Government Gazette | 政府憲報 | 1851






VOL. X. No. 1.



PRIOR $16 por numam,


FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG OAZETTE, per down. 10 Dollars, payable in odrinem, quarterly of otherwise, at apiton. Single Numbers, 15 orain e. RUPSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND-fo z?belbers in che Fazano ur Chura, 4 kollam par dnnumi nan-aubajribarn 201 slugle expias 40'seably if morn thadi Ton Capim taken, forty vonze

Dallar?, salpoquens lasertions sa cerin, TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Tan lines and wider, 1 Dollar) och skrineal, 18 vente line. Repeftiana ma-churd, ? the Kryt lugertian, Ekips. --Finns Lampe thin,

Adictment to hand written on the faon of shume, the number of thaten they are required so appost, other wise they will be pabllinud until evassermanlod. In all inscenom, chose who are net Subscribers, seguira

in dranes.



Baudouins, Funcalo, dance-Marta, Dom. Avan

Alo, pt coude to the abova,


ENTAL ContANT%. Steam

Ebly PEKIN, will lance thin

fer the above plasm in Thure Takatunu will be received on board email nasu en the 19th, and Canon vnifi & P. 1. an, the 99th.. For partieulare regkeeng Waghans and Pamadu apply at the P. & O. & R. Ortap?ny's Office. Hongkong..

1. A. OLDING, Agom. P. & O. 9. N. Cn. Office. Flongkong, th December, 1958,



IRS DELLATIE and Me C. BRODERBEN 1. med anthorised to sign our firm.

WE PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong and Curon, 24h Do, 1880.


THE basinam of she dadersigned in Chian, bagetos TE

& Od, is hereby declared eloved this day.

·HENKY MOUL Cantra, 28th Dropinber 1850'

ORIENTAL INSURANCE SOCIETY OF BOMBAY. THE undersigned bating besa uppainted Agent in Gaston for the above named Bocisty, is properavito grass Poliom payable io London, Liv Bombay, Cale, Madras, Shadghae and Conton.

PRANCIS B. BIRLHY, Outton, 14th August, 1880. NOTICE.


Mamer, wille Hongkong so

"For Famads only, apply in the Captain on board, or to,

Ws. PUSTAD & Ca Hongkong, 24th Depornbor, 1950.

FOR SAX PRANDI900 THE At Ship LOWA Captalo 11 Wasunean, will be despatched for the above Port on the 8th prezime For Light Fascony or Passiou, kuviog Baperior Accomodaties, epply to

DUBH & Co. Hongkong, 19th- Desteber, 1950.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE Superior Arat els Americas Bar qu" EUREKA," J. Ruoan Mester, Bwill not with early deapadh, ano Inke Tho tum fight, vil hamonely soundele swo pattegara.

Apply to,

W. BUCKLER, Onion, or to M, PUSTNU N C..


THR A. f. British Barque THETIS,

Ar, basing the grekis

Lt. Persons having claime on the Estate of the A late Mr Jasur Hard, Borgson, of Hongkong, are requested to bend in their socounts before the 28th day of April, 1851, and all persons indubend to the dreeased are required to saka komediate payment of their debts in,


Colonial Surge Administrador to the Estate. Hongkong, October 96th, 1880.


Ll, peruma having claimp pa the estate of the Inte A Nagover D' Eeriana Parran, are requested them to the onderrighed before the Brei das


of Magh, 1961, and all per be indebted in the debent, are enquested to make immediate payrugat of their date fu

J. PHILLIPI, Burouter, Hinging, 25th December 1860.



HONGKONG RACES, PRACTIONS of an inch over Galloway or Posey WH. DUDDELL bugs to inform the public that a

GRAND MASQUERADE BALL AND height, will not camat beroor of Ilpres og HUPPER, will be held at the Vicronis Tusaray | Padey. on the Evening of the 'Grd of Janvant 1851 (Friday)})}

Tlakete of admission 65 each to be bad at The Exomaner and Avgrrow Many until the day pear- | foun

The Catok, and officers af H. M. 10th Regt. have kindly fens their Band for ike Occasion, *Diore ghen at O'clock Precisely." Hongkongyrd December, 1850,


INCLAINED board the Fort William

D. No. 1 & 2 Two Chests Turkey

Hongkong in Dedembas, 1850.

Oelve ex Poki."



THE understand beg to inform Ship sweers and it manure that he has always on hand | 4 mupply of the following articles. Anchors and Obain Cablos, Iron-Deck and Hawes Pipes.

(Rosad, luto & -los. ' Best Refred Iron, Flat, ip, to 7. lou Square to 4 Ins.

Rigging Chen & im. to }} ia," Hoop from and Laut Pipe, Rigging Borew

Chband's large av small. Iren Sheaves of all semes. Show Iron of all as; for slave pipes and for sthet pwprs.


Spring Cervese- Vietaria, Hongkong, 16th December, 1950,




Board and Lodging per meth


du. per day

‧ Bad Regru per

Eshu cha Nelly by


Hongkong, f?i Osloket, 18GBZI


Brandy do,

* part of her carga engaged, wil be des ↑, ngaganams patched sheet die toit pratima." For Freight or L'ange. Apply 1


Apply to

Victoria, Hongkong, feil De., 1858.**


FLETCHIN & C ngkang, 3d Nademhor, 18501

FUR BALE. CHEATHING GOPPER from 14 to 2 an, Dintages Lard Hardings Apply to,

MAE House in Queen's Road, apparite that )

Old Him) tirgund.

Castaluing handsome and sowinodis and Dewing. Bad Denting Room, perioa Godune de,, with front and back Verandado, and commanding Snb view of the hay (also a small percal of gregat wakakie for a ganlon - Apply to


Hp Outb. Onlar

Vietati, 21 September 1850.


THE Home Gongharen ?lady scambi

by MrJ. CARA.

Apply on 184 prearther.

Vistin, 25 Decoisher, 1850.


rag Undersigned ven prepared to segeps flisku

carred by a POLICIES aTTao?ng had In the ratione Landon inplaner Godebanine,) by the Poslar & Out Coping Grimms, from avand betyg och Bar, Cay: in, the Prandies of Dude, nad

For Babs of Premium and other information, yelp Mr. A. Ouotuo, of the P. & O. Up. Othes,glong.



London, Deceisher, 180,



MR JOUN B, BRETT i colpejeed to sign MR

our Firm Piocuration.


Obeton, 14th Decembar, 1880.


GIRS, LIVINGSTON & OL Wongkong, 21st February, 1850,


THE undecalmed have received direct from this Manatherwork Indian Candles, they Jetpet arrivals-vi

Very Superior Beagh Chatongy


do. Do Parry, Powder,

Madre Mullinsay de. Do. Curry Paste.


water unde

dos sind!


§. Ces deuren Addling less than 'a fortaighi My changed parlay, and ull portion Revucing Papelatne wh? thu? patronage' ate regobefal fort'the jet unglass or inassantion, un tha

of berezete Moono, Rist Novembar, 1850.

ADVERTISEMENT. REB WILLIAM B&B bega, to notify the re- idea inmate at the corner of Peel, street convenient armies at

Beetroot abghting on the Qiqren's Blood and opposite the Adugkung Refiner offer; where he will prestim

profession na Veriry Burgeon..

Pape that he has severe) good saddle Klosses, and Non Cakes this opportunity la sequkint the

Poday Phimna to let,

A few cives of est deelden). Port Wing, Sherry, Champaigne in Chantajes de Pinto, Bear and Son MACEWEN, & Car Queen's Road

Honakeng, #2nd Dreember, 185?, DECETVA? by the "B?y Betoch ? nad "Robert; Mall Be India Pale Ale of very perky quality, in Caeks of four doen fouled Porter, sharry in octites, Whisky, and "Ofg Tank"


A phong nago?imens of Bidonery, via Quorland made pos denwing enters, Superfine plai Post and Note pork, Foolscap, Ledgoes and Acemigt books, Log books, a diresive Envelopes and Wafers, Blaney Boken, fodie rubber bands, Addrms Cards, Blotting Portfelis, Lester Clip, Af Nautical Almanacks for | Pess, Inks dec.

1851, and vaporlar Table Colery,

BOWKA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Vitoris, 2016 November, 1846

JUST LANDED ∞ "THETIS.** 100 BAGS of New GRAM, ** Jour

Apply 10,

Pinterest and responsibility of Mr. Jon



Shane Dreabar, 1960.


SMITH & BRIMELOW. No. 1 & 2 Wosenam's Building, Victoris, 10th December, 1880.

Thi Cudonje hitherto Paid in Obtained THE

i fque be conducted

wider the mylanden 2 UN


Hongkong, July, 1868.


* landed from the " Juneoriganor" diruts fromi. Ton Caps one Dinen enth, Phry Baperior, BPARKLING MOBELLE.

LANE, URAWFORD & Co, Vitoria, 24th Dvermbar, 1880,

Victoria, Hongkong, 12th Dec, 1860, THE JQUENAL OF THE INDIAN AROHI. PELAGO AND BASTERN ASLA ? September, 1850, Content

Obervations on Perak. By Lieut. Oni James

Low.... & M.A.C.

Bume scent of the Ories of Bedhist Monks or

Tulupping By M. Figated, The Tinding Forth of the Indian Archipelago- Babe-Baysalong-Balaban- bang-Balambuang-Balayan-Ball-Bonda.

By, Wine Buil, Esq. 12-at-- Bhooler of Katyro Aula and the Indo-Pacific

Jalanda By de Edor

JOHN KING, Clark of Coun

Victoria, 3rd December, 1850.


| T the flores of the modersigned, Blask forms

A of Balls of Lading for Bailing and for

O. 8. N. Company's viasele.

Blank Bills of Exchange Canton, Hongkong.

or Blank Beadings.

Black Navy Bible

Compradores Check Books,

Charter Peri

Bipping Articles

Millwry Morning Reporta

Blipidy Arrival kema fur Marennille Offices

Bailing Diesstions for the Bast sonst in Slaneta, Optum Gedown Books,

Shipping Orders.

News Valel axpenditure forme.

Blk Power af Attorney.

Ohinese Tariff in Bheets.

Covenler Returns of Trade.

JOZE M. DA SILVA. Victoria, Hongkong, 5th October, 1850.


FOR BALU at the Ofsee of this paper 1-1



*. Lauzu.



for the Pontifer de? Va

↑ Company's Blommore.

Coserabonne Ordana, la, Brokas Powa or Arroman.

Bairrtas ArTICL


Metabolika forme and ollide werk printed withi

expedition at the castoriety-eatm,

*‧. Vietori?, Sud Amguf, 1858, 1



THE A. 1. co 'coppered Beredar

** Barque *A KUTULOSE, bringi

part of leur porgu sngaged, will baro:

outly dispatch, iar frnight, or pawings apply to A LOBEGE: # G#. Hongkong, Ist Janusay,,20%) menj

NOTICE20 woman wi

IER. EDWARD COMEN, la thi ty l??i

Dla parute in out' Urma.

PHILLIPS, NOORE E EN ilongking, Jat Juslakry, Mot.


ELE Partnerships hitherto station. Hoder, the Firm Casaruk Poonasan di Cas is the day diswived by mutual condit,

(Signed) CAMAJER POCHAJE & CA Hongkong, Sim Deseniber, 1850


THE Undersigned have this day commenced bo- winona wo Commission Aguille nder the Pira and Siple of Brand 11. D. Lazonga & Col


D. D. LALCACA. Bmphong, 1st January, 1851,,



will be besoed withost tlie Dtredf?ry, un'il han beam f?ane impossible to prepare the better in- sufficient thing.... The Directory howone will:ba

brengs but separately, at a futuro gerige..

1. General Enquirim isto Origin, Daidepacate | sson), at Meurs Lane, Crawford du Co V-bit.

and 'engin of Spiritualism.

Blet. 1. Origin of Spiritualism

Bear 9 Progres Crem Naturalism and· Naturola. try (the Spirulin agd worship of particular natural things) to Pantheisen sud Munotheim, Sect. R.- Durelopment of Katuralism and Neuro-

Mosel & Tuenenation of the Elemented Optritt,


Beet. B-ssion, sondereco, priests.

Seet de Thurshogy which spirituallim-undergoes dan, 7. The Shading of fallgions. $1. Obfects of miritual Fulch,

Seat Bot. Nerpent Objects, Animals. **N. B. Partior in China, wishing to become ndballigit willpluse farwand zweir name and ad- d?ng to the odita of "* The Frivit of Chies and tlongbang Siamesis" "The Annast falscriptiowa pa payalda imades

Vistaria, Mi Ostabel? 1880,



Tha Almanack, price. 91, can be obtained, no

Notonba'a Printing Office, Wellington Street, and, at the Office of this paper.

Viatoria, Hahgkong, 14 January, 1851.

Decidia?y l'arpana) --l'aylor, of the Marysvilig

| Herald, after a meets sickness. It again ng hin post slanost na goed na now. - Bat Taylor, ag?inon as he get well, did whist he would'at have dared-

tu do when he was sick, and 1900 devilatar?ng kim

in the face, Yir: modo a panion v? U ?A ??T

| Washington lett-ro, with me'er a bit of crodit.--*-*-

Colifura Couriers

1. Baytar @um Marymlia Herald, Sur "kimaalt, his heirs, executare and warigna forever," denias, frat, that Crace" a salamin. friend over stuend him; the said 'Faybe hi tho fuer; sad snemndly, funke? denies that no, the mid Taylor, over stols any thing fram the enlumos of the Literier, or that Ire ever found any dung In them worth stealing ---- Al dergin- *200 Herald.


rly gent

40 cents.

mm, require


vay or Posey

- of Horse r


che Com



Blank forme

ad for P &

4, Hongkong,

Canilla Ofees

oast in Shunts,




paper 3-

maular and Oris

ny's Blewor


priated with



mpered Bwedisk

"?PE, * having

aged, will have-

moge apply to

ECK & Co.


mis day'admited'


ling under the


commenced bo-

under the Fim

Da & Co.




TACK for 1881.

roufory, as it has

sre the botte in

however will-ba

me period.

by obtained, me

d& Co.

ngton Street, and

'J, 1861.

of them. Margroll

. do ngu?n m? b?o

z Taylor, ag soon

-lo?ni bave dared·

devi) staring him

1 of one of our

■ bit of crodit.-

dil, Sus "himusa!Y, forever," denias, ever stared him, Ipcondly, further

wer stale say thing

or that be evac

mtealing --Afarys-




VOL. X. No. 1




TERMS OF SUBBORIPTION. to FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETER au draum. 16. Dollary, payable in advanos querierty al ikharaina, as spilon. Bir soch. 'BUBSCRIPTION IM OVERLAND,.--f" Wabolborn in die Franno de China, & lollers per duuum ; non-Esteribere 861 single exples 50 aerta; If more tha Ten Day TERME OF ADVERTISING.-Toned and wider, 1 Boltar tional, I can line. Repellitian ing-djrd the Bric Insertion. Mig-Fi tardo, Dollars, salgaqt? yvet Adonaikampeni, bu have writhes ou nh?n khan d? chan, die aanbid af dine they are requirikan oppik, nh?c khac they will be paniikiet aadi coentefimanded. In af instanom, shoes who are adrace,




HONGKON DELLEus je inform the public shaja | pRACTIONS of es incl YARQUERA DE BALL AND height, will not son

? be $dd if the Vrornis Tukatur Posey.

Lord of Janvad?,1851-

Pilzench to be tae s? The

fathar nail the day provi



Victoria, 23rd Decemb


AT the Stores of the A of Bill of Lading O. B. N. Company's bidi


Blank Bill of R

at Bank Etesdien

Bl?nh Navy Bl

Hongkong, in Juff, 1650.

Two Choria Turkey


‧ begu to inform th?y a toutes

Buro iliacha kis alwaysan, hand

during sirtfalen.

Land Bawa Pipes.

Molled, f into 4 R

Compudares Chic Charter ("artlag,

Badsping Artels.

Mitary Morning R

Boldy Arrival for

Baling Direction fo

Opium Bodega Ba

Shipping Ordeta

Ferm Faasil fuel ex

Black Powers of A

· Chinesa Tarif in Bi

Cascular Icturas

Flamela, Hoogkung, U




(and Lodging

Hernanda femind axpedition at the empionu Vistarit, Mel Angus



THE A. t

? ?????

pers of bes

Vitoria, 24th


FOR BAD? From the * Japne G. Mazze

?Dozen' tab




a parsive in our i PHILI

Hongkong; dei Fuokia


Lie thai th?i THE Paneeship. B1

antown of Barras

*wbazarine trill

Firm of CAMAJEN ?day diamolvad by offatua. (Signed) CABA

y Butgwoo, que Pupostunity to agqidike jan

"good sud?ie Blatest, and | Te

Hongkong, 31st Dec


THE Undersigned he Pin Coumise MARCHI, 'ana Byla of B. and D.

(Bigned) EDU

By List. Ogl. James

the Order of Budhist Monks or

212) Jajian Archipelago Padady--Balabad-Basum-


Hoopkong, 19 Janu



will be inued with

sufficient The

Ambizang-Balayan-Ball-Baada. bam found imporaib!

ad the Indo-Pacific | brought it seperately

Origin: Devolopatent

Bet. 1. Origin of Spiritualismo - cat

Boul-1. Pragygin Crem Muratellom nad- Navzrola- ` Joy (f. q. 18d Spirituallaio voe worship if particular Matural things) tv Partholum and Stonotheim,

·Bach 3- Development of Kastralia and Namro.

seet i temanine of the Elemental Sptri??,

Bby the lum

Beet. B-semion, zorgrests, priecia.

The Almanack, pric usdal, at Meares Late Noronha' Printing Of at the Off of this pap Victoria, Hongkong.

Declassi?y l'api?a" -

Herald, after " prece

post most as good ne sa hagytarli, did whi

to dy when he was sich

ju the face, vir: sled-

Feel Co The change which spitivaalinin sodnegots | Washington testers, w

[dar'Z TheJdding of reffgion.

"Ay. O?leph df ppiritual Faith,

Esam kwongwa. Nangen! Object, Antaraba

Colifornia turize

Kaplar of the Mary,

his heirs, areulogy wi

BAZA Paetior in China wishing to two, th Crane's at

|vaxttingfa with please forward their name and ad-

drew 14 the other of The Friend of Chlua and Hongkong tinneum". The Annual Salpoription} |96 p?zito imadogaci,

Viktoria, di Odiobai? 1800,


the said Taylor is the

damira tint fe, iki umid

froin the columas of th

and any thing in the

stig Herald.






VOL. X. No I.


PRICE $16 per annum.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annus, is Dellare, payable in advanon, queriorly or otherwise, at option. Single Numbers, 95 cente

sok. BUBSCRIPTION is the EVERLAND-To becribers to the Faiund or China, & Hollers per Annum, non-subscribers #8; single coples 30 maitta; if wore the Ten Coplas taken, farty orti

Dollar? aditional, 10 cents line. Repedtiene me-third ? the first insertion, Ships.-Piret Insertion, Dollars, subsequent Insertions 45 cale. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Tunes and der

Advertisements to have weissen du the lace of them, the number of titans they are required to appear, otherwise diey will be published until cootermania. In all instancos, those who are not Bubscribers, require LA PR in advance.



Also, si roule to the abura, Batatine, PackIN ELKAAMEkorn, Jobs,'Xans.

pia. Propt?R AND ORI-


REVAL: CONFANT's, Stam PEKIN, with Ipare this

f?c the agarh plans in The day, the Sile alJanuary,

TERE will be reneised on board til noon

en the 29th, and Cando il 5. n the 29th. Por particulars regariding Faglagt god Passage apply at the P. & ?0. 8...N, Company's Office. Hongkong.

1. A. OLDING, Agent. P.&O. 8. N. Co.'s Office. Hongkong, 30th December: 1890) FT


are authorised to sigo oni ?rm.

W PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong and Cesion, Xub Des., 1850.


UE business of the undersigned in Chian, herein. fore curried an in the name of HERKY MOUL


& Co, la hereby declarad closed this day.

Canton, 25th December 1850.


THE undersigned baving been appointed Agent in Gunton for the shore named Bociety, in prepare to granj Polices payable in London, Liv. WT. Ropaquarpool, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Shanghai and Site Hongkong on


PRANCIS H. BIRLEY, Cantor, 14th August, 1850. NOTICE. ALL Parsons having ninime on the Estate of the A late Mr Jonn Rawit, Surgeon, of Hongkong, are requested to send in their accounts before the 2016 dagad-April, 1851, soda persone indebted to the deed are required to make immediate payment of their debts we


Cylonial Surgeon, Administrator to the Estate.

**For Pamana golf, apply in the OperaIN ON board, or to,

*A. PUSTAD & O... Hongkong, 2411 Desember..


will be despatched for





LL pregona baving claims so the estate of the]

Noborty D. Parezus Man?es, are requested.

adowed in the

jisto paymgol,


height, will not count in favour of Eloma or

JOHN KING, Clark of the Com


AND BUPPER, will be held at the Vroronta Tubatud | Poney. on the Evening of the ard of January 1851 (Friday)

Tickets of admission 83 each to be had at The Exouanes and Awarion Alawr until the day prev. loss.

The CoLGERI, and officers of H. M. 69th Regi. bare kindly lent their Band for the Occasion,

"Doors open at 9 O'clock Precisely." Hoogkong, 3rd December, 1860,

NOTICE TINCLAIMED on board the Fort William' 9. M. D. Nov. 1 & 2 Two Cheeta Turkey Orion ex Pekt."

Hongkong, 24th December, 1850,



THE undersigned begs to inform Ship ownere 1 and Ship masiera that he has always on band a supply of 166 following articles.

Anchor and Chain Cables, Iron Knoca-Dock and Hawse Pipes.

(Round, in to 4. jan. Best Refined Iron, 2 Flat, ~1 jp to 7. inn Squnto the 10 4, 190. Rigging Chain in'in | in. Hamp fron and Land Pipe, Rigging Screws.

Chooses larga ou amell, Iron Sheaves of all olaya. Bhost Itog of all sezon; for stove pipes and for other purposes.


Boring Cardede. Victoria, Hongkong; 18th December, 1830.



Brazil and Lodging per geanch


Victoria, 23rd December, 1850.


T the Stores of the undersigned, Blank formu

A of Bill of Lading for Sailing and for ? & O. 8. N. Company's v?asels.

Blank Bills of Exchange Unsion, Hongkong,

of Blank Beadings.

Blank Navy Bl

Comprador's Check Books,

Charter Parties.

Bhipping Articles,

Military Morning Reporta

Bhpoing Arrival force for Moreantils Offices

Bailing Diceation for the East const in Bhosts, Oploni Godown Books,

Shipping Orders-

ten Vous fool expenditure ioenka,

Blank Powers of Attorney.

Chinese Tarif in Sheets

Consular Returns of Trade.

JOZE M. DA SILVA. Floweris, Hoogkong, 8th October, 1850,


POR BALE at the Oor of this paper com


of us.


for the Penfarular and Orl ents Company's BLES HOUER,

Comprasonge Cupaus, ja Bogka

Powess of ATTORNET.






Mateskite forms and other work printed with'

aspae??iop altbe customary raton.

"Vieyari, R2nd Augen, 1855, +



Oki Budal dromnde Chetalwing bed?arume and and Drawin, Bel and Dieg Godown with Leont commanding al Visu parcel of grogi sakable


Apply on

MHB Undersigned, sin

-1. tosporid by

labe variou

from Ca

Now, that E

For Rates


Londo62 Dece:

JOHN 12 JELBTE AU Our Firm eprallons


Denton, 14th Decemb



OPPER from 14 to 20 op.. Hardings Apply to,

'GIKA, LIVINGSTON & Ca. Wotykong, 21st Februnty, 1830.


THE undersigned be received direct from the Manalacial Jadian Condtiobuia, che sory

| arrivals-viz

Very Superior Bragh! Chaina), ze

Do Carry Powder, Madras Mullinstamoy Eper


Do. Curry Pasta. And


Allen card of most excellent Port Wine, Sherp,

· Champstigue in Cuirmare &. Pinto, Beer and Stud

MAC-EVEN & Gay Q's Road, Hooskang, Bird December, 1850, DECEWED by the "Bir Heroin and "Robert 1 Ba Jolla Pale Ale of very superior In Chathe of low Auden Hour Porter. Sadery in slaves, Thialky, and "Ol? Tem*

king less than a fortnight- And All parilin feroring

ilans or inastaation on de

Mamo, 2 November, 1850. He


FR. WILLIAM BAGB begn, to notify the co- sidudio in Vietoria, that de bag'szke thone souvenient permlags,at sorger of Boel Street abutting on the Cluson's-Hoad and opposite the Hoogkong Heimer office; where he will practier Chiprofeaston au Verinary Surgeon,

phare that he has serent good saddle Harses, and M940 Cakra this poportunity to adqualit the Pony Practs to let,

Fielona, Hongkong, 12th Dec, 1860. FI?M JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN AROHI.

PELAGO IND BASTERN ASIA Brpiember, 1850. Content- Observations on Perak. By bowl, Col. James

Low C.M.A., & H.A.C. Some sosqunt of the Order of Badhist Monks or

Talapins. By M. l'iganted,

The Tad Ports of the Indian Archipelago




[THB_A. E. wbw "coppered Bwadish *-1- Bargne * ANTILOPS, *baving

part of her cargo mngaged, will have-

curly cuspaich. "Eas freight or passage apply 10

A. LUBECK & Ca?. "Hongkong, 1st Jangary, Ibolelgi

‧ NOTICE. UR EDWARD COHEN, is this day'admited'

a paruer in our firm.

PHILLIPS, MOORE E' OL Hongking, Int January, 1861.


E Partnership, hitherto existing under the Firm of CAMAJRE Pocuases & Gu, jo thin' day disasived by mutual cement,

(Signed) CAMAJKE POOHAJEB-? €6o Hongkong, 31st December, 1850.


THE Undersigned have this day commenced by. Mainzas no Commission Agents under the Firm

and Biyle of Brand D. D. LOCA & Ca


D. D. LALCACA. Houphoog, lat January, 1851,



THE HONGKONG ALMANACK for 1851, will be issued with?at the Diredfry, so il ban

bhagen Bambung-Boisyan-Bali-Banda, beets found impossible to prepare the better in By G. Windor Esti, Esq. Xa

sufficient umo, The Directory kaweest milichom


By the Editor


Achore mortment of Butionery, siz Overland madd pornk and daiving papers, Bogerfine plain Posts and Nate Bepers; Fodscape, Leilgvis sodhulegy of Easiera Aals and the Indo-Pacifio| brought but seperately, at a future period. thewount books, Log books, radies?va "Envelopar and Waitse Boat Ralers India robber bands, Luerna Cergy" Bolting Portfolies, Letter Clipe, Fessy Toks A fan. Namul almanteks for 18511-mid toportar Table Calary, N

BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Theters, 26th November, 1880.


METS, Colarest and spsponsibility of Mr. Jonx 100 BAGS of Now GRAM

In quem consed on the tail De



Becember, 1960.

fr?ed go, in: Obins in


Flongkong, let July, 1860.

1. General Engarian Into Origin. Developments

and Chingen of Epicitjuliem,

Bet. 1, Origin of Spiritualism. Beet 9. Progress from Naturalism sod· Natureln- try (Le. the Spiritualiai sod wwship of particular "Deloral things) to Pa?thefim and Monotheism, Boot Development of Natureliam and Naturo. Platry: gare di Incarnation of the Elemental Spirits. ket Polychrism.

Apply to,

SMITH & No. 1 & 2 Woornam's Bajklippk.. Victoris, 10th December, 1880.

FOR SALEena ngang DE PAWElaksegi, Natural Objects, Anima?a.

EN Partim in Chian wishing to become edjenugta with please forward their oaama and ed. are the ullion of The Friend of Chios and Thiantaja Kanngabue Anal Subscription

Vetarin, Bin Odie667; 1800,

BRINELOWA,Melamarsion, antcereto, priecta.

Gay la L?t of the alange which spiritusliam undergoes

Mat 7, Thebang of religione.

£1. Celos aliud Faith.

TUST landed from the 51 Investigator fli elbe house of G. MARK of Bon:","

Ton Cars on Dozen cash, Very Buperior,


LANE, CRAWFORD & Co, Vietor, 24th December, 1800,

The Almanack, price 91, can be obtained, es usual, at Messrs Laue, Crawford & Comblr. Noronha's Priming Office, Wellington Street, and at the Office of this paper.

Victoria. Hahgkong, 1st January, 1851.

Decidialy l'arsona! - Tavlor, of them. Marysolile Herald, after a severn sickorns, in aguio achis post slanet se good as new. Bai Taylor, ng inou na ho g 1 wril, did what he would'st hove dared- to do when he was sick, and the devil staring tum in the fron, via: stola a portion of one of our | Washington lettera, with, we'er a bit of credit.-

California Courier

Taylor of the Marymilla ferald, for "himself, his heirs, executors and unsigns fucover," denias, first, that Crane's unlanie friend were stared blo, the said Taylor in the face; vodicondly, further denirs that he, the said Taylor.over stale any thing from the columns of the Courier, or that be ever cfound any thing in them worth stealing --Aforge-

ille Herald,


DEATH-At Victoria, on the 21stiam. Col, Navier R.A


New Advertisments will be received until 7 O'Clock, as the evenings previous to publi. cation, rit: Tuesdays and Fridays









andwich Islande Nov.

Nov. 98 Volted Mater Oel. 13 a

Nov. 9 Nor.


??? Nov. 19 capor






Oct. 13


C. fo. Hops

>on Franelico

Nov. ?

Dec 93 194 Dec 19

Amy Ningpo


kong Garrison, is altogether repudiated; and the meagre regimen of the sinner obtain thenughout the whole year,

?sid to have had the effect of stirring up a antidote. But this doctrine, Alas! in the Hong-being of the Colony; but the Ordinances on- spirit of determination in the villagers, who, forming themselves into militia, and combining their forces, gave battle to the insurgents, and with a slaughter of some fourteen hundred com- pletely dispersed them.

For the Grand Industrial Exhibition, but few articles will be sent frau Chins. The $5,250 collected in Canton are to be returned to the respective subscribers; some of whom how. over intend the transmission of a few packages. We hear that Me Ripley of the Canton firm of Itipley, Rmith & Co. has made a most interesting collection of curious and costly Tear; and has hoon successful in obtaining nemely every variety of the herb grown in China.

Mr R. B. Forbes, of the firm of Rumoll & Co. NiZIJE. - To borrby ginen, that the lours of Durier Service and Consul in Canton for the United States of

America; it also shout to forward wine beauti ful spaci nams of Chinese handicraft.




he the Carrsonal Chezen ur St. Jou are on Sage at it a. m. and at 4 P. m., and on Thursdayesi a P. W


Acte Culonal Chaplain.

Paul's College, Victoria, ad October, 1850. NOTICS-The hour of Public Worship to the Kaam CHAPPE, Hollywood Road, is on the Sabbath at 18 a. m

Victoria, tai June, 1850,




KIGM WATOR | Roses | Bets

5,26 9,01 91 0,41 6,41 6.97 9.15 10,05 6,41 6,27) 10,21| 10,41 3 Friday.

New Moon to-morrow at Ch 20m. P. M.




We learn that Mr Jackson of Amoy (Consu- far Ageot for France) is like wise sending home some valuable curiosities,

Among our extracts will be found part of a letter, in which the idea entertained by the Chinese of the "penny wise-pound fooluh" | conamy of the Commissariat (or as it is call- ed in the Compradorio the Comminaly "pideis") is summed up vory graphically in the words "that Soldier man too muchee likeo that cheap thing."

acted, one to check the desertion of foreign oumen, mother to aid Justices in performance of duty, are very faulty, and open to considere ble amendment.

The Autumn Criminal Bessions occupied two full days, and part a of third; the Calendar was not a heavy one, and only four Criminala received sentence of transportation. The cas of greatest interest was that of uttering ● lorg. nd check for $308, particulare of which will be found among our extracts.

It is with great pleasure we learn that these A case of robbery, of £10,098 worth of matters are attracting a considerable degree of ? Wills of exchango, effected in the Summer of public attention in England. The opinion ex- 1849, has lately come under preliminary in pressed by the Editor of the Times" that | reatig, un by one of the Polico Magistrates, seven of every ten of the sick might have fi is called a robbery, but there is hardly ruf been saved, with proper precautions, is true ficient evidence, at present, to prove it such: 10 degree. If Civilians can preserve health For the particulara wa also refer to a detail in in this country, so, in an equal manner, may supplement. the military portion of the cominunity By the next Mail we shall hope to hear of the up pointment of a Committee of Enquiry into the

At Shanghas the Merchante uppoar to be as causes of sickness; and from the report of apathetic on the matter as in Hongkong.


Fizz scamonable weather-continued disar. rangement of the currency-and the absence of any remarkable event, form the principal heals of our monthly Summary. A great number of the Privates of the 50th Regiment are will in hospital; and, owing to the severe sicknesses of the summer, hardly two thirds of a Garron, of a thousand enen aro in a fit state to

Il Lordship the Bishop of Victoria will hold a confirmation in 81. John's Cathedral, on Sun day the 19th instant and parties desirous of being confirmed are requested to communicate do guard, or any other, duty. To the partially! with either the Colonial or the Military Chap-cavalescent the cold winds, from the north, generally prevalent at this season of the year, Chailed with pleasure by the acclimatizer) coins It has been announced that on Sunday the 12th laden with severe attacks of internuntent fever; from which only generous diet in the great


instant there will be an ordination ; when Mr Odell and Mr Holderness are to be admitted Deacons of the Church of England.

On Monday Evening the Brethren of the Royal Zetland Lodge No. 768 held their on- nugf banquet in the Lodge Roome adjoining the Danish Conmolata.

About fifty sat down, at 7 o'clock, to a rump- tuous dinner: Sandwith Drinker, Esquire W. M. in the chair. After the usual kryal tomate, it was proposed to drink "Our Guests" of whom there were upwards of a dozen not belonging to the craft.

This was done with due masonic honor and acknowledged by Gootleman present


of the Province of Kwenguning," an extract of which mat

given in the Chinese Forgotary of October 1813, we learn cbet he was b?n la 1796, in the department of Fa-chan-fa, was advanced yet hurter after bis szeminati a, and oom mander su study the Manchin language At

In 1806, he took a in moster's and in 1804 ban dort r'a dueter;

playments to a livrare · ficer, he was appointed in 1810 (tha For of Lord Amherst's ambtany), ummat moderne de tavammal examination for degrees to the provison - ( Hang ai. Ja 1890, be became one of the two Corens Pranaras- Ing Kang,an, and, in the same year Tasandant of one of the four Freni a of Chebsking. In su?i, bir healik gempel led him to nign, but he wait afara what laterval, printed in one of the sea. Vircuite -f. Kiang-su, and in a fre months wag monde sering Commisoner of Plance that province. In 1826 bareva to the Chic ( supariutando"ay ? ? the mess of Choking and Kinngon, a must trol, when ka meher's dreih obliged him to return home to

whilst living in retirement on the serosat, was allowed to

in a very appropriate address of soms ten mi- nutes duration. The speaker dominoaced by warmly congratulating the Worshiplul Master and the Brethren on the unanimity of feelinging, and wrawat to Shenai no Judguard Acung an apparent throughout the assemblage. Al- though he was not possessed of the slightest inkling of the mysterious to which bound no many together in the bonds of fraternity, yet, he could but, as an impartial observer, appre-band ciate the whole scheme of free masonry.

It had existed, it was certain, from ages the ideal an Flighs & umeni-slower, and prean he moved

in Euang

mourn the these prin rewribed by lan, Belge dawn balled, was dieets by an Imperial erdiet un trampe the prison of Partein sarth works on the fan bern itiv, und,rendy, moved in Shamakai to or meelt with schay v? 5. up thedancy of all ing grain street. ed by up, insted of by the Grand Canol. Habakk Calling, he was permitted be compra to his motiva pe v?nas will it should be re-sored and his lag ended and drains an acting Bali-Enp comp. In 1927, be repaired Tarr. The death of his father now per him in ing uk 1930, when, on being prasad, he was made Toftlu-gih, but won it, wefered Hanine some specity; thence to Nanking 11931, and shonov, again, the Bapentendrace of the Yellow Hiver, I× 10 dering tied of great draw Governor of Ring

1936-30, Gowen-1-graecal of Hu-Kwang of a H

in 1885, he was mom-med to Peking, and pinlage noeeded kin -f riding an kecsebeck within the practacie of the Imp ciel, real enor, la 1979,

put down pprnom urade this most remote, had passed through evil reported him bu dectine the Guerras-general-hip of the Two the three pravivost of Ngua-bwai, Kinog, and through good report, and still flourished,and,, to which he was nominated, he trusted would long continue to Bourish; for the Tas Kuang was soon com red an him, to be held, se

by Koying and 10, wgether with Na High Commission. H although he believed it was not the practice of okes agaidot the prescribed traffic; be arrozzon to p?er Freemasons to blazon forth their deeds of

vent hosh the trade in, and sonsumption of, the drug z kie let to the Queen of ing and ; and ble vestment of the charity, yet a sufficient number of such acti Brish community, which freed them to recite from an and brenght on the war concluded by the Treaty of Nan- were heard of, to indicate the benevolent prin-

king-are already part of the butity of one lawecomm ciples upon which the society was evidently founded. The speaker concluded by proposing "the Ladies" | toast responded to, as a matter of course, with all that gallant warmth for which freemasons are remarkable. Bome excellent songs wound up the harmony of the evening and on the "weo ama hour ayout the twal" was en- tered on, the chair was vacated, and, the party afterwards seperated in apparent lugh good butpour with themselves, and with every one else in the world,

(From the Overland Frizad of China, Dec. 30)



The disturbances in the Kwang-tung and Kwang-si provinces, forming the most import. ant items of intelligence in our Suminaries of the last for munthe, are now and to be at an end. Lin-ih-at, who was commissioned by the Emperor to proceed to the seat of rebellion, and concert measures with the authorities for reprossing the troables, in reported to have died, on or about the 19th ultino; an event not at all unlikely, considering the previous weak state of his bealth. The report,however, of his advent,

No chines with whom va kaya kece in corect hee better claim thau Lam to a separate monde, a? ban carnet of forry-a-1are

Prom & native work entitled " A Chinhgue of the officers

with Chess. Upen the news of the troubles, his energy bond crassed meching the Coat, the good latention of bus

availed him sothing; and he was recalled to Peking in September 1960, sa ba tried for his hin, sa ma uwekad increased the mischief he had barn sent to remedy. He la? Canon in Blay 11, and was bashed to ille is aber, hometer, ba was teswend to his former past in Gorsense of the Yallow River; and 1847, was reported daad. Upon thin an Imperial (1) manifesto spjenerd, a € ordinaire, praising in the highest sorms the principles and demasa ur fine depard statescian, doctoring him a poll of honour, a fiction in Le poured uni by two Pouces, 1590 ssels for bie funeral, and a place in the Imperial ormosary, Burly in 1848, noteichstend

There is too much reason to fear that the systain of imparting to Chinese an education according to the English mode of instruc tion is altogether an erroneous one, Wo such a Committee, ineans may be doduced for hardly ever remember to have heard from proventing a recurrence of the horrors of past 3 diuinterested individuals but one opinion on years. To sensitive minds the continued mor- the subject, and that is "give Chinese lality every summer is very afflictive; and it boy an English education and you give him was a matter of some surprize that this year but the means of becoming a greater rogue then be was born." There are very few who there was not general panic.

can be pointed out an instances to the contrary of this theory, in opposition to the greater number of those in support of it

But the Committee's members must be men of liberal sentiacats-independent and ant like yo gloss over the glaring mismanagemont and

The hackied assertion of the slave holder neglect of those in whose departments remedial measures have remained. The interest which that Africans are born with ideas only equival- Dr Bowring exhibited, in his place in the House ent to a bondaged position;-the belief that of Commings, in the Winter of 1844, when certain classes and tribes of the human the quarantine laws were under consideration, race must always rank low in the scale and the profound and varied knowledge brought of intellectare but axioms on a parallel to bear on that important question, are great with that which accords to the Chinese, lens- reasons in support of the proposition that the city of temperament, whereon it is impossible learned Doctor be requested to act as President to engraf European custonis and general habits of soch Committee. Of Members we would of thought. It will be for the supporters of indicate the heads of the principal British mer- ↑ the London Missionary Society to consider cantile establishments in Victoria; say-The well the utility, or otherwise, of upholding the Honourable Mente Jardine and Egor (Mein- | systern of education as at present practised at here of Council)-Archibiid Campball,-T, | their Beminary in this city, D. Neave, T. W. L. Machesn-W. P. Livingston,-D. Fletoner,-W, Davidson-C J. F. Stuart,-G, Lyall,-J. G, Morrison.-J. | Phillips and W. or A. Scott, Esquires. We have named fourteen, although we think a Commiit- tee of twelve would be amply sufficient. We have also taken an apparent liberty in mention ing names in this manner; but we do so under the perfect conviction that unless these gentle inen are appointed, for others of minilarly well known independent principles and standing in the Colony, the whole commission will fall to the ground. We hope this may not be the case; If Lord Grey trifles with the subject |

The shocking murder of a Portuguese female, and her unborn Child, by her exasperated hus- hand, will be found in another part; the mor. derer han, for the prosent, altogether oscaped,

The average number of rainy days for De- camber in eighteen. We have not however had the fourth of that number, during the mouth just ending. Such a continued drought was hardly ever known before and the rice harrast can be but a very scanly one. A lamine, in the southern provinces of China, would be productive of serious consequences, and it in incumbent ou those in whose province mich thungs lie, to watch the signs of the times with

and writes to Mr Bonham to name a Commis- great #tention. Several old voyagers round sion, that gentleman, we fear, judging from | the Horn, and across the Pacifics, have in- precedent, will either tell his Lordship that formed us that the vory little wet weather the causes of sicknem are found, and that further experienced this year, on their routes, in quito enquiry in urelem, or he will, by accident, name remarkable,

Committeemen some of those convenient

toole, to be found, we expect, in every Bruish Colony creatures who, to maintain position


Owing to the great genreity, of money, trade in or with a hope of bettering one, will sacrifice very doll; thisty shillings per ton for Tens to Eag every upright and honourable feeling, and, if it || lead le completely ruinou, nad yet, at ibat rate, it were possible, mako black, to servo a purposo, ? is supposed that the whole capacity of shipping m

Whampoa, "sy 7,000 cone, night ha engaged. appear to bo white.

But Mr Bonhain, as Commander-in-Chief,

Dr Bowring has not yet returned from the North.

is a party interested, and as remarked by Dr The learned gentleman, appeare so be in gruas Bowring on the occasion above referred to - ? favour with residents at Ningpo. We ko the ful- " All saustory regulations are burned adrift ||lowing from the North China Herald" of the when very great men are concerned. In such a cases who dreams of the public health 1 Wo trust however that Lord Grey, or his saccamor, (for we do not expect to hear of his Lordship's retention of Office much longer) will set in-

*H M. Suomer Reynard, left theu on the 97th, lumo, Fr Palcken, with the Bishop of Victoria on board, Dr. Bowding, safranosely, love his passage from delay a con- arquent in ble trip in the Tolanda. During his stay at Ning- po the Decir captivated the Chinese ; the enmnnssa penpla waza ploured with his affability, which embled him in mou quire much in fermentum, and on the other hand, schulare and

ing, work regarding (-reige acates auid to be comped by dependently in this matter; and trout this Col. Malale pold him marked zvapoet on agement of houry

ony, and the public generally, with that impar tiality which we have a right to demand.

There have been two attempts to dispose

uncle, a and his knowledge of their books and languages. Dr. Bewing want to lowes hitherto unvisited by any fo reigner."

Dr Bowring's general qualificatione as a linguist

Lis from materiale collegiad si Camion, appeared at du aus, in Kiangos; in February, he was genotted to the Governor. abip of them; and next, the acting Uevor-generat ship of Bhen-gl and Kan-web, during the absence of the cual incumbent, who use employed, beyond the frontier ogslist the Makesmedens, in their hus medienak in 1847 the than | of Land, by Public Auction, during the month; | 410 not disputed, but the above in written, we fear, closed bus ciel comer in that of Yan-an and wecho, which he has just vacateds. It may 'se mentioned as comi plimentary to him, that an appalotment recommended by kim in the seminer, to which the Boned of Civil Offier ab

simu no furtunate se tu "pootha" a strong body of the Y4-FLI who were moving so the Southeast frontine.

jecsed informal, was approved by the frown, Hew

flapurt, which it is some degres trustmeriky when itsposka | favourably of the character v?n coluister in this ovan?y, kan over sequited lan si all charge if corrupton Filling la

ture five of the sight Governes-generelle Vice-pakis of the Empire, he has been entromed with the ousand, from first to las, more than huff the popalation of Usiku Pro-

per. His blomncial pong the undid

but with exception of about two thirds of a quarter of an acre, for an annual rental of some-

thing less than £26-(disposed of principally to a Lancer Serang,) the attempts were per- fectly futile.

'The waste of public money in keeping up an expensive Surveyor General's establishment, when there is nothing to be performed hat what Klapian Inspectne of Lands and Roads (acting also as Clerk of Deed Registry,) on a salary of some £3 or £400 your might perform, with vary great ease to himself) and with probably more satisfaction to the public than is at present felt, is becoming more and more apparent every day.

in 1839, dating a period of extraordinary GAJI, STINGED perasi Dention to the mullerings of the lower chanson dele dom ellat jsou by thom nerapying similar politions; and be in the first of the children of Han as far as we are infrase,

pirkstiem kalendercted to the improvement Chl converymen by placing befies them asidance of the sopers- arity of stranger, especially in the art of war. This may be w to have here the object of his with before alluded

rmed the baca el munther and a larger compulsibao, wich has already passed through 190 editwas. A faller sousal of t?m hook will be givan yn a String neewina. - From Asmatant Recretary Wald. Note on the comi tim and

Government of the Chimie Empire, un 1819,

Governor Honham has made an effort, during the past month, to legislate for the well

with too partial, a pon. The dialect of Ningpo ide different from that of Canton, (of which the

It fa

Doctor may have some knowledge.) no French is from English; and we have sean professional no- tive linguists, even, compelled to use pen and ink in the endeavour to make their wants known. impossible, therefore, that- Dr. Bean, in a faw weeks interconiac, have become such a proficient **ba onabled to acquire much information;- or to exhibit a knowledge of their books and lan- guage" However, we doubt not but Dr Bowring making good use of his time, of which the public will reap full bent on a future occasion. Mr Vics Consul Elmslie's performance of the Consular doties are raid to give general satisfaction.

The Missionaries, and many others, resilent in Canton, have bora much afflicted during the month by the death, under peculiarly painful circumstances,



The market in reported as being extremely dull. The "Amazon," Vincent, Master, was taking in Coolies for the Sandwich Islands.

the Reverend James G. Bridgnino; ■ Cousin of the Heverend and respected Doctor of that ne100, one of the okiost American cesidente In Chias.

For some tim previous to doath ble friends observed a mirko chango in his demeanour, suri. buted, not ahogeiket to the effect of over study, but,

We hear that a Court of Enquiry will onriainly to a want of tact diversifying labour with co mry selesation; revere wound was inflicted on the take place when an Officer of rank at the Presid- back of his bead also, in the Spring of the carrotency. The charges, us far we can socertain at

present, Are no follows:- year, by a missil from the walls of the city.

Nothing serius, however, was apprehended from bis compust of severe poise the boad; and a thile excision had been determined on into the intacior, win a moment of dorangment be

**For being habitually toe honest.

For cruelly uppressing contracture and other persons splayed to publie works, by depriving, die of their consomed grine, and insisting the government work should be done us cheaply is that of individu+le.

The whole being unbecoming in a stat officer and subversive of the "discipline which ought to be meintained in all non-millary appointments."

Proro all we hear of the surject, there is little doubt that the whole of these charges will be proved provided wilhesses con be induced to come forward, which perhaps they nay, under a promise of in demnity. Ju that event, we prosome, that dismis sal from a branch of the service for which this of Scer will be proved so completely disqualified, must immediately ensue, and he must be placed at the disposal of the Commander-in Chier, an only fit to handle lend and steel, but quite incompetent tg deal with the weightier instal-Englieben UCL 6,

inflicted, with tagor, two severe wounds on bit For grently interfering with the emoluments brost, one of thich penetrated the wind pipe, and of broster officers, and compelling some of them to

Helin-reign their appointments, took from himhe entire use of his voice.

For depriving his superiors of their rest and gered under Jurgical treatinent for several days, comfort by troublesome representations, anil for in- and k was one time supposed that he would subordination by insisting on the production of duca eventually reover; but on the 8-h matant be died. ments which was their wish to suppress. greatly to the regret of those who were acquaimed with bi; towhom he had endeared himself by his gentle manere and truthful character

The lameled geutlemen had been some eight yours in Chan; and benito other useful works bad translated Homate's Notitia Lingua Sinlow; l. bout of mo li perlarmanes, Bhortly before he died, the friend, who attended him, gure him paper und u penci to wrls anything he might wish to say. His writing on wo occasions was to the effort that he kaw his mind was deranged; and that a lunatic an sylum wall he could look forward to for many years; but le trusted that the Almighty would have mercy on him, and remore him someday to health; and he requested that his friends would offer uptheir prayers on is behalf. Ats Post Mortem examination by Dr. Paker and Murjoribenke, it was discovered that be bel for some time been labouring under severe congestion of the braia; and from the fullness of the blood vesele a won muskler of surpriza that he had not had af of appoplexs. The liver was also much diseased.


EVERY thing cominues very quist in this settlement; trade very doll The British Ships Mar and Corosian lol" are taking in Cuction, for doub Americe, on Spanish account.

In a clome of the supplement will be found the translation of an interesting article from the Bolo We take it to be tim do Govern of the 7th instal

A WHOLE BIRTH.On the morning of Saturday astive woman, living at Shebbabazar was delivered of two sons and one deugktor. Ali three are healthy looking buben, and bear a strong resemblance to each other. Ibid.

Tai Ping and

interim Shaw Sling

Yew Ning, &c.

Good to has Show Ming Yew NuIR &c.

Spanish Stairas, Cast?n --Sales in all about 1,000 procen!-Market still much depressed Quo- Lutions say, interior 90 a 95 conta.-Best storted $1 per yard. Mehem Close $1. 15 a 1. 20. Broad Gunpowder, Taels 19 a 24 ou boned Taels 2i o 30 | Clotha #1, 85.



224 = 30

JD 24 **


Is a 17

18. 22


21 a 30




10 it


11 15

At Shanghae.-The market in Woollens is re Young Ilyaoo,. ported en rather more bitoyant, Bales are elimist· | Dyson

call at about 2,000 peor at from 7505 Twacky cente per yard fur Spanish Biripes, up to $1, 10 for Dyson Mkina, Hobel Cluths, and 42 a 2. 10 for Pledions.

Our Export returns show an excess unprece At Amoy. No transactions.

denied on Shipments to the United States, pinica Loso Elis, Contem - About 3 000 pieces have||lerly of Disck Tene, while a fosture well worthy banged hands aft.i6. scarlets 87 HD. Assorted of note as teading to favur Shangher as a Port of Shipment is the rowdy response whiali bas ist na At Shanghia-?ales snout 2,503 to 3,403 pieces. | incrassed demand for humu markets throughout the $7.-H. scarla 87. 75-carted #3 80.

Benson, and at so trifling sa advance on opping Scarlets say be quted at $7 a 7. 33 11. & 11.

At Amoy. No transactions reported. Cansate, Cantona, few have clungal hande ut say 624 a 25.


The tonal quantity of Tes shipped from Shong- has since I July is 41,492,060 pounds agairt

At Shanghe. Sales of 210 pieces at 817-108 | 39,032,472 pounila for same period in 1849, and

50 pieces at from 019 a 021.

izon, Cantim-Solve reported to extent of 3,500

pecula at say.


80,048,212 punada in 1849.

STA, in Canton-Nothing done in Tayram?, or Tanties,

Al Shanghae-But Jals has been done in Silk. Bince the leat Marku Repor?(November 151b). only about 500 balso have been taken at vory full caten quality considered,

NAIL ROD, Nos. 12.9 30. 9 to 0... 00. BAR,..

.. %. 10, Hoor,..

... 2, 40. As Shongkos Nail Rod Iron, $4,45.--Sales of The Bold Stock is about 1,000 be's and Unsold about 10 Peule.

nearly a ke yuantity. A low lot have been re- LRAD, Canton-Sales of 1,200 pasule at 86,60. | zenily resold for native are, and returned to Hous At Shangkat Pig Lasil, quotations 85), no stuck | chow where `Blocks are very low, especially of CUTTON, Canion,-Tho delirarion of the month | Tastle.

are 10,976 bales; being just the half of last month's The Bhipments hence to all parts nt data ara total.

12,270 balee and may be put at 12,000 lines for the six months soding Blas instant against in-

12,100 balee,

Of Bombay, 6,580 bales at No. 1-Tasle 8, 9m. low quality to fair, Tails 7 to 8, 5m. shert price. Of Bengal, $55 Bales at for No. 1-Taelo 6, dm. Common-Taala 2, dm.

Of Madras, 4,307 bales at for No. 1-Taola 8, Om. Couson-Tuels 8, Gio. Of American 94 bales only.

Of Shanghat, 40 balva.

Stock hand 41,880 bales ngainst 61,855 in 149,-70,531 in 1848, and 90,980 in 1847,

At ?m y. Thero burn bean sales of 355 Bales Superior Bumbay at 813,60-123 Bales midding quality at from $11,99 x 811,95-104 balen i ferior al (ion $10 40 × 610,00, and 80 bales dirty Madras at $12-About 160 ton, Aladrao, nto the only stock in firet handa.

Atics at Cantos is quoted Atracan $1,80 ■ 1,45 per pecul-Bengal $1,75


1840. 1847,

1048. 1840


8,400. 8,300.

The total Shipments bence to Great Britain- for Season ending 30th June 2-ate now put at 10,000 bal.

EXCHANGE, Conton.-The Oriental Bank open ed at 5on England 6 months sight, sad 232 on Calcutta, 3 days sight, No Draughts on Burnley, American clean credits sold at te ljd a Sr. vd E 1. Company's accepled 233 a 284 Ropeos per $100,

Spore, 1.9 28 premium for duty. Gold, 23, 10.

Mexicans, 7 to 9 per cent disonant.

At Shanghes.-On London 6 moaiba sight un. der credito 6o. a ?r. ijd. per dollar.

Do. with documents de. 2d. a te 3d. East India Company's bills accepted 234 a 230

(From the Daily Alta California, Nov 5) Noble Conduct-le gives us inexpressible pleasure to reened the following sol, so disinterest- jediy generous. Last Thunday night the fire, which eventually doneoyed Dr. Smith's Hospital, was disensored at Baucelito, and Capuain Wellesley, of Al Shanghae Ariach is quoted $1,40-Bengal the British Frigate Dedalos, lying share, at unce $1,80 a $1,85 - Formo-a $14 nominal, no stock. dispatched two catters, freighted with man to offer At Amoy Formosa in quoted $1,55 & 91,60 per Distance: They reported to the Collector of the pecol No Foreign grain in the place. | port before daylight, and rendered all the assistance OPIUM A Canton, on 27th, Patin was qo?sed | Rupees par 100 dallara,

within their power: The wat speaks for itself-it | $430,~~~Malwa $500.-Benaros $482),-Turkoy Deeds no praise How much more glorious to per- | 9350, form and record auch a work of humanity than to


At Shangkas, Patns was quoted § 493 for numbers gain a victory in a strife of blood, or to buy it! May over 16,000-under that a reduction of $10 is re- our two greit uations-of one common origin-guired-Only 150 Close Patus remained at over again any strife but that which streg Woosung. Malwa is quoted at from $390 $394 it gles for the saonudency in doing good, in prevent had been up however to $630 but the nowe par ing destruction and saving life, rather than la des-Lady Mary Wood" caused a rapid decline. traging Captain Wellesley is nephew of the Stock at Woong about 1,800 Chenta

Duke of Wellington. May his fate ki thin harmonD ities of gentle pesos equal the warlika prestige of

the ** Iron. Duke."

COMMERCIAL INTELLIONWOH. (From the Overland Friend of China, Deo. 30) GENERAL MARKET REPORT.

Canton (26' Doumber) The scarcity of money, and will bignet rates of exchange, have again had the effect of obecking an otherwin Cavourable market.

in diplomatic phraseology a "ferlar" and intended to weito Her Majesty the Queen of Portugal, and ber Majesty's European subjects, to the actioning of aggz va mesures towards the Chinese Gover mant and Pimple; but we are inclined to think that the day of vengeanca has been too long delayod ! not - will in now be phmibles to Tx cupon the Chino Go ernment the crime of Jovernor Do Amarul's mor- der; although the apathy evinced in the manner, and other circumstances, are strong evidence of the tacit sanction afforded to the dastardly ascination.

By the law of nations the person of an Ambae dor in anered sa Majesty itself, and even the Ro bespierra revolutionis, ignorant and blood thing rabble as they were, were ant guilty of such breach ofmational faith, and are known to have paid respect ven to on Ambassador's passport. But China, in this respect, is without the pale of civilation, and bur rulera obstinately, refuse to come within k. Unless, therefore, the other Europman, or America.lowing rates power side with Portugal (which we do not think they are inclined to do) malgre nii,thai su said ja tih article referred to, we doubt the ability of Hermod faithful Majesty's Geverament to coerce the Chines into all that la required.

If the carrying of the Pasalhao Fort was as aya-mauer as the bombardment and taking of the Barrier, by the British in 1840, we can assure |

Shanghon, (2016 December). Notwithstanding the excessive rate of exchange, the market has been very banyant; and wouraity, of manage the chief imperiment to the transaction of a large busincas. At Amoy (23 Desember) Trade has been very dull; but stocks of all kinds of Imports are very small

Gant Buterinos, Canton-Sales have been effected to the extent of 65,000 pieces: at the fol.

6 reads weighing 54 exttles



























At Amoy, Putna was gasted fir?n at $ 192, Bona. res 3807-but only a small amount of business appedce to have been transexied,

EXPORTS. Tuan, Canton.-The following are the reported purchases during the month.

Congo-17 or 18 chope at from Tacle 144 lo 18-Stuck, 80 chopa.

Rupers per 100 dollars.

Bille on India at 10 days sight 285 e 250

Bank ( bills do. 11ad a de.

On Canlop et par.

Amos, Syces per cent discount. Menicans, 7 a 10 par cant discount.

FARIGHTS, from Canton.-To England £2; but

many fine American vesarle are offering at £1.10 all round, which is likely to be the rela

About 18,200 Tons of Bhipping are at Wham- pos, say:-



5,300 Too British

American Dutch










Fraights from Sogne to England £3, to for

Bouchonga,--15 chopa at Tada 16 to 13 for com- Tea and 24 for Silk. About 8,500 Tom of Ship- mon and 'aala 20 to 24 for falt to good in or on their way to the port-ay 6tock lurge

Flamery Pekose-nothing done.

Scented Orange Pakoer-About 1,300 packe have changed hande et from Taela 17 10 28 for common to fair, and Tacle 28 to 32 for good fan decoriptiona,

Plain Capers-Nothing done. Scented Capers,-2,000 boxes taken at from Taela 10 to 20 and on to 3

Ningyongs and Oolonge,-About 5,000 packages of the former isken on American account, at from 17 19 21 Taola -Sucks rather large.

CANTON GREEN, Gunpowders,-1,000 pack- ages taken at Tasks 18 and 16 for spurious kinda, ail from Tuele (5 to 20 for common and fair klods. Young Hytons,Sume 400 packages taken at from Tuole 14 10 18.

COUNTRY GRA??-H ?vo arrived freely during | the month and sock now amounts (madex 207,000 packager; but in consequines of the high rates of exchange, and on account of the large Shipments


6,700 Tone British










800 Tone Brush




Shipping at Amoy.

Tou! my 1,900 'Tons. Bhipping in Hongkong,




7,000 Tom British 1,900

American 400







H Bwedish


Tonly 11,350 TODI,

Total quantity of mercantile Shipping in China (exclusive of Steamers, lying up Vearele and Coast


The principal demand being for 00 and 72 reed. fram Shanghon, purchased thers at low raten, the | are) say, 38,000 Tons against 47,000 Tons of last

the Editor of the "Boletim" this such Aghing (of which there are but small stacks from 10

10 cents more per piece can (this 26th) bernadily was quite so different an affair from what was ex-

5 to 6 allies 91,90 to $2,15

perienced by our Troops in their northern Cam-obind for those particular reeds,

At Shangha. Deliverin roached 100,000 paigas, sa can possibly be imagined. The Tartarpiones: quolations being, Troops at Chin-han, Chin.kayng-foo, and other places. fought as bravely no over Europeana did.

Portugal had better bide her time. She will not bave to wait long.

6 to 04 61107


2,20 to 2,26


2,29 to 2.82

7 to 71


$,60 to 2,80

At Amoy nothing whatever had been done in

chia article, not was there expectation of any thing

At Whampon, a large Mandaria Station is now established, where the Junk masters, formerly teaning done before the Chinese new your, in Febru. seling business at Marso, ?attend and arrange all | dy next.)


market has not yet opened.

Skins-15,000 packages bought during the

month,st from Tarls 13 to 15.-Stock 23,000 pkgs. Tenkay-1,700 packages of fine quality taken for Portugal nt from Tuela 21 to 20 ---Stock 7,500 packages.


Hyo-2,500 packages taken for India and Dec. the Continent, at Tacis 28, to 60.-Stock 26,000 packagen.



?? ????????,

27, Royalist, Browning, from Amoy 26th Dec. 28, Nymph, Wilson, from Namos, 27th Dec.

Young Hour,No asics reported.Stock 23, Mor, Almon, from Calcutta, 3rd November, 110.000 parkagen.

and Singapore 23rd do.

Imperial and Gunpowder.-a fow hundred pack-

29, Vizen, Bradshaw, from Cumpingmoon. kagos taken i Trela 45 to 45.-Stock 40,000 29, Audax, Glover, from Woong 15th Doc. packages.

The total quantity of Tes shipped from Canton 30, Nerbudda, Mein, from Hartlepool, 29th July. .000 pieces, of principally high reeds; quotations since 1st July is 21,203,884 pounds, against 11, Mahomed Shak, Macmeikan, from Borano, 6th

80,621,629 poumls for un period in 1849, and 31, Lady Peel, Fraser, from Sydney, 10th Oct. 24,156,107 pounds in 1844.

"A fullowe:-

that is oncemary," The forcible closing of the Me- [Waire Saintinas, Canton.-Sales reported at eno Custom House-vera suicidal measure; a death blow to the interess of the settlement; and altoge ther prompted by falso notions of what is dus to the dignity of an European power. Hongkong would ba in a much better position at the present day, if Bir Henry Pottinger's proposal bad been carried out, of paying the Chinese Goveturent a reat for the whole Island, and of allowing Chinese Cussin House Officers, andur proper surveillance, to have full run of the port.


Tn news from this part of Chine is of trivial im- port; the bulk of interesting matter will be found in our market report

At Shanghot.

69 reede $2,15

64 reeds $290








2,TU 72









84 reads and yoder

2,05 to $2,25


2,40 +









pip; quotations being.


A Amoy. By Salos of 1,400 pieces, fair quality,

a1 81 per place, the market was completely cleurod

CICTON YARK, at Canton-Sales to the extent of 800 Bales are reported at Nos. 16 a 24880--- Nov. 82-139.

At Amoy. A Sale of 85 Bales Nos. 18 a 20 at $32,th had completely cleared the market; and



At Shanghae-Selements for the month may 31, Water Witch, Man, from M.

be noted at 30 to 40 chopa Congou nad Bouchong, Dec.


with the exception of one or two, all of valerior 27, Afemnon (Am), Gordon, from Hongkong.


11, Amazon, Vincent, from Sandwich Islands.

grode, from 18 Tuelt downwards, and for the sea. Dec.

on about 380 full chops or 230,000 chests. tireen, met levents for the month are about 19 " 15,000 clients and half cheato, oud for ibu seneun

30,000 packager (rated na cueste and listi chesta.)

Jo Stock are about 40 chops Congau and Sou-

ebong, and fro?n 6 = 8,000 parkagne Grosa

12, Katis (Spun), Robotado, from Slanila 10th Nov.


Per Royalist, Mr. Bradley.

Prices of Black Teas have formed tacher in fa- Deo.


mur of the buyer, sky Ordinary Bound Congan, 27, Vista, Bradshaw, Com-ingroom, Thele 11,5 a 19,5. Good Undioary to Bast Mid, 27, Fries (Peruvian), Washburn, Whampoa, Tuela (8,5, higlier qualites none on market. 21, Investigate, Gilmora, Whainpon.

In fancy Black beyond a few chupa Pekos held | 27, # ?ater Il'uch, Mann, Camsingmoon. for 16 a 92 Tuels, nothing can be noticed.

| 28, Devia, Baretim, Amoy. Greau Tess bare heen taken clumly for price, 23, Autrupe (Am), Roundy, Whampoa.

an urgent demand existed for this article of import; | low qualitles showing a slight advance on previoni 29, Mazeppe, Dowuinn, Woosung,

at an idvance on quotatione,

rates, current quotulado say 2-

29, Stateman, Lane, London,


DEATH). At Victoria, on the 21stiost, Cal. Navnet R.A+


New Advertisements will be received until 7 O'Clock, on the evenings previous to publi. catim, vil: Taradaya and Pristays

Standwich Islands Now, Nov. Caterin Laboen




Unked tes Orl 13


Nov. }






C. of G. Clone


Fan Francisco








Am. Nurpo

Des Dee. V Dec 93 Dve $4 Dec 1




NOTIOP. - Ia bereby giron, that

are Hours of Diefer Series In the Cavetorak ?ueven or By Jonn ure, an Exchlage ut 11 a. m, and at 4 v. m., kad on Thurnaud P. H


8. Past's College,

Victoria, and October, 1830.

Aculog Callapisin,

NOTICE-The hour of Public Worship in the Unz?m Cusers, Hollywood Brad, is on the Sabbath at 98 a. m

Victoria, tai Juor, 1650,






Hives | Brio

A. M. P




grunday, 3 Fridov,


0,41 6,41 6.29 9.15 10,05 6,4 5,27 10,21| 10,41

New Moon to-morrow at Ob 20m. F. M.

Ilus Lordship the Bishop of Victoria will hold a confirmation in St. John's Cathedral, on Nun day the 29th instant and pertice desirous of being confirmed are requested to communicate with either the Colonial or the Military


It has been announced that on Bunday the 12th instant there will be an ordination; when Mr Odell and Mr Holderness are to be admitted Deacons of the Church of England.


said to have had the effort of stirring up a spirit of determination in the villagers, who, forming themselves into miltio, and combining their forces, gave battle to the insurgents, and with a slaughter of some fourteen hundred com. pletely dispersed them.

For the Grand Industrial Exhibition, but few articles will bo sent from China. The $9,250 collected in Canton are to be returned to the respective subscriberi; some of whom how‧ ever intend the transmission of a few packages. We hear that Mr Itipley of the Canton firm of Ripley, Smith & Co, has made a most interesting collection of curious and costly Tear; and has been successful in obtaining nearly every variety of the herb grown in China,

Mr R. B. Forbes, of the firm of Russell & Co. and Consul in Caston for the United States of America; is also about to forward woma bozuti- ful specimens of Chinese handicraft.

We learn that Mr Jackson of Amoy (Consu- lar Agoni for Franco) is like wise sending home

some valuable curiosdies.

At Shanghas the Merchants appour to be as spathetic on the matter as in flongkong.


Pixe seasonable weather-continued diser- rangement of the currency-and the absence of any remarkable event, form the principal heads of our monthly Summary. A great number of the Privates of the 50th Regiment are still in

antidote. But this doctrine, Alns ! in the flong. ; being of the Colony ; but the Ordinances on- kong Garrison, is altogether repudiated; an the meagre regimen of the summer obtains throughout the whole year.

Among our extracts will bo found part of a letter, in which the idea ontortained by the Chinese of the "penny wise-pound foobsh" economy of the Commissariat (or as it is call- ed in the Compradoric the Commnissaly "pidgin") in summed up very graphically in the words "bat Sollier man too muchee likes that cheap thing."


acted, one to check the desertion of foreign Mainen, another to aid Justices in performance of duty, aro very faulty, and open to considera- blo amendment,

The Autumn Criminal Sessions occupied two full days, and part a of third; the Calendar was not a heavy one, and only four Criminals received sentence of transportation. The case of greatest interest was that of uttering a forg ad check for $300, particulars of which will be found among our extracts.

It is with great pleasure we learn that these

A caro of robbery, of £10,099 worth of matters are attracting a considerable degree of Bills of exchange, effected in the Summer of public attention in England. The opinion ex- 1849, has lately come under preliminary in. pressed by the Editor of the "Times" that regtigation by one of the Police Magistrates, seven of every ten of the sick might havo It is called a robbery, but there is hardly auf been saved, with proper precautions, is true ficient evidence, at present, to prove it such: to a degree. If Civilians can preserve health | For the particular we also refer to a detail in in this country, so, in an equal manner, may supplement. the military portion of the community By There is too much reason to fear that tho the next Mail we shall hope to hear of the sp system of imparting to Chinese an education pointment of a Committee of Enquiry into the according to the English mode of instruc causes of sickness; and from the report of tion is akogether an erroneous one.

We such a Committee, ineant may be deduced for hardly ever remember to have heard from proventing a recurrence of the horrors of past | disinterested individuals but one opinion on years. To sensitive minda tho continued mor-

the subject, and that is "give Chinoso boy an English education and you give hun but the means of becoming a greater rogne than he was born." There are very few who can be pointed out as instances to the contrary of this theory, in opposition to the greater number of those in support of i

tality every summer is very afflictive; and it was a matter of some surprize that this year there was oots general panic,

But the Committoe's meinbora inust be men of liberal sentiments-independent-and ant like apital; and, owing to the severo sicknesses of ly to gloss over the glaring mismanagement and the summer, hardly two thirds of a Garrison, neglect of those in whoso departments remedial measures have remained. The interest which of thousand men are in a fit slate


The hecknied assertion of the slave hokler that Africans are born with ideas only equival- ent to a bondaged position;-the belief that certain classes and tribes of the human race must always rank low in the scale of intellect, are but axiomu on a parallel with that which accords to the Chiness, tona- city of temperament, whereon it is impossible to engraft European cuntonia and general habits of thought. It will be for the supporters of

do guard, or any other, duty. To the partially! Dr Bowring exhibited, in his place in the House Chap-convalescent the cold winds, from the north, of Commons, in the Winter of 1844, when generally prevalent at this season of the year, the quarantine laws were under consideration, Chailed with pleasure by the acclimatized) come and the profound and varied knowledge brought laden with severe attacks of intermuttent lever; to beer on that important question, are great from which only generous diet is the great reasons in support of the proposition that the learned Doctor be requested to act as President of the Province of Kwang-ups," an extret of which of such Committee. of Members we would given in the Chinese Stepository of October 1843, we learn but he was born in 1998, in the department of Fo-chan-fa, indicate the heads of the principal British mer- | the London Missionary Society to consider In 1800, be toch via moter's and in 181) his diet ry deuteri was dowed yes higher fire his staminasi, and com cantilo establishments in Victoria; say-The well the utility, or otherwise, of upholding the maoden we study the Atanchu Language Afar vark-go-

Honourable Mentre Jardine and Ellgor ( Mem- | system of education na at present practised at playmarnes sa u livrare her, he was appointed in 1810 (the year of Lord Amherst's embowy), amittunt modernt ber of Council)-Archibikl Campbell,~'T. | thair Seminary in this city.

D. Neave.-T. W. L Mackcan.-W. P. Livingston,-D. Fletcher.-W. Davidson,--C

On Monday Evening the Brethren of the Royal Zetland Lodge No. 788 kald their an- nual banquet in the Lodge Rooms adjowing the Danish Consulate.

About Billy sat down, at 7 o'clock, to a sump. tous dinner; Bandwith Drinker, Esquire W. M. in the clinir. After the usual loyal tople, it was proposed to drink Our Guests" of whom there were upwards of a dozen not belonging to the craft.

This was done with due masonic hon and acknowledged by a Gentleman present in a very appropriate address of some ten mi nutes duration. Tha speaker commenced by warmly congratulating the Worshiplu! Master and the Brethren on the unanimity of feeling so apparent throughout the assemblage. Al- though he was not powered of the slightest inkling of the mysterious tie which bound so many together in the bonds of fraternity, yet, he could but, as an impartial observer, appre ciate the whole scheme of free masonry,

It bad existed, it was certain, from ages the most remote, had passed through avil report, and through good report, and mill flourished and he trusted would long continue to flourish; for ahtough he believed it was not the practice of Freemasons to blazon forth their deeds of charity, yet a sufficient gumber of such acts were heard of, to indicate the benevolent prin- ciples upon which the society was evidently Jounded. The speaker concluded by proposing "the Ladies" a tone responded to, as a matter of course, with all that gallart warmth for which freemasons are remarkable. Some excellent songs wound up the harmony of the evening and on the "weo ama hour ayont the twal" was en- tered on, the chair was vacated, and, the party afterwards acperated in apparent lugh good humour with themselves, and with every one else in the world,

(From the Overland Friend of China, Dec. 30) CHINA.


Tun disturbances in the Kwang-lung and Kwong-si provinces, forming the most import. ant items of intelligence in our Summaries of the last four months, are now said to be at an end. Lin-ih-sa, who was commissioned by the Emperor to procend to the seat of rebellion, and concert mensures with the authorities for repressing the tables, in reported to have died, on or about the 19th ultimo ; an event mot at all. unlikely, considering the previous weak stato of hin health. The report, however, of lus advent,

‧ No c'hleen with whom we have been in camaet ban batter claim than Lim to a separate mundt of his carent of Sorry-mu yours.

Frum & malite work entitled " A Csuk gue of the officers

the serial examination fe degrees Is the provincang

Th?, la became one of the two Cacarra repes meeti ing Kangsaan, and, in the same year. Jonndant alomat the four ('wani u if Chehching. In 1924, kis health onepel.

but he was, afera shortiteral, mop. J. F. Stuart,-G, Lyall,-J. G, Morrison,-), edhe five & resita of, and in a few printed in on mom was made aciles Commisioner of Place the Phillipe and W. or A. Scott, Esquires. We have pestines. In 1928, he move to the Chifrupurinesadenar.f the rice of Chibiting and Kinng-on, a most important trail, wh?n ha cober's devih obliged his in weturn bome to mourn the three prats enrobed by law, Before this br badzy jed, he was direch vi by nic impecial order to nemmeno

the supervision of rectum earth work the Bud here liver, and, cresently, cord be Shearbai to salt with her of Birra upro slam ? spedanty of all swing gru?u so bu tronapart- ed by sea, instead of by the Grad Canel. His health faling, be war permited to return to his antro pe vinos and should be revured and his morning anded and whilst living in entirement "n this servant, was allowed to dealing on being Ball-pcbp. In 1927, he repaired

mamat sa Bhenal, sa Judge sod Acong

Trebourer. The death if his father new per him in arm

lag til 1830, when, on bring premated, he was made

of p, but no refer in come pocity; thence to Nasking in 1991, and shamon, aus, the Bapendence of the Yellow Hiver, Is 10% during a parind of great destrom, bu wao Governor of Kiong-

108, Govern era of Ho-Keng of of the pih and 11w-awn zie 1838, he was summoned to Peking, and the pelvileg nocended kim · E riding on horseback wohin the precincts of the Imperial vrai enor. In 1979, he wored bla mul se High tomtui-muner, and peronesed to Kasap tang to put down to povem tenda z this spemal appuitment ahliged him in decline the O-ringancial-hip of the Two King, comprising the there provison of Ngawi, Klang: se, and Kiangai, so which he was nondusted, bot that ul dhe Twe Kuong way men cond reed on him, to be held, no by Klying sa 50, gather with his High Commission Hi adice against the precribed alloj ka manages to pres vant back the trade in, and consumption at, the drug z kie letter to the Queen of long-and ; and Ma treatment of the British community, which harcad them so resins into Camon and brought on the war concluded by the Trosty of Nam- bra sirendy part of the businey of one intercourse with thiss. Upon the news of the crumblon his energy and created maching the Court, the good Butendon of me ith veces avail d'him nabing and he was recalled to Price In September 1940, to he tried for his h?i, na ono wao had increased the mischief he had barn sent in romady. He lef Case in Alay 1881, and was kanabed to 1. In Dew, wear, he was re-red to his former peat Chorsense of the Yellow River; und 1837, was reported daad. Upwo this up Impasini (1) manifesto appeseed, a l' ordinaire, penising in the highest arms the principles and demes refine depard scaleman, decreeing him a pall of honour, a to Le poured by tw Priors, 150 Febi Funeral, and

la the Imperial armatary, Barly in 1945, mtwithstand

The shocking munder of a Portuguese female, and her doborn Child, by her exasperated bus- hand, will be found in another part; the mur. deror has, for the prosent, altogether escaped,

named fourteen, although we think a Cumniit. The average mumber of rainy days for De- tee of twelve would be amply sufficient. Wacomber is eighteen. We have not however have also taken an apparent liberty in inention had the fourth of that number, during the month ing names in this manner; but we do so under just ending. Such a continued drought was the perfect conviction that unless these gentle hardly ever known before; and the rice harveal men are appointed, (or others of similarly well can be but a very scanly one. A lamine, in known independent principles and standing in the southern provinces of China, would be the Colony,) the whole commimion will fall productive of serious consequences, and it to the ground. We hope this may not be is incumbent on those in whose province mich the case; If Lord Grey trifles with the subject things lie, to watch the signs of the times with and writes to Mir Bonham to name a Commin- great attention. Several old voyagers round sion. that gentlemen, we fear, judging from the Horn, and across the Pacifics, have in precedent, will either tell his Lordship that formed us that the very little wet weather the causes of sickness are found, wud that further experienced this year, on their routes, in quito enquiry is uveless, or he will, by accident, name remarkable. as Committeemen some of theea convenient tools, to be found, we expect, in every Bruish Colony: creatures who, to maintain position


Owing to the great scarcity, of money, trade is

or with a hope of bettering one, will sacrifice very dull; thisty shillings per son for Tous to Eng every upright and honourable feeling, and, if'itland is completely ruinous, and yet, at that rate, it were possible, mako black, to serve a purposo, | is supposed that the whole capacity of shipping at

Whampoa, say 7,000 tone, night ba angnged. appene to be white.

But Mr Bonham, as Commander-in-Chief, is party interested, and as remarked by De Bowring on the occasion above referred to;- * All sanatory regulations aro ?uwened adrift when very great men are concerned. In such cases who dreams of the public health?" We trust however that Lord Grey, or his successor, (for wo do not expect to hear of his Lordsbip's retention of Office much longer) will act in-

ng work regarding freige otstes ad te ha compes by dependently in this matter; and troat this Col.

De Bowring has not yet retained from the North. The Jearoad gentlemen, apposes to be in grost favour with residents at Ningpo. We take the fol towing from the "North China Herald" of the 146 instant.-

*H M. Banner Brynend, let thle ne the 97th skima, for Puhehou, with the Bishop of Victoria un Gyard. Dr. Bowring, Brunately, but his perage from delays con po ibe Decks captivated the thien tim comosso poeple ages on bla trip on the Talants. During his stay at Ning-

woje pleseed with Ma affability, which enabled him sa nes quire much information, and on the other hand, schlere and alle paid him worked trapect, on apewani "f his leteracy

Bewring went to town hierte unvisited by any fu dainese and he knowledge of thate banke and languag

Lit from materile collected at Gamon, appeared at the sony, and the public generally, with that impar-Dr.

is Kiang; in February, be was geted the Corotiality which we bave a right to demood.

ship of Phana) ; and next, 10 the seting Lieversor-general-

snip of Bbon-al and Kamesh, during the absence of the real Incumbent, who was employed, beyond the frontar agobist

There have been two altempts to dispose

the 24 shemmedens, in their lost outbreak in 1947. Un then | of Land, by Public Auction, during the month; closed his career in that of Yan-san and weich, but with exception of about two thirds of a which he has just voosted. It may be mentioned no comi plimentary to him, that so appointment recommended by quarter of an acre, for an annual rental of soine- him in the mer, which the by Cid, for us jected informal, was approved by this Levan, also do futamate an da "anothe" a strong body of the Yo Fan wh were moving on the Southwest funties.


thing less than £25-(disposed of principally

to a Lancar Serang,) the sitempts were per

The waste of public money in keeping up an

Heport, which is in some degres wairworthy whan kapaska | lectly futile. favourably of the character fa ministry in this o-untry, kao over sequiated Lim wa all charge of corruption. Finer lo

we five of the sight Governor glue Vice-expensive Surveyor General's establishment, of the Empire, be has been entrosted with the denied, from dest to lang of more than half the population of China Pro par. His blusporial expres wung the condition of Kling-s in 1838, during a period of extenofossary diaries, erineva a

personal attention to the ouderings of the lower

when there is nothing to be perforined but what an Inspector of Lands and Roads (acting also las Clerk of Deed Registry,) on a salary of some £3 or £400 a year might perform, with very great case to himself and with probably more satisfaction to the public than is at present felt. is becoming more and more apparent every day.

dem exhind by these occupying similar pokinons; and he in the first of the clikdean of Plan "? fie na wa seu inf road,

de has been directed to the improvement constrymen by phoing bef en them asidence of the expres oetry of stranger', especially in the act of war. This may be old so have been the ubject of nie work before alluded voz ju formed the back of murther and a larger compulssion, Which has alevody passed though two edin. A fuller scount of the book will be given un " fining verwing.- From Astatant Recretary Wade's Note on the condition and Government of the Chinate Empire, in 1842,

Governor Honham has made an effort, I during the past mouth, to legislate for the wall

Dr Bowring's general qualifications as a linguist are not diapoted, but the above in written, we fear, with too partial, a pon. The dialect of N?ngpe je ne different from that of Canton, (of which the

Doctor may have some knowledge.) 19 French is tire linguists, even, compelled to use pen and ink in from Engfith; and we have seen professional an-

the anden your to make their wanis koown. It to

impossible, therefore, that Dr. Bean, in a for weeks intercourse, have become such a proficient no to "be enabled to sequit" much information;- or to exhib a knowledge of their books and lan- guange" flowever, we doubt not but Dr Bowring making good use of his time, of which the public will reap full ben Vice Consul Elmalia's performance of the Consular duties are said to give general satisfaction.

on a future occasion.


The Missionaries, and many others, resilent in Canton, have barn much afflicted during the month by the death, under poculinely painful circumstances,



The market in reported as being extremely dull. The "Amazon," Vincent, Al sater, was taking in Coolien for the Sandwich falando.

the Reverend Janes G. Bridgman; ■ Cousin of he Revercad and respected Doctor of that ante, ne of the oldest American residents in China. For como um previous to death his friends observed a misko changu in his demeanour, witri. buted, ant altogeller to the effect of over study, but, to a want of tect diversifying labour with neces cary velazation; severe wound was inflicted on the back of his head also, in the Spring of the curroutency. The chargen, wo far we can ascertain t

prescal, are ni Gollows: - wear, by a missie from the walls of the city.

Nothing sortis, however, was apprehended from his complint of severe pains in the hood; and a ikile excusion lind been determined on into the interior, we in a moment of dorangment be

Wx hear that a Court of Enquiry will enrtainly take place ubon an Officer of reak at the

For being habially too honest. For cruelly oppieaning contracture and other persons employed to publia works, by depriving, them of their accustomed gulna, mud insisting that government work should be dano anche ply as that of

inflicted, with sazer, two severe wouails on his For gready interfering with the emoluments throat, one of thich penetrated the wind pipe, and of brother officers, and compelling some of them to

Ho lin-resign their appointments, ok from blanche entire uns of his voice.

For depriving his superiors of their rest and gered under Surgical treatment for several days, comfort by troublesome representations, and for in and it was one time supposed that he would nbordiostion by asisting on the production ofd-cu- eventually supver; but on the 6-h lestant he died, ments which it was their wish to suppress.

The whole being umbecoining in a stall officer greatly the regret of those who were acquired

and subversive of tho 'disciplise which ought to be with him; whom he had endeared himself by his

masintained in all non-military appointments." gesule manas and truthful character

From all we hear a the subject, bore is little The lomated gentleman had been some eight doubt that the whole of these charges will be prevel youre in Chin; and brakle other weeful works and provided wilmados con be indured to come forward, tranulated Pocoara'n Notitia Lingua Sinica; a la.which perhaps they may, under a promise of in demnity. In that event, we prosume that diania bour of no light performance, Shortly before he died,

sal from a branch of the service for which this of the friend, who attended him, gave him paper and a ficer will be proved so completely disqualified, inual pencil to wris anything hu might wish to my. His immediately ensue, and the must be plaerd at the disposal of the Commander-in Chisi, as only fit to writing on pro occasions was to the effect that be

handle land and steel, but quito incompetent to know his rund was deranged; and thats lunatic ar

doel with the weightier tal-Englishman UCL 8, aylin wer'all he could look forward to for many years; but jo trusted that the Almighty would have mercy on him, and restore him some day to henkh, and be requested that his filende would offer up their prayers on his behalf. Als Post Mortem examination by Drs. Paker and Merjoribanke, it was discovered that be bal for some time been labouring under severe congestion of the brain; and from the fulle of the blood vesels it was meter of surprize that he had and had a fit of uppoplexy. The liver was also much diseased.


A WHO HALI Blare.-On the morning of Bacurday stive woman, living at Shobbabazar, was deliveral of two sons said one laugheor. All thos are healthy looking bebes, and bear a strong resemblance to each other. - Ibid.


Tai l'ing and interine She Ming

Good to An

Show Hing

Yea Ning &.

Brand Stripes, Cuntas -Sules in all about 1,000 proces;-Market still much depressed. Quo tutions say, inferior 90 a 95 conta-Heal astorted

per yard. Medium Clusia $1. 15 a 1, 20, Broad Gunpowder, Tauls 10 a 24 on board Tacle 21 a 30 Cloth $1.85,


19 a 20 18 17 18. 22



12 14

Al Shanghae-The market in Woollane in re- Young Hyeon. portal su rather more buoyant, Bales are estimat llyson

all at about 3,000) previa al from 75 a 95 Twankay

Hyonn Skins cenia por yard for Spel Hiripes, up to $1, LU for Habit Clothe, and 2 % 10 fur Mediums.



24. 30

in 4 27 21.30

10 a ti

1113 Our Export returns show an excess unpreco- dented on Shipments to the United Stater, particu


At Amoy. No tradesetions. Loxo Etla, Conton --About 3 000 pieces bare | forly of Black Tene, whilst a fentury well wordy changed hende scarlets 67 80. Assorted of note as tending to favur Shaugher as a Port of Shipment is the ready response which has cues ma At Shanghon-~Sales about 2,503 to 3,000 pieces. | Increased demand fur home markets throughout the 87.-11. eestis a 87 75-casted #3 80.

Benton, and at so triding an advance on opening Scarlets may be qouted at #7 ? 7. 3.) 11. & 11.

Al Amoy. No transactions reported. Caulets, Candon-A few have changed hands. The tonal quantity of Tes slipped from Shang- ot say 031 ■ 25,

bao since la July is 41,494,060 pounds sguir at At Shanghat Sales of 210 piscos a1017-sad | 29,042,472 pounds for mine period in 1849, and

30,048,212 pounds in 1819.

SILK, in Canton-Nothing done in Taysaamis, or Testies.

0 pieces at from 919 a $21.

Inon, Canton-Sales reported to extent of 3,500 pecule at bay.


NAIL RO, Nov. 1 a 2., 2 30. 9 to 02.00. BAR... floor...

.... 2. 10. n. 40. At Shanghoe Nail Rod Iron, 1,45.--Sales of about 600 Picule.

LRAD, Canton.Soles of 1,200 pecula at $6,60. At Shanghoe Pig Lawl, quotations $51, no stuck COTTON, Canton, -The delivarien ut the month are 10,976 bales; being just the half of last month's Lotel.

Of Bombay, 6,580 bales at No. 1-Tasis 8, 9m. low quality to fuir, Tale 7 to 8, 5m. obert price. On Bengal, 555 Biles at for No. 1-Tania 8, 8m. Commen-Taala 2, 4m.

Of Madras, 4,367 bales nt for No. 1-Taula 8, 9m. Cominon-l'arls 8, 5m. Of American 34 balve ouly.

. Of Shanghoe, 40 kali s.

Stork head 41,486 balra ngainst 61,855 in $549,-70,531 in (848, and 90,880 in In47.

At Shanghas-But liule has been done in Silk. Bince the last Market Report(November 18th).only about 500 bales have been taken at very full raten z quality onusidered.

The Bold Stock lo aboot 1,000, ba?as and Unsold sourly the quantity. A low lou have been re- cemily resold for satire oar, and returned to Ele chow where Blocks are very low, especially of Tantee.

1846, 1847. 1848. 1849

The Shipments hence to all parla ant data nee 12,270 bales and may be put at 12,000 files for the six months suding Ste instant against ju

12,100 bal.

· 14400

8,400.. 8,300 The total Shipments hence to Orest Britain for Beason ending 30th June ne?iace now pul at 10,000 baton.


EXCHANON, Canton, The Oriental Bank open

ed at 50 on England 6 monthe sight, and 232 on

At Amy. There have been estes of 358 Bales | Calcula, 3 days sight. No Drogists on Bumbay.

Superior Bombay at 813,60-135 Bales midding quality al from $11,90 x 811,03-104 balen i terior at from 210 10 × 810,80, and 20 bales dirty Mindras st $19-About 160 Balon, Madras, are the only stock in firet hands

Rick Contos is quoted Atrac?n $1,80 a 1,45

per pecul-Bengal $1,75

(From the Daily Alta California, Nov 6) Noble Conduct-lt give us inexpressible plsure to reened the following not, an disinterest ediy generous. Last Thursday night the fire, which eventually dopraved Dr. Smith's Hospital, was discovered at Baupelito, and Captain Wellesley, of the British: Frigate Dedalus, lying there, at unce dispatched two cultors, freighted with men le uffer assistance. They reported in the Collector of the port before daylight, and rendered all the nusistence OPIUM Al Canton, on 27th, Pains was quoted within their power: The act speaks for ivelf-is | 8490.-Malwa 9600,-Bemates 04824,-Turkey

At Shanghat Ar?ncan is quoted #1,40-Bengal $1,80 a $1,85 - Formo-a B14 nomina), no stod?,

At Amoy Furman is quoted 61,55 $1,60 per

No Foreign graio in the plage. pecul

form and record such a work of bumanity ilan to

de ne praise How much more glarines to per-3.0.

COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. (From the Overland Friend of China, Dec. 30) GENERAL MARKET REPORT.


At Amoy, Pain was quoted firin at $192. Bana. 507-but only a small amount of busines appears to bave been transcated,


Tuan, Canton. The following are the reported purchases during the month.

Congo-17 or 18 chope at from Task 14 to 18-Stuck, 80 chopa.

Bouchong,-15 chops at Tachi 16 to 13 for com.

Evany thing continues very quiet in this settlement; trade very dull The Briti-h Ships Maria"

At Shanghae, Patna was quoted $493 for numbere and "Coroman lei" are taking in Cooties, for youth

gain a victory in a strife of bland, ur tu luged it ! May over 18,000-under that a reduction of 10 du re- America, on Spaniab accoun

In a clamo of the supplement will be found the our two greet uations-of one quomon origin- quirad-Only 150 Chosts Paton remained at translation of an interesting article from the Boleto never again any strife but list which strug Wooing. Malwa in quoted at from $390 $594 it had been up however w 9630 but the news poc gles for the condency in doing good, in prevent tim do Governo of the 7th instant. We take it to be ing destruction and saving life, rather than in des. Lady Mary Wood" caused a rapid decline. In diploma ic phrasoology a "ferlar" and intended to. | troying Captain Wellsstay is a nephew of the Stack at Wooming show! 1,800 Chesla.

Like of Wellington. May his fame ka the human ente Her Majesty the Queen of Portugal, and her

ities of gentle pence equal the warlike prestige of Majesty's European subjects, to the sanctioning of

the Iron Duke," aggress to messures towards the Chinese Govern- ment and Penpla ; but we are inclined to think that dio day of vengeance has been too long delayed; not- will it now be possible to fix upon the Chinues Gur- erminent the crime of Gerrmor Do Amatal's mar- der; although the apathy ovinced in the matter, and Other circumstances, are strong evidence of the back sanctie afforded to the dastardly asesination.

By the law of natiore the person of an Ambas. andor ja uuered na Mojesty itself, nod oven the Ro- bespierre revolutionists, ignoret and bloodthirsty rabble as they were, were ant guilty of such breach of national.fal?b, and are known to bave paid respect. erng to an Ambassador's passport. But China, io this respect, is without the pala uf civila ition, und bor rulers obstinately, refuse to come within Unless, therefore, the other European, or America. powers side with Portugal (which we do not think they are inclined to de) mulgrs all ibat is said in the article referred to, we doubt the abilky of Her mu faithful Majonty's Government to caeres the Chinese into all that is required.

If the carrying of the Palhao Fort was choy a-matter na the bombardment and taking of the Barrier, by the British in 1840, we can ardure the Editor of the "Boletim" this soch Aghing was quite as different an affair from what was ex- perienced by our Troops in their northern Car

The Tartet TMmigua, ae can possibly be imagined. Troops at Chin-bae, Chia-long-foo, and other places. fought a bravely as ever Europeana did.

Portugal had better bile her time. She will not have to walk loog.

fanten (36 December) The scarcity of money, and will higher rates of exchange, have again had the effect of checking an otherwise favourable market.

Shanghor, (With December). Notwithstanding the excesive rate of exchange, the market has been very banyant; and seuraity of tonnage the chief impediment to the transection ofa large busines. A Amey (23 December) Trade has been very dall; but stocks of all kinds of Imports are very email

Our Sucrinos, Canton-Sales have been iad to the extent of 55,000 pieces: 1 the fol. lowing tates:-

50 road weighing 54 callias

62 23











61 1









The principal demand being for 60 and 72 reeds (of which there are but small stocks from 10 a 16 cents more per piece can (this 20th) bereadily obtained for those particular reeds.

Deliverive roached 100,000 Al Shanghas. pienos; quotations being,

6 to 8 cautics 91,90 to $2,15 6 10 04

2,30 to 2,25

6 to 7 710 7

2,29 to 2,8% 11

9.50 to 2,80 "

WRITE Suintinos, Canton.--Sales reported at


3000 pieces, of principally high reeds; quotations

62 reeds $2,15

At Amay nothing whatever had been done in At Whompos, a large Mandario Station is now | cie article, not was there expectation of any thing -established, where the Jank masters, formerly trans-teing done before the Chinees new year in Fouru

meling business at Macao, attend and arrange allay next.) that is necessary. The forcible closing of the Me. eno Contom House vara suicidal measure; a death blow to the interests of the settlemout; and altoge ther prompted by falso notious of what le due to the dignity of an European power. flongkong would be in a much better position at the present day, if Bir Heary Pollinger's proposal bad been carried out, of paying the Chinese Goverment a rent for the whole lelood, and of allowing Chioses Custom House Officers, under proper surveillance, to have full run of the port.


Ton news from this part of China in of trivial im- part; the bulk of intereating matter will be found in our market report


Amrican clean credits and at se 14d a br. 2 k. Company's accepted 233 a 294 Rupaos per 100, Syre, 1.9 a 21 premium for day. Gold, #29, 70.

Mexicans, 7 to 9 per cent discount.

At Shangkor.-On London 6 months sight un- dat credito 58. 58. 1jd. per dollar.

Do. with documenta de. 24. a 6a 3d,

Rupers per 100 dollars.

East India Company's bills accepted 234 230 Bille on India at 10 days sight 235€ 250

Rupees per 100 dollars,

Bank Put bille 40. 11jd a be.

On Caplan at par.

Amay, Syros par cent discount.

Mexicans, 7 a 10 per cent discount. Passants, from Canton.-To England ££; bot, many fine American vesarle are offering at £1.10 all sound, which is likely to be the rate.

About 18,200 Tous of Shipping are at Wham- pon, say:-

5,300 Tone British.













Fraights from Bbanghae to England £3, 10 for

Tea and £ for Silk. About 8,500 Tons of Bhip

mon and 'wals 20 to 24 for fair to good in or on their way to the poet-asy- Stack forge.

Flowery Pekoce.--nothing doce,

Scented Orange Pekata, -About 1,200 packages have changed hands at from Tacle 17 to 26 for common to fair, and Taxis 28 to 39 for good and fine decoriptiona.

Plain Capers,-Nathing done.

Scented Capers,-2,000 boxen inden at from Tasla 10 to 20 and oo to 31


Ningyongs and Oolongs,-About 3,000 packages the former taken on American account, at from

CANTON OZCena, Gunpowders,-1,000 pack. 17 14 21 Taela-Stacks rather large,

ges inken at Tools 18 and it for spurious kinds, and from Tuels 15 to 20 for comenon and fair kinda, Young Blytons,--Soms 400 packages takon at from Tesle 14 to 18.

COUNTRY GEBEN,-H sve arrived freely during the month and stock now amouostabout 307,000 packager; but in consequence of the high rates of cuchange, and on account of the large Shipments From Shangbae. purchased there at low raina, the || market has gol fot opened.

Skins,-15,000 packages bought during the month,st from Terli 13 to 16.-Stock 23,000 paga. Thekaye,-1,200 packages of fine quality taken for Portugal at from Taela 21 to 34-Stock 7,500 packagee.

Hysons-2,500 packages taken for India and the Contineat, at Taels 25, to 60.-Stock 26,000 packages.

6,700 Tone British








10 French.

800 Tone British


Bhipping at Amor



Total tay 1,900 Tone

Shipping in Hongkong,




7,000 Tone British

1,900 400




American French


Bwedish Peruvian.

Total may 11,350 Taas,

Total quantity of inercantile Shipping in Chlon (exclusive of Steamers, lying up Vesselend Coast era) say, 38,000 Tons ugaiset 47,000 Tons of last month.





97, Royalist, Browning, from Amoy 26th Dec, 28, Nymph Wilson, from Namos, 27th Dec. 29, for, Alaton, from Calcutta, 3rd November,

and Singapore 23rd do.

Young sons,-No olen reported.-Stock 110,000 packages.

Imperial and Gunpowder.-A few hundred pack: 29, Audax, Glorer, from Woosung 25th Dec. koges taken Tanks 45 10 49.-Stock 40,000 23, Vizen, Bradshaw, from Cumpingmoon. packages.

The total quemity of Tes shipped from Canton 10, Nerbydda, Main, from Hartlepool, 29th Julg. 30,021,029 pula for a period in 1849, and 31, Lady Peel, Fraser, from Sydney, 30th Oct. since 1st July 29,203,884 pounds, against 11, Mahomed Shak, Maceikan, from Bornoo, 615 24,186,107 pounds in 184 4.



At Skonghae-Selements for the momb may 31, Waur Wick, Mano, from ACR. be noted at 30 to 40 chops Congou med Bouchong, Dec. with the exception of one or two, all of 19ferior 27, Memnon (Am), Gordun, from Hongkong. geode, from 18 Tuela downwards, aut for the seas. Dec. 315,000 on about 330 full chops or 230,000 chests.

64 reeds $290





2,70 72





At Shanghat. Deliveries reached pieces; quotations being.

84 rends and under $3,05 to $2,25





16.00 chest and half china nud for the sensuo K30,000 packages (cated na clients und half chests.)




In Stock are abuut 40 chopa Cong ju and Sou-





Aj Amoy. By Sales of 1,400 pincer, fair quality,

| at $1 per piece, the market was completely cleared

GTON YARN, at Canton-Salrs to the extent of 200 Bales are reported at Non, 18 a 24-830-? Nos. 20 32-133.

At Amoy. A Sule of 85 Bales Nos. 10 28 at $82,1) had completely cleared the market; and an urgent demand existed for, this urucle of import;

at an Idvance on quotations,


Of, Amazon, Vincent, from Bandwich (skoda, tireen, met-lewents for the month are about 12 12, Hetis (Spar), Reboredo, from Manila 10th Nov,


chong, and from 6 a 8,000 pickages Green

Per Royalist, Mr. Bradley.

Prices of Black Teus have formed rather in fa- | Dec.



vour of the buyer, sky Ordinary Sound Gungon, 97, Fints, Bradshaw, Cum-ingmova. Thela 11,8 a 12,5. Good Ordinary to Best Mid . 97, Inga (Perusion), Washburn, Whumpos.

21, Investigator, Gilmore, Whampoa..

Tarla 18,5, higher qualulas none on market.

In fancy Black beyond a few chops Pekon held, 27, Water W'stch, Muon, Camtogmoan,

for 16 a 22 Tasis, nothing can be ounced.

Green Teas bare kern taken chooily for price,

low qualities showing a slight advance on previona

rates, current quoinuone may !-

23, Desia, Hareham, Amoy.

28, Antelope (Am), Roundy, Whampoa,

29, Mazeppa, Down, Woosung.

19, Staten, Lane, Loodoo.




VOL. X. No 2.

1940 Fena?iek



Recalving ship

Hongkong 'ardine Maths and conceiving ship [Cwm?imoon Comarjen 8. Luw?ran

Marinergo Gyall and co

Nov 12 Where Hayden And te

Dec 12 Shangkas K., Worthington and po

Hapt 4Whumpon Hassan and e



30, UM Sloop Contest, Hon Commander Spencer, |


10, P. & U. Co Str. Achilles, Evans, Bombay.

30, Alligator, Duna, Whampoa,

30, Mor, Alston, Cursingmuon.

31, Andez, Glover, Amoy.

31, Nymph, Wilson, Shanghas,



27, A-jet, Purse, Bumbay.

Es, Monarch, Jola Duncanson, Arracan.



- Fatal Hair (Dut), Hollyn, Singapore.

General Michiels (Dut), Prosser, Singapore. Orestes (Dut), Persille, Singapore,

Iatie Liong (Dat), 123 Wold, Singapore. Argyle, Stafford, Singapore,


Per Statesmon, to London Captains Mylius, and Fenwick C it. R, Ora, Dickson, Gorringe, and Thornt n, and 92 Men, Women and Children invalided from the garrison.


The Awlar reporta the C'hatham on shore on the South Bask of the Yung tre-kisog-bliged to discharge a great portion of her cargo, and will not be got off before awzi spring tides.

The Nerbadds reports that a dangerous Shool was seen by a ship from Manila beating N. W. from the two Brothers, distant. 14 or 15 miles. On the 24th November signalized the Ship Euphrates between two Brothers and North Island.

The New Margard was spoken on the 8th Sept.







Tracked at



Fla. Tam


Adelaide, Larque



San Francisc

44 Oct 11

Albeit, shig


Allton, bergan

197 Peltoquin lok

Alligator, bilganilue

H 19 20

Nearestia New Skansba

1 Sept

13 Deo 15 Mongkong

Amaren, ably

Randwleb islos


Awonym, brig


Anonyme, larcha



Antelope, barque


400 Labeck


ats Houndy

Aults, schooner

Antelope heig


Aiora, act.oper

Hall, brig

Bintang Anam, b?rqan

sen Vinceal 5181ely 253llivan


Btk. 15 Glover

Port Remedios

pan 150 Tobaredo

| Gut. | 29 |Pelke).

Bomanjre sormusjve.ship|| Her

Bombay ship

Un dew, barque

Canton, Heamer

Canton, steamer

Catbalos, barque

Cakeys, ship

Ceres barqar Chill, sulp Clara, bra

(Lanchas 'vile, ship

Clean bilg

Confucius, hip

Congress, ship

Denis, achooner

LAL. 20, Lon. 29*, bearing up for the Braaifa or the Contentel, ship West lodion, with only her foromus standing; but refused sistance.

Vrucio in Honuzeno, Cantos, en Macao,


Fir England.

John O'Osunt W. Hobert Small W.

Susan O. Owens W.

For United States.

Ceres W.

Canard W.

Ben W.

Ben Witch W,

Thur W.

For Lisbon,

Clara M.

Novo Paquetto AS.

Omyan M.

For France Albert EJ.

For Calcutta

Mor, W.

Water Wich, H.

For Dombay.

Bir Bevois 1.

For Batavia, Catharion W.

For Singapore.

For San Francisco

Thesis 11.

Town W.

Eureka W.

For Lima.

Coromandel M. Mariner M.

For Holly


For Shanghas.

Emperor of China H.

Whitby H.



Dilo, schooner

Dos Amigos, seliones

Eally done, thap

Emperor of China, ekip

Kanal, brig

Esties ship

Duralir, pebec the e

Greige Pyfe, barque

Good facem, brig

Harlequin, brig

Hell, hermaphrodita

Elerine, brg

Hongkong, stakmer

Jela, abl





15. Jumlesen

Snow mirjaminsen

Dut 3ru Lamers ???

PY 376 Vergil

Parten Dut ??sletter




29: Mickell

47 19 afferty



| Slam || 166|Davis

San Francice Houtkong Houghong






Dec. 7 Eloogkong Hush sed re Hept 27

Preach Commi Nov 10

W. . Wardley and es. |Dea 61/Whampoa [Dicom. Uray and ca

Names Jardlow, Matheson and co Receiving ahipl Flangkong Marrow

Lubeck and on |Dec, 29(1Flempos Russell and co.

[Dec 11

AM Talt and co Foo-d-forent and ca


44 Sept 1s

[Mary, 16)


Deo. 511

Fardios, Mathan and some Shanghan V. Nepodlets.

Nav 10

Dea 17 Amay Prodant co

Oct 12

figma, Mult and co.


Keceiving ship

[Dea. Le Shanghae (Itussell and co

Mutakang & Cand Batawis

New Yosh





A. de Mell

Den to Whampaa. Browne and co

| Woothy P. & D, N. Camajan and to Receiving ship Dec. 16 Shanghae Jardino, Mutkessa nad co

[Whampon [1, 0). Comstock

C. of Americs Early East Cost Receiving ship



Uent and po Leskog. Davidsoo "1] Amy" ||By, Miro Dec. 1 Shanghat Hussell and co Spyt D? Khanghar Symo, Muir and co. Fin akong high and de Wossang Dent and 48. JOet * Hongkong Turner and co Deo 70 Whamoi|Nya, Parkin and on.

feckin, Kaws and co. Dec. 18Whumpoa Wm. Pastan and co.

Hongkong lardieu, slashovou and so. Nov 12 kamper. Vlaga

. 15 Whampoa Pusten sad co

For Babe Receiving ship Repairing


San Francisco fitopairing


3th January



Kennedy and an Woman: Jardim, Matheson and to Recing skip Hongkong Olding C&D (Vangi keddiving ship East Coast Terrine, Ayine and c Dee. 120gkapy|Holliday," Whe bad ca.

Order Chlebowanias, Mathema nad ce Lyokong Jardios, Mathessa sad on Shanghe dron, Mulcado. Stongkank! morge Groll and on.

Bent and ca Hongeng Yeave sind on.

kampeones Hunt.

Amoy Syme, Muir and co Wampenfrulub, Livingstone and co

and co

Det. In Hongkong lush and 10

Wooing Dent and co

Ueo 11 Shanghar klarguraves and no

toceiving ship Russling shly

tongng&Cal Reading Help

St-re skip Stagepore


Early JibJanuary

Pling, Penang



8 Oct


Alvar boat

240 names


61 |Sept 95 Hongkang

181 Jone

Put back



Esche AINeott


37% French

Fiverpool Hooghong

161 July

c. 30





de da

Dec 20

Dec 21 Typ


3 Wadau



Edward U. Frost, schooner; Am.

141 toget

Elzabeth, ship


Til Res

San Francisco


29 Ang 97

Ella, schooner Yacht


427 Landers

14 May 10


Dea 24




Eureka, barque




Falcon, ship



Faral Hur, berque


Jb Watt


Floris, ship


494 toget

George Fyfe, H.

Hylog Iratzbman, barque, Beli


44 No Hongkong


Folkstu skip


iam, akip


24 Har


Adelsilo H.


45: Murray


80 Del 23


Nov. 7



Hongkong, barqda


244 Gerard

Hugh Worker, My



|San Francisco

13 Jer. 1onolulu


Byzela abip


Endepandes on, brig


170 mard



Sept 22

Investigator, slip



* 27


Jown, aldy

Pers. 90 Washbare





20% Gat

Del. I

hland een schooter

Bett 19 clas


Dee To

John Height, ship

JJ Walt


20 Stay 20

John Bunyan skip



John Dugdale, sk?p


407 K.


118 ARK

John 17Gaunt, skip


445 calamad


47 Ang

John Sparks, ship


19. Sparks


John Wel, slip

14 kampan



Jasdan, barque


25 l'ac

48 Not




Kwar-les Flong..


190 Wann

San Francisco


06. The Chunghong %. Lakech and sa




Anne Jano

Bangalore Chasham Lat pent



Buckland Fawcett Aholi


Lon. Det. 19 R Lon. Aug.21 S. Liv. Del 3 S.

Bris. 270 Lungisy

Hee $1


Doe $1 Horgos Dont and on

14. Ong Plus 5Age Wyoming

Morrison Giron

Liv. July 16 $1, Liv. July 28 |Liv. May 16 5.



175 May 26


112 Bellamy




Bamburgh Lon, May 16 8

Je Harris

East Coast


Pentreath Mexica

Lon Chei 18 FL.

Lon. Sept 15 (1.

415 am


25 Deo



Edv. Sept 10 H.

661 Halleg

Dec. 16

New Margates


Liv, Aug 14 EL

163 Harland


Old England


Liv. Aug. J.

41 Oct 18


Shin Oct 1 H.




|Lon. Avg 2+ F1.

14 Vader



Lon. Aug 91.

Har schooner


37| Demman


Dec 20

10 Dodan


Uno S

Sir Edward Parry Squires

Lam. Aug. H


Dao It



Lon. Sepi 213.


150 July 20


li Dea 1 Hongkong

15 Nov 1


Jan. 31

J31 Jang 4



Pathfinder, arque


36 Wa Warde


Cowarjes Family Eagle


Thomas Durbam

Valla, schances




Dea. 15

Pedlar, brig


2001 hittum



Madras Oot & H. Cal. Nov. 12 H. Cal. Nov. FH.

Pondicherry, shije-


62 het Ex

Kajaskan, skip



Hides, skip




Deg 21



£95 Small


pan 150 Vidal



950 Pearson

10 Nov. 21

Port. 165

to Browning


Dec 26


Bit Caicos

240 Falk

Betance, rip

3 Hourdy

20 pr






$70 indie

371 Klang

2.): Crawford



Order in which the above Femela lest England.

Lapat, Lively, New Japane

deed a Megadors, Chachats, Old England,

Tren, Jane, Mosporinen, Quito, albermarlo.

Loading -At London: Bentinck, and Moolan.

At Lavanpool | Success.

Keen Lan, schooner Komili, wrig

Lady Hayes barque

Lady Mary Wood, team

Lady Peel, barque Landakoa, skip Lenale, schoonet Line brig

Lord Amherst, skip Lantia, barqu"

Losha, barque

Mahopaedie, barque

Make bak, barges

Margareta, slip

Mariner, ship

May Wilder, brig

Murden, qua

Mastiff, brig

Mamson, ship

Mor, ship

Nda Las, brig

Tarbabda, batybe

Nicola, shly

Nitud, barn

Nevo Paquatie, barque

Nymph, brigantiss

Dayum, brig

Dasard, ship


59% Fraser

561 Grad

100 Bork

Brit. 371A

Port 16


Brit 235 oper

Port 25PV. Posla

Brit 100 Won

|Pert Z0Oliveira




415 Cleveland andwich les

350 Predbomme San Francisco




?an Finucwoo


Am. 907 Praze

STD Hoye

m601 tro

58- Lawton

120 Turner


116 Emcore, W.





Martin Luther

Prince Albert

V. Wilson



Hom. July 68. Bom. Oct 16 Wh Madr. Om 29 H.

Loading-A Calouttaj Aset Itskoman, and

J, Jejeebhoy -A BONDAT John Wickliffe, Den rietta, Orpheus, Virgilis, Benares, and Caledonia.


Nov. 11

Nov. A

Jobo Spencer

Lidbetter Lightning Blog

Londing.-At Daravia | Indtamnijos.

FROM CALIFORxja & Sandwich (standa Consmat

[Coombes Mary Ann Follion McLeod Barab Busker


Haber twall, skip Bambri

Hose Standish, ship

Royal Lucbanks, frig

Rojallet schower

Hepare, barque

13. Waterman, barque | Am,

Era, ship

nen truite, belg

He sp

Shefeld, ship

Hare, borge

Bir tavola, sp

Edward Nyan barque

Mirrorge Pelech, skip

Bulpe, rig

alide rig


Bri. 105 Robinson"

19 F. Oct 18 H.

Bach, ma



Susan G. Owens, ship


S.F. Sept 14 H.

Len. Lee, Liv. Kirupan?, Mia, shinda, New, Newpark. Cly. Lipia, 296. Demann, Hart. Hartagasi, Den. Dermpart, Cat Cla Ban Jan. Bandung, say, Orylon. Fun, Fennog, wing, Vingipar M.Bingkong, 3. MANG WA, Whompas, A. Amay, 3. the ghos

Y med.



Bwallow, burqna

Beithley, ship

TW.rem, ali Temato, barque Tra Tampo, t Time, cooper Drums Gem, barque

Ten, ship



Yount Manden, ship

Yian schooner

Vionn Jacoba, barque

Hill 347 Seagrove


TV: Jeanings


B. 7C Flat


~pan 1994. Vnchemie

Galt H Lady


Am 970Marsley

|pa|| tra l'arde

|Bangkong Jilong # LM.81







Canton HC Su



Ploogkong HM SU


Amy H.M.r


Hongkong), M. B


D. Ju?n L


De tak

Islam, Spen

72 || Adm-rel Austen

Captain Aus Meter Mische


12 stickky



Mkamina D 6. FI. 90 Gleady



ape Andrade


143 Woodberry



25 or 1


29 Ner 20

May Hola

De le

Jardine, Vathe-on and co Luyken, Betwuba and as. What. 11 Whampoa fursador [usa 13

Hessell and ch

Dea Shanghar Holliday's Wire and on.

Den $7] · bumpan thedee

Liverpool Landes




son oma igualise Heard and so · Receiving ???p

Den 13 Shangham Jers, Matheos and conden

No7, 47 11ongkong Reynvain and so Juet

Wapo Chmandu Langiana.

Amoy Dot and co-

JOet, #Hangtong Hobart Hiraokan.

Cachet and co

Klver Muara, Matheson and co

Dec 31 Jongkong Jarding, Maibason and -?

EBleukla, Rawagu and an Mcne Dost and

Bec 19 nghe Hell and co

awinjo 1. Langrana

10, do, Bousand

Racalving ship


Receiving ship Rebelvidg skip



W. Q. of Amories Farly Heaving Wilp Stagely my skip

Jardles, Mathongo and ce. Woming

dth Fost.

Deo R5 Whatgian sand and co

Dec. 1)

Jardine, Matheses and comforta

Macan M. de Jesus

Deo #Hongkong|Pleicher and Lo.

Une 11W Balipon Oriet

umbidon David Samson, Lana and coeling ship

[Bay. 25 Mono | ViJorg

Den es het is Mayor). Nov, 1 Whanpon (tussell and po.

Ay lardan. Machoked Jima Conscsgown, Mel and no

O, Erin Hone and eo,

Dec 14 Bhangban Obit, Beale and ?Deo. 23) Dyampon Flyther node


Parkland co.




Dec. 31 Hong Binh and

Mao. da Bliva

Deo 37 Haigojem, dlake sand no.

Dec 19 nghe BINE CO



New York


ontvlug skip Amoy 4. Shangkas Shanghas.



For Sale Racefill

Lammond Caron and co. Rob ship

New York Nov. 16hampon Faraliina, Nurkenna and co. Now Yuk

D46. UllenglongMania, Brinkas aut ya.



Regelving ship



timp akong Chaton



Wrestling ship

Nov. T

3 Aag to

#2 Aug 4andwich Islan

$5 ice tonghous

Dee 17 Shangha Lindhay dad ca.

| Widung Angushing Heard and an

| Nor In Whanged Win. Pushtis and an..

CENA. Thequr

My bingel Fargekves and co |tor, zizural Perihana and en.

[Bangk=4" Sardos, Alasheson and

Des 20 puell and be

Nov 2

Olyphant and co-

|| Zaskor Dadesch 'out. Nov 31 Hongkong Pyun, Muir and s |thee, as Whimpia Georga Lyall and co.

Woong Lan

ga klerque, ||Sept 25W Banjou, Kussell and en,

||Ang 12 Phangias|Numell and ca


cogring ship

61 Ang

Hongkong 10th

Hongkong Hooghong






Now th

Amey "Hyuk," Mruth wad no. |Nov, 2|Phampoastudy and on

too. J

Deo. It

20 Nov 2

River bal



Man Francisco





41 Oct


Dee J


New York




$12 ay']

Turper and co

104 Hend

Dec. zr

Dec Deglang|Jardine, Mathesen and


[ 1.00



xx July 14

Ang. 5 Amy |23100, Mini and Co.

Ware Witch, brig



Ucc 14


Miam Wrig


WA Moon IV, burqan


Receiving sp

14 and here, shelp

104 July 14

v blay, barque

Zephyr, sowumer


111 Stewart Pat bek 14 Bromp





Det utendam Sport

Dec al Hoogvong Dant and en

Wengng Gilman, Bowman and cooling ship

apdaay and co

|Dec 26 (longkang Mawie, Brinker and ca. Day. Ib

Deal and co (Kast?pust|Deol and ce

EDIT PINTO, and I'valismon, of raz l'mornirtor, William Tanninz, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1851.







PRICE $10 per annum,

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 19 the FRIEnd op china and HONGKONG GAZETTE en annun, 19 Dollare, papable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Single Numbers, 95 cents

BUBSCRIPTION is the OVERLAND,-To Subscribers to the Fataso or Unina, & Dollark, per Annum ; non-subscribers 88 ; single coples 30 coute; if more than Ten Coples takon, forty omla TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and andar, 1 Dollar; additional, 10 cents ? Una, Mopaciijada ma-third of the drst Insertion. Whips,→First Insertion, ↑ Dollars; subsequent Insertions 43 cents. Advarpisgments to have mylisem on the j?cy of them, the number of times they are required to appear, siin? wise they will be publiauod qutil countermandled. In all instance, those who are ust Bubscribers, require to pay in ziranos.





PHEKY in a Gem, ceased from the Bist De cember, 1850.

INGLAND, CALUUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAT MR.& DELLEVIE and Me C. BRODERSEN CLAIMED board the Port Wide TE interest and responsibility of Mr A. Han

Alo, an reue to the above, Storarono, Panaze, Galaz-Maxta, Bust, Asar.

THE PRAIRIOZAR AND ON- 1. amrap Courant Blesm Ship PEKIN, will lento this for the above places on Thurs day, the 30th of Januity, Tauauen will: bu roskived on board dodi soon an the 29th, and Ganun motii 1 v. m. no the 290L

For particularo regarding Fastene sod Passaue apply:at the 'P: 8°C. 8. N. Company's Office. Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Ageni. P. &,0, 6. N. Co.'s Office. Hongkong, 30th December, 1960,


FOR BAN. PRANCISCO, THE A. 1. now 'coppered Swediah Work Bargne ANTILOPE, "baring part of hot cargo engaged, will have early deapatah. For freight or patungo apply to A, LUBECK & Co. Hongkong, Lat Jengary, 1881.

FOR HONOLULU, " 739 Mek "FLAVIUS," W. T. Roque Master, will loira Honghang on the 5th of January next For Pawaga only, apply to the Captain board, or to.

WM, PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong, 94th December, 1660.


THE A 1 Ship "TOWA" Captain

the above Port on the 5th prozin For Light Fawiony or Passage, having Buperior Accommodation, apply to

BUSH & Co.

Hongkong, 19th Desember, 1850,

are authorized to sign our fra.

M. D, No?, 1 & 2 Two Chosia Turkey Orton ex Pokin." WM. PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong and Canton, 24th Des., 1800.


THE besipses of the unders/good in Chian, bereto- fors sertied on in the name of Esilky Mean & Co., in hereby declared closed this day.


Canton, 26th December 1850,


IR EDWARD COHEN, to this day admisted Man partner in our firm.


1851. Hongkong, let January,

NOTICE THE Partnerbip, hitherto existing under the A. Fin of Gapien. Pacman & D? la th?t day disvolved butual concent

(Signed) CAMAJER POCHAJOB & Ua. flugkong, in December, 1850.

Companced bo-

NOTICE THE Undersigned have this day and Biyle of E. and D. D. Laboada Co.


D. D. LALQACA. Hongkong, 1st January, 1851.


THE undersigned having hean appointed Agent in Canton for the above named Snolety, in prepared to grant Polices payable is London, Lis erpool, Bombay, Calouus, Madros, Bhunghes and Uanton.


tera de Canton, 14th August, 1850.


Superior fire class Artic Par que EUREKA," J. Ryder Muster, will meet witly marly despatch, con inko Tuw was firight, and handenguely accommodato two passengers.

Apply 10,

W. BUCKLER, Canton,

or 10 W, PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong, 18th December, 1850,

FOR HONOLULU & SAN FRANCISCO. 7 THE A. 1, British Barque THETIS, Cam, Master, having the strator part of her cargo engaged, will be der patched about the 15th proximo. Fur Fright or l'arcage.

Apply to

BYNE, MUIR & Co. Victoria, Hongkong. 19th Doc., 1850.


THE House in Queen's Road, oppose the

Old Burial Ground.


LL Perenns having claime on the Estate of the late Mr Joan Rown, Surgeon, of Hongkong,

are friscated to send in that a termone 28th day of April, 1851, and all persons indebied to the deceased are required to make immediate payment of their dels is,

W. MORRISON, Colonial Surge Administrator to the Estate.

Hongkong, Optober 28th, 1950.


Hongkong, 24th December, 1880.


THE undersigned, begu to inform Abip owners and Ship that he has always on hand daupply of the following articles.

Anshore and Chain Caldes,

Trow KorsDeck and Hawse Pipa

(Round, ? io, to & low. Best Refood Iron, Flat, 1 in, to 7. inu (Bgoare ↑ in, to 4. Jos.

· Bigging Chang, & in, to l is.

Hoop Irus and Land Pipe, Rigging Screws,

Oboo large and small, fron Sheaves of all size Bboet Tram af vil mson; for stove pipes and for other purpose


Spring Gardens. Victoria, Hongkong, 16th Decembar, 1850.





MACAO NATIONAL HOT. CHANNEL Board and Lodging per month -


per day

Bed Room per nighi




Tina -




Port Wine per hatua


do do,









"Boda Water and Lemonade

Da do, and Broly

H. B. Gentlemen reading lem than a fortnight (all be abarqud per day, and all parties furding- |the proprietor with their patronage are requested to report the lasst aegless, or inattention on the port of servants.

Macao, 21st November, 1850,


MR WILLIAM SAGE begs to notify the per

addents in Victoria, that he has 12ks tho

convenient premises at the corner of Pael Bizet abuiting on the Queen's Road and opposite the

BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Hongkong, 1st January, 1881.


WITH reference to the abora, it is hereby in. tiated, that the business hitherto carried on

in the name of Bowna Ifuxrizango & Co. will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned under the style of BOWRA & Ca, which Mr W. A. BOWRA authorized to sign.

CHAS. W. BOWRA. Hongkong, tat January, 1851.


TN Consequence of the Dissolution of Partar.... ship the day, the Business of Messro Bowns, HUWPORTS & Co. is closed.

The Store will be opened and the new Firm will commence, on the 3ad Day of Jay. 1851.

BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Hongkong, Blst December, 1650.

DOWRA & Co., beg leave to call the attention

of the Pusard to the extensive samtions of SHIP, CHANDLuky and Oilmame Stomat which they offer for Sale at medurate price, coming principally of--Corner, Twins, Europe and Manila Cordage, Bunting, Ours, Paints and Print Oil, Varnish, Turpentine, Tar,Pitch Rosin, Candies, Tobacco, Cigars, Glass and Crockery Warr, an extensive assortment of Clothing and Bulonory, ALBO.

Ball Provisions, Flour, Viangar, Wines and Spirits of all varieties.

Just Received, a Batch of Bam' and Allopa Ale and Porter of Superior quality.

The above stores are of the very best descrip tion and Mature 13. & Co. are now prapated in offer them at very low rates.

"Hongkong, Ist January, 1831.


PHE_Capuals and Consignees of the American

Whale Ship "Shijield" will not be respo

sible for any debie contracted by the orem ofaye


Hongkong, 1st January, 1651,

Hongkong Reginer offices where he will practise FINE New GRAM

his proftasion na Vatarinary Burgeon.

Mr-Saon take this opportunity to sequint the | publie that be hae pavaral good suddio Elormus, and Poney Phintens to let,

Victoris, Hongkong, 12th Dec., 1850.



Apply 10,

HENRY MARSH. Quero's Road, Victoria, 3rd January, 1851.


an (who has

THE HONGKONG ALMANACK for 1851. Ba Mercantile Office) eltuasive as Assistant

will be issued without the Directory, as it has | been found impossible to prepare the Instea la suficient time. The Directory however will be brought ons soporately, at a future period.

The Almanach, price 01, can be obtained, sa

LL perwins having claims on the estate of the inte ANOBOTT D' Esterna PaRKER, gre requested Ito send them in the undersigned before the first day Sof March 1851, nail sil pereens Indabted to the deceared ura requested to make immediate payment of their debt to

J. PHILLIPS, Bencalor. Hongkong, 95th December, 1850.


mual, at Mesere Lane, Crawford & Co.'-dr. ANGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all Norooba's Printing Offon, Wellington Street, and and Drawing, Bed and Dreming Rooms, opreiaues, alto Nails, by

at the Office of this paper. Godowns & with frost and back Verandels, and

Victoria, Hongkong, 1at Junonry, 1851- BUSH & Co. commanding five view of the bay ; also a small parcel of ground sultabla for a garden. Apply to,


Rom. Cath,'College Victoris, Alat Beptember, 1850,

Containing handsome and 'commodious Dining


THE Undersigned and prepared to accept Rieke (corored by open POLICIES # 1 and In the various London Instikman COMPARE;) by the Peningar & Oriental Company's Steamers, from Canton and Hongkong, to the Bumi, Cay- lon, the Presidcies of India, and England.

For Rates Premium and other information, apply to Mr 3. a. Osno, at the P. & C. Co.'s Office, Hongkong.

JAMES HARTLEY & Ca JAMES. BARBER & Co. London, 28d Deostic?m,:1848,


IR JOHN H. EVERETT is authorised to siga

our Firm by Procution,


Canton, 14th December, 1860.



Hongkong, 1st October, 1850.




FLETCHER & Co. Hongkong, 34 December, 1850,

FOR SALE. CHEATHING COPPER from 14 to 28 oz.

Lord Hardinge Apply to,

GIBB, LIVINGSTON &.Co. Hongkong, 21st February, 1830,

NOTICE. THE undersigned have received direct from the

Manufacturers, Indian Condimente, che vory" latest arrivals-vix:

Vaty Buperior Bengal Chatney,




Do. Curry Powder, Madras Mullestolby Pasto, Do. Curry Paste.


A few cases of most excellent Port Wine, Sherry...

TO LET. THE Howh on the Bouth of ret, lately occupied by the


in a Counting house-addresses to X. at this Office will be attended to.

Victoria, 3d January, 1861,


YOUNG AHWAR bega to announce to Ship 1 Owners, Merchants, Commanders of Vesela, and the Public in General, that be has commenced Business as Comprador to supply Ships with Fren Proviecoms and Stones, &c.

Y. A. trust that strict attention to Businem, combined with Moderate Charges, will enable klik to give sausfaction. Gentlemen requiring Bloron and Provisions may depend on having them imme- Idiately delivered, and of the best quality

The House on the North side of Gough Street latoly occupied by Mr John Carr,

Apply to,

MA, SHERARD, At Me Epox'a,

Victoria, 3rd January, 185), NOTICE boroby givan, that the Partnership IN -beratofera subsisting between the undersigned Goran Jansson, Jong GIFFORD, and Joekra Froer Evoge, at Calcutta under the Firm of Jan. SON & COMPANY, and at Canton and Hongkong under the Firm of Jamieson, Edoer & Compan le this day disolved by mutual consent me regards the aid Jasura Froer Edaka, who ratione from the Farmership. The Business will in futura ba

sarried on by the said Guonor Jamiumon und Jons Sermon in Partnership with the undersigned Aiktanden Gifford, at Calcutta under the Firm

THE interest and responsibility of Mr. Jouk

CASSELS To our firm coated on the 31st De Champaigne in Quarlere & Pinta, Beer and Baru.OF JAMESON & CFANT, and at Canton and long-

comber 1849.

(Signed) p. pro HUBERTRON & Co.

D. SILLAR. Shanghae, 6th December, 1950.



HE Baina hitherto carried on in China in my own name will in future bo conducted under the style of CARTER & Co.

AUGUSTUS CARTER. flongkong, let July, 1850.

| el

MACEWEN & Ca Queen's Road.

Hongkong, 23rd December, 1830.

FOR SALE. |UST landed.from the "Investigator" direct from

the house of G, Marx of Bonn.

Ten Capes ons Dozen each, Very Superior, SPARKLING MOSELLE,


Victoria, 94th December, 1850,

kong andur the Firm of Jamerson, Girners & COMPANY, to whom the Affairs of the late Firm devolve in liquidation.

Dated this Thirty-Bral Day of December, One Thuasand Kight Hundred nod Filly.


by his Attorney Alexander GtrPOLD.


by his Attor

Alexander Gifford,




Order to be left at the Lower Batser, No. 294.



Fresh Beef Whampoa do.



Fresh Fish



Fruit (Green)

Potatoes (Bwool) YAIDA → Cucoas

Rice (Common)

Do. White-

6 cents per lb.




12 per 100 lbs.


- Th



Bugar (Common) - 3050

Da Whils


Tea according to Supple. Egg

1000 per 160





Oif ..


Muk Boglish Broad



2850 per dozom :

1850 8800

11000 per picol

1800 per 14 gallon

1000 per 500 lbs.

1000 par 5 builde

1800 per 14 lovas

1000 per 5 men per day 2000 per 100 pieces

Other Articles will be charged according to car.

rest Market Prioca,

UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY, 185-52. ELE half yearly Meeting of the Sharder

held at the Office of the Undersigned on Tuesday the 7th lealant, m duon,

Hongkong. Las Janunty, 1RSL.

DENT & Co. Secretaries

DEATH-AC Vieluti, 11ong kung im the tighten the SIM Dk. Fabeth, agus s penon, Wile " Vr Bamuel Clion Acting Assistant Paperintendent of Puller.


New Advertisements will be recrwed until 7 O'Clock, as the evenings previous to publi- cation, rit: Tuneslayt and Fristays



91, ndwich Islands Now. Bela Bistes Del. 13 Batavia

Not y Labges

Dec 12 Dec.






7 NoT, 19



?. 11

Cor. ope


34 Amy

? Nov.


> Francisco

Ner, 14 Maplin

Dee 23

The 24

Dec 19




YTIUR.--Iberoby givan, that the Howes if Dietne Servies In the Carnapeat Carson or ST Jondare, im Sunday? 01 11 a. M. 4 st 4 P. m., and on Thuendaya ni 6 P. N


Acting Colonial Chaplain.

$. Pal's College,

Victoria, Sud October, 1850.


sway into apologies for mon, and fall, year after year,strickou as did the armies of Sennacherib, We infer then, that, from year to year, there

At foot of a compirative Table of Chican and English daya the "Mail's Calendar (we think it a pity some other title was not chosen for it, instead of armming that of the first pub-as been no careful analysis of disease ;-and beatus of the kind on Chion (exhibits, on a that so far from improving upon experience very beautiful specimen of illuminated Card the Military Medical Staff in this Colony have board, a Table of the arrivals of the Mail Stea- boen going only from bad to worse is now mers at, and departures from, Hongkong: indeed high time that such a state of things altogether a very useful little compilation, and should cease; and it is a part of the duty of cheap at three for two dollars,

every one who looks for that protection which the British Government are not wanting in the will t? afford, to raise his voico in decrying

S? S

AT the commencement of another year it is

wise to take a retrospect of tho prat; to dwell with attention on events the minst pro- minent, and, from such as may afford it, to make deductions for iso avoiding of erroneous courses in the future. With the journalist it is an in cumbent duty to nil the public in this review, and to furnish such remarks as way appear necemary and to the purpose.

such expressions as theso, it is true are but inero words; but the means exist for giving

In partial performance of this duty, and re-then an embodiment. A public meeting--au ferring more particularly to Hongkong, we find address to one of her Majemy's Secretarios of ourselves at suns low in-flung the true position Stale, would effect much; or if needs be, let of the Colony, as in connection with the first House of Commnuns be requested to order of China, generally.

Of the Empire of China we know that it in

avalt country, rich in every valuable produc tion-johabited by a third of the whole human raco,-governed in principles entirely different ROTICK-The hour of Public Worship in the Uns from those on which the governments of other Chari, Hollywood Rand, ly on the Sabbath at 31 a. a

Victoria, la June, 1850,






His Reis A. M. T. 1.

4 raurday


6 Sunday

6 Monday

7 Tuesday.

5,28 10,67 11,13 64 6.28 11,32 12,48 6,43 6 29

004 0,438.30 | 0,23 | 0,41



nations are established,--civilised only so far an

on enquiry into these mailers.


enced by Franklin in 1759, and continued tu 1789. It is known as " Poor Richard's Alma. mac."

The circulation of this soon rose se 10,000 a year, In 1749, it was embellished by some ruido illustrations. The mains ad srutiments those guys it achi wonderful popularity for tha day, were onllected and published through Eu. rope as the Baylons of Poor Richard."


of the best of them are such ne.

***Cake this remark from Rlekati, poor and lama,

Whatevis begun in anger, enda in abome. *Bor men gruw mad by studying mach to know: But who grows mad by studylog good to gr?my * Agalast diseases kore, the errungen) fence

Ji'the da?valon virtue, Abailmenee."

*What maintalas one rice,wonki bilag op two childern." *& mob be a monster, with kende emoank, but no brains," Plough through nod deep while sluggards sleep, and you shall have corn to sell or to krep.",

In the almanacs of the Chinese, seorly as much

tem, alike repugnant to feeling 4 of humanity, as productive of presont loss, and prospectivo injury. If protection is in any way necomary diversity exists as is those of western tha than in it our duty to stop in and say to the Bolin one thing the Chiness alpanace are all alike, and in this they resemble too the older sima. nuthorities "thin state of things shall gace of the weal.-wo meno, in the astrological on no longer-we insist on some amendinout"| aarziption to engh day of suspicious or boneful in. fences over the actions of men. In this charac ter, the imperial almannas, circulated by the gov. some through all its dominions and tributary kingdes, aliases in common with books addre to the mon cuparetitions of the people he for- ernment of China thas given the full weight of its suthority la the idle: belief, that the planeta" of which in its astronomica? marka it acknowledges the earth to be a companion, ciln exert so powerful There is a ramour that an outlay of £30,000 od mysterious an indorace over the world, as to of every individual. It sanctions Belief, involv has been sectioned by the Home Govern- affect the sucteis of the undertakings and actions ment in improving or repairing the barracks ing this absurdity, that two persons engaged in already erected. Now we would my expend lika undertakings, having selected each the size the same astral influences, may nevertheless commo the fifth part only of that sum in such improve. suspicious period, and acting, enaequently, under menta, or repairs; and let the remainder be off. the one fully successful, the other utterly foiled, giving the man simple, whole But the government but wat alone given the some, food, and some rational means of en-wright of its on authority to ench anroosonable

motions: it tae, when European skronometa we joyment. Let the experiment be tried of mak: y la employ at Peking, regoired of these to attack ng Pallicemen of thein; (the experiment can their signature to the astrological (as well as to the do no harm if it does no good); let some of ironomiral) tables of the almuase. This war them be trained to the navigation of a few rowledged by one of these Europeans to Mr Bartow, when at Peking, dicing Lord Mucartney's sailing had pulling hoste; with nind and body embassy, and derives confirmation from the fact, engaged, food wholesome and varied, and well that much greater falty & played by the Chines

in astrological predictions worked acording to the ventilated dormitories, the result cannot be European method, than to any others, and that about with nothing to do, food not merely dis. simannes consequently preten??" gusting but positively delotorious-faborious drilly and tiresome night watches, nought else can be expected than the horrors we have hitherto experienced.

the vast systein of superstition, constituting the country's religion, will allow,--and presenting the singular spectacle of a people obstinately bent agine that spirit of improvement-that march of intellect,→during the curront century so astonishing in other parts of the globe.

The pition of China may be sunt up in a few words, but can so inyols be unid for this Colony of Hongkong! The Public have Moon-Fin quarter on the 10th-Apogee, on the been told by learned Secretaries of Sinta that doubted ; bat a long as men are allowed to lie to a superiority of this nature several of the popular

the Island was taken posetion of, and is retained, for the protection and benefit of That pro- TH. & C. Co.'s Steamer Packet "Hong-fordable to British Cominatra. kong," Captain Hill, on her passage down frotection sul benefit are afforded to a certain Canton on Monday, passed over a rock below extent there can be no denying. It is only ne the factories, which, piercing the hull, caused cessary to refer back to the events of the five

her to make so much water that, at Whampoa, the rewel was obliged to be taken into dry dock, Ine repairs,

The damage done can easily be rectified, we bear, and the Hongkong" will resume her berth agam in a few days. It appears that the rock upon which the "Hongkong" struck is ex- actly in the generally deemed fair way; and the accident arose from the lowness of the

tide at the time.

We have to acknowledge the receipt of a pre- sentation copy of the Anglo Chinese Calendar for current year.



lieve 105) being at the rate of 33 per cent perundertakings. Thos one is auspices to all ac?r,

Of four hundred names of Civilians in the Hongkong Directory for 1830, wa note fourteon deaths (not all, by the way,ccureng in the Colony) this is at the rate of 3 por cont.ta Lackgroua for Life Lusuente: Offices inako note of there ficts, and boomine inclined, when estimating the sanatory condition of this onlony, to make allowance for the causes which lead to such grant mortality in the

years succeeding the disruption of the Essi In-ber, 1850, the 59th Regiment, numbering in this dia. Company's Charter in 1884, to see Usi, | Calony 829 souls, last upwards of 100 (wo be whereas, then, we had nenher security for life nor property, the monas aro at hand, bere, to cosure, for both, sonie degree of protection. And so also with the other parts in China now open to trade: War, from within or from without, may compel the a'sandowment of them for a sassons but for a season only; and here, in this Colony, whatever inny occur, both fu- reigner and Englishunan are enabled to calcul ale on a permanent and beneficial resort.

Hongkong then, we will suppose, is to 'beriann. looked on or the strong hold of foreigners in Cluna; coatly indeed in the upholding, and, so ng as peace is in existence, of but very scant utility to its bulders. But necessary a tho retention of Hongkong is presumed to be, there appears no reason for the costliness to which we have aliudul, nor for the paucity of benefit

In cursorily reviewing the events of the past, we proceed from year to year but in tracing a

form about twenty, in its larger form about fifty, The imperial almanac conin as, in its smaller

wave. Upon the Brat leaf of the larger edit on, in a table of the twenty four zodiacal periodu obser- red by the Chinoer, tracking the moment of the sua'e paraga over the first and the fifteenth degrees From the lat of July to the 31st of Decemq.ach age of the Zudine, calculated fur the m

rkl on of Peling This second l-af is occupied by Athle of the more importat stellaky aspects, as suspicious of the reverte, in particular wets ne

and destructive of avery, hanzful influence; a wi cond in ani plafove to the presenter of userlarials, 'to the officer newly entering upon his sloties, to the happy couple ennimeting a tharriage ; a third and fourth are baneful to the ama partien zu fuh in prejudicial to sha halber zu alath to the general he leads out the army; wod a seventh to the gar- demer whe plants or gala under its influences The third leaf contaior ansetrologie ding intelligible, sa M1 Klaproth has remarked, only to thies who may choose to be at the prime of wxplor garing deeply the aetrul gical reveries of China. Afier these fllow two larga tahlos decupying thirty-one leaves, which show the moment of sunrisa and assunset, and the unter of commencement of the o

diadal half monthly periods, in ?ench provinco and dependency of China. The ephemeris fullows neat, occupplug twelve or thirteen leaves, accurd ing to the slumber of lunar months into which the evitent year may be divided. The details of the ephemeris comurlar the cycle characters by which each day is coming@)shed, the moon's quarters, the places of several store, the anniveren of birthe and death of amparden and aimpresses during the reigning dywany, and finally the particulare of what sight and what ought not to be done on vack individual, boin in any year of the role, to which day. A leble of 120 years, to show the age of an joined another skje of astral influences, con pletes this book, of which the Chinese government so proud, that'h ear got confer on any nation more gracious gif than a copy of it.

In our next issue we shall proceed to a con- sideration of the Colony under its tradal poct. We could dilate on the foregoing sub- ject to a considerable extent; but, a much has stressly appeared in our columus that, to us, the subju?i j? perfectly amuseous,




In addition to its usual contents it has also six pages of Chinese Anecdotes in inculcata a moral ;-nite pages of Notices of Pagoda in and near Caston;-Notices of Villages between Canton and Whampoa: Anecdotes of filial duty-an account of Chinese Almanacks (which we have onpied into our columns)- | at present affunded to traders ku this country. Common Chinese Proverbs.-A list of the principal Officere in the Chinese Government,

The origin and history of Almanaca, and even Principal Chinese Festivals,-Weights in serios of well defined abuses and thorong'iniams derins it from the Arabic aineko etymology the word, are involved isobaruri- use among the Chinese, and a Tabio of dia

management. These are traceable in connec sodat, and others from the German almond, the tances between Canton, Hongkong and Macno. tion with the administration of Golonial matters | piece of wood on which it is said the Saxons used The Angle and Chinese Calendar has also under three distinct aspects: In the position of

to carve the courses of the Moun, Heveral aplen-is comparitive days in the Parsee months Kud. Hongkong as Military station (to afford the ded English stance of the 14th century still mecs and Rhemaal. Only in the last page do protection for which it is avowedly retained)-manace were in general use in Europe, soon after loanl items, generally of the sing nature as the exist jo mnauscript, In the British Museum. AI. The "lniapass in common usi have many addi- wo observe any error of note, (typographics relates to the benefit yielded to traders in Chi-the invation of printing. They were no mischer-preending. That for this I'm your of Hienfung has evidently) Bunday the 7th December being?na; and, as a free settlement, a place where

own in France, from the pretended prophecies, a sitting offigy of the young emperor on the ille they ammnined, that in 1679, Henry HE. issned an | page, with the mystic emblem of the pin and y?ng printed as the 14th instead of the 15th day of Chinese and others may, and are supposed to forbidding the insertion of any predictions us in his haud, in show that he cylan over the world. the 10th Chinese month, the error continuing receive equal advantage with the subjects of strit, state, or private matters. "It is singular"The rich, to the end. The Table of distances also be Great Britain.

that the earliest English almanacs were printed in. tween Hongkong and Canton, is rather iper-

Holland, on mall folin sheets. From an early period till within a few yenes, the al?napses of mast plicable. We furnish below a table printed in the Hongkong Almanack for 1848, together with the table in question. One or the other of them is exactly twenty miles out and we in cline to an opinion that the tablo in the A. C. Calendar is altogether wrong,

From Canton to (according to A. C. Kalendar.) Whampoa, East end of NewTown.

First Bar

Brcond Bar






To commence then with the garrison (the Colony's military position) irrespective of what is but to fresh in the memory of all, we will enquire what steps have boon takea since.1841 (when the Island was first taken possession of) to ward off disease--to register the anaals

countries have contained predictions of the weather canquakes, palitical events, or list of lucky and oglucky days for certain purposen : for example, to buy, sell, mory, take medicino, ute, At one time they abounded in religious matter, at another in astrological superstitions, and at others in the gu neslaging of prions, ala. At present they are of past sicknesses-of diagnoses the most groecoming Try year more fall of statistical mat- minent, ur-of the deductions by which er- tor. The "British Alone" and in "! Compan- ian," and specialty the " American Almanuc," roneous trastivent night be avoided. It is in-

are invaluable repositories of facts on almost eve deed a fact which cannot be gainsaid, that so

ry subjuel, to Germany, almmack is the gains Car has the maintenance of a garrison so this

given to annuals "like those knows in America Colony been, frown affording protection to fit na souvenio, "etc. The first almanno of why ich interests in Chins, its tendency has golje, po osta, published in the United States, was com

From Victoria to Canton (per Hongkong Almanack) produce an effect directly the contrary. Time

Victoria to the Throat Osten,

Throat Galen Tous.luo (and,

Tot-koolanda to Rogue Parts, Anung-koy, Bego Forte 2nd Bar,

Hectod Berto Blakelm Ranch,

Blenheim Reach in Canton,

Since writing the above wo have been favour- ed with a copy of another Anglo Chinese Cal-| endar: the last being issued from the Office of the China Mal."

The rate of mortality during the month of Angie was

children. In thleteen months at 1ych 14 the eglinent would have been soially annihilated.


A new prince kha maningo cha kright.. May things dvarion, and the year by fruitful a labeled gear it.

closed, drawings of the 28 jutar constellations, their bass and auspicious or malige influences, and how much they nfl-et heman beings Sixty forms of charme encceed ship, with twelve pictures of children, and tables to calculate the boroscopa of their births, according me they are born as such an hour of the twenty-four ; Lists of fortivale, birth- daya af gode, and sometimes a geographical notice of the provinces of Chios, aro geven in addition.

[A copy of the Chinese Almanack for the enfuing your will be found in the Library of the Annuc Societ?,~ED F. OF U.]

Among the additions smelly given miy da men-

(From the China Mail, Jang, 2)

A large Chinchow junk, with coale from For- moen for this fort, was nitacked moor Baiwau on the 28tb ultimo, by two large bosta indianel by

The Games of the deceased are bere given as they are taken alphabetically via: Anders-Dale-Delancy-____ about a hundred ruffians. They find the manter up, Pargo-woode, Gabrielle (these ted, Miers of and threatened to kill him unless he pointed out Charity) Gargon-Grodger. Mewning-- Bilmes - Just

where bie mousy wan deposited, and severely bent

deadly character with which this Colony is $1 per cent per shum, exel-ire of women and now inventod, is such as to produce leelings of panic and alarm in every soldier the moment he arrives on the bordern of the Country 1 and in the event of a war wo are disposed, judging from these effects, to doghs the ability of British arms to effect oven the plast purpose. Bol diers instead of becomil gradually acclimatig- ed,and rebustious,an the bulk of civilians do,pine

-McDonald-Proctor-Smith-The six gamer printed to

Halle Indiente how, who, in 115k tline, ware ka?wn to be several of the crew with the memo nurpose. A caisten of the mendi of preserving health--Two of the|| lon, having secured 8800 and 30,000 cunh, they others were romks whe died from the afbets of a surfelt went away, carrying with them all the junkman' of fred, and the other parties had respectively resided in ciobra, 00 picnta af rice, & guns worth 0210, and Lible for cap idarabla perioda, and whose consi | were more less debilliated by such lengthened stay.

B anchors worth $110,

Information of this pirsoy (commitled just out. side the barbour, and at a short distanan from Ey ropean barrack) was brought to the Polios os on the Bis, nuoriiniged from the stateiosul of the unfortunate joukmen themselves; but it eseuns that in consequence of yomarday being New Year's Day, wo steps could be taken and we are.o aware that anything has been done since. The blame of such negligence of cauras coalu some where; but we do not believe, had application beam made to the Adiniral, or to any of Her Majesty's vessels in the barbour, that, unless the cleil author- ities Interposed, an hour would have been lust in procceding to come the waters around the island.

PIRATES HEAD MONET. Return to an Address of the or ourable the House of Commons, datud kuck July, 1850,-for

opy of the Correspondence between the Secre tary of State for the t'ologies and the Lorde of the Adaisaky, respegling.the allowing Mr Caldwell,

■ volunteer in ibo to Mulinry Operations cali the Pirates in China, to be entitled to Head Money after the tank of Lieutcans!,"

B. Hawer. Colmaal ler, Downing-streak,

August, 1860.

No. L

Copy of Letter from 11. Merivale, Esq.,

Capia Familion, R. N.

Downs, Dith Jenuary 1850. Br-With reference to previous corresposdence relative to the moniures taken for the oppression of Pimcy in the Chinesa Sans, Ian directed by Earl Grey to transmit to you, for the consideration of the Lords. Commisjoners of the Admiralty, a copy are despalab, with one enclosure, which has beon received from the Governor of Honghung, reporting the succesful result of the measures, and recommending for their Lerdekipa favourable congretion the services rendered by Commander Way of the Columbina, und Commander Willcox of the Pery, and also of Mr Caldwell, Chiness In- terpreter and Assistant Buperintendent of Palise for that colony, during the program of the opervious against the pins and am to request you will vista do the Lards Commissioners, that Lord Grey is desione ne living so their Lordships to en sider whether, under the provisions of the ?aci 6 Gro. 4, 49, Ale Caldwell be hot entitled to lare in the hd mary to which the offer of o Royal Navy gaged in tiles opernelune will be entitled for the pure of the pirates.-I have, deo,


Enclosure in No. 1. . Copy of a Despatch from Governor Boohers to Earl Grey.

Vigronca, Hono-no, 3d November, 1849. MY LADbare the honour to enclore, for pour Lordship'e information, copies of four des

patches, with enclosures, which i have rreanly had

nennaion to addrome to Lord Palper, rupting some very scaccreful auscks made against the pirates on the Cost of China, by Her Majesty's along Columbine, senmass. Heden und Fury, and the Hanourable Et Ladin Campany's stommor Phleg. athon, by which your Landship will perceive that no.fres than 99 piratica) vennela uavo bara destroyed, as well as a very largo nambpe of pirates; and that the few that remia are so coinpleiely dispersed, as to insure their being unable to congregato again in ay force for a considerable tima,



have found him most truthful and correct in his in telligence, and with a judgment hardly capable of being deceivo. His intiimase knowledge of the local dialecte line also much assisted svoj and I d? not think without his services I could bare succeod cd-1. &o,.

John O, Dalrymper Hay. His Excellency 8. G. Bonham,

a., ., &c.,

No. 2



of England, and establishes it by the law of the

and in every colony nud dependency at the pare, Micha mieluded.

2 Because this proceeding of the majority of the council in attempting to make the church ? Rowe dominari In Maka, and to declare the religio of the quil charch to be exclusively the Catholic religion, la un altack upon the unpremacy ul the

the northward, in ourquence of which a signal we made from the Post Office at about 4 pm

10 veer to a cable:" it continued eqully during tin Mon- the night, with heavy rain at intervals. day, the 10th the wind froskened, and at about it A, M, the Lewins, Swedish brig, made a signal for so unabur and cable which were sent of, At about 2,30 pm, bo bark 8,ria parted a bower cable; about two hours after the bark Kepler also partod crown and the fundamental laws of the empire, and ?able-The wind conlluted to increawn, with an invis of the rights of the Catholin and i pos- heavy rain, and about 8 40. p, m., the hark Cack- || tolle charch of Englanit. Para parted from both cables, and went on abore en 3. Because the attempt to claim the church of Copy of a Letter from Captain Unmilion, R. N, this bosch near Papendorp The Life Dust, man. England and other lindina of her Majesty's subjecta

to H. Morivale, E-q.

bed by the Purt Olcs erew, under command of together as being motely disconcere of discutent ADMIRALTY, 4th Pekrmory, '1880, Caps, Wilson Assistam Port Captain, went off to | from tho church of Rosne as it at present exista in Bin,-With refureneo to your letter of the 20th, her assistaude immediately on observing her to be | Mults, in un lusalt to the religion of the Quen nud alliso, and is sucbanra, mlative to Mr Caldwell, adrift ; but, owing to the benvy ses breaking whore of the peuple of England Chinese Interperver and Assistant Bunerisfondent the vital was strand, the lion by which the Because the enactment of greater penalties.


of Police at Hoogkung, being entilled tu skaro sa, kate Boat was dropping down to the vessel was for offences agamat the Roman Catholic #orstup a Lieutenant in the hand money so which the af-", carried away and was Gund necessary to than for offences against the burebip of other Gyaru of Her Majesty's Navy engaged in the late | bouch the boat, ake being fall of water. She was Churches la a violation of the principle of equal operations agulost pirates, under the command of however, again launched, and the crew of the strand-protection for all class of her Majesty's subjecia Commander Hay of the Columbias, will become"; ad vansel landed in safety Shortly after the vessel and of the rights nod liberties of Englishmen.

5. Because neither the clergy nor the people of oticed I am commanded by my Lord Comenta-'] struck, the wind camo of the land, and the weather sioners of the Admiralty to acquaint you, for the moderated. The Cockburn was a vessel of 306 tomb the church of England in Molta bare givoo the lenst occasion for any such proceedings, they kav. information of Earl Grey; that upon a full considere- betonging to the port of Ureenook. She arrived from tion of the oase, my Lorde are of opicion that Mr| Liverpool on the 30th uk, and was nearly die. ing been careful on all recastone to avoid giving -Caldwell is only entitled to share as a saportume. pharged, having on board only about 100 tune coule offence to their Moltes fellow subjecta in all things rary in the distribution of this money ; but if, in, and a litle iron. Bbe bas become a total wreck. coolocted with their religion. Lorda Gray's opinion, bis sorviom tate pron veel -2963 Bept."20." we to antille him to further remuneration, Tug Lord. will noi object to present him with an uputvaliki). grawi'yi havo, dec,

No. 3,

W. Hamilton,

Copy of a Letter from 1. Merivale, Esq., to Captain Hamilton, R. N. Downing-straat, 15h Pbrary, 1850, Bt.-loving laid before Earl Grey your laster of the 4th instant, i aut directed to request you will state to the Lords Commissioware of the Admiruky that, sonadering the very high terms in which the Governor of Hongkong, mamtione, the services rendered by Me Caldwell, Chinese Taterpreter and Artant Superintendent of Police in that soleny, during the late oporations agalost the pirates on the coast of China, bis Lordship is of opinion, that it would be only just to allow to that gentleman the gratuity which the Lords Commissioners are dis: pread in assign to him, in aclition to ble share of baad money as a sopernumerary -l havo, &c.

No. 4.

El, Masivali

Copy of a Letter from Captain Hamilton, R. N.

to 1. Merivale. E-q.

ADMIRALTY, 15th February, 1850.


The Autricas ship Epaminondas, which se

rived at St. Helana, soporte having fallen jo with the English bark Nereida, Capt. W, Escolt, from. To Arracan to Antwerp, with rice, in a tioking state; thok off the drew, 29 in number, on the 8th July, |·lat, 85 10-8., long 21 B.


The ship Sul), which arrived at St Helena,

spoke the Mary Ann, from Calcutta, on the 4th

Glitan at Gibraltar Palnes.3n the city of Valous, this 30th day of Murch, in the year of our Lord, 1880,


his Excellency the Right Hon. Richard Mara

Fortall, Governor of Malta, due.


Whether owing to the high winds preval-ol yea

June, 37 days out, having carried away ber fore--terday, or to any other almospheric change wa mast, and intending to put into port at Mauritius 31. kolona-Shipping List July 31.



know not, but the drunkarda jisi presented a lent ful increase.

Thomas Bird--pleaded guilty, loud and emplo tically.

William James-pleaded guiky in humble accents. Danial M'Grotli,~'I was drunk Bir!' Svolk- ingly.

Tust of Respectability. -Bu a auss at the polios Of Ace on Mayday, Mr Nichole wished to put a quee lion to a witness who represented himself as the So- peribrendent of Mr Hosking, no to the amount of hry vecotvrd by him, to which the Mayor whjeeted as boing irrelevant to she matter at isa, platingly.

when Mr. Nichola observed that be merely wished to know the man's income in order to cost his Go of five shillings such.-Intelligens,

Joseph Smith-Guilty, expression of deep com. poaction.

seep-ctability. This is, we must confess, a very ctrique trat of respectability at this time of day. ,and in this part of the world. Me N. nuet bare org en Barns' riow of the question : the rank in but the guistas stamp; the man's the man for all Chat: --- The' Propid's Advocate,


William Howard-I am guiky Sir, apeken de.

Captala ane mafcted them in the favourita

(From the Sydney Morning Herald, Od, 11.) Norio-The Iolanda denominated LORD AUCKLAND'S GROUP having bean granted to de Mesaicure Endaway, for the purpose of ou being them to prosecute the Whale Fisheries, here become private property, although now vested in the hands of a Chartered Company. No vravla therefore, except those belonging to the" Sowthern Whale-Fishery Company will be permitted to moclive on the const, nor lo the. Baya of the unid

- [9 Bot although a men may taken rank as a Geo:le-man Bin, With reference to you letter of the 11th instant, Lain commanded by my Lords Cocomieber be a Jary in Hongkong, unless he has got

par anum incoming---Ep. F, of C.]


oners of the Admiraly to acquaint you, for the information of Earl Grey, that they have given directions that Mr Caldwell, Chiasse Interprator, would receive a gratuity suela as to make the pur ho may receive for head money for the destruction of pirates on the cost of Cochin.chilma," equal to ? la' Min' Lordship of the Northern tribes, by his -Braklar,incluw Hongi, but this is a staterpent requir what he would receive if he were to lure Lieutenant-l bure, den,-sbil

W. Hambros.

A TRANSLATION. (om the Boletim do Governo, Dec 21) ITEADED COMMUNICATED.

I rend with mach attention the article to your number of the 7th instant, on the Land sod. Nuval forces of China; and, in my weak judgement, ( find it well written, and well thought of. That

to do, were compelled to sook for employment alsewhere. They flocked than to the Cond, where their number non created a grout competition, Hence the reduction which has taken place. I hope you will find this explanation akar s?ough for publication in your next number.

are told that Hooi Heli has been accended,

ing confirmation, as we are likewise informed slias Hongi is a man of naiches capacity wor energy.

Pomare-che Trafiy, schuming, Pomare, kas also departed the life. Sly duevane took place about a month since: the precise data we bars not yet been able to lesen, nor whin succeeds to the leading of his tribe. Tilson, it in mid, is still to your and we have been unsble to ascertain on whom the diguity is likely to be conferred.

la Loture and early number, we hope to be uble to farmish such dewils of the closing scene of the hero of New Zealand as may prove acceptable Not only to our readers, but in the world, to whom his name and deeds bave become equally familiar.

thern Croat "thur render may probably recollect that, about year sinod; the natives of the Waikato, (New Zealand) sent to her Majesty the Queen, couple of ceske of thwor, (ground by inille erected at their own coat, and the produce of wheel of their own culture,) as an offering of their loyalty and good lealing, and as sample of the exricakeral supe riority of New Zealand. Although in contravasion of a general rule which forbids Royalty to accept of prosculs, the Queen has graciously thought prop- er to make an exception in this particular case; and not only so, but, in acl·nowledgment of the courteous latration of the distant donors, her Ma- jesty has been pimped to transmit cospina of the bees Athenticated partaita of the Royal-person.-Sou thern Cross,

Jolanda fer the purpose of Whaling or Sealing since persoas capturing such Whale mod Sosle are no more entitled to them than in England, where they would be claimed as belonging to the Crowe, Droits of Admiraby, Lord of die Manor, &e.

Every assistance and sanmmodation, however, will be affunded to vessels which may visi?,these lar Intids for Trade, Repairs, Stures, or Refreshments ; but no rase) will be allowed to break bulk, not and goods of any description until twenty Gur hours after the Blaster of such vessel has delivered to the Storekeeper a manifest of the cargo, and in case of failure or rofoan) tu unawar all auch questions relating to the corgn, tha Master of anch Vessel sball either quit the Islanda without break- ing bulk, of furfoil the sum of (£20) twenty pounds. sell, or dispose of Wines or Spirituous Liquore, Any person or perenna attempting to introduce,

without permission Grat obtained in writing fromti the Lictunant-Governor, shall be subjost to a fine of (£20) twenty pounds, and such Wiuss or Spi- vika will be forfeited.

The masters of all vessele toughing at the Auckland lands will understand that spplication to word, water, and refresh must be made to the Storekeeper appointed.



Ike this opportunity of bringing particularly to your Lordship's notice the great benefit that the colony man derive from these enargeti? measures on the part of Elor Majesty's Nary; and (rus that the activity and sent displayed by Commander John C. Dalrymple Hay of the Climbine, sad Compart, however, where it is salil, that the payment of

-98c0, $1900 and $1200 given to the Lorcha mander Robert Willcox of the Fury, have been played in conveying Chiares Janke has been much Gcially conspicuous to authorize your Lordship's reduced, gives no rosson at all wby The reduction bringing their morite to the favourable consid.-ra-

has take placo- circunstance that her excited tion of the Lords Commipaloners of the Admiralty much anxinly here and will cause much sensation among your randers, in Europe; and which I feel 1 berewith enclose onpy of a war to my address from Commander, Hay, wherein ha spanks in the

it my duly to explain. The rosson than in this higher of Mr Daniel Richard Caldwell, lo during the flourishing day of the City many Lor terpower in the Chinese Language, and Auch were built here, but afterwards finding nothing Buperintendent of Eplics of this colony. Com- Wander Hay indeed pistes,, without ?la services ha dose not tblak be could have succeeded in the Inte important operations. I believe that Mr Call: well done not belong to Her Majesty's fleet, he will wut be entitled to any of the benefits likely to be derived by those engaged in the demetion of the pratical law reported; but as there cannot be doubt that it was through Mr Caldwell's ensfgy and loon! knowledge that these mateodors were decorated and deed, 1 therefore respectfully and earnestly, beg to repacmand that this geolleman may be considered to have the same claim un Liu enamis gaged on shes services, in the participe tion of toed meney that may be awarded to the caplots todot Act & ?no, 4 c. 40; d??i, l? thu gestion 88), with reference to the provisions of the Act be adopted, I waerid aubmit that I be per. in amount lo?tkal whioli an officer of the above rank good siroke of bosin?s 11-the mirage depart. patrat, la vertel with the power of exercising episco popular of his own volumes from time to time been mitted to present Mr Caldwell with a dumation equi] [The "Hermes" appears also to kave done ape and by the authority of her Majesty's lettere

sment of Her Majesty's Naval Service, during pal jurisdiction, according to the encloses would be enthiel'he:


From the Shipping and Mercantile Gandits. Aug.

H. M. 87. Enasno"-This vanoul artiyad in | our part of Buoday last from Algos Bay, bringing

sa pamanger Capt Pikington, Culeaki BagiwTHE CHURCH The Hermica has recently been engaged in a turfer. of Algoa Bay and the neighbouring cost and le lands in connection with the inprovement con- templated by the Colonial Gorerament in the



The Bishop of Gibraltar las published the fol- lowing protest :-

**W*, the undersigned, George by Divine permle ?elen Bishop of Oluraltar, baing, by virtue of our

of land, in all places belonging to the church of Ragland within the island of Malte, and being ardinardy realdent within the mid island, have consid, red it to be our duty to examine those ar-

Your Lord will beerve, that the duties per her survey of the Algoa Bay cog-ED.F.of C. fomed by Mr Caldwell have been of meet a import ant and resposible nature, and totally conced SALTAORIn the action brought for salvage with his ordinaty offisial avocationa; that he has

services rendered by H. M. 8. Hermon, is lawing tales of the proposed cada el criminal law for the undergone the o pensowni fatigue and danger at the bark Auna Robertan into Algoa Bay, jalg- anid island which are entitled, "Concerning of the offears of the vessels, wgaged in these expediment was given in the Vice Admiralty Count, of Rooms sexist the respect dus in religion," tions; and I therefore trust he will be 'considered

Monday at, awarding to the officers and crew of amended by the council of government, and having to be entitled to that notice and compantion which

the Herace the sum of £1.333, Os. ad.,-belast one toned that it ja therein propmand to make the church I now respecially submit to the favourable mutation, twelfth of the smoept at which the skip and mega) of Rome the damiani ahurch to Malia; to declare were valued, and to the Admiraly £200, mak- 11.10 be exclusively the Calliollo church; is class of your Lordship -I have, &c,

& G. Bonna. ?

ing a tofal of £1,533 d. 18., boilies the boste of las church of England and uber religious bodies suit, to be paid by the defendant. The defendant of her Maj^nty's muljeete, na distantial Train the Sub-enclosure to Enclosure in No. I.

bas given nolios of his intention tu appeal.~/bid, ahorch of Rugs, estat prosent me in the sld jabams!; and to enact heavier pevaltion for offences Han Mara's Recor Columbine, Sept. 6

HounEnzo, at Noonumber, 1849. Sixthe returning from the destruction of Shop ng-tani'a ngdiran, 1tbecomes my duty to expense publtely 10 yr Eigellemey the high sense ter

Mr Daniel Richard inin of the service randoreti Caldwell, Bub-auparihtandem of Police, who was sent by your Excellency to decompany me on this service. On this occasion, as well as on a formes one when Chai a-poo's rqlindron was destroyed, i?

[The "Hermes" having claimed £9,000 in-gainst theftomen Untholic worship than for offenge stead of £1,333, allowed, we are at a lustri againes others; Emrefore we the bashop #foronid discover the justion of awarding costs against | do byteby protest in the strongest under against the adoption of the avid articles for the following the defendant in this cam-En, F. of C]-

routons -..

1. Because, abaterer may be the privileges Wax or a Bank * Cockburn."-The.graniad te, che Mitoeu, th? supremacy of the Eng

weather on Saturday the 14th instant, was cloudy,

crown carril with it of necessity the supre.

Port Ross. Auckland Islands, June 15, 1950.


THE UNDERSIGNED bas, jest progived a upply of British l'iracies of American authors, and begs to sure the publie that in point of typogres phio neatness they boot Brother Jonathan both. Extract from Lundos publisher's address "The publisher has nat willingly thrust himself forward a crasader in the cause of international

into some such position. Not unly have the most copyright, but has been gonded by circumstances

pirated in Amarica, immediately upon their publica tion here, but, on the other hand, when the face endeavoured by arrangement with the American copyright holder to obtain on exclusive market for England, his preferential claims have been set- at nought by competitora. Under dress circuin tances it ha brenda necessary in self-defenca to adopt mesures of reprisal.

"I. G. DOHN, London" Emerion's Representative Men....................... Irving's Life of Mahomet....................... Franklin's Autobio, reghy........................?R, 64 'Willis' People I hare met-.............................24. Irving's Succesenre of Mahomet.-.-24.

- Life of Guldamith..

Sketch Book.....2 6. -Tales of a Traveller. 1,26, Gl.


with slight raio. On Saturday it blow strong feun macy of the religion of the Queen and of the people-oid,

· Tow in the Prairien,

-Conquest of Grenada mud

Spain, rols.




Bookseller, Sationer, &c.

495, Georg-treet, rzucily opsasite the

Barruck Gote.





VOL. X. No 3.

San Francisco Pravos








1, Dart (Am), Porter, front Ombo, 23rd Nov.

9, Cheber, Martin, from Calusts 2nd November,

and Singapore 1st December.

2. Prines Albert, Jellicoe, from Madras 31st Oct,

and Singapore 19th December.

3. Martin Luther, J. Dunton, from 8mgapore 27th


3. Mor, Alston, from Medeo.



29, Justino, l'are, from Hoogkong.

30, Investigar, Gilmore, frem Ilangkong.


Per Dart, Dr Wilson.





The Tw


Clare of Fort


Trushed al




Adelaide, harque

Peru 176Mars

Saci Frankie

44 Oct.

Athert, hip

Alblom, burqas


19 Pelloqui Clark




Allgater. belgeseloo


10 Prod

Dec 31

Fimm Gray and s

Dec 11 Amm

Amason, ship

Frell and

Anita, schroner

Anewymu, brig Anonyma, nechu Ant?lija, barque

- 300 Vincent

Antelope heig


Andex, ner


Apiera, ener Mail, alg

219 lely

957 fram


100 Labsch

613 Roundy

Part] 194|Remedies

Span 150 Huberado

Per Prince Albert, Mr & Mrs Cort and family. | Hamanjee Normesjes, ship lini || KERI DALAM




1, Albion, Clark, Whempas.

Hombay hip

L'a'den, largad

Canten, alert

Canton, steamer

Cathays, ship

Ceres, Larque

I, H. M. Str. Skoop Keyward, Commde Cracroft, Chill, able


3, Chrear, Martin, Whampon.

9. Martin Luther, J. Huson, Whampoa.



28, Bintang Anam (Dut), Deibol, Samarang.

28, Callerina (Dut), Izm?rs, Batevin

30, Nicolas (Everd (Fr), Drinot, Havre.

30, Robert Small, Small, Londen,

Vencia in Coronono, Canton, on Mario,


For England.

John O'Gaunt W.

Susan G. Otrona W.

Fer United States.

Ceres W.

Oxnard W.

Se W.

For Bombay,

Bir Bernis W,

For Singapore. George Fyle, H.

For San Francisco. Adelaide F. Thetis II.

thebar, barq48

Clara, bit

+ Laodina 41-lo, ship

Clown bilg

Confacies, ship Congress, ship Coriandel, ship

Dart, schooner

Dende, echooner

Dile, short

Dos Amigo schoones

Elizabeth, obly

File, schooner Vacht

Emily Jane, oliy

Exa, brig

Facles, ship

Flavins, whi

Folkstone bly

Fortam, ship

Ozelle, acliorer

Georg Fyfe, burquo


303 now

21 Jamison



374 Vergatal




Am 375 French Arit? 66HowS Am 147 Porter Brit. 133 Barch

15/Wadman Sva


141| Wagers

451 Murray




Sandwich Caloo

Harkond [longkong Wacaa Manila



13 Dec 14 Hongkong

7|1Tongkang Hush and on

French del

Whatapos W. EL Wandley sad co.

Food-foo Dent and co

Receives whip

Names Jardles, Matheson and co-Receiving ship

Dec 28 tiongkong|Marrow


Dee. Leyba B. Lungrabe


Noorya Lyall and co. ** Des 15 Shanghae R., Worthingtou and co |Hopt_4|Whampoa Russell and co.

Whampoa Jardins, Matheson and co.

Mano. A. de Xull

Deo to Whompos A. Brown and on.

WP. & P. N. Cler and co Receiving ship Dec. 15 Shanghae Jardian, Mytherin and co.

Whampoa W. 13, stock


W. C. of Aero Early

Est Const

Rodeling ship

Por Bale

feeling ship Shanghas

and co.

Whanghen, Fan. Francisc


sch January


Ran Franciscs

Nov. IS


Dec. 2017hampos Russell and en.


Deo 31

Jardina, Matheson and to Amos. Shanghao V, A. Remedion

New LO

Det 12 Amoy Tilt and

Hougtongarde Malbosan and

Recriving ship involving ship

00 Det


do. Liverpost

103 Jame 14


New York

Put back



th Tout.


Bil. 57 Paancha

404 Foot


Tales 11


- that, yol

Des 20

[[Dec 27]. Typi

Perner and c

20 No 31


Hongkong des

D44. 26


Edward to Emat, schooner, Aim,

Brit 21

St Francisc0 Slagspore

#2 Aug 27


437 Landere

Emperor of China, "kip

141 May 11



199 Mickal


Deo. $4

Brit 231 Satherland


Eureka, barque

Am. 17@gder


J'aleso, ship

Brit 3721


Fatul Hair, barque

187 Wath

44 822


Stylum Patekmun, barque| Brit



04 Nor Falfongkong


400 cry

121 Miller

80 Det 23

Nov. 1


8944 20


|San Francisce

Oet. nalulu

Hyrel skip



For Homil

Independence, brig


Flavius W.

Investigator, ekip

174 57% ??????

44 Aug

Jawa, shilp

Pero. Washburn

For Shanghae.

Eulo, alip



Hongkong Amoy

Deo 37

Del 16

Emperor of China El.

Balrod ineen schoonar

Brk. 19Macfarlane


10eo 16

Whitby El.

John Bright, ship


891 Watt


200 Mar 23

John Banyan slip

*Te Thonon


John Bogdale, skip



113 Aug

John O'Cannt, ship

449 Macdonald


BT Aug

Jobu Sparks, skip

10: Spark

Juba Wood, ship

Justina, bargan


53 Pare


Keem Shan, schoner



(Nov. 25



Bomet, brig


190 W

San Frandece

Lady Hayes barquo


at tangles



Lon. Oct. 19 S

Lady Mary Wool, steamer




Lon. Aug. 21 &

Lady Park, barqsa

593 Veer

Doo #1 Hongkop: Deat and co.

Anne Jane


Fawcett LA Fuott

Chatham Latpent

Liz Oct 89. |Liv. July 16| 11. Morrison |Lav. July 2:3 tilson iv. May 18 Bamburgh Lon, May It 8. Pentrouth Lan. Oet 18] H, Maxion

Lon. Sept 13 11. Da Liv. Sept 10 H. Scaby |Liv. Ang 14| EI.

Land (7°c sker, sly

Lord Amherst, ship Loula, barque

Looka, barque

Makamoodle, barque Mahomed skab, barque Margaretta, ship Blader, ship

Master Cather, barqa

Mary Wilder, ng

Muide, hargan

Blart, brig

Mazepps schoenes Meno, skip

272 King

616 Merken

561 Oran

2 Nov 2

Lessly, schoner Linnat brig

115 May 20

17 oogkong Keyaran and ca


112 Hellamy



Wapon Cash 8. Laugiama

340 Llaim

Amey Dent ad es.


East Co


Hongkong Raberi Strachan

Chischen Deut and co

Bew Witch W.

Tour W.

For Lisbon

Clara M,

Novo Paquette M.

Onyom M,

For Franco-Albert H.

For Calexia.

Mor, H.

Water Witch, H.

Town W

Eureka WV.

For Lima.

Coromani M.

Mariner M.



Good Succes, bng Hale, brig Hellas, Lermaphrodite Rurales, br

Hongkong, manmNET Hongkong, basque

Jing's Walker, ship


Slaw Darle

Br. 250R


344 Gord






Cent and co

Lookong Wm Daridion

AmayTM Syme, Mair and co

Des. 1 Shangla Hussell and en

Sept 2 Shanghae Syne, Muir and go.

Toghong Park

Wo Dent and ca

Hoogkang Terner and o

Deo z5]Whampen Nye, Parkle and op.

Maklu, Naw

Dea. Whampoa Wm. Posts and ca

Hongkong Jardine. Maibes and co Nov 13hamp. Viene Po. Lampe Paste and co

D Ketoady and co Woe Jardine. Matheson and cp Receiving sp Hanghong.A.Diding##O C ?o 'nagt Kov?iving ship East Coam Tardine, Mathesonants. Dea. 12 Hongkong Holiday, Wiss and co. Nov 10


Chia how Jardina, Malboson ad eo Lookong Jarding. Matheson and so Shangliae Syre, Mulr and co Hongkong Loge Lyall Namon Dest and op

N?r 39 Hongkong Neare and en

Whampoa Thomas Hunt

Sept 92 Amoy Syme, Molr and o

ee 30W bampos fiibb, Livingstone and co

Des 20

Fash and col

Det. Je Hangkong Rando

Wong Dent and se..

Dec L Shanghaargreaves and on

Harding, Aallon and co

(~ykas, Behwxbe and ca

Det. 16 Whampawner and co

Dea 10

Kwer and go.

Dee hunghat Halliday, Wise and to. Dec 25


Kwang-les Hong

. Jongkong 1. Lubeck and do

I'm moon Augustine Heard and co

1. A. Ouding...Lo Ag! Woo

Den 17angar Jardine, Matheson and os London

Dea J



Heceiving ship

Reviving skilp



Receiving ship

Store ship


Aan Francisco

Tib Saltuary

Plug, & Pesang



Early Karly


Receiving ship


teceiving ship





21 floo



Dev. 16




450). Hutton

37 Nov 17 Uongkong

Dec. 18 Dee 14 Jan

New Margaret

231eaveland Bandlich Tiean

Old England


Liv. Aug. | E1,




Shin Oct 1 H.

|148|| Andersen




Lon. Aug 9 H.

Des to



Lon. Aug 9H

La Gendan

River Mir Jande, Malbeson and co

Dec 31 Regoog|Jardins, Matheson and re

Alenkin, Newwe and ou Hatson and to

P.&D N. Came Dee Le Shangban Hussell and c

Wooowajen 4 Langraos

D: elamoos, Sans and an Jardine, Matheson and co. Weng

Dog Whampoa flussell and co

Meselving ship Hreeting ship


C. of Agrica Early

Honing ship

deprivac shitp

||Lon. Aug.17| H.

Mor, ship


??? ?


Lan Sepi 219.


Madens Oct 6 EI,

Cal. Nov. 12 21,

Cal Nov.

J. Wilach

Bom. July 5B.

Nov. 11

Nov. 8

Coombes 18.F. Oct 16 H

Bir Edward Parry Squires



Order in which the abova Vessels lest England. Jarpet, Lively, Men Morgente Mangolery, Chatham. Ola Kasland, Fekete, de Loud Fang, Alanum, Bird, Monach Mem Trust, Ana Juan, Mangsetern, Qubai, Allevassle.

Loading-At Loknox] Bentinck, and Moolan.

Al Liverpool; Succes,


Thoupas Cowanjec Family Flutham Eaglo Jucons


Loading-At Calcuttaj. Atiet Rohoman, and

J. Jejeebhoy --At Bonnar John Wickliffe, Den rietta, Orpheus, Virgilin, Danaren, and Caledonia FROM SINGATONE,

John Spencer

Lidbetter Lighting Bing

Loading-At Batavia ? Indrummijoe.

FROM CALIFORpia & Sanowicy Islande


Noro l'aqautis, karqua

Onyka, kaig

Raamo. balt

Royal Exchana, belg

Rejalla, scho

Reparall, harqas

B., Waterman, barque


Bes, ship

Zs, bri

A 950 Peamen

Nizi d? Lan, help


?erbedile, baryes


134 July 20


Houghong Jardine, Matheson and on calenta

Maco M. de Jesus Honglion Flatcher and co.



233 Hoper

Port 256P V. Pastor Manila

15 Nov 16

Nytaph, brigantino




Oil, lip

Hanghong rabb Bambay

[Nov. 20

Det 13

Neat and co Macpowell and ca.

V. Jarga



10 ept

New York

i'achander, barque



Amey Jardins,



Patil, schooner




Recelting solp


Pedlar, litt

B014 Kittens

Pauchessy, ship


351 | Pradhamna (Ban Francion

on (Oct 17


Away de Shang bas Shang kas

Proca Alvest, ship




#1 Blogspara


Bajasian, p



Deo 21

Rhostes, shly





[pan? FIN


Hos Standish, abip

06 Nov. 21


Hoogkang asli qui co

Post. 153

Hoe P. da Silva

For Bala


111 Browning



Hongkong syme, Mide and no.


www.coli and so.

Am. 340ik


So Now 20

6114p &

Elenolulu +

Den to Shanghaitumell and co.

Recoirby ship

(July 10, ** and on,


ken|Sypkami and on.

New York

Nea Wich, alip

Am 001 Franor


Beeld, ship

619 Heys


Blum, berque

-Slam. 100|1'Stre

Amboy, Walk and on.

Sir l'avals, sp


Nov. 2

biz Edward ayam, barque

2:30 Torner


Duc. J

Bis Liceige Pluck, ship



Nov 1]

Ovipe, bilg


Comhle Usi

176 Equits - Annaa

Hom 2 Beyer


Nos. 12

Pik, andwer


#1 Woodberry

Br. 196 Mob?anch



Receiving ship


ugg Canto


Mary Ann Folliou McLeod



Susan G. Gwen, olig





Barah Banker Cooper

La Lake, Us. Flera e New Napery

Lijde, Bus Museion, Hurt Mailegunt, Dek. Vymapart. T

cum, Bent. Heming, Gay, Cry law. Fen, Ferung, Sig. Me pagart,

B. Bunghong, 34. Alim, Wh. 37 ham, m. A. Adag, d. Kaseyhno


TW. reac, skip

Terinta, busq

The lit, barque

The bri


Proudlyn, Lazque

Tear, ship

S.E. Grpt 14 11.

Swallow, barque -

Sulik.mley, augs



San Franciscs






42 Oct 1


Umon, ship

Apan 19 Yacht



1'ort 301 Victal

Am 476-Hardy

"pan | 4ra Pardo

Dec 12


Receiving alip

celesiring ship

New York


Viunt bandos, ship








31 May at

Vixen, akumar

25. I


Hurers and co.

In Bradshaw

Vionw Jacobo, bargna


193 Godshall

Quan'man -Ingapurs



Hongkong JanNus, Sikand

23 Haly 14


Hongkong up

Dr Banker

Water Wuch, barque


179 Man


1 x ???








Hongkong (1 3. 5

Admiral Austers

15 im N barqa

(71 Thommen

Caparin Agen

Willerie, slip


Marie Mitchell


Canton HC B

Wky, barq

Zephyr, schooner

Dat BL 911 SWAT


140 Brown

Muutiodam Kewport Pack


16 July 30

Ner 2


Leat and co. East Cousens and co

myyme, Mals and op

31 Hongkong Dent and th

ongs, Bowman and co.

Lindsay and o

Dea 25 Bokoagawin, Prioker and co, Nov. 25


I bekley


|Whampo= || M2%



19 i,ward



D. Jojo 1.


||14 Timompon 1 1. 1. 2 Glendy¢| 22 |KinomarDERO


EDITED, PRINTED, and Procesned, of the ProFairton, William Tarkant, Queen's Road West, Victoris, 1961.


| 105 |Capa, Avodrade

wyn David Sassoon, tons and co reeling ship MACK

Nov, 19 Whampas Russell and co.

Best Cornigym, Mair and co

Gibb, Liria slede and co. Shanghar flent, Hoale and co ongkong C, a. D. D Laleam

bec. 21Why Flatcher ad D.

Nys, Parkin and one

as Aug 4Sandwich Islan

73 Ocekung

Cuando estasjon 7. Camas and co. Romising ship

Wee. 13 W Jacline, Mattoon.and da, now Tork,

Hongkong Hawley Dryer and en

Nev.29 Whatinduy khi da. Kweng

De Chancery and cos

Wing Brandon. Not in Where We Pustan and ce. Canton Vinger

Aug 20 Ningpoflangetares and op. Nov. 1ampon Olyphant sal ons

4|Hanghong Jardine, Matheson and to Dec to Whampoa wesell and go. NOT H

Olyphant and co Lookang Went dual' Hongkong?lyme, Mair and o Dec. 14 Whimp 3d cgo Lysli and op.

Woss Festanjce P, Lama and

Man Marquod ||Bepti Whampoa Rumel and co. [Aug 13|Shanghao Kussell and co




403 Inst.

Receive ship Kocelring spip





PRICE $6 per annum.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION the FRIEND OP CHINA AND HONOKOND GAZETTE, per damun, 18 Dollars, payable in advance, quarterly of otherwise, at option. Single Numbers, 25 cents

h. SUBSCRIPTION in the OVERLAND,To Nubscribers to the Yasuno de Cuina, izoltajn per Annumj nem:umba?ribere B3 ; single sepios 50 cents; if more than Ten Coplas taken, forly omis TERMS OF ADVERTIBINO.-Ten lues and under, 1 Dollar; od dtional, 19 cmsin → Jiua. Repajstians' bwo-third of the dist Insertion, Ships-First Indordon, & Dollars subsequent Insertions 48 cont

Advershengyin jo hyve written on the fuse o?shem, the number of times they are required in oppoer, esbozwise they will be pub?iagad unili countermsad?d, fr all fustances, those who are not Subscribers, requlos to pay in advance.


NOTICE i bereby given, that the Partnership.

hattofore subsisting between the andersigned


BUSH & Co.



ENGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all THE HONGKONG ALMANACK for 1881, "Alda, et rando to the above.

Enoxan Jamison, Jank Giyroem, and losse Bengazonu, d'airava, Datae-Plates, Burn, Aman."

? siam, sito Naile, by Facer Epous, si Calaidia under the, Firm, of Jani

will be issued without the Directory, un is hug been found Empossible to prepare the latter in TIBE Panopolar aur Ons - 997 &. Cogeary, and at Canton and Hongkpag


under the Firm of Jamison, Epoux & ConpakY,

sufficient time. The Directory however will be Hongkong, in October, 1850, --Bhip PERIN, will leave this || le this day dissolved by motoch doniout so regardi

brought out seperately, at a future period. fe the shore places on Thurs: the mill Foman Frost Enega, who retire from

FOR SALE. Wagi, the 20th of Januars, Ban

the Partnership.. The Business (x}}) in future be LLSOPPS PALE ALE in Hopphenda. Twilight will be received on board until noon | carried on by the said Canape Jantigen and Forh

Apply to, on the 1911; und Canog mit &?, on ?ilis 2015. Grons in Partnership with the dotsigend

FLETCHER & Co. For partienlate regering Famourandhaman | Akmannen' Gherend, at Calowits under the bin upply at the P. 4.0, 8. N., Compang) Ofice, P?zakamon de Comrany, pad ng. Canine und Hangi

Hongkong, 30 December, 1850, Hongkong.

kong under the Firm of Jasnoqu, Girr?mo & Courant, to whom the Afate of the late Virul

POR SALE. delolve is liquidation.

"ORBATHING COPPER from 14 to 26 o#. Deted this Thirty Gral Day of Decapsber, One di Lord Hardinga. Apply to, Thousand Eight Hundred and Filly.

||& A/OLDING; Agent

- P&Q ??N, C6% Odles. Hongkong, 801h Dammber, 1889, -

FOR BAN FRANCISCO," THE A. 1. baigi pland" Stridiel THE ANTILOPS

masta palt af hoe pargnengaged, twill have early dopalah. For freight or pngs apply to A. LUBECK&Co.

Houghark, In January, 1651;.


Ta kai ship hai phon Wadhwani, 'will be-deuphitched for


by his Allowney AganawDER GIFFORD.


by his Attorney ALEXANDER GIFFORD,


[R JOHN H. EVERETT le ischorleed to siga

Our Firm by Prosuratiam. ??

the aboyd: Purt on the'?ih prosimo

AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. · "Far 17'da Fantome or Passion, haring Brparige Colon, 14th December, 1850.

BUSH & Co.

Accommodation, apply to

Hongkong, 19th December, 1950.

"FOR SAN FRANCISCO, THE Superior Bre elas American Bar qus EUREKA," J. Ryden Muster, "will"niest with" "early despatch, oin mike tub kuna fmight, and handsomely, accommodate . two passengers,

Apply to,

WW. BUCKLER, Canton, or i W, PUSTAU & C..


TTBB A1, British Barque THETIS,


Pink," Cam, Muster, haying the greater part of her curga engaged, will be dee jinched about she 18th prozino. For Freighter Passage. Apply in, Tjarna

"OYME, MUCH & Co. Vitoria, Hoogkong, 12th Theo., 1850. TO LETAKKANJ THE House on the South side of Gyngh

Brest, lasely occupied by



The Adore on the North File of Gough Street letely nupied by Mr Jabu Cetry

Apply Wy

MI. SHERARD, Al Mr Ebox's

Victoria, 3rd January, 1951..


THE House in Queen's Road, oppose the

Old Burial Ground.

Containing baudacinie and vocation Dining and Drawing Bed and frosting Room, spraipus Godowne ., with front and back Verandaba, and commanding a fing ?viete of the boy ; also a sme!! parcel of ground suitable for a garden. Apply to


· Ram- Qash. College, i Victorie, Bepiamber, 1860,

In the

THE Undereisand in-homered to accept Blake TAPOVI C138 al Juorng and AN EROPANER Conftantia) by the Pak L?rinal. Companyfulganets, Engkong, to the Stray Dog from C lon, the Pre bal of India, and 'England'

For Rates of Premium and other informatie, apply to Mr.J. A. Qamere, at the P. & O. Co.'s; Offor, Hongkong."25"

JAMES HARTLEY & ■ JAMES BARBER & London, 284 December. 1848,




THE Bedloess Witberts carried on is Chine on by owa nawe will la Cptore be conducted under the style of CARTER & Co.

AUGUSTUS CARTER. Hongkong, fat July, 1850

NOTICE MR. ? DELLAVIR 1×4 Mu C. BRODERSEN All, are sulborised to sign our jem.


4. Hongkong and Onning, 24h Dec, 1858,

THE business of the moderal goed in Chios, bereto. Ted up in the heart Beat Mook

Oo, in heteby declared closed this day-

HENRY MOUL Canton, 20lb December 1850.


MR. EDWARD COHEN, this day admited

apart in car dem.


Hengkong, Jal Tapuery, 1851.


?? ????????

PBE Partnership, hitherid ?erlating under the 1. P of Camisan Poomazu? do Out, La shien Idag dawolved by mutual conenos, DONA

(Signed) CANAJEB POCHAJEE &' Hongkong, Decortaber, 1880, nakon

__yr+ :#? NOTICE.....

su Commistion Agents under the Firm Tersigned have the day comounced ba and Btyle of E. and D. D. Laloids, & O

(Signed) EDULJEE FORDOMIER, D. D. LALCACA, Hongkong, let Maukry, 1851.



NOTICE.. "J. THE intern and responsibility of Me Alor: Fukkyn in bar him, and from the Blu De- camber 1860.


BOWRA? HUMPHREY(r) Hongkong. In January, 185(. and ve

NOTICE WITH reference to the shore, it is hereby la. mate, that the businras Alberto carried on to the" nome of Bowna Houenzeze di Dal will benster be condogled, by the undersigned yoder


there of BOWRA &,, Dich Mr W. A BOWRA authorised to go

1. CHAS. W. BOWRA. Hongkong, (at January, 1881.

THE undersigned having "bess appointed Agent in Canten for the above used Society is prepared to kimet Palles payable in London, Lisa erpool, Bombay, Calcutta, Madian, Shanghas and


FRANCIS 8. BiRLRY, Canton, 14th Augdai, 1850, (**)




GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 21st February, 1850,


JUST Landed from the Investigator" direct from

house of G, MARE of Boon. Teh Ouses on Dosan ench, Vory Superior, SPARKLING MOSELLE,

LANE, CRAWFORD a Ca. Victoria, 24th. December, 1650,

BOWRA & Co, beg leave to call the attention D of the Pontio to the extensive assortment of Sag CHANDLEes add Otemans Sronut whicb they offer for Fiale et mod rate prices, conscoting principally of-Qaama, Twins, Europe and Manik Cordel Bunting, Osro Paints and Phi Oil, Varnish, Terpenice, Tar, Pitch Rosin, Candles, Tobacco, Cigari, Glars and Crockery Ware, an dalite atsortiment of Clothing and Stationery,

Balt Provisions, Flour, Viangat, Wine and Bojeli? of all varisties.

wat Received, a Bitch of Boss' and Allsop's We had Porter of Buperior quality,

. The abors ahores son of the very best descrip Movers E. & Co. ary now, prepared in

Hoo Tung, Lit Janukty, "1831.



Apply lo, --

HENRY MARSH. Queen's Road, V??l?kia, Be? Jadumby, 1881.


THE vodarnigoed bega to inform Ship were

2nd Ship masters that he has always on hand #upply of the following articles.

Agthots and Chain Cahlra,

Tron Kheni Dack and Hawas Pipes

(Round, ? in to 4. ing.

Best Refined, Iron, Flat in. to 7. ins P?quire ↓ in, to 4 ins

OR Chain & in to fin.

Fron and Lead Pipe, Raging Screws. Chlorven large ansi small, Iron Sheaves of all sizes. Sheet from of all sizes; for stove pipes and for scher purposes.


Bpring Gardens, Viatoria, Hongkong, 18th December, 1850. NOTICE

LL Persona having cla?ma on the Estate of the A: Into Mr Juns Rown, Surgoen, of Hangkbag, ara requeried to send in their accounts before the 28th day of April, 1651, and all petanse indebted ? in the deceased are required to make inmediate

payment of their doble to,


Colonial Surgeon, Administrater to the Eltam.

Hongkong, October 28th, 1850.


LL perasa baying claims on the estate of the late A NORDOTS D' Esrwenn Panugu, are requested

to send them to the undersigned before the first day of March 1851, and all persons lodebted to the dononood are requested to make immediate payment -of their delta to

J. PHILLIPS, Escutor. Floogkong, 25th December, 1850.


The Almanach, price. #1, enn he obtained, na ous), at Mesure Lane, Crawford & Cor Noronha's Priming Office, Wellington Blues, and at the Office of this paper,

Victoria, loogkung, let Jappary, 1851.


R. WILLIAM SAOB bege to cotify the re- Made in Victatie, that he has taken those

convesisat premises at the corner of Peel Street abutting on the Queen's Road and opposite the Hongkong Register ofhes; where he will peactive bis profession se Veterinary Borgron,

Mr Sau take this opportunity to scquaint the


og tune to a good saddle Turner, and

Victoria, Hongkong, 19th Dec, 1860.





per day Bed Room per sighi Brosk fast

Tico -

Disc Hopper

Port Wine pre belle






do. de.

Boda Water and Lemonade

D do, and Brandy


proprietor akh their patronage are requested the proprietor

to report the levet neglect or inatisation on the part of servants.

Manko, 21st November; 1650,


FOR RALE the Office of this paper 1-


** Laurie,





for the Peninsular and Ori

ental Company's Brammers.

Compradorre Ozores, la Booke., Power of ATTORNEY. CHARTER-PARTENS. Bhirring ArxICLEE


HONGKONG RACES, 1881. NOTICE -All Horses and Ponies are to be men N aured at the Grand STAND by the Stewardes on the Morning of Monday the 10th instant, between the flours of ? und 8 a. it. ; and all. Entrancsa, tp be roads to the Clerk of the Course the Muricy Barracks, before 5 9. 10. on Satur?ng the 11th,

JOHN KING. Clark of the Conten [Jongkong, Och January, 1861


MHE Undersigned beg in-intimate that their DRY DOCKS are now capable of receiving Vessels of the following Drafts of Water,

At Spring Tides, 12) fort



The Large Dock in 200 feet long, and the Pumps attached are worked by a Steam Engias.

JOHN, C. COWPER & Co. Whampoa, 15th October, 1850,



BY repeatable Englishman, who has bad se- D veteral years' experience in this Country, a sustion as Assistant in a Store or Warahonec.

Can give unexceptionalla teferences...- Addres- sort) Zatthe Office of this paper, will be attended lo.

Victoria, Hongkong, Gib January, 1851,


THE undersigned, have roseived direct from the

Apofacturers, Indian Coudious, the very THE Capinin and Consigners of the Americao

Whale Ship Shafirid" will not be terpoOMPOSED by Mr C. L. CLIFFORD, "od played latest arrivale-vi

Very Superior Bengal Chitney,



Do Ouity Powder, Madras Mullig, tu?ugi Paste,


do. Do. Curry Postp.



THE Imerret and reponibility of. dr. June

A few one of most + zorljepi Pom Wine, Sherry, CASSELE to our firm consed on the tat De Champaigns in Quarters & Prats, Beer and Stout. cember 1849,

MACEWEN & Co, Queen's Road,

(Signed) p. pro UUBERTSON & Co.


Shanghas, oth Decomber, 1960.

Hongkong, 23rd December, 1850.

sible for any debis cominated by the crow of said - veknel,"

Hongkong, Tal January, 1881.


BY an European Portuguese (who has just lef Maronule Oflier) = tilestion as Assistant in a Counting house-addresses to X. at this Office will be attended to.

Victoria, Bd January, 1851.


? by the band of H. M. Ship "Hastinza" at the Garrison Ball, given at the Club House, in the 6th instant,

M. 8. 8. Coples, arranged for the Piano Forte, may be had of the Band master, on board the * Hastings," or at any of the principal Blores ic Hongkong Price 1 per copy. The above may aleo he had renged for Flute, Cornopean, Quitar, &c. &a. Eneli copy will be signed and slapped.

ffungkong, Sth January 1851.


To the Editor of the Friend or CHINA. VICTORIA, BoxOzono, 3rd January, 1851. SIR-The errespondence of his Excellency Governor Bonham, with the Home Authorities published in yesterday's " China Mail" lilicates degree of apparent faruritium, "nd begleet of acknowledged Individual claims with reference to ndit sien of the Chlua pitater head money, cares. ly to have been hoked for at the hand of either not worthy Governor, or Commander Hay of

MB, Columbine

one on boati


*** Patr Play'a " letter is not uncalled for; and

went wold be uning indeed, compared with that of the present Comminabant, if permanently deed at Oantan, or cine- we trust the hints thrown out will be speedilyere on ohore, and it utility and efficacy in my opinion acted upon. Mears, Soames and Jamieson ball calculation. are of course entitled, a supernumeraries, to some portion of the head money.

The do los devolving on the head of such an establishment,

ing precise and distines vedere and regulations for the be, se receive the registers and upon of shelving guidance of captain and prome, where he appeal in his in of disturbano complaint on board skip, and invariably an overyenalon where masivon ‧f China are opered, in phoon of making, the law, injo their own hence, and rocking se redress their real or imaginary grav

saces. To beten patiently and atentively to ony Chi who may be injured or sugrieved, sad, by die power wich which hole insound tooled them rodrom, and, if posible, Clicaties Blend to the other ordering and dive

pine of the ships, by watchful obrvation av bh wander and emen; and by avery means la his power, ta mantika malas. 4 venture predict, with

pred ameliorate the present dlsited state of the

Ex continuation of the remarks, commenced in our last itrue, we now come to enquire what benefit has accrued, during the past and provi- It was geserally known to the community, and ous years, to those engaged in the general reported to their Excellencies ibe Naval Commum trade, from the upholding of this settlement; der-in-Chief, and Governor Booham I presume officially 100, that Me Willian Soames (ate Corn or rather, what amount of benefit has accrued mander of the Steuer "Corir") by hie intimate over and above that which might have been knowledge of the coset, judgment and abulty obtained, had Hongkong never been taken pos- Pilot, accompanying un bourd Her Majesty's session of. To rive at a conclusion on this Shops and the ti. Siesmoe Phlegethon," ren dered invaluable services to the expedition in que: point we go back to the abolition of the East tom, and shared in the attendant dangers of the India Company's monopoly of the China trade, important service performed, equally with every a retrospection of mine seventeen years,

But poor Beames, so long know and dra-redly tropected by the foreign com munity in China 16 aut pren named to my Lords Commissioner of the Admiralty! It is just poe sible however, that the gentlemen shore named may intend gratifying the old Coreair," with a private mark of their mutual regard, after he is no longer competent to the duty of enrolng bis bread. in the successful navigation of the Canton River, Captain Jamieson of the P. & O. Co's Steamer "Canton," was likewise reported to have rendered signal assistance to H. M. Brig Colombine, " when after a hard night's running fight, againgl Chai-Apuo' pimte squadron, the ines of JI. M Brig, were hired out, and almost unable to sui themselves at their guns, but Mr Jamieson seeing likely also to experience the same reward of cold official neglect, as Captain Soames.

If the pubhe money is in be thom volod away sufficient, and the Master Attendantship was all, for public rervices rendered, it la but fisting altogether abolished. that the meritorious selg af Individuals whore aux Pary services, have been called into active requisi

and has alas! become a sheer hulk.

ting from my own experionor, that moush may be done by preempt sad uxample, combined with the power vested in an effour of this sinjonty's Government.

from Chins (barring the penny romission on to the crown on Tear, Silks and other things

Tea-Od, por pnual on Gingor grown in the

ing less than it is now. Colony &c.) would not have been a single farth.

"But Elliot's plans were not feasible in the eyes of the government and in the place of Hong. kong being held because it was a good location for an Office for the Superintendent of Trade, and a convenient and mot expensive mercantile pleasure ground, it has been converted into

RY STATION 11 and a very pretty Military whai?l-A military station!-A MILITA:

station the Government have made of it-ano. torious Charnel bouse and as the station af Now the only benefit accruing to British fects the real sanatory character of the Island, Trade from the retention of Hongkong, at an that line of Pope's is justty applicable-it is

tall bully that lifts its head and fide." annual expers of £85,000 per annum, over and above the fun of £9,000 for laries of

But we must lake Hongkong as it is, not ag it might have been. Bleam avion has superraded the use of our godowns," and an an accessory to the Canton Opium Market the settlement to in no way beneficial-Neither Tea por Bilk, (and but few other articles for ex-

officials in the still continued Superintendenty,

and Canton Establishments, is, that we areen- abled to supply ships arriving hare with the from the mainland of China,) and facilities are freshest of vegetables, (importer, by the way,

afforded to litigating Merchants to raportation) ever flod their way to this post; or their little peccadilloes in our much valued Ju

It was then deemed necessary to have a Bo perintendency of Trado establishment, at an expense of £18,900 per annum (afterwards re- duced in £13,600, and again reduced to £7,300, with an additional £2,500 for payment of Clerks, Rents of Officer, Boats, &c.) Thin - tablishment, originally, comprised three Super intendents, Secretary and Treasurer, Chinese Secretary and Interpreter,- Chap-preme Court of Judicature, lain-two Burgoons. Master Attendant, and a Clerk of superior olasz, acting us Regis trar of the Court of Judicature (salary £800 per annum). Subsequently it was found that two Superintendents, and one Burgon, were

The objects in view at the formation of this

With these two exceptions Houghong yields

should they, indeed, by shanes be brought here, the fact may be noted with na much precision as would be a waif or ray by the Lord War.

Do manner of benefit to those interested in the?des of H. M. Cinque porta. .. general China Trade, over and above that which was obtainable before the Colony was ever thought of; and we take leave, in this place, to express a doubt whether the nature and value of goods imported and exported" are noted

By the Americao Nh?p *Reindeer" Capt. Lord. we have at last received some three score and ten nachent of the "Diario de Manila" but from the whole of them there in bat luule in-

here with one half the precision such duties had formation to be gleaned.

convenience then the Louisa's" comfortable

little cabin afforded; and if there have ever been

sent home reports on the difficulties impeding,

tion, should meet wuh an appropriate share of establishinent were-in ascertain the elate of bestowed on them when there was no other public reward and the duty of securing that, to the trade carried on in China by British subjects them respectively, would seem, properly to lieto obtain a note of the number of British ve within the sphere of Governor Honham's impartial sels arriving in the country, their tonnage, the advocacy; more especially, should Commanders of Her Majesty's Ships who reaped the bowetit of their umber of persons on board, the nature and services, as pointed out, from trust memory, have value of the goods imported and exported in such vessels-to get a registry of all facta illas- evinced any weglect in this matter.

There is no one who knows and uppencintes the public claims of Mr Assistani Police Superiorative of the course and nature of the trade-subjects sendent Daniel Richard Caldwell, but will rejoice of difficulties impeding, and of means for ex-

to learn the fact of that gentleman's good fortune. tending it-the rates of duties and all other for more reasons than one; but the other geniono statistical information tending to illustrate, and whose Games ate now brought to puhiko view, ure equally entitled to a porticipation to the pecuniary explain, the interests of British subjects, and of award recorded by Parliament, and it is to be re- the subjecta and citizens of foreign nations, an gretted that their last claims seem to have been connected with the commercial intercourse overlocked in the proper quarter.

It will is to be hope, tit, (whilst neglected by subsisting between them and the Chinese Em Jews.) Alesass Sonnice and Jaurte so, wie unitum which is said to coutelo good conduct also in their respective station, commanders of the local simmern, will not be tolak ly unrewarded by our commercial community, with whoes intersate their services have been so lung and intimately deatified.

1 remain, Mr Editor,

Yone obedient servant


BIRTH-At Manila on the Uhh ukimo, the Lady el B. A. Barretto, Big, of a Hou-


Nem Advertisements will be mormed until 7 Clock, on the onewings previous to publi. cation, vir: Turastays and Fristays


Oct. 94, andwich Islands Nov. 4 Walled mes Oct. 13 Hatavia

Nov. 2 Nor






Now. 19 Ritgapore

Nev. 14 Mancia

C. of G. Hope


Vel. 13 | Shanghai Mept

Abay Nlagpo Nor,



Dec 19

Dec. 34 Dec 23 Dec. 24 Deo 18




and by an order in Council, The the support of pire. The limite of the jurisdiction of the Blu- this establishment, certain duties were imposed upon the tonnage and goods of B-Wish subjecta trading to Canton; but ut being afterwards deained munro advantageous to the mercantile community, this order was rescinded, and one third of the £19,200 was agreed to be paid by

the Government of India, the remainder by the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury.


The Corvettes " Ferrolans" and * Villa de Bilbao" and the Bloop * Lajeron" kave been ordered by the Home Government to proceed to the Havannah with all despatch. Pre- and the means for extending, the trade, and thevious to them departure, from the Phillippines, other matters illustrating the interests of British however, the Governor Generit has em Hongkong in concerned, such reports are per. the south. The "Diario" simply records the

we can only say, that, no far as ployed thein in some warliks operations

fact that the "Villa de Bilbao"-Brig "Li- fectly valueless, for there is evidently no action

joro" and learners Rainha de Capilla upon them.

Magellanos" and "El Cano" had left the harbour, but does not give their precise des tination; but we learn from a private source that it is generally supposed they are off for Sooloo, and that the expedition comprises upwards of a thousand men, consisting of four of European artillery (100) that two more com companies (135 each) of infantry company panics were to join from some of the provinces: the whole being headed by the Govembr.


When Plenipotentiary Elliot hard realized the great fact, that Her Majesty was possessed of an Island on the borders of the Calestial Empire, he was, apparently, so overwhelmed with the magnitude of the position, that, in the warmth of his heart, he announced to British the hoine Government to accede to two grand proportions:-one, that lands should be hell here in fee simple, at a nominal quit rent-the other, that, all t?n exported from Hongkong, should be admitted into England at a reduction of a penny per pound of the duty, (whereby if only half of the Canton Tea Shipments went from this place, Government were to sacrifice no less a sum than £50,000; and for such s

But the machinery to employed was altogerifice-what?) ther of too combrous nature, and after nearly two years working we find the Chief Superin- tendent, Sir G. B. Robinson, addressing Land Palmerston in the following manner:-

Mis Majray's Catter " Lemian",""

Lantin, Jang. 294), 1836.,

** I c-neziva the principal object of maintaining a British authority in this carry, a to uzecei a lutary on

ver the afery, endues, and package property, of the King subjects in China 110 arbdirsis and take in the sajamisest of depare and disrrancan | and in prevent the + OCETANCO el actiona er preocedings, whereby the nativen of China may be an end or as or to the errjetice of that big astonal character sod reputation, whian it in an dreirable to upheld and maintain, even ter poli-y and laternal slona,

*To there sada, a full and efficient montrend over the ship. ping in the main point; little also onema requisite. While that power in retained in our hands, and azorcised when

sector, with fadgment and discretion, Bitle dealty will

exist in the management "C"ther matters. No man un quiz the country, evade the fulfilment of Joel ciel him sad it censor be'd shied at the knowledge of ability athecally to interp on one lawful authority, will touch

The Diari" has a notification from the barbour master that, in fiature, on the apparent approach of bad weather, a pink flag will be boisted on the staff at his office.

It was also annoienced that another stamp had been prepared for the Government Cigar Box Label and in order to afford accomodation to the dealers, payment for purchases at the Tobacco factories would be taken for amounts exceeding $10,000, by Promissory Notes, bear-

Only those who were in China at the time, or whose interests led them, though absent, to watch well the complexion of the times, ever ar- rived at the solution of Captain Elliot's reasoning two approved signatures, and cnt having for these propositions. In requiring the cassion more than diree months to eun. In conse of this Island that gentleman contemplated only quence however of there being an insufficient a government of which he should be the head. stock to supply the demand, this acomodation During his then five years career in Chine, had for the present, terminated. (Dearly the whole time engaged in schemes for ameliorating the position of his countrymen in Canton) he knew men who had spent their score or two scores of years in the country, without a murmur or a sigh for the father land (his predecessor Sir G. H. Robinson had been bare sixteen years, and Mr Davis even longer than that) and to scoord to mich men the ad.

From an English list, printed by the Editor of the "Diario we hava mado some extracts of arrivals and departures of Vessels.

Freights to London for Sugar £9,12,0 4 £2,17,8, per Ton-for Hemp· £3,10 a £4 per 20 Cwt.

To the United States $10per,Ton all round. Exchange on England 20 days night, da, T?d, days sight 4. 71d-with Bills of Lading

NOTICE-le hereby given, that the Hour of Divine Srce those ele which weight be expected to a frate the advantages of a country seat on British Territory,-10

In the Catedral Church or Sr. Jono wew, von Satulayi

at 11 a. m, and 614 r. n., and on Thursdaye nin e, m.


Paul's College, Vicizia, ad Ocieber, 1640.

Asing Coloma) Chaplan.

shance of any flour of Hus Madracy's Gemarment, manga-

serted with Trade, wahined by party feelings, and over and to himee!i a permanest abiding plans, ware vigilant over the safety, welkre, and leasing of the King's advantages almost in excom of his fondest

On China 7 per cent premium. Peeling somewhat doubtful hem tar my rovides al die aspirations.

Mercader of the Spanish BrigTM Oquendo," anchorage, on board dela lista vessel af navaniy.lone logo, in conformity to the public motion undue dans Novemble 91, | Had the Goverment acceded to Elliot's ? who asperinated his paramoun, ai still in con- NOTICE The hour of Pabile Worship in the Usame would answer the exportalama 1 kad long sincs formed of plane, and both the Emperor of China and the finement, and is reported to bata become in-

Queen of England bean content, with his maulo- meat of the previously existing difficulties, thos

CHAPEL, Hollywood Road, la on the Sabbath at JI A, M

Viewila, Isi June, 1950,








10 Friday.

imatky and advantage, and being waarmia in what mean- ser the Chiarn would view the change of position Find southed, triding on it in, I delapud thie despatah all the present period, when the scanna la wall ne vansed, and I am cutapewat to pral with confidenes and rush on the efficient apparently utopian schemes might have beed means here we to discharge to import partially realised the trade of British Subjects

part of my duty BION WATER

0,43 5,81

1,59, 4,17 0,43 5,31 1.37 1,57 0,4 6,82 2,15 2,14

Moon-First quener on the 10th,-

In this place Enball was enter into any argument on the would have been economically superintended,

chief attendo upon that d'agninn and oppaitien which

far sevitably waits from the amuses of a Cosma

Hoard of three ne mora partona, bat muder the impression

that the management of a face would doves it may be

fer on a eagle individust, whose views and pretended, s Tjakke to oppakkien and ceanteression, ovald be married lase effect on his whole and talu teopromtilokay, 1 mmbenit, with vi

due deference, that he sold rede en kunde vedl in free from the restraints, of the Chinese His know-bald be centras), for several sumption, and

-unens o si lacosantion entirely unakuskied. To ident thie,

the vicinity of the shipping, mompletely out of the poster, and

the purcham or hiru ef " mall marakant 'vapor) ( about 900

and the Morchants would have been left to manage the main business of this governmental most entirely among themselves. True indeed there would not have been such a high suunding appointment as that of Commander in Chief of Her most gracious Majesty's Land forces is China-we might have done without a Vice.

and to afford a furtable habitation, I would mamei | Admiral-the visits of a Major General would Indrad na, capable of somendasis for she Cher have been as seldom, perhaps, as those of Superintendent; Becretly to succeed in effe the the Governor General of India to Singapore avent ‧f death or alone, and one or two clarka | andfulen Worfra mer and crew of abattusive good wendy The maintensnce of Commissaries General

Wirk reference to an anonymous letter from Canton, as we cannot of our own direct ledge substantiate what is alleged, wa refrain from publishing it; nor do we think that, under any circumstances, it would be advisable to agitate such matters in a public journal. agree however with our correspondent that a very improper spirit has been too lung in existence, and can readily believe that which

bo has assorted.

azt se vccretum required... lean might also found fra

men, two of who cight be swwrs in assessabito-Surveyors General-Registrars General- medical, whose presents in a large featle of the era. Auditora General Hospitals Inspectore Go-

dates, and a space devoted for the reception at a per der igent, or whom it may be desirable to take on

neral, and even an Attorney General night of has shop. The calcane silendast ogon such an establish have been avoided; and the amount of revenue


Is other part will be found the translation of some remarks by the Editor of the "Duri de Manila" regarding the irregularity experi. enced in the receipt of the Hongkong News- papera,

...The Editor of that, journal, on a former oc casion, gave we the name of the commercial hours to which He alludes, and in reply to our enquiry we received the following:-

We'bog to any thai all the papers which have been received at our office have been duly forwarded by Ship as opportunity occurred. Not having gow scorried, must have taken place after Imving thea' the Post Office, the loss, when the papera havo


Armed with this communication we have make regular enquiry at the Pom-Office on the arrival of every vessel from Manila; and when "El Tiempo" came into port, thought it

indeed singular that the Editor of the " Chine Mail" should be the only one fortunate enough to receive his files in due couITWO.

Those who are in any way acquainted with the gay city of Manile will appreciate the lowing translation of a chnico "communication" to be found in the " Diario de Manila" of 24th October last.



you and to the world. My father was so earuret in net that bu conewed it by fester of March 8th, 18 6, dressed to the Klag of Saglund.

Jof the Bil finement, through the Kartof, on the 30 April, 1619, made known to my lather that Great B die mot devler, under the act referred to, to exerci novereignty avar my fotamia, but that fiis Royal Hig the Price Regras suok en interest in secusing these (stas. from any luck or Joulestikos.

Lord Palmersion, also, in March, 1840, in reply to La ? 1 Ingestie, in the Parlament & Regland, made kusen 1 Her Majesty Queen Victoria, dalized no right of an reighty ure my Island Her Majesty, proved this W - - world, by her auvereign sanction to the firstuvasE MA, which this day in the Anniversary,

From all this, I have reason be believe that the bade pendence of my Islands is by my geen and gun fhead, the magnanimous Quees of England. Eader the anturahe:

poncil fixed over a sheet of paper, and thus the and furroidable way one against another. When wind is made to write down the direction whiska it, they feel scrive, in January, they are left to the self is blowing. Not for distant le a piece of metal ordinary summpbario temperature, for some months. the flat side of which in over turned by the won. Their rales being taken under these circumate 1008; ther cock to lasst the foll force of the wind, which a large dove in the contre of the apartment is light- blowing upon it, drives it Sacle against a 'spring, ed, and host got up to a sort of artificial Eust To this spring alixed a chain passing-over pullodia or Gold Coast point. Tried under these folleys towards aquibor pencil, fizul above a that influences, they are placed in an iron fray over the of paper, and moving faithfully, more or less, as the love, like so many wich-pies in a baker's dish, wind blows harder or sufter. And thus the "gotle and the fire being encouraged, they are literally usphyr" and the fresh trees, and the heavy gule, kept baking to are how their metal will stand that and, when it comes, the furious burricane, are made | wyls of kreniment. Whilst than hot, their ratos to note down their oharuetut and favon. The choi

ata anda more taken; and then, after thie dery of paper on which the uncertain element, the wind, |o1doul, euch of them as their owners like to trust to is basting witness against itself, is fixed upon wu uppquits "trut, are put into freezing inigtures! of that wall founded beller, I venture to hope that der Ma. frams moved by clockwork, Steady the pro- | Yet, a beautifully made are these triumpha of | juny will nevre be ladifferent in the perservation of an in- dependence, for which fler Majesty and Her Majesty's royal paleors have uniformly evinced so unch respect

have waited for this veca?lon to prevent to Her My. Jesty, la token of buy tesprer und gratitude, a b?nimir Lable, made bere, und mussfactured out of some of the the valuable woode which my stands produen. P several months it has been ready in the hande of in/ Chamberlain, who bas my orders to place it is your quer session, that you may send it in my name to your Quer Looking to the fature desthay uf my kingdoms and par ple, under my reernisieren, the searance of sept say independence from the Govermesta of Great Brkal - and the United States 'bout any intercalad cuckle- alinas, have comforted and upheld my spirti,

"Manila with its streets oanverted, for the greater part of the your into filthy and pastilerons puddles, ite proctially bad houses, of a sobre and laclegant appearance, and that inmenes mutude of car tiga, from the dealing and arinocratio Capela,gress of time, this ingenious mechanism draws the buman Ingenuity well is their mechanion, cor. drawn by pair of superb and fury kungen, duwa tu? paper, under the susproded pacils. Thus each cocted for compensating the expansion caused by the common Calerin, is 19 me a magnificent pano- minule and each hour has ke written record, with the beat, and the contraction induced by the cold- out humea help or inspection, Once day only, that an even rala of going is retablished, so nearly on assistant comes to put a new black show in the? that is variation under opposite circumstances be place of that which have been onvered by the mov- comes a ma!set of clown and certain evlimate.

The ratra of clinometers on trial for purchase

same, where 'always and some new object to adimire, some now and pleasing emotion to enjoy. To describe our canique, sentirizing lightly and inoffensively upon the ridicolousoves that markeng pencils, and the latter is taken away to be boned

up in a voluma The book might with truth be let- || lay the Board of Admiralty at the Observatory, re them, in the object which I propos herd

looking to the document for last year, we fae a latement of their performances during six mogibe of 1840, with memoranda of the exant weeks during which the chronometers were exposed to the open




I speak with difaulty from weakness, and because my feelings overpower me, but I cannot conclude without

sir at a north window ; the works the Chronometer. | dasking you personally, Cossal General for your rolna- sary offer of the guaranty of England, on a late occasion of much trouble; and I take this opporisaity to thank ail

foom was hosted by a stove, the chronometers

showed on that occasion,


The eastern turret is devoted to the Time Balt and its mechanie, Far out at so-away from all sources of information but those to to sched of the plunete, his compass, his quadrant, his chron pmaver, and his simanack, the mariner feels the value of time in a way which the landsman can be perved on the surrounding shalves and the Console of our siloss, for the sympathy, that they

curasly conceive. Ils cbonometer is right, be the works during which they were placed in the muy feel safo let him bave roman to doubt tray above the more. The rule given during the accuracy, and he knows how the perils surround. Bet wopk of tria! la la avery case omined; like ing him are lucroneed, o sreat of a few wounds newly goterad schoolboys thair early vagaries are his time may place hira in danger an error of linken into account; but after that, every merit a few minutes ony lead bin to steer blwlly to his and every fault is watched with jealous care, and rerain wreck. Hence bis desire when he is leer. when the day of judgment comes, the order of the ing port to have his time-pivoss right to a second arrangement al the chronometers in the list i and hence the expenditare of thought and labour, determined solely by canadoration of their ireng

and money, at the Greenwich Observatory, to at-larities of rate an expressed in the columns, Dif-Vascour no ford the shipping of the great poet of Landon, adference between greatest and leas," and "rast

the English Navy, the exit time-true to the cat difibresos betessa one week had the best." tenth of a secund, or six hundredth of a minute --- and to afford them alo bowk; the Nautical Al-

The Royal Bank of Australia.-The ■fairs of menack, containing a mass of tronomical facis ible fompany have heau placed under the pro- on which they may basu their odloulations, with full reliance as to their accuracy. Every day, for of the Joint Hook Companies Winding-up Aaj, lk the bands of Mesara Smith, Campbell, and the last seventeen years, five minutes bobre o merchants of the place. We Enderetend that

'clock, the black wall, five foot across, and stuffed

with cork, is rated self way up ice shall above there no intention of forcing the property into uter turret of the Observatory | at two suda balf the market at present, bin the different establish minute before shat hear, it mies to the top. Talanta, well- be 'carried on as usual under the new oupes from many a pusut, both up and down the usage-Sidney Harald. sitar, are now poimed to this duck spot above ibe Greenwich trvos, and many an angious mariner time dis tumo pieten beade kun, that their indications May be made trua Watch the belas you stand

In the ferrel De-


The Comal replied in the following terms: It will piled me woch satisfaction to forward to Bag. land the boudoir table intended by the King for the ac ceptance of my sovereign, Queen" Victoria," and I may appreciate or 35ighores that ther Majesty will doly sppreciate se admirabira specimen of the valuable muuda of ible county, coming fross the illustrious and voc the grual Kamahameha, whose friendstip for

Kotishman can forget. With respect the fortre fate of these frlands, to which

and proofs given by the Bridal Government are the best guarantee of the lively interest which Great Britain taken In the welfare and laaependence of the Hawalian mallun.

Afterwards the Minister of Foreign Relations presented to Her Majesty Captain Rundo of H. B. M. Schooner Cocketrice," and his officers-C-p Lain Collinson of the Royal Engineers, and other ladies and gentlemen, of whom we do not dama here, because there is not space to ase all. A half past nine o'clock the Chamberlain announced that a collation was laid out in an adjoining room, where the visitors followed Her Majesty the Ques to partake of refreshments.

the king het alleged, i think that the reprcted som

The visitors retired about ten o'clock.

It is not without some lear however of ringrad The History of the Wind: written by it.] posted up and printed in an official form. Upon my hopes and that Laurvey the vast and yet | sell,"-an ?nhau autobiography. unexplocal that presents useji to my view - the f-id the thick's more favoured and more on. lighten Weftwich No other vucompongo but clemuro-lumpl ; nevertheless, undaunted and cheerful, like the witty and bubbling Fortune-teller I take up my pon' and, recommending myself to my patron St. Mark, hit in my observancy whom full of enthusindvis & skuli write, with all apology to my fair renders, according to the feelings and opinions of those more practised in the matter.

Born in het asonry hudar a beautiful and dinin phamous sky, the Sealerites here lik metged in that reluptuous indolenes which is erst induced by a burning and ery climate-swaking to nothing but the doj?ymeow? the present, and loving to frenzy done, who have tho ineffe good luck of knowing how to conquer their hourpes, always prone to sajoy be deligbiful emotions of love, puce and chastean thair angelic countenances show,

Having lately arrived from the mother country with my hood Babl of projects for amas-ing an Immense fortune-i yas introducid by a friend (jf. that name can be given to say of those peODS O"B mesta at par wuiment and at every step) luto house where two beautiful and wesliky young ladies lived, my advanced age, bad Eguro, and above all my very ugly nose, resembling sa much as possible the beak of a parrot, led me to exper

■ cordial bat gravo and ceremonious Veception; what was my butprias then, what my admiration, to see the flearing and kiwtness which they ried with each other to the utmost to show me! Cho colate, Sweetmuata, 'the Eidlipensabla eigur and bago (belvi (val)---all thren wore brought to war, and in the park. It is now just russed. You wat of wil I was-naked to partake; and wish so pleasing | wait two mouteo and a half, and as you do so, you and amiable a manner as to excite still more of my feed what a minute may be. It scame a lung, jak surprise and it ergo supine that, unseq insed with paule, appreciable time, indeed- the nongen of the coumey, Liscarrodsbe faie Mari- low, dia?ds a clock telling the true (wie guitind by

■ laborious watoning ui tie plockaters; and bundo quia's displeasure for using is voorpt in right which she offered me, lighted by hec own delsontu the clock is a man with a practimal hand upon a haude.

inggur, uod pinotical eye upon the lyca of the dial, My friend Don Propeso Neeper being an older | Our chinuie-two minuten park. Thirty seconds | visitor of the buum, and more familiarly equalited? more, and trigger has released the ball. As it love there, sollened one of the denhuritas" "kendawes 10 the top di the shaft, it is uns o'clock to the twoth of cod. By the ume it has reached the bot Jay son's short tune on the harp This was go joner baked than it was, with the greatest peri tom ilia s?mative seconds later. ploc-nes, ouneeded, without any of that reserva

| building Loving the Ball Turret, and the which is sofon mees with in out aristussetio um

which it surmounts, the New Observatory, where sembling in Spain.

A deligluful niglu was passed among these lovely the autef work of the wablishment is dous, claims

que quuice. This attention would sourcely, bo In consequence, the King arranged that Her Merally done liva!" "Then why did you come Sanders, and there were momente in which ifen to its outward apperance, for it is a long low jasty the Queen, should receive for Him, and that beck Back I why to get my family. Fat forgettal of Having ranched my seventy eighth a building, carcely on beyond its own beantation. His Highness Keoni Ane should make known to stranger, man gets so powerfully sich that he be Diveresty, I need, so have again returned to the

The Gronowich Uheervatory is not a blow place, the Formigo Cosals, the reply that His Majesty come covetous of himself; and if he sint very

careful, will cut bis own threat to rob himsel age of pure Busjong; and 01 be?van, would have hut au eminently practical establishmeul. 21. Puteps- | had inumided to make in person. nearly declared my passion to the no los lovely burgh and other cities bare much more gorgeous Hot Mujemy the Queen took her poaltion on the The root of all evil you koew-there's a leatle too Monica But the sentes falling from my eyes I

buildings deviled to astronomical purposes, and rig be of the threas at half past eight o'clock, with much of it, and I left for a while, parily on that then perocired how ridiculuse it would be for an

Husia and other countries spend much more the Brinkers Victoria Kamanalu, on Her right, and count," "Oh, you did, sh 7oo old man of venly sight to be pr·nouncing worde

any on ironomy than England doos, yet the Als glue Kanoi An, on the left of the throne, tween you and me, that's the only way a man cas "Healthy climate, I Greenwich Tolkas izvaja worki's wide supination, and the King's Minister of Public Instruction as in- | dis in thet bien-ed land of love to a young lady of Giftown April

Suppo "Healthy! it aio's anything else. an i some of them are used as the ground work for torper,

Her Majesty was congratulated on the occation Why, stranger, you choose there any climats you calculation in all (Observatorios at koma aud abroad. The sarosumer dose, not west marble halls or of Use anniversary, by the whole Consular Corp, like hot or cull-and that without travellin more than fifteen minit. Jest think o' that the next cold grand salons for his work. Gallileo used a bell through'their walor, Her Britannic Majany's Con- The Spanish Brig En Tremro has brought filentower at Venice, and Kepler stood on the Bridge | sal-General, who immediately afterwards addressed mornin' when you gels out of bed. There's the

The mot, not the | His Highness as follows:-

Inauma'n there--the Sawyer Navaday, they call it of the Diario de Manila" to some parties in Hong at Prague to watch the stare.

valley on each side of the one bot and The realdent Foreign Consuls, through your Highness, the 'other cold. Well, get on the top of that krong; but, albough advised by the Editor of that buldogs, do the work. No dippuimunens need Journel that exchange copia are.irgasmitted by be felt, then, to find the modern observatory beg leave to congratulate the Eleg on this Sarraik An-

mountain with a double barrel gun, and you can, niversary of the Westoration of His Colanda. As the same very opportunity, gone bars come to band by this, range of unslorned buildings running out and

tine we beg to express war deep regret at tile Majesty's

withow morin,' kill eitbet summer or winter gumo, aur by any other, since Midsummer last.

want, with alisa on the tool, and in some of the

lapton, and our sincere desire for his spendy and

jest as you will." Whall have you ever tried The Editor ofite" Diaris Ja' Munila" in bring- walk- Within those simple buildings ace is incomplete recovery. We also uvall ourselves of the op

it Tried It often-and should have done portunity to convey to this Majesty our matred sense of the ing to the notice of the Editors of the "Friend of aramente gow used, displaying almont the perfec Chine," "Chins Mail," and "Hongkong Register" tion of mechanical skills there construction and boats recently unferred spon Foreign Residence pretty well, but for one thing. What was that 3'

I wanted a dug that would stand both climates. removing that barrier which prevented aliens from holding the advantage be derives from the receipt of their finish-beautifully adapted to the abject they have the Hawaiian Legislature, with the King canelon, in

The last pog i had froze of bie mil while puotio* papers informs then, that he firwali pontually hitta felall and in perfect order. They are fixed ou Jaud, and consequently from properly caluvating This

on the summer side. He didnt get intirely out of paper through the web of's Foreigh Commor solid pere of casonry, deeply imbedded in the liberal fat, which I have advented to, all along so surro cial House of standing bere, to whom it is delivered arth, to secure freedom from vibration- quality

inded by His Majesty, we feel paraded the winter side, you see. True as you .-Spd.

way Morning Herald, every day for all those journals, and we are sure, bailar obtained, when the foundatioes are on and fell to promote the prosperity at the islands, and tem prudely arently, add to the wealth of the chiefs and ms sure, that they ses dealt by chem regularly to or graph, then when on rook.

'amaryl oestra-landed proprietor while it will send to the Hongkong,

social advancement, the applaem and respectability of the King'e subjects in general. Even the most bouble of them being osir slimured, so possene land to their own right, wil benceforth have something nohacencial to look forward to for themacies and their families, and soun perceive by

Tan Friend of China of the 11th instant under the head Manila, saye among other things.


We have to complain equally of the nou receipt of their we only receiral by the festiwa vosuela lepe pribad of China." TEM "Uhlon Mall," and "Hongkong Regimer" are wantlug na umal, -Diario di Manila, Dao, XT.

GREENWICH OBSERVATORY. (From Dicking Household Words.)

A NARROW STATE Iunde from the massed roome of the old. Ouertalery to leaded roof, whence a magnificent view in obtstead: the pack, the hos pital, the town of Greenwich, and the winding of -the Thames, and; gaang forther, "Lowden- fulf conce grundly into the prospros. · Tho most, in- voterate astronomer could scarcely (i) to turn for a moment from the wonders of the heaven to admire these glories of the sarth. Frace the leads, two varrete new roohed, where the first centanily notre operatione in this portion of the buildings, are in progres

Io one to planed the well known contrivance for registering hour sker hour, and day after day, the force and the dienotion of the wind. To koop such a watch by human vigilanes, and to make such register by haman labour, would be a tedioan, expensive, and irksome taak; and human ingenuity taxed itself to make a machine for perfecting such work. The wind turns a weather-cock, and, by aid of cogwheels, the motion is transferred to a load



& Man from California. From an American (From the Polynesian. )

paper.)-Marble was in Bodlon the other day, and The Prince was open for visits of congratulation rolling along the wharfs, when be mat with a tall to their Alajeadles the King and Quem, at eight- gaual-looking figure, whose sunbural countenance a'clock " M., prechely. By balf-past eight a very

and tattered part-coloured garments-originally of numerode and brilliant concourse chronged the ra the nest outlandish fabian-bed that picturesque

best about them derived only from long-austin- peiving rootne. U having bran made known to the "King that the Representatives and Consule of for ved exposure to the atmosphere, which fancy sign pallona, proald join in their falicitations on this sketchiere delight to present on center. Dan, whe modison, and in expressing their concern for ble Dever permits the lack of an introduction to ister. health, and their aunes of the liberal and enlightened fere when bu desires to make an acquaintance, policy that be teas pursuing. His Majesty became bailed the Hallo! my friend, where are you from 1" "Jest from Calarforny, stranger." extremele soxious lo tre- ive them, but in the or- Ireme delicer of his health, the excitement was too Ah, indeed 1 and you can tell us, then, whether much for him, and at right o'clock he was too for- it's all trus about that 1" somewhat anxionaly inter- erish to appear in public, or even receive the competed Dan is reply. Trew as you live, and a darned sight more for no map out of Calorforsy diplomeque in private.

the example that will be at them the advantages of order, indonry, and perseverance, which mast elevate them both inimal and religious point of view.

With regard to our respective countrymen who labebit

To describe the instruments by their technisal names and to go into any particulare of the inatry- mants they have superseded, would take space only to do the work of scientina tration. Enough, therefore, to say that there are the kissopes best adapted to the chief duty of the place, which is, ,watching the soon whenever she la visible, which ing the clucketers by which the tra time is caler may routes Lake up their abode of them fronend culated more exactly than it could be from obser will, blod more efectually to the tros loter lalands, the fact of hele becoming owners of portions of Mona at the non alene; and watching other planetery | sans of the Hawaiian Kingdom, strengthen their alach. bodies as they pase the meridian. Eclipes, occulta ment to the King, anonce their cheerful observance of the tions, and stuer phenomena, of course, have their law the country, and prevent the foregrantiam of foreig

hare af attention, and add to the burden of the gas in lod dispaus, sold there be any, more perhaps, observer's datics,

than way other meaxore could do under former clean.

Wohopd.gad trust Flis Majesty may Nvo many years de when bo improvements which we anticipate Gum his

His Highnes replied that the King, having un- derslood, more or less, the entiments toward itin, the Pig Consols had charged bim to read for His Majeny the following reply:

Gentlegend,- thank you all fur the concers which you. upon thin the Seventh Anniversary of the restutailun ut have exprese?d for my healb, and for your congratulations my blends

Das other spot must be motioed se amongst the momble things in this q"tronomleul senctum. Lein the abranometer-room, to which, during the frenlighed polic thies Mondege in the year, the oniet watchmakers of London wend in their choiceat instruments for examination and trial. The watches remera for good portion of your; their farm being used, day by day, by two persone; and then the maker of the best receive prizes, and their incrementa are parched for the Navy. Other competitors ob tein enitificates of excellence, which bring aus Lomers from the Marcha Srvice; whilst others pass unrewarded. To enter the room where the admirable instruments are kept, suggests the son of going into Brobdignag Welch factory. Hound the place are ranged shelves, v which the lurgs watches are placed all ticking in the mom distino. 1 The solemn met beto him and Vasouver known to

His Highness then addressing himself by the Kingarder, and for His Majesty, the British Consul Genatal, sand aa tullows:

"Yes-and be.

A CHANOR For the Lamni.-Upto a vessel from Sydney, on board of which there were teranly female passengers, recently entering the harbour of San Francisco, there was quite a rush of bache Tore to the ship throughout the day, whole bost- loads of thein climbing the ship's idea





4, Channing (Am), Johnson, from New York,

18th August. 6, Zephyr, Brown, from Nuinoa, 4th January, '4, Reindeer (Am), "Lard, fro?n Manile, 30th Doc.

6, Parise (Am)," Roger?, from Whain pow 6 Antropa (Am), Roundy, from Whaipon.

El Tiempo (Span), Yuchauste, from Whampoa. 1, H. M. F. Correia. D. Joao 1, Capt. Gluunes

1, from Mecsa


Per Zephy, Dr. Bowring.

Per Channing, Mr. and Mtn. Ashinora.


Teros, Com ul-Grustal of Great Britain. I have to say Jan.

■word on this occasio England was the fru nation which my father sought the friendably and prowe


4. Water Wuch, Mann, Calcutta.

4, Adelaide (l'oruvian), Roboust, California.





Dec 14 Shanghas|Hamell and co

Hoogong. A Oldi. P&O CAR! |iteorge Lyall and ?

Shanghas H., Worthington and co

1 Whampoa Jardins, Matheson and on.

31 Amoy 19yme, Mair and co.

Dao 10Wporomand

Women P. & P. N. Camaloe and se. Rocating Dec. 19 Bbanghee | Jardins, Matheran and co.

Whampon, 13. Cock

Des 2 Typi !Tuner and co.

Jan_ ||Hongkong Order

Dent and an

Loshang Wm. Davido

Away Syma, Muir and co. Shanghat Mussell and ca

Sept 98 Shanghee Syms, Malvand co.





PRICE $10 per durati ?n.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OP CHINA AND JIONOKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, 10 Dollars, payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Bingle Numbers, 93 crits cach. SUBSCRIPTION so the OVERLAND-To Subscribers to the Fei oe Cuins, & Doltare per Annum i won-subscribers 30; single copies du venta; if more than Tru Copies taken, forty cent TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, Dollar; ad laional, 10 cents line. Repetlilons one-third of the first insertion. Ships-Piest usertion, Hollars, subsequent insertions 45 renta

Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be publisnod until countermandat. to pay in advance.

In all instances, those who are not Subscribers, rajnira

Fos ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAT Also, a route to the above, Beumamonu, Pasado, Gall?-Malta, Boge, Aoon. MHE Paximoolan and Om- 1ENTAL COMPANY'S Steem Ship PEKIN, will leave this for the shore places on Thure day, the 20th of January. Tauzouna will be received on board until noon on the 29th, and Canno until 8 r. u, on the 24th, For particular regarding Fustont and l'amios apply at the P. & 0. 8. N. Company's Office. Llongkang.

J. A. OLDING, Agent.

P. & O. B. N. C".'s Office, Hongkong, 30th December, 1850,

FOR BAN FRANCISCO, THE A. I. new coppered wediek 1 Barqno ANTILOPE," having part of her cargo engaged, will have carly despatch. For freight or passago apply to A. LUBECK & Co.

Novo Paquetto 30.(r) Omyam M.

Emperor of China F).


5. Mor, Aleton, Calcutta.

6, Prisen Albert, Jelliene, Whimpor.

Whitby, Seewart, Shangbae.

George Fyfe, Murray, Singapore. Flavius (Am), Rogers, Monolulu.




19, Diane, Fletcher, from longkong, lych Nor 20, Monia (Sp), Abajse, Bom Amoy, 9th Nor 23 Ann Nelson, P. Nelson, from Hongkong, 19th


26, Berkshire, Whyte, from Hongkong, 19th Nor 21, II M. B. Amazon, Capt Barker, from Hong-

kong 19th Novenlict.

29, Juno (pen Str ) Julin, from Amney, 294 Nov.

30, Dos Herments (Span), Chalbad, from Hong.

kong, 930 November

30, Siam (Am), Williams from Wheangra 221 Nov. 20, Leibnit: (Brea"), Wining,?rom Slangbae. December,

1, Aurige, Harris, from Hongkong, 24th Nov.

3, John Odham, Canney, from Hongkong, 236


albert, ship

Amazon, ship

Aplts, schooner

Anonywa, brig

Aniors, scheener

Cell, belg

Romanjes Horrbusjen, shlp|| Best

Fombay, ship

C'a dew, barque

Canton sleamer

4, Ralph Thompara, Atkinson, from Fungkong, Capon, stramer

23rd November.

7, Urala, Cragg, from 11 hampas, 22od Nov.

10, Emma, Bibby, from Hongkong, and Dic

12, Floro (Sp) Nastinez, from Ebanghe 3rd Dec

20, Watage (1), Thenne, fewn tongkong, 9th


20, Carl & Herana (bum), !lanson, from

kong, 23th December.

Caibara, ship

Certs, barque

Cura, Mig

Clan Ana Maria, barque Dut|| 90%|Makaman longandion Livile, skip

22, Sapp, Hildruk, from Hongkong, 16th Dec.

22, Agincourt, Bisect, from Hongkong, 15th Ike. 2, Amily (Am), Parsons, from Whainpon, 10th




6, Narciso (Span), Lopez, Amoy,

-AT 19

Veta i Hongasku, C'aktov, MACAO,

Exora BeATOR.

For England.

Rogh Walker, H.

John O'Count W.

Rose Standish, H

Bosan G, Owens W.

For United States.

Cares W.

Oxnard W.

Sea W

sea Witch W.

Tu W.

For Lisbon,

Chra M.

For Franco - Albert II.

For Bombay.

Sir Berois W,

For San Francisco,

Antilope, 11.

Eureka W.

lown W.

Thetis 11.

For Lima

Coromandel M. Mariner M.

For Shanghat.

Anvelope, 11.

Eucten skip

Falcon, ship

Fatal Hair, barger

Flying Dutchman, barque

Folkstann, ship


Galls, achuber

Gload acce, brig

Hastenia, bilg

Hellas, hermaphrodite

Haralso, bog

Hongkong, Memet Hongkong, barjee Hugh Walker, ship ?yzela ship

Jodependence, big Cnvestigatur, skip Bows, ship

Iris, sp

Island Quran schooner


| 81 |Jehof


D18 Walt

$70 Oilera


Flag. Tom Ma


days left Part







Albion, baique

Bril 15 Cherb


Alligator, lilgakils?



Kandwich Isles

13 Deo Lengkong


heo 18 App Tail and co

Fase for Dent co

367 man


Anonyms, Lercha





Antelope helz

Aslilipe, barque

400 Lubeck


172 Kandy

SanFrachte 40-Sept



Labak sado.

Sept 37 Hongkong French Coal James W. H. Wardley and co. Dec 31

Dirom. Gray and ou

Receiving shilp Namos Jardine, Matheson and ce Receiving ablp Dec 28 Gongkong Harrow Mar. 10




VOL. X. No. 4.



Russell and co.




Adamone E


16) Glover


Dea 31

{Port | TidRemedior

Span 15 Keberada


19 Nov 20

aidino, Matheson and os Amoy Shanghae V. A. Remedios Deo 1 Amoy Fuit and co.

256 Jamieson 313now

Hongkong "ardin Matheson and eo Unmowayco S. Lubran

Receiving ship Receiving ship


68 Oct



Miver bant



54 Ki

| Am


600 Jabase

Channing, ship

thekar, burqan


40% ordin




10) Java 14



New York

139 Ang 10


4 Wharapos Russell and co. Hoogkong lupail and s

New York

Nov Sing & Hhoog|Jun

CHIN, slip

Fr 176 Verglei

Pul backs


|Port||| 200|50va


Nov. 45

A. A. de Mall?


18th Inst.




Close liig

|Brit. (5) Patche

Confucius, "ship


tal July t

Congom, ship




Con mandri, ship




Deo 20

Dart, schooner


(4) Porter


39 Nov 2

Benli, eckoner




Dec, B


W. C. of America Earty East Count

Dide, schooner

35 Walmar

Fleopiring ship

Dos Amigos schaoner




+dward, Frost, schooner Am.


San Francisco

Nept Doo,

Elisabeth, ship





Eile, schoona Yacht

For Sale

Emily Jane, ship


491 Landare

Papier of China, chep


(65) Loke


100 Hz 0).


Friul, brig

292 Miskell


|Dea. zi

Hair 627 berland


Eureka, barque

Am. Kok







44 Sept


Brit 13***par







[Now. T


go dutel




19 Aug 20





496 Camer


San Francisco

43 et follo

Dec 174 ged


44 ng



Prau 900 galven



Del. C

Brit. 19 Macfarlane



John fright, able

39] WIL


20 May 13

John Bunyan, sldp

4 The



John Bugdala, skip



113 Aug



Jahn O'i sent, st

449 Wadmald



John Sparks, allp

79. parks


Joba Wood, skly

are Mu


33 Now, I

Justina, bargne


23. Pace





Keew lan, schoonge

£30 1ere


Laolia, barya

Louisa, barque


277 King

Lon. Oct '18) H1,

Jakewoodie, arqat

Mahad Skal?, Gaique




|Lo. Sept 13 11. (Lav. Seja 10) EL.


Kargaretta, skip



Butler, stil

New Margaret


11.iv. Ang 14) LE,

Martin Luther, barqon

Old England.


Liv. Aug. 11,

Mary Wider, rig







Patello Davie



Anne Jane Bangalore Chatham Larpent Lively Hapgoalsco


Com. Oct 18, ][an. Aug 21|8

Buckland Fawce? Liv. Ok 3 S. Arnott |Gav. July (6) 0. Morrison Lav. July S Gilson [Lar. May 15| S Bamburgh Lon. May 188 Pentre Maxion

Lady Hayes barque

y Wood,steames|


Land kanker, dip Lemuir, schron

Liaw brig

Loid Ankerst, ship


Brit. Stu|Langlos

Konekt, brig

San Francisco

Lady MER Lady






19. Prodr




30h Book


173 MeHam


Hartlepool Amey

East Coast

Vor 2

€75 May


Sept 2



Kull and ce.


Nov. 2

Kwang-lue H

Ven. 19Bangkang 1. Lubeck a







(Dea 31 Horum Delet and co




Heceiving ship

Revolving ship Mecstring ship


Boh Lord




Dec. 15

Hingapara Sandwich Isles

39 Nov Oot



Bir Edward Parry Squites



Shie et H,

[{on. Aug 24|| H.

Gon. Aug 9 Fl.

Lon. Aug 1: H.

Lan. Sepi 2148.

Order in which the abure Vesaria left England,

Lamp, Lily, New Mangaret Rangslots, Chatham: 014 Ku-band,

te tund. M Viduel Parry, Megton, Gerund: Howarch. Nenam Test, Anna, Manguilera, Quina, Alberumele.

Loading-AlLandon; Dentiuck, and Mooltam.

At Livanpool; Success.



'Thoman Cown-jes Family Durham Eagle

Lovett Inconstant

Loading.At Calcutta; Atiet Rhoman, and

J. Jajeebboy-At BONBAY; John Wickliffe, Ben- rietta, Orpheus, Virgilm, Benares, and Caledonia

John Spencer Lightning



Nov. 11

Hig | Now: A

Loading.-AL BATAVIA Indranijoe.

FROM CALIFOrksa de Sandwich latanda Constant


Mary Ann Follin McLeod Sarah Booker


Jon, Landen, Lis. Liverpool, Balu. Naked, New, Hanpark, Cly. Lumen, darn. T

lakem Blog, 409. Orcha Pan Penang, fag, Por,

1. Menghong, M. Mac, 1?4 B. 1 bat,


Moden, haryan

Bild, brig

Wkteypa schooner

Memnon, ship

Nedo Lux, brig

↑ eskulda, barque

Nand, barg

Dave Paqueria, barque

Nymph. belganla

Dayun, big



Jathunder barque

l'atila, schoo

l'ediar, brig

Meindeer, hi

kides, ship

Bono, br

(theo Stenlish, ship

Hayal Exchann, Urig

Royale schouder

Kapar, barque

8. it. Waterman, barque

Belence, ship

Fen, skip

ten Horse, brig

Ketch skip

thefeld, sip

?lam, barqua

Bir l'arcs, sp

Heward Iyan barque

Sir George Pullock, ship

Belpa, brig

Folide brig

Kpark, nieumet

1hells, barque

Ture, schour er

dooff. Haitia


23. Chapa

14 Andarion ITU

ALU Geiden

Part 26 en

Deli | 45 Mala

15 Predhomme San Francisco

66.feillos Hoogker 33rimros

Manua Hemingtorgkong

| 2pao.|| 166|Vidal

As Pearson

Port to

Brit. 14 Browning

31: Hom

&m. 241 Felek

Jer Mandy

Brit 21: Wanya

Am 107 Prator

#79 Roge


H2 Begar

Dee.90 Doe

flogkon Bush and on

West Des and co

Hongkong Turner and co

Dec 75 Whampen Nye, Parkin and ea.

Receiving ship |Shinghaq

Blankin, Kawson and changes Dec. 1 Whampen Wa. Pustan and co.

flongkong Jardinea, Matheson and os f?epairing. Wempos. Vie

D Kennedy sal d

Yanghee Wooenae Hardine, Matheson and cop Hongkong. 4. Oielag.P.40 ('a hAgi Reoniving ship Fast Coast Peadian, Maibanon and wo Nov 10 Hongkok Order

Onlarhow farding, Methown and conceiving ship Leckong Jardas. Matheson and co Reving day Bhanyhen Byma, Mairand on. Hongkong Henria, Igrall,ona no

amon Dust and op

Nov 3P|Hongkong|Naive and go. Whampte Thomas Hjat.

Amoy Pymu, Muir and

Dea 30 bampen tilbb, Livingstone and ce ??? ?

Rask and co

Cet. 18 Honghone and o

Wong Dent and en.

Dee 1 Shanghar Hargreaves and

Jarding, the pa and co *ykes, Schwabe sted so

Des 10 Ost. hampes Furner and co Des 11

· Men | Bhanghai Holliday, Wise and es.

· Duo sajt hapon Ordar


Receiving ship London

St ?re skip*


Phan Prunoksen

*Ing. * Persang

Con Augustine Heard and corosting ship

.. Oilag PAU.Co ng! Woveng

Ren 17 Theohar Jardine, Matheson nad oe Lendon

197v 19 Hongkong|Reyavaan and co

Aletion Cowej en Langiann

Dent and es

Oop. Hongkong Robert trackan

Chache Dart and co

Kiver Min June, Matheson and

Dee #1 Googkong Jardine, Machenon and ey

Bleckla, Rawson and co. Den to Mamo eat and co

[Dea te Mangkas Hall and co

Wooden Lamasina 1. Amarina

10. Carmon, Sass and no [Fareinu, Aathilon

Early Comedialo

V1C of Ameries Early

If menjeling ship

Reentras skip


Den 28 Whampoa and

Macao M de Jess

Dec se Hongkons Fletcher and co.


um moon Carldon, one and co?rediting ship Meco V. Jorge

Dout and co

fret 12 Nell and co.


Whamped co

Amandine, Mullin and eo. Rest Coy, Mul and co



w York


Receiving ship


Gibb, Livin stare bad co. [Shaban

Dec 11 Shanghao Dast, Bada and an Jan 7 Whape D. D. Lale

Fletcher and... -Hangking Bush and cg,

pee Sga, Parlin and de, Singpo

Dec, 21 Hangkong Rush and no.

Macub. Sva

Dec at Hongkong Jyms, Muir and co.

sell and co,

Doc Shanghae y menelt acid od,

||July 15||

Howell and co

CL.Whampoo Olyphani and to.


134 July

8.1. toper


Part 25.5 V. Po


16 New 10

Pert 250Ulivalen



19 apt

Brit. 36. MuMurde



Dec. 13



J'ondicherry, alip


61 et t

Prince Albert, salp

Iajasthan, ships

Do 21

Dec 12

!Madras Oct 51 14.

Dee 29


Nur 11

. Wilson

Cal Nov. 12 H; ||Cal. Nov, $| H Bum. July 69.




Nov. 21


1 Dec 1


90 NOT 20



61 Aug






the Former


Now t

Dec. 1

14 hora

116 Endoo TV


Nov. 1

A 14 db

River bond

SF. Oct 15 HL.



14: Kobinson


dag 15

3 F. SF. Sp.


Suren G. Uweas, skip




Baallow, burquo

swith moley, ship


797 Jennings

T. W., sh?p



Ternate, barque

Dr. Ut, ni


Tempo, Lil

A. Ang. 3. high,

Trvantiga, banque

Tar, p

L'uloa, sido

Belt Seagrove



|lick $10| Lazy








4 Aug

18 Det


ingapore Whampoa

4 Oct t

Viscount random, ship

Vizen schou

11 IV, banya

Willa de Lisle, ship

bitny, Gargar

Brit. 219 Hel


79% Yachanske

Part 39 Verl

Am 17 Bardey

pas l'ardo

Celeste Marsh

Is Bradshaw 193/okall

Irit 1J0 Dulmo

176 Thompson


Maalla Monda London Cam'moon Ingapore

830 Matawport

Helt, Stewart


View Jacoba, barqua Min brig

?. ???????


Hongkong Hoop S

1 M.N |Hongkong (1) M. 5

Or Harunt

12 m. pa

Adm cal Austen

Capisi An

Zephyr, sch


Sum 5.

Marer Mitchell

Cables LC Bu





D. Joke L


Bhongkir F1.8 #1 | 12 |Hel

Any -|H M.20 12 mont

|Hanghoog 16, M.20.hadwell

|| hang==|U B. L. Gleadly


aps. Ade



149 Brown

Bandwick Tiles




‧ festories F. Cama and or theiving ship

Nev. 18 Wagon laidos, Matbeam and e.

llongong Kawin, Priaker and co. Abye, Mairead is.

Nov, 20 Won Lindsay and co

Dea. 12

wangire Hong

Deo 17 Shangkan Lindsay and en.

Wong Anilhas teard and Whampoa Wm. Pasted and co.

Ostu. Viegas


New York

New York

!!! Uppertale

Aug 24 _Ningpo? Eldegreaves and co Her, 21 kampen Olyphant and co.

Hooghang Jardine, Matheson and on Dec 30 bumper Insell and to

May 24


Olyphant and ca.

|_ Lookong |Post and en,

Nav-14 Hengland fymo, Sinir and pe


* 1 fieorge Leatt und ea



Received ship Homburg


filangkung & Cansan



Receiving ship


Woottonjes F. L'as and co bag ship

tanu labrungo Marquee

Sept 2 Whalpos | Russell and se

Turner and co

Dep 2 Hongkong erdiaky Mathoden and'ca


??? ?

Dea. 1

Dea. 20

22 July 14

164 July 14



Aug. D Amoy "?ymn, Mule and 'co

cong Gilan, Newman and co.

|Lindsay and ea.

Dec 3 Hoogkong Kawie, Pelsker

[ent and co Jan

Hongkong Deat and co

New York

Hoogkang, 1st January, 1651.


NOTICE is bereby given, that the Partnership

beretofore subsisting between the undersigned Geokon Jantevon, Jorn Gifrovo, and JosarM FROST EDAKK, at Calcutta under the Firm of Jam?n | 907 & Company, and at Canton and Hongkong under the Firm of Jasimson, Eport & Company, is this day dissolved by mutual constat us regardi the stid Jounen Funer Exoza, who relires from the Partnership. The Business will in future be carried on by the said Gronos Jamteson and Jon GIFFOND in Partnership with the undersigned ALNEANDER GIFFORD, al Calcutta under the Firm Long under the Firm of Jamiesox, Gerrogo & of Jantuion & Company, and at Canton and Hong-

Courant, to whom the Affairs of the late d'irm devolve in liquidation.

Dated this Thirty-first Day of December, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty.


by his Attorney ALEXANDRE GIYFORD.


by his Attorney Alexander GirroRD,





[1 Warukorn, will to despatched for the above Puri on the Bik prezima, For Light Famour or Pasaox, baving Superior Accommodation, apply to

BUSH & Co. Hongkong, 19th December, 1850. FOR HONOLULU & SAN FRANCISCO.

E, THE A. 1. British Barque THETIB, Cam, Master, having the greater part of her carge engaged, will be der patched about the 15th proximo. For Freight or Panago Apply to,

BYME, MUIR & Co. Victoria, Ilongkang. 12th Dec., 1880.

'TO LET. THE House on the South side of G?ngh Street. lately occupied by Mr J.



are authorized to sign our firm.

W. PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong and Camon, 24th Dec., 1850.


FOR SALE. THEATHING COPPER from 14 to 20 os.

ex Lord Hardinge. Apply to,

GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 21st February, 1830.


the house of G, Mark of Bom. JUST landed from the " Investigator" direct from Teo Cases one Dozen each, Very Superior, BPARKLING MOSELLE.

LANE, CRAWFORD & Co. Victoria, 24th December, 1650.

NOWRA & Co, beg leave to call the attention



an European Portugueso (who has just left a Mercanule Office) a situation as Aristrut in a counting house-addresses to X. at this Offe will be attended to.

Victoria, 3d January, 1861.


THE Captain and Consignees of the American Whale Bhip "Shofrid" will not be respon- sible for any dels contracted by the crew of sid

Hongkong,*1st January, 1851.



THE HONGKONG ALMANACK for 1951. will be issued without the Directory, as it has

D of the PUBLIO to the extensive sportment of been found impossible to prepare the liter in SHIP CHANDLEhy and Oigman Srots which sufficient time. The Directory however will bo they offer for Sale at med rate prices, consusting brought out seperately, at a future period. principally of:-Canvass, Twine, Europe and Monita Cordage, Bunting, Cars, Paints and Paist Oil, Vardiali, Turpentine, Tar, Pitch Roula, Candies, Tobacco, Cigars, Glaes and Crockery Ware, an cxtensive pas tincnt of Clothing and Stationery,


Ale and Porter of Superior quality.

The Almanack, prica 81, can ho oblained, no oral, at Messes Lane, Crawford & Co.-31. Noronha's Printing Otico, Wellington Street, and at the Office of this paper.

Victoris, Hongkong, lat Jan?mry, 1851.


Balt Provisions, Flour, Vinegar, Wines and Spirits of all varieties.

Just Received, a Batel of Data and Alkop'sdents in Victoria, that he has taken those WER WILLIAM BAGE beg to antify the re busting on the Queen's Road and opposite the convenient premises at the corner of Peel Street Hongkong Register office; where he will practive his profcasion as Vaerinary Surgeon.

The above Bierce are of the very best descrip tion and Mesura B. & Co. are now prepared to

R. EDWARD COHEN, is this day admited offer then at very low rates.

? partner in our arm.

PHILLIPS, MOORE & Cr. Hongkong, Ist January, 1851.


THE Parmership, hitherto existing under the Firm of Canaser Pochazer & Co., in this day dissolved by mutual consent,

(Signed) CAMAJEE POCHAJEE & Co. Hongkong, 814 December, 1850.



Hongkong, 1st January, 185t.



Apply to,

Queen's Road, Victoria, and Januiry, test.


THE undersigned begs to inform Ship owners



Anchors and Chain Calidro, Tron Ke Dock and Howso Pipes.

(design bare this desired by siness as Commission Agents under din Fum and Style of E. mod D. D. Laton & Co.


D. D. LALCACA. longkong, let Jaaunty, 1851.

The Flows on the North side of Gough Street letely occupied by Mr John Care,

Apply to

M.. BIERARD, At Mr Epoka's. Victoria, 3rd January, 1851. TO LET, nay THE House in Queen's Road, opposks the

Old Burial Ground.

Containing handsome and commodious Dining and Drawing, Bed and Dressing Rooms, spacious Galowns & with front and bark Verandaho, and commanding a fine view of the bay; aleo amali parcel of ground suitable for a garden. Apply to,


Rom. Cath. College. Victorio, 21st September, 1850.


THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risks (corored by open POLICIES & ILOYD And in the various Loxpon Ingunance Companeus,)by the Peninsular & Oriental Company's Stammers, from Cantos and Hongkong, to the Straits, Cey len, the Presidencies of India, and England,"

For Rama of Premium and other information, apply to Mr J. A. Ordino, at the P. & O. Co.'s Office, Hongkong.

JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co. London, 23d December, 1848.


THE undersigned having been appointed Agent in Caplen for the above named Society, is prepared rant Palioes payable in London, Liv. erpool, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Shanghae and Canton.

FRANCIS B. BIRLEY. Canton, 14th August, 1850. NOTICE



TIE interest and responsibility of Mr A. flux-

Raners in our firm, ceased from the Blat. De- comber, 1850.

BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Hongkong. In January, 1851.


WITH reference to the ahora, it is hereby in.

W1 tivated, that the business hitherto sarried on

Round, in to ? ina.

Best Refined Ima, Flat,


Rigging Chernin, to ↑ io. Hoop Iron and Lead Pipe, Rigging Screws.

Mr Sauz lakes this opportunity to sequaint tha public that ho has several good anddio Iurecs, and Poncy Phone to let.

Victoris, Hongkong, ah Dee., 1850.


No. 21,


PIACAO NATIONAL HOTEL. CHANGER Board and Lodging per moath



poguber day


Tiffin - Dioner

in, to 7. Ina,

Port Wine per bolila

in. to 4. ins.


do. do.




Caboows large snu m?nall, Iron Sheaves of all sizes. Shout Iron of all azo; for aluro pipes and fur olber purposos.


Spring Gardens.

Victoria, Hongkong, 18th Decumber, 1850.


in the name of Bowna Humeurers & Co. will betenker be conducted by the undersigned under H2 Undersigned beg to intimate that their

Boda Water and Lemonado

do. and Brandy



60 6J

N. B. Cepilame residing less than a fortnight w be charged per day, and all parties favoring the proprietor with their patronage ato requnaled to report the least neglect or inattention on the part of servants.

Macao, 21st November, 1950.


the siglo of BOWRA & Ca, which Mr W. A. Vessels of the folowing Dratte of Water,ng FOR SALE at the Ofice of this paper:-

BOWHA authorised to sign.


Hongkong. lat January, 1851.


ALL Persona having claims on the Estate of the Ale Mr Jon Rows, Burgeon, of Hongkong, are requested to send in their secounts before the 28th day of April, 1851, and all persons indebied to the deceased ate required to make immediate payment of their debts to,


Colonial Burgtom, Administrator to the Estate. Hongkong, October 28th, 1850.


ALL persons having cleime on the estate of the late

At Spring Tides, 124 foot





The Largo Dock in 200 feet long, and the Pumpa suached are worked by a Stram Engina.

JOIN, C. COWPER & Ca. Whampor, 15th October, 1830.


La Souvani pa Hoxoxoxo POLKAS TOMPOSED by Mr C. L. Curford, and played by the band of II. M. Skip "matingo" at tha Gurtison Ball, giren at the Club House, on the fish instant.

M. 8. 9. Caples, arranged for the Piano Forte,

Stores in






for the Peninsular and Ori ental Company's Steamore,

COMPHADONES Ozokas, in Books.






VESSEL muitable for the convey-

Aance to CALLA (Lima) of Three

Hundred Chinese Condres, at present on

tenders will he received at the Vice-Con-

in Noroeste tendersigned before the freed within nes or at ang and me principal Barred in scalet festech ship "Cisital" at Macao to send them to before the first day | " Hastings," or at any of the of March 1951, and all persons indebted to the Hongkong Price #1 por copy. The Above may also sulatra of France, at Hongkong, and Canton, und decemed are requested to make immediato payment | be had arranged for Flute, Cornopean, Ouitar, &c. || th? 20th instant, and at the Office of the Chancellor of their doble to

&a. Each copy will be signed and stamped," J. PHILLIPS, Executor.

Hongkong, Oth January 1951. Hongkong, 25th December, 1850.


MELE interest and responsibility of Mr. JonnNGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all Nuced the GRAND STAND by the Stewards,

Cassis in our firm cossed on the 31st De cember 1849.

(Signed) p. pro 11UBERTSON & Co.

D. SILLAR. Shanghan, dih December, 1×60.


fR JOHN H. EVERETT authorised to sign

Our Firm by Procuration.

jetszelvlag ship Meceivinpahij Shanghan


EDITRD, Polored, and Publisuey, av ene Phornicton, William Tangant, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 11.

AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 14th December, 1850.


THE Butiness hitherin carried on in China in my own neno will in fature be conducted under the mylo of CARTER & Co

AUGUSTUS CARTER, Hongkong, ist July, 1850.

BUSH & Co.

sizon, to Naila, by Hongkong, 1st October, 1860.

NOTICE. THE undersigned bave recaived direct from the Manufacturers, lodian Condiments, the very latest arrivals-vix

Vory Superior Bengal Chutney,





Do Curry Powder, Madena Mulligstunny Pasio, Do. Curry Paste.


A few cases of most excellent Port Wine, Sherry, Champaigos in Quarters & Pinte, Beer and Swat,

MACEWEN & Co. Queen's Road, Ilongkong, 23rd December, 1830.

HONGKONG RACES, (86). TOTICE-All Homes and Ponles ato to be men.

ou the Morning of Friday the 10th instant, between the Hours of 6 and 15 2. 2; and all. Entrances, to be made to the Clerk of the Course at the Bluttay Barracks, boluru 5 p. m. on Saturday the 11th.


Clerk of the Course,

Hongkong, th January, 1851.


respectable Englishonan, who has

of the Legation of France at Macao, until the 25th intent

(Signed) J. VERONIOL.

Macao, 8th January, 1851.


1 T 1 o'clock in the forenoon of this day, will ba A sold (umler decreo of the Supreme Court) in the Area of Circular Bu Idings, Weat,

GUO Pane, coolsining Orange Trees in bloc.n, and a variety of Flowers ad Laurel Troes, in beautiful condition,

TERMA, CAOM. Victoria, Saturday, 11th Jany., 1851. BUTTER! BUTTER!! BUTTER!11 Ex" CHANNING,"

Bercral grare experience in this he had se JUST received, a few Cake and Kege of Sill's

situation as Assistant in a Store or Warehouse.

Can give upexceptionable references-Addira. sas to Zat the Office of this paper, will be attended lo,

Victoria, Hongkong, 6th Jonuery, 1851.

JPrimo New York BuCTER; the fin- over insported into Hongkong; Un sale at ite Sture of

W. EMENY. Quan's Hood. Hongkong, 13th January, 1951.


Workct the following fema: -

connected with the religionists of China.

In order to remedy this state of things, which month was supposed they would be completed. with their views, upon this and kindred subjeciss nothing else but an incarceration of the witnesses could, (in any other way that we woej effact, it is now macted that the Court may direct.

To the Editor of the Fatso of CHINA,

VICTORIA Nosukono 10th January, 1851. St-In reply to the notice in the "China Mail" of the 18th instant, of the death of my late Coach

"That the Deposition of every soch Witness doly taken man Mr Sharpe, allow me to state that I was not informed of Sharpe's real ilmers untill Sunday lastele or on the Commial of any Prisoner may be 9. M. The sistemont of the "Mail" of my having real as Evidence against him, her or them at such Trial

as if the same were aghin given ried race," been earlier in ineoniert. The dicensed Shirpe was much addicted to drink, and his premature death, was hastened by his e"nexion with the "Meils * informent to Drzakard Lee.*

1 am Sir

Yours &


To the Editor of the Fritno or Cuixa, Victoria 10th January, 1851. Dear Mr Eliter.

'an you do or say anything to effect a reform in the pre-en welchedly inefficient state of the Vertorial live Forch T

It remains with the Jury of course, to give weight or entirely to danas from their minds, the nature of Puch evidence.

A about time since the militia in the neighbour hood of Woorung mustered pretty strong.necupying the Batracks adjoining the different Batterier, Gring of the Casson, and going through the mar?urtei of the big gun exercise, the men were exceedingly well clothed and appointed. It is said (by the Chi nove) that some change among the military Com. manders is to take plice and that some great war- rior is daily rapecial to visit the various stations: honce the cause of tus prearm waikke preparations

We are glad to olwerve that the Church is stendi- of the side pillars to support the Fool Bro erected in their position, the walles appear to be well cut- ried up. We hear it will be complete by Easter.

Sperial and Common Jury Lists for the year come progressing, the erous bans are placed and me incncing 1-4 March 1851 are posted up on the Court house doors for inspection; and incouracies are to be notified to the Heginrar of the Supreme Court, before the said lists are brought into opera tion, otherwise Jurors will not be allowed to plead such inaccuracies no reason for non attend into.

It is pleasing to see the government, or any do-

The other Evening ab?at 7 o'clock while Cap- tain Gallet of the French Ship "tris," was hailing partinent thereof, taking a step in the right direc

The passage of the John Dugide, Captain KII- lick, 130 days from Liverpool, recently arrived, It is eraso a remarkelly fine oua,

The Barque Chatham, got on shore in coming

gol of yesterday, (25th instant) nfer dlicharging a the River, bear Block House Island, and only portion of the cargo, to the brig William Hughes, sat by the Agents of the Chatham, for the purpose, the time the accident occurred. We know no place We believe there was a Chinese Pilot on board at where a respectable class of Europeau Pilute is so much weated, as in the Yang lazo kieng.

lus list at the Bank-whaif, bo was surrounded by tion; ond this one of sfording a person, objecting top a number of the Bostmen congregated on the land ba a juror, an opportunity of explaining the circum- ing place, and knocked down, three or four of i

stances of his case, without requiring him to do so in whom attempted to ding his watch trom v? b?n person, in which however they did not succeed; supe Court is greatly to be commended, fur several Captio Guillott, fortunately, having recovered his restana. Jeg", was rated to repel farther attack.

In February, 1851, person, whose dame is on The foreigo Captain weet smmediately and re- poned what had occurred to him at the Police Stathe Common Jurors' Lie, may not be of the fall tion, let se usel was answered by a shrug up of age of twenty-one prars, or before the year in out the shoulders, and very sorry, Bir, but nothing can ho may expect to reach that of sixty; or he may be temporarily afflicted with deafness, or with blindness, be done.*

So many complaints of a similar nature bave or with any other infirmity; or may not be in the annem of income, nor expoel already been made, and many wore might be receipt of 9500 preferred, is in bigh time that some public demonstra

Yours obediently STAG.

Many of the large Junke which have left this port within the past fortoight, well supplied with oon piece goods, are we are informed bound to


EXTRACT of letter received yesterday per Biamesa brig Siam

"Although the Engilb and American Treuiles expressly and charges of every kind, yet the Stamere have for myeral silpolate that the duly the vessel shall cover all ders years, managed to levy a duty in some way on nearly all kinds of Exp, and on many Troparts. Its also wipulat ed in raid 'I'reatles that toseljes merchants shallow way

tion all) La mado, in order to render the public to earn, throughout the your, so much us $42 per landing places any thing than what they are, a month; or be any not be the tenant of a house of public auersace, where no one is rate trose intrege, the excoding monthly value of Twenty five dollars; and robbery, after sun doen. Not long since young and under such circumstances the objection, if pro midshipman of the "Hastings," was laid dowperly maid, would be forthwith Imitted, of course. upan Pedder's wharf and rebord in broad day rideed a person may feel a stifled, within himselfe light!!

that he ought to bo smong ulo 8p-cial Jurors, who have comparatively nothing to do, now that the | Admiralty G. urt is abolished ; and be able to show that bu is, as the Ordinance k?a at !-" an Esquire or l'erson of higher degren," or that be carries on the trade or business of's Banker, or Merchant in the Calory" and such circumauances would bkewise be taken luto due consideration.

DIRTU-A-Yletoria, Hongkong, on the Sili le-tapel, MI ROMARTA of a Dauzbier. BIRTH-ALYkwila, tungking, on the 7th instant, MN Marofa Ben, MARRIED. At the British Consalu?r (Skangbael on the 111 inant, by the end Jata Hyoson, timarts A. Frano, Esto Ellen, second daughter of J. 8. Suikk, Esq. of Hromley, Kest,




Sandwich Islands Nov. 4


Untiel Bater

Oci. 13 aluvia




19: 5gap


14 Manila



Rep+ Nov.

90 | Amay

Madra Byr Cof G. Hope 2an Francisco


1 Ninepo


Dec 19 Dec. 30



hindered in purchasing the products at the country the King land- to lecrease his revenues has farmed the principal pets, making them a complete monopety. The Klug, Pilacre, Nobles and their lavochen having become the principal traders, and have so managed and cun welted the trade of the custry, as to keep out nearly sil celgo vessels, beteral fuselga mechanisave at times chartered the Government vessels, and in able way were alle to trade to some advantage; but the Nobles and tol with-lecturs of venge have grown more and more strict, and exbibital, and there is now bas lube if any avantage in trading with the Klug's ship-and besides, some of the Nobles have wible a few years past built several vessels after European models with Jun? keeda, and reported thein to the King as Joke, by which meaus they nee able t all them as such, thereby avokling the day of square rig- ged vessels, and making it impossible for lurergu ships lu compete with them.

The tank of fixing correctly the status of a spraial Juror mun, however, be a very difficuk ons; (ir. Nov. 25 if to necestuin an Exquirerhip, in full heraldic ac- ceptation, requires the scuinea of a Norroy, King st Arms, to determine the position of a person of bigher degres" mua bo still more difficult. But we incline to an opinion that the term "higher with whieben quite a different maning from the investic. Weavy this because we observe in the list of games now standing on the Court house door, those of persons who are neither Esquinas, Bankers nor Merchants, mid they mee, therefore be persona,

Dec 19



DOUTIQE. - In betwhy given, that the Homesal Derise Server in the Cathedral Current or Br. Joneum, un Sandays at 11 A., and at 4 P. x, and on Thursdaya 416 P. M


Acting Colonial Chaplus.

$1. Paul's College, Victoria, and October, 1830.

NOTICE The hour of Public Worship in the Win CHAPEL, tollywood Itand, is on the Babbath at 11 a. m.

Victoria, im Jane, 1850,




P. R.



||| Saturday

12 Sonday


|Racs | Seu || a. 106.

4.41 | 5,32 #0 8,44 4.32 6.44 5,32 4,19 6,45 553 5,27 602

1-4 Tuesday

| 6,45 | 6.34 | 038 7.11

Full Moun on the 18th, Perigee the same day.



To-wonnow the Reverend Dr Lagge proposes to preach the first of a series of riermons on the Chris Lion Race. The subject, if simply as an history, interesting, and the Iteverood Doctor's auditors may rest noted that it will be properly handled,

2010. Pa paguen men warga n


**** The diplomatic missions both of the United States and of England hare micely failed of success."

We be advices from Ainoy to the 7th lartal The approaching Chinese Holidays are harag the effect of chocking trade generally. This is no mere then might be expected: but a addition, we hear, that in consequence of an atrocity of the Chie suthurities, who had punished a singapore barn Chinese so severely that he had divd-undur the in. fiction, the dealers and nativas, fooling that there is

coming under the term " higher degres" or their | safety for nekter lifa mor property until the outrage being on the list m all is akogether illegal is in some way atound for, aru mire than usually

averse to enter into any business speculation,

In the course of the current year we shall de- vole sume portion of our time to an enquiry into the real meaning of the term "higher d-gros" and the result of our investigation may probably load some of our renders to request our aspisat legislatora to take into their consideration, the advivability of pas sing another amendment to Ordinanes No 7 of 1845' and of a repeal of Section IV, ibareof or some kind

The vicen of Chinese official wrath was Clerk to Captain McMurds, and it is et sted that he wan charged with having been a leading min of one of the Hueys, or secret societies, of which so many exist in Singapore. The "amall knife society" is the one to which it is said he was attached. On Friday, the Sed instant, his hours was surround

of amalgamation of w with that of Sectio. Il preceded by about Eighty Soldiers, and he. (with two ing. Bende Eleven Justices of Peace for the Co

others) was taken up ? the Trousse, and on ro

lony wo notice that the new Special Jury List, it ceipt of righty blows with a bamboo, having made

at present steeds, consists of Four Englishmen.ame kind of confession, was entered off to the Five Scotchmen,-Ons Purtuguesc,-Two Americans Haifong's to receivo e punishment of a thousand stroke more,and under these,as might be expected, he died.

and a Dane.

We had intended, in the present ismo, a con- tinuation of our review of Colonial matters during the past year; but, while the present year is yet young, prefer taking a review of our Sub- scription list istead, and of the various sc. Counts connected with the working of the office.



About eleven la the forenoon, Consul Sullivan heating of what was going on, went up to the Taou. tas's and demanded the Prisoner's retouso, ho being deemed a British subject; after waiting there for four or five hours, the Consular staff left with promise that the prisoner should be sent to the We shall hope however to resume the subject Consulate abortly; and at half past six in the on Wednesday, having yet to consider Hong-vening he was brought there in a sedan abair, kong as a free British settlement, adding as we the bearers of which left immediately they had handed in a'Card for the, Consol. The poor wretch

alive, and to add to the torture, salt had been rubbed into his wounds. It is reported that whilst being





-Thou shink not kill 2nd-Thou shalt notate,

3rd. Thou shall not be lewd. 4th-Thou shak not do wrong by thy

In the Commentary, thin law is explained (bus,- "There are four waya of doing wrong by speak- ing;"_

1. The Best way, is.-To lle.

9. The second way, lo,-Hy idle and vain talk. 3. The ibled way, ly,- By course and volgar language. 4. The fourth way, k,-By duplicky.

Law Bil Thou shalt not drink strong liquors, Gth-Thou shalt not perfume to hair on the top of thine head, thou shalt not print thy body. 7th -Thou shalt not behold or heat songs, pootomimes and plays; neither abalt thou perform ibycall.

Bib.-Thou shalt not sit or lie on a high and large couch.


9th-Thou shalt not eat after the time

the Commentary, shie is explained," After the time moans afer noon. The heavenly spiss eat in the morning; the Buddhas, at moon: the beans

to imitato Buddha, and not to eat her the noon, after noon.-Therefore, it becames the priestho But our generation is work and subject to many diseases, they cannot sustain the weight of this low, and require to cat'many times in the day -For this reason, our eklers have parmioed the priesthood to take a certain quantity of herbs in the evening, to prosi bt sickness!!

Law 10th.-Thou shalt not have in thy private poaven-ion isher mental figure, (coin ?jor goll, or silver, or any valuable thing.

Tus moet illustrious of Scottish barda has en- trested that some power would,

The gly gleto

To se vurselves an olbara ane us;

and a more unwise supplication, or one which if granted would prove more fraught with misery, never was put up. The chief happiness of the majority si monkiul vesty, not in seeing themselern on albero du, but in looking at their des conduct through kaleidosergio spremcles, focused and coloured so na to give no image founded onquesiva- ably on fant, hot to fashioned and benutified, that one but the individual who believes it a true re. presemation of himself would reangniss it. "Nos omnibus omnia possimu?"-so comuot all do every ching-ny have been reckoned a sound and wo questionable muxim before the intention of lettere, or introduction of newspapers ; it in the privilego and beatitude of journalima to bi-Have that to thein it does not at all apply. Twe highly favoured clase of mortale who occupy the chair, and wield the pen edituriak, spura il na tu them mot utterly inappli while ; and if all of them may not bo expable "?do- ing everything, there are none of them so incompe tent wy not to be able to judge of anything say one My allempt to pestari. From the governing of country to the management of campaign from In question of literatura ta one of engiamerlug-fre the construction of a bridge or soil to the a. pontium u?an epitaph se epar pram, nu editor is ernest and monitor soprenin and Infallibla. The more difficult the subject to other people, the more way it is for him. He seizes his pen, and, with eye in a due phroner, salling, in an instant deciden an o question she uhlost men in the hnd may hova found themselves suable to resoles after your of jakine, ptudy, nucl research. Of course the stricwr sciences and somewhat in the way-there 14 n? dillieulty in determinirig whether a man can or can. not -olve a problem in Euclid, work a kinke, or calculate an eclipan ; but thloga indefinite, ou which diferences in opinion may crist, and which on this very ground ought to form subjact of consideration and gira ground for pause and dephi, are the very matters on which those to whom they are most bew

What woover ot are most prone to dogmatise. black-math in the land over doalted his own ca?I - petrany to decide at owco no the mechanism of the Britan Constitution, on the philosophy of free trade, or the mysteries of the ewra lewe?"What sintesi men and philosophers urquise 'by study, humbler inen possess by intuition. There are few questione considered more complex or difficult by those who bave devated half their lifetime to their considera. tion, then those of Dance, Monetary and bankko ing mattera-bare before now turned the soundest rada, and perplexed the ripest expreiones. Gilbert -assures us that a bankor ought to have two sp. premiceslips of seven years each at lengt-but a erasor of bankers, a monitor in banking, may previous instruction whatever only table the ques- spring forth full grown and armed, without any on, and it is answered-present the problem, and premto it la solved, quicker much theo lightning or the thought.

MR. DUDDELL bas taken umbrage at on assertion have shown, but little benefit to what in genera! | had the apportance of having been literally syed limo have been received, ‧ They ?aford moy

made by the Editor of the "Chius Mail" that fourly denominated the "China Trade."

days after be. Mr 1). was informed of the sickness

mitted into the flospital no a destitute foreigner where

of his Conchman, be applied and got the min ad. | Tan "Lady Mary Wood" encountered very heavy puolabed he craved some water, and one of the as a proof that the newly strived emigenata n?. shortly afterwards he died. Mr Dudde!l's refut-weather again on her passage to Shanghao, but, al

ativo of the charge will be found among the original correspondence.

though anchored for four nigus, saccaded in rack- ing Woosung within eight days. (The passage down recupied less than four.)

From the columns of the "Nunth China Hald

Wa commend "Stag's" letter to the easideration received by this opportunity, but very little, in the

of the Executive Council of the Government,

Tur Gra Ordinance of the year is already before the public, and, in our humble opioion, is calculated to provo a very useful one. To publish che pre amble is so sito, in briefest terms, the nature of this


**Whereas, aber the committal for trial of Crisoners in thin lung nnd beiver the time of such istal being had,

they have, as to generally apprehended, in many lactance

way of news, is to be obrained.

Contal Alcock circulared, on the 31st ult.. the travel.ction of an official letter from the Ufficiating Troutae, Woo Keen-Chang, advising him that three Wooden Bridges were to be built on the road from Shanghae to Woosung; a cornure, the expediency of which, Consul Alcock bad for some time urged on flis Excellency's attention ar being greatly calculated to advance the interests of the marcantile

daring soch laserval,by force as brikety, semua madal community, and to contribute to the general con- Crown Witwenser, rum at the Colony to We Malland of China; and lite expelteus not unl for it fence. The bour of 8 in the forenson (day at fectual miminkuration ul Justies vai aku fut the mulec | gircu) had been determined on for commencing the tive of aneh Wlmesser, that provision should be made fur the unitracsing soch practizes:"

work, according to the old models; and in about one

Mandarins, nolicing his request, asked him if he would not prefer Sam shoo, but took care to favour him with neither one nor the other.

The day following it was discovered that the two other Straits born Chinese were in confinement at the Haifong; and Mr Vice-Conal Backbouss and Juterpro er Murriton, by dint of hard persuasion auccealed in prevailing on the Troutae to order their release; much to the laifong's disgust, who threatened to resign his post forthwith.

(From the North-China Herald, Dec. 28) THE LAWS OF Txe Bodomiat PreRYTROOD,


(From the Skipping & Mercantils Gazello, Sept. 6.) NATAL.-Papere from this colony to the 16th evidences of the prosperity of the seulement. The stence of any serious complaints may be regarded

fed with their situation and prospects. The Natal Witness mentions that the Bullangeich, which arrived on the 20th of July, with 100 passeng and 250 tons of cargo, was cleared randy for sen on the 10th Angunt; and that " not only was the vessel zrady for sea in this short time, but through the united afforts of the agents for the ship and the agents for the emigrants, this compnty of new com re were all loanted before the book that brought them left the port." As the vessel was anchored in the rondstead, the Witnesa considezu this despach highly creditable mut only to the agents, but alan to the boatmen and others concerned in the work. It may also be rega:ded as affording good evidenre that the arranguosents for landing possengers and goods and for locating emigranta, kare ne length

Many of our readers will not be sorry in leara? been brought into a regular system, beneficial to something of the principles and hubits of the nuino. | all parties. ross inerk looking, stupid and shore priesthood

The works at the mouth of the harbour, design.

that, no frequently, cross their path in Shanghao anded to narrow and thus deepen the channel, were in treigbourhood.

in progress, and Bremed likely to be effectual

We give their ten laws below, though we are The plan of turning the Umgeni River suto the ignorant as to how far they are observou. Per. harbour, for the same purpose, was aut advocated hapa, sume of our initiated readers would frour en | by many.

Licut Governor Pine had returned from the ip River District, where he rel laid out a test , to be called 'in-leer, and bad appointe pain Struben as Magistrate. The town" it is ted, in surrounded on two sides by the Klip rer, and the appearances of the country indicato The towolte were udance of water and fuel"

up for sale at the upset price of £10, and £1 I survey feek The following description of the town of D'Ur. ng ven in the Witness, shows the replii pro- ca which has been made at that port within the

two years.


ter the purpose of a Directory, a list being given of alt ile Eorysau igbobitants and their occup tion. From this wa lind that exclusiv? of wiret

nineties tempted to onorifice realities to appear. | ances, and to forget their mission in themselv. The traditions about the Country are already no- doming legendary, or aren mythic character. and children they most of two consulu,fiued -coura Gean missio cerns, thirty mine merchants, wine Old John Adams' journal is lost, carried away by

the master of a Heston whaler and although a few tradesmen, seventy-seven inerchants and trades- stray anecdolon remain, nothing like a connected men'a mazist soils, and right of miscellaneous profes bistory of the mutiny is to be recovered 'J'benion and simpliyments. A tolerably large com island version, however, as far as it goes, le widely munity to have sprung up in five yonca in a renta Chinese city. Perhaps another generation may see diffrent from that put forth by Captain Bligh.

an equal pusher of Chinese sealed in Liverpool His assertion, that conections formed with T- biten women by the crow were the prime cause of and Alanchostre. We sh 't make a few extracta the muting, la diluetly denied, the authenk being from this paper, as soon as we can fud room for


Leasing the shady busk path through the Berea, attributed sotirely to his own arrugaul and over u coins to a plain, on which, two years ago, thera buering baberiour. With the subsequent adren-- ere a few scuffered houses, in the wide sandy street,tures of that dooned vassel, her voyaga backward every Geferment lat has been salil, and subdi- and forward beturen Touhoni and Tabii, the Leon atores, wooden warehouws, | lauding sixtran of their number at the latter island. Sed, au resold. Attic-and-deb erection, and entire how are plante! | aud the final proseedings of Christian and sight | Life

uch array, no will one day make a fourful bonure!


ere and there cenpectabis dwellingu, tastefully within, accompanied by Tahitian men and wone; } poison, and then no an extravaganco. Cobalt

, ood safely tiled, indicate the presence of prudence capital to the suburbs are seen groups ne

to Pitcairn's land, wa have been mydo noquainted with through tha marestives of Captains Pipst,

ts, similar in shape, but larger in size than those Staines, and Beachy. But they had not oppertuni Tise to gather the after history of the mutinnors with


Tea is more unit innre becoming a necesary of all clames. Tea twa denounced first un a

was furious against it... Aa Edinburgh reviewer in 1829, keeps no terms with its usa by the poor.

We venture to sort, that when a labouret fancin himself refreshed with a mees of this staff, swactsoed by the conrocht black sugar, and with azure blue milk, it is only the warmth of the water that soothes him for the moment, unless, perhaps, the awoctoral may be palstabdo also." It is dan getous even for great tarinwers to venture to usaert,




seen very improbable; but for the accuracy of nor informant, so far as the facts como foin him, wo Brady to touch. A gentleman bao visiting best week in the North of England amongst highly re- *paciollioman Catholic fattilice, when he niet vold Icading Romish clergymen, who were speaking with the atmost confidence of the Bishop of Exeter being about to secede the Roman Catholic Cl.urch, and, on bis expresslig vory great Joulite, an to the probability of such an ovent, he was oscured that the Rev. J. 11. Newman, the well known Oxford convert to Rome, and who has a ministerial elonga, in that neighbourhond, had that morning best for Torquay on a visit, by invitation to iba Bulup · Of course, Mr Newman may pay a visit to the Digle op, and the Bishop have nu iles of going wret to Rome: still ibere in atariling significnore sont such a conjunction at this time-Bridal


Singular Combat, -On Sunday morning fuel, Mr Greater, of Austerlade, Ollinsa, bearuiller, was fording a hen with is hatch of twelve chickens, at bis door, when molienty a large rat came out of a drain, and seized one of the young chicho. "The watchful moiber pounced upon the rat, and forbed is to give up its prey. A terrible struggle an-ued ; ulitimately the ben was victorious, and completely dienliked ibn cat. She then twak it in her beak, wil

ilt by the natives, and orunmented with tooling of 4 toe voile and tarpaulin. Wagons and carts are equal accuracy. It is a sad but instructive tale. Fing with loads out-hay and produce from the ear-

8 cuce from retribution as they now believed thum anding farma, and met ja few with bricks from the Ives to be, they were still followed by an avenging which are generally a short distance from the Nommes, which never slacked from her parent, 4. Shops and stora, apparently well stockel, are till she had excted full measure of atonement for be found in rows, and customers running to and fro

In a few years after comre Liebig with his cheraio: | carried d to a shallow trough of water, into which if Netal were to prosper by commerce alone, with the dirloyal deed. As usual, they were themselves

made the instruments of their own punishment. al discovestro and - demonstrates that collen and the plunged it and stood watching in dying urug. agricultural or any other aid,-

Freed from all control, but cut off, by their very || ton have become necessaries of life to whole on- | gles. The bau unaivusly returned to her brood, situation, from se many of the chances of wicked- | tions, by the presunes of one and the rams sub- and, after opptrently comuling and arving all aufs, "mens which dia civilisod worl I presento, their pre- stanes in both regelbles, which baru pecaller effect she returned to the water trough. Beeing the mi vious broke loven through the only ohanwale lef

upon the animal system that they were both ori stirring, she again lifted it out of the water, shook To the Editors of the Sydney Morning Herald. open to them-broile among themselves, and ill-

ginally not with amongst nations whines diet is severely, and plungul it in again. Mr Gra chiefly vegetable; and, by contriliution to the form afterwards examined the rat, und found that alio fod ENTLEMEN,-i enclose you the copy of a letterge of their native dependente, paving the way lar ile catastrophe which followed hard upon. Di

ation of Gils, their paruliar function, have be- inflicted the mortal blow by driving her best inte at hun keen already forwarded to the Times, coR-

As that I possess an interesting account, laken dow

como a substitute for animal food to a' large cluas | the throat of the rat. The hen has liao been about ning the Inhabitants of Pipenien' Laland.

By Me Walter Bendis, une (my fellow passengers of the population wines consumption of moat in fourteen years in the possession of Mr. Greand, zit bal chance of being relieved from the dif

kirs of their present situation lies in the know from the recital of the clatinale inhebitat, very linkind to another large clase who are who has kept her because she is remarkably attach-

Daalle 10 enke regular exercita-Dickens House ed to her broods-Afanchester Ciwardina, ge of it being more generally spread 1 offer uo which, however, on account of its length, I can

only vonture to give you an aburect.

hold Hurds. agy or sendi gym statusont that was

(To be continued.)

Nuisancer at Private Parties,-These may be ation for another journal, feeling assured that the

Purcell, Flanagan.-Claim of £1 16s for 'thua briefly rockoust. They who come tour ourly poed of it alone will suffice to ensure your as

maintanance of a child.

-before the candles are lighted, or before the ladies Matonic Banquet to the Mayor....The Lord

Mire Purcell, who pingresard a wondrous flow of of the house have comploted their toilets; they To the Editur of the Times.

Mayor bring nec pled the invitation of the free language, stutted of atu tailway pace, and never whu conio too late -when supper is over, or when Sir.-In the minth of March fait, myself and was of Southwell to a banquet an Slooday, the pulled up till finally extrusted The Bench de- they have been supping somewhere else (and allove beathers were luft nabore at Pitcairn's Islatul by 23rd instant, the mayor courennd a public meetingclared it to be falso start. Mr Carman desired it), or when they have not bren invited (and the

1Javina y shin, which was blown off in a gok.

of the inhibitents on the 17ik instrot, to adopt | her to speak slowly, and on nuo subject at a time, hostess shone it); they who como only to show off had fareed upon me the advamage of a more

mraantee for giving hit lordship a dua reception kad su begin at where she swatial foun, silence! their singing, and find there is no pi?no or no ac biracted residence in the famous refuge of the

The Lord Mayor and Sherill Nicoll ronchod Suth inaloon, don't ?sterrupt-aileuco || Now proceeded companiient; or who come to dunes, and find aunty malineers than has been bithorts enjoyed wold at 4 o'clock yesterday shernoon, and pro- Mes Purcell, in a low cane,-seeing as it had no there is to be no dancing i or to supper, and Gad any of its visitors, I mend you to observation cended at once to fill Hours, the residence of mother, and was neglected,, sick and hungry, and there is only cake and wine; or to fliri, and find no this the pansllert, but not the least intors-ling af

| Captain Thill, who had made perparations on the || full of virmen, I took the chill on the 5th of the body that they know, or who knows them ; diey

Most liberal acalu f?r il? entertaiment of his lord er Majesty's colonies, with the double object of

new year at six o'clock in the evening, following who will tell long porno iu enracts to ladies who orrecting foregning sistemente, and of partially ship and the sheriff. His lordship was accomp. the burial of slas pour sail her mother, jist because wish to be walizing or polking; they "bo insist un Spaying the obligations which the kindness and

ael by Mr Burling, Me Cox, and his fordship's

mob sly clan would look at her, and says i to Flan enaking interminable spenches at the ampper-talila ; shaond & hospitality of the half casto natives, **** chaplain, the fire. Charles Marakull, A compli nagai, saya ( jat va it may be spoken to your they whim dance badly ; they tho dence superlily lil na under, by drawing attention to the peculi motary kidress was possented to the Lord Mayor Lordship-ayat ['ll inks the chiki, saya l-very (these last are great bores); they who west musk

by the corporate functionaries of Southwold, to

well saya la.

un thrie kerchiefs ; they who chew breath sweeten which his lordship exturned a suitable reply. The

era (and they who don't-sometimes) ; they whose banquet fusk pleor in the Town hall, and ike town

*tark in of oxen," or who gather in knute alust wae (locsinated in the evening.

the roun, and discuss polites ; old maida whe anub the girls, old boobelors who take muf, maa- tas menrouvring for their daughters; all children,

ta med seedla doen.


Ligencies of their pituntion.



We have corresponneinu IBAI LANK VI NE D On the 196, the following proclamation, removing the government to Wilhelmabed, was published :-- We, Friedrich Wilhelin by flod's grace Elee

Defendant-An did'st ye my Mrs. Pureuil that ya'd knep the child for nothing. Now did ya ck- pect to be paid Mrs Purcell.

Mre Purcell -- An did I expect to be paid sore Lu-bath in 1 hopes the lag, and his lordship will and thee in 22m) dhe liha t'anngulor Polisay,

ther man's chill"

The Last Hores Story "La yaar horse fat ?" inquired Vermont horse dealer, Beau all ren tien. Good bottom ?" " He's all bottom. Why I drove him so far one day that it took him twa

General Tavlor never elsewed tobacco-net/ days to get him back again." drunk any rom-never smoked a cigar-ngk? owed any man a cent-for was sund ; nerepete way on himself-never was dunued ; necf dun- ned any body-never lost a battle, and nor aur rendered.

"Mir Showman " said a groenbora a menage- Tie, "cas the leopard change his pp 1" Yen,

The Lady and the Egbyer.-An old dame, Damed Innual Yostonuoyed by a keen cross. examination in the Curt of Queen's Bench, bu to ax ine any kavietinua. 1 um not a going to be caine unruly, and claimed, "Don't you go for bothered this way, I'll be d-d if 1 am, I'm too bold." Chief-tice Denman" I must ena Yourd bang! The young 'uman gay bar heri. mit you" Winess" Commit your Granny!- dence fore me, war inkun out of the Court, alf

When it appated that all chance of cajsining our 419) was gone, and that we must patiently await be ortoval of a whaler, or of nomo enlonial cri

tting in for water, the inhabitants served in via ith each other in reconciling us to our dependent osition, with a delicacy, and good krending, which ava lett ma impresaan that can never be effised. single matice will serve to show the apist in

did I expect to be paid sure Mr Flannigan.. lucb these good offers were renderen. So soon

John 31'Grath-Saw plaintif take the chiki it was.quite clear that we were abandoned, I

away, and heard her any that his would keep it fur olled (inurga Adanie, my bost, to a conference. I

a twelve month as she Hw'l no children of her own. old him that we could not help temeining a hurt, &e., do make knows--That in consequanes of

Another witeres stated that def-a-faut had made the disstrdience of the greater number of the me hau upon Ina people for a whils, but that we munt ndeavour to take it as light as posible; that they ionaries of our Governmont, and their opposition repeated application to the plaintiff' to get posses,

to our constitutional anlisan?es of the 4th and Jib | mon of the chill, which had bean invariably refus. must give ovat tem-ling os as gamta, and suffer us

ed. Verdiet for d. fumlar?.--Intelligencer Uct,12. live like themselves, in their ordinary way; that ingrat, and further, because it does not onenport or my own part, I did not choose to cat the broad with the dignity of our Government, to inhabit 008

PROLOKDATION op Leant in the NORTH.-9 and the same place with our reketlious mtordinsta Willenens, while all were labouring around ine,

afficists, while they maintain their disobedient at bright have the nights benn of late, that soy even at that I would eses my keep, and would give ne

titude bave realved to remove the post of our during the best fortnight all newspaper ood a day's work in the yam plantation as any

eroment from the capital. We will make it our print could be read in the open air here, at a quer. han on the island. Ademi would not listen to the

meal anxious care that the couron of administration || fur past aeron v'clock. On last Wednday night proposition, bus said that "ko had many times

we were out testing, as an experiment, the post-Sir," replied the individual, who s up the wild more plesaurs in seeing me at his house then bu of Government will not suffer interruptions or du re; for that while the ship was hers, It might relance, and trust in the Inwful dispositiva of our bility of reading thes at midnight, and as the jown basts, "when he is tired of one put he can easily To beso suppoard that he looked for some return, subjects that they will assist us in upholding the work of Wick struck twelve, we teal a newspaper go to another,"

constituting of the lend, and the monarchical in Matinctly by the quemated light of day. "Our Chereas la was now quite clune that I bid none to nake. Belag dermined, however, to compite altution which is its centia) element, and that geographical peitin in between the 58th and 69th hat returo, in epa shape or another, a lucky they will support us by rondering willingly that aid degrees of north latitude John O'Groat Journal.

A little old gen-leman, without which no Government whaleror can be hought that occurral.

THE ADHIRALA passenger by the Admiral ne of three resident Europeans, and the very carried on. We will take, without delay, those impersonation of Master Simon, In Bracebridge ensures which are required for the administation informs us that when nearing the Capa de Verda Hall, came to ask a solution of certain difficulties of the law, and in particular for the regulation of they passed the bull of a large roseal supposed to in music. 16o had brought not with him, twenty. the fioancial and executive departments of Govern- be a ship. Sho was one body of fire fore and af, horen yours ago, lo few treatises on the subject, overment, and hereby remind all the servants of the the mass were out of her, and only the stump of which he had been pering ever since, seemingly State, highest as well is subordinate, both of their the bowsprit left with a piece of the staysail ail duty and of the inevitable consequences of oppaal. hanging to it, there were three or four gune which wilkout being able to advance a step. I took oo

Upon the appeared to have been run out the ports, the asion to rebark upon the imperfection of their on In our constitutional ordinances. church singing, which was in waison as bad as well proposal of our collective Minimry, we order the carriages were brat from under them and they their muzzles pojated to the water, the docks were could be, and proposed teaching them all to sing in removal of the seat of our Government to Wilhelme appeared to he hanging by chain breachings, with Parts. They caught at the offer with eagerness, bad,

harat through, and in the rolling of the rewel she end proved remarkably intelligent; at one out of

showed her hold enwrapped in danes, a boat was the whole adult population, proving deficient in ear,

lowered by Captain Freyer, and the second mate while many were gifted with magnificent voices.

with boats cree pulled round this unfortunate On the fourth day of instruction, they sang a catch

craft; but, owing to the quantity of smoke sod in chorus, andily and correctly. The well-

flame, it was impossible to get near enough to knowo Baroj de Thierry gave lessons in linous

make out her nome-Intelligencer Oct. 13. prospective the son of the pencil, in handling which they okowed equal proficiency; each of us, in fact, diligently contributed what he was able in sequirement to the common elock, Nothing Purprised us inore than the little occasion we found of adapting our phraseology or remarks to their comprahcasion, on perceiving that we might as Bums the possession ulige much general informs tion or even mare, than would be axpsoted among the corresponding class in the old contrica; and that upon subjects which might have been sap Pod entily beyond dair reach. About the different British culnoies and their governments they were specially curious in anqsity; and i was not a little amused at being extechiend, even in the Bookshotien ile, than BL Helens of the Pacific, nhout the the misleds of the Governor Greg. reputation, such as it it, appeare to travel fat. He has mid that he has determined to make him- self name; and a has got, all over the southern hemisphero, no well aprend and a lit dle to be envied us that of Dante Forenco:-

Godt, Firenza, pot che sei ri grande,

Che per mare per wire baul "ale,

* Patenton WILDREN.

‧HANDKL, Haynau, Baunaca.

‧ Wilhelmabad, 17th 8-ptember, 1850.*

dead, spa through you, sitting there so keriet i your big wig, and sho in the matericko-For shame,"

Enter Bumpology-Scene, Lecturer's Study. Nimakull, "** I be enom, Maister, to here my furtin toull--they tell me that by feeling o'my skull you can And ant what I be inost fit for, and what fike best.. Lecturer-"My good friend the phreno- logical devlopement of the oss structure of your pericranium, which placed in juxtaposition with the analytical table of humana propensities, many possibly ?ned to tha expositiun of the physical your celebrun-we might fin the phila progeniti- forces, which co.operme in the developement of veness, noqueitiveness, ag colicateantivenoks, we might then suningically bufer~~," Numekuli- O dang it, Mater, let me go out-all us! wanted to know was, if I was likely to have any kumps to my hand after I was suntfige **


We have just received the first number of a news paper published at Bhoughao, called the North China Herald," being, we think, the easteramosi

"The Hanks of San Francisco-There a jouros] in the English Inngange yol seen. It ja neatly printed, and though on Chine paper, is to be perhaps nothing which exhibits in a more striking continued on good English paper as soon as a sup- point of view the extent and reach of the busacos ply can be slained. One of the main objects of of San Francisco, than the uber of hanking this journal is, as the editor informa be, to awaken a houses it commalas. Every eminent expitalist in the feeling in England in favour of a more extended United States, Europe, Mexico, and South Ame cumerce, and moro intimate political relations rica, has his repretative in this city; and the fact whh Clins than exist at presont. The port of that most of those branches are doing a very N?u Shanghas has only been opened six years, and so rishing linem,, in the stronges proof of the im. Fast are its reponsors that it has already attained the mense resurers of the city. We have amongel wa soran-bauking catablishin?ule counted with tho fourth commercial place among the ports of Avis, | Ita exporia of tea and alik last year, equalled the first houses in the waill besides the quarrous met total consumption of these articles in Great Britain samtite house who slup and insure golt Just Be unly thirty years ago, is still increasing, and will aides these, there are many love 5 who well drafts landoulketly take a much larger development most of the principal cities of the United States, Jan.

the population of the worth coast of North and which makwand insura renuttanees of gold dust, America increases. To that quarter, the good folks such as Simmons, Hutchine, & Co. Allied at Shangban are already looking for an extension of Rubinson, Letile & Pupe, and others.-Thore in their scum communication. To a year or two we nothing that so well indicates the extent of the busi need of San Francisco, se the fact that so inay may expect a North Pacino lina to be established

E per lo 'nfernu il tuo nome al epande. Thoar goulemon who are so greedy of notoriety make dangerous logates, whatever may be their taleata; in the pursuit of a double object, they are

by the outerprising ship owners of the United States, | wealthy houses baru went their agenta bure, and and then wieamers will be the globe, as the P. and hard extalliated branchine of the business at a

U. Company'e vessels will choot the Amonosa linapeiud early in its existence." in Chius.

Among other matters we observe that this Grat auther of the North Chine Herald is made to un-

Blartling Rumour with Reference to the Bishop of Exster.-The alterent we are about to make



B, Constitution (Bremen), Luth, from Newcastle

26th July,

B, Lady Mary Wood Sir, Tronton., from Shang-

hne, bth January.

9, Suren G. Varne (Am), Barclay, from Wham-


9, Caldri, Snow from Shanghon, 29th Dag

9, Eureka (sa), Ryder, from Whampoa, paired

through the Harbour, lve San Francisco

10, Chariote, I Thumas, from Madras Tib Det.,

and Singapore 20th November.

To the Editor of the Funko of CHINA.

VICTORIA bosonone 10th January, 1851.


In order to remedy this stats of things, which nothing else but an incarceration of the witness

SIK, In reply to the notice in the "Chisa Mail" | could, (in any other way that wasse) effect, it is now of the Uth instant, of the death of my late Coach-macted that the Coun may direct. men Mr Sharpe, allow me to state that I was vol informed of Sharpe's real times null Sunday last at 9. . The sintement of the "Blad" of my hering boon earlier is incorreel, 'The d. cossed Shitpo wa much addicted in drink, and his prometure death,

*That the Depostiles of every such Witnesa duly taken before or on the Comeauel of say Primer may be mad as Evidence against him, her, or them at much Trial- au if the same were again given tied race."

It remains with the Jury of course, to give weight was hastened by his son with the "Mails" or catirely to diamins from their minds, the asteral

informet "the Drunkard Lee,"

I am Bir

Yours do.


*uch evidence

SPECIAL and Common Jury Lints for the year eam mencing 1st March 1951 are posted up on the Court house doors for inspection; and incuracies are to be notified in the Registrar of the Supreme Court, before the said lists are brought into opera tion, otherwise Jurore will not be allowed to plead such inaccuracies as reason for neo end.ce.

To the Editor of the FRIEND UP CHINA, Victoria 1014 January, 1851. Dear Mr Editor. Can you do ur my anything in effect a reform in the pre-ent watchedly inediciout stale ulte Victoria Ilice Force?

It is pleasing tones the government, or any des The siber Byening about 7 o'clock while Cap- twin Gillot of the Ferach Ship "Leio," was hailing!partment thereof, taking a step in the right direc.

be done."

Is Boat at the Bank-wharf, lis was currounded by tion; and this one of affording person, ohjecting to umber of the Bosimen congregated on the land be a juror, un opportunity of explaining the circum- ing place, and knocked down, three or four of perone, in which however they did aut succeed: sope: Court is greatly to be commended, for 40veral whom attempted to ding his watch fro off his stance of his case, without requiring him to do so in Captain Gillott, fortunately, having recovered his ressons.

In February, 1851, a person, whose fame le on lege, was enabled to sepel further attack.

The foreign Captain west immediately and re- ported what bad occurred to him at the slice 8-the Common Furore Lis, may not be of the full tion, but as "ascal was showered by a sbrug up of age of twenty-one years, or before the year in out the ploukiers, and very sorry, Sir, but nothing can he may expect to reach that of sinty; or he may be temporarily afflicted with deafness, or with blindness, So many complaints of a similar nature bar or with any other infirmity; or may not be in the already been made, and many more might be preferred, it is bigh time that me public demonstra-receipt of $500 pr sanam of income, nor expect tion should be made, in order to render the public to earn, throughout the year, so much as $42 per landing places any thing than what they are, a month; or he may not be the tenant of a house of public numore, whiero no one is enfe from outrages the exeeding monthly vulde offwonly five dollars; and robbery, aher sun does. Not long since yours and under such circension: the obj setica, if midshipmen of the "Hastings," was laid down wpon Pedder's wharf and roboed in broad day perly stund, would be forthwith almitted, of cours Ur indeed a person may feel estisfied, withio himself, Jight!!

that he ought to be among the Special Jurore, who

that the bave comparatively nothing to lo, now ??????? | Admiralty O. urt in "boliabad ; and be able to slow that he is, us the Ordinance hujan Esquire or Person of higher degree," or that be "cartier co the trade or busincia of's Banker, or Morchant with jo the Colony" and such circumstances would likewise be taken into dee consideration.

Yours obediently HTAG.

BIRTH-AL-Viowels, Hongkong, on the 5th folent, Mes RCOMABte ufa Daugkier. BIRTH-As Vicwela, Llungirung, on the 7th Instant, Mr May of a Boo. MARRIED-Arthe Birkish Convolute (Shanghaet on sho Istestual, by the Red John Hoon, Chess A. Feason, Em to blue, second daughter of J. S. Sunth, Keq. of Bromley, Krat


Used Bates






Oct. 94 Bandwich Islands Nov. 4

Nog Oct.

13 Bateria


Nov 7 Labuan

ROT. 19 Sagapore

Kur. 1 Senila


L. of a. Elops

Rept Nov.

an Francico

13 | Langhai 30 Amar


Dec 19

The task of fixing correctly the status of a apreial Jurar muu, however, be a very difficult uns if to ascertain an Esquiceship, in full heraklio ceptation, requires the soumen of a Norroy, King Dec. 301 Arms-to `determine the position of a parada of Jay higher degres" must be still more difficu Bul Jany. 7

Dec 19 we jeclias to an opinion that the term "higher

degree" obtains quila a different manning from inventi. Waaxy this because we observe in the list of names now standing on the Court house door, those of persons who wee neither Esquires, Bankers ·




with which com??a rauwe lewana sia qugrated in

bring on the list at all is ahogether illegal.

anonth I was supposed they would be completed. with their views, upon this and kindrod subjecu. We select the following here:-

▲ about time since the militia in the neighbour hood of Woosung mastered pretty strong.occupying the Barracks adjoining the different Batteries, Gring off the Canon,sad going through the mar ?uvres of the big gun exercise, the mea were exceedingly well clothed and appointed. It is suid (by the Chi- sos) that soing changu among the inity Com manders is to lake place sad that sonte great war. fet dally expects to visit the various stations? bence the cause of his present wetlike preparations

We ate glad to observe that the Church is stendi- Is progressing, theo crony beams are placed and some of the vide pillera to pipport the roof are erected in their position, the walls appear to be well car ried up. We hear it will be complete by Easter.

The passage of the John Dugd ris, Captain KII lek, 130 days from Liverpool, recently arrived, is at this season a remarkably floe ona.

The Barque Chatham, got on shore la coming got off reserday, (25th Intan?) after discharging ‧ up the River, arar Block House Island, and only portion of the cargo, to the brig Pilliam Hughes We believe there was a Chinees Pilot on board at the time the accident occurred. We know no place sent by the Agents of the Chatham, for the purpoee,

whore a respectable class of Europene Pilute is so much wanted, as in the Yang fize kiang.

Many of the large Junks which bare left this

port within the past fortnight, well supplied with ou piece goode, are we are informed bound to Slam.

connected with the religioniste of China,

LAW -Thou shalt not kin


2nd -Theu abak not sical, 3rd.-Thou shalt not be lewd. 4th.--Thou shalt not do wrong by thy

In the Commentary, this low is explained thun, * Thure are four ways of doing wrong by speak- ing"-

1. The Brw way, is,--T?? lie.

9. The recool way, in.-Oy idle and valo talk. 21he third way, ir By coarse and vulgar language. 4. The farth way, h,-By duplicity.

LAW 5th-Thou shalt not drink strong liquors, Oth-Thou shalt not perfume their un the top of thine hand, thou shalt out pool thy body, 7th-Thou shalt not behold or beat songs, pantomimes and plays; ucither abalt thou perform ibycoll.

Bb.-Thou shalt not sit or lle an a high and large couch."

9th-Thon shalt nof ?est afar the time In the Commentary, this is explalwad; After the time means after noon. The heavily opitias ent in the morning; the Buddhas, sa poses. Likk baas?n after noon.-Therefore, it becomethe-prindiho-d to imitate Huddhs, and not to eat after 15% noca, But our generation in wook and subject to many dissares, they cannot sustain the weight of this jaw, and require to eat maay times in the day-For this reason, our elders beve permiued the priesthood to take a certain quantity of herbs in this evening, lo provcat sicknew !!1

Law 10tb.-Thou shalt not have in thy privato posuera-ion either mental figure, (coin?) or gold, or silver, or any valuable thing.

The most ostrions of Scottish bardo has co- EXTRACT of a letter received yesterday per trested that some pawer would.

The gifty glete Siamare brig Siam ;-

"Although the English and American Trentius expressly

compte lih them.

Ws have advices from Aimsy to the 7th instanl The approaching Chinese Holidays new haring tho effect of checking trade generally. This is no coore than might be expected: but in addition, we hear, that la cunsoquence of an atrocity of the Chi-test authorities, who had punished ? singapore born Chiesos sa severely that he had died under the in.


Toles as others ses UT |

and a more unwies supplication, or one which if and charges of every kind, you the samese have for unteral plate that the duly on the seasal shall cover all does propers, managed to levy a day in some way on aserly grated would prove more fraught wilb misery,

kinds of Exports, and on many Import also putat

Dever was put up. The chief happiness of the ed in rold Treaties that foreign merchants shall in on way

majority of mankind train, not in seeing themselves others do, but is looking at their 'conduct be hindered in purchasing the producis of the enuntry but the King in under to increase' mis revenues has farmed the principal profucts, making them a cumpless monopoly. through kaleidoscopio spectacles, focused and

The King, Prinela, Noblet and their favorites sales coloured so na to give no image founded unquestion- become the principal traders, and are so managed and cun

shly on fact, but so frakioned and beutified, that cotted une trade of the cunnug, so we keep oui orari sil foreign vessels, beveral foreign merchants have at times monn but the julitidual who believes it a true re presentation of himself would recognise it." Non chartered the Government vessels, and in ible way we able to trade to some sarange; bat the Nobles and topibus omnia possimu???-as cannot all do every- Jectors of veren have grown more and more vitici, and exorbitant, and there is now bat Hotle if any avutage in thing-ay bare heen reckoned a sound and un- trading with the King's ship and besides, some of the questionable maxim before the fovention of letters, or introduction of newspaperat is la the privilege Noble have wahin a few years past ball several vastela after Batupean model with Junk kepala, and reported jhutu

and beatitude of journalika 315 bellera that to them to the King Juks, by which means they are culo tu Ball them as such, thereby arkling the day of square it does not at all apply. Tilghly shared class forged vessels, and making it impossible for lurengu ships is of mortals who occupy the chair, and wield the pen editurial, spurn it su to them -Wende utterly loappli. che diplomatic missions both of the Uelted States whlet and if all of them may not be capable of do

and of hngland have miterly falled of success."

ing everything, there are wone of them su incompe Cent kn m?c 10 be able to judge of saything say one Many tempt to perform. From the governing na chuntry to the management of campaignfron i question of laerature ta dne of englaserlig-fron the construetiha of a bridge or tokil to the a-mm- pain an epitaphi an epir 'pham, an editor la ormeer ged monitor supreme and infallible. The more difficult the subject to other people, the mor sway it is for him. He salas bis pan, and, with eys in a fine phroney, rolling, be an inman decides on a question the oblest inen in the land may have found themselves unable to resolve after years of inbour, study, sud reisurch." Of course the stricter sciencen aland somewhat in the way-there is no difficulty in detemining whether a man can of car Doi volve a problem in "Euckd, work a loser, or calculate aj cclipas ; but th?nga indefnita, on whieb differences in opinion may crist, and which on this very ground ought to f?rm subject of consideration and give ground for pastas nad dephi, are the very maters og ahich those to whom they are most new are most prone in dogmailas. What woayer or black-meth in the land aror doulted his own" com- petrany to decide at orda na the mechanism of the others) was taken up to the Troutme, and on re

Bripap Constitution, be the philosophy ne dhe trade, of the mystorice of the even lawy1250kaj sinton coip of eighty blows with a bambon, having made same kind of confession, was ordered off to the

men and philosophere urquise by Wendy, humbler en powess by intuition. There are few questioun Hifong's to receive e punishment of a thousand speed wore complex or difficult by those who strokes more,and undef those,as might be expected, have devoted ball their lifetime to their considera. be died,

tion, than those of linance, Monetary and brak ing maller before now turned the soupilent About eleven is the forenoon, Consul Sullivan, the ripest expreianca, Gilbert heating of what was going on, want up to the Thou. hamures maghan a banker ought to have twe ap. tav's and demanded the Prisoner's relosso, he being prenticeshipu of seven yours each at legat,-but a desmenta British subject; after wailing there for censer of anketa, monitor in banking, way four or five hours, the Consuler staff ff with a spring forth full grown and armed, without any prevlope fraction whalever: only tablarihe ques- promise that the prisoner should be sent to the tron, and it is answered-present the problem, and

in thought,

| nor Merchants, and they m?a, therefore be persons ; fliction, the dintors and ciativos, fooling that thero is Sercoming under the term "biglise degres" or their safety for neither life nor propany (til the outrage le in some way slowed for, are mire than usually averse to enter into any business speculation,

The victim of Ohlaese official wrath was Clerk

NOTIJ8.-1a buruky man, that the Hour of Decine in sin Catuegral Corach or Br. Jong an, ang 41 11.36. ned at 4 2., and on 7 has wage sA(c) N

E. TIL MONCHIEFF, St. Paul's College, Acting Colonial Chaplain, Vistaria, od October, 1858.

NOTICE-The bony of Public Worship in the Wan CHAPEL, Lollywood Road, is on the Sabbath at 11 a, 1,

Victoria, 10, 1850,




|| Saturday

12 Sunday.

15 Monday

H4 Tuesday


HIGH Watak Rich Bet A. M. P. M.

0,44 1,39 305. | 8,44 6,445,324,194,32 6,45 638 5.27 602 | 6,45 | 6.34 | 639 | 7,11

Full Moon on the 1816, Perigee the same day.


In the couran of the current year we shall de vole some portion of our tims to an enquiry into the

real meaning of the term "higher degree" and the | to Captain AleMurdy, and it fa atstad that ha wat ymult of our investigation rosy probably land some charged with having' b?nn a Iducing min of ee of of our renders to request our sapinat legislators to the Hueys, or secret societies, of which so many take into their consideration, the advisability of pas exist in Singapore. The "small knife socisty " sing another amendinent to Ordinanes No. 7 of 1843 in the one to which it la said he was attached. and of a repeal of Section IV, thereof or some kind

On Friday, the and instant, bis hours was surround- ofamalgamation of it with that of Sectio. Il preceded by about Eighty Soldiers, and he. (with two ing. Bende Eleven Justices of Peace for the lony we notice that the new Special Jury List, at present stands, consists of Four Englishmen.- Five Scotchmen, One Portugume-Two Americaos

and a Dine.

| Wabad intended, in the presont issno, a dog- |dation of our review of Colonial matters, during the past year; but, while the present your in yet young, prefer taking a review of our Sub- scription list instead, and of the various se- counts connected with the working of the office,

To-wornow the Reverend Dr Legge proposes to preach the first of a series of Hormone on the Chris, tina Race The subject, if simply so an history, le | We shall hope however to resume the subject / Consulate shortly; and at half put six in the premo li i? audvad, quicker much than lightning or interesting, and the Iteverood Doctor's auditors may rest mesured that it will be properly handled, on Wednesday, having yet to consider Hong-raning he was brought there in a sedan shair, kong as a free Britial seulement, adding is we the beatare of which left immediately they had banded in a'Cuid for the Consel. The poor wretch have shown, but little benefit to what is general bad the appegrasos of having been listally aayed ty denominated the "China Trade,"

Mr. Duong has wken umbrage at an assertion made by the Editor of the "Chine Mail" that four days after be. Mr D. was informed of the sicknem


of his Coachman, he applied and got the mod.T"Lady Mary Wood" encountered very heavy punished he craved soma water, and one of the? na proof that the inewly arrived emigranti attic.

moitted into the Flospital on a dostitute foreigner where abortly afterwards he died. Mr Daddell's reful-weather again on her passage to Shanghan, but, af.

ation of the charge will be found among the original correspondence.

of the Executive Council of the Government.

Tax fra Ordinance of the year is already before the public, and, in gar humble opinion, is calculated to prove a very useful cae. To publish che pre amble is to mate, in brisfest terms, the osture of this

though anchored for four nights, accadel in teach- ing Woosung within eight days. (The patage

down occupied less than four.)

From the colarme of the "North China Hold

We commend "Sugs" letter to the emosideration Rceived by this opportunity, but very little, in the

way of nawe, in to be obtained.

Cooral Alcock circalated, on the alst ult, tha translation of an official letter from the Ufficiating Troutas, Woo Koen-Chang, desing kim that three Wooden Bridges were to be built on the road from Shanghae to Woong; a orasure, the expediency of which, Corul Alcook had for some time urged anie Excellency's attention; as being greatly calculated to advance the image of the meantile commavaky, and to contribute to the general co

nactment (BAS :-

* Wagfifi after the committal for telal of Prison tale day and beaute the time of sach trial brings they gave, as lo generally apprehended, in many instances during inch interval,by forea or bribery, removed medal Crank Wieres, from vat of the Colony toife Mainland of China and It' is expedient not only for the turn ef Recimal administrative Justice bat ale for the pure tion of soch Witnessee, that pravicles should be made tur theaterlag such practices:"


The hour of 9 in the forenoon (ly not given) had been determined on for comiencing the work, according to the old models; and in about one

aliva, and to add to the torture, sult had been rubbad into his wounds. It le reported that whilst being

Mandarine, noticing his request, asked him if ho would not prefer Bow shoo, but took care to Cavour him with neither one or the other.

The day following it was discovered that the two', other Burants born Chinese were in confinem at the Haifong's; and Mr Vice-Conegl Backhouse ["and Jotesproer Murriton, by dint of hard persuasion ucceed in prevailing of the Toute to order their release much to the Heifong's disgust, who threatened to resign his post forthwith.

(From the North-China Herald, Dec. 28) Tax Law of Thus Broonist PriKSTHOOD, Many of our readsts will not be sorry to learn something of the principles and lobits of the numo rows ink-looking, stupid and sharo priesthood that, so frequently, cro- their path in Shangbao and


(From the Shipping & Mercantile Gazette, Sept. 6.) NATAL-Papero from this colony by the Leik ultimo have been masived, #They in byd many svidences of the prosperity of the scalej jer?, The absence of any serious complaints may be garded

and with their Station and prospect The Natal Witness memions that the Deliangelch, which arrived on the 20th of July, with 100 passengets and 250 tone of cargo, was glared ready for sen on the 10th August4 and that n not owly, won the vessel ready for ses In this short time, but through #nited afforts of the agents for the ship and the for the emigrants, this company of new- comers were all locvied befede the bark that brought them left the port. As a retrol was anchored in the redated, the Wacas considers this despech highly ereditable not only to the agente, but also to the boatmen und, others curarned in the, work, It may alou be rega: del as affording good evidence that the arrangudists for landing passengers and goods and for locating pigrants, have at length Grew biroght into a regular system, beneficial to all parties.

The works at the mouth of the harbour, design- ed to narrow and thus deep the channel, were in progress, and averned likely to be effectus. We give their ten lawr below, though we are | The plan of turning the Umgeni Rivor into the ignorant as to how far they are obturyag. Par. | harbour, for the same purpose, was still advocated haps, some of our initiated readers would favour us by many.


Lieut Governor Pine had returned from the sometimes templed to sscrifice realities to appear. | #wer the purpose of a rectory, a list bang given ancos, and to forget their mission in themesives of all the European inhabitants and their occupa in River District, where he bad laid out a new

|ting. From this we had that exclusive of wires The traditions about the Country are nirendy 40- , to be called !'isdzor, and had appointe

and childrra they c meist of two consele,fur core soming a legendary, or even mythic character. pain Stroben as Magistris. The town" it de

Old John Adams' Journal is lost, carried away by fleen missionaries, thinty nine merchants, nice ed, is surrounded on two sides by the Klip ver, and the appearances of the country lodicals the master of Boston whster 1 and skhough a few trudnamen, seventy-seren merchants and trades. men's assistants, and eight of mizeollaneous profes stray sarcdotes commin, nothing like a connected The town lots were udence of water and fuel."

up for sale at the upset price of £10, and £1 history of the mutiny is to be recovered The siene and employmema. A tolerably large com

island verain, however, so far as it goes, is widely munity to have sprung up in five youre la a remote Burvey fees. The following description of the town of D'Ur. didarent from that put forth by Captain Bligh. Chinese city. Perhaps another generation (may ap ven in the Witness, shows the rapid pro. His sertion, that cnnections formed with T. an equal number of Chiarse sealed in Liverpool which has been made us that port within the hitsin women by the crew were the prima cause al

the mutiny, is distinctly denied, the outbreak being from this paper, as soon as wo can and room for

two youth,




(To be continued.)


We have erkanavucu tram Lavorur 100 Dosin

the government la Wilhelmabad, was published :- We, Friedrich Wilhelm by Cand's true Ele

and Alanchester. We shall make a few extracts



Tea lo more and innce becoming a necessary of 17% as all clamat. Ten-iron denounced fint sen poison, and then as an extravaganco. Cobbett was furious against it. An Edeburgh reviewer in (223, keeps no terms with its use by the pour.- "We venture_to_assort, that when a labourer | fancion bimuelf refreshed with a mees of this suff, wartened by the characat black sugar, and with |"zure blue' milk, it la only the warmth of the water |that abothes him for the mament, unless, perhaps,

chiefly vegetable; and, by contribution to the form

Defendant Ab did'nt ye my Mrs Porcel! that ye'd keep two child for nothing. Now did ye ex. pect in be paid Mrs Pacoell.

Mrs Purov - Au did I expect to be paid sore zy-hith in 1 hopes the law, and his lordship will and the rides the likes www.ber man's



seems very inprobable; but for the accuracy of nat informal, o far as the facte come from him, w* are trady to vouch. A gentleman Ska visiting last monk in the North of England amongst highly re-

‧pected Roman Catholia families, when he met romie leading Romish clergymen, who were speaking with the utmost confidenes of the Bishop of Excter being about to medzipike Roman Culbolia Church, and, on bis exprewing vary grasi doubts we to the probability of such an oreni, he was assured that the Rev. J. II. Newman, the well known Oxford convert to Rome, and who has a goimiateris) charge. in that neighbourhood, had tha? mnenior leit for Torquey un visit, by invitation to the Bishop: " Of course,Sir Newman may pay a vint to the Bul op, and the Bishop have no idea of going whet Rome: ull there is a starding signifleance about such u conjunction at this ume-Uristal


Bingular Combat -On Bonday morning (est. Mr Greases, of Austerlands, Coldman, beartiller, was feeding a ben with its harch of twelve chickens, at bis door, when suddenly a large rat come out of ? drain, and seized one of the young chicks. The " watchful mother pounced upon the rat, and formed it to give up its prey. A terrible stroggle en-wed ; alitmately the hen was victorion, and completely dimmbled the rot. Stethon took li in bar back, wid

Leaving the shady bus path through the Beres, attributed entirely to his own errogant and over-them-Englishman, come to a plain, on walch, two yours ago, then boering behaviour. With the subquent adven re a few new tered house, in the wide sandy street, tures of that doomed vessel, her voyag backward ow every Government loc has been sold, and nubill, and forward between Touboul and Tahiti, the led, and resold. from scores, wooden warehouses, landing sixteen of their number at the latter islan?l ulo-and-dab erections, and native kuja, are planted and the final proceedings of Christian and sight | such array, in will one day make a fourful boufleet

others, accompanied by Tahitian men and worden. and there respectable dwellinge texinfully plato Pitcairo's island, we have been made moquainted d, safely tilef, indicate the presence of prudenes

, and cafe in the autarke are seen groups of wab through the narrativas of Captain Piper: 1,similar in shape, but larger in mas then shows Staines, and Beachy. But they had not opportuni Me by the natam, and ornamented with rooding of ties to gather the after history of the mutineers with torm enils and tarpaulin. Wagons and carts st equal couracy, It is a sad but instructive tale.

Most-bay and produce from the sale- Zing with b? *** &fa fow with bricks from sle

Becure from retribution av they now believed them a-irou to be, they were still f?llowed by un avenging nding me, which are godkjfy a short distance from the Nemesis, which never slacked from her puteoli, the awecturas may be palatable also." li is dan. rt. Shape and stores, apparently well stocked, are be found in rows, and custodiers ruoning to and froll she had exacted full measure of atodemwat forgerous even for grest revinwera to venture to smeri,

In a few years after coinea Liebig with his chemio: | carried it to a shallow trough of walar, into which of Natal were to prosper by commeres alone, with the disloyal deed. As usual, they were themselvon

made the instruments of their awa panie?ment. al discoveries and · demonstrates that coffee and ↑ abs plunged it and stood watching he dying wrog, agricultural or any other add-

| Freed from all control, but est off, by their vaty

los have become necessaries of life to whole on- | gira, The bou anxiously returned to har brood, situation, fram so many of the chaoces of wicked-

Lions, by the presence of one and the same sub- and, akot apparently cullug and seeing all safe, |"hess which the civilised work! presents, their pan- stumes in both vegetables, which has a pecaller effect she returned to the water tough, Be?ng the ent sions broke loors through the only channels left upon the dnimal dystem-that they were both ori- | stirring, aba ngala lified it out of the water, shook To the Editors of the Sydazy Borning Herald. spas to them-broils among themesters, and ill-ginally nut with amongst nations whots diet is it severely, and plunged it in again. Mir Grosven afterwards examined the rat, and T?und that ako lal ANTLEMEN,-1 encioso you the copy of a towerage of their native dependante, paring the way

for the catastrophe which followed kord upon. Of | stien "of bils, their peculiar function, havo be- inflicted the muttal blow by driving ber keci isto at has been already forwarded to the Times, con-

come a subellite for animal food to a large class the throat of the rat. The hen has has been about Faing the inhabitants of Piteniry's Island. As that pose an interesting account, taken down

wy Mr Walter Brodie, une of my fellow passengers || of the popalitinn, whose encatopilon of mast is fourteen years in the possession of Mr. Grmana, eir best chance of being ralioved from the dif whice of their prosent sitesting lise in the know from the recital of the oldest insle inhabitant of very limited, sad to another large class who are who has kept her because ale la remarkably attack-

which, however, on account of ita lungth, 1 out || unable to make regular exercits.-Dichent House | ed to her broods-Manchester fouardira, ge of it being more generally sphind. I offer vo

only vonture to give you xu abstract.

bold Words. Hogy or sendi g|you a stachment that was

Nulosnces at Private Parties,-Those may be lines for another journal, fereing assured that the

Purcell. Flanagan.-Claim of £4 168 for' thus briefly reckoned. They who came too merly spose of it alone will suffice to enbare your as-

maintenance of a child.

-before the candles are lighted, or before the ladios Maronic Banquet to the Mayor....The Lord

Mes Purcell, whin pogresard a wondroca flow of of the house have completed their toiletat they To ditur of the Ticker.

Mayur having accepted the invitation of the free language, nisited of ate railway pace, and never who came too iste-when supper is over, or when Sir,In the month of March fest, myself and

mains of Southwold so a banquet on Monday, the || palled up till family, exhausted. The Bench de- they bars been supping somewhere else (and show ar athere were left asbore et Pussia's land by 23rd instant, the mayor onureneda pablia mesting clared it to be, a false start. Mr Carrons desired it); or when they have not been luvited (mad than * skin, which was blown off in a gale. Harius of the Inbabkants on the 17ik instant, to adapt bar to speak slowly, neil on and subject at a time, huster shows H); they who come only to show off

had forced upon 100 the nilvantage of a more

aid to begin at where she started from, silence! their singing, and find there is no plano or no ne offseled residence in the famous refuge of the forgiving his lordship a don reception

Tos Lord Mayor and Sherif Nicoll reached the | madem, don't interrupt-lencu Now procended companiment; or who come to danos, and find unty metineers then has been hichorts enjoyed wold at 4 o'chuck yesterday, sliarsoon, and pro- Nirs Parcelf, in a low one-seeing as it had no thern in to be un dancing; or to supper, and ful any of ite visitare, send you some observations ceofed at once to Hill Hours, the residence of mother, and was neglected, sick and Gungry, and there le only cake and wine; ur to flirt, und find no this the smobert, but me the least intersting of Captin Hill, who bad made perparations on the full of virmen, took the child on the 5th of the Lody that they know, or who knows them ; ilwy ir Maj-sty'a colpoka, with the double object of mast liberal scele for the entertainment of his lord "

Daw rear alaix d'clock in the evening, following who will tell long yarns in onomers to ladies who rrecting fursgeing selements, and of partially slip and the aberi. His lordship was accompa- the burial of the pour mul her mother, jist because wish to be walking or polking; they who insist on paying the obligations which the kindness and

making interminable speeches at the supper-table ; aland dhospitality of shall paste natives, hired by Me Ptarling, Mr Cox, and his lordship's nob-nly clan would look at her, and says 1 to Fla.

chaplain, the Ras. Charles Marshall, A compli magau, saya 1 just so it may be spoken to your they who dance badly; they o dance superbly i wo ander, by drawing steglia is the peculiar mentary address was prosented to the Lord Mayor Lordshipsays 1 E'll take the child, says 1-fazy (these fast are great bores); they who wear thank zigencies of their pit?iniion.

by the corporate functonuries of Bowflewold, 10 | wall anya ha.

uo their kerchiefs; they who chew breathswertes* When it spared that all chaneo of rej?ining our

which bis lordship returned a rumble reply. The

ere (and they who don't-sometioses) ; they who and was gone, and that we must patiently await banquet took plor in the Town hall, and in town |

*tack in "f uxen," or who gather in knots about he arrival of a whaler, or of some colonial crit

was Uluminated in the avoning.

the roam, mud discuss politics'; old maids whe in for watt, the inhabitanta semed to vis

snub the girls, old bachelors who take small, mm- ith each other in two-uriling of to our dependent

ass wanrouvring for their daughters; all children, osition dells and god breeding, which

fin.dure. ave left Enpreseign that can never be effroed single instance will agryp to show the apiril in Bo soun

On the 19th, the Sllowing proclamation, removing | -an did I expect to be pasi saro Mr Flanaagen.

The Last Hors Story -" Is your horse fat 7" hich these good offices were renderen.

Jabo 51'Grath-Yaw plainti? take the chiki

Besta all cron- it was quite clear that we were abandoned,

away, and heard her way that she would keep it fur inquired " Vormont bure dealer,

tien. Good bottom ?" " He's wil bottom. Way olled Georgy Adama, may h?at, jo a conference, i old him that we could at help. femining a hurt, do, do n?ake know--That in consequenes of a twelve month as she had no children of her own, en upon his people for a while, but that we must the disk-diamos of the greater number of the fine. Ather witness stated that defadout had code 1 drove him so for one day that it took him twe

General Tavlor never chewed tobacco-ner ndeavour to comke it unlight as parsible; that they ionaries of our Government, and their opposition repasted application to the plaintiff to get poster, der to get him back again."

to our constitutional onlinances of the 4th and 7th mon of the child, whilch bad bean invariably refus

dreak any rom-never smoked a cigar-agr het give ovet, testing us no guns, and suffer us

owed any man deng--tever was sued ; Devep?ed live like themariven, in their onlinary way i thua font, and further, because it does not comported. Verdia for d. fanden-Satelligencer Oct.12. or my own part, I did mutuphouse to eat the broad with the dignity of our Government, to iobabet pus

and the same place with our rebellious sabordiante PratNUATION OF LIGHT IN THR NORTE-So any man himself-never was dusued ; nor dun, Cilleen, while all were labouring around me, at that I would say my Leep, and would give us officials, while they maintain their disobedient at-bright bare the nights bens of late, that any eveaned any body-cerar lost a battle, nod nyfor nur Mr Showman" said a groenhorn a menage oud a day's work in the gam plantation as any titude hare reaclved to remove the sost of our gav. ing during the best fortnight small newspaper rendered. 210 on the islandt. Adem would not listen to the erament from the capital. We will make it our print could be read in the apon air here, at a quar

Bit," replied the individual, who sets up the wild roposition, but said that "56 bad many times anxious cars that the source of admistration syr pulseren 'clock. On ka Wedaraday night ria, "ase the leopard change lils pe !"-" Yra, sora platuses in sering the at his house then be of Government shall not suffer leeruptivo or die. We were out lasting, as no experiment, the possi pre; for that while the ship was here, It might tarbance, and trust in the lawful disposition of bar bility of reading thus at midnight, and as the jown |baas, when he is tired of one put he can easily

To be suppoard that ekked for some return, subjaci bat they will seriet uz in upholding the lork of Wick struck twelve, we read a newspaper go to another." thereas it was maye quite clunk that I had mana to constitution of the land, and the monarchical distinctly by the unassisted light of day,

The Lady and the Labyer.-Ao old dame, ako, Heidrihined, however, to cometre sturion which is ite conila) element, and the geographical p siten in between the 58th and 59th

named Hannah Yeatmagnuoyed by a keen cross that retro, shape, or another, lucky they will support us by rendering willingly that aid degrees of north latitude-John O'Groat Journal. Thought at docurred. A little old gen:laman, without which no Government whatever can be

THE ADMIRAL.-A passenger by the Admiral examination in the Curt of Queen's Bench, bo- ne of thresident Europiane, and the very oncried on. We will take, without delay, those

to as me any kavyations. I am not going to be impersonation of Master Bino, in Bracebridge measures which are required for the administraties inferma ut; that whon nearing the Cape de Verda came unruly, and claimed, "Don't you go for bothered this way, I'll bu J-~d 18 Lum, I'm 100 Hall, came to ask a solution of certain difficulties of the law, and in particular for the regulation of they passed the ball of a large voel supposed to

hold." Chief stice Denman I must en in music. Ho had brought out with him, twenty- the Boancial and executive departments of Govern be a ship. She was ons body of fire fore and aff, hoven yours ago, lo few trantibes on the set, overment, and hereby remind all the servants of the the masts were out of her, and only the stump of which be bad been pering ever sinos, tingly Stats, bigheel as well he subordinate, both of their the bowsprit left with a pince of the stayilmit you" When Commit your Granny ! - dence fo me, waz taken out of the Court, nif daty and of the inevitable consequences of oppoel. banging to it, there were three or four gues which Yours bought! The young 'oman es gov ber heri- without being able to advance a step. Look do

Upon the pposred to have been ran out at the ports, the sien to reinark upon the imperfection of their |tion to our constitutional ordinances. charah singing, which was in dieon as bad as well proposal of our collective Miniary, wo order the carriages were barat from under them and they dead, spe a through you, sitting there so keriet in

their muzzles pointed to the water, the docks were could be, proposed teaching them all to sing in moral of the seat of our Guverement to Wilhelme appeared to be banglag by chain breechings, with your big wig, and she in the matericks-For share,"

Bumpology-Scene, Lecturer's Study. parts. They caught at the 'offer with eagerness, bad.

+ Peteraton WILHELM. barnt through, and in the rolling of the romel she

bost win | Kumakull, be enom, Mainer, to have my furtin and proved remarkably intelligent ; not one of of

‧Haenelun, Hayrau, BaumBACK, showed her hold unwrapped in flames, the whole adult popullon, proving deficient in car.

‧ Wilhelmabad, 17th 8-ptember, 1830.?

lowered by Captain Freyer, and the second mate-tould--they tells me that by feeling o'my skull you while many were gifted with magnificent voices.

with boats crew pulled round this unfortunate can find out what I be most fit for, and what liike Lecturar-" My good friend the phreno- chef; bot owing to the quantity of smoke god best." On the fourth day of instruction, they sang a calch in chorus, steadily and correctly. The well-

Dares, it was impossible to get near enough to Ingical developement of the osseos structure of your peficranium, which placed in juxtaposition known Bargelde Thierry gave lessons in linear

with the analytical table of humno propensities, prospecting the use of the; pensil, in handling

make om her name-Intelligencer Oct. 1

may possibly load to tha exposition of the physical which the bowed, equal proficianay; each of

forcer, which co.operate in the developement of jas, in fact Pantly contributed what he was able

your celebrun-we might find the phio progeniti So acquired the common stock. Nothing

veness, soquisitiveness, ac concatenatirenola, we Surprised as tmpre ten the tittle occasion we found, of adapting our phrspolegy or remarks to their

wight then sonlogically_lufor," Numskull- * dung it, Master, let me go out-all us f som pretension, mod`pironeving that we might n

I wanted to know was, if I was likely to have any sume the possession much general informs

bumps in my lend after 1 was marzia)." tion or even more, then would be expected among the careesbeding clara in the old countles; and ibat upon subjects which might have been sup- About the

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. [pod entily beyond their tench. different British colonies and their government they were specially curious in enquiry ; and i wya not a little amuse at being catechised, even in the Bookshotten ile; the St. Helens of the Pacific, shout the the misdaade of the Bovernor Gray. reputation, such?me irir, appeara to trural fami. Bo has said that he has determined to make him- aalf a name; and enamghe hay got, all over the southern hemisphero, as well spread and as ht de to be envied as that of "Dante's Florence Godi, Firma, pol che sei el grande, Che per stale per esta banda


The Banks of San Francisco-There


We have just received the first number of a news. paper published at Bhangkas, called the North China Herald" being, we think, the easternmost journal in the English language yel doen. El in neatly printed, and though on Chian paper, is to be perhaps nothing which exbibits in a more striking contlued on good English paper soon as supe point of view the extent and reach of the business ply can be obtained. One of the main objects of of Bo Francisco, than the number of hanking the journal 10, the aditor inform us, to awakan a hoques it comelas. Every eminent expitalist in the feeling in England in favour of a more extended United States, Europe, Mexico, and South Arue- cademerce, and mote intimate political relations ca, has his rapecaentativa in this city; and the fact why Chic then exist at present. The port of that most of those branches een doing very Au Shanghas has only been opened six yours, and so rishing business, is the stronges proof of the im. val are its resourora that it has atroddy uttained the mense resuurers of the city. We have minongel wa fourib commercial place among the parts of Aels, oven banking eatablemente comuncied with the Eta expuria of tea and silk last year, equalled the first houses the world besides the numerous ther total consumption of these articles in Great Britaincantile houses who alup and insure gold dust. Be sides thong, there are many Juve s who soll drolla only thirty years ago, in still increasing, and will

" mnogi of the principal citus of the United States, Jan. lisandusluefly take a much larger development as

the population of the western coast of North and which make and inauzo remittances of gold dust, America increases. To that quarter, the good folks such as Simmons, Hutchison, & Co. at Shanghae urn sitendy looking for an extension of Rubinpon, Lule & Pop, and others.-There is their am comication. In a your or two wa nothing that so well indicates the extent of the busi may expect a North Pacifio line to be enablished were ofSin Francisco, as the fat that so many by the enterprising ship owners of the United States, wealthy haven have sent their agents here, and wad then commern will belt the globe, we the P. and bare englished branches of the business at a 0. Company's veeels will meet His Aeron line periud d'early in its existence." in Chi

K per lo 'nferno il tuo nome a spande. Those gentlemen, who are so greedy of notoriety make dangerous legales, whatever may be their | talents; in the pursuit of a double object, they are

Among other matters we observe that this first number of the North Chies Herald is made to 25.


Bartling Rumour with Reference to the Bishop of Easter-The statement we are about to make



?? ????????.


8, Constitution (Bremen), Luth, from Newcastle

26th July. Lady Mary Wood Bu, Tronson, from Shang-

hae, 6th January.


9, Sunn G. Owens (Art), Barclay, from Wham


9, Calze, Bnow from Shanghan, 29th Deal 9, Eureka (Am), Ryder, from Whampoa, pred

through the Harbour, for San Francie. 10, Charlotte, Thomas, from Modran 7th Oct.,

and Singapore 20th November.








VOL. X. No 4. *


Rediving ship

Sept 27 Hongkong French Coal Jan Wampus W. H. Wardley and co.

Dirin, Gray and co Amy Tail and co Fee-foo Dent and on

Nama Jardins, Matheson and po. Enquiring ship Banghong|Murrow, Stuplienson and co

Russell and co.

Nav Amy Myme, Mair and c

Pardias, Matheson and Shangbot |V. &. Remedies

De 13 Amey Thit and on

Hooghongards Matheson and co Racetring!

Labeck so on.

WPONDE akgapore



65 Nar Sing.& H'kong Jan & Whampoa Jardins, Matheson and on.

Browse sed co. WOOWN P. & D. N. Come and coRaceling ship Dec, 16 Shangbe Jardins, Maven and

Hongkong Order

Deat and on



3, Albion, Clark, from Hongkong.

4, Ternate (Dutch), Cam, from Macsusar.

6. Martin Luther, "J. Huilou, from Hongkong.

6, Chebar, Martin, from Hongkong.


2T, John Spencer,



Lilbaar, from Calcutta, 12th

31, Narelso (3pp), Lopes, from Manila, 6th Dec. Dec.


20, Lively, Bramburgh, from London, [7th May

20, Chat, Morrison, from Liverpool, 19th July.

‧24′ Heroine (Bineneae), Davis, from Amoy,

28, Joke Imper, Thomsen, from Hongkong.


Per Lady Mary Wood, W. Eadient Eq.




8, Antelope (Am), Roundy, Woolung.

8, Rose Nandish (Am), Pranion, Whimpon.

8, El Tiempo (Span), Yachaurie, Macao.

9. Fiamm, Bradabar, Amoy.



4, Jalan ? Brunt, Macdonald, Liverpool

T, Jche Sparks, T. B. Sparke, Artacan.



20, Frow Jacoba (Du1), Godshall, Singapore.



127, John Wood, Mundle, Lundun.

19, Calder, Boow, llongkong,


1, Edward L. Frost (Am), Rogers, San Francisco

2, Cothaps, Billie, Liverpool.

4, John Dugdale, Killick, London,

4, Pondicherry (Fr), Prudhomme, Hongkong.


Anita, schoose

Anony, forcha Antilope, barque Antelope.

Argyle, ship



400 Labeck STE Roundy Helt 397 Staford

ISI Glover Pet 144 Romedies Spon 150 Reberede

Homanjes Hormasjon,sklj; Het | 930|Cosine

Canton sleut

Channing, ikip

Cheber, barque

Clara, brig

lora Auna Marla, hargai

Claudius Civile, ship

Clown, brig

Confucios, ship

Congress, ship

Consite, barque Caetandel,+bap

Dace, reboomer

|Port.| 200|ailym

#35 Nichol

Brie 150Beache


JOC Sertt

375 Freuch |Bron|| 1773|Cath

Brit || $+Booms Am Porter

‧ No. of

Play. T


Torched a


Albert, ship

192 Pellequ

Allen, barque


63 Clark


Aligator. bilganife

19 Dass


Deo. 141fengkong

Amanon, ship

3014 Vid

Randwick Tee

Use t)

Anonyma, brig

19 Help $57 Sundven


an Pramalaco

48 Sept 10

Dec Now, Bat




Anden, schoenat

Shangha Hongkong Maca

to Ner. I

Dee 01

Ancora. schooner

10 Nov 10

Retlo, bilg

Hombay, ship

C''dew, barque

11 Deo. 29

Jan Egong Bash and an

Comajog B. Lungrape

anto, steamier


River best


J.A.Oldmg, P.&D). ConAgi




Georgs Lyall and co

Ceres, barque




Septempo Russell and co.

Now. och

sor Jakusen

New York

120 A


Charlotte, ship

Brit 38 Thomas


95 Det 75lagupars

‧ balbam, barqno


35- Morrison


164 July to.

4 Hongkong lame and o Jan 201 Dantes, Matheses and co Pac.bgha Dire, Oray set do.




403 Mards


Vr..| 376 Vergnis

Put buck



Dai || Sekoman



Nov. 25


A. A. do Mell

Lieben Singapore



161 July 14


bempon W. (). Clock


107 July

Hongkong Order

Houghing [Chaka

Dee #1 Type

Parner and co

W. G. of America Farly



Deo, e

East Coast

Looking Barkdoon

Keoniving ship


Amoy Syme, Nair and co


Aug 37



Shares Syme, Mule and on.

Apan 30 Yachamits





Macne George Lyall and co.


Bett. 4 Landare

Weceng Deol and co


46: Lache

143 ar 91


Hongkong Turner and re

Raceling ship Shangha

Dec. 34


Whampoa Nya. l'arklo and co.


997] Satberland



Dat z Watk


44 Sept 1

Lo July o


Flying Dutch, barqar|

Bris | 337 par




44. launcey



110 Pa

1941 affarey

Hongkong Nacio



Sun Gwiz

Slam 350 Davis

40 Nov 10

Urir. 250 H

Hiver bon

tlow-key, barque Hugh

314 Gerard

her, ship Hygela ship

49% Cameron

*an Francisco

Oct. einis


Independence, brig


17 Nimard

44 Aug

Investigator, ship

$71 Gimore

U 37

lows, slip


Iris, ship


Khet J

Del 18 Hongkong and

false are



Dec 1


SUJ Wall


2:09 HD 22


47 Them

$2. Lidbetter

Hanghong Calcutta



Take 12



152 Paco


Nor $4


The Charlotte, on the 18th ultino, exchanged || numbers with the Ship Zurah bound to Mulla, and on the 8th instant in the Formoss Channel was in company with the Atit Rooman bound here, all well.

Visita in Howegono, Cantor, on Macao,


For England.

Hugh Walker, H.

Rose Blandish, W. Susan G, Owena H. For United States.

Cares W.

Memnon, WV, Oxnard W. Rhodes, W. Bea W,

Ben Witch W.

Tour W.

Far Lisbon

Clara M.

For Bombay. Emani, W.

Martin Luther, W.

Bir Hevos W. Bwithanley, W.

For San Francisco

Autilope, H.

lows W

Thecin [1.

For Lima

Denda, schouder

Dida, schemer

Im Amiga skonce Filzabeth, ship

Lila, schooner Yacht

El Tempo, brig

Filly Jace, ship

Emperor of Chlima, chlp

Kina, brig

Kocian sp

Falcon, ship

Fatal Hair, barqa

Fatal Hair, barque

Folkstons slip

Fort Willam, ship

Genelte, achuber

Good Huccess, brig


Hella, Bermakrodita Heine Grg Hongkong, steamet

Bril 133 Barchag

3 Wadman Part Sva Brit. TI Ko


Michal Blangkong



logapore Hongkong

Amay iloogkong

Novo Paqueta 3.


Coromandel M. Mariner M.

For Shanghas.

A Night, W.

Emperor of China FT.



John Height, shly

Joba Hanysa, skip Joke Spencer, ship

Jesties, baigne

Keem bhan, schooner

Easy Haftun Lads

last Mary)

Wool, tuach

Lady Yeel, barque

Land O'Lakes, ship

Lovely, schconES

Lanas brig

Lively, brig

STV Langley


Put. KiBook

13 Hely








917 Bramburgh Handen

40 NOT.

Receiving ship

25 Nov 25

175 May 20

V. IT Hongkong legurata and co




Land Ausherst, ship


217 May 11

Early Early

Lauks, barque


La Cat

Koceling ship



Hoosing ship


Macekan Bermeo



683 Harland



681 Grea

456J. Hinton


33 Chape

14 Suda

Delo | az Malu


det 30

30 No in Honking

Henkin, Hawson and co. Shaha

Hongkong Jardi. Mathesoneparing

Nov 11 Whampoa


Amey Syne, Mair and on

Kennedy and co


Wesson Jardins, Mathcare and on Roving ship Hongkong J.A. OldP.40 €'o 's&glock!ving ship East Coast ordine, Mlu?heson and du. Nev. Jongkoder

Chlachen fardine, Matheson sad eo Lechong Jardine, Watheson and

Deo 34 Shankle sykes, Schwabe and co.

Hongkong ago Lyall and co

Name Desk and co

Hongkong Neave and en,

Wampes Thomas Hupt

Sept 8 Amoy yo, Muir and an

Dec 30 Whenper (Gibb, Livingstone and co Dea 29

Mong Dant noe od.

Shoogher Hargreaves and as.

Jardine Alaihe-on and co.

Amoy Jantime, Matheson and O

Dec 18 bampender

Kwang-les Hong

Juan in Cung Labark and an

aeongueting Heard and

Jum efliangkva]). 5, Oking, P.,Lo high

Deo and co

teeniving ship Receiving ship


dire ship [slugapore


Nan Francisco

Ting. & Penang


Dea 17 hangkan Jardins, Matheson and ce London

Whampoa Cowagios Langtan

Deo 50 Shangline Lindsay and o


Dent and co.

Oct. 81 Hongkong Nobert Strachan

Chimhew Dant and en

Rivet MiJaribus, Markean and coating wip

Dae #1 Hongkong Jardins, Matheson pad ce →→ -

-Bleckla, Ramans and co

[Doc. IE

Dee to Macan Dent and on Jan Whampa P.&D N. Camajer

Hongkong Rawie, Drinker and co.. Women & Laugrana

w D. Nesston, Gente ned on.

Jardine, Malbecs and ce.

Dec 25Whampos Russel and co Macao M. de Jeras

Dea 31 Away Talt and co

Vatcher and co.





PRICE $15 per m

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONO GAZETTE, Annuw, 26 Dollare, payable in advanos, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Single Nombers, 95 cm sch. SUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND.-To Subscribers to the Fatund or Cana, 4 Lollars per Annum ; non-sulincribers 80; single ouplos 40 ante; if more than Ten Coples takan, forty cente TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, Dollar; ad tcfecoal, 10 cents line. Repetitione one-third of the brat insertion. Ships,-Pirat insertion, Dollars; subsequent losertions 46 conta Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be publiquod unul comatermanded. In all lestano, those who are not Bubscribe, rajutro to pay in range:


ONSLAND CALOTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY Also, on rule to the above, Bindazona, Parkve, Gallo-Matya, Bues. Adzu, THE PRAINSUlar and Opt- ENTAL COMPANY's Steam Ship PEKIN, will leave thin for the above places on Thera day, the Mh of January,

on the 29th, and Cambo voll 5 r. m. on the 2h.

For particulare regarding Funtony and l'assaun apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office. Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent


NOTICE le hereby given, that the Partnership

FOR SALE heretofore sub dating between the undersigned JUST landed from the "Investigator" direct from THE Captain and Coneleness of the American GEBRON JAMESON, JORN GIFFORD, and Joer the house of G. MARE of Bonn, Paoer Eden, at Calcutta under the Firm of JAM-

Whale Ship Shefteid" vtill not be trapon- Tea Cases One Dozan each, Very Superior,sible for any debts contracted by the crew of said ION & COMPANY, and at Canton and Hongkong SPARKLING MOSELLE. under the Firm of Janjmson, Evoan & CompAKT, Is this day dissolved by mutual conuent as regards

Flongkong, tal January, 1851. the mid Josera Frost Evoza, who retire from the Partorrship. The Businres will in future be


Takasuan will be reprived on board until noon carried on by the said GORGE JAMIESON and Joe GIFFORD in Partnership with the undersigned ALEXARDER GIFFORD, at Cafcada under the FS of JAMISON & COMPANY, and at Canton and Hong kang under the Firm of Jawinsox, Girond & COMPANY, to whom the Affairs of the late Firm Dased this Thirty-Brat Day of December, One Thomsend Eight Hundred nod Filly,

T. & O. 8. N. Cp. Offles. Hoogkong, 30th December, 1950.

FOR BAN FRANCISCO, THE A. I. new coppernd Swedish Barque "ANTILOPE," having part of her cargo engaged, will have early despatch. For freight or pasengo apply to 4. LUBECK & Co, Hongkong Janpary, 1881.


THE A ?T ?Ship IOWA Captale TWA, will be despatched for

the above Part on the 5ta prozimo For Light Famont or Passade, having Superior Accommodation, apply to

BUSHI & Co. Hongkong, 9th December, 1850.


THE A. I. Brkooh Borgos THETIS, CAM, Maker, having the greater part of her cargo mgaged, will be des-

devolve in liquidation.


by his Attorney ALEXANDER UIFFORD.


by his Attorney Alexander GirroRD,"



THE Bealous liberto carried on in China is under the mylo of CARTER & Co

AUGUSTUS CARTER. Hongkong, lat July, 1650.


are aalborized to sign our brm.

WN. PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong and Canton, 24th Dec, 1850,


my own name will le fature be conducted


Victoria, 24th December, 1860.


WRA & Co., beg leave to call the attotipo THE HONGKONG ALMANACK for 1851,

of the Posso to the extensive amortment of

will be issued without the Directory, ae it has

CHANDikes and Oilmand Sto which been found impossible to prepare the latter is they offer for Sale at moderate prices, coosting sciant time. The Picory however will bo principally of: Canvas, Twins, Eampe and brought out seperately, at a future period. Oil, Varpish, Torpentine, Tar, Pitch Hosto, Candice, Manila Cordage, Banting, Oure, Paints and Paint

The Almanack, price $1, can be obtained, as Tobacco, Cigars, Olars anil Cronkery Ware, an | Dual, at Mesars Lane, Crawford & Co '--Mr. extensive assortment of Clothing and Ballonery, Noronha's Priming Ofice, Wellington Street, and

at the Office of thli gaper.

Victoria, Hongkong, lat January, 1861.


Ball Provisions, Flour, Vinegar, Wines and Spirits of all varieties.

Just Haovivad, a Batch of Bas' and Alkop'e Als and f'octer of Superior quality.

The above Stores are of the very best descrip tion and Bluesca B. & Co. ate now prepared to

offer them at very low mtas.

Hongkong, lat January, 1851,


JUST received, a few Caks and Kegs of Bill

Prime New York Borter; the finest over imported into Hoogk?ng; On sale at the Store af,

W. EMENY. Queen's Road. Hongkong, 11ib January, 1681,


patched about the 15th proxino. Fur Freight or MR. EDWARD COHEN, this day admitted FINE Now GRAM.


Apply to,

BYME, MUIR & Co. Vistoria, longkong 19th Dec., 1860.


VESBEL enitable for the annrey- ashAne to Calla" (Lim) of Three

Flondred Chinese Coolres, as present on Luned the French Ship "CHIL1" at Miena.

Seeles! *enders will be received at the Vice-Con. sulates of Frango, 'nt Thongkong, and Canton, unill the 200 funmotivod at the Office of the Chancellor

a parser in our firm.

PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Hongkong, but January, 1851.


E interest and responsibilhy of Mr A. How PARKER in our firm, ceased from the 3 lat De camber, 1880.

BOWRA. HUMPHREYS & O". Hongkong, tet January, 1851.


WITH reference to the above, it is hereby la.

of the Legation of France at Macao, until the 25th Wimate, that the business hitherto carried on


(Signed) J. VERGNIOL


Masso, 8th January, 1861."


Cif Arion Early Hobar


Ubanging phlo

Rispair to nhi? WeeMING

mon David Besson, one and of resizing ship

WOORD V. Jorge

J'ent and co

et 12 Afarao Hussell and co.

Yut. If hamper Russell and co.

Amoy fardine. Alathead East Coan Brme, Mair and co

dibb, Livia stone and enhan Dht, Beale

Whampos & D. D. Lalance

Fletcher and an Hongkong lush and ca.

Nov. 25 Whampoa dige, Parklu and or


Jan 10 Whampesiell and co

Hongkongjiyme, Muir and co



Dee 20 Dee Sal

Span 19. Lapan



14 July

Leo Be Hough

236 oper

15 New Je


Brit | 106 Dom




Pen 150llvel


The Ju



pt t

New York

Brie MoMando

Neceiving ship



avTavares Illangkong

Dec. 16

Amy & Bunghos


254 Prudhomma Shanghus




Das 31

Dea, S




Cal. Nov. H.

· Rose Mandah, ship

Span | 166|Vidal Am

550 Pearso


Cal. Nov. H

Kayal bachanga, kelg

Port 15:

J. Wilson

Bom. July 68.

Nejallet, schover

lingkung Hangkong Amy


New York


Matso P.P.dava



For Sale



Maparati, barque

31 dic

‧mn moon√(xmell and so,

Receiving ship


Do Ner 20


Shanghat Numell and so.

Science, sp



July t

Raf and on,


8 Aug


Wampon Olyphant and so

New York

Cam'reson l'astonjen F. C

and co. Franeiving ship


1 12





Del. 16


- Dec.

24 Nov 21


Nov. 13


Bynak, etaaet

Am 147 Wodey

Alver bub

13 F. Ce 161 EL


Bet. 100tabi naam


Ang to

9 F.12.

Boss O. Owens, ship

9J 1


swallow, bargra


San Francisco


26 Det


30 Graves




BOL 97 Hal







[Belt | 11:19






Triven Lon. Oct. 18: Backland Loo, Aug. 218. Fawcett Liv. Oct 3 8. Liv. July 16 (2 ||Liv. May 18| 8.

Lon. Oci 18) H. |Lon. Bopt 15 H. Liv. Sept H. Liv. Aug 14 T Lir. Aug. A,






Pentath MAXION Da

New Margaret


Old England





Lon. Aug 2 it


Da je

Lon Aug. 11.

Loo. Aug.10


Bir Edward Parry Squing


Sbia. Cet 1 H.

Lon. Sept 218.

Order in which the obece Vrais iest England.

Sargent, Mangalam, ON Emsland, Serthed, Her Magment. Me zakart Fang, Alveniat, Bored. Vanna- katten, Trend, Ant Ja, Mengen, Units, Alberola

Loading. -At Lowbox; Bentinck, and Moohan.

Ai Livanrook Success


Cownsjes Family Durbam Eagle


Loading.-At Calcuttaj Atiet Roboman, and

Louisa, barque

Mahamada, barque

blahosted bkak, barque

Margaretta, skip

Marimer, ship

Martin Luther, barque Worth, Merc

Blanden, barque Mast, brig

Marepa, scheonar Mama, lilp

N. a de tax, brig

Natio, brig

Netbala, Barque

Narod, bara

More Paquette, barque

Nymph, rigonilno Unywa, brig

Card, slip

Palludes, barque

Paula, schoo

Pollar, brig

Poueberry, ship

I'vince Albert, ekip

itsjanikam, ubij

Meindeer, shly

ille, hip

Hamam, bilg

17 Dawman

Am 104 Gordan Port

Port 15. P. V. Passos dalis

BIH 661 Jehloss



Bric Browaing

9. 11. Waterman, burgus - AM. | 140 FAINE

J. Jrjeebboy-At BOMBAT; John Wicklife, Dene, alip notta, Orpheus, Virgilio, Bonates, and Caledonia.




Nov. A

Looding At Batavia | Iodiamonijos.

FROM CALIFORuia & Sandwich istande. Constel


Mary Ann Folliou | McLeod

Sarah Booker


SF. Sept

Lon, London, Liv. Liverpool, Shin. Hallda, New. Newark, Oty.

style, pun koman, Hirt, Hurttepost, Dev. Uovnsport, cu vit

11. Raghong, M. Nuoma, WS: Whanejo, A. Albay, A.














D. Joao L


|Hongkong [Ihap 9

thechom 11. B6, B

Star B.

Chetan [H. C S

Donghae (11. 1. 20

Arhampun 14 Mr


1 Ton. Prescr

Admiral Amate

Captain A

Markt Mitched



It d

[Hipagking||),M. Ber | # |Shadwell

[#Sampon || P. 1.


Houching 72 Hiwatne

1-954, Andrade

ea Horse, brig

Witch, abl


blam, barque

bir Bar, ship

sla Edward kyan, bar

Sir George l'ullock, Dh.g


Swamy, sp

rw. nem, shly

Ternate, qu

Termale, barque

Ibetis, barys Joer Truly unique

That, who

Yount bandes, skip



William 15, barque


Walty, basque

Zephyr, aclamar

90% Frucer






A. 174 Endicott, W...A

Ham Beyor


JU Lacy

Part Vint

Am 4) Harley


Mini Mank

La tradshaw



Am. Boarclay



Nov. 18 Whampoa Jardina, Mathema and ca. New York

Bonghong Hawie, Drinker and co.

Any draw, air and co.

Nov, zu Whampoa Lindsay and ou

Kwangles Hong

Dos, In

Des 17 Shanghas Lindsay nod o

Woher Augustine Heard and ok. Whampoa Wm Pustan and co.

Canka. Vingen

Aug 26 Whop Hargreaves and co.

tongong Olyphant son ad,

Ang Bandulah Isles Nev. +.


Jardine, Blatheson and co.

Deo 20 Wampe Kussell and co

Nov 24


Olyphane and co.

Looking Uent auden,

Whampe Kobert Browne and co

Nev. Hongkong #yo, Muir and co


Khenjving whip








Receiving ship


New Yosh

Wanglestones F. Una and concerting ship

Murneyo Biarquaa

Sept raw hamps Rosal and co

Shanghailand ca

Turner and co, Jardian, Hatheson and comor Woosing Ulhas, Bowman and en. teceiving shilp

Lindsay and ch

Kesting ship


His May 21

Dea. I




136 Delos

171 Thamporn


3 Malewdam



apart longkong

104 July 24


Dee 25 Hongkong Kawie, Prioker and co.

Deat and co. 6|longkong|Vebl and co.



Kitab, PRINTRU, and Puulianon, by ena Proznietor, William Tannant, Queen's Road West, Victoria, Jasl.

THE Hones so the Bouth side of Champd Brest, lately occupied by Me J, G.


The House on the North side of Glough Street Iataly orcoyled by Mr John Carr,

Apply to,

MR. GHERARD, At Mr Epoun'a,

Victoria, Brd Jaspory, 18$1. TO LET. Car THB House in Queso's Road, opposite the

Old Burial Grig.

Containing bandome and commodion Dining and Drawing, Bed and Dressing Rooms, spacious Godowns, o., with front and back Forandaha, and commanding a fine view of the bay ; also a small | parcel of greand suitable for a garden. Apply to,


Rons, Cath. College. -- Victoria, 21st September, 1850.

NOTICE THE "Undermined, are prepared to accept Risks (cof?t be when PULICIES at tarde nod in the varidis London Imuranos Companies,)by be Peninsular & Oriental Company's Beamers, rom Canton and Hongkong, to the Birals, Cay. on, the Presidinates of India and England.

For Raton of Frenulim and other information, oply to Mr J. A. Olesno, at the P. & O. Co.'s dice, Hongkong.

JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co. London, 28d December, 1848.


HE undersigned basing been appointed Agent la Canton for the above named Society, is repared to grant Polices payable in Lonilon, Live pool, Bombay, Calcoma, 'Madras, Shanghae and anton.


Canton, 14th Augon1, 1880.


in the marke` of Bowna Hoxeturns & Co. will batmaker be conducted by the undersigned under the style of BOWRA & Co, which Mr W. A, BOWRA authorised to sign.

CHAS. W. BOWRA, Elongkong, 1&1 January, 1881.


ALL Persona having claims on the Estate of the A late Mr Joan Rows, Surgeon, of Hongkong, are requested to send in their accounts before tha 28th day of April, 1851, and all persone indeed to the deceased are required to make immediate payment of their debts to,


Colonial Surgeon, Administrator to the Estats, Hongkong, October 28th, 1850.

NOTICE. ALL persons having claime on the estate of the late A Noor D Esranan Parker, ara fequented to send them to the undersigned before the first day of March 1861, and all persona indebted to the

of their debts to

deceased are requested to roake immediate paymom

J. PHILLIPS, Executor. Flongkong, 951b Dooomber, 1850.

FOR SALE. NGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all

sixes, also Nalla, by

BUSH & Co. Hongkong, 1st October, 1860.

FOR SALE. (HEATHING COPPER from 14 to 26 om.

ez Lord Hardinge. Apply to,

OIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, Stil February, 1850,

NOTICE. THE undersigned have received direct from the Manufacturers, Indian Condiments, the very Intesat arrivala-vis:

Vary Superior Bengal Chainey,






Do Carry Powder, Madras Mulligstony Paste, Do. Carry Punto, ALSO,

R JOHN II, EVERETT is authorised to sign Champaigns in Quarters & Pinta, Beer and Stout. A few ones of most excellem Port Wine, Sherry, our Firm by Procuration,



Canton, 14th December, 1860.

Queen's Road. Hongkong, 23rd December, 1830.


Apply to,

Queen's Read, Victoria, Brd Jatuary, 1861.

ADVERTISEMENT. undersigned beg to inform Ship ownere and Ship store that he has always on hand

■ supply of the following articles. Anchors and Chain Cables, Iren Kaeva-Dock and Dawn Pipes.

Round, in, to 4. inu. 1 in, to 7. Ins, Squarela, to 4 ins.

Best Refined Iron, Flat,

Rigging Chain in to fin Hoop Iron and Lead Pipe, Rigging Berem.

Cabuna large mi small Iron Shearms of all sizes. Sheet iron of all sizes; for move pipes and for other purposes


Spring Gardens. Victoria, Hongkong, 16th December, 1850.


DRY DOCKB a capable of receiving THE Padersigned beg to intimate that their Vesele of the following Drafts of Water,

At Spring Tide, 12) feet


10 "

The Large Book is 200 feet long, and the Pumpe suached are worked by a Stamm Eagios. JOHN, C. COWPER & Co. Whempos, 16th October, 1930.




MAGAO NATIONAL HOTNI. CHAROL Beard and Lodging per month-


per day


Bed Room per night Breakfast

Tian -



Poci Wine per bottle


do do,




Soda Water and Lemonade

do. and Brandy



N. B. Gentlemen residing toe than a fortwight will be charged per day, and all pertice faturing the proprietor with their patronage are requested to report the leam neglect or inattention on the

‧part of servants

Mozo, 21st November, 1850.



TE have this day admitted Mr. EDMUND WALKINSHAW, partners in our Firm, which now consists of Mr. T. W. L. MacKHAN, ME, PAT- Rick Duberon, Mr. Asaxandan MOCELLOCH. Mr. Edmund Newman now, and Me, WILLIAM WALKINMAN.

TURNER & Co. Hoogkong, 1st January, 1851.



T8 hereby given the the Partnership beretofore I subaisting between us, the andareigned an Gup- REAL AND COMMIssion Merchande av Skano. & Co, has this day terminated by effluzion of sime, HAN IN CHINA, under the fitra of THOS, RIPLEY and in accordingly dissolved,

Dated this Thiny-bra day of December, Oas thousand Eight bundred and Fifty



THE Firm of THOR RIPLEY & Co., baviag norship Mr. JOSEPH BLAND, (Nephew of (TOMPOSED by Mr C. L. Currozo, and played GARBAL AND COMION MERCHANTS from this Mr. T, RIPLEY), to continue the businnes sa by the band of II. M. Ship "Howings" at the | date, under the firm of AHAW, BLAND & Co.

Le Sopranje: Da Honarono Polka

Garrison Ball, giren si the Club House, on the 6th insaat.

M. 8 Coples, arranged for the Piano Forte, may be had of the Band master, on board the !" Hastings," or at any of the principal Stores in Hongkong Price $1 per copy. The above may also be had arranged for Flute, Corpopean, Quer, &c. &co. Each copy will be signed and stamped,

Hongkong, och January 1851.


Be respectable Englishman, who bee had ee

vereral years' experience in this Country, situation na Assistant in a Store or Warehous

Con gire unexceptionable references-Addres- ses to at the Oce of this paper, will be attender.

Victoria, Hoogkong, 6th January, 1851.




Shanghie, tat January, 1851.


APTAIN AND CONSIGNEES of the Ame Urican whale Ship "BOWDITCH." will not be responsible for any debis contracted by her crow.

1loogkong, fab January, 1851.


PARB Suitable for Junk and Loraka Muu ? Tonk Timber, Planking, and Singapore Beams.

Apply w

SYME, MUIR & Co. Victoria. 14th January, 1836.

WER. WILLIAM BAGB beg to notify the re

sidente in Victoris, that he has taken there convenient premises at the corner of Peel Street abutting on the Queen's Road and opposite the Hongkong Register office; where he will practisealy his profesion as Voterinary Surgeon.

Me Saan taker this opportunity to acqonint the publie that ke bus several good saddle ones, and Poney Photons to let.

Victoria, Hongkong, 12th Dec, 1850,

VETERINARY FORDE Wellington Street.

ENRY MARSH bege to inform the inhabita

of Hongkong, that he is carrying on the HORSE SHOEING Basineys on the Premier

occupied by T. DELANET, deceased. liorges carefully shot on the most approved principles, under Mr Moran's personal superinted.. dence; and from the long experience be has had, he hopes to give every satisfaction. Hongkong, 18th January, 1851.




Chate of



Sept 31 Elongkong French Cous)

Jan Wkampos W. H. Wardley and es [Dec 11

Diemer Gray and an Dec 11

Tait and es

Feo-c-foo Dent ce

Namoa Hardios, Matheson and counting sp







PRICE $ir an ve

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, ? Annum, 18 Dollars, payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Single Numbers, 95 erste

each. BUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND, To Subscribers to the FutED OF CHIRA, & Dollars per Annum ; tom-ambueribora 84; alugle copies 30 coute; if more thau Tan Copies taken, forty deta TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, I Dollar; addional, 10 cevis lisa. Repeslilovs one-third of the Best losertion. Ships,--First Insertion, Dollars, subsequent insertions 44 cents. Advertisements to have weition on the jace of them, the number of times they are required to appeur, otherwise they will be published mutil countermanded. In all instances, shoe who are not Subscribers, requir to pay in suvanos.


VOL. X. No 6.




Receiving ship


Hem Francisco




Jan 17 Hongkong Jardas, Matheson and co

Deo 12 Amoy Thit and co

Pagangandine Watheson und es Receiving sty

"mosa Cawasjon B. Lumiran




A. A. de Mall







11, Iowa (Peruvian), Washburn, from Whampoa,

11, Berwicin, Arwold, from Sydney, 24th Nov

11, Atist Rakamas, Burn, from "Calcutt, 17th


It, Cowosjes Family, Durham, from Calcutta, 10th


12, Ragia, Johnson, from Sandwich lelands, 24th


12, Reno, Mills, from Mazatlan, 15th November,

11, Scat, Devine, from Loodon, Bih August.

12, the (Am), Latham, from San Francisco,

98th Novenet.

19, Audax, Glover, from Armor, 9th January.

12, Hedisch (At Whelor), Waldron, from As- cension, 10th Dre-mber, with 2,100 barrel Oil, and 25,000 the Bone.

13,- Foland Queen, Maciarlone, from Woosung, 7th


14, Magnolia (Am), Mesion, from San Francisco at Nov., and Sandwich Iskule 10ch Dec,



9, Prises Albert, Jellicor, from Hongkong.

13, Rove Standish (Am), l'ensson, from Hongkong.




11, Susan Q Owena (Ara), Barclay, London.

12, Atiet Rahaman, Burn, Whainpow

12, Charlotte, L. Thomas, Whapon.

12, fris, Gillette, Singapore and Penang,

13, Falcon, Camsingmoon.

18, Chawing (Am), Johnson, Whampoa.

14, Zephyr, Brown, East Coast.



10, Sir Novo's, Lawton, Bombay.

12, U. 8. Sloop Marion, Capt, Glendy, Macao.



Albert, ship

Alta, schoner

Anonyms, brig

Antelope hig



Anthem, seher

Antilope, barque

Argyle, ship

Atlet fahuman, ship

Andaz benzer

Ancora selaget

Herniels, barn

Baris, beig

179 ch

B400 Check





|ct|| 104 Remedios

Brit. $4 Arnold

Hemanje Hormaasjes,oblj√ Uni

Bombay ship

Howditch, p

Fald, barque

Canton staDIT fanten, stNET Ceres, barque Chunning, ship Charlotte, ship

Clara Anna Marie, harga

Landis Cl, allp

Claws, bilg

L'enfaches, ship

L'onga, ship

C'onatiuntion, barque

Commodel, hun

Comages Fally, skip

Dart, schemer


Dat || 103|Makoma

Brit 15 D'Bassobe


| Am | 375|Presch

|Brem? 972|Lath

| Belt | 681| Berwa


4 |aa|11|5ing & Hhony Jan 14


Jardies, Mathosen and on. Dec. 36 hangbae Dire, Oray and co Japon Jardins, Matheson and co.

Amey Symo, Muir and co Dec 18 Whampoa R. Browns and co.

Woose P.&. N. Camice and coooelving ship

Flag. Tros




19T Felloquis

Albion, breque




Ullentur, brentine

Is Dam


the longhong

Amazon, shka


Sen Vicent

andwich tales


319 Hely


BTT Roundy



Ramell and co

San Franciace

47 Nov 2

Jan 7 Hongkong Wm Pustau and

40 Sept 20


Lo Nov.

Mor. Is Nov 11

Lubock and co

Amey Ayme, Mair and co.

86 et 17 Hongkong

Jan 11


Amer Mac Sydney

4 Dua

Shanghus V. A Remedies

Nov 24


Hongkong Order

*pan | 166|itaberado


|400 Waldron


35 Dee 30

Jan 17 Elangang Kawie, Drinker and ca


tt Dea. 39

?? ?

|River bond



Bash and co


Jr. A Oldur. PAD (vhag


Lyall and on-






Jan 13

Sept 4 Whapon. [Jun 14

Resteht und so.

New Tork


email and c



Brit TL Themat

anthan, barie

354 Morrison


16 July 10


Chebar, bargde


40% Mari


43 Nov 2

Chill, ship


376 Vergnia?

Pat back


Clara, brig

Port 100|5va






161 July 21

Dec. 16 Bhanger Jardue, Mather

and co


nec, 20

107 ||July 13|


Whampoa W., Comstock Hoogkong Order


Der 20

WC of Amerion Barty


03 Nov 10


Denis, schosser

Am 147 Woodberry Brit.


30 Nov 20



Dac. S

Dent and so,

Dido, schooner


Lookong Wm. Davidson

|Hoodiving ship




Amay Myme, Muir and co

thaabeth, obl



Ang 97


Shingar Oymo, Muir and co.

Emily Jave, ship


Weosang Dant and co.

Receiving slip

Emperor of China, ship


14 May St


Hongkong Parser sed co


Krbank, kein


29 Michell


18 Whampoa Nye, Parkin and co



Foles ship


31. Wiesland

Falcon, ship



Jan 15


Fatal Hair, barque


Jar Walt


44 Sope

Flying Dutchman, barque


33? oper



Folkstone stilp


Fort William, alp






* Devia

44 Nov 10


Name Dent and co


Hagher, skip Hygeln bl

Fan Francisco

63OOL, Tonolula


Hoogkom. Yeave and


Wap Thomas Haut

Independence, bilg



Sept 9


Investigator, skly

57 Obero



Tuwa, slip




Island Queen schooort


19. Macfarlane


Jan T

Juhu Belght skil


391 Walt


901 ir 32

Jobu ayu, ship




John Sprucer, skly

59 Lalbetter


10 et 1

‧ Justina, baryje


Krem Slan, schooner



Ka?it, orig


19 Wiemann San Francisco




Lady Hayes barque

Lady Mary Wood, 'stuamer




Lady J'ael, barque



Land 11'Cokes, ship


Leeule, ener




135 May


Lively, brg

iframburgh Loud

317 May 11

Lord Ambrist, ship


Lamba, barqu


Fall Coord

Leuke, barges



Jan Francisc

4, Mory Wilder (Am), Cleaveland, San Francisco. Amigos, schooner


Per Susan G. Owens, Mrs. Humphreys and Daughter, Mr and Mrs Bietcalfe and Bon, and Mr Lamont

Visita i ovogono, Canyon, on Macao,


For England.

Hugh Walker, 11. Rose Standish, W.

For United totes.

Ceres W. Memoon, W. Oxnard W.

Ethodo, W.

Sea W.

Bes Witch W.

Tor W.

For Lisbon.

Clara M.

Novo Paqueta M.

Dinyum M.

For Franco-Albert EL.

For Calcutta

Cowajor Family, 11.

For Boabey. Albert, W. Albion, W. Ernani, W.

Martin Luther, W. Baithamley, W.

For Singalore. Investigator, W.

For San Francisco,

Anulope, It.

Juwn El.

Thetis fl.

For lima

Coromandel M.

Marioar M,

For Shanghas, Alligator, W.

Emperor of China EL, Lady Mary Word, H.



Good Bucces, brig Harlequin, belg Hello, hermaphrodita Herobe. brg Hough, wemer Hongkong, baryee


1 [14]

19 Carey

29. Miller





Me Mesemm



Deo 25

'me, Muir and o Whampen 1bb, Elvlagstone and co

Jan Hoogkoma and co Dent and co.


Jan 2

Deo 11 Sheagher Hargreaves and as Den $

Janine, atha-ou and ca Deo 21 Away Jardins, Math

Deo 28 Vampeder

Kwang-lea Hoog

o Hongkong. Labeck and ca

|Com'menn | 1 ngwatine Haarl and to

+ Hego A, Ohling, P.,a0.1 o 's 1gr Waosang

Dent and co

|Doo° 11 ~hangkat Jardion, Matheson and or Geodes

N. 47 tonghong Reguvaan unde

De ammoon Cove Langram


Shanghe and co

AMAT Deat and co.

Oot, is Hongkong taber Strachan

Chlachen Deut and on

54 Nov 11 Sandwich IslanJan 14 Hongkang tawie Drinker and o

Deo 27 TypeTurner and ro,

Hough & D. D. Lajoses and on lag & Calcutta



Shanghar Bankla, Howson and co. Co Jardine. Mucheson and

Nov 11hampos A. Vlagas

Shanghar Kowaudy and on Woo Jardine, Atathoson and co Hengkon 1.A. Olding.P.40 Co'sAg East Coast Jardine, Matheus and co

Nov 11 Hougken: eder


Resolving ship ecelving ship

Charbon fardino, Machaton nad coteeniving ship Leskan Jardios. Matheson and oo Resolving chip

Dee Shanghae kyker, Schwabe and co.


Hongkong Lyall and co


Receiving slip



Lat re ship



Huis Francisco

Karly Immediate


Recalving ship


ENGLAND, CALOUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAT Aho, en route to the above, Baumanono, Punane, Galla-Malya, Dust, ADEU,

THE PHIMBUBAR AND OBI- 1ENTAL Company's Steam Bhip PEKIN, will louve thin for the above placen on Thurs day, the 20th of January, Truasons will be reorived on board until moon on the 29th, and Cando until 5 ". m. on the 28th

For particular regarding Fasiour and PASAR apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, Mongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Ageni.

P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Office. Hongkong, 80th December, 1850,


THE A. 1. new coppered Bwedish Barque "ANTILOPE, " having a part of her carga engaged, will have early despatch, For Greight or pasangs apply to A. LUBECK & Co. Hongkong, 116/Jessary, 1861.




THE undersigned have received direct from the Muafacturers, Indian Condiments, the very Latest arrinola-viz:

Vary Superior Bengal Chutney,




Do. Curry Powder, Madrus Malligatonny Pasto, Do. Curry Paste.


A few cases of most excellent Port Wine, Bherry, --~~ | Champaigee in Quarters & Pints, Bour and Stout.

MAC-EWEN & Ca Queen's Road, Hongkong, 23rd December, 1850.


WE lave the day admitted Mr. EDMUND NEWMAN SNOW, and Mr. WILLIAM WALKINSHAW, partners in our Firm, which now consists of Mr. T. W. L. Mackman, Mr. PAT tox Dovanos, Mr. AlexanDER MCCULLOOM, Mr. Edmund Nawman Snow, and Mr. WiLaram WALKINORAW.

TURNER & Ca Hongkong, tot January, 1831. NOTICE is bereby givan, that the Partnership Nheretofore sobusting between the undersigned Guone Jamtson, Jams Girrors, and Josera FRONT EDO, Calcutta wider the Firm of JA SON & COMPANY, and at Canton and Hongkong andor the Firm of Jamicion, Ebonn & CompaNT, a this day dissolved by mutual convent na tegurde the said Juaren Fro? Essen, who retires from the Partnership. The Business will in future be carried on by iba said Gnomon Jamanson and Jown

LANE, CRAWFORD & Co. Group in Partnership with the undersigned ALEXANDER Gizvorn, at Calcutta under the Firm

Victoria, 94th December, 1650. Janinen & Company, and at Chalon and Hong10WRA & Co., beg leave to call the attention Dof the Ponzio to the extensive assortment of IP CHANDLER and Omaxe STOR which they offer for Male stinod ato prices, coseating principally of: Canvast, Tuine, Europe and Manila Cordage, Hunting, Care, Psite and Paint Oil, Varnish, Turpentino, Tor,Pitch Ruslo, Candleb, Tobacco, Cigars, Glass and Crockery Ware, so alensive esortment of Clothing and Stationery,


kang aader the Firm of Janjuiox, Girv?rd & COMPANY, to whom the Aare of the late in devolve in liquidation.

Dind this Thirty-6rst Day of December, One

THE A 1 Ship # IOWA " Captain | Thoumod Eigli Hundred and Fifty,


the above Port on the 5th provins

For Light Fancour or Passage, having Superior Accommodation, apply to

BUSH & Co. Hongkong, 19th December, 1860.


AVERBEL muitable for the convey. ance to Calta" (Lima) of Three Bundred Uhinese Coolers, ni present on bears he French@hip " CHILE" ni Micro

Cafe tender will he received at the Vice-Con. Platz of Frapoa, ut Hongkong, and Capion, null) the 9th instant, and at the Olhos es the Chaneller


by his Attorney Alaxandra GirFORD.


by his Attorney Alexanona Girrors.



THE Business hitherto carried on in China in my own one will in future be conducted

under the style of Caktne & Co

AUGUSTUS CARTER. Flongkoor, Int July, 1850.

nithe Legation of France at Macao, until the 25th}}


(Bigned) J. VERGNIOL

Macon, 8th January, 1851.


THE House on the South vide of Guugh



are authorized to sign our firm.

W. PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong and Cuman, 24th Dec, 1850,


Bires, lately occupied by Mr J. GR. EDWARD COHEN, is this day admisted

perior in our 6rm.

PUILLIPS, MOORE & Co Hongkong, 1st January, 1851.


* Ato

The House on the North side of Gough Buest lately occupied by Mr John Care,

Apply to,


M. SHERARD, At Mr Epean's.

Victoria, Brd January, 1851.





Recalving ship






$15 Macroelka

23 Dead

2 Dec. 16


Jan 14


39 New 37 Hongkang

Hiver Miu Jardins, Matheson and co Deo Hongkong Jardins, Nachsoon and a thee. It

Blankin, Sawson and co Dee 14 Mono Ueat and o Jan

Rearing ably

W, C. of America Early

Namie, Drinker and . Whumpor P. d 1 N. Camajes



Hearing ship

Homer s? th?p

Dec 12

Macas de Jesus


Dec 31

ABO rail and co



New Margaret


Old England




[Lie. - Sept, 16| H. |Liv. - Aug 14 11. ||Liv. Aug. || EL, Shia Vet H,

Bill M


144 ||July 30


Hongkong Finfebar and

93. oper

Novo l'aquaite, barque

Port Heft

25 PVP


15 Nov 10

Nov. 2

MacV. Jorga


, 21

llent and co

Part 3 Oliveir

10) Ju





19 Sept


96. Me Harde



Dec. 15

|Hele || 101 Whitem


Pr. 3 Predhams Shanghas

Dee B


Wongawajen & Langruna

Do thon, Boeing on

Jardins, Matheson and co. Wago?ng

'Dea Se}Whampag| Rusanki and v0.

um meon David Samsona, Vous and vocalving ship

Marne tassell and cg.

Nov, 11 Whumpan tuneli and so.

Use #

Ayurdi. Matheon and go, Fant Landyma, Mair and co Chonghen Olsb, Livia slave undeo,

Dent, Heals and co Whampoa ? & D. D. Lalenen

Platskar and co

Jan iz Hongkong Blankin, Ramon and co.


Nov 30 Whampoa Nye, Parkin and co.

||Jan 12 Whampah |Rusnail and co.

Den 31 Hongkonggyme, Mule and on,




New York


Receiving ship Ainoy Shangha Hongkong

New York


Mache F. P. da


1 Dec 20

Tum'meon Russel) and co

Receiving abip

Nov 29

Deo 10 Shangha

Nay [Honolul


187 Aug

Jan 12 Hongkong Lindsay and co.


Whampoa Cyphant and co.

New York

Brit loss


43. Valm

De 11



Nov 15

178 Johan

Sandwich Islan

49 |Nev, za



Hanghong Amos

Nos 37

Anna Jane Bangalore Larpent



Lon. Oct. 15| 8) Buckland Lon. Aug. 248 Fawcett Liv. Oct 19. Arou

[Lav, July 16] H. Oilson Liv. May It S Protreath

Lan. Oct 18 H. Mex100 Lon. Sept 19| H. Duff

Sir Edward Parry Squires Trem


Loa. Aug 24 EL

Lon. Aug. H !Lo Sept 21) B.

Order in which the above. Vennela left England.

Largest, Hugshr, 064 Kartal, New Majurit, sir Kovet Porgy Alenka Bank March, JoANG TAL AREA,

Loading-Lampon; Bentinck, and Moolan. At LIVERPOOL; Succera





J. Wilson

Chl. Nov. | FL

Bom. July ta Loading-Al Catcutta; J. Jejeebhoy.-At BOMBAT John Wickliffe, cone, Orpheus, Virgilia, Benares, and Caledoni



18mg Leading. At Batavia; Indtamsijoe.

FROM CALIFORnja & Sandwich Islands, Constant

Coombes Mary Ann Follion Merod Sarah Dunker Cooper

19 F. Oct 15 FT. ||AP. - - H. |8.F. Sept 14 H.

Lan, London, Ul. Lingpool, Shia. Thielda, New, Nowpart, Cly. Cyb, dvs. hann, Biet ketepat. Dei. Derisquet, Cal Ch. esita, kan. Kembang, 4ay, Seylan Pro. Ponas, Veg. Heggars, 3. Tygame, Marien, WK, Whimpun, A. Anny, K. AND


, ?? ???

Mahomed blah, barque

Margaretia, ship

Mariner, sp

Martha, schooner Matin Lather, barque

Marden, que Mmu, br

Masrypa sahoney Memes, Wip Na da Lus, brig

↑ Nurelem, brig

Arbeids, Gerqua

Nid, barque

Nymph, brigantine Qayum, n Onward, ship

Palkader, barque Pattis, schooner Pedlar, bilg Poulcherry, ship Prince Albert, salo Kajasthan, k Namen, bargna Hala, brig Mender, p

des, abip

Home, bilg

Nasa brandwh, ekip Royal Exchange, brig,

kajal scho

parall, barque

8. it. Walaman, banque


Belt || 19:- "rawford

60) Bally


45). Hatles 23 Chape |14|| vnderaam (T) Lawman

am Garden Part

|Span 19 |Lopas

ond Lavd 40mington


Bi Perven

|Pari. 165

401) Browning Die Kadon

Am 140 Folk

322 Maundy

|Belt.| 200| Daslon

Am. | Spring

Am. 907 Prasar

Blam 2001 tro

Mie Edward Kyan barque Beit

air Geige l'ollock, ship

Bulya, bilg

bulda bilg lipart, sommer


Bwallow, burque bulibary, sl?ps 4 W, meals, ship Tunate, barqa

terunte, basque

thetis, barque


630 there

142 Seagrova 13%|Janing


Br 2 Hal

Dat 571-






San Fran Looden

San Francioss


selece, ap

Bcollod, ship

Bon, ship

Be Here, brig

Brif ..WWon

Nov. 1A.

bra Wei, ship

beeld, bl





51 4g B


Bush and co

Com'mosa l'estuajes P. Cats and cooling ship

Nov. 15 Whampoa Jardins, Matheson and co. New York

Houghou Hawla, Drinker und

Amoj "dyman, Mule and

Whampoa Kwangles Hang

Deo 11 Shanghan Lindsay and es.

Wong Angline Beard and eo.

Nov 1 Wampen Wis Pustan and on.

Denton. Ving

Ang 20 Nagpo Hargreaves and co

Hongkong Jardine, Matheson and on. Dea 2014 pas Hemell and co

Aug Sandwich Isles Nov. 13 De




Nov 12

170 Hays




Det. 18



1 Ono. J


30 Nov 2


176 Endicott, W. ..................

Ham 2 Buyer

Nov. 18


14: Ca

Miter Sa


3 Aug t







42 Oct 12

Timer, schooner

11. Lacy

Tromela, barque




Tras, slo




???? Ualae

`pan | 4ra Pardo



Viscount handen, ship


14 Marsh


319 May 2

De Barker


Wlan belg

13 Dulas

William LV, barque

[74 The

Wim de erale, ship

Dat (30 Montendam


104 July ta

Webetu, barqa

Helt. Bar Stewart


4 N

Zephyr, schar


Dam 14

Alligator ?????



Hengkyng Hoop &


Hastings [Hongkong N. 6


Isare 3. Fbingethon CA H?C





D. Juba L


Shanghae (ti. M

Wham M S

Am H. H. NI

Hinh 1. M. ??

19 (19em. Apacer


15 Admiral AMER

If Captain Ame

Mare Mitchell

IN Hinchley

It Cer-A

12 Luned

6 Shadwell

Micko |U P. 6L 90 Glendy

|Honghang|w.F.M, One.



ga imamen

18 [Capt, Andrada

Visen schouar


Olyphant sedan

Laokong Dant and on.

Whampa - Robert Browne and co

Nov 24 Hongkongy, Hair and co

Wang Festoajes P. Lans and en, Logo Marqu



colving skilp Hamburg


Langhung & Canton

Bombay Keceiving ship California


deceiving ship New York


Sept 29|Whampoa Ansell and ca, Aug 15 Shanghoo Hassell and co Dec. 19

Turner and to. Jardine, Matheson and co-mag

Uman, Bawman and co. Recalving ship Eddy and co

Keceleing ship


Der 20 Hongkong Kawin, Drinker and on

Dent and co

Dent and on.


East Coast

Edivao, Pointed, and Photiume, or tun Proraixton, William Tannant, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1981.


MHE Undersigned are prepared to accept Riake 1 (corored by open POLICIES si Ixorns and In varie - Dr M CFNM

The & Oriental Company's Steamers, from Canton and Hongkong, to the Straka, Coy- lea, the Presideneted of India, and England,"

For Hate of Premium and other Information, apply to Mr J. A. Oznano, at tho P. 640. C",‧ Ofice, Hongkong.

JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & 6. London, 234 December 1848.


‧ OF BOMBAY. THE undersigned having been appointed Agent in Canton for the above name?l Society, is prepared erant Palios payable in London, Liv. erpool, Bombay, Calima, Madras, Shanghue and Capton.

FRANCIS B. BIRLEY. Canton; 14ugust, 1860.


TS hereby given that the Partnership heretafora malaisting betwton us, jha nadersigned a" Gen- EBAY AND COMNIACHANTS AT BRAND | BAR IN CHINA, Under albi,drm of THOS, RIPLEY & Co, has this day senised by allusion of time, and is stoordingly, dissolved.

Dated this Thirty-Eight' day of December. One (housand Eight hundred and Fifty


NOTICE. THE Firm of THOS, RIPLEY & Co., having

nemhip Mr. JOSEPH ?BLAND, (Nephaw - of Me. Tion. Ripzat), to continue the business es General and Commision Mxxonante from this deto, under the firm of HHAW, BLAND & 'Co.


Bhange, let January, 1981.



THE internet and responsibility of Mr A. Hou

PUNKYs in our firm, cenood from the 31st. De- | cember, 1850.

BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Ronghena, Is Jawuary, 1851.


WITz reference to the above, it is hereby in-

timated, that the businras hitherto carried on

| in the name of Bowna Iloxruxers & Co. will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned under the style of BOWRA & Co, which Mir W. A. BOWHA in authorized to algo,

CHAB, W. BOWRA. Hongkong, Jat January, 1851.


ALL Persone having alaims on the Estate of the Inte Mr Jonn Rawn, Surgeon, of Hongkong, ure requested to vand in their mocausta before the 28th day of April, 1851, and all persone indebted to the deceased are required to make immediate payment of their debuto,


Colonial Burgently Administrator to the Estala,

Hoogkong, October 28th, 1850.


ALL persona baring claims on the estate of the late A Necor D Eitetan Pangea, are requested to send them to the undersigned before the first day of March 1861, and all persone indebted to the deceased are requested to make immediate payment|

J. PRILLIPS, Executor, Flongkong, 25th December, 1850

of their debta to

JUST landad from the "Investigator" direct from

the house of G, Maux of Boon. Ten Casas one Dozen each, Vary Superior, 8PARKLING MOSELLE,



Belt Provisions, Flour, Vinegar, Wines and | Spirits of all varieties.

Just Repaired, Batch of Bass' and Alhop's

4 and Porter of Superior quality.

WANTED. RY respectable Englishman, who bas had se situation as Assistant in a Store or Warehouse.

Can give unexceptionable references -Addres- ses to Z at the Office of this paper, will be attendeu to.

Victoria, Hongkong. Mih January, 185t.


THE HONGKONG ALMANACK for 1851. will be issued without the Directory, as it has been found impossible to prepare the latter in sufficient time The Directory however will be brought oas seperately, at a fature period.

The Almanack, price $1, can be obtained, us noua), at Mesare Lane, Crawford & Co. Mr. Noronha's Printing Office, Wellington Street, and et the Office of this paper,

Victoria, loogkong, 1st January, 1851-

R. WILLIAM SAGE begs to notify the re-


aidetta in Victoria, that he has taken thoed abutting on the Queen's Road and opposite the convenient premises at the corner of Peel Street Hongkong Register office; where be will pracite his profession as Valerinary Surgeon.

Mr San take this opporlasily to acquaint the publie that be has several good saddle Horses, nod Poney Platone jo let

Victoria, Hongkong, 12th Dec., 1850,

The above Biores ore of the very best descripEN on and Atur B. & Co. are now prepared to "diar them at very low rates.

Hongkong, Jet January, 1831.

BUTTER! BUTTER!! BUTTER!!! Ex ChanninG." UST received, a for C?oks and Kegu of Sill

Prime New York Borras; the finest aver imported into Hongkong, On sale at the Biore of,

W. EMENY, Queen's Road. Hongkong, 11th January, 1861.

ADVERTISEMENT. THE undersigned bega to inform Ship owners and Bhip roasters that he has always on hand supply of the following articles,

Anchors and Chain Cable,

Iron KootDeck and Hawse Pipes.

(Round, & in' to 4. In. Best Reined Iron, Fial, in, to 7, Sna Square, to 4 jaa. Rigging Chain in, to io, Hoop fron and Lead Pipe, Rigging Screws.

Cabonga larga anu'email Iron Sheaves of all sizes. Shoot Iron of all mzus; for stove pipes and fue other purpures.


Spring Gardean, Victoria, Hongkong, 16th December, 1850,


AE Undersigned beg to intimate that their DRY DOCKS are now capable of receiving Yesole of the following Drafts of Water,-

Al Spring Tides, 12) fest


10 1

The Largo Dock in 100 feet long, and the Pumpe atached are worked by a Steam Engios.

JOHN, C..COWPER & Co. Whampos, 15th October, 1850,


Le Bonvarta an HonoxonD POLKAS 1OMPOSED by Mr C. L. CHIPPORD, and played by the band of H. M. Ship "Haming"" at the Garrison Bali, giwn at the Club House, on the 6th


M. B. S. Copics, arranged for the Piano Forte. may be had of the Band master, an board the *Hastings," or at any of the principal Born in FOR SALE.

Hongkong Price $1 per copy. The above may also TANGLISA and Dutch Bboathing Copper of all be had arranged for Flute, Cornopesa, Chulter, &c. Tiros, plac Neile, by

&o. Each copy will be signed wad stamped.

Hongkong, (uh January 1951.

BUSH & Co.

Hongkong, Im October, 1850.

FOR SALE. PARS Buitable for Junk and Loreha Mama Teak Timber, Planking, and Singapore Beams,

Apply to,

STME, MUIR & Co. ---Victoria,_14th January, 1831. FOR SALE. CHEATHING COPPER from 14 to 26 on.

GIBP, LIVINGSTON. & Co. Hongkong, ?tal Feoruary, 1850,

AIR JOHN IL EVERETT is authorized to sign Lord Hardinge. Apply to.

Our Firm by Procuration.

AUGUSTINE HEARD & Cu Canson, 14th December, 1850.




rican whale Ship " BOWDITCH," will not be responsible for any debis contracted by her arow.

Joogkong, 18th January, 1951.


VETERINARY FORGE Wellington Street.

JENRY MARSH bege to inform the inhabitants of it.ngkong, that he is carrying on the HORSE SHOEING Business on the Premiere Extoly accopied by T. DELAKET, docessed.

Horses carefully shod on the most approved principles, under Mr Murali's personal supersion- dence ; and from the long experience ke has had, la hopes to give qvacy satisfaction. Hongkong, 13th Jauonry, 1861.



do. per day


Bed Room par eigh Breakfast


Tila -


Port Wina per bottle Brandy





do. do.

Boda Water and Lemonade


do, and Brandy







N. B. Gentlemen residing less than a fortnight will be charged per day, and all parties favoring the proprietor with their patronaga are requested to report the least aegleos or inattention on tho pati of corvante.

Macao, 21st November, 1850.


FOR SALE at the Once of this paper :---







for the Peninsular and Ori-

ental Company's Blog

COMPRADORES Ozdere, in Booke.





Mercantile forins and other work printed with

xpe line at the customary rates. Victoria, 22nd August, 1850.



THE A 1. Bargo MAHOMMED SHAI," Capno MacNetkan, har- ing a portion of her Cargo engaged, will be despatebod for the above Port about the 16th proximo. For freight or passage apply to,

SYME, MUIH & Co. Victoria, 18th January, 1251,


THE Capiale and Consignes of the American

Whale ShipShafield" will not be respons

THE Barque THETIS, Captain Ca

will be despatched on the 22nd

instant, las rout for a few tons light

sible for any debin contracted by the drew of said juoda and two. Cabin passengera. Apply 10.


Floogkong, 1st January, 1851,


Victoria, 16th January, 1851.


To the Edivar of the Fatma or China, VICTORIA, 16th January 1551. SIR-As you must have seen in the North Chion Herald of 30th November last, the follow ing paragraph, vie :--

TheLady Mary Wood Beam Woosung on the 24th inmunt," with Orton and Tree"ure."

ved at

he was laden

Woold you be good enough to direct notice of your idineyweralic Contemporary of the China Mail to theifing circumstance, he having, on recent occurrence of contraband, as regarded certain Silk Bair, at Woo-ung, diskon the equivocal functions of Company's apologist, with the most laudable feeling toward the concerned.

The Ables of all our Consuls," if the above mentioned report be correct must have relaxed worlolly bis accustomed vigilance, notwithstand ing the recent umurance, given of his utmost II. peration, to the Shoughso authorlies on all oc- casions, in the due convervation of the public re Terve at that port, and is in much to be forced




The MartNuns' Church now sochored in the mid- Jie of the barbour, among the hippo, will be opened by a special service by the Bishop of Via toris, on Sunday afternoon next, the 19th justent, ni half past 5 . .

The confirmation in the Cathedral will take plass The Naval Commander-in-Chief having expressed wish to be present at the epening of the Mariners Church, and not being likely to stay at Ilongkong another Bunday, the hour of service has been lid in Us eft roo, instead of the usual hour Balf post 10 am. on finure Sundays.

st the oral hour in the forepoon

If one or two copies of this Paper are required of the russ in which an advertisement is inserted, no charge all be mair for such copy or cupite

Tueez has been a public intimation that tenders will be received at the Commisarist Office, until, Thursday the 18th proximo, from persons willing to contract for suppling certain articlon for Troops

on the leland.

and the cutter Louins, begall to attract notes, as they were seen toring north from the place where they bad been, with the Druk ayl one of the trattaporte, some. time previously enckarch in the loads off Macas, loving run his ships well towards the Harrier, bearly opposite to it and the temple, and distant perbaju sex

dred yards from the neck, Captain Sulth 'com. Every one wishing to tender is to attend at the meneel action. The fire was promptly returned by the Chinese from a battery of aerentem gun?, on thi office, in person, for the purpose of having his name beach Just north of the Derver. At the same time this registered, and to receive explanation of the formseliers were seen mustering from the temple abil troops and avaditions of Contract intended to be entered in to. It is also announced that payment will be made monthly in Mexican Dollars, Rupees, or British Money.

We believe it has hitherto been the practice of the Commissariat to enter into one Contreat for supply of every article required in the Garrison. It is to be hop d that a better system is now about to be entered up, and that tenders will be accepted for


under consideration, and some forty acticios are ape. cified one after the other, jumbled together in aye tematic confusion ; so though it was consistent to expect from the most "general" of Storekeepora a perfect knowledge of the qualities of good eggs and healthy lecches-soup (oxail or sbark on not stated)-tobacco-milk-chilies--brandy, etc., etc, Bome would suppose indeed that Hongkong was The Brig Erneni" arrived here from Callag neither more or less than a glasblowing waen under the American Flag; from her name baring house; Beer being expected in the botto (plot or been changed to "Seroun Family," with Mr Daud, quart at present unknown) Lime Juice, Vinegar, late of the Alligator "is command, we praure Wine &c. in dillos. The Ambient Combiwary,

boats and endeavoring to conceal themselves la Unida aquads, with their susty swivels sod matchlocks, Just behind the ridge of the wook, between the Bartice d

themselves, and to gather up their arms, pie scovutre. the temple. The troops in Monghs now began to bestir maria,, und harten zoned iba hill to support their comraden bebisil te temple. By this simo too several

perhaps ten feet above ligh water mark) ovidungly heavy shot, passing over the ridge of the week (sising rendered very uneary thoas in the warjunks-o safely moored in the mud, that they orald neither be re mur their has worked, in any adrantoga. - A brak paneling had now been kept up for an hour, and

We have not the slightest wish to sob Ligutenan; when the armed boats approached the share. Mesquite and ble brave comrades of obe lots of the glory justly their dos, and feel much late in being the first to, publish in Engilab olish account of their expluita, . With tegard to the taking of the barrier, although of real hand to hand ghting there was none, there was on the part of Linutenant Meo and his gallant Sepoys good deal of coal and deteriniard bravery which is not alluded

We have regelvei by the Pondicherry, but too late turli actielog, separatuly, us it may be in the pro- the guns beyond the Barrier (97 in all) ware alleand, should be retrograde at this rate, may ore long befor 'sertion to this day's ise, the parlare of the vince of particular Tradesmen to supply. This is come unft rep to administer, the partial duties of

detruilen of the John Dugdale at Shanghan, for having, sention is not stated, however, in the advertisement Whampoa Consular Agrocy.

moknown to the consignora chatred out wish a What would be said or done, should a notice up- portion of her cargo omaggiod. The smugglere bere pear in the "Canton Commercial List," announce male to pay double duties and a line of Une Hus died Dollars each, which done, the ship was suffered ing arrival of the P. & O Ca's Steamer "Canton,"

to depart. We have barely bad time to glance the Jamieson, of the H. & O. Co Bleamer "Cantu," Soames, on such and each days, coch laden with communication, which will appear next cork or in ww have had time to learn the opinions of carlain partim Opinn Treasure, at Whempos or the factories? in Hongkong, who probally know more of the matter

Phould the Mail be unable to antwor this Geo- then we do, on, perhaps Mr Consul Bowring may be able to do to, to bis, your contemporary's satisfaction.

Every ass of course knows that the importation of Opium fato e Chlosse Port is a grave offence Edinst the Law the Agonu of a great public Stean Company should observo circumspection, and en deavour to prevent publicity to reports which tend so expose their prosenings in rasher & ludicrous point of view.

"Bonum rat, fugleoda napicera alleno in mal?," 1 am Air Editor, Your obedient Servant.



To the Editor of the Faluno or China.



that she has been purchased into the British country General will excuse us for recomending his to inue a serion of intimations to iptending tenderera beaded thus

"A Lover of Brone in queralows, be up- pears to have forgotten that only goed hores are pl lowed to run for the l'lewiputeotiary's Cup, and his overlooked the isot that there is no good horas withheld from the untry, be it owned by trodams, inerchant or professional,

CERROS will obert letter in the "China Mail of Thursday signed "AN OLD Baccon" and we must leave him, if he thinks it worth while, to ex- plain his ressun for insking much free use of the word "iviosyncrany" and a derivatives,

In the words of the "old sailor"- "what is all the earth could induce the inan (the old sailor) to pen so much" sense of the Editor of any journal da intarestrilly to insert it, we exonnt imagine."

Honecone, 15th January, 1681, 8.-There has been a paper going the sound of the Toma, the last few days, purporting to be subscription for & Tradesmen's Cap and upon enquiry into the cause of tbla "Breand thought " 1 find it originates from the fact of a refusal to allow Tradesmen to enter and ride at the forthcoming races who was proposed and seconded by sub- scribere-Thiele very extraordinary, mos do think it redounds with much credit to those bu have up. posed the aid entry but certainly shows that it is not with an ides of improving the Colomal stule that the reces ke place but merely to gratify the ridiculous love of show that work always wallow la. If these opposetu had know any thing of racing of weaple chasing in England they would know that such a proceeding would have left their mo. Lires open to the opinion of the Ring :" but it t aloset idle work to take the imuhla to inform them peracia that such rules an are attached to the long kong Races would never have been countrue in any other Colony. I take the "Pleinties tiary's Cup," which is only another word for "Queen's Place." Who in England dare to say "Mr Bond Bo you cannot enter or side for the **Queen's Quiness" you are not a Naval Officer

or an Aring Officer or a member of the Pig odd Whistle Cla-besides which, let me ask, who i" the principle cause of the Governor having the men in the Colony of giving 200 dollars to be run fer, is it not the Tradosnan equally with the Mer. chants! Do the Army or Naval or Club full of idlere support the revenue of the Celony which is drawn upon for the Governor's salary ? (the amount of which was 6xed under the consideration that his private charity and glita would have to bear a certain amount of expenditurs.) No 1 do not

Ag "Oki Bailor" sa yo, 1 cannot believe you said

and though you might hiul so and so, on a former occasiun you might have said se und . "An Old Salve "(1) has a very convenient memory, and a style"; eculiarly his own," Cerberus, stated very distikedy that he took up his pen to no.

the alerton of the Editor of the Chion Mail" that Government enacted and ordained that in the algence of witnesses any depositions the Magistrates chose to provide, wars to be received as esidence, by juries, in triala before the Supreme


"Hang it on?-as a friend of ours, would say

-what had "disinterestedness" to do with the publication of a letter intended to rebut an insinus- tion so perfecily moustrous

In other Crown Colonise in la customery, wo be-

To Bakres and others---Required tenders for supply of Brand, Biscuit, Flour, Linseed meal, Pearl Barley, Arrow root, Bran and Ontinual,

To Butonu and athers -Required tendere for supply of Freal Beef and Mutton (and why not a Jitle Pork now and then!)

To Rice Dualene and others - Required tendere for supply of Rios, Paddy, Pass, Dholl and Pepper To Groom and others-Required tendere for supply of Suger,, Tea, Coffee, Tobacco sod Afastard.

To Fian Momoans.-Required tenitore for Sali Fish (Fresh Grb is okoop, plentiful, and wholesome also, but, not required, apparently.

T4 POULTERAR and others-Itequired tenders for supply of Fowls and Egg (Ducks, Gress &} TO GREEN GRocens and others Required to deze for supply of Vugetables, Chilion &o.

To FIREWOOD DEALuna and och ra. -Required tenders for supply of Wood and Charcoal

To the EumorMan Stonexalpens in Bono- Kons-Required tondors for supply of Bear, Porter, Sherry and Port Wines, Brandy, Vinegar and Lime Juice.

To Damat men and others.-Required tenders for supply of Milk (and Cream, both "double and single qanlig.)

To Chandles and General dealROD-Ro- quired Tenders for supply of Lamp Oil, Wick,

Leachap, &c., &c.

If there was a litle more attention devoted to the method of getting the above recited articles, there would be less of sicknam in garrison, and "Oxygen | and Nitrogen " would ha blamal la?n than they are,

blame the Osterner so much as I pay the igliers, on the occasion of a meeting of Justices of Ser causing so much mortality.

nomace of these " Rucing men" who to my mind

the peace, to consult regarding matters offering |

to in the repository's report. The distance which the party were compelled to land, be it re membered, being alot ar for from the Barrier as the Barrier is from Panasibks.

When ponning our remarke on the satilement of Macdo in December last and presuming to adviso |that " Portogal should bide for timg" and not haar tily engage in a war from which much benefit may hardly be expected, and when maying that we * doubled the ability of her most faithful Mojony's Government lo coerce the Chinese into all that is required," we did not in any way intend to impugn the bravery of Portuguese Troops, being perfect- by willing to believe that a inere, handful of them may effect a very great deal; but supposing that they succeed in the intention of destroying very fort on the Island of Hrang;phao, and in laying

much of the four or five hundred thousand inhibi lants under a smart contribution, we must ganstion the ability of the Portuguens government to hold possession of the Ishod, if the Chiaves are deter aimed an expelling them.


(Copied from No. 1 j 19)

The discovery of the Pitcaira community, hy Mankaw Fulger, master of the Americao abip To piz, die subsequent occurretices, wail the alarest which has been ever sites manifested by the Bri uak Gaverumeni towards thie Monaco of colonles, are generally known, offices to way that their remasining himory Is a blank-the surest proof of the time having been happity, and virtuously pared --uninterrupted by any misebaner, save only in the instrumtun of a certain Joshua Hill, calling him- self Lord Hill, who pretended to have been appointed Govurnar by the Queen, : Phu can was able to be

enced by four of risking off-non to the British Gov- guile the simple-minded islanders, partially inde- orament, into acknowlangement of his enthority, and sowed die-ensions among them, whiels were only put an end to by his negoval in dinan-of-war, They would not at the present day be found so fa cile of creden


bare bowaas much knowledge of racing-and racing public interests, 10 call in men boss of the local The Editor of the Boletim do Governo" has not by their progenitors for its very insignificance; and rales, as facing must have had of these until their press, and to give them full porn sion to publish allowed our remark upon his article of the 7th Inding propensilina wata enabled to show them selves out here The Governor has headed the sub-reports of the proceedings. A meeting of some

seription of the Tradesmen's Cup with 25 dollars, still I wish he had shown his independence (as bis feelings dictated) and made the Races" opra l all and influenced by none."

Your most obedient servant.



Oct. 9 Bandwch Islands Dec.

Nov. 10 abona


United Sta

Oct. 131 Baintla



Bombay Madr

C. ut O. Elope Ban Francisco


Nov. 14 Magils

Now, Ohiogkis

Bept. 10 Am?y

Nov. 96 Ningpo


kind wee held yesterday we logen, convened by His Excellency the Governor.


*If the carrying of the Passelho Fort was see top noticed. The passage runalog :--- matter as the bombardment and taking of the Burler, We best also that the worshipful onnciave, for, by the British in 1940, we can sure the Edler of the ** Boutim" that sucli fighting man gulta ac different and on behalf of, the whole of the Coloniste, have an allir from what was experienold by our Troops In laken it on themselves to object to any interferanos. their perthem Campilyan, is an pogibly be imagined. The Tarcar Tropa sa Chin-han, Chin-keang-foo, and with the present system of managing the Police other places fought as bravaly na avar. Europenun did. Force; and to a better disposition of the funds col- In order to exbibit the respective Aghting metita 10lected for its upholding. One or the other of our [of the Pataliko and Burcler affairs, extracte Contemporarios will, we may ezpact, furnish the ?ara published in the "Bolelim" of the 11t? joateat, Coloniste with wa rzy?

statement of what was in one case from an official report, in soother, from aid, and what was done, at thin meating.

the columns of the "Chinnen Repository." We



Dec. 30


Jany. 9

Dec 19


NOTICE-Laseby givan, that the 1 Hours of Litrine Servicn in the CATHEDust, Ormaci ae St. Janu arv, sa Sondago M11 and at 4 P, AL, and on Th

L.T B.

1. Paul College, Viens,ad Dethar, 1858.

Acing Colonial Chaplnim.

For our part on this, as on futuro occasions of also print them both for the enlightenment of our the kind, we decline the publication of a com-readers.

hasinated report. Every Pokies reis payer bas(Estreet from the Oficial report of 2644 Angus,

right to a voies in such matters; the more expe cially as so many complaints are made regarding the inefficiency of the Pulice Foros In the Colony,

Ton "China Beil" of Thursday contains the an- nual element of ravshes and expenditure of the Colony. The Editor of the luil" appears isos that his contemporaries should erfreio from NOTICE-The bour of Public Worship in the Unfavouring the community with their observations, CHAP, rallywood Blond, la so the Babback at II A. N

until he has had sufficient time to check the figures Victoria,..1 June, 1950,

of his own ; and we hold it nothing but right that




18 day

19 Sunday.

24 Monday

11 Tuesday-


Hines Eate 4. M. | P. R. 0.44 6,8 10,09 |10,32 6,89 10,57 11,20 6,43

6.09 11,14-


0.07 6,436,40


The Moon full at 18 m. a. M. this day, was als in eclips, and will be in exact perigre ulout & P. xi

1840, published in the " Boletim do Govoras de Maced, 10. 80 of sama year.) "The Garrison of the Chinese Fort, Pasalhlo,which Is situated on a sloping bill, and open good fighting ground,consisted, on the seth of August, 1849, of more - than 20 guin, and about 400 Belillere besides an ad-

ditional body of 2000 red men, who crownal the: Belghbouring belghts which ware also mounted with - From all these a fire we opened, and kept up through out the day upon the Portuguese Forces at the Herrier, which did not exceed 120 men, and oncemall field mortar.

At half paat o'clock a detachment of thirty-six | Soldiers, commanded by Liratenent Mesquite, we sunt out, and mivanced toward the Port, Deder a heavy

What their fatore history shall be is hard to gure. That will depend on the home echorities, in who hapde the direction of it met abide. They are already stamped for room, on an island choco at the privat rate s linapaksa, migrulino muni soo0 beaume compulsory. But to fad a sakable loan. tion for them in not so easy a tratour. They have already baan ance moved by government to Tabiti, where they remained bat aw months, ter rifled by the mortality which prevailed menang them- selves, and offended by the luosene of his which they were compelled to witnem, they-made the best of ibair way back again, mily shinnad in numbers, to the land of their birth, from, which it provod a mistaken kindnew ever to baya removed them.

The Queen of Haibieo,one of the Society Group,

has offered them an extensive trant of lahko which ried one of the Bounty's men, amily claim. the docendants of Vial, a' Builone girl, who mar. This they declined to press, the land in that island being burthened with "benevole eas"-forced com tributive to the obiefs on solema socasiona, un- dedoite promise of being setlowed to compound at fixed in amount, for which they sould not obtain

Und viel Comul-General, Miller, at the Band- wich Islands, bas likqgiso made them a proposition, which was gracefully, scknowledged bat declined as muavitable, and as une motoprer which would trane for them from Belaleh rule fb-abat of another power. 'They themselves have cast a longing eye upon Juan Ferunud, seemingly forgetful that it apper- tains to the Chelian Republic, Mr Brodle sug Norfolk Island; and certainly if the penal ekle mont be abandoned, a more eligible situation could be scarely found. Marbila they laying by what little money is derived from slin salu pa relzaa

all schooner, by menus of which they may trans ments to shipplog, with, a view to purchasing

Tortur capabilities, but the only one within rense

the compiled of statistice should be the dow to enjoys of Artillery and tasker and across very difpon their hve stock 10 a small island, of very in the full benefit of biy labours. Two items wa how- | dealt pames of ground the soldiers having to march one oves cannot refrain from drawing public attention to by our over the narrow peth which intersects the swam-

PT pakly Belde in front of the Fort notwithstanding able vialance available for their purpose, sa na 10: Balories to Burveyor Gme al and sa? £1,493.| Kil these obtractions, however, tble handful of men appropriate every are on their own domain to the Expenditure for Works and Bohlings, Roads, within one hour were masters of the Fort, and the use of man slowo. But it conta with the British multitude of Chinese was wen to By in all directions, Goverment to decide whether they shall still form Bleona aud Bridges (including die four arches in

leaving boltind them all the artillery and great quanities community, as separate from the rest title of amultimes. ** Wongneichung, six mouths about) £1,288.

Only fancy" bacolie" aquire mying to his Bailif" " Me 1 well give you a dollar and

■quaster upon avery dullar youley out for me"

the world in manuers and customa as in race; *

(From the Chinove Repository for September,340.) whether they shall be cosailored as a nucleus of About midday on Wednesday, the 19th, It. D M. | civilisation, ihrough theuwing off periodical swarane shipo Lazao much Hiyaclash, with the Enterprise stemper to the adjacent gevoja. Neither scheme is withwel

overnment have now thalerials to work with, all in quantity but of quality such as it unver os-cased before, which it would be wickedly care. < to cast away. The grain of mustard, nood in bere, that may come in time to overaliadowing he wide Pacife,


mover ano a stronger case for that logal intefer euce and control which are the legitimate exposu vion mud result of a well-grounded populi ulazne


own advantage, but the latter, less in consonance provided council are not employed." #Jury cases | ‧ mcapike sailor, so it's called, and wont out as gue th their una inclinations, might be productive of occupy much longer." "Undoubtedly. Are the of the Mallow Brigade, wearing Guernsey shirt

There was netit more widely diffused. Certainly, the home jury eases frequens," I inquired, soms feeling of and drawers, or stered trousers

respect for tone bonoured t-titucions coming across school of four. We only got a tidy loving-160. | and ● just indignation-Borning Chru?cie, ma so I spoke. Nothing," said cur friend," is or £1 a day among us. We med to call every one at ene along-cualbauvers and all-sea fightlog more remarkable in the history of the County Cuarts than the very limited reabit which suitura captains. Now, my noble sea-fighting captain,' have to jories. It so within the power of either we used to say, fire an odd chut from your lar party to cause a jury to be summoned in any case | bourd fucker to us, Nelson'e bull dogs;" but mind, The toul wo never tried that Judge un at Greenwich, for fear whore the plain in upwards of bl. namber of cases tried in 1848, was 259,118. Of of the ald guess. the collegemen. The shallow bro, upwards of 50,000 worn cass in which got so gratinied (kuuwa) in London, that the sup. Jurion might have been enamined, But there plies got queer, wail I quitted the land navy. were only 88€ jury canes in all the courts, or one Shipwrecks gut en common in the streets, you see, jury for about every 970 crisis. The party requir the people, didn't care for thom, and I dropped ing the jury, obtained a verdict lo 416 vut ?? che guding cost away.

1 obtained a copy of their statutes, which possess ut little interest, unlcan it be to show with how Ze i ws a well-kemper, d' e ci ty may be governed" They have laid down a rule for themselves guid En ONG-REVER TO MAKE A LAW TILL IT SE WANTED. Great would be the gain would thes hon-Bibyen Lord Grey be induced to take a lennon rom these practical-minded warders. Their coda, Rat cases, or about one half.-Dickens's Hunan-


A horse belo glug to the Low Moor Compiny which, in the days of mushroom states and oul hold it'orde,

near Bradford, died of hydrophobin the week be onics, may be said to enjoy a very respectable enu-

An Ironman Outwitted -The driver of a form Jant. It had been bitten on the nose by a quity, is consequently mid of the most trivial character, relating chiedy to the rights of property.donoh which journeys between a distan ally and strange dog about a month before. and the allotment of labour dos tu public works, Bath, lest wrok received a biat from the under of

SJ. Rose's Expatreon. On Friday Bir so inu in the suburbs of the latter city that a com. John Ross left Loch Ryan?in the Felix, on his Criminal law thote is none as yet, for it in mot ne

minn informar was seated on the trol of bis coach | hazardous entorprint. The Felix, with her ton ret required.

der in tow, was towed out of the loch by ane of With regard to inhorisance, property is equally Conscious that he bad exceeded his licrosed uumber divided among all the children-a occemary rule the knight of the whip rougned the ribbons to the the Birror seeman, The Harald states that the vatsel was lu a and state of divorder, the craw where there is no outlai for the younger sons, of Lomter, nad kamenod to the magistrales, leid an in- way possible race for theis becoming the archt. formation gainst himself, was fined &d, and recour having bean drunk during the whole time she was cle of their fertones. Yet the use of gureled back on balf (21. (08) as the informer's for, in the loch. The saillig manor had drank him food has its disadvantages even here; for,budes the Great was the chagrin of the common informer on well into a state of listuity,* dulicium truosena, ' complicated division of property, the scattering of presenting himsell before the bouca for a summDOTIE, and we in hla brds the mate was li?de bester, in Bid that he had been forestallod--Bristol | perhaps worse, for be was furious with driuk i patches which it has already led to, it follows that those whose progenitors have deserved best of the forcery. iste, are left wurel off ie wondly gear. But the Pitcairn people go a step farther iban even the 31au of Kent, for the sun comes into bis inheritance, or the greater part of it, on his wedding-day ; the bride contributes her dowry, so that the young couple are at once placed in a state of'indi pemlence. But the woman brings likewise a better portion than broad stres, ar shokeh of teaton gold which are of little count beside the other gold gifts which eba throw into the matrinoujel acalo-

Now illi duos dosein esse qui don dicker,. Kad poderem, et podicillam, et seduing cupidmem They boast, sad i buliere with truck, that not a single four par hai qvet yet' vocurred.


and the whole of the crew were much in the armo state, poantigely refused to weigh the anchor or make sail on the vessel. This had to be done by the drew of the stenwer and asmo parties from Strainer, who wished to accompany Sir Jolin out of Loob Ryan. On reaching the anchorage of Va truryan, Bre wiles down the loch the men in Listed upon acharing, mud force had to be used to prevent their duing an. This gallant old Meer ?howover, li a man of first rale nerve, and, with Commander Phillips, showed equal coolness and determination under those difficult circonstance, Ha bad full confidence in his management of the crew, ghen once the vessel was fairly clear of

LockRjau- Livrpool Times, 301k Alay.

Foxx [[***-It will bu qmatter of little surprise to our rendent to learn that Hekes-"the lion of the North" the fierce uncompromising opponent of British supremacy, is no more. The death of Beke took place at Tautorou on the 6th of the pro. test moulb He had long been daglining, although Bale beyond forty years of age. To various die enses the specified decease of this waterprjang and chivalrous chief in altributed. By son of nur in-

formants confidently affirmed that te polmonary flection-that endentkas decimator of the n?uve inco-aggravated by a gunshot wound received during the recent atraggles, his anely death may ba traced, Othero again jagles, that be perished the victim of resofuls, which, long cared. Jpr and enu trolled, had us longtho'erleapt every barrier, and *

ered all Lo remedial defines of asp. The death of such a man'mount naturally boatgarded as an +1dni, kinongst any propla ... Wah dia own, the question it "bus crested will no dow's be injener ; for; akhough for-from being an lufioontial chief by birth, yet his oergy nod ability in the Suki, and his alliance by merrings with the daughter of Iloagi, the Napoleon of New Zealand, had made him a mand of no ordinary mork-Pho Southern Frost, Aug. 29.

Mesperic Influence...----When the Arab tamen hie horse, he ons hip bond slowly down the nerfie of the neek, looking steadfastly in his his eye, and the complates the charm by breathing up t mostril, or apparently whispering late his our, mad the one pracuse is adopted in Ireland -Mysteries.

Tre Gorras Cautre.-It may be remember ed that Goethe, in 1927, b"d deliveted over to t keeping of the Government of Weimar a quality of bis papers, contained in a sealed corker, with nu injunction not to open it until 1859. The 17th of May hang fixed for breaking the seule, the authors illor gave formal notice to the family of Guetha that they would on that day deliver up the papers nach "rected by the decessed poet. This descendants of

(From the Intelligences, September 11.) The correspondent of the Morning Chronicle, in the course of enquiries amongst the beggars, re- ceived a curious confession fruen one of them re- lative to the tricks which the fraternity play upon benevolence: 1 am now 28, (he said,) and bare known all connected with the begging trade sincs I was fourteen. My grandfather (mother's father) was rich, owning three parts of the accommodation houses in St. Giles's; he allowed ine 2s a-week parket money. My grandfather kept the grast Inson, the Rose and Cresto, in Chwith-lana, op posite Carver strost, best known as the " Beggard, Opera. When a child of soves, I have son? the vole, men and wonen slike; and all the sloglo over place crowded crammed with nothing but beg-] taught the discreet poll:y of estimating " wan's | as the papers concerned their nucester likewise. gura, first ratge-nu?a olso wird the house. The merite by his income, to the exclusion of more ro. they, had a right to be present. The casket woo eighteen year of age.

money I an in the hands of the beggars made |mantic and Icon solid considerations. They had oponed with all dus frm, i was found to contain a great impression upna ine. My father was a been used to officers all thner lives-as children the hole of the correspondence between G ethe forman in a foundry. Once I was sent to a bank | they had played with military doll; and during and Bchiller.. The lesers are immediately to he

Their constitution is as simple as their code. A Magistrate, with two Assessors, whose daty is confined to advice, is elected yearly. The worge in universal, mil glis married people being entitled to

*(To be continued.)

a Myddleton-square, London, 10th May, 1950, Dean, wicts you a few lines on 3rd Intent, when Isted it to be car oplates that Ses comes


A: Khoich-The Blisses Lomb had ently bere |"the port Schiller alan received an lutimation t?nt,

with a chrque for £an to get cashed, in silver, for their Grat sesoon they were broke on timid signs published, according to directions found in the cas wages. la coming sway. I met a companion of and said majors, so that uniform had nomore effect || km-Galignant's Atessenger, mine and he persuaded me to bult with the money, on them now than a puroquet on Ponto. They

and go to Astley's. The money was 100 much for might have been trusted to make a pienio to Gretna

my hand to surry. I fooled all that money away, lo | Graen with she shtren bost looking younger brothers


your Cole, might tadelayed i definitely, in a-msequence for a me unexplained opposition on the part of the India-3

Bus DiveND *I have, winds then, had an interview with a Mr Josh, wkt | Shallow (shallow is cant for half-osked,) and he appreciating good looks; but they would trot | eni Buciety, recently get bla hind-leg between the took me out ballad-ainging, and when we couldn't an out, and discuss ble points as dispmasinuately bara of his cngs, and in his Horts to diseng"g" il,

↑ a low lodging boure, I met with a man named Tom ? in the British Army. They were quits capable of || bunting Jeopard, in the collec?on of the Zoologi,

they called it-that is, passing themselves off as; and I recommend the Miss Leash an eligible wounded men of the Spangch legion. Two had partners to muy of the bachelor philosophers of been out laXpain soil managed the business if quoo- | ilio sound practical age. tions were soked; the other wara regular English beggars, who had paver ben out of the country. French Court Circular-Prince Louis Napoleonication, which if implicitly relied on, would have

An aged blackfellow from the Gundagal side har

been obliging ouough to utter a singular pengnun.

in Ariary to the Pacific Mam Navigation' (pany t Lined, and wh Wed-red i'r the arsyentos of the

get on at that (the 'songs who got dead) he if he badban b borsa. They set in a parpatual fractured the link in two places. A veterinary awr. Austria Molle kyrwyr - d Psarms, by which it appeare seba a rendkion Imp and by the ? Papinsular and Orientat left an. I made him 10% ne 12?n day in them, acubina of vasiles and draught of sight ; but the | gaan decided that empotation must be performiad. Borsa Company, with the Govenment, in carrying nat daya, but he only gave me my lodgings and grub., anilors might as well lune tried to propitistelike | The animal was sonde very unwillingly, to inhale the cuatret, to place Neats Vetsels tin th- Une betwgsa

About that time a batch of inva??e came frasa Fan with their blandialiments, weil smiles wa?e 10 | chloroform frame sponge fuetraed to a stick; the Beggen und lydacy, that the But Ladia Company abould

Bpain, where they had barn under Generat Evans them as the idle wind It is a grast point when' | timb was cut off, the stump bound up, and the relinquish in vor of the Oriental Company the airm trade between s and Boy, which the East India On my way up from Chatham, I mat at Gravesend woman's natural weaknesses and predilections are?chelsh placed in its den, befure if recovered cou Brand teared udmand, besos, e precios nature of this will dev-rel "chaps out on the Spanish lark," as thus held in subjection to sound practient views; sciousness. The patient is going on well. epsoides anded so, in sinet, Mi Jwer is of upinion that the Lost End Company wil, if the and here i coumb camera, albe the Chamber of Cameraron at Man

and Lived, wgether with other powerful interests, kve memorised in favor of the Packet service on ikai line, mainly between Sara and Bamb y, being trained by the Best Judie Campsay, who, he the pressut, voire rally 250,000 to the Government which, with the la-- there of the trade to Bombay and the northere previn in e ments of exomijarable prvik and convenience to thee,

Ilarly this temptation of ra may thus lufemora 'the Peniler and Oriental_Hosam Company in their desire to monopol tile beinah of the nigrier, which is the only en. cept in bioworn Wweld which they have not-and the Government kuro, proderved the eastern 1? the vrastara tout, tallrike, 'r the parp no of artablishing expid com. manenten with the snipides, the Peninsular Company, fo the powerful laserest and inflaster, am le a paisle to play their end with adrulionen, are only welong the de cies of the mosting, of 'ha Ext Indie Gmpany who, to gratify the uleb auf she Government, will be compelled to make brillos required of them; how long this ques may, however, yapon a uncertainty, before kilo cially anned, it is not the ma in las peuvent stage to speculai apesar sender yan a grata?town opinion.

In has?r, belave; UNG,

Dear Sir,

Yours croir,


TO. 17. Buraquot, Pegs-Melbourne.



"The clerks received 87,388, otarly as much as the judges** Aathers are 49| olerks, the average

Why does dature abhor the sumptuous meusions of certain bachelors ?-Because there is no beir in them, an?l mature abhora a vacuum.

the effect of completely paralysing the energies of of both blacks and whites in this neighbourhood. This terrific muinvundument is to the affret that, in two menthe time, the blurray will be funded to A greater degren ihan hus ever before occorsed, in H. fact that it will swamp the whole country A Mr John Jonna, writting on the 27th ult, to advises every body to make himself scaras with the hindent Bony," a preuy Cheshire Abigail, sub-

lenat precilla delny, but na I do not believe the el scribod kismuelf her * true lover," Joku Jones with | derly ebony coloured gentleman to be quite sha 2,000,000,000,000,000,000 klasva l'

I joined them nas sargatni, as I had a sergeant's | walked uut other day-on that brink of a precipice." Jucker, given to me at Chathina. On our way to London the schon)' (ne the lot la entled) engra all together-we picked up among a £4 and £5 a day-ta malter where we wout. The school' all slept in lodging houses, and I si lust bagan to feel comfortable in them. We spout our evraluga In eating out and-out suppers. Sometimes we had such things as anching pige, kamo, maluce pies- indeed we lived on the best. No nobleman coule live better in the days. So much wine, too! 1 drank lo such exces, my pase was no big an that The usual plice of resort for Dallin duelists is there letter-stamp ; an that I got a sickening of it. | called thu Filoen Aster, An attorney of that city We gave away good viotuule that was given in un In pensing a challenge, invited his antagonist to -it was a quisauce to carry them. It cou? NA meet him at the Fiftoon Acres, be the same more from Gd to lo per day to live our shoes cleaned by or lees,

poor tramps, and for dickies. The clean dodge isalaaya best for begging upon. At Woolwich

What beautiful thing is a rosy chook! [?ow

Bit John flaschel Australia fue and will not

badge an inch, It is very likely that we shall bava Blood, but not by say tesno to the extent predio tod. Lostances bara beza kaown of a blackfellow's wosther simanso being correct, but they are like Angel visits, few and far between."-Sydney Morning Herald, Oct. 11.

*Grant age'ibla we live in. People don't laugh now-n-days-they indulge in meriment They don't walk-they promenads. They aaver eat any The Competition of London Cream-Dissed food-th-y maticate it. Nobody has a tooth pall. and putrid brains, oken from the knacker's yards, ed out, it is ap?rectal No one has his feelings lawet, form the foodation of London' good milk and they are Incarmed. Young men do not go chut Meam. The manufacturera rub these benins in ting the girls, they pay the young ladies atlantis their hands with a line warm water, when it is vulgar tu visit any une--you amist only make

wa were on the fuddle at the Dust Hale, and our great the contrast when the blush settles on the taro spokesman wars drunk, and I went to beg of Dose! Major, whose brother was then in Spain-be bimself had been out previously. Meeting the Major at his own house, I avid, ↑ I was a genut in the 3rd Westminster Greuethers, you know, and served under your brother, "Oh! yen thu?a m? rather's regiment,' anga he. Where was you, then on the 18th of October 1". + Why, sir, I 'milky looking emulsion' is produced, which forme was at the taking of the city of Teun,' saye (in the tumm of the pastion. Trosols, salt, whit fact I was at that time with the costernonger i

all. Of course, you would but think of going

to bed-you would retire to rest. Nor would you

build a house, you would erect it

(From the Sydney Morning Herald.)


84. Giles's, calling cabbages, while heart of lead, size and nonatio are added according to the particular tow of the chemist, cages, of V Then said the Major,' what day

This last named substance is itself such adulterat, Erosul taken on 1. Why,' anid T, (I was a

od. It gives a yellowish tim and rich looking up- liule tipery, sud bothered at the question,) that

pearance of cream on the top of the milk. It is was the 18th of October too. Very well, my

the colouring matter of cheese." Thesiza la ruan man,? mys ha tapping his byote with a riding whip

factured at the ten yards from the scrapings and

COLD was the nightsglad, drifting fat che now full, Wide were th? d?whe, and shall shoes and naked, ko hold, * 1'll see what I can do for you :' and the clippings of raw bides. The composition thus pro- When a poor wanderer utenegt den er journey words were no sooner out of his mouth then be

dotad is sold for 4d e quart of milk, and 2 or 3s

Weary and way lives. stepped up to me, and gare mo a regular basting.

‧ pint of cream scoording as it la 'wingle 'tor

Dear were the dawno, more dif ary her reflections, 'double that is according as it has more -

Cold was the night wind, voldse was her branes ; He horeswhipped me up and down stairs, and pli along the passage; my flool was like ansengos, I

bemis in il. Mr Rugg calculatos, that the dairy. || die had so le me, the world was all baken her, manged at Isat, however, to open the door my-

who makes £4 profit out of the original outlay of Ja for a dozen poumda of bullocks brains which he | Paat ser the heath a charl 1 rubled by her, self, and get away. After that, the school came in Lundan. En a day, we used to make from £8

makes up into 30 pinus of double, or 40 pints of " Par me," ferbly erad the lonely Wanderer) to 210 among us, by walking up Regent-street, single cream. This is testuinly a tool per cent- Puy me, rogers, leat with cdi and bangor

Here I should perish," Bond-street, Ploceity, Pallmell, Oxford-atreci

age for his filthy trade! The remely which Me and the Parks-thues places were the best brots All

Huge propuses for all these horrors is erine the squares were good too. It was only likes

Goreramul supervision of the trade. As it is u motorions Cot that " most hurtfol and disgusting walk out for air, and your 25. a man for it. At night, we used to go to plays, dressed like gentle

adalietation of an actiole of food in ugiverial use, At first, the beak protected os, but we go is systematically carried on uuilor our very eyes, found out, end the beaks grew rusty. The thing the unly courae, faft, open to us la to put a stop to these sirocities as soon as possible. Surely there

would be 1901 year so sad. But as the clerks fronto euch sourl according to be busi. nani'trated, of course the divielon la very un- equal. In one court in Walen iha olerki get only 6. 10 ja akin another voort, la Yorkapiro, bis receipt only mounted 1994. 48. ad. But some of my colleagues theke a good thing of it. The clerks' from in some of the pilucipals courts STO very comfortable. The blerk of Westminister netied, in 1848, 2,79; Clarkenwell, 2,2272} Southwark, 1,71087 Braei, Sheffield Bloomsbury, Birmingham, Shoreditch, Leade, Marylebons, re ceived 1,COOL yohr and opwards." "But," con- tinued our frised, three fourths of the clerks get lothed 100 year" "Now," said Mr Fricker, "sell a what you do for all this many?" "Al- together," and the clerk, the courte sat ku 1848, 6,386 days, or an average for each fadge of E 40 days The greatest number of sittings was in Westminkar where the j?djes est $46 days. Au-Lavarpval, koro were sitting on 225 days. The number of irials, as I have before" mentioned, 'was 259,118, or an average of abwas 4,320 to such judge, and 628 to etch ourt. In seine of the courts, however, no mony na 20 000 cases are tried la'a yer," "Why" | men. Paid Mr. Fricker;" they'ona't give five minutou 10 each case. Is this diluistration of justice 'got so overdone, every beggar went out an Spanish Tackowan. Well, the oaks goi op to the dodge, *When," asid the alerk, "a case h undefended, a

and all the Spanish lackeimus, in their turns, gul to plaint appears, wears to his debt, und obtains an onler for a hyment, which takes coercely two wark the universal staircase under the care of Lieutenant Tracy, (Tuthill Galda trendmill ) The minutes." "How long does a defender case take p′′

wen that had caully been aut and gut disabled On the average, I should my, a quarter of an hour

were sent to that stiroang at fast, and I thought I would try a fresh lark. So I went under the tu ition of a sailor, He had been a sailor, I became

‧ What vi di?nompared Banath ours of Dongkang mant be to require to many -En. F, wl C.

‧ Mr let ater in a Court that shall be namalam always life interpretation with, he said a? and, n? " mente or

+ Buy Blon ellegen that at a certain Umplest they only go the "" ingle mine beciles per dollar, colonial curreway. Exento wachange to be made up in the fnacoaned in. Security of the article, being a specime of dinchla " singla,"

She had no shelter.

* Once I 1ad friends-though now by all hemken- Data prenia--ibay are now in heaven! 1 bada a once-] had ance a kuahind-

Play the strangers

01 had a lease once--l bad enos u husband, [um a widow, poor, and bevkan hearted 1′′ Lond blow the wiid; nahan?d was her complalaite,

Do drove the charl4.

Then on the owww she laid her down so rest berg She heard a harvensen ; Phty me 1" she gruened net;

ml blow the wind, woheard was beat ovenplaining;

Un went the horseman.

| When out with anguish, tail and orld, and hunger,

Diwrn sunk the wanderer ; sleep had solved her senere i Theen dia den traveller find her in the mourning;

God had told bar.


Henghong Farmer and re

Shaughse Bienkta, Howson and co.

San Francisco 18????

Receiving skip


Jan 14 Cum Jardine. Methenow and on Repairing

Nor 12 kampos |1. Vieras

Shangha Kandy and co

Vroon Jardlar, Matheson and en Rezalving shi Hongkong J.A. Old Pecelyng ship East Coast Jardiau, Al sabanan and su Hoeghany Bash and on.

Chlooban, Matheson nad eo Recalving ship Pardips Matheson and au· Rageiring ship

Deo ang dykes, polgabe and so,

pigo yall and so

nih"]Dent and co

Her Nesta ad co

raupe The Hon.

Sept 91 Amy Synk, Mule and an

17 Hongkong tinh, Livingstone and os Singapor

Dent and o

Prin, 11 Shovichee Hargreaven and e

MI Jardine, ach on and on

San Francisco







PRICE $10 per annu

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND OP CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per "dunum, 10 Dollars, payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Bingle Numbers, 25 cents

each. SUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND,-Vo hubicribers to the Friend 9v Cmiera, 4 Dollard, par danum ; non-nubneelbera 86; ulogio copies 30 conto; if more than Ten Coples taken, forty conta

lina, Repetitious one-third of the fret Insertion. Ships,-Pirat Insertion, & Dollarn, aubsequent Inserifone 48 centa. TERMS OF ADVERTIBING.---Ten lines and under, I Dollar ; ad titlonal, 10 conte

Advertisements to have written on the lace of them, the number of signes they are regulend, to appost, otimerwise chey will be published oil countermanded. Ju all instances, those who are not Subscribers, require to pay in advance.



Manufacturers, todian Condiments, ?as very

From ENSLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, DOMBAT. E have this day admitted Mr. EDMUND THE undersigned have received direct from the WE NEW Ated WILLIAM Also, on route to die abov?, Cinnamoro, Kumano, 'Gatto~~Malta, B?m, Anon.


ENTAL COMFant's Steam Ship PEKIN, will leave this for the above plaem o? Thurs- day, the 30th of January,

Trusson will las soovived on board until poon on the 2916, and Cameo until 5 v. a. on the 296. For particolars regarding Fastant and Pausath apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office. Hongkong.

JA. OLDING, Agent.

P. & O. B. N. Co. Office. Hongkong, 80ch. December, 1850,

WALKINSHAW, partouts in our Firm, which, | Latest arrivals-viz now consists of Mr. T. W. L. Mackman, Mr. PAT ATO DODUO, Mr. Alexander McCulloch, Mr. Eunun Newman Brow, and Mr. WILLIAM WALKINSHAW.


Very Buperior Bengal Chutney,


do. do.


Do Curry Powder, Mudras Mulligatunoy Paste, Do. Curry Pasto. 1040,


A few catre of most excellent Port Wine, Sherry, Chaupaigas in Quurtes de Pints, Deer and Blout,

MACEWEN & Co. || 4

Queen's Road. Hongkong, 23rd December, 1830. ROWRA & Co, beg leave to call the attention

of the Postro to the extensive assortment of SHIP CHANDLung and Ostmana Stone which they offer for Sale at mod rale prices, consisting principally of: Casram, Twice, Europe and Manila Cordage, Basting, Ours, Paints and Paint



will be issued without the Directory, as it has been found impossible to prepare the luler la sufficient time. The Directory however will bo brought out separately, at a faluro period.

The Almanach, price $1, can be obtained, u noual, at Mesurs Phon, Crawford & Co '--ble. Noronha's Priming Office, Wellington Biresi, and at the Office of this paper.

Victoria, Hongkong, (st January, 1851-


MR. WILLIAM SAGB bags to notify the re- aldents in Victoria, that be hum taken basu convenient premises at the corner of Perl Street butting on the Queen's Road and opposite the Hongkong Register office; where he will practise bis profession as Veterinary Burgeon.

Air Som taken this opportunity to acquaint the

Hongkong, the January, 1851, NOTICE is hereby given, that the Pertcarthip heretofore subsisting between the undersigned Gronus Janikson, Jour Garroad, and Joser | Frost Edoen, at Calenta under the Firm of Janin BON & COUPANY, and at Canton and Honghong under the Firm of Jamison, Evoga & CoBPART la ibis day dissolved by mutual cospent se regarde the sail Joarta Froer EnGER, who retires from FOR HONOLULU & SAN FRANCISCO.

the Partnership. The Business will in future lia THE Barque THETIS, Captain Cam, Carried on by the mid Guonan Jamtroom nad Joan

will be despatched no the 22nd Girrors in Partnership with the undersigned Varnisle, Turpentine, Car, Pitch Roala, Candles, public that he has several good saddis Elores, and Latun, begin for a few tone light Assazbun Gifford, si Calcuite under the Firm Tabacco, Cigars, Glass and Crockory Waco, no Poney Phatons so let,

of Famerson & Company, and at Canton and Heng | qxsepsive assortiment of Clothing and Stallopory, Apply 10, goods and two Cabes pasangers.

kong under the Firm of Janik90x, GurvaD A BYME, MUIR & Cg. Courant, to whom the Afairs of the lase Wom devolve iu liquidation, Victoria, 16th Jengary, '1851.

FOR BAN FRANCISCO. THE A. I. Burque MAHOMMED UHAH," Captain Madmutkan, bar- og a portion of her Curge engaged, will be despatched for the above Port ahuat the 15th proximo, For freight or powage apply to.

BYME. MUIR & Co. Victoria, 15th January, 1851,


THE A. 1. now rappered Swedith Barque "ANTILOPE," having part of her carga engaged, will have early deepach. For freight or paymga apply to A. LUNECK & Co. Hongkong, Jet January, 1651.


If a person fall out of a veuvel in frush water, or be killed by the motion of the sea, (side Mol Joy, B. 2 U. i. 8. 13) the round is a drodand, bui not the freight or merchandise; nor is the textel, if in salt water, or water which includes the ar

of the sea, or so far as the sen flvwo or redows;

but if the particular merchandise fall upon and kill a man, the ship ar veseri is no doodand, but

the particular merchandise in, though the arim of

the o be in the body of County, &c. &c.- Vide Lex Coronatoria, p. p. 63 and €2.-D?mbay

Times October, 19.






15, H. C. St. Phlegethon, Commdr. Niblett, from


‧ 16, Pondicherry (Fr), Prudkamme, from Shanghae

1 January.

16, Georgia(Am), Tabot, from San Francisco, Lith


17, Investigatur, Gilmore, from Whampoa



14, Charlatis, La Thomas, from

14 Aliet Radwan, Buru, from Hongkong

14, Channing (Am), Juhnson, from Tungkong.



Anthem, sebeoper

Argyle, ship

Audas. Iwoner

Aurora, oder

Bernicis, barque

Bell, Bilg

|Brit.] $48Aroska

*pan | 156 Reboredo


Hemnes Iormasjoe, ship tint

Bombay ship


Par H. C. Bt. Phlegethon, Mr. Masdowa, Mr. | Chatham, barque and Mire Macdonald.




14, Copasjes Family, Darbam, Cumiogrooon.

16, Reindeer (Am), Lord, Whampos.

16, Coldre, Snow Bydung,

16, Lersis (Dut), Bock, Whampos.

17, Margordia, Baiky, Whepos.



- Novo Paquetta (Port), P. V. Parson, Lisbon.



14, Investigator, Gilmore, Hongkong.

Venega in Homerone, Canton, un Macao,


For England.

Hugh Walker, H. Rose Standish, W.

For Sydney-Regia, H

For United States.

Ceres W,

Memooo, W.

Oxnard W.

Hbados, W.

Ben W.

dea Witch W.

Thur W.

For Lisbon

Clare M.

Onyum M.


For Hamburg.

Rajasthan, W.

Bolide, W

For France.

Albert, H. Pondicherry, H.

For Calcutta

Cowarjee Family, C.

For Bombay. *

Albert, W.

Albion, W. Martin Luther, W.

Salon Family, W.

Swithumley, W.

For Singapore. Toratigator 1

For San Francisca

Antilope, H.

Town H.

Thetis H.

For 1.

Coromandel M, Mariner M.

For Shanghas, Alligator, W

Emperor of China 11,

Lady Mary Wood, H.


??? ?????

AM. [400] Waldron





Diro tay and ou


Fes-d-footent and o

Newell and



VOL. X. Na 7.




Receiving abla




Sept 21 French Coal

rampos W. E. Wardley and on.'

Nasoa Jardine. Matheson and cooling ship Can Murrow, Stephenson and co Hong kong & Canto

Jan Hongkong Wm Pustan and co Nov. Is

Labeok and co-

Net 11 Amoy yma, bids and on.

Hongkong fardine, Matheson and co

Deo 12 Amoy Tail and co

Houghongardas Mathosen and os deceiving ship Cath'moon Cowaijoo §. Luost

1.A Olding, FAO CAVAJU Herg Lygil and co

el and cu Jardins, Mathoms and os, Dec. 20 Shanghae Dires, Gray and co Jan Whampoa Jardins, Mathusen and col


3 Jan 12|5ing & Hong|Jan 14


164 [July 19)


Women P. & D. N. Camajes and ce Excelving ship



Plett For

Alberl, ship


239 Pellogain


Allen, burges


"Widgator, brigantine

Jp Makeo

Amason, ship

3) Vinsent

Hongheas Khanghee Sandwich Isles

13. 121 longkong


Dee $1 Doc

Alta, schonEE

BIB Hely

Anonyme, le


257 Valle

Anonyme, lorche



Antelope brig

372 Roundy


Jao B



#7 Nov 26

Antilops, barqa

Bill to fabeck

48 Sept 20



Nov. 11

Ati?t Kakaman, vlaky


VIY Ruen


Out 17 Hongkong

Jan 14 Whampoa feder

151 Olover



Vert Jo Hemedies



4 Nov 34


Shangho V. A. Remedies Hooghong Order

43 Nov 10

Howditch ship


22040 20

Jan 17|Elongsong|Hamle, Drinkers

Receiving abl

Casion. mett



Alver boat



Canton, stormer

Kongkong & Caatou

L'ers, barqu


Sept 4Whumpon Rusted and o

New Yor


Charing, ship


Charlette, ski


Tell Thous

214 Morrison


Chebar, farges

dla Marilo

43 Nov



376 Vengo

(Pot back

Llera, brig



Not. Jo

Cara Anna Maria, barqu


US Hakeman


landins Virile, ship

15 Nichol

4. A. de Mell Amey Seme, Mair and co. Dec 16 Whampoa K. Browns and co



Clawn, brig


159 D'Busche

Confocles, ship

4nd Soott


11 July 1

Dec. 16 Shanghie Jarse, Matborda sad co.

Langress, ship

375 Prezels


??? 10

| Mkasipos |W. 1). Comstock

Condition, bergan


913 Lath


Jor Jety 14


Commandel, khus




Dec 16

Dea 27 Typ

Hongkong Order


W U. of America [Early

Towina Family, ship

19) Durban

Jan 14


Dart, schanser


149 Wundberry


30 Nur 20


Hongkong inter

Camo & D. D. Laleaca and posing & Calcutta


Denis, schooner

Brit. 13 Brakum


Dec. 31

Exat CoDent and on,

Pido, schmoet


Lookeng Wm. Devidena

Receiving ship

I'm Amigos, schooner


label, hig


9: Shve *11]



| Amy Syma Mair and co


Aug 27


Shangre Syo, Mulr sud oo.

Emily Fave, skip



Woosung Dan and co.

of China, ship

the jular It.



Der, 11

Jou. 13


440p 32

333 super


Dec. 1





San Francisco

Nov t



190 Lallery

Nov. 7

Nov. Ja


sm Guitall

44 Nov 10

River boos


a Franciacou

Oct. Tflooolatu


legspare Whumpes


Joku Hanyon, slip


John Spencer, ship


| Jullia, barque


Kesh bhan, scheever



Koment, rig


190 Women

San Francisce

Lady Hay?s barque


$10 Langley

Lady Foal, burgus

Facles whi

Falcon, ship

Fatal Haw, barque




11; otherland


Det IN W

Pig Dutchman, barque| Brit

Folkstone slily

Fort, lip

Gazelle, schoner

Georgia, skip

Gend success, briz Hartequin, lolg

Hellas, hermaphrodite

Heilus. Org

Hung, finer Hengkung, baryee Hogh Waiver, sy Hygela skilp

Independence, brig Javstigajer, shdys Toma, Aut

Island Queen, schopatr

Jeka Bright, ship

Lily Mary Wood, blame

Land O'Cakes, Alip

Locsin, schvanc

Lawal brig


Sam Davis



4 Cameron Haut

174 Nimard 510more

Peru. 500 Washburn


W 43a|Themen

450 Transna

SON Preser


Fete Book

105 Hellamy




977 Hrumbargh Loden

????? ?????

??????1:? ??? ??








Do z

Lively, brig


217 May 11

Lord, Amherst, ship


Louisa, barya



El Cort

Luka, barne

173 King

Mogolla, barque

Am. 25 Hesrou

San Frantica

Makapodi, barqar


9:37 rawford




Klahowed bhah, baque


615 Mecsekan

23 Dea

Margarita, skip


68) Halley


Dan 17

Mariner, ship


Lon. Oct. 19 St


683 Harbind


Martha, schoobet



Jan 14

Main Laker, barque

450J. Matton


30 Ner Tongkang

Masdan, bargno

23 Chape




171 Dow



Don S






New Margaret


Old England





Liv. Aug 14 10. Liv. Aug. H. Shia. Oct 1 B. Loa. Aug 26 F1. Lon. Aug. H |Lon. Sepi 21; 9.


26 Dea


134 July 2




13 Sep

Do, 15

Jan 10




19% MD



45 Nov 15

Sandwich Clas

Reindeer, ship

Dan 15


ush and ca


Rolving al







Rarly Karly

Heceiving abip

Rearieing ablp

Reontving ably




Apne Jane




Bockland Lon. Aug.218 Fawcett Lir. Od 39.

Amou |Liv, July 76] n. Oilon Lis. May 16 A Lon, Oct 18 H.



Sir Edward Parry Squires


Loo. Sept 13 11.

[Liv. Sept 10] H.

Order in which the above Vesocis left England.

Larpena, Kuangalien, Oil Kadai, Hee Muguets. He Kavel

Loading-At London; Bentinck, and Moolian.

At Livgaro?l; Bocce





!Cal. Nov. 8 EL

J. Wilson Bom. July 68.

Mas, beg

Mazaypa. schooner

Nemun, sp

? da Luz, belg Sarche, brig

Kitund?s, Carque Aloud, barque Nymph, brigantina Unym, bog Diacard, skup

Pathouder, berque Patil, schoene Pedlar, brig

Pondicherry, shijs Prises Alwert, skip


Kauce, barqa

Kla, Lug

Ho, brig

Home Viandwh, ship Majal kachana, brig

Hojalle, cher

Kompini, burglow

Loading--A CALCUTTA; J. Jejobboy.Ats.

BOMBAT: John Wickliffe, en, Orpheus, Virgills, Benares, and Caledonia.



1Bing | Nov. 6 | A. Loading-Al Batavia ; Ind?umnijos,

FROM CALIFORuta & Sandwich Islands" Constant

Coombes Mary Ann Follion McLood

Sarah Bunker Cooper

19 F. Oct 15 H.


19 F. Srpt 14 U.

Lon. Labies, Lis. Liverpul, tais. Maleida, Kew. Hespert, Cly, Lipka, pos. Erusean, Bart. itergegrat, Den, Detergurt, tai tai

evin Dam. I thay, Top, fryjan, Pan. Pannags Sung Hepat,

1. H. nghong, M. Kum, WK, Thancon, A. Albay,











J. Joie L



tlonghong Thap 15,

14. M.SL.


14 Hanker

12 |Hoa S{GI

Hongkong 11.5. 71 Adm.

Sven S.



12 Captain Aur

Meter Mitchel

| Bunghor|21, 14 21 || 19 |Divekday

Amy H.M.D 19 Guard

Hangkong M.Sirdal

Marko 10 2. 61. 90 |Glondy

Manghong: 4-7,3,cnc, du Kimimasueno

it. Waterman, barque

& Illy, brig

Seme, kilp

Sea, hip

bude brig

byucu, viet Beach? Swallow, turqas Buitry, ship 11.bain, sp Terank, barqu



Trumma butyl

'Tea, ship

Uno, skly

Viscount handen, skip

Vion, cooler

Wing 1




4:22 Val

23. Cepur ??Wido

Post 23Hiveira

Anu. 40% Di

Brit 36 Me Murda

Peit 8 Tavares

Brit, tem

Fr. 331 Predme

Bell. 661-felices


175| Jaksoss

A. 80 Lord


Span 150 Vidal

Am. 930 Psariola Port 155

BL Browning


Brit. Dean Anowody

·Brit Dasion

Brill 21"




127 Jeanloga



Dan Bikin Bea


AmiHarley |[^pau || 4ra|Parde (well | $1631arsh












San Francisco London

San Francisca


W... [Houfling

1 Deo 20

90 Ne 22

Deo ze

le Hogshala

147 AWD

Big C

Edited, Painted, and Pedalingo, or tus Provaisren, William Taxmany, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1951,


15 vapi, Andrade

Den Amey Dardina, Matheson and co


Thumpen Order

Kwang-lea Ho

Ves. In Hongkong.1. Lubeck and so


Whampoa gutles Hard and co Repairing

Jan Mitanghon, J. A. Okling. F.SU.Ca'sAgi Woon

Dent and ce

Deo 17honghae Jardian, Mathem and clanden

Jan 17 Whaapse Keyariad and co

Cameo Casa Langiane

Shangha Lody and co.

Amy Dent and co

Oct. 3 Hanghong Robust trachan

Chlach Dei and co

64 Nov 11 Sandwich Isles Jan 15 Hongkong Rawls Drinker and ca.

4 Nov. 24

Haver Min Janke, Mathosa and es ********* Dec 31 Hongkong Jardins, Matheson sad re

Blankin, Rawson and co Dee 14 Macao Dest and co Jo

aston Rawle, Drinker and os. Wapon P. & N. Confe

Wong awujes S. Langram


[D, bassoon, Bons and co

W. of America Bagly


Jardios, Mathon and co. Waoung

Deo £Whampoa Itussell and ca Ate da Jesus

Dec 3: Away

relt and es Dee Se Hongkor Platcher and to

Common David Blawoon, Sean and oo ?i realving ship

treat and co

Oct 11 Macse Hell and co. Nov, 19 Whampoa Russell and co

Away Jardins, Malhome and go, East City, Mirand shanghai dilib, Livia: store and Hongkong Dent, Hadie and en

Jan 4 Wative (K & D, D. Laleles Dec. 21

Dirom, Dray und ca. Jan Honghong Bleskin, flawson and ce Under

Jun 17 Wheepstach and on.

Nyo, Parklo sit on.




Whampoa Russell and en.

Nacia V. P. da Silva


New York

woelving all Amoy & Shanghas


????? Per




Blat Inst.



New York




Rhoniving skip

160 15Whagen D. Bamsen, Hasa sul es



July 1? bhang han icmall and c

Jan 17 ElongLong Liddany and co.

fuck. Wp Dipphant and so.

!New York

Hongkong Syne, Mir and co.

Kamal and e

Deo 19 Shanglan sell and

Cumz Festenjen F. Cam and de. Reording ship

Nov. (Whampoa Jardins, Matheson and es. New York

Dac. Hong Nawla, Drinker and co.


me, Muir anda. Dec. 12 Whimpan Kwangles Hong

Do 11 Chunghie Lidday and co

WOOD Athen tinand and o. Nor In Whampoa Wis. Pustan and cq. Can A. Vingan

Ang 30 Ningpe Hargreaver and en

Ang Saidulch Isles Nor, hong kong Jurdane, Mathenow and vo

Usa 20 Whakaper: Hussell and en

Cyphant and co.

Whobert Browon and co

Nor Hangkung yma, Mair and bo

Woosung Island P. cama and co. Keying ship

Dante cu Marqu



bestland, ship

Ben Hursa, bilg

28 11 luck, skip

Nov 11

head, skip


Slate barque



Uct. 18

a tomad kyn barque




Bsc. Lu

Sir George Fleck, ship



30 Nov 2

Dopa, krig


114 Endipett,

Home Bejor

Nov. 13



l??iving sh?p..... Hamburg Hangg& Cant



10 M

3 Ame

Man Francion


15 Uel






Revolving ship


43 Oct 13

Cak For Whe





bampanell and ca.

New York





313 May 20


Ang 15]>kangkan |(tussell and' co 100. L

Turner and co.





Wong Ullman, Bowman and co.

Mooring skip


Kecaling sy

Willemin du train, skip

Deb Maninodam howpart

104 July 15

Mbly, barqu

Belt, SirStewart



Zephyr achouve


East Const

Lookong that and co

Jardine Slateson and co-Amog

Lindsay and co.

Deo 25 Hongkong lawin, Drinker and 'os.

Treat and co.

Lea and co.


THE House on the South side of Gough Btreet, lately occupied by Mr J. G. Marison.


The House on the North side of Gough Street letely negopied by Mr John Carr,

Apply to,

MR. SHERARD, A1 Mr Eodur's.

Victoria, 3rd January, 1861.


THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risks THE

(cavored by open POLICIES at Toys and In the various Lombok Instawen Conrantus,) by the Peninsular & Grisonal ·Company's Stenters,

from Canton and Hongkong, to the Biraite, Coy loo, the Presidencies of Indin, mod England.

For of Premium sad other information, apply to J. A. Olderu, at tho P. & O. Co, Oflice, Langkang


·JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co. London, 234 December, 1848.


OF BOMBAY. THE undersigned having been appointed Agent in Cupon for the above ained Baciaty, is prepared to great Police payable in London, Cap- arpool, Bombay,

Calcutta, "Mudras, 'Shanghde and Canton.

FRANCIS B, BIRLEY. Canton, 14h August, 1880.


TS here given that the Paginership heretofore

Dated this Thirty-Orst Day of December, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty.


by his Attorney Alxasupan Giurg83.


by his Attorney Alexanpon OpronD,





Bah Provisione, Flour, Vinegar, Wines and Spitite of all verketiva.

Just Received, " Batch of Base' and Allop's Alp and Porter of Superior quality.

The above Stores are of the very best descrip Lidh and Messee B. & Co. ure now prepared to offer them at very low rates.

Hongkong, let January, 1831.


THE Business hitherto carried on in Chine is JUST revived, few Cake and Kege of Bill's

my owe akce will in future be condeated

under the style ut Cartre & Co.

AUGUSTUS CARTER, Hongkong, Jet Joly, 1850,



are muskocited to sign our firm,

WI. PUS ??i Hongkong and Canton, 24th Deo,, 1850,


JR. EDWARD COHEN, in this day admitted

‧ parler in our rim.


PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Hongkong, 1st January, 1851.

NOTICE THE inter and responsibility of Mr A. How THEKTE LO Our Grm, ceased from the Stu De- tember, 1850.

BOWRA, BUMPHREYS & Co, 11ongkong. In Jaquery, 1851.


WITH reference to the above, it la bersay in.

Limated, thaj the businsan bicharlo carried ou in the neto of Bowes Humaxys & Co. will bereafter be conducted by the undersigned under the style of BOWRA & Cs, which Mr W. A. BOWRA authurined to slym.

CHAS, W. BOWRA. Hongkong, Jet January, 1881.


ALL Persons having nisime on the Estate of the A late Mr Joan Rows, Surgeon, of Hongkong, ara Taqueried to send in their accounts before sho 28th day of April, 1851, and all persone indebted to the deceased are required to make immediate payment of their debce to,


Colonial Surgeon, Administrator to tha E?ate. Hongkong, October 28th, 1850.


LL persons haring claims of the estate of the late

subsisting between us, the andersigned a GaA NOTT D' ESTERE PARKER, he requested BAD AND Conxul Merchants at SEAR HAR IN CHINA, under the firm of THOS. RIPLEY & Co., has this day terminated by efluxion of time, and is accordingly, timoltak

Dated this Thieryalign day of December, One thousand Eight hundred and Fifty



NORICE. THE Firm of THOS RIPLEY & On, having turmimlad pusforday, I have take into Part- Mership Mr. JOSKPH ?BLAND, (Nephew of Mr. Twon: RepLNY), LO COMLinus the business ma GENERAL AND Comm?n?r?m Maxonases from this date, under the firm of BHAW, BLAND & Co.


Bhanglue, 1st Janual, 185).


to send them to the andersigned before the from day of March 1861, sad all perenca indebted to the deceared are requested to make immediate payment of their debts to

J. PHILLIPS, Executor. Bengkong, 25th December, 1850.

FOR SALE ENGLISH and Dutch Bhaathing Copper of all

sizes, alvo Naila, by

BUSH & Co. Fongkong, 1st October, 1960.

Prima New York Burrka; the finest ever imported into itongkung; On sale at the Stora of,

W.EMENT. Queen's Road,

Flongkong, 11th Janunty, 1651.


THE undersigned begs to inform Ship owner Add Blily madtard Thai ke kun always on build

■ supply of the following articles.

Anchors and Chain Cables,

Iron Knee-Dock and Hawn Pipes.


Best Refined Iron, Flat,


Rigging Chan 4 in, to 4 la, Hoop Iron and Lead Pipe, Rigging Screws,

in to 4. jan.

in, to 7. Inn

in. to 4. Jos.

Cabones large anuamall. Iron Sheaves of all alsen. Bheet Iron of all acton; for stove pipes and fur other purposes.


Spring Gardens. Victoria, Hongkong, 16th December, 1850.


THE Undersigned begin intimale that their DRY DOOKS are now capable of receiving Vestole of the following Drafts of Water,-

At Bering Tides, 124 feet n Neap




The Large Dock in 200 feet long, and the Pumpe attached are worked by a Steam Engine. JOHN, C. COWPER & Co. Whampoa, 15th October, 1850.


La Souvenir de Honakoko Polkas COMPOSED by Mr C. L. CurrORD, and played by the band of H. M. Ship "Hastings" at The Garrison Ball, given at the Club House, on the 6th instant.

M. 8. 8. Coples, arcanged for the Piano Forte. may be had bf the Band master, on board the Hastings," or at any of the principal Stores in Hongkong Price #1 per copy. The above may also do. Each oopy will be signed and stamped." by had arranged for Flute, Cornopean, Qultar, dec.

Hongkong, Bik January 1951.


Victoria, Hongkong, 12h Doc., 1850,

VETERINARY FORGE. Wellington Street. [TENRY MARSH bago to inform the inhabitopu ΠΕΝ HORSE SHOEING Business on the Premises _of Hongkong, that he is carrying on the

lately occupied by T. Delaney, deceased.

Horses carefully shod on the most approved principles, under Mr Murali's personal superinten. dence ; und from the long experience he has had, he bopen to give overg satisfaction. Hongkong, 13th January, 1851.





Board and Lodging per month -

do. per day


Bed Room per night


Tiffin -



Port Wins per bottle Brandy




do do.

Boda Water and Lemonade

Da do. and Brandy


N. B. Gentlemen residing less than a fortnight will be charged per day, and all parties farang the proprietor with their patronage are requested to report the least neglect or inattention on the part of servants.

Maceo, 21st November, 1850,

PRINTED FORM8. FOR SALE at the Office of this paper -


na Lavike,


for the Ponineolar and Orl-

Dotal Company's Steamers, -

COMPRADORES Outena, in Books.





Mercanule forms and other work printed with xpedition at the customary rates, Victoria, 22nd August, 1850.




To be Run on the 4th Day, --- | THE TRADESMEN'S CUP, ralus 890, for all untrained Horses -Wright for Juches, vis, the Ame- | 15×1, 216, and upward, to carry 120. 7lb, allowod for every inch below.-Entrance $5 each to go to the 20 Morso.-Ones sound and a distance.

APTAIN AND CONSIGNEES Urican whole Ship BOWDITCH," will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her arow,

Hongkong, 18th January, 1981.


THE Captain and Consignees of the American

Whale Ship "Shegirld" will not be respon

FOR SALE. PARS Suitable for Junk and Lorola Matssible for any debts contracted by the or, w of said

Teak Timber, Planking, and Singapore Beams.

Hoogkang, 1st January, 1851.

Apply to,

SYME, MUIR & Ca Victoria, 14th January, 1831.


MR JOHN H. EVERETT authorised to sign SHEATHING COPPER from 14 to 26 ox.

our Firm by Procution.


Canton, 14th December, 1850.

ex Lord Hardinge. Apply to,

DIAB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, Sist Feoruary, 1850,




a respectable Englishman, who has had so- vereral years' experience in this Country, sicanting na Assistant In a Store or Warehouse.

Can give unexemptionable references-Addres ses to Zat the Office of this paper, will he attendexi


Victoria, Hongkong, 6th January, 1851.

THE THADESMEN'S CUP, value 630; for all untrained Ponics-Waght for inches.-Half mile heats-Entance 85 ■ck to ga te ibe 23 Pony. All Hound Pouies to be" monaured by the Stewards at the Stand, on the morning of the 31st instant, between 6 and ..

All Extrances to be made to the Clerk of the Course of the Murray Barracks, on

5. M. on the 31st instant.


Hongkong, 20th January, 1861.



N Invoice of superior Rumian Cordage, from

43 a V4 inches. Apply to,


Hongkong, 20th January, 1861,


BIRTHS-A Australia the, Gih Superher, Rundto

of Son



class of men without rumas of improvement akt. Adelaide the tasty of Frederick, Willam Zabell Esq. | If we considered the magnitule of the British Now, Caletta, Mrs John Brightman Vandestorg. Empire-the number of bar obijele power of her nasy-the wealth of her merchants-the MAHRIAUF.On the Md Angosi, 1850 at W""d. wich, by Her Was Coralie M. A., Ormar t?r? many means in her power for advancing the pro- gram of civilivation, and christinally, then was it EKTA, Eng. t N., Joe M. rice Magiocare no change Poza Jana, drugier u: Joseph Pluhero, bay, "011

ipdeed the more accenanty to make marlours men Majesty's Dockyan.

f"f " puperior elsan, whose conduct in all parts of in the world would exemplify the bigh character of the Bri-ish nation. It way, sleet painful to look back at the course of other nations who preced 'ed ours in the navigation of three master

The people of Spain, of Portugal, of Holland


No Randwick Island, Dve. Nov. 13 avis Dee Labusa Den. 10, Fingapore

16: Manil


United States





C. of G. Hope

San Francisco

Nov. 24 Phanzhko

Amy No. 29 opn





Jan 31 ????, ? Dec 13

and of oder countries, had had opportunities for doing good, long before the Bridah nation had THE FRIEND OF CHINA engaged in eastern enterprise but it was too evident that the prestige of the operations of a



drald be.

Government to and our Commissioner to India tu en- { were disgraced in the eyes of the shareholders and of quire leto the cases of the short supply of the raw material | the world. They were all of them gentlemen of tha and its probable increase, have delenslaed to send out a highest respectability, sud one was a member of parlia Commissioner of their own and Mr Alexander Madrag wins. This charge affected thele characters so honest Author of the 4 Western World" has been selected for and sa pubila men. They bad no vindictive feeling the service and will no do jusuce the appoint the newspaper in question, but they only came Guvertur. Douhars list begp/promocod from | fnward bersues they felt that they had been unfairly the third to the second class of the Order of the General) trasted that their lordships would grant

Under these circumstances, he the (Bolicitor Bath for divil services that this promotion rule.

Led Campbell-These gentlemen having bad this will afford plenuded to close who are fond of

opportunity to deny this Imputation, havo slane so very paying sebeless complicients we have littlepty, and we, therefore, think that the court ongut doubt; but wo am anticol at a loss to conceive

But to grant a rola what services have been rendered by Sir Ba

Rule refused. mual, in China, to call forth any such-distunen, mark of approval.

British Trade with Chian, if we take the state of things existing a Shanghao for an 81- ample, was never undar tvorse management;


Da Way and Acorman. Camelia-Afr Alderman Caallis attended to corret some insc. curacy In our repost of Saturday' iust. He anid, na- the conversation on the degree of legal guik of Dr. Wiseman, took place after the basiness had closed, and the public had left the office, it partook more creed, based on falas ductrines, was last pansing | --and :wu to his services al a Governor, Int the of the charnover of a private than of a public up increased Injury to the subatory character of plication for his opinion. The substance of what the Colony, mainly, we firmly believe, through, he said was as follows: That, in his opinion, any ou convicted under the 18th of Elizabeth would bit neglect in directing remedial measures,

I be liable to imprisonment, but that instituse such speak for itself. We challenge any individual | pracending would be unwise and impalatic, and that in China to sahibit to the public a single mea instead of a laying, the agitation, as the applicant sure, emanating from itis Excellency, calculat-desired, would growly incase it is the present mate of pabilo osling such a step would conatiuto Dr Wisemana martyr, and as the proceedings nasim bin mour the appearance of intolerance and Paracution. He could take no part in it. but if the it proper to tender to the home give.pman had received notice to quit the kingslom within

rumour he had just kaned betruths De Wit regarding this sortlament, islany thing but illus 48 hours--it would render all other proceeding



NOTIOR- Teletube given, that the Hours of Bathe Kereina In the Carustal Counen or St. Joas mae, vn Bunday at 31 4. m, and at 41, 4, and on Thursdyrsoll r. M.

Br. Pollege, Vito, October, 1859.


Meting Culonash Chaplain,

NOTICE.-Bervice commences in the Mariners' Church at kali pasi Ten in the forenoom of every zunday,

Victoria Harbour, Jakuniy 1851.

NOTICE-The hour of Pukile Worship, lo the Union Chapte, tollywood Bond, is on the Sabliath nc 31 4. M

Victoria, 1st Jan, Fu..."





23 Thorsday,



Ramer | Bets A. M. | P. M


5,4|||||| 0,56||| 1,19 1,42 2,07 0,47 5.41 0,43||||| 6,42 2,32 3,00

Friday. Moon-Last quarter 24, 15, 62. The second letter of a "Lover of Sport" and account of the recent mnuggling transe. tions at Shanghae, with onto remarks, in type, apo? smuggling generally, inust stand over until next issuo; our compendiurn of news by the mail filling up every column.


In the afternoon of Bunday in accordance with the public notice in our last issue, this cam- blishment was opened by a special service by the Lord Bishop of Victoria.

Rear Admiral Austen vnd family, Alte. Dr. Smith, Captain Shadwell of 11, M. 8. "Sphynx, ** the Consul for the United States of Americs, and

After adverting to the extraordinary rise and progenes of Bongkong, situated on the confimos of a nation excluding bone-df from all rulonal sockel progress and expressing the opinion that the day was fast approaching in which the rulers of Chios would have to enter on a different course, Hised to bought the interests either of Hongkong, Lordship west on to sure that the propemy of grof trade with Chios generally; and if all re- the Mariner's Church was vested in four Trosters portasfe true, the advice which he has deered revident in Victoria, of whom the Bishop for the time being was always to be one. The first pat of the hull was 8000-the repaire nod alteratiegstrative of that "practical common sense? which estimated at $1,600 had amounted to $2,000 mak. Lord Palmerston was pleased to say as tho ing a tutal cost of $2,600-~ Of this sum, $1,300 main cause for his appointment, had been subscribed by various parties--but there was still ● debt of $1,300 unpaid. During his visitation at the worth, at the request of some of

the subcriber, an edititional outlay had been en. tered on, which perhaps would not have been the case had he been here but be trusted that the compact appearance of the Church was sufficiant proof that nothing had been done but what wgi


It is intended that a Minister of the Church of England shall always reside on board, whose duty it will be to visit ships and to afford such advice and instruction to crews as may appet nessungy, The Church is als a depository for copies of the holy Scriptures in various languages-With re- gued to the debt, his Lordship said he believed that several merchants, and others, who had not yet ovn. tributed to the fond, had declined doing so, antil 'hey aw that the work was likely to be complet ad--now that it w?n so, he trusted the delicioney would soon be made up. His Lordship then con- cluded with an earnest and affivationate addziar la

The How. Napier, in a Report to the Board of Health wo the Supply at Water to the Metropo It is, we believe, pretty well known, that is, states that be found, in certain cases, the water which requested to miggest plans for a reduc in a hill to be due to rain-full alwhore, na the tion of the heavy expenses of this Govern rain on the bill did not parculate, but passel sway Land he mentions' 'Kotable lu?tnice of the ment, the recommendation extended but lit- klod in Hongkong, an island mountale of not 15 de farther than to a weakening of the military alles in circumference at its base, and of 1,000 ot modical staff, the very arm requiring the great 100 feet elevation above the level of the see. ast support; and the consequence has been top of this mountain is businely far beyourd The quality of water supplied fr?u springs ogs that at the period of the perival of the mail,such, xin-fall, which matter, from the delivity of the during the past sichly season, has been' the in- 'of the other ground, is at once discharged joto the

-glur? of tire mainland is not farakar ihan two milen dressed isboor thrown upon the Medical off, as all who have been there are aware of. The qere, that only one remained to attend on up-da half, but the range of mountains of equal wards of a hundred and fifty invalids, now in fand biglar elevation, and which furnish the sap- Hospital; and that one could not have got the rain full cut fudits way gnije after per- ply, are at a distance of upwilzas of tau miles. through the duty at all, but for the assistance of Solation 10 ta mertage, and is harvestskej in Gud civilians, engaged, doubtless, at a goodly ex- its level by closing the sea and rising through pense to the country..

the pures of the granite formistion of Hongkong. quantity even after a three month's drangin othe The springs are rarely known to be affected in end, the thermoter often stand upwards in the shade," Allen's Indian Mail,

For what next will Queen Victoria hp advis ed to bestow a national hour? A C. Bship of the Honourable Major Cain's Comprador, for his chinada colonial-services, perhaps

Fasey, Kronbla's reading of the conarch", reply, in the torical play of King John, drew

several Merchants, and othere, resident in Vieturia, and at the chee of the service a collection win forth, from a' Cheltenham awfiduca, a bung and iight to the 19th inak, and has gone to pier

together with the mastere and crown of some of the Vessels in the Harbour being in attendance at the ceremony. At the close of the evening secriza of

the bumbler class of seamen why were prevent maile at the duore; it being also announced that s Book remains with the Clergyman on hard, in which the names of eshecribere muy st all time

the Church of England, with the parts of scriptura... be entered. appointed for such occasions, impressively rond by

the Raveroad J. Holdernowa, His Lordship offered. - Tun P. & O. 8. N. Co's Steam Ahip "Pazin,"

the dedicatory prayer, and taking his text from The 12th Pmim, Ist verse, preached a discvuras highly appropriate to the socasion.

The warde-"I was glad when they said, Let us go into the house of the Lord" His Lordship wald, the uttering of the paset. Poolmist of Israel,

Captain Baker, came into harbour about 8 e, on Monday the 20th instant. We tako th? f?l." lowing from the "Singapore Free Press" Ex-

ira of the 9th :--

London, November 25th, 1860.

spontaneous chear. The passage runs :-

Then, canet n?"; Cardinal, devido a mans

Bu sich, wow thy, and rideskene,

The charts me be sa amoros, an the Pera.

Tuf bin this land on the month of England Add this teab mom--7ael on Malka priz Shell tithe ar tell in ung duminions"

Wrack of an Emigrani V'eimei.---Lone of Life,→→ The Edend, Wilson, from Limerick, will gi grasta, wan diioon on the rocks at Kilk?n, ?? the

According to our scrount, of the crow and passen ger, 210 in all, only 120 nave best saved. Ocher accoupe my more vaguris, that the master and part of the urow nod passengers hava bean savel; Lus than the number of liver last, bas n it been d certained The bench wa'said to be' strewn with

Jowing report

We take from the "Honic News" the folts of the wreck and dead bodies,




?ford an illustration of the high privileges enjoration which bas g?ven risa za mnate mering appeak, pra- ?), ges?leinen, who were three of the managing directors will prices are fully supported, consumption pro

in our ability to attend on the Ordinnocar of God's hoose. Comparing the great advantages of the Christion of this day, with shoe enjoyed by the Psalmist, who had only the Books of Blumen and Fab. for ble companions-wberens now there are the writings of all the Prophets, and the New Testo Inent, and exbibiting so his hearoa the infulness of neglecting the services of the Churob,-H Lordship procesel to allude to the peculine service of the day. And so to the determina- tion to set apart a parucolar place ao a tutort. fur Boamen,- a report for some of those thousanda of Englishmen und Americans who annually visit our shoten, and whom vessels often, ko heto ai 40- chor for considerabla periods of the par-there mariners, bastid, hova a particular claim on our benevolence. Of those who altand the services in our newly finished Catedral but few-very low Besman ste over soen. This Lordship sail cught not to be; but the reason for their don at tendance was very apparent-naters of ships were afraid to trust thair men on shore, where many temptations armiled them. To meet this difficulty, the Clergyman who was appoinud ta the service of the Marinera" Chureb, had came out Gam England His e-lary was paid to his paine pally by parties in Englund-the community of Victoria were set call? on in soy way to con- tribute to it: Since Mtr Haldernene, serival in Flongking, he had been in the habit of visiting ships in the harbour, and of reading the Church service to the crews of such rewols, un bard of which the Captaius were willing fit him to do so. This however, ewald not always be performed, and as a parimeant ineens of alfurling the necessary bent, it had been determined to amablish this Chorch

At time when Missionaries were being sent oul to preach the gospel to the heathen, in so many part of the work, it woukl judad to in competent, flis Lardship ssid, to leave such a



The Beliciosostal mal be hyd to move for to`show cum why a crimiual information should not Tame aplinkt Wiliad King Halen, the printer and publisher of the Daily News, and Mr. G. P. Smith, de a Ubel upon B. Mi Wilcox, Esq. Mt. P., and two other registered proprietor. Cue having printed and published

fie Prahalar and Oriental Steam Navigation Cou pany. The Nbel Hestion appeared in the Daily Ms of the 9th. Datober lat" The Whel formeil Oriental de Navigation Company, and had also referance to stoupa opausm?lantion to Australia

Again, on, the, lab and 17th of July, we Bid the Horkare complajulog that the Beatliek was to be ?song "ham? for zapalte, which might have been equally

wall and more cheaply made at Calcutta

The all aboshing leple of the day is the Ramulah jaga. te and adderases than anyucher nikject for many year, Lord John Hall kas langbed a peace thanderbo} *}° - the head of Cafdinal Wiscines and his master the

and bi- Lordship has obtained vast popolarly thereby -- so consler the term and arguests of the Premier's mand this effret has been weakcobi bowerre sa men kadjthia | part of a long ansiola-upan the a fairs of the Peninsular Late, which many www accose ut an ad apibendano apollen." ten not the most soler or ideas. When Iron the letter appeared u Kogland was for something like a chitralaf

he good old laws againsi Paplars and nopeos formal now line pretty gm.erally believed that illa Londay. will counter nosno sharp mitacks to Parliament up? - hle production. Lord Joka Maswers and. Mr Drismal has severally attacked the government, an the soal exame of the thoremral and accusa in of fostering popery la all la pem and oplel-an.



Mr P. H. Howard M. P. a non of the Dale of Norfolk, has denounced the expression "uzman rian of superalition" in Lord Juka's letter, avau bisali to the faith do, of

to sne thing (1) of the population of the British Reala.".

Cardinal Archbishop Wiseman han assed a tremendoan appeal, li which among other things, stated with gro?t abdky and thes, be says that Lord Stanley Bare, M. no kite: aplatan when in the Minimry, that 'th? Children m?a Ce

With reference to this proceeding the Burkers Abderves: "The whole might be completed bees at greu mving no doubt so the Peninsular and (iental Oompany, In time and money, bai hat go for the pile of bearing to the directors their dusrownies.* ** This was no But, Indian word, whigh by raforamen ladian dietlonaries would be found to mean the legal and improper perqulates taken by servants and mid- diamus in transmettons in which they might be engaged

van periaptly, familiar in India. This article amounted on behalf of their matters. The word was one that wa

odd themselves kishop, Arokbhkope, be whatever citi. | le darga aquines the directors, that they bad secured they choose and nu gureramant could have my reasonable

neus for loterfering.

German affairu bave bo?no a most extraordinary aspecs. of late, and although some of the danger sequ to have passed, there is still, enough se peril peace of Europe

Prussia and Austria neu in the de.... geral numerical strength-Proesia has called ost every una llabla tokary service, and the people are now, with the court, for War-- Blood has been spilled on vos orcastes in Elouse Oussel bare the two powers came in coninel-Bavaria, Kazody and Wortemberg Dave sided with Aus tla, Hanover pro- -tests against the pannage of Antrian troops, and Dem- stade, at dret with Austila, la now in lengue with Prosrie -11 would be quite impossible to give anything like a these murements, they most be underunt to be read st analysis of the cause and entrances connected with length and as they will require scripts examinations cuumderation. The "Tinden" ukea iba oppustunlay ol coche to make an asach nipon our tergiga policy, was au with very damaging "fras apon Lord Palmerman, who la said to be manly engaged li mitempting to bring abant

ellek between the pow Pretveld NEW LINK oe bekimbia satwien Pewand, Samadunk, and l?noso-Wel amirom Gentbampun. that the viscolas and Oriental Company's steamer Pacha is belog prepared for service on a dietaus vision, and that she will simit for China in the one of few days, tu relieve the Lauf Mary Wood on the line betyres Lingkung and thang?an Us her arrival yet the funer vessel will proceed in Calostia, for the purp we of upenie a new lum between that post, Penang, singapore, sed Hengkung-Ge

A valuable work on Commercial Law banjost appeared from the pen ofor Lever Lavy who has been for a long tline engaged upon the soject and has taken it up aut con more bois spiritu, it to a realty valuable additve ta ser very library of commercial work,

The Costes mammactumia, du deing able to inde


· se thashelves certain improper and dishonest advan

SILK-The monthly circolarisatied by Mesars. Durant and Co., on Friday ironing sins?n that bach quiat, with wi?y little deposition to purchase; since the public alle last month, the silk market has

are preposing for the spring trade. In China mik green tolerably misfolory, and madufichurero

almost immeistely after the Fonclusin of the the only feature Issa bard the mle by a spreolatos, public sale, of 100 hales at's redactim of got 16.: this was not followed by any has holders, and som business has since been doing at full pritea, chiefly in the lower classro of Tandles. In Beng silk of the late arrivals. In Italien vilk, the importers theen has been fair braignon in the medium'

remain as befite, rather anxious to be moving, bui prevented by their corraq-ondents from making noy avadable reduction, Turkey male mi pommands having made it relatively cheap. Parejaq silk qua- *more attention, the reduction of Bil, ullad, por lb.

611 balce; Chinn, 1.10 do. Arrivals in October, tipore unsoticed. Deliveries op in daid: "Bengal,

Bergal, 684 balas (~China 900 dog Brunis, &et 917 de; Italian, 499 do. Arrivals in November to date Bengal, 729 hales ? Chini, 21700. Bru-

COTTON-LIveffrdut, Nov, 23.-The sale of ontion to day are estinated at 4,000 balos, and bid.; 200 Babio, 8.; 100 Egyptian, Bid, to consist of about 200 Peranth, and Marabbam, 8d:

day, 9000. The market aluees amely yet seadily 9d.; and 600 Sura), Bad. tu Bd. "Tollsince "Thurs Compared with Friday'?rales, prices of all kinda are unchanged,


tight, and that they caused the company to have certain sin, des., 968 do ; Italian, 314 do. Stat of the vpsele brought home to be repaired, when they might Warehouses, Nov., 1880:-old Stock: Bon have been done equally well and in a cheaper stargal, 4.105; Chine, 8,928. Uold Binck: Bengal, in India. The libel went on to say, "What an ifles1,019; Chi 2, 372 Delivered in October; Ben sation of the manner in which the Interest of the whole body of shareholders in Jointstockeries are sacrideed for gal, 906; China, 1,704. - the heart of a few individuals who get the manage- ment of affairs into their hands I fo the sctual case, long as the company get a good besus from govern. ment, and their capital in lncreasing by this meme, and they can continue to pay dividede of' per cent, with `largueserva to meet certain canciogencies, the share- bajders are not likely to complain; but the job dried, at the fest disgraceful, and the ministry ought not to afford fasilition to it by giving such extra- vagant gumi ko jhay da for carrying the wail. These enormous paymenti rander the company independent to a colerable extent of those economical comederations which govern the management of usher associations

she sharehollars, antissed with being so secured aga?iet all risk, book silently on at a system that woul yot be tolerated for a mement under other creatine- Lances." He (the Solicitor General) had the affidavits of these three gentlemen, la which they stated that diere was not the sightout foundation for these charges, They had opt darival any perquisitan upan the expen. dence of the company, and ships had never been repared in Englanil sa preference to india for the sake the rector On the 17th of July there was a oder eclete, which appeared in the Nurkar,, to the effat that the Benttrek was not going to be repaired at all, but was perfectly see worthy, and was about to proreul on her voyaga. With anel distinct charges s bail besus maila agaisnt them the directors fois that they

MANCHESTER, Nov. 23-Yarus and clothe whesbut for home convamption or export, hare nol been in brisk demand this morning, and we have a comporntivaly quiet market: The newn from the continent no dumi: continues te exckoap prebena?one favourable to business; but still thre demand beaza a fair proportion to the production in most of the lealing dariptions of goods, and prides are generally father firm. The higher reeded shirtings (40 inch) may will be quoted 3d. per proos above the rate of last month, with stocks going off well: 66 and 72 roed narrow burtinge are also in demand. For 32 inch madapolkus suitable to the Indie market full prices are gimo, but ordinary and middle qualities of printing sloths are bat liule in request la clust

demand is barely equal to the production, but prices are frin, and in the atouter qualition of 8 inch quotatione ste at an advance of 14d. to 3d, upon the prices current a few wosks ago. Long clotha


Rice Popper-

ara quiet, the Greek houses, we are nulong the Butlast principal buyers of the description of goods, being


To China Nominal

45 cente,

70 cents per pical. 75 cents


60 cen


1 Calcutta,

i per cent.

He par CADO,

14 mas par pieol,



.. 19 @ 14 comm

ciety in the position in which he has been placed, all of whom are anxious to know the real state of the matter, where it is said he has been the vic- Um of circumuantes" alone. [It strikes us that we insy have blamed Connaissary Smkh, when a almilar apology might, justly, be made for him. Es. F. of C.j



at that port. We hear that the A Brig Eagle" which left on the 10th of November has put into Moulmain dinnasted.

In the Court Martial referred to in our last monthly report of Indiau news, the following had been the finding of the Court :-

Finding-The court, having maturely weighed and considered all that has been adduced in support of the prosecution, together with what the priminer Major John Bentleman; of the 44th regiment live infantry, has urged in his defence, are of opinion, that he, the said blejor Bartleman, of the 44th N.

Captain Fenwick and Captain MyHus here ob- tained midical certificate fran Hongkong to Eu rope Capuin H. Burd.and Hulworthy we be- lieve are the next for what English paper term " The Hongkong Grave."-

Ceylon Rifle Regiment,-Captain W, Minchin, || 1. in, on the from the 95th Fout, vica Wing who exchanges.

Exchanges. London..6 Month's sight...... 10 to 12 pt. cl.

30 Deyesight....

....5 do. Bombay 30

to per Rup. Madras 30 | 11 to 11 per Rup. Calogia 30

#11 1 to 11f per llup, Freights for Landon.



to a great extent out of the market, but prices are Treasure steady The home trade has commenced operating Spices .. In domestics, and some large purchase of middle Pepper qualities having lately been made by Portuguesa, Tin boules for export, which had the affect of reducing Hastane Bewelbut Hocke: prices are drm, lo prints there is not much dong especially for America, which kan been rather uretrocked. Besides this, thero in nu-

We regret to report the total loss of the Bark other cause operating unfavorably in tha, high - Missouri of New York, Disey Muster in Rigue price of indigo) the price of which concurrently By off the West Coast of Sumaire, on the last of with that in the price of cotten wail, has led to a last mouth-The Masuri luft her unchorage with serious milvapes in the cost of production, in sumu a fair wind to proceed to sex, but the wind surly descriptions equal to C. pur ploce. In yuine the afterwards veered round, and she was obliged demul is sufficient to keep priest quite firms,

again to anchor.-Buth of her chain cables part- ed, and when endeavouring to best out of the Bay, HARDWARE-Herminowan, Nar"-All she missed stays; the only remaining sochor the trade hace continue, weil off fur ardery: The stream) was let go, the must cut away, and every foreig uarie is good-the partial stoppage of orders effort unde to save the ship but without avail; the from Germany, in consequence of the disturbances ship was driven on share, and became 'n total in that quarter, not haring sostorially affected in wrack. The Hissari bad about Dr 24.000 on a be home teade in Uriak in some branches, special art, but only Drs 9,000 were sand, the re- by the gold chain makuta; the orders um moto FK-

mainder having bano plundered by the natives, tessiva that they have been for away yours. who made several murderous attacks upon the

Captain and crew, and were repulsed with cousi The money market has been rather tighter to derable dificulty-The, Captain, Offers, and wards the end of the work, sad the rate of dis. Crew of the Birouri were all saved, and exparison, Esq. Collector at Vizagapatam to Captain C count they be taken er two snd-a-half per cent. In encel the greates kindness from Captain Pisa Biden Master Alandai dated Ist December 1860 the early pen of the work considerable woud of the Ship serfing of Boston, lying within a mile was advanced at two-and-a-half per cant, on docu- of the wreek-Captain Dixey afterwards purchas

the Erie arrived at Bizalipatam on the 80th No- veniber. adnative_prow, and arrived here on the 17t inal, with Officers, Crew, and what he bad man. aged to save from the wreck.Pinang Gazette 21 Deo.

ment blils at call.

Hu Excellency Sr. Cardozo, the newly ap pointed Governpt of Macau, Timor, and Hulor, was a passenger by the Pekin" and we be- lieve takes fils departure for the seat of his Gove erriment in the Portuguese Corvette "Dun Joao 1. the day.



Cinnamon Coco...

Oil...........3 10 ..€3 10) Plumbago....19.


*Copy of a letter from Mr. Wm. Jeffreys, Chief Oller of the Brig Erin' forwarded by A. Robert-

To the Port Mester General.

In ebargo, guilty of conduct onbecoming the Pharacter an officer and a gentleman; in having, seduce the action of Mra Bhriton, wifs liru at Barrackpore, in pursuance of an endestar t tenant Shelion, 8th light infantry, written to her on or about the 22d of August 1860, a highly un becoming now; but nequit dim of the rest of this charge.

On the 24 charge, guilty, with exception of the words basely availing himself of his superior strength.", of which they acquit him.

On the Ad charge, goddiy, with exception of the words "disgraceful conduci" of which they acquit


Sentence. The const, baving found the prisoner Major John Bartleman, of the 44th N. 1. guilty of the charges, to the extant above set forth, do now the 44th regiment native infantry, to be cashiered sentence lilm, the said Major John Bartleinen, of

Confirmed. (Signed)

Head Quarters, 18th Nimember 1850

U. J. Narren, General,


Recommendation by the Court-The coart. line.

Bir, beg to inform you that the Brig Erlo' mited from Penang for Calcuna on the ad Nov. on the 19th exprienced a hurricane about 45 miles to ing performed its duty, beg to to bring to the notice of the North the Prepaires, the Captalo gave order to the Commander-in-Chief that, by the likes of war, But all the rigging fore and aft so that the mast they have been compelled to pass the extreme cul Pinangan board, the vessel was on her broad side for about the highly peculiar unture of this inveigation, the may go over the side to save the Ship and cargo ence of cashiering upon the prisoner, bis considering 18 minutes, before the manis parted, and the Cap: dangerously trying portion in which the risoner tain were washed over board, but when the renaul have suffered a watery grave as he was not to be not always been considered as necessestily sub- righted I got on board again, the Captain must one fault, which, however reprobunrible, has still found himself placed by circumstances cosulting from found aber the vessel righted. I have got on board veraive of military discipline, the cutt is induced one box packed for Calcutta I will be very thankful to recommend the long service of the prisoner 10 to you to advise me bow to act about the packs,

1 remain &c.

any favorable consideration which the clemency of the Commander la Chief may be disposed to ex (Bigned) W. JEFFERY, tonil, Chist Officer of Ure Brig "Erin."

We taking the following from the Gapetic,

By the Dutch teamer wo regaivod a file of the ther-tigace. The following appear to be the only Courant, the calgains of which are rather scanty of item worth tunelating

Salutes passed between the Garrison and Corvette yesterday. Governur Cardoso bears with him, we are sore, the warmest wishes of this community for a continuation of health and mccess during the period of his Government,


Five days previous to the blowing up of the Portuguese Frigate Dona Maria 24. in the Type, a Turkish First rate, marrying 104 guns, and 700 men, with a Vice Admiral on board wis blown, up off Constantinople. We take the following from the "Malta Tiuses" of the | 12th November tik-


11. M. steamer Etas hins brought news from Arm that which appeared in the Javasche Courant Gambar up to the 23rd October 1650.

of the 26th October 1960 already given in tidings given from Pontianak under date of the 7th. of ihat month austing that the rebellious Chinese bad gaio assembled and frilled themselves in the vicinity of Pamangkat.l'rior to the 25th September they bid erected three fusta (Koeboes) on the do- clivity of the bill in our of this place, which seem

be well built and armed way from time to dime de salia, principally for the purpose of collecting the clon from the surrounding which was ripe, which rullies were opposed se much puishy by our troops in furt Sorg. For the cal no funker b sulities had taken place. The Comal and the mouths of the rivers were blockaded by one gunuosta, so as to ast off'all supplies from the Clube enemy. Reports say that the principal Chinese forers are united at Singkawang and

(A true cops)

C. Biden, Master attendent.


Ous dates from this port are to the 11th That of the Barque "Indian" is the only rival, from China, which we notice.

On L

THE BOMBAY MONEY MARKET. Tuesday Evening, lice. 10, 1850,




Remarks by His Excellency the Commander in- Chief-The court recommends the prisner to the favorable consideration of the Commander-in-Chi-f which in plaio terms, in this: to restore Mr Burtle- man to the comand of the 44th regiment, after the court has branded him as "guilty of conduct un- becoming the character of an officer and a gentle men" in one jastroce; anil in another, ar "gulicy of disgraceful conduct." I cannot understand the

conduct of the court, in thus endeavouring to throw upon the Commander-in-Chief the odium of refas. ing that, which its own hondenes rondesa it kapos. sible for him to grant, without Inaulting the of ficere of the Bengal army in general, and those of that guy, per Re. 291d to 3d For doremont Bills of the court to their own-reflections on such a

the 44th in particular Imust are the Members a monthe mykt, per te 2. Bad

proceeding, foeling confideo that many must have been advarea to this recommendation.

C. J. NAPIER. General, Command in Chief, East Indies The name of Major Bartleman will be struck off the rolls of the 44th N. I. from the date of pab. fication of this order at Barrackpore, of which a report is to be made to the adjutant general at the Presidency.

On Calmita at 90 days' night, per 100 Ra.

30 days' right,


For redio Bill



at sight,




de. Ra, 291

In our last we gave in secount of the deplorable bes from the blowing up of a Turkish man of war. Dur correspondent Informs we by tlus murning's p-n that the unm? of the vomr) w ‧"Niri Cleyke For 114 AMAP; and Pm the crow coagined of 700 nien haying on board al, 200 recrute from the different ships, The Buiqu has been much

Micord on this angla?ckoly divaler, and with bisedow, that the rico harvest in the territory of -ual uberally j?m 100,000 pisetres from hies Montrado has failed, causing a great scarcity of prite toallairibute among the widows and orphan Provisions :--

The Am Ship Akbar and Dutch Bhips Roompot of the crow.

std Admiral Zoutman had arrived at Batavia

Butaria, 26th Nouember. Great ancarially arema sull to prevails to the auto amount of this your's crop of coffee, The Beralas, maah Government declare their deliveries are not under, Bank of England Notes #100,000 pikale fo which case the whole crop of spik D Mara

Green Cowbo Java would still be nearly a million of pikala. The Hoe ver Tids have begun to fill prouy freely and is good tice to save the growing crop,"

ki bu also ordered a return of all the wi lows ford orpheus gu jh?n wrent, with a view to Ex future.

pension outhon.




Tun news brought by the "San Benito" unimportant. The expedition to the south, refer- red in in nur imuo of the 8th instant, had not been heard of

(From the Singapore Fres Press, Deo 27.)

Os Mindena al 30 days' rig

De Chinese daje sight, per 100 dr. No. 21?

Prices of Hullion.

Gold Leaf, (angu ef quality)

Quid kagam, seconding in touch

Ba. 10: Mr. per £ 10: 2. per C

per ID olan


COTTON has continued in active demand for the China market, and the supply having become mure "bandsat, perneul Jurga, transactions have boon te- ported upon the following terms:- Banda,

$1921 per 100


per 100


per la


per sola,

Fraig Ma



por com

To Liverpool, $10

3.17a, Gd.--Now.pest Galeri, Ro. 3.


per No quotation ?per candy

per de.

Qarabully, Jalane,

The ship Jameetjes Jrojecthay, Captain G. Tecla

To Chips,

From the "Singapore Free Prea of the 3rd Fitzorice, which arrived bere on the night of Th on, we take the following:-

the 24th fortant under Jury masts and day rudder, experienced a furious Hurriesno off the Uncos. La Bince writing the above, " vansel has arrived from lands, in the Andaman Ban, on the 18th November Bulos bring Intelligence that sometime previous in Lat 13-46' N. and Long 93- 40* B. In which Spanish Cirsel af wat had paid that island visit, she lost her rudder and was obliged to cut away and regaired the Bulian to bois the Bpanish Bag in her mars, and narrowly escaped being wrecked oken of his vacalage to dist.power. This demand by drifing in a narrow Channel between the Groat he Baltan refused to comply with, saying that if and Little Cocon, e hailed any it would be the British Ang. The panish, voel then lift, thresioning the early up- karance of an expedition from Manila. This, we resome, explains the destination, of the foere which left Mela on the 1 th ult. The Salinis id to have declared them he will not submit in the emand of the Spaniards, that they may take pa pation of sheauen if they cluso, but that he and 11 bis prople in that event will retire to the moun ine, aber that deplers himself subject to the panish crop Wa unterstand he has appealed the British with whom he so recently made eaty, for anulance and protection.

Co.'s Ra.


12 14 to 19 4 p b. and.

11 4 0 11 8

0 to 13 2

12 0 to 12 1 We hae of no transactions in Agra or Cwicherah. Major Baraman'a di-missal, the resuks of the Orient-lo conscquence of the gambling transac last military trial, terminating painfully savere course, has led us to cam our opes over the General speculators, the market is rather in an uncertain tions that are going on amongst the Barware Order langed doring Bor Charles Napier's command stato and fluctuates three or four times a day, risi g of the Bengal Army, in which, if mueray scarcely in one instance and falling in another, but not to any gline, like the gentle rain from Heaven, yet great extant The object is obvisasly to force bono can deny that thero zalgna a justies severe but prices up. The pressat quotations are as near a Stam.-Daten from Siam are to the 12b iam erenly mated, and that the chief has striven, posible for ana Co Re. 994 1995 per chest; appears that the Siamese Court, having no doubt and in some cases inust have painfully arisen, for Bewares nominally Co's Rs 990. Bargaine for been apprised, by the emissaries it sent to Sings the good and well-being of that great body which the next oslo have been made at Co 'a Hs. 954 10 pero some time ago to see how its treatment of the it was his ambition, and has been bis prife to com- 985 per chen. Into Embassy was taken, of the pacific coome comand... From three orders we find that in Alay FILOTS-The tales continued unaltered for commended to be observed by the British Gorsen 1840, Bir Charles Napier assumed the helio, taking some days after the departure of the last Mail, but ment towards it in future, le daily going more bis aut in Council, and that up to the date of our business akogelber was evidently alack; quos valiant and demostrative. The King is said to prese issue, the full wing enormous list of officers quantly, however the growing scarcity of County booking preparations to defend himself should has been brought before military tribunals, the Produce caused a material check to shipments, and 400ther Embassy be sent. Hundreds of large iron reach in marly every case proving them to be the Freight on Gugar to Liverpool declined to cho tripada ere being fabricated, which are to be placed guilty of the fake or offences they were charged exam of 26. 6d. per ont. For Socds the demand on the bar off the mouth of the river, la order sa ok with, and if the enteades inmy have been, any in for tonuage remained good-iudood at the com struct the entrance of vessels in case of war. The some cases decidedly were moal aavere, mox ex-mencement of the month an advance of 6d. was prongs of these tripods are described as being treme, yet who shall dany that the frequency of the established on this article to Ladon. On the ar about the size of an Elephant'a tusk, three realing courses did not demand some prompt visitation, rival of the Express, consignora made a stand for on the ground and one erect, so that in whatever to check the erll are it spread ton widely Who higher rates on Sugar to boch Ports, but they have Ja have dates from this port to the Oils instant. way they are turned, one prong etsade up ready to can avoid feeling that if the judgments have bombon unsuccessful as yst in securing any advance, The Sicilian, Bark Clementine" had done to sinke any real that may chance to come in con heavy they have in most came been called for, aye, and on the whole the ruts to day are from 2, 6 to om Akyab with a full cargo of Rice-Shea with it. Some of these larments are stated and in some monsure forced upon the Commander 5 par son under thore current when the last Mail ported a number of abipa at Akyal waiting to have been already placed on the bar. The come in Chief, by a laxay silber of discipline or conduct, kit, bringing our quotations down to £3, 17, 6 for cargies, the new rice being only newly in mender of one of the King's vowele has been dia of which these trials are painful proofs t Buger in Ladoo and £3 to Liverpool; Ballpetro the date of her departure.

missed from the service because he piloted an Eng.

That in the comparatively short space of sighisan 22, 12, 6 to London and £2. 17, 5 to Liverpool, The Bark "Raadoll, bound from Singaporeal vessel over the bar! What will they do next months, forty-tive officers have been brought to and thire Articles in proportion. For detailed par- Arracan put in on the 27th ult, having lost to shew their contempt for England and English- trial, of these fourteen have been cashiered, as ticulars we refer to our freight fit in the urial place. Jismissed, seven have lost rank, five have beca Exc?ano-The market for the pressot Alait suspended, 100 reprimended, two honourably acquit opened a 2,24 per Co.'s Rupea for credit, and 2,24 led, and one sequited; whilst only in four cases for document billa; but on the receipt of the Dows has the power vested in the Commader-in-Chiel of by the Express of a large amount of funds coming All we out in Company's drafia, and Bullion, Drawers be



r rudder on the North Sauds; she 'was gat g a now ugo made, and would said in a w.daye. The following are the current rates of freight, kingexactly the same a bow iu fast on's report:→→





per 20 cwi.






hite Pepper ..

£3 a


ca 6





abt, Gooda


50 cabit feet.


444 per Imperial gallon,






We give below some extracts from the "Cey-pardoning ne commuting been storaised. on Tim of December:-

can trust in, that the coming ruma will have do came more drin, and the business closed yesterday need t? sit as Judge so Irequently, and that when lan to a below these quotationa Unak Post called upon to hold the reales, he will remember, Bills have sold at 2,11 10 9,1 according to amount Da Chios some Drufs have been negociated to Earthly power doth then ahow liket God's 273 10 225 per 100 dollare, und Bills very scarce.

‧ When mercy scarona justice"-


The Observer notices the intended suspension of thit timileman from his office(of Deputy Commis ary-General) in the Commiss?ry General's Depart- meni, a resul of the late enquiry. If a be truo an is reported that he suffers, not for faulu of his owa bus feoma Jax system hitherto prevalent in the De- partment we hope he will be allowed to publish



the denils of the enquiry us an act of common jus. We have papers to the 7th ultimo. Tho "Gal.

Lice to him. Captain Price bes the sympathy of so- | iant," "Easuram" and "Laurick" had arrived

We have Sles of the "Shipping and Mercan-

| tile Gunette" to the 194 November, from which

we have made a few extracts.


Four Mealers having rebred from the Lo gislative Council, in September last, Governor Smith had requested to Secretary to Govara. ment, the Trensuror, Auditor, and Attorney Geourals, the Collector of Cusoma and W Cock and R. Godlanten, Esquires to assemb): as a Board of Journussers, and resume the consideration of a new constitution for tho Colony. Regarding this stersson of Councillors the following appear in the issue of the 27th Sopt.;-




New Your. Nov. 15. There has been no political imm of kaporian?e since our last advices to Bunton for the Case 19, save the conflamation of Washington Hunt's (whig) raction a governor for the State of New York.

In ratton there is no change whatever to report,, mai ail the trading markew show no alteration

prices uklained.

in the extent of business transected or in the


(Continued from No. E p E.)





Tallessa (Am), Wood, from San Francison,

16th November.

Hobook (A. Whaler) Cslo, from fluam, 31st December, with 600 barrels Sparen vil 18. Cowarjen Family, Durham, from Oura'von. 19, H. M. Brig Pilot, Commdr. Hinokley, from

Bhaugben, 7th January.

19, Pioneer (Am), Childs, from San Francisco,

-19th November.

19, Sir Edward Ryan Turnst, from Cam'moon.

San Benito (Span), Donninguss, from hisnila,

9th January,

de Gulle 28th Dec, Lanang 6th Jany, awl P. & Co. Bur. Pekin, Baker, from Poin

Singapore 10th do.





29, Amity (Am), from Whampon, 22, Suppe, from Hongkong. 22, Agincourt, rram Hongkong. 23, Arabia, from Sydusy.

23, Smyrna (Am), from loagkong. 30, Symetry, from Owalki.

30, Resina (Fr), from Singapore.

20, Morentin (Dut), from Shanghas. Jany.

2, Veloticepe, from Booloo.

7, Romano (Span) from Chinchow.



23, Prudebut (3pm), Sing-puro,

28, British Merchow, Amsterdam.



24, dia Felis (Span), Amoy.

26, Berkehra, London.

led 21,

Denia, Latham, from Fosshow foo, 1tb Jea


30, Magnolia (Bpa?), Cadiz.


1, Yiocano (Span), Singapore.

'The following tesoluzioan were posted at a moot

The church arrrice is perfunded in the school ing of the Board of Commentyneen of the Cape

house. The inlanders are what the descendants of Municipality, on Walacalus leg. (the 25 h):-

RenderThat the Band of me kaverish sailors ought to be, strictly of the Church leaned with unfered at fortian the detention - Cile of Englon Tepeony tenote are held in amail feat candice & Members, 4 sector in the awe of rogud; there tra large chest-full, werely Kevon and Kypunditure, but as unfine thecussive le sively to the antics for which they had been dak gated, nome ly, mist in Gemming Corthathen hat this Gbegi and th11, 0 hing wreed to take the Estimates into e+. deration, na ether one wee open su theng b?n 15 araken z which is there merite the full up,wof the Board That Sit & Bookers, Burt, Mr Adv-1 hand, Mr P. W. Rests, J. Fairbairn, und ? [1 Wich naw Hesent, be requried in diafi such a Cenaulation ther shall doom best calentated in test the wants and wishes, and In reprenant ull the insetests, of the Colony ; in veeur, afvoe Saving done on, to submit the came to th?o Band, for the purpose of being lead befpothe

The Bir A. Secker-ins and J-ka Fairbairn, requested to take the Firefi Contation, when endered



H. M. Bleop Royalist, Comundr. Bara m. m., frum Singapore, 10th Oct, and Palavan Bay Mindoro Island 14th January,


16, Lady Hager; Lungley, from Camsingmoon. 16, Reindeer (Am), Lord, Hongkong.


Per P. Q. Co.'s Sic Bhip Patis-From Spalk- ampten; Aliss Basith, Aladinle, Wakker, Mr Ad Cardoza, Corernor of Macau, Surs. Bordalla, Sat trobus, Dr. Lawle-From Gibraltar; H. E. Bot. maigi, and Air Zobel-From Malta, Mr Woollets From Stes, Dr and Mra Quila-From Cal.

up, in custody of the schoolmaster, while the hoie orcopy an honorable place en the book albers of almost every hours. Mr Nobbe, the lay- minister, does not ventner to administer she Eucha- it, for want of holy order, a dedeiancy which he mucli regrete; for although full pastoral indusace conceded to him, he less that he has but im- perfect right to exercise it, acting, no be dues, under no authority. I reminded him that there once were, and might be still. lectures in our Church; being under liceuse which, in his case, might be peradda th of school-master, and doctor, in the possibly obtained. This ministerial functions, he dischargs of which he is indofatigable. His pupils de bim credit, and evidently take delight to their

sone. Attendence is compulsory by law; Gorcia Air McNicol From Bombay, Me Downs each child the master receives van shilhes par mesh, which is palil in kind. For his minisal daties, be is allowed exemption from inbour on the publie work; for his medical attendance he is remunerated by premenu of provisions, which to gether with the produes of a small patch of land, continutes the whole [his income, kraving lilm not without saziety for the prospect of his shildren, alroody sloten in number.

England, and to me this best ezerbums in order to it bring actioned ; and that subscription be entered into sve the parpadefraying all roomary exponous,"

(From the Shipping & Mercantile Gazelle.) THE INDIA.-The one of the captain of the Jadi versus the crow, came off at the Circuit Court of Uitenhage, ou Wolnesday last, and occupied the whole miting of the day. We are unable to give this week the whole case, or any report of ibn able od. dresses of counsel for plaintifs and defendants. Suf fice it to say that after a lung trial of about caven boura' dutation, the whole of those indicted for the offeneo of piracy, with the exceptiou of two, were sonvicted by an impartial and lenient july; ab though, at the same time, they were recommended to mercy-which Gas been shown to them by the judge in the following easy sentra for thres ringleaders, Moore, Berchin, und Leach, one year Imprisonment in addition to the time they have been Already confined, and with bard labour-and for the remaining siz men, who counival at the offence, four months imprisonment with hard labor. Ibid,


The language of convention among themselves | is fast degenerating into a dialect, 'They can speak Englab, when they take the tronble, with remark. able purity, but with formality of expreme

which shows it to have been acquired from kookte. For general or priety of behaviour, I have not seen ibu liku al'this commun ty, though a wanderer

vong so many in Ulymes. I doter beard an bath wooing theis, or even an ogry word; while

From Galle, Dr. O'Flaherty, and Mr Jellicoo. From Singapore; Moara Connolly, Caldwell, Bell, Bauer, and Bylowell.



FROM HONGKONG. 18, oni, Harris, Whampoa.

10, Coworjen Family, Durban, Calcuua. Emperor of Chine, Locke, Shanghae. 91, Ivocatigoter, Gilmore, Singapore. Jap.


16, Sir Edward Ryan, Turner, Hongkong,



Lowe of the Barque 'Baron' by fire-

The Harque 'Bason of Greenock 683 sont per register was totally destroyed by fire on the morn

their recupulous adherence to traththe fir testing of the teth Sept 1850 in Latitude 31 50 South which should be applied to claims of regeneration, longitude, $450 Eart, bound from London to Aden with a cargo of doul and other goods. The Cap in future of which the must obtrusiva sanctity may

best une pet down for cost their practicaltain and crew souped in the Ship's boule and were rality, and strong sense of religion, free from all most providentially picked up by the Bhip Exerg' o'entation of piety, might put many of the on the 2014 September at 9o lasitude 23,14 Booth mod longitwin 50 40 East and ware koded Merious" in Europe to the blush.

at the Cape on the 15th of Orber.

This elligence was brougle from the Onpa, by the Shipi?un Caplain Walker.

Master Attendant's Office, Madras th Dec, 1*50

30, Reindeer (Am), Hongkong.

4, Deyran (Am), Singapore,

5, Carl & Hermana (tiam), Hamburgh.

B, Slam (Am), Boston,

6, E. L. B. Janney (Am. Whaler), Bea.


Por Asia Felix, J. F. HorlatEs.

Per Reindeer, J. Morahalt, and C. "Wastor Esqe,

YEMEL IN Honodono, Caston, en Maceo, UNDER DESTOR

For England, Georgin, Fl.

Hugh Walker, H. Ross Standish, W. For Sydney-Regia, H.

For United States. Ceres W. Memson, W. Orard W Blades, W. Son W.

die Witch W.

Tour W.

Por Lisbon

Clara M.

Omyam M,

For Hamburg.

Rajambon, W.

For France. Albert H. Pondicherry, H. For Calcula

Ploneer, H.

Let me here take occasion to my a few words ab meriunione attack upon Mr No contamed in up English compilation titles! The Afutlay of the Bounty," which I did not happen to, fell is with unit aker ny depisters from the is-

We are deeply concerned for the safety of the bend In the same page, ka li se once described as

ape of superior talusta, and excording American Clipper Eagle, and the Britisk vesels | Albermarlo

Janisblje Jujrebloy and Juho Athame, which left, impudence; ne one cui those half witid pre- son who lavey they have received a call to pro Culous for this part at the beginning of November. women He is represented as a cause of divise the 15th, Judi, and 17th Nov. burrienus | sion and discusion," and sa "ons of the inletjoz, kubwa ni navy awapt the Bay of Bangul, extiend

I am not myself stispoved"! cast of evang1l.col."

WRECK OF THE Norfolk at the Boxa la LAND.-We regret to bare to notice here, that the "Norfolk," which had proceeded to three lands to take in Glowno for Blauritius, laubcna wrecked, and under the following crownstoocen: --She had been riding to the westward of the islands is abultet from a prevailing Bouth-East wind, which suddenly Jalled. The Captain frering un omudile change to the North-West wind, from all appenzuneta wid barumetrical indications, weighed anchor at that pal, with intention of going to the other side, whare there would be shelter from the North-West wind. To take up this new beeth the semel had to wil between a rock elled the Small Human and pretty long reef called Sea! Rook the such a passagu of a quarter mile in width. When going through this passage the wind suddenly faill al sogother, and the heary swall from the South-East soon drifted the vasel sowatila Seal, Bent, on a por- tion of which she bumped with her keel, just an shu swung round to on suchor which was dropper When Ledged off after this it was found she was very considerably damaged, made much water, and was alugether so unmanageable, with loss of rud-Joha hill himself in expenses from the Liambier

der, that, to save life, and no inach properly na pos sible, she was at once brought lack upon a sunk part of the rool, where she now remains a wreck. Ibid.

For Bombay, Albert, W. Albina, W.. Martin Lacher, W. Pekin But, H. Prince Albert, W. Sanon Family, W. Bwithamley, W. For Betaria Loeuiv, W.

For San Francisco.

Antilopa, H.

Konie H.

Mahomed Shab, 11,

Belble, W,

The H.

For Lima Coromandel M11.

Mariner M.

For Manila

U.B Bloop Marion, M.

For Shanghas

Lady Mary Wood, H.

For Fuhehow.

Alligator, W.





Lon. Oca. 21 S.

Backland Lon. Aug.2) 8. Fawcett Ama


L. Oct 88.




Apps Jane

Bangalore Bemingk

Mangosteen Carpent Meum

Monarch Moalan

New Margaret Old England




Liv. Joly 16 F1.

Lon Oct 20 H.

Liv. May 16 3.


Lon, Oct 18 a


Loa, Sept 13 II.




Lowes Family euenuntered the storm on the to Bawer fut auy suan, usla i be under long ding from 3 degrees to 16 North Enthude. The latinale acquatuitamen ; but this much I can return, furt ini, docks swept and was in imminent to any, that although be has raided with danger Vessels and from Ariscan would be yeute upon the island, it would be hard to foden. other spol charactered by unanimity of ferim lah titok of the Hutriosos.-Sermia Times. complete; and the potser the full confidence of people who think for themselves as sturdily f-landa, to which he had been driven by Joshua Hill, the ex-governor, were paid by the inletides, whilst on another occasion, when he spoke of its ing thrin, ne bring unable to make ad.quate provi bion for his family, toy sub-cribed, land smonget birmaelves to induce him to remain. Ato bi presching, he reads a standard sermon excepting on dccasins when he cannot bid one to wait tha purpose. As to his religious observed,

Captain Bent of the "John Brightmen." reports the ship Jemjee Jejeebhoy from Calcutta to having spoken salbe 10th. Dac. when off Malacca.

heen totally dismaated in the bay of Bengal, withi Bingapore and Chias, under jury masta, baving Sir Edward Parry Squires low of rudder, co-foud.

more strongly of "Church of Englandhom ikun of Evangelea," or of Qalvanism is any form.. tau form a shrawi guess as to wheneo thin shaft

BT. HELENA.-The Governor of St. Helen, Major General Sir Patrick Kom, a geatama well known and much esteemed in this culony, died pa the 28th of August, after a hogeting illnem of several months duration, Sir Patrick Ross enduring our many conversations, that they untourud tored the service as a curact in the 25ch La, Den roons May 10, 1794, and bad served both in Tadi and in the Peninsula. Lieut. Col Robert Clarke, commanding H. Bl. Forces in 8 Helena, bas assumed the administration of the government. Between the 13th and 31st of Augast (uclusive, four slavers were brought into St. Helens, by H. AL. cruiset, one of them wab 700 slaves on board.

was shot.

1 hope, Mir, that you will not refus?-importion the foregoing sherrvations, gathered during my stay with the most warthy, guileless, and agad?ionate people 1 over chanced to be thrutra amonya Io

The P. and O. memer Achilles from

Chine son baring left Hongkong Dec 30th, at China moda na extraordinary passage down the

thms sompleting the patonge from longkong a. and grrived-here on Jan 5th, at 114 a. ko Slugapore in 5 days 204 hours.

ha bean to me an episode in tife, and a vary happy. oma: for these is luxury in the', contemplation of brid ae-insucedem nearly perfect. Bush a hodiely

Rio Janeiro. -The Harmony brings fearful counts of the ravages of the yellow fever at Rio, The disease, after a temporary abatement, huka out again with grenier virulence than before. The crews of many of the venela in the harbour had anflered severely. Home ships had been lying there for monthe, unable to discharge or takes in cargo. The men-of-war on the station had nearly all been compelled to all the port, merely paying avait at intervals to rendesistance-Ibid,


Falmouth, Nov. 23.Har Majesty's belg, "Ex press feat. Long, sirivel day for Rio de neir, having mailed theure un Oct. 11. On freight in guld and diamonde, abok 35,000, Exchange 2 pence, Sicck, Ed. The Bir Edusi Perry,

with loss of tepmets end migra snu, was met wat


free net bely from the griseer viom, bat wvenstam petty bickerings and jealousies, from u?i c?ng ho?t of aimor infruits which ar dvory where exposed and showed far, en inseparable frem huned embira, which even at the best-muat bebens t? be belieend ds, or of what we, in. ht in the realization of

hava tigen med to aappene and existence - only is poetie imagination-i Golden Age. All living as a single household as a community of brothere and senters, in patriarchal simplicity and quality of condition; the earth yielding abondantly, requir". |ing only au much labour as suffices to preserve i

ubcopante from the littlemoen of insetivity, wish weither wealth nor want; in cej?yment of us sud

lenol plausurable motion which the framersul lasic Edena have overlooked-worm. I·yalty to

wards their Queen, and zitachiment to the mulber

ostry, wolra keen perceptions of their own top- plueas, wrd gratindo that it has been roucholed


Flom, a qui tous Borso

Yo they, ulou, like the rest of the world, have their skeleton in the house. The smallores of the

on Oct. 12, of Cape Frio, going into His Jauet. and on Nov, 3 in lug. 10 N., km. 30. 30 W., the Woodman, from England bound to Maratibum. Her Majesty' alipo tunining at Rid wore the Southampton and Crescent, was the steam-chipitand, and rapid subdivision of property opt it, Harpy, Coufct, and Salamander. Mir De Pero, pamenger by the Express, is on his way to Ger many, being puted by Lie Brusilien government to exli soldiers from thence for the service of the imperial government The old queriel between Buenos Ayres and Brazile has been coewel, nod had arrived to such a height that General Onillo, the Argruim.c agent, having been ordered house,

had deaded and received lua praeports,

say jockairus the early and inevitalis breaking up of the united family; and even should che British Government necele to their wish, transm planung the whole comannity, rout and branch, to

more tooly site, still the day of breaking up their mauve earthe, of shaking off ammociation which lase bera cherabed from infancy, is looked forward to with repuguance and with draud,







*ARIVALS IN Deo. & Jany.

Tamale from Chias


Aracan Pake Bremer Ceylon Bliza Pepalope, Mr. Calcutta

ax Panel, Br.

4 Randoll Br. back

Sacs Cranes barkilava

Red Rover, Br.


1K. Amalje, (Dan) Akyab

Klay, Br.


12 Royal Alice, Br. Hombay

12 Napipos, Pont.lorobe

- 123. Joe For schooo. Youlmain


14 Thomas King, Br. Calerabo

ti Polka,(Am bark)

Pair. Compton, Br. Bombay 22ladinooren (Dan bk.) Akyab

92 Fatal Hair (Dun bk.] Samarang

26 Sir, H. Harding, Br]London

39 Orente (Dat berk) Batarin

29 N.8. de Lats (Port br) Maulmaio 30. M. Ship Harald England

Christiana (to ship) Liverpool Armatoon Apear, Be Calcutta Achilles, Br. stenuer Galle

Vrata Pasard AMJER.

On the

"V parla

Nov, 24 tchawk


·· 27|Syria:


Collariumniva (Brem BJ Cherias (D)

Den. 6 Marmion




Liv. Sept 10 H.

Lon Nov 17 11.

Liv. Aug 14] (8,


|Liv. Aug, 1| 11.


Shis. Oct IF] H,



Lea, Aug 28, f.

Lon. Aug. 15 H.

Liv. Del 26| 14,

Lon. Sept 213


Order in which the above Vessels left England.

Mangalara, Old Berind, now Margarita Mie Kademel

Mapgin, Culto, Alkermark, we,

Landing - Lakbun; Hiodeo, and Androkies At Lavaurouz; Kunger, Allianos, koQuilive



Cal. Nov 10 H.



Bom. Deo

| H



1. Outco

[Dom. Nov 19 F.

Jamostjoe Jejeebhoy| -

Ohl Nov



Victorin, steam



Lakanan Beat; Nov 2il H.

Bem. Nov 29 H.

Bom. Nov 25| H.

Loading-At Boat; John Wickliffe, Oale donia, Bydboy, Gumoweh, and General Bale.


Doa. 19


16 Lapriek






Dao. 4 FL Not. 6 Au


Loading--At Singapore; Polka,

21 Indrameijoe, and Wilhelmina.


Faca California & Bandivion JALANDA Coppabl

Coombes 13F. Oet 151 R

AF. -

15 Mary Ann Pollion Maand

19 Sarah Bolkar Cooper B.F. Sept 14


Low, London, Lies Lingpai, Mis. Miski, Mor. Hemgart, Op


Uply Dwa kuona, Bart. Humpant, Dev. Demagnet, Cal cal

6. Menghong, 31. Mecin, Wi Wampak, A. Amay, 1. MANAG


lany. $






|Honakong Loop. 8. |--|

B: Henkir


|| Shanghaa|d. My ML-

19tion. Spenar



Morrison Leodos Simmonds London 1916 limman 1 rol Suiboom Hongkong Clecia Lowes Jahamton PortPhilip








U. Jolo L

Houghong! M. 8.725 Adonial A


Store B.

Captain Aurin

Manter Michel

11. G. Bir INIleti

19 Binckley Whempani M Bir 11 Siseru

FL.M. BL. 10 Bac Hongkong.fl.


19 Cad Gengkong. M. 80 6 Shadwell

Macao "|U. 8. BL 90 Glendy bangkang... cur. 29 margens


|28-opt. adrado


Albert, skip




Albles, barqne Alligator, brigmillaa

Amason, shij

Audts, schooweE Anonyme, brig Amougim, loveba

· Antelope, belg Athe, comer Antilope, bargas Argyle, skly





919 Hely 957 Sollivan

212 Honndy


307 Stafford

812 Hora

104 Remedior

River foreha

Sam Franclace





179 Latham



Touched at



Sept 27|| Longkang French Crosol

Namon Jardine, Matheson and es

Um 30|Hongkong|Morrow, Stephensen and ce Hongkong & Cantan






999 Peloquin


85 Clark

ig Maker

Tanghoot Shanghua Sandwich Sales


Js 3 Whampoa W. 11. Wardley and on.

Praece Bombay

11 | Dos. 14 flangkong

Deo 1 Dea I

||Dient, Bray an?an.


Toit and co

d'-foo 1)ent and co

Receiving ship Lecciving sp

Newell and on.

47 Nov 20

Jan 17 Hongkong Wm Pustan and



48 18et 26

Nov. 15

Labeck and go.

jo Nov,

Nov 11

Amoy Myme, Mair and co

60 Oct 19

Jan 14 Whampoa deder

San Framelace Slugspore




| 1*ort


Bhangbao V. A. Remedios

Brit. 34 Arnald

Span 150 Boborodo

Sydney Manila

4% [Nov 24


13 | Nav 14

Bomanje Hormasjoe,shpin



Am. 400 Waldrow Heft


13 Dec 30


River bost



Aili Habaran, skip

Audax, selonNET

Aurora, soboaner

Haraicla, barque

Bath, belg

Bombay ship

Howdlich, ship Caminu.amat Canon, leET

Ceres, burque Channing, ship Charlottu, skip Chatham, bergan Chakar, barq

all, abl

Clara, brig




600 Jokoam

|Brit | 736|L. Thomas

Clara Anna Masla, barqar Bei 905-

Claudius Civite, slip

Clown, brig

Confucian, ship

Congr, ship Constitution, barque Caracal, ship Dart, schooner Danka, aboar

Dido, schooner

Dos Amigos, schooner

Elsabetli, shilp

Emily Jane, ship

Falcon, sh?p

Hram 273 1.mth


90 |

| Brit.|| 132 Boreham


Plying Dutchman, barque Boit

Politano, shilp

Fort William, "ship

35 Wadman

de. Penang Hanghong

'do. Livupol






Whampon Resell and on.

Nov. 25


Receiving ship

|Hongkong & Canda))

New York





HongkongJardine, Matheson and co

Hongkong Order

Deo 11 Amoy Talt and co

Hongkong 'arding Mathoson and co|Receiving ship

Camo Cowosjes 8. Lan.cana

Jan longtong Rawls, Drisker and co.

1 Jan 170ing. &H'kong Jan 14

]). A. Olding, PAU C?N??I Heorge Lyall and on-

mall and co Jardios, Mallion and ca. Dec. 29 Shanghae Dirum, Gray and co. Jan Whapas (Jaedino, Matheson and co.


4. A. de Mell #5 Amoy Syme, Mair and ce Dec 18 Whumpe. Browns and co

CORE P., N. Comajos and co Rocalving slip

Dec. 10 Shanghee Jardins, Matheson and en.

1 kaimpon [W. (). Comstock Hougeorder

Dec 27 Typs Turner and en Jan Hongkong|rder Jas 1


Deat and co Lookang. Davidson

Away, Muir sad co

Sept 96 Changes Rymo, Mair and co. Woong Dant and co

Curer and co Shanghan|Blekki, Kawan and co.

Receiving ship Shangha

J 14 Conardine. Mathieson and on. Repairing

17 Whampoa Viages

Shang D. Kennedy and co



W. O. of America Easty

Revolving ship

Jun 12


354 Morrison

164 July LC

4 Martio


66 Now X


7 Vergil

Put bach

Pert POC Silva



595 Nichol


Bria. 159 Dusche

406 Mult


tol July 1

Am 175 French



107 July 25



Dec 24

Am 147 Woodberry

30 Nov 21

Poochow foo

7 Jan 14

Pari 59 Silva




39 Aug 17

427 Landers

Emperor of Chios, dilp

465 Locke



Jan 18

Encl. ship

997 bestand

Dec. 16


Jan. 13)

Fatal Hair, bergan




332 Copper



406 Jannery


1214 MUlar


120 Penfold

Han Francisco


80 Nov 11



Weo: Jardine, Mallecses and so Reociving sh?p Hengken J. & Ulding,V,4.0.Co.'shgt|Hooslving ship |||Cast Coast|Tarding, Matheson and co. Jan 16 Hongkong Nyo, Parkin and co

Nev. tel





50 Davis


44 Nor



+1 Celote

18 Dec 31

Brit. 254 Hul

River bot


|_Namen |Dent and on

Fan Francisco

49 Oct. 7'lenolulu

Nov 24 Hengkong Neato and on.


44 Ang

Sept 93



6 Ja


Joku Bright, ship


901 May 25

11 Dec.

Joku Bunyan, skip


Jake Spencer, ship

5 Lidbetter

Justina, barque


25 Pen

50 Sov. P


shan, schooner


Nor 25



190 Woven

San Francisco


Lady Hayes bargua


3 Jan


Su Transon


593 Fear



300 Back


Gazelle, achoswer

Georgia, skip

Glood wo, bilg

Harlequin, bilg

Hellas, hermaphrodite

Herole, bry

Houps, ship



Hongkong, barque

Hugh Walker, abip

Hycela ship

Independance, brig

Jown, slip

Inland Cheen schooser

Kooseet, belg

Laly Mary Wood, stemmes

Lady Peel, barque

Land O'Cakes, ship

Lesser, schooner

Lianet brig Lively, brig

Lord Amherst, ship Louisa, bargun ‧ Louisa, harjee Magella, baron Maramasdie

Mahomed Blah, barque

Margareta, ship

Mariner, ship

Martku, schooner

Martin Luther, burgos

Munden, barqu

Masti, bel

+Maserpa, schoonor

idemice, ship

Narolio, brig

Narbudda, Darque

Nimrod, barqu Nymph, brigantine Qiyam, brig

Oxnard, abip

Pailinder, barquo

Panda, selommer. Peter, uns

Pekin, stammar Ploners, ship Porldhurry, nh?p

Prison Alvert, sop Rajnathan, ship Hanes, barqa

Am. 466 Tabol


29: Muller





124 murd

|[Pera|| 900|Washburn

| 804 | 10 |Macfarlano








591 Wall

47 Thomann

113 H+Hamy

277 Bramburgh


15 Mercow

450J. Hatton

23: Chape

14 Anderson

Loleon Port 25 Olveira



Brit. 30d Me Mordo Port

|BIL || 200|W Mittem



Hongkong Calcutta Namarang



Syduey Hongkong


Wampon Leedo





3501'radbammu Shangkas

76 Del 19

Ga Khel 30

15 Nov 1

Jan 16

217 May 11

Chicken Jardine, Matheson and co Recalving ship Leokong Jardins, Matheson and oo |Receiving skip Sangene sykes, Schwabe and co.

||Jan 16 Hongkong Frawie, Drinker and co-

Sorge Lyall and

Den 19

Wampa Thomasiunt.

Amay 'ye, Muir and co ||Hongkong, "wah and co

1ent and co..

||Mon 31 Shanghar Hargreaves and on


Dea 17


Jurdles, A albo-se al co

Jardins, Matheson and co

Das zu Whampoa Order

Nov. 18

Deo. Dongkong


Kwang-in Rent

Lubeck and oo

|Whampoa | Vagastian Heard and co

diyye un 36|


Receiving sp


Early 1Today



W gaming





K|Mangkung|), A. Ouding. P.&O.Lo "sAg) Wimanng

De 11 1

Dant and ca

|Deo 17| |Shangbac|Jardine, Matheson und en London


as 13] Whampoa Litrynyaan and

[Dec MCammoon Covanje=8. Langiana

Uce 20 Slanghae Lindsay and ce

Am Dent and eo.

Jan 20Wlampas tobes Stracha

Soler Pan


Chinchem Deul and on

Hongkong Kawie Drinker wil an. Alvor Min Jardine, Malboron and oo Hougkoop Jardins, Mathcano and co || Whampoa|illankie, Rawson and ce [Deo ta] Mouche. Dont and co


Canton Hawle, Droker and os. Whampos |P. & D. N. Camajen

Wooking Powagen &. Langrana



Necolving ship

Receiring ship

Recalving ship

Sopa Early


|W, C. of America Early


Hood ring ship Racer sup

D., Bona and co Jardino, Matheson and on. Wacang. Dee 76 Whampoa (stumett and co tec Amoy falt and co

Dec Bollongkone Flatcher and any

'm'eo David Sassoon, Bows and a Receiving ship

Dent and co

Det (3 Marno

Russell and en

Nov. 19 Whampoa Mussell and on.

Amoylardine, Matheson and co. Est Giant Syme, Mule and co Shanghar Club, Lavin.stons and co.

Jan 20 Hongkong|LA Ohling, P&O C.'s Agt

Wm. Postan and co. Dent and co


Jan 4 Whompa |§ a D. D. Lalcace |Dec. 2

Oirom, Gray and co.

Jan 12 Hongkong Htenkin, Mawson and co. Jam 17 H Order


Jan 18


San Francisco

64 Nov 91 Sandwich

Brit. 917 Crawfor


615 Macmelkan

25000 1

607 Bailey


JAD 371


68 Harkod


Dec. 13



#9 Nov 1


17) Uowman



Am 104 Gordo


Upe 98

Spa 19 Lopes


134 July 20

936 Koper


Deo, t

631 Jan


13 Sept

Ho Tavares


Dea. 15


118% Haker

Polat de Gulla

29 Dec 28


410 Childs

San Francisco

41 Nov 19

|Jan 15




Bell 661 Jetcos

434 Prearose


da Maulan Sandwich Isles

Dre 11

ap Nev.24


Bou Lord

no 15


Kan Standish, ship

950 Person


tal Browning

Dec 25

Sit Endicott


340 Felsk

90 Not 1


Hyes 1g1omingser


12 Jan



San Fra



Jaly La Shangber Kurwell and on


157 Aug

|Jan_11|Hongkong Lindsay and co.

San Francisco

5 &


Whampoa Olyphant and co.


Nov 13


Klet. 18

1 Jan 16

10 Nov 21


Nov. 13

147 Couilla

free bun


3 Aug 10


242 Seagrovo

Pan Francisce




7 Oct. Glenglong


59 Genres



Nov 24

Olyphant and co.

473 Wool

San Francisco

Nov 10

Jam 15 Hongkong Hush and co.


41 Oct. 11

Kagia, brig

Reindeer, ship

Bledon, sli

Mayellat, schooner

Heerall, barque

B. it. Waterman, barqua

San Benito, Urg Bolly, Belenes, ship Beatland, ship Bea, ship

Sea Haise, brig

Des Witch, ship

beeld, ship

Blan, barque


Bir Edward Ryan, barque

Bir George Pollock, sh

Balpe, brig

Bolde brig

tipark, moscar

Beo,websoner Hwallow, barque Bwitbeiry, ship TW. Deurs, shlj Tollens_ship Teroute, burgjwa Ternate, arque

The barque

Time, oclapoor Trawigs, Garywo

That, Aile









Belt 290 Dare



Helt 256 Davies


Am. 90 Prazer

579 Hoya


Brit 200 Farmer





Am. 176 Podicott, W. ....................................

Ham 23 Beyer


| Bot. || 105|Nokton

Bril | 279 Bed


576 Case

Brit. 450 Ca




The Lacy

Tort 200 Vietal





Union, ship


ess Parde


Vinoant handen, ship



Ylaen, schooner

106 Hradabaw

Londen Hongkong

319 MAY 20

Jan 9

William brig


130 Daloo

William IV, barque

116 Thompson

William de hernia, ship


190 Mnotendam


Whitby, barque


17 Stewart


104 July 14 JJan


149 Brown


Jan 14

Zephyr, achouse?

Jan 17 Whampoa Nye, Parkin and co.

Now yo

Nie, Parkin and co,

Jan 13|W'hampaa | Hussell and es

Dec 21 116 gonggyms, Muir and co.

-'um'mmon Russell and co-

Itassell and no.

Woning Llation

New York



Heceiving ship Amoy & Bhanghai

Bombay da. Calestia Prenos

20th Just.



1st Test.


New York




Receiving abip

Daa.25 Whampoa D Samoen, adas stul ca. Bombay

New York

Comoos Pestonjoe F. Com and te. Receiving ship |Nov. 15 Whampoa Jardine, Matheson and oa. New York

Des. tiongkong Rawls, Drinker and co.

mySyme, Muir and on.

Jan 10|11ongkong Minerow, 2. and es.

Dad 17 Shangkau Landay and co.


Wong Aanstine theard and oo.

Whumpon Win. Pustan and co,

Canton A. Vinge

Ang 24 Ningpo Hargreaves and co

Sandwich Isica Nev. s[Hongkong Jardine, Matheson and ce

Dee Whumpen Russell and co






Receiving ship



thongkong & Canton



Receiving ship




New York

Laokong Gant and co

4] Whumpo"]Itabert Brewoo and co

[Nov 24 Hangkengyms, Mute and co

Wang Pestonjes F. Lama and co docevvlug ship

Maradtourecu Bargnar

Sept 2 || 15 tampon tinsell and co

Ang 15 Shanghaeussell and co Doc. Ly


former and ea. Jardine, Mathers and comDay Wong, Bowmen and co.

Lindsay and on.

Deo 21 longkong Kawie, Drinker and co.

Licet and co.

Dent and ca.

Receiving ship Receiving skija


East Cost

Emited, Printed, and Publisuus, at var Puerminton, William Taruant, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1851.





PRICE $18 per vise ve

VOL I No 6.


TERMS OF SUBBORIPTION to the PFRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per d'umus, 18 "Dollaro, payable in advanon, quetiarly or otherwise, at option. Bagle Numbers, as om Conn." SUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND,~~To sighwartbers to the Palivo or Caure, stollars per damum 1. team-hubuaribarn 04 ) singlamagico 50 smm; If more than Tem Caplen taken, forty ta TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten fues and under, 3 Dollar; additional 10 cuts & Blos. Rapuildens wow-third of the noi iomation, Bhi Pirst Insertion, Dollaria entunquunt Invercions sa cabin. Advertlommanta 10 have written on the face at them, the number of times they are required to apponit, other who they will be published until countermanded. In all lantanam, chose who are not Babsarfbers, require to pay a dvapo.


ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MAURAS, BOMBAY Aho, on peace to the slave, KONOPOLA, ?EKAve, Brian-Masta, Bum. Aver, [HE Pgwinkulam ang Dri-

ENTAL Coiraxy's. Blert Ship PEKIN, will love thee

for the shore ghicap on Thils jalus, the $0ths pl Jasonty, Tantrons will do resciyad'an boerd whil anon on the 290 Ganap nodi 6 v. on the 24h.

Far parfare regarding Fustane and PA apply at P. 20, 8. N. Chapuby'y Dflew Itongkong.

1. A. OLDING, Agent.

P. & 8. N. Q6% Offer. Honghong, 30th December, 1830).


THE Bags THETIS, Captain Car, A vil de despatched on the 2801 Instant, has room for a few tons light aponly made twq' Online passages. Apply to.


BYNE, MOIR &. Vrris, 18th Jannury, 1881.


BULA," Upiak Maumstay, hat, bing a portion of her Cargo vogayed, will bdpicked for the'abere lots not the 15th procion For freight or passage apply to


Victor 10th January, 18811


A. 1. new coppered Beedial THE ?????? " ANTILOPE," bivion

pitt ber curge engaged, will have early death. For freight dr prologs apply to ▲ LUBECK &e Co. Hongkong, Ip January, 1987,


THE House on the Bath side of Gauth Best, lamely occupied by Mr J. G.




The Hue, anche, North dile of Gough Street Tamly nequpled by Mr John Carr,

Apply 10,

Ne, SHERARD, Aj Mr Expert's.

Vistoria, Sed January, 1881.


NOTICE THE Ussartigued, are prepatred, to accept Ripke (covuted by open POLICIEA in Floresand in the taleur London Inannanok Companzen)by the Design & Dejenial Company's Blesmeta, from Canton and Hangkong to the Straite, Dog lon, Min Presidencies of India, apt England'

Eer of Prefund and other information, "any to Mr J. A, Ozpino, the P. & O. Co.'s

Odor, Hongkong,

JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES. BARBER & %. Lowdon December. 1848.

ORIENTAL INSURANCE BOCIETY OF BOMBAY. THE undersigned, having been appointed Agent in Canton for the sbore samed Society, is prepared to a Polices payable in Engdan, Lav erpool, Bombyy, baletta, Madras, piringkas, pad


FRANCIS B. BIRLEY, -Canton, 14hy August, 1850. *T NONCE,

TS hereby given that the Partnership heretofore

suburting Weween or, the maderaigned an BRAL AND Continos Manenants at ShaNO- BAR IN CHINA, under the firm of THOS. RIPLEY

de Ca, bar the terminated by iation ofalme,

and in sodily denoiret,

Dated this Thirty-Brat das of December. One thousand Eight hundred and Fifty


NOTICE. THE Firm of THOS RIPLEY & Co, having terminated releerlay, I have take into Part- norabip Mr. 30SEPH BLAND, (Nephew of Mr. Tuos. RaLKT), te onetinue the busjuran Gengeas, and Common MEAT from the data under the Bia of SHAW, BLAND & CO.


Bhooghee, at January, 1681,





WE here this day admitted Mr. EDMOND

NEWMAN BNOW, kad MG. WILLI?N | WALKINSHAW, partners in our Firm, which Dow consists of Mr.T. W. L. MacKean, Mr. PAT Rida Dunamoy, Mr. Alexander Moulton. Mr. Edmund Nawman &now, and Mr. WILLIAM WAIKENORAW.


Hongkong: Lei Janusty, 1851. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership beretofore subulating between the sadeval ged Cluokan Janson, Joulu Osyrown; and JosurME Faber Kwon, Calea under the Fire of Jana- SON & Company, and at Canton sad Hong under the Firm of Jamison, Eness & Courage,



N Invoice of superior Russian Cordage, frem

4) " 9] tachos. Apply to

FLETCHER & Co. Apogkong, 20th January, 1851,

NOTICE. THE undersigned have received direct from the Manufacturers, Indian Condiments, the very

Very Superior Bengal Chathay,





Do Curry Powder, Madras Mulligstay Proto, do, Do. Curry Paste.


A few cars of wit exestiont Port Wine, Sherry,


is this day disolved by mutual comment us tegaros | Champaigns in Quariees de Pints, Beer and Stout. the mid Jostra From Boots, who retire from the Partnership. The Business will in faturn be ontried on by the mid Guoron Jamerson and Jour

Cheese in Partnership with the undersigned | Abuzaupun ?irrono, st Calcutta under the Firm of JAMERSON & COMPANY, and at Cauti and Hong. kong under the Flem of Jantesox, GPORN & COMPANY, to whom the Alice of the lain Firm devolve in ligellation.

Dured the Thirty Brat Day of Decembar, One Theod Eight Hundred and Filly.

GEORGE JAMIESON, by k?a Alteeney 'Kaldraebar Gifford,


by bit Ainoa kuozaWUNK: HAFFORD,


LOTIVE Business to cadtied on in China in THE

'my o?n naha will Id fatere be conducted, under the wyle ve Usatze & Co

AUGUSTUS CARTER. Hongkong, 1 July, 1800.


Queen's Road.

Hongkong, 23rd December, 1850, NOWRA & Co, beg leave to call the attention 1D) the Postio to the extensive assortment of BRL Charts and Oitman Stone which they offer for Sale at moderate prices, consisting Terpally of:-Canvas, Twine, Europe and Manila Cordage, Bunting Ours, Prints and Paint Oil, Varnialy, Turpentine, Tor, Pitch Roster, Candles, Tobacco, Cigars, Glaw and Crookery Wan, an extensive assortment of Ostblag and Stationery,


Belt Provisions, Flour, Vinegar, Wines and. Spiritu of all varistics.

Just feceived, " Batch of Bam and Alhog's) "Ale and Porter of Superior quality.

The above ares aro of the very best descrip sion and Meera B. & Cn. are now prepared is after thein at very low rates.

Hongkong? 181 January, 1851.


THE undersigned begs to inform Ship owners,

and Bhip mestars that be has always on hand

Awokerend Gabu Oubles, -

18. 3. DELLEVIE and Ma, C. BRODERSEN apply of the following, articles.

W. PURPAU & Hongkong and Cayton, 24th D-4, 1850.

NO MICR YR EDWARD COHEN; in th?t day admitted

ariner in our

PHILLIPS, MOORE & ?- Bongkong, Lat Junigry, 1831.


THE interest and remporality of Mr A: Dow

Punkra in our firm, tossed from the 31st De combat, 1850. ·

BOWRA. HUMPHREYS & Co. Hongkong. In January, 1881.


IT referenes to the shots, it is boreby

cemented, that the business hitherto carried on in the name of Bowns Hourainen & Co. will hereafter be conducted by the andaragned under the style of BOWRA & Ca, which Mr W. A. BOWRA authorised in sign,

CHAB. W. BOWRA Hongkong, fat Jahoney,.1851.



Lot, Persons having elsims on the Estate of the Jate Mr Jon Howe, Surgeon, of Hongkong, are requested to send in their accounts before the | 28th day of April, 1851, sad all persons indebted to the deceased ass Taquited to make Immedia payment of their debil to,


- Colonial Burgeon, Administrator to the Estatt. Hongkong, October 28th, 1830.


ILL. pershwing claime on the estine of the late A Noxo D Erranku Pazura, are requested to send them to the undersigned before the first day

or Marta bol, and all persons, Jodebied to the decouped are requested o make travellate payment of their data to

J. PHILLIPS, Extoler. Hyrightong, 15th December, 1860..

FOR 'SALE PNGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all ? sizes, vivo Natis, by

BUSH & Co. Honghing fat October, 1860.


SPARS Bailable for leak and Lorca Mat Teak Timber, Planking, and Singapors Bomuna,

Apply w

STME, MUIR & O Vietself, 14th January, 1851.


MR JOHN. EVEKETT is authorised to sign | HEATHING COPPER from 14 to 28 oz.

our Firm by Procuration,


Oroton, 14th December, 1850.

ex Lard Hardings. Apply to,

GIB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 21st February, 1850,

In Knee-Dock and Hawse Pipes.

(Round, i in. to 4. ins. Best Refined Iron, Flat, in, to 7. 'Twa Square in, to los.

Rigging Chain Fai, ko | in, Hoop Teon and Lead Pipe, Stigging Screws.

Cabiners large and small Eron Shoover of all sizes." Sheet fron of all sizes; for stava pipes and fur other purpos


Spring Gardens. Thetaria, Hongkong, 18th December, 1850.

WRAMPOA DRY DOCK. THE Vadersigned beg. In intimate that their '1'DAY DOCKB ure now capable of receiving Vesels of the following Drafte of Water

A1 Spring Tidos, 124 font



The Large Dock is 300 feet long, and the Pumpe attached are worked by a Stam Eugina,

JOHN, C. COWPER & Co. Whampos, 1 October, 1850.


La Bouveria da Henexoxo POLKAS COMPOSED by Mr C. TA Quarrons, and played by the band of £1. 5. Ship "Elastinya" at the Garrison Ball, given at the Club House, on the oth


M. 8. 8. Capies, arranged for the Piano Forte, may be had of the Band moster, on board the * Hastings," or ni soy of iba principal Stores in Hongkong Price per copy. The above may also haaand arranged for Flute, Cornopean, Guitar, dec. Each copy will be signed and stained, Bobgkong, 6th January 185).


CAPTAIN AND COMBINEER of the Ams whole Ship "BOW DITCH," will not be responsible for any dabis contracted by her crew,

Hongkong, 13th January, 1851.


THE Captain and Consignass of the Americas

Whale Bhip" Sheffield" will not be respon aible for any debta contracted by the orew of mid Vreest.

Hongkong, 1st January, 1881.


THE HONGKONG ALMANACK for 18511 will be lowed without the Directory, so it has been found impossible to prepare the latter la aufhalent time The Directory however will be Brought but seperatily, si a fotors period,

The Almanack, Brice $1, can be selalnad, sa a. at Menara Lane, Cowloid & Ch ?3?4%-Mr. Noronha Printing Office, Wellington Street, und at the Office of this pepar,

Victoria, Hongkong, 1st January, 1861.




To do Run on the 4th Day, THE TRADESMEN'S CUP, valon $40, for all antined Holden-Walght for Inches 15, 15 hande 2 inches and upwards, to carry Ita. Tib. allowed for every inch balow,---Ketranan 65 Bach to go to the Horence round and a distance.

THE TRADESMENS QUP, value $35 f?r all untrajned Ponigh-Waight for inchw.--((61) mile brofs.-Enlance 93 oscil to gete ilo 2l Pony,

All Horses and Pojant to be masured by the awards at the stand, on the morning of the Bist

island, between 6 and 8 a. M.

Conres at the Marry Bartake, on or befate

-All Beirantes to be made to the Clerk of the

5 p. it, on the Sfat instant.

flongkong, 20th January, 1851,


LER WILLIAM BAGB bags (??otify the re all sidents in Victoria, that he Ima takes abo convenient pretman of the corner of Peel Sitget shutting on the Queen's Road and opposite the Hongkong Rogier Bes; where he wilt praction his profesion na Valerianry Burgeon.

Me Bion Inkop thle opportunity to acqoslat the public that be has mueral good saddle Bienen, and +Poney Phaloma jo let.



Victoris, Hongkong, 19th Dec, 1850, *

VETERINARY FORGE, Wellington Street.

HENRY MARSH boge to inform the inhabitanta il of tingkong, that he is carrying on the HORSE SUOELNO Business on the Pro?lons Italy occupied by T. Dalaner, deceased.

Hansen "chrefifty"shed on the man- approved Painelpies, under bir Marabla personal amperinton- dence and from the long experience he band,

Floughmg, 18th January, 1881.

he hopes to give every satisfaction.





Board and Lodging par month


do. per day

Bed Room per night





Port Wine per balle

Brandy do. do.





Boda Water and Lemonade

da, and Brandy



N. B. Gentlemen residing less than a fortnight will be charged per day, and all parties favouang the proprietor with their patronage sto requested to report the lonet deglaei or smettention on the part of servanta

Macao, 21st November, 1850.




"Lady Mary Wood" Branmer.

DY Order of the Dinneyors of the Penjualar & Oriental Minets Na- vination Company, the eboro ve-salwili

be 19thdrawn from the Coast after the present mukth,


and carly in the otsing one be despatched to For particulars of freight and passage to that Port, npply at the P. & ..Company's Office. Early intimation will be given of the ding of har sailing

J. A. OLDING. gem.

Hongkong, 22nd Jeunery, 1861.


colved instruction to dispose of, by Pasto ESRS SMITH & BRIMELOW bond to. Avorion = Mundy the 27th instant, at Megers Bow & Co.'s Wharf, at 11 o'clock a. s. precisely. About 45 Water Casks and a quantity of Berte belinging to the French Ship " Albert,"

The Water Cooks are in good ocdse having been re-anspared.

Thams or Bak.-Spanish Dollars.

No. 1 & 2 Women's Building, "Victoris, 16th January, 188),"




To the Editor of the Friend or CONTA

Hovakain, 18th January, 1851. Sur,-A Fditor of ■ Newspaper in a skatigreonk TEAT to quarrel with at the" I on going to "hi?sk a lanec?" with you will not queried with you.

You kindly presented in the puldir is veer last mon her my letter upon the Hou, kang hans host wokoli terial remark that I dark waitant ave starting for another best, even though you may eljeet ta my cotry jate your forthcoming vaniger,

You say I am" querstone" Nud Not Me Editor, met so I cannot be if I wine fac?s unil cosamente Ajmati fact, but bir, you are in eveur enike's and it in your memory Dol in be ikat la "finge:fal" when you say "only good horses are allowed to confer the Vesiporn. liary's Cup the sie hat saga "for all houses dont fide the property of the permit eistering * 11 does not say a word shout" and "`ror should it z why should an er. dinary horse not be entered und rau with a chance of winning late spenting ment so soon forgotten the triumpla of "entisadiys" at to say the cliance of weather may not materially slier the probabile result



To the Editor of the Friend of China. *Will you have the kindness to insert the fol- lowing in your paper of to-narrow's ivane; doing o you will greatly 'oblige.-Your's respectfully,

"Jam WalICEI,

"It is with great pletenre that we are enabled to antice the effarte of our Citizens to encourage ikut culelor, which so greatly contributin to the alcity at other cities

**The Masquerade Ball and Supper given by fir Nuairer of the Pilot. Buat H?n, in hun Bosser Landlord's stul Friends, on Thursday night will

spikem of mongating whioli bus beretofore bron decried va ke- Lween Eng sali kod Chlorm merchants--in many cases with the opra nonnivance sud ollosion of the Chinese e natura-

here will engely cesm; and the meet perempt ty

proclamacion da alt Engliau merchants has been already he amed on thle aubject by the Brit ob pivolpetustiser, who will kumot the di? veni censuj? na stelcaly, waren over and really see the undue at all persons being Brit kaljerts trading under his superin end-men, Exony punitive Inscenes of smuggling rum tione e mine to the us wonteder, it will startedly specion the Chiama, authorivia ?? tha faut, and they will pooaned u? neino and confiscate all gradu, ar kurtyna, v aber volan, or nature, that may have been we sangled ; and will also be at liberty, if they von St, Li pe -

the from which

mond away ng m?t na hero-

from flag them, the sagged gods were fried serve to show that although in a milding elnar bookmars adjusted solid The Chinese government vi ol Lieur lokerpera akhongh much der will them in digt whatever measures Loy may think thi with omard to the Chinese m-rekanta " ne comiend by mime parties, have so much adf respect | ru?ana nos chizens who may be descrvarid to be cuocervel 19 to conduct thombres on anch serasions with | lo smresting. pl palety. Imering was kept op until a late hoor, when the evening's enjoyineata were crowned by sexes Bent Supper provided by our workly Host Mre Soulcar, to whom such praise is dus for her sedu se attention to her guests, nad her evident

sion of the facultica of theso wise ones of the earth; and you, of all things imaginable; the tresty enact ments on the subject of import smuggling, are the most fuble, and the must unlikely to be called inte operation

Since the pence there is no branch of trade in China that he proceeded with so auch regularity na that of dealing in Opium ; and for the Lens of dollars mulcted from British subjects, and ot vere, for

ing comparatively, sama teme of thousands fiable to miscarriage in amuggling it, there have been, speake abrasion fur'nown delinquencies ju the export | defrauda

To speak with point, there is, on the part of foreigner in Chion, no such thing as. Opium


The Opium trade going on, so we have mid with greater ragularity thing over it bycomes daryla

of the forthetalug surgle for the Plenipotoday's desire to reader the Evening's entertainment gooda imported or transhipped. But in orkher of explain the mode in which lig conducted A Chier

Cup. Can it be so con forgotten the "surj-rise" thist | agoreabla"

t'ouroush" ( a halt heed 3 occasioned by wioning the Carl with ageinst anime of the best filial sken on the f? Can Houpur.running to the Plying Dutch- w's our be forgotten ! I might go on with many such lastances to prove there are chances for supposed b bones. In steeple chasing weklem fins a favorite won

as Windsor. Newport Pagnel, 1 e-miugion, se au7 great meeting, and lait sunn forgotten how Charley Hevