period of five years, then on and from the expiration of that period the bill is deemed to bé unregistered.

39.-The provisions of this Order relating to renewal apply to bills of sale registered under the Regulations repealed by this Order.

40.-A transfer or assignment of a registered bill of sale need not be registered; and renewal of registration is not necessary by reason only of such a transfer or assignment.

41.-Where the time for registration or renewal of registration of a bill of sale expires on a Sunday, or other day on which the office for registration is closed, the registration or renewal is valid if made on the first subsequent day on which the office is open.

    42.-If in any case the Supreme Court for China and Japan, or the Court for Japan, as the case may require, is satisfied that failure to register or to renew the registration of a bill of sale in due time, or any omission or misstatement connected with registration or renewal, was accidental or inadvertent, the Court may, if it thinks

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fit, order the failure, omission, or misstatement to be rectified in such manner, and on such terms, if any, respecting security, notice by advertisement or otherwise, or any

other matter, as the Court thinks fit.

    43.-(a.) The provisions of this Order, except as regards renewal of registrations, do not apply to a bill of sale executed before the commencement of this Order.

    (b.) As regards a bill of sale executed before the commencement of this Order, the Regulations repealed by this Order shall, notwithstanding that repeal, be in force, and shall be deemed to have always been of the like validity and effect as if they had originally been made by Order in Council.

    44.-The power conferred on the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for China and Japan by Article 127 of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, of framing Rules from time to time, is hereby extended to the framing of Rules for prescribing and regulating the making and keeping of indexes, and of a general index, to the registers of bills of sale, and searches in those indexes, and other particulars con- nected with the making, keeping, and using of those registers and indexes, and for authorising and regulating the unregistering of any bill of sale, or the registering of any release or satisfaction in respect thereof.

Suits by or against Partners.

    45.-(a.) The following are Rules of Procedure of Her Majesty's Courts in China and Japan, under the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865:

    (1.) Persons claiming or being liable as partners may sue or be sued in the firm name, if any.

(2.) Where partners sue in the firm name, they must, on demand in writing on behalf of any defendant, forthwith declare the names and addresses of the partners. (3.) Otherwise, all proceedings in the suit may, on application, be stayed on such terms as the Court thinks fit.

    (4.) When the names of the partners are so declared, the suit proceeds in the same manner, and the same consequences in all respects follow, as if they had been named as the plaintiffs in the petition.

(5.) All subsequent proceedings, nevertheless, continue in the firm name.

(6.) Where partners are sued in the firm name, the petition must be served either on one or more of the partners within the jurisdiction, or at the principal place of the partnership business within the jurisdiction on some person having then and there control or management of the partnership business.

    (7.) Where one person, carrying on business in the name of a firm apparently representing more persons than one, is sued in the firm name, the petition may be served at the principal place of the business within the jurisdiction on some person having then and there control or management of the business.

(8.) Where partners are sued in the firm name, they must appear individually in their own names.

(9.) All subsequent proceedings, nevertheless, continue in the firm name. (10.) Where a person, carrying on business in the name of a firm apparently representing more persons than one, is sued in the firm name he must appear in his

own name.

(11.) All subsequent proceedings, nevertheless, continue in the firm name.

(12.) In any case not hereinbefore provided for, where persons claiming or being liable as partners sue or are sued in the firm name, any party to the suit may, on application to the Court, obtain a statement of the names of the persons who are partners in the firm, to be furnished and verified on oath or otherwise, as the Court thinks fit.

(13.) Where a judgment is against partners in the firm name, execution may issue-

(i.)-Against any property of the partners as such; and

(ii.)-Against any person who has admitted in the suit that he is a partner, or who has been adjudged to be a partner; and

(iii.) Against any person who has been served in the suit as a partner, and has failed to appear.

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(14.) If the party who has obtained judgment claims to be entitled to issue execution against any other person, as being a partner, he may apply to the Court for leave so to do; and the Court, if the liability is not disputed, may give such leave, or if it is disputed may order that the question of the liability be tried and determined as a question in the suit, in such manner as the Court thinks fit.

(b.) The foregoing Rules may be from time to time varied by Rules of Proce- dure made under the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865.

(c.) Printed copies of the foregoing Rules must be exhibited conspicuously in each Court and Consulate in China and Japan, with the other Rules of Procedure for the time being in force under the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, and be sold at such reasonable price as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from time to time directs.

(d) A printed copy of the foregoing Rules purporting to be certified under the hand of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the seal of that Court is for all purposes conclusive evidence thereof.

46.-(a.) The provisions of this Order do not apply to proceedings instituted by or against partnerships or partners or agents thereof, before the commencement of this Order.

     (b.) As regards proceedings instituted by or against partnerships or partners or agents thereof before the commencement of this Order, the Regulations repealed by this Order shall, notwithstanding that repeal, be in force, and shall be deemed to have always been of the like validity and effect as if they had been Rules of Procedure made under the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865; and, as regards the same proceedings, the Rule of Procedure (252) repealed by this Order shall continue to have effect, notwithstanding that repeal, subject always to the operation of the Regulations repealed by this Order.

Suits by or against Foreigners.

47.-(a.) Where a foreigner desires to institute or take a suit or proceeding of a civil nature against a British subject, or a British subject desires to institute or take a suit or proceeding of a civil nature against a foreigner, the Supreme Court for China and Japan, and the Court for Japan, and a Provincial Court, according to the respective jurisdiction of the Court, may entertain the suit or proceeding and hear and determine it; and, if all parties desire, or the Court directs, a trial with a jury or assessors, then, with a jury or assessors, at a place where such a trial might be had if all parties were British subjects, but in all other respects according to the ordinary course of the Court.

     (b.) Provided, that the foreigner first obtains and files in the Court the consent in writing of the competent authority of his own nation to his submitting, and that he does submit, to the Jurisdiction of the Court, and, if required by the Court, gives security to the satisfaction of the Court, and to such reasonable amount as the Court directs, by deposit or otherwise, to pay fees, damages, costs and expenses, and abide by and perform the decision to be given either by the Court or on appeal.

     (c.) A counter-claim or cross-suit cannot be brought or instituted in the Court against a plaintiff, being a foreigner, who has submitted to the jurisdiction, by a defendant, except by leave of the Court first obtained.

(d.) The Court, before giving leave, requires proof from the defendant that his claim arises out of the matter in dispute, and that there is reasonable ground for it, and that it is not made for vexation or delay.

     (e.) Nothing in this provision prevents the defendant from instituting or taking in the Court against the foreigner, after the termination of the suit or proceeding in which the foreigner is plaintiff, any suit or proceeding that the defendant might have instituted or taken in the Court against the foreigner if no provision restraining counter-claims or cross-suits had been inserted in this Order.

     (f.) Where a foreigner obtains in the Court an order against a defendant, being a British subject, and in another suit that defendant is plaintiff and the foreigner is defendant, the Court may, if it thinks fit, on the application of the British subject, stay the enforcement of the order pending that other suit, and may set off any

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amount ordered to be paid by one party in one suit against any amount ordered to be paid by the other party in the other suit.

(g.) Where a plaintiff, being a foreigner, obtains in the Court an order against two or more defendants, being British subjects, jointly, and in another suit one of them is plaintiff and the foreigner is defen lant, the Court may, if it thinks fit, on the application of the British subject, stay the enforcement of the order pending that other suit, and may set off any amount ordered to be paid by one party in one suit against any amount ordered to be paid by the other party in the other suit, without prejudice to the right of the British subject to require contribution from his co- defendants under the joint liability.

(h.) Where a foreigner is co-plaintiff in a suit with a British subject who is within the particular jurisdiction, it is not necessary for the foreigner to make deposit or give security for costs, unless the Court so direct; but the co-plaintiff British subject is responsible for all fees and costs.

Chinese, Japanese, and Foreign Tribunals.

49.-(a.) Where it is shown to the Supreme or other Court that the attendance of a British subject to give evidence, or for any other purpose connected with the administration of justice, is required in a Chinese or Japanese Court, or before a Chinese or Japanese judicial officer or in a Court, or before a ju licial officer of any State in amity with Her Majesty, the Supreme or other Court may, if it thinks fit, in a case and in circumstances in which it would require his attendance before itself, order that he do attend as so required.

(b.) A Provincial Court, however, cannot so order attendance at any place beyond its particular jurisdiction.

(c.) If the person ordered to attenl, having reasonable notice of the time and place at which he is required to attend, fails to attend accordingly, and does not excuse his failure to the satisfaction of the Supreme or other Court, he is, indepen- dently of any other liability, guilty of an offence against this Order, and for every such offence, on conviction thereof, by summary trial, is liable to a fine not exceeding $500, or to imprisonment for not exceeding one month, in the discretion of the Court.

The SCHEDUDE to which the foregoing Order in Conncil refers.

   I.-Regulations made by Sir Rutherford Alcock, while Her Majesty's Minister in China, intituled or designated as Land Regulations, Regulations, and Bye-Laws annexed to the Land Regulations, for the foreign quarter of Shanghai north of the Yang-King-Pang, and commonly called the Shanghai Land Regulations.

   II.-Port, Consular, Customs, and Harbour Regulations applicable to all the Treaty ports in China, dated 31st May, 1869.

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WHEREAS, by Treaty and otherwise, Her Majesty the Queen has power Preamble. and jurisdiction within China and Japan and the dominions of the King of Corea:

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, 1843 to 1878, and other- wise in Her vested, is pleased by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:-

1.-This Order may be cited as the China, Japan, and Corea Order short Title. in Council, 1884.

2. In this Order-

The expression, the "China and Japan Orders in Council," means the Interpretation. following:-

The China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, as amended by the Orders in Conucil, dated the 13th May, 1869, and the 30th April, 1877;

The Orders in Council of the 19th June, 1868; and the 21st July,

1876, relating to Consular fees ;

The China and Japan Maritime Order in Council, 1874;

The China and Japan Order in Council, 1878;

The China and Japan Order in Council, 1881;

The Shanghai Shipping Registry Order in Council, 1883;

and any Order in Council amending or extending this or any of the above- mentioned Orders in Council.

     The expression "Corea" means the dominions for the time being of the King of Corea, including the territorial waters thereof.

    Other expressions to which meanings are assigned by the China and Japan Order in Council have the same meanings in this Örder unless the subject or context otherwise requires.

     In the China and Japan Orders in Council, and in this Order, the expression "British subject" shall inclu le a British-protected person in so far as by Treaty, capitulation, grant, usage, sufferance, or other lawful means, Her Majesty has jurisdiction in relation to such persons in China, Japan, and Corea respectively.

This Order may be cited as the China, Japan, and Corea Order in Council, 1884.

in Corea.

    3.-Any person for the time being, acting as Consul-General, Consul, Cousalar Cos or Vice-Consul holding Her Majesty's commission for Corea or any part thereof, or any person acting temporarily with the approval of a Secretary of State, or in case of emergency appointed temporarily by or acting with the approval of Her Majesty's Minister for Corea, as and for a Consul- General, Consul, or Vice-Consul as aforesaid, shall in and for such district ás may be assigned by his commission or appointment, or as may be so approved, hold and form a Court for the purposes of this Order.

4.-For the purposes and subject to the provisions of this Order- (i.) All Her Majesty's jurisdiction exercisable, for the time being, in Her Majesty's, Corea, under the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, shall be exercised by a Court be exercised acting under this Order.

Jurisdiction to

according to


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Courts in Cores to be deemed



  Bupreme Court at Bhanghai to have jurisdiction in Corea.

Pov ers and Ju- risdiction under

   of Corean Treaty.



(ii.) Such jurisdiction shall be exercised under and in accordance with the provisions of the China and Japan Orders in Council, and of any Rules and Regulations made under the authority thereof, and for the time being in force so far as the same are applicable, as if in those provisions expressions referring to Japan, or to any Government, Sovereign, person, thing, or matter in or relating to Japan, referred also mutatis mutandis to Corea, and to the corresponding Government, Sovereign, person, thing, or matter in or relating to Corea; and for the purposes of the said Orders in Council, Rules and Regulations as applied by this Order, a Court acting under this Order shall be deemed to be a Provincial Court.

(iii.) All powers and jurisdiction, whether original, appellate, or auxiliary, which can, under the said Orders, be exercised by the Supreme Court at Shanghai, or any Judge thereof, in relation to Japan, or any district thereof, or Provincial Court therein, shall be exercisable in relation to Corea, and any district or Provincial Court therein.

5.-The powers and jurisdiction exercisable under this Order, or under ais Order sub. the said Orders in Council, as applied to Corea, shall, in relation to Corea, Jeet to provisions be exercised subject to the provisions of the Treaty dated the 26th November, 1883, between Her Majesty and the King of Corea, and to the Regulations and Protocol appended to the said Treaty, and to the pro- visions of any other Treaty for the time being in force between Her Majesty and the King of Corea, and the provisions of the said Treaty, Regulations, and Protocol shall have effect as if incorporated in this Order.

Imperial Acts and Orders in

Council; how



Jurisdiction in Danes of murder

6.-Where, by virtue of any Imp rial Act, or of any of the China and Japan Orders in Council, or this Order, or otherwise, any provisions of any Imperial Acts, or of any Orders in Council other than this Order, are applicable in China, Japan, or Corea, or any forms, regulations, or pro- cedure prescribed or established by or under any such Order or Act, in relation to any matter, are made applicable for any purpose of any of the China or Japan Orders in Council, or of this Order, such acts, forms, regulations, or procedure shall be deemed applicable, so far only as the constitution and jurisdiction of the Courts and the local circumstances permit; and for the purpose of facilitating their application, they may be construed or used with such alterations and adaptations not affecting the substance as may be necessary, and anything required to be done by or to any Court, Judge, officer, or authority may be done by or to a Court, Judge, officer, or authority having the like or analogous functions; and the seal of the Consular Court may be substituted for any scal required by any such act, order, form, regulation, or procedure, and in case any difficulty occurs in the application of any such act, order, form, regulation, or procedure, it shall be lawful for a Secretary of State to direct by and to whom and in what manner anything to be done under such act, order, or regulation, is to be done, and such act or order shall, in its application to matters arising under the China and Japan Orders in Council, or this Order be construed accordingly.

7.-(i.) In cases of murder or manslaughter, if either the death or and manslaught the criminal act which wholly or partly caused the death, happened within the jurisdiction of a Court acting under the China and Japan Orders in Council or this Order, such Court shall have the like jurisdiction over any person being a British subject, who is charged either as the principal offender or as accessory before the fact to murder, or as accessory after the fact to murder or manslaughter, as if both such criminal act and the death had happened within such jurisdiction.

Crimes on the high seas.

(ii.) In the case of any crime committed on the high seas, or within the Admiralty jurisdiction, by any British subject on board a British ship, or on board a foreign ship to which he did not belong, a Court acting under this Order shall have jurisdiction as if the crime had been com-

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    mitted within the district of such Court. In cases tried under this Article, no different sentence can be passed from the sentence which could be passed in England if the crime were tried there.

under Foreign

(iii.) The foregoing provisions of this Article shall be deemed to be Adaptations adaptations for the purposes of this Order, and of "The Foreign Juris Jurisdiction diction Act, 1878," of the following enactments described in the first Act. schedule to that Act (that is to say):-

"The Admiralty Offences (Colonial) Act, 1849." "The Admiralty Offences (Colonial) Act, 1860." "The Merchant Shipping Act, 1867," section 11.

      And the said enactments shall, so far as they are repeated and adapted by this Article (but not further or otherwise), extend to China Japan, and Corea.

Offenders Act,

Powers of

8.-"The Fugitive Offenders Act, 1881," shall apply, in relation to Fugitive British subjects, to China, Japan, and Corea respectively, as if such countries were British possessions, and for the purposes of Part II. of the said Act and of this Article, China, Japan, and Corea shall be deemed to H. M. Minister. be one group of British possessions, and Her Majesty's Minister for China, Japan, or Corea (as the case may be), shall have the powers of a Governor or Superior Court of a British possession.

to be taken.

9.-Judicial notice shall be taken of the China and Japan Orders in Judicial notice Council and of this Order, and of the commencement thereof, and of the appointment of Consals or other officers, and of the constitution and limits of the Consular Courts and districts, and Consular seals and signatures, and of any Rules or Regulations made or in force under the China and Japan Orders in Council or this Order, and no proof shall be required of any of such matters.


Provisions of

The provisions of The Evidence Act, 1851" (14 and 15 Vict., Evidence Act, cap. 99), sections 7 and 11, relating to the proof of judicial and other 1851, to apply. documents, shall extend, and be applied for all purposes as if the Courts, districts, and places to which the China and Japan Orders in Council or this Order applies were in a British Colony.

10.-This Order shall come into operation at such time or times in When to come into operation, China, Japan and Corea respectively as a Secretary of State, by a notice published in the London Gazette at or after the time of the publication therein of this Order, directs.

      11.-This Order shall be published in China, Japan, and Corea in such manner, and printed copies thereof shall be kept for sale at the Consular Courts there at such prices, as a Secretary of State from time to time directs.

      And the Right Honourable the Earl Granville and the Right Honour- able the Earl of Derby, two of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, are to give the necessary directions herein as to them may respectively appertain.




      Whereas by the China, Japan, and Corea Order in Council, 1884, it is provided that the said Order in Council shall come into o¡ eration at such time or times in China, Japan, and Corea, respectively, as a Secretary of State, by a notice published in the London Gazette at or after the time of the publication therein of the said Order, directs.

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Now, therefore, I, the undersigned, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, do hereby direct that the said Order in Council shall come into and be operative in China, Japan, and Corea, respectively, on and after the 1st day of October, 1884.

Foreign Office, 7th July, 1884.






WHEREAS, by Treaty and otherwise, Her Majesty the Queen has power and jurisdiction within China and Japan and the dominions of the King

of Corea.

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts 1843 to 1878 and otherwise in Her vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:-

1.-This Order may be cited as the China, Japan, and Corea Order in Council, 1886.

2.-The 4th Article of the China, Japan, and Corea Order in Council, 1884 shall, for all purposes, be construed as if for the sub-section thereof numbered (8) there were substituted the following sub-section :-

(3.) All powers and jurisdiction, whether original, appellate, or auxiliary, which can, under the said Orders, be exercised in relation to any Provincial Court in Japan, or in, or in relation to, the district of any such Court by the Court for Japan, or by the Supreme Court for China and Japan, may be exercised in relation to Corea or any Provincial Court therein, or in, or in relation to, the district of any such Court by the Supreme Court for China and Japan.

Provided, that nothing in this Order shall render invalid anything done before the commencement of this Order, or before the publication of this Order in China or Corea.

3. This Order shall come into operation forthwith, and shall be published in China and Corea, and printed copies thereof shall be kept for sale at the Consular Courts in Corea.

And the Right Honourable the Earl of Rosebery, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are to give the necessary directions herein as to them may respectively appertain.


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3.-For granting a provisional certificate of registry (this fee to be exclusive of fees on declarations)...


To be taken in China, Japan, and Corea, in pursuance of the Acts 6 Geo. IV., cap. 87, and 12 and 13 Vict., cap. 68, and of the China, Japan, and Corea (Consular Fees) Order in Council, 1885.


Fees to be taken in respect of Matters in which the Consul's Interposition is required by Law. MATTER IN RESPECT OF WHICH THE FEE IS TO BE TAKEN.

1.-For every declaration taken or recorded under the Merchant Shipping Acts, with a view to the registry, transfer, and transmission of ships, interest in ships, or mortgages on ships




2.-For endorsing a memorandum of change of master upon the certificate of registry, and initialing his signature on agreement with crew, if required

$ a




5 00

       4.-For recording a mortgage of a ship, or shares in a ship, made under a cer- tificate of mortgage

5 00


6.-For recording the transfer of a mortgage of a ship, or shares in a ship, made under a certificate of mortgage

       6.-For recording the discharge of a mortgage of a ship, or shares in a ship, made under a certificate of mortgage...

       7.-For every sale of a ship, or shares in a ship, made before the Consul under a certificate of sale

8. For inspection of the register book of transactions in ships, kept in pursuance of Merchant Shipping Acts...

   9.-For certified copy of extract from register book of transactions in ships 10. For every seaman engaged before the Consul




5 00


1 00

0 75

0 50

11.-For every alteration in agreements with seamen made before the Consul... 12.-For every seaman discharged or left behind with the Consul's sanction... 13.-For every desertion certified by the Consul 14.-For attesting a seaman's will

0 50

0 50

0 50




0 50


       15. For examination of provisions or water, to be paid by the party who proves to be in default, in addition to costs of survey

3 00


16. For every salvage bond made in pursuance of 17 and 18 Vict., cap. 104, sec.

12 00

17. For making endorsement on ship's papers as required by section 279 of "The

0 75

488, to be paid by the master or owner of the property salved ...

Merchant Shipping Act, 1854"

Marriage Fees, as fixed by Acts 12 and 13 Vict., cap. 68, to be levied by Consular Officers duly authorized to solemnize Marriages.

18.-For receiving notice of an intended marriage 19. For granting a licence for a marriage

20. For receiving a caveat





s. d.

10 0




0 0


0 0

1 0 0

21. For every marriage solemnized by the Consul, or in his presence, if by licence 22.-Ditto, if without licence

0 10 0

NOTE.-The above Fees, 18 to 22 inclusive, if not paid in English money are to be calculated at a rate of exchange which will cover the cost of their remittance to the Foreign Office and so as to prevent loss to the Exchequer.


Fees to be taken in respect of Matters in which the Consul's Interposition is to be given when required by the Parties interested.


23.-For noting a marine protest and furnishing one certified copy if required... 24.-For filing a request for survey and issuing order of survey

25. For receiving report of survey, filing original in archives (if not exceeding 200 words), and furnishing, if required, one certified copy of request, order, and re- port of survey

26.-For extending marine protest, if not and furnishing one certified copy if required. or declarations, or for drawing, if required, the


exceeding 200 words, filing original, This to be exclusive of fee for oaths body of the protest...



2. 00 1 50

6. 00

6. 00

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27.-For any other protest, if not exceeding 200 words, filing original, and furnishing one certified copy if required. This to be exclusive of fee for drawing, required, the body of the protest


28.-If the protest or report of survey exceed 200 words, for every additional 100 words or fraction thereof






29.-For attesting bottomry or arbitration bond, each copy . 30.-For preparing a fresh agreement with the crew of a British vessel on new articles of agreement being opened at a foreign port, and for furnishing the copy which the Merchant Shipping Acts require should be made accessible to the crew...

81.-Bill of health

82.-Certifying to a foreign bill of health 83.-Certificate of origin of goods and filing copy



34.-Certificate of due landing of goods exported from a British port

35.-For application addressed to local authorities for arrest or imprisonment of

a seaman, if granted pursuant to the request of the master...

36.-Ditto, for release of a seaman

37. For order or letter sending a seamen to hospital

38. For each certificate granted as to the number of the crew of a vessel or as to any other matter required by local authorities for the clearance inwards and out- wards of a vessel

39.-For granting any certificate not otherwise provided for if not exceeding 100




40.-If exceeding 100 words, for every additional 100 words or fraction thereof... 41.-For affixing Consular signature, and seal if required, to a ship's manifest... 42.-For affixing Consular seal or signature to any entry in the official log book of a British vessel, if not required by the Merchant Shipping Acts

43. For administering an oath, or receiving a declaration or affirmation, includ- ing attestation of signature, if required

   44.-For each Consular signature attached to an exhibit referred to in an affidavit or declaration

   45.-For each alteration or interlineation initialed by the Consul in any docu- ment not prepared by him

46.-For each signature to a transfer of shares or stocks attested by the Consul... 47. For each signature to a transfer of shares or stock attested by the Consul when executed in the presence of one or more witnesses besides the Consul

48.-For attesting the execution of a power of attorney 49.-For attesting the execution of a will of any person not being a British



50.-For attesting the execution of a deed, bond, or conveyance under seal... 51.-For each signature to an application for a patent attested by the Consul..... 52.-For attaching Consular signature, and seal if required, to quarterly or monthly declarations for Government pay, half-pay, or pension

$ c.


6 00

0 75

1 50

1 50

2. 00

3 00

3 00

3 00

1 50 1 50


1 50

1 50

1 50

3 00

1 50

0 75

0 75

0 25

0 75

1 50




1 50


3. 00


1 50

0 50

58.-For attaching Consular signature to all other declarations of existence 54.-Ditto, if drawn up by Consul

0 75




1 50

 57.-For attesting the signature of a foreign authority .. 58.-For each signature attested by the Consul in any document not otherwise provided for

55.-For certificate of a person's identity 56.-Attesting signature to any document connected with the Post Office Savings Bank for the deposit or withdrawal of money

8 00




1 50




1 50


   59.-For receiving any document for deposit in the Consulate, and for register- ing and giving receipt for same

1 60

1 50

60.-For making and registering a copy of any document, if not exceeding 100


1 50




61.-Ditto, if exceeding 100 words, for every additional 100 words, or fraction







62.-For registration of a birth or death (except the death of a seaman) 63.-For each search in the register books of births, marriages, or deaths kept at the Consulate

0 50

0 75



0 25





64.-For furnishing a certified copy of an entry in register books of births, marriages, or deaths

65.-For certifying to a copy of any document or part of a document, if not exceeding 100 words...


66.-If exceeding 100 words, for every additional 100 words, or fraction thereof N.B.-An additional charge is to be levied when the copy is made by the

Consul (see Part IV.).


68.-Visa of a Passport





0 75



1 50

0 25


1 50 0 75

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      69.-Opening the will of a British subject, not being a seaman, including Con- sular signature to minute of proceedings



70.-Management of the property of a British subject, not being a seaman, dying intestate, or if not intestate, when taken charge of at request of, or in absence of, re- latives or friends

21 per cent. on value, 71.-For uniting documents and attaching Consular seal to the fastening... 78.-For directing search for, or obtaining from public Record Office or elsewhere, extracts from local registers, or copies of wills, deeds, or other matters, in addition to expenses incurred and any fees for attestation

73.-For affixing Consular signature, and seal if required, to any document not otherwise provided for by this Table

   73a. For New title-deeds of land 736.-For Transfer of land


0 73

1 50







10 06 5 00



73c.-For cancelment of title-deeds




Fees to be taken for Attendance out of Office, in addition to any other Fee chargeable under the present Table, and for travelling and other Expenses.


74.-At a shipwreck, or for the purpose of assisting a ship in distress, per day... 75.-At a shipwreck, at request of parties interested, to assist or advise as to salvage, per day







      76.-At request of parties interested, or local authorities, at the affixing or re- moving of seals on property of deceased persons, if absent less than two hours...

77.-Ditto, if absent two hours and under six hɔurs..... 78.-Ditto, if absent six hours and under twelve hours 79.-At request of parties interested, or of local authorities, at a valuation, if absent less than two hours



12 00

18 Ou

6 00 12.00



6. 00 8:00





     80.-Ditto, ditto, for each additional hour's absence 81.-At request of parties interested, or of local authorities, at a sale, if absent less than twɔ hours

82.-Ditto, ditto, for each additional hour .....


83.-At request of parties interested, or of local authorities, for the transaction, out of Consular office, of any of the duties for which a fee is provided in the Table of Consular Fees, if absent less than two hours




81.-Ditto, if absent two hours or mɔrə, 5s. per hour, the total fee not to exceed per day...





N.B.-The fee per day is to cover period not exceeding twelve hours. If the Consul finds it necessary to be accompanied by a clerk the fee will be increased by one-half, or if a clerk only sent, half the above fees are to be charged.




Fees authorized to be taken in respect of other Services which may be rendered by the Consul at his discretion.













85.-For preparing bɔttɔmry or arbitration bɔnd... 86.-On proceeds of sale of wreck of British vessels or cargo in cases in which the Consul is authorized to claim such proceeds, and to deal with them in accordance with the Board of Trade Instructions, a commission of ...

87.-For Certificate or Report relating to the condition of a ship, her machinery or equipment, or any portion thereof, or the condition or stowage of her cargo or any portion thereof, or relating to the sale of a damɩged hull or her cargo or any portion thereof, in addition to expenses, if any

88.-For Drawing a declaration or other document, or the body of a protest, or for taking dowa in writing verbal declarations or depositions of persons made before the Consul, or for reducing into writing agreements made before him by contracting parties, exclusive of fees for attestation, & c. (see Part II), if not exceeding 100 words. 89.-If exceeding that number, for each subsequent 10) words, or fraction thereof

     90.-For assisting in drawing up petitions, applications, or other documents not specified, each









6 00

5 per cent,

6 00

1 50

0 75

1 50

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   91.-For making a copy of a document, if not exceeding 100 words, exclusive of fee for certificate (see Part II)





   92.-If exceeding that number, for every subsequent 100 words, or fraction thereof...






N.B.-If the copy is in any foreign language double the above fees may be


   93.-For making a translation of a docnment, for every 100 words or fraction thereof, exclusive of fee for certificate (see Part II, No. 39)





0 75

0 50

1 50



94.-For drawing a will, if uot exceeding 200 words 95.-If exceeding that number, for every subsequent 100 words, or fraction thereof



6 00



1 60


8. 00


96-For drawing a power of attorney 97.-On sums received from or on account of private persons by a Consul, in his official capacity, or on sums advanced through him in that capacity at the request of private persons, other than sums received or advanced for charitable purposes or for the pecuniary relief or repatriation of British subjects in cases of difficulty or distress,

commission of










5 per cent.

NOTES.-1.-If the Consul should be named Commissioner to examine witnesses under a Commission issued by a British Court of Justice he is allowed to act as such, charging and retaining the customary fees for so doing.

2.-No fee is to be charged for drafting or receiving depositions, &c., taken er oficio under Merchant Shipping Acts, except in cases specially provided for.

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41 AND 42 Victoria, Chapter 67.

AN ACT FOR Extending AND ÅMENDIng the Foreign JURISDICTION ACTS [16TH August, 1878.]

    Be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: (that is to say),-

      1.-(1.) This Act shall be construed as one with the Foreign Juris- diction Acts 1843 to 1875, and those Acts, together with this Act, may be cited as the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, 1843 to 1878, and this Act may be cited separately as the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1873.

        (2.) The Acts whereof the titles are given in the First Schedule of this Act may be cited by the respective short titles given in that Schedule.

Construction of

Act & short titles.



& 7 Vict., 6. 94. & 29Vict.e.116.

29 & 30Vict., c. 87. 38 & 39 Vict., c. 85.

2.-The Acts mentioned in the Second Schedule to this Article are Repeal of enact- hereby repealed to the extent in the third column of that Schedule men- tioned; provided that,-

(1.) Any Order in Council, commission, or instructions made or issued in pursuance of any enactment hereby repealed, and in force at the passing of this Act, shall continue in force until altered or revoked by Her Majesty; and

(2.) This repeal shall not affect anything done or suffered, or any right accrued or liability incurred before the passing of this Act; and

(3.) Any action, suit, or other proceeding affected by any enact- ment hereby repealed may be carried on in like manner as if this Act had not been passed.

ments in Second Schedule.

in Council to


3.-(1.) It shall be lawful for Her Majesty the Queen in Council, if Power for Queen it seems fit, from time to time, by Order, to direct that all or any of the extend enact- enactments described in the First Schedule to this Act, or any enactments ments in First for the time being in force amending or substituted for the same, shall 6 and 7 Vict.. extend, with or without any exceptions, adaptations, or modifications in c. 94. the Order mentioned, to any country or place to which for the time being the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1843, applies.

        (2.) Thereupon these enactments shall operate as if that coun- try or place were one of Her Majesty's Colonies, and as if Her Majesty in Council were the Legislature of that Colony.

     4.-An Order in Council purporting to be made in pursuance of the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, 1843 to 1878, or any of them, shall be deemed a colonial law within the Colonial Laws Validity Act, 1865, that is to say, the Act of the session of the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter sixty-three, "to remove doubts as to the validity of colonial laws;" and any country or place to which any such Order extends shall be deemed a colony within that Act.

Validity of orders made under Foreign Jurisdiction Acts. 28 and 29 Vict.,

6 & 7 Vict., c. 94.



29 and 30 Vict.,



38 and 39 Vict., c. 85.

tion Acts over

5.-In any country or place out of Her Majesty's dominions, in or to Extension of which any of Her Majesty's subjects are for the time being resident or Foreign Jurisdic resorting, and which is not subject to any government from whom Her Her Majesty's Majesty might obtain power and jurisdiction by treaty or any of the other subjects residing means mentioned in the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1843, Her Majesty without regular shall by virtue of this Act have power and jurisdiction over Her Majesty's and 7 Vict, subjects for the time being resident in or resorting to that country or c. 94.

in Countries


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Jurisdiction over ships in Eastern Seas,

Orders in Council

to be laid before Parliament. 9&7 Vict., c. 94.

  28 & 29 Vict., c.116 29&30 Vict., c. 97. 38 & 39 Vict., c. 85.

Provisions for protection of persons acting ander Foreign

Jurisdiction Acts.

6 and 7 Vict.,



place, and the same shall be deemed power and jurisdiction had by Her Majesty therein within the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1843.

6.-It shall be lawful for Her Majesty the Queen in Council, from time to time, by Order, to make, for the government of Her Majesty's subjects being in any vessel at a distance of not more than one hundred miles from the coast of China and Japan, any law that to Her Majesty in Council may seem meet, as fully and effectually as any such law might be made by Her Majesty in Council for the government of Her Majesty's subjects being in China or in Japan.

7.-Every Order in Council made in pursuance of the Foreigu Juris- diction Acts, 1843 to 1878, or any of them, shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament forthwith after it is made if Parliament be then in session, and if not, forthwith after the commencement of the next session of Parliament.

8.-(1.) An action, suit, prosecution, or proceeding against any per- son for any act done in pursuance or execution or intended execution of the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, 1843 to 1878, or any of them, or of any Order in Council made under the same, or of any such power or jurisdic- 28 and 29 Vict., tion of Her Majesty as is mentioned in the said Acts, or any of them, or in respect of any alleged neglect or default in the execution of the said Acts or any of them, or of any such Order in Council, power, or jurisdiction as 38 and 39 Vict., aforesaid, shall not lie or be instituted-

c. 94.

c. 116.

29 and 30 Vict., c. 87.

c. 85.

6&7 Vict., c. 94, 29 & 29 Vict., c.116

(a.) In any Court within Her Majesty's dominions, unless it is commenced within six months next after the act, neglect, or default complained of, or in case of a continuance of injury or damage, within six months next after the ceasing thereof, or where the cause of action arose out of Her Majesty's dominions, within six months after the parties to such action, suit, prosecution, or proceeding have been within the juris- diction of the Court in which the same is instituted;

(b.) Nor in any of Her Majesty's Courts without Her Majesty's dominions, unless the cause of action arose within the juris- diction of that Court, and the action is commenced within six months next after the act, neglect, or default complained of, or, in case of a continuance of injury or damage, within six months next after the ceasing thereof.

(2.) In any such action, suit, or proceeding, tender of amends before the same was commenced may be pleaded in lieu of or in addition to any other plea. If the action, suit, or proceeding was commenced after such tender, or is procceded with after payment into Court of any money in satisfaction of the plaintiff's claim, and the plaintiff does not recover more than the sum tendered or paid, he shall not recover any costs incurred after such tender or payment, and the defendant shall be entitled to costs, to be taxed as between solicitor and client, as from the time of such tender or payment; but this provision shall not affect costs on any injunction in the action, suit, or proceeding.

(3.) So far as regards any action, suit, prosecution, or proceed- 29 & 30 Vict., c.87. ing instituted after the passing of this Act, the provisions of this Section 38 & 39 Vict., c.85. shall supersede any provision for a like purpose which is contained in any Order in Council under the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, 1843 to 1878, and is in force at the passing of this Act, and such provision shall cease to have any effect.

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FIRST SCHEDULE (Sections 1 and 3).




6 and 7 Vict., c. 34. An

12 and 13 Vict., c. 96. An

14 and 15 Vict., c.99, An

   Sections seven and eleven.


certain offenders.


Act for the better apprehension of Fugitive Offenders

           Act, 1813. Act to provide for the Prosecution Admiralty Offences and Trial in Her Majesty's Colonies Colonial Act, 1849. of offences committed within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty. Act to amend the law of evidence.

17 and 18 Vict., c. 104, The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854,

Part X.

Evidence Act, 1851.

19 and 20 Vict., c. 113. An Act to provide for taking evidence Foreign

22 Vict., c. 20.

in Her Majesty's dominions in rela- tion to civil and commercial mat- ters pending before Foreign Tribu- nals.

Tribunals Evidence Act,1856.

An Act to provide for taking evidence Evidence by Com-

in Suits and Proceedings pending mission Act, 1859. before Tribunals in Her Majesty's Dominions, in places out of the jurisdiction of such Tribunals.

22 and 23 Vict., c. 63. An Act to afford Facilities for the more British

Law As-


certain Ascertainment of the Law certainment administered in one part of Her 1859. Majesty's Dominions, when pleaded

in the Courts of another part there- of.

23 and 24 Vict., c. 122. An Act to enable the Legislatures of Her Admiralty

Majesty's Possessions abroad to make Enactments similar to the Enactment of the Act ninth George the Fourth, Chapter thirty-one, Section eight.


Colonial Act, 1860.

24 and 25 Vict., c. 11. An Act to afford facilities for the better Foreign

ascertainment of the Law of Foreign Countries when pleaded in Courts within Her Majesty's Dominions.

30 and 31 Vict., c.124, The Merchant Shipping Act, 1867.

Section eleven.

Law As- certainment Act, 1861.

The Merchant Ship-

ping Act, 1867.

Conveyancing (Scotland) Act,

37 and 38 Vict., c. 94, The Conveyancing (Scotland) Act, 1874. The

Section fifty-one.







6 and 7 Vict., c. 80. An Act for the better government of The Whole Act.

Her Majesty's subjects resorting to China.

6 and 7 Viot., c. 94. The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1843.

Section Seven.

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1. Questions of Fact

6. Questions of Law












II.-SUMMARy Procedure for Claims UNDER 100 Dollars.......


Page. 54


110 ... ...











V.-SUITS For Sums of 100 Dollars AND UPWARDS :-

26. Petition


28. Particulars of Demand

29. Paper Annexed

30. Amendment...

33. Equity

34. Parties







40. Defective Petition ...

41. Copies for Service

42. Service of Petition...












43. Defence on ground of Law

44. Answer


49. Specific Answer

50. Interrogatories

51. Oath

52. Tender 53. Set off












54. Payment into Court

55. Counter claim




























56. Proceedings after Answer

58. Settlement of Issues ...

59. Reference of Account


60. Setting down of Case for Hearing.. 64. Dismissal for want of Prosecution 65. Postponement of Hearing...


66. Hearing List and Hearing Paper 71. Sitting of Court ...

75. Hearing

81. Jury





84. Proceedings at the Hearing..... 95. Judgment

99. Special Case


100. Rehearing. New Trial

105. Decrees and Orders


























































































































116. Execution out of Decrees and Orders 119. Stay of Execution


120. Seizure and Sale of Goods


129. Summons to Judgment Debtor 137. Execution out of Jurisdiction... 188. Arrest


140. Sequestration














141. Commitment for Disobedience







145. Motions...


151. Orders to show Cause

152. Summons



























































































































74 74














































































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VII.-APPEAL to Supreme Court.

I.-In General




II.-From Decrees or Orders at Hearing.




III.-Not from Decrees or Orders at Hearing VIII. SUMMARY ORDERS BEFORE SUIT IX.-PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION :-- 183. Deposit of Will in Lifetime... 184. Proceedings on Death







I.-Probate or Administration in General .....








II.-Probate and Administration with Will annexed III.-Administration






230. Affidavits...

2-13. Other Evidence

2-16. Witness dead, insane, or not appearing 247. Oath

248. Admission of Documents






219. Attorneys and Agents




252. Proceedings by or against Partnerships 251. Plaintiff out of Jurisdiction

253. Service

261. Absconding Defendant

262. Costs...

261. Paupers





268. Computation of Time



272. Supplemental Statement...




273. Death of Party or other Change

274. Adjournment

275. Amendment




276. Power of Court as to Time

278. Guardian for purposes of Suit XIII.-CRIMINAL MATTERS :-

I.-In General :

282. Summons

283. Warrant



284. Search Warrant...

285. Witnesses




























































































289. Issuing, &c., of Warrant on Sunday or Holiday...



















































**2 2 38 7338 58%%%











+19 900





























II.-Proceedings by Preliminary Examination and Indictment :

291. Preliminary Examination

296. Statement of Accused

298. Publicity.







299. Recognizance to Prosecute or give Evidence 300. Remand

301. Commitment

302. Bail

306. Privileges of Accused

307. Preparations for Trial 308. Indictment

311. Hearing





III.-Summary Proceedings :


320. Adjournment 321. Decision

322. Conviction 323. Dismissal... 324. Costs






























326. Execution of Conviction or Order of Dismissal






















 XIV.-APPEAL TO SUPREME COURT IN Criminal Cases..... XV.-GENERAL PROVISIONS (Civil and Criminal Matters)



















































































































***** ****888555 8888888 8





























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Framed under the Order of Her Majesty in Council of the 9th day of March, 1865, by the Judge of Her Majesty's Supreme Court, and approved by One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State.

Dated the 4th day of May, 1865.

In what cases this proceeding applicable.


Money payment,


Effect of decres,

In what cases,

Special case for Bupreme Court.


Questions of Fact.

1. Where the parties between whom a suit might be instituted are agreed as to any question of fact to be determined between them, they may by consent and by order of the Supreme Court or other Court on summons, -which order the Court may make on being satisfied that the parties have a real interest in the determination of such question, and that the same is fit to be tried,-proceed to the trial of any question of fact, without any petition presented or other pleading.

2. Such question may be stated for trial in an issue, and such issue may be set down for trial, and tried accordingly, as if the question stated were to be determined at the hearing of an ordinary suit.

3. The parties may, if they think fit, enter into an agreement in writing, which shall be embodied in an order of the Court, that on the finding of the Court in the affirmative or negative of such issue, a sum of money, fixed in the agreement, or to be ascertained by the Court, upon a question inserted in the issue for that purpose, shall be paid by one of the parties to the other, with or without any costs.

On the finding of the Court in any such issue, a decree may be entered for the sum

so agreed or ascertained, with or without costs, as the

case may be.

4. Where no agreement is entered into as to costs, the costs of the whole proceedings shall be in the discretion of the Court.

5. The issue and proceedings and decree shall be recorded, and the decree shall have the same effect as a decree in a contested suit.

Questions of Law.

6. Where the parties between whom a suit might be instituted are agreed as to any question of law to be determined between them, they may by consent and by order of the Supreme or other Court on summons,- which order the Court may make on being satisfied that the parties have a real interest in the determination of such question, and that the same is fit to be determined,-state any question of law in a special case for the opinion of the Supreme Court, without any petition presented or other pleading.

Where the case is stated under order of a Provincial Court, the Court shall send the case to the Supreme Court; and the Supreme Court may direct the case to be re-stated or to be amended, or may refuse to deter-

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mine the same if the facts are not sufficiently stated, or if the question thereon is not properly raised, or if the parties cannot agree on an amended case; and may draw inferences of fact from the facts stated in the case.

7. The parties may, if they think fit, enter into an agreement in Money payment, writing (which shall be embodied in the order for stating the special case or in some subsequent order), that upon the judgment of the Supreme Court being given in the affirme or negative of the question of law raised by the special case, a sun money fixed in the agreement, or to be ascertained by the Supreme Court, or in such manner as it may direct, shall be paid by one of the parties to the other, with or without any


     On the judgment of the Supreme Court, a decree of the Supreme Court or of the Provincial Court under whose order the case was stated (as the case may be), may be entered for the sum to be agreed or ascertained, with or without costs, as the case may be.

8. Where no agreement is entered into as to costs, the costs of the Costs. whole proceedings shall be in the discretion of the Supreme Court.

9. The special case and proceedings and decree shall be recorded, and Decree. the decree shall have the same effect as a decree in a contested suit.


     10. Where the claim which any person desires to enforce by proceed- In what cases. ings in the Court relates to money, goods, or other property, or any matter at issue of a less amount of value than 100 dollars,-or is for the recovery of damages of a less amount than 100 dollars,--proceedings shall be com- menced by summons, and the suit shall be heard and determined in a summary way.

11. The summons shall issue without application in writing. It shall be addressed to the defendant or defendants against whom the claim is made.

     It shall state briefly and clearly the nature and particulars of the claim, and the amount sought to be recovered.

It shall be served on the defendant or defendants within the time and in the manner directed by the Court.

     A defendant shall not be bound to attend personally to answer the summons, unless required expressly by the summons so to do, but he must attend personally if summoned as a witness.

The provisions of these Rules, relative to suits for sums of 100 dollars and upwards, shall be applicable mutatis mutandis to suits for sums of less than 100 dollars, and shall be so applied accordingly (except as far as the Court may in any case for the avoiding of delay and furtherance of substantial justice think fit otherwise to direct), particularly as to the matters following:-

The service of summons, notices, and orders.

The summoning of witnesses.

The taking of evidence.

The postponement or adjournment of the hearing.

The allowance of costs.

The contents and effect of orders, and the enforcement thereof. The recording of the proceedings.

The mode of appeal.

Course of procedure.

     12. Where, either on the application for a summons or before, or at Power of Court the hearing thereof, it appears to the Court (for reasons to be recorded in to direct

                                                        a petition. the minutes of proceedings) that the nature and circumstances of the case render it unjust or inexpedient to hear and determine the claim in a sum- mary way, the Court may direct proceedings to be taken and carried on by petition, as in suits for sums of 100 dollars and upwards.

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In what cases.


Custody of property.

Proceedings en oficio.

Minute of


In what cases.

Leave to defend, when.




13. Any person claiming to be a creditor or a legatee, or the next of kin, or one of the next of kin, of a deceased person, may apply for and obtain, as of course, without petition filed or other preliminary proceeding, a summons from the Court, requiring the executor or administrator (as the case may be) of the deceased to attend before the Court, and show cause why an order for the administration of the property of the deceased should not be made.

14. On proof of due service of the summons, or on the appearance of the executor or administrator in person, or by counsel or attorney, and on proof of such other things (if any) as the Court requires, the Court may, if in its discretion it thinks fit so to do, made an immediate order for the administration of the property of the decease; and the order so made shall have the force of a decree to the like effect made on the hearing of a cause between the same parties.

The Court shall have full discretionary power to make or refuse such order, or to give any special directions respecting the carriage or execution of it, and in the case of applications for such an order by two or more different persons or classes of persons, to grant the same to such one or more of the claimants or classes of claimants as the Court thinks fit.

If the Court thinks fit the carriage of the order may subsequently be given to such person and on such terms as the Court directs.

15. On making such an order, or at any time afterwards, the Court may, if it thinks fit, make any such further or other order as seems expe- dient for compelling the executor or administrator to bring into Court, for safe custody, all or any part of the money, or securities, or other property of the deceased, from time to time coming to the hands of the executor or administrator, or such other order as seems expedient for the safe keeping of the property of the deceased, or any part thereof, until it can be duly administered under the direction of the Court for the benefit of all persons interested.

16. If the extreme urgency or other peculiar circumstances of any case appear to the Court so to require, the Court may issue such a sum- mons and make such an order or such orders as aforesaid, and may cause proper proceedings to be taken thereon, of its own motion ex officio, or on the information of any officer of the Court, and without any such applica- tion by a creditor or legatee, the next of kin, or one of the next of kin, as is before mentioned.

17. The reasons of the Court for making any order under the present provisions shall be recorded in the minutes of proceedings.


18. Suits on bills of exchange or promissory notes, instituted within six months after the same become due and payable, may be commenced by summons, and may be heard and determined in a summary way as hereinafter is provided.

19. The Court shall, on application within seven days from the ser- vice of the summons, give the defendant leave to defend the suit on his paying into Court the sum indorsed, or on evidence on oath showing to the satisfaction of the Court a good legal or equitable defence, or such facts as would make it incumbent on the holder to prove consideration, or such other facts as the Court deems sufficient to support the application, and on such terms as to security and other things as to the Court seems fit; and in that case the Court may direct proceedings to be taken and carried on by petition in the ordinary way.

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20. If the defendant does not so obtain leave to defend, the plaintiff, Decree. on proof of due service of the summons, shall be entitled as of course at any time after the expiration of such seven days, to an immediate absolute decree for any sum not exceeding the sum indorsed on the summons, together with interest at the rate specified (if any) to the date of the decree, and a sum for costs to be fixed by the Court in the decree.

after deorée.

     21. After decree the Court may, under special circumstances, set Proceedings aside the decree, and may, if necessary, set aside execution, and may give leave to defend the suit, if it appears to the Court reasonable so to do, and on such terms as to the Court may seem just, the reasons for any such order being recorded in the minutes of proceedings.

     22. In any proceedings under the present provisions, it shall be Deposit of bill competent to the Court to order the bill or note sought to be proceeded

on to be forthwith deposited in the Court, and further to order that all Security for proceedings be stayed until the plaintiff gives security for costs.



23. The holder of a dishonoured bill or note shall have the same Holder's remedies for recovery of the expenses incurred in the noting of the same for non-acceptance or non-

               1-payment, or incurred otherwise by reason of the dishonour, as he has under the present provisions for recovery of the amount of the bill or note.

any of the

24. The holder of a bill or note may, if he thinks fit, obtain one One summons summons under the present provisions against all or any of the parties to against all or the bill or note; and such summons shall be the commencement of a suit parties. or suits against the parties therein named respectively; and all the sub- sequent proceedings against such respective parties shall be carried on, as far as may be, as if separate summonses had issued.

But the summons or its indorsement must set forth the claims against the parties respectively, according to their respective alleged liabilities, with sufficient precision and certainty to enable each defendant to set up any defence on which he individually may desire to rely.

25. Any appeal from a Provincial Court to the Supreme Court in Appeal. respect of any decision, decree, or order given or made in any such suit does not lie, except by special leave.



      26. Subject to the foregoing provisions, where the claim which any In what onsen, person desires to enforce by proceedings in the Court relates to money, goods, or other property of the amount or value of 100 dollars or upwards, -or relates to or involves directly or indirectly a question respecting any matter at issue of the amount or value of 100 dollars or upwards-or is for the recovery of damages of the amount of 100 dollars or upwards- proceedings shall be commenced by the filing of a petition.

27. The petition shall contain a narrative of the material facts, Contents of matters, and circumstances on which the plaintiff relies, such narrative petition. being divide 1 iuto paragraphs numbered consecutively, each paragraph containing, as nearly as may be, a separate and distinct statement or allegation, and shall pray specifically for the relief to which the plaintiff may conceive himself entitled, and also for general relief.

      The petition must be as brief as may be consistent with a clear state- ment of the facts on which the prayer is sought to be supported and with information to the defendant of the nature of the claim set up.

Documents must not be unnecessarily set out in the petition in hæc verba, but so much only of them as is pertinent and material may be set out, or the effect and substance of so much only of them as is pertinent and material may be given, without needless prolixity.

Dates and sums shall be expressed in figures and not in words.

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In what cases.

Bffect of particulars.



*Wh what cases,




The petition may not contain any statement of the mere evidence by which the facts alleged are intended to be proved, and may not contain any argument of law.

The facts material to the establishment of the plaintiff's right to recover shall be alleged positively, briefly, and as clearly as may be, so as to enable the defendant by his answer either to admit or deny any one or more of the material allegations, or else to admit the truth of any or all of the allegations, but to set forth some other substantive matter in his answer, by reason of which he intends to contend that the right of the plaintiff to recover or to any relief capable of being granted on the petition has not yet accrued, or is released or barred or otherwise gone.

Particulars of Demand.

28. Where the plaintiff's claim is for money payable in respect of any contract, express or implied, or to recover the possession or the value of any goods wrongfully taken and detained or wrongfully detained by the de- fendant from the plaintiff, it shall be sufficient for the plaintiff to state his claim in the petition in a general form, and to annex to the petition a Sche- dule stating the particulars of his demand, in any form which shall give the defendant reasonably sufficient information as to the details of the claim.

An application for further or better particulars may be made by the defendant before answer on summons.

The plaintiff shall not at the hearing obtain a decree for any sum exceeding that stated in the particulars, except for subsequent interest and the costs of suit, notwithstanding that the sum claimed in the petition for debt or damages exceeds the sum stated in the particulars.

Particulars of demand shall not be amended except by leave of the Court; and the Court may, on any application for leave to amend, grant the same, on its appearing that the defendant will not be prejudiced by amendment. Otherwise the Court may refuse leave or grant the same on such terms as to notice, postponement of trial, or costs, as justice requires. Any variance between the items contained in the particulars and the items proved at the hearing may be amended at the hearing, either at once or on such terms as to notice, adjournment, or costs, as justice requires.

Where particulars are amended by leave of the Court, or where further or better particulars are ordered to be given, the order shall state the time within which the amendment is to be made or the further or better particulars are to be given; and the order for service of the amended or further or better particulars shall state the time which the defendant is to have to put in his answer.

Papers Annexed.


29. Where the plaintiff seeks (in addition to or without any order for the payment of money by the defendant) to obtain, as against any person, any general or special declaration by the Court of his rights under any contract or instrument, or to set aside any contract,-

or to have bond,

                                     any bill, note, or instrument in writing delivered up to be cancelled,-or to restrain any defendant by injunction,-or to have any account taken between himself and any other or others,-and in such other cases as the nature of the circumstances makes it necessary or expedient,―the plaintiff in his petition may refer to and briefly describe any papers or documents on the contents of which he intends to rely, and may annex copies of such papers or documents to the petition, where such papers or documents are brief, or may state any reason for not annexing copies of such papers or documents, or any of them respectively (ns, their length, possession of copies by the defendant, loss, inability to procure copies), that he may have to allege. The plaintiff shall, in his petition, offer to allow the defendant to inspect such papers and documents as aforesaid, or such of them as are in his possession or power.

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     30. Any plaintiff not giving sufficient information to enable the on application defendant reasonably to understand the nature and particulars of the of Defendant, claim set up against him, may be ordered, on the application of the defendant before answer, to amend his petition.

The plaintiff may be ordered to annex copies of, or produce for inspection, such papers or documents in his possession or power as he has rerred to in the petition, and as the defendant is entitled to inspect for the purposes of the suit.

The Court may in such cases make such order as to costs as justice Costs. requires, and stay procedings until the order is complied with.


31. If any petition contains libellous or needlessly offensive expres. Libellous or sions, the Court may, either of its own motion before service thereof or on expressions, the application of the defendant order the petition to be amended, and make such order as to costs as justice requires.

      32. A petition may be amended at any time before answer by leave Amendment on of the Court, obtained ex parte.

Notice of the amendment shall be given to the defendant within such time and in such manner as the Court directs.


application of Plaintiff,

33. Every petition is to be taken to imply an offer to do equity in the Effect of matter of the suit commenced by it, and to admit of any equitable defence, petition, and, on the other hand, to enable the plaintiff to obtain at the hearing any such equitable relief as he may appear entitled to from the facts stated and proved, though not specifically asked, if it may be granted without hardship to the defendant.


of others.

      34. Persons entitled to sue and suing on behalf of others, as guardians, Baft on behalf executors, or administrators,-or on behalf of themselves and others, as creditors in a suit for administration,-must state the character in which they sue.

of suit.

     35. All persons having a joint cause of suit against any defendant Joint cause ought ordinarily to be parties to the suit.


36. Where the plaintiff has a joint and several demand against several Joint and severa persons, either as principals or as sureties, it is not necessary for him to bring before the Court as parties to a suit concerning such demand all the persons liable thereto, but he may proceed against one or more of the persons severally liable.


     37. If it appears before or at the hearing that any person not joined Non-joinder or as plaintiff or as defendant ought to be so joined,-or that any person joined as plaintiff or as defendant ought not to be so joined, the Court may order the petition to be amended, with liberty to amend the other pleadings (if any), and on such terms as to time for answering, postpone- ment or adjournment of hearing, and costs, as justice requires.

But no person shall be so joined as plaintiff without satisfactory evidence to the Court of his consent thereto.

      Nor shall the name of any plaintiff be struck out unless it appears to the satisfaction of the Court either that he was originally joined as plaintiff without his consent, or that he consents to his name being struck out.

      38. Where a plaintiff sues any person as agent for some other person, Defendant sued not seeking to fix such agent with any personal liability, the Court, on the ** agent, fact coming to its knowledge, shall, if the person really sought to be fixed with liability is within the particular jurisdiction, forthwith order his name to be substituted, and stay proceedings until the order is complied with. But if he is not within the particular jurisdiction, shall refuse to proceed further in the matter, unless and until the person sued as agent undertakes,

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Distinct causes of suit in one petition.

Staying proceedings.

Number of copies.

  Order for service.

Hotion that petition be


without any

answer being,




by writing under his hand, to defend the suit, and personally to satisfy

decree or order for debt or damages and costs therein.


In the latter case the person sued as agent shall further, within such time as the Court orders and before the hearing of the suit, procure and file with the proceedings a sufficient authority in writing from the party on whose behalf such agent is affecting to act to substitute the name of the principal as defendant for his own, and to defend the suit, or otherwise act in it on behalf of such principal.

Such agent shall not, however, be deemed discharged by such authority and substitution from his personal undertaking and liability to satisfy any decree or order in the suit, such authority and substitution being in all cases strictly required as a protection against collusive decrees which might affect absent persons.

39. In case a petition states two or more distinct causes of suit, by and against the same parties, and in the same rights, the Court may either before or at the hearing, if it appears inexpedient to try the different causes of suit together, order that different records be made up, and make such order as to adjournment and costs as justice requires.

In case a petition states two or more distinct causes of suit but not by and against the same parties, or by and against the same parties but not in the same rights, the petition may, on the application of any defendant, be dismissed.

In case such application is made within the time for answer, the petition may be dismissed, with substantial costs to be paid by the plaintiff to the defendant making the application; but in case the application is not made within the time for answer, the petition, when the defect is brought to the notice of the Court, may be dismissed without costs, or on payment of Court fees only, as to the Court seems just.

l'efective Petition.

40. Where a petition is defective on the face of it by reason of non- compliance with any provision of these Rules, the Court may either ou application by a defendant, or of its own motion, make an order to stay proceedings until the defect is remedied.

The Court shall, of its own motion, make an order to stay proceedings on a defective petition, where the defect is patent and serious, and comes to the knowledge of the Court before service of the petition on the defendant.

Copies for Service.

41. Where there is only one defendant, one copy of the petition, and of


schedule thereto, for service, is to be left with the Court, together with the original; where there are two or more defendants, as many copies as there are parties to be served are to be left, together with the original.

Service of Petition.

42. The plaintiff on filing his petition must obtain an order for service of it on the defendant.

Every order for service shall specify a reasonable time after service, ordinarily not more than eight days, within which the defendant must put in his answer.

Defence on Ground of Law.

43. Where a defendant conceives that he has a good legal or equitable defence to the petition, so that even if the allegations of fact in the petition were admitted or clearly established, yet the plaintiff would not be entitled to any decree against him (the defendant), he may raise this defence by a motion that the petition be dismissed without any answer being required from him.

The motion paper shall be filed within the time allowed for putting in an answer.

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It must state briefly the grounds of law on which the defendant intends to rely at the hearing of the motion.

The motion shall be heard and disposed of at as early a time as may be.

For the purposes of the motion the defendant shall be taken to admit the truth of the allegations of fact in the petition, and no evidence as to matters of fact or discussion of questions of fact shall be admitted at the hearing of the motion.

On hearing the motion the Court shall either dismiss the petition or Order. order the defendant to put in an answer within a short time, to be named in the order, and may give leave to the plaintiff to amend his petition if it appears requisite, and may impose such terms as justice requires.

      Where, on the hearing of the motion, any grounds of law are urged Costs. in support of the motion beyond those stated in the motion paper, and the grounds stated therein are disallowed, the defendant shall be liable to pay the same costs as in the motion were wholly refused, although the grounds of law newly urged are allowed, unless the Court thinks fit in any case to order otherwise.


44. The defendant may obtain further time for putting in his answer, Further time on summons stating the further time required, and the reasons why it is to answer, required.

      The application when made, unless consented to, must be supported by affidavit or by oral evidence on oath, showing that there is reasonable ground for the application, and that it is not made for the purpose of delay.


45. Where a defen:lant does not put in any answer he shall not be Effect of taken as admitting the allegations of the petition, or the plaintiff's right defendant not to the relief sought; aud at the hearing (even though such defendant does not appear) the plaintiff must open his case, and adduce evidence in sup- port of it, and take such judgment as to the Court appears just.

46. A defendant neglecting to put in an answer within the time or Leave to answer further time allowed, shall not be at liberty to put in any answer without after time leave of the Court.

The Court may grant such leave by order on the ex parte application of the defendant at any time before the plaintiff has set down the cause, or applied to have it set down for hearing.

      Where the cause has been set down or the plaintiff has applied to have it set down for hearing, the Court shall not grant such leave except on return of a summons to the plaintiff, giving notice of the defendant's application, and on such terms as to costs and other matters as seem just.


47. The answer shall show the nature of the defendant's defence to Form and

                                                                    contents of the claim set up by the petition, but may not set forth the evidence by

                                                                                     answer. which such defence is intended to be supported.

      It should be clear and precise, and not introduce matter irrelevant to the suit, and the rules before laid down respecting the setting out of documents and the contents of a petition generally shall be observed in auswer, mutatis mutandis.

It must deny all such material allegations in the petition as the defendant intends to deny at the hearing.

Where the answer denies an allegation of fact, it must deny it directly, and not by way of negative pregnant: (for example) where it is alleged that the defendant has received a sum of money, the answer must deny that he has received that sum or any part thereof, or else set forth what part he has received. And so, where a matter of fact is alleged in the petition with certain circmustances, the answer must not deny it literally as it is alleged, but must answer the point of substance positively and certainly.

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  Effect of answer at hearing.

  Summons to compel,

  Nature of answer.

In what cases.

Power of Court to require,



The answer must specifically admit such material allegations in the petition as the defendant knows to be true, or desires to be taken as admitted. Such admission, if plain and specific, will prevent the plaintiff from obtaining the cost of proving at the hearing any matters of fact so admitted.

All material allegations of fact admitted by a defendant shall be taken as established against him, without proof thereof by the plaintiff at the hearing. But the plaintiff shall be bound to prove as against each defendant all allegations of fact not admitted by him, or not stated by him to be true to his belief.

The answer must allege any matter of fact not stated in the petition on which the defendant relies in defence, as establishing, for instance, fraud on the part of the plaintiff, or showing that the plaintiff's right to recover, or to any relief capable of being granted on the petition, has not yet accrued, or is released or barred or otherwise gone.

48. The answer of a defendant shall not debar him at the hearing from disproving any allegation of the petition not admitted by his answer, or from giving evidence in support of a defence not expressly set up by the answer,-except where the defence is such as, in the opinion of the Court, ought to have been expressly set up by the answer or is inconsistent with the statements of the answer-or is, in the opinion of the Court, likely to take the plaintiff by surprise, and to raise a fresh issue or fresh issues of fact or law not fairly arising out of the pleadings as they stand, and such as the plaintiff ought not to be then called upon to try.

Specific Answer.

49. Where the defendant does not answer, or puts in an answer amounting only to a general denial of the plaintiff's claim, the plaintiff may apply by summons for an order to compel him to answer specifically to the several material allegations in the petition; and the Court, if such allegations are briefly, positively, separately, and distinctly made, and it thinks that justice so requires, may grant such an order.

The defendant shall, within the time limited by such order, put in his answer accordingly, and shall therein answer the several material allegations in the petition, either admitting or denying the truth of such allegations seriatim, as the truth or falsehood of each is within his know. ledge, or (as the case may be) stating as to any one or more of the allega- tions that he does not know whether such allegation or allegations is or are true or otherwise.

The defendant so answering may also set up by such answer any defence to the suit, and may explain away the effect of any admission therein made by any other allegation of facts.


50. Where an answer so put in fails substantially to comply with the terms of the order, by reason of any one or more of the material allegations not being either denied or admitted thereby, or not being met by a state- ment in the answer that the defendant does not know whether such allegation or allegations is or are true or otherwise, the plaintiff may apply to the Court to examine the defendant on written interrogatories; and the Court may, if it sees fit, examine the defendant accordingly on written interrogatories allowed by the Court, and embodying material allegations of the petition in an interrogative form, and may reduce the answers of the defendant to writing.

Such answers shall be taken for the purposes of the suit to be a part of the defendant's answer to the petition.


51. The Court may, where the circumstances of the case appear to require it, order the defendant to put in an answer on oath.

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      52. A defence alleging tender by the defendant must be accompanied Payment inte by payment into Court of the amount alleged to have been tendered.



      53. A defence of set-off to a claim for money, whether in debt Particulars, or in damages, must be accompanied by a statement of particulars of set-off; and if pleaded as a sole defence, unless extending to the whole amount of the plaintiff's claim, must also be accompanied by payment into Court of the amount to which, on the defendant's showing, Payment into the plaintiff is entitled; and in default of such payment the defendant shall be liable to bear the costs of the suit, even if he succeeds in his costs. defence to the extent of the set-off pleaded.


      Where a defendant in his answer raises a defence by way of set-off, Cross suit. which, in the opinion of the Court, is not admissible as set-off, the Court may either before or at the hearing, on his application, give him liberty to withdraw such defence, and to file a cross petition and may make such order for the hearing of the suit and cross suit together or otherwise, on such terms as to costs and other matters as seem just.

Payment into Court.

     54. Payment into Court by the defendant must be accompanied by an Answer, answer, The answer must state distinctly that the money paid in is paid in satisfaction of the plaintiff's claim generally, or (as the case may be) in satisfaction of some specific part of the plaintiff's claim, where the claim is stated in the petition for distinct sums or in respect of distinct matters.

Payment into Court, whether made in satisfaction of the plaintiff's Effect. claim generally or in satisfaction of some specific part thereof, operates as an admission of liability to the extent of the amount paid in, and no more, and for no other purpose.


Where the defendant pays money into Court, the plaintiff shall be Acceptance by at liberty to accept the same in full satisfaction and discharge of the cause of suit in respect of which it is paid in; and in that case the plaintiff may forthwith apply by motion for payment of the money out of Court to him; and on the hearing of the motion the Court shall make such order as to stay of further proceedings in the suit, in whole or in part, and as to costs and other matters, as seems just.

If the plaintiff does not so apply, he shall be considered as insisting Non-acceptance that he has sustained damage to a greater amount, or (as the case may

be) that the defendant was and is indebted to him in a greater amount than the sum paid in; and in that case the Court, in determining the suit and disposing of costs at the hearing, shall have regard to the fact of the Costs. payment into Court having been made and not accepted.


in same suit.

      55. Where a defendant in his answer raises any specific defence, and Cross petition it appears to the Court that on such defence being established he may be entitled to relief against the plaintiff in respect of the subject-matter of the suit the Court may, on the application of the defendant, either before or at the hearing, if under the circumstances of any case it thinks fit, give liberty to him to file a counter-claim by a cross-petition in the same suit, asking for relief against the plaintiff, and may make such order for the hearing of the suit and counter-claim together or otherwise, and in such manner and on such terms as to costs and other matters as seem just, and may if in any case it seems fit, require the plaintiff to give security to the satisfaction of the Court (by deposit or otherwise) to abide by and perform the decision of the Court on the counter-claim.

Proceedings after Answer.

     56. No replication or other pleading after answer is allowed except No pleading by special leave of the Court.

after answer.

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Amendment of petition after


   Before or at bearing.

Amendment of pleadings.

Application virð


On summons.

In what casco.

Order for setting down.

When plaintiff

may apply.

  When and how far plaintiff to enter into ⚫vidence.

Order for setting down on application of defendant.



57. Where the plaintiff considers the contents of the answer to be such as to render an amendment of the petition necessary or desirable, he may obtain ex parte an order to amend the petition on satisfying the Court that the amendment is not intended for the purpose of delay or vexation, but because it is considered to be material for the plaintiff's case.

Notice of the amendment shall be given to the defendant within such time and in such manner as the Court in each case directs.

Settlements of Issue.

58. At any time before or at the hearing the Court may, if it thinks fit, on the application of any party or of its own motion, proceed to ascer- tain and determine what are the material questions in controversy between the parties, although the same are not distinctly or properly raised by the pleadings, and may reduce such questions in writing and settle them in the form of issues; which issues when settled may state questions of law on admitted facts, or questions of disputed fact, or questions partly of the one kind and partly of the other.

In settling issues the Court may order or allow the striking out or amendment of any pleading or part of a pleading so that the pleadings may finally correspond with the issues settled, and may order or allow the striking out or amendment of any pleading or part of a pleading that appears to le so framed as to prejudice, embarrass, or delay the trial of

the cause.

Where the application to the Court to settle issues is made at any stage of the proceedings at which all parties are actually present before the Court, either in person or by counsel or attorney, or at the hearing, the application may be made viva voce, and may be disposed of at once, otherwise the application must be made and disposed of on summons.

Reference of Account.

59. Where it appears to the Court at any time after suit instituted, that the question in dispute relates either wholly or in part to matters of mere account, the Court may, according to the amount of public business pending, either decide such question in a summary way, or order that it be referred either wholly or in part to some person agreed on by the parties, or in case of their non-agreement, appointed by the Court.

The referee shall enter into the account and hear evidence, and report on it to the Court, according to the order; and the Court after hearing the parties may adopt the conclusions of the report, either wholly or in part, or may direct a further report to be made by the referee, and may grant any recessary adjourьment for that purpose.

Setting down of Cause for Hearing.

60. No cause can be set down for bearing without order of the Court first obtained.

61. At the expiration of the time allowed for answering, the plaintiff may apply ex parte for an order to set down the cause for hearing.

62. Where the defendant bas put in an answer, the plaintiff must carefully consider the answer, and if he finds that upon the answer alone there is sufficient ground for a final decree or order, he must proceed upon the answer without entering into evidence preparatory to or at the hearing.

Or, if it is needful to prove a particular point, he must not enter into evidence as to other points that are not necessary to be proved.

In the first case, if he enters into evidence at all, and in the second case, if he enters into evidence as to such other points, he renders himself liable to pay the costs thereof.

63. An order to set down the cause may be made on the application of the defendant by summons, if it appears to the Court, having regard to the state of the pleadings, that the cause is ready to heard and that there

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has been delay on the part of the plaintiff in obtaining an order for set- ting down the cause, for which the plaintiff has no reasonable excuse (as the absence or illness of a material witness), and that the defendant is prejudiced or may reasonably be expected to be prejudiced by such delay.

Dismissal for want of Prosecution.

64. Where the plaintiff does not obtain an order for setting down In what cases. the cause within three months from the time at which he might first apply for such an order, the defendant may apply by motion for an order to dismiss the petition for want of prosecution.

     On such application, the Court may, if it thinks fit, make an order dismissing the petition, or make such other order, or impose such terms as the Court thinks just and reasonable.

Postponement of Hearing.


65. The Court may at any time on a summons taken out by any In what cases, party postpone the hearing of a cause set down, on being satisfied by evidence on oath that the postponement will have the effect of better ensuring the hearing and determination of the questions between the parties on the merits.

     When such an application is made on the ground of the absence of a witness, the Court shall require to be satisfied that his evidence is material, and that he is likely to return and give evidence within a reason- able time.

    Where such an application is made for the purpose of enabling the party applying to obtain the evidence of a witness resident out of the particular jurisdiction, the Court shall require to be satisfied that the evidence of the witness is material, and that he is likely to give evidence, and that he is permanently residing out of the jurisdiction, or does not intend to come within the jurisdiction within a reasonable time. The party making such application must also apply for an order for the exa- mination of such witness out of the jurisdiction, or for leave to use an affidavit to be made by such witness as evidence at the hearing.

Hearing List and Hearing Paper.

    66. There shall be kept a General Hearing List for causes and a To be kept. Hearing Paper.

67. When a cause is set down for hearing it shall be placed in the Order of causes. general hearing list, and shall be transferred to the hearing paper strictly

in its turn and order, according as the general hearing list becomes


The regular order shall in no case be departed from without special direction.

68. When a cause is about to be transferred from the general hearing Notice to list to the hearing paper, notice shall be served on the parties; and unless parties. the Court in any particular case directs otherwise, ten days shall be allowed between service of such notice and the day of hearing.

    69. When any cause or matter has been specially directed by the Causes taken Court to be heard on a particular day, or out of its ordinary turn, the out of turn, name of the cause or matter shall be placed in the hearing paper, with the words "by order" subjoined.

    70. In case of any adjournment of the hearing from the day appointed Adjournment, in the hearing paper by reason of the preceding causes in the hearing paper not having been got through, or under any order of the Court made during the sitting on that day, no further notice to either party of the adjournment day shall be requisite; and the adjournment day shall, unless otherwise ordered by the Court, be the next ordinary Court.

Sittings of Court.

    71. The sittings of the Court for the hearing of causes shall be, where the amount of public business so warrants, held on fixed and stated days.

On what daya.

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Keeping witnesses out of Court,

 Order of business at sittings.

Non-appearance of both parties.

Non-appearance of plaintiff.

Non-appearance of defendant.

Rehearing for defendant.



The Court may, at its discretion, appoint any other day or days from time to time for the hearing of causes, as circumstances require.

72. The sittings of the Court for the hearing of causes shall ordinarily be public; but the Court may, for a reason to be specified by it on the minutes, hear any particular cause or matter in the presence only of the parties and their legal advisers and the officers of the Court.

73. On the application of either party at the commencement of the proceedings, or of its own motion, the Court may order witnesses on both sides to be kept out of Court until they have respectively given their evi- dence; but this rule does not extend to the parties themselves or to their respective legal advisers, although intended to be called as witnesses.

74. Subject to special arrangements for any particular day, the busi- ness of the day shall be taken, as nearly as circumstances permit, in the following order :-

(i.) At the commencement of the sitting, judgment shall be delivered in matters standing over for that purpose, and appearing for judgment in the


(ii.) Ex parte motions and motions by consent shall next be taken, in the order in which the motion papers have been sent in:

(iii.) Opposed motions on notice, and arguments on showing cause against orders returnable on that day, shall then be taken, in the order in which these matters respectively stand in the hearing paper:

(iv.) The causes in the hearing paper shall then be called on, in their order, unless the Court sees fit to vary the order.


75. When a cause in the hearing paper has been called on, if neither party appears, either in person or by counsel or attorney, the Court, on being satisfied that the plaintiff has received notice of the hearing, shall, unless it sees good reason to the contrary, strike the cause out of the hearing paper.

76. If the plaintiff does not appear in person or by counsel or attorney, the Court, on being satisfied that the plaintiff has received notice of the hearing, shall, unless it sees good reason to the contrary, strike out the cause, and make such order as to costs in favour of any defendant appearing as seems just.

77. If the plaintiff appears, but the defendant or any of the defen- dants do not appear, in person or by counsel or attorney, the Court shall, before hearing the cause, inquire into the service of the petition and of notice of hearing on the absent party or parties.

If not satisfied as to the service on every party, the Court shall direct that further service be made as it directs, and adjourn the hearing of the cause for that purpose.

If satisfied that the defendant or the several defendants has or have been duly served with the petition and with notice of the hearing, the Court may proceed to hear the cause, notwithstanding the absence of the defendant or any of the defendants, and may, on the evidence adduced by the plaintiff, give such judgment as appears just. The Court, however, shall not be absolutely bound to do so, but may order the hearing to stand over to a further day, and direct fresh notice to be given to the defendant or defendants, in case justice seems to require an adjournment.

78. Where the Court hears a cause and gives judgment in the absence of and against any defendant, it may afterwards, if it thinks fit, on such terms as seem just, set aside the decree and rehear the cause, on its being established by evidence on oath to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant's absence was not wilful, and that he has a defence upon the merits.

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Restoration of

79. Where a cause is struck out by reason of the absence of the plaintiff,

                                                                   "cause to list for it shall not be restored without leave of the Court, until it has been set plaintiff. down again at the bottom of the general hearing list, and been transferred in its regular turn to the hearing paper.

second time.

80. Where a cause has been once struck out, and has been a second Non-appearance

                                                 of plaintiff a time set down, and has come into the hearing paper, and on the day fixed for the hearing the plaintiff, having received due notice thereof, fails to appear either in person or by counsel or attorney when the cause is called on, the Court, on the application of the defendant, and if the non-appearance of the plaintiff appears to be wilful and intended to harass the defendant, or to be likely to prejudice the defendant by preventing the hearing and determination of the suit, may make an order on the plaintiff to show cause why a day should not be fixed for the peremptory hearing of the cause; and on the return to that order, if no cause or no sufficient cause be shown, the Court shall fix a day accordingly, upon such notice and other terms as seem just.

      In case the plaintiff does not appear on the day so fixed, either in person or by counsel or attorney, the Court shall, unless it sees good reason to the contrary, dismiss the petition, which dismissal shall have the same effect as a dismissal on the merits at the hearing.


      81. Notice of demand of a jury, or of application for a jury, must be filed seven days at least before the day of hearing.

Time for demand

of or application for jury.

      82. An appeal does not lie against the refusal of an application for Appeal. a jury.

for jury.

      83. Where notice of demand of a jury has not been filed in due time, Adjournment or if at the hearing both parties desire a jury, the Court may, on such terms as seem just, adjourn the hearing, in order that a jury may be summoned.

Proceeding at the Hearing.

84. The order of proceeding at the hearing of a cause shall be as Order of follows:


The plaintiff shall state the pleadings.

The party on whom the burden of proof is thrown by the nature of the material issues or questions between the parties has the right to begin; he shall address the Court and open his case.

He shall then call his evidence and examine his witnesses in chief. When the party beginning has concluded his evidence, he shall ask the other party if he intends to call evidence (in which term is included evidence taken by affidavit or deposition, or under commission, and do- cumentary evidence not already read or taken as read); and if answered in the negative, he shall be entitled to sum up the evidence already given, and comment thereon, but if answered in the affirmative, he shall wait for his general reply.

When the party beginning has concluded his case, the other party shall be at liberty to address the Court, and to call evidence, and to sum up and comment thereon.

If no evidence is called or read by the latter party, the party beginning (saving the right of the Crown) shall have no right to reply, unless he has been prevented from summing up his case by the statement of the other party of his intention to call evidence.

The case on both sides shall then be considered closed.

If the party opposed to the party beginning calls or reads evidence, the party beginning shall be at liberty to reply generally on the whole case; or he may call fresh evidence in reply to the evidence given on the other side, on points material to the determination of the issues, or any of them, but not on collateral matters.

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Cross-examina. tion and re- examination.

Notes of evidence.

Objection to evidence.

 Note of objection.

 Evidence by afidavit.

Admission of

 affidavit although no cross-examina-


Documentary evidence.

 Variance of evidence.


 Pleadings prejudicing fair trial,


 Summons to hear judgment.

Notice to parties of judgment,



Where evidence in reply is tendered, and allowed to be given, the party against whom the same has been adduced shall be at liberty to address the Court, and the party beginning shall be entitled to the general reply. 85. Each witness, after examination in chief, shall be subject to cross- examination by the other party, and to re-examination by the party calling him, and after re-examination may be questioned by the Court, and shall not be recalled or further questioned save through and by leave of the Court.

86. The Court shall take a note of the substance of the viva voce evidence in a narrative form, but shall put down the terms of any particular question or answer, if there appears any special reason for doing so.

No person shall be entitled as of right, at any time or for any purpose, to inspection or a copy of the Court's notes.

87. All objections to evidence must be taken at the time the question objected to is put, or, in case of written evidence, when the same is about to be put in, and must be argued and decided at the time.

88. Where a question put to a witness is objected to, the Court, unless the objection appear frivolous, shall take a note of the question and objec- tion, if required by either party, and shall mention on the notes whether the question was allowed to be put or not, and the answer to it, if put.

89. Where any evidence is by affidavit, or has been taken by commission, or on deposition, the party adducing the same may read and comment on it, either immediately after his opening, or after the viva voce evidence on his part has been concluded.

90. The Court may, at its discretion, if the interests of justice appear absolutely so to require (for reasons to be recorded in the minutes of proceedings), admit an affidavit in evidence, although it is shown that the party against whom the affidavit is offered in evidence had no opportunity of cross-examining the person making the affidavit, on such terms, if any, as seem just.

91.-Documentary evidence must be put in and read, or taken as read

by consent.

Every document put in evidence shall be marked by the Court at the time, and shall be retained by the Court during the hearing, and returned to the party who put it in, or from whose custody it came, immediately after the judgment, unless it is impounded by order of the Court.

92. Where the evidence adduced at the hearing varies substantially from the allegations of the respective parties in the pleadings, it shall be in the discretion of the Court to allow the pleadings to be amended.

93. The Court may allow such amendments on such terms as to adjournment, costs, and other things as seem just, so as to avoid surprise and injury to any party; but all amendments necessary for the determina- tion in the existing suit of the real question in controversy between the parties shall be made if duly applied for.

94. The Court may at the hearing order or allow, on such terms as seem just, the striking out or amendment of any pleading that

                              appears so framed as to prejudice, embarrass, or delay the fair trial of the real questions in controversy between the parties.


95. Decisions and judgments shall be delivered or read in open court, in presence of the parties and their legal advisers.

96. If the judgment of the Court is reserved at the hearing, parties to the suit shall be summoned to hear judgment, unless the Court at the hearing states the day on which judgment will be delivered, in which case no summons to hear judgment shall be issued.

97. All parties shall be deemed to have notice of any decision or judg- ment, if the same is pronounced at the hearing of the application or suit,

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All parties duly served with notice to attend and hear judgment shall be deemed to have notice of the judgment when pronounced.

98. A minute of every judgment, whether final or interlocutory, shall Minate of

judgment. be made, on which the decree or order may be drawn up on the application of any of the parties.

Special Case.

99. Any decision or judgment may be given, or verdict taken, subject Decision, judg to a special case to be stated for the opinion of the Supreme Court.

Rehearing. New Trial.

ment, or verdiot subject to special


100. The Court may, in any case, on such terms as seem just, order General power a rehearing or new trial, with a stay of proceedings.

of Court as to rehearing or

Time for

101. An application for a new trial may be made and determined on new trial. the day of hearing, if all parties are present, or on notice of motion, filed application not later than 14 days after the hearing.

      Such notice shall not of itself operate as a stay of proceedings; but any money in Court in the suit shall be retained to abide the result of the motion or the further order of the Court.

      After the expiration of such 14 days, on application for a new trial shall not be admitted, except by special leave of the Court, on such terms as seem just.

for new trial.

Jury may b

demanded on new trial,

Court may

order jury.

      102. On an order for rehearing or new trial, either party may demand a jury for the second trial, though the first was not with a jury.

      103. The Court may, if it thinks fit, make it a condition of granting a rehearing or new trial that the trial shall be with a jury.

104. Where the Supreme Court, on appeal from a Court where trial on appeal jary with a jury can be had, thinks fit to direct a rehearing in the Court below, for second trial, it may direct that the second trial shall be with a jury.

Decrees and Orders.

may be ordered

or order.

105. A decree or order shall bear date of the day on which the decision Date of deoree or judgment on which the decree or order is founded, is pronounced.

decree or order.

      106. Decrees and orders shall be drawn up in form only on the Drawing up of application of some party to the suit, and shall then be passed, certified by the seal of the Court, and entered, and shall then form part of the record.

      No decree or order shall be enforced or appealed from, nor shall any copy thereof be granted, until it has been so drawn up, passed, and entered.

107. Any party to the suit is entitled to obtain a copy of a decree or Certified copies. order, when drawn up, passed, and entered, such copy to be certified under

the seal of the Court.

108. Where an order is made ex parte, a certified copy of the affidavit Ex parte orders. or deposition on which the order is granted must be served on the party affected by the order, together with the order.

Statement of

      109. Where in any suit or matter a decree or order directs any person time in decree to pay money or do any other act, the same or some subsequent decree or or order. order shall state the precise time within which the payment or other act is to be made or done, reckoned from the date or from the service of the decree or order in which the time is stated, or from some other point of time, as seems fit.


110. A decree or order may direct the payment to be made, or act to Immediate be done, immediately after service of the decree or order, if, under special circumstances, the Court thinks fit so to direct.

Indorsement on decree or

      111. Where the decree or order is one directing payment of money, there shall be indorsed on the copy of it served on the person required to order for money obey it, a memorandum in the words, or to the effect, following:-


If you, the within-named A.B., neglect to obey this decree [or


'order] by the time therein limited, you will be liable to have a


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or for other act.


 How payment to be made.

Enforcement of order by or against persons not parties to euit..




'writ of execution issued against your goods; under which they "may be seized and sold, and will also be liable to be summoned "by the Court, and to be examined as to your ability to make "the payment directed by this decree [or order], and to be "imprisoned in case of your not answering satisfactorily." 112. Where the decree or order is one directing some act to be done other than payment of money, there shall be indorsed on the copy of it served on the person required to obey it, a memorandum in the words, or to the effect, following:-



'If you, the within-named A.B. neglect to obey this decree [or 'order] within the time therein limited, you will be liable to be 'arrested under a warrant to be issued by the Court, and will "also be liable to have your property sequestered, for the pur- "pose of compelling you to obey this decree [or order]." 113. Á decree or order may direct that money directed to be paid by any person be paid by such instalments as the Court thinks fit.

114. All money directed by any decree or order to be paid by any person, shall be paid into Court in the suit or matter, unless the Court otherwise direct.

115. Every person not being a party in any suit, who obtains an order or in whose favour an order is made, is entitled to enforce obedience thereto by the same process as if he were a party to the suit.

And every person not being a party to any suit against whom obedi- ence to any order may be enforced, is liable to the same process for enforcing obedience to such order as if he were a party to the suit.

Execution of Decrees and Orders.

       116. A person directed by a decree or order to pay money, or do any without demand other act, is bound to obey the decree or order on being duly served with

it, and without any demand for payment or performance.


Execution against goods.


Power to stay, pending other suit.

Warrant of execution against goods.

What may be seised.

117. Where the decree or order is one directing payment of money, and the person directed to make payment refuses or neglects to do so according to the exigency of the decree or order, the person prosecuting the decree or order shall be entitled to apply to the Court for execution against the goods of the disobedient person.

118. Where a decree or order directs payment of money by instal- ments, execution shall not issue until after default in payment of some instalment according to the order: and execution, or successive executions, may then issue for the whole of the money and costs then remaining unpaid, or for such portion thereof as the Court orders, either at the time of making the original decree or order or at any subsequent time.

Stay of Execution.

119. The Court may, if under the circumstances of any case it thinks fit, on the application of a defendant, and on such terms as seem just, stay execution of a decree or order pending a suit in the same or any other Court in which that defendant is plaintiff. and the person who has obtained such decree or order is defendant.

Seizure and Sale of Goods,

120. The Court shall, unless it sees good reason to the contrary, on the application of the person prosecuting the decree or order, issue under the seal of the Court a warrant of execution, directed to a proper officer, who shall be thereby empowered to levy the money ordered to be paid (with the costs of execution) by distress and sale of the goods of the disobedient person, wheresoever found within the particular jurisdiction.

121. The officer executing the warrant may by virtue thereof seize any of the goods of the person against whom execution issues (except the wearing apparel and bedding of himself or his family, and the tools and implements of his trade, to the value of 25 dollars, which shall to

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that extent be protected from seizure), and may also seize any money, bank notes, cheques, bills of exchange, promissory notes, bonds, or secur- ities for money belonging to him.

and other

      122. The Court shall hold any cheques, bills of exchange, promissory How bills, notes, notes, bonds, or securities for money so seized, as security for the amount securities to directed to be levied by the execution, or so much thereof as is not other- be dealt with, wise levied, for the benefit of the person prosecuting the decree or order, who may sue in the name of the person against whom execution issues, or in the name of any person in whose name he might have sued, for the recovery of the money secured or made payable thereby when the time of payment arrives.

123. The sale of goods seized in execution shall be conducted under sale. the order of the Court, and by a person nominated by the Court, but no step shall be taken therein without the demand of the person prosecuting the decree or order, who shall be liable for any damage that ensues from any irregularity or from any improper or illegal proceeding taken at his instance.

to goods

124. The Court shall not order any goods to be sold unless satisfied Adverse claims prima facie that they belong to the person against whom execution seized. issued, and are in a place where the Court has the right to exercise juris- diction.

Where a claim is made by a third party to goods seized in execution, the same, if made by a British subject, shall be decided by the Court on summons, and in a summary way, as between the claimant and the person prosecuting the decree or order.

If the claim is made by a foreigner, the Court shall either oblige the person prosecuting the decree or order to establish his claim before selling the goods, or allow him to sell the goods and defend any claim, as appears just.

      125. A sale of goods seized in execution shall not be made until after When sale to the end of five days at least next following the day of seizure, unless the be made. goods are of a perishable nature, or on the request in writing of the per- son whose goods have been seized; and until sale the goods shall be deposited by the officer in some fit place, or they may remain in the cus- tody of a fit person approved by the Court and put in possession by the Custody in officer.


126. Every warrant of execution shall be returned by the officer, who Return of shall certify thereon how it has been executed.



      127. In or on every warrant of execution the Court shall cause to be Payment before inserted or indorsed the sum of money and costs adjudged, with the sale. allowed as increased costs for the execution of the warrant; and if the per- son against whose goods execution is issued before actual sale of the goods, pays, or causes to be paid into Court, or to the officer holding the warrant, the sum of money and costs adjudged, or such part thereof as the person entitled thereto agrees to accept in full satisfaction thereof, together with all fees, the execution shall be superseded, and the goods seized shall be discharged and set at liberty.

Neglect, con-

ivance, or

omission of

      128. In case any officer of the Court, employed to levy any execution, by neglect, connivance, or omission loses the opportunity of levying the same, then on complaint of the person aggrieved and on the fact alleged officers. being proved on oath to the satisfaction of the Court, the Court may order the officer to pay such damages as the person complaining appears to have sustained thereby, not exceeding in any case the sum of money for which the execution issued; and the officer shall be liable thereto; and on demand made thereof, and on his refusal to pay the same, payment thereof shall be enforced as any decree or order of the Court directing the payment of money.

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In what cases.





Summons to Judgment Debtor.

129. Where a decree or order directing payment of money remains wholly or in part unsatisfied (whether a warrant of execution has issued or not), the person prosecuting the decree or order may apply to the Court for a summons, requiring the person by whom payment is directed to be made to appear and be examined respecting his ability to make the payment directed, and the Court shall, unless it sees good reason to the contrary, issue such a si


130. On the appearance of the person against whom the summons is issued, he may be examined on oath by or on behalf of the person pro- secuting the decree or order, and by the Court, respecting his ability to pay the money directed to be paid, and for the discovery of property applicable to such payment and as to the disposal which he may have

made of any property.

He shall be bound to produce, on oath or otherwise, all books, papers, and documents in his possesion or power, relating to property applicable to such payment.

He may be examined as to the circumstances under which he contracted the debt or incurred the liability in respect of which the payment of money is by the decree or order directed to be made, and as to the means or expectation he then had of paying the debt or discharging the liability.

He shall be bound to sign his examination when reduced into writing. Whether the person summoned appears or not, the person prosecuting the decree or order, and all other witnesses whom the Court thinks requisite, may be examined on oath or otherwise respecting the matters aforesaid.

The Court may, if it thinks fit, adjourn the hearing of the summons from time to time, and require from the person suminoned such security for his appearance at the adjourned hearing as seems fit, and in default of his finding security, may, by warrant, commit him to prison there to remain until the adjourned hearing unless sooner discharged.

131. In any of the following cases,

(i.) If it appears to the Court by the examination of the person summoned or other evidence, that he then has or since the making of the decree or order has had sufficient means to pay the money directed to be paid by him, and he refuses or neglects to pay the same according to the decree or order; or (ii.) That, with intent to defraud his creditors, or any of them, he has made or suffered any gift, delivery, or transfer of any property, or charged, reinoved, or concealed any property; or

(iii.) That the debt or liability in question was contracted or incurred by him, by or by reason of fraud or false pretence, or breach of trust, committed by him; or

(iv.) That forbearance thereof was obtained by him by fraud or

false pretence; or

(v.) That the debt or liability was wilfully contracted or incurred by him without his having had at the same time a reasonable expectation of being able to pay or discharge it; or

(vi.) Was contracted or incurred by him by reason of any prosecution or proceeding wherein he was found guilty of any crime or offence, or by reason of any proceeding for libel, slander, assault, battery, adultery, seduction, breach of promise of marriage, malicious arrest, malicious or frivolous and vexatious prosecution, malicious trespass, malicious injury, or the malicious filing or prosecution of a petition for adjudication of insolvency or bankruptcy,- then and in any such case the Court may, if it thinks fit, order that the person summoned be committed to prison for any time not exceeding forty days, and may issue a warrant for his commitment accordingly.

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132. In places where there is no British prison or no other place for the Place of inpris detention of a debtor in custody except the prison of the Chinese or Japanese sonment. authorities, the Court shall not commit the debtor, if it appears that the last-mentioned prison is unfit, regard being had to the requirements of health and decency, for the confinement of a British subject under civil process.


      133. The expenses of the debtor's maintenance in prison must be Expenses of defrayed in the first instance by the person prosecuting the decree or order, marina and may be recovered by him in such manner as the Court directs.

Such expenses shall be estimated by the Court, and shall be paid at

such times and in such manner as the Court directs.

In default of payment the debtor may be discharged if the Court

thinks fit.

134. Imprisonment under such a warrant does not operate as a Effect of satisfaction or extinguishment of the debt or liability to which the decree imprisonment. or order relates, or protect the person imprisoned from being anew sum- moned and imprisoned for any new fraud or other default rendering him liable to be imprisoned, or deprive the person prosecuting the decree or order of any right to have execution against his goods, as if there had not been such imprisonment.

prison on

     135. Any person so imprisoned, who pays the money by the decree Discharge from or order directed to be paid, or the instalments thereof payable, and costs payment. remaining due at the time of his commitment, and all subsequent costs and expenses, shall be discharged out of custody.

variation of

136. On the hearing of any such summons as aforesaid, the Court, if Rescinding or it thinks fit, whether it makes any order for the commitment of the person order for summoned or not, may rescind or alter any decree or order previously payment. made against him for the payment of money by instalment or otherwise, and make any further or other order, either for the payment of the whole thereof forthwith, or by any instalments, or in any other manner as the Court thinks reasonable and just.

Execution out of Jurisdiction.

execution or


      137. Ordinarily a warrant of execution or commitment shall not be Warrant of executed out of the particular jurisdiction, except under an order made for commitment that purpose, on the request of the Court issuing the warrant, by the Court where to be within whose jurisdiction it is to be executed, which Court may take such steps as if it had originally issued the warrant, but shall ultimately send any money produced by the execution, or the person apprehended (as the case may be), to the Court from which the warrant issued, to be there dealt with according to law.

      But where the urgency or other peculiar circumstances of the case appear to the Court issuing the warrant so to require, the Court (for reasons to be recorded in the minutes of proceedings) may order it to be executed out of the particular jurisdiction, and it may be so executed accordingly.


     138. Where the decree or order is one directing some act to be done In what cases. other than payment of money, and the person directed to do the act refuses or neglects to do it according to the exigency of the decree or order, the person prosecuting the decree or order shall be entitled to apply to the Court for a warrant of arrest against the disobedient person.

     139. The Court shall, unless it sees good reason to the contrary, on Warrant、 the application of the person prosecuting the decree or order, issue, under the seal of the Court, a warrant of arrest directed to a proper officer, who shall be thereby empowered to take the body of the disobedient person and detain him in custody until further order.

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In what cases,

In what cases. ́


    Duration of Atuation.

terlocutory ngiplication.





140. In case the person against whom the warrant of arrest issues is not and cannot be found,-or is taken and detained in custody under the warrant without obeying the decree or order,-then the person prosecuting the decree or order shall be entitled to an order of sequestration against his property.

Commitment for Disobedience.

141. Where any person over whom the Court has jurisdiction is guilty of wilful disobedience to a decree or order, the person prosecuting the decree or order shall be entitled to apply to the Court for an order on the disobedient person to show cause why he should not be punished for the disobedience. The Court, unless it sees good reason to the contrary, shall on such application make an order accordingly.

The Court shall not grant the order except on evidence on oath establishing such a case as, if uncontradicted and unexplained, would justify the immediate commitment of the disobedient person.

A certified copy of the affidavit or deposition on which the order is granted shall be served on the party to whom the order is directed, together with the order, and he may file counter affidavits.

142. On the return day of the order, if the person to whom it is directed does not attend, and does not establish a sufficient excuse for not attending, and if the Court is satisfied that the order has been duly served, -or if he attends and does not show cause to the satisfaction of the Court why he should not be punished for the disobedience,-the Court may issue a warrant for his commitment to prison.

The Court may enlarge the time for the return to the order, or may, on the return of it, and under circumstances which would strictly justify the immediate commitment of the person guilty of the disobedience, direct that the warrant for his commitment shall issue only after a certain time and in the event of his continued disobedience at that time to the decree or order in respect of which he has been guilty of disobedience.

143. A person committed for disobedience to a decree or order is liable to be detained in custody until he has obeyed the decree or order in all things that are to be immediately performed, and given such security as the Court thinks fit to obey the other parts of the decree or order (if any) at the future times thereby appointed,-or in case of his no longer having the power to obey the decree or order, then until he has been im- prisoned for such time or until he has paid such fine as the Court directs.


144. Interlocutory applications may be made at any stage of a suit or proceeding.

They shall be made either by motion or on application for a summons.


145. Motions must be reduced to writing in the terms of the order sought from the Court; and a motion shall not be entertained until the party moving has filed in the Court a written motion paper distinctly stating the terms of the order sought.

The motion may in its terms ask for an order directing more than one thing to be done, and may also be in an alternative form, asking that one or another order be made, so only that the whole order sought be therein substantially expressed.

If the motion-paper contains any matter by way of argument or other matter except the proper particulars of the motion itself, the Court shall direct the motion-paper to be amended, and shall make no other order

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   thereon, until it is amended accordingly by the striking out of such argu- ment or other matter.

     There shall be filed with the motion-paper all affidavits on which the Evidence. person moving intends to rely.

No other evidence can be used in support of the motion except by leave of the Court.

    No paper accompanying the motion-paper other than an affidavit shall be received.


     146. The person filing the motion-paper may then either move the Motion in Court while sitting, and on such days and at such times, if any, as are by the regulations of the Court appointed for hearing motions, or in cases of urgency at any time while the Court is sitting, and not engaged in hearing any other matter,-or send a written request to the Court for an order or by writing. according to the motion-paper, with such argument stated in writing in support of his motion as he thinks fit.


     147. All motions shall be made ex parte in the first instance, unless Notice of the Court gives leave to give a notice of motion for a certain day.

148. On a motion ex parte the party moving shall apply for either an Application

                                                        ex parte. immediate absolute order of the Court in the terms of the motion-paper on his own shewing and evidence, or an order to the other party to appear on a certain day and show cause why an order should not be made in the terms of the motion-paper.

     Any party moving in Court ex parte may support his motion by argument addressed to the Court on the facts put in evidence by the affidavits filed in support of the motion; and no party to the suit or proceeding, although present, other than the party moving, shall be entitled to be then heard.

149. On a motion coming on, the Court may allow the motion-paper Order on to be amended.

     It may allow additional evidence to be produced by affidavit or deposition.

It may direct the motion to stand over.

It may refuse the motion,

It may

make an order in terms of the motion.

Where an immediate order absolute is asked, and the right thereto clearly appears, it may grant such order.

     It may grant an order to show cause why the order sought should not be made.

It may allow a motion on notice to be made.

     If the motion as originally framed, or as amended, is substantially divisible into two or more parts, it may divide the same, and deal in different ways with the separate parts thereof, as the case may require.

     If it appears to the Court on the evidence adduced in support of the motion, or on any additional evidence which the Court permits to be adduced in support thereof, that the party moving is entitled to an order absolute, or to show cause different from the order asked, and the party moving is willing to take such different order, the Court may so order accordingly.

If he is not willing to tak› such different order, the Court shall refuse the motion.


150. Where an order is made on a motion ex parte any party affected Varying or

discharge by it may, within seven days after service of it, apply to the Court by of order. motion to vary or discharge it; and the Court, on notice to the party obtaining the order, either may refuse to vary or discharge it, or may vary or discharge it with or without imposing terms as to costs or security, or other things, as seems just.

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Counter afidavit.

Proceedings on return-day.

Application for.

Contents of.

Proceedings on return day,

Er parte orders.

    Time for application for leave.

Execution of decree or order



Order to show cause.

151. An order to show cause shall specify a day when cause is to be shewn, to be called the return-day to the order, which shall ordinarily be not less than four days after service..

A person served with an order to show cause may, before the return day, file affidavits in order to contradict the evidence used in obtaining the order, or setting forth other facts on which he rdies, to induce the Court to discharge such order.

On the return-day, if the persons served do not app", in

person or by counsel or attorney, and it appears to the Court that the service on all proper parties has not been duly effected, the Court menlarge the time and direct further service, or make such other order as ems just.

If the persons served appear, or the Court is satisfied service on all proper parties has been duly effected, the Court may proceed with the matter.

The Court may either discharge the order, or make the same absolute, ―or adjourn the consideration thereof or permit further affidavits to be filed in support of or against the order,-and may modify the terms of the order so as to meet the merits of the case,-and may make the order so modified absolute,-and may, if the order against which cause is shown is substantially divisible into two or more parts, divide the same, and deal in different ways with the separate parts as seems fit; and the Court, as part of its order, may impose terms as to costs or other things on the parties, or any of them, as seems just,


152. An interlocutory application for a summons need not be made in writing, but may be made in person either by the applicant himself, or by his counsel or attorney.

If the Court considers that a summons ought to be granted; it may issue a summons ordering the person to whom it is directed to attend at the time and place specified therein, either in person or by counsel or attorney, and briefly but distinctly setting forth the nature of the particular application.

The summons shall be headed in the suit or other proceeding.

On the return-day of the summons, if the person to whom the summons is directed attends, or in his absence on proof of service, the Court may, on the application of the person obtaining the summons, consider and deal with the application in a summary way.

The Court shall take a note of the material evidence if taken viva voce. The Court my adjourn the hearing of any summons when necessary.


I.-In General.

153. An appeal does not lie from an order made ex parte.

Any person aggrieved by such an order must apply to the Court by which it is made to vary or discharge it.

154. Application for leave to appeal must be made to the Court whose decision is to be appealed from, by motion, ex parte, ordinarily within seven days after the decision to be appealed from is given, but afterwards by special leave of the Court.

155. If leave to appeal is applied for by a persou directed by a decree pending appeal, or order to pay money, or do any other act, the Court below shall direct either that the decision appealed from be carried into execution, or that the execution thereof be suspended pending the appeal, as the Court considers to be in accordance with substantial justice.


If the Court directs the decision to be carried into execution, the person in whose favour it is given shall, before the execution of it, give security to the satisfaction of the Court for the due performance of such order as the Supreme Court may make.

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If the Court directs the execution of the decision to be suspended pending the appeal, the person against whom the decision is given shall, before any order for suspension of execution, give security to the satisfac- tion of the Court for the due performance of such order as the Supreme Court may make.

     In all cases security shall also be given by the appellant to the satisfaction of the Court, to an amount not exceeding 250 dollars, for the prosecution of the appeal, and for payment of all fees and charges in the Court below and in the Supreme Court, and of all such costs as may be awarded to any respondent by the Supreme Court.

If the last-mentioned security is given within fourteen days after Leave to motion made for leave to appeal, then, and not otherwise, the Court below appeal, when shall give leave to appeal, and the appellant shall be at liberty to prefer and prosecute his appeal accordingly.

     In any case other then the case hereinbefore described, the Court below, if it considers it just or expedient (for reasons to be recorded in the minutes of proceedings) to do so, may give leave to appeal on the terms and in the manner aforesaid.

156. Where there are more plaintiffs than one an appeal cannot be Appeal by

                                                        plaintiffs; prosecuted except by all the plaintiffs jointly.

Where there are more defendants than one, any one or more of them by defendants. may prosecute an appeal separately; but defendants severing in appeal do so at the risk of costs if the severance is improper.


     157. The Supreme Court may require any party to an appeal to appear Personal personally before it on the hearing of the appeal, or on any occasion pending the appeal; otherwise personal appearance shall not be requisite.

158. It is not open, as of right, to any party to an appeal to adduce Evidence. new evidence in support of his original case; but a party may allege any facts essential to the issue that have come to his knowledge after the decision of the Court below, and adduce evidence in support of such allegations; and for the furtherance of justice the Supreme Court may, where it thinks fit, allow or require new evidence to be adduced.

159. The Court below shall not, except for some special cause, take Original upon itself the responsibility of the charge or of the transmission to the documents. Supreme Court of original letters or documents produced in evidence in

the suit.

     Such original letters and documents shall be returned to the respective parties producing the same, and only copies thereof duly certified shall be transmitted in the appeal record.

     The respective parties must, however, be prepared to produce the originals, if required by the Supreme Court, before or at the hearing of the appeal.

     160. After the expiration of six months from the date of a decree or Limitation of order, leave to appeal against it shall not be given by a Provincial Court. time for appeal.

     Application for leave to appeal must in that case be made to the Supreme Court, which shall grant such leave if, on consideration of all the circumstances of the case, it appears just and expedient that an appeal should be allowed, but not otherwise, and may impose such terms as to security and other things as seem just.

161. The foregoing Rules apply to suits for 250 dollars or upwards, Application of

foregoing Rules. with respect to which a right of appeal is given by the Order in Council under which these Rules are framed, and shall also be applied, as far as may be, mutatis mutandis, in cases where special leave to appeal is applied for to a Provincial or the Supreme Court.

162. An appeal from a decree or order made at the hearing of a Appeal, petition,

suit shall be made by petition.

Other appeals shall be made by motion.


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Appeal petition;



II.-From Decrees or Orders at Hearing.

163. The appellant must file his petition of appeal in the Court below

Time for fling. within fourteen days after leave to appeal is given.






Copies furnished.

Objections in


Effect of not answering.

   Record of appeal.

Power of Supreme Court over suit in

which appeal is pending.

Power of

  Supreme Court to remit the

case or other- wise proceed in it.

164. The petition of appeal shall contain an exposition of the appellant's case as supported by evidence already before the Court, and by the record as it stands, and may not refer to any matter of fact not appearing by such record or evidence, or which may not by argument and inference be fairly deduced therefrom.

It shall set forth the grounds of appeal, and the particulars in which the decree or order appealed from is considered by the appellant to be erroneous or defective, and shall pray that the same may be reversed or varied, and that the Court above may make the particular order to which on the record and evidence as it stands the appellant conceives himself entitled, or such other order as the Court thinks just.

It may contain any matter by way of argument in support of the appeal. 165. The petition of appeal shall be served on such persons as the Court directs.

166. Any person on whom the petition of appeal has been served may, within fourteen days after service, file in the Court below an answer to the petition of appeal.

The answer shall contain an exposition of the respondent's case as supported by the evidence already before the Court, and by the record as it stands, and may not refer to any matter of fact not appearing by such record or evidence, or not by argument and inference fairly deducible therefrom.

It shall simply conclude with a demand that the appeal be dismissed. It may contain any matter by way of argument against the appeal. 167. Čopies of the answer shall be furnished by the Court to such persons as it thinks fit.

168. All matter of objection to any appeal, as being out of time, or on any grounds other than on the merits of the case itself, must be sub- stantially raised by the party desiring to rely thereon, in and by the answer to the petition of appeal, and if not so raised, or where no answer is put in, no such objection shall be permitted to be raised at the hearing of the appeal.

169. The absence of an answer shall not preclude any person interested in supporting the decree or order from supporting the same on the merits at the hearing of the appeal.

170. On the expiration of the time for answering, the Court below shall, without receiving any further pleading in appeal, make up the record of appeal, which shall consist of (1) the petition, pleadings, orders, and proceedings, and the decree or order in the suit, (2) a copy of all written and documentary evidence admitted, or tendered, and of the notes of the viva voce evidence, (3) the petition or petition of appeal, and (4) the answer or answers thereto.

The whole record shall be fastened together, the several pieces shall be numbered, and the whole shall be secured by the seal of the Court below.

171. After the record of appeal has been made up, and until the appeal is disposed of, the Supreme Court shall be deemed in possession of the whole suit as between the parties to the appeal.

Every application in the suit shall be made to the Supreme Court and not to the Court below, but any application may be made through the Court below.

172. The Supreme Court may from time to time make such orders as seem necessary for determining the real questions in controversy

                                 between the parties, and for that purpose may, as between the parties to the appeal, amend any defects or errors in the record of appeal,-and may

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direct the Court below to inquire into and certify its finding on any question as between such parties, or any of them, which it may be necessary or expedient to determine before final judgment in the appeal,-and generally shall, as between the parties to the appeal, have as full and ample jurisdic- tion over the whole suit as if the same had been instituted and prosecuted in the Supreme Court itself as a Court of first instance, by parties subject to its ordinary original jurisdiction-and may rehear the whole case,-or may remit it to the Court below to be rebeard, or to be otherwise dealt with as the Supreme Court directs.

     173. The Supreme Court shall, on receiving the record of appeal, fix Day for hearing, a day for the hearing thereof.

Such day shall be fixed as will allow of the Court giving notice thereof through the Court below to the parties to the appeal, and as will allow of the parties attending either in person or by counsel or attorney, if they or any of them desire to do so.


     174. In case all the several parties to an appeal appoint persons at Appearance the place of sitting of the Supreme Court to represent them as their by counsel or respective counsel or attorneys in the matter of the appeal, and cause the same to be notified to the Supreme Court, the Court shall allow the appeal to be set down in the general hearing list at once, and shall proceed to dispose of the appeal in its turn without further notice to the parties or any of them; and the respective representatives of the parties shall be bound to watch for and take notice of the day for the hearing of the appeal.

III.-Not from Decrees or Orders at Hearing.

175. The appellant shall file his appeal motion paper in the Court Appeal motion, below within seven days after leave to appeal is given.

He may at the same time file in the Court below any argument he

desires to submit to the Supreme Court in support of the appeal.

The motion paper and the argument (if any) shall be served on such

persons as the Court directs.


176. Any person so served may, within seven days after service, file Respondent's in the Court below any argument he desires to submit to the Supreme Court against the appeal.

Copies of such last-mentioned argument (if any) shall be furnished by the Court below to such persons as it thinks fit.


     177. On the expiration of the time for filing such last-mentioned Record of argument, the Court below shall make up the record of appeal, which shall consist of (1) the petition and such portion of the pleadings, orders, proceedings, and evidence as relate to the particular decision appealed from, with (2) the appeal motion-paper and any argument or arguments filed.

The record shall be made up as on appeal from a decree.


178. The Court shall not cause notice to be given to the parties of Notice to the day when the appeal motion will be disposed of, unless under special circumstances it thinks fit to do so.

     But where any party to the appeal motion notifies to the Supreme Court his desire to attend in person, or by counsel or attorney, when the motion is being disposed of, he shall be at liberty to do so, and the Court shall hear him, or his counsel or attorney, before disposing of the motion.

VIII. SUMmary Orders before SUIT.

179. Where the extreme urgency or other peculiar circumstances of In what cases. the case appear to the Court so to require, the Court may on evidence on oath, without a petition having been previously presented, make ex parte an order of injunction, or an order to sequester money or goods,-or to

stop a passport, or the clearances of a ship,-or to hold to bail.

    180. Before making such an order the Court shall require the person Beooguisance. applying for it to enter into a recognizance (with or without a surety or

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Duration of order.

  Arrest and other proceed.



sureties as the Court thinks fit), signed by the party applying (and his surety or sureties if any), as a security for his being answerable in damages to the person against whom the order is sought, or to give such other security for that purpose by deposit or otherwise as the Court thinks fit.

181. Any such order shall not remain in force more than 24 hours, and shall at the end of that time wholly cease to be in force unless within that time a suit is regularly instituted by the person obtaining the order.

Any such order shall be dealt with in the suit as seems just.

182. An order to hold to bail shall state the amount (including costs)

inge under order for which bail is required.

to hold to bail.

Testator may deposit will.

Notice of death.

Compulsory production of testamentary papers.

It shall be executed forthwith.

The person arrested under it shall be entitled to be discharged from custody under it on bringing into Court the amount stated in the order, to abide the event of any suit instituted, or on entering into a recogni- zanee, (with or without a surety or sureties as the Court thinks fit), signed by him (and his surety or sureties if any), as a security that he will abide by and satisfy any decree or crder of the Court in any suit instituted, or on giving such other security for that purpose by deposit or otherwise as the Court thinks fit.

The person arrested shall be liable to be detained in custody under the order for not more than seven days, if not sooner discharged; but the Court may, from time to time, on evidence on oath, renew the order, so, however, that no person be kept in custody under any such order, and renewed order or orders, for a longer time in the whole than thirty days. IX.-PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION. Deposit of Will in Lifetime.

183. Any British subject may in his lifetime deposit for safe custody in the Supreme or other Court his own Will, sealed up under his own seal and the seal of the Court.

Proceedings on Death.

184. The Supreme Court and every other Court shall endeavour to obtain, as early as may be, information of the death of every British subject dying within the particular jurisdiction, and all such information respecting the affairs of the deceased as may serve to guide the Court with respect to the securing and administration of his property.

On receiving information of the death of a British subject the Court shall put up a notice thereof at the place where its sittings are ordinarily held, and shall keep the same there until probate or administration is granted, or where it appears to the Court that probate or administration will not be applied for, or cannot be granted, for such time as the Court thinks fit.

185. Where it is shown to the satisfaction of the Supreme or other Court, that any paper purporting to be testamentary is in the possession or under the control of any person, the Court may, in a summary way, whether a suit or proceeding as to probate or administration is pending or not, order him to produce and bring into Court such paper.

Where it appears to the Supreme or other Court that there are reason- able grounds for believing that any person has knowledge of any paper purporting to be testamentary, (although it is not shown to the satisfac- tion of the Court that the paper is in his possession or under his control), the Court may, in a summary way,-whether a suit or proceeding for probate or administration is pending or not,-order him to attend for the purpose of being examined respecting the same in open Court, or on in- terrogatories, and after examination to produce the paper and bring it into Court.

Any person failing to attend or to be examined, or to produce and bring in the paper accordingly, shall be liable to the same consequences

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as he would be liable to if he were a party to a suit in the Court, and had made like default.

come in and

186. The Court may of its own motion, or on the application of any Notice to person claiming an interest under a will, give notice to the executor or executors to executors (if any) therein named, to come in and prove the will or to prove. renounce probate: and the executors or executor so named, or some or one of them, must within fourteen days after notice come in and prove or renounce accordingly.

I.-Probate or Administration in General.

187. Probate or letters of administration with Will annexed shall not Time after issue until after the lapse of seven days from the death of the deceased, death when except under the direction of the Judge of the Supreme Court, or in case administration of great urgency.

      Letters of administration (not with Will annexed) shall not issue until after the lapse of fourteen days from the death of the deceased, except under the direction of the Supreme Court, or in case of great urgency.

probate or

may be granted.

     188. Where probate or administration is, for the first time, applied Application for after the lapse of three years from the death of the deceased, a grant after three shall not be made except under the direction of the Judge of the Supreme Court.



189. In any case a grant of probate or administration may be made

                                                        Grants by by the Supreme Court, wheresoever in China or Japan the deceased had Supreme at the time of his death his place of abode; but where the deceased had request of at the time of his death his fixed place of abode in the district of a Provincial Court. Court, the application for the grant shall not be entertained by the Supreme Court, except on the request of the Provincial Court.


In disputed or

directions of Supreme to


      190. Where any dispute or question arises in relation to the grant or the application for it,- -or it appears to the Provincial Court doubtful doubtful cases, whether or not the grant should be made,-the Provincial Court shall communicate with the Judge of the Supreme Court, who shall either direct Provincial the Provincial Court to proceed in the matter according to such instruc- tions as the Judge thinks fit, or may direct that no further proceeding be taken in the matter by the Provincial Court, but any party concerned may apply for a grant to the Supreme Court itself.

191. The Provincial Court, before proceeding in the matter of any Evidence to application, shall take care to ascertain that the deceased had at the time found jurisdic- of his death his fixed place of abode in the district of the Court, and shall tion of Provin- not for this purpose consider itself bound to rest satisfied with such evidence as is offered by the person applying for the grant.

cial Court.

     192. The Court shall, where it deems it necessary, require proof, in Identity. addition to the oath of the executor or administrator, of the identity of the deceased or of the party applying for the grant.

193. The Court shall take care to ascertain the value of the property value of of the deceased as correctly as circumstances admit.


     194. In no case shall the Court allow probate or letters of adminis- Satisfactory tration to issue until all inquiries which it sees fit to institute have been answered to its satisfaction.

The Court shall, however, afford as great facility for the obtaining of probate or administration as is consistent with due regard to the prevention of error and fraud.

answer to Court's inquiries before grant.

     195. In the following cases of probate or administration, a grant shall cases in which not issue except from the Supreme Court under the immediate direction Judge of of the Judge, namely:-

Probate, or administration with will annexed, where the will was executed before the 1st day of January, 1888, and there is no testamentary paper of later date than the 31st day of December, 1837.

Supreme Court alone may make grant.

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Revocation or

alteration of


Notice to

prohibit grant.

Notices in nature of citations.

Procedure in



Probate, or administration with will annexed, the will being simply an execution of a special power, or being the will of a married woman made by virtue of a power:

Administration for the use or benefit of a minor or infant, or a

lunatic or person of unsound mind:

Administration (with or without will annexed) of the property of a bastard dying a bachelor or spinster, or dying a widower or widow without issue, or of a person dying without known relative: Limited administration :

Administration to be granted to a person not resident within China

or Japan.

196. Revocation or alteration of a grant of probate or administration shall not be made except by the Supreme Court, under the immediate direction of the Judge.

197. A notice to prohibit a grant of probate or administration may be filed in the Supreme Court, or in any Provincial Court.

Immediately on such a notice being filed in a Provincial Court, a copy thereof shall be sent to the Court of the district (if any) in which it is alleged the deceased had at the time of his death his fixed place of abode, and to any other Court to which it appears to the Judge of the Supreme Court expedient to send a copy.

Immediately on such a notice being filed in a Provincial Court, the Court shall send a copy thereof to the Supreme Court, and also to the Court of any other district in which it is known or alleged the deceased had at the time of his death a place of abode.

Such a notice shall remain in force for three months only from the day of filing; but it may be renewed from time to time.

Any such notice shall not affect any grant made on the day on which the notice is filed, or on which a copy of the notice is received, as the case may be.

The person filing such a notice shall be warned by a warning in writing under the seal of the Court being delivered at the place mentioned in the notice as the address of the person filing the notice.

After such a notice has been filed in a Provincial Court, or after a copy of such a notice has been received by a Provincial Court (as the case may be), the Provincial Court shall not make a grant of probate or adminis- tration, but any grant shall be made only by the Supreme Court, under the immediate direction of the Judge.

198. Notices in the nature of citations shall be given by publication in such newspapers, or in such other manner as the Court, in each case, directs.

199. Suits respecting probate or administration shall be instituted suits for probate and conducted as nearly as may be in the same manner as suits for claims

of 100 dollars and upwards.

or administra-


Custody of original wills.

Offcial copies

200. All original wills, of which probate or administration with will annexed is granted, shall be filed and kept in the public office of the Supreme or other Court from which the grant issues, in such manner as to secure at once the due preservation and the convenient inspection of the same; and no original will shall be delivered out for any purpose without the express and special direction in writing of the Judge of the Supreme Court.

An official copy of the whole or of any part of a will, or an official and certificates. certificate of a grant of administration, may be obtained from the Supreme or other Court where the will has been proved or the administration granted, on payment of the proper fees.


returns from

201. On the first day of February, and the first day of August in Supreme Court, every year, every Provincial Court shall send to the Supreme Court,-

Provincial to

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     A list of the grants of probate and administration made by it up to the last preceding first day of January and first day of July respectively, and not included in any previous list.

And also, a copy, certified by the Provincial Court to be a correct copy, of every will to which any such probate or administration relates.

II.-Probate and Administration with Will annexed.


of "the proper

202. In the following rules respecting probate and administration the Interpretation expression the

       officer" means, as to the Provinces, the Consul offer. proper General, Consul, or Vice-Consul holding and forming a Court; as to the Supreme Court, such one of the officers attached thereto as for the time being acts in matters of probate and administration by the authority and under the direction of the Judge.

will as to mode

     203. On receiving an application for probate or for administration Examination of with will annexed, the proper officer must inspect the will, and see whether of execution. it appears to be signed by the testator, or by some other person in his presence and by his direction, and subscribed by two witnesses, according to the provisions of the Acts of Parliament, 7 Will. 4, & 1 Vict. c. 26 sec. 9,* and 15 & 16 Vict c. 24 sect. 1,† and in no case may he proceed further if the will does not appear to be so signed and subscribed.


     204. If the will appears to be signed by or for the testator, and Examination of subscribed by two witnesses, the officer must then refer to the attestation clause, clause (if any), and consider whether the wording thereof shows the will to have been in fact executed in accordance with the provisions of the said Acts.

205. If there is no attestation clause to the will,-or if the attestation Proof of execu tion according clause thereto is insufficient,-the officer must require an affidavit from at to Acts of least one of the subscribing witnesses, if either of them is living, to prove

Parliament. that the will was in fact executed in accordance with the provisions of the said Acts.

The affidavit must be engrossed and form part of the probate, so that the probate may be a complete document on the face of it.

     If on perusal of the affidavit it appears that the will was not in fact executed in accordance with the provisions of the said Acts, the officer must refuse probate.

     If on perusal of the affidavit it appears doubtful whether or not the will was in fact executed in accordance with the provisions of the said Acts, the officer must lay a statement of the matter before the Judge of the Supreme Court for his directions.

       *" And be it further enacted, that no will shall be valid unless it shall be in writing and executed in man- ner hereinafter mentioned; (that is to say), It shall be signed at the foot or end thereof by the testator, or by some other person in his presence and by bis direction; and such signature shall be made or acknowledged by the testator in the presence of two or more witnesses present at the same time, and such witnesses shall attest and shall subscribe the will in the presence of the testator, but no form of attestation shall be necessary."

       + Whereas by an Act passed in the first year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled, 'An Act for the Amendment of the Laws with respect to Wills,' it is enacted, that no will shall be valid unless it shall be signed at the foot or end thereof by the testator, or by some other person in his presence, and by his direction. Every will shall, so far only as regards the position of the signature of the testator, or of the person signing for him as aforesaid, be deemed to be valid within the said enactment, as explained by this Act, if the signature shall be so placed at or after, or following, or under, or besides, or opposite to the end of the will, that it shall be apparent on the face of the will that the testator intended to give effect by such his signature to the writing signed as his will, and that no such will shall be affected by the circumstance that the signature shall not follow or be immediately after the foot or end of the will, or by the circumstance that a blank space shall intervene between the concluding word of the will and the signature, or by the circumstance that the signature shall be placed among the words of the testimonium clause or of the clause of attestation, or shall follow or be after or under the clause of attestation, either with or withort a blank space intervening, or shall follow or be after or under or beside the names or one of the names of the subscribing witnesses, or by the circumstance that the rignature shall be on a side or page or other portion of the paper or papers containing the will whereon no clause or paragraph or disposing part of the will shall be written above the signature, or by the circumstance that there shall appear to be sufficient space on or at the bottom of the preceding side or page or other portion of the same paper on which the will is written to contain the signature; and the enumeration of the above circumstances shall not restrict the generality of the above enactment; but no signature under the said Act or this Act shall be operative to give effect to any disposition or direction which is underneath or which follows it, nor shall it give effect to any disposition or direction inserted after the signature shall be made "

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If both the subscribing witnesses are dead,-or if from other circums- tances no affidavit can be obtained from either of them,-resort must be had to other persons (if any) who were present at the execution of the will; but if no affidavit of any such other person can be obtained, evidence on oath must be procured of that fact, and of the handwriting of the deceased and of the subscribing witnesses, and also of any circumstances that may raise a presumption in favour of the due execution of the will.

206. The officer shall not allow probate of the will, or administration blind, obviously with the will annexed, of any blind person, or of any obviously illiterate or ignorant person, to issue, unless he has previously satisfied himself, by what appears on the face of the will or by evidence on oath, that the will was read over to the deceased before its execution, or that the deceased had at the time knowledge of its contents.

Will of testator

   illiterate, or ignorant.

Interlineations, alterations,

erasures, or obliterations.

Deed, paper, or document referred to in a will,

or annexed or attached.

Where this information is not forthcoming, the officer must commu- nicate with the Judge of the Supreme Court.

207. Having satisfied himself that the will was duly executed, the officer must carefully inspect the same to see whether there are any interlineations or alterations or erasures or obliterations appearing in it, and requiring to be accounted for.

Interlineations and alterations are invalid unless they existed in the will at the time of its execution, or,-if made afterwards, unless they have been executed and attested in the mode required by the said Acts of Parliament,-or unless they have been made valid by the re-execution of the will-or by the subsequent execution of some codicil thereto.

Where interlineations or alterations appear in the will (unless duly executed or recited in or otherwise identified by the attestation clause) an affidavit or affidavits in proof of their having existed in the will before its execution must be filed.

In like manner, erasures and obliterations are not to prevail unless proved to have existed in the will at the time of its execution or unless the alterations thereby effected in the will are duly executed and attested, -or unless they have been made valid by the re-execution of the will, or by the subsequent execution of some codicil thereto.

If no satisfactory evidence is adduced as to the time when the erasures or obliterations were made, and the words erased or obliterated are not entirely effaced, and can, on inspection of the paper, be ascertained, they must form part of the probate.

In every case of words having been erased which might have been of importance an affidavit must be required.

If reasonable doubt exists in regard to any interlineation, alteration, erasure, or obliteration, the officer shall, before proceeding further in the matter, communicate with the Judge of the Supreme Court for his direc- tions.

208. Where a will contains a reference to any deed, paper, memo- randum, or other document, of such a nature as to raise a question whether it ought or ought not to form a constituent part of the will, the produc- tion of the deed, paper, memorandum, or other document must be re- quired, with a view to ascertain whether or not it is entitled to probate; and if not produced the non-production of it must be accounted for by evidence on oath.

Any deed, paper, memorandum, or other document cannot form part of a will or codicil, unless it was in existence at the time when the will or codicil was executed.

If there are any vestiges of sealing wax or wafers or other marks on the testamentary paper, leading to the inference that some paper, memo- randum, or other document has been annexed or attached thereto, they must be satisfactorily accounted for by evidence on oath, or the produc-

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tion of such paper, memorandum, or other document must be required; and if not produced, the non-production of it must be accounted for by evidence on oath.

If doubt exists as to whether or not any such deed, paper, memo- randum, or other document is entitled to probate as a constituent part of the will, the officer shall, before proceeding further in the matter, com- municate with the Judge of the Supreme Court for his directions.

209. The foregoing rules respecting wills apply equally to codicils. Codicils. 210. Every will or copy of a will, or other testamentary paper to Marking of will which an executor or an administrator with will annexed is sworn, shall be or copy sworn marked by such executor or administrator and by the person befɔre whom

he is sworn.



211. The officer shall take care that the copies of wills to be annexed Writing of to probates or letters of administration are fairly and properly written, and to reject those which are not so.


not with will

212. The duties of the proper officer in granting administration (not Administration with will annexed) are in many respects the same as in cases of probate. annexed.

     He shall ascertain the time and place of the deceased's death, and the value of the property to be covered by the administration.

without proving,

213. Where an executor appointed in a will survives the testator, but Executor dying either dies without having taken probate, or being summoned or called on or not appearing. by the Court to take probate does not appear, his right in respect of the executorship wholly ceases, and the representation to the testator and the administration of his effects without further renunciation go, devolve, and may be committed in like manner as if he had not been appointed executor.

of kin.

214. Where administration is applied for by one or some of the next Notice to next of kin only, there being another or other next of kin equally entitled thereto, the proper officer shall require proof by affidavit that notice of the applica- tion has been given to the other next of kin.


215. Every person to whom administration is granted shall give bond Administration with two or more responsible British subjects as sureties, to the Judge of the Supreme Court, to enure in favour of the Judge for the time being, conditioned for duly collecting, getting in, and administering the personal estate of the deceased.

     Where, however, the property is under the value of 250 dollars one such surety only need be taken.

The bond shall be in a penalty of double the amount under which the personal estate of the deceased is sworn, unless the proper officer in any case thinks it expedient to reduce the amount, for reasons to be forthwith certified by him to the Judge of the Supreme Court.

     The proper officer may also in any case direct that more bonds than one shall be given, so as to limit the liability of any surety to such amount as the officer thinks reasonable.

and suit on

216. The Judge of the Supreme Court may, on application, in a sum- Assignment of mary way, and on being satisfied that the condition of any administration bond. bond has been broken, assign the same to some person, who shall thereupon be entitled to sue on the bond in his own name, as if the same had been originally given to him instead of to the Judge of the Supreme Court, and shall be entitled to recover thereon, as trustee for all persons interested, the full amount recoverable in respect of any breach of the condition of the bond.



these rules

217. The following rules respecting arbitration apply exclusively to In what cases cases where the agreement for reference to arbitration or submission to apply. arbration by consent is made a rule of Court.

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Time for award.

  Enlargement of time.

When umpire may enter on reference.

Revocation of authority.

Bpecial case.


Form and contents of award.

  Deposit of award.

Notice thereof.

  Application against award.

Order of Court.

Remitting of

matters referred,



218. Arbitrators shall make their award within one calendar month after they have entered on the reference, or been called on to act by a notice in writing from any party, unless the document authorizing or making the reference contains a different limit of time.

219. The Court may, if it thinks fit, on reasonable notice to all parties, from time to time enlarge the time for making the award for such time as it thinks fit, the reasons for such enlargement being recorded in the minutes of proceedings.

220. An umpire may enter on the reference in lieu of the arbitrators, if the latter have allowed their time or their extended time to expire without making an award, or have filed, in the Court, a notice in writing that they cannot agree.

221. The authority of an arbitrator or umpire is not revocable except by the Court.

222. Where it appears to the arbitrators or umpire that any difficult question of law is involved in, or raised by, the facts as finally ascertained by them or him, they, or he, may, if it seems fit, state the award (as to the whole or any part thereof) in the form of a special case for the opinion of the Court having jurisdiction in the matter, or of the Supreme Court.

The Court shall consider and deliver judgment on such case, and shall be at liberty to draw inferences of fact from the facts stated, and to amend the case or remit it for amendment by reason of any irregularity, mistake, or imperfection.

223. The arbitrators or umpire shall have power to award how the costs of the reference shall be borne, in the whole or in part; but any award as to costs shall not preclude the party or parties against whom costs are awarded from applying to the Court to tax the costs; and on such application the costs, including the remuneration (if any) of the arbitrators and umpire, or any of them, shall be taxed at a reasonable rate by the Court, and the Court shall make such order regarding the costs of taxation as justice requires.

224. Every award must be in writing, signed by the arbitrators or umpire making the same.

It must contain a conclusive finding, and may not find on the con- tingency of any matter of fact being afterwards substantiated or deposed


It must comprehend a finding on each of the several matters referred. Arbitrators or an umpire may, however, from time to time make several awards on several parts of a matter or on several matters referred, so as the latest of the awards is made within the time limited.

225. The arbitrators or umpire making an award shall within the time limited deposit the award in the Court, enclosed in a sealed envelope, and indorsed with the names of the parties to the reference, and the amount claimed by the arbitrators and umpire for remuneration.

Notice of the award having been deposited shall be given by the Court to the parties, who shall be at liberty to read the award, and to have copies of it on payment of the proper fees.

226. Any person interested may within seven days after notice of the award apply to the Court by motion to prevent the award, or any specified part of it, being carried into effect.

227. If no such motion is made the Court shall proceed, on reasonable notice to all parties, to make such order for carrying into effect the award or any part thereof, and as to costs and other things as seems just.

228. The Court shall have power at any time, and from time to time, to remit the matters referred, or any of thein, to the reconsideration and redetermination of the arbitrators or umpire, on such terms as to costs and other things as seem just.

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229. The Court shall not refrain from carrying an award into effect Irregularity. merely on the ground of irregularity in the submission, or during the reference, where such irregularity has not been substantially prejudicial to the party applying against the award.

XI.-AFFIDAVITS AND Other Evidence.


230. Every affidavit used in the Court must be either in English or Language. in the usual and familiar language of the witness swearing it.

An affidavit in any language other than English must be accompanied by a sworn translation into English, procured by and at the expense of the person using the affidavit.

231. Every affidavit, sworn before any British judicial or Consular Form. officer in China or Japan, in the matter of any suit or other proceeding in Her Majesty's Courts in China and Japan, must be headed in the Court, and in the suit or proceeding in which the affidavit is to be used.

     It must state the full name, trade or profession, address and nationality, of the witness.

It may be in the first or in the third

person, and may be divided into convenient paragraphs, numbered consecutively.

      232. Every affidavit used in the Court must contain only a statement Contents. of facts and circumstances, to which the witness swears, either on his own personal knowledge, or from information which he believes to be true.

It must not contain any extraneous matter, by way of objection, prayer, or legal argument or conclusion; and every statement must be as brief and positive as may be consistent with proper fulness and with truth.

The matter of fact sworn to, whether in affirmation or denial, if within the knowledge of the witness, must be sworn to positively and certainly.

      Where a witness swears to his belief in any matter of fact, such belief arising from any source other than his own personal knowledge, he must set forth explicitly the facts and circumstances forming the ground of his belief.

Where the belief in the truth of the matter of fact sworn to arises from information received from another person, the name of such person must be stated, and such particulars must be given as to the informant, and as to the time, place, and circumstances of the information, as may afford means to other parties to verify or contradict the same.


233. Where an affidavit is to be sworn bef re a British judicial or Erasures, Consular officer in China or Japan, any erasure, interlineation, or altera- alterations, bad tion made before the affidavit is sworn, shall be attested by the officer, who writing. shall affix his signature or initials in the margin immediately opposite to the erasure, interlineation, or alteration.

      Where there are many erasures, interlineations, or alterations, so that the affidavit proposed to be sworn is illegible, or difficult to read, or is in the judgment of the officer before whom it is proposed to be sworn so written as to give any facility for being added to or in any way fraudulently altered, he may refuse to take the affidavit in its existing form and may require it to be re-written in a clear and legible and unobjectionable manner.

affidavits may

234. An affidavit sworn before any British judicial or Consular officer, Before whom authorized to take affidavits,-before any Judge, Officer, or other person in be sworn. the United Kingdom, or in any British colony or possession, authorized to take affidavits, before any Mayor or other Magistrate in any foreign country authorized to administer an oath,-or in the case of a foreigner in China or Japan before his own proper Consular or other authority,- may be used in the Court.

defective in

     235. An affidavit may be used, notwithstanding it is defective in form Affidavit according to these Rules, if the Court is satisfied that it has been sworn for

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  Affidavit sworn before attorney in suit.

Bignature of



Alteration and re-swearing.



Filing of

original. Office copy.

Vird voce evidence on interlocutory or other




before a person duly authorized, and that its form is in accordance with the law and custom of the place where it is sworn.

236. An affidavit shall not be admitted which is proved to have been sworn before a person on whose behalf the same is offered, or before his attorney, or before a partner or clerk of his attorney.

237. Every affidavit sworn before a British judicial or Consular officer in China or Japan must be signed by the witness; or in case the witness cannot write his name, his mark must be subscribed; such signature or mark to be made in the presence of the officer.

238. The jurat should be written without interlineation or erasure, immediately at the foot of the affidavit, and towards the left side of the paper, and must be signed by the judicial or Consular officer before whom the affidavit is sworn, and be sealed with the seal of the Court of which he is an officer, or with his Consular or other official seal (as the case may be). It must state the date of the swearing of the affidavit, and the place where it was sworn.

It must state that the affidavit was sworn before the judicial or Consular officer.

Where the witness is blind or illiterate it must state that fact, and that the affidavit was read over to him in the presence of the officer, and that the witness appeared perfectly to understand it.

Where the witness cannot write his name, and therefore subscribes his mark, the jurat must state those facts, and that the mark was made in the presence of the officer.

Where two or more persons join in making an affidavit, their several names must be written in the jurat, and it must appear by the jurat that each of them has been sworn to the truth of the several matters stated by him in the affidavit.

239. The judicial or Consular officer must not allow an affidavit, when once sworn, to be altered in any manner whatever without being re-sworn. If the jurat has been added and signed, a new jurat must be added if the affidavit is re-sworn; and in the new jurat mention must be made of the alteration.

Any officer before whom an affidavit is proposed to be re-sworn after alteration, may refuse to allow the same to be re-sworn and may, in lieu thereof, require the witness to make a fresh affidavit.

240. A defective or erroneous affidavit may be amended and re-sworn, by special leave of the Court in which it is to be used, on such terms as to time, costs, and other things, as seem just.

241. Where an affidavit used in the Court is not in accordance with these rules, the Court may make such order respecting the costs of, or connected with, the affidavit as seems just.

242. Before an affidavit is used in the Court, the original affidavit must be filed in the Court; and the original, or an office copy thereof (that is, a copy sealed with the seal of the Court as evidence of its being a correct copy, and either made under the direction of the Court or produced to the Court for examination and sealing), shall alone be recognized for any purpose in the Court.

Other Evidence.

243. On the hearing of any interlocutory or other application in a suit or matter, the Court may, if it thinks it just and expedient, for rea- sons to be recorded in the minutes of proceedings, summon a British sub- ject to attend to produce documents before it, or to be examined, or to be cross-examined. and re-examined, vivú voce, by or before it, in like manner as at the hearing of a suit.

Such notice as the Court in each case, according to the circumstances, considers reasonable, shall be given to the person summoned, and to such

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persons (parties to the suit or proceeding or otherwise interested) as the Court considers entitled to inspect the documents to be produced, or to examine, cross-examine, or re-examine the person summoned or to be pre- sent at his examination, cross-examination, or re-examination, as the case may be.

      The evidence of a witness on any such examination, cross-examination, or re-examination shall be taken in like manner, as nearly as may be, as evidence at the hearing of a suit.

evidence takan

      244. Where the circumstances of the case appear to the Court so to Tird voce require, for reasons to be recorded in the minutes of proceedings, the as preparatorT Court may, in like manner, take the evidence of any witness at any time in to hearing. the course of the proceedings, in any suit or application as preparatory to the hearing of the suit or application, and the evidence so taken may be used at the hearing of the suit or application, saving just exceptions.

      The evidence shall be taken in like manner, as nearly as may be, as evidence at the hearing of a suit, and then the note of the evidence shall be read over to the witness and tendered to him for signature; and if he refuses to sign it the Court shall add a note of his refusal, and the evidence may be used as if he had signed it.

suit instituted,

      245. Evidence may be taken in like manner on the application of any Evidence before person, before suit instituted, where it is shown to the satisfaction of the Court on oath that the person applying has good reason to apprehend that a suit will be instituted against him in the Court, and that some person, within the particular jurisdiction at the time of application, can give material evidence respecting the subject of the apprehended suit, but that he is about to leave the particular jurisdiction, or that from some other cause the person applying will lose the benefit of his evidence if it be not at once taken.

Witness dead, insane, or not appearing.


246. Where any person who might give evidence in any suit or mat- Proof of former ter is dead, or insane, or unavoidably absent at the time his evidence might be taken, or for any reason considered sufficient by the Court cannot ap. pear to give evidence in the suit or matter, the Court may, if it thinks tit, receive proof of any evidence given by him in any former judicial proceed. ing; provided that the subject matter of such former judicial proceeding was substantially the same as that of the existing suit, and that the par- ties to the existing suit were parties to it or bound by it, and in it had cross-examined or had an opportunity of cross-examining the witness of whose evidence proof is so to be given.


247. On any occasion the Court may, if it thinks it just and expedient, for reasons to be recorded in the minutes of proceedings, take without oath the evidence of any person objecting on grounds of conscience to take an oath,-the fact of the evidence having been so taken without oath being also recorded in the minutes of proceedings.

Admission of Documents.

248. Where all parties to a suit are competent to make admissions, Notice to admik, any party may call on any other party, by notice filed in the Court, and served under order of the Court, to admit any document, saving just


In case of refusal or neglect to admit, the costs of proof of the docu- ment shall be paid by the party refusing or neglecting, whatever be the result of the cause, unless the Court is of opinion that the refusal or neglect to admit was reasonable.

No costs of proof of any documents shall be allowed unless such notice has been given, except in cases where the omission to give the notice has in the opinion of the Court produced a saving of expense.


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In whose name, and how broceedings to


Filing of power of attorney.

  Person proceed- the without wuthority.

In what names.

Place for service,

Fecurity for


How to be

Personal service.

*Other service,




Attorneys and Agents.

249. Every person doing any act or taking any proceeding in the Court as plaintiff, or otherwise, must do so in his own name and not otherwise, and either by himself, or by his attorney, procurator, or agent thereunto lawfully authorised in writing.

258. Where such act is done or proceeding taken by an attorney, pro- curator, or agent, the power of attorney, or instrument constituting the procurator or agent, or an authenticated copy thereof must be filed in the Court before or at the commencement of the proceedings.

Where the authority is special, and has reference only to the parti- cular proceeding to be taken, the original document itself must be filed.

Where the authority is general, or has reference to other matters in which the attorney, procurator, or agent is empowered to act, an authen- ticated copy of such document may be filed.

The authority, whether general or special, must be distinct and clear, so as to satisfy the Court that the person professing to act thereon has such authority as he claims to exercise.

251. Any person doing any act or taking any proceeding in the Court in the name or on behalf of another person, not being lawfully authorized thereunto, and knowing himself not to be so authorized, is guilty of a contempt of Court.

Proceedings by or against Partnership.

252. Proceedings by or on behalf or against a partnership solely or jointly, must be taken in the several names of the partners as individuals, and not in the name of the firm or otherwise.

Plaintiff out of Jurisdiction.

253. Where a plaintiff, whether suing alone or suing jointly, is out of the jurisdiction of the particular Court, or is only temporarily resident within it, he must file in the Court, at or before the commencement of proceedings, a written statement of a fit place within the jurisdiction where notice or process may be served on him.

He must also give security for costs and fees by deposit, or by bond in the penal sum of 500 dollars.

The Court may at any time during the suit or proceeding, either on its own motion or on the application of any defendant, order him to give further or better security for costs and fees, and may direct proceedings to be stayed in the meanwhile.


254. Service of a petition, notice, summons, decree, order, or other document of which service is required by these Rules, or according to the course of the Court, shall be made by an officer of the Court, unless in any case the Court thinks fit otherwise to direct; and service shall not be valid unless it is made under an order of the Court (in writing under the seal of the Court), which may be either indorsed on or subscribed or an- nexed to the document to be served.

255. Unless in any case the Court thinks it just and expedient other- wise to direct, service shall be personal,-that is, the document to be served shall, together with the order for service (indorsed, subscribed, or annexed), be delivered into the hands of the person to be served.

256. Where it appears to the Court (either with or without any at- tempt at personal service) that for any reason personal service cannot be conveniently effected, the Court may order that service be effected either-

(i.) by delivery of the document to be served, together with the order for service, to some adult inmate at the usual or last known place of abode or business within the particular jurisdiction of the person to be served; or

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(ii.) by delivery thereof to some agent within the particular juris- diction of the person to be served, or to some other person within the particular jurisdiction through whom it appears to the Court there is a reasonable probability that the document and order served will come to the knowledge of the person to be served; or (iii.) by advertisement in some newspaper circulating within the

particular jurisdiction; or

(iv.) by notice put up at the Court, or at some other place of public

resort within the particular jurisdiction.

      257. Ordinarily service shall not be made out of the particular juris- Service out of diction, except under an order for that purpose made by the Court within jurisdiction. whose jurisdiction service is to be made, which order may be made on the request of any other Court, and shall in each case direct in which of the modes above-mentioned service is to be effected.

Where, however, the urgency or other peculiar circumstances of the case appear to any Court so to require (for reasons to be recorded in the minutes of proceedings), the Court may order that service be made out of the particular jurisdiction.

258. Any order for service may be varied from respect to the mode of service directed by the requires.


to time with Variation of er, as occasion

      259. Service of a document not required to be served personally must Hours for be made before five o'clock in the evening.

If made after that hour on any day but Saturday, it shall be consi-

dered as made on the following day.

If made after that hour on Saturday, it shall be considered as made

on the following Monday.


      260. No service in a civil suit shall be made on day, Christmas Sundays and Day, or Good Friday.

Absconding Defendant.


261. Where the Court is satisfied by evidence on oath that there is Bail. good reason to believe that a defendant means to abscond in order to avoid the process of the Court, after suit or other proceeding instituted, the Court may make an order to hold him to bail, and may require of him such security as seems fit for his remaining within the particular juris- diction, and abiding by and performing any decree or order to be made in the suit or proceeding, and for costs and fees.



262. The costs of the whole suit and of each particular proceeding Discretion of therein are in the discretion of the Court; but the Court shall not order the successful party in a suit to pay to the unsuccessful party the costs of the suit generally, although the Court may order him, notwith- standing his success in the whole suit, to pay the costs occasioned by any particular proceeding therein.


      263. The Court may, if in any case it seems fit, require any party to Security for any suit or proceeding, either at the comme cement or at any time during the progress thereof, to give security for costs to the satisfaction of the Court by deposit or otherwise.



      264. The Court may admit any person to sue in formâ pauperis on Pauper plaintiff ; being satisfied of his poverty, and that he has primâ facie a case proper for some relief in the Court; and may admit any person to defend in formû pauuris on being satisfied of his poverty.


265. If in any case the Court thinks fit to assign a counsel or attorney Counsel or to assist a person admitted to sue or defend in formâ pauperis, the counsel attorney for or attorney so assigned may not refuse his assistance, unless he satisfies the Court of some good reason for refusing.

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Pauper dis- paupered for giving fee;

  or for insufficient poverty,


Bundays and holydays, when not reckoned.

Time expiring on Sunday or holyday.

Time in case of security

for costa.

Facts or cir- cumstances




266. If a pauper gives or agrees to give any fee, profit, recompense, or reward for the despatch of his business in Court, he shall be deemed guilty of a contempt of Court, and he shall also be forthwith dispaupered, and shall not be afterwards admitted again in that suit to sue or defend in forma pauperis.

267. A person admitted to sue or defend in formâ pauperis may be dispaupered, by order of the Court, on its appearing that he was not when admitted, or no longer is of sufficient poverty, or that he is abusing his privilege by vexatious proceedings.

Computation of Time.

268. Where by these Rules, or any special order or the course of the Court, any limited time from or after any date or event is appointed or allowed for the doing of any act or the taking of any proceeding, and such time is not limited by hours, the computation of such limited time does not include the day of such date or of the happening of such event but commences at the beginning of the next following day, and the act or proceeding must be done or taken at the latest on the last day of such limited time according to such computation.

269. Where the limited time so appointed or allowed is less than six days, the following days shall not be reckoned in the computation of such time: namely, Sundays, Good Friday, Monday and Tuesday in Easter week, Christmas Day, and the day before and the day next after Christmas Day.

270. Where the time for the doing of any act or the taking of any proceeding expires on one of the days last-mentioned, the act or proceeding shall be considered as done or taken in due time if done or taken on the next day afterwards, that is, not one of the last-mentioned days.

271. The day on which an order that a plaintiff do give security for costs is served, and the time thenceforward until and including the day on which such security is given, shall not be reckoned in the computation of the time allowed to a defendant for putting in his answer.

Supplemental Statement.

272. Facts or circumstances occurring after the institution of a suit, occurring after may, by leave of the Court, be introduced by way of amendment into the petition or answer (as the case may require) at any stage of the proceedings, and the Court may make such order as seems just respecting the proof of such facts or circumstances, or for affording all parties concerned leave and opportunity to meet the statements so introduced.

Change or transmission

of interest or


Power of Court.

Power of Court.

Death of Party or other Change.

273. Where, pending a suit, any change or transmission of interest or liability occurs in relation to any party to suit, or any party to the suit dies or (being a woman) marries, or the suit is in any other way rendered defective or incapable of being carried on, any person interested may, on motion ex parte, obtain from the Court such order as is requisite for curing the defect, or enabling or compelling proper parties to carry on the proceedings.

But it shall be open to any person served with such an order within such time, not exceeding fourteen days, as the Court in the order directs, to apply to the Court by motion to discharge such order.


274. Nothing in these Rules shall affect the power of the Court (for reasons to be recorded in the minutes of proceedings) to defer or adjourn the hearing or determination of any suit, matter, proceeding, or applica- tion, for such time and on such terms (if any) as justice requires.


275. Nothing in these Rules shall affect the power of the Court (for reasons to be recorded in the minutes of proceedings) to order or allow any

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amendment of any petition, answer, notice, or other document whatever, at any time, on such terms (if any) as justice requires.

Power of Court as to Time.

276. Nothing in these Rules shall affect the power of the Court (for Enlargement or

                                                 abridgment. reasons to be recorded in the minutes of proceedings) to enlarge or abridge the time appointed or allowed for the doing of any act or the taking of any proceeding on such terms (if any) as justice requires.


277. Where the Court is by these Rules or otherwise authorized to Further enlarge- appoint the time for the doing of any act or the taking of any proceeding, -or to enlarge the time appointed or allowed for that purpose by these Rules or otherwise-the Court may further enlarge any time so appointed or enlarged by it on such terms (if any) as seem just, provided that the application for further enlargement is made before the expiration of the time already allowed, and that such further enlargement appears to the Court (for reasons to be recorded in the minutes of proceedings) to be required for the purposes of justice, and not to be sought merely for delay.

Guardian for Purposes of Suit.

      278. Where on default made by a defendant in answering or otherwise In what cases, defending the suit after due service of the petition, it appears to the Court that he is an infant or person of weak or unsound mind (not so found by inquisition), so that he is unable of himself to defend the suit, the Court may, on the application of the plaintiff or of its own motion, appoint some fit person to be guardian of the defendant for the purpose of the suit, by whom he may defend the same.

       But no such order shall be made except on notice, after expiration of Notice. the time for answering, and four days at least before the day named in the notice for the hearing of the application, or for the Court proceeding (as the case may be), served on or left at the dwelling-house of the person with whom or under whose care the defendant was at the time of service of the petition, and also, in the case of an infant not residing with or under the care of his father or guardian, served on or left at the dwelling-house of such father or guardian, unless the Court thinks fit in any case to dispense with such last-mentioned service.


" of" the Court."

279. In the following Rules (under the heading "Criminal Matters") Interpretation as far as they relate to the Supreme Court, the expression "the Court means or includes (as the case may require) any officer of, or person attached to, the Supreme Court from time to time authorized to exercise or assist in the exercise of any part of the criminal jurisdiction of that Court.

280. A person making a criminal charge against another before the How charge to Supreme or other Court, must do so in person, or by attorney or

be made. counsel, or an agent lawfully thereunto authorised.



281. In every case, whether the charge is or is not such as must or Summons or be heard and determined in a summary way, the Court shall proceed, if the accused is not already in custody, either by way of summons to him or by way of warrant for his apprehension in the first instance, according as the nature and circumstances of the case require.


      282. For the issuing of a summons the charge need not be put in Form of charge. writing or be sworn to, unless the Court so directs.

A summons shall be served by the delivery of it to the person sum- Service. moned personally, or if he cannot be conveniently met with, then by its being left at his usual or last known place of abode or business within the particular jurisdiction.

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Proof of service.

In what cases.


In another Consular district, when.

In what cases.



Day: night,


Warrant after summon.

Warrant in first instance.

Refusal to take oath or to




The person effecting service must attend at the time and place men- tioned in the summons, to prove service if necessary.


283. If the person summoned does not obey the summons, the Court may (after proof on oath of due service of the summons) issue a warrant for his apprehension.

Notwithstanding the issuing of a summons, a warrant may be issued at any time before or after the time appointed in the summons for the appearance of the accused.

A warrant shall not be issued in the first instance unless the charge is in writing on the oath of the person laying the charge, or of some witness. A warrant need not be made returnable at any particular time, but may remain in force until executed.

It may be executed by the apprehension of the accused at any place within the particular jurisdiction, and in case of fresh pursuit it may be executed at any place in another Consular district, without any applica- tion to the Court of that district.

Search Warrant.

284. Where positive proof or probable suspicion is shown to the Court by evidence on oath that anything on, by, or in respect of which a crime or offence cognizable by the Court has been committed, is in any house or place over which, by reason of the nationality of the occupier thereof, the Court has jurisdiction, the Court may issue a warrant to search the house or place, and if anything searched for is found, to seize it, and apprehend the occupier of the house or place.

The warrant shall be directed to some officer by name, who alone shall be entrusted with its execution, but he may be accompanied by any person or persons necessary to assist him in his search.

A general warrant to search shall not be granted but the particular house or place must be indicated in it.

If the house or place is closed, and the officer is denied admission after demanding admission and disclosing his authority and the object of his visit, it may be forced open.

Where there is probable suspicion only, the warrant must be executed in the day time; where there is positive proof, it may be executed in the night time.


285. Where it is shown to the Court, on oath, that any British sub- ject within the particular jurisdiction is likely to give material evidence, either for the prosecution or for the defence, and will not voluntarily at- tend to give evidence at the preliminary examination, or in summary cases at the hearing of the charge, the Court shall issue a summons for his attendance.

286. If any person summoned does not obey the summons, and does not excuse his fallure to the satisfaction of the Court, then (after proof on oath of the service of the summons) the Court may issue its warrant to compel his attendance.

287. Where it is shown to the Court, on oath, that any British sub- ject within the particular jurisdiction is likely to give material evidence, either for the prosecution or for the defence, and that it is probable he will not attend to give evidence at the preliminary examination or in summary cases at the hearing of the charge, unless compelled to do so, then instead of issuing a summons the Court may issue a warrant in the first instance.

288. If on the appearance of the person summoned, either in obedience to a summons, or on being brought up by virtue of a warrant, he refuses to take an oath,-or, having taking an oath, to answer any question put

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    to him, and does not excuse his refusal to the satisfaction of the Court, then the Court may, by warrant, commit him to prison, there to remain for not more than seven days, unless he in the meantime consents to answer duly on oath.

Issuing, &c., of Warrant on Sunday or Holyday.

289. A warrant for apprehension or commitment or other purpose, In what case, or a search warrant, may be issued and may be executed on a Sunday, Good Friday, or Christmas Day, as well as on any other day, where the urgency of the case so requires.



290. The following Rules (under the sub-heading "Proceedings by Extent of Preliminary Examination and Indictment") apply exclusively to cases Rules. where the charge is to be heard and determined not in a summary way, but on indictment.

Preliminary Examination.

291. Where the accused comes before the Court on summons or war- Depositions. rant, or otherwise, the Court before committing him to prison for trial, or admitting him to bail, shall, in his presence, take the depositions on oath of those who know the facts and circumstances of the case, and shall put the same in writing.


      292. The accused shall be at liberty to put questions to any witness Questions by produced against him, and the statements of any witness in answer thereto shall form part of that witness's deposition.

Signature of

     293. The deposition of each witness shall be read over to the witness, deposition. and shall be signed by him.

Witness dead

      294. If on the trial of the accused it is proved on oath that any per- Witne son whose deposition has been taken is dead, or is so ill as not to be able to travel, and that his deposition was taken in presence of the accused, and that he or his counsel or attorney cross-examined, or had full oppor- tunity of cross-examining the witness, the deposition may be read as evidence in the prosecution without further proof thereof.


295. No objection at the preliminary examination to any charge, Variance of summons, or warrant, for any defect in substance or form, or for any variance between it and the evidence adduced on the part of the prosecu- tion, shall be allowed: but if any variance appears to the Court to be such that the accused has been thereby deceived or misled, the Court may, on the request of the accused, adjourn the examination, and in the meantime remand the accused or admit him to bail.

Statement of Accused.

296. After the examination of all the witnesses on the part of the How to be prosecution is completed, the Court shall, without requiring the attendance taken. of the witnesses, read over to the accused the depositions taken against him, and shall then say to him these words:


 Having heard the evidence, do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge? You are not obliged to say anything unless you desire to do so, but whatever you say will be taken down in writing, and may be given in evidence against you on your trial. And I give you clearly to understand that you have nothing to hope from any promise of favour, and nothing to fear from any threat that may have been held out to you to induce you to make any admission or confession of your guilt; but whatever you now say may be given in evidence against you upon your trial, notwithstanding such promise or threat."

      Whatever the accused then says in answer thereto shall be taken down in writing, and shall be read over to him, and shall be kept with the

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Examination of this kind not public.

Prosecutor or witnesses to anter into recognizance.

In what caseB.

Custody during


In what cases.

Where discre- tionary.




depositions of the witnesses, and afterwards, on the trial of the accused, the same may be given in evidence against him without further proof thereof. 297. Nothing in the foregoing Rules, however, is to prevent the pro- secutor from giving in evidence any admission or confession or other statement of the accused made at any time, which would, by law, be admis- sible as evidence against him.


298. The room or place in which the preliminary examination is held is not an open or public Court for that purpose; and the Court may, in its discretion, in case it appears to it that the ends of justice will be best answered by so doing, order that no person have access to, or remain in, the room or place without the special permission of the Court.

Recognizance to Prosecute or give Evidence.

299. The Court may, at the preliminary examination, bind by recog- nizance the prosecutor and every witness to appear at the Court at which the accused is to be tried, to prosecute, or to prosecute and give evidence, or to give evidence (as the case may be).

A notice of each recognizance shall at the same time be given to the person bound thereby.

If a witness refuses to enter into a recognizance, the Court may, by warrant, commit him to prison, there to remain until after the trial of the accused, unless in the meantime he duly enters into a recognizance.

But if afterwards, from want of sufficient evidence or other cause, the accused is not either committed for trial or held to bail, the witness shall be discharged from custody by direction of the Court.


300. If from the absence of witnesses or any other reasonable cause the Court considers it necessary or advisable to defer or adjourn the preliminary examination, the Court may, by warrant, from time to time remand the accused for such time as seems reasonable, not exceeding fourteen days, to some prison or other place of security :

Or, if the remand is for not more than eight days, the Court may, by word of mouth, order the officer or person in whose custody the accused is, or any other fit officer or person, to continue or keep the accused in his custody, and to bring him up at the time appointed for commencement or continuance of the examination.

During the period of remand the Court may, nevertheless, order the accused to be brought before it.

Instead of detaining the accused in custody during the period of remand the Court may discharge him, on his entering into a recognizance, with or without a surety or securities, as the Court may think fit, for his appearance. A notice of each recognizance shall at the same time be given to each person bound thereby.


301. When all the evidence adduced at the preliminary examination on the part of the prosecution has been heard, if the Court is of opinion that it is not sufficient to put the accused on his trial, the Court shall forthwith order him, if in custody, to be discharged as to the particular charge in question.

If, on the contrary, the Court is of opinion that the evidence is sufficient to put the accused on his trial, the Court shall either by warrant commit him to prison, there to remain till delivered by due course of law, or admit him to bail.


302. Where the accused is charged with--

Felony ;

Assault with intent to commit felony ;

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Attempt to commit felony;


Obtaining or attempting to obtain property by false pretences; Receiving stolen property, or property obtained by false pretences; Perjury, or subornation of perjury;

Concealing the birth of a child by secret burying or otherwise; Wilful or indecent exposure of the person


Assault on a constable or officer of the Court in the execution of

his duty, or any person acting in his aid;

        Neglect or breach of duty as a constable or officer of the Court; it shall be in the discretion of the Court to admit him to bail, either in the first instance, instead of committing him to prison for trial, or at any time after his commitment and before trial.

Where the accused is charged with any indictable misdemeanour other where or than those hereinbefore described, the Court shall ordinarily admit him dinarily to be to bail.


     303. A person charged with murder or treason can be admitted to In murder or bail by the Judge of the Supreme Court only.


     304. The Judge of the Supreme Court may, on good grounds, admit Power of Judge any person to bail, although the Provincial Court before which the charge of Supreme is made does not think fit to do so.


     305. The accused who is to be admitted to bail is to produce such Form of bail. surety or sureties as, in the opinion of the Court, will be sufficient to ensure his appearance at the time and place when and where he is to be tried, and with such surety or sureties to enter into a recognizance accordingly.

A notice of each recognizance is at the same time to be given to each person bound thereby.

Privileges of Accused.

to secused.

     306. At any time after the preliminary examination has been com- Copies of pleted, the accused is entitled to have copies of the depositions on which depositions he has been committed for trial, or held to bail, on payment of a reason- able sum, not exceeding sixpence for every one hundred words, or gratis, if the Court so directs.

The Court shall, at the time of commitment or of holding to bail, inform the accused of his rights in this respect.

Preparations for Trial.

other documents

307. The written charge (if any), the depositions, the statement of the Transmission of accused, the recognizance of prosecutor and witnesses, and the recognizance depositions and of bail (if any) shall be carefully transmitted in proper time to the Court to Court. at which the trial is to be held.


in trials on

     308. A trial before the Judge or an officer of the Supreme Court, with Course of a jury, and the proceedings before and after trial relative thereto, shall be proceedings conducted as nearly as may be as a criminal trial before a Judge with a indictments. jury and the corresponding proceedings is and are conducted in England. Other criminal trials, with or without a jury, or with Assessors, and the proceedings before and after trial relative thereto, shall be conducted in like manner, mutatis mutandis.

309. In criminal cases to be tried on indictment before the Judge or conduct of Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court, whether with or without a jury, Before Supreme

prosecution the depositions when completed shall forthwith be delivered to the Law Court. Secretary, as prosecutor on behalf of the Crown, who shall thereupon, in person or by some proper representative appointed by him, in any case by writing under his hand, take all proper steps for indicting and bringing to trial the accused, and conduct the prosecution in Court at the trial; and no such prosecution shall be under the direction or conduct of any private prosecutor.

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Extent of following Rules.

Non-appearance of prosecutor.

Custody in case of adjournment.

Both parties appearing,

Conduct of charge.

Of defence.


Admission of charge by accused.

Evidence for prosecution.




Any private prosecutor may, however, retain any member of the English, Irish, or Scottish Bar, or any regular and duly qualified advocate of foreign nationality, to assist in the prosecution; and such barrister or advocate may, with the assent of the prosecutor for the Crown, appear in Court at the trial and take part in the prosecution; but no such tion shall be withdrawn or abandoned without the express consent of the Law Secretary, as prosecutor for the Crown, or of his representative, given in open Court.



310. The following Rules (under the sub-heading "Summary Pro- ceedings") apply exclusively to cases where the charge is to be heard and determined not on indictment, but in a summary way.


311. Where the accused comes before the Court on summons, or warrant, or otherwise, either originally or on adjournment, then if the prosecutor, having had due notice of the time and place appointed for the hearing or adjourned hearing of the charge, does not appear in person, or by counsel or attorney, the Court shall dismiss the charge, unless for some reason it thinks proper to adjourn or further adjourn the hearing, with or without imposing any terms.

312. In case of adjournment the Court may commit the accused in the meantime to prison, or to such other custody as it thinks fit, or may discharge him on his entering into a recognizance with or without a surety or sureties, at the discretion of the Court, for his appearance at the time and place of adjournment.

A notice of each recognizance is at the same time to be given to each person bound thereby.

313. If both parties appear in person, or by counsel or attorney, the Court shall proceed to hear and finally determine the charge.

314. The prosecutor shall be at liberty to conduct the charge, and to have the witnesses examined and cross-examined by counsel or attorney on his behalf.

315. The accused shall be admitted to make his full answer and defence to the charge, and to have the witnesses examined and cross-examined by counsel or attorney on his behalf; and if he does not employ counsel or attorney, he shall, at the close of the examination of each witness for the prosecution, be asked by the Court whether he wishes to put any questions to the witness.

If he puts any question to a witness, the witness may be re-examined for the prosecution.

316. The room or place in which the Court sits to hear and determine the charge is an open and public Court, to which the public generally may have access as far as the room or place can conveniently contain them.

317. The substance of the charge shall be stated to the accused, and he shall be asked if he has any cause to show why he should not be convicted.

If he thereupon admits the truth of the charge, and does not show sufficient cause why he should not be convicted, the Court may convict him accordingly.

If he does not admit the truth of the charge, the Court shall proceed to hear the prosecutor and such witnesses as he examines, and such other evidence as he adduces in support of his charge.

On the termination of the whole evidence in support of the charge if it appears to the Court that a primâ facie case is made out against the accused, he shall be asked by the Court if he wishes to say anything in answer, or has any witnesses to examine or other evidence to adduce in his

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defence; and the Court shall then hear the accused and his witnesses and other evidence, if any.


318. If the accused adduces any evidence in his defence, the prosecutor Evidence in may adduce evidence in reply thereto; but the prosecutor shall not in any case be allowed to make any observations by way of reply to the evidence adduced by the accused, nor shall the accused in any case be allowed to make any observations on evidence adduced by the prosecutor in reply.

between charge

     319. A variance between the charge and the evidence adduced in Variance support of it as to the time at which the alleged crime or offence was and evidence. committed is not material if it is proved that the charge was in fact made within the time (if any) limited by law for the making thereof.

     But if any variance between the charge and the evidence appears to the Court to be such that the accused has been thereby deceived or misled, the Court may adjourn the hearing.


320. At any time before or during the hearing of the charge the Court Hearing may be

                                                       adjourned in may, in its discretion, for any good cause recorded in the minutes of discretion of proceedings, adjourn the hearing.

An adjournment ordered for any cause shall be made to a certain time and place, to be at the time of the adjournment appointed and stated in the presence and hearing of the parties, or their respective counsel or attorneys.


During the period of adjournment the Court may in its discretion, Custody during

                                               adjournment. according to the nature and circumstances of each case, either suffer the accused to go at large or commit him by warrant to such prison or other place of security, or to such other safe custody as the Court thinks fit, or may discharge him on his entering into a recognizance, with or without a surety or sureties, at the discretion of the Court, for his appearance at the time and place of adjournment.

     A notice of each recognizance is at the same time to be given to each person bound thereby.

     If at any time and place of adjournment of a hearing, which has once begun, the accused does not appear in person or by counsel or attorney, the Court may in its discretion proceed with the further bearing as if the accused were present.



     321. The Court having heard what each party has to say as aforesaid, Conviction or and the witnesses, and the evidence adduced, shall consider the whole matter and finally determine the same, and shall either convict the accused or dismiss the charge.


      322. In case of conviction a minute thereof shall be made, and the Minute. conviction shall afterwards be drawn up in form, to be preserved among the records of the Court.


323. In case of dismissal of the charge the Court may, if it thinks fit, Certificate. on being requested so to do, make an order of dismissal and give the accused a certificate thereof, which certificate shall on being produced, without further proof, be a bar to any subsequent charge for the same matter against the same person.


     324. In case of conviction the Court may, in and by the conviction, on conviction. award and order that the person convicted do pay to the prosecutor such

costs as seem just and reasonable, to be specified in the conviction.

     325. In case of dismissal the Court may, in and by the order of dis- On dismissal, missal, award and order that the prosecutor do pay to the accused such costs as seem just and reasonable, to be specified in the order of dismissal.

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Levying of penalty or other moneys.



Execution of Conviction or Order of Dismissal.

326. Where a conviction does not adjudge the payment of money, but adjudges that the offender be imprisoned, the Court shall issue a warrant of commitment accordingly.

    327. Where a conviction or order of dismissal adjudges any money to be paid by any person convicted or any prosecutor for penalty, com- pensation, costs, charges, or otherwise, the money to be paid may be levied on the goods of the person adjudged to pay the same by distress and sale under warrant. Commitment for 328. If the officer having the execution of the warrant returns that want of distress. he could find no goods or no sufficient goods whereon to levy the money mentioned in the warrant, together with costs, the Court may by warrant commit the person adjudged to make the payment to prison for not more than two months, unless the money adjudged to be paid, and all costs and charges of the distress, commitment, and conveyance to prison, to be specified in the warrant of commitment, are sooner paid.

Commitment in

329. Where it appears to the Court that such distress and sale of lieu of distress. goods as aforesaid would be ruinous to the person ordered to pay the money and his family, or (by confession of that person or otherwise) that he has no goods whereon a distress may be levied, then the Court, if it thinks fit, may, instead of issuing a warrant of distress, commit him to prison with or without hard labour, for not more than two months, unless the money adjudged to be paid, and all costs and charges of the commit- ment and conveyance to prison, to be specified in the warrant of commit- ment, are sooner paid.

Payment or tender before distress.

Payment after commitment.

Time in sum- mary cases.

Form of application,

Time for statement.

   Copy of application.


Discharge from custody.

330. Any person against whom a warrant of distress issues may pay or tender to the officer having the execution of the warrant the sum therein mentioned, together with the amount of the expenses of the distress up to the time of such payment or tender, and thereupon the officer shall cease to execute the same.

331. Any person committed for non-payment may pay the sum men- tioned in the warrant of commitment, together with the amount of costs and charges therein mentioned (if any) to the person in whose custody he is, who shall thereupon discharge him, if he is in custody for no other matter.


332. The application for a special case, on a summary conviction, shall be made within 48 hours after the sentence.

333. The application for a special case shall state shortly the grounds on which the appellant considers the conviction erroneous in point of law, and may contain any argument in support of the appeal, or may include an application that time be allowed for the filing of such an argument, which may be allowed accordingly.

334. The special case, when granted, shall be stated within ten days after application for the same, or after expiration of the time allowed for filing such argument.

335. A copy of the appellant's application for a special case, and of any argument filed by him in support thereof, shall be annexed to the special case.

336. The appellant shall give security to the satisfaction of the Court, by recognizance, deposit, or otherwise, to prosecute the appeal without delay, and to submit to the judgment of the Supreme Court, and to pay any costs awarded against him.

337. The appellant, if in custody, shall be liberated on his giving further security to the satisfaction of the Court, by recognizance, deposit, or otherwise, to appear and receive judgment at an appointed time and place, unless the conviction is set aside by the Supreme Court.

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338. The prosecuter shall be entitled, on payment of the proper fees, Copy of case to to have a copy of any special case or other documents sent to the Supreme Court on any appeal in a criminal case.

procedure of

XV. GENERAL PROVISIONS (Civil and Criminal Matters).

339. In all matters not in these Rules expressly provided for, the Observance of procedure of the Supreme Courts and of Justices of the Peace in England Superior Courts, in like cases shall, as far as possible, be followed, save that with respect ., in England. to matters arising under the Admiralty or other special jurisdiction, the procedure of the Court having such jurisdiction in England, shall, as far as possible, be followed.


340. Notices, summonses, warrants, decrees, orders, and other docu- Sealing of

notices, &a.. ments issuing from the Court shall be sealed with the seal of the Court.

341. In these Rules the words oath" and "affidavit," and words Interpretation, referring thereto or to swearing, include affirmation and declaration and refer thereto, or to the making of an affirmation or declaration, where an affirmation or declaration is admissible in lieu of an oath or affidavit.

      Terms used in these Rules have the same meaning as in the Order in Council under which the Rules are framed.

      342. The Forms appended to these Rules may be used with such Forms. variations as the circumstances of each case require.


343. The Fees specified in the List appended to these Rules shall be Fees.

The Court may, however, remit any such fee, wholly or in part, if it

thinks fit.

        344. These Rules shall commence and have effect at the same time as Commencement. the Order in Council under which they are framed.

Approved :







I. CIVIL Matters.


For service of summons, petition, motion-paper, notice, warrant, decree, order, or other document (except an answer) on a party, witness, juror, assessor, or other person under any branch whatever of the civil jurisdiction-

Within one mile (English) of Court Beyond, for every further complete mile

For Service of an answer





Dollars. 1

Decision of Questions without formal Suit. On Summons for issue or special case On issue or special case...

On hearing






Summary Procedure for Administration of Property of Deceased Persons.

On summons On order


On application for order

Summary Orders before Suit.








On recognizance


On order

Bankruptcy and Arrangement.

On petition for adjudication


On order of adjudication

On appointment of each assignee

For every meeting or adjourned meeting

For every notice (exclusive of printing expenses)











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On order of discharge


On petition to annul adjudication On order annulling adjudication...

To official assignee








On trust deed for benefit of creditors or other instrument of arrange-

ment registered


Maritime Cases.

On application for commission of survey On appointment of commission

To each surveyor.....


For extension of Report of survey and copies On petition for appointment of adjusters To each adjuster

On extending average bond To agent or owners of cargo...






Probate and Administration.

On application for probate or administration

On oath of every executor, administrator, and surety

On probate or letters of administration..








Two per cent. on assets


One half per cent. on

value of estate.


Such sum as the Court (but in the case of a Provincial Court, subject to the approval of the Supreme Court) thinks it and rea-




The like sum as is for the time being payable in England for Stamp duty

in like cases, with one per cent. additional in case of appointment of official adminis-


On filing account

On passing account

Ordinary Suits.

In every suit of any kind whatever, other than such as are before specified :-

Dollars. On Summons or Petition.





On Hearing.

Under 100 dollars

Where amount involved is-

100 dollars and under 250 dollars 250 dollars or upwards...





2 One per cent. on amount.

One and a half per cent. on amount.

Where judicial relief or assistance is sought, but not the

recovery of money ..



On every summons, motion, application, or demand, taken out, made, or filed

(not particularly charged)

On every decree or order (not particularly charged) On motion for new trial after trial with a jury



On order for adjournment of hearing rendered necessary by default of either

party (to be paid by that party)


On every warrant of execution against goods-

For less than 250 dollars

  For 250 dollars or upwards For keeping possession, per diem









Appeal to Supreme Court.


25 8


Where mount

involved is 1,250

dollars or



Where amount involved is under

1,250 dollars.


On motion for leave to appeal

On every security

On order for leave to appeal










On Petition or


On Hearing.

On appeal against adjudication of bankruptcy On appeal against allowance, suspension, or refusal of

 order of discharge in bankruptcy On appeal where judicial relief or assistance is sought, but

not the recovery of money ...









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Two per cent. on

Two per cent. on amount involved.

On any appeal other than such as are before specified... {amount involved.

Appeal to Her Majesty in Council.

On motion for leave to appeal

On every security

On order for leave to appea!



On record of appeal (including expense of transmission)









Such sum

as the

Court directs.


On deposit of money


On deposit or registration of bill of sale, will, deed of partnership, or other


On notice of bill of sale tiled

For taking inventory, per diem


For protest of a bill of exchange, and copy For noting same


For taking an affidavit

For drawing a will.....

For certifying signature or seal

For attendance at a sale:







Where the purchase money is under 500 dollars

Where 500 dollars or upwards...

On a reference to the archives


For certified copy of document in the archives--

For first 100 words

For every further 100 words...






Two and a half per cent, on amount.












For an official certified translation of any document in Chinese, Japanese,

or Dutch

For an official certified translation of a document in any other language...

For first 200 words


For every further 200 words...





Such sum as the Court directs.



Two per cent.

on amount.


Buch sum as the

Court directs.






  For communication between two Courts For communication in writing to a foreign Consulate, or to local Chinese or

Japanese authority..



For attendance of any of Her Majesty's officers at Chinese or Japanese office

or tribunal: -

Where amount involved is-

Under 1,250 dollars

1,250 dollars and under 2,500 dollars

2,500 dollars and under 5,000 dollars... 5,000 dollars or upwards

II. CRIMINal MatterS.












On every summons or warrant, unless specially directed by the Court to be


On hearing in summary case

On warrant of commitment

On recognizance or other security


For service of notice on each juror or assessor...

On trial with a jury



On record of sentence on trial with a jury

For copies of documents






Appeal to Supreme Court.

On application for special case on summary conviction... On argument filed separately from application

On special case on summary conviction On special case on point of law reserved On recognizance or other security












Appeal to Her Majesty in Council.




아아아아아 55



As in civil cases.







On each step required



The like fee as on the corresponding step in Civil appeals to Her Majesty in Council.

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Whereas it is of urgent necessity that Rules of Procedure in Admiralty causes should be framed for the guidance of suitors, and whereas, by virtue of provisions contained in 26 and 27 Vict., c. 24 "An Act to facilitate the appointment of Vice- Admiral and Officers in Vice-Admiralty Courts in Her Majesty's possessions abroad," &c., &c.), which provisions are, by the 54th section of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, extended to the Supreme Court in China and Japan, the said Supreme Court, as a Vice-Admiralty Court, has jurisdiction in (amongst other things) the matters following:-

(1) Claims for Seamen's wages.

(2) Claims for Master's wages, and for his disbursements on account of the ship; (3) Claims in respect of pilotage;

(4) Claims in respect of salvage of any ship, or of life or goods therefrom; (5) Claims in respect of towage;

(6) Claims for damage done by any ship;

(7) Claims in respect of bottomry or respondentia bonds;

(8) Claims in respect of any mortgage where the ship has been sold by a decree

of the Vice-Admiralty Court, and the proceeds are under its control; (9) Claims between the owners of any ship registered in the possession in which the Court is established, touching the ownership, possession, employment, or earnings of such ship;

(10) Claims for necessaries supplied, in the possession in which the Court is established, to any ship of which no owner or part owner is domiciled within the possession at the time of the necessaries being supplied; and (11) Claims in respect of the building, equipping, or repairing within any British possession of any ship of which no owner or part owner is domiciled within the possession at the time of the work being done :

    It is ordered that, for the regulation of the practice and procedure to be observed in the Supreme Court as a Vice-Admiralty Court, the following Rules shall be established:

1. All proceedings in Admiralty must be so headed.

    NOTE.-Proceedings "in Admiralty" are either in rem or in personam Actions in personam shull be conducted in the same way as all other actions of a similar nature, ce rding to the Rules of Procedure prevailing in the Supreme Court in matters of Law and Equity The following outline of procedure will, therefore, be understood to refer only to action in rem, that is against the Res, in other words, the subject-matter of the action.

    2.-The name and nationality of the ship against which the proceedings are taken must appear, as also that of the master; and when the owners are known, their names and residences should likewise be given.

    NOTE-To give the Court jurisdiction in claims Nos. 10 and 11 (see above) the fact of the owners not being domiciled within the jurisdiction of the Court should be stated.

    3. Any number of persons having a common interest may join in one action according to the practice of Admiralty Courts in England; and there may, in accordance with the same practice, be one action against several Res.

NOTE.-Such consolidation of separate claims may likewise be ordered on the application of the defendant, or by the Court of its own motion.

4.-Proceedings in rem must be commenced by an application for the arrest of the Res. This application must state the nature of the debt or claim and the amount

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    sought to be recovered (which should include the estimated costs of the suit). It must be supported by an affidavit of all the circumstances which justify its being made, and a fee is to be paid on its being granted.

Nor-The application must be filled in triplicate.-one copy for service on the vessel, another for the Court, and the third for service on any party who may appear to the action.

(2) It shall be in the discretion of the Court to require and take securityf om the applicant for the prosecution of the suit se well as tocover any damages which may be awarded against him, in consequence of the impropriety, frivolity, or maliciousness of the application.

(3. All payments into Court shall be made in such currency and at such exchange as the Court shall direct.

      5.-On the application being made in due form, a warrant will issue to the officer of the Court, to arrest the Res and cite all persons, having an interest in the subject-matter of the arrest, to appear within a time mentioned in the warrant and answer to the plaintiff in his cause.

      6. The arrest shall be executed by the arresting officer affixing a certified copy of the warrant to the principal mast or to some other conspicuous part of the ship, after having previously read the original warrant to the officer or other person in charge of the vessel.

        Nors. The warrant extends to the apparel, appurtenaness &c., of the ship, although all or part may have been dota bed from her and sent on shore. If the entire cargo be still on board the vessel the service on the mast arrests the former as well as the latter, and should the action be against the freight, this latter is considered to be arrested simultaneously with the cargo. But should the cargo have been landed, and deposited in a public or private warehouse, a separate and distinct arrest fit must be made-provided th: warehouse be within the jurisdiction of a British Court. In this case, the officer of the Court will affix a certified copy of the warrant on such separ te cargo, and do the like if the cargo has been transhipped toa British ship. But if the warehouseman, or person in char:e of the cargo, will not permit access to it, the officer will serve him instead of the Res with the warrant, by showing to him the original and leaving with him a copy of it.

(2) The fact of arrest is to be certified by endorsement under the hand of the officer making it.

7.-A person nominated by the Court shall be left in charge of the Res.

Notz.-A_fie will be charged on each of the three last named steps (5-7), that is to say, for the warrant the service and arrest, and expenses connected with and arising out of the custody of the ship, &c.

8.-The fact of the arrest and the citation to appear shall be advertised in the usual way.

9.-At any time before the trial of the case, the owner or captain or any one interested in the vessel or in the cargo or freight attached, may come in and give an undertaking to appear or to appear and give bail to the action. Such an undertaking shall operate as a stay of all proceedings for twenty-four hours, after which time, or such extended time as the Court may see fit to grant, if no appearance is entered or no bail given, the proceedings shall continue as if no such undertaking had been given.

Noru.-If bail--which also implies appearance - be given, the Res arrested shall be relcased, and the action proceed. (2) If only an appearance is entered, the Res shall be detained under arrest

(3) On bail being tendered and an appearance entered, it shall be competent for the Court to require security for costs (4) On tender of bail, it shall e competent for the Court to accept the same, or to call on the petitioner to accept the mame, or to make an order for justification of the bail,

      10. A petition shall be filed within three days after the arrest is completed, unless a longer time shall on application be allowed by the Court; and such petition shall be served in the same way as the order of arrest, as well as upon any parties who may have appeared in answer to the citation.

      11.-The Rules prevailing in the Supreme Court with reference to auswers, setting down the cases for hearing, and hearing, shall be applicable to causes in Admiralty.

12.-At any stage of a cause, either party may pray for an appraisement of the Res, and it shall be competent for the Court to order such appraisement on such terms as to costs and expenses as it sees fit to impose.

13.-All Interlocutory Proceedings and all proceedings before and on the trial of the case, shall, as far as circumstances admit, be conductel in conformity with the General Rules of Procedure in the Supreme Court.

NOTE -For formalities to be observed in cause of damage, see Appendix A.

14.-On the cause being heard, the Court shall give judgment and decree the release of the Res or-in the event of a decision adverse to the ship, and should no bail have been given in the suit, or no satisfaction of the judgment of the Court be offered by the party (if any) who appeared to defend the suit -the sale thereof. The date at which such sale shall take place, and the manner-whether by public auction.

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or otherwise, as shall seem to the Court most advantageous-shall be specified in the decree of the Court and notified by advertisement.

15.-The proceeds of the sale shall be paid into Court, and therefrom shall the decree or decrees, on a day fixed for the appearance before the Court of the parties interested for the marshalling of their claims, be satisfied; and the surplus shall remain in Court until the person or persons claiming to be entitled thereto shall establish their claim or claims.

NOTE.-It shall be competent for any person, at any period in a suit, to file in Court a petition that he be decreed to sbare in the proceeds or in the balance thereof; and any proceedings of this description shall be conducted in the same way as such a claim would have been conducted against the Res itself.

   16.-It shall be competent for the Court to refer any matter requiring investiga- tion, or having reference to accounts, rate of interest, repairs done to any ship, &c., to the Registrar alone, or to the Registrar assisted by one or two merchants or shipmasters to be appointed by it; and such reference shall take place within ten days from the date of the order therefor. Leave shall, when prayed for by either party, be given to file affidavits and counter-affidavits provided always that the Judge shall have power to extend the time within which the reference is to take place whenever the filing of affidavits and counter-affidavits necessitates such extension.

Witnesses may be produced before the Registrar, provided four days' notice of an intention to examine them be given; and it shall be optional with the Registrar to permit or refuse to allow the attendance of Counsel or Solicitors at the hearing before him, and no costs shall be allowed for such attendance if the Registrar shall be of opinion that it was unnecessary.

The Report of the Registrar shall be filed within ten days of the hearing before him, and notice of any objection to be made thereto shall be filed by the party making it, within five days of the filing of the Report.

All questions of cost of the reference shall be in the discretion of the Registrar, subject to the decision thereon of the Chief Justice.

   17. In all cases the Court shall apply the English Law as administered in Admiralty Courts in England; and all matters of procedure, not otherwise provided for in these Rules or in the General Rules of Procedure for this Court, shall be governed, as far as may be, by the Rules in force in Her Majesty's High Court of Admiralty.


Causes of Damage.

   In causes of damage each party shall, at the time of filing his petition or answer, bring into and deposit in the Registry a sealed packet containing a statement of the following particulars :-

1. The names of the two vessels which came into collision, and the names of their respective


2. The time of the collision as nearly as can be stated..

3. The locality of the collision.

4. The direction of the wind at the time.

5. The state of the weather.

6. The state and force of the tide.

7. The course and speed of the vessel when the other was first seen.

8. The lights, if any, carried by her.

9. The distance and bearing of the other vessel when first seen.

10. The lights, if any, of the other vessel which were first seen.

11. Whether any lights of the other vessel other than those first seen came into view before

the collision.

12. What measures were taken, and when, to avoid the collision.

13. The parts of each vessel which first came into contact.

Such packets shall remain sealed and shall not be opened, save by order of the Judge, until the pleadings and proofs are filed; they may be referred to at the hearing of the cause.

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Fees to be taken by the Supreme Court sitting in Admiralty.

1. On every præcipe


2. On every warrant or citation

3. On every detainer

4. On retaining possession of a ship, or of a ship and goods, to include the cost of

a ship keep, if required, per day

5. On every release







2.50 5.00

6. On every commission, monition, decree, requisition, attachment, or other instru-

ment for which a fee is not specially provided



7. On every bail bond






9. On every subpœna











5.00 5.00.

8. On every affidavit or justification.....

10. On every minute, including the entry of an order, if any 11. On every summons, including the entry of the Judge's or Registrar's order... 12. On every notice of sale, or notice of proceedings in a cause of possession, [with

fee on advertisement]...

13. On every notice of motion, including the entry of the Judge's order 14. On every petition...


1 per cent. on filing

15. On every notice to have a cause placed on the list for hearing, including the

entry of the Judge's order, if the cause be by default

16. Placing cause on hearing list




$ 5.00


...1 per cent.

17. On the examination of any witness viva voce, either in Court or before the Registrar $ 1.00 18. On administering an oath, for each deponent


19. On every document, on the same being filed, save an exhibit or any instrument

or document previously issued from the Registry or the Marshal's office

20. On every exhibit, including the marking thereof









1.00 25.00 25.00 50.00

21. For every office copy of a document in the English language, per sheet, not ex-

ceeding 10 folios, including the Registrar's signature 22. If required to be collated in the Registry, per sheet not exceeding 10 folios, in

addition to the above...


23. On a reference to the Registry


24. If the attendance of one or two merchants is required, to each merchant..... 25. In cases of great intricacy and large amount, to the Registry and to each merchant 26. When the accounts to be investigated do not amount to $1,500, to the Regis-

try and to each merchant



27. When the accounts to be investigated do not amount to $500, to the Registry

and to each merchant... 28. On drawing the Report and Schedule in cases in which the claim exceeds $500 29. On drawing the Report and Schedule in cases where the claim does not exceed $500 30. On taxing any bill of costs, per sheet not exceeding 10 folios, from each party to

the taxation

31. On taxing any bill of costs, per sheet not exceeding 10 folios, if but one party

attend the taxation...


   32. On every order for payment of money out of the Registry 33. Poundage on moneys paid out of the Registry in any cause, if the sum does not

exceed $250 34. Poundage on moneys paid out of the Registry in any cause, if it exceeds $250

but does not exceed $500




35. Poundage on moneys paid out of the Registry in any cause, if it exceeds $500

but does not exceed $1,000

36. For every additional $500


15 to 25

7 to 15 10.00







5.00 2.00



Chief Judge.

5th June, 1867.



H.B.M. Envoy Fxtraordinary and

Minister Plenipotentiary, Peking.

Approved by Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in Despatch No. 8 of September 9th, 1867.

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APPROVED BY the Consular Body, 10th July, 1882.

RULE 1.-Every petition and other pleading filed in the Court and all notices and other documents issuing from the Court shall be entitled "In the Court of Consuls."

RULE 2.-The Court will appoint a Secretary whose name and address will be made public and who shall hold the office until the Court otherwise directs. The Secretary shall have charge of all records and under the direction of the Court issue and serve or cause to be served all notices and other documents. He shall also be the medium of all correspondence.

RULE 3.-Suits shall be commenced and proceeded with in person or by attorney, and suitors may be heard with or without counsel.

RULE 4.-The language of the Court will be English.

RULE 5.-All proceedings shall be commenced by a petition to the Court, to be filed in quadruplicate and to state all facts material to the issue in distinct paragraphs. RULE 6.-The petition will be served upon the defendant with notice to file an answer in quadruplicate within fourteen days from the date of service. A copy of the answer will be served on the plaintiff or his counsel under the direction of the Court.

RULE 7.-Amendments and other proper pleadings will be admitted upon such terms as the Court may impose, and such interim order may be made prior to the hearing of the cause as the Court may consider necessary.

   RULE 8.-When it appears to the Court that a cause is ready to be heard such cause will be set down for hearing and notice of the date and place of hearing will be given to the parties.

   ROLE 9.-Sittings of the Court will be public and its proceedings recorded by the Secretary.

RULE 10.-The onus of producing witnesses shall be with the parties, but the Court will as far as practicable aid in procuring the attendance of witnesses. Evidence will be taken on oath or otherwise as the witness may consider binding. The examination of witnesses will be conducted as the Court may direct.

   RULE 11.-A failure to respond to any order or notice issued by the Court will entitle the adverse party to judgment by default, and the Court shall be empowered to give judgment accordingly.

RULE 12.-In any case upon application within sixty days after judgment the Court may order a re-hearing upon such terms as seein just.

RULE 13.-Special cases where the facts are admitted may be submitted in

writing to the Court for decision without appearance of the parties.

RULE 14.-A minute of all orders shall be drawn up and shall be signed by the Consuls forming the Court or a majority of them, and all orders shall be expressed to be made "By the Court" and shall be signed by the Secretary.

RULE 15.-Judgments will be given in writing by the Judges of the Court and either read in Court after notice or served upon the parties.

RULE 16.-The fee shall be for hearing $10-for each notice issued and served $3-and such fees for recording the proceedings shall be allowed as the Court may direct. A deposit in such sum as the Court may think sufficient to secure payment of fees will be required of each petitioner. The costs, including those of counsel, in the discretion of the Court shall be paid as the Court directs.

RULE 17.-All fees shall be at the disposal of the Court for the remuneration of the Secretary.

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ORDINANCE No. 13 or 1873.

SIR ARTHUR EDWARD KENNEDY, K.C.M.G., C.B. Governor and Commander-in-chief.

An Ordinance enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of Title the Legislative Council thereof, to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the Process, Practice, and Mode of Pleading in the Supreme Court of the Colony, and to provide a Uniform Code of Procedure at Common Law and in Equity.

[30th September, 1873.]


      Whereas it is expedient to consolidate and amend the Laws relating Preamble. to the Process, Practice, and Mode of Fleading in the Supreme Court of the Colony, and to provide a Uniform Code of Procedure at Common Law and in Equity: Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:

      I. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as The Hongkong Short Title. Code of Civil Procedure."

of Terms.

II. The following terms and expressions shall be understood as Interpretation hereinafter defined or explained, unles there be something in the subject or context repugnant to such definition or explanation; that is to say :- "Court" shall mean the Supreme Court, and shall include the Chief Justice and Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court, sitting together or separately, in Court or in Chambers. "Full Court" shall mean the Chief Justice and the Puisne Judge

sitting together.


"Registrar" shall mean the Registrar of the Supreme Court.

Sheriff" shall include a Deputy Sheriff, and any person lawfully

authorized to execute the process of the Court.

"Code" shall mean the Code of Civil Procedure introduced by

this Ordinance.


Cause of Action in suits founded on contract shall not neces- sarily mean the whole Cause of Action, but a cause of action shall be deemed to have arisen within the jurisdiction, if the contract was made therein, though the breach may have occurred elsewhere, and also if the breach occurred within the jurisdiction, though the contract may have been made. elsewhere.


"Within the Jurisdiction shall mean within the Colony, and shall not include the jurisdiction exercised by the Supreme Court under Article 159 of the Order of Her Majesty the Queen in Council of the 9th of March, 1865, for the Govern- ment of Her Majesty's subjects in China and Japan. III.-Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall be deemed :--

(a.) To affect the Rights, Privileges, or Remedies of the Crown; (b.) To affect the existing Jurisdiction or Powers of the Supreme


(c.) To affect the Procedure and Practice of the Supreme Court in matters or causes testamentary under Ordinance No. 8 of 1860, nor under "The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1864," nor under "The Companies' Ordinance, 1865," nor further nor otherwise than is herein expressly enacted;

Saving Clause

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Old Procedure and Practice how far suspended.

How far made auxiliary.

Fusion of Procedure at Law and in Equity.

Register of Suits.

By whom Pro- ceedings may be instituted.

Court may order Authority to sue,

to be illed.

or Copy thereof

Where the

Original must be filed.



(d.) To affect the Procedure and Practice of the Vice-Admiralty

Court of the Colony;

(e.) To affect any Suit, Action, or other Proceeding instituted

at the time of the commencement of this Ordinance; Provided always that in case the parties to any such last-men- tioned Suit, Action, or other Proceeding shall desire to carry on and continue the same, so far as may be praticable, under the provisions of this Code, the Court may, in its discretion, permit them so to do upon such terms and conditions as it may think reasonable.

Old Procedure and Practice.

IV. Except so far as may be otherwise specially provided in this Code all the enactments contained in any Ordinances of the Colony, or in any Acts or Parts of Acts of the Imperial Parliament in force therein relating to the procedure and practice of the Court in its common law and equity jurisdictions, and all rules and orders of the Supreme Court (in- cluding all unwritten rules of practice, and all rules or orders of any Court of law or equity in England, which are now in force in the Colony) shall, from and after the commencement of this Ordinance, and during the continuance thereof, be suspended in their operations, so far as they relate to such procedure and practice, subject to the proviso next hereinafter contained, that is to say: Provided that as regards any matters for which no special provision may have been made by this Code, the said Ordinances, Acts, or Parts of Acts, Rules or Orders hereby suspended, shall be deemed to remain in force so far as the same shall not conflict, or be inconsistent with, the Code of Procedure introduced by this Ordinance, and can be made auxiliary thereto.

New Procedure and Practice.

V. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, the pro- cedure and practice of the Supreme Court in its common law and equity jurisdictions shall be assimilated, and all civil suits shall be instituted and carried on in manner hereinafter prescribed.



Register of Civil Suits.

VI. The Registrar shall keep a Book called the Register of Civil Suits, which shall be in the form contained in the Schedule to this Code, or as near thereto as circumstances permit, and shall contain the entries specified in the said form, and every suit or proceeding, however instituted under the provisions of this Code, shall be numbered in each year accord- ing to the order in which the same shall be commenced.

Attorneys and Agents.

VII. Every person doing any act, or taking any proceeding in the Court as plaintiff, or otherwise, must do so in his own name, and not otherwise, and either by himself or by his attorney, procurator, or agent thereunto lawfully authorised in writing.

2. Where such act is done, or proceeding taken by an attorney. procurator or agent, the Court may order that the power of attorney, or instrument constituting the procurator or agent, or an authenticated copy thereof, be filed in the Court before or at the commencement of or during the proceedings.

3.-Where the authority is special and has reference only to the particular proceeding to be taken, the original document itself must be filed; but where the authority is general or has reference to other matters

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    in which the attorney, procurator, or agent is empowered to act, an authenticated copy of such document may be filed.


4.-The authority, whether general or special, must be distinct and Terms of clear, so as to satisfy the Court that the person professing to act thereon has such authority as he claims to exercise.

      5.-Any person doing any act or taking any proceeding in the Court Proceeding in the name or on behalf of another person, not being lawfully authorised without

                                                         Authority. thereunto, and knowing himself not to be so authorised, shall be deemed guilty of a contempt of Court.

Service of FroCESS,

VIII.-No service in a Civil Suit shall be made on Sunday, Christmas Dies non. day, or Good Friday.


      2.-Unless in any case the Court thinks it just and expedient other- Personal wise to direct, service shall be personal, that is, the document to be served shall be delivered into the hands of the person to be served: Provided always, that where the duly authorised attorney of the person to be served shall undertake to accept service on behalf of his client, service upon such Service on attorney shall be equivalent to personal service on the client, and all Attorney. further service in the suit or proceeding may be made by delivering the instrument to be served to such attorney, or by leaving the same at his place of business.

of service.

      3.-Where it appears to the Court that for any reason personal service Other Modes of a writ, petition, notice, summons, decree, order, or other document of which service is required cannot be conveniently effected, the Court may order that service be effected either:-


(a.) By delivery of the document to be served, together with the On Inmate of

order for service, to some adult inmate at the usual or last Abode, &c. known place of abode or business within the Colony of the person to be served; or,

(b.) By delivery thereof to some agent within the Colony of the Substituted

person to be served, or to some other

                   person within the Colony through whom it appears to the Court there is a reasonable probability that the document and order served will come to the knowledge of the person to be served; or,


(c.) By advertisement in some newspaper circulating within the advertisement.

Colony; or,

(d.) By notice put up at the Court-house, or at some other place Notice affired,

of public resort, or at the usual or last known place of abode or business of the person to be served, within the Colony.


When the defendant is in the service of the Government the Court Service on may transmit a copy of the document to be served to the head officer of the servants. department in which the defendant is employed, for the purpose of being served on him, if it shall appear to the Court that the document may be most conveniently so served.

5. When the suit is against a British Corporation, or a Company on British authorised to sue and be sued in the name of an officer or trustees, the Corporations

and Companies. document may be served by giving the same to any director, secretary, or other principal officer, or by leaving it at the office of the Corporation or Company.

and Companies,

     6. When the suit is against a foreign Corporation or Company on foreign having an office and carrying on business within the Colony, and such Corporations suit is limited to a cause of action which arose within the jurisdiction, the document may be served by giving the same to the principal officer, or by leaving it at the office of such foreign Corporation or Company within the Colony.

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On Defendant's Agent within the Colon.

Bervice out of



7.- When the suit is against a defendant residing out of the jurisdic- tion, but carrying on business in the Colony in his own name, or under the name of a firm through a duly authorised agent, and such suit is limited to a cause of action which arose within the jurisdiction, the docu- ment may be served by giving it to such agent, and such service shall be equivalent to personal service on the defendant.

        8. The Court may direct service to be made out of the jurisdiction the Jurisdiction. in all cases in which the Court is satisfied by affidavit or otherwise that the

suit is limited to a cause of action which arose within the jurisdiction.

Court max make special Order in

re-pect thereof [Ste 6 s. &


Orders may be varied.

Expenses of Service.

Writ of Summons.

Its Contents and by whom prepared.

Not to be altered without Leave,

Limitation nd Renewal of Writ.


by Petition

9. In every case in which the Court shall direct service to be made out of the jurisdiction, it shall be lawful for the Court, in its discretion, to fix the time within which an appearance shall be entered by the defend- ant, and to give any other directions with reference to such service which it may think fit, and to receive any affidavit or statutory declaration of such service having been effected as prima facie evidence thereof.

10.-Any order for service may be varied from time to time with respect to the mode of service directed by the order, as occasion requires.

11.-Whenever the service of Process by the Sheriff shall be attended with expense, he shall not (except by order of the Court) be bound to effect. the same, unless the reasonable expenses thereof shall have been previously tendered to him by the party requiring such service; and such expenses shall be costs in the cause.

Suits to be commenced by Writ of Summons.

IX.-Subject to the provisions hereinafter contained as to the institu- tion of special suits and proceedings in certain cases, all suits in the Supreme Court shall be commenced by a general writ of summons to be issued by the Registrar on the filing of præcipe for the same.

2. The writ shall be prepared by the plaintiff, or his attorney, and shall specify the name, description, and place of abode of the plaintiff and of the defendant so far as they can be ascertained, the subject matter of the claim, and the relief sought for, and such writ shall be attested in the name of the Chief Justice, and bear date the day whereon the same shall be sued out.

3. Any alteration in the writ, without leave of the Court, and without being re-sealed before service, shall render the writ void.

4.-In case service of the writ shall not have been effected within six months from the date thereof, the same shall become void: Provided always that the Court may, before the expiration of the then current period, in its discretion, from time to time renew the operation of the writ for a further period not exceeding six months at one time.

5. Nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to apply to Without Answer. proceedings which may now be heard on petition without preliminary service on any party, but all petitions shall be subject to the rules contained in Section XXIV., so far as they are applicable to the subject matter thereof.

Service of Writ,

On Summoning the Defendant.

X.-The plaintiff shall cause a copy of the writ of summons to be served on the defendant, and such copy shall contain a Memorandum endorsed thereon requiring the defendant to enter an appearance to the suit within eight days from the day of such service, or, in cases of service out of the jurisdiction, within such time as the Court shall have ordered; and every such writ shall, within eight days after the service thereof, or in cases of service out of the jurisdiction, within such time as the Court shall have ordered, be returned into the Registrar's office with a memo- randum endorsed thereon of the date and mode of service.

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XI.-The defendant shall within eight days from the day of service Time for

Appearance. upon him of the writ of summons, or in cases of service out of the jurisdic- tion, within such time as the Court shall have ordered, cause an appearance to the suit to be entered for him in the Supreme Court.

on absent

2. In all cases of service of a writ of summons out of the jurisdiction, Further Service the entry of appearance thereto shall specify the name and address of some of Proceedings. attorney, agent, or other person within the jurisdiction on whom sub- Defendant. stituted service of all further process against the defendant in the suit may be effected while the defendant remains out of the jurisdiction, and in default thereof, the Court may proceed with the suit as if no appearance had been entered.

Consequences of Non-Appearance.


XII.- If the defendant shall fail to enter an appearance within the Proceedings ex time herein before limited in that behalf, and it shall be proved to the parte on Non- satisfaction of the Court that the writ was duly served, the Court may give leave to the plaintiff to proceed with the suit ex parte. The plaintiff may thereupon file his petition and apply forthwith to have the cause set down for hearing.

2.-If the defendant enter an appearance at any time before the subsequent hearing of the suit, he may, upon such terms as the Court may direct as Appearance. to the payment of costs or otherwise, be heard in answer to the suit, in like manner as if he had duly entered an appearance within the time limited as aforesaid.

3. When the cause has been called on, the Court may proceed to Discretion of hear the same ex parte, and may, on the evidence adduced by the plaintiff, the Court as

to proceeding give such judgment as appears just; but it shall not be obligatory on the ex parte. Court to decide ex parte in the absence of the defendant and it shall be at the discretion of the Court to issue a warramt to arrest him and detain him till another day appointed for the hearing of the cause, and, in the mean- while, to attach his property.

Writs specially Indorsed.

XIII.-In all cases in which the defendant is within the jurisdiction In what Cases, of the Court, and the claim is for a debt or liquidated demand in money, whether founded on a legal or equitable right, the plaintiff shall be at liberty to make upon the writ of summons and copy thereof a special endorsement of the particulars and amount of his claim and of any interest payable thereon by law or under any contract expressed or implied, and

Default of

in default of appearance he shall be entitled to judgment for any sum not Judgment in exceeding the sum indorsed on the writ together with interest, if any,

? Appearance. payable thereon as aforesaid, to the date of the judgment, and the amount of the taxed costs: Provided always that the Court may, nevertheless, let in the defendant to defend upon an application, supported by satisfactory Leave to defend affidavits accounting for his non-appearance and disclosing a defence upon notwithstanding. the merits.


2.-If the defendant has appeared, the plaintiff shall be entitled, upon Proceedings filing an affidavit verifying the cause of action, and swearing that in his in Case of belief there is no defence, to take out a summons to show cause why he should not proceed to judgment and execution, and upon such summons, such order may be made as the justice of the case may require.


      3.-In like manner, in cases of ordinary account, as in the case of a Cases of partnership, or executorship, or ordinary trust account, where nothing more ordinary is required in the first instance than an account, the writ may be specially indorsed, and in default of appearance, or after appearance, unless the defendant shall satisfy the Court that there is really some preliminary question to be tried, an order for the account, with all usual directions, may be forthwith made.

Digitized by


Summary Order for Accounts, &c.

How Firms to be sued.

Powers of Court as to Infant Defendants

and Persons of



4.-It shall also be lawful for the Court, in such cases, on summary application in Chambers or elsewhere, to direct, if it thinks fit, any neces- sary inquiries or accounts, notwithstanding it may appear that there is some special or further relief sought, or some special matter to be tried, as to which it may be proper that the suit should proceed in the usual


Proceedings by or against Partnership Firms.

XIV. Proccedings by or on behalf of or against a partnership, solely, or jointly, must be taken in the several names of the partners as individuals, and not in the name of the firm or otherwise: Provided always that where some of the members of a partnership carrying on business within the Colony are unknown, or are absent from the Colony, every such partner- ship may be sued in the name of any one or more members thereof within the jurisdiction, and every judgment obtained or order made in any such suit shall have the same effect and operation upon the person and property, both moveable and immoveable, of such partnership and of the several members thereof, whether such property be joint or separate, as if every member of such co-partnership had been actually, and in fact, a defendant in the action, and had been duly served with process, and every such judgment or order may be enforced, as in ordinary cases of the like nature. Guardian for Purpose of Suit.

XV.-Where on default made by a defendant in entering an appear- ance to the suit after due service of the writ of summons, it appears to unsound Mind. the Court that he is an infant, or a person of weak or unsound mind (not so found by inquisition), so that he is unable of himself to defend the suit, the Court may, on the application of the plaintiff, or of its own motion, appoint some fit person to be guardian of the defendant for the purpose of the suit, by whom he may defend the same.

Notice and Mode of Service thereof.

In Suits for moveable Property. [See 8. 94.]


for decurity.

  Warrant to bring up Defendant.

2.-No such order shall be made except on notice, after expiration of the time for appearance, and four days at least before the day named in the notice for the hearing of the application; such notice shall be left at the dwelling-house of the person with whom or under whose care the defendant was at the time of service of the writ of summons, and also, in the case of an infant not residing with or under the care of his father or guardian, served on or left at the dwelling-house of such father or guardian, unless the Court thinks fit in any case to dispense with such last-men- tioned service.

CHAPTER II.-ARREST OF Absconding Defendant-Interim ATTACHMENT-INJUNCTIONS-DETENTION OF SHIPS. Arrest of Absconding Defendant.

XVI.-If in any suit, not being a suit for land or other immoveable property, the defendant is about to leave the jurisdiction of the Court, or has disposed of or removed from the jurisdiction of the Court his

proper- ty, or any part thereof, the plaintiff may, either at the institution of the suit, or at any time thereafter until final judgment, make an application to the Court that security be taken for the appearance of the defendant to answer any judgment that may be passed against him in the suit.

2. If the Court, after making such investigation as it may consider necessary, shall be of opinion that there is probable cause for believing that the defendant is about to leave its jurisdiction, or that he has dis- posed of or removed from the jurisdiction of the Court his property, or any part thereof, and that in either case, by reason thereof, the execution any decree which may be made against him is likely to be obstructed or delayed, it shall be lawful for the Court to issue a warrant to the sheriff enjoining him to bring the defendant before the Court that he may


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show cause why he should not give good and sufficient bail for his appearance.

       3. If the defendant fail to show such cause, the Court shall order Bail for him to give bail for his appearance at any time when called

Appearance. upon while the suit is pending, and until execution or satisfaction of any decree that may be passed against him in the suit; and the surety or sureties shall undertake, in default of such appearance, to pay any sum of money that may be adjudged against the defendant in the suit, with costs.

      4. Should a defendant offer, in lieu of bail for his appearance, to Deposit in lien deposit a sum of money, or other valuable property, sufficient to answer the claim against him, with the costs of the suit, the Court may accept such deposit.

of Bail


5. In the event of the defendant neither furnishing security nor Committal in offering a sufficient deposit, he may be committed to custody until the decision of the suit, or if judgment be given against the defendant, until the execution of the decree, if the Court shall so order.

for needless Arrest,

      6. If it shall appear to the Court that the arrest of the defendant was Compensation applied for on insufficient grounds, or if the suit of the plaintiff is dismissed, or judgment is given against him by default or otherwise, and it shall appear to the Court that there was no probable ground for instituting the suit, the Court may (on the application of the defendant) award against the plaintiff such amount, not exceeding the sum of one thousand dollars, as it

may deem a reasonable compensation to the defendant for any injury or loss which he may have sustained by reason of such arrest: Provided that the Court shall not award a larger amount of compensation under Limit thereof, this Section than it is competent to such Court to decree in au action for damages. An award of compensation under this section shall bar any suit for damages in respect of such arrest.

Interim Attachment of his Property.

XVII.-If the defendant, with the intent to obstruct or delay the In what Cases, execution of any decree that may be passed against him, is about to dispose of his property, or any part thereof, or to remove any such property from the jurisdiction of the Court, the plaintiff may apply to the Court, either at the time of the institution of the suit or any time thereafter until final judgment, to call upon the defendant to furnish sufficient security to fulfil any decree that may be made against him in the suit, and on his failing to give such security, to direct that any property, moveable or immoveable, belonging to the defendant, shall be attached until the further order of the Court.


      2. The application shall contain a specification of the property re- Application quired to be attached, and the estimated value thereof, so far as the plain- tiff can reasonably ascertain the same; and the plaintiff shall, at the time of making the application, declare that to the best of his information and belief, the defendant is about to dispose of or remove his property with such intent as aforesaid.


3.-If the Court, after making such investigation as it may consider Form of necessary, shall be satisfied that the defendant is about to dispose of or remove his property, with intent to obstruct or delay the execution of the decree, it shall be lawful for the Court to issue a warrant to the sheriff, commanding him to call upon the defendant, within a time to be fixed by the Court, either to furnish security in such sum as may be specified in the order, to produce and place at the disposal of the Court when required the said property, or the value of the same, or such portion thereof as may be sufficient to fulfil the decree, or to appear and show cause why he should not furnish security. The Court may also in the warrant direct the attachment antil further order of the whole or any portion of the property specified in the application.

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Where De-

fendant failo

to show Cause.

How made.

 Rights of third Parties and Claims to Property attached.

Removal of attachment.

 Compensation for needless Attachment.

Limit thereof.

 To stay Waste, Damage, or Alienation.



4. If the defendant fail to show such cause or to furnish the requi- red security within the time fixed by the Court, the Court may direct that the property specified in the application, if not already attached, or such portion thereof as shall be sufficient to fulfil the decree, shall be attached until further order. If the defendant show such cause or furnish the required security, and the property specified in the application, or any portion of it shall have been attached, the Court shall order the attachment to be withdrawn.

5.--The attachment shall be made according to the nature of the property to be attached, in the manner hereinafter prescribed for the attachnient of property in execution of a decree for money.

6. The attachment shall not affect the rights of persons not parties to the suit, and in the event of any claim being preferred to the property attached before judgment, such claim shall be investigated in the manner hereinafter prescribed for the investigation of claims to property attached in execution of a decree for money.

7.-In all cases of attachment before judgment, the Court shall at any time remove the same, on the defendant furnishing security as above required, together with security for the costs of the attachment.

8.---If it shall appear to the Court that the attachment was applied for on insufficient grounds, or if the suit of the plaintiff is dismissed, or judgment is given against him by default or otherwise, and it shall appear to the Court that there was no probable ground for instituting the suit, the Court may (on the application of the defendant) award against the plaintiff such amount, not exceeding the sum of one thousand dollars, as it may deem a reasonable compensation to the defendant for the expense or injury occasioned to him by the attachment of his property: Provided that the Court shall not award a larger amount of compensation under this section than it is competent to such Court to decree in an action for damages. An award of compensation under this section shall bar any suit for damages in respect of such attachment.


XVIII.-In any suit in which it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Court that any property which is in dispute in the suit is in danger of being wasted, damaged, or alienated by any party to the suit, it shall be lawful for the Court to issue an injunction to such party, commanding hia to refrain from doing the particular act complained of, or to give such other order for the purpose of staying and preventing him from wasting, damaging, or alienating the property, as to the Court may seem meet, and in all cases in which it may appear to the Court to be necessary for the preservation or the better management or custody of any property which is in dispute in a suit, it shall be lawful for the Court to appoint a Appointment of receiver or manager of such property, and, if need be, to remove the person in whose possession or custody the property may be from the possession or custody thereof, and to commit the same to the custody of such receiver or manager, and to grant to such receiver or manager all such powers for the management or the preservation and improvement of the property and the collection of the rents and profits thereof, and the application and disposal of such rents and profits, as to the Court may seem proper.

Receiver or


To restrain Breach of Contract or Repetition or Continuance of Breach.

2.-In any suit for restraining the defendant from the committal of breach of contract or other injury, and whether the same be accom- any panied by any claim for damages or not, it shall be lawful for the plain- tiff, at any time after the commencement of the suit, and whether before or after judgment, to apply to the Court for an injunction to restrain the defendant from the repetition or the continuance of the breach of contract or wrongful act complained of, or the committal of any breach of contract or injury of a like kind arising out of the same contract or relating to the

Digitized by




same property or right: and such injunction may be granted by the Court on such terms as to the duration of the injunction, keeping an account, giving security, or otherwise, as to the Court shall seem reasonable and just, and in case of disobedience, such injunction may be enforced by imprison- ment in the same manner as a decree for specific performance: Provided always that any order for an injunction may be discharged or varied, or set aside by the Court, on application made thereto by any party dis- satisfied with such order.


3.-The Court may in every case before granting an injunction direct Notice of such reasonable notice of the application for the same to be given to the opposite party as it shall see fit.

for needless

     4.-If it shall appear to the Court that the injunction was applied for Compensation on insufficient grounds, or if the claim of the plaintiff is dismissed, or for need judgment is given against him by default or otherwise, and it shall appear Injunction. to the Court that there was no probable ground for instituting the suit, the Court may (on the application of the defendant) award against the plaintiff such sum, not exceeding one thousand dollars, as it may deem a reasonable compensation to the defendant for the expense or injury occa- Limit thereof, sioned to him by the issue of the injunction: Provided that the Court shall not award a larger amount of compensation under this section than it is competent to such Court to decree in an action for damages. Au award of compensation under this section shall bar any suit for damages in respect of the issue of the injunction.

Detention of Ships.


XIX.-Where the extreme urgency or other peculiar circumstances In what Cases, of the case appear to the Court so to require, it shall be lawful for the Court, on the application of any plaintiff, or of its own motion, by warrant Application for under the seal of the Court, to stop the clearance or to order the arrest and detention by the sheriff of any ship about to leave the colony (other than a ship enjoying immunity from civil process) and such clearance shall be stopped or the ship arrested and detained accordingly: Provided always that no such warrant shall be issued at the instance of any plaintiff unless the application for the issue thereof shall be supported by an affidavit of the facts.

for needless

2.-If it shall appear to the Court that the warrant was applied for Compensation on insufficient grounds, or if the suit of the plaintiff is dismissed, or judg- Lose thereof, ment is given against him by default or otherwise, and it shall appear to the Court that there was no probable ground for instituting the suit, the Court may award against the plaintiff such amount, not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars, as it may deem a reasonable compensation Limit thereof, for the expense or injury occasioned by the issue of the warrant, and such compensation shall be paid to such parties as the Court shall direct : Provided that the Court shall not award a larger amount of compensation under this section than it is competent to such Court to de ree in an action for damages. An award of compensation under this section shall bar any suit for damages in respect of such detention of a ship.

      3.-The Court may at any time release a ship detained under this Release of Ship, section upon such terms as it shall deem reasonable.



Relief from Adverse Claims.

XX.-Upon application made on behalf of any defendant, and sup. Interpleader, ported by affidavit, showing that such defendant does not claim any interest in the subject matter of the suit, but that the right thereto is claimed, or

Digitized by


When Suit not abated.

When Cause of Action survives.

When Cruse of Action accrues to Burvivors, &c.

Death of sole or surviving Plaintiff.

Dispute as to legal Re- presentative.



supposed to belong to some other party who has sued or is expected to sue for the same, and that such defendant does not in any manner collude with such other party, but is ready to bring into Court, or to pay or dis- pose of the subject matter of the suit in such manner as the Court or any judge thereof may direct, it shall be lawful for the Court in all suits or proceedings whatsoever, and although the titles of the claimants have not a common origin, but are adverse to and independent of one another, to make rules and orders calling upon such other party to appear and to state the nature and particulars of his claim, and maintain or relinquish the same, and if he maintains it, to make himself defendant in the same suit; or with the consent of the plaintiff and such other party, may dispose of the question between them in a summary manner. The sheriff may obtain relief under this section if the adverse claimants have given him notice of their claims, though none of them may have commenced proceedings.

Death of Faxies.

XXI.-The death of a plaintiff or defendant shall not cause the suit to abate if the cause of action survive.

2.-If there be two or more plaintiffs or defendants, and one of them die, and if the cause of action survive to the surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs alone, or against the surviving defendant or defendants alone, the suit shall proceed at the instance of the surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs, and against the surviving defendant or defendants.

3.--If there be two or more plaintiffs, and one of them die, and if the cause of action shall not survive to the surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs alone, but shall survive to them and the legal representative of the deceased plaintiff jointly, the Court may, on the application of the legal representa- tive of the deceased plaintiff, enter the name of such representative in the register of the suit in the place of such deceased plaintiff, and the suit shall proceed at the instance of the surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs, and such legal representative of the deceased plaintiff. If no application shall be made to the Court by any person claiming to be the legal representative of the deceased plaintiff, the suit shall proceed at the instance of the sur- viving plaintiff or plaintiffs; and the legal representative of the deceased plaintiff shall be interested in and shall be bound by the judgment given in the suit, in the same manner as if the suit had proceeded at his instance conjointly with the surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs.

4.-In case of the death of a sole plaintiff, or sole surviving plaintiff, the Court may, on the application of the legal representative of such plaintiff, enter the name of such representative in the place of such plaintiff in the register of the suit, and the suit shall thereupon proceed; if no such application shall be made to the Court within what it may consider a reasonable time by any person claiming to be the legal representative of the deceased sole plaintiff or sole surviving plaintiff, it shall be competent to the Court to make an order that the suit shall abate, and to award to the defendant the reasonable costs which he may have incurred in defending the suit, to be recovered from the estate of the deceased sole plaintiff or surviving plaintiff; or the Court may, if it think proper, on the application of the defendant, and upon such terms as to costs as may seem fit, make such other order for bringing in the legal representative of the deceased sole plaintiff or surviving plaintiff, and for proceeding with the suit in order to a final determination of the matters in dispute, as may appear just and proper in the circumstances of the case.

5.--If any dispute arise as to who is the legal representative of a deceased plaintiff, it shall be competent to the Court either to stay the suit until the fact has been duly determined in another suit, or to decide at or before the hearing of the suit who shall be admitted to be such legal representative for the purpose of prosecuting the suit.

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of several

       6. If there be two or more defendants, and one of them die, and the Death of one cause of action snall not survive against the surviving defendant or Defendants or defendants alone, and also in case of the death of a sole defendant, or sole of a sole or

                                                         surviving surviving defendant, where the action survives, the plaintiff may make an Defendant. application to the Court, specifying the name, description, and place of abode of any person whom the plaintiff alleges to be the legal representa- tive of such defendant and whom he desires to be made the defendant in his stead; and the art shall thereupon enter the name of such repre- sentative in the register of the suit in the place of such defendant, and shall issue an order to him to appear on a day to be therein mentioned to defend the suit; and the case shall thereupon proceed in the same manner as if such representative had originally been made a defendant, and had been a party to the former proceedings in the suit.

Marriage of Parties.

abate the Suit.

XXII.-The marriage of a female plaintiff, or defendant, shall not When not to cause the suit to abate, but the suit may notwithstanding be proceeded with to judgment, and the decree thereupon may be executed upon the wife alone; and if the case is one in which the husland is by law liable for the debts of his wife, the decree may, by leave of the Court, be executed against the husband also; and in case of judgment for the wife, execution of the decree may, by leave of the Court, be issued upon the application of the husband, where the husband is by law entitled to the money or thing which may be the subject of the decree.

Bankruptcy of Parties.

abate the Buit.

      XXIII.-The bankruptcy of the plaintiff in any suit which the When not to assignee might maintain for the benefit of the creditors, shall not be a valid objection to the continuance of such suit, unless the assignee shall decline to continue the suit and to give security for the costs thereof within such reasonable time as the Court may order; if the assignee neglect or refuse to continue the suit, and to give such security within the time limited by the order, the defendant may, within eight days after such neglect or refusal, plead the bankruptcy of the plaintiff as a reason for abating the suit.


Form and Contents.


      XXIV. After the appearance of the defendant to the suit, or in case To correspond of non-appearance, then, by leave of the Court, the plaintiff may file in the with Writ of Supreme Court a petition which shall contain the names, description, and place of abode of the plaintiff and of the defendant, so far as they can be ascertained, and shall correspond in those particulars with the writ of


nd divided into

      2.-The petition shall then set out by way of narrative the material To be in nar facts, matters, and circumstances on which the plaintiff relies, such narrative rative Form being divided into paragraphs numbered consecutively, and each paragraph Paragraphs. containing, as nearly as may be, a separate and distinct statement or allegation. The petition shall pray specifically for the relief to which the plaintiff may conceive himself entitled, and also for general relief.

3.-The petition must be as brief as may be consistent with a clear Nature of statement of the facts on which the prayer is sought to be supported, and Claim set up with information to the defendant of the nature of the claim set up.


4.-Documents must not be unnecessarily set out in the petition in Documents hæc verba, but so much only of them as is pertinent and material may be how to be set set out, or the effect and substance of so much only of them as is pertinent and material may be given, without needless prolixity.

5.-Dates and sums shall be expressed in figures and not in words.

Dates and Sums.

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Not to contain Evidence or Argument.

  Material Facts to be briefly

and clearly

set out.

  Counsel's Signature.

Verification of Petition.

Schedule of Particulars.

Application for further Particulars.

Effect thereof.

Amendment thereof before Trial.

Amendment thereof at Trial.

Limit of Time for amending.

In what Cases.



6.- The petition may not contain any statement of the mere evidence by which the facts alleged are intended to be proved, and may not contain any argument of law.

7. The facts material to the establishment of the plaintiff's right to recover shall be alleged positively, briefly, and as clearly as may be, so as to enable the defendant by his answer either to admit or deny any one or more of the material allegations, or else to admit the truth of any or all of the allegations, but to set forth some other substantive matter in his answer, by reason of which he intends to contend that the right of the plaintiff to recover, or to any relief capable of being granted on the petition, has not yet accrued, or is released or barred or otherwise gone.

8.-Subject to any general rule or order relating thereto, the petition must be signed by the plaintiff or his counsel in all cases unless the plaintiff obtain the leave of the Court to dispense with such signature.

9.-The Court may, where the circumstances of the case appear to require it, order the plaintiff to verity his petition, or any part thereof, on oath or by affidavit.

Particulars of Demand.

XXV. Where the plaintiff's claim is for money payable in respect of any contract, express or implied, or to recover the possession or the value of any goods wrongfully taken and detained, or wrongfully detained by the defendant from the plaintiff, it shall be sufficient for the plaintiff to state his claim in the petition in a general form, and to annex to the petition a schedule stating the particulars of his demand in any form which shall give the defendant reasonably sufficient information as to the details of the claim.

2.-An application for further or better particulars may be made by the defendant before answer, on summons.

3.-The plaintiff shall not at the hearing obtain a judgment for any sum exceeding that stated in the particulars, except for subsequent interest and the costs of suit, notwithstanding that the sum claimed in the petition for debt or damages exceeds the sum stated in the particulars.

4.-Particulars of demand shall not be amended except by leave of the Court; and the Court may, on any application for leave to amend, grant the same on its appearing that the defendant will not be prejudiced by the amendment. Otherwise the Court may refuse leave, or grant the same on such terms as to notice, postponement of trial, or costs, as justice requires.

5.-Any variance between the items contained in the particulars and the items proved at the hearing may be amended at the hearing either at once or on such terms as to notice, adjournment, or costs as justice requires. 6.-Where particulars are amended by leave of the Court, or where further or better particulars are ordered to be given, the order shall state the time within which the amendment is to be made, or the further or better particulars are to be given; and the order for the amended or further or better particulars shall state the time which the defendant is to have to put in his answer.

Papers Annexed.

XXVI.-Where the plaintiff seeks (in addition to or without any order for the payment of money by the defendant) to obtain, as against any person, any general or special declaration by the Court of his rights under any contract or instrument, or to set aside any contract, or to have any bond, bill, note, or instrument in writing delivered up to be cancelled, or to restrain any defendant by injunction, or to have any account taken between himself and any other or others, and in such other cases as the nature of the circumstances makes it necessary or expedient, the plaintiff in his petition may refer to and briefly describe any papers or documents

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on the contents of which he intends to rely, and may annex copies of such Copies. papers or documents to the petition, where such papers or documents are brief, or may state any reason for not annexing copies of such papers or documents, or any of them respectively (as, their length, possession of copies by the defendant, loss, inability to procure copies), that he may have to allege. The plaintiff shall, in his petition, offer to allow the defendant Offer to allow to inspect such papers and documents as aforesaid, or such of them as are in his possession or power.

Equitable Relief and Defence.


though not

     XXVII.-Every petition is to be taken to imply an offer to do equity May be granted in the matter of the suit and to admit of any equitable defence, and, ou speically the other hand, to enable the plaintiff to obtain at the hearing any such asked. equitable relief as he may appear entitled to from the facts stated and proved, though not specifically asked, if it may be granted without hardship to the defendant.


Must state

cha, acter in

XXVIII.-Persons entitled to sue and suing on behalf of others, as guardians, executors, or administrators, or on behalf of themselves and which they sue. others as creditors in a suit for administration, must state the characters in which they sue.

     2.-All persons having a joint cause of suit against any defendant Joint onuse ought ordinarily to be parties to the suit.


of Suit.


3. Where the plaintiff has a joint and several demand against seve- Joint and persons, either as principals or as securities, it shall not be necessary Demand. for him to bring before the Court as parties to a suit concerning such demand all the persons liable thereto, but he may proceed against one or more of the persons severally liable.

before the

4.-If it appear to the Court, at or before the hearing of a suit, that Persons not all the persons who may be entitled to, or who claim some share or inte- Cout may be rest in the subject matter of the suit, and who may be likely to be affected made Paties. by the result, have not been made parties to the suit, the Court may adjourn the hearing of the suit to a future day to be fixed by the Court, and direct that such persons shall be made either plaintiffs or defendants in the suit, as the case may be. In such case, the Court shall issue a notice to such persons in the manner provided in the code for the service Notice to such of a writ of summons on a defendant, and on proof of due service of such notice, the person so served, whether he shall have appeared or not, shall be bound by all proceedings in the cause.


Causes of

5.-In case a petition states two or more distinct causes of suit, by Distinct and against the same parties, and in the same rights, the Court may, either Buit in one before or at the hearing, if it appears inexpedient to try the different Petition. causes of suit together, order that different records be made up, and make such order as to adjournment and costs as justice requires.


     6.-In case a petition states two or more distinct causes of suit, but Misjoinder of not by and against the same parties, or by and against the same parties but not in the same rights, the petition may, on the application of any defendant, be amended or dismissed.


XXIX.-As soon as practicable after the filing of the petition, the Defendant plaintiff shall cause a copy thereof under the seal of the Court to be served has appeared, upon every defendant to the suit, and such copy shall contain a memo- randum endorsed thereon requiring the defendant to file an answer to the petition within ten days from the day of such service, or in cases of service out of the jurisdiction, within such time as the Court shall have ordered: Provided always that no such service of the petition shall be required to be made upon any defendant who has failed to enter an appearance and Where as against whom the plaintiff has obtained the leave of the Court to pro- not appeared, ceed with his suit ex parte.

Defendant ha

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Where Service

made out of Jurisdiction.

On Application of Defendant.

Where Defect is patent.


For insufficient Particulars.

    Documents referred to.


    Libellous or offen Rive Expressions.




2.- Where service of the writ of summons is directed to be made out of the jurisdiction, the Court may order that the petition be filed_forth- with, and that a copy thereof under the seal of the Court be served upon the defendant concurrently with the writ.

Staying Proceedings for Defect in Petition.

XXX.-Where a petition is defective on the face of it by reason of non-compliance with any provision of the code, the Court may, either on application by a defendant or of its own motion, make an order to stay proceedings until the defect is remedied.

2.-The Court may, of its own motion, make an order to stay pro- ceedings on a defective petition, where the defect is patent and comes to the knowledge of the Court before service of the petition on the defendant. Dismissal of Petition on Groand of Law.

XXXI. Where a defendant conceives that he has a good legal or equitable defence to the petition, so that even if the allegations of fact in the petition were admitted or clearly established, yet the plaintiff would not be entitled to any decree against him (the defendant), he may raise this defence by a motion that the petition be dismissed without any answer being required from him.

Amendment of Petition.

XXXII. Any plaintiff not giving sufficient information to enable the defendant reasonably to understand the nature and particulars of the claim set up against him, may be ordered, on the application of the defen- dant before answer, to amend his petition.

2. The plaintiff may be ordered to annex copies of, or produce for inspection, such papers or documents in his possession or power as he has referred to in the petition, and as the defendant is entitled to inspect for the purposes of the suit.

3. The Court may, in such cases, make such order as to costs as justice requires, and stay proceedings until the order is complied with.

4.-If any petition contains libellous or needlessly offensive expres sions, the Court may, either of its own motion before service thereof, or on the application of the defendant, order the petition to be amended, and make such order as to costs as justice requires.

          5.-A petition may be amended at any time before answer by leave before Answer. of the Court obtained ex parte.

Notice thereof.

Time within which to be filed.

Application for further Time.

Effect of

Defendant not


6.-Notice of the amendment shall be given to the defendant within such time and in such manner as the Court directs.


XXXIII.-Unless an answer shall be dispensed with by leave of the Court, or by consent of parties, or in certain cases by any general rule or order of Court, the defendant must file in the Court an answer to the petition within ten days from the date of the service thereof, or in cases of service out of the jurisdiction within such time as the Court shall have ordered: Provided always that he may obtain further time to answer, on summons, stating the further time required and the reason why it is required.

2. The application when made, unless consented to, must be sup- ported by affidavit, or, if the Court in its discretion shall permit, by oral evidence on oath, showing that there is reasonable ground for the applica- tion and that it is not made for the purpose of delay.

3. Where a defendant does not put in any answer (or such answer is dispensed with in manner aforesaid), he shall not be taken as admitting the allegations of the petition, or the plaintiff's right to the relief sought;

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and at the hearing (even though such defendant does not appear) the plaintiff must open his case, and adduce evidence in support of it, and take such judgment as to the Court appears just.

after Time

4.-A defendant neglecting to put in an answer within the time or Leave to answer further time allowed, shall not be at liberty to put in an answer without allowed. leave of the Court, or consent of parties.

     5.-The Court may grant such leave by order on the ex parte ap- When granted plication of the defendant at any time before the plaintiff has set down ex parte. the cause, or applied to have it set down, for hearing.


6.- Where the cause has been set down, or the plaintiff has applied When to have it set down for hearing, the Court shall not grant such leave required. except on return of a summons to the plaintiff giving notice of defendant's application, and on such terms as to costs and other matters as seem just.

7. The answer shall show the nature of the defendant's defence to What the

Answer should the claim set up by the petition, but may not set forth the evidence by set forth. which such defence is intended to be supported.

precise and

8. It shall be clear and precise, and not introduce matters irrele. Should be vant to the suit, and the rules before laid down respecting the setting out relevant. of the documents and the contents of the petition generally shall be ob- served in the answer mutatis mutandis.

9. It must deny all such material allegations in the petition as the Denial of defendant intends to deny at the hearing.


must answer


10. Where the answer denies an allegation of fact, it must deny Denial of Fact directly as (for example) where it is alleged that the defendant has received point of a sum of money, the answer must deny that he has received that sum, or any part thereof, or else set forth what part he has received. And so, where a matter of fact is alleged in the petition, with certain circumstances, the answer must not deny it literally as it is alleged, but must answer the point of substance positively and certainly.

Effects thereof

     11. The answer must specifically admit such material allegations in Admissions the petition as the defendant knows to be true, or desires to be taken as as to Costs. admitted. Such admission, if plain and specific, will prevent the plaintiff from obtaining the costs of proving at the hearing any matters of fact so admitted.

not admitted.

      12. All material allegations of fact admitted by a defendant shall be Proof of Facts taken as established against him without proof thereof by the plaintiff at the hearing. But the plaintiff shall be bound to prove as against each defendant all allegations of fact not admitted by him, or not stated by him to be true to his belief.

new Facts in

      13. The answer must allege any matter of fact not stated in the Allegation of petition on which the defendant relies in defence, as establishing, for Defence. instance, fraud on the part of the plaintiff, or showing that the plaintiff's right to recover, or to any relief capable of being granted on the petition, has not yet accrued, or is released, or barred, or otherwise gone.

denial of

or in support of Defence

      14. The answer of a defendant shall not debar him at the hearing Evidence in from disproving any allegation of the petition not admitted by his answer Allegation, or from giving evidence in support of a defence not expressly set up by the answer except where the defence is such as, in the opinion of the Court, not set up in ought to have been expressly set up by the answer, or is inconsistent with Pleadings. the statements of the answer, or is, in the opinion of the Court, likely to take the plaintiff by surprise, and to raise a fresh issue or fresh issues of fact or law not fairly arising out of the pleadings as they stand, and such as the plaintiff ought not to be then called upon to try.

     15. Subject to any general rule or order relating thereto, the answer Signature of must be signed by the defendant or his counsel, unless the defendant Counsel. obtain the leave of the Court to dispense with such signature.

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Verification of Answer,

Payment into Court.

Answer must be filed with.

How far

Admission of Claim.


   thereof by Plaintiff,

Non-acceptance thereof.




16.-The Court may, where the circumstances of the case appear 20 require it, order the defendant to verify his answer, or any part thereof, on oath or by affidavit.


XXXIV.--A defence alleging tender by the defendant must be accom panied by payment into Court of the amount alleged to have been tendered. Payment into Court.

XXXV.-Payment into Court by the defendant must be accompanied by an answer. The answer must state distinctly that the money paid in is paid in satisfaction of the plaintiff's claim generally, or (as the case may be), in satisfaction of some specific part of the plaintiff's claim, where the claim is stated in the petition for distinct sums or in respect of distinct matters.

2.-Payment into Court, whether made in satisfaction of the plaintiff's claim generally or in satisfaction of some specfic part thereof, operates as an admission of liability to the extent of the amount paid in and no more, and for no other purpose.

3. Where the defendant pays money into Court, the plaintiff shall be at liberty to accept the same in full satisfaction and discharge of the cause of suit in respect of which it is paid in: and in that case, the plaintiff may forthwith apply by summons for payment of the money out of the Court to him; and on the hearing of the summons, the Court shall make such order as to stay of further proceedings in the suit, in whole or in part, as to costs and other matters, as seems just.

4.-If the plaintiff does not so apply, he shall be considered as insisting that he has sustained damages to a greater amount, or (as the case may be), that the defendant was and is indebted to him in a greater amount than the sum paid in; and in that case the Court, in determining the suit and disposing of costs at the hearing, shall have regard to the fact of the payment into Court having been made and not accepted.


XXXVI.-A defence of set-off to a claim for money, whether in debt [See post s. 67, or in damages, must be accompanied by a statement of the particulars of par. 8.]

the set-off; and if pleaded as a sole defence, unless extending to the whole amount of the plaintiff's claim, must also be accompanied by payment into Court of the amount to which, on the defendant's showing, the plaintiff is entitled; and in default of such payment, the defendant shall be liable to bear the costs of the suit, even if he succeeds in his defence to the extent of the set-off pleaded.

Payment into Court.


"Leave to file

in same Suit.

2.-Where a defendant in his answer raises a defence by way of set-off which, in the opinion of the Court, is not admissible as set-off, the Court may either before or at the hearing, on his application, give him liberty to withdraw such defence, and to file a cross-petition, and may make such order for the hearing of the suit and cross-suit, together or otherwise, on such terms as to costs and other matters as seem just.


          XXXVII.-Where a defendant in his answer raises any specific Cross-petition defence, and it appears to the Court that on such defence being established

he may be entitled to relief against the plaintiff in respect of the subject matter of the suit, the Court may, on the application of the defendant, either before or at the hearing, if under the circumstances of any case it thinks fit, give liberty to him to file a counter-claim by a cross petition in the same suit, asking for relief against the plaintiff, and may make such order for the hearing of the suit and counter-claim, together or otherwise, and in such manner and on such terms as to costs and other matters as seem just, and may, if in any case it seems fit, require the plaintiff to give

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security to the satisfaction of the Court (by deposit or otherwise) to Security, abide by and perform the decision of the Court on the counter-claim.

Specific Answer.

XXXVIII.-Where the defendant does not answer (an answer not Summons to

compel. being dispensed with in manner aforesaid), or puts in an answer amount- ing only to a general denial of the plaintiff's claim, the plaintiff may apply by summons for an order to compel him to answer specifically to the several material allegations in the petition, and the Court, if such allega- tions are briefly, positively, separately, and distinctly made, and it thinks that justice so requires, may grant such an order.


     2.-The defendant shall, within the time limited by such order, put Nature of such, in his answer accordingly, and shall therein answer the several material allegations in the petition, either admitting or denying the truth of such allegations seriatim, as the truth or falsehood of each is within his know- ledge, or (as the case may be), stating as to any one or more of the allega- tions that he does not know whether such allegation or allegations is or are true or otherwise.


3. The defendant so answering may also set up by such answer any Further defence to the suit, and may explain away the effect of any admission therein made by any other allegation of facts.


XXXIX.-No replication or other pleading after answer shall be By leave of allowed, except by special leave of the Court.

the Court.

Petition after

     2.Where the plaintiff considers the contents of the answer to be Amendment of such as to render an amendment of the petition necessary or desirable, Answer, he may obtain ex parte an order to amend the petition, on satisfying the Court that the amendment is not intended for the purpose of delay or vexation, but because it is considered to be material for the plaintiff's case.

3.-Notice of the amendment shall be given to the defendant within Notice thereof. such time and in such manner as the Court in each case directs.

Settlement of Issues.


     XL.-At any time before or at the hearing, the Court may, if it At, or before- thinks fit, on the application of any party, or of its own motion, proceed to ascertain and determine what are the material questions in controversy between the parties, although the same are not distinctly or properly raised by the pleadings, and may reduce such questions into writing and settle them in the form of issues; which issues, when settled, may state questions of law on admitted facts, or questions of disputed fact, or ques- tions partly of the one kind and partly of the other.

Pleadings in

     2.-In settling issues, the Court may order or allow the striking out Amendment of or amendment of any pleading or part of a pleading, so that the pleadings framing Issues. may finally correspond with the issues settled, and may order or allow the striking out or amendment of any pleading, or part of a pleading, that appears to be so framed as to prejudice, embarrass, or delay the trial of the cause.

to be made,

3. Where the application to the Court to settle issues is made at any How Application stage of the proceedings at which all parties are actually present before the Court, either in person or by counsel or attorney, or at the hearing, the application may be made viva voce, and may be disposed of at once, other- wise the application must be made and disposed of on summons. It shall be in the discretion of the Court to direct which issues shall be first dis- posed of.


     4.-At any time before the decision of the case, the Court may amend Amended or the issues or frame additional issues on such terms as to it shall seem fit, issues, and all such amendments as may be necessary for the purpose of deter- mining the real question or controversy between the parties shall be so made.

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Power to deliver written Inter- rogatories to



Interrogatories--Discovery-Unwilling Witness.

XLI.-In all suits, the plaintiff and the defendant, or either of them, may, by order of the Court, deliver to the opposite party or his attorney opposite Party. (provided such party, if not a body corporate, would be liable to be called and examined as a witness upon such matter), interrogatories in writing upon any matter as to which discovery may be sought, and require such party, or in the case of a body corporate, any of the officers of such body corporate, within ten days to answer the questions in writing by affidavit, to be sworn and filed in the ordinary way; and any party or officer omitting, without just cause, sufficiently to answer all questions as to which a dis- covery may be sought within the above time, or such extended time as the Court shall allow, shall be deemed to have committed a contempt of the Court, and shall be liable to be proceeded against accordingly.

Affidavits by Party propos ing to interro- gate and his Attorney.

Oral Examina.

tion of Parties


2.-The application for such order shall be made upon an affidavit of the party proposing to interrogate, and his attorney or agent, or in the case of a body corporate, of their attorney or agent, stating that the deponent believes that the party proposing to interrogate, whether plaintiff or defendant, will derive material benefit in the cause from the discovery which he seeks, that there is a good cause of action or defence upon the merits, and if the application be made on the part of the defendant, that the discovery is not sought for the purpose of delay: Provided that where it shall happen, from unavoidable circumstances, that the plaintiff or defendant cannot join in such affidavit, the Court may, if it think fit upon affidavit of such circumstances by which the party is prevented from so joining therein, allow and order that the interrogatories may be delivered without such affidavit.

3.--In case of omission, without just cause, to answer sufficiently such when to beties written interrogatories it shall be lawful for the Court, at its discretion, to direct an oral examination of the interrogated party, as to such point as they or he may direct, before the Court or Registrar; and the Court may, by such order, or any subsequent order, command the attendance of such party before the person appointed to take such examination, for the pur- pose of being orally examined as aforesaid, or the production of any writings or other documents to be mentioned in such order, and may impose therein such terms as to such examination, and the costs of the application, and of the proceedings thereon, and otherwise, as to such Court shall seem just.

Exceptions to Interrogatories.

   Examination of Person who

an Affidavit.

4.-The Court may, on the application of the party interrogated, strike out or permit to be amended any interrogatory which, in the opinion of the Court, may be exceptionable.

5.-Any party to a suit, or other civil proceeding, requiring the refuses to make affidavit of a person who refuses to make an affidavit, may apply by sum- mons for an order to such person to appear and be examined upon oath before the Court or Registrar, to whom it may be most convenient to refer such examination, as to the matters concerning which he has refused to make an affidavit: and the Court may, if it think fit, make such order for the attendance of such person before the person therein appointed to take such examination, for the purpose of being examined as aforesaid, and for the production of any writings or documents to be mentioned in such order, and may thereupon impose such terms as to such examination, and the costs of the application and proceedings therein, as it shall think just.

Discovery of Documents.

6. Upon the application of either party to any suit or other civil proceeding upon an affidavit of such party of his belief that any document, to the production of which he is entitled for the purpose of discovery or otherwise, is in the possession or power of the opposite party, it shall be lawful for the Court to order that the party against whom such application is made, or if such party is a body corporate that some officer to be named

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of such body corporate, shall answer on affidavit, stating what documents he or they has or have in his or their possession or power relating to the matters in dispute, or what he knows as to the custody they or any of them are in, and whether he or they objects or object (and if so on what grounds), to the production of such as are in his or their possession or power; and upon such affidavit being made, the Court may make such further order thereon as shall be just.

     7.-All such interrogatories, answers, depositions, and affidavits as Evidence st aforesaid, shall be filed in Court in the suit or other civil proceeding, and the He ring. the evidence so taken may be used at the hearing thereof, saving just exceptions.


XLII.-Interlocutory applications may be made at any stage of a suit When to be


or proceeding.

     2.-They shall be made either by motion in Court or by summons in How to be Chambers, and shall be headed in the suit or other proceeding.


Court or

     3.-Subject to any general orders, the Court shall, in each case, decide whether in whether the application is a proper one to be made by motion in Court, or Chambers. by summons in Chambers, and may, at or before the hearing, if it shall think fit, remove the same into Court or into Chambers, as the case may be.


XLIII.-No motion shall be entertained until the party moving has Motion-paper, filed in the Court a written motion-paper, distinctly stating the terms of the order sought.

     2.-The motion may in its terms ask for an order directing more than Form of. one thing to be done, and may also be in an alternative form asking that one or another order be made, so only that the whole order sought be therein substantially expressed.

     3. If the motion-paper contains any matter by way of argument, or other matter except the proper particulars of the motion itself, the Court may direct the motion-paper to be amended, and make no order thereon, until it is amended accordingly by the striking out of such argument or

other matter.

Amendment of

by Court,

      4.-There shall be filed with the motion-paper all affidavits on which Affidavite. the person moving intends to rely.

      5.-No other evidence can be used in support of the motion, except by Other Evidence, leave of the Court.


6.-The person filing the motion-paper may move the Court, in cases Case of of urgency, at any time while the Court is sitting, and not engaged in hearing any other matter.

     7.-All motions shall be made ex parte in the first instance, unless When to be the Court gives leave to give a notice of motion for a certain day.

ex parte.

     8.-On a motion ex parte, the party moving shall apply for either an Order thereon, immediate absolute order of the Court in the terms of the motion-paper on his own showing and evidence, or an order to the other party to appear, on a certain day, and show cause why an order should not be made in the terms of the motion-paper.


9. Any party moving in Court ex parte may support his motion by Argument in argument addressed to the Court on the facts put in evidence by the affidavits filed in support of the motion; and no party to the suit or pro- ceeding, although present, other than the party moving, shall, unless by leave of the Court, be entitled to be then heard.

10.-On a motion coming on, the Court may allow the motion-paper to Amendment be amended, and additional evidence to be produced by affidavit or declara-ditional tion, or may direct the motion to stand over.


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   Court may make Order other than asked for.

May vary or discharge Order.


Counter Affidavits.


of Time and



11.-If it appears to the Court on the evidence adduced in support of the motion, or on any additional evidence which the Court permits to be adduced in support thereof, that the party moving is entitled to an order absolute, or to show cause different from the order asked, and the party moving is willing to take such different order, the Court may so order accordingly.

12. Where an order is made on a motion ex parte, any party affected by it may, within seven days after service of it, or within such further time as the Court shall allow, apply to the Court by motion to vary or discharge it; and the Court on notice to the party obtaining the order, either may refuse to vary or discharge it, or may vary or discharge it with or without imposing terms as to costs or security, or other things, as seem just.

Order to show Cause.

XLIV. An order to show cause shall specify a day when cause is to be shown, to be called the return-day to the order, which shall ordinarily be not less than four days after service.

2.-A person served with an order to show cause may, before the return-day, file affidavits to contradict the evidence used in obtaining the order, or setting forth other facts on which he relies, to induce the Court to discharge such order.

3. On the return-day, if the person served do not appear in person further Service, or by counsel or attorney, and it appears to the Court that the service on all proper parties has not been duly effected, the Court may enlarge the time, and direct further service, or make such other order as seems just.

  Appearance or Proof of Service.

'General Powers

of Court.

Application to Registrar.

   Contents thereof.

   Issue of Bummons.

Procee lings on Returu-day.

Note of Evidence.


Privat, Hearing.

  By Affidavit in general.

4.-If the person served appear, or the Court is satisfied that service on all proper parties has been duly effected, the Court may proceed with the matter.

5.-The Court may either discharge the order or make the same absolute, or adjourn the consideration thereof, or permit further affidavits to be filed in support of or against the order, and may modify the terms of the order so as to meet the merits of the case.


XLV. Every summons shall be issued out of the Registrar's Office, and, before it can be issued, an application for the same to the Registrar must be made in writing, and signed by the applicant or his attorney, and headed in the suit or other proceeding.

2. The application for the summons shall distinctly set forth the nature of the particular application.

3.-The Registrar may thereupon issue a summons setting forth the nature of the application, ordering the person to whom it is directed to appear at the time and place directed by the Registrar and specified on the summons.

4.-On the return-day of the summons, if the person to whom the summons is directed appears, or in his absence,, on proof of service, the Court may, on the application of the person obtaining the summons, consider and deal with the application in a summary way.

5. The Court shall take a note of the material evidence, if taken vivâ voce.

6. The Court may adjourn the hearing of any summons when


7.-The Court may order any proceedings in Chambers to be heard in private.

Evidence in Interlocutory Proceedings.

XLVI.-The evidence at the hearing of any interlocutory or other application in a suit or matter, shall, as a general rule, be by affidavit, but the Court may, if it thinks it expedient, summon any person to attend to

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produce documents before it, or to be examined, or to be cross-examined vivá voce by or before it in like manner as at the bearing of a suit.


Parties inte- rested.

2. Such notice as the Court in each case, according to the circum- Notice to stances, considers reasonable, shall be given to the person summoned, and to such persons (parties to the suit or proceeding otherwise interested) as the Court considers entitled to inspect the documents to be produced, or to examine the person summoned, or to be present at his examination, as the case may be.

3.-The evidence of a witness on any such examination, shall be taken Evidence, how in like manner, as nearly as may be, as at the hearing of a suit.

Stay of Proceedings.


      XLVII.-No summons or notice of motion shall operate as a stay of In what Cases. proceedings, except by direction of the Registrar endorsed thereon, and, in such case, it shall so operate from time of the service thereof on the opposite party.


      2.-Every order made in Chambers shall have the same force and effect Effect and as an order of Court, and the Court sitting in Chambers shall have the order. same power to enforce, vary, or deal with any such order, by attachment or otherwise, as if sitting in Court.





Setting down of Cause for Hearing.

      XLVIII.-No cause shall be set down for hearing without an order Order must be of the Court first obtained on summons.


may apply.

2. At the expiration of the time allowed for answering, and whether When Plaintiff an answer shall have been filed or not, the Court may, on the application of the plaintiff, order the cause to be set down for hearing.

ant may apply.

3. An order to set down the cause may be made on the application When Defend- of the defendant by summons, if it appears to the Court, having regard to the state of the pleadings, that the cause is ready to be heard, and that there has been delay on the part of the plaintiff in obtaining an order for setting down the cause, for which the plaintiff has no reasonable excuse (as the absence or illness of a material witness), and that the defendant is prejudiced, or may reasonably be expected to be prejudiced by such delay. Dismissal for Want of Prosecution.


     XLIX.- Where the plaintiff does not obtain an order for setting down Motion for the cause within one month from the time at which he might first apply for such an order, the defendant may apply by motion for an order to dismiss the petition for want of prosecution.


2.-On such application, the Court may, if it thinks fit, make an order Power of Court dismissing the petition, or make such other order, or impose such terms as the Court thinks reasonable.

Postponement of Hearing.

     L.-The Court may, at any time, on a summons taken out by any In what Cases. party, postpone the hearing of a cause set down, on being satisfied by evidence on oath that the postponement will have the effect of better en- suring the hearing and determination of the questions between the parties on the merits.


2.-Where such an application is made on the ground of the absence Absence of of a witness, the Court shall require to be satisfied that his evidence is material, and that he is likely to return and give evidence within a reason- able time.

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resident out of the Colony.

Cause List.

    Transfer to Hearing Paper.

Order of Cause.

Notice to Partieer.

Causes taken out of Turn.

Adjournment of Cause.

On fixed days.

Or other Days.

Power to exclude the Public,

Order of Basiness.

Delivery of Judgments.

Es parte Motions, &c.

Opposed Motions, &c.

Trial of Causes.

By Judge, or by Full Court,




3.-Where such an application is made for the purpose of euabling the party applying to obtain the evidence of a witness resident out of the jurisdiction, the Court shall require to be satisfied that the evidence of the witness is material, and that he is permanently residing out of the jurisdiction, or does not intend to come within the jurisdiction within a reasonable time.

Hearing List and Hearing Paper.

LI.-There shall be kept a general hearing list for causes, and a hearing paper.

2.-When a cause is set down for hearing it shall be placed in the general hearing list, and shall be transferred to the hearing-paper strictly in its turn and order, according as the general hearing list becomes exhausted.

3. The regular order shall in no case be departed from without special direction.

4.-When a cause is about to be transferred from the general hearing list to the hearing paper, notice shall be served on the parties, and, unless the Court in any particular case direct otherwise, ten days shall be allowed between service of such notice and the day of hearing.

5.-When any cause or matter has been specially directed by the Court to be heard on a particular day, or out of its ordinary turn, the name of the cause or matter shall be placed in the hearing paper with the words "by order" subjoined.

6. In the case of any adjournment of the hearing from the day appointed in the hearing paper by reason of the preceding causes in the hearing paper not having been got through, or under any order of the Court made during the sitting on that day, no further notice to either party of the adjournment day shall be requisite, unless otherwise ordered by the Court.

Sittings of Court.

LII. The sittings of Court for the hearing of causes shall be, where the amount of the business so warrants, held on fixed and stated days.

2. The Court may, at its discretion, appoint any other day or days, from time to time, for the hearing of causes, as circumstances require.

3.The sittings of Court for the hearing of causes shall ordinarily be public; but the Court may hear any particular cause or matter in the presence only of the parties and their legal advisers and the officers of the Court.

4.-Subject to special arrangements, for any particular day, the business of the day shall be taken, as nearly as circumstances permit, in the following order :-

(a.) At the commencement of the sitting, judgments shall be delivered in matters standing over for that purpose and appearing for judgment in the paper;

(b.) Er parte motions or motions by consent shall next be taken, in the order in which the motion papers have been sent in ; (c.) Opposed motions on notice, and arguments on showing cause against orders returnable on that day, shall then be taken, in the order in which these matters respectively stand in the hearing-paper:

(.) The causes in the hearing-paper shall then be called on, in their order, unless the Court sees fit to vary the order.

Mode of Trial-Juries.

LIII.-The trial of a suit may, according to circumstances, take place

with or without in either of the following modes -

(a.) By a Judge with or without a Jury. (b.) By the Full Court with or without a Jury.

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2.-The summons for setting down the cause for hearing shall specify To be deter- the mode of trial desired by the party making the application.

mined on Bummons.

3.-The Court on the hearing of the summons shall make such order Order thereon. as to the mode of trial as it shall think fit: Provided always that if either party shall desire a trial by jury before one of the two judges he shall be entitled thereto as of right.

4. If it shall appear expedient at the hearing of any cause before Poor of Court

                                                        to order Jury the Court without a jury that the cause should be tried with a jury, the at any Time. Court may make such order for the trial of the cause with a jury, and for the adjournment thereof in the meanwhile, on such terms as to costs and otherwise as it shall deem reasonable.

Jury, by

     5.-Either party shall be at liberty to apply to the Court for an order Inspection by for the inspection by the jury, or by himself, or by his witnesses, of any Parties, or by moveable or immoveable property, the inspection of which may be material Witnesses. to the proper determination of the question in dispute, and the Court may make such order upon such terms as it may deem just.

6. It shall be lawful for the Court to make such rules or orders

Rule or Order upon

                                                        for summoning the Sheriff or other person as may be necessary to procure the attendance Jury. of a special or common jury for the trial of any cause or matter depending in the Court, at such time and place and in such manner as the Court may think fit.

as to Juries.

      7.-All the existing laws relating to juries shall be deemed to continue Existing Laws in full force and effect so far as the same may not be inconsistent with any provision of this code.


LIV.-The existing rules of evidence shall continue in full force and effect so far as the same are not modified by any provisions of this code.

2.-The Court shall have power, in its discretion, to permit that the evidence in any case, or as to any particular matter, should be taken by affidavit, or that affidavits of any witnesses be read at the trial: Provided always that every witness making an affidavit so received shall be liable to cross-examination in open Court, unless the Court shall direct the cross- examination to take place in any other manner.

Rules of tinue in Force. Power to admit

Evidence con-


Cross-examins- tion thereon.

Where Cross. examination

3.-The Court may, in its discretion, if the interests of justice appear absolutely so to require, admit an affidavit in evidence, although it is shown not practicable. that the party against whom the affidavit is offered in evidence has had or will have no opportunity of cross-examining the person making the affidavit.

to admit.

     4.-No affidavit of any witness shall be read at the trial under the Order of Court provisions hereinbefore contained, except in pursuance of an order of Court obtained on summons before trial, unless the Court shall think fit under the circumstances otherwise to direct, upon such terms as seem just.

may be sum-


5.-If the Court at any time think it necessary for the ends of justice Any Person to examine any person other than a party to the suit, and not named as a moned by the witness by a party to the suit, the Court may, of its own accord, cause Court as a such person to be summoned as a witness to give evidence, or to produce any document in his possession on a day to be appointed, and may examine such person as a witness.

Incompetency from immature

6. The following persons only shall be incompetent to testify:--

(a) Children under seven years of age, unless they shall appear Age, capable of receiving just impressions of the facts respecting which they are examined and of relating them truly:

(b) Persons of unsound mind, who, at the time of their examina- Or Unsouni- tion, appear incapable of receiving just impressions of the Dess of Mind. facts respecting which they are examined or of relating them truly; and no person who is known to be of unsound mind

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Court may

relieve Witness

from answer.

ing certain


    Reasonable Grounds for

such Question.

Questions in.

    decent and scandalous.

Needlessly offensive.

Entries in Books of Account.

Government Gazettes.

Proclamations, Acts of State, &c.

Books of Science, Maps, Charts.

Foreign Law.

Fublic Maps.

In what Language.

How divided.

Facts known to Witness.



shall be liable to be summoned as a witness, without the consent previously obtained of the Court or person before whom his attendance is required.

7.-If a witness be asked any question relating to a matter not relevant to the suit or proceeding, except in so far as it affects the credit of the witness by injuring his character, the Court shall decide whether or not the witness shall be compelled to answer it, and may, if it think fit, warn the witness that he is not obliged to answer it.

8.-No such question shall be asked, unless the person asking it has reasonable grounds for believing that the imputation it conveys is well founded.

9.-The Court may forbid any questions or inquiries which it regards as indecent or scandalous, although such questions or inquiries may have some bearing on the questious before the Court, unless they relate to facts in issue, or to matters necessary to be known in order to determine whether or not the facts in issue existed.

10. The Court shall forbid any question which appears to it to be intended to insult or annoy, or which, though proper it itself, the Court needlessly offensive in form.

Documentary Evidence.

appears to

LV.-Entries in books of account kept in the course of business with such a reasonable degree of regularity as shall be satisfactory to the Court, shall be admissible in evidence, whenever they refer to a matter into which the Court has to inquire, but shall not alone be sufficient evidence to charge any person with liability.

2.-The Hongkong Gazette and any Government Gazette of any coun- try, colony, or dependency under the dominion of the British Crown, may be proved by the bare production thereof before the Court.

3. All proclamations, acts of state, whether legislative or executive, nominations, appointments, and other official communications of the Gov- ernment, appearing in any such Gazette, may be proved by the production of such Gazette, and shall be primâ facie proof of any fact of a public nature which they were intended to notify.

4. The Court may, on matters of public history, literature, science, or art, refer, for the purposes of evidence, to such published books, maps, or charts as the Court shall consider to be of authority on the subject to which they relate.

5.-Books printed or published under the authority of the govern- ment of a foreign country, and purporting to contain the statutes, code, or other written law of such country, and also printed and published books of reports of decisions of the courts of such country, and books proved to be commonly admitted in such courts as evidence of the law of such country, shall be admissible as evidence of the law of such foreign country.

6. All maps made under the authority of any government, or of any public municipal body, and not made for the purpose of any litigated question, shall primâ facie be deemed to be correct, and shall be admitted in evidence without further proof.


LVI.-Every affidavit used in the Court must be in the English


2.-It must be in the first person, and must be divided into paragraphs numbered consecutively.

3. Every affidavit used in the Court must contain only a statement of facts and circumstances as to which the witness swears, either on his own personal knowledge, or from information which he believes to be true.

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4. Where the belief in the truth of the matter of fact sworn to Information arises from information received from another person, the name of such from others. person must be stated.


     5.-Where there are many erasures. interlineations, or alterations, Erasures, In. so that the affidavit proposed to be sworn is illegible or difficult to read, &c. or is, in the judgment of the officer before whom it is proposed to be sworn, 80 written as to give any facility for being added to, or in any way fraudulently altered, he may refuse to take the affidavit in its existing form, and may require it to be re-written in a clear and legible and unobjectionable manner.

to be sworn.

     6.-Any affidavit sworn before any judge, officer, or other person in Before whom the United Kingdom or in any British colony, possession, or settlement, authorized to take affidavits, or before any commissioner duly authorized by the Supreme Court to take affidavits in the United Kingdom or abroad, may be used in the Court in all cases where affidavits are admissible.

     7.-Any affidavit sworn in any foreign parts out of Her Majesty's In Foreign dominions before a judge or magistrate, being authenticated by the official seal of the court to which he is attached or by a public notary, or before a British minister, consul, vice-consul, or consular agent, may be used in the Court in all cases where affidavits are admissible.


     8.-The fact that an affidavit purports to have been sworn in man- Proof of Seal ner herein before prescribed by paragraphs 6 and 7 shall be prima facie of Court or

                                                       and Signature evidence of the seal or signature, as the case may be, of any such court, Judge, &c. judge, magistrate, or other officer or person therein mentioned appended or subscribed to any such affidavit, and of the authority of such court, judge, magistrate, or other officer or person to administer oaths.

     9.-The Court may permit an affidavit to be used, notwithstanding When defective it is defective in form according to these rules, if the Court is satisfied in Form. that it has been sworn before a person duly authorised.

sworn before

10.--An affi lavit shall not be admitted which is proved to have been Not to be sworn before a person on whose behalf the same is offered, or before his certain Persons. attorney, or before a partner or clerk of his attorney.


     11.-A defective or erroneous affidavit may be amended and re-sworn, Amendment and by special leave of the Court, on such terms as to time, costs, or otherwise as seem reasonable.

original, Office

     12.-Before an affidavit is used, the original must be filed in the Filing of Court; and the original, or an office copy thereof, shall alone be recognised copy. for any purpose in the Court.

Evidence de Bene Esse.

dence prepara-

8. 113.-28, Vig,

Vic. 0.63, & 4,

Vio. o. 11.]

     LVII-Where the circumstances of the case appear to the Court so Vied voce Evi- to require, the Court may take the evidence of any witness at any time tory to Hearing. in the course of the proceedings in any suit or application before the [800 19 & 20 Vio. hearing of the suit or application, or may direct the Registrar to take o. 20-31 & 23. such evidence in like manner, and the evidence so taken may be used at the hearing of the suit or application, saving just exceptions.

     2.-The evidence shall be taken, as nearly as may be, as evidence at the hearing of a suit. and then the note of the evidence shall be read over to the witness and tendered to him for signature; and if he refuse to sign it, the Court, or the Registrar, as the case may be, shall add a note of his refusal, and the evidence may be used as if he had signed it.

How to be


before Suit

3.-Evidence may be taken in like manner on the application of any Evidence person, before suit instituted, where it is shown to the satisfaction of the instituted. Court on oath that the person applying has good reason to apprehend that a suit will be instituted against him in the Court, and that some person, within the jurisdiction at the time of application, can give mate- rial evidence respecting the subject of the apprehended suit, but that he is about to leave the jurisdiction, or that from some other cause the

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Court may



person applying will lose the benefit of his evidence if it be not at once taken: Provided always that the Court may, upon granting such applica- impose Terms, tion, impose any terms or conditions with reference to the examination of such witness and the admission of his evidence as to the Court may seem reasonable.

Evidence of Witness in former Pro- ceedings.

Witness Dead, Insane, or not Appearing.

LVIII. Where any person who might give evidence in any suit or matter is dead, or insane, or unavoidably absent at the time his evidence might be taken, or for any reason considered sufficient by the Court, can- not appear to give evidence in the suit or matter, the Court may, if it thinks fit, receive proof of any evidence given by him in any former judi- cial proceeding: Provided that the subject matter of such former judicial Subject Matter. proceeding was substantially the same as that of the existing suit and that the parties to the existing suit were parties to it or bound by it, and in it had cross-examined or had an opportunity of cross-examining the witness of whose evidence proof is to be given.

Proviso as to

Notice to admit.

Consequence of Refusal-Costs.

   Costs of Proof where no Notice given.

Court may order.


Notice to produce.

   Order to produce.

   Documents relating to

Admission of Documents and Facts.

LIX.--Where all parties to a suit are competent to make admission, any party may call on any other party, by notice filed in the Court and served under order of the Court, to admit any document, or any fact, saving just exceptions.

2.--In case of refusal or neglect to admit, the costs of proof of the document or fact shall be paid by the party refusing or neglecting, what- ever be the result of the cause, unless the Court is of opinion that the refusal or neglect to admit was reasonable.

3.-No costs of proof of any document or fact shall be allowed unless such notice has been given, except in cases where the omission to give the notice has, in the opinion of the Court, produced a saving of expense.

Inspection and Production of Documents.

LX. The Court may, in its discretion, on the application of any of the parties to any suit or proceeding, compel any other party to allow the applicant to inspect all or any documents in the custody or under the control of such other party relating to such suit or proceeding, and, if necessary, to take examined copies of the same or to procure the same to be duly stamped.


2.-Whenever any of the parties to a suit is desirous that any docu- ment, writing, or other thing, which he believes to be in the possession power of another of the parties thereto, should be produced at any hearing of the suit, he shall, at the earliest opportunity, serve the party in whose possession or power he believes the documents, writing, or other things to be, with a notice in writing, calling upon him to produce the same.

3. In case it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Court that there is reasonable ground to Lélieve that such document or thing will not be produced pursuant to such notice, the Court ay make an order for the production of the same at the hearing of the suit by the party served with such notice.

4.-A witness, whether a party or not, shall not be bound to produce Affairs of State, any document relating to affairs of State, the production of which would contrary to good policy, nor any document held by him for any other person who would not be bound to produce it if in his own possession.


   Persons pre- sent in Court compelled to give Evidence.

5.-Any person present in Court, wh ther a party or not, may be called upon and compelled by the Court to give evidence, and produce any document then and there in his actual possession, or in his power, in the same manner and subject to the same rules as if he had been summoned to attend and give evidence, or to produce such document, and may be punished in like manner for any refusal to obey the order of the Court.

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be summoned

duce Docu. ments.

6.-Any person, whether a party to the suit or not, may be summond Persons may to produce a document without being summoned to give evidence, and any merely to pro- person summoned merely to produce a document, shall be deemed to have complied with the summons, if he cause such document to be produced instead of attending personally to produce the same.

CHAPTER IX.-THE HEARING. Nor-attendance of Parties.

of both Parties.

     LVI-When a cause in the hearing-paper has been called on, if Non-attendance neither party attend in person or by counsel, the Court, on being satisfied that the plaintiff has received notice of the hearing, shall, unless it sees good reason to the contrary, strike the cause out of the hearing-paper.

2. If the plaintiff does not attend in person or by counsel, the Court of Plaintiff, on being satisfied that the plaintiff has received notice of the hearing, shall, unless it sees good reason to the contrary, strike out the cause, and make such order as to costs in favour of any defendant appearing as seems just.

     3. If the plaintiff attends, but the defendant or any of the defendants Of Defendant. does or do not attend in person or by counsel, the Court shall, before hearing the cause, inquire into the service of the writ of summons and petition and of notice of hearing on the absent party or parties.

4.-If not satisfied as to the service on every party, the Court shall Further Service, direct such further service to be made as it shall think fit, and adjourn the hearing of the cause for that purpose.

5. If satisfied that the defendant or the several defendants has or When Court


   have been duly served with the writ of suinions and petition, and with p proceed notice of the hearing, the Court may proceed to hear the cause notwith- standing the absence of the defendant or any of the defendants, and may, on the evidence adduced by the plaintiff, give such judgment as appears just. The Court, however, shall not be bound to do so, but may order the hearing to stand over to a further day, aud direct fresh notice to be given to the defendant or defendants in case justice seems to require au adjourn-


for absent

6.-In all cases where the plaintiff has obtained leave to proceed ex Re-hearing parte for want of appearance to the writ of summons, and in all other Defendant. cases where the Court hears a cause and judgment is given in the absence of and against any defendant, the Court may afterwards, if it thinks fit, on such terms as seems just, set aside the judgment and re-hear the cause, on its being established by evidence on oath to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant's absence was not wilful, and that he has a defence upon the merits.

Cause to Hear-

7.-Where a cause is struck out by reason of the absence of the Restoration of plaintiff, it shall not be restored without leave of the Court, until it has ing List for been set down again at the bottom of the general hearing list, and been Plaintiff, transferred in its regular turn to the hearing-paper.

of Plaintif a

8. Where a cause has been once struck out, and has been a second Non-attendance time set down, and has come into the hearing-paper, and on the day fixed second Time. for the hearing the plaintiff, having received due notice thereof, fails to attend either in person or by counsel when the case is called on, the Court, on the application of the defendant, and if the non-attendance of the plaintiff appears to be wilful and intended to harass the defendant, or to be likely to prejudice the defendant by preventing the hearing and deter- mination of the suit, may make an order on the plaintiff to show cause why


   a day should not be fixed for the peremptory hearing of the cause; and on Peremptory the return to that order, if no cause, or no sufficient cause be shown, the Court shall fix a day accordingly upon such notice and other terms as seem just.

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Effect of Dis-

missal of Suit in such Cases.

Statement of Pleadings.

Burden of Proof.



9. In case the plaintiff does not attend on the day so fixed, either in person or by counsel, the Court shall, unless it sees good reason to the contrary, order judgment to be entered for the defendant.

Order of Proceeding.

LXII.-The order of proceeding at the hearing of a cause shall be as


1.-The plaintiff shall state the pleadings.

2. The party on whom the burden of proof is thrown by the nature of the material issues or questions between the parties has the right to Party to begin. begin; he shall address the Court and open his case.


Summing up.

Case of other Party.

General Reply.

Case closed.

Evidence in reply.

Addresses thereon.

Cross-examins. tion and Re- examination.

Judge's Notes.

Inspection or Copy thereof.

Objections to Bvidence.

Note of Objection.

Evidence by

Afidavit or



3.-He shall then produce his evidence and examine his witnesses in

4.-When the party beginning has concluded his evidence, he shall ask the other party if he intends to call evidence (in which term is included evidence taken by affidavit or deposition, or under commission, and docu- mentary evidence not already read or taken as read); and, if answered in the negative, he shall be entitled to sum up the evidence already given and comment thereon; but if answered in the affirmative, he shall wait for his general reply.

5. When the party beginning has concluded his case, the other party shall be at liberty to address the Court, and to call evidence and to sum up and comment thereon.

6. If no evidence is called or read by the latter party, the party beginning shall have no right to reply, unless he has been prevented from summing up his case by the statement of the other party of his intention to call evidence.

7.-The case on both sides shall then be considered closed.

8.--If the party opposed to the party beginning calls or reads evidence, the party beginning shall be at liberty to reply generally on the whole case, or he may call fresh evidence in reply to the evidence given on the other side, on points material to the determination of the issues, or any of them, but not on collateral matters.

9. When evidence in reply is tendered, and allowed to be given, the party against whom the same has been adduced shall be at liberty to address the Court, and the party beginning shall be entitled to the general reply.

10.-Each witness after examination-in-chief shall be subject to cross-examination by the other party, and to re-examination by the party calling him, and after re-examination may be questioned by the Court, and shall not be recalled or further questioned save by leave of the Court. 11.-The Court shall take a note of the vivâ voce evidence, and shall put down the terms of any particular question or answer, if there appears any special reason for doing so.

12. No person shall be entitled as of right, at any time or for any purpose, to inspection or a copy of the Court's notes.

13.--All objections to evidence must be taken at any time the question objected to is put, or, in case of written evidence, when the same is about to be put in, and must be argued and decided at the time.

14. Where a question put to a witness is objected to, the Court, unless the objection appears frivolous, shall take a note of the question and objection, if required by either party, and shall mention on the notes whether the question was allowed to be put or not, and the answer to it, if allowed.

15.--Where any evidence is by affidavit, or has been taken by com- mission, or on deposition, the party adducing the same may read and comment on it, either immediately after his opening or after viva voce evidence on his part has been concluded.

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16.-Documentary evidence must be put in and read, or taken as read Documentary

by consent.


17.-Every document put in evidence shall be marked by the officer To be marked, of the Court at the time, and shall be retained by the Court during the hearing, and returned to the party who put it in, or from whose custody it came, immediately after the judgment, unless it is impounded by order of the Court.

      18.-Where the evidence adduced at the hearing varies substantially Amendment of from the allegations of the respective parties in the pleadings, it shall be Pleadings. in the discretion of the Court to allow the pleadings to be amended.



      19. The Court may allow such amendment on such terms as to On hat adjournment, costs, and other things as seem just, so as to avoid surprise and injury to any party; but all amendments necessary for the determina- tion in the existing suit of the real question in controversy between the parties shall be made if duly applied for.

which embarrass or delay

20.-The Court may, at the hearing, order or allow, on such terms as Plead ng3 seem just, the striking out or amendment of any pleading that appears so framed as to prejudice, embarrass, or delay the fair trial of the real ques- tions in controversy between the parties.

Supplemental Statement.

LXIII-Facts or circumstances, occurring after the institution of a In Petition or suit, may, by leave of the Court, be introduced by way of amendment into Answer. the petition or answer (as the case may require) at any stage of the pro- ceedings, and the Court may make such order as seems just respecting the proof of such facts or circumstances, or for affording all parties con- cerned leave and opportunity to meet the statements so introduced.

Reference of Account.

to investigate.

LXIV. In any suit or other judicial proceeding in which an inves- Appointment tigation or adjustment of accounts may be necessary, it shall be lawful Commiesi ner for the Court, at or before the hearing, to appoint any competent person to be a commissioner for the purpose of making such investigation or adjustment, and to direct that the parties, or their attorneys or counsel, shall attend upon the commissioner during such investigation or adjust- ment. In all such cases, the Court shall furnish the commissioner with such part of the proceedings and such detailed instructions as may appear necessary for his information and guidance; and the instructions shall distinctly specify whether the commissioner is merely to transmit the proceedings which he may hold on the inquiry, or also to report his own opinion on the point referred for his investigation. The proceedings of the commissioner shall be received in evidence in the case, unless the Court may have reason to be dissatisfied with them, in which case, the Court shall make such further inquiry as may be requisite, and shall pass such ultimate judgment or order as may appear to it to be right and proper in the circumstances of the case.

      2.-Whenever a commission is issued for an investigation into accounts, Expenses of the Court, before issuing the commission, may order such sum as may be Commission. thought reasonable for the expenses of the commission to be paid into Court by the party at whose instance or for whose benefit the commission

is issued.

Incidental Powers.


LXV. The Court may at the trial, without consent of parties, direct Nonsuit, Verdict a nonsuit, or a verdict for the plaintiff or defend unt to be entered, or it for intiff or may reserve any point of law or direct a verdict subject to a special case Special Caso. to be stated for the opinion of the Court.

     2.-Every such point of law so reserved, and every such special case Full Court, shall be heard before the full Court.

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Special Case how settled.

Betting down for Argument

Nopsuit, &c.

where no Leave reserved.

Court ma

permit With- drawal with Liberty to bring fresh Action.

Limitation of Action.

  Withdrawal without Per- mission.

Disposal of Suit



3.-Every such special case shall be settled by the parties, and in case of difference by the full Court.

4.-The Court may order any point of law reserved to be set down for argument without any previous application.

5.-The Court shall, upon motion for a new trial, have power to order a nonsuit or verdict to be entered, athough no leave has been reserved at the trial. Withdrawal and Adjustment of Suits.

LXVI-If the plaintiff, at any time before final judgment, satisfy the Court that there are sufficient grounds for permitting him to withdraw from the suit with liberty to bring a fresh suit for the same matter, it shall be competent to the Court to grant such permission on such terms as to costs or otherwise as it may deem proper. In any such fresh suit, the plaintiff shall be bound by the rules for the limitation of actions in the same manner as if the first suit had not been brought. If the plaintiff withdraw from the suit without such permission, be shall be precluded from bringing a fresh suit for the same matter.

2. If a suit shall be adjusted by mutual agreement or compromise, by Adjustment. or if the defendant satisfy the plaintiff in respect of the matter of the suit, such agreement, compromise, or satisfaction shall be recorded, and the suit shall be disposed of in accordance therewith.

Notice of

justment to Registrar.

  Delivery of Judgment.

Where Judg. ment reserved.

Where Judg. iment delivered at Hearing. Notice of Judgment.

  Minute thereof by Registrar- Force and

Effect thereof.

Formal Decree.

Decree for Money- Interest.

Payment by Instalments.

Where Set-off

is allowed.

3.-Notice of such agreement, compromise, or satisfaction shall be given by the plaintiff, or in case an attorney shall be employed, by his attorney, to the Registrar, together with such particulars as may be required of him, within one week after the same shall have been made, and in default thereof he shall be deemed guilty of a contempt of Court.

CHAPTER X.-Judgment and Decree.

LXVII.-When the cause is tried by the Court with a jury, the verdict shall be recorded and judgment shall be entered up by the Registrar as the Court shall direct; and when the cause is tried by the Court without a jury the judgment shall be pronounced in open Court, unless the Court shall otherwise direct, or it may be read by the Registrar if so ordered.

2. If the jugment of the Court is reserved at the hearing, parties to the suit shall be summoned to hear judgment, unless the Court at the hearing states the day on which judgment will be delivered, in which case no summons to hear judgment shall be issued.

3. All parties shall be deemed to have notice of any judgment, if the same is pronounced at the hearing of the application or suit.

4. All parties duly served with notice to attend and hear judgment shall be deemed to have notice of the judgment when pronounced.

5.-A minute of every judgment, whether final or interlocutory, shall be made by the Registrar, and every such minute shall be a decree of the Court, and shall have the full force aud effect of a formal decree: Pro- vided always that the Court may order a formal decree to be drawn up on the application of either party.

6. When the suit is for a sum of money due to the plaintiff, the Court may, in the decree, order interest, at such rate as the Court may think proper, to be paid on the principal sum adjudged from the date of the suit to the date of the judgment, in addition to any interest adjudged on such principal sum for any period prior to the date of the suit; with further interest on the aggregate sum so adjudged and on the costs of the suit from the date of the decree to the date of payment.

7. In all judgments for the payment of money, the Court may, for any sufficient reason, order that the amount shall be paid by instalments with or without interest.

8.- If the defendant shall have been allowed to set-off any demand against the claim of the plaintiff, the judgment shall state what amount

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is due to the plaintiff, and what amount (if any) is due to the defendant, and shall be for the recovery of any sum which shall appear to be due to either party. The judgment of the Court with respect to any sum awarded to the defendant shall have the same effect and he subject to the same rules as if such sum had been claimed by the defendant in a separate suit against the plaintiff.

9.-A person directed by a decree or order to pa other act, is bound to obey the decree or order witho payment or performance.

money, or do any Decree to be

ny demand for obeyed without



10. Whenever the Court shall deliver a written judgment the original, Written or a copy thereof signed by the judge, shall be filed in the suit or other to be filed. proceeding.

Review of Judgment-Re-hearing-New Trial.

of the Court.

LXVIII.-The Court may in any case, on such terms as seem just, General Powers review any judgment, or order a re-hearing or new trial, with or without a stay of proceedings.

     2. Any application for a review of judgment or for a re-hearing or Application for new trial must be made on notice of motion filed not later than fourteen Review by days after such decision or hearing or verdict.

Notice of Motion.

3. Such notice shall not of itself operate as a stay of proceedings; Such Notice no

                                                         Stay of Pro- but any money in Court in the suit shall be retained to abide the result ceedings- of the motion or the further order of the Court.

Money in Court.

4. After the expiration of such fourteen days, an application for Application such review, re-hearing, or new trial shall not be admitted, except by after 14 Days. special leave of the Court, on such terms as seem just.


      5.-On an order for re-hearing or new trial, either party may demand Jury may be a jury for the second trial, though the first was not with a jury.

      6.-The Court may, if it thinks fit, make it a condition of granting a Court may re-hearing or new trial that the trial shall be with a jury.

order Jury.

new Evidence,

7.-The discovery of new matter or evidence which was not within Discovery of the knowledge of the applicant, or could not be adduced by him at the trial, may be a ground for a new trial, but the improper admission or rejection Improper of evidence shall not be a ground of itself for a new trial or reversal of Admission or

                                                         Rejection of any judgment in any case, if it shall appear to the Court, that indepen- Evidence. dently of the evidence objected to and admitted, there was sufficient evidence to justify the judgment, or that if the rejected evidence had been received it ought not to have varied the judgment.

8.- When an application for a review of judgment, re-hearing, or Proceedings new trial is granted, a note thereof shall be made in the register of suits, where applica- tion is granted. and the Court shall give such order in regard thereto as it may deem proper in the circumstances of the case.




Investigation as to Property of Judgment Debtor.


LXIX.-Where a decree directing payment of money remains wholly Examination or in part unsatisfied (whether a writ of execution has issued or not), the of Judgment person prosecuting the decree may apply to the Court for a summons, requir- ing the person by whom payment is directed to be made to appear and be exa- mined respecting his ability to make the payment direct-l, and the Court shall, unless it sees good reason to the contrary, issue such a summons.

2.- On the appearance of the person against whom the summons is Discovery of issued, he may be examined on oath by or on behalf of the person prosecut. Property. ing the decree, and by the Court, respecting his ability to pay the money directed to be paid, and for the discovery of property applicable to such payment, and as to the disposal which he may have made of any property.

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 Production of Books and Documents.

Examination of other Witnesses,

Adjournment. of Hearing and Proceedings thereon.

Interim Order for Protection of Property.

Decree for

Possession of



Decree for move-

ahle Property-

Contract or alternative.



3.-He shall be bound to produce on oath, or otherwise, all books, papers, and documents in his possession or power relating to property applicable to such payment.

4. Whether the person summoned appears or not, the person pro- secuting the decree, and all other witnesses whom the Court thinks requisite, may be examined on oath or otherwise respecting the matters aforesaid.

5. The Court may, if it thinks fit, adjourn the hearing or the sum- mons from time to time, and require from the person summoned such security for his appearance at the adjourned hearing as seems fit, and in default of his finding security, may, by warrant, commit him to prison, there to remain until the adjourned hearing, unless sooner discharged.

6.-The Court may, upon such investigation as aforesaid, make any interim order for the protection of any property applicable or available in discharge of the decree, as it shall think expedient.

Mode of enforcing Decrees.

LXX. -If the decree be for land or other immoveable property, the decree holder shall be put in possession thereof, if necessary, by the Sheriff or other officer executing the decree.

2. If the decree be for any specific moveable, or for the specific Performance of performance of any contract or other particular act, it shall be enforced by the seizure, if practicable, of the specific moveable and the delivery thereof to the party to whom it shall have been adjudged, or by imprison- ment of the party against whom the decree is made, or by attaching his property and keeping the same under attachment until further order of the Court, or by both imprisonment and attachment if necessary: or if alterna- tive damages be awarded, by levying such damages in the mode provided for the execution of a decree for money.

Decree for Money.

For Execution of Deeds, &c.

of negotiable Instruments.

3.-If the decree be for money, it shall be enforced by the imprison- ment of the party against whom the decree is made, or by the attachment and sale of his property, or by both, if necessary; and if such party be other than a defendant, the decree may be enforced against him in the same manner as a decree may be enforced against a defendant.

4.-If the decree be for the execution of a deed, or for the indorse- or Indorsement ment of a negotiable instrument, and the party ordered to execute or indorse such deed or negotiable instrument shall neglect or refuse so to do, any party interested in having the same executed or indorsed may prepare a deed or indorsement of the instrument in accordance with the terms of the decree, and tender the same to the Court for execution upon the proper stamp (if any is required by law), and the signature thereof by the Registrar shall have the same effect as the execution or indorsement thereof by the party ordered to execute.

Against Repro. sentatives of deceased Persons.

Against Suretion.

5.-If the decree be against a party as the representative of a de- ceased person, and such decree be for money to be paid out of the property of the deceased person, it may be executed by the attachment and sale of any such property, or, if no such property can be found and the defendant fail to satisfy the Court that he has duly applied such property of the deceased as shall be proved to have come into his possession, the decree may be executed against the defendant to the extent of the property not duly applied by him in the same manner as if the decree had been against the defendant personally.

6.-Whenever a person has become liable as security for the perfor- mance of a decree, or of any part thereof, the decree may be executed against such person to the extent to which he has rendered himself liable in the same manner as a decree may be enforced against a defendant.

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to Attachment



7.-The following property is liable to attachment and sale in execu- Property liable tion of a decree, namely, land, houses, goods, money, bank-notes, cheques, and Sale in bills of exchange, promissory notes, government securities, bonds, or other Execution of securities for money, debts, shares in the capital or joint stock of any public company or corporation, and all other property whatsoever, moveable or immoveable, belonging to the defendant, and whether the same be held in his own name or by another person in trust for him or on his behelf.

Payment into

under Decree,

8.-All moneys payable under a decree shall be paid into Court, Port of Money unless the Court shall otherwise direct. No adjustment of a decree, in part or in whole, shall be recognised by the Court unless such adjustment be made through the Court, or be certified to the Court by the person in whose favour the decree has been made, or to whom it has been trans- ferred.

Immediate Execution.

Court before

      LXXI.-The Court may, at the time of making the decree on the verbal By Order of application of the party in whose favour the decree is made, order imme- Taxation of diate execution thereof, except as to so much as relates to the costs, and Costs. that the decree shall be executed as to costs as soon as the amount thereof shall be ascertained by taxation.

Application for Execution in ordinary Cases.

      LXXII. When any party in whose favour a decree has been made is desirous of enforcing the same, he shall apply to the Registrar for execution. Such application must be in writing, and shall specify the number of the suit or proceeding and the names of the parties.

Must be made --Form of.

to the Registrar

2.--If there be cross-decrees between the same parties for the payment Cross-decrees. of

money, execution shall be taken out by that party only who shall have obtained a decree for the larger sum and for so much only as shall remain after deducting the smaller sum, and satisfaction for the smaller sum shall be entered on the decree for the larger sum as well as satisfaction on the decree for the smaller sum, and if both sums shall be equal, satisfaction shall be entered upon both decrees.

Execution in

3.-Whenever a suit shall be pending in the Court against the holder Court may stay of a previous decree of the Court, by the person against whom the decree certain CaBes was made, the Court may, if it appear just and reasonable to do so, stay of previous execution of the decree either absolutely or on such terms as it may think just, until a decree shall be made in the pending suit.


      4.-If any person against whom a decree has been made shall die Decree gainst before execution has been fully had thereon, application for execution entative thereof may be made against the legal representative, or the estate of the person so dying as aforesaid; and if the Court shall think proper to grant such application, the decree may be executed accordingly.

Mode of Execu

5. If the decree be ordered to be executed against the legal repre- Mode sentative, it shall be executed in the manner provided in Section LXX., Par. 5, for the execution of a decree for money to be paid out of the property of a deceased person.

6. The Registrar on receiving any application for execution of a Record of

Application for decree, containing the particulars above-mentioned, shall make a note of Execution, the application, and the date on which it was made.

apply to Court

     7.-The Registrar may, at any time, take the direction of the Court Registrar may as to any application for execution, and in the meanwhile refuse to issue for Direction. the writ.

8.-All writs of execution shall be issued in the order of application Execution to for the same, unless the Court shall otherwise direct.

issue in order of Application.

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Application for Execution after




Measures in certain Cases preliminary to the Issue of Execution. LXXIII.-If an interval of more than one year shall have elapsed Interval of One between the date of the decree and the application for its execution, or if Year, or against the enforcement of the decree be applied for against the representative of of original Party, an original party to the suit, the Court shall issue a notice to the party against whom execution may be applied for, requiring him to show cause, within a limited period to be fixed by the Court, why the decree should not be executed against him: Provided that no such notice shall be neces- sary in consequence of an interval of more than one year having elapsed between the date of the decree and the application for execution, if the application be made within one year from the date of the last order obtained on any previous application for execution; and provided further that no such notice shall be necessary in consequence of the application being against such representative, if upon a previous application for execution against the same person, the Court shall have ordered execution to issue against him.

Order thereon.

Registrar to issue proper

Writ of Execu-


Obstruction to Execution of Decree.

By Defendant.

Penalty for.

By any Person other than the Defendant asserting a Claim to possession.

2.-When such notice is issued, if the party shall not appear, or shall not show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of the Court why the decree should not be forthwith executed, the Court shall order it to be executed accordingly. If the party shall appear and shall offer any objection to the enforcement of the decree, the Court shall make such order as in the circumstances of the case may seem to be just and proper.

Issue of the Writ of Execution.

LXXIV. Upon the application of the decree-holder the Registrar shall, subject to the provisions of the last two preceding sections, issue the proper writ for the execution of the decree.

Execution of Decrees for immoveable Property.

LXXV.-If in the execution of a decree for land or other immoveable property, the officer executing the same shall be resisted or obstructed by any person, the person in whose favour such decree was made may apply to the Court at any time within one month from the time of such resistance or obstruction. The Court shall fix a day for investigating the complaint, and shall summon the party against whom the complaint is made to answer the same.

2. If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the obstruc- tion or resistance was occasioned by the defendant, or by some person at his instigation, on the ground that the land or other immoveable property is not included in the decree, or on any other ground, the Court shall enquire into the matter of the complaint, and make such order as may be proper under the circumstances of the case.

3.-If the Court shall be satisfied, after such investigation of the facts of the case as it may deem proper, that the resistance or obstruction com- plained of was without any just cause, and that the complainant is still resisted or obstructed in obtaining effectual possession of the property adjudged to him by the decree, by the defendant or some person at his instigation, the Court may, at the instance of the plaintiff, and without prejudice to any proceedings to which such defendant or other person may be liable for such resistance or obstruction, commit the defendant or such other person to prison for such period not exceeding thirty days as may be necessary to prevent the continuance of such obstruction or resistance.

4.-If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the resist- ance or obstruction to the execution of the decree has been occasioned by any person, other than the defendant, claiming bona fide to be in possession of the propery on his own account or on account of some other person than the defendant, the claim shall be numbered and registered as a suit between the decree-holder as plaintiff and the claimant as defendant, and the Court shall, without prejudice to any proceedings to which the claimant

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    may be liable for such resistance or obstruction, proceed to investigate the claim in the same manner and with the like power as if a suit for the property had been instituted by the decree-holder against the claimant under the provisions of this Code, and shall make such order for staying execution of the decree, or executing the same as it may deem proper in the circumstances of the case.

of Decree holder

      5.-If any person other than the defendant shall be dispossessed of Where Right any land or other immoveable property in execution of a decree, and such disputed. person shall dispute the right of the decree-holder to dispossess him of such property under the decree, on the ground that the property was bond fide in his possession on his own account, or on account of some other person than the defendant, and that it was not included in the decree, or if included in the decree, that he was not a party to the suit in which the decree was made, he may apply to the Court within one month from the date of such dispossession: and if, after examining the applicant, it shall appear to the Court that there is probable cause for making the applica- tion, the application shall be numbered and registered as a suit between the applicant as plaintiff and the decree-holder as defendant, and the Court shall proceed to investigate the matter in dispute in the same manner and with the like powers as if a suit for the property had been iustituted by the applicant against the decree-holder.

Decision under

      6.-The decision of the Court under the provisions contained in either Effect of of the last preceding paragraphs shall be of the same force or effect as a two last Para decree in an ordinary suit; and no fresh suit shall be entertained between graphs. the same parties or persons claiming under them in respect of the same cause of action.



LXXVI.-If the decree be for money, and the amount thereof is to Mode of be levied from the property of the person against whom the same may have been pronounced, the Court shall cause the property to be attached in the manner following:

Possession of

2.-Where the property shall consist of gools, chattels, or other Moveable Pro- moveable property in the possession of the defondant, the attachment shall perty in be made by actual seizure, and the Sheriff or other officer shall keep the Detendant, same in his custody, and shall be responsible for the due custody thereof.

      3. Where the property shall consist of goods, chattels, or other Where subject moveable property to which the defendant is entitled subject to a lien or right of smother person to the immediate possession thereof, the attach Parties. ment shall be made by a written order prohibiting the person in possession from giving over the property to the defendant.

to Lien or Rights of third


      4.Where the property shall consist of lan ls, houses, or other im- Immoveable moveable property, or any interest therein either at law or in equity, the attachment shall be made by a written order prohibiting the defendant from alienating the property by sale, gift, or in any other way, and all persons from receiving the same by purchase, gift, or otherwise.

Shares Companies.

      5.-Where the property shall consist of debts not being negotiable Debts and instruments, or of shares in any public company or corporation, and Cornublie attachment shall be made by a written order prohibiting the creditor from receiving the debts, and the debtor from making payment thereof to any person whomsoever, until the further order of the Court, or prohibiting the person in whose name the shares may be standing from making any transfer of the shares or receiving payment of any dividends thereof, and the manager, secretary, or other proper officer of the company or corpora- tion from permitting any such transfer or making any such payment, until such further order.

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Property in the Custody of a Public Officer or in custodid legis.

Negotiale Instruments.

Bervice of probibitory Orders.

Private Aliena.

tion after At-



6.- Property in the custody or under the control of any public officer in his official capacity shall be liable to attachment in execution of a decree with the consent of the Attorney-General, and property in custodiâ legis shall be liable also to attachment by leave of the Court. In such cases, the order of attachment must be served on such public officer, or on the Registrar, as the case may be.

7.- Where the property shall consist of a negotiable instrument, the attachment shall be made by actual seizure, and the Sheriff or other officer shall bring the same into Court, and such instrument shall be held subject to the further orders of the Court.

8. In the case of goods, chattels, or other moveable property not in the possession of the defendant, an office copy of the order shall be delivered to the person in possession of the property. In the case of lands, houses, or other immoveable property, or any interest therein, an office copy of the order shall be registered in the Land Office under Ordinance No. 3 of 1844. In the case of debts, office copies of the order shall be delivered to or served upon each individual debtor. And in case of shares in the capital or joint-stock of any public company or corporation, an office copy of the order shall be delivered to or served upon the manager, secretary, or other proper officer of the company or corporation.

9.-After any attachments shall have been made by actual seizure, or tachment void. by written order as aforesaid, and in the case of an attachment by written order, after it shall have been duly intimated and made known in mauner aforesaid, any alienation without leave of the Court of the property attached, whether by sale, gift, or otherwise, and any payment of the debt or debts, or dividends, or shares to the defendant during the continuance of the attachment, shall be null and void.

  Payment into Court by Debtor.

  Court may order Money or Proceeds of Property

attached, or any Part thereof to be paid to the Decree holder.

Appointment of Manager.

10.--In every case in which a debtor shall be prohibited from making payment of his debt to the creditor, he may pay the amount into Court, and such payment shall have the same effect as payment to the party entitled to receive the debt.

11.- In all cases of attachment under this chapter, it shall be com- petent to the Court, at any time during the attachment, to direct that any part of the property so attached as shall consist of money or bank-notes, or a sufficient part thereof, shall be paid over to the party applying for execution of the decree, or that any part of the property so attached as may not consist of money or bank-notes, so far as may be necessary for the satisfaction of the decree, shall be sold, and that the money which may be realized by such sale, or a sufficient part thereof, shall be paid to such party.

12.-When the property attached shall consist of debts due to the party who may be answerable for the amount of the decree, or of any lands, houses, or other immoveable property, it shall be competent to the Court to appoint a manager of the said property with power to sue for the debts, and to collect the rents or other receipts and profits of the land or other immoveable property, and to execute such deeds or instruments in writing as may be necessary for the purpose, and to pay and apply such rents, profits, or receipts toward the payment of the amount of the decree and costs: or when the property attached shall consist of land, if the judgment debtor can satisfy the Court that there is reasonable ground to believe that the amount of the judgment may be raised by the mortgage of the on Application land, or by letting it on lease, or by disposing by private sale of a portion of the land, or of any other property belonging to the judgment debtor, it shall be competent to the Court,on the application of the judgment debtor, to postpone the sale for such period as it may think proper, to enable the judgment debtor to raise the amount. In any case in which a manager shall be appointed under this section, such manager shall be bound to

Mortgage in lieu of ale

of Judgment Debtor.

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    render due and proper accounts of his receipts and disbursements, from time to time, as the Court may direct.

Debtor, Curt

     13.-If the judgment debtor shall be absent from the Colony, and it In sbsence of shall appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the public sale of any of Judgment his property which has been attached, consisting of lands, houses, or any may order interest therein, is objectionable, and that satisfaction of the decree may ge

Mortgage in be made within a reasonable period by a temporary alienation of such property, the Court may, of its own motion, instead of proceeding to a public sale of such property, order that provision be made for the satisfac- tion of the decree by mortgage thereof and may authorize the Registrar, if necessary, to execute the mortgage deed in lieu of the judgment debtor, or any other necessary parties, and may make such orders in relation to such mortgage as may be requisite to carry out this provision; and the execution of such mortgage deed by the Registrar shall have the same effect as the execution thereof by the judgment debtor, or other necessary parties.

      14.-If the amount decreed with costs and all charges and expenses Order for With- which

may be incurred by the attachment be paid into Court, or if satisfac- drawal of At- tion of the decree be otherwise made, an order shall be issued for the Satisfaction of withdrawal of the attachment; and if the defendant shall desire it, and shall deposit in Court a sum sufficient to cover the expense, the order shall be notified in the same manner as hereinbefore prescribed for the notifica- tion of the attachment; and such steps shall be taken as may be necessary for staying further proceedings in execution of the decree.

Of Claims to Attached Property.

tachment on



LXXVII.-In the event ef any claim being preferred to, or objection Investigation offered against, the sale of lands or any other immoveable or moveable thereof by the property which may have been attached in execution of a decree or under any order for attachment made before judgment, as not liable to be sold in execution of a decree against the defendant, the Court shall, subject to the proviso contained in the next succeeding section, proceed to investigate the same with the like powers as if the claimant had been originally made a defendant to the suit, and if it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the land or other immoveable property was not in the possession of the party against whom execution is sought, or of some person in trust for him, or in the occupancy of persons paying rent to him at the time when the property was attached, or that being in the possession of the party himself at such time, it was so in his possession not on his own account, or as his own property, but on account of, or in trust for, some other person, the Court shall make an order for releasing the said property from attachment. But if it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the land or other immoveable or moveable property was in possession of the party against whom execution is sought, as his own property, and not on account of any other person, or was in the possession of some person in trust for him, or in the occupancy of persons paying ret to him at the time when the property was attached, the Court shall disallow the claim. The party against whom the order may be given shall be at liberty to bring a suit to establish his right at any time within one year from the date of the order.

jection to be


2.-The claim or objection shall be made at the earliest opportunity Claim or Ob- to the Court; and if the property to which the claim or objection applies preferred at the shall have been advertised for sale, the sale may (if it appears necessary) earliest Oppor- be postponed for the purpose of making the investigation mentioned in the last preceding paragraph: Provided that no such investigation shall be made if it appear that the making of the claim or objection was designedly and unnecessarily delayed, with a view to obstruct the ends of justice, and in such case, the claimant shall be left to prosecute his claim by a regular suit.

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   Registrar to have Conduct

of Sale.

Setting aside Sale for Irre-


When Sale be- comes absolute,

Return of Deposit or Purchase Money.

Transfer to Purchaser by Certificate- Stamp Duty Registration.

Delivery of

moveable Property in

     Possession of Defendant.

To which Defendant

to Lien.



Of Sales in Execution of Decrees.

LXXVIII.-Sales in execution of decree shall be made under the direction of the Registrar, and shall be conducted according to such orders, if any, as the Court may make on the application of any parties concerned, and all such sales shall be made by public auction : Provided that it shall be competent to the Court to authorize the sale to be made in such other manner as it may deem advisable.


2.-At time within ten days from the date of the sale of any immoveable property, application may be made to the Court to set aside the sale on the ground of any material irregularity in the conduct of the sale, but no sale shall be set aside on the ground of such irregularity unless the applicant shall prove to the satisfaction of the Court that he has sustained substantial injury by reason of such irregularity.

3.-If no such application as is mentioned in the last preceding para- graph be male, the sale shall be deemed absolute. If such application be made and the objection be disallowed, the Court shall make an order confirming the sale; and in like manner if the objection be allowed, the Court shall make an order setting aside the sale for irregularity.

4. Whenever a sale of immoveable property is set aside, the pur- chaser shall be entitled to receive back any money deposited or paid by him on account of such sale with or without interest, to be paid by such parties and in such manner as it may appear proper to the Court to direct in each instance.

5.-After a sale of immoveable property shall have become absolute in manner aforesaid, the Court shall grant a certificate to the person who may have been declared the purchaser at such sale, to the effect that he has purchased the right, title, and interest of the defendant in the property sold, and such certificate shall be liable to the same stamp duty as an assignment of the same property, and when duly stamped as aforesaid, shall be taken and deemed to be a valid transfer of such right, title, and interest, and may be registered in the Land Office under Ordinance No. 3 of 1844.

6.-Where the property sold shall consist of goods, chattels, or other moveable property in the possession of the defendant, or to the immediate possession of which the defendant is entitled, and of which actual seizure has been made, the property shall be delivered to the purchaser.

7-Where the property sold shall consist of goods, chattels, or other entitled subject moveable property to which the defendant is entitled, subject to a lien or right of any person to the immediate possession thereof, the delivery to the purchaser shall, as far as practicable, be made by the Sheriff giving notice to the person in possession prohibiting him from delivering pos- session of the property to any person except the purchaser thereof.

Of immoveable Property in the Occupancy of a Defendant.

In lawful

Occupancy of other Persons.


8.-If the property soll shall consist of a house, land, or other im- moveable property, in the occupancy of a defendant or some person on bis behalf, or of some person claiming under a title created by the defen- dant subsequently to the attachment of such property, the Court shall, on the application of the purchaser, order delivery thereof to be made by putting the party to whom the house, land, or other immoveat le property may have been sold, or any person whom he may appoint to receive deli- very on his behalf, in possession thereof, and, if need be, by removing any person who may refuse to vacate the same.

9.-If the property sold shall consist of a house, land, or other im- moveable property in the occupancy of other persons entitled to occupy the same, the Court shall, on the application of the purchaser, order delivery thereof to be made by affixing a copy of the certificate of sale in some conspicuous place on the house, land, or other immoveable property, or in the Supreme Court building.

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Shares in

      10. Where the property sold shall consist of debts not being nego- Of Debte and tiable instruments, or of shares in any public company or corporation, Public Com- the Court shall, on the application of the purchaser, make an order pro- panies. hibiting the creditor from receiving the debts and the debtor from making payment thereof to any person or persons except the purchaser, or pro- hibiting the person in whose name the shares may be standing, from making any transfer of the shares to any person except the purchaser, or receiving payment of any dividends thereon, and the manager, secretary, or other proper officer of the company or corporation from permitting any such transfer or making any such payment to any person except the purchaser.

     11.-Where the property sold shall consist of negotiable securities of of negotiable which actual seizure has been made, the same shall be delivered to the purchaser thereof.

Securities and

      12.-If the indorsement, transfer, or conveyance of the party in whose Transfer of name any negotiable security or any share in a public company or corpora- Shares. tion is standing, or in whom any mortgage or equity of redemption shall be vested, shall be required to transfer the same, the Registrar may indorse the security or the certificate of the share, or may execute such other document as may be necessary for transferring the same. The indorse- ment or execution shall be in the following form, or to the like effect : "A. B. by C. I)., Registrar of the Supreme Court of Hongkong; in a suit by E. F. versus A. B." Until the transfer of such security or share, the Court may, by order, appoint some person to receive any interest or divid- end due thereon, and to sign receipts for the same; and any indorsement made or document executed, or receipts signed as aforesaid, shall be as valid and effectual for all purposeses, as if the same had been made or executed or signed by the party himself.

Purchaser in

13.-If the purchaser of any immoveable property sold in execu- Obstructing tion of a decree shall, notwithstanding the order of the Court, be resisted obtaining or obstructed in obtaining possession of the property, the provisions con- Possession, tained in Section LXXV., relating to resistance or obstruction to a party in whose favour a suit has been decreed in obtaining possession of the property adjudged to him, shall be applicable in the case of such resistance or obstruction.


14.-If it shall appear that the resistance or obstruction to the delivery Obstruction by of possession was occasioned by any person other than the defendant other than claiming a right to the possession of the property sold as proprietor, Defendant. mortgagee, lessee, or under any other title, or if in the delivery of posses- sion to the purchaser any such person claiming as aforesaid shall be dis- possessed, the Court, on the complaint of the purchaser, or of such person claiming as aforesaid, if made within one month from the date of such resistance or obstruction, or of such dispossession, as the case may be, shall enquire into the matter of the complaint, and make such order as may be proper

in the circumstances of the case. The party against whom it is given shall be at liberty to bring a suit to establish his right at any time within one year from the date thereof.

Allowance to

       Of the Execution of Decrees by Imprisonment. LXXIX.-When a defendant is committed to prison in execution of Subsistence a decree, the Court shall fix whatever monthly allowance it shall think Prisoner for sufficient for his subsistence, not exceeding twenty-five cents per day, which Debt. shall be paid by the party at whose instance the decree may have been executed, to the superintendent of the gaol, by monthly payments in advance, before the first day of each month, the first payment to be made for such portion of the current month as may remain unexpired before the defendant is committed to prison,

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     Removal of Prisoner for Debt in Case of Illness.

Felease of Prisoner for Debt.

Term of Im-

prisonment for Debt.

      Subsistence Money to be added to amount of Decree.


   for Discharge. such Applica

Procedure on




2.- In case of the serious illness of any defendant imprisoned under a decree for debt, it shall be lawful for the Court, on the certificate of the Colonial Surgeon, to make an order for the removal of the defendant to the Government Civil Hospital, and for his treatment there under custody until further order, and the period of the defendant's stay in hospital shall be counted as part of his term of imprisonment for debt, and his subsistence money shall be paid as if no such order had been made.

3.-A defendant shall be released at any time on the decree being fully satisfied, or at the request of the person at whose instance he may have been imprisoned, or on such person omitting to pay the allowance above directed. No person shall be imprisoned on account of a decree for a longer period than one year, or for a longer period than six months if the decree be for the payment of money not exceeding five hundred dollars, or for a longer period than three months if the decree be for the payment of money not exceeding one hundred dollars.

4. Sums disbursed by a plaintiff for the subsistence of a defendant in gaol shall be added to the costs of the decree, and shall be recoverable by the attachment and sale of the property of the defendant; but the defendant shall not be detained in custody or arrested on account of any sums so disbursed.

5.-Any person in confinement under a decree may apply to the Court for his discharge. The application shall contain a full account for all property of whatever nature belonging to the applicant, whether in expec- tancy or in possession, and whether held exclusively by himself or jointly with others, or by others in trust for him (except the necessary wearing apparel of himself and his family and the necessary implements of his trade), and of the places respectively where such property is to be found; and such application shall be subscribed by the applicant and verified on affidavit.


6.-On such application being made, the Court shall cause the execu- Extravagance. tion creditor to be furnished with a copy of the account of the defendant's property and shall fix a reasonable period within which the execution creditor may cause the whole or any part of such property to be attached and sold or may make proof that the defendant's inability to satisfy the decree is attributable to unjustifiable extravagance in living, or that the defendant, for the purpose of procuring his discharge without satisfying the decree, has wilfully concealed property, or his rig it or interest therein, or fraudulently transferred or removed property, or committed any other act of bad faith. If the execution creditor shall fail to make such proof, the Court shall cause the defendant to be set at liberty. If the execution creditor shall within the time specified, or at any subsequent period, make such proof to the satisfaction of the Court, the Court shall retain the defendant in confine- ment unless he shall have already been in confinement on account of the decree for the full term of his imprisonment.

Wilful Con. cealment of Property. Fraudulent Transfers.

Act of bad Faith.

     Continuance of Liability of

Debtor's Pro-


Decision of

Mesne Profits

and other


7. A defendant once discharged shall not again be imprisoned on account of the same decree, but his property shall continue liable, under the ordinary rules, to attachment and sale until the decree shall be fully satisfied.

8.-All questions regarding the amount of any mesne profits which Questions as to by the terms of the decree may have been reserved for adjustment in the execution of the decree, or of any mesne profits or interest which may be payable in respect of the subject matter of a suit between the date of the institution of the suit and execution of the decree, as well as questions relating to sums alleged to have been paid in discharge or satisfaction of the decree or the like, and any other questions arising between the parties to the suit in which the decree was made and relating to the execution of the decree, shall be determined by order of the Court.

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Enforcement of Orders.


the Court.

LXXX.-Any order of the Court made in any suit or proceeding may By Leave of be enforced by leave of the Court, in the manner hereinbefore provided for the enforcement of decrees.

   Commitment for Disobedience to a Decree or Order. LXXXI.-Where any person is guilty or wilful disobedience to a Application for

                                              Order against decree or order, the person prosecuting the decree or order shall be entitled

                                              Person guilty to apply to the Court for an order on the person disobeying such decree of. or order to show cause why he should not be punished for the disobedience. The Court, unless it sees good reason to the contrary, shall, on such application, make an order accordingly.

2.-The Court shall not grant the order except on evidence on oath or affidavit establishing such a case as, if uncontradicted and unexplained, would justify the immediate commitment of the person disobeying the decree or order.

Evidence in



3. A certified copy of the order and of the affidavit or deposition on Copy to be which the order is granted shall be served on the party to whom the order is directed.

Proceedings on

4. On the return-day of the order, if the person to whom it is directed Return-day. does not attend and does not establish a sufficient excuse for not attending, and if the Court is satisfied that the order has been duly served,-or if he attends and does not show cause to the satisfaction of the Court why he should not be punished for the disobedience,-the Court may issue a warrant for his commitment to prison.

of Time and

5.-The Court may enlarge the time for the return to the order, or Enlargement may, on the return of it and under circumstances which would strictly Conditio and justify the immediate commitment of the person guilty of the disobedience, Ordor, direct that the warrant for his commitment shall issue only after a certain time, and in the event of his continued disobedience at that time to the decree or order in respect of which he has been guilty of disobedience.


6.-A person committed for disobedience to a decree or order is liable Duration of to be detained in custody until he has obeyed the decree or order in all things that are to be immediately performed, and given such security as the Court thinks fit to obey the other parts of the decree or order (if any) at the future times thereby appointed,-or in case of his no longer having the power to obey the decree or order, then until he has been imprisoned for such time or until he has paid such fine as the Court directs.



Foreign Attachment.

    LXXXII.-Proceedings by foreign attachment may be taken in In what Cases. manner hereinafter prescribed in all suits founded on contract or for detinue or trover provided that the cause of action arose within the jurisdiction.


    2. Upon the filing in Court by the plaintiff in any such suit of an Affidavit to be affidavit to the following effect, that is to say:

(a.) That the cause of action arose within the jurisdiction; (b.) That the plaintiff has taken out a writ of summons against the defendant, but that the defendant is absent from the Colony, or that there is probable cause to believe that the defendant is concealing himself to evade proceedings; (c.) That the defendant is beneficially entitled to lands, or to any interest therein within the jurisdiction, or to any moneys, securities for money, goods chattels, or other property

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Issue of Writ.

   Absence from the Colony.

Bond to be entered into before Issue of Writ,

Form thereof.

Writ how executed,

Priority of Writa.

Property in

Custody of a Public Officer, or in custodia


How Lands attached.

  Memorial to be registered.



whatsoever, within the jurisdiction, in the custody, or under the control, of any other person within the jurisdiction, or that such other person (hereinafter called the garnishee) is indebted to the defendant;

the Registrar may issue a writ of general attachment against all the pro- perty moveable and immoveable of the defendant within the jurisdiction, which shall be called a writ of "foreign attachment" and shall be made returnable not less than fourteen days after the date thereof except by special leave of the Court.

3.-Absence from the Colony shall for the purpose of proceedings by foreign attachment be taken to be absence for the time being, whether the party shall ever have been within the Colony or not.

4.-Before any such writ shall issue, the plaintiff, or some one on his behalf, shall enter into a bond with one or more sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Registrar, in a penal sum equal to twice the amount of the clair in any less sum by special leave of the Court, the condition of which said bond shall be that in case the defendant shall, at any time within the period limited by this Ordinance in that behalf, cause the writ to be set aside, or any judgment which may be given in the suit to be reversed or varied, the plaintiff will pay to the defendant all such sums of money, damages, costs, and charges as the Court may order and award on account of or in relation to the said suit, and the said attachment, or either of them: Provided that the Court shall not award a larger amount of damages than it is competent to decree in an action for damages, and such award shall bar any suit for damages in respect of such attachment.

5.-The bond shall be in such form as the Court may, from time to time, or in any particular case, approve and direct, and shall be entered into before the Registrar and deposited in Court; and whenever it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court, upon affidavit or otherwise, that under the circumstances it is expedient that the writ should issue forthwith and before the bond shall have been entered into as aforesaid, the Court may order the writ to issue accordingly, upon such terms as it shall think fit, and by the same order shall limit the time, not exceeding seven days from the date of the issue of the writ, within which the bond must be entered into and deposited as aforesaid; and in the case of default of complying with the requirements of such order within the time thereby limited, the Court may dissolve the writ, and thereupon may award costs and damages to the defendant in the manner herein before provided in the case of a writ being set aside or a judgment in the suit being reversed or varied.

6.-All writs of foreign attachment against moveable property shall be executed by the Sheriff.

7.- Where two or more writs of foreign attachment shall issue at the suit of different plaintiffs, they shall take priority respectively according to the date and time at which they reach the hands of the Sheriff for execu tion. The Sheriff shall indorse upon the writ the day and time of the receipt thereof.

8.-Property in the custody or under the control of any public offi- cer in his official capacity shall be liable to attachment with the consent of the Attorney-General; and property in custodiâ legis shall be liable to attachment by leave of the Court. In such cases, the writ of foreign attachment must be served on such public Officer, or on the Registrar, as the case may be.


9. Where the defendant is beneficially entitled to lands or any terest therein, a memorial containing a copy of the writ of foreign attach- ment shall be registered in the Land Office established under Ordinance No. 3 of 1844 in a special book to be kept for the purpose, and to be

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called the "Foreign Attachment Book; and the date and time of such registration shall be duly noted and entered in the said book; and in case such writ of foreign attachment shall be dissolved, or the judgment in the suit shall be satisfied, a certificate to that effect under the hand of the Regis trar and the seal of the Court may be filed at the Land Office, and there- upon the memorial shall be deemed to have been cancelled. The fees Cancellation payable to the Land Office shall be for the registration of such memorial one dollar; and for the filing of su.... certificate, one dollar; and no other fees shall be chargeable by the Land Office in respect thereof,


     10. From the time of the registration in the Land Office of the Effect of Re- memorial of a writ of foreign attachment, all lands within the jurisdiction, Memorial,

gistration of or any interest therein to which the defendant mentioned in such writ is then beneficially entitled, whether solely or jointly with others, shall, to the extent of his interest therein, and subject to Crown debts and to any bona fide prior title thereto, or lien or charge thereon, and to the rights and powers of prior incumbrancers, be attached to satisfy the claim of the plaintiff.


11.-From the time of the service upon the garnishee of a writ of Effect of Ser- foreign attachment, all property whatsoever, within the jurisdiction, other vice of Writ

attaching than lands, or any interest therein to which the defendant mentioned in moveable such writ is then beneficially entitled, whether solely or jointly with others, and which is in the custody or under the control of the garnishee, and all debts then due or accruing due by the garuishee to the defendant, shall, to the extent of the defendant's interest therein, and subject to Crown debts and to any bonà fide prior title thereto, or lien or charge thereon, and to the rights and powers of prior incumbrancers, be respectively attached in the hands of such garnishee, to satisfy the claim of the plaintiff.

Property by

12.-The Court may, at any time before judgment, upon such Sale of moveable grounds as it shall deem sufficient, order any property, other than lands, Order of Court. or any interest therein, attached under such writ, to be sold in such man- ner as it shall direct, and the net proceeds to be paid into Court.


13.-Any garnishee who shall without leave or order of the Court, Punishment of at any time after the service of the writ and before the attachment shall disposing of be dissolved, knowingly and wilfully part with the custody or control of attached Pro- perty without any property attached in his hands, or remove the same out of the juris- Leave. diction of the Court, or sell or dispose of the same, or pay over any debt due by him to the defendant, excepting only to or to the use of the plain- tiff, shall pay such damages to the plaintiff as the Court shall award, and he shall be deemed guilty of contempt of Court: Provided that the Court shall not award a larger amount of damages than it is competent to decree in an action for damages, and such award shall bar any suit for damages in respect of such attachment.


14. In all cases where it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction Custody by of the Registrar by affidavit or otherwise that there is reasonable cause to believe that any property attached is in danger of being removed out of the jurisdiction, or of being sold, or otherwise disposed of the Regis- trar may, by an order in writing, direct the Sheriff to seize such property and detain the same subject to the order of the Court: and the Sheriff shall thereupon seize and detain such property accordingly.


     15.-Notice of the issue of the writ of foreign attachment shall be Notice of inserted twice in the Gazette, and twice in some local newspaper, unless Foreign the Court shall, by reason of the defendant having entered an appearance, or upon any other ground, dispense with the publication of such notice.

16.-In cases where the place of residence of the defendant out of Notice to the jurisdiction shall be known, the Court may, if it shall think fit, upon ant may be the application of the garnishee, or of any friend or agent of the defen- ordered. dant, or of its own motion, and upon such terms as it may deem reason-

absent Defcnd-

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Proceedings after Issue of



of Garnishee.

Power to summon any Person as & Witness.

Proceedings on Judgment.


Dissolution of Writ.

Attachment of Ships.

  Claims to Pro- perty attached.

Stay of Proceed- ings against Garnishes,

Leave to defend before Judg.




able, order that notice of the writ be served upon the defendant out of the jurisdiction, and that further proceedings be stayed until further order, but without prejudice to the attachment under the writ.

17.-After the issue of the writ of foreign attachment (but subject to the provisions of the last preceding paragraph) the plaintiff may forth- with file his petition, and upon such day after the return of the writ as the Court shall appoint, may proceed to establish his claim as in ordinary suit in which there has been due service of the writ of summons and leave has been obtained to proceed ex parte.

18. Upon the hearing of the petition the Court shall proceed to enquire and determine whether in fact the plaintiff's case is within the provisions herein contained relating to foreign attachment, and whether the plaintiff has established his claim, and shall pronounce judgment accordingly; and if the plaintiff shall obtain a judgment, the Court may, at the same or any subsequent sitting, examine, or permit the plaintiff to examine, the garnishee and any other persons, and determine what property moveable or immoveable is subject to attachment under the writ issued.

19.-The Court may, of its own motion, or at the instance of any person interested in the enquiry, summon any person whom it may think necessary and examine him in relation to such property, and may require the garnishee, as well as the person summoned as aforesaid, to produce all deeds and documents in his possession or power relating to such property,

20.-If the plaintiff shall obtain judgment, the Court may, at the time of pronouncing the decree in favour of the plaintiff, or at any sub- sequent sitting, order that execution do issue against all or any of the property attached which the Court shall have declared to be liable to satisfy the plaintiff's claim, and all the provisions of this Code relating to execution of decrees in ordinary suits shall apply to execution so ordered against the said property.

21.-If the plaintiff shall fail to obtain judgment, the Court shall thereupon dissolve the writ of foreign attachment issued at his suit.

22.-Whenever there shall be two or more adverse claimants to any goods laden on board of any ship, and such ship shall be attached in a suit against the shipowner for the non-delivery of such goods, the Court may, in its discretion, on the application of the master, or of the agent of the shipowner, stay the proceedings upon such terms as the Court shall deem reasonable, and order such goods to be landed and warehoused in custodiâ legis without prejudice to the master's lien thereon, and may dissolve the attachment against the ship, and may make such orders as may be necessary for the determination of the rights of such adverse claimants upon such terms, as to security and other matters, as may seem just.

23.-Whenever there shall be several claimants of any property at- tached or to any interest therein, the Court may, in its discretion, summon before it all the claimants and may make such orders for the ascertaining of their respective rights for the custody o the property in the mean- while as it shall, in its discretion, think fit, either under this provision, or the provisions of this Code relating to adverse claims and to claims to attached property.

24. The Court may stay proceedings in any suit commenced against a garnishee in respect of property attached in his hands, upon such terms as it shall think fit.

25.-The Court at any time before judgment, upon being satisfied by affidavit or otherwise that the defendant has a substantial ground of defence, either wholly or in part, to the suit on the merits, may give leave to the defendant to defend the suit, without prejudice to the attachment under the writ.

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perty attached

26. The defendant, at any time before any property attached in the Release of Pro- suit shall have been sold in satisfaction of the plaintiff's claim, may apply on Security to the Court upon notice of motion for an order to dissolve the attachment being given. under the writ as to the whole or any part of the property attached, upon security being given to answer the plaintiff's claim, and the Court may make such order, either absolutely or upon such terms as it may deem reasonable, and in the meanwhile may stay or postpone any sale.


27.-The defendant may at any time within two years from the date Suit may be of the julgment, notwithstanding that the property attached, or any part within tw thereof, shall have been sold in satisfaction of the plaintiff's claim, apply years after Ju Igment. to the Court upon notice of motion for an order to set aside the judgment and for the re-hearing of the suit, and for leave to defend the same; and if it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant had no notice or knowledge of the suit, and could not reasonably have made. an earlier application to the Court, and that he had at the time of the obtaining of the judgment and still has a substantial ground of defence, either wholly or in part, to the suit on the merits, it shall be lawful for the Court to grant such order upon such terms as it may deem reasonable.

28. The reversal or setting aside of a judgment, or the dissolving Reversal of

Jndgment or setting aside of any writ of foreign attachment, or any subsequent mot to affect proceedings, shall not affect the title of any bona fide purchaser for valuable Purchasers. consideration of any property sold in satisfaction of the plaintiff's claim.


Claims against the Government.

LXXXIII.-All claims against the Government of the Colony of the In what Cases may be prefer. same nature as claims within the provisions of "The Petitions of Right Act, red-In what 1860," may, with the consent of the Governor, be preferred in the Supreme Form. Court, in a suit instituted by the claimant as plaintiff against The Attorney-General" as defendant.

menced by

2.-It shall not be necessary for the plaintiff to issue a writ of To be com- summons, but the suit shall be commenced by the filing and service of the Petition. petition upon the Crown Solicitor.


     3.-The Crown Solicitor shall transmit the petition to the Government, Consent of and in case the Governor shall grant his consent as aforesaid, the suit may Procedure proceed and be carried on under the ordinary procedure provided by this thereon, Code.

Petition, &a..

     4.-The petition and all other documents, notices, or proceedings, service of which, in a suit of the same niture between private parties would be required to be served upon the defendant, shall be served upon the Crown Solicitor.


5.-Whenever in any such suit a decree shall be made against the Proceedings on Government, no execution shall issue thereon, but a copy of such decree under the seal of the Court shall be transmitted by the Court to the Government.


Summary Procedure on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes.

LXXXIV.-Suit on Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes, instituted In what Cases, within six months after the same become due and payable, may be heard

and determined in a summary way as hereinafter is provided.

2.-The Court shall, on application, within seven days from the service Leave to defend,

of the writ of summons, give the defendant leave to defend the suit on his paying into Court the sum indorsed, or on evidence on oath showing to the satisfaction of the Court a good legal or equitable defence, or such

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Proceedings where Leave not obtained.

Betting aside Judgment.

 Deposit of Bill in Court.

Becurity for Costs.

Holder's Expenses of noting, &c.

One Writ against all Parties.

Whit must set

forth Claim



facts as would make it incumbent on the holder to prove consideration, or such other facts as the Court deems sufficient to support the applica tion and on such terms as to security and other matters, as to the Court seems fit; and in that case the Court may direct proceedings to be taken and carried on by petition in the ordinary way.

3. If the defendant does not so obtain leave to defend, the plaintiff, on proof of due service of the writ of summons, shall be entitled as of course at any time after the expiration of such seven days, to an immediate absolute decree for any sum not exceeding the sum indorsed on the writ of summons, together with interest at the rate specified, to the date of the judgment, and with costs.

4.-After judgment the Court may, under special circumstances, set aside the judgment, and may stay or set aside execution, and may give leave to defend the suit, if it appears to the Court reasonable so to do, on such terms as to the Court may seem just.

5. In any proceeding under this section, it shall be competent to the Court to order the bill or note sought to be proceeded on to be forthwith deposited in Court, and further to order that all proceedings be stayed until the plaintiff gives security for costs.

6. The holder of a dishonoured bill or note shall have the same remedies for the recovery of the expenses incurred in the noting of the same for non-acceptance or non-payment, or incurred otherwise by reason of the dishonour, as he has under this section for the recovery of the amount of the bill or note.

7. The holder of a bill or note may, if he thinks fit, obtain one writ of summons under the present provisions against all or any of the parties to the bill or note; and such writ of summons shall be the commencement of a suit or suits against the parties therein named respectively; and all subsequent proceedings against such respective parties shall be carried on, as far as may be, as if separate writs of summons had issued.

8.-The writ of summons or its indorsement must set forth the claims with Precision. against the parties respectively, according to their respective alleged liabilities, with sufficient precision and certainty to enable each defendant to set up any defence on which he individually may desire to rely.

Wandamus may be claimed by indorsement on the Writ.

What the

set forth.



LXXXV. The plaintiff in any action except Replevin and Ejectment, may indorse upon the writ and copy to be served, a notice that the plaintiff intends to claim a writ of Mandamus, and the plaintiff may thereupon claim in the petition either together with any other demand which may now be enforced in such action, or separately, a writ of Mandamus, com- manding the defendant to fulfil any duty in the fulfilment of which the plaintiff is personally interested.

2.- The petition in such action shall set forth sufficient grounds upon Petition should which such claim is founded, and shall set forth that the plaintiff is personally interested therein, and that he sustains, or may sustain, damage by the non-performance of such duty and that performance thereof has been demanded by him, and refused, or neglected.

Proceedings thereon.

Judgment and Execution.

3. The proceedings in any action in which a writ of Mandamus is claimed shall be the same in all respects, as nearly as may be, as in an ordinary action for the recovery of damages.

4.-In case judgment shall be given for the plaintiff that a Mandamus do issue, it shall be lawful for the Court, if it shall see fit, to issue a peremptory writ of Mandamus to the defendant, commanding him forth-

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with to perform the duty to be enforced, and such writ in case of disobe- dience may be enforced by attachment.

      5.-The writ of Mandamus need not contain any recitals, but shall Form of Writ, simply command the performance of the duty, and in other respects shall by in the form of an ordinary writ of execution, except that it shall be directed to the party and not to the Sheriff, and returnable forthwith ; and no return thereto, except that of compliance, shall be allowed, but Return of. 'ime to return it may, upon sufficient grounds, be allowed by the Court, either with or without terms.

order Act to be


6. The Court may, upon application by the plaintiff, besides or Court may instead of proceeding against the disobedient party by attachment, direct done at the that the acts required to be done may be done by the plaintiff, or some Expense of the other person appointed by the Court, at the expense of the defendant; and upon the act being done, the amount of such expense may be ascer- tained by the Court itself, or by reference to the Registrar, as the Court may think fit to order; and the Court may order payment of the amount of such expenses and costs, and enforce payment thereof by execution.

CHAPTER XVII. Suits in Formá Pauperis.

admitted to sue er defend,

      LXXXVI. Any poor person, before commencing or defending any How Person action of suit in the Court in his own right or becoming poor during the progress thereof, may apply to the Court by petition for leave to sue or defend as a pauper, which petition shall be supported by an affidavit of the petitioner, and of two householders living in his neighbourhood, that he is not possessed of property to the amount of fifty dollars in value, excepting wearing apparel and the matter or thing claimed by him in the action or suit if he be plaintiff, and thereupon it shall be referred to a barrister to consider the case; and upon the petitioner producing a certi- ficate, signed by such barrister, that he has considered the case, and believes him to have a good cause of action or defence, as the case may be, it shall be lawful for the Court to admit the petitioner to sue or defend, as the case may be, in formâ pauperis; and also to appoint a barrister and attorney to appear for him.

material Facts.

      2.- No person shall be admitted to sue in formâ pauperis unless he Affidavit of shall have filed in Court an affidavit containing a full statment of all the material facts of the case to the best of his belief.

3.-If in any case the Court thinks fit to assign a counsel or attorney Counsel and to assist a person admitted to sue or defend in formâ pauperis, or to con- assigned bound

                                                         Attorney sider the case and give such certificate as aforesaid the counsel or attorney to act. so assigned may not refuse his assistance, unless he satisfies the Court that he has some good reason for refusing.

Reward shall

      4.-No fee shall be taken by any barrister or attorney so assigned, No Fee or nor shall any fees of Court be demanded by any officer of the Court from be given by any person applying or admitted to sue or defend as a pauper; but if he Pauper. succeed, and the costs should be awarded to be paid by his opponent, then the barrister and the attorney so assigned, shall be entitled to and shall receive all such fees as the Registrar of the Court shall allow to them on taxation, and such Court fees as would, in other cases, be chargeable shall be charged and recovered.

When Person

     5.--Any person having been admitted to sue or defend as a pauper and becoming of ability during the progress of the cause, or misbehaving be dispaupered. himself therein by a. y vexatious or improper conduct or proceeding, or wilfully delaying the cause, shall, on the same being shown to the Court, be deprived of all the privileges of such admission.

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Form of, and Proceedings thereon.


Form and Con-





Issues by Agreement of Parties.

LXXXVII.-When the parties to a suit are agreed as to the question or questions of fact or of law to be decided between them, they may state the same in the form of an issue, and enter into an agreement in writing, which shall not be subject to any stamp duty, that upon the finding of the Court in the affirmative or the negative of such issue, a sum of money specified in the agreement, or to be ascertained by the Court upon a ques- tion inserte. in the issue for that purpose, shall be paid by one of the parties to the other of them, or that upon such finding some property specified in the agreement, and in dispute in the suit, shall be delivered by one of the parties to the other of them, or that upon such finding one or more of the parties shall do or perform some particular act, or shall refrain from do ng or performing some particular act, specified in the agreement, and having reference to the matter in dispute.

2.-If the Court shall be satisfied, after an examination of the parties and taking such evidence as it may deem proper, that the agreement was duly executed by the parties, and that the parties have a bona fide interest in the decision of such question, and that the same is fit to be tried and decided, it may proceed to try the same, and deliver its finding or opinion thereon in the same manner as if the issue had been framed by the Court, and may, upon the finding or decision on such issue give judgment for the sum so agreed on, orso ascertained as aforesaid, or otherwise according to the terms of the agreement; and upon the judgment which shall be so given, decree shall follow and may be executed in the same way as if the judg ment had been pronounced in a contested suit.

How Questions may be raised for the Decision of the Court by any persons interested.

LXXXVIII. Parties interested or claiming to be interested in the tents of Agree- decision of any question of fact or law, may enter into an agreement, which shall not be subject to any stamp duty, that upon the finding of the Court in the affirmative or negative of such question of fact or law, a sum of money fixed by the parties, or to be determined by the Court, shall be paid by one of the parties to the other of them; or that some property, move- able or immoveable, specified in the agreement shall be delivered by one of the parties to the other of them; or that one or more of the parties shall do or perform so ne particular act or shall refrain from doing or performing some particular act specified in the agreement. Where the agreement is for the delivery of some property, moveable or immoveable, or for the doing or performing or the refraining to do or perform any particular act, the estimated value of the property to be delivered, or to which the act specified may have reference, shall be stated in the agreement. 2.-The agreement shall be filed in Court, and, when so filed, shall be numbered and registered as a suit between the parties interested as plaintiffs and defendants, and all the parties to it shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court, and shall be bound by the statement contained

Agreement to be filed and numbered as a Suit,



3. The case shall be set down for hearing as an ordinary suit; and if the Court shall be satisfied, after hearing the parties and taking such evidence as it may deem proper,

that the agreement was duly executed by the parties, and that they have a bona fide interest in the question of fact or law stated therein, and that the same is fit to be tried or decided, it shall proceed to try the same, and deliver its finding or opinion thereon in the same way as in an ordinary suit; and shall, upon its finding or deciding

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upon the question of fact or law, give judgment for the sum fixed by the parties, or so ascertained as aforesaid, or otherwise, according to the terms of the agreement, and upon the judgment which shall be so given, decree shall follow and may be executed in the same way as if the judgment had been pronounced in an ordinary suit.

CHAPTER XIX. Reference to Arbitration.


LXXXIX.-If the parties to a suit are desirous that the matters in Application difference between them in the suit, or any of such matters, shall be for Order of referred to the final decision of one or more arbitrator or arbitrators, they may apply to the Court at any time before final judgment for an order of reference, and such order shall be filed with the proceedings in the suit.

2.-The arbitrators shall be nominated by the parties in such manner Appointment as may be agreed upon between them. If the parties cannot agree with respect to the nomination of the arbitrators, or if the persons nominated by them shall refuse to accept the arbitration, and the parties are desirous that the nomination shall be made by the Court, the Court shall appoint the arbitrators.

of Arbitrators.


3.-The Court shall, by an order under its seal, refer to the arbitrators Order of the matters in difference in the suit which they may be required to deter- mine, and shall fix such time as it may think reasonable for the delivery of the award, and the time so fixed shall be specified in the order.

where neces-

       4.-If the reference be to two or more arbitrators, provision shall be Appointment made in the order for a difference of opinion among the arbitrators, by the of Umpire appointment of an umpire or by declaring that the decision shall be with sary. the majority, or by empowering the arbitrators to appoint an umpire, or otherwise, as may be agreed upon between the parties; or if they cannot agree, as the Court may determine.

       5. When a reference is made to arbitration by an order of Court, Enforcing the same process to the parties and witnesses whom the arbitrators, or tendance umpire, may desire to have examined, shall issue as in ordinary suits; and persons not attending in compliance with such process, or making any other default, or refusing to give their testimony, or being guilty of any contempt to the arbitrators, or umpire, during the investigation of the suit. shall be subject to the like disadvantages, penalties, and punishments, by order of the Court on the representation of the arbitrators or umpire, as they would incur for the same offences in suits tried before the Court.

       6.--When the arbitrators shall not have been able to complete the award within the period specified in the order from want of the necessary evidence or information, or other good and sufficient cause, the Court may, from time to time, enlarge the period for delivery of the award, if it shall think proper. In any case in which an umpire shall have been appointed, it shall be lawful for him to enter on the reference in lieu of the arbitrators. if they shall have allowed their time, or their extended time, to expire without making an award, or shall have delivered to the Court, or to the umpire, a notice in writing stating that they cannot agree: Provided that an award shall not be liable to be set aside only by reason of its not having been completed within the period allowed by the Court, unless on proof that the delay in completing the award arose from misconduct of the arbitrators, or umpire, or unless the award shall have been made after the issue of an order by the Court superseding the arbitration and recalling the suit.


Extension of Time for making Award.

       7.- If, in any case of reference to arbitration by an order of Court, Power of Court the arbitrators, or umpire, shall die, or refuse or become incapable to act, it in Case of Death,

Incapacity, or shall be lawful for the Court to appoint a new arbitrator or arbitrators, or Refusal to act. umpire, in the place of the person or persons so dying or refusing or becoming incapable to act. Where the arbitrators are empowered by the

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Special Cate for Opinion of the Court.

Court may

modify or



terms of the order or reference to appoint an umpire, and do not appoint an umpire, any of the parties may serve the arbitrators with a written notice to appoint an umpire; and if within seven days after such notice shall have been served no umpire be appointed, it shall be lawful for the Court, upon the application of the party having served such notice as aforesaid and upon proof to its satisfaction of such notice having been served, to appoint an umpire. In any case of appointment under this section, the arbitrators or umpire so appointed shall have the like

                                power to act in the reference as if their names had been inserted in the original order of reference.

8.-It shall be lawful for the arbitrators or umpire upon any reference by an order of Court, if they shall think fit, and if it is not provided to the contrary, to state their award as to the whole or any part thereof in the form of a special case for the opinion of the Court.

9.-The Court may, on the application of either party, modify or correct Award. correct an award where it appears that a part of the award is upon matters not referred to the arbitrators, provided such part can be separated from the other part and does not affect the decision on the matter referred; or where the award is imperfect in form, or contains any obvious error which can be amended without affecting such decision. The Court may also, on such application, make such order as it thinks just respecting the costs of the arbitration, if any question arise respecting such costs and the award contain no sufficient provision concerning them.

Power as to Costs.

Power of Court

  to remit Award for Reconsi- deration.

Setting aside


Filing Award- Effect of.

  Reference by private Agree. ment.

Application to file.

Proceedings thereon.

Effect' thereof.

10.-In any of the following cases the Court shall have power to remit the award or any of the matters referred to arbitration for reconsideration by the arbitrators or umpire, upon such terms as it may think proper, that is to say :-

(a.) If the award has left undetermined some of the matters referred to arbitration, or if it has determined matters not referred to arbitration;

(b.) If the award is so indefinite as to be incapable of execution; (c.) If an objection to the legality of the award is apparent upon

the face of the award.

11.-No award shall be liable to be aside except on the ground of perverseness or misconduct of the arbitrator or umpire. Any application to set aside an award shall be made within fifteen days after the publica- tion thereof.

12.-If no application shall have been made to set aside the award, or to remit the same, or any of the matters referred for reconsideration, or if the Court shall have refused any such application, either party may file the award in Court, and the award shall thereupon have the same force and effect for all purposes as a judgment.


13.-When any persons shall by an instrument in writing agree that any differences between them, or any of them, shall be referred to the arbitration of any persons named in the agreement, application may be made by the parties thereto, or any of them, that the agreement be filed in Court. On such application being made, the Court shall direct such notice to be given to any of the parties to the agreement, other than the applicants, it may think necessary, requiring such parties to show cause, within a time to be specified, why the agreement should not be filed. The applica- tion shall be numbered and registered as a suit between the parties in- terested as plaintiffs and defendants. If no sufficient cause he shown against the filing of the agreement, the agreement shall be filed and an order of reference to arbitration shall be made thereon. The several pro- visions of this chapter, so far as they are not inconsistent with the terms of any agreement so filed, shall be applicable to all proceedings under the order of referenceand to the award ofarbitration and to the enforcement of such award.

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without the

file Award.

14. When any matter has been referred to arbitration without the Arbitration intervention of the Court and award has been made, any person interested Intervention in the award may, within six months from the date of the award, make of the Court, application to the Court that the award be filed in Court. The Court Application to shall direct notice to be given to the parties to the arbitration other than the applicant, requiring such parties to show cause, within a time to be Proceedings specified, why the award should not be filed. The application shall be numbered and registered as a suit between the applicant as plaintiff and the other parties as defendants. If no sufficient cause be shown against the award the award shall be filed, and shall thereupon have the same Effect thereot. force and effect for all purposes as a judgment.



Powers of

XC.-Nothing in this Code shall affect the power of the Court to General defer or adjourn the hearing or determination of any suit, matter, pro- Court. ceeding, or application, for such time and on such terms as justice requires.


Powers of

      XCI.-Nothing in this Code shall affect the power of the Court to Geral order or allow any amendment of any writ, petition, answer, notice, or other Court. document whatever, at any time on such terms as justice requires.

Power of Court as to Time.

      XCII. -Nothing in this Code shall affect the power of the Court to Enlargement or enlarge or abridge the time appointed or allowed for the doing of any act, Abridgment. or the taking of any proceeding on such terus as justice requires.

after Expira-


      2. Where the Court is by this Code, or otherwise, authorised to May be grantei appoint the time for the doing of any act, or the taking of any proceedings, tion of Time or to enlarge the time appointel or allowed for that purpose by this Code, previously or otherwise, the Court iny further enlarge any time so appointed or enlarged by it on such terms as seem just, whether the application for further enlargement be made before or after the expiration of the time alrea ly allowed: Provided that no such further eul trgement shall be made unless it appears to the Court to be required for the purposes of justice and not sought merely for delay.


Computation of Time.


XCIII. -Ware by this Code, or any special order, or the course of How to be the Court, any limited time from or after any date or event is appointed or allowed for the doing of any act or the taking of any proceeding, and such time is not limited by hours, the computation of such limited time shall not include the day of such date or of the happening of such event, but shall commence at the beginning of the next following day, and the act or proceeding must be done or taken at latest on the last day of such limited tim, according to such computation.

2.-Where the limited tim: so appointe1 or allowed is less than six Sundays and days, the following days shall not be reckoned in the computation of such Holidays. time; namely:-San lay, Good Friday, Monday and Tuesday in Easter Week, Christmas Day, and the day next before and day next after Christmas Day, and any public holiday or day set apart as a fast or thanksgiving day. 3.-Where the time for the doing of any act or the taking of proceeding expires on one of the days last-mentioned, the act or proceeding Holiday. shall be considered as lone or taken in due time if done or taken on the next day afterwar ls that is not one of the last-mentioned days.


Time expiring on a Sunday or

of Security for

4. The day on which an order that a plaintiff do give security for Time in Case costs is served, and the time thenceforward until and including the day on costs by Plain. which such security is given, shall be reckoned in the computation of the tiff. time allowed to a defendant for putting in auswer.

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Period of

   Vacation not to count.

Discretion of Court.

   What shall be included in C. sts.

Amount of Court Fees and of Fees and Costs of



5.--The period of vacation of the Supreme Court shall not be included in the computation of time except by leave of the Court.

Power of Court as to Costs.

XCIV. The costs of the whole suit and of each particular proceeding therein, and of every proceeding before the Court, shall be in the discretion of the Court; and the Court shall have full power to award and apportion costs in any manner it may deem proper.

2. Under the denomination of costs are included the whole of the expenses necessarily incurred by either party on account of the suit, and in enforcing the decree made therein, such as the expense of summoning the parties and witnesses, and of other process, or of procuring copies of documents, law costs, costs of special juries, charges of witnesses and expenses of commissioners either in taking evidence or in investigating


3.- Until a new scale of Court fees and fees and costs of counsel and attorney shall have been provided for use under this Ordinance by any general rule or order of the Supreme Court, or otherwise, and so far as any Attorney pend. such new scale may be incomplete, all questions relating to the amount of

Counsel and

ing Is ue of

hew Scale.

General Powers

of Court & to Becurity for Costs.

Power of Court to stay Pro. ceedings until Appearance entered.

Sealing and Return of Documents.

In Government Gazette.

Application of present Forms,

such fees and costs shall be referred to the Registrar, who is hereby empowered to determine the same on taxation, either with or without reference to the existing scale, having regard to the skill, labour, and responsibility involved, subject nevertheless to a review of such determina- tion on summary application to the Court in chambers; and the payment of the costs allowed on such taxation or review may be enforced in the same manner as if the same had been fixed by any such general rule or order.

4.-The Court may, if in any case it deems fit, require any party to any suit or proceeding, either at the commencement or at any time during the progress thereof, to give security for costs to the satisfaction of the Court by deposit or otherwise; and in the case of a plaintiff, may stay proceedings until such security be given.

Cross-Action against absent Plaintiffs.

XCV. Whenever a suit shall be instituted by a plaintiff residing out of the jurisdiction, and it shall be made to appear on oath or affidavit to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant has a bonâ fide claim against such plaintiff which can be conveniently tried by the Supreme Court, it shall be lawful for the Court in its discretion to stay proceedings in the suit so instituted by the absent plaintiff until he shall have entered an appearance to any cross-action instituted by the defendant against the absent plaintiff in respect of such claim, upon such terms as justice requires.

Seal of Court.

XCVI.--Every writ, summons, warrant, decree, rule, order, notice and other document issuing from the Court shall be sealed with the seal of the Court, and be returned for the purpose of being filed in Court.

Publication of Notices.

XCVII. - - In all cases in which the publication of any notice is required, the same may be made by advertisement in the Gazette, unless otherwise provided in any particular case by this Code, or otherwise ordered by the Court.


XCVIII.-Until special forms shall be prescribed for use under this Code, by any general rule or order of Court, and so far as the same may be incomplete, all forms at present in use in the Supreme Court, with such variations and additions as may be required to be made therein, may be used for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Code, and shall, as regards the form thereof, be valid and sufficient.

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Amendment of Code.


XCIX.-Any amendment in the provisions of this Ordinance, whether By Resolution by way of repeal, variation, substitution, or addition, may, if deemed of Council. expedient, be made by a resolution of the Legislative Council, to be published in the Gazette; and every amendment so made and published shall have the same force and effect for all purposes as if the same had been made by Ordinance, and shall in like manner come into immediate operation, subject to disallowance by Her Majesty.

Commencement of Ordinance.

      C.-This Ordinance shall commence and take effect on such day as Proclamation. shall hereafter be fixed by proclamation under the hand of the Governor.

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Schedule I.


On Sealing every Writ of Summons for commencement of a Suit (except a concurrent,

renewed, or amended Writ), and on Sealing a Writ of Injunction, Certiorari, Man- {$ 3.00 damus, or Habeas Corpus

Interpleader Summons

Service on each Defendant

On Sealing a Concurrent, renewed, or amended Writ of Summons


a Subpoena.

For each Witness in addition to the first.

On Entering an Appearance (each Defendant)

Certificate of Non-Appearance

On Sealing a Warrant to Bailiff to arrest either a Person or a Ship, or to hold to Bail

Service of same

On Sealing a Writ of Execution (Interim Attachment of Property), or Writ of Possession...

a Prohibitory Order.


under Seal................

Each Copy

Bailiff for each Service....

Withdrawing Same

Settling Bond..............

Filing Same

On Scaling a Writ of Foreign Attachment

Certificate of Cancellation of Memorial (Sec. XXXII, Sub-Sec. 9) Registrar's Order for Custody of Property (




















do. 14)


For Filing Petition and Sealing Copy


Amended Petition and Seal







Common Jury

Outside of the Court House

Answer and Sealing Copy

Amended Answer and Seal

Petition for leave to Appeal

a Petition of Right or Special Case

issues for Settlement

issues under Sec. LXXXVII of Code

Agreement under Sec. LXXXVIII

Counterclaim and Copy (Sec. XXXVII) Special Answer and Copy (Sec. XXXVIII)

For Striking and reducing Special Jury


For Copy Panel and Sealing

(Service $1 on each Juror).

For Taking or Administering any Òath, Affidavit, or Declaration in the Supreme Court

(Registry), including Filing

And in Addition for every Exhibit Referred to whether Annexed or not...
















For Settling every Bond as Security for Costs


For Every Report of Registrar or Certificate...


Order of Reference under Sec. LXIV


Filing Same


Order of Reference under Sec. LXXXIX


Filing Same


For Every Witness Examined by Registrar or other Officer in the Supreme Court House


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Taking Evidence outside the Registry, per day or part of a day

Commission to examine Witnesses and Seal

For every attendance by the Registrar or other Officer outside of the Supreme Court House

Attendance of any Officer of Court to give Evidence in a Suit, or to produce any Record,}

file in Bankruptcy or Probate Matter

For every examination of Judgment Debtor under (Sec. LXIX)

.$ 15.00





Order quashing Conviction of Magistrate (Appellate Jurisdiction) Filing Notice to Admit Documents or Facts (Sec. LIX)

Notice of Withdrawal of a Suit (Sec. LXVI)




Filing Motion Paper..

For every Search in the Registry for each File or Document Referred to or Required... Filing every Bill of Sale including Affidavit




Petition to enter Satisfaction...

Copy of any Document made in the Registry, certified per folio If under Seal




On taking an account of a Receiver, Guardian, Consignee, Bailee, Manager, Provisional Official or Voluntary Liquidation; or of an Executor, Administrator, Trustee, Agent, Solicitor, Mortgagee, Execution Creditor or other person liable to account. If the amount exceeds $4,000 for every hundred or fraction of a $100 received .......................

Where the amount received does not exceed $4,000

Release of Ship under Sec. XIX of Code..

Release of Defendant or Property .





Application for review of Judgment or for a new Trial


Filing Consent


Issuing Judges Summons, Interpleader Summons, Ex-parte Application, Notice to show

cause against Execution, Notice of Motion..


Trial Fee or Drawing up and Filing a Judgment or a Decree or Decretal Order whe- ther on the Orginal Hearing of a Suit or on further Consideration, including any Order of the Full Court and including Judgment in default of appearance, and entering for Hearing

Drawing up and entering any other Order whether made in Court or at Chambers...................... For Filing any Document not hereinbefore referred to

For Sealing any Document not hereinbefore referred to.. Signing Appointment to Tax Bill of Costs.....

On Taxing every Bill of Costs, for every $100 allowed..

If Bill of Costs at $100 or under

POUNDAGE. For every Arrest or Seizure in Execution, 2 per cent. on the first $500,

and 1 per cent. on every $100 or fractional part thereof above $500 ..

SCHEDULE II.-Fees in Bankruptcy.

Filing Debtors Petition and Sealing





Schedule, Oath and Sealing

Examination of Petition or Schedule

Report of Registrar

Filing Twelve Months' Account, including Affidavit

Hearing (in Court) Petition or Debtor

Order of Adjudication, including Seal and Copy

Any other Order of Court under Seal

Order of Discharge (2 Sealed Copies)

Extra Sealed Copy

Order Annulling Bankruptcy

appointment of Assignce (each)

Filing and Swearing Assignee's Account

Proof Debt and Exhibit..

Possession, each man, per day

Service of Subpoena or Order

Subpoena and Copy


Certified Copy of Documents, per folio

Seal, if required to each Document

Registrar's Order to Messenger to take Possession

Advertisement, Preparing

Commission of Official Assignee



Consignment (including remitting).

SCHEDULE III.-Fees in Probate,
































.5 per cent.



Filing every Petition for Probate or Letters of Administration including Affidavit For every Citation

2.00 1.00

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For every Caveat

Commission of Appraisement

For every Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration

Judges Order for same...

Filing Bond

For every Exemplification of Will, per folio



Swearing Party to Account or Inventory


Every Affidavit

as to Claim

Exhibit Annexed thereto....

For every Search

Commission of Official Administrator














.5 per cent.


of Appraiser on Money, Houses, Lands and Shares..

On Goods, (Furniture, &c),.........

If the Probate Matter is under $50 From $50 to $200

Probate Duty


.no Fees.

....half the above Fees.

..2 per cent.

Decree or Order, including Hearing..

Writs of Execution, Interim Attachment, and Warrant of Arrest

Order of Release from Gaol

Order of Reference, Arbitration or De bene esse Examination..

Filing Special Defence, Set Off or Affidavits

Ex-parte Application

Order thereon

Writ of Summons, Do.,

Interpleader Summons

Do., under $500, exempt


SCHEDULE IV.-Fees in Cases at and under $50.

Writ of Summons (Claim not exceeding $10)...

















Interpleader Suinmons

Subpoena and Copy






(same scale as above)









Fees in Cases above $50 and up to $100.


if more than one Defendant, each Additional Copy


(same scale as above)

Subpoena and Copy


Each Witness over one



each Additional Copy

Decree or Order, including Hearing.

Writ of Execution......

Warrant of Arrest, Interim Attachment, Foreign Attachment.

Prohibitory Order and Copy

Order of Release from Gaol...

Filing Special Defence, Set Off or Affidavit

Order for Costs, Dismissal, Reference, Arbitration or De bene esse Examination.

For the Possession of Tenements of whatever value and up to $1,000, the above Fees to








Ex-parte Application

Judges Order thereon

Copies of Proceedings, per folio

Judges Summons

be charged.

Filing Bond


Fees in cases over $100 and up to $500.

Writ of Summons and Copy



each Additional Copy


Interpleader Summons

(same scale as above

Subpoena and Copy

Each Witness over one.....

Filing Special Defence, Set Off or Affidavit

Ex-parte Application

Judges Order thereon






Do. Summons







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Hearing and Adjudicating (Claim not exceeding $200)





do. do.

Do. Do.

do. $300)











     Order for Costs, Decree, Dismissal, Reference or De bene esse Examination Writ of Execution, at and under $250







Warrant of Interim Attachment of Property or Warrant of Arrest


Prohibitory Order and Copy


Each Additional Copy


Filing Award


Judges Summons


Filing Bond


Fees in cases over $500 and up to $1,000.

Writ of Summons and Copy



each Additional Copy


Interpleader Summons..

(same scale as above).

Subpoena and Copy


Each Witness over one


Filing Set Off or other Defence


Filing every Affidavit


     Decree or Order for Costs, Dismissal, Reference, Arbitration or De bene esse Examination... Hearing and Adjudicating (Claim over $500 and up to






Do. $750 do.



Ex-parte Application..........


Judges Order thereon


Judges Summons




Writ of Execution (Claim over $500 and up to

Warrant of Interim Attachment of Property, Warrant of Arrest

Prohibitory Order and Copy



Do. $750 do. $1,000)




Each Additional Copy

Copies of Proceedings, per folio

Filing Award

Filing Bond..





When Pleadings Ordered, or any Document not provided in above Scale, half Fees of

Original Jurisdiction to be charged.

Foreign Attachment.

Affidavit and Filing


Order thereon ..........................


Filing Bond....


Writ of Foreign Attachment and Copy (one Garnishee)


Each Additional Garnishee


Stamp Duty on Foreign Attachment Bonds.

In every Case at $500 and up to $1,000


Do. Do.

at $250 do. $500 under $250..

When in Possession, per diem., (To be paid in advance)





Chinese Debtors, per diem.

Scale of Maintenance for Debtors in Gaol.

0.12 | Debtors other than Chinese


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Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,

Queen, Defender of the Faith,-To all to whom these Presents shall come- Greeting:

   Know Ye-that we, of our especial grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have thought fit to erect and do hereby erect our Island of Hongkong and its dependencies, situate between twenty-two degrees nine minutes and twenty-two degrees twenty-one minutes north latitude, and the one hundred and fourteenth degree six minutes and the one hundred and fourteenth degree eighteen minutes east longitude from the meridian of Greenwich, into a separate Colony, and the said Island and its dependencies is hereby erected into a separate Colony accordingly, to be known and designated as "the Colony of Hongkong."

   II. And we do hereby further grant, appoint, and ordain that the Governor for the time being of the said Colony, and such other persons as are hereinafter designated, shall constitute and be a Legislative Council for the said Colony; And we do hereby direct and appoint, that in addition to the said Governor, the said Legislative Council shall be composed of such public officers within the said Colony, or of such other persons within the same, as shall from time to time be named or designated for that purpose by us, by any instruction or instructions, or warrant or warrants, to be by us for that purpose issued under our signet and sign manual, and with the advice of our Privy Council, all of which councillors shall hold their places in the said Council at our pleasure.

III. And we do hereby grant and ordain, that the Governor for the time being of the said Colony, with the advice of the said Legislative Council, shall have full power and authority to make and enact all such Laws and Ordinances as may from time to time be required for the peace, order, and good government of the said Colony of Hongkong: And that in the making of all such Laws and Ordinances, the said Governor shall exercise all such powers and authorities, and that the said Legislative Council shall conform to and observe all such rules and regulations as shall be given and prescribed in and by such instructions as we, with the advice of our Privy Council, shall from time to time make for his and their guidance therein: Provided nevertheless, and we do hereby reserve to ourselves, our heirs and successors, our and their right and authority to disallow any such Ordinances in the whole or in part, and to make and establish from time to time, with the advice and consent of Parliament, or with the advice of our or their Privy Council, all such laws as may to us, or them, appear necessary for the order, peace, and good government of our said Island and its dependencies, as fully as if these presents had not been made.

   IV. And whereas it is expedient that an Executive Council should be appointed to advise and assist the Governor of our said Colony of Hongkong for the time being, in the administration of the government thereof-we do therefore, by these our Letters Patent, authorize the Governor of our said Colony for the time being to summon as an Executive Council such persons as may from time to time be named or designated by us, in any instructions under our signet and sign manual, addressed to him in that behalf,

V.-And we do hereby authorize and empower the Governor of our said Colony of Hongkong for the time being to keep and use the public seal appointed for the sealing of all things whatsoever that shall pass the seal of our said Colony.

   VI.-And we do hereby give and grant to the Governor of our said Colony of Hongkong for the time being full power and authority, in our name and on our behalf, but subject nevertheless to such provisions as may be in that respect contained in any instructions which may from time to time be addressed to him by us for that purpose, to make and execute in our name, and on our behalf, und r the public seal of our said Colony, grants of land to us belonging, within the same, to private persous, for their own use and benefit, or to any persons, bodies politic or

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corporate, in trust for the public uses of our subjects there resident or of any of them.

     VII.-And we do hereby authorize and empower the Governor of our said Colony of Hongkong for the time being, to constitute and appoint judges, and, in cases requisite, commissioners of oyer and terminer, justices of the peace, and other necessary officers and ministers in our said Colony, for the due and impartial administration of justice and for putting the laws into execution, and to administer, or cause to be administered, unto them such oath or oaths as are usually given for the due execution and perfomance of offices and places, and for the clearing of truth in judicial matters.

VIII.-And we do hereby give and grant unto the Governor of our said Colony of Hongkong for the time being, full power and authority, as he shall sec occasion, in our name, and on our behalf, to remit any fines, penalties, or forfeitures which may accrue, or become payable to us, provided the same do not exceed the sum of fifty pounds sterling in any one case, and to respite and suspend the payment of any such fine, penalty, or forfeiture, exceeding the said sum of fifty pounds, until our pleasure thereon shall be made known and signified to such Governor.

IX.-And we do hereby give and grant unto the Governor of our said Colony of Hongkong for the time being, full power and authority, as he shall see occasion, in our name, and on our behalf, to grant to any offender convicted of any crime, in any Court, or before any judge, justice, or magistrate within our said Colony, a free and unconditional pardon, or a pardon subject to such conditions as by any Law or Ordinance hereafter to be in force in our said Colony may be thereunto annexed, or any respite of the execution of the sentence of any such offender, for such period as to such Governor may seem fit.

X.-And we do hereby give and grant unto the Governor of our said Colony of Hongkong for the time being, full power and authority, upon sufficient cause to him appearing, to suspend from the exercise of his office, within our said Colony, any person exercising any office or place, under or by virtue of any commission or warrant granted or which may be granted, by us, or in our name, or under our authority, which suspension shall continue and have effect only until our pleasure therein shall be made known and signified to such Governor: And we do hereby strictly require and enjoin the Governor of our said Colony of Hongkong for the time being, in proceeding to any such suspension, to observe the directions in that behalf given to him by our instructions, under our signet and sign manual, accompanying his commission of appointment as Governor of the said Colony.

      XI.--And in the event of the death or absence out of our said Colony of Hongkong of such person as may be commissioned and appointed by us to be the Governor thereof, we do hereby provide and declare our pleasure to be, that all and every the powers and authorities herein granted to the Governor of our said Colony of Hongkong for the time being, shall be, and the same are, hereby vested in such person as may be appointed by us, by warrant under our signet and sign manual, to be the Lieutenant-Governor of our said Colony; or in the event of there being no person upon the place commissioned and appointed by us to be Lieutenant-Governor thereof then our pleasure is, and we do hereby provide and declare, that in any such contingency all the powers and authorities herein granted to the Governor or Lieutenant-Governor of our said Colony shall be and the same are hereby granted to the Colonial Secretary of our said Colony for the time being, and such Lieutenant- Governor, or such Colonial Secretary, as the case may be, shall execute all and every the powers and authorities berein granted, until our further pleasure shall be signified therein.

XII.-And we do hereby require and command all our officers and ministers, civil and military, and all other the inhabitants of our said Colony of Hongkong, to be obedient, aiding, and assisting to such person as may be commissioned and appointed by us to be the Governor of our said Colony of Hongkong, or in the event of his death or absence, to such person as may, under the provisions of these our Letters Patent, assume and exercise the functions of such Governor.

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   XIII.-And we do hereby reserve to us, our heirs and successors, full power and authority from time to time to revoke, alter, or amend these our Letters Patent, as to us or them shall seem meet:

 In witness whereof, we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent. Witness ourself, at Westminster, the Fifth day of April, in the Sixth year of our Reign. [1843].




Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith: To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

   Whereas, by certain Letters Patent, under the great seal of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date at Westminster the fifth day of April, 1843, in the sixth year of our Reign, we did erect our Island of Hongkong and its dependencies (as therein described and set forth), into a separate Colony, to be known and designated as the Colony of Hongkong, and did further provide for the govern- meat thereof, as upon relation being had to our said Letters Patent will more fully and at large appear: And whereas by our Order in our Privy Council, bearing date the 4th day February, 1861, in the twenty-fourth year of our Reign, it was ordered that the Kowloon district, therein described, should be part and parcel of our said Colony: And whereas, by our said Letters Patent, we did reserve to ourselves full power and authority from time to time to revoke, alter, or amend the same: Now know ye that we do hereby revoke Article XI. of our said Letters Patent, whereby provision is made for the administration of the government of our said Colony, in the event of the death or absence of the Governor for the time being thereof; and we do hereby declare our will and pleasure to be that in the event of the death, incapacity, or absence out of our said Colony, of such person as may be commissioned and appointed by us to be the Governor thereof, all and every the powers and authorities by our said Letters Patent, or by these presents, granted to the Governor of our said Colony for the time being, shall be, and the same are hereby vested in such person as may be appointed by us, by warrant under our sign manual and signet, to be the Lieutenant-Governor of our said Colony, or in the event of there being no person in our said Colony commissioned and appointed by us to be Lieutenant-Governor thereof, then our pleasure is, and we do hereby provide and declare that the said powers and authorities shall be and the same are hereby vested in the Colonial Secretary, or person lawfully discharging the functions of Colonial Secretary in our said Colony for the time being; and every such Lieutenant-Governor or such Colonial Secretary, or person lawfully discharging the functions of Colonial Secretary for the time being, shall execute all and every the said powers and authorities, until our further pleasure shall be signified therein, and according to such instructions as our said Governor may have received, and such further instructions as such Lieutenant-Governor, Colonial Secretary, or other person as aforesaid, may receive from us, either under our sign manual and signet, or by instructions under the hand of one of our Principal Secretaries of State.

   II.-And whereas, by our said recited Letters Patent, we have (amongst other things) given and granted unto our said Governor full power and authority, as he should see occasion, in our name and on our behalf, to grant certain pardons to offenders in the manner and on the terms therein mentioned: And whereas it is expedient to give our said Governor additional powers of granting pardons: Now we do hereby authorize and empower our said Governor, as he shall see occasion, in our name and on our behalf, when any crime has been committed within our said Colony, to grant a pardon to any accomplice, not being the actual perpetrator of such crime, who shall give such information and evidence as shall lead to the apprehension and conviction of the principal offender.

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      III.-And we do hereby require and command all our officers and ministers, civil and military, and all other the inhabitants of our said Colony of Hongkong, to be obedient, aiding, and assisting to such person as may, in the event of the death, incapacity, or absence of the Governor of our said Colony of Hongkong, assume and exercise, under the provisions of these our Letters Patent, the functions of such Governor.

IV. And we do hereby reserve to us, our heirs and successors, full power and authority from time to time, to revoke, alter, or amend these our Letters Patent as to us or them shall seem meet.

In witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, the Eighth day of June, in the Thirty-eighth year of our Reign.

By Warrant under the Queen's Sign Manual,



Victoria by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, Empress of India: To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting:

      Whereas we did, by certain Letters Patent (hereinafter called our said Charter) ander the great seal of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date at Westminster the fifth day of April, 1843, in the sixth year of our Reign, erect the Island of Hongkong and its dependencies into a separate Colony, to be known and designated as the Colony of Hongkong, and did make provision for the government of our said Colony: And whereas by our Order in our Privy Council, bearing date the fourth day of February, 1861, in the twenty-fourth year of our Reign, it was ordered that the Kowloon district therein described should be part and parcel of our said Colony: And whereas we did, by certain other Letters Patent, under the great seal of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date at Westminster, the thirteenth day of February, 1872, in the thirty-fifth year of our Reign constitute and appoint our trusty and well beloved Sir Arthur Edward Kennedy, Knight Commander of our most distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of our most honourable Order of the Bath, to be, during our will and pleasure, our Governor and Commander-in-chief in and over our said Colony of Hongkong and its dependencies, and over all forts and garrisons which are now or may hereafter be erected and established therein: An 1 whereas we did, by certain other Letters Patent, under the great seal of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date at Westminster, the eighth day of June, 1875, in the thirty-eighth year of our Reign, amend our said Charter: And whereas we are desirous of making effectual and permanent provision for the office of Governor and Commander-in-chief in and over our said Colony of Hongkong and its dependencies, without making new Letters Patent on each demise of the said office: Now know yo that we have revoked and determined, and by these presents do revoke and determine the said recited Letters Patent of the thirteenth day of February, 1872, and the eighth day of June, 1875, and every claus", article, and thing therein contained, provided that such revocation shall not extend to or affect the repeal of the eleventh clause of our said Charter contained in the last-mentioned Lettters Patent, but that the said eleventh clause shall be and remain replealed: And further know ye, that we, of our special grace, certain knowledge. and mere motion, have thought fit to constitute, order, and declare, and do by these presents constitute, order, and declare, that there shall be a Governor and Commander-in-chief (hereinafter called our said Governor) in and over our Colony of Hongkong and its dependencies (hereinafter called our said Colony), and that the person who shall fill the said office of Governor shall be from time to time appointed by commission under our sign manual and signet : And we do hereby authorize and command our said Governor to do and execute in due manner all things that shall belong to his said command, and to the trust we have reposed in him, according to the several powers and authorities granted or appointed him by

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virtue of our said Charter of the fifth day of February, 1843, and these present Letters Patent, and of such Commission as may be issued to him under our sign manual and signet, and according to such instructions as may from time to time be given to him, under our sign manual and signet, or by our order in our Privy Council, or by us through one of our principal Secretaries of State, and to such laws as are or shall hereafter be in force in our said Colony.

II.-And whereas, by Article IV. of our said Charter, we did make provision for the constitution of an Executive Council for our said Colony of Hongkong: Now we do hereby declare our pleasure to be that, henceforth, any person or persons may be named or designated by us as members of our said Executive Council of our said Colony by warrant, under our sign manual and signet, as well as by any instruction or instructions addressed by us to our said Governor, and that our said Governor shall summon to our said Executive Council any person or persons so named or designated.

   III.-And we do hereby declare our pleasure to be that, in addition to the power of granting pardons conferred upon our said Governor by Articles VIII. and IX. of our said Charter, our said Governor shall be authorized, and he is hereby empowered, as he shall see occasion, in our name and on our behalf, when any crime has been committed within our said Colony, or for which the offender may be tried therein, to grant a pardon to any accomplice, not being the actual perpetrator of such crime, who shall give such information as shall lead to the conviction of the principal offender; and to remit any fines, penalties, or forfeitures whatsoever, which may become due and payable to us, notwithstanding that the same may exceed the sum of fifty pounds sterling in any case.

   IV. And whereas, by Article XI. of our said Charter we did make provision for the administration of the government of our said Colony, in the event of the death or absence of the Governor for the time being thereof. And whereas we have revoked that Article of our said Charter, and we do hereby further declare our will and pleasure to be that in the event of the death, incapacity, or absence out of our said Colony, of such person as may be commissioned and appointed by us to be the Governor thereof all and every the powers and authorities by our said Charter, or by these presents, granted to the Governor of our said Colony, for the time being, shall be and the same are hereby vested in such person as may be appointed by us, by warrant, under our sign manual and signet, to be our Lieutenant-Governor in our said Colonyy, or if there shall be no such Lieutenant-Governor in our said Colony, then in such person or persons as may be appointed by us under our sign manual and signet to administer the government of our said Colony; or in the event of there being no person in our said Colony commissioned and appointed by us to be such Lieutenant- Governor or Administrator thereof, then our pleasure is, and we do hereby provide and declare that the said powers and authorities shall be and the same are hereby vested in the Colonial Secretary, or person lawfully discharging the functions of Colonial Secretary in our said Colony for the time being; and every such Lieutenant- Governor or such Colonial Secretary, or person lawfully discharging the functions of Colonial Secretary for the time being shall execute all and every the said powers and authorities, until our further pleasure shall be signified therein, and according to such instructions as our said Governor may have received, and such further instructions as such Lieutenant-Governor, Colonial Secretary, or other person as aforesaid, may receive from us, either under our sign manual and signet, or by instructions under the hand of one of our principal Secretaries of State.

V. And we do hereby require and command all our officers and ministers, civil and military, and all other the inhabitants of our said Colony, to be obedient, aiding, and assisting unto our said Governor, or in the event of his death, incapacity, removal, or absence, to such person or persons as may under the provisions of our said Charter, and these Letters Patent, administer the government of our said Colony.

VI. And we do hereby reserve to ourselves, our heirs and successors, full power and authority from time to time to revoke, alter, or amend these our Letters Patent as to us or them shall seem meet.


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     VII.-And we do further direct and enjoin these our Letters Patent shall be read and proclaimed at such place or places as our said Governor shall think fit within our said Colony of Hongkong.

In witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, the Ninth day of April in the Fortieth year of our Reign.

By Warrant under the Queen's Sign Manual,



Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, Empress of India: To our Colonial Secretary of our Colony of Hongkong, or to the Senior Military Officer for the time being in command of our regular forces in our said Colony, Greeting:

     We do by this our commission, under our sign manual and signet, appoint you, the Colonial Secretary for the time being of our Colony of Hongkong, to administer the Government of our said Colony during our pleasure, with all the powers, rights, privileges, and advantages to the same belonging or appertaining, in the event of the death, incapacity, or absence of our Governor of our said Colony, and of there being no Lieutenant-Governor in our said Colony.

II.-And if at any time when this our commission takes effect the office of our said Colonial Secretary is also vacant, or he is incapable or absent from the Colony, then we do appoint you the Senior Military Officer in command of our regular forces in our said Colony, to administer the Government of our said Colony and its depen- dencies during our pleasure, with all the powers, rights, privileges, and advantages aforesaid.

III.-And we do in any such event hereby authorize, empower, and command you the Colonial Secretary, or you the said Senior Military Officer, to exercise and perform all and singular the powers and directions contained in any our Letters Patent for the time being in force relating to our said Colony, according to such orders and instructions as our Governor or Lieutenant-Governor hatb already received, or may hereafter receive from us, and to such further orders and instructions as you may receive from us.

IV. And we do hereby command all and singular our officers, ministers, and loving subjects in our said Colony and its dependencies, and all others whom it may concern, to take due notice hereof, and to give their ready obedience accordingly.

     Given at our Court at Windsor, this Seventh day of March, 1884, in the Forty- seventh year of our Reign.

By Her Majesty's Command,


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Ordinary meetings.

Special meetings.

  Notice of special meetings.



  Suspension or adjournment of meetings.

Confirmation of minutes.

Order of business.


  Governor's Messages or Minutes.

Notice of motion at meeting.

Notice of motion

  not given at a meeting.





1.-The ordinary meetings of the Legislative Council shall be held on each Wednesday during the Session, at 4 p.m.; but this shall not prevent the adjournment of the Council to any other day or hour.

2.-Special meetings of the Council shall be held when summoned by order of the Governor.

3.-Notice of a special meeting shall be given by the Clerk to each member of the Council, at least two clear days before the day of meeting; except in case of emergency, when as long notice as possible shall be given. 4.-If in addition to the Governor or Member presiding, five members be not present at 4.30 p.m., the Council shall stand adjourned until the next ordinary day of meeting.

5.-At any time during a meeting, the Council may on motion to that effect being carried, adjourn to any other hour or day; and, should the adjournment be to another day, notice of such adjournment shall be given to the members by the Clerk.

6.-The President may at any time suspend or adjourn any meeting.

7.-When a quorum has been formed, the minutes of the previous meeting shall be read, and the question of their confirmation shall be put; but no debate shall be allowed thereupon, except as to the accuracy of the minutes.

8.-The minutes having been confirmed, the order of business shall be as follows:-

(a.) Messages or minutes of the Governor;

(b.) Reports from Committee;

(c.) Petitions and written observations;

(d.) Notices;

(e.) Questions.

After which the orders of the day shall be read by the Clerk, and business shall be proceeded with accordingly.

9.-Petitions addressed to the Council may be sent to the Clerk of the Council, or they may be presented by any member of the Council.

No petition shall be received which is not properly and respectfully worded, or which does not relate to matters of legislation.

It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Council, or of the member presenting a petition, to inform the Council if there be any doubt as to a petition coming under these prohibitions.

Petitions not coming within the above prohibitions shall be received as of course without question.

Petitions relating to any bills before a Committee shall be referred by the Clerk on receipt to the Committee, by whom they will be presented to the Council with their report. Other petitions after being received, if it be so resolved, may be read, or may be printed, or may be referred to a Committee for consideration and report.

10.-Messages or minutes of the Governor may be read at any time during a meeting.

11.-A member may give notice of motion, during a meeting, men- tioning the day or the meeting on which it is intended to bring forward the motion.

12.-Notice of motion, if not given at a meeting, must be sent in writing to the Clerk of the Council at least three days before the meeting at which the motion is intended to be brought forward.

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13.-The following motions may be made without notice:-


(a.) Any motion for the confirmation of the minutes of the Council, or for the adoption, modification, or rejection of the report of any Committee,

(b.) Any motion that a petition, or other paper, do lie on the

table, or be printed,

(c.) Any motion for the adjournment of the Conncil, or of a debate. (d.) Any motion for the suspension of the Standing Orders.

(e.) Any motion for the reference of any matter to a Committee. (f.) Any motion for the withdrawal of strangers.

(g.) Any motion made when the Council is in Committee.

(h.) Any motion the urgency of which is admitted by the Pre-

sident and two-thirds of the members present.

Motions without notice.

14.-Notice of intention to ask a question of any member, if not given Notice of at a meeting, must, at least three clear days before the meeting of the question. Council at which such question is to be asked, he sent in writing to the Clerk; who shall communicate the same to the President and to the mem- ber of whom the question is to be asked two clear days before the question is asked.


15.-Every member shall speak standing, and shall address himself Members speak- to the President.

16.--No member shall refer to any other member by name.

ing to address President.

No Member to be referred to by name.

17. No member shall interrupt another when speaking, except by Interruptions. rising to order. A member rising to order shall simply direct attention to the point he desires to bring to notice, and submit it to the decision of the President.

18.-If two members rise to speak at the same time, the President shall call upon one of them to address the Council first.

A member may not read his speech, but he may read extracts from written or printed papers in support of his argument.

Precedence when

two members rise together. Speech not to

be read.

     19.-It shall be the duty of the President on his own authority to President's enforce all these Rules: and when the President rises, any member uthority. speaking shall immediately resume his seat.


20. No speech shall be made on presenting a petition, beyond such Speech on as may be necessary to explain its nature and object.

     21.-When a question has been asked and answered, no further debate No debate on thereon shall be permitted.

22.-No member may speak more than once on any question, except when the Council is in Committee.

The mover of any motion may, however, reply at the close of a debate; and any member may explain himself if he has been misapprehended in any essential argument.

question answered.

How often mem-

hers may speak.



23. The mover of any motion or amendment may speak in support Motion or thereof; but no further debate shall be allowed, whether the Council be should be in Committee or not, until the motion or amendment be duly seconded.

24.-If any amendment be proposed and seconded, it shall be con- sidered before the original question.

Order in which

amendments should be

If an amendment of a proposed amendment be moved and duly entertained. seconded, it shall be considered as if such previous amendment were an original question.

    25. Any amendment moved and seconded may be required by the Proposed amend- President to be committed to writing by the mover and delivered to the ments to be Clerk.

committed to writing.

     26.-When a bill is in Committee each clause shall be read by the Clauses of bills. Clerk and shall then be put from the chair, without motion, by this ques-

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Filling blanks.

Manner of voting.


No discussion after question

put. Buspension of Standing Orders.

  Business not disposed of.


   Bills to be sent to Members.

Publication after first reading.

Council to go into Committee after second reading.

Third reading.

Recommittal on third reading,



tion :-"That this clause shall stand part of the bill," and the clause shall be treated as a motion, except that a clause may be amended portion by portion, the earlier amendments having precedence of the later.

A decision on an earlier portion of the clause shall not bar an amend- ment of a later portion, but decision on a later portion of the clause shall bar all amendments of an earlier portion.

And if an amendment of a later portion of a clause inconsistent with any decision come to upon any earlier portion of the clause, be proposed, such an amendment cannot be put.

And no amendment of a later clause in a bill can be put which may be inconsistent with any earlier clause as it has been passed.

And if by inadvertency any such inconsistent amendment be put and carried, it shall at any time be struck out by the President when discovered and brought to the notice of the chair.

27.-In filling up blanks in bills, and in putting questions of amen- ment respecting amounts of money, or periods of time, the question of the lowest amount of money or shortest period of time proposed shall be first put.

28.-On a division, the votes shall be taken by the Clerk.

The roll of members present shall be read by the Clerk, beginning with the junior member.

Each member shall in his turn declare whether he is for or against the motion made.

The Clerk shall then read out the result, mentioning the total number of votes for and against respectively.

29.-If any member dissenting from the opinion of the majority wish to have his dissent recorded, he shall state so forthwith; and the reasons of his dissent may be laid on the table either at the same or the follow- ing ordinary meeting.

30.-After a question has been put by the President no further dis- cussion thereupon shall be allowed.

31.-The Standing Orders of the Council may be suspended by the consent of the President and three-fourths of the members present.

32. The matter under discussion and any business not disposed of at the time of any adjournment shall stand as an Order of the day for the next meeting of the Council.

33.-Strangers may be present in the Council Chamber during de- bates; but must withdraw when called upon to do so by any member.

Any stranger expressing approbation or disapprobation shall be im- mediately required to withdraw.


34.-A printed copy of every bill shall if possible be sent to each member by the Clerk at least two clear days before it is read a first time. 35.-After having been read a first time, every bill shall be published in the Government Gazette for general information.

36.-When a bill has been read a second time, the Council shall re- solve itself into Committee to consider it clause by clause, and amend it as deemed necessary.

37.-If no alteration be made in any bill so committed, it may be read a third time, and passed, at the same meeting, if no member of ject; but, if any alteration be made, or any member object to proceed immediately with the third reading, it shall be postponed till the next ensuing meeting.

38.-If, on the third reading, any member desire to omit or amend any provision contained in the bill, or to introduce any fresh provision thereinto, he may move that the bill be recommitted; and, if the motion be carried, marginal notes of the different clauses of the bill shall be read

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seriatim by the Clerk, and any alteration proposed shall be discussed in its proper place; after which the Council shall resume, and the third reading may be moved.

     39.-A bill may be referred either to a Special Committee, or to a Reference of Bill Standing Committee at any stage of its progress.

to a Committee.

40. When a bill has been read a third time, the question "that this Passing of Bills, bill do pass" shall immediately be put.


41. The members of Special Committees shall be chosen by the Nomination of


Special Com. mittees.

Number of Members.

42.-Every Special Committee shall consist of at least three members. 43.-At the opening of every session, the president shall appoint the Nomination of following Standing Committees:-


(a.) A Finance Committee-consisting of the Colonial Secretary (Chairman), the other members of Council except the Go-


(b.) A Law Committee-consisting of the Attorney-General

(Chairman), and four other members.

(c.) À Public Works Committee-consisting of the Surveyor

General (Chairman), and four other members.

Standing Com.


44.--The Standing Committees of Council shall be open to all mem- Power of voting

     45.-No Special or Standing Committees shall be competent to unless at least three of its members be present.

in Committees.

act Quorum of

Special and Standing Com- mittees.

     46.-The report of every Committee shall be signed by the Chairman, Report by whom or, in his absence, by the senior member present.


to be signed,


     47.-In any case where individual rights or interests of property Petition to be may be peculiarly affected by any proposed bill all parties interested may upon petition for that purpose, and on motion made, seconded, and car- ried, be heard before the Council, or any Committee thereof, either in person, or by counsel.


     48. -When it is intended to examine any witnesses, the member, or Examination of the petitioner, requiring such witnesses, shall deliver to the Clerk a list containing the names and residences of such witnesses, at least two days before the day appointed for their examination. The evidence of every such witness shall be taken down by the Clerk and be signed by the


Private Bill in

     49.-Before any private bill, whereby the property of any private Notification of person may be affected, is introduced, notification of the intention of the the Gazette. parties to apply for such private bill shall be given by the parties, by advertisements in the Gazette, and by publication of the proposed bill once at least in the Gazette.

CLERK OF The Council.

50.-The Clerk of the Council shall keep an Order Book, in which he Order Book, shall enter and number in succession the subjects intended to be brought under discussion at each meeting.

51.-The Clerk of the Council shall also keep minutes of the pro- Minutes of ceedings of the Council; and shall two clear days at least before each proceedings. meeting, send a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting to each member.


     52.-The Clerk shall also send to each member, two clear days at Order of the least before each meeting, a copy of the Orders of the Day for such meetings.

     53.-The Clerk of the Council shall attend upon any special or Attendance on Standing Committee if required to do so.


Adopted 10th April, 1884.

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SIGNED, IN THE ENGLISH AND CHINESE Languages, at Nanking, 29th August, 1842.

Ratifications Exchanged at Hongkong, 26th June, 1843.

Her Majety, the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and his Majesty the Emperor of China, being desirous of putting an end to the misunderstandings and consequent hostilities which have arisen between the two countries, have resolved to conclude a treaty for that purpose, and have therefore named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say; Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Sir Henry Pottinger, Bart., à Major-General in the service of the East India Company, &c.; and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China, the High Commissioners Ke-ying, a Member of the Imperial House, a Guardian of the Crown Prince, and General of the Garrison of Canton : and Ilìpoo, of the Imperial Kindred, graciously permitted to wear the insignia of the first rank, and the distinc- tion of a peacock's feather, lately Minister and Governor-General, &c., and now Lieut.-General commanding at Chapoo-Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :-


   Art. I.-There shall henceforward be peace and friendship between Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and His Majesty the Emperor of China, and between their respective subjects, who shall enjoy full security and protection for their persons and property within the dominious of the other.

   Art. II. His Majesty the Emperor of China agrees that British subjects, with their families and establishments, shall be allowed to reside, for the purpose of carry- ing on their mercantile pursuits, without molestation or restraint, at the cities and towns of Canton, Amoy, Foochow-foo, Ningpo, and Shanghai; and Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, &c., will appoint superintendents, or consular officers, to reside at each of the above-named cities or towns, to be the medium of communication between the Chinese authorities and the said merchants, and to see that the just duties and other dues of the Chinese Government, as hereafter provided for, are duly discharged by Her Britannic Majesty's subjects.

   Art. III.-It being obviously necessary and desirable that British subjects should have some port whereat they may careen and refit their ships when required, and keep stores for that purpose, His Majesty the Emperor of China cedes to Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, &c., the Island of Hongkong, to be possessed in perpetuity by Her Britannic Majesty, her heirs and successors, and to be governed by such laws and regulations as Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, &c., shall see fit to direct.

   Art. IV. The Emperor of China agrees to pay the sum of six millions of dollars, as the value of the opium which was delivered up at Canton in the month of March, 1839, as a ransom for the lives of Her Britannic Majesty's Superintendent and sub- jects who had been imprisoned and thereatened with death by the Chinese high officers.

   Art. V.-The Government of China having compelled the British merchants trading at Canton to deal exclusively with certain Chinese merchants, called Hong merchants (or Co-Hong), who had been licensed by the Chinese Government for that purpose, the Emperor of China agrees to abolish that practice in future at all ports where British merchants may reside, and to permit them to carry on their mercantile transactions with whatever persons they please; and His Imperial Majesty further agrees to pay to the British Government the sum of three millions of dollars, on account of debts due

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to British subjects by some of the said Hong merchants, or Co-Hong, who have become insolvent, and who owe very large sums of money to subjects of Her Britannic Majesty.

Art. VI.-The Government of Her Britannic Majesty having been obliged to send out an expedition to demand and obtain redress for the violent and unjust proceedings of the Chinese high authorities towards Her Britannic Majesty's officers and subjects, the Emperor of China agrees to pay the sum of twelve millions of dollars, on account of expenses incurred; and Her Britannic Majesty's plenipotentiary voluntarily agrees, on behalf of Her Majesty, to deduct from the said amount of twelve millions of dollars, any sums which may have been received by Her Majesty's combined forces, as ransom for cities and towns in China, subsequent to the 1st day of August, 1841. Art. VII.-It is agreed that the total amount of twenty-one millions of dollars, described in the three preceding articles, shall be paid as follows:-

Six millions immediately.

Six millions in 1843; that is three millions on or before the 30th of June, and

three millions on or before the 31st of December.

Five millions in 1844; that is, two millions and a half on or before the 30th of

June, and two millions and a half on or before the 31st December.

Four millions in 1845; that is, two millions on or before the 30th of June, and

two millions on or before the 31st of December.

     And it is further stipulated, that interest, at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, shall be paid by the Government of China on any portion of the above sums that are not punctually discharged at the periods fixed.

Art. VIII.-The Emperor of China agrees to release, unconditionally, all subjects of Her Britannic Majesty (whether natives of Europe or India), who may be in confine- ment at this moment in any part of the Chinese Empire.

     Art. IX.-The Emperor of China agrees to publish and promulgate, under His imperial sign manual and seal, a full and entire amnesty and act of indemnity to all subjects of China, on account of their having resided under, or having had dealings and intercourse with, or having entered the service of Her Britannic Majesty, or of Her Majesty's officers; and His Imperial Majesty further engages to release all Chinese subjects who may be at this moment in confinement for similar reasons.

     Art. X.-His Majesty the Emperor of China agrees to establish at all the ports which are, by Article II. of this treaty, to be thrown open for the resort of British merchants, a fair and regular tariff of export and import customs and other dues, which tariff shall be publicly notified and promulgated for general information; and the Emperor further engages that, when British merchandise shall have once paid at any of the said ports the regulated customs and dues, agreeable to the tariff to be hereafter fixed, such merchandise may be conveyed by Chinese merchants to any province or city in the interior of the empire of China, on paying a further amount as transit duties, which shall not exceed- -per cent. on the tariff value of such goods.

     Art. XI.-It is agreed that Her Britannic Majesty's chief high officer in China shall correspond with the Chinese high officers, both at the capital and in the provinces, under the term "communication;" the subordinate British officers and Chinese high officers in the provinces under the term "statement," on the part of the former, and on the part of the latter, "declaration," and the subordinates of both countries on a footing of perfect equality; merchants and others not holding official situations, and therefore not included in the above, on both sides to use the term representation in all papers addressed to, or intended for, the notice of the respective govern-




Art. XII.-On the assent of the Emperor of China to this treaty being received, and the discharge of the first instalment of money, Her Britannic Majesy's forces will retire from Nanking and the Grand Canal, and will no longer molest or stop the trade of China. The military post at Chinhae will also be withdrawn; but the island of Koolangsoo, and that of Chusan, will continue to be held by Her Majesty's forces until the money payments, and the arrangements for opening the ports to British merchants, be completed.

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   Art. XIII.-The ratifications of this treaty by Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, &c., and His Majesty the Emperor of China, shall be exchanged as soon as the great distance which separates England from China will admit: but, in the meantime, counterpart copies of it, signed and sealed by the plenipotentiaries on behalf of their respective sovereigns, shall be mutually delivered and all its provisions and arrangements shall take effect.

   Done at Nauking, and signed and sealed by the plenipotentiaries on board Her Britannic Majesty's ship Cornwallis, this 29th day of August, 1842; corresponding with the Chinese date, twenty-fourth day of the seventh month, in the twenty-second year of Taou Kwang.


Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary.

And signed by the seals of four Chinese Commissioners.


SIGNED, IN THE English and Chinese Languages, at Tientsin, 26th June, 1858.

Ratifications Exchanged at Peking, 24th October, 1860.

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and His Majesty the Emperor of China, being desirous to put an end to the existing misunderstanding between the two countries, and to place their relations on a more satisfactory footing in future, have resolved to proceed to a revision and improvement of the Treaties existing between them; and, for that purpose, have named as their Plenipotentiaries. that is to say :-

   Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honourable the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, a Peer of the United Kingdom, and Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Taistle;

And His Majesty the Emperor of China, the High Commissioner Kweiliang, a Senior Chief Secretary of State, styled of the East Cabinet, Captain-General of the Plain White Banner of the Manchu Banner Force, Superintendent-General of the Administration of Criminal Law; and Hwashana, one of His Imperial Majesty's Expositors of the Classics, Manchu President of the office for the regulation of the Civil Establishment, Captain-General of the Bordered Blue Banner of the Chinese Banner Force, and visitor of the office of Interpretation:

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles: :-

Art. I. The Treaty of Peace and Amity between the two nations signed at Nanking on the twenty-ninth day of August, in the year eighteen hundred and forty- two, is hereby renewed and confirmed.

The Supplementary Treaty and General Regulations of Trade having been amended and improved, and the substance of their provisions having been incorpor- ated in this Treaty, the said Supplementary Treaty and General Regulations of Trade are hereby abrogated.

   Art. II.-For the better preservation_of_harmony in future, Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and His Majesty the Emperor of China mutually agree that, in accordance with the universal practice of great and friendly nations, Her Majesty the Queen may, if she see fit, appoint Ambassadors, Ministers, or other Diplomatic Agents to the Court of Peking; and His Majesty the Emperor of China may, in like manner, if he see fit, appoint Ambassadors, Ministers, or other Diplomatic Agents to the Court of St. James.

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     Art. III.-His Majesty the Emperor of China hereby agrees that the Ambassador, Minister, or other Diplomatic Agent, so appointed by Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, may reside, with his family and establishment, permanently at the capital, or may visit it occasionally at the option of the British Government. He shall not be called upon to perform any ceremony derogatory to him as representing the Sovereign of an independent nation on a footing of equality with that of China. On the other hand, he shall use the same forms of ceremony and respect to His Majesty the Emperor as are employed by the Ambassadors, Ministers, or Diplomatic Agents of Her Majesty towards the Sovereigns of independent and equal European nations.

     It is further agreed, that Her Majesty's Government may acquire at Peking a site for building, or may hire houses for the accommodation of Her Majesty's Mission, and that the Chinese Government will assist it in so doing.

     Her Majesty's Representative shall be at liberty to choose his own servants and attendants, who shall not be subject to any kind of molestation whatever.

Any person guilty of disrespect or violence to Her Majesty's Representative, or to any member of his family or establishment, in deed or word, shall be severely punished. Art. IV. It is further agreed that no obstacle or difficulty shall be made to the free movements of Her Majesty's Representative, and that he and the persons of his suite may come and go, and travel at their pleasure. He shall, moreover, have full liberty to send and receive his correspondence to and from any point on the sea-coast that he may select: and his letters and effects shall be held sacred and inviolable. He may employ, for their transmission, special couriers, who shall meet with the same protection and facilities for travelling as the persons employed in carrying despatches for the Imperial Government; and, generally, he shall enjoy the same privileges as are accorded to officers of the same rank by the usage and consent of Western nations. All expenses attending the Diplomatic Mission of Great Britain shall be borne by the British Government.

Art. V. His Majesty the Emperor of China agrees to nominate one of the Secretaries of State, or a President of one of the Boards, as the high officer with whom the Ambassador, Minister, or other Diplomatic Agent of Her Majesty the Queen sball transact business, either personally or in writing on a footing of perfect equality.

     Art. VI.-Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain agrees that the privileges hereby secured shall be enjoyed in her dominions by the Ambassador, Minister, or Diplomatic Agent of the Emperor of China, accredited to the Court of Her Majesty.

     Art. VII.-Her Majesty the Queen may appoint one or more Consuls in the dominions of the Emperor of China; and such Consul or Consuls shall be at liberty to reside in any of the open ports or cities of China as Her Majesty the Queen may consider most expedient for the interests of British commerce. They shall be treated with due respect by the Chinese authorities, and enjoy the same privileges and immunities as the Consular Officers of the most favoured nations.

Consuls and Vice-Consuls in charge shall rank with Intendants of Circuits; Vice- Consuls, Acting Vice-Consuls, and Interpreters, with Perfects. They shall have access to the official residences of these officers, and communicate with them, either personally or in writing on a footing of equality, as the interests of the public service may require.

     Art. VIII. The Christian religion, as professed by Protestant or Roman Catholics, inculcates the practice of virtue, and teaches man to do as he would be done by. Persons teaching it or professing it, therefore, shall alike be entitled to the protection of the Chinese authorities, nor shall any such, peaceably pursuing their calling and not offending against the laws, be persecuted or interfered with.

Art. IX.-British subjects are hereby authorised to travel, for their pleasure or for purposes of trade, to all parts of the interior, under passports which will be issued by their Consuls, and countersigned by the local authorities. These passports, if demanded, must be produced for examination in the localities passed through. If the passport be not irregular, the bearer will be allowed to proceed, and no opposition shall be offered to his hiring persons, or hiring vessels for the carriage of his baggage or merchandise. If he be without a passport, or if he commit any offence against the

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law, he shall be handed over to the nearest Consul for punishment, but he must not be subjected to any ill usage in excess of necessary restraint. Nɔ passport need be applied for by persons going on excursions from the ports open to trade to a dis- tance not exceeding 100 li, and for a period not exceeding five days.

The provisions of this Article do not apply to crews of ships, for the due restraint of whom regulations will be drawn up by the Consul and the local authorities.

   To Nanking, and other cities, disturbed by persons in arms against the Govern- ment, no pass shall be given, until they shall have been recaptured.

   Art. X.-British merchant ships shall have authority to trade upon the Great River (Yang-tsze). The Upper and Lower Valley of the river being, however, disturbed by outlaws, no port shall be for the present opened to trade, with the exception of Chinkiang, which shall be opened in a year from the date of the signing of this Treaty.

So soon as peace, shall have been restored, British vessels shall also be admitted to trade at such ports as far as Hankow, not exceeding three number, as the British Minister, after consultation with the Chinese Secretary of State, may determine shall be ports of entry and discharge.

   Art. XI. In addition to the cities and towns of Canton, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, and Shanghai, opened by the Treaty of Nanking, it is agreed that British subjects may frequent the cities and ports of Newchwang, Tangchow (Chefoo), Taiwan (Formosa), Chao-chow (Swatow), and Kiung-chow (Hainan).

   They are permitted to carry on trade with whomsoever they please, and to proceed to and fro at pleasure with their vessels and merchandise.

   They shall enjoy the same privileges, advantages, and immunities at the said towns and ports as they enjoy at the ports already opened to trade, including the right of residence, buying or renting houses, of leasing land therein, and of building churches, hospitals, and cemeteries.

   Art. XII.-British subjects, whether at the ports or at other places, desiring to build or open houses, warehouses, churches, hospitals, or burial grounds shall make their agreement for the land or buildings they require, at the rates prevailing among the people equitably, and without exaction on either side.

   Art. XIII.-The Chinese Government will place no restrictions whatever upon the employment, by British subjects, of Chinese subjects, in any lawful capacity.

   Art. XIV.-British subjects may hire whatever boats they please for the transport of goods or passengers, and the sum to be paid for such boats shall be settled between the parties themselves, without the interference of the Chinese Government. The number of these boats shall not be limited, nor shall a monopoly in respect either of the boats or of the porters or coolies engaged in carrying the goods be granted to any parties. If any smuggling takes place in them, the offenders will, of course, be punished according to law.

Art. XV.-All questions in regard to rights whether of property or person, arising between British subjects, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the British authorities. Art. XVI.-Chinese subjects who may be guilty of any criminal act towards British subjects shall be arrested and punished by Chinese authorities according to the laws of China.

   British subjects who may commit any crime in China, shall be tried and punished by the Consul, or other public functionary authorised thereto, according to the laws of Great Britain.

Justice shall be equitably and impartially administered on both side.

   Art. XVII-A British subject, having reason to complain of Chinese, must proceed to the Consulate, and state his grievance. The Consul will inquire into the merits of the case, and do his utmost to arrange it amicably. In like manner, if a Chinese have reason to complain of a British subject, the Consul shall no less listen to his complaints, and endeavour to settle it in a friendly manner. If disputes take place of such a nature that the Consul cannot arrange them amicably, then he shall request the assistance of the Chinese authorities, that they may together examine into the merits of the case, and decide it equitably.

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       Art. XVIII.-The Chinese authorities shall at all times afford the fullest protection to the persons and property of British subjects, whenever these shall have been subjected to insult or violence. In all cases of incendiarism or robbery, the local authorities shall at once take the necessary steps for the recovery of the stolen property, the suppression of disorder, and the arrest of the guilty parties, whom they will punish according to law.

Art. XIX.-If any British merchant-vessel, while within Chinese waters, be plundered by robbers or pirates, it shall be the duty of the Chinese authorities to use every endeavour to capture and punish the said robbers or pirates and to recover the stolen property, that it may be handed over to the Consul for restoration to the


     Art. XX.-If any British vessel be at any time wrecked or stranded on the coast of China, or be compelled to take refuge in any port within the dominions of the Emperor of China, the Chinese authorities, on being apprised of the fact, shall immediately adopt measures for its relief and security; the persons on board shall receive friendly treatment, and shall be furnished, if necessary, with the means of conveyance to the nearest Consular station.

     Art. XXI.-If criminals, subjects of China, shall take refuge in Hongkong or on board the British ships there, they shall, upon due requisition by the Chinese authorities, be searched for, and, on proof their guilt, be delivered up.

     In like manner, if Chinese offenders take refuge in the houses or on board the vessels of British subjects at the open ports, they shall not be harboured or concealed, but shall be delivered up, on due requisition by the Chinese authorities, addressed to the British Consul.

Art. XXII.-Should any Chinese subject fail to discharge debts incurred to a British subject, or should he fraudulently abscond, the Chinese authorities will do their utmost to effect his arrest, and enforce recovery of the debts. The British authorities will likewise do their utmost to bring to justice any British subject fraudulently absconding or failing to discharge debts incurred by him to a Chinese subject.

Art. XXIII.-Should natives of China who may repair to Hongkong to trade, incur debts there, the recovery of such debts must be arranged for by the English Court of Justice on the spot: but should the Chinese debtor abscond, and be known to have property, real or personal, within the Chinese territory, it shall be the duty of the Chinese authorities, on application by, and in concert with, the British Consul, to do their utmost to see justice done between the parties.

     Art. XXIV.-It is agreed that British subjects shall pay, on all merchandise imported or exported by them, the duties prescribed by the tariff; but in no case shall they be called upon to pay other or higher duties than are required of the subjects of

any other foreign nation.

     Art. XXV.-Import duties shall be considered payable on the landing of the goods, and duties of export on the shipment of the same.

     Art. XXVI.-Whereas the tariff fixed by Article X. of the Treaty of Nanking and which was estimated so as to impose on imports and exports a duty of about the rate of five per cent. ad valorem, has been found, by reason of the fall in value of various articles of merchandise, therein enumerated, to impose a duty upon these considerably in excess of the rate originally assumed, as above, to be a fair rate, it is agreed that the said tariff shall be revised, and that as soon as the Treaty shall have been signed, application shall be made to the Emperor of China to depute a high officer of the Board of Revenue to meet, at Shanghai, officers to be deputed on behalf of the British Government, to consider its revision together, so that the tariff, as revised, may come into operation immediately after the ratification of this Treaty.

Art. XXVII.-It is agreed that either of the high contracting parties to this Treaty may demand a further revision of the tariff, and of the Commercial Articles of this Treaty, at the end of ten years; but if no demand be made on either side within six months after the end of the first ten years, then the tariff shall remain in force for ten years more, reckoned from the end of the preceding ten years, and so it shall be at the end of each successive ten years.

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   Art. XXVIII.-Whereas it was agreed in Article X. of the Treaty of Nanking that British imports, having paid the tariff duties, should be conveyed into the interior, free of all further charges, except a transit duty, the amount whereof was not to exceed a certain percentage on tariff value; and whereas no accurate information having been furnished of the amount of such duty, British merchants have constantly complained that charges are suddenly and arbitrarily imposed by the provincial authorities as transit duties upon produce on its way to the foreign market, and on imports on their way into the interior, to the detriment of trade; it is agreed that within four months from the signing of this Treaty, at all ports now open to British trade, and within a similar period at all ports that may hereafter be opened, the authority appointed to superintend the collection of duties shall be obliged, upon application of the Consul, to declare the amount of duties leviable on produce between the place of production and the port of shipment, and upon imports between the Consular port in question and the inland markets named by the Consul; and that a notification thereof shall be published in English and Chinese for general information.

   But it shall be at the option of any British subject desiring to convey produce purchased inland to a port, or to convey imports from a port to an inland market, to clear his goods of all transit dutics, by payment of a single charge. The amount of this charge shall be leviable on exports at the first barrier they may have to pass, or, on imports, at the port at which they are landed; and on payment thereof a certificate shall be issued, which shall exempt the goods from all further inland charges whatsoever.

It is further agreed that the amount of this charge shall be calculated, as nearly as possible, at the rate of two and a half per cent. ad valorem, and that it shall be fixed for each article at the conference to be held at Shanghai for the revision of the tariff.

It is distinctly understood that the payment of transit dues, by commutation or otherwise, shall in no way affect the tariff duties on imports or exports, which will continue to be levied separately and in full.

   Art. XXIX.-British merchant vessels, of more than one hundred and fifty tons burden, shall be charged tonnage-dues at the rate of four mace per ton; if of one hundred and fifty tons and under, they shall be charged at the rate of one mace per ton.

   Any vessel clearing from any of the open ports of China for any other of the open ports, or for Hongkong, shall be entitled, on applicatfon of the master, to a special certificate from the Customs, on exhibition of which she shall be exempted from all further payment of tonnage-dues in any open ports of China, for a period of four months, to be reckoned from the date of her port-clearance.

   Art. XXX. The master of any British merchant-vessel may within forty-eight bours after the arrival of his vessel, but not later, decide to depart without breaking bulk, in which case he will not be subject to pay tonnage-dues. But tonnage-dues shall be held due after the expiration of the said forty-eight hours. No other fees or charges upon entry or departure shall be levied.

   Art. XXXI.-No tonnage-dues shall be payable on boats employed by British subjects in the conveyance of passengers, baggage, letters, articles of provision, or other articles not subject to duty, between any of the open ports. All cargo-boats, however, conveying merchandise subject to duty shall pay tonnage-dues once in six months, at the rate of four mace per register ton.

Art. XXXII.-The Consuls and Superintendents of Customs shall consult together regarding the erection of beacons or lighthouses, and the distribution of buoys and lightships, as occasion may demand.

   Art. XXXIII.-Duties shall be paid to the bankers, authorized by the Chinese Government to receive the same in its behalf, either in sycee or in foreign money, according to the assay made at Canton on the thirteenth of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three.

   Art. XXXIV.-Sets of standard weights and measures, prepared according to the standard issued to the Canton Custom-house by the Board of Revenue, shall be delivered by the Superintendent of Customs to the Consul at each port, to secnre uniformity and prevent confusion.

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     Art. XXXV.-Any British merchant vessel arriving at one of the open ports shall be at liberty to engage the services of a pilot to take her into port. In like manner, after she has discharged all legal dues and duties and is ready to take her départure, she shall be allowed to select a pilot to conduct her out of port.

Art. XXXVI.-Whenever a British merchant vessel shall arrive off one of the open ports the Superintendent of Customs shall depute one or more Customs' officers to guard the ship. They shall either live in a boat of their own, or stay on board the ship, as may best suit their convenience. Their food and expenses shall be supplied them from the Custom-house, and they shall not be entitled to any fees whatever from the master or consignee. Should they violate this regulation, they shall be punished proportionately to the amount exacted.

     Art. XXXVII.-Within twenty-four hours after arrival, the ship's papers, bills of lading, &c., shall be lodged in the hands of the Consul, who will within a further period of twenty-four hours report to the Superintendent of Customs the name of the ship, her register tonnage, and the nature of her cargo. If, owing to neglect on the part of the master, the above rule is not complied with within forty-eight hours after the ship's arrival, he shall be liable to a fine of fifty taels for every day's delay; the total amount of penalty, however, shall not exceed two hundred taels.

     The master will be responsible for the correctness of the manifest, which shall contain a full and true account of the particulars of the cargo on board. For presenting a false manifest, he will subject himself to a fine of five hundred taels; but he will be allowed to correct, within twenty-four hours after delivery of it to the Customs officers, any mistake he may discover in his manifest, witbout incurring this penalty.

      Art. XXXVIII.-After receiving from the Consul the report in due form, the Superintendent of Customs shall grant the vessel a permit to open hatches. If the master shall open hatches, and begin to discharge any goods without such permission, be shall be fined five hundred taels, and the goods discharged shall be confiscated wholly.

Art. XXXIX.-Any British merchant who has cargo to land or ship, must apply to the Superintendent of Customs for a special permit. Cargo landed or shipped without such permit, will be liable to confiscation.

Art. XL-No transhipment from one vessel to another can be made without special permission, under pain of confiscation of the goods so transhipped.

     Art. XLI.-When all dues and duties shall have been paid, the Superintendent of Customs shall give a port-clearance, and the Consul shall then return the ship's papers, so that she may depart on her voyage.

      Art. XLII.-With respect to articles subject, according to the tariff, to an ad valorem duty, if the British merchant cannot agree with the Chinese officer in affixing a value, then each party shall call two or three merchants to look at the goods, and the highest price at which any of these merchants would be willing to purchase them shall be assumed as the value of the goods.

Art. XLIII.-Duties shall be charged upon the net weight of each article, making a deduction for the tare, weight of congee, &c. To fix the tare on any articles, such as tea, if the British merchant cannot agree with the Custom-house officer, then each party shall choose so many chests out of every hundred, which being first weighed in gross, shall afterwards be tared, and the average tare upon these cbests shall be assumed as the tare upon the whole; and upon this principle shall the tare be fixed upon all other goods and packages. If there should be any other points in dispute which cannot be settled, the British merchant may appeal to his Consul, who will communicate the particulars of the case to the Superintendent of Customs, that it may be equitably arranged. But the appeal must be made within twenty-four hours or it will not be attended to. While such points are still unsettled, the Superintendent of Customs shall postpone the insertion of the same in his books.

Art. XLIV. Upon all damaged goods a fair reduction of duty shall be allowed, proportionate to their deterioration. If any disputes arise, they shall be settled in the manner pointed out in the clause of this Treaty having reference to articles which pay duty ad valorem.

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Art. XLV.-British merchants who may have imported merchandise into any of the open ports, and paid the duty thereon, if they desire to re-export the same, shall be entitled to make application to the Superintendent of Customs, who in order to prevent fraud on the revenue, shall cause examination to be made by suitable officers, to see that the duties paid on such goods, as entered in the Custom-house books, correspond with the representation made, and that the goods remain with their original marks unchanged. He shall then make a memorandum of the port-clearance of the goods, and of the amount of duties paid, and deliver the same to the merchant, and shall also certify the facts to the officers of Customs of the other ports. All which being done, on the arrival in port of the vessel in which the goods are laden, every- thing being found on examination there to correspond, she shall be permitted to break bulk, and land the said goods, without being subject to the payment of any additional duty thereon. But if, on such examination, the Superintendent of Customs shall detect any fraud on the revenue in the case, then the goods shall be subject to con- fiscation by the Chinese Government.

   British merchants desiring to re-export duty-paid imports to a foreign country shall be entitled, on complying with the same conditions as in the case of re-exporta- tion to another port in China, to a drawback certificate, which shall be a valid tender to the Customs in payment of import or export duties.

   Foreign grain brought into any port of China in a British ship, if no part thereof has been lauded, may be re-exported without hindrance.

   Art. XLVI.-The Chinese authorities at each port shall adopt the means they may judge most proper to prevent the revenue suffering from fraud or smuggling.

Art. XLVII.-British merchant-vessels are not entitled to resort to other than the ports of trade declared open by this Treaty, they are not unlawfully to enter other ports in China, or to carry on clandestine trade along the coast thereof. Any vessel violating this provision, shall, with her cargo, be subject to confiscation by the Chinese Government.

Art. XLVIII.-If any British merchant-vessel be concerned in smuggling, the goods, whatever their value or nature, shall be subject to confiscation by the Chinese authorities, and the ship may be prohibited from trading further, and sent away as soon as her account shall have been adjusted and paid.

   Art. XLIX.-All penalties enforced, or confiscations made, under this Treaty, shall belong and be appropriated to the public service of the Government of China.

   Art. L.-All official communications, addressed by the Diplomatic and Consular Agents of Her Majesty the Queen to the Chinese Authorities, shall, henceforth, be writ- ten in English. They will for the present be accompanied by a Chinese version, but it is understood that, in the event of there being any differences of meaning between the English and Chinese text, the English Government will hold the sense as expressed in the English text to be the correct sense. This provision is to apply to the Treaty now negotiated, the Chinese text of which has been carefully corrected by the English original.

   Art. LI. It is agreed that henceforward the character "I" (barbarian) shall not be applied to the Government or subjects of Her Britannic Majesty, in any Chinese official document issued by the Chinese authorities, either in the capital or in the provinces.

Art. LII.-British ships of war coming for no hostile purpose, or being engaged in the pursuit of pirates, shall be at liberty to visit all ports within the dominions of the Emperor of China, and shall receive every facility for the purchase of provisions, procuring water, and, if occasion require, for the making of repairs. The commanders of such ships shall hold intercourse with the Chinese authorities on terms of equality and courtesy.

Art. LIII.-In consideration of the injury sustained by native and foreign commerce from the prevalence of piracy in the seas of China, the high contracting parties agree to concert measures for its suppression.

   Art. LIV.-The British Government and its subjects are hereby confirmed in all privileges, immunities, and advantages conferred on them by previous Treaties: and it is hereby expressly stipulated that the British Government and its subjects will be allowed free and equal participation in all privileges, immunities, and advantages that

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may have been, or may be hereafter, granted by His Majesty the Emperor of China to the Government or subjects of any other nation.

Art. LV.-In evidence of Her desire for the continuance of a friendly under- standing, Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain consents to include in a Separate Article, which shall be in every respect of equal validity with the Articles of this Treaty, the conditions affecting indemnity for expenses incurred and losses sustained in the matter of the Canton question.

     Art. LVI.-The ratifications of this Treaty, under the hand of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the Emperor of China. respec tively, shall be exchanged at Peking, within a year from this day of signature.

     In token whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed this Treaty. Done at Tientsin, this twenty-sixth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight; corresponding with the Chinese date, the sixteenth day, fifth moon, of the eighth year of Hien Fung.



Signature of First Chinese Plenipotentiary.

Signature of Second Chinese Plenipotentiary,

Separate Article annexed to the Treaty concluded between Great Britain and China on the twenty-sixth day of June, in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-eight,

It is hereby agreed thata sum of two millions of taels, on account of the losses sustain- ed by British subjects through the misconduct of the Chinese authorities at Canton, and a further sum of two millions of taels on account of the Military expenses of the expedi tion which Her Majesty the Queen has been compelled to send out for the purpose of ob taining redress, and of enforcing the due observance of Treaty provisions, shall be paid to Her Majesty's Representatives in China by the authorities of the Kwang-tung province. The necessary arrangements with respect to the time and mode of effecting these payments shall be determined by Her Majesty's Representative, in concert with the Chinese authorities of Kwang-tung.

When the above amounts shall have been discharged in full, the British forces will be withdrawn from the city of Canton. Done at Tientsin, this twenty-sixth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight bundred and fifty-eight, corresponding with the Chinese date, the sixteenth day, fifth moon, of the eighth year of Hien Fung. (L.8.) ELGIN AND KINCARDINE.

Signature of First Chinese Plenipotentiary.

Signature of Second Chinese Plenipotentiaryį



     Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China, being alike desirous to bring to an end the misunderstanding at present existing between their respective Governments, and to secure their relations against further interruption, have for this purpose appointed Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:-

     His Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine; and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China, His Imperial Highness the Prince of Kung; who having met and communicated to each other their full powers, and finding these to be in proper form, have agreed upon the following Convention, in Nine Articles:


     Art. I. A breach of friendly relations having been occasioned by the act of the Garrison of Taku, which obstructed Her Britannic Majesty's Representative when on his way to Peking, for the purpose of exchanging the ratifications of the Treaty of Peace, concluded at Tientsin in the month of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China expresses his keep regret at the misunderstanding so occasioned.

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   Art. II. It is further expressly declared, that the arrangement entered into at Shanghai, in the month of October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, between Her Britannic Majesty's Ambassador the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, and His Imperial Majesty's Commissioners Kweiliang and Hwashana, regarding the residence of Her Britannic Majesty's Representative in China, is hereby cancelled, and that, in accordance with Article III. of the Treaty of one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, Her Britannic_Majesty's Representative will henceforward reside, permanently or occasionally, at Peking, as Her Britannic Majesty shall be pleased to decide.

Art. III. It is agreed that the separate Article of the Treaty of one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight is hereby annulled, and that in lieu of the amount of indemnity therein specified, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China shall pay the sum of eight millions of taels, in the following proportions or instalments, namely, --at Tientsin on or before the 30th day of November, the sum of five hundred thousand taels; at Canton, on or before the first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, three hundred and thirty-three thousand and thirty-three taels, less the sum which shall have been advanced by the Canton authorities toward the completion of the British Factory site of Shameen; and the remainder at the ports open to foreign trade, in quarterly payments, which shall consist of one-fifth of the gross revenue from Customs there collected; the first of the said payments being due on the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, for the quarter terminating on that day.

It is further agreed that these moneys shall be paid into the bands of an officer whom Her Britannic Majesty's Representative shall specially appoint to receive them, and that the accuracy of the amount shall, before payment, be duly ascertained by British and Chinese officers appointed to discharge this duty.

   In order to prevent future discussion it is moreover declared that of the eight millions of taels herein guaranteed, two millions will be appropriated to the indemnification of the British Mercantile Community at Canton, for losses sustained by them; and the remaining six millions to the liquidation of war expenses.

   Art. IV.-It is agreed that on the day on which this Convention is signed, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China shall open the port of Tientsin to trade and that it shall be thereafter competent to British subjects to reside and trade there, under the same conditions as at any other port of China by treaty open to trade.

   Art. V. As soon as the ratifications of the Treaty of one thousand eight bundred and fifty-eight shall have been exchanged, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China will, by decree, command the high authorities of every province to proclaim throughout their jurisdictions that Chinese, in choosing to take service in British Colonies or other parts beyond sea, are at perfect liberty to enter into engagements with British subjects for that purpose, and to ship themselves and their families on board any British vessels at the open ports of China; also, that the high authorities aforesaid shall, in concert with Her Britannic Majesty's Representative in China, frame such regulations for the protection of Chinese emigrating as above as the circumstances of the different open ports may demand.

    Art. VI.-With a view to the maintenance of law and order in and about the harbour of Hongkong, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China agrees to cede to Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Her heirs and successors, to have and to hold as a dependency of Her Britannic Majesty's Colony of Hongkong, that portion of the township of Kowloon in the province of Kwang-tung, of which a lease was granted in perpetuity to Harry Smith Parkes, Esquire, Companion of the Bath, a Member of the Allied Commission at Canton, on behalf of Her Britannic Majesty's Government, by Lau Tsung-kwang, Governor-General of the Two Kwang.

   It is further declared that the lease in question is hereby cancelled, that the claims of any Chinese to property on the said portion of Kowloon shall be duly investigated by a mixed Commission of British aud Chinese officers, and that compensation shall be awarded by the British Government to any Chinese whose

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claim shall be by that said Commission established, should his removal be deemed necessary by the British Government.

      Art. VII.-It is agreed that the provisions of the Treaty of one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, except in so far as these are modified by the present Convention, shall without delay come into operation as soon as the ratifications of the Treaty aforesaid shall have been exchanged. It is further agreed, that no separate ratification of the present Convention shall be necessary, but that it shall take effect from the date of its signature, and be equally binding with the Treaty above men- tioned on the high contracting parties.

      Art. VIII.-It is agreed that as soon as the ratifications of the Treaty of the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight shall have been exchanged, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China shall, by decree, command the high autho- rities in the capital, and in the provinces, to print and publish the aforesaid Treaty and the present Convention for general information.

Art. IX.-It is agreed that, as soon as the Convention shall have been signed, the ratifications of the Treaty of the year one thousand eight bundred and fifty-eight shall have been exchanged, and an Imperial Decree respecting the publication of the said Convention and Treaty shall have been promulgated, as provided for by Article VIII. of this Convention, Chusan shall be evacuated by Her Britannic Majesty's troops there stationed, and Her Britannic Majesty's force now before Peking shall commence its march towards the city of Tientsin, the forts of Taku, the north coast of Shan-tung, and the city of Canton, at each or all of which places, it shall be at the option of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland to retain a force, until the indemnity of eight millions of taels, guaranteed in Article III., shall have been paid.

Done at Peking, in the Court of the Board of Ceremonies, on the twenty-fourth day of October, in the year our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty.


Seal of Chinese Plenipotentiary.

Signature of Chinese Plenipotentiary.




      Whereas it was provided, by the Treaty of Tientsin, that a conference should be held at Shanghai between Officers deputed by the British Government on the one part, and by the Chinese Government on the other part, for the purpose of determining the amount of tariff duties and transit dues to be henceforth levied, a conference has been held accordingly; and its proceedings having been submitted to the Right Honourable the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, High Commissioner and Plenipotentiary of Her Majesty the Queen, on the one part: and to Kweiliang, Hwashana, Ho Kwei-tsing, Ming-shen, and Twan Ching-shih, High Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, on the other part, these High Officers have agreed and determined upon the revised Tariff hereto appended, the rate of transit dues therewith declared, together with other Rules and Regulations for the better explana- tion of the Treaty aforesaid; and do hereby agree that the said Tariff and Rules- the latter being in ten Articles, thereto appended-shall be equally binding on the Governments and subjects of both countries with the Treaty itself.

In witness whereof, they hereto affix their Seals and Signatures.

     Done at Shanghai, in the Province of Kiangsu, this eighth day of November in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, being the third day of the tenth moon of the eighth year of the reign of Hien Fung.


Seal of Chinese Plenipotentiaries.


Signatures of the Five Chinese Plenipotentiaries.

Digitized by



1.-In the present reprint of the Chinese Tariff for the trade under the cognizance of the Foreign Customs Inspectorate, the Import and Export divisions of the original Tariff of 1858 and the Lists of Duty-free, of Exceptional, and of Contraband Goods, based on Rules 2, 3, and 5 of the "Rules appended to the Tariff," have been amalgamated, and arranged alphabetically.

2.-The decisions of the Chinese Government affecting the original Tariff which have come into operation since it was first published have been entered in their proper order.

3.-The following typographical arrangement has been adopted in this reprint:-

1o. Dutiable articles taken over from the original Tariff are printed in ordinary type. 2o. Duty-free articles are printed in italics.

3o. Exceptional and contraband articles specified in the "Rules appended to the Tariff"

are printed in black type.

4o. Entries based on decisions given since the publication of the original Tariff are

printed in SMALL CAPITALS.

   4. Of the decisions given since the issue of the original Tariff, the present list comprises only those which affect Customs practice at all the Treaty Ports; local rulings not having been included.

   N.B.-Customs Permits are necessary for the shipment and discharge of whatever is not allowed to accompany passengers as Personal Baggage, e.g., Duty-free Goods, Treasure, Parcels, etc., and all such articles must be entered on the manifest of the vessel concerned.



See Apricot


Per T. m. c. c.

100 catties 0 1 5 0


Artificial Flowers



TARIFF UNIt and Duty.

Agaric. See Fungus.




Alum, Green, or Copperas

Aniseed, Broken..

Aniseed Oil.

Aniseed, Star


See Ar-

ticles de Tapisserie.

Antiques. See Curiosi-


Apricot Seeds, or Almonds Armlets, Glass. See Ban-


Arrow-root. See Sago. Arsenic.....

Articles de Ménage

Including Drawing-room, Din- ing-room, Bedroom, Bath- room, Kitchen, Pantry, and Counting House Furniture; Furniture for


Room, Bowling Alley, and Racket Court; Safes, Stoves, Grates, Cooking Ranges, Fire-irons, Fenders, Coal- scuttles, etc.; Cornices and Curtains, etc.; Gas Fittings, Bella, etc; Books, Music, Musical Instruments, Scien- tific Instruments and dp-| paratus, etc. ; Saddlery, Harness, and Carriages; Foreign

Carpeting and Druggeting, etc. Exclu- ding Clocks, Musical Boxes, Pictures, Paintings, Lcok- ing-glasses, Mirrors, Curio- sities, Lampwicks, Mats, Quilts, Blankets, Rugs of Hair or Skin, Chinese Car- pets and Druggets, Leather Trunks, Native Chinaware, Pottery, and Earthenware.] Articles de Tapisserie

Including Berlin Wool Work,

Anlimäcussurs, etc.





0 250


5 0 0 0



0 4 5 0

0 45 0




Bangles or Armlets, Glass Bar Iron. See Metals.

Beams. See Timber.



Bean Oil. See Oil.

Beans and Peas

Beaver Skins. See Skins,


Bed Quilts, Cotton. See


Beef and Pork. See Meats. Beer. See Wines Beeswax, Yellow

Bells. See Articles de Mé-


Berlin Wool Work. Seel

Articles de Tapisserie.


Betel-nut Husk

Bezoar, Cow. See Cow


Bicho de Mar, Black... Bicho de Mar, White Birds' Nests, 1st Quality. Birds' Nests, 2nd Quality Birds Nests, 3rd Quality,|

or Uncleaned Biscuit, all kinds, Plain

and Fancy....

Bitters. See Wines. Blankets. See Woollen


Blotting Paper. See Sta-


Bombazettes. See Wool-

len Manufactures.

Bonbons. See Confection-


Per T. m. c. c. 100 catties 1 5 0 0

0650 075 0


0 500


0 0 3 5





100 catties 1 0 0 0

0 15 0


0 0 7 5


1 5 0 0


0 3 5 0


0 550


045 0

0 15 0



Boneware and Hornware. 100 catties 1 5 0 0

* Guaxo is allowed to pay 5 per cent, ad valorem at importer's option.

Digitized by





Paper, 1st Quality.

Books, Foreign. See Ar-

ticles de Ménage.

Boots, Chinese. See Shoes

and Boots.

Boots Foreign. See Cloth-

Foreign. See

Jewellery, Foreign.

ing, Foreign


Brass Buttons [EXPORT


Brass Buttons [IMPORT









T. m. c. c.


T. m. c. c.

100 catties 3 0 0 0

Gross 100 catties

0 0 5 5 1 5 0

1 0 0 0



1 1 5 0


0 200


.......100 catties 2 0 0 0

Cannot be imported or exported except un- der Special Authority. Cantharides................ Canvas and Cotton Duck, not exceeding 50 yards long

Capoor Cutchery Caps, Felt. See Felt Caps. Caps, Silk. See Silk. Cardamoms, Superior Cardamoms, Inferior, or

Grains of Paradise Carpeting, Foreign

Including Oil Floor-cloth. [Excluding Chinese Car- pets.]

Carpeting, Foreign. See

Articles de Ménage. Carpets and Druggets

Not including Foreign Car-

peting and Druggeting. Carriages. See Articles de


Cash. See Copper Cash. Cassia Buds

Piece 0400 100 catties' 0 3 0 0


0 500



Hundred 3500

Brassware Brass Wire

Brick Tea. See Tea, Brick. Brimstone and Sulphur.

Cannot be imported or exported except un- der Special Authority. Broadcloth. See Wool-

len Manufactures. Brocades. See

Piece Goods.


Brooches. See Jewellery,


Buffalo Hides. See Hides,


Buffalo Horns. See Horns,


Buffalo Sinews. See Si-





THAN OFFICIAL PUR-5 per cent. .......................... ad valorem


Building Materials import-

ed for official residences or offices.......

Bullion, Gold and Silver..... Bunting. See Woollen




Including Condensed and De-

siccated Milk.

Buttons, Brass. See Brass


     Cakes. See Confectionery. Camagon-wood.

Wood, Camagon.


Cambrics. See Cotton

Piece Goods.






Camlets. See Woollen



     Camphor, Baroos, Clean. Camphor, Baroos, Refuse. Candles, Foreign Canes




|100 catties 0 7 5 0 Catty 1300 07 20



Thousand] 0 5 0 0

Cassia Oil

Cassia Lignea

Cassia Twigs

Cassimeres. See Woollen


Castor Oil

Excluding Foreign Castor Oil, if arriving in quantities of less than 100 catties weight: Free.

Caviare. See Meats.

Ceruse. See Lead, White.


100 catties' 0800






0 200




Foreign. See

Jewellery, Foreign.




Chinaware, Coarse.....



Chinaware, Foreign. See


Chintzes. See Cotton

Piece Goods.

Chocolate. See Confec-


Chutneys. See Vegetables. Cigar-cases. See Cigars. Cigar-holders. See Cigars. Cigars, Foreign

Including Cigar-cases, Cigar-

holders, and Pipes,

Cinnabar Cinnamon

CITRONS, See Vegetables. Clocks


100 catties 0100


0180 0450




100 catties 0 75


5 per cent.

{ad valorem

Digitized by





Clothing, Cotton Clothing, Foreign.

Including Ready-made Cloth- ing of all kinds for Head, Person, or Foot, or First Materials for Foreign Cloth- ing, male and female (if im- ported in reasonable quanti- ties by Foreign Retail Dea lers, Tailors, and Milliners, for Foreign use); Foreign Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Haberdashery, and Milli- nery [Excluding Umbrel- las, Cotton Handkerchiefe, Silk Ribbons, Silk Thread, Silk Shawls, Silk Scarves, Silk| Tassels, Silk Caps, Chinese Felt Caps, Chinese Boots and Shoes.l

Clothing, Silk. Cloves

Cloves, Mother Coal, Foreign





Per \T. m. c. c. 100 catties 1 5 0 0


100 catties 10 0 0 0

TARIFF UNit and Dutt.

Per T. m. c. c.

Copper, in Sheets.




Copper, in Slabs.


Copper Nails. See Metals. Copper Rods. See Metals. Copperware and Pewter-




Copper, Old, Sheathing...

100 catties 1 1 5 0



Copper Ore

0 50



See Alum,


Copying Presses.

See Sta-



Corals, False

Catty [100 catties

0 1 0 0

0 3 5 0

50 18 0

Cordage, Manila

0 3 5 0




See Wines.


0 0

Cornelian Beads......

7 0 0 0



100 stones

0 3 0 0


Corn-flour. See Sago.

Cornices. See Articles de

0 1 0 0



0 3 0 0







Coal shipped by Yachts for

their own use Coal-scuttles. See Articles

de Ménage.


 Cocoa. See Confectionery. Cocoa-Nuts, See Vegetables] Cocoons. See Silk.



Coffee. See Confectionery.

Coins, Foreign


100 catties 5 0 0 0

5 per cent.

[ad valorem





100 catties 0 1 0 0


0 1 5 0

See Preserves.


Including Pustry, Cakes, Bon- bons, Coffee, Chocolate, Co- coa, Spices, Sauces, Season- ings, Flacouring Essences, Foreign Pepper, Mustard, Table Salt in small jars; Ketchup, Vinegar, and Oil; Anchovy, Tomato, and Wor- cestershire Sauces. [Ex- cluding Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, Honey, Liquorice, Sugar Candy, Chinese Preserves, Comfits, and Sweetmeats.] Cooking Ranges. "See Ar-

  ticles de Ménage. Copper. See Metals. Copper Cash

Can only be exported under Bond to a Chi- nese Treaty Port.

COPPER CASH, Japanese,




Cotton Cloth, Native. See



Cotton Duck. See Can-


Cotton Piece Goods :-

Grey, White, Plain and


exceeding 34 ins. wide and not exceeding 10 yds. long.......






exceeding 34 ins. wide and exceed-


ing 40 yds. long.) Drills and Jeans:

not exceeding 30 ins. wide and not ex- ⚫eeding 40 yds. long not exceeding 30 ins. wide and not ex- ceeding 30 yds. long| T-Cloths:

not exceeding 34 ins. wide and not ex- ceeding 48 yds. long| not exceeding 34 ins. wide and not ex- ceeding 24 yds. long Dyed, Figured and Plain, not exceeding 36 ins. wide and not exceeding 40 yds. long

EXCLUDING FOREIGN COTTONS DYED IN CHINA. Sea Nan- keeu and Native Cotton] Cloth.


0 0 8 0

Every 10 yards.

0 0 2 0


0 1 0 0


0 0 7 6

0 0 8 0



• On re-shipment, no matter whether for export or consumption on board the vessel in question, a Drawback

(or Exemption Certificate, if applied for) is granted,

Digitized by











T. m. c. c.


Cotton Piece Goods-cont. Fancy White Brocades and White Spotted Shirtings, not ceeding 36 ins. wide and not exceeding 40 yds. long... Printed, Chintzes and Furnitures, not ex- ceeding 31 ins. wide and not exceeding 30 yds. long.... Cambrics:

not exceeding 46 ins. wide and not ex- ceeding 24 yds. long not exceeding 46 ins.

wide and not ex- ceeding 12 yds. long Muslins :

not exceeding 46 ins.

wide and not ex- ceeding 24 yds. long not exceeding 46 ins. wide and not ex- ceeding 12 yds. long Damaska, not exceeding 36 ins. wide and not exceeding 40 yds. long

Dimities or Quiltings, not exceeding 40 ins. wide and not exceed-Į ing 12 yds. long ... Ginghams, not exceed- ing 28 ins. wide and not exceeding 30 yds. long

Handkerchiefs, not ex- ceeding 1 yd. square. Fustians, not exceeding

35 yds. long...

Velveteens, not exceed-

ing 34 yds. long

Cotton Rags

Cotton, Raw

Cotton Seed Oil. See Oil.

Cotton Thread


0 1 0 0




Curiosities, Antiques...

Excluding Curios, Presents, etc., when forming part of á traveller's Personal Bag-| gage and not being carried in suck quantity as to sug- gest a trading operation: Free.

Curtains. See Articles de'

Per T. m. c. Q

ad valorem 5 per cent.



0 0 7 0


100 catties 0 18 0





See Cotton

Piece Goods.

0 0 7 0

Dates, Black

Dates, Red

100 catties 0 1 50 0090


0 0 8 5

Deer Horns. See Horns,|


0 3 5


Deer Sinews. See Sinews.

Despatch Boxes. See Sta-


Dimities. See Cotton Piece


Dock Stores (under Special




0 200

Doe Skins.


See Skins,






0 0 6 5

Gum, Dragon's Blood.

Drills. See Cotton Piece


Druggeting, Foreign


Excluding Chinese Druggets.

Druggets. See Carpete. Duck, Cotton.


See Can-

Dye, Green [Native: Lü-


Dyed Cottons. See Cot-

ton Piece Goods.

Ear-rings, Foreign.

Jewellery, Foreign.





0 0 25

0 200





.103 catties




Earthenware. See Pot-

0720 07


Ebony. See Wood, Ebony.


Eggs, Preserved.......................

Thousand 0 350


0 3 6 0


1 500

100 catties 050 0

Essences, Flavouring.



Embroideries, Silk.



See Silk

Piece Goods.


Cotton Yarn

Cow Rezoar [EXPORT


Cow Bezoar, Indian (Im-


Cow Hides. See Hides,


Crackers, Fireworks

Crape, Silk.

Crockery, Foreign.


Crystalware. See Glass-

ware and Crystalware.




1 5 0 0

See Vege


Elephants' Teeth, Broken 100 catties 3 0 0 0

Elephants' Teeth, Whole.

Silk Piece Goods.

False Pearls. See Pearls.

Fancy Cottons. See Cot-

ton Piece Goods.

Fans, Feather...............

Fans, Palm-leaf, Trim-


Fans, Palm-leaf, Untrim-

med Fans, Paper

Hundred 075 0

Thousand 036 0



Hundred 0045

Digitized by





TARIFF UNit and DutY.






T. m. c. c.

Felt Caps....

0400 1 2 5 0

Felt Cuttings.

100 catties 0 1 0 0


See Articles de


de Ménage.



Fire-irons. See Articles

 Fireworks. See Crackers. Fish, Dried. See Stock


Fish, Salt......

INCLUDING Cuttle-fish.

Fish Maws

Fish Skins

Not including Sharks' Skins. Flannel, See Woollen


Floss Silk. See Silk.



Flowers, Artificial.

Artificial Flowers.


100 catties 0 1 8 0


1 0 0 0


0 200




Cannot be imported or exported except un- der Special Authority. Fox Skins. See Skins,




See Vege-

  Wood, Fragrant. Fruits, Foreign.


Fruits, Fresh and Preser-

  ved. See Vegetables. Fungus, or Agaric...... Furniture of all kinds. See

Articles de Ménage.

Furnitures, Cotton.

Cotton Piece Goods.

Fustians. See

Piece Goods.








Game, Tinned. See Meats,

Preserved, Foreign.

Garoo-wood. See Wood,

Gas Fittings. See Articles

de Ménage.

Gauze, Silk. See Silk

Piece Goods.




0 0 3 0

100 catties 0 6 0 0

0 1 0 0



0 1 5 0 10



Ginseng, American, Clari-




AS THOUGH IT NATIVE PRoduce. Ginseng, American, Crude Ginseng, Corean or Japan, 1st Quality.i.e., VALUED AT Tls. 5 AND OVER A CATTY

Ginseng, Corean or Ja- pan, 2nd Quality, i.e.,





Ginseng, Native.........

TARIFY UNIt and Duty.

Per \T. m. c. c.

100 catties 8 000


6 0 0 0

0 5 0 0


0 3 50


0 0 5 0

5 per cent. Vad valorem

Glass Bangles, or Arm-


Glass Beads

Glass, or Vitrified Ware. Glassware and Crystal-

ware ..... Including Foreign Crockery and Foreign Chinaware and Porcelain. [Excluding Na- tive Chinaware, Native Pot- tery, and Native Earthen- ware; Window Glass, Tele- scopes, Spy and Opera Glas- Bes, Looking-glasses and Mirrors; also Chinese Glass Beads and Glassware of all kinds].

Glass, Window

100 catties 0 5 0 0


0500 0500



Box 100 sq. ft.




0 0 3 5



METAL, WHEN RE- 5 per cent.!



Ginghams. See Cotton|

Piece Goods.


Goats' Hair. See Hair,


Gold and Silver Bullion.Į

See Bullion.

Gold Thread, Imitation..



Gold Thread, Real....................... Goldware. See Silver-

ware and Goldware. Grain of all kinds [Seo


Grains of Paradise. See


100 catties 0 15 0


0 0 8 0


100 catties 0 1 0 0

Digitized by




Naxx or ATTICLE.


Per T. m. c. c.




T. m. c. c.


See Bone-


See Clothing,


Household Stores, etc.


Grasscloth, Coarse (HA- VING 40 OR LESS THREADS IN THE WARP TO AN INCH)........ Grasscloth, Fine (HAVING OVER 40 THREADS IN THE WARP TO AN INCH) Grates. See Articles de


100 catties 0 7 5 0



Green Alum.

See Alum,


Green Dye.

See Dye,


Green Paint. See Paint.

Ground-nut Cake


0030 0100


GUANO. See Beancake.


See Stationery.

Gum Benjamin

Gum Benjamin, Oil of

Gum, Dragon's Blood

Gum Myrrh.......

Gum Olibanum


Cannot be imported or exported except un- der Special Authority. Gypsum, Ground, of Plas-

ter of Paris ......................... Haberdashery. See Cloth-

ing, Foreign.

Habit Cloth. See Wool-

len Manufactures.


Hair, Goats'

Hair-pins, Foreign.

    Jewellery, Foreign. Hair Rugs. See Rugs. Hame



Handkerchiefs, Cotton.

See Cotton Piece Goods. Hare Skins. See Skins,


Harness. See Articles de


Hartall, or Orpiment......



Hemp Seed Oil.

See Oil.


6 0 0 0600

0 450




4 5 0

100 catties 0 0 3 0

15 per cent.

ad valorem!

100 catties 0 18 0

0 5 5 0


Articles not named in the

Tariff as dutiable, nor being articles, or one or more of a class of articles, specifically mentioned in the Dutyfree List, if imported or exported for the special and personal use of specified Individuals, Hongs, Companies, or Ships,| and in reasonable quanti- ties, may, when declared to be Household Stores, Ships') Stores, or Personal Baggage,

Tarif be passed free. named articles declared as Household Stores are duti- able. See also Dock Stor es. Implements of War.....

Cannot be imported or exported except un- der Special Authority. Indigo, Dry. Indigo, Liquid Ink, Foreign.

tionery. Ink, India

See Sta-

Insect Wax. See Wax,


Iron Bars.

See Metals.

Iron Hoops. See Me-




Iron, in Pigs. See Me-


Iron, in Sheets. See Me-



See Metals.

IRON PANS. See Metals.

Iron Rods. See Metals.

Iron Wire.

See Metals.

Jeans. See Cotton Piece




0 350

Jewellery, Foreign


0 3 5 0

5 per cent.

GRASS (RHEA)....................... ) ¦ ad valorem

Hemp Twine. See Twine.

Hides, Buffalo and Cow.. 100 catties 050 0

Hides, Rhinoceros




Hoop Iron.

Horns, Buffalo

See Metals.

Horns, Deer [IMPORT TA-


Horns, Deer, Young [Ex-


Horns, Deer, "Old [Ex-


Horns, Rhinoceros...




0 250

0 250




100 catties 1 3 50




Including Foreign Shirt Studs, Sleeve Links, Watch Chains,




Cases, Earrings, Necklets, Brooches, Bracelets, Lockets, Hair-pins, Scent Bottles. [Excluding Coral, Corne- Gians, Bangles, Glass Beads, False Pearls, Goldware and Silverware.] Joists. See Timber. Joss-sticks


Kentledge. See Metals. Ketchup. See Confection-


ory. Kingfishers'

See Feathers. Kittysols, or Paper Um-


Kranjee-wood. See Wood,


100 catties 1 0 0 0


0 18 0




0650 0 150


100 catties 0 2 0 0


0 200

Hundred 0500

Digitized by




NAME OF Article.

Lacquer, Crude.



Per \T. m. c. c.




Lacquered Ware Laka-wood. See Wood,

Laka. Lampwicks

Lastings. See Woollen


Lead, in Pigs. See Me-


Lead, in Sheets. See


Lead, Red (Minium)...

Lead, White (Ceruse)

Lead, Yellow (Massicot). Leather

Leather Articles,

100 catties 1 0 0 0

0 6 0 0


4.6., ORIGINAL PRICE plus]




See Sago.

Mangrove Bark

Manure-cakes, or Pou-

Marten. Massicot.

TARIFF Unit and Duty.

Per T. m. c. c.


100 catties 0 0 3 0


0 0 90

0 3 5 0

Marble Slabs

0 200



0 3 5 0

Marten Skins. See Skins,

0 3 50


04 20

See Lead,




1 5 0 0

Masts. See Timber.


1 8 0 0

Mats, of all kinds

Hundred 0 200



15 per cent.

Roll of

ad valorem

40 yds.




Pouches, Purses..........

Leather, Green






Lemonade. See Wines.

Skins. See


Skins, Leopard.





 Lily Flowers, Dried Lily Seeds, or Lotus Nuts, Linen and Cotton Mix-

   tures. See Linen. Linen, Coarse, as Linen and Cotton or Silk and Linen Mixtures, not exceeding 50 yds. long. Linen, Fine, as Irish or Scotch, not exceeding 50 yds. long.

Liqueurs. See Wines. Liquorice...

Lockets. See Jewellery,|


Long Ells. See Woollen


Looking-glasses. See Te-

100 catties 0 2 0 0

5 per cent. ad valorem

100 catties 0 2 7 0 0 500



0 2 0 0

0 5 0 0

100 catties 0 1 3 5


Lotus-nuts. See



Lucraban Seed

0 0 3 5 0250


Lung-ngans without the


Lustres, See


and Cotton Mixtures.1

Mace on



{5 per cent.


[ad valorem


0 3 5

1 0 0 0


Maws, Fish. See Fish


Meal, Indian and Oat......

Meats, eign

Preserved, For-

Including Fish, Flesh, Fowl, Tinned Game of all kinds, Shell-fish, Patties, Sausages, Caviare, Beef and Fork in casks for Ships. [Ex- cluding Hams and Salt. Fisb.1

MEDICATED WINES......{ Medicines, Foreign

Including Surgical Instru- ments, Photographic Chemi- cals and Apparatus; also Medicines of Foreign origin made up for Chinese use* [Excluding Castor Oil, if arriving in quantities of more than 100 catties weight| at a time.]

Medium Cloth. See Wool-

len Manufactures. Melon Seeds

Metals :-

Copper, Manufactured;

as in Sheets, Rods, Nails.



tured, as in Slabs. Copper, Yellow Metal, Sheathing, and Nails Copper, Japan............ Iron, Manufactured, as in Sheets, Rods, Bars, Hoope

Iron, Unmanufactured,

as in Pigs...

Iron, Kentledge

Iron Wire



5 per cent. ad valorem Free.

100 catties 0 1 0 0

1 5 0 0






2 2 2

090 0600

0 1 2 5

0075 0010 0 2 5 0

If in reasonable quantities, when declared to be for the personal use of the applicant, and not for sale.



Digitized by








T. m. c. c.








Iron Pans manufactur- ed by Foreigners at Chinese Treaty Ports cannot be imported or exported. IRON NAILS



Lead, in Pigs

Lead, in Sheets Quicksilver


Cannot be imported! or exported except under Special Autho-




5 per cent.

ad valorem


100 catties 0 250

Canot be imported exported except


under Special Authō-| rity.

Muslins. See Cottons.

Mussels, Dried

Mustard. Sce Confec-


Musters. See Samples. Myrrh. See Gum.

Nails, Copper. See Metals. NAILS, IRON. See Metals. Nankeen and Native Cot-

ton Cloths



Narrow Cloth. See Wool-




0 55 2000



0 250




0 250

1 2 5

See Jewellery,

Newspapers, Chinese



Oil, as Bean, Tea, Wood, Cotton, and Hemp Seed Up to 10 piculs, if reported to

be for Steamer's use: Free. Oil Floor-cloth. See Car-

peting, Foreign,

Oil, Salad. See Confec-







0 9 0 0


100 catties 0 2 0 0

1 5 0 0



100 catties 0 5 0 0


0 3 0 0









or Pickled.

Oiled Paper






See Gum Oli-

5 per cent. ad valorem.*


Olive Seeds

0 3 0 0


Olives, Unpickled, Salted,


0 180


Opera Glasses. See Teles-






Under Special Regula-





Milk, Condensed and Desic-

cated. See Butter.

Millet. See Rice.

Millinery. See Clothing,


Mineral Water. See Wines. Minium. See Lead, Red. Mirrors. See Telescopes. Mother-o'-pearl Shell Mother-o'-pearl Ware Munitions of War.

Cannot be imported or exported except under Special Autho- rity. Mushrooms

Music. See Articles de

100 catties! 0 2 0 0 Catty 0 10

100 catties 1 5 0 0

per cent.


Musical Boxes....................

{lad valorem

Musical Instruments. See

Articles de Ménage.


Under special Regula-


Orange Peel. See Peel,


ORANGES. See Vegetables.!

Orleans. See Woollen


Orpiment. See Hartall. Otter Skins. See Skins,


Oyster Shell, Sea Shells..

Paddy. See Rice,

0 0 90


Packing Twine. See Sta-


Paint, Green



Paintings. See Pictures.

* Ad interim,

     tAccording to the United States Commercial Treaty of November, 1880, citizens of the United States are not allowed 30 deal in Opium, nor are vesseld owned by them, whether employed by themselves or others, nor vessels owned by othern but employed by them, allowed to carry Opium.

Tha. Tariff Duty, Ela, Läkin.

Tis. Tarif Duty, Tie. 100,0,0,0. Läkin.

Digitized by


Namn of ARTICLE.



T. m. c. c.





Palampore, or Cotton Bed




T, m. c. c.


Palm-leaf Fans. See Fans,|

Palm leaf.

PANS, IRON. See Metals. Paper. See Stationery. Paper, 1st Quality .



Paper, 2nd Quality


Paper, Oiled. See Oiled


Paper Umbrellas.



Pastry. See Confectionery.

Pattics. See Meats.

Peacocks' Feathers. See



100 catties 0 7 0 0



5 per cent. ad valorem

Pearls, False

100 catties 2 0 0 0


See Beans.

Peel, Orange


0 3 0 0

Peel, Pumelo, 1st Quality Peel, Pumelo, 2nd Quality


0 4 5 0

0 1 5 0

Pencil Cases.

See Jewel-

lery, Foreign.

Pencils, Foreign. See Sta-


Pens, Foreign. See Sta-


Pepper, Black....

Pepper, White


Pepper, Foreign. See Con-


Peppermint Leaf

A 2

0 3 6 0

5 0 0

PIPES, WHITE METAL (INFERIOR). See Cop- perware and Pewter-

ware. Pistols.


Cannot be imported exported except under Special Autho- rity.

Pith Pictures. See Pic-


Planks. See Timber.

Plaster of Paris. See


Plated Ware, Foreign

Poles. See Timber.

Pongees, Silk. See Silk

Piece Goods.

Porcelain, Foreign. See


Pork. See Meats, Pre-

served, Foreign. Portfolios. See Stationery. Pottery, Earthenware


Pouches, Leather. See

Leather Articles. Poudrette. See Manure-


Prawns, Dried

Presents. See Curiosities. Preserves, Comfits, and


Printed Cottons. See Cot-

ton Piece Goods. Printing Presses. See Sta-


Pamelo Peel. See Peel,


PUMELOES. See Vegetables

Purses, Leather.

Leather Articles,



Peppermint Oil

0100 3500




Excluding Musk.

Personal Baggage.





Quicksilver. See Metals.

See Cotton

Piece Goods.

Quilts, Cotton. See Pa-


Rabbit Skins. See Skins,


100 catties 0 0 5 0

0 3 6 0




0 6 0 0


Household Stores .......................]

Pewterware. See Copper-


Photographic Apparatus.

See Medicines.

Photographic Chemicals.

  See Medicines. Pickled Olives. See Olives.

Pickles. See Vegetables. Pictures and Paintings... Pictures on Pith or Rice


Pig Iron. See Metals.

Piles. See Timber. PINEAPPLES. See Vege-


Pipes. See Cigars.


0 1 0 0


0 1 0 0



Racoon Skins. See Skins,


Rags, Cotton. See Cot-

ton Rags.

Raisins. See Vegetables. Raspberry Vinegar.



Rattans, Split...



Red Tape. See Stationery. Red-wood. See Wood, Red.

a: a




0 3 0


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T. m. c. c.





[T. m. c. 4.

Rhinoceros Hides. Bee

Hides, Rhinoceros. Rhinoceros Horns.

Horns, Rhinoceros.

Rhubarb Ribbons, Silk.


See Silk.



100 catties 1 2 5 0

100 catties 18 0 0 0


5 per cent.

ad valorem optional.

Rice or Paddy, Wheat, 100 catties 0 1 0

Millet, & other Grains..

Duty free on importa- tion from abroad. Can only be exported un- der Bond to Chinese Ports. Native Grain is to pay Export Duty at port of shipment| and Coast Trade Duty at port of discharge, and leaving Yangtsze Ports by river stea- mers, Coast Trade

Duty is to be deposited in advance. Foreign Grain not landed may be re-exported to Fo- reign Countries. Fo- reign Grain re-export- ed to Chinese Ports must pay Export Duty. Rice Paper Pictures. See



Cannot be imported or exported except un- der Special Authority. Rings, Foreign. See Jewel-

lery, Foreign.

Rose Maloes

Rugs, of Hair or Skin




1 0 0 0 0 0 9

Saddlery. See Articles de




Safes. See Articles de

Including Arrow-root, Corn-

flour, Maizena.


Trade in, prohibited.

Salt Fish. See Fish, Salt.

Salted Olives. See Olives.

Salt, Table. See Confec-

tionery. Saltpetre.............

Cannot be imported or exported except un- der Special Authority. Samples and Musters of Goods for sale, in reason- able quantities




See Wines, Foreign.




100 catties 050 0


100 catties 0 15 0



0400 100

Sapanwood .................................................... 100 catties 010

Satin. See Silk Piece




Sauces. See Confectionery. Sausages. See Meats. Scarves. See Silk Piece


Scent Bottles. See Jewel-

lery, Foreign.

Scientific Instruments. See

Articles de Ménage. Sea Otter Skins.

Skins, Sea Otter.


Sea Shells. See Oyster


Seahorse Teeth..........

5 per cent.

ad valorem

100 catties 2000

Sealing Wax.

See Sta-



See Confec-







Seltzer Water. See Wines. Sesamum Seed............................. Sharks' Fins, Black.. SHARKS' FINS, Clari-


Sharks' Fins, White....... Sharks' Skins................ Shawls, Silk. See Silk

Piece Goods.

Shell-fish, Tinned. Seel


Ships' Stores. See House-

hold Stores....









5 per cent. [ad_valorem]

1 3 5 0500

100 catties 1 500 2000 Hundred




Piece Goods.


See Nankeon and Native Cotton Cloths.

Shirtings, Spotted. See

Cotton Piece Goods. Shoes and Boots, Leather

or Satin

Shoes, Foreign. See Cloth-

ing, Foreign. Shoes, Straw Shot.

Cannot be imported or exported except un-| der Special Authority, SIDE LIGHTS, SHIPS'



100 paira 3 0 0 0

0 180

5 per cent.

ad valorem

Raw and Thrown........ 100 catties 10 0 0 0

Yellow, from Szechuen|

Reeled from Dupions... Wild Raw..........................................





250 1000



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TARIFF UNit and Duty.

¡T. m. c. c.



\T. m. c. c.


100 catties 0 3 0 0

0 5 0 0



15 per cent.!

COCOONS, REFUSE...{ ad valorem

COCOON SKINS (Shells) Floss, Canton..... Floss, from other pro-


Ribbons and Thread.... RIBBONS, INTERWOVEN



GOLD OR SILVER THREAD. See RIB- BONS, SILK, etc. Piece Goods, viz., Pon- gees, Shawls, Scarves, Crape, Satin, Gauze, Velvet, and Embroi- dered Goods.......

Piece Goods--Szechuen,

100 catties 4 3 0 0

10 0 0 0

10 0 0 0


12 0 0


4 5 0 0


10 0 0 0



5 5 0 0

Presses. Printing Prames, Type, Despatch Borea, Red Tape, Portfolios, Packing Twine. [Excluding Chinese Paper, Indian Ink, and

CHINESE Books. Steel, See Metals. Stick lac...


Including Dried Fish. Stoves. See Articles de


Straw Braid.

0 7 0 0


Straw Shoes. See Shoes,







Silk and Cotton Mixtures 100 catties



Silk and Linen Mixtures.

See Linen.

Silver Thread, Imitation.

Silver Thread, Real........


0 0 3 0

1 3 0 0

Silverware and Goldware. 100 catties 10 0 0 0

Sinews, Buffalo and Deer. Skin Rugs. See Rugs.

Skins, Beaver........

Skins, Doe, Hare, and


Skins, Fox, Large..

Skins, Fox, Small...


Studs. See Jewellery, Fo-

Sugar, Brown (Nos. 1 To


Sugar Candy

Sugar, White (Nos. 11 AND UPWARDS, DUTCH

Sulphur and Brimstone. Cannot be imported or exported except un- der Special Authority. Surgical Instruments. Seel

Medicines. Sweetmeats.


See Pre-

Tallow, Animal.. Tallow, Vegetable.. Tassels, Silk.


0 120 0 250


0 200


0 20




0 200 0300

See Silk,

T-Cloths. See Cotton Piece

0 5 5 0


5 0 0 0

0 500



0 1 5 0


0 0 7 5

Tea, Black and Green.......





Each Hundred

0 1 5 0

Skins, Land Otter...

Skins, Marten..........................

Skins, Racoon

Skins, Sea Otter..

Skins, Squirrel.................

Skins, Tiger and Leopard

Sleeve Links.

lery, Foreign.


Snuff, Native

Snuff, Foreign..

Soap, Foreign..


See Jewel-{

Soda-water. See Wines,


Spanish Stripes. See Wool-

len Manufactures

Spars. See Timber.


1 5 0 0

Each Hundred 0 0 0 Each 0 150

100 catties 1 5 0 0



5 per cent

ad valorem

0 8 0 0 7 200

100 catties 0400

Spelter, See Metals.

Spices. See Confectionery.

Spirits. See Wine.


Spy Glasses. See Teles-


Squirrel Skins. See Skins,


Stationery, Foreign..

Including Pens, Pencila, Ink,

Sealing War, Copying

Paper, Blotting Paper, Gum,







RIALS FOR MAKING TEA-CHESTS... 'Tea-chests, or Materials for

making Tea-chests, ex- ported to another Treaty Port for use in packing




2500 0600



0 500 0800



1 0 0 0 1250

5 per cent. ad valorem


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T. m. c. c.


T. m. c. c.





0 0 3 0



Tea Oil. See Oil.

Teak-wood. See Timber.

Telegraph Material for Chi- nese Government Tele- graphs........





Telescopes, Spy and

Opera Glasses, Look-

ing-glasses and Mir-



5 per cent.

ad valorem

Thread, Cotton. See Cot-


ton Thread.

Thread, Gold.

See Gold


Thread, Silk.

See Silk


Tiger Skins.

See Skins,


Tigers' Bones.....

100 catties 1 5 5 0


Piles, Poles, and Joists. TO COMPREHEND SOFT-WOOD




Tinned Meats. See Meats. Tinplates. See Metals.

100 catties 0 3 5 0


5 per cent.

TINSEL PAPER, BLACK..{ ad valorem

Tobacco, Foreign....

EXCLUDING JAPANESE To- BACCO. See Tobacco, Pre- pared.


Tobacco, Leaf....... Tobacco, Prepared.

Excluding Foreign _Tobacco, INCLUDING JAPANESE TOBACCO, except when im- ported by Japanese officials or merchants, for private use, up to 40 catties at a time. Tortoise-shell

Tortoise-shell, Broken


Trunks, Leather


Metals, Iron


Metals, TRUSSES.



1 2 5 0

100 catties 0 15 0 0450





0 250 0 0 7 2 0200

[100 catties

1 500

Timber :-

Masts and Spars, Hard- wood, not exceeding 40 ft......

Masts and Spars, Hard- wood, not exceeding 60 ft....

Masts and Spars, Hard-

wood, exceeding 60 ft. Masts and Spars, Soft- wood, not exceeding 40 ft..

Masts and Spars, Soft- wood, not exceeding 60 ft.......... Masts and Spars, Soft- wood, exceeding 60 ft. Beams, Hard-wood, not exceeding 26 ft. long and under 12 ins.




BEAMS, SOFT-WOOD, i.e., PLANKS OVER 6 INS. IN THICKNESS Planks, Hard-wood, not|

exceeding 24 ft. long. 12ins. wide, and 3 ins. thick....... Planks, Hard-wood, not exceeding 16 ft. long, 12 ins. wide, and 3 ins. thick..


Planks, Teak..................






10 0 0





5 0

6 5 0 0

0 1 5 0

5 per cent.

ad valorem

or Tariff

Duty, optional.

5 per cent. ad valorem

Hundred 350 0


per cent. ad valorem


Cubic foot! 0 0 3 5

Turnips, Salted

Twine, Hemp, Canton

Twine, Hemp, Soochow...

Type. See Stationery.


Umbrellas, Paper.




0 180


0 1 5 0


0 5 0 0


0 0 3 5


UNION CLOTH. See Wool- len Manufactures: Spanish Stripes, In-


Varnish, or Crude Lacquer 100 catties 0 5 0 0 Vegetables, Preserved, Fo-


Including Foreign Fruits,

Fresh and Preserved, Pick-| les, Chutneys, Raisins, Chi- nese Fresh Vegetables and Fresh Fruits.[Excluding Olives, Dates, Almonds, Chestnuts, Ground-nuts, Lichees, Lung-ngans, Gar- lic, Melon Seeds, Mush- rooms, Fungus, Salted Tur- nips, ORANGES, CUMQUATS, CITRONS, PUMELOR 6, COCOA-NUTS, AND PINI- APPLES.]

Velvets. See Silk. Velveteens. See Cottons. Velvets, not exceeding 34

yds. long Vermicelli Vermillion.

Vessles broken up in port,

Materials from*

Must be certified by Consul to be condemned and sold in port.

* See also Gear, SHɩps'.


Piece 0180

100 catties 0 18 0




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TARIFF UNIt and Duty.

Per \T. m. c. c.

VESSELS WRECKED, MA- 5 per cent.


Sad valorem

If wrecked in port: Fres of Import Duty, but liable to Export and Coast Trade Duty.

Vessels wrecked within the harbour limits, export cargo relanded


Vinegar. See Confectionery. Vitrified Ware. See Glass-


Watch Chains, Foreign. See

5 per cent. [ad_valorem]

Jewellery, Foreign.



Watches, émaillées


or Tariff Duty, optional. Pair

1 0 0 0


4 5 0 0

Wax, Bees. See Bees-


Wax, Japan.....

Wax, White, or Insect WEISING LOTTERY BOOKS.

See Paper, 1st Quality. Wheat. See Rice.

White War. See Wax,


Window Glass. See Glass,


Wines, Foreign

Including Beer, Spirits, Fo- reign Bitters, Liqueurs, Cor- dials, Raspberry Vinegar, Soda, Seltzer, and Mineral Waters, Lemonade, etc. [Excluding Samshu and Chinese Wine;


PANKSH WINE, except when imported by Japanese offi cials or merchants, for pri- vate use, up to 200 calties at a time.]


Wood, Camagon..

Wood, Ebony.

Wood, Fragrant...

Wood, Garoo...

10) catties 0 6 5 0


{ad valorem

5 per cent.

Wood, Kranjee, 35 ft. long,

1 ft. 8 ins. wide, and

1 ft. thick......

1 5

100 catties 0 0 3 0 0 1 5 0 0450 2000



0 8 0 0


| TARIFY UNIT and Duty,

Per T. m. c. 6. [100 catties 0 1 4 5

0 1 1 5


Wood, Laka........ Wood, Red..

WOOD BOArds, Tea-


Wood, Oil.

See Oil.

Wood, Piles, Poles, and Joists. See Timber,

Piles, etc.



WOOL, CAMELS'.........................

Woollen and Cotton Mix-

tures, viz., Lustres, Plain and Brocaded, not exceeding 31 yds. long..

Woollen Manufactures*


Broadcloth and Spanish Stripes, Habit and Medium Cloth, 51 to 64 ins. wide Long Ells, 31 ins. wide Camlets, English, 31|

ins. wide... Camlets, Dutch, 33 ins.


5 per cent.

Camlets, Imitation, and

Bombazettes. Cassimeres, Flannel, &| Narrow Cloth....... Lastings, 31 ins. wide.. Lastings, Imitation, & Orleans, 34 ins. wide. Bunting, not exceeding 24 ins. wide aud 40 yds. long........ Spanish Stripes, Infe-


ad valorem

100 catties 1 1 50

0 3 5 0


5 per cent. ad valorem



Yarn, Cotton. See Cottons Yarn, Woollen. See Wool-

len Yarn.

Yellow Metal. See Me-

tals, Copper, etc.


0 2 0 0


0 200


0 120 0045


0 0 5 0


0 1 0 0


0 0 3 5


0 0 4 0

0 0 5 0

0 0 3 5


0 2 0 0


0 1 0

100 catties 3 0 0 0

* PROPORTIONath Duty is to be charged ON BIŊRA WIDTH IN WOOLLEN 8.

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RULE I.-Unenumerated Goods.-Articles not enumerated in the list of exports, but enumerated in the list of imports, when exported, will pay the amount of duty set against them in the list of imports: and, similarly, articles not enumerated in the list of imports, but enumerated in the list of exports, when imported, will pay the amount of duty set against them in the list of exports.

Articles not enumerated in either list, nor in the list of duty-free goods, will pay an ad valorem duty of 5 per cent., calculated on their market value.

     RULE II.-Duty free goods.-Gold and silver bullion, foreign coins, flour, Indian meal, sago, biscuits, preserved meats and vegetables, cheese, butter, confectionery, foreign clothing, jewellery, plated-ware, perfumery, soap of all kinds, charcoal, firewood, candles (foreign), tobacco (foreign), cigars (foreign) wine, beer, spirits, household stores, ship's stores, personal baggage, stationery, carpeting, druggeting, cutlery, foreign medicines, glass, and crystal ware.

The above pay no import or export duty, but if transported into the interior will, with the exception of personal baggage, gold and silver bullion, and foreign coins, pay a transit duty at the rate of 23 per cent, ad valorem.

     A freight, or part freight of duty-free commodities (personal baggage, gold and silver bullion, and foreign coins, excepted) will render the vessel carrying them, though no other cargo be on board, liable to tonnage dues.

     ROLE III.-Contraband Goods.-Import and export trade is alike prohibited in the following articles: Gunpowder, shot, cannon, fowling-pieces, rifles, muskets, pistols, and all other munitions and implements of war; and salt.

RULE IV.-Weights and Measures. In the calculation of the Tariff, the weight of a picul of one hundred catties is held to be equal to one hundred and thirty-three and one-third pounds avoirdupois; and the length of a chang of ten Chinese feet, to be equal to one hundred and forty-one English inches.

     One Chinese chih is held to be equal to fourteen and one-tenth inches English; and four yards English, less three inches, to equal one chang.

     RULE V.-Regarding certain Conmodities heretofore Contraband.-The restrictions affecting trade in opium, cash, grain, pulse, sulphur, brimstone, salpetre, and spelter are relaxed, under the following conditions:-

     1.-*Opium will henceforth pay thirty taels per picul import duty. The importer will sell it only at the port. It will be carried into the interior by Chinese only, and only as Chinese property; the foreign trader will not be allowed to accompany it. The provisions of Article IX. of the Treaty of Tientsin, by which British subjects are authorized to proceed into the interior with passports to trade, will not extend to it, nor will those of Article XXVIII. of the same treaty, by which the transit-dues are regulated. The transit dues on it will be arranged as the Chinese Government see fit: nor in future revisions of the Tariff is the same rule of revision to be applied to opium as to other goods.

2.-Copper Cash.-The export of cash to any foreign port is prohibited; but it shall be lawful for British subjects to ship it at one of the open ports of China to another, on compliance with the following regulation:-The shipper shall give notice of the amount of cash he desires to ship, and the port of its destination, and shall bind himself, either by a bond with two sufficient sureties, or by depositing such other

* For duty on Opium see Convention signed in 1885.

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security as may be deemed by Customs satisfactory, to return, within six months from the date of clearance, to the collector at the port of shipment, the certificate issued by him, with an acknowlegment thereon of the receipt of the cash at the port of destination by the collector at that port, who shall thereto affix his seal; or failing the production of the certificate, to forfeit a sum equal in value to the cash shipped. Cash will pay no duty inwards or outwards; but a freight or part freight of cash, though no other cargo be on board, will render the vessel carrying it liable to pay tonnage dues.

3. The export of rice and all other grain whatsoever, native or foreign, no matter where grown or whence imported, to any foreign port, is prohibited; but these commodities may carried by British merchants from one of the open ports of China to another, under the same conditions in respect of security as cash, on payment at the port of shipment of the duty specified in the Tariff.

No import duty will be leviable on rice or grain; but a freight or part freight of rice or grain, though no other cargo be on board, will render the vessel importing it liable to tonnage dues.

4.--The export of pulse and beancake from Tung-chau and Newchwang, under the British flag, is prohibited. From any other of the ports they may be shipped, on payment of the tariff duty, to other ports of China, or to foreign countries.

5.-Saltpetre, sulphur, brimstone, and spelter, being munitions of war, shall not be imported by British subjects, save at the requisition of the Chinese Government, or for sale to Chinese duly authorized to purchase them. No permit to land them will be issued until the Customs have proof that the necessary authority has been given to the purchaser. It shall not be lawful for British subjects to carry these commodities up the Yang-taze-kiang, or into any port other than those open on the seaboard, nor to accompany them into the interior on behalf of Chinese. They must be sold at the ports only, and, except at the ports, they will be regarded as Chinese property.

Infractions of the conditions, as above set forth, under which trade in opium, cash, grain, pulse, saltpetre, brimstone, sulphur, and spelter may be henceforward carried on, will be punishable by confiscation of all the goods concerned.

    RULE VI.-Liability of Vessels entering Ports-To the provention of misunder- standing, it is agreed that the term of twenty-four hours, within which British vessels must be reported to the Consul under Article XXXVII. of the Treaty of Tientsin, shall be understood to commence from the time a British vessel comes within the limits of the port; as also the term of forty-eight hours allowed her by Article XXX. of the same Treaty to remain in port without payment of tonnage dues.

    The limits of the ports shall be defined by the Customs, with all consideration for the convenience of trade compatible with due protection of the revenue; also the limits of the anchorages within which lading and discharging is permitted by the Customs; and the same shall be notified to the Consul for public information.

    RULE VII.-Transit Dues.-It is agreed that Article XXXVIII. of the Treaty of Tientsin shall be interpreted to declare the amounts of transit dues legally leviable upon merchandise imported or exported by British subjects, to be one-half of the tariff duties, except in the case of the duty-free goods liable to a transit duty of 21 per cent. ad valorem, as provided in Article II. of these Rules. Merchandise shall be cleared of its transit dues under the following conditions :-

In the case of Imports.-Notice being given at the port of entry, from which the Imports are to be forwarded inland, of the nature and quantity of the goods, the ship from which they have been landed, and the place inland to which ahey are bound,


BRITISH CONSUlate, Shanghai, 24th March, 1962.

Article IV. of Rule No. 5 appended to the Tariff of 1958 is rescinded.

    Pulse and bean-cake may be henceforth exported from Tangohow and Newchwang, and from all other ports in China open by Trea y, on the same terms and conditions as are applied to other Native produce by the Regulations bearing date the December last; that is to say, they may be shipped on payment of Tariff duty at the port of shipment, and dis- charged at any Chinese port on payment of half-duty, with power to claim drawback of the half-duty if re-exported,

By order,


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with all other necessary particulars, the Collector of Customs will, on due inspection made, and on receipt of the transit-duty due, issue a transit-duty certificate. This must be produced at every barrier station, and viséd. No further duty will be leviable upon imports so certificated, no matter how distant the place of their destination.

     In the case of Exports.-Produce purchased by a British subject in the interior will be inspected, and taken account of, at the first barrier it passes on its way to the port of shipment. A memorandum showing the amount of the produce and the port at which it is to be shipped, will be deposited there by the person in charge of the produce; he will then receive a certificate, which must be exhibited and viséd at every barrier, on bis way to the port of shipment. On the arrival of the produce at the barrier nearest the port notice must be given to the Customs at the port, and the transit-dues due thereon being paid, it will be passed. On exportation the produce will pay the tariff-duty.*

Any attempt to pass goods inwards or outwards otherwise than in compliance with the rule here laid down, will render them liable to confiscation.

Unauthorised sale, in transitu, of goods that have been entered as above for a port, will render them liable to confiscation. Any attempt to pass goods in excess of the quantity specified in the certificate will render all the goods of the same denomination, named in the certificate, liable to confiscation. Permission to export produce, which cannot be proved to have paid its transit-dues, will be refused by the Customs until the transit-dues shall have been paid. The above being the arrange- ment agreed to regarding the transit-dues, which will thus be levied once and for all, the notification_required under Article XXVIII. of the Treaty of Tientsin, for the information of British and Chinese subjects, is hereby dispensed with.

RULE VIII.--Feking not open to Trade.-It is agreed that Article IX. of the Treaty of Tientsin shall not be interpreted as authorising British subjects to enter the capital city of Peking for purposes of trade.


RULE IX-Abolition of the Meltage Fee.-It is agreed that the percentage of one tael two mace, hitherto charged in excess of duty payment to defray the expenses melting by the Chinese Government, shall be no longer levied on British subjects.

RULE X.-Collection of Duties under one System at all Ports.-It being by Treaty at the option of the Chinese Government. to adopt what means appear to it best suited to protect its revenue accruing on British trade, it is agreed that one uniform system shall be enforced at every port.

The high officer appointed by the Chinese Government to superintend foreign trade will, accordingly, from time to time, either himself visit, or will send a deputy to visit the different ports. The said high officer will be at liberty, of his own choice, and independently of the suggestion or nomination of any British authority, to select any British subject he may see fit to aid him in the administration of the Customs' revenue, in the prevention of smuggling, in the definition of port boundaries, or in discharging the duties of harbour master; also in the distribution of lights, buoys, beacons, and the like, the maintenance of which shall be provided for out of the tonnage-dues.

The Chinese Government will adopt what measures it shall find requisite to prevent smuggling upon the Yang-taze-kiang, when that river shall be opened to trade.

     Done at Shanghai, in the province of Kiang-su, this eighth day of November, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, being the third day of the tenth moon of the eighth year of the reign of Hien Fung.



Seal of Chinese Plenipotentiaries.

Signatures of Five Chinese Plenipotentiaries.

* See Chetoo Convention, Section III., Article 4.

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Agreed to and Promulgated by the British Minister at Peking, 31st May, 1868.

RULE I.-It shall be the Rule for all business connected with the Custom House Department to be in the first instance transacted between the Commissioner of Customs and the Consul, personally or by letter; and procedure in deciding cases shall be taken in accordance with the following Regulations.

   RULE II.-Whenever a ship or goods belonging to a foreign merchant is seized. in a port in China by the Custom House officers, the seizure shall be reported without delay to the Kien-tuh, or Chinese Superintendent of Customs. If he considers the seizure justifiable, he will depute the Shwui-wu-sze, or foreign Commissioner of Customs, to give notice to the party to whom the ship or goods are declared to belong that they have been seized because such or such an irregularity has been committed, and that they will be confiscated, unless, before noon on a certain day being the sixth day from the delivery of the notice, the Custom House authorities receive from the Consul an official application to have the case fully investigated.

   The merchant to whom the ship or goo is belongs, if prepared to maintain that the alleged irregularity has not been committed, is free to appeal, within the limited time, directly to the Commissioner, who is to inform the Superintendent. If satisfied with his explanation, the Superintendent will direct the release of the ship or goods; otherwise, if the merchant elect not to appeal to the Customs, or if after receiving his explanation, the Superintendent still declines to release the ship or goods, he may appeal to his Consul, who will inform the Superintendent of the particulars of this appeal, and request him to name a day for them both to investigate and try the case publicly.

   RULE III.-The Superintendent, on receipt of the Consul's communication, will name a day for meeting at the Custom House; and the Consul will direct the merchant to appear with his witnesses there on the day named and will himself on that day proceed to the Custom House. The Superintendent will invite the Consul to take his seat with him on the bench; the Commissioner of Customs will also be seated to assist the Superintendent.

   Proceedings will be opened by the Superintendent, who will call on the Customs' employés who seized the ship or goods to state the circumstances which occasioned the seizure, and will question them as to their evidence. Whatever the merchant may have to advance in contradiction of their evidence he will state to the Consul, who will cross-examine them for him. Such will be the proceedings in the interest of truth and equity. The Consul and Superintendent may, if they see fit, appoint deputies to meet at the Custom House in their stead, in which case the order of proceeding will be the same as if they were present in person.

RULE IV.-Notes will be taken of the statements of all parties examined, a copy of which will be signed and sealed by the Consul and Superintendent. The room will then be cleared, and the Superintendent will inform the Consul of the course he proposes to pursue. If he proposes to confiscate the vessel or goods, and the Consul dissents, the merchant may appeal, and the Consul, having given notice of the appeal to the Superintendent, they will forward certified copies of the above notes to Peking, -the former to his Minister, and the latter to the Foreign Office, for their decision.

If the Consul agrees with the Superintendent that the ship or goods ought to be confiscated, the merchant will not have the right of appeal; and in no case will the release of ship or goods entitle him to claim indemnity for their seizure, whether they be released after the investigation at the Custom House, or after the appeal to the high authorities of both nations at Peking.

RULE V.-The case having been referred to superior authority, the merchant interested shall be at liberty to give a bond, binding himself to pay the full value of

• Substituted for the Rules agreed upon in 1865 between the Chinese Government and Her Britannic

Majesty's Plenipotentiary,

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the ship or goods attached should the ultimate decision be against him; which bond being sealed with the Consular seal, and deposited at the Custom House, the Super. intendent will restore to the merchant the ship or goods attached; and when the superior authorities shall have decided whether so much money is to be paid, or the whole of the property seized be confiscated, the merchant will be called on to pay accordingly. If he decline to give the necessary security, the ship or merchandise attached will be detained. But whether the decision of the superior authorities be favourable or not, the appellant will not be allowed to claim indemnity.

RULE VI.-When the act of which a merchant at any port is accused is not one involving the confiscation of ship or cargo, but is one which, by Treaty or Regulation, is punishable by fine, the Commissioner will report the case to the Superintendent, and at the same time cause a plaint to be entered in the Consular Court. The Consul will fix the day of the trial, and inform the Commissioner that he may then appear with the evidence and the witnesses in the case. And the Commissioner, either personally or by deputy, shall take his seat on the bench, and conduct the case on behalf of the prosecution.

When the Treaty or Regulations affix a specific fine for the offence, the Consul shall on conviction give judgment for that amount, the power of mitigating the sentence resting with the Superintendent and Commissioner. If the defendant is acquitted, and the Commissioner does not demur to the decision, the ship or goods, if any be under seizure, shall at once be released, and the circumstances of the case be communicated to the Superintendent. The merchant shall not be put to any expense by delay, but he shall have no claim for compensatien on account of hindrance in his business, for loss of interest, or for demurrage. If a difference of opinion exist between the Commissioner and Consul, notice to that effect shall be given to the Superintendent, and copies of the whole proceedings forwarded to Peking for the consideration of their respective high authorities. Pending their decision, the owner of the property must file a bond in the Consular Court to the full value of the pro- posed fine, which will be sent to the Custom House authorities by the Consul, and the goods or ship will be released.


     RULE VII.-If the Custom House authorities and Consul cannot agree as to whether certain duties are leviable or not, action must be taken as Rule V. directs, and the merchant must sign a bond for the value of the duties in question. Consul will affix his seal to this document, and send it the Custom House autho- rities, when the Superintendent will release the goods without receiving the duty; and these two functionaries will respectively send statements of the case to Peking,- one to his Minister, the other to the Foreign Office.

If it shall be decided there that no duty shall be levied, the Custom House authorities will return the merchant's bond to the Consul to be cancelled; but if it be decided that a certain amount of duty is leviable, the Consul shall require the merchant to pay it in at the Custom House.

RULE VIII.-If the Consul and the Custom House authorities cannot agree as to whether confiscation of a ship, or a cargo, or both of them together, being the property of a foreign merchant, shall take place, the case must be referred to Peking for the decision of the Foreign Office and the Minister of his nation. Pending their decision, the merchant must, in accordance with Rule V., sign a bond for the amount, to which the Consul will affix bis seal, and send it for deposit at the Custom House. As difference of opinion as to the value [of ship or goods] may arise, the valuation of the merchant will be decisive; and the Custom House authorities may, if they see fit, take over either at the price aforesaid.


    If after such purchase it be decided that the property seized ought to be confiscated, the merchant must redeem his bond by paying in at the Custom House the original amount of the purchase-money. If the decision be against confiscation, the bond will be returned to the Consul for transmission to the merchant, and the case then be closed. The sum paid by the Custom House authorities for ship or goods being regarded as their proper price, it will not be in the merchant's power, by a tender of the purchase-money, to recover them.

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SIGNED, IN The English and Chinese Languages, at CheFOO, 13TH SEPTEMBER, 1876.

Ratifications exchanged at London, 6th May, 1886.

   Agreement negotiated between Sir Thomas Wade, K.C.B., Her Britannic Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of China, and Li, Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor of China, Senior Grand Secretary, Governor-General of the Province of Chih-li, of the First Class of the Third Order of Nobility.

   The negotiation between the Ministers above named has its origin in a despatch received by Sir Thomas Wade, in the Spring of the present year from the Earl of Derby, Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, dated 1st January, 1876. This contained instructions regarding the disposal of three questions: first, a satis- factory settlement of the Yunnan affair; secondly, a faithful fulfilment of engagements of last year respecting intercourse between the high officers of the two Governments, thirdly, the adoption of a uniform system in satisfaction of the understanding arrived at in the month of September, 1875 (8th moon of the 1st year of the reign Kwang Su), on the subject of rectification of conditions of trade. It is to this despatch that Sir Thomas Wade has referred himself in discussions on these questions with the Tsung-li Yamêu, farther reference to which is here omitted as superfluous. The conditions now agreed to between Sir Thomas Wade and the Grand Secretary are as follow: :-

SECTION I.-Settlement of the Yunnan Case.

1.-A Memorial is to be presented to the Throne, whether by the Tsung-li Yamên or by the Grand Secretary Li is immaterial, in the sense of the memorandum prepared by Sir Thomas Wade. Before presentation the Chinese text of the Memorial is to be shown to Sir Thomas Wade.

   2.-The Memorial having been presented to the Throne, and the Imperial Decree in reply received, the Tsung-li Yamen will communicate copies of the Memorial and Imperial decree to Sir Thomas Wade, together with copy of a letter from the Teung-li Yamén to the Provincial Governments, instructing them to issue a proclama- tion that shall embody at length the above Memorial and Decree. Sir Thomas Wade will thereon reply to the effect that for two years to come officers will be sent by the British Minister to different places in the provinces to see that the proclamation is posted. On application from the British Minister or the Consul of any port instructed by him to make application, the high officers of the provinces will depute competent officers to accompany those so sent to the places which they go to observe.

  3.-In order to the framing of such regulations as will be needed for the conduct of the frontier trade between Burmah and Yunnan, the Memorial submitting the proposed settlement of the Yunnan affair will contain a request that an Imperial Decree be issued directing the Governor-General and Governor, whenever the British Government shall send officers to Yunnan, to select a competent officer of rank to confer with them and to conclude a satisfactory arrangement.

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     4.-The British Government will be free for five years, from the 1st January next, being the 17th day of the 11th moon of the 2nd year of the reign Kwang Su, to station officers at Ta-li Fu, or at some other suitable place in Yünnan, to observe the conditions of trade; to the end that they may have information upon which to base the regulations of trade when these have to be discussed. For the consideration and adjustment of any matter affecting British officers or subjects, these officers will be free to address themselves to the authorities of the province. The opening of the trade may be proposed by the British Government as it may find best at any time within the term of five years, or upon expiry of the term of five years.

     Passports having been obtained last year for a Mission from India into Yünnan, it is open to the Viceroy of India to send such Mission at any time he may see fit.

     5.-The amount of indemnity to be paid on account of the families of the officers and others killed in Yünnan, on account of the expenses which the Yünnan case has occasioned, and on account of claims of British merchants arising out of the action of officers of the Chinese Government up to the commencement of the present year, Sir Thoams Wade takes upon himself to fix at two hundred thousand taels, payable on demand.

     6.-When the case is closed an Imperial letter will be written expressing regret for what has occurred in Yünnan. The Mission bearing the Imperial Letter will proceed to England immediately. Sir Thomas Wade is to be informed of the constitution of this Mission for the information of his Government. The text of the Imperial Letter is also to be communicated to Sir Thomas Wade by the Tsung-li Yamên.

SECTION II.-Official Intercourse.

      Under this heading are included the conditions of intercourse between high officers in the capital and the provinces, and between Consular officers and Chinese officials at the ports; also the conduct of judicial proceedings in mixed cases.

      1. In the Tsung-li Yamên's Memorial of the 28th September, 1875, the Prince of Kung and the Ministers stated that their object in presenting it had not been simply the transaction of business in which Chinese and Foreigners might be concerned; missions abroad and the question of diplomatic intercourse lay equally within their prayer.

To the prevention of farther misunderstanding upon the subject of intercourse and correspondence, the present conditions of both having caused complaint in the capital and in the provinces, it is agreed that the Tsung-li Yamên shall address & circular to the Legations, inviting Foreign Representatives to consider with them a code of etiquette, to the end that foreign officals in China, whether at the ports or elsewhere, inay be treated with the same regard as is shown them when serving abroad in other countries and as would be shown to Chinese agents so serving abroad, The fact that China is about to establish Missions and Consulates abroad renders

an understanding on these points essential.


2.-The British Treaty of 1858, Article XVI., lays down that "Chinese subjects who may be guilty of any criminal act towards British subjects shall be arrested and punished by Chinese authorities according to the laws of China.

     "British subjects who may commit any crime in China shall be tried and punished by the Consul, or any other public functionary authorised thereto, according to the laws of Great Britain.

"Justice shall be equitably and impartially administered on both sides."

     The words "functionary authorised thereto" are translated in the Chinese text "British Government."

     In order to the fulfilment of its Treaty obligations, the British Government has established a Supreme Court at Shanghai, with a special code of rules, which it is now about to revise. The Chinese Government has established at Shanghai a Mixed Court; but the officer presiding over it, either from lack of power or dread of unpopularity, constantly fails to enforce his judgments.

It is now understood that the Tsung-li Yamên will write a circular to the Lega- tions, inviting Foreign Représentatives at once to consider with the Tsung-li Yamên

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the measures needed for the more effective administration of justice at the Ports open to Trade.

  3. It is agreed that, whenever a crime is committed affecting the person or property of a British subject, whether in the interior or at the open ports, the British Minister shall be free to send officers to the spot to be present at the investigation.

  To the prevention of misunderstanding on this point, Sir Thomas Wade will write a Note to the above effect, to which the Tsung-li Yamên will reply, affirming that this is the course of proceeding to be adhered to for the time to come.

  It is further understood that so long as the laws of the two countries differ from each other, there can be but one principle to guide judicial proceedings in mixed cases in China, namely, that the case is tried by the official of the defendant's nationality; the official of the plaintiff's nationality merely attending to watch the proceedings in the interests of justice. If the officer so attending be dissatisfied with the proceedings, it will be in his power to protest against them in detail. The law administered will be the law of the nationality of the officer trying the case. This is the meaning of the words hui t'ung, indicating combined action in judicial proceedings, in Article XVI. of the Treaty of Tientsin; and this is the course to be respectively followed by the officers of either nationality.


  1. With reference to the area within which, according to the treaties in force, lekin ought not to be collected on foreign goods at the open ports, Sir Thomas Wade agrees to move his Government to allow the ground rented by foreigners (the so-called Concessions) at the different poris, to be regarded as the area of exemption from lekin; and the Government of China will thereupon allow I-ch'ang, in the province of Hu-pei; Wu-hu, in An-hui; Wen-chôw, in Che-kiang; and Pei-hai (Pak-hoi), in Kwang-tung to be added to the number of ports open to trade and to become Consular stations. The British Government will, farther, be free to send officers to reside at Ch'ung-k'ing to watch the conditions of British trade in Ssu-ch'uen. British merchants will not be allowed to reside at Ch'ung-k'ing, or to open establish. ments or warehouses there, so long as no steamers have access to the port. When steamers have succeeded in ascending the river so far, further arrangements can be taken into consideration.

  It is farther proposed as a measure of compromise that at certain points on the shore of the Great River, namely, Ta-t'ung and Ngan-Ching, in the province of An- hui; Ho-Kou, in Kiang-si; Wu-such, Lu-chi kou, and Sha-shih in Hu-Kwang; these being all places of trade in the interior, at which as they are not open ports, foreign merchants are not legally authorised to land or ship goods, steamers shall be allowed to touch for the purpose of landing or shipping passengers or goods; but in all instances by means of native boats only, and subject to the regulations in force affecting native trade.

  Produce accompanied by a half-duty certificate may be shipped at such points by the steamers, but may not be landed by them for sale. And at all such points, except in the case of imports accompanied by a transit duty certificate or exports similarly certificated, which will be severally passed free of lekin on exhibition of such certificates, lekin will be duly collected on all goods whatever by the native authorities. Foreign merchants will not be authorised to reside or open houses of business or warehouses at the places enumerated as ports of call.

  2.-At all ports open to trade, whether by earlier or later agreement, at which no Settlement area has been previously defined, it will be the duty of the British Consul, acting in concert with his colleagues, the Consuls of other Powers, to come to an understanding with the local authorities regarding the definition of the foreign settlement area.

  3.-On Opium, Sir Thomas Wade will move his Government to sanction an arrangement different from that affecting other imports. British merchants, when opium is brought into port, will be obliged to have it taken cognisance of by the Customs, and deposited in bond, either in a warehouse or a receiving hulk, until such time as there is a sale for it. The importer will then pay the tariff duty upon it,

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and the purchasers the lekin; in order to the prevention of evasion of the treaty. The amount of lekin to be collected will be decided by the different Provincial Govern- ments according to the circumstances of each.

     4.-The Chinese Government agree that Transit Duty Certificates shall be framed under one rule at all ports, no difference being made in the conditions set forth therein; and that, so far as imports are concerned, the nationality of the person possessing and carrying these is immaterial. Native produce carried from an inland centre to a port of shipment, if bona fide intended for shipment to a foreign port, may be, by treaty, certified by the British subject interested, and exempted by payment of the balf duty from all charges demanded upon it en route. If produce be not the property of a Br.tish subject, or is being carried to a port not for exportation, it is not entitled to the exemption that would be secured it by the exhibition of a transit duty certificate. The British Minister is prepared to agree with the Tsung-li Yamên upon rules that will secure the Chinese Government against abuse of the privilege as affecting produce.

The words nei-ti, inland, in the clause of Article VII. of the Rules appended to the Tariff, regarding carriage of imports inland, and of native produce purchased inland, apply as much to places on the sea coasts and river shores, as to places in the interior not open to foreign trade; the Chinese Government having the right to make arrangements for the prevention of abuses thereat.

5.-Article XLV. of the Treaty of 1858 prescribed no limit to the term within which a drawback may be claimed upon duty paid imports. The British Minister agrees to a term of three years, after expiry of which no drawback shall be claimed.

     6. The foregoing stipulation, that certain ports are to be opened to foreign trade, and that landing and shipping of goods at six places on the Great River is to be sanctioned, shall be given effect to within six months after receipt of the Imperial Decree approving the memorial of the Grand Secretary Li. The date for giving effect to the stipulations affecting exemption of imports from lekin taxation within the foreign settlements and the collection of lekin upon opium by the Customs Inspec- torate at the same time as the Tariff Duty upon it, will be fixed as soon as the British Government has arrived at an understanding on the subject with other foreign Governments.

     7.-The Governor of Hongkong having long complained of the interference of the Canton Customs Revenue Cruisers with the junk trade of that Colony, the Chinese Government agrees to the appointment of a Commission, to consist of a British Consul, an officer of the Hongkong Government, and a Chinese official of equal rank, in order to the establishment of some system that shall enable the Chinese Government to protect its revenue without prejudice to the interests of the Colony.

Separate Article.

     Her Majesty's Government having it in contemplation to send a Mission of Exploration next year by way of Peking through Kan-su and Koko-Nor, or by way of Ssu-chuen, to Thibet, and thence to India, the Tsung-li Yamên, having due regard to the circumstances, will, when the time arrives, issue the necessary passports, and will address letters to the high provincial authorities and to the Resident in Thibet. If the Mission should not be sent by these routes, but should be proceeding across the Indian frontier to Thibet, the Tsung-li Yamên, on receipt of a communication to the above effect from the British Minister, will write to the Chinese Resident in Thibet, and the Resident, with due regard to the circumstances, will send officers to take due care of the Mission; and passports for the Mission will be issued by the Tsung-li Yamên, that its passage be not obstructed.

Done at Chefoo, in the province of Sban-tung, this Thirteenth Day of September, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-six.





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Additional Article to the Agreement between Great Britain and China

signed at Chefoo on the 13th September, 1876.


   The Governments of Great Britain and of China, considering that the arrange- ments proposed in clauses 1 and 2 of Section III. of the Agreement between Great Britain and China, signed at Chefoo on the 13th September, 1876 (hereinafter referred to as the "Chefoo Agreement"), in relation to the area within which li-kin ought not to be collected on foreign goods at the open ports, and to the definition of the foreign Settlement area, require further consideration; also that the terms of clause 3 of the same section are not sufficiently explicit to serve as an efficient regula. tion for the traffic in opium, and recognizing the desirability of placing restrictions on the consumption of opium, have agreed to the present Additional Article.

   1.-As regards the arrangements above referred to and proposed in clauses 1 and 2 of Section III. of the Chefoo Agreement, it is agreed that they shall be reserved for further consideration between the two Governments.

2.-In lieu of the arrangement respecting opium proposed in clause 3 of Section III. of the Chefoo Agreement, it is agreed that foreign opium, when imported into China, shall be taken cognizance of by the Imperial Maritime Customs, and shall be deposited in bond, either in warehouses or receiving-hulks which have been approved of by the Customs, and that it shall not be removed thence until there shall have been paid to the Customs the Tariff duty of 30 taels per chest of 100 catties, and also a sum not exceeding 80 taels per like chest as li-kin.

   3. It is agreed that the aforesaid import and li-kin duties having been paid, the owner shall be allowed to have the opium repacked in bond under the supervision of the Customs, and put into packages of such assorted sizes as he may select from such sizes as shall have been agreed upon by the Customs authorities and British Consul at the port of entry.

   The Customs shall then, if required, issue gratuitously to the owner, a transit certificate for each such package, or one for any number of packages, at option of the owner.

   Such certificate shall free the opium to which it applies from the imposition of any further tax or duty whilst in transport in the interior, provided that the package has not been opened, and that the Customs seals, marks, and numbers on the packages have not been effaced or tampered with.

   Such certificates shall have validity only in the hands of Chinese subjects, aud shall not entitle foreigners to convey or accompany any opium in which they may be interested into the interior.

   4.-It is agreed that the Regulations under which the said certificates are to be issued shall be the same for all the ports, and that the form shall be as follows:-

"Opium Transit Certificate.


This is to certify that Tariff and li-kin duties at the rate of

taels per

                                                 chest of 100 catties have been paid on the opium marked and numbered as under; and that, in conformity with the Additional Article signed at London the 18th July, 1885, and appended to the Agreement between Great Britain and China signed at Chefoo the 13th September, 1876, and approved by the Imperial Decree printed on the back hereof, the production of this certificate will exempt the opium to which it refers, wherever it may be found, from the imposition of any further tax or duty whatever, provided that the packages are unbroken, and the Customs seals, marks, and numbers have not been effaced or tampered with.




"Port of entry,


00 packages.

"Signature of Commissioner of Customs."

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     5.-The Chinese Government undertakes that when the packages shall have been opened at the place of consumption, the opium shall not be subjected to any tax or contribution, direct or indirect, other than or in excess of such tax or contribution as is or may hereafter be levied on native opium.

In the event of such tax or contribution being calculated ad valorem, the same rate, value for value, shall be assessed on foreign and native opium, and in ascertaining for this purpose the value of foreign opium the amount paid on it for li-kin at the port of entry shall be deducted from its market value.

     6. It is agreed that the present Additional Article shall be considered as forming part of the Chefoo Agreement, and that it shall have the same force and validity as if it were inserted therein word for word.

     It shall come into operation six months after its signature, provided the ratifica- tions have then been exchanged, or if they have not, then on the date at which such exchange takes place.

7. The arrangement respecting opium contained in the present Additional Article shall remain binding for four years, after the expiration of which period either Government may at any time give twelve months' notice of its desire to terminate it, and such notice being given, it shall terminate accordingly.

     It is, however, agreed that the Government of Great Britain shall have the right to terminate the same at any time, should the transit certificate be found not to confer on the opium complete exemption from all taxation whatsoever whilst being carried from the port of entry to the place of consumption in the interior.

     In the event of the termination of the present Additional Article the arrange- ment with regard to opium now in force under the regulations attached to the Treaty of Tientsin shall revive.

     8.-The High Contracting Parties may, by common consent, adopt any modifica- tions of the provisions of the present Additional Article which experience may show to be desirable.

9.-It is understood that the Commission provided for in clause 7 of Section III. of the Chefoo Agreement to inquire into the question of the prevention of smuggling into China from Hongkong shall be appointed as soon as possible.

     10.-The Chefoo Agreement, together with, and as modified by, the present Additional Article, shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London as soon as possible.

     In witness whereof the Undersigned, duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present Additional Article, and have affixed thereto

their seals.

Done at London, in quadruplicate (two in English and two in Chinese), this 18th day of July, 1885, being the seventh day of the sixth moon in the eleventh year of the reign of Kwang Su.

(L.8.) (L.8.)



My Lord,

The Marquis Tseng to the Marquis of Salisbury.

Chinese Legation, London, 18th July, 1885.

     In reply to your Lordship's note of this date, I have the honour to state that the Imperial Government accept the following as the expression of the understanding which has been come to between the Governments of Great Britain and China in regard to the Additional Article to the Chefoo Agreement relative to opium, which has been signed this day :---

1.-It is understood that it shall be competent for Her Majesty's Government at once to withdraw from this new arrangement, and to revert to the system of taxation for opium at present in operation in China, in case the Chinese Government shall fail to bring the other Treaty Powers to conform to the provisions of the said Additional Article.

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2.-It is further understood that, in the event of the termination of the said Additional Article, the Chefoo Argeement, with the exception of clause 3 of Section III., and with the modifications stipulated in clause 1 of the said Additional Article, shall nevertheless remain in force.

I have, &c. (Signed)



SIGNED AT PEKING, 24TH July, 1886.

   Whereas Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and His Majesty the Emperor of China, being sincerely desirous to maintain and perpetuate the relations of friendship and good understanding which now exist between their respective Empires, and to promote and extend the commercial inter- course between their subjects and dominions, the following Convention has been agreed

and concluded: upon


On the part of Great Britain by Nicholas Roderick O'Conor, Esquire, Her Majesty's Secretary of Legation at Washington, and lately Her Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires in China, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, duly empowered thereunto;

And on the part of China by his Highness Prince Ch'ing, President of the Tsung-li Yamên, and his Excellency Sun, Minister of the Tsung-li Yamên, Senior Vice-President of the Board of Works.

Art. I.-Inasmuch as it has been the practice of Burmah to send decennial Missions to present articles of local produce, England agrees that the bighest authority in Burmah shall send the customary decennial Missions, the members of the Missions to be of Burmese race.

Art. II.-China agrees that, in all matters whatsoever appertaining to the authority and rule which England is now exercising in Burmah," England shall be free to do whatever she deems fit and proper.

Art. III. The frontier between Burmah and China to be marked by a Delimi- tation Commission, and the conditions of frontier trade to be settled by a Frontier Trade Convention, both countries agreeing to protect and encourage trade between China and Burmah.

Art. IV. Inasmuch as enquiry into the circumstances by the Chinese Govern- ment has shown the existence of many obstacles to the Mission to Thibet provided for in the Separate Article of the Chefoo Agreement, England consents to countermand the Mission forthwith.

With regard to the desire of the British Government to consider arrangements for frontier trade between India and Thibet, it will be the duty of the Chinese Govern- ment, after careful inquiry into the circumstances, to adopt measures to exhort and encourage the people with a view to the promotion and development of trade. Should it be practicable, the Chinese Government shall then proceed carefully to consider Trade Regulations; but, if insuperable obstacles should be found to exist, the British Government will not press the matter unduly.

Art. V. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in London as soon as possible after the date of the signature thereof.

In witness whereof the respective negotiators have signed the same and affixed thereunto the seals of their arms.

Done in triplicate at Peking this twenty-fourth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, corresponding with the Chinese date the twenty-third day of the sixth moon of the twelfth year of Kwang Sü.



(Monogram) CH'ING.




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SIGNED, IN THE French and CHINESE LANGuages, at TienTSIN, 27TH JUNE, 1858.

Ratifications Exchanged at Peking, 25th October, 1860.

His Majesty the Emperor of the French and His Majesty the Emperor of China, being desirous to put an end to the existing misunderstanding between the two Empires, and wishing to re-establish and improve the relations of friendship, com- merce, and navigation between the two powers, have resolved to conclude a new treaty based on the common interest of the two countries, and for that purpose have named as their plenipotentiaries, that is to say:-

His Majesty the Emperor of the French, Baron Gros, Grand Officer of the Leg- ion of Honour, Grand Cross of the Order of the Saviour of Greece, Commander of the Order of the Conception of Portugal, &c., &c., &c.

And His Majesty the Emperor of China, Kweiliang, Imperial High Commis sioner of the Ta-Tsing Dynasty, Grand Minister of the East Palace, Director-General of the Council of Justice, &c., &c., &c.; and Hwashana, Imperial High Commissioner of the Ta-Tsing Dynasty, President of the Board of Finance, General of the Bordered Blue Banner of the Chinese Banner Force, &c., &c., &c.;

Who, having exchanged their full powers, which they have found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:-

    Art. I.-There shall be perpetual peace and friendship between His Majesty the Emperor of the French and His Majesty the Emperor of China, and between the subjects of the two Empires, who shall enjoy equally in the respective states of the high contracting parties full and entire protection for their persons and property.

Art. II.-In order to maintain the peace so happily re-established between the two empires it has been agreed between the high contracting parties that, following in this respect the practice amongst Western nations, the duly accredited diplomatic agents of His Majesty the Emperor of the French to His Majesty the Emperor of China shall have the right of resorting to the capital of the empire when important affairs call them there. It is agreed between the high contracting parties that if any one of the powers having a treaty with China obtains for its diplomatic agents the right of permanently residing at Peking, France shall immediately enjoy the same right.

The diplomatic agents shall reciprocally enjoy, in the place of their residence, the privileges and immunities accorded to them by international law, that is to say, that their persons, their families, their houses, and their correspondence, shall be inviolable, that they may take into their service such employés, couriers, interpreters, servants, &c., &c., as shall be necessary to them.

     The expense of every kind occasioned by the diplomatic missions of France in China shall be defrayed by the French Government. The diplomatic agents whom

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it shall please the Emperor of China to accredit to His Majesty the Emperor of the French, shall be received in France with all the bonours and prerogatives which the diplomatic agents of other nations accredited to the court of His Majesty the Emperor of the French enjoy.

Art. III.-The official communications of the French diplomatic and consular agents with the Chinese authorities shall be written in French, but shall be accom- panied, to facilitate the service, by a Chinese translation, as exact as possible, until such time as the Imperial Government of Peking, having interpreters speaking and writing French correctly, diplomatic correspondence shall be conducted in this language by the French agents and in Chinese by the officers of the empire. It is agreed that until then, and in case of difference in the interpretation, in re- ference to the French text and Chinese text of the clauses heretofore agreed upon in the conventions made by common accord, it shall always be the original text and not the translation which shall be held correct. This provision applies to the present treaty, and in the communications between the authorities of the two countries it shall always be the original text and not the translation which shall be held correct.

    Art. IV. Henceforth the official correspondence between the authorities and the officers of the two countries shall be regulated according to their respective ranks and conditions and upon the basis of the most absolute reciprocity. This correspondence shall take place between the high French officers and the high Chinese officers, in the capital or elsewhere, by dispatch or communication; between the French sub- ordinate officers and the high authorities in the provinces, on the part of the former by statement, and on the part of the latter by declaration.

Between the officers of lower rank of the two nations, as above provided, on the footing of a perfect equality.

Merchants and generally all persons not having an official character shall on both sides use the form of representation in all documents addressed to or intended for the notice of the respective authorities.

Whenever a French subject shall have recourse to the Chinese authority, his representation_shall first be submitted to the Consul, who, if it appears to him reasonable and properly addressed, shall forward it; if it be otherwise, the Consul shall cause the tenour to be modified or refuse to transmit it. The Chinese, on their part, when they have to address a consulate, shall follow a similar course towards. the Chinese authority, who shall act in the same manner.

    Art. V.-His Majesty the Emperor of the French may appoint Consuls or Con- sular Agents in the coast and river ports of the Chinese empire named in Article VI. of the present treaty to conduct the business between the Chinese authorities and French merchants and subjects and to see to the strict observance of the stipulated rules. These officers shall be treated with the consideration and regard which are. due to them. Their relations with the authorities of the place of their residence shall be established on the footing of the most perfect equality. If they shall have. to complain of the proceedings of the said authorities, they may address the superior authority of the province direct, and shall immediately advise the Minister Plenipo- tentiary of the Emperor thereof.

    In case of the absence of the French Consul, captains and merchants shall be. at liberty to have recourse to the intervention of the Consul of a friendly power. or, if this be impossible, they shall have recourse to the chief of the Customs, who shall advise as to the means of assuring to the said captains and merchants the benefits of the present treaty.

Art.VI.-Experience having demonstrated that the opening of new ports to foreign commrce is one of the necessities of the age, it has been agreed that the porte of Kiung-chow and Chao-chow in the province of Kwangtung, Taiwan and Tamsui in the island of Formosa (province of Folkien), Tang-chow in the pro- vince of Shantung, and Nanking in the province of Kiangsu, shall enjoy the same privileges as Canton, Shanghai, Ningpo, Amoy, and Foochow. With regard to

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Nanking, the French agents in China shall not deliver passports to their nationals for this city until the rebels have been expelled by the Imperial troops.

Art. VII.-French subjects and their families may establish themselves and trade or pursue their avocations in all security, and without hindrance of any kind, in the ports and cities enumerated in the preceding article.

They may travel freely between them if they are provided with passports, but it is expressly forbidden to them to trade elsewhere on the coast in search of clandestine markets, under pain of confiscation of both the ships and goods used in such operations, and this confiscation shall be for the benefit of the Chinese Govern- ment, who, however, before the seizure and confiscation can be legally pronounced, must advise the French Consul at the nearest port.

Art. VIII.-French subjects who wish to go to interior towns, or ports not open to foreign vessels, may do so in all security, on the express condition that they are provided with passports written in French and Chinese, legally delivered by the diplomatic agents or consuls of France in China and vised by the Chinese authorities.

In case of the loss of his passport, the French subject who cannot present it when it is legally required of him, shall, if the Chinese authorities of the place refuse him permission to remain a sufficient time to obtain another passport from the consul, be conducted to the nearest consulate and shall not be maltreated or insulted in any way.

     As is stipulated in the former treaties, French subjects resident or sojourning in the ports open to foreign trade may travel without passports in their immediate neighbourl.ood and there pursue their occupations as freely as the natives, but they must not pass certain limits which shall be agreed upon between the consul and the local authority. The French agents in China shall deliver passports to their nationals only for the places where the rebels are not established at the time the passport shall be demanded.

These passports shall be delivered by the French authorities only to persons who offer every desirable guarantee.

Art. IX. All changes made by common consent with one of the signatory powers of the treaties with China on the subject of amelioration of the tariff now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, as also all rights of customs, tonnage, importation, tranait, and exportation, shall be immediately applicable to French trade and mer- chants by the mere fact of their being placed in execution.

     Art. X.-Any French subject who, conformably to the stipulations of Article VI. of the present treaty, shall arrive at one of the ports open to foreign trade, may, whatever may be the length of his sojourn, rent houses and warehouses for the disposal of his merchandise, or lease land and himself build houses and warehouses. French subjects may, in the same manner, establish churches, hospitals, religious houses, schools, and cemeteries. To this end the local authority, after having agreed with the Consul, shall designate the quarters most suitable for the residence of the French and the sites on which the above mentioned structures may have place.

      The terms of rents and leases shall be freely discussed between the interested parties and regulated, as far as possible, according to the average local rates.

The Chinese authorities shall prevent their nationals from exacting or requiring exorbitant prices, and the Consul on his side shall see that French subjects use no violence or constraint to force the consent of the proprietors. It is further under- stood that the number of houses and the extent of the ground to be assigned to French subjects in the ports open to foreign trade shall not be limited. and that they shall be determined according to the needs and convenience of the parties.. If Chinese subjects injure or destroy French churches or cemeteries, the guilty parties shall be punished with all the rigour of the laws of the country.

Art. XI.-French subjects in the ports open to foreign trade may freely engage, on the terms agreed upon between the parties, or by the sole intervention of the Consul, compradores, interpreters, clerks, workmen, watermen and servants. They shall also have the right of engaging teachers in order to learn to speak and write

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the Chinese language and any other language or dialect used in the empire, as also to secure their aid in scientific or literary works. Equally they may teach to Chinese subjects their own or foreign languages and sell without obstacle French books or themselves purchase Chinese books of all descriptions.

   Art. XII.-Property of any kind appertaining to French subjects in the Chinese empire shall be considered by the Chinese inviolable and shall always be respected by them. The Chinese authorities shall not, under any circumstances whatever, place French vessels under embargo nor put them under requisition for any service, be it public or private.

   Art. XIII.-The Christian religion having for its essential object the leading of men to virtue, the members of all Christian communities shall enjoy entire security for their persons and property and the free exercise of their religion, and efficient protection shall be given the missionaries who travel peaceably in the interior furnished with passports as provided for in Article VIII.

No hindrance shall be offered by the authorities of the Chinese Empire to the recognised right of every individual in China to embrace, if he so pleases, Chris- tianity and to follow its practices without being liable to any punishment therefor.

   All that has previously been written, proclaimed, or published in China by order of the Government against the Christian religion is completely abrogated and remains null and void in all provinces of the empire.

   Art. XIV.-No privileged commercial society shall henceforward be established in China, and the same shall apply to any organised coalition having for its end the exercise of a monopoly of trade. In case of the contravention of the present article the Chinese Authorities, on the representation of the Consul or Consular Agent, shall advise as to the means of dissolving such associations, of which they are also bound to prevent the existence by the preceding prohibitions, so as to remove all that may stand in the way of free competition.

Art. XV.-When a French vessel arrives in the waters of one of the ports open to foreign trade she shall be at liberty to engage any pilot to take her immediately into the port, and, in the same manner, when, having discharged all legal charges, she shall be ready to put to sea, she shall not be refused pilots to enable her to leave the port without hindrance or delay.

   Any individual who wishes to exercise the profession of pilot for French vessels may, on the presentation of three certificates from captains of ships, be commissioned by the French Consul in the same manner as shall be in use with other nations.

   The remuneration payable to pilots shall be equitably regulated for each parti- cular port by the Consul or Consular Agent, who shall fix it having regard to the distance and circumstances of the navigation.

   Art. XVI.-After the pilot has brought a French trading ship into the port, the Superintendent of Customs shall depute one or two officers to guard the ship and prevent fraud. These officers may, according to their convenience, remain in their own boat or stay on board the ship.

   Their pay, food, and expenses shall be a charge on the Chinese Customs, and they shall not demand any fee or remuneration whatever from the captain or consignee. Every contravention of this provision shall entail a punishment proportionate to the amount exacted, which also shall be returned in fall.

   Art. XVII.-Within the twenty-four hours following the arrival of a French merchant vessel in one of the ports open to foreign trade, the captain, if he be not unavoidably prevented, and in his default the supercargo or consignee, shall report at the French Consulate and place in the hands of the Consul the ship's papers, the bills of lading, and the manifest. Within the twenty-four hours next following the Consul shall send to the Superintendent of Customs a detailed note indicating the name of the vessel, the articles, the tonnage, and the nature of the cargo; if, in consequence of the negligence of the captain this cannot be accomplished within the forty-eight hours following the arrival of the vessel, the captain shall be liable to a penalty of 50 dollars for each day's delay, to the profit of the Chinese Government; but the said penalty shall in no case exceed the sum of 200 dollars.

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Immediately after the reception of the consular note the Superintendent of Customs shall give a permit to open hatches. If the captain, before having received the said permit, shall have opened hatches and commenced to discharge, he may be fined 500 dollars, and the goods discharged may be seized, the whole to the profit of the Chinese Government.

     Art. XVIII.-French captains and merchants may hire whatever boats and lighters they please for the transport of goods and passengers, and the sum to be paid for such boats shall be settled between the parties themselves, without the intervention of the Chinese authority and, consequently without its guarantee in case of accident, fraud, or disappearance of the said boats. The number of these boats shall not be limited, nor shall a monopoly in respect either of the boats or of the carriage of merchandise by porters be granted to any one.

Art. XIX.-Whenever a French merchant shall have merchandise to load or discharge he shall first remit a detailed note of it to the Consul or Consular Agent, who will immediately charge a recognised interpreter of the Consulate to communicate it to the Superintendent of Customs. The latter shall at once deliver a permit for shipping or landing the goods. He will then proceed to the verification of the goods in such manner that there shall be no chance of loss to any party.

     The French merchant must cause himself to be represented (if he does not prefer to attend himself) at the place of the verification by a person possessing the requisite knowledge to protect his interests at the time when the verification for the liquida. tion of the dues is made; otherwise any after claim will be null and of no effect.

     With respect to goods subject to an ad valorem duty, if the merchant cannot agree with the Chinese officers as to their value, then each party shall call in two or three merchants to examine the goods, and the highest price which shall be offered by any of them shall be assumed as the value of the said goods.

Duties shall be charged on the net weight; the tare will therefore be deducted. If the French merchant cannot agree with the Chinese officer on the amount of tare, each party shall choose a certain number of chests and bales from among the goods respecting which there is a dispute; these shall be first weighed gross, then tared, and the average tare of this shall be taken as the tare for all the others.

     If during the course of verification any difficulty arises whish cannot be settled, the French merchant may claim the intervention of the Consul, who will immediately bring the subject of dispute to the notice of the Superintendent of Customs, and both will endeavour to arrive at an amicable arrangement, but the claim must be made within twenty-four hours; otherwise it will not receive attention. So long as thẹ result of the dispute remains pending, the Superintendent of Customs shall not enter the matter in his books, thus leaving every latitude for the examination and solution of the difficulty.

     On goods imported which have sustained damage a reduction of duties propor. tionate to their depreciation shall be made. This shall be equitably determined, and, if necessary, in the manner above stipulated for the fixing of ad valorem duties.

     Art. XX.-Any vessel having entered one of the ports of China and which has not yet used the permit to open hatches mentioned in Article XIX., may within two days of arrival, quit that port and proceed to another without having to pay either tonnage dues or customs duties, but will discharge them ultimately in the port where sale of the goods is effected.

     Art. XXI.-It is established by common consent, that import duties shall be discharged by the captains or French merchants after the landing and verification of the goods.

Export duties shall in the same manner be paid on the shipment of the goods. When all tonnage dues and Customs duties shall have been paid in full by a French vessel the Superintendent of Customs shall give a general quittance, on the exhibition of which the Consul shall return the ship's papers to the captain and permit him to depart on his voyage. The Superintendent of Customs shall name one or several banks, which shall be authorised to receive the sum due by French merchants on account of the Government, and the receipts of these banks for all payments which have been made to them shall be considered as receipts of the

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 Chinese Government. These payments may be made in ingots or in foreign money, the relative value of which to sycee shall be determined by agreement between the Consul or Consular Agent and the Superintendent of Customs in the different ports, according to time, place, and circumstances.

Art. XXII. After the expiration of the two days named in Art. XX, and before proceeding to discharge her cargo, every vessel shall pay tonnage-dues accord- ing to the following scale:-Vessels of one hundred and fifty tons and upwards at the rate of four mace per ton; vessels of less than one hundred and fifty tons mea- surement at the rate of one mace per ton.

   Any vessel clearing from any of the open ports of China for any other of the open ports, or trading between China and such ports in Cochin-China as belong to France, or any port in Japan, shall be entitled, on application of the master, to a special certificate from the Superintendent of Customs, on exhibition of which the said vessel shall be exempted from all further payment of tonnage-dues in any open port of China for a period of four months, to be reckoned from the date of her port-clearance; but after the expiration of four months she shall be required to pay tonnage-dues again.

Small French vessels and boats of every class, whether with or without sails, shall be reckoned as coming within the category of vessels of one hundred and fifty tons and under, and shall pay tonnage-dues at the rate of one mace per ton once in every four months.

   Native craft chartered by French merchants shall in like manner pay tonnage- dues once in every four months.

   Art. XXIII.-All French goods, after having discharged the Customs duties according to the tariff in one of the ports of China, may be transported into the interior without being subjected to any further charge except the transit dues according to the amended scale now in force, which dues shall not be augmented in the future.

   If the Chinese Customs Agents, contrary to the tenour of the present Treaty, make illegal exactions or levy higher dues, they shall be punished according to the laws of the empire.

   Art. XXIV.-Any French vessel entered at one of the ports open to foreign trade and wishing to discharge only a part of its goods there, shall pay Customs dues only for the part discharged; it may transport the remainder of its cargo to another port and sell it there. The duty shall then be paid.

   French subjects having paid in one port the duties on their goods, wishing to re-export them and send them for sale to another port, shall notify the Consul or Consular Agent. The latter shall inform the Superintendent of Customs, who, after having verified the identity of the goods and the perfect integrity of the packages, shall send to the claimants a declaration attesting that the duties on the said goods have been paid. Provided with this declaration, the French merchants on their arrival at the other port shall only have to present it through the medium of the Consul or Superintendent of Customs, who will deliver for this part of the cargo, without deduction or charge, a permit for discharge free of duty; but if the autho rities discover fraud or anything contraband amongst the goods so re-exported, these shall be, after verification, confiscated to the profit of the Chinese Government.

   Art. XXV.-Transhipment of goods shall take place only by special permission and in case of urgency; if it be indispensable to effect this operation, the Consul shall be referred to, who will deliver a certificate, on view of which the transhipment shall be authorised by the Superintendent of Customs. The latter may always delegate an employé of his administration to be present.

Every unauthorised transhipment, except in case of peril by delay, will entail the confiscation, to the profit of the Chinese Government, of the whole of the goods illicitly transhipped.

   Art. XXVI.-In each of the ports open to foreign trade the Superintendent of Customs shall receive for himself, and shall deposit at the French Consulate, legal

* Substituted for the original article in 1865,

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    scales for goods and silver, the weights and measures agreeing exactly with the weights and measures in use at the Canton Custom-house, and bearing a stamp and seal certifying this authority. These scales shall be the base of all liquidations of duties and of all payments to be made to the Chinese Government. They shall be referred to in case of dispute as to the weights and measures of goods, and the decree shall be according to the results they show.

       Art. XXVII.-Import and export duties levied in China on French commerce shall be regulated according to the tariff annexed to the present treaty under the seal and signature of the respective plenipotentiaries. This tariff may be revised every seven years in order to be in harmony with the changes brought about by time in the value of the products of the soil or industry of the two empires.

      By the payment of these duties, the amount of which it is expressly provided shall not be increased nor augmented by any kind of charge or surtax whatever, French subjects shall be free to import into China, from French or foreign ports, and equally to export from China to any destination, all goods which shall not be, at the date of the signing of the present treaty and according to the classification of the annexed tariff, the object of a special prohibition or of a special monopoly. The Chinese Government renouncing therefore the right of augmenting the number of articles reputed contraband or subjects of a monopoly, any modification of the tariff shall be made only after an understanding has been come to with the French Government and with its full and entire consent.

      With regard to the tariff, as well as every stipulation introduced or to be in- troduced in the existing treaties, or those which may hereafter be concluded, it remains well and duly established that merchants and in general all French subjects in China shall always have the same rights and be treated in the same way as the most favoured nation.

      Art. XXVIII.-The publication of the regular tariff doing away benceforth with all pretext for smuggling, it is not to be presumed that any act of this nature may be committed by French vessels in the ports of China. If it should be otherwise, all contraband goods introduced into these ports by French vessels or merchants, whatever their value or nature, as also all prohibited goods fraudulently discharged shall be seized by the local authority and confiscated to the profit of the Chinese Government. Further, the latter may, if it see fit, interdict the re-entry to China of the vessel taken in contravention and compel it to leave immediately after the settle- ment of its accounts.

      If any foreign vessel fraudulently make use of the French flag the French Government shall take the necessary measures for the repression of this abuse.

      Art. XXIX.-His Majesty the Emperor of the French may station a vessel of war in any principal port of the empire where its presence may be considered necessary to maintain good order and discipline amongst the crews of merchant vessels and to facilitate the exercise of the Consular authority; all necessary measures shall be taken to provide that the presence of these vessels of war shall entail no inconvenience, and their commanders shall receive orders to cause to be executed the provisions of Article XXXIII. in respect of the communications with the land and the policing of the crews. Vessels of war shall be subject to no duty.

      Art. XXX.-Every French vessel of war cruising for the protection of commerce shall be received as a friend and treated as such in all the ports of China which it shall enter. These vessels may there procure the divers articles of refitting and victualling of which they shall bave need, and, if they have suffered damage, may repair there and purchase the materials necessary for such repair, the whole without the least opposition.

      The same shall apply to French trading ships which in consequence of great damage or any other reason may be compelled to seek refuge in any port whatsoever of China.

      If a vessel be wrecked on the coast of China, the nearest Chinese authority, on being informed of the occurrence, shall immediately send assistance to the crew, provide for their present necessities, and take the measures imu.ediately necessary

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for the salvage of the ship and the preservation of the cargo. The whole shall then be brought to the knowledge of the nearest Consul or Consular Agent, in order that the latter, in concert with the competent authority, may provide means for the relief of the crew and the salvage of the débris of the ship and cargo.

Art. XXXI.-Should China be at war with another power, this circumstance shall not in any way interfere with the free trade of France with China or with the opposing nation. French vessels may always, except in the case of effective blockade, sail without obstacle from the ports of the one to the ports of the other, trade in the ordinary manner, and import and export every kind of merchandise not prohibited.

Art. XXXII.-Should sailors or other persons desert from French ships-of-war, or leave French trading vessels, the Chinese authority, on the requisition of the Consul, or failing the Consul that of the captain, shall at once use every means to discover and restore the aforesaid fugitives into the hands of one or the other of them.

In the same manner, if Chinese deserters or persons accused of any crime take refuge in French houses or on board of French vessels, the local authority shall address the Consul, who, on proof of the guilt of the accused, shall immediately take the measures necessary for their extradition. Each party shall carefully avoid

concealment and connivance.

   Art. XXXIII.-When sailors come on shore they shall be under special dis- ciplinary regulations framed by the Consul and communicated to the local authority, in order to prevent as far as possible all occasion of quarrel between French sailors and the people of the country.

Art. XXXIV.-In case of French trading vessels being attacked or pillaged by pirates within Chinese waters, the civil and military authorities of the nearest place, upon learning of the occurrence, shall actively pursue the authors of the crime and shall neglect nothing to secure their arrest and punishment, according to law. The pirated goods, in whatever place or state they may be found, shall be placed in the hands of the Consul, who shall restore them to the owners. If the criminals cannot be seized, or the whole of the stolen property cannot be recovered, the Chinese officials shall suffer the penalty inflicted by the law in such circumstances, but they shall not be held pecuniarily responsible.

Art. XXXV.-When a French subject shall have a complaint to make or claim to bring against a Chinese, he shall first state his case to the Consul, who, after having examined the affair, will endeavour to arrange it amicably. In the same manner, when a Chinese has to complain of a French subject, the Consul shall attentively hear his claim and endeavour to bring about an amicable arrangement. But if in either case this be impossible, the Consul shall require the assistance of a competent Chinese official, and these two, after having conjointly examined the affair, shall decide it equitably.

Art. XXXVI.-If hereafter French subjects suffer damage, or are subjected to any insult or vexation by Chinese subjects, the latter shall be pursued by the local authority, who shall take the necessary measures for the defence and pro- tection of French subjects; if ill-doers or any vagrant part of the population com- mence to pillage, destroy, or burn the houses or warehouses of French subjects or any other of their establishments, the same authority, either on the requisition of the Consul, or of its own motion, shall send as speedily as possible an armed force to disperse the riot and to arrest the criminals, and shall deliver the latter up to the severity of the law; the whole without prejudice to the claims of the French subjects to be indemnified for proved losses.

  Art. XXXVII.-If Chinese become, in future, indebted to French captains or merchants and involve them in loss by fraud or in any other manner, the latter shall no longer avail themselves of the combination which existed under the former state of things; they may address themselves only through the medium of their Consul to the local authority, who shall neglect nothing after having examined the affair to compel the defaulters to satisfy their engagements according to the laws of the country. But, if the debtor cannot be found, if he be dead, or bankrupt, and is not able to pay, the French merchants cannot claim as against the Chinese authority.

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      In case of fraud or non-payment on the part of French merchants, the Consul shall, in the same manner, afford every assistance to the claimants, but neither he nor his Government shall in any manner be held responsible.

Art. XXXVIII.-If unfortunately any fight or quarrel occurs between French and Chinese subjects, as also if during the course of such quarrel one or more persons be killed or wounded, by firearms or otherwise, the Chinese shall be arrested by the Chinese authority, who will be responsible, if the charge be proved, for their punish- ment according to the laws of the country. With regard to the French, they shall be arrested at the instance of the Consul, who shall take the necessary measures that they may be dealt with in the ordinary course of French law in accordance with the forms and practice which shall be afterwards decided by the French Government.

        The same course shall be observed in all similar circumstances not enumerated in the present convention, the principle being that for the repression of crimes and offences committed by them in China French subjects shall be dealt with according

to the laws of France.

      Art. XXXIX.-Disputes or differences arising between French subjects in China shall, equally, be settled by the French authorities. It is also stipulated that the Chinese authorities shall not in any manner interfere in any dispute between French subjects and other foreigners. In the same way they shall not exercise any authority over French vessels; these are responsible only to the French authorities and the captain.

Art. XL.-If the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of the French shall consider it desirable to modify any of the clauses of the present treaty it shall be at liberty to open negotiations to this effect with the Chinese Government after an interval of ten years from the date of the exchange of the ratifications. It is also understood that no obligation not expressed in the present convention shall be imposed on the Consuls or Consular Agents, nor on their nationals, but, as is stipulated, French subjects shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, immunities, and guarantees whatsoever which have been or shall be accorded by the Chinese Govern- ment to other powers.

      Art. XLI.-His Majesty the Emperor of the French, wishing to give to His Majesty the Emperor of China a proof of his friendly sentiments, agrees to stipulate in separate articles, having the same force and effect as if they were inserted in the present treaty, the arrangements come to between the two governments on the matters antecedent to the events at Canton and the expenses caused by them to the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of the French.

     Art. XLII.-The ratifications of the present treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, shall be exchanged at Peking within one year after the date of signature, or sooner if possible.

After the exchange or ratifications, the treaty shall be brought to the knowledge of all the superior authorities of the Empire in the provinces and in the capital, in order that its publication may be well established.

In token whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the present treaty and affixed their seals thereto.

Done at Tientsin, in four copies, this twenty-seventh day of June, in the year of Grace one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, corresponding to the seventeenth day of the fifth moon of the eighth year of Hien Fung.


(Signed) [L.S.] [L.S.]





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Separate and Secret Articles completing the Treaty concluded between His Majesty the Emperor of the French and His Majesty the Emperor of China at Tientsin, in the Province of Chihli, 27th June, 1858.

Art. I.-The magistrate of Si-lin Hien, guilty of the murder of the French missionary Auguste Chappedelaine, shall be degraded and declared incapable hence- forth of holding any office.

Art. II.-His Excellency the Minister of France in China shall be notified by official communication of the execution of this measure, which shall also be duly published in explanatory terms in the Peking Gazette.

Art. III.-An indemnity shall be paid to the French subjects and others under the protection of France whose property was pillaged or burnt by the populace of Canton before the taking of that town by the allied troops of France and England, This indemnity shall be divided amongst them pro rata to their losses.

Art. 1V.-The expense occasioned by the large armaments which the obstinate refusal of the Chinese authorities to accord to France the satisfaction and indemnity claimed has rendered necessary shall be paid to the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of the French by the Customs at Canton.

These indemnities and military expenses amount to a sum of about two million taels (Tls. 2,000,000); this amount shall be paid into the hands of the Minister of France in China, who shall give a discharge for it. This sum of two million taels shall be paid in yearly instalments of one-sixth for six years to His Excellency the Minister of France in China by the Canton Customs; payment may be made in money, or in Customs bonds, which shall be received by that administration in payment of export and import duties, and for a tenth only of the sum which may have to be paid, that is to say, a merchant owes, for example, to the Canton Customs a sum of ten thousand taels, for import or export duties, he may pay nine thousand in money and one thousand in the bonds.

The first sixth shall be paid during the course of the year following the signature of the present treaty, counting from the date of signature.

The Customs of Canton will not, if they so desire, be bound to accept in payment of duties more than the sixth of the bonds issued, that is, not more than a sum of 333,333 taels A mixed commission named at Canton by the Chinese authorities and the Minister of France shall decide in advance the mode of issuing these bonds, and the rules which shall determine their form, value, and mode of destruction when they shall have served their purpose.

Art. V.-The French troops shall evacuate Canton as soon as possible after the integral payment of the sum of two million taels stipulated above; bat in order to hasten the departure of these troops, Customs bonds may be issued in advance for a series of six years and lodged with the Legation of France in China.

Art. VI. The above Articles shall have the same force and value as if they were embodied word for word in the treaty, of which they form a part, and the respective plenipotentiaries have signed them, &c.

Done at Tientsin, 27th June, 1858.

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Translated from the Chinese Text.

Their Imperial Majesties, the Emperor of China and the Emperor of the French, being desirous to resume the amicable relations that of yore existed, and to effect a peaceable settlement of the points in which their Governments disagree, have for this purpose appointed Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:-His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China, His Imperial Highness the Prince of Kung, and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of the French, Baron Gros, who, having communicated to each other their full powers, and finding the same to be in proper order, now append the Articles of the Convention, as by them determined.

      Art. I. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China de ply regrets that the Representative of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of the French, when on his way, in 1859, to Peking, for the purpose of exchanging Treaty Ra:ifications, should have been obstructed on his arrival at Taka by the soldiers that were there.

      Art. II. The Representative of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of the French when visiting Peking to exchange Treaty Ratifications, shall, whether on the way or at the capital, be treated by all Chinese officials with the highest consideration.

[Literally, "shall receive from all Chinese officials the most polite and most considerate treatment due to an Ambassader, so that he may without prejudice assert his position, authority, or rights."]

Art. III.-The provisions of the Tientsin Treaty of 1858, and of the Supple mentary Articles, except in so far as modified by the present Convention, shall without delay come into operation, as soon as the Ritifications of the Treaty aforesaid shall have been exchanged.

Art. IV. The fourth Article of the Treaty concluded at Tientsia in the year 1858 by which it was provided that an Indemnity of Two Millions of Tels should be paid by the Chinese Government, is hereby annulled; and it is agreed, in the steal thereof, that the amount of the Indemnity shall be Eight Millions of Taels. [Of that sum] the Canton Customs last year paid Three hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three Taels; the remainder (Tls. 7,666,666) shall be collected from the various Custom Houses, which shall pay quarterly one-fifth of the duties received by them, and the first quarterly payment shall be due on the 31st December, 1860, The payments may be in either Hai-kwan Sycee or foreign coin, and shall be made to either the Representative of France resident in China, or the officer by him deputed, But on or before the 30th November, there shall be paid at Tientsin a sum of five hundred thousand Taels. The French Representative and the Chinese high officers shall hereafter respectively appoint deputies to consult together and arrange the manner in which the instalments are to be paid and receipts granted.

Art. V.-The money to be paid by China is on account of French military expenditure and losses sustained by French merchants and others under French protection, whose hongs and chattels at Canton were burnt and plundered by the populace. The French Government will at a future period divide the money in fair proportion among such sufferers,-the amount to be appropriated for the losses and injuries incurred by such French subjects and others protected to be one million of Taels. The remainder will be retained for military expenses.

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   Art. VI. It shall be promulgated throughout the length and breadth of the land, in terms of the Imperial Edict of the 20th February, 1846, that it is permitted to all people in all parts of China to propagate and practice the "teachings of the Lord of Heaven," to meet together for the preaching of the doctrine, to build churches and to worship; further, all such as indiscriminately arrest [Christians] shall be duly punished; and such churches, schools, cemeteries, lands, and buildings, as were owned on former occasions by persecuted Christians shall be paid for, and the money handed to the French Representative at Peking, for transmission to the Christians in the localities concerned. It is, in addition, permitted to French Missionaries to rent and purchase land in all the provinces, and to erect buildings thereon at pleasure.

   Art. VII.-On the day on which the Ministers of the two countries affix their seals and signatures, the port of Tientsin, in the province of Chih-li, shall be opened to trade on the same conditions as the other ports. The provisions of the present Convention shall take effect from the day on which it is signed, no separate ratification of the same being necessary; they shall be observed and enforced just as if forming part of the text of the Treaty of Tientsin. And on the receipt of Five hundred thousand Taels as provided by Article IV., the French forces, Naval and Military, shall retire from Tientsin and occupy the two ports of Taku and Yen-tai (Chefoo), where they are to remain until the payment in full of the Indemnity,-upon which the French forces, at whatever places stationed, shall one and all be withdrawn from Chinese territory; but the Naval and Military Commander-in-Chief may, if they think necessary, winter their forces in Tientsin until the indemnity shall have been paid in full.

   Art. VIII. On the exchange of the Ratifications of the Treaty of 1851, Chusan shall at once be evacuated by the French forces now stationed there; and on the payment in full of the sum of five hundred thousand Taels, for which this Convention provides-with the exception of [that portion of] the force which being about to winter at Tientsin, will remain there for a time, and which it is considered inconvenient to at once withdraw, as is stated in the seventh Article-the various forces occupying Tientsin shall be withdrawn from that city, and shall retire to the Taku forts, the North Coast of Tang-chow, and the city of Canton, where they will be stationed until the Indemnity of Eight millions of Taels, guaranteed by this Convention, shall bave been paid in full, when the occupant forces, as above referred to, shall be entirely withdrawn.

   Art. IX. On the exchange of the Ratifications of the Treaty of 1858, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China will, by Decree, notify to the High Autho- rities of every province, that Chinese choosing to take service in the French Colonies, or other ports beyond the sea, are at perfect liberty to enter into engagements with French subjects for that purpose, and to ship themselves and their families on board any vessel at any of the open ports of China; also that the High Authorities afore- said shall, in concert with the Representative in China of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of the French, frame such regulations for the protection of Chinese emigrating as above, as the circumstances of the different ports may demand.

   Art. X.-A mistake having crept into the text of the 22nd Article of the Treaty concluded at Tientsin in the year 1858, to the effect that Tonnage Dues would be charged on French ships over one hundred and fifty tons burthen at the rate of Five Mace per ton, it is now agreed that on vessels of more than one hundred and fifty tons Tonnage Dues shall be levied at the rate of Four Mace per ton: on vessels of less than one hundred and fifty tons, One mace per ton shall be collected. From henceforth, French vessels entering port shall each and all pay Tonnage Dues in accordance with the rate hereby fixed.

Signed and Sealed at Peking, by the Plenipotentiaries of China and France, on the 26th day of October, in the year 1860, being the 12th day of the 2nd month of the 10th year of the reign of Hien Fung.



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The President of the French Republic and His Majesty the Emperor of China, each animated by an equal desire to bring to an end the difficulties which have given rise to their simultaneous intervention in the affairs of Annam, and wishing to re-establish and improve the relations of friendship and commerce which previously existed between France and China, bave resolved to conclude a new treaty to further the common interests of both nations on the basis of the preliminary Convention signed at Tientsin on the 11th May, 1884, and ratified by an Imperial decree of the 13th April, 1885.

For that purpose the two high contracting parties have appointed as their pleni. potentiaries the following, that is to say:

The President of the French Republic, M. Jules Patenôtre, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary for France in China, Officer of the Legion of Honour, Grand Cross of the Swedish Order of the Polar Star, &c., &c.

And His Majesty the Emperor of China, Li Hung-chang, Imperial Commissioner, Senior Grand Secretary of Sate, Grand Honorary Preceptor of the Heir Presumptive; Superin endent of Trade for the Northern Ports, Governor-General of the Province of Chihli, of the First degree of the Third Order of Nobility, with the title of Sou-yi;

Assisted by Hsi C en, Imperial Commissioner, Member of the Tsung-li Yamên, President of the Board of Punishments, Administrator of the Treasury at the Ministry of Finance, Director of Schoo.8 for the Education of the Hereditary Officers of the Left Wing of the Yellow Bordered Banner;

And Teng Chang-su, Imperial Commissioner, Member of the Tsung-li Yamên, Director of the Board of Ceremonies ;

Who, having communicated their full powers, which have been found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles :----

      Art. I.-France engages to re-establish and maintain order in those provinces of Annam which border upon the Chinese empire. For this purpose she will take the necessary measures to disperse or expel the bands of pirates and vagabonds who endanger the public safety, and to prevent their collecting together again. Nevertheless the French troops shall not, under any circumstances, cross the frontier which separates Tonquin from China, which froutier France promises both to respect herself and to guarantee against any aggression whatsoever.

On her part China undertakes to di perse or expel such bands as may take refuge in her provinces bordering on Tonquin an: to disperse those which it may be attempted to form there for the purpose of cansing disturbances amongst the populations placed under the protection of France; and, in consideration of the guaran ees which have been given as to the security of the frontier, she likewise engages not to send troops into Tonquin.


The High Contracting parties will fix, by a special convention, the conditions under which the extradition of malefactors b tween China and Annam shall be carried out. The Chinese, whether colonists or isbanded soldiers, who reside peaceably in An- nam, supporting themselves by agriculture, industry, or trade, and whose conduct shall give no cause of complain, shall enjoy the same security for their persons and property as French protégés.

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Art. II.-China, being resolved to do nothing which may imperil the work of pacification undertaken by France, engages to respect, both in the present and in the future, the treaties, conventions, and arrangements concluded directly between France and Annam, or which may hereafter be concluded.

As regards the relations b tween China and Annam, it is understood they shall be of such a nature as shall in no way injure the dignity of the Chinese empire or give rise to any violation of the present treaty.

Art. III. Within a period of six months from the signature of the present treaty commissioners appointed by the high contracting parties shall proceed to the spot in order to define the frontier between China and Tonquin. They shall place landmarks wherever necessary to render the line of demarcation clear. In those cases where they may not be able to agree as to the location of these landmarks or on such rectifications of detail as it may be desirable to make, in the interest of the two nations, in the existing frontier of Tonquin, they shall refer the difficulty to their respective Governments.

Art. IV. When the frontier shall have been agreed upon, French or French protégés and foreign residents of Tonquin who may wish to cross it in order to enter China shall not be allowed to do so unless they shall have previously provided them- selves with passports issued by the Chinese frontier authorities on the requisition of the French authorities. For Chinese subjects an authorisation given by the Imperial frontier authorities shall be sufficient.

Chinese subjects wishing to proceed from China to Tonquin by the lan1 route

 •shall be obliged to provide themselves with regular passports, issued by the French authorities on the requisition of the Imperial authorities.

Art. V.-Import and export trade shall be permitted to French or French- protected traders and to Chinese traders across the land frontier between China and Tonquin. It shall, however, be carried on through certain spots which shall be settled later, and both the selection and number of which shall correspond with the direction and importance of the traffic between the two countries. In this respect the Regulations in force in the interior of the Chinese Empire shall be taken into


In any case, two of the said spots shall be marked out on the Chinese frontier, the one above Lao-kai, the other beyond Lang-son. French traders shall be at liberty to settle there under the same conditions, and with the same advantages, as in the ports open to foreign trade. The Government of His Majesty the Emperor of China shall establish custom-houses there, and the Government of the French Republic shall be at liberty to maintain Consuls there, whose powers and privileges shall be identical with those of Agents of the same rank in the open ports.

On his part, His Majesty the Emperor of China shall be at liberty, with the concurrence of the French Government, to appoint Consuls in the principal towns of Tonquin.

Art. VI.-A special code of Regulations, annexed to the present Treaty, shall define the conditions under which trade shall be carried on by land between Tonquin and the Chinese provinces of Yunnan, of Kwang-si, and of Kwang-tung. Such Regulations shall be drawn up by Commissioners, who shall be appointed by the High Contracting Parties, within three months from the signature of the present Treaty.

All goods dealt with by such trade shall be subject, on import and export between Tonquin and the provinces of Yünnan and Kwang-si, to duties lower than those laid down by the present Tariff for foreign trade. The reduced Tariff shall not, however, be applied to goods transported by way of the land frontier between Tonquin and Kwang-tung, and shall not be enforced within the ports already open by Treaty.

Trade in arms, engines, supplies, and munitions of war of any kind whatsoever shall be subject to the Laws and Regulations issued by each of the Contracting States within its own territory.

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The export and import of opium shall be governed by special arrangements to be inserted in the above-mentioned code of Regulations.

Trade by sea between China and Annam shali likewise be dealt with by a separate code of Regulations. In the meanwhile, the present practice shall remain unaltered.

     Art. VII.-With a view to develope under the most advantageous conditions the relations of commerce and of good neighbourship, which it is the object of the present Treaty to re-establish between France and China, the Government of the Republic shall construct roads in Tonquin, and shall encourage the construction of railways there.

     When China, on her part, shall have decided to construct railways, it is agreed that she shall have recourse to French industry, and the Government of the Republic shall afford every facility for procuring in France the staff that may be required. It is, moreover, understood that this clause shall not be looked upon as constituting an exclusive privilege in favour of France.

     Art. VIII. The commercial stipulations of the present Treaty and the Regula- tions to be agreed upon shall be liable to revision after an interval of ten complete years from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of the present Treaty. But in case six months before it expires, neither one nor other of the High Contracting Parties shall have expressed a wish to proceed to a revision, the commercial stipula- tions shall remain in force for a fresh period of ten years, and so further in like


Art. IX.-As soon as the present Treaty shall have been signed, the French forces shall receive orders to retire from Kelung and to cease search, &c., on the high seas. Within one month from the signature of the present Treaty the Island of Formosa and the Pescadores shall be entirely evacuated by the French troops.

Art. X.-All stipulations of former Treaties, Agreements, and Conventions between France and China, which are not modified by the present Treaty, remain in full force.

     The present Treaty shall be ratified at once by His Majesty the Emperor of China, and after it shall have been ratified by the President of the French Republic, the exchange of ratifications shall take place at Peking with the least possible delay.

     Done in quadruplicate at Tien-tsin, this 9th June, 1885, corresponding to the 27th day of the 4th moon of the 11th year of Kwang-Su.










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SIGNED AT PEKING 25th April, 1886.


    Whereas in Article VI. of the Treaty between the President of the French Re- public and His Majesty the Emperor of China, signed the 9:h day of June, 1885, it is stated that "Regulations for the conduct of overland trade between Tonquin and the Chinese provinces of Yunnan, Kwangsi, and Kwangtung shall be jointly discussed and concluded by Commissioners appointed by the two Powers, and will form a supple- ment to th present Treaty;" and whereas in the tenth article of that agreement it is set forth that "the provisions of former Treaties and Regulations agreed to by France and China, except in so far as they are modified by the present agreement, will continue to retain their original validity," the two High Contracting Parties have for this purpose named as th ir plenipotentiaries, that is to say:--

The President of the French Republic, G. Cogordan, Minister Plenipotentiary of France to China, Officer o: the Legion of Honour, Knight of the Order of the Crown of Italy, &c., &c., together with E. Bruwaert, Consul of th first class, Assistant Commissioner for Treaty negotiations, Knight of the Order of Gustav of Sweden, and of the Order of Leopold of Belgium;

And His Majesty the Emperor of China, Li, Grand Preceptor of the Heir Ap- parent, Grand Secretary of State, Superintendent of Trade for the Ñort ern Sea-b ard, Joint Commissioner of Admiralty, Governor of Chibli, and a member of the first degree of the third order of the herditary nobility, with the title of Sou-yi;

Who after having communicated to each other their respective full found them to be in due form, have concluded the following Articles :-

powers, and

    Art I.-In accordance with the terms of Article V. of the Treaty of the 19th June, 1885. the high contracting pa ties agree that for the present two places shall be opened to trade, one to the north of Langson and other above Lao-kai. China will establish Custom Houses there, and France shall have the right to appoint Consuls, who shall enjoy all right, and privileges conceded in China to the Consuls of the most favoured nation.

    The work of the Commission charged with the delimita ion of the two countries not being completed at the time of the signature of the present Convention, the place to be opened to trade north of Langson shall be selected and determined in the course of the presen' year by arrangement between the Imperial Government and the representative of France at Peking. As to the place to be opened to trade above Lao-kai, this will also be determ ned by common accord when the froutier between the two countries shali have been defi ed.

Art. II.-The Imp rial Government may appoint Consuls at Hanoi and at Haiphong. Chinese Consuls may also be sent later on to other large towns in Tonquin by arrangement with the French Gov rnment.

    The agents shall be treated in the same manner and have the same rights and privileges as the Consuls of the most favoured nation in France. They shall maiutain official relations with the French authorities charged with the Protectorate.

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     Art. III.-It is agreed, on the one side and the other, that in the places where Consuls are appointed the respective authorities will facilitate the installation of these agents in suitable residences.

Frenchmen may establish themselves in the places opened to trade on the frontier of China under the conditions set forth in Articles VII., X., XI., XII., and others of the treaty of the 27th June, 1858.

Annamites shall enjoy in these places the same privileged treatment.

Art. IV. Chinese shall have the right of possessing land, erecting buildings, opening commercial houses, and having warehouses throughout Annam.

     They shall receive for their persons, their families, and their goods the same protection as the most favoured European nation, and, like the latter, may not be made the object of any ill-treatment. The official and private correspondence and telegrams of Chinese officials and merchants shall be freely transmitted through the French postal and telegraphic administrations.

Frenchmen will receive from China the same privileged treatment.

     Art. V.-Frenchmen, French protégés, and foreigners residing in Tonquin may cross the frontiers and enter China on condition of being furnished with passports. These passports will be given by the Chinese authorities at the frontier, on the requisition of the French authorities, who will ask for them only for respectable persons; they will be surrendered to be cancelled on the holder's return.

In the case of those who have to pass any place occupied by aborigines or savages, it will be mentioned in the passport that there are no Chinese officials there who can protect them.

     Chinese who wish to come from China to Tonquin by land must in the same way be furnished with passports granted by the French authorities on the requisition of the Chinese authorities, who will ask for them only on behalf of respectable persons.

The passports so granted on the one side or the other shall serve only as titles to travel and shall not be considered as certificates of exemption from taxes for the transport of merchandise.

     Chinese authorities on Chinese soil and French Authorities in Tonquin shall have the right to arrest persons who have crossed the frontier without passports and send them back to their respective authorities to be tried and punished if necessary.

Chinese residing in Annam may return from Touquin to China on simply obtaining from the Imperial authorities a pass permitting them to cross the frontier. Frenchmen and other persons established in the open places on the frontier may travel without passports to a distance of 50 li (578 metres to the li) around such places.

Art. VI.-Merchandise imported into the places opened to trade on the frontier of China by French merchants and French protégés may, after payment of the import duties, be conveyed to the interior markets of China under the conditions fixed by Rule VII, annexed to the Treaty of the 27th June, 1858, and by the general rules of the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs with regard to import transit passes.

When foreign merchandise is imported into these places a declaration shall be made at the Custom House of the nature and quantity of the merchandise, as well as of the name of the person by whom it is accompanied. The Customs authorities will proceed to verification, and will collect the duty according to the general tariff of the Imperial Maritime Customs, diminished by one-fifth. Articles not mentioned in the tariff will remain subject to the duty of 5 per cent. ad valorem. Until this duty has been paid the goods may not be taken out of the warehouses to be sent away and sold.

A merchant wishing to send foreign merchandise into the interior shall make a fresh declaration at the Custom House, and pay, without reduction, the transit dues fixed by the general rules of the Chinese Maritime Customs.

     After this payment the Customs will deliver a transit pass which will enable the carriers to go to the localities mentioned in the pass for the purpose of disposing of the said merchandise.

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    Under these conditions, no new duties will be levied at the interior barriers or lekin stations.

Merchandise for which transit passes have not been obtained will be liable to all the barrier and lekin duties imposed upon indigenous products in the interior of the country.

Art. VII.-Merchandise bought by Frenchmen and persons under French protection in the interior markets of China may be brought into the open places on the frontier, for the purpose of being from thence exported to Tonquin, under the conditions fixed by Rule VII. annexed to the Treaty of the 27th June, 1858, with regard to the transit of merchandise for export.

When Chinese merchandise for export arrives at these places, a declaration shall be made at the Custom House as to the nature and quantity of the merchandise, as well as the name of the person accompanying it.

The Customs authorities will proceed to verification.

Such of this merchandise as shall have been bought in the interior by a merchant furnished with a transit pass, and which consequently shall not have paid any lekin or barrier duty, shall in the first place pay the transit duty fixed by the general tariff of the Chinese Maritime Customs.

    It shall then pay the export duty diminished by one-third. Articles not named in the tariff will remain subject to the duty of 5 per cent. ad valorem.

   After payment of these duties the merchandise will be allowed to pass free, and to be sent beyond the frontier.

The merchant who, not being furnished with a transit pass, has bought goods in the interior, shall pay the duties levied at the barriers and lekin stations; receipts shall be delivered to him, and on arriving at the Custom House be shall be exempted from payment of the transit dues on presentation of these receipts.

French merchants and persons under French protection importing or exporting merchandise through the Customs offices on the frontiers of Yunnan and Kwangsi, and Chinese merchants importing or exporting merchandise to or from Tonquin, will not have to pay any toll on their carriages or beasts of burden. On the navigable water-courses on the frontier, vessels may, on the one side and the other, be subjected to the payment of tonnage-dues, conformably to the rules of the Maritime Customs of the two countries.

As regards the provisions of the present article and the preceding one, it is agreed by the high contracting parties that if a new customs tariff should be established by common accord between China and a third Power, for trade by land on the south-western frontiers of the Chinese Empire, France shall obtain the application of it.

Art. VIII.-Foreign merchandise which, not having been sold within a period of thirty-six months after having paid the import duty at one of the Chinese frontier Customs stations, is forwarded to the other frontier Customs station, shall be examined at the first of these stations, and if the wrappings are found intact, and if nothing has been disturbed or changed, a certificate of exemption for the amount of the first duty collected will be given. The bearer of this certificate will deliver it to the other frontier station, in payment of the new duty which he will have to pay. The Customs may in like manner give bonds which will be available for payment of duties at the Custom House by which they are issued any time within three years. Money will never be returned.

If the same merchandise is re-despatched to one of the open ports of China, it will there, conformably to the general rules of the Chinese Maritime Customs, be subjected to payment of the import duties, and these certificates or bonds given at the frontier Customs shall not there be made use of. Neither will it be allowed to present there, in payment of duties, the quittances delivered by the frontier Customs on the first payment. As to transit dues, conformably to the rules in force at the open ports, when once they have been paid, bonds or exemption certificates will never be given in respect of these.

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      Art. IX.-Chinese merchandise which, after having paid transit and export dues at one of the frontiers Customs stations, may be sent to the other frontier Customs stations to be sold, shall be subjected on its arrival at the second station only to a payment-called a re-importation duy-of one-half the export duty already collected. The merchandise conformably to the rules established in the open ports may not be transported into the interior by foreign merchants.

If this Chinese merchandise be transported to one of the open ports of China, it will be assimilated to foreign merchandise, and shall pay a new import duty in full, conformably to the general tariff of the Imperial Maritime Customs.

This merchandise will be allowed to pay transit duty on being sent into the in- terior. Chinese merchandise imported from a Chinese seaport into an Annamite port in order to be transported to the land frontier and then to re-enter Chinese territory, will be treated as foreign merchandise and will pay the local import dues. This merchandise will be allowed to pay the transit duty on being sent into the interior.

      Art. X.--Declarations to the Chinese Customs must be made within thirty-six hours of the arrival of the goods under a penalty of 3ls. 50 for each day's delay; but the fine shall not exceed Tls. 200. An inexact declaration of the quantity of the goods, if it is proved that it has been made with the intention of evading payment of the duties, will entail upon the merchant confiscation of his goods. Goods not provided with a permit from the chief of the Customs, which are clandestinely introduced by by-ways, and unpacked or sold, or which are intentionally smuggled shall be entirely confiscated. In every case of false declaration or attempt to deceive the Customs as regards the quality or the real origin or real destination of goods for which transit passes have been applied the goods shall be liable to con- fiscation. The penalties shall be adjudged according to the conditions and proce- dure fixed by the Rules of the 31st May, 1868. In all cases where confiscation shall have been declared, the merchant shall be at liberty to recover his goo is on payment of a sum equivalent to their value, to be duly settled by arrangen.ent with the Chinese authorities. The Chinese authorities shall have every liberty to devise measures to be taken in China, along the frontier, to prevent smuggling.

Merchandise descending or ascending navigable rivers in French, Annamite, or Chinese vess Is will not necessarily have to be landed at the frontier, unless there is an appearance of fraud, or a divergence between the nature of the cargo and the declaration of the manifest. The Customs will only send on board the said vessels agents to visit them.

Art. XI.-Products of Chinese origin imported into Tonquin by the land froutier shall pay the import duty of the Franco-Annamite tariff. They will pay no export duty on leaving Tonquin. The Imperial Government will be notified of the new tariff which France will establish in Tonquin. If taxes of excise, of consumption, or of guarantee be established in Tonquin on any articles of indigenous production, similar Chinese productions will be subjected, on importation, to equivalent taxes.

Art. XII.-Chinese merchandise transported across Tonquin from one of the two frontier Customs stations to the other, or to an Annamite port to be from thence exported to China, shall be subjected to a specific transit duty, which shall not exceed two per cent. of the value. At the point where it leaves Chinese territory this merchandise will be examined by the French Customs authorities on the frontier, who will specify its nature, quantity, and destination in a certificate which shall be produced whenever required by the French authorities during its transport across Tonquin, as well as at the port of shipment.

      In order to guarantee the Franco-Annamite Customs against any possible fraud, *such Chinese products, on entering Tonquin, shall pay the import duty.

A transit permit will accompany the goods to the place of leaving the country, whether this be the port of transhipment or the land frontier, and the sum paid by the proprietor of the merchandise will, after deducting the transit dues, be then restored to him in exchange for the receipt delivered to him by the Tonquin Customs.

Every false declaration or act evidently intended to deceive the French admi- nistration as to the quality, quantity, real origin, or real destination of merchandise

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for which the special treatment applicable to Chinese products traversing Tonquin in transit is asked, will entail the confiscation of such merchandise. In every case where confiscation has been daclared, the merchant shall be free to recover his goods on payment of a sum equivalent to their value, which shall be duly determined by an arrangement with the French authorities.

The same rules and the same transit duty will be applicable in Annam to Chinese merchandise despatched from a Chinese port to an Annamite port in order to get to the Chinese frontier Customs by crossing Tonquin.

Art. XIII.-The following articles, that is to say, gold and silver ingots, foreign money, flour, Indian meal, sago, biscuits, preserved meats and vegetables, cheese, butter, confectionery, foreign clothing, jewellery, plated ware, perfumery, soaps of all kinds, charcoal, firewood, candles (foreign), tobacco, wine, beer, spirits, bousehold stores, ship's stores, personal baggage, stationery, carpeting, cutlery, drugs, foreign medicines, and glass ware, shall be verified by the Chinese Customs on their entry and clearance; if they are really of foreign origin and intended for the personal use of foreigners, and if they arrive in molerate quantity, a duty exemption certificate will be given which will pass them free at the fro:.tier. If these articles are withheld from declaration or the formality of an exemption certificate, their clandestine intro- duction will render them subject to the same penalty as smuggled goods.

With the exception of gold, silver, money, and luggage, which will remain exempt from duty, the above mentioned articles destined for the personal use of fore gners and imported in moderate quantity, will pay, when they are transported into the interior of China, a duty of 2 per cent. on their value.

The Franco-Annamite frontier Customs shall collect no duty on the following articles of personal use which Chinese carry with them, either on entering or leaving Tonquin, that is to say, money, luggage, clothes, women's head ornaments, papers, hair pencils, Chinese ink, furniture, or food; or on articles ordered by the Chinese Consuls in Tonquin for their personal consumption.

   Art. XIV. The high contracting parti-s agree to prohibit trade in and trans- port of opium of whatsoever origin by the land frontier between Tonquin on the one side and Yunnan, Kwang-si, and Kwangtung on the other side.

Art. XV. The export of rice and of cereals from China is forbidden. The import of these articles shall be free of duty.

The import of the following articles into China is forbidden :-Gunpowder, pro- jectiles, riff's and guus, saltpetre, sulphur, lead, spelter, arms, salt, and immoral publications.

In case of contravention thesc articles shall be entirely confiscated.

If the Chinese authorities have arms or munitions bought or if merchants receive express authority to buy them, the importation will be permitted under the special surveillance of the Chinese Customs. The Chinese authorities may, further- more, by arrangement with the French Consuls, obtain for the arms and munitions which they wish to have conveyed to China through Tonquin exemption from all the Franco-Annamite duties.

   The introduction into Tonquin of arms, munitions of war, and immoral publica- tions is also prohibited.

Art. XVI.-Chinese residing in Annam shall be placed under the same condi- tions, with regard to criminal, fiscal, or other jurisdiction, as the subjects of the most favoured nation. Law-suits which may arise in China, in the open markets on the frontier, between Chinese subjects and Frenchmen or Annamites shall be decided in a Mixed Court by Chinese and French officers.

   With reference to crimes or offences committed by Frenchmen or persons under French protection in China, in the places opened to trade, the procedure shall be in conformity with the stipulations of Articles XXXIII. and XXXIV. of the treaty of the 27th June, 1858.

Art. XVII.--If in the places opened to trade on the frontier of China Chinese deserters or persons accused of crimes against the Chinese law shall take refuge in the houses or on board the vessels of Frenchmen or persons under French protection,

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the local authority shall apply to the Consul, who, on proof of the guilt of the accused shall immediately take the necessary measures in order that they may be given up and delivered to the regular course of the law.

Chinese guilty or accused of crimes or offences who seek refuge in Annam, shall, on the request of the Chinese authorities and on proof of their guilt, be sought for, arrested, and extradited in all cases where the subjects of the countries enjoying the most liberal treatment in the matter of extradition might be extradited from France. Frenchmen guilty or accused of crimes or offences, who seek refuge in China, shall, at the request of the French authorities and on proof of their guilt, be arrested and delivered up to the said authorities to be tried according to the regular process of law.

On both sides all concealment and connivance shall be avoided.

Art. XVIII.-In any difficulty not provided for in the preceding provisions recourse shall be had to the rules of the Maritime Customs, which, in conformity with existing treaties, are now applied in the open towns or ports.

In case these rules are insufficient the representatives of the two countries shall refer the matter to their respective Governments.

      In accordance with the terms of Article VIII. of the treaty of the 9th June, 1885, the present stipulations may be revised ten years after the exchange of the ratifications.

      Art. XIX. The present Convention of Trade, after having been ratified by the Governments, shall be promulgated in France, in China, and in Annam.

     The exchange of the ratifications shall take place at Peking within one year from the date of the signature of the Couvention, or earlier if possible,

Done at Tientsin, in four copies, the 25th April, 1886, corresponding to the 22nd day of the third moon of the twelfth year of Kwang-Su.



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Ratifications Exchanged at Shanghai, 14th January, 1863.

Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between the States of the German Customs' Union, the Grand Duchies of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg- Strelitz, and the free Hanseatic Towns of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg on the one part, and China on the other part.

His Majesty the King of Prussia, for himself, as also on behalf of the other members of the German Zollverein, that is to say:-The Crown of Bavaria, the Crown of Saxony, the Crown of Hanover, the Crown of Wurtemburg, the Grand Duchy of Baden, the Electorate of Hesse, the Grand Duchy of Hesse, the Duchy of Brunswick, the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, the Grand Duchy of Saxony, the Duchies of Saxe Meiningen, Saxe Altenburg, Saxe Coburg Gotha, the Duchy of Nassau, the Principalities Waldeck and Pyrmont, the Duchies Anhalt, Dessau, Koethen, and Ani.alt Bernburg, the Principalities Lippe, the Principalities Schwarzburg Sondershausen and Schwarzburg Rudolstadt, Reuss the Elder Line, and Reuss the Younger Line, the Free City of Frankfort, the Grand Baillewick Meisenheim of the Landgravate Hesse, the Baillewick Hamburg of the Landgravate Hesse, also the grand Duchies Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and the Senates of the Hanseatic Towns, Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg, of the one part, and His Majesty the Emperor of China of the other part, being sincerely desirous to establish friendly relations between the said States and China, have resolved to confirm the same by a Treaty of Friendship and Commerce, mutually advantageous to the subjects of both High Contracting Parties, and for that purpose have named for their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Majesty the King of Prussia, Frederick Albert Count of Eulenburg, Chamberlain, His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Knight of the Red Eagle, Knight of St. John, &c., &c., &c.; and His Majesty the Emperor of China, Cheong-meen, a member of the Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs at Peking, Director-General of Public Supplies, and Imperial Commissioner: and Chong-hee, Honorary under-Secretary of State, Superintendent of the three Northern Ports, and Deputy Imperial Commissioner, who after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and found the same in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles :-

Art. I.-There shall be perpetual peace and unchanging friendship between the contracting States. The subjects of both States shall enjoy full protection of person and property.

Art. II. His Majesty the King of Prussia may, if he see fit, accredit a diplomatic agent to the Court of Peking, and His Majesty the Emperor of China may, in like manner, if he see fit, nominate a diplomatic agent to the Court of Berlin.

The diplomatic agent nominated by His Majesty the King of Prussia shall also represent the other contracting German States, who shall not be permitted to be represented at the Court of Pcking by diplomatic agents of their own. His Majesty the Emperor of China hereby agrees that the diplomatic agent, so appointed by His Majesty the King of Prussia, may, with bis family and establishment, permanently reside at the capital, or may visit it occasionally, at the option of the Prussian Government.

Art. III.-The diplomatic agents of Trussia and China shall, at their respective residences, enjoy the privileges and immunities accorded to them by international law.

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Their persons, their families, their residence, and their correspondence shall be held inviolable. They shall be at liberty to select and appoint their own officers, couriers, interpreters, servants, and attendants without any kind of molestation.

      All expenses occasioned by the diplomatic missions shall be borne by the respective governments.

      The Chinese Government agrees to assist His Prussian Majesty's diplomatic agent, upon his arrival at the capital, in selecting and renting a suitable house and other buildin's.

Art. IV. The contracting German States may appoint a Consul-General, and for each port or city opened to foreign commerce, a Čonsul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent, as their interests may require.

These officers shall be treated with due respect by the Chinese authorities, and enjoy the same privileges and immunities as the Consular officers of the most favoured nations.

In the event of the absence of a German Consular Officer, the subjects of the contracting German States shall be at liberty to apply to the Consul of a friendly Power, or in case of need, to the Superintendent of Customs, who shall use all efforts to secure to them the privileges of this treaty.

      Art. V.-All official communications addressed by the diplomatic agents of His Majesty the King of Prussia, or by the Consular officers of the contracting German States, to the Chines: authorities, shall be written in German. At present and until otherwise agreed, they shall be accompanied by a Chinese translation; but it is hereby mutually agreed, that, in the event of a difference of meaning appearing between the German and Chinese texts, the German Government shall be guided by the sense expressed in the German text.

In like manner shall all official communications addressed by the Chinese autho- rities to the Ambassadors of Prussia, or to the Consuls of the contracting German States, be written in Chinese, and the Chinese authorities shall be guided by this text. It is further agreed that the translations may not be adduced as a proof in deciding differences.

In order to avoid future differences, and in consideration that all diplomatists of Europe are acquainted with the French language, the present treaty has been executed in the German, the Chinese, and the French languages. All these versions bave the same sense and signification; but the French text shall be considered the original text of the treaty, and shall decide wherever the German and Chinese versions differ.

      Art. VI. The subjects of the contracting German States may, with their families, reside, frequent, and carry on trade or industry, in the ports, cities, and towns of Canton, Swatow or Chao-chow, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, Shanghai, Tangchow or Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Chinkiang, Kiukiang, Hankow, Kiungchow (Hainan), and at Taiwan and Tamsui in the Island of Formosa. They are permitted to proceed to and from these places with their vessels and merchandise, and within these localities to purchase, rent, or let houses or land, build, or open churches, church-yards, and hospitals.

Art. VII.-Merchant vessels belonging to any of the contracting German States may not enter other ports than those declared open in this treaty. They must not, contrary to law, enter other ports, or carry on illicit trade along the coast. All vessels detected in violating this stipulation, shall, together with their cargo, be subject to confiscation by the Chinese Government.

      Art. VIII-Subjects of the contracting German States may make excursions in the neighbourhood of the open ports to a distance of one hundred li, and for a time not exceeding five days.

Those desirous of proceeding into the interior of the country must be provided with a passport, issued by their respective Diplomatic or Consular authorities, and countersigned by the local Chinese authorities. These passports must upon demand be exhibited.

      The Chinese authorities shall be at liberty to detain merchants or travellers, subjects of any of the contracting German States, who may have lost their passport,

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until they have procured new ones, or to convey them to the next Consulate; but they shall not be permitted to subject them to ill-usage or allow them to be ill-used.

It is, however, distinctly understood that 10 passports may be given to places at present occupied by the rebels until peace has been restored.

Art. IX. The subjects of the contracting German States shall be permitted to engage compradores, interpreters, writers, workmen, sailors, and servants, from any part of China, upon a remuneration agred to by both parties, as also to hire boats for the transport of persons and merchandise. They shall also be permitted to engage Chinese for acquiring the Chinese language or dialects, or to instruct them in foreign languages. There shall be no restriction in the purchasing of German or Chinese books. Art. X.-Persons professing or teaching the Christian religion shall enjoy full protection of their persons and property, and be allowed free exercise of their religion.

Art. XI. Any merchant-vess 1 of any of the contracting German States arriving at any of the open ports shall be at liberty to engage the services of a pilot to take her to port. In like manner, after she has discharged all legal dues and duties, and is ready to take her departure, she shall be permitted to select a pilot to conduct her out of port.

Art. XII-Whenever a vessel belonging to any of the contracting German States has entered a harbour, the Superinten ent of Customs may, if be see fit, depute one or more Customs' officers to guard the ship, and to see that no merchandise is smuggled. These officers shall live in a boat of their own, or stay on board the ship, as may best suit their convenience. Their salaries, food, and expenses shall be defrayed by the Chinese Customs' authorities, and they shall not be entitled to any fees what- ever from the master or consignee. Every violation of this regulation shall be punished proportionately to the amount exacted, which shall be returned in full.

Art. XIII. Within twenty-four (24) hours after the arrival of the ship, the master, unless he be prevented by lawful causes, or in his stead the supercargo or the consignce, shall lodge in the hands of the Consul the ship's papers and copy of the manifest.

Within a further period of twenty-four (24) hours the Consul will report to the Superintendent of Customs the name of the ship, the number of the crew, ber registered tonnage, and the nature of the cargo.

If owing to neglect on the part of the master the above rule be not complied with within forty-eight hours after the ship's arrival he shall be liable to a fine of fifty (50) dollars for every day's delay; the total amount of penalty, however, shall not exceed two hundred (200) dollars.

  Immediately after the receipt of the report, the Superintendent of Customs shall issue a permit to open hatches.

If the master shall open batches and begin to discharge the cargo without said permit, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred (500) dollars, and the goods so discharged without permit shall be liable to confiscation.

Art. XIV. Whenever a merchant, a subject of any of the contracting German States, has cargo to land or ship, he must apply to the Superintendent of Customs for a special permit. Merchandize landed or shipped without such permit shall be subject to forfeiture.

Art. XV.-The subjects of the contracting German States shall pay duties on all goods imported or exp rted by them at the ports open to foreign trade according to the tariff appended to this treaty; but in no case shall they be taxed with higher duties than, at present or in future, subjects of the most favoured nations are liable to. The commercial stipulations appended to this treaty shall constitute an integral part of the same, and shall therefore be considered binding upon both the high con- tracting parties.

Art. XVI.-With respect to articles subject to an ad valorem duty, if the German merchant cannot agree with the Chinese officers as to their value, then each party shall call in two or three merchants to exaurine and appraise the goods, and the highest price at which any of these merchants may declare himself willing to purchase them shall be assumed as the value of the goods.

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Art. XVII.-Duties shall be charged upon the net weight of each article; tare therefore to be deducted. If the German merchant cannot agree with the Chinese officers on the exact amount of tare, then each party shall choose from among the goods respecting which there is a difference a certain number of chests or bales, which being first weighed gross, shall afterwards be tared and the tare fixed accord- ingly. The average tare upon these chests or bales shall constitute the tare upon the whole lot of packages.

       Art. XVIII.-If in the course of verification there arise other points of dispute, which cannot be settled, the German merchant may appeal to his Consul, who will communicate the particulars of the differences of the case to the Superintendent of Customs, and both will endeavour to bring about an amicable arrangement. But the appeal to the Consul must be made within twenty-four hours, or it will not be attended to.

As long as no settlement be come to, the Superintendent of Customs shall not enter the matter at issue in his books, in order that by such entry a thorough inves- tigation and the final settlement of the difference be not prejudiced.

      Art. XIX.-Should imported goods prove to be damaged, a fair reduction of duty shall be allowed, in proportion to their deterioration. If any disputes arise, they shall be settled in the same manner as agreed upon in Art. XVI. of this treaty having reference to articles which pay duty ad valorem.

      Art. XX.-Any merchant vessel belonging to one of the contracting German States having entered any of the open ports, and not yet opened hatches, may quit the same within forty-eight hours after her arrival, and proceed to another port, without being subject to the payment of tonnage-dues, duties, or any other fees or charges; but tonnage-dues must be paid after the expiration of the said forty-eight hours.

       Art. XXI. Import duties shall be considered payable on the landing of the goods, and duties of export on the shipping of the same. When all tonnage-dues and duties shall have been paid, the Superintendent of Customs shall give a receipt in full (port-clearance), which being produced at the Consulate, the Consular officer shall then return to the captain the ship's papers and permit him to depart on the


      Art. XXII.-The Superintendent of Cus:oms will point out one or more bankers authorized by the Chinese Government to receive the duties on its behalf. The receipts of these bankers shall be looked upon as given by the Chinese Government itself. Payment may be made in bars or in foreign coin, whose relative value to the Chinese Sycee silver shall be fixed by special agreement, according to circumstances, between the Consular Officers and the Superinten lent of Customs.

Art. XXIII.-Merchant-vessels belonging to the contracting German States of more than one hundred and fifty tous burden shall be charged four mace per ton ; merchant-vessels of one hundred and fifty tons and under shall be charged at the rate of one mace per ton.

The captain or consignee having paid the tonnage-dues the Superintendent of Customs shall give them a special certificate, on exhibition of which the ship shall be exempted from all further payment of tonnage-dues in any open port of China which the captain may visit for a period of four months, to be reckoned from the date of the port clearance mentioned in Art. XXI.


oats employed by subjects of toe con racting German States in the conveyance of passengers, baggage, letters, articles of provis.ons, or articles not subject to duties, shall not be liable to t nnage-dues. Any boat of this kind, however, conveying merchandize subject to duty, shall come under the category of ves-els under one hundred and fifty tous, and pay tonnage-dues at the rate of one mace per register ton. Art. XXIV.-Goods on which duties have been paid in any of the ports open to foreign trade, upon being sent into the interior of the country, shall not be subjec: to any but transit duty. The same shall be paid according to the tariff now existing, and may not be raised in future. This also applies to goods sent from the interior of the country to any of the open ports.

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All transit duties on produce brought from the interior to any of the open ports, or importations sent from any of the open ports into the interior of China, may be paid once for all.

If any of the Chinese officers violate the stipulations of this article by demanding illegal or higher duties than allowed by law, they shall be punished according to Chinese law.

Art. XXV.-If the master of a merchant vessel belonging to any of the contracting German States, having entered any of the open ports, should wish to land only a portion of his cargo, he shall only pay duties for the portion so landed. He may take the rest of the cargo to another port, pay duties there, and dispose of the


Art. XXVI.-Merchants of any of the contracting German States, who may have imported merchandize into any of the open ports and paid duty thereon, if they desire to re-export the same, shall be entitled to make application to the Superintendent of Customs, who shall cause examination to be made to satisfy himself of the identity of the goods and of thei. having remained unchanged.

On such duty-paid goods the Superintendent of Customs shall, on application of the merchant wishing to re-export them to any other open port, issue a certificate, testifying the payment of all legal duties thereon.

The Superintendent of Customs of the port to which such goods are brought, shall, upon presentation of said certificate, issue a permit for the discharge and landing of them free of all duty, without any additional exactions whatever. But if, on comparing the goods with the certificate, any fraud on the revenue be detected, then the goods shall be subject to confiscation.

But if the goods are to be exported to a foreign port, the Superintendent of Customs of the port from which they are exported shall issue a certificate stating that the merchant who exports the goods has a claim on the Customs equal to the amount of duty paid on the goods. The certificate shall be a valid tender to the Customs in payment of import or export duties.

   Art. XXVII.-No transhipment from one vessel to another can be made without special permission of the Superintendent of Custoins, under pain of confiscation of the goods so transhipped, unless it be proved that there was danger in delaying the transhipment.

Art. XXVIII.-Sets of standard weights and measures, such as are in use at the Canton Custom House, shall be delivered by the Superintendent of Customs to the Consul at each port open to foreign trade. These measures, weights, and balances shall represent the ruling standard on which all demands and payments of duties are made and in case of any dispute they shall be referred to.

   Art. XXIX.-Penalties enforced or confiscations made for violation of this Treaty, or of the appended regulations, shall belong to the Chinese Government.

Art. XXX.-Ships-of-war belonging to the contracting German States cruising about for the protection of trade, or being engaged in the pursuit of pirates, shall be at liberty to visit, without distinction, al ports within the dominions of the Emperor of China. They shall receive every facility for the purchase of provisions, the procuring of water, and for making repairs. The commandera of such ships shall hold intercourse with the Chinese authorities on terms of equality and courtesy. Such ships shall not be liable to the payment of duties of any kind.

Art. XXXI.-Merchant vessels belonging to any of the contracting German States, from injury sustained, or from other causes, compelled to seek a place of refuge, shall be permitted to enter any port within the dominions of the Emperor of China without being subject to the payment of tonnage dues or duties on the goods, if only landed for the purpose of making the necessary repairs of the vessel, and remaining under the supervision of the Superintendent of Customs. Should any such vessel be wrecked or stranded on the coast of China, the Chinese authorities shall immediately adopt measures for rescuing the crew and for securing the vessel and cargo. The crew thus saved shall receive friendly treatment, and, if necessary, shall be furnished with the means of conveyance to the nearest Consular station.

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Art. XXXII.-If sailors or other individuals of ships-of-war or merchant vessels belonging to any of the contracting German States desert their slips and take refuge in the dominions of the Emperor of China, the Chinese authorities shall, upon due requisition by the Consular Officer, or by the captain, take the necessary steps for the detention of the deserter, and hand him over to the Consular Officer or to the captain. In like manner, if Chinese deserters or criminals take refuge in the houses or on board ships belonging to subjects of the contracting German States, the local Chinese authorities shall apply to the German Consular Officer, who will take the necessary measures for apprebending the said deserter or criminal, and deliver him up to the Chinese authorities.

     Art. XXXIII.-If any vessel belonging to any of the contracting German States, while within Chinese waters, be plundered by pirates, it shall be the duty of the Chinese authorities to use every means to capture and punish the said pirates, to recover the stolen property where and in whatever condition it may be, and to hand the same over to the Consul for restoration to the owner. If the robbers or pirates cannot be apprehended, or the property taken cannot be entirely recovered, the Chinese authorities shall then be punished in accordance with the Chinese law, but they shall not be held pecuniarily responsible.

     Art. XXXIV.-If subjects of any of the contracting German States have any occasion to address a communication to the Chinese authorities, they must submit the same to their Consular Officer, to determine if the matter be just, and the lan- guage be proper and respectful, in which event he shall transmit the same to the proper authorities, or return the same for alterations. If Chinese subjects have occasion to address a Consul of one of the contracting German States, they must adopt the same course, and submit their communication to the Chinese authorities, who will act in like manner.

      Art. XXXV.Any subject of any of the contracting German States having reason to complain of a Chinese, must first proceed to the Consular Officer and state his grievance. The Consular Officer, having inquired into the merits of the case, will endeavour to arrange it amicably. In like manner, if a Chinese have reason to complain of a subject of any of the contracting German States, the Consular Officer shall listen to his complint and endeavour to bring about a friendly settlement. If the dispute, however, is of such a nature that the Consul cannot settle the same amicably, he shall then request the assistance of the Chinese authorities, that they may conjointly examine into the merits of the case, and decide it equitably.

Art. XXXVI.-The Chinese authorities shall at all times afford the fullest protection to the subjects of the contracting German States, especially when they are exposed to insult or violence. In all cases of incendiarism, robbery, or demolition, the local authorities shall at once dispatch an armed force to disperse the mob, to apprehend the guilty, and to punish them with the rigour of the law. Those robbed or whose property has been demolished shall have a claim upon the despoilers of their property for indemnification, proportioned to the injury sustained.

Art. XXXVII.-Whenever a subject of His Majesty the Emperor of China fails to discharge the debts due to a subject of one of the contracting German States, or fraudulently absconds, the Chinese authorities, upon application by the creditor, will do their utmost to effect his arrest and to enforce payment of the debt. In like manner the authorities of the contracting German States shall do their utmost to enforce the payment of debts of their subjects towards Chinese subjects, and to bring to justice any who fraudulently abscond. But in no case shall either the Chinese Government or the Government of the contracting German States be held responsible for the debts incurred by their respective subjects.

Art. XXXVIII.-Any subject of His Majesty the Emperor of China, having committed a crime against a subject of one of the contracting German States, shall be apprehended by the Chinese authorities and punished according to the laws of China,

     In like manner, if a subject of the contracting German States is guilty of a crime against a subject of His Majesty the Emperor of China, the Consular Officer shall arrest him and punish bin according to the laws of the Sate to which be belongs,

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Art. XXXIX.-All question arising between subjects of the contracting German States in reference to the rights of property or person shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the authorities of their respective States. In like manner will the Chinese authorities abstain from interfering in differences that may arise between subjects of one of the contracting German States and foreigners.

   Art. XL.-The contracting parties agree that the German States and their Bubjects sball fully and equally participate in all privileges, immunities, and ad- vantages that have been, or may be hereafter, granted by His Majesty the Emperor of China to the government or subjects of any other nation. All changes made in favour of any nation in the tariff, in the customs duties, in tonnage and harbour dues, in import, export, or transit duties, shall as soon as they take effect, imme- diately and without a new treaty, be equally applied to the contracting German States and to their merchants, shipowners, and navigators,

   Art. XLI.-If in future the contracting German States desire a modification of any stipulation contained in this treaty, they shall be at liberty, after the lapse of ten years, dated from the day of the ratification of this treaty, to open negotiations to that effect. Sixth months before the expiration of the ten years it must be officially notified to the Chinese Government that modifications of the treaty are desired, and in what these consist. If no such notification is made, the treaty remains in force for another ten years.

Art. XLII.-The present treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications be exchanged within one year, dated from the day of signature; the exchange of the ratifications to take place at Shanghai or Tientsin, at the option of the Prussian Government. Immediately after the exchange o: ratifications has taken place, the treaty shall be brought to the knowledge of the Chinese authorities, and be promulgated in the capital and throughout the provinces of the Chinese Empire, for the guidance of the authorities. In faith whereof we, the respective Plenipotentiaries of the high contracting powers, have signed and sealed the present treaty.

   Done in four copies, at Tientsin, this second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, corresponding with the Chinese date the twenty-eighth day of the seventh moon of the eleventh year of Hien Fung.









Separate Article.

   Art. I. In addition to a treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation concluded this day between Prussia, the other states of the German Customs Union, the Grand Duchies of Mecklenburg-Scowerin and Meckl nburg-Strelitz, the Hanseatic towns of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg of the one part, and China of the other part, which treaty shall take effect alter exchange of the ratifications within twelve months from its signature, and which stipulates that His Majesty the King of Prussia may nominate a diplomatic agent at the Court of Peking with a permanent residence at that capital, it has been covenanted between the respective Plenipotentiaries of these States, that, owing to and in coside ation o. disturbances now prevailing in China, His Majesty the King of Frussia shall wait the expiration of five years after the exchange of ratifications of this treaty before he deputes a diplomatic agent to take his fixed residence at Peking.

In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have hereunto set their signa- tures and affixed their seals.

Done in four copies at Tientsin, this second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, corresponding to the Chinese date of the twenty-eighth day of the seventh moon of the eleventh year of Hien Fung.








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     Art. II. In addition to a treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, concluded between Prussia, the other States of the German Customs Union, the Grand Duchies of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and the Hanseatic towns of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg on the one part, and China on the other part.

     It has been separately agreed that the Senates of the Hanseatic towns shall have the right to nominate for themselves a Consul of their own at each of the Chinese ports open for commerce and navigation.

     This separate article shall have the same force and validity as if included word for word in the above-mentioned treaty.

     In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this present separate article and affixed their seals.

     Done in four copies at Tientsin, the second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, corresponding to the Chinese date of the twenty-eight day of the seventh moon of the eleventh year of Hien Fung.



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Signed at Peking, in the GERMAN AND CHINESE Languages, ON THE 31ST MARCH, 1880.

Ratified 16th September, 1881.

TRANSLATED from the German Text.

     His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, &c., in the name of the German Empire, and his Majesty the Emperor of China, wishing to secure the more perfect execution of the Treaty of the 2nd September, 1861, have, in conformity with Article XLI. of that Treaty, according to the terms of which the High Contracting German States are entitled, after a period of ten years, to demand a revision of the Treaty, decided to conclude a Supplementary Convention.

With this view they have a pointed their Plenipotentiaries-viz., His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, &c., his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Max August Scipio von Bandt; and His Majesty the Emperor of China, the Minister of the Tsung-li Yamen, the Secretary of State, &c., Shen- kue-fen; and the secretary of State, &c., Chin Lien;

Who, after communicating to each other their full Powers, and finding them in due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:-

Art. I.-Chinese Concession.-The harbours of I-chang, in Hupei; Wuhu, in Anhui; Wenchow, in Chekiang; and Pakhoi, in Kwangtung, and the landing-places Tat'ung and Anking, in Anhui; Huk'ow, in Kiangsi; Wusueh, Luchikow, and Shah- shib, in Hukuang, having already been opened, German ships are in future also to be permitted to touch at the harbour of Woosung, in the province Kiangsu, to take in or discharge merchandise. The necessary Regulations are be drawn up by the Taotai of Shanghai nd the competent authorities.

     German Concession. In the event of special regulations for the execution of concessions which the Chinese Government may make to foreign Governments being attached to such concessions, Germany, while claiming these concessions for herself and for her subjects, will equa'ly assent to the regulations attached to them.

     Art. XL. of the Treaty of the 2nd September, 1861, is not affected by this regulation, and is hereby expressly confirmed.

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   Should German subjects, on the strength of this article, claim privileges, im- munities, or advantages which the Chinese Government may further concede to another Power, or the subjects of such Power, they will also submit to the regulations which have been agreed upon in connection with such concession.

   Art. II.-Chinese concession.-German ships, which have already paid tonnage dues in China, may visit all other open ports in China, as well as all ports not Chire se, without exeption, without being again obliged to pay tonnage dues, within the given period of four months.

   German sailing-vessels which remain in the same Chinese harbour for a longer period than fourteen days shall only pay for time over and above this period half of the tonnage dues stipulated by Treaty.

   German concession.-The Chinese Government shall have the right of appointing Consuls to all towns of Germany in which the Consuls of other States are admitted, and they shall enjoy the same rights and privileges as the Consuls of the most favoured nation.

    Art. III.-Chinese concession.-The Chinese Commissioner of Customs, and the other competent authorities, shall, after agreeing upon the necessary regulations, themselves take measures for the establishment of bonded warehouses in all the open ports of China in which they are required in the interests of foreign commerce, and where local circumstances would admit of such an arrangement being made.

   German concession.-German ships, visiting the open ports of China, shall deliver a manifest containing an exact statement as to the quality and quantity of their cargoes. Mistakes which may have occurred in the manifests can be rectified in the course of twenty-four hours (Sundays and holidays excepted). False state- ments as to the quantity and quality of cargo are punishable by confiscation of the goods and also by a fine, to be imposed upon the captain, but not to exceed the sum of Tis. 500.

   Art. IV.-Chinese concession.-The export duty on Chinese coal, exported by German merchants from the open ports, is reduced to 3 mace per ton. In those ports in which a lower duty on the export of coal has already been fixed upon, the lower duty remains in force.

   German concession.-Any one acting as pilot for any kind of craft whatever, without being furnished with the regulation certificate, is liable to a fine not to exceed Tls. 100 for each separate case.

Regulations with a view to exercising a proper control over sailors are to be introduced with the least possible delay.

Art. V.-Chinese concession.-German ships in want of repairs in consequence of damages sustained within or without the port are not required to pay tonnage dues during the period necessary for repairs, which is to be fixed by the Inspec- torate of Customs.

   German concession.-Ships belonging to Chinese may not make use of the German flag, nor may German ships make use of the Chinese flag.

Art. VÍ.-Chinese concession.-In the event of German ships, no longer fit for sea, being broken up in any open port of China, the material may be sold without any import duty being levied upon it. But if the materials are to be brought ashore 8 "Permit of discharge" must first be obtained for them from the Customs Inspec- torate, in the same manner as in the case of merchandise.

German concession.-If German subjects travel into the interior for their own pleasure without being in possession of a passport issued by the Consul and stamped by the proper Chinese authority, the local authorities concerned are entitled to have them taken back to the nearest German Consulate, in order that the requisite supervision may be exercised over them. The offender is, in addition to this, liable to a fine up to 300 taels.

   Art. VII.-Chinese concession.-Materials for German docks are free of duty, A list of articles which may be imported free of duty in conformity with this stipulation is to be drawn up and published by the Inspector-General of Customs.

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     German concession.-Passes issued to German subjects for conveying foreign merchandise into the interior, as well as passports for the purpose of travelling issued to German subjects, are only to remain in force for a period of thirteen Chinese months from the day on which they were issued.

     Art. VIII.-The settlement of the question relating to judicial proceedings in mixed cases, the taxation of foreign merchandise in the interior, the taxation of Chinese goods in the possession of foreign merchants in the interior and intercourse between foreign and Chinese officials are to become the subject of special negotiations, which both Governments hereby declare themselves ready to enter upon.

     Art. IX-All the provisions of the former Treaty of the 2nd September, 1861, which have not been altered by this agreement, are hereby confirmed anew, as both parties now expressly declare.

     In the cases of those articles, on the other hand, which are affected by the present treaty, the new interpretation of them is to be considered as binding.

Art. X. The present Supplementary Convention shall be ratified by their Majesties, and the ratifications exchanged at Peking, within a year from the date of its signature.

The provisions of the agreement come into force on the day of the exchange of the ratifications.

     In witness whereof the plenipotentiaries of both the High Contracting Powers have signed and sealed with their seals the above agreement in four copies, in the German and Chinese texts, which have been compared and found to correspond.

Done at Peking the 31st March, 1880, corresponding to the 21st day of the second month of the sixth year Kwang Su.







     For the sake of greater clearness and completeness, it has seemed fitting to append a number of special stipulations to the Supplementary Convention.

     The following stipulations must be observed by the subjects of both the Contracting Parties, in the same way as the stipulations of the Treaty itself. In proof whereof the plenipotentiaries of the two states have thereto set their seals and signatures:-

     1. In accordance with the newly granted privileges for the port of Woosung, in the province of Kiangsu, German ships shall be at liberty to take in and to unload there merchandise which is either intended for Shanghai or comes from Shanghai; and for this purpose the competent authorities there shall bave the right of devising regulations in order to prevent frauds on the taxes and irregularities of every kind; which regulations shall be binding for the merchants of both countries. German merchants are not at liberty to construct landing-places for ship, merchants' houses, or warehouses at the said place.

     2.-An experiment to ascertain whether bonded warehouses can be established in the Chinese open ports shall first be made at Shanghai. For this purpose the Customs Director at the said place, with the Customs Inspector-General, shall forthwith draw up regulations suitable to the local conditions, and then the said Customs Director and his colleagues shall proceed to the establishment of such bonded warehouse.

3. If any goods found on board a German ship, for the discharge whereof a written permit from the Customs Office is required, are not entered in the manifest, this shall be taken as proof of a false manifest, no matter whether a certificate of the reception of such goods on board, bearing the captain's signature, be produced

or not.

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   4.-If a German ship, in consequence of damages received in one of the open Chinese ports, or outside thereof, needs repair, the time required for such repair shall be reckoned in addition to the term after the lapse of which tonnage-dues are to be paid. The Chinese authorities have the right to make the necessary arrange. ments for this purpose. But if it appears therefrom that this is only a pretext and a design to evade the legal payments to the Customs chest, the ship therein concerned shall be fined in double the amount of the tonnage-dues whereof it has tried to evade the payment.

   5.-No ships of any kind which belong to Chinese subjects are allowed to make use of the German flag. If there are definite grounds for suspicion that this has nevertheless been done, the Chinese authority concerned is to address an official communication thereon to the German Consul, and if it should be shown, in con- sequence of the investigation instituted by him, that the ship was really not entitled to bear the German flag, the ship as well as the goods found therein, so far as they belong to Chinese merchants, shall be immediately delivered over to the Chinese authorities for further disposal. If it be ascertained that German subjects were aware of the circumstances, and took part in the commission of the irregularity, the whole of the goods belonging to them found in the ship are liable to confiscation, and the people themselves to punishment according to law.

In case a German ship carries the Chinese flag without authority to do so, then, if it be ascertained through the investigation made by the Chinese authorities that the ship was really not entitled to bear the Chinese flag, the ship, as well as the goods found therein, so far as they belong to German merchants, shall be imme- distely delivered over to the German Consul for further disposal and the punishment of the guilty. If it be shown that German cwners of gools were aware of the circumstance and took part in the commission of this irregularity, all the goods belonging to them found in the ship shall incur the penalty of confiscation by the Chinese authorities. The goods belonging to Chinese may be immediately seized by the Chinese authorities.

   6.-If, on the sale of the materials of a German ship which, from unseaworthi- ness, has been broken up in one of the open Chinese ports, an attempt be made to mix up with them goods belonging to the cargo, these goods shall be liable to con- fiscation, and, moreover, to a fine equal to double the amount of the import duty which they would otherwise have had to pay.

   7.-If German subjects go into the interior with foreign goods, or travel there, the passes or certificates issued to them shall only be valid for thirteen Chinese months, reckoned from the day of their issue, and after the lapse of that term must no longer be used. The expired passes and certificates must be returned to the Customs authorities in whose official district they were issued, in order to be cancelled.

   N.B.-If a pleasure excursion be undertaken into regions so distant that the term of a year appears insufficient, this must be noted on the pass by reason of an understanding between the Consul and the Chinese authority at the time it is issued.

   If the return of the passport be omitted, no further pass shall be issued to the person concerned until it has taken place. If the pass be lost, no matter whether within the term or after its expiration, the person concerned must forthwith make a formal declaration of the fact before the nearest Chinese authority. The Chinese official applied to will then do what else may be necessary for the invalidation of the pass. If the recorded declaration prove to be untrue, in case the transport of goods be concerned, they will be confiscated; if the matter relate to travelling, the traveller will be taken to the nearest Consul, and be delivered up to him for punishment.

8.-Materials for German docks only enjoy, in so far as they are actually employed for the repair of ships, the favour of du'y-free importation, in open ports. The Customs authority has the right to send inspectors to the dock to convince themselves on the spot as to the manner and way in which the materials are being used. If the construction of a new ship be concerned, the materials employed for Fis, in so far as they are specially entered in the import or export tariff, will be

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   reckoned at the tariff duty, and those not entered in the tariff at a duty of 5 per cent. ad valorem, and the merchant concerned will be bound to pay this duty subsequently.

Any one who wishes to lay out a dock is to get from the Customs Office a gratis Concession certificate, and to sign a written undertaking, the purport and wording whereof is to be settled in due form by the Customs Office concerned.

9.-Art. XXIX. of the Treaty of the 2nd September, 1861, shall be applicable to the fines established by this present Supplementary Convention.

Done at Peking the 31st March, 1880, corresponding with the 21st day of the 2nd month of the 6th year Kwang Sũ.







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TO HERR VOn Brandt.

Kwang Sü, 6th year, 2nd month, 21st day. (Peking, March 31st, 1880.)

With regard to the stipulation contained in the second Article of the Supple- mentary Convention concluded on occasion of the Treaty revision, that German sailing-ships which lie for a longer time than fourteen days in Chinese ports shall only pay for the time beyond that term the moiety of the tonnage dues settled by Treaty, the Plenipotentiaries of the two contracting partics have agreed and declared that the said stipulation shall first of all be introduced by any of trial, and that in case on carrying it out practical difficulties should arise, another stipula tion may be put in its place on the basis of a renewed joint discussion by both parties.

(Prince Kung and the Ministers of the Tsung-li Yamén).


     The undersigned, who have been expressly empowered by their Governments to make the following arrangements, have agreed that the term settled by the Pleni- potentiaries of the German Empire and of China in the Supplementary Convention concluded at Peking on the 31st March this year, for the exchange of the Ratifica tions of the Convention, shall be prolonged till the 1st December, Iɔ81.

     The other stipulations of the Supplementary Convention of the 31st March, this year, are not affected by this alteration.

In witness whereof the undersigned have subscribed with their own hands and affixed their seals to this Agreement, in two copies of each of the German and Chinese texts, which have been compared with each other and found to correspond.

     Done at Peking the 21st August, 1880, corresponding with the 16th day of the 7th month of the 6th year Kwang Sü.





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Signed, IN THE RUSSIAN, French, and Chinese Languages, at PekinG ON THE 14TH NOVEMBER, 1860.

Ratified at St. Petersburg, 20th December, 1860.


   Their Imperial Majesties the Emperors of China and Russia, having made themselves fully acquainted with the terms of the Treaty concluded in the year 1858, proposed to establish certain regulations with a view to the consolidation of amity, commerce, and alliance between the two States, and in order to provide against all misunderstanding and disputes, for this purpose have appointed Plenipotentiaries, that is to say-His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China, His Imperial Highness the Prince Kung, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia, His Excellency Major-General Nicholas Ignatieff:-who, after communicating to each other their full powers, have conjointly agreed upon the following convention.

Art. I.-In accordance with the first article of the Treaty concluded at Gaehwan (Ay-Kom, on the Amoor) on the 2nd of June, 1858, and the ninth article of the Treaty concluded at Tientsin, on the 13th of June of the same year, it is agreed that the Eastern boundaries, separating Russian from Chinese territory, shall be as follows:-From the junction of the rivers Shih-lih-ngih-urh (Songari River and Koona), that is to say, down the Amoor to its junction with the Usuri, the country to the North belongs to Russia, and that to the South, as far as the mouth of the Usuri, to China; from the mouth of the Usuri, southwards, to Lake Hin-Ka, the rivers Usuri and Songatchan shall be the boundaries, that is to say, the tract of country east of the said rivers belongs to Russia, and that west of the same to China; from the source of the Songatchan the boundary sball traverse Lake Hin-Ka in a right line from the Songatchan to the Pih-ling; and from the mouth of the Pih-ling, it shall follow the range of mountains to the Houptou's mouth, from which it shall pass to the mouth of the Toumen, running along the Houchun and the Hae-chung-keen range, that is to say, the country east of the boundary line indicated (from Lake Hin-Ka to the mouth of the Toumen) belongs to Russia, and that lying to the west thereof to China. From the point at which the frontiers of the two countries meet at the Toumen to the mouth of the said river, there shall be neutral territory, separating the Russian from the Chinese possessions, 20 li in width. Further, in accordance with the ninth article of the Tientsin Treaty, it is agreed that a chart shall be made in which the portion coloured red shall indicate the frontiers, and on which shall be written the letters of the Russian alphabet, in order to facilitate accurate reference; and the said charts shall be duly authenticated by the seals and signatures of the High Ministers of the two countries.

   The tract of country above referred to is unoccupied waste land. Should Chinese squatters be found in any part of it, or should any portions be used by Chinese as fishing or hunting grounds, Russia shall not take possession of such, but the Chinese shall be allowed to fish and to hunt as they have been wont to do.

From the time of setting up the boundary marks there shall never be any changes made; and Russia engages not to encroach upon the Chinese territory in the vicinity of the frontiers, nor will ground be seized in any other part of China.

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Art. II.-Following the range of hills along the Amoor's course, the long established Chinese frontier posts, and the marks put down in the 6th year of Yung-ching's reign (1728) at Sha-peen Ta-pa-ha, (in the vicinity of Tarbagatai), it is agreed that, where these marks terminate, the Western boundaries, not yet laid down, shall commence; they shall extend westward to the Lake Tse-sang-cho-uih, from which, after running in a south-westerly direction along the Tib-mih-urh Too-choo-rh of the Tee-shan range, they shall go southwards to Khokand.

      Art. III. Should there hereafter occur disputes or misunderstandings in respect of frontier boundaries, it is agreed that they shall be determined by the two preceding articles. With reference to the placing of boundary marks in the tracts of country lying on the East, between Lake Hin-Ka and the Toumen, and on the West, between Sha-peen Ta-pa-ha and Khokand, it is agreed that trustworthy officers shall be appointed by the two governments for the purpose. For the placing of the marks along the eastern frontiers the officers appointed shall meet at the mouth of the Usuri in May, 1661; and for similar duty on the western frontiers, officers shall meet at Tarbagatai, but the time of meeting it is unnecessary to fix. The officers appointed for the above work shall act with all fairness and justice; and as in accordance with the boundaries indicated in the First and Second articles of this convention they shall make four charts, two of which shall be in Russian and two either in Manchurian or Chinese, and the said charts having been duly signed and sealed by the officers in question, shall be deposited, two (oue in Russian and one in Manchurian or Chinese) in Russia, and two (one in Russian and one in Manchurian or Chinese) in China. On the inter- change of these charts, they shall be a ponded hereto as forming part of this article.

Art. IV. At all places along the frontier agreed upon in the First article of this convention, Russian and Chinese subjects may hold intercourse at pleasure. There shall not in any case be duties levied; and all frontier officers shall afford protection to merchants quietly carrying on trade.

     In order to greater precision, the substance of the second article of the Treaty of Gae-hwan (Ay-Kom) is hereby again enunciated.

      Art. V.-Russian merchants, in addition to trading at Kiachta, may, when passing in the old established manner from Kiachta to Peking, dispose of sundries at Koo-lun and Chang-kia-low. A [Russian] Consul with a limited retinue may be stationed at Koo-lun; he shall himself supervise the building of a consulate, but the site, the number of buildings, and the land for pasturage of cattle, shall all be determined by the bigh officers stationed at Koo-lun.


Chinese merchants, desirous of so doing, are at liberty to repair to Russia, and

carry on trade.

      Russian merchants visiting the Chinese marts shall be under no restrictions, whether as to the time at which they may visit such places or the duration of their stay; but the number of merchants at any one place shall not exceed two hundred, The Russian officers stationed on the frontiers shall supply each party of merchants with a passport, in which shall be specified the name of the chief merchant, the number of people that accompany him, and the place about to be visited by them for trade. The merchants shall themselves provide funds for the expenditure attendant on their business and for the purchase of food and cattle.

Art. VI.-In the establishment of trade, the same regulations shall be applied at Kashgar as at Ili and Tarbagatai. At Kashgar, China agrees to make a grant of land whereon to build residences, warehouses, and churches, in order to suit the convenience of such Russian merchants as may live there; ground sball likewise be granted for burial purposes, and, as at Ili and Turbagatai, a tract of pasture land for cattle. The high officer stationed at Kasbgar shall be officially directed to determine the amount of ground to be granted for the purpose, and to make the other requisite arrangements. Should persons from the outside enter the Russian concession at Kashgar, and plunder the property of Russian merchants trading there, China will not take any action in the matter.

      Art. VII.-The merchants of both countries may trade as they please at the various marts, and shall not be subjected to any obstructions on the part of the officials; they

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 may at pleasure frequent the shops and markets for trade and barter, they may there make ready money payments, or, if they trust each other, open credit accounts; and as to the time that the merchants of the one may sojourn in the other country, the only limit shall be the merchants' own pleasure and convenience.

   Art. VIII.-Russian merchants in China, and Chinese merchants in Russia, shall receive due protection from the government of the country.

   In order to the due control of merchants, and to provide against misunderstand- ings and disputes, Russian Consuls, &c., may be stationed at the various trading marts; and in addition to those at Ili and Tarbagatai, Consuls shall be appointed for Kashgar and Koo-lun. China is at liberty to station Consuls at St. Petersburg, or at such other places in Russia as she may see fit. Such Consuls, whether Russian or Chinese, shall reside in houses to be built by their government; but they may likewise, without obstruction, rent houses belonging to the people of the places at which they may chance to be stationed.

   The Consuls and the local officials shall correspond and hold intercourse on terms of equality, provided for by the second article of the Tientsin Treaty. In matters in which the merchants of both countries are concerned, the officers of the two governments shall take conjoint action; criminals shall be punished in accordance with the laws of their country, as directed by the seventh article of the Tientsin Treaty.

   In all cases of disputes originating in the non-payment of money due in mercantile transactions, the parties concerned shall themselves call in arbitrators; the Russian Consuls and the Chinese local officials shall merely take such action as may tend to bring about an amicable settlement, and shall not in any way be called upon or held responsible for the payment of bad debts.

   At the trading marts the merchants may register, at the offices of the Consuls and local authorities, agreements in reference to property and houses. In such cases should either of the principals refuse to carry out the terms of the registered agreement, the Consuls and officials shall enforce their fulfilment.

In cases other than those arising from mercantile transactions, as quarrels and such like small matters, the Consuls and local officers shall act conjointly in the examina- tion, and shall punish the guilty parties respectively, as under their several jurisdictions.

   Russians secreting themselves in Chinese houses, or absconding to the interior of China, shall, on the requisition of the Consul, be sought for and sent back by the Chinese authorities; and Russian officials shall act reciprocally in the event of Chinese hiding in Russian houses, or escaping to Russian territory.

   In such serious cases as murder, robbery, wounding, conspiracy to kill, incen- diarism, &c., &c., the guilty party, if Russian, shall be delivered for punishment to the Russian authorities; if Chinese, he may be punished, as the laws direct, by the Chinese authorities, either at the place where the crime was committed, or at such other place as the Chinese officials may deem proper. In all cases, great or little, the Cousuls and local officials shall each deal with their own countrymen; they shall not in an irregular manner arrest, detain, or punish [people not subject to their jurisdiction].

   Art. IX.-As compared with former years trade is now much increased, and moreover, new boundaries have been laid down. Thus the condition of affairs differs much from what it was at the times of making the Treaties of Nipchu * and Kiachta, and the supplementary stipulations of succeeding years; and circumstances that gave rise to disputes between the various frontier officers no longer remain the same. changes in existing regulations as are necessitated [by the altered state of affairs] are hereby included in newly drawn up stipulations.


   Heretofore official communications treating of frontier business have only passed between the High Official at Koo-luu and the Governor of Kiachta, and between the Governor-General of Western Siberia and the Tartar General stationed at Ili. For the future, in addition to the officers just named, frontier business may be transacted by the Governors of the Amoor and Tung-hae-poon (Eastern Sea-shore) provinces in communication with the Tartar General stationed in Hih-lung-keang, and Kee-lin.

• In Latitude 51,49 N.

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     Matters in which Kiachta is concerned shall be attended to by the Commissioner stationed on the Kiachta frontier, in communication with the officer of the board at Kiachta. All [such communications, &c.] shall be in accordance with the provisions of the eighth article of this convention.

The said Generals, Governors, and other officers shall correspond on terms of equality, in accordance with the second article of the Tientsin Treaty. Moreover, if the despatches written refer to business that ought not to be entered upon, no attention shall be paid to them.

     In respect of frontier business of great importance, the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia shall communicate thereon with either the Privy Council or the Foreign Office.

     Art. X.-All frontier business, whether of importance or otherwise, shall ba managed by conjoint action on the part of the frontier officers, as laid down in the eighth article of this convention; and, as provided for by the seventh article of the Tientsin Treaty, offenders shall be tried and punished in accordance with the laws of that one of the two countries to which they may belong.

     Should cattle stray or be decoyed across the frontier boundaries, the officer of the locality, on being informed of the fact by official communication, suall, without delay, dispatch people to search for them: they shall likewise give full information to the soldiery at the frontier posts, who shall be bound to recover and send back such cattle, whether straying or stolen, in accordance with the number reported in the original communication; and who, should they fail to restore the property that is missing, shall be punished, as the laws direct, in a manner proportionate to the value of what is lost. No claim for compensation shall be entertained.

In the event of runaways crossing the frontier, measures shall be taken for their discovery and arrest immediately upon the receipt of an official requisition to that effect: and on the arrest having been effected, the prisoners, with whatever property may be found in their possession, shall be handed over to the nearest frontier officer, whose duty it shall be to ascertain the place from which such persons may have absconded,

     The runways, while on the return journey under arrest, shall be supplied with food, and, if naked, with clothes; and they shall neither be maltreated nor insulted by the soldiers. Runways arrested prior to the receipt of any such official requisi- tion shall also be dealt with in like manner.

     Art. XI.-Auswers shall be returned to communications transmitted through intermediate officers by the High Officials on the frontiers. The despatches of the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia and of the Governor of Kiachta shall be handed to the Commissioner of Kiachta for transmission to the officer of the board. The despatches of the High Officer stationed at Koolun shall be handed to the officera of the board for transmission to the Commissioner of Kiachta. The despatches of the Governor of the Amoor province shall be forwarded to the Tartar General at Hih-lung-keang through the Adjutant General, who shall likewise transmit the despatches of the Kee-lin General. Despatches passing between the Governor of the Tung-hae peen province and the General stationed at Kee-lio, shall be transmitted through the officers at the frontier posts of Hongchun in the Usuri territory. Communications between the Governor-General of Western Siberia and the General stationed at Ili shall be transmitted through the Russian Consul at Ili. Whenever the business in question is of great importance, official messengers shall be employed. The Governors-General of Eastern and Western Siberia and the various Governors of Provincial Districts, together with the High Officer at Koo-lun, and the Tartar General stationed at Hih-lung-keang, Kee-lin, and Ili, in the transmission of official communications, may entrust them to trustworthy Russian officers.

     Art. XII.-As was stipulated for in the eleventh article of the Tientsin Treaty, the time allowed for the conveyance of official documents and parcels from Kachta to Peking is herein defined.

     Letters shall be forwarded once a month, parcels and boxes from Kiachta to Peking shall be forwarded once every two months, and quarterly from Peking to Kiachta, Official documents shall not be more than twenty, nor parcels more than forty days en

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and as regards parcels, there shall never be more than twenty packages for- warded at a time, and no single package shall exceed 120 catties in weight. Letters shall not not be delayed, but shall be forwarded on the day they are handed in for despatch. In the event of any delay or neglect the culpable parties shall be visited with severe punishment.

   Couriers in charge of letters or parcels between Kiachta and Peking shall call at the Koo-lun Consulate, and deliver to the Consul all letters or parcels to his address, and they shall likewise take charge of whatever despatches or parcels the Consul may hand to them.

   Whenever parcels are despatched from Kiachta or Koo-lun, the High Officer at Koo-lun must be supplied with a list of the same; in like manner, when despatching parcels from Peking, the Foreign Office shall be supplied with a list. Such list shall specify the number and weights of the packages, as also the date of their being despatched; and on the outside of each package shall be written, in Russian and Manchurian or Chinese characters, its weight, &c.

Merchants forwarding letters and parcels for purposes of trade, if willing to hire porters themselves and to make other arrangements, shall be at liberty to do so, having obtained permission, after the report of the circumstances, from the local authorities, to obviate the [undue] incurring of expense by the Government.

Art. XIII.-Official communications passing between the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Privy Council, or between the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia and the Privy Council or Foreign Office, shall be forwarded by the regular post, and shall be under no restrictions in respect of time; and should any delay or detention be apprehended, in cases of importance, trustworthy Russian Officers may be charged with the speedy conveyance of such despatches.

   While resident at Peking despatches on important business, for or from the Russian Minister, may be transmitted by officers appointed by the Russian Govern- ment. Officers conveying such despatches shall not at any place be delayed or detained, and in every instance, such bearers of despatches shall be Russians.

   As regards the movements of such despatch-bearers, if travelling from Kiachta to Peking, the Governor shall notify the officer of the Board on the day preceding their departure. In like manner, if starting from Peking, a day's notice shall be given to the Board of War.

   Art. XIV.-Should any of the arrangements in respect of land commerce here- after prove inconvenient to both parties, the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia and the Chinese High Officers of the Frontier shall consult together, and determine the matter in accordance with the articles of this Convention; but new demands must. not be preferred. There shall be no further departure from the provisions of the twelfth article of the Tientsin Treaty.

   Art. XV.-On the termination of the present corference, the Chinese Minister Plenipotentiary shall translate the original text of this convention into the Chinese language, and shall furnish the Russian Minister Plenipotentiary with a copy of the Chinese translation, duly authenticated by signature and seal, who, on his side, shall likewise translate into Chinese the original text of the convention, and shall supply the Chinese Minister Plenipotentiary with a copy of the same, in the manner duly authenticated by seal and signature.

   The articles of the present convention, without waiting for the ratification of the same by their Imp rial Majesties the Emperors of the two countries, shall be in force, and for ever observed, from the day on which the translations into Chinese of the original text shall have been interchanged by the Minister Plenipotentiary, who shall each forthwith issue whatever commands may be necessary for the carrying into effect of the provisions of the convention.

   Signed and sealed on the 2nd day of the 10th moon of the 10th year of Hien Fung, i.e. the 2nd of November in the Christian year 1860 [14th November, 1860, Russian style].





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SIGNED, IN THE RUSSIAN, CHINESE, AND FRENCH LANGuages, at St. Petersburg, 12th February, 1881.

Ratifications exchanged at St. Petersburg, 19th August, 1881.


His Majesty the Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias and His Majesty the Emperor of China, desiring to regulate some questions of frontier and trade touching the interests of the two Empires, in order to cement the relations of friendship between the two countries, have named for their plenipotentiaries, to the effect of establishing an agreement on these questions:

His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias: His Secretary of State Nicholas de Giers, senator, actual privy councillor, directing the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and his envoy extraordinary and mini-ter plenipotentiary to His Majesty the Emperor of China, Eugène de Butzow, actual councillor of state.

And His Majesty the Emperor of China: Tseng, Marquess of Neyong, vice- president of the high court of justice, his envoy extraordinary and minister plenipo- tentiary to His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, furnished with special powers to sign the present Treaty in quality of ambassador extraordinary.

The above named plenipotentiaries, furnished with full powers, which have been found sufficient, have agreed upon the following stipulations:-

      Art. I.-His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias consents to the re- establishment of the Chinese Government in the country of Ili, temporarily occupied since 1871 by the Russian armies. Russia remains in possession of this country, within the limits indicated by Article VII. of the present Treaty.

Art. II. His Majesty the Emperor of China engages to decree the proper measures to shelter the inhabitants of the country of Ili, of whatever race and to whatever religion they belong, from all prosecution, in their goods or in their persons, for acts committed during or after the troubles that have taken place in that country. A proclamation in conformity with this engagement will be addressed by the Chinese authorities, in the name of His Majesty the Emperor of China, to the population of the country of Ili, before the restoration of this country to the said authorities.

      Art. III.-The inhabitants of the country of Ili will be free to remain in the places of their actual residence, as Chinese subjects, or to emigrate to Russia and to adopt Russian dependence. They will be called to pronounce themselves on this subject before the re-establishment of Chinese authority in the country of Ili, and a delay of one year, from the date of the restoration of the country to the Chinese authorities, will i e accorded to those who show a desire to emigrate to Russia. The Chinese will oppose no impediment to their emigration or to the transportation of their moveable property.

      Art. IV.-Russian subjects possessing land in the country of Ili will keep their rights of property, even after the re-establishment of the authority of the Chinese Government in that country.

This provision is not applicable to the inhabitants of the country of Ili who shall adopt Russian nationality upon the re-establisment of Chinese authority in this country.

Russian subjects whose lands are situated without places appropriated to Russian factories, in virtue of Article XIII. of the Treaty of Kuldja of 1851, ought to discharge the same taxes and contributions as Chinese subjects.

Art. V. The two governments will appoint commissioners of Kuldja, who will proceed to the restoration on the one part, and to the resumption on the other, of

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the administration of the province of Ili, and who will be charged, in general, with the execution of the stipulations of the present Treaty relating to the re-establish. ment, in this country, of the authority of the Chinese Government.

The said commissioners will fulfil their commission, in conforming to the understanding which will be established as to the mode of restoration on the one part and of resumption on the other, of the administration of the country of Ili, Between the Governor-General of Turkestan and the Governor-General of Shansi and Kansuh, charged by the two governments with the high direction of this affair.

The resumption of the country of Ili should be finished within a delay of three months or sooner, if it can be done, dating from the day of the arrival at Tashkend of the functionary who will be delegated by the Governor-General of Shansi and Kansuh to the Governor-General of Turkestan to notify to him the ratification and the promulgation of the present Treaty by His Majesty the Emperor of China.

  Art. VI.-The Government of His Majesty the Emperor of China will pay to the Russian Government the sum of nine millions of metallic roubles, designed to cover the expenses occasioned by the occupation of the country of Ili by the Russian troops since 1871, to satisfy all the peculiary claims arising from, up to the present day, the losses which Russian subjects have suffered in their goods pillaged on Chinese territories, and to furnish relief to the families of Russian subjects killed in armed attacks of which they have been victims on Chinese territory.

The above mentioned sum of nine millions of metallic roubles will be paid within the term of two years from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of the present Treaty, according to the order and the con litions agreed upon between the two governments in the special Protocol annexed to the present Treaty.

  Art. VII. The western portion of the country of Ili is incorporated with Russia, in order to serve as a place of establishment for the inhabitants of this country who shall adopt the Russian dependence and who, by this action, will have had to abandon the lands which they possessed there.

The frontier between the possessions of Russia and the Chinese province of Ili will follow, starting from the mountains Bédjin-taou, the course of the river Khorgos, as far as the place where this river falls into the river Ili, and, crossing the latter, will take a direction to the south, towards the mountains Ouzoun-taou, leaving to the west the village of Koldjat. Proceeding from this point it will follow, whilst being directed to the south, the delineation fixed by the protocol signed at Tebugut- chack in 1864.

Art. VIII-A part of the frontier line, fixed by the protocol signed at Tebugut- chak in 1864, at the east of the Lake Zaisan, having been found defective, the two governments will name commissioners who will modify, by a common agreement, the ancient delineation in such a manner as to remove the defects pointed out and to establish an effective separation between the Kirghiz tribes submitted to the two Empires.

To the new delineation will be given, as much as possible, an intermediate direc- räon between the old frontier and a straight line leading from the Kouïtoun hill #owards the Saour hills, crossing the Tcherny-Irtysh.

Art. IX.-The commissioners to be named by the two contracting parties will proceed to place posts of demarcation, as well on the delineation fixed by the preceding Articles VII. and VIII., as on the parts of the frontier where posts have not yet been placed. The time and the place of meeting of these commissioners shall be fixed by an understanding between the two governments.

The two governments will also name commissioners to examine the frontier and to place posts of demarcation between the Russian province of Ferganah and the western part of the Chinese province of Kashgar. The commissioners will take for the base of their work the existing frontier.

  Art. X.-The right recognized by the treaties of the Russian Government to nominate Consuls to Ili, to Tarbagatai, to Kashgar, and to Ourga is extended, from the present time, to the towns of Soutcheou (Tsia-yu-kwan) and of Turfan.__In the following towns: Kobdo, Uliassoutai, Khami, Urumtsi, and Goutchen, the Russian

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Government will establish consulates in proportion to the development of commerce,.. and after an understanding with the Chinese Government.

The Consul of Soutcheou (Tsia-yu-kwan) and of Turfan will exercise consular functions in the neighbouring districts, where the interests of Russian subjects demand their presence.

The dispositions contained in Articles V. and VI. of the Treaty concluded at Peking in 1860, and relative to the concession of land for the houses for the consulates, for cemeteries, and for pasturage, will apply equally to the towns of Soutcbeo (Tsia-yu-kwan) and of Turfan. The local authorities will aid the Consuls to find provisional habitations until the time when the houses of the consulates shall be built.

      The Russian Consuls in Mongolia and in the districts situated on the two slopes. of the Tien-shan will make use of, for their journeys and for their correspondence, the postal institutious of the government, conformably to the stipulations of Article XL. of the Treaty of Tientsin and of Article XII. of the Treaty of Peking. The Chinese authorities, to whom they will address themselves for this porpose, will lend them aid and assistance.

The town of Turfan not being a locality open to foreign trade, the right of establishing a consulate will not be invoked as a pr cedent to obtain a right analogous to the ports of China for the provinces of the interior and for Manchuria.

      Art. XI.-Russian Consuls will communicate, for affairs of service, either with the local authorities of the town of their residence, or with the superior authorities of the circuit or of the province, according as the interests which are respectively confided to them, the importance of the affairs to be treated of, and their prompt expedition shall require it. As to the rules of etiquette to be observed at the time of their interviews and, in general, in their relations, they will be based upon the respect which the functionaries of two friendly powers reciprocally owe each other.

All the affairs which may arise on Chinese territory, on the subject of commer- cial or other transactions, between those under the jurisdiction of the two states, will be examined and regulated, by a common agreement, by the consuls and the Chinese authorities.

      In lawsuits on commercial matters, the two parties will terminate their difference amicably by means of arbitraꞌors chosen by one side and the other. If agreement is not established in this way, the affair will be examined and regulated by the authorities of the two states.

     Engagements contacted in writing, between Russian and Chinese subjects, relative to orders for merchandise, to the transport of it, to the location of shops, of houses, and of other places, or relating to other transactions of the same kind, may be presented for legalisation by the consulates and by the superior local administrations, who are bound to legalize the documents which are presented to them. In case of non-execution of the engagements contracted, the consul and the Chinese authorities will consult as to the measures necessary to secure the execution of these obligations.

      Art. XII.-Russian subjects are authorized to carry on, as in tl e past, trade free of duties in Mongolia subject to China, as well in places and aimaks where there is a Chinese administration as in those where there is none.

Russian subjects will equally enjoy the right of carrying on trade free of duties in the towns and other localities of the provinces of Ili, of Tarbagatai, of Kashgar, of Urumtsi, and others situated on the slopes north and south of the chain of the Tien-sban as far as the Great Wall. This immunity will be abrogated when the› develo¡ ment of the trade necessitates the establishment of a customs tariff, conform able to an understanding to be come to by the two Governments.

Russian subjects can import into the above-named provinces of China, and export from them every description of produce, of whatever origin they may be.. They may make purchases and sales, whether in cash, or by way of exchange; they will have the right to make their payments in merchandise of every description.

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Art. XIII.-In the places where the Russian Government will have the right to establish consulates, as well as in the town of Kalgan, Russian subjects may construct houses, shops, warehouses, and other buildings, on the lands which they will acquire by means of purchase, or which may be conceded to them by the local authorities, conformably to that which has been established for Ili and Tarbagatai, by Article XIII. of the Treaty of Kuldja of 1851.

The privileges granted to Russian subjects, in the town of Kalgan, where there will not be a consulate, constitute an exception which cannot be extended to any other locality of the interior provinces.

  Art. XIV.-Russian merchants who may wish to dispatch merchandise from Russia, by land, into the interior provinces of China, can, as formerly, direct it by the towns of Kalgan and Tungchow, to the port of Tientsin, and from there, to the other ports and interior markets, and sell it in those different places.

Merchants will use this same route to export to Russia the merchandise purchased, as well in the town and ports above named, as in the interior markets.

  They will equally have the right to repair, for matters of trade, to Soutcheou (Tsia-yu-kwan), the terminal point of the Russian caravans, and they will enjoy there all the rights granted to Russian trade at Tientsin.

Art. XV.-Trade by land, exercised by Russian subjects in the interior and exterior provinces of China, will be governed by the Regulations annexed to the present Treaty.

The commercial stipulations of the present Treaty, as well as the Regulations which serve as a supplement to it, can be revised after an interval of ten years has elapsed from the date of the exchange of ratifications of the Treaty; but if, in the course of six months before the expiration of this term, neither of the contracting parties manifest a desire to proceed to the revision, the trade stipulations, as well as the Regulations, will remain in force for a new term of ten years.

Trade by sea route of Russian subjects in China will be subject to the general regulations established for foreign maritime commerce in China. If it becomes necessary to make modifications in these regulations, the two Governments will establish an understanding on this subject.

Art. XVI.-If the development of Russian overland trade provokes the necessity of the establishment, for goods of export and import into China, of a Customs tariff, more in relation than the tariffs actually in force, to the necessities of that trade, the Russian and Chinese Governments will proceed to an understanding on this subject, by adopting, as a base for settling the duties of entry and exit, the rate of five per cent. of the value of the goods.

Until the establishment of this tariff, the export duties on some kinds of teas of inferior quality, actually imposed at the rates established for the tea of superior quality, will be diminished proportionately to their value. The settling of these duties will be proceeded with, for each kind of tea, by an understanding between the Chinese Government and the envoy of Russia to Peking, within the term of one year, at the latest, from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of the present Treaty. Art. XVII.-Some divergencies of opinion having arisen hitherto as to the application of Article X. of the treaty concluded at Peking, in 1860, it is established by these presents, that the stipulations of the above-named article, relative to the recoveries to be effected, in case of theft and the harbouring of cattle beyond the frontier, will be for the future interpreted in this sense, that at the time of the discovery of the individuals guilty of theft or the harbouring of cattle, they will be condemned to pay the real value of the cattle which they have not restored. It is understood that in case of the insolvency of the individuals guilty of theft of cattle, the indemnity to be paid cannot be placed to the charge of the local authorities.

   The frontier authorities of the two States will prosecute, with all the rigour of the laws of their country, the individuals guilty of the harbouring of or theft of cattle, and should take the measures in their power for the restitution, to whom they belong, of cattle diverted or which may have passed the frontier.

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The traces of cattle turned aside or which may have passed the frontier, may be indicated, not only to the guards of the frontier posts, but also to the elders of the nearest villages.

Art. XVIII-The stipulations of the treaty concluded at Aigoun the 16th May, 1858, concerning the rights of the subjects of the two empires to navigate the Amoor, the Sungari, and the Oussouri, and to carry on trade with the populations of the riverine localities, are and remain confirmed.

The two Governments will proceed to the establishment of an understanding concerning the mode of application of the said stipulations.

      Art. XIX.-The stipulations of the old treaties between Russia and China, not modified by the present Treaty, remain in full vigour.

Art. XX. The present Tresty, after having been ratified by the two Emperors, will be promulgated in each empire, for the knowledge and governance of each one. The exchange of ratifications will take place at St. Petersburg, within a period of six months counting from the day of the signature of the Treaty.

Having concluded the above Article, the plenipotentiaries of the two contract. ting parties have signed and sealed two copies of the present Treaty, in the Russian, Chinese, and French languages. Of the three texts, duly compared and found in agreement, the French text will be evidence for the interpretation of the present Treaty.


Done at St. Petersburg, the twelfth of February, eighteen hundred and eighty-

(Signed) [L.8.]


[L.8.] [L.S.]



In virtue of Article VI. of the Treaty signed to-day by the plenipotentiaries of the Russian and Chinese governments, the Chinese Government will pay to the Russian Government the sum of nine millions of metallic roubles, designed to cover the expenses of the occupation of the country of Ili by the Russian troops, and to satisfy divers pecuniary claims of Russian subjects. This sum shall be paid within a period of two years counting from the day of the exchange of the ratifica- tions of the Treaty.

Desiring to fix the mode of payment of the aforementioned sum the undersigned have agreed as follows:

      The Chinese Government will pay the equivalent of the sum of nine millions of metallic roubles in pounds sterling, say one million four hundred and thirty-one thousand six hundred and sixty-four pounds sterling two shillings, to Messrs. Baring Brothers and Co. in London, in six equal parts, of two hundred and thirty. eight thousand six hundred and ten pounds sterling thirteen shillings eight pence each, less the customary bank charges which may be occasioned by the transfer of these payments to London.

The payments shall be scheduled at four months' distance the one from the other;

the first shall be made four months after the exchange of the ratifications of the Treaty signed to-day, and the last two years after that exchange.

The present protocol will have the same force and value as if it had been inserted word for word in the Treaty signed to-day.

In faith of which the plenipotentiaries of the two Governments have signed the present protocol and have placed their seals to it.

Done at St. Petersburg, the twelfth of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one.







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Art. I.-A trade by free exchange and free of duty (free trade) between Russian and Chinese subjects is authorised within a zone extending for fifty versts (100 li) on either side the frontier. The supervision of this trade will rest with the two Governments, in accordance with their respective frontier regulations.

  Art. II. Russian subjects proceeding on business to Mongolia and to the districts situated on the northern and southern slopes of the Tian-shan mountains may only cross the frontier at certain points specified in the list annexed to those regulations. They must procure from the British authorities permits in the Russian and Chinese languages, with Mongolian and Tartar translations. The name of the owner of the goods, or that of the leader of the caravan, a specification of the goods, the number of packages, and the number of heads of cattle may be indicated in the Mongolian or Tartar languages, in the Chinese text of these permits. Merchants, on entering Chinese territory, are bound to produce their permits at the Chinese post nearest to the frontier, where, after examination, the permit is to b counter- signed by the chief of the post. The Chinese authorities are entitled to arrest merchants who have crossed the frontier without a permit, and to deliver them over to the Russian authorities nearest to the frontier, or to the competent Russ an Consul, for the infliction of a severe penalty. In case of the permit being lost, the owner is bound to give notice to the nearest Russian Consul, in order that a fresh one may be issued to him, and to inform the local authorities, in order to obtain a temporary certificate which will enable him to pursue his journey. Merchandise introduced into Mongolia and the districts situated on the slopes of the Tianshan, but which have found no sale there, may be forwarded to the towns of Tientsin and Sou- tcheou (Tsia-yu-kwan), to be sold or to be sent farther into China.

                              With regard to the duties on such merchandise, to the issue of permits for its carriage, and to other Customs formalities, proceedings shall be taken in accordance with the following provisions.

Art. III.-Russian merchants forwarding goods from Kiachta and the Nertchinsk country to Tientsin must send them by way of Kalgan, Dounba, and Toun-tcheou. Merchandise forwarded to Tientsin from the Russian frontier by Koldo and Kouihoua-tchen is to follow the same route. Merchants must be provided with transport permits issued by the Russian authorities, and duly visé by the competent Chinese authorities, which must give, in the Chinese and Russian languages, the name of the owner of the goods, the number of packages, and a description of the goods they contain. The officials of the Chinese Custom houses situated on the road by which merchandise is forwarded will proceed, without delay, to verify the number of the packages, and to examine the goods, which they will allow to pass onwards, after fixing a visa to the permit. Packages opened in the course of the Customs examinations will be closed again at the Custom-house, the number of packages opened being noted on the permit. The Customs examination is not to last more than two hours. The permits are to be presented within a term of six months at the Tientsin Custom-house to be cancelled. It the owner of the goods finds this term insufficient, he must at the proper time and place give notice to the Chinese authoritities. In case of the permit being lost the merchant must give notice to the authorities who delivered it to him to obtain a duplicate, and must for that purpose make known the number and date of the missing permit. The nearest Custom- house on his road, after having ascertained the accuracy of the merchant's declara- tions, will give him a provisional certificate, accompanied by which his goods may proceed on their journey. An inaccurate declaration of the quantity of the goods, if it be proved that it was intended to conceal sales effected on the road, or to escape payment of duty, will rerder the merchant liable to the infliction of the penalties laid down by Art. VIII. of the present regulations.

Art IV.-Russian merchants who may wish to sell at Kalgan any portion of the goods brought from Russia make a declaration to that effect to the local authorities within the space of five days. Those authorities, after the merchant has

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paid the whole of the entrance duties, will furnish him with a permit for the sale of the goods.

Art. V.-Goods brought by Russian merchants by land from Russia to Tientsin will pay an entrance duty equivalent to two-thirds of the rate established by the tariff. Goods brought from Russia to Sou-tcheou (Tsia-yu-kwan) will pay in that town the same duties and be subject to the same regulations as at Tientsin.

Art. VI.-If the goods left at Kalgan, having paid the entrance duties, are not sold there, their owner may send them on to Toun-tcheou, or to Tientsin and the Customs authorities, without levying fresh duties, will repay to the merchant one-third of the entrance duty paid at Kalgan, a note to that effect being made on the permit issued by the Kalgan Custom-house. Russian merchants, after paying transit dues 'i.e., one-half of the duty specified in the tariff, may forward to the internal markets goods left at Kalgan which have paid the entrance dues, subject only to the general regulations established for foreign trade in China. A transport permit, which is to be produced at all the Custom-houses and barriers on the road, will be delivered for these goods. Goods not accompanied by such permit will have to pay duty at the Custom-houses they pass, and lekin at the barriers.

     Art. VII.-Goods brought from Russia to Sou-tebeou (Tsia-yu-kwan) may be forwarded to the internal markets under the conditions stipulated by Art. IX. of these Regulations for goods forwarded from Tientsin destined for the internal markets.

Art. VIII.-If it be ascertained, when the Customs examination of goods brought from Russia to Tientsin takes place, that the goods specified in the permit have been withdrawn from the packages and replaced by others, or that their quantity (after deducting what has been left at Kalgan) is smaller than that indicated in the permit, the whole of the goods included in the examination will be confiscated by the Customs authorities. It is understood that packages damaged on the road, and which, con- sequently, have been repacked, shall not be liable to confiscation, provided always that such damage has been duly declared at the nearest Custom-bouse, and that a note to such effect has been made by that office after it has ascertained the untouched condition of the goods as at first sent off. Goods concerning which it is ascertained that a portion has been sold on the road will be liable to confiscation. If goods have been taken by bye-ways in order to evade their examination at the Custom- houses established on the routes indicated in Art. III., the owner will be liable to a fine equal in amount to the whole entrance duty. If a breach of the aforesaid regulations has been committed by the carriers, without the knowledge or connivance of the owner of the goods, the Customs authorities will take this circumstance into consideration in determining the amount of the fine. This provision only applies to localities through which the Russian land trade passes, and is not applicable to similar cases arising at the ports and in the interior of the provinces. When goods are confiscated the merchant is entitled to release them by paying the equivalent of their value, duly arrived at by an understanding with the Chinese authorities.

     Art. IX. On the exportation by sea from Tientsin to some other Chinese port opened to foreign trade by treaty of goods brought from Russia by land, the Tientsin Customs will levy on such goods one-third of the tariff duty, in addition to the two-thirds already paid. No duty shall be levied on these goods in other ports. Goods sent from Tientsin or the other ports to the internal markets are subject to transit dues (i.e., half of the tariff duty) according to the general provisions laid down for foreign trade.

     Art. X.-Chinese goods sent from Tientsin to Russia by Russian merchants must be forwarded to Kalgan by the route indicated under Art. III. The entire export duty will be levied on these goods when they leave the country. Nevertheless, reimported goods bought at Tientsin, as well as those bought in another port and forwarded in transitu to Tientsin to be exported to Russia, if accompanied by a Customs receipt for the export duty, shall not pay a second time, and the half reimpor'ation duty (coasting duty) paid at Tientsin will be repaid to the merchant if the goods upon which it has been paid are exported to Russia a year from

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the time of such payment. For the transport of goods in Russia the Russian Consul will issue a permit indicating in the Russian and Chinese languages the name of the owner of the goods, the number of packages, and the nature of the goods they contain. These permits will be visé by the port Customs authorities, and must accompany the goods, for production when they are examined at the Custom-houses on the road. The rules given in detail in Article III. will be observed as to the term within which the permit is to be presented to the Custom-house to be cancelled, and as to the proceedings in case of the permit being lost. Goods will follow the route indicated by Article III., and are not to be sold on the road; a breach of this rule will render the merchant liable to the penalties provided for under Article VIII. Goods will be examined at the Custom-houses on the road in accordance with the rules laid down under Article III. Chinese goods bought by Russian merchauts at Sou-tcheou (Tsia-yu-kwan), or brought by them from the internal markets to be forwarded to Russia, on leaving Sou-tcheou for Russia will have to pay the duty leviable upon goods exported from Tientsin, and will be subject to the regulations established for that port.

   Art. XI.-Goods bought at Toun-tcheou, on leaving that place for Russia by land, will have to pay the full export duty laid down by the tariff. Goods bought at Kalgan will pay in that town, on leaving for Russia, a duty equivalent to half the tariff rate. Goods bought by Russian merchants in the internal markets, and brought to Toun-tcheou and Kalgan to be forwarded to Russia, will moreover be subject to transit dues, according to the general rules established for foreign trade in the internal markets. The local Custom-houses of the aforesaid towns after levying the duties will give the merchant a transport permit for the goods. For goods leaving Toun-tcheou this permit will be issued by the Dounba Customs authorities, to whom application is to be made for it, accco upanied by payment of the duties to which the goods are liable. This permit will mention the probibition to sell goods on the road. The rules given in detail in Article III. relative to permits, the examination of goods, &c., will apply in like manner to goods exported from the places mentioned in this Article.

Art. XII-Goods of foreign origin sent to Russia by land from Tientsin, Toun- tcheou, Kalgan, and Sou-tcheou (Tsia-yu-kwan) will pay no duty if the merchant produces a Customs receipt acknowledging payment of the import and transit duties on those goods. If they have only paid entrance duties the competent Custom-house will call upon the merchant for the payment of the transit dues fixed by the tariff.

Art. XIII.-Goods imported into China by Russian merchants, or exported by them, will pay Customs duties according to the general tariff for foreign trade with China, and according to the additional tariff drawn up for Russian trade in 1862.

Goods not enumerated in either of those tariffs will be subject to a 5 per cent. ad valorem duty.

   Art. XIV. The following articles will be admitted free of export and import duty-Gold and silver ingots, foreign coins, flour of all kinds, sago, biscuits, preserved meats and vegetables, cheese, butter, coufectionery, foreign_clothes, jewellery and silver plate, perfumery and soaps of all kinds, charcoal, firewood, candles of foreign manufacture, foreign tobacco and cigars, wine, beer, spirits, household stores and utensils to be used in houses and on board ship, travellers' luggage, official stationery, tapestries, cutlery, foreign medicines, glass ware, and ornaments. The above-mentioned articles will pass free of duty on entering and on leaving by land; but if they are sent from the towns and ports mentioned in these regulations to the internal markets they will pay a transit duty of 21 per cent. ad valorem. Travellers' luggage, gold and silver ingots, and foreign coins will, however, not pay this duty.

   Art. XV. The exportation and importation of the following articles is prohibited, under penalty of confiscation in case of smuggling:-Gunpowder, artillery ammuni- tion, cannon, muskets, rifles, pistols, and all fire-arms, engines, and ammunition of war, salt, and opium. Russian subjects going to China may, for their personal defence, have one musket or one pistol each, of which mention will be made in the

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permit they are provided with. The importation by Russian subjects of saltpetre, sulphur, and lead is allowed only under special licence from the Chinese authorities, and those articles may only be sold to Chinese subjects who hold a special purchaser- permit. The exportation of rice and of Chinese copper coin is forbidden. On the other hand, the importation of rice and of all cereals may take place duty free.

     Art. XVI.-The transport of goods belonging to Chinese merchants is forbidden to Russian merchants attempting to pass them off as their own property.

Art. XVII.-The Chinese authorities are entitled to take the necessary measures against smuggling.

Done at St. Petersburg, the 12th-24th February, 1881.

(Signed) [L.S.]






     The undersigned, Nicolas de Giers, secretary of state, actual privy councillor, directing the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Tseng, Marquess of Neyong, vice-president of the high court of justice, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotientiary of His Majesty the Emperor of China to His Majesty the Emperor of Russia, have met at the hotel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to pr ceed to the exchange of the acts of ratification of the Treaty between Russia and China, signed at St. Petersburg, the 12/24 February, 1881.

     After perusal of the respective instruments, which have been acknowledged tex- tually conformable to the original act, the exchange of the act ratified by His Majesty the Emperor of Russia the 4/16 August, 1881, against the act ratified by His Majesty the Emperor of China the 3/15 May, 1881, has taken place according to custom.

In faith of which the undersigned have drawn up the present procés-verbal, and have affixed to it the seal of their arms.


Done at St. Petersburg, the 7th August, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-





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SIGNED, IN THE English and Chinese Languages, at TiENTSIN, 18TH JUNE, 1858.

Ratifications exchanged at Pehtang, 16th August, 1859.

   The United States of America and the Ta-Tsing Empire desiring to maintain firm, lasting, and sincere friendship, have res lved to renew, in a manner clear and positive, by means of a Treaty or general convention of peace, amity, and commerce, the rules which shall in future be mutually observed in the intercourse of their respective countries; for which most desirable object the President of the United States and the August Sovereign of the Ta-Tsing Empire have named for their Plenipotentiaries, to wit: the President of the United States of America, William B. Reed, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to China; and His Majesty the Emperor of China, Kweiliang, a member of the Privy Council and Superintendent of the Board of Punishments, and Hwashana, President of the Board of Civil Office and Major-G neral of the Bordered Blue Banuer Division of the Chinese Bannermen, both of them being Imperial Commissioners and Plenipotentia- ries: And the said Ministers, in virtue of the respective full powers they have received from their governments, have agreed upon the following articles :-

   Art. There shall be, as there has always been, peace and friendship between the United States of America and the Ta-Tsing Empire, and between their people respectively. They shall not insult or oppress each other for any trifling cause, so as to produce an estrangement between them; and if any other nation should act unjustly or oppressively, the United States will exert their good offices, on being informed of the case, to bring about an amicable arrangement of the question, thus showing their friendly feelings.

   Art. II.-In order to perpetuate friendship, on the exchange of ratifications by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States, and by His Majesty the Emperor of China, this Treaty shall be kept and sacredly guarded in this way, viz.: The original Treaty, as ratified by the President of the United States, shall be deposited at Peking, the capital of His Majesty the Emperor of China, in charge of the Privy Council; and, as ratified by His Majesty the Emperor of China, shall be deposited at Washington, the capital of the United States, in charge of the Secretary of State.

Art. III.-In order that the people of the two countries may know and obey the provisions of this Treaty, the United States of America agree, immediately on the exchange of ratifications, to proclaim the same and publish it by proclamation in the Gazettes where the laws of the United States of America are published by authority; and His Majesty the Emperor of China, on the exchange of ratifications, agrees immediately to direct the publication of the same at the capital and by the governors of all the provinces.

   Art. IV. In order further to perpetuate friendship, the Minister or Commis- sioner, or the highest diplomatic representative of the United States of America in China, shall at all times have the right to correspond on terms of perfect equality and confidence with the officers of the Privy Council at the capital, or with the Governor- General of the Two Kwang, of Fohkien and Chekiang, or of the Two Kiang; and whenever he desires to bave such correspondence with the Privy Council at the capital he sball have the right to send it through either of the said Governors-General, or by general post; and all such communications shall be most carefully respected. The Privy Council and Governors-General, as the case may be, sball in all cases consider and acknowledge such communications promptly and respectfully.

   Art. V. The Minister of the United States of America in China, whenever he has business, shall have the right to visit and sojourn at the capital of His Majesty the

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Emperor of China and there confer with a member of the Privy Council or any other high officer of equal rank deputed for that purpose, on matters of common interest and advantage. His visits shall not exceed one in each year, and he shall complete bis business without unnecessary delay. He shall be allowed to go by land or come to the mouth of the Pei-ho, in which he shall not bring ships-of war, and he shall inform the authorities of that place in order that boats may be provided for him to go on his journey. He is not to take advantage of this stipulation to request visits to the capital on trival occasions. Wherever he means to proceed to the capital he shall communicate in writing his intention to the Board of Rites at the capital, and thereupon the said Board shall give the necessary directions to facilitate his journey, and give him necessary protection and respect on his way. On his arrival at the capital he shall be furnished with a suitable residence prepared for him, and he shall defray his own expenses; and his entire suite shall not exceed twenty persons exclusive of his Chinese attendants, none of whom shall be engaged in trade.

     Art. VI.-If at any time His Majesty the Emperor of China shall, by treaty voluntarily made, or for any other reason, permit the representative of any friendly nation to reside at his capital for a long or short time, then, without any further consultation or express permission, the representative of the United States in China shall have the same privilege.

*. Art. VII.-The superior authorities of the United States and of China in corresponding together shall do so on terms of equality and in form of mutual communication (chau-hwui). The Consuls and the local officers, civil and military, in corresponding together shall likewise employ the style and form of mutual communication (chau-hwui), When inferior officers of the one government address the superior officers of the other they shall do so in the style and form of memorial (shin-chin). Private individuals, in addressing superior officers, shall employ the style of petition (pin-ching). In no case shall any terms or style be used or suffered which shall be offensive or disrespectful to either party. And it is agreed that no present, under any pretext or form whatever, shall ever be demanded of the United States by China, or of China by the United States.

     Art. VIII.-In all future personal intercourse between the representative of the United States of America and the Governors-General or Governors the interviews shall be had at the official residence of the said officers, or at their temporary resi- dence, or at the residence of the representative of the United States of America, whichever may be agreed upon between them; nor shall they make any pretext for declining these interviews. Current matters shall be discussed by correspondence, so as not to give the trouble of a personal meeting.

     Art. IX.-Whenever national vessels of the United States of America, in cruising along the coast and among the ports opened for trade for the protection of the com- merce of their country, or for the advancement of science, shall arrive at or near any of the ports of China, the commanders of said ships and the superior local authorities of government shall, if it be necessary, hold intercourse on terms of equality and courtesy, in token of the friendly relations of their respective nations; and the said vessels shall enjoy all suitable facilities on the part of the Chinese Government in procuring provisions or other supplies, and making necessary repairs. And the United States of America agree that in case of the shipwreck of any American vessel and its being pillaged by pirates, or in case any American vessel shall be pillaged or captured by pirates on the seas adjacent to the coast, without being shipwrecked, the national vessels of the United States shall pursue the said pirates, and if captured deliver them over for trial and punishment.

Art. X.-The United States of America shall have the right to appoint Consuls and other commercial agents for the protection of trade, to reside at such places in the dominions of China as shall be agreed to be opened, who shall hold official intercourse and correspondence with the local officers of the Chinese Government (a Consul or a Vice-Consul in charge taking rank with an intendant of circuit or a prefect), either personally or in writing, as occasion may require, on terms of equality and reciprocal respect. And the Consuls and local officers shall employ the style of mutual

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communication. If the officers of either nation are disrespectfully treated, or aggrieved in any way by the other authorities, they have the right to make representation of the same to the superior officers of the respective Governments, who shall see that full inquiry and strict justice shall be had in the premises. And the said Consuls and agents shall carefully avoid all acts of offence to the officers and people of China. On the arrival of a Consul duly accredited at any port in China, it shall be the duty of the Minister of the United States to notify the same to the Governor-General of the province where such port is, who shall forthwith recognize the said Consul and grant him authority to act.

Art. XI.-All citizens of the United States of America in China, peaceably attending to their affairs, being placed on a common footing of amity and good will with subjects of China, shall receive and enjoy for themselves and everything appertaining to them the protection of the local authorities of Government, who shall defend them from all insult or injury of any sort If their dwellings or property be threatened or attacked by mobs, incendiaries, or other violent or lawless persons, the local officers, on requisition of the Consul, shall immediately despatch a military force to disperse the rioters, apprehend the guilty individuals, and punish them with the utinost rigour of the law. Subjects of China guilty of any criminal act towards citizens of the United States shall be punished by the Chinese authorities according to the laws of China, and citizens of the United States, either on shore or in any merchant vessel, who may insult, trouble, or wound the persous or injure the property of Chinese, or commit any other improper act in China, shall be punished only by the Consul or other public functionary thereto authorized, according to the laws of the United States. Ar- rests in order to trial may be made by either the Chinese or the United States authorities. Art. XII.-Citizens of the United States, residing or sojourning at any of the ports open to foreign commerce, shall be permitted to rent houses and places of business or hire sites on which they can themselves build houses or hospitals, churches, and cemeteries. The parties interested can fix the rents by mutual and equitable agreement; the proprietors shall not demand an exorbitant price, nor shall the local authorities interfere, unless there be some objections offered on the part of the inhabitants respecting the place. The legal fees to the officers for applying their seal shall be paid. The citizens of the United States shall not unreasonably insist on particular spots, but each party shall conduct themselves with justice and moderation. Any desecration of the cemeteries by natives of China shall be severely punished according to law. At the places where the ships of the United States anchor, or their citizens reside, the merchants, seamen, or others can freely pass and repass in the immediate neighbourhood; but in order to the preservation of the public peace, they shall not go into the country to the villages and marts to sell their goods unlawfully, in fraud of the revenue.

    Art. XIII.-If any vessel of the United States be wrecked or stranded on the coast of China and be subjected to plunder or other damage, the proper officers of the Government, on receiving information of the fact, shall immediately adopt measures for its relief and security; the persons on board shall receive friendly treatment, and be enabled to repair at once to the nearest port, and shall enjoy all facilities for obtaining supplies of provisions and water. If the merchant vessels of the United States, while within the waters over which the Chinese Government exercises jurisdiction, be plundered by robbers or pirates, then the Chinese local authorities, civil and military, on receiving information thereof, shall arrest the said robbers or pirates, and punish them according to law, and shall cause all the property which can be recovered to be restored to the owners, or placed in the hands of the Consul. by reason of the extent of territory and numerous population of China, it shall in any case happen that the robbers cannot be apprehended, and the property only in part recovered, the Chinese Government shall not make indemnity for the goods lost; but if it shall be proved that the local authorities have been in collusion with the robbers, the same shall be communicated to the superior authorities for memorializing the Throne, and these officers shall be severely punished and their property be confiscated to rapay the losses.


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      Art. XIV. The citizens of the United States are permitted to frequent the ports and cities of Canton and Chau-chau, or Swatow, in the province of Kwangtung; Amoy, Foochow, and Tai-wan in Formosa, in the province of Fuhkien; Ningpo in the province of Chekiang; and Shanghai in the province of Kiangsu, and any other port or place hereafter by treaty with other powers or with the United States opened to commerce; and to reside with their families and trade there, and to proceed at pleasure with their vessels and merchandise from any of these ports to any other of them. But said vessels shall not carry on a clandestine or fraudulent trade at other ports of China, not declared to be legal, along the coast thereof; and any vessel under the American flag violating this provision shall, with her cargo, be subject to confiscation to the Chinese Govern- ment; and any citizen of the United States who sball trade in any contraband article of merchandise sball be subject to be dealt with by the Chinese Government, without being entitled to any countenance or protection from that of the United States: and the United States will take measures to prevent their flag from being abused by the subjects of other nations as a cover for the violation of the laws of the Empire.

Art. XV. At each of the ports open to commerce, citizens of the United States shall be permitted to import from abroad, and sell, purchase, and export all merchan- dise, of which the importation is not prohibited by the laws of the Empire. The tariff of duties to be paid by the citizens of the United States, on the export and import of goods from and into China, shall be the same as was agreed upon at the Treaty of Wanghia, except so far as it may be modified by treaties with other nations, it being expressly agreed that citizens of the United States shall never pay higher duties than those paid by the most favoured nation.

      Art. XVI.-Tonnage duties shall be paid on every merchant vessel belonging to the United States entering either of the open ports at the rate of four mace per ton of forty cubic feet, if she be over one hundred and fifty tons burden; and one mace per ton of forty cubic feet if she be of the burden of one hundred and fifty tons or under, according to the tonnage specified in the register; which, with her other papers, shall, on her arrival, be lodged with the Consul, who shall report the same to the Commis- sioner of Customs. And if any vessel, having paid tonnage duty at one port, shall go to any other port to complete the disposal of her cargo, or being in ballast, to purchase an entire or fill up an incomplete cargo, the Consul shall report the same to the Commissioner of Customs, who shall note on the port-clearance that the tonnage duties have been paid, and report the circumstances to the collectors at the other Custom-houses; in which case, the said vessel shall only pay duty on ber cargo, and not be charged with tonnage duty a second time. The collectors of Customs at the open ports shall consult with the Consuls about the erection of beacons or light- houses, and where buoys and light ships should be placed.

Art. XVII.-Citizens of the United States shall be allowed to engage pilots to take their vessels into port, and, when the lawful duties have all been paid, take them out of port. It shall be lawful for them to hire at pleasure servants, compradores, linguists, writers, labourers, seamen, and persons for whatever necessary service, with passage or cargo-boats, for a reasonable compensation, to be agreed upon by the parties or determined by the Consul.

Art. XVIII.-Whenever merchant vessels of the United States shall enter a port, the Collector of Customs shall, if he see fit, appoint Custom-house officers to goard said vessels, who may live on board the ship or their own boats, at their convenience. The local authorities of the Chinese Government shall cause to be apprehended all mutineers or deserters from on board the vessels of the United States in Cuina on being informed by the Consul, and will deliver them up to the Consuls or other officers for punishment. And if criminals, subjects of China, take refuge in the houses, or on board the vessels of citizens of the United States, they shall not be harboured, but shall be delivered up to justice on due requisition by the Chinese local officers, addressed to those of the United States. The merchants, seamen, and other citizens of the United States shall be under the superintendence of the appropriate officers of their government. If individuals of either nation commit acts of violence or disorder, use arms to the injury of others, or create disturbances endangering life, the officers of

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the two governments will exert themselves to enforce order and to maintain the public peace, by doing impartial justice in the premises.

   Art. XIX-Whenever a merchant vessel belonging to the United States shall cast anchor in either of the said ports, the supercargo, master, or consignee, shall, within forty-eight hours, deposit the ship's papers in the hands of the Consul or person charged with his functions, who shall cause to be communicated to the Super- intendent of Customs a true report of the name and tonnage of such vessel, the number of her crew, and the nature of her cargo, which being done, he shall give a permit for her discharge. And the master, supercargo, or consignee, if he proceed to discharge the cargo without such permit, shall incur a fine of five hundred dollars, and the goods so discharged without permit shall be subject to forfeiture to the Chinese Government. But if a master of any vessel in port desire to discharge a part only of the cargo, it shall be lawful for him to do so, paying duty on such part only, and to proceed with the remainder to any other ports. Or if the master so desire, he may, within forty- eight hours after the arrival of the vessel, but not later, decide to depart without breaking bulk; in which case he shall not be subject to pay tonnage, or other duties or charges, until, on his arrival at another port, he shall proceed to discharge cargo, when he shall pay the duties on vessel and cargo, according to law. And the tonnage duties shall be held due after the expiration of the said forty-eight hours. In case of the absence of the Consul or person charged with his functions, the captain or supercargo of the vessel may have recourse to the consul of a friendly power; or, if he please, directly to the Superintendent of Customs, who shall do all that is required to conduct the ship's business.

   Art. XX.-The Superintendent of Customs, in order to the collection of the proper duties, shall, on application made to him through the Consul, appoint suitable officers, who shall proceed, in the presence of the captain, supercargo, or consignee, to make a just and fair examination of all goods in the act of being discharged for importation, or laden for exportation, on board any merchant vessel of the United States. And if disputes occur in.regard to the value of goods subject to ad valorem duty, or in regard to the amount of tare, and the same cannot be satisfactorily arranged by the parties, the question may, within twenty-four hours, and not after- wards, be referred to the said Consul to adjust with the Superintendent of Customs.

Art. XXI.-Citizens of the United States who may have imported merchandise into any of the free ports of China, and paid the duty thereon, if they desire to re-export the same in part or in whole to any other of the said ports, shall be entitled to make application, through their Consul, to the Superintendent of Customs, who, in order to prevent fraud on the revenue, shall cause examination to be made, by suitable officers, to see that the duties paid on such goods as are entered on the Custom- house books correspond with the representation made, and that the goods remain with their original marks unchanged, and shall then make a memorandum in the port clearance of the goods and the amount of duties paid on the same, and deliver the same to the merchant, and shall also certify the facts to the officers of Customs at the other ports; all which being done, on the arrival in port of the vessel in which the goods are laden, and everything being found, on examination there, to correspond, she shall be permitted to break bulk, and land the said goods without being subject to the payment of any additional duty thereon. But if, on such examination, the Superintendent of Customs shall detect any fraud on the revenue in the case, then the goods shall be subject to forfeiture and confiscation to the Chinese Government. Foreign grain or rice brought into any port of China in a ship of the United States, and not landed, may be re-exported without hindrance.

Art. XXII.-The tonuage duty on vessels of the United States shall be paid on their being admitted to entry. Duties of import shall be paid on the discharge of the goods, and duties of export on the lading of the same. When all such duties shall

have been paid, and not before, the Collector of Customs shall give a port-clearance, and the Consul shall return the ship's papers. The duties shall be paid to the shroffs authorized by the Chinese Government to receive the same. Duties shall be paid and received either in sycee silver or in foreign money, at the rate of the day. If the

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Consul permits a ship to leave the port before the duties and tonnage dues are paid, he shall be held responsible therefor.

Art. XXIII.-When goods on board any merchant vessel of the United States in port require to be transhipped to another vessel application shall be made to the Consul, who shall certify what is the occasion therefor to the Superintendent of Customs, who may appoint officers to examine into the facts and permit the transhipment. And if any goods be transhipped without written permits, they shall be subject to be forfeited to the Chinese Government.

Art. XXIV.-Where there are debts due by subjects of China to citizens of the United States, the latter may seek redress in law; and on suitable representations being made to the local authorities through the Consul, they will cause due examination in the premises, and take proper steps to compel satisfaction. And if citizens of the United States be indebted to subjects of China, the latter may seek redress by representation through the Consul, or by suit in the Consular Court; but neither government will hold itself responsible for such debts.

Art. XXV.-It shall be lawful for the officers or citizens of the United States to employ scholars and people of any part of China, without distinction of persons, to teach any of the languages of the Empire, and to assist in literary labours, aud the persons so employel shall not for that cause be subject to any injury on the part either of the Government or individuals; and it shill‍in like minner be lawful for citizens of the United States to purchase all minner of books in China.

      Art. XXVI.-Relations of peace and amity bɔtw en the United States and China being established by this treaty, and the vessels of the United States being admitted to trade freely to and from the ports of China open to foreign commerce, it is further agreed that, in case at any time hereafter China should be at war with any foreign nation whatever, and should for that cause exclude such nation from entering her ports, still the vessels of the United States shall not the less continue to pursue their commerce in freedom and security, and to transport goods to and from the ports of the belligerent powers, full respect being paid to the neutrality of the flag of the United States, provided that the said flag shall not protect vessels engaged in the transportation of officers or soldiers in the enemy's service, nor shall said flag be fraudulently used to enable the ene:ny's ships, with their cargoes, to enter the ports of China; but all such vessels so offending shall be subject to forfeiture and contisca- tion to the Chinese Government.

Art. XXVII.-All questions in regard to rights whether of property or person, arising between citizens of the United States in China, shall be subject to the jurisdiction, and be regulated by the authorities of their own government; and all controversies occurring in China between citizens of the United States an! the subjects of any other government shall be regulated by the treaties existing between the United States and such governments respectively, without interference on the part of China.

      Art. XXVIII.-If citizens of the United States have special occasion to address any communication to the Chinese local officers of Government, they shall submit the same to their Consul or other officer, to determine if the language be proper and respectful, and the matter just and right, in which event he shall transmit the samə to the appropriate authorities for their consideration and action in the premises. If subjects of China have occasion to address the Consul of the United States they may address him directly, at the same time they inform their own officers, representing the case for his consideration and action in the premises; and if controversies arise between citizens of the Unnited States and subjects of China, which cannot be amicably settled otherwise, the same shall be examined and decided conformably to justice and equity by the public officers of the two nations, acting in conjunction. The extortion of illegal fees is expressly prohibited. Any peaceable persons are allowed to enter the Court in order t› interpret, lest injustice be done.

      Art. XXIX.-The principles of the Christian Religion, as professed by the Protestant and Roman Catholic Churches, are recognised as teaching men to do good, and to do to others as they would have others to do to them. Hereafter those who

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 quietly profess and teach these doctrines shall not be harassed or persecuted on account of their faith. Any person, whether citizen of the United States or Chinese convert, who, according to these tenets, peaceably teaches and practices the principles of Christianity, shall in no case be interfered with or molested.

Art. XXX.-The contracting parties hereby agree that should at any time the Ta-Tsing Empire grant to any nation, or the merchants or citizens of any nation, any right, privilege, or favour, connected either with navigation, commerce, political or other intercourse, which is not conferred by this Treaty, such right, privilege, and favour shall at once freely enure to the benefit of the United States, its public officers, merchants, and citizens.

   The present Treaty of peace, amity, and commerce shall be ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, within one year, or sooner, if possible, and by the August Sovereign of the Ta-Tsing Empire forthwith; and the ratifications shall be exchanged within one year from the date of the signature thereof.

   In faith whereof we, the respective plenipotentiaries of the United States of America and of the Ta-Tsing Empire, as aforesaid, have signed and sealed these presents.

Done at Tientsin, this eighteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-second, and in the eighth year of Hien Fung, fifth moon, and eighth day.






   [Appended to the foregoing Treaty are a Tariff and Rules identical with those annexed to the British Treaty of Tientsin.]



Ratifications Exchanged at Feking 23rd November, 1869.

Whereas, since the conclusion of the Treaty between the United States of America and the Ta-Tsing Empire (China) of the 18th of June, 1858, circumstances have arisen showing the necessity of additional articles thereto the President of the United States and the August Sovereign of the Ta-Tsing Empire have named for their Plenipotentiaries: to wit, the President of the United States of America, William H. Seward, Secretary of State; and His Majesty the Emperor of China, Anson Burlingame, accredited as his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo tentiary, and Chih-kang and Sun-chia-ku, of the second Chinese rank, associated high Envoys and Ministers of bis said Majesty; and the said Plenipotentiaries, after having exchanged their full powers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following articles:

   Art. I.-His Majesty the Emperor of China, being of the opinion that in making concessions to the citizens or subjects of foreign powers, of the privilege of residing on certain tracts of land, or resorting to certain waters of that Empire, for purposes of trade, he has by no means relinquished his right of eminent domain or dominion over the said lands and waters, hereby agrees that no sucli concession or grant shall be construed to give to any power or party which may be at war with or hostile to

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the United States, the right to attack the citizens of the United States, or their property, within the said lands or waters: And the United States, for themselves, hereby agree to abstain from offensively attacking the citizens or subjects of any power or party, or their property, with which they may be at war, on any such tract of land or water of the said Empire. But nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent the United States from resisting an attack by any hostile power or party upon their citizens or their property.

      It is further agreed that if any right or interest in any tract of land in China, has been, or shall hereafter be, granted by the Government of China to the United States or their citizens for purposes of trade or commerce, that grant shall in no event be construed to divest the Chinese Authorities of their right of jurisdiction over person and property within said tract of land except so far as the right may have been expressly relinquished by treaty.

      Art. II.-The United States of America and His Majesty the Emperor of China, believing that the safety and prosperity of commerce will thereby best be promoted,. agree that any privilege or immunity in respect to trade or navigation within the Chinese dominions which may not have been stipulated for by treaty, shall be subject to the discretion of the Chinese Government, and may be regulated by it accordingly, but not in a manner or spirit incompatible with the Treaty stipulations of the parties.

      Art. III.-The Emperor of China shall have the right to appoint Consuls at ports of the United States, who shall enjoy the same privileges and immunities as those which are enjoyed by public law and treaty in the United States by the Consuls of Great Britain and Russia or either of them.

      Art. IV. The 29th article of the Treaty of the 18th June, 1858, having stipulated for the exemption of the Christian citizens of the United States and Chinese converts from persecution in China on account of their faith; it is further agreed that citizens of the United States in China of every religious persuasion, and Chinese subjects in the United States, shall enjoy entire liberty of conscience, and shall be exempt from all disability or persecution on account of their religious faith or worship in either country. Cemeteries for sepulture of the dead, of whatever nativity or nationality, shall be held in respect and free from disturbance or profanation.

Art. V.-The United States of America and the Emperor of China cordially recognize the inherent and inalienable right of man to change his home and allegiance, and also the mutual advantage of the free migration and emigration of their citizens and subjects respectively from the one country to the other for the purposes of curiosity, of trade, or as permanent residents. The High Contracting Parties, therefore, join in reprobating any other than an entirely voluntary emigration for these purposes. They consequently agree to pass laws, making it a penal offence for a citizen of the United States, or a Chinese subject, to take Chinese subjects either to the United States or to any other foreign country; or for a Chinese subject or citizen of the United States to take citizens of the United States to China, or to any other foreign country, without their free and voluntary consent respectively.

      Art. VI.-Citizens of the United States visiting or residing in China shall enjoy the same privileges, immunities, or exemptions in respect to travel or residence as may there be enjoyed by the citizens or subjects of the most favoured nation. And reciprocally, Chinese subjects visiting or residing in the United States shall enjoy the same privileges, immunities, and exemptions in respect to travel or residence as may there be enjoyed by the citizens or subjects of the most favoured nation. But nothing herein contained shall be held to confer naturalization upon citizens of the United States in China, nor upon the subjects of China in the United States.

      Art. VII.-Citizens of the United States shall enjoy all the privileges of the public educational institutions under the control of the Government of China; and reciprocally Chinese subjects shall enjoy all the privileges of the public educational institutions under the control of the Government of the United States, which are enjoyed in the respective countries by the citizens or subjects of the most favoured nation. The citizens of the United States may freely establish and maintain schools within the Empire of China at those places where foreigners are by treaty permitted

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to reside; and reciprocally, Chinese subjects may enjoy the same privileges and immunities in the United States.

  Art. VII.-The United States, always disclaiming and discouraging all prac tices of unnecessary dictation and intervention by one nation in the affairs or domestic administration of another, do hereby freely disclaim and disavow any intention or right to intervene in the domestic administration of China in regard to the construc- tion of railroads, telegraphs, or other material internal improvements. On the other band, His Majesty the Emperor of China reserves to himself the right to decide the time and manner and circumstances of introducing such improvements within his dominions. With this mutual understanding it is agreed by the contracting parties that, if at any time hereafter his Imperial Majesty shall determine to construct, or cause to be constructed, works of the character mentioned within_the Empire, and shall make application to the United States or any other Western Power for facilities to carry out that policy, the United States will in that case designate or authorize suitable engineers to be employed by the Chinese Government, and will recommend to other nations an equal compliance with such applications; the Chinese Government in that case protecting such engineers in their persons and property, and paying them a reasonable compensation for their services.

  In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this treaty and thereto affixed the seals of their arms.

Done at Washington, the 28th day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight.

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SIGNED AT PExing, in the English and Chinese LanGUAGES, ON THE 17TH NOVEMBER, 1880.

The Immigration Treaty.

Whereas, in the eighth year of Hien Fung, Anno Domini 1858, a treaty of peace and friendship was concluded between the United States of America and China, and to which were added in the seventh year of Tung Chi, Anno Domini 1868, certain supplementary articles to the advantage of both parties, which supplementary articles were to be perpetually observed and obeyed; and

Whereas the Government of the United States, because of the constantly in- creasing immigration of Chinese labourers to the territory of the United States, and the embarrassments consequent upon such immigration, now desires to negotiate a modification of the existing treaties which will not be in direct contravention of their spirit; now therefore, the President of the United States of America appoints James B. Angell, of Michigan; John F. Swift, of California; and William H. Trescott, of South Carolina, as his Commissioners Plenipotentiary; and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China has appointed Pao Chun, a member of His Imperial Majesty's Privy Council and Superintendent of the Board of Civil Office, and Li Hung Tsao, a member of His Imperial Majesty's Privy Council, as his Commissioners Plenipo- tentiary; and the said Commissioners Plenipotentiary, having conjointly examined their full powers, and having discussed the points of possible modifications in existing treaties, have agreed upon the following articles in modification:-

  Art. I.-Whenever, in the opinion of the Government of the United States, the ceming of Chinese labourers to the United States, or their residence therein, affects,

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    or threatens to affect, the interests of that country, or to endanger the good order of any locality within the territory thereof, the Government of China agrees that the Government of the United States may regulate, limit, or suspend such coming or residence, but may not absolutely prohibit it. The limitation or suspension shall be reasonable, and shall apply only to Chinese who may go to the United States as labourers, other classes not being included in the limitation. Legislation in regard to Chinese labourers will be of such a character only as is necessary to enforce the regulation, limitation, or suspension of immigration, and immigrants shall not be subject to personal maltreatment or abuse.

      Art. II.-Chinese subjects, whether proceeding to the United States as traders or students, merchants, or from curiosity, together with their body and household servants, and Chinese labourers who are now in the United States, shall be allowed to go and come of their own free will and accord, and shall be accorded all the rights, privileges, immunities, and exemptions which are accorded to the citizens and subjects of the most favoured nations.

Art. III-If Chinese labourers, or Chinese of any other class, now either permanently or temporarily residing in the territory of the United States, meet with ill-treatment at the hands of any other persons, the Government of the United States will exert all its power to devise measures for their protection, and secure to them the same rights, privileges, immunities, and exemptions as may be enjoyed by the citizens or subjects of the most favoured natious, and to which they are entitled by treaty.

Art. IV. The high contracting Powers, having agreed upon the foregoing Articles, whenever the Government of the United States shall adopt legislative measures in accordance therewith, such measures will be communicated to the Government of China, and if the measures, as effected, are found to work hardship upon the subjects of China, the Chinese Minister at Washington may bring the matter to the notice of the Secretary of State of the United States, who will consider the subject with him, and the Chinese Foreign Office may also bring the matter to the notice of the U.S. Minister at Peking and consider the subject with him, to the end that mutual and unqualified benefit may result. In faith whereof, the Plenipo- tentiaries have signed and sealed the foregoing at Peking, in English and Chinese, there being three originals of each text of even tenor and date, the ratifications of which shall be exchanged at Peking within one year from the date of its execution.

     Done at Peking, this 17th day of November, in the year of our Lord 1880, Kuang Su sixth year, tenth moon, fifteenth day. Signed and sealed by the aboɣe- named Commissioners of both Governments.

The Commercial Treaty.

The following is the text of the commercial treaty signed at the same place and time :-

The President of the United States of America and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China, because of certain points of incompleteness in the existing treaties between the two Governments, have named as their Commissioners Plenipotentiary: The President of the United States of America, James B. Angell, of Michigan; John F. Swift, of California; and William H. Trescott, of South Carolina, as his Com- missioners Plenipotentiary; and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China has appointed Pao Chun, a member of His Imperial Majesty's Privy Council and Super- intendent of the Board of Civil Office; and Li Hung Tsao, a member of His Imperial Majesty's Privy Council, as his Commissioners Plenipotentiary; and the said Com- missioners Plenipotentiary, having conjointly examined their full powers, and having discussed the points of possible modifications in existing treaties, have agreed upon the following additional articles :-

      Art. I. The Governments of the United States and China, recognizing the benefits of their past commercial relations, and in order to still further promote such relations between the citizens and subjects of the two Powers, mutually agree to give the most careful and favourable attention to the representations of either as to such special extension of commercial intercourse as either may desire.

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  Art. II.-The Governments of China and of the United States mutually agree and undertake that Chinese subjects shall not be permitted to import opium in any of the ports of the United States, and citizens of the United States shall not be permitted to import opium into any of the open ports of China, or transport from one open port to any other open port, or to buy and sell opium in any of the open ports of China. This absolute prohibition, which extends to vessels owned by the citizens or subjects of either Power, to foreign vessels employed by them, or to vessels owned by the citizens or subjects of either Power, and employed by other persons for the transportation of opium, shall be enforced by appropriate legislation on the part of China and the United States, and the benefits of the favoured nation clauses in existing treaties shall not claimed by the citizens or subjects or either Power as against the provisions of this article.


  Art. III. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China hereby promises and agrees that no other kind or higher rate of tonnage dues or duties for imports or ex- ports or coastwise trade shall be imposed or levied in the open ports of China vessels wholly belonging to citizens of the United States, or upon the produce, manu- factures, or merchandise imported in the same from the United States or from any foreign country, or upon the produce, manufactures, or merchandise exported in the same to the United States, or any foreign country, or transported in the same from one open port of China to another, than are imposed or levied on vessels or cargoes of any other nation, or on those of Chinese subjects. The United States hereby pro- mises and agrees that no other kind or higher rate of tonnage duties and dues for imports shall be imposed or levied in the ports of the United States upon vessels wholly belonging to the subjects of his Imperial Majesty, coming either directly or by way of any foreign port from any of the ports of China which are open to foreign trade to the ports of the United States, or returning therefrom either directly or by way of any foreign port to any of the open ports of China, or upon the produce, manufactures, or merchandise imported in the same from China, or from any foreign country, than are imposed or levied on vessels of any other nations which make no discrimination against the United States in tonnage dues or duties on imports, exports, or coast wise trade, or than are imposed or levied on vessels and cargoes of citizens of the United States.

Art. IV. When controversies arise in the Chinese Empire between citizens of the United States and subjects of His Imperial Majesty, which need to be examined and decided by the public officers of the two nations, it is a reed between the Governments of the United States and China that such cases shall be tried by the proper official of the nationality of the defendant. The properly authorized official of the plaintiff's nationality shall be freely permitted to attend the trial, and shall be treated with the courtesy due to his position. He shall be granted all proper facilities for watching the proceedings in the interest of justice, and if he so desire, he shall bave the right to be present and to examine and to cross-examine witnesses. If he is dissatisfied with the proceedings, he shall be permitted to protest against them in debate. The law administered will be the law of the nationality of the officer trying the case.

  In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed the foregoing, at Peking, in English and Chinese, there being three originals of each text, of even tenor and date, the ratifications of which shall be exchanged at Peking within one year from the date of its execution.

  Done at Peking, this 17th day of November, in the year of our Lord 1880, Kuang Sü sixth year, tenth moon, fifteenih day.










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Ratifications exchanged at Tientsin, 7th August, 1875.

His Excellency the President of the Republic of Peru and His Majesty the Emperor of China, being sincerely desirous to establish friendly relations between the two countries, have resolved to confirm the same by a Treaty of Friendship, Com- merce, and Navigation, with the view of laying the foundations of mutual intercourse; and, for that purpose, have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Excellency the President of Peru, Don Aurelio Garcia y Garcia, a Post- Captain in the Peruvian Navy, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of that Republic for the Empires of China and Japan; and

His Majesty the Emperor of China, Li, Minister Plenipotentiary, Imperial Com- missioner, Grand Guardian of the Heir Apparent, Grand Secretary, a President of the Board of War, Governor-General of the Province of Chih-li, and invested with the dignity of the second order of nobility:

Who, after having examined and exchanged their respective full powers, have together agreed upon the following Treaty for the benefit and protection of the merchants and people of the two countries:

      Art. I. There shall be peace and friendship between the Republic of Peru and His Majesty the Emperor of China. Their respective citizens and subjects shall reciprocally enjoy in the territories of the High Contracting Parties full and perfect protection for their persons and property.

Art. II. In order to facilitate friendly intercourse in future, His Excellency the President of Peru may, if he see fit, appoint a Diplomatic Agent to the Court of Peking, and His Majesty the Emperor of China may in like manner, if he see fit, appoint a Diplomatic Agent to the Government of Peru.

His Majesty the Emperor of China hereby agrees that the Diplomatic Agent so appointed by the Government of Peru may, with his family and the persons of his suite, permanently reside at Peking, or may visit it occasionally, at the option of the Peruvian Government.

      In like manner, the Diplomatic Agent of China may, with his family and the persons of his suite, permanently reside at Lima, or may visit it occasionally at the option of the Chinese Government.

Art. III.-The Diplomatic Agent of each of the Contracting Parties, shall, at their respective residences, enjoy all privileges and immunities accorded to them by international usage.

      Art. IV. The Government of Peru may appoint a Consul-General, and for such open ports or cities of China where it may be considered most expedient for the interest of Peruvian commerce, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, or Consular Agents. These officers shall be treated with due respect by the Chinese Authorities, and enjoy the same privileges and immunities as the Consular officers of the most favoured nation.

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His Majesty the Emperor of China may appoint a Consul-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, or Consular Agents at any port or town of Peru where Consular Officers of any other Power are admitted to reside. All of these Officers shall enjoy the same rights and privileges as those of the most favoured nation in Peru.

It is further agreed that the appointment of the said Consular Officers shall not be made in merchants residing in the locality.

   Art. V.-Peruvian citizens are at liberty to travel for their pleasure or for purposes of trade in all parts of China under the express condition of being provided with passports written in Spanish and Chinese, issued in due form by the Consuls of Peru and viséd by the Chinese Authorities. These passports, if demanded, must be produced for examination in the localities passed through. If the passport be not irregular, the bearer will be allowed to proceed, and no opposition shall be offered to his hiring persons, or hiring vessels or carts for the carriage of his baggage or merchandise, and the said merchandise shall be conveyed in accordance with the General Regulations of Foreign Trade.

   If the traveller be without a passport, he shall be handed over to the nearest Consul in order to enable him to procure one. The above provision will in like manner be applicable to cases of a Peruvian citizen committing any offence against the laws of China. But he shall in no case be subjected by the Chinese Authorities to any kind of ill-treatment or insult.

The citizens of Peru may go on excursions from the open ports or cities to a distance not exceeding 100 li, and for a period not exceeding five days, without being provided with a passport.

The above provisions do not apply to the crews of ships, who, when on shore, shall be subject to the disciplinary regulations drawn up by the Consul and the local Authorities.

Chinese subjects shall have the liberty to travel at their pleasure throughout the territory of Peru, as long as they behave peaceably and commit no offence against the laws and regulations of the country.

   Art. VI.-The Republic of Peru and the Empire of China cordially recognize the inherent and inalienable right of man to change his home. Their citizens and subjects respectively consequently go freely from the one country to the other for the purposes of curiosity, trade, labour, or as permanent residents. The High Contracting Parties therefore agree that the citizens and subjects of both countries shall only emigrate with their free and voluntary consent; and join in reprobating any other than an entirely voluntary emigration for the said purposes, and every act of violence or fraud that may be employed in Macao or the ports of China to carry away Chinese subjects. The Contracting Parties likewise pledge themselves to punish severely, according to their laws, their respective citizezs and subjects who may violate the present stipulations, and also to proceed judicially against their respective ships that may be employed in such unlawful operations, imposing the fines which for such cases are established by their laws.

   Art. VII-It is further agreed that for the better understanding and more efficient protection of the Chinese subjects who reside in Peru, the Peruvian Govern- ment will appoint official Interpreters of the Chinese language in the Prefectures of the Departments of Peru where the great centres of Chinese immigration exist.

   Art. VIII.-The merchant ships belonging to Peruvian citizens shall be permitted to frequent all the ports of China open to foreign trade, and to proceed to and fro at pleasure with their merchandise, enjoying the same rights and privileges as those of the most favoured nation.

   In like manner, the merchant ships belonging to Chinese subjects may visit all the ports of Peru open to foreign commerce and trade in them, enjoying the same rights and privileges which in Peru are granted to the citizens or subjects of the most favoured nation.

   Art. IX.-Peruvian citizens shall pay at the ports of China open to foreign trade, on all the goods imported or exported by them, the duties enumerated in the tariff which is now in force for the regulation of foreign commerce; but they can, in no case, be

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called upon to pay higher or other duties than those required now or in future of the citizens or subjects of the most favoured nation.

No other or higher duties shall be imposed in the ports of Peru on all goods imported or exported by Chinese subjects than those which are or may be imposed in Peru on the commerce of the most favoured nation.

Art. X. The ships of war of each country respectively shall be at liberty to visit all the ports within the territories of the other to which the ships of war of other nations are or may be permitted to come. They shall enjoy every facility and meet no obstacle in purchasing provisions, coals, procuring water, and making necessary repairs. Such ships shall not be liable to the payment of duties of any kind.

Art. XI.-Any Peruvian vessels, being from extraordinary causes compelled to seek a place of refuge, shall be permitted to enter any Chinese port whatever, without being subject to the payment of tonnage dues or duties on the goods, if only landed for the purpose of making the necessary repairs of the vessels, and remaining under the supervision of the Superintendent of the Customs.

      Should any such vessel be wrecked or stranded, the Chinese Authorities shall immediately adopt measures for rescuing the crew, and for securing the vessel and cargo. The crew thus saved shall receive friendly treatment, and, if necessary, shall be furnished with the means of conveyance to the nearest Consular station.

      If any Chinese vessels be wrecked or compelled by stress of weather to seek a place of refuge on the coast of Peru, the local maritime Authorities shall render to them every assistance in their power; the goods and merchandise saved from the wreck shall not be subject to duties unless cleared for consumption; and the ships shall enjoy the same liberties which in equal cases are granted in Peru to the ships of other nations.

     Art. XII.-Peruvian citizens in China having reason to complain of a Chinese, shall proceed at once to their Consular Officer and state to him their grievance. The Consul will inquire into the case, and do his utmost to arrange it amicably.

      In like manner, if a Chinese have reason to complain of a Peruvian citizen in China, the Consular Officer shall listen to his complaint; and endeavour to come to a friendly arrangement.

     Should the Consular Officer not succeed in making such arrangement, then he shall request the assistance of the competent Chinese Officer, that they may together decide the matter according to the principles of equity.

     Art. XIII.--Chinese subjects guilty of a criminal action towards a Peruvian citizen in China, shall be arrested and punished by the Chinese Authorities accord- ing to Chinese laws.

     Peruvian citizens in China who may commit any crime against a Chinese sub- ject, shall be arrested and punished according to the laws of Peru, by the Peruvian Consular Officer.

Art. XIV. All questions in regard to rights whether of property or person, arising between Peruvian citizens in China, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Peruvian Authorities. Disputes between citizens of Peru and those of other Foreign Nations shall be decided in China according to the Treaties existing between Peru and those Foreign Nations. In all cases, however, of Chinese subjects being con- ned in the matter, the Chinese Authorities may interfere in the proceeding according to Articles XII. and XIII. of this Treaty.

Art. XV.-Chinese subjects in Peru shall have free and open access to the Courts of Justice of Peru for the prosecution and defence of their just rights; they shall enjoy in this respect the same rights and privileges as native citizens, and shall also be treated in every way like the citizens and subjects of other countries resident in Peru.

Art. XVI.-The Contracting Parties agree, that the Government, Public Officers, and citizens of the Republic of Peru shall fully and equally participate in all pri- vileges, rights, immunities, jurisdiction, and advantages that may have been, or may be hereafter, granted by His Majesty the Emperor of China to the Government, Public Officers, citizens, or subjects of any other nation.

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In like manner, the Government, Public Officers, and subjects of the Empire of China, shall enjoy in Peru all the rights, privileges, immunities, and advantages of every kind which in Peru are enjoyed by the Government, Public Officers, citizens, or subjects of the most favoured nation.

Art. XVII.-In order to prevent for the future any discussion, and considering that the English language, among all foreign languages, is the most generally known in China, the Treaty is written in the Spanish, Chinese, and English languages, and signed in nine copies, three in each language. All these versions have the same sense and signification, but whenever the interpretation of the Spanish and Chinese versions may differ, then reference shall be ma le to the English text.

Art. XVIII. If in future the High Contracting Parties desire a modification of any stipulation contained in this Treaty, they shall be at liberty alter the lapse of ten years, dated from the day of the exchange of the ratifications of this Treaty, to open negotiations to that effect. Six months before the expiration of the ten years, either of the Contracting Parties may officially notify to the other, that modifications of the Treaty are desired, and in what these consist. If no such notification is made, the Treaty remains in force for another ten years.

Art. XIX.-The present Treaty shall be ratified by His Excellency the Pre- sident of Peru after being approved by the Peruvian Congress, and by His Majesty the Emperor of China; and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Shanghai or Tientsin, as soon as possible.

In token whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed this Treaty.

Done at Tientsin, this twenty-sixth day of the month of June, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-four, corresponding to the Chinese date, the thirteenth day of the fifth moon of the thirteenth year of Tung Chi.

[L.&.] [L.B.]




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SIGNED, AT Peking, in Spanish, French, and CHINESE, 17th November, 1887.

Translated from the Chinese Tert.

His Majesty the King of Spain and His Majesty the Emperor of China, being very desirous of establishing on a new basis the Emigration of Chinese subjects to the Island of Cuba, and in order to avoid any further complication which might hereafter arise, have nominated for their Plenipotentiaries, as follow:

His Majesty the Emperor of China, Their Excellencies Shen, Mao, Tung, Ch'ung, and Hsion, Members of the Tsung-li Yamên.

His Majesty the King of Spain, Don Carlos Antonio de Espana, His Minister Plenipotentiary to China, Annam, and Siam, Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic, etc., etc., who have agreed to all the articles which follow :-

    Art. I. The High Contracting Parties hereby agree that the emigration of Chinese subjects as contained in Art. X. of the Treaty concluded in Tientsin on the 10th October, 1864, becomes and is hereby abrogate. Only the stipulation in the said article concerning the delivery by the Authorities of those who are claimed as deserters, criminals, and accused ones, remains in force.

    Art. II.-The difficulties to which the application of the stipulations of the Treaty of Tientsin regarding the emigratiou gave rise having been dispersed, the two Governments renounce each for itself every percuniary indemnity.

Art. III.-It is agreed between the two High Contracting Parties that the emi- gration of their respective subjects, whether accompanied by their families or not, shall be in future free and voluntary; they disapprove of every act of violence or trickery which might be committed in the ports of China or anywhere else for the purpose of expatriating Chinese subjects against their will.

The two Governments engage themselves to pursue with all the rigour of the laws any contravention of the preceding stipulation, and to impose penalties established by their respective legislatures upon the persons and ships who may violate this stipulation.

The Government of His Majesty the King of Spain engages itself to that of China to treat the Chinese subjects staying now in Cuba, or who may come there hereafter on the same footing as the foreigners there of the same category and subjects of the most favoured nation.

Art. IV.-The Government of His Majesty the Emperor of China will authorize the departure of the emigrants of both sexes at their own expense for the island of Cuba from all parts of the Empire open to foreign trade; they engage themselves not to place any impediment to the emigration of Chinese subjects and to forbid the authorities of the said ports, and principally the Customs' Tantais, to raise difficulties, be it either towards the freight or placement of the ship under any flag whatever destined to the transport of Chinese passengers, or towards the operations of the shipowners, consignees, or agents, provided always that they conform them- selves to the stipulations of the present convention.


     Art. V. It is well understood that the Customs' Taotais and the Chinese Authorities of the open ports will have the right to inform themselves whether the emigration is effected according to the spirit and the terms of the present convention.

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The Customs Taotais will prepare printed passports, with which they will provide every emigrant who has decided to ship himself. These passports have to be vised by the Consul of Spain in the port of departure, and will be handed over to the Chinese Consul by the competent authorities of the island of Cuba on the arrival of the ship carrying emigrants.

The Customs Taotai of the port of departure of the ship carrying emigrants will moreover have the right to nominate Chinese delegates, who, together with those chosen by the Consul of Spain, will go on board of the ships ready for departure in order to ascertain that the passengers embarked leave by their own free will and accord.

Those passengers who in the moment of departure are found not carrying the necessary documents are to be landed at once. In any case, on the arrival of a ship at her destination, when passengers are found having no document, the Spanish · Authorities can, in accord with the Consuls of China, adopt such measures as they see fit for the occasion.

In order that the visit of delegates above-mentioned can take place and have an effective result, the captain or shipowner will be bound to declare in advance the hour of the departure of the ship.

If the captain of a ship which carries emigrants does not submit to this condition, and if he declares his intention of leaving previously to the visit of the delegates, the Consul of Spain, after an official communication has been made to him to this effect, must refuse to him delivery of the ship's papers, and the ship will be detained and treated according to the laws of her country, until all the formalities prescribed by the present convention have been duly complied with.

Art. VI.-The Government of His Majesty the Emperor of China will nominate a Consul-General in Havana, and will also bave the right to nominate Consular Agents in all the towns where the Spanish Government admits those of other nations.

It is well understood that these nominations will be made according to the conditions agreed upon by common accord between the bigh contracting parties.

  The Spanish Government will grant to the Chinese Consuls the same preroga- tives as those which the Consuls of other nations residing in Cuba enjoy.

   The local authorities in Cuba will accord to the Consul-General as well as to the Consuls and Vice-Consuls of China all the facilities connected with the exercise of their functions for placing them in communication with their nationals and for giving them the means of affording protection to those who are entitled to it.

Art. VIII.-Chinese subjects can leave the island of Cuba whenever they wish, provided that they are not under judicial pursuance.

   Moreover, in order to facilitate the free circulation and settlement of the Chinese subjects in Cuba, and in order that they may enjoy the rights which are given to them by Art. III. of the present convention, the Spanish Government, together with the Chinese Representative in Madrid, or the Authorities in Havana, together with the Consul-General of China, will establish regulations, which, without deviating from the existing laws of the public good order and peace or from those which might be established in future, will grant to the Chinese subjects treatment equal to that of foreigners of the same category and subjects of the most favoured power.

  The Spanish Authorities have besides to deliver to the Chinese subjects a pass of circulation similar to those with which other foreigners are furnished.

  Art. VIII.-Chinese subjects will have the faculty to appeal to the Spanish tribunals in order to defend or pursue their rights; they will in this respect enjoy the same rights and privileges as the subjects of the most favoured nation.

  Chinese subjects will have the faculty to be accompanied to the tribunals by lawyers and interpreters, be they Spaniards or foreigners, who, according to the Spanish law, are qualified to be present at the sitting of the tribunals and who could be designated by the Chinese Consuls residing on the island of Cuba.

  The complaints which Chinese subjects actually residing on the island of Cuba have to forward in regard to ill-treatment, which they pretend to have suffered previously to the exchange of ratifications of the present convention, will be

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    examined by the Spanish tribunals and judged equitably in the same manner as it is the practice to do in regard to the subjects of the most favoured nation.

      Art. IX.-The Consul-General of China in Havana and the competent authorities on the island of Cuba will establish, as speedily as possible and in common accord, the regulations which the Chinese emigrants actually residing in Cuba, and those who may hereafter arrive, ought to observe in order to obtain a certificate stating their entry in the register kept by the Chinese Consuls. The Chinese Consuls will deliver to them a certificate of registration, which will be vised by the Superintendent of Police, or any other competent authority in the district, town, or plantation of the prefecture where the emigrant will establish his residence.

The authorities of Cuba will communicate to the Chinese Consuls all the in- formation concerning the number and names of the Chinese subjects in the different localities of the island and will enable them to obtain the means to personally ascer- tain the state of the Chinese engaged as labourers on the plantations.

Art. X.-Ships of whatever nation wishing to carry Chinese emigrauts must, besides conforming themselves to the stipulations of the present convention, also submit themselves to the regulations of their country regarding the carrying of passengers, of provisions, and health.

     If they do not obey these two conditions they shall then not be allowed to carry emigrants.

      Art. XI.-The Government of His Majesty the King of Spain, desiring to give to the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of China a proof of friendship and good will, engages itself to send home at its own expense, as soon as the present convention shall be ratified, those Chinese who actually can be found on the island of Cuba, who formerly made in China literary studies their vocation, also those who had an official rank, and individuals who belong to families of these categories. Their repatriation will be effected according to the information given by the Chinese Consular Agents and duly verified by the Spanish Authorities.

Likewise will be repatriated old persons prevented by age from working and who may ask to go back to China; also all Chinese female orphans not married and who may wish to return to their country.

Art. XII.-The Spanish Government will order the masters of those Chinese emigrants whose contracts have expired and who according to the terms of these contracts have the right of returning bome, to fulfil the obligations which they have contracted with these emigrants.

Concerning those who have fulfilled their engagements but who have no right to be sent home at the expense of their masters and who are without means to maintain themselves, the local authorities will together with the Chinese Consuls in Cuba adopt the measures which they think necessary for repatriating them.

      The emigrants at present residing on the island of Cuba and whose contracts are expiring, will receive, as soon as the present convention comes into force, a certificate in which it will be stated that they have fulfilled their engagements; by this they will obtain the right of enjoying all the advantages secured to other Chi- nese according to regulations mentioned in Art. VII. of the present convention, and will be free either to remain on or to leave the island of Cuba.

Art. XIII.-The authorities of the island of Cuba can, if the circumstances demand it, and regardless of the regulations already mentioned, oppose themselves to the movements and the residence of Chinese subjects in all the localities where they think convenient, if for special reasons they find that the accumulation of the individuals in the respective localities might be detrimental to the preservation of public order. In such cases the local authorities will observe towards Chinese subjects the same rules as towards other foreigners, and will communicate to the Consul of China the decision they have taken.


      Art. XIV. The labourers who have still obligations to perform according to the terms of their contracts must under any condition fulfil the obligations, but they will enjoy, regarding certificates, etc., the benefits which will be accorded to their countrymen recently landed or to those whose engagements have expired.

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Likewise all the Chinese subjects who may have been detained in the Govern. ment depôts on the island of Cuba will be set at liberty as soon as the present convention comes into force; they will be furnished with such documents as the regulations provide for, and treated in the same way as ther Chinese.

From the prece ling clause are excepted all those who are found in the Govern- ment prisons either in consequence of a judgment or of an accusation.

    Art. XV.-The Government of His Majesty the Emperor of China and the Go- vernment of His Majesty the King of Spain agree that if hereafter one of them thinks it convenient to make modifications of some of the articles to the prosent con- vention or to cancel them, negotiations to this effect can only be opened at the expir- tion of at least one year after the notification of such wish shall have been made by one of the high contracting parties to the other.

It is also understood that, if hereafter the Chinese Government shall grant to any other power advantag s not mentioned in the present Convention regarding the emigration of Chinese subjects, such advantages will also be acquired by the Spanish Government.

Art. XVI.-The present convention will be ratified and the ratifications ex- changed in Peking within a period of eight months, or sooner of possible.

    The present convention is made in Spanish, French, and Chinese, in two copies, which have been compared and found correct.

    Signed and sealed, on the 18th day of the 10th moon of the 3rd year of Kwang Sü (17th November, 1877).




Ratifications exchanged at Shanghai, 3rd June, 1882.

His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil and His Majesty the Emperor of China, being sincerely desirous of affirming their mutual sentiments of friendship and concord and of establishing relations of reciprocal utility between the two countries, have resolved to conclude a treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, and bave for that purpose named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to eay:-His Majesty the Emperor of Bazil, Senhor Eduardo Callado, gentleman of the Imperial Household, Knight of the Order of the Rose and of the Imperial Turkish Order of the Medjidie, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary on a special Mission to China: His Majesty the Emperor of China, Li, Minister Plenipotentiary, Imperial Commissione, Grand Preceptor to the Heir Presumptive, First Grand Secretary of State, President of the Board of War, Governor-General of the province of Chibli, and Earl Sou-yi of the first rank, with the hereditary degree of Ki-tou yi :

    Who, aiter having exchanged their plenary powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles :-

    Art. I.-There shall be perpetual peace and friendship between the Empire of Brazil and the Empire of China, as well as between their respective subjects. These may repair freely to the respective States, of the High Contracting Parties and reside there. They shall obtain there full and complete protection for their persons, their

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families, and their property, and shall enjoy all the rights, advantages, and privileges accorded to the subjects of the most favoured nation.

          Art. II. In order to secure the maintenance of amicable relations between the two States, His Majesty the Emperor of Lrazil may, if he thinks fit, appoint a diplomatic agent to the Court of Peking, and his Majesty the Empeior of China may equally, if he thinks fit, appoint a diplomat e agent to the Court of Rio de Janeiro.

The diplomatic agents of each of the High Contracting Parties may, with their families and the members of their suite, reside permanently in the capital of the other, or repair there temporarily, according to the desire of the respective Govern-


       The diplomatic agents of each of the High Contracting Parties shall enjoy, in their respective residences, all the prerogatives, exemptions, immunities, and privileges accorded to the agents of the same category of the most favoured nation.

Art. III.-Each of the High Contracting Parties may nominate, in the ports and towns of the other open to trade, where its interests require, a Consul-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents.

       These shall not enter upon their functions before receiving the exequatur of the Government of the country where they are to reside. This exequatur shall be given gratuitously.

       Merchants shall not be appointed to exercise Consular functions. Consuls should be true functionaries, and they shall be prohibited from trading.

       In the ports and cities where a Consul has not been appointed, a foreign Consul may fulfil the functions, provided that he is not a trader. The local authorities, in the absence of a Consul, shall provide the means of securing to the subjects of the two States the benefits of the present Treaty.

The Consuls of the High Contracting Parties shall enjoy all the attributes, exemptions, immunities, and privileges conceded to the Consuls of the most favoured nation in each of the two States.

       The Consuls shall not uphold the pretensions of their nationals should they be vexatious or offensive to the authorities and the inhabitants of the locality.

If a Consul conducts himself in a manner offensive to the laws of the country in which he resides, the exequatur may be withdrawn from him, according to the general custom.

Art. IV.-Brazilian subjects shall be permitted to go into the interior of China and to travel there, provided that they are furnished with a passport, issued, at the request of the Consuls, by the Chinese Tantai. This passport, written in the two languages, Portuguese and Chinese, must be exhibited upon the demand of the local authorities, and shall be given up on return. No obstacle shall be raised to the hire by the travellers of men, carriages, boats, &c., necessary for the transport of their baggage.

If the traveller be found not to have a regular passport, or if he commit an illegal act, he shall be delivered up to the nearest Consul to be dealt with. The local authorities can, in this case, only arrest the traveller, and shall not insult him nor subject him to ill usage.

Brazilian subjects may go on excursions in the neighbourhood of the open ports, without being furnish d with passports, to a distance of a hundred li, and for a period not exceeding five days.

The above stipulations are not applicable to the crews of ships, who shall be subjected, when on shore, to the regulations established by the Consuls and the local authorities.

Chinese subjects shall have the liberty of travelling in the whole of the territory of Brazil, as long as they conduct themselves peaceably and do not contravene the laws and regulations of the country.

Art. V.-Brazilian subjects may travel with their merchandise and trade in all the ports and places in China where subjects of other nations are permitted to trade.

      Chinese subjects may equally travel and trade in all localities of Brazil, on equal terms with subjects of all other nations.

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   It is understood that in the event of one of the High Contracting Parties granting, hereafter, with its free consent, to any other nation, advantages subject to special conditions, the other Contracting Party may only profit by those advantages by acceding to the conditions inherent thereto, or to equivalent ones, mutually agreed upon.

Art. VI. The subjects and merchant ships of either of the High Contracting Parties, in the open ports of the other, shall be subjected to the commercial regula- tions actually in force for all the other nations, or which may be established in future. The subjects of the Contracting States shall not pay higher import and export duties than those payable by subjects of the most favoured nation.

   Art. VII. The ships of war of the Contracting States shall be admitted into the ports of the other where it is or shall be permitted to the ships of war of ail other nations to repair, and they shall be treated there like those of the most favoured nation.

   They shall enjoy every facility for the purchase of provisions, coal, &c., as well as for the supply of fresh water, and for the repairs of which they may have need.

   Ships of war shall be absolutely exempt from payment of duties either on entering or leaving port.

The commanders of Brazilian vessels of war in China and the local authorities shall treat each other on the footing of equality.

   Art. VIII.-Merchant ships of each of the two nations may frequent the ports of the other open to trade or which may be hereafter opened, and transport mer- chandise to them. They shall be treated in all respects like those of all other natious.

Ships of one of the High Contracting Parties, having had accidents at sea, near the coasts of the other, and being obliged to seek a refuge in some port, are to receive from the local authorities all the assistance which it may be in their power to render them.

 Merchandise salved shall not be subject to any duty unless offered for sale. These ships shall be treated on equal terms with those of other nations which may be in similar circumstances.

   Art. IX.-Brazilians in China, who may have cause of complaint against Chinese, should lay their grievance before the Brazilian Consul, who shall inquir● into the merits of the case and exert himself to arrive at an amicable solution.

In like manner if a Chinese have reason to complain of a Brazilian, in China, the Brazilian Consul shall listen to his complaint and endeavour to come to an amicable solution. If the Consul cannot reconcile them, the case shall be judged, in all equity, only by the authority to which the accused is subject, without considering whether the accuser is Brazilian or Chinese.

Art. X.-Brazilian subjects, in China, who commit any crime against Chinese subjects shall be arrested by the consular authorities of Brazil and punished conform- ably to the laws of Brazil, by the authority entrusted with the execution of the laws. Chinese subjects guilty of a criminal act towards Brazilian subjects in China, shall be arrested and punished by the Chinese authorities, conformably to Chinese laws.

In general, every action, civil or criminal, between subjects of the two States, in China, can only be judged conformably to the laws and by the authorities of the nation of the defendant or accused.

   The High Contracting Parties shall not be bound to reimburse the sums stolen or sums due by a subject of one of the States to a subject of the other. In case of theft, proceedings shall be in conformity with the laws of the country to which the culprit belongs, and in the case of debt, the authorities of the country of the debtor shall do all in their power in order that the debtor shall satisfy his engagements.

If Chinese subjects, in China, principals or accomplices in any crime, take refuge in the residences, warehouses, or merchant ships of Brazilian subjects, the Chinese authority shall report the fact to the Brazilian Consular authority and the two authorities shall depute agents to effect the arrest of the criminals, who must not be protected or concealed.

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     Art. XI.-All questions of right, whether of person or of property, which may arise between Brazilian subjects in China shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Brazilian authorities. Actions between Brazilian subjects and foreigners in China shall be subject to the authorities only of their countries.

If any Chinese be involved in law suits, action shall be taken conformably to the two preceding articles.

      If in future the Chinese Government shall deem it fit to establish, in accord with foreign Powers, a Code to regulate the matter of jurisdiction over foreiga subjects in China, Brazil shall also take part in the accord.

Art. XII.-In the case of persons, whatever be their condition, from on board of the ships of one of the High Contracting Parties, in an open port of the other, going on shore, and causing disturbances there, they shall be punished conformably to the usage followed, in such cases, in each of the two countries.

As regards actions arising from collisions between vessels of the two countries, in the waters of China, such actions shall be heard by the authorities of the defendant, conformably to the regulations about collision in force in all countries.

If the complainant will not conform to the sentence, the authorities upon whom he is dependent may apply officially to the authorities to whom the defendant is subject in order that they may re-hear the suit and pronounce definitely, in all equity.

Art. XIII.-Chinese subjects in Brazil shall‍ have free access to the courts of justice of that country for the defence of their just rights.

They shall enjoy, in this respect, the same rights and privileges as the Brazilians and the subjects of the most favoured nation.

     Art. XIV.-The High Contracting Parties agree to prohibit to the subjects of each of them the importation of opium into the ports of the other open to trade, and the transport of opium from port to port, whether for their own account or for the account of subjects or citizens of any other nation, as well in ships belonging to subjects of the High Contracting Parties as in ships belonging to subjects or citizens of a third nation.

The High Contracting Parties further agree to prohibit to their respective subjecta the opium trade in the ports of the other open to trade.

     The clause of the most favoured nation cannot be invoked against the provisiona of this article.

Art. XV.-This Treaty has been drawn up in three languages, Portuguese, Chinese, and French. Four copies have been prepared in each of these languages; the versions have been compared and found to correspond in all points, and free from


The Portuguese text shall be authoritative in Brazil, and the Chinese in China. In case of divergence in the interpretations, the French text shall decide.

     Art. XVI.-If in future the High Contracting Parties desire to make any modifications in this Treaty, they shall have the liberty, after the lapse of ten years dating from the exchange of the ratifications, to open negotiations with this object.

      The official notification of the modifications which either of the High Contracting Parties may intend to propose shall always be made six months in advance.

If no such modification be made, the Treaty shall remain in force.

Art. XVII. The present Treaty shall be ratified by His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil and by His Majesty the Emperor of China.

     The exchange of ratifications shall be made, within the shortest possible time, at Shanghai or at Tientsin; after which the Treaty shall be printed and published in order that the functionaries and subjects of the two Empires may have full know- ledge of it and submit themselves to it.

     In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have affixed their seals thereto.

     Done at Tientsin this third day of the month of October, in the year of Grace one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, corresponding to the eleventh day of the eighth month of the seventh year of Kwang-su.

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Ratified by the Emperor of China, September, 1871.

Ratified by the Mikado of Japan, with modifications, 1st November, 1871.

The Empire of China and the Empire of Japan having been on terms of friend- ship for a long period of years, now desire by common action to cement their ancient relations, and to make the intercourse subsisting between the two countries more close.

     To this end Li, by Imperial appointment, Minister Plenipotentiary of the Empire of China for the management of commercial affairs, Senior Guardian of the Heir Apparent, Assistant Grand Secretary, President of the Board of War, Governor- General of the Province of Chih-li, and invested with the first degree of the third order of nobility; and Ita, Minister Plenipotentiary of the Empire of Japan, &c., &c., each acting in obedience to the Decrees of their respective Sovereigns, have conferred together, and have agreed to articles for the reconstruction of relations, to the end that they may be observed with good faith on both sides in perpetuity.

The Articles agreed upon are as follow:

     Art. I.t-Relations of amity shall henceforth be maintained in redoubled force between China and Japan, in measure as boundless as the heaven and the earth. In all that regards the territorial possessions of either country the two Governments shall treat each the cther with proper courtesy, without the slightest infringement or encroachment on either side, to the end that there may be for evermore peace between

them undisturbed.

Art. II.-Friendly intercourse thus existing between the two Governments, it is the duty of each to sympathize with the other, and in the event of any other nati n acting unjustly or treating either of the two Powers with contempt, on notice being given [by the one to the other], mutual assistance shall be rendered, or mediation offered for the arrangement of the difficulty, in fulfilment of the duty imposed by relations of frie dship.

Art. III. The system of Government and the penal enactments of the two Governments being different from each other, each shall be allowed to act in entire independence. There shall be no interference offered, nor shall requests for innova- tions be obtruded. Each shall aid the other in enforcement of laws, nor shall either allow its subjects to entice the people of the other country to commit acts in violation of the laws.

     Art. IV.-It will be competent for either Government to send Ministers Pleni- potentiary, with their families and suites, to reside in the capital of the other, either

        See Articles II, and XI. It was also stipulated, on r tification of the Treaty by the Mikado of Japan, that its commercial clauses should be held subject to modification on any future revision of the Treaties between Japan and the

uropean Powers,

This Article was excluded from ratification by the Mikado of Japan, on the ground of its being unnecessary, All needful obligations in respect of the matter to which it relates being embraced within the ordinary provisions of *International law.

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permanently or from time to time. Their travelling expenses, as they pass through the country, will be de rayed by themselves. In the matter of their hiring ground or buildings to serve as legations, of the passage of their baggage to and fro, of the conveyance of their corrrespon·lence by special couriers, and the like, due assistance shall be rendered on eitheir side.

Art. V. Although the functionaries of the two Governments have fixed grades, the nature of the offices conferred are diff rent on either side. Officers of equivalent rank will meet and correspond with each other on a footing of equality. When an officer visits a superior, the intercourse between them will be such as is prescribed by the rites of hospitality. For the transaction of public busin: ss, the officials of the two countries will address communications to officers of their own rank, who will report in turn to their superiors. They will not address the superior officer directly. In visits, cards with the official title of the visitor shall be sent on either side. All officials sent on the part of either Government to the other shall present for inspection a letter bearing an official stamp, in order to guard against false personation.

Art. VI. In official correspondence, China will use the Chinese language, and Japan will either use the Japanese language accompanied by a Chinese version, or a Chinese version alone, as may be found on her side preferable.

Art. VII.-Friendly intercourse having been established between the two Governments, it will behove them both to appoint certain ports on the seaboard which their merchants will be authorized to frequent for purposes of trade, and to lay down separately regulations of trade, that their respective mercantile communities may abide by in perpetuity.

       Art. VIII-At the ports appointed in the territory of either Government, it will be competent for the other to station Consuls for the control of its own merchant community. All suits in which they (the Consul's nationals) are the only parties, the matter in dispute being money or property, it will fall to the Consul to adjudicate according to the law of his own state. In mixed suits, the plaint having been laid before the Consul, he will endeavour, in the first instance, to prevent litigation by friendly counsel. If this be not possible, he will write officially to the local authority, and in concert with him will fairly try the case and decide it. Where acts of theft or robbery are committed, and where debtors abscond, the authorities can do no more than make search for and apprehend the guilty parties. They shall not be held liable to make compensation.

       Art. IX.-At any of the ports appointed, at which no Consul shall have been stationel, the control and care of the traers resorting thither shall devolve on the local authorities. In case of the commission of any act of crime, the guilty party shall be apprehended, and the particulars of his offence communicated to the Consul at the nearest port, by whom he shall be tried and punished according to law.

Art. X.-At the ports named in either country, the officials and people of the other shall be at liberty to engage natives for service, or as artisans, or to attend to commercial business. The persons so engaged shall be kept in order by the person so engaging them, who shall not all w them to perpetrate acts of frand under any pretext. Still less shall he give rise to cause of complaint by giving ear to statements advanced from illicit notives. In the case of any offence being committed by any person emplored in the manner above mentioned, the ocal authority shall be at liberty to apprehend and punish the delinquent. The employer shall not favour or protect him.

Art. XI.-Whereas it is the duty of the subjects of either Power residing at the ports declared open in either country to live on friendly terms with the native inha- bitants, it is provided that they shall not be allowed to wear arms. Infraction of

this rule will be punishable by a fine, acccompanied by the confiscation of the arms.* Residents as aforesaid shall attend peaceably to their own avocations, and whether residing permanently or for the time being at a port, they shall submit to the autho rity of their Consul. They shall not be allowed to adopt the costume of the country

• Ratification of these clauses, relating to the wearing of arms, refused by the Mikado of Japan.

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in which they may reside, nor to obtain local registration and compete at the literary examinations, lest disorder and confusion be produced.

Art. XII.-If any subject of either Power having violated the law of his own country, secrete himself in an official building, merchant vessel, or warehouse of the other state, or escape to any place in the territory of the other, on official application being made by the authority of the state of which such offender is a subject to the authority of the other, the latter shall immediately take steps for the arrest of the offender, without show of favour. Whilst in custody, he shall be provided with food zand clothing, and shall not be subjected to ill-usage.

   Art. XIII.-It any subject of either Power connect himself at any of the open ports with lawless offenders for purposes of robbery or other wrong doing, or if any work his way into the interior and commit acts of incendiarism, murder, or robbery, active measures for his apprehension shall be taken by the proper authority, and notice shall at the same time be given without delay to the Consul of the offender's nationality. Any offender who shall venture, with weapons of a murderous nature, to resist capture, may be slain in the act without farther consequence; but the circumstances which have led to his life being thus taken shall be investigated at an inquest which will be held by the Consul and the local authority together. In the event of the occurrence taking place in the interior, so far from the port that the Consul cannot arrive in time for the inquest, the local authority shall communicato a report of the facts of the case to the Consul.

When arrested and brought up for trial, the offender, if at a port, shall be tried by the local authority and the Consul together. In the interior he shall be tried and dealt with by the local authority, who will officially communicate the facts of the case to the Consul.

    If subjects of either Power shall assemble to the number of ten or more to foment disorder and commit excesses in the dominions of the other, or shall induce subjects of the other therein to conspire with them for the doing of injury to the other Power, the authorities of the latter shall be free at once to arrest them. If at a port, their Consul shall be informed, in order that he may take part in their trial. If in the interior, the local authority shall duly try them, and shall officially com- municate particulars to the Consul. In either case capital punishment shall be in- #flicted at the scene of the commission of the offence.

Art. XIV.-Vessels of war of either Power shall be at liberty to frequent the ports of the other for the protection of the subjects of their own country, but they shall in no case enter ports not declared open by treaty, nor rivers, lakes, and streams in the interior. Any vessels infringing this rule shall be placed under embargo and #fined. This stipulation shall not, however, apply to vessels driven into port by stress

⚫of weather.

    Art. XV.-If either State of the two should be involved in war with any other Power, measures for the defence of the coast being thereby entailed, on notice being given, trade shall be suspended for the time being, together with the entry and departure of ships, lest injury befal then. Japanese subjects ordinarily established in the appointed ports of China, or being in the seas adjoining China, and Chinese subjects ordinarily established at the open ports of Japan or being in the seas adjoining thereunto, shall not be permitted to engage in collisions with subjects of a hostile power, or to attack and plunder them.

Art. XVI.-No Consul of either Power shall be allowed to trade, or to act as Consul for a Power not in Treaty relations with the other. In the case of any Consul so acting as to render himself generally unacceptabie, on substantial proof to is effect being produced, it shall be competent for the Government interested to communicate officially with the Minister Plenipotentiary, who, when he shall have ascertained the truth, shall remove the Consul, in order that the friendly relations of the two Governments may not suffer detriment through the misconduct of a single


   Art. XVII.-The flags carried by the vessels of either country are of a fixed design. If a vessel of either having falsely assumed the colours of the other, shall

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do that which is contrary to law, the vessel and goods shall be confiscated, and if it appear that the false colours were given by an official, he shall be denounced and removed from bis post.

The subjects of either country shall be at liberty to purchase the books of the other, if desirous of studying its literature.

      Art. XVIII.-The foregoing articles are agreed to by the two contracting Powers in order to the prevention of misunderstandings, to the end that perfect confidence and improved relations may subsist between them. In testimony whereof the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the two contracting Powers do now accordingly sign and affix their seals hereto. So soon as the present Treaty shall have been ratified by their respective Sovereigns, and ratified copies of it exchanged, it shall be printed and published, and circulated throughout the dominions of either Power, for the information of the subjects of both countries, to the end that there may be a good understanding between them for evermore.

Dated the 29th day of the 7th moon of the 10th year of Tung Chi, correspond- ing to the 4th year of Mei Ji according to the Japanese reckoning (September 13th, 1871).



[L.8.] [L.8.]


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Ratifications exchanged at Hanyang on the 28th April, 1884.

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and His Majesty the King of Corea, being sincerely desirous of establishing permanent relations of Friendship and Commerce between their res- pective dominions, have resolved to conclude a Treaty for that purpose, and have therefore named as Their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, Sir Harry Smith Parkes, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of The Bath, Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the Emperor of China;

His Majesty the King of Corea, Min Yöng-mok, President of His Majesty's Foreign Office, a Dignitary of the First Rank, Senior Vice-President of the Council of State, Member of His Majesty's Privy Council, and Junior Guardian of the Crown Prince;

Who, after baving communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles:-

Art. I.-There shall be perpetual peace and friendship between Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, her heirs and successors, and His Majes y the King of Corea, his heirs and succes- sors, and between their respective dominions and subjects, who shall enjoy full security and protection for their persons and property within the dominions of the


2.--In case of differences arising between one of the High Contracting Parties and a third Power, the other High Contracting Party, if requested to do so, shall exert its good offices to bring about an amicable arrangement.

Art. IL-The High Contracting Parties may each appoint a Diplomatic Re- presentative to reside permanently or temporarily at the capital of the other, and may appoint a Consul-General, Consule or Vice-Consuls, to reside at any or all of the ports or places of the other which are open to foreign commerce. The Diplo matic Representatives and Consular functionaries of both countries sball freely enjoy the same facilities for communication, personally or in writing, with the Authorities. of the country where they respectively reside, together with all other privileges and immunities, as are enjoyed by Diplomatic or Consular functionaries in other


2. The Diplomatic Representative and the Consular functionaries of each Power and the members of their official establishments shall have the right to travel freely in any part of the dominions of the other, and the Corean Authorities shall furnish passports to such British officers travelling in Cores, and shall provide such escort for their protection as may be necessary.

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3.-The Consular officers of both countries shall exercise their functions on receipt of due authorisation from the Sovereign or Government of the country in which they respectively reside, and shall not be permitted to engage in trade.

Art. III.-Jurisdiction over the persons and property of British subjects in Cores shall be vested exclusively in the duly authorised British Judicial Autuorities, who shall hear and determine all cases brought against British subjects by any British or other foreign subject or citizen without the intervention of the Corcan Authorities.

2.-It the Corean Authorities or a Corean subject make any charge or complaint against a British subject in Corea, the case shall be heard and decided by the

British Judicial Authorities.

3.-If the British Authorities or a British subject make any charge or complaint against a Corean subject n Corca, the case shall be heard and decided by the Corean


4-A British subject who commits any offence in Corea shall be tried and punished by the British Judicial Authorities according to the laws of Great Britain,

    5.-A Corean subject who commits in Corea any offence against a British sub- ject suall be tried and punished by the Corcan Authorities according to the laws of Corea.

    6.-Any complaint against a British subject involving a penalty or confiscation by reason or any breach either of this Treaty or of any Regulation annexed thereto, or of any Regulation that may herealter be made in virtue of its provisions, shall be brought before the British Judicial Authorities for decision, and any penalty imposed. and all property confiscated in such cases, shall belong to the Corean Government.

    7.-British goods, when seized by the Corean Author.ties at an open port, shall be put under the seals of the Corean and the British Consular Authorities, and shall be detained by the former unul the British Judicial Authorities shall have given their decision. If this decision is in favour of the owner of the goods, they shall be imme diately placed at the Consul's disposal. But the owner shall be allowed to receive them at once on depositing their value with the Corcan Authorities pending the decision of the British Judicial Authorities.

8. In all cases, whether civil or criminal, tried either in Corean or British Courts in China, a properly authorised official of the nationality of the plaintiff or prosecutor shall be allowed to attend the hearing, and shall be treated with the courtesy due to his position. He shall be allowed, whenever he thinks it necessary to call, examine, and cross-examine witnesses, and to protest against the proceedings or decision.

    9.-If a Corean subject who is charged with an offence against the laws of bia country takes refuge on premises occupied by a British subject, or on board a British merchant vessel, the British Consular Authorities, on receiving an application from the Corean Authorities, shall take steps to have such person arrested and banded over to the latter for trial. But, without the consent of the proper British Consular Authority, no Corean officer shall enter the premises of any British subject without his consent, or go on board any British ship without the consent of the officer in charge.

    10.-On the demand of any competent British Consular Authority, the Corean Authorities shall arrest and deliver to the former any British subject charged with criminal offence, and any deserter from a British ship ot war or merchant vessel.

    Art. IV. The port of Chemulpo (Jenchuan), Wonsan (Gensan), and Pusan (Fusan), or, if the latter port should not be approved, then such other port as may be selected in its neighbourhood, together with the city of Hanyang and the town of Yanghwa Chin, or such other place in that neighbourhood as may be deemed desirable, shall, from the day on which this Treaty comes into operation, be opened to British



    2. -At the above-named places British subjects shall have the right to rent or to purchase land or houses, and to erect dwellings, warehouses, and factories. They shall be allowed the free exercise of their religion. All arrangements for the selection, determination of the limits, and laying out of the sites of the Foreign settlements

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and for the sale of land at the various ports and places in Corea open to foreign trade, shall be made by the Corean Authorities in conjunction with the competent Foreign Authorities.

    3. These sites shall be purchased from the owners and prepared for occupation by the Corean Government, and the exponse thus incurred shall be a first charge on the proceeds of the sale of the land. The yearly rental agreed upon by the Corean Authorities in conjunction with the Foreign Authorities shall be paid to the former, who shall retain a fixed amount thereof as a fair equivalent for the laud tax, and the remainder, together with any balance left from the proceeds of land sales, shall belong to a Municipal fund to be administered by a Council, the constitution of which shall be determined hereafter by the Corean Authorities in conjunction with the competent Foreign Authorities.

4.-British subjects may rent or purchase land or houses beyond the limits of the foreign settlements, and within a distance of ten Corean li from the same. But all land so occupied shall be subject to such conditions as to the observance of Corean local regulations and payment of land tax as the Corean Authorities may see fit to impose.

5.-The Corean Authorities will set apart, free of cost, at each of the places open to trade, a suitable piece of ground as a foreign cemetery, upon which no rent, land tax, or other charges shall be payable, and the management of which shall be left to the Municipal Council above mentioned.

   6. British subjects shall be allowed to go where they please without passports within a distance of one hundred Corean li from any of the ports and places open to trade, or within such limits as may be agreed upon etween the competent authorities of both countries. British subjects are also authorised to travel in Corea for pleasure or for purposes of trade, to transport and sell goods of all kinds, except books and other printed matter disapproved of by the Corean Government, and to purchase native produce in all parts of the country under passports which will be issued by their Consuls and countersigned or sealed by the Corean local authorities. These passports, if demanded, must be produced for examination in the districts passed through. If the passport be not irregular, the bearer will be allowed to proceed, and he shall be at liberty to procure such means of transport as he may require. Any British subject travelling beyond the limits above named without a passport, or com- mitting when in the interior any offence, shall be arrested and handed over to the nearest British Consul for punishment. Travelling without a passport beyond the said limits will render the offender liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred Mexican dollars, with or without imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month.

7.-British subjects in Corea shall be amenable to such municipal, police, and other regulations for the maintenance of peace, order, and good government as may be agreed upon by the competent authorities of the two countries.

Art. V. At each of the ports or places open to Foreign trade, British subjects shall be at full liberty to import from any Foreign port or from any Corean open port, to sell or to buy from any Corean subjects or others, and to export to any Foreign or Corean open port, all kinds of merchandise not prohibited by this Treaty, on paying the duties of the Tariff annexed thereto. They may freely transact their business with Corean subjects or others without the intervention of Corean officials or other persons, and they may freely engage in any industrial occupation.

2.-The owners or consignees of all goods imported from any Foreign port upon which the duty of the aforesaid Tariff shall have been paid shall be entitled, on re-exporting the same to any foreign port at any time within thirteen Corean months from the date of importation, to receive a drawback certificate for the amount of such import duty, provided that the original packages containing such goods remain intact. These drawback certificates shall either be redeemed by the Corean Customs on demand, or they shall be received in payment of duty at any Corean open port.

  3. The duty paid on Corean goods, when carried from one Corean open port to another, shall be refunded at the port of shipment on production of a Customs

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dertificate showing that the goods have arrived at the port of destination, or on

atisfactory proof being produced of the loss of the goods by shipwreck.

4-All goods imported into Corea by British subjects, and on which the duty of the Tariff annexed to this Treaty shall have been paid, may be conveyed to any Corean open port free of duty, and, when transported into the interior, shall not be subject to any additional tax, excise or transit duty whatsoever in any part of the country. In like manner, full freedom shall be allowed for the transport to the

open ports of all Corean commodities intended for exportation, and such commodities shall not, either at the place of production, or when being conveyed from any part of Corea to any of the open ports, be subject to the payment of any tax, excise or transit duty whatsoever.

     5.-The Corean Government may charter British merchant vessels for the con- veyance of goods or passengers to unopened ports in Corea, and Corean subjects shall have the same right, subject to the approval of their own authorities.

     6.-Whenever the Government of Cores shall have reason to apprehend a scarcity of food within the kingdom, His Majesty the King of Corea may, by Decree, temporarily probibit the export of grain to foreign countries from any or all of the Corean open ports, and such prohibition shall become binding on British subjects in Corea on the expiration of one month from the date on which it shall have been officially communicated by the Corean Authorities to the British Consul at the port concerned, but shall not remain longer in force than is absolutely necessary.

     7.-All British ships shall pay tonnage dues at the rate of thirty cents (Mexican) per register ton. One such payment will entitle a vessel to visit any or all of the open ports in Corea during a period of four months without further charge. All tonnage dnes shall be appropriated for the purposes of erecting lighthouses and beacons, and placing buoys on the Corean coast, more especially at the approaches to the open ports, and in deepening or otherwise improving the anchorages. No tonnage dues shall be charged on boats employed at the open ports in landing or shipping cargo.

8.-In order to carry into effect and secure the observance of the provisions of this Treaty, it is hereby agreed that the Tariff and Trade Regulations hereto annexed shall come into operation simultaneously with this Treaty. The competent authorities of the two countries may, from time to time, revise the said Regulations with a view to the insertion therein, by mutual consent, of such modifications or additions as experience shall prove to be expedient.

     Art. VI.-Any British subject who smuggles, or attempts to smuggle, goods into any Corean port or place not open to foreign trade shall forfeit twice the value of such goods, and the goods shall be confiscated. The Corean local authorities may seize such goods, and may arrest any British subject concerned in such smuggling or attempt to smuggle. They shall immediately forward any person so arrested to the nearest British Consul for trial by the proper British judicial authority, and may detain such goods until the case shall have been finally adjudicated.

Art. VII.-If a British ship be wrecked or stranded on the coast of Corea, the local authorities shall immediately take such steps to protect the ship and her cargo from plunder, and all the persons belonging to her from ill-treatment, and to render such other assistance as may be required. They shall at once inform the nearest British Consul of the occurrence, and shall furnish the shipwrecked persons, if neces- sary, with means of conveyance to the nearest open port.

     2.-All expenses incurred by the Government of Corea for the rescue, clothing, maintenance, and travelling of shipwrecked British subjects, for the recovery of the bodies of the drowned, for the medical treatment of the sick and injured, and for the burial of the dead, shall be repaid by the British Government to that of Corea.

3. The British Government shall not be responsible for the repayment of the expenses incurred in the recovery or preservation of a wrecked vessel, or the property belonging to her. All such expenses shall be a charge upon the property saved, and shall be paid by the parties interested therein upon receiving delivery of the same.

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   4.-No charge shall be made by the Government of Corea for the expenses of the Government officers, local functionaries, or police who shall proceed to the wreck, for the travelling expenses of officers escorting the shipwrecked men, nor for the expenses of official correspondence. Such expenses shall be borne by the Corean Government.

   5.--Any British merchant ship compelled by stress of weather or by want of fuel or provisions to enter an unopened port in Corea shall be allowed to execute repairs, and to obtain necessary supplies. All such expenses shall be defrayed by the master of the vessel.

Art. VIII. The ships of war of each country shall be at liberty to visit all the ports of the other. They shall enjoy every facility for procuring supplies of all kinds or for making repairs, and shall not be subject to trade or harbour regulations, nor be liable to the payment of duties or port charges of any kind.

   2.-When British ships of war visit unopened ports in Corea, the officers and men may land, but shall not proceed into the interior unless they are provided with passports.

   3.-Supplies of all kinds for the use of the British Navy may be landed at the open ports of Corea, and stored in the custody of a British officer, without the pay- ment of any duty. But if any such supplies are sold, the purchaser shall pay the proper duty to the Corean Authorities.

4.-The Corean Government will afford all the facilities in their

power to ships belonging to the British Government which may be engaged in making surveys in Corean waters.

    Art. IX.-The British Authorities and British subjects in Corea shall be allowed to employ Corean subjects as teachers, interpreters, servants, or in any other lawful capacity, without any restriction on the part of the Corean Authorities; and, in like manner, no restrictions shall be placed upon the employment of British subjects by Corean Authorities and subjects in any lawful capacity.

2.-Subjects of either nationality who may proceed to the country of the other to study its language, literature, laws, arts, or industries, or for the purpose of scien- tific research, shall be afforded every reasonable facility for doing so.

Art. X.-It is hereby stipulated that the Government, public officers, and subjects of Her Britannic Majesty shall, from the day on which this Treaty comes into operation, participate in all privileges, immunities, and advantages, especially in relation to import or export duties on goods and manufactures, which shall then have been granted or may thereafter be granted by His Majesty the King of Corea to the Government, public officers, or subjects of any other power.

Art. XI. Ten years from the date on which this Treaty shall come into opera- tion, either of the High Contracting Parties may, on giving one year's previous notice to the other, demand a revision of the Treaty or of the Tariff annexed thereto, with a view to the insertion therein, by mutual consent, of such modifications as experience shall prove to be desirable.

   Art. XII. This Treaty is drawn up in the English and Chinese languages, both of which versions have the same meaning, but it is hereby agreed that any difference which may arise as to interpretation shall be determined by reference to the English text.

2. For the present all official communications addressed by the British Autho- rities to those of Corea shall be accompanied by a translation into Chinese.

Art. XIII.-The present Treaty shall be rat.fied by Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and by His Majesty the King of Corea, under their hands and seals; the ratifications shall be exchanged at Hanyang (Söul) as soon as possible, or at latest within one year from the date of signature, and the Treaty, which shall be published by both Governments, shall come into operation on the day on which the ratifications are exchanged.

   In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries above named have signed the present Treaty, and have thereto affixed their seals.

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Done in triplicate at Hanyang, this twenty-sixth day of November, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, corresponding to the twenty-seventh day of the tenth month of the four hundred and ninety-second year of the Corean era, being the ninth year of the Chinese reign Kuang Hsü.






I.-Entrance and Clearance of Vessels.

1. Within forty-eight hours (exclusive of Sundays and holidays) after the arrival of a British ship in a Corean port, the master shall deliver to the Corean Customs authorities the receipt of the British Consul showing that he has deposited the ship's papers at the British Consulate, and he shall then make an entry of his ship by handing in a written paper stating the name of the hip, of the port from which she comes, of her master, the number, and, if required, the names of her passengers, her tonnage, and the number of her crew, which paper shall be certified by the master to be a true statement, and shall be signed by him. He shall, at the same time, deposit a written manifest of his cargo, setting forth the marks and numbers of the packages and their contents as they are described in the bills of lading, with the names of the persons to whom they are consigned. The master shall certify that this description is correct, and shall sign his name to the same. When a vessel has been duly entered, the Customs authorities will issue a permit to open hatches, which shall be exhibited to the Customs officer on board. Breaking bulk without having obtained such permission will render the master liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred Mexican dollars.

2. If any error is discovered in the manifest, it may be corrected within twenty- four hours (exclusive of Sundays and holidays) of its being handed in, without the payment of any fee, but for any alteration or post entry to the manifest made after that time a fee of five Mexican dollars shall be paid.

    3.-Any master who shall neglect to enter his vessel at the Corean Custom-house within the time fixed by this Regulation shall pay a penalty not exceeding fifty Mexican dollars for every twenty-four hours that he shall so neglect to enter his ship.

4.-Any British vessel which remains in port for less than forty-eight hours (exclusive of Sundays and holidays) and does not open her hatches, also any vessel driven into port by stress of weather, or only in want of supplies, shall not be required to enter or to pay tonnage dues so long as such vessel does not engage in trade.

     5.-When the master of a vessel wishes to clear, he shall hand in to the Customs authorities an export manifest containing similar particulars to those given in the import manifest. The Customs authorities will then issue a clearance certificate and return the Consul's receipt for the ship's papers. These documents must be handed into the Consulate before the ship's papers are returned to the master.

6. Should any ship leave the port without clearing outwards in the manner above prescribed, the master shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred Mexican dollars.

7.-British steamers may enter and clear on the same day, and they shall not be required to hand in a manifest except for such goods as are to be landed or transhipped at the port of entry.

II.-Landing and Shipping Cargo, and Payment of Duties.

1.-The importer of any goods who desires to land them shail make and sign an application to that effect at the Custom-house, stating his own name, the name of the ship in which the goods have been imported, the marks, numbers, and contents of the packages and their values, and declaring that this statement is correct. The Custom authorities may demand the production of the invoice of each consignment of mer-

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  shandise. If it is not produced, or if its absence is not satisfactorily accounted for, the owner shall be allowed to land his goods on payment of double the Tariff duty, but the surplus duty so levied shall be refunded on the production of the invoice.

2.-All goods so entered may be examined by the Customs officers of the places appointed for the purpose. Such examination shall be made without delay or injury to the merchandize, and the packages shall be at once restored by the Customs authorities to their original condition, in so far as may be practicable.

    3.-Should the Customs authorities consider the value of any goods paying an ad valorem duty as declared by the importer or exporter insufficient, they shall call upon him to pay duty on the value determined by an appraisement to be made by the Customs appraiser. But should the importer or exporter be dissatisfied with that appraisement, he shall within twenty-four hours (exclusive of Sundays and holidays) state his reasons for such dissatisfaction to the Commissioner of Customs, and shall appoint an appraiser of his own to make a re-appraisement. He shall then declare the value of the goods as determined by such re-appraisement. The Commissioner of Customs will thereupon, at his option, either assess the duty on the value deter- mined by this re-appraisement, or will purchase the goods from the importer or exporter at the price thus determined, with the addition of five per cent. In the latter case the purchase money shall be paid to the importer or exporter within five days from the date on which he has declared the value determined by his owu Appraiser.

    4. Upon all goods damaged on the voyage of importation a fair reduction of duty shall be allowed, proportionate to their deterioration. If any disputes arise as to the amount of such reduction, they shall be settled in the manner pointed out in the preceding clause.

    5.-All goods intended to be exported shall be entered at the Corean Custom- house before they are shipped. The application to ship shall be made in writing, and shall state the name of the vessel by which the goods are to be exported, the marks and number of the packages, and the quantity, description, and value of the contents. The exporter shall certify in writing that the application gives a true account of all the goods contained therein, and shall sign his name thereto.

    6.-No goods shall be landed or shipped at other places than those fixed by the Corean Customs authorities, or between the hours of sunset and sunrise, or on Sundays or holidays, without the special permission of the Customs authorities, who will be entitled to reasonable fees for the extra duty thus performed.

7.-Claims by importers or exporters for duties paid in excess, or by the Customs authorities for duties which have not been fully paid, shail be entertained only when made within thirty days from the date of payment.

    8.-No entry will be required in the case of provisions for the use of British ships, their crews and passengers, nor for the baggage of the latter which may be landed or shipped at any time after examination by the Customs officers.

    9.-Vessels needing repairs may land their cargo for that purposes without the payment of duty. All goods so lauded shall remain in charge of the Corean Autho- rities, and all just charges for storage, labour, and supervision shall be paid by the master. But if any portion of such cargo be sold, the duties of the Tariff shall be paid on the portion so disposed of.

10. Any person desiring to tranship cargo shall obtain a permit from the Customs authorities before doing so.

III.-Protection of the Revenue.

I.-The Customs authorities shall have the right to place Customs officers on board any

       British merchant vessel in their ports. All such Customs officers shall have access to all parts of the ship in which cargo is stowed. They shall be treated with civility, and such reasonable accommodation shall be allotted to them as the ship affords.

    2. The hatches and all other places of entrance into that part of the ship where ergo is stowed may be secured by the Corean Customs officers between the hours of sunset and sunrise, and on Sundays and holidays, by affixing seals, locks, or other

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astenings, and if any person shall, without due permission, wilfully open any entrance that has been so secured, or break any seal, lock, or other fastening that has been affixed by the Corean Customs officers, not only the person so offending, but the master of the ship also, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred Mexican dollars

    3.--Any British subject who ships, or attempts to ship, or discharges, or attempts to discharge, goods which have not been duly entered at the Custom-house in the manner above provided, or packages containing goods different from those described in the import or export permit application, or prohibited goods, shall forfeit twice the value of such goods, and the goods shall be confiscated

    4. Any person signing a false declaration or certificate with the intent to defraud the revenue of Corea shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred Mexican dollars.

    5.-Any violation of any provision of these Regulations, to which no penalty is specially attached herein, may be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred Mexican dollars.

Note.--All documents required by these Regulations, and all other communications addressed to the Corean Customs authorities, may be written in the English language.






     The above-named Plenipotentiaries hereby make and append to this Treaty the following three Declarations:-

I. With reference to Article III. of this Treaty, it is hereby declared that the right of extra-territorial jurisdiction over British subjects in Corea granted by this Treaty shall be relinquished when, in the judgment of the British Government, the laws and legal procedure of Corea shall have been so far mo lified and reformed as to remove the objections which now exist to British subjects being placed under Corean jurisdiction, and Corean Judges shall have attained similar legal qualifications and a similar independent position to those of British Judges.

     II.-With reference to Article IV. of this Treaty, it is hereby declared that if the Chinese Government shall hereafter surrender the right of opening commercial establishments in the city of Hanyang, which was granted last year to Chinese subjects, the same right shall not be claimed for British subjects, provided that it be not granted by the Corean Government to the subjects of any other Power.

     III.It is hereby declared that the provisions of this Treaty shall apply to all British Colonies, unless any exception shall be notified by Her Majesty's Government to that Corea within one year from the date on which the Ratifications of this Treaty shall be exchanged.

    And it is hereby further stipulated that this Protocol shall be laid before the High Contracting Parties simultaneously with this Treaty, and that the ratification of this Treaty shall include the confirmation of the above three declarations, for which, therefore, no separate act of ratification will be required.

In faith of which the above-named Plenipotentiaries have this day signed this Protocol, and have hereto affixed their seals.

Done at Hanyang this twenty-sixth day of November, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, corresponding to the twenty-seventh day of the tenth month of the four hundred and ninety-second year of the Corean era, being the ninth year of the Chinese reign Kuang Hsü.





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1 Agricultural implements...

2 Alum

3 Amber...



4 Anchors and chains

5 Arms, ammunition, fire-arms, fowl- ing Pieces, or sidearins, import- ted under special permit of the Corean Government for sporting purposes or for self-defence

6 Artificial flowers...

7 Bamboo, split or not


Bark for tanning



Beans, peas, and pulse, all kinds...

10 Beer, porter, and cider

11 Beverages, such as lemonade, gin-

ger beer, waters

12 Birds' nests


soda and

13 Blankets and rugs

14 Bones

15 Books, maps, and charts...

16 Bricks and tiles

17 Bullion, being gold or





18 Buttons, buckles, hooks and eyes,


19 Camphor, crude.....




21 Candles

22 Canvas

28 / Carmine









24 Carpets of jute, hemp, or felt, pa-

tent tapestry

25 Carpets, superior quality, as Brus- sels, Kidderminster, and other

kinds not enumerated...

26 Carpets, velvet

27 Carriages




28 Cement, as Portland and other


29 Charcoal

80 Chemicals, all kinds









81 Clocks and parts thereof... 38 Clothing and wearing apparel, all kinds, hats, boots and shoes, &c.

33 Clothing and wearing apparel made

wholly of silk

84 Coal and coke

35 Cochineal

86 Cocoons



37 Coins, gold and silver ...





88 Confectionaries and sweetmeats,

all kinds




39 Coral, manufactured or not 40 Cordage and rope, all kinds and



41 Cotton, raw


42 Cotton manufactures, all kinds... 48 Cotton and woollen mixtures, all




44 Cotton and silk mixtures, all kinds......

45 Cutlery, all kinds... 46 Drugs, all kinds







Ad valorem Rate of Duty. Per cent.












Ad valorem Bate of Duty. Per cent.

47 Dyes, colours, and paints, paint

oils, and materials

mixing paints


Embroideries in gold, silver, or silk. Enamel-ware








Explosives used for mining, &c., and

imported under special permit


གཙྪསྶ ཨ 8 ༔ སྒྲ 588s



བྲཱཙིསྶསྶཙནྡྷསྶ༔ ཨཏོགསྱུསྱཱཙཨn88

52 Fans, all kinds




53 Feathers, all kinds













silver re-







seal, otter, beaver, &c.







Ginseng, red, white, crude, and




Glass, window, plain and coloured,

all qualities




Glass, plate, silvered or unsilvered

framed or unframed...


Glassware, all kinds...




75 Grain and corn, all kinds













81 82




55 şaşbõa Kuuno Ya Nabönag aaõõ


55 Fire engines



57 Fish, fresh...




dried and salted...

59 Flax, hemp, and jute 60 Flints





61, Floor rugs, all kinds 62 Flour and meal, all kinds

Foil, gold and silver...




tin, copper, and all other kinds. Fruit, fresh, all kinds...


dried, salted, or preserved...

Furniture of all kinds...

Furs, superior, as sable, sea otter,

FF&& 9FFF18°FFFFF & F &

Grasscloth, and all textiles in hemp,

jute, &c.


ʊuano and manures, all kinds Hair, all kinds except human



ornaments, gold and silver.. Hides and skins, raw and undressed.

tanned and dressed. Horns and hoofs all kinds not other-

wise provided for


84 Incense sticks



85 India-rubber, manufactured or


86 Isinglass, all kinds


87 Ivory, manufactured or not ... 88 Jade-ware



89 Jewellery, real or imitation










Kerosine, or petroleum, and other

mineral oils

Lacquered-ware, common superior


93 Lamps, all kinds

94 Lanterns, paper








95 Leather, all ordinary kinds, plain.....



superior kinds and stam- ped, figured, or coloured


97 Leather manufactures, all kinds...

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98 Lime

99 Linen, linen and cotton, linen and

woollen mixtures, linen and silk mixtures, all kinds

100 Matches

101 Matting, floor, Chinese, Japanese,

coir, &c., common qualities

102 Matting, superior qualities, Japa-

nese "tatamis," &c,

103 Meat, fresh



dried and salted

105 Medicines, all kinds not otherwise

provided for...


106 Metals, all kinds, in pig, block, ingot, slab, bar, rod, plate, sheet, hoop, strip, band and flat, T-and angle-iron, old and scrap iron

107 Metals, all kinds, pipe or tube, cor- rugated or galvanized, wire, steel, tin-plates,quicksilver,nickel, pla- tina, German silver, yellow me- tal, tutenagne, or white copper, unrefined gold and silver

108 Metal manufactures, all kinds, as nails, screws, tools, machinery, railway plant, and hardware




121 Paper, common qualities



all kinds, not otherwise pro-




Soap, common qualities


Soap, superior qualities...



Soy, Chinese and Japanese

109 Models of inventions...




110 Mosquito netting, not made of silk.



Spices, all kinds ...


made of silk...



Spirits, in jars...


112 Musical boxes ...





113 Musical instruments, all kinds...

114 Musk...

115 Needles and pins...


117 Oils, vegetable, all kinds ... 118 Oil, wood (Tung-yu)


     119 Oil, and floor-cloth, all kinds 120 Packing bags, packing matting, tea-

lead, and ropes for packing goods.











71 164

Spirits and liqueurs, in wood or

bottle, all kinds

Stationery and writing materials,

all kinds, blank books, &c. Stones and slate, cut and dressed... Sugar, brown and white, all quali-

ties, molasses, and syrups



Table stores, all kinds, and pre-

served provisions



Ad valorem

Rate of Duty.


Per cent.







Ad valorem Rate of Duty.

143 Samples in reasonable quantities.

Per cent.








Scales and balances



Scented wood, all kinds...



Scientific instruments, as physical,






and surgical, and their ap- pliances




Seals, materials for



71 149

Sea products, as seaweed, bêche-

de-mer, &c.





Seeds, all kinds





Silk, raw, reeled, thrown, floss or

waste... Silk manufactures, as gauze, crape, Japanese amber lustrings, sa- tins, satin damasks, figured satins, Japanese white silk ("habutai")


153 Silk manufactures not otherwise

provided for

Silk thread and floss silk in skein.








Sugar candy






vided for







124 Pearls


123 Paper, coloured, fancy, wall and

125 Pepper, unground ...

Perfumes and scents...

127 Photographic apparatus

128 Pictures, prints, photographs, en- gravings, all kinds, framed or



Telescopes and binocular glasses.....







Tobacco, all kinds and forms



Tortoise shell, manufactured or not.


Tooth powder



Travellers' baggage




Trunks and portmanteaux




129 Pitch and tar






130 Planks, soft...

132 Plants, trees and shrubs, all

133 Plate, gold and silver

134 Plated-ware, all kinds


135 Porcelain, common qualities...


superior qualities


137 Precious stones, all kinds, set or


138 Rattans, split or not


Rhinoceros horns

140 Rosin...








141 Saddlery and harness......






88 25 No

177 Types, new and old

Twine and thread, all kinds, ex-

cepting in silk

178 Umbrellas, paper






179 180


cotton silk








Free 182



Umbrella frames...

183 Vegetables, fresh, dried, and sal-

ted ...


184 Velvet, silk



186 Vermilion







187 Watches, and parts thereof, in com-

mon metal, nickel, or silver

188 Watches, in gold or gilt

Wax, bees' or vegetable








85 528. zzōzafa 675885222 2ō2 27 8 78n.ökön ẽ




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Ad Valorem Rate of Duty. Per cent.


191 Wines in wood or bottle, all kinds. 192 Wood or timber, soft ...



194 Wool, sheeps, raw



196 Woollen manufactures, all kinds.. 196 Woollen and silk mixtures, all


197 Works of art









198 Yarns, all kinds, in cotton, wool,

hemp, &c.



All unenumerated articles, raw or

unmanufactured ...



All unenumerated articles, partly



All unenumerated articles, com-

pletely manufactured


Duty-Free Export Goods.





Foreign ships, when sold in Cores,

pay a duty of 25 cents per ton on sailfig wessels, and 50 cents per ton on steamars.

Prohibited Goods.

Adulterated drugs or medicines.

Arms, munitions, and implements of war, as ordnance or cannon, shot and shell, firearms of all kinds, cartridges, side-arma, spears pikes, saltpetre, gunpowder, guncotton, dr namite, and other explosive substances.

The Corean authorities will grant special permits for the importation of arms, firearms, and ammunition for purposes of sport or self- defence on satisfactory proof being furnished to them of the bond fide character of the application.

Counterfeit coins, all kinds. Opium, except medicinal opium.


Bullion, being gold and silver refined.

Coins, gold and silver, all kinds. Plants, trees, and shrubs, all kinds. Samples, in reasonable quantity. Travellers' baggage.


All other native goods or productions not enumerated in Class I. will pay an ad valorem duty of five per cent.

The exportation of red ginseng is pre



I.--In the case of imported articles the ad valorem duties of this Tariff will be calculated on the actual cost of the goods at the place of production or fabrication, with the addition of freight, insurance, etc. In the case of export articles the ad valorem duties will be calculated on market values in Corea.

II. Duties may be paid in Mexican dollars or Japanese silver yen.

III. The above Tariff of import and export duties shall be converted, as soon as possible and as far as may be deemed desirable, into specific rates by agreement between the competent authorities of the two countries.

[L.8.] [L.B. (L.S.]



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Signed at Rensan, 22nd May, 1882.

Ratifications Exchanged at Seoul, 19th May, 1883.

Art. I.-There shall be perpetual peace and friendship between the President of the United States and the King of Chosen and the citizens and subjects of their respective Governments. If other Powers deal unjustly or oppressively with either government the other will exert their good offices, on being informed of the case, to bring about an amicable arrangement, thus showing their friendly feelings.

Ars. II.-After the conclusion of this treaty of amity and commerce the high contracting Powers may each appoint diplomatic representatives to reside at the Court, of the other, and may each appoint consular representatives at the ports of the other which are open to foreign commerce, at their own convenience.

The officials shall have relations with the corresponding local authorities of equal rank upon a basis of mutual equality. The Diplomatic and Consular repre sentatives of the two governments shall receive mutually all the privileges, rights, and immunities, without discrimination, which are accorded to the same classes of repre sentatives from the most favoured nations.

Consuls shall exercise their functions only on receipt of an exequatur from the government to which they are accredited. Consular authorities shall be bond fida officials. No merchants shall be permitted tɔ exercise the duties of the office, nor shall consular officers be allowed to engage in trade.

At ports to which no consular representatives have appointed the consula of other Powers may be invited to act, provided that no merchant shall be allowed to assume consular functions, or the provisions of this treaty may be, in such case, enforced by the local authorities.

If consular representatives of the United States in Chosen conduct their business in an improper manner their exequaturs may be revoked, subject to the approval, previously obtained, of the diplomatic representatives of the United States.

      Art. III.-Whenever United States vessels, either because of weather or by want. of fuel or provisions, cannot reach the nearest open port in Chosen, they may enter any port or harbour either to take refuge therein or to get wood, coal, and other necessaries or to make repairs; the expenses incurred thereby being defrayed by the ship's master. In such event the officers and people of the locality shall display their sympathy by rendering full assistance, and their liberality by furnishing the neces- sities required.

      If a United States vessel carries on a clandestine trade at a port not open to foreign commerce, such vessel with her cargo shall be seized and confiscated.

     If a United States vessel be wrecked on the coast of Chosen, the coast authorities, on being informed of the occurrence, shall immediately render assistance to the crew, provide for their present necessities, and take the measures necessary for the salvage to the ship and the preservation of the cargo. They shall also bring the matter to the knowledge of the nearest consular representative of the United States, in order

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that steps may be taken to send the crew home and save the ship and cargo. necessary expenses shall be defrayed either by the ship's master or by the United States.

Art. IV. All citizens of the United States of America in Chosen, peaceably attending to their own affairs, shall receive and enjoy for themselves and everything appertaining to them the protection of the local authorities of the Government of Chosen, who shall defend them from all insult and injury of any sort. If their dwellings or property be threatened or attacked by mobs, incendiaries, or other violent or lawless persons, the local officers, on requisition of the Consul, shall immediately dispatch a military force to disperse the rioters, apprehend the guilty individuals, and punish them with the utmost rigour of the law.

Subjects of Chosen, guilty of any criminal act towards citizens of the United States, shall be punished by the authorities of Chosen according to the laws of Chosen; and citizens of the United States, either on sbore or in any merchant véssel, who may insult, trouble, cr wound the persons or injure the property of the people of Chosen shall be arrested and punished only by the Consul or other public functionary of the United States thereto authorized, according to the laws of the United States.

When controversies arise in the kingdom of Chosen, between citizens of the United States and subjects of His Majesty, which need to be examined and decided by the public officers of the two nations, it is agreed between the two governments of the United States and Chosen that such cases shall be tried by the proper official of the nationality of the defendant according to the laws of that nation. The properly authorized official of the plaintiff's nationality shall be freely permitted to attend the trial and shall be treated with the courtesy due to his position. He shall be granted all proper facilities for watching the proceedings in the interests of justice. If he so desire he shall have the right to be present, to examine and cross-examine witnesses. If he is dissatisfied with the proceedings he shall be permitted to protest against them in detail.

It is, however, mutually agreed and understood between the high contracting Powers that whenever the King of Chosen shall have so far modified and reformed the statutes and the judicial procedure of his kingdom that, in the judgment of the United States, they conform to the laws and course of justice in the United States, the right of exterritorial jurisdiction over United States citizens in Chosen sball be abandoned, and thereafter United States citizens, when within the limits of the kingkom of Chosen, shall be subject to the jurisidction of the native authorities.

Art. V. Merchants and merchant vessels of Chosen visiting the United States for the purpose of traffic shall pay duties and tonnage dues and fees according to the customs regulations of the United States, but no higher or other rates of duties and tonnage dues shall be exacted of them than are levied upon citizens of the United States or upon citizens or subjects of the most favoured nation.

   Merchants and merchant vessels of the United States visiting Chosen for purposes of traffic shall pay duties upon all merchandise imported and exported. The authority to levy duties is of right vested in the Government of Chosen. The tariff of duties upon exports and imports, together with the customs regulations for the prevention of smuggling and other irregularities, will be fixed by the authorities of Chosen and communicated to the proper officials of the United States, to be by the latter notified to their citizens and duly observed.

It is, however, agreed in the first instance, as a general measure, that the tariff upon such imports as are articles of daily use shall not exceed an ad valorem duty of ten per cent; that the tariff upon such imports as are luxuries-as for instance foreign wines, foreign tobacco, clocks and watches-shall not exceed an ad valorem duty of thirty per cent., and that native produce exported shall pay a duty not to exceed five per cent. ad valorem. And it is further agreed that the duty upon foreign imports shall be paid once for all at the port of entry, and that no other dues, duties, fees, taxes, or charges of any sort shall be levied upon such imports either in the interior of Chosen or at the ports.

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      United States merchant vessels entering the ports of Chosen shall pay tonnage dues at the rate of five mace per ton, payable once in three months on each vessel, according to the Chinese calendar.

      Art. VI.-Subjects of Chosen who may visit the United States shall be permit- ted to reside and to rent premises, purchase land, or to construct residences or warehouses in all parts of the country. They shall be freely permitted to pursue their various callings and avocations, and to traffic in all merchandise, raw and manufactured, that is not declared contraband by law. Citizens of the United States who may resort to the ports of Chosen which are open to foreign commerce shall be permitted to reside at such open ports within the limits of the concession and to lease buildings or land, or to construct residences or warehouses therein.

                                   They shall be freely permitted to pursue their various callings and avocations within the limits of the ports and to traffic in all merchandise, raw and manufactured, that is not declared contraband by law.

      No coercion or intimidation in the acquisition of land or buildings shall be permitted, and the land rent as fixed by the authorities of Chosen shall be paid. And it is expressly agreed that land so acquired in the open ports of Chosen still remains an integral part of the kingdom, and that all rights of jurisdiction over persons and property within such areas remain vested in the authorities of Chosen, except in so far as such rights have been expressly relinquished by this treaty.

      American citizens are not permitted either to transport foreign imports to the interior for sale or to proceed thither to purchase native produce, nor are they permit- ted to transport native produce from one open port to another open port.

Violations of this rule will subject such merchandise to confiscation, and the merchants offending will be handed over to the consular anthorities to be dealt with.

      Art. VII. The governments of the United States and of Chosen mutually agree and undertake that subjects of Chosen shall not be permitted to import opium into any of the ports of the United States, and citizens of the United States shall not be permitted to import opium into any of the open ports of Chosen, to transport it from one open port to another open port, or traffic in it in Chosen. This absolute prohibition, which extends to vessels owned by the citizens or subjects of either Power, to foreign vessels employed by them, and to vessels owned by the citizens or subjects of either Power and employed by other persons for the transportation of opium, shall be enforced by appropriate legislation on the part of the United States and of Chosen, and offenders against it shall be severely punished.

      Art. VIII. Whenever the Government of Chosen_shall have reason to ap- prehend a scarcity of food within the limits of the kingdom, His Majesty may by decree temporarily prohibit the export of all breadstuffs, and such decree shall be binding upon all citizens of the United States in Chosen upon due notice having been given them by the authorities of Chosen through the proper officers of the United States; but it is to be understood that the exportation of rice and breadstuffs of every description is prohibited from the open port of Yin-Cbuen.

      Chosen having of old prohibited the exportation of red ginseng, if citizens of the United States clandestinely purchase it for export it shall be confiscated and the offenders punished.

       Art. IX.-Purchase of cannon, small arms, swords, gunpowder, shot, and all munitions of war is permitted only to officials of the Government of Chosen, and they may be imported by citizens of the United States only under a written permit from the authorities of Chosen. If these articles are clandestinely imported they shall bo confiscated and the offending party shall be punished.

Art. X.-The officers and people of either nation residing in the other shall have the right to employ natives for all kinds of lawful work.

Should, however, subjects of Chosen, guilty of violation of the laws of the king- dom, or against whom any action has been brought, conceal themselves in the residences or warehouses of United States citizens or on board United States merchant vessels, the Consular authorities of the United States, on being notified of the fact by the local authorities, will either permit the latter to despatch constables to make

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the arrests, or the persons will be arrested by the Consular authorities and handed over to the local constables.

Officials or citizens of the United States shall not harbour such persons.

  Art. XI.-Students of either nationality who may proceed to the country of the other in order to study the language, literature, laws, or arts shall be given all possible protection and assistance, in evidence of cordial goodwill.

  Art. XII.-This being the first treaty negotiated by Chosen, and hence being general and incomplete in its provisions, shall, in the first instance, be put into opers tion in all things stipulated herein. As to stipulations not contained herein, after an interval of five years, when the officers and people of the two Powers shall have become more familiar with each other's language, a further negotiation of commercial provisions and regulations in detail, in conformity with international law and without unequal discriminations on either part, shall be had.

Art. XIII.-This Treaty and future official correspondence between the two contracting governments shall be made on the part of Chosen in the Chinese language, The United States shall either use the Chinese language, or it English be used it shall be accompanied with a Chinese version in order to avoid misunderstanding.

  Art. XIV. The high contracting Powers hereby agree that should at any time the King of Chosen grant to any nation or to the merchants or citizens of any nation any right, privilege, or favour connected either with navigation, commerce, political or other intercourse, which is not conferred by this treaty, such right, privilege, and favour shall freely enure to the benefit of the United States, its public officere, merchants, and citizens: provided always, that whenever such right, privilege, or favour is accompanied by any condition or equivalent concession granted by the other nation interested, the United States, its officers and people, shall only be entitled to the benefit of such right, privilege, or favour upon complying with the conditions or concessions connected therewith.

In faith whereof the respective Commissioners Plenipotentiary have signed and sealed the foregoing at Yin-Chuen, in English and Chinese, being three originals of each text of even tenor and date, the ratifications of which shall be exchanged at Yin-Chuen within one year from the date of its execution, and immediately thereafter this treaty shall be, in all its provisions, publicly proclaimed and made known by both governments in their respective countries in order that it may be obeyed by their citizens and subjects respectively.

Chosen, May 22nd, 1882.


Commodore United States Navy, Envoy of the United States to Chosen.



Members of the Royal Cabinet of Chosen.

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Signed at Koxwa, 26th February, 1876.

       The Governments of Japan and Chosen being desirous to resume the amicable relations that of yore existed between them, and to promote the friendly feelings of both nations to a still firmer basis, have, for this purpose, appointed their Pleni- potentiaries, that is to say:-The Government of Japan, Kuroda, Kiyotaka, High Commissioner Extraordinary to Chosen, Lieutenant-General and Member of the Privy Council, Minister of the Colonization Department, and Inouyè Kaoru, Associate High Commissioner Extraordinary to Chosen, Member of the Genrô In; and the Government of Chosen, Shin Ken, Han-Choo-Su-Fu-Ji and In-jishô, Fu-So-Fu, Euku-sô-Kwan, who, according to the powers received from their respective Govern- ments, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :-

      Art. I. Chosen being an independent state enjoys the same sovereign rights as does Japan.

       In order to prove the sincerity of the friendship existing between the two nations, their intercourse shall henceforward le carried on in terms of equality and courtesy, each avoiding the giving of offence by arrogance or manifestations of suspicion.

      In the first instance, all rules and precedents that are apt to obstruct friendly intercourse shall be totally abrogated, and, in their stead, rules, liberal and in general usage fit to secure a firm and perpetual peace, shall be established.

       Art. II.-The Government of Japan, at any time within fifteen months from the date of signature of this Treaty, shall have the right to send an Envoy to the capital of Chosen, when he shall be admitted to confer with the Rei-sohan-sho on matters of a diplomatic nature. He may either reside at the capital or return to his country on the completion of his mission.

      The Government of Chosen in like manner shall have the right to send an Envoy to Tokyo, Japan, where he shall be admitted to confer with the Minister for Foreign Affairs on matters of a diplomatic nature. He may either reside at Tokyo or return home on the completion of his mission.

Art. III.-All official communications addressed by the Government of Japan to that of Chosen shall be written in the Japanese language and for a period of ten years from the present date they shall be accompanied by a Chinese translation. The Government of Chosen will use the Chinese language.

       Art. IV.-Sorio in Fusan, Chosen, where an official establishment of Japan is situated, is a place originally opened for commercial interoourse with Japan, and trade shall henceforward be carried on at that place in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty, whereby are abolished all former usages, such as the practice of Sai- ken-sen (junk annually sent to Chosen by the late Prince of Tsusina to exchange a certain quantity of articles between each other).

In addition to the above place, the Government of Chosen agrees to open two ports, as mentioned in Article V. of this Treaty, for commercial intercourse with Japanese subjects.

In the foregoing places Japanese subjects shall be free to lease land and to erect buildings thereon, and to rent buildings, the property of subjects of Chosen.

Art. V.-On the coast of five provinces, viz: Keikin, Chiusei, Jenra, Keisho, and Kankio, two ports, suitable for commercial purposes, shall be selected, and the time for opening these two ports shall be in the twentieth month from the second month of the ninth year of Meiji, correponding with the date of Chosen, the first moon of the year Hei-shi.

Art. VI. Whenever Japanese vessels either by stress of weather or by want of fuel and provisions cannot reach one or the other of the open ports in Chosen, they may enter any port or harbour either to take refuge therein, or to get supplies of

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wood, coal, and other necessaries, or to make repairs; the expenses incurred thereby are to be defrayed by the ship's master. In such events both the officers and the people of the locality shall display their sympathy by rendering full assistance, and their liberality in supplying the necessaries required.

  If any vessel of either country be at any time wrecked or stranded on the coasts of Japan or of Chosen, the people of the vicinity shall immediately use every exertion to rescue her crew, and shall inform the local authorities of the disaster, who will either send the wrecked persons to their native country or hand them over to the officer of their country residing at the nearest port.

  Art. VII.-The coasts of Chosen, having hitherto been left unsurveyed, are very dangerous for vessels approaching them, and in order to prepare charts showing the positions of islands, rocks, and reefs, as well as the depth of water, whereby all navigators may be enabled safely to pass between the two countries, any Japanese mariners may freely survey said coasts.

  Art. VIII.-There shall be appointed by the Government of Japan an officer to reside at the open ports in Chosen for the protection of Japanese merchants resorting there, provided that such arrangement be deemed necessary. Should any question interesting both nations arise, the said officer shall confer with the local authorities of Chosen and settle it.

Art. IX.-Friendly relations having been established between the two contract- ing parties, their respective subjects may freely carry on their business without any interference from the officers of either Government, and neither limitation nor pro- hibition shall be made on trade.

  In case any fraud be committed, or payment of debt be refused by any merchant of either country the officer of either one or of the other Government shall do their utmost to bring the delinquent to justice and to enforce recovery of the debt.

  Neither the Japanese nor the Chosen Government shall be held responsible for the payment of such debt.

  Art. X.-Should a Japanese subject residing at either of the open ports of Chosen commit any offence against a subject of Chosen, he shall be tried by the Japanese authorities. Should a subject of Chosen commit any offence against a Japanese subject, he shall be tried by the authorities of Chosen. The offenders shall be punished according to the laws of their respective countries. Justice shall be equitably and impartially administered on both sides.

  Art. XI.-Friendly relations having been established between the two contract- ing parties, it is necessary to prescribe trade regulations for the benefit of the merchants of the respective countries.

Such trade regulations, together with detailed provisions, to be added to the Articles of the present Treaty, to develope its meaning, and facilitate its observance, shall be agreed upon at the capital of Chosen or at Kokwa Fu in the country, within six months from the present date, by Special Commissioners appointed by the two


Art. XII.-The foregoing eleven articles are binding from the date of the signing hereof, and shall be observed by the two contracting parties, faithfully and invariably, whereby perpetual friendship shall be secured to the two countries.

  The present Treaty is executed in duplicate and copies will be exchanged between the two contracting parties.

  In faith whereof we, the respective Plenipotentiaries of Japan and Chosen, have affixed our seals hereunto this twenty-sixth day of the second month of the ninth year of Meiji, and the two thousand five hundred and thirty-sixth since the accession of Jimmu Tenno; and, in the era of Chosen, the second day of the second moon of the year Heishi, and of the founding of Chosen the four hundred and eighty-fifth.






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      Whereas, on the twenty-sixth day of the second month of the ninth year Meiji, corresponding with the Corean date of the second day of the second month of the year Heishi, a treaty of Amity and Friendship was signed and concluded between Kuroda Kiyotaka, High Commissioner Extraordinary, Lieutenant-General of H.I.J.M. Army, Member of the Privy Council, and Minister of the Colonization Department, and Inouyé Kaoru, Associate High Commissioner Extraordinary and Member of the Genrô-In, both of whom had been directed to proceed to the city of Kokwa in Corea by the Government of Japan; and Shin Ken, Dai Kwan, Han-Choo-Su-Fu, and In- jishô, Fu-So-Fu, Fuku-so-Kwan, both of whom had been duly commissioned for that purpose by the Government of Corea :-

      Now therefore, in pursuance of Article XI. of the above Treaty, Miyamoto Okadzu, Commissioner despatched to the capital of Corea, Daijô of the Foreign Department, and duly empowered thereto by the Government of Japan, and Chio Inki, Kôshoo Kwan, Gisheifudôshô, duly empowered thereto by the Government of Corea, have negotiated and concluded the following articles :--

      Art. I.-Agents of the Japanese Government stationed at any of the open ports shall hereafter, whenever a Japanese vessel has been stranded on the Corean coasts and has need of their presence at the spot, have the right to proceed there on their informing the local authorities of the facts.

      Art. II.-Envoys or Agents of the Japanese Government shall hereafter be at full liberty to despatch letters or other communications to any place or places in Corea, either by post at their own expense, or by hiring inhabitants of the locality wherein they reside as special couriers.

Art. III.-Japanese subjects may, at the ports of Corea open to them, lease land for the purpose of erecting residences thereon, the rent to be fixed by mutual agreement between the lessee and the owner.

      Any lands belonging to the Corean Government may be rented by a Japanese on his paying the same rent thereon as a Corean subject would pay to his Government.

      It is agreed that the Shumon (watch-gate) and the Shotsumon (barrier) erected by the Corean Government near the Kokwa (Japanese official establishment) in Sorioko, Fusan, shall be entirely removed, and that a new boundary line shall be established according to the limits hereinafter provided. In the other two open ports, the same steps shall be taken.

Art. IV. The limits within which Japanese subjects may travel from the port of Fusan shall be comprised within a radius of ten ri, Corean measurement, the landing place in that port being taken as a centre.

      Japanese subjects shall be free to go where they please within the above limits, and shall be therein at full liberty either to buy articles of local production or to sell articles of Japanese production.

       The town of Torai lies outside of the above limits, but Japanese shall have the same privileges as in those places within them.

Art. V.-Japanese subjects shall at each of the open ports of Corea be at liberty to employ Corean subjects.

Corean subjects, on obtaining permission from their Government, may visit the Japanese Empire.

Art. VI.-In onse of the death of any Japanese subject residing at the open ports of Corea, a suitable spot of ground shall be selected wherein to inter his remains. As to the localities to be selected for cemeteries in the two open ports other than the port of Fusan, in determining them regard shall be had as to the distance there is to the cemetery already established at Fusan.

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Art. VII.-Japanese subjects shall be at liberty to traffic in any article owned by Corean subjects, paying therefor in Japanese coin. Corean subjects, for purposes trade, may freely circulate among themselves at the open ports of Corea such Japanese coin as they may have possession of in business transactions.

Japanese subjects shall be at liberty to use in trade or to carry away with them The copper coin of Corea.

   In case any subject of either of the two countries counterfeit the coin of either of them, he shall be punished according to the laws of his own country.

   Art. VIII.-Corean subjects shall have the full fruition of all and every article which they have become possessed of either by purchase or gift from Japanese subjects.

   Art. IX.-In case a boat despatched by a Japanese surveying vessel to take moundings along the Corean coasts, as provided for in Article VII. of the Treaty of Amity and Friendship, should be prevented from returning to the vessel, on account either of bad weather or the ebb tide, the headman of the locality shall accommodate the boat party in a suitable house in the neighbourhood. Articles required by them for their comfort shall be furnished to them by the local authorities, and the outlay thus incurred shall afterwards be refunded to the latter.

Art. X. Although no relations as yet exist between Corea and foreign countries, yet Japan has for many years back maintained friendly relations with them; it is therefore natural that in case a vessel of any of the countries of which Japan thus cultivates the friendship should be stranded by stress of weather or otherwise on the coasts of Corea, those on board shall be treated with kindness by Corean subjects, and should such persons ask to be sent back to their homes they shall be delivered over by the Corean Government to an Agent of the Japanese Government residing at one of the open ports of Corea, requesting him to send them back to their native countries, which request the Agent shall never fail to comply with.

Art. XI.-The foregoing ten articles, together with the Regulations for Trade annexed hereto, shall be of equal effect with the Treaty of Amity and Friendship, and therefore shall be faithfully observed by the Governments of the two countries. Should it, however, be found that any of the above articles actually cause embarrass- ment to the commercial intercourse of the two nations, and that it is necessary to modify them, then either Government, submitting its propositions to the other, shall negotiate the modification of such articles on giving one year's previous notice of their intention.

   Signed and sealed this twenty-fourth day of the eighth month of the ninth year Meiji, and two thousand five hundred and thirty-sixth since the accession of H. M. Jimmu Tenno; and of the Corean era, the sixth day of the seventh month of the year Heishi, and the founding of Corea the four hundred and eighty-fifth.



MIYAMOTO OKADZU, Commissioner and Dajio of the Foreign Department.


Koshoo Kwan, Gisheifudosho.

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SIGNED, IN THE English, Japanese, and DuTCH LANGUAGES, AT TOKYO, AUGUST 26тн, 1858.

Ratifications exchanged at Tokyo, July 11th, 1859.

      Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan, being desirous to place the relations between the two countries on a permanent and friendly footing, and to facilitate commercial intercourse between their respective subjects, and having for that purpose resolved to enter into a Treaty of Peace, Amity, and Commerce, have named as their Pleni- potentiaries, that is to say:-

      Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, The Right Honourable the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, a Peer of the United Kingdom, and Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle :

      And His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan, Madzuo Tsikfogono Kami; Nagai Gem- bano Kami; Inouye Sinano no Kami; Hori Oribeno Kami; Iwase Higono Kami; and Isuda Hauzabro:

      Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and found them in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :-

      Art I.-There shall be perpetual peace and friendship between Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, her heirs and successors, and His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan, and between their respective dominions and subjects.

Art. II. Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland may appoint a Diplomatic Agent to reside at the city of Yedo, and Consuls or Consular Agents to reside at any or all the ports of Japan which are opened for British commerce by this Treaty.

      The Diplomatic Agent and Consul-General of Great Britain shall have the right to travel freely to any part of the Empire of Japan.

      His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan may appoint a Diplomatic Agent to reside in London, and Consuls or Consular Agents at any or all the ports of Great Britain.

      The Diplomatic Agent and Consul-General of Japan shall have the right to travel freely to any part of Great Britain.

      Art. III. The ports and towns of Hakodate, Kanagawa, and Nagasaki shall be opened to British subjects on the 1st of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. In addition to which, the following ports and towns shall be opened to them at the dates hereinafter specified:

      Niigata, or, if Niigata be found to be unsuitable as a harbour, another convenient port on the west coast of Nipon, on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty.

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Hyogo on the 1st day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. In all the foregoing ports and towns British subjects may permanently reside. They shall have the right to lease ground, and purchase the buildings thereon, and may erect dwellings and warehouses; but no fcrtification or place of military strength shall be erected under pretence of building dwellings or warehouses; and to see that this Article is observed, the Japanese authorities shall have the right to inspect, from time to time, any buildings which are being erected, altered, or repaired.

   The place which British subjects shall occupy for their buildings, and the harbour regulations, shall be arranged by the British Consul and the Japanese authorities of each place, and if they cannot agree the matter shall be referred to and settled by the British Diplomatic Agent and the Japanese Government. No wall, fence, or gate shall be erected by the Japanese around the places where British subjects reside, or anything done which may prevent a free egress or ingress to the same.

British subjects shall be free to go where they please, within the following limits, at the open ports of Japan.

   At Kanagawa to the River Logo (which empties into the Bay of Yedo, between Kawasaki and Sinogawa) and ten ri in any direction.

At Hakodate ten ri in any direction.

At Hyogo ten ri in any direction, that of Kioto excepted, which city shall not be approached nearer than ten ri. The crews of vessels resorting to Hyogo shall not cross the River Enagawa, which empties into the Bay between Hyogo and Osaka.

   The distance shall be measured by land from the goyoso, or town hall, of each of the foregoing ports, the ri being equal to four thousand two hundred and seventy- five yards English measure.

   At Nagasaki, British subjects may go into any part of the Imperial domain in its vicinity.

   The boundaries of Niigata, or the place that may be substituted for it, shall be settled by the British Diplomatic Agent and the Government of Japan.

   From the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, British subjects shall be allowed to reside in the city of Yedo, and from the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, in the city of Osaka, for the purposes of trade only. In each of these two cities a suitable place within which they may hire houses, and the distance they may go, shall be arranged by the British Diplomatic Agent and the Government of Japau.

Art. IV. All questions in regard to rights, whether of property or person, arising between British subjects in the dominions of His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the British authorities.

Art. V.-Japanese subjects who may be guilty of any criminal act towards British subjects, shall be arrested and punished by the Japanese authorities, accord- ing to the laws of Japan.

   British subjects who may commit any crime against Japanese subjects, or the subjects or citizens of any other country, shall be tried and punished by the Consul or other public functionary authorized thereto, according to the laws of Great Britain. Justice shall be equitably and impartially administered on both sides.

   Art. VI.-A British subject having reason to complain of a Japanese must proceed to the Consulate and state his grievance.

   The Consul will inquire into the merits of the case, and do his utmost to arrange it amicably. In like manner, if a Japanese have reason to complain of a British subject, the Consul shall no less listen to his complaint, and endeavour to settle it in a friendly manner. If disputes take place of such a nature that the Consul cannot arrange them amicably, then he shall request the assistance of the Japanese Authorities, that they may together examine into the merits of the case, and decide it equitably.

Art. VII.-Should any Japanese subject fail to discharge debts incurred to a British subject, or should he fraudulently abscond, the Japanese authorities will do their utmost to bring him to justice, and to enforce recovery of the debts; and should any British subject fraudulently abscond or fail to discharge debts incurred by him

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to a Japanese subject, the British authorities will, in like manner, do their utmost to bring him to justice, and to enforce recovery of the debts.

     Neither the British nor the Japanese Government are to be held responsible for the payment of any debts contracted by British or Japanese subjects.

Art. VIII.-The Japanese Government will place no restrictions whatever upon

the employment by British subjects of Japanese in any lawful capacity.

Art. IX.-British subjects in Japan shall be allowed the free exercise of their religion, and for this purpose shall have the right to erect suitable places of worship. Art. X.-All foreign coin shall be current in Japan, and shall pass for its corresponding weight in Japanese coin of the same description.

     British and Japanese subjects may freely use foreigu or Japanese coin in making payments to each other.

As some time will elapse before the Japanese will become acquainted with the value of foreign coin, the Japanese Government will, for the period of one year after the opening of each port, furnish British subjects with Japanese coin in exchange for theirs, equal weights being given, and no discount taken for recoinage.

     Coin of all descriptions (with the exception of Japanese copper coin), as well as foreign gold and silver uncoined, may be exported from Japan.

Art. XI.-Supplies for the use of the British navy may be landed at Kanagawa, Hakodate, and Nagasaki, and stored in warehouses, in the custody of an officer of the British Government, without the payment of any duty; if any such supplies are sold in Japan, the purchaser shall pay the proper duty to the Japanese authorities.

Art. XII.-If any British vessel be at any time wrecked or stranded on the coast of Japan or be compelled to take refuge in any port within the dominions of the Tycoon of Japan, the Japanese authorities, on being apprised of the fact, shall immediately render all the assistance in their power; the persons on board shall receive friendly treatment, and be funished, if necessary, with the means of convey- ance to the nearest Consular station.

Art. XIII.-Any British merchant vessel arriving off one of the open ports of Japan shall be at liberty to bire a pilot to take her into port. In like manner, after she has discharged all legal dues and duties, and is ready to take her departure, she shall be allowed to hire a pilot to conduct her out of port.

Art. XIV.--At each of the ports open to trade British subjects shall be at full liberty to import from their own or any other ports, and sell there and purchase therein, and export to their own or any other ports, all manner of merchandise not contraband, paying the duties thereon as laid down in the Tariff annexed to the present Treaty, and no other charges whatsoever. With the exception of munitions of war, which shall only be sold to the Japanese Government and foreigners, they may freely buy from Japanese and sell to them any articles that either may have for sale, without the intervention of any Japanese officers in such purchase or sale, or in making and receiving payments for the same, and all classes of Japanese may pur- chase, sell, keep, or use, any articles sold to them by British subjects.

Art. XV.-If the Japanese Custom-house officers are dissatisfied with the value placed on any goods by the owner, they may place a value thereon, and offer to take the goods at that valuation. If the owner refuses to accept the offer, he shall pay duty on such valuation. If the offer be accepted by the owner, the purchase money shall be paid to him without delay, and without any abatement or discount.

     Art. XVI.-All goods imported into Japan by British subjects, and which have paid the duty fixed by this Treaty, may be transported by the Japanese into any part of the Empire, without the payment of any tax, excise, or transit duty whatever.

     Art. XVII.-British merchants who may have imported merchandise into any open port in Japan, and paid duty thereon, shall be entitled, on obtaining from the Japanese Custom-house authorities a certificate stating that such payment has been made, to re-export the same, and land it in any other of the open ports, without the payment of any additional duty whatever.

Art. XVIII.-The Japanese authorities at each port will adopt the means that they may judge most proper for the prevention of fraud or smuggling.

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Art. XIX.-All penalties enforced, or confiscations made under this Treaty, shall belong to and be appropriated by, the Government of His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan. Art. XX.-The Articles for the regulation of trade, which are appended to this Treaty, shall be considered as forming part of the same, and shall be equally binding on both the Contracting Parties to this Treaty, and on their subjects. The Diplomatic Agent of Great Britain in Japan, in conjunction with such person or persons as may be appointed for that purpose by the Japanese Government, shall have power to make such rules as may be required to carry into full and complete effect the provisions of this Treaty, and the provisions of the Articles regulating trade appended thereto.

Art. XXI.-This treaty being written in the English, Japanese, and Dutch languages, and all the versions having the same meaning and intention, the Dutch version shall be considered the original, but it is understood that all official communications addressed by the Diplomatic and Consular agents of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain to the Japanese authoritise, shall henceforward be written in English. In order, however, to facilitate the transaction of business, they will, for a period of five years from the signature of this Treaty, be accompanied by a Dutch or Japanese version.

Art. XXII.-It is agreed that either of the High Contracting Parties to this Treaty, on giving one year's previous notice to the other, may demand a revision thereof on or after the first of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, with a view to the insertion therein of such amendments as experience shall prove to be desirable.

Art. XXIII.-It is hereby expressly stipulated that the British Government and its subjects will be allowed free and equal participation in all privileges, immunities, and advantages that may have been or may be hereafter granted by His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan to the Government or subjects of any other nation.

   Art. XXIV.-The ratifications of this Treaty, under the hand of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and under the name and seal of His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan, respectively, shall be exchanged at Yedo, within a year from this day of signature. In token whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed this Treaty.

Done at Yedo, this twenty-sixth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, corresponding to the Japanese date the eighteenth day of the seventh month of the fifth year of Ansei Tsut sinon yemma.













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     I. Within forty-eight hours (Sundays excepted) after the arrival of a British ship in a Japanese port, the captain or commander shall exhibit to the Japanese Custom-house authorities the receipt of the British Consul, showing that he has deposited all the ship's papers, the ship's bills of lading, &c., at the British Consulate, and he shall then make an entry of his ship, by giving a written paper, stating the name of the ship, and the name of the port from which she comes, her tonnage, the name of her captain or commander, the names of her passengers (if any), and the number of her crew, which paper shall be certified by the captain or commander to be a true statement, and shall be signed by him: he shall, at the same time, deposit a written manifest of his cargo, setting forth the marks and numbers of the packages and their contents, as they are described in his bills of lading, with the names of the person or persons to whom they are consigned. A list of the stores of the ship shall be added to the manifest. The captain or commander shall certify the manifest to be a true account of all the cargo and stores on board the ship, and shall sign his name to the same.

If any error is discovered in the manifest, it may be corrected within twenty-four hours (Sundays excepted) without the payment of any fee; but for any alteration or post entry to the manifest made after that time, a fee of fifteen dollars shall be paid.

All goods not entered on the manifest shall pay double duties on being landed. Any captain or commander that shall neglect to enter his vessel at the Japanese Custom-house within the time prescribed by this regulation, shall pay a penalty of sixty dollars for each day that he shall so neglect to enter his ship.

II.-The Japanese Government shall have the right to place Custom-house officers on board of any ship in their ports (men-of-war excepted). All Custom-hou: 3 officers shall be treated with civility, and such reasonable accommodation shall be allotted to them as the ship affords.

     No goods shall be unladen from any ship between the hours of sunset and sunrise, except by special permission of the Custom-house authorities, and the hatchways, and all other places of entrance into that part of the ship where the cargo is stowed, may be secured by Japanese officers between the hours of sunset and sunrise by fixing seals, locks, or other fastenings; and if any person shall, without due permission, open any entrance that has been so secured, or shall break or remove any seal, lock, or other fastening that has been affixed by the Japanese Custom-house officers, every person so offending shall pay a fine of sixty dollars for each offence.

     Any goods that shall be discharged or attempted to be discharged, from any ship without having been duly entered at the Japanese Custom-house as hereinafter provided, shall be liable to seizure and confiscation.

     Packages of goods made up with an intent to defraud the revenue of Japan by concealing therein articles of value which are not set forth in the invoice, shall be forfeited.

     If any British ship shall smuggle, or attempt to smuggle, goods, in any of the non-opened harbours of Japan, all such goods shall be forfeited to the Japanese Government, and the ship shall pay a fine of one thousand dollars for each offence.

     Vessels needing repairs may land their cargo for that purpose, without the payment of duty. All goods so landed shall remain in charge of the Japanese authorities, and all just charges for storage, labour, and supervision, shall be paid thereon. But if any portion of such cargo be sold, the regular duties shall be paid on the portion so disposed of.

     Cargo may be transbipped to another vessel in the same harbour without payment of duty, but all transhipment shall be made under the surpervision of Japanese officers, and after satisfactory proof has been given to the Custom-house authorities of the bona fide nature of the transaction and also under a permit to be granted for that purpose by such authorities.

The importation of opium being prohibited, any British vessel coming to Japan for the purposes of trade, and having more than three catties' weight of opium on

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board, the surplus quantity may be seized and destroyed by the Chinese authorities; and any person or persons smuggling, or attempting to smuggle opium, shall be liable to pay a fine of fifteen dollars for each catty of opium so smuggled or attempted to be smuggled.

III.-The owner or consignee of any goods, who desires to land them, shall make entry of the same at the Japanese Custom-house. The entry shall be in writing, and shall set forth the name of the person making the entry, and the name of the ship in which the goods were imported, and the marks, numbers, packages, and contents thereof, with the value of each package, extended separately in one amount, and at the bottom of the entry shall be placed the aggregate value of all the goods contained in the entry. On each entry, the owner or consignee shall certify in writing that the entry then presented exbibits the actual cost of the goods, and that nothing has been concealed whereby the Customs of Japan would be defrauded, and the owner or consignee shall sign his name to such certificate.

   The original invoice or invoices of the goods so entered shall be presented to the Custom-house authorities, and shall remain in their possession until they have examined the goods contained in the entry.

   The Japanese officers may examine any or all of the packages so entered, and for this purpose may take them to the Custom-house; but such examination shall be without expense to the importer or injury to the goods; and, after examination, the Japanese officers sball restore the goods to their original condition in the packages (so far as may be practicable), and such examination shall be made without any unreasonable delay.

   If any owner or importer discovers that his goods have been damaged on the voyage of importation before such goods have been delivered to him, he may notify the Custom-house authorities of such damage, and he may have the damaged goods appraised by two or more competent and disinterested persons, who, after due examination, shall make a certificate, setting forth the amount per cent of damage on each separate package, describing it by its mark and number, which certificate shall be signed by the appraisers, in presence of the Custom-house authorities, and the importer may attach the certificate to his entry, and make a corresponding deduction from it. But this shall not prevent the Custom-house authorities from appraising the goods in the manner provided in Article XV. of the Treaty, to which these Regulations are appended.

   After the duties have been paid, the owner shall receive a permit, authorizing the delivery to him of the goods, whether the same are at the Custom-house or on ship-board.

   All goods intended to be exported shall be entered at the Japanese Custom- bouse before they are placed on ship-board. The entry shall be in writing, and shall state the name of the ship by which the goods are to be exported, with the mark and number of the packages, and the quantity, description, and value of their contents. The exporter shall certify, in writing, that the entry is a true account of all the goods contained therein, and shall sign his name thereto.

Any goods that are put on board of a ship for exportation before they have been entered at the Custom-house, and all packages which contain prohibited articles, shall be forfeited to the Japanese Government.

No entry at the Custom-house shall be required for supplies for the use of ships, their crews, and passengers, nor for the clothing, &c., of passengers.

   İV.-Ships wishing to clear shall give twenty-four hours' notice at the Custom- house, and at the end of that time they shall be entitled to their clearance, bu if it be refused, the Custom-house authorities shall immediately inform the captain or consignee of the ship of the reasons why the clearance is refused; and they shall also give the same notice to the British Consul.

   British ships of war shall not be required to enter or clear at the Custo.u-louse, nor shall they be visited by Japanese Custom-house or police officers.

   Steamers conveying the mails of Great Britain may enter and clear on the same day, and they shall not be required to make a manifest, except for such passengers

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and goods as are to be landed in Japan. But such steamers shall, in all cases, enter and clear at the Custom-house.

Whale ships touching for supplies, or ships in distress, shall not be required to make a manifest of their cargo, but if they subsequently wish to trade, they shall then deposit a manifest, as required in Regulation I.

     The word " ship" wherever it occurs in these Regulations, or in the Treaty to which they are attached, is to be held as meaning a ship, barque, brig, schooner, sloop, or steamer.

      V.-Any persons signing a false declaration or certificate, with the intent to defraud the revenue of Japan, shall pay a fine of one hundred and twenty-five dollars for each offence.

VI.-No tonnage duties shall be levied on British ships in the Ports of Japan, but the following fees shall be paid to the Japanese Custom-house authorities:-For the entry of a ship, fifteen dollars; for the clearance of ship, seven dollars; for each permit, one dollar and a half; for each bill of healtb, one dollar and a half; for any other document, one dollar and a half.

*VII.-Duties shall be paid to the Japanese Government, on all goods landed in the country, according to the following Tariff.

Class 1.-All articles in this class shall be free of duty :-

Gold and Silver coined or uncoined.

Wearing apparel in actual use.

     Household furniture and printed books not intended for sale, but the property of persons who come to reside in Japan.

Class 2.-A duty of five per cent. shall be paid on the following articles :-

All articles used for the purpose of building, rigging, repairing, or fitting out of ships. Whaling gear of all kinds, Salted provisions of all kinds, Bread and Bread- stuffs, Living animals of all kinds, Coals, Timber for building houses, Rice, Paddy, Steam machinery, Zinc, Lead, Tio, Raw Silk, Cotton and Woollen Manufactured goods.

Class 3.-A duty of thirty-five per cent. shall be paid on all intoxicating liquors, whether prepared by distillation, or in any other manner.

Class 4.-All goods not included in any of the preceding classes shall pay a duty of twenty per cent.

All articles of Japanese production which are exported as cargo sball pay a duty of five per cent. with the exception of gold and silver coin and copper in bars.

Rice and wheat, the produce of Japan, shall not be exported from Japan as cargo, bat all British subjects resident in Japan, and British ships for their crews and passengers, shall be furnished with sufficient supplies of the same.

Foreign grain, brought into any open port of Japan in a British ship, if no part thereof has been landed, may be re-exported without hindrance.

The Japanese Government will sell, from time to time, at public auction, any

surplus quantity of copper that may be produced.

Five years after the opening of Kanagawa, the import and export duties shall be subject to revision, if either the British or Japanese Government desires it.











* This Tariff is abrogated under the Convention of 1866.

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SIGNED IN THE English, French, Dutch, and Japanese Languages, AT TOKYO, 25TH JUNE, 1866.

   The Representatives of Great Britain, France, the United States of America, and Holland, having received from their respective Governments identical instruc tions for the modification of the Tariff of Import and Export duties contained in the Trade Regulations annexed to the Treaties concluded by the aforesaid Powers with the Japanese Government in 1858, which modification is provided for by the Seventh of those Regulations:-

   And the Japanese Government having given the said Representatives, during their visit to Osaka, in November, 1865, a written engagement to proceed imme- diately to the Revision of the Tariff in question, on the general basis of a duty of five per cent. on the value of all articles imported and exported:-

And the Government of Japan being desirous of affording a fresh proof of their wish to promote trade, and to cement the friendly relations which exist between their country and foreign nations :-

His Excellency Midzuno Idsumi no Kami, a member of the Gorojin and a Minister of Foreign Affairs, has been furnished by the Government of Japan with the necessary powers to conclude with the Representatives of the above-named four Powers, that is to say:

Of Great Britain,

Sir Harry S. Parkes, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Her Britannic Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Japan:

Of France,

   Monsieur Leon Roches, Commander of the Imperial Order of the Legion of Honour, Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor of the French in Japan;

Of the United States of America,

A. L. C. Portman, Esquire, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim;

And of Holland,

   Monsieur Dirk de Graeff van Polsbroek, Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion, Political Agent and Consul-General of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands;

The following Convention, comprising Twelve Articles.

Art. I.-The contracting parties declare in the names of their respective Govern. ments that they accept, and they hereby do formally accept, as binding upon the subjects of their respective Sovereigns, and the citizens of their respective countries, the Tariff hereby established annexed to the present convention.

   The Tariff is substituted not only for the original Tariff attached to the Treaties concluded with the above-named four Powers, but also for the special Conventions and arrangements relative to the same Tariff, which have been entered into at different dates up to this time between the Governments of Great Britain, France, and the United States on the one side, and the Japanese Government on the other.

   The New Tariff shall come into effect in the Port of Kanagawa (Yokohama,) on the first day of July next, and in the ports of Nagasaki and Hakodate on the first day of the following month.

   Art. II. The Tariff attached to this convention, being incorporated from the date of its signature in the Treaties concluded between Japan and the above-named four Powers, is subject to revision on the first day of July, 1872.

   Two years, however, after the signing of the present convention, any of the contracting parties, on giving six months' notice to the others, may claim a re-adjust- ment of the duties on Tea and Silk, on the basis of five per cent. on the average value of these articles during the three years last preceding. On the demand also of any of the contracting parties, the duty on timber may be changed from an ad valorem to a specific rate six months after the signature of this convention.

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Art. III.-The permit fee hitherto levied under the Seventh Regulation attached to the above-named Treaties is hereby abolished. Permits for the landing or ship. ment of cargo will be required as formerly, but will hereafter be issued free of charge.

     Art. IV. On and from the first day of July next, at the Port of Kanagawa (Yokohama), and on and from the first day of October next, at the Ports of Nagasaki and Hakodate, the Japanese Government will be prepared to warehouse imported goods on the application of the importer or owner, without payment of duty. The Japanese Government will be responsible for the safe custody of the goods so long as they remain in their charge, and will adopt all the precautions necessary to render them insurable against fire. When the importer or the owner wishes to remove the goods from the warehouses, he must pay the duties fixed by the Tariff, but if he should wish to ré-export them, he may do so without payment of duty. Storage charges will in either case be paid on delivery of the goods. The amount of these charges, toge ther with the regulations necessary for the management of the said warehouses, will be established by the common consent of the contracting parties.

     Art. V.-All articles of Japanese production may be conveyed from any place in Japan to any of the Ports open to foreign trade, free of any tax or transit duty other than the usual tolls levied equally on all traffic for the maintenance of roads or navigation.

      Art. VI. In conformity with those articles of the Treaties concluded between Japan and Foreign Powers which stipulate for the circulation of foreign coin at its corresponding weight in native coin of the same description, dollars have hitherto been received at the Japanese Custom-house in payment of duties at their weight in Boos (commonly called Ichiboos), that is to say, a rate of three bundred and eleven Boos per hundred dollars. The Japanese Government being, however, desirous to alter this practice, and to abstain from all interference in the exchange of native for foreign coin, and being also anxious to meet the wants both of native and foreign commerce by securing an adequate issue of native coin, have already determined to enlarge the Japanese Mint, so as to admit of the Japanese Government exchanging into native coin of the same intrinsic value, less only the cost of coinage, at places named for this purpose, all foreign coin or bullion, in gold or silver, that may at any time be tendered to them by foreigners or Japanese. It being essential, however, to the execution of this measure, that the various Powers with whom Japan bas concluded Treaties should first consent to modify the stipulations in those Treaties which relate to the currency, the Japanese Government will at once propose to these Powers the adoption of the necessary modification in the said stipulation, and on receiving their concurrence will be prepared from the first of January, 1868, to carry the above measure into effect.

The rate to be charged as the cost of coinage shall be determined hereafter by the common consent of the contracting parties.

Art. VII.-In order to put a stop to certain abuses and inconveniences complained of at the open Ports, relative to the transaction of business at the Custom-house, the landing and shipping of cargoes and the hiring of boats, coolies, servants, &c., the contracting parties have agreed that the Governor at each open port shall at once enter into negotiations with the foreign Consuls with a view to the establishment, by mutual consent, of such regulations as shall effectually put an end to those abuses and inconveniences, and afford all possible facility and security both to the operations of trade and to the transactions of individuals.

It is hereby stipulated that in order to protect merchandise from exposure to weather, these regulations shall include the covering in at each port of one or more of the landing places used by foreigners for landing or shipping cargo.

      Art. VIII.-Any Japanese subject shall be free to purchase, either in the open Ports of Japan or abroad, every description of sailing or steam vessel intended to carry either passengers or cargo; but ships-of-war may only be obtained under the authorization of the Japanese Government.

All foreign vessels purchased by Japanese subjects shall be registered as Japanese vessels on payment of a fixed duty of three Boos per ton for steamers, and one Boo

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per ton for sailing vessels. The tonnage of each vessel shall be proved by the foreign register of the ship, which shall be exhibited through the Consul of the party interested, on the demand of the Japanese authorities, and shall be certified by the Consul as authentic.

   Art. IX.-In conformity with the Treaties concluded between Japan and the aforesaid Powers, and with the special arrangements made by the Envoys of the Japanese Government in their note to the British Government of the sixth of June, 1862, and in their note to the French Government of the sixth of October of the same year, all the restrictions on trade and intercourse between foreigners and Japanese, alluded to in the said notes, have been entirely removed, and proclamations to this effect have already been published by the Government of Japan.

   The latter, however, do not hesitate to declare that Japanese merchants and traders of all clases are at liberty to trade directly, and without the interference of Government officers, with foreign merchants, not only at the open ports of Japan, but also in all Foreign countries on being authorized to leave their country in the manner provided for in Article X. of the present convention, without being subject to higher taxation by the Japanese Government than that levied on the native trading classes of Japan in their ordinary transactions with each other.

   And they further declare that all Daimios or persons in the employ of Daimios, are free to visit, on the same conditions, any foreign country, as well as all the open ports of Japan, and to trade there with foreigners as they please, without the inter- ference of any Japanese officer, provided always they submit to the existing Police regulations and to the payment of the establislied duties.

   Art. X.-All Japanese subjects may ship goods to or from any open Port in Japan, or to and from the Ports of any Foreign Power, either in vessels owned by Japanese, or in the vessels of any nation having a Treaty with Japan. Furthermore, on being provided with passports through the proper Department of the Government in the manner specified in the Proclamation of the Japanese Government, dated the twenty-third day of May, 1866, all Japanese subjects may travel to any foreign country for purposes of study or trade. They may also accept employment in any capacity on board the vessels of any nation having a Treaty with Japan.

   Japanese in the employ of foreigners may obtain Government passports to go abroad on application to the Governor of any open Port.

   Art. XI. The Government of Japan will provide all the Ports open to Foreign trade with such lights, buoys, or beacons as may be necessary to render secure the navigation of the approaches to the said Ports.

   Art. XII.-The undersigned being of opinion that it is unnecessary that this Convention should be submitted to their respective Governments for ratification before it comes into operation, it will take effect on and from the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six.

Each of the Contracting Parties having obtained the approval of his Government to this Convention, shall make known the same to the others, and the communication in writing of this approval shall take the place of a formal exchange of ratifications.

   In witness whereof the above named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Convention, and have affixed thereto their seals.

   Done at Tokyo, in the English, French, Dutch, and Japanese languages, this twenty-fifth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six.


Her Britannic Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Japan.


Minister Plenipotentiare de 8. M. L'Empereur des Francais au Japon. [L.S.] A. L. C. PORTMAN,

Chargé d'Affaires a. i. of the United States in Japan.


Politiek Agent en Consul-General der Nederlanden in Japan.


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2 Betel Nut





3 Brass Buttons

4 Candles

5 Canvas and Cotton Duck

6 Cigars



Cloves and Mother Cloves



9 Cordage...




PER 100 catties.




100 catties.



10 yards.



100 catties.















10 Cotton, Raw


11 Shirtings, Grey, White, and Twilled; White, Spotted, or Figured Drills and Jeans; White Brocades, T-Cloths, Cambrics, Muslins, Lawns, Dimities, Quilting, Cottonets; All the above Goods Dyed, Printed Cottons, Chintzes and Furnitures:-

A. not exceeding 84 inches wide





D. exceeding



46 46


12 Taffachelass, not exceeding 31 inches

exceeding 31 in. and not exceeding

43 inches

10 yards.







13 Fustians, as Cotton Velvets, Velveteens, Satins, Satinets, and Cotton Damasks, not exceeding

40 inches


14 Ginghams, not exceeding 31 inches

15 Handkerchiefs


16 Singlets and Drawers

17 Table Cloths








18 Cotton Thread, plain or dyed, in reel or ball 19 Cotton Yarn, plain or dyed

20 Cutch



21 Feathers (Kingfisher, Peacock, &c.)

22 Flints

28 Gambier

24 Gamboge

25 Glass, Window

26 Glue








37 Gum Benjamin and Oil of Ditto

Dragons' Blood, Myrrh, Olibanum



29 Gypsum

30 Hides, Buffalo and Cow

31 Horn, Buffalo and Deer


33 Hoofs


34 Indigo, liquid




















100 catties.


100 catties.













100 in No.






100 catties.



box of 100

square feet. 100 catties.



36 Ivory-Elephant's Teeth, all qualities 37 Paint-as Red, White, and Yellow Lead (Minium,

Ceruse, and Massicot)-and Paint Oils

38 Leather ..


39 Linen, all qualities





40 Mangrove bark

41 Matting, floor

















KOREK 1 898-2-28**- 8-APR 2101130OKE










10 yards.

100 catties. |roll of 40 yds.]

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42 Copper and Brass in Slabs, Sheets, Rods, Nails... 43 Yellow Metal, Muntz's Metal Sheathing and Nails 44 Iron, Manufactured, as in Rods, Bars, Nails






48 Lead, Pig




50 Spelter and Zinc

51 Steel

5? Tin






Pigs Kentledge Wire







Plates... ""

54 Oil Cloth for flooring



or Leather Cloth for Furniture

56 Pepper, Black and White

57 Putchuk

58 Quicksilver



box of not ex- c'ding 90 cat. 10 yards.


100 catties.


PER 100 catties.











59 Quinine

60 Rattans




62 Salt Fish


Sandal Wood

64 Sapan


65 Sea Horse Teeth ...

Narwhal or "Unicorn

Sharks' Fins




68 Snuff

69 Soap, Bar






70 Stick Lac

71 Sugar, Brown and Black



White ... Candy and Loaf

74 Tobacco

75 Vermillion...




76 Broad, Habit, Medium, and Narrow Cloth :-

not exceeding 34 inches ...


exceeding 55

77 Spanish Stripes



78 Cassimeres, Flannel, Long Ells, and Serges 79 Bunting

80 Camlets, Dutch












10 yards.


catty. 100 catties.

catty. 100 catties.




catty. 100 catties.



























❤200000-00♡ ♡ OOHNGHOHOHOD-DOOHOO∞--


。%.***☺☺☺.gamn.A8RM8 J 888.8%.****




















82 Lastings, Crape Lastings, and Worsted Crapes, Merinos, and all other Woollen Goods not classed under No. 76:-

A. not exceeding 34 inches

B. exceeding 34



83 Woollen and Cotton Mixtures, as Imitation Cam- lets, Imitation Lastings, Orleans (plain and figured), Lustres (plain and figured), Alpacas, Baratheas, Damasks, Italian Cloth, Taffache- lass, Tassell Cords, Cassandras, Woollen Fancies, Camlet Cords, and all other Cotton and Woollen Mixtures :-

A. not exceeding 84 inches

B. exceeding 34

84 Blankets and Horse Cloths...

85 Travelling Rugs, Plaids, and Shawls... 86 Figured Woollen Table Cloths


བ བ







10 catties. each.







and Cotton Singlets and Drawers Yarn, plain and dyed...




100 catties.










87 Woollen Singlets and Drawers...


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      All animals used for food or draught; Anchor and clain cables; Coal; Clothing, not being articles named in this Tariff; Gold and Silver, coined and uncoined; Grain, including rice, paddy, wheat, barley, oats, rye, peas, beans, millet, Indian corn; Flour and Meal prepared from above; Oil cake; Packing matting; Printed books; Salt; Salted meats in casks; Salpetre; Solder; Tar and pitch; Tea-firing pans and bas- kets; Tea Lead; Travelling Baggage.





Arms and munitions of war; Articles de Paris; Boots and shoes; Clocks, watches, and musical boxes; Coral; Cutlery; Drugs and medicines, such ginseng, &c.; Dyes; European porcelain and earthenware; Furniture of all kinds, new and second-hand; Glass and crystal ware; Gold and silver lace and thread; Gums and spices not named in Tariff; Lamps; Looking glasses; Jewellery; Machinery and manufactures in iron or steel; Manufactures of all kinds iu silk, silk ́ and cotton, or silk and wool, as velvets, damasks, brocades, &c., Paintings and engravings; Perfumery, scented soap; Plated ware; Skins and furs; Telescopes and scientific instruments; Timber; Wines, malt and spirituous liquors, table stores of all kinds.


NOTE-According to the VIIIth Article of the Convention of Yedą, a duty will be charged on the sale of Foreign Vessels to Japan of 3 Boos per ton for Steamers and 1 Boo per ton for Sailing Vessels.








PER 100 catties.







2 Awabi Shells

3 Camphor

4 China Root (Burrio)

5 Cassia

6 Cassia Buds

7 Coal

8 Cotton (Raw)

9 Coir







10 Fish, dried or salted, Salmon and Cod

11 Fish, Cuttle




13 Chinang or Icio

14 Hemp

15 Honey




16 Horns, Deers', Old


Irico or Beche de Mer

18 Iron, Japanese

19 Isinglass

20 Lead


21 Mushrooms, all qualities

22 Oil, Fish

23 do., Seed


Paper, Writing

25 Paper, Inferior




26 Peas, Beans, and Pulse of all kinds

27 Perny Bark (Botanpi)

28 Potatoes

29 Rags




30 Saké or Japanese Wines or Spirits

































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100 catties.



31 Seaweed, Uncut

32 Seaweed, Cut

33 Seeds, Rape

34 Seeds, Sesamum

35 Sharks' Fins


36 Shrimps and Prawns, Dried Salt...


Silk-Raw and Thrown

38 Tama or Dupioni


39 Noshi or Skin Silk


















100 catties.




(when ex-



























CUASNJ 88AGR8888888






40 Floss Silk...

41 Cocoons, Pierced

42 Cocoons, Unpierced

43 Waste Silk and Waste Cocoons

44 Silkworms' Eggs...

45 Soy

46 Sulphur

47 Tea


48 Tea, quality known as "Ran cha

ported from Nagasaki only)

49 Tobacco, Leaf

50 Tobacco, cut or prepared




52 Wax, Vegetable ...

53 Wax, Bees






Gold and silver, coined, gold, silver and copper uncoined, of Japanese produc- tion, to be sold only by the Japanese Government at Public Auction.


Rice, paddy, wheat, barley; Flours made from the above; Saltpetre.

CLASS IV.-GOODS SUBJECT TO AN AD VALOREM DUTY OF FIVE PER CENT. TO BE CALCULATED ON THEIR MARKET VALUE. Bamboo ware; Copper utensils of all kinds; Charcoal; Ginseng and unenume- rated drugs; Horns, deer, young or soft; Mats and matting; Silk dresses, manufac- tures or embroideries; Timber.



RULE I.-Unenumerated Imports if memtioned in the Export list shall not pay Duty under that list, but shall be passed ad valorem; and the same rule shall apply to any unenumerated Exports that may be named in the Import list. RULE II.-Foreigners resident in Japan, and the crews or passengers of foreign ships, shall be allowed to purchase such supplies of the grain or flour named in the list of Exports as they may require for their own consumption, but the usual shipping permit must be obtained from the Custom House before any of the aforesaid grain or flour can be shipped to a foreign vessel. BULE III.-The catty mentioned in this Tariff is equal to one pound and a third English avoirdupois weight. The yard is the English measure of three feet, the English foot being one-eighth of an inch longer than the Japanese kaneshaku. The Boo is a silver soin weighing not less than 184 grains troy weight, and containing not less than nine parts of pure silver, and not more than one of alloy. The cent is the one hundredth part of the Boo.

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Ratifications Exchanged at Washington, 8th April, 1879.

Convention revising certain portions of existing commercial Treaties and further extending commercial intercourse between Japan and the United States.

      His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and the President of the United States of America, both animated with the desire of maintaining the good relations which have so happily subsisted between their respective countries, and wishing to strengthen, if possible, that bond of friendship and to extend and consolidate commercial intercourse between the two countries by means of an additional Convention, have for that pur pose named as their respective Plenipotentiaries; that is to say:His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Jushie Yoshida Kiyonari, of the Order of the Rising Sun, of the Third Class, and His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary to the United States of America; and the President of the United States, William Maxwell Evarts, Secretary of State of the United States, who, after reciprocal communication of their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles :-

Art. I. It is agreed by the high Contracting Parties that the Tariff Convention signed at Yedo on the 25th day of June, 1866, or the 13th of the 5th month of the second year of Keio, by the respective representatives of the United States, Great Britain, France, and Holland on the one hand, and Japan on the other, together with Schedules of Tariff on imports and exports, and the bonded warehouse Regulations, both of which are attached to the said Convention, shall hereby be annulled and become inoperative as between the United States and Japan under the condition expressed in Article X. of this present Convention; and all such provisions of the Treaty of 1858, or the fifth year of Ansei, signed at Yedo, as appertain to the Regulations of Harbours, Customs, and Taxes, as well as the whole of the trade Regulations which are attached to the said Treaty of 1858, or the fifth year of Ansei, shall also cease to operate.

      It is further understood and agreed that from the time when this present Con- vention shall take effect, the United States will recognize the exclusive power and right of the Japanese Government to adjust the Customs Tariff and Taxes and to establish Regulations appertaining to foreign commerce in the open ports of Japan.

      Art. II. It is, however, further agreed that no other or higher duties shall be imposed on the importation into Japan of all articles of merchandise from the United States than are or may be imposed upon the like articles of any other foreign country; and if the Japanese Government should prohibit the exportation from, or importation into, its dominions of any particular article or articles, such prohibi- tion shall not be discriminatory against the products, vessels, or citizens of the United States.

      Art. III.-It is further agreed, that, as the United States charge no export duties on merchandise shipped to Japan, no export duties on merchandise shipped in the latter country for the United States shall be charged after this Treaty shall go into effect.

Art. IV.-It is further stipulated and agreed, that so long as the first three sentences which are comprised in the first paragraph of Article VI of the Treaty of 1858, or the fifth year of Ansei, shall be in force, all claim by the Japanese Govern.

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ment for forfeitures of penalties for violations of such existing Treaty, as well as for violations of the customs, bonded-warehouse, and harbour Regulations which may, under this Convention, from time to time, be established by that Government, shall be sued for in the consular courts of the United States, whose duty it shall be to try each and every case fairly and render judgment in accordance with the provisions of such Treaty and of such Regulations; and the amount of all forfeitures and fines shall be delivered to the Japanese authorities.

   Art. V. It is understood and declared by the high Contracting Parties, that the right of controlling the coasting trade of Japan belongs solely, and shall be strictly reserved, to the Government of that Empire.

   Art. VI. It is, however, agreed that vessels of the United States arriving at any port of Japan open to foreign commerce may unload, in conformity with the customs laws of that country, such portions of their cargoes as may be desired, and that they may depart with the remainder, without paying any duties, imposts, or charges whatsoever, except for that part which shall have been landed and which shall be so noted on the manifest. The said vessels may continue their voyage to one or more other open ports of Japan, there to land the part or residue of their cargoes desired to be landed at such port or ports. It is understood, however, that all duties, imposts, or charges whatsoever, which are or may become chargeable upon the vessels themselves, are to be paid only at the first port where they shall break bulk or unload part of their cargo; and that at any subsequent port used in the same voyage only the local port charges shall be exacted for the use of such port.

   Art. VII. In view of the concessions made by the United States in regard to the Customs Tariff, and the Customs and other Regulations of Japan, as above stipulated in Art. I., the Government of Japan will, on the principle of reciprocity, make the following concessions, to wit:-That two additional ports (whereof one shall be Shimo-no-seki, and the other shall be hereafter decided upon by the Contracting Parties jointly) from the date when the present Convention may go into effect, shall be open to citizens and vessels of the United States, for the purposes of residence and trade.

   Art. VIII.-It is also agreed that, as the occasion for Article V. of the Treaty of 1858, or the fifth year of Ausei, between the two countries is considered to have passed away, that Article shall, after the present Treaty shall have gone into effect, be regarded as no longer binding.

Art. IX-It is further agreed, that such of the provisions of the Treaties or Conventions heretofore concluded between the two countries, and not herein expressly abrogated, as conflict with any provisions of the present Convention are hereby revoked and annulled; that the present Convention shall be considered to be and form a part of the existing Treaties between the two countries; that the revision of such portions of the said Treaties as are not modified or revoked by the present Convention, as also the revision of the present Convention itself, may be demanded hereafter by either of the high Contracting Parties; and that this Convention, as well as the previous Treaties as modified thereby, shall continue in force until, upon such a revision of the whole, or any part thereof, it shall be otherwise provided.

   Art. X.-The present Convention shall take effect when Japan shall have concluded such Conventions or Revisions of existing Treaties with all the other Treaty Powers holding relations with Japan as shall be similar in effect to the present Convention and such new Conventions or Revisions shall also go into effect.

   The present Convention shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as may be within fifteen months from the date hereof.

   In faith whereof the above named Plenipotentiaries have hereunto set their hands and seals, at the city of Washington, this twenty-fifth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, or twenty-fifth day of the seventh month of the eleventh year of Meiji.


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Signed at Tokyo, on the 29TH APRIL, 1886.

Ratified at Tokyo on the 27th September, 1886.

      His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and the President of the United States of America having judged it expedient, with a view to the better administration of justice, and to the prevention of crime within the two countries and their jurisdictions, that persons charged with or convicted of the crimes or offences hereinafter named, and being fugitives from justice, should, under certain circumstances, he reciprocally delivered up, they have named as their Plenipotentiarics to conclude a Treaty for this

          that is to say: purpose,

His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Count Inouye Kaoru, Jiusammi, His Imperial Majesty's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, First Class of the Order of the Rising Sun, &c., &c., &c., and the President of the United States of America, Richard B. Hubbard, their Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan, who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :--

     Art. I.-The High Contracting Parties engage to deliver up to each other, under the circumstances and conditions stated in the present Treaty, all persons, who, being accused or convicted of one of the crimes or offences named below in Article II. and committed within the jurisdiction of the one party, shall be found within the jurisdic- tion of the other party.

Art. II.-1.-Murder and assault with intent to commit murder.

     2.-Counterfeiting or altering money, or uttering or bringing into circulation counterfeit or altered money, counterfeiting certificates or coupons of public indebted- ness, bank notes, or other instruments of public credit of either of the parties, and the utterance or circulation of the same.

3.-Forgery, or altering, and uttering what is forged or altered.

      4.-Embezzlement or criminal malv. rsation of the public funds committed within the jurisdiction of either party, by public officers or depositaries.


     6.-Burglary, defined to be the breaking and entering by night-time into the house of another person with the intent to commit a felony therein; and the act of breaking and entering the house of another, whether in the day or night time, with the intent to commit a felony therein.

      7.-The t of entering, or of breaking and entering, the offices of the Govern ment and public authorities, or the oflices of banks, banking-houses, savings-banks, trust companies, insurance or other companies, with the intent to commit a felony


8.--Perjury or the subornation of perjury.


10.- Arson.

11.-Piracy by the law of nations.

     12.-Murder, assault with intent to kill, and manslaughter committed on the high seas, on board a ship bearing the flag of the demanding country.

13.-Malicious destruction of, or attempt to destroy, railways, trams, vessels, bridges, dwellings, public edifices, or other buildings, when the act endangers human life.

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    Art. III.-If the person demanded be held for trial in the country on which the demand is made, it shall be optional with the latter to grant extradition or to proceed with the trial: Provided that, unless the trial shall be for crime for which the fugitive is claimed, the delay shall not prevent ultimate extradition.

    Art. IV. If it be made to appear that extradition is sought with a view to try or punish the person demanded for an offence of a political character, surrender shall not take place, nor shall any person surrendered be tried or punished for any political offence committed previously to his extradition, or for any offence other than that in respect of which the extradition is granted.

Art. V. The requisition for extradition shall be made through the diplomatic agents of the contracting parties, or, in the event of the absence of these from the country or its seat of Government, by superior consular officers.

If the person whose extradition is requested shall have been convicted of a crime, a copy of the sentence of the Court in which he was convicted, authenticated under its seal, and an attestation of the official character of the judge by the proper executive authority, and of the latter by the Minister or Consul of Japan or of the United States, as the case may be, shall accompany the requisition.

When the fugitive is merely charged with crime, a duly authenticated copy of the warrant of arrest in the country making the demand and of depositions on which such warrant may have been issued, must accompany the requisition.

    The fugitive shall be surrendered only on such evidence of criminality as according to the laws of the place where the fugitive or person so charged shall be found, would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had been there committed.

Art. VI. On being informed by telegraph, or other written communication, through the diplomatic channel that a lawful warrant has been issued by competent authority upon probable cause, for the arrest of a fugitive criminal charged with any of the crimes enumerated in Article II. of this Treaty, and on being assured from the same source that a request for the surrender of such criminal is about to be made in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty, each Government will endeavour to procure, so far as it lawfully may, the provisional arrest of such criminal, and keep him in safe custody for a reasonable time, not exceeding two months, to await the production of the documents upon which claim for extradition is founded.

    Art. VII.-Neither of the contracting parties shall be bound to deliver up its own subjects or citizens under the stipulations of this convention, but they shall have the power to deliver them up if in their discretion it be deemed proper to do so.

    Art. VIII. The expenses of the arrest, detention, examination, and transporta- tion of the accused shall be paid by the Government which has requested the extradi- tion.

    Art. IX.-The present treaty shall come into force sixty days after the exchange of the ratifications thereof. It may be terminated by either of them, but shall remain in force for six months after notice has been given of its termination.

    The treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty

in duplicate and have thereunto affixed their seals.

Done at the city of Tokyo, the twenty-ninth day of the fourth month of the nineteenth year of Meiji, corresponding to the twenty-ninth day of April in the eighteen hundred and eighty-sixth year of the Christian era.



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Ratifications Exchanged at Bangkok, 15th April, 1856.

    Art. I.-There shall henceforward be perpetual peace and friendship between Her Majesty and her successors, and Their Majesties the Kings of Siam and their successors. All British subjects coming to Šiam shall receive from the Siamese Government full protection and assistance to enable them to reside in Siam in all security, and trade with every facility, free from oppression or injury on the part of the Siamese, and all Siamese subjects going to an English country shall receive from the British Government the same complete protection and assistance that shall be granted to British subjects by the Government of Siam.

Art. II. The interests of all British subjects coming to Siam shall be placed under the regulation and control of a Consul, who will be appointed to reside at Bangkok: he will himself conform to, and will enforce the observance by British subjects of all the provisions of this treaty, and such portions of the former treaty negotiated by Cap- tain Burney, in 1826, as shall still remain in operation. He shall also give effect to all rules or regulations that are now or may hereafter be enacted for the government of British subjects in Siam, and conduct of their trade, and for the prevention of vio- lations of the laws of Siam. Any disputes arising between British and Siamese subjects shall be heard and determined by the Consul, in conjunction with the proper Siamese officers; and criminal offences will be punished, in the case of English offenders, by their own laws, through the Siamese authorities. But the Consul shall not interfere in any matters referring solely to Siamese, neither will the Siamese authorities interfere in questions which only concern the subjects of Her Britannic Majesty.

     It is understood, however, that the arrival of the British Consul at Bangkok shall not take place before the ratification of this treaty, nor until ten vessels owned by British subjects sailing under British colours and with British papers, shall have entered the port of Bangkok for the purposes of trade, subsequent to the signing of this treaty.

Art. III.-If Siamese in the employ of British subjects offend against the laws of their country, or if any Siamese having so offended, or desiring to desert, take refuge with a British subject in Siam, they shall be searched for, and upon proof of their guilt or desertion, shall be delivered up by the Consul to the Siamese authorities. In like manner any British offenders resident or trading in Siam, who may desert, escape to, or hide themselves in Siamese territory, shall be apprehended and delivered over to the British Consul on his requisition. Chinese not able to prove themselves to be British subjects, shall not be considered as such by the British Consul, nor be entitled to his protection.

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Art. IV. British subjects are permitted to trade freely in all the seaports of Siam, but may reside permanently only at Bangkok, or within the limits assigned by this Treaty. British subjects coming to reside at Bangkok may rent land, buy or build houses, but cannot purchase land within a circuit of 200 sen (not more than 4 miles English) from the city walls, until they shall bave lived in Siam for ten years, or shall obtain special authority from the Siamese Government to enable them to do so. But with the exception of this limitation, British residents in Siam may at any time buy or rent houses, lands or plantations, situated anywhere within a distance of twenty-four hours' journey from the city of Bangkok, to be computed by the rate at which boats of the country can travel. In order to obtain possession of such land or houses, it will be necessary that the British subject shall, in the first place, make application through the Consul to the proper Siamese officers; and the Consul having satisfied himself of the honest intention of the applicant, will assist him in settling, upon equitable terms, the amount of the purchase money, will mark out and fix the boundaries of the property, and will convey the same to the British purchaser under sealed deeds. Whereupon he and his property shall be placed under the protection of the Governor of the district and that of the particular local authorities; he shall conform, in ordinary matters, to any just directions given him by them, and will be subject to the same taxation that is levied on Siamese subjects. But if through negligence, and want of capital or other cause, a British subject should fail to commence the cultivation or improvement of the lands so acquired within a term of three years from the date of receiving possession thereof, the Siamese Government shall have the power of resuming the property, upon returning to the British subject the purchase-money paid by him for the same.

Art. V.-All British subjects intending to reside in Siam shall be registered at the British Consulate. They shall not go out to sea, nor proceed beyond the limits assigned by this treaty for the residence of British subjects, without a passport from the Siamese authorities, to be applied for by the British Consul; nor shall they leave Siam, if the Siamese authorities show to the British Consul that legitimate objections exist to their quitting the country. But within the limits appointed under the preceding article, British subjects are at liberty to travel to and fro under protection of a pass, to be furnished them by the British Consul and counter-sealed by the proper Siamese officer, stating, in the Siamese character, their names, calling, and descriptions. The Siamese officers of the Government stations in the mterier may, at any time, call for the production of this pass, and immediately on is being exbibited, they must allow the parties to proceed; but it will be their duty to detain those persons who, by travelling without a pass from the Consul, render themselvce liable to the suspicion of their being deserters; and such detention shall be immediately reported to the Consul.

Art. VI.-All British subjects visiting or residing in Siam, shall be allowed the free exercise of the Christian religion and liberty to build churches in such localities as shall be consented to by the Siamese authorities. The Siamese Government will place 1.0 restrictions upon the employment by the English of Siamese subjects as servants, or in any other capacity. But whenever a Siamese subject belongs to or owes service to some particular master the servant who engages himself to a British subject without the consent of his master, may be reclaimed by him; and the Siamese Government will not enforce an agreement between a British subject and any Siamese in his employ, unless made with the knowledge and consent of the master who has a right to dispose of the services of the person engaged,

     Art. VII.-British ships of war may enter the river, and anchor at Paknam, but they shall not proceed above Pakuam, unless with the consent of the Siamese authorities, which shall be given when it is necessary that a ship shall go into dock for repairs. Any British ship of war conveying to Siam a pu lic functionary accredited by Her Majesty's Government to the Court of Bangkok, shall be allowed to come up to Bangkok, but shall not pass the forts called Pong Purachamit and Pit-patch-nuck, unless expressly permitted to do so by the Siamese Government; but in the absence of a British ship of war, the Siamese authorities engage to furnish the Consul with a force sufficient to enable him to give effect to his authority over British subjects, and to enforce discipline among British shipping.

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Art. VIII. The measurement duty hitherto paid by British vessels trading to Bangkok under the Treaty of 1826 shall be abolished from the date of this treaty coming into operation, and British shipping and trade will benceforth be only subject to the payment of import and export duties on the goods landed or shipped. On all articles of import the duties shall be three per cent., payable at the option of the importer, either in kind or money, calculated upon the market value of the goods. Drawback of the full amount of duty shall be allowed upon goods found unsaleable and re-exported. Should the British merchant and the Custom-house officers dis- agree as to the value to be set upon imported articles, such disputes shall be referred to the Consul and proper Siamese officer, who shall each have the power to call in an equal number of merchants as assessors, not exceeding two on either side, to assist them in coming to an equitable decision.

Opium may be imported free of duty, but can only be sold to the opium farmer or his agents. In the event of no arrangement being effected with them for the sale of the opium, it shall be re-exported, and no impost or duty shall be levied thereon. Any infringement of this regulation shall subject the opium to seizure and confisca-


    Articles of export from the time of production to the date of shipment shall pay one import duty, whether this be levied under the name of inland tax, transit duty, or duty on exportation. The tax or duty to be paid on each article of Siamese produce previous to or upon exportation, is specified in the tariff attached to this Treaty; and it is distinctly agreed that goods or produce which pay any description of tax in the interior, shall be exempted from any further payinent of the duty on exportation.

    English merchants are to be allowed to purchase directly from the producer the articles in which they trade, and in like manner to sell their goods directly to the parties wishing to purchase the same, without the interference, in either case, of any other person.

    The rates of duty laid down in the tariff attached to this Treaty are those that are now paid upon goods or produce shipped in Siamese or Chinese vessels or junks; and it is agreed that British shipping shall enjoy all the privileges now exercised by, or which hereafter may be granted to Siamese or Chinese vessels or junks.

    British subjects will be allowed to build ships in Siam, on obtaining permission to do so from the Siamese authorities.

Whenever a scarcity may be apprehended of salt, rice, or fish, the Siamese Government reserve to themselves the right of prohibiting, by public proclamation, the exportation of these articles.

Bullion or personal effects may be imported free of charge.

Art IX. The code of regulations appended to this Treaty shall be enforced by the Consul, with the co-operation of the Siamese authorities; and they, the said authorities and Consul, shall be enabled to introduce any further regulations which may be found necessary in order to give effect to the objects of this Treaty.

All fines and penalties inflicted for infraction of the provisions and regulations

of this Treaty shall be paid to the Siamese Government.

Until the British Consul shall arrive at Bangkok, and enter upon his functions, the consignees of British vessels shall be at liberty to settle with the Siamese authorities all questions relating to their trade.

Art. X.-The British Government and its subjects will be allowed free and equal participation in any privileges that may have been, or may hereafter be, granted by the Siamese Government to the government or subjects of any other nation.

Art. XI.-After the lapse of ten years from the date of the ratification of this Treaty, upon the desire of either the British or Siamese Government, and on twelve months' notice being given by either party, the present and such portions of the Treaty of 1826 as remain unrevoked by this Treaty, together with the Tariff and the Regulations hereunto annexed, or those that may hereafter be introduced, shall be subject to revision by Commissioners appointed on both sides for this purpose, who will be empowered to decide on and insert therein such amendments as experience shall prove to be desirable.

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    Art. 1.-The master of any English ship coming to Bangkok to trade must, either before or after entering the river, as may be found convenient, report the arrival of his vessel at the Custom-house at Paknam, together with the number of his crew and guns, and the port from whence he comes. Upon anchoring his vessel at Pakna, he will deliver into the custody of the Custom-house officers all his guns and ammunition; and a Custom-house officer will then be appointed to the vessel, and will proceed in her to Baugkok.

    Art. II. A vessel passing Paknam without discharging her guns and ammu- nition as directed in the foregoing regulation, will be sent back to Paknam to comply with its provisions, and will be fined eight hundred ticals for having so disobeyed. After delivery of her guns and ammunition she will be permitted to return to Bangkok to trade.

    Art. III.-When a British vessel shall have cast anchor at Bangkok, the master, unless a Sunday should intervene, will within four and twenty hours after arrival proceed to the British Consulate, and deposit there his ship's papers, bills of lading, &c., together with a true manifest of his import cargo; and upon the Consul's reporting these particulars to the Custom-house, permission to break bulk will at once be given by the latter.

For neglecting so to report his arrival or for presenting a false manifest, the master will subject himself, in each instance, to a penalty of four hundred ticals; but he will be allowed to correct, within twenty-four hours after delivery of it to the Consul, any mistake he may discover in his manifest, without incurring the above- mentioned penalty.

Art. IV.-A British vessel breaking bulk, and commencing to discharge, before due permission shall be obtained, or smuggling, either when in the river or outside the bar, shall be subject to the penalty of eight hundred ticals and confiscation of the goods so smuggled or discharged.

Art. V.-As soon as a British vessel shall have discharged her cargo, and completed her outward lading, paid all her duties and delivered a true manifest of her outward cargo to the British Consul, a Siamese port-clearance shall be granted her on application from the Consul, who, in the absence of any legal impediment to her departure, will then return to the master his ship's papers, and allow the vessel to leave. A Custom-house officer will accompany the vessel to Paknam; and on arriving there she will be inspected by the Custom-house officer of that station, and will receive from them the guns and ammunition previously delivered into their charge. The above regulations, numbered from 1 to 5, are obligatory under the treaty concluded between Great Britain and Siam; those which follow, numbered from 6 to 14, are equally to be observed by masters of British vessels and their crews. Art. VI.-Masters of British vessels, when reporting their arrival at Her Majesty's Consulate at the port of Bangkok, as directed by the fourth regulation above quoted, shall notify in writing the names of all passengers and persons not forming part of the registered crew.

    Notice must likewise be given of the number and names of persons, who, as passengers or in any other capacity (seamen borne on the muster-roll excepted), in- tend to leave Siam in a British vessel.

    Art. VII.-Seamen, lascars, and others belonging to British vessels in the port are strictly prohibited to wear side knives and other weapons while on shore.

    Art. VIII. Should any seaman or apprentice absen' himself without leave, the master will report his absence, if such exce ds twenty-our hours, at the Consulate office.

    Art. IX. Any British subject who entices a seaman or apprentice to desert, incurs, according to the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, paragraph 257, a penalty not exceeding ten pounds; or any such subject who wilfully harbours or secretes a person deserted from his ship, incurs a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, if it be proved that he had knowledge of his being a deserter.

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     In default of the payment of such fines, the offender is to be imprisoned in the Consular gaol for any term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour.

Art. X.-All cases of death, and especially of sudden death, occurring on board of British vessels in the port of Bangkok, must be immediately reported at the Consulate.

     Art. XI. The discharge of guns from vessels anchored in the port of Bangkok, without notice having been previously given, and permission obtained through H. M. Consul from the proper Siamese authority, is forbidden, under a penalty not exceed- ing ten pounds.

Art. XII-It is strictly prohibited to shoot birds within the precincts of the Wats or Temples, either in Bangkok or elsewhere within the Siamese dominions, or to injure or damage any of the statues or figures, the trees or shrubs in such localities of Siamese worship; any Lritish subject or seaman of a British vessel guilty of such an act renders himself liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, or in default thereof to an imprisonment in the Consular gaol for a period of not more than one month.

     Art. XIII.-When a vessel under the British flag is ready to leave the port of Bangkok, the master will give notice at the Consulate office, and hoist a blue peter twenty-four hours before her departure, which is to fly until she breaks anchorage.

     Art. XIV. Should any vessel take in or discharge cargo subsequent to the issue of the Siamese port clearance, as directed by the fifth regulation above quoted, the master, as in a case of smuggling, subjects himself to a penalty of 800 Ticals (equal to £100), and goods so taken or discharged will be liable to confiscation.

     Art. XV.-Every fine or penalty levied under these regulations is (if not paid in sterling money) at the rate of eight ticals Siamese currency for one pound.

Tariff of Export and Inland Duties to be levied on Articles of Trade.

     I. The undermentioned Articles shall be entirely free from Inland or other taxes, on production of transit pass, and shall pay Export Duty as follows:-


1. Ivory

2. Gamboge


Rhinoceros' horns

4. Cardamons, best


Cardamons, bastard


Dried mussels


Pelican' quills


Betel nut, dried


Krachi wood


Sharks' fins, white



Shark's fins, black





Lukkrabau seed

Peacocks' tails

Buffalo and cow bones

Rhinoceros' hides

16. Hide cuttings

17. Turtle shell

Soft ditto





Fish maws






Birds' nests, uncleaned

22. Kingfishers' feathers

23. Cutch

24. Beyche seed (Nux Vomica)...

25. Pungtarai seed

Gum Benjamin


27. Angrai bark

28. Agilla wood

29. Ray skins ...


Old deers' horns


31. Soft, or young ditto















0 per picul.






20 per cent.


10 per cent.







0 per 100 tails. 3 per picul.






per 100 per picul.





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32. Deer hides, fine


   Deer hides, common 34. Deer sinews


Buffalo and cow hides

36. Elephants' bones


Tigers' bones

38. Buffalo horns


Elephants' hides


Tigers' skins


Armadillo skins





44. Dried Fish, Plaheng 45. Dried Fish, Plusalit



47. Salt meat

48. Mangrove bark




50. Ebony









0 per 100 hides.

per picul.





per skin. per picul.







51. Rice

0 per koyan.

II. The undermentioned Articles being subject to the Inland or Transit duties herein named, and which shall not be increased, shall be exempt from export duty.

52. Sugar, White

53. Sugar, Red


54. Cotton, clean and uncleaned ... 55. Pepper

56. Salt fish, Plat


Beans and Peas

58. Dried Prawns



60. Silk, raw

61. Bees' wax







0 per picul.




10 per cent.



one twelfth

one twelfth

one twelfth

one twelfth

one fifteenth



10,000 fish.














0 per picul.

0 per koyan. 0 per 1,000 bdles.

   III.-All goods or produce unenumerated in this Tariff shall be free of Export Duty, and shall only be subject to one Inland Tax or Transit Duty, not exceeding the rate now paid.




This Order may be cited as the "Siam Order in Council, 1886," and is included in the expression "the Siam Orders in Council." Words in this Order have the same meanings (unless the subject or context otherwise requires) as in the Sian (Foreign Jurisdiction) Order in Council, 1856, and the Siam Order in Council, 1884. The expression "month" means a calendar month. Words importing the plural or the singular may be construed as referring to one person or thing, or more than one person or thing, and words importing the masculine as referring to females (as the case may require).

   All Her Majesty's jurisdiction in Siam for the judicial hearing and determina- tion of matters in difference between British subjects or between foreigners (including subjects of the Kings of Siam) and British subjects, or for the administration or control of the property or persons of British subjects, or for the repression or punish- ment of crimes or offences committed by British subjects, or for the maintenance of order among British subjects, shall be exercised under and according to the provisions of this Order, and the provisions of the Siam Orders in Council, so far as they do not

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conflict with this Order, and not otherwise. Subject to the provisions of the afore- said Orders, the civil and criminal jurisdiction aforesaid shall, as far as circumstances admit, be exercised upon the principles of and in conformity with the Common Law, the Rules of Equity, the Statute Law, and other law for the time being in force in and for England, and with the powers vested in and according to the principles of procedure and practice observed by and before the Courts of Justice and Justices of the Peace in England, according to their respective jurisdictions and authorities.

     Every criminal case tried in Siam before a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements, acting under clause 14 of the Siam Order in Council of 1884, if the defendant so requires, in manner prescribed by any Rules to be made under this Order, shall be tried before a jury. Every male British subject resident in Siam being of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, being able to speak and read English, having or earning a gross income at the rate of not less than 250 dollars a year, not having been attainted of treason or felony, or convicted of any crime that is infamous (unless he has obtained a free pardon), shall be qualified to serve on a jury. All persons so qualified shall be liable so to serve except the following:-(a.) Persons in Her Majesty's Diplomatic, Consular, or other Civil Service in actual employment; (b.) Officers, clerks, keepers of prisons, messengers, and other persons attached to or in the service of any of Her Majesty's Courts; (c.) Officers and others on full pay in Her Majesty's army or navy, or in actual e nployment in the service of any department connected therewith; (d.) Clergymen and ministers of religion in the actual discharge of professional duties; (e.) Physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries in actual practice, and (f.) Persons disabled by mental or bodily infirmity.

     On or before the fourteenth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, and in every subsequent year, Her Majesty's Consular Court at Bangkok shall make out a list of the persons so qualified an 1 liable resident within its district. The list shall on or before the twenty-first day of the samne month, be affixed in some conspicuous place in the Court, and shall be there exhibited until the end of that month, with a notice annexed that on a day specifiel, not being sooner than the seventh or later than the fourteenth day of the following month, the Court will hold a special sitting for the revision of the list. The Court shall hold such special sitting accordingly, and at such sitting, or at some adjournment thereof (of which public notice shall be given), shall revise the list by striking out the name of any person appearing to be not qualified or not liable to serve, and by inserting the name of any person omitted and appearing to be so qualified and liable, either on the application of the person omitted, or on such notice to him as the Court thinks fit. The list shall be finally revised and settled not later than the twenty-first day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, and in every subsequent year, and when settled shall be affixed in some conspicuous place in the Court, and be there exhibited during not less than two months. Such list as settled shall be brought into use on the first day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, and in every subsequent year, and in every case shall be used as the Jury List of the Court until the first day of March next after the time of its being brought into use. When, in pursuance of this Order, a jury is required the Court shall summon so many of the persons comprised in the Jury List as seems requisite. Any persons failing to attend according to such summons shall be liable to such fine, not exceeding fifty dollars, as the Court thinks fit to impose, but such fine shall not be levied until after the expiration of fourteen days. The propor officer of the Court shall forthwith give to the person fined notice in writing of the imposition of the fine, and require him, within six days after receipt of the notice, to pay the fine or to file an affidavit excusing his non-attendance (if he desires to do so). The Court shall consider the affidavit, and may, if it thinks fit, remit the fine. A jury shall consist of five jurors. No challenges shall be allowed except for cause shown to the satisfaction of the Court. No Grand Jury shall be summoned. be required to give an unanimous verdict.


jury shall

     Every Consular Court shall have and may exercise for and within its own dis- trict all the powers, rights, and duties appertaining to the office of Coroner in Eng-

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land, but it shall not be necessary to summon a jury in holding any inquest. The Consular Court at Bangkok shall be a Vice-Admiralty Court, and as such, shall, for and within Siam, and for vessels and persons coming to and within Siam, have all such jurisdiction as for the time being ordinarily belongs to Vice-Admiralty Courts in Her Maj sty's possessions abroad. The Consular Court shall have all powers and jurisdiction which can be exercised by Justices or a Vice-Admiralty Court under or for the purposes of the Acts relating to merchant shipping or the Passenger Acts, or relating to quarantine. The Consular Court at Bangkok shall, as far as circumstances admit, have in itself exclusively, for and within Siam, with respect to British subjects, all such jurisdiction relative to the custody and management of the persons and estates of persons of unsound mind as for the time bing belongs to the Lord Chau- cellor or other person or persons in England intrusted, by virtue of Her Majesty's Sign Manual, with the care and commitment of the custody of the persons and estates of persons found, by inquisition in England, idiot, lunatic. or of unsound mind.

The Consular Court at Bangkok shall be a Court of Probate, and as such shall, as far as circumstances admit, have, for and within Siam, with respect to the property of British subjects having at the time of death their fixed places of abode in Siam, all such jurisdiction as for the time being belongs to the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice in England. A District Court shall also have power to grant probate or administration where there is no contention respecting the right to the grant, and it is proved on oath that the deceased bad at the time of his death his fixed place of abode within the jurisdiction of the District Court. Probate or administra- tion granted by a District Court in Siam shall have effect over all the property of the deceased within Siam, and shall effectually discharge persons dealing with an executor or administrator thereunder, and that notwithstanding any defect afterwards appears in the grant. Such a grant shall not be impeachable by reason only that the deceased had not at the time of his death his fixed place of abode within the particular jurisdiction. Every person having in his possession or under his control any paper or writing of a deceased British subject being or purporting to be testamentary shall forthwith bring the original to the Court within the district where f such person is at the time of his first knowledge of the death of the deceased, and deposit it there. Any person neglecting to do so for fourteen days after having knowledge of the death of the deceased shall be liable to such penalty, not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, as the Court thinks fit to impose. From the death intestate of a British subject having at the time of death his fixed place of abode in Siam until administration is granted, his personal property within Siam shall be vested in the Consul-General in Siam. If any person other than one of Her Majesty's Consular officers takes possession of, and in any manner administers any part of the personal property of any person deceased, without obtaining probate or administration within three months after the death of the deceased, or within one month after the termina- tion of any suit or dispute respecting probate or administration (if there is any such which is not ended within two months after the death of the deceased), he shall be liable to such penalty, not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, as the Court having jurisdiction in the matter of the property of the deceased thinks fit to impose: and in every such case the same fees shall be payable by the person so administering as would have been payable by him if he had obtained probate or administration. Where a British subject not having at the time of death his fixed place of abode in Siam dies there, the Court within whose district he dies sball, where the circumstances of the case appear to the Court so to require, forthwith on the death of the deceased, or as soon alter as may be, take possession of his personal property within the particular jurisdiction, or put it under the seal of the Court (in either case, if the Dature of the property or other circumstances so require, making an inventory), and so keep the property until it can be dealt with according to law.

Every Court and authority in imposing punishments shall, as far as circum- stances admit, and subject to the provisions of the Siam Orders in Council, have regard to the punishments imposed by the laws of England in like cases, and to the mode in which the same are inflicted in England. Where any person is sentenced

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in Siam to suffer the punishment of death, the Judge pronouncing the sentence shall forthwith send a report of the sentence, with a copy of the Minutes of the proceed- ings, and notes of the evidence in the case and with any observation the Judge thinks fit to make, to the Governor in Council of the Straits Settlements. The sentence shall not be carried into execution without the order of the Governor of the Straits Settlements in Council. In any such case, if the said Governor in Council does not order that the sentence of death be carried into execution, he shall direct what punishment in lieu of the punishment of death is to be inflicted on the person convicted, and the person convicted shall be punished accordingly. Where any offender convicted before a Court in Sim is sentenced to suffer imprisonment in respect of the crime or offence of which he is convicted, and it is expedient that the sentence be carried into effect within Her Majesty's dominions, the offender may, in accordance with the 5th section of "The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1843," be sent for execution of his sentence as follows:-

(a.) In the case of prisoner who is, or who appears to the person signing the warrant under the said 5th section to be, a native of Burmab or of any other part of British India, and not of European descent, to Her Majesty's possession of Burmab, or some other part of British India. (b.) In the case of any other prisoner, to the Colony of the Straits Settlements. And the person for the time being acting as Her Majesty's Consul-General or Consul in Siam shall have authority for the purposes of the said section.

If any British subject is guilty of publicly deriding, mocking, or insulting any religion established or observed in Siam, or publicly offering any insult to any reli- gious service, feast, or ceremony established or kept in any part of Siam, or to any place for worship, tomb, or sanctuary belonging to any such religion, or to the minis- ters or professors thereof, or of wilfully committing any act tending to bring any such religion or its ceremonies, mode of worship, or observances into hatred, ridicule, or contempt, and thereby to provoke a breach of the public peace, he shall be liable (in the di-cretion of the Court before which he is convicted), to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour, and with or without a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or to a fine exceeding five hundred dollars without imprisonment. Notwithstanding anything in the Siam Orders in Council, every charge against a British subject of baving committed any such offences shall be heard and determined in a summary way, and a district Court shall have power to impose the punishment aforesaid.

       Where it is shown to any of Her Majesty's Courts that the attendance of a British subject to give evidence, or for any other purpose connected with the administration of justice, is required in a Siamese Court or before a judicial officer in Siam of any State in amity with Her Majesty, the Court may, in cases and under circumstances which would require the attendance of that British subject before one Her Majesty's Courts in Siam, and if it seems to the Court just and expedient so to do, make an order for the attendance of the British subject in such Court or before such judicial officer, and for such purposes as aforesaid, but so that a District Court shall not have power to make an order for such attendance of & British subject at any place beyond the particular jurisdiction of the Court. Any British subject duly served with such an order, and with reasonable notice of the time and place at which bis attendance is required, and having had the reasonable expenses of attendance paid or tendered to bim, failing to attend accordingly, and not excusing his failure to the satisfaction of the Court making the order, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or to imprisoninent for any term not exceeding one month, in the discretion of the Court.

Any Court may order any person convicted before it of any crime or offence to pay all or any part of the expenses of or preliminary to his trial, aud of his imprison- ment or other punishment. Where it appears to any Court that any charge ma le before it is malicious or is frivolous and vexatious, the Court may order all or any part of the expenses of the prosecution to be paid by the person making the charge. In either of the two last-mentioned cases the amount ordered to be paid shall be

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deemed a debt due to the Crown, and may, by virtue of the order, without further proceeding, be levied on the property of the person convicted or making the charge, as the case may be. (1.) Where the crime or offence with which any person is charged before any Consular Court appears to the Court to be such that, if proved, it would not be adequately punished by such punishment as the Court have power to impose, and the accused is not to be sent for trial to Her Majesty's dominions, the Courts may reserve the case to be heard and determined before a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements acting under the provisions of clause 14 of the Siam Order in Council, 1884. Where any case is reserved under this section, the Consular Court shall take the depositions, and commit the prisoner for trial be- fore such Judge of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements as shall next exer- cise criminal jurisdiction in Siam, under the powers given in clause 14 of the Siam Order in Council, 1884.

If any British subject-(a.) Wilfully obstructs by act or threat an officer of the Court in the performance of his duty; (b.) within or close to the room or place where a Court is sitting, wilfully behaves in a violent, threatening, or disrespectful manner, to the disturbance of the Court or the terror of the suitors or others resorting thereto; or (c.) wilfully insults the Judge or any Consular officer, or any juror or assessor, or any clerk or officer of a Court during his sitting or attendance in Court, or in going to or returning from Court; he shall be liable to be immediately apprehended by order of the Court, and to be detained until the rising of the Court; and further, on due inquiry and consideration, to be punished with a fine not exceding twenty-five dollars, or imprisonment for any term not exceeding seven days, at the discretion of the Court, according to the nature and circumstances of the case. A Minute shall be made and kept of every such case of punishment, recording the fact of the offence, and the extent of the punishment, and in the case of a District Court a copy of such Minute shall be forthwith sent to the Consular Court at Bangkok.

Whenever, under the Siam Orders in Council, any person is to be taken, in custody or otherwise, for trial or imprisonment, or by way of deportation, or for any other purpose, to Singapore or elsewhere in the Straits Settlements or to England or elsewhere, the Court or other authority by the Siam Orders in Council authorised to cause him to be so taken may for that purpose, if necessary, cause him to be embarked on board one of Her Majesty's vessels of war, or if there is no such vessel available, then on board any British or other fit vessel, at any port or place, whether within or beyond the particular jurisdiction of that Court in authority, and in order to such embarkation may, if necessary, cause him to be taken, in custody or otherwise, by land or by water, from any place to the port or place of embarkation. The writ, order, or warrant of any Consular Court, or of the Consul-General, as the case may be, by virtue whereof any person is to be so taken, shall be sufficient authority to every constable, officer, or person acting thereunder; and the commander or master of any vessel of war or other vessel (whether the constable, officer, or other person, or the vessel or the commander or master thereof, is named therein or not) to receive, detain, take, and deliver up such person, according to the writ, order, or warrant. Where the writ, order, or warrant is executed under the immediate direction of the Court or authority issuing it, the writ, order, or warrant shall be delivered to the constable, officer, or other person acting thereunder, and a duplicate thereof shall be delivered to the commander or master of any vessel in which the person to whom the writ, order, or warrant relates is embarked.

  Subject to the other provisions of the Siam Orders in Council, all expenses of removal of prisoners and others from or to any place in Siam, the expenses of deporta tion, and of the sending of any person to England or to India, shall be defrayed as the expenses as to distressed British subjects are defrayed, or in such other manner as one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State from time to time may direct, provided that such expenses shall not be charged on Imperial funds otherwise than subject to the sanction of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury.

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SIGNED AT Paris, 15th July, 1867.

Ratifications Exchanged at Bangkok, 24th November, 1867.

       His Majesty the Emperor of the French and His Majesty the King of Siam being desirous to definitely define, by common accord, the position of the kingdom of Cambodia under the treaty concluded at Oudon, between France and that kingdom, on the 10th August, 1863, and wishing to avoid for the future any claim of such a character as to disturb the perfect friendship which exists between the two nations, have appointed their plenipotentiaries, namely:--

       His Majesty the Emperor of the French, the Marquis Léonel do Moustier, Grand Cross of the Imperial Order of the Legion of Honour, &c., Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;

       And His Majesty the King of Siam, Phya Surawongs Way Wat, First Ambas- sador, and Phra Kaxa Sena Second Ambassador;

       Who, having communicated their full powers, found in due form, have agreed upon the following Articles :-

Art. I. His Majesty the King of Siam solemnly recognises the protectorate of His Majesty the Emperor of the French over Cambodia.

       Art. II. The treaty concluded in the month of December, 1863, between the kingdoms of Siam and Cambodia is declared null and of no effect, and shall not in future be invoked by the Government of Siam under any circumstance whatsoever.

       Art. III-His Majesty the King of Siam renounces, for himself and His succes- sors, all tribute, present, or other mark of vassalage on the part of Cambodia.

On His part, the Emperor of the French engages not to take poss ssion of that kingdom to incorporate it in his possessions in Cochin-China.

       Art. IV. The provine s of Battambang and Angkor (Nakhon Siemrap) ré- maining, like the other Siamese provinces bordering on Cambodia, such as they are recognised at the present day on the one part and the other, sl ll be, with the shortest delay, exactly determined, by the aid of stakes or other marks, by a Commission of French officers appointed by the Governor of Cochin-China.

        The delimitation effected, it shall be traced on an exact map by the French officers.

        Art. V. The Siamese shall abstain from any encroachment on the territory of Cambodia, and the Cambodiaus shall equally al stain from any encroachment on Siamese territory.

        Nevertheless, the inhabitants of the two countries shall have freedom to travel, trade, and peacefully reside on the respective territories.

If Siamese subjects commit crimes on Cambodian territory they shall be tried and punished with justice by the Government of Cambodia according to the laws of that country. If Cambdian subjects commit crimes in Siamese territory they shall in the same way te tried and punished with justice by the Siamese Government according to the laws of Siam.

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Art. VI.-Vessels under the French flag may freely navigate those parts of the Meikong River and Interior Sea which touch the Siam se possessions. The Govern- ment of His Majesty the King of Siam shall place at the disposal of the Authorities of Saigon such number of passports as the latter may deem necessary, to be delivered, after having been signed and filled up by the said authorities, to French subjects who wish to go to the said coast. On Siamese territory the latter shall conform to all the stipulations of the treaty of 1856 between France and Siam. The above-mentioned passport shall take the place, in harbours, of the pass required by Article VII. of the said Treaty, and shall give to its bearers, in case of urgency, the right of laying their claims directly before the Siamese authorities.

Art. VII.-The French Government engages that the preceding stipulations shall be observed by Cambodia.

Art. VIII. The present Treaty having been written in French and Siamese and the two versions having the same import and sense, the French text shall be official and shall have the same effect in all respects as the Siamese.

  Art. IX. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Bangkok, within a period of five months, or sooner if possible.

  In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed it and affixed their seals.

  Done at Paris, in two copies, the 15th July, in the year of grace 1867, correspond- ing to the 4th day of the 8th month of the year Tho, 1229 of the Siamese era.








SIGNED AT Phnom-penh, 17th June, 187 k.

  Between His Majesty Norodom I., King of Cambodia, of the one part; and M. Charles Thomson, Governor of Cochin-China, acting in the name of the French Republic, in virtue of the full powers conferred upon him, of the other part; it has been agreed as follows:-

Art. I. His Majesty the King of Cambodia accepts all the administrative, judicial, financial, and commercial reforms the adoption of which the Government of the French Republic may hereafter think useful in order to facilitate the protectorate.

Art. II.-His Majesty the King of Cambodia shall continue, as in the past, to govern his states and to direct their administration, saving the restrictions which follow from the present Convention.

Art. III.-Cambodian functionaries shall continue, under the control of the French authorities, to administer the provinces, saving in all that concerns the establishment and collection of taxes, customs, and indirect contributions, publie works, and, in general, those services which require unique direction or the employment of European engineers or agents.

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       Art. IV.-Residents or Assistant Residents, appointed by the French Govern- ment and entrusted with the maintenance of public order and the control of the local authorities, shall be placed in the chief towns of the provinces and wherever their presence may be thought necessary.

They shall be under the order of the Resident, whose duty it is, according to the terms of Article II. of the treaty of the 11th August, 1863, to assure, under the high authority of the Governor of Cochin-China, the regular exercise of the protectorate, and who will take the title of Resident-General.

Art. V.-The Resident-General shall have the right of private and personal audience with his Majesty the King of Cambodia.

      Art. VI. The expenses of the administration of the kingdom and those of the protectorate shall be at the charge of Cambodia.

       Art. VII.-A special arrangement shall be made, after the definite establishment of the budget of the kingdom, to fix the civil list of the King and the allowances of the Princes of the Royal Family.

      The civil list of the King is provisionally fixed at three hundred thousand dollars; the allowance of the Princes is provisionally fixed at twenty-five thousand dollars, the division of which shall be made according to arrangement between His Majesty the King of Cambodia and the Governor of Cochin-China.

      His Majesty the King of Cambodia undertakes not to contract any loan without the authorisation of the Government of the French Republic.

Art. VIII.-Slavery is abolished throughout Cambodian territory.

      Art. IX. The land of the kingdom, until now the exclusive property of the Crown, shall cease to be inalienable. There shall be framed, by the French and Cambodian Authorities, a constitution of proprietary rights in Cambodia.

      The Christian churches and the temples shall preserve, as their absolute property, the lands actually occupied by them.

      Art. X.-The town of Phnom-penh shall be administered by a Municipal Com mission composed of the Resident-General or his delegate, President; six French officials or merchants appointed by the Governor of Cochin-China; three Cambodians, one Annamite, two Chinese, one Indian, and one Malay appointed by His Majesty the King of Cambodia from a list presented by the Governor of Cochin-China.

Art. XI.-The present Convention-of which, in case of dispute and agreeably to international usage, the French text shall be considered the original confirms and completes the treaty of the 11th August, 1863, the Royal Ordinances, and the Con ventions between the two Governments so far as they are not contrary to the preceding provisions.

        It shall be submitted for the ratification of the Government of the French Rs. public, and the ratification shall be delivered to His Majesty the King of Cambodia with as brief delay as possible.

       In faith whereof His Majesty the King of Cambodia and the Governor of Cochin-China have signed the present act and affixed their seals thereto.

Done at Phnom-penh the 17th day of June, 1884.



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SIGNED AT HUE, 6TH June, 1884.

The Government of the French Republic and that of His Majesty the King of Annam, wishing to prevent for the future the renewal of the difficulties which have recently occurred, and desirous of drawing closer their relations of friendship and good neighbourship, have determined to conclude a Convention with that object, and have named as their Plenipotentiaries the following, that is to say:-

   The President of the French Republic, M. Jules Patenôtre, Officer of the National Order of the Legion of Honour, Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to His Majesty the Emperor of China;

And His Majesty the King of Annam, their Excellencies Nguyen Van Thong, First Regent, Minister of the Interior; Thuan-Duat, Minister of Finance, and Ton- Thuan-Phan, in charge of Foreign Affairs, and provisional Minister of Public Works; Who, having exchanged their respective full powers, which were found to be in

due and proper form, have agreed upon the following Articles :-

Art. I.-Annam recognizes and accepts the Protectorate of France. France shall represent Annam in all her foreigu relations.

Annamites abroad shall be placed under the protection of France.

   Art. II-A French military force shall permanently occupy Thuan-An. All the forts and military works on the River Hué shall be razed.

Art. III.-The Aunamite officials, from the Cochin China frontier to the frontier of the province of Ninh-Binh, shall continue to administer the provinces comprised within those limits, save in so far as regards the Customs, Public Works, and in general those services which require a single head or the employment of European engineers or agents.

   Art, IV.-Within the above-mentioned limits, the Annamite Government shall declare the ports of Tourane and Xuan-Day, besides that of Qui-Nhon, to be open to the trade of all nations. Subject to previous agreement, other ports may be opened hereafter. The French Government shall keep Agents in these places, who will be under the orders of its Resident at Hué.

   Art. V.-A Resident-General, representing the French Government, shall preside over the foreign relations of Annam and secure the regular exercise of the Protectorate, without interfering in the local administration of the provinces comprised within the limits fixed by Article III.

He shall reside in the citadel of Hué with a military escort.

   The Resident-General shall have the right of private and personal audience of His Majesty the King of Anuam.

   Art. VI.-In Tonquin, the Government of the Republic shall place Residents or Assistant Residents in those principal towns where their presence may be deemed advantageous. They shall be under the orders of the Resi.ent-General.

   They shall reside in the citadel, and, in all cases, within the precincts of the space reserved for the Mandarins; they shall be provided, when necessary, with a French or

native escort.

   Art. VII.-The Residents shall avoid taking part in the details of the internal administration of the provinces. The native fficials of every kind shall continue to govern and administer under their control; but they shall be dismissed at the request of the French authorities.

Art. VIII.-French functionaries and officials of every grade shall not com- municate with the Annamite authorities except through th› medium of the Residents. Art. IX.-A line of telegraph shall be established between Saigon and Hanoi, and shall be worked by French officials.

   A portion of the rates shall be assigned to the Annamite Government, who shall grant in return the ground necessary for the stations.

Art. X.-In Annam and in Tonquin foreigners of every nationality shall be placed under the jurisdiction of France.

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French authorities shall adjudicate on disputes of any kind which may arise between Annamites and foreigners, as also between foreigners.

Art. XI.-In Annam proper, the Quin-Ho shall levy the old tax without the control of French officials, and on behalf of the Court of Hué.


In Tonquin the Residents shall, with the concurrence of the Quan-Ho, concen- trate the levy of the same tax, and shall superintend its collection and use. Commission composed of French and Annamite Commissioners shall determine what sums shall be assigned to the various branches of the Administration and to the public service. The remainder shall be deposited in the treasury of the Court of Hué. Art. XII.-Througnout the kingdom the reorganized custom-houses shall be in- trusted solely to French Administrators. There shall only be maritime and frontier custom-houses, which shall be established wherever the need for them may show itself. No complaint shall be admitted in Customs questions on the subject of measures taken up to the present time by the military authorities.

The Laws and Regulations concerning indirect taxation, the Customs systems and tariff, and the sanitary system of Cochin-China, shall be applicable to the territories of Annam and Tonquin.

Art. XIII.-French citizens or "protégés" shall have the right, throughout the whole extent of Tonquin and in the open ports of Annam, to move freely from place to place, to trade, to acquire personal or real property, and to dispose of it. His Majesty the King of Anam expressly confirms the guarantees accorded by the Treaty of the 15th March, 1874, in favour of the missi naries aud of the Christians. Art. XIV.-Persons desiring to travel in the interior of Annam shall only be able to obtain permissi n to do so through the Resident-General a Hué or the Government of China-China.

Art. XV. Frane engages henceforth to guarantee the integrity of the States of His Majesty the K ng of Annam, and to protect that Sovereign both against external invasions and internal rebellion.

      With that object the French authorities shall have the right to order a military occupation of such points in the territory of Annam and Tonquin as they shall deem necessary, in order to s cure the exercise of the Protectorate.

Art. XVI. His Majesty the King of Anuam shall continue, as heretofore, to direct the internal administration of his States, except for the restrictions arising out of the present Convention.

      Art. XVII.-The present debt of Annam to France shall be liquidated by means of payments, the manner of which shall be subsequently determined. His Majesty the King of Aunam agrees not to contract any foreign loan without the sanction of the French Government.

Art. XVIII.-Subsequent conferences shall determine the limits of the open ports and of the French concessions in each of such ports, the establishment of light- houses on the coasts of Annam and of Tonquin, the regulation and work ng of mines, the monetary system, the share to be assigned to the Annamite Government of the amount produced by the ustoms, Excise, Telegraphs, and other revenues not mentioned in Article XI. of the present Treaty.

      The present Convention shall be submitted for the approval of the Government of the French R public and of His Majesty the King of Annam, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged as soon as possible.

     Art. XIX.-The present Treaty shall replace the Conventions of the 15th March, 31st August, and 23rd November, 1874.

In case of dispute the French text shall alone be binding.

     In witness whereof the respective Plen.potentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have affixed thereto their seals.

Done at Hué in duplicate, the 6th June, 1884.











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Ratifications Exchanged, 26th September, 1880.

   His Majesty the King of Spain and His Majesty the Emperor of Annam, desiring to strengthen and promote commercial relations between their respective subjects, and thus cement more closely the bouds of friendship which happily exist between the two countries, have decided to conclude a Treaty of Commerce, and have named their Plenipotentiaries for that purpose, that is to say, His Majesty the King of Spain, Don Melchor Ordonez, Naval Lieutenant of the first class, Colonel of Marine Infantry, &c., &c., and His Majesty the Emperor of Annam, Do Dang De, Minister of Rites, Director of the Academy, and Subdirector of the Imperial Historiogra phical Department, and Huyuh-Dien, first Chancellor of the Ministry of the Interior, who, having exchanged their full powers, and found them in good and proper form, have agreed upon the following Articles:-

Art. I.-In conformity with the provisions of Art. IX. of the Treaty of Peace concluded between His Majesty the Emperor of Annam and His Excellency the President of the French Republic on the 15th March, 1874, the Annamite Govern- ment has opened to European and American commerce the following_ports, viz., Thi-nai, in the province of Binh-dinh; Ninh hai in the province of Hai-dziong; the city of Hanoi, and the passage by the Nhi-ha (Song-koi) from the sea to the frontier of the Chinese province of Yunnan. According to Article XXI. of the said Treaty, and on the invitation of the French Government to that of Spain, the latter has become a party to the said Treaty, accepting it from the 1st June, 1874, as replacing that concluded in the year 1862. Spanish subjects may reside in the afore- said ports and cities for the purposes of trade and industry, abstaining from all traffic on the banks of the river. Offenders against this provision shall suffer as penalty the confiscation of the merchandise, which will be forfeited to the Annamite Authority.

   Art. II.-His Majesty the King of Spain concedes to Annamite subjects the right of travelling, residing, possessing property, and freely engaging in trade, industry, and every class of work, in Spain and her territories beyond sea, the said Annamite subjects conforming to the laws of the country in which they shall be. His Majesty the Emperor of Annam will place no obstacle in the way of such Annamite subjects as shall desire to go to Spain or its provinces beyond sea in pursuit of any description of work. They shall be protected by the local Spanish Authorities in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Asiatic Emigration of 6th July, 1860, to which regulation the workmen and those who engage them shall submit. This regulation has been submitted for the consideration of the Annamite Government, who have accepted it, and it shall have force from the date of the ratification of the present Treaty. The Spanish Plenipotentiary has delivered to the said Government two copies of the aforementioned regulation, certified and sealed with his seal, the one written in the French language and the other in Annamite.


   Emigration shall take place only from the three ports opened to trade. The chief authority of the province shall be informed of the number of emigrants, and also of their contracts, a copy of which shall be forwarded by the captain of the ship. The said Authority shall appoint a person to verify, in comparing with the Captain of the Port, the accuracy of the particulars furnished, and the vessel shall not be allowed to leave the port nutil such examination has taken place. In the event of

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its being found necessary to frame other regulations for the protection of contract labourers, the two High Contracting Parties shall agree upon them.

Art. III. His Majesty the Emperor of Annam concedes to Spanish subjects liberty to enter and reside in the cities and ports opened to trade as above mentioned. In these places they may possess land, build houses, and follow any commercial or industrial pursuit. They shall enjoy the same protection as the French or the subjects of other nations, and the Government of His Majesty the Emperor shall place at their disposal the land necessary for their establishment.

As regards the purchase of land and the payment of the price, they shall submit to the conditions contained in Art. XII. of the Treaty concluded between France and Annam on the 15th March, 1874. The Annamite Government may open other ports hereafter should it be deemed advisable or if the importance of the trade renders it necessary.

Art. IV. His Majesty the Emperor of Annam may, if he think proper, establish in Spain and in all ports and cities of its dominions Consuls charged with the protection of his subjects. His Majesty the King of Spain may also, should he think fit, establish at Thi-nai, Ninh-hai, and Hanoi, Consuls charged with the protection of Spanish subjects. These agents shall not exercise their consular func- tions until the exequatur of the sovereign nations to which they are accredited shall have been received, but as soon as the said exequatur shall be received they shall freely discharge their functions and enjoy the same consular privileges as the agents of other nations. The jurisdiction of the Consuls in Annam shall not extend beyond the open ports to which they have been appointed. This Treaty does not modify in any respect the provisions of Art. IX. of the Political Treaty of the 15th March, 1874, between France and Annam, relative to Spanish Missionaries, who shall continue in the enjoyment of the privileges accorded by the said Article.

Art. V.-All questions between Spaniards, or between Spaniards and Foreigners, shall be tried by the Spanish Consuls, or in default of these shall be submitted to the French Agents.

When Spanish subjects have any dispute with Annamites, or any claim against them, they sball lay the matter before the Spanish Consul, who will endeavour to settle the matter amicably. If such settlement be impossible, the Consul shall request the assistance of an Annamite Judge commissioned to that effect, and these two officers, shall, after a joint investigation, decide the matter according to the rules of equity.

Equally, when Annamites have a difference with Spanish subjects, they shall lay the matter before the Annamite Authority, who, if the matter cannot be arranged amicably, will ask the assistance of the Spanish Consul, in order that they may try it together.

     Art. VL-The preliminary proceedings upon offences or crimes committed by Spanish residents in the cities and open ports shall be heard before the Consul for Spain; in his absence before the Consul for France; and shall be sent, together with the accused, as soon as possible, to Manila, that judgment may be given according to the laws of Spain.

      If the accused take refuge in Annamite territory the local authorities shall, on requisition being made, use all possible means to arrest him and deliver him to the Consul for Spain.

     If an Annamite subject resident in Spanish territory commit any offence or crime he shall be tried, according to the laws of the country, by the Spanish Autho- rities, but the Annamite Consul shall be officially informed of the proceedings taken against the accused.

Annamite subjects guilty of a criminal action against Spanish subjects in Annam shall be detained by the Annamite Authorities and punished according to the laws of the Enpire.

     Art. VII.-If any criminal being a Spanish subject, accused of misdemeanour or robbery, shall fly to Annamite territory, the local authority, as soon as it shall be

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informed thereof, shall take all possible means to arrest the fugitive and deliver him to the Spanish Consul, or, there being no Spanish Consul, to the French Consul. Equally, if criminals of whatever class, subjects of His Majesty the Emperor of Annam, sball fly to Spanish territory, they shall be pursued as soon as advice of their flight is received, taken if possible, and delivered to the authorities of their country.

   Art. VIII. The property of Spariards dying in Annamite territory, and of Annamities dying in Spanish territory, shall he handed over to their heirs. In the absence of the latter, the property shall be placed with the Consul of the nation to which the deceased belonged to hold for the Igal heirs. In the ab-ence of a Consul the Government of the country shall send it to the Government of the nation to which the deceased belonged.

   Art. IX. In the ports open to trade Spanish subjects shall be subject to all the clauses relative to commercial operations contained in the Treaty of Commerce between Annam and France of the 31st August, 1874. They shall enjoy all the privileges already conceded or which may be hereafter conceded to the merchants of the most favoured nation, with the exception of the privilege conceded to France with reference to merchandise imported or exported by vessels proceeding from or to Saigon, according to Art. IV. of the said treaty.

   Art. X.-In the ports open to trade the importation and exportation of all merchandise is permit ed, with the exception of the articles already probibited, which are found enumerated in the treaty concluded with France on the 31st August, 1874. Grain and Silk are articles of which the Annamite Government has need. Their im- portation shall always be permitted, but the exportation of grain shall only take place in virtue of a temporary authorisation by the Government, of which information will be given to the French Resident a: Hué and to the Spanish Consuls. The exporta- tion of silk shall only be permitted eac.. year after the districts which pay their taxes in this article shall have paid them in full and after the Annamite Government shall have purchased the quantities indispensable to their use. When the said Government shall intend to authorise or suspend the exportation of these two articles they shall give information of their intention, at least two months in advance, to the French Resident at Hổ cu! to the Spanish: Consuls; that is to say, if the concession or suspension is to take place on 1st March, information thereof shall be given to the said Agents on 1 1st January.


Art. XI.-The presen! treaty shall remain in force for ten years from the date of the exchange of the ratifications. During this period it cannot be modified except by the common consent of the two High Coutiseting Parties, and after at least one year's notice shall have been given by the one to the other. At the termination of the ten years, if neit er party expresses a desire for the modification of the treaty, it shall continue the same, Pig obligatory on both parties.


Art. XII.--Thi- troty s all be ra fiel, and the ratifications exchanged at Hué, within one year from the date of signing, or earlier if possible. It shall have effect from the date of the exchange of the ratifications.

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In pursuance of Sec. 5th of the Act of Congress, approved 22nd June, 1860, entitled "An Act to carry into effect certain provisions in the Treaties between the United States, China, Japan, Siam, Persia, and other countries, giving certain judicial powers to Ministers and Consu.s, or other functionaries of the United States in those countries, or for other purposes," I, Anson Burlingame, Ministr Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary of the United States to the Empire of China, do hereby decree the following rules and regulations, which shall have the force of law in the Consular Courts of China.

1.-Every citizen of the United States residing within the limits of the ports open to foreign tra le in the dominion of the Empire of China, is required to be enrolled in the Consular register, and shall apply in person at the Cousulate within thirty days after the publication of this decree. Every American citizen who may arrive within the limits of the port, save and except any one who may be borne on the muster-roll of an American vessel, shall apply within ten days at the Consulate to be enrolled. An American citizan neglecting to be so euroled will not be entitled to claim the protection or intervention of the unthorities, unless he can furnish a valid reason for not so doing.

      2. In all cases where an applicant to be enrolled cannot furnish a passport or other legal proof of his citizenship, he shall make oath that he is a citizen of the United States; and if the Consul deom desirable, be required to bring such further evidence as he shall consider satisfactory.


Peking, 22nd April, 1864.



      1.-How commenced.-Civil proceedings between American citizens must com. mence by written petition, verified by oath before the Consul.

      2.-Three classes of action.-Ordinary personal civil actions are of three classes, viz: Contract, comprising all cases of contract or debt; Wrong, when damages are claimed for a wrong; Replevin, when possession of a specific article is claimed.

      3.-Demand necessary in Contract and Keplevin.-In contract, the petition must aver that payment, or a performance of the conditions of the contract, has been demanded and withheld; and in replevin, that the articles to be replevined have been demanded.

      4.-Petitioner must deposit money.-The petitioner shall be required to deposit a reasonable sum to defray the probable expenses of court and defendant's costs; subsequent deposits may be required if found necessary.

5.-Notice to Defendant.-Upon deposit of the money, the Consul shall order notice of the petition, in writing, directing defendant to appear before the court at a given day and hour to his written answer on oath.

6.-Service.-Notice must be served on each defendant at least five days before return day, by delivery of an attested copy of the petition and order, and of any accompanying account or paper.

7.-Personal service should always be required when practicable.

8.-Default.-On proof of due notice, judgment by default shall be procured against any defendant failing to appear and file his answer as required; but the de- fault may be taken off for good cause within one day after, exclusive of Sunday.

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9.-Damages. But in actions of wrong, and all other where the damages are in their nature unliquidated and indefinite, so that they cannot be calculated with precision from the statement of the petition, the amount of the judgment shall be ascertained by evidence, notwithstanding the default.

10.-Answer.-If defendant appears and answers, the Consul, having both parties before him, shall before proceeding further encourage a settlen ent by mutual agreement, or by submission of the case to referees agreed on by the parties, a majority of whom shall decide it.

11.-Amendments.-Parties should, at the trial, be confined as closely as may be to the averments and denials of the statement and answer, which shall not be altered after filing except by leave granted in open Court.

12.-American witnesses compelled to attend.--On application of either party and advance of the fees, the Consul shall compel the attendance of any witness within his jurisdiction before himself, referees, or commissioners.

13.-Parties are witnesses.-Each party is entitled, and may be required to


14.-Decrees to be obeyed.- Judgment may be given summarily against either party failing to obey any order or decree of the Consul.

15.-Attachment and arrest.- For sufficient cause and on sufficient security, the Consul, on filing a peti'ion, may grant a process of attachment of any defendant's property to a sufficient amount, or of arrest of any defendant not a married woman, nor in the service of the United States, under commission from the President.

16.-Dissolution of attachment.-Defendant may at any time have the attachment dissolved by depositing such sum, or giving such security, as the Consul may require.

   17.-Sale of perishable property.-Perishable property or such as is liable to serious depreciation under attachment, may, on petition of either party, be sold by the Consul's order, and its proceeds deposited in the Consulate.

18.-Release of Debtor-Any defendant arrested or imprisoned on civil petition shall be released on tender of a sufficient bond, deposit of a sufficient sum, or assignment of sufficient property.

   19.- Debtor's disclosure.-Auy person under civil arrest or imprisonment may have his creditor cited before the Consul to bear a disclosure of the prisoner's affairs under oath, and to question thereon; and if the Consul shall be satisfied of its truth and thoroughness, and of the honesty of the debtor's conduct towards the creditor, he shall for ever discharge him from arrest upon that debt; provided that the prisoner shall offer to transfer and secure to his creditor the property disclosed, or sufficient to pay the debt, at the Consul's valuation.

   20.-Debtor's board.-The creditor must advance to the jailer his fees and pay- ment for his prisoner's board until the ensuing Monday, and afterwards weekly, or the debtor will be discharged from imprisonment and future arrest.

   21.-Execution. On the second day after judgment (exclusive of Sunday) execution may issue, enforcing the same with in ́erest at 12 perent. a year, against the property and person of the debtor, returnable in thirty days and renewable.

   22.-Seizure and sale of property.-Sufficient property to satisfy the execution and all expenses may be seized and soli at public auction by the officer, after due


   23.- Property attached ou petition, and not advertisel for sale within ten days after final judgment, shall be returned to the defendant.

   24.-Final judgment for defendant.-When final judgment is given in favour of the defendant, his person and property are at once freed from imprisonment or attachment and all security given by him discharged. And the Consul may, at his discretion, award him compensation for any damage necessarily and directly sustained by reason of such attachment, arrest, or imprisonment.

   25.-Offset.-In action of contract, defendant may offset petitioner's claim by a counter claim, tiling his own claim, under oath, with his answer. Petitioner shall be notified to file his answer seasonably, on oath, and the two claims shall then be tried

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together, and but one judgment given for the difference, if any be proved in favour of either party, otherwise for defendant's costs.

26. Costs. Except as hereinafter provid. d, the party finally prevailing recovers costs, to be taxed by him and revised by the Consul.

27.-Trustee process.-In contract, the Consul may order defendant's property or credits in third party's hands to be attached on the petition, by serving him with due notice as trustee, provided petitioner secures trustee his costs by adequate special deposit.

28.-Trustee's costs.-If adjudged trustee the third party may retain his costs from the amount for which be is adjudged trustee, if sufficient; otherwise the balance of trustee's costs must be paid out of petitioner's special deposit, as must the whole of his costs if not adjudged.

29.-Demand on trustee upon execution.-The amount for which a trustee is charged must be inserted in the execution, and demanded of him by the Officer within ten days alter judgment, or all claim ceases. Process against the property or person of the trustee may issue ten days after demand.

30.--Debt must be at least ten dollars.-If petitioner recovers judgment for less than ten dollars, or if less than ten dollars of the defendant's property or credits is proved in the party's hands, in either case the third party must be discharged with costs against petitioner.

     31.-Replevin.-Before granting a writ of replevin, the Consul shall require petitioner to file a sufficient bond, with two responsible sureties, for double the value of the property to be replevined, one an American citizen, or petitioner may deposit the required amount.

1L-TENDER, &c.

32.-Before a creditor files his petition in contract, his debtor may make an absolute and unconditional offer of the amount he considers due, by tendering the money in the sight of the creditor or his legal representative.

     33.-Deposit. If not accepted, the debtor shall, at his own risk and paying the charges, deposit the money with the Consul, who shall receipt to him, and notify the


34.-Demand or withdrawal.-It shall be paid to the creditor at any time if demanded, unless previously withdrawn by the depositor.

35.-Costs. If the depositor does not withdraw his deposit, and upon trial, is not adjudged to have owed petitioner at the time of the tender more than its amount, he shall recover all his costs.

      36.-Offer to be defaulted.- At any stage of a suit in contract or wrong defendant may file an offer to be defaulted for a specific sum and the costs up to that time; and if petitioner chooses to proceed to trial and does not recover more than the sum offered and interest, he shall pay all defendant's costs arising after the offer, execution issuing for the balance only.




      37.-When parties agree to reference they shall immediately file a rule, and the case be marked

          referred;" a commission shall then issue to the referees, with a of all papers filed in the case. 38.-Award and acceptance.-The referees shall report their award to the Con- sul, who shall accept the same, and give judgment, and issue execution thereon, unless satisfied of fraud, perjury, corruption, or gross error in the proceedings.

      39.-When transmitted to Minister.-In cases involving more than five hundred dollars, if his acceptance is withheld, the Consul shall at once transmit the whole case with a brief stat ment of his reasons, and the evidence thereon, to the Minister, who shall give judgment on the award, or grant a new trial before the Consul.


      40.-Must be within one day.-Appeals must be claimed before three o'clock in the afternoon of the day after judgment (excluding Sunday); but in civil cases, only upon sufficient security.

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   41.-To be perfected within, five days.-Within five days after judgment, the appellant must set forth bis reasons by petition file with the Consul, which shall transmitted as soon as may be to the Minister, with a copy of docket entries and of all papers in the case.


42.-Because of perjury. On proof of the perjury of auy important witness of the prevailing party, upon a material point, affecting the decision of a suit, the Consul who tried it may, within a year after final judgment, grant a new trial on such terms

nay deem just.




-Generally.Within one year after final judgment in any suit not involving › five hundred dollars, the Consul who tried it, or his successor, may, upon security, grant a new trial where justice manifestly requires it; if exceeding tred dollars, with the concurrence of the Minister.


    +.-Slaves not to be held.-No Consul shall recognize the claim of any American citizen arising out of a violation of the provision of the Act of Congress approved February 19th, 1862, relating to the "coolie trade" so called, for any claim which involves the holding of any person in slavery.

   45.--Habeas Corpus.--Upon application of any person in writing and under oath, representing that he or any other person is enslaved, unlawfully imprisoned, or deprived of his liberty by any American citizen within the jurisdiction of the Consul, such Consul may issue his writ of Habeas Corpus, directing such citizen to bring said person if in his custody, or under his control, before him, and the question shall be determined summarily, subject to appeal.


46.-Libels for divorce must be signed and sworn to before the Consul, and on the trial each party may testify.

47.-Attachment.-The Consul, for good cause, may order the attachment of the libeller's property to such an amount and on such terms as he may think proper.

   48.-Husband to advance money.-He may also, at his discretion, order the husband to advance his wife, or pay in Court, a reasonable sum to enable her to defend the libel, with reasonable monthly allowance for her support pending the proceedings.

49.-Alimony.-Alimony may be awarded or denied the wife on her divorce at

his discretion.

50.-Custody of the minor children may be decreed to such party as justice and the children's good may require.

   51.-Release of both.-Divorce releases both parties, and they shall not be re-mar- ried to each other.

52.-Costs. Costs are at the discretion of the Consul.


   53.-Record and return.-Each Consul shall record all marriages solemnized by him or in his official presence.


54. The birth and death of every American citizen within the limits of his jurisdiction shall likewise be recorded.


   55.-Until promulgation of further regulations, Consuls will continue to exercise their former lawinl jurisdiction and authority in bankruptcy, partnerships, probate of wills, administration of estates, and other matters of equity, admiralty, ecclesiastical and common law, not especially provided for in previous decrees, according to such reasonable rules, not repugnant to the Constitution, treaties, and laws of the United States, as they may find necessary or convenient to adopt.


   56. In proceedings or prosecutions instituted by or against American seamen, the Consul may, at his discretion, suspend any of these rules in favour of the seamen, when, in his opinion, justice, humanity, and public policy require it.

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57.-How commenced.-Complaints and informations against American citizens should always be signed and sworn to before the Consul when the complainant or informant is at or near the Consul's port.

     58.-How authenticated.-All complaints and information nt so signed and sworn to by a citizen of the United States, and all complaints and informations in capital cases, must be authenticated by the Consul's certificate of his knowledge or belief of the substantial truth of enough of the complaint or information to justify the arrest of the party charged.

59.-Copy of accusation.-No citizen shall be arraigned for trial until the offency charged is distinctly made known to him by the Consul in respondent's own language. In cases of magnitude and in all cases when demanded, an attested copy (or translation) of the complaint, information, or statement, authenticated by the Consul, shall be furnished him in his own language, as soon as may be after his


60.-Presence of accuser.-The personal presence of the accuser is indispensable throughout the trial.

61.-May testify.-He shall be informed of his right to testify, and cautioned that if he choose to offer hims. If as a witness, he must answer all questions that may be propounded by the Consul or his order, like any other witness.

62.-American witnesses compelled to attend.-The Government and the accused are equally entitled to compulsory process for witnesses within their jurisdiction; and if the Consul believes the accused to be unable to advance the fees, his necessary witnesses shall be summoned at the expense of the United States.

     63.-Fine and costs.-Wuen punishment is by fine, costs may be included or remitted at the Consul's discretion. An alternative sentence of thirty days' imprison. ment shall take effect on non-payment of any part of the fine or costs adjudged in any criminal proceeding.

64-Any prisoner, before conviction, may be admitted to bail by the Consul who tries him, except in capital cases.

     65.-Capital cases.-No prisoner charged with a capital offence shall be admitted to bail where the proof is evideat, or the presumption of his guilt great.

66.-After conviction.-After conviction and appel the prisoner may be admitted to bail only by the Minister.

     67.-American bail.-Any citizen of the United States offering himself as bail shall sign and swear, before the Consul, to a schedule of unincumbered property of a value at least double the amount of the required bail.

      68.-Foreign bail.-Any other proposed bail or security shall sign and swear before the Consul, to a similar schedule of unincumbered personal property within the local jurisdiction of the Consulate, or he may be required to deposit the amount in money or valuables with the Consul.

      69.-The sureties.-Unless- such sufficient citizen becomes bail, or such deposit is made, at least two sureties shall be required.

70.-Surrender.-Any American bail may have leave of the Consul to surrender his principal on payment of all costs and expenses.

71.-Prosecutor may be required to give security.-Any complainant, informant, or prosecutor may be required to give security for all costs of the prosecution, including those of the accused; and every complainant, &c., not a citizen of the United States, shall be so required, unless, in the Consul's opinion, justice will be better promoted otherwise; and when such security is refused the prosecution shall abate.

      72.-Honourable acquittal.-When the innocence of the accused, both in law and in intention, is manifest, the Consul shall add to the usual judgment of acquittal, the word "honourable."

73.-Costs. In such case judgment may be given and execution issued sum- marily against any informer, complainant, or prosecutor for the whole costs of the trial including those of the accused or for any part of either or both, if the proceeding

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appears to have been groundless and vexatious, originating in corrupt, malicious, or vindictive motives.

   74.-Minor offences.--Consuls will ordinarily encourage the settlement of all prosecutions not of a heinous character by the parties aggrieved or concerned.


75.-Oaths shall be administered in some language that the witness understands. 76.-Not Christian.-- A witness not a Christian shall be sworn according to bis religious belief.

77.-Atheist.-An avowed atheist shall not be sworn, but may affirm, under the pains and penalties of perjury; the credibility of his evidence being for the considera- tion of the Consul.

   78.-Affirmation.-A Christian conscientiously scrupulous of an oath, may affirm under the pains and penalties of perjury.


79.-Civil docket.-- Each Consul shall keep a regular docket or calendar of all civil actions and proceedings, entering each case separately, numbering it consecutively, to the end of his term of office, with the date of filing, the names of the parties in full, their nationality, the nature of the proceeding, the sum or thing claimed, with minute and dates of all orders, decrees, continuances, appeals, and proceedings until final judgment.

   80.-Criminal. He shall keep another regular docket for all criminal cases, with sufficient similar memoranda.

   81.-Filing papers.-All original papers shall be filed at once and never removed; no person, but an officer of the Consulate or Minister, should be allowed access to them. All papers in each case must be kept together in one inclosure, and numbered as in the docket with the parties' names, the nature of the proceeding, the year of filing the petition, and of final judgment, conspicuously marked on the inclosure, and each year's cases kept by themselves in their order.


   82.-Criminal.-Heinous offences, not capital, must be prosecuted within six years; minor offences within two.

83.-Civil.-Civil actions based on written promises, contract, or instrument, must be commenced within six years after the cause of action accrues; others within two.

84.- Absence; fraudulent concealment.-In prosecutions for heinous offences not capital, and in civil cases involving more than $500, any absence of respondent or defendant for more than three months at a time from China, shall be added to the limitations; and in civil cases involving more than $100, the period during which the cause of action may be fraudulently concealed by defendant, saall likewise be added. XVI.-GENERAL PROVISION NS.

   $5.-Trials public. All trials and proceedings in the United States' Consular Courts in China shall be open and public.

   86.-Interpreting and translating.-Papers and testimony in a foreign language shall be translated into English by a sworn interpreter, appointed by the Consul, in civil cases to be paid by petitioner. Oaths and questions shall be translated by the interpreter from the English for any witness who does not understand English.

   87.-Testimony.-Parties may be required to file their pe'itions, answers, com- plaints, informations, and all other papers addressed to the Court, in English; or they may be translated by the interpreter at the Consul's discretion. All testimony must be taken in writing in open Court by the Consul or bis order, signed by the witness, after being read over to him for his approval an 1 correction, and it shall form part of the papars in the case.

88.-Adjournment.-The Con ul may adjourn his Court from time to time, and place to place, within his jurisdiction, always commencing proceedings and giving judgment at the Consulate

89.-Officer.-All processes not served by the Consul personally must be executed an officer of the Consulate, who shall sign his return, specifying the time and mode of service, and annexing an account of his fees.

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90.--Copies on appeal.-On appeal, copies of all the papers must be paid for in advance by the appellant, except in criminal cases where respondent is unable to pay. 91.-opies. Any person interested is entitled to a copy of any paper on file, on prepayment of the fee.

92.-Reasonable clearness, precision, and certainty should be required in the papers; and substantial justice and all practicable dispatch are expected in the decisions. 93.-Definition of Consul.-The word "Consul" is intended to include the f'onsul- General, and any Vice-Consul or Deputy-Consul actually exercising the Consular power at any Consulate, unless the sense requires a more limited construction.

      94.- Associates.-Each associate in a Consular trial shall, before entering on his duties, be sworn by his Consul. Before taking the oath, he may be challenged by either party, and for sufficient cause excused, and another drawn.

     95.-Contempt.-Consuls will always preserve order in Court, punishing sum- marily any contempt committed in their presence, or any refusal to obey their lawful summons or order, by imprisoument not exceeding 24 hours, or by fine not exceeding fifty dollars and costs.

     96.-Attorney. Every party to a civil or criminal proceeding may be heard in person, or by attorney of his choice, or by both; but the presence of counsel shall be under the exclusive control and discretion of the Consul.

      97.-Accounts.-The accounts of the Consular Courts shall be kept in United States' currency; and every order of deposit, decree of costs, taxation of fees, and generally every paper issuing orginally from the Court, shall be expressed in dollars and cents, and satisfied in United States' metallic currency, or its equivalent.


98.-In Consular Court.-

In all cases where it is over 870.

In all cases where the amount in question is not more than $500

· In all cases where no specific damages are sought the fee shall be $5 for minor and $15 for

greater cases.

99.-Clerk's Fees.-

For issuing all writs, warrants, attachments, or other compulsory process

For docketing every suit commenced..

For execution

For summonses and subpœnas..........

For all records at the rate of, for each hundred words

For drawing every notice paper, order, or process, not otherwise provided for

And if it exceed 200 words, every additional hundred words

For every seal to process issued

$ 5.00 15.00









For filing each paper upon the return of the Marshal, and all papers filed in Court..

100.-Marshal's Fees.-


For apprehending a deserter, and delivering him on board the vessel deserted from, to be

paid by the vessel before leaving port


For searching for the same, and if not found, to be certified by the Consul, and on his or-

der to be paid by the said ship...............................


For serving any writ, warrant, attachment, or other compulsory process, each person... For serving summons....



For returning all writs, attachments, and summonses, each


For each bail-bond


For every commitment or discharge of prisoner


On subpoenas, for each witness summoned


For returning subpœna..............


For each day's attendance upon Court


For levying execution


For advertising property for sale


For selling property under execution, when the amount collected does not exceed


For releasing property under execution by order of plaintiff

If over $1,000, and not exceeding $5,000

If over $5,000

For making collections under $200 in cases where no adjudication has taken place...5 If the amount exceed $200......



For travelling fees in serving all processes, each mile For serving every notice not heretofore provided for in addition to the usual travelling fees 0.50


...5 per cent





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101.-Interpreter's Fees.-

For each day's attendance upon Court

For making translations

If more than 200 words, for each additional hundred

102.-Witnesses' Fes.-

For every day's attendance at Court

For each mile travelled in going to and returning from Court

103.-Crier's Fees.-

On trial of every suit......








104.-Associate's Fees.-

For each day's attendance

105.-Costs for prevailing party.-

All necessary Court fees paid out.

106.--All decrees heretofor.



anthority of the Commissioners and Minister of the United States to C

                     e inconsistent in whole or in part with the provisions of this Decree, are holled, and those portions are henceforth void and of no effect; and the promulgation of these rules abrogates no authority hitherto lawfully exercised by Consuls in China not inconsistent herewith.


These regulations have been decreed, as having the force of law in the Consular Court of the United States in China, by James B. Angell, Euvoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, and dated May 26th, 1881. They have been assented to by the various United States Consuls in China and areas follow:-

   1.--In civil proceedings between American citizens in the Consular Courts in China, the service of summons upon the defendant, if he is found within the Empire of China, shall be personal. That is, the copy of the complaint and summons duly certified by a Marshal of any Consular Court in China shall be delivered into the hands of the person to be served. The officer so serving the summons shall certify the same to the Consul before whom the suit is brought.

2. When the defendant has removed from or is absent from the Empire, or conceals himself therein to avoid the service of summons, and the fact appears by affidavit to the satisfaction of the Consul, and it also appears by such affidavit or by the verified complaint on file that a good cause of action exists against the defendant, or that he is a necessary party to the action, such Consul may make an order that the scrvice be made by publication of the summous. Such order shall direct the publication to be made in a newspaper of general circulation (to be named) for such length of time as may be reasonable, in not less than six issues of such paper, if a daily, and in not less than four issues, if a weekly. Such publication shall be made in a newspaper published nearest to the Consulate where the suit or proceeding is pending, at least five months before the time fixed for the trial by the Consul. In case of publication, when the residence of a non-resident or absent defendant is unknown, the Consul shall direct a copy of the complaint and summons, duly certified, and addressed to the person to be served at his supposed place of residence, to be deposited in the Post Office by the Marshal of the said Court.

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28 AND 29 VICTORIA, CAP. 104.

An Act for the Regulation of Chinese Passenger Ships.

Whereas abuses have occurred in conveying Emigrants from ports in the Chinese Seas: And whereas it is expedient to prevent such abuses: Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Farliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :-

I.In the construction of this Act, the Ton Chinese Passenger Ship shall include every ship carrying from any port in Hongkong, and every British ship carrying from any port in China or within one hundred miles of the coast thereof, more than twenty passengers, being natives of Asia; the word Colony shall include all Her Majesty's Possessions abroad not being under the Єvernment of the East India Company; the word Governor shall signify the person for the time being lawfully administering the Government of such colony; the term Legislature of Hongkong shall signify the Governor and Legislative Council or other legislative authority of the same for the time being; the word Ship -'all include all seagoing ves-els; the ter ns Commander and Master of any ship shall include any person for the time being in command or charge of the same; the term Emi vration Officer shall include every person lawfully acting as emigration officer, immigration agent, or protector of emigrants, and every person authorized by the Governor of any British colony to carry out the Provisions of this Act; and the term British Consul shall include every person lawfully exercising Consul or authority on behalf of Her Majesty in any foreign port.

II.-It shall be lawful for the Legislature of Hongkong by any ordinance to be by them enacted for the pur¡ ose, to make regulations respecting Chinese passenger ship, and, in the case of British ships, respecting the treatment of the passengers therein while at sea; and until such enactment, the Regulations con ́ained in schedule 4 to this Act annexed shall be in force: Provided always, that no such ordinance shall come inte operation until Her Majes y's confirmation of the same shall have been proclamed in Hongkong by the Governor thereof.

III.It shall be lawful for the Governor of Hongkong to declare, by proclamation, for the purposes of this Act and of the said regulations, what shall be deemed to be the duration of the voyage of any Chinese passeng r ship, and by such proclamation to alter the scales of dietary, medicines, and medical comforts contained in the afore- said schedule (A).

. ¡

     IV.--No Chinese passenger ship shall clear out or proceed to sea on any voyage of more than seven days' duration until the master thereof shall have received from an emigration officer a copy of the aforesaid regulations, ada certificate in the form contained in schedule B to this Act annexed, or in such other form as may be prescribed by the said Legislature, which copy and certificate, with any documents to be attached thereto (hereinaf er designated as emigration papers), shall be signed by the said emigration officer, nor until the master stall, with two sufficient sureties, to


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 be approved by the said emigration officer, have entered into a joint and several bond in the sum of one thousand pounds to Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, in the form contained in schedule Ĉ to this Act annexed, or in such other form as shall be prescribed by the said Legislature.

   V. The said penal sum of one thousand pounds shall be due and recoverable, notwithstanding any penalty or forfeiture imposed by this Act or by the aforesaid regulations, and whether such penalties or forfeitures shall have been sued for and recovered or not.

   VI.-It shall be lawful for commanders of any of Her Majesty's ships of war or for any emigration officer, Custom-house officer, or British Consul, to enter and search any Chinese passenger ship (being a British vessel or within British jurisdiction) so long as such ship shall have any passengers on board, and forty-eight hours afterwards, and in case such ship shall be engaged on a voyage of more than seven days' duration, to require the production of the emigration papers of such ship, and to examine all persons on board of the same, in order to ascertain whether the provisions of this Act, and of the regulations aforesaid, bave been complied with: and any person who refuses to allow, attempts to avoid, or obstructs any such entry, search, or examination, or who knowingly misleads or deceives any person lawfully making any such search or examination, or who, being the master of the ship or having the emigration papers in his custody, fails to produce the same when required as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour.

VII.-In case of any neglect or refusal to comply with any of the provisions of this Act or any of the regulations aforesaid, or to perform any stipulation in any of the contracts made with the passengers, the master of the ship, and any other persons who

may have been guilty of, or have aided or abetted such neglect or refusal, shall each be deemed for each offence guilty of a misdemeanour.

VIII.--If any Chinese passenger ship clears out or proceeds to sea on any voyage exceeding seven days' duration without such emigration papers as aforesaid, or if the emigration papers of any Chinese passenger ship are forged or fraudulently altered, such ship shall, if she is a British sbip, or if, not being a British ship, the offence is committed and the ship is seized in Her Majesty's dominions or in the territories of the East India Company, be forfeited to Her Majesty.

   IX.-Every person who commits or aids or abets in committing any act or default by which any Chinese passenger ship may become liable to forfeiture shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds for each offence.

   X.-It shall be lawful for any commissioned officer on full pay in the military or naval service of Her Majesty, or any British officer of customs, or any British Consul, to seize and detain any ship which has become subject to forfeiture as aforesaid, and bring her for adjudication before the High Court of Admiralty in England or Ireland, or any court having Admiralty Jurisdiction in Her Majesty's dominions or the territories of the East India Company, and such court may there upon make such order in the case as it thinks fit, and may award such portion of the proceeds of the sale of any forfeited ship as it thinks right to the officer bringing in the same for adjudica- tion, or to any person damaged by the act or default which bas rendered the ship liable to forfeiture.

XI.-No such officer as aforesaid shall be responsible, either civilly or criminally, to any persons whomsoever in respect of the seizure or detention of any ship that has been seized or detained by him in pursuance of the provisions herein contained, notwithstanding that such ship is not brought in for adjudication, or, if so brought in, is declared not to be liable to forfeiture, if it is shown to the satisfaction of the judge or court before whom any trial relating to such ship or such seizure or detention is held, that there are reasonable grounds for such seizure or detention, but if no such grounds are shown, such judge or court may award payment of costs and damages to any party aggrieved, and make such other order in the premises as he or it thinks just. XII.-It shall be lawful for the court before which any ship liable to forfeiture under this. Act is proceeded against, to impose such a pecuniary penalty as to the same court shall seem fit, in lieu of condemning the ship, and in such case to cause

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the ship to be detained until the penalty is paid, and to cause any penalty so imposed to be applied in the same manner in which the proceeds of the said ship, if condemned and sold by order of the court, would have been applicable.

XIII.-All misdemeanours and other criminal offences punishable under this Act shall be dealt with, tried, and judged or in the same manner as misdemeanours and other offences punishable under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, and all the rules of law, practice, or evidence applicable to the last mentioned misdemeanours and offences shall be applicable to misdemeanours and other offences under this Act. XIV. Any court, justice, or magistrate imposing any penalty under this Act, for which no specific application is herein provided, may, if it or he thinks fit, direct the whole or any part thereof to be applied in compensating any person for any wrong or damage which he may have sustained by the act or default in respect of which such penalty is imposed, or in or towards payment of the expense of the proceedings; and subject to such directions or specific application as aforesaid, all penalties recovered in the United Kingdom shall be paid into the receipt of Her Majesty's Exchequer in such manner as the Treasury may direct, and shall be carried to and form part of the consolidated fund of the United Kingdom; and all penalties recovered in any British possession shall be paid over into the public treasury of such possession, and form part of the public revenue thereof.

     XV.-In any legal proceedings taken under this Act, or in respect of the bond hereinbefore required, any document purporting to be the written declaration of any British Consul, or of the commander of any of Her Majesty's ships of war, or to be a copy of proceedings of any court of justice, shall without any proof of signature be received in evidence, in case it shall appear that such copy or declaration, if produced in the United Kingdom, was officially transmitted to one of Her Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, or if produced in any colony, was officially transmitted to the Governor thereof. Provided always, that no person making such written declaration as aforesaid be capable of receiving a share of any penalty or forfeiture which shall be procured by such written declaration.

     XVI.-This Act may be cited for any purpose whatever under the name of the Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855.


Regulations respecting Chinese Passenger Ships.

     L-No Chinese passenger ship shall clear out or proceed to sea on any voyage of more than seven days' duration without a certificate from an emigration officer, and such certificate shall be in the form provided by the Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855.

     II.-No emigration officer shall be bound to give such certificate in respect of any Chinese passenger ship till seven days after receiving notice that the ship is to carry passengers, and of her destination, and her proposed day of sailing, nor unless there are on board a surgeon and interpreter approved by such emigration officer.

      III.-After receiving such notice, the emigration officer shall be at liberty at all times to enter and inspect the ship, and the fittings, provisions, and stores therein, and any person impeding him in such entry or inspection, or refusing to allow of the same, shall be liable to a fine of not more than one hundred pounds for each offence.

IV. The emigration officer shall not give his certificate unless he be satisfied,-- 1.-That the ship is seaworthy, and properly manned, equipped, fitted, and ventilated; and has not on board any cargo likely, from its quality, quantity, or mode of stowage, to prejudice the health or safety of the passengers.

2-That the space appropriated to the passengers in the between decks contains the least twelve superficial and seventy-two cubieal feet of space for every adult on board; that is to say, for every passenger above twelve years of age, and for every two-passengers-between the age of one year and twelve years.

     3,--That a space of five superficial feet per adult is left clear on the upper deck for the use of the passengers.

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   4. That provisions, fuel, and water have been placed on board, of good quality, properly packed, and sufficient to supply the passengers on board during the declared duration of the intended voyage to the following scale :-


Proclamation of 1st November, 1872.

Rice Salt Beef

Salt Pork

Salt Fish

Fresh Beef, or Mutton in tins

Salted Vegetables


Fresh Vegetables, as Yams, Pumpkins, &c.


1 per diem.

thon alternate days.

Ibon alternate days.

Imperial qts. 3 a day.

Ibs. 2 a day.

oz. a day. oz. 2 a week.



Lime or Lemon Juice and Sugar

   Note. Fresh Vegetables to be issued during the first month of the voyage only, unless the master shall obtain a fresh supply en route, when these articles may be again supplied in the above proportion.

   5. That Me licines and Medical Comforts have been placed on board according to the following Scale :-


For every 100 Fassengers, and in like Proportion for any greater or less Number :-


Senna Leaves Blistering Plaister

3 Oz.

Blue Pill



Rhubarb Powder



Sulphur Sublimed

Compound Jalap Powder...

12 Oz.

Sulphur Ointment..

Ipecacuana Powder






Dover's Powder




2 07.

Epsom Salt

Chloride of Lime

6 lbs.

20 lbs.

Linseed Flour

Country Soap

Castor Oil

Oil of Peppermint..

Tartar Emetic....


8 oz.

8 oz.

16 oz.

12 oz.

4 lb.

24 oz.

6 bottles.

2 oz.

Adhesive Plaister, spread

2 yards.

Simple Ointment

16 oz.

4 drams.

Ringworm Ointment

16 oz.

2 0%.

Je comie's Opuate

2 oz.

Antimonial Powder

Extract of Colocynth, C'pound

Carbonate of Ammonia.......


Aromatic Spank of Har, shorn....

4 02.

1 0%.

Cholera Pilis in phial

12 drams.

11 02.

Cub hs Powder

4 lb.


1 0Z.

Sweet Spirits of Nitre..

16 oz.


14 oz.

16 oz.

Camphorated Limwent..


2 oz.




1 07..


Prepared Chalk



Tincture of Opium.




16 02.

4 drams.

36 quarts.

36 quarts.


Sulphate of Copper Sulphate of Zine

Luior Cun tie

Lime Juice,

Rum or Brandy.


.1 Set of Amputating and other Surgical | 1′ Satula.

Instruments (if there be any person on

board competent to use them).

1 One Ounce Class Measure.

1 Minim Glass Measure.

1 Pestle and Mortar (Wedgewood).

1 Set of Weights and Scales (Grain in box).

1 Set of common S›liuts.

1 St of Bleeding Lancets..

1 Silver Catheter.

1 Dr ssing Scissors.

1 Infusion Box.

1 Quire of Country Paper.

1 Penknife.

2 Metal Bed Pans.

| 2 Trusses for Hernia, right and left.

2 Small Syringes.

4 Ounces prepared Lint.

2 Pieces Cloth for Bandages.

V.-The master of any Chinese passenger ship being a British ship and proceed- ing on a voyage of more than seven days' "durati u sbill, during the whole of the intended voyage, make issues of provisions, fuel, and water, acco) ding to the aforesaid dietary scal, and shall not make any alteration, except for the manifest advantage of the passengers, in respect

             of the space allotted to them as af resaid, or in respect of them (except in case of necessity) to help in working the vessel; and shall issue

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medicines and medical comforts, as shall be requisite, to the best of his judgment, and shall call at such ports as may be mentioned in the emigration officer's clearing certificate, for fresh water and other necessaries; and shall carry them without un- necessary delay to the destination to which they have contracted to proceed.

      VI. The emigration officer shall not give his certificate until he shall have mustered the passengers, and have ascertained to the best of his power that they understand whither they are going and comprehend the nature of any contracts of service which they have made; he shall also take care that a copy of the form of such contracts, or an abstract of their substance, signed by himself, is appended to the said certificate. If any of the passengers are in bad health or insufficiently provided with clothing, or if the contracts are unfair, or if there is reason to suspect that fraud or violence have been practised in their collection or embarkation, he may detain the ship, and if he shall think fit, may order all or any of the passengers to be re-landed.


Emigration Officer's Certificate, &c.

I hereby authorize the Chinese passenger ship

sea for the port of

can legally carry

adults, viz. :-

children, and

to proceed to in

     ; and certify that the said ship adults, and that there are on board passengers making in all




female children, such children being between the ages of one and twelve years; that the space set apart and to be kept clear for the use of such emigrants is as follows: On the upper deck

                              superficial feet, being [here describe the space]; that the ship is properly manned and fitted, and that the means of ventilating the part of the between-deck appropriated to passengers are as follows [here describe the means of ventilation]; that the ship is furnished with a proper quantity of good provisions, fuel, and water for days' issues to the passengers,

according to annexed dietary scale, and with a proper quantity of medicines, instruments, and medical comforts according to the annexed scale of medical necessaries; that 1 have inspected the contracts between the emigrants and their intended employers (the terms of which are annexed to this certificate), and consider them reasonable; that no fraud appears to bave been practised in collecting the emigrants: and that there are on board a surgeon + [and interpreter] approved by me, and designated [respectively

                           ] [the master of the ship is to put into

for water and fresh vegetables] (Signed)



Dated this

day of



Emigration Officer.

Form of bond to be given by the Masters of Chinese Passenger Ships. Know all men by these presents, That we are held and firmly bound unto our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, in the sum of one thousand pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to our said Sovereign Lady the Queen, her heirs and successors to which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and every of us, jointly, and severally, for and in the whole, our heirs, executors, administrators, and every of them firmly by these presents.

Sealed with our Seals.



day of

Whereas by the Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855, it is enacted, that before any Chinese passenger ship shall clear out or proceed to sea on a voyage of more than seven days' computed duration, the master therof shall, with two sufficient sureties

* The scales must be those prescribed by the Regulation in Schedule 4.

+ In case the ship has been authorised to proceed without an Interpreter, omit the part between brackets, má "and that the ship has been authorized to proceed without an Interpreter."

The part between brackets is to be inserted or not as may be required.

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to be approved by an emigration officer, enter into a bond to Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, in the sum of one thousand pounds.


Now the condition of this obligation is this, that if (in respect of the ship

                is master) all and every of the requirements of the said Chinese Passengers' Act, and of the regulations contained in Schedule 4. to the said Act annexed, or enacted by the Legislature of Hongkong, shall be well and truly observed and performed [§ in like manner as the same ought to be observed and performed in case the said ship were a British ship, and the said subject], then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect.

    Signed, sealed, and delivered by the above-bounden presence of


a British

in the




(Proclamation of Junuary 26th, 1856.)

October to April to

California or West Coast of"

America, North of the Equator

West Coast of America, South of the Equator

Sandwich Islands

New Caledonia and New Hebrides, Fiji Islands, Tahiti, Society or Friend- ly Islands


       Melbourne, or South Australia.......... Western Australia




[both inclusive.]

100 days. 75 days. New Zealand...

120 days. 120 days.

Manila Singapore Batavia

75 days. 56 days. Ceylon

October to

April to March. September

[both inclusive.]

75 days. 90 days.

20 days. 20 days.

20 days.

45 days.

30 days.

60 days.

45 days.

70 days.


100 days. 100 days. Mauritius or Bourbon........

Madras or Calcutta. Bombay

50 days.

75 days.

60 days.

80 days.

60 days.

80 days.

Cape of Good Hope..

65 days. 85 days.

West Indies or East Coast

147 days. 168 days.

of America....

60 days. 80 days. 45 days. 60 days. Great Britain or Europe......162 days. 184 days. 65 days. 80 days. Siam

20 days. 45 days.


(Proclamation of March 1:th, 1857.)

From Shanghai and Ningpo.

From Foochow.

From Amoy.

Oct. to Apr. to Oct. to Apr. to Oct. to Apr. to Mar. Sept. Mar. Sept. Mur. Sept.

Both inclusive. Both inclusive. Both inclusive.

To California or West Coast of America, North of?

the Equator.



West Coast of America, South of the Equator... Sandwich Islands..

100 70





100 115 115 117

52 73

73 1 97






New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Fiji Islands, Ta-

hiti, Friendly Islands


125 103 113




Sydney, Melbourne, or South Australia

Western Australia




New Zealand


,, Singapore





65 100



62 90 47

70 100


80 110

77 100














Madras or Calcutta






Mauritius or Bourbon..............................................................................................

65 100


65 100


,, Cape of Good Hope .


West Indies or East Coast of America


Great Britain or Europe..

70 105 152 188 150 167



70 46














178 148


204 163





184 163









§ This clause to be inserted only in the case of a Foreigu Chines● Passenger Ship.

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The following information is supplied to Masters of vessels about to carry Chinese Passengers under The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855, and Local Ordinances :-

     1. Imperial Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855.-Any vessels clearing with more than twenty Asiatics on a voyage of more than seven days' duration is a Chinese Passenger ship.

2. Proclamation of 26th January 1856, and 17th November, 1858. Declare the length of certain voyages.

     3. Ordinance No. 5 of 1874.-Section III. gives the legal definition of a short voyage.


     4. Section IV.-Notice of ship being laid on as a Chinese Passenger ship to be given to Emigration Officer.

5. Section V.--No Chinese Passenger ship shall clear out, unless the Master of such ship shall be provided with a Licence. [Ordinance 5 of 1876.]

     6. This Section describes the mode of application for a Licence, and it also empowers the Governor in Council to remove any Officer from an Emigration ship who is unfit for the proper discharge of his duties.

     7. Section VI. prohibits any person from the sale or letting of passages in any Chinese Passenger ship, unless such person shall have procured a Licence.

     8. Section VII.-Every Chinese Passenger ship, except ships clearing under the provisions of Section VIII., shall be provided with a Hospital, properly fitted with Beds, Bedding, and Utensils.

9. Par. 4.-All the Passengers and Crew shall be medically examined before the departure of the ship.

10 Par. 8.-Chinese Medical Practitioners may be Surgeons of Chinese Pas- senger ships.

     11. Section VIII. contains modified regulations for ships clearing out on voyages of not more than thirty days' duration.

     12. Section IX. treats of vessel about to convey Emigrants under contract of service.

13.-Par. 2.-Emigrants under contract of service shall lodge at least three clear days in a depôt, approved of and under the supervision of the Emigration Officer.

     14. Section X-Orders of Her Majesty the Queen in Council relating to the quantity of water to be carried by Passenger ships having a certain description of Condensing Apparatus shall apply to Chinese Passenger ships.

     15. Section XI.-No sailing Chinese Passenger ship bound to any port westward of the Cape of Good Hope, or to any port in Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, or Tasmania, is permitted to clear between the months of April and September inclusive.


      16. Section XIV.-Notice is to be given to the Emigration officer of intention to fit any vessel for the conveyance of Chinese Emigrants to be embarked at any port or place out of the colony.

17. Par. 2.-The Master of any ship arriving within the waters of the colony, and which is fitted for the conveyance of Chinese Emigrants, is to report the same to the Emigration Officer.

18. Par. 3.-All Fittings are subject to the approval of the Emigration Officer. 19. Par. 4.- No ship fitting or fitted under this Section shall proceed to sea without the Emigration Officer's Certificate.

20. Par. 5.-Barricades and Gratings are prohibited.

21. Section XV.-No Chinese Emigrant ship within the provisions of this Section shall be fitted, manned, or equipped, unless the Master thereof shall have procured a Licence from the Governor."

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     The Master of a Chinese Passenger ship enters into a Bond of One Thousand Pounds that every and all the Requirements of the Chinese Passengers' Act, and of the Regulations issued under the Act, or by the Legislature of Hongkong, shall be well and truly observed.

     2. These Regulations apply more especially to the accommodation, medical attendance, and regular daily issue of provisions, fuel, and water. It is, therefore, the Master's interest, and he should make it his especial care, to see that the fittings are strong, and that the full quantity of provisions, medicine, and medical comforts, fuel and water, are on board; and, that after these articles are on board and have been passed by the proper Officer from this Office, they are carefully and securely stowed away.

     3. When the articles above-mentioned are stowed away, the Emigration Officer will, if necessary, cause the hatches, &c., to be sealed down. These seals must not

be broken until the ship is beyond the waters of the Colony.

     4. Emigration under contract of service is prohibited, unless the ship shall be proceeding to a British Colony.

     5. When a ship is about to convey Chinese Passengers, the Master is to notify the Emigration Officer, in writing, to that effect, naming the Licensed Passage Broker authorised to issue Passage Tickets, and forwarding, at the same time, a copy of the Government Surveyor's Certificate of Measurement.

     6. The vessel will then be inspected by the Emigration Officer, who will pass or reject her as he shall see fit.

7. When the vessel is passed the Agent or Charterer will make the usual application for a Licence, on a form to be obtained at this office, and, if granted, the Master, with two approved Sureties, must attend at the Emigration Office and execute the Bond required under Section IV. of The Chinese Passengers' Act.

8. When the ship's voyage is approved she is to be fitted with such berths, booby hatches, ladders, hospital, privies, &c., as may be directed by the Emigration Officer.

     9. If the vessel is to carry Female Passengers, a place separated from the Male Passengers must be appropriated to their use, conveniences for them being placed aft.

     10. Between the bunks of married couples there must be a division board not less than 22 inches high.

11. When the provisions are taken in, they must not be stowed away without the sanction of the Emigration Officer, who will not pass (in vessels about to proceed on voyages of over thirty days' duration) any Chinese preserved Beef or Pork, nor Fish cured with their entrails remaining in them.

     12. The water should be taken on board at an early period to admit of the casks taking up.

13. The Master will make arrangements with his Passage Broker for providing his vessel with properly qualified Surgeons and Interpreters, one of each being required for every two hundred Passengers, but in the event of an European or American Surgeon being engaged for the voyage, only one Surgeon is needed. Chinese doctors must undergo an examination at Canton as to their qualifications.

14. If the vessel is a Steamer, she must be supplied with such quantity and quality of Coals as the Emigration Officer shall direct, and a certificate must be pro- duced that the Engines and Boilers are in good condition for the contemplated voyage. 15. If the vessel is fitted with an approved Distilling Apparatus, she may carry a reduced quantity of water in casks or tanks.

16. When the ship is ready to receive the Passengers on board, the Passage Broker will bring a written notice to that effect from the Master, when a time will be fixed for the attendance of the Passengers at the Emigration Office to have their Contracts or Passage Tickets (as the case may be) signed and explained to them by the Emigration Officer.

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    17. The Passengers will then embark, and when the Master shall have satisfied himself that they are all on board, he is to report to that effect. The Emigration Officer will muster the Passengers and make a final inspection of the ship,

18. The papers to be lodged with the Emigration Officer before Clearance will be granted, are:---

(a.) Government Surveyor's Certificate of Measurement and Seaworthiness. (b.) When required, Engineer Surveyor's Certificate as to condition of Boilers and Engines, quantity and quality of Coals on board, description of Condensing Apparatus and quantity of fresh water it is capable of producing daily. The Condensing Apparatus must be of such a description as the Board of Trade may, from time to time, approve. (c.) List of Provisions and Medicines in duplicate. This list will contain a declaration to be made by the Master that the several articles therein mentioned are on board and securely and safely stowed. (d.) Certificate of Medical Inspector of Emigrants that he has examined Crew, Passengers,

and Medicines.

(e.) Passengers' List in duplicate, with summary attached, specifying the numbers

respectively of Passengers and Crew.

(f.) If the vessel is proceeding on a royage of over thirty days' duration, Certificate from

Colonial Surgeon, vouching for the competency of the Surgeon or Surgeons.

(9.) Master's Certificate relative to Chinese Doctor (provided he fails in securing an

European or American Surgeon for a reasonable remuneration).

Four Cooks and

    NOTE.-Chinese Cooks, Stewards, Interpreters, and Doctors are included in the total number of Passengers which the ship is certified to carry. Stewards are required for every 100 Passengers.


19.-Ships with full Complements of Passengers must carry Boats as follows:-

Less than 200 tons register 200 to 400 tons register

400 to 600 tons register

.2 Boats. 600 to 1,000 tons register .3 Boats. 1,000 to .4 Boats.

.5 Boats.

.6 Boats.

.7 Boats.

1,500 tons register 1,500 and upwards tons register NOTE. In every case, one Boat must be a properly fitted Lifeboat and one a Long-boat. The sizes of the Boats will be in accordance with the number of Passengers carried.

    20. Each ship shall carry one Life buoy for every one hundred Passengers, also Fire Engine or Force Pump, with sufficient Hose to reach fore and aft, and three dozen Buckets.



8 for every 100 Passengers. 10 for every 100 Passengers.

.24 for every 100 Passengers. | Wood Chopper Lanterns with Locks 2 for every 100 Passengers. | Rice Baskets... Cooking Spades.......3 for every 100 Passengers. Iron Dishes, 18 inch.10 for every 100 Passengers. Meat Chopper.

              .3 for every 100 Passengers. | Rubbish Tubs....................... forovery 100 Passengers. Chopping Board ..3 for every 100 Passengers.

A Bed, Blanket, and Pillow for each person the Hospital can accommodate. 18 Blue Lights and 18 Rockets.


Dried or Salt Fish..

For Voyages of not more than 30 days' duration.

For every Passenger per diem :-

b. 1.

Rice or Bread Stuff

15. 01.

oz. 1.

Chinese Condiments and Curry Stuff...

b. 11.


Ib. 2. gallon 1.

Fresh Vegetables which will keep for short voyages, such as Sweet

Potatoes, Turnips, Carrots, and Pumpkins

Water (to be carried in tanks or sweet casks)


For Voyages over 30 days' duration.

Salt Beef, Salt Pork, Salt Fish, French Beef, or Mutton in Į Mb.


b. 14 per diem.

on alternate

days. on alternate


Salted Vegetables, Pickles, Fresh Vegetables, as Yams, Pump-lb.

kins, &c.




Lime or Lemon Juice and Sugar

Imperial qts. 3 a day. lbs. 2 a day.

oz. a day.

oz. 2 a week.

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    III.-No British owned vessel without an Imperial Register to use the waters of the Colony.

IV.-British ships to be provided with boats and life-buoys.

  2 & 3. Penalties for non-compliance: not exceeding five hundred dollars. V.-British and Foreign steam-ships of 50 tons and upwards carrying more than 12 passengers to possess Survey Certificates.

VI. Harbour Master may refuse clearances to ships carrying more passengers than allowed by certificate.

2. Penalty for taking excess of passengers: not exceeding two hundred dollars, in addition to a penalty not exceeding five dollars for every passenger in excess of the number permitted to be carried by port clearance. Penalty for proceeding to sea without a port clearance: five hundred dollars.

3. Government may prohibit conveyance of deck passengers.

4. Section VI. does not apply to vessels which come under the Chinese Passengers' Act.

VIII.-Licences may be granted to River steamers, limiting number of passengers to be carried.

IX.-Power to detain unsafe ships, and procedure for such detention. X.-Application to foreign ships of provisions of Ordinance as to detention. XI.-Sending or taking unseaworthy ships to sea a misdemeanour.

    3. Prosecution under this section not to be instituted without consent of the Governor.

XII.-If any person sends or attempts to send by, or, not being owner or master of the vessel, carries or attempts to carry in any vessel, British or foreign, any dangerous goods, that is to say: aquafortis, vitriol, naphtha, benzine, gunpowder, lucifer matches, nitro-glycerine, petroleum, or any other goods of a dangerous nature without distinctly marking their nature on the outside of the package containing the same, and giving written notice of the nature of such goods and of the name and address of the sender or carrier thereof to the master or owner of the vessel at or before the time of sending same to be shipped, or taking the same on board the vessel, he shall for every such offence incur a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars: Provided that if such person show that he was merely an agent in the shipment of such goods and had no reason to suspect that the goods shipped by him were of a dangerous nature, the penalty which he incurs shall not exceed fifty dollars. 2. Penalty for misdescription of dangerous goods: not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars.

3. The master or owner of any vessel, British or foreign, may refuse to take on board any package or parcel which he suspects to contain goods of a dangerous nature, and may require it to be opened to ascertain the fact.

   4. Where any dangerous goods, as defined in paragraph I of this section, or any goods which, in the judgment of the master or owner of the vessel, are of a dangerous

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nature, have been sent or brought aboard any vessel, British or foreign, without being marked as aforesaid, or without such notice having beeen given as aforesaid, the master or owner of the vessel may cause such goods to be thrown overboard, together with any package or receptacle in which they are contained; and neither the master nor the owner of the vessel shall, in respect of such throwing overboard, be subject to any liability, civil or criminal, in any Court.

5. Dangerous goods improperly sent may be forfeited.

6. The Court may proceed in absence of the owners.

7. Saving as to Dangerous Goods Ordinance.

XIV.-If a shipowner feels aggrieved :-


(a.) By a declaration of a Government Surveyor or Surveyors under sub- section 8 of section V. of this Ordinance, or by the refusal of a Surveyor to give the said declaration; or

(b.) By the refusal o! a certificate of clearance for an emigrant ship under the Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855, or the Ordinance relating

thereto "; or

(c.) By the refusal of a certificate of clearance under this Ordinance,-the owner, charterer, master, or agent may appeal in the prescribed manner to the Court of Survey.

    XV.-Examinations shall be instituted for persons who intend to become masters, engineers, or mates of foreign going ships.

3. Applicant to give notice to Harbour Master.

    6. Every applicant for a certificate of competency shall upon lodging his ap- plication, pay to the Harbour Master a fee, if for a master's or first-class engineer's certificate, of twenty dollars, and if for any other certificate, of ten dollars.

    8. Any applicant who shall have passed a satisfactory examination, and shall have given satisfactory evidence of his sobriety, experience, and general good conduct on board ship shall be entitled to receive a certificate of competency.

XVI.-The name of a master, first, only or second mate, or first or second engineer shall not be attached to the register, or articles of agreement, of any British or Colonial ship unless such master, mate, or engineer shall possess a certificate of service or competency issued by the Board of Trade or by the proper authority in any British Possession.

2. No British or Colonial ship shall leave the waters of the Colony unless the master thereof, and the first and second or only mate have obtained and possess valid certificates of competency or service appropriate to their several stations in such ship, or of a bigher grade, and no such ship, if of one hundred tons burden or upwards, shall leave the waters as aforesaid, unless at least one officer, besides the master, has obtained, and possesses, a valid certificate appropriate to the grade of only mate there- in, or to a higher grade.

3. Every British steamship, or steamship registered under section III. of part I. of this Ordinance, of one hundred nominal borse power or upwards, leaving the waters of the Colony shall have as its first and second engineers, two certificated engineers, the first possessing a "first class engineer's certificate," and the second possessing a "second class engineer's certificate" or certificate of the higher grade, and every British steamship, or steamship registered as aforesaid, of less than one bundred nominal horse power, shall have as its only or first engineer, an engineer possessing a "second class engineer's certificate," or certificate of the higher grade.

4. Every person who, having been engaged in any of the capacities mentioned in sub-sections 2 and 3 in any such ship as aforesaid, goes to sea in that capacity without being at the time entitled to and possessed of such certificate as is required by this section; and every person who employs any person in any of the above capacities in such ship without ascertaining that he is at the time entitled to or possessed of such certificate as is required by this section, shall, for each offence, incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars.

    5. No seaman shall, except with the Harbour Master's sanction, be shipped to do duty on board any merchant ship whatever elsewhere than at the Office of the

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Harbour Master, who shall charge for every seaman shipped a fee of one dollar, such fee to be paid, in the first instance, by the master of the ship shipping such seaman; and such master shall deduct the same from the wages of the seaman shipped; and the Harbour Master shall require such seaman to lodge with him his certificate of discharge from the last ship, and failing the production of such certificate, such seaman shall be bound to give satisfactory explanation to the Harbour Master of the cause of the non-production thereof. The above mentioned fee shall be accounted for by the Harbour Master to the Treasury.

   6. Whenever any seaman shall be discharged from any ship within the Colony, the master of such ship shall give at the time of such discharge to such seaman a written certificate of discharge, specifying the time and nature of service, and the time of discharge of such seaman, signed by himself and if such seamen require it, shall further give him, within twenty-four hours after demand, a true account in writ- ing of the wages of such seaman, and of all deductions therefrom.

   7. No seaman shall be discharged from a British ship, or any foreign ship whose flag is not represented by a Consular officer resident in the Colony, elsewhere than at the Harbour Master's office, and every seaman discharged from a foreign ship so represented, shall, within twenty-four hours of being discharged at the office of his Consul or Vice-Consul, produce to the Harbour Master or some person deputed by him, a certificate of his discharge, signed by such Consul or Vice-Consul, under a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars; in default, imprisonment not exceeding twenty-one days.

   8. No master of any ship shall discharge or force therefrom, or wilfully or negligently leave behind him, in this Colony, under a penalty not exceeding twenty- five dollars, any seaman shipped on board thereof unless on a certificate from the Harbour Master or his deputy, or from the Consul or Vice-Consul, if any, represent- ing the nation to which the ship belongs; and the Harbour Master or his deputy, and the Consul or Vice-Consul are empowered to withhold or grant his certificate upon such con titions for the subsistence of the seaman as he shall think fit, and if any seaman shall wilfully or negligently remain in the Colony after the departure of the vessel in which he shall have shipped, such seaman shall, on conviction, be subject to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or be imprisoned for a term not exceeding one month with or without hard labour.

   XIX.-British and Colonial Ships to carry medicines, medical stores, &c., in accordance with scale issued by Board of Trade.

3. Health Officer to approve of lime or lemon juice.

   XX-Seamen deserting may be apprehened and put on board the vessels to which they belong, or may be confined in gaol.

2. Ships or houses may be searched for deserters from ships.

   3. Penalty on persons harbouring deserters from ship: not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, or imprisonment with or without hard labour not exceed- ing six months.

4. Harbour Masters may require masters of ships to search for suspected deserters. 5. Whenever any scaman engaged in any foreign ship commits any of the following offences within the waters of the Colony, he shall be liable to be punished summarily by a Stipendiary Magistrate as follows, that is to say:

(a.) For wilful disobedience to any lawful command, he shall be liable to imprisonment for any period not exceeding four weeks, with or without hard labour, and also, at the discretion of the Court, to forfeit, out of his wages, a sum not exceeding two days' pay;

(b.) For continued wilful disobedience of lawful commands, or continued wilful neglect of duty, he shall be liable to imprisonment for any period not exceeding twelve weeks, with or without hard labour, and also, at the discretion of the Court, to forfeit, for every twenty-four hours' continuance of such disobedience or neglect, either a sum not exceeding six days' pay, or any expenses which have been incurred in biring a substitute;

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(c.) For combining with any other or others of the crew to disobey lawful commands, or to neglect duty, or to impede the navigation of the ship or the progress of the voyage, he shall be liable to imprisonment for any period not exceeding twelve weeks, with or without hard labour: Provided that when there is a Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent resident at Hongkong of the nation to which the ship belongs the Court shall not deal with the case unless thereto requested by such officer in writing.

6. All expenses incidental to the apprehension, confinement, and removal of any seaman, under this section, shall be paid by the master of the ship to which suca seaman may belong, and be recoverable from him at the suit of the Captain Superintendent of Police, as a debt due to the Government of this Colony; and the subsistence money for every such seaman confined in gaol shall be paid in advance to the keeper of the gaol, and in default of such payment, the gaoler may release such seaman: Provided that every seaman imprisoned under this chapter may be sent on board his ship prior to her departure from the waters of the Colony by direction of the committing magistrate.

XXI.-In the event of the death of any of the passengers, or other person, occurring on board of any merchant vessel in the waters of the Colony, or in case of the death, desertion, or removal of any of the crew, the master of such vessel shall forthwith report the same to the Harbour Master, under a penalty not exceeding twenty- five dollars for every death, desertions or removal which he shall neglect to report.

XXII.-Any seaman, and other person, who shall give a false description of his services, or show, make, or procure to be made, any false character, or shall make false statements as to the name of the last ship in which he served, or as to any other information which may be required of him by any person having lawful authority to demand such information, shall incur a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars.


Duties of Master.

      XXIV.-Every master of a merchant ship shall hoist her national colours and number on entering the waters of the Colony; and shall keep such number flying until the ship shall have been reported at the Harbour Master's office.

     2. Every such master shall, within twenty-four hours after arrival within the waters of this Colony, report the arrival of his ship at the Harbour Master's office, and in the case of a British ship, or of a ship which shall not be represented by a Consul, shall deposit there the ship's articles, list of passengers, ship's register, and true copy of manifest if required. In the case of a foreign ship represented by a Consul, the said papers shall be lodged by the master at the proper consulate. Any master offending against the provisions of this sub-section, shall incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars.

3. Every such master arriving in the waters of the Colony shall take up the berth pointed out by the Harbour Master, or by any person sent on board by him for that

      purpose, and shall moor his ship there properly, and shall not remove from it to take up any other berth, without his permission, except in case of necessity, to be decided by the Harbour Master, under a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars and he shall remove his vessel to any new berth when required so to do by the Harbour Master, under a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for every hour that the vessel shall remain in her old berth after notice to remove under the hand of the Harbour Master, or his deputy, shall have been given on board of her.


4. Every such master shall immediately strike spars, clear hawse, or shift berth, or obey any other order which the Harbour Master may think fit to give, and any master wilfully disobeying or neglecting this regulation, shall incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars.

5. Every such master about to proceed to sea sball hoist a blue peter twenty-four hours before time of intended departure, and shall give notice thereof to the Harbour

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Master who, if there is no reasonable objection, will furnish a port clearance, and attest the manifest, if necessary; and any master having obtained such clearance and not sailing within thirty-six hours thereafter shall report to the Harbour Master his reason for not sailing, and shall redeposit the ship's papers if required. Any master wilfully neglecting or disobeying this regulation, or going to sea without having obtained a port clearance, shall incur a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars.


XXV.-Whenever the Governor in Council has reasonable cause for believing that any country or place is infected with any infectious or contagious disease, he may make such regulations concerning vessels arriving from such country or place as he thinks necessary for preserving the public health of the Colony.

2. Every commanding officer of any ship-of-war, or master of a merchant ship of whatsoever nation, who may arrive in the waters of the Colony having small-pox or any other disease of a contagious or infectious nature on board, shall hoist the proper quarantine flag, and shall hold no communication with any other vessel or boat, or with the shore, until permission be given by the Harbour Master; and the boarding officer on nearing such ship shall be informed of the nature of such disease. Any person offending against any of the provisions of this sub-section shall incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars for each offence.

3. Every such commanding officer of a ship-of-war, or master of a merchant ship, having any such disease on board shall forthwith remove bis ship to any berth which shall be pointed out by the Harbour Master, and there remain and keep the quarantine flag flving until a clean bill of health shall be granted by the Colonial Surgeon; and shall afford free access and render every assistance to the Colonial Surgeon or other officer of health who may be directed by the Governor to visit such ship. Any person offending against the provisions of this sub-section shall incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars for each offence.

4. Every such commanding officer of a ship-of-war, or master of a merchant ship, in all cases where such ship bas last touched or stayed at any port or place, immedia- tely preceding such ship's arrival in the waters of the Colony, and any contagious or infectious disease has, to such commanding officer's or master's knowledge, been prevalent at such port or place at the time of his so touching or staying there, shall report the prevalence of such disease to any health officer of the port upon being boarded by such officer, und in default of so reporting the same shell incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars.

  5. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, make such regulations concerning vessels arriving in the waters of the Colony with any infectious or contagious disease on board as he thinks necessary for preserving the public health of the Colony.

  6. All regulations made under this section shall be published in the Government Gazette, and when so published shall have the force of law, and any person offending against any such regulation shall, on conviction by two Stipendiary Magistrates Bitting together, incur a penalty not exceeding two thousand dollars, or imprisonment with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding twelve months, or, at the discretion of the Court, both penalty and imprisonment as aforesaid.

Steamers' Fairway.

  XXVI.--No vessel or boat of any description shall be allowed to anchor within any fairway which shall be set apart by the Harbour Master for the passage of vessels, and the master, or other person in charge of any vessel or boat dropping anchor in or otherwise obstructing such fairway shall for each offence incur a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars, and in default thereof, imprisonment with or without hard labour not exceeding three months.

Regulations concerning the Safety of Ships and Prevention of Accidents. XXVII.-Every master of a ship, hulk, or other vessel, not being a boat propelled by oars, being at anchor in the waters of this Colony shall, from sunset to sunrise, cause to be exhibited a bright white light at the place where it can be best

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seen, but at a height not exceeding twenty feet above the hull, and in default, shall incur a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars.


2. In case of fire occurring on board any ship or vessel in the waters of the Colony if at night, three lights shall be hoisted in a vertical position at the highest masthead, and a single light at the peak, and guns shall be fired in quick succession until sufficient assistance shall be rendered; if during the day, the eusign Union down with the signal NM, "I am on fire," shall be hoisted at the highest masthead and guns fired as above provided for night time.


3. If on board any ship or vessel in the waters of the Colony a disturbance or riot shall occur which the master or his officers are unable to quell if by day, the ensign Union down shall be hoisted at the peak and the signal PC, "want assistance; mutiny" shall be hoisted at the highest masthead or wherever practicable under the circumstances; guns may also be fired as in sub-section 2; if by night three lights shall be hoisted at the peak and a single light at the masthead, and guns may also be fired as before stated.

Offences in the Waters of the Colony.

[See also "The Dangerous Goods Ordinance, 1873," and Regulations.]

XXVIII.-Every person who within the Colony or the waters thereof shall commit any of the following offences, shall incur a penalty of not more than fifty dollars, or imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months, with or withou hard labour.

      Every person who shall cast or throw any dead body, ballast, rubbish, or other substance either from shore or from any vessel, into the waters of the Colony, or shall neglect within a reasonable time to remove any sunken vessel or other obstruc- tion in the said harbour belonging to him or in his charge or in his keeping.

      Every person who, not being in Her Majesty's service and not being duly authorised by law for the purpose, goes on board any ship within the waters of the Colony, without the permission of the master or officer in charge; the master or person in charge of such ship may take any such person so going on board as aforesaid into custody and deliver him up forthwith to any constable to be dealt with according

to law.

      Every person not being in Her Majesty's service who shall make fast to or cause to be made fast to a ship under way within the waters of the Colony, any boat, junk, or other vessel, without the sanction of the master or officer in charge of such ship.

2. Except as is herein before directed by sub-sections 2 and 3 of section XXVII., or with the sanction of the Harbour Master, no cannon, gun, or fire-arm of any description shall be discharged, within such portions of the waters of the Colony as the Governor may from time to time by regulations prescribe, from any merchant vessel or boat, under penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars.

Removal of Obstructions.

      XXIX.-The Harbour Master may, by written notice, require any person to remove within a reasonable time, to be specified in such notice, any obstruction in the waters of the Colony caused by such person or belonging to him or in his charge or keeping; and if such person fail to remove the obstruction within the specified time, the Harbour Master shall cause the obstruction to be removed, and may recover the expenses of removal from the person named in the notice.


      XXX.-No person shall place moorings in the waters of the Colony except with the sanction of the Harbour Master, and such moorings shall be of such nature as the Harbour Master shall approve, and the Harbour Master may, upon giving such sanction, attach such conditions to the use and employment of such moorings as he shall think fit.


XXXIV.-The owner or master of every ship which enters the waters of the Colony shall pay such dues in respect of the said lighthouses, buoys, or beacons as

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may, from time to time, be fixed by order of the Governor in Council, to such officers as the Governor shall, from time to time, appoint to collect the same, and the same shall be paid by such officers into the Colonial Treasury.

IMPORTATION and Storage of Gunpowder.

 [See also "The Dangerous Goods Ordinance 1873," and Regulations]. XXXVII.-The Governor is hereby empowered to provide, at the expense of the Colony all necessary vessels and buildings for the storage of gunpowder, and no gunpowder arriving in his Colony shall be stored in any other building or vessel except as provided by sub-section 10, and subject to the observance of the rules and regulations to be made under sub-section 12 of this Ordinance.

  2. Such vessels or building shall for the purposes of this chapter be termed a government depôt or government depôts for the storage of gunpowder, and shall be under the control and management of the Harbour Master subject to such orders as may from time to time be received from the Governor; and such vessel or vessels shall be fitted and manned in such a manner as the Harbour Master with the approval of the Governor shall deem expedient.

  3. The master of every vessel arriving in this Colony baving on board thereof any quantity of gunpowder exceeding two hundred lbs. shall immediately, upon the arrival thereof, and before the discharge from the ship of any such gunpowder, furnish the Harbour Master with a copy of the manifest of such gunpowder, the marks of all the packages wherein such gunpowder shall be contained, and the names of the consignees of such gunpowder, if he shall know the same.

4. The master of every such vessel as in the last preceding section mentioned shall as soon as possible take the same to the place which shall be pointed out to him by the Harbour Master or his deputy, and the said vessel shall not be removed therefrom without the permission in writing of the Harbour Master.

  5. When any quantity of gunpowder exceeding two hundred lbs. is about to be conveyed out of the Colony, the master of the vessel about to convey the same alall, ou producing the written authority of the owners thereof or their agents, receive from the Harbour Master a permit to take on board the packages mentioned in such authority, and the master of such vessel shall thereupon move the same into such anchorage as the Harbour Master may deem expedient, and from such anchofage the master of such vessel shall not remove the same except for the purpose of proceeding on his voyage or for some other sufficient cause to be approved by the Harbour Master.

  6. The master of every vessel having on board more than two hundred lbs. of gunpowder, or whilst engaged in the transhipment of gunpowder, shall exhibit a red flag at the highest masthead.

7. It shall not be lawful for the master of any vessel to tranship any gunpowder between the hours of 6 P.M. and 6 A.M. from October to March inclusive, not between the hours of 7 P.M. and 5 A.M. from April to September inclusive, without the written permission of the Harbour Master.

  8. It shall not be lawful for the master of any vessel, without the written permission of the Harbour Master, to anchor such vessel within five hundred yards of any government depôt for the storage of gunpowder.

  9. It shall not be lawful for the master of any vessel having on board gun- powder exceeding in quantity two hundred lbs. to anchor nearer than five hundred yards to any other vessel.

  10. It shall not be lawful for any person without the permission in writing of the Governor to keep for any time, however short, within any house, store, godown, or other place on land, a larger quantity of gunpowder than fifteen lbs.

11. It shall be lawful for any justice of the peace, or Police officer duly authorized by warrant, to enter, and if necessary to break into, any house, store, godown, vessel, or place either on land or water, within which such justice of the peace shall be credibly informed on oath, or shall have reasonable grounds of his own knowledge to

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     suspect and believe, that gunpowder is kept or carried, or is on board of any vessel contrary to the provisions of this chapter."

       12. The Governor in Council is hereby empowered to make rules and regulations for the proper carrying out of the provisions of this chapter, including storage of gunpowder on land, or its carriage within the waters of the Colony, and to fix and vary from time to time the sums chargeable for the storage of gunpowder as hereinbefore prescribed, and every violation or neglect of any such rules or re- gulations shall render the party so offending liable to the penalties imposed by sub- section 14 of this section for offences against any provisions thereof.

        13. The sums charged in respect of such storage shall be paid monthly by the party claiming to be entitled to such gunpowder, and in the event of the same not being paid within twenty-one days after the same shall have become due and payable, it shall be lawful for the Governor to direct the said gunpowder to be sold, in order to defray the expense of storage, and the proceeds thereof, after deduction of all government charges and the expense of sale, shall be paid to the party who shall prove himself entitled thereto to the satisfaction of the Governor.

       14. Every person who shall violate or refuse or fail to comply with the provi- sions of this chapter shall incur a penalty not exceeding three hundred dollars, or imprisonment for any period not exceeding six months.

       15. Nothing in this chapter contained shall apply to Her Majesty's ships of war or the ships of war of any foreign nation, or to hired armed vessels in Her Majesty's service or in the service of any foreign nation, or to Government stores.

LICENSING, &c., oF BOATS, CARGO BOATMEN, &c. Grain Cargoes.

       XLI.-No cargo of which more than one-third consists of any kind of grain, corn, rice, paddy, pulse, seeds, nuts, or nut kernels, hereinafter referred to as grain cargo, shall be carried on board any Colonial ship, unless such grain cargo be contained in bags, sacks, or barrels, or secured from shifting by boards, bulkheads, or otherwise.

       The penalty provided by section 22 of the "Merchant Shipping Act, 1876," for knowingly allowing any grain cargo or part of a grain cargo to be shipped on any British ship contrary to the provisions of the said section, may likewise be recovered upon summary conviction before any Stipendiary Magistrate.


       6. Where under this Ordinance a ship is authorised or ordered to be detained, if the ship after such detention or after service on the master of any notice of or order for such detention proceeds to sea before it is released by competent authority, the master of the ship, and also the owner or agent and any person who sends the ship to sea, if such owner or agent or person be party o privy to the offence, shall forfeit and pay.to Her Majesty a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars.

       7. Where a ship so proceeding to sea takes to sea when on board thereof in the execution of his duty any officer authorised to detain the ship, or any Surveyor or officer appointed by the Governor, the owner and master of the ship shall each be liable to pay all expenses of and incidental to the officer or Survey or being so taken to sea, and also a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars, or if the offence is not prosecuted in a summary manner, not exceeding fifty dollars for every day until the officer or Surveyor returns, or until such time as would enable him after leaving the ship to return to the port from which he is taken, and such expenses may be recovered in like manner as the penalty.

16. Whosoever, with intent to defraud, shall forge, or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose of, or put off knowing the same to be forged or altered, any certificate, ticket, document, matter, or thing named in this Ordinance, or any regulation made there under; shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof, shall be liable, at the discretion of the Supreme Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years, and not less than three years, or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour,

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I. Any vessel wanting a pilot should, on nearing the Macao roads, hoist the jack or national flag at the fore topgallant masthead.

   II.-No notice will be taken at the Harbour Master's Office of any damage occurring to vessels piloted by pilots unlicensed by the Harbour Master.

III.-Only duly qualified pilots shall be employed by the Harbour Master.

1.-To be a qualified pilot an examination must be passed at the Harbour

Master's Office.

2.- Macao anchorage comprises the outer roads, the inner harbour, and the

port of Taipa.

3.- Vessels anchoring in the roads will be required to pay one-half of the

amount stipulated for the inner harbour and Taipa.

IV. The captain of a vessel, or his agent, shall report his vessel at the Harbour Master's Office within twenty-four hours of the vessel's arrival and in default pay a fine of one hundred dollars to the Public Exchequer.

   V.-Captains of vessels shall on landing deliver the ship's papers to the Harbour Master, such papers to be kept till the departure of the vessel, provided there be no Consulate of the nationality of the vessel at Macao.

The register or passport of Portuguese vessels shall be taken to the Government Secretary's office.

   VI.-It is incumbent on the Harbour Master to take the necessary steps for the apprehension of deserters, when required to do so. Such deserter may be captured even after the ship's departure on the requisition of the respective Consuls.

   VII. Captains of vessels are forbidden to discharge part or the whole of their crew without the sanction of the Harbour Master or of the Consul.

   VIII. The captain of a vessel desiring to send to the Hospital any one of his crew, must first apply to the Harbour Master and be answerable for any expense incurred.

    IX. It is forbidden to cast off invalids in Macao; such invalids can only be landed by permission of the Harbour Master. A breach of this Article of the Regulations shall be visited with a fine of one hundred dollars, revertible to the Public Exchequer.

   X.-Vessels are not permitted to change moorings in the inner harbour without the sanction of the Harbour Master.

   XI.-Merchant vessels are not permitted to enter the inner harbour with gun- powder on beard; such gunpowder shall be previously deposite.. in the Barra Fort and received back after the vessel's clearance from the inner ar our.

XII. It is forbidden to throw ballast, ashes, or rubbish i.. the inner harbour and at the Taipa anchorage, under penalty of one hundred dollars.

   XIII.-Anchorage dues to be henceforth paid by vessels in the harbour of Macao are fixed in annexed Table A.

1.-A written receipt shall be given for all dues levied at the Harbour Master's Office, and shall specify the heads under which such dues may have been recovered.

2. All dues recovered at the Harbour Master's Office on account of other public departments, shall be sent to such departments by the Harbour Master under the prescribed legal forms.

XIV.-All fees payable at the Harbour Master's Office are designated in Table B XV.-Pilotage for vessels entering the inner harbour and Taipa to be paid according to Table C.

1.-From the total amount fixed, one dollar will appertain to the Harbour

Master and the remaining four dollars to the pilot.

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      XVI.-The duties of pilots will be taken in turns among those qualified by the Harbour Master. On the 1st of each month a distribution is to be made of the fees received.

XVII.-A fall of the barometer, indicative of bad weather, will be announced by the firing of a gun and the hoisting of a white flag with a red square in the centre at the staff on the Canton wharf. The flag will be replaced by two green lights, hoisted perpendicularly, during the night.

XVIII Shipmasters are specially recommended to see that a clear hawse is always kept, have their sheet anchors ready to let go, and take all other usual precau- tions to insure their vessels against bad weather. The signals made by the Harbour Master are merely precautionary and indicative of a coming storm, the force of which as well as its passage over this port can never be predicted.

XIX. All fishing and tanca boats are to be registered at the Harbour Master's Office and have their number and designation clearly affixed.


XX. These Regulations shall be printed, and a copy given to captains of vessels coming to Macao.

Government Secretary's Office, Macao, 11th June, 1872.


Secretary General.


In the absence of a complete tide table, the following table and remarks may be found serviceable :-










Macao Laukeet

22° 11/ 3077 | 113° 32 / 30!! 22 41 30




22 48 15

Second Bar Creek

22 58 30


23 5 45


23 7 0


22 24 30


22 21 0

113 38 15 113 36 30 113 32 15

113 24 0 113 15 0 113 48 0 114 18 0 10

2 2



6 to 8



* 3


4 to 5






The flood tide, when regular (which is seldom), runs round Cabreta Point towards the town of Micao; but a little outside of the Point at sets along the land to the north, across the bay, util it meets the tile from Casing-mɔɔn (or Capshui-moon, "the swift water passag,") above Lintin, when it flows in a direct channel towards the Bogue. The velocity of the floo 1 tide in Macao Roa is is about 2 miles in the north- east mon3000 ani moderate weather; but when it blows strong from the northward there is no apparent flood. The ebb then runs at the rate of 3 to 31⁄2 and 4 miles when the water is falling by the land. The ebb tide sets out from the town of Macao much in the same way as the flood comes in, with the difference of running a little more to the westward along the shore, before it takes the southerly direction; the latter part of this tide is therefore the best time for boats to start for Lintin or Canton, with a contrary wind, as they then get out far enough to have all the flood to work to the northward with.

The tides at Lintin run north and south, or nearly so. The velocity of the ebb in the north-east monsoon when blowing strong is much the same as in Macao Roads; but there is always a perceptible flood of 1 or 11⁄2 miles. During the height of the south-west monsoon, the ebb runs at times at the rate of 6 and 61⁄2 miles, after heavy rains; at that season the floods are very weak.

* The flood censes rizing at this hour, but the stream in the middle of the river runs up a considerable time longer.

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   The undersigned, Her Britannic Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China, acting under the authority conferred upon him by the 85th Section of the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, hereby declares the following Regulations, made, in pursuance of the above Order in Council, to secure the observance of Treaties and the maintenance of friendly relations between British subjects and Chinese subjects and authorities, to be applicable to all ports which are, or may hereafter become, open to British trade :-


I.--The British Consulate offices at the several open ports shall be opened for public business from 10 o'clock A.M. to 4 o'clock P.M. daily, excepting Sundays, Christmas Day, Good Friday, Queen's birthday, Easter Monday, those holidays npon which public offices in England are close, and Chinese New Year's day, and wuch Chinese holidays at the Chinese Customs authorities may observe.

   II. On the arrival of any British vessel at the anchorage of any of the open ports, the master shall, within 24 hours, deposit his ship's papers, together with a summary of the manifest of her cargo, at the Consulate office, unless a Sunday or holiday shall intervene.

III.-Every British vessel must show her national colours on entering the port or anchorage, and keep them hoisted until she shall have been reported at the Consulate and her papers deposited there.

   IV.-No British vessel or any vessel the property of a British subject unless provided with a certificate of registry, or provisional or other pass from the Super- intendent of Trade at Peking, or from the Colonial Government at Hongkong, shall hoist the British ensign_within any port or anchorage, or any flag similar to the British ensign or of a character not to be easily distinguishable from it. Nor shall any registered British vessel flying the Red ensign hoist any other ensign or flag (except she be entitled to fly the Blue ensign) in use by Her Majesty's vessels of war, or the national ensign of any foreign State or any ensign or flag not plainly dis- tinguishable from the ensigns used by Her Majesty's ships of war or from those flown by ships of foreign States.

   V. Should any seaman absent himself from his ship without permission, the master shall forthwith report the circumstance at the Consulate office, and take the necessary measures for the recovery of the absentee, and it shall be lawful for the Consul, if circumstances shall require it, in his discretion to prohibit leave being given to seamen to come ashore, and any master who shall violate such prohibition shall incur the penalties hereinafter declared.

VI.-The discharge of guns or other firearms from vessels in harbour is strictly prohibited, unless permission shall have been granted by the Consul.

   VII.-Masters of vessels when reporting their arrival at a port shall notify in writing the names of all passengers and persons not forming part of the articled crew on board, and previous to leaving, notice must be given of the names of all persons, not forming part of the articled crew, intending to leave the port on board any vessel.

VIII.-All cases of death occurring at sea must be reported to the Consul within 24 hours of the vessel's arriving in port or harbour, and all cases of death on board vessels in harbour, or in the residences of British subjects on shore, must be imme- 'diately reported at the Consulate office, and in the event of sudden or accidental

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death the fullest information obtainable should be given. It is strictly prohibited to throw overboard the bodies of seamen or other persons dying on board of a vessel in harbour. Except in case of urgent necessity, no burial should take place on shore or from any ship in harbour without the license of the Consul first obtained.

IX-Stone or ballast shall not be thrown overboard in any port or harbour, unless permission shall have been first obtained from the local authorities through the intervention of Her Majesty's Consular officer.

X.-All cases of loss of property by theft or fraud on board ships, as well as of assault or felony requiring redress or involving the public peace, must be immediately reported at the Consulate office.

     If any Chinese subject guilty of, or suspected of, having committed a mis- demeanour on shore or afloat be detained, iuformation must in such cases be forthwith lodged at the Consulate office, and in no instance shall British subjects be permitted to use violence toward Chinese offenders or to take the law into their own hands.

XI.-Any vessel having in the whole above 200 lbs. of gunpowder or other explosive material on board shall not approach nearer than a distance of one mile from the limits of the anchorage. On arriving at that distance, she must be forthwith reported to the Consular authority.

     Special anchorages or stations will be assigned for such ships in the neighbour- hood of the ports.

     XII. No seaman or other person belonging to a British ship may be discharged or left behind at any port or anchorage without the express sanction of the Consul, and not then until sufficient security shall have been given for his maintenance and good behaviour while remaining on shore, and, if required, for the expenses incident to his shipment to a port in the United Kingdom or to a British Colonial port, according as the seaman or other person is a native of Great Britain or of any British Colony.

     If any British subject left at a port or anchorage by a British vessel be found to require public relief prior to the departure of such vessel from the dominions of the Emperor of China, the vessel will be held responsible for the maintenance and removal from China of such British subject.

XIII.--When a vessel is ready to leave a port or anchorage, the master or con- signee shall apply at the Custom-house for a Chinese port clearance, and on his presenting this document, together with a copy of the manifest of his export cargo, at the Consular office, his ship's papers will be returned to him, and he will be furnished with a Consular port clearance, on receiving which the vessel will be at liberty to leave the port. Should any vessel take in or discharge cargo subsequent to the issue of the Customs' clearance, the master will be subject to a penalty, and the ship to such detention as may be necessary to the ends of justice.

XIV.-When a vessel is ready to leave a port or anchorage, the master shall give notice thereof to the Consul, and shall hoist a Blue Peter at least 24 hours before the time appointed for her departure. The Consul may dispense with the observance of this regulation on security being given that claims presented within 24 hours will be paid.

XV.-No British subject may establish or carry on an hotel, boarding or eating- house, house of entertainment, or shop for the sale of liquors within the Consular district without the sanction and license of the Consul, and payment of such fees in respect of such license, yearly or otherwise, as may be duly authorised. The Consul shall require every person so licensed to give security for the good conduct of all inmates and frequenters of his house, and also that he will not harbour any seaman who is a runaway or who cannot produce his discharge accompanied by a written sanction from the Consul to reside on shore.

     Every person so licensed will be held accountable for the good conduct of all inmates and frequenters of his house, and in case of their misconduct may be sued upon the instrument of security so given.

XVI.-Any British subject desiring to proceed up the country to a greater distance than thirty miles from any Treaty port, is required to procure a Consular

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passport, and any one found without such a passport beyond that distance will be liable to prosecution.

   XVII. The term Consul in these Regulations shall be construed to include all and every officer in Her Majesty's Consular service, whether Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular agent, or other person duly authorized to act in any of the aforesaid capacities within the dominions of the Emperor of China.

   XVIII.-British vessels are bound as to mooring and pilotage to act in accord- ance with the Harbour and Pilotage Regulations authorized in each port by Her Majesty's Minister for the time being, and any infraction of the same shall render the party offending liable to the penalties attached to these regulations.

XIX.-No loading or discharging of cargo may be carried on except within the limits of the anchorage defined by the Consul and the Chinese authorities of each port.

XX.-Any infringement of the preceding General Port Regulations or of the Special Regulations referred to in Regulations XVIII. and XIX., shall subject the offender, for each offence, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour, and with or without a fine not exceeding 200 dollars, or to a fine not exceeding 200 dollars, without imprisonment, and with or without further fines for continuing offences not exceeding in any case 25 dollars for each day during which the offence continues after the original fine is incurred; such fine to be inflicted, levied, and enforced in accordance with the Order of Her Majesty in Council dated the 9th day of March, 1865.

   And in consideration of the urgent necessity for these Regulations, the under- signed hereby further declares that they shall have effect unless and until they shall be disapproved by Her Most Gracious Majesty, and notification of such disapproval shall be received and published by me or other Her Majesty's Minister in China.

   NOTE.-All fines levied by virtue of or under the General or Special Port Regula- tions are to be applied, as directed by the China and Japan Order in Council, 1865, in diminution of the public expenditure, unless otherwise specially ordered.


PEKING, 28th March, 1881.



Agreed to and published by the British Minister, 3rd November, 1868.

   I.-Bye-Laws and Local Rules.-1.-Bye-Laws and Rules necessary for the better ordering of Pilotage matters at the Ports are to be drawn up by the Harbour Masters in connection with Consuls and Chambers of Commerce, with whom also it rests in the same way to fix the number of Pilots, tariff of charges, and define the limits of the Pilotage ground.

2.-The number of Pilots for the Port of- 3.-The Pilotage ground for the Port of

defined as follows, viz:-

4.-The Pilotage charges shall be as follows, viz,- Steamers, or Sailing Vessels in tow, per foot...... Sailing Vessels, per foot......

-shall be-

-sball be

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II.-Pilots: individuals eligible.-The subjects, citizens, or protégés of Treaty Powers shall, equally with natives of China, and without distinction of nationality, be eligible for appointment, when vacancies occur, by the Board of Appointment subject to the General Regulations now issued, and the Bye-laws to be under them enforced at the several Ports respectively.

III.-Board of Appointment: how to be constructed.-The Board of Appointment shall consist of the Harbour Master as President, the (or a) Senior Pilot, and two persons whose names shall be drawn by lot, by the Harbour Master, from a list prepared and published by the Harbour Master in consultation with the Consuls and Chambers of Commerce.

IV.-Vacancies: how to be filled up.-1.-Whenever there may be a vacancy among the Pilots, it shall be duly notified in the local prints; and eight days afterwards the Board of Appointment shall proceed to fill it up by a competitive examination.

2.-The Board may refuse to admit to the examination any one who, having once been a Licensed Pilot, has had his Licence withdrawn, and also any candidate who is unable to produce Consular certifications as to character, &c.

      3.-The examination shall be public and gratuitous, and the vacancies shall be given to the most competent among the candidates without distinction of nationality, provided always the competency of the first on the list be not relative but absolute.

     4. The Consul concerned may in person, or by deputy, be present and take part in the examination of candidates.

5. The majority of the votes of the Members of the Board shall decide the admission of candidates for Pilot Licences, each Member having one vote in the ballot; but in the absence of the Consul concerned, the Harbour Haster shall have a casting vote.

      V.-Pilots' Licence: by whom to be issued.-1.-Pilots' Licences shall be issued by the Commissioner of Customs in the name and on behalf of the Chinese Govern-' ment. Licences issued to Pilots not being natives of China shall subsequently be vised and registered at the Consulate concerned.

2.-On the first day of July each year, every Pilot shall pay the sum of Ten Haikwan Taels for the renewal of his Licence.

3.-Every Licensed Pilot shall be given a printed copy of the General Regula- tions and Local Rules, and shall produce the same, as well as his Licence, when required.

VI.-Apprentice Pilots: who to be taken.-1.-It shall be allowable for each Licensed Pilot to take an Apprentice, for whom he shall be responsible. On the application of Pilots, the Harbour Master will supply Apprentices with special certificates.

      2.-When the circumstances of the Port appear to demand it, the Harbour Master may authorise Apprentices to act, temporarily and within certain limits, as Pilots; provided they have received certificates of competency from the Board of Appointment.

      VII.-Licensed Pilots: to whom subordinated: Unlicensed piloting, &c.-1.-Licen- sed Pilots may carry on their business either singly or in companies. They must pay due respect to the wishes and instructions of the Harbour Master under whose orders and control they are placed, and who is invested with power to suspend or dismiss, subject to an appeal to the Consul concerned. When the Pilot is a Foreigner the appeal to be lodged within three days.

     2.-If guilty of any misconduct for which Consular punishment has been in- flicted, or if proved to have committed any offence against Revenue Laws, the individual concerned may be suspended or dismissed by the Harbour Master, subject to an appeal to his Consul. If a Foreigner, the appeal to be lodged within three days.

     3.-Any one piloting without a Licence, or making use of another's Licence, shall be subject to prosecution before his own authorities, who will deal with the

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offender in accordance with the laws of his country. Any Pilot lending his Licence to another will be proceeded against and dealt with in the same way in addition to forfeiting his Licence.

-Any Commanding Officer employing an unlicensed person to pilot his vessel will be liable to be fined in the sum of One Hundred Taels by the Authorities to whose jurisdiction he is amenable.


VIII-Pilot Boats: regulations to be observed.-1.-Pilot Boats shall be regis- tered with their crews at the Harbour Master's office, where each boat will be given a certificate and number. The words, "Licensed Pilot Boat,' shall, with the num- ber, be legibly painted at the stern, and on the head of the mainsail; and a flag, of which the upper horizontal half shall be yellow and the lower green, shall be flown. Such registered Pilot Boats shall deposit their national papers with their Consul or the Customs; they shall be at liberty to move freely within the limits of the Port and Pilotage ground, and shall be exempt from Tonnage Dues. On the requisition of the Harbour Master or his deputies, it will obligatory on registered Pilot Boats to convey, from place to place within the limits, employés belonging to either Customs' or Harbour Master's department, with such stores as may be wanted for either Light-houses or Light-ships.

2.-Every licensed Pilot Boat shall pay a fee of Twenty Taels for renewal of licence on the first of July each year.

3.-In case of a Pilot going off in an unregistered boat, he will be authorized to carry the Pilot Boat Flag during the time he is on board; but no pilot is authorized to cruise in an unregistered boat, without special permission from the Harbour Master.

4.-The owner or hirer of an unregistered boat making use of a Pilot Flag, and not having a licensed pilot on board, shall be prosecuted before the authorities to whom he is amenable, or whose flag or national ensign he has the right to use.

5.-A registered Pilot boat is not permitted to fly the Pilot flag, save when there is either a licensed pilot or certificated apprentice on board.

   IX. - Flage to be exhibited on arrival.-When nearing anchorage, the Pilot shall cause to be exhibited-

A Red and White Flag (No. 3-H) if the vessel is from Hongkong, Japan, or any Chinese Port.

A Blue and White Flag (No. 2-J) if from any Foreign Port.

A Yellow and Blue (No. 10-K) if the vessel is in ballast.

A Red Swallow Tail (No. 5-B) if the vessel has gunpowder or other com- bustible on board.

X-Harbour Pilots: Vessels in Harbour, Berthing, &c.-1.-The duties of the Harbour Pilots, where such exist, will be to take charge of vessels at the outer limit of the anchorage, berth them in accordance with the orders received from the Harbour Master's Department, take charge of vessels shifting berths, going in or out of dock, or to and from a wharf or out of the anchorage, and to assist and report to the Harbour Master's office all matters concerning the shipping in Port, and the conservancy of the river or harbour.

2.-In berthing vessels, the Harbour Master will, as far as possible, meet the wishes of Commanding Officers and Consignees, and the entrance, working, or clearance of vessels taking berths not assigned to them shall be stopped by the Customs until the Harbour Master's orders are complied with.

3.-Vessels are to moor in accordance with orders received from the Harbour Master, and are not to remove from the anchorage without his permission.

4.-The Harbour Pilotage Fees payable to the Harbour Master are as follows:-

For berthing a vessel, or taking her out of port...

Docking, undocking, mooring, &c......

Shifting a vessel's berth..

Taking a vessel to or from a wharf

The above Rules and Regulations are provisional and may be amended, or added

to according to circumstances.

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     I.-Masters must deposit their ship's papers and manifest with their Consul (if they have no Consul, with the Customs) within 48 hours after entering the port.

II. The import manifest must contain a true account of the nature of the cargo on board and must be handed to the Customs before any application to break bulk can be attended to.

III.-The import manifest having been received and ship's papers duly lodged with the Consul or the Customs, permits to land goods will be granted, on the receipt of applications specifying the number of packages, with their marks, weight, quantity, and such like particulars.

IV. Before shipment of goods, permits to ship must in like manner be obtained. V.-Cargo for which a permit has been issued, but which cannot be received on board, must be brought to the Custom-house jetty for examination before being re-landed.

VI.-When a vessel has received on board the whole of her outward cargo, the Customs must be furnished with an export manifest.

     VII.-After examination of goods, consignees or shippers will be supplied with a memo., for which early application should be made, of the duties payable. They may then pay in the account to the Hai Kwan Bank or receiving office, when they will be furnished with a duty receipt in Chinese, which they must bring to the Customs. Import duties are due upon the landing of the goods, and export duties on their shipment. Amendment in respect of weight or value must be made within 24 hours after the lauding or shipment of the goods.

     VIII. On application being made for the Customs' clearance, if the Customs are satisfied that the import and export manifest are correct, and that all dues and duties have been paid, the clearance will be issued.

IX.-In all cases of transhipment, application must be made for a tranship per- mit._Goods transhipped before receipt of such permit are liable to confiscation.

     X-Cargo boats conveying goods from Canton to Whampoa for shipment there, must be taken for examination to the Customs' jetty, before the goods can be put on board the ship. On arrival at Whampoa, their permits must be exhibited at the Floating Custom-house for countersignature: in like manner the permit of cargo boats conveying goods to Canton from ships at Whampoa must be countersigned at the Whamp a Floating Custom-house, and on arrival at Canton they must repair to the Customs' jetty for examination.



      I.-The agent or agents of each British steamer or line of steamners engaged in the Coasting Trade between Foochow and Hongkong and intermediate ports, will be required to give a bond as guarantee for the due observance by them of the Treat, and Local Regulations.

II.-After any such steamer has been reported at the Consulate office, and her papers lodged according to the usual form, it will not be necessary (unless she bas to renew her tonnage dues certificate) that she should again be formally reported for four months; but whenever she enters the port her arrival must be notified at the Consulate. It will not, however, be required that her papers should be shown or a clearance obtained.

     III.-A manifest will have to be handed in, at the expiration of every month, of all cargo and treasure imported into or exported from the port.

coasting" steamer shall be $12.

IV. The fee for every entry as a 46

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   V.-It will be incumbent on the agent or master of a "coasting steamer," under a penalty of $25, to notify at the Consulate office within one hour after her arrival, should it be during daylight, or before 8 A.M. should it be dark, the hour at which it is intended to despatch every such steamer. And should any steamer engaged in the coasung trade depart previous to the hour for which she has been circulated (such time to be taken from the clock in the Consulate office) a fine of $50 will be inflicted.



   I. The limits of the port are defined within lines drawn from the Southern- most point of Amoy island South-eastward to the nearest island; and thence in the direction of the high pagoda, to the point of Lam-tae-boo Hill; and from the North- ernmost point of Amoy island to the opposite point on the mainland.


   II. The shipment and discharge of cargo can only be carried on in the inner harbour between Kulangsoo and Amoy: Northern and Southern limits. authorised Customs' jetties for the examination, landing, and shipment of goods, are those known as the Kang-ah-kow and Custom-house wharves.

   III.-Masters of merchant vessels must deposit their ship's papers and import manifest with their Consul (if they have no Consul with the Customs) within 48 hours after entering the port.

   IV. The import manifest must contain a true account of the nature of the cargo on board, and must be handed to the Customs, signed by the master, before any application to break bulk can be attended to.

     -The landing and discharging of cargo must be carried on within the limits of the inner anchorage, as defined in Rule II.; it can only take place between sunrise and sunset, and cannot go on, without special permission, on Sundays and holidays. Cargo-boats employed for the shipment or landing of merchandise cannot make use of other jetties thon those specified in Rule II.


   VI. When ready to discharge cargo, the consignee must send to the Customs an application in Chinese (and English), giving full particulars of the cargo to be discharged, when he will be furnished with a permit to remove his consignment from the ship by which it is imported, and to place the same in a cargo-boat. The cargo- boat must then repair to one of the authorised jetties, in order that the goods may examined and assessed for duty. A "Customs' memo." will thereupon be issued, to be taken to the bank by the consignee, who, upon payment of the duty therein noted, will be supplied with a "Duty Receipt." Upon the presentation at the office of Customs of the duty receipt, a "Duty-paid Order" will be issued. The goods imported may then be removed from the Customs jetty and placed in the merchant's godown.

VII.-In the case of goods to be shipped, the shipper must send them to ore of the authorised jetties for examination, with an application in Chinese (and English) for a permit to ship, containing all necessary particulars. The goods will then te examined, and a "Customs" memo." issued, and on the production at the office or ths "Duty Receipt," a "Duty-paid Order" will be issued, authorising the shipment. VIII.-Cargo for whieb a shipment permit has been issued, but which cannot be received on board, must be brought to one of the authorised jetties for examination before being relanded.

IX.-No transhipment can take place without special written permission.

   X.-Drawback, exemption, or coast trade duty certificates will be issued simul- taneously with the permit for the shipment of the goods covered by them. Exemp- tion or coast trade duty certificates for goods imported must be presented simul- taneously with the consignee's application for the permit to land.

   XI.-Before application is made for the "Customs clearance," the export manifest, signed by the master, must be handed in. All dues and duties having been paid, the clearance will be issued.

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I.-The anchorage for foreign vessels is between the East Gate Creek and the Creek below the British Naval Yard.

II.-Vessels entering the anchorage will, when they come abreast of the British Naval Yard, be boarded by the Assistant Harbour Master, who will direct them to proper berths. In the case of a vessel being towed, the tug steamer must stop. before passing the Harbour Master's Lower Station, at Pootung, to be boarded.

III.-River, Coast, and Mail Steamers having determined berths are allowed on arrival to proceed to them without stoppage, unless they have dangerous or explosive cargo on board, in which case they are to be governed by Clauses Ï1, 12. and 14 of these Regulations.

IV.-Four berths in the Upper Reach of the Harbour will be kept open for the use of men-of-war.

      V.-Vessels are to moor in accordance with the orders received from the Harbour Master, and not to shift their berths or remove from the anchorage without a special Permit.

VI.-Applications for berths, or for permission to shift, must be made to the Harbour Master's office or to the Lower Station, by the Shipmaster, the First Officer, or Pilot in charge, when the necessary instructions respecting the berth will be given. VII.-All vessels are required to keep a light burning bright and clear at the starboard yard arm, or starboard fore-rigging when vessels have no yards, from dark until daylight.

VIII.-No vessels except men-of-war may use swinging booms The swinging booms of men-of-war shall be rigged in from sunset to sunrise.

IX.-Vessels are required to keep their chains clear, especially towards the full and change of the moon, and not to have lines out from one vessel to another any longer time than necessary. Boats towing astern are to have short lines, in order not to block up the passage.

X.-Merchant vessels shall not fire off cannon or small arms within the limits of the Port, without written permission from the Harbour Master.

     XI.-Vessels arriving at this port and having on board, as cargo, any number of Loaded Shell, or more than One hundred pounds of Gunpowder, or more than Twenty Thousand Rounds of Rifle, Sporting, Gatling, Mitrailleuse, Pistol, or Revolver Cartridges, shall anchor not less than one mile below the lower limit of the Harbour and fly a red flag ["No. 5" Marryat's or "B" Commercial Code] at the fore during the daytime and shall abide by the instructions received from the Customs concerning the discharge of the same.

     XII.-Vessels arriving at this port and having on board, as cargo, in whatever quantity, any of the following mentioned articles, viz:-Nitro-glycerine or Glonoin Oil, Gun Cotton, Fulminating Mercury, Dynamite, Lithofracteur, or any other substances used for Blasting purposes, shall be subject to the same conditions as to anchorage, &c., as are laid down in Clause 11 of these Regulations.

XIII.-Vessels shall not be allowed to take on board, as cargo, any of the articles mentioned in Clauses 11 and 12 of these Regulations in weight or number exceeding what is therein specified, without first proceeding to an anchorage not less than one mile below the lower limit of the Harbour, froin which, while having such cargo on board, they simll only depart for the purpose of proceeding outside of Woosung-

     XIV.-Vessels arriving with Kerosine Oil or Petroleum on board as cargo shall be berthed on the Pootung side of the 9th Section of the Harbour and must remain there until all such cargo has been discharged.

XV.-A vessel arriving with a contagious disease on board, shall not come nearer the lower limit of the Harbour than one mile, shall fly at the fore a yellow flag, and shall not allow any one to disembark or come on beard, without permission from the

Harbour Master's Office.

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XVI.-Masters of vessels shall not permit ballast or ashes to be thrown overboard. XVII.-All vessels in Port must keep on board a sufficient number of hands to clear and pay chain, &c., when required.

XVIII.-Vessels on arriving in Port must, as soon as possible, rig in their jib- booms, and must not subsequently rig them out, while within the Harbour limits, without permission from the Harbour Master.

XIX.-No Buoy may be laid down without the sanction of the Harbour Master and his approval of the moorings by which it is to be held in position. Unoccupied Buoys must be lighted from sunset to sunrise.

XX.-Buoys that are already laid down are subject to the control of the Harbour Master, and where they are so placed as to obstruct the passage of vessels through the Harbour or are not moored in such a way as to economize berthing space, the Harbour Master will be at liberty to order them to be shifted. In case of refusal or neglect on the part of the owners of a Buoy to shift its position, as directed by the Harbour Master, the latter may cause it to be removed at the risk of the owners thereof. XXI.-In case of fire occurring on board a vessel in Port, the bell must be rung immediately by that vessel and by those above and below her, and the signal 2109 Marryat's or BTF Commercial Code (" Ship on fire") hoisted by the burning vessel, if possible, and by those above and below her, during the day, or the yard-arm light lowered and hoisted continually during the night. Notice should be sent immediately to the River Police Hulk, Harbour Master's Station, or Pootung Signal Tower, and to the nearest Municipal Police Station.

XXII.-Vessels infringing Clauses 11 and 12 of these Regulations, by coming within the Har our limits with dangerous or explosive cargo on board in excess of the quantity therein allowed, will be notified by the Harbour Master to proceed to an anchorage not less than one mile below the lower limit of the Harbour, and their Entrance, Working, and Clearance will be stopped by the Customs until this notice is complied with. All other vessels not occupying the berth assigned to them, as required by the 2nd, 5th, and 6th Clauses of the above Regulations, are likewise liable to have their Entrance, Working, and Clearance stopped by the Customs until the Harbour Master reports them as berthed in accordance with his directions.

   Masters of vessels committing breaches of the other Regulations will be dealt with by the Consular authorities.


I.-On approaching the anchorage vessels should show their number in order that the same may be signalled from the Harbour Master's Signal Stations.

II.-Masters of vessels are requested to furnish the Assistant Harbour Master, Pilot, or Harbour Pilot, with any information they may possess, relative to the dis- coveries of rocks, shoals, islands, wrecks, or distressed vessels, vessels signalled and their positions, state of weather during the voyage, special information with details of Typhoons, time of leaving last port, time of arrival. They are also requested to report if any change has taken place in the position of Buoys or if any of the Lights are out of order.

III.-Masters of vessels having fault to find with Pilots, whether as regards professional competency or personal conduct, are especially requested to report the same in writing to the Harbour Master, from whom such cases will receive immediate attention.

IV. At the Harbour Master's office will be found a board, on which all notices pertaining to the department will be exhibited, also any information received from Shipmasters of interest to shipping. It will also show the names of Pilots, &c.

   V.-Vessels are recommended not to sail or steam through the shipping with the tide, it being highly dangerous to do so, especially during spring tides. Vessels so doing will incur responsibility for all damages.

VI.-The Master of a vessel may refuse to pay inward pilotage, until a certificate is produced from the Harbour Master or his deputies, that the vessel is properly moored. (Pilotage Regulations, General Rule VII., Local Rule XIV.)

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I. The anchorage for foreign vessels at Woosung is between Woosung Creek and the White Cottage above the Chinese Camp.

      II.-Inward bound vessels having to anchor at Woosung must hoist the Rendezvous Flag (Marryat's Code) at fore when passing the Woosung Spit Buoy, and they will then be boarded, between the Woosung Creek and the Harbour Master's Station, by the Berthing Officer, who will direct them where to anchor.

      The Pilot or Officer in charge of every such vessel shall see that proper facilities are afforded the Berthing Officer to enable bim to come on board.

      III.-No vessel is allowed to anchor in the line of the Fairway Marks across the Bar, or within three hundred feet above or below said line.

      IV.-The Officer in charge of the Harbour Master's Station at Woosung is authorized to keep a clear channel from the Inner Bar as far out as the Woosung Spit Buoy, and to notify any vessel which may be anchored in such a position as to obstruct or endanger the navigation of this channel, to remove to such bcrth as he may point out.

      V. Should the Commanding officer of a vessel refuse to move her, after the Berthing Officer has informed him that he considers the vessel to be obstructing or endangering navigation, such vessel will be held presumptively responsible for all damage which may be caused by other vessels colliding with her.

VI.-No vessel will be allowed to discharge or take on board cargo at Woosung until she is moored in a berth approved by the Berthing Officer.

VII.-The management of vessels when taking up the berths to which they are directed, will, in all cases, be left in the hands of the Pilot or Commanding Officer.

VIII.-The officer in charge of the Harbour Master's station at Woosung will board all inward bound sailing vessels between the Woosung Creek and the Station, for the purpose of receiving their reports, and, in case of a vessel being towed, the tug must slow down or stop while the vessel is being boarded.

Masters of vessels committing breaches of the foregoing Regulations will be dealt with by the Consular authorities.

N.B.-Permit to discharge or load cargo at Woosung can only be obtained by special application to the Commissioner of Customs at Shanghai.

Shanghai, January, 1879.


I.-The port is limited by a line drawn from Paou-shan Point to the Battery on the right bank of the river below Woosung.

II.-Customs' officers will board ships entering the port, and examine them after clearance outwards.

      III. The anchorage is between the Teen-how Temple and the new or lower Dock. No vessel must move from her berth without express permission.

IV.-Masters must deposit their ship's papers and manifest with their Consul (if they have no Consul, with the Customs) within forty-eight hours after entering the port. For failing to do this, they are liable to fine.

       V.-The manifest must contain an account of the marks, numbers, and contents of every package on board. For exhibiting a false manifest, the master is liable to fine. Errors must be corrected on the day on which the manifest is handed in to the Customs. If any portion of the cargo be for re-exportation, it must be so entered upon the manifest; goods found on board not specified in the manifest are liable to confiscation.

      VI.-Neither cargo nor ballast can be shipped or unshipped, except within the limits of the anchorage, and between sunrise and sunset on all days, Sundays and holidays excepted.

VII.-When a vessel is entered and ber manifest received, the consignees of her cargo shall hand in to the Customs their Applications to Land. These must give the

* The outer limit has been enlarged to the Harbour Master's hulk Ngapuhi. The inner limit has been enlarged to

line running west to cast from the house under the city wall formally occupied by Mr. Culbertsom

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number of packages, with their marks, weight, quantity, and other such like parti- culars, and be accompanied by their delivery orders. The delivery orders will be stamped and returned to the consignees, who may then land their consignments. If cargo be unshipped without such delivery order duly stamped, it is liable to confisca- tion, and the master to fine.

VIII.-When the whole of the inward cargo is discharged, the vessel is examined by a Customs' officer. Shippers may then hand in to the Customs their Application to ship, which must, as in the case of the Application to Land, give full particulars, and be accompanied by their shipping orders. The shipping orders will be stamped by the Customs and returned to the shippers, who may then ship their goods. Goods shipped, or water-borne to be shipped, without such shipping order duly stamped, are liable to confiscation, and the master of the vessel receiving them on board is liable to fine.

   IX.--Cargo which cannot be received on board must not be re-landed until it has first been examined at the Custom-house jetty,

X.-When the loading of a vessel is completed, a manifest of her outward cargo must be handed in to the Customs by the master or consignee. It must contain an account of the particular marks, numbers, and contents of every package on board, For exhibiting a false manifest, the master is liable to fine.

   XI.-Goods cannot be placed in a cargo-boat, or leave the shore, or be landed, except at the authorized jetties between sunrise and sunset on all days, Sundays and holidays excepted.

XII.-Goods transhipped without special permission are liable to confiscation, and the masters to fine.

   XIII.-All cargo-boats must be registered at the Custom-house, and must have their respective numbers conspicuously painted on them, in English and Chinese characters. Without special permission no cargo can be landed or shipped, except in cargo-boats duly registered and numbered.

XIV. Consignees or shippers should apply as early as possible for Customs' memo. of the duties payable by them. When they have paid the amount into the Hai-kwan bank or Receiving office, a duty receipt in Chinese will be given them, which they must exchange at the Custom-house for a printed receipt in English; the latter must be returned to the Custom-house by the consignee of the vessel when he desires to clear her.

Import duties are due upon the landing of the goods; Export duties on the ship- ment of the goods. Amendment in respect of weight or values must be made within twenty-four hours after the landing or shipment of the goods.

Tonnage dues are payable when the ship has been forty-eight hours in port, or when any cargo has been shipped or unshipped.

   XV.-When a vessel's clearance is applied for, her stamped delivery and ship- ping orders are examined, and if they are found in order, and the Customs are satis- fied of the correctness of the inward and outward manifests, and that the whole of the dues and duties have been paid, the clearance is issued, and the vessel is entitled to receive back her papers, and to leave the port.

   XVI.-Exemption certificates are granted on foreign goods re-exported to a Chinese port.

   XVII.-Drawback certificates are granted on foreign goods re-exported to a foreign country within twelve months from their importation upon the production of satisfactory evidence as to their port of destination.*

XVIII.-The Custom-house is opened for the receipt and issue of all necessary papers from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. on all days, Sundays and holidays† excepted.

All applications whatever regarding Customs' business should be addressed to

the Commissioner of Customs, Office of Maritime Customs, Shanghai.

* Drawback certificates are also granted, when applied for, instead of Exemption certificates, on foreign goods re-exported to a Chinese port.

↑ The holidays which it has hitherto been the custom to observe are-The Foreign (Gregorian) New Year's day ; the Chinese New Year's day, the day preceding, and the two days following; Good Friday; and Christmas day.

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All vessels entering any of the open ports pay 8 cents per ton.

     The dues are payable on the Spanish equivalent of the registered tonnage, which is as follows:-

British & American.....100 tons=123 Spanish. | Belgian and Dutch:...100 tons=163 Spanish. German....


.100 tons= 29 Spanish. Russian ........ ..........100 tons=332 Spanish. .100 tons=184 Spanish. | Norwegian & Danish..100 tons=333 Spanish.


I-Masters of national or foreign vessels arriving at these islands from a foreign port will deliver their manifests to the visiting officer of the Customs on his arrival on board, under penalty of a fine of two hundred dollars. For all manifests not certified or attested to by the Spanish Consul of the port of their departure, a fine of one hundred dollars will be imposed; and if the manifests are not extended in conformity with the first Rule of the Royal Order of the 1st July, 1859, a fine of twenty-five dollars will be demanded.

     II. The master or supercargo of every vessel is enjoined to be present at all the visits which may be made on board by the preventive service of the port, on entering or leaving, and on loading or discharging, and must sign the document or certificate of such visit as well as the commander of the carbineers who makes the visit and his accompanying witness. Should it not be possible for such master or supercargo to go through this formality, it will devolve on the officer next in rank to act in his stead.

     III.-Masters of vessels arriving from foreign ports with any cargo on board are allowed 30 hours at Manila, and 48 at Cavite, after the entrance visit, to send in to the collector of Customs a manifest in triplicate, written in Spanish on plain paper and of uniform size, containing the name of the master, that of the ship, the number of Spanish tons burthen, the place whence the ship comes, a description by marks and numbers both in writing and figures of each package of goods on board, the names of the consignees, the weight, measurement, and kind of goods stowed in bulk, their names, with every distinctness, those of the goods to remain in transit on board and those to be discharged; specifying if possible the articles to be left in bond, and those for consumption, the provisions, spare stores, armament, and coals, in case the vessel be a steamer, and, finally, a note stating that the vessel does not carry any other goods, and that none of those manifested are prohibited from fear of contagion. After which the master will affix his signature, making himself answerable to the Custom-house for the correctness of the manifest.

IV.-If from stress of weather or other extraordinary cause, the master of a vessel may have been obliged, during the voyage, to throw overboard part of the cargo, a declaration to that effect must be made, and a specification will be required of the marks, numbers, and quantities, as far as possible, of the cargo so jettisoned, and, if the Customs authorities demand it, the Log Book shall be presented to prove the facts.

V. Every master and supercargo subscribing a manifest is allowed four days after its delivery to augment or otherwise rectify the same, in case there be any omission or other error: this must also be done in triplicate. Should any omission be noticed in the manifest after this period and the one allowed, packages found to be omitted shall be seized, and the subscriber of the manifest fined an amount equal to the value of the goods omitted, provided such value does not exceed four hundred dollars, and in case it does, and should the goods omitted belong or be consigned to the subscriber of the manifest, the fine will then be quadrupled. If on the contrary it should be found at the completion of this discharge that the number of packages noted in the manifest and in the subsequent corrections be in excess of cargo actually on board, the master shall be fined one hundred dollars for each package found short unless the same should be cargo in bulk, in which case the duties thereon will be quadrupled. Finally, if on visiting the vessel any package be found which is not

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declared and included in the manifest, it shall be confiscated, and the captain fined in a sum quadruple that of the duties which the said goods should pay to the Customs. VI. The captains of vessels arriving from another Spanish port, and duly provided with a freight list from the Custom-houses of that port will deliver this document to the collector here immediately on arrival, and will only manifest such, the above freight list explaining the reasons that have caused its omission, and specifying, moreover, the provisions and stores existing on board, unless the ship should have called in at a foreign port and there received cargo, in which case manifests shall be presented and the same formalities observed as laid down in the preceding rules for all documents in proof from the Spanish Consul at the port touched at.

   VII. -Whatever may be the nationality of a vessel, and whencesoever she comes, either laden or in ballast, her captain, crew, and passengers are not allowed on coming a-hore to take with them anything without a special permission from the Collector of Customs except a writing case, such wearing apparel as can be carried in an open travelling bag or bundle, which is to be examined by the carbineer on board and by the one at the Captain of the Port's office.

VIII. The masters of national or foreign vessels who neglect to obey the provision made by Rule II. of these Regulations, shall forfeit fifty dollars, unless they can prove to the satisfaction of the Collector the causes which prevented it, and the master who shall present a manifest with any of the afore-mentioned requisites wanting shall remedy the same as soon as the Collector of Customs orders it, other- wise the person who presents such manifest shall forfeit twenty-five dollars.

   IX. Should the master of a vessel omit to include in the manifest the quantity of gold and silver, in coin or bullion, that may be on board, whatever its origin may be, or to give private information of it and its amount to the Collector of Customs, he will be fined one per cent. on its value, always supposing the owners may not have declared it.

   X.-Any produce, goods, articles of use on board, or cargo of any kind whatsoever transferred from one ship to another in the bay, without permission of the Collector of Customs, will be liable to seizure, as well as the lighter, launch, or other boat in which such transfer may be made, and the master of each vessel shall be fined five hundred dollars when the value of the merchandise or articles transferred does not exceed two hundred dollars; exceeding this sum, the fine will be one thousand dollars each, if the vessels are not the property of the masters, but being their property they will be confiscated, and the same course will be pursued when mer- chandise or goods of any description are discharged without permission, and moreover the captains of vessels from which the merchandise or other effects are discharged shall be liable to the fine and penalties above named.

   XI.-The_master of every national or foreign ship entering a port open to trade in these Islands, in ballast or with cargo, in distress or in transit, and those who may be obliged to put into a port not open to trade, are bound to produce their manifest or register as provided by the preceding Rule, and to fulfil the same duties as required by the Custom-house of Manila.

   XII. Except in cases in which wrecks or unavoidable damage may occur, any foreign or national ship coming from sea discharging or loading any quantity of goods at a port not open to trade, will incur the confiscation of such goods, and in the contrary case he will incur the penalty provided by Rule X. for cases of fraudulent transhipment.

   XIII.-Masters of all vessels are obliged to supply the Custom-house officers during their stay on board with suitable lodgings and allow them to have their meals at the second table, in compliance with the decree of the Government of these Islands, dated 26th August, 1851.

NOTE. On the 2nd October, 1878, it was notified that the Director General of Finance had been pleased to approve of vessels consigned to the Philippine Islands for the purpose of loading timber touching at any other fit port of Luzon in pre- ference to Manila should it suit their interest to do so.

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     Memorandum of the basis of Agreement arrived at after discussion between Mr. James Russell, Puisne Judge of Hongkong; Sir Robert Hart, K.C.M.G., Inspector- General of Customs, and Shao Taotai, Joint Commissioners for China; and Mr. Byron Brenan, Her Majesty's Consul at Tientsin, in pursuance of Article 7 Section III. of the Agreement between Great Britain and China, Signed at Chefoo on the 13th September, 1876, and of Section 9 of the Additional Article to the said Agreement, signed at London on the 18th July, 1885.

      Mr. Russell undertakes that the Government of Hongkong shall submit to the Legislative Council an Ordinance for the regulation of the trade of the Colony in Raw Opium subject to conditions hereinafter set forth and providing :-

1.-For the prohibition of the import and export of Opium in quantities less

than one chest.†

2. For rendering illegal the possession of Raw Opium, its custody or

control in quantities less than one chest except by the Opium Farmer. 3.-That all Opium arriving in the Colony be reported to the Harbour Master, and that no Opium shall be transhipped, landed, stored or moved from one store to another, or re-exported without a permit from the Harbour Master, and notice to the Opium Farmer.

4. For the keeping by Importers, Exporters, and Godown Owners in such form as the Governor may require, books shewing the movements of Opium.

5.-For taking stock of quantities in the stores, and search for deficiencies by the Opium Farmer, and for furnishing to the Harbour Master returns of stocks.

6. For amendment of Harbour Regulations, as to the night clearances of


The conditions on which it is agreed to submit the Ordinance, are :-

1.--That China arranges with Macao for the adoption of equivalent measures. 2.-That the Hongkong Government shall be entitled to repeal the Ordi- nance if it be found to be injurious to the Revenue or to the legitimate trade of the Colony.

3. That an Office under the Foreign Inspectorate shall be established on Chinese Territory at a convenient spot on the Kowloon side for sale of Chinese Opium Duty Certificates, which shall be freely sold to all comers, and for such quantities of Opium as they may require. 4.-That Opium accompanied by such certificates, at the rate of not more than Tls, 110 per picul, shall be free from all further imposts of every sort, and have all the benefits stipulated for by the Additional Article on behalf of Opium on which duty has been paid at one of the ports of China, and that it may be made up in sealed parcels at the option of the purchaser. 5.-That junks trading between Chinese ports and Hongkong and their cargoes shall not be subject to any dues or duties in excess of those leviable on junks and their cargoes trading between Chinese ports and Macao, and that no dues whatsoever shall be demanded from junks coming to Hongkong from ports in China, or proceeding from Hong- kong to ports in China, over and above the dues paid or payable at the ports of clearance or destination.

* See Ordinance 22 of 1897.

† A modification allowing export in smaller quantities than one chest was subsequently agreed to.

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6. That the Officer of the Foreign Inspectorate, who will be responsible for the management of the Kowloon Office, shall investigate and settle any complaints made by junks trading with Hongkong against the Native Customs Revenue Stations or Cruisers in the neighbourhood, and that the Governor of Hongkong, if he deems it advisable, shall be entitled to send a Hongkong Officer to be present at, and assist in the investi- gation and decision.

If however they do not agree a reference may be made to the Authorities at Peking for a joint decision.

Sir Robert Hart undertakes on behalf of himself and Shao Taotai (who was compelled by unavoidable circumstances to leave before the sittings of the Commis- sion were terminated) that the Chinese Government shall agree to the above con- ditions.

The undersigned are of opinion that if these arrangements are fully carried out, a fairly satisfactory solution of the questions connected with the so-called " Hong- kong Blockade" will have been arrived at.

Signed in triplicate at Hongkong, this 11th day of September, 1886.


J. RUSSELL, Puisne Judge of Hongkong.


Inspector-General of Customs, China.


H. B. M.'s Consul at Tientsin.

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Translated from the Chinese Text.

The President of the French Republic and His Majesty the Emperor of China, being desirous of promoting the development of the commercial relations between the two countries and of assuring the thorough execution of the Treaty of Commerce signed at Tientsin the 25th April, 1886, have decided to conclude an Additional Con- vention modifying some of the stipulations contained in the said instrument. To this end the two high contracting parties have named as their respective plenipo- tentiaries: The President of the French Republic M. Constans, Deputy, former Minister of the Interior and of Worship, Commissioner of the Government, Envoy Extraordinary of the French Republic in China; and His Majesty the Emperor of China, His Highness Prince Ch'ing, Prince of the Second Rank, President of the Tsung-li Yamen, assisted by His Excellency Sun Yü-wên, Member of the Tsung-li Yamên, First vice-President of the Board of Works; who, after having mutually communicated their full powers, and finding the same in good and proper form, have agreed upon the following articles:-

     Art. I.-The treaty signed at Tientsin on the 25th April, 1886, shall be, im- mediately after the exchange of ratifications, faithfully put into execution in all its clauses, excepting those which the present convention is intended to modify.

     Art. II. In the execution of Article I. of the treaty of 25th April, 1886, it is agreed between the two contracting parties that the town of Lung Chou in Kwangsi, and that of Mêng Tzu in Yunnan are open to Franco-Annamite commerce. It is understood, moreover, that Mang Hao, which is on the waterway between Pao Sheng and Mêng Tzu, is open to trade like Lung Chou and Mêng Tzu, and that the French Government shall have the right to keep an agent there to take the place of the consul of this latter town.

     Art. III.-With a view to developing as rapidly as possible the commerce be- tween China and Tonquin, the rights of importation and exportation, stipulated in Articles VI. and VII. of the treaty of the 25th April, 1886, are provisionally modified as follows:-Foreign merchandise imported into China by the open ports shall pay the duty according to the general tariff of the Maritime Customs reduced by three-tenths. Chinese merchandise exported to Tonquin will pay export duty according to the said general tariff reduced by four-tenths.

     Art. IV. Produce of Chinese origin which shall have paid import duty according to paragraph 1. of April XI. of the treaty of the 25th April, 1886, and shall be trans- ported through Tonquin to an Annamite port, shall on leaving this port, if destined for another country than China, be subjected to the export duty as fixed by the Franco-Annamite tariff.

     Art. V.-The Chinese Government authorizes the exportation of indigenous opium in Tonquin by the border routes, paying an export duty of twenty taels per picul, or one hundred Chinese pounds. French merchants and French protégés will only be entitled to buy opium in Lung Chou, Meng Tzu, and Mang Hao. The likin and barrier dues that the native traders will have to pay on this produce will not exceed twenty taels per picul. The Chinese traders who shall have brought opium from the interior will deliver to the buyer, together with the goods, the receipts cer- tifying that the likin has been entirely cleared, and the buyer, at the time of paying the export duties, will present these receipts to the Customs, who will cancel them. It is understood that this opium, in the case of its returning into China, either by the frontier route, or by one of the open sea ports, cannot be classed as re-imported produce of Chinese origin.

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Art VI.-French and Annamite ships, with the exception of gunboats, and of the vessels employed in the transport of troops, arms, or ammunitions of war, will be able to pass between Liang Shan and Kao P'ing by the rivers (Sung Chi-chiang and river of Kao P'ing) which join Liang Shan to Tung Chou and Lung Chou to Kao P'ing. There shall be levied on these boats, for each passage, a tonnage due of 5 tael cents per ton, but the merchandise composing the cargo shall not be subject to any duty.

   Merchandise destined for China may be conveyed by the rivers referred to in paragraph 1. of the present article, as well as by the overland routes, and especially by the mandarin road which leads from Liang Shan to Lung Chou; but until such time as the Chinese Government shall have established a Customs office on the fron- tier merchandise passing these roads by overland routes may not be sold until after having paid the duties at Lung Chou.

   Art. VII. It is understood that France will enjoy full rights, and, without the necessity of previous negotiations, all the privileges and immunities, of whatsoever kind they may be, and all the commercial advantages which may be granted hereafter to the most favoured nation, by the treaties and conventions whose object is the regulation of political and commercial relations between China and the countries situated to the south and south-west of the Chinese Empire.

   Art. VIII. Having by common consent resolved upon the above dispositions, the plenipotentiaries have placed their signature and their seal on two copies, in the French language, of the present convention, as well as on the Chinese trauslations which accompany each of those copies.

   Art. IX. The stipulations of the present additional convention shall be put into force as if they were inserted in the text of the treaty of the 25th April, 1886, from the day of the exchange of the ratifications of the said treaty and convention.

   Art. X.-Tho present convention shall be immediately ratified by His Majesty the Emperor of China, and as soon as it has been ratified by the President of the French Republic, the exchange of ratifications shall take place at Peking.

Drawn up at Peking, 26tb June, 1887.

(Signed) E. CONSTANS.





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1.-Office hours, 10 to 3; Mail days, 10 to 5; Saturdays, 10 to 1.

       2.-Applications for Impressed Stamps must be made on a requisition supplied gratis, whether the Stamps are to be paid for in cash, or are applied for in exchange for spoiled Stamps. The requisition in either case to be on a separate paper.

3.-Payment must be made on requisition.

4.-Requisitions will be execut d as received.

       5.-All goods and change should be examined before being removed. No question as to wrong counting or of weight or goodness of money will be entertained afterwards.

6.-Spoiled Stamps on unexecuted Instruments.

a.-Allowance will be made for Stamps upon Instruments spoiled by error in the


b.--Or defaced by accident:

        c. Or rendered useless by unforeseen circumstances before completion. 7.-The claim for such Stamps must be made within Six Months after spoiling. 8.-Spoiled Stamps on executed Instruments.

  a.-Allowance will be made for Stamps on Instruments found unfitted for the purpose originally intended by error therein:

  b.-Or which cannot be completed in the form proposed because of the death of any person:

c.-Or because of refusal of signature.

       9.-Claims for Stamps on executed Instruments must be made within Six Months after signature, the substituted Deeds, if any, being produced duly stumped.

       10.-Stamps on Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes when signed by the drawer or maker will be allowed if they have not been out of his hands, and have not been accepted or tendered for acceptance.

       11.-Bills, &c., wherein any error has been made will be allowed though accepted or tendered for acceptance, provided the claimant produces the Bills substituted within six Months after the date of the spoiled ones.

12.-Applications for allowances may be made on Tuesday or Friday from 11 to 3.

13. No allowance for Spoiled Stamps is made on Transters of Shares.

       14.-Documents spoiled in stamping will be destroyed, the applicants providing the addi- tional paper, &c.

       15. Stamps will be impressed upon any part of the Documents where practicable with security to the Revenue, a point to be decided by the Collector.

       16.-Forms may be left at the Office to supply deficiencies in counting, or to replace those spoiled in stamping.

17.-All Impressed Stamps will be dated.

       18.-No Bills of Exchange in sets will be stamped in which the words First and Second, or First, Second, and Third are left blank. The words, Second of the samé tenor and date being unpaid, or the like, must also be wholly filled in on each one.


       SECT. 6. For neglect to stamp sufficiently, and for negotiating, &c., insuffic- iently stamped documents

SECT. 6.-For not obliterating Adhesive Stamp


SECT. 7.-For not drawing the whole number of which a set of Bills pur-

ports to consist

SECT. 7.-For untrue statement under ad valorem stamp..

Not exceedingi



SECT. 10.-Penalties on stamping after execution, where there was no fraudulent intention :--

Within one month, double

Within two months, 10 times .

After two months, 20 times...............

the deficient duty.






One year Three years

Thirty years...

Over 30 years





10 cents.






Transfer, &c. Reassignment




















Per $100.




...10 cents.







1 cent. $1.

...10 cents.






Per $100.

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LIST OF Stamp Duties UNDER ORDINANCE No. 16 of 1886.

Nors.-A document containing or relating to several distinct matters is to be separately and distinctly charged with duty in respect of each of such matters. Any document liable to Stamp duty under more than one article of this Schedule shall be charged under that article which imposes the highest duty.

1.-ADJUDICATION as to the amount of stamp duty to be levied on any docu- $1.

ment.. 2.-ÅGREEMENT, or any memorandum of an agreement, under hand only, and not specially charged with any duty, whether the same be only evidence of a contract, or obligatory on the parties from its being a written instrument...

50 cents.

NOTE. -Agreements as to letting or tenancy are in all cases chargeable as leases. See articles 22 and 24: AGREEMENT or Contract accompanied with the deposit of Title Deeds to

any immovable property, or for securing the payment or repayment › See Mortgage, 26. of any money or stock

EXEMPTION.-Label, slip, or memorandum containing the heads of any Insurance to be effected by means of a duly

stamped Policy or Risk Note.

Memorandum, letter, or agreement made for or relating to the sale of any goods, wares, or merchandise, or to the

sale of a y shares in any public company, not being a Broker's note or document given by a Broker. Seaman's advance note, or memorandum, or agreement made between the master and mariners of any ship for

wages. - Emigration Contract.-Passage Ticket.


4.-ARTICLES of Clerkship, or Contract whereby any person shall first be- come bound to serve as a clerk in order to bis admission as an Attorney or Solicitor

ASSIGNMENT, by way of security, or of any security.

Upon a sale



.See Mortgage, 26. .See Conveyance, 14.

5.-ATTESTED COPY of any Document chargeable with Stamp Duty under } $1.

this Schedule

AVERAGE Statement...

.See Bond, 10.

6.-BANK CHEQUE payable on demand to any person, to bearer, or order. .....2 cents.

7.-BANK NOTES, or other obligations for the payment of money issued by any Banker or Banking Company in the Colony for local circulation and payable to bearer on demand...........

Two-thirds per cent, per annum on the average value of such notes in cir. culation. To be collected monthly on a statement thereof to be fur. nished by each Banker or Banking Company to the Collector of Stamp Revenue at the end of each month, and to be signed by the Banker, or Manager, or Agent, and Accountant of such Banker or Banking Company.

8.-BILL OF EXCHANGE drawn out of but payable on demand within the

Colony, not being a Cheque, and bearing the date on which it was made) * BILL OF EXCHANGE drawn out of and payable on demand out of the

Colony, when negotiated within the Colony.....

BILL OF EXCHANGE of any other kind whatsoever except a Cheque or Bank Note and Promissory Note of any kind whatsoever except a Bank Note.





2 cents.

2 cents.

00 to 8 10







10.... Free. 50.... 02 cents. 250.. 06

600.. 10 81,000.... 20 2,000.......... 50

*2,000 " & 3,000....81.00

8,000 ** | 6,000............$1.50. 6,000 $10,000....82.00, $10,000 - $15,000. ..........[3.00. Every $5,000 additional or

part thereof.

NOTE 1.-A Bill of Exchange for exactly $50 is to be charged 2 cents, and so throughout the table. NOTR 2. -- When Bills of Exchange or other such documents are drawn in sets of two or more, half the above duties to be charged on each part of a set. If the Duty be 5 cents the first part of the set shall be charged 8 cents, and the other parts 2 cents each.

NOTE 3-In the case of Bills in sets drawn out of the Colony, the whole duty shall be payable on that part of the set which is first presented for payment or acceptance, or is first otherwise negotiated, the other parts of the set being free.

9.-BILL OF LADING, or ship's receipt where bills of lading are not used, for} 10 cents.

each part of every set

BIBMPTION.-Bill of Lading for goods shipped by any Government Officer on account of Government.

10.-BOND, or other obligation concerning RESPONDENTIA AND BOT-) 10 cents for every TOMRY, and Average Statement, or Bond where no statement is drawn $100 or part



BOND for securing the payment or repayment of money not otherwise pro-

vided for, or for the transfer or re-transfer of stock, or accompanying See Mortgage, 26. the deposit of 'Title Deeds to any immovable property....


11.-BROKER'S NOTE, or any document having reference to the sale or

purchase of any merchandise, given by any Broker......

12. CHARTER PARTY, or any Agreement or Contract for the charter or hiring of any sea-going ship or vessel, to be charged on the estimated freight...

• Order in Council of April 7th, 1887.

See also Articles 4,

20, 21,


50 cents.

10 cents for every $100 or part thereof.

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Vessel under 200 tons, each copy.

over 200





14.-CONVEYANCE or Assignment on sale, to be levied on the amount or

.$1. .$2.


See Mortgage, 26. See Agreement, 2.

value of the consideration money, such consideration money to in- | 30 cents for every

clude any sum payable by the purchaser in respect of any mortgage or other debt remaining upon the property purchased, or released by such purchaser to the vendor. (See also Article 17).

$100 or part thereof.

ExauPTION.-Transfer by mere endorsement of a duly stamped Bill of Exchange, Promissory Note, or other negotiable

Instrument, or of a Bill of Lading. Bill of Sale for Chinese Junk. 15.-Copartnership, Deed or other instrument of 16.-DECLARATION OF TRUST


$10. $25.

17.-DEED or other instrument of Gift, assignment, or exchange, where no money consideration, or a merely nominal money consideration, passes * DEBD of Assignment where no money consideration or a merely nominal

money consideration passes and where such Deed is merely confirmatory › $10. of an Assignment on which the full conveyance duty has been paid....

NOTE.-The Collector of Stamp Revenue shall, unless the two deeds referred to in the foregoing paragraph are comprised in one and the same document, denote by an entry under his hand made upon the Deed stamped with the $10 duty, that the full conveyance duty (if more than $10) has been paid upon the other.

DEPOSIT of Title Deeds

..See Mortgage, 26.

18.-Duplicate or Counterpart of any Document chargeable with duty under this Schedule, to be affixed on the production of the original Document bearing its proper Stamp, and not otherwise. If the original duty is-

Under $1

From $1 to $10

$10 to $20.


Over $20

...Same duty.




Nor. The duplicate or counterpart of any instrument chargeable with duty is not to be deemed duly stamped unless

it appears by some entry made by the Collector or by sme stamp impressed thereon that the full and proper · duty has been paid upon the original instrument of which it is a duplicate or counterpart or unless it is stamped as an original instrument

19.-EMIGRATION FEÈS, under the Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1874-

Application for a certificate





.See Mortgage, 26.

20.- FOREIGN ATTACHMENT BOND, in the Supreme Court, either Jurisdic- $1 for every $100 or




See Agreement, 2.


21.-Every INSTRUMENT in writing UNDER SEAL, not otherwise specially Į

   charged with duty under this Schedule.... Nors. The impressions of Chinese names, shop names, or trading names, commonly called chops shall not be taken

to be seals within the meaning of this Article.

22.-LEASE or agreement for a Lease, made for a term of years, or for

a period determinable with one or more life or lives or otherwise (30 cents for every contingent, in consideration of a sum of money paid in the way of premium, fine, or the like, if without rent

$100 or part there- of.

23.-LEASE, executed in pursuance of a duly stamped agreement for the same...$1. 24.-LEASE or Agreement for a Lease of any Land, House, Building or Tenement, at a rent, without payment of any sum of money by way of fine or premium, to be levied on the Annual Rent, for a term not exr-

ceeding :-

One year

Three years

Thirty years

Exceeding thirty years

.......10 cents. For every

...... 25


$100 or



part thereof.

NOTE. When both rent is paid and there is a fine or premium, the duty is to be the total of that due under both articles

         22 & 24. EXEMPTION.-All rentals under $50 per annum. 25.-LETTER or other instrument of HYPOTHÉCATION accompanying deposit of documents of title to any moveable property, or bond, or other instrument of guarantee in respect of such property or documents of title

LETTER OF Guarantee 26.-MORTGAGE, or Agreement for a Mortgage, Bond. Debenture, Covenant, Warrant of Attorney to confess and enter up judgment, and Foreign security of any kind not specially charged with duty under this Sche- dule, to be levied on the amount or value of the principal sum secured.

* Order in Council of 8th October, 1886.

Referring to part- icular property, $1. Duplicate, 10 cents. General, $2. ..See Agreement, 2.

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(i.) Being the only, or principal, or primary security, and also where 10 cents for every any further money is added to the money already secured....................... } $100 or part thereof. (ii) Being a collateral or auxiliary or additional or substituted security,

other than a Mortgage executed pursuant to a duly stamped agreement for the same, or by way of further assurance for the above-mentioned purpose where the principal or primary security

is duly stamped, and for every extension of the time of an Original 5 cents for every $100 Mortgage endorsed on such Mortgage......

or part thereof.

1 cent for every $100

(iii.) Transfer, assignment, disposition or assignation of any Mort- gage Bond, Debenture, Covenant, or Foreign security, or of any money or stock secured by any such instrument, or by any War- rant of Attorney to enter up Judgment, or by any Judgment; to be levied on the amount transferred.... (iv.) Reassignment, release, discharge, surrender, resurrender, warrant to vacate, or renunciation of any such security as aforesaid, or of the benefit thereof, or of the money thereby secured.... (v.) Mortgage executed in pursuance of a duly stamped agreement for same..... 27.-Any NOTARIAL ACT whatsoever not otherwise charged with duty in this Schedule......$1. 28.-NOTE OF PROTEST by any Commander or Master of a vessel, or with

   regard to any Promissory Note or Bill of Exchange 29.-POLICY or Risk Note of Marine, Fire, Life or other Insurance, for

each copy, and every renewal.


or part thereof.

25 cents.

10 cents.


part thereof.


31.-PROBATE, or Letters of Administration, with or without the Will】

annexed, to be calculated upon the value of the Estate and Effects | $1 for every $100 or for or in respect of which such Probate or Letters of Administration shall be granted, exclusive of what the deceased shall have been possessed of, or entitled to as a Trustee for any other person or persons and not beneficially....

EXEMPTION.-Administration Bonds, and Estates under $250.


32.-RECEIPT or Discharge given for the payment of money, or in acquittal

See Mortgage, 26.

of a debt paid in money or otherwise, when the sum received, dis-3 cents. charged, or acquitted exceeds $10 ....

EXEMPTIONS.-Letter acknowledging the arrival of a Currency or Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange, or any security for money, Receipt or Debit Note for the Premium on a duly stamped Policy of Insurance. Receipt given by any officer or soldier of Her Majesty's forces stationed in the Colony for money paid out of Imperial Revenue.

38.-SERVANT'S SECURITy Bond. Any Instrument in writing under seal by which any domestic or other Servant or Clerk or Compradore shall give security for the due discharge of his duties, or of the duties of other persons to be employed by him, or for the safe custody of money or property to be entrusted to him, or for the proper carrying on of business to be conducted by him, or for the discharge of his responsibilities arising from such business, whether such security shall be given by the binding of other persons, or by the deposit of money or valuable property or by deposit of the Title Deeds to any property or by any assignment.....

The same duty as a Mortgage, see Ar- ticle 26, i. & ii.

80 cents for every $100 or part there- of of the amount or value of the property settled or agreed to be settled.

34.-SETTLEMENT. Any instrument, whether voluntary or upon any good or valuable consideration, other than a bona fide pecuniary consideration, whereby any definite and certain principal sum of money (whether charged or chargeable on lands or not, or to be laid > out in the purchase of lands or not) or any definite and certain amount of stock, or any security, is settled or agreed to be settled in any manner whatsoever EXEMPTION.-Instrument of appointment relating to any property in favour of persons especially named or described as

the objects of a power of appointment created by a previous Settlement stamped with ad valorem duty in respect of the same property, or by will," where probate duty has been paid in respect of the same property as personal estate of the testator.

35.-Settlement executed in pursuance of a duly stamped agreement for the same...$1. 36.-TRANSFER OF SHARES or stock in any public company, to be computed) 10 cents for every

on the market value of such shares on the day of stamping, which, if doubt arises, the collector shall decide subject to Section 15 of this Ordinance. (ii.)-Transfer for a nominal amount, to be approved by the Collector...$1. EXEMPTION.-Scrip Certificate.


$100 or part thereof.

   Any Document made or executed by or on behalf of Her Majesty or of any Department of Her Majesty's Service, or whereby any property or interest is transferred to, or any contract of any kind whatsoever is made with Her Majesty or any person for or on behalf of Her Majesty or any such Department as aforesaid.

But this exemption does not extend to any Document executed by the Registrar of the Supreme Court as Official Admini- strator or by a Receiver appointed by any Court, or to any Document rendered necessary by any Ordinance or by the order of any Court; neither does it extend to a sale made for the recovery of an arrear of Revenue or Rent, or in satisfaction of a Decres er Order of Court, in any of which cases the purchaser shall be required to pay the amount of the requisite Stamp in addition te ghe purchase money.

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This reprint supersedes all previous issues of the Postal Guide, and is the only authorised complete summary of Postal regulations. Whilst always willing to supply information in other ways, the Department declines responsibility for errors. in replies to verbal applications (especially if addressed to Chinese) or notes to sub- ordinate officers. The Chinese Shroffs at the windows are placed there to sell stamps, not to decide what is correct postage, nor to answer enquiries, for which they are not competent.

HONGKONG, January 2nd, 1888.

Par. 1-4

5- 7



Offices. Complaints.



Dimensions. Weights. Contents.

60- 63



Routes and Opportunities.


61 75













Unpaid Letters.

88- 91




"Soldiers' and Sailors' Letters.




41-45 46--51


Post Cards,



Books and Patterns



....Commercial Papers.



.Prices Current and Circuları.

Requests for Redirection. Postage Stamps. Money Orders, Postal Notes. Private Boxes. Local delivery. Rates of Postage. Parcel Post.

      1.-The Head Office for British Postal business in China is at Hongkong; there is a Post Office also at Shanghai, and Agencies at the followi. g places :-

Canton, Hoihow (honorary), Swatow, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, and Hankow.

      2.-All complaints, or representations of matters which cannot be adjusted locally, should be addressed to the Postmaster General, Hongkong, and, if marked On Postal Business, will be forwarded free by any Postmaster or Agent.

      3.-The cover of any correspondence about which complaint is made should if possible be forwarded with such complaint. Neglect of this generally renders enquiry impossible.

      4.-When correspondence has been missent or delayed (both of which are liable to happen occasionally) all that the complainant need do is to write on the cover, Sent to....... .or Delivered at........., or Not received till the ...th instant, or as the case may be, and forward it, without any note or letter whatever, to the Postmaster General. Attention to this would save much writing. and needless trouble.

Dimensions, Weights, and Contents of Correspondence.

       5.-No articles of correspondence (except Maps, &c. as explained below), unless to or from a Government Office, must exceed the following measurement :-2 feet long, 1 foot wide, 1 foot deep. There is no limit to the weight of letters, but the weights of other articles (except official correspondence) are limited as follows:-

Books or Papers................. Patterns

To British Offices. To other Offices.

.4lb. .8oz.

5lb.. .5lb..

      6.-Book Packets for non-British offices must not exceed 18 inches measurement in any one direction, but such objects as Maps, Pictures, Plans, Photographs. &c., if made up into rolls of no great_thickness and not exceeding 31 inches in length may be so forwarded to any country. Pattern Packets for non-British offices must not exceed these dimensions, 8 inches by 4 inches by 2 inches.

7.-Articles which are dangerous to the mails, or offensive or injurious to persons dealing with them, cannot be sent by Post.

Routes and Opportunities.

      8.-All ordinary correspondence is sent on by the best opportunity of which the prepayment admits, unless especially directed, or apparently prepaid for some other route.

      9.-Correspondence specially directed for any particular steamer is sent by her (failing any request to the contrary) however many times her departure may be postponed. If it is postpon- ed sine die, the correspondence is sent on by the next opportunity.

10.-Correspondence from the Coast marked við Brindisi or við Marseilles is KEPT FOR THE ROUTE INDICATED even though that may involve a fortnight's detention. Unless this is intended, therefore, the safest direction is By first mail.

      11.-Letters from the Coast forwarded without prepayment are not delivered until the Hongkong Office has time to deal with them; paid covers are delivered at once. Unpaid papers are returned to the senders.

      12.-It is not necessary to pay postage on covers from the Coast containing stamped cor- respondence for the homeward mails or local delivery.

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   13.-It is sometimes possible to overtake the French packet at Singapore by means of a direct private steamer. When this can be done Coast correspondence which arrived too late is so sent on.

14.-Mails may also be forwarded to London and Ports of call by the Tea steamers leaving China, either direct, or to catch the next contract mail at Singapore or Suez. Except by special request, only letters are sent in these mails.

   15.-Newspapers for China posted in the United Kingdom and paid only 1d. each instead of lid., which is the proper postage, or over 4 ounces in weight and paid one rate only, are sent out by private steamers instead of by the contract mails.


16.-There are two routes to Australia, viz., viâ Torres Straits, and viâ Colombo. The Torres Straits route is the best for Eastern Australia as far as Sydney, for New Zealand, Tasmania, and Fiji. All correspondence for these places is thus sent unless otherwise directed. Correspon. dence for Adelaide and Perth may be sent by this route.

    17.-The route viå Colombo is best for Western and Southern Australia. Each homeward French Packet connects at Colombo with the P. & O. steamer which leaves that port for King George's Sound, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney.


18. Correspondence for India is despatched by each British, French, and German Packet, as also by the direct steamers for Calcutta which leave fortnightly. The route is chosen in each case Bo as to ensure the quickest possible delivery.

The San Francisco Route, Canada, &c.

19.-The route by San Francisco can be freely used for ordinary or registered correspondence for Union or Non-union countries. The making up of mails via San Francisco at Shanghai is left to the United States and Japanese Post Offices.

   20.-W hen it is desired to forward letters to the United States by a sailing ship not notified as carrying a mail, all that is necessary is to post the letters in the ordinary way, marked with the name of the ship, and prepaid 10 cents per half ounce as usual. The Post Office then under- takes the duty of obtaining notice of departure and despatching the correspondence.


   21.-Boxholders are allowed to post their correspondence in scaled boxes, which should be closed with some recognisable seal. * Locked boxes cannot be allowed.

22.-A receipt book should be sent with each box, but as the receiving officer cannot under- take to count the correspondence sent, he only gives a receipt for One Bos.

23. No attention is promised to anything written in the book, To be Registered, for instance. 24. Contrary to general usage the Hongkong Post Office will give a receipt of this kind for an ordinary letter, to assure the sender his correspondence has not been stolen on the way to the Post. But this receipt is not intended to be used against the Post Office in case the correspondence goes astray. Some few Offices grant acknowledgments of posting on payment of a halfpenny or so for each letter acknowledged, and even then they decline to admit that any such acknowledg. ment refers to any particular letter. Others have abandoned the practice of giving receipts even on payment. It is obvious therefore that this Office cannot allow its free receipts to be used to found complaints on. If that is intended the correspondence should be Registered.

   25.-It is no part of the duties of the Post Office to affix stamps to correspondence, or to see that servants purchase or affix the proper amounts, nor can the officers of the Department, under any circumstances, undertake to do this.

   26.-Any article of correspondence duly prepaid and posted becomes the property of the addressee, and cannot be returned to the sender, nor can it be detained, without the written authority of the Governor of Hongkong or of Her Majesty's Consul at the Port, on an application stating fully the reasons for the request.


   27.-Every description of paid correspondence may be registered, except such as is addressed in pencil, or is addressed to initials or fictitious names, or is not properly fastened and secured. The fee is 10 cents, Local 5 cents. The sender of any Registered article may have a receipt sent with it for signature by the addressee and return, on paying an extra fee of 5 cents.

28.-Letters to be registered should be handed to the receiving officer at the proper window, and a receipt obtained. The hour of registry will be marked on the receipt if specially requested. Whoever presents an article for Registry MUST ASK (verbally) FOR A RECEIPT. Nothing written on the letter or elsewhere can replace this indispensable precaution.

   29.-The Post Office is not legally responsible for the safe delivery of Registered Correspond- ence, but will be prepared to make good the value of such correspondence if lost while passing through the Post, to the extent of $10, in certain cases, provided :-

(a) That the sender duly observed all the conditions of Registration.

(b) That the correspondence was securely enclosed in a reasonably strong envelope. (c) That application was made to the Postmaster General of Hongkong immediately the loss was discovered, and within a year at the most from the date of posting such correspondence.

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(d) That the Postmaster General is satisfied the loss occurred whilst the correspondence was in the custody of the British Postal administration in China; that it was not caused by any fault on the part of the sender; by destruction by fire, or shipwreck; nor by the dishonesty or negligence of any person not in the employment of the Hongkong Post Office.

     30.-No compensation can be paid for mere damage to fragile articles such as portraits, watches, handsomely bound books, &c., which reach their destination, although in a broken or deteriorated condition, nor on account of alleged losses of the contents of Registered covers which safely reached their destinations, nor on account of any article for which the addressee has signed a receipt.

31.-The Post Office declines all responsibility for unregistered Letters containing bank nctes, coin, or jewellery, and, where Registration has been neglected, will make no enquiries into alleged losses of such letters.

32.-A postcard enclosed in a packet of correspondence, for return to the sender by way of receipt, will not under any circumstances be admitted as evidence that any particular article reached the Post Office.

Unpaid Letters.

33.-The general rule as to insufficiently paid letters is to double the deficient postage. If the despatching office has not indicated how much the deficiency is, it is taken to be 10 cents por half ounce, and the letter is consequently charged 20 cents per half ounce. Any foreign postage stamps affixed are neglected in making this charge. Hence letters sent loose on board ship are treated as wholly unpaid, however many stamps of other countries they may bear. This practice is based on international rules, and is required by Treaty. Nothing can be sent wholly unpil except letters. The prepayment of postage on local letters is compulsory.

     34.-Consignees' letters, being privileged by law, need not be sent to the Post Office at all, but if they are sent they are liable to ordinary rates of postage.

Soldiers' and Sailors' Letters.

36.-Privates in H.M. Army or Navy, Non-commissioned Officers, * Bandmasters. School- masters (not Superintending or First Class), Writers, or School-mistresses may send HALF-OUNCE letters to the United Kingdom by the English Mail at the rate of two cents each, or by the French Mail at the rate of four cents each. The postage must be prepaid in Hongkong Stamps. 86.-To other places not beyond Great Britain, such as India, Malta, &c., the postage is 2 cents.

37.-The same privileges apply to letters addressed to the Privates and Non-commissioned Officers named above.

38. The letters must not exceed half an ounce. No handkerchiefs, jewellery, &c., can be sent, even with the ends open.

89.-If from a Soldier or Sailor his class and description must be stated in full on the letter, the cover of which must be signed by the Commanding Officer, with name of regiment, ship, &c., in full. If to a Soldier or Sailor, his class and description, with name of regiment, ship, &o., must be stated in full.

40.-Soldiers and Sailors have no privileges with regard to books, papers, or parcels.

Post Cards.

41.-Two values of Post Cards are issued, as follows :-

For local circulation, ie,, anywhere within the limits of China, Japan, Corea,}

Siam direct, Cochin-China, Tonquin, or the Philippines To Union Countries generally..

1 cent.

3 cents.

42.-Nothing must be written or printed on the stamped side of the card but the address, and, if desired, the sender's address. Any communication whatever, whether of the nature of a letter or not, may be written or printed, or partly written and partly printed on the other side. But no card will be forwarded on which anything libellous, insulting, or indecent has been written, printed, or drawn.

43.-Nothing must be attached to a Post Card, nor may it be folded, cut, or otherwise altered. If so, it will be charged as a letter. Thin paper, smaller than the card, may, however, be pasted smoothly on it.

44.-In regard to hours for posting, late fees, &c., Post Cards are submitted to the same rules as letters.

46.-A card of insufficient value may be fully prepaid by the addition of an adhesive stamp of proper amount.

Books and Patterns.

46.-Books and patterns are charged at so much per two ounces. The Union rate is 2 cents. 47.-The term books includes all kinds of printed† literary matter, with whatever is necessary for its illustration or safe transmission, as maps, rollers, binding, &c., but a book must contain no communication whatever of the nature of a letter. Stamps of any kind, whether obliterated or not, or any papers representing monetary value, such as coupons, drafts, lottery tickets, &c., must be sent at letter rates.

* But not Warrant Officers, Assistant Engineers, Gunners, Boatswains, or Carpenters, † Copying from a gelatine pad is taken to be printing, but press copying is writing.

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48.-A book may contain an inscription presenting it, notes or marks referring to the text, or such writing as With the author's compliments, &c.

49.-Proofs, or corrected proofs, with or without manuscript attached, may also be forwarded at Book rates, but press copies come under the heading of Letters or Commercial Papers according to the nature of the subject-matter.

50.-The packet must be open at the ends, and the contents visible, or easily to be rendered visible. Packets which are sealed are treated as letters even though the ends may be open. Books to the value of $1 and upwards, when addressed to the United States, are generally liable to Customs duties.

51.-Pattern packets must be open at the ends. Tea, seeds, drugs, &c., may be sent in boxes, or in transparent bags. There must be no writing or printing on or in the packet except addresses, trade marks, numbers, quantities, and prices. For weight, dimensions, &c., see paragraph 5.

Commercial Papers.

    52. The distinction between Books and Commercial Papers (papiers d'affaires) is, that whilst Book Packets are to consist of printed matter, Commercial Papers are wholly or partly written by hand. They must not be of the nature of an actual or personal correspondence.

53.-Commercial Papers are such papers as the following:-printers' copy, authors' manu- script; press copies of any documents not letters; law papers; deeds; bills of lading; invoices insurance papers; copied music; &c. The rate is the same as for Books, but no packet of commercial papers, whatever its weight, is charged less than five cents. Stamps of any kind, whether obliterated or not, or any papers representing monetary value, such as coupons, drafts, lottery tickets, &c., must be sent at letter rates.

    54. Any one Commercial Paper in a Book Packet exposes the whole packet to the above rule as to minimum charge. With this exception all kinds of Printed matter and Patterns may be enclosed in one packet and forwarded at Book rates.

    55.--Commercial Papers are subjected to all the conditions of Book Pust as to the ends of the Packet being open, liability to examination, hours of closing, late fees, &c.


   56.-A newspaper is a printed paper containing news. It must not exceed four ounces in weight, or it is liable to an additional rate of postage. It may be prepaid as a book at the option of the sender. The union rate of postage is 2 cents each.

57.-A bundle of newspapers may be prepaid at so much each (and each one must count, however small) or the whole may be paid at book rate.

    58.-Two newspapers must not be folded together as one, nor must anything whatever bo inserted except bona fide supplements of the same paper, and same date. Printed matter may, however, be enclosed if the whole be paid at book rate.

    59.-A newspaper must be open at the ends. If it contain any written communication whatever it will be charged as a letter. It should be folded with the title outwards.

Prices Current and Circulars.

    60.-A circular is a communication of which copies are addressed, in identical terms or nearly BO, to a number of persons. It may be either written or printed, or partly written and partly printed. A price current or circular may be paid as a newspaper or as a book.

61.-A bundle of prices current or circulars may be paid as so many newspapers (each one counting) or the whole may be paid at book rate. The Union rate of postage is 2 cents each. For Natal and the Cape, 5 cents.

62.-Prices Current or Circulars forwarded in closed envelopes with the corners cut off, or with notched ends, are charged letter rates, as they are not really open to inspection.

63.-Prices Current and Circulars arriving in such large quantities as to retard the delivery of the mails are allowed to stand over till there is time to deal with them.

Requests for Redirection.

    64.-Requests for the redirection of correspondence, or to have it stopped in Hongkong, must be in writing. The precise address of the correspondence must be given.

65.-Requests should also state whether private letters or those for the writer's firm are required, and to how many mails the request applies.

    66. When the correspondence is required in Hongkong an address must be given to which it may be sent. Under no circumstances will it be delivered at the Post Office windows. If the applicant persists in applying for it instead of waiting till it is sent to him, his request will be cancelled.

    67.--No notice can be taken of requests sent in after any Mail is signalled with reference to that particular Mail.

68.--Requests of a complicated nature cannot be entertained.

    69.-Correspondence directed to care of boxholders in Hongkong must, without exception, be delivered as addressed.

    70.-Every request is understood to refer to letters only; papers will not be intercepted unless special reasons be shewn to the satisfaction of the Postmaster General.

71.-There is no charge for re-direction of sufficiently prepaid correspondence. 72.-The marine officers are not allowed to deliver correspondence at Singapore.

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73.-Letters for a firm will not be intercepted without the written authority of that firm. 74.-Correspondence from the Continent for Northern Ports by French packet cannot be intercepted, nor can that for Yokohama by any Mail.

      75.-No request is acted on for more than three months, at the end of which time the correspondence resumes its usual course.


Postage Stamps.

76.-Hongkong Postage Stamps of the following values can be purchased and are available any British Post Office or Agency in Hongkong or China :-

2 cents.






80 "

50 cents.

1 Dollar.

2 Dollars.



Post Cards-

1 cent. 3 cents.

      77.-Postmasters and Agents are allowed (but not required) to purchase Hongkong Postage Stamps from foreign residents.

      78.-The Stamps tendered for sale must not exceed $50 in value, must be perfectly clean, and in good condition. They must be presented personally or accompanied by a note.

      79. The Postmaster or Agent is allowed to charge a commission of one per cent. on all stamps purchased.

      80.-Boxholders are at liberty to mark their Postage Stamps on the back or face, or by perforation so as to prevent their being stolen. It the mark be on the face, it must be such as not to interfere with the clean appearance of the stamp.

      81.-Correspondence will not be stamped at the Post Office and charged to a boxholder's account, except as provided by the Local Postage regulations (see paragraph 100)).

Money Orders.

82.-Money Orders are issued at Hongkong and Shanghai on the following countries and




Azores Is.




*Cape Colony.






*Falkland Is.



*Germany. *Gibraltar. *Gold Coast.





*Honduras (Br.)








*Malta. *Mauritius.



New South Wales. *New Zealand.


North Borneo.


Port Darwin. *Portugal.

Queensland. *S. Helena. *Seychelles. Shanghai.

*Sierra Leone.

South Australia. Straits Settlements. Swatow.




UNITED KINGDOM. United States.


Western Australia.

West Indies (British, Danish, and Dutch).

       83.-Orders on the Countries marked * are forwarded through the London Post Office, and are paid less a small discount of about 2d. in the £1, for which the remitter should allow. All such orders must be expressed in British currency, and cannot be drawn for any smaller sum than 6d.


84.-The commission charged is as follows (according to the currency the Order is drawn

Up to £ 2, or $10, or Up to £ 5, or $25, or Up to £7, or $35, or Up to £10, or $50, or Up to


20 Rupees........ 50 Rupees..... 70 Rupees... 100 Rupces... 150) Rupees...

0.20 cents.

0.40 cents.

0.60 cents.

0.80 cents. .$1.00.

85.-No Order must exceed £10 or $50 (unless drawn on India, when 150 Rupees is the limit), nor will more than two such Orders be issued to the same person, in favour of the same payee, by the same mail.

      86.-Money Orders on the United Kingdom for even sums not exceeding £5 are granted by means of Postal Notes, as to which see below.

87.-Sums not exceeding $50 may be remitted between the Ports of China by means of Postage stamps, subject to a charge of one per cent. for cashing them, or Money Orders can be granted at Hongkong or Shanghai on Ports where there are Agencies of the Hongkong Post Office.

Postal Notes.

88.-POSTAL NOTES of the values named below, payable within three months at any Post Office in the United Kingdom, or at Constantinople, can be obtained at Hongkong or at any

+ By means of Postal Notes only.

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British Post Office in China (except Hoihow) at the following prices, which include com mission :--

1/- 1/6


10/ 20/-

33 cents. 50 19




All money orders on the United Kingdom for even sums not exceeding £5 applied for at Hong- kong or Shanghai will be issued by means of these Notes.

   89.-The purchaser of any Postal Note must fill in the Payee's name before parting with it. He may also fill in the name of the Office where payment is to be made. If this is not done the note is payable (within three months) anywhere in the United Kingdom, or at Constantinople. Any Postal Note may be crossed to a Bank.

   90.-Postal Notes should always be forwarded in Registered Covers. If this precaution is not taken NO ENQUIRIES WHATEVER will be made as to the loss or alleged loss of any Note.

91.-Postal Notes issued in the United Kingdom are not payable in Hengkong or China.

Private Boxes.

   92.-Private Boxes may be rented in the offices at Hongkong and Shanghai. The fee is $10 a year payable in advance.

   93.-Each boxholder is supplied with an account book free, but must himself provide at least two stout bags (Shanghai firms require four) marked with his name in English and Chinese on both sides. Chinese Nankin makes the best bags for this purpose. They should be without strings, but have a couple of iron rings at the mouth for suspending. Boxholders should insist on their coolies returning these bags to the Post Office as soon as emptied, or at any rate not later than next morning. The only safe way to empty a bag is to turn it inside out.

   94.-Each boxholder's coolie must be provided with a stout ticket or badge of wood, metal or pasteboard, bearing his employer's name in English and Chinese. This will enable him to obtain letters whenever a mail arrives.

   95.-The advantages of renting a box are many. It secures a quicker and more accurate delivery of correspondence. Unpaid letters are delivered to boxholders without the delay of demanding payment, change, &c., as they are charged to his account. The boxholders of Hong- kong and Shanghai send bags down in the mail steamer to be filled by the marine officer. Box- holders are allowed to post their letters in sealed hores, and to mark their Postage Stamps. They receive free copies of all notices issued by the Post Office, Tables of Rates, &c. Many inconveniences are saved to them by the facility for charging their accounts with small deficiencies of postage, when there is no time to return a short-paid letter. This, however, is only done as an exception, when the letter cannot go on unpaid, no boxholder being allowed to make a practice of sending short-puid correspondence, or letters to be stamped. Boxholders are also allowed certain privileges as to posting local correspondence unstamped (see paragraph 100).

   96.-Boxholders' books are sent out for settlement on the first day of each month, and should be returned promptly. As a general rule no information can be given as to the corres pondence charged in these accounts, where it came from, &c. There is only one way to obtain such information, and that is to file the covers of all unpaid correspondence received. Entries On Board are for unpaid correspondence dealt with by the Marine Officer on his way up from Singapore.

Local Delivery.

97.-Local delivery is governed by the following general rules :-

98.-All correspondence posted before 5 P.M. on any week day for addresses in Victoria will be delivered the same day, and generally within two hours, unless the delivery should be retarded by the contract mails.

   99.-Invitations, &c., can generally be delivered within Victoria at the private houses of the addressees rather than at places of business, if a wish to that effect be expressed by the sender, otherwise no delivery is attempted at any private house (even though named in the address) when there is a place of business nearer at which delivery can be effected, nor at the Peak, Kowloon, Aberdeen, &c., nor on board ship.

   100.-Boxholders who desire to send Circulars, Dividend Warrants, Invitations, Cards, &c., all of the same weight, to addresses in Hongkong, or the Ports of China, may deliver them to the Post Office unstamped, the postage being then charged to the sender's account. Each batch must consist of at least ten. Such local letters may exceed oz. in weight, and are charged 2 cents per ounce. Special accounts can be opened (even with non-boxholders) for the delivery of considerable numbers of unstamped local letters (such as Invitations, &c.) all of the same weight.

101.-Boxholders may also send Patterns to the same places in the same way. Envelopes containing Patterns may be wholly closed if the nature of the contents be first exhibited or stated to the Postmaster General, as he may consider necessary, and approved by him. Printed Circulars may be inserted in such Pattern Packets.

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102.-Addresses must be complete. That is to say, on such covers as are not addressed to heads of houses, the addressee's residence or place of business must be added. If this be not done the correspondence will be returned to be fully addressed.

Rates of Postage.

103.-Rates of Postage in Hongkong, and at British Post Offices in China :-




















Between Hongkong, Canton and Macao. (e.)

and for local del very






To China or from China to Hongkong......(c.),\


" Corea,

" Japan,




" Siam direct

Philippine Islands




" Tonquin

To Australia



New Zealand












To Natal and Cape Colony............







To all other places.........







(a.) COMMERCIAL PAPERS are documents wholly or partly written by hand, not being letters, such as Invoices,

Deeds, Copied Music, &c. All packets of and under 4 oz. weight are charged 5 cents each.

  (b.) REGISTRATION IN CHINA extends to Hoihow, Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, Shanghai, and Hankow only. (c) Prepayment is compulsory.

(d.) Letters for Siam vid Singapore, 10 cents per helf ounce.

(e) Not to exceed 4 oz. in weight, otherwise the rate is per 4 oz. for newspapers, and per 2 os. for other printed matter. (f.) Cannot be sent to Countries not in the Postal Union.

Parcel Post.

104.-A Receipt will be given for each Parcel. 105.-TO THE United Kingdom and British Colonies, &c.









    Hongkong, China, Japan, Corea, Siam, Straits Settlements, Burmah, Ceylon,




India, t





United Kingdom, við Gibraltar only........







2 ft. by 1 ft., by 1 ft.

do., and not smaller than 3 in, by 2 in., by 2 in. 3 ft. 6 in. long, or 8 ft. in greatest length and girth combined.

Opium. Do.



(viå London)



Bahamas Is.




British Guiana




British Honduras,



Cape Colony.











Newfoundland .............


Bt. Helens......








Windward and Leeward Is.,†



Barbados, Trinidad






88 8 8 83 2 8888888



Tobacco, except for per- [sonal use. Copyright [Books.

Specie or ostrich feathers.



















Coins, Tobacco.

Letters, Arms and Am.


Letters, gold or silver, [ostrich feathers.

Books copyright in the [United Kingdom, Arms, munitions of war, [Tobacco, Opium pipes.




2 ft. by 1 ft. by 1 ft.


2 ft. long, or 4 ft. in length and girth combined,


* To Cape Town itself. 11 lb.

† Antigus, Montserrat, S. Kitts, Nevis, Dominica, Virgin Is.; Grenada, 8. Lucia, 8. Vincent, Tobago. ↑ And Indian Offives, vis1 Aden, Bagdad, Bunder Abas, Busrah, Bushire, Guadar, Jask, Kashmir,

Linga, Muscat, Zanzibar.

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106.-To the United Kingdom and Places beyond.-Parcels are forwarded by P. & 0. packet only, and arrive in London about 8 days later than the Mail. No further charge is made on delivery except for Customs Dues. A Declaration of Contents and Value is required with each Parcel, except for the places the names of which are printed in italics. The form is supplied free.

Duties in the United Kingdom.


6/0 per lb.

Silver Plate. 1/6 per oz. Troy= 1/5 per oz. avoir.

Gold Plate. 17/0 Oz. Troy=15/9 per oz. avoir. Tex 6d. per lb.

No duties are charged on Watches, Jewellery, Personal Ornaments, nor on any gold or silver articles not describable as Plate. Plate, however, includes such articles as Silver Match Boxes, Cigar Cases, Mounts for Sticks, Studs, Buttons, Buckles, and Belts or Necklets under certain conditions. Duties cannot be prepaid by the sender.

   107.-To India.--By P. & O. and Indian Mail packet only. A declaration of Contents and Value is required. The form is supplied free.


Coins, arms, ammunition, më-

dicines, plants, vines, gold, silver, jewellery, lace. Letters. Lottery Tickets. Letters. Letters.

Letters. Lottery Tickets and


Letters, medicines, coins, to- bacco, vines, gold, silver, jewellery, lace.




0 to 2 lb.

2 to 6 lb. 6 to 11 lb.

0 to 11 lb.

$ 0.


Algeria and Corsica, §












Congo Free State,..






























Italy, (vid France) §



Italy, (vid Germany)














Portugal, (Continental),.

1 50








 Switzerland, Tunis, §










Letters. Plants with roots,

vines or part of vines, so- cialistic books.


Latters, tobacco plants, arms,

chemical compounds, lint.



Letters, ma'erials for gunpow. der, plants, arms, tobacco. Letters.

Letters. Manufactured Gold or Silver if alloyed. Drugs, except to specialists,

Arms, ammunition, tobacco, plants, vines, gold, silver, jewellery, lace.

Parcels must not exceed 2 ft. in length, or 4 ft. in length and girth combined. Parcels for Smyrna may be 3 ft. 6 in. long, or 6 ft, in length and girth combined. 109.-Parcels must not exceed 2 feet in length, breadth, or depth. Those intended for the German Packet must be so directed.

   110.-Each Parcel must be sealed in such a way as to render it impossible that it should be opened without detection. The sender must supply a declaration of the nature, value, and net weight of the contents, and of the gross weight of the Parcel. The printed form for this declara- tion can be obtained at the Post Office. The package must not be of a fragile nature.

   111.-A small charge, not exceeding six cents, may be made for Custom House purposes on the delivery of the parcel. Except Customs dues, this is the only charge the addressee will have to pay.

   112. GENERAL RULES.-Parcels must be posted before 3 p.m. on the working day next before the departure of the Packet.

   113.-Parcels may be sealed, but any parcel, even though sealed, is liable to be opened for examination. Dangerous or perishable goods, opium, articles likely to injure the maile, liquids (unless securely packed), and fragile packages are prohibited. No parcel must exceed $250 in value. A Parcel may contain a letter to the same address as that of the Parcel itself, (except in cases where enclosure of letters is prohibited) or another Parcel to that address, but no other enclosure. Declarations of Contents must be complete and accurate. Everything in the Parcel should be entered. False declarations expose the Parcel to the risk of confiscation.


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Purchasing Tea, Raw Silk, Opium, and Cotton ...

Purchasing Tea, Raw Silk, Opium, and Cotton if as returns for Goods sold

Purchasing Bullion

Purchasing all other Goods and Produce, Ships, and Real Estate

Selling Tea, Raw Silk, Opium, and Cotton

    Selling all other Goods and Produce, Ships, and Real Estate Inspecting Silk or Tea

Guaranteeing Sales and Remittances when required...

Guaranteeing Sales alone


Drawing or indorsing Bills of Exchange

Drawing or negotiating Bills of Exchange without recourse

Realizing Bullion or Bills of Exchange


Remitting the proceeds of Bullion or Bills of Exchange Paying and Receiving Money in current account

Paying Ships' Disbursements






3 per cent. 24




























Collecting Freight

Obtaining Freight or Charter

Obtaining Freight or Charter and collecting same freight

Adjusting Insurance Claims

Effecting Insurance; on the insured amount...



Prosecuting or defending successfully claims either at law or by arbitration

Prosecuting or defending unsuccessfully

Managing Estates and Collecting Rents...

Transhipping and Forwarding Jewellery and Bullion

Transhipping and Forwarding Opium

Landing or Transhipping Cargo ...

Goods withdrawn or re-shipped

Granting letters of credit


Brokerage on Bills and Bullion, buying and selling

Brokerage on Produce and general Merchandise

Ship Brokerage



Brokerage on Shares, on subscribed capital of up to $250...




over $250






6 24













$3 per chest. half commission.

1 per cent.

per cent. from seller.



cent. from consignees.

$ per share from each party.




The foregoing Rates to be exclusive of Shroffage at the Rate of $1 per mil, and Brokerage when paid.



Purchasing Tea

Purchasing all other Goods and Produce, Ships, and Real Estate

Selling Cotton and Goods

Selling Opium

Selling all other Goods and Produce, Ships, and Real Estate

Inspecting Tea

21 per cent.



8 1.

$10 per chest. 5 per cent.


Guaranteeing Sales and Remittances when required

Guaranteeing Sales alone

Drawing or indorsing Bills of Exchange..

Drawing or negotiating Bills of Exchange without recourse

Realizing Bullion or Bills of Exchange .

Remitting the proceeds of Bullion or Bills of Exchange

Paying and receiving Money in current account

Paying Ships' Disbursements

Collecting Freight















Obtaining Freight or Charter

Adjusting Insurance Claims

Effecting lusurance; on the insured amount...

Prosecuting or defending successfully claims either at law or by arbitration

Prosecuting or defending unsuccessfully


Managing Estates and Collecting Rent

Landing or Transhipping Cargo

Transhipping and Forwarding Opium

Goods withdrawn or re-shipped




$8 per chest.

half commission.

Granting letters of credit


1 per cent.



Produce and general Merchandise

Brokerage on Bills and Bullion, buying and selling...


per cent. from seller.


The foregoing Bates to be exclusive of Shroff age at the Rate of $1 per mil, and Brokerage when paid.

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Purchasing Tea, Raw Silk, Opium, and Cotton.......






if as returns for gooɑs sold...

all other Goods and Produce, Ships, and Real Estate.... Bullion

    Do. Stocks, Shares, Debentures, and other Public Securities.. Selling Tea, Raw Silk, Opium, and Cotton........

Do. all other Goods and Produce, Ships, and Real Estate

Do. Stocks, Sbares, Debentures, and other Public Securities Inspecting Silk or Tea...

Guaranteeing Sales or Remittances, when required.


do. alone.....

Du. Native Bank orders received in payment for Goods.

Drawing, indorsing, or negotiating Bills of Exchange, on approved Bills secured by Credits or


Realizing Bullion or Bills of Exchange

Remitting the proceeds of Bullion or Bills of Exchange

Paying and receiving Money in current account

Do. Ships' Disbursements.......

Collecting inward Freight

Obtaining Freight or Charter, including Brokerage



Entering and/or Clearing

and collecting same Freight, including Brokerage

(No charge if the commissions exceed Tls. 100)

Adjusting Insurance Claims

Effecting Insurance; on the insured amount

Taking up Bottomry Bonds

Prosecuting or Defending, successfully, Claims, either at Law or by Arbitration, on amount


Prosecuting or Defending unsuccessfully, on amount claimed

Proving claims, collecting and remitting Dividends on amount proved..............

per cont.




























Tls. 100.

24 per cent.







Managing Estates and Collecting Renta

Transhipping and Forwarding Jewellery and Bullion....................

Landing or Transhipping Cargo

Selling Cargo ex Ships put into port Damaged

Transhipping or Forwarding Opiau.

Goods withdrawn or re-shipped..............

Granting Letters of Credit

Interest on cash advances



..Tls. 8 per chest. half commission. 1 per cent. 12 D

The foregoing rates to be exclusive of Shroffage, 1 per mil., and Brokerage, when paid; unless otherwise stated.

Brokerage on Bills and Bullion


Do. selling Produce, Metals, and General Merchandize*.

Ship Brokerage for negotiating and completing Charters


procuring cargo

Brokerage on Shares, Stocks, Debentures, and other Public Securities .........

* Brokerage to be paid only on Goods sotually delivered.

per cent. from seller.



from consignees.



from seller.




TEA.-BLACK.-Rattans, Mending and Marking....



and Matting.

Boat and Coolie Hire

Cands. 10

Chests, }-cheats, Bozes,

6 •

40 25





Godown Rent


Boat and Coolie Hire....

Godown Rent .

Marking, Mending, Matting and Rattaning

SILK.-Packing and Marking, per bale....









Boat and Coolie Hire


or for all Tls. 1.2.5

Godown Rent



Fire Insurance

..................................................................................................................................... per cent.

Postages and Petties


¡Municipal Dues, as charged by the Municípal Council.

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AT THE ANNUual General Meeting held 8th April, 1878.



Landing Charges, Boat and

Godown Kout


1st mon th

Coolie Hire.

lst month.

per month.

Cotton and Fancy Goods, per bale of 50 pieces................


Spanish Stripes and Camlets...

    Long Ells, Lustres, Orleans, and Lastings Velvets and Velveteens

Wines and Stores

Lead, Iron, and other Metals


Sugar, Rice, Paper, Pepper, and Seaweed.. Sapanwood and Sandalwood










⚫per piece,





.per case








r picul,







per tub,


Window Glass

Raw Cotton

.per piculs, .per box, ..per bale,







Coale and Landing Charges and storing Flints not exceeding month, per ton

Exceeding 1 month, per tou,

Fire Insurance, 4 per cent. for first month.

Municipal Dues, as charged by the Municipal Council.

3 mace.


per month.




Including One Month's Storage.

Each Succeeding Month.

Landing charges, boat and coolie hire, labour and storage in Godowns, Tis,




and Wharfage.......

On Cotton Goods-15 pieces and under per bale, per piece.


On Cotton Goods-50 pieces and under per bale, per piece On Woollens



Sugar, Iron, Straits, Japanese, and Chinese produce, and Glass, per picul or






Coal per ton




Coal per ton, open air






Tea 1-chest..........


Paper small packages, per picul

Paper large packages, per picul






8 5

Commission on sales of all Imports, except Opium, 8 per cent........

Opium,-Taels 20 per chest, including all charges





Boat and coolie hire for 10 pieces Beaucake......

Boat and coolie hire for 1 shee (8 pieces) Peas

Chow-chow cargo in proportion.








Commission 5 per cent. on gross amount of Invoice, in all cases except where goods are sent as a remittance,

Procuring Freight, 5 per cent.

in such cases 3 per cent.

Advancing funds to vessels, 5 per cent.

Collecting freight on account of Charters, 1

per cent.

Remitting freight on account of Charters, 1 per cent.

For transacting business for vessels on Chinese charter :-

Cargo to Captain, Taels 25.

Cargo to Native, Taels 50 for vessels under 5,000 piculs capacity-Taels 100 for above that capacity, but it is understood that captains of vessels seeking a freight here choose a consignee, and that no final settlement of charter-party shall take place except through that consignee.

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I-In Victoria, with two bearers.

Half hour, 10 cents; One hour, 20 cents; Three hours, 50 cents; Six hours, 70 cents.

Day (6 A.M. to 6 P.M.) $1.

If the trip is extended beyond Victoria, half fare extra.

II.-Beyond Victoria, with four bearers.

Hour, 60 cents; Three hours, $1.00; Six hours, $1.50; Day (6 A.M. to 6 P.M.), $2.00.


(With single driver).

Quarter hour, 5 cents; Half hour, 10 cents; Hour, 15 cents; Every subsequent hour, 10 cents.

    NOTE. Victoria extends from Mount Davis to Causeway Bay and up to the level of Robinson Road. If the vehicle is discharged beyond these limits half tare extra is to be allowed for the return journey. Extra bearers or drivers or drivers and extra hours to be paid proportionate sums.

Cargo Boats.

1st Class Cargo Boat of 800 piculs and upwards 2nd Class Cargo Boat under 800 and not less than 450 piculs 3rd Class Cargo Boat under 450 and not less than 100 piculs 4th Class Cargo Boat under 100 piculs..


1st Class Boat upwards of 40 feet in length, per day of 12 hours 2nd Class Boats from 30 to 40 feet in length, per day of 12 hours

All other Boats, per day of 12 hours

All Boats, per hour with 2 passengers

All Boats, per half hour with 2 passengers

per day. per load.














For each extra passenger 5 cents for half-an-hour, 10 cents per hour. Between sunset and sunrise 5 cents extra per passenger.

SCALE OF HIRE for Street CoolIES.

One day, 33 cents; Half-day, 20 cents; Three hours, 12 cents; One hour, 5 cents; Half-hour, 3 cents. Nothing in the above scale is to affect private agreements.



Lat. N.


   Cape 22° 12′ 15. D'Aguilar.

Miles visible



Order and above H.W. appearance

Long. E. 114° 15′ 45′′.

Fixed White.

stone tower

23 Miles.

painted White.

198 feet.

Dioptric 1st Order.

Obscured on several bearings by Islanda.

Hongkong White between N.N.W.

Island. Cape Collinson.

& S.8.E., Red to the

westward between S.S.E. & N.N.W.

Fixed Red and White.

8 miles.

200 feet.

Dioptric 6th Order.

Green Is- land.

Fixed Light, Red when bearing from 8. & F. -E. through E. to N. & E E. Green between the Hon kong barings of N. & E. -E. and N.W. also Green between the bearings of 8. & E. f-E. and S.S.W. ¿-W. re- maining 111o the Light is obscured.


14 miles.

95 feet.

Dioptric 4th Order.


    1st.-Quick alarm Bell for 5 minutes. 1 Stroke for Eastern district, East of Murray Barracks. 2 Strokes Ceutral distriot from Murray Barracks to the Harbourmaster's. ́3 Strokes, Western distriot.

      OBSERVATORY METEOROLOGICAL SIGNALS AND STORM-WARNINGS. METEOROLOGICAL Signals will be hoisted on the mast in front of the Police Barracks at Kowloon Point :-

A red drum indicates the existence of a typhoon in the China Sea to the East of the Colony. A red cone, pointing upwards, indicates that a typhoon exists in a latitude more northern than the Colony, or, that it is progressing towards North.

A red cone, pointing downwards, indicates that a typhoon exists in a latitude more southern then the Colony, or that it is progressing towards South.

A red ball indicates the existence of a typhoon somewhere to the West of the Colony.

Local Storm-WARNINGS are given by firing the gun placed at the foot of the mast. It will be fired one round whenever a strong gale of wind is expected. It will be fired two rounds whenever the wind is expected to blow with storm or typhoon force, and it will be fired again, if possible, when the wind is likely to shift round suddenly.

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Chinese weights are mostly decimal. Although English weights and measures are used to a considerable extent in trade with foreigners, being legalised in Hongkong for that purpose, the following are also recognised by Ordinance 22 of 1844:-

10 li 10 fan

10 tsin

16 leung 100 kan

120 kan

1 li = 1 fan,

1 tsin,


or cash

or candareen

or mace

1 leung, or tael

1 kan, or catty = 1 tầm, or picul = 1 shek, or stone



·0013 oz. avoir. ;0133 oz. avoir.

•1333 oz. avoir.

1 oz. avoir.* 1} lb. avoir. lb. avoir.


- 160 lb. иvoir.

The words candareen, mace, tael, catty, pical, are no Chinese.

     Almost all commodities, even liquids, are sold by the above weights amongst Chinese.


English measures are legal, but so are also the following Chinese:-

10 fan

1 tsün,

10 tsün

1 chek,

10 chek

or inch or foot

1 ch'eung or fathom


about 1.41 English inch. about 14.1 English inch. 4 yards (nearly).

The Treaty of Tientsin fixes the ch'eung at 141 English inches.

1 li, or mile

mile English.

10 li = I pò, or league = 3 miles English (about).

Land is measured by the mau or acre, equal to about of an English acre.


     This is almost entirely represented by weights of silver, accounts being kept in leung, tsin, fan, and li (taels, mace, and candareens) as given above. Their values may be taken to be the following:-

1 li

or casht

1 fan or candareen

.06d, or Ad. .6d. or jd.

1 tsin or mace 1 leung or tael

= 6d. = 58.

Not one of these weights is represented by any coin, unless we may take the cash to represent the value of a li of silver.

     Silver is used uncoined, in ingots or shoes, sometimes called sycee; small sump are paid in what is called broken silver. At the Treaty Ports this generally consiste of the fragments of Mexican or Spanish dollars, hammered to pieces by the Shroffs in their process of chopping. This broken silver is weighed by means of small steel- yards called li-tang.

Cash may be said to be the only coin of China. The Chinese call them tein. They are bronze coins, not unlike thin farthings with a square hole in the centre for stringing together. The Hongkong Government cash or mils are smaller, and the hole is round. The value of cash fluctuates greatly, and is very much a matter of bargain. About 1,200 to a Mexican dollar is an average quotation.


A legal tender in Hongkong consists of Hongkong or Mexican dollars; 20, 10, or 5 cent silver pieces to an amount not exceeding two dollars; or bronze cents or mils to an amount not exceeding one dollar. Japanese yen, American, Spanish, and South American dollars are also in circulation, and the 10 and 20 cent pieces of the Straits Settlements, which are accepted indifferently with those of Hongkong. Japanese small coin is also accepted at a small discount.

The value of the dollar during 1887 ranged from 3s. 1d. to 3s. 4d. sterling. Mexican dollars weighed at 7.1.7. mean coins which contain 7 mace, 1 candareen, and 7 li of silver (see weights given above). Clean coins of this weight command a premium, lighter ones are taken at a discount.

• The Tael actually in use is 1.351 oz.

†The li when representing weight is never spoken of as a cash, but probably the original value of a cash was 1 li of pure silver,


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   The Hongkong bronze coinage is always more or less at a discount, which has sometimes been as high as 30 per cent. in the case of cents, and 50 per cent. in the case of cash. Servants avail themselves of this discount to make a profit whenever they are entrusted with silver for purchasing anything that can be paid for in copper.

Kwam-me 1 Hiyaku-me

1 Momme

1 Fun



1 Shi

1 Hiyak-kin

1 Kin

= 1,000 Momme = 100 Momme

10 Fun

10 Rin

10 Mo

10 Shi




8.2817077001 lbs. avoir. = 0.8281707700 lbs. avoir. =

0.0082817077 lbs. avoir.

0.0008281708 lbs. avoir.

0.0000828171 lbs. avoir.

0.0000082817 lbs. avoir.

0.0000008282 lbs. avoir.









0.037565217 grammes.

0.0037565217 grammes. 0.00037565217 grammes.

grammes. grammes.

100 Kin

= 132.5073232011 lbs. avoir. = 60104.3472

1.3250732320 lbs. avoir.


160 Momme Apothecaries Weight.-1 Biyo

1 Jo = 10 Shaku 1 Shaku = 10 Sun 1 Sun = 10 Bu


601.043472 4 Momme = 0.0402583013 lbs. troy. DRY MEASURE.




about 4 yards 5 inches English. about I foot 2 inches English. about 14 inches.



English miles.

1 Ri

= 36 Cho

1 Cho

= 60 Ken

1 Ken

= 6 Shaku

119.305 English yards.

5.9653 English feet.


   The Japanese yen and sen are identical in value with the Mexican dollar and cent. The silver yen is the standard coin.


4 P'eis

2 Fu'ang

4 Sálững: 4 Bäts

20 Tämlü'ngs

50 Ch'ängs

100 Häps


make 1 Fu'ang

$0 076.


1 Sálü'ng



Bät or Tical










1 Hấp

1 Tära

2,400.000. 24,000.000.



   The standard of weight being the coin of the country, weights are designated by the same terms. A Tical weighs 236 grains Troy.

The Siamese standard of weight is just double that of the Chinese, and goods are bought and sold in Bangkok more by the Chinese than the Siamese standard.



1 Niw 12 Niws


1 K'ú'p

2 K'ú'ps

1 Säwk


4 Säwks

1 Wah


20 Wahs

1 Sën

400 Sëns

1 Yot




9 inch.

19 inch.

78 inch.

130 feet.

93 statute miles.

Note.-Timber is bought by the Yök, which is 64 Säwk in length, by 1 Säwk in width=36,864 Siamese iuches, being equivalent to 169 square feet.

1 Tänan.......



20 Tänans make 1 Táng

Note.-A Keean is 20 Piculs.


1 pints. 25 Tänans

make 1 Sat

1 Keean (Coyan.)


15 pints. 100 Tángs or 80 Sat

A Picul is 133 lbs. A Picul is 133 lbs. avoirdupois.

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From London by sea,

vid Marseilles.

London (Tilbury)

295 Plymouth

vid Ply Direct mouth



1349 1054 Gibraltar

694 Marseilles


2330 2035



3578 3215


825 Alexandria

From Alexan-

dria by Sea.

980 155 Port Said

3265 2970 1916 1585 935

·Through Canal Alexandria to thro' Suez by Rail. | Canal. 3665 3302 3352 3067 2003 1872 1022 1045 220 87 4973 4810 4860 4365 3311 2980 2330 2353 1528 1395 8637 6274 6324 6029 4975 4844 3991 4017 3192 7068 6703 6753 6158 5404 5073 4423 4418 3621 7878 7313 7363 7088 6014 5683 5033 5056 4231 8146 8083 8133 7838 6784 8453 5803 5826 6001





1308❘ Aden






Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company.

3059 2972 1664 Bombay

3488 3401 2093 875 Colombo 4098❘ 4011 2703 1485 6 610 | Madras

4868 4781 3473 2255


770 Calcutta

Via Colombo.

5724❘ 4899 4766 4679 3371 2153 1278 1888 2658 Penang 8105 5280 5147 5060 3752 2534 1669 2269 3039 381 Singapore 6497 5189 3971 3096 3706 4176 1818 1437 Hongkong 7367 6059 4811 3966 4576 5346 2888 2307 870 Shanghai 7504 6266 6038 4163 4773 5543 2885 2601 1067 7953 6645 5427 4552 5162 5932 3274 2893 1456 8299 6991 5773 4898 5508 6278 3620 3239 1802

7981 8031 7736 6682 6351 6701 8362 8412 8117 7063 8732 6052 9799 98-19 9554 8500 8109 7619 7542 6717 8584 11032 10669 10719 10424 9370 9039 8389 8412 7587 7454 11229 10868 10916 10621 9567 9236 8586 8609 7781 7651 11618 11255 11305 11010 9956 9625 8975 8998 8173 8040 11984 11601 11651 11356 10302 9971 9321 9344 8519 8386


389 Hiogo


348 Yokohama

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5th 10th





25th 30th























211 16


6 06/1





















5 48


5 41


5 34



B456 45 45 44 45

9900 COCO∞

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co co co co co co

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366 30 65

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10 10 10 10 10 10























47 49






56 58



































JARNSCSI 8:83*** $3350NX


421 43

6996 CO CO CO C

42 41



35110 33









6366 LO LO LO
































10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1



5 29














6 6 6 6o co co co CO

9 9 9 6666





29th November. 2nd






lesleari ca



















































10 10 10 10 10
















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YEN 6,000,000. 4,500,000, 3,180,000.



R. HARA, Esq.








Interest allowed on Fixed Deposits and also on Current Accounts on its daily balances.

Credits granted on approved securities and every description of Banking and Exchange business transacted.

     Drafts granted on London, Paris, Berlin, St. Petersburg, New York, San Francisco, and other chief commercial places in Europe and America.


Yokohama, January, 1888.

Chief Manager,

Digitized by









3,900,000. 7,500,000.






W. H. F. DARBY, Esq.

W. ́H. FORBES, Esq.



















Chief Manager.


Shanghai-EWEN CAMERON, Esq.






On Current Deposit Accounts at the rate of 2 per cent. per annum on the daily balance

On Fixed Deposits:--

For 3 months, 3 per cent. per annum


4 "




5 ""




   CREDITS granted on approved Securities, and every description of Banking and Exchange business transacted.

   DRAFTS granted on London, and the chief commercial places in Europe, India, Australia, America, China, and Japan.

Hongkong, 1st January, 1888.


Chief Manager.

Digitized by









Incorporated by Royal Charter.






DIRECTORS, 1887-88.




























Scotland (Agents for Deposits).

Edinburgh-Messrs. HOPE, MANN & KIRE, W s.

Glasgow-Messrs. R. & J. HENDERSON.

Dundes-Messra, G. ARMITSTEAD & Co.




Messieurs OFFROY & CO.


·Messrs. Flops & Co.





Berlin & Frankfort.. DEUTSCHE Bank. Bremen Hamburg

Messrs. WIDow J. Lang's Son & Co. Messrs. J. Barenberg GoSSLER & Co. Australia and New Zealand.



Union Bank of Australia, Limited.



BANK OF Nɛw ZealanD.

COLONIAL Bank of New Zealand.

National Bank of New Zealand, LimiTED.

United States and Canada.

New York

Toronto &



Canadian Bank of CoMMERCH.


Bank or British ColuMBIA.

LONDON & SAN Francisco Bank, Limited. Chicago-First National Bank of ChicaGO. Philadelphia-TRADIOMEN'S NATIONAL BANKI.

South Africa.

Standard Bank of South Afriça, LIMITED, BASK OF Africa, Limited.

South America.





Messrs. Luxr, Thomas & Co. BANK OF BENGAL.

Messrs. EsTRINH & Co.


Messrs. Scort & Co.

Alexandria......CREDIT LYONNAIS.


Banca GeneRALE.



"Messrs. A. Campos, Brother & Sor.

Messrs. TAIT & Co.


Messrs. MEURICOffre & Co.


Messrs. Holme, Ringer & Co.


Messrs. A, MABEWALD &.Co.


.Banque d'Escompte d'ODESSE.




‚Messrs. J. F. van LeeuWEN & Co.


Messrs. Piganeau & Fils.


Bres Lacave y Ca.





St. Petersburg.

Messrs. Gro. WɛHRY & Co.

Messrs. BULLOCH BROS. & Co.

Messrs. ALSTons, Scott & Co.


Chittagong. Colombo

ConstantinapláCredit LyonNAIS.




.Sers. Dn. Josk Pastor Y Ca.

Messrs. GRANET, Brown & Co. "Moers. LATHAM & Co.




Leghorn Lyone

        {acassar Madras

Madrid Malaga



.Messrs. J. F. van LezuWEN & CO.

BANK OF Madras

Bros. Væ▲, é Hijo de Dn. A. G. MORENO. .Bres. HIJOS DE Dn. M. A. HIRIDIA ...Messrs. JAMES BELL & Co.

4, QUzen's Road, 1st January, 1888.

Port Said Réunion..


Saigon Samarang

Santander Suet. Smyrna Sicalow



Mesers. Alexandre Macbean & Co. Credit LyoNNAIS.

Messrs. SPEIDEL & CO.




..Capt. W. H. ROBERTS.

Imperial Ottoman Bank.


Messrs. E. MEYER & Co.


Messrs. ALSTON, Low & Co.

Tientsin Trieste..






Messrs. Morpurgo & Parente.

8ree. CARUANA y BнzaRD.

Messrs. 8. & A. BLUMENTHAL & Co.


Anstalt Fur Handel & Ġ1W123].

.Messrs. SMITH, BELL & Co.

"Messrs. HanSING & Co.

T. H. WHITEHEAD, Manager, Hongkong.

Digitized by




New Oriental Bank Corporation,


Incorporated under the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1883.




£2,000,000 500,000







   Credits granted. Remittances, Exchanges, Loans and every description of Banking business transacted.

INTEREST ALLOWED On Fixed Deposit for 12 months On Fixed Deposit for 6 months On Fixed Deposit for 8 months On Current account (daily balances) 2 do.

5 per cent. per annum.

4 do.

8 do.

do. do.



Manager, Hongkong Branch.


The business of the above Bank is conducted by the HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION

At their premises in Hongkong.


On week days Saturdays

10 to 3.

10 to 1.

   Further particulars as to RULES, &c. may be obtained on application at the Bank.

For the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation,


Chief Manager.

Digitized by




British India Steam Navigation Company,









Messrs. BOUSTEAD & Co.

AGENTS IN penang,




     The Steamers of this Company leave Singapore weekly for PENANG, MOULMEIN, RANGOON and Calcutta.

Singapore to Malacca,






Rangoon, Calcutta,



End Class.















Steamers will also leave Singapore occasionally for QUEENSLAND and Austra- LIAN PORTS.

Singapore to Batavia,






Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide,



Cabin. $ 50





2nd Class.












CARGO may be booked through to all Queensland and New Zealand Ports.


265 CABIN, and £42 2nd Class.

     For further particulars regarding other lines in operation see advertisements in the local papers, and for information relating to dates of sailing, rates of passage money, freight, &c., apply to


SINGAPORE, 1st January, 1888.

AGENTS, B. I. S. N. Co., Ld.

Digitized by







The Steamers of the Company, subsidized by H. I. G. M.'s Government, convey Passen- gers and Cargo every 4 weeks to and from the following ports, viz:-

  Bremen, Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Brindisi, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Hiogo, and Nagasaki.

  The above Company has a bi-weekly Service of fast Mail boats plying between Bre- merhaven and New York, and, further, a regu- lar Mail Service between the former port, South America, Australia, etc.,

Particulars regarding dates of sailing, rates of passage money, freight, etc., may be obtained on application at the Office of Messrs. Melchers & Co., Agents for the Company at Hongkong and China.

Digitized by








THE HON. P. RYRIE, (Chairman) THE HON. F. D. SASSOON, (absent) H. L. DALRYMPLE, Esq. (absent). The Hon. A. P. MAĊEWEN

W. H. F. DARBY, Esq.



N. J. EDE, Esq. (absent). DOUGLAS JONES. Esq

..........of Messrs. Turner & Co.







David Sassoon, Sons & Co. BIRLEY, DALRYMPLE & Co. HOLLIDAY, Wise & Co. GIBB, Livingston & Co. SIEMSSEN & CO.

Jardine, MATHESON & Co.




F. H. BELL, Esq...

W. HOWIE, Esq...

DOUGLAS JONES, Esq. (absent) C. W. BAIRD, Esq..



...of Messrs. GIBB, LIVINGSTON & CO.








9, Royal Exchange, E.C.

M. P. JUKES, Esq.



C. W. BAIRD, Esq. (absent) A. J. EASTON, Esq...

.of Messrs. T. A. GIBB & Co.













R. BRIGHT, Esq...


Adelaide Alexandria



E. E. DEAR, Esq.......


Nankivell & Co.

James Hewat, Esq.

Messrs. Tait & Co.


...of Messrs. FANNING & Co.


Manchester Macao

J. P. F. Frensel Wegener. Edouard de Baeker Fils. The New Zealand Insurance Co, Messrs. Windsor, Rose & Co.


Auckland, NZ.















Deacon & Co.





Burt, Myrtle & Co. Gaddum, Bythell & Co. Gibbs, Bright & Co. A. & T. J. Malcolm. F. W. Heilgers & Co. Peirce, Leslie & Co.

Macleod & Co.

Crasemann & Hagen. E. Meyer & Co.

D. M. David, Esq.

Mossrs. Peirce, Leslie & Co.



J. J. Vanderspar & Co. Gibb, Livingston & Co.

Evan MacKenzie, Esq.

Madras Mangalore..









Messrs. Escombe Brothers & Co.





Nagasaki Newchwang New York Ningpo Paris Penang

Point de Galle Rangoon


Deacon & Co.

Gordon, Woodroffe & Co. Alston, Hamilton & Co.

W. F. Stevenson & Co. H. Beau & Co.

Ireland, Fraser & Co. Holme. Ringer & Co. Bush Brothers. Hayward & Tydeman. McCaslin & Co. P. M. F. Plouvies, Esq. Messrs. Boustead & Co.

J. J. Vanderspar & Co. Wm. Strang Steel & Co. Louis Van Houten, Esq. Messrs. Wm. G. Hale à Co. Erdmann & Siclcken.







San Francisco







E. K. Abrahamson & Co.

Page Brothers.

Rus & Co.

Burt, Myrtle & Co.










Nelson & Moritz.



Butterfleld & Swire.



Robert Anderson & Co.


Tait & Co.




Fearon, Low & Co.




Volkart Brothers,



Tellicherry Tientsin



F. Harcourt Williams, Esq.

Messrs. Robert Russell & Co.

Escombe Brothers & Co.

Swatow Sydney

Paterson, Simons & Co.

Butterfeld & Swire.

Gibbs, Bright & Co.

Douglas Lapraik & Co.

Peirce, Leslie & Co. B. Meyer & Co.

Digitized by












400,000 DOLLARS. 612,500 DOLLARS

HON. P. RYRIE, of Messrs. Turner & Co. (Chairman.)


W. H. F. DARBY, Esq., of Messrs. Gibb, Livingston & Co. H. HOPPIUS, Esq., of Messrs. Siemssen & Co.

WM. H. FORBES Esq., of Messrs. Russell & Co.

L. POESNECKER, Esq., of Messrs. Arnhold, Karberg & Co. ST. C. MICHAELSEN, Esq., of Messrs. Melchers & Co.


J. H. Cox, Esq., Hongkong.

ROBT. LYALL, Esq., Hongkong.




























..Messrs. DEACON & Co.

Messrs. BRADLEY & Co.

...Messrs. RUSSELL & Co.


..Messrs. DAVIDSON & Co.


..Messrs. R. ANDERSON & Co.


Messrs. FERGUSSÒN & Co.


.Messrs. HOWELL & Co.


ING Co., Ld.



Messrs. ULYSSE PILA & Co.

Messrs. WM. G. HALE & Co.

Messrs. WINDSOR, ROSE & Co.


.Messrs. A. A. ANTHONY & Co.


Messrs. BINNY & Co.

Messrs. MARTIN, GREIG & Co. Messrs. THE BORNEO Co., Ld. JAS. B. COUGHTRIE, Secretary.

45, Queen's Road, Hongkong, 1st January, 1888.

Digitized by






THE Undersigned, having been appointed Agents to the above Com-

panies at this Port, are prepared to


To the extent of £15,000, with Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance and £10,000 with Phoenix Fire Insurance Company, on Buildings or on Goods stored therein.


The Queen Insurance Company.


THE Undersigned, Agents for the above Company at this port, are

prepared to



To the extent of £10,000, on Buildings or on Goods Stored




Hongkong, 1st January, 1888.


Digitized by







1,000,000 DOLLARS.







QUAN HOI CHUNE, Managing Director.







.Tls. 600,000=$833,333.33.





MARINE RISKS on GOODS, &ʊ., taken at Current Rates to all parts of the world.




HREE well-built GRANITE DOCKS, the largest being 310 by 60 feet, 16 feet of Water on

the Blocks Spring Tides.

A large Stock on hand of all things necessary for REPAIRS and OUTFIT of Iron and Wooden Vessels, Engines, &c.

Extensive SMITHIES, BOILER SHED and FOUNDRY, amply provided with every


A large and perfect MACHINE SHOP.

One of the largest LATHES in China.

Circular SAW MILLS, Powerful ROLLING, PUNCHING and SHEARING MACHINE. A good Staff of Engineers, Blacksmiths, Boilermakers and Moulders, under European supervision.

Charges VERY MODERATE, and MATERIALS of the BEST. ESTIMATES will be given when required.

H. D. BROWN, Managing Director.

Digitized by













W. H. FORBES, Esq.


D. GILLIES, Esq., Secretary.

HE COMPANY'S DOCKS at ABERDEEN, KOWLOON, and TAI-KOK-TSUI are in full working order, and the attention of Captains and Shipowners is respectfully solicited to the advantages which these Establishments offer for Docking and Repairing Vessels. The Company's Six GRANITE DOCKS are the largest in China, capable of docking vessels 150 feet in length, and 23 feet draft of water, and they are fitted with every appliance in the way of Caisons, powerful Steam Pumps, &c., to ensure safety and despatch in work.


The Workshops at Aberdeen, Kowloon and Tai-kok-tsui possess every appliance necessary for the Repairs of Ships or Steam Machinery. The Engineers' Shops are supplied with Lathes, Planing, Screwing, and Punching Machines, &c., &c., driven by steam, and capable of executing work on the largest scale. The Shipwrights' and Blacksmiths' Shops are equally well supplied, and are under the Supervision of experienced Europeans.

A large Saw Mill, fitted with every modern improvement, is now in working order. This New Machinery enables the Company to undertake the building of vessels and execution of all kinds of ships' work at Lower Rates, and with greater despatch than any establishment in the East.

Powerful Lifting Shears with Steam purchase at all their Establishments stand on a Jetty, alongside which vessels can lie drawing 24 feet of water, and take in or but boilers, &c.

The Company, in addition to executing Repairs, are prepared to tender for the construction of New Vessels, either in Iron or Wood; and for supplying new Boilers to Steamships, for executing which they have great facilities.


      Iron and Brass Castings, either for Ships or general purposes, are executed with the utmost despatch.


The Company's large and well selected Stores of Materials necessary for Ship-work will be supplied, when required, at the lowest possible rates.

      The Company's Steam Tug Fame is always in readiness to berth Vessels, and Tow them to er from Sea at moderate Charges.

For further particulars, apply to the Offices of the Company, 14, Praya, Hongkong.

Digitized by










HESE Instruments are specially prepared for the Climate and are offered for Cash at London Prices; no charge being made for Packing, Freight, or Insurance.

To meet the demand for a really Good Piano at a moderate price, arrangements have been made with Messrs. Brinsmead for the manufacture of a special instrument to suit this market. A FINE UPRIGHT PIANO in solid Mahogany or Walnut, with iron frame and all the latest improve- ments is offered for

or it

$300.00 Net Cash,

may be had on hire on the


at $15.00 per month, at the expiration of which period, all instalments having been duly paid, the instrument becomes the absolute property of the Hirer.

We are also prepared to let out on the Two YEARS System the Organs of the MASON AND HAMLIN ORGAN Co. These intruments have had a very large Sale in China, and are in every respect thoroughly adapted to stand the most severe tests of climate. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists on application.


SHANGHAI, The Bund. HONGKONG, Queen's Road.

SINGAPORE, 5, Battery Road. YOKOHAMA, No. 28-Main St

Digitized by





Groceries and Provisions.-This department is supplied monthly with fresh tinned Provisions from Crosse and Blackwell and other first-class preservers, also American Canned Stores by each American Mail; fresh English and Canadian Cheese; Irish and Wiltshire Bacon, and Prime York Hams. (Special Price List sent, post free, on application.)

Wines and Spirits.-Cutler, Palmer & Co.'s:-Sherries, Clarets, Ports, Burgundies' Hocks, Brandies and Whiskies; Adet Seward's Bordeaux Wines. AYALA'S, and Gustave Collins Champagnes; Saccone's Sherries; Brandy, Gin and Rum of various first-class brands. Teacher's Highland Cream Whisky. Clausen's Lager Beer. Porter's celebrated "Bull Dog" brand, Lane, Crawford & Co., special agents; Bass's Draught Ale and Whitbread's Stout in Hogsheads, The_Manilas.-The most perfect Manila Cigar yet imported, Lane, Crawford & Co.'s own brand, also other first class brands in perfect condition.

Outfitting and Hosiery.-Christy's and Ellwood's Felt Hats, Calcutta Pith Sun Hats; Shirts of all kinds, in stock, or made to measure; Undershirts and Drawers in all materials; Half- hose, Cholera-belts, Bathing-drawers, and Bathing Costumes; Ties and Scarves in all leading novel- ties, Handkerchiefs and Collars; Umbrellas, Travelling Rugs and Gentlemen's Sundries of all kinds. Tailoring Department.-This department is under the management of two first-class London Cutters; the newest styles and a perfect fit guaranteed.

   Boots and Shoes,-For walking, evening, Shooting, Cricket, or Lawn Tennis. Glass and China-ware.-Every description of table or ornamental glassware. Dinner, Dessert, and Breakfast Sets in Chinaware of various qualities.

Tinware and Household Sundries.-All kinds of Agateware and other Pots, Pans, Jelly and Cake Moulds, Kettles, Saucepans, Toilet Sets, &c., &c.

Ironmongery.-Every description for Furnishing or Builders' use; Chubb's and Hobb's Locks, English and American Locks and fittings, Chubb's, Phillip's, and Chatwood's Fire Proof Safes.

Lamps.-Kerosine and Colza Oil Reading Lamps; our own special pattern Windproof Lamps fitted with Hinks' duplex burners, Special agents for the Lamp "Belge," 45 candle power, Nursery Lamps, Hand Lamps, &c., &c.

Furnishing and Household Drapery.-Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, Velvet and Sheepskin Hearth Rugs, English and French Tapestries, Cretonnes, Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, Bedding, Household Linen, Furniture-Coverings, and Upholstering of all kinds.

Pianos and American Organs.-By Broadwood, Collard and Čollard, Chappell, and Clough and Warren.

New Music.-The largest stock of Sheet and Book Music in China.

Saddlery, Horse-gear, Leather-goods, Rug-straps, Travelling Trunks, Portfolios, Saddles. Sporting Sundries.-Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, Tennis Bats and Balls, Cricket Bats and Balls, Fencing Foils and Masks, &c., &c.

Statione v.-For office or private use. Office sundries, Account Books, Inks, New Books, Works of Reference, Presentation Books, Winsor and Newton's Colours and Artists' Sundries, &c.

Fancy Department -This department is always well stocked with novelties suitable for Presents and School Prizes.

     Electro-plated Ware.-The largest stock and best assortment in China, both English and American manufacture.


Shipchandlery.-All kinds of stores and fittings for Ships' use. Ships supplied with Estimates given for rigging and sails. The International Anti-fouling and Anti-corrosoin Composition for Ship's bottoms, the most successful yet invented.


Sole Agents for Ayala's Champagne.

Parcel Agency.-Delivering goods to any part of the world.

News Agency.-English and American Newspapers, &c., &c.

Agents for Hall & Holtz Artistic Furniture.

Agents for Letts's Diaries, Chubb's Safes, Teacher's Whisky, (blended for Lane, Crawford & Co.) and Pigou and Wilks' Gunpowder.

A stock of Manila Hardwood always on hand.


Queen's Road and Praya, Hongkong.

Digitized by





Criterion Tiffin, Billiard & Reading Rooms,




MUTTON CHOPS AND MASHED POTATOES Supplied at short notice every day from 10.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. THE BILLIARD


Are fitted with Tables of BEST DESCRIPTION from BURROUGHS & WATTS.


S. C. HODGES, Proprietor.







TIFFIN at 1 o'clock. DINNER at 7.








 1,250 feet above Sea Level, commanding FINE VIEWS of the HARBOUR and CITY, with a Southern exposure; WARM in Winter and a Constant

BREEZE in Summer.


Digitized by







Situate in the healthiest part of the FOREIGN SETTLEMENT has lately been Coм- PLETELY REBUILT and ENTIRELY Newly Furnished.

The adoption, in the re-construction of this HOTEL, of the MOST IMPROVED SANITARY MEASURES, Combined with its commodiousness, have made it a MOST DESIRABLE ABODE for both Tourists and Residents.





at 12 NooN at 7 P.M.

     The comfort of Visitors is guaranteed, the conduct of the Hotel being under the personal supervision of the Proprietress,




Terms (according to accommodation) from $3 per day or $60 per month.






Family and Fancy BREAD, ROLLS, &c., &c. Wedding and Assorted CAKES and PASTRY. Cabin, Ship, and Assorted BISCUITS. Flour, &c. of the best guaranteed quality.


Digitized by




The Eastern Extension,

Australasia & China

Telegraph Co., Ld.

The Great Northern Telegraph Company, of Copenhagen.



EUROPE (except Russia by all routes and Turkey via Kurrachee)


TURKEY (via Kurrachee)





RUSSIA (via Wladiwostock)...

Do. (via Kurrachee) Do. (via Suez I Region). Do. ( do. II do. ). TURKEY and TURKISH IS-

LANDS (via Suez)..








Via Easter n. Northern.



C. $ C.




1 80


* 88 8


8 2333









2 60


I~~~ ~ ~---|-


1388 4 854925


1 65




1 05



ANNAM (via Haiphong)

Do. (via Cape St. James) TONQUIN (via Direst)

Do. (via Cape St. James) LUZON, MANILA.



|Eastern. ||Northern.







I col col coco❤







| | | |













1 04





64 16







3 40


O DI CO OD 00 00

INNSAY 8 | | | 8



1 64 1


Further particulars may be obtained at THE CONPANIES' OFFICES, 17, MARINE HOUSE, QUEEN's RD.

WALTER JUDD, Manager in China.




Hon. P. RYRIE-Chairman.

E. R. BELILIOS, Esq. | Hon. J. BELL-IRVING. | F. A. GOMES, Esq.




Mr. F. A. DA CRUZ, Macao.

| Messrs. DEACON & Co., Canton.



Kiukiang leaves Macao for Hongkong every morning, at 8 A.M.; Returning, leaves Hongkong at 2 P.M.

Honam leaves every alternate day for Canton at 8 a.m.; Returning, leaves Canton at 8.30 a.m.

Fatshan and Powan leave every alternate week day for Canton at 5.30 P.M.; Returning, leave Canton at 5 P.M.

White Cloud leaves Macao for Canton, and vice versa, on alternate days, starting from Macao at 7.30 and Canton at 8 A.M.

Kiungchow laid up.

Digitized by








GAS FITTINGS and GAS COOKING STOVES of all descriptions for Sale or on Hire, at Rates that can be ascertained on application at the

Company's Office.











Other Books by the same Author-





.$ 1.

.75 Cents,

For Sale at MESSES. KELLY & WALSH'S, W. W. BREWER'S, and


Digitized by







Admiralty Charts.

Nautical Instruments,


Bliss' Taffrail Logs.

Imray's Charts,

Nautical Books,


Walker's Taffrail Logs.












Ships Refitted on Moderate Terms.





Digitized by

















A Splendid Collection of the Latest LONDON Patterns, at very moderate prices.













Digitized by















ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED TO CONNOISSEURS, A SPECIALITY. Sole Agents for the World Renowned VICHY WATERS authorized by Government, etc., etc., etc.












Digitized by





No. 62, Queen's Road Central,



Merchant Tailors, Outfitters, Hatters. Hosiers, General Drapers, Chinese Silkmercers, and Perfumers,



Best Quality at Lowest prices for Export Trade.



Canton and Shanghai Gauzes, Crape-Shawls, Silk Dresses, Grass-cloths, Lacquered Ivory and China-Ware, Mother of Pearl, Sandalwood, Curiosities, Ornaments, Inlaid Chairs, Tables, and other Sundries.



JEWELLERS, ENGRAVERS ON STAMPS AND SEALS, &c., &c. No. 90, Queen's Road Central, Hongkong.




Nos. 50 and 51, PRAYA CENTRAL,




92, Queen's Road · Central,



Digitized by










COMMISSION AGENTS, Sole Agents for Hongkong, Swatow, Amoy, Tientsin, and Manila, for F. Mourey's of Marseille, Anti-fouling Paint for Iron vessels.










* TAI YUNE; * Compradore and General Storekeeper,









Digitized by




Has for sale a LARGER, and more COMPLETE


Than any other Establishment in the Empire of China, and has quite recently added to it some NEW SELECTIONS of VIEWS and Photos. of NATIVE TYPES, copies of which are obtainable in his STUDIO or at Messrs. KELLY & WALSH'S.

IVORY MINIATURES of Superior Quality and of Excellent and High Finish. He also undertakes to execute PERMANENT ENLARGEMENTS of PHOTOS.

and VIEWS and to reproduce the same on PAPER, CANVAS, or OPAL.

INSTANTANEOUS VIEWS, GROUPS and PORTRAITS of different sizes are taken in any state of the weather, and all Permanent Processes, such as PLATINOTYPE, CARBON, &c., are executed on MODERATE TERMS.















WING A¥ & CĐ. TAI & CO.,



No. 25, Praya Central.


Digitized by Google











Finest qualities of Teas constantly on hand, for Sale wholesale and retail.







活版並印刷 機械製造所




   We beg to inform the Public that we have added to our business, which has been established twenty years, a PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHING DEPARTMENT, and are prepared to execute all orders entrusted to our care promptly and at cheap rates.

JAPANESE AND CHINESE CHARACTERS:-Letters belonging to the Min and Shin Dynasties

Katakana, Hirakana, Modern characters, and all other descriptions of Type.

FOREIGN CHARACTERS:-Roman, Italic. German, Corean, Indian and all kinds of Jobbing Type.

Also, all sizes of Ornamental Designs, Groundwork, Electro Blocks, &c.

PRESS AND MACHINE DEPARTMENT:-Hand Presses, Rolling Machines, Foot Machines, Polishing Machines, Border Cutting Machines, Stereotype Cisting Machines, Paper and Card Cutting, Ruling, and Perforating Machines. Lithographic Presses, and all other kinds of Presses and Machinery for Printing and Book Binding.

PRINTING DEPARTMENT:-Books, Journals, Maps, Trade Marks, Circulare, Visiting and Business

Cards, and all others descriptions of Printing executed promptly and cheaply.

T. HIRANO, Director; S. MAGATA, Manager; M. FUJINO, Assist. Manager. Printing Dept:-M. NISHINA; G. IKEDA. Lithographic Dept.-K. SUZUKI; S. MITSUMA.

China Oberland Trade Report




Digitized by






ESTABLECIDA EN 10. DE ENERO DE 1883. Premiada con Medalla de Plata en la Exposicion de Filipinas en Madrid en 1887.







Regalia Filipina




Conchitas flor





Nuovo Habano estilo Cubano

Id. id. id. id.


Cigarrillos estilo Frances en hebra y engomados el 100 de cajetillas

• Con anillos.




Libras. Kilos.

Pesos. Cma



50 30



50 25


8741 50 25


8741 50 25



50 25



50 20


6901 100 14


6901 100 12 50


6901 100 12 50



5081 1:0 12 50


3080 100


7101 100 14

14 6++1 100 12 50


9201 100 20




Nuevo Habano capa recta

Id. id. id.


Id. id. id.



id. id. id.


id. prensado

Nuevo Cortado capa recta

Id. id. id. id.

Id. id. id. id.


id. id.



id. prensado

la. Habano capa recta

2a. id. id. id.

3a. id. id.


El Cortado de las mismas clases à iguales precios.. Cigarrillos extra emboquillados el 100 de cajetillas




500 10

18 8281

250 10 25



100 12 50


8281 50 14


8981. 50 14


8281 500 10


8281 250 10


18 8281 100 12 50

18 8281 50 14


8281 50 14


9201 250 13 50


4201 500 8


4.201 500 7



1st. It is guaranteed that all the products of this Factory are made from superior kinds of Cagayan and Isabela leaves, examined and prepared according to the practices during the Government monopoly.

2nd.-Orders from the provinces are supplied and shipped on board in this port not under $50, and are to be accompanied with a credit payable at sight. Orders for cigars, their quality and the marks of the boxes, must be clearly mentioned. The shipments will be insured unless advised to the contrary. 3rd.-Applications for ten thousand and upwards destined for exportation will be put on board the ships without any additional charge whatever, at the Tariff prices, with the exception only of Freight, Insurance, and Exchange, which will be on account of the purchaser. Correspondence can be written in English, Spanish or French, and addressed to the Agent of the Factory.


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Foochow, Canton, and Japanese LACQUERED-WARE a specialty. N.B.-Any design of Foochow LACQUERED-WARE can be made to order.











社商 (LIMITED.) 善丸







EALERS IN BOOKS published by the Educational Department, Imperial University

DEALERS IN BOOK, and Tokio Museum.


(Head Office) No. 14 & 15, Nihonbashi Dori Sanchome, and


(Branch Offiee) Benten Dori.

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Goods received for Public and Private Sale on commission Agencies accepted. Accounts collected.

For Terms apply to above address.


















GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Sale Rooms: No. 58, Main Street,


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TINTOS de Aragon, Rioja y Tarragona. VINOS BLANCOS DE JEREZ.



SALEROOM-Opposite Post Office. ENGINE WORKS-Beach Road.

The above Firm is prepared to undertake ENGINEERING WORKS of any description and have always on hand a large and carefully selected stock of IRON, STEEL, BOILER TUBES Gas Pipes, BELTING, RUBBER, ENGINEERS' REQUISITES, Ships' Fittings, En Gines, Boilers PUMPS, SAW Benches, &c., &c.

PLANS and ESTIMATES furnished for Mechanical and Civil Engineering Works.



CONSIGNACIONES Y COMISIONES.-Admitimos de toda clase de articulos y garantizamos su venta é los mejores precios del mercado, cobrando solo un por ciento de comision. PEDIDOS.-Son servidos de todos los articulos y productos de estas Islas. Mandamos cotizaciones y precios de los articulos de Europa y de estas Islas á quien lo solicite. AGENTES Y CONSIGNATARIOS DE BUQUES DE CABOTAJE Y DE ALTA MAR

OFICINAS:-Calle Barcelona, No. 8, (BINONDO.)











$30.00 per annum. $19.00




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Ceylon Observer," is published on the day upon which every Overland European Mail is despatched, and contains an Epitome of occurrences in Ceylon, including Governmental, Civil, Military, Mercantile, Planting and Religious Affairs; Domestic. Shipping, and General Intelligence.


A Special feature of the Overland is the very full and complete Commercial Intelligence given, enabling Proprietors, Brokers, and Dealers at home to ascertain the Condition and Prospects of Ceylon Produce and Estate Crops.

In copies sent to the Straits, China, and Australia, Supplements with our Special Telegrams, the Week's Telegrams from Reuter, and our London Correspondent's Letters with the other foreign news, are included, making the paper a capital summary of Indian and European, as well as Local Intelligence, and the medium of the latest telegraphic news from Europe.

THE "OVERLAND CEYLON OBSERVER." to Europe To Australian Colonies, South Africa, or West Indies To India, China, Japan, Straits, Mauritius, Aden, &c.. With local postage

Without postage


Single Copy 371⁄2 cents or 3/8ths of a Rupee.

R26 00 20 00

26 00

22 00

24 00

19 00.



17 00

20 00 16 00

      London Agents:-Messrs. John Haddon & Co., 3, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street; and Street & Co., 30, Cornhill, London.

The Overland Observer and other Publications are for sale at Messrs. COWASJEE DINSHAW & Co., Aden, for the benefit of Passengers calling at that Port.





Planting Enterprize and Agriculture of the Colony,

REFERRING TO THE PLANTING ENTERPRIZE IN OTHER COUNTRIES. Contains an Elaborate Estates Directory and also a Directory of all the respectable inhabitants of the island. Is one of the largest and most complete Directories published in any Colony. Price: R10, or RS if booked in advance; Local Postage 52 cents; Foreign, R2.50.

A. M. & J. FERGUSON, "Observer" Office, COLOMBO.


Published monthly at the " Ceylon Observer" Office, Colombo.


MONTHLY Record of Information for Planters of Tea, Cacao, Coffee, Sugar, Cinchona, Indiarubber, Palms, Rice, Cotton, Cardamoms, Tobacco, Kola, Coca, Spices, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Fibrous Plants and other Products suited for cultivation in the Tropics.

The Tropical Agriculturist has now an assured position in its large circulation in Ceylon, Southern and even Central and Northern India, the Straits Settlements, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Northern Australia, Queensland, Central America, Natal, Mauritius and the West Indies. From all subtropical planting settlements we have had cordial approval of the Publication and an encouraging measure of support. The English, Indian and Colonial Press have spoken in com- mendatory terms of the T. A., as also Directors of Public Gardens from Sir Joseph Hooker, F.R.S., downwards, and so have all planters.

Reports of All Estates Produce Sales in Colombo and London given in each issue.

Rates of Subscription Including Postage in advance £1 sterling, or R14 or Dollars 5. Any one of the Five Volumes completed, (1881-2; 1882-3; 1883-4; 1884-5; 1885-6) bound in cloth, gold lettered, with comprehensive Index, for £1 108. (or R20), carriage prepaid.


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Organic Manures of Perfect Purity. Keep well in any Climate.

Analyses Guaranteed.





































Prices and Testimonials on application to

J. JENSEN & Co., Ld.,

109, Fenchurch Street, LONDON, E.C.

Makers of JENSEN'S COD LIVER OIL, the celebrated ICEBERG BRAND,

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White Lead, Oil, Paint, & Varnish Works, 24 LIME ST., FENCHURCH ST., LONDON.



     By their process, which is patented, the Pure White Zinc Paint is the most durable and beautiful Paint for internal and external painting and does not stain or discolour with the London atmosphere, or in the neighbourhood of Gas and Chemical Works. In all climates it is superior to other Paint for the inside and outside of Houses, Ships, Lighthouses, Iron Roofing and Bridges.








     These Paints are packed in 1 lb., 2 lb., 3 lb., 4 lb., 7 lb and 14 lb, tins, and 28 lb. drums; and will be found of great advantage. Being mixed ready for immediate use, no further preparation needed


     The most valuable protection to Iron Roofs, Bridges, Piers, Ships, and Buildings exposed to stormy weather sad scorching sun; they soon become extremely hard, do not blister, and are very durable.


For coating iron and wood ships' bottoms; a preservative against fouling and corrosion.

HUBBUCK'S PALE BOILED LINSEED OIL, Being much purer and paler than Raw Linseed Oil, is the only Boiled Oil that can be used for white and delicate coloured Paints. ́It dries quick and hard, never blisters, and is more durable.


Prepared expressly for Ships Lights, Lighthouses, &c.

HUBBUCK'S WHITE LEAD, COLOURS, OILS AND VARNISHES, Properly picked for exportation.

           HUBBUCK'S PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, Are the best and therefore the cheapest. Beware of Counterfeits of their Name and Trade Mark.









Since the successful introduction of Hubbuck's Pale Boiled Linseed Oil, some manufacturers and dealers are pirating this name and selling fraudulent imitations as "Pale Boiled Oil," "* Improved Boiled Oil." "Clear Boiled Oil," &c. These imitations are not to be depended on, and only cause disappointment and loss.






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Pure Soluble Cocoa,

without Admixture.

Strongly Recommended

by the Faculty

for Family use.


COCOATINA IS THE HIGHEST CLASS OF SOLUBLE COCOA OR CHOCOLATE IN A CONCENTRATED FORM. THE FACULTY pronounce it "the most nutritious, perfectly digestible Beverage for BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, or SUPPER, and invaluable for invalids and young Children."

It consist solely of the finest Cocoa Beans, without sugar or spice; the excess of fat being extracted mechanically, which not only renders it more delicate and digestible, but increases the proportion of flesh-forming and nourishing properties. Made instantaneously with Boiling Water, palatable without Milk.


It is prescribed with great success for delicate Females and Children, when all other food is rejected; and is celebrated for its restorative qualities in cases of Debility and imperfect Digestion.

Highly commended by the entire Medical Press.

Being absolutely free from sugar (the excess of fat), or any admixture, it keeps for years in all climates, and is four times the strength of Cocoas thickened yet weakened with arrowroot, starch, &c., and in reality cheaper than such mixtures; one tea-spoonful being sufficient for a cup of Cocoa (the cost of which is less than a Halfpenny), and two or more for a cup of Chocolate.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE ON THE LABEL OF EVERY PACKET. Sold in air-tight Tin Packets only, at 1s. 6d., 38., and 58. 6d., by Grocers, Chemists, Confectioners, &c., &c.


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Telegraphic Address-MANLOVES, NOTTINGHAM,

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ALEX. WILSON & CO., Engineers,



Manufacturers of Single and Double Cylinder High Pressure Screw Engines; Compound and Triple Expansion Engines, with or without Jet or Surface Condensers; Twin Screw and Paddle Engines of all Types. Greater variety of Pattern than any other maker.

Illustrated Price Lists mailed on application.



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ALEX. WILSON & CO., Engineers.


Manufacturers of the Celebrated VAUXHALL Donkey Pumps for feeding Boilers, over 10,000 now

in use.

Excelsior direct acting Steam Pumps; Centrifugal Pumps, and Pumps of all descriptions.

Illustrated Price Lists mailed on application.









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Produces luxuriantand


Glossy Hair, eradicates Scurf and Dandriff, and is specially recommended for





Is is especially recommended for use in Hot Climates as it is the only Oil which will keep

sweet and fresh for years. Sizes-3/6, 7/-, 10/6, Family Bottles (equal to four small) and 21/-



Of 20, Hatton Garden, LONDON.










BS.289a PerBox



Whitens the Teeth. Prevents Decay.

Gives pleasing Fragrance to the Breath.





And avoid Cheap and Worthless Imitations.

Sold by CHEMISTS and STOREKEEPERS and by A. ROWLAND & SONS', 20, Hatton Garden, London.

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," besides a greet variety of Illustrated Articles, relating to Civil, Mechanical, and Military Engineering, and Notes of General Professional Interes:, devotes a considerable space in each issue to the illustration and description of all matters connected with the




The subscription to ENGINEERING for Twelve Months, payable in advance, post free (including Double_Numbers),

For India, Ceylon, the Straits Settlements, China, and Japan:-For thin paper copies £2 0 6 Thick £2 7 3 Accounts payable to the publisher, Mr. Charles GILBENT. Cross Cheques "Union Bank, Charing Cross Brunch." Foreign subscriptions, when sent by Post Oflice Order, should be advised to the Publisher.

     The large and influential circulation of " · ENGINEERING" makes it the best possible medium for Advertisements for Engineers, Electricians, and Manufacturers.

For the convenience of Merchants and others who may wish to ascertain at a glance the names of the leading Makers of any particular article, a Classified Index of the current advertisements in "ENGINEERING" is published from time to time as a Special Supplement, this forming a most clear and concise Lirectory to the Engineering Trade. With it is incorporated a complete list of the telegraphic addresses of firms advertising in " ENGINEERING." together with a key to same. Copies of this Directory are gratuitously sent, in a compact book forni at regular intervals, to the principal home and foreign Merchants, as well as to Mints and Shippers of machinery in this country, at home and abroad; also to the British Consula abroad, and to the Hear's ot Departments of foreign and colonial railways. By this meaus, in addition to the advantages secured to Advertisers in ENGINEERING" by its lar.e and influential circulation, special facilities are afforded for bringing them and intending purchasers into direct communication.


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Orders to be accompanied by Letters of Credit; or, Remittance on a Paris or London Banker, against delivery of Shipping Documents.











Established 1794.




Giving the Names, Addresses, and Speciali- ties of all MANUFACTURERS, MERCHANTS, AGENTS, MINES, ENGINEERS, Builders, CONTRACTORS, SHIP BUILDERS, &c., &c. Also PHYSICIANS, DENTISTS, DRUGGISTS, &C., &c. Our EXPORT DIRECTORY sent gratis on receipt of postage for 1 lb. 10 oz. WRITE FOR CIRCULAR.


17, Barrett's Grove, LONDON, N.

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T. B. Ford, Snakeley Mill, Loudwater, High Wycombe.




GOLD MEDAL, NEW ZEALAND EXHIBITION, 1882.-JURORS' REMARKS: "Very absor bent, will not become hard or close, colours not affected by climate, and are considered by the frade as equal, if no superior, to any manufactured. We consider them entitled to the highest position, and recommend a certificate o GOLD MEDAL."

The above Medals confirm the reliability of these Blottings, having been awarded after a Sea Voyage in each caset and test of climate and therefore well adapted for exportation.

Usual Stock Weights and Varieties :-White, Pink, and Deep Pink 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 29, 32, 34, 38, and 48 lbs., per Ream; Buff, Blue, Mauve 29 and 38 lbs.; Antique Mauve 38 lbs. per Resm. Other Weights made to order. 4 Prize Medal Label on the Ream, and a water-mark on each sheet. - FORD 128 MILL--Can be obtained through any wholesale Stationer or Export merchant.

First Class Awards, Sydney and Melbourne International Exhibitions, 1879-80 & 1881; Cork, 1883; and Liverpool, 1886.




Contractors to

Her Majesty's Government.

The India Board,

The Crown Agents for

the Colonies,

The Board of Trade,

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution, &c., &c.





For now or STEEL and woos, and sXEATHED VESSELS, ORIGINATORI READY-MIXED NON-POISONOUS SANITARY PAINTS. FOR HOUSE and ship PAINTING, INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY. Packed in Hermetically-sealed Tin Cans of 1 lb., 3 lbs., 7 lbs., & 14 lbs. each.







MANUFACTORY: SOUTHAMPTON. London Office and Depot: 39, Upper East Smithfield




Blacksmith's Bellows, unbreakable under double pressure

PORTABLE FORGES. Double pressure-Seesaw driven action. Blast Pipes of different patterns. Easily disconnected and applicable to forges of one to four fires










Sold by all Dealers throughout the World.

Every Packet bears the Fac-simile


Dr Gilloth

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Sole Agent for India & China: L. H. RICHY, 66. hue Lafayette, PARIS.



WAREHOUSES AND OFFICES-Rue Rochechouart, 22 and 24, Paris BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT-Rue de la Chaussé d'Antin, 52, Paris FACTORIES, MACHINE SHOPS AND TIMBER YARDS-Boulevard d'Epinay, 15 (Route de la Rivolte) Saint Denis (Seine).

Gold Medals







• Hora Concours," Paris 1867-Gold Medal, Universal Exposition, Paris; 1878-" Hors Concours," Member of July,

Amsterdam Exhibition. 1883-Diploma of Honour. Antwerp Exhibitlon, 1888.



L. NEUT & Cie.


PARIS, 66, Rue Claude-Villefaux.-LILLE, 63, Rue de Wazemmes.









These Pumps are specially adapted for Spinning and Dye Factories. Laundries, Fullers, Breweries, Paper. Starch and Chemical Manufacturies, etc.. Drainage Works for the construction of Canals, Basins, Foundations of Piers and Bridges; Dredges and Graving Docks; Pumping out Ships and Lighters, etc.; and for the Irrigation of Vineyards.


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All Good Smokers will use the


Of Jean BARDOU, or not Smoke.









the Cover to be on White or Black ground with signature.





66, Rue Lafayette,


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Sole Agent for India & China: L. H. RICHY, 66, Rue Lafayette, PARIS.


























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64 & 66, RUE DE TURENNE,












1862 (Three Medals.)




Carriage builders,

Decoration, Industry,






Franco Spanish Exhibition 1864.


1878 (Three Metals.)



Carriage builders, Decoration & Lithography,


For oil, pastel & water-colours Artistic Printing.






66, Rue Lafayette,


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COGNAC: One Spade

Two Spades


Three Spades

One Star


Two Stars

Three Stars

All these Brandies in Casks or in Bottles.




66, Rue Lafayette,


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Federal Cross




Federal Cross






66, Rue Lafayette, PARIS.

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38, Rue de la Verrerie, 38, PARIS.









1er ORDRE de Mérite








HAVRE 186 8

38, Rue de la Vérrerie, PARIS




PARIS, 1855 (Silver Medal); LONDON, 1862 (First Class Medal); PARIS, 1867 (Class 91 and Class 26 Silver Medal) HAVRE, 1868 (Member of the Jury); PHILADELPHIA, 1876 (First Class Medal); SYDNEY, 1879; MELBOURNE, 1880; QUEBEC, 1881 (First Class Medal); PARIS, 1878 (Gold Medal)

AMSTERDAM, 1883 (Diploma of Honour).






66, Rue Lafayette,


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Sole Agent for India and China: L. H. RICHY, 66, Rue Lafayette, PARIS.


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Philadelphia 1876: MEDAL and DIPLOMA.-Paris 1878: SILVER MEDAL

ANTOINE'S COPYING INK-is the only one which gives perfect copies, even when a month has elapsed after a letter has been written.




VIOLETTE COMM donnant de très bellek copies un mois meine apres l'écritime



ANTOINE'S MODERN WRITING INK-is the only one which Resists the action of Blot- ting Paper and it always keeps its original colour, no matter how long in bottle.








VIOLETTE COMMUNICATIVE donnant de très belles copies un mois mÊNC

après l'écriture


Sold by the principal wholesale Stationers in India and China and throughout the world,



























Sole Agent for India & China: L. H. RICHY, 66, Rue Lafayette, PARIS.

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Frs. 11 to


22 to 70.


32 to


39 to 300.



75 to 1,000.








4.25 29.






AMMUNITION-Loaded and Empty Cartridges.





FRANCE, ST. ETIENNE (Loire.) Catalogue and Albumn sent on demand.




83, Rue St. Charles,







45, Rue Linois,




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FELT HATS, Soft and Stiff.

FANCY HATS of all kinds for Children.

FELT HATS of all descriptions for Gentlemen.

HELMETS of all kinds.


DOUBLE SOFT FELT HATS, with Air-space.



L. H. RICHY, 66, Rue Lafayette, PARIS.




Paddy Rice,


HALL, ROSE & CO., Agents,



ADVERTISING & COMMISSION AGENT, 11, Clement's Lane, Lombard St, LONDON, E.C.

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Telegraphic Address: APPLEBYS, LONDON.




CAREFULLY selected, and PROMPTLY supplIED.














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SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Below we give a fac-simile of our well-known Brand of Flour.






SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 22 California Street









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P. O. BOX 1989.


F. de St. Germain.
















(American and Spanish.)

Bole Agents for the CELEBRATED






Opposite Battery St.,






PURCHASING AGENTS, 26 and 28, California Street,


Special attention paid to selecting and packing Goods on Foreign Orders.

Careful attention given to all commissions.

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FOR scope and practical service this Work stands unrivalled. All

the new words which the Chinese have of late years been com- pelled to coin to express the numerous objects in machinery, photography, telegraphy, and in science generally, which the rapid advance of foreign relations has imposed upon them, are here given in extenso. Each and every word is fully illustrated and explained, forming exercises for students of a most instructive nature. Both the Court and Punti pronunciations are given, the accents being carefully marked on the best principle hitherto attained. The typography displays the success of an attempt to make the Chinese and English type correspond in the size of body, thereby effecting a vast economy of space, achieving a clearness not previously attained, and dispensing with those vast margins and vacant spaces which have heretofore characterized Chinese publications.

   The scope of the work is so great, and its utilitarian purposes so complete, that a reference to its pages enables a person who understands English to communicate effectively with natives who understand nothing but Chinese. In this respect the work will be found indispensable to all Europeans residing in China, and to the natives themselves it explains subjects fully with which very few indeed of them are perfectly acquainted. To parties resident in England and interested in China it cannot but be invaluable occasionally.

It comprises upwards of two thousand large quarto pages.





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China Overland Trade Report,


Published on the Departue of the English Mails, containing all the intelligence of the fortnight,




For Ten Copies or over, $7 per Annum, each; Under that Number $9, each; if posted from the office $1 each additional; Single copies 50 cents each.




L. P. FISHER, 20 and 21, MERCHANTS' EXCHange, California Street. AGENT IN NEW YORK: Andrew Wind, 21, Park Row.
















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In MOROCCO, Various Colours.


In CALF, Various Colours.


In ROAN, Various Colours.

In BASIL, Various Colours.

In CLOTH, Various Colours.

Publishers can have CLOTH CASES made of any size up to Demy Quarto, at London prices.













The only completely furnished Bookbinding establishment in the Far East, and the only one in which the workmen have been thoroughly taught the European methods.

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HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN CHINA. Subscription, $2} per Month, Payable Quarterly in Advance, exclusive of postage; Extra Copies 25 Cents.

Orders for Subscriptions and Advertisements received by the

following AGENTS :-






.Mr. F. A. da Cruz

Messrs. QUELCH & Co. Messrs. C. Gerard & Co. ...Messrs. HEDGE & CO.

Messrs. KELLY & Walsh, Limited


RIVER AND NORTHERN PORTS...Messrs. Messrs. KELLY & Walsh, Shanghai
















Messrs. KELLy & Walsh, Yokohama. Messrs. Diaz Puertas & Cv.

Messrs. SCHRoeder, Freres & Gardes

Messrs. KELLY & Walsh, Limited Messrs. Maynard & Co., Limited Messrs. Ramsay & Co.

..Messrs. GORDON & GOTCH, Queen Street

Messrs. GORDON & GOTCH, George Street Messrs. NORTON, Hargrave & Co., Barkly St. W.

Mr. F. ALGAE, 11 and 12, Clement's Lane, E.C. Messrs. STREET & Co., 30, Cornhill, E.C. Messrs. BATES, HENDY & Co., 87, Walbrook, E.C. .Mr. W. M. WILLS, 151, Cannon Street, E.C. Messrs. AMEDEE PRINCE & Co., 36, Rue La Fayette

Mr. L. P. FISHER, 21, Merchants' Exchange Mr. Andrew WIND, 21, Park Row







Reckoned by the Chinese Calendar, $5 per Annum.

This Paper is in large circulation among the Chinese, not only in HONGKONG, CANTON, AND MACAO,




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DEMY 8vo. pp. 163, CLOTH, $2.00.


1875 TO 1884,

Arranged Chronologically, with Copious INDEX, by which the date of

any event can be found at a glance.







YONTAINING the names of all the articles of Trade, objects of Natural History



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DOLLARS 11,000,000.










A. R. BROWN, Esq.

W. H. TALBOT, Esq.








IE JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY possesses a Fleet of 52 first-class large and full-powered Steamships, fitted with the latest improvements for the Comfort and Convenience of Passengers. Steamships carrying the IMPERIAL JAPANESE MAILS sail weekly to and from SHANGHAI and YOKOHAMA, via NAGASAKI, the INLAND SEA and KOBE; and tri-weekly between NAGASAKI, COREAN PORTS, CHEFOO, TIENTSIN and WLADIWOSTOCK. The home service comprises almost daily communication between the CHIEF PORTS of the EMPIRE, for all of which foreign travellers may procure passports without difficulty or


For information in regard to Freight, Passage, Sailing, &c., apply at any of the BRANCHES OF AGENCIES, or at the HEAD OFFICE in TOKYO, where full particulars on all points may be had.

Yokohama, January, 1888...

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and Waters to special medical prescription, of a very superior quality, manufactured under European supervision, with all the latest and most approved appliances, and supplied in any quantity, at prices bearing favourable comparison with Home rates.


The Water used is the best the Island affords, and there is none better anywhere.


  No credit given for bottles that look dirty or greasy, or that appear to have been used for any other purpose than that of containing AERATED WATER, as such bottles are never used again by us.

No allowance can be made for breakage, ullage, or plunder in transit to or fro, the prices charged not covering such, or any risk.

A. S. WATSON & Co.,


The Hongkong Dispensary, Hongkong.

The Shanghai Pharmacy, 24, Nanking Road, Shanghai. Botica Inglesa, 14, Escolta, Manila.

The Canton Dispensary, Canton.

The Dispensary, Foochow.

The Dispensary, Hankow.

The Dispensary, Tientsin.

London Office, 108, Fenchurch Street, E.C.

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