Government Gazette | 政府憲報 | 1846



VOL. V. No 1



PRICE 12 per crutin


Terms of Subscription to the " Friend of Chins and Hongkong Gazette," per annum 812. Six months 67. Three months 84; all paid in advance Credit prices, 014, 08. 80, and 95, for the periods

of twelve, six, and three months respectively: Bingle numbers to Subscribers 25 cta, each, to Non-Bubscriber I Rupee. Partis calling or sending to the office for papers are requested to pay cash, Terms of Advertising.-Ten lines and under 01; additional 10 cents per line. Repetitions one third of the first insertion. Ships: First insertion #2; subsequent insertions 45 cent. Advertisements to bava written on the hoe of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be palijsbed until cotajermanded. In all instances, those who are not Bubscribers; must pay in advance.



WARINE Lot No. 64 Sitated between the log

of Messre. Macridav, and Franz JAMART E, measurm 200 et sen fromeng and akogether is a very desirable lot. For farli particulare apply to


- FLETCHER & Co.-Hongkong, or DIROM, GRAY & Co.--Chatov? Victoria, 1st July, 1845.

MHS Stenen Ship BRAANSA, Cap: 11 tain Lowie, with Her Majesty' ** Mail, will love this for the above places of chylight on the 1st of February, 1840. Carro will

? received on beard until noon, and spo?le antil 4 r. on Saturday the 31st Inat. This route offers en opportunity of visiting Bingapore and Pinang, re- wwining a few days at Ceylon, thence to Madras or Calcutta in 34 days from leaving China. Beamers are also understood to ply betwees Colombo and THE upper part of a House, having five large Bombay-Specie, Silk, and aller ads, a Godowns attached, sitasted in the Q's Road rooms, with servanta tagme, cool house and farwarded by this route to Madres and Celou For particules apply jo


sed will be retained on board the Slagrose abdullo

RUMPHREYS & Co. motil the arcival of the Sacs Steamer for thone

Victoria, 9th December, 1846. placer, when they will he transhipped free of ar penes. Arrangements are made in the Blesmere

TO LET. throughons for the convenience of the Native Mec-HE upper part of a commodione and will baij chants of Tudia, proceeding as panongary and cur- | 1 dwaillog Hows containing seven rooms with tain aerommacation in resorved in those from Cal servants rooms, and outhouse with subing. For cuin, for Passengers from China, joining the Beer further particular apply to, line as Galle, to secure which it is requisite that a

D. LA PRAIK nation of at lean two monthr be given to the No. 1.Wellington Terrace D'Agullar Street,

Victoria, 24th October, 1845.

Company's Agent,bere.

facuation regarding the rates of freight and pase can be obtained by application at the Fabiolar and Oriental Stain Navigation Comp's


T Vistoria Hongkong, in a contra) |

a positio

below and poppers are requested to take Notice Alle

that a #uipping order cannot be greed unless wharf, spacious trodown, dwelling and out, flan the contents and value be distinolly marked on the | all in perfect repair, and sew. lat on Jading “ outside of such package for overland transit.



Vistoria, Hongkong, 2 Jovuary 15, 1840. FREIGHT REQUIRED TO ENGLAND

| partjonlara, apply to


Masso, ist July, 1845,


IC. Laors, Eng, are requestall to for fact tha FTMR-Espostive Offices of the Ond- euane to the office of the undersigned as hinein, call |

agace will restivo tendere be charges or powego on the mine will be paid ad Prakav je, England in rossopable da?iracy. ? M. T. BENN FAN BASEL,

showers,hugay bye avoucialded upon :


NIE_Fins w?t A?T. IN "IZA

Uh??n, hau ez?r?bas armomodation for legal will be despatched from Whampoa liter about the 16th December. lage apply to

MI??K HUMPARIES-on board. reensho? H?ch, 1848.


Consulate, Censon,

FOR SALE AT the Code of. Moines - "For Ravens & Op., Bigten Als in Bhia, from Warlington sai Bojlik?ng

Hongong, 'May, 1845'


* the Godown of Manne Fox, Ramon de Co


design are prepared to loage Policies FOR SALE new Palanquim Carriage. Ap

Chat Shangbai on Arst clase vessela

ng, Singapore, Calcutta, Madras,


ply to

W. 1 FRANKLYN. Victoria, 3rd December, 1845.


drive. Apply to

Commercial Insurance Company. A Bay Syodey Horse sound and quiet to ride or

Kaugus, 1848.

to sign our;

Jakon in authorized


HOLLIDAY, WIBE & Co. Victoria; 2018 December, 1865.

basiness of the undersigned will in future


be carried on in connection with his Brother Mr. ADAM SCOTT andur lb firm of W. Score & Co.



Victoria, 1st August, 1845.


W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 19th December, 1865.

II. PRANKLIN?bas Just receive for salo W

T... the following ankles.

French Merino in all colors for Ladies dresses,

whiskey, Britandis metal Toe and Coffee Pots. The Twilled danuel, Table covers, 8perm Candles pre surres, pickles, Mostard and Bauces, Feriniosh whole of these articles for sale at moderate prices is any quantity to ment purchasers.

Keying House, December 19, 1845.

THE Union Chapel being now completed, the THE Undersigned have formed a partnership, for Buliding Committen beg leave to return thanks the transection of a general Agency and Cow- to be foreign Community in China for the very mimion kommen, under the respective Firms of liberal manner in which they responded to th? cu?i Rawls, Deus & Co. at Victoria, and Dues, for the erection of this plecs of Divino Worship, Bavis & Co. alt Shanghai,

The Subscriptions already received amount the sum B. B. RAWLE

of $3508. 68. The sum mentioned is the Pros- N; DUUS

pectus, ko neptasry for tho Completion of the Victoria, Hongkong, 1st October, 1846. Chapel was 4000. The expenditure has exceeded thes oss by. 290.28, leaving the Committee lo debt to the amount of 781.70. Balying on the | gausmaity of the public, the Lanamities would again some forward, and respectfully solicit their and In the liquidation of this sum. Contributions tewarde this object will be reotived by any of the membera of the Commites. The papers containing the r?bscriptions already received may be seen at the kouts of the Treasurer, R. Buscha's Esq.

By ordst of the Committes,


HALE BY TOS UNDBRAIGNED Deviin now and singunt Bartach, ruoandy


Vistoria, 10th Debenber, 1845:* JUST Received per bus arrivals and for mula by

the subscribers Paint Salamander Safes of various sleep war- mated moure in the hottan fire,

Patons Weighing Machines from 700 a 3,500 pounds, which can be made to weigh pacula and

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. “Vjetoria, 28th Cotabor, 1846,


a few half pipes and spertar cuales Cape and Tebwith Wines. Shorry, Madelen, Port, Claret, Oegano, Cherry Brand 4.2 & 3 domes pages WLE, DUUBA Co. Victoria, Sick Oslober, 1845.

FOR BAL BY THE UNDERLIGNED. A Allsops Pale Ale in bottle; Baroley's Punte : 12 amotions of Anchors and Chain Cables, in bottle, Superior liberry, Malinist, and Part, la A Burope, Manila and Coir Rope, Hesap and weed vind betting

Casos Curtis, and several Spain for lograr sot! Honghong, dud Desember, 1845.


THE Gebooner "BREEZE” *** A LLBOPPE Pale Ale of the Godsker leer,

iying opposite Bowre's Whut; the A. Pra, Shands and May Company

| ja

GIBB LIVINGSTON &.06. Hongkang, and June, 1945,

ahov? Vessel is Task Buik and Capper- For timms apply to

Victoria, Queen's Raod, Desember 19, 1845.

W ?8. HEYL.


THREE Hory verande bouee at the Awest end of Gough Street, In building every attention has been paid to the requirement of a tropical climate, and the bouse will be found replete with od?veniences. The view is not wur- passed by any site on the island. Apply to

JOHN CARR. Vistoria 18th October, 1845.

TO LET. Commodious and well finished Dwelling House, at the corner of Poul Berest-and Cinge strast, consisting of dining anddrawing room?, four bedrooms, offices on ground floor, with see vante Spartmente de. For particolar apply to


THE Eastern side of the large and cous.

odlous houlle sitated in ton Street and now in the occupation of Gilman & Co. For particulars apply to,

Rom. Cath. College's Duperior." Victoria, 2nd Desember 1915. –



BANLE, DEUs ??i Vidochi, 29th October, 1845.


PE mabosigned her established himself in this


Victoria, Jet November, 1845. THE undersigned coby notify that they have this day entered into partnership for the con- doct of the business of Mr. Hanne Mous, which will henceforth be carried on by them under the

HENRY MOUL. JOHN SILVERLOCK Canton, 20th November, 1846.


TF JOHN BATSON, 90s of the late ATAGE BAT

now, of Wapping, Liverpool, will apply at th??, office be will receive a litter on his family askim, CHilge of the Friend of Caine, 2

90th December, 1845.

NOTICE. RRANGEMENTS, having been completed for A the erection of an Ics Bous, Driverski supply of Ios. Portia who may be d?sirger of

modding their names to the list of Shareholders will

1 pace as a Commmelos and General Agurt in bo pienend to communicate with Mr L. A. Stone souniction with Mens Fasten BrorMENS Co. No. Gough Street, who is authorised by the for (Spascher, Denies Appolt?li 75 wine?iamimarrying commitise to receive and fegister applications for

charw. ; LEUISTER. Hongkong, 21st October, 1865.

THE undervigand have been appolated godbe 11 | on buaikant under the name and on accent of thin

Cents for the * Globe Jamarotos Dog" of firm.

Manila, 19th July, 1845.

bent, and are puppered to gracil Podom pay. able in London, Calcutta, Bombay and enter. MACLEAN, DEARIE & Ca Cinton, 10th November. 1845.

FOR SALS. WEBSTER, Gordon, Cosmart & On's, superior Madotra, in Hade, quarter and half quarter celiks, and in cases.

FLETCHER & Co. Hongkong, 1st March, 1845.


THE Istores and corpoansbility of Mr. Obris- topher Fearon, in our firm consed on the 31st December 1844.-

FEARON ? SON: Mamo, tat January, 1848, 2. Wha NOTIC


R. W. W DALE and Mr. D. POTTER are Mela day admitted partners in our firm,

Mr. CHARLO RYDER authorised to ga per procuration


THE Bengalow sosted in Hollywood Rond, formerly pooupied by 8. Fearon,

BUBH & Co.

-Hongkong, December 6th, 4845.

TO LET. THE praolew known as the affins of the "Friend Ak of China;” Three Houten situata in Walling- ten Wilber, commanding a far view of the hay s a Shap and Bloen situate on the Queen's Bond, in s sentral part of the town. Early powinien oun be given. For further particular? apply.


Victoria, 19th December, 1948.


TWO Connoient Houses in Googh Firest with Verandaha, anch containing nipe Rooms, exclusive of outhouses, enquire of

ROWLAND RELA. Pottinger Barest, Victoria, 6th December, 18489

Canton, In August, 1845.



GETS of riebly out glase, consisting of Quart QAUNDERS Pals October brewed ale in Wood, and Pint Decanters, tumblers, Wine, Claret, Allsops Bear is Wood, Port-and Sbarry, Champages, Hook and Liqueur Olese"; all to

match. Champagne and Claret. Apply to


Parent Stoves to consumo their own smoke Victoria, 5th July, 1945.

adapted for either honen or cabin me


HFRANKLYN General Commission

PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victoria, 20th Deceber, 1845.


W. "Stipplas A godt, Auctioned, and win and THE dodergoined requests that all claims aquiesi

Spirit Merchant.

Whole Gala and Retail.

Has on sale, of which musters can be seen anthe show room Port Sherry: Claret; Champagne; Atill and Sparkling Monde; Umady; Cin1 Aleopa Bess's, Saunders and Ree's Beer in Bids and

the estate of Joseph Mitford Saalfe, do- [censed, bo vont in on or before the Is Decembos 1845, all douts due to the mid estate be forthwith liquidated.

A. 11. FRYER. 13 Queen's Rosil, Victorie, 29th September, 1845.


B 1 do, de, in botter Bengal Grain in 2 maund ANCORA, Chains, Europe and Manila Rope, bags; Europa Ropa Paint & Oil; Guns & Pistols. A Navy and bleached Canvas, Nety Dock, Au sertment of Painted Floor cloth of hand- Bunting, Paints, Oil, Salt Provisions, Bread, Flowe some patterns, Splendid Paper Mache Bestends, and Marine Stores of all descriptions, Winamp Carpeting Saddlery Bengal Blik Handkerchief Spirits, Beer and Porter 11 wood and bottle, Irva Speede Indian Arrow Root; Blankets; Grey and and Lond Water pipe, Sheet Lead, Bolder, Ocres, We Shining Satin Jean; New Bottles in Plaster of Paris an-1 Stencelling Patterns, Stoves

arterid Pints; Dele: Anchors and Chains Cuirs with Fondlers &c. Imrich. Also some rity superior India bottled cle Almanacks for 1846, and Mamin Charoots No. 8 and the roots three years old ; anda variety and 4. of other article.

* HUMPHREYS & Co. Baile trade and repaired on the promises by ex- perienced silmalem's; Canvas of the best quality Victoria, ist-December, 1945.

13.tatieen's Itand, at lowest price.

Undersigned having appointed Agosci for the Indie Insuruan Company of Cal- cote are prepared to plan Patriam, parable la London Liverpool, Calcutta, Midrus, Bambay, Bingo pork and China.

DIROM, GRAY & Ca Centon, 28th August, 1945.

NOTICE.. ||VEER Internet and responebility of Mr. Ayoenw|

Jammkun in ony COMMUNE Put on the soch whimo, and b?r. Jombi Jaamuna pad. Ma ALEXANDER GRANT:Tampan see this day sublike pr partnere.

Goods received from alongside ship and stored | ?in 'dra, Godowns on the most moderate terme."

Goods, Letters, api Paresis forwarded and busi. menu izsauussed for Parties phobert. Victoria, 19th December, 1145.

TPHE Balpener " ALPHA,”-poll mansed Our firm now onach?N? AS SKARDEN MATHEM?NC? and atmed, rude betwem. Hongkung, Donald Matersoft," D?vid Janaina. Witatas Racks, or Campingmono, se paquired ; currying Srowany, Journ Janneyn, and Akazanami cargo Opiem, pressure and Prasengers, as most mo Chant Dallas.



China, 1st July, 1845.

Vistoria, 5th Sepesetber, 1846,



E undersigned has just received from the wall known firm of Perigal & Beady, the follow ing Wines of the choloot quality which will be disposed of on the lowest terms



Ports in Pinte



Also Cherry Cardial



C. W. BOWRA. Victoria, 19th December, 1845




* * * * * * $ 83




8 XG3


* M

bc.amfg 28.87

b. c. o. m. 27.35

69 N. E


NE, ? E.

IN, E. I



59 N.DE

64 30.5



N. E

*ito p







JILL JO MY bezom 2237-

2 b. c. w














jo Lataruing!

??? 04

Homarks dc:


Meteorological Register for one year from August 1844, to August 1845, kept or board of a Ship near Chapel, Island 'East Coast of China.

DA. R.


3 r. .






Unive Start

Cel. Oct.





Nov 10



Nor 19 Bapt

BATAVIA Nov. 30 Beroaroke Dec. n MANNA Dre Caman Des. 10 BRAMELI Dec. 1



After to-day, the office of the "Friend of Chin and Hongkong Chazelle" will be removed is the

Victoria, 3rd January, 1946.

west end of Gough Street.

unless the criminals are caught in the ac'. The similarity in the appearance of all native conels and their crews, anjguorance of their language, and the absence of ships papers, i with probably the connivance of some of the smaller Chinese Mandarins, hes hitherto en- abled the robbers to go almost unpunished. It evident that ships of war are not the class of vessels required to cruise among the narrow Can- chann?la frequented by the pirates of


PABBENGERS, Por General Wood-Mre and Miss Daly, nod Captain Eldred..


Laurick, White, Bombay. General Wod, Stokos, Whampot. Sir Robert Sals, Loader, London, Sea Park, Humphrois, London.

DUTCH SHIPPING IN CHINA. Daniel, from Manado, at Whampoa, loading for Manila

Fatal Hair, from Batavia, discharging at Manu Amsterdam; to sail in about a week.

Alara Anna Maria, loading at Whampoa for

Sumatra, expected from Sourabaya with a cargo

of rattans.

J. Matheson muil Co Captain

J. Matheson and Ca J. Matheson and Co Dent and Co

Helf J. Matheson and Co Lindy and Co Captala William Lano Webmote and On Dent and Co

Shirring at Whampoa

toa river; neither are the boats of mien ?f war | at all calculated for this service. The fact of a man of war being in a particular passage, or her boats stationed at any particular point. would be speedily known, and depredations would be committed with impunity elsewhere. It was suggested last winter, that two or Ilis Excellency, M. Lagrend and culte, arrived three "small vessels be fited out as gun-boste,

VESELO IN Victoria HannouE. from Macao in French war weamer yesterday. having ustwardly the appearance of the ves-

H. M. 8. Agincourt, Lyster, Flag of Rear-Admita! ole running between Hongkong and Can

Bir Thomas Cochiuma," The Plato has returned from an ineffectual ton, Macao, or Cumsinginoon, and that they be fi. M. 8. Vestal, Captain Talbot search for the wreck of the Castle Hamily, kept cruising anyong the islands during the H. Tr. B. Alligator, Com. King. The roof upon which she was supposed to have season when piragical attacks are usually | H. M. 8. Minden, 2nd Master in charge Owner, been cast away and the neighbouring island inade. The appearance of these vemeh could

flospital and Store Ship bear no evilence of a vessel's having been lost be altered occasionally, and in the event of an Aden, King,

J. Crooked Masooy there lately, Onu timber was picked up on attack the report of a gun, or throwing up of Angione, Enna.

Macvicar and t the shore, ritten and decayed, which probably a blue light, would be the sigual to dwn that|| Bomanjae formarjas, Contus, had lain there for many yuara. Other should some vessel was in danger. "This matter was | Emma, Franr, were examined with the same unsatisfactory even before Gounell, we have been told, but Gazelle (Am.), Chase, it was not in their way—had it been an ordi- General Wood Bookco, result.

As Captain Maclutyro had no astronomical nance for taxation-howover aboard--it would John Barry, Clarks,

J. Matbeton and Co observations after leaving the land on the 33rd, have passed, but for this protection of com- Lanrick, White, and the ship was from that day, until the 27th, mero 11 Abeurd I what do they care for com- Line (Am. ), ----,

Bush and G when she struck, in a continuation of heavy merce! It has been asserted, that Nativo Midas (Amer-sche.), Poor, gales, with sails blown away, and a strong vossals, fitted up with a few swivels and Nymph, Horsburgh, Kennedy, Macgregor and Co

Printer, Martell,

C. M. Langrah current running, it must have been impossible well armed crew, would be better adapted for San Antonio (3p.). Do Cruize, to tell her position by dead reckoning with such a service than Buropean rigged veals. San Park, Humperios,

? any approach to accuracy. It is not un- and we concur in this opinion. Their appas Sir Robert Sale, Lander, likely, under those circumstances, that he left rance would excite no suspicion, so long as they? Starling, Chape, the wreck on a different shoal from that he were taken for the common trading Junks, nor Thareso, Briggs, supposed, though from knowing the course he would their presence intimidate pirates from Wissahickon (Am), Wolber, steered reach the coast of Chins, the dis- following their lawless vocation. That some Zephyr, Mann, ranco sailed, and the place where be landed, thing ought to be done speedily will be admit he can not be greatly out in his calculations as ted. Though it is already too late to prevent to where ho len the Ship.

the martor of British subjects, and the loss of It is to be feared that the ill fated Castle British property, it is possible to bring the Huntly, broke up during some of the gales guilty to paishment, and it is demanded that the which blaw so furiously in November and De-system should be checked. cember, and, unless the crew and passengers | It may even be necessary to employ one of who remained by the wreck, succeeded in re- two of these vessels permanently in keeping the aching the land in the boats, after the gale in Lymoon pamage clear of robbers. It has been which they were cast away had moderated published to the world, by the Chinese Bacre- and the sex gone down, their fate appears to be tary of Government, that Native trading va- beyond a question. Had they been taken off by sold were frequently plundered in the Lymoon some passing vessel bound to the South, it pamage, and that consequence they were would most likely have been known in Binga. afraid to visit Hongkong for traffic. This is pore when the "Lady Mary Wood" left there either a slander upon the Government of which be is a servant, or it is a most severe com- on the 11th December.

mentary upon their conduct. If the Boere- It is not vere creditable to the Government tary's statement is correct-and there is no H. C. M. 9. Alcmene, Captain Daplan. of Hoogkong that the periodical rubberies by case for doubt-surely the Executive are H. G. M. Str. Arekmede, Captain Paris, pirates in the neighbouring waters, and even bound to protect the commerce of the colony, Celastie, Oshorne,

A. A. de Melle within sight of Government hours, should have by having the pamage kept clear of pirates. | Fatal Hair (Dutch), ----, M. J. 8. Vad Biol egain comincaced without any precautionary | Wo drop the subjem for the provost, ketmag ↑ Haber

probably resume IL.

Isabella Robertson, Kelly,

F.J. de Palr? Jahn (Swade), Okerberg, Cumeingmona J. M. &C Lady Hayes, Langley," J. Matheson and Co Lyra, Grosvenor,

J. A. Darnin On Tuesday evening last a Dramatic par- AMERICAN AT Wranpoa and Macso. formance was given by an Amateur Corps | U. B. 8. Columbus (74), Com, Biddle, Bogus forto. Dramatique,' at Ackwei's premises in the Lo- Chile, Bray, wer Bazaar.


“The play's the thing!*

The Bill of fare consisted of Fortunes Fro- ick and the Burlesque of Bombastes Furioso.


fred, Nappor,

4A, Berenson,

Rohman, Row,

J. Matheson und Co

J. Matheson and to J. Sentura

C. Anna Maria (Du), Bakeman, Daniel (Dutch), Devil, Farley, Glenelg, Harvey,

Jaen Corina, Uring, D. Jasting (Dutch), Raul, Paari, Morrison,


Reynram and Co

M. J. 8. Van Banc! Hanson

J. Matheson and Co M. Rustonjes sad Ca

D. & M.

Prima Carl (Swede), Molien, Scaleby Castle, Lemon, Torrington, Nell

Wild Irish Girl, Buckton, Woodbridge, Poulton,

J. M. 19. Van Band Rustomjee and Co

Hall and Co

J. Matheson and Co

Marrow and C

Captain Hagan and Co

VZmEle at Macao.

Colote, Marshall


Congrats, ——

Edil? (str.), Johnson,

Elisa Ann, Chever, Genon Drinker, Glide, Waterco Grafton, Abbott, Howry, Shorey, Leland, Skillington, Lanez, Nowell,

owank, McMichael, Onside, Creary,

Wetmore and Co J. N. A. Griswoll

Russell and C Rusted and Co Wetmore and o Tiers, Bourne and Co

Kunal and C

J. M. Ball Wetmore and Co Wetmore and Co Rose and Ca Wetmore sad Co Nye, Parkin and Co

measures having been taken to suppress them. In say thing that relates to taxation, Singapore [is put forward by the Executive, as an apology for their exactions, forgetting entirely the re- fatire position of an old settlement with a large traffic and a new colony with none. It would he unreasonable to expect that this Executive would take an example from Bingapore in any mensures required for the dos protection of British Merchants and others from the deprada tions of pirates-this is not in their philosophy. All the characters in the first piece were cle Yet at times at must occur to them, in thumb-verly sustained, and it went off with great ef. ing over Singapore taxation, and the measures fect amidst unanimous applause, from a select of the Bingapore government, that that govern and full audience. Bombastes, on the whole. ment does display a great degree of energy it was also played with spirit, but owing to some the protection of comfierce from pirates, of the performers not being as feu in their and in the rescue of the lives of British seamen parts and songs its buniour and point were in the case of wreck. Whether conscience ever somewhat marred. Although we cannot speak whispers to there, that there own apathetic ins in terms of unqualified praise, we have great ↑ Samind difference is not quite right, is of course us | pleasure in stating, that the neting on the whole unknown; but may presume that, at times, a was effective, and evidently gave satisfaction THE next meeting of the Cara Mudido Cul- afight pang does penetrato that oleaginous sub-to the audience.

URDICAL SOCIETY, will be held at Dr. Ditz's, stanco in which they have inshrined the ob We were pleased to soo the ?lite of the c?residence on Tuesday next January 6th & 7 P. M. juct of their idolatry--official pride.--Uneon | lony presont, and we h?pe they will loud their when a copious analysis of the mineral water of uulled by public opinion--unaided by respon-aid un encourage Dramatic representations in Foo chow foo, lately forwarded by Rutherford sible adviecre--inexperienced and iourt, they the island, and that the contemplated measures Alcock, Esq. for extimination, will be bad. drive onward, happy in their present ephe will be carried out, and a Theatre built. This

?. K. BARTON. would prove a source of infinite amusement,

Barrotary and be a great relief to the dull, monoton American periodicals from Jany. to Feby, 1845 Membere sne informed that the English and routine of Hongkong life. We hear the mili tary intend getting up a Theatre; we wish have arrived and can be had from the Librarian,

DR. DILL they would be up and doing. They have our

merat dignity, bury with their little schemes of legislative taxation or still more objec. tionabila ordinances encroaching upon pub lic liberty, while the most important interests of the colony are unnoticed. How long such

■ Mate of affairs can exist is unknown. Temay best wishes for their success, which is certain

be that with a new year, another course will for report says there several fine actors

be entered upon, as even to themselves a re; | among them. view of the proceedings of the Legislative and The Band of the 42th Regiment was present Executive council in 1945 cannot be satis-through_the_politeness of the Cotonet and of factory.

ficers of the Regt. On referring to a file of last year's paper, wa We were struck and much pleased with the observe that precisely at this period of that | front of the stage. The decorations and gel- year, piratical attacks upon foreign and nativating up of the proscenium and drop scope are shipping word frequent in the estuary of the of cunning device," and evince considerable Canton river, and even in the river itself. The taste. The subject of the scene is happily American brig Hannah was plundered near chosen--being an entire view of the Bay and the Bugue forts, the pirates after the robbery town of Viciona-and a good specimen of standing boldly up the river. This year the Hongkonian scenic painting in short the whole have ventured nearer Hongkong--perhaps of the scenery, and performances, reflecta erodit they look upon it as their safest crui?ng ground. | upon the amateur artists; we understand the One native vessel van plundered within sight whole was got up in the short space of 10 to 15 of the harbour a couple of weeks ago, and days. It reported that another performance more recently, we hear of a British schooner will shortly take place. We hope it may prove having been successfully boarded and plundered no and conclude by wishing them success in within a very short distance of the harbour, their endeavours to amuse the Public.

In our publication of the 4th of January 1845.

it was stated, that armed boots from 18. Al. 8.

Vestal had been seat on an unerrocossfil search


for the haunts of these desperadoes, and if pos? JanownE,


sible to capture them. It again chance this 1, General Weed, Stokoe, Amoy. year, that these boats are on a similar service,, !, Sea Park, Humphries, Whampo?.

JAILED, though we fear with little chance of success. JANUARY,

If suspicious vessels are brought in, the difficul, Ariel, Bart East Coast.

ty is to prove their identity, and it is simon- 1. Genre (A), Drinker, Whampon. certain that they would go unpunished.

1, Lady Mary Wood (st-sh), Cooper, Ceylon.

In the east it is difficult to convict for piracy, — Queen of England, Pearson, London.



THE business of the undersigned will from the 1. 1st proumo, be on,ried on under the fam of BLencin, Rawson & Co.

31 December 1846.”



THE business of the undersigned will from this

date be conducted in the same of C. 8. Come-

Ward M. Dankzi., and William Dickinson of the firm of DAME, DIELOK & Co, in London and Liverpool,


Cobia partners being a heretofore, ED-

Canton, Let January, 1845.


THE partnership between the undersigned, carry CHALMERS de Co. is the day dissolved J. S Ast ing on business under the firm of ANDERSON, Enson continuing bosiness under the firm of An

DREION & Oo. and PATRICK CHALMERS onder that of CHALMERS & Co.


Canton, Alst December, 1845.

JUST RECEIVED. ND for Bale by the undersigned, a faw pi?ces of superior Tartan sukable for Coute and Trowers.

Opposite the Commissariat. Victoria, 2nd January, 1846,


FOR SALE MANILA Rope of all sizes. Also Herrings

Cherry Cordial.



Queens' Road. Victoria, 20January, 1946.





mounted thought to wcipe by the speed of theur SMITH & BRIMELOW have removed their subscriber having succedel Mr. P. Tows. kores, but were soon overlaken and shot down. Wille the donth of these three persons, ik? retengu |_ establishment to Woosnam'e Buildings confer Nzy an Auctioneer and Commission Age of the bloodthirsty Soldiery seem to have be of Pottinger Street, Queen's Road, where they will respectfully solicits the patronage of the Mechas satisfied for the tine. They kept the Maharajsh in future carry on their basiness.

and foreign Residents in Hongkong and China, | Victoris, 15th December, 1848,


A small invoice of Lamb's Wool Vestrand Dra- A wers; Merino Versand Drawers, Coljon Vesta dze. Regoita Shyju, Cloth Cape and ?lastic Bruces,

SMITEL & BRIMELOW. Victoria, Woonam's Buildings, comer of Pot-| inger Street, December 19th, 1945.

50 REWARD. Thursday morning last, there was stolen from the London las, between the hours of 3 and 4A,, 90 dollars in cash, 1 Diamond Broach, in- tiled E. B., Gold Key and Seal, 12 Elegant | all superior articles. Pearls, and other articles. The shove Reward will be paid on the conviction of the thieves

W. BOWDEN. Victoria, 2011 January, 1948

MCEWEN & Ca. MENERAL Commission and Shipping Agent

Wine Bear and Spirit Merchants. And Auctioneers Queens Road & Cuinam Hong Supply Ships, Families and foreign residents at the consular poris, with all descriptions of Stores, Balt provisions, Wine, Beer and Spirits upon mo

denste terms.

Also dry and convenient storage for goods. Victoria, 1st January, 1910.

FOR SALE. NEW Mahogany 6j oclavo square Piano by A Collard and Collard, with a splendid ing board and appurtenances complete for 83:20. MCEWEN & Co.

FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED." No. 9 Superior Manila Cigars.

Spanish wines, Sherry, des in wood & bottles Manila Pine Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, and Ladies Dresses.

J. DELMAS Cormar Aberdeen Burent Opposite the Baker, Victoria, 10th November. 1843,




"FOR SALE. Store of the Subscriber,

and hopes by a prompt attention to business, to however, and the Iture, in the camp during tha merit a continuance of the patronage bestowed whole night, but allowed them to return to the furt alul ten on the following morning (22ml in^) upon his prede?e?sor.

aleo releasing the Chiefs Deewan Dects Nath, WILLIAM S. NEYL

|Bukhsheo Huggut Ram and the Attareewallah Sir. At the Old Stand Queen's Road

dar, flojah Lall Singh, who had, it appears, return. Victoris, 2nd December, 1845.

od in Lahore with Juwaheer Singh on to me, and who is on all kanila declared to be the parsinour of Rance, was alone kept, a close prisoner, and Other and fadeira Wine in Wood and Bolts, cling to une acquat, been pin in chains les; Port Wine in Comes, Peppermint Cordial; Ale by the troops. Fle immolately set about doing in Wood; Porter and Cider in Bottles; Buperior all he could to obtain his releas? from his raj aciuua American Butter; Coth ment↑ Family Beef in i ganlars, and amongst his other representations Ubis; Neats Tongues, Rouede, Tobaron; Segara No: (low for warranted by the facts of the case wa 3 and 4. Manila Choroots in 1000 ?nil 500 Botes;

cannot tell, let it sweath to un unlikely, and to hiva Onwin Bbls.; Humia Canyon; Twine; Paint Oil

born said to divert the attention of this tronps) was and Turpentine; Bright Varoishi,

ate smured he has told the Solberg, then Sindir WM. 8. HEYL

Juwaheer Singh had depozited in a ?spot between Queen's Road, Victoria, 5th December, 1843.

Faroxeporo and foodherinah two krates of rupers NOTICE.

further sulemole writting. 15


HAVE for sale a small, fnvoice of the Boot Brit. JUST received and for sale. A quantity of let

Coffee po1e, Percalating ditto, Water Plates and carota, Curry Dishes, Beef steak Dishes, Dish covore, Soup Tureens of sizes. Cruet and Liquor. sound-Frames, Table and Chamber Candlesticks, Boup Ladles, Fish and Butter Knives, Spoons and Forks of vorta, and a variety of other articles; also Rod gers's Knives and Forks, Penknives, Dram Bot. P. of Auction and Cornenission Agent in favoar

ties, Powder and Shot Flasku ote, eal.

Victoria, Queen's Itoad and Abordeen Street, 9th December, 1845.


quality Loaf Bugar, which will be sold clump for Cash, to close the Invoice.

WK. B. HEYL. Victoria, Queen's Road, } December 10, 1845. }

NOTICE Queen Road.

TOWNSEND, having resigned his business, Victeria, let January, 1846.


of Mr. WILLIAM S. Here, begs to return his Ibanks DY the undersigned an assortment of Lamps,

to the Morchants of Chips, for their very liberal BTelescopes, Ironmangery Gallery, white and

patcongo during his residence in the Country, and binck heaver Hats, Gentlemeus Boots and Shoor, RS CHRISTOPHER respectfully begs to so would of the same time solicit the continuance Muslin de Laine, Manila Gres Cloth and the Ladies of Victoria, that she has the same favour for his successor, Me. Townsend Elegant Bonnets, Books and Stationery, Clocks, received large assortment of Childrens clothing of will comain with Mr. Hava, until March 18, as Painting and Copper plate Eigravings, Leller co-different patorna and quality, amitable both for surelesman and esa promise the usual punctuality in pring press. A palent fire proof safe, A gold Watchner and winter, from the ages of six months to t?n Candles, Fancy Smp, Roas Water, Extract of Sar years incluira, Also a lot of Childrens kabil aprila in danes, Tint and Brandied fruits, Jam Shirts at Collars; Ladies and Gentleman's Blood and Jellies, Saners, Pickles, Spices and Pickled and Cam'wick Handkerchiefs; Gentlemen's Gloves Tongues, family Beef, Pickled and Dried Hams, of different color; Ladio's Boots and Shoes, Wiltshire Bacon Dried Apples, Prones, Loaf Su- gar, Fancy P scuits, Chicolate, White and Red Vinegar in Bottle and Cark, Pins Berkley and Cheshire Cheese &c. &c

Victolia Ist January, 1946.


PUBLIC AUCTION. -day the Brd Instant at 1 o'clock a w, the undersigned will sell upon the Premises the Binak, Furnituro and Goodwill of the Jerusalem Tavem, Queen's Road.



Terme cash in Mexican Dollara And all lots to be cleared the day of selo, Victoria, 2nd January, 1846.


H. FRANKLYN will sell on Thursday

next the Rhinolent at 10 a. x

An invoice of Prine Wellington and sau boala, highlows and shoes. Also a case of ready made shirts, matches. Printed cotton childrens picture handkerchiefs of various kinds; and sundry other articles.

Terms of sale as per bills. Victoria, 2nd January, 1848 NOTICE.

THE business of the undersigned heretofore, man, aged in China by Malloobhoy Dungersey will hereafter be conducted under the style and designs.. tion of "Noon MAROMED DHATTOO HOT & Co." and Tharerbhoy Allans and Nanjeebhoy Hassoon are authorized to sign for the Firm by Proremtiun.

NOORMHAMUD DATTOOBHOY. Canton, 15th December, 1848.


ON BALE,At the Store of Mr. John Smith in

Macao from Dr. Hunter's. Boda Water Manufactory there. Macas, 11th January, 1815.


JUST opened and for Sale at the stores of the Jundersigned.

Victoris, December 20th, 1814,


Victoria, 2nd Decembor, 1845,


J.L persons having chime upon the undersigned A are requintal to send in their accounts for justment, and all parties indebted are requested to make inmediate payment to. FOR SALE at the stores of the undersigned :-

P. TOWNSEND. A quantity of Ladies Bunnetia, Muslin do Laine, und Cambric printed and Cation Drostes

Victoria, 2nd December, 1845. De Laine, Cashmore and Darnask Shawls, Lace of

FOR SALE. Y the undersigned a few Jars of superior Eng. all kinds, Flannel of different description, Merino Frocks, Ladies black and white Bilk Blockings, D fish Paint Oil. Clenileme Chock Shirts, Coats and Vents of dif ferent patterns, and of superior description, Cont

Buttons, Men and Childrens Caps.


An assortment of Glass Ware, Oilmans Stores,

■ moll invoice of Jowellery, Manila Cheroote No. 3, Corned Boef, Butter and Cheese, Abopps Beer, Cognac Brandy, Git, Wines and Cherry Cordial. upon the lowest terms.

L B. CHRISTOPHER Victoria, 23rd December, 1848.



Pottinger Street Victoria, 19th November, 1845.

From the Supplement to the Overland Culemit a Star, October 7.

The following Extra from the Delhi Gazette, received since our Overland was petdi-hed, gives


us her eukenly promised the initia

as a proment gratuity, if they would release him and appoint him W?zeer while another caudi lata for the frour of the army, Moewn Pithre Singh, has also given them a written promise that they shall have 19 rupees per man, and the bracelets to houl ! It is vory conlidently asserted that dia fa- nee would never lave last the pilven on this un. fortante occasion had she not been assured by Stajah Lall Singh, in the man solving manner, that he had eight battalions in hot favour, and he seem to have been so far Forrect in his assurancee, that it is generally believed that had the Court Troops not made s'iort work of the matter, he would have been able to protect the Wuzer, and that the ten- pective parties would have been engage in a ge neral battle T'he bodies of the late Woxer, ?ir- der Jawsheer Singh, and of bin two fellow suf- ferers were publicly burnt on the afternoon of the 223, in the Badames Garden, which has of late been made the scene of so many frightful tragedies and of one on the present occasion still note Trigla ful, if possible. Three, or according to another account of this disgusting event, four women wero burnt with the bodies, and, most shoeking to relato such was the disgraceful capscity of the villainane mob surrounding the funeral pyres, that not only the more valuable ornaments of the unfortunate women but their very clothes, were torn from off” their bodies bofure they stepped into the fire. A number of the slaves of the" Rance, Dewan Derisa Nath, Bukhsh÷e Bhugget Nam, und iho Attarres wallah, Kallewallah Sirdars, with a large conerursa of people, attended the funeral on Elephants. Rajsh Goolah Singh was shortly expected in Labare, when our letters came away, and it was suppr?ted that either he or his nephew, Jowaheer Bing. | younger brother of the late Sinar Heera Singh,

the full particulars of the Punjauh Tragedy :- would be clerated to the post of Wuzver. Hemust We have been most muinasly expecting the bee brave man who undertaker it with the fate of details of tho last great tragedy in Lahore, but un- Dhovou Singh, Hoera Singh, and recently Jawa.

4 CHIST P?z? respectially begs to in- AL form the inhabitang of Hongkong, Masters fortunately for us the dak, from the North West | heer Singh, before him it appears that Birdar of Vestal do, that he has ten day opened its | Frontier, seems to have been unaccomutably delay. | Jawsheer Singh's brother, fluera Sings, we in freshment Rooms next to Mr Just's in the Queen's ed on this occasion, and did not rench Delhi, till Lahore at the time of the tragedy, but that his life seat five yesterday afternoon. We lost no time. was spurod, as also that of the slave Mangela (00- Road.

A printed scale of charges for Breakfasts, Tif- nevertheless, in giving the particulars received by | lee, the sixvorite of Juwalwer Singh, who has been | fina, Dinners &c, which will be as extremely mo- un to our Station friends, and now proceed to make frequently mentioned, and who is known to have derate charges, will be hung up in the premises them more genonally known. They are to the had great influence. Birdars Juwun Singh, To- The English and Local Newapipers to be had at following effect:-The Troops had, it is said by | shokkanessh, and Lall Singh, Mararers, had surs all times.

our letter, (dated 224 September) gone out to the ceeded, it is said, in saring themselves by fligla, and Victoria, 28ml December, 1845.

oncamping ground of Micoan Meer for the ostensi it was not known whither they had gone.—The "BRITISH HOTEL.

ble purpose of preventing any damage to the town | moat important part of nur nows, if the fit hold, as GABRIEL has taken a commodious house aidering the scenes on which they seen to have been it certainly is on them, in that the soldiery laid de- tuted at the Corner of GrahamStreet, a short determinedly bent. It has been stated in our pre-clared their positive intrusion of crussing the Sutlej. They appour undoubtedly in a state distance south of the Queen's Road, which he in. tious accounts, brought down to the 19th of the Nous verons

to do any thing. tende to conduct as a Hotel under the above title.month, that foor Chiefs bad been detained by them as hostages for the fufilment of the demand they Gentlemen favouring him with their patronage had made, that the Rance should bring out the Maters to the 24th from Lahore, stating that Mecan Bince writing the above, we have received les- will find their comfort strictly attended to.

All the articles supplied will be of the first rate description.

A 'Thurston's Billiard Table on the Primises. Victoria, 1416 March, 1848.

NOTICE Napartement to let at Mr C. Durvio's French taylor, with or without board, on moderate terms, apply to the undersigned.


Victoria, With Sentember, 1815,



harajah to them, accompanied, if she pleased, by Prithee had nt fint been appointed to carry on pro Sirdar Jawaheer Bingh. Eskeer Noor-and-deen, visionally the affairs of the State. Rajah Lil Singh one of them, had been allowed to return to the fort had been released anil Jewun Singfi, who had not on the 20th, to commficate & the Ranee the firm gone far, having been writed, received a good bent determination of the troops to abide by their reso- | ing, but was set free, Lall Singh, Morareca, had lation. He poems to have succeeded in his nego hidden himself amoung his own troops. On the tiation, supported by the perustions and asforances 24th. Prithee Singh was deprived of the "Seals of of Itajah Lall Singh, who declared that he had Office" and the Ranee assumed the fill power of ample zeljence in the Troops, for towards the even- Birkar.* ** ing of the 21st the Royal party Issued from the Fort, the Itanes first, in a well protected palkoc, and then the Maharajah, on an Elephant, with his uncle Birder Juwaheer Singh) behind him on the

A large assortment of Carpeting all patterns, Hoarth Rugs &c. &c. Tartan and Check Cloths.

(From the Cilentia Star, October 4) Drills and Whihe Cotton and worsted Hoes, En

Among the intelligence derived from the China dies Musline De Laima and Printed Dresses, Ler and a large mortment of Perfumery, stinnaryDEOS most respectfully to inform the Gentryme Elephant: the Wuzeer was unarmed, without papers, that which possesses must public intereal, Table limon and Oilmans Stores of wil descriptions | 15TM and the Publie that he has Rented his even his sword or shirt, and carried a small para is the Memorial got up by the Merchants at flong- tablishment from Macao to Hongkong where hel. These were follodes by some of the Renre's kong against the principle of the lery and adminis Entenda conducting his Business in all is branches women an Elephants. The Tronpe had, in the trution of the Now Police Rate, the ordinance im. and trusts by strict attention, to merita shato of me time, become impatient at the protracted do. pasing which, we noticed on its promulgation in Jay, and the procession had scarcely got clear of June Jast, Tho Government it appesis had, after the Public patronage which hu har for this last two the gate, when they were told that some of the bat-representation, instructed their Assessors to inaku

Caudlen &c.

D CHISHOLM. Victoria, Queen's Road, November 210L 1845

SMITH & BRIMELOW. Ship Chandlers, Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants, and Commission Agents &c. No & WOUSNAM'S BUILDINGS. ITAVE for sale all kinds of Stores suitable for Ships; much a Canvas, Blacks, Rope, Twi ne, Becky &c. &c. Also Stores suitable for families, Double Gloster Cheese, Butter in small Kege and Jars, York hams, Coffee, Chocolate. Preserved Meats and Soups, Sauces and Pickles assorted, Bardines Prunes, Dloom Raisins, Pearl Barley, Jams and Tellies, Tes in small packages, superior Bristol Trips, Salmon, Tongwes,

AL80 Beer and Porter in Cask. Barclay and Perkins Stout in battles, Allopp's Beer.

Superior Port and Sherry, Madeira in wood and bottles, Vidonia, old Cognac. Whiskey in rank and boule, Cask Brandy, Cherry Cordial, and a varie ty of other articles.

Victoria. 20th December 1945.




To be obtained at the manufactory of the under-



No 1 and 2 Wooenam's Ruildings, corner of l'ol tinger Street.

NOTICE. MOODS stored in dry and secure Godowns on

the most moderate terms.


Victoria, 15th December, 1845,

years received:

Moxe C. Doruto also begs to stalo that he in-lions were approaching with the declared inten. deduction of forty per cent. from their relation of the property in the island subject to the rate; tion of al once *torming the fort. The consigargro tends to keep on hand variety of Cloths mitable was that the Maharaj sh's cortego soon fell in with the sun proposed to be raised by the assament for the climate, likowiso a soleation of Drills and | fancy Jeans for Coats etc, etc.; also an assortment the first of them, which happened to be the Dhera bating been reduced to a third of what was origi of Butts, Vallencisa, Silks, Satins and Fancy Vie and conductor the Royal Personages to their own

of Court Baheh. These immediately turned about nally understood to be the amount, tequired to meet

the service for which it was destinel, vets for Vests of the newest style and fashion.

particular encampment, close to the spot where the The speeches, on the New Zealand-debate, of Gente Kickl, Silk, and other Gloves, Elastic Braces,

Moxa. C. Dravio has a small apartment of Makarajah'a tenta had been pitched in anticipation Sir Robert Peel and Sir James Graham, an full of Satin Carats, Stocks etc, ele, etc, all the above of the visit. A salute, but not of the required promise of a liberal policy in regard to our cole. articles are of the best description that could be pro-pointed spot the Const Troops broke off, and tu thought that the disposition of the Ministry,

number of guns, was fired On reaching the apnice, hnd reached Chinn, and it was probably cured in the Colony. Chentlemen can depend as multuously surrounded the several Elephants. The nifested by the plausible declarations, and of the haring their Clothes made in the first style of f Rance was made to cater one of the tents, the Me! Parliament evinced in the safisfaction with which shion and elegance.

hout of the Maliarsjah's Elephant was ordered to they were received-cut emently favorable la Address to Mons. C. Duruzo, Taylor & Drapat.

cause hit charge to kocel down, and, as he sovined! bringing forward the hardships of the Chinese gel- Wellington St., one doar from Graham Si,

to hesitate, his movements were hastened by a shot tlement before the Colonial Office, A Memorial Victoria, Hongkong, 30th May, 1845

in the sido which severely wounded, but did not ? had been accordingly prepared by the Merchants FOR SALE. -- By the undersigned.

kill him. The Elephant kachi, a Boldier acized and Lamkholders of the Clony, addressed to Lord Champagne,

the Maharajab, and carried him in his arms, either Stanley, and placet for tranmission in the hands into the tent or to a halo distance, when the Ele. of Sir J. F. Davis, with a request that the obnoxious phant was immediately made to stand up again. Ordinace might be stevended until the reply of and volley of musquetry was directed against his Lordship could be pressed The Governor in Jawabeer Singh. The first discharged not taking reply states that he will duly forward the Memorial effect, the Wuzeer prayed they would spare him, to the Colonial Offier, umil ?makes certain remarks and seized the opportunity of a momentany pause on it which, as may be supposed, do not tend to to argue the Troops, that he had, at that moment support in prayer, but dechais to suspend the Or Sak provisions, Flour, Canvas, European Rope, one Buck full of rupees, and another of golden dinance as solicited. The adficial documents will Anchors, Chains, Pitch, Tar, Varnish, Paints, Bracelets and Armlets with bird, ready for distri. he transferred to our paper on Momlay, and hora Paint oil, Soap, Whito wine vinegar, Nery and bulion amongst them. The communication had we shall confine ourselves to making a few remarka Pilot brand, un assortment of Pickles, Sauces, Pre-am effect the referee of what the Sirdar seemed to od them. sorred meats and Fruits, Hame and Cheese, Bass's expoet, and the firing having been forthwith re The first position which the Land-owners take Beer, Brandy and Gin. Also Wines in variety, M'EWEN & Cu


Beer, and Stout, all of the first quality. EDWARD NEWMA?. Victorin 7th October, 1846.


BY the Undersigned, BRITS STORE of every D description.—

Victor 6th September, 1846,

newed, the Wuzeer was soon put out of his misery up-is that of virtual breach of fach on the_part Two of his principal favorites, named Chatta Bu?a, of the Guvernment, in entrapping them to settle on and Baba Ruttun Singh, who were following, well' the island, and constructing expensive locations



ENGLISH ACTORS IN AMERICA. Mark now, how plan a tale shall put you dow


Wisdom of the --The Earl of Minta com- plained that the Noble, Marquis (Londonderry) had decluded his speech without making his promised motion, (Cries of "More, more.")-The Marquis Londonderry-I withdraw my motion, (Roar



Since the remmption of Chimera) Business on the 17th instant, there has been a tolerably fair amount of business done in our produce market, and Blocks of the most prinsipal staples are light. The Es- press Mail with, London dan to the 9th Baplamber was reported on the 20th instant, the Commerelst News generally is of a favorable complexion.

Sugar-The Slook is getting low and prices have advanced more particularly for inferior qua- lities, which bear a comparatively higher rats, the amount of transactions have been fair, and ww.pole sales of Banare at Rs. 12-4 to 12.12, mound qu litics at Rs. 11.8 10 12, and a small sale of Khar et Salipere.-Contious in moderate demand, and Rs. 4.1 per eund. the stock of fine qualities small.

Rice-Gelling very scaros, and prices have since the holidays advanced considerably, we are not aware however of any stansactions of extant.

Cotton.The stock may be estimated at about 4,500 mds only and prices are quoted at for Banda Rn, 11-12, Boomurghse Rs. 11, and Kutchern Ra 10-4, but litle in duing at present

Opium-A few purehabes just before the holi af laughter.)-The Eard of Minto-The moble days onsed prices to advance to for Paton Marquia oangot withdraw a motion before he has 150, Beantes Rs. 1,890, but they have sinoo re- doko (Renewed Laughter)- A noble Lorded to Bt. 1,430 and 1,370, which may be quot The question has not been put from the Woolack; ed an yesterday's rate, there is not much apoenla The Lord Chancellor -There is no question betion at present in the Bassar, and little is doing. We annas a Statement of ?pium shipped From fore the house I ennast put a nomen ity.-Vide

1st October 1845, inclusive. Parliamentary Debates.

l'or Hongkong, por Ariel,

The Trask-We objelna statistic of 8,417,950

lbs of trak, dignified by the name of tea, that has

been purchased at the tes ancilons in London, dur

ing the serensson months last past, sad aller pas

through various, hands, has at length resched

Paina. Beantw 14 0


Stook in Optown Godoum, Nat October, 1845.

Patna Besure Toul Now, ... Cheats 785 189 Old,







178 k

Raw Silk--Trzomations have boss vory katod, the artiois contiques however in fair deman, and

Cores remaja withoot change to malu, a few parcels have changed hands at about former rater INFORT FROM Eutora, &. according to qualities

British Calton Piece Gooda.—Since the termina-

A Painter's Conception. —It was a good observa- !a collar over his neck, instantly chained h?n, an? under liberal promises, which bare now been setHcury Pottinge's time, and refer the prices oblain- werde, and heavy posts laid on. They quote the ed there to the same fetitious competition, and tion of an artist, that be osull conceive a picture in su finished the tragedy, positive declaration by apt. Elliott-while the beyond that to the completed arrangements made which no human figura, oor action, ner any obThe Englishwoman in Egyp.

Nee Creation-We understand, froin excellent sotilement was formung and every effort was made by the majority of the mercantile body to remove jeel very terrible in itself, was represented, which to wheels the merchants to the new spot-that be to Hongkong. They point out tellingly that the yet should caico a high degree of horror. Such, authority, the Sir James Graham will aborily bo would endeavour to obtain from the Home Govern. lots so disposed remain, many of them, yet woo-be imagined, would be the effect of a picture recalled to the Upper House by the title of Baros meal, for the settlers, a tenure in feo-simple for cupled: and that the substantial buildings to which presenting a bed-chamber, with a lady's slipper Sesams. This rumour is not only current at the outer two years' purchase-nt the rulah at which the Governos redes ser ilumphantly as evidence and a bloody dagger on the door, and at the door Club, but is fully accredited at the Post Office. land had presiously suki--or a charge at a nominal of the progress of the colony were most or all of the foot of? man just loaving the room."

Fendt Herolo~A short time since, as three quit rent, if such tenure continued to hold. He them cynuenced many menthe before the period sated also prominantly and distinctly that his ob to which he alludes, and they deny that any Dew or four persons belonging to the Bquestrian troop juct was to secure, for all persons having permanent house of magnitude hare basa began upon since. of M. Homanini were going from Constantinople flaving thus discussed the injustice of the me to Bmyron to pecflyem, they were attacked by six interest in the country, "a sufficient space for their peensitive at moperate rates, with as little asures pursued by the Hongkong authorities, Iba | brigands, one of whom, having attempted violence competitions might enable parties to accommo merchants in the second part of their memorial towards Mille. Romanini, she is said to have ens date themselves according to their respective treat as convincingly of its isarpadi?ney On this, tched his yatgan from his hand, and laid him dead wants." It is true that all this was done with the however, we need Bordwell, as nothing requires to at bar foot or companions having showa equal proviso that the terms and tenure of all property be added to their exposition and rejoinder with re- courage, the other brigande dol. The young would hereafter be defined by H. M. Government," force to that subject. What will be the result, heroins, however, restived a wound in the arm bet, coming as it did from plenipotentiary, and of course, it is impossible to tell. The great Pe Galignant. an officer high at that time in the confidence of the dulow-Premier has since the China colony receiv

Hydropathy and Homeopathy-The existence Governmeal, those who came forward under the ed the intelligens of the favorable disposition to circumstance, and with full knowledge of the wards sound colonial policy, made an oscillation of hydropathic institutions, those dans of rapacious proteo, could not but expuel at lossl sume cossi towards the contrary drpetten, on the very semend coverme gamblers, where the wretched invalid deration in event of the Home Governmrat seeing discussion. Whether he will be ready for another rate to throw the dice for health and life the Hak 201 progress of the homeopathic systems, Et to depart from the Policy of their local repre- swing, by the me their memorial reaches Dow which treats truth with scars, and bids defiance to sentative; more especially when the local authori. Ipg Street, we will not bazard our prophetical re- Lies, as the Memorial stringly urges, for upwarde pulation un prodict. He ascillations have not even common sense loudly proclaim the neat which of two sonsecutive years, not only made no align the ordinary physical quality of being isochronous exists for the adoption of settled principles, definite methode of rereh, and a systematic arrangement ?hat their promises did not meet with the sanction

bo guarantee chair attainment and retention in the of the Colonial Office, bul" cantinued in usa avery

practice of medecine.—Licbig. Juro to induce the merchants to remove from Ma eko to Hongkong, and, by penalties of forfeiting their locations, to force them into immediately

"All the best 'English actors have been bere rooling themselves into the soil by erecting buildinge and were-houres. When this was effected to sons within the last forty years, and we fear there are extent, the art step in the beneful Rosenvertaising no more great unes to come." The above is by path was made by the annunciation that the House an American writer. It is not said in an ill spirit, Garernment sanctioned no sales or grania of land, nor do we reply to it any such moods hat it is not America had Coulos (when half ruinad by up to the treaty of Nanking. To prevent, however, trus, the deleterious effect which might arise to the a drink); Holhan (when getting old); Cooper, who lony from the immediate recession of such porting gras, when he went to the United States a promis- as had oot dipped themselves too far into landed ing actor no more Hut the new country never, property, a plausible tab to the whole was throws saw John Kembia, Afra Jordan, Edwin, Buett, Par ow, by the promise that, the equitable claims of soas, Quick, Storace, Mr Siddons, Lewis, Ellis. such as did hold land would test with pensiders. tom. Einery, Fawe, Wrench, Terry. Yaue, W. tion, and be confirmed as far as cousined with Parren, Munden. Liston, Jones, Jack Johnstone the interests of society at larga.“ The eritler Jack Bannister, Lovegrove, ne Oxborry (the elder), ment went on under this specranes for another Mrs Edwin. Mrs Darison, Miss O'Mall, Miss Four year, and then it being doubtless prsity slearly in Ms Mardyn, Mr W. West, Mrs Bunn, Miss the danisters of the retailer, and finally the to-pot ton, that numbers were bound down for buster and Kolly, Mro Gibbs, Mrs Yates, Mirs Warner. Ame of the pastmet:-367,300 lbs at Id per lb 395, fat was, the second step was made by the publica. rice saw Madema Vostris when from circumstance 500 at ad per do: 661,070 at 3d per do; 730.000 of the terms on whrok the Home Government per she was not able to be herealf Slowtwo and at ad per do; 577,100 at 5d per do; 477,000 at od mitted leren. An immediate protest was at the Blanchard wrecks of themselves; hesed Incledoner do 1 218,400 at 74 per do.—have been sold time laid before Bir Henry Pottinger, Against the and Braham in their decline. The United States from January 1, 1848 to June 1844 Add to the hard conditions imposed; wat paly on all who were never heard Miss Stephen or Maria Tree, Mrs prises in 91d per ls, the duty payable to governocks very ght disposed to socle in future, bat se well on all who, Blead of Mrs Waylett; they never heard the ring.ment, and we shall at once perosive the original on the faith of being liberally and honestly trusted, ing jollily of Mrs Nisbett, never graad on the wake of those CARE had up to that moment beep concerned in wresting lovely eyes of Birs Honey, or the faultless form of Eatrordinary Delusion. – A toes, who kept a house the Colony, and forming the waens of its growth. Mise Mustay: they over saw the best of old of public enterisamem at Macon, which, by some Gharing, however, as the injustion was, they ware women, Mr Davenport, and the matchless ever. osaan, had loss iia oustomer, was tortured with compelled to abide under it, as they were bound to green, Mine Glover. In his senith they had an appressions of being reduced to want, and that ion of the Hallidays on the 18th instant, there has we post by the extent of capital invested in if in and we are sold he never acted continously so well his daugher sally increasing in beauty and struc boss a prsity fait demand generally for Piece his sorbacks upon this historical view of the ques as he did during his first visit to our tentague tiom, might be sedmoed lato evil ways A few days Goods, and for Grey Shirtings of (air quality, na Lien, the Governor considers that the stemnest neighbours. They haze had Macrosdy twios- ago he work her whh him w Peps of Vant. CroiNE who not unfair, on the ground at the Colonists once, before he had in his trisite, when he did the feby over the Baons, on their return he solen-vent of about two anna per pi?ge kan hoon. oglass the new valuation, put their lots to pot draw; and again, after the grows tragedien wag ly sambal his child, and planged with her in bis M?o sale when a bigher prios was realize ) than the gone, when un dia ginclair was condup what he arms into the stvar? Portumstely the streamL WAS apres valuation. In other words the lots which went on, and Mr and Mrs Wood bad grown care shallow, and, akhough he devoured to accom were improved and could not be paried with by lees long before they guided England. Mrand Mre plish his object by repassedly forcing her head un- their present proprietors without heavy low, ware Kadley wees as good as they are now when they der the water, the erythew had time to interfere, exposed to competition at which one mischievous took a trip, but they did not (we will not say they and bring them both back into the boat, The capitalin might spur up the bids of the me unfor, could not play the legitinis drama; naisker did thther war but into atison, and the girl seat to the

Bla?kovo antud but litila in ("hospital.---Onligwani, unate proprietors, out of the purest self-preserva- (or could) Beere,

Low Meres on the London and Birmingem Rail- tion, to a higher amount than any body else would, the States-mimicry paid him better. Takiog give far it bond fide, and with his sanses about range of saly 35 youre we cao enumerate upwards say, 11 apposes from Mr Laing's paper appended himt. But, continues Clovarope Daria ke lots of 10 of our grosics actors and actress that to the Select semmitee's Report, that at present disposed of at the latest mles, with the full know. | never visited Now York. What becomes, thes of the Lemdon and Birminghain Cummpany caray ledge of the terms of existing leases, have continu. the section that we have quoted abovet Mira 1700,000 pancers, per annum, on average de od to average as high as at the preceding ones," Bartley (who never was a great stres) wont stadse of 66 miles sack. On this number 37 per and quotes Lord Stanley official approbation that broad in the decline of life; ant Me Whitlock, cama pay 3d per mile, &4 per cent 94, and 1 per

it would be difficult as Bir Henry Posinger has though a Kamble, was a water-colour popy of her seat Lid Supposing the company to ran third ing realizot, for Nos 90s and 50s there is sino a fir enquiry, while 'le the higher aumbar, thocy ja observed to apply a better test of value than ale ister. A truly rich comic setrem in old England's class marriages at 4 per mile, with all their teine, Mttle duong

This wo my, with genuine comedies America has yet to non. Home and allowing that 18 par coat paid ?d per mile, 30

Coloured Yoras,—For Turkey Red Twist of Mrs Caudle, bat, we apprehend, in a rather more of the closest actors amongst us, not the proper cant paid 3, and 65 per osat id, they would Gloressa dys there is a fair demood, and agim have Ingical sense than that wortly ponnubial disputar have crossed the water: Booth, Viellack, Browne, require to carry 2,973,570 persons (or seatly four been effected at Ue's. Ra. 1-11-6 par lk. In Enge milly onploys bar pet phrase in has nothing. Yeonhof, Buckstone, Mi? Fitzwilliam, are sit times the present number) an average distation of fish Twist there has not been so much doing, the auto do with the mater! The question in point good names, but there is no lecistas amongst them. 30 miles each, to securs the same gross returns: transantion is reported at Co's, Br. L?a par lb.

- has the local Government not bruksa with Moreover, Jonathan is determinedly a star guzor, or as the expenditure would be inereses, the num with the early colonists in obtaining their settle and has ever had since she Gra theatre was built a ber must be raised to 3,500,000 to retain the exist holidays, there has been a boter demand, sad sal?s 20ent on certain enty terms, and then when there goed stock company. He has had the greating amount of net profit

A Maine Story-A butcher, who had been con has boonjeffected at improved raise. Brutiere may was no retreat, no taking up their bede and walking, Othello (Kann) the greatest Mirabel (C Kemble)

It is on the best William Tull (Macroady)—but who have fined some time in the meadhouer, called the Maria. trying on higher and harder conditions. answer to this to my we can find others at the pre-represented Jago and Casio to the firm. Duretatte, sanssived an excessive hatred for a Deleo ( sent day to take these lands at our valuation. The and Bizarri to the second, Michael and Geeler to Turkish trooper), one of his fellow prisoners H? eatly colonists will reply,-"that valus is our creathe third? If the casts were weak in these com received his provision of food from his family, and tion-to our endeavours and enterprita, altracted parathely easy plays, what mbet they be in Jalins he andaced his wife, one day, to conceal in his ban- hither by your apparently aberat policy, this pre-Car, Henry the Fourth, ferchand of Temir kat of food the instruments he had used in his trade sent value which you set on the island is owing; School for Scandal, Henryell Eighth, 4. Power is a oloaver, a knife, and a pair of hooks,, i what we have been instrumeuil, trusting to you? (name mokare omitted) was only a farson, he must here obosive, that those lunation who do not promises, in evolving, you by the crasion of those failed utterly in it Lucius, Doonis Brulgenddery, appost dangerous bave lighter chains than others, promises propose to approprato. Is this just and and Major D Flaherty; in fact, be only succeeded and the obalus of the person in question were of dir ? And it may so have been urged in answer in one and two act inonologues. The singers patro- this description. When he had taken his most to the Goremor's allegation that the buildings of aited in the new country have boss Madame Carabe proossed to liberate himself; and, as the cells the Export Ware-house haing hoon tained from substantial private houses has continued uninter-duri, Mi Austin, Mrz A Gibbs, Mrs Beguine comunicated at the back, he soon reackel that to, lold, to je, i la ratom gumorally have advancod stupid, with all allege 1 discouragements and dis. Mia Povey, Miss Shirred and Ales Wood, the two of his nearest neighbour, who, delighted to see negociations have bon carried on with private

advantages." that The very pormwas wis now let alone rere in the first rank been America him Erm, exclaimed, Helow is this? Who ost your partics at la 113% to 1a 1136.

Freights--Owing to the several repotted arrive complaits of this heavy laxation might have been bus went we a tregudian. about whom opinions ats chains did," replied the Art and rests here rather given way and anayamadotadas “ probably found among the acquirers of furor pro-balanced. It has sent us as yet no comedian, my implements." "Excellent," rejoined the other: perty, and yet that no charge of inconsistency least no one who be taken a stand in the giti. out wine too." "Certately," "gid he; and he would be fastened on them, because oocs fairly made drama: it has sent us no singer, male or proceeded to liberate not only one, but two, three, committed to the ownership loss would lie in en-female, no automimist, no musician no machinist Beavouring by their personal speculations to keep and no scese painter. Bren in the article of ac. up the price at cren great hazards and certainly at treases, whose faults are forgottes when you look at: the man who possessed the clusver stacked lice

upon their faces, we End a sad deficisuty." In fact, the poor Deles, chained and wourmed as he was: Linseed temporary loss.

Sach would be the general grounds on which a Jonathan does not export kis bemsition.” America, slaughtered him; and, oftas dividing his bady, Rum party unacquainted with the minuter features of has wat een our best solois, nor (with a few on hung it on the books wunin the windows of the Jute be case would be dispoerd naturally to criticises, Kean, Maoready, Mathew and Ellen Treball, and believed himself to be, what he wor, Homp the governant defence, but the merchants in particularly) Dot wrap our second best. Cowell butcher. In a few minutes the liberated lomatice shell Lac rejoinder which they made to it, take it to pieces Burton Wilkins, W. H. Williams Chippendale, became uproarious; and, one of them, growing Lac Dye within much narrower limits. They point out Mitchell. Thorne the who a singer here, he's a alariond. forced open the door by which the kook-Indigo that the high rents and high prices which the Keeley there), alolland, ara funny follows, but were jors usually entered, found one of them, and gave Silk & 8. P. Goode 560500 Rongkong building low fetched under Capt Elliot not reckoned even good second rings with us, the alarm. The keeper instantly proceeded to the Film was the consequence of a factitious competition, America has rejoiced in such useful sators well, and, sosing the body of the murdered man, | Baflower two hundred lote having been advertised for le Hield, Archer, Fredericks, Mathews, Abbon (some s?claimed, ? What, bar you succeeded in killing on the nocasions referred to, but only 50 put up times a ride above the standard we bare named) that Delos? he was the plague of my life." " |

·Rico,“ · · · Co's Ra. 1 10 # 1 17 per bag. among the large number of intending buyer brg De Camp. Howard; clever, but out great singess, have" szalaimed the delinquant, and here he Light Freight, ? 95 020 Operkom of seat. ught together. They affirm that as there was do such as Horn, Pearman, Seguin, Frizer, Thorts, bangs for mis. Most excallini,” replied th monty paid down on the sale, nor penaky incurred | Elwio, and H. Horocantia

koopes,"" but do not let him bang here, will die Cotton,

30 0 0 per bale. We confess that America has fostered Blah grace us, let us bury him" Where," asked the Murement Goode, - § 15 0 e 30 0 per son. by un.completion of the purchase, these enormous

Actors, musicians; and scene, inaulas, still holding the cleaver in his hand. renty were buna fide nominal as well as speculative, histrionjo talent.

The Caloutine. And to further allem, that even under these cir-painters, have been welcomed; but she has not had "Here, in the cull,"replied the other "and then the

Edited, Printed and Fib?oked by Joint Qada instacos they ted detrimentally upon the pro- our greatest actors of atromos She had not that can ever bo dirsovered, in an instant be gress the buildings and forced from Capt. Elliot Lador, sen, T. Cooke, Mountain, Balfe, or Hugebrew down his cleaver, and begun to dig busily At The Friend of China and Honglong that later which they publish and rest their onse leaders: por Staubeld; Roberta, or Grieve as with his hands to the meantime, the kosper en-

Gate, Printing Ofior, imunn's Road, upon. They trace the character of the sale to Bir? lists —Janday Times, August 17.

tered by the back door of the cell, adhathrowing,

Viorodia, Hongkono, 184?.

In a fair and open market."

mot been an good, and priore remain salimia?y

blished the enquiry for Bouched Mining San

been in moderate demand-Grej hava attragted bule notice. Of Madapallemma ? few ming have unken place at previous quotations. For Beatch Goods the demand has been rather inngudd. :


Printed Goods without improvecha??, Tarbey Red Chika. —For shave groda si prosons. there but much enquiry.

Woollene. The market for them fabrics voutly, nues in a depresent auto,

Twist.—For this staple there but been some. activity in the markat, the demand being prinsia, pally for Nos. 40, for which high priow wars be-

Copper.-For thin Metal, since the gloto of the

be quoted at Ce's Re 35-19 Sheathing 35-5. The

7. Ba Hr. 32-4.

Iron-Has attracted rather more solice, and j prices have slightly improved.

Spelter without report of sale. The market dull, Beer-The market for this article still continues

in a very depressed state, Allsopp's may be quoted Co's Rte. 35, sad Bass 22 per hogshead, other brands without change.

Exalange-The Exchange on London for Bill 10 mouil'e date against Cleods hypothecated at

follows: vin.

and four of his fellow prisoners. Now follows the Sakpetr? tragical part of the story. No lepees were pre- Bugat


tid ?.a. ?

- 4 19 ? ■ 0 0 0 P ton of 90 ewu: -4 16 000


--4 18 0 4500

--6 10 04000



4 0040 00


5 bales.

60. Toot

+4 000 00

00440 00440 00000




·4 10 0 ■ 4 00

14 cart.

-4 764400 TO MAURITION,




VOL. V. No 2





PRICE 9 12 per mununi.

Terms of Bubscription to the “ Fr?nd of China mad Hongkong Clagette,” per annuin $12. Hix montha $7. Three mouths §); all paid in advance. Crodit prices, 214, 24. 20, and 83, for the periods

of twelve, six, mind three months respectively; Single numbers to Fubscribers 25 eta, ruch, to Non-Subscriber 1 [uper, Parties calling or sending to the office for papers are required to pay cash, Tergis of Advertising. →Ten lines and muster §1; miditional 10 cents per line. Repetitions one third of the first incition. Ships: First invention & 7; wubsequent insertions 45 cent,, Advi nivinients to have written on the free of them, the number of times they are required to uppent, otherwise they will be published until counterinaniled. In all instances, those who are not Buliscribers, imust pay in advance.




ply to

E upper part of a house, having five large | THE undersigned are prepared to issuo Policies R SALE a new Palanquin ('arriage.

rooms, with sorvaute rooina, cank house and Godowns attached, situated in the Queen's Road. For particulars apply to

HUMPHREYS & Co. Victorin, 0th December, 1845


THE Flea Skip BRAGANZA, Cap Alain Lewis, with Her Majesty's Maile, will leave this for the above places at daylight on the 1st of February; 1840. Cargo will be received on board until noon, and uprcle until 4 v. . on Saturday the 31st Inal. This route offers an opportunity of visiting Singapore and Pinang, re- MILE upper part of a commodious and will built maining a fog days at Caylon, thence to Madra ordwelling louse containing sercu rooms with Calculus in 34 days from Iraving China. Steamers servula rooms, and outhouses with stabling. For are also understood to ply between Culombo and further particular apply tos Bombay-Specir, Silk, and other Goods, may be

D. LA PRAIK forwarded by this route to Madras and Calcutta, No. I Wellington Terrsen D'Agul Street. and will be retained on board the Steamer at Gno

Victoria, 24th October, 1245. until the arrival of the Surz Steamer for those

FOR BALE places, when they wil he transhipped fire of ex- pense. Arrangements are made in the Bleamers AT Victoria longkong, in a central position, a throughout for the convenience of the Native Her. A valuablo wator side property, consisting of chants of Indis. proceeding as passengers and cer- wharf, spacious Godown, dwelling and out Hous; tain accommodation is reserved in those from Cal- all in perfect repair, and now let on lens. For rutta, for Passengers from China, joining the Suez particulate, apply to line at Galle, to secure which it is requisite that ? natice of at least two months be given to the Company's Agent here.


Macao, 1st July, 1845.



of lowrance at Shanghai on firaclas? vessala payable in Dongkong, Singapore, Calcutta, Mesirou, Bombay and London. TORDER & Co Agents Commercial Insurance Company, Victoria, 20th August, 1848,

NOTICE. THE business of the undersigned will in future be carried ou in cochretion with his Brother Mr. Adam Scott under the firm of W. Score & Co.

WILLIAM SCOTT, Victoria, 1st August, 1816.

NOTICE. THE Undersigned have formed a partnership, for 1 the transaction of a general Agency and Lorn mission business, under the respective Firms of Raw, Dous & Co. at Victoria, and Dune, RAWER & Co. at Bhanghai.

8. BRAWLE. N. DUUS Victoria, Hongkong, 1st October, 1918. JUST Hoceived per kute arrivals and for sale by

the subscribers. Patent Salamander Safes of various als war.

PARTIES receiving letters directed to the late ranted sonure in the bottest fre

C. LLOYD, Esq. are requoted to forwned the

same to the office of the undersigned at Macao. All charges or postage on the raine will be paid on

luformation regarding the rates of freight and m-21ge can be obtained by application at the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Comp's Ullice; and shippert nto requested to take Nolice that & Shipping order cannot be granted waless the contests and value bo distinctly marked on the delivery outside of each package for overland transit.


Victoria, Hongkong, Jetory



Ju Respective Officers of the Ord. carce will revcive tenders for Freight to England, on reasonable terms, for conveyance of about 30 Tonn measure- ment of unserviceable Ordnance Stores, including a portion of damaged Gunpowder.

Further particulare many ha atcertained application nt the Urdnance office.

Office of Ordnance,

Victorin, Dee. 80 1845.)



M. T. RENN VAN BASEL. His Netkl?s Majesty's Consul.

Nethklu. Consulate, Canton, 3rd October, 1845.


Patent Weighing Machines from 100 a 2,300 pouds, which can be made to weighs pecus al

RAWLE, DQUB & Co. Victoria, 28th elabor, 1815,


POR BALE CUPERIOR Sherry and Madeira in wond ; also Da few half pipes and quaster canks Cape and Tenoride Wines. Sherry, Madeira, Port, Claret,

THE business of the undersigned will from the Cognac, Cherry Brandy, in 1 2 & 3 dozen cases.

ful prozono, bu carried on under the fam of BLENKIN, Rawson & Co.


31st December, 1845.

FOR SALE-AT the Godowa ol Memca Fox Itawson & Co., isurton Ale in Elhde, from Worthington and Robinson, Hongkong, th May, 1845


T the Godown of Mosure Fox, Rawson & Co. Allsops Pale Ale in bottle Barchy's Poiler in bottle, Superior Sherry, Madeira, and Port, in woud and bottle.

Hongkong, 2nd December, 1845.


THE fine new A. I. Ship "8EAA

PARK" of 650 Tons, Cept. tium pluries, has excellent accomodation for passengers, and will be despatched from Whumpos for London on or about the 15th December.

For passage apply to

Capi, HUMPURIES-on boord, November 25th, 1845.

TOLET. THREE story verenda house at the west end of Gough Street. In building every attention has been paid to the requirements of a tropical climate, and the house will ho found replete with conveniences. The view is not sur pared by any site on the island. Apply to

JOIN CARR. Victoria, 18ch fletuler, 1845.


THE undersigned have been appointed Agents at Canton for the "Globo Insurance Ollico" of

-KAWLE, DUES & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845.


N amortiment of Anchors and Clmin Cobles, Europe, Manila and Coir Rope, Hemp and Cution Ostrase, and soveral Bymes for lower and


RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 26th October, 1845.


CAUNDERS Pale October brewed ale in Wool, Allsops Beer in Wood, l'ort and Sherry, Champagne and Claret. Apply to


II FRANKLYN Graaral Commission and

Spirit Merchont,

Calcutta, and are prepared to grant Policies pay-W. ablu in London, Calcutta, Bombay and Canton MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co. Canton, 10th November. 1945.


TERSTER, Gordon, Cossart & Co's, superior Madeira, in Hlds, quarter and half quarter casks, and in casen. FLETCHER & Co.

Hongkong, 1st March, 1845.


A Commodious and well fished Telling THE interest and responsibility of Mr. Chris- topher Fearon, in our firm ceased on the 31st December 1814.

FEARON & SON: Marso, Jet January, 1845,


Blouse, at the corner of Peel Street and Gnge stort, omslating of dining and drawing rooms, four bedroom, offices on ground floor, with acz- vanis apartments 4. For particular apply to


THE Eastern side of the large and corn. modious house situated in Welling:

ton Street and now in the occupation of Messrs Gilman & Co. For particulars apply to,

Rom Cath. College's Superior. Victoris, 2nd December, 1945.


THE Bungalow situated in Hollywood Road, formerly occupied by B. Fearon,


Em. Apply t

Hongkong, December 6th, 4845.


THE premises known as the office of the "Friend of China;" Three Blouses situate in Welling

Shipping Agent, Auctionery and Wine and



W. ? FRANKLYN." Vict?ria, 23rd December, 1845,

FOR SAL42 Day Bracey Horse sound and quiet to ride or

drive. Apply to

W. II. FRANKLYN, " Victoria, 12th Deccolber, 45.

T7 H. FRANKLIN has just receive for sale V. the following anti?les.

French Merino in all colors for Ladies dresses, Twilled Aannel, Table cavem, Speros Cantles pre servos, pickles, Mustard and Saners, Fermioch whiskey, Britannia metal Tea and Coffee Pots. The whole of these articles for sale at moderate prices in any quantity to sent purchasers.

Keying Slouse, December 19, 1945.

THE Union Chapel being now completed, the Building Committee hog fenye to return thanks to the foreign Community in China for the very liberal manner in which they responded to the call

for the erection of this place of Dino Worlap. The Subscriptions already received amount the amm of $3503. 68, The s?m mentioned in the P'nu- pectus as necessary for the Completion of the Chapel was 81000. "The expenditure has excorded that sum by 295.23, leaving the Committee in debt to the amount of $ 791.70. Itelying on the genensity of the public, the Committee would again come forwand, and respectfully solicit their aid in the liquidation of this sum. Contributions towards this oljert will bo received by any of the members of the Committer. The papers containing the subscriptiona alady received tuny bo so at the house of the Treasurer, R. Stinchan Eng.

By order of the Committer,



Victoria, 1st November, 1845.


JP 200119 datION, vor of the tate Amor Bat-

ax, of Wapping. L?verpool, will apply at this office be will receive a letter on his family affairs. Office of the 'Friend of China," }

20th December, 1943


ANILA Rope of all sizes.

and Cherry Cordial.

Queens' Road.. Victoria, 200

Also Herrings


the erection of att let House, for a regular

2nd January, 1916. .NOTICE. BRANGEMENTS, Ihaving been completed for

supply of Ice. Parties who may be desirous of Whole Sale and Retail.

arkling their names to the kat of Shareholdera will Has on sale, of which musters can be seen at the be pleased to communicate with tr L. A. Stone show room Port Sherry: Claret; Changne; No. Clough Street, who is authorised by the lee Still-and Sparkling Moselle Hily: Gin: Alsops comittee to receive and register application for | Baso's, Faunders and Rer's Beer in Huls atul | shares.

Tutto i do, do, in bottle; Bengal Gram in 2 maund Hongkong, 21st October; 1813.

bags; Europe Hope; Paint & Oil; Clans & Pistole. An avortment of Painted Floor cloth of hand-


some pass, Splendid "Paper Macho Bedsteads, SET of richly cut glase, consisting of Quart Carpeting; Saddlery; Bengal Silk Flandkerchiefs and Pint Decanters, tumblers, Wine, Claret, Speale Indian Arrow (inot; Blankets, Cirey and Champagne, Hock and Liqueur Closets, all to

match. White Shirtings; Satiu Je?n; New Bottles in Quarter and Pints; Neak; Anchors and Chains. Patent Staves to consume their own smoke Also some very superior Julia bottled Pale Ale, adapted for either housu or cabin use.

PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. and Manila Cherocis tilee years old; and a variety of other article.

Victoria, 20th December, 1943. igoerieper) saknubers; Canvas of the best quality Bails made and repaited on the premises by ox-


at lowest price. -

R. W. W DALE and Mr. D. POTTER are All this day admitted partners in our firm, and Mr. CHARLES HYDER is authorized to per procuration.


Canton, 1st August, 1845.


Goods received from alongside ship and slorod in dry Glodowns on the most moderate terms.

Gooda, Letters, and Parcels forwarded and basi.

for the gel having nee Company feat. nowe Iranimeted for Partice absent.

Victoria, 19th Documber, 1145.

Insurance of Cal- cuita are prepared to grant Policies payable in | ---- London, Liverpool, Calcutta, Madras, Lombay, Singapore Rail China.

DIROM, GRAY & Co. Canton, 28th August, 1945.



Koving House.

W. FRANKLYN will sell on Thursday

next the 8th justant at 11 a, M.

An invoice of Prima Wellington and son boats,

NCHORS, Chains, Europe and Manila Rope, A Novy and bloached Canvas, Navy Duck, Bunting, I'aints, Oil, Salt Provisions, Bread, Flour and Marine Stores of all descriptions, Wines, Spirits, Beer and Portor in wood and bolticpro and Lead Water pipe, Elwet Lauf, Bokler, ?cre Plaster of Paris and Stencelling Patters, Stoves, Grates with Fundera &c. to match. Nautical Almanacks for 1846, and Manila Chorogis No. 3


and 4.

13 Queen's Road,

business of the undersigned will from this highlows and shoes. Also a case of ready made Victoria, 1st December, 1945. dale be conducted in the name of C. 8. Conr. shirts, matches, l'rinted cotton chikirans picture

fou Street, commanding & fine view of the boy:THE Shop and Store situate on the Queen's Road, in


a central part of the town. Early possession can TON & Co., bia partners being as heretofore, E-handkerchiefs of various kinds; und aundry other UE andersigne) has just received from the well

be given. For further particulaen apply to

R. OSWALD. Victoria, 19th December, 1×45,


TWO Convenient Houses in Gough Street, with Verandals, each containing nine Ituums, exclusive of outhouses, enquire of

ROWLAND REES. Pottinger Street.

Victoria, 6th December, 1845.

F?R SALE. ?ARINE. Lai No. 64 Situated betwee the late

Jansetjes Esq, measures 200 feat sea froninge, and altogether is a very desirable lot. For further particulars apply to

FLETCHER & Co.-Hongkong. or DIROM, GRAY & Co.-Conlon. Victoria, Jut July, 1815.


WARD M. DANIEL, and WILLIAM DICKINSON of articles. the firm of Daniell, Dickinson & Co, in London and Liverpool,

Canton, 1st January, 1846.



Terms of solo as per bills.

Victoria, 2nd January, 1848 PUBLIC AUCTION.

W, H, FRANKLYN will submit to public

Mcompetition at his sale frooms, Keying house,

THE partnership between the undersigned, carry-on Thursday next. January 8th, at 11 o'clock in

ing on business under the firm of ANDERSON, the Forenoon. A quantity of Grey Shirtings, Boo Chalmers & Co. is this day dissolved J. 3 And Shors, Shovels, knivox, Beer, Weighing Ma DERBON Continuing business under the firm of Archines, Shirts &c.; niso any other articles that mor DERRON & Co. and Patrick Chaters under offer previour to the sale.

Victoria, 8th January, 1810. that of CHALMERS & Co.


Canton, 31st December, 1845.

firm by procuration.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoris, 26th December, 1845.

koown firms of Perigal & Brady, the Iollow. ing Wions of the choicest quality which will bo disposed of on the lowest terins

Champigno Kherry Porto in Pints



Also Cherry Cordial

G. W. BOWRA. Victoria, 19th December, 1845.


HE Schooner "ALPIJA," well manuel and around, runs between Hongkong, Ma??o, or Coengingusion, as required; carrying LTB. Rover Facson is authorized to sign our carko Opium, Tr?nsure and Passengers, at most ine-Sprecher, Canton Apperrell) Switzerland carrying

derate terms.

W. I. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 5th September, 1818.

E undersigned has established himself in this place as Commission and Cieneral Agent in connection with Meats Foruen Buorneri & Co.

C?n business under this name And on account of this


L. EUSTER. Manilf, 13th July, 1845.



= =


* * * * ? 3 =

??????????? ???? ???? ??

$25 8 2 2 * *

* * *


? te




New advertisments, will be morical, until O'Clock, on the menings previous to cation, vix: Tuesdays and Pridays.


Oct. * Umrze STATE Oct.





Nor. BAL



Datatia Nov. 39 BERATORE Tec 11 MANILA Dee. 10 Des. 30 Dec. #



ago. The wages of workmen in the clock in

are poor. Au experienced and skilfu! hand can.

unfortunate Debtor destroy himself, lus ibili ties are considered to have been liquidated, and the relations are no longer beld to be opon,

It was thus which led to the sell die sible. truction of the party in question.

The deceased was a man of high character among his countrymen, and coppemed by all the Europeans with whom be as brought into

We would be far from correct Were we to contact, and his death has been a geaoral mibject of regret, nor has the Officer of Kn-mykhat robbarios are as frequent as of former gineers, who has charge of the military works, years. The Indian night police are certain: escaped censure. We do not profess to be ly a great protection to the inhabitants, and perfectly acquainted with the merits of the the lighting of the streets, cutting of roads, Case, and leave it to the Executive Engineer as well as the increase of buildings, all render Officer to vindicate himself, if his conduct is the town more secure, but we are informed that there are 300 Chineso of notoriously bad called in question by his superiors.

The recale way in which the Chinese enter character resident in the Chins part of the into building contract is known to many of our town and suburbs, and so long as they are per- readers. Often through ignorance, they sign domitted to remain on the island, rubbery and cuments binding them to finish houses according violence will be frequent. to the instructions of the Architect, an-fa too literal interpretation of the clause would lead to thoir ruins in addition to this, it almost in- variably happens that, contracts are taken too low; and the experience of those who have built in the Colony will prove our amortion, that in the majority of cases, their houses cost from 25 to 50 per cent more than contracted for; whilst extras, such as stone for brick, or marble for tiles, are always paid for without roference to the clause which would permit the Architect, or Superintendent, to demand that it be done gratuitously.

We hear that a day or two before the dece. ased destroyed himself, be was requested to sign an acknowledgenient that be had bee? paid for all work executed to the end of the year, which would have included the stone front for which bo had not been paid. He declined giving mich an acknowledgement, and took away his own life to save his relations from the grasp of relentless creditors. In ? Uje pra- sont portion of the Colony, with a Native pChusss in three days, we have dates from the

by some of the ruffiaus known to be on the is land. Dr Edmonstone's servant was robbed a few days ago between Victoria and Chuck Chew. The robbers in addition to a bundle of clothes belonging to his Master, which they made away with, stripped him of his own dress per month. leaving some of their own old clothes, in which he reached Chuck-Chew.

not get more than 4 dol or 1 dul. 25c. por day. A great many young man and boys work at the business, who voceiro only from 8 dols, to 9 dols.

The movement or running part of clocks can Dow be bought for less than 1 dol a piece—three year ago they were worth 2 dols. 50c. We know a gentleman who made a grand speculation in the clock business as follows.-Ile sold his fare for 3000 dollars, and added to this sur 3000 dollars in cash, the whole amount of which ho invested in clock movements at 2 dollars 604, a piece, to be delivered as he wished. This was three years ago and clocks boing just then rather dull of me, be kapt "holding on" (for better prices, until more. ments could be bought for 85 onts a pieces. Now his movements cost bim in cash 1.40 cants more than they were worth, to my nothing of the farm. This is the way the clockmakers get rich,

The clocks were formerly sold at the South, We apprehend that there is something ex- tremely defective in the corps of European bringing from 25 to 100 dollars a piece. But of police. With ordinary attention to their duty or lem dush, purchase yery few, and the universal late years the Boutherners, either more knowing

Yankee nation has been for some time extensively they might readily root out the greater part of the 300 meu referred to. The want of a re gistration ticket would be a sufficient caure forged to suppling Great Britain with "improved palent brasa clunka“ tamat, numbero asa olja their apprehension, and if on examination. sent to the West India Islanda, and more to Chine. fore the Chief Magistrate, they could not give | Nourly all that are made are now anot out of the a satisfactory account of themselves, it would country. There were three months ago probably be an easy matter be put them out of the co- 5000 clacks per day sent from the slats of Cow- lony, ander certification that if they returned necticut; but since that time many of the manu- they would be punished. The European po- facturere have run down, owing to their selling too lice do not stand' very high in the estimation of much on tick, and the Soulmasi han somewhat fai- their countrymen (we beg it to be understood len o that we do not include the Superintendent and Inspectors) and we confess that we are ni a loss to discover their merita. Their frequent visits, and lounging about the Chinamon's shops has not escaped obse, - ation.


By the Maseppa, from Shanghai in six gid former Port to the 27th Ultimo.

|pulation distrustful of our Gavernment, we nk upon this affair is poculiarly unfortunate,

Bince our last a@counts there had been more cold We trust, if the allegation as to the stone work ther than during the whole of last son. Out true, that some provision will be made for of doors the mercury had boen as low as 14°, mid |

the family of tur deceased. Sure we spm, that for 10 days, water was frozen every night in the the British Government does not require that ↑ bedrooms. So severe had the frost boen, that erse Contractors should lose money by the public the river opposite the town was frozen over, and buiklings: and if Zeal for the service, has in- | in some instances, Captains walked off on the fee duced the Executivo Engineer in this instance, to their vogels. “The” canal navigation in the lo- to be too stringent in enforcing the teams of the|terior had latterly been stopped, ?dding m?ch t? contract, they would approve of any moderate the general depression prevailing, consequent upon mam which may be necessary to provide for the the salety evinced by native dealers to realize prier to the holidays. ?Notwithstanding the pre- family of the degcasod.

sent dull state of tian (marktet, it la gratifying to know that the trade at this Port has steadily incressed sines ko opening and more than realized the anti- cipations of the most sanguine.


We regret to hear that the troops on board VICTORIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7mm, 9016, the Sir Lebert Sale do not improve. Bight or ten have been sent to the Minden Hospital His Excellency, M. Lagrene and Lady, em ship, and the remainder are to be land- harkert na Monway in the Prench steam frigate ed immediately, so that abe may be pro Archimede, in which they return to Macao, perly cleaned and fumigated for the receptien During their short visit they were the guests of of the luvalids about to proceed to England, Major General D'Aguilar, who entertained and who may be shortly expected in the De. them with his well known hospitality. On dalus from Chusan. This is a point to which embarking, salutes were fired from the shore the attention of the Medical Officers ought to pod answered by the Arckimade.

be especially directed, for it would be cruel to We hear from Canton that the Patriots and trostarent into a foul ship for so long

put men who require the most delicate care have issued a furious proclamation against voyage. But we have no doubt that this and opening the gates of the City to foreignoravery other precaution will be duly attended to They make use of threats, and are very abusive. Our relations with China are in a rather peculiar position. The last installment of the indemnity money is due to-day, but no prepara. tion has been made for recewing it. lis to be hoped that Sir John Davis will insintain the position he is apposed to have taken, and is

sia Chuson, until Canton is thrown open, and All the terms of Sir Henry Pottinger's treaties are complied with in good faith. After that, Whether China coales Chussa to the French or any other foreign power, is a matter with which we have nothing to sl. Indeed, considering the roinnanagement of this colony, we are not pertain that sofar as it concerns British mercan tile interests, it would not be better that France bad the expense of columizing Chusan, provided | with the intention of boarding. The Mar jhe had the good sense to make it a free port.

Another piratical attack has besa iande on vessel in the Capsingtoon passage. The Lorca Margaret left this barbour some days go bound for Canton with a valuable cargo of Wooliens. She was obliged to anchor at Capsingmoon waiting the turn of the tide, and whilst laying there throb boats full of men were dropping quietly alongada. The Man-- ter of the H?rg?ra? kailed, but reseiring no answer, and the bouts continuing to draw noar, he ordered some mushate to be fired over them. So soon as the Musketa wore fired the crew of the boats with load about look to their oare to made a daab for the Lorcha

garet was armed with an eighteen pound gun, jilacod amidships, which was foaded and man-

A Coroner's inquest was held on Friday on ned on the appearance of danger. The Bret

the body of the Contractor





2. (quinde (Sp), Ozollo, Macao,

2, Lemon (Am), Newell, Whampon.

8, H.C.M.Str. Archimeda, Captain Peria, Macao.

9. Museppe, Macfarlane, Shanghai and Chusan.

4. Trington, Nell, Whampoa

4. Glenelg, Harvey, outside for London, Whampoa

5. Ne k?s (Am), Waterman, Lombock.

B, Ru, alist, Laos, Macao.



4 Lanos (Am), Nawell. Manile.

5, H.C.M.?ke 'Arekinede, Captain Paris, Macao.

8, Glenelg, Harvey, London."


Lenrick, White, Bombay. General Wood, Stokos, Wbampon. Oquiado (Sp), Ozollo, Manila. Sea Park, Humphreis, London.

Bir Robert Bale, Loodor, London

VOOLS IN VICTonia Haqqour,

|H. M. B. Agincourt, Captain Lyster, Flag of Rear

Admiral Sir Thomas Cochrane. IL M. 8. Yexel, Capiala Talbot. pH.T.§. dilingir. Come Kjor.

1. M. 5. Madan, and Master in charge Owner,

Hospital and Store Ship Aden, King,

J. Crooked Masy Angione, Lane, Bomanje Flormarja, Costas, Gasella (Am), Chen, Jake Barry Clarke, General Wood Blokos,

enrick, White,

The garriam in in sovskiona irealak. The vates of the 95th Regt, has got up a theatrics company, under the patronage of their excellent Brigader, which is highly creditable to the lie. giment. having visi ghai and Ningpo. He left the Bir Thomas Cochrane arrival in the Vizan, aftur former port on Christmas sve, to the disappointment out The Nagis was also at Chosan repairing; of the pilers, of whom were engaged to dine baring sustained some damage in a heavy gale off the entrance to Ningpo. After inspecting some coal on the Island of Fortom, the Rear Admimi intended proceeding to Foo-chow-foo and Amoy and from thenes to Hongkong. The Dedalus briage down troops, and wilt, it is said, relieve the Vanch, the latter ship going to India. The trade of Chums continues trifling; one Agency hates being about to remove to Bhangbai.

The Mapps maintains ber reputation for sail ing. Although not equal to sums of ber former voyages, she made very fine passages both ways- fourteen days up, and theos down, in all 17 days to and from Chases at the monsoon. If we remember aright, her former passage to Woosung in 3 days, is one of the fastest, if not the faucet that bas boon made agains the N. E. morsoun.

AN AMERICAN OLOOK WORK, From the New York Tribune. Although Mr Samuel Slick told a very good end was in other respecta a worthy and com.



Meppo, Macharians, Mides (Am. sr-schr.), Pont, Natches (Am), Waterman, Nymph, Horsburgh, Oguindo (3p), Ozollo, Printer, Martell, Royalist, Loca,

Maricar and o J. Matheson and Co Captain

J. Matheson and Co J. Matheson and Co

Deat and Co

J. Matheson and Co

Santo Andonie (Sp). De Cruise, Sea Park, Humphries,

Sir Robert Sale, Loader, Starling, Chape, Theron, Briggs, Torrington, Nell. Wissahickon (Am), Wolber, Zephyr, Mann,

J. Matheson and Co Bush and Co Bash and Co Dral and Co

Rawle, Duus and Co

C. B. Lunginh

Order Belf

J. Matheson and Co Lindmy and Co Captain

William Cano Murrow and Oo Walmore and Co Dent and Co


Alfred, Napper, Ann, Stevenson,

Atist Rohomen, Bow

the Military discharge of grape and canister caused Donable man, be was not much of a clock. 1 Daniel (Dutch), Moses,

J. Mathosa and Co J. Blasheson and Co

J. Benin

Reynman and Lo J. M. 8. Van Basal Hasson

The boats of the men of war have returned by the neck on Priday morning in his reakdance from an auccesful search for the pirates who Hear the new Barracks. Upon his person was attacked the Celestial, nor have they cued found a paper stating, that in consequence of the European that leaped overboard, who, country is very great, and the Improvements lu the manufacture of the article introduced during

C. Anne Marie (D), Bakeman, Hospital and Officers Barracks, the particulari | confusion, mud from the cries, there ismo doubt

are informed will appear in the that some of the sailants were killed or maker. This is a beansk of basinsin about which Davi, Burley, of which Dovernment paper. We were not present at wounded; the second fire was equally effece great is called a very litle onerally Joe Corine, Dring, D. & M. Rustomjee and Co The inquest, but on application to the Coroner tive, knocking away a must, on which the knews. The following het bere born furnished he obligingly permitted us to peruse the pro-three boats pulled ou

un by a Yankos operator from Connecticut why is comederable of a clock case" himself, and is - ceedings. The deceased was found hanging

matar with the business in all its deta

The number of cka manufactured in this

pot bene able to meet his obligations at the from his bag an excellent swimmer, was the last four years have materially redmond the end of the year, he had destroyed himself. It thought might have reached the land. Nothing alan mentioned that, he had been a loser coml be heard of him, and it is but too probar as well as the wages of the operatives. Con fire last bio that he was drowned. We are in formed cticut, we believe, is the only state in whial in the amount of 91,50

many shops all over the north where the cases are | slock "moramonte” are made. But there are

. Queen's birth day that he had lost 98,000 by by a Contemporary; that, the Lascar said to

some business trai-ractions with one of his coun- lave en drowned, was killed by the thrust manufactured. There are about 20 of these in this trymen ; and 87.9.0 or 88,000 by the contract of a spear which penetrated to the brais. The cuy. The busines thus consists of two distinct branches. The cape maker solla bis cases to the to the Capsingmoon well manned, but she was morement-maker, or buys of him the movements equally unsuccessful with the boats from the and puts them ja himself,” slips of war in her enquiries for the infort Formerly the wheels for bras clocks wero cual, then turned and smoothed with great labour. to European who leapt overboard.

Justine (Dutch), Raab,

J. M. B. Van Baasl

Buell and Co Capjain Hogan and Co

Paarl, Morciant, D. & M. Rustomjee and Co Prine Carl (8wede), Molien, Wiz Zrism Girl, Beckton, Woodbridge, Poulan,

Venlo at Macao.

H. C. M. 8. Alemre, Captain Duplan. H. C. M. Str. Archmode, Captain Paris. Calcutta, Oshorne, Harrier,

Fatal Hair (Dutch),—

Frabella Robertson, Kelly,

A. A. de Mallo J. M. 8. Van Busi C. Sapoorjen Langenb 1. J. de Paira

John (Swode), Olinsberg, Cumaingmoos J. M. &Co Lady Hayes, Langley, Tyra, Grosvenor,

Scaleby Castle, Lemon,

J. Matheson and Co J. A. Durran J. Matheson and Co

American at Whampoa and Macao.

for the officers Barracks, in consequence of his day after the attack, the Celestial was sat back | being obliged to build a stone from, the con- tract having been for a brick one. He request ed that any money duo h?m by Government, or recovered from his debtors, slozuki be given to his creditors and some provizion made for While much in the state of affairs in the wa- | Now the bram comes rolled in plates of the proper his family. The Jury returned a verdict of ters of Hongkong, on land, though not so bad, thickness for the diferent wheels, and is pressed U. 8. 8. Columbus (74), Com. Biddle, Bogun forte. temporary insanity, though upon what grounds they are such de tu call for the greatos vigi ant-one motion of the press being sufficient to thir, Bray, we cannot imagine. The suicide appeared to lance on the part of the police and Civil Au. cut and centre the wheat." This saves much time Cabela, Merebell

and money. have been most deliberate, and it is well known thorities. The body of a Seaman belonging to

Congress, There are a number of firme in Connectical Edith (str.), that this crime is common among the Chinese, H. M. §. Agiwouri was of Baturday dieoover-thai pat ready for market 200 clocha a day, and Elisa Chevar,

Johnson, males and females, when they get into trouble. ed floating in the harbour. It was much mu- We are told by a very good authority, that tilated, three of the fingers having been cut off. ey are soldadola. to 2 dols, 50c. piece, Grend, Drinker,

according to quality.

Glide, Waterman, when the Chinese cannot pay their debt? at the and marks of violence upon the neck. It bas

The case (which are extensively manufactur Groflam, Abbott, End of the year, the Creditors come upon the been recognised as that of a liberty man, who ad here) are sold for G0 to 75 cents each. Good Henry, Shotey, relatics, pulling down their houses if they do has been missing since Christmas eve, and ale mahogany and zebra cases, well made and polished, Leland, Skillington, pot comply with their demands. By some though there is no proof that such was the can be bought now for 05 cents-the same quality Montauk, Mchiichael, fantastic and disgusting superstition, should the | ?ase, it is most probable that he was murdered of article as would have post 2 dols, three years! Oneida, Creesy,

Wetmore and Co J. N. A. Griswold

Etowell and Co Rosell and Co Womore and Co Tiers, Bourne and Co Russell and Go J. M. Bull Walmora and Go Wetmore and Co Wetmore and Co

Nye, Parkin and Co




room. WHEN SAILED. 1945 June 19 Mymooth,

Tow. ButPo


NAMEN Vulture,

14 Liverpool, 371 Aun Bates,

Flullin 395 Lancaster, 267 l'ampero,

470 Honey (Am) Story

30 Liverpool, 400 Jno. Cooper, Greig

Downs, 311 Elima,


6 Plymouth,


Falmouth, 139 Titunio,

A Portsmouth, 310 Foam,

19 Liverpool, 305 Dickey Bam


DESTINATHONY. Cape, Maurs & Chino "Sing, and Manila,


?latavia and Snig,

Singapore. &

JUST RECEIVED, ND for Bale by the mudersigned, a few pi rot Aof superior Tartau suitable for Coats and Trompers..

Opposite the Commissariat. Victoria, 2001 Jahmary,1840,


FOR SALE -By the wandkreigned,




Beer, and Stout, bi of the first quality, EDWARD NEWMAN. Victoria 7th October, 1845.


E subscribe having succedol Mr. P. Tpws- ses, as Auctioneer and Commission Ageot, regretfully solicits the patronage of Our Merchan's and foreign Residents in Hongkong and China, and hops by a prompt attention to buses, to merit a continuance of the patronage bestowed


FOR SALE IN THE UNDERSIGNED. Jo. 3 Superior Manila Cigara.

Spanish wince, Sherry, &c. in wond & bottler Manila Pine Bearfs, andkerchiefs, and Ladies Dresses.

J. DELMAS Corner Aberdeen Street Opposite the Baker. | upon his predecessor. Victoria. 10th Naveniber, teis.

MCMURRAY & CO. Batavia de BoerlyAVE for make a amal Invoice of the licu Boi

Penang & Bing. Shanghae.


CAPTAINS Chwarka NAMES. NAMRS Me!Dougall 11 M.8t Frigate Weighil Bayca & Co.

Barton & Co.

15 Clyde,


tireen & Co.

30 Liverpool,

Ales. Fletchor


21 Newport,

26 Clyde,

390 Parsoe,

Carlsted, (Swd.) Siu Broder


Hunter & Co.

Sing. and China.



Hornion Dirks

Hacon & Co.







Phillips & Tiplady



Goldsmith Chikon & Co. Stewart



Danish ship of wor China.


W. Ward


Davies King

Asuna & Co




Heape & Co.



China & Sing Singapore.


Jno. Caito & Co




010 Glentenner,





20 Downs, 270 John Laird,

323 Gardner, Augt. 4 Liverpool,


Nenting & Co. Hongkong & Shang..


Bulls & Ca

Shanglue & Chins




619 Lady Eas 231 Bleng,

11 Mymonk, (36 gsino) Qalaibea,

I Newport, 353 Wobga. 18 Cardigan, 100 Black Cal,

20 Liverpool, 330

23 Downs,

21 Liverpool, 261 Benj. [espo, son





213 Italiando,

203 Bymantry,

324 Cuand

26 Liverpool, 2:7 Gunga.


300 Jnu Christian Thomas *8 Clyde, 294 Lady Howden,M?Earcken 11 Liverpool, 320 Mary Ann Webb,Silko


Arbuthnot & Co. Penang & 8ing.

Balavia & Singa Hingapore.

Chine. Prowse & Co.

Martin & Co. Balaria & Sing

Shanghai T. Hipley Phillips & Tiplady China. Mitelnason Capo and Sing, Jamieson & Co. Baimber & China. Wilson 290 Janot Wilson, Morris

Sing. and Shanghae. Bharp

Aiken and Son Shanghae & China, Fletcher Stringer & Co.

11 Portsmouth, 440 Lady Amherst, 'l'hoisson j2 Downs, 339 Lanchester, Conway 19 Liverpool, 017 Euphrates,


Rotherdom Brocklebauk

16 Clyde,

23 Liverpool, 177 Ansio,


249 Marmion,



2:38 Matikla,



233 Lord Althorpe, Elliott



392 Pathfinder,



Liverpool, 374 Cenahoc,


Glen and Co.




811 Darothy, Browe

B Potemouth, 693 Wm. Jardine, Small

Lewis & Scott

Aikin and Son



do. do,

do. Jo. Ilongkong Batavia & Sing

Bourabaya & Batavia






Batavia and Sing. (Hamburgh ship) Shanghae.

11 Liverpool, 4:28 Tomatin,



$48 Marion,




211 Hope.



20 Clyde,

200 Belhaven,


2 Liverpool, 230 Esmeraldo,



23 Hull, 434 Wanderer,




October 2 Liverpool, 209 Lena,


Grindley and Co. Singapore.



Old England, White



4 Clyde,

937 Sarab,



6 Liverpool, 851 Bengaleo,


Bondlo & Co.

8 Gravesend, 530 Humayon,



8 Liverpool, 854 Chatham, 10 Clyde,

327 Euoles,



Cleared, but not Liverpool, 450 JeremiahGarnott, Davis


274 Earl Powis, Wilson JERUSALEM COFFEE Roure, 18th October, 1845.


GENERAL MEETING of the Subscribers

10 the Monson Fund" will be held w Buurday the 10th Imat. at 4 P. x. at the office of Mesin DENT & CO

As it is intended to dreide at this Mealing on the most desirable mole of appropriating the amount now in hands of the Treasurers; the attendance of

sabwcribers is particularly requested.


GEORGE T. BRAINE. Commiuce. A. ANDERSON. Victoria, 5th January, 1845. NOTICE.

WILLIAM WARD BROWN is authorised to sign for our Firm by pracuration.

HEGAN & Co. Tat Jamukry, 1840.

FOR SALE. BAG Ex Sering Twe BLEACHED and Brown Canvas Noa Ie 7.

MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co. Canton, let January, 1146


Jameson & Co. Hunter & Co. Lockett & Co. Diteboa


Singapore. Chine


Madras & Penang Shangliae. Hongkong.


ish Silver Bloods, consisting of 'l'en pota, Coffee porn, Percolating ditto, Water Mates and corers, Curry Dishes, Beef stenk Duhes, Disk covere, Soup Tureens of sizes, Cruct and Liquor Framnes, Table and Chamber Candlesticks, Soup Ladles, Fish and Butter Knives, Bpoons and Forks of sorts, and a variety of ollier articles; also Rod. gers's Knives and Forks, l'unknives Dram Dot. cles, Powdor and Shot Flasks etc. eft.

Victoria, Queen's Itoad and Aberdeen Street, 9th Decciuber, 1945.



At the Old Stand Qured's Road Victoria, 2n | Decciuber, 1985.

"FOR SALE Nw Store of the Subscriber,

shuary and Melcira Wine in Wood and Bot. les; Port Wine in Cases; Peppermint Cordis, ale Wood; Porter and Coder' in Bottles ; Superior American Butter Corn meal Fandy Beef in Dlls; Neats Tongues; Rounds, Tolincer, Segara Na 3 and 4, Masala Cheruous in 1000 and 3rdoner; Outs in Bbka; Rossin Canvas; Twine Paint (51 and 'J'urpentine; Bright Varnish,

W., HEYI. Queen's Road, Victoria, 5th December, 1815. NOTICIZ

RS CURISTOPHER respectfully begs to ta

quaint the Ladies of Vitorin, dant she has D TOWNSEND, having reaignesh his business, recrivel a large assortment of Childrens clothing of of Auction and Commission Agem in favour different patterns and quality, antall? both for sum of Mr. Wiutiam S. Here, bega to return his thanks mer and winter, from the agis of rix months to ten to the Merchants of Chin, for their very liberal years inclusive. Also a lot of Childrena habit patronage during hun residence in the Country, and Shirts and Collars; Ladica and Gentlemen's Blond would at the same time solicit the continuauce of and Cambrick Handkerchiefs; Gentlemen's Cloves the same favour for his successor, Mr. Townekko of different color; Ladie's Boots and Shoes.

Victoria, December 28th, 1815.

FOR SALE at the Stores of the undersigned:

A quantity of Ladies Bonnetta, Muslin do

Laine, and Cambric printed and Cotton Dressen.

De Laine, Cashmore and Damask Bhawls, Lace of

will remain with Mr. Uava, until March (9.0), an salesinan and can pruiniso the usual punctuality in burinces.

Victoria, 2nd December, 1813.


LL persons having claims upon the undersigned

all kinds, Plannel of differem description. Morino A are requested to send in dicir accounts for Frocks, Ladies black and white Silk Stockings, adjustment, and all parties indebted are soquested Gentlemons Chock Ehirts, Coats and Vests of dif- to make immediate payment to.

P. TOWNSEND. ferent patterns, and of superior description, Coat

Victoria, 2nd December, 1815. Buttons, Men and Childrens Caps.



An awortment of Glass Ware, Oilmaus Stores,

small invoice of Jewellery, Manila Cheroots No. 8, Corned Beef, Butter and Cherne, Alsopps Beer, Cognac Brandy, Gin, Wines and Cherry Cordial, upon the lowest terra,

L. E. CHRISTOPLJER. Victoria, 23rd Necember, 1815. TR

CHRISTOPHER respectfully begs to in- form the inhabitants of Hongkong, Masters of Vessels &c. that he has this slay opened Ro. freshment Rooms next to Mr Just's in the Queen's Iload.

Y the undersigned a few Jors of superior Eng-

Bish itu.



Pottinger Street. Victoria, 19th November, 1845, BILLS OF LADING FOR THE OVERLANU


OR sale at this once, four forms of bills of lad

Especie shipped by the P. 13, in for goods or Gome?any's Steam packets. Ist for goods ileliver.

A printed scale of charges for Breakfasts, Tif. able at London; 2nd for goods deliveraly at UST received ez "Aden" a small Invoics of Ans. Dinners &c. which will be at extremely mo. Soutienpton: 3rd for goods deliverable at Sucz darata okargos, will be hung up in the persinos 4th for goods deliverable al termellate ports. The English and Local Newspapers to be had they ate printed after the Company's Kiriks on

Victoria, 23rd December, 1846.

prima Cumberland Slama and Okeusu


Victoris, fith January, 1846,

SODA WATER, SALE-At the Store of Mr. John Smith in


Macho from Dr. Hunter's. Soda Water Manufactory there. Macno, 11th Jamunty, zaj?.

NOTICE. Jundersigned.

[UST opened and for Balo at the stores of the

Table Oilcoans Stores of all descriptions

A large assortment of Carpoting all patterns, Hoarth Rugs &c. &c. Tartan and Cheek Clothe, Drills and White Cotton and wormed Ines, La. dies Molino De Laime and Printed Dress, Laco and a large assortment of Perfumery, stationary

Candice &c.

D CHISHOLM. Victoria, Queen's Road, November 21st, 1845

SMITH & BRIMELOW. Ship Chandlers, W'holesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants, and Commission Agents &c. No & WOOSNAM'S BUILDINGS.

farAVE for sale sil kinds of Stores puitable for

ed are requested to send in their accounts niljustment; and all persons indebted are requested


to make immediato payment to,

Victoria, 8th January, 1816.


few Superior Saddles and Double Bridles; small size and suitable for Ponies. Also a variety of fancy Doeskin Cloth

LANE, ROWLAND & Co. Victoris, January 6th, 1846.



all times.

BRITISH HOTEL. GABRIEL has taken a commodious house si. Bunted at the Corner of CirahaosStreet, & short distance south of the Queen's Stoud, which be

conduct Howl above title.

Gralleason favouring him with their patronage will find their comfort strictly attended to.

All the articles supplied will be of the first rate description.

A Thurston's illiard Table on the Primises. Victoria, 14th March, 1046.


N Aartment to let at Mr G. Droid's French taylor, with or without buard, ou moderate torme, apply to the undersigned.

C. DUPUIG. torin, With September, 1815.



Moss C. Durcis zso begs to state that ho in-

Bank post.

Office "Friend of China"

25 October, 1845.

CHIPPING ARTICLES, secording to the ro

cent art (Victoria 7 & 8 ) for sale at this office.

} co "Friend of China,"

Victoria, 10th October, 1815.

INGUISTS Reports and Navy Bilis for sale

at this Offico. Office Friend of China, 28th Deo, 1911.


(From the Friend of India Oct. 18.) The mutual exchange of the ratified treaties for the transfer of Serampore from the Danish to tho English-crown having taken place in Calcutta, the Commissioners oppointed by the British Govern- ment, Messra J. J. Hervey and H. V. Barley, came up to this town in a Steamer last Saturday morn ing, and received possession of the settlement from

BEUS most respectfully to inform the Gentry colors. The traneaction was completed without Ships; such as Canvas, Blacks, Rope, Twi-D and the Public that he has Removed his Escolors.

noise or parade. No minute guns were fired to ne, Beef, l'ark, &c. &c. Also Stores suitable for tablishment from Macao to Hongkong where he denote the extinction of the Danish power in India families, Double Gloster Cheese, Butter in small Intende conducting bis Business in all its branches Kegs and Jars, York hams, Coffee, Chocolate, and irusta by strict attention, to merit a share of and no rogal salute to annance this accession of territory to the dominions of Quren Victoria lo Preserved Meats and Soupe, Sauces and Pickles the Public patrons which he har for this last two house of the occasion, however, the British coelga

years received.

was hoisted at Barroskpore. The transfer was tends to keep ou land a Pariety of Clothe suitable made with a delicate consideration for the feelings for the diurate, likewise a selection of Drills and of those whom it was likely to alkeet, which reflects fancy Jeans for Coats etc. etc.; also on sorment little credit on the judgment of the Commis of Buffs, Vallencian, Silka, Satins and Fancy Vlees. By some singuler blunder, the orders is veta for Vests of the newest style and fashion,

Moss C. Dreum has a small assortment of ion of a Company of troope from Barrackpore lo ents Kidd, Silk, and other loves, Elastic Dre this town are understood to have directed them to Satin Cmvals, Blocks etc. to ele, all the above se vier au nom de British colors; in fact, to tako military possession of the town, a proceduro articles ate of the best description Inst roull be pro-inconsistent with the pacific character of the tran cured in the Colony. Cientlemen enn dependan haring their Clothes made in the first style of for

Assorted, Bardines, Pranes, Bloom Raisins, Pearl Harley, Jams and Jellies, 'T'oa in small package, superior Bristol Tripe, Salmon, Tongues.

ALSO Beer and Porter in Cnsk, Barclay and Perkins Stout in bottles, Allopp's Beer.

Buperior Port and Sherry, Madeira in wood and bottles, Vidonio, old Cognac, Whiskey in cask and bottle, Cask Brandy, Cherry Cordial, and a vatie

Victoria, 20th December 1845.

CMARKWICK will sell by Public Auction onty of other articles

8th January 1816 at 11 o'clock A. M. at his Action Room next door to Welch & Blocker's, Queen's Road.

A Quantity of Householl Furniture, consisting of Round and other Tables. Couches, Writing Desks, Fowling Pieces, Pistole (large and smal Camphoe Wood Trunks, Chairs, &c. &c. &c.

Wearing apparel, Glass and Crokeryware and

various other articles,

Terms of Sale Cash before delivery in Mexican Dollars.

PUBLIC AUCTION. THE Undersigned will sell by Public Auction at Chanam's Hong, on Thursday, the 8th In- stant, nt (1 O'clock A. M.

An assortment of Hardware, Port and Sherry in Bottle and Cank, Gin ia Bottle and Demijohn's, Porter in Bottle, Brandied Fruit, Soap, Cigars, Cavendish Tobacco, White Wine. Vinoger in Cask, Chocolate in Time, Coffee Mills, Lanterns, English Made Bhoes, Dried Apples, Sowing Twine, Shot, a few Chrate 'l'es etc. etc.;

And at half-pnat 1 O'olock on the same day, A very fine ARAB HORSE quite sound. TERRO OF SALE,--Cash in Mexican Dollars. MCEWEN & Co.


Victoria, January 6th, 1840.


SODA WATER ERATED LEMONADE, To be obtained the manufactory of the under.


SMITH & BRIMELOW. No 1 and 2 Woomam's Buildings, corner of Pot- tinger Btreet,


OMITH & BRIMELOW have removed their establishment to Wooster's Buildinga corner of Pottinger Stroel, Qasen's Road, where they will in future carry on their beneta

Victoria, 15th December, 1845.


shion and eleganca

Address to Moxa. C. Duruio, Taylor & Draper, Wellington St., one door from firaham St, Victoria, Itongkong, 30th May, 1815


NENERAL Commission and Shipping Agents

Wine Beer and Spirit. Merchants, And Auctioneers Queens Road & Chinam Hong Bupply Bhips, Families and foreign residents at the consular porte, with all descriptions of Stores, Balt provisions, Wine, Beer and Spirits upon mo

deanto terms.

sued in the military departmem for the transmis- -

action, and which would not only have a ficted a wound on the national feelings of Dettmask, but

probably have given the captors theme claim for prize money which they enjoyed on a former oc casion. But the matter was so arranged that tho cession of the town was made to the Ciril Cominis.. sioners, and the troops did not make their appear. Dce till after the British colors had been housed and Serampore had become British ground.

Our renders nees scarcely be informed that the settlement was formed a few months before the cap- ture of Calcutta in 1786, and the consequent eclipsa of that British influence which has since been ex- tended through Asin. The permission lo establish a factory in this spot was obtained through the in- fluence of Mous. Low, the well known French of ficer at the Court | Mvorshedabad, and it was one of the last acts of the great viceroy, Ali-verdy- Khan. We believe the louer is still exiom at Trail- queber which his mad genilson, Seraj-ad-dowlan, description.- Bght provisions, Flour, Canvas, European Rope, sent to the first Chief of the factory, whien be passed | Anchors. Chains, Pitch, Tar, Varnish, Paints, | down on the opposite bauk, informing him that be Paint oil, Boap, White wine vinegar, Nory and was on his way to exterminate the English, and Pilot breed, on kasortiment of Pickles, Sauces, Pre- | commanding him to join the army with a?L DES on served meats and Fruits, Hams and Cheese, Bass's cavalry, infantry, and artillery. The answer of **Beer, Brandy and Gio. Also Wines in variety, the Chief is also we believe preserved, in which ho M'EWEN & C? - [ excused himself from this duty, all-dging that bo Victoria, 18th September, 19:15,

was living in a mud bungalow; with only two or

small invoice of Lamb's Wool Vests and Dra- wera; Merino Vests and Drawers, Cotton Vesta

Also dry and convenient storage for goods. Victoria, "lat January, 1846.



de. Rogata Shins, Cloth Caps and clestic Braces, DY the Undersigned, Burrs Brores of overg all superior articles.

SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, Woosnam's Buildings, corner of Pot- inger Biroet, December 19th, 1845.

NOTICE. LOODS stored in dry and secure Godowns Gr the roost moderate terms.

SMITI & BIRMELOW. Victorin, 15th December, 1845.




three servants, and bad, neither horse, foot, nor traf. We Lulieve that on one occasion when a CHARACTER INDICATED BY THE Laugn-How | thoughts, lon? got up, though it was three in the print. The little factory soon began to participis, || revsel with a cargo valued at ?100,000 wsi cap much of charioter is there in a laugh? You kanw morning.—Lord Fitzharris's Note-Book 1805, in the new impulse which was given to the trade tured in the British channel, and carried in for ad- go man till you have heard him langh-till you The Mesten afern tich Battle of Water- of the country by the talishment of British audication to the Admiralty Courts, Sir William know when and how he will laugh. Thore are Leo, The oply Captain wu now had left inviter thority in Bengal, and largo profits were ameo by Scott contrasted the allowance of the Ciovernor of occcpions-there are hunners when a man with us from the holier of the rank, to follow him in a the Danish East India Company, and still large| Metum pore, with the value of thip cargo, and on the whom we have been long familiar, shell quite star attack on about three thousand of the French in fortunes by their factors. Towards the close of ground chiefly of this incongruit, condemned both tle and repel us, by breaking out into ? laugh fantry. Abdu a duzen of us sccepted the invita the American war, hostilities in which England vessel and cargo. It was not unusual for the mer-which comes manifestly from his heart, and which tion; and such was the destructive fire to whiel. was involved with France and Holland, put a stop chans at Calcutta to despatch i vrasl noder Da-yet we had never heard before. Eren in fair Inches we wore opposed, that we had advanced not mor to the French and Dutch trair in the East ladias, nish colors to the Tale of France, and there boy up with whom I have been much plouad, I have re-than six or seven paces before every one of the and gave a proportionate expanse to the trade of at low price, the cargoes of their own chips which i marked the ama thing. As many a heart a party, excopt mir and my brother, was either killed Berumpere. Dams ships under the protection of the French privateers had captored at the mouth sweet angel slumbers unsers untill some happy or would. We carried the captain back to the this neutral fg, nangatal the Indian seas with of the river, and bring them back to Calcutta, | moment awakes it, so there sleeps often in gra- i shelter of the bank; where we found our first ma perfect security, while Englah sewcle wore sub- where they wore sold to advantage. But indepen ciona and amiable characters deep in the back jor, who had not been with us during the day. ject to great risk frogs privateers, unl aaddled with dently of this subsidiary trade, the direct commerce ground, a qulio vulgar spirit which starts inte life having been attached to the 18. He ordered the heavy insurance. During the but two or three of Serampore with Europe, chiody in piece goods. when something rudely comical prostrates into the captain to be taken to the rear, and then caused us years of that war, almost the whole trade of Bmw a source of on small profit to the Danish Com ass frequented chambers of the min-1,-*ckwoo | to be stored. We numbered two offiuere and gal may be said to have been thrown into the tande ? paay, and yiekled an abeglant harvest to all their.

Watreptel.—This man, the m?n of an ian. 70 men; the bastion, when we entered the fiel of the Danes, and Ferumpors became one of he?ervanto ripployed in it. At length came the mom important commercial sowne on the looghly seizure of the Llanishe feet in 1807, and the coolerte attainmens, teined in the miniry man

keeper, without fortues or unustian, of very the first day, had ? oilizers, and 550 men. My

worthy friend Burton gave me a hearty slap cum This commerce was alab sided by the exemption Gacation of Danish property, for which no comer. an humble youths, sent to college within the hack, and said. "Out with the grug. Tom di which the Danish quiloritjes elsimed from the pensation has been given, though a motion is an- pists of British uston House officers, and which, wually made in Parliament on the subject. Seram any proconcartal plan, without having carefully not tell you there was no shot made for you o in the delicate position of the British Ministry at pore was a second time captured. The Company's furnished himself with auxiliaries, without any e-Morrie's Recollectims of Military Service. West-end Clus -Although the great went. the time, having America, France and Holland to godowns on the occasion were richly stored with strong faney of his own importance, without weiz- cope with was reluctantly exceded. The trade goods, which afforded no little prize money to then on any striking public occasion, in a period al clubs bave in many instances damaged, and is of the town was likewise invigorated by British captors and bros well laden Danish vasecka, lying and constry of settled order, and of so much know. some ruined the proprietore of the confortable okl

fashioned taverna and coffee houses, they are to a capital. The Cours of Directors had strictly pro in the river, ware aaken possession of by the boats, edge and nivilisation as would, in ordinary apa hibited the Government of fodia to receive the of the Modeste frigate, under the command of the latina, be acconated suficient to secure the com.certain extent compensating, at least mitigating, Fortunes their servante hed accumulated, and give How. George, now Admiral Elliott, his father, Lord only against any very violent effect of novely the evil, by the unquestionable services which the bills authe home essury: the probibition Minis, looking out from hiswindow at Barnokpore and sathusiasm under all these circumsiances, this they render to the poor of the metropolis. There was dictated by wisdom, perhape ako by necessity. the transaction. It was believo at the time pain designing young man came forth. And it not one club of any respectability which is not in And so the Senior and Junior merchants, and fac that the llanorable Denrunader realised a hand with what mango did he come, and how did he the habit of enatributing to the maintence or re fore, and writers, who, with allowances such as an some fortule by his morning's work; but from delt itt He came with no splendid rhetoric from lief of the indigent in their respective parishes. We uncovenanted clerk of any standing in the present sebarquent staments we bare derived from those the schools; be dazzled the eyes of the crowd with may illustrate this statement by reference to the day would turn up bis nose at, were saving lakh who were in a situation to known the truth, we are no jewals from the plundered shrines of uiquity: after lakb, transmitted their fortunes to England satisfied that the golden expectations formed at the he spoke to them from no magnificent churches and amid the soothing and entrancing illucination through Danish agency, and thus contributed time were not realised Joswell the tide of Danish commercs. Those were Serampore continual under the British Bag for of gorgeous windows. A table, a wall, a guir, glorious days for Serampore. In nine months, the early wron years, and the Danish faectionaries tab, green hill side, a grancy mound wear a church number of vessels, which anchored in our purl, received a large and even liberal allowance from yards were the pulpite from which he lawn amounted to turnty-two of all dimensions, but the Government of India. It was restored at the che those thunderbolts of invective exhortatius mostly of three masia, and their burden was alto peace of Vicana; be commerce had intermediate with which it is on postiosi amplification to any gether 10.30 tons. The spirit of the Chief rose taken a new direction in 1814 the East Indis in the altered words of Aristophanes, that he fighnell in the Conciliation Hall: If it were attempt. with the prosperity of the town, till it encountered Company's Charter was renewed, and private or England-Review of Friar's Eysin to bring in any sure injurious to his cou

try, ho would fell it his duty to go over and die on a far haughties and more unheading spirit in War merchant were for the first time allowed in pers

Priser's Magasine.

Propesyon Wilson anove T'airet Tri?n Sen- the foor of the House in carrying out a vexatioun ren Flustings, who, in raferetion to this period onya ticipate freely in the trade of India There was

appo ition to it. He would then come back to "The Danish settlement of Fredricksnagore is no longer any inducement to read koro money -"Did I ever tell you," says Mre tirant

Ireland nak his countrymen, “Are you for Re- become a great resort of trade, and the chief, Mr through Danish merchants. The Daniel East (baggen, in ove n?her lotters, dated 1810, “of a Bie, whose baviour as well as that of bis predeces din Company, morenser, was prostrated by the poal we have in Edinburgh, the most provoking peal a ↑ " pors had been invariably humble and unassuming, blow if had received from the mck of its war orcalore imaginable? He is young, handwome has lately adopted a tons of independence, and laid | booma, and the capture of its vessels. And the wealthy. winy; has great learning, exubaru spirasis

a wife and shikteen whom he doints on—cizenma claim to immunities in virtue of a pretended firman agency of steam was even then beginning to mp of which he refuses to produce a copy. But Has the foundation of that trade in piece goods, which ces, one would thick, consolidating-and no ings was too prudent to interfere with the pre-bed so long been a mine of wealth to India; the vice that I know, but, on the contrary, virtuous lended womanities, which our all referred to free tide was Segineing to turn, and it was appardel primoipka sind feelings. Yet his wonderful scen- pom of trade on the bigh way of the river, before that in the matter Cotton cloths toe me had triaily would put anybody hat his wife wild. She, the English had taken possession of the throws of arrived when India world cease to be an export-am convinced, was actually made on purpose for the three Boubabe, sad into the waters of Banga! ing, and become an importing country. Thirty her husband, and has that kind of indescribable their own and he thus writes in the Reriowl of years have now clapend since the town was resor. controlling influence over him that Catherina ja the stain of Bengal. —

al to Donmark, and during this long period, only said to have had over that wonderful savage, the ono vessel has visited the poet, and the result of the Car Peter. Pray look at the last Edinburgh Review, and read the favourable article on John adventure was such as to discrimge any second Wilana's City of the Plague. He is the person is attempt to rivire commercial undertakings

Conduct, which in a better supported member of



The element has now been transferred toge question and had any sue lase in favour with the ther with that of Tranqueber, to the British Gio-critics built such a city in the region of fancy, and


plagued him most vilistlikty.

Union Club, which distributed in the year 1844 to the phor of St Martin's-in-e Fields, under the control of the officiating ministers, no less than 3104 The of broken bread, 4556 The of broken meat 147 pints of the leaves, and 1119 pints of coffee grounds.

Gems of Inca Osatoar—The Collowing gum of genuine Hibernicism was ullared by Mr U?o

A TATUR, in honour of Christopher Columbus, about to be erected as Cieno, his birth-place. "CAULD KARL Her ADAIN."A reverend Doctor of Divinity on une occasion repented his allernoon discurse in another chapel in the oven- ing After sermon, the doctor having met an old won an of bia owa dock, entered in conversation with her- Hon's n' wi' ye. Janet?' quoth the divine Brawly, doctor, brawly, are ye veel ensuch yourself for you've gi'rn us enaki kail bet again the nicht.' 'Ifoot, hoot, Janet, yu're wrong about the kail-you kun they ha'enn had time ta ?aol.

The manificant paluos of the Pope of Rome la

called the Vatican, and is sold to contain 7000 now. The library, founded a. 1418, boomtified brio, and it is also the richet in the world, both is printed books and enamusoripts. The

Vakaira, 1748.

The man who complains of the amount of income tax he pays is a hypocrite. His real more of regret is that he does not pay a great dead more. Take an examplo. A is rated at ?2000 a your s at ?900; ennenquently & pays Len times as such income as B. Dues any man in his sondes baleve that 8 would not gladly exchange placas with A1 The ideale preposterous.

A Row. Wal, there's a row over in our hoes!' Why dad a got drunk, mother's dowl, the oil enw What on wirth's the matter you little aarpent has got a call. Sal's got married, and run away with all the spoons

Peter has swallowed a pin, and Luke's looked at the Aurora Bores'il he's got the delirium triangles.-That ain't all seethir What else upon nirth ? Ross spilt the butter pit, and broke the pancakes, and one of the Malice kittens has got hur hand into the molames oup, and can't get il out again, und Of how bungry 1 am.




Per Emily, British barque, for Lerpool, salo

PLATT & Co Congon Bouchong

Elyson Yg. Hyson Gunpowder Imperial

It is true that the Dritub Government, having the power, might with ease repress every sposi flon to its rights, and to the rules which is its pre- per dominion, but if a brutal commander shall en fuse to admit the visite of our officers, and ill trest them, I am not sure that it will be always prudent | Naraman, and Demanache krum makandy buen hiburan: people) is in the seina vikumar, they would" kovo 1 danda Thandos of th? Vatican' wewa firal nudi kr for the unembers of Goverment to punish the ed from a heavy annual expenditure, but has ob

Triste ning Anzuotas. —A gendaru in ?iparv- putrage, although it would certainly be their duty mined a sun for these culonies, which, though far to do it, ainen it would, without fail become a sub-inferior to the amount which they have stood the ing a clergyman in the Omnis, n? se barley: ject of passionate and exaggerated appeal from the mother country in, is still a matter of me conal expromed his satamshment, and wondered what sulbring party to its constituent state; and if it deration; and one theme of declamation eiust article he could deal in. Thirty-nine wis the ply should not suit the situation of our own at the time the Crown has been taken away from Young Dan-

A FREAK OF FORTUR- Irene Nishola, to hard an open rupture with it, an easy sacr?tico | merh.

daughter of Mr Nahanie! Nichols of Monmouth, This article bas itopercoptible swelled to a mach Kennebec Co., while at work in a factory in Dor might be made of the devoted offenders, and tha

greater length than we originally intended. On cluster, Mass., some four years sincs, was offered the British dominion, would be appliuded and re reading it over we almost fool, ashamed to present, very liberi wagan to go to Mexico and engage in the aid and influence of that shiobable prejudice should mistake it for a history of the seulement, others, accepted the offer. While there, she be warded, would in this ins aner be reprobated, with its brief and more details to the reader, lest he a factory just rabbished that the wight which ascribos net of the Government of Hargal At some future perial of greater leisure we may came acqosioled with Perrera, the present it je improper motives, and brands the authors with possibly work up the materiais in our preseason grat and successful General, with whom she con criminality.

into a rating of its ries, progreen, and decay, tracted marriage. She inade a visit to her friends After the closs of the American wear, the trade which will perhaps be fund not altogether unia in Mainn, last summer, during which she received of the town still continued to flourish, though the|teresting.

frequent lettore from Ferrer. She left here in French and the Dutch were again in the Beld. In

July or August last. for Mexico, ria New York, Joss than ten years, however," maltera reverted to

where she obtained a license, and was united in their old position," Boon after the beginning of the Search Making.—Who has not knows a ples. matrisge to General Factors, by his representativo French Revolution, England was at war with no party, utterly done for every, slot the General mot being able to leave Mexico a stop France and Holland ; the English flag floatof over pissintnem extinguished by the demon of speech tendered arecamry, in the parties were both Pro Chinsurah and Chanderungore; Danish regels | innking throwing its wei blanket over it. The in. testants, and could not be’mauriod in Mexico, a periguand the seas with perfect impunity, while teresting conversation—the smartly maintained at Catholic country. Ferresa in now President of English ships were exposed to the greatest danger gument--the quick repartes-the good-humoured M?xico, having his head-quarters at the national from privateers, and to heary charges by the un- budinage—all paralisod in a moment by some un. palace in the city, and this Kennebec "Factory | Nov. 1845. derwriters. The harvest of gain was rich. Old happy speech-maker, who rises from his chuir, like Girl" now "rovela in the Halls of the Montezu Johannes Barkies, the wealthy Armenian merchant, a gbust through a trap-door, and is an unfaltering me." General Forreza is of Gesinna extraction. — of whom it was said that he could tell the value stolid voice asks permission to propose a toast. ?i New York Express. pfa piece of cloth more accurately by the touch is granted, of course. You k?j?w that all in over THE Evotu 15 Enver-There is an evident than other men could by the sight, came up to the blow bas been struck enjoyment is lying sxpectation in the public mind of Calro that Eng Berampore, and engaged largely in the tale of sprawling under the table, ring or dead. You and muss, sooner or later, take a leading part in This flourishing town, and built a large house, and any as well take your harold go home diaconso- | Egyptian politics; but not only here, but all over prected a ghat or landing stairs before it, which is lately in the ruin: you know what will follow. the East, every traveller, at all capable of convers id to have cost him more than 20,000 Rupees. You know that the wretch la going to propose your ing with the estives, constantly meets the question, John Palmer, justly designsted the prison of Cal- host' hashh-you know all that creature of the "When are the English coming It would be autta merchants, not less for the extent of this kind ways-he is always sure the toast he is about difficult so trace the origin of this popular impres transactions, than for the liberality of his beart, and to give requires no comment-that its object re- |sion, which certainly has not arisen from any va the elegance of bis mind, was the Danish Com- quires no eulogium from him to make then all do paring, politically or private, on the part of the pany's Agent, wod has quay sure that that Lost dus bonour. wey ait know their friend English. There are, moreover, no Englishmen in be had from day to day in the godowns en--their cacelet valued friend-and that, as the Paska's service, except the superintendents of gaged in the dull occupation of examining and surely as he is known he is esteemed that they the gardens at Rhoda, aud of the sugar plentations pasing pieco gonds; but was rewarded for his oil all can and do appreciate those many excellent in the Said; but Frenchmen abound in every de- by netting a lakh of Rupees a your. It was in this qualities which have so generally endoared him partment, from Buleiman Pasha to the apothecaries Siste of high and an imming groeperity that Dan either as a husband, father, or a friend. Know-apprentices in the female surgery. It was French- mark became involved in the Northern coalition ing this, and feeling this, he did believe himself man who made Egypt a naval power, it was and Nelson bombandos Copenhagen. As a mat called upon to, &c. dc. de. All the common-place Franchiman who organized the army that all but jer of course a few 15 pies of sepoyo were sans cant of compliment is duly good through: and the overthrew the the Empire of Constantinaple; it pver ta take iniktnis ? son of the towit and deuce of it is, that the matter don't end here. The wen Frenchman who made the magnificent docka post the English at tine godowns happened toastee (there is no law agains coining warde se al-Alexandria and the celebrates engineer, who in lp here, and the pit empty of ships, and the against colning half-erowns) is in duty bound to controls the destinies of Egypt by means of acting paptors got little faseir painK

return thanks, which process be performs by die upin the inundations of the Nile, is M. Liga Sa The peace of A as again restored Serampore clitung seriation all the lattery lavished upon him it is, however, every traveller can boat witness. to the Danish unthorsties, and gave it live yoxis of and too often winding up by plastering it more Ethen. property. And for the third time England was | upon another, who in his turn repentu the interest- jorolved in war with France, noda third time was | Ing operation. And so it goes round: the mania Engal (15dexpand to risk, not meterly, us onto as catching as the small-pox. Every-body pro- forine casious, in the European sexs, but in the news everybody cho's health. It would be sn in India Ocean its; and a third time did the Danish ut given, to leave out mybudy-received, to be flag cujoy all the inmunitice and advantages of a led out by everybody, conversation, sinusing or neutral. The Bay of Bengal swstined with kremely instructive, gives place lua vapid round of encpli privateers an English vessel could she ments, neither instructive, nor amusing, nor sin hetwelft the Sandheads without the chance of beer. You no more mean what you my when you ing captured. Insurance rose to a ruinous extrm, took an uidiary battering after-linne speel And the Calcuna merchanua basemel to Seramporu? than you do what you write, whom you Laith a to oltais the proteine of Dich papers for their letter with your lobelicat pat," and ad Tombo This procriture won severely di nowed dress it to a feller what you maf to kick the in a parohet draws up at the time by the well first time you can catch him--No Monthly Ma. Enown Saphen, atlok, the Frauds of Neu- g?mir.

EYFECT OF TRAfaloan on Pitt.- the re- ceipt of the news of the memorial battle of Tra- falgar (some day in November, 1805,) I happened to dine with Pitt, and it was naturally the engene. sing subject of our conversation. I shall over

folget the cloquat auner in which he described bis conflicting feelings, when roused in the night to read Collingwood's despatches. Pitt observed

that he had been called up at various hours in his

etentful life, by the arrival of news of various hues:

bat that whether good or bad, he could alwayo lay

his bead on bis pillow, and sink into sound sleep

again. On this occasion, however, the great event Funounced brought with it so much to weep ever, es well us to rejico at that he could not calm his |









Total lbs. 288,820

76 baler Raw Silk.

sailed Dec. 5th 1945.

Per Circassian, British barque, for Liverpool,

Dino: Go.

Congou Yg. Hyron Imperial Gunpowder

138,503 138,508





Total Ib. 140, JO

942 balea Raw Silk.

21 D. 1845. Per Salpian British barque, for Liverpoot sail.










Young Hyson






Twankay Hyron skin




Totalba 268,629

Raw Silk 412 Bales.

Excited, Printed and Published by Joma Oran As The Friant of China and Honghong Gazette, Printing Ofice, Govan STREST, VIOFORIA, HoxeXONG, 1845,


VOL. V. No a




PRICE # 12 per annum.

Terms of Subscription to the "Friend of China and Hongkong Glazette," per annum $13. Bix months 87. Three months 81; all paid in advance. Crofit prices, $14,9%, 50, nu? $5, for the periods

of twelve, six, and three months respectively: Single numbers to Eubscribers 25 cts each, to Non-Subscribers 1 Rupee. l'artire calling or sending to the office for papers are enquestest to pay rack, Terme of Advertising.-Ten limon and under $1; additional 10 cents per line. Repetitions one third of the first insertion. Ships: First insertion 2; subsequent insertions 45 cent. Advertisements to lavo written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will bo publisbod until countermade. In all instances, those who are not Subscribers, trust pay in adeauer.


THE Steam Ship BRAGANZA, Cap. Lain Lowie, with Her Majesty's Mails, will leave this for the above places


THE upper part of a commodious and will built dwelling Hours containing seven rooms with servants rooms, and outhouses with stabling. For further particular apply to,

at daylight on the 1st of February, 1848. Cargo will No. 1 Wellington Terrace D'Aguilar Birsel.

he received on board until noon, and specie until 4 P.


Victoria, 24th October, 1846 FOR SALE.


THE undersigned are prefired to jasne Policies

of Insurance at Shanghai on first chas vessels payable in Hongkong, Singapore, Caloutis, Madras, Bombay and London. *TURNER & Ch

Agents Commerciaisasusanje Company. Victoria, 20th August, 1845,


MR AT Victoria Hongkong, in a central position,

Macao, ist July. 1945.

3. un Saturday the 31st lost. This mute offers opportunity of visning Bingapore and Pinang, to maining a few days at Ceylon, thence to Madras or Calcutta in 34 days from leaving China. Steamers A valuable water side property, consisting of are also understood to ply between Colombo and wharf, spacious Dodown, dwelling and out Housos; Bombay--Specie, Suk, and other Gloods, may be all la perfect repair, and now let un lenso. For forwarded by this route to Madras and Calcutta, particulars, apply to

C. A. FEARON. and will be retained on board the Bleniner at Galle until the arrival of the Suez Steamer for those places, when they will he transhipped from of ex-

NOTICE pense. Arrangemonts are made in the Stonecre throughout for the convenience of the Native Mer- DARTIES receiving ktlere directed to the late C. LLOYD, Esq. are requested to forward the chants of India, proceeding as passengers and cer wain accommodation is reserved in the from Calame to the office of the undersigned at Macro. All cuta, for l'engers from China, joining the Suez charges or postage on the wine will be paid on line at fiallo, to secure which it is requisite that delivery notice of at least two months be given to the Company's Agent here.


Laformation regarding the rates of freight and po-sige can be obtained by application at the Peninsular andientul Steain Navigation Comp'e fier: and shippers are requested to make Notice theat a Shipping onder count he granted unless the contests and value be distinctly marked on the outside of each package for overland trabec


Victoria, Hongkong, ? Jonmury 194, 1840, FREIGHT REQUIRED TO ENGLAND. THE Respective Officers of the Ord sace will receive tenders for Freight to England, on reasonable terms, for conveyance of about 30 'f'one measure- ment of unserviceable Ordnance Stores, including portion of dainagod Gunpowder.

Further particulars many be ascertained upon application at the Ordnancy office.

D?ee of Ordnance, Virton, Dr. 00. 1885, §



TIE Fine new A. I. Ship "SEA COED PARK" of 650 Tons, Capt. Hum phries, has excellent accomodation for passengers, and will be despatched from Whampo Jur London on or about the 15th December.

For page apply to

Capi. HUMPHRIES-on board. November 25th, 1846.


TULET. THREE Mory veranda house at t?n west end of Gough Street In building every attention has been paid to the requiremen of a tropical climate, and the house will be found The view is not war- replete with conveniraces. passed by any site on the island. Apply to

JOHN CARR. Victoria, 19th October, 1848.


FA Commodious and wall finished Breeding House, at the corner of Peel Gage street, consisting of dining and drawing rooms, four bedroom, offices on ground floor, with sor vants apartments &c. For particular apply to


THE Eastern side of the large and cam- modirus house situated in Welling Ion Street and now in the occupation of Meme

For particulars apply to, Rom Cath. College's Superior. Victoria, 2nd December, 1945.


Gilman de Co.

M. T. BENN VAN BASEL. His Netkids Majesty's Consul


Nethkls. Consulate, Canton,

3rd October, 1848.

NOTICE THE business of the undersigned will from the Jet proximo, be carried on under the fam of BLENEIN, Rawson & Co.

FOX, RAWSON & Co. 31st December, 1815.

FOR BALE-AT the Godowns of Mar Fox Rawson & Co., Barton Ale in Alde, from Worthington and Robinson.


Hongkong, th May, 1845.

FOR BALE. Tthe Godowns of More Fox, Rawson & Co. Alleops Pale Ale in bottle; Barclay's Porter in bottle, Superior Bherry, Madeira, and Port, in

Hongkong, 2nd December, 1845.

wood and bottle.


THE undervigno have been appointed Agents at Canton for the Globe Insurance Office" of Calcutta, and are prepared to grant Policies pay. able in London, Calcutta, Bombay and Canton

MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co. Canina, 10th November. 1845.


BLEACHED and Brown Canvas Nos. Is 7. D Also Flex Sewing Twine

MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co. Canton, 1st January, 1146.


IWEBSTER, Gordon, Cossart & Co's, superior

Madeira, in Hbas, quarter and lialf quarter cuske, and in casca. "FLETCHER & Co.

Hongkong, 1st March, 1845.




to sign for our Farm by procuration.

BEGAN & Co. 1st January, 18-46.

NOTICE ? THE business of the undersigned will in future he carried on in connection with his Brather Mr. ADAR SCOTT under the firm of W. Scorr & Co.

WILLIAM SCOTT, Victoria, 1st August, 1845.


the following articles. French Merino in all colors for Lailu ? decene,

W. 11. FRANKLIN kan just recobro for sal-

Twilled fannel, Table covers, Sperm Cacalles pr-- servos, pickles, Mustard and Bauers, Fermiosk whiskey, Britannia metu) Tea and Colly Pea The whole of these articles for sale at moderate prices in any quantity to sent purchasers.

Keying Hoff, December 19, 1845. THE Union Chapele being now "complets), the

to the foreign Community in China for the very liberat manner in which they responded to the call for the erection of this pines of Divino Woralup The Subscriptions alonly received amount the sum of 83503, 68. The auin mentioned in the Pros- pectus as necessary for the Completion of the Chapel was 84000, The expendituro has exceeded that sum by $295.23, leaving the Commitee in debt to the amount of 781.70. Relying on the THE Undersigned has formed a partnership, for generosity of the public, the Commitless would again the transaction of a general Agency and Com- come forward, and respectfully solerit lever and an mission business, under the respective Finas of the guidation of this sum. Contributions towards Rawls, Deon & Co. at Victoria, and Dues, this object will be received by any of the members of the Committee. The papers containing the RAWLE & Co. at Bhanghai.

subscriptions already received may be seen at thu house of the Treasurer, R. Strachan Esq.

Hy order of the Committer,



8. D. NAWLE. N. DUUS Victoria, Hongkong, 1st October, 1945. TUST Received per into atsivals and for sale by

the subscriberi. Patent Salamander Safer of various sizes war- ranted secure in the hottest fire.


Patent Weighing Machines from 700 2,300

RAWLE, DOOB & Co. pounds, which can be made to weigh pecals and collies

Victoria, 28th October, 1845.

FOR SALE CUPERIOR Sherry and Madeira in wood; also

few half pipes and quarter casks Cape and Tenerife Wines Shorry: Madcita, Port, Claret,

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Cognac, Cherry Brandy, in 1 9 & 3 dozen cases.

Victoria, 28th October, 1845.

FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. AN assortment of Anchote and Chain Cables. A Europa, Manila and Coir Rope, Hemp and Cotton Canvase, and several Spare for lower and

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845. FOR SALE.


SAUNDERS Pale October brewed ale in Wood, Allsope Beer in Wood, Port and Sherry, Champagne and Claret. Apply to

ROBERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 25th July, 1845.

KEYING HOUSE, VICTORIA. W. Shinping Agen. Auctioneer, and Wipe and H. FRANKLYN General Commission and

8pier Merchidat

Whole Sale and Retail.

Victoria, 1st November, 1945.


MUR undersigned has established himself in this

places Commission and General Agent in

(Speecher, Canton Appenrell) Switzerland carrying on business under this name and on account of this firm.

L. EUYSTER. Manila, 19th July, 1846


connection with Mens FORLER BROTHERS & C


FJOIN DATSON, son of the late Alice Bar

ol, will ch

office he will receive a letter on his family affairs. Office of the 'F'riend of China,”?

26th December, 1845.


15ANICS Rope of all sizes.

Cherry Cordial.

Also Heering


Queen's Road. Victoria, 2nd January, 1946.

NOTICE. RRANGEMENTS, having been completed for

the erection of an Ice fluuse, for regulat eupply of Ice. Parties who may be desirous of arkling their names to the list of Shareholders will be pleased to communionte with Mr L. A. Blond No. 2 Gough Street, who is authorised by the Ice commitice to receive and register applications for shares.

Hongkong, 21st October, 1845.

ON SALE B? THE UNDERBIGNED. CET of richly cut glass, consisting of Quart Has on ole, of which musters can be seen at the and Pint Docentors, tumblers, Wine, Claret. Port; Sherry: Claret : Ch?mpigne;| Champagne, Hock and" Liqueur Gilausen, all in Lepher Feareu, in our firm cessod on the 3 lat shoe topher Fearon, in our firm cessed on the 8 lat Still and Sparkling Moselle; Brandy; Gin; Allops, match.

FEARON & SON: December 1844.

Marmo, 1st January, 1845,


LER. W. W DALE and Mr. D. POTTER are this day admitted partners in our firm, and Mr. CHARLES RYDER is authorized to sign per procuration.

Basa's, Saunders and Bee's Beer in Ilhds and Patom Stoves to consume their ow smok Buttsida. do in boulo; Bengal Gram to 2 mound adapted for either house or cabin vsc. baga; Europe Rope ; Paint & Oil, Gune & Pistols.

An assortment of Painted Floor cloth of hand some palterne, Sphpdid "Paper Macho” Hedsteada,

PHILLIPS, MOORE & C?. Victoria, With December, 1915.

FOIL SALE. Carpeting; Saddler Bengal Silk Handkerchiefs Speeds Indian Arrow Root; Blankets; Grey and

NCHORS, Chains, Europe and Manila Nope, White Shirtings; tin Jean; New Boules in A Navy and bleached Canvas, Nowy Duck, Quarterand Pints; Deale; Anchors and Chains. Also some very superior india bottled Pale Ale, Bunting, Paints, Ull, Salt Provisions, Bread, Flour and Marine Stores of all descriptions, Wines, and Manila Cherous three years old; and a variety Spirits, Heer and Porter in wood and bottle, iro

of other articlos.

DIROM, GRAY & Co. Canton, 1st August, 1845.

NOTICE THE premises known as the office of the "Friend THE Undersigned having been appointed Agents

of China;* Three Blouses situate in Welling. for the "India Insurance Company of Col toa Street, commanding a fine view of the bay; cutia are preporod to grant Policies payable in perienced silonkers; Canvas of the best quality Grates with Fenders &c. to match Nautical Shop and Store situato on the Queen's Road, in London, Liverpool, Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, a central part of the town

and 4.

Bails made and repaired on the premises by ex. and Lead Water pipe, Sheet Lead, Solder, here, Muster of Paris and Stencelling Patterns, Surves,

at lowest price.

Goods received from alongside ship and stored Almanacks for 1840, and Manila Cheroots No 3 Early possession can | Singapnen aud China.

in dry Godowns on the most moderate terms. DIRON, GRAY & Co.

HUMPHREYS & Co. be given. For further particulare apply to

Goods, Letters, and Parcula forwarded and basi. R. OSWALD,

Canton, 28th August, 1945.

13 Queen's Road, ese trademeted for Parties absent.

Victoria, 1st December, 1845.} Victoria, 19th December, 145.

Victoria, 12th Decumber, 1145.



TWO Convenient Houses in Gough Street. with Verandale, each containing nine Rooms, oralusive of outhouses, enquire of

ROWLAND REES. Pottinger Street. ? Victoria, 6th December, 1845.



THE busino of the undersigned will from this date be conducted in the name of C. B. ComP- TON & Co., his partners being as heretofore, EDMR Ward M. DANIELL, and WeltAM DOKINSON of the firm of DANIELL, DICKINSON & Co, in Lendon and Liverpool,


Canton. Ist January, 1846,


MARINE Lot No. 64 Situated between the lots Messrs. BLACTICAK & Co. and Fransun JANISTIKE Esq., measures 200 fost sea frontage, THE partnership between the undersigned, carry and altogether is a very desirable lot. For furthering on businose under the firm of ANDERSON, CHALICE & Co. is this day dissolved J. 5 And particulare apply to

DERSON Continuing busincas under the firm of Am DERBON & Co. and Patrick Chalmers, under

FLETCHER & Co.-Hongkong. or DIROM, GRAY & Co.-Can100. Victoria, 1 July, 1843,


THE upper part of a House, having five large rooms, with servants rooms, conk house and Godowas attached, situated in the Queen's Road. For particulare apply to

HUMPHREYS & Co. Victorin, 9th December, 1846.

that of CHALMERS & Co.

J. 8. ANDERSON. PAT: CHALMERS. Canton, Blut December, 1845.

TR. Roozt Jacron is authorized to sign our

firm by procuration.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoria, 20th December, 1845.


FRANKLYN bege to give notice that the Refle for the Tiger Gun will come off op Wednesday next 14th inelent a ..30 P. x.

Victoria, 9th January, 1840.

THE Schooner * ALPHA,” well manned and armed, runs between Hongkong, Macao, or Comsinginoon, as required; carrying cargo Opium, Treasure and Passengers, at moet mu-

W. H. FRANKLYN. derate terme

Victoria, 5th September, 1845. FOR SALE & new Palanquim Carriage, Ap

ply to

W. H. FRANKLYN, Victoria, 281d Dovembar, 1845.


Bay Byndey Horse sound and quiet to ride or

A drive. Apply to W. H. FRANKLYN,

Victoria, 12th December, 1945.

THE undersigned has just received from the well known firm of Perigal & Brady, the follow ing Wines of the choicest quality which will be disposed of on the lowest terms

Champagne Sherry Ports in Pants



Also Cherry Cordial

e. W. BOWRA. Victoria, 19th December, 1945. FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. K?u. ?o Superior ?foniks Cigars...

Spanish wines, Sherry, &c. in wood & bottles Manila Pine Scarf, Haudkerchieft, nif Ladies Dresses.

J. DELMAS Corner Aberdeen Street Cpposite the Baker, Victoria, 10th Nuvember, 1845.










“Asuna ja




North 3


13. N. W.



7. N










| Uaquat

[1204L 30 NV













?ade mun

Remarks &c: &e

Meteorological Register for one year from August 1844, to August 1945, kept

9 A.



board of a Ship near Chapel, Island East Coast of China.

9. E.




(From the China Mail, Jakumy W.) GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION.

His Excellency The Governor has been pleased to appoint A. L. Ixelle, Eg an Assistant Police Magistrate for the Colony of Lipngkong, pending the receipt of Her Majesty's ple aure, or until fur.

ther orders.

By Order,

FREDERICK W. A. BRUCE, Colonial Secretary. Victoria, Hongkong, December 10th, 1545,

As the ordinanco is one that will often


offences they are amenable to the laws, and (who are a burdy and robust race, brave and ust may be punished without a departure from the skilled in war, and well supplied with atine zid ammunition. They are animated with all that customary forms,

boarder which is usually inspired by the conviction referred to in proceedings before the police that they are filling for independence and national lovely island may therefore l?n out to be the Magistrates court we will print it ia our nostice. The establishment of a colony on the

most arduous colonial enterpirse in which England has hitherto engaged. Nothing more costly We observe that the government paper has than a war in which all troops and munitions of war must be conveyed by pen ; and this is precise. no published the Coroners inquest lately held on the body of the Contractor for military ly the kind of warfare in which we are now engag buildings, nor are we favored with the ophioned in New Zealand. Our troops, our stores, our ummunition, require to be tmnsported at su stor- of that Journal upon this painful subject al-

mous expense, by ships; and the only mode in though the Editor was present at the inquest. which the expanso can be reduced, is to make a We presume that the long ordinance published grand and vigorous, however costly, effort at the

his last issue has induced the publisher of the

and for over. How for our quarrul is just, and Mail to defer printing the inquest watil nontherouteel, and to bear down all opposition at once, in, when it will probably appoar with such how far Haki is to be considered a patriot, in s editorial remarks as may be suggested from other question, knowing the particulars of the melancholy affair, We hour that in addition to the extra stone work on the Officers Barracks, the pose Bui- cide was compelled to put Rosewood and other expensive woods into the General's new house, even in the stables and out houses, also marbles floors, and other extravagant fistinge never contemplated when he entered into t?o

Diplomati Departmno 11. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency Her Majesty's ke, &c. deems it neocenity to make publicly known, that during the progress of the negotiations in which be is engaged with the Chinese Minister, for placing the privileges of British subjects al Canton on the same footing at the four other Ports of Trade, it will be highly requisite to abetain from any attempts at forcing a way into the Cuy Such artemis on the part of individuals wilt not only be nitored withthe worst effects, in postpon ing the settle heat of the question, but expose those individuala to Vil the consequeness of their reshume | Without a remedy. His Excellency only express Contract. the epirit of his instructions, is declaring that Hor Majnaty's Government will not be responsible for either the protection or jademaisestion of parties, who by their own misconduct, or by their culpable negligenes in omitting to restrain those whom it is their duty to control, shall wilfully expose them salves to injury or loss. By Order,


Victoria, Itongkang, 91 January, 1848.


The widow of the unfortunate man has left the land, and to the bonour of the Chinese bo it said, that the workinsa employed by her late husband generously gave her their wages for a wook. The deceased had a partner in the contracts who is also ruined, fle managed to get four hundred rupees from the Executive Engineer after the suicide was known. Of this amount he sent one hundred to the widow, and absconded, abandoning contracts which bad proved so disa-trons.

*We anticipate hearing that some provision Nese advertisements will be reccions, until 4 has been made for the widow by the Mili Clock, on the minge previous to publitary Engineer, or his Chief, who has always cation, vis: Tuesdays and Fridays.











Nov. 20 Nos.


Nov. 34 PANGAPORE Dea. MAMLA Dee Casa

Dec. Seaml Des.






6, H. M. 8. Haard. Captain Egerton . N., Bay

Islands New Zealand 13th November. 6. Loochos (Am), Hatch, Boston 24th August. 9, Audes, Oliver, Calcutta 934 November.



6, Box Park, Humphreis, London. 6. Lanrick, White, Bombay.

7. Natches (Am), Waterman, Whampoa 8, Oquindo (Sp), Oxollo, Manila.

8, Torrington, Nell, Chumo.

8, Maneppe, Macfarlane. East Coul




Per Lena-Mr W. Cameron. Per Olandig-Mr A. Sedgwick.

V IN Victoria HarrOUR,

M. B. Agincourt, Captain Lyster, Flag of Rear-

Admiral Sir Thomas Cochinna.

1.8. Vratal, Captain Talbot

S. Hard, Captain Egerton.

4 Tr. 8. Alligator, Com. King.

been looked upon as a kind and benevolent man. Failing this, we would suggest that a amall sum be raised by public subscription and H. invested in a China house, the rent of which | H. would afford bar a comfortable subsistence, and the houao iwelf would bo to the Chinese | Aden, King, a lasting proof that Foreigners could sym- pathise with them in trouble.


A circular intimates that a meeting will be held at Mr Carter's house on Monday to make AND HONGKONG GAZETTE.

arrangements for the proposed improvements of the Winng-la-chung valley. More than a VICTORIA, SATURDAY, JANUA LV 19mp. 1816

H?cumsan | your age several public spirited Gentlenen pur- The Awlaw from Calcuus brings 300 cheat posed having the valley drained and otherwise of opion-300 Pain and 10 Henares-On reclaimed, so that it would form a good race the 2nd November, the Calcutta gnotations course or cricket ground. Negotiations with word 1205 Ke. for Paina and 1545 Rs. for Be. the government as to the term upon which the Exchange, on China 216 to 218 for waste would be granted or leased to the public bille at 60 days on London l. 11d. to le 11. has deferred the prosecution of this desirable The opium sales advertised for 1846 are as public impessment. We are now gives to un- derstand that some defuite agreement has been Benares.ade with government, end that the meeting has reference to improvements immediately to be commenced. We do not doubt but that the




let. Bale, 15th Jan, of 4,500 and 2,000 95th Feb. 2,200







nth April


17th May


30 June




8,508 1,861

15,003 Pain

0,401 Bones.

Total Bengal Drug 29,084 Chests.

necessary funds will be subscribed by the com- maity, and next” winter Hongkong will have a race course, and racing and other national and manly recreations will be introduced into the youngest British colonial possession.




1. B. Minden, 2ud Musser in charge Osmer,

Hospital and Store Ships

Anglona, Lane,

Audaz Oliver,

Romanjna Hormasjon, Contos, Emma, Frans,

Gasella (Am), Chaon,

General Wood. Blubos,

John Barry, Clacku, Linnet, ----

J. Crooke & Massey Macricar and co

J Matheson and Co

J. Matheson and Co


J. Matheson and

Loockoo (Am), Hatch,

gra. Gmerenns, Nymph, Horsbergh,

Royalist, Inos, Printer, Martel, Santo Antonio (Sp). De Cruise, Sir Robert Bals, Loader Tres, Brigge wikiekon (Am), Wabber, Zephyr, Mann,

J. Matheson and Co Dent and Co

Russell and Co J. A. Durma

Dent and Co

C. H. Lunersh Order Bell

Linday and Co Wilkum Lane Wetmen and Ou

D'nt and Lo

Spring AT Whampoa

Alfred, Napper, Ann, Stevenson,

At Roomas, Row,

J. Muthmos and Co

J. Matheson and Co J. Bantum

Reyssa and Co

C. Anna Maria (Du), Bakman,

Danial (Dutch), Muumi,

Devil, Furley,

J. M. &. Van Basel Hansen

J. M. 8. Yun Basel

Janan Corina, Dring, D. & M. Rustomjee and Co afustina (Dutch), Hash, Pearl, Morrison,

Prine Cart (8wode), Mollen, Wild Irish Girl, Bockton, Woodbridge, Poukon,

D. & M. Rustomjee and Co Rosmall and Co Captain Hogan and Co

Vanels at Macian,

A. A. de Mello

J. M. B. Van Bumal C. Sapoorjes Langrah F. J. de Paiva Cunsingmoon J. M. & Co J. Matheson and Co

American at Wxanroa and Macao,

Wetmore and Co

U. 8. 8. Columbus (74), Com, Biddl?, Bogue forts. Chile, Beny, Cohola, Marshall Congrass,

(From the Friend of India, November 13 ) Obina and the Eastwand.—We have nowe fren Chins to the 30th of Septembar. It is Dot of vary stirring interest. The popularity of Sir II. M. S. Hazard, from New Zealand 19h John Davis does not appear to bave been diminish November, brings no nors of importance, nored by the soken of Approbation he has received aro we aware that she had a single pagor on from his Sovereign, in his elevation to a baronetsy. board. There had been no more fighting, though That the feelings of the community are not with- troops continued to arrive from New Both out a sanes, is evident from many of the prosed. H. C. M. & Alemme, Captain Duplan.

lage of Governments still the spirit of antagonisio | H. C. M. Bi?. Archimede, Captain Paris, Wales

The Hazord suffered severely in the depar- the journals so completely overwhelma every Calcutta, Osborne, atc attacks upon Hoki's pah, and the other feeling of impartiality, that imposible to de Fatal Hair (Dutch), ——— licts in which her Captain was dangerou dypend on them for the true merits of any public Herrier,

Jondalia Robertson, Kally, wounded-many of her crow, particularty o

The letters from Shanghai state that trade was | John (Swede), Olurborg, marines, are still unfit for duty from the effecla xocedingly brisk. All the toes and silka brought | Lady Hayes, Langley, of unhealed wounds-The Hasard will short-forward had been disposed of at high ra. alon ly sail for England to be paid off, her Hers of of the business there is non-funted through two men commision having expire. She left the North|num Canten who bare established themselveO AL Star and the Osprey at the bay of Jelanda. -braknes According to eno correspondent, Shang- Bince the above was in type we have bein | hal is going a head, and ca English town is rising favored with the loan of a law copies of the | on the spot set upert for foreign residents. We New Zealander, but they throw neˇnow light | suppose, of course, that the tone and silke which on the unfortunate condition of the colony, are eat to Shanghai, reach it at a much cheaper We observe that several veneto wore loading than they can be ennt in Canton at. There for England direct. The exports are Copper is therefore every probability that this port will soon become the seat of a most extensive commerce, ore, Manganese, Gum and spars.

and completely eclipsa all the other Commular porta. “Wa b?th bonko aithe "walitonal particulare through the Chin papers, of the proceedings of | faland, Skillington, We have another long ordinance before us, our Govrnment is respect of Borneo. We are Natcher, Waterman, which as usual is to repeal a former sedinance. told that Capt. Bethime had proceeded in English. Oneida, Creesy, We have not had leisure to give it an after and that on ale return formal pomansion would ho tive perumal, but as it repeals the notorious. N?. taken of the island of Laboan that Mr William, 5 of 1844, which placed the inhabitants no cola- | a geologist, gent out frem England by Government, pletely at the mercy of a military magistracy, had reported favorably of the coal sa it; that the we are inclined to receive it favorably. Ontimbarbour was good, and the position of the land cursory glance we have given the new ori- for commerce, bighly favorable. More details nanco, one clause appears particularly objection would have been greatly priaod, but the occupation able. We allude to the seventh, which one of this island, which completes our absin of mari. powers lospectors of police without warrant, time posts between Ningpo and Bucs, has been re- or cause asigned, to ooter any Marchant ship garded with feelings of unaccountable spally by by day or by n" for the purpose of lawpect our contemporaries in the Straite and in China. We must now therefore await the return of Capt |"ing and upon Penelon directing the conduc

of any CONTABLE wing may be stationed on home from England, when the pians of Gu. board any such vassel, and of inspecting and rernment for the formation of the soulement will

be developed. observing the conduct of aft other persoon who shall be employed an board of any soch "vessel," &c. &c. We are ready at a Jo

Edith tr.), Johnson, Elisa Ann, Cherer,

Gero, Drinker,

Glide, Waterman, Grglin, 'AlboULL,

J. N. A. Griswold Russell and Co Rosell and Co Wetmore and Co Tiers, Betme and Co Kamell and Co -J. M. Ball Wamore and Co Bush and Co Nye, Parkin and Co

UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY. MEETING of Shareholders in the above Socio-

A. ty will take place at the office of the un- dersigned on Monday the 12th inst 4 P. M.



UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY. MESSRE DENT, BEALE & Co. are authorized A to save Polices on behalf of the Bocis y at Shanghai, payable in llongkong, Calcutta, Bom bay, and London

DENT, & Co. Sec. Union Innorance Society, from the Naval Communche at New Zealand, H. Victoria, 1st January, 1846:

In conformity, we adipose, with a requisition

M. Ship Castor, and the war steamer Driver had

to discover thin necemity of stationing Con- | Wen dispatched from China so that island, to assist |


this day been admitted a partoer in our

stables on board ships, any more than for posting the operations about to be undertaken to extinguish | JFR. Tuomas Sonatlon, Hathaway N?? bas these worthies into private rewdappos. ... If th? | the apposition of the natives. The Editor of the D crew have cause of complaint against the M?n ter, or the Mastor against the crew, they have the civil court to appeal to; or if they commil

Friend of Chine, seems to anticipate a protracted | Firm, warfare. The islands are large, mountaicious and wooded, with fastnesses known only to the natives,


Canton, January 18, 1846.


AVID SIMEON will not be ferponsible for Dy delite contracted on account of the Larelia

William" from this date. Victoria, 7th January, 18 M).





To be obtained at the manufactory of the under.



Gent's superior White and Colored Bilk tinger Street. filovos, a small luvoice of Shuce and a few stiding Whips.


Victoria. Ach January, 1816

FOR SALE. FINE Grey Pony warranted mind. Apple




Pottinger Street, Victorin, 9th January, 1846

MCMURRAY & CO ITAVE for Sale every description of Stores also Wellington Boots, cresce ditto, zonion


oanam's Buildings, corner of Fot.

NOTICE. CMITH & BRIMELOW have removed their ? -catablishment to Woo?nam's Buildings corner of Pottinger Street, Queen's Road, where they will in future carry on their business.

Victoria, 15th Decomber, 1848.


A small invoice of Leib's Wool Vests and Dra.

were; Morino Vestrand Drawers, Colton Vests dze. Regatta Shirts, Cloth Caps and elastic Dracos, all superior articles.


Victoria, Wonenam's Buildings, corner of Pot

Shoes and Patent Leather ditto and Patent Leather Pumpe, also Confectionery of Borts consisting of inger Street, December 19th, 1845. Popperment Lozenges, Transparent ditto, Ginger

NOTICE. ditto. Lemon dato, Fruil dino, Rose ditto, Refined Juice ditto, Almond Comita Sootch, Carraway dito etc. ele. Alea just received Trowser Stuffe of best quality, Silk Gloves. Gingham Neckerchief, Da- mask Table Cloths and Napkins. Singapore Rid- ing Whips, Pinang Lawyers, Murray's and Carr's Wine Biscuits and Water Crackers, Corks, Brass Tapa of antis. Taglioni and other Coats, also every variety of Coker, Gingerbread Nut oto, etc,

Victoria, Queen's Road and Abordern Street, January 9th, 1846.

MOODA stored in dry and secure Godowns on

the most moderate sorma.

CITATIONERY for Sale at the Store of the

Undersigned: -

SMITH & BIRMELOW. Victoria. 15th December, 1845.

JUST RECEIVED, ND for Sale by the undersigned, a few plecos

superior Trowsere

Opposite the Commiemrist, Victoria, 2nd January,1846.



Account Books of sizes, Writing and Foolscap Paper. Envelopes of sorts, Nute Paper, Steel Pens, Wafers, Bealing Wax, Blothing Paper, Memoran dam Books, Blotting Buke, Visiting Cards, Play. ig Card Cases, Black Lead Pencils, and a variety of other Stationery too numerous to mention. 10 make immediate payment

Victoria, 6th January, 1848.


ALL persons having claims upon the undersign A od are requested to send in their accounts for adjustment ; and all persons indebtol ure roquesiod



Victoria, Queen's Roud and Aberdeen Street. 9th January, 1846.

BRITISH QOTEL M GABRIEL hastaken a romusoslious house sin 1. Dosted at the Corner of Grahami?treet, & short distance south of the thirren's. Roul, which he 39. tends to conduct as a flotel under the abure tule. Lemlemen farong bit with their patronages will find their colofort strictly attended to.

All the articles supplied will be of the first rate description.

A Thurston's Billiard Table on the Primnisce. Victoria, 14th Murch, 1845-3

MCEWEN & Ku. LENERAL Commission and Shipping Agents

Wine Beer and Spirst. Merebants. And Auctioneers Queens Road & Cuinams Hong

Supply Blips, Families and foreign residenta it dio consular ports, with all descriptions of Stores, Salt provisions, Wine, Beer and Bpirits upon mo Also dry and convenient storage for goods. Victoria, Ist January, 1810.


deante termI.


HE subscriber having succeded Mr. P. Town ***D, as Auctioncord Connyssion Agent, respectfully solicits the patronage obe Merchants and foreign Residents in Hungkung and China, and hopes by a prompt attention to business, to merita continuance of the patronage bestowed opon his predecuRIOT.

WILLIAM 8. UEYL At the Old Stand Queen's Road Victoria, 2nd Decomber, 1845.


ing a larger on of the youth, son las facetas not done in a day, nor with out encortsterio ; doby, and dillienltos of vicious mod unexpected kinds, Even Texas is no exception. Haw inviy years has lawn since that country first was get the tel

destiny than boson of this republic How slus ly it moved, what obsta :les it mi?t and low mueve. tain betimes remei ita ultimate arrival at the final destination. All this took place in a case in which both parties were willing to bring about the mute- ment were disponed to operate and pull together; and ye as the present maukat i is not universally aeko?owledged that. Texas in a part of this. Unomi. themselves to some minds as to the real position of Doub?rlainly upon technicalities do suggest Texas at present, and they are not fes who even now would say that she is still a distinct and rude. pulent repol?fic.

One thing at least is appatent foun all this; the anneration of one couosity to another 14 a trouble. sone undertaking, even under the most Givorable circumstances, Thow much more so then must at be, when circumstances uto adverse, when at least one of the parties to the project is unwilling. Such an illustration applies to Canada. Its inhalatante are not in the condition the people of Texas were, when they came in collision with Mrajamena few years ago perhaps there was a visible analogy be tween them, when at least the half of the populi. tion of Canada felt a sincere hustilky to their riders and would have been glad to changu ita connectivi for any other without being very jarticular about the terom, Since then, however, there has been a tenction. Owing to a variety of causis, there is a remarkable re-artin wifiong nur northern weigh- bors, The disputes that kept bad blond alive between ilia French race in the House of Aasem- hly and the British mionzity, came to a crime in Sherry and Madeira Wine in Wond and Bot- | 157, and oxpended their force in an impotent in- dles; Port Wine in Cases; Peppermint Cordial, Alesurrection. Leaving the right and wrong of the in Wood; Porter and Cider in Bottles; Superior question out of sight, it must he admittest that the Amerion Buttor? Corn meal; Family Beef in 1 cause of the in yority was badly managed, and that Bus; Neats Tongues; Rovads, Tobacon, Segare No | of the government with energy and skill – A partial 3 and 4. Manila Cherouts in 1900 and 500 Boxes; | appeal to armis was disastrous for the buper of the Cats in Bbla; Rumin Canvass; Twine; Paint Oil poople, and they were left but one alternative— and Tarpentine; Oright Varnish,

to endure defont in sullen silence. W. HEYL. Queen's Road, Victoria, 5th December, 1845.


N the Store of the Subscriber.


It is notorious to all who have been among the French people in Canada, that for three or four years after the events of which wa havo been speak- ing they were highly exasperated against the Brit- ishi government, and it is also true that this feeling D TOWNSEND, having resigned his business, | was greatly aggravated by prejudices founded in a F. of Auction and Commissiou Agent in furour | difference I race and language. The habitants not VRS V This day, Saturday 10th inst., al 11 o'clock 8 CHRISTOPHER respectfully begs to ao of Mr. Wiltzan S. Hevi, bega to return his thanks only l?ted British policy, but they hated it doubly quaint the Ladies of Victoria, that she has to the Merchants of China, for their very liberal because administered by those who were British ΟΥ

received a large assortment of Childrens clothing of patronage during his residence in the Country, and in blond, language and religion. Notre religion,


A. M., the undersigned will sell by Public Auction, at bonum's Hong.

A few hell Chests Tea: A lot of Mess Beef different pat'arns and quality, suitable both for sum would at the same tino solicit the continuance of naire langur, et mos lois, was the cherished watch. Tickled and Dried Alana, Port Wine in bottles mer and winter, from the agra of six months to ten the same favour for his successor, Mr. TowxsBYN | Word of the French, and is to this day It was tho years inclusive. Also a lot ofhildrens habit will remain with Mr. Here, until March 1946, Soap in hoxes, Caremlish Tubacen. Brandied Frui- Shirts and Collars; Ladies and Gentlemen's Blond leaman and can promise the usual punctually in

Loof Sugar; an assortmom of Elerdware, and and Cambrick Handkerchiefs; Gentleman's Gilovca any thing that may offer previous to that date Terms of Bale Cash in Mexican Dollara


Auctioneer. Victorin, 8th January, 1840

NOTICE GENERAL MEETING of the Subscribers to the Monutson FUND" will be held on Thisday the 10th Inal, at 4 2. M. at the office of Mesa DENT & Co.

As it is intended to dreide at this Meeting on the most desirable mode of appropriating the amount How in hands of the 'Trenurer; the attendance of subscribera is particularly requested.




Victoria, 5th January, 1846,




of different color ; Ladiu's Boots and Bbocs.

Victoria, December 20th, 18 (s.

FOR SALE at the Stores of the undersigned :- A quantity of Ladies Bonnells, Muslin do Laine, and Cambric printed and Cotton Dresses. De 1.nine, Cashmere and Damask Bheels, Lace of all kinds, Flannel of diffurent description, Merino Frocks, Ladies black and whito Silk Blockings, Clentlemons Check Shirts, Coats and Vests of dif ferent patterns, and of superior description, Cost Buttons, Men and Childrens Caps.



Victoria, 2nd Decomber, 1847.


|LL porsons having claims upon the undersigned are requested to send in their accounts for adjustment, and all parties indebted are requested to make immediato payment to.

P. TOWNSEND. Victoria, 2nd December, 1845,


and has continued ative their partizanship, and it power of the sentiment contained therein that kept

will be the greatest difficulty to be overcome by whatever government in in future to rule them. Those who talk of annexing Caunda, seem to over- Ipak this greatly, While there was a strong ten- enc in the Candisa mind to look abroad for help and sympathy, the confidence reposed by them in the people of the United States was never strong Their linpes of succot never sanguine, simply bo | cause of the existence of these differences in laws, language and religion. A large portion-by far | the majority of the Canadians never forgot, eren in their wrath, that a sacrifice of their dear nation. ?akty would follow a political union with this re-

better to bear the ill they have than fly to olless that would be equally bateful to them. All this was quite apparent to the government, and its pos |licy has been adapted thereto with success. Hince the death of l?r? Syd?nkam, who came out R? Governor-General will? extensive powers, and who | made great mistakes in its application, the policy of the provincial adininistration has been modified gradually, but steadily, so as to conciliate the

An assortment of Glass Ware, Oilmans Stores, Be undersigned few Jaes of superior Eng-public, and have made up their minds that it is

a small invoice of Jewellery, Manita Cheroots No.

3, Corned Bouf, Butter and Cheese, Alsopps Beer, Cogane Brandy, Gin, Winds and Cherry Cordial, upon the lowest terms.


Victoria, 23rd December, 1845.



Poltinger Street. Victoria, 19th November, 1945.


SALE-At the Store of Mr. John Smith in 1ER CHRISTOPHER respectfully begs to in.TOR sale at this office, four forms of bills of lad. OMA from Dr. Hunter

form the inhabitants of Hongkong. Masters Ing for goods of specie shipped by the P. & O Floda Water Manufactory there.

of Vessels &o, that he has this day opened ite. Company's ?team packets. Est for goods deliver. Macao, 10th January, 1945.

freshment Rooms next to Mr Just's in the Quasa'r shle at London; 2nd for gonde deliverable at Road.

Soulhania 3rd for goods deliverable at Suez; A printed scale of charges for Breakfasta, Tif. 40% for goods deliverablo n? intermediate poria

Hey are prinsed after the Company's forms on deratu charges, will be hung up in the premises | Dank post. The English and Local Newspapers to be had at Office "Friend of Chios" all times.

Victoria, 23rd December, 1846.

JUST opened and for Sale at the stores of the ins. Dinners &c. which will be el extremely me

uadoraigned. A large assortment of Carpoting all patterns, Hearth Rugs &c. &o. Tortan and Check Cloths, Drills and White Cotton and worked Hoes, La dies Musline De Laime and Printed Dresses, Lace and a large amortment of Perfumery, stationary Table limen and Oilmans Stores of all descriptions Candles &c.

D CHISHOLM. Victoria, Queco's Road, November 21st, 1845


few Buperior Saddles and Double Bridles; small

of tancy Doeskin Cloth

LANE, ROWLAND & Co. Victoria, January 6th, 1848,



N spartement to let at Mr C. Duruto's French A taylor, with or without board, on moderate terms, apply to the undersigned.

C. DUPUIG. Victoria, 28th September, 1845.



25th October, 1845.


CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the

cent ant (Victoria 7 & 8} for sale at the office.

Office "Friend on Chion,"

Victoria, 10th Oct. 1815.}

INGUISTS Raruits and Navy Bitts for sale is, in ? political point of view, more quiet than

et this Office.

French. Sir Charles “Metcalf' assumed the direc tion of affairs by several acts of marked Siberality; indeed to such a length did he go that those who were denuminated ukra-loyalists broke forth in cla- mors and violent denunciation of the author?tica, and persevered in the most mascrupulous opposi. hon that has ever been seen there. Upon his death. | which was greatly deplored_by_the people of the lower province, ile pr?sent Goremor arrived. Hu previous public career was in his favour, and ho was received by all classes with a bearly welcomu hard task before him, to please both parties. A but with a degree of repressed suspicion. Ele had

short time showed that his policy was not fully ap proved by either, but latterly he has succeeded to sofien asperties, und give a better tone to public | feeling in general. At the present moment Canada

|any period within ?ie lust twenty years, and those who would_calculate on the co-operation of its people to effect a union with this country, would find themselves mistaken. Without any referencu to the admitted inferiority of monarchical institu- merelations, no other subjects of a crowned lead enjoy more liberty and protection than the Canadians. Rebgious freedom prevails, there are almost no |taxes, direct or indirect; they enjoy a species of monopoly of commerce with the mother country; a great annual expenditure of money tiskos place in the payment of the army and the construction of military and public works; their cities are protect- ed by an efficient police; their wharves are cover. edih merelundize which is purchased by the POLICY OF TEr Government-CONDITION OF consumer 40 per cent cheaper than here; tho cre. THE PEOPLE.We not unfrequently bear casual dit of its merchants and commercial classes in un- bounded and stable; and in fact, the canadians aro country, in the clever off-hand manner in which

Office Friend of China, 28th Dec., 1044.

BEGS most respectfully to inform the Gentry FOR SALE-At the office of this paper,

and the Public that he has Removed his Ex- tablishment from Macao to Hongkong where he Intende conducting his Business in all its branches

JUST received ex dem me revoice of and trusts by strict attend he has for this last two

prime Cumberland 11ams and Cheese.

SMITH & BRIMELOW Victoria, 6th January, 1848.


Ship Chandlers, W'holesale and Retail Wing and Spirit Merchants, and Commission Agenia &c.

_No 1 & 3 WOOBNAM'S BUILDINGS. [AVE for all kinds of Stores for

I hits such as Canvas, Blocke, Rope, Twi


Compradores cheque books. Bhips Articles, with an abstract of the seaman's act endorsed on the back.

Charterparties, after forms by Chitty, Powers of Attorney, after forms by Chitty. Bills of Lading. Chinese Tariff of imports, and exports,

the Public patronage which he for Just years received:

Mons C. Dorpio also bege to state that he in-counting houses. londe to keep on hand a variety of Clotha suitablo for the climate, likewise a selection of Drills and fancy Jeans for Coats etc, ato.; also an assortment of Buffs, Vallencies, Bilke, Satios and Fancy Vie vete for Vests of the newest style nu? fashion.

Mona C. Deputo has a small assortment of allusions made to the annexation of Canada to this

Gems Kidd, Bilk, and other Gloves, Elastic Brices,

Wellington St., one door from Graham St. Victoria, Hongkong, 30th May, 1845


participators in all the advantages derivable from connection with a rich and powerful country, and exempt from nearly all the evils that effect their

we, Doof, Pork, &c. Acc. Also Stores suitable for Satin Cravats, Stocks etc, oto, etc. all the above that of Texas has been accomplished. Those who families, Double Gloster Chrese, Butter in small | articles are of the best description that owald be pro- do so, intend to be facetious, in many cases; but Kegs and Jars, York hea, Coffee, Chocolate, cured in the Colony, Gentlemen can depend ar we believe the practicability of annexing Canada is fellow subjects on the other side of the Atlantic. Preserved Meats and Boups, Sauces and Pickles! haring their Clothes made in the first style of fa rory often spoken of with great sincerity by our To talk of an annexation of Canada with the con

citizens. amorted, Sundines Pruner, Bloom Raisins, Pearl shion and elegance.

wout of its people, at present, steins to betray an Barley, Jams and Jellies, Tes in small packages, Address to Mom, C. Durumo, Taylor & Tropa | be, it must appear to any rational observer, a per.lion on the part of those who possess those advan. In the event of a war of long duration in woukl | ignorance of these facts; for to assume a disposi superior Bristol Trips, Salmon, Tongues,

fectly natural result to ase Canes possessed by this tages to forego them, and in duing su to do violence country. But those who admit the feasibility of well-known and sleep grounded pr?flections for supplanting British, nuthority there, mast not se- * monarchical form of government, would not ba centrily regard it as a work of great facility. To even plausible. We presume that none are so pronounce a correct opinion upon the project, it foolish as to advocate a forcible annexation. Wero requires the possession of a knowledge of the phy. the country ten times as valuable, it is question sical features of that province, of the character, the whether it would not be dear at the cost a war. tome and temper of the inhabitants, the influences, for its possession would surely entad.—New York local and general, that operate upon them. Annex The Weekly Herald,

Beer and Porter in Cusk, Barclay and Parkins Stout in bottles, Allopp's Beer.

Superior Port and Shorry, Madeira in wood and bottles, Vidon?n, old Cognac, Whiskey in cask and bottle, Cask Brandy, Cherry Cordial, and a vatie- ty of other articles."

Victoria, 20th December 1945.

FOR SALE By the undersigned.

Champagne, Hock

Beer, and Stout, all of the first quality. EDWARD NEWMAN.

Victoria 7th October, 1845.


{* New A

royalty, instead of their eyes. We will not attempt


rcial Adverliner || ? himself; mud for the navigation of them, he ship. soule; the number of beds in the hospitals 5,700, nud

At Berlin, the popu so determine which in the wiser un more civilized A Merchand Prixer-Most readers are fami- pel at different times upward of seven thousand the annual mortality (7,000. liar with the name of Joseph Peabody, of Salon, ramen. Since the year 1811 he has drawel lation se 365,000 inhabitants; the number of beds practice, but Mr Hume would certainly coincidu and his fame is confined with no naik limits. thirty-fire to the uk of ship-mater, who enteral 3,000, and the annual mortality 9,000. At St Pewith the opinion that the peaction of the antipodes For more complete biography than we have yet has only as boys 11e had performed by thetersburg, the population in 470,000 inhabitants; tho is the anost renuntiost

Our royal lae of monarchs would have been so seen of that distinguished merchant and excelente the following voyage, ax: To Calcut, number of beds in the hospitals 6,000; and the an raan we are indebted to the Merchants Magazine. 3: Canton, 17; Sumatra, 32: Petersburg, $7nual mortality 11,000. At Warsaw the population many treats to a race of sestophagi. Henry It abounds with incidents of rare occurrence, and other parts in the north of Ear 10 the Medi is 13,000, and the number of beds in the hospils the Eighth roull have furnished forth a vocy

bibily a character for probity and bensrolence, teranen, 20, before the war 1:12. Although 90: 4,000 reaks from those return that Paris substantial repet.

We do not precisely think that Brutus had any and evers virtue, seldom if ever surmased; angged in active business for more than threeseorsaker London, the capital offering the gumilem pro- exemple worthy of close imitation. We presents to the extent of millions of dollars, and son portion of beds in the hospitals Courier Francais cyn to cannibalism when he proposed to carre Flentine & Dust-Napoleon, when he was | Comer us a fennt fit for the gade But the New such sbridgement of the memoir as our decal with thous ads of agents all discriptions, ason will perauit, referring the reader who may maturely ere his contracte considered, so told that a canon ball had killed soldier who had Zealanders saw mon of deeds, aut metaphors. They desire a fuller account to the magazins itself. The respectful was he of the rights of others, and so hid himself in a coil of repe in the hold of a man-of-love their King as an Alderman love his turbot. memory of such en ought to be cherished with nucl. more did be parfe to walunit to alight war, observed, man can never aroid bis fate," Their loyalty is comammura with their appouse, niary acrificem then to hazard his peace of mind, a fact wall illustrated by the following circumstance; and if tyrants generally make it clear to their sub- national pride.

that he was uerer involved in litigation or son. An Englishvoan, “brava sa Julius Caeser," chak Jects that tyrants have no bowels, the New Ze Iroversies.

'ongal a Frenchman to mortal combat. Knowing solars very onavincingly prove to their monarch John Bull to be a dead shot, the Frenchman, being that they keer bowale—capacious ones too. the challenged party, and having the choice of plate, AN ?Deqsture—A romantic young lady fell tite, and waspona, selected night, a large "dark lato the river and was likely to be drownel, but a apartment, and pistola. The seconde were to remain preverver nocidentally appeared and she was con nutside and give the word, after which each was loveyed to home. When the a me to herself she ?re when be plaread "Firol', cried the seconds, declared that the would warry the person who had when the combelante bad has locked in, and donlar saved her life, “Imposible!" and her father, “la themselves "ready" But no sound was hard, he ready married than she enquired. #No." Johnny Bull would find no wark for alm; and his “la he sot the young own whe lives in our neigh.

beurbood!" No, it in a Newfoundland dog?*



alter scorebing every corner of the room jo vain for any indication of the where about of his anta gooist, at length stained.-"Come, I'm tired of this fun; besides, I'm satisfied;" and he accordingly groped his way to the fireplace, and fired up the mouth ofthe chimney. There was a shrink, and a yell, and down came the Frenchman, dead as a door

all-American Popw.

New m? Fearful Mode of Execution--A fright

Joseph Peabody was born at Middleton in 1708 --He took, though young, a lively interest in the Revolutionary struggle, attaching himself to the private armed mariais. His first cruisa was in Mr

FLOGGING AN EDITOR, E. W. Derby's privateur "Bunker Hill, and tormi -

Sume years ago, a populous town, located to Datud unsuccessfully. His sceod cruise was in wards the interriot of Mississippi was infected by the Pilgrim, Capi. Hul. They had the g of for a gang of blacklegs, who amused themselves al tune to fall in with a British merchantman, deeply times, when they could find nobody phe to pluck, laden but strongly armed. After short action be by preying upon such other. A new losportationed wepo surrendered and Mr Peabody, as of those sparing genity excited some alarm among prise master, took her fe into Thomaston, Maine. the inhabitant lest they should be overran. They advormary hearing him groping about the room He commenced a second oruise in the Philgrim, but determined, therefore, upon their expulsion,, ?, fired at random. John was safe enough now; and she privateer being disasted and obliged to return poor country editor, who was expectos, by virtus

The Bamway Tulnoraru,~~Railways are * Balem,air Peabody resolved to abandon the accen of his vocation, to take upon himself all the for a time, and deros himeli to studies and the ac ponbilities from which others might choose

mongers of civilisation, peaceful links fooding

sien of olover Intercourse; as quisition of the knowledge necesary to the attain altrink, was peremptority called upon by his “pa

to bind countin ment of rank in his profession.

trons," that is, thoma who paid him two dollars a

guaranton of paos, they protect from war. The Ele salmoquently embarked, says his biographer, year for his paper, and therefore prosumed they

aleotris talegraph will accompany them. They are now covering the condnasi —artending across in the letter of marque “Ranger." owned by Messte owned him, fours and body, to make an effort to

[the desert-about to spau India from Caloutta to Henry Sargent, of Boston, Henry Gardner, and wards the extermination of the soemy. The un

Bombay-where will they stap ↑ There is a rail. Ward and Chipman of Salem. Thomas Simions fortunate elitor said al once that he would Indite usa commandet, Thomas Perkins first officer, and . ■ “crather," one that would undoubtedly drive

way now on its way from "Pumesburg towards Moscow ; will it stop there ?. The direction of that Me Pulbody second. They left Salem in the the obnoxious vermin into some more hosplanbie

Between Winter of 1781-9 with cargo of salt, which they region. And when ins paper appeared it was a fas mode of specution he recently been adopted list, if prolonged, Irads to China. disposed of at Bichenend, Virgnis, and proveedulozasher" sure cough. In the course of his by the Great Mogul A box. each side of which is Portersburg and Pekin there is sourely a bill; to Alexandrie, where they loaded with dout for observations he gave the initial of several of the fin feet square, in constructed of timbere about | Moscow is, therefore, but a first-class staliud on Havana, and arrived le. A part of the cargo, fraternity, whom be rivieed to leave town as upeedi-ighteen inches thick, dove-tailed together, and the way to Pakis. We will not speculate on the being from the plantation of General Washington, ly as pomikis, if they hul the slightest desire to braced with iron roda. The outside of the bosom date of the completion of auch a fine just yet, but of the box is covered with a plate of bratem iron, | ratum to what is imminent and in sight. From was preferred by the Spaniarde, and what was on- save their badu. usual they received it at the market weight, thus The next morning, when the poor suriko was one fanh in thicknes. The interior is fill with London to Southampton there is now an electric showing their confidence in the brand The Rancomfortably seated in his offies, lisdessly furobling perfect cubes of granita, weighing in the aggaigate sol graph. Mr Wheatstone is on his way to Paris ger" returned to Alexandria, and after receiving over a maigre parcel of exchanges, he heard foots several thousand tons. "A machine is scooled after | for che arrangempot of a telegraph in Franon. It nu board another cargo of flour, on the 6th of July: taps on the stairs, and presently an infivides), her- the inanmer of an ordinary plis-driver, on un mor- may soon be completed from livre to Paris; from 1782, dropped down the Painoes, to wear its ing accomplished the ascon, mule his appearance ons scale and of tremendous strength. "The Paris to Marseilles there will be a csatinumus line mouth, where, encountering bend, winds, she was | His Stem allutation was slightly abript."

is raised by powerfid machinery, cast in Birming? of railway, and a telegraph on it; thus we cosch obliged to anchor, and after making the ordinary Whore's the situe of this dirty lying paper in for the exprem purpose, though it is to be pre- the Alediterraneen; thence Egypt, scross the arrangements for the night, the officers and crew

Now, aside from the rudeness of the opening sumed that the machinist by whom the work was desert, and so le Bombay and Clout. We may retired to their bertha,

interrogalety, there were other couderatione the furnished had no ides of the horrible purpose for cross to Brigiere, where an electric telegrap tadaced the editor to bellero there was trouble on which it was intended. The buman vistica is pla- | already exists. We shall soon have our cunt.auuus fool. The personage who adirowed him hore a oed upon a Mock of grains, of a corresponding line to Venice then soross the desert, and Eually cowhide in his hand, and, moreover, seemed to be vurkes buried in the sarth immediately below the from Calcutta to Besbay, Doss such a prospect, snormene mum, and also covered with a plate of so clear, so curtain of bringing so umur home our szosedingly enraged. This was not all, be reco- guised in him a daungua ad 1nder of the spent iron At the signal by the vleramed sak, the ea many friends and brothers now in the other hemi- ing fraternity, with whose cognoman he led take cutioner touches a spring, the man falls, and the sphere, not bring home to our hearts the convic very irreverent liberties. It was without the rigim crashed at once is suddenly annihilated, and tion that we are just entering a career of audial slightest besision, therefore, that he replied to the spread out like'a shont of pastaboard. The hope improvement, based on scienti?o discovery, the introductory query.

weight being again raised, the fattened body is | beneficial effects of whloh it is difficult to foretell, |withdrews, and dried in the sun. When complate. | bot impossible to over-estimate. ——— AthenaMER,

BEASTI AT THE BATE. C?mstantinoplE. ly prepared. It is hung over the walls of a public

Abont eleve 'cloak the waich ran at for a speaking trumpet, and announced to the officer the unwelcome news that boats were making for the ship. Capl: Summons directed Me Probedy not to let then come alongside; they both rushed up the companion way, and as they reached the dock, received a discharge of musketry, by which Captain Allmunona fall, badly wounded, and entirely disabled from farther action. Mr Pusbody, having no time to dress hituself, van forward in his night Gothes, calling on the crew to arize the boarding pikes, and gasping one himself, recompanied by a man named Kent, armed in the like manner, sprang le|be the bows, where they had a fierce encounter with several of the enemy already on the gunwale. The and soiting the eation in the word, be composedly arew beving armed themselves, a desperate conflict took a chair, picked up a paper, and emmaoped ensued, in the midst of which another bost eausa | reading. alongside and began a heavy fire on the other quarter.

"I don't know.”

Do you belong to the concern !**

"Me, indeed, as I presume the editor willabon buildings there to serve as a warning to the mul- bad gone to the hath skiedy with a view to



ven, if possibia, handsome women. But they were Extent of the Oregon Territory.—O? the seat it but comme shen none, neither handaocao nor plan, skirta 800 milan slong the Rocky Mountains, on something between both-the young ones, that a

* Well,” said the viskor, "I will wah for high :

If I moet him,” said the frightened knight the scissors and quill, “I will tell him there The first officer being employed at the targazion gentleman here who wishes to so bim." io procuring ammuninen for those who were armed

As he reached the foot of the stairs in bis with muskets, the command of the deck devolved raront, he was accosted by another person, on Mr Ponhody, who wearing a white shirt, was a thus made himself koown. conspicuous mark, even in a dark.night. He now andered gold shut to be thrown into the boats and it was done with such effect that one of them gave way, both had born arappled to the "Ranger" be -Sore receiving any damago. Perceiving the ad vantage thus obtained, he applied his satire or to the other boat and cheering his man with the cry of "We have sank one, my boys, now let us sink the other." the responding cheern of the crow Alarmed the assailants that they dropped astern and


the south 300 miles along the Snowy Mountalas, to my the elder, hideous. Age canes us here on the west 700 slong the Pacifie Oosus, on the metly. They marry at thirtson, fouriem, avas al of north 959 miles along the North American posses twelve years old y at twenty they are thought tou The face exhibito l'te signs asions of Eumia and Fagised. This arms or in old for matrimony.

| mense valley coatifins 250,000 square miles --cap- | of age later than the figure; at some thirty y??rs, hayable undebtedly of forming savon states as large that is frightfully fabby, spongy, and bloated. wise New York, or in state of the dimensions of The everlasting sedentary way of life, the aver

Mussosbusetts. Some of the islands on the const | lasting bat boths, the indulgence in awest-nesta are very large-solis?ent la forma a state by th?m and confectionary, deprive the form of all sures. solve. These are situats north of the parallel of They look like masses of de-h, not solid enough Vancouver's Laland, 980 miles in length and to keep upright, but sinking down with their own 40 in branilk, contain? 12,000 square milaeman | weight. But you cannot form a conception bow uron larger than Massachusin and Connecticut. ardently one wishes to thest women in the streets, Queen Charluude or Washington Lalas?d, too. 150 fustead of those clamay brows bouze with white mile in Zagth and 30 in breadth, contains 4,000 heads. The women with are, God knows, Not ognsen-mikin. Og both of thate immanen ?landa, | particularly beautiful; but, much ?an they are, they ho | though they be between the high parallels' of 48 | iwok infinitely better then these muffled up figures,

agricahure. The traits and circumjacent |and 64 dagreas, the soil is said to be well adapted and give a more cheerful aspect to the stroute ?

Can you tell me where i can find the anonking mascal wys has charge of this villanous aber produeting the luat number of Freedom' Eode and the Battle Axa of Labssty.

"Yes," replied the oditor, he is up theco in the office wow, coading, with his back to the door."

Thank you," erelaised the strangue no ha bonood up stairs

thire got you, harol 1′′ hmeljanima, ne made a grasp at his brother in iniqully, and

this you find out before you have walked about

hers many days.-Counters Haken. Ham's Latters. What th? Prem in Doano.—There is an education going on that, however irregalar or nany mematio, in, at the same time, beyond all price. Myriads of messongora of knowledge, art, and soicuce, aid of penno on warth and good will The Freak do not succeed in colonisation either towards roen, that our schools ought to inculcato,

a both were soon lost in the darkness of the night came oroshing to the floor wher

When the confusion was over, one of the crew | As the combatants, notwithstanding the simil?ely tom shound in th of the best quality. Coal of only was found to be dead, and three wounded of theft vocation, happonist to be unsequainted good conlty, and other veins of minerals, bare- Captain Bitmone's wound was severe, and diable with each other, - a very pretty quarrel" "anaad" | Fbaan found." ed him for a lung to Mr Peabody was not First one was at the top, then the other s-bqw| aware daring the action that he bad received any followed blow, kick fullowal kick, and oath $1. wounds; but when the the action subsided he found lower anth,wunlik, braised exhausted, and bin dy. his arm stiff, and a ball lodged in his left wrist, that the bone of his right elbow was laid bare, and

a ball hud grazed hin left shoulder. At day light club of bair was discovered on deck, which prov. ad to be bis, it having been shot of close to hit head, naif clipped by a barber. We well resem ber one of the crew who h?l eut off the hand of gilant, which was ruled over the bolwark, armed with a pistol, and aimed at Mr Peabody and it is unnecessary to say be continued for life

A pensiouer on the bounty of the later. Mir Pambo-

dy's escape from flesth, in this nation, upposen to

bave been almost miraculous.

with faces and factures resembling a cumple of 1 gi-


lists after two hour's eneounge, there was, by auollectively or individually. We bare oder mar. but do not, are scattered daily and hourly over the tusi cooment, a osation homilition. As the velled at this set, considering their peculiar faciland by the printing press and the Pust-offos, and warriors sat on the floor cofemplating cash or in lig in dolog the seruable” and similating with the most important redim, a regatie the the first comer found hreats anough to mak

thecneelves to whatever kind of people they happen preparation of the publis mind for all the doting

tinguished individual whose vocation it was to c

|niovely “killed,

The Ronger was armed with saren guns, and lighten the world by the aid of the gini ongist?{{this li?qetes? lokal and anton ni a voluma pa? [euraly the lightning, then notion the knowledge

the crew compred but twenty, while the barge

of the enemy contained sixty men. From informa

?sion obtained, the latter last fifteen killed, and had thirty-eight wounded. The samilante proved to be

the public press, ultimately escaped scotfree.

Who are you!-what did you altsak, me facto be thrown domes. But yet they do not snc that it will have, by-and-bye, to full. This met You abused me in your paper, you scoundrelin cod. A singuler illustration of this Got bas rein itself is of soch vast importamon, that, wars there Me! I'm not the editor, I came here to togly contred among the savages of New Zewno other evidense, we should rest porisati v stis- him myself 1"

land. It appears that a Monsieur Thierry French-fed, that the present unexampled diffusion of in- Stutual explanations and apologis snowed and man, sampled to mehlish birnaclf as an indepan tailoral with must be the cause and precursor the two mistakes gentlemen retired sto bind in deal wormpies in New Zealand, bet not giving of an unexampled advance in all that it behoves their wounds. As the story ostaa to sa, the ?i. satisfaction as his mobjects, he was vory undersso- mne to know and the thunder follows not more

bow sot in outoustics,—Jerrold's Milling This in curtainly reversing the praction of Mr. | Magazine. rope, which le mot vorpriting meing that Now MSPL's Bestool.-The school taught Zeland is the sutipodes of Great Britain la Eoin Squibtown, by Miss Helena Jaliana Augodta STATISTICS OF European Capitale—The in- tops it is moest ostumanly the pration for the sova. Irene Spliafizzle is conducted on the pured prissi- a band of tories, with which the bay had for some pital of Great Britain bas a population antiquases yes | Taiga to ant up lala people. The Seethern islandets ples of maides modesty and delforay :med Miss time been infhsten, commanded by two of their 2,000,000 of souls, exclusive of stranger, Karanje are wine, and when their towarah given theen “a Sumo Snifio, spell shawl.” --8-k-o-r-l-shawl" Bolod characters, Harrat and Anderson, who had se say, and we could hardly credit the fugt, if ?t v?i grand anderm?nment" chay take care that it is at | “No | fint right,” “9-h-o-6-1,” “No; try again" rendegrous at Si Georgo's Island, near the air foot credibly demonstad, the number of jamla in vui la own paremal expense, and not theirs.

48-h-o-rol, La! no, that at right an, chorage of the + Zunger? They hid a few days || London hospitals in not in proportion with that of 35% | Peter Pindar, we think, it is that describes to what do you put around your asok !" "lly binds, before suceeded in capturing n' brig of ten guns other capitals of Europe, compurstivaly to their Wee, immortal reme tha Parochial prowes of “oning = | ma'm." "Wh?t th?c?“ (My new lace cap, da we?? and thirty men.

pective populations. The London hospitals cly bill." The parish prooeding is, however, a mere Pakow Did you go to church last night?" It was found ducemary to return with the vrasc? contain 5,000 bede. Its mortality atcounts yveri lo allegory—a figurative banquil. The New Zeha. “Yes, ma'm,” Wall, sow, what did you have so Alotauita for the purpose of refuling ; where 45,000 inhabitants, or to 199 daily. ?n 1800 the jo- sees do not understand mataphor. They are a round your neck, bedcha the cap and the heade, the action was pronounced as desperate as any pron pulation of that metropolis was only 1,500,000 s. ile, matter of fact moe. They my to their menarch | jost balore you started *** “Oh, dear mo, I can't the records of naval wirfare, fi admiration of the the mortality 22,000, and the number of beds 45-50′ | "elther reign in our heart?, or in our bowale " tell,' Pin afcard to, ma'am," "Afraid to valor displayed on this occasion, ? boarding-pike, | Thus, whilst the population and mortality lagres ell, Hurns Tooke it was, we think, who promulgat. What nonsense. Tell it right out, mias, or l'Il richly mounted with silver, and bearing a mumble in the last forty five years, by nmily one ball, be id the very important question, "What is the use give you a black mark" "Well, thon, Jim Smith, jascription, was presented by the merchants of that number of beds in the hospitals augmented by coo of a King in The New Zealanders answer that the carpenter man's arm; balit war only ones!! borough. This happy memorial of gallant conduct sereth. Thero exist, it is true, in London e aun ber question by the practical operating of eating him. “Good gracious, jindy me! Why, the child in remains a seasored relic with Mr Pestidily's hairs. | charitable institutione, und many manufactures listu We are not advocates for cannibalism" and we rained. Ob, Did I soar boer the like. Go In 1791 Me Peabody left the new and entradantirmaries, in which the workmen who bare pot do lot think that ovan a rosated moneret, would fright into the closet, Wine Bauan Santa, this mi- upon his career as a mieichani... Els soon rose to the means of being attended at home, or who die iks: tempt our app?tits, but we think shat it is better nuja”--Saint Louke Hemmilta. attuence. The following statistics of a businem | entering bospitals, find medical relief. The popular that many should food upeo cos, than that one ammatti Whirl. for magnitude, las seiloo been equalled by ?tion of Paris now exceode 990,000. The nunses should food upon many,

the industry and enterprise of an individual, will | of beds in the hospitala je 10,000, n?d the mo?ja-ty, In Europe men, and women too, are content to Interest the reader. He built and owned eighty, as compared with that of London, nearly the sa mn? feast their eyes, with the spectacle of royalty. In threa ships, which, in every instance, he freighted (pr (0) per day. The population of Vregon is 890.990 | New Zealand the people fast their momwebs with

Edited, Printed and Published by Joan Cann At The Friend of China and Hinghong Gate, Printing Offon, Glapon Street, Vicromia, HonoKONG, 1848,


VOL. V. No 4





PRICE 8 12 per annum...

Terms of Subscription to the " Friend of China and Hongkong Gazette," per annuin $12. Bix months 67. Three months $4; all paid in advance. Credit prives, 214, 6s. 50, nul $5, for the prints

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PARTIES receiving letters directed to the late I C. LLOYD, Esq. are requested to forward the THE Stein Ship BRACABA Came to the office of the undersigned at Macao. Al

tain Lewis, with Her Majesty' charges or postage on the raine will be paid o Mails, will leave this for the above places


M. T. BENN VAN BASEL.. His Netkids Majesty's Consul.


3rd October, 1845-


at daylight on the 1st of February; 1840. Cargo will be received on board until noon, and specie omil 4 r. M. on Saturday the 81st Inst. This route offers an opportunity of visiting Bingapore and Pinang, 1 Nothids. Consulate, Canton, meining a few days at Ceylon, thance to Madras of Calcutta in 34 days from leaving China. Stomors are also understood to ply between Colombo and Bombay-Specie, Bilk, and other Goods, may be fororded by this route to Madras and Calcutta, and will bo retained on board the Steamer at Galle until the arrival of the Suez Steamer for those places, when they will he transhipped free of ex penas. Arrangemants are made in the Steamers Throughout for the convenience of tho Native Mer. chants of India, proceeding as passengers and cer- tain accommodation is reserved in those from Cal. cults, for Passengers from China, joining the Buez Time At Gialle, to secure which it is requisito that notice of at least two months be given to the Company's Agent here.

THE business of the undersigned will from the Lat proximo, be carried on unilor the Sum of Blankin, Rawson & Co.

Inkemation regarding the rates of freight and menge end bo obtained by application at the Penisolar and Oriental Steain Navigation Comp's Office : and shippers are requested to take Notice that a Shipping order cannot lie granted unless the contents and value be distinctly marked on the outside of cock package for overland transit.




Victoria, Hongkong, January 1st, 1846.

TO LET. Commodious and wall finished Dwelling

BAHouse, at the corner of Peel Birect aud Cage street, consisting of dining and drawing rooms, Cove bedrooms, offices on ground floor, with ser santa apartinents &c. For particular apply to

GEO: STRACHAN. THE Eastern side of the large and com modious house situated in Welling ton Street and now in the occupation of Messrs Gilman & Co. For particulars apply

Victoria, 2nd December, 1948.

FOX, RAWSON & Co. Shot Docomber, 1846. FOR SALE.—AT die Godowns of Mosers Fox Rawson & Co., Burton Ale in Hhds, from Worthington and Robinson.

Hongkong, 5th May, 1845.


T the Godown of Mowers Fox, Rawson & Co. Allsops Pale Ale in bottle; Barclay's Porter in boule, Superior Sherry, Madeira, and Port, in wood and bottle.

Hongkong, 2nd December, 1845,


R. Thomas Sonation, Hathaway Nys has this day been admitted a partner in our Firm,

NYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, January ?n?, 1840.


THE undersigned havo been appointed Agente as Canton for the Globe Insurance Office" of Calcutta, and are prepared to grant Policion pay- able London, Calcutta, Bombay and Canton MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co. Canton, 10th November. 1845.


|UST Received per Into arrivals and for sale by |

the subscribers


NOTICE. RRANGEMENTS, laving been completed fo Patent Salamander Safes of various sizes war-A the erection of on lee flouse, kit ? regula“ ranted sonure in the holley fire.

ampply of Ice. Parties who may desirous t adding their namines to the list of Shagantn?ra wit be plc.sed to communicate with Mr L. A. Stom No. 2 Gough Street, who is authorized by the tr committee to receive and register applications fo shaera.

Hongkong, 21st October,21915.

Patent Weighing Machines from 700 a 2,300 pounds, which can be made to weigh peculs and callics.

RAWLE, LUUB & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845. FOR SALE QUPERIOR Sherry and Madeira in wood; also a few half pipes and quarter casks Cape and Teneriffe Wines. Sherry, Madeira Port, Clacet, Cognac, Chorry Brandy, in 1 2 & 3 dozen cauce.


Victoria, 28th October, 1815. FOR BALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED.

N assortment of Anchore and Chain Cables, A Europe, Manila and Coir Rope, Hemp and Cotton Canvass, and several Spars for lower and topenasta.

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845. FOR SALE. CAUNDERS Pale October brewed ale in Wood

Allsope Beer in Wood, Fort and Sherry, Champagne and Claret. Apply to


H. FRANKLYN General Commission and W. Shipping Agert, Auctioneer, and Wine and Spirit Merchant,

Whole Sale and Retail.


ON BALE BY THIS UNDERSIGNED, QTS of richly cut glass, conanting of Quant

and Pint Decanters, tumblers, Wine, Clare Champagne, Duck and Liqueur Glasses, all 17 match

Patent Stoves to consume their ow? smoke adapted for either house or cabin mec.

PITILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victoria, 25th December, 1945.

FOR SALE NCHORS, Chains, Europe and Manila Rope, A Navy and blouched Canvas, Navy Buck, Bunting, Paints, Oil, Salt Provisions, Brend, Flou. aud Marine Stores of all descripticos, Wino, Spirits, Boer and Porter in wood and bottle, trou and Lead Water pipe, Sheet Lead, Holder, eres, Plaster of Paris and Stocelling Patterns, Stores, Grates with Fenders &c. to match. Nautical Almanacks for 1846, and Manila Cheroots No. 3 and 4.

RUMPHREYS & Co. 13 Queen's Rond, Victoria, 1st December, 1845.

NOTICE. THE undersigned has just received from the well

(Tan on sale, of which mustere can be seen at the ing Wines, of the choicest quality which will be abo room Port; Sherry; Claret; Chainpagne ; | disposed of on the lowest terins Still and Sparkling Moselle; Brandy; Gin; Alsong| Base's, Saunders and Rea's Bear in Ellids and Budo, do, in bottle; Bengal Gram in 2 maunl

BLEACHED and Brown Canvas Nux. 147. bege; Europe Rope; Paint & Dil; Guns & Pistols.

Sewing Twine, MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co.

Canton, 1st January, 1146.




Ports in Pity



Also Cherry Cordial

C. W. BOWRA. Victoria, 19th December, 1846.



An assortment of Painted Floor cloth of hand- some patterns, Splendid "Paper Macho" Bedsteads, Carpeting: Saddlery; Bengal Silk Handkarchiefs ? Speeds Indian Arrow Roni; Hankets; (irey and WEBSTER, Gordon, Cuart & Co's, superior White Shirtings; Satin Joan; New Boules in Fox Cat College Superior. Wanders, de, quarter and half quarter Quarter and Pints; Deale; Anchors and Chains. JUST opened and for sale at the stores of the

Also some very superlor Indla bottled Palo Alo, FLETCHER & Co. eusks, and in casco.

and Manila Chorools three years old; and a variety Hongkong, let March, 1845.

of other articles. NOTICE.

Bails made and repaired on the premisos by cz- THE futurest and responsibility of Mr. Chris-perienced seilmakers; Canvas of the best quality

sopher Fearon, in our firm conned on the 81st

at lowest price. December 1844.

FEARON & SON: Macao, 1st January, 1845.


Wo Convenient Houses in Gough Street. with Verandahs, each containing wine Roome, oxclusive of outhouses, enquire of

ROWLAND REES. Pottinger Street. Victoria, 6th December, 1845.


THE premises known as the office of the "Friend of China;" Three Houses situate in Welling loo Street, commanding a fine view of the bay; Shop and Store situate on the Queen's Road, in a central part of the town. Early poscanion can be given. For further particulars apply to

R. USWALD. Victoria, 19th December, 1945.


ARINE Lot No. 64 Situated between the fols of Messrs. Macvican & Co. and FramJun JANGETJE Esq., measures 200 fest sen froninge, and altogether is a very desirable lot. For further particular apply to

FLETCHER & Ca-Hongkong. or DIROM, GRAY & Co.-Canton. Victoria, 1st July, 1845.



Goods received from alongside ship and stored in dry Godowns on the most moderate terms.

Goods, Letters, and Parcels forwarded and buai-

new transacted for Parties absent. Victoria, 12th December, 1918

W. W DALE and Mr. D. POTTER are this day admitted partners in our firm, and Mr. CHARLES RYDER is authorized to sign | →→ per procuration.

DIROM, GRAY & Co. Canton, 1st August, 1845.


THE Schooner " ALPHA," well manned and armed runs between Hongkong, Macan or Cumuinginbon, as required; carrying ca Opite, Treasure and Passeugera, a most me

fate tarms.

W. II. FRANKLYN, Victoris, 5th Beptember, 1845.

THE Undersigned baving been appointed Agents for the "India Insurance Company" of Cal. outta are prepared to grant Policies payable in London, Liverpool, Calcutta, Madras, Bombay. FOR SALE & new Palanquin Carriage A | Bingapore and China.

DIROM, GRAY & Ca Canton, 28th August, 1945.



ply to Victoria, 23rd December, 1615.

FOR SALE Bay Byney Horse sound and quict to ride of

drive. App to

W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 12th December, 1843.

THE business of the undersign-1 will from this

date bo conducted in the name of C. B. Conf Ton & Co., bis partners being as heretofore, ED- WARD M. DANIELL, and WILLIAM DOKINSON of the Birth of DARIELL, DICENDON & Co, in London WH FRANKLIN has just receive for sale and Liverpool,


Canton, Lat January, 1846, TR. Rover Jacson is authorized to sign our Min by procuration.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoria, 20th December, 1846.


AT Victoria Hongkong, in a central position,

valuable water side property, consisting of wharf, spacious Godown, dwelling and out Houses; all in perfect repair, and now let on lease. For particular, apply to

C. A. FEARON. Macho, fat July, 1845,

TO LET. THE upper part of a House, having five large —***

rooms, with servants roams, cook house and Godowns attached, situated in the Queen's Road. For particulars apply to

HUMPHREYS & Co. Victorin, 9th December, 1845.

TO LET THE upper part of a commodious and will baik dwelling House containing seven rooms with servants rooms, and outhouses with stakling. For further particular apply 10,

D. LAPRAIK No. 1 Wellington Terrace D'Aguilar Street.

Vietaria, 24th October, 1845.


“UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY. MEETING of Shareholders in the above Socio ly will take place at the office of the un- deraigned on Monday the 19th inst a 4 r. M.


BEALE & authorized MESSE DEN behalf of the Sacior Bhanghai, payable in (longkong, Calcutta, Bom. bay, and London.

DENT, & Co. Seca. Union Insurance Society. Victoria, 1st January, 1840

HE undersigned are prepared to issue Policies of Insurance at Shanghai on Bret clam vessels payable in Hongkong, Singapore, Calcutta, Madras, Bombay and 1.ondon. TURNER & Ca

Agents Commercial Insurance Company, Victoria, 20th August, 1844, NOTICE.

R WILLIAM WARD BROWN is authorised

to sign for our Firm by procuration.


Let January, 1846.


THE business of the undersigned will in future he carried on in connection with his Brother Mr. ADAM SCOTT under the firm of W. Scort & Co.

WILLIAM SCOTT, Victoria.. 1st August, 1845.

NOTICE. THE Undersigned have formed a partnership, for traction of a Agency and Com mission besincs, under the respective Firma of RaWLB, Dove & Co. at Victoria, and Dum, RAWIE & Co. at Shanghai.

8. B. RAWLE N. DUUB. Victoria, Hongkong, 1st October, 1840.

?the following articles. French Marino in all colors for Ladies dresses, Twilled finnad, Table cover, Sporm Candles pre- serves, pickles, Mustard and Bauces, Ferintosk whiskey, Britannia metal Tea and Coffee Pots, The whole of these articles for sala at moderate pricos is any quantity to sent purchasers. . Keying House, December 19, 1845.


TF JOHN BATSON, son of the late Alice Bat

BON, of Wapping. Liverpool, will apply at this office he will receive a letter on his family affairs. Office of the 'Friend of China," ?

28th December, 1945.

CARD. THE undersigned has established himself in this placo as a Commission and General Agent in connection with Menus FoRLER BROTHERS & Ca (Speecher, Canton Apponrell) Switzerland carrying business under this name and on account of this

L. EUYSTER. firm.

Also Elecrings

Manila, 18th July, 1845.

FOR BALK MANILA Rope of all sizes.

Cherry Cordial,

? BURD, LANGE & Co. Queen's Road. Victoria, 2nd January, 1946.

NOTICE. DAVID SIMEON will not be responsible for

or account William" from this date.

Victoris, 7th January, 1840.


A large assortment of Carpeting all patterns, Hearth Rugs &c. &c. Tartan and Check Clothe Drills and White Cotton and worked foes, lay dies Musline De Laime and Printed Dresses, Laco and a large assortment of Perfumery, stationary Table lingon and Oilmans Stores of all de?riptiona

Candles &c.

D. CHISHOLM. Queen's Road. Victoria, November 210, 1845.

FOR SALE. few Superior Saddles and Double Bridles; ametl size and suitable for Ponies. Also a variety of fancy Doeskin Cloth.


Victoris, January 6th, 1840.

FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. No. 3 Superior Manila Cigars.

Spanish wines, Sherry, &c. in wood & bauk ? Manila Pine Scar, llandkerchiefs, nad Ladice Dresses,

J. DELMAS Corner Aberdeen Street Opposite the Baker. Victoria, 10th November, 1845.


LL persons having claims upon the undersign

adjustment; and all persons indebted are requcate to make iminodiate payment to,

JOHN KAINS, Victoria, 8th January, 1846.

oder requested to send in their accounts in

JUST IMPORTED, TX " Adex "Superfine Blue Cloth 191 quality a

Gloves, a small Javoice of Shoes and a few Riding Whips.


E Gem's superior White and Colore Bik

Victoria, Ah January, 1816


AND for Balo by the undersigned, a few pieces of superior Tartan suitable for Coats and Trowers,


Opposite the Commissariat, Victoria, 2nd January 1846,

SODA WATER. ON SALE,--A the Store of Mr. John Smith in

Macao from Dr. Hunter's. Boda Water Manufactory there. Macao, 11th January, 1815,


GABRIEL hus taken commodious house si- il. unted at the Corwer of GiralamStreet, a about distance south of the Queen's Rond, which be in. tends to conduct as a tlotel under the above title. Gentlemen favouring bin with their patrona will find their comfort strictly attended to.

All the articles supplied will ?e of the first rate description.

A 'Thurston's Billiard Table on the Primises, Victoris, 14th March, 1843,



To the Editor of the Friend of China.

** Augorn* 18th January, 1846.

Cum-Bag-More. Bit,-You will doubilen hare heard some mport of the securtunes which took place bees last night, and that

may have a sorrect accusat, I lose no tiene la mael the following particulure of which 3 was an ayu witness.


of wall building vras restricted to commu su tough | earrespondent writes, "There has been a vast stone walls, and he signed the Contrust on the ** fuss in England about the religious condi faith that such was requirod of 1-im, ky wa-soon ug g ?ou of Negroes and Chinese, but the English decaival however. Later the uperintendenos df |* community at Canton are left to land the Europona mechanion, it was equipelled to build a 3" lives of Achiesta, were they o minded. How- wall every stone of which wassured mismooth ever, the British and Amorican Morchants and the result has been bisibility to my the are now endeavouring to make arrangemukte and getting a place to serve for a Chapel. for engaging a Clergyman at their expense, 1 is a shame that a site for the purpose was not attached to the British Consulate, as in the time of the E. I. Co's reign bere, for there "was plenty [ room, and it is not now easy to Mr. Macgregor :" got a convenient plaor,

offers to appropriate one of his sitting rooms for the purpose overy Hunday, but it in thought that it would be more proper in have " a place tapecially to serve as a Chapo),”

the stuns cutters to whom he owed money. This abduction in daylight is a proof of the state of aflairs in Hongkong, which is by no means credi table to the Authorities.

which leave this every erasing at The Canton, was on the Saturday about 3 o'clock about manned with To the first place 1 mad inform you, that the Fat Beat parting from whom be purched the stone pesvicus evening attacked about two males from the song bout 10 Chunamen landed at the Military op and fortunately sujoonded in soenging thels petal, entered the Contractor's house, mado, t?ni a Bho was then well brmat and conveyed a confiderable die-

Des on bet way. Youerday evening she was seem prigoner and carried him over to the Chinese side of panood_past the falanda all the North entrance by Cassis the harbour. The caco are supposed to have past Wm. Radiot, Merne Handhon, thamton and four Manila men, in a fast boat belonging to a Chuanasan named Auere.

? and on their cours they fillin vil slag kit sa ing a great number of men; they hailed him desiring hinn not 10 free they were Fanque looking set for kromna, they there upon hagan sbming, and Anape the Bosaman sid

From the Coroner's inquest upen the seaman they were Pychonoa: Uw was senzos?y mid when they lend on Capalo Endicott's party from a Chingall forwand, which found drowned in the Lymoon pamage it ap- wat lesmediately returned auch a brich Gring kept up on both was in about ma miavies, by which time all the pears that the man did not come by his data beam of the Flest served, sol board. I the supposed host unfairly. He belonged H. M. 8. "Agin- which was immedinmly sawed into the Flest. Un erst ! court," but was not on liberty. inger, we found that a Chinamon were killed and ? on- verely wounded, to whom every santion which humonety and Medical skill can mggest is being 65 rded.

Badiout, I engros to may, je severely wounded

Ivasin, Bir,


in the thigh

Your bedt Berveni,



Nov. 36 Ben&FORE Dee. il Mamia Dee 10 CHOSAT Des.

De 17 OM21



Umted States



Nov. 99


Nov. 10 Nor. Sep




Captain Endicott's gallant capture of a piratical vesel at Cursingmoon, as cominunicated by our correspondent, is beyond all praire, and we placere. ly hope that the wound he has received will be Merely a temporary inconvenience

The Blamer Plato left the harbour yesterday having Sir John Davis on board. 11 je understood that His Excellency proceeds to Camsinghoon to enquire into the particulars of the capture. We presume that the pirates will be handed over to the Authorities of their own country. As they were Isken by sa American, in the Chinese wateis, aller having rod into a Chinese vessel, it is questions- 1 ble, if brought to 11ongkong, whether they could be tried by English law,

The Fastal sailed for Whamp?n yesterday a" receive the indemnity money.

The Driver has put into Lombook for paire her boilers having again proved de?c?re, Sho was to leave for Bydney N. 8. W., it not belagpo, gible to repair her in Lomboek.

A court martial ou a tinut. of H. M B. Osprey for disrespectful language in the Commander has been applied for.

DH. M. 8. Dodatna retired on the 19th after a fine Fin from Chusin of 4 days. She brought invalida of H. M. 98th and 18th regiments, who will em bark in the Sir Robert wie and mil for England imoodiately. The ship has been thoroughly clean ed and fungaled since she landed the convalescenta who were some weeks on board for a change of air. The troops will be commended by Lieut. Arm- strong of the 18th Royal Irish; and under the me dical cage of Aral Surgeon Shelton, now of the 28th Regiment,

Mr Cook Paymaster and late, Purveyor to the Hospics) of H. B. Ship Minden, with Mr Gordon lame Hospital Clerk. Mr Boys Naval Cadet, several warrant officers and seame will also go home is

the Bir Robert Sela


On Christmas

Agrevably jo inf?quation, a meeting was held on Monday altarnnon at the roaldanon of A. Carter, Kaj, to take into undersame more for conversing the Wong-si-chung valley into x ri?ng ground. We are happy to informs our son- dars that she high reopronbility of the pretios smu?ing and unanimity expressed on the subject was such as to comete the manner belag merrted through, provided the ground c?n be obed ba zamaankie verme. Gilbert Faith, Eng, va valled so che Chain; and it being understand that dhe Gorer or kan saammed bin willingness to grant a lenne fa a teria of fingernes with E. E and serve span the moons requisite for 2000, a pregalonal Comeniowe was appointed to bold a con-

aining a cruze an desirable,

eve he was much intoxicated, and it is believe! that he went overboard accidentally: either through an open port, or from the ship's hoari. The inen we recognised by his clothes and a knife which he wore ; and it is thought that die face and neek were mutilated, and the taken off by fish.


We hear from Canfou that business is quite at a stand, nor will it be removed until after the Chinese boliday In the mean time foreigners are amusing themselves with shooting on the river side, Saipa being numerous this season.

The Chinese offer no opposition to parties visiting the suburbs, though the populace particular the lower classes-are determined that faoigners shall not be permitted to saler the city. The violent patriotisun of the mob will mom likely subside after the first entry, and we resume that foreigners will but seklom sval! themselves of the privilege. As a proper pre caution, however, it is don ?able that a war Steamer be moored off the acturica, and that in bo distinctly intimated to the Authorities, that they will be held responsible in the event of any outrage being sonumitted on the person or property of foreign residents in consequence of their admision to the city.

It is said that the American Consul now de. clares that w? Jave no right to insist on the privilege. We may at least doubt whether he holds such opinions upon the subject, as it has besa unilerstood hitherto that be was strenuous in lis endeavours to secure such a reasonable office.iur.



ALL Parties having claims upon the undersigned Aar requested to send in their accounts for adjustinent, kad alla persons indebted are requcated to make payment lo.


Victoria, ikh January, 1840. ●


THE undersigned hereby give notice that they have this day disposed of their businors and promisce in Canton tu Mr Charles Campbell, and beg to return their best thanks to their friends and the public generally for the suppon they have so liberally received.

MeMURRAY & Co. Canton, 10th January, 1848


WITH reference to the above the undersigned

bage to inform his friends and the public giorally, that he has purchased the business and premites in Cunion of Mesars. BicMurray & Co. and will from this date carry on the Trade In hie owu nume, hoping to receive a contiwuance of the same Eboral patronage.

All debts or claims due to or owing from the late firm of MeMormy & Co. of Canton must bu sent it immediately for adjustment and payment


Canton, 10th January, 1846,


Ship Chandlere, W'holesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants, and Commission Agents dc. No 1 & ? WOUBNAM'S BUILDINGS.

We have open lolly exposed our coseurrener in the plans the sands of the Celuns, during a gran part of the progred. Notwithstanding the great improvements lawty

year these are no hardd an to be prejudicial to

cachoty cmteland do dnes, BooHAVE for sale all kinds of atores suitable for

encue le puch as to render it highly danganung to put a best to a quick pawn: while the names of one silmaa mm. de this set only a favorito enoveler, bet at many times al was ita pity s?c which sta le indsland in. The under. inglese te one chat saamor fall in be most beneficial of the drumanity a well sem source of inget sendmates, and we hel sculldest will be rappered by the 400 na wal na cha montributions of the public will, Rageer




11. Aan, Bevensen, Whanpra. 11 Pier, Morgan, Lapbock 18th Nov 11, Indy Anker Thompson, London 19th Aug. 12, H. AL B. Dedalus, Captain McCaber, Chusen. 12, Joka Laird, Bryant, London 27th July. 13. Gegru (Am), Done Debod 13th fre is Rem (Am), Bend, New York Ist Oct. 13, Natches (Am), Waterman, Whampoa

SAILED: JandanY,


11, Nymph, Homburgh, Whampoa 18, ??m, King, Whampon..

12 fl. M. 8. Fonut, Chptain-Talbot, Whampoa 12. H. M. Sir Phio, Com. Airy, Unmsing moon. 12, Royalist, Los, Camsingmion.

PABREN?ERS. Per Ander-Mr. Marchon. Per Victor 17TM**

Per Lily AmeMajor Edie and L. Wade 98th Rege; bir 1ahamian

Per Jam Laird William Hacket Esq.; John Buberia Esq.

P9 Rallow—Mrs Bush, two children and ser- vans; Mimi Dakioja,


The Lady Ambero," exchanged signals with the following varsels in the eastern Archipelago. Plach Cat: Glentainer; Gardner, John Christies; Mary Ann Wal

There are certains privilegen granted among -civilized nations to the citizens of all foreign countries, and by the established custome of as- tional intercourse these privilege are come ed sa a matter of right. | Personal freedoma not the least important of these rights but Canton it has beon with-held, though grantik- at the other ports of trede. Apart from Identjes of any description, wohild that foreigners, de- cording to the catanlished consity of autions cannot be denied afmission to the cities of any of the Consolar porja, as a refusal is in oppositionjo ? inter-national aw-It may be argued that the Chinose bave no knowledge of the internal laws of western uations, and pomibly they have not, but there are feelings of right and wrong common to all the members of the bug. M. 8. Agiert, Captain Lyser, Flag of family, and they are not ignorant that the imprisonment of the subjects of foesign pow. M. B. Zhu, Captain McQnhas. with whom they are no terms of sunky t ? FEL M. 8. Hamri, Captain Egerton. particular part of the suburbs of a city, as H. M. TY, 8 Zigmor, Osm. King, itself an iusalt to them foreign power. ThH. M. B. Afimam, Snd Master in charge Osser, is looked upon by the poplace as a mark of b§ | |

Hop and Boore Ship.

days from New York.

The Rainbow has made a splendid peange of 103

Vanus te Victoria Harbour.

Altitul Bir Thomas Cochiane.

There have two or three robberies within the| gradation la unquestionaije, and we singurul Axelina, Tits, past few days. To one case the robbers got firs|trust that the representative of Gheir B?n, 13 Aime, Blevenson, or six hundred dollars in spceis. Wo ored not | China, will insist, and if necessary compel 1er Andes, Oliver, mauen our readers to be on their guard for a governinent to great to foreign rondebts ibai | BAMEE

se manjos, Chaton, couple of weeks or until the holidays are over as degree of personal freedown, which hai bon? ko↑ Cholestie, Dubduer, this is the most dangerous mon b of the year. Jong withhold from them. China'bas ob§ § Engrai [Am]; Donum,'-

la Gough Street, where the most aurious robbery taken her position among civilized nations; sign, Frar, was committed, there is not a single policeman has formed treaties with souse of the cliff Gesells (Are.), Chans, stationed at night, though the Street contains more commercial and maritime powers sod it John Barry, Clarke,

General Wood. Bukken, houses than any one of its length in the town, comes the more necessary, that the subject Jaka Lewd, Br-plan or foreign allies be proceed, not only ready Anderst, Thompson the individual sanoyancy of disapple - Zima man men, but also from the national insult that one (Am), Haich,... been cast upon them by the restrictions of a Gramenor.

The Register on the HIDAST AUTHORITY COO pnfortunate Contractor who committed suicido had been compelled to put a stone front to the Officers barracks, the Cebract being for brick, We

tradicts the statement put forth by un, that the

Canton authorities. No sophiety will er co. Natchez (Am), Waterman, are not in the habit of taking the mere sertion vince us, that the closing the gates of the city | Pranveer, Martell, of Officials as truth, when opposed to the evidence was not intended to mark the Biranger as a it *- Rambowe (Am), Band, ?bf honest men who do not boast of their high au- | graded being, and that as soch it has been, 41] | Bir Robert Bale, Lotdor,

thority. We think. It is about a couple of yours | still in considered by the populace. Warg (16) Marika, Briggs, Binco in unfortunate wight in the temporary foreign residents of the British metropolis vis - Victor, Morgan, charge of this paper, put forth some statements stricted to district of Wapping, and even: Wissahickon (Ami), Webber, upon what he also termed the higher whority. This there sanoyed by disgusting placards being power. Mang, was in the iron reign of Sir Henry Puttinger, who annually stuck on the walls of their hou? idi, human a demanded that the acting Editor give up his high au- with a view to convince the Wappinites, the thority, and jo save the great man, the poor scribbler their foreign neighbours were little better the made an apology. We apprehend that our friend fiends, they would not be placed in a wor of the Register has also been gulled by the bigh position than that of foreigners at Canton official, who is plagued with an itching for newes

paper popularity: Lorever this is a subject of the oldeu times. Since the late war, the ile importance. Truth will prevail" against any coxlitinn bas been amebrated is le tr. authority, and dying declaration of the Cambut nothing less than perfect liberty of ingre tractor, and the cxing contracts themselves, will and egres to the city, with the further priv j abow, that extra was done for which the man loge of visiting the surrounding country You

be concoded before Great Britain evaluati ? was never paid,

Like the Puitor of the Register wo bars also the island of Chusan, Them are other matter?] been making enquirica, the soult of which is, that | which require to be arranged before Channa ? the massive stone cotablature which run round (abandoned, though we are not si prosent ru? the Officers barracks was not contracted for 1 the|quired to refer to then. offices attached to the Oeneral houso, consisting Our correspondent complains of the inseten of nine or ten apartmenia, were finished according to tion displayed to the religious enquiroments of agreement, when the Contractor was compelled to re- the cominunity by the Bidish Bavoy, whe nes pain: them inusitation of Rosewood to correspond glooted to set apart a piebo of the grount with the internal fittings of the dwelling house rented from the Chinese, as a site for Che Yes, to paint, ne ingrain, Coulies rooms, shoe rooids, Life queur, fuel oma &c to resemble Rosewood i pol. Canton has now a large foreign poslation la our next ieuwwe will give particulars more but there is no place of Christian work or fully, ir "the akcentime we would notice the fate of far as we are aware, is the pay religious another unfortunate Contractor for Military build-arvion. Many were in hopes that the Reed, ings. Ahin ngrand with the Executive Engineer to Mr. Wood might be induced to remain build a wen-wall in the roar of the new lospital Canton, but unfortunately the state of at the rate of 12 eta, per foot. Ahin's experience. besith requires that he retarg to America. Our.

Ships; such as Canvas, Blocke, Rope, Twi- es, Beef, Pori, &c. &o. Ale Stores suitable for families, Double Gloster Cheese, Butter in small

· Kage and Jars, York hams, Code, Chocolate, Preserved Meats and Soups, Sauces and Pickles sorted, Sardines, Prunes. Bloom Raisins, Pearl Harley, Jame and Tellice, Tan in small packages, superior Bristol Trips, Salmon, Tongues.


Beer and Porter in Cask, Barchy and Perkins Stout in boules, Allopp's Beer,

Superior Port and Eberry, Madeira in wood and bols, Vidonia, o?! Coyner, Whiskey in cask and both, Cask Brendy, Cherry Cordial, and a varie ty of olhar articles.

Viatorin. 20th December 1945.


TUST ideeived ex "Arlen" a mall fovnice n?

prime Cumberland Hams and Chemo.


Victoris, &b January, 1848.




To be obinised at the manufactory of this under-



No 1 and 2 Woosnam's Buildings, corner of l'ute tinger Street.


QMITH & BRIMELOW have removed their Danehishment f? Wuovnam's Buildings sorri, e of Pottinger Street, Queen's Road, where they, will in future carry on their business.

Victoria, 15th December, 1848,


smal? invoice of Lamb'e Woni Vrata and Dri wars; Merino Versand Drawers, Culton, Fa-is dze. Hagatta Bhirts, Cloth Caps and alastio Beners, aBanprior articles

SMITH & BRIM?LOW. Bearinger Street, December 19th, 1945.

Victoria. Wennam's Buildings, corner of Put-


FLOODS speed in dry and secure Goldwas on

the most moderate terms.

SMITH & BIRMELOW. Victoria, 15th December, 1845.


Macvient and Co J. Mashmon and fo

Matheson and CRS CHRISTOPHER pectfully begs to ac

i gesint the Ladies of Victoria, that she has J. Matheson and Co

received a large nasortment of Childens elathing of Ball and Codierent patterns and quality, suitable both for sum mor and winter, from the ages of six months to ten Captain years inclusiva. Also a lot of bildrano habit Shirts and Collars; Ladies and Gentlemen's Blood and Cambrick Handkerchiefs ; Gentlemen'a Ciloves of different color; Ladia's Boots and Shot,

Vitoris, December 28th, 1945.

J. Matheson and Co J. Matheson and Co Dent and Co Wetmore and Co Lindy and Co

FOR SALE the Stones of the undersigned :—- Younghusband and Co

Russell and Co A quantily of Ladies Bonnetta, Muslin do J. A. Durmio || Lains, and Cambric printed and Cotton Dresses. Bush and Co De Jaipa, Cashmere and Damask Shawls, Late of O. 15. Lungrah | all kinds, Phonel of different description. Merino 'rooks, Ladies black and white Silk Stockings, Lindy and Co Gestacions Chick Shirts, Coats and Vests of dif Wiliam Tansferent patterns, und of superior duecziption, Coat Bard, Langs and Co Buttons, Men and Childrene Capa,

Wetmore and Co

?Dust And Ca A man of Glass Ware, Dilmans Stores, mtaa kwall t?vo?os of Jewellery, Manila Cheroots No.


ABOUBE aituated on the North Bide

Gough Street. Apply to



R. GENRY H. KENNEDY authored


Caned Beef, Butler and Cheese, Aleopps Beet, Cognac Brady, Gin, Wines and Cherry Cordial,

upon the lowest torms.

LE CHRISTOPHER. Victoria, 23 December, 1845.

to sign by procuration for our firm at Shang-TOPHER respectfully bege to in- form the inhabitants of Hongkong, Masters MACVICAR & Co.

of mois do that ho has this day opened Rp. Vistoria, 19th January, 1840.

freshmont Rooms next to Mr Just's in the Queen's NOTICE.


TUFE undersigned are prepared to a Policies Lust ?lhanghai, on beball of the Asiatic Marine Imerstatice Office, payable in Hongkong, Calcatta, Madras, Bombay, and London-

MACFICAR & Co. Agents Aviatic Marine Imurance Ofosu Viclotis, 12th January, 1848.



is particularly reqorshed that all parties invited and attending the above, will bring their Tickets for presentation at the entrance, as without them pre will be sikeskied.

By order

N. B. No marque: allowed,

12h January, 1846.

of the Comuni.

A printed scale of charges for Breakfasts, Tif- An, Dissers dcc. which will be at eatremely mo dette charges, will be hung up in the premises The English and Local Newspapers to be bad at all times.

Victoris, Brd Decolar, 1846,

CITATIONERY for Sale at the Store of the


Account Books of sizes, Writing and Foolscap Wafers, Bealing Waz, Blotting Paper, Memoran- Paper, Envelopes of sorts. Note Papor, Steel Pens, dum Books, Blotting Books, Visiting Cards, Play- ing Card Cases; Black Lead Ponouls, and a variety of other Euationery too runerous to mention.

MCMURRAY & Co. Victoria, Queen's load and Aberdeen Street, 9th January, 1840.


wartan, any person who falls

offence shalt not have been committed gabona of such constable, then mjon de couplest of du



vesel, an, dan betu

“An Dolance for the preservation of tlood Order HAVE for Sale cory, its and the Mindfans het te

Wellington Boots, Clarence ditto, Uxonion and Dependencies,” and to make other provisions Shoes an Patent Leather ditto on Patent Leather in liu thereof Pumps, also Confectionery of Bos consisting of

(29th December, 1815) party who shall have been instrol or messel 1, [ch one han ang tram say me sel Pepperment. Jozenges, Trumparent duto, Ginger Preambl

I. WHEREAS it in expasl?ent |or been witness the pennission of ang sich ei 1 dille. Temon ditto, Fruit ditto, Roso ditto, Refined

to repeal rdinance No. 5 offence; and in the absence of any such cone de, at? Lenny sad by me me th Juice ditto, Almond Coinfits Souch, Carmway dito 111, entitled, An Ordinance for the preservation of all be fawial for the party so injured or annoyed, jansst, or any part of the cares of such sense kun etc. ele. Abu just received Trowser Stuffs of best Good Order and Cleanline within the Colony of or who shall have seen the omitted, bizim charge of the usag quality, Silk Gloves, Gingham Neckerchief, Dungkong and its Dependencies," and to takether and detain the offender und be given who hasty tr? any much resul mask Table Cloths and Napkins, Singapore Rid

pelvisions in lieu thereof: Be it here the custody of such coontal k or until he out be Didinance ing Whips. Pinang Lawyers, Murray's and Care's No. of test, fore enacts and ordained by His Ex-taken before a Magistrate. Wine Biscuits mod Water Crackers, Curks, Brana - reposted. ellery the Governor of Elongkong. Taps of arts. Taglioni and other Conis, also every

with the advice of the Legislative Coun variety of Cakes, Cingerbread Nut olo, etc, eil thereof, that from ond after the sing of this &c.

Victuris, Queen's Road onl

Onliurnce the vaid recited. Ordinanco' shall be, and Aberdeen Street, January 9th, 1849.

the same is hereby repealed NOTICE


| N. apritement to let at Mr C. Duevio's French A taylor, with or without board, on inadurale

tenus, apply to the undersigned,

C. DUPUIG. Victoria, 20th September, 1845,



rather quigan-:x

2. Every person who shall unlawfully cut da | mage, o? di stroy any of the ropes, cables, quadra III. And be it further, coacted muud | tuc kie, beadsais, ne other furniture of or be 2012, ... Prabbiting ordained. That every person who shall to any slup, it, or si

within the ssal Colony be quilty of my wntern aforesaid with intent is ater) or otherwi of the following a ak ne, a shall be hable | lawfully obtain the rage or noy put thepool. to a penalty not exceeding Five Pound -

Every person who for the parpose of fire wate And be it further enacted and or 1. Every person who shif rrect any zhed or ing the a?izitre, or desemery of inng' materials for nuwees in dained, That every person_shall be house of matting or other iftammmable anske tial sa at Dilure, Mores, or heretganlis? dokonging to ut having hughes, liable in a penity an exrealing Five in case of fire to endanger any neighbouring build been part of the cargo of any afije, he at ci s

Pounds, who, within the Colony of ing

lying in the Harlone or waters afite alerta 1longong, shall, in any thoroughfare or public 2. Every person who, without the consent of the other articha mulawfully ch?award ham may place, or adjicent thereto commit any of the follow-owner or occupier, shall atfix any Postaig-bill or slip or sound, shall wakafly let fit or throw, anta ing offences; that to say:-

other paper against or upon any billing, wall, fence, the Harbour or waters ?forcimit, or in any sele


1. Every poreun who shall throw or lay, or cause or pale, or write upon, soil, dife or murk may manner convey away from any ship, ba di venel, or knowingly permit to be thrown or lil, any car such building, wall, fence, or pal with chalk or wharf, quay, or landing place nny zoch net le, o PEGS most respectfully to inform the Gentry rion, dirt, oil, straw, or dung, or any other fikh, paint, or in any other way whatsolver, or willy who shall be are story to any such offen, la and the Publio that he has Removed his Es- rubbish, or noisome or offensive matter whatsoever, break, destroy, or damage, any part of any much shall be lawful for any Confiable to take any such tabi-barnt from Macao to Hongkong where he on any of the randa, streria, ways, or public masages, building, wall, fence, or pale, or any fixture or up- - offrister into custody and toycaz anyjahtip roy the lotends conducting b?a Business in all to branches or into any well, stromin, or watercourse, ford, or re-pendage thereunto.

in which such para?u shall by fatal, or out of who-la” and trass by strict attention, to merit a share of servoir for water, any of the drains or sewers made

3. Every person employed n? a domestic servant | any article shall be so kt tall, thrown, or conveyed. the Puldie patronage which he has for this last two or to to made within the said Colony; or shall per- who slull neglect or without just caure slut b?ine nway.

init or suffer any such noisome or offensive substance self from his duty without the fence of his eruployer, 4 Every person who for the parzpet finting years receive).

Alosa C. Dorojo also bega to state that he in- as aforesaid to remain exposol. in any druin, sower, or skull learn his employer's son feciwwithout giving or preventing any thing whatsoever from long dow. tends to keep on hand a variety of Cloths suitable or elsewhere, opporite to, or within the immediat reasonable notice to the mid employer, or ahast wil | fully seized within the said Codony or in the Har- for the climate, likewise a wel?ction of Drills ant neighbourhood of his house or shall allow any ac

fully disobey his employers, fireful and ressonable | insir or waters thereof on auspicion of jus lacingsins fiwey Jeans for Coala etc, eto ; also an assortment "mulation of fikk or offensive substances within the orders, or use any abusive or insulting language or Im or otherwise unlawfully obtained, or of presents pi Buffs, Vallencia, Silka, Satins and Fancy Vie-premises occupied by him, to the nuance of the behaviour to his employer, or be guilty of riccousing the une from being produced or made te score vrts for Vess of the moment style and fashion inhabitants or passengers, or shall in any mannoratul disorderly conduct.

as evidenco concerning any felony or inducan Moss C. Derrio has a venall assortment of defilo or pollute any well, or rain, or watercourse 4. Every person who shall neglect to affix to his our committed or supposed to have been commitel Gems Kild, Silk, and other Liloves, Elastic Brees, used by any of the inhabitants of the town of Victo house and keep aligla during the night, such lump within the said Calong or in the watos thereof, Satin Cravate, Bincke etc, etc. etc, all the above ris, or for the supplying with water of ships resort. or janthorn as may be required and approval of by shall frame or cause to be fruned any Bfo(Parochi atticles are of the best description that could be peoing to the harbour of the said Colony.

the Superintendent of Pulice

contrning any false statement in regard to the mans cured in the Colony. Gentlemon can depend on 2 Every person who shall commit any nuisance 5 Every person who shall keep a house or other or abode of any alleged seador, the quality or qus- haring their Clothes made in the first style of fo in the neighbourhood of any house or place of puuilding for the occupetints or meast of pul·lie prosity of any such thing, the place whence or the con.

blic passege. abion and elegance

titula, to the annoyance of any porzon inhabiting or || veyance by which th? sanat was furnalari, tar prive Address in Mose. C. Durvis, Taylor & Draper a Every person who shall set out or leave, ne | rosiding near thereto.

ngroval oglas or charged for the same, or buy ulise cause to be act out or left, any scaffobling, bricks W'ellington St., one door from Graham St. Victoria, Hongkong, 30th May, 1945

time, barrels, bales or cases of merchandize, or any other matter or thing which shall or may obstruct, ORSAGE.– By to undersigned.

incommodo, or endanger any person or carriage in Champagne,

any public road or througlaro. (lucky

Brer, and Stout, all of the first quality. EDWARD NEWMA?.

Victoria 7th October, 1945,

4. Every person who slull expose any thing for sale in or upon, or so as to hang over any carriage way or foot-way, or on the outside of any house or shop, or who shall set up, or continue any polo, blind, awning, lino, or any other projection from any we dow, pampet, or other part of any house, shop, or Wiso Beer and Spirit Merchants.

other builling, so as to cause any annoyance or obe And Auctioneers Queens Road & Coinams Hong|truction in any thoroughfare

McEWEN & Co.

(VENERAL, Commission and Shipping Agents

6. All persons gembling together in the night | particular, knowing such statement to be false, or time without kwful excuse, and every person secing who slull fraudulently produer such Gill of Parc? is any such illegal amembiage, or knowing, or having | knowing the same to have been frudulently famel, rajton to surject that mich a-scioblig? lend taken 6. Every person who shell within the sand Car place or was about to take place, who shall and give lony or in the Harbour or waters thereofbure, piores, immediate notice thereof to the erret guard honge | breik, ent open, or otherwise injure any cask box. or police station, or to some constable & lunging to for package containing wine, spir?s, or other liquors the Police Force.

on board any ship, boat, or vessal, or in or any ware-

7. Every person cumployed na a private, grand or "bouw, wharf qu?y, or bunk, with intrat f. kunionsly watchman who shall sleep on his post, or be argli- | to sivul or otherwis unlawfully obetin any part of gent, remiss, or cowardly, in alps execution of his - the contents thereof, or who simill unlawfully drink duty.

or wilfully spilt or allow to run to watte any part of 8. Every owner, headman, ne other person in the contents thereof. charge of any boat which shall be final alongside 1. 6. Every person who shall within the suit ('alony of any public wharf or landing place (unless white or in the Harleser or water thereof wilfully cause

Supply Ships, Families and foreign residents at 5. Every person who shall encroach on any public the com-ular porte, with all descriptions of Sures, way or Crown land, by erecting any bailling, either Salt provisions, Wine, Beer and Spirits upon moon, or projecting over the same, or shall construct taking on board or landing pussinger or cargo.) or 14 bedroken, p? reed, startel, ent, torn, or offurwis

any spout which shall project the rain water thereon. lying off the same so as to prevzal the free gerestof injurol any cisk, chest, leg, or other

dante Irina.

Also dry and convenient storage for goods. Victoria, Let January, 1811.


E subscriber having succeded Mr. P. Tows END an Auctioncorasul Commission Agent, rospectfully solicits the patronage of the Merchan's KIM Joreign Residents langkong and think. and hoped by a prump autention to buses, to inerit a continuance of the patronage bestowed upon his predecesor.

WILLIAM 8. HEYL. At the Old Stand Queen's Round Victoria, 2nd Deruuber, 1845.


N the Store of the Subscriber.

Sherry and Medeim Wine in Wond nad Dot des; Part Wise in Cases; Peppermim Cordial; Ale in Wood; Porter and Cider in Bottles; Superior Aerican Butter; Coro wal: Family Beef in

pickage rou 6. Every occupier or owner of any house, build- | other bonts thereto, and the owner, kenduan, or other faining any goods while on board of any barge, ing, or other erection who shall neglect to repair or person in charge of any lost which shall be lighter, or other craft, lying in the Harlour or waters remore the same when in a ruinoin or unsafe state, moored or at anchor of a distince of bet that one aforesaid, or any quay. ereck, Wharf, ve bending hundred sad ff, younda fasa bout wales mick, nei putee wejacent to the sune, or on the wiy tour from and which shell or may endanger the passengers in

tween the hours of ? glasgelt at night anl gunfire in any ward house, with intent that the contents of such any thoroughfare.

7. Every person who shall ride or drive on any the morning: Providku always, that nothing herein. pirkage or any part thereof may be spilled or drops foot-path without obrivue notessity; or shall ride or contained shall be con-tract in extrud to any boot ped from such package drive in furious manner, or so as to endanger the moored or at nonchor alongside of my private wharl life or liab of any person, or to the commoner with the consent of the owner lactul or who, passing of meeting another horse or carringe shall not keep to the customary side of the road.

of the passengers in any public road or thoroughfare; 9. Every person wie skull cast or throw may ballast, rubbish, or other return, either from the shore or from way vessel, into the barbour of the stil

VIL And be it further enseted and Speriamolained, That any Superinten tent or slusestor belonging to the Poleca fisiert ends on & shrill trave power by vinne of his odlicn

to enter at all times, with aneh Comsa-

8. Exory person who shall lead or ride any borse Colony, so as to create a avisanes or obstruction | ble na he shall think necessary, no well by night os or other animal, or draw or drive any can or carri- therein, or shall neglect, within a revonable time to by day into an I upon every ship, boat, or other cen age, sludge, truck, or barrow upon any foot-way, or remove any unken vessel in the sand hobour bedel (mit bring then actually employed m Her M

jesty's service) lying in the Harbour or waters afate- fast any horse or other animal so that it cau and longing to him or in his charge or keeping scross or upon any footway, or shall turn loose any 10. Every person win shall woqgoudy or cruelly (26), and into every part of such vessel, for the pur- rear cattle upwn the public road or thoroughfare mutilate or otherwise all-use any homes, mul, dog, pes of inspecting and upon occasion directing the concluct of any Constable who may be stavoved one

Bis; Neats Tongues, Rounds, Tobacco; Segara Noor 3 and 4, Manila Cheroots in 1000 and 500 Butes; Chalein ?bls.; Romia Banvang Twine; Paint Oil and Turpentine; Bright Vatuish.

Wx 8, HEYL Queen's Road. Victoria. 5th December, 1845. NOTICE

9. Every pitson who shall, in any thoroughfare or other animal. public place, to the annoyance of the inhabitants

And it shall be lawful for any Constable belong. band of may such rasel, and of inspecting and obs.

or pengers, kil or slaughter, or expose for showing to the Police foretke into costly witle ut serving the conduct of all other persons who shall be or sale, (except in a market lawfully appointed for warrspoon was shill coquouit any such of employed on board of any fuch versel in or about that purpose or feed or fodder any horse or other fen within sew of muy such Umstable; or if syck the lading or unliding thereof, as the case inny be, animel, or shoe, bleed, or farry any horse or animal offence shall not have been, committed within view and for the purpose of taking all such mesurer un jexcept in cases of accident), or turn loose, clase, of such Consable, then upon the complint of the may be necessary for providing again fire or other dreta, exercise, train, or brosk any horse or animal, party who shall kayo been injured or anadyed by. nccidents, and preserring peace and good ander un or clean, inake, or repair any part of any cart or or boon witness to the commission of any such of hard of any such vessel, and for the cflyctual preven- TOWNSEND, having resigned his business, carriage, except in cases of accident where repair on fonce; and in the absence of any such Constable i tion or detection of any felonies or miseranours.

Vilt, And be it further enacted and shall be lawful for the party so jujur?d or annoyed, ?of Auction and Commission Agent in favour the spot is necessary. of Mr. WILLIAM S. Elevu, begs to return his thanks 10. Every person who shall keep any Dog accusor who shall have soen the othence committed, to Superiste ord siued, That it all be lawful for Jent&very Superintendent, luspector, or Set to the Merchants of China, for their very liberal toned to annoy passengers by barking or otherwise seize and detain the offauler until he can be given patronago during his residence in the Comtry, and or suffer to be at large any annuzzled ferocious Dog into the custody of such constible, or until he can geant belonging to the Police force. har would at the samo time solicit the continuance of or other animal belonging to bin, or met on or urge be taken before a Mitrate.

pret Felony, just caule to suspent that any Felony 1V. A, be it further entered and invy cover un has born urma about to be con?mited in the same favour for hin successor, Air. Town and any dog or other animal to attack, worry, or put in will remania with Mr. Unya, until March 1946, as; fear any person, horse, or other animal.

Doge mad or ordained, Thot it shall be lawful forany | band The or on bound of my ship, bong or other salesinna and can promiso the usent punctuality in busivera,

ahall roll or carry any barrel, cank, butt, or other thing calculated to annoy or incoinmode the passen reasonably suspected to be in a rabid state, or which Victoria, 2nd December, 1845.

gers thatoon, except for the purpose of housing them has been bitten by any dog or animal reasonably enchehip, Lant, or other vessel, and therein to taka “? NOTICE.

wels and take

11. Every person who, upon any public footway, trying & Constable belonging to the P dice force peeled foresaid, to enter at all times, as well by

to destroy any Dog or other animal penon

A vessel lying in the bour or walts night as by day, into and upon every

such dog or animal who shall petimit the same tago or detection ofall Felonica which he has just cause

ALL persons having claims upon the undersigned of the footingyny cart or carriage on the other aile suspected to be in a rahid state: and the owner of any all accessary amres for the effectual previation

are requested to send in their accounts for

12 Every porson who in, nour, or adjoining any at large after having information or reasonable to susquet to have been or to be about to be com niljustment, and all partica intelted are requested public road or thoroughfare, shall wantonly or un- ground for believing it to be in a rabidamtato, or to witted in or on the Harbour or waters uforiaaid, to make immediate payment to.

necessarily blow any horn, beat any gong or drum. have been bilan by any dog or other naimal in aan1 to take into custody all peras wisp cord of bo P. TOWNSEND. or make any other noise calculated to annoy or alarm rabid state, shall be liable to a penalty of not more ing concern in such F'lanie, sal al 19 ko Victoria, 2nd December, 1845,

any person, or to frighten any horse or other anim- than Ten Pounds: And it it hereby furilor enacted charge of all property so suspected to be stolen. al: Provided always that nothing horein contained and ordained, that it shall be lawful for any Con-

IX And be it further emetolanl FOR SALE

shall be construed and extend to any religious pro stable belonging to the Police force to destroy any Removing ordainol, That every persons who shall FINE Grey Pony warranted sound. Apply cosion or fomival, for the duc celebration of which dog which shall be found wraying or wandering: Landmarks, remove or carry away my worn or stake


the consent of the Chief Magistrate of Police has alkout during the day time without any owner, and

driven to the ground as a Lonk-mark Auctionoor.


Pollinger Street, Victoria, Oth January, 1940.


been obtained.

not wearing a collar with the name and residence of or for the purpose of defining of marking the bound-

13. Every person who shall wantonly discharge the owner inscribed thereon; and such constable is aries of any Lan or parcel of ground, shall be liable any firoarins, or throw or discharge any stone or hereby further authorised to destroy any dog which a Penaky of not inure tuin Five l'outils or at other missile, or make any bonfire, or throw or out shall be found straying or wandering about between the disertion of the convicting Magistrate to be un BY the undersigned a fow Jare of superior Eng. Eire to any firework, to the damage or danger of any the hours of ten o'clock at night and gun fire in the prisoned for my time at exceeding Seven Days.


Cannon do.




Pottinger Street Victoria, 19th November, 1845.

(From the China Mail, January 8.)





V. And be it further enacted and

X And be it further enacted and or 14 Every person who shall wilfully and wanton

Waninely dained. That every person who shall ly disturb any inhabitant by pulling of ringing any and to be red ordained, That no person other than breaking or wilfully cut, break, damage, injure door bell, or by knocking or striking st any door near dwelling persons acting in obedience to lawful one destroy any Troe, Shrub or Underwood,

fences, &c. without lawful excuso, or who shall wilfully and un-konten authority, shall discharge any canon

whester, the property of the Crown lawfully extinguish the light of any limp.

or other fire arin of genter enfibre than of any private ladividual, or shall wilfully damage, 15. Every person who shall play at any game or a commen fowling piece within three hundred yards break or destroy any fence, or any wall, bridge, or pastine to the annoyance of the inhabitants of pas of any dwelling house within the asil Colony to the embankment, shall be liable to a Penaky of not andoyance of any inhabitant thereof; and every per- inore than "Ten Puuris, or in the direction of the 10. Every person who shall play at any gale in son who aller, being warned of the annoyance by convicting Magistrate to be imprisoned for any term By Elin Excellency Sir JOHN PRANCIS any public passage or road so as to obstruct the any habitant, shall discharge any such firearin, not exceeding Fourteen days DAVIS, Baronet, Governor and Commander-in-? same, or create a noisy assembly therein.

shall be able to a punkty of it more than Tea

Xt. And be it further enacted and or. Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Depen- | 17. Every person who shall beg, or expose any l'ounda

Exposing dainel, That every person who shell dencies, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief sore or infitunity to view, for the purpose of exciting

$1. And be it further enacted and fun expose or proffer for sale in any tarket Superintendent of the Trade of Behlah Subject in compassion and obtaining alms, or shall lewdly ornate the orlained, That every person who with food, a or elwhere any liquor, tocat, fish, China, with the advice of the Legislative Council indecently expose his parson, by bathing or other Colway or far. In the said Colony, or the harbour or

regetable, or other artic of food its a of Longkong

wise near any public road or dwelling-lonso bow of Ll?ng- waters thereof, shall commit any of the tainted, noxious, adulteratel, or unwholesome stang wollowing all nees, shall be liable to n i thall be liable to a penalty of not more than Fiva And it all be lawful for soy countable belong.kong, ing to the Police Force to take into custody, without

Pecahy not more than Ten l'ouds of Pounds, or in the discretiva of the presiding Mag-si


No. 14 of 1845.

An Ordinance to repeal Ordis nance No. 5 of 1844, entitial,


?? ??? ??????



Leach of the


velikost, Wat


other dentare in

that to be imprisonal for any term not more than | same; and it shall be lawful for any Magistegia be the same,) and shall be liable to a Penalty of not guilty, it shall be lawful for any Magistrate to ako Seven Days.

fore whom the ease shall have been heard to order more than Tea Pounds, or in the directions of the an order for the delivery of such goods or money XII. And So it further macted and such horse, cart, carriage, or bost, or dash othe Magistrate may be imprisoned in any Gai within to the party who all appear to be the rightful Unlawfully prunal, That every paison who shall animal or thing, to be sold for the purpose of satiethe Colony stormsaid with or without han labour owner thereof or in ease the owner cannot be us pong of have in his possession any spear, blud-fying such penalty, and reusonas expenses, in de for any time not exceeding Three Calendr: months certained, the to make such order with respect to XXVIII- And be it further enacted such goods or money sa to such Magistrate shall live wegen, or other offrosive weapon, or any Luvit of payment thereof, in life manner as if the Pewter to of: and ordained, That if any goods shall seero most: Provided always, that no such order crowbar, picklock, skeleton key, or other sarne had been subject to be distened and had brokery of by anion or unlawfully desinod from shall be any bar to the right of any person or par Instrument fit for unlawful purposes, with in tent to distrained for the payment of sich ponally and to gods

any person, or being lawfully obtain sons to sue the party to whom such goods or mener use the same for any such unlawful purpose, or asouable expenses. who shall be unable to give a satisfactory account of

XX And be it further onaated and pad and in od shall be unlawfully deposited, shall be delivered, and to recover such gods or his posseon thereof, shall be liable to a Penaky Pero ap- onlaid, That orery person takes into potion of pawned, pledged, sold, or exchanged money from him, by wetion at law, providul that of not more than Ten Pounds or in the discretion

custody by any Contable belonging to

and complaint shall be made tiferout such action shall be commenced within six can. to any Magistrate, and that such goods | dar months next after such order shall be mado. of the presiding Magistrate to be imprisoned for any

the Police Force without Warrant, second hand

are in the possession of any Broker,

XXXVI. And be it further enacte term not exceeding Fairteen Days.

taken to the except pernous detained for the more property.

Power to co- Dealer in Marine Stores, or other mind or sa. and ordained. That any Magistrate, XII. And be it further enacted and is purpose of ascertaining their name of Beharing ordained, 'That every pemon who shall

rudrace, shall be forthwith delivered dealer is second-hand property, or of any person loge Prisoners if he shall think fit, may remand any ily live in a towns, noisy, or disorderly into the custody of the Constable in charge of the who shall have advanced money upon the credit of onrecis person who shall be charged before him with any Felony or MisdamesBour manner, or shall use any profane or nonrent station house, in order that soch person be such grods, it shall be lawful for such Magistrate soos

upon his personal recognizance (with poses. dicent language, or any threatening. dealt with according to Law, or may give bail fori: isto lana Saminous or Warrant for the appearance

abusive, or insuling words or behaviour appearance before a Magistrats. if the Conable in of such Brokee or Dealer, and for the production or without sureties) and every such reosgatxauce with intent to provoke a breach of the peace, or charge shall do prudent to take Bail in the of such goods, to be delivered up to ibe' owner shall be conditioned for the appoerance of such thereof, either without payment, or upon payment person before the enme or some other Magistrate, whereby a breach of the peace my be occasional, manner hereinafter mentioned.

XXII. And be it further enacted and of such sum and at such a time as avob M?gimento | for further examination, or to surrender himself to shall be liable to a Penalty of not more than Fire

Pr?er] se ordained, That whoever any petang shall think fit; and every Broker or Dosler who take his Trial at the Baprene Court, as a day and Pounds, or in the discretion of the convicting Magis- trake to be imprisonal for a term mot exocoding

charged with any offence of which babeug so ordered shall refuse or neglect to deliver place to be therein mentioned, and the Magistrate Seven Days.

able to be summarily convicted before up the goods, or who shall dispose of or make away shall be a liberty from time to time to enlarg XIV. And be it further enacted and Muy a dagistrate, or with having carska with the same after notice that such goods were eray such recognizance to such further timsar hi done any hurt or damage, stall be willijalen or unlawfully obtained as aforemid, shall shall appoles, and every aurch recognizance which Imperia orded. That every person, not being

out the Warrant of a Magistrate in the forfait to the owner of the goods the full value there shall not be enlarged shall be discharged without Png the Crustable of the Police Force, who Yazma or elut): Igor Let til beve in his possession any athela ustody of any Cable of the Police Ford in of, to be dotermined by such Magistrale: Provided for reward, when the party shall bare appeared ing the chu boing pat of the Clothing. Accountre charge of any station bouso, during the time when always, that no such order shall bar any such Bro-acording to the condition thereof: Provided al- Theme fauts, or Appointments supplied to any the Police-courts or Magistrates' offices shall be shut. ker or Dealer from recovering possession of such ways that woon any Magistrate shall take the re polierman, such Constable, as who shall not be able it shall be lawful such Constable, if he shall decu i goods by suit or action at low from the person iote cognisanoo of any person to appeart the Supreme &c. satisfactorily to account for his poses prudent, to as the Recognizance of such perma." whose possession they may come by virtue of wash Cours, the Magistrate shall be bound to return the sion thereof, or who shall put on the Dress or take with or without sureties, conditioned as hersienfler Magistrate's neder, provided that such astian be: Depositions taken in the mes, and to bind over th Jurumeneed within six oulendar months next after witousens to appear and give evidence in like man the Name, Designation, or Character of any person mentioned

ner us if he had committed the party to take hi Power ta bind XXIII. And be it further enact such under shall be made. appointed as such Constable, for the purpose of

XXIX. And be it further anested | Trial at eosh Court thereby chaining edmission into any house or other OPE persons and ordained, That whenever any

and ordained, That it shall be lawful

XXXVII. And be it further enact- place or of doing or procuring to be done any actinsking charges person charged with any Felony or

Kepense of any Misdemeanour punishable by der for any Magistrate in order that any removing ed and ordained, That it shall be lawr- which such person would not be entitled to do or procare to be done of his own authority, or for any transportation, or any other, grave mislepennour:

goods unlawfully pawwed, pledged, or tracises, de fil for the Superintendent or other Of fear of Police to require any perso exohangod, which shall be brought other unlawful purpose, shall, in addition to any shall be, without the Warrant of a Maginmate in the

before him, and the ownembip of whose duty it eball ?e to remove any filth or ob- other punisbro to whach he may be liable for such custody of my Constable of the Police bros stabdy ellence be liable to Penalty of not more than Tentation-house during the time when the Polion Courts which shall be established to the satisfaction of such struction, or to do any other matter or thing re- nt Magistrates' offices shall be shut, i abail be low | Magistrata, shall be delivered up to the owner by quired to be done by this Gudinnade, so to do with- Povoda:

XV. And be it wither acted and ful for the constable in barge of the Station-house the party with whom they were so unlawfully in a certain time to be them fixed by the mid Bu Carables onlined. That it shak be lawful for any to require the person making such charge to enter pawood, pledge, or exchanged other without comperintendent or other Officer, and that in default of

appe Lam ble belonging to the Police Force into recognizance conditioned as hereinafter men pensation, or with such ompensation to the party such requiation being complied with, the said Su perintendant or other Osloer shall and may onge and for all persons whom he shall rall toned, and upon his or her refuses to do, it shall question be the Magistrate may think it.

XXX." And be it further emcled to be removed such Sith or ob?ruction, ?r do or same and re to his assistance, to take into Costoly be lawful for wach Constable, if he shall deem kru

Penalty on dance are without a warmet, any person who dent, to discharge from custody the person sa chart was and ordained. That after the passing a to be done such other matter of thing as cackling was, of this Ordinseen every Pawnbroker aforesaid; and it shall be lawful for the Magistrate

head any al

dinance, and whose nam? and residence shall be ma known to such. Constable and cannot be ascertained by such Constable

bend who



Power to of Property

fly paws.

not known. within view of any such Constable abali od upon his or her own recognizanes, with or with-

ofeul in any manner against this Orout sureties, conditioned as hereinafer mentioned. eve Green puts w?kin the sail Colony, and every before whom the offender shall hava been convict- XXIV. And it further enacted and was ander the agent or Servant employed by anyod to order and adjudge such offender, in addition Preshmen ordained, That every recognimnos Roof Tile such Pawn-broker, who shall pur- to the penalties hereinbefore imposed, to pay such of Persone as taken shall be wahout Fos of Re

akass, se receive, or take any goods'] sum of money for defraying the expenses of such seed of her. XVI. And be further enclod and comm, ward, and shall be conditioned for the or chattals in Pawn or pledge of or from any per- removal, or of doing such ocher matter or thing as Comte ordam, That it shall be lawful for saying stolen goods appearance of the person thereby son apparende under the age of Twelve years shall to such Magistrate shall soom just and reasonable, bound before a Magistents of ind. Die be liable to a penalty of got more than Tan Pounds and the som sy ordered and adjudged shall be re- mere Constable belonging to the Police Force

XXXI. And be it furilor anacted coretable in the manner bereinafter provided for Warts in 1 take into Custody without a warrant trict in which each Station houso shall be at

Unclaimed certain soon. Loose, idle, and disorderly persons his post sitting, and the tit?e and place of appearance

XXXVII. And be it further enact Lowered to the de money shared to be stolen or whom he shall find disturbing the public shall be specified in the recognimoce; and the Conca de ordainel, That when any goods the recusery of penalties imposed by this dipanci pace, or whom he shall have good cause to ghaspect | stable sball, entes in a book to be kept for that put: il purinsenden anlawfully obtainul, sad of which of having committed or being about to commit any pose at every such Station-house, the name, residence of Pulles mer the owner shall bo noknown, shall be Felony. Mindenenpour, or breach of the posce, and and occupation of the party and bis euroty or nice besider is ordered by nay Magistrato to be do vered to the Superintendent of Pe all persons whom he shall find between sunnet and (if any) entering into such recognimnoc, together with the the hour of six in the morning lying or lodering in say highway, jard, wa viliwa plusky and nike skaam give a stictory account of themselves,

IVIL And be it further enacted and Powersofo- ordained, That any person found com-

do and par.

fice Come mining way offence punishable caber ange, upan Jadictment or as a Misdemeanour, topes upon summary conviction by virtue of bend certain this Ordinance, may be taken into custo afenders. dy without a warrant, by any Constable, or inay be apprehended by the Owner of the property on or with respect to which the offence shall be committed, or by his servant or any person authorised by him, and may be detained until he can be delivered into the Custody of a Constable, to be deak with according to law; and every such Con- alable may also stop, search, and detain any vessel, boat, cart, or carriage, in or upon which there shall

veying in any manner any iking stolen or anlaw



the conddion thereof, and the same thursby ackage

Condition of




tiones fared and ordained. That every person or Damage. who, by committing any offence here- In forbidden within the said Colony, Jaball have caused any hurt or damage to any per lion, it shall be lawful for rich Magistrats after son or property, may be apprehended with or with the orpiration of Thralen osisadar, mo the during out any Warrant by eng Constable belonging to which no ameer shall have appeared to claim tho | the Palien Furos, and if ho shall not, upon demaind, same, to order such goods or money to be sold or make amends for such hurt or damage in the satis- disposed of towards deaying the expenses of the faction of the person aggrieved, he shall be detain Potion Force. XII. And wheress Informations

od by sach Constable in order in be taken before a Amanda be awarded or are aften laid for the mere sale of hire infor. rain, ay by partie not truly aggries

Magistrate, and upon conviction shall pay such sum, not exceeding Ten Pounds, as shall appear to ed, and the offences charged in such to be reasouskle anvende to the person aggrieved, the Magistrate before whom he shall be convinced informations are nos further pros besides any penalty to which he may be imble for cuted, or It appears upon prosecution that there the offence, and the evidence of the person aggris-

focul ground for making the charge; ved shall be admisible in proof of the offenco | Be is enacted and ordained, That in every case in

XXXIX. Provided always and be Not to pra which any information or Complaint of any office wat Indies it further escind and ordained, That shall be laid or made before any blagistrats and want or ad nothing hersin contained shall be con shall not be further prosecuted, or in which, if fron strued to prevent any person from ther, prosscated, it shall appear to the Magistrate

'being indicted or being proceeded

Petky on


Jalgpl, and shall rdurn every much recognimacy to the Magistrate present at the time and place vehem, and where the party is bousato appear.

XXV. And be it further enacted me Recoguisance, ordained, That every person

be brought before any Magimrom charged with having in his possesion or conveying in any manner any thing which may be reasonably suspected of being stolen or unlawfully ouained, and who shall not give an account to the satisfection of such Magistrate how he came by the same, shall be deemed gulity of a misdemeanour, and shall be liable, to a Penalty of not more than Ten Pounds, cr in discretion of such Magistrate, may be imprisoned in any Gaol within the Colony aforesaid, with or with out hard labour, for any time not exceeding Fourmen Days.

XXVL and be it further emde by wh?m the case shall be heard that here was no against by indictment or information for any in. be reason to suspect that any thing stoles or unlaw Power to great and ordained, That if format is ground for making the charge, the Ma- dictable ease made punishable on summary com fully obtained may be found, and also any person search

shall be given on Osta to an amen gistrats shall bare power 30 award such amanda, viation by this Ordinance, de to prevent any person who may be reasonably suspected of having or con-rant,

trase that there is reasonable caus, or fully obtained; and any person to whom any proper suspecting that anything stules or only obtinet exceeding the sum of The Pounds, to be paid from being liable to be proceeded agains by action by the fofonder to the party informed or complain for any burt or damage onsed by him, provided 17 thall be ofered to be sold, pawned, or delivered, ed is concealed or foulged in any dweg house of guiast, for his los of Time and expenses in the noverthelem that no person be punished twice for If he shall have rearnable cause to suspect that any any other place, it shall be lawful for mich Mall?. ; mate, as to the Magistrate shall seem medi. the same offence, and provided no compensation

such office has be?ti committed with respect to such |trals by special Warrent under his hand_dienched);

XXXII. And be it further enact shall have been awarded far steh hurt or damage. property, or that the same or any part thereof has to say Constable to cause stary such Dryer Commonfam, ad and ordained. That in casi a?y

XL. And be it further enacted and boco stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained, in hours or other place to be entered and statebo??k?

Recovery of wow person shell lodge any Information Pallikka ordained, That the penalties imposed hereby authorised, and if in his power is required any time of the Day or by Night, if power for rounding ins, befoes any Magistrata for any offenca

by this Ordinance shall be recover. to apprehend and detain, and as soon as may be to that purpose be given by such, Warrautz and s?ch | iamson. alleged to have been committed by able in a summary manner under and according in deliver noch offender into the Custody of a Conets Magistrate, if it shall appear & bim necEE IT

which he was not personally aggri the provisions of an Ordinance made and passed on ble, together with such property, to be dealt with empower such Constable ab auch in red, and shall afterwards directly or indireasly re- the 10th day of April the year of our Lord 1844, according to law.

may be found secessary Ach Consalile having ceive without permission of'e Magistrate my sam and numbered 10, entitled, An Ordinance to re VII And be it further enacted and previously made known such his authority) to of money or other reward for compounding, delay. "gulate summary proceedings before Janices of Removing ordained. That & shall be lawful for force for the effecting such entry, whether by being, or withdrawing the information, it shall be law Furniture any Constable so Mop and detain until ing open Doors or otherwise and if upon owah for any Magistrate to ime bie Warrant or Sum" tion of their on evada Rent. de enquiry can be made all persons thereupon made any such thing shall be forged, abs, as he may deem best, for bringing before him whom and all horice, carts, and carriages or any then to convey the same before a Magiemate, of to the party sharged with the offence of such com Imprint ordained, That in every case of the ether animal or thing which he hall find eruployed guard the me on the spot until the faderare pounding, delay, or withdrawal; and if such off adjudication of a pecuniary penalty of In removing the Furniture of any House or Lodge taken, before a Magistrate, or otherwise dispose face be proved by the confesion of the party or

mena of Penal ing between the hours of Eight in the evening and thereof, in goma place of safety, and moreon to hy the Oath of any credible witness, mach laformer Six in the following morning, or whenever the Con- take into custody and carry befbry a Magistinje shall be liable to a penalty of not more than Ton stable shall have good grounds for believing that every person found in such house or place rio | Pounds. anch rergoval is made for the purpose of evading | shall appear to have been wfvy to the deport of any such thing knowing ?r baving ressor ible *** the payment of Bent.

XIX And be it further enacted and cause to surgent, the same to have been stok yor Para char and ordulnod, That it shall be law otherwise unlawfully obtained.

XXVII. And be it farther en: sted ged with 2 for any Constable belonging to the Po- lier Force to take into custody without

and ordained, That when any pr son CEAL Emula may be app:e- beaded with a with ht any person who shall be

shall be brought before any 31 gierd labour for any length of time got there then the ward is ordained, That is the onstruction of ot a chur by any other person with com- recama, trate charged with having or con sop Fourwen Days where the pecuniary penalty im-

ing anything stoles or unlew i mill; any aggravated namult, in every case in which such Constable all have good obtained, and shalt decture that he connived than 1 ay Fonut to believe that anch assuk has been commit from some other person, or that he was simplyed ied, akbough not within view of such Connallo and as a carrier, agent, or servant to convey the und that by reason of the recent commission of the of for some other person, such ?lagistrate la hersby | fence a warram could not have been obtained for authorized and required to enase orary such penor the apprehension of the offerder.

and also if necessary ovary format or protonin?" XX. And be it further enacted and purchaser or other person into whose posesion the ktors, l'ar- ordained, That whenever any parsons same shall have passed, to be brought before him raghating charge of any horse, cart, ear and examined, and to examine Wives upon thith of beden singe, or bout, or any other animal or touching the same; and if shall appear to go

thing, shall be taken into custody of any Magistrate that any person shall buye ha pzn| gi Constable under the provisions of this or- sion of such thing, and had reasonable dammari he| Comunita. dinance, it shall be lawful for any Constable to take |lieve the same to have been stolen or unlaw klly chat of such horne, cat, carriage, or boat, or



party from


the Porce, and to protect Justines in the exsou-

XLI. And be it further enacted and

amende under this Ordinance, and nonpayment thereof, it shall be lawful

for the Magists to imprison the offender for ferm not more then seven days wh?re the penalty XXXIV. And be it further anacted imposed shall not exceed Five Pounds, and not Second of nad ordained, That for every second more than Fourteen Days where the Penalty im- or subsequent offence under this Orposed shall not exceed 'en Pounds, the imprison. dinance the offenser shall be liable at the discretion ment to code of payment of the sum dos. of the convicting Magistrato to a penalty in doubla the amount, or to be imprisoned with or without

XLIL And be it further enacted and Meaning

this Ordinance, the word "Magistrate" whall be taken to me?n and include

posed for the first offence does not exceed Five every Amistant Magistrate, and also every Justice Pounde, and for any time not more than One Ca- of the Peace acting in and for any District or place lendar Month where the pecuniary penalty im- within the Colony of Hongkong. posed for the first offence does not exceed Tou Founda.

Power Door

General inter-

XLIIL. And be it further enacted IXXV. And be it further enacted pesation clams and ordained, That in the construc- tion of this Ordinance, usks there

der dovery of and ordained. That if any goods of be something in the context repugnani thereto, any bare been dulently obtained shall be in the Cas-shall be taken to extend to any number of Persons goods charged thoury charged to be stolen or tria-word denoting the Singalar Number and Male Sex

fotody of any Constable by virtue of any or Things and to Both Sexes.

Warrant of a Magistrate, or in prose


and in

lof a cution of toy charge of Felony Mle- demeanour in regard to the obtaining thereof, and the person charged with this obtained, evory much person shall be deemed sky stealing or obtaining possession as aforesaid shall

uch other animal or thing, and to deposit the same of a misdeineanour and to have had posesti, of not be found, or shall have been summarily con insome place of safe custody as a security for pay such thing at the time and place when andet, het?, victed or discharged, or aball have been tried and meu of any Benaky to which the persons having the muse shall have been found and bad; (and acquitted, or il sach person shall have been tried had har thereef may become limble, and for pay the possession of a carrier, agent, or servent shall and found gaily, but the property so in Custody send any expentor which may have been neces. he diered to be the posession of the person who shall not have been included in any Indictment or sarily curtel for taking charge of and keeping the shall have complprad s?ch,uther person to cavey Information upon which he shall have been found


J. F. DAVIS, Governor, &i, &c. Passed the Legislative Canpoll of Hongkong

26th day of December, 1841. ADOLPHUS E. SHELLEY,

Clerk of Ununcila

Ehted, Prided and Published by Joun Cams,

As The Friend of China and Hongkong Gastle, Printing Offer, Gouan Staunt, VICTORIA, HONOZONO 1840,


VOL. V. No 5.




PRICE 12 per annum.

*Terms of Subscription to the "Friend of China and Hongkong Gazotto," per annum 12. Bix months 87. Three months #1; all paid in advanco, Calit prices, $14, 84 50, and $5, for the periods

of twelve, six, and three months respectively: Single numbers to Subscribers 25 cu. each, to Non-Bubscribers 1 Rupec. Partics calling or sending to the office for papers are requested to pay rush. Terms of Advertising.—T'en lines and under 6!; additional 10 cents per line. Repetitions one third of the first insertion. Steps: Firal insertion ● 2; subsequent insertions 45 cent, Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. In all instances, those who are not Subscribers, mot pay in advance,

UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY. MEETING of Bhareholders in the above Sucie A ty will take place at the office of the un- dersigned on Monday the 19th inat, a 4 3. 3.

DENT & Co, Bocratrick.

CEYLON ENGLAND AND TERMEDIATE PORTS. THE Steam Ship BRAGANZA, Cap tain Lewis, with Her Majesty's Tail, will leave this for the above planos wat on the let of February, 1840. Cargo will Non. And on board until noon, and specie until 4 r. nd, Skurday the 81st fast. This roots offers an

Cre few days at Ceylon, thence to Madres or Shanghai, payable in [longkong, Calcutta, Bon.

DENT, & Ca ose, Bf in 24 days from leaving China. Steamers bay, and London,

understood to ply between Colombo and

Seca. Union Insurance Bociety. -8pecie, Silk, and other Goods, may be

Victoria, 1st January, 1848 d by this route to Medras and Calcutta,

NOTICE. I be retained on board the Steamer at Galle arrival of the Bus Steamer for those A when they will he transhipped free of ox

NOTICE. THE business of the undersigned will in future be carried on in connection with his Brother Mr. ADAM SCOTT under the firm of W. Scorr & Co.

WILLIAM SCOTT, Victoria, 1st August, 1915.


FOR BALE. ANILA Rope of all sizes. Also fleerings

Cherry Cordial.

BURD, LANGE & Co. Queen's Road, Victorio, 2nd January, 1846.

NOTICE AVID BIMEON will not be responsible for

UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY. [[ESSRE DENT,BBALE & Co. are authorized | (THE Undersigned have formed a partnership, for mimion business, under the respective Firms of RAWLE, Dove & Co. at Victoria, and Duus," William" from this date.

Victoria, 7th January, 1846, Rawig & Co. at 8bangkai.



ARRANGEMENTS, having been completed for Victoria, Hongkong, 1st October, 1846.

A the erection of an Ice House, for a regular UST Recured per luie arrivals and for malo by supply of Ics. Parties who may be desirous of adding their names to the list of Sharehoklers will be pleased to communicate with Mr L. A. Blous No. Gough Btroot, who is authorised by the Ice committee in receive and register applications for

Hongkong, 21st October, 1945.

Tay of visiting Singapore and Pinang, re- to istua Polices on behalf of the Bociety at the fraction of a general Agency and Coun] [}" any debis contracted on account of the Lorelia

Arrangements are made in the Blearners| hai. oughout for the convenience of the Native Mer. ants of India, proceeding as passengers and cor-

R. HENRY H. KENNEDY is authorized to eigo by procuration for our firm at Shang

MACVICAR & Co. Victoria, 19th January, 1848,


in accommodation is roserved in those from CalTHE undersigned are prepared to issue Policies utts, for Passengers from Chine, joining the Buez at Shanghai, on behall of the Asiatic Marine he at Galle, to securo which it in requisite that a fosurance Office, payable in Hongkong, Calculla,

tice of at least two months be given to the Madras, Bombay, and London.

MACVICAR & Co.' Tompany's Agent hare.

Agents Asiatic Marine Insurance Ofica Victoria, 7th January, 1848.


Information regarding the rates of freight and ago can he obtained by application at the Peninsular nad Oriental Steam Navigation Comp's Office; and shippers are requested to take Notice that a Shipping order cannot he granted unless the contents and value be distinctly parked on the outside of each package for overland transit.


Victoria, Hongkong, ? January lat, 1848.

"TO LET. 510UBE situated on the North Side of

Gough Street Apply to



TO LET. Commodious and well finished Dwelling

A the corner of Feet Street and ige street, consisting of dining and drawing rooms, bedroom, offices on ground floor, with or Me apartments de. For particular apply to

GEO: STRACHAN, THE Extern side of the large and com. modkus house situated in Welling. Street and now in the occupation of Moms Fan & Co. For particulare apply to,

Rom Cath. College Superior. Victoria, 2nd December, 1945.

TO LET. TWO Conveniant Houses in Gough Street. a

with Verandaha, each containing nine tooms, exclusive of outhouses, enquire of

HOWLAND REES. Pottinger Street.

Victoria, 6th December, 1845.


E premises known as the office of the "Friend

of Chine;"Three Houses situate in Welling.

THE business of the undersigned will frem-tho

tat prezime, be carried on under the firm of Bleskin, Rawson & Co,

FOX, BAWSON & Co. 91st December, 1845 FOR BALE-AT the Godowns of Mowers Bienkin, Rawson & Co., Barton Ale is bid, from Worthington and Robinson. Hongkong, 15th January (946.


T the Godown of More Blonkin, Rawson & A Co Allsopa Pale Ale in boule; Bardley's Porter in bolde, Superior Bberry, Madeira, sal Port, in wood and bottle.

Hongkong, 15th January, 1846.


FR. Thomas Bonaylon, liathaway Nyu-bas If this day been admitted a partner in our


NYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, January lat, 1846.

"NOTICE. THE undersigned have been appolated Agents at Canton for the Globe topurance Offices of Calcutta, and are prepared to grant Policiou pay. able co London, Calcutta, Bambay and Canton

MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co. Canton, 10th November. 1845.



the subscribers, Patent Salamander Safes of various sizes war ranted socure in the hottest fin


Patent Weighing Machines from 100 2,300 pounds, which can be made to weigh pecula and

RAWLE, DOUS & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845. catlics.

FOR SALE CUPERIOlt Bherry and Madeira in wood; leo Da few half pipes and quarter cask Cape and Toneriffe Wines, Bherry, Madeira, Port, Claret, Cognac, Cherry Brandy, to 1 2 & 3 dozen cases.

Victoria, 28th October, 1845. FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIONED. A Nortment of Anchors and Chain Cables, Europe, Manila and Coir Rope, Hemp and Cotton Canvase, and several Spare for lower and



RAWLE, DUUB & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845.


ON SALE BY THE UNDERBIGNED, CETH of richly cut glass, consisting of Quart and Pins Decanters, tumblers, Wine, Claret, Champagne, Hock and Liqueur Glames, all to match

Palont Stoves to comume their own smok adapted for either housu or cabin use.

PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victoria, 26th December, 1845.


ANCHORS, Cheine, Europe and Manilo Rope A Navy and bleached Canvas, Navy Fuck Bunting, Paints, Oil, Salt Provisions, Bread, Flou and Marine toros of all descriptions, Wine Spirits, Bear and Porter in wood and bottle, fro FOR SALE.

and Load Water pips, Sheet Lend, Bokter, Dere CAUNDERS Pale Octuber brewed ale in Wood, Plaster of Paris and Stencelling Patterns, Sures Allsops Beer in Wood, Fort and Sherry,Grates with Fenders &c. to match. Nautica Champagne and Claret. Apply to

Aldmuseks for 1846, and Manila Cheroute No. and 4.

BUMPHREYS & Co. 13 Queow's (land, Victoria, 1 Desember, 1845.


ROBERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 25th July, 1845.


W. Shipping Agent, Auctioneer, and Wine and

Spirit Merchant.

Whole Sale and Retail

E undersigned bas just received from the we known firm of Perigal & Brady, the follow

disposed of on the low tre

Champague Bberry Ports in Plat Madeira


Also Cherry Cordial

Has on sale, of which musters can be seen at the ing Wines of the choioost quality which will b show room Port; Sherry: Claret; Champagne; Still and Sparkling Moselle; Brandy; Gin; Alsops. Bast's, Baunders and Ree's Beer in libda and Butte do, do, in bottle; Bengal Gram in 2 maund bage; Europe Hope; Paim & Oil; Guns & Pintola, An amortment of l'ainted Floor cloth of hand- patterns, Splendid "Paper Macho" Bedsteads, Carpeting; Saddlery; Bengal Silk Ilandkerchief; Speede Indian Arrow Root; Blankets; Girey and White Bhirunge; Satin Jean; New Boules in Quarter and Pinta; pale; Anchore and Chains. Also some very supa lor India bottled Pain Ale. of other articles.

PLEACHED and Brown Canvas Now DAlso Flax Sewing Twine.

MACLEAN, DEARIE & Cq, Canton, 1st January, 1146.


In Street, commanding a ?as view of the bay; 37EBSTER, Gordon, Cosuri & Co's, superior and NTDila Chervols three years old; and a variety

Madeira, in Hhos, quarter and half quarter

FLETCHER & Co. Hongkong, 1st March, 1848-


Shop and Store situate on the Queen's Road, Wesaks, and ?n caben.

central part of the town. Early possession can be given. For further particulare apply to

R. OSWALD. Victoria, 19th December, 1945.

FOR BALE. ARINE Lot No. 64 Situated between the lots Bl of Messrs. Macvicar & Co., and FrameR JAMSHTIRE Eng., measures 200 fest see froutage, and akugether is a very desirable let. For further particular apply to

PLETCHER & Co-Hongkong.

or DIROM, GRAY & Co.-Canton. Victoria, 1st July. 1845.


IT Victoria Hongkong, in a central position, a A valuable water wide property, consisting of wharf, spacious Godown, dwelling and out Blouses; all in perfect repair, and now let on seo. For particulars, apply to

C. A. FEARON. Macao, Sal July. 1845.

TO LET. THE upper part of a House, baving five largu rooms, with servants coome, cask bouse and Godown attached, situated in the Queen's Road. For particolare apply to

HUMPHREYS & Co. Victoria, 9th December, 1845

TO LET THE THE upper part of a commodious and will buik 1 dwelling House containing wren race with servants rooms, and outhouses with subling. For further particular apply to,


No. 1 Wellington Terrace D'Aguilar Street.

Victoria, 24th October, 1846


PARTIES receiving letters directed to the late C. Liors. Beq. are requested to forward the same to the office of the undersigned. Macso. All charges or postage on the same will be paid on delivery

M. T. SENN VAN BASEL His Nethide Majesty's Consul


Nethids, Consulate, Canton, 3rd October, 1845-

C. W. BOWITA. Victoris, 19th December, 1845.


JUST opened and for Sale at the stores of ib


A large sorament of Carpeting will pattern Hearth Rugs &c. &o. Tartan and Check Clothi Drills and White Coutun and worsted Ifies. Es

Bails made and repaired on the premises by ox perienced sailmakers; Cauvase of the best quality | d?es Musline De Laime and Printed Dresser, ' :- at lowest price.

and a large assortment of Perfunt, cationer Gooda received from alongside ship and stored Table limen and Oilmaus B?zumut al? description dry Godowns on the most moderate terms. Goods, Letters, and Parcels forwarded and bani- nemirated for Parties absent.

THE interest and responsibility of Mr. Chris- 1 topher Fearon, in our firm consed on the Slatin

FEARON & BON; December 1844.

Macao, tul January, 1846,


R. W. W DALE and Mr. D. POTTER are this day admitted partners in our firas, and

Victoria, 12th December, 1946.

THE Schoner "ALPIIA," well manned and armed, runa between Hongkong

Mr. CHARLES RYDER is authorised to sigono, or Cumsingmoon, se required; carrying

per procuration.


Canton, Lat August, 1845.


carge Opium, Treasure and Passengers, at most mo derate forma

W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 5th September, 1845.

THE Undersigned having been appointed Agenc. FOR SALE new Palanquin Carriage. AP

for the "Indie Insurance Company of Cal- oude are prepared to grant Policies payable ip London, Liverpool, Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, Singapore and China.


Capton, 28th August, 1845. "NOTICE.

THE business of the undersigned will from this date be conducted in the name of C.B. Cour. TOM & Co., his partners being as heretofore, ED- WARD M. DANTELL, and WILLIAM DICKINSON of the firm of Damista, Dickinson & Co, in London and Liverpool,

Canton, 1st January, 1846.


ply to Victoria, 23rd December, 1845.


drive. Apply to Bay Byndey Horse sound and quiet to ride or

W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 12th December, 1845.

17. FRANKLIN has just receive for nylo

the following articles. French Merino in all colors for Ladies dresses, Twilled Bannel, Table corers, Sperm Candles pre arves, pickles, Mustard and Bauces, Feribosh

G. B..COMPTON.whiskey, Briannis metal T'ou and Coffee Pots. The whole of these articles for sale at moderate prices

Keying House, December 19, 1845.

TR. Roonx Jacion is authorised to sign our in any quentily to sont purchasers.

firm by procuration.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co Victoria, 20th December, 1945.


THE undersigned are prepared to issue Policies of Insurance at Bhanghai on first class vessels

TURNER Co gayable in Hongkong, Singapore, Calcutta, Madras,

Agents Commercial Insurance Company, Bombay and London.

Victoria, 20th August, 1848, NOTICE. ER WILLIAM WARD BROWN is anthorised MR

to sign for our Firm by procuration.


Let January, 1840


TF JOHN BATSON, son of the late ALICE BAT BON, of Wapping. Liverpool, will apply at this office he will receive a letter on his family affairs.

26th December, 1845. Uffice of the 'Friend of Chins,


Candles &c.

D. CHISHOLM, Queen's Hond. Victoria, November 21st, 1845.

FOR SALE. fow Superior Saddles and Double Bridle; sma A size and suitable for Ponies. Also a variet of fancy Dockin Sloth.


Victoria, January 6th, 1846,

FOR BALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. To. 8 Buperior Manila Cigars.


Spanish winos, Skerry, &c. in wood boal

Manila Pine Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, an Ladies Dresses.

J. DELMAS. Corner Aberdeen Street Opposite the Bake Victoris, 10th November, 1845.


LL persons having chims upon the undersig od are requested to sand in their accounts fi adjustment; and all persons, indebted are requestu to make immediate payment to,

"JOHN KAINS. Victoria, Oth January, 1948.

SODA WATER. ON BALE, AL the Blore of Mr. John Smith

Macao from Dr. Hunter's Boda Water Manufactory there. Macao, 13th January, 1845.


GABRIEJ, hostaken a cominodious house a We waited at the Corner of GrahamStreit, a sho distance south of the Queen's Road, which be ?i

E undersigned has established himself in this tends to conduct as a Hotel under the above titl 1 place as a Commission and General Agent in Gentlemen favouring him with their patrons connection with Mens Fonta Ba?THER & Co. will find their comfort strictly attended to. Speecher, Canton Appenvell) Switzerland carrying on Dusiness under this name and on account of this

L. EUYSTER. brn.

Manila, 13th July, 1845.

All the articles supplied will be of the first rat description.

A Thurston's Billiard Talde on the Primises. Victoria, 14th March, 1844.


(From the China ?Mad, January 15.) GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Notice is hereby given, that persons desirous to construct Verandahs projecting beyond the bound- arice of their lots over any Pablic (tond or Street within the City of Victoria, will rece.. permission to construct them in accordanco with a Plan which can be seen on application at the Surveyor-Ge peral's Office.

By order,



Cookial Secretary Victoria, Hongkong, 9th January, 1846.

GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency The Governor has been pleased to appoint the following Gentlemen to be Justiers of the Pence for the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies:-

The Honorible Fazoratca W. A. Bauer.

Abuzrius Edward Shelley, Esq. DONALD MATHEon, Esq.

Greet Surtu, Esq.

Xxors FLETCH?n, Esq.

JF. Epoca, Ex

By order,


Colonial Sacretary. "Victoria, Hongkong. Dth January, 1840


To the Editor of The Friend of China.

Victoria, 14th January, 1816.

Dear Sir,-The Circumagances connected with the doch of the unhappy Centresor F?r the ???ects Qusters and the General (loom, made public by the Coronem inquam ta which you have alluded in y or those leat issues, hare ex. Eed iveral anension mingled with regret for the and pecurrence and repugnance at the existance of the combos leading to it. That a Chinamao of confessedly respectable manding, pomasing intellectual emporiority, and an appre citing regard for f?reign advancement in Civilization and Bcience, entened by his countrymen begond most of his cumpet-trikingly evinced by nearly all he wurkmen sobachbing a pretion of their limited pittance on payment of their wars by the Celauance pacers for the bereaved

family of their boto master, together with the subscription now being made uzsongut the L'hines Compradore themselve for the samo object,—with the respect entortained for him by The forgets who had the best opportunities of Judeng his worth, should have been driven by the circonstance detailed on a peper found on his person, writen by himself pely a short time before he terminated his axiomnes under deep menial anguish, bla pen no be matre rocarded it with a team of hlood, so such a frightful extreme of bape

to take his own ble, invoice consideratione "the moral

aning of which cannot but be disastrous to as conmanity,

jer bile it is a foul but upon our national character and will prove lastingly Injuries to our Intercom with the Chinone inn for as they aociate the ects of ap individual with our Government; while at thin particular juncture of general distrust, and no far sa my knowledge reach, dislike to var go mment the event is truly unpowplous; she document Land the person of the unhappy Corrector, acording to the translation I have of it, plainly states that the English plicera changed the plan, that in, akarod the vaccution of the work and added thereto what was not contemplated by th priginal Contract. Now this is a weighty sccusation and if true, call immediately for all the sinnernent that c?u be offered to the bereaved family and the surviving partner in the Coursers. If on the other hand it is a false statement it may be disregarded, begund offering the contradiction of which it is captable How and the fact in the ques pin. The Hongkong ?Register * saya, apon the manner an. deausts, be bus ascertained that the statement is untrue!! The 'Organ' whose Editor it appears was on the inquest, Mathers has remained vilent on the subject, this latter cit. Comalance may surely be regarded as somewhat ominine


I will excits no surprise with those who are fami. with the reputation of this Journal. It may probably suit the immaculate Editor of the soal Organ, to omit any reft- pence to what is of publie importanes ; to disregard the ob. Po doty of a public paper the conservatieo of the pable good by a just review at least of manere involving considers- Los ke those prevented in the unhappy sair under che gumito; lanty sho suit hit porposs to prostitute his journal in reboing the sentiments of others, even though these seati. ment or gratuit sander directed against the fair fame pl individual; it may suit such an Organ to make its volumna the medium for diffusng misetabla sophisms and mis-re- prestation, and us in some crcent instances offering scope munder the Blimey covering of readily claiming their paren. tage—to sech e?osione from ? errtain Boldier, slready famed far more for veribbling than for war. But when in such a mized community as is found on this loland the prose—that otherwies great engine of public good–la thas unprincipled il boromes at once a base and a curse. The Contradiction the 'Register' has given to the truth of the dying testament of the ushappy micide, and to some particulare connected

published in your inmen, is a matter requiring notice, and without reklaving the Editor of the 'Register' frum the raposibility of mnding forth, backed by eine AUTHORS: ir, fale articles—I am ready to meet his stabamenta, con. pidaring that he inserted them with the belief of their tenth, the boy be alludes to having deceived him, and witi


join inson with the statements be has advanced, by ark- ing the Editor of the 'Register," down he know, that the Hetical stone Entablature which the deceased Contractor, Sth his dying hand wrow, that the placing it there in lles of the brick fe which be Contracted, with the nonparine Gi

for it, was one eavennat cause why he destroyed himself- noten, before the Editor of the "Register" with soch un- al effrontre lent himself so libel the dead and contradict the living benght to have nacertained. Does the Editor of Register know that the Changing of the plan, i, e, altering the kinds of work, and imporing additional, never con pampleted by the original agreement, was not dene; A The Champion against the dead and the living, before he be Fame, be glit to have ascertained. It is marvelous bow Editor of generally considered respectable Journal should, without farther, proof that the hamendua? potrje the inreated a?th city, insort a deliberate article congratu lating him at the dying sestament of the poor man wan jab, and the wasements on the subject in a Conicapves- jeous Jomenal guero untrue vis. But, Mr Editor will sell maga a sad secret, and the 'Register' and how mism AUTHORITY may have the advantage of It. The dying testament of the Cesurect la literally true as it regards the altered and additional work, and the stairment deaying it is literally al, and besides this, the ? Register * might bara known if his GE AUTHomery has any direct knowledge on the sub Jeet which moms very questionable, that the particular build- ing referred bois by no means a szeption so the wrong the por Chine Contractor base received at the hands of the Commanding Engineer 10 iba Register's mion AUTHORITY deo's koow he may learn, that at the Generale House the pathom after complet of the painting so provided by the Contract, the Contractor [now dand] with his partner- monstruly aboard as it may appese-had, by order of the Come. Engiarer to repaint and grain in immitation el Row. wood and varnish, nook, knike, shoe and vervante rooms, se

your paper of this morning you have wate not likewise know be may now lenen that the two Wings of Barracks behind the Offezes quarters have the whole of the

If he does

petade stone works on the basement rusticated-the original

Contact providing otherwise, and this beavy additional pedas was forced arthaus on the Compactors at their does what protected though feeble opposition

po know be muy env?y da so that Cornices to these Barracks toos are fixed at the Contracture cost,nome being provided Jer in the Contacte- description of work which ewald

por kave been becsas opposed nice to the regulations

H. M. Orence uning in Rosewoud and Varnish.

ing Cook, and Knife Roofs, The Itegster may also learn with

O ACT:kery that the amor exaction at the Military


racks. Now Mr Editor these maiements are reor, and with It sistos that a chop has been issued announc sat exageration and the effect of this state of things 1sting that the city will be opened to foreigners. the indemnity money paid, and Chusan ova- cuated immediately.

in (and may be seccntained by the feeling of every Chias, man on the subject to whom you may speak,) a matar of Aional bulation as well as deep regret, while it haguts, and perpetuata among the Chiness distrust of and consept for our charseter, and despite the silenciful the ↑ Organ'kul

Dear Sir,- 11hat the Inquest on the body of the thi

With the Major Genmal, and I do aut

You: truly.

know when it will be returned.

? CHARLES HOLDFORTIL Among the multifarious duties which ho

the indiction put forth by the Rewer the patriedeng gates of the city, and the more respectables, the Major General, has incluried that of of Englishmen will disclaim against in andjeln sa ofering contracting influence to the s prude by the death of

one (Jeremieni contractor, abscanding of another, nanfall. ment of contract by another, kiduspping another, uansfer of payment by another, Maing castract from aesther, and the almost r?n of all, withflagunt and contempi foli by nach for the system oppressing Deni. Those who are sceptical on thane |

The lower orders continue opposed to opon- class are eager in their enquiries as to the pentions of Sir John Davis in the event of riot or disturbance.

custodier of records. Oddition and eccentrici. long as they are ties may be smiled **. harmler, but when they have a tendency to frustrate the ends of justice, they inust be ex. posed. The Major General may have suffi. cient influence to obtain and retain the docu

The Coquette brings accounts from Shang; poins may soon be telared by asking either the contrac hai to the 5th January, the weather continued ment referred to, but he cannot hush the voico wen resatining on the subject, or by agering of almost any intensely cold. Busines generally was exceed of the press, nor can be influence the senti mademont if the contractors would send in their Willa for | ingly dull. The prices of Teas and Bilks were ments of his countrymen who hear of such un- the extra work and in default of parmest submit the easier, then quoted in our last advices. Opium English behaviour.


other Chidaman on the Leland, more especially could it i

for trial in the Supreme Court, but the can not be die had undergone a further decline: Patna 8000, until the poor men can be induced to believe that the law Malwa 8750, but both dull of sale force which day are now be superios thoir contract, which was very scarce. Exchange on England 6 ms. sight "da Bd.; in some instance 34, was demanded.

The only vessel in port was the Charles Wayman. At Woosung. Folkstone, Ternate. Chair, Wm. Hughes, Don Juan. Black Dog: Borer, Time, Corcyra, and the Swalla bound South. The Coquette sports that the Kelpie had arrived at C?maan,

be solved it can

to they subjcet is superior to the authoring of

which untill a new Mate of bingo dawa will never be the cuss. It is geourally saked, what can induse such a gyuam of on pon toward the unfortune Chise Contractors t the Military Buildings, this lo a question that will naturally aner, although it is not an turdily kardly be supposed that a mare mortet could be so awtirely absorbed in selfsufficiency as to diarigned every opponl not ministering to this and ; nor will charity sugg imperious eyrunny Tould under any circumstancul d revel in the bere of, bei a ** creature of a day * se to a tripate the noble? qualities which adorns the ebaracter and so reduce the meni contiment so to leave li umnosceptable, ar

We are informed by a letter from Canton ifortable capable of refusing the clains of justion, to t?n comparative helpiem-because they are so-bet philosophy's, dated the 19th, that two meatings had been held, ing ends, for Alas! the records of Biography dockden t?p and that it was determined to raise a subscrip- question, but it is not no secoury 10 wok whether sach since has to do with the asimanon of the and station among the British residents for the sup Uz ante ill in cases well know to A Committee has been formed who will com- things befies the public-for truth will yet reveal the cause port of a Clergyman of the Church of England. an operating indience adverse to the pour contractors. (tie) preme prsity generally known that the Home Governmmunicate with the Bishop of London, request hes offered no thanks be then, the ordered the extravagues ing that his Lordship appoint a suitable per

nay recklequilay of the Public Money in the erection of avam of these Building instead of a more economical and plainer kind, and an

d any excess of Expenditure on the Contract now weald invotes the projectors in additional cemeure, beides as the wart and execwica parisks of extravagancies not asne. losed by the home authorities regulations, allowing tadi. tional payment for it now would bring for this also similar effect on tho wader whom they were ordered and acted, and noncleg (hewhile I am no aconomiscul trust socha rageous outlays as that approaching to -0,000 for building odering accommodation it is said for only twenty tu office sach being bleed with a comp?rau-ely small and bad von. ulated rooms, for which som 1'learn could be built as may houses as durable so the cos in question containing in sach

room largo aa that to be allotted for the uenommode lion of each officer; w?ba bakding for a Major General fished with wood of the most expensive kind, sad la told

old surpawing altogether that of the Governor General of North America, net secaps the notice of the House of Commons, but Mr Editor I have swelled out my latine mere than I anticipated and will close for the present beping your suggestion for ? general subscription may be camed out its- mediately, or the core of the pour suicide wa yerday s?lt laying where he comented the tragedy for want of all. cest fands to Lake it to Canton, besides you have properly sageted it will shew that Porriga * with the saferings aren of Thinew, show all i will do mech to wipe away the foul repruch use

cumances have planod na our national charscie.

I am. Mr Editor

Your respectfully.

? The corpse has been removed.



* * * % % %.

8 9 8 2 28





New alvertisements, will be received, smajl 4 Clock, on the evenings precious to publi- cat?m, viz: Tuesdays and "Fridays,







Nov. 3 Dec. 11 Martia Dea. to Jany. 8

Nor, 10 ?????? Nov.




We have been favored with the perusal

limputala occurs unthe stone work as at the Ranges of Bar. leuer from the provincial city dated the 14th,


places, mere pact. (Signed) Acuol Pen dipped in tears of Leb



If it was intended that a translation of the paper found on the body of the Ruicide should not be made public, that intention is frustrated as the following is a true copy as made by Mr. Caldwell at the ing ust. Because I have contracted for two houses and have allowed Assere to deprive me of $9,000, and a fire having caused me a loes of 4.500, and having in the pres at house (the Others barracks where he bangeliiniselt') an amount of additional stone quired, lost $7,000, and being clae af Si down English stone suppers receives which Verandals, I lost $500 more, ?.

Sat without #21,500. By these means sopportunityppeared debts, that is why I die.

1 bomaining rided al who receives this paper will Caleating the re- owes me, so that my family Bombay the to the English officers, and are also Supreme trouble.. I beg with blood forward over the tears, that some portion of the mand wiike mat on. The Meroliants in Canton have as usual may be gireh to my creditors, until 1.tako bir come forward most liberally, the subscriptions my family." being from $100 to $200 per annuin for each firm, guaranteed for five years certain; it li also intended to circulate the list in Hongkong. The sum thus raised will afford the British Clergyman of Canton a handsname allowance, and enable him

city withnot embarrassment to himself and take a proper standing in

family. The whole affair reflects the greatest credit upon the community, and it has been arranged so quietly that we were not quite 15, John Christian, Toomes, Liverpool. In our last paper we alluiled 15, Coque (Am), Eldridge, Shanghai. prepared for it

to the proposed endowment of a Chapel by the 16, Swallow (Ain), Uominis, Woosung. British and American Merchants; only three | 16, Tuania, A. F. Ansou, London. days had elapsed from receiving that informs- tion, when we were informed that the contem- plated measure had been so far carried out as the necessary funds had been mibscribed by the British Merchants, Wo were inclined to think at first that it would have been better to have carried out the original intention of making the stlecription American as well as British, but dn consideration we are convinced that it la better to have it British. Wo well satisfied that the American Merchants in Can- ton aro always willing to contribute towards the support of religious and charitable institu- tions, and in the present instance they would not have been backward, but difficulties night have arisen in the selection of a Clergy- men which would tend to disturb that good feeling which so happily exists among the Bri tish and Americag residents. It was proba. bly from apprehension that such might be the case, that the British were induced to carry out the good work without asking the aid of their American friends,

While on the bject ef Conton, we woult press our regret at hearing that so many Merchants are abandoning Hongkong entirely. Luce the fit of the month two firme hav

ven. up their establishments in this colony; ther two, of old standing, have also determin o leave the colony, and others are hesitat

about following their example, or at most 42leaving a Clerk in charge to forward goods pr letters. This is very discouraging, but it is only what initave long anticipated. The Wretches of this imbecile govern.

14. Ader (Prussian), Batavia. JaxUARE, 14, Starling, Chape, Chinghai. 15, Jane, P. Berg. Lombock.



13, H. M. 8. Vestal, Captain Talbot, Whampoa. 13, Royalist, Lecs, Cumingmoon. 13, Rainbowe (Am). Rand, Whampoa.

Aulaz, Olirer, Macao. 14. M. Str. Pluto, Com. Airy, Whampoa. 15. Ann, Stevenson, London 15, Victor, Morgan, Whampoa." 16, Lady Amherst. Thompson, WVhampon.


Per Coquelle J. D. Gibb Esq., and 4 Chinamen. REPORTS.

General Word, Bukor, Maulmein.

ir Robert Sale, Londer, Lolon. Coquette (Am), Eldridge, Whampoa. John Christian, Thomas, Whampoa.



25, Sil (Spanish), Hongkong in 9 days! 90, Liverpool, Bland, Hongkong in 7 days




20 Thomas Perkins. New York

22, Constant, Sydney.

22. Preciona (Spanish), Mincao.

22, H. M. 8. Smarang, to sca.

24, Amherst, Macao.

25, Marmion, Bydney.

25, Elisabeth, Hamburgh.

25, Macasar (Belgiau), Batavia.


Admiral Sir Thomae Cochrane.

went have for a time driven commerce from H. M. 8. Agincourt, Captain Lyster, Flag of Rear the Ealand, and it may years of good maH. M. B. Dedalus, Captain McQuhat. agent before a change in effected. The H. M. S. Hasard, Captain Egerton. ory of Hengkong, so far, affords a sad es- H. H. Tr. 8. Alligator, Com. King. le of Colonial mis-government, Fow co- Jonies have been established with fairer pro- pect hone have proved such a signal failure on havo had cast upon them such an in- cubur in the shape of a


Our correspondent's letter enters fully into the details of

contracts for military build. ings and the treatment of the Chinese Contrac tars by the Superintending Military Engineor. we have no wish to comment upon this Gen. tleman's condnct, as we presume it will be ro- ferrod

H. M. S. Minden, 2nd Master in charge Oumer,

Hospital and Store Ship. Adler (Prussian).

Anglona, Lane,

Bomanjes Hormanjes, Contes, Calcutta, Osborne, Congue (Am), Doane, Coque (Am), Eldridge, Emma, Frar,

Garelle (Am), Chase, General Wood, Stako, Jase, P. Berg,

Joks Bay, Clarke,

Joka Laird, Bryant, Linnet, ———,

Loockoo (Am), Hatch, Lyra. Grosvenor,

a bighor authority than any on this Joks Christian, Thomas, Island. The mendacious assertion palmed off on the Editor of the Register has called for thie letter, the content of which we are satis fied can be substantiated before a commission of enquiry.

We made application to the Coroner last Tuesday for the Coroner's Inquest upon the body of the Contractor Achou, considering that its publication became necessary from the contradiction given to our former statement by the Register

The Coroner had not the docu- meat in his possession, but obligingly promised to send it down in an hour. In the afternoon the Editor received the following note from the Coroner.

My Dost have either inlaid chat Ingmont or some is it from my desk. I have been searching for it this last hot, and exceedingly regret ( cuanos find iL Twill make diligent enquiry and if possible you shall har

for your best pepper.

Youre faithfully, CHARLES HOLDFORT'U.

19th January, 1840.

It appears to have been determined not to permit the publicatum of this document, and on aburaday another note was received, a personal

application being equally unsoccomful.

Natches (AID), Waterman, Privateer, Martell, Sir Robert Sale, Loader, Starling, Chape, Swallow (Am), →→→→ Therra, Brigge wuahickon (Am), Webber, Titania, A F. Anson, Zephyr, Mann,

Russell and Co Macvicar and Co

J. Matheson and Co Russell and Co Rossell and Co Russell nad Co Captain

J. Matheson and Co J. Matheson and Co Matricar and Co Dent and Co Dirom, Gray and Co Rawle, Duos and Co Younghusband and Co

Russell and Co J. A. Durrag Bush and Co

C. H. Langrak Lindsay and Co Murrow and Co Russell and Co William Love

Wetmore and Co Dent and Co


H. M. B. Vestal, Captain Talbot, H. C. Br. Pluto, Com. Airy. Aden, King,

J. Crooked Massey

J. Matheson and Co J. Banlum Hansen

Alfred, Napper._ Aliet Rohaman, Row, Joren Corina, Dring, D. & M. Devil, Furley, Justina (Dutch), Rash, Lady Amherst, Thompson, Nymph, Horsburgh,

Rustomjee and Co

J. M. 8. Van Basel Lindaoy and Co

Dent and Co

D. & M. Ruslanjec and Co Kursoll Co

Pearl, Morrison, Prine Carl (Swede), Molien,

Victor, Morgan,

Wild Irish Girl, Buckton, Woodbridge, Poukon,



JR CHRISTOPHEIT respetfally begs to inc

PUBLIC AUCTION. sell and CoON Wednesday the 21st instant at 11 D'clock of Vessels &o, that he has thus day querel 1

A... will be sold by Public Auction at the freshnient House to Me Just's in the (2ueen's Caplain

Godowns of Mesare. Jardins Matheson & Co. on Road. jegon and Co account of whom it may concern.

Ten casks Shorry wine,

11. C. M. B. ?lement, Captain Duplon. 11. G. M. Str. Archimede, Captain Paris. Auder. Oliver,

Fatal Hair (Dutch), — Harries,

Isabella Robertson, Kelly, Jahe (Swede), Olterberg, Lady Hayre, Langley, Swipe, Endicou,

J Mathroon and Co J. M. 8. Van Batel C. Bapoorjen Langrah F. J. de Paiva Cumsingmano J. M. & Co J. Matheson and Co A. Hoard and Co

American at Whampoa and Magad

Chile, Beny,


Eliza Ann, Chever,

Ja, Drinker,

Waterman, bu, Abbott,

Ad, Skillington,

Two do. Corks.

Fifty casca Cuiler & Co's fine Claret,

| Champagne and Sauterne, all of Grot quality and recently imported.



Filjy pair Blonketa, a quantity of fine Damask. Table Linen, black and white Crape, and these

es Stationery, ench containing a set of Books, for an office &c. &c.

Terma Cash.



East Point. Victoria, 16th January, 1840.

all timca



N the Sure of the Subscriber,

Sherry and Madeira Wine in Woel an. 1 1. ales, Port Wine in Cases, Peppermint Cordest, Ale

in Wood; Porter and Celer in Bottles ; Bupe cink

A printed scale of chargen f?r Breakfasts, Tif- | American Butter; Corn meals Family Heel in § Bas. Dinners &c. which will be at extremely mo. Blads; Nests Tongues; Rounds; Tolacon Segarn No |derato obargos, w? be bung up in the premises 3 and 4, Manila Cheroots in 1900 and 300 Hoven; The Engluli and Local Newspapers to Go had at | Duprin Bulk.; Roosia Canvang Twino; Paint Oi?

and Turpentine, Bright Varnish. Victoria, 23rd December, 1845.

WS. DEYI.. Queen's Rond, Victoria, 5th December, 1845.

NOTICE. TOWNSEND, having teeigned his business, of Auction and Commission Agent in favour of Mr. William B. Fluvi, begu to return his thanks to the Merelinpts of Chien, for their very liberal patronagu during his residence in the Country, and would at the same time solicit the enal?nuance of the samo favour for his abecessor, Mr. TownAINTI will remain with Mr. Elwes, until March 1840, as malinan and gyn promue the usual punctuality in busince.

Victori, 240 December, 1845.


E undersigned hereby give notice that they Love this day disposed of their business and premises in Canton to Mt Charlos Campbell, and beg to return their best thanks to their friends and the public generally for the support they have so liburally received.


Canton, 10th January, 1846

NOTICE. IT sefardace to the aburo the undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has purchaded the cusiness and premious in Canton of Messes. McNurray & Co. LL parsons having claims upon the undersigned and will from this date carry on the trade in his A are requested to send in their accounts for own me, hoping to receive a continuance of the adjustment, and all parties indebted are requested, sama liberat patronage.

Lu make imunodisto payment to.

TOWNSEND. Victoria, 2nd December, 1815.

FOR SALE. FINE Grey Pony warranted sound. Apply



A doble or claims due to or owing from the ?lato Arm of McMurmy & Co. of Centon must be

U 8. 8. Columbus (74), Com. Biddle. Bogue fors. ALL Partles having claims upon the undersigned aru requested to send in their accounts for Welmore and Co Anna Maria, Millen,

Welmore and Coop en persons indebted are requested

Russell and Co to make payment to."

M. OLERJON. Wetmore and Co

Victoria, 18th January, 1846. Tiera, Bourne and Co Russell and Co

SMITH & BRIMELOW, 3. M. Bull Wetmore and Co Ship Chandlers, Wholesale and Retail. Wing and Wetmore and Co Spirit Merchants, and Commission agente &c. Nye, Parkin and Co

No 1 & WOO8NAM'S BUILDINGS. Russell and CoHAVE for sale all kinds of Stores suitable for sent in immediately for adjustament and payment

Ships; such on Canvas, Blocks, Rope, Twi- | o me, no, Beef, Pork, &c. &c. Also Stores suitable for t families, Double Gloster Cheese, Butter in small Kogu and Jars, York hams, Coffee, Chocolate, Preserved Meats and Buupa, Sauces and Pickles Assorted, Bardines, Prunes, Bloom Raisins: Pearl Barley, Jams and Jellies, Tes in small packages, superior Bristol Trips, Salmon, Tongues.


Creesy ow, Sands This —

TO LET. House in Gough Street,


Wetmore and

Apply, to JOHN CARR.

requested that al demands against the Mass. rid Regiment M. N. I. shall be forwarded bony, or before the 25th Enst., after which Hoy will not he attended to.

of the Micas establishment of the 42nd M. N. 1. are authorized to procure supplies Iname of the Mess, on credit without a note

e Sory.

C. MeLEOD Capt. 42d Rgt.

Secy. Mess Moria, 15th January, 1846.


FOR SALE. Ponies; one accustomed to carry a Lady. | ruth warranted sound. Apply to

"N. DUUS. v'a Road, 15 Jen: 1846.


na undersigned 26 Boxes of Turkish smok. Lg Tobacco.

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. ?pria, 17th January, 1846.


fy elegant Rosewood cabinet Piano,'81 Os. res, with metalic plates; also a Mahogany of a similar decription for sale at the Go-



BEER AND PORTER. faroice of Beer and Porter by a late arrival or sale by,


TABLE WARE &o. dianer, breakfast, 10s and coffee sets; also glass dinner sets complete with decanters &c. 15 Godwns of the undersigned.


Beer and Porter in Cask, Barclay and Parkins Sloot in bottles, Allopp's Boer.

CHARLES CAMPBELL Canton, 10th January, 1846. TATIONERY for Balo at the Store of the


Account Books of sizes, Writing and Foolscap Paper, Envelopes of sorts, Nute Paper, Steel Pons, Wafers, Sealing Wax, Blothing Paper, Memoran dum Books, Blotting Books, Visiting Cards, Play- Superior Port and Sherry, Madeira in wood and ing Card Cases, Black Load Pencils, and a variety bottles, Vidonia, old Cognac, Whiskey in cask and, of other Stallonery too numerous to mention. bottle, Cask Brandy, Cherry Cordial, and a varie-

MCMURRAY & Co. ty of other articles.

Victoria, Quern's Road and

Victoria, 20th December 1845.


JUST received ex "Arlen” a qual! Invoice of

price Cumberland Ham and Cheese,


Victoria, Gth January, 1848,




To be obtained at the manufactory of the under



No 1 and 2 Woosnan's Buildings, corner of Pol- Linger Street.


MITH & BRIMELOW have removed their establishment to Wooenam's Buildl??e corner Poulinger Street, Queen's fload, where they will in future carry go their business.

Victoris, 15th December, 1846.


eriall invoice of Lamb's Wool Feste und Dra- A were; Merino Vests and Drawers, Cation Veste &c. Rogata Bhirts, Cloth Caps and elastic Braces, all superior article

BMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, Wooanam's Buildings, corner of Pot inger Street, December 19th, 1845.


. Abardeon Strest, 9th January, 1846.



Poltinger Street, Victoria, 9th January, 1848

FOR BALE. ?? the undersigned a few Jare of superior Eng.

fish Paint Cal.



Pottinger Street Victoria, 19th November, 1845.



TOR sale at this office, four forms of bills of lad- MCMURRAY & CO.

ing for goods or specio slipped by the P. & O, TAVE for Sale every description of Stores also Company's Stenim packets. Ist for goods deliver. Wellington Boots, Clarence ditlo, Ozonion able at London; 2nd for goods deliverable at Bhoes and Patent Leather dittonnd Patent Leather Southampton; 3rd for goods deliverable at Saez; Pumps, also Confectionery of Sutte consisting of 4th for goode deliverable at intermediate ports. Pepperment Lopenger, Transparent ditto, Gingor bey are printed after the Company's forms on dino, Lamon ditto, Fruit dito, Rose ditto, Refined Bank po?t.” Juice dito, Almond Comfita Scotch, Carraway dito etc. ela. Alsojukt received Trowser Bluffs of bost quality, Silk Gloves, Glogham Neckerchiefs, Da- mask Table Cloths and Napkins, Singapore Rid- CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re- ing Whips, Pinang Lawyers, Murray's and Carr's ), cent ant ( Victoria 7 & 8 ) fur sale at this Wine Biscuits and Water Crackers, Corks, Brass office. Tape of borta, Taglioni and other Udais, also every variety of Cakes, Gingerbread Nut etc, etc,

Victoria, Queen's Road and

Aberdeen Bircel, January 9th, 1840.


Office "Friend of China" | 25th October, 1845.)

Office "Friend of Chine,"

Victoria, 101 Cowber, Ista.)

·INGUISTO Rucony and Navy Bruce for sale

at this Office.

Office Friend of China, 29th Dec, to?n.

N to Mr Dorvio's French

terms, apply to the undersigned.

C DUPUIG. Victorie, 28th September, 1845.

A Caylor, with or without board, on muierte FOR SALE-At the office of this paper.



DEG8 most respectfully to inform the Gentry Dand the Publio that he has Removed his P? tablishment from Macao to Hongkong where he Intende conducting bis Business in all de branches

LOODS stored in dry and securo Godown on and trusts by strict attention, to merit a share of

the most moderate terme.


FOR SALE. →plete Copy of the Chinese Repository.

Apply to, HE prek

SMITH & BIRMELOW. Victoria, 15th December, 1845,

W. 8. HEYL

of Chi


17 on Thured

int roll of writte






[PX " Adux "Superfine Blue Cloth ist quality; to ARD,

the Queen's Road a Gent's superior White and Colored Silk The above reward Gloves, a small favoice of shoom and a few Riding be paid on theeing returned to,


Victoria. Ach January, 1816.

JUST RECEIVED. ND for. Balo by the undersigned, a few plocos A of superior Tartan sukable for Coats not TrowseTE,

SHAIK MASDEAN, Gbaut Serang.

Opposite the Commissariat, Victoria, 2nd January, 1846,


" PULIC AUCTION. asd'his dayaturday, the 17th January, 1846, daff the premises facing the Church of Bt. partiones,)NO: SMITH, bas been requested to sell to the highest bidders, by Public Auction, the residuo of Household Furniture, Glase and Crock. ery-ware, Table and Hanging Lampa, Sedan Cha ir, Prints and Looking Glasses. Cabinet and Square Pianofortes. A lot of wines, and a variety BS CHRISTOPHER respectfully boge to no- sundry effects, the whole helonging to His Ex-M quaint the Ladies of Victoria, that she her collency M. DE LAGRENE, Minister Plenipo-received a large assortment of Childrens clothing of tentiary, &c. Gone Home.

The sale will commerce at 10 o'clock, A. x

Macao, 12th January, 1846.


T Chinam's Hong, on Monday, the 19th inst.


?et 11 o'clock a st., the undersigned will sell


| different patterns and quality, suitable both for sum

mer and winter, from the ages of six months to ten Also a lot of Childrens babit years inclusive.

Bhire and Collars; Ladies and Gentlemen'e Blood and Cambrick Handkerchiefs; Gentlemen's Gloves

of different color; Ladie's Boots and Shoes.

Victoria, December 20th, 1848,

by Public Auction, a large asortment of GOR SALE at the Stores of the undecimed:


Torms of sale Cash in Mexican Dollars.


Auctioneers. Victoria, 15th January, 1848. PUBLIC AUCTION.

be sold on Monday 10th instant at 11

Rand. The entire stock and pictures, consisting of Brandy, Gin, Rum, Arrack, Wines &c., togo ther with the good will and unexpired license of the said Inn.

WM. 8. HEYI.


Wok at the Notron Inn," Queen's

Victoria, 10th January, 1846

the Pulife patronage which he has for able last twe years resolved

Compradores cheque books.

Bhips Articles, with an abstract of the merebant ecoman's act endorsed on the back.

Charterparties, utter forme by Chiny. Powers of Attorney, after forms by Chitty. Bill of Lading.

Chinese Tarif of imports, and exporta, counting houses.

An excursion to the city of Sk?chu, made in the autumn of 1845 by Indore Hedda commercial delegate, attached to the French Legation. Coun musicsted for the Itepository.

Syonau is shumad in let. 81+ 23′ 25′′ N2; long;

4+ 0o 25" E. of Poking. It has been compared Mom. C. Duruia also begu to mato that he in by the French missionaries to Venine, with thin tends to keep on hand a variety of Cloths suitable difference, that Sachau is two days distant from for tho, clinate, likewise a selection of Drills and the sen, being accessible only by mall inland wa- 'fancy Jean for Coats etc, etc.: Blen an amoriment for communication, in the second city of the of Boffs, Vallencies, Bilka, Batins and Fancy Vlc. province of Kings, and residence of a governut who acts by hi?dself, subordinate only to the go- vela for Veals of the newest style and fashion,

Mom. C. Duroto bas email aortment of vernor resident at Nanking. le situation in the Gente Kidd, Silk, and other Gloves, Elastic Braces, mist of large channels of water is beautiful; the Batin Cravats, Stocke etc, olo, etc. all the above country all around in very pleasant; it climate is articles are of the best description that could be pro- delightful, and it is said by many to be the most cured in the Colony. Gentlemen can depend a populous city of the empire. From Shanghai the haring their Clothes made in the first style of faway to it is through a continual range of villages and cities. Not amiuch of ground is left uooul. ablos and legance.

tivatod, and crops succeed each other the year round.

The adjacent country is flat, and except some hills of "blua ?me-stone, the soil is ufa nch al- luvial character. Colton, silk, rice, wheat, rys barley and vegetables, are cominon productions. The intercommunication is carried on by means of river, canals and powda wrrounded by the mort flourishing regetation. There may be seen the large mulberry with notched leaf, the red leared tallow tree, the long black bamboo and green wil low intermingled with the large lobated leaf, of the paper tree, the dark groen tall cypress, the pine, And the wide spreading banian troe," At short in- tereals may be seen, for purposes of irrigation, machines moved by men or buffaloes: granite

Address to Bloss. C. Duruza, Taylor & Drapot, Wellington St., one duar from Graham St. Victoria, Hongkong, 30th May, 1845.

FOR SALE.By the undersigned.

Champagne, flock,

"Boer, and Stoot, all of the first quality, EDWARD NEWMAN.

Victoria 7th October, 1848.

McEWEN & Co. ENERAL Commission and Shipping Agents T Wino Beer and Spitzt Merchante. And Auctioneers Queens Road & Chinams Hong.alices are also sometimes observed constructed the

the consular ports, with all descriptions of Stores, Supply Ships, Families and foreign repidants at A quantity of Ladies Bonnets, in de Salt provisions, Wine, Beer and Spicile upon mo Laine, and Cambric printed and Cotton Drenosmate terme.

De Laine, Cashovere and Damask Shawls, Lase of all kinds, Flannel of different description, Marino

Gentlemans Chock Bhirts, Conta and Vesta



Also dry and convenient storage for goods. Victoria, tot January, 1846.


Frocke, Ladles black and whito Bilk B dif ferent patterns, and of superior description, Coat THE subscriber having succeded Mr. P. Town Buttons, Men and Childrens Caps

IANO, as Auctioneer and Commission Ageni, respectfully solicits the patronage of the Merchants An assortment of Glam Ware, Ollmans Stores, and fgewigo Residents in Hongkong and Chins, a small invoco of Jewellery, Manila Cheroots No. and hopen by a prompt attention to business, lo 3, Corned Beef, Butter and Cheese, Alsoppe Boer, merit continuance of the patronage bostowod Cognac Brandy, Gin, Wices and Cherry Cordial, upon his predecor. WILLIAM B. HEYL upon the lowest terms,


Victoria, 23rd December, 1865.

At the Old Stand Queen's Road

Victoria, 2nd December, 1845,

mall boats, lighters, junks, &c., coming up and the mame purpose. All the channels are full of

down, some of them full of fruits and flowers and various other products.

B?chen is like Hangchan not only a town of large commerce and great silk manufactures, but a place of diversion and pleveure. ** Above," my The Chinovo. " in paradise, below are S? and Hang.” They add "To be happy on earth, one must be born in Eachau, live in Canton, und die in Li?u. chau. In fact, Bachau has a high reputation throughout China, for the magnificenon of its au cient and new marble buildings, the elegance of its

? Those born in Buchau are remarkable for persons) bean;

17 | thows who live in Canten enjoy the richest luxuries of life; and thom who die in Lianehan (Kinngu) sanity shinin superior coffins, from the excellent foreviation, which are there abundant.


106 1

(From the Chuma ?Mail, January 15.) GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Notice is hereby given, that persons desirous to construct Verandahs projecting beyond the bound. atics of their Lots over any Public Road or Street within the City of Victoria, will receive permission to construct thein in accordanco with a Plan which can be seen on application at the Surveyor-Go- peral's Office

By order,


Colokial Secretary Victoria, Hongkong, 9th January, 1810.

GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Ilis Excellency The Governor has been pleased to appoint the following Gentlemen to bo Justices of the Peace for the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies:~~


Adolphus Edward Suellet, Esq. Donald Matursos, Esq.

Get Sweet, Esq.


JF. Edoes, Esq.

By order,


Colonial Secretary. *Victoris, Hongkong. 9th January, 1810


To the Editor of the Friend of China.

Victoria, 14th January, 1916.

Dem Bir-The Circumejanoso conmeeted with the death of the vakappy Contractor but the Officers Quarices and thi General, Hoow, made public by the Coroorm inquest to which you have alluded in y we three last imoes, hire ex- gized univeral attention mingled with regret for the sad peeurrenes and repugnance at the existence of the comme leading to it. That a Chinaman of confessedly respectable standing, pomaning tolellectual suporiority, and an appro- einting regard five forviga advancement la Civilisation and Beirnes, ensomed by his countrymen beyond most of his compactus-trikingly svimord by nearly all his wachmen walmeribing a portion of their ?mited pitianos on payment of their warm by the Ordnance pay officers for the bereaved family of their lata master, l?gether with the subscription now being made amongst the Chinese Compradors themselves for the same object,—wib the respect entertained fur kim be thome frogoers who had the best opportunities of jodging his worth, should have been driven by the circumstances detailed on a paper found on his person, written by himself poly a short lime before he terminated his existence under deep menial enguak, his pen so he states recorded in wich bis temes of blood, to work a frightful extreme al kapelemisem po to take his own life, involve considerations the moral hearing of which cannot but be dianatrves to this community, whim it is a foul lioc upon our antional character and will prove lastingly injure to our intercourse with the Chinens ?n as far as they ?mociste the sets of an individual with our Government; while at this particular juncturu (general distrust, and as far as my knowledge resch, diskka so our go- Piroment the event je truly, uspuupliione; the document found on the person of the unhappy Contractor, accvrding to the translation I bays of it, plainly mates that the English pfferes changed the plan, that in, ak?red the execution of the work and added thereto what was but enatemplated by the priginal Conuget. Now this is a weighty seccension, p jf true, calls immediatly for all the atonement that c?u b? pffered to the bereaved family and the merizing partners in the Coireets. If on the other band it is a false statement it may be discarded, beyond offering the contradiction of which it is macapable” – How stand the fecret to the quen, The Hongkong Register' saya, apon the moment at. smokitt, he be ascertained that the masement le monde!! The Organ" whose Editor it appeare was on the Inquest, Jutherto has remained silent on the subject, this latter eir. cumstance may surely be regarded na aizsewhat omisinga with those who are fatal.

although it will excite the Journal. It may probably suit har with the reputation of this the immaculate Editor of the mal Orgso, so omit any resa- pence to what is of public impresanen i to disregard the ob. Phuc doly of a public paper-the conservation of the public good by a just review at leas of matters involving considers bons like these prevented in the unhappy affair onder di

mony alan wait his purpose to prostitute his journal la echoing the satiments of others, even though them senti. meni nu gratuit so slander directed against the fair fame pt individuals; it may m?t such an Organ to make its volumas the media for diffung miectable sophism and miere- presentation, and as le some recent instances offering acope nder the Simsy covering of rusdily claiming their pan. taga-to much o?osiona from a retain Soldier, already famed far more for veribbling then for war,. But when in much ? mized community as found on this loland the pesen-that otherwise great engine of public good is thus princip it becomes at once a base and a cone. * Contradiction the 'Register' has given to the truth of the dying testament of jba unhappy micide, and to some particular connected with it published in your inman, is a manner requiring notice, and While—without relieving the Editor of the * Ragister* from the responsibility of sanding forth, backed by gion attront- ar, flee articles-1 am ready to most his ardjomenta, con. pidering that he inserted them with the baller of their trush, the subocity be alludes to having deceived Mm, and w join limon with the statements be has advanced, by ask- ng the Editor of the 'Register," does be know, that the jd?ntical stone Establecera which the deceased Contractor, with his dying band wrow, that the placing it there in lieu of the brick fe whleb be Contacted, with the nonpayment for it, was one corential cause aby be destroyed himself— jras net so, before the Editor of tho "Register" with such un- dual effratry lent himself to libel the dead and contradict the living, be might to buvo ascertained. Does the P?itor of the Roger know that the Obanging of the plan, 1, e, alluring the kinds of work, and imposing additionel, never con- jemplated by the original agreement, was not done; Ar The Champion against the dead and the living, before he be Fame so, he aught to have ascertained, It is marvelous how jn Editors of a gonerally considered respectable Journal should, without further prost till the vaKOREA PENG the inred with eity, inwort a deliberate artele congratG- lating hinuel hat the dying testament of the poor maO WA Jalee, and the sistements on the subject in a Contempor

Journal air sl. But, Mr Editor I will teli 200 a sad svete, and the Register and has mien seeronITT may have the c?vanings of 16. The dying testament of the Contract to literally an it regards the altered and additional work, and the statement denying in in literally falas, and besides rhim, the ↑ Register * might have known if his mon acroonery has any diever knowledge on the end. ject which was very quesseinakle, that the particular build- ing referred to is by no manno un eroption to the wrong the pow Chinese Contractor have recalved at the hands of the Commanding Engineer If the Register's mien surmoniTT don't know he may learn, that at the Gaovend's House the pulhouse after completi in of the painting sa provided by ibe Contence, the Contractor (now dand] wich bis partner proomrously absurd as it way arorar-had, by order of the Comg. Engineer to repoint and grain in immitation of Tiene read and varnish, cook, kaite, oboe and servante route, es you have wated in your paper of th?n morning

If he does not likewise know he may bow lenen that the two Wlage of Barracks behind the Officer quarters, have the whole of the palaide sone work on the basement rutiented-the originai



ricks. Now Me Editor these statements are trae, and with- | It states that a chop has been issued announc

-91 exaggeration and the e?act of thin state of things &


fand may be ascertained by the feeling of every Chasing that the city will be opened to foreignors, mag on the webject to whom you may speak, & mate of the indemnity money paid, and Chusan era. national humiliation as well as deep regret, waste in begate, c?ated immediately. and perpetuato na??ng the Chinese disiguet of and sous?mp! for our character, and despite the silencejal t

fof the ↑ Organ "?nd

The lower orders continue opposed


thetradiction put forth by the Redstar the patriotining gates of the aily, and the more respectable of Eagle disclaim against i djola in offering class are eager in their enquiries as to the

counteracting inducace to the dla proded by the death of

one overnment contracept, abscondlog of another, nonfulfitting of Bir John Davis in the event of riot ment of contract by another, aldnapping sander, transfer or disturbance.

of payment by another, taking contract fivim sagthat, and the almost role of all, with Blingmat and contempt felt by each for the system oppressing dem. Those who are sceptical on theas


Dear Sir,-find that the quest on the body of the Chi nese Charactor with the Major General, and I do but

ow when it will be returned.


Yours truly,

Among the multifarious duties which he s sumcs, the for General, has included that of custodier of records. Oddities and eccentrici- ties may be smiled a so long as they aru harmless, but when they have a tendency t frustrate the ends of justice, they must be ex posed. The Major General, may have suffi The Coquetta brings account from Sheng, cient influence to obtain and retain the doct

ment referred to, but he cannot hush the voico of the press, nor can ho influence the senti ments of his countrymen who hear of such wit English behaviour. tfit was intended that a translation of the paper found out the body of the Suicide should not be inade public, that intention is frustrated as the following is a true; copy as made by Mr. Caldwell at the inge aut

polam may soon be relayed by taking either of contrac hai to the 5th January, the weather continued lors remaining on the subject, or by acquiring of almost say intensely cold. Business generally was exceed orber China the laland, more specially could it be made manifed if the contractors would end in their Bula for angly dull. The prices of Teas and Silks were the extra work and in default of payment submit the same easier, that quoted in our last advices. Opium Gee trial in the Supreme Court, but this can not be done had undergone farther decline; Patna 8000, wait the poor nart can be induced to believe that the law Mallwn 6750, but both dull of sale for vcco so which they are now subject is superior to the author which was very scarce. Exchange on England me sight.; in some instance 36. was demanded.

The only vessel in port was the Charles Wayman. At Woosung, Folkstone, Ternate. Cir, Wm. Hughes, Don Juan, Black Dog: Barer, Time, Corcyra, and the Swalla bound South. The Caretta raports that the Kelpies ?had arrived at Chusan.

the individual under whom they execute their confauti, bet which untill new state of talhes dawn will never be the dsan. It is generally asked, what can indvee much a promm of op ↑ prese?na towards the untoriousle China Contrastorn fa the Military Buldings, this is a question that will saturally

Because I have contracted for two over and have allowed Aaseye to deprive me of 10,000, and a fire having cause me a loss of $4,500, and having in the pree house (The Officers barracks where ho bad hinnaalf amount of additional stone work being res quired, lost $7,000, and being obliged to down English stone opposed marble) in Na Verandah, I lost $500 more, nunking a total of #21,500. By these means I have lost my ju debis, that is why I die. I beg that the person who receives this paper will explain my lose owes so that my family may not no to I beg with blood in my oyes, nut tears, that some portion of the money recovered may be giveh to my creditors, and the rest to my family."


aner, although it to not so readily to be solved it on hardly be supposed that a mere mortal could be so entirely absorbed in selficiency to disregard every appeal tministering to this end; mor will charity maggot thai imperiousmane s?ktyrmany Tould under any vecumstances ar revel in the berige of, but a “* creature of a day * as to an tripate the noble? qualism, which adorns the character and se reduce the meal sentiment as so leave it unsusceptable, ar Isosceptable capable of refusing the claims of justies, to the

We are informed by a letter from Canton comparative helple--because they are sobat philosophy dated tho 12th, that two meetings had been held, ganda, fur Alas: the records of Biography decides and that it was determined to raiso a subscrip- question, but it is not now Decemity 10, 1ook sach pre has to do with the esimenes of the wad sa ortion among the British residents for the sup- things beform the public-for truth will yet reveal the case port of a Clergymen of the Church of England. to the English officers, and get what Asseye In the measure prill sanga a ceason well know A Committee has been formed who will com- an operating indvenca Edvaras to the pose contractor. Itle]

am pretly generally known that the Home Governmunicate with the Bishop of London, request wandered as thanks to those who ordered the extravaging that his Lordship appoint a suitable per- Bay reckle ontlay of the Public Blossy in the erection of 800. The Merchants in Canton havo as usual of these Building matend of a more economical and plaer come forward most liberally, the subscriptions kind, and any steem of Expenditure on the Contracts new would involve the projectors in additional censure, besides as being from $100 to $200 per annuia for each the work and execution partake of extravagancies not name firm, guaranteed for five years certain; it i? tooed by the home authorities regulations, allowing aleo intended to circulate the list in Hongkong. tional payment feit now would bring for this also almitar effect on those under whom they were ordered and axecuted, The sum thus raised will afford the British and noticing this.inle I am no commit sach Clergyman of Canton a handsome allowance, rageous onlays so that approaching in $0,000 ferbuilding and enable him to take a proper standing in sach being bleweed with a comparatively small and bad ves perely without embarrassment to himself and ulated room, for which suan 1 leace could be built may family. The whole affair reflects the greatest bouses we durable as the one in question containing inch credit upon the community, and it has been

offering accommodation it is said for only twenty two officers

A rooms as large as that to be allotted for the accommode-

all it will do much to win away the foul reproach the

tion of each officer; wih a building for a Major General arranged so quietly that we were not quito Awished with wood of the most expensies kind, and I am; prepared for it In our last paper we alludod told surpassing altogether that of the Governor Oral of to the proposed endowment of Chapel by the North America, wil net secape the notion of the House of British and American Merchants; only three Commona, but Me Blitor I. kavo swelled out my leithe weir than I anticipaseu and will clow for the pressn? koping your days 'had elapsed from receiving that informa Pagpation for a general subscription may be carried owite. tion, when we were informed that the contem- mediately, se the corpse of the poor suicide was yesterday milf layiti, where he committed the tragedy for want of a pleted measure had been so far carried out as cient funds to take it to Canton, besides sa you have no the necessary funds had been subscribed by the properly sagtwed it with shew that PornerBritish Merchants. We were inclined to think petline with the sufferings even of Thineng, si at first that it would have been better to have carried out the original intention of making the careumancoe havs placed so our national chamome.

I. Mt Edir.

subscription American as well British," but Your respectfully. an consideration we are convinced that it


in better to have it British, Wo are well satisfied that the American Merchants in Can- Eptrol

ton are always willing to contribute towards the support of religious and charitablo institu tank, and in the present instance they would not have been backward, but difficulties I might have arisen in the selection of a Clergy. men which would tend to disturb that good! feeling which so happily exists among the Bri tish and Americag residents. It was proba bly from apprehension that such might be the case, that the British were induced to carry out the good work without asking the aid of Etheir American friends,

*The corpse has been removed.

2 % % % % % %

% 9 8 288 2

* & 8





New alvertisements, will be received, until 4 Clack, on the evenings previous to publi catum, vit: Tacadays and Fridays.


Oel. 94

Festand Umte STATES Det CalcUpra BORRAT Mandas STONST

Nov. 3





Jany. S

Bept 23

While on the subject of f’anton, we would #xpress our regret at hearing that so many Merchants are abandoning Hongkong entirely. ince the fix of the month two firme have ven up their establishments in this colony; er two, of old standing, have also determin-

leave the colony, and others aro hesitat shout following their exemple, or at most aving a Clock in charge to forward goods

br letters. This is very discouraging, but it is only what avo long anticipated. Tho What?tos of this imbecile




Pen dipped in tear of blood




14 Ader (Prumian), -, Batavia, 14. Starling, Chope, Chinghai

13, Jane, P. Berg. Lombock.

15, John Christian, Thomes, Liverpool,

35, Coque (Am). Eldridge, Shanghai, 16, Safie (Am), Dominis, Woosung. 16, Titania, ▲ F. Anson, London. JANUARY,


13, H. M. R. Vestal, Captain Talbot, Whampoa 18, Rognlist, Lees, Cumsingmoon. 19, Rainbow (Am), Sand, Whampoa.

Audaz, Oliver, Macao.

M. Str. Pluta, Com. Airy, Whampos. 15, Victor, Morgan, Whampoa." 15. Ann, Stevenson, London


Lady Amherst, Thompson, Whampoa.


Per Coquette J. D. Gibb Esq, and 4 Chipamen REPORTS.

General Word, Bokor, Maulmein. Sir Robert Sale, Londer, Lonelon. Coquette (Am), Eldridge, Whampoa. John Christian, Thomas, Whampoa.




25, Sil (Spanish), Hongkong in 9 days. 26, Liverpool, Bland, Hongkong in 7 days


Dec 20 Thomas Perkins. New York.

22, Constant, Sydney.

24. Preciona (Spanish), Macao.

22, 1. M. B. Smarang, to sen

24, Amhers, Macao.

25, Marmion, Bydney.

25, Elisabeth, Hamburgh.

25, Macarar (Belgian), Batavia.



ot have for a time driven commerce from H. M. 8. Agincourt, Captain Lyster, Flag of Rent- the land, and it may take years of good ms H. M. 8. Dedalus, Captain MoQuhuo.

Admiral Sir Thomas Cochrane,

ent before a change is effected. The H. M. 8. Hasard, Captain. Egerton,

y of Hengkong, so far, affords a sad ex-H. H. Tr. 8. Alligator, Com, King. Empic of Colonial mis-government, Few co- H. M. 8. Miaden, 2nd Master in charge Osmer, jonigs have been established with fairer pro- specie, home bave proved such a signal failure none have had cast upon them such an in- cubas is the shape of a


Our correspondent's letter enters fully into the detaile of the contracts for military build. ings and the treatment of the Chinese Contrac- gre by the Superintending Military Engineer.

Adler (Prussian),—,

Hospital and Store Ship Anglows, Lane,

Bomanjee Hormarjes, Contes, Calcutta, Osborne, Congue (Am), Dosne, Coquetta (Am), Eldridge,


General Wood, Binkcoo, Gazelle (Am.), Chase, Jane, P. Borg, Join Barry, Clarke,

e have no wish to comment upon this Gen- Ileman's condnel, as we presume it will be re- ferro to a higher authority than any on this "John Christian, Thomas, Jaland. The mendacious assertion palmed off John Laird, Bryan,

on the Editor of the Register has called for Linnets Match,

this letter, the content of which we are satis fied can be substantiated before a commission of enquiry.

We made application to the Coroner last Tuesday for the Coroner's Inquest upon the body of the Contractor Achou, considering that its publication became necessary from the contradiction given to our former statement by the Register. The Coroner had not the docu- meat in his possession, but obligingly promised to send it down in an bour. To the afternoon the Editor received the following note from the Coroner.

My Dear - have either mislaid shit la juest or some

Contact providing her wise, and this heavy additional THE FRIEND OF CHINA by than it for my dok. I have been march

paday was forced by thream on the Contractors aguhet theke ? pomewhat protected th?ngh feeble opposition

If he does not know he may couly do wn,that Cornices to these Barracks rooms are atised at the Contractors can,sons being provided Join the Contracts—a descriptive of work which could not have been because app med skke to the regulations of It. M. Ord?once so geuning in Rosewood and Varnial?. ing Cook, and Knife Roofs, The Register may also learn with his man ?venomrey that the samo "exaction at the Midsary. pitals sony je stone wr?k se atibe Ranges of Bar-




We have been favored with the perutal

hi thi lane hour, and excely regret I cannot bad. will make dl?gent vnquiry and if poble guu shall bara for your beat papour.

Your faithfully CHARLES HULDFORTH.

19th January, 1948.

permit the publication of this doenment, and on It appears to have been determined not so Phursday other note was received, a personal

leter from the provincial city dated the 14th.application being equally unsuccessful."

Laachoo (

Lyra. Grosvenor, Natchez (Am), Waterman, Privateer, Martell, Sir Robert Sale, Loader, Starling, Chape,

walle (Am), -——,

erzo, Briggs,

rahickon (Am), Webber, Titania, A F. Anson,

Zephyr, Mani,

Russell and Co Macvicar and Co

J. Matheson and Co Russell and Co Romell and Co Russell and Co Captain

J. Matheson and Co J. Matheson and Co Macvicar and Co Dent and Co Diro, Gray and Co Rawle, Duns and Co Younghusband and Co

Russell and Co J. A. Darren Bush and Co

C. H. Langrak

Murrow and Co

Lloday and Co

Russell and Ca William Lane

Wetmore and Co Dent and Co


H. M. 8. Vestal, Captain Talbot

H. C. Str. Plado, Com. Airy. Aden, King,

Alfred, Napper,

Pearl, Morrison,

D. & M.

Prina Carl (Swede), Molien,

Victor, Morgan,

Wild frish Girl, Buckton,

'dbridge, l'oukon,


Rusinjve and Co Russell and Co

Dent and Co





JR CHRISTOPHER respectfully hegy to me


N of the


Wednesday the 21st fastnat at 11 o'clock of Vessele ?tc. tunt he has the day quenel 160 Sherry and We Worel no.1 B Captain Godowns of Meears Jardine Matheson & Co. onament Rooms next to Mr Just's in the Queen'sdles, Port Wine in Cass, l'eppermint Cord it the Igan and Co account of whom it may concern.

in Wood; Poster and Celer in Bottler; Superak

H. C. M. 8. Alement, Captain Duplan. II. C. M. Str. Archimede, Captain Paris. Andr. Olivet,

Fatal Hair (Dutch), ----, Farrier, 1

Isabella Robertson, Kolly. John (Swede), Otterberg, Lady Hayre, Langley, Snipe, Endico,

J Matheson and Cu J. M. 8. Van Basel

Ten cooks Sherry wine,

Two do. Corks.

*Filty cares Cutler & Co'c fine Claret, Champagne and Sauterne, all of first quality and recently imported.


Filly pair Blanketa, a quantity of fine Damask,


A printed scale of charges for. Breakfasts, Tif- | American Butter; Corn meal: Pride Beef in ? 608, Dieners &c. which will be at extremely ino Bbla; Nests Tongues, Rounds; Tobacco, Segars No derato charges, wit be hung up in the premises 3 and 4. Menily Cheroots in 1900 and 300 Bours; Camin Blls; Russia Chuvass; Twine; Paint Oil The English and Local Newspapers to bo had at all times.

and Turpentine; Bright Varnish. Victoria, 23rd December, 1875.

WOB, HEYL Queen's Road, Victoria, 5th December, 1945. NOTICE



C. Bapoorjee Longrah Table Linen, black and white Crape, and bro TUIE undersigned hereby giro matico that they

F. J. de Paiva Cumsingmoon J. M. &Co

J. Matheson and Co A. floard and Co


U 8. 8. Columbus (74), Com. Biddle. Bogue forta. Wetmore and Co Anna Maria, Milici,

hile, Bray,

Congress, —

Liza Ana, Chever,

la, Drinker,

, Waterman,

fon, Abbott,

and, Skillington,


, Band;


Stationery, each containing a set of Books, for an office & &c.

Termo Cab.



East Point. Victoria, 15th January, 1846,

LL Parties having claims upon the undersigned

are requested to send in their accounts for:

Welmore and Court

Russell and Co


have this day disposed of their businees and D TOWNSEND, having sesigned his business. premlce in Canton to Me Charlos Campbell, and 1? of Auction and Commission Agent in favour beg to return their beat thanks to their friends and of Mr. Watx8. H?vi.. begs to return his thanks to the Merchants of Chien, for their very liberal the public generally for do support they have so liberally received.

!patronage during his residence in the Country, and MeMURRAY & Co. would at the same time solicit the continuance of the same favour for his successor, Mr. Townend Canton, 10th January, 1846

will remain with Mr. Huez, until March 1940, as NOTICE.

salesman and gyn promise the usual punctualdy in Luminees.

Victoria, 2nd December, 1845.


and all persons indebted are requested WITH reference to the above the undersigned Russell and Co to muko payment to.

begs to inform his friends and the public Wetmore and Co

generally, that ho has purchaled the qusiness and Victoria, 18th January, 1846.

premiace in Canton of Mussra, BleNurray & Co. Tiers, Bourne and Co

LL poraone having claime upon the undersigned and will from this date carry on the trade in his A are requested to send in their accounts for SMITH & BRIMELOW. J. M. Bull

own tame, hoping to receive a continuance of the adjustment, and all partics indebted are requested. Wetmore and Co Ship Chanders, W’holesale and Retail Wing and serve liberal patronage.

, to make immediate payinent to. Welmore and Co

Spirit Marchants, and Commission Agamir dje.

P. TOWNSEND. _No 1 & 1 WOO9NAM'S BUILDINGS. Nye, Parkin and Co

Victoria, 2nd December, 1215. Russell and CoAVE for male all kinds of Blotes suitable for sent in Eminodistely for adjustment sod jayment Wetmore and Co




House in Gough Street.


Apply, lo, JOHN CARR.

requested that al demands against the Mess. id Regiment M. N. L. shall be forwarded Fory or before the 25th Lust, after which

ny will not be attended to.

of the Mess, cefablishment of the 42nd M. N. I. are authorized to procure supplies fname of the Most on credit without a bote he Sery.

C. McLEOD Capt. 42d Rgt.

Becy. Mem toria, 15th January, 1848

FOR SALE. Ponies; one accustomed to carry a Lady. 5th warranted sound. Apply to,


o's Itoad, 15 Jan: 1846.



A debts or clai?ns dus to or owing from the Tale firm of McMurray & Co. of Canton must be

CHARLES CAMPBELL. Canton, 10th January, 1846.

Ships; such as Canvas, Blocks, Rope, Twi- | o mo. ne, Beef, Pork, &c. &c. Also Stores suitablo for t families, Double Gloster Cheese, Butter in small | Kogu and Jaro, York hama, Coffee, Chocolate, Preserved Mests and Soups, Sauces and Pickles norted, Sardines, Pranes, Bloom Raisins; Pearl Barley, Jams and Jollies, Tes in small packages, superior Beintol Tripe, Balmon, Tongues.


Beer and Porter in Cask, Barclay and Perkins Sloot in bottlos, Allopp's Boer.

Superior Port and Bberry, Madeira in wood and bottles, Vidonia, old Cognac, Whiskey in cask and boule, Cask Brandy, Cherry Cordial, and a varia ty of other articles."

Victoria, 20th December 1845.


TUST received ex “Aden" a small Invoice of

prime Cumberland Hams and Cheese.


Victorin, Gth January, 1848,




he undersigned 26 Boxes of Turkish sok. To be obtained at the manufactory of the under


SMITH & BRIMELOW. No 1 and 2 Woonam's Buildings, corner of Pot- inger Street.

RAWLE, DUUS & Co, *prin, 17th January, 1846.



CITATIONERY for Sale at the Store of the


FINE Grey Pony warranted sound. Apple




Pottinger Stroet, Victoria, 9th Jano?ty, 1840


Account Books of sizes, Writing and Foolscap Paper, Envelopes of sorts, Nuts Paper, Steel Pens, Y the undersigned a few Jars of superior Eng. Wafers, Bealing Wax, Blotting Paper, Memoralish Paint Ost. dum Books, Blotting Books, Visiting Cards, Play- ing Card Cases, Black Load Pencils, and a variety of other Buationery too numerous to mention.

MCMURRAY & Co. Victoria, Queen's Road and Aberdeen Siccal, 9th January, 1846.




Pottinger Street Victoria, 19th November, 1845. BILLS OF LADING FOR THE OVERLAND

ROUTE. POR male at this office, four forms of bills of lad ing for goods or specie shipped by the P. & 0. Company's Bisam packets. In for goods deliver.

for gouls

Office "Friend of China”

MCMURRAY & CO. ITAVE for Sale arery description of Biores also

Show and Patent Leather dittooni Patent Leather Southampton; 3rd for goods deliverable at ganz; Pumps, also Confectionery of Sots consisting of 4th for goods deliverable at interioediate parts. Pepperiment Lozenges, Transparent dito, Ginger hey are printed after the Company's forms on dieto, Lasmon ditto, Fruit ditto, Rose dlita, Refined Bank po?t.” Juice ditio, Almond Comfita Seotch, Carraway dito sic, ela. Also just received Trowser Stuffs of best quality, Bilk Gloves, Gingham Neckerchiefs, Da- mask Table Cloths and Napkins, Birdgapore tid- CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the se ing Whips, Pinang Lawyer, Murray's and Carr's Da c?nt ant ( Victoria 7 & 8 } for sale at this Wine Biscuits and Water Crackers, Curks, Brass office.“ Tape of sorts. Taglioni and other Costs, also every variety of Cake, Gingerbread Nut etc. eto,

Victoria, Queen's Road and

NOTICE. elegant Komwood cabinet Plano,61 OCMITH & BRIMELOW bare removed their Aberdeen Street, January 9th, 1846. ves, with inetalic plates; also a Mahogany establishment to Woon's Buildings corner of similar d scription for sale at the Go- of Pottinger Street, Queen's Road, where they will

in future carry sa their basiness,

Victoria, 15th December, 1845.



BEER AND PORTER Invojce of Beer and Porter by a late arrival

sale by,



?e dinner, breakfast, sea and coffee sets; also igines dinner seu complete with decanters &c.

Godowns of the undersigned,



FOR SALE. plete Copy of the Chinese Repository.

Apply to, HE prem

W. 8. HEYL


$10 HARD, BST on Thurn the Queen's Road

Itoll of pers. The above reward gibe paid on the bing returned to,



SHAIK MASDEAN, Ghaut Serang.


small tovoice of Larab's Wool Vosts and Dra- A were; Merino Vests and Drawers, Colson Vasta &c. Regata Shina, Cloth Caps and elastin Braces, all superior articles.


NOTICE AN apartment to let at Mr C. Derulo's French Ataylor, with or without board, on moderate terms, apply to the undersigned.

C. DUPUIG. Victoris, 26th September, 1845.



Victoria, Woosna's Buildings, comer of Pol- REGS most respectfully to inform the Gentry

inger Street, December 19th, 1845.


and the Publia that he has Removed hit Es tablishment from Macao to Hongkong where he Intende conducting bin Ruine in all its branches LOODS stored in dry and secure Godowne, and trusts by strict attestion, to meril a share of

the most moderate turme.

SMITH & BIRMELOW. Victoria, 15th December, 1845,


JUST IMPORTED. TX" Aoux "Superfine Blus Cloth 1st quality; Goat's superior White and Colored Bilk Glares, a small lavoice of shoes and a few Riding Whips.

Victoria, Ath January, 1816


AND for Bale by the undersigned, a few picoss Jamshis daydaturday, the 17th January, 1846, of superior Tartas suitable for Coats and

dalIn the premises facing the Church of St. Trowers, particwee,)NO: SMITH, has been requested to

F. FUNCK. mall to the highest bidders, by Public Auction, the residuo of Housebald Furniture, Glass and Crock- ery-ware, Table and Hanging Lamps, Bodes Cha- irs, Prints and Looking Glasses, Cablost and Square Pianofortes. A lot of wines, and a variety MRS CHRISTOPHER respectfully bags to no of sundry effects, the whole belonging to His Ex- cellency M. D LAGRENE, Minister Plenipo- | received a large assortment of Children clothing of lentiary, &c. Gone Home.

The sale will commerce at 10 o'clock, A.

Macao, 12th January, 1846.


A Chicken the oandoraigned will befi

Opposite the Commisarial, Victoria, 2nd January,1846.


quaint the Ladies of Victoria, that she bee

different patterns and quality, suitable both for sum- mer and winter, from the ages of six months to ten Also a lot of Childrens babit years inclusive. Shirts and Collers; Ladies and Gentleman's Blond and Cambrick Handkerchiefs: Gentlemen's Gloves

Victoria, December 28th, 1848.

T Chinam's Hong, on Monday, the 19th inst. of different color; Ladia's Boots and Shoes. by Public Auction, large amortment of G-OR SALE at the Stores of the underged


Terms of sale Cash in Mexican Dollars.


Auctioneers. Victoria, 15th January, 1840, PUBLIC AUCTION.

WILL be sold on Monday 19th instant at 11 o'clock A. at the “ Neleon Inn,"* Queen's Road. The entire stock and pictures, consisting of Brandy, Gia, Rum, Arrack, Wines &c., logo ther with the good will and unexpired license of

J. Crooke & Massey J. Matheson and Co J. Sabtum Hanson

the sald Inn.

Atiet Roboman, Row,

Judina (Dutch), Rask. Joren Corina, Dring, D. & M. Rustomjee and Co Deril, Furley,

J. M. 8. Van Bavel Lindesy and Co

Lady Amherst, Thompson, Nymph, Horsburgh,

Dent and Co

WM. 8. HEYL.


Victoria, 10th January, 1846

A quantity of Ladies Bonnes Min de Laine, and Cambric printed and Cotton Dreams,

De Laine, Cashmere and Damask Bbowls, Lace of all kinds, Flannel of different description. Merino Frocks, Ladies black and whits Silk Stockings, Gentlemons Check Shirts, Coats and Vents of dif

Buttons, Mon and

25th October, 1845.

Office "Priend of Chine,"

Victoria, 10th Cusober, 1815. j

INGUISTS Rueonta and Navy Brzza for melo

at this Office.

Office Friend of China, 29th Dec, 164t.

FOR BALE-At the office of this paper,

Compradores cheque books.

Ships Articles, with an abstract of the merchant | seaman's ant endorsed on the back.

Charterparties, after forms by Chitty, Powers of Attorney, after forms by Chitty. Bills of Lading.

Chinese Tarif of importa, und exports, counting hours.

An excursion to the city of Sh?choru, maile in the autumn of 1945 by Tridore #ledde commercial delegate, attached to the French Legation. Com- municalal for the Repository.

Suenau is situated in la?, 31° 29′ 23′′ N2; long;

| the Pub?e patronago which be has Carable last two

yeard resolved,

Mom. C. Durma also begu to maso that he in tends to heep on hand a variety of Clotha suitable for the climate, likewise a scl?ction of Drills and the sen, being accessible only by mall inland wa- fancy Jenna for Coats etc, etc.; also an assortment toe communication.

4° 0′ 25′′ E. of Poklug. It has been compared by the French missionaries to Vcose, with the difference, lett Buchan in two days distant from

It is the second city of tho

of Buffa, Vallencias, Bilke, Satins and Fancy Vle. province of Kinegr?, and resides of a governor vele for Vaste of the newest style and fashion,

who acts by hir?self, subordinate only t? the go-

Now G. Duroto has a small assortment of vernor resident st-Naaking. He situation in the Gense Kidd, Silk, and other Gloves, Elastic Braces, milst of largo channels of water is beautiful; the Ratio Cravats, Stocks etc, eto, etc. all the above country all around is very pleasant; its climate is articles are of the best scription that could be pro- delightful, and it is said by many to be the most cared in the Colony. Gentlemen can depend AD populous city of the empire. From Bhanghai the haring their Clothes made in the first style of faway to it is through a continual range of villages and cities. Not aminch of ground is leht uncu!. shlon and aluganos.

tivated, and crops succeed each other the year

**** Oldean, sekloss, G. Doruto, Taylor & Draper.

Wallington Shy one your translate St. Victoria, Ilongkong, 30th May, 1845.

?IOR BALE.—By the undersigned.

dhampagne, Flock,

Beer, and Stout, all of the firat quality. EDWARD NEWMAN.

Victor's 7th October, 1845.

MCEWEN & Co. ENBRAL Comidission and Shipping Agents U Wine Beer and Spiret Merchanu. And Auctioneers Queen,a Read & Chicerna flong. Bupply Ships, Families and foreign residents at the consular ports, with all descriptions of Stores, Salt provisions, Wine, Beer and Spirits upon mo- disto terms.

Also dry and convenient storage for goods. Victoria, lat Jenanty, 1846,



'The adjacent country is flat, and except some Se Kalangan ang mgauppaa jich al- luvial character. Cotton, silk, ri?n, whom, ryo baricy and vegetables, are common productions. The intercommunication is carried on by means of river, canals and ponds surrounded by the most flourishing vegetation. There may be seen the large mulberry with notched loaf, the rod leared tallow tree, the long black bamboo and green wil- low intermingled with the large lobated leaf, of the paper tree, the dark groen inll cypress, the pine, and the wide spreading banian troe." At short in- tervala may be seen, for purposes of irrigation, machines mored by men or buffaloes; granite sluices are also sometimes observed enostructed for the same purpose. All the channels are fall of dows, some of them full of fruits and flowers and small boats, ghters, junks, &c., coming up and

various other products.

B?chau in like Hangchun not only a town of large commerce and great silk manufactures, but a place of diversion and plousure. " Above,” my the Chinese. " is paradise, below are B? and Heng," ferent pattern, Childrens Codescription, Coat HE subscriber having succeded Mr. P. Town. They add To be happy on earth one mate 1uaxo, as Auctioneer and Commission Agent, born in ??chan, live in Canton, and die in Li?o. respectfully solicita thepatrounge of the Merchan's | chau. "* In fact, S?chnu, tas a high reputation An assortment of Glass Ware, Oilman Stores, and foreign Residenta in Hongkong and China, throughout China, for the magnificence of its an a small invoice of Jewellery, Manila Cherools No. and bopes by a prompt attention to business, to ciest and now marble buildings, the elegance of its 3, Corned Beef, Butter and Cheese, Alsopps Beer, merita continuance of the patronage bestowed Cognac Brandy, Gin, Wiose and Cherry Cordial, upon his predecessor. upon the lowest terms,


LE CHRISTOPHER. Victoria, 23rd December, 1845.


At the Old Stand Queen's Road

Victoria, 2nd December, 1848.

? Those born in Booken are somarkkble for persons) bana

17; those who live in Canton enjoy the richest laz?ries of b?, and chow who dio in Llanchet (Kiangui] easily obta imperior coffins, from the excellent foresgeven, which see

them abundant.


Tombs, the muutude of its granite bridges and ar- | tificial canals, the picturesque scenery of its waters, atroots, gardone and quaya, the politence of its in- jabitants, and ospecially for the beauty of the fo- male sex.


(New Zealander, 27th September.)

An envy cummunication, oDoo opened anross the Isthmus of name, we are of opinion that great advantages would accrue to Jarica, as from ita geographical position it must inevitably becure the key of the isthmus, and would share largely in the advantages porivable from any European trade with the Pacific, the merchants and residents of which line of cost are, we beliore, generally on- rious to promote the establishment of a convenient moint of tr?di froin sen to 100-appreciating doubtless, in its widest extent, the benefits likely to result therefrom, as well to themselves as to every one interested in that part of the world, la Chine. Australia, New Zealand, and the many groups of islands in the Pacific Ocean, regarding which lat ter, and the rapidly increasing civilization of their inhabitants, much interesting information was f forded by Mr Consul Pritchard, at Pancima, on his way to the Navigators' Islands.

Dibble, N. H. Van Zandt, Stephen B. Luce, Gus. ? to the chief of Wangarei that, by his harbouring pense to obta; from Mr Lewis, a highly intelli. tavas Harrison, H. A. Colborne, E. W. Henry, such stolen property, his own land might eventual-gent merchant of Panamu, and twenty years resid E. A. Beldon, J. B. Stewart, D. A. McDermot, be confiscated, be compelled the rebel natives toont in that country much information and assis

tance bere also been received. Byrd W. Stermson, Jonathan Young, Charles R. | remove ine animala, Graham, and W- W. Low, m??ekipman; Robort It is said that the city contains a " million of in- | Harris, captain's clark: A, L. Kiffer, commander's, habitants," and that there are other milliona in ite | clark : William H. Nesdias, pagar's dork; V. R. vicinity. Endand there are several towns included. | Hall dostawweis ; ---- Rodman, jail-maker ; Jonas" ja ono, comprising what it called Buchan, First Dibble, opener the city proper, inclosed with high walls which To-day, Wednesday, December Slut, mulfed are about ten miles in circumference Sected, copine the Treaty concluded at Wangkin, July the suburbs, which are four distinct towns, 84, 1844, hy their wollenales Caleb Cashing and cially one in the west part, which is about ten miles Keying, were exchanged et Pwantang, Pong, in length and nearly the same in breadth, and is country seat of Pwan Sashing. The arebenge sepermind from the city proper by the great imperial toak plass of 3 o'clock. There were present canel. Third, the population residing on the won the part of the Chinese, their excellence fer, which is very numerous,

Ing. Hwang Ngantung, Ch?n Changhling and This interesting city has never yet been fully Puan 88,shing-the same persons who took part in described. Several missionaries have visited it, negotiating the treaty with Liu Thin, the chifu, but have said liule about it. Lord Macartasy pas prefiet or mayor of the city of Canton, and large and through it, but only gave a few notices of it a ratinus of inferior oicers; on the part of the U. elegant bridges, the culture and manufacture of silk. 8. A. were prent, commodore Biddle, officers from the manners and costume of the peep Many, and the Columbus, the U..B. A.: consul P. 8. Forbes, among them the courageous Mr Fortune, have at seq.. the Rev. Drs. Parker and Bridgyan-Use fempted to enter the city, bot without success, Mir | former being secretary and Chinose interpreter ja Jadore Hedde, an attachs of the French mision, the Lagation—with aniveral other gentiesten gegi- who has been seat out to make researches regard dents at Canton. After the parties had passed lag: ing mulberrim, silkworms and the manufacture of compliments weusi when meeting on such opcement, ailke, has been more fortuna. He woal to Bachau the two copies of the treaty which had been ratifi.] ina Chinose dress and traversed the city and e-ed-one by the Emperor at Peking and the other at uncompromising sinascity of motive, burbe lo var?bas directions without being recogels. Washington by the president and the moala- ed or troubled. He visited several monuments, the were brought forward, and the Chinese carefully mini where Bycee is stamped, the great hall for a compared one with the other, and being found to amination of the literaci, clolater where young agree, they were exchanged in dus form, comme girls are educated in reading, singing and dressing, dore Biddle eftiog, commissioner, presenting that for the pleasure of the higher classes, and two large from Washington to Keying, who in his torn de establishments for the wearing of imperial cloths livered that from Pakkig, the whole party sland. Having entered by the ossiera gata, he passed out ing. Four copies of a certificate of the exchange, through the famous western gain, and visited there previously prepared in Ohinese and English, were the most interesting part of Buchau, the focus of then signed and sealed by the commisioners, and Chinuso industry. Here are innumerable fabrics of two remained by the one, and two by other. This iron, ivery, gold, silver, wood, bone, horn, glass, closed the business of the day. earth, paper, ma cotton and silk. He saw berezik looms of all descriptions, in cloth, ribbons, inpostry, and embroidery, some even in boats. Ho saw a singularly waren 6gared silk, peculiar sa Sochau, which is called d'ed as,'” ?n forming which, are the several processen of weaving, painting, embroidery and sewing, exibiting figures of men, flower, Bome Englishmen have surnamed Buchan the London of eastern China, bet on account of its in dustry in the silk manufactore, it would better be pamed by Frenchman, the Lyons of China.


Mr Hedle proceeded till he came to the Tiger Nose kill and ascended the pagode, whence he bad A general view of the town, the fortifications, the great imperial canal, the rivers, steams and pools, which intereact the city, the numerous temples and government offices, the sunumerable streets, the intermingled terrace and porterres, and the con. fused blonding of fields and gardens. At the fool of the hill are the most beautiful shops of every de- peription.

(From the New Zealander, Oct24.) RECALL OF GOVERNMENT FITZROY.

The arrivals since our last publication have brought intelligence, doeply interesting, and which will be eventually, within very Aw months, most influential on the future progress and prosperity of the Colony,

On Saturday Imt, H. M. B. Racehorse, 18 guns, Commander (tay, arried here, after calling at the Cape of Good Hope, Bwin River, Adelaide, and obsit Town, on her voyage from England, where she left on the 4th of May. The intelligence by the Racehorse was corroborated by the mail brought by the Coolangatta, from Bydney, which arrived on Thursday; and we have given in our colomas the most important to this Colony-debates in the

We understand that Captain List and Mr. Houp of Commons, of the Ist, d, and 5th of May.

As historians we shall merely record factam | B'Gaachy are more favourably to a Macadimisel Do yigis nit njei varman:” and in promulgating | carriage-road than to a canal or railway scross the the truth, wi most sincerely sport that the recall | lathmus, and that it is their opinion the tim of our present Governor will be deeply regretted yes arrived when such costly undertakings", by all who eta mutimidia pr?vat? amlableness, and latter could be entered upon by a company

We are bope of making them repumerativa. It is quite apparent, on perusal of the speech posod to concur in the soundness of this. of Bir Robert Ingle, that the Home Gotorament wishing at the same time every success had, of last, ascertained the true sacred the power terprise of so much promise; and from on the the New and know and leare of the gentlemen on the one hand, and the New Zealand Company we believe we shall not hope in vein. on the other counteracting all the mesurse of chy we well know; and from what we the Government in New Zealand as well se mili- the ability, zeal and untiring exertions of uning ophinst the starests and prospects of the set-Lio, as well in the superintendence of the tier exall if the Colony To those conversant Mail Beam Packet Company's interest with the direct observed in the House of Com prosecution of this enterprise, we have sim goes, will be well understood, that the feeler of fidence in its being brought to a speedy Bir Robert was previously concocted between him cessful issue. Keying, who for some days past had been suffer. and Mr G. W. Hope, to etchipate the Colonial of ing from al health, now requested Dr. Parker, who fidh any compromise with the New Zealand bad prescribed for his excelency several deye pre-Company-ss the withdrawal of the police of the viously, to axumine his poles and bis lags, the old member for Lakand (Me Buller) was latter was done by the sethescope. His excel-fublicited on the part of the Government, and that se eochromies had been made to avoid discussion lenoy was evidently fa: from being well; but na on all former occasions, when wo have seen him, We consider that this concession on the part of his bearing was remarkably dignified and say the New Zealand Company-for it cannot be con

? the abl?st | sidered in any other light--is the most interesting Of the two, it is not say to my which and most accomplished, Keying or Hwang Neither and important subject to this Colony, although would suffer by comparison with the highest algtas, th?ri ta, si? yat, so clue whatever to the mytdal ar men that can be found in any of the western courts rangomenti Bvcwk?ll the Governmeal and the Com or cabineta


At about 5 o'clock the party mit, d?wg to dinner one of those rich entertainments, that have been. so often described by visitors... It was in good style, every way well suited to the opossion....

(Chinese Repository.)



We shall conclude this notice, then, with the pression of an earnest hope, that when the pr moment arrives, the inhabitnou of Jamulca v not be backward in loading their support to an dertaking from which they may reasonably ory this island, and the West Indies generally, to the greatest benefit.

NELSON AND COOK') STRAITS By the Lively, cutter, which arrived from N. son on the eraning of the 10th inatual, wo lia received paper to the 27th September. The r tlements in Cook's Straite are diligently endor

There had been arrivata in England from Naw Zonland, to the middle of December.-The Howes of Commons hallardofed to be printed various dosing to advance in agriculture, as well as commone patches of his Excallangy, containing twenty theos From Nelson they are exporting timber to flok?te ardingen pawed in the year 1844-the Property Town; and to Auckland the Firely has brought a and Inpojke That doo. The: waiting the right of cargo of ale, brewed at Nelson, which finde imme proem pilon-?rat to ten sbilling, wait, subsequently, diate sale at very remunerating price, as wellu to one penny-and all the various anomalous, in creating a demand for Barley grown in the Waie congruous, ridiculous enactments of our farcical mote district Another brewery is about hein Lepelative Council, are subject of much comment established at Nelson. It the district of Ne and deserved animadversion in the English new-there have beca about six hundred meros.nown fin "Paper

when and of barley there will be very considere quantity under cultivation, as the celebrated Nalf brewery has contracted with some of the lar cultivators for the whole of their crops.

The Public Ronds and Works Ordinance occasioned a public meeting, innamarch it ?n do! whether the ordinance was not inapr around Nelang-for it enacted that freek verd slour, could elect commissioners; and, no on Nibh there being in possession of a good title, in sence of Crown grasts, it was agreed to fion the Colonial Legislature to amend the ordir | | 0.

sheep to Nelos. The Comet, from Two fol Jay,

yage. The lambing was going on very favorably; and great increase of Blocks was anticipated.

Seventy-eight persona les Nelson, in the Palmi- ra, for Adelaide, at the latar end of the monja ul August.

BAY OF ISLANDS. What is a Bloggade 1-Wa are not versed in the doctrines and rules of our Admiralty Cours in From Buchan Mr Hedde passed along the im. England, which has been so long the admiration perial canal, saw elegant boats conducted by young of all maritims nations, for their perepiosity, and girla richly dressed sad having their boada decked justion, more specially, sa do?ng, and maplet,

The debate of the 5th May-akhough debate it with gold and flowers. He often met large junka | during a long melen of jades, by that judi? ftes? Jowded with the imperial revenues. He passed lent Judge of the Court, the late Enti Stowell; casnot be termed, from the universal ansong, by through the Wukiang district, one of the richest in but, we think, that coramon sense would comes to men of all parties, to the high character of our

ilk, bordering on the famous silk department of

a strict blockade to be prevention of adoalaston to Govern??, will excite much interest in the minds Kinsking and the greativ celebrated Huchan. He the restricted port of every voumi, withd?? ming

of our renders Whatever comments or animad saw the fields of mulberry trees, observed the mode vation, unloss with supplies for the Hodt?iding versions we may have, is our conceived duty, framed of cul?ration and made inqu?tion respecting the | squadron.

time ta lima, madeon the messures emanating from soeding, planting and gratting of those interesting "The Bay of Islanda, as in well known, has boen | His Excellaney, we donent in the remark of his trees.” He sopped at different establishments, declared, for some time past, by proclamation of relaties, Mr B. Tresor, that – It was impossible marked the ingenious apparatus for avoiding see the Local Government, to be under blocks, but to overstijd the immands Jificulites of the positiob? ble coupons, the simple process for realing the uns vessels have been, we know not by what luence, Crptain Fittor whie called upon to full when the white silk, named frik fi, and the seven cocoon furalshed with permits, or passports, from the Go-umed the Govstiment: and he would venture There have been conviderable imporur | 53 thread, well known all over the world. He noticed vernmeal, to break the blockade. The unfortunato say that the Government would not obthin a the difference between it and the course kind te fade, consequence of this silly conduct h?i b??n, th?t, mord jbl? or mot? b?n?st servant than ? a gallant | landed 380 awas, beving lost only two on d? T? larga worm silk, and especially the imperfectly munitions of war, and supplies of every destripu?a relative.” known puen knox, or the garden flower silk.

have been at the command of the natives of Bake Mr Hedda has brought silk worm noeds, mulberry and Kawity, by purchase—ineresalng the wealth tres, ma pluhis,? drawings and pictures, apparatus of a few favored individualy, at an exhorbiam pet?s and looms, from his laborious though short excu- to the Natives, while, as the same time, il man con sien, and will make th?m know? in his own sawa- - plessly sellised the inlast of the lieskiko sa wel 157. He intends, if permitted, to publish a fula stultified the Local Government in the epidion Recount of his different excursions in Shanti, a of the rebellions Natives-How long will this tam Canton silk.distriot, in Changchau a department of porizing policy exist

ingly entered into by the Colonial Office and the larger and more luminous; and mur Fukion, noted for its silk manufactures, and in other H. loop of War Dapkus arrived on Friday New Zealand Company, bat whatever may havement was occasioned by igen Eppearing on tud regions, and to give translations, of different Chi- from the Bay of Islands, and the Albert schooner i bran, the views and dilovmination of the Flonde following evening. hese works on melberry trees, the rearing of silks on Thursday. The troops had not united from - Goivenment on the expert of affairs in this colony, worms and the waving of silk. He will make Sydney, and no hostilities had re-combat.

There had been no paws at Nelson of to the date ofte despatches to the end of 1844, we later date than the 29th known the gasetous concurrence he met with, es- Our ally, Wake, had been joined by large bodies think the intelligence of the sacking of Koromarik William, cater, which left Weston on the 14th but the Royal pecially from the Italian and American missionaries, of Natives, from Kaitais, and others would follow on the 11th March, and the subsequent defeats of Bepiomber, aw a brig, with whe ports, beating | his various enterprises, where religion and in-abortly, from the same distrigt, so that there wilt the military and naval now, will occasion most inld Port Nicholson, supposed to the brig Nel- dry seem to have joined for mutual aid bare not be less than from twels to Aftown Wundred | serious deliberations, with corresponding sensible so that was to leave London forthat port on the Amongst the usemblies of bative Christians, there Nativas, ready to concert with the troops when policy, nad propt large reinforcements from Eng. 10th June. The Government br Victoria was is the official residence ; every whare amongst the they are further reinforced. We have "med of land difunt, with the nude Governor who it is ex- daily expected also at Wellington and as she is crowded, noisy and talkative people of China. Me rumours of peace; but, under such oireistamoor, proted will serive before the close of the year. now due in Auckland, it may be anticipated that Heddo's ruistion will be of course very interesting we consider, the least concession, would be in?s? Jo every foreigner and a muro guide to future tre disgracefal to British benour, so it will most cer-

stle will bring here ille English mail 63 the Nelson,

The Wellington Specialer, of the th Sep, L. B. Q tainly be fatal to the future pesce and prosperity of

states, we know not on what authority, that the the Colony.

Vestido, War-stemner, is expected at Auckland with troops from Edgland. She is 644 tons bur

her, wad cartico 4 guns.

apparel, it would not be, ?


la communicating to the House of Commons the decision of ministery to recall Captain Fitzroy, the Under Becretary of Blate was quite silent as to fatura menanted illatdod to be adopted in the Go- vernment of New Zoilind. Until we hava f?nther explicit informatie on the subject, it would be idle and useless to conjecture the arrangements scem-


(From the Jamaica Despialak:)

We noted the departure from this island, some ?ime ago, of Cancio Lio, General Superintendent Me MGy, Obes Surveyor of Janick, for of the Royal Mail B?hen Proku Company ind the father of Parlama to make a reconnof??nce. of the fist of cathir's with a view of opening common beaweed, the Atlantic and Pacide


A meteor. of unusual brilliandy, was{ evening of the 24th August. It had the de of the comet which appeared here is

akt, and is not expected to cover. Reparasi beld to be dangerously ill, ut his The members of the New Plymoth 'Agricultu ral Society meet monthly to discus subjects reint. ing to agriculture. On the leth of August, the

The Thistle cutter, in bar passage from Russell, Commodore James Biddle arrived with big suite put into Waggard, in consequenos of a pills from io Canton on Saturday the 28th instant, having left board. Three natives came on board, one of whom the southwird, and for water for the homie ou the Columbus at anchor below Chucapi. He was acquainted Captain Osing, that the Waikeri tribe 150 bearer of the ratified copy of the Treaty of Intended to attack and take possession of the ves Wanghia, baring been charged with by the N?rsel. These three natives took each a blanket, and Everolt, who by ill heakh was compelled to return likewise a pair of trowsers from the master, who Codes Wire daw happy to anndauce the requestion for decession was-"What is the best food after having resobed South America

The com remonstrated, reminding them that he was well turn af tiden ontlash to this city, her ipeeding to grow for caule 1 The preference was-given to modore, will act as commissioner in place of known to them as being long op good terms in red nearly two goin to the exploration of the ith Swede turalpe, batible, and purenips. It was be Everett, till he can learn the pleasure of his going on the coast; has thes replied that cirenme, mus; and it forde in much, taction to be believed that Bwodes would average 40 tons to the vernment. The Vincennes ie daily aspected

List of the officers in the U., 3.8 Columbus. J. on ware now altered ; that the. Maories, grace: to state that their "report is? ??n said?n khly fa- adre;?and pan settler stated that he had grown, men Biddle, commodore: Thomas W. Wyman, the with the European, and as to be wearing, vont la T? The attainment of the grant and cou-on bass land, 30 tons to the acre. Swedes pre explain; Thomas O. Selfridge, commander, Benaresch Auckland, karies siglas pilno Nadvi wens of tarathiken have been visked by these fanule paranipe for cows. The cast subject for discussion as he would serer tett bra Welerts that the most available parts considered best adapted for bullocks-carrots and Johnston, Percival Drayton, Hantx Erench sad seen coming over the high, and assembling on thei m?n, and erfind and fecreed in four different was-The best remedy for cattle that have eaten James E. Bitong, lieutenante; Madison, Roth, beach but the wlad ingeruning, the sun was too diedtions, had that the governors, hende of depart ing monter ; Benajah Tiaknor, fleet entgron; C., F.

rough for the canoes toe Dustbed, which enabled niebbi, merchants, and intiabitants generally, have Capt. Cains to get vinder. Eith, and beat out of redeirat th?m lo a manner which lavor no doubt the barbour, in a most transendous palo,

of the Float and universal interest attached to the B. Tyler, captain of marines; N. 8. Waldron, real, at which plass i n?m that the Burn an, ing of Now Grenada.

The Thomas her has prrived from Weegeenitesion of this noble enterprise, by the people Etutenant of mariner; John C. Cash angond, lizat

part of marines; E. St. Clair Clarke, commodore's outrague towards Baropeall, They Biaya rumored i been obilized on the spot from observation, and some respecta making ringng?n for their former A man of information the most authentic has Mordecai Yarnell, professor of mothematics, J. ? serable portion of r Mair's property, ad! N. Wainwright, D. M. Fairfax, and A. J. Drake, as one bled also to bring way to work order from pertica who vary readily afforded it. The most Catila valuable and kind assistanse was rendered by W. passed midshipmen; William D. Whiting, Goo. Ai. The Natives halonging to Hake and Kashi fra Perry Boy, har Britannic Majesty's talented, bos * * ? Blir Improp?dy atened grancloth, in a web of Urte quely visit Wangaral. They had brought mer pitable, and deservedly popular Corsal at Puna pires, different from the Canton may which is wely misses to that strict ac of which the and who, to his own large fund of information upon of the Cannabis aptiva, and from the wine, which reserved in payment for land, the others they had thle important subject, he added that of others, le, according to Dr. Abel, the Bida tibi foka,

taken from Europeans; bot, on its being explained which he has spared beither time, trouble, nor ex-

B. Guillion, passed assistant surgeon; D. JB and J. D. Well, ginant surgeon; Tiav, 1; Newton, chaplain; Edward T. Dunn, pucas:1) EL.

most cheering. Coltivation is being rapidly ex

The agricultural prospects of New Plymouth are tended, both by farmers and labourers; and the natives have also own wheat to some extem. Six- tean tons of potatoes to the aora were grown lust a yard was established, and population of New your, by the Rev. H, Groube, from English aced. Plymouth was increasing.

(New Zealander, Oct. 18)

Edend, Primed and Published by JoUN CARE, At The Friend of China and Hongkong Gazelle, Printing Ofice, Govon STENT, Victoria, Hononono, 1840,


VOL. V. No 4.






PRICE $ 12 per annum,

Terms of Subscription to the " Friend of China xid Hongkong Gazette,“ per annum $12. Bix months 82. Three minile 61; all paid in advance. Credit prces, 811, 8% 50, and 85, for the periods

of twelve, six, and three months respectively: Single numbers to Eubscribers 25 cts, each, to An-Julacribers 1 Ruper, Parties calling or soling to the office for papers we requested to pang zank, Terms of Advertising.-Fen lines and under 61 ; additional 10 cents per line. Repetitions one third of the first insertion. Shop3: First insertina § 2; subsequent insertions 45 coul. Advertisments to havo written on the face of then, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until counterinaided. In all instances, those who are not Subscribers, inust pay in advance,




Bing Tubscen

FOR CEYLON ENGLAND AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS. ...THE Strain Ship BRAGANKA, Cop- 5 tain lewis, with Her Majemy name to the office at the undersigned at Macao. Ail

Mails, will leave this for the above places charges or postage on the rains will be paid o

M. T. SENN VAN DASEL His Nethlia Mujesty's Consul


PARTIES receiving letters directed to the late Y the undersigned 26 Boxes of Turkish s?nok-JF JOHN BATSON, sun of the Fate Abang Ber

C. Lloyd. Esq, are requcated to forward the

RAWLE, PUUS & l'o, Victoris, 17th January, 1816,

at daylight on the 1st of February; 1810. Cargo will delivery

he received on board until noon, and specle until 4 P. x. on Saturday the 31st lust This mute offers an opportun ty of visiting Eingapore and Pinang, Nethkls. Consulate, Canton,

3rd October, 1846-




A very elegant Rosewood exbinet Piano, 51. Cie. tavre, with metalic plates; also a Mahogany Piano of similar description for sale at the Go downs of,

RAWLE, ?DUES & C? BEER AND PORT?R. Invoice of Boer and Porter by a late arrival for sale by,



maining a few days of Ceylon, thence to Mudras or Calcutin in 51 days from leaving China. Steamers are also understood to ply between Culotube and Boisy-Spec Silk, and other Cuts, may be. HENRY H. KENNEDY is authorized

warded by this route to Madros and Calcutta,

to eign by procuration for our firm at Shang-AN will be retained on board the Steamer at Cinlle | has. Etil the arrival of the Suez Steamer for those acer, when they w W le transhipped five of ex- ense. Arrangements nto made In the Steamers hroughout for the convenience of the Native Mer-degligi, da ne porte atie ties A few dinner, breakfast, tea and coffee sets: also

Shanghai, | of Asiatic Marine celice, payable in Hongkong, Calculte, Madras, Bumbay, and London

hants of India, proceeding as passengers and cer- Sin accommodation is reserved in those from Cal. tia, for Passengers from Chins, joining the Suez gent Galle, to secure which it is requisite that a blice of at least two months be given to the

ompany's Agent here,

Information regarding the rates of freight and berge enn be obtained by application at the aninsular and thiental Stenin Navigation Comp's fice; and shippers are requested to take Nolice int a Shipping order cannot be granted unless be contents a?d value be distinctly marked on the Stside of each package for overland transit



Victoria, Hongkong, Josmary 1st, 1×48,"

TO LET HOUSE rated on the North Side of A Gough Street. Apply to



Commodious and well foistesi Dwelling

Victoria, 12th January, 1840.


MACVICAR & Co. Agents Asiatic Marine Insurance Ofice, Victoria, 12th January, 110.

NOTICE IE business of the undersigned will from the Ist proxime, he carried on under the firm of Blankan, Rawson & Co.


815 December, 1815.

FOR SALE-AT the Godowns of blasers Blenkin, Rawson & Co., Burton Ale in Hids, from Worthington and Robinson. Hongkong, 15th January 1848.


the Godowns of Mears Blenkin, Rawson & A Cu Allsops Pale Ale in bottle; Barelny's Porter in bottle, Buperior Sherry, Madeen, and Port, in wood and bottle.

Hongkong, 15th January, 1846.


House, at the corner of Peel Street and ge atret, Causisting of dining and drawing rooms,his day boun adminul a partner in our [R. Thomas Senaxiom. Hathaway Nya has


↑ beilroos e, offices on ground floor, with sor- je apartments ?eo. For particular apply to


THE Eastern side of the large and com

modja us house situated in Welling- Street and now in the occupation of Messrs Iman & Cu. Far pusticulars apply to

Rom Cath College's Superior. Victorin, 2nd December, 1945.


TWO Canenient Houtes in Gough Street.

NYE, PARKIN & Co. Conton, January 1st, 1940.


THE undersigned bave been appointed Agents at Canton for the Globe Insurance Office" of Calcutta, and are prepared to grant Policios psy. | able in London, Calcutta, Bombay and Canton

MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co. Canton, 10th November. 1848.


with Verniale, each containing nine DLEACHED and Brown Canvas Nus, i a 7.

burns, exclusive of outh uses, enquire of

ROWLAND REES. Pottinger Street Pjetorin, Aila December 1845

"TO LET House in Gough Street, Apply to. JOHN CARR.


DE premises known as the office of the "Friend of China: Three Houses situate in Welling. Street, commanding a fine view of the hay; op and Store situate on the Queen's Road, in entral part of the town. Early possession cao given. For further particular? upply to

R. OSWALD. Victorin, 19th December, 1×45. JARINE Lot No. 64 Situated between the lola of Messrs. MACTICAR & Co, and FRAMIKE Janserier Exq, measutes 200 feet ara fromage, and altogether is a very desiraldo lat. For further "particulars opply to


FLETCHER & Co.--Hongkong. or DIROM, GRAY & Co.-Canton. Victoria, 1st July, 1845.


A Victoria Hongkong, in a central position, a

valuable water sido property, consisting of wharf, spacious Godown, dwelling and out Houere ; all in perfect repair, and now let on case. For particulars, apply to

C. A. FEARON. Macno, Ist July, 1845.


THE upper part of a House, having five largo rooms, with servants roon?s, cook house and Godowns attached, situated in the Queen's Rold. For particulars apply to

HUMPHREYS & Co. Victoria, 9th December, 1845



THE upper part of a cominodious and will buik dwelling House containing seven rooms with servante rooms, and authouses with sibling. For further particular apply to,

D. LAPRAIK No. 1 Wellington Terrace D'Aguilar Birect.

Victoria, 24th October, 1845.


BEALE & Co. are authorized MESSE DENT on behalf of the Society, at Shanghai, payable in Ilongkong, Calcutta, Bum. bay, and London.

DENT, & Co. Seca. Union Insurance Society. Victoria, Let Jaquery, 1846:

Also Flex Sewing Twine,

MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co. Canton, Lat January, 1140 *

FOR SALE. WEBSTER, Gordon, Cossert & Co's, superior Madeira, in Hhds, quarter and half quarter casks, and in cases. FLETCHER & Co.

Hongkong, ist March, 1846.


THE loterest and responsibility of Mt. Chris

topher Fearon, in our firm consed on the 31st December 1844.

FEARON & SON, Macan, 1st January, 1845,


THE business of the undersigned will from this date be conducted in the name of C. a. Cur TON & Co., his partners being as heretofore, ED- WARD M. Danjeli, aud William Doxixson of the firm of Danieli, DicKINSON & Co, in London and Liverpool,


Canton. Ist January, 1846.



glas dinner sets completo with decanters &e.

RAWLE, DUCS & Co. |UST Reenived per lato urrivals and for sale by

the subscriber. Patent Salamander Safos of various sizes war-

at the Godowns of the wol signed.



mer, of Wapping. Liverpool, will apply at thi- offier he will receive a letter on his family offairs. Office of the 'Friend of China,"

26th December, 1945.

CARD. [1118 undersigned b?s cathblished himselt in thi

place as a Comunission and General Agent in consistion with Merge Ponies Brotnens & Co (Sperelice, Canton Appentell) Swizerland carrying business under this name auch en geentit of this




Manila, 19th July, 1815.

FOR SALE. MANILA Rope of all sizes. Also Heering

Cherry Cordial,

BURD, LANGE & Co. Queen's Road. Victoris, 2nd January, 19 [ri,

NOTICE AVID BIMBON will not be responsible for

uny dels contracted on account of the Latclu ? William" from this date.

Victoria, 7th January, 1836.


canted secure in the hottest fire,

Patent Weighing Machines from 200 a 9,300 pounds, which can be made tu weigh pecals and | ARRANGEMENTS, having been completed for RAWLE, DOU? & Co. A the erection of an ice louse, for a regalat Victoris, 26th Cetoler, 1815,

supply of lou. Partica who may be lesstour of aking their names to the bit of Shareholders will be pleneed to communicat; with Mr L.. A. Slune a few half pipes and quarter casks Cape and No. 2 Gough Street, who is authorised by the iro Teneriffe Winca Sherry, Madeira, Port, Claret, committee receive and register applications for

whares. Cogone, Cherry Brandy, in 1 2 & a dozen cases. KAWLE, DUES & Co.

Hongkong, 21st October, 19945. Victoria, 28th October, 12445.


CUPERIOR Sherry and Madrita in wond : also


Nassortment of Anchors and Chain Cables, Europe, Manila and Coir Rope, Hemp and Cotton Cantuss, und sever). Spars for lower and “topenasts,

RAWLE, DUUH & Co. Victorin, 28th October, 1845,"

FOR SALE, rpWWO Ponice; owe accustunted to carry a Lady.

Both warranted sound, Apply to

N. DUL'S Queo's Iload, 16 Jan: 1816,

FOR SALE. QAUNDERS Pale October brewed alc in Wood, Allsops Beer in Wood. Post and Sherry, Champagne and Cluret. Apply to

ROBERT STRACHAN, Victoria, 25th July, 1845.


FRANKLYN General Commission |

ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, Ars of richly cut glass, consisting of art

and Pint Ixenasteri, tumblers, Wine, Claret, Champagne, Hock and Liqueur Classes, all to match

Patent Stoves to consume their own smoke adapted for either house or cabin use.

PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victoria, 26th December, 1945.


ANCHORS, Chains, Europe and Manila Rope, A Navy and bleached Canvas, Navy Lock Bunting, Painte, Oil, Salt Provisions, Bread, Flour and Morine Stores of all descriptions, Wines, Spirits, Beer and Porter in wood and hate, Trop and Lead Water pipe, Blivet Land, Solder, Ceres, Plaster of Pntis and Stencelling Patterns, Stoves, Grates with Fenders &c. to match. Nautical Almanacks for 1816, nod Manila Cheroota No. 3 and 4.


W. Shipping Agent, Auctioneer in and Victoria, 1st December, 1945. Bpirit Marchant.

Whole Sale and Retail.


Champsgue Sherry

Porta” in Piefs


THE undersigned has just reccived from the well Has on sale, of which musters can be seen at the known firms of Perigal & Brady, the follow- ehow room Port Sherry; Claret: Chaulpagne;|ing Wines of the choicest quality which will be Still and Sparkling Moselle; Brandy; Gin: Alsops. disposed of on the lowest terms Base's, Saunders and Ree's Beer in Hhds and Buu do, do, in battle; Bengal Gram in 2 mound baga; Europe Rope ; Paint & Oil; Guns & Pistols. An amortment of Painted Floor cloth of hand- some patterns, Splendid "Paper Macho" Bedsteads, Carpeling; Saddlery ?Bongal Sith Handkerchiefs; Speeds Indian Arrow Root; Blanket; Grey and White Shirtings; Satin Jean; New Boules in Quarter and Piuts; Deals; Anchors and Chains. Also some very superior India bottled Palo Alo, and Manila Choroots three years old; and a variety of other articles.

Bails made and repaired on the premises by ex

at lowest price.

MR. Roor Jacson in authorized to sign our perienced mailmakers; Canvass of the best quality

firm by procuration.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoria, 26th December, 1845.

NOTICE. THE undersigned are prepared to issue Policies of Insurance at Shanghai on first clam vessels payable in Hongkong, Singapore, Caleutia, Madras, Bombay and London. TURNER & Co. Agents Commercial Insurance Company. Victoris, 20th August, 1864,


to sign for our Firm by procuration,


lat January, 1840.


THE business of the undersigned will in future be carried on in connection with his Brother Mr. ADAM SCOTr under the firm of W. Score & La

WILLIAM SCOTT. Victoria. 1st August, 1846.

NOTICE. THE Undersigned have formed a partnership, for the transaction of a general Agency and Com. minion business, under the respective Firms of RAWER, DUDs & Co, at Victoria, and Duus, Rawle & Co. at Shanghai.

8. B. RAWLE. N. DOL'S Victoria. Hongkong, lat October, 1845.

Goods received from alongside ship and stored in dry Godown on the most moderate terms.


Also Cherry Cordial

C. W. BOWRA. Victoria, 19th December, 1845.


JUST opened and for Sale at the stores of the


A large assortment of Carpeting all patterns, earth tugs &c. &c. Torlan and Check Gotha. Deille and While Cotton and worsted ffoes, La-

dies Musline De Laime nad Printed Dresses, Laco jand a large nasuttment of Perfumery, stationary

?Candles &c.

Goods, Letters, and Parcels forwarded and busi. Table limen and Uslimans Stores of all descriptions ness transacted for Parties absent Victoria, 12th December, 1145.

THE Schooner " ALPITA," well manned and armed, runs between Hongkong, Blueno, or Comsinginoon, as required; carrying | cargo Opium, Tressure and Passengers, at most mo-

derate terms

W. II. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 5th September, 1845. FOR SALE a new Palanquin Carriage. Ap

ply to

W. . FRANKLYN. Victoria, 23rd December, 1245.


Day Syndey Horse sound and quiet to ride or

drive. Apply to

W. II. FRANKLYN. Victorin, 19th Decemjer, 1845.


?, the following articles.

D. CHISHOLM. Queen's Road. Victoria, November 2141, 1845,


for Superior Saddles and Double Bridlus; small A size and suitable for Ponies. Also variety of lancy Dueskin Cloth.


Victoria, January 6th, 1846.


ON SALE, AL the Sinre of Mr. John Smith in

Macon from Dr. Hunter's. Hoda Water Manufactory there.

Macao, 19th January, 1815,


M GABRIEL has taken a cominodious house si-

FRANKLIN just receive for sale Heledat the Corner of Graham Street, a short distance south of the Queen's Road, which he in- French Morino in all calore for Ladies dresses, tends to conduct an a Hotel under, the above uitle.

Twilled Banael, Table cuvets, Sporm Candles pre-tientlemen favouring him with llgeir patroange servisa pickles, Mustard and Baures, Ferintosh will find their comfort strictly attended to. wakey, Britannia metal Tea and Coffee Pots. The All the articles supplied will be of the first rate whole of there articles for sale at moderate prices description.

in any quanlity to seat purchasers.

Keying louse, Ikceitber 19, 1946.

A 'Thurston's Billiard Table on the Primises. Victoria, 14th March, 1845.


Jombs, the incluule of its granite bridges and ar. fificial canals, the picturesque scenery of its waters, strants, gerdans and quays, the politenem of its in habitants, and specially for the beauty of the fe- male sex.




Dibble, N. II. Van Zandt, Stephan B. Luce, Gus. ? to the chief of Wangarei that, by his harbouring pense to obta; from Mr Lowin, a highly intelli tavus Harrison, H. A. Colborne, E. W. Henry, such stolen property, his own land might eventual gedi merchant of Panama, and twenty years resid F. A. Beldon, J. B. Stewart, D. A. McDormet, be confiscated, be compelled the rebol natives toont in that country much information and amis

tance have also born received. remove the animals.

(New Zealander, 27th September.)

Byrd W. Stevenson, Jonathan Young, Charles K. Graham, and W? W. Low. mplshipmen; Robort It is said that the city contains a “! million of in- | Harris, captain's clark: ? L. Kaffer, commander's habitants," and that there are other millions i? ite | clark ; William H. Noodles, puder's dark; V. R. (From the New Zealander, Oct:4.) vicinity. Endeed there are severaltowns included | Hall boatnesis ; —— Rodmah, fril-maker || Jonas RECALL OF GOVERNMENT FITZROY. Ja ono, comprising what it called Buchan First | Dibble, carpenter the city proper, "inclosed wiib high'walls which To-day, Wednesday, December Sim, ratified

The arrivals since our last publibation have are about ten miles in circumference Second, sopies of the Treety concluded at Wanghts, July brought intelligence, deeply interesting, and which the suburbs, which are four distinal towns, sepe 34, 1844, by their excellencies Club Cashing and will be exeptually, within very Aw months, most cially one in the work part, which is about tas mins Keying, were exchanged et Pwantang, Paning, influential on the future progrom and prosperity of in length and nearly the same ?n breadth, and is scentry sest of Pran Sz'shing. The exchange

the Colony.

On Suurday last, H. M.8. Razzforis, 18 guna. separated from the city proper by the great imperial took plass or 3 s'alock ?. There were present Commander flay, arried bore, after calling at the cami. Third, the population residing on the wa- on the part of the Chinese, their exc?lloncise Kay- jer, which is very numerous.

ing, Hwang Ngantung. Chan Changhling and Cape of Good Hope, Bwin River, Adelaide, and This interesting elty has never yet been folly Pwan Bushing-the same 1ersons who took part in lobart Town, on her roynge from England, where described. Several missionaries have visited it, negotiating the treaty with Liu Teio, the chifu, she left on the 4th of May. The intelligence by but have said lule about it Lord Macartney pas prefbet or mayor of the city of Oakton, and a large the Racehorse was corroborated by the mail brought and through it, but only gave a few notices of its rotinus of inferior officers; on the part of the U. by the Coolangatta, from Sydney, which arrived on elegant bridges, the culture and manufacture of silk. B. A. were ptea, commodare Biddle, afficers from Thursday; and we have given in our columns the the manners and costume of the peop! Many, and the Columbus, the U., 8. A consul P. 8. Forbes, most important this Colony-debates in the among them the courageous Mr Fortune, have seq., the Rev. Dra Parker and Bridgman the House of Commons, of the lot, d, and 5th of May. fempted to enter the city, but without success, Mr | former being secretary and Chinas interpr?ter 17

As historians we shall merely record facts Indore Hedde, an nuachs of the French mission, the Legation with everal other gente De gigis wil nisi verum and in promulgating who has been sent out to make researches regard dents at Canton. After the parties bad patted (ha) the truth, we most sincerely apert that the recall ing mulberries, silkworms and the manufacture of compliments dual when moeting on span opations, of our present Clovernor will be deeply regretted ails, has been more fortune. He groat to Bichas the two copies of the treaty which had been ratifi- by all who can eatinkita pr?vat? amb?bleness, and in a Chiness dress and traversed the city and su- 6d-ons by the Emperor at Peking and the caber at uncompromising sinserity of malive.

It is quite apparent, on perumal of the speech

? burts in varibus directions without being renoguis. Washington by the president and the male- ed or troubled le visited several monuments, the were brought forward, and the Chipeve carefully of Sir Robert Inglis, that the Home Gotorament mint where Byces is stamped, the great ball for a compared one with the other, and being found to had, at last, ascertained the true secret the power amination of the literali, a cloister where young agree, they were exchanged in das form, commofa fofluence of the Church Missionary Society on the one hand, and the New Zealand Company girls are educated in reading, singing and dressing, dore Biddle sting commissioner, presenting that for the pleasure of the higher classes, and two large from Washington to Keying, who in his turn me on this aller counteracting all the tessures of establishments for the weaving of imperial cloths livered that from Peking, the whole party stand. the Government in New Zealand as well se mili. Having entered by the eastern gule, be passed outing. Four copies of a certificats of the exchange,aling orhinat the interests and prospects of the set- through the famous western gate, and visited there previously prepared in Chinees and Englah, wooters existing the Colony To thum conversant tbe mort interesting part of Suchau, the focus of thon signed and sealed by the commisioners, and with the diffidency observed in the House of Com Chiasse industry. Here are innumerable fabrics of two retalaed by the one, and two by ether. This mons, will be well understood, that the faller

Sir Robert Wad previously concocted between him iron, ivory, gold, silver, wood, bows, hora, glass; closed the business of the day. earth, paper, ma cotton and silk. He saw here sik Keying, who for some days past had been suffor. and Mr G. W. Hope, to exclupats the Colonial of looms of all doriptions, in cloth, ribbons, inpostry, ing from ill health, now requested Dr. Parker, who foe for any compromise with the New Zealand and embroidery, some even in boats. He saw bad prescribed for his excellency several days pre- Company as the withdrawal of the police of the singularly woven figured milk, poculiar to Bochau, viously, to examine his pulse and his lungs, the tombrai member for Liskead (Mr Buber) was which is called Area az,' in forming which, are the latter was done by the slethescope. His exeel-soltellad oe the part of the Government, and that peveral processes of weaving, painting, embroidery lency was evidently far from being well; but as a compromiss hail been made to avoid discusit and sewing, exibiting figures of men, flowers, on all former occasions, when we have seen him,We consider that this concession on the part of gardens, &c.

his bearing was remarkably dignified and easy. The New Zealand Company-for it cannot be co Bome Englishmen have surnamed Suchas the Of the two, it is not say tu say which is the ablast' aldered in any other light—is the most interesting Landon of eastern China, but on account of its in, and most accomplished, Koying or Hwang, Neither and important abject to this Colony, although dustry in the silk manufacture, it would better be would suffer by comparison with the highest sign, ther`, yet do clue wlistover to the metal ar men that can be found in any of the western courts rangement beilklid the Govardment and the Com pamed by Frenchmen, the Lyons of Chine.

or cabinets

Mr Hedde proceeded till be came to the Tiger Nowe hill and ascended the pagode, whenop he had A general view of the Lowe, the fortifications, the great imparial canal, the rivers, alsame and poole. which intersect the city, the numerous temples and government offices, the innumerable streets, the intermingled terraces and parterres, and the con fused blending of Gelds and gardens. At the foot of the hill are the most beautiful shops of every de @cription.

A1 about 6 o'clock the party at), dowa to dignor one of those rich entertainments, that, have so often described by visitors. It was in god style, every way well suited to the oposalon, a

(Chinees Repository.)



An easy communication, ones opened across the lethmus of Panama, wo are of opinion that great advantages would accrue to Jarthsica, as from il geographical position it must inevitably become the key of the isthmus, and would share largely in the advantages derivable from any European trade with the Pacific, the merchants and residents of bich fine of coast are, we believe, generally an- xious to promote the establishment of a convenient mound of trundt froin sen to son-appreciating doubtless, in is widest ostent, the benefits likely tu result therefrom, as well to themselves us to every one interested in that part of the world, in China. Australia, New Zealand, and the many groups of islands in the Pacific Ocean, regarding which lat. ter, and the rapidly increasing civilization of their inhabitants, much interesting information was af forded by Mr Consul Pritchard, at Pasema, on his way to the Navigators' Islands.

We understand that Captain Liot and Mr. M'Geachy are more favourably to a Macadimised carrage-road than to a canal or railway across the lathmus, and that is is their opinion the tio Det yet arrived when such custly undertaking? latter could be entered upon by a company hope of making them repumerative. We are posed to concur in the soundness of this "hair wishing at the same time every succes terprise of so much promise; and from know and learn of the gentlemen cog we believe we shall not hope in vain. Mem chy we well know; and from what we the ability, zeal and untiring exertions of Liot, as well in the superintendence of th Mail Stein Packet Company's interest, prosecution of this enterprise, we have of affidence in its being brought to a speedy

cessful issue.

We shall conclude this notice, then, with tho pression of an eamest hope, that when the pre moment arrives, the inhabitants of Jamaica v not be backward in landing their support to an i derlaking from which they may ruusunably exp this island, and the West Indies generally, to al the greatest benefit,

NELSON AND COOK'S STRAITS By the Lively, cutter, which arrived from No. son on the evening of the 10th instant, we ho received papers to the 27th September. The

lements in Cook's Siraits are diligently chilen vat

There had been arrivals in England' from Now Zoland, to the middle of December-The House of Commons half ordered to be primed various deeing to advance in agricultore, as well as comment patches of his Broellengr, containing twenty thros From Nchon they are exporting timbai to Hokin ordiaaseen passed in the year 1844-the Property Town; and to Auckland the Firely has brought a sai Jaoome Tax do. The waiting the right of cargo of ala, brewed at Nelson, which &nda inip |preemplign-first to len shilling, soll, sirbosqodatly, dinte salu ut very remunerating price, as weBa to one posay—and all the various anomalous, ?n! | creating a demand for Barloy grown in the Walk Corpus, ridiculous onnotments of our farelal mata district Another brewery is about holy Legative Council, are subject of much comment established at Nelson. It the district of Nel and deserved animadversion in the English now there have been about six hundred sores.suwn b "paper.

wheat and of barloy there will be very consider bravery bias contracted with some of the lar quantity under culivation, as the celebrated Nell cultivators for the whole of their crops.



occasioned a public meeting, inasmuch it is d The Public Roads and Works Ordinance

whether the ordinades was not inups around Nelson-for it enacted that freestory alone, could elect commisionera; and, no there being in possession of a good title, in b sence of town grants, it was agreed to #2 on the Colonial Legislature to send the ordis B

There have been considerable imparor *. S? sheep to Nelson. The Comet, from Two fol Jay, landed 380 6wes, baving lost only two on the voc yage. The lambing was going on very favourablys and grost increase of Blocks was anticipated.

Seventy-eight persona left Nakeon, in the Paini- rs, for Adelaide, at the latter end of the month ul August.

BAY OF ISLANDS. WEAT 16 A Blockade 1---We ate noi ressed in the doctrines and rules of out Admiralty Ceart in From Buchau Mr Hedde passed along the im. England, which has been so long the admiration perial canal, saw elegant boats conducted by young of all maritime nations, for their perspiculty, and girls richly dressed and having their heads dooked justine, more especially, so defined and equated, with gold and flowers. He olen met large juake during long series of years, by that no del canot be termed, from the universal aasos, by The debate of the 5th May-akhough debate it loaded with the imperial revenues. He passed lent Judge of the Court, the late Log). Stowell: through the Wukiang district, con of the richest in bot, we think, that common sense would conosire men of all parties, to the high character of our silk, bordering on the famous silk department of strict blockade to be prevention of admission of our readers. Whatever comments or animad

| Governo? ?will excite much interest in the minds Kinshing and the greatly celebrated Huchau. He the restricted port of every venii, w?hlut raincy saw the fields of mulberry trees, observed the moderation, unlem with applies for live blockading versions we may have, in our coudoired duty, fromed of cul?vation and made inquiries respecting the squadron.

time to time, madison the messures santing from poeding, planting and grafting of those interesting The Bay of Islands, as is well known, kas bem He Excellency, we dongur in the remark of his prers. He sopped at different establishments, to declared. for some time paat, by proclamation of relative, Mr R. Trevor, thaj - kt was impossible marked the ingenious apparatus for avoiding on the Local Government, to be under blockal, but to overstate the immons, vincuflies of the position We cocpona, the simple process for reeling the fine vessels have been, we know not by what indvence, Crptain Fitzroy was called upon to fuift when the white silk named th, and the seven cocoon furnished with permits, or passports, from the Go-umed the Govetim?nt: and he would venture thread, well known all over the world, He noticed vernment, to break the blockade. The unfortunate to say that the Goremment would not obtin a the difference between it and the course kind ?r fed, consequence of this silly conduct hai bo?ng th?t m??i ible or more h?d?st servant than h a gallant large worm silk, and especially the imperfectly munitions of war, and supplies of ersty descripci?n relative," known yuen Aw, or the garden Bower silk.

In communicating to the House of Commons have been at the command of the natives of flake Mr Fedde has brought silk worm seeds, mulberry and Kawity, by parobase—imacosing the wealth the decision of ministers to recall Captain Fitzroy, tree, ma plebis,? drawings and pictures, apparatus of a faw lavored individuals, at an axboraiama pri?s the Under Secretary of Stato was quite silent us to and koms, from his laborious though short excu- so the Natives, while, at the same time, ? les coet, future mensoles intended to be adopted in the Go- glen, and will make th?m known in his own sewn- plesly mailified the intent of the bronchit, da eta vernment of New Zealand. Baill we have further A meteor, of unusual brilliandy, wasfeen on the try. He intends, if permitted, to publish a full | 2a stultified the Loosl Government in the 'dpidion explicit informatise on this esbject, it would be like evening of the 24th August. It bad the appearan fr Recount of his different excursions in Shunti, a of the cobellious Native---How long will this tam- and useless to conjecture the arrangemchte seem of the comat which appeared here if 1943, BOY Caston silk district, in Changchan a department of porizing policy exist? -

ingly entered into by the Colonial Doo and the larger and more luminous; and mur disappoint. Fukion, noted for its silk manufactures, and in other H.. loop of War Daphne, arrived on Friday New Zealand Company, but whatever may havement was occasioned by itque appearing our inb regions, and to give translations of diferent Chi- from the Bay of Islande, and the Albert schooner beast, the views and dilermloation of the Home following evening. ness works on malberry trees, the rearing of silk-- on Thursday. The troops had not arrived from Government on the ampert of affaire in this colony, wonne and the weaving of silk. He will make Sydney, and no hostilities had re-coneriem. to the date of the despatches to the end of 1844, known the generous concefrence be met with, es- Our ally, Waka, had been joined by large bodies think the intelligence of the macking of Koromrike, pecially from the Italian and American missionarias, of Natives, from Kaitais, and others wohld follow on the tith March, and the subsequent defeats of in his various enterprises, where religion and in-shortly, from the same distrig, so that there will the military and nail hoes, will odeation most sley mem to have joined for mutual aid here not be less than from twey to fihoon Wandred serious deliberations, will corresponding sensible Amongst the amemblica of bative Christians, there Natives, ready to concert with the troops when policy, and prompt large reinforcement from Eng- is the official residence; every where among the they are further re-inforced. We have aid of land direet, with the sew Governor-box- crowded, noiry and talkative people of China. Mrramours of peace; but, under such circumstances, - pacted will arrive before the close of the your. Haddo's relation will be of course very interesting to every foreigner sod a sure guide to future tra

L. B Q


we consider, the least concession would be most disgracefal to British honour, as it will most cer tainly be fatal to the future peace and prosperity of the Colony.


ISTHMUS OF PANAMA. (From the Jamaica Despatch)

- We notlood the departure from this island, some of the Royal Mail Beam Packet Company d time ago, of Captain Liot, General Superintendent Mr M Gathy, Cibh Surveyor of Jatalca, for the Lathes of Pataca to make reconnoit?lce.

There had bean ao Englia news at Nelson of later date than the 29th May but the Royal William, cutter, which left Weighton on the 14th September, saw a brig, with we parts, besling into Port Nicholson, supposed be the brig Nel- son that was no leave London for hat port on the 10th June. The Government bry Fictoria was daily expected also at Wellington and as she is now due in Auckland, it may be ancipated that alle will bring here the English mall ch tho Nelson,

The Wallington Spectar, of the 19th Sep, lafer, we know not on what authority, that the V?steins, War-stemmner, la expected at Auckland with troops from England. She is 544 tons bur- that, and carries & gun.

a child, and is not expected to becover.

The members of the New Plyusokh 'Agricuka.

Farid to be dangerously ill, ut his

The Thistle cutier, in bar pasango from Russell, Commodore James, Biddle arrived with his site the southward, and for water for the hopes on pot into Wangaroru, in consequence of a gi??e from In Canton on Beurday the 29th instant, having left board. Three naives came on board, one of whom the Columbus at sochor below Chuenpi. He was acquainted Captain Caing that the Waikeri tribe the bearer of the ratified copy the Treaty

intended to attack and take possession of the ves of the tract bi couldry, with a view of openling ral Society meet monthly to disc abjects relat Hanghia, having been charged with by the Mrsel. These three natives took mach a blanket, and commenfatted between the Atlantic and Facitu ing agricolture. On the 19th of August, the Everett, who by all bealib was compelled to return likewise a pair of trowwere from the master, who Chang, Wire d?w happy to anndauce the requestion for discussion wad-"What is the best food after having reached South America. The com remonstrated, reminding them that he was woll turn of these tunersen to this city, diler aperiting to grow for cattle! The preference was given to modare, will act as enmmissioner in place of Mr known to them as being long op good team in trad- naasty Tutor in to the exploration of the 16th- Bwede turnips, carrots, and parsalps. It was be- Eyeret, till he can leate the glonsure of his go

ing on the const; but they replied that cirenmem; and it affords to inuch furkaction to be able Nerod that Swedes would average 40 tons to the TROMSOL The Vincennes is daily expected-

Lut of the oficera in the U. 3.8 Comm. 4. *ose were now altered that the. Hories were to state that their report is of a salars. Highly far more:—and one settler stated that he had grown, mes Biddle, commodors: Thomas W, Wyman, at war with the European and in se his unazioa | vonjukta. To na nilalement of the great, and con on bash land, 30 tons to the Bere. Swedes vepro explain; Thomas O, Selfridge, commander, Bephan apparel, & could not be reared, ne da vendit masaran terjed. We kiray that the most available para considered boat adapted for bullocks-carrots and Johnston, Percival Dragion, Hanez. Erongh and reach Auckland-Large bodies of the. Nesinin geld of demandes have led viited by these gentle paranipe for cows. The next subject for discussion James H. Strang, lieutenante; Madison, Boob, aceen coming over the hills, and amenbling on thei mih, Zid Brand and tecreated in four different was-The best remedy for cattle that have sal?n ing moser; Benajab Tiskoor, a son, F. beach i but the last mortgage, the neck was too directions and List the governors, heads of depart

? which mublad | mests, forchants, and inhabitants generally, have H. Guillion, posal assistant surgeon, Lin Bra rough for the canoes to je and J. D. Well, antissent surgeon; her, J., the bine in and are and beas out of record them in's manner which leaves no doubt of the heat haid uniformal interest attached to the Newton, choplain; Edward T. Dunn, parow's the barbour, in a mos tramos que pala,

The Thomas sahooner B. Tylor, captain of marines ; N. 8. Waldean. Nom

The Segri? g?x in of Now Grenada.


'T'he agricultural prospects of New Plymouth are maat cheering Coltivation is being rapidly ex- tended, both by farmers and labourers; and the teen tons of potatoes to the acre were grown hot year, by the Rev. H. Groube, from English seed. Plymouth was increasing.

edent of marince; John C. Cash pond cost which plase A bin “throw, Wange: | edi?ipletion of this noble enterprise, "by the people natives have also own heat to moins ?xtent, Six. end of marines; E. 81. I ?luit Clarke, gommadera's same grapects making cleara?ong for them, h?dd bson" obtained on the spot froch observation, and A lan-yard was established, and population of New

Mordecal Yarnell, professor of mathematics. J. Wainwright, D. M. Fairfax, and A. J. Drake,

A men of information the most authentic has considerable portion of Mr Mair's property)

enabled do to bring away len bred of carta, valuable and kind aastatesse was rendered by W. from parties who very readily afforded it. The most Beq, her Britannic Majesty's talented, bos. quently visit Wangarei. They had bought t

passed midshipmen; William D. Whiting, Goa. Al. The Natives belonging to H?ke and Ki fi fr Peth and deservedly populer Consal at Panute

? Improperty named grasscloth, is a web of Urticaux horses to that district, two of which they had who, to bis owe large fund of information upon yen, dasserent from the Canun "ma,” which je ureally made

reserved in payment for hand, the obere they had this important subject, has added that of others, laken from Europeans; but, on its being explhlu?d l'which

of the Cannabis estiva, and fecin the Trentola + ma? nh?ch

la, according w Dr. Abel, the Sida ta koha.

he has spared neither time, trouble, nor ex-

(New Zealander, Oct. 18.)

Edited, Printed and Published by Joan Caus At The Friend of China and Hongkong Gazeta, Printing Ofice, Goven STREET, VICTORIA, HORSKono, 1840,


VOL, V. No · 6.






PRICE ● 14 per annum,

Terins of Subscription to the " Friend of China and Hongkong Unzette," per onnum $12. Six mbaths 97. Three monila 194; all paid in advance, Credit porcs, 811, 8% 20. sul 85, for else periods

of twelve, six, and three montha respectively : Single numbers to Eubscribers 25 cts. each, to Non-Subscribers | Ruper. Parties estling or seruling to the allice for pajars are requested by pay cork. Terms of Advertising.—Ten lines and under $1 ; additional 10 cents per linc. Repetitions one third of the first insertion. Shopf: Fust insertion & 3 ; subsequent insertions 45 rout, Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they neo required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermaniled. In all instances, those who are not Subscribers, inust pay in advance.




PARTIES receiving liters directed to the late BY the undersigned 26 Bowes of Turkish sink, Wapping, will apply at th

Bring Tobacco.

TILE Steam Ship BRAGANRA, Cape to the office of the undersigned at Macao. All C. Lloyd. Esq, are requested to formed the Inin Lewis, with Her Majesty's

Mail, will leave this for the above places charges or postage on the raine will be paid on

at daylight on the Istof February, 1911. Cargo will delivery

be received on board until noon, and specie until 4 r.

M. T. BENN VAN BASEL. His Nethids Majesty's Consul.


. on Satuny the fost This rule offers an mportan ly of visiting Singapore and Pinung, Nethids. Consulate, Canton,

3rd October, 1845-


RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria. 17th January, 1816,


A very elegant Rosewood cabinet Piano, 54 06. takes, with metalic plates; also a Mahogony Piano of a similar d scription for sale at the Gos downs of

mainng a few days at Ceylon, thence to Madras of Calentin in°34 days from leaving China. Freamera

RAWLE, DOUS & C?._ are also understood to ply between Colombo and Bombay-Specs, Silk, and other Goods, may be 1JR. HENRY H. KENNEDY D authorized

BEER AND PORT?R. warded by this route to Madens and Calcutta wigo by procuration for our firm at Shang-AN Invoice of Boer and loiter by a Inte arrivni 1 will be retained cu bons 4 tha Stramer at Ciulle ho


for enlo by, Etil the orcival of the Snez Seamer for those

Victoria, 12th January, 1840,

RAWLE, DUES & Co. Racer, when they w 11 he transhipped five of ex


TABLE WARE &c. Arrangements are made in the Steamers hroughout for the convenience of the Native Mer-1 at Shanghai, on behalf of the Asiatic Marine A few dinner, breakfast, ces anil coffen sets: also glay dinner sets completo with decanters &c. at the Godowns of the sole reign

RAWLE, DUt's & Co. JUST Received per late arrivals and los safe try

the subscribers. Patent Salminaider Safes of various sizes war


hants of India, proceeding as passengers and cer

E undersigned are prepared to issue Policies

in accoundation versed in these from Cal-nsurance Office, payable in Hongkong, Calcutta,

itta, for Passengers from China, joining the Suez Madras, Bunbay, and London.

MACVICAR & Co. ne at (ialle, to secure which it is requisite thot a

Agents Asiatic Murine Insurance Ofic. Store of at least two mouths to givon to the

Vjetorin, 12th January, 1810. ompany's Agent here.




81st December, 1845. FOR SALE-AT the Godowne of Mowers Blenkin, Rawson & Co., Burton Ale in Bhida, from Worthington and Robinson. (longkang, 15th January 1840.

Juf?rtident regarding the rates of freight and beige can be obtained by application at the THE business of the undersigned will from the ninator and riental Steam Navigation Comp's | 1 st proximo, be carried on under the firm of fier; an I shippers are requested to take Notice | Burnkin, Rawior & Co. at a Shipping" "order conuot be granted unless be contents and value be dutinetly marked on the

tside of each package for overland transit.


Victoria, Hongkong, ? January 1st, 1946.

TO LET. HOUSE situated on the North Side of A Gough Street. Apply to


TO LET. Commodious and well fivirbed Dwelling

A House, (the corner of Peel Street and

gested, consating of dining and drawing rouma,

· hedronen, offers on ground for, with nor- [s spartuents &e. For particular apply to

GEO: STRACHAN. THE Exetern side of the lurge and coni

modis us house situated in Welling- Street and now in the occupation of Messrs Aman & Co. For particulars Apply to,

Rom Cath. College's Superior. Vietarin, 2nd Dercinler, Ig45.


Two Convenient ilouses in Gough Street. with Verandalis, each containing e boms, exclusive of onth uses, enquire of

ROWLAND REES. Pottinger Street

Victoria, 6th December 1845


A House in Gough Street,


Apply to, JOHN CARR.

HE premises known as the offire of the "Friend of China: Three Houses sitante in Welling- Surcet, commanding a fine view of the hay;



the Gadown of Messrs 13tenkin, Nawson & Cu Allops Pale Ale in bottle; Barclay's Porter in bottle, Superior Sherry, Madeurs, and


Port, in wood and bottle,

Hongkong, 15th January, 1846.

NO PICE. L. THOMAS SEDALON. HATHAWAY NYE has this day been admitted a partner in out

NYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, January 1st, 1946.


NOTICE. THE undersigned have been appointed Agents at Couton for the "Globa Insurance Office" of Calcutta, and are prepared to grant Policies pay- able in London, Calcutta, Bombay and Canton. MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co. Canton, 10th November. 145.


PLEACHED and Brown Canvas Nos. Ie 7.

Also Flux Sewing Twine.

MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co. Canton, Jel January, 1146-

FOR SALE. WEBSTER, Gordon, Cossart & Co's. superior Madeira, in Huds, quarter and half quarter casks, and in cases. FLETCHER & Co.

Hongkong, 1st March, 1815.


THE interest and responsibility of Mt. Chris

topher Feston, in our firm consed on the 31st December 1844.

FEARON & SON. Macan, Jat January, 1845.


ranted secure in the hottest fre

ALM Patent Weighing Anehines from 200 a 2,300 pounds, which can be made to weigh pecals and emities.

RAWLE, DOU? & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845.

FOR SALE CUPERIOR Sherry nudd Madeira in wond ; also a fow half pipes and quarter casks Cape and Tenerife Wines Sherry, Bladein, Post, Claret. Cognac, Cherry Brauly, in 1 2 & 3 dozen casty, RAWLE, DUES & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1915.


Nassortment of Anchors and Clain Cables, A Europe, Manila And Coir Rupes, Hemp and

| Cotton Canvass, and several. Spars for lower and


RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845, FOR SALE. TWO Bouies; one accustomed to carry a Lady.

Both sound. Apply to

N. DUES Queo's Hond, 16 Jan: 1818.

FOR SALE. SAUNDERS Pale October brewed ale in Wood, Allsopa Beer in Wood, Port and Sherry, Champagne and Claret. Apply to

ROBERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 25th July, 1845,


General Cominirsion

NOTICE. JOHN BATSON, of the late A race. By

office he will rective a letter on his family affaire Office of Her Friend of Clana,' {

26th December, 1915.


!!PHE undersigned b?s cat?ldished himself in ti place as a Commission and General Agent connection with Messge Fours Brothers & (Speecher, Canton Appentell) Switzerland carryi on business unfer this cate unul das necottet ul th firen.


Manili, 12h July, 1915.

FOR SALE FANICA Rope of all sizes.

Cherry Cordial.


Also verin

BURD, LANGE & Co. Queen's Road, Victoria, 2nd January, 1816.

NOTICE YAVID SIMEON will not be responsib·la ? Day Jis obtructed ost account of the late

William Gom this date, Victoria, 71le January, 18 10.


| RRANGEMENTS, having been completed f A the enction of an ice flouse, for a regol supply of lee. Partica who may be desirous aukling their names to the bit of Shaerkokkers w be plenard to communicate with Mr 1. A. Stut No. 2 Gough Street, who is authorised by tha ke tittee to receive and register application fi shares.

Hongkong, 21st October, 1915.

ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. Qies of fieldly eut glase, consisting of Quni Champagne, Hock and liqueur Clases, all

and Pint Tenutear, tumblers, Wine, Clare


Patent Stoves to consumo their own smok | adapted for either house or cabin use.

PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victorin, With December, 1945.

FOR SALE. NCHORS, Clsins, Europe and Manila Rop A Navy and bleached Canvas, Navy ad Bunting, Paints, Oil, Salt Provisions, Bread, Flou and Marine Stores

all descriptions, Wine Spirito. Bw and Porter in wood and brie, dru and Lead Water pipe, Sheet Lewd, Solder, Cere Plaster of Paris and Stencelling Patterns, Store Grater with Feulers &c. to match. Nautic Almanacks for 1846, and Manila Cheroots No and 4.



W. Shipping Agent, Auctions and Win and Victoria, fal Execember, 1945. Spirit Merchant,


Whole Snic and Retail.

MUE undersigned has just received from the wal Flas on sale, of which musters can be seen at the koown Gris of Perigal & Brady, the follow show room'

Port: Sherry; Claret; Chaulpagne; ing Wines of the choicest quality which will b Still and Sparkling Moselle; Brandy; Gin; Alsops, disposed of on the lowest terms

Champagne Buss's, Saunders and Ree's Beer in Hide and Butts do, do, in boula; Bengal Gram in 2 mund bags; Europe Rope; Prim & Oil; Guns & Pistole. An assortment of Painted Floor cloth of hand-


Ports in Piet



p and Store situate on the Queen's Road, in Gutral part of the town. Early possession can given. For further particulars apply to

R. 08WALD. Victoria, 19th December, 1×45.

FOR SALE. ALINE Lot No. 64 Situated between the lol of Messrs. MACTICAL & Co. and Framier Jansetjer E-q, measures 200 feet sen frontage,' the firm of Daniali, Dickinson & Co, in London Also some very superior India bottled Palo Alo. TUST opened and for Sale at the stores of tho

and abugether is a very desirable lut. For further particulare apply to

FLETCHER & Co.-langkong.

or DIROM, GRAY & Co.-Centos. Victor, J July, 1015.


T Victoria Hongkong, in a central position, a A valuable water sido property, consisting of wharf, spacious todown, dwelling and out Flowers; all in perfect repair, and now fet un lease. particular, apply to


C. A. FEARON. Macao, ist July, 1845.



THE business of the undersigned will from this date be conducted in the name of O. 8. Comp. TON & Co., his partners being us heretofore, or Ward M. Daniell, and Wulian Dickinson of



Canton, 1st January, 1846. {R. Rosen Jacron is authorized to sign our

firm by procuration.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoria, 20th Decembar, 1845.


some pattern, Splendid Paper Macho" Bedsteads, Carpeting; Saddlery Bengal Bilk Handkerchiefs: White Bhirtings; Sann Jean; New Bottles in Speeds Indian Arrow Root; Blankets; Grey and]

Quarter and Pints; Duale; Anchors and Chain

and Manila Cheroots three years old; and a variety of other articles.

Bails made and repaired on the premises by ex- perienced mailmakers; Canvass of the best quality at lowest price.

Also Cherry Cordial

C. W. BOWRA. Victoria, 19th December, 1946



A large assortment of Carpeting all patterns, earth Rugs &c. &c. Tarian and Check Cloths Deilla and White Cotton and worned 19nes, la-

Goods received from alongside ship and stored ?dies Musdine De Laime and Printeil Decases, Lace in dry Godowns on the most moderate terms.

?und ● large assortment of Perfumery, stationary Goods, Letters, and Pareuls forwarded and busi. Table limon and Viltuans Storen of all descriptions

Candles &c. Victoria, 12th December, 1145.

D. CHISHOLM. Queen's Rond. Victorio, November 21st, 1845.


THE undersigned are prepared to issue Policies ne transacted for Parties absent.

of Insurance at Shanghai on first class vessels | ~ payable in Hongkong, Singapore, Caleutia,Madras, Bomber and London.


Agents Commercial Insurance Company. Victoria, 20th August, 1846.


THE upper part of a House, having five large rooms, with servanta roonis, cook house and Cindamas atinchied, situated in the Queen's Rohd. | HER WILLIAM WARD BROWN is authorised For particulars apply to

to sign for our Fitim by procuration.


HUMPHREYS & Co. Victoria, Dth December, 1845.


Let Jomunry, 1846.


NOTICE. Tdweiling flouse containing seven cooms with THE business of the undersigned will in future be carried on in connection with his Brother Mr. ADAM SCOTT under the firm of W. Score & Co.

WILLIAM SCOTT. Victoria, Jut August, 1845.


opper part of a commodious and will buik servants roots, and outhouses with stabling. For further particular apply 10,

D. LAPRAIK No. 1 Wellington Termee D'Aguilar Street.

Victoria, 24th October, 1845.

UNION INSURANCE BOCIETY. MESSRE DENT, BEALE & Co. are authorized to issue Polices on behalf of the Society at Shanghai, payable in Ilongkong, Calcutta, om- bay, and Lundu

DENT, & Co. Seen. Union Insurance Society. Victoria, 1st Jaquary, 1848:

MIE Undersigned hava formed a partnership, for the tranenction of a general Agency and Com- minion business, under the respective Firms of RAWLk, Devs & Ca at Victoria, and Duus, Rawle & Co. at Shanghai,

8. B. RAWLE. N. DUUS Victoria, Hongkong, 1st October, 1848.

THE Schooner ALPHIA," well manned and armed, runs between Hengkong, Macao, or Comsinginoon, as required; carrying cargu Opium,Treasure and l'assengers, at most mo- derate terms

W. 11. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 5th September, 1845. FOR SALE a new Palanqu?n Carriage. Ap

ply to

W. I. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 23rd December, 1945.



Bay Byuday Hurso sound and quiet to ride or A drive. Apply to

W. II. FRANKLYN, Victoria. 12th December, 1845.

A few Superior Saddles and Double Brille; small Asizo and suitable for Ponies. Also a variety of fancy Dueskin Cloth.

LANE, ROWLAND & Co. Victoria, January 6th, 1946.


?N SALE,—A? the Store of Mr. John Smith in

Macao from Dr. Hunter's.

Moda Water Munufactory there.

Blucao, 11th January, 1913,


W GABRIEL has taken a commodious house si-

Queen's which he in.

W. FRANKLIN des just receive for sale distance souls of the Quests hand, werd, & not

the following articles. French Merino in all colors for Ladies dresses, tends to conduct an a Hotel under the abure utle. Twilled flannel, Tabla covers, Sperm Candles pro- Hientlemen favouring him with their patronage serve pickles, Alustard and Bauces, Ferintosh |will find Ureir consfort strictly attended to. wakey, Britannia mrta) T'es and Coffee Pots. The All the articles supplied will be of the Grot rato whole of these articlen f?r side at tuoderate prices |Description. in any quantity to sent purchasers.

Keying House, Ikeinber 19, 1845.

A Thurston's Billiard Table on Ike Primises, Victorin, 14th March, 1848.




Usirce Starts Det

Nur. 30 Jan.







Havur Monst B.ONET

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De Jiny. Jany.





the attachment

The Register doubts whether the boat rap-1 policy of the fremier, who prefers negotiation. Sir not even aware of her acquaintance with the tured at Cumingon was a piratical craft it lteber. Peel will not risk inderstanding & gallant Captain to whom she had been intro. all, it being rumoured in Canton that she was may be avoided, he is not kikely then to seckduced at Almacks, The marriage was first market bont bound for Macan We have quarrel, knowing very well, that any suspension of solemnized at Gretna Green, and again conversed with Gentlemen who left Cun-the friendly relations at present subsining between London after the Episcopal form. Her Majesty nuginoon on Sunday, and who has taken this country sad America, would be just now and family continue to enjoy good health She

receivos renewed proofs tromely inconvenient. The national honour does not trouble to inform himself of the particulars demand anything like a honile demonstrati felt for her by the relatives of her Royal THE FRIEND OF CHINA There appears to be some uncertainty conclude therefore, that what he been said shout Consort, whose frequent visits to England to which party were the aggressors; as acadal prlers, and the destination of the Exporinen- cording to some acounts muskets were first tal Squadron, is fulge. We must be prepared for evince an interest in the welfare of the youthful At a meeting this day of the subscribers to the fired from Captain Endicott's boat but pointed war, but give no unnecessary offence, as the face. Queen.(?) over the other boat, this drow upon thin a dis- foco pany would be glad of my pretext for driving charge of firearms and etones, a half pound ball the President to hostilities, contrary to the express and ruined to mark, by some public testimonial to For two or three days some apprehension passing through Captain Endicott's thigh. We wishes of a large section of the States. Our policy his mumury, the respect and esteem in which tho has been felt for the safety of the foreign lac. are now informed that there were 33 men, but is pacific, so we must do nothing to hasten such an ate Hon'ble s. R. Morrina was held -it was u

That a bust of the late Hun. J R. Morrison be tories in Canton, but by lato advices the excite whether this includes the It killed and wound event; and for this, among other reasons, it is diflianiously resolved: ment among the mob had subsided, and from el is uncertain. After the boat was captured cult to give weight to rumours which would ropre- the large naval force now near the City, and there appears to have been a great want of sont American as affording matter for debate and inmediately commissioned from England, to be Morrison Education Society; that a copy of Chin the large body of Tartar troops aid to have management, the captors probably not wishing disagreement in the Cabinet, though we notice, them, placed in the public rons of the Institution of the The Railroad speculations, and rumours of very's painting of his father (the late Iterd. Dr. been marched into the city it-lf, it is net proba to take the responsibility of detaining her. Sue because they bere cogaged much public attention ble that the mob will proceed to extreinities. lay among the opiums vessels during the night,

A re-action has however into Chinese, be obtained for the saine purpose; The hostility to foreigners is however unabated, and in the morning it was observed that the arins scarcity of bread stuffs had caused a panic in Morrison) engaged in the translation of the dike that the sum of $1000 be appropriated to meet the and as we presume Sir John Davis will insit had been throw overboard. This is suspicious. the money market on the gates being opened the justico ofthis de. It is also suspicious that whou liberated, the taken place, supplies of provisions coming for.

in Chine; and that George T. Braine, Esq, in mand being admitted by the Chinese officials-crew did not put themselves under protection ward is consequence of a rise in prico. The cost, and the expense of placing these mutorials it isnot improbable that Caton will be the scene of the Chinese Junk of war that was anchored Railway speculation fever has also abated.

The Dutch are jealous of the proposed set- vonjunction with Robert Morrison Jr, Esq., bo ro. an it was farther uninimously resolved, that tlemont on the coast of Borneo, and are about quested to carry into effect the above revolution. of serious rivals ere long. It would be prudent close by.

the whole of the remainder of the gun in the hands to allow the holidays to pass before the city is declared open, as at tlus season thero is an un-

to bring the matter formally before the vitis. government, demanding that a settlement usual mumber of ille and doorderly people con

stated to have boon made-he removed or the gregated within the walls. The 11. C. Steamer

treaty of 1814 will be repudiated by Holland. Plato is moored off the factories, and it is

The particulars of sumo shocking occurrence probable that she will be kept there, until the city has been opencil and the mob pacified, or

board the Skip Tory from this part, w-- Indeed consider

also take from the Times. awed into submission. ing the nature of the Canton populace, a was steamer should never be farther from the fac. tories then Whampoa, and kept as much in sight of the Consulate itself as possible.

Within the city there was a riot on the 15th, which a correspondent communicates as fol lows:-

is to ba hoped that some further enquiry will be made as to the merits of this affair. Ir punceful trading vool has been attacked by mistake some impensation requires to be made.

Our own impression is that a market boat would not have so many men and arms Nho hast pigs, and fowls-not vegetables--anan mard, but they may have been obtained by plunder. One thing is very certain, if the orow were honest men, they would lodge a corn- plaint with the Magistrato of the village to which they stated they belonged-failing to do this, we may presne that they were pirates, and properly punished.

Tho l'iren with the hear Admiral on board Rir has arrived from the northern ports, Thomas Cochrane bas visited the four porte of trade, also Chusan and Formosa, The main

An investigation, which is at present siking plane before the magistrates at the Thames Police Offer has disclosed acts of the most horrible enormity pre petrated on board the ship Fury, during the voyag from Hongkong to this country. On the arrival of the vessel in the port of London, the commander Capt Johnstone, accubod the crow of having cos pired to murder h?n and to wcize the vessel; and he added, that on discovering the plot the chief mate. who was a ringleader, jumped overboard to avoid the consequences of his scimes, whereupon the men er- turned to their duty. The captain further stated,


of the Treasures, amounting to about $42.000, bu vested as a permanent fund for the benefit of the Institution of the Morrison Education Society, the intare to be paid over annually to the Trustees, to be by the appropriated to its general support ; and that Mesra, Deut & Cu, be requested to con tinue to set as Trensurovs, and to allow intorest at the rate of 7 per cout por amor on the amount of money in their hunds, for at least three years.


that deposing of the funds, the subscribers have considered de placing upon permanent naste of Institution bearing the name of Morrison, and which has been so eminently useful and suck reaful in giving to Chinese youths an valigidened and Christma education, the most appropriate me- Yesterday as the Quang-chow-to was passing in his

nurial to him who was one of its founders, and 40 Jeeply interrated in it wolfire; and having in chair through one of the Streets in the City, man beating burthen shatracted the way and was struck by one of the Bolliers which gave rise to some ofensive language. The Quang-chow-to ordered that he should fomediately re

mial that it is un Lustitution belonging wholly to ceive 300 Strokes of the Bamboo, and some Trades mesubject in touching at Formosa, was to ascertain that after looring Payal the munity nga brke ou, the formga community in Chios, supported and came out of their houses and remonstrated against the whether there was good coal nu that island as when he was wounded by the second mate, who wwwmnaged by themselves; as well as that its aphere sescelty of the punishment, for which interference two of

in ondes to found a charge of murder against the upon the community to meet its current expenses shems were arrested, with the original offender. A strong reported. The coal was found of an excellent placed in Irons, but ofterwards strangled by the crew of usefulness will be mure called, while the call body of respectable citizens mustered and proceeded to the quality a few miles from the beach. The Chi cummander. The inprobabilities of this story and will be diminishad, they trust that the liverainy Base do not work the mines, though they soon confused manner of apt. Johnstone excited ruspi hitberto displayed will be continued to support ore Huse of the Quang-chow-for, which they broke open, destroyed all the contents and released the 3 Prisogers. At night the house was set on fire. His said by a rabble of discovered that the coals were valuable to fucion, and other circumstances confirmed the state so well calculated to do unor to any curity. bad people and not by the Shopkeepers, Engines were reigners. At first they permitted some to be nest of the crew, to the effect, that the coinmander ad to commorate the devoted men whose mue taken on board of the Viren free of any charge, ? had become outrageous from excessive drink. That brought but the mob prevented the Bremen using them tu

Mr. Matheson and Mr Braine, as the remaining save the Mandarin's bone, though they kept the in-

members of the Commett, u ol' Cru Cant ? l'humubor serve to extinguish the ore should it extend to other mild but when a larger quantity was required they while in this state le accused the men of mutiny ings, however ceased with the total deviition of the demanded a price. Wo hear that the Adnjiral | and then treated them with extrame erucky, wound

ing them on serumal occasions, traces of which they of Commerce, having wwertained from lewer. ang-chow-foo's house, and the mob dispersed. The Quang chow for was very unpopular owing to his onlered about 70 tons at 83 a tou.

dismissed you it woull be desirable that a regular supply exhibited to the Court. Upon further investigation Lindsay & Co. that a balance of $8 remained cruel and tyrannical conduci, and L bis ude. These who publicly insulted him bully avow could be obtained at that reammable price. the owners of the vessel cutisidered that there was in their handa na Trensures to the later beatitu their acts with Impany. This is suficient to show that Now that the Peninsular and Oriental Com ground upon which to chargos munity so the crew on, have, with the concurrence of the members the local authorities have no control over the populace. as regards actual force, indeed the Boldlen were easily pany's boats are araving and departing month. been released; but Captain Johnstone is now of the Morenntile Community present at the Meets ly shore would be a great saving in their ex custody, accused of murder conmid updeng, authoriset it to be paid over to be Treasurers cireamatancos of great depravity, as far as may be of the Morrison fund, to be adiled to that perine tupuked.

in this stain of things, whilst we are approaching their penses, no to spenk of storm ships of war da collected from the tatimony of three persons, the uently appropisted to the support of the La-titution

usually crowded with year holidays, when Camun Strangers killewess, we look with souls andiety for the the sta ion, the Cauton scam boat, privately wines yet examined. From their evidence of the Morrison Education Society. "Pluto Meainer, before the Factories, or immediately fol consumption, and it may be in a tow sens, it appears that the sucon luate and one seamon died Juwing, the tore of all car the Factories placards steam vessels running on the coast, all of which of wounds inflicted by the captain and that the chief abreatening violence to the persons of any foreigners who would be benefited" or encouraged by cheap mate perished at sea, baring jumped overboard to 108y attempt bu enter the City in vines of the Chop which fuel. We would suggest that some effort be avoid a repetition of Me treatment to which he had has recently appeared signifying the consent of the local authorities to their admisie, and adding that on my dude to lease the ines at a derate rate. been subjectal by the commander. These are the worth the attention of His Excellency: fact as they appear in evidence, and the difficulty within the Walls of the City, the Face? “Tivin i fabqui procenal. The erowd is increasing about the but we fear that were he to obuzin a lesse, it come to bo, in the present state of the case, to ac intimated that it had been decided to pay Clint uncy suries will be i Factories and a nevery maid beludging to one of the foreles familles was booted out of the American gardes would be for the purpose of imposing another count for the conduct of the commader. It is pro-ales to the Treasurers of the Morrison fund, to be tax by transferring it and farming out the bable that when labouring wader the effects of excuss appropriato permanently to the support of the

Capt Johnstone betrayed symptoms which ren lured Morrison Institution, it advisable to deprive him of the command. That something of this sort was intended is very likely from the declosures that have been made; and it is probable that the apprehension of such an occurren- ca increased the exckament under which he labour and ultimately betrayed him into acts of crimina lity for which is utterly impossible to account, otherwise than by supposing that the unfortunato

this allemoon.

yesterday, tho' unconnected

A resalence here is little heiser than bring perched on


privilege of importing coals from Purines.


barrel of Gunpowder, for the slightest provention I can plainly see would instant's cause a row, fazeed on Eng. fishimin this morning was pelted for sitempting to pall down a plecard and was glad to make his escape. Bull the entry to the City must be persisted in, matters having The Brugenza entered the harbour in fine style about 2 o'cluck z. k. to-day (Tuesday) gobe so far.

with the mail of 24th November and 19 pase sengers, among them the Hon. Mr. Johnstone formerly Deputy Governor of Hongkong, who will succeed Captain Balfour as Consul at Shanghai.

Ale Mathesun in behalf of himself and the Revd. Dr. Bridgmas, remaining members of the Leun- mitoe appointed to appropriated the Imance- noting to about 1900-left in the hands of Moura. Jutdine, Matheson & Co. Testers to the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Kowledge,

Gronoz T. Brainn, --Choirman, ALKI. ANDERson.—Secretary. Victoria, Hongkong, 1916 January, 1846.




17, Rotrunna, Grighton, Bombay. 17, 'reciosa (Xp), Pardo, Menito. 18, Woodbridge, Poulton, Whainpor. 18, Audur, Oliver. Macap

The Pluto arrived post opportunely on the afternoon of the 10th-the day an attack on the factories was anticipated. On the 17th some violent and abusive placards wore posted, describing foreigners as a people having faces and heads like those of the human race,, but

The news is of somo importance. A chang of 8,000 infantry and a baltuljou of marine 18, H.M Str. Vizen,Com.Gifford, Chusan and Amoy hearts like those of the worst brutes, and declar of Ministry is talked of. It is understood that

man was at the time in a state of insanity.

Franco is preparing-armaments for Algaria and Madagascar, Against the latter a Turca

20, Warlock, Jauncey, East Coast.

ing that any who tay daro to enter the city there are differences in the Cabinet and a coal artiller latest account from the United States 20, P. & O.Co,Str. Brogunaa, Lewis, Ceylon; Point

shall be killed, and the houses of all foreigners tion with the Whigs is hinted. According to be burnt to the ground. It was considered song accounts the retention of Chusan ha necessary be send some of the ladies to Wham-been one subject of dispute, Bir Robert Peel poa, and the Gentlemen were all armed to advocating its evacuation afterms of the treaty repel any attack that fight be made. Two of Peking, a majority of the Cabinet being ia bosts with armed men from H. M. 8. Vestal favor of its retention. We quote from the arrived on the evening of the 17th and the Monthly Mail of 24th November: American ships of war Visrenner and Columbus

There have been Privy Councils in abundance, wer ordered up from the Dogue that they and Cabinet meetings too: yet the last formight has might anchor es near Cantor as possible. The not elicited anything which can be regarded as mat Mandarins were to have couruenced paying ter of political importance. In this respect we have the inklounity money on the 13th, bat deferred | nothing fresh to communicate. The same rumours aion, The Monthly Times says:—

de Galle 30th Dec., Singapore 11ib ingt.


and Mexico all was quiet. The American

Per P. & O. Co. Str. Braganza-From England quadron of seven sail were lying within a few miles of the port of Vera Crus rearly for action-Captain Mugford; Mesars Johnstone, Montefiore, should Mexico be bull enough to declare war. Lewis, Mufku, Mann, Baus, Thovar-From The wheat norp in the United States has been Cadiz Bignor De Burgos, and Lieut Coco.-From unusually largo, which is accounted for by Singapore-Mr Carlowit

Rumours of divisions in the genial nummer. the Cabinet at Washington are current, there JANUART being several questions of great public import. ance on which there were differences of opi-

it, not daring to expose the sycen to the inol prevail as to the stability of the pract Govato. The arrivals from America are now looked to Au inferior Mandarin inent, and the chances of a Whig coalition There is with much interest, rumours of differences in the issued a chop to the Quang-chow-fon (Mayor the samo ignorance as to the measures likely to be

in their excited state.

of the city) declaring that foreigners would not be admitted to the city by authority of the local goverminent and exhorting people to re- turn to their peaceful occupations.

The lad who was so severely punished on the 15th for want of respect to the late Quang chow-fon, is reported to have died on the even ing of the 10th

Cabinet reach us from usually well-informed parties: proposed in order to meet the exigency with which differences, not so much in opinion as in estimate of the value to be attached to the will of the many-

we are threatened-an exigency which a scarcity

of food and the pressure of adverse circumstances beedad monster, the Public. It is said, the beat-

to be relied upon m this all important matter can


16. H. Str. Pluto, Com. Airy, Whampoa

16, Sir Robert Sale, Loader, London.

16, General Wood, Swkoo, Maulmoin.

17, John Laird, Bryant, Whampo

18, Coquette (Am), Eldridge, Whampon.

49, Swallow (Am), Dominis, Cumeinginoon.

REPORTS. John Christian, Thomas, Whampoa,

Woodbridge, Poulton. London,

20, Roseanma, Crighton, Whampoa



31, Earl Grey, Chine.



8. Tary, China at Plymouth.

may force upon the country. The existence of Mi- beads in the governmout desire to arrange amicably nisterial differences we do not find denied, though the differences at present existing with regard to the their importance has probably been exaggerated. Oregon Territory, and that in such course they are They undoubtedly exist; but the causes have been supported by the minister at our Court; but the love variously referred to China, America, Ireland, the of popularity and a foar of losing his adherents in Corn-laws, and many things besides; not forgetting, the west, it is presumed, resuming the President from No time was lost by the Authorities here in by the way, the ex-Governor Cheastal of Lolis, who countenancing such pacific views. No information dispatching a strong force for the protection of scenas fated to perplex his friends. The Globe says

Letters arrived on that the Duke of Wellington was desirous to press reach as until the meeting of Copgrew, when Mr the foreigners in Canton. Bunday morning communicating the state of Lord Ellenboroazh upon his reluctant colleagues, Polk's speech must give some indication of the Affaire. It was known that the Pluto and and to provide him a sont in the Cabines, with the course to be adopted. alexico appens at length to Vestul wonki both be near the city before an office of Post-Sluster General. He was once useful become aware that it is easier to raise armies on attack coull be made; it was also known that at the Board of Control, but he wont do now in any paper than in substance, and that protests and mani- the American men of war were ordered up. office! The Uuke was defeated and Earl St Ger festoes will be saler weapons than guns and "vil On Monday morning H. M. Ships Datalus mains is under-food to have been appointed Lord lanoba saltpetre" Whether she will, as the New The Post denies the story, York papers suggest, acknowledge the independence and Hazard were despatched, and we believe Lonsdale's successor. that the war scanner Tires had order to be but it has, overbelas. its probabilitics, Accord- of Texas, and sell her remaining provinces or auch ing to other accounts, China has been the ocasion of them as may be coveted by her Yankee neigh prepared to follow if necessary. There is now of clispute; the continued occupation of Chuso, pot-bours, we will not venture to decide, but we cannot a strong force in the river-siz ships of war, withstanding the stipulations of the Naskin treaty, do otherwise than admit in her case the force of the whose united grew would number 2,500 men ; | having been insisted upon by one gection of the Ca. Hudibrastic apophthegm, which pronounces “dis add to this, if necessary, II. Mt 8. Agincourt,binet, and absolutely entries in opposition to Beretion to be the better part of valour." the Firen, and part of the regimento in garrison ?Peck This is hardly credible, yet it is confidently The elopement of Lady Adela Villiers, with the Artillery, and there would be enough assected; and further, that the same parties are un-youngest daughter of the Ear I of Jersey, with Dec. of mien to Fack Lanton; which we fear will re-xions to bring the Oregon question to an itoimediate Captain Ibbetson of 11th Hassgra has caused issue, a proceeding decidedly opposed to the cautious' souse excitement, The Lady's family were quire to be done sooner or later.

8. 1igeon China and Mauritius.

10, Senator, China at Cork.

11, Ann Jane, China the Downs,

12, Potentate, China, Dover.

18, Indefatigable, Manila, Cowes. 19, Vellore, China, Cork.

21, Queen Mas, China, Liverpool.



28, Jeremiah Garnett, Shanghai

30. William Ackers Shanghai.


31, New Margaret, Shanghai. 11, Alfred, Porunouth, China. LOADING-At Liverpol-Cannata, Shanghai,

and Monarch and Carinthian, Hongkong.—At London-Quran and Ann Jane, Hongkong.



7, H.MS. Samarang, Captain Belcher, Chi-

13 in 7 days.

9, Mineroa, Brown, Hongtong in 9 days.


11, Marmion. Hongkong in 8 days.

liz (Sp), Hanghong in 15 days 17, Cirufe, Rudaun, Syduby in 63 days. 20, Amcist, Brule, Singapore in 45 days.


Dec. 1, Ann Bates, London

10, Carolina (Spanish), Havanai.

12, Farwell (American), Buston.

14. Genera (American, Macao.

15, Pauline (Bremen), Singapore.


VESSELS IN VICtoria Harbour.

11. M. 3. Agincourt, Captain Lyster, Flag of Rear- Admiral Sir Tone Chehrane,

11. M. Str. Fizen, Comununder Gifford, 11. Tr. 8. Alligatur, Com. King.

J Matheson and Co

J. Matheson and Co

(H. M. 8. Minden, 2nd Mastor in charge Owner,

flowpital mod Shore Ship.

Russell and Co Adler (Prussian), Schun,

Mnevicar and fo Anglona, Lane, Avduz Oliver, Homanjve Hormuarjee, Coates, Braganze (st-sh), Lewis, Calentio, Osborne, Congue (Am), Dieno, Emma, Fraser, Guzelle (Am.), Chaso, Jane, P. Borg, John Barry, Clarke, John Christian, Thomas, Linnet, ——,

Loochoo (Am), Hatch, Lure. Graveb, Natches (Am), Waterman, Preciosa (Sp), Pardo. Privaterr, Mantell, Starling, Clape, Therria,

Titania, & F. Anson,

Warlock, Jounicey,

H'issahickon (A), Wobber,

J'oodbridge, Paulton, Zrphyr, Mann,

J. A Olding Russell and Co Russell and Co Captain J. Matheson and Co Macvicar and Co Dent and Co Dirom, Gray and Co Younghusband and Co

Russell and Co J. A. Darran Bush and Co Captain




ATS, a large assortment of Black and White aint the Trades of Victoria, that the has

YRS CHRISTOPHER resprafully Ings to ac

ever Hats.

Also, Buote and Slwes.


Queen's Rood Victoria, 29th Jany., 1816.

POR SALE. FURT landed a few llogalienda Superior Dark Dark and Pala Colored Brandy. Also, Colored Cognac in bottle, of first quality,


Queen's Road. PUBLIC AUCTION. be sold on Thursday 22nd inst. at 11 o'clock at the Noleon Inn, Queen's Road., for account of whom it may concern, the entire stock and fixtures, consisting of Brandy, Gio, Ruin, Arrack, &c. &c.

Together with the good will and unexpired Licence of the onid Inn,

Victoria, 20th J?ay.. 1940.

WM. 8. HEYL.



is requested that all demands against the Mess. 42nd Regiment M. N. L. shall be forwarded to the Becy, or before the 25th Inat, after which dale they will not be attended (a.

None of the Mess. establishment of the 42nd Regt. M. N. 1. sro authorized to procure supplies in the name of the Mess, os credit without a note from the Sury.

C. MeLEOD Capt. 42d Rgt.

Becy. Men Victoria, 15th January, 1846.

JJOR SALE. – By the undersigned.

Champagne, Hach,

Beer, mol Stout, all of the first quality. received a large assortment of Chibirens clothing of

EDWARD NEWMAN, different paterns and yestits, euitable both for summ

Victoris 7th October, 1945. mer and winter, from, the ages of six months to ten

NOTKE. years inclusive. Aloo lot of Childrens babit. Shirts and Collers; Cadies and Gentlemen's Blond HE subscriber having surceded Mr. P. Tows IN, as Auctioneer and Comantismon Agent, and Cambrick Dandkerchief- ; Gentlemen's Gloves of different colur; Ladie's Boots and Slux-4.

respectfully aulicits the patronage of the Merelan's Victoria, December 2riali, 1915,

Cand foreign. Residents in Hongk?ng nnd China, 1[R CHRISTOPHIER resperbly begy tu in- and hopes by a prompt attention to businesa, tu A farm the inhabitants of Hongkong, Masters merit a continuance of the patronage bestowed of Vessels &o. cunt he has this day upened flo. upon his predecessor.

WILLIAM 8, REYL. freshment Floome next to Mr Just's in the queen's

At the Old Stand Quren's Read Rond.

Victora, 201 December, 1945. FTI?SALE.

A printed scale of charges for Brenklus, 'T'if- Ans. Dinner &c, which will be at extremely mo derate charges, will be hung up in the preinines The English and Local Newspapers to be had at all times

Victoria, 25 December, 1845.



NE Complete Copy of the Chinese Repositary.

Apply t


W. 8. HEY!..


Sherry and Medeien Wine in Wond and Bul-

the Store of the Subscriber.

des, Port Wine in Cass, Puppermint Curdial, Ale in Wood; Porter and Cider in Bottles; Superior American Hulter Corn meal; Family Brel in Bile; Nents Tongues; Rownde; Tolmreig Segars No 3 and 1, Manila "Cherouts in 1000 and 500 Botes; | Chute in Blls ; Rossin Gudvas?;sTwine ; Print Oil

and Torpentine; Bright Varwish,

W. S. HEYI Queen's Itond, Victoria, fili Ducember, 1945.


E undersigned hereby give utice that they have this day disposed of their business and premises in Canton to air Charles Campbell, and beg to return their beat thanks to their friends and the public generally for the support they have so liberally received.

MCMURRAY & C?. Canton, 10th January, 11140. ***NOTICE. WITH reference to the above the undersigned begs to inform his friends and the pubke generally, that he has purchased the business and SMITH & BRIMELOW.

premises in Cauton of Messrs. AlcMurray & Cu, and will from this date carry on the trade in his Ship Chandlere, l'holeerie and Retail Wine and

own name, hoping to receive a continuance of the of Mr. WILLIAMS, HEYL, begs to return his tak Spirit Merchants, and Commission Agents dc.

to the Merchants of Chine, for their very liberal same liberal patronage. No 1 & WOOSAAM'S BUILDINGS. AVE for all kinds of Stores suitable for All debts or claims due to or owing from the patronage during his residence in the Country, and would at the same time solicit the continuance of Matheson and Chips, such as Canvas, Blecks, Rope, Twi-late firm of Michlarmy & Cm, of Canton must be

the same favour for him successor, Me. TowneanD #o, Beat, Park, &c. &o. Also Stores suitable fur sent in immediately for adjustment and payment will remain with Mr. Elzta, until March 1948, a. familias, Double Gluster Cheese. Butter in small to and.

endeaman and can promise the ueunt, punctuality in Kege and Jars, York honas, Coffee, Chocolate.

businere, Preserved Meats and Bupa, Sauces and Pickles n?sorted, Sardines, Prunes, Blown Raisins, Pend | Barley, Jama and Jellies, Tea in small packages, superior Bristol Tripe, Sahmon, Tongues,

C. N. LogTh Alurrow and Co

William Lao,

Flacher and C


Wetmore and C

Hogan and Co Dent and Co

SHIPPING AT WHANPOA. 11. M. 9. Dedalus, Captain McQuhao. 11. M. S. Hazard, Captain Egerton. J M. 8. Vestal, Captain Tallot. H. C. Str. Plato, Com. Airy. Alen, King,

Alfred, Napper. Aliet Rahaman, Row, Davi, Furley,

Joku Laird, Bryan,

Joven Carina, Uring, D. & Justing (Dutch), Rash. Ludy Amherst, Thompson, Nymph, Floreburgh, Pearl, Marcimn.


CHARLES CAMPBELL. Canton, 10th January, 1945. UTATIONERY for Sale at the Store of the

Undersigned: --

Account Books of sizes, Writing and Foolscap

D TOWNSEND, having resigned his business, of Auction and Commission Agent in favour


Victis, 2nd Locemier, 1843.


Bear and Porter in Cusk, Barclay and Porkias Paper, Envelopes of sorts, Nule Papor, Steel Pons, adjustment, and all parties indebted ate requested

Stout in botos, Allopp's Boer.

Superior Port and Sherry, Madeira in wood and bolika, Vidouin, old Cognac, Whiskey in cask and bottle, Cask Brandy, Cherry Cordial, and a varie-

of other articlos.

J. Crookes & Mincy J. Matheson and Co

J. Santum Hanc Ravie, Duns and Coty M. Rustomjee and Ce J. M.. Van Basel Lindsay and Co Dent and Co Rustomjee and C

Russell and Co

D. & M.

Prins Carl (Swede), Molion,

Roseanne, Crighton, Violer, Morgon,

Wild Irish Girl, Buckton,

VRINKLE AT MACAO. H., M. S. Alemens, Captain Dupla Fatal II vir (Dateh), ———,


Is shella Robertson, Kelly. Joha (Swede), Okarbory, Lady Hawes, Longky. Snipe, Eudicott,


Dent and Co Captain

J. M. 8. Van Bubel C. Sapoorjco Langrah F. J. de Pairs Comsingmona 3. M. & Co J. Slatheron and (% A. Henlund Co


U S. S. Column? (74), Coun. Bille. Bogue furta

U. B. Corvette Viseries, Captain Paulding.

Anna Maria, Milleu,

Chile, Bray,

Congress, —

Coquete, Eldridge,

Eliza Ann, Cheror,

Geneva, Drinker,

firafian, Abholt, Medern, Cooke,

Oneida, Crory,

Rainbows, Land,

Yumchi, Steele,

Womore and Co

Wetmore and Co

Russell and Co Co

Victoria, 20th December 1845.


UST received ex "A·len" a aumall Invoice of

prine Cumberland Haine and Choose,

SMITH & BERMELOW. Victoria, Gh January, 1840.



ALL persons having clains upon the undersigned A are requested to send in their accoums for

P. TOWNSEND, make moodiate payment lo Victoria, 2nd December, 1845.

FOR SALE FINE Grey Pony warranted sound. Apply



Wafore, Bealing Wax, Blotting Paper, Memoran dum Books, Blotting Bouke, Visiting Cards, ing Card Cases, Black Lead Panels, and a variety of other Stationery loo numerous to menti--n.

MCMURRAY & Co. Victoria, Queen's Rood and Aberdeen Bireet. 9th January, In46. MEMURNAY & CO. TAVE for Sale every description of Stores also 11 Wellington Boots, Clarence ditto, Uzonion Shoes and Patent Leather dillound Patent Leather Pumps, also Confectionery of duits consisting of Pepperment Lozenges, Transparent ditto, Ginger D. ditio mon ditto, Fruit diue, lose ditto, Refined Juice dillo, Almond Comfite Scotch, Carraway dito etc. etc. Also just received 'I'rowser Stuffs of best quality, Silk Gloves, Gingham Neckerchief, Da mak Table Clothe and Napkins, Singapore Rid No 1 and 2 Wooanam's Buildings, corpor of Puting Whips, Pinang Lawyers, Murray's and Carr's Wine Biscuits and Water Crackers, Corks, Bram tager Btreet.

Tape of sorts, Taglioni and other Coats, also every "NOTICE. CMTH & BRIMELOW have removed their variety of Cakes, Gingerbread Nut elc. etc.

Victoria, Queen's Rund and establishment to Woonam'e Buildings corner

Aberdeen Street, January Dik, 1846. of Pottinger Street, Queen's Road, where they will

NOTICE in future carry on their besiness.

Victoria, 15th December, 1845.



be obtained at the manufactory of the under signed.


NOODS stored in dry and secure Godowns on

the most moderate terms.

SMITH & BIRNELOW. Victoria, 16th December, 1846.


Russell and fox" ADEN" Superfice Blue Cloth : quality: Tiers, Bourne and Co Gent's superior White and Colored Bilk 1. M. Bull Gloves, a amalt Invoice of Shoot and a few Riding Wetmore and Co Whips.

F. FUNCK. Nye, Parkin and Co Russell and Co Wetmore and Co

DIED -At Ses, on board Ship Tonquin, November 4th. 1015. 1leurie Fuller, youngest Child of the Bev. Mr Shuck of the Bap. Mission in China, agod eleven months and elevou days.

JUBT RECEIVED Small Invoice of prime Marischino Champagna ("Duchetall" Rheims) and Orange Flour Water.

SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 1mb January, 1840

FOR SALE. EDHURSTS Chinese & English Dictionary' # 10.00 1Ntwo dito in prior binding, 11.00 Blodhurata Dictionary of the Eok-keen Dislest, 10.00 2.00


Medarf Comparate Vocabulary of the Chi-

se, organ and Japanese Innen Dialect/ Medhurst's Dictionary in the Favoring of the Permon isnguage,

Medhorn's Disleges in the le Medbur's Noten on Chinese Grammar,.. Medhurst's State and Prospects of China, Collin's Translation of the four Beaks .... Premare Noticia Lingum Sialem ... Rembles of the Emperor Ching-Tiha Chine Tale, unnlated into English by Tain-ben, late of the Anglo Chines College, Mac,

A Lexilogue of the English, Malay and Chinese language ...

Victoria. Pth January, 1846

JUST RECEIVED. ND for Sale by the undersigned, a few plocas of superior Tartan suitable for Coals and



Opposite the Commissariat, Victoria, 2nd January, 1846, *FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. To. 8 Buperior Manila Cigers.

Spanish winos, Bberry, &c. in wood & bottles Manila Pine Scarf, Handkerchiefs, and Ladies Dresses.

J. DELMAS Corner Aberdoen Birest Opposite the Baker, Victoria, 10th November, 1846.

ALL Parties having claims upon the undersignet A are requoted to send in their accounts for adjustment, and all persons indebted are requested 2.00 to make payment to.







Victoria, 18th January, 1846.



| LL persons having claims upon the wnderuigo-? Aed are requested to send in their accounts for 5.00 adjustment; and all persons indebted are requested

to make immediate payment to,

Apply at the London liionary Beciety's Institution. Hollywood Road- Victoria, nth January, 1840-


TUST received and for sale by the Subscribers a large assortiment af India Condiments consist ing of Chutney, Mullicalasy, Curry Pasto, Indian Fish, Cayenne Sauce, &c. &c.



Napartement to let at Mr C. Duroto's Franch A taylor, with or without board, on asudurate terms, apply to the undersigned.

C. DUPUIO. Victoria, 96th September, 1815.



DEGS You respectfully to inform the Gentry

and the Public that he has Kemoved his Ea tablishment from Macao to Hongkong where he

Intende conducting his Business in all its branches and trusts by strict attention, to morit a share of the Pablie patronage which he has for this last two | years received:

More C. Dursio also begs to state that he in- tende to keep on hand a variety of Cloths suitable Jor the climate, likewise a selection of Drills and faney Joans for Costs ela, etc.; also an assortment of Boffs, Vallencias, Silke, Batins and Fancy Vle. vete for Vests of the nowest style and fabion.

MON C. DUPULO has all assortment of Gente Kidd, Silk, and other Gloves, Elastic Bracon, Batin Cravats, Stocks elo, oto, etc, all the above articles are of the best description that could be pro- cured in the, Colony. Gentlemen can depend au having their Clothes made in the first style of fa abian and elegance.

Address to Monu. C. Durvio, Taylor & Drapez Wellington St., one door from Graham St. Victoria, Hongkong, 30th May, 1846


day the 21st fratant at 11 o'clock


Pollinger Street, Victoria, 9th January, 1846.


Y the undersigned a few Jurs of superior Eng.

lith Paint Oil.



Pottinger Street Victoria, 19th November, 1947. BILLS OF LAJING FOR THE OVERLAND ROUTE. OR sale at this office, four forms of bills of lad-

ing for goods or specie shipped by the I. & D. Company's Steam packets, but for goods deliver. able at Londoo; 2nd for gouda deliverablo at Southampton 3rd for goods deliverable at Suez; 4th for goods deliverably at intermediate ports. bey are printed after the Company's formma on Bank post."

Office "Friend of China" 25th October, 1845.

CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re- cent ant (Victoria 7 & 8 ) for sale at this offer.

Office "Friend of Chiun.”

Victorin, in Delaber, #815.

↑ "INGUISTS R?rpets and Navy Delis f?r sale

at this Office.

Office Friend of China, 28th Dec., 1944, POR SALE. —At the office of this paper,

Compradores cheque books.

Ships Articles, with an abstract of the merchant scaman'a act endorsed on the back.

Charterparties, after forms by Chitty, Powers of Attorney, after forma by Chitty. Bills of Jailing.

Chiness Tariff of importa, and exporta,

counting houses.

{From the London Mail, Nov. 42.) LATEST INTELLIGENCE November 24.

The Overland Mail, from Calcutta the 8th, Ma- dres 13th, and Bombay 15th October, was delivered in London on the 22nd inst. The news by this op- portunity deems to confirm the belief in this country, that we are on the eve of a war with the Punjaub.

It is that reinforcements will

ON thin die sold by Public Auction at the bean countered proband, and that the 24th Reg

Godowne of Messrs. Jardine Matheson & Co. on

account of whom it may concern.

Ten casks Sherry wine,

Two do. Corks.

Filly cases Cotler & Co's: fine Clarel,

will proceed from Cork direct

Lord Lyndhurst continues in a very precarious state, and it is very improbable that he will be able to resume his scat in the Court of Chancery during the present term A marriage is definitively ar

Champagne, and Sauterne, all of first quality and eanged between Lady Georgian Toler, fifih daugh recently imported.


Victoria, 6th January, 1816.

Fifty pair Blankels, a quantity of fine Damask. TOR SALE at the Stores of the undersigned :— Table Linen, black and white Crape, and three Stationery, each coptaining a set of Books,

A quantity of Ladies Budents, Muslin do a Laine, and Cambric printed and Cotton Dresses for an office &c. &c.

De Laine, Cashmere and, Damask Ebawls, Lace of

all kinds, Flannel of different description, Marino Frocks, Ladies black and white Bilk Blockings, Gentlemans Check Shirts, Coats and Vents of dif ferent patterns, and of superior description, Cont Buttons, Men and Childrens Caps.




Queen's Road. Victoria, 20th Jeny., 1846.

An assortment of Glass Ware, Oilmans Stores, RAILEY'S Extract of Barsaparille, the best now

MOEWEN & Co. in use, for salo by

a small invoice of Jewellery, Manila Cherools No, Queen's Road. Victoria, 20th Jany., 1846.

8, Corned Beef, Butter and Cheese, Alsopps Beer, FOR SALE,

upon the lowest terms,

Terme Cash.


Auctioneer. Eaut Point. Victoria, 15th January, 1840.

“MeEW?N & Co. MENBRAI. Comasion and Shipping Agents

Wine Beer and Spirit Merchants. And Auctioneers Queens Road & Chiname long. Supply Ships, Families and foreign residente at the consular ports, with all descriptions of Stores,

ter of the Dowager Countess of Norbury, and Mr. John Gurdon Rebow, of Wivenhoe Park. Essex. The marrige of Viscountess Powerscourt to the How. Froderick Cadogan is delayed on accovi n the demise of the Cornices Cadogan The Rer Frederic A. Faber (the friend and intimate of Lord John Manners) has conformed to the Romish Com monion. Mr Faber wantecent a Fellow of Univer sity College, Oxford -The vacant seat in ibe Pre rogative office, occasioned by the resignation of Alt Capes, a proctor, who has embraced the tenets of the Church of Rome, has been given to Mr Decimus Dyke, younger brother to the Queen'e Proctor The income, averaging 1,5001. a year, arises from foen-A new daily paper, of liberal polities, under the editorship of Mr Charles Dickena, is to appea

to fndin by this mail with the view of organising a correspondence with the different Presidencies, Cey lon, &c.

RABS Cloth, a few bales of Manila Gras Cloth Cogane Brandy, Qin, Wines and Cherry Cordial, provisions, Whe, Beer and Spirits upon mo- carly in the ensuing year. A gcatleman pibeerd: Gfor asla by


Victoris, 20th Jany., 1840.

Queen's Road,


Victoria, 23rd December, 1816.

Jesate terms.

Also dry and convenient storage for goods, Victoria, Let January, 1840.





The julges before whom the importat question. C. Baynes, late senior Lieut fod Regt, ond Alex- ? appellation of the 74th (Highland) Regiment of Foot of intern stional law in thor ease of inorder and piracy | ander George Munto, lote Ensign 2014 Regt Gaud of as being cloud accordingly; that is to wear on board the Echo was argued, have not been able R. Coles, Esq. late Lie and Rest., and F. the tartan irews, instead of the Oxford mixture; plaid to come to a division, nifhave ?st?nated their with P. Fleming, Erq, late Eusign 81st Regt, are now eap, instead of the black chien: and the plaid scarf. that the points should be argued again by civilians lergraduates of Eagdalen Oollege, Cambridge; as wom by the 71st Regiment. The sheration of from Doctors' Commons on the aid of December. and LW, Singleton, Ean, late licut 10th Regt,ile dress in to take place on the next issue of cloth

Mrs Butter, formerly Fanny Kemble, has return has resumed his studies of Trinity College, Dublin, ing, on the 1st of April, 1846. ed from America, with the intention of resuming with the view of entering the church. Capt. Bin- her place on the English stage.

mons, late of 2nd West ludia Regs., is also about to take holy orders.

Count and Panieros. ?

Geh. Sir gobert Wilson has found it necessary to issue a general order againat gaming, an officer and En. Halsey, Royals, concerned this gambl

18th Foot --J. [L. Dwyer to be Assistant-Surgeen, vice Fraser, rea

. OFFICE OF Ordnance, Nor 14. Rl. Reg. of Artillery-First Lieut W. B. Clard G. Paget to be Firm Licut,, vice Gardner.

The Duke Ferdinand of Saxe Coburg, his son, having lost 3000; at play. Lieut. Langton, 661b, nor to be Sec. Capt, vice Airey, dec; Sec. Lieut. L Prince Augustus, and the Princesa Clementine, doughter of the King of the French, and Prince


ing nffair, have been obliged to leave the service

The woops available for duty at Chatham Car



Dear.-Continues without any alteration and

in demand at $30 per picul unscrewed. Many arrivals expected ditting the ensuing month,

Coffee About 844 por pecul is the nominal price, but there is little yet ready for shipment.

Impton-Our prices are nomniant, very hule or none to be lid of the best qualhies and trans tions. The stock of low qualites is large,

Riez-Scarce and to dend for hipo, but considerable purchases have been made for the province of Albay where the crop was deagrosed in the late typhoons.

SnoAm The Government has given notice to the Chamber of Commerce, that the deliveries f Leopold, with a numerous suido, have been on a

Segars from die Factory have been suspended, un visit to Her Majesty ni Wasdsor, The Duke Fer-

til suitable lent arrives for wrappore; and thnge. dinand and Prince Leopold have left for Portugal,rison, according to the last returus, are upwards of

neral opinion is, that no Segars will be delivered till 2000 m. The present effective strenth of the

the begining of February next, at the soonest. Sum Provisional Bau. comprises 1,420 inen, and the 65th,

Exported since our last to— 402 men; the remainder for duty are made up by Bernice, 8 eat yellow-Cochinal, 20 cwt.-Cord-

Chin-Beer, 871 in balk, and 747 in glass-old during the week nt #11 premium per mil.

Sapaxwoon – Many arrivale nad doll. the RI. Marina corps There are besides in hospital age, 2801-Cloth. 304 pe Woollen-Dimities 457

Excitanor on ENGLAND.-The operations dur 400 soldi.a sick, including the invalids in the goods-Flannels, &c., 318-Clails, 40 ent- Glass, Ing the wook have been at 4.6 for 6 months Bilk, neral hospital. A number of recruits are daily ar- 2,000 lbs Flint Bletals, Grof Iron-Spirits, 38 g which seems the fixest rose for the present.

TONNAGE.-? per ton of sugar been admis. the depots of those regiments serving in India.

The following on-commissioned officers and 556 Silver, and 6 Gold.-Winca, 141 gs French; for some time. Privates have been awarded medals and money. 262 gs Pont; 168 g Spanish-Woollens and Wor for meritorious conduct:-15th Hussars, Serjeant

The Blenheim and the Hague (both 72 gun ships) are to be fitted as block ships at Mesto, Wigram

The following Midshipmen have passed for Li tiring from the several recruiting districts to join Brandy; 234 go Genera.—Silks and Worsteds and Led for England, and this rute likely to mai

Anil Green's,

tennit at the Navalollege:-Messrs. P. Parris, to Exerical E. A. Drummond, to Vanguard; and

H. D. Graham, late of Spartan

Cossons, mixed, 80/—Sailcloth, 2307—Watches.

Our vessch-of-war stationed vn the Western Coast Welsh, 61, and medal-17. Berfount Hopkins and Meds, 9,7934-Stuffs, 5,000/ long and short cloth.

of Africa, from the 1st April, 1844, to th July, 1845, have capture no fiwer than seventy-fire slavers, the Americans having, during the same period cap tured one slaver, making a total of seventy-six cap, tured vessels during ● perjod of fifteen months and six days.

Private Flood, each 5 and medal.-21st, Serjeant Smeltzer, 15, and medal; Corporal Ilanlon and Private L'oyle. 5, each and do-30th, Private Gilbert, 5. and molak40th, Private Pascal, 54, and medal, Goth Berjam Brookes, 15 and medal, -63rd, Serjagt Wilson, 154, and do.-90th, Serjant Emane, 1, and do; Private Bmith, 51. and do.- 9ah, Privine Westang 52, and do.-25th, Private Burgass, 57 and do


The Vanguard, 80, has sailed to join the Expe rimental Squadron. The Ringdore, 16, has been paid off The June, 26 Captain Blake, has sailed For Valparaiso -The Kingsher, 12, Com. C. F. Brown, proceeds to the Cost of Africa.—The Pre

10th_Hussars, — General Order, Horse Guarde. sident, 50, Cape Stanley. fg of Rear Admiral De Nov. 8, 1845.-At General Court-martial, bel cres, has sailed for the Cape. She has en board six

ni Leeds on the let September, 1945, and continued -pounder field pieces 300 sounds of amunition and by adjournmera to the 18th of the same month, gun-carriages, for service at Madagascar. The Gey Lieut. Wiliam Augustine Hyder, of the 10th Hus zer. steam shop, has arrived from the Mediterranees, was arraigard upon the undermentioned charge, -The Tholia, 42, Capt. C. Hope, hau arrived from | viz:— the Pacific.

The Experimental Equadron-Extract of a letter from Her Majesty's ship Superb:—


"At Sca.

*For conduct unbecoming the charter of an officer and gentleman; for that he, the said Lieut. W. A. Hyder, being quartered with his Rigt at Ballincollig, dil, on or about the 17th Octubes, in the year 1842, at Inchers, near Cork, and with in -Oct. 27. Wind southerly. Long swell from north tut to deceive his Commanding Officer, Colonel wand.

Vandeleur, rodentous to prevail on Bilvester Oliver, Esq, that no one should, during such two months, get upon the said horse."


Degrees, Degrees.

7 to port 10 starboard


- 13

- 10 - 0

"Rodney Albion Superb

Oct 29.--Ward S. W. by 8. One point before the beam. Swell from the 8. E Course. &. E. all, plain sail set. Rate of sailing, five to six knots,

"Stuperb beat Canopus 1,200 yards.

- Albion 4.500

Rodney 4860 -

*Between Th. 50m, and 2h. 50m p. m.

"Superb gained on Conopus 2,300 yand?,

"Nor 3.

"Superb bool Canopus 1.115 yards,

-Rodney 1,300 — - Albion 3,650


Upon which charge the court came to the follow ing decision:-

"The court having acquitted the primer. Licul. William Augustine Hyder, of the Tenth Royal Hussars, of the charge perferred against him, cab The latter ship rolls most fearfully. We say out another month, and then to Ply of disapprobation on the violent, course, and uncal

Rot refrain from animadverting in the strongest terms mouth to be tuid up for the winter there or at Ported for language which he, the prisoner, has had mouth; but the fleet should have month and womb recourse to in his defence, in allusion to the charme about in the winter, and a month at sea and 14 dayster of Silvester Oliver. Ea in harbour in the summer, and then, and not other wise, you will have an efficient fleet; for four months in a vagaboni English outpon demoralizes all things, animate or inanim :te.”


8,000 yds printed and dyed.-Woollens and Wor Shanghai-Calicoes, 5,414,700 yd plain, and Reds, 37tid inferior

Hongkong-Spiria, 400 go Genera.~ Wines 2:2 6* Madeira; 350 g■ Port; 583 ge Spanish.


Hear.-Manilla is much wanted. Jute sells freely; ord to good at 12 10s to 147, and fine 14 10% to i


RAW BILK.-Public sales terminated on 7th Nov, The attendance of buyers was tolerably good, but the bidding was by no means spirited. At the sa 807 bales of China Silk were offers, of which about 400 beles were sold at a reduction of about 2 per b from the prices of the Beptember sales. The quantity of Bengal Silk was 1772 bales, of which about 500 bales found purchsters. The fine and best classes sold freely, but ul a reduction of ls to Is? Gd on the September prices There was a pretty! good demand for fair and god cons sized Silk with * good thread, and th ?s kud fairly maintained previ a rates. There were warly 100 bales of Jongy?! pore floure, for whichthere was late or no dimant, and it was nearly all bought in at nominal prices.

Price Current of Bengal.-Baulesh, infand com, Reed to 96d; fair, 10s Gd; Commercally, very bir to good, 176 78 to 20% 44; Corsimbugor, if and com, 10 to 10s 6d; fir 10i 8d to 12s 1d; very fair to good, 12 d to 18a; Gonates, inf aud com, Gl to 10s 6d; fair. 11 to 11 thi; very fair to good, 138 to 15% 70; Burripoul, infand coin, 9e to s 11d; fair, 10s to H 21; very fair to good, 11a Gil to 1925 40; ?



Per CIA, WIRGMAN, from the South Sea Islands, arrived December 29th, 1845.

1,300 Pecule Beche de Mor


Sandal Wood, Per COQUETTE, A. Banque, from Hong. kong and Chann.

(Wolcort & Caj 4.230 pieces Grey Shirtings

White Am.












Sp. Stripes






908 ?



Long Elle

Connie Woollews ('omleta

Dyed Collor.s Flannels

72 bolts Canvase


32 pieces Linens Chintz 300 peeuls Land

17 cases Buttons




Clocks and Watches 19 pecula Mute

55 cases of Wine, Sherry, Poet, Baileira

27 bags Cuals.


The court having maturely weighed and con- sidered the evidence in support of the prosecution, together with what the prisoner has urged in his dence (and laying cut of their confideration the Jetter addressed by Major-General Henry Wyndham Jagyporu, inf and coin, 80 5d to Dad; fair, 10 to to Colonel Vandeleur) is of opinion that he, the le id; very fair to gond, 11s Gd to 1; Ridnagom,

In all the wide province of Lower Hungary, no prisoner, Lieutenant William Augustine lyder, of inf and com, Os to Dad; very fair to good, 14 to 15 fairer valley is to be found than that known un the Tenth Royal Husara, is Not quity of the charge 6; Sundah, inf and com, 11; very fulr to good, 15, the Granthal, which derives its name from the preferred against him. and does, therefore, acqui to 10 tid; Doubtful, inf and com, la 6d; fair, Its river Gran, one of the tributarice of the mighty hima of the same,

Danube Taking it rise in the Carpathian chain, 6; very fair to good, 12 8.

China-Tatice, inf nad cam. Ula 9d in 10 dd; the Gran flows southwarda, wotering, on its way a air, 1710 18; very fair in good, 18 Gd to 20 district of which the picturesque besuty nelinis Yuun-fa, inf and com. Ila 74; fair, 15% 0 to 156d; evey beholder. The mountains that bound ita cal to 14s gd; very fair to goud, 15 to 158 Gd; tanton, river, course, akhough not sufficiently lofty to very fair to good. Is to 170; Payanam, fair 14 10 ley on either side, during nearly the whole of the fair, 12 to 148; very fair to good, 148 Gl.

givo a severe character for the landscape, are abus Ta. The market for all descriptions has intely la'y mo to convey the idea of peaceful scelusina, bed a quiet appearance, but latta business has been There is nothing narrow or cramped in the napeet done, and prices are slightly lower. Com sound of the servery; on the contrary, the plain spreads Congou bas brought 94d to 10d; good com, 101d to o broad and spacioua, voris d by hill and forest, 1a; but mid bike M, to 2d to le 6d; fine, la 9d to 1s enriched with verdunt pastures and productive 11d; and Pekos davour, 2 to 2 d. Pouchong, 4d onen fickle, through which the bright waters of the to GL Twonkays have boru purchased cautiously: Gran Bow cheerily on in manifold and fantastic com yellow leaf, ls 14d to Is 2d; brish M. is 31 to windings Is Gi; and Hyson kind, led to 2 2d; com Hyson, the rising ground, about midway through Is 11d to 2s; mid, 2s 20 to 2s 6d; good. 2 80 to 3s; this valley, there may be aren at the present day and fino, 48 2d to 3s 8d; com Young Hyson. 11 4d the remains of the old castle of Heristyei, its what- to 2s; Imperial Canton made, is 9 to 2; Twon tered walls and crumbling battlepients still frown- kay kind, 2 td to 2 44; and Hyson kind, 216d to ing, mementos of wars and usages long gone by, 3; Orongo Pekos dull at 20 10d to 3s for good and over the blooming country that surrounds i-Dur. fine scented; mid blkah if id; and full Sau da, is ing the prolonged peace that the district in ques 5d to Is 6d.

tion has enjoyed, and now tint for many genera. The Master-General of the Ordnance has oppointed

tione na sword has been drawn in enmity in that MANCHESTER. Capt. Jance Murray (Lato 99th Regt.) Barrack under an impression that these documents were not ingly dull; and though many spinners and many into ruins. Far different was its condition in those The demand for goods and yarn continues exceed fortresses of its class, has been allowed to crumble Master at Gospert, vico apt Paget Bayly deceased in a state fit to be produced in Court, and that the facturers are still under contract, and others decline troublows days when Hungary who encompasard tranquil and happy valley. Revinyel, bike other At the last half yearly examination at Sha?kur-t, Cape Wetheral, 17th Fool, apt. Al' Donnel, Rifle fair copies in his possession would be much better, to press their produce on the market, there has been and pressed on all sides by the Herce Outonian, the Brigade, and Lieut- Aitkin, 77th, received certificates should have sequaced in a proceeding the impa further decline of prices for most articles in which eastern wolf that was ever striving with clowa and of qualification, and the following Cadets were rehim, notwithstanding that Lieut. Hyder having been sales of silk on Nov. 10, there we a very full him by the weakened but unconquered Hungariaus, priety of which must, on reflection. be obvious to business had previously been done. At the public teeth to overcome the valiant resistance offered commended for commissions, without purchase: – Edward Hart, James Gubbins, Ben Sandwith, acquated, has not suffered prejudice; and notwiths tendance of buyers, notwithstanding the sales in Henry Townsend, William Fleming, Arthur Snow, anding that Colonel Vandeleur had in Court and London, and in Liverpool, and the biddings were Henry Ernest, Hector Monro, George W. Armit was ready to produce a paper which ho alleged to be very spirited. The quantity of eastern offered com period when the Turke were master of a large Froderick W. Desparl, James Stewart, Chas, Swafata copy of auch letter; and as to the whenticity prised 60 belse China and 30 bales of Bengal, of portion of Hungary, and towards the clows of a fiell, and Hon J. Browne,

nad truth of which copy Colonel Vandeleur, who which abaut two thirds found buyers, the former oaside the gnies of the ancient fortress of Revis warm spring day, that three men were assembled wrote the letter, the clerk who copied it, and the brought a shado botter price than in London, and an witness who received it, might have been examined, advance of Sd to Od upon the prices paid in Liver.tyei. The elder of the three, a weather-beaten old if Licut Hyder had thought fit so to do.

Her Majesty, moreover, has been pleased to roastled. The remainder was bought in, being held did also one of his companions, a young man some

pool-viz. from LG G4 to 18s3d for milling to fair officer, belonged to the garrison of the castle; a mero expires, which will be in a very short mark, that much irrelevant melter appears to been above the value. The Bengal was chiefly soll with | five-and-twenty years of age. The third of the

confirm the finding of the L'ourt

Her Majesty has been pleased to approve and, Her Majesty has been pleased to observe, that it appeared that after the assembly, and during a abort adjournment of the Court, a civilian, the principal Captains.-C. 11. M Buckle; J. Russell.

witness for the prosecution, did, in the presence, and Retired Capt,—J, Banks

with the acquiescence of Colonel Vandeleur the pro Retired Commanders.-C. Tullub, R. Whitwell; secutor, destroy certain documents, which, at the R. N. Rubidge; I Thoroll

instance of the prisoner, such witness has been duly Comflanders,-C. II Beddoes, J. 8. Ellman,

required to bring with him for production before the Mamers.-H. Webb; J. D Taylor.

Court - one of such documents being a letter having Burgeons-N L Delling: W. Loney, ML D.; reference to the subject-matter of the charge against ?, IL. Patterson,

Lieut. Hyder addressed on the 9th of May, 1815, by MILITARY.

Colonel Vandelcur to the said witness; and Her Majesty luas been pleased in express her displousure that Colonel Vandeleur, hastily acting, as he declares

Tho florse Guards hare determined to remore the Cavalry Depot from Maidstone Barracks to Woolwich Garrison, as soon as the lease of the for

period. The Maidstone Burrucks have been found extremely inconvenient and very unhealthy.

The Bishop of Norwich was formerly in the army, and the Rev. Gilmour Robinson, of Blackburn, the Grand Chaplain of the Masons of West Lancashire, was a cavaly officer at Waterloo.

A plan is said to be under consideration which, if carried into effect, will he likely to produce a regulablished law and practice, evidence to the general Lat supply of good sokliers to fill up the vacancies lhat are constantly occuring in the army. The ini- itia are to have innat efficient st in ench country; one third of the main body of the militia to be cin-

bodied for three years' exercise, at the same time

lowing the men te volunteer to the line.


Tras have gone rather lower..

MANILA. From the New Weekly General Price Current, Manila, 20th December.

gone into, and more particularly, that the character all faults, and realized fair prices. given a witness for the presecution was irregularly and unjustly sought to be impeached by examining witnesses to particular facts supposed to have taken place many years since, and unconnected with the matter before the Court; whereas according to en- character of the witness for veracity was alone ad- missible; and furthermore, that witnesses were ir regularly examined to contradict the evidence of that wilness on matters totally irrelevant to the issue,

COTTON Goods.-The demand for piece goods, sling charge preferred against Lieut. William Augostions worth reportiongThe large stock of Shirt

The Commander in Chief directs that the forego. Ten of coloured goods, during the week has been very dull, and we have not heard of any troume. time Hyder, of the 10th Royal Hussars, togetherings and Domestics has diminished little of bute, confirmation thereof, be entered in the general order American Domestics and Drills are likewise dull with the finding of the Court. and Her Majesty's and no improvement is expected for some time- book, and read at the head of every regiment in Her and only saleable in small lots, sufficient for the! Majesty's service.

By command of Field Marshal the Duke of Wel-mediate consumption of the market.

lington, Commander in Chief,

At the examination of eighteen candulates for ad mission to study of the Royal Military Academy Woolrich, the following used: - Mr Moury Anketell; 2. Mr Richard George Handcock; 3 Mr Gilmore Burichaell; Mr Charles Edmund Walcoty; 5. Mr Reginald Curtis; &, Mr Fleury Flobe Baun dars; 7, Me Francis Gerald Webber:8. Mr Fred- Close; 9. Mr. Wm. French i 10, Mr E. Adolphus Beymour, 119Mr El, Shakespear Allardyce; 12, Mr Thermas Pdised Byrne.

At an ordination held at Waterford, Mr James Thomas, formerly a captain in the 21 Ban, 60 Regt, was admitted to bol orders. Other officers have lately taken holy unders. We rrently noticed, among others. capt. Omney, Inte of 74% Rege C

Deth Font--Lieut. H. T. Richmond to be Adj. rice Grantham, who risigns the Adj. only. OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, NOT. 8.

Bugan-We bere been informed. that some of

It was soon after the middle of the 17th century,

persons composing the group was a fair-hurred and handsome youth of a noble family in Germany, who had lately come to Hungary and taken service with the Burgraro of Schemitz. Despatched with letters from his lord to the Count of Hovistyci, be bad reached the castle during a temporary absence of its owner, whose hourly expected return ho was now impatiently awaiting.

I trust, said the young Germno, whose name was Oswald, to one of the two officers who bore him

mission, he bade me use haste, and that I should company tract that the Count will speedily be When the noble Burgrave sent me on this bere. wear him the answer by to-morrow morn.

younger of his companione wits a slight smile.

Do you fear, then, to rido by night ?' asked the

Not so, returned the messenger, quickly; 'bat

wonld fnin be punctual in my servico.' 'Tis well," said Stephan, the older of the off-

(Sg) JOHN MACDONALD, Adjutant-Gent-- Current quality has been wild during the week, stcers, and who was one of the Count's most trusted

price there are several purchasers. 04, but the price general offered is 64 at which lieutenante The moon shines bright, and the distance is short. If you start after the evening The stock in the hands of the Clayer is calculat meal, you may still be at your journey's and when ed at about 22,000 picule, to supply the demand the first sunbeams gild the mountains. As to the till the end of March, by which time the sugar of Count's return you may reckon on it. He pro the new crop will commence to be ready for ship-mined to be back within three days; this is the ment,-No idea can be formed of the prices for third of his absence, and bis word in sacred for next year, no they will entirely depend on the od. small things as for great. Be under no uneasiness, vices from Europe.



RI. Rege of Artillery-8ee. Lieut. F. Vanaittat to be First Liem., vice Lucas, res.

WAR OFFICE, Nov. Memorandumler Majty has been graciously A. Sheppard, la ficut. 3nd Drog. Guards: Dunaki? pleased to approve of the 74th Foot resuming the


What aword is that, in which you thus confiske!" | "These will they remam til Hassan's victorious asked the Counters. show it to me, and explain band plants the glittering crescent upon the pur

nacles of his enemy's fortress, your reasons for such tebanre on its power."

This discoursing, and in full persuasion of the Revistys passed,an arm round the slewler waist of his tearful wife, and led her away in the direc- success of their entreposse, they arrived opponite to tion of the castle armoury,

the castle of Revistyci, which was on the farther side of tw river. On the bridge of the latter, a small party of flungarian horsemen were halted,

Can yonder fools be thinking to oppose our progscast said the Pachs, contemptuously.

They come doubtiens to treat f?r the surrender of the fort, answered the smooth-longued renegaile

? Ask them what they want,' said lassen to own of his officers. If they chose to deliver up my

Meanwhile Moker had returned to Lewenz, and, after reporting to lassan the acceptance of his challenge, kad again left his presence The Pacho remained alone with Ibrahim the Renegade.

My lord,' said the latter, you are but, if you fight wills thin Revistysi; it is ta vain to strive against lun sword Zuniga, kare ollen heard: | speak of that famous weapon, when I dwelt anong

the Christians, before the light of the Koran had sister, and burn down duir robbers' nest, they may shione upon me,"

depart without opposition and take walk then the What virlue then resides in this sword, cried body of their chief and whatever else belongs to laun, proudly, that my practised arm and keen thein."

The Turk pushed his horse in the direction of scimitar may not withstand 7

*Lat my lord_liston,' replied Ibrahim to the the enemy, and as he dul so, two of the Inter ad history of that marvellung blade. When the grentranced to meet hijas. At the same time the late Soliman, after the fight of Mohace, ilireatened Lier troop opened its ranks, and the Burgrave of many with his invincible legions, all the warsions Schemsuz, splendidly arned and mounted, appear. The Turk rn. of Christendom collected together to reast his faed in the midst of the horsemen, ther progress, and amongst them was a curtain turned to Hassan, accompanied by the Eluagarmos, Spaniard, by namo Alanzu de Zuniga. This Spanno of whom imunediately addressed the J'acha.

The Burgrave,' said be, out of friendship for iord contracted a close friendship with a Horga- rin noble, Andox Itevistyei, the ancestor of Thy our lord the Count of Revistei, will make the me foe. When the campaign was brought to on and. cemary arrangements for the combat, in comest and the Spanish op wara suomiol away by with such ease of your officers as you qay phase to the Emperor Charles the Fifth, Zuniga suu,ht appoint. When all is in Tenduscan, the Cona will come forth to the fight. Your ecuntenance is hates out Stevistyci, and spuka to him iban'

We shall probably,' said he, 'never meet asia ful to him; and he has no wish to see it til be can in this life, and when wo die, no one will remen | strike at it'

The Pacha chal a keen stern glance at the ca. ber our friendship, which is nevertheless as tim and as true a thing as any in the world. Give me negado, who, although evidently stated and agkat- then a token which may pass from father tol, spoolily recavered himself, snil bo useful to each who possesses it; and iwi. give you a like pledge. In that quanwer the scenery of our friendship will be carried down to ibe re- thotest genuimtiune, and be held sacral by our de


Is the Count well? emul lie to the Hungarian. My Lord Pachi will willingly count him mime should be be in any way indisposed."

flo dg it not," "replied the other. He is well, and eager for the fight."

sion of joy and cauliding love that kent a fresh but make the meet of your time, you who are s stranger in the land, and gaze your fill at the plochar to her enchanting countenance. Nature ant scenes around you. Test inc, Gst many seemed to have taxed her utmost skill to produce lone day you will remember with pleasure the the Countess that must admirable of her works

- perfectly lovely wean. smiling valley of the Ciran."

thave already, said Rovistyei, after reading The vermun looked out upon the beautiful and i varied landscop by which he was burrounded, tie botter, written to the Burgrave with the infor mation for which he oiks me. It is therefore nood and his two companions, whose eyes at first ine- chanically followed the direction of his, soon gavolors for you hurry beck, Sir Envoy, sad it would themselves up to the never-diminishing fascination took either hospitable of me, nur friendly of you, which fine seenery pactesses. Bilcut and pravive if you were to leave the castle at Uis late hour. they suffered their glances to roan along the wind-To-night, you must abide within my walls. By day jugs of the siren, and grent is the charm of break, if you wish it, you can journey licuce.

And after speaking a few words to Stepban, the that rulley, that even the okl warrior, who had been born and pursed half his life in it felt his heart Count withdrew with his lady to her apartments.

* For to-night, at least, boys,' cried old Stephan, soften and his eyes grow moist with pure as be

when his lord had disuppested, 'we will be jovind gazed at the well-know but ever charming scenery.

I have wandered through must patin of Alun- and happy, come what may tomorrow. And you,' gery, cried the younal afficer at last, but no no added he to the German, whall give us proof who where have I soon ro delicious a spot. 1 would ther you countrymen be soch valiant llagun-ang- wish to die here, surely it must be pleasant lying tiers as report describes them,

Presently, the tables were spread in front of the moid such heavenly scenes and under so flowery

castle, casks rolled out of collar, and fires lighted, ' *ward."

*Or on it von had better have said,' replied at which a copious supper was propstod; mirth Stephon. A anldier can scnico reckon upon and merriment, feasting and carousing, were the burial. He should be well content if it be granted order of the night, Dancing ont music succeeded him to die with his fect on his native coll, and in their turn, and the wild melody of the national Sylting for a fair eruse. And Iruly'tis for fair air rang through the soft mulight atmosphere, while here and there a group might be so haten muse we fight, whether it be for or country ar

ing attentively to the bold talks of the Turkish for our moble lady."

Who and whence is your lady 1' asked Oswald; wars and ul feats of Magyar velour, solated to them

*The by so scarred and gray-haired voteran. and how comes she to be the cause of strife "'

Have you not heard the tale 7 cried the young sists were growing dum, and the castern sky was officer. It is easy to sue that you have not been lighting up, before the last of the cavellers, whose loog in Hungary. Our Indy, you must know, is nose and numbers had been, however, for some the sister of Hasson, the Turkish Pacha who cum tine diminishing, fically departed; not, as is the innnds the frontier fortren of Lrwone. When fittedu after most kazano pleasures, nought remained but the lies of the extinguished fstival fires, to she necompanied him thither, and nithough no man had ever seen her unveiled, the report of her was nubuunce to the paster-ky that men had thure been Cerful beauty spread through the whole country, gathered together in rejoicing.

CHAPTER II.—THE CHALLENGE. even as a rose concealed amidst brambles perfomos the surrounding air with its surpassing fragrance.

It was mid-day when Rovistyck, standing on the Amongst hers, Count Revistyel bearil of its fame, Jost dough little of it; for our Hungarian maidens balcony of this castle, received Ustrak's adious.

Tell the Bargrave, said be, that he may do aro fnit to look upon, and we need not to seck for beauty amongst the daughters of the accused indel. the Counters and myself an exceeding great plea It no chanced, however, that on eld retainer of the sure, if he be so unded, by honouring tha pr Revisteis was taken prisurer by 11, and ale with his prescore. For yoursell, my young though a large ransom was offered for him, the read, you will not refuse the infling which reak her fan, but be true to him to her dying

I now udler you. Ja these unsettled times a man's hour. Take it, dear friend, and my it ever Turk, in order to vex the Count, who he saw Was desirous of his follower's release, obtinutely refused life may depend each day on the quaiity of a wee-eat on the heart of a Zooiga. to give him up. This came to the cars of Zelmira, pose, and those you will find excellent

So saying the Count presented his departing Elon's lately sister, and she besought bor bru

? Thin weapon," he said, 'was wrested from as ther to make liers gift of the prisoner.-Dedid so; guest wah a part of Turkish pistols, of rats work.

Arabic by one of my forefathers. On the blade is for the affeling he hors is sister was so gival, lip, and richly inlaid with silver,

They were Use arms of a brave wan,' canlinu.

an inscription signifying that whoever wields it to that he could refuse her nothing. She had the

Jafend or avenge what he loves best in the world is captive brought before her, and questioned bimed Keristyvi; the much-dreaded Achat Aga wurd concerning the Lord of love, but, strange te them at uw girdle till the day that he fell beneath certain to slay his opponent. Let it go down at beirloom in the finaly of lievityei, and to be uses any, the Cound's deeds of chivalry and arms were my sword. The last shot which he fired with thorn

was aimed at me, but it scarce grazil the sken, | by its poster to guard what is hart howd already known to her. She related then, and the prisoner bar anly to confirm thoir truth. She did at the same monot my blade pierced his heart." deareal.

Alter expressing in tining termin bis trunks and ? As you have said, so shill it be,” replied Andosed get him at liberty; he returned to the castle, and

bis tazewell, the gratified envoy was about to do Rority, and frean this day Forward shall the toll ihr Count n) that had occurred to him."

|awor the knowra by the name of Zuniga," Grently surprised and touched on kuning the past, shman vilicer approached the Count, and in interet the benutiful Turk had shown in his ac formed him the Turk from the fortress of Lewenz Lions, the Coaut pastered on the mess of getting in an adunce. Rovistys gave orders for kan stumradenta a?-mistance, and requicated Owwal ? te 34 night mest speech of bet. At but hon h?t impensa plan. Hassan hel got together from the adjacene delay his departure a brief space, in case the Turk rounity several hundred labourets to work at it sou?ld say anght worthy of being communicated fortification of Lewinez The Count digolsed Burgrive. The next ingat the folding. dants of Lou Djotuncal wem thrown open, and a himself as one of thum, and by this means was en-

tall lig?nu cour able to enter the town. Stow he mausged to pro

The broad woulders, short neck, bushy black Zelmitu and speak with her, I know nui; but see her he did, wooed her, and won her, and sh agro-beard, and deeply-macked kutuik, of the new co mur, couted hau to be insediately recognised, by ed to fly with him from her brother's power,” A peasant woman who was minongst the fabourers at the majority of time prraunt, as Moktur, one of the Turkat cunun ilin at Lewenz. Win an air Lewest brought widets for two inrn, with led bor se, to conceal themselves on a given evening in of bad dece no approached Keristyei.

*Sir Count," mit he, Jiusgan, l'ache of Lnwen The neighbourloal of that town, and at widnight the Chum joined them, hringing with him Zulmira, demo to thee, the unbelieving lord of eristyc disguised in the canigo garb of a peasant girl. By Irand wad c?nuing hast thou stolen away his They sprang upon their horses, and reached their, and lie has revolved to punish thee for the | deed with his own hand. Although thus art no castle in enfety.

Two months have elapsed since then, and the ter than a consuton tief, u will comencend to infidel sister of Enasno lias econ-o the Christinal dico in fair and open geld, and is eight days wife of Revistyri's bond. She was baptired by the will repair liner tu fight thee. Zolnirn is to be name of Rom, but her lost loves best to call the prize of the cungurive. As the bure in the desert thiroth for the cool fauntain, and his rider her by her former one of Za limita,"

And is she really bar a came as report for the slide of the palm trees, su do inman declared her to be inquired Oward, when the Clave after the day of inde. Hu blade which as so ofton drunk to blood of unbelievers, shall be young officer concluded his narrative.

dyed a yet deeper red in thion.”

The bow of Revimyai grow dark, and his eyes


Whilst the two Caristons, with Moktar and a There on Rmistyei drew from his breast a ring, which im always carriest suspended rosad na small party of Turks, returned to the Burgiave, neck by a triple chain of gold, and gave it to ?u who began to mark out the ground at make the aceful preparations for the cumbat. Suasan tormed iga.

*This,' said be, is the ring of Fadridy; whoever | to Ibrahim, mustriet, doula, anxiety, and di-suj pets it is certain that his Inly foro will nevoi pecased fury depict d'on la a dark cutienter.

If the list stervived me,” said br.from between bis set tovili, Faul if he lives to side out to the com but, rest myyured that the first flash ul Zuniga's sword shall be the signal of thy death." I know thy tnbitious dreamss, an I that, in the hope nderg eccling me, thon wouklet gladly behold my tall Therefore is thou brought me into this strani, But beware! for the pit thon bust dag for me skati receive us both."

To the Spaniard produce a Moorish sabre, and buckled it round his friend's waist.

And be clutched Ibrahim's art with mu iz?n gripe, un tauugh fearful of the excups,

To caun? live, my kord," repled the terrai regale ; it is not pa sible. I unself-administer

to huna deadly drug


li woo

Meunahile the place for the dugi was marked There were no Lesta ar Gartista rrected, thu *The trends colorated each other, and then rock brendile med lo sgtle at the ground berg merly me forth, the one earl and the other west. The e-iented by four lule groups of Turks and 114- vistyou have kept their sword, and many a fve lots garians, Metioned at the Caut canners, but the dust before lae gind blade of Zumgas. Ar further agreed that the two coul?ialta s'utili such, slaai my lord, will mevitaldy be your fato " nenher see a st speak to exchuthet before engaging, Hasanu paced marasity up und down the apart· | but that itovistyei should rife over the litulge and mont: pride and the love of life waging a fierce at once stinck Thutan Sword und dagger were contealta bis Great Repressing a malicious the only weapons to be used. wole, Inokim resumed;

When alf was ready, the Bargrave took my th?c * Uno consulation remains,' said lar, * to the man station appointed to him as umpire. Three slud?, who expaces himself to the blows of this warring Grod by his order, served us a signol that all was sword, Although his own death is unavoulably, in readiness, and at the sound, the castle gut-s there is a chance of his mortally wounding his opened, and a gallant train of horsemen issued Legeniel I be word slaju thosa upposed to it, but | f?rth Jasan a the reneg de stramed their dues not ensure the sulty of its beurer,"

eyes to dutinguish with it was that rode at their

? Wretched coffer! fiercely interrupted Elissau; head. By the coal black charger that paced prond. since you know no safeguard against the informally along, champing the bit and spotting lus jetty cant with flakes of fusin, by die snow white p?atn weapon, why cripple my courage by such tales.

Ibrohim shunk back, abushed at the onger of that nodded on his steel cap, and the colure of his his chief, and remained for a while plunged to re- ancient turned suplayed opan his breast, tiny re- cognised Stevistys. The sword of Zuniga glittered section,

There is one way,' he said at last, and only in his grasp as his boren's boofs thundered acrvas und, of extricating your life and honour from this the bridge. peril. I will vontura in disguise to the castle of Revityei, and which my opportunity to possan you, fun. In eight days, when you preses your self to de hun baitle, by will be drad

So bu it, then,' said Hussan : “but hasten.* 'I rink much in this undertaking,' said (belim

? Nuite it yourself” replied the Pache. The hall of your treature, and your sisters hand,' said tbraun, after a moment's hesitation.

Both shall be yours,' answered Hassan. But hasten."

Ibrahim fulded his hands on his breast in token of obedience, and left the room. The l'acha gazed scornfully aner ki.

Truly in lie,' was the reply Do you see yonder minna lilling iu brigla dise above the dark pine word? Bts Fais silver the mountain tops amiflusued lightning, at this insolent speech, but bond my roward should be proportionately geval fill the whole valley; the river seems to flow more restrafovd his wrath, and his reply was calm though joyously in its light, and even the grey walls..four

Tell thy chief," said be, 'thot in eight days alazile an ear to grow younger der its mild influenco Even so do all things look brighter and shall expect him. Though his blade be red with Chritia blood, any sword Zuniga shall not flinch gladder when Zelmira spyware.'

And Ifastan fine nut nitarked the castle ?' asked frum crossing. It was true to my colors, Orwald, interupting the young ofliver's rhapsody, and will not fail me. Thou hast my answer

Not yet,' said Suphan'; but doubt not that is, Begone!'

And you, continued the valiant Count, turning long he will seek to revenge himself and to recover

to Uswaki, tell the Burgrave that I now beseech his sister."

Let him comel cried the impetuous young sul-cartly to come this so week to my castle her: let bim cone, Uno never fight better than and act as umpire in the approaching combat."

Muxtar cast a glance of scorn and defaneo mi ja lafence of beauty,

Restvet; Uswald bowed low, and respectfully

CHAPTER II-THE COMBAT. prewed the band which the Count offered to him, and then the two envoys descended the staira, sido And did you yourself sen him swallow the poi by side, but stura und silent. As they were getting on?' said the Pacha to Ibrahim, as the lottor was to here in the custle yard, Zelmira came out uturs sting him to arm, on the morning of the day a

pointed for the combat. the clapel.

I here is little in fear," said bin concode. With the word of Zuniga in his good right hand the Count is certain of victory.

The sword of Zunign, repeated the German; phat my that be 1o

Ther. is a long story concerning it, repled Stephan, which wi uomo ainer inoment I may pur- npe have leisure to tell, and you to listen to. But how, thus in wanting; for I hear the Count up proaching."

-Moktar!' cried she, how fares my brother?' * In eight days bo is to fight with your husband, and on your account, replied the Turk, sullenly, as to throty himself into the sadille, and without ruucnsuling another word, desbed through the gateway.

*Presumpto fool!' said he, half load, thinks thom to mingle the 6thy puddle that now in thy renegade veins with the blood of a Hussan ? My guld night give thee, but Zelmira, nover 1 Let thy work bo dune, and shou dieat the death'

? Tu "ke,' exclaimed Hassan, rage choking his, dag! he asked, bu shove his keen dagger into the heart of the pule traitor who ruda trembling beside him, and then, with the cuurage of despair, he set spurs to his stov?, and galloped forward to encounter Revisty?i,

Scarcely had their swords clashel together when With that of the Tuck was shivered to the hill. certain death before his eyes Hassan still thought of revenge, and plucking from ite ekgath the dagger that yet reeked with the blood of his betrayer, be hurled it with elinust saperhumann force at his op poet. The blow took uflect, the Coum, dropped his sword and fell stom his borse, which galloped riderless cross the plain.

With a shout of exultation. Hassan sprang from his steel, and santching up the much-dressed sword, hastenal to the fallen an, to feed his hatred with the expiring agonies of his foo. But as he bent over tho prostrate form, what features met their view! Far different were they to the detested Re vistyai, sau alas! for beltor known. The bead- proce had fallen off; the fuho beard had becoina displaced; the lovely though pallid countenance, lie beauteous eyen, now fast glozing in death, were those of Zahnira.

For one moment Hassan stood gazing vacantly I did, my lord,” replied the renegade, with my own eyes did I see it; and rest assured when you on her face, seeming scarce to understand what arrive beneath the battlements of Revistyei, it will had occurred; then the whole extent of his crime be to witness your enemy's funeral, and listen to and misfortune appeared to flash upon and over- the wailings of his retainers. Amidst the general power him. He turned the sword of Zuniga a grief and confusion, it will be casy to store the furt gainst himself, and fell lifeless beside the body of

his beloved sister. and carry off your sister."

Almost at the same instant a funeral train was Fully convinced and rendered confident by these assurances, Eless mounted his steed, and, follow-seen issuing alowly from the open gutes of the c

by a strong squadron of picked uien, ascunded tle. It was bearing the Count of Revatyci to the the banks of the Gra. The river camne rushing tomb of his ancestors. As though awed by the murmuring to meet him, but the snow on the solemnity of the scene and the mournful tragedy higher peaks of the Carpathians was fast making, they bad woersol, Turks and Christiaus took up

their dond and separated in pence. and its waters were swuliod and decoloured.

As we uttered these words, the chatter of horse fort upon the red lending up to the castle became

Victory will be for the noble Count l' cried Os audiede, and presently the Count of Revistyei, fol- | lowed by a miniall party of man-at-kinis, galloped up well, sputting his stood, and following the Moe- to the gair, at the samo moment that Zelmira issued low out of the court. But the word of consolation from her apartines and advanced in joyful haste was unheid by 2 Imirs, who was already hanged to meet huelmund. Scovlatyei sprung liom his ing round iner husband's neck.'


horro and clapel her to his beast; his iliron days” | You are to fight with Human cried abe: w?l absence had seemed three years to his impate at my brali?'

Either that, or resign you,' replied Rurinyei, love; int his fifewels and retainers now crowded

Boon, thought Hesan, as in rode along, shall To this day there is no more popular tradition round to welcome him, and his blushing bride ex- tenderly. You see that the combat is unavoidable.

*O God!' exclakened Zehnura, and if you pefish! this strong current bear down with it the frag among the peasants of the Granibal, than that of Iriented herself from his embraco. Tiw-Count bal

ments of that proud castle of which the lofly bat- the beautiful Zekoira and the last Count of Revis. kind word for every ono. and presently, when My brother is a skidud and hardy warrior."

1yei. Have no fear,” replied the Caunt. Many a tlements are now relected in its waves' The first greetings were wrer, Steph in presented to

? The tears of Hovistyoi'? ratoiners have troubled | == the waters, uid the renegade, guessing at the thoughts of his chief, and chinting in with them ac cordingly. Yonder wists that brood upon the mo, untain top betoken the saducre of the ChristianN

him the Borgraro's envoy. Who levistyci was worse denger have I passed in rafely."

eding the letter which the young German pre-if you fell, I will not survive you,' cried Zel- Fented to him the latter had almokdant leisure to mim, in accetits of resolute decision."" Admire the wonderful beauty of Zulmira, whose ? I shail not fall," said Roristyei. The good sword

yes were fixed upon her fansband with an expres Zuniga is a sure safeguard."

Edited, Printed and Published by Jouen Camp, At The Friend of China and Hongkong

Gavale, Printing Office, Govon State

VICTORIA, Hongxoxo, 1846,





VOL. V. No 7.





PRICE ? 12 per annum.

Terms of Subscription to the “ Friend of China and Hongkong Gazette," per annum 013. Six months $7. – Three montha 91; all paid in advance. Credit prices, $14, $81. – 50, and 85, for the periods

of twelve, six, sad three months respectively: Single numbers to Subscribers 25 cia. cach, to Non-Subscribers 1 Rupee. Parties calling or sending to the office for papers are requested to pay cash. Terms of Advertising.—Teo lines and under $1 ; additional 10 conta per lino. Repetitions one third of the first insertion. Ships : d'irst insertion & 2 ; subsequent insertingo 45 cent. Advertisement un hava written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will bo published until countermanded. In all instances, those who are not Buberrib?re, must pay in advance.


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fis Nothida Majesty's Convul.


Nethide. Consulate, Canton, 3rd October, 1845.

NOTICE. R. HENRY H. KENNEDY is authorizod to sign by procuration for our Arm at Sheng-

MACVICAR & Co. Victoria, 12th January, 1848.



Y the undersigned 26 Boxes of Turkish smok-JF JOHN BATSON, son of the late ALICE BAT Ding Tobacco,


RAWIE, DUUB & Co. Victoria, 17th January, 1846,

P?ANO FORTES. very elegant Rosewood cabinet Piano, 63 Oo- tares, with metalic plates; also a Mahogany Plano of a similar description for sale at the Go downs of,

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. BEER AND PORTER. AN Invoice of Bear and Panter by a late arrival

for sale by,



son, of Wapping, Liverpool, will apply at this office be will receive a letter on his family affairs. Uffice of the 'Friend of China,' {

26th December, 1845.


THE undersigned has established t?mself in this

THE Steam Bhip Braganna, Cap- tain Lewis, with Her Majesty's Mail, will leave this for the above places at daylight on the 1 of February, 1840. Cargo will be received on board until noon, and specie until 4 v. a. on Saturday the $1m Inst. This route offers on opportunity of visiting Bingapore and Pinang, re-

place as Commission and General Agent in connection with Messis Fonteu Brornens de Ca maining a few days at Ceylon, thence to Madess or Calcutta in 3-4 days from leaving China. Steamers

(Speecher, Canton Appegrell) Switzerland carrying are also understood to ply between Colombo and

on business under this name and on acement of thle firm.

L. EUYSTER. Bombay.--Specie, Bilk, nad other Goods, may be

Manila, 13th July, 1845. forwarded by this route to Medres and Calcutta, and will be retained on board the Steamer at Galle | hai.

FOR SALE until the arrival of the Sues Steamer for those

MANILA Rope of all sizce. Also Elceringe places, when they will be transhipped free of ex-

Cherry Cordial. pense. Arrangements are medo in the Blommere

BURD, LANGE & Co. Throughout for the convenience of the Native Mer-

Queen's Road. at Shanghai, on behalf of the Asiatic Marine A few dinner, breakfast, ica and coffee sets; also glas diaper seta complote with docanters &c. chants of India. proceeding as passengers and cer-

Victoria, 2nd January, 1846. tain accommodation is reserved in those from Cat-surance Uffice, payablo in Hongkong, Calcutta,


NOTICE outte, for Passengers from China, joining the Soca Madras, Bombay, and London.


ARRANGEMENTS, having been completed for line at Galle, to secure which it is requisite that

UST Received per late arrivals and for ante by A the erection of an Ico House, for a regular Agents Aviatic Marine Insurance Ofice, notice of at least two mouths ba given to the

the subscribers. Victoria, 12th January, 1846.

supply of Ics. Parties who may be desirous of Company's Agent here.

war-adding their names to the list of Shareholders will NOTICE.

Information regarding the rales of freight and pasange can be obtained by application at the Peninsular and Chiental Steam Navigation Comp's Office; and shippers are requested to take Notice that a Shipping order canol he granted unless the contents and value ho distinctly marked on the outside of each packago for overland transit


Victoria, Hongkong, January 1st, 1844,



HOUSE situated on the North Side of

Gough Street. Apply to



RA Commodious and well fuisbed Dwelling House, at the corner of Peel Bireet and Gnge strast, consisting of dining and drawing rooms, four bedrooms, offices on ground Book, schwere vani apartments 4c. For particular apply to

GEO: STRACHAN. THE Eastern side of the large and com. modious house situated in Welling ann Street and now in the occupation of Mets Gilman & Co. For particulare apply to,

Rom Cath. College's Superior. Victoria, 2nd December, 1845.


TWO Convenient Homes in Gough Street. with Verandahs, each containing mine Rooms, exclusive of outhouses, enquire of

ROWLAND REES. Pottinger Street. Victoria, 6th December, 1845.

TO LET, House in Gough Street. Apply to, JOHN CARR.


THE premises known as the office of the "Friend of China; Three Houses situate in Welling. Ion Street, commanding a fine view of the bay; Shop and Store situate on the Queen's Road, in central part of the town. Early possession can be given. For further particulare apply to



THE undersigned are prepared to issue Policies

: the Godowns of the undersigned.

Patent Salamander Safes of various sizes


THE busions of the undersigned will from the fanied sedure in the hottest fire.

tat proxime, be carried on under the firm of

Patent Weighing Machines from 700 a 3,300 Blanken, flawson & Co.

**pooads, which can be made to weigh poculs and

RAWLE, DUU? & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1846.


FOX, RAWSON & Co. 81st December, 1845. FOR SALE-AT the Godowne of bioare

Blenkin, Rawson & Co., Burton Ale in HCUPERIOR Sherry and Madeira in wond: also from Worthington and Robinson.

D a few half pipes and quarter casks Capa and Hongkong, 15th January 1840.

Tenerife Wines Sherry, Madeira, Fort, Claret, Cogne, Cherry Brandy, in 3 2 & 3 dozen cases. FOR SALE.

KAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1846.

T the Godown of Monte Blenkin, Rawson de A Co Allsops Pale Ale in boule: Barclay's Porter in bottle, Superior Sherry, Madero, and Port, in wood and bottle.

Hongkong, 15th January, 1946.



Thomas Buhayton, Hathawat Nye has this day laten aliistud a partner in our

XYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, January let, 1846.

NOTICE. THE undersigned have been appointed Agents si Canton for the Globe Iurance Office" of Calcutta, and are prepared to grant Policies pay. able in London, Calcutta, Bombay and Canton. MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co.

Canton, 10th November. 1845.


BLEACHED and Brown Canvas Nos. In 7.

Sewing Twine. MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co. Canton, 1st January, 1146.

FOR SALE. WEBSTER, Gordon, Cort & Co's, superior Madeira, in Hhde, quarter and half quarie casks, and in c. FLETCHER & Co.

Hongkong, 1st March, 1845.


THE interest and responsibility of Mr. Chris. topher Fearsu, in our firm cho

FEARON & SON. December 1844.

Macro, ist January, 1846,



Nassortment of Anchor and Chain Cables, A Europe, Manila and Coir Rope, Hemp and Coton Canvass, and several Spare for lower and topmasta.

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1948.

FOR SALE. WO Ponier; one accustomed to carry a Lady.

Both warranted sound. Apply 10,


Quee's Road, 15 Jan: 1846,

FOR SALE. CAUNDERS Pale Octuber brewed ale in Wood, Alleope Boer in Wood, Port nad Sherry, Champagne and Claret. Apply to

ROBERT STRACHAN, Victoria, 25th July, 1845.


W. Shipping Agent, Auctioneer, and Wine and

Spirit Morcham

Whole Sale and Retail.

be pleased to communicate with Mr L. A. Stone No. 2 Gough Street, who is authorised by the Ico commillee to receive and register applications for shares.

Hongkong, 21st October, 1845.

UN SALE BY THE UNDERB?GNED, NETH of richly eut glans, consisting of Quart and Pint Decanters, tumblers, Wine, Claret, Champagne, Flock and Liqueur Glasses, all to match.

Patent Stoves to consume their own smoke adapted for either house or cabin m?.

PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victoria, 20th December, 1945.


NCHORS, Chains, Europe and Manila Rope, A Navy and bleached Canvas, Navy Buck, Bunting, Paints, Oil, Solt Provisions, Bread, Flour and Marine stores of all

13 Queen's Road,

passes bass and wester in den and Lend Water pipe, Bhoet Lead, Bolder, Ocres, Plaster of Paris and Stencelling Patterns, Stores, Grates with Fewlers &c. to mrich. Nautical Almanneks for 1846, and Maxila Cherools No. 3 and 4.

HUMPHREYS & Co, Victoria, 1st December, 1845.

NOTICE. THE undersigned has just received from the well

ing Wines of the choicest quality which will be disposed of on the lowest terms

Champagne Bherry

Ports in Pip



Also Cherry Cordial

CW. BOWRA, Victoria, 19th December, 1846,


Has on sale, of which musters can be seen at the show room Port; Sharry; Claret ; Champagne; Bull and Sparkling Mosolle; Brandy; Gin; Alsops, Base's, Baunders and Roc's Bear in Hhds and Butte; do. do. in boule; Bengal Gram in 2 maundUST opened and for Sale at the stores of the

bago; Europe Rope; Paint & Oil; Guns & l'istols, An assortment of Painted Floor cloth of hand-


A large assortment of Carpeting all patterna, to alterns Splendid Paper Machokered Flearth lugs & &e. Tartan and Ubeck Coils, Carpeting; Saddlery: Bengal Hill Handkerchief

Speede Endian Arrow Ront; Blankets; Grey and Drills and White Cotton and worsted floes, La. White Blirting; Satin Jean; New Bottles in dies Musline De Laime and Printed Dresses, Lace Quarter and Pinte; Deals; Anchore and Chains and large mortment of Perfumery, stationary

Victoria, 19th December, 1845.

THE business of the undersigned will from this FOR SALE.

date be conducted in the name of C. B. Cum MARINE Lot No. 64 Situated between the lots TOM & Co., his partners being as heretofore, Ep- of Messrs. MacvIGAN & Co. and FRAMIRE WARD M. DANIELL, and WILLIAM DICKINSON of JANORTJER Baq, measures 200 feet sen frontage, the firm of Damell, Dickinson & Co, in London Also some very superior India bottled Pale Ale Table limon aud Oilmans Stores of all descriptions

and Liverpool,


and altogether is a very desirablo lot. For further particulars apply to

FLETCHER & Co.--Hongkong.

or DIROM, GRAY & Co.--Canton. Victoria, 1st July, 1845.


T Victoria Hongkong, in a central position,

valuable water side property, consisting of wharf, spacious lodowo, dwelling and out Houses; all in perfect repair, and now let on lease. For particular, apply to

C. A. FEARON, Masso,, ist July, 1845.

TO LET. THE upper part of a House, having five large

rooms, with servanta rooma, cook hoves and Godown attached, situated in the Queen's Road. For particulars apply to

HUMPHREYS & Co. Victoria, 9th December, 1846.


part of a commodious and will

Canton, let January, 1848. TR. Room Jacson is authorized to sign our

firm by procumtion,

HOLLIDAY, WIBE & Ca Victoria, 26th December, 1845.


THE undersigned are prepared to late Policies

of Insurance at Shanghai on first-las vessel payable in Hongkong, Singapore, Calcutta, Madras, Bombay and London.


Agents Commercial Inmeranos Company. Victoria, 20th August, 1848,


to sign for our Firm by procuration.


1st January, 1840.


THE Tdwelling Hueso containing deren rooms with THE business of the undersigned will in future servants rooms, and outhouses with stabling. For further particular apply to,


No. 1 Wellington Terrace D'Aguilar Street.

Victoria, 24th October, 1845.

UNION INSURANCE BOCIETY. WEESRE DENT, BEALE & Co. are authorized in Itaue Polices on behalf of the Society at Shanghai, payable in Hongkong, Calcutta, Both bay, and London.

DENT, & Co. Seca. Union Insurance Society. Victoria, 1st January, 1848

and Manila Cherools three years old; and a variety of other articles.

Bails made and repaired on the premises by ex perienced sailmakere: Canvass of the best quality at lowest price.

Goode received from alongside ship and stared in dry Godowns on the most moderate forms.

Goods, Letters, and Parcels forwarded and busi.

tracted for Partice absent.

Victoria, 12th December, 1845.

THE Schooner * ALPHA,” well manned |_ and armed, runs between Hongkong, Macao, or Cumaingmont, ne required; carrying cargo Opium, Treasure and Passengers, at most mo derate terms.

W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 5th September, 1845.

FOR SALE & now Palanquin Carriage, Ap

ply to

W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 23rd December, 1615.


Mr. ADAM BOOTS under the firm of W. SCOTT & Co. A dave. Apply to

be carried on in connection with the Brother A Bey Byney Horse wound and quiet to ride or


Victoria.. 1st Angust, 1615.


W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 19th December, 1845.

Candles &c.

D. CHISHOLM. Queen's Roail. Victoris, November 21st, 1845.


few Buperior Baddies and Double Bridles; small size and suitable for Ponies. Also a variety of fancy Doeskin Cloth

LANE, ROWLAND & Co. Victoria, January 6th, 1810. ?FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED.” No. Superior Manila Cigars.

Spanish wines, Sherry, &c. in wood & bottles Manila Pine Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, and Ladies Dressen,

J. DELMAS Corner Aberdeen Street Opposite the Baker, Victoria, 10th November, 1845,


ON SALE-At the Store of Mr. John Smith in

Macno from Dr. Junter's.

Soda Water Manufactory there.

Macao, 11th January, 1816.


GABRIEL has taken a commodious house si- FRANKLIN has just receive for sale. tumedat the Corner of Graham?tient, a short south Queen's foud, be in. French Merino in

THE Undersigned hove formed a partnership, for W. the following articles, ju for Ladies drosace, distance on the ofthe fuel under the above tule

the transaction of a general Agency and Com. minion business, wnder the respective Firma of Twilled flannel, Table covers, Sporm Candles pre- Gentlemen arouring him with their patronage RAWLE, Dous & Us at Victoris, and Dous, servos, pickles, Mustard and Sences, Ferintosh will find their comfort strictly attended to. RAWLE & Co. at Shanghai.

whiskey, Britannia metal Tea and Coffee l'ou. The 6. D. RAWLE Bole of these articles for sale at moderate pricos N. DUUS Victoria, Hongkong, 1st October, 1848.

in any quantity to sent purchaser.

Keying Blouse, December 19, 1845.

All the articles supplied will be of the first rote description.

A 'T'buraton's Billiard Table on the Primiser, Victoria, 14th March, 1848.




To the Editor of the Friend of China.

Dear Vir, -The "Organs" last inue has a mote referring to


All was

Admitting that the trado of Hongkong in 1 ronder it valuable to a great maritime country | Asspicion. The philology of that singular langungu was submitted to a new investigation to ascertam perfectly insignificant-loss than it was two uke England is obvious; but we object to the years ago—we are by no means inclined to attempt which has been made to exaggerate whether the terans in which Flongkung had been the a lesser of "Alpha's" in which the Elite exproses bisihink that such will always be the case. It is its value at the expenso of Hongkong. If Bir tradered, were equally understood by both par opinion that us contente are incomprensible, as the author ofam anaway that there should be nothing before the the opinion of many, that but for the restric Henry Pottinger orrod in his selection and to imply a perpetuity of concession. Public that can ading of doubt, and therefore fing you will tions which have been put upon it by the pre-that is a matter of opinion-his error is thaw of tight. All right. The treaty was in good faith. permit mo through your Journal to acquaint the Ednar v The Organ that medy tour full explanation and adace rent Governor, and the injury it has received the government which he reprosented, and that and has been faithfully observed. In the theatre of the world it behoves us to take care that we are the proof of every point directly weted of alluded to and from the advantage the Chinese rulers take of gorornment cannot now repudiate his actions not the first to break it, ond that a war, equivocal. much more, if he gives a publicly the oppurtunay ni ono or two clauses of Sir Henry Pottingers

ly commenced, shall not be still more, or rather doing so, and if “Omega's" Letter should be published so no treaty, we would now have had such a share to allow me time before the mail leaves, 1 will undertake to

till less, equivocally renewed. meet ewey part be may have attempted bi contradict to miss of the commerce of China In the muta time the Editne of the thegan will have co caws In complain by muy expressing the conviction that his nom- comprobemin of my letter of the 19th inst, probably arise for metal-iquity.

Your ac. &c



UATATIZ Now. 30 Sintoma




Urso States









Nov. Bept


Jan. 11

Dee 10 Jany. H Jany. 13




The Plato came down with Commissary General Miller yesterday and returned in the afteravon The indemnity money was paid seretal days ago, and put on board E. M. B. Testal.

There have been no further riots in the city, nor any chops issued since thoso referred to in our last We presume the Pluso will remain off the factories at least until after the holydays, and the other vessels of war be kept at Whampon.

HONGKONG Vanava CHUSAN. The affairs of China appear at length to st- tract attention in England. The Tower has a long article on Chusen, and it is said that the retention of that land has been discussed at meetings of the Cabiner.

In England, wo fear that the press, and the great body of the people, are but fadly inform od as to the relative merits of Hongkong and Chuneven tho Timez blundors woefully in ita remarks upon the two islands. It is taken

would induce


But might we noi mfely leave Chim and Frauen to the embarras ments and revenges which would to the sure and spontaneous result of so preposto. caus an arrangement! What has France to do with China? Do the French drink tes? Do they export colton-twist and calienes? Do the Chinese drink wine, or import Inco and silke? Do they wont Europe, and what line France to offer but the ka. yout, the bullet, and the shell Her destiny is great, but it is only Eurapoan. A spell retains her holwoed a few plains and seas-within alte lives-without she destroys Lokny" in her lan- unge is a term of second intention, denoting a certain military position of peculiar difficulty. Trade is a misnomer for intrigue. The merchant ships she sends to Polynesia and Australasia are freighted with death, and retorn with calamity, They offret no business except they have the good fortune to meet with a market of blood. The w latinos established by there means vanish with cho smoke in which they are generated. France bas sent out many enibussics, many missions, many co- lonies, many expeditions. Where are the results? Sean the terrestrial globe, turn it round and ot trace the shores, scan the oceans Scarce one to suit in left. Let France send her frigates and war. steamers. Let her occupy Chuono with 20, ceo. Let her spend millions in fortifications, in puste, in cordons, and ancientes. Bootless and ridi. rulous alimenty | To Bitia purpose have you so cruelly disfigured the braum of that peaceful mea! Something unplenas hoppens at hente our re lations are unhappily disturbed, and Chan is


It is with real concern that we observe a grow. Merchants to retain, branches of their establishing desire in the East to trifle with the solema ments in the colony. Unfortunately, however, obligations of the Puttinger treaty. Our Indian the policy of our own rulors has been unfavo-spondent one suffered himself to be swayed by able to local commerce, and the consequence the popular lose. England, it appears, rough has been the rumoral, &r contemplated ramene strange inadvertence or stror, has proper

for herself great mortification. Having really !! New leertisements, will be received, until 4/val, of at least six firms to Canton. It may be the islands of the Chinese sex to choose from, and clocks and fancy workboxes? In fact, once out of

O'Clock, on the things previous to publi believed that in the course of years a more laving by the sccident of war inado very good beral policy will obtain, and-though slowly-chaice, she threw away her advantage in the huur ration, vix: Tuesdays and "Fri-inys.

we predict that the commercial prosperity of of negotiation, and is now under the painful neres Hongkong will advance. Irrespective of the sity of zolinquishing the better choice and abiding operations of buying and selling, Hongkong has by the worst. She first pitched on Chusan which enminercial advantages not possessed by Chu was found to be beautiful, fertile, and populous, san. It must be borne in mind that Canton is with something like European climate, command still the part of foreign trade in China-especi-ing the entrance of the chief river of the empire. ally the trade with Tadia, which is greater than and, indeed, all the eastern and northern coast that with Europo. It thus become necesary, happened, also, to be of somewhat larger dimen that the houses engaged largely in the Indian moms than the harren rocks we have usually de and coast trade, have one point from whence lighted to honour with the meteor Bag of En- they direct their operations, despatch their ves gland" Nothing could be better, and at home and sels, and carry on their correspondence. Failing towever, thanks to a little bad deciphos, and

were in ecstacles with to charming a conquest Hongkong, "they would choose Macao as in

some villanous description of spirit the Chiname, Gurmer years. The arrival and departure of the had left in their cellars, the troops got very unhra English and Tudian's maila is another advantagedy, and, as usual, the clusate was traduced. Cbs which the foreign Merchant derives from an was condemned, and the barren rock of flung Hongkong, and one of which he would probakony, the resort of pirates and smuggles, was de bly be deprived were Chusan mado a British | liberately preferred. In the famous Pottinger trea colony. In the event of any very serious dist, we bound ourselves to give up Chusan as soon as the whole of the operation money should turbances at Canton, Hongkong woukt be a place of refugo to nearly all the foreign Mar- have been paid. The last instalment of sycen silver chants-prejudice would take a few to Macap, will be paid to a day, and from that day we have but choico aml interest would induce most of nothing to do with ChinaT,

Unfortuantely this is not all. Five ports were thein to settle her. It becomes a quostbu whether to trade of Canton would not follow, opened by this treaty to the trade of the world

It is in in for you to establish notpreis furteen When we look upon the hostile feelings mani. They were selected with the greatest care, and

thousand cales from your European citadel We fested wwards foreigners by the inhabitants of army in accurance with information obtained shall currs on the war from fusion, na we did before. the provincial city, such a calamity as the de-through some mother lawless researchre pushail.

What is your point d'opper, what your resting- struction of the foreign factores is not improb gestion of the Company. In fact, we had already cobis. We shall quietly crupy your turke, your

in anticipation of an outbreak, at the private sug place between Chertswory and Chusaw↑ Nie rua m able, and hence it becomes necessary that the

fik our way, and dune liula traffic under the rose barbours, your places," your theatres, your hotels, British naval station be near the chief port of those very parts. It is now discovered that threr We can afford to be just, and leave China to deal trade,

of the newly-arquired ports are good for nothing with Chusan as her own discreton and good tasto Much has been written in favor of the harbor 4 plucca ulitude, viz., Anoy, Foo-chuw-foo, and

may sugges at Chuson. It is good, but in no particular Niagpo. There is morn British trade carried on for granted that Chusan in a place with a large superior or even oqual to that of Hongkong at Chusan in a months then in those three places pens to be a real ground for the Indian rur

Happily for the peace of the world, there hap trade, and that tongkong is without trade en-which is pronounced by uvalinen in bed in a jour. We morely gained a loss, therefore, by feat France had pruenteal from the clestial Fan- tirely. Now this is nearly correct as refers to of the finest in the world. England requires n dipulating to give up Chusun, which tre hail in our Hongkong, but incorrect as refers to Chusan, naval station on the coast of China, with duckstrap, and might call our own, in egalange for the pire the reversion of Ch. The islen was im probable sugh. That France, indeed, should that being the seat of but a very trifling foreign where H. M. Ships may be repaired without worthless privilege of entering three tradeless and wish for Churn, and even sok for it is not invol commerco. Viewing the two islands comnor the delay and the expence of sending them to infrilly ponts.

Bomething will mare vezations remains It is are persons-and those not the most remarkabla sistent with the unor of her, aspirations There cially, Churan is to Shangt ai what Hongkong ludia. Abo in already in possession of a gonuid, though we cannot imagine un what authority, for succesful acquisitiun — who appene deeply in- gilly Canton that is, slinuld trade be driven harbours though no yes we have not hate that by the secret articles of the separate treaty bued with the sentiment that nothing in best hy nak from Bhanghai it would fix itself at Chusan, it has been determined to take due advantage contracted by Antonin bu bist als for repairing vessels of war. Its fo from an then the intand is to be given up to portunities. it must be adinitted that they dont

Cluny, and were trade of it by forming a navy yard, with all the other traced by France was the Celestial Empire; and if the Fresch have this keen rare

British bayonet slaappeare-l their antions! honour, to condescend to vain im Hongkong. Whether the probability of such the navy the British Merchants in Chia must our ambitious and imitative rivals. We are to aupee the wisdom of repressing the cravings of fruit. an occurrence at the great northern mart is look for protection, and in the present aspect offer the galling ease and repturch of seeing Chuan les acbition. The improbability, therefore, of sufficient to induco her Majesty's Ministers to affairs, Hongkong is the place where the naval French poression. We will declare at once that such a secret Itraty as rumor set forth wes not commit a gross breach of national faith may be free requires to bo stationed, with small vos we cannot give credence to so imposable a surmise.

We think it is not for sols at the Constilar ports as stipulated for by China has shown herself far too generous and far should give are of her most beautiful islands, and Len the side of France. That Chiun, however, a matter of opinion. - though such things may have occurred in the treaty.

too wise to perpetrado en gratuitous an insult to us most cherished provinces, to na akaulite stranger. slays of Clive and floatings, they are as totally As regards climate, Chusan has the advando uno smry a mischief in herself. England whom nt present the neither loves nor fears, is ul opposed to the foelings of the people of Engage of flangkong, though un this subject there land, that they would not be tolerated in an in- also been much misrepresentation. That ago when every step of public men is measured Hongkong was very sickly in 18 year, thoug to a hair breadth. The permanent retention undeniablo, 1944 was also a bad year, though of Chusan we consider as impossible, unless it the deaths were chiefly ninong the military with is fairly bought aurl paiel for, or until in game a few Civilians not acclimated. 18:15 has more future war with China—shouki mich a calamity | fully tested the climate, many of tho causes be unavoidable--it is again conqunced. Ch?. of malaria having been removed, and it is now san is not a place of trade, nor would it be almitted that the climate is good better than oven as a British colony, unicas commerce the average within the trupica-It is true, that were drawn to it by the encouragement of the in 1815, there was much sickness among focal Government. Wore it colonized, like the troops, but at un time can that be takon Hongkong it would be a heavy expense to the a criterion of climate. Their quarters have home government, and of luile advantage to boen bail, thair food probably indifferent, and commerce, unless, as we have already hinted, they are of necessity exposed to the fun, ales a liberal and a wies local government held out | to night dawa, whilst on guard. Great as th? great inducements to Nastice inerchants to inaku inoriality among the troops has been, it has the grand emporiom for the North: aud con-not in een when quartered at Chusan


ARRIVALS. sidering the bigotted, narrow minded, ignorant, | M. 20th Regiment when at and tyrannical measures of inest British colo- during the late war. It is said that the sick.

Moreover, 21, Stalkart, Dickson, Calcutta. nial governments, and that of Hongkong espe- news which carried off the greater part of the very part of the world's circumference nuw bears 21, Ariel, Burt, NatiON.

a painful testimony to the colonial, or taber im 99, William Jardine, Small, London 9th Sept. cially, during End Stanley's administration of 20th was caused by bud quarters and had pr. perial, incompatibilitire of England aul France. 22, Dart (Am), Baylis, Shanghai colonial affairs, there is reason to suppose visions: probably such was the case, but so far they are too great, too noble, too ascendant, to be 29, H. U. Str. Plato, Com. Airy, Canton that Chusan would be dealt with more fairly as quarters are concerned the same observation cluse neighhoute is the fold of tabition and en- than Hongkong. Certain it is that British Mer. applies to Hongkong during the worst years torprise at hums they may dwell as brothern, JANUARY, chants would not again allow themselves to be (1812 and 1843) aud indeed to a certain secure in their ancient boundarise; but abroad, 21, Prociosa (Rp), Pardo, Macao. inveigled into building, until they saw a detent to the present day. It is not merely that Sol where they are on the more, two such meter-spirits 29, Loochoo (Am), Hatch, Whampon. termination on the part of the local government diers are more exposed to desses than Civis feannot safely chah. They must choose their se 22, Warlock, Jauncey, Lumsingmoon. to encourage commerce and support their in- lians, but gyen aflor they are sick, they labour versletde of our. The cussion of Chess to 82, Ariel, Burt, Calcitita, terests. Supposing that Chusan were colo- under disadvantages which render their roco- the French would be too like a triumph and too 22, Woodbridge, Poulton, London. nized, it would not be a great mort for years, very more doubtful. Civilians when convales

REPORTS. and the amsertion put forth by the Times, that cent are ordered a change of climate, and they

Titanio, A. F. Anson, Whampoa. there is quare British trade carried on there in usually remove to Macso, or take a sea voyage,

John Christian, Thomas, Whampoa. a month than at Amoy, Ningpo and Foo-chow-but poor Soldier cannot avail himself of

Preussischer Adler (Pruss), Schutt, Whampon foo in a year, is quito incorrect. It is true that | much a privilege, he remains in the colony, has


is enough without France; and thina has shown terly inconceivable. China has no territory repase pilien to handle that most dangarts of A vast number of her people are born, and live, Clive indeed found an Indian Prince, and an Ku room to build Hosting cities, the can ill afford to edge toule, playing off one enemy against another and die on the water. Forced by were lack of ropean nation, besotted enough to dupe one another throw away fertile and pupulous districts. Indeed, Chins greater simplicity thaw graced the old dy. tory so the great satios herself, or any other meat- to their mutual discomsture. But noture bas given she has displayed quite as great a value for terris nasties of Bengal, and experienca bra impared to ber of the European brotherhood. It certainly Freace & discretion at that time unknown to Hol cost her a pong to part with the few acres of bar- Lod. We will not believe that China and France rea ruck and clay which are all that we are ever are secretly sworn to a compact which China would likely to call our own in the Chinesa seas. We ar know full well coull answer to earthly purpose but little expect to see that highly-civilised ecce berter annoyance to England.

Unquestionably such a transaction would partake in their docks and their herds for glass bugice, of a hostile character both on the part of Chine their empire the interested civillies of an "oulun

no returning with the gift of integral portions of and on that of France. Common sense indicates dish" and "barbarous tribe, T that what is ubnoxions is near skin to botility. The prestige of British sovereignty will still cling rival intrusion will cease to offer evident violence to Chuan, and many years must elapse before n

British recollections sail honour.

like a defent, not to aggravate the pride of one party, not to disturb the equanipity of the other. riot that the treaty might allow it still-summum

ja tumma injuria-though reason might acquiesos

ear bearts would inform us of a wrong.

rather than for ourselves. They who furnish in- Thess, however, are considerations for others

tolerable provocatives must be answerable for

at the two last named ports little has been done in relapse and dies, or the desease becomes as yet, nor at one of them (Ningpo) will there chronic and he is invalided with a constitution pver be a great outlet for manufactured goods shattered for life,

The cession of Chusan to Franco we have frat anzisly should be to fulfil to the very letter o the almost inevitable result. For ourselves, our or Indian produce, as it is too near Shanghai, which port being contiguous to, and having an looked upon as a bugbear. France has no tra- compact which has been so far literally fulfilled 10- island communication with Suchu,-the chief de that would warrant the expense of a mili-warde us. If there crer was a national act unaui. rest of the silk traile, and probably the greatest tary culony on the coast of China, nor do we mously ratified by the whole people, it was the inland commercial city in China-will con- believe that she is anxious for such a cually Gumous Pottinger treely. All parties, Minister, ex- tinue to be the northern rival of the southern bauble. If, however, she longs after Chusas Ministers, the metropolis, the nation, merchants, City of Canton, Ixit as refers to Amoy we ap- and China is willing to part with it, we cannot | manufacturers, operatives, and Parliament, united prehend that it is now a larger market for in-sco that Great Britain has any reasonable ub. in jubilations for the treaty and in bonage to the ported goods than Chusan, and it is more likely jection to make—America is the second cous-with who was its ostensible instrument 'The Put to be a port of export. Chusan with all its morcia) nation in the trade of China, and her tinger treaty has been dignified into an epoch of beauty has nothing to support trade within trade will probably increase, but she cannot oo-the world's history. To England only appertained itself, neither has Hongkong; but the informant lonize anywhere, it being contrary to the con- of the Times is wrong in asserting that Rice |stitution to hold foreign possesions,

Wo have perhaps gone into the merits of and Fish (the chief articles of consumption a-

mong the Chinese) are cheapest at the former Chusan and Hongkong further than may be pe The reverse is the fact; for though cessary, as we are satisfied that the British


Nor could it be considered deficient in those preu. the glory of accomplishing it in behalf of the world, advantages with which victors are want to be rewarded. Besides an actual cession of territory,

our lowes and indignities received ample compen sation. Payment has been made with a punctuali



Hongkong does not grow Rice, it can be mi-Guvernment will keep good faith with China ty unknown in the fulfilment of European com 1846,





9, Bombay Castle, Fraser, Manila 27th Nov. 10, Sophia Fraser, Mackellar,China 29th Nor. 11, Sir W. Wallace, Rose, China 28th Nov. 11, Audax, Oliver, Calcutta 25th November.

12, Puppy, Cole, Macao 2nd Deamber.

13, Brigand (Port), Macao 20th November. 13, 1er Witch, Reynell, Macao H Dec. 10, Mary C. H'obber, Amoy 30th Novembe 17, Anna Eliza, Grainger, Macao 11th De 18, Sir H. Compian, Brown, Macao 11th C.. 18, Red Rover, McMurdo, Hkong 1th Dec. 19, Fris Virma (Posi), acao 14th Dec. 20, Futta Mombarruk, More, China 12th Doc. 24. Pauline (Brem) Lamko, Manila 10th Dec. 24, Elizabeth. Porking, Amoy

20, Flecka (Sp), put back from the China sen. 26, Prince of Wales, Jones, put back from the

Chinn sen.

80, Guess, Wicherly, Amoy 20th December.

ported from India at a lower figure than it can and meatore the pledge intrusted to her. That pacta. The terms were of our own dictation. Jany. 2. Eeperan?a (Post), Sennon, Macao 23rd Dc. Chusan posscases advantages which would China surrendered to an extent which even excited

be grown at Chusan.

4, Ardaster, Evans, Bombay 8th December.

5, Antares, Drewit, Elongkong 27th Nov. B, Lady Stary Wood, Cooper, Hongkong

2nd January.

DEPARTUREL Dec. 11, Zor, Parker, China.

13, Awlan, Oliver, China.

17. H M. Str. Vulture, Hongkong. 22, Tarlar (AID), Lockwood, Macao. 27, Amelia (French), Manila and China. 81, Sapphire, Fittock, Hongkong.



[E CHRISTOPHER bags to inform the Li Ladies of Hongkong that he has just receiv. JUST seceived ex A-ken a small_favnice of od by the "Braganza" a splendid assortment of prime Cumberland Tinina and Cheese. Indies French Silk and Gauze dresson, large ca

SMITH & BERMELOW. chomiro, lac? broch?, Barage matin, Labrador. Victoria, Gth January, 1810. Yelcudine dourie, and other robes; Ladies plaid Silk shawia and Scarfs, Cravates gouffries, and CMITH & BRIMELOW have removed their

NOTICE. Mille rais, of the Latest style, which ho offers with stablishment to Woosham's Buiklinge corner confidence as being the newest and most distingu? of Poulinger Street, Quton's stond, wherothey will lot of goods that has yet been recolved in Hongkong. in future carry on their business,

Also gentlemen's Blank Bilk and Batin Crav?is and Waistcoatings of superior quality.

NOTICE. TUIE undervigood have this day removed their Per Sapphire-Deputy Assistant Commissary establishment to the house was side of tho General J. Routh

| Ordnance Offles Per Water Watch —Mr and Mrs ilarton and fa.

PHILLIPS, MOORE. & Ca Victoris, 22nd January, 1816.

1940, Jany. 6, Ft. M. 8. Serprat, Nevill, England Ardnacer, Evans, China.



Per Antares -? H. Brings Esq.

ANJER SHIPPING. Nov. 24, Harbinger, China for London,

24, Wheeler, Manila for Sydney. 26, Arain, Balls, China 25th Oct for London. 27, Pamenger, Watson, do. 27th October for


28, Macedon, Redaap, do. for London. 28, Sy, Wooden, do, for Hobart Town. 29, Maggie, Apence, do. 7th Nov. for Livpool. Doe. 3, Seppo, Dunlop, do. Isah Nov. for Loulon 3, Sarah Louisa, Ukihem, do. 14th Nov. for

8ydney 10, Pandore, do. for London. 22. Sapk?t, Tanner, do, 9th Dec. for Sydney 23, flood Success, Cowie, Bombay 20th Nov.

for ('bina.


THE HOUSE in Queen's Road lately occupied

by Phillips Blouse & Co. Apply to

HIGHENDON & Ca TO LET. Small House No. 9 Pottinger Street ; enquire of Just Bear., corner of Queen's Road aud Poltinger Street,

L. JUST. Victoria. 22nd January, 1846.

NO) (CE.

E woderaged have received gathered from the Directors of the Imperial Fire Insurance Office of London, to issue Pulicies on the New Puildings at Canton

, 23rd J

MACVICAR & Co. Int16

Victoria, 16th December, 19:18,

"NOTRE. NOONA stored in dry and weure Godowne on

the most moderato terms,

BMITO & BIRMELOW, Victoria, 15th November, 1845.

“FOR BALE. MEDIURATS Chinem Englies Dictionary





ISTORY, ?), MIURUIT. TAYLOR 419 DRAPER FROM PARIS. DEAS most respectfully to inform the Gentry D and the Publio that he has Removed his Es tablishment from Macao to ilongkong where ka Intende conducting his Business in all its branches and trusts by strict attention, to meril a share of the Public patronago which he has for this last two

cara rocaived.

Mons C. Duruja also began to mate that he in tende in keep on hand a variety of Cloths suitable for the climate, likewise a sel?ction of Drills and fancy Jenna for Coats etc, etc; also ng assortment of Buffs, Vallenc?ss, Silke, Satina and Fancy Vie vels for Vests of the newest style and fashion,

Mone. C. Dervio has a small assortment of Gents Kill, Silk, und other Gloves, Elastic Bracor,

Satin Cravats, Stocks etc, etc. atc. all the above articles are of the best description that could be pro- 10.00 cured in the Colony. Gentlemen can depend an 3.00 having their Clothes made in the first style of G

shion and elegance

dio In superior binding,100 Madhura's Dictionary of the Hakkeen Disloot, Madhures Comparative Vocabulary of the Ch nose, trean and Japanras Innowage, a m

of the Por








JUST ARRIVED, AND) for Sale at the Stores of the Undersigned, AA superior Invulco of ilmans Stores con. sisting of Pickles, Bottled Fruits, W. W Vinegar, Madhuron Diethanaty in the Favorlang. Diabet - Sauce of sorts, Cherry, Strawberry and Raspberry

Madhors' Dialogues in the Mandarin Dialect, Juico for making Ral?da, Jams and Jollies, Cur- Medi's Notion on Chinese Cimmat, and |ranta and Raisina in Tina, Maccaroni and Vor- Madhura's Staw and Prospects of Chipt, ... mlolli in Tins, proserved ments and Soaps of sorts, Collie's Translation of the four Books..... Berkley, Cheddar and pine Cheeses, Smoked Waire's Nocilie Lingum Salem ... Bacon la Tina, l'icklod Ox Tongues, Prime Salt, translated into English by Tun-Ban, late

-Rambles of the Empre?r Chlog Tik - a Chinen Beef (Loadenhall), Fine York, Hams Best Dalch of the Anglo Chinese College, Malnecs, ** Butter etc. etc. Also Flannel, Wrappors, Tagli- | A Lexilegus of the English,dlaley and Chinone} on, Cotton Socks and Stockings, Thread Gloves,

the London Missionary Society's Institution. Apply at Scotch Tarian plaide, Corkscrews, Tape measures,

Hollywood Road Bail noodles, Lettor Clips, Hras Tapa, Batin

Victoria, sais January, 1966- Stocks, White and Black Beaver and Silk Wata, Fek Hats, and a variety of other articles too n? merous to mention.

MOMURRAY & Co. Victoria, Aberdeen Street and Queen's Road, 23rd January, 1846.


WH.FRANKLYN, Queen's Road, Victoria.

has removed to the above premises frum Kering House, where he wil in future carry oo the business of wholesale and retail commission and shipping Agent, general dealer, auctioneer and Wine and Spirit merchant. Goods stored in dry and secure godowns and forwarded on the mor moderate terms. The undersigned has Lorches and a Scbonner running regularly to Canton, Cum singmoon and Marco. Charges fur passengers as fullows:-

To Canton

"Cumaingmoon. * Macau


These vessels are all well ormod and part man- ned with Europasne. Every variety of goods on view at the Shew rooms.



Aildren in Mona. C. Durvia, Taylor & Draper W'ellington Nt., one done from Froham St.

Victoria, Hongkong, 30th May, 1845


NENERAL Commission and Shipping Agents

Wine Beer and Spiral Merclyn11. 5.09 And Auctioneers Queens Hipod & Cinams long. Bupply Ships, Families and foreign residents at Salt provisions, Wine, Beer and Spirits upon m the consular purta, with all stescriptions of Stores,


JUST IMPORTED. TX " Apax ** Superfine Blue Cloth 1st quality ; Gent's superior White and Colored Bith Glovos, a small favoice of Shoes and a few Riding Whips.

Victoris. Pak January, 1816.

"JUST RECEIVED. ND for Bale by the undersigned, few piecos A of superior Partan suitable for Coats and Trowerk


desate terms.

Also dry and convenient storage for goods. Victoria, 1st January, 1840


JUST received and for sale by the Subscribers a Jargo smortment of India Condiments consist. ing of Chutney, Mullicatony, Outry Pasto, Indian Fish, Cayenne Sauce, &c. &c.

MCEWEN & Co Victoria, 20th Jany, 1946. Quern's Road, DAILEY Extract of Burosparilla, the best now Din use, for sale by MOEWEN & Co.

Victoria, 20th Jany.. 1840. Queen's Road. POR SALE, ARABB Cloth, a few bales of Manila Gram Cloth, LT for sale by

MCEWEN & Co. Victoria, 20th Jany., 1846 Queen's Roud,


Opposite the Commissariat. Victoria, 2nd January,1846. NOTICE. ALL persons beving claims upon the undersign ed are requested to send in cheir accounts for adjustment; and all persons indebted are requested HATS, a large amortment of Black and Whito to make immediate payment to

Victoria, 8th January, 1810. NOTICE


RS CHRISTOPHER respectfully begs to to MRS

quaint the Ladies of Victoria, that she has mceived a large assortment of Childrens clothing of different patterns and quality, suitable both for sim mer and winter, from the ages of six months to l?n years inclusive, Also a lot ofhildrens kahit Shirts and Collars; Ladies and Gentlemen's Blond

NOTICE. THE undersigned are prepared to lasue Policies sence office, payable in Hongkong, Bingapore, Calcutta, Bonbay, and Londen,

MACVICAR & Co. Victoris.23rd January, 1916, FABULAR Statements of the Commerce of Sia- gapore for the years 1810-41, 1941-42, 1842- 49,1913-14 with an abstract view of this saine contiR WH FRANKLYN has the honor to so

nounce to the community of Victoria that ho|| murd in 1815, (in noe bound Volume) prepared has received instractions to subunit to Public com and Cambrick Handkerchiefa ; Gentleman's Ciloves under the directing of the Heath'o the E."1 Competition at an early day hereafter to be pamed a of different enlor: Ladie's Blools and Shoce,

most unique and rich assurument of English Furni- |-* Vietnek. Dasamsher 98th, 1844. ture, to which he begs to call attention, as he feels

TR CHRISTOPHER respretially bege to in- sasured that acthing of the kind heretofore has boon form the inhabitants of Hongkong. Mastor landed in the colony. Consisting of

ping, aw compilled from Official Doenmute. For Balu by R. P. SAUL.

D M. THOS RIPLEY & Co's Price 10 Rupees sach. Victoria, 2nd January, 1846


THE Gollowing Parcels forwarded by Mesure Tom & Core the office of the un dessigned, and will be delivered to persons duly cutbarked.

I Parcel addressed, "Officer Commanding 18th


Ditto "Gaweral (Aguilar."


Beaver Hats. Alan, Boots and Shoes. MOEWEN & ?a. Victoria, 29th Jany., 1846. Queen's Road,

FOR BALE UST landed a few llogabeads Buperior Dark Colored Cognac in bottle, of first quality.

Colored Brandy. Also Dark and Palo


Queen's Rood

Victoria, 20th Jany.. 1840.

OR BALB. By the undersigned."



Bear, and Stout, all of the first quality. EDWARD NEWMAN, Victoria 7th October, 1845.


THE scriber having succeded Mr. P. Town-

of Vemels &o. that ho has this day opened (to-

SEND, 21 Auctioneer and Commission Agent, Mefreshment Rooms next to Mr Just's in die Queen's

kraspocifully solicits the patronage of the Merchan's Bond.

A printed scale of charges for Breakfasts, Tif- and foreign Peridonta in Hongkong and China. Am. Dinners do, which will be at extremely mo and bopes by a prompt attention to bosiness, lo derate charges, will be hung up in the premises merit a continuance of the patronage bestowed The English and Local Newspapers to be had at upon his predecessor.

the most luxurious, in Crimson and Purple rocco adjusting themselves to the posture and in which to sit is to reposa. Superb and Costly


in Cloth and Gold-Gold and Mahogany.


Round, Square, Oral of the highest polish in Rose- wood and Mahogany, unrivaled


with spring borechair cushions wooing balmy sleep to the fortunate possessor. CURIOUSLY ELEGANT LADIES TOILETS with bandsome Microve abovo, of u lata fashion. ALSO,

Rocking and Bed Room Ency Chairs, dining and drawing ditto, Washing Tables with Marble tope drowsing ditto and a variety of looking glasses of every description with an assortiment of Perfumery, highly ornamented Musical Boxes playing 4 and 6 tunes.

The whole to be on view from Monday next the 20th tetant till the day of Sale (of which das potice will be givon) at the Godowns of Augustus Carter Esq, Spring Gardens,

1 Ditto B. Brown, Esq, H. M, 18th," 1 Ditto "C. 8. Compton Esq., Choton."

RAWLE. DUUS & Co. Victoria, and January, 1846.

FOR BAL RATES complete with manicl piocca. Also

Tow handotte Stoves

RAWI.B. DUITS & Co. WAGHORN & Co's, AGENCY. THE undersigned has been appointed Agent for Memm Waghorn & Co., and is prepared to forward parcels to England and India by the Po insabur and OrientalTM Company's Steam vessels which sail from this port on the lat of every month.

N. DUUS. Victoris, 23rd January, 1846.

LONDON ILLUSTRATED PAPERS. TI109E elegant and amusing paporn, the Pictorial

Tim and Hlustrated News, are regularly sup plied by Meseca Simmonds & Ward, foreigu Pub. lishers London. A subscription of ?2 per an: | Skip Chandlers, Wholesale and Retard Wine and l'ayable in advance, covers postage on papers, sup- Spirit Merchants, and Commission Agente de. plements do.

No 1 & 1 WOOSNAM'S BUILDINGE [AVE for malo all kinds of Bionut ajitakia,for Ships; such as Canvas, Blocks, Rope, Twi- o, Beef, Park, &c. &c. Also Stores table for familles, Double Gloster Checes, Butter in small Kegs and Jars, York hams, Coffee, Chocolate, Preserved Meats and Boups, Sauces and Pickles assorted, Bardloos Prunes. Bloom Raisins, Pearl Barley, Jams and Jellies, Tea in small packages, | superior Bristol Trips, Salmon, Tongues.


Undere raceived at the Office of the Friend of China"

FOR HER MAJESTY'S NAVY. CEALED Tenders are required on or before 12 ? O'cloak the 20th instant, for the following

Storos viz:

Paint White.



White wash do.

One Ton

One Ton

Two hundred Fifty

Paint Oil... 300 Gallons

The above Stores must be of good and approved quality or they will not be accepted.


Naval Storekeeper. Naval Yard. Ilongkong, 20th Jany:, 1848.


Wa. B. HEYL,

Queen's Romil, 24th January, 1846.



Beer and Porter in Chak, Barclay and Perkins Stout in bottics, Allopp's Bear.

Superior Port and Bherry, Madeln in wood and bottles, Vidonia, old Cognac, Whiskey in cask and beetle, Cask Brandy, Cherry Cordiel, and a varie

ty of other articles.

Victoria, 20th December 1845.


A8 the pleasure to announce that on Monday plestostant at To'clock. 7 M., he will

Small larice of prime Mariachino Champagne ("Duchstall" Rheims) and Orange Flour Water.

sell by Auction at his rooms, 150 Splendid Eu- gravings, Part of them framed and Gleted, and the remainder got up in the latest Style on Stretchers. They rentalo a variety of Bubjects. Historical, Na- val, Military, Sporting, Romantic, Religious &e. and will be sold singly or in setts, and are well fitted to adorn either the falls of the Lazurinut

or the humble retreat of the poor bachelor

At the same time he will sell a quantity of Books, Music, Stationery &e.

Also a lot of Guns, Ri?en and Pistols, Victoria, 23rd January, 1946.

SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 19th January, 1846




all times.

Victoria. 23rd December, 1945.

NOTICE THE undersigned heroby give notice that they have this day disposed of their businers and premise in Canton to Mr Charles Campbell, and beg to return their best thanks.en their friends and the public generally for the support they have so liberally mesired.


Canton, 10th January, 1846

NOTICE. WITH reference to the above the undersigned

WILLIAM 8. HEYI. At the Old Stand Queen's Road Victoria, 2nd Dreamber, 1845.


Apply to,

W. S. HEYL FOR BALE of the

ONE Complete Copy of the Chinese Repository.

Oster and Madein Wine in Wood and Bot-

|der; Port Wine in Cases, Peppermint Cordial; Ale in Wood; Porter and Cider in Bottles: Superior American Butter; Corn meal: Family Beef in bage to inform his friends and the public Bble; Nosts Tongues; Rouxir, Tobacco; Segara No generally, that he has purchased the business and 3 and 4. Manila Cheroots in 1000 and 500 Boxes: promises in Canton of Mosers. McAlurrny & Co. | Unis in Bbla.; Ramin Canvang Twins; Point Oil and will from this date carry on the trade in his and Turpentine; Bright Varnish. own name, boping to receive a continuance of the

Wa 8. HEYL. same liboral patronage.

Queen's Road, Victoria, 8th December, 1885,


A debts or claims due to or owing from the late firm of McMurray & Co. of Canton must be

CHARLES CAMPBELL. Canton, 10th January, 1846. OTATIONERY for Sale at the Store of the


D TOWNSEND, having resigned his businen,

sext in immediately for adjustment and payment. of Auction and Commission Agega in favour to me..

| of Mr. William 8o Hars, begs to reform his thanks to the Merchants of Chies, for their very liberal patronage during his residence in the Country, and would at the same time solicit the continuance of the same favour for his socermor, Mr. TowxGEND will remain with Mr. Havt, until March 1846, as salesman and can promise the usual punctuality in businova.

Account Books of sizes, Writing and Foolscap Paper Elopes of sorts. Note Paper, Steel Pens, Wafers, Healing Wax, Blotting Paper, Memoran dom Books, Blotting Books, Visiting Cards, Play- ing Card Cases, Black Lead Pencils, and a variety of other Stationery too wa berous to mentione


Victoria, Queen's Road and Aberdeen Street. 9th January, 1848. "MOMURRAY & CO. TAVE for Sale every description of Blores also

Wellington Boots, Clarence ditto, Ozonion shoes and Patent Leather ditto and Patent Leather Pumps, also Confectionery of Borts consisting of Pepperment Losenges, Transparent dilo, Ginger dito. Lemon ditto, Fruit dito, Ross dillo, Refined Juice ditto. Almond Comfite Scotch, Carraway dito elo, etc. Also just received Trowser Stuff? of best quality, Bilk Gloves Gingham Neckerchiefs, Da teak Table Clothe and Hapkins, Bingapore Rid ing Whips, Pinang Lawyers, Murray's aml Carr's Wine Biscuits and Water Crackers, Corks, Brass | . Taps of sorts, Tagbeni and other Coats, also every variety of Cakes, Gingerbrand Nut etc, etc.

Victoria, Queen's Rand and Aberdeen Street, January 9th, 1846.


To be obtained at the manufactory of the under N apartendent to let at Mr C. Doruie's French


Ataylor, with or without board, on moderate terms, apply to the undersigned.

C. DUPUIG. Victoris, 20th September, 1845.


No 1 and 2 Woosnam's Buildings, corner of Pot- Linger Street,


Victoria, 2nd December, 1845.


LL persons having claims upon the undersigned A are requested to send in their accounts for adjustment, and all parties incebled are requested to make immediate payment to.

P. TOWNSEND. Victoria, 2nd December, '1845.


"lish Print Oct. ?Y the undersigned a few Jar of superior Eng.



Pottinger Street Victoria, 19th November, 1845.

(From the London Hail, Nov. 24) Byron's statue, whistom imprisoned in the vaults of the Custom-house, bas nt length found a homo in the bosom of his alma mater, Cambridge Univer sity; and a correspondent, of Trinity College. whose rein of language is somewhat heightened by the occasion, thus moralizes on the subject— “Some thirty peruago, L?rd Byron was driven from his native futes, with a fell of execration sa univermal and as sudden as was the borst of ap- plause at which, shortly before, he woke nod found himself famous. The most popular pool of his day, the idol of the rank and fashion of the




the a latter of “Alph?1?2” in which the Elitne expevonen his

permit me through your Journal, so acquaint the Emer

comprehen of my letter of the 11th inst. probably arises



Nase odertisements, will be treeived, watil

O'Clock, on the reenings precious to publi

ention, riz: Tuesdays and Frisays,











Manas Aroney

BATAVIA Nov. 30 Simone

Jan. MANILA Dee 10 Jany, H ?????? BHANGHAI Jany. 13





The Plate came down with Commissary General Miller yesterday and returned in the afternoon The indemnity money was gil several days ago, and put on board H. M. B. festol.

There have been no further rious in the city, nor any chops iuued since those referred to in our last We presume the Plato will remain off the factories at lexas until after the holydays, and the other vowels of war be kept at Whampoa.

HONGKONG Vansua CHUSAN. The affairs of China appear at length to at tract a tention in England. The Times has long article on Chusan, and it is said that the retention of that island has been discussed at meetings of the Cabinet.


struction of the foreign factores is not improb.

ronder it valuable to a great maritime country | Hspicion. The plulology of that singular lougunge like England is obvious; but we object to the war enbus?tted to a new investigation to ascertain attempt which has been made to exaggerate whether the terms in which Hongkong bind heen its value at the expense of Hongkong. If Sie ansterryd, were equally understood by both par Henry Puuinger erred in his selection--and to imply a perpetuity of concession. All we that is a matter of opinion-his error is that of fight. All right. The treaty was in good faith. and has been faithfully observed. In the theatre of the government which he represented, and that

the world it behoves us to take care that we are government cannot now repudiato his actions not the first to break it, and what a wor, equivocal- ly commenced, shall not be still more, or rather CHUSAN,?

still less, equivocally renewed.



welt it left. Let France send her frigates and war. Let her occupy Chusan with 20,000 men. Let her spend millions in fortifications, in culous alemanity! To link purpose have you en Kellele, in cordons, nail excientes, Bootiesa nod ridi. crully disfigured the bosum of that peaceful ses! Something unpleasant happens at home lations are unliappily disturbed, and Chuwan is



ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. Admitting that the trade of Hongkong

To the Editor of the Friend of China. perfectly insignificant-loss than it was two Dear Fit, The "Organs" last case bass mote referring so years ago—we are by no queans inclined to ft in opsion that us contis are incremper hable, the other think that such will always be the case. of it i am anawes that there should be nothing before the the opinion of many, that but for the restric- Public that cao do doubt, and therefore beg you witions which have been put upon it by the pre- the Organ that I am ready to offer full explanation and adocet Governor, and the injury it has received the proof of every point directly stated or alluded in, i from the advantage the Chinese rulers take of, much more, if he given mo publicly the opportunity of one or two clauses of Sir Henry Pottingars doing so, and if "Omega's" Lenser should be published so an to alle me time before the mail leaves, I will undertake toy, wo would now have had such a sharo

of the commerce of China as would induce It is with real concorn. that we observe a grow. But might we nos safely leave China and Franco meet every past he may karo unempted viermiediet la mine, In the mean time the Eding of the Orgas will have no cause Merchants to retain, branches of their establishing desire in the East to trifle with the solema

to the embarras inouits and revenges which woul 16 complain by my expressing the conviction that his non- inents in the colony. Unfortunately, however, obligations of the Pottinger treaty. Our Indian the the aure and spontaneous evault of so preposto the policy of our own rulses has been unfav the popular tone. England, it appears, through China? Do the French drink tea 1 Do they export correspondent has suffered himself to be swayed by

rous an ariangament | Whut bne France to do with for mental tiquity.

Youre &c. &

able to focal commerce, and the consequence some strange inadvertones or error, has prepared cotton-twist and calicors? Do to Chinese drink has been the removal, Br contemplated for herself a great mortification. Having really all wine, or import lace and silks? Do they want val of at least six firms to Canton. It may be the islands of the Chinese sea to choose from, and clocks and fancy workboxes? In fact, inco out of belived that in the course of years a more li having by the accident of war nede a very good Europe, and what a France to offer but the be boral policy will obtain, and-though lawly-choice, she threw away her advantage in the hour we predict that the commercial prosperity of of negotiation, and is now under the painful res

rouel, the bullet, and the shell? Her destiny is great, but it is only European. A spell retains her Hongkong will advance. Irrespective of the sky of rolinquishing the better choice and abiding between a few mountains and sea-within sha operations of buying and selling, Hongkong has by the wors. She first pitched on Chumn which lives-without she destroys Colony" in her lan- commercial arlvaniagos not posscaied by Chu- was found to be beautiful, fertile, and populous, zungo is a term of second intention, denoting a san. It must be borne in mind that Canton is with something like a European climate, command certain military position of peculiar difliculty. still the part of foreign trade in China-especiing the entrance of the chief tirer of the empire. Trade is a misnomer for intrigue. The merchant ally the trade with India, which is greater than and, indeed, all the eastern nad northern coasts. ships she sends to Polynesia, and Australesio are that with Europe. It thus become necessary. It happened, alas, to be of somewhat larger dimenfeighted with death, and return with calamity. that the houses engaged largely in the Indian one than the barren rocks we bare usually de They eliet no business except they have the god and coast traile, havo some point from whence lighted to hour with the meteor fig of the fortune to meet with a market of blood. The re- gland" Nothing could be better, and at home allations established by there means vanish with tho they direct their operations, despatch their vo sels, and carry on their correspondence. Failing were in ecelacies with to charming ? conquest smoke in which they are generated, France bre However, thanks to a little bed discipline, n?d tu ***Hongkong, they would choose Macao as in

sent out many embassies, many missions, many co- some villanous description of spirit the Chiname, Tonies, many axpeditions. Where are the results T former years. The arrival and departure of the had left in their cellars, the troops got very unhra

Joan the terestrial globe, turn it rumal and forel, English and Indian's mails is another advantagthy, and, as usual, the climate was induced. Chu-

trace the shores, senn the oceana Source one ro. which the foreign Merchant derives from an was condemned, and the berren rock of long Hongkong, and one of which he would proba kong, the resort of pirates and snuggles, was de bly be deprived were Chusan mado a British | liberately preferred. In the famous Pottinger tren- colony. In the event of any very serious dis-ty, we bound ourselves to give up Chusan as soon turbances at Canton, Hongkong would be as the whole of the compensation mogey should place of refuge nearly all the foreign Mer- have been paid. The last instalment of sycon silver chants--prejudice srould take a few to Macao. will be paid to a day, and from that day wo have but choice and interest would induco aidet of nothing to do with Churan. them to settle here. It becomes a questiou Unfortunately this is not all. Five ports were

It is in ain for you to establish natposts furtres whether ile trade of Canton would not follow. opened by this treaty to the trade of the world When we look upon the hostile feelings mani.y were selected with the greainst care, and then fes from your European cited

We feed towards freigners by the inhabitants of through once tire with information btained shall curru the wor from Luclos, as we did before.

tho sono mother Inveless researches puntical. the provincial city, such a calamity

What is your point d'oppuk, what your Testing. in amicipation of an outbreak, at the private ang.

phire between Cherbourg und Chusao ? Nie rows gestion of the Company. In fact, we had already robis. We shall quietly cropy your lotts, your In England, wo fear that the press, and the able, and hence it been the report of fit our way, and dunen latin traffic under the sonsbours, your places, your theatres, your hotels great body of the people, are but badly inform British naval station be near the chief port of tluse very ports. It is now discovered that three We can afford to be just, and leave China to den) of the newly acquired ports are good for nothing with Chusan as her own discretion and good awa ed as to the relative merits of Hongkong and traile

Much has been written in favor of the harbor places ultrade, viz., Amoy, Foo.chow-foo, and may suggest Chuan-even the Times blunders woefully in

It is taken at Chusan. It is good, but in no particular Ningpo. There is more British trade enrried on ita remarks upon the two islendis. for granted that Chusan is a place with a large superior or even equal to that of longkong Chusan in a month than in those three places trade, and that Hongkong is without trade en- which is pronounced by naval inen in b?6ac in a jour. We inorely gained a loss, therefore, by tirely. Now this is nearly correct as refers to of the finest in the work. England requires a dipulating to give up Chusun, which we had in our Hongkong, but incorrect as refers to Chusen, naval station on the east of China, with ducks, and might call our own, in rechange for the seat of but a very trifling foreign where E. M. Ships may be repaired without worthless privilege of antering three traskless and that being commerce. Viewing the two islands comner. the delay and the expence of sending them to friendly porta cially, Clusan is to Shanghai what Hongkong India hombre y we once not heard that Cantott-that is, sinull trade bo driven harbours though na yas we have not her that from Shangai it would fix itself at Chusan, it has been determined to take due avant

A British culony, and were trade of it by forming a unvy yard, with all the nth?r ? n? suoner has tho' bot British bayonet disappeare-l their untions! banour, in condescend to vaja im-

'ha aliton wind us for repairing vessels of war. It is to Hongkong. Whether the probability of such the navy the British Merchants in China mast an occurrence at the great northern mart is look for protection, and in the present aspect offer the galling sore and reptarch of seeing Chasen less ambition. The improbability. Ther fare, of sufficient to induce her Majesty's Ministers to affairs, Hongkong is the place where the naval commit a gross breach of national faith may be, force requirus tu bo stationed, with small vas- A matter of opinion.

We think it is not; for sols at the Consular ports as stipulated for by though much things may have occurred in the treaty. ginys of Clive ail Hastings, they are so totally As regards climate, Chusan has the advant opposed to the feelings of the people of Eng-age of fongkong, though on this subject there land, that they would not be tolerated in an haalsa been much misrepresentation. That ago when every step of public moo in measured Hongkong was very sickly 1849 and 1843 to a hairs breadth. The permanent retention is deniablo, 18-11 was also a had year, though of Chosan we consider as impossibile, unless it the deaths were clicfly among the military with is fairly bought and paid for, or until ?n sane in few Civilians ont acclimated. 1845 has more future war with China—should such a calamity fially tested the climate, many of the causes Chu-of inaloria having been ramov?d, and it is now bo unavoidable—it is again conquered. san is not a place of trade, nor would it be admitted that the climate is good-better than even as a British colony,"unless commerce the average within the tropics.—It is true, that were drawn to it by the encouragement of the in 1815, there was much sickness among Jocal Government. Were it colonized, like the troops, but at un time can that be taken as Hongkong it would be a heavy expense to the a criterion of climate. Their quarters have home government, and of little advantage to been bad, their food probably infillerent, and commerce, unless, as we have already hinted, they are of necessity exposed to the Sun, ale

■ liberal and a wise local government held out to night dows, whilst on guard. Great as the great inducements to Native inerchants to make mortality among the troops has beon, it has the grand emporium for the North ; and com. not in way season heen oqual to that among H, aidering the bigoted, normw minded, ignorant, M. 20th Itegiment when quartered at Chuss and tyrannical measures of most British colo- during the late war. It is said that the sick- nial governments, and that of Hongkong capo- new which carried off the greater part of the cially, during Lord Stanley's administration of 26th was caused by bad quarters and had pmperial, incompatibilities of England and France. 22, Dart (Am), Baylis, Bhanghai colonial Affairs, there is reason to suppose visions: probably such was the case, but so far They are lao great, too noble, too ascendant, to be 23, H. C. Str. Plaro, Com. Airy, Canton that Chusan would be dealt with inore fairly as quarters are concerned the same observation cluso neighboure in the field of ambition and en- than Hongkong. Certain it is that British Mor. applies to Hongkong during the worst years surprise at home they may dwell as brethern, JANUARY, chants would not again allow themselves to be (1812 and 1843) l indeed to a certain securo in their ancient boundaries; but abroad, 21, Preciosa (8p), Pardo, Macao, inveigled into building, until they saw a do- tent to the present day. It is not merely that Sot where they are on the move, two such insetes-spirits 22 Loockoo (Am), Hatch, Whampoa. termination on the part of the local government diurs are mora exposed to dossier than Civi? Teannos dalely disck. They must choose their se22, Warlock, Jaunery, Comsingmicon. to encourage commerce and support their in-lians, but even after they are sick, they labour veral Belde of honour. The coming of Chame to 32, Ariel, Burt, sicunts. terests. Supposing that Chasan were colo- under disadvantages which render their roco the French would be too like a triumph and too 22, Woodbridge, Paulton, London. nized, it would not be a great inart for years, very inoru doubtful. Civilians when convales-like a defeat, not to aggravate the pride of one and the assertion put forth by the Timer, thai there is more British trade carried on there in

cent are undered a change of climate, and they usually remove to Macao, or take a sea voyag?,

a month than at Amoy, Ningpo and Foo-chow. but the pour Soldier cannot avail himself of

foo in a year, is quite incorrect. It is true that | such a privilege, la remains in the colony, has

at the two last named ports little has been done a relapse and dies, or the desease becomes

chronic and he is invalided with a constitution shattered for life.

The cession of Chetan to France we have looked upon as a bugbear. Fiance has no tra

Something still maca vexations remaine

flappily for the peace of the world, there hajs pets to be an end ground for the Infin rumi teat France had procnted from the clestini Fat- pire the roversiuti of Chutan, The Eilen was im probable aguugh. That Fratre, indeed, should wish for Chusan, and even ask for it. is not inven sistent with the knot of her aspirations 'J'irs and, though we canot imagine un what authority, for sucreseful acquisition-who appear deeply im are porauns,—and those not the most senarkaldu that by the secret articles of the sparte treaty bad with the sentiment that nothing is lost by ask contracts by France with the Creatiul Emnity: and if the French here inn kven a erer of rom Chun than the intrud is to be given up to portunities, it must bendinitted that they do at our ambitious and imitative rivals. We are three the wisdom of repressing the cravings of fruit-

a French porsession. We will declare at once that such a secret treaty na comour set forth des nut we can give erglence to so impossible a surmise on the pile of France. Tint Chlua, however, China has shown herself for to generous and for should give one of her most beautiful islands, and too wise to perpetrato en gratuitous an insult to us most cherished provinces, to na ahaubuta stranger, so unnecessary a mischief to herself ugland whom at present she neither loves nor fears, is ut is enough without France; and China has abon terly inconceivable. China has no territory to epare.

an aposition to handle that most dangerous of A vast number of her prople are horn. nud live edge tools, playing off one enemy against another and die on the water. Forced by were lack of Chive inderal fund an Indian Prince, and no room to build outing cities, she can fit afford to ropean mation, besotted enough to dupe one another throw away fertile and populous districts. Indevil, to their mutual discomfiture. But nature has given she has displayed quite av grent a value for terri China greater simplicity than graced the old dyfory as the great nation herself, or any other mem. nuties of Bengal, and experience has impared to ber of the European brotherhood. It certainly France a discretion at that time unknown to Hol-cost her a pang to part with the few acres of bar. hod. We will not believe that China and France

ren rock and clay which are all that we are ever are secretly sworn to a compact which China would likely to call our own in the Chinese seas. We ar know full well could answer no earthly purpose but little expect to see that highly-civilised 2.or bezter- annoyance to England.

ing their fincks and their herds for glow bugles, Unquestionably such a transaction would partaken returning with the gift of integral portions of of a hostile character both on the part of China their empire the interested civilition of an outlan sud on that of France. Common sense indicates dish" and "barbarous tribe, Times. that what is ubnoxious is nest akin to betility. The prestige of British sovereignty will still eling 19 Cliwan, and many prars must elapse before a rival intrusion will cease to offer evident violence




every part of the world's circumference now beare 21, Ariel, Burt, Namos. to British recollections and honour. Moreover, 21, Stalkart, Dickson, Calcutta.

painful testimony to the colonial, or rather im- 23, William Jordina, Small, London 9th Sept.

party, not to disturb the equanimity of the other.

Grant that the treaty might allow it still--awamu

jus summa injuria—though renoon might acquionce

our hearts would inform us of a wrong,

These, however, sro considerations for others rather than for ourselves. They who furnish in-

tolerable provocatives must be answerable for

the almost inevitable result. For ourselves, our Brat anxiety should be to fulfil to the very letter a compact which has been so far laterally fulfilled to

as yet, nor at one of them (Ningpo) will there pver be a great outlet for manufactured goods or Indian produce, as it is too near Bhanghai, which port being contiguous to, and having an island communication with Suchu, the chief Feat of the silk trade, and probably the greatest tary colony on the coast of China, nor do we mously ratified by the whole poople, it was the inland commercial city in China-will con- believe that she is anxious for such a costly famous Pottinger treaty. All partics, Minister, ex- tinue to be the northern rival of the southern bauble. If, however, she longs after Chusan, Ministers, the metropolis, the nation, merclists, city of Canton, bit as refers to Amay we up-and China is willing to part with it, we cannot manufacturers, operatives, and Parliament, united prehend that it is now a larger market for im-sco that Great Britain has any reasonable ob- in jubilations for the treaty and in homage to the ported goods than Chosan, and it is more likelyjection to make--America is the second co-who was its ostensible instrument. The Put to be a port of export. Chusan with all its mercial, nation in the trade of China, and her beauty has nothing to support trade within trade will probably increase, but she cannot itsell, neither has Hongkong; but the informant lonies anywhere, it being contrary to the con of the Tomes is wrong in aserting that Rice stitution to hold fureign possessions. and Fish (the chief articles of consumption We have perhaps gone into the merits of mong the Chinese) are cheapest at the former irland. The reverse is the fact; for though Hongkong does not grow Rice, it cau be - ported from India at a lower figure than it can

grown at Chusan.

de that would warrant the exponse of a mili-wards us. If there ever was a national aut unani-

finger frezy has bean dignified into an epoch of

the glory of accomplishing it in behalf of the world. the world's history. To England only appertained

Nor could it be considered deficient in those pecu-



Tonia, A F. Anson, Whampot. John Christian, Thomas, Whatapos. Preussisker Adler (Pruis), Schuit, Whampoa


ar advantages with which victors are wont to be Chusan and longkung further than may be pe our lowes and indiguities received ample compen

rewarded. Besides an actual cession of territory, ceuary, as we are satisfied that the Brilisation. Payment has been made with a punctuali Government will keep good faith with China ty unknown in the fulfilment of European com- 1846.



9, Bombay Castle, Fraser, Manila 27th Nov. 10, Sophia Fraser, Mackellar,China 20th Nor. 11, Sir W. Wallace, Rose, China 28th Nov. 11, Audax, Oliver, Calcutta 25th November.

12, Poppy, Cole, Macao 2nd Deci mbar.

13, Brigand (Port), Macao 29th November.

13, Water Witch, Reynell, Macao 4th Dec. 16, Mary C. Holbar, Amoy 30th November. 17, Anna Eliza, Grainger, Macos 11th De 18, Sir H. Compton, Brown, Macao (Ith L 18, Red Rover, McMurdo, Hkong 11th Die. 19, Felis Vienna (Puti), ? scao 14th Dec. 20, Futta Mombarruk, More, Chino 12th Dec. 24. Pauline (Brem) Lamko, Manila 10th Dec. 24, Elizabeth. Perkins, Amoy

20, Flecha (Bp), put back from the Chine sea. 20, Prince of Wales, Jones, put back from the

China sen.

30, Guess, Wicharly, Amoy 20th December,

and restore the pledge intrusted to her. That facts. Tho tarms were of our own dictation, Jany. 2. Esperan?a (Post), Senna, Macao 23rd Dc. Chusan possesses advantages which would China surrendered to an extent which even excited

4, Ardascer, Evans, Bombgy 8th December,

5, Antares, Drowit, Hongkong 27th Nov. 8. Lady Mary Wood, Cooper, Hongkong

2nd January.


Dec. 11, Zoe, Parker, China.

13, Audaz, Oliver, China.


17. H M. Br. Vulture, Hongkong. 22, Tartar (Am), Lockwood, Macao. 27, Amelia (French), Manila and China. 31, Sapphire, Fitlock, Hongkong.

Jany. 6, H. M. 8. Serpent, Nevill, Englaml

6, Arduecer, Evaus, China.




E. CHRISTOPHER begs to fuform tho |

amil Invoice of Li Endice of (longkong that he has just rectly. JUST receivel ex ?A?ken" el by the "Braganza a splendid assortment of prime Cumberland Hains and Cheese, Ladies French Bilk and Gauze drosace, Barege ca

SMITH & BERMELOW. chemire, Glac? liroch?, Baroga satin, Labrador. Victoria, Gli Janwary, 1918, Veloudine fourie, and other robes; Ladies plaid

NOTICE. Silk shawls and Scarfs, Cravalos gouffr?es, and CMITH & BRIMELOW have removed their Mille raiga, of the latest style, which he offers with stablishment to Wiosnam's Buiklings corner confidence as being the newest and most distingud of Pottinger Street, Queen's Road, wherethey will lot of goede that has yet been received in fitore carry on their business.

Also gentlemen'■ Black Silk, and Satia Cravats

Victoria, 15th December, 1868. and Woistenatings of superior quality.


MONDA stored in dry and secure flodowns on

Per Sapphire-Deputy Assistant Commissary E unlesigned have this day romovod their the most moderate Lime. General J. Routh

Por Water Witch -Mr and Mira Horton and fa.

miler Antares-O H. Briggs Esq.

ANIER SHIPPING. Nov. 24, Herbinger, ( hina for London,

24, Wheelor, Manila for Bydney. 25, Arus, Balls, Chion 25th Oct for London. 27, Passenger, Watson, do. 27th October for


28, Macedon, Rodeap, do for London. 28, S, Wooden, do. for Hobart Town. 29, Maggie, Spenco, do. 7th Nov. for Livpool. Dec. 3, Sappia, Dunlop, dn. 12th Nov. for Lonton

3, Surak Lovisa, Oldhem, do. 14th Nov, for

Sydney 10, Pandure, do. for London 21, Sophia, Tanner, do. 9th Dec, for Sylney 23, Good Success, Cowia, Bombay 20th Nov.



for C'hina.

TO LET. JE HOUSE in Queen's Road lately occupied by Phillipe Moore & Co. Apply to

HUGHESDON & Co. TO LET. Small Homes No. 9 Pottinger Street; enquire of L. Just Bear., cornor of Queen's Hood and Pottinger Street

L. JUST. Victoria. 22nd January, 1848.

NOTICE USE underaged have received authors from the Directors of the Imperial Fire Insurance office of London, in ?nusi? Pulicica on the New Puildings at Canton.

MACVICAR & Co. Victoria, 23rd January, 1816.



establishment to the housu west side of the Ordnance Office

PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victorin, 22nd January, 1816.




REGS must respectfully to infirm the Gentry

and the Public that he has Hemoved his Bi- tablishment from Macao to Hongkong where he and trusts by strict attention, to metit a share of Entends conducting his Business in all its branches

'ublic patrounge which he has for this last two

fears received

Mom C. Durvio also bega to state that he in tende to keep on hand a variety of Clotha anitable for the climate, likewiso a sel?otion of Drills and fancy Jeans for Cents etc, eta; also an amortment of Buffs, Vallencias, Silka, Bat?ns and Fancy Vie- vets for Vests of the newont style and fashion,

Moss C. Dervio hva a s?nall assortment of Gents Kidd, S?k, und other Gloves, Elastic Bracer, MEDHURSTS Chinese & English Dictionary 10.00 Satin Cravats, Stocke etc. clc. etc. all the above 110 articles are of the best doveription that could be pre- 10.80 eured in the Colony. Clenilemen can depend_an

SMITH & BERMELOW. Victoria, 15th December, 1815.



dutin anperior binding,

'nde, translated into English by T?nishen, lete

1. 200 | having their Clothes made in the first style of fa-

abion and elegance







Madhumi's Cetionary of the Hok-kren Dialect, AND for Sale at the Sotos of the U..dersigned, | Medbaret's Compareuve Vocabulary on the Chu A A superior Invoice of ? ilmans Burca con- nese, Corsan and Japances language, sisting of Pickles, Bottled Fruits, W. W Vinegar, Madhwath Dictionary in the Favorlang Dinkes of the Formaran language, ******** Baue of sorts, Cherry, Strawberry and Raspberry Madhurst's Dialogues in the Mandarin Dialect, Juice for making Halefia, Jame and Jollies, Cut- Medwch Notice on Chinese Oramovar, canta and Raisina in Tina, Maccaroni and Ver- Medbaner's Guate and Prospects of Chips, ... micelli in Tias, proserved meats and Boape of sorts, Callie's Translation of the four Books ... Berkley, Cheddar and pine Chooses, Smoked Wa Premare Note Lingan nie.. Bacon in Tins, Pickled Ox Tongues, Prime Stables of the Emperor Ching-Tih i a Chines Doof (Leadenhall), Fine York Hame Best Dolch of the Anglo Chinese College, Male, Buuer olc. etc. Also Flannel, Wrappors, Tagli. A Lexilogus of the Englab, lelay and Chinese oai's Cotton Socke and Stockings, Thread loves, language...

Apply at the London Milionary Society's fantation. Scotch Tarun plaide, Corkscrows, Tape measures, Bail noodles, Letter Clip, Brass Tapa, Batin Stocks, White and Black Beaver and Silk Hate, Folt Finis, and a variety of other articles too mu merous to mention,

Victoria, Aberdeen Street and Queen's Road, 23rd January, 1816.


Hollywood Road

Victoria, 20th January, 1966-



Address to Moxa C. Derven, Taylor & Draper. Wellington Hi., one door from tirakam St. Victoria, Hongkong, 30th May, 1845


MENERAL Commission and Shipping Agents U Wind Beer and Bpirit Morclipnie.

And Auctioneers (Qur?i,s Road & ?-inama Bong. Supply Bhips, Froilion, and foreign residents at 1. the consular ports, with all descriptions of States, Salt provisions, Wine, Beer and Spirits upon mo

EXAD "Superfine Blue Cloth Ist quality

Cent's superior White and Colored Bilk Colors, all invoice of Shoes and a few Riding


Victoria. Mh January, 1846

JUST RECEIVED. What removed to the above promises frumfuperior Tartan suitable for Coats and ND for Sale by the undersigned, a few pioca


H. FRANKLYN, Queen's Road, Victoria,

Keying House, where he will in folute carry on the buslarm of wholesale and remil commission and shipping Agent, general dealer, auctionoor and Wine and Spirit orchard and stored in day and socuro godnwas and forwarded on the mor mulerate terms. The undersigned has Lorchar and a Schonner running regularly to Canton, Com singmoon and Macso.” Charges for passengers as follows:-

To Canion

→ Cumeingmoon - * Macau



These vessels are all well atmod and part man- ned with Europeans. Every varioly of goods on view at the Shew roome.

THE undersigned are preparent to issue Polinics nt Shanghai, on behalf of the Calcutia In- wrence office, payable in Hongkong, Singapore, Calcutta, Bombay, and London.

MACVICAR & Co. Victoris.23rd January, 1810.

SPLENDID FURNITURE. TABULAR Statements of the Commerce of Sin- gapore for the years 1840-41, 1941-42, 1842-

HR W. H FRANKLYN has the honor to an 43,34 13. 1 with an shetract view of the same continounce to the community of Victoria that ho ned in 1815, (in one bound Volume) prepired has connived instructions to submit to Public com- under the directing of the Hen'Wo the ?. 1 Com- | peti ion at an early day hereafter to be named a pany, and compiled from Oflotal Docomenta. For most unique and rich assortment of English Fusi

ture, to which he begs to call attention, as be fools Bale by R. P. SAUL.

ni Munna THOS, RIPLEY & Co's

amured that nothing of the kind heretofore has been Price 10 Rupees sach.

landed in the colony. Consisting of Victoria, 2nd January, 1840


E following Parcels forwarded by Mesra Waghorn & Co are at the office of the on designed, And will be delivered to parsons duly authorised.

I Parcel addressed, "Officer Commanding 18th


1 Ditto "Geral D'Aguilar."

1 Dislo B. Brown, Ea?, H. M. 98th," 1 Ditto "C. 8. Compton Eq. Chawn.”

RAWLE DUUS & Co. Victoria, 20rd January, 1840.

FOR SALE RATES complete with muntei piecus

a few handeaine Stor


RAWLS. DUES & Co. WAGHORN & Co's. AGENCY. THE undersignal has been appointed Agent for

Men Waghorn & Co., and is prepared to forward parcels to England and Indie by the Pen insular and OrientalTM Company's Blokm vessela which sail from this port on the ist of every month.

Victoria, 23rd January, 1846.


the most luxurmus, in Crimson and Parple Mo- rocco adjusting themselvre to the posture and in which to sit in to repose. Buperb and Cnetly


in Cloth and Gold-Gold and Mahogany, TABLES

Round, Square, Oval of the highest polish in Roso-

wood and Mahogany, unrivaled



Opposite the Commissarist Victoria, 2nd January,1846, "NOTICE.


ALL prone having claims upon the undersign- el'are requested to send in their accounts for adjustment ; and all persons indebted ura requested. to make immediate payment to.

JOHN KAINS. Victoria, 8th January, 1810. "NOTICE.

MRS Cine de Dries of

quaint the Ladies of Victoria, that she has received a large assortment of Chikkens clothing of different paverns and quality, suitable both for silm- |mer and winter, from the age of six months to f?n Shirts and Centers; latice and fentientens Blond yeare inclusive. Also a lot of (hildrens kahit and Cambrick Handkerchiefs; Gentleman's Gloves of diferent celor ; Ladia's Roots and Bhors.

- Victoria, Dans?nher Slib, 1948. TR CHRISTOPHER respectfully begs to in-

form the inhabitants of Hongkong."Mastera of Veel &, that ho has this day opened Re- freebmeat Rooms next to Mr Just'e in the Queen's Lond

A prinard scale of charges for Breakfasts, Tit. Boa. Dingere &c. which will be at extremely mo- derate charges, will be hung up in the premises The English and Local Newspapers to be bad at all times.

Victoria, 23rd December, 1945,


THE undersigned hereby give notice that they

desio terms.

Also dry and conveniral storage for goods. Victorin, Cat January, 1840


BT received and for sale by the Subscribers

? large smortment of India Condiments consist. ing of Chutney, Mullicatony, Curry Paste, Indian | Fish, Cayenne Bruce, &c. ?c

MCEWEN & fo Victoris, 20th Jany, 1940. Queen's Road, DAILEY'S Extract of Sarampardla, the bost nu Din use. fur sala by

MCEWEN & Co. Victoris, 20th Jany., 1840. Queen's Road.

FOR SALE RARS Cloth, a few bales of Manila Gram Cloth, Ufor sale by

MCEWEN & Co. Victoria, 20th Jany., 1840 Queen's Road,

FOR SALE. LTATS, a large assortment of Black and Whito Boover Hate. Also, Boots and Shoes. MCEWEN & ?o. Victoria, 29th Jany., 1846. Queen's Road,

PUR BALE TUST landed a few llogabeads Superior Dark Colored Cognac in bottle, of first quality.


Queen's Road Victoria, 20th Jany. 1840.

OR BALE. By the undersigned,

Champagne, Hock,

of Dark and I'l

Bear, and Stont, all of the first quality, EDWARD NEWMA?. Victoria 7th October, 1845.


THE subscriber having mucceded Mr. P. Town- RND, as Auctioneer and Commision Agent,

·cospectfully pol?cita the patronage of the Merchant and foreign Residents Hongkong and Chins. and hopes by a prompt attention to business, to merita continuance of the patronage bestowed upon his prodecomor,

WILLIAM 8. HEYI. At the Old Stand Queen's Road Victoria, 2nd Decanter, 1846.


Apply to,

have this day disposed of their business and NE Complete Copy of the Chinese Repository. pretalace in Canton to Mr Charles Complet, and with spring horsehair cushions wooing balmy sleep eg to return their best thanks to their friends and

to the fortunalo posarmor. CURIOUSLY ELEGANT LADIES TOILETS with handsome Mirrors abovo, of a lato fashion,

A180, Rocking and Bed Room EncyChairs,dining and drawing ditto, Washing Tables with Marble tops dressing ditto and a variety of booking glazars of svory description with an assortment of Perfumery, highly ornamented Musical Boxes playing 4 and 6


the public generally for the support they barn so liberally received.

MCMURRAY & Co. Canton, 10th January, IN4G

NOTICE. WITH reference to the store the undersigned


O the Blore of the Subscriber.

Sherry and Madeira Wine in Wood and Bol- sles; Port Wine i? Cases Peppermim Cordial; Ale in Wood; Porter and Cider lo Bottles; Superlur | American Butters Corn meal : Family Beef in 1 bags to inform his friends and the public Abla; Neouis Tongues; Rawude; Tobacco, Segar No generally, that he has purchased the business and 3 and 4, Manila Cheroots in 1000 and 600 Boxes: premises in Caston of Messrs. MeMurray & Co. | Date in Bbla; Ruer?a Canvang Twine; Paint Oil

own name, hoping to receive a continuance of the same liboral patronage.

The whole to be on view from Monday next and will from this date carry on the trade in his and Turpentine; Bright Varnish. N. DUOS.

the 20th it stant till the day of Sale (of which due Dotion will be givan) at the Gludowas of Augustus Curler Esq, Spring Gardens,

LONDON ILLUSTRATED PAPERS. THOSE elegant and amusing papers, the Pictorial

Times and Illustrated News, are regularly sup plied by Mesa Simmonds & Ward, foreign Pub. lishers Lando. A subscription of ?2 por an: Payable in advance, covers postage on papers, sup- plements &a.

Ondera received at the Office of the 'Friend of


FOR HER MAJESTY'S NAVY. CEALED Tenders are required on or before 14 ? O'clock the 26th instant, for the following Storen vizi

Paint Whito




One Ton

One Ton

Two bundrod White wash do.. Fily

I'mint Oil... 300 Gallons

The above Storrs must be of good and approved quality or they will not be accepted,


Naval Storekeeper. Naval Yard. Hongkong, 20ch Jany:, 1846.


W. 8. BYL, JAS the pleasure to annaces that on Monday into trocar nostal


sell by Auction at his rooms. 150 8plendid Ew- gravings, Part of them framed and Glazed, and the remainder got up in the latest Btyle on Stretchers. They contain a variety of Bubjects. Historical, Na- val, Military, Sporting, Romantic, Religious &c, and will be sold singly or in setia, and are woll fitted to torn either the Halls of the Luxuriaut

or the humble retrast of the poor bachelor


Queen's Road, 24th January, 1848.


Ship Chandlers, Wholesale and Retail. Wins and Spirit Merchants, and Commitrion Agente de. No 1 & 1 WOOSNAM'S BUILDINGS.

AVE for is all kinds of Bioregitable, for HSaipes such as Canvis, Blocka, Rope, Tal

All deble or claims due to or owing from the late firm of McMurry & Co. of Canton must be sect in immediately for adjustinent and payment

to me,?

CHARLES CAMPBELL Canton, 10th January, 1840. CITATIONERY for Sale at ibe Store of the Account Books of sizes, Writing and Foolscap

Undersigned :--

Books of sorts, Nute Papar, Bucel Feng,

WH. A. HEYL Queen's Road, Victoria, 6th December, 1846, NOTIOR

D TOWNSEND, having resigned his business, of Auction and Commission Agent in favour of Mr. Willtan 8*Hura, begs to return his thanks to the Merchants of China, "for their very liberal patronage during bis residence in the Country, and would at the same time solicit the continuance of will remain with Mr. HaTL, until March 1840, DA the same favour for his apcermor, Mr. TownounD ankaran and can promer the usual penetuality in

Victoria, 2nd December, 1845,


|w, Beef, Pork, &c do. Also Storos suitable for Waters, Healing War, Blotting Paper, Memorea-Uunivara.

familion, Double Gloster Cheese, Butter in small | dam Books, Blotting Books, Visiting Cards, Play- Kegs and Jars, York hams, Coffee, Chacolate. ing Card Cases, Black Load Pencils, and a variety Preserved Meat and Soups, Sances and Pickles of other Buationery too numerous to mention. Amorted, Bardinos Pennes. Bloom Raimino, Pontl

| Berley, Jams and Jellies, T'es in small packages, | superior Bristol Trips, Balmes, Tongues.


Beer and Porter in Cask, Barclay and Perkins Bloat in bottles, Allopp's Bear.

Superior Port and Bherry, Madeira in wood and bottles, Vidonia, old Cogone, Whiskey in cask and bottle, Cask Brandy, Cherry Cordial, and a varie | ty of other articlos.

Victoris, 20th December 1845.



Small Invoice of prime Marischino Champagne ("Duchatell" "Rheims} and Orange Flour Water.

SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 19th January, 1846




MCMURRAY & Co. Victoria, Queen's Road and Aberdeen Street, 9th January, 1846. MOMURRAY & CO. AVE the Bale every description of Btores also ditto, Ozonion shoes and Parent Leather ditto and Patent Leather Pumps, sino Confectionery of Sorts consisting of Papperment Lozenges, Transparent ditto, Ginger ditto, Lomon dian, Fruit dito, Ross dito, Refined Juice ditto, Almand Comfit Scotch, Carraway dito etc. etc.—Also just received Trowser Stuffs of best quality, Silk Gloves. Oingham Neckerchiefs, Da mask Table Clothe and Napkins, Singapore Rid. ing Whips, Pinang Lawyers, Murray's and Carr's Wine Biscuits and Water Crackers, Corks, Brass | Tape of aoris, Tagliesi and other Costs, ulto every variety of Cakes, Gingerbread Nat pic. etc.

Victoria, Queen's Rond and Aborders Steori, January Oth, 1846.


LL persons having claims upon the undersigned A are requested to read in their accounts for adjustment, and all parties indebted are requested to make immediate payment to.

P. TOWNSEND. Victoria, 2nd December, 1845.


》Y the undersigned a fow Jare of superior Eng.

lish Paint Oil.



Pottinger Street Victorio, 19th November, 1815,

{From the London Mail, Nov. 24) Byron's statue, whilom imprisoned in the vaulo of the Custom-house, has at length found a home in the bosom of his alma mater, Cambridge Univer- sity; and a correspondent, of Trinity College, whose vein of language is somewhat heightened by the occasion, thus "moralizes on the subject— "Some thirty years ago, Lord Byron was driven

univerm) and as sudden as was the borst of op plause at which, shortly before, be 'woke und found himself famous. The most popular post of his day, the idol of the rank sod fashion of the

At the same time he will sell a quantity of Books be obtained at the manufactory of the under apartenfant to let at Mr C. Dopoto's French from bis native shotes, with a fell of exscretion

Music, Stationery &c.

Also a lot of Gona, Rifles aud Pistala.

Victoria, 23rd January, 1846,



No 1 and 2 Woosnam's Buildings, corner of Pol inger Btreet,


taylor, with or without board, on moderate terms, apply to the undersigned.

C. DUPUIG. Victoris, 20th September, 1845.




picul, according to quality, but their color le rn. iber dark for shipment to England, and buyers scatorly feel an inclination to give those extes.

SUGAR--There is a considerable quantity of mugar ready for shipment, though it is as yet so. centrin whether shipments may go forward by the "Lady East" Just arrived.

Cans cultivation continues to progress with grest" spirit in the province, and several new estates are, being setively opened up

Paeran, black. Singapore and Rhio-Imports from the neighbouring lelands have not exceeded 700 picule but the supplies from the plantation have been moro plentiful” Good cleaned-welling at $1-16. (locloaned at $31. W'kita salos ut 03) per pical.

Rien-Continues in good demand and the fixer sort maintain high rates. "Supplice from Bally have been sold to some extent various rates, according to quality, viz. $60 a 65 Cargo, Waits $70 a 82. Ar- racen cargo 940 a 60 and a a few coyans of fing quality af 58 par coyan.

land, was in n munient degraded from his lasty four people, and so accustomed are many of them | and Bengal quality at from? 20 to 40 per picul MAC & Noramas.—The favourable accouma pedestal, and dragged through all the intre and in- |to frontier life, that they will go to Oregon in crowds The collections from the different plantations, it is received by the hat Mail has caused sellers to be fir. famy of public hatred. He was scouted from society, while Englishines will only go by duzens. This expected, will commence to increase towards the mer. Maen of good quality would command $100 denounced from the pulpit, and vilified by the press, arrangement will enable the English fur companies | beginning of next mowth, and the principal part of a 110 and Nutmega $90 a 100. Sale of about 30 The Moluch of conventionalism had demanded its ? as well as our own people, to continus their opere- the erop will be collected during March, April, | piculs Amboyna middlin? quality, at 8574 par pol. periodical victim; and the more illustrious the sa- tions over the whole territory for 20 years, by | and May.

Oit..-Saleabe as it arrivou at quolutions. crifice, the more perfect the satisfaction of the which time the wild game would probably be pest MACE. In little demand for shipment to the One-The transations during the month have monster, the more wild and frantie the delight of ty much killed off"

English market, but alas are being made for the been very limited. Patna was sold at the warly the devices. A few years later, when the rel

The Courier and Enquirer, usually so temperate | Calevita and Bombay market at prices varying from | part at $870–2 months and 8660 cash, vines which of the hero was entwined with the wreath of the in ita lo?e, concludes un article upon the posesi?n | $20 to 60 per picul according to quality,

the only lot-25 chesis-bas bean ported with at port, when the glorious enterprise in which he fell of California with the bold remark,.-Wo lay it, CLOTE--The gathering of the crop has com- 8650. Benares was sold at 9060 "and gradually bad shed a mekacholy splen four round his parting | dawn as an axiom, so be enforced by war if neces-monood, but the wat weather we have has no doubt declined to $625 but within the last few days, ow. fcene, and when poignant ferlings of self-reproach say, that when Mexico cesses to own California | wil be hurtful to the color and quality of the pro-ing to the sinsk stock being in fow hands, has and regret for the past haid seemed to promise a fit must constitute an integral part of the Americno durl. The orop na we previously stated, will be a | ngu?n rallied und sales made at $650. Malwa has new and moro manly career, his ashes wero refusUnion."

moderate one this season. The Chinese are offer been in no inquiry and imports remain in Gra ed admitace to the shrine where the chiefs of]

The St. Louis Republican states that Vancouver's ing what has been collected at from 850 to 35 per hands. Turkey — No supplies and wanted astivo literature havo a prescripure night to ro. | Island, none the mouth of the river Columbla, is tu pose in death.

A foreign sculptor, not only the be the final destination of the Mormon people, first artist but also one of the noblest spirits of his The removal determined upon by the sect will take Lime, moved by sympathy with kindred genius, had place in the spring. A great moeting held in their broathed upon the could marble, and the ↑ Pythian temple at Neuroo had lasued a circular inviting of the age come back in form and spirit'as he their brethrow in all parts of the United States to Jived; but the Church, never less catholic then join them. when most worldly, denied the claim of the great The paper contain rumours to the effect that poet to stand in marble among his brethree-for the Executive intended to send a minister to Me he bad scoffed at creeds and violated doconcics, ? zica for the purpose of dumanding payment of the And now twenty years have passed away, and instalments of indemnity due to the United States. Thorwaldsen's Byron stands compicuous in the The New York Herald views this as a fine change noble hell of Trinity College. The man whom to give occasion to further territorial aggression. Dean Ireland and his Canons excluded from the Me C. M. Clay bad resumed the publication of templa "ballowed h; the hute memorials of the his paper, the Tres American, at Cincinnati, Ita mighty dead, the royal and religious foundation re-appearroos at Cincinnati bad caused some az of Trinity College has lpen honoured with pre- citeson. A large nut?-elavery meeting had been pedence among all the great men whose images held in Kentucky.

The Times' article of the 20th of September last adorn that clamic hall is the moral standard of Trinity College lower than that of the Dean and querying the purport of the shackles found in the Chapter of Westminster 1 or is it less sectarian 1, wreck of the United States steam-ship Missouri, Ha, in fact, the University wider in the sympathies, had excited no small indignation amongst the New larger in its comprehensive tolerance, than the York journalists. The Journal of Commerce terms Church 1 Something, we boljove, of this—but still the article simpudent ;" and replying that the irons marc do wo attribute to the growing prevalence of were intended for prisoners and mutineers, voggests A conviction, that it is falso and therefore immoral that the extraordinary number soon by the divere to judge a man by his act alone, without reference was the result of the medium through which they to individual temperament, and the thoumad causes looked." the Courier and Enquirer, bowever, treats which, with an almost inevitable necessity, mould the matter gravely, und entoes upon a warm and the form and 6x the colours of human existence. | rather threatening philippie against the noti-Alue: More still to the better understanding and truer erica, "hostile spirit, which has so earnestly and so appreciation of the poet's mission; to the clearer long animated the Times and its kindred presa" insight with which we perceive and recognise tho grost fact, that genuine poety is the most touching utterance of the buman heart in its yourning fur all that is beautiful and good-that the poet in the highest teacher of

"Wisdom, a name to abeko

The continued and brutal persecutions of the Mormons have at length terminated in the voluntary banishment of that community from Naurou to the regions beyond the Rocky Mountains. The whole affair, from beginning to cud, has been a lamentable display of fanatician and mob violence. They will All evil dreams of power;"

probably settle in California, and there form the and that the spirit in which we receivo his teaching germ of a powerful community. The oppressions and do homage to his greatness is a wore measure of the Hebrews by the Egyptians caused their fight of our own advance in all that elevates and adorna from that land, and after crossing the ocean and the humanity. And as all progress in enlightenmoat wilderness, thoy settled in the kind of Canaan, and and extension of sympathy is sure to bring some there produced a resolution that civilized the whole substantial reward along with a more precious work. A paper says, "No intelligat patriot can meed of delight and self-vatisfaction, an in this case regard these outbreaks of popular violence in this Trinity College has gained for itself the nulless country without the deepest sorrow. They are work which England can show, of the most rassegerly seized upon by the monarchists of Europe, mot equal to by the enemies of republican government every sculptor of the age; a work which ia at least worthy to send in the same ball with the where, and made the foundation of arguments against masterpiece of Roubiliac, the statue of him who is the safety and practicability of from institutions. Of

inch character was the outrage Lexington, Keu immortal Newlua."

Tix-Noae, and wanted. We can only quote li nominal at $16] to 17 per picul.

DISOKLANROUA,—Arrack continues current al quplatione Supplies, of Coir Rops are moderate, and a amar urtitel 'would at present bring a fair price. (wick has not boun procurable at Me?lmain, since the time of the Buriness Government mon poly of the trade in the article. As regard Stickloo the manufacture has ceased, it being problematical how soon the monopoly may be resumed.

FERIORTS.—l'bo“Prince Regent”? filled up hera enroute to Calcutta, and the "Rachsol” wi'l lunvo shortly for the same port. The Amazon" goes to Armcan and the "gir Wm. Wallace" to Medms Freights are looking up. –Penang Garctio, Des. 27.

EASTERN ARTIOLES. ALUM.--Thi supplies during the mouth have aut exceeded 100 piouls, but as the Junks are now ar riving the article will be more abundant shortly. Last sales at $1-401-50 por picul.

AMIKRO, or-No importa since our lat, sel. dom inquired for and only salcable at about $7 per picul.

Asos. Botavia –Imports of 315 casks. The demsad has been very limited during the month and stocks being rather heavy hoklare uro very un- xious to soll. Sales of 250 casks at 871 per half leaguer.

ANTIMONT ONE-Being a monopoly na imports are offered for sale.

Bags Wax. -Imports haven't exceeded 53 picula; 10 of which, ex Velocipede from Souto, realised at Auction, 8381 per picul. The demand cratinus good.

BETELKUT-No Importations; neainel price 824 per picul.

DRONE UK Men.-Salos by Auction of 130 piculs from €210 44 per pienl.

Bear's Nuera-Sales by Auction of 70 etti

RATTARS-Plentiful at quotations.

Rhodarn —The import noticed in our last mon thly report remains unsold.

Ba00, Prart-The favourable accounts brought by the Uctober Mail caused an increased demand, but owing to the wet weather very little bus been manufactured. Doring the month contracts have been made to some extent at $3-25 □ 3-50 and for some of very superior quality at 03 T?. And nge Flour at 2 15 a 2-95 per picul. These contrac will not be ready for delivery for the next 2 momhu, To-day buyers are offering Pearl Sago #31 and Fimur 081 per picul.

Brown-Siam-No stock. Sales of Java kovo been 4 to 500 plculs, middling quality, at 05) and 200 pla at $5 per pienl

Simm has been sold for shipment to Pinang at $14 Brictao. —The limport noticed last month from 17 per pioul.

sales have

BEDA. Manila —Considerable taken puce at $10 for. No. 1 and $ fut No. 4 and prios are unt likely to go lower.

Big - Rro Canton No. 3.—Limports 36 chests, Sales have been made at $275 a 285 and of indorior

quality at 250 255

BALTTETAN.'The demand has been limited to a

few lots at about quotations, Stock modorute

BAPANWOOD-About 4,000 picule have been im- Calcutta and the remainder walling at $15 per pol, ported of which 2406 picole are for translipment to

Tza, Junk-In the course of the present, usouth largo supplies may be expected

Tix, Straits-Continues in good demand at $17. 20 per picul. at which rate large arrivale have

been sold and there is every appearance of it bolg


been moderate the price continues to decline and 13 per banket candet pow be stained, Bally moy 40 baskets

TOBACCO, China-Although the imports karo

the glory of England and the boast of 'Trinity-the tucky. It very true that "Unmius M. Clay was Black at 9:257 par picul and 20 cattias 19hite at be quoted us $18 per picul and Jusu at Bl:15 per

pursuing no incendiary and obnoxious couren; but the exercise of mob law, in utter defiance of every principle of justice, was calculated to inflict on the country still greater evil and shame

America.--The news from the United States is of less than usual importance. As the time for the

Mexico By the last accounts all was quiet, but Ambling of Congress opproaches rumours be come rife of the intestions of Alr Polk's cabinet, ou matters looked somewhat warlike. The troops were the several questions of Chegon, the tariff, &c. and being drilled and excreiend from daylight until dark, it is said that a change to some extent in the con- and guns have been mounted on every available plitution of the cabinet may be expected. The space. The appearance of the seven American men New York Herald says: -" The rumour relative of wat at the sacrificios had however, rather dis- to the re-organization of the present Cabinet oc. mayod the Mexicans. With the English, French, quires fork probability and strength every day, the and Spanish, there are cleven akogaher, and the somewhat petulant contradiction of the official pas fleet had somewhat an imposing appearance. Gen per at Washington to the contrary notwithstanding, stal Herrera has been formally proclaimed Presi. Indeed in do not expect that a Cabinet coming dent of the Republic, and taken the oath of office, into existence as the present can last fully a your. in the presence of both Houses of Congress, nascuna As a general rule, with some exceptions indeed, blad in the chamber of Deputics. The President, we believe it will bo seen that the firm Cabinet of pronounced a discourse upon the occasion, which, no President elected by the people, from the orga. Though much more brief thah an American presi pization of the government, kas listed over a your, dent's message, is yet too long for our columns. god in not a few instances its existences has been. The ex-Present General Comsiesco and son, with the Minidor of War, Bussandrs, took their pages cular construction of republican government in this country.

This latter personage, it appear, in wonderfully One hundred and soventy Unitarian ministers, getting into favour again. A complete resepion h? residing chiefly in New England, have issued a taken place, and it is the opinion of many, that oro protest against the system of slavery practised in the long he will be reinstated with all bir former hou. ours. The French Minister had received his pass southern portion of this country.

It is confidently stated, and generally believed, porta, and would leave Mexico early in the follow- that Mr. Pakenham has recently proposed to ring month. The new tariff had been punished. It Buchanan, Secretary of State, that the whole will be found more favourable to the admision of Oregon qudation should be submitted to some friend. British cotton prints, cloth, and hardware. ?No bid- ty European power to arbitrate and declite all dere have appeared for the new loan, and the distress points in dispute connected with the subject it is, of the Treasury was notorious,




20 per cally, CLOVER, Mauritius-No supplies. Moderate im from Socice avangail by Auction 8551 per pical, TORTOFON BIRLL—Emporis trifling. 5 pieu! ports would command $22 per picul.

Cusenso demand but no stock. Suppliced some fancy hands of Tortoise-shell soll at much higher rate ; one weighing 13 caltics for 120 would sell at #3, 29 per picul


WHEAT.-Generally salonble at about Bij a 3

CAMPHOR, China. -Importa limited to 100 pienia,

but large supplies are daily expecta! by the Junks which are not likely to realise more than $15 a 18 per picul. Limited sales have been made during

the month at $171 ; mud gestarday u lot of 100 pleals at $15 per pical. Camphor Broue-salos of i pical by Auction at $1,820.

CAIA-No supplies, Mure than $101 per pioul cannot be obtained for the inall stock allure. for me. The high price la China will preveni further shipments until better rates can be dopend- od upon here.

Corras.-There has been a good inquiry thro- ughout the month and the limited imports have re- adily found purchasers. Sales of 800 piculs Java at 66) a 6-85. 700 picula Bally at 643 54 and 250 piculs Bugis at 6 per picul. No arrivals from

por bag.


On England.--Bill at siri dates are selling st has been sold at 4s 3.

A large amount of Bills at 6 mouths sight

On Calulla.—The Treasury is now open for Bille on the Supreme Government at 220. Private Bille selling at 121.

On Bombay rod Madras-Nominal at 225. Oo China-Sales of B?lla have been made at 1 per caut premium.


Bearce and much wanted. The accumulation of Produce is now great, the quantity of Cambiur alond being estimated at least 65,008 picul, waiting Singapors Free Press, January 8.

for a alill briefer period. This arises from the por from Vera Crua to Havannab, to join Santa Anna, Campor. A small lot of 25 picule from Siam, of opportunities for abipament to England.-Overland

Jurther understood that Mr Buchannan was dispos | allnumm

pd to meet and view in a favourable light such a proposition; but that the Prident objected to it,

on the ground that the west would not consent to

such an arrangement. The New York Herald says "It is now generally believed that there is




During the past month there have been some

BETALAUT-The Amazon" brought in about 1000 picula Nut during the wook which will go on to Calcutta,

difference between the President and a portion of considerable trasanctions in produce, thaugh at his Cabinet, not only on the tariff, but also on the the present inouent the place is cleared of our Dregon question, and that those who differ from chief staples him are Air Buchannan, Mr Marcy, and Mr Ban croft, the albers siding with him. It is very evi- deal, from the movements of a certain portion of the democratic party by Pennsylvania, in rolation to the tariff, that Mr Buchannan's friends, if they are guided by his opinions, are very hostile to die pre- | 913 per thoumnd. pent position of the administration."

CHRROOTS.-With these the place is now ul. ciently supplied, and retail sales are being made at

GA-Rice Arraces. The arrivals during | The Journal of Commerce says—“It la romoured the past month have been, up to the present time, abat Mr Pakenham, the Brital Minister at Was about 200 coyans of Pegu and 300 coyans of Ar hington, finding there in little hope of adjusting the | cacau, and we would naine the former 834 at 35 Dregon question either by compromise or arbitra- and the latter $37) at 39 per coyan. The con sion, has proposed to leave the whole territory insuraption of rice here is estimated at 40 coyne, ?te present condition for twenty yours, under the or about 60 tons per day, and the production of the joint protection of England and the United States, settlement in equal to [rd of the total consumption. and with the stipulation that at the end of the mid Opto-The stocks are exoedingly light, and period its thep inhabitants may attach themselves we could not name Benares qvor 8665 per chest lo either country, of erect themselves into an in-cash. dependent soverignty, as they may prefer. If such Parrak-We would name it at 84-15 a 440, A proposition has been made, we trust that it will and this advance has been owing to purchases on

be accepted; for the effect of it would be to givo | Americas arcourt.

The whole territory eventually to the United States Frices.-mege. The production during the



fine quality, sold at 671 per picul. The Siamese are progressing in the cultivation of this article.

COTTON.-The arrival of the Junks will soon create some activity in this article; at present prices are nominal.

China Nankin. The market is at present cleared but early supplies are expected by the Junks; nominal price $55 per 100 piece.

Cara Roor-Demand very uncertain; lost sale at 62 per picul.

CUTE. Peg-No supplies and inquired for. DEAGON BLOOD.-Jo Reed inquired for. Lamp seldom wanted.

· Elephants 'T'eutu-None of suitable sizes for mie..

Gans?na.-The favourable accounts brought

by the October Mail caused a greater demand And the price has bem gradually advancing from 31:55 1-75 per picul. To-day sallere ara asking 5 cents more and unlem the present high price of Rice de- clioos Gumbier may probably advance to 31-80 1-90_por_picul. The quantity in hands of buyers waiting Tonnage to England may be estimated al 68,000. And the stock of planters at about 16,000 picula.

Gamovox.Imports from Blam, Good quali.

15 has been sold at $75 and middling quality at G

70 per pel. The article continuos in good demand. GOLD Dom-Always salcable at about quota.


GUN BANJANIN.-Contiunes in good inquiry for shipment to Bombay and England. Importa limited. Sales of 10 picule 2nd quality ut 800 and about 6 pleale 3rd quality at $45 per pical Gam Copal no supplies; price nominal.

?UNNIRS.---?tocks largo; salos of 68 bales at $52.0 per 100.

Hipan & Honny, Bugal-Importa have been limited to 600 piculs of the former which realized

$4 and 200 of the latter $5↓ a 34 per picul.

MOTHER 'PEARL SHELLA-In good demand.

If the whole territory is open to setders from Eng. Jest two months has been very small, and the quallSupplies of 650 picule from Sooloo averaged by land and the United States on equal terms, it will ?ty inferiur; consequently very little has been Auction 813-03 per picul. This shipment was

at the end of 20 years contain ten Americans to brought into the market for sale by the planters. superior in quality to the supplies by Bugis tenders ene Englishman. Such are the migratory babits of 'Europe quality has been selling at from 838 to 65, and the Shalls free from worm huler


Per MAZEPPA, Br. Brig from Hongkong, JARDINE & Ca arrived Deo. 1845.

650 pinces Camlete 1,140

Chiatres. EXPORTS. Per MAZEPPA, Br. Brig, for Hongkong sall ed Dec. 1846.

JARDING & Co. 391 Bales Raw Silk, Per BELLA VISCONGADA, for Manila mil- ed Dec; 1845.


13 cases Wove Silke

Twine 39 balle

105 bales Nankoene 8,000 in No. Umbrellas

10.80 piaule

45 47.95

Jars, value 988 Dollar

430 picule Porcelain Ware

10 bates Jagan Paper

Bried Fruite, value 80 Dollars

2,000 in No. Wooden Basics

89 picals Lamp Wicke

13 bales Tayanm Silk

824 picule Vermicelli

And a quantity of goods shipped by Chinese Per LARPENT, Br, Ship, for Cork, miled Nov. 1835.

Thone. Ripley & Co.


Tea Congou


379,850 lbs.






Young Hyson 2,183



11raon Bhin




243 bales Raw Silk

Edited, Printed and Published by Joan Vank,

At The Friend of China and Hongkong Gastle, Printing Ofice, Gavon SraEET, VICTORIA, Hunoxoxo, 1848,







VOL. V. No. 9.

PRICE ● 12 per annum.

Terma of Bubscription to the " Friend of China and Hongkong Capotte," per annum $19. Six months $7. Three months §1; all pred in advance. Cralit prices, 914, 85. 50, and $5, for the periods

of twelve, six, and three months respectively : Single number to Subscribers 25 eta, each, to Nom?nineribers 1 Rupes. Parties calling or sending to the office for papers are requested to pay cash, Terms of Advertising.—Tan lines und under #t; additional 10 conta por line. Repetitions one third of the first insertion. Ships : First insertion § 2 ; subsequent insertions $5 cent. Advertisements in hava wristen on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countormanded. In all instances, those who are not Subscribers, must pay in advance.


Victoria. 22nd Jennery, 1848,


THE Buam Bhip BRAGANA, Cap and Retain Lewis, with Her Majesty's Nakama, Mail, will leave this for the above places at daylight on the 1st of February; 1846. Cargo will be received on board until noon, and specie unul 4 v. a. on Saturday the S1st Inst. This route offers an PARTIES receiving letters directed to opportunity of visiting Singapore and Pinang, re- C. LOT. Esq. are requested to forward the maining a few days at Ceylon, thence to Madras or same to the office of the undersigood at Macao.. AB Calcutta in 34 days from leaving China. Stanmern charges or portage on the saine will be paid on are also understood to ply between Colembo and delivery Bombay-Specie, Silk, and other Goods, may be forwarded by this route to Madras and Calcutim, and will be retained on board the Blamer at Galle


His Nothids Majesty's Consul.


3rd October, 1848.





R. W. I PRANKLYN has the honor to an


the most luxurious, in Crimson and Purple M rocco adjusting themselves to the posture and in which to it is to repose. Superb and Cortly


in Cloth and Gold-Gold and Mahogany. TABLES Round, Square, Oral of the highest polish in Rose- Yod and Mahogany, unrivall

TO LET Small House No. 4 Pottinger Strost; enquiry | HER WILLIAM WARD BROWN is authorised Pottinger Biroot.

of L. Just Bear., corner of Queen's Blad, il to sign for our Firm by procuration,

nounce to the community of Victoria that bo *BEGAN & Co.

has received instructions to submit to Public com. L. JUST. Ipi Summary, 1846.

petition at an early day hereafter to bo namod a Diost unique and rich assortment of English Furni THE business of the undersigned will in future ture, to which he begs to call attention, as he fools be carried on in cunnection with his Brother sured that nothing of the kind her bf?re has been Mr. ADAM SCOTT under the firm of W. Score & Co. landed in the colony. Consisting of

WILLIAM SCUTT, Vistacis. In August, 1845.

NOTICE. THI Undersigned have formed a partnership, for 1 the traction of a general Agancy and Com mimion business, under the respective Firina of RAWLO, Dev & Co. at Victoria, and Duus, Rawto & Co. at Shanghai.

8. B. RAWLE N. DUUS Victoria, Hongkong, Tal October, 1846.

POR BALE. IRATES complete with mantel pieces. Also Ta low bandsome Stoves.

RAWLE, DUUB & Co. Victoria, 23rd January, 1846.

FOR SALE. Y the undersigned 26 Boxes of Turkish smok Ding Tobacco.

RAWLE, DUUB & Co, Victoria, 17th January, 1849.

PIANO FORTES. very olegam Rowwood cabinet Piano, O O

taves, with motulio plates; also a Mabogany

down of,

until the arrival of the Bucs Stesser for thore Nethida. Consulate, Canson, placer, when they will he transhipped free of ex- pense. Arts?guments are made in the Steamers Throughout for the convenience of the Native Mer- chants of India, proceeding as passengers and cer- this accommodation is reserved in those from Cal-10 us Polices on behalf of the Bocian, a cutts, for Passengers from Chinn, joining the Sues Shanghai, payable in Elengkong, Calcutta, Be line at Galle, to secure which it is requisito that a bay, and London.

DENT, & Co notice of at least two months be given to the

Sect. Union Insurance Societji Company's Agent here.

Vistoria, 1st January, 1848:

Information regarding the rates of freight and panga can be obtained by application at the Peninsular and Oriental Steato Navigation Comp's (Nfice and shippers are requested to make Notice that a Shipping order cannot be greased unless the contents and value be distinctly marked on the outside of each paskaga for overland transit



Vistoria, Hongkong, 2 January let, THEN,"

TO LET. 110088 situated on the North Side of

A Gough Street Apply to


TO LET. Commodious and well finished Dwelling


THE undersiged have received authority from

the Directors of the Imperial Fica ?Inturag?n. Oos of London, to issue Policies on the Kaw Buildings at Canton

MAOYICAR & Co Victoria, 23rd January, 1846



COUCHER, BOFAS and OTTOMANS with spring borsehair cushions wooing balmy sleep to the fortunate possetor. CURIOUSLY ELEdant Ladies TOILETS with handsome Missote above, of a late fashion, ALSO,

Rocking and Bud Room Easy Chairs, dining and drawing ditto, Washing Tables with Marble tops drowsing ditto and a variety of looking glasses of overy description with an assortment of Perfumery, highly ornamented Musical Boxes playing 4 and G


The whole to be on view from Monday nart the 26th is stent till the day of Bale (of which duo notice will be given) at the Qludowas of Messen

Queen's Ros?, 24th January, 1846;

THE sadersigned are prepared to lasus Polillos

at Shanghai, on behalf of the Caloutts In Piano of a similar d·scription for sale at the Go. Itegna & Co. Spring Garden". serance office, payable in Hongkong, Singapore, Calcutta, Bombay, and London.

MACVICAR & Co. Victoria, 23rd January, 1846.


THE business of the undersigned will from the let proxime, be carried on undor the Brm of


FOR SALE new Planquin Carriego, Ap

W. . FRANKLYN. ply to *Victoria, 23rd December, 1845. AN Invoice of Bear and Porter by a late arrival TV JT. FRANKLIN has just receive for selu

for aalo by,

TY. the following articles. RAWLE, DUUS & Co


French Merino in all colors for Ladies dresses, Twilled faunel, Tablo covers, Aparm Candles pre-

Ratt Houer, at the corner of Ped) Bireet and ?KIN, Rawson deJ?L-RAWSON & Aless dinner seus complete with decanters &c. whole of these articlor for malo at moderate prices

Clego atrast, nonsisting of dining and drawing rooms, Sour bedrooms, offices on ground floor, with ser vante apartments 4o. For particular apply to

GEO: STRACHAN. THE Eastern side of the lurge and com- modius house situated in Welling un Brest and now in the occupation of Messrs Gilman & Co. For particules apply to,

Rom. Cath College & Superior. Victoris, 2nd December, 19(6.

TO LET. TWO Convenient House in Gough Street. with Verandahe, each containing one Kooms, exclusive of outhoween, enquire of

ROWLAND REES. Pottinger Street. Victoria, Bib December, 1845.

TO LET. House in Gongh Street.


Apply to JOHN CARR.

THE premises known as the office of the "Fried of Chios: Three Houses situate in Walling lon Street, commanding a fine view of the bay; a Shop and Blore situats on the Queen's Road, iu. a contral part of the town. Early possession ca be given. For further particulars apply to

R. OSWALD. Victoria, 19th Deamber, 1845.

TO LET. THE HOUSE in Qosen's Road lately occupied

by Phillipe Moore & Co. Apply to


FOR SALE. MARINE Lot No. 64 Situated between the lots I of Menon MACTICAN & Co. and PRANIER

Jaxentour King, measures 200 feet ses frontage, and altogether is a very desirable lot. For further particulare apply to

FLETCHER & Co-Hongkong,

or DIROM, GRAY & Ca-Chaton. Victoria, 1st July. 1845.


T Victoria Hongkong, in a sumiral position, a A valuable water side property, consisting of wharf, spacious lodown, dwelling and out Hooms; all in perfect repair, and sow lat on loss. For particulam, apply to


Mecas, ist July. 1845.


THE upper part of a House, having Ave large rooms, with servants roome, ennk house and Godown attached, situated in the Queen's Road. For particulars apply to

HUMPHREYS & Co. Vietorin, 9th December, 1840.

TO LET THE upper part of commodious and will baik dwelling House containing seven roon with servanta roncs, and outhouses with stabling. For further particular apply to,


No. 1 Wellington Terrace D'Aguilar Street

Victoria, 24th October, 1845.

$1st December, 1845,

FOR SALE-AT the Godown of Mars Blenkin, Rawson & Co., Burton Ale in Ude, from Worthington and Hobingun

Hongkong, 15th January 1848.


| T the Godowns of Mesars Blenkin, Rawson & A Co Allsope Pale Ale in bottle; Barclay's Porter in bolo, Saperior Sherry, Madaira, and Port, in wood and bottle.

Hongkong, 16th January, 1846.


VR THOMAS SCHATLOR, Hathaway Nye hos the day boon admitted partner in our Firm.

NYE, PARKIN & CO. Caston, January lei, 1846.

NOTICE. THE undersigned have been appolated Agents at Canton for the "Globe Insurance Office" of Calostia, and are prepared to grant Police pay.

his in London, Calcutta, Bombay and Canton MACLEAN, DEAKIE & Co. Canton, 10th November, 1845.

FOR GALE. WEBSTER, Gordon, Comart & Go's, superior Y! **Mandeira, in Hhos, quarter and half quarser

"FLETCHER & Co. casks, and in oRDEN.

Hongkong, let March, 1846.

NOTICE THE Interest and responsibility of Mr. Chris topher Fearon, in our firm seed on the Sist

FEARON & SON. December 1844.

Marzo, 1st January, 1845,

****** NOTIOR.

few dinner, breakfast, com as I coffee sele; also whiskey, Dhaner and Coffee For The

at the Glodows of the undersigned.

in any quality to sont purchasers. RAWLE, DUUS & Co.

Keying House, December 19, 1845. UST Received per Into arrivals and for sale by

FOR SALE. the soberbers

CAUNDERS Pole Octuber brewed alc in Wood, Patont Balamander Bafer of various sizes war- Alleupe Beer in Wood, Port and Sherry, ranted soners in the hottest fre

Champagne and Claret. Apply to

ROBERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 25th July, 1815.


Patent Weighing Machines from 200 a 2,300 pounds, which can be made to weigh poouls and

RAWLE. DUU? & Co. caction.

Vioter, 28th October, 1845.


CUPERIOH Sherry and Madoirs in wood: also Dfew hall pipes and quarter casks Cape and Teneriffe Wings, Sherry, Madcita, Port, Claret, Cognac, Cherry Brandy, in 1 2 & 3 dozen casca HAWLE, DUUB & Co. -Victoria, 28th October, 1845." FOR SALE BY THE UNDERBIGNED.

Nortment of Anchors and Chain Cables, A Europa, Manila and Coir Rope, Hemp and Cotton Canvas, and several Spara for lower and topbests,

RAWLE, DUUB & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845. FOR SALE. [TWO Ponine; one accustomed to carry a Lady.

Both warranted sound. Apply to, Queen's Road, 16 Jab: 1840.



CARD. THE undersigned has established himself in this placo sa a Commission and General Agent in connection with Mesus Forlen Beorners & Co. Speecher, Conton Apontell) Switzerland Earrying on business onder this name and on account of this firm.


Manila, 13th July, 1845

FOR SALE MANILA Rope of all sizes. Also Ulcerings

Cherry Cordial,

BURD, LANGE & Co. Queen's Road. Victoria, 2nd January, 1840. FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. To. 3 Superior Manila Cigars.

in wood & bouk

Monila Pine Saari, Handkerchiefs, and Ladies Dresses.

J. DELMAS. Corner Aberdoco Street Opposite the Baker. Victoria, 10th November, 1846.

NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day removed their establishment to the house west side of the

PHILLIPS, MOORE, & Co Victoria, 22nd January, 1846.-


THE busines of the und from the 17 H. FRANKLYN, Queen's Rond, Victoriament

date be conducted in the bathe of 0.8. Ona ina sem?vad to th? sborn premise from TON & Co., bls partners being as heretofore, D. Keying Houm, where he will in future catry on WARD M. DANTZA, and William Doon of the business of wholesale and retail commission and shipping Agent, general dealer, auctioneer and the firm of DAWPELL, Detrason & Co, in London Wine Birit marchant. Goode stored in dry ARRANGEMENTS, having been completed for

and Liverpool,


Canton, 1st January, 1846. B. Rosur Jaovox is authorised, to sign our

firm by procuration.

HOLLIDAY, WINE & Co. Victoria, 26th December, 1845.


THE undersigned are prepared to lame Policies

and secaro gedowns and forwarded on the mom the erection of an Ice House, for a regular Partios who may be desirous of madorato Lerike. The undersigned has Lorches supply of ico. and a Bchooner running regularly to Canton, Cam-adding their names to the list of Shareholders will goose and Macao." Charges for passengers as be pleased to communicate with Mr L. A. Glode No. 2 Gough Street, who is authorised by the lice Followy

committee to receive and register applications for |charan.

'To Canion..

Cameing asoom → Macao




These vessels are all well atmod and part man.

of Insurance at Shanghal on first class vessels and with Europos. Every variety of goods on payable in Hongkong. Blogapore, Calequin, Madras, view at the Bhew comma. TURNER & Co Bombay and London.

THE Schooner " ALPHA," well manned Agents Commercial Insurance Callidity,

and armed, ruus between Bongkong, Victoria, 20th August, 1848.

Mbeno. or Camsingmoon, as zoquired; currying TABULAR Statements of the Commerce of Bin cargo Opium, Treasure and Passengers, at most mu-

gapore for the years 1845-4), 1941-42, 1842+ |demte terms. 43,1848-44 with an abstract view of the same cost- need in 1845, (in one bound Volume) prepared under the direction of the Hon'ble the E. L Com- pany, and compiled from Official Documents. Fur Balo by R. P. BAUL.

wi Mens THOS. RIPLEY & Co's Price 10 Rupees sack Victorin, 23 January, 1840

W. H. FRANKLYN. Vioteris, 6th September, 1845,


Day Byndey Borse sound and quiet to ride or

drive. Apply to

W. II. FRANKLYN, Victoria, 12th December, 1843

Hongkong, 21st October, 1845.


N BALE-At the Store of Me. John Sinith in

10 MALE from Dr. Henters.

Soda Water Manufactory there. Macao, 11th January, 1916.


GABRIEL be taken a commodious house si- MGA Lormer o house distance south of the Queen's Road, which be in. tends to conduct as a Hotel under the abore title. Gentleman favouring him with their patronage will find their comfort strictly attended to.

All the articles suppliod will be of the first rate description.

A 'Thurston's Billiard Table on the Primises, Victoria, 14th Murch, 1013.

?????*??== o



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1943 JOV



37.5 58 NE31


Calm 01










6937 NE. 6E 3



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Temp: Wind.


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g. w. 67.5 N. E. Calmo. m. r. boom.r

N. E. 312, N. E. 90. f.


heo.m.f. 19.87

o. fr. 11.87 o. ? 1287

b. o. o. m. 11.87







jo og

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Remarks &e; de

3 A. M.


Meteorological Register for one year from August 1844, to August 1845, ept or board of a Ship near Chapel, Island East Coast of China,

9 A. m.


9 P. M



* * * * * * *

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52 8 7 7 8 8

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The newspapers describe the British inerchanta dot be shame that induces the Buperintendent

in China as quite in a forment from apprehension to hid from the public the returns of trade drawn up by the Consule at the five purta We would not of Monsiour Lagret? and Frunch commercial ri say that be is desirous to disoblige the mercantile valry. We utterly disbelieve the imputed fears, community and hence the neglect to make public quite satisfied that in the nature of things there is these returns as formerly. It would be uncharita: Got a shadow of foundation for them, and that our ble to impate such low paltry feelings to any Gen morchunts there have far too much good rent aleman, moch loss to a man i Sir John Davis' posi entertain them. Pranee is pats markot for the tian, and we therefore leave his apology to some produce of China, and China is not a market for more ingenious pep-it is epongh that we respect the produce of France. Of the staples of Chim

France takes about ons twenty-fifth part of the ten fully point out the stro

While so this subject we would refer to the that we take, and hardly any raw silk ne all. France which cannot furnish China at the serpe price,—incloed pulice expenditure, an official return would be a curious document. We know that not at any price,—with the woollens, cottuna, me- parliament has voted ?8,000 for the support of tala, opium, cotton and other Indian produce that the police of this town; an illegal assessinept on we furnish, to the yearly valus of near 20 000,0007 house rent raises a large sum; a tax upon the ladies The Chinese neither drink Bordeaux ner Bunr. of the pave swells the amount. But what becomes gundy, nor do Munderins' wives dresu in Parisina of all this monog 1. Surely if economically expended millinery, Where, then, are the grounds of fear

■ low sum would suffice for the police of Victo | for our commerce from Fronch rivalry↑ Inviguers


The last item the tax of $1 per month_paid may temp them up, but our merchants, we will by the unfortunate fem les who reside in the China venture to say, never felt or expressed them. Chie part of the town-supports a branch of the police, son might be, to-morrow, a French possession with. who-have been impudently dosignated the Munici out any more danger to our commerce that is in PAL POLICE. Yes incredulous reader, the Munici- curred by the French Protectorate of Tabiti. Ir pal po'ice of Victoria are supported by the tax re the French be silly mnough to go about buying harred to, and W dininguish them from their bro- | cooking utensile at a great cost, without any food thren they ato labased on the arm M. P.. ?n M. | to cook, why should we be angry?

P ?n Brilish Chine. It will be observed is a very As to the errors of the Treaty of Nankin, the different personage from an M. P. in the United Tory Goremment is alume auswerable for them, Kingkom. Some satirical wag must have suggen- | far it is not pretended that the Planipotentiary did ed that the term. Municipal be applied to these men, anything but act on his justructions. and doubtless in quietly laughing" at the simplicity It is now too late to retrieve our errors... Chumen of those who have followed his silvico Municipal must be surrendered to the very letter of our re we bays always understood referred to the corpora gagement, unless the Chinoso voluntarily offer to tion of a free city; in Hongkong official language ? | give it to us on our surrender of the tires useless has a very different reading, which we beg will be parts, which is scarooly probable. We must not understood in future when mention is made of the [| "van tamper with the subjout by stempting to open Munisipal police.

a fresh negotiation, which would inevitably prove The police expenditure of Sydney N. S. Wales in fruitless and discreditable. Fifty Chumns would ?7,310,7,1. Of this one half is paid by the inhabe e compensation, evan in a mere mercenary Biasts. Bydney bus a population of 60,000 souls, paint of view, not only for breach of engagement, and when it in remembered that until the last four or

but for the baro auspicion that we had such a thing Ero years it was the capital of a peal colony, it in contemplating. Sir Robert Pael, but especially *ba balieved that even now the population is none the Duke of Wellington, who from experience of the most orderly. For the honeft of the Execu-

knows the immossatuble value of a good name tira we publish the particulars of the police expen am ag the nations of Asia. will, in all probability, tive Council.

Neo adrenticements, will be received, until ure of Sydney as officially laid before the Legisla? not van entertain the question, but, on the colta.

(Clack on the nueninge previous to publi- entim, riz: Thandage and Pridays.


Beamins! Juny. 16

Polien maginesie

?gsminister of police.

Biz sharks, at ?26, 2150, 2130, 213, Bus,

and. $180 per 24uam, napnctivaly Two saristani slacks, si de sach per diem Puer lespromes, ac di enak per diem Twelve organiz, at de anak per diem.



Nov. 14






Do. 31 Jan. 11








Bince our last issues we haur little local news

Mtungur, ?i la S? par dinca.

Alownach in Ben of alching se inspectors, sere

and cometables ?05 men, at Slouch

Rasions of provisione so prisonera in custody,

and fel and light Byrings, stationery and incidental expenses

te d


? 01 881

.. 297 0.

410 15 0

143 144

ry, remand Mr Montgomery Martin, with a smart rap over the knuckles, to his Treasury and h?s Barratarin.The Examiner.

CHINA-Ms. Hargreve Brothers, faxepia- nars and power-loom linen-mauafacturers, of Leeds Seventyrale constables, at to be such per diam 2014 are in their possession several mamples of Chias 17. This article is represented as possessing !! **** | the qualities of flax, but in a higher degres chan any other known to our spinuste or manufacturers surpassing the best qualities in arength. Boenas, and length of staple. The linen manufactured by them from this article greatly resembles French 1905 cambric, but with a moro vilky apprumauce. la

would appear that the Chinese grave can be sup ?741?plied in unlimited quantity; and if that should be the case it must be a subject for congratulation, that an article of such large consumption in this country should be presenting itself as another ?x ohangeable commnudity for our manufacturers, the rapidly extending consumption of which throughout Chine seems to be limited only by the means which they passoss of anking a suitable return for them.



The Chinese new year has act in with the dung uvanantaishia ut jeg. o bivaky a men were flogged at the usual place; four ?f thems had stolen goods from the naval stores, and tw (we hent,) were Chinese policemen who had bese

The island of Changin, according to the arms guilty of extorting money from their sountrymen of the Treaty of Nankin, to be surrendered to the on false pretences Two Coroners inquesta hava | Chinese next year, supposing the Chinese on their bern held; one on the body of a Municipal police | r?n shall have fulfilled their part of the trenly. man who was shot by a European policeman onder Hithere they have acted with exemplary good faith suspicions circumstances; the other on a Chine or is there the lasst probability of their failing in men killed in an affray with robbers who attacked future to do so. Nothwithstanding this, we see the English prom and its Indian correspondent urging the Government to retain Chua under and pratesi or another. Mr Robert Montgomery Mar the lumbering, clumey compiler, notorious for various qusokish shifts and changes, has thrown up his treasurerabin of Hongkong, and came to 26, Mermaid, dill, Maca England with steam-power haste, in order to urge

o the Home authorities the retention of Chusan. JANUARY,

some men engaged in quarrying stones to the west- ward of the town. A boat arossing to Macao with European Gentleman on board was attacked by Ladrones a few evenings ago. The robbers pulled of from shore in an ordinary Bahing boat, but they did not succeed in capturing the fast bont the crew of which defended themselves with pires. Bome fire bells were thrown on board which burnt two or

| tbroo men, but no lives were looL






93, Midas (Am. st.-ahr), Poor, Canton. 23, Royalist, Lees, Camsingmoon 23, Privateer, Martell, Cumaingmoon. 24, Wa-lock, Jauncey, Cunsingmoon. 25, Alfred, Napper, Whampoa.



Alfred, Napper, Bydney. Royalist, Lees, Amoy. Mermaid, Gill, Calcutta.

The Testry of Nankin was by general acclamin- 23, Dart (Am), Baylis, Camsingmoon, tion pronounced quite perfect at the time it was 24. Titania, A. F. Anson, Whampoa. made. We never joined in the clapping of hands, 25, Premissher Adler (Prusa), Echott, Whampoa,

at saw in it serious omissions and mistakes, and mid no. We thought the omission of all mention of the oplum trade, the cause of the war, a sail blunder; we saw in the multiplication of open ports, conceded by the Chinese with extreme reluc nes, only the multiplication of points of collision with the Chinese. We preferred, what the Chi- mane would hare sonceded far more teadily, the omelon, in sovereignty, of three or four easily de fensible islande on the coast for emporia,

The Timer seama now to be of the opinion we

FL. M. 8. Agincourt, Captain Lyster, Flag of Rear VEMBLA IN Victoria HannoUK.

Admiral Sir Thomas Cochino

Those who have marked the carose of the local guvernment will not be surprised at any of their absurditisa. The imaginary Barratarja of the cele brated Spanish author appears to be realized in Hongkong, and even the eccentricities of that amus ing varlet Sancho, must give place to those of the rulers of Hongkong We have said that no surprise can be felt at the absurdities of the Executive, but we have frequently had occasion to regret their in- competency, and the antiquated idea they have formed of their duties as setpunts of the public and guardians of the interests of the faw inhabitants of this island. Their actions are on records and we do not intend dragging them before the public at with its advice. Three of the newly-acquired present; our purpose chiefly to express regretat | * porta,” it mys, "fare good for nothing as places the omission to publish the usual statistical rature of trade, sis, Amoy, Fu-chow-foo, and Ningpo, of commerce at the Consular ports. His Excel-There is more trade carried on at Ghusan is a lency Sir John Davis has had some experience of '" m?ath than at these places in a year.”” commerce-though of commeres is is worst shaja tavichia is szabaly what right have been expected and be must be aware of die valse of comentan happen is a place under Britisk pretation when statistical information as to the annual export and dompared with those under the bad and jealous imports. For instance his old employers in Les fovernment of China. It moet bere been the case! Gasale (A), Chase, denhall Street knew the precies wumber of bales of with any conveniently situated and healthy loen Jane, P. Berg, woollens they shipped annually to their servants atlity selected for an emporium, had such been taken Jan Barry, Clarke, the Canton factory, with the quantity sold and in after our victories. The lauded Chumn, in fact. John Christian, Thomas, store, and they regulated their future shipments no- has no peculiar facilition for trade.

It is at least Linast, — 190 miles distant from the mouth of the Yang Lyre, Grosvenor, cordingly. Their instructions to purchase ten or silk were also guided by their knowings of stock Cheliyang, which, it is pretended, it commande, Mermaid, Gill, and demand and had the Canton Factors neglect and its extent je far too great for cheap and easy to furnish them with full particulars as to the im- defence. ports and exports of the port they would have been

H. M, Str. Vices, Commender Gifford, H. M. Tr. 8. Alligator, Com, King. expressed three years ago, but it comes too late. M. 8. Mindow, 2nd Master in charge Osmer,

Hospital and Store Ship Alfred, Napper, Anglona, Line, Andes, Ollver,

rebuked to a certainty. Were His Excellency - tirely ignorant of the value of correct statistical re turns of the trade of the Consolar ports, he would be blameless-further then that he showed a neglect

One of the protests for wheedling China out of Chosun is the apprehension that the French will occupy it as soon as we have given it up. The envey of Louis Philippe, M. Lagrend, described the Tuce as "astute, jopustical, and experiesend,"

of duty-in not making them public, but he cannot and far more than a match for Governor Die

Bomonja ormarjes, Costes, Braganza (sh), Lewin, Calcatta, Osburne, Congame (Am), Doane, Emma, Fram,

Midas (Am, t-shr), Poor, Privateer, Martell, Natchez (Am), Waterman, Rogelis, Law, S, Dickson, Starling, Chape

Thereas, Warleck, Jauncey, W. Jardine, Small,

J. Matheson and Co Maovicar and (o

J. Matheson and Co J. Matheson and Co J. A Olding Russell and to Roswell and Co Captain

J. Matheson and Co Macvicar and Co Dent and Co Dirom, Gray and Co Younghusband and Co J. A. Durran A. A. de Mello James P. Sturgis Bush and Co C. H. Lungrah A. A de Mallo Dent and Co Murrow and Co William Lane

J. Matheson and Co Blenkin, Rawson and Co Weimore and Co Dent and Co

#issahickon (Am), Webber, Zephyr, Mann,


put forth the ples of ignorance, and we are really whose appointment it pronounces “a blander," at a loss to find'apy excuse for the delay to publish | now in China. This formidable person is acconi. these resurna His very designation of Superinten- ing to the same gund anthority, assuredly to go to den of Trade (a tidiculous momer by the way) Pekin, and there certain, hy guciation, to ublein might tell him that is is bie duty to protect and enfor France a cession of Chus, courage commerce; hat has he done to 1 Weak Now we will venture to predict that M. Lagran the question of those who can best answer the however astote he may be, will not persuade the H. M. 8. Dedalur, Captain McQubae. British merchams of China-and we are cop?dent Chinese to allow him even to go to Peltin, and M. S. Hatard, Captain Egerton, that they will reply to a man, No, he peither pro that, whether ko aver reaches the Imperial capital | IL. M1. B. Vestal, Captain Talbot. tects not encourages the commerce of his country or not, he will never persuade them to cede Chumen | H. C. Str. Pluto, Com. Airy, in China, but on the contrary the appointment heto France. That is unly to be done by steain and Aden, King, holds is a clog upon it. We can readily believe cannon, which Franer has not the means, anil, it that the Governor frele ashamed to publish then be hoped, not the inclination, to have re- revenue and disbursements of this island, but it can. ' course to,

Amherst, Biale,

Aliet tokoman, Row,

Devil, Farley,

J. Crooke & Massey

A. A. de Mello

J. Sanlum


Girafe, Robinson,

John Laird, Bryan,

Jocen Corina, Dring, D. &

Justina (Dutch), Rash, Lady Amherst, Thompson, Nymph, Horsburgh, Pearl, Morrisco,

Russell and Co Wetmore and Co


SALE OF BOOKS AND PRINTY. M. Rustomjee and CoR. PRANKLYN be rearived instructions to dispose by Public Auction of a most curious J. M. 8. Van Basel and varied assortment of Booke and Prints consist

Lindsay and Co jag of 1-

Dent and Co

D. & M.

P. Adler (Prussian). Schuu. Prine Carl (Swede), Molien, Hosanna, Crighton, Titania, A. F. Anson, Victor, Morgan,

Wild Irish Girl, Buckton,

SMITH & BRIMELOW. Ship Chandlere, 'holesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants, and Commission Agruta &c. _No 1 ? ? W008NAM'S BUILDINGS.




REGS most respectfully to inform the Gentry ? and the Publio that he has Removed bis Ei- HAVE for all kinds of Bures suitable for Findens views of the Watering Places; Canadian Ships; such on Canvas, Blocks, Rape, Twi tablishment from Maceo to Hongkong where he Rustomjee and Co Scanery; American ditto; Switserland Ullustrated, Boef, l'ork, &c. &o. Also Storm suitable for Intende seaducting bis Business in all its branches Russell and Co, and the Life and Works of Robert Burne in sats of familie, Double Oluster Cheese, Blatter in small and row by strict attention, to merit a share of Rossell and Coeix volumes, with engravings by the first artists. Kege and Jer, York hame, Coffee, Chocolate, the Public patronage which he has for this last two

Captain These are gods for the Library or the drawing Prerved Mes and Boupe, Beuces and Pickles yuzu coonivad: Flatcher and Co rooms, the latter to his countrycoon particularly Harley, Jams and fellies, T'as in umall package, for the citrate, likewise a selection of Drills and Mom. C. Dorvie also bega to stale that be in- samorted, Bardines Prunes. Blaum Raisina, Pods to keep on hand a variety of Cloths suitable Dent and Coast be a source of never failing amusement.



Harriet, Isabella Robert, Kelly.


Various works on Architecture, ancient and mo- dom, a great variety of Allasses books mape prints colored and plain, and sundry echer articles, n?utic-


11. C. M. 3. Alement, Captain Duplon. Fatal Hair (Dutch), —; J. M. 8. Von Basel al instruments, knives, solzaru, Telescopes etc. ele-

C. Bapoorje Langrah P. J. de Paiva

A case of English Bonts and Shoes, without reserve, Sale to commence at 7 30 .N., Thunday 20. Tho whole will be on view the day of the aula, A. Hoard and Co. from..

Jahn (Swede), Olterberg, Cumeingmoon J. M. &Co ' Lady Hages, Langley, J. Matheson and Co Preciona (Sp). Pardo, Snip, Eadicou,



U. 8. Corvette Fincennes, Captain Paulding. Anna Maria. Millou,


superior Bristol Trips, Salmon, Tongum,


Stout in battles, Allopp's Bees.

Beer and Porter in Cak, Barclay and Perkins

Superior Port and Sherry, Masteiro in wood and batile, Vidonia, old Cogang, Whiskey in cask and bottle, Cank Brady, Cherry Cordial, and a varie ty of other articles.

Victoria. 90th December 1845.

JUST RECEIVED Small Invoice of prime Marischio Champagne

A ("Duchotell" Rheima) and Orange Flour


SMITII & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 4th January, 1846

U B. S. Columine (74), Com, Biddle, Bogue forta, MR FRANKLYN has the pleasure to autoSGOS JL to Housekeepere and the Publis generally, Wetmore and Co that he has received instactions to put up for paz- Olyphant and Compluty sale on Munday next the 2nd pesm?me aj Wrimore and Co 4.30 PM. The following wines (the property of

wer and Cogentleman leaving the Colony) and of the first [p? Russell and Co quality.

Curchage, Fox,

Chile, Beny,


Coquette, Eldridge,

Geneva, Drinker,

Loockoo, Huich, Medora, Cooke, Junchi, Steele,

50 baskota superior Champagne

SODA WATER AND BRATED LEMONADE, be obtained at the manufactory of the under



Tiers, Bourne and Co

Russell and Call cases French Port & Bherrye, 3 panzn in betile | No 1 and 2 Wooenom's Buildings, corner of Pal-


Wdmore and Co Wetmore and Co

8 dos Splendid Hoek Geisenhlmer

20 oasen Copenhagen Cherry Brundy

THE undermentiunod Wines from the House

Gledatanes, King & Co. London, Port in cance of 3 dusen Madeira






Apply to

Victoria, 26th January, 1848.

2 cases Trinate Marachino.

Glendomen will find this a rare opportunity of

of Leplenient their stock with a superior Winc. The time of sale" (Afternoon) being armagel for their convenience.

Queen's Road, January 28th, 1846.

LONDON ILLUSTRATED PAPERS, THOSE elegant and amusing papers, the Pictorial Timer and Mustrated Neus, are regumely sup- plied by Mesas Simmonds & Ward, foreigu Pub PORTO NOVO IRON WORKS. THE THE INDIA Inox and Saul Courant, baraliskers London. A subscription of ?9 por am: Again blown in their Forces, and are now Payable in advance, covers postage on papers, sup rady to vrecute orders for Pig Iron and irce Cplements &e.

Order received at the Offics of the “Friend of ings of every description.

From improvements in the Manufacture of their China "

FOR HER MAJESTY'S NAVY. Iron, they are now capable of making Castings of the softest description and malleability, and of CEALED Tenders are required on or before 12 gerat strength which can be filed, turned and bored D'clock the 28th fustant, for the following

Bloco vix:

with ease.

The uniform and excellent strong quality of their Pig together with the superiority of their Castings, give them confidence in the perfect certainty of ex? senting any orders they may receive to the onlice satifaction of those who may employ them.

The arrangements to complete their Forge are nearly finished, and they hope by the beginning of the year to supply Bar Imma of all sites, uniform in quality and equal to the best European Marks.

Castings of the following description may be procured

Large Castings:-Colemas or Pillars, Beams and Pipes, for Buildings, &c.

Small Castings-Plain and Ornamental Brac kets for Wall Shade, Lamps, Bhelves, deo.

Do. Do.-Railways and Balustern, Do, Do-Bedetendo with and without Paris. Hinges and Bolia for large Gates and Doors Cnstars for Bede, or for Tables of Boxes.

Pire and Moners of large and small sizes, and many other Castings of the like description too numerous to mention.

Order or Letters of enquiry addressed to their Agents:-


Mears. BAINBRIDGE & Co, Madras.

TULLOCH & Co., Caloutta. RMINGTON & Co, Bombay, or to the Managing Director at Portu Novo, shall be immediately attended to.

HONGKONG DISPENSARY. MILE following are for Sale and Recommended.


Bpoed's Arrow-Ruot, Robinson's Patent Greats and Barley, Seidlice Powders, Essence of Ginger, Byrup of Raspberries, Furniture Oil, French Polish Balt of Lemans for removing Ink and other Brains from Linen, &c.


Murray's Fluid Magnesis and Acidulated Syrup, Bhepherd's Ipecacuanha Lozenges for Cought, Labarraque's Disinfecting Solution of Chloride of Lime and soda.

Gotthemier's Gelatine Capsules of Copaiba, Plasten's Concentrated Capsules of Castor Oil, Frank's Speci?e Solution of Copaiba.


Bear's Grosso, Cold Cream, The True Eas de Cologne, Hair Oil diferont surta, Lavander Water, Lip Balre. Pomade Divino, Pungent Balus. Low's Perfumed Boaps, Tooth Powder different varieties. Compound Fluid Extract of Barmaparilla, (pro- pared a Dispensary),


Bhip Medicine Chests all sizes, and replenished moderate raleyringes, with the latest improve.


Small Pewter and Bone De. Burgical Instruments, Pocket Cases,

BTSTHECOPES, Hernia TRUSSES, &. Chemical Aparatus and Tests, Bores Medicines.

Victoria, 23rd January, 1846.


LOOKING Glas in gilt frames of various sizes

Toilet Bottles

Plated Epergo

Gill and Urmulu fourteen day clocks.

PHILLIPS MODRE & Co. January 21th, 1846.


Paint White Black

One Toa


One Toa


Two hundred Fifty

White wash do. Pwint Oil

300 Gallons The above Blores must be of good and approved- quality or they will not be accepted



LL 00


Naval Storekeeper. Navet Yard, Hongkong, 20th Jany:, 1848.

FOR SALE. [BDHURST'S Chinem & English Dictionary #

in superior binding. Marc's Diosionary of the Bat hen Diner, Madburn's Comparade Vocabulary of the Chi-

se, Coreen and Japanese fanganga, sa Mediante Dietionary in the Favoring Disact the Foreo lignage, amma Madhat's Dialogues in the Manderis Dialect, Medband's Notice on Chinese GramEAT, AKI Modi's Baw and Prooptom of China, a

Ollie's Translation of the four Books.

linger Streal.


farty Jenna for Cost eso, etc ; aku en smortment

of Buffs, Vallonies, Bilks, Satine and Fancy Vie veta Joe Vests of the newest style nud fakion,

Mom C. Doruto has a spal) agnoziment of

lots Kidd, Silk, and other loves, Elastic Braces, Satin Cravels, Stockt etc, etc. etc. all the shore articles are of the bost description that could be pro- cored in the Colony. Uspilemen can depend' in having their Clothes made in the first wyle of fa shion and elegance

Address to Mosa, C. Durosa, Taylor & Draper, Wellington Nt., one dnor from Girakam St. Victoria, Hongkong, 30th May, 1845

MCEWEN & Co. MENERAL Commission and Shipping Agents

Wine Beer and Spirit Merchant. And Auctioneera Clarak,a Flood & Chinams Hong, the consular ports, with all descriptiste of Hures, Supply Ships, Families and foreign residenta at

Salt provison, Wine, Beer and Spirits upon moi desin terina.

Also dry and convenient storage for goods. __Victoria, Ist January, 1840.


JUST received ex "Aren" a anall Invoice of TBT landed a few Higbands Superior Dark

prime Cumberland Hame and Choses.

Colored Brandy. Also, Dark and Pale BMITH & BIRMELOW.

Colored Cognac in b?ttle, of first quality. Victoria, 6th January, 1845.


Victoria, 20th Jany.. 1848. Queen's Hood. CMITH & BRIMELOW have removed their

tablishment to Woonam's Buildings corner POR SALE. - By the undersigned.

Champagne, finger Street, Queen's Road, where they will in folore carry on their basinem,

Hock, Vigjaria, 15th December, 1846.



Uf the sport madorale terma. FOADS stored in dry and secure Gadowas on

SMITH & BIRMELOW. Tictoria, 15th December, 1845,

JUST IMPORTED. FADEM Superfine Blue Clock In quality; 1" Gent's superior White and Colored Bilk Glor?n, a small Invoice of Shoes and a faw Riding White.

F. FUNCK. Vistoria. Ath January, 1816.

JUST RECEIVED. ND for Sale by the undersigned, a few pieces


Opposite the Commissarist Vicharin, And Innomry,1846 NOTICE


LL persons having claime upon the undersign ed are requested to send in their secosals for 10.00 adjustment; and all persone indebted are requested 18.00 to make immediate payment to,

JOHN KAINA, | .$.00

Victoris, 6th January, 1918. 200E CHRISTOPHER begs to Inform the

960 LiLadies of Hongkong that he has just recels 1.50 ed by the “Braganza” a splendid amortment of 140 indica French Silk and Gauss dresses, Barego ca- chemire, lev? broch?, Baroge tin, labrador,


Beer, and Stout, all of the first quality. EDWARD NEWMA?. Victoria 7th October, 1845.

NOTICE. [PH? sahscriber having succeded Mr. P. Town- REND, as Auctioneer and Commising Agent, respectfully solicita the patronage of the Merchowa' and foreign Residents in Hongkong and Liblos. and hopes by a prompt allention to business, lo meril a continuance of the patronage bestowed upon his predecessor.

WILLIAM B. HEYL Mt the Old Slan? Quod's Band Victor, 2nd December, 1846.


ONE Complete Copy of the Chinese Repository.

Apply In

W. 8. HEYL


N the Store of the Subscriber.


Sherry and Madeira Wine in Wood and Bot Wood; Porter and Cider in Bottles: Superior | American Butter; Corn meal; Family Beef in t

Jer, Port Wine in Cases; Peppermint Cordial; Ale

| Bhis; Nests Tonguer, Rounds, Tobacon; Sugars No 3 and 4, Manila Choroots in '1000 and 500 Bozan; Oale in Bble.; Rumin Canvas; Twins; Paint Oi and Torpentine; Bright Varnish

W. 8. HEYL Queen's Rond, Victoria, 5th December, 1845. NOTICE

Velondine dourle, and other robes; Ladies plaid P TOWNSEND, having rezigned bis business,

'Rose Lingan Binke Rambles of the Empire Ching-Th : a Chines Tale, translated into English by Trim-Shen, Joto 6.40 Bhawls and Scarfs, Cravates gouffres, and of the Anglo Chinese Collage, Malsace, ...

MIB rains, of the latest style, which he offers with A Lazilogar | che English, Malay and Chimne

.1.06 condenor us being the newest and most distingue language -

Apply at the London Simionery Mociety's Institucioni | lot of goods that has yet been received in Flongkong. ?Alq gentleman's Black Bill and Satin Cravate Victoria, 29th January, 1848-

and Waistcoatings of superior quality.



A few Superior Saddles and Double Bridles; wall size and suitable for Ponies. Also a racisty of fancy Doeskia Cloth

LANE, ROWLAND & Co. Victoria, January 6th, 1848.



of Auction and Commission Agent in forour of Mr. WILLIAM B. Hara, hage to return his thanka to the Merchants of Chine, for their very beral patronage during his residoses in the Country, and would at the same time a?linit the continuance of the samo favour for his snocemor, Mr. Townske will remain with Mr. Hark, until March 1846, so unlooman and can promies the usual pencitality in busines

Victoria, 2nd December, 1845,


A LL persons having claims upon the undersigned

?S CHRISTOPHER respectfully baga to a

quaint the Ladier of Victoria, that she has "gonjr?d d’large assortment of Childrets cluthing of diffeprat paverna and quality, suitable bath for suin- mer and winter, from the age of six months to ten yes inclusive. Also lot of hildrens habit A are requested to send in their accounts for Shiga and Collars; Ladies and Gentlemen's Blond (adjustment, nud all parties inteblod ato requested and Cambrick Handkerchiefs; Gentlemen's Gloves to make immediate payment to. of different color; Ladie's Boots and Shoes,

P. TOWNSEND. Victoria, December 26th, 184,

The UHKistoriek respectfully bege to in. for the inhabitants of lungkung, Masters

JUST opened and for Bale at the stores of the

undersigned. A large assortment of Carpating all patterns, Hearth Rogt?s, &c. Tarian and Chock Cloths, Drille and White Cotton and worsted Hoes, La. dies Muslios De Laime and Printed Drumont, Laos freshment Rooms next to Mr Just's in the Queen's and a large amortment of Perfumery, stationary

of Yandle do, that he has this day opened ite

Table limon and Oilmans Bapres of all descriptions ? primed scale of charges for Breakfasts, Tif

Caudio do.


Queen's Road. Victoria, November ?ter, 1845.


| And Dinners due, which will be at extremely mo Kallisto, shangwa, will be hyog up in the premises

Victoria, 2nd December, 1945,


Y the undersigned a few Jare of superior Eng.

Isah Print Osl



Pottinger Street. Victoria, 19th November, 1845.

ta onako i on mode Emilinglish and krookl-Newspapers to be led at | BILLS OF LADING FOR THE OVERLAND

2 times


THE undersigned has just received from the well known firm of Perigal & Brady, the follow ing Wines of the choicest quality which will disposed of on the lawost torme


Sherry Ports in Plo Madeira


Also Cherry Cordial

CW. BOWRA Victoria, 19th December, 1844


ROUTE, POR male at this office, four forme oft bills of lad ing for goods or spec.e shipped by the P. a 0. Company's Steam packets. Il for goods delivers

Victoria, 2?rd- December, 1945.

JUST ARRIVED, ND for Sale at the Bores of the Undersigned, AA maperior Intuice of Ulmane Stores Dow sisting of Pickles, Bottled Fruits, W. W Vinegar Bano of arts, Cherry, Browberry and Raspberry Inios for making Ratafia, Jomo aud Jellies, Cur rams and Raision in Tios, Macaroni and Vor-Offics "Friend of China" ?

miosk in Tins, preserved moste and Soaps of sorts, Berkley, Cheddar and pine Chooses, Smoked Wik

ble at London; 2nd for goude deliverable at Southampton 3rd for goods aliverable as doma, 4th for goods deliverable at intermediate poris. _hey are printed alter the Company's forma va Bank post.

25th October, 1845.

Elton jo Tim, Pickled Ox Tongues, Prima Bali | CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re-

Band Leadenhall), Fine York Hume Best Dutch Butler do, etc. Also Flannel, Wrappers, Tagli- o?n


come ant (Vicrocia 7 & 8 ) for sale at this

Ollon "Friend of China,”

Vieserin, 10th October, 1815.

INGUISTS Reports and Navy Ripas for unlo

at this Ofic.

"Ofios Friend of China, 28th Deo,*1944.

Compradores clieque books.

ani's, Culion Books and Stockings, Thread Gloves, Beotch Tartan plaide, Corkscrews, Tape measures, ANCHORS, Chains, Europe and Manila Rope, Sed" bondles. Letter Clips, Brass Tupa, Batin A Navy and blotched Canvas, Navy Cack, Beks, White and Black Beaver and Silk Hats, Bunting. Paints, Off, Salt Provisions, Bread, Fipur Fel Hats, and a variety of other articles too and Marine Bores of all descriptione, Whore, mesqus to mention," Spirits, Beer and Porter in wood and Bolle, lime |

Victoria, Aberdeen Breet and Queee's Fload,OR SALE. At the office of this paper. and Lead Water pipe, Bbert Leed. Bolder, Obres, siged on Friday next at 11 o'clock a. M. Plaster of Paris and Stencelling Pallars, Beres, 3316. January, 1846,

NOTICE A large assortment of damaged paper for the bene-Grates with Fenders &c. to match. Nautical

N apartement to let at bir C. Deruto's French taylor, with or without board, on moderate terms, apply to the undersigned.

C. DUPUIG. Victoria, 26th September, 1845.

WILL be sold by Public Auction by the under-

fit of the concerned together with sundry other Almanacks for 1846, and Manila Cheroots No 3


and 4.



AUMPHREYS & Co. 18 Queen's Road, Victoria, 1st December, 1845.

Chinams Hong, 29th Jany;, 1846.

Bhips Articles, with an abstract of the merchant ronman's act endorsed on the back.

Charterpartion, after forms by Chiny. Powers of Attorney, after forma by Chitty.

Bills of Lading

Chinese Tariff of imports, and exporta. counting houses,


From the London Mail, Nov. 7.) NAVAL AND MILITARY. NAVAL


at and

The result shows that in the year mentioned ?75,963:0: Id was expended for the purposes set forth. The recond branch of the retorn show's the grants of pale money for the balking and repair of churches and chapels" of a demonluation from 1900 to 1900. In England the total was, fur churches ?1,588,601:19:70; in Boodland, 15: Gd; and in fesland, 4633,745: 34:91;9


* Port Louis Maurition, Juno 28.

? It may appear incredible, but it te postivaly


Bichleacons, and clergy, or connected with foreign embas. (ing from town to town with the velocity of swai- sies and malisions, distinguishing the amount received by laws in summer evening. The boldness wol ex-asserted that the existence of the interior fort, the rach denominativ?. It appears that from 1630 to 1864, M- clusive (a period of sheen years), the Church of England tent of those aggregate undertakings convey keep, was not known oren to the traders and peo had grants of public money omnilag to ?1,41;3:91; magnificent ides of the resources and enterprise of plo of Tamatave."—Britania. The King Fisher, 12. Com. Brown, has sailed the Church of Scotland, ?115.008:10:9d; the Church of Britain; but their very magnitude lies like a load Rome in Ireland, ?136,168; Prosessani Dissenters, Else on the imagination, while the incessant restiemnom for Sierra Leone.-- The Bodyminn, 44, has boon fad, ?97514:19: 33; and the Prosessani Dissentors, Zre-

The Lion of an evening party belongs to a commissioned by Capt T. Henderson-The Arc-361191. fo the same period the expended of and swift movements they presuppone in quad numerous class of the community make the head phitrite and Trincomalee, old 43's cutting down to the clergy connected with foreign embassies and

species of which thero uro several genera, or dif. corvettes, are fiting for pirot guns forward.Theedo.149: 17:54d, and the expenses of bisher giddy only to think of.

and clerg? un journeys of visitation and pantas un A

Cerent kinds. The great or principal Lion may, La Hogue, 74 gone, to be fitted by the contractors, home, ?7,1995.1. 101. The expenses of building and to

howayar, be known” by the length of his wil, for When id a Moore. Wigram, with scrow propellur for pairing churches, and chapels, including the day-back of

Further details have boen received relative to the every one will be running after him. steam guard-ship for the river Medway.--The duty on naterala weed, weremie England, 1996.000: 118; Ringdore, 16, Commanding (acting) Walur Need. in colland, ?60,791:5: B1, and in Irela49777134. attack on Pamatars by the joint forecs of the Engame state, and not annoyed, the great Lion will bo very docile, and we has even been known t The amount received by us Church Building Commis has arrived from the conel of Africa. Her com shoes Gu intercal on Exchequer bills, loans, da wa lish and French, secording to the arrangemen mander (Sir William Daniell), died at Sierra Leone ?50,985:8:51. The amount of the arrears of clube and made by the French governor of the Isle of Bour. Hreich forth his paw with extreme gentless on the 15th ult., and First Lieutenant Noad, of the the expenses, de under the Tithe Million and other Acts Son, on one side, and the English governor of the the great List is chiefly found in the west, but be may be sometimes brought eastward, if sufficient for the relief of the clergy in Ireland, was 2967,498 : 10: 7. Maurities on the other. The attack was success. Acton 26. Captain Manoel, was appointed to bring. The expenses of the Commissions for building New Churful, though the loss on the side of the assailants templation in hold out to him. He will ofics be bome the Ringdore by Captain Mansel.-The Rates in that period amosed to ?56,349: 16: 100, and the

induced to go a considerablo distance for a meal, tler Com Smith, bas arrival at Dovonport, with expenses of the Commisalons for the commutation of Ti- was severe. A letter from an English gentleman and if he is well fed upon what he likes, be will official dispatches from Commodore Fairfax Morothes in England and Wales were 2317,800: 10:34 and at the Mauritius says.

those under the head of "Ecclesiastical parposca, ?21,300.

mix condescendingly with the inferior snimals by, c. B., under whose command the Rodney, 92,

The Queen of Aindagascar, na you are protin about him, and make himself very agreeable. The Capt. Collier, c. ■; Albion, 90. Capt. N. Lockyer

Lion of a party will not usually make an attack ou Super, 80, Capt. Corty; and Casopar, 84.

bly aware, is a monster of cruelty. to the time of are trying their comparative ailing and other qua

Radama, her predecessor, the country was advancy, but be some to expect that due homage will ing rapidly in civilisation. Many missionaries be paid to him, and if this is not the case, he will Ikies. The squadron bare bad light winds only;

were there. My fribed Baker had established begin to growl, till he ultimately retires to his own in which they were enabled to carry royale, and

3:14 was granted for buiting and repairing Red Ca. printing prove there, and the Bible had been print jungle in an adjacent attle. the ailing stands thue-Super?, fret, Can?pus, s

The Lion chiefly cumes forth at night, but he tholle chapela. The grand sold applied under the assoud | od in Malagasy, and an immouse number of con cond, Rotary, third, and Albion laat:-The Fan

bood of the return was ?1,0n,Tuli 2:03. The details of velfe of Christianity had been made, bon Radama may be on sometimes in the afternoon, prowling guard, 20, Capt. Willes, has exiled to join the oz. the two returns are given la papero annexed to shemtid, and the prosent Green ascended the throne.

about the wood (pavement,) or soeking for food perimental squadron.She is 300 tona lighter than [The Glasgow Herak:]

*Boon afterwards she dismissed all the mission among those who, be thinke, will take him to their in her old trim.-A case of great suffering is pre

arion and has lately been amusing herself by bare

homes and give him the meal ho is in search of anted in the prize crow of 1ter Majesty's Ship

Ing or cutting off the heads of the nativu Christiana In appostanee the Lion of a party is chielly re- Albatron. The prize officer (Lieut. Elline) having

she has been able to lay hands on-many thousa-lamarkably for what Sir William Jardine calls his taken a full slaver to Sierra Leone, there purchas

On a moderato estimate, the railways already in well, a few weeks, ago, the Queen issued on order, ad a small schooner to enable himself and prize existence and to be executed may be taken to

that all the foreign traders residing in her down.i crew speedity to rejoin their ship. Having reached est


B009 (mostly from the Mauritius and Bourbon) the land of Anabona unfely, they took in refresh

should become naturalized Malagush, and thereby ments and left for St. Helena, but four days after.

12,000,000 subject to a law which amongst other things met wards omlignant fever broke out, attacking every

kes the slaves, under certain comiogencies, and while man on board, Lieut Elliot and four of the

in' respect of certain won.compliance; and she crew died; the medical officer, Dr. Cullen, was

gave them a very short time to dispose of their himself prostrated by a severe attack of the foyer;

4.300 000 property and leave the island, if they did not choose and the vessel, after inming about early two montha

?7,800,000 to be so naturalized, in the vain auempt to fetch St. Helena, bare up for the const, which she made near the river Conga; Dr. Cullen and the other survivors being in a state of extreme exbanstion from the recent effects of

the fever, and the numerous privations to which they had been axposed.







The gross profit on that capital at

8 per cent. would be From which a deduction of 35 per

cent for expenses (the lowest ex. penditure of any large company) would amount to

Leaving the pet profit of.

quite 51 per cent upon the Capital


"When this news ruched us here, Sir William Comm, the governor, immediately sent off Captain In other words, to afford the shareholders in all | Kally, in the Conway ouevesto, who no striving Our completed and projected rallways a roum of Tamatave roade out there the Bercoms and the ther less than 51 per cont upon outlay, the publicam, French mea-of-war, from Bourbon, who must annually expend ?13,000,000 in milway fra- | had bonn saat thither by Adiniral Bazocks, the go-

The word "million" comes glibly from the ton- guo, but conveys no tangible image to the mind,

The Jan, 20, Capt. P. Blake, remains at Spi. thead, but will anil in a week to place herself undervelling alous. the orders of Rear Admiral Sir George Seymour,

Commander-in-Chief in the Pacific.


Commodore.-F. Moresty, an, and to command the Experimental Squadron.

Commanders-L. Browall; R. 8. Towlest; B Whitwell and G. Triloch

Lieula-A. Q. Hobart, E, H. H. D'Aeth; Hon J. R Byng; J. S. Mewn.

Master.-J. Matthews.

Deputy Inspector of Hospitale.-J. G. Stewart Surgeons, W. Rogers; N. 3. Dolling. Paymaster and Pursora-C. P. Turner; J. L. Soothey.


vernor of that island.

They arrived on the Thursday evening. On the Friday Captain Kelly landed, and had a son- An effort is required to realize to the imaginating ferrace with the Malagah, sinong whom the go-

frost, and overhanging brown, surrounded Though not usually with a long shaggy mane.” ferocious, he is very apt to become so if there is more than one Lion present at the same party, for this king of social animals will "bear no rival near his throne." Un this account it is dangerous to introduce more than one Lion at a time; and a musical Lion is a very formidable beast, for when be once begins to cour there is no stopping him. 'The musical Lion is so fond of heating his own veice that he will growl for an hour at a time, and there to no prasibility of massing the brate or getting rid of him.

The Literary Lion is chiefly remarkable for the coutras: between the ferocity of his aspect and the mildness of his dumeanour. People are apt to bo more affald ut him than any other of the Lion tribe, and many lancy that be contemplates touring them to places, but lis is generally a most inullen- sive creature.

Those who have seen the Lion at home in his

own lair describo him as a very different animal from that which, when abroad, he appears to be,

This is chelly to be observed in those Lions which very seldom shod their coals; and there are some who do not obtain a new cool without very great diiculty. Lions of this description are timid and retiring by day, and at night they appear to resume all their courage. They inhabit chiefly the most elevated spots, and will climb patiently lo very con-iderable height to reach their rosling place. This sort of Lion waldom appeara abrumil with his cubs, if hu happens to have any. He ja not particularly fond of them, though, like the Ton of the forest, he sometienes amusns himself with licking them.

the magnitude of the sum which must be annually ? vernor of Faciatave was the principal. Thoy be spent on railway travelling to yield out specglators havel vory Insolently, told him plainly that they moderate profit on their capital. Let any one a bad imperative orders from the queen to enforce tempt distinctly and articulately to count aloud from the order against the traders, that in case of non-His coat, which looks so sleek and glossy at night, one to a millina; he will find ?i bard work to snua- | compliance they wwald drive them into the sea, and

in ofton quite another thing by daylight, and uar. riste on the average one thoumed numbers in the that they would not wait until a lower from Captain row white stripes are sometimes vinillo. hour, and would "consequently require a hundred Kelly to the queen, requesting a suffjelent time, at lays for ten hours a day to count the million. The e, for them to embark their property, should be nechanical operation of telling over a million of sent to her at the capit, Puey had also imposed uvereigns piece by piece would nccupy a 'full no export duty of ten per cool. ad velores on the month, at the mte of ? 3,600 an hour for ten houre embarkation of their effects. a day. The joint emrulings of 1,830 agricultural They ally refiqsed to admit the French even labourers with their 71s w?ek for thirty yours sick, to a confere.i98. Major-General Duffy (late 8th or King's) will not a working-day left out would be loss than ? ihil Captain Kelly returned on board. The next succeed Major-General Bir E. Gibl as Glovemaron of pounds sterling. The joint earnings of 640 day was occupied in taking off the traders and mechanics 20s a week, toiling such as unintermit their affects of as much as could be got off sand i of Jersey.

General Sir Cleorge Murray, Manor-General of tingly during the same period, would not amount believe the ton per cent. duty was not rigorously

to a million of pounds sterling. The pay of 00 Bri enforced—of this I am not sure. the Ordnance, is in a declining state of hosh.

"On Sunday morning (noxt day) the united var In consequence of repeated applications of the fish general officers at 41 a day, would not in Rome Guards from Col Sir T. Willshire, for more thinly years amount to a million of pounds sterling, vela bombarded the fort. The reasons which in- troops at Chatham, for garrison duty, the Deputy. So much of oil, and danger, and exposure to the duced Captain Kelly to adopt this coures were, I Adjutant General, Gore Brown, was sent down ex-elemcats so much of patirat, perserocing, and more believe, the harsh treatment of the traders, and the prosly from the Horre Guards, and mode his in- or less skilful industry-so much of valour, and obligation in embark at such a notice, and under

Of all the animals comprised within the wide spection of the ratious guard-house in company accomplishinent, and high spirit, as represented such crcumstances se amounted, practically, to a with Lieutenant-Col. Kelley, of the Provisional by money-may be bought for a million of posuda cenfiscation of their property; the ineoloot bearing range of Sucial Zoology, unne is more objection- af the Maingusb nt, and suheuquent to, the conferable than the Boat, or to use another mode of Battalion, and also the military outposts round the sterling. garrison, some of which the General pronounced as

"And our railway projectors and speculators eal. regne, and the refusal to allow him to communicate orthography-the Bars He comes under the head

with the queen in a satisfactory manner. ussless, and ordered the sentryboxes to be removed. culate upon drawing twelve of these millions an

of Pachydurmata, or thick-skinned animals, and is The General considers that there, is now a sufficient nully from the puble. In other words, they ex. * The first shot was fired by the Coqway." so extremely callons, that hit at him as hard as you number of troops for doty. They have three nightspect that twelve millions of people-half the pope. After detailing the action, another socount sta. may, it is impossible to make any impression on in bol out of four.

bim. He does not belong to the t?uminantin, or lation of the Three Kingdoms, men, women, and |children-(at 134 per mile) will nich travel-150 # This is a most important affair, be good or for ruminating animals; but must be classed among 10th Humars-The sentence of the Court-martial miles by railway every year, and pay them 20s, a evil. I have the highest confidence in the good the Omnivorm, for the Bore has a rapacious appetite, on Lieut. Hyder, seqnitting hun of the charge pro Heal Or they expect that one million peoplwill judgment of Bir Willino Gorm, and he has a moot and frequently comes in to entisfy his cravinga ni about fooding-time, It is a remarkable fact that, ferred by Col. Vandeleur, has been confirmed by vel 1920 miles euch in the coures of the your,able and experienced advisor in Colonel Stanley. the Queen: and the Royal confirmation was necomi

and pay them ?19 a head. Or they expect that * We get all our bullocks from Madagascar, xa though, belonging to the Pachydermata, or thick- penied by a reprimand expressing the Bovereign's des hundred and twenty thousad people wil well for draught as for the batebere, but that, akiunod order of bruses, he would soom, from tho cach travel 18,000 miko by railway every year, though of no small importance to a foreign fed sofline of the head and brains, tu belong to the dieplane with the preocutor, for conduct the and pay thera ?100 per har, Bek remembered, autony of 150,000 mouths, is a very minor consi- group of Molluscous animals. Hele also allied to impropriety of which, on reflection, he must be aware of Col Vanbelour had been ordered by the Duke, that railway travelling constitutes but a fraederation compared with the political results, as this class by the possession of another quality, na

tion of the whole annual travelling of the nation. the question of prose or war may be decided.

mely, that of remaining, like the Mollusca, long


of Wellington to produce at the inquiry certain letter which had passed between himself and Mr Oliver on the subject matter of the charge Is the face of this order, in the face of all propriety, he either caus ed or allowed these documents so be destroyed, after the Court-martial had actually commencal its in- quiry.


"The Literary Lionces is becoming a very com- mon animal, and, though exooodingly kamin, sha is hardly ever subject to be parmed, for every one instinctively flim away from bor.

Chur railways, existent and in projection, embrace Uur policy of late years has been noo-Inter-Aized in the same place, for when the social Bore not ono half of the gurines and population of Grest | ferrence with the internal affairs of Madagascar Britain; and even in the railway districte there is the French have long been desirous of a footing active competition from meam-boats, omalbuses, there, sed have made some attempts, even so at cabs, rand, ping-carts, &c. &c. The star-boat Nomi Be, which however, has proved too unheal. thy to succeed: the Preach have no barbour at Bourbon. I shall here leave you to draw your own conclusions, after you have had a few lines on the nature of the island.

of the Thames and the Clyde carry more passen

*** 15th Humars-Wo.regret to mate that a povere ac.ger than the Greenwich, Blackwall, and Glasgow cident befe! Captain Poore, ni Maidstone, White and Gromock Railways. In the grost towns, not riding on the Loso rood, the Capt. horse stumbled only the wealthier clamen as a badge of station and

* Madagascar is not only immensely extensive, fell, und, rolling over him, caused a severe injury for amenity, but tradeeman for professional pur. on the head, and a fracture of the leg in two places poses, keep, vehicles which when travelling: on and and in parti very thickly people.1, but it is also business or for pleasure they from show soon?my 'n most foctile Solaad, offtring great variety of tom- generally employ in preference to other mode of perature, with some of the Draft harbour and tim- contryance. In the rural distrinta, landowners| bar in the world, and the interrior is remartably and farmers do the mme. Again, the price of s bealthy. milway ticket is only part of the qutlay of the mail- "It is, however, chief by surrounded by a narrow way rarellor on convoyances. In most mam it border of swamp, owing to the sea and the mouths implies the additional expense of short stage, cak, of the rivem b?ing frequently on the same level, or 'bas, to convey him to and from the milway, of as in the case on the west coast of Africa. This from one zailway to another.

| swamp is most deadly, and at one season of the year | Madequacer, in those parta, is almost certain death

to an European,

Bix corporale of the Gentlement Cadole of Wool wich have been reduced from their rank, and one hundred and thirty of the privates have been confined to their barracks for a stated period of time, for breaking out of barracks and rioting at Charkon Fair, recently held in the neighbourhood.

Prince Seyd Hill, the son of the Imeum of Mus cal, lately inspected the Arsenal at Woolwich The

Our sanguine projectors and speculatore pay lit Prince was gest conductal by Col. Lacy to the Cattle heed to these considerations; though the broker riage Department, and subsequently shown one of who aro agente in the transfer of shares often sak the handsome 6-pounder brass guns cast expressly each other in wonderment, where all the travellers at the Royal Arsenal, for the purpose of being pre are to come from. Put the question to any dabbler senied by Her Majesty to the Imsum of Mascat. | in majlway stock, and he replies with an "Oh, with In the sune place as the gun, a handsome qua-car the increase of formative facilities travelling will riage and limber were shown The carriage in admirably suited for the short pon will mount, and the wheeds do not sund higher than about three feet, the whole being adapted to suit the ampll horses of the country of the Imaum.

Expenditure FOR RECIOUS PERPOST-A Palisme Jary paper, obsated by Mr W. Willaims, the Member for Coventry, has just bera jasued, contaimlag forther estamos, of grants, for support of all religious denominations, and

"I believe, however that in one part, at least, if not in more, the swamp conse to exist, or at all events is very narrow



has once taken up his quarters, it is very diflzelt indeed to got rid of him. The Bore is of the Hog tribe, and is guided a good deal by the snout, for he pokes his wose every where. In the awe of the common pig, it is customary to ring the not, and the practice of ringing the noms of the social Bore would be a very wholesome one

The snout of the Boro is also usoful to him in

more ways than ons, for his scout in truly wonder-

full, enabling the brute to sell out a good linner

at three or four milos distanco. In a natural state |—that is, when he lo at beme--ibe Bare is often found to feed open the coursest food, bot whon ho bas succeeded in meeting with pray abroad, he be comes very delicate, selecting only the choicest morsels, and grooting savagely if he is not pleasei with what is before him. The Boro in not gener rally a dangerous animal, though the well-known 0xpression," " bored to death." would seem to indi-

cale otherwise. When the bruto contamplasen making an attack, he usually fatons himself on bis victim hy seizing the button, and has been knowo to retain his hold on his prey in this manner for hours together.

The Temalo Bore le chiefly remarkable for her numerous progeny. She will appear morrounded by an extensive litter of hitle ones, who will some times be exceedingly forlicame. They will jump

"The capital, Tanavarino, is no the high ground, near the centre of the island, very healtby, and only increase indefinitely." It may be so; hitherto the approachable by a narrow path-sty, six feet wide, theory has held good; yet there must be some scut sig-ang through the woods, to make the distance tural limit in the activity of the principle, Men appear greater than it is in fast. A brond river up into your lap, pos their paws into your plate.

do unt travel for travelling?a mke, "but on bajures han lately been discoveral, going it is said, long and piny all mits of musics, if you give them the or for pleasure-10 get money, or to spend $t; way up the country towards the capital, and navi- least encouragement. Literary Bores, who ace for

gubil. The principal prople are the Dras, the

and what possible facility will wet man in mation where these motives are wauting? The enormone people new in the ascendant, and the Baccalanes, it is beloved that an intellectual Indles Society

amount of money invested in railways would seem to imply that noise chases of Englishmen are ex- proted to live on milways, so some plasses of Chi.

for building and repairing churches, de The dr part of nee live on their cauals. To render these under

who are frendly to the English, but have been fairly crumboil by the “Oyaa.

"The queen in constantly drunk--a clever mo- man about fifty. She is in partnership in several

The document has reference to a gas of publie money takings remunerative, a numerous portion of society sugar_estates in Madagascar with a Frenchman the support of all the religious denominadons in the would need, like the failed birds of paradise, to from Bourbon (Delastello"), Ile finds machinery. United Kingdom and elsewhere, except the colonies, in- | Finding expenses of visitation and excursions of biskupa, I keep always on the wing-to spend their lives d??t. | sce,, and she land and slaves

the most part females, are usually called blue, and used formerly to assemble at the tile Boar, in Hulborn.-George Cruickshank's Trable Book.

Edited, Printed and Published by Jonn Carm At The Friend of Chino and Hongkong Gazette, Printing Office, Govont Staret, VICTORIA, OxOxoxo, 1846,


VOL. V. No. 9.




PRICE $ 12 per annum.

Terms of Subscription so the “ Friend of China nad Hongkong Unzote," per annum $19. Bix months $7. Throw months $1; all paid in advance. Cralit prices, 811, 86, 50, and 85, for the periods

of twelve, six, and three months respectively: Single numbers to Eubscribers 23 cu. each, to Non-Sulmcribers 1 Rupee. L'antics calling or sending to the office for papers are requested to pay rask. Terms of Advertising.—Ten linet and under $1; additional 10 cents per line. Repetitions one third of the first insertion. Ships First insertion $ 2; subsequent insertions 45 cent, Advertisements to have wrised on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until counterinonded. In all instances, those who are not Subscribers, must pay in advance.



Small House No. 2 Pottinger Street; enquire Pottinger Street.

Just Senr., corner of Queun's food


Victoria, 22nd Jennery, 1846,



THE Stein Ship BaAGANZA. Cap and tain Lawis, with Her Majesty's Mails, will leave this for the above places taylight on the 1st of February; 1810. Cargo will be received on board until noon, and specie until 4 p. M. on Saturday the 31st Inst. This roots offers an PARTIES receiving kutters directed to the late opportunity of visiting Bingapore and Pinong, 10-C. Lore, Esq. are requested to forward the sining a few days at Ceylon, thence to Madrus mmu to the office of the undersigned at Macao. All Caleutia in 94 days from Iraving China. Steamers charges or postage on the earno will be paid on are also understood to ply between Colombo and delivery

M. T. BENN VAN BASEL Bombay.-Specie, Silk, sad other Goods, may bo forward by this route to Madras and Calcutta,

His Nethids Majesty's Consul. and will be retained on board the Stcauser at Gall?

Executor. until the arrival of the Suez Steamer for those Netblls. Consulate, Canton, plures, when they w W be transhipped free of ex Bed (lctober, 1845- penar. Arrangements are made in the Steamer "UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY. Throughout for the convenience of the Native Mer. chouts of India. proceeding a pawengers and cor-ESSEE DENT, BEALE & Co. are authorized Lain serommodation is werved in those from Calto sue Pulices on behalf of the Society at eulia, for Passengers from China, joining the Suez Shanghai, payable in Hongkong, Calcutta, Bum. Jine at Galle, to sreure which it in requisite that bay, and Loudun,

DENT, & Co. natire of at least two mouthu be given to the

Seca, Union Insurance Society. Company's Agent here,

Victoria, 1st January, 1846 "NOTICE.

Juformating regarding the rates of freight and jusige can be obtained by application at the Peninsular and Oriental Steom Navigation Comp's Office ; and shippera are requested to take Notice that a order canout he grouted unlew the contents and value the distinctly marked on the outside of each package for overland trauit.


Victorin, Hongkong,


TO LET. HOUSE vituated on the North Side of

Gough Street Apply to



TIE undersiged have received authority from

the Directors of the Imperial Fire Insurance Office of London, to inse Policies on the Now Buildings at Cantun.

MACVICAR & Co. Victoria, 23rd January, 1846.



R WILLIAM WARD BROWN is authorised

to sign for our Firm by procuration.

DEGAN & Co. Tot January, 1840.


THE business of the undersigned will in future Mr. ADAM SCOTT under the firm of W. Score & Co.

WILLIAM SCOTT. Victoria., 1st August, 1815.

be carried on in connection with his Brother -


HE Undersigned havo formed a partnership, for

WINE BALE BY AUCTION. R FRANKLYN bas the pleasure to announce te Housekeepers and the Public generally, that ho has received instruction to put up for per emptory salo on Monday next the 2nd pozinio at 30. The following wines (the property of gentlemen leaving the Colony) and of the fros quality.

50 Gaskets superior Champagne

11 cases Freneli Port & Blurrye, 3 years in boule

dux Splendil Bock Grisenhimer

20 cases Copentuigen Cherry Brandy

2 cases Trieste Marachiao.

Gentlemen will find this a rare opportunity of

the transaction of a goneral Agency and Com-replenishing their stock with a superior Wine The mission business, under the respectiva Firms of time of aale" (Afternoon) being arranged for their Rawls, Duos & Cn. at Victoria, and Dous, convenience. Rawix & Co. at Shanghai.

Queen's Road, January 26th, 1846,


R. W. H FRANKLYN has the honor to an Inounce to the community of Victoris that be has received instructions to submit to Public com- Also petition at an early day hereafter to be named a

8. D. RAWLE N. DUUS Victoria, Hongkong, Tal October, 1846.

FOR BALE. RATES complete with mantel pieces.

few handsome Stoves,

RAWLK, DUUS & Co. Victoris, 23rd January, 1840.


Y The adersignod 96 Boxes of Turkish smok Br 15 ng Tabacco,

RAWLE, DUUS & Co, Victoria. 17th January, 1844


inost unique and rich assortment of English Furni ture, to which bo bega to call attention, as he feels natured that nothing of the kind heretofore has been tatuled in the colony. Consisting of


the most luxurious, in Crimson and Purple Mo- rocco adjusting themselves to the posture and in which to sit is to repose. Superb and Costly

CABINETS AND chterfoniens Faultless. MIRRORS

in Cloth and Gold-Gold and Mahogany.

THE undersigned are prepared to iuo Policia A very elegant Rosewoo! cabinet Piano, G Co- at Shanghai, on behalf of the Caloutta Jn- | laves, with metalic plates; aleo a Muhogany surance office, payable in Hongkong, Bingapore, | Piano of a similar d scription for sale at the Go-Round, Calculla, Bombay, and Laudun,

downs of



Victoria.23rd January, 1846.


THE besinnes of the undersigned will from the AN Ineoice of Beer and Porter by a late orrical File A Camodioand well finished Dwelling to be carried on under the firm of

Ulenging kawaon & Cn.

FOX, RAWSON & Co. | 91-1 Permber. 1815.

Hou, at the curwer of Peel Street and | Cage mrort, combisting of dining und drawing rooms, fnur beitrouin, offices on ground floor, with wor- Vaiko apartaments &c. En particular apply to


THE Eastern side of the furge and cum modicus house situated in Welling Street and now in the occupation of Mesure! Gilman & Cu Fe particulus apply to,

Rom Cath College's Superior. Victoria, 2nd (verinler, 1945.

TO LET. PWO Convrzient Homes in Gongh Street. with Verandalis, each coutining dine koumis, exclusive of outlines, enguice of

ROWLAND REES. l'alliager Street. Victoris, 6th December, 1845.

TO LET. House in Gough Biteel. Apply to, JOHN CARR


TO LET. THE premises known as the office of the "Friend of China;" Three Hommes situate in Welling- Jon Street, cominanding a fine view of the bay ; a Blop and Store situate on the Queen's Road, in a central part of the town. Early possession can be given. For further particolars apply to

R. OSWALD. Victoria, 19th December, 1985.

TO LET. THE HOUSE in Queen's Road Intely occupied

by Phillips Moore & Co. Apply to



[ARINE Lot No. 64 Situated between the lots

of Messrs. Macrioan & Co. and Franzur

Jansetine Eng, cures 200 feet ses frontage, and altogether is a very desirable lot. For further particulars apply to

FLETCHER & Co.-Hongkong, or DIROM, GRAY & Co.—Casion. Victoria, 1st July, 1845.



Victoria Hongkong, in a central position, ? valuable side property, wharf, apacious Godown, dwelling and out Houses; all in perfect repair, and now let on lease. For particulars, apply to

C. A. FEARON. Macno, 1st July. 1845.

TO LET. THE upper part of a House, having five large rooms, with servants roons, conk house and Giedowns attached, situated in the Queen's Road. For particulare apply to

HUMPHREYS & Co. Victoria, 8th December, 1845.


THE upper of a commodious and will buik dwelling House containing seven cooms with servants rooms, and outhouses with sibling. For further particular apply to,

D. LAPRAIK- *Wellington Terrace D'Aguilar Street,

foria, 21th October, 1845.


HUR DALU-At the Undowns of

for sale by,




Square, Omal of the highest polish in Rose-

wood and Mahogany,



with spring horechair cushions wooing balmy sleep to the fortunate possessor. CURIOUSLY ELEGANT LADIES TOILETS

A few dinner, breakfast, tea and coffee wts; also drawing shitte, Washing Tables with Alarble tope

Bienkin, Howson & Co., Burton Alo in Ellide, at the Godowns of the undersigned.

from Worthington and Robinson. Hongkong, "Eth January 1848


with handsome Mirrors above, of a lato fashion, ALSO, Itocking and Bed Room Eary Chim, dining and

glass dinner sets completo with decanters &c. dressing ditto and a variety of looking glanes of erary description with an assortiment of Perfumery, RAWLE, DUUS & Ca

highly ornamented Musical Boxes playing 4 and 6

|UST (teceived pur Inte arrivals and for mala by

the subscribers. Patent Halamander Safos of various sizes war A Co Allops Pale Ale in bottle; Barclay's? rantod senure in the hottest fire. Porter in bottle, Buperior Sherry, Mudcara, and Port, in wood and bottle.

Hongkong, 15th January, 1940.


↑ T the Godowns of Movers Blenkin, Rawson de


I[R. Thomas Sumarion, Hathaway Nyu bos 11 this day been admitted a partoer in var Firu

NYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, January Int. 184d.


inte undersigned have been appointed Agents at Canton for the “ Globe Insurance Offico" of Calcutta, and are prepored to grant Policies pay- ably in London, Calcutta, Bumbay and Canton.


Canton, 10th November, 1946.

"FOR SALE. undermentioned Wines from the Blouse Gledstanes, King & Co. London, Port in cases of 3 dezen Bladeita H Champagne

Apply lo





Patent Weighing Machines from 700 a 2,300. pounds, which can be muile to weigh pecule and

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845.

FOR SALE CUPERIOR Sherry and Madeira in wood; also few half pipes and quarter casks. Cape and Tenerife Wines, Sherry, Madcits, Port, Claret, Cognac, Cherry Brandy, in 12 & 3 dozen cance KAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845.


Nassortment of Anchors and Chain Cables, A Europe, Manila and Coir Rope, Hemp and Cotton Canvass, and suveral Spars for lower and of toptants.

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845.


LINDSAY & Co. TWO Ponies; and accustomed to carrys Lady.

Victoria, 20th January, 1846.

FOR SALE. Bladeira, in Hhds, quarter and half quarter EBSTER, Gordon, Cussart & Co's, superior

FLETCHER &'C.. casks, and in cases,

Hongkong, 1st March, 1845.

NOTICE. THE interest and responsibility of Mr. Chris toplier Fearon, in our firm cessed on the 31st December 1844.

FEARON & SON. Mucno, 1st January, 1848,


Both warranted sound. Apply to

N. DUUS. Qoon's Road, 16 Jau: 1846.


H. FRANKLYN, Queen's Roul, Victoria. W. has removed to the above premises from

Keying House, where he will in fature entry on the business of wholemie anil remil commission and shipping Agent, general dealer, auctioneer and Wine and Spirit merchant. Goods stored in dry and secure godowns and forwarded on the mo? moderate terms. The undersigned has Lorches

THE business of the undersigned will from this sida och and face. Chugely for Ganton, Ca

date be conducted in the name of C. 8. Coringmoon and Blacao. "Charges for passengers a TON & Co., his partuers being as heretofore, Ep- follows:— Ward M. Daniell, and William Dioxinson Of the firm of Danieli, Dioxinson & Co, in London and Liverpool,

To Canton.


* Macao




These vessels are all well armed and part man-

The whole to be on view from Monday wast the 28th instant till the day of Sole (of whick, doo notice will be given) at the Godowns of Messrs Began & Co. Spring Gardens,

Qoren's Road, 24th January, 1846;

OR SALE new Palanquin Carrings. Ap-

ply to

W. 1. FRANKLYN. Victoris, 23rd December, 1645.

II. FRANKLIN has just receive for sale

W. The following articles.

French Blerino in all colors for Ledin dresses, Twilled Bannel, Tabis covers, Sperni Candles pre- serves, pickles, Mistar? aud Sauces, Fariniosh whakey, Britannia metal Tea and Coffre Puss. The whole of these articlen f?r sale ut moderate prices in any quality to sent purchasers.

Keying House, December 19, 1845.

FOR SALE. CAUNDERS Pule October brewed ale in Wood, Allsupo Beer in Wood, Poit nud Sherry, Champagne and Claret. Apply to

ROBERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 25th July, 1845.

CARD. [EE undersigned has ratablished himself in this

place as a Commissiou and General Agent in

connection with Memur Fontes Buormers de Co. | (Speceber, Cantor Appenzell) Switzerland carrying len' business under this name and on account of this




Canton, 1st January, 1840.

ned with Europeans. Every variety of goods on view at the Shew ruome

R. Ruoan Jacion in authorized to sign our D. firm by procuration.


HOLLIDAY, WISE & CHE Schooner ALPHIA," well manned and armed, runs between Hongkong, Macno. or Camsinganone, as required; carrying "VABULAR Sistemonts of the Commerce of Bin cargo Opium, Tressure and Frasengers, at most mu

Victoria, 26th December, 1945.

gapore for the years 1840-41, 1941-42, 1842-derato terms. 43, 1843-44 with an abstract view of the same conti

noed in 1815, (in one bound Folume) prepared under the direction of the Ifon'ble the E. 1. Com pany, and compilled from Official Documents. For Balo by R. P. SAUL,

at Muuris, THOS. RIPLEY & Co'a Price 10 Rupers each.

Victoria, 2: January, 1840

W. 11. FRANKLYN, Victoria, 5th September, 1845.


Bay Syadey Horwo sound and quiet to ride or

drive. Apply to

W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 12th December, 1645.


Manila, 13th July, 1815.

FOR SALE ANILA Rope of all sizes.

Cherry Cordial.

Queen's Rood.

Also Bearings


Victoria, 2nd Janusty, 1940.


Spanish wines, Sherry, &e in wood & boule a

Superior Manila Cigars,


Manila Pine Scarf," Hundkerchiefs, and Ladies Drates.

J. DELMAS, Corner Aberdeen Street Opposite the Bikar. Victoria, 10th November, 1845.


'N SALE,—At the Store of Mr. John Hauth in

Mucao from Dr. Hunter's. Soda Water Manufactory there.

Alecao, 13th January, twin


GABRIEL has taken a commodious house si- santodat the Corner of CirahamStreet, a about distance south of the Queen's Road, which be in- tends to conduct aru Hotel under the above uitle. Gentlemen favouring him with their patronage will find their comfort strictly attended to.

All the articles supplied will be of the first rate description.

A '?'boraton's Billiard Table on the Primises, Victoria, 14th March, 1945,


(From the China Mail, January 29.) No. 5.

Diplomatic Department.




Victoria. 2014 January, 1846.

Dear Sir,-1 here this morning amused myself a full helf bour in reading over the very illogical fusion of "Omega" inserted. In last evenings insan of the. Chim.


By the steam vessel Corsair we have re ceived Sydney papers to the 6th of December from, which we have made copious extracts as

the 8th Ultimo, Sheep are quoted at Dr. for un- shorn and from 51. 6d. to 69. for shorn, fat Cal- the at an average of 58x, and Calves from 15

Nymph, Florsburgh, Pearl, Morrison,

P. Adler (Prussiao). Schus Prisa Carl (Bwede), Molien,

Deal and Co

D. & M. Rustomjee and Co Russell and Co Russell and Co Turner and Co Fletcher and Co Dest and Co Captain

Titania, ? F. Anson, Victor, Morgan, Wild ?rish Girl, Bucktor,


His Excellency, Her Britannis Najmty's Plexipo- | Mail, intended, I suppose in reply to my letter to you is probable that the intelligence from Auss Rosesana, Crighton, tentiary, he de, deene in right to publish the annex- dated 14th Instast and published in your Journal of tralasia via China will anticipate that by the ed Umcial Note to the Chinese Minister, recapitulating the 17th., I have looked over this unintelligable letter usual route. the polute which bare been repeatedly urged, with the Fiew of Bading any proof whenever opper-condition, stock and produce having really

point calling on me to The colony appears to be in a prosperous formity not only with the Treaty of Nanking, be redeem my pledge of giving polemu engagement made as long ago sa July 1815. tunity offers of all I have smerted; fortunately for me, The question is by no means confined to mern exclu- as I am extremely busy and sant' now command the creased in value. In the Morning Herald" of

im from the City of Canton as foreigners, and fler time, the writer has not ventured to deny my state- Majesty's Vipe. Lounal, himself among the rest, bare- ments; ?ndead ble position is such as to make him beca wantonly maltreated. eren on the opposite side of aware of their truth and that the proof could at once the River, without any codrem being afforded to the be obtained, twe paints however seem to call for representations of Mr Loosul Macgregor. Every proof matice and I accordingly meet them The Best is the has been given to the Che Government that nothing laterant of "Omega" orory one must see and that but the neersity for a misfactory determination of clearly that the buildings in question bad not the shis impartasi point, under the direct sanction of the remotat connection with the unjustifiable set of the Imperial Government, postpones the immediate dra-

** unhappy suicide Now it it so happens that every Fuation of Chusen; but ble Excellency feel that un- der his instructions, and without some anal adjustabil

is true, le faleo; whether these buildings had to do of the question of war treatment at Ceaton, “ke mast net e abandon the sole remaining specs of press the death of this man or no, judge from the fol Jag the subject both peaceably and #ectually ou theng, known to myself and several others. A day of two before the devral kung himself, ba was required to

attention of the Supreme Government of China, and pbcaining, in the last oljectionable mode, such an t- rangement as shall secure to Her Blajesty's Omers and other subjects at Lantoo that Immunity, from outrage and insult which they enjoy at all the other Porta un sler the Treaty.

By Order,

AR JOHNSON, Victoria, Hongkong, 26th January, 1844.


Victoria, Hongkong, 22nd January, 1848. I have had the honor to mezien pour Bruellency's Note, respecting the didicalties attendant on opening th? Cuty of Easton to British Merchants.

In the Treaty of Nanking, the moond Article stalan that British subjects with their families and establishments shall be allowed to revide, for the purpose of carrying on their marcantile pursuits withom, molestation or restrain at the Cities and Town of Canton, Amuy, Foo-chow-foo,? Ningpo, and shanghai.”

to 931

The wheat crop promised to be gr in quality and was coming into the market in moderato quantities. The average price was 34 10d. per bushel. Flour is quoted at ?11 per ton of 2000 lbs and bread at 3d, for a 915m

O any part of the cost of China the Schooner STARLING," 100 Tons Register, □ Chape Commander, now lying at the Cuensingmoon anchorage, For further particulars apply D LAPRAIK, Wellington Terrace, Huakgong, or to the Com

Victoria, 30th Janusry, 1846-


mander on board.

one cannot ser quite so clearly as "Omega" that, what || loaf of good qua) wool took place at the spacious bangalow on Caines Road. Apply to

The Commercial Banking Company of Syday advertise that they are prepared to re-

HUGHSEDON & Co. Victoria, 30th January, 1846, CEVERAL convenient tenements situated in TO LET Wellington and Bianky Bireets. The terms which are vary moderate, may be known by ap

BURD, LANGE & Co. Queen's Road, Jany, 30th, 1846


sured by station or Gold) but “la ! beraller” not so, ceiro applications for kans at short dates, bear. MATHON, the sole Surviving Trees of

ing interest at the rate of six per cent per an nuin. Such loant to be on approved securities


the above Institution, do hereby intimate that in virtue of the powers rented in un, we have this day assumod as additional Trostres, Donald Maths son Esq., Parku Youno Esq, Gilerat Smirn

A public sale of rooms of Mr. Stubbe on the 6th Dec. The 10 bales (No. 1) prices were as follows sige a document acknowledging that he had received clothing 18d; 10 (No. 2) ditto 174. (No. in full of mocles due to him on his contract, szopt the 3) ditto 17d.; 10 (No. 4) ditto 164d.; 1 (no setual balance remaining nopald, (this receipt in mark) 178: 2 locks 11j ; 1 skin 141 : 2 green time before be committed the sad an ? the extra work which has wet been paid and only a sbor

Ingomakirts 163.; 4 bale black wool 181; 9 bales 17d. ; | plying to be signed the paper would its prevent his being paid for v?ry greasy Od.; 1 refuso 21; 6 skins 14: the "BoneEntablature."and on being informed that was || 8 bales 188,; 1 bale inferior 121. dlombclose its abject, hope del and be destroyed himsel rather than sign it. The other point is the tremplar forth long esploded Ideas that character is to be me. no tan mau in this Island, nor few in Britain in this day of the Schoo masters travels, will vanture to con- send for such a theory, and if you can only claim for your Commander protection ander such & covering it will avall nothing Let me before I close remind the Lieutenant who wrote this, to his hand at least mot very ereditable letter, that the allusion he has made to the clerk of works as coming from where it does is most Now the Treaty has already been equitably fulfilled at

angracious, like bowever if he is the writat of "Al four of these Ports, and Cunion remains the only excep-

plias" letters the insinuation immediately in connection fem. Even at Fou-chow-loo, where dinealdes were last

with him to truly unfortunate for this Uffleur, so “Al- year urged, exactly similar to these alleged regarding Can- fon, your Excellency's government has enlisted the prophe had suticipated him in his challenge by his letter lo the 'Friend of thing' of the 96th foetant. | b?n? ot scientia Just now to give Omega" any for ther particulars on the subject in question, but will this bed merely inform him, that he has not at the ques tion et rest forever. Meniowhill “nega“ may |

ay profit by socks advice of another kind which I will now imde Shin, that is, as a commissioned Offer, he ought to know that if the Unteral Commanding her hold learn of lila propenalties to write in the will probably be reminded of the Order of 11 Urace the Duke of Welll-gion on this sahject, unless the frequent violation of that Order by others of ligaer rank may shield him from just 1 msure.

I am Sir, Yours &

visions of the treaty,

In the first article of the treaty of Nanking. It is stated that the subjects of our two Governments respectively it shall enjoy full security and protection for their pass and property with?u the dominions of the other

It is a master of high satisfaction to reflect that at Sour of the Pons the greatest security and tranquillig perail. Eren at Foo-chew-foo, where I had last year so match r ason to complate, the people have been brought, in cosse quence of my representatives, and by means of proper es- simples, ta bebars with prefret correctees towards for gers. Bet, palintunately, at Canton the evil is far from ing consed to mere exclusion from the City. Your Brevilency knows that the Vice-Cousal himself, a pablie | piller, was wantonly and outrageously amaulund on the ppposite side of the river, and no redress whatever has yet ban aunted for that and another almilar instance reported tume by the Consu

Your Excellency's long experience of public life must convince you that such a state of things cannot continur. Xi Cant?n was the origin of those troubles which warg happily terminated by the Pence; and it is my wish for the pratintance of our present friendly relations that makes me desirous to urge la the Jeyst umpleasant menner, anl before le is 17 lain, the completion of treaty engagements. at Canton

In the swelch article of the inaty of Nanklog is iver- pressly provided that "the folanda of Koolang-00 and Cha jan will continue to be held by Her Majesty's Forces, matil

the money payroonia and the "anagements for opening

The Ports ic Belish Merchants," be completed.

lo July, 180, Your Excellency adiromed the annexed



New alrertisements, will be received,

O'Clock, on the sceninge previous to cation, vix: Tuesdays and Fri says.

LATEST DAY63. Nur. ? Horavia





for sums of not less than ?500. The dates from New Zealand are not so late as those brought by 11. M. Ship Hazard.

The harvest in Van Dieman's Land was good; and a vessel is reported to have loaded wheat at Launceston for Chilo. Chile was formerly a country from which the Australian colonies drew large supplies of wheatand flour.

The following vessele were loading. For London George, Captain Gordon, a full ship: Houghly, Williams, and Hisdoo, Beard, to sail about the 1st of January; William Hetent Prillipson, Ratcliffe, Gilbert, Jane Goudie, Gou die, and Zeondar, Milman, all taking in wool, The Thomas Lowry, St. George, Equestrian, Enterprise and Hamlet were also about to com

The Mary Ann mence loarling for London, and Gazelle were taking in cargo for Liverpool.




until 443, Amherst. Biak, Manila.

publi29, Cornir (am), Bames, Gydoor. 28, Maseppa Mcfarlane, East Cost.

???| 28, Spoc, Cole, Namon.

Jany. 1


Des "

De S

Dec. 15


Jay, d

Alaman CABLE



Jany. 14


Paperto my Predecesor, "-disilnetly admitting" the justice | |*,#19 FRIEND OF CALNA

of opening the City of Canion in common with the others,

and" solemnly engaging that it should be done. I have


this Son Your Ba ency, and how we 14 with the a

· of my govern- jami. Koolinggoo has already been deliveral up; and Her Majesty's Forces will evacuate Chosan the moment some arrangement has been elected according to the treaty. Your Excellency is aware that scarcely iny buildings whatever have been construclad at Charan, in iusicipatia plits spoody evnending.

Adverting now to your Excellency's last note, the tamalt

In which the rubble attacked the Prefect of Cantor's house

is publicly and universally knows to have originated in

the andoe severity exercised by that officer un an ladiri || dual who impeded his way, and not in any rumoured at- sempts of foreigners to suier the Clay.. Thire gone to an extreme length in prohibiting British Merchants and others from the exercise of their "just an admitted right. Bol eves pposing that acha tamalt arose from a mere moured attempt of foreigners so esercion a right sonrad by trary, this only proves the extent of the evil to be remedie

The control of Chinese Sajeet belongs exclusively to Your Excellency's government. I have only to require for British Bubjects those privileges and that protection which e_postponed and bar-

ing now recrired positive instructions.

have been so often urged, and solo po rom my govern men, I cannot do odvergise than be guided by then.

I take this secasion to renew to "Your Rirellency the pasurnaces of my highest consideration.


(Tius Copy.) ADAM W. ELMSLIR

Extract of a communication from H. E. Keying

to Her Majeng's Plexip tentibry, dated July 1843. As to the free entry into Canton, the two nations * are now at peace, without the slightest ground for jar ** or altercation; what difference therefore can there be ? bermaen the funile and the outside of the city?


AND HONGKONG GAZETTA "VRTNOKIA, SATURDAY, JANUA?Y Jose, 1876 LIFT Passenours fra “?naganza” TO ALL ler FasLUARY. For England, Mr & Mrs Hardy.

For Malta, Capt. Quartron, Benor de las Heres, Mr & Mre de Silva, Mi de Silve, Three Ditto Children, and one Sera, Lieut.


For Calcutta, William Scott Esq. For Madras, Geo. Brucas.

For Ceylon, “D? Frazer, 8. J. D. Campbell Esq., G. T. Braine Esq., Pustonjeo Hormusjoo Eq. Burjurjee Pranjes Esq, Hoerjuebly Huriousjes seq., Dadubhoy Byramjes Esq., and three Bervaute

For Singapore, Two Native Adults and Two Native children.

Bir John Davis bas determine to retain Chusan until Canton is opened We think there bat one opinion as to the propriety of this; and the intima Lon of his intention in the despatch to Keying which wo publish, will probably induce the Chi

acto to open the city and arrange all other matters of dispute. It is certain that they are oxious to regain possession of Chun, which is too bear the capital to be lui in the possession of a foreign power It will be observed, from his despatch to Kaying

that His Excellency acts under peremptory order from the hoine government.

30, Ades, King, Whitopon.

30, Carthaga (Am), Fox. Whampos,

30, Dart (Am), Baylia, Cumainginoon.


Per Ali Jardino-Mrs and Miss Bacon; Dr and Mrs Buttetheun ad children; Mrs Joyce; Mrs

Esq. and Faverick T. Bush Esq.


Victoria. Hongkong, Est January, 1846.

ORIENTAL BANK. NOTICS is hereby given that Menara Jamke Sin Lair and Janus Ma?kwux are oppment. ed Joint Managers ad interim of the China Branch of this Bank.

By order of

The Indian Board of Directors

B. J. D CAMJ'BELL. General Impector of the Orientul Bank, Victoria. Hongkong, 27th Januwry, 1948


THE interest and responsibility of Mr. WILLIAM Toon in our fim ceased on the Slat

TURNER & Ca Victoria, 23rd January. 1841.



THE next meeting of the China Medion Chiru? gical Society will ho held at Dr Barton's houer, Pollinger Brest, on Tuesday 3rd February at 7 o'clock r..

W. K. BARTON Victoria. Joav 31m 1946.


Reade; Mrs Bower; Miss Sarah Famos, and dried Plums and Figs in Tine, Pari dasley,


Per Coranir from-ru Innis; Mesars Larkins, Martin, Brown, and Dr Stewart 19th Regiment; Steer | age passengers; Mrs Murphy; Masers Strang, Tul-

loch, Winburg, and McGregor. SAILED.




27, Royolia, Lees, Amoy, put back. 27, Walck Jaunery, East Coast.

28, Stafkarit. Diclaco, Amoy. 28, Alfred Napper, Bydney.

28. Spec, Cole, Amoy.

The Dutch Barque Orion which left Macao for Manila on the 7th October, has not been heard of since she oiled

The Dutch Barque Sumatra from Soutabrys to China has put back from stress of weather,

VELO IN Victoria Harsoum.

H. M. 8. Agincoury, Captain Lyster, Flag of Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Cochine.

H. M. 8. Dedalus, Captain McQubas,

H. M. S. Haard, Captain Egerton,

II. M. B. Veeral, Captain Talbot

M. Br. Vinen, Commander Gifford, FC. Str. Plato, Com. Airy.

1. Tr. 8. Alligator, Com, King.

H. M. B. Minden, 2nd Master in charge Camer,

Hospiul and Store Ship Aden, King, Amherst, Biele, Anglona, Labe,

Audex. Oliver,

fomance Hormers, Contes, |Braganza (06-sh), Lewis,

alte, Osborne,

| Carthage (Am), Fox,

Congarza (Am). Donne, Corsair (steam), Soames, Dart (Am), Baylis, Emma, Fraser,

When, too, Ningpe, Footsw, Shanghae, die, may ?a be entered, why should Canton be solitary in this "respect? The eyil is that the temper of the Canton * population lo qu unlike that of the Chekiang and **Klaugnan people. The former since they have felt **the misery and disasters of War, have been Ellad **with consternation; and unsettled in inded, they 1* are estily artemible to doubts and suspicious The High Commissioner, on his first arrival at Canton, Lula Procleation earnestly and clearly exhorting 2o theil and at that thoe hoped that the popular mind was becuing by degrees quieter. But, when retur- ing from Hongkong with's mind fully decided on inviting the Plexipi?tentiary to conference there, that * he might in gome' mgavur? exhibit his feelings to- wards him, he was to his aunishment saluted with representations from pur Ho. Yushu, who, with mere then to other of the gentry, joined in presenting 1- addresses against his doing so, at the Offices of hum-

elf, the High Commissioner, and of all the principal, Ofers. Though the High Commissioner adrouished Editorial joke. As the production of conceited youth | Privateer, Martell,

or driveling seniliny, Jaega's parody may pass than Royalist, Lees,

the face to face, and refused to receive their ad?na

Omega's letter in the Mail of Thursday in a cop- temptible parody upon that published by Alpha, which!

completely exposed to system of Military con tracta in Hongkong. Omega does not attempt to refute, pha's sisternents-that he knows to be impossible; his tactics are ingenious-ho tries to burlesque leer which has laid b?te a system disgraceful to a degree. The indepaud int Editor of the Oficial Organ co-operates with his correspondent, and ap prods Alpha's letter, that poople may 300 what a clever insatia has been given by his enlightened friend, and to add to the valuable production, the same independent Editor-who has neither leisure nor inclination to attend to passing events of the greatest importance-lends it the weight of a scurvy

Gerale (Am.), Chase, Jane (Dat), P. Berg John Harry, Clarke, John Christian, Thomas, Linnet,

gra. Groovenor, Maseppa. Macfarlane, Mermaid, Gill,

Midas (Am. st,shr), Poor, Natches (Am), Waterman,

1o ses, yet, observing day by day the serual disposition effort of first or second childhood. As the pro- | Starling, Chape,

** still unremoved. The High Communistoner has now

Wm. Jordine, Emall,

of the people. bands their suspicious and surmises daction of a man, it is a few degrees beneath con. Theyeso-

temp. We woukl seriously advise the writer to mase himself on the parade ground, which is the only fiek where he will ever distinguish himself,

in conjunction with the Governor-General al Ciov. **ernor commanded all local Magistrates and other Cicers to adopt mesures for inculcating a bester

pult. And he only waits all the Port is opened, and avoid newspaper warfare in which he has al-

* will coromerce le progres, when all parts settling

it into a state of quiet, they shall mest together to

consult within the city, whmeter business may call 'them thither. If there be the slightest falachood in

? than, may the Highne retard i

& free Translation,



True Extract.


ready engaged 'more deeply than prudence would dictate.

Lot of Priose - haingagon just landed; also

Wine and Beer Corks.


Victorim, Queen's Road, 30th J?ny., 1246

THE undersigned has just received from England by the Willium Jardine” the following artis cles expressly ordered for this market of a superior quality

Foolscap, Letter and note Paper, together with Envelopes and other stationery.



Hair, Tooth, and Nail Brushes.

Complete Breakfast, Dinner and ten services, Good pickled Butter in Jure,

Bauer of wil kindo,

Assorted Pickles,


Currants in Jara,

Andy, Bauce and Paste,

Mustard in be and balf pounds

Curtis sad Harvey's Diamond grain powder, Old dark Brandy in cask

C W. BOWRA. Victoria, 28th January 1846.


have "Another sale on Wednesday the 4th P. TOWNSEND bege to intimate that be will proximo al 6 30 r. x. of an extensive nollection of Engravings handsomely got up on strelober, em basaed gilt frameS

J. Crooke & Massey A. A. de Mello Macvicar and ('o

The subjects are numerous and suitable for eve Matheson and Cory description of apartment from the celi of the


J. Matheson and Coacherite to the saloon of the sportaceat, fross the J. A Olding garret of the Author to the dresingroom of the Russell and Co

“Luxuriost", (N. P. Willia,); from the forecastle to Olyphant and Co the Cabin, something for all,

Russell and Co

Also, an Jovoice of Gilt and Bronned Clocks, J Matheson and Co silver handled Knive and Forks, and Middletone

Bush and Co drawing Pencila


J. Matheson and Co Macvicar and Co


Dent and Co 8 elegant and mising papers, the Pictorial Timas and flustrated News, are regularly sup Dirom, Gray and Co plied by Messrs Simmonds & Ward, foreigu Pub Younghoaband and Co

lishers "Load-a. A subscription of ?2 per 10: J. A. Durran Payable in advance, covers postage on papers, sup- J. Matheson and Co

AA de Mello plements &c.

James P Sturgis

Orders received at the Office of the "Friend of Bush and China" C. 24. Lungrah


A. A de Mello ARRANGEMENTS, having bem completed for Murrow and CoA the erection of an lee House. for a regulat William Lane supply of leo. Parties who may be desirous of Blenkin, Rawson and Co adding their names to the list of Shareholders will Welmore and Cn be pleased to communicate with Mr 1. A. Slope Dent and Co No. 2 Gough Street, who is authorised by the Ice committee ? receive and register application for shares.

Hongkong, Zlat October, 1815.

isskickon (Am), Wobber, Zephyr, Mann,

BRIPPING AT WRINFO. Asiet Rokaman, Row, "Alpha has taken natics of Omega's trashy affu- | Davi?, Furley,

sion. A very uncalled for bonour in our opinion, Girofo, Robison,

as Omege has not even attempted to refute state- | John Laird, Bryant,


J. Santum Hansen Rumell and THE undersigned have this day removed their Wetmore and Co establishment to the house west side of the

Ordnance Office

nents which though called for are painful to peruse. Joven Corina, Uring, D. & M. Rustomjee and Co Tom foolery is no argument -i ?it in Mr. ?muaga | Justina (Dutch), Rash,

I may take full advantage of it —

Lady Amhers, Thompson,

J. M. H. Van Basel

Lindasy and Co

PHILLIPS, MO Victoris, 22nd January, 1846.


ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. OOKING Glasvos in gilt frames of various sizes

Tairlet Bottles

Plated Epergues

Gilt and Ormalu fourteen day clocks.

PHILLIPS MOORE & Co. January 20th 1846

FOR BALE EDHURST Chinese & English Dictionary dino io superior binding, Afederal's Dictionary of the Hok-keen Dislect, Medar's Compara?ve Vocabulary of the Chi- par, foran and Japanres teneuage, a } Mudburst's Diclunary in the Favoring Dialect { of the Evenuang hogwigs, popA Medberat's Dialogue in the Mandarin Dialect, ' Notice on Chinees Grammar. Mediary and Prospects of Chlas, *Translation of the four Bueka... Callie' Premere's Nouia Lingam Binion ... Rambles of the Emp for Ching-Tik : Chine Tain.Shen, lete Tale, realated into English by

of the Anglo Chinens College, Balcon,



JUST received ex Aden email foroice of FOR SALE-By the undersigned,

prime Cumberland Hamme and Cheese.


Victoria, 6th January, 1846, NOTICE.

MOODS stored in dry and secure Godowas on

the most moderate terme.

10 00 11.00 10.00

SMITH & BIRMELOW. Victoria, 15th December, 1845,


"JUST IMPORTED. 1.00 X ADEN Superfine Blue Cloth It quality; Gent's superior White and Colored Bilk Gloves, a small furvice of Show and a few Riding 950 Whips.











Victoria. Pth January, 1816.





Uper eatly

2 50 to 8 0 do.




Ulo 90

50 0 per proul

EXPORTS.-C Board. Champagne,

1 65 to 180 per picul Hock,

AL at longkong #3-20 to 1-85 on board. Camphor Bour, and Stont, all of the first quality.

14 0 10 15 0 do. 100 to I Camia EDWARD NEWMA?.

0 da Victoria 7th October, 1845.


10 0 to 19 0 do. Chine Koots NOTICE. THE subscriber having succeded Mr. P. Town Musk

URWD, 4 Auctioneer and Commising Agent, Rhubarb respectfully solicits the patronage of the Merchans BILK.

Tasties and foreign Residents in Hongkong and China, and hopen by a prompt attention to business, lo merita continuance of the patronage bestowed upon his predecessor.

WILLIAM 8. KEYL At the Old Stand Queen's Road Victoria, 2nd December, 1845.


5.00 A of superior Tartes suitable for Coats and

ND for Sale by the undersigned, few places ONE Complete Copy of the Chinese Repository.


A Lesilogue of the English, liftday and Chime language

"Missionary Bociety's [ostitution.

Apply at the. I London

Hollywood Reed

Victoria, gosh January, 1868-


HE following are for Sale and Recommended.


HOUSEHOLD ARTICES. Speed's Arrow-Hoot, Robinson's Patrol Groats and Barley, Beilit Powders, Essence of Clinger, Syrup of Kaopherries, Furniture Oil, French Polish Bait of Lemans for removing lok and other Stains from Linen, & o.


Murray'e Fluid Magnesia and Acidulated Byru Shepherd's Ipecacuanha Lozenges for Cough Labarraques Disinfecting Solution of Chloride of Lime and soda

Gothamier's Gelatine Capsules of Copaibe, Planten's Concentrated Capsules of Castor Oil, Frank's Specifie Solution of Cupeibe.


Bear's Greato, Cold Cream, The True Eau de Cologue, Hair Oil different Buits, Lavander Water, Lip Salve, Popinda Divine, Pungent Bal??, Low's Perfumed Bumps, Tooth Powder different varietion Compound Fluid Extreet of Barmperilla, (pro- pared al Dispensary),

Ship Medicine Chests all sizes, and replenished

at moderate airs,

Patent Enea Byringes, with the latest improve


Smail Powter and Bone De. Burgical Instruments, Pocket Caseo,

STETHECOPES, Hernia TRUSSES, &. Chemical Aparatus and Tests, Eton Mediciare.

Victoria, 23rd January, 1846, NOTICE.


Opposite the Commierial. Victoria, 2nd January,1846. "NOTICE


Apply to



N the Biore of the Subscriber.

Wond and Boi-

on Port Wine in Caves; Peppermint Cordial; Ala

Wood; Porter and Cider in Bottles; Superior 1,4merican Butter; Corn mal Family Beef in i

bla; Nants Tongues, Rounds, Tobacco, Segare Nu

483 0 to 500 0 de,

0 .??

0 do.

Taynha Canton

- 310 0 10 0 0 da Sula qu nations nominal stock very triflug and no enquiry. TEA.


do Caper plain.

scented Orange Peive,


Souchong. Twankay Hyson Skin


Hyeon Young Hyson Imperial, Gunpowder,

T. 120 T4,29 0

12 0 to 150 do.


0 10 80 0 do.

48 0 to 19 0 do. 26 0 10 43 0 36 0 to 40 0

130 to 38 0 15 0




17 0 de.

300 to 66 D


200 to 040 do.

36 0 to 60 0

40 0 to 61 0

da da.

of the two Itter found buyers at 181. 27. for Cong and 13 to 99 T. for Bauchong, full rates being paid for the Gron. The depressed account from home will most prob ably check operations till prisse decline materially our quotations show the priese enling preview to the Chinawo Holydays. Mam descriptions bare lit the influence of the news from Kaglam, particularly Comman Brain the descriptions of Taalay.

ALL persons baring claime upon the undersign.

ed are requested to send in their accounts

Tas-Ten days previous ja iha arrival of the Mall on the adjustment; and all persons indebted are requested

3 and 4, blanila Churoots in 1000 and 600 Boxes; | 20c Tank, a brat demend szwed for Young Hyson, Tape- to make immediate payment w

Qata in Bbla.; Russia Canyan; Twine; Paint Oil | rials, Gunpowder, Congous and Bruchongs and 30 Chops JOHN KAINB.,

ud Turpentine; Bright Varnish. Victoria, 6th January, 1846.

W. 8. HEYL. E. CHRISTOPHER bags to inform the

Queen's Road, Victoria, 5th December, 1845. Ladies of Hongkong that he has just receiv

NOTICE ed by the "Braganza" a splendid assortment of ladica French Bilk and Gauze dresses, Baroge ca

TOWNSEND, having resigned his buslaces, P. Of Action and Commission Agent in favour chemire, ilac? heoche, Batogo satin, Labrador. Veloadine deurie, and other robes; Ladies plaid of Mr. WILLIAM B. Hari, boge to return his thunks Silk shawls and Scarfs, Cravatka gouffr?es, and to the Merchants of China, for their very libera! Mille rates, of the latest style, which he offere with patronage during bis residence in the Country, and confidence as being the newest and most distingue would at the same time solicit the continuance of lot of goods that has yet been received in Hongkong. the same favour for his vocesor, Mr. Townsend Also gelmen's Black Milk and Satin Cravata will remain with Mr. Hava, until March 1846, s antenan and can promise the usun! punctuality in and Waistcoatings of superior quality,



Victoria, 2nd December, 1845,


R8 CHRISTOPHER respectfully bags to no- Ra B1 quaint the Ladies of Victoria, that cho bat

LL persons having claims upon the undersignep received a large assortment of Children clothing of different patterns and quality, suitable both for sun-are requested to send in their accounts for mer and winter, from the ages of six months to len sujeelment, and all parties inuebted are requested youre inclusive. Also a lot of Childrens habit to make immediate paymeat to

P. TOWNSEND. Bhirts and Collars; Ladies and Gentleman's Blond

and Cambrick Handkerchiefs ; Gentlemen's Gloves

of different color; Ladie's Hools and Shoes,

Victoria. Deermber 20th, 1816.

Victoria, 2nd December, 1846,

lash Paint Oil.


ER CHRisTurner respectially begs to the undersigned a few Jare of superior Eog.

form the inhabitants of Hongkong, Masters

of Vemels &o. that he has this day opened Resi freshment Rooms next to Mr Just's in the Queen's



Pottinger Street Victoria, 19th November, 1845,

A printed scale of charges for Breakfasts, Tif ne Dingers & which will be at satiomely m* GANTON PRICES CURRENT. derate charges, will be hung up in the premises The English and Local Newspapers to be bad at all times

Victoria, 23rd December, 1945.

JUST opened and for Sale at the stores of the Road.

urdersigned. A large wittinent of Carpeting all patterns, Hearth Huga &c. &o. Tarian and Check Cloths, Drills and Whine Cotton and worked Hoes, La. dies Jualipo De Large and Printed Dresses, Lace and large arment of Perfumery, stationary Table litem and Uilumos Stores of all descriptions Caudio do.


Queen's Floud. Victoria, Nurember 2lat, 1845.


29th January, 1846. IMPORTS.-DOTT PAID.

Export of Tea from China to Great Britain.

Congo Guper..

Ist July 1945, to 94th January, 1844.





. 1,347,951


- 101,200

Flowery Pekos 683,961

Orange Pelo 1,897,295 32,334,823 Iba. Black.

Twankey 1,471.197

Byson Shin.


Young Hyeon 2,003,603



Chapowder 1,191,211 5,518,907 Green.

Toul . 37,853,748 Ibe


In 18 8hip-40 from Onion, 18 from Bbanghar; of which 44 for London, 25 for Liverpool, 7 to Cark fee orders, 1 to Dublia, end 1 in Glasgow.

EXPORT of Tr?n to the UNITED STATES in 60

Ves, for Year ending Jane 30th, 1845. Total Green,..

Total Black,

Total Gram and Black,

.. 13,800,000 (s. .. 4,950,400

90,759,568 the.

EXPORT of Tras to the UNITED STATES in 21 Yanola from June 30th, 1846, to January Sich, 1866, in- clading the Grafton," and Rambow," Young Hyson,.. 4,678,716 tbl. Byron.

491,809. 10 50 to 11 0 per only on Skin and Twonkay, 1,008,785

3 60 to

Ale (best brands) $200 to $25 0 pet hhd Quite nominal no esies having been made for several months and no snquiry. Amber Hetal Not Canvas-Eng, and |


. 220 0 to 00 per picul Pococco,

00 per picul 8 50 to 100 per bolt

Imperial, Gunpowder,..

Green Bouchong and Congos,

478463 657,410

1,107,406 the,

1,950,9 the



Total Black

1,671,800 6.99,634

JUSI ARRIVED, ND for Sale at the Bores of the Undersigned, superior levica of Uilmans Storee con aiming of Pickles, Bouled Fruits, W. W Vinegar, Saucre of sette, Cherry, Strawberry and Raspberry i Juice for making Ratafia, Jams and Jellies, Cur- NCHORS, Chains, Europe and Manila Rope, renta and Raisina in Tine, Maccaroni and Vor- Cochinonl A Navy and bleached Canvas, Nary Lack, micelli in Tins, preserved meats and Boape of sorts, Busting, Paints, Oil, Salt Provisions, Bread, Floar Berkley, Chedder und pine Chooses, Smoked Wik of 10 picul lately, bayam would offer me more than and Marine stores of all descriptions, Wines, Spirits, Beer and Poster in wood and bottle, In Bad Lead Water pipe, Short Lead, Bolder, are Planter of Paris sad. Stenoulling. Patterns, or Grates with Fenders &c. to match. Nautical Almanacke for 1846, and Manila Choroots No. 3

and 4.


13 Queen's Road, Victoria, st December, 1845.


few Superior Saddles and Double Brulle; amal) sise and suitable for Ponisa. Also a variety of lancy Dooskin Cloth

LANE, ROWLAND & Co. Victoria, January 6th, 1848.


Ship Chandlers, W'holemie and Retail Wine and Spirit Marchands, and Commission Agents dc.


Comenta ba been sold in misil at 8904 per pical in Orange parcels of Be Catties during the recent scatuity. On the Ouloong,


36 0

0 0



34 0 to Shock very light and much slanted.

25 0 to 8.Am Cordage, European 8 0 to 00 do. COTTON,



Bacon in Tins, Pickled Ox Tongues, Prime Belt i

Beef (Leadenhall), Fine York Hame. Beet Dutch Copper, sheathing Butter ato. elc. Also Flannel, Wrappers, Tagli onl's, Cotton Bucks and Stockings, Thread Gloves, Scotch Tartan plaide, Corkscrews, Tapa messures, Bail neadlas. Letter Clips, Brass Tape, Batia, Blocks, White and Black Beaver and Silk Hate, i Fok Hats, and a variety of other articles too an merous to mention,

** MoMURRAY & Co. Victoria, Aberdeen Street and Quesa's Road, 23rd January, 1846.

NOTICE AN apertement to let at Mr C. Durvio's French A taylor, with or without board, on moderate terms, apply to the undersigned.


Victoria, 26th September, 1845.





Ta.5 9 to T.0 0


. 7. 8 in 8 0 da

.8 4.10 :A8


Total Green, and Black,

BILK EXPORT. The Export of Raw Silk to the United Kingdom, from Canton and Shanghai, from 1st July to date. Amounts to about 19,000 Bales; of which about 10,300 have been shipped at Shanghal direct to Bagland.

PRICES OF BULLION. Corre rather more doing in Bengal ? males of 1,000 balas Byens Silver, large, 7 per cent, premium. 1-3 long baring swablished an advance.

Spanish Dollars, Ferdinand, par COTTON GOODS. White Shirtings, $250 to 3 10per piece

Grey diue

$ 65 do. Transactions limited and our quotations quite cominal Importers generally holding out for higher reun


2 10 to

Yarn, Nos. 1694 30 60 to 82 60per picul

Nos. 42 40 0 to 0 0 do. Saleeble at quotations, but there sa very lule stock. Chinte, Furniture - $ 30 10 Super place METALS.

DEGS most respectfully to inform the Gentry Tin, Banca


Carolus, 12 per coat premier. Republican ditto, to 2 per cent discount.

EXCHANOL OB Englind. 6 m. s. The tranme- tions in Exchange bave been very limited lot rete paper has been sold at 48 54d, Lat there are very faw English House drawing.

Oriental Bank Bills at 6 month sight 4 4 p Bp.dol.

4%} 30 days ImimCompany's accepted bills on Calcut ta 223 Rupees per 100 8p. dollars. Oriental Bank bills on Calcutta at 60 days' sight (224 p. 100 8p. dis.





al 30 days sight

(228 p. 100 8p. die.

24 p. 100

Iron Man advazeed and present quotations hally sela Do.en Bombay at 60 days' sight 226 p. 100 8p. die.

AVE for le all kinds of Stores suitable for D and the Publio that he has Removed his E-Bukita Shipes auch an Canvas, Hocks, Rope, Taftablishment from Macao to Hongkong where e Iren, Nait De, Beef, Pork, &c &c. Also Store suitable for! Intenda conducting bis Busicom in all its branches | Hoop familien, Double Gluster Cheese. Bulter in small and trusts by strict attention, to merit a share of Kegs and Jara, Yuck hans, Coe, Chocolate, the Publie patronage which he has for this Jas tero Preserved Meats and Bupe, Sauces and Pickles years received. Assorted, Barding Proses Bloom Raisins, Pearl Barley, Jams and Tellies, Tea in small packages, superior Bristol Trips, Salmon, Tongues.

ALSO Boer and Porter in Caak. Barclay and Perkins Sout in bottles, Allopp's Bear.

Superine Port and Sherry, Madeira in wood and bottles, Vidonia, old Cognac, Whiskey in cask and bottle, Cask Brandy, Cherry Cordial, and a varie ty of other articles.

Victoria, 20th December 1845.

JUST RECEIVED Smell Invoice of prime Marischiano Champagne {"Dachetell" Rheims) and Orange Flour Water.


SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, likh Januszy, 1848

SODA WATER ERATED LEMONADE To be obtained at the manufactory of the under


SMITH & BRIMELOW. No 1 and 2 Wooenami's Buildings, corner of Pol- Linger Street.

NOTICE. CMITH & BRIMELOW have removed their establishment to Wooutem's Buildings corner of Poulinger Street, Queen's Road, where they will in future carry on their basiness.

Victoris, 15th December, 1848.

Mom. C. Derio also begu to owasa hamil tende to keep on band a variety of Cloths suitable Tin plates for the elicate, likewise selection of Drills and Lead Pig fancy Jeans for Costs etc. etc.; also an amortment Quicksilver of Baffe, Vallensise, Silke, Batins and Fancy Vle. OPIUM Paine, vals for Vests of the newest style and fashion,

Mona Q. Doruto ban a s?tall assortment of Gente Kidd, Silk, and other Gloves, Elastic Braces, Batin Cravats, Stocks oto, olo, etc. all the above articles are of the best description that could be pro- cured in the Colony. Gentlemen can dependˇan having their Cinches made in the first style of a

shion and elegance.

Addrem to Mone C. Durere, Taylor & Draper. Wellington Nt, one door from Graham St. Victoria. Hongkong, 20th Stay, 1845

19 0 to

15 50 to

18 50per picul

do. 10 0 30 to 0 0 do.

9 80 10

0 0 do.

2 70 to

0 0 do.

4 50 to

6 50 10

0 do. 0.0 per box

5 00 lo

0 0 per picu!

- 123

0 to

0 0


0 Oper chest

0 0 do. 0 0 do

685 0 to Benares, 045 0 to Malwa,new,good 730 0 to


? 480 0 10 0 Opar pleul Orrow-barhet without animation and but little ongyuiry

Benares which is light in work.

0 0 do. 5 80 to pepper -

90 1 80 to Back-Market improving with a good enquiry. Rice, Bengal Rattans, Barjer

Bandalwood, Malabar


? ??? ??

3 10 to 3 90


8 40 to

18 80


Timor,&8.8. lui. Saltpetre.

BALTETA in no demand. WOOLLENS.

4 0 to



7 40 to

7 80


1 05 to


8 70 to

35 Lo

Hpanish Stripes.

MEWEN & Oa MENERAL Commission and Shipping Agents

Wine Beer and Spirit Merebeats. And Auctioneers Queens Road & Chinama Hong.

Supply Blips, Families and foreign residente at Long Elle, scarlet the consular ports, with a descriptions of Sures,** Balt provisions, Wine, Beer and Spirits upon mo densis terms.

Also dry and convenient storage for goods. Victoria, fat January, 1840.


TUBT landed a few Hogsbands Superior Dark Colored Brandy. Also, Dark and Pale Dolored Cogase in bottle, of first quality.

MOEWE? & Co.

Queen's Road.

Victoria, 90th Jany, 1846.

well assorted. Camlets, English 2

Dutch Medium Cloth- Ladies *

at 30


FREIGHTS. To London or Liverpool, there being so available ships here at prosent, a very high rate would. be given : ?7. to ?7, 10 readily given, tonnage being scarce.

To Amoy, #6 per ton of 40 feet.

To ports north of Amoy, 7 ? § 8


Bir Eardley Wilmot is in a fiz. The Govera meat of Van Diemen's Land is at a dead lock 8: of the seven non-oficial members of the Legulative Council have resigned their penis, and flia Escal Jency does not know where to find men to supply their places 'he whole free population of the is land appear to be of one mind, they will no longer submit to be taxed for the purpose of controlling British (elona.

Our readers are aware that in August Bir E. 195per yard Wilmot sudilenly proroguri the Legislative Coun 8 75per piece cil, stating that the continues falling off of the re 8 45 do.

vrome rendered a revision of the estimates dece do. sury, and that replies to despatches which had been sent home in January might be expected by Oc10- ber, to the 2lat of which month the Council stood proingued

19 0 to 21 0

24 0 to 30 0 do.

100 to 9 Oper yard 1 25 lo 1 40 do.

Il Excellency's speech at the opening of the WOOLLEM of all sorts dull and some cheep sales of Long

and Colle moede previous to the Dow . Dute Council appeared in yesterday's Herald, and from Cumbirsa have receded in price in cooenquance of the ship it in will be sceu that reductione in one part had mass expected by the Melon" and that Amelia- The been met by increase in others, and that the res sed

Durch Bt Ladie Company at Baturis have disposed of the ir sexual apply and is le expected that a large portna of the m 'will fed their way to than muchos via Singapore.

estimates were larger in amount than those which had been withdrawn.


When the consideration of the estimates was called on, Me Dry mured, and Mr Kurmode secoud- ed as an amclient-

That a committee be appointed to enquire into and report upon the amount of expenditure in each department of the Government, stising out of the Convict Bystem.

For the Amendment,

Mr Day


- Fenton



- Dunn - Kert


Against t Lieutenant-GoroLDOR

? Chief Justice Attorney-General Colonial Secretary



have been subjected, by being compelled to support A pulice, touderod wecossary by the presence of British criminals, is so grosa that wherever it la fully and clearly understood by the British public, it must be done away with We shall return to the subject on an early day.


part; and, in sufforing under Ministerial displea sure, be is a martyr to right principle. And the question naturally occurs, to a New South Wales colonist. Had the gentleman at the bead of our nwn Glaseroment beso placed in the same predica ment, would he have acted the samne or a similar part? If so, then we can only apologise for hav. ing fiemal a very erroneous estimate of his public churmeter; for, according to that estimate, he would no more have done so than would have theum his right hand into the Are.

THE WAR IN ALGERIA. The French Gorominent has published the of ficial report of Goneral Lamariciare un the wories of combate which that officer fought on the 14th, 15th, and 18th of the present month, in the neigh- bourhood of Nedrown, against the native tribes, which have risen in favour Abd-el Kader, and the news of which was previomly announced by th? telegraphia despatch dated Perpignow, Octobor 23, which we have alevedy published.


force to Canada, and also that the cunelruction of 17 War steamers was to be undertaken forthwith, la noticing these pregnant movesnouts, the Refalo Commercial Advertiser vory properly mys, “AL overy point England seems in be strengthening her means of offence and defenon, and there is much reason to believe that at soils within the last quarter of a century have our relations with that Power been in a more delicate, if not critical, si- tuation. What is our Government doing t Denul. ing many of the most important points on the fron tier and the sonboard of nearly all their effective defensive force, and, without the authority and scarcely the colour of law, transferring slike force to Texas, a foreign country by our laws. Why is Buffalo one of the most important points on the whole frontier, without any troops, while several companies are still kept at Plattsburgh, Backett's Finebour. Oswego. Detroit, and Fort Gratiot. – New York L'ourie and quirer

Melancholy Revera of Fortune -The daughter of the late bir Abraham Bradly King, who was Iwice Lord Mayor of Dublin, and Gewad Blaster of the Orange Lodge, and who in his cap city of Lord Mayor enterisinal Georgu 1V., when ko visited Ireland in 1891, has been compulled, as tho widow of a naval officer, to apply to the Royal Naval Bapevolent Booiety for assistanco. Her memorial was rejected at the last Court of the Sa. cicly, on the ground that a lady sc connected should not be left by her friends to beul sikist?nco | from strangers.—Glode

The amendment was supported by Capt. Fenton CAPT. FITZROY'S "DISOBEDIENCE OF ORDERS" and Mr Gregson, and opposed by the Colonini Se It is far from our Inteution to step forward as cretary, the Allarney-General, the Comptroller of the champions of Captain Fitzroy, whose policy Convicts, and the Lieutenant Governor, the letter in the government of New Zealand, judging from of whom is reported to have said, "Honorable its results, would appear to have been a series of members acted as if they were there not to amit | calamitous blunders. But we are inclined to think him (the Governor), but that they might interfere less unfavourably of the ex Goverour then wo pre- even with the instructions of the Secretary of State, riously did, since reading Sir James Graham's But it was his duty not to listen to any such inter- Ratement, in the House of Cammons, of the grounds ference by the Council, but to carry on the intentions upon which Her Majesty's Government had re- of the Home Government If, as a Legislative called bima. Council, they declared otherwise, he must tell thei In our observations of Friday upon the Prorogs: they had not the power ofchanging the system in- tion Speech of our own. Ouveruor, wo expressed operation, and ought not to sitempt to alter it. | our belief that from the first day of his solministra. || The funds of this colony must sustain the necessary tion to the present time, and in all his measures, exporditure for maintaining the colony, until it whether executive or legislative, the ruling priosi The despatch of General Lamoriciers, though shall be Her Majesty's pleasure to direct otherwise. | ple of His Excellency had been to please the ou * very long document, weila in fact very litle to The Queen (Bu Excellency observed), and no diorities in Downing-street, and to study the wal the information preciously given us by the telege. other on earth can alter it," ? Upon the question fira of the colony only in so far as it could be pro phic despatch. On the 19th he attacked the being pot, there appeared

moted without detriment to that principla Kabyles in their mountains, and made himself There are two aspects in which a colony may be monster of a vory diffienki dr?le, which the na- regarded by its local ruler—as a Ministerial in- tivos da not appear to hara defended with any strument, or as part of the nation. If desk with in vigour. For the two fullowing days, a sort of rua the first of these characters, the pleature of the ning fight was kept up, in which Abd-el Kader, Minister is of course the primary consideration, and who was in sight during the first day, suil at tho the welfare of the province but a secondary thought; bead of 2900 cavalry, did not take part." General if thrated in the other character, the paramount Lagoriciere age, that instead of Gghting, the object is of course the good of the country, and Emir retreated, amidat the jeoring and footing of rather than compromise this great and virtuous aim, allies whom he had induced to rise in his frour, the Miastor's frown will be braved without hesita and the sacrificed at the moment when they were tion. We fear Sir George Gippe bes knudled this fighting his batilo. The fact however, probably fine colony as a mere instrument ; and it is besause it, that Alid al-Koder was induced to retreaj, ber we discern in the conduct of Captain Fitzroy, as described by Sir James Graham, something like a

cause the country, which is very mountainous, wax unfit for cavalry unverments At all events, Abd. preference of the internets of New Zealand above el-Kader escaped with his cavalry untouched. Then the smiles of the West-minar officials, that we remaining tribes were hemmart in by the French have become inclined to think that, after all, he troups in su nogle, having the sen on one side, the

courage as his enemies have represented. may not have been so deficient either in windows or river Tafia on the other, and the French army in front ; and finding that they had no chance of es his sporch of 10th June, on Mr Bu lur's motion in the dark me to the exact number of primees, The Home Secretary is reported to have said, in cape, they surrendered at discretion. We are left respecting New Zealand, that though he did t but they appear to be principally composed of the wish to inculpate Caplain Fitzroy in order ta vin- praceable inhabitants of the country? and so little dicate the Government, he must mention the cir- do their future attempts at stark alarm General cumstances in which that officer bad disobeyed the Lamriciero, that the contents himself with order. instructions of Lord Stanley, in order to justify bising them to remain at large in the mountains of recall. He readily admited the difficulties of Capt the Trura tribo, where they surrendered, until such Fitzroy's position, but still he thought that it wr time as the plain becomes more tranquil. General imposible to overlook the disobedience of orders ul Lamoriiere takes great endit to himself for any which he had been guity, in huing an inconter having put the whole of these native tribes to death tible paper currency-in refussing to incorporate after they had murrendered a prisoner of war. into militin the muleta and such untives they My Infantry," says he, "would bare hal ampla could place reliance on-and in repelling all the vengeancee for this Insurrection; but, with the pre. sent exasperated feelings of our troops would this mal das Debate also praises the humanity and mo vengeance not be perhaps too severe The Jour

? Comptroller-General Collector of Custome Colonial Auditor. The Governor said-the numbers being equal I give my casting role agunes the amendment, which is lost.

One of the members (Mr O'Connor) bring ab- sent, Me Gregson moved as a further amendment that the consideration of the estimates might be postponed until all the members were presents which upon a division mut with the same fate as the previous resolution.

Me Dry then moved, as a further That the consideration of the estimates be post- poned til Friday, in order that the Colonial Beeze tary may be enabled to give an explanation of the iteme, ainouating to upwards of ?20,0-10, under the head of suma required to supply deficiencies.

The Council again divided, and a third time did the Lieutenant-Governor use his double vole, and thas carry his point against the whole of the non- official members. Mews, Oregon, Dry, Fenton, and Kermode, then left the Council chamber, and the whole of the items on the estimates were gone through in half an hour, without a single word of On the following day the Appropriation Bill was brought in and read a first time, thu Lieutenant- Governor's double vote being used, as it was also for the second reading, and, as the papers state, il would have been read a third time, had not the six non official members who were present have letter the diren are here referred to were in instance, makes the French character contrast no


the chamber, which broke up the House. Reading a bit, especially a money bill, three times in a oue day, appears to be a singular mode of conducting Legislative business, but we suppose the Standing Orders of the Council permit it.

On the following day (Friday, October 31st,) on the third reading of the Appropriation Bill being called, Mr Gregson moved,

enstous duties of the island."

been dismised from his Government, was usither 'The offence, theo for which Captain Fitzroy has more or less than disobedience of orders" Wiederation of the Cennial, which, it says, in this themselves good or bad, accessory at unnecessary, bly with that of the bachariaus of Africa; but the is not the question; they wore ointrary to orders; Debate Gorgos that there is a great diffrench box and in that contrariety there exts, in official epiteen the present ose and the circumstances under degros of turpitude which no intrinsic virtus, on which Colonel Jontaguse and his companions lost practical benelita, san either redoom or pallinte their lives. In the one case the natives had sur

We are by no munus insensible or indifferent se rendered as prisoners of war; in the uter, the the importance, iu affairs of government well as Freach troops were killed, fighting to the lust. In

Union of the Atlantic and Pacific. We have re teised the Grenade Chronicle of the 6th ultim which contains intelligence of the highnat interest in the world. It appears that, efforts are making in Europe to cut a canal from the "atic to the Pacific, though the isthmus of Pauuma, or lo cie struct a milroad across the country to Tehuantepec 1 an enormous expense, the Americans live nchies ed the great work in the most simple way, a comparatively lale or no cost. They have discovered the Amazon to be navigable for steamers Stem ile month, on the Atlantic, to Lima, in Peru, and within right miles of ('allu one of the prjoci pal porta nu die Pacific.—New York Morning News. Capt. John S. Kause of Philadelphm, up the river The exposition was made in September, 1844, by Momohair an tier as the port of “Basos,” in the republic of this Equidove. Captain Kl uso says he was truly amazed at the quantity of minerala, dye- Woods of various sorts, and other valuable wood, coffee. one, white and couminen, of excellent quali colton, very fun and long, like wool; spices, balam, raisina, waz, and other rich productions, which he met with in great abundance averywher during his travels. Richmond Enquirer.

Philadelphia. Oct. 15.-The southern papers record five duels-two killed so I three wounded - at New Orloans at Pensacola Also a street fight of St. Augustine, in which one was killed and two were wounded. Rides, brodawards and platila were the agrerally wenty?na,

night several tinvertone ot officials have been "z- Fortification of the Coust. - Within the last fort- mining the state of the ramparts and oiler de fences of Beswick. It is known that Government have la omylating some exensive plan for the provement of the woraus of detener of our courts, in the view of hostilities breuking out with the United Brame, in consequence of the granning ug. Rressions of that Power, and its infringement af in the business of priesta life, of submission to ridood, had the French troops put their prisoners to

our territorial sights on the North America com. That this Council do adjourn until Monday, in ghtful authority. But whilst we would who the dusth on this occasion, that conrrost would have fint is not improbable, therefore, that at no onder that the Attorney-General may have tinie to one estreme of defeuding insubordination, we would been greatly in favour of the natives, for it appears distant date the fortifications of Berwick may be give his deliberata opinion as to the meaning nad also shun the other of giving to subordination that the lives of all the prisoners who fell into the P into a state of efficiency, the batteries mounted legal construction of the 9th George IV. cap. 90, supremacy which does not belong to it-of making bands of Abd-El-Kader after the destruction of sectious 21 and 25 particularly, and the law gene-it the end instead of a means. Applying this dis Coll Monisgino's column have been spared, in the barracks to repel Emporarily, the attack of with cannen, and sufficient Cusco of military lodge.l rally as applicable to the questions now under continetion to the relation in which the Governors of and dint the wounded have been carefully attended-Berwick Worder. sideration; viz. Mr Gregson's motion against the colonies atrod to the secretary of Sale, we should to. A letter has been received from Colonel de polica and gaol expenditure, and carrying the cati mainisin that the arrow views takus (os we be Lognord, who was supposed to have heen one of Tightly is uportmat; and it may be added, in illas. Military Firing-fue sulejnot of directing fire mates in committee, with less than two thirds of the lieve) by Sir George Chips, are unworthy of the those killed with Colonel Montageae, from which tation of its importance, that glity or honded council present at the deliberation,

The Lieutenant Gloverunt was very warminkan (as it would seem) by Capanio Fitaroy, and columo were not slain, as was originally viated. of a military action without killing or wounding true dignity of his office; and that the wider view it appears that the whole of the troops forming that thousand bill cartridges are often Bred in the cured opposing this resolution. He sail when honor such as Lecome the saler of a free British comise Ninety-six of them were taken prisoners by the more than 500 men. In such case (and such cases able members urge questions on for discussion and uity. Sir George's rule is, Whisper hecomas of Arabe under Abdel-Kadar. Colonel de Cognord are not rare.) it is evident that there is an expense To decision, which have been already decided against se colony, stick to your orders: Captain Fitzory's speaks highly of the humanity and kindness with of ammunition without an effect commensurate to them one, two, or three times when they more jo-appear to have beso, “Whatreer becomes of your which they are treated by the Emir.

the expenditure. If the non-effect arise from dis solutions and adjournments upos matters which orders, stick to the colany." Which of the rules The results from Gew, Lamaricierse's four days Lance or position, the military officer in command have been fairly decided a?er f?ll discussion -when they get up and walk away at the moment a divi- the wiser, the more virtuous, the more magnani of fighting do not appear to be either brilliant or commits on error. If the distance be the just dis mion has to be taken, leaving me embarrassed, and their official mask, and exhibiting them in their that the best effect of thom is to take away from if the troops be carried into the Bek! in a proper man muus of the two, will be an on stripping them of very important. Gen. Lamorldiers him myslance for aetion, if the enemy be duly exposed, and the Council not in a state to carry on business-naked character. The one really means What Abd-el-Kader the opportunity of attaching Nodromaner, and the effect be such as is stated, it is evident call it an unconstitutional opposition; a dialural ever becomes of the colony, I will sans care of my a place which the natives had successfully defend that the sol·lict wants skill, or that he wants disc apposition." And concluded with the following self" the other Whatever becomes of myself.fed by simply closing i gates even before the ap-line and courage necesary for the direction of the very explicit declaration:-1 came here as the will take care of the colou." And the natural opera pearance of the French troops. General Lamori skill which he poscan. Want of skill in always representative of the Queen, to carry out Her Mletion of these rules is now seen. Bir George Gippa, ciere, however, intimates that he wae on the falconpsowed with hurry and confusion, and a sul- jesty's commands; and with great respect to you having exceeded his term of office by asarly two lowing day to go again in pursull of Abd-el-Kader dier who wants skill, that is, who is not confident all, and with a sincere desire now, as 1 have hitherto years, has yet the prospels of retaining bus post who had retired in the direction of the Tafua. had, to promoto the welfare of this colony to the for some years to come: Captain Fitzroy, having

of producing a given effect by a discharge of his utmost extent in my power,sl shall continue ta

musket, has no calculation, He knows that he is held his appointment not more than half the soul carry out the instructions of Her Majesty's Be

Joint-Stock Companies—By a Parliamentary in posession of an lustruinent of distraction. He cretary of State, and no power on earth shall in-fure, that Bir George's rule, whatever else may be took companies registered under the act 7 and 8 asta and confusion, in hopes of hiding himself un. terms, is abruptly superseded. It is clear, there paper just issued an account is given of all joint. ignorant of its true value; he loads and fires in

der the cover of ite smoke, or of drowning his fence, existing before September last there were 985, and were railway companies. From the 1st of Novomis blank, and the act is in a nader void. To this 48 for forviga operations. Of the total number 105, want of skill, wo prociso object in view, the mind bor to the 7th of June last 355 were provisionally ass, the remedy against panic consists principally registered, anil 17 foreign operations. Of the 336 in the noise and order of the explosion-end that is as any as 252 were railway companies, and 11 Procarious. On the contrary, the skilful soldier is others for foreign operations. Between the 9th and confident of an effect resulting from his skill. Ile 50th of June, 57 cailways were registered Foring to his position and his bearings, he is almost is master of himsoli on all occasions; and, accord. provisional registration ? fan of 62, te paid,

After balance of 5001. 6. 2d. It seems from the amount security, both in his own idea and in reality. If all expense, the Reginor-General had in band certain of diminishing the number of the foo by of fees received chat, from the first of November this subject be considered as it ought to be, the every ball discharged; thus every discharge adds to to the 31st of December 5904 was received for principal abject of study in the training of troops provisions registration, from the first of January to the 21st of March, 310f, and from the firs of will be benwad on cultivating the art of firing April to the 7th of June 7854, making total fur with just direction, rather than for attaining mid extends to 183 pages.

provisional registration" of 1,09%. The retura platoon or batiation: If it appear that eighty or one explosion and exact correspondence in time by Fortifications in Canada.-Wo learn from the hundred thousand balls kill or wound no more than Kingston (Canade) Chronicle that warlike prepara

five hundred of enemy, and if it be demonstrable tions on a large scale are being aude et that point. fifteen hundred would have the same effect if The front of the splendid Town Hall, says the the soldier were brought into action properly, and Chronicle, is to be laid open to the lake by the palobriuus to common sense that every soldier ought

if he correctly knew the power of his manket, it i ling down of Mesers Mihereon and Crane's sture- bouses and the erection of a heavy battery. The to be scientifically instructed in an which bringe We are shoal in front is to be secured by a large tower, with it advantages of so great value. — Jackson's

deco mo to take any other course"

T'he amendment being pet, of course shared the aid of it, is the more prudend of the two It is Victoria, o. 110. It appears that of companies | under its noise. But as he has no skill, and, from

mine fate or the rest.

worth ?5000 a you!

The question was then put on the third reading how he insugs orders. Having elected for the of

A wise and well-meaning Minister will take care, which was carried by the usual double rate. Five fice of the Governor a gentleman of character and of the non-officials immediately left the Chambet, parts, he will not fetter him with the many inarno and as there was not a house, the Council was a tions: be will place condence in him; he will, in journed to the following Monday, the question that a very great ensure, leave to bis own discretion bis Bill do pass" not having been pul the management of affaire that, being purely local, One Hobart Town papers do not come down to a later date than this, but we find from the Lan: must of necrosity be better understood on the spot

than any where else. ceston Fanminer that on the Saturday, six of the mant like this, a Governer would feel himasak

Under a judicious strange non-official members resigned their seats, and on free and a responsible agent. free to advance the she Monday the following notice was issued to interests of his colony to the best of his power;

Colonial Secretary's office,

November 3, 1845. responsible for the salts of a policy so antirely his The underaventioned gentlemen having tendered. And if he had to be assured or recalled, a to the Lieutenant-Govenor the resignation of their would not be for disobedience as a servant, but for seats in the Legislative Council of this colony, his Fur aught that appears in the case of Captain Fit Jucumpetency as the heal of an administration. Excelleney directs is to be notified, that be has born zroy, as put by Sir James Graham, his competency pleased to accept the vine. —

for the duties of his office may have bean of the highest, the very highest rank for be had the rare moral courage to disobey ordere; and it may be tlust those orders were impracticable, or full of danger to the people of his clatge,

Charlos Swanston, Esq.

Michael Fenton, Esq.

John Kerr, Esq.

Williun Kermode, Esq.

'Thomas G. Gregson, Esq.

Richard Dry, Eay.

By his Excellency's command,

As we have already said, we do not put ourselves forward as Captain Fitzroy's advocates.

not sufficiently conversant with the facts of his which will be of great utility in a natal point of Economy of Armies. J. t. Bregano.

The spirited conduct of these gentlemen appete to have been exceedingly praiseworthy, and must bare a most beneficial effact The injustice to which New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land

case to be able to speak positively, either for or view, as a mark for the barbour. It is also pro- against. All we mean to my is, that if he disposed to erect a large tower at Stuart's Poiut, and obeyed these orders from a conscientious conviction strengthen the works at Fort Henry. The last colony placed valer bir protective, he acted a noble contemplated to send out a large additional military that to pat thons in force would be injurious to the steamer from England brought advices that it was

Edited, Printed and Published by Joan Cann

At The Friend of China and Hongkong Gazelle, Printing Ofer, Goven STEET, VICTORIA, HONGKONO, 1846,


VOL. V. No 10.




PRICE 12 per annum.

Terms of Subscription to the "Friend of China and Hongkong Gazette," per annum 12. Six months 87. Three nonthe4; ull paid in advance. Crofit prices, $14, $5. 59, and §5, for the periods

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GEVERAL convenient tenements uated in Wellingtes and Stanley Street. The tarma which are very moderate, may be known by ap plying to

BURD, LANGE Co. Queen's Road, Jany, 80ch, 1946



THE Steam Ship LADY MARY WOOD, Captain Cooper, with Her Majesty' Mail, will love this for the above places at daylight on the 1st of March; 1846. Cargo will be received on board until noon, and specie until 4 P. . on Saturday the 28th Inst. This route offers an opportunity of visiting Bingapore and Pinang, ro-TELE upper part of a commodious and will built maining a few days at Ceylon, thance to Madras or 1 dwelling House containing even rooms with Caloutta in 94 days from leaving China. Stomers servants rooms, and outhouses with stabling. For are also understood to ply between Colombo and further particular apply to, Bombay-Specie, Bilk, and other Goods, may be

D. LAPRAIK forwarded by this route to Madras and Calcutta, No. 1 Wellington Terrace D'Aguilar Street.

Victoria, 24th October, 1845. and will be retained on board the Steamer at Galle until the arrival of the Suez Steamer for those

TO LET' placer, when they will be transhipped free of ex penas Arrangements are made in the Steamers A throughout for the convenience of the Native Mer-aud chapts of Endia, proceeding as passengers and cor- tain accommodation is reserved in those from Oul eutta, for Passengers from China, joining the Suez Jine at Calls, to socure which it is requisite that ? notice of at least two months be given to the PARTIES receiving letters directed to the late C. LLOYD, Esq. are requested to forward the Company's Agent bera,

Information regarding the rates of freight and same to the office of the undersigned at Macao. All | pango can be obtrimd by spplication at the charges or postage on the same will be paid on Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Comp's deliy?ry


His Nethids Majesty's Consul."


lice; and abippers are requested to take Notice that a Shipping order cannot he granted unless the contents and value be distinctly marked on the outside of each package for overland transit

Victoria, Hongkong, February 1st, 1994,




70 any part of the canal of China the Schooner STARLING," 109 Tons Register, G Chape Commander, mut now lying at the Cummingmoon sochorage. For further particulars apply to D. LAPRAIK, Wellington Terrace, Ilonkgong, or to the Con

wder un board.

Victoria, 30th January, 1846-


Small House No. 2 Pottinger Street; enquire of L Jual Sent., corner of Queen's Hood Pottinger Street.

Victoria, 22nd January, 1840.


Nothida. Coalate, Canton, 3rd October, 1845.



to lasue Polices on behalf of the Bociery Shanghai, payablo in Hongkong, Calcutis, Dom. | bay, and Loodon.

DENT, & Co. Seca Union Insurance Society. Victoria, 1st January, 1840



the most luxurious, in Crimson and Purple Mo RECLINING CHAIRS

rocco adjusting themselves to the posture” and in which to sit in to reposc. Superb and Costly


HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoria, 26th December, 1845. ABULAR Sintments of the Commerce of Sin gapore for the yenta 1840-41, 1841-42, 1812- 49,1642-44 with an astract view of the same conti T?m?d in 1846, (in one bound Volume) prepared

under the direction of the flow ble the E. 1. Com. Round, Square, Oral of the highest polish in Rose- pany, and compiled from Official Documents. For

lo by R. P. BAUL,

01 M. THOS, RIPLEY & Co's Price 10 Rupees each. Victoria, 2nd January, 1840


in Cloth and Gold-Gold and Mabogany. TABLE

wood and Mahogany, unrivaled COUCHES, SOFAS AND OTTOMANS with spring horsehair cushions wooing balmy sleep to the fortunate possessor. CURIOUSLY Elegant LADIES TOILET: with handsome Mirrors abovo, of a lata fashion. ALSO,

Rocking and Bed Room Easy Chairs,dining and drawing ditte, Washing Tallow with Marblo toga drowsing ditto and a variety of looking glass of overy description with an assortment of Perfumery, highly ornamented Blusical Boxes playing 4 and 6

R WILLIAM WARD BROWN is authorised

to sign for our Firm by procuration.

*HEGAN & Co. Jet Jawonry, 1846.

NOTICE. THE Undersigned have formed a partnership, fortunes.

thetranaction of a general Agency and Com aloe business, under the rospective Firms of RAWLR, Dogs & Co. at Victor, and Duwe, Rawls & Co. at Shanghai.

8. & RAWLE N. DUUS Victoria, Hongkong, 1st October, 1840.


GRATES complete with mantel piccos

few handsome Stoves.


HAWLB, DUUS & Co. Victorin, 23rd January, 1846.


The whole to be on view froni Monday next the 20th instant till the day of Sale (of which due notice will be given) at the Godowns of dicare Hegan & Co. Spring Gardens.

Queen's Road, 24th January, 1846;

FOR SALE. QAUNDERS Pale October brewed ale in Wood, *

Allsops Beer in Wood, l'ort and Sherry, Champage and Claret. Apply in

ROBERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 26th July, 1845.


Y the undersigned 20 Boxes of Turkish amok.THE undersigned have this day removed their Ding Tobacco.

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 17th January, 1846.


A very degant Rosewood cabinet Plans, 60s- laves, with metalic plates; also a Mahogany

THE interest and responsibility of Mr. WILLIAM Piane of a similar description for sale at the Go-

Twoman in our firm cessed on the_31m-downs of,


RAWLE, DUUB & Co. Victoria, 23rd January, 1848,


for ale by,


TIOUSE situated on the North Side of THE undersiged have received authority from AN Invoice of Boer and Porter by a late arrival


Gough Breel Apply to


TO LET. Commodious and wall finished Dwelling

Cage street, consisting of dining and drawing rooms, four bedrooms, offices on ground floor, with ser vanto apartments gre. For particular apply to


THE Eastern side of the large and com- modious house situated in Welling. ion Street and now in the occupation of Mors Gilman & Co. For particulare apply to.

Rom Cath. College's Buperior. Victoria, 2nd December, 1948.


the Directors of die Imperial Fire Insurance Office of London, to issue Policies on the New Buildings at Canton

MACVICAR & Co. Victoria, 28ed January, 1840.


THE undersigned are prepared to issue Policies at Shanghai, on behalf of the Calcutta ID- surance office, payable in Hongkong, Singapore, Calcutta, Bombay, and London.

MACVICAR & Co. Victoria.23rd January, 1848.

OR BALEAT the Godowns of Mora Blabkin, Rawson & Co., Burton Ale in Hbda, from Worthington and Robinson. Hoogkung, 15th January 1848.


TWO Convenient Houses in Gongh Street. A the downs of Mosers Blenkin, Rawson

Co Alleops Pale Ale in boule; Barclay's Porter in bottle, Superior Sherry, Madeira, and Port, in wood and boltle.

with Verandaha, each containing mine Kooma, exclusive of outhouses, enquire of


Pottinger Street. Victoria, 6th December, 1845.

TO LET. House in Clough Street. Apply to, JOHN CARR.

Hongkong, 15th January, 1846.



fow dinner, breakfast, ton and coffee sela; also glass dinner sets complete with decanters &c.

| at the Godowne of the undersigned.


establishment to the house west sido of the

Ordnance Office


Victoria, 22nd January, 1846.

UN DALE BY THE UNDERB?GNED- DOKING Glamos in g?l? frames of various sizes

Toilet Bottles

Plated Epargnes

Gik and Ormolo fourteen day clocks


January 24th, 1840.



* Adan "Buperfine Blue Cloth is quality ; Goat's superior White and Colored Bilk Glovas, a small Invoice of shoes and a few Riding Whipo.


Victoria. Pth January, 1816


JUBI Received per late arrivals and for mlu by AND for Bale by the undersigned, a few pieces of superior Tartan suitable for Coats and

Patent Salamander Bases of various sizes waS- ranted sonure in the botton fire.


Patent Weighing Machines from 700 a 9,300 pounds, which can be made to weigh pocula and calties

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845. FOR SAL? QUPERIOR_Sherry and Madeira in wood; also

for hair pipes and quarter casks Cape mail seriffe Wines. Sherry, Sadeita, Port, Claret, Cognac, Cherry Brandy, in 12 & 3 dozen caste KAWLE, DUUB & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845.′


Opposite the Commissariat, Victoria, 2nd January,1846. CARD.


HE undersigned has established himself in this place as a Commission and General Agvot in connection with Menus Foner Brothers & Co. (Speecker, Canton Appenzell) Switzerland carrying

on business under the name and on account of this firm.

Manila, 13th July, 1845.



FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED.N 3 Superior Manila Cigars. Mthie das been admitted a parter in our A Europe, Manila and Coir Hope, Hemp and

R. THOMAS Bonattor, Hathaway Ny? has



THE premises known as the office of the "Friend

NYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, January lot, 1846.


MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co. Canton, 10th November, 1645.


Nasortment of Anchors and Chain Cables,

Cotton Canvass, and several Spara for lower and topmarine

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 28th October, 1845.


Both warranted sound. Apply tu

*N: DUUS. Queen's Road, 15 Jan: 1846.


Spanish winos, Bberry, dea. in wood & bottles Manila Pino Scarf, Handkerehlefs, and Ladies Dresses

J. DELMAS Corner Aberdeen Street Opposite the Baker. Victoria, 10th November, 1845.


Maceo from Dr. Hubler's.

Soda Water Manufactory there. Macao, Ifth Januuey, 1845.


of China: Three Houses situate in Welling-THE undersigned have been appointed Agents at too Street,_commanding a fine view of the bay ; a Canton for the "Globe Tourance Office" of Shop and Store situate on the Queen's Road, in Caloutts, and are prepared to grant Policies pay. TWO Ponies; one accustomed to carry a Lady. MALE-At the Store of Mr. John Smith in ? central part of the town. Early possession can able in London, Caleatts, Bembey and Canton be given. For further particulars apply to

R. OBWALD. Victoria, 19th December, 1848.

TO LET. spacious bungalow on Caines Road. Apply to

HUGHBEDON Victoria, 30th January, 1846.


THE HOUSE in Queen's Road lately occupied

by Phillipe Moore & Co. Apply to



MARINE Lot No. 64 Situated between size

Mesere. Magvican & Co. and Framzer Jamburjun Esq., messures 200 foot sen frontage, and akogether is a very desirable lot. For further

particulars apply to

FLETCHER & Co-Hongkong.

or DIROM, GRAY & Co.-Cantun. Victorin, 1st July, 1845.


T Victoria Hongkong, in a central position,

A valuable water side property, consisting of wharf, spacious Godown, dwelling and out Houses; all in perfect repair, and now let on lease. For particulare, apply to


Macno, lut July. 1945.

THE undermentioned Wines from the House of H. FRANKLYN, Queen's Road, Victoria

Gledatanes, King & Co. London.

Port Inces of 8 dozen Madeira



Apply to




* Victoria, 20th January, 1848,

WEBSTER, Gordon, Cossart & Co's superior Madeiro, in Hh?s, quarter and half quarter

casks, and in cusce FLETCHER & Co.

Hongkong, 1st March, 1845.


THE interest and responsibility of Mr. Chels sopher Featon, in our firm consed on the 81st December 1844.

FEARON & SON. Macao, 1st January, 1845.


THE business of the undersigned will from this

dice in experior binding,









Medans Dictionary of the Elok Lace Dielect MEDHURST'S Chinos & English Dictionary' to.00

hacer's Comparative Vocabulary of the Ch nees, Larvan and Japanmu laarugo, ma am Medhunes Dictionary in the Farulang. Dialect of the Fermon language, puno drydhurst's Notice on Chinese Gramma

Madhurst's Dialogues In the Mandarin Disloca,

Medburw's Staw and Prospects of Chim, Collie's Translation of the four. Books ... Prown's Nouin Liners Sea Chinain Rumbler of the Emperor Ching-TREA Tal, translated into English by Thin-Shen, late of the Anglo Chinese College, Malacca, A Lexilogue of the Engloh, K?slay and Chinos ?

..1.50 language ** ** *** ****

Apply at the London Mimmunary Society's Lostitation

Hollywood Roadt Violeth January, 1646-

has removed to the above premises from Kering House, where he wiil in future carry on |the" business of wholesale and retail commission and shipping Agent, general dealer, auctioneer and Wine and Spirit merchant. Goods stored in and secure godowns and forwarded on the most moderate terme. The undersigned has Lorches and a Bichooner running regularly to Canton, Cum. singmoon and Maceo." Charges for passengers an follows:—

To Centom

"Camsingmoon. * Maono


04 05

There vessels are all well armed and part man- ned with Europeans. Every varioly of goods on

view at the Skew rooms.


R. W. H FRANKLYN bas the honor to an

date be conducted in the name of C. 8. Cournounce to the community of Victoria that be Ton & Co., his partners being as beretoforu, Ephes received instructions to submit to Public com- WARD M. DARLL, and WILLIAM DICKINSON of petition at an early day hereafter to be named a the firm of Dame, Dickinson & Co, in London bat unique and rich assortment of English Furei and Liverpool,

ture, to which he begs to call attention, as ho feels Assured that nothing of the kind heretofore has been landed in the colony. Consisting of


Canton, 1st January, 1845.

BRITISH HOTEL. GABRIEL has taken a commodious house si-

■ coated at the Corner of GrahamStreet, a short distance south of the Queen's Road, which be in. tends to conduct as a Hotel under the above utl?. Gentlemen favouring him, with their patronage

will find ibeir comfort strictly attended to.


All the articles supplied will be of the first rate description.

A 'Thurston's Billiard Table es the Primises. Victoria, 14th March, 1045.




Concise Abstract of Meteorological Observations during the Month ended 31st December, 1845.




THERMOMETER. Moon height 30, 106 | Mean temple.| 41,9

highest 30 25 lowen B


lowest 57,


No. of rainy days.—Three.

Table of the Winds.


he was acting unjustly to the high authority,, [ bureemonts ?790,19.,2, and in all the other upon whose head he called down a multitude depart nents, with erception of the Ecclesias of facts connected with these discreditabletical Establishmant and the Medical depart. transactions-facts which are universally be mont, they make a most conspicious figure. liere-facte which are the cause of regret and The grues amount of these ordinary contingen humiliation to most Englishmen in Hongkong, cios and special disbursements is ?9,594,16.6, If, however, the Hongkong Register was dis out of an expenditure of ?29,404,190. We satisfied with that exposure if be thought it un-pam the Ecchsiastical Establishment, which is true,if he even doubted, be was bound to take moderate enough, and there is the Revenue De some trouble in sitting the matter, and vindicatpartment ?5,878 17.7. Upwards of a fourth ing the veracity of his informant. Ifon the other of the revenue is paid for disbursing it. The Ny North Ely. Bam Bouth By, Wiy, North Wiy hand he ascertained that Alpha's story was but absurdity of this requires no cominent...we ton true, he must have felt indignant at being would merely say to the Executive, put your mislead, and though he had not the courage to money in the Bank, where it will be taken good express publicly his contempt for the deceit care of, and break up your idle establishment in GENERAL REMARKS.

which had been practised upon him, it was at the Treasury office. The Judicial department is The occasion of the Moon entering on bar 9 Quarter least to have been efpocted, that the result of costly for this Colony, but competent men could waa usbend in by a violent Thunder storm : the was alw that docsit, would not again have been palm- not bo got to perfirin the important duties for much Thunder a Lightening on the night_pervious. With Full Moon same a sudden ries of the Barometered {off as a denial of the falsehoods of a com less. But the Police dopartinent is the monder salarice ?4,351,4,8, ordinary contingencies Strong Northerly Breemen and Cold. Barometer carrying temporary.

high range with dry weather until the end of the Month.

? 5,811,11,10, special disbursements ?922. 19,,1. giving a grand total of ?9,995,8,7. We bene a good deal of the Scoolmaster being abroad, but it is time the Gardener visited Flong. koug, and in Iopping the rank growth of office, we would advise him to commence with the police...






1Thodiny at Nature, azkiklis at this period ja some

place the Wear and yellow leafas very beautiful erim Bon tinted bear to however principally observed, which is

serpered with the other Follage (mostly evergreen) baa a vary pleasing appearance.


In this melancholy affair, the China Mail has The Market offers a variety is dilate upon differently shown better taste. It does not wait the poli- from our last Months remarks. Fine Large Cabbagestics of that Journal to expose official failing (similar to English) grown upon the Jaland come this -- it is the duty of the afat to vindicate when mouth to maturity but no yet tow are cultivated.

The Green goers will also obtain from Caton to or vindication is possible. In the present instance |? vindication is not practicable, and the Mail der, agileet Grapes, and Apples.

prudently says nothing-in truth be doce not understand what it is all about! He was pre7281946. From this sum deduct ? The total expenditure for the year in ?65, sent at the inquest-board a paper read, which the suicide wrote immediately before destroy for publicy works, and there is ?39.491.12.0 ing himself he was afterward requested to which is the annual expense of the government and document ? a pisos of bug. establishments. The revenue being ?22,344,, append fonnery, bearing the superseription of Omega,[8,1, there is a deficienty of ?17,252,4,8, to and he does so, with a stale joke of his owa, bo pr?d by the hoine” governmont, which, con but he has not allowed himself to be made a sidering that this is a military colony for the Cat's paw of, so far as to give an explicit deaial protection of a branch of commerce from which either to us or our Correspondant.

they lerive a direct revenue of upwards of four millions sterling, cannot be looked upon an ezoessive burden to be borne by the British go-





· ta


- * * *

% % % % % % 8.



8 ****

& 9 8

* * * *




JANUARY, 1846.

New advertisements, will be received, watit 4 O'Clock, on the evenings previous to publi- cution, vir: Tuesdays and Fridays,








Dec. 13

Dec. Dec.




Dec 31 Jun. 11 Dec. 9 Judy. 9 Jany. 14


Shipping at Whanroa.

J Matheson and Co Hansen Rumell and to Dirom, Grey and Co Rustomjee and Co

H. M. 8. Agincourt, Captain Johnstone, Flag of

Rear-Admiral Sir Thoman Cochrane. H. M. Str. Vizen, Commander Gifford,

A. A. de Mello Amherst, Bile.

J. Bantuin Atist Rohoman, Row, dedaz, Oliver, evil, Furley, Girage, Robinson, John Christian, Thomas Jo Corins, Dring, D. & M. Justina (Dutch), Rash. Lady Amherst, Tbompana, Nymph, Horsburgh, Pearl, Morrison, D. & M. P. Adler (Prussian), Schutt, Prias Carl (Swede), Molien, Rosanna, Crighton, Titania, A. F. Anson, Victor, Morgan,

Wild Irish Girl, Buckton,

J. M. 8. Von Basel Lindsay and Co Dent and Co Rustomjee and Co Russell and lo Russell and Co Tammer and Co Fletcher and Co Dent and Co Caplain

VEISELE AT Macao. Fatal Fair (Dut), Ingula, Harries, ——,

Isabella Robertson, Kelly. John (Swede), Olterberg, Lyre, Grosvenor, Lady Hayes, Langley,

Mermaid, Gill, Preciosa (Sp), Pardo, Pyladar (Dut), Tholen. Swipe, Endicott,

J. M. B. Van Basel C. Sapoorjes Laugrah F. J. de Paiva Cumaingmono J. M. & Co J. Maibeson and Co JA. Durran A. A. de Mello Captain Torner and Co

A. Hoard and Co

AMERICAN AT WHanyoa ann blagao U. 8. 8. Columbus (74), Com, Biddle, Bogus forta U. B. Corrytio Viacones, Captain Paulding. Anna Maria. Milieu,

*Wetmore and Co Congress, French,

Adwell and Co Bussell and Co Rumcil and Co

Coquatre, Eldridge,

Wetmore and Co Wetmore and Co


In this colony it has been peculiarly the duty of the public press to protect the inhabitants from oppression and wrong, in so far as pro-vernment. tection may be obtained by an exposure of That the expenses are capable of being re- Lanches, Haich, Puch acta of injustice as are brought before duced, without injury to the efficiency of the| Madera, Cooke, the observation of those who are connectpal | Governmout es'ablist?ments, is, we think, on- | Yumck“, Steele, with the prees. This is at the best a disagree! | daniable. We doubt however whether the Cable duty ; but it is a duty. We trust we will revenue ono much increased, The inju. not be considering as arrogating that to which | dicious system of licenses has driven away

WILL be sold on Friday 4th Just., at we are not cutitled, when we say that we | many of the native Shopkeepers, and the al-

Il a'clook a. it. on board the Bat. have endeavoured to perform that duly, as one | Biost entire lack of trade inclucas some of the

que "CALCUTTA", the Balla. Spare which we one to the public. If in the perforeign Merchants to break up their establish- Rigging, Cables, Anchors &o. &c. belonging to formance of it we are lead into errore, we are atments. The only true way to benefit the re-raid Barque, sa slao the Hull, as it now Kew in all times willing to admit them, when either of venue is by the encouragentont of commerce; Hongkong Bay. our contemporaries point them out, but we and the first measure required, is the discon submit that in the present case, there has been tinuance of thel?causing system and the removal no inistake, and we look upon the obstinate be? of every restrition upon sative shipping. If haviour of the Register, in' again publishing his Hongkong averbecomes a place of trade, there paragraph intended to accuse us of falsehood,; will be no diff?ulty in raising an ample revenue after the full particulars are before him, as, to With alargo influx of Chiness and Foreign Mor say the last of it, exceedingly ungracious.

chants there would be a demand for land, and the rent would not be gominally but actually We-that is the public—are at length favor; upwards of ?18,000. the present aspect of ed with the revenue of Hongkong for 184), nisirs, there is no prospect of an increase to We are further favored with a skeleton of the die land revenue--that can only be brought expenditure. What Mr. Huma calle tha 1, 192; dbhut by a sacrifice of the licunsing system, tal of the whole" of each department are hen, and the adoption of such other liberal measures fore us the details have been dedmed un as would readily occur to clear headed prac. tical men, had wo such at the Council boards.



The first item of the revenue is Police Ast somment ?620,, de Sil, or as near as possible 6 per cent upon ?10,000. Now, there must be something wrong in this, as the rents assessed JanuaRT,


1, John Laird, Bryant, Whampoa.

2, Paul Jones. Watkins, Buston

3, Sultana, Wadge, Bombay.

9, Syed Khan, Smart, East Coast. 3, Ardaseer,


Bombay. BAILED.

1, Amherst, Bisle, Whampoa 31. Lyra, Grosvenor, Macao. 31, Adan, King, Liverpool,

31. Mermaid, Gill, Macao and Calcutta, FaRUARY,

1, P. & O'Co.'s Str. Braganza, Lewis, Ceylon.

1, Maxeppa, Macfarlane, East Coast.

1, Dart (Am), Baylis, Shanghai.

at the valuation of the government assessor | 80, Privateer, Martell, Cumpingmoon. amount to a much larger sum, even admitting | Farruary, that the Executive lopped 40 per cent from the nominal rente affixed by those extremely liboral Gentlemen. We therefore conclude that a portion of the assessment will be carried to the credit of 1846. 1945 was only benefit. ed by six months of the property tax, which at the rato pablished would amount to ?1,059, 12 Bd per annam. The next item is land reil ?12,007. A contemporary appears at a loan to account for the insignificance of this sum, the pominal rent according to the land sales being ?19,000. There is no mystery in the matter at all. In consequence of the unfair way in which THE FRIEND OF CHINA public land was offered for competition at The first sale, men of straw bid and raised the lots to an absurd price There was no penaky

no forfeiture of they failed to take up their leases, and they have only taken up such as suits their convenience or they could sell sta profil. The bona fide purchaser, who either bid for the lot be had already built upon, or that upon which he intended to build, was thus flecced in a wholsalo manner by this pa rental government. The iniquities of that sale bave often been pointed out by the local paperi we now see the result. Conspicious on the rent roll is, Fon Fr, 17% 4ds-mvom tean shillings, and a grost, extorted front than pauper population for permismon to Risk of the rocks of Hongkong1 We have often


The Steamer Corsair makes her first trip to Canton on Saturday. It is doubtful whether she will be able to get within one mile of the Consulate, pamengers landing in China boats, with which, if she runs regularly, it is probable that some arrangements will be made.

The Corsair has excellent accommodations for passengers, though it is doubtful whether e ber size will pay where so few people Vol are passing to and fro. However we wish all success to the enterprise of her owner, and as the Afidor is laid up for a few weeks, he will at least be able to try what can be done with

out opposition.

We were rather surprised at the appearance in the Overland Register of a paragraph from the weekly paper of the same name, which on Hion AUTHORITY, contradicted flatly our ex- posure of the iniquities of the Military contracts, and their deplorable results. The paragraph referred to, called forth a letter from Alpha, to which it appeared that it was not convenient for the Register, or his friend who sits in high places, to make any rejoinder. Now, though we did not expect that the Hongkong Register would have bad the magnanimity to admit that


1, Carthage (Am). Fox, Amoy.

2 H.M.S Agineourt, Capt. Johnstone,

Bale Positive.

W. 9. NEYL Termo made known at time of Sale. Boats will be in readiness to convey parchasers on board at 10 o'clock a. m. at the Bowra'a Wharf,


THE Firm of FRARON & SON, Mrean, in th?a ?ay dissolved; and the undersigned h?s removed

to Nos. 2 & 3, Wellington Street, Victoris ; where he will be happy to attend to the adjustment of average claims 10 usual.

'C. A. FEARON. Victoria, 1st February, 1846.


Aarated Chalybeste Water, (highly recun mended, on account of its tonis properties).

Hongkong 23rd January, 1846.


ND For Sale by C. Mangwick, Auctioneer,

Pullinger Street.

A few Hogsheads of Abbotts' Pale Ale.

Victoria, February 4th, 1846




[R. FHANKLYN has been favored with In-

MR. Int bthe Public competition

on the 25th proximo, the whole of the Valuable property in une lot comprising.

Thai commodious and well buik Dwelling House now occupied by Messta MURROW & Co, cuntai ing large and wall lighted Offices and Gudowne, Serrania Rooms, Stables, and every other conve Whampoa.ninence with Granite Treasury on ground Boor:

2, H.M.Str. Vizm, Com. Gifford, Whampoa. 2, Audas, Oliver, Whampoa.

3. John Laird, Bryant, London.


Royalist, Riddles, Amoy.

Wiliam Jardine. Small, Whampoa. Straits spoke the Mary Am of Glagow from Liver Paul Jones on the 16th January in Dampier pool for this Purt.


-e30 SeKaba?ta ir. Vioronia. Hannoun. EL Masladadalam, Captain McQubas,

C. Str. Plats, Com. Airy. M. 8. Hasard, Captain Egerton. H. M-Tascal, Captain Talbot..

H. M. Tr. 8. Alligator, Com. King.

said that nothing was too small for this Exec tive, we now behold the proof. The next item is Licenses. The opium farm, which is driving the native shopkeepers from the colony and re- ducing the value of property, amounts to ?2,384 Angioma, Lane, 15 d. Of the other licenses, selling wines Ardar

H. M. 8. Minden, and Master in charge Oemer,

Hospital and Store Ship.

and spirits, and billiard rooms may be permit Bomanjes Hormarjes, Contos, ted to pam; but suctioneers, salt brokers, so- | Calenda, Osborne, rangs, and pawnbrokers are all objectionable | Congurse (Am), Doane, as tending to check local trade. The liostures | Corsair (steam), Boumes, from Chinese pawnbrokers alone amount to Emma, Frame, ?404,, 19s 3d." It is painful to think what ? | Gaselle (Am.), Chaas, degree of extortion, misery, and crime, muit | Jans (Dut), P. Berg, be caused by a tax which draws such a sum Jaka Barry, Clarke, from the impoverished natives of the colony. Liget, -*-*-*-*-* he was wrong, we were not prepared for the | The other items of the revenue appear to us lo disingenunun re-publication of his unqualified | be reasonable enough. contradiction to a friendly contemporary, and that in a paper chiefly intended for European circulation.

Midas (Am. x-abr), Poor, Natches (Am), Waterman, We turn to the experditure. Civil Govern-Paul Jones, Watkins, ment ?14,487,510 This includes His Ex-Printer Martell, Rogelist, Riddles,

collency's very handsome salary of ?0,000, Starling, Chape, If, upon enquiry, the Editor of the Register which it may safely be predicted will be Sazana, Wedge, was satisfied that his "high authority" had not reduced ere many years pass. The whole Syed Khan, Smart, deceived him, then it might have been expected table of expenditure is ridiculously drama Terce that he would have attempted to disprove our up. Nothing is specific; we have under this Wm. Jardine, Small, report, which he was happy to hear was en-head (that of Civil government) ordinary Wissahickon (AID), Wabber, firely without foundation"."" Failing to do this, ' contingences = ?1,010,,19, and special die. Zephyr, klann,

Macricar and Co

J. Matheson and Co Ramall and Co Russell and Co

J Matheson and Co

on the first floor large Drawing room and Five Bed rooms, with Five Gentes in excellent repair.

Those Two Houses immediately below the above occupied by J. Porn Eag, and R. Hanost Esq. containing large Officon Godowna, Barrants rooms, Tronsaries, Stables etc. eta, on Ground fluor, d on First Floor, Drawing rooms, Three Bed rooms, together wild. Dressing rooms, with Targe Verandahs to each;

That highly valuable Piece of Ground adjoin- ing, and fronting Aberdeen and Wellington Streets.

The Abore Houses were carefully balls

ropesos, they are well dinised, in: exceallant regelt, and eitusted in one of the most healthy and s peatable part of the Town boing in and adjoining one of the most fashionable Streals.

to be found in less elevated and more crowded lo- They are formed for a refreshing coolmans, not calities. The whole are tenanted for this year certain, and produce a yearly Rental of about I proximo. $2,500, which will revert to the Purchasers from


This presents a safe and rare opportunity for in. Captain resting money which will continue to yield a high J. Matheson and Corale of Interest, as the akustion will always insura Maovicar and Co Tenants, and become more Valuable from year to Dent and Co your. To those requiring a residence an oppor Youngh Younghusband and Co tunity now offer itself of procuring one delightful James P. Sturgis | ly situated, dry and wall aired—no ameli consider. Buab and Coation in this clunato-and which will readily realise Bush and Co its Value at any future period.

Order Marrow and Co Murrow and Co

The Piece of Ground fronting two of the leading thoroughfares, (dimensions of which will appear hereafter) is admirably, calculated for a large Dwelling or House of Business, and is worthy the attention of Builders and others.

William Lane MR. FRANKLYN confidently invites Inspec Blenkin, Rawson and Co tion of this Estate. Full particulars can be obtaine

Wetmore and Coed on application at bls Office, Queen's Road.

Victoria, January 29th, 1840,

Dent and Col

LAND AND HOUSES, Fon. Major Caines late zusidence.

FOR Sale Inland lot No. 121 situnte wool of the



UST opened and for Bale at the stores of the


Measures on North side on a Public Road 173

A large sportment of Carpeting all patterns, feel, South 205 feet. Fast on Road 120 feet, West Hearth Rugs &c. &c. Tarian and Check Clothe ne dito 115 feet. The whole cousins 21,735 Drill and Whthe Cotton and worked Hoes, La. square feet sul can be disposed of with those two dies Musline De Laime and Printed Desse Lace peat and well built European Bungalows there on and a large assortment of Perfumery, stationery standing, or in portions if not loss than 2000 square Table limes and Olmans Stores of all descriptiona

Candles dcc. ? feel to sent purchasers.

D. CHISHOLM. Queen's Road. Victoria, November 21st, 1845,,

The Elouice are in a remarkably, dry and heal. tby situation, and command a fino view of the Bay,

Apply t


Land Agent &c. &c. Queen's Roal, February 3rd, 1848.


N view and for sale at Mr FRANKLYN'S


THE undersigned has just received from England by the William Jardina” the following arti- eles expressly ordered for this market of a superior quality.

Foolscap, Latter and note Paper, together with

(Shew Rode Quen's Meat Envelopes and other nationery.

nest Amortment of Chinese Curio's in esrred Bam boe, Wood and Copper.

Also, on invoice of Brass Musics) Instruments consisting of French Horns, Key Bugles, Trum

and Ophioclide:


Wellington Broet and facing the one occupied

Apply to by Mon's Dupuig, French Twilor.


Land Agent &o Queen's Road, February 3rd, 1948,

FOR private cale that unfinished house situate in


N Thursday, the 5th inst., at 31 d'clock a. M. the undersigned will all by Public Avotion, at Chinam's Hong, an assortment of Glassware a lot of Fancy Frowsering and Welch Flannel: Port Wine in Bottle; Gin in Duenijokas, and Hama Dried and Pickled; sad other articles.

Terms, Cab in Mexican Dollars.



Victoria, and February, 1946. -

NOTICE ARRANGEMENTS, having been completed for A the erection of an Ice House, for a regular supply of Loe. Partice who may be desirous of adding their names to the list of Shareholders will be pleased to communicate with Mt L. A. Stone No. 2 Gough Biewer, who is authorised by the foo eninmulttee to receive and register applications for shares.

Hongkong, 21st October, 1845.


HONGKONG DISPENSARY. THE following are for Sale and Recommended.

Speed's Arrow Hoot, Robinson's Patent Groats and Barley, Beidlitz Powders, Eamence of Ginger, Syrup of Raspberries, Furniture Oil, French Polish Sah of Lemne for removing lak and other Staine from Linen, &c.

PATENT MEDICINES. Murray's Fluid Magnesia and Acidulated Syrup, Shepherd's Ipecacuanha Lozenges for Coughs, Labarmaqne's Disinfecting Solution of Churide

of Lime and aoda.

Golthemier's Gelatine Capsules of Copaiba, Planten's Coneratrated Capsules of Castor Oil, Frank's Specific Solution of Copsiba.


Bear's Grease, Cold Cream, The True Eau de


Hair, Tooth, and Nail Brushes, Complete Breakfas, Dinner and tea services, Good pickled Butter in Jare,

Sauces of all kinds,

Assorted Pickles,


Currants in Jars,

Anchory. Sauce and Pasta,

Mustard in lbs. and half pounds

Curtis and Harroy's Diamond grain powder, Old dark Brady in cask.

C. W. BOWRA. Victoria, 28th January 1840.



McEWEN & Co.

moaths beyond the period at which the convenience MENERAL, Commission and Shipping Agents and ho pecuniary interests of many honorable

Wine Beer and Spirit Merchants.

members require that it should terminato. In both And Auctioneers Queens Road & Chiname Hong these particulars, the present year's session has Supply Ships, Families and foreign residents at | been made the victim of an innovation upon lang the consular ports, with all descriptions of Stores, established usage-an innovation so daring, so in Salt provisions, Wine, Beer and Spirits upon mo- jurious, and so utterly indefensible on the ground deas to terms.

of necessity, that wo oarnesily ptulost against its Also dry and convenient storage for geoda.

being erected into a precodent Victoria, 1st January, 1840.


A Lot of Prime Champagne just landal; also dried Plums and Figs in Tins, Pearl Barley, Wine and Beer Corks.

MCEWEN & Co. Victoria, Queen's Rand, 30th Juny., 1846


JUST landed few Hogsheads Superior Dark Colored Brandy, Alan, Dark and Pale Colored Cognac in bottle, of first quality.

MOEWEN & Co Victoria, 20th Jany.. 1848. Queen's Road. FUR Champagne, FOR SALE.-By the undersigned."


Boot, and Bloat all of the first quality, EDWARD NEWMA?. Victoria 7th Octuber, 1845.


The prorogation 'speech, like most orations of the kind, is very smooth and complimentary. To

uses homely phrase. His Excellency endeavoura put the best face" on the state of affairs between the Council a himark. Judging from the speech alone, one woul. suppose tost nothing could be more harmonious in temper, word, and work, more loving and true “ench to other," than the two

branches of the Legislature of New New South Walos. Nobody would for a moment esport that batween these coordinate powers there had been several sharp contentions, and almost a total want of sympathy; the one being. in all its aime and olijacta, in all ite prepossessions and antipathim, resentially colonial, and the other essentially British one studying, as its paramount duty, she interesLE of the country placed especially under its charge, and the other the good graces of the Minister in whose smile it officially exists.

"I have had much pleasure," quoth the speech, in being able to co operate Cordially with the THE Tubscriber having succeded Mr. P. Town Council in the passing of some measures, from SEND, as Auctioncor and Commission Agent, which results may be expecuad of much importance pectfully solicits the patronage of the Merchants to the colony," and from which, His Excellency tad foreign Residents in longkong and Chine, might have candidly added, I do not think say of and hopes by a prompt attention to business, to fance one be taken by my masters in Downing. marit continuance of the patronage bestowed street. We firmly believe that this mental reser

vation in favour of Westminster is coupled, and ups his predecessor.

has been compled from the first day of his adminis tration, with all the measures, ex?cutive and legis- lative, of Governor Bir George Gipps. Westminster first. New South Wales last. At any prica, at aff bazards Winter must be satisfied and gratifi ed. And if, consistently with that grand and over tuling preliminary, the interests of New South Wales can be promoted, well and good; so let it be: but rather than provoke u cantute or a frown from the Right Honorable personage whose hands rep the colonial seals, New South Wales may 80 to the bottom of the ocean!

NCHORS, Chaise, Europe and Manila Rope, Navy and bleached Canvas, Navy Deck, Bunting, Paints, Oil, Bult Provisions, Bread, Flour and Marine stores of all descriptions, Wines, Spirits, Beer and Porter in wood and bottle, lewe, and Lead Water pips, Sheet Lead, Bolder, ?eres, Plaster of Paris and Blencelling Patterns, over NE Complete Copy of the Chinese Repository. Grates with Fooders die. to "mitch. Nautick? Almanake for 1846, nad Manila Cheroots No. S and 4.


18 Queen's Hood, Victoria, 1st December, 1845.

SMITH & BRIMELOW. Skip Chandlers, Whaleela and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants, and Commission Aganis &c.

No 1 & WOOSNAM'S BUILDINGS. HAVE for sale all kinds of Btores enitable for

WILLIAM B. HEYL At the Old Bland Queen's Road Victoria, 2nd December, 1845.


Apply to,

W 8. HEYL. FOR SALE -the Bore of the Bubscriber, 10N

Sherry and Madeira Wine in Wood and Bot. de Port Wine in Cases; Peppermint Cordial; Ale Wood; Portor and Cider in Bottles; Superior American Butter; Corn meal ( Family Beef in Bble News Tongues, Roands, Tobacco; Sagars No 3 and 4, Manila Charoots in 1000 and 500 Boxes; Onts in Bbla; Rusia Canvas; Twine; Paint Oil and Turpenting; Bright Varnish.

Ships; such as Canvas, Blocks. Rope, Twi

W. 8. BEYL no, Beef, Pork, da den. Also Btores sustable for

Queen's Road, Victoria, 8th December, 1845. families, Double Gloster Cheeds; Bulter in small

PUBLIC AUCTION. Kege and Jars, Tork bama, Ce, Chocolate. Preserved Mosis and Bloops, Besees and Pickles D TOWNSEND bage to intimate that he will aceted, Sardines, Promes. BloodRaisins, Pearl February at 630 P. of an extensive collection of I have "Another" "mle on this day the 4th Barley, Jama and Jollin, Thea in small packages Engravings handsomely got up on stretchers, em superior Bristol Trips, Balmon, Tongues,


Beer and Porter in Ciak, Barclay and Perking Blout in bottles, Aljopp's Beer.

Buperior Poet and Bherry, Madeira in word and bottles, Videnis, old Cognac, Whiskey in cank and boule, Cank Beandy, Cherry Cordial, and a paria ty of other articles.

Victoria, 20th December 1945.



bassed gill frames.

The subjects are numerous and suitable for eve ty description of apartment from the cell of the behorite to the salon of the apartemen, from the turret of the Author to the drawingroum of the lakurtout, (N. P. Wilh.); from the forecastle to Che Cabin, something for all.

Also, an Jovoice of Gilt and Bronsed Clocks, silver handled Knives and Forks, and Middleton drawing Pencils.


The first measure to which the speech deigne pocific reference, is the reduction of duties on the importation or manufacture of spiritus liquor that it will be sufficient to render unprofitable the concerning which His Excellency indulgen a hope

fraudulent practices of lawless men," mesulog, in pleiner English, smuggling and illicit distillation, This hope, may possibly be destined to a biller dis appointment. The concurrent testimony of the incases who were examined at the bar of the justify the Governor's calculations. Taking that Council on this point, was certainly not such as to evidence as our guide, we should be rather disposed to the opinion that the measure to which the speech signs so prominent a place, and upon which it pronounces so high an encomium. will prove about the least profitable of the session.

The best part of the Speech in contained in the last three paragraph; the Port Phillip people will say that the best of all is the last last of all.” These paragraphs are literally true. There is nothing po- litical about them. In descanting on the pros perous state of the colony, the Governor can afford lo speak out. He has no fears, na to Westminster TOWNSEND, having resigned his business, consequences. And we must do Bir George the

Coingan, Hair Oil different suris, Lavander Water, To be obtained at the manufactory of the ander. P. of Auction and Common agent la favour justice to say, that in this respect be has always

Lip Salve, Pomade Divine, Pongent Sults. Low's Performed Soaps, Tooth Powder different varietien. Compound Fluid Extract of Baresparilla, (pre-

pared at Dispensary).

Ship Medicine Chests all sizes, and replenished

at moderate rates,



of Mr. WILLIAM 9. Haru, bege to return his thanks been a friend to the colony. In ber darkest hours to the Merchants of Chine, for their very liberal of embarrassment and alarm he has firmly stood No 1 and 2 Woomam's Buildings, co?nor of Pol-patronage during his residence in the Country, and by hor; and whilst others, even "the sages of the tinger Street.

would at the same time solicit the continuance of land, were calumaisting her as a pauper and a theme favour for his succemor, Mr. TownBEND, beggar, whom fortune had abandoned for over, he will remain with Mr. Hare, until March 1846, as Judignantly repelled the slander, and maintained losman and can promise the usual punctuality in that she still possessed Lese woulth and inexhausti

Patent Eneaua Syringes, with the latest improved


Small Pewter and Bone Do.

Surgical Instruments, Pocket Cases,

STETIKOOPES, Harnia TRUSSES, &a. Chemical ? peratus and Tests, Horse Medicines.

Victoria, 23rd January, 1846, PORTO NOVO IRON WORKS.

THE IMPLA IRON and Brees Compant, bave aguio blown in their Furnaces, and are now ready to execute orders for Pig Iron and Iron Can ings of every description.

? Victoria, Sad Decomber, 1845,


| ble resources, and would ore long riss superior to | all the calamities of her evil day.” His Excellency has now the pleasure of seeing those hopes brillian- dly relised, and he does well to dwell with enpha-

E. CHRISTOPHER begs to inform the Ladies of Hongkong that he has just recely by the "Breganza splendid assortment of Ladies French Bilk and Gause dresses, Baroge ca- basinaan, chemiro, ullac? broeb?, Barege satin, Labrador, Veloudios feurie, and other robes; Ladies plaid F Silk shawle and Scarfs, Cravatos goudr?es, and LL persons having claims upon the undersignep | wie upon so delightful a result. Mille rules, of the latest style, which he offers with | Asta requested to send in their accounts for confidence sa being the newest and most distingu? | adjustment, and all parties ingebted are requested lot of goods that has yet boso received in Hongkong. | to make immediate payment to.

Also gentlemen's Black Hilk and Balin Crava?a

Victoria, and December, 1845,


and Waistcoatings of superior quality.


Cint the Ledies of Victoria, that she bar WRS CHRISTOPHER respectfully bogu to no-

From improvements in the Manufacture of thoir | received a large assortment of Childesos clothing of Bron, they are now capable of making. Castings of - different patterns and quality, suitable both for sum- the softest description and malleability, and of | mer and winter, from the ages of six months to ten great strength which can be filed, turned and bored years inclusive. Also a lot of Childrens babit with ease.

Bhirts and Collars; Ladies and Gentlemen's Blood and Cambrick Handkerchiefs; Gentlemen's Gloves of different color; Ladie's Boots and Show.

Victoria. December 28th, 1844.

The uniform and excellent strong quality of their Pig together with the superiority of their Castings, give them confidence in the perfect certainty of ex- ecuting any orders they may receive to the entire

satisfaction of those who may employ them.

?The armningemmate: to periplets their Forge are courty Gading, and the hoph, by the beginning of the jar to escaly Bar Iron of hill sing uniform in quality and equalf is the host European Marks.

Castings of the following description may be procured

Large Castings:-Color Pillars, Beam

and Pipes, for Buildings, ka,

merous to mention.

Order or Letters of enquiry s?drossed to their Agents :-

A CHRISTOPHER respectfully bags to in-


(Sydney Herald, 14 Nov.)

CROWN REVENUES OF PORT PHILIP. Bioco writing the article that appeared in our paper of Tuesday, headed 'Port Phillip and the Blish Paint Oil.

Immigration Loan, we have received a copy ofthe DY the undersigned a few Jars of superior Eng-Return moved for by Dr Nicholson on the 14th



Pottinger Street. Victoria, 19th November, 1845. BILLS OF LADING FOR THE OVERLAND


ultimo, and laid upon the cable and ordered to be printed on the 80th. The document is entiled, A Return of the Revenue from all sources derived from the District of Port Phillip, and of the Appro- priation of the same, f?r auch year, from 1st January, 1843, to 31st December, 1844, distinguishing ta General and Crown Revenues and the expenditure

OR ale at this office, four forms of bills of led-chargeable on sach respectively. Flag for goods or specie shipped by the P. a O. Before we proceed to notice this paper, we must Company Bicam packets. I fur goode deliver. object, in limine to the insidious purpose for which

form the inhabitants of Hongkong, Masters | abis at-London; and for goods deliverable at it was called for. The object cannot be mistakes. of Yemle ?o, that he has this day and Bo. methampton: Bed for goods deliverable at Suar; It was to furnish materiale for another claptrap ar freshment Rooms next to Mr Just's in the Quason's the far goede deliverable at intermediate ports. gunsent in favour of "separation that absurd hay aco printed after the Company's forme


A printed scale of charges for Breakfasts, Tif- | Bank post. Eno, Dinnoru do, which will be at extremely mo- Odos "Friend of China” derata charges, will be bang up in the precisen 26th October, 1845. The Eagle and Local Newspapers to be had at all times.

Victoria, 2&rd December, 1846.



HIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re ogni mot (Victoria 7 & 8) for sale at this office.

*Ofice "Friend of Chi?n," Victoria, 10th October, 1815.

Offies Friend of China, 29th Dec, 1944.

Compradores chuqae books. Ships Articles, with an abstract of the merchant peaman's not endorsed on the back,

Charterpartios, after forms by Chisty, Powers of Attorney, after forme by. Chitty. Bill of Lading

Small Coatings:-Plain and Ornamental Brac hota, for Wall bade, Lamps, Bhelves, do,

Do. Do, Railways and Balaton. Do, Do-Bedsteads with and without Pouts. Hinges and Boks for Large Geist und Dore AND for Sale at the Storms of the Undersigned,

AA superior. Involes of Oilmane Blores con F*INGUISTS_Raports sod Navy Bezza for ?sole Castors for Beds, or for Tables or Boxes

sisting of Pickles, Bottled Fraits, W. W_Vinegar, |at this Ooo. Putian and Mortars of large and small sizes, and | Sandes aftoris, Cherry, Strawberry and Raspberry many other Castings of the like description soo Jaios for making Balaka, Jams and Jellies, CuFOR BALE. At the office of this paper.

rance and Reizina la Tina, Maconroni and Vet- mielli in Tins, preserved moths and Boups of sorts, Berkley, Cheddar and pins Cheeses, Smoked Wik More BAINBRIDGE & Co, Madres.

Bacon lo Tias, Pickled Os Tongues, Prime Balt TULLOCH & Co., Calcutta. Boof (Leadenhall), Fins York Hams. Best Dutch REMINGTON & Ca, Bombay, or Bewer eta, ate. Also Flannel, Wrappers, Tagli- to the Managing Director at Porto Novo, shall be ; anl's, Cotton Bocke sad Stockings, Thread Gloves, immediately acended to.

| Scotch Tartan plaide, Corkscrews, Tapo messore, NOTICE.

Sail needles. Letter Clips, Brass Taps, Batid ALL persone having claims upon the undersign Stocks, White and Black Beaver and Silk Hala, A ed are requested to sond in their secounts for | Fok Hota, and a variety of other articles too nu

CLOSE OF THE THIRD SESSION. adjustment; and all persons indebted are requested merous to mention,

The third your's labours of our Colonial Legia to make immediate payment to,

MOMURRAY & Co. lature were yemerday brought to a close. The Victorin, Aberdeen Street and Queen's Road,sion began two months later than was necessary, 193rd January, 1846,

and has iberefore necemarily extended full two



Victoria, 8th January, 1846.

Chinese Tariff of imports, and exports. counting house.

chimera which pears to have driven some of the Port Phillippians crazy. The constituunelm of the colony are distributed into sixteen electoral districts; and we contend that it would have been quite as

proper for the representative of such or any of the other fifteen constituencies to move for a similar return for his own district. Indeed, once admit this principle of dissecting the consolidated fund of the colony into topographical fragments, with a view to ita rateable distribution under a sort of agrarian law, (and it is impossible to my where its consequences will stop. Each county, each hundred, each parish ach borough, each ward, each street and pos |sibly much family too-may put in its claim to its awa infinitesimal share. Port Phillip has no claires pocnline to itself—no claims which may not be urged with equal justice by every other district, Concode to Port Phillip, and you must concode to all.

But to return to the Council Paper. The lu sinuations to which we referred in our article of Thcodey, were to the effect, that the Bydney district was supplied with immigrant labour at the expense of the Port Phillip land food; in other words, that in the disbursement of that fond, the Executive did not expend upon Port Philip the proportion to which its contributions to the fund entitled it. The return before us shows, that not only is the insinuation untrue, but the very opposite of the truthy The Port Phillip Crown Revenues, for the year



1843, amounted to ?12,063, and sho expenditure anticipated and met by a note subjoined to the have boss no deaths during January and February, with the exception of one women who did in chargeable thereon to ?11.999; leaving unexpood | Return. ? This R?urn,“ observes the Auditor: childbirth. The months of July and October shew the grosion mortality; still wo are not to cen ed the trifling balance of ?564.

General, comprises the expenditure strictly balongsider the month in which the greatest mortality appears, ta be the most unhealthy, as the case that But the Crown Revenues of the yerr 1844 am- ing to Pont Phillip, as already given in the prized - prove dual have generally been taken ill in the previous months; and this statement is bosides cor- sunted to ?11,160, and the expenditure chargeable statements for 1843 and 1844, sobmitted to the roborated by what is observed in Britain, where nearly 100 more die of Phthisis in Spring and thereon to ?28,518, being an exons of expendi· Legislative Council. Several other expenses bara, Summer than in Antumn and Winter, and yet those are cortainly not the most unhealthy periods. ture over revenue, of ?17,858 or more than 155 however, been incurred for that dimriel, which do fhe most unhealthy months in this island or rather the mowins in which the most fatal diseases per cent.

not admit of being readily stated with any degree | have their origin, ata July, August, and September, the thres hottest months. The excem for the two years was ?16,005, or | of exactitude; auch an the cost of horse, and equip-

Is Table No. II-The most prevalent disesaca are clearly shown to be Ague, Diarrhea, more than 7 per cent,

ments for the Mounted Police: of clothing, stores, Remitient Fever, and Dysentery: But though Ague stands at the head of the list in respect to the It will dould be urged by the Separationists, and stationery forwarded from the depot of the number of casos, yet by looking over the causes of death as laid down under the head of "Remarks" that akhough there was an excom of expenditure Colonial Storekeeper; the proportion of the ex- - is the Table No, L. it will be seen, that while out of 27 deaths that occurred last year, there were d with regard to Crown Revenus, yet with regard penses of the Colonial Secretary and other depart of Fever and 9 fatal cases of Dysentery, thus proving the latter to have been must fatal. Now by to the General Revenue the reverse was the factments in Sydnes, and of the Colonial Agent Gereferring to the Colonial Surgeon's report for the six months ending December 1844, It will be found The same fact would double be found to exist in neral in England, employed in services connected that fever was then the most fatal malady. The reason for this change counot mi prosent be satis the debtor and creditor account of the county of with Port Phillip ; nud vigious other expenses of a |factorily accounted for. Cumberland, and other parts of the colony. But simi'ar mature."

the plon of the querulous Port Phillippinas is well ||

[Sydney Herald, 22 Nov.)


REPORTS BY THE COLONIAL SURGEON FOR 1848. Table 1.—An Abstract of Sickness and Death among the Ciril Government Officers &, in the faland of Hongkong, from 1st January to Slat. December, 1845.


jlore Giner | Fobos &c. | Prisoner


A Chinese female prisoner died from puerperal mania.

No. on


Birk of Sick

Mat deste

Dinu (donibe] Est deathe ||


35 0 &


LE 0 20





14 0

11 T



The wife of Puliceman died of dysentery.



0 31













8 ????


0 40


6 0 60







An Overseer of Road died of Glastric fever, One Chinese Prisoner died of sicers. Du da

do. from smoking optum.

5 One Policeman died of chronie diarhorn in the hiili- mary Hospital. An Overseer of Roads died of fever.

Two British Prisoners died, the one from Apoplexy the other from Dysentery. An Ovaznner of Rouds died of fever.

?Two Chinese Prisoners died from Ulcers.

One do. do from smoking oplem. Une Policeman died of dysentery O?a tailor fou

sunet in a state of intoxicanon died tu jadi.

One Chinaman found on the street in a state of des titullon and died in custody. One Policeman died of Rominent Fever in 19th R. 1. Regt. Hospital. (Government Officer of the Supreme Court diad of } Low Remittent Fever, one Policeman died of AB

? scess in the Liver anoibar of Dysentery.

One Policeman died of Reminent fever. A women (formerly a soldier's wik.) and her child died of Dysonui. A Constable died of Dysentery. A Po- liceman aled at Stanley, not treased by Colonial (Bergson, and disease unknown.

11 0
















0 60

1 13


One Policeman died of Janadica.

0 43

1 8


The wife of a Policeman died of Dysentery.

Total 194


18 107


TABLE IL-The Actual number of Cases and different Diseases among the Government

Officers, &c., in such fonth throughout the Year 1845.


Aquo .

Remittent Feret.


Veneral Dis



Jail, of Knee InB. of Brunet


Abacom Dropsy Nautalgia

Inmnity. Parelyle

Delirium Tremena- Apoplexy.

Coup de Beteil

Cyniche Tonsillari Catart


Drugs Famrita Drapepais



Liver Disco


Utari Din - Faction-



Cetos Diaesass Waero..... Wends & Acodenu Efacts of Smoking |

Opium Displengenita Violation- Intuication Petition

???? ????












2728?dering the yes.

lo Table No. 111.We see the number and proportion of deaths among the prisoners, which shows the mortality in the prison to be very small, being about J? per cent. The chief causes of tho | mortality are Ulcers. These occur among the lowest class of the Chinese, and nru owing to their unexcitable or non inflamatory temperament, their spare dist, consisting of rice and salt fish, their filthy habita, and a wish on the part of the pallents to prevent the Ulcers healing so as to avoid work. Tboss Ulcers are often induced by the clains on their limbs, which may be mid to act as the imaxe. dinte exciting causo. Epidemies have been unknown in the Jail.

In Table No. IV.We God the deaths among the Government O?eers to be small, only amounting tot in 68 of the whole, that is 14 per cent, or a li?la more then I per cent among all the cases that have been under treatment in 1845. But in the Police Department, including Overseers of Rosda, we find a much greater mortality, being 1 in 14 of the whole number of persons, that is 7 per cent, or among these who have been under treatment, in 19.5, that is, about B? per cent. This mortality is owing to the commant exposure to the vicissitude of the climate, ike intemperate habits of the individuale, the deleterious nature of the spirits they imbibe, and further, to the Road Overseers living in temporary dwellings erected on the damp soil.

Table No. V.-Shows the European and Portuguese population in Hongkong for 1843, und the number and porporsion of deaths to the population, which we dlacover to be 1 in 18-3 or nearly 5 per cent.

The past year appears to have been much more heshy among the civil community then the years previous, which is to be recounted for by the improved" state of the Culony, improvements in draining, in roads, and in dwellings more adapted to the country, also from the deleterious nature of the climate being better known, and therefore mote care taken to avoid the causes which promonto diarane; and it is hoped that disease will now cuntisue to diminish an the improvement of the place


Victoria, Hongkong, January 17th, 1846.

F. DILL, M.D. Colonial Hospital Surgeon.

REVENUE of the Colony of Hongkong, restival during the Year 1815.

| Liozdan

From Village,

For Fishery

"For Opium Farm.

Belling Wince and Spirit,


Salt Broke,













Police AmoRuM FIT,

Two and half per cent on goods sold }

by Public Auction.


On land for Buildings, Arrears of 1845,



Do. do. Do. do. on account of the year 1845,



0.192 6,318






Deposits by Purchapers of Crown Lead,



For Stone Quarries,


Of markets, Arrears of


90 18


for the year,






Of Buildings,



9,384 15






0 10



Billiard Room,


13 10







On Losses and Dood Registry,


For sundries, as signatures, dec des

For registering bonts,


From Suprema and Police Courts,



From Supreme and Police Courto


Waif to the Queen,

Burcharges recovered,


Charts and Port-regulations, Sailing Letters, and Passes,

Nett Proceeds of Bundries sold by Pubblic Auction,


Total Revenue, E sterling 22.242 8

Victoria, Hongkong, January, 9th, 1940.


Colonial Secretary.









EXPENDITURE of the Colony of Hongkong, for the Year ended 31st, Doc. 1845.

Ecoleotactical Establishment.

J d











2 14,487



Civil GovernNENT.


Ordinary Contingencies,

Special Disbursements,



Ordinary Contingencies,





Ordinary Contingencies, apid Disbursements,



Judicial DePARTMENT.

29 11 00 73 41 101



Ordinary Contingencies, Special Disbursements,

Number of deatho.

1. or 1 in 64 45°,




Ordinary Contingencies, Special Disbursements,


Proportion of deatha

in recoveries Crom

to whole number




I in DI

1 in 14


Ordinary Contingencios, Special Disbursements

1 in 58.6

1 in 7.93

o one prmoner who died in the Beamen's Hos

TABLE III-The Number of Prisoners and the proportion of Deaths in the Your 1885. Europesha


Chinese Total number 10



TABLE 17.—The Number, Proportion of Deaths, &c, of all those under the Medical Buperinandense of the

Coll Surgeon during the Year 1848.

The whole No. The whole The Nombor Proportion of deaths

of Persons No. of Cus

of Deathe

Government Offerm




Police. Wire and Chil-1

dren of Palica and




of Roads







Proportion of Dash

1 in 182













11. 6,879.



04. 261 490

*??| ???| ???] e=?| ??=?? ?==?



18 9




9,985 8 7








39,494 12


96,800 19





. 296



Total Expenditure for 1845, Morling

Victoria, Hongkong, January 9th, 1945.


FREDERICK W. A, BRUCE, Colonial Secretary.



Public Works and Buildings,

Compertions for tumoring Houses and Clearing Ground, Miscellaneous,.

? The difference between this Table sad the one ahora je owing

pital not being included in the 'Table ?beru.

TABLE V.—The Popsinon of Hongkong and the Proportion of Desibe during jhe Yaar 1865.


Number of Population Number of Death

Europeans, and Mucas and Gon Portugues

In Table No. 1.—We discover that the list of sick in smaller in March than in any other month throughout the year, while on the other hand it is greater in November, athough it must be recollected that it is not actually the most unhealthy month. The reason then assigned for the in creased sicknces in November, is the circumstance of the number of lodians, who usually suffer most from the actting in of the low range of temperature at that time, It will be obeurred that there

Edited, Printed and Published by Joan Cake, At The Friend of China and Hongkong Gasche, Printing Office, Govan Braakt, Victoria, Koxazono, 1846,


VOL. V. No 11.


HE Sam Ship Laby MaxT W 4991 Captain Cooper, with Bler Majesty's





PRICE $12 per annum.

the most luxurious, in Crimson and Purple Mo- RECLINING CHAIRS

rocco adjusting themselves to the postura” and in which to sit is to repose. Superb and Comly


Torms of Bubscription to the “ Friend of China and Hongkong Gazette," per annum 019. Six motha 97. Three monthe #4; all paid in advance. Crodis prices, $14, 98. 50, and $5, for the periods

of twelve, six, and three months respectively: Single numbers to Eubscribers 96 cu. euch, to Now?timeribers 1 Rupes. Partia calling or sending to the office for papers are requested to pay cask, Terms of Advertising.—Ton kam and under $1 ; additional 10 cents per lios. Repetitions one third of the first insaction. Ships: First insertion ● 2; vatsaquent insertions 45 cepl. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until codetermanded. In all instances, those who are 2o1 Bubscribers, must pay in advance.


MR. Roer Jaceon is authorized to sign our QEYBRAL convenient tenements situated ici firm by propuration.

Wellington and Banley Streets. The torme

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. which are very moderate, may be known by up- Victoria, 90th December, 1845.

TABULAR ??utements of the Commeren of Bin- plying to


Agapope for the years 1840-41, 1841-42, 1842- Queen's Road, Jany, 20th, 1948

voltage | 43,1845-44 with an abstract view of the same canti TO LET. THE upper part of a comraodions and will bwik in 1965, (in one bound Volume). prepared

dwelling House containing seven rooms 1 under the direction of the Hon'ble the E. L. Com-Round, Square, Oval of the highest polish in Rose-

Balo by B. P. Bade, sorrants rooms, and outhouses with taking. Forns, and compiled from Official Documents. For

at Mamas. TOS. RIPLEY & Co's further particular apply to,


Pries 10, Rapers gach Victoria, 23d January, 1840 No. 1 Wellington Terrace D'Aguilar Sure.

Victoria, 24th October, 1848.


in Cloth and Gold-Goll and Mahogany.


wood and Mahogany, uhrivaled COUCHES, BOVAS AND OTTOMANS

with spring borsobair cushions wooing balmy sleep to the fortunate possessor. CURIOUSLY ELEGANT LADIES TOILET? with handsome Mirtors above, of a late fashion, ALSO,

Mails, will leave this for the above places at 2 on the 1st of March; 1646. Cargo will De received on board until noon, and specie until 4 r. on Saturday the 29th Inst. This route offers an opportunity of rising Bingapore and Pioung, to maining a few days at Ceylon, thence to Madras of Calcutia in 34 days from leaving China. Steamers are also understood to ply between Colombo and Bombay-Specie, Silk, and other Goods, may be forwarded by this toute to Madras and Calcutta, and will be retained on board the Steamer at GaMa until the arrival of the Bucs Steamer for those plow, when they will he transhipped free of ex- peneo. Arrangements are made l? the Bloomera throughout for the entraminace of the Native Mor- chants of India, proceeding se passengers and cer- tain nocommodation is venirved in those from Cal- cutta, for Passengers from Chips, joining the Suex line as Galle, to secure which it is requisito that a notice of at least two months be given to the Company's Agent hero, 、

Information regarding the rules of freight and me to the office of the undersigned as Macao. Al Bawin, Duos & Coat Victoria, and Dove, wetica will bo giron) at the Godowas of Mestra

passage ann be obtained by application at the Peninsular and Oriental Steno Navigation Compe Office; and shippers are requested to take Notice that a Shipping order cannot be granted unless: the contents and value be distinctly parked on the ontakde of each package for overland trapel

Victoria, Hongkong, ? February 1st, 1844.




To any part of the coast of Chine the

Small House No. 3 Pottinger Brost: enquire of L. Just Bear., corner of Queen's Road and Pottinger Street.


Victoria, 22nd January, 1846.



PARTIER receiving letters directed to the leg

a. Llors. Est, are requested to forward this

age of postage on the seins will be paid g dalivory


Mia Nathids Majesty's Omal


Nethida. Consulate, Canton,

3rd October, 184


to sign for our Firm by proauration,


Ind January, 1848.


THE Undersigned havo formed a partnership, for

the traction of general Agency and Com mission business, under the respective Firma of Kawie & Co, at Shanghai.

8. & RAWLE. N. DUUS Mclucia, Hongkong, 1st October, 1848.

FOR BALF ARATE complete with mantel pieces. Also

faw handsome Blures.

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 3rd January, 1846.


UNION INSURAN?? BOCIETY. WES?RE DENT, BEALE & Co. ura nochorland 11. to lasus Palioss on behalf of the Society, a Shanghai, payable in Hongkong, Caloutta, Bom RT the undersigned 26 Boxes of Turkish smok- bey, and London,

Big Tobecon

RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 17th January, 1841.


Rocking and Bed Room Eary Chairs, dining and drawing ditto, Washing Table with Marble tope fidrowing ditto and a variety of looking glosers of ??every description with an assortment of Perfumery, highly ornamented Musical Boxes playing 4 and 6 us.

The whole to be on view from Monday next the 28th instant till the day of Bale (of which dos

?Hogan & Co. Spring Gardant

Queen's Road, 24th January, 1846:




PUBLIC AUCTION. TR. FRANKLYN has been favored with In- strictions to put up to the Public campetition "on the 20th proximo, iha whole of the Valuable

property in one los comprising,

For further particulers apply to D. LAPBAIK. THE interest and responsibility of Air. WatAMA 47 Rood cabinet Plano, 5) Go. rooms, with Five Girata in excellent repair.

Schooner STARLING," 109 Tona Register, Chape Commander,

now lying at the Cumsingmoun anchorage,

DENT, & Co. Soca, Union Lamarance Society. Victoria, 1st January, 1848:


1 Wellington Terrace, Hunkigong, or to the Com mander sa board.


Victoria, 80th January, 1846-


HOUSE situated on the North Bids of the Directors of the Imperial Fire from AM Invoice of Bett and Porter by a late arrival Gough Street. Apply to



tavas, with metalic platos; also a Mahogany Thomson in our firm_consed on, the_Slat | Plang of a similar d?scription for male at the Go-?

TURNER & Victoria, 23rd January, 1848,


BEBR AND PORTER TRE underviged have received authority

for me by, Office of London, to insue Policies on the New Buildings at Canton,

MACVICAR & Co. Victoria, 23rd January, 1845,

Rawson Hlads, from Worthington and Robinson. Hongkong, 19th January 1648.



F20 A Commodious and wall finished Belling FOR BA, Av de Co, Burton Ale in at the Godown of the andersigned,

House, at the corner of Street and Cage street, consisting of dining and drawing rooms, four bedrooms, offices on ground floor, with ssc- venin apartments &a. For particular apply to


A few dinner, breakfast, tea and coffee acts; also glam dinner sets complete with decanters do.

RAWLE, DUUB & Co. |UST Received por kjo sir?tula and for sale by

the sphagribere Patent Balamander Bafts of various alzen war-

? the Godowns of Masura Blankin, Rawson & | ranted sosure in the hottest. fire.

Co Allops Pale Ale in bouls: Barony's Porter in bottle, Superior Bborry, Madnica, sad Port, in wood and bottle.

Hongkong, 16th January, 1848.


THE Eastern side of the large and com-A modious bouse situated in Welling too Street and now in the occupation of Mesure Gilman & Co. For particulare apply to,

Rom Cath. College ? Superior. Victoria, 2nd December, 1945.

TO LET. TWO Convenient Houses in Googh Street, with Verandahe, each contalning nino Hooms, ezelesine of outhouses, enquire of

ROWLAND REES, Pottinger Street, Victoria, 8th December, 1845.


Apply to, House in Gangh Street.




THE premises known as the office of the "Friend of China;" Three Houses situate in Welling-

ton Street, commanding a fine view of the bay ; a Bhop and Store situate on the Queen's Roar, in a central part of the town. Early possessioti can be given." For further particolar? apply to


Victoria, 19th December, 18945.





Patent Weighing Machines from 700 = 2,300 pounds, which can be made to weigh pecels and

BAWLE, DUU? & Co. "Victoria, 28th October, 1845. FOR SALE


That commodious and wall baik Dwelling House | now occupied by Memes Munnow & Co. copiain- ing large and wall lighted Offices and Glodowas, Servants Rooms, Stablar, and every other conve ninence with Granite Tronsary on ground foor; on the first floor large Drawing room and Fire Bed

Those Two Houses immediately below theakoro occupied by J. Por Esq, and It. Ranore Esq. containing large Office Godowan, Bermala coome, Temsarios, Biables etc, etc, on tiroid"Spor, und on First Floor, Drawing roome, Three Bad rooms, Dressing rooms, with Large Verandahs to each: together with.

"That highly valuable Piece of Ground adjoin- ing, and fronting Aberdeen and Wellington Streets. The Above Gonses were carefully buil?, regard-


less of Expense, under the Superintendance of En- ropoans, they are wall drained, in excellent repair, and situated in ons of the most healthy and res peatable part of the Town, being in and adjoining one of the most fashionable Streets.

They are formed for a refreshing soolmans, not to be found in less elevated and more crowded lo calities. The whole are tenanted for this your certain, and produce a yearly Rental of about $2,600, which will revert to the?Purchasers from


TO THE CAPITALIT This presents a aufs and rare opportunity for in. Testing money which will continoo to yield a high

year. To those requiring a residence an oppor- tunity now offer itself of procuring one delightful- ly situated, dry and well aired--no small engader. stion in this climate-and which will readily realize in Valusat any future period.


this day been admitted a partner in our | CUPERIOR Bherry and Madeira "?n wood; also | rain of Interest, as the situation will always insura Firm,

2) a few half pipes and quarter casks Capa and Tamania, and become more Valuable from year to NYE, PARKIN & Co. "Pasarida_Wines. Sherry, Madeira, Port, Clares, Canton, January in, 1846.

| Chugupe, Charry Brandy, in 1 2 & 3 dozen cases. NOTICE.

HAWLE, DUUS & Co. THE undersigned have been appolated Agents at Victorie, 28th October, 1845."

Canton for the Globe Insurance Office" ~ FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. Calcut, and are prepared to grant Pollafes pay.

Notment of Anchors and Chain Cables, ablo in London, Calcutta, Bombay and Canto

A Europe, Manila and Coir Rope, Hemp and MACLEAN, DEARIE & Co.

Cotton Canvaar, and several Spars for lowes and Canton, 10th November, 1845,

*RAWLE, DUUS & Co. FOR SALE. undermentioned Wines from the House of Glodean, King & Co. Londos. Port in nes of 8 dosen Madeira







Apply to

LINDSAY & Car Victoria, 20th January, 1848. FOR SALE.

TO LET. spacious bungalow on Cainos Reed. Apply to WEBSTER, Gordon, Comart & Go's, superior kladmirs, in Hb?u, quarter and half quarter HUGHBEDON &'?% casks, and in cusON. FLETCHER & Co. Victoria, 30th January, 1846.

Hongkong, 1st March, 1866.



THE HOUSE in Queen's Road lately occupied

by Phillipe Moore & Co. Apply to


FOR BALE. WARINE Lot No. 64 Shuated between the lots

of Messrs. MADVICAR & Co, and FRAMI Jamierjun Esq, measures 200 feet ses froninge, and altogether is a very desirable lot. For further particulare apply to

FLETCHER & Co-Hongkong.

or DIROM, GRAY & Ca-Canton. Vietoria, tot July, 1845,


THE internet and responsibility of Mr. Chris

topher Fearon, in our firm consed on the Stat

FEARON & BON December 1844.

Mucno, ist January, 1845,


THE Firm of FEARON & Sax, Macro, in this day dissolved; and the undersigned ban removed

to Now. & 8, Wellington Breet, Vistoria ; where ha will be happy to attend to the adjustment of arsenge claims sa usual,




Victoria, 98th October, 1845, FOR SALE. STWO Ponies; one accustomed to carry a Lady.

■ Both parranted, sound. `Apply to,



Queen's Hood, 16. Jan: 1846,

The Piece of Ground fronting two of the leading thoroughfares, (dimesions of which will appear hereafter) is admirably, eniculated for a large Dwelling or House of Business, and in worthy the

attention of Builders and others.

MR. FRANKLYN confidendy luviter Impec- tion of this Estate. Full particukurs can be obtain. ed on application at his Odi?e, Queen's Road

Victoria, January 29th, 1846.

LAND AND HOUSES, DOR Bale Inland lot No. 124 sitante want of the

Hon. Major Caines late residence. Measure on North side on a Publin Road 173

na ditto 15 feet, The whole comaina 21,795 square foot and can be disposed of with those two Teet, South 205 feet, East on Road 190 feet, West

nest and well built European Bungalows there on ending, or in portions if not less than 3000 aquare

bee removed to the above promises from H. FRANKLYN, Queen's Road, Victoria. Kaying Elemen, whoes he will in future carry on the basinaga of wholesale and raiai! commission

t shippi Agent, general dealer, auctioneer and feat to seat purchasers. Wine and Spirit mochint. Goods stored in dry

The House are in a remarkably dry and heat. secure godown and forwarded on the monthy situation, and command a fine view of the Bay, unduese terms. The undersigned bas Lorchas

Apply to anal w?chbower running regularly to Canton, Cum singmoon and Maose. Charges for passengers na Follows >**

To Canton


19. Macso


15 These vessels are all will armed and part man- Ened with Buropeans. Every variety of goods on i v?em at the Bh?w rooms.



Land Agent & de. Queen's Road, February 3rd, 1846.

CURIOSITIES." ON view and for male at Mr FRANKLYN'S Show Rooms Queen's Rood. A wasli bac nest assortment of Chinese Curio's in carved Bam- too, Wood and Copper.

?lmo, an invoice of Braas Musical Instrumenta consisting of French Horns, Key Bugles, Trume pets and Ophioclids:


Victoria, Int February, 1848. THE business of the undersigned will from this TER W. H FRANKLYN has the honor to an T Victoria Hongkong, in a dextral praition, a detr be conducted in the name of C. 8. Comp. | Enounce to the community of Victoria that be

valumble water sido property, consisting of ron & Co, his partners"being an bernsofore, Enhas received instructions to submit to Public comTOR private male that unfinished homes situate in Wellington Street and facing the one occupied whatf, spacious Godown, dwelling and out Houses; WARD M. DANtRes, and Wo?gam DEINDON of position at an "ongly day hefter so he named a

Apply to all in perfect repair, and now let on laues. For the Brit of Damull, Dzemanson & Co, in London host unique and rich assortment of English Futai by Mon's Dupuig, French Tailor.

W. H. FRANKLYN. particular, apply to

and Liverpool,

mare, to which he begs to call attention, as ho foole

Land Agent &c O, 8. COMPTON. [amured that nothing of the kind heretofore has been

landed in the colony. Consisting of

Queen's Road, February 3rd, 1946,


Macao, In July, 1845.

Canton, let January, 1848













104,LJO Y




*2010 MA



N. E




N. 1


E. b S.




b. a. m. bem.e.f. 20.87

o. Camp. 21.87

b. a. f. 18.87

o.fboof 17.87

b.4.m.of 228

b. a. m. 19.87

a. fr. 1607












+81 adop

Remarke &c: &c.


3. M.


Meteorological Register for one year from August 1844, to August 1845, kept or board of a Ship near Chapel, Island East Coast of China.


3 r.

9. x


THE FRIEND of china and hongkong GAZETTE.



= ? ·


% % % % % % %.

= = = 8 5 8 5


8 2 & 3

8 % 9 % % % %


11:5 JANUARY, 1845.


GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION, It is hereby notified, that a Public Sale of Leco of Crown Lands will be held at the Land Office on the 25th inviant at noon,

The Lots will be marked out on the ground Fourteen Days before the Bale, and Plana showing their position and size, as also the Upset Aunsal Rental, with the General Conditions of Bale, may be seen upon application at the Land Office daily till the 25th instant, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock at noon.

Notice is also hereby given, that unless all Aw rears of Rent due upon the following Building Lots are paid into the Colonial Treasury on or be fore the 21st of this month, they will be disposed


Colonial Secretary

of at same time.

By order,

Colonial Office Victoria,

Hongkong, 4th February, 1846. }

No. L-A RETURN of the Number and Ton.

nage of Merchant Vessels which arrived at and de- parted from, the Port of CANTON during the Fear ending the 31st December, 1846, distinguishing the Countries to which they belonged, vis.


Vader what Colours.



French, ?






Hamburg, Bremen, Spanish.. Columbian and Peruvia,





In this instanco-as in many others—the of fice of Superintendent of Trade has been posi AND HONGKONG GAZETTE. tively injurious to the interests of British bler- chart's, who will have no cause to regret when the clumsy machine is broken down, and the VICTORIA, SATURDAY, PEBRUARY 7eu, 1816.

Consolar establishinonts entirely disconnect- The returns of trade at the Consular ports | ed with the Governor of Hongkong. A Con. are in the course of publication in the Govern sul General at Canton, with Consular Agents, ment paper. We will copy them in the Friend of at the other ports are all that is required to pro- China, and append them to the @verland p?-tect commerce, and this might be secured at an per for February in a supplement.

anmal saving the British Government of ?15,000.

Canton continues to be in a very unsettled state, and a residence there is far from agroen- ble. We have conversed with a Gentleman who left on the 4th. He has been many years In China, but at no time does he remember so much hostility being exhibited towards foreig. Dere by the lower orders of the Chinese. Ta the vicinity of the factoried crowds of disorder ly people, who have no ostensible object for doing so, are congregated daily, and their gest ures and manner towards any foreigner who may appear in the back streets, are rude and of fensive, There is an evident desire to provoke * quarrel, which would be the commencement

of serious riola.

On Sunday one of the Gatekeepers was sa saulted by the mob and much injured; a drun- ken soxman was also beaten for some alleged Indignity he had committed on a temple, or Joss house. The same day a party of young Gentlemen crossed the river to view a Jo house inmediately opposite the factories. This spot has alway been open to foreigners, nor is it known that they were ever insulted there be- Sare. On Sunday, however, the party mun- tioned were pelted with stones and driven back to their boats. By the latest accounts - the 4th-there had been no further outrages committed, but there were still nume- rous suspicious charactors lounging about the streets outside the factory walls. The respec- Table Chineso say that the Magistrates have little osatrol over these people-that they are notorious characters-nor is it knows where they come from.

It is the general opinion in Canton that had the Pluto not arrived off the factories on the afternoon of the 17th of January, there would have been a very serious riot that night. The presence of a steam vessel would still bo a check upon the mob, and add greatly to the security of the foreign Merchants. We certainly think that the Naval Commander in China is acting very imprudently in keeping the Pluto at Hong kong, where her services are not required, and leaving his countrymen in Canton without any protection nearer than the ships at Whampoa Before amistance could be rendered by II. M.8. Agincourt from her present anchorage the factories might be destroyed. Such a calas- trophe is not impossible, and we apprehand that should it ooour the Rear Admiral would be severely censored for not having the Pluto moored off the factories,


By the Orig Fibberty we are in receipt of papers and letters from Sydney to the 27th of December. The Fanny Connel had sailed for Manila and China, and the Anita arrived from this port.

The markets are represented as being in a satisfactory state; and the agricultural and graning interests continue to improve.

Captain Beauvais of the Kestral, and Mr. Dobson, chief Mate, are in custody at Melbourne charged with having killed some lancars on the voyage from Manila. From the evidence ad- duced the treatment of the lascers on board the Kestrel was most inhuman. the latest dates received in Hydney H. BL. 8. No further news from New Zealand. By

Castor had not arrived,

We give a long extract from a private letter, the winter of which is intimately acquainted with the affairs of the colony. We differ from our correspondent in the opinion he has form- ed of the Legislative Council of New South Wales. Perhaps had he a little experience of Hongkong ho would be more easily satisfied,

Bydney, December 23rd, 1845.

I is generally supposed that a change is to be made in the government of the Austraiation Colo nice-the whole being ruled by a Governor-Gene- cal. You will see by some of the latest Australian Journals, who the parties are it is rumoured, that may fill he head sout

Our present Governor

(Sir George Gippe) will leave in all probability in January or February next, ie. if his resignation be accepted; for although His Excellency has re- ceived an indirect intimation of the acceptance by the Home Government of his Excellency's desire to resign the government of New South Wales. I baliere. ? mm right in asserting that nothing official has been received by Sir George. That an im portant change will take place ere long in the go- noral government of these colonion, it is the belief of all those acquainted with political aire. It is asserted (and I believe it) that Bir Cleorge was of fered the Clovernor General hip of the Colonies; but declined the honor on the score of ill-health. Hi has also been affirmed that Sir Charles Fitzroy, brother to the late governor of New Zealand had been offered the berth, and had accepted the same. Our Colonial Becretary (E. Deus Thompson) I have been told gavo directions to the son of Sir Thoman Mitchell-four Surveyor general who is at present on an expedition to endeavour to penetrate through the vast Interior of this gigantin island, to the northe ward)-to write to his father by the first opportunity Manchester appears to be rather a round mating the fact that Fitzy was coming out. It about way of hearing from Foo-chow-foo. The

is possible that the Colonial Secretary may know Merchants of China are however indebted to ments taking place at home, his father-in-law the more than the present Governor about the more- a Manchester paper for a moat important des late Governor (Sir Richard Bourke) of this Colony, patch from Mr. Aloock, British Consul at Foo-having it in bis power to learn_much concerning chow-foo, to the Superintendent of British trade the doings in Downing Street. There was a belief in China, It might have been expected that that Bir Henry Posinger was to be the chosen; and the Superintendent of British Trado in China really, all things considered, I think the Home Go- of Vessionnage would have made publio this important docuernment could not do better. Our Legislative Coun

182 86,087 ment with the least possible delay, as it chiefly cil is by no means a popular body, instead of 88 88,658 concerns the Merchants resident here, and not being Representatives of the people they are pa-

799 the Manufacturers of Manchester. Such a 11 2,979 course would have been too simple, open, and straight forward for the Superintendent of 948 Trade, who appears to be of opinion 2,068 duties to his commercial cap city are simply to

communicate information to the British Go-is very certain they do not love their neighbours so Terament, leaving the Morohants here in the well as themselves. It will be a good thing for the 520 dark, until the Privy Council for Trado give pu- Colony when the time arrives for new Election- 1,406

blicity in England to that which is only of im- some of the tools-the noodles will then retire. The 243 1,500 portance to people in China.

inhabitants generally of this Colony are of loo sor The expensive Consular establishments which did a character to advance with very rapid stridce 402 196,850 Great Britain retalas ?n Chine, and the absurd to intellectuality. Our City Council on the whole appointment of a Superintendent of Trade have contains a tolerable sprinkling of common sense; often been commented upon, and we need not

some few of the members are so notoriously igno again repeat, what is so generally acknowledg-ob ye gode-it is enough to make the angels weep rant that when they have the temerity to speak ed, that Americans, who have no Superin-indeed; they are shrewd mough to improve the tendent, but simply a Consul in the person of a ways adjacent to their own properties, but like our of Vessels Temogs Merchant, are much better protected in their Legislative Representatives, their minds are saldom 204 98,977 commercial arrangements at all the ports of bent towards the public, are when their funds are

85 37,959 China thao British subjecta are, "Superinten- 41,170 dont of trade," fit is understand to be a person 11 3.342 protects corsmerte, is quite a mie-nomer as 306 refers to Sir John Davis. His Exoollenoy, if 1,320 qualified for the office, which is doubtful, does 1,674

not exhibit a desire to encourage or protect the commerce of his countrymen in China. 1,600 Brought up in the worst of all schools, the 1,406 Company's factories, he pursues the narrow,




Under what Colours.


American, French,


Belgian, Danish, Swedish, Austrian.

Hamburg, Bremen,

Spanish,. Columbian and Perovion,




567 1,484

dictators, thinking little of the interests of the body politic, excepting when closely connected with their presentatives are the worst specimens of Christians own private affairs. The most talented of our Re- his to be found in the world. I am half inclined to think they do not belong to the genus-however, it

dwindling to the smallest coin. It is the general impression, that times are fast mending here; the merchants complain that the settlers, or squatters, aflor having disposed of their wool to them, and got hard cash, walk off without making their usual pur chases of provisions, alops &c. for the year. The

fact is the settlers, and equaltors, at one time were in ther) who bled them to the last drop, but did not al- the hands of these merchants (commission agente-a-

43 illiberal policy, of his old employers. The Bri.ogether destroy them-they have recovered strength



H. M. Col.

Canion, 98th January, 1846.


New advertisements, will be received, wait 4 Clock, on the evening previous to publi-

cation, vis: Tuedays and Fridays.



Nov. 34 BATAVIA Des.






Des 13

Dee. 10

Dec. 28

Braun Jany. 11 MANILA Dea.


Jany. 14

tish Government now represent the Potentates of Leadenhall Street, and to Downing Street in secretly conveyed communication which would have been of the greatest importance to the Merchants on the spol, but which to people in England is of no importance whatever.

and now retaliate. The object no doublof the squat. torn is to spend the most of their money required for who sell quite as cheap to them, every thing conal- provisions due. with the storekeepers in the interior, dered, as the Sydney Merchants.

I have sent a small skein of Silk produced in Sydney (the thread is composed of eight fibres)

His Excellancy did publish the Regulations for your inspection, and if you would favor me with of trade for the port of Foo-chow-foo, with a your opinion concering, and what silk in that Notification stating that they were more favor-condition is commercially called, with the price per able than those of the other ports in China. Ib. I shall be extremely obliged to you. were out from Hongkong with cargoes, which lieve, brought from some part of Chine. It only In consequence of this, several large vessels The variety of the worm we have here was, I be- on arrival it was found imposible to sell, and broods once your. after inourring expense, and considerable delay, these vessels had to seek a market elsewhere, Had Mr. Alcock's letter being published the would not have occured, as in the face of the advice of that Gentlemen, no Merchant would have despatched a vessel with a large cargo Tin hopes of being able to sell it,

Parhaps you could infrom me of the Botanical name of the Mulberry tree upon which the insect is fed in China It has been reared here upon the Mars albe and the Morss atmosphere; but I understand the loaf of the Mors nigra, and with considerable succese in nature Malticawit, is the proper food for them. Any information upon this subject you can, give me F procure for me, I shall esteen a great favor,




3, Victor, Morgan, Whampoa.

B, Lady Amherst, Thompson, Whampoa,

6, Good Success, Cowie, Bombay,

5, Pearl, Smarion, Cunainginoon.

Lord Althorp, Elliou, Liverpool.

6, Flibberty, Grierson, Sydney.

6, Nymph, Horsburgh, Whampon.




4, Royalist, Riddles, Amoy. 3, Sultana, Wadge, Whampoo.


Victor, Morgan, London. Lady Amherst, Thompson, London. William Jardine, Small, Whampoa. Good Success, Comis, Whampoa Congares (Am), Doane, Whampoa.

VEMBLA IN VICtonta Harbour,

11 M. 8. Dadalus, Captain McQuhso. 11. M. 8. Vestal, Captain Talbot. 11. M. 8. Howard, Commander Egerton. 11. C. Br. Pluto, Commander Airy.

II. M. Tr. 8. Alligator, Commander King.*

Hospital and Store Ship. Angione, Lauo,




TB constantly supplied with Medicines of all kinds, which are for sale at moderate prices.

Particular care is taken in the salaction and preservation of those articles, the Chemical | nature of which is liable in change in a warm climate;

Thoso remedial Agents adapted to the treatment of intertropical diseases, will be found of


excellent quality.

Handsome Mahogany Family Medicias chests. Bhipe Stodicine Chente replenished, Patent Enema and Elaatio Urethra Byringes,

Double and Bingle Trusses for Ingul?al Hornia,



Murray's Fluid Magnesia and Acidulated Byrup, Dakin's Family Pilla, Digestive pille. Ethereal Emsence of Ginger, Camphorsted Chalk and Rose Tooth powders, Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, Frank's Specific Solution of Copaiba. Gelatine Capsules of Copalba, Saidlits and Boda powders.

Hendric's Perfumed Lavender Water, Smythe Bears' Grease. Indelible Marking Ink, Tooth Brushes, Smelling Baba in cui glean bottles, Arrow Root, patent Groat and Barley, Fine Turkey Sponge, Peppermint, Cayenned Ginger Lozenges Hafined Liquorice, Pato de Jujubes, Balad Oil &c.

T. HUNTER, M. R. C 8. GEO. K. BARTON. M. R. C, 8.

Victoria, February 4th, 1846.


11. M 8. Mindes, 2nd Master in charge Ormer, Alecting of the Shareulders of the proposed A Thetro will be held at Mr JUSTS House in the Queen's Road, at the Corner of Pottinger Macvicar and Co 'Street, Victoria, on Monday, the 9th February, Macvicar and Co 1846, 317 P., when all parties interested in the J. Matheson and Co undertaking are roquested to attend.

February 4th, 1848.

Ardescer, Evans,

Bomanjes Hormasjon, Costes,

Calcutta, Osborne,

Congorce (Am), Donne,

Corsair (tonin), Boames, Emma, Frost, Flibberty, Grierson, Gazelle (Am), Chess, Good Success, Cowie, Jane (Dutch), P Borg, John Berry, Clarke,

Lady Amherst, Thompson, Linnet,

Lord Althorp, Elliott, Midue (Am. st-abr), Poor, Nutches (Am). Waterman, Nymph, Horsburgh, Paul Jones, Watkins, I'cari. Sardun, Prisateer, Monell, Starling, Chope, Syed Khan. Emart, T'here,

Victor, Morgan,

IV. Jardine, Small,

Russell and Co Russell and Co

J Matheson and Co Captain Fletcher and Co

J. Matheson and Co

J. Matheson and Co

Macvicar and Co

Dent and Co

Lindsay and Co


4 French Hong, CANTON.



RUTLERS Tasteless Seidlice Powders.

Concentrated Decoction of Baraparilla, a?

Younghusband and Co double strength, to obviato fermentation."

J. Crooke & Massey

Capsules Gelatineuser.

Castor Oil Capsules. Concentrated Disinfectings.

James P. Blurgia

Bush and Co

Dent and Co

Bush and Co

Bolution of Chloride of Lime,

Buah and Co

Order Murrow and Co Gilman and Co William Lane Dent and Co

Blenkin, Rawson and Co Wetmore and Co Deut and Co

N'issahickon (Am), Webber,

Zephyr, Mann,


H. M 8. Agincourt, Captain Johnstone, Flag of

Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Cochrane.

I. M. St. Vizen, Commander Gifford Amherst. Binle,

Atiet Rohemian, Kow,

Audar, Oliver,

Der, Farley,

Girafe, Robinson,

John Christian, Thomas,

Jaren Corin, Dring,

Justina (Dutch) Rash,

A. A. de Mallo J. Santum

J. Matheson and Co Hansen

Russell and Co Dirom, Gray and Co D&M. Rustomjee and Co

P. Adler (Prumian), Schutt, Prins Carl (Swede), Molica, Rosanna, Crighton,

Sultana, Wadge.

Titonin, A. F.Anson, Will frie Girl, Buckton,

J. M. 8. Van Basel

Rowell and Col

Rumell and Co

Turner and Co

D. & M. Rustomjee and Co Fletcher and Co

Veneza at Mad?o.

Fatal Hair (Dut), Ingals, Harrier,


Stomachic Bittors.

Bpirit of Camphor.

Castor Oil, Superior Cold drawn.

Liston's Coaling Solution.

Rose Water

Granville's Lotion.

Prepared Chalk.

Perkamed Chalk Balle.

Lip Balves.

Aromatic Syrup of Rhubarb. Tooth Fowdor.

Hydriodate of Potash, Carbonete of Soda in Bottles, Gregory's Powder Chalybento Salu

Quinine in Boule and in Pille. Turkey (haberb. Balinio Paste.

Suspensory Bandages,

Hornit trusses

Ear Syringes.

Urethra de Bono and Glars.

Lavement Machios, Patent Lint.

Specific Bolation of Hydriodate of Pink and Sarsaparilla eto. for Rheumatism and Chronic

Cutaneous affatione.

Spirits of Wine.

Medecine Chesis elc, ela dio.


4 French Hong, Camion RAFFLE

J. M. 8. Van Basel ??o be Raffled for in 40 Chances of $5 each. A C. Bapoorjee Longrab new and complete copy of Selby's British F. J. de Peirs Omithology in 2 vola atlas falis, handsomely bound Cursingmoon, 3. M. & Co in doruoco, with 3 Hvo. Vols, of descriptiva Let-

3. Matheson and Co | for pros. Published at 100 Guiness.

To be seen at Madray & Ca's, Queen's Road. Victoria, 6th February, 1846.

Joubalia Robertson, Kelly, Jahn (Bwodej, Oberberg, Lady Hayes, Langley, Lyra, Grosvenor, Mermaid, Gill,

Preciosa (3p), Pardo, Snipe, Endicott,

J. A. Dorman

A. A. de Mollo


A. Heard and Co (100K WANTED for the Meme of the 42nd M. UN.I. A liberal uslary will be given to a por son wall qualified.


U. 8. 9. Columbus (74), Com. Biddle, Bogue forts. U. B. Corvette Vincennes, Captain Paulding. Anna Maria. Millet,

Congress. French,

Loochoo, Heich,

Medora, Cooke,

Yunchi, Steele,

Apply to Captain McLaon, Mess Secretary. Victoria, 6th February, 1846



A Dember of Buup. Dinner and Dessert plates (patros Blue and White flowers) bolonging to the Mess of the 42nd Regiment N. . having been sent to the Fancy Bail at the New Hosptial on the 15th of January last, and not having been re- eived since, it is requested that any Gentleman to whom the same may have been brought by mistake will return them to the Mess House of that Corps.

WESSRS, SMITH & BRIMELOW have just received ox "William Jardion" a choice. Section of the following articles:

Darham Mustard in pound and 15, boules Assorted pickles and Sauces

Tort Fruita

White Wine and raspberry Vinegar

French Olives and capers

Jama and Jellicassorted

Loaf and pipe Chees

Bacon in 12 lbs. pieces, in Cloth and glaize

Prime Yorkshire Home

Bardines in butter

Dried Apples

Prime mess beef in smoll barrella and Tierces A few Casks of superior light and dark brundy.


A small invoice of fine white Colton Socka. The above articles are from the well known house


LONDON. February 6th, 1845,

PUBLIC AUCTION. ITE undersigned will sell by Publio Auction this day (Saturday 7th inst.), commencing at i d'cluck a. M. at Chinam's Hong, formerly Fler Majesty's Ordnance Ofe

J?n assortment of Glassware and Cotton Hose

? Ergo amortment of fancy "Tweeds, black Cloths, red Baise and Welch Flannel, Port Wlao in wood and boalan, Sherry in do do.. Giu in boule and Demijohns and other articles.

Also, without reserve, to close accounts a quan-

led Hama

Tarma will be announced Lefore the male. MCEWEN & Co.


of very superior, Dried apples, Dried and Pick-

Hongkong, 7th February, 1846.

BRITISH HOTEL. GABRIEL has taken a cominodlove house si- Manted at the Corner of Grahamstrom, stort distance south of the Queen's Hood, which be in. tends to conduct as a Hotel under the above atle. Chalomen favouring bin with their patronage

will find their comfort strictly attended to.

All the articles supplied will be of the first rale description.

A Thurston's Billiard Table sa the Primises, Vistoria, 16th March, 1948.

HONGKONG DISPENSARY. CODA WATER, AERATED LEMONADE, Abrated Chefyboate Water, (highly recom

Wetmore and CotOZINHEIRO,-Preciza-se ho para o Ran.mended, on account of its tonio properties).

Ruwell and Co Russell and Co Wetmore and Co Wetmore and Co

MARRIED -Ac Mt. John's Church, Parramatta,

on the 13th Dec, 1845, by the Rev. William Walker, C. Pearon, Eng., of Kishnagbur, to Grace, second

cho de Regimento 42 da I. N. M. Darse- the ha boun salario kiberal, sendo bem quahfiando. Appliques a Capit?o McLeod, Becretario do Rancho,

Victoria, o de Fevereiro, 1846.

daughter of the late J. A. du Moulin, Eaq., Surgeon ??

II.B. soch Regiment,


THE Spanish Bark " PRECIOZA,”

daily expected from Macao, will

have immediate despatch for the above

port For Freight, Apply to

GILMAN & Co. Victoria, 6th February, 1848.

ORIENTAL BANK. [OTICE.-]. hereby given that Mestru Jaxus SINCLAIR and James MacEwan aru appoint- ed Joint Managers ad interim of the China Branch of this Bank.

By order of

The Indian Board of Directors.

8. J. D. CAMPBELL. General Inspector of the Oriental Bank. Victoria, Hongkong,

27th January, 1846


一刺科 議便顓係



EDHURST'S Chinees & English Dictionary


ditio in prior binding, Medban Dictionary of the Lek.keen Dialect, Modhum Coparadivo Vocabulary of the Chi- ? neve, Corsan and Japanese language, Medboree Dictionary In the Favorinag Dialect of the Fomon begandarin Dialect, Medkar's Dialogues the

Medbure's Noder on Chinese Grammar, Melhorch How and Prospects of China, me Callie's Translation of the four Books Prema's Notitia Lingua Sinlem


Hongkong 23rd January, 1848.


MAE following are for Bale and Recommen- od



NOTICE. BRANGEMENTS, having been completed for

the erection gan Ice flouse. for a regular supply of Ice. Peritos who may be desirous of adding their names to the lat of Shareholders will be pleased to communicate with Mr La A. Stune No. 2 Gough Street, why is authorised by the Ice commition to receive and register applications for abarcs.

Hongkong, 21st October, 1845.

FOR BALE. QAUNDERS Polo October brewed ale in Wood, Allsops Beer In Wood, Port and Sherry, Champagne and Claret. Apply to

ROBERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 25th July, 1815.


JUST opened and for Sale at the stores of this

undersigned. Hoerth Rugs &c. &c. Tartan and Chock Cloths, A largo asortment of Carpeting all patterns, Drills and White Cotton and worked Hoes, La- dies Musline De Lalme and Printed Dress, Lace and a large amortment of Perfumery, stationary Table limen and Vilinans Stores of all descriptions Candles &c.

D. CHISHOLM. Queen's Road. Victoria, November Stoi, 1845.

THE undersigned has just received from England by the William Jardino" the following arti- eles expressly ordered for this market of a superior quality.

Foolscap, Letter and note Paper, together with Envelopes and other stationery.


Hair, Tooth, and Nail Brushes,

Compless Breakfast, Dianer and to services,

Good pielded Butter in Jara,

Sauces of all kinds,

Assorted Pickle


Currunt in Jars,

Anchovy,Sauce and Paste, Mustard in ibu and half pounds Curtis and Harvey's Dumond

grain powder,

Old dark Brady in cask.

C W. BOWRA. Victoria, 28th January 1848.

FOR SALE. NCHORS, Chains, Europe and Manila Rope, A Navy and bleached Canvas, Navy Cack, Bunting, Paints, Oil, Salt Provisions, Bread, Floor and Merine stores of all descriptions, Winer Spirits, Herr and Porter in wood and bottle, Irm and Lead Water pipe, Short Load, Sokler, Ocran, Plaster of Paris and Stencelling Patterns, Stoves, Grates with Fenders &c to match. Neutical Almonacks for 1840, and Manila Cheroste No. 3 and 4.

HUMPHREYS & Co. Victoria, st December, 1945. §

18 Queen's Road,

NOTICE. ondersigned have this day removed their 1 establishment to the house west side of the Ordnance Office

PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co Victoria, 22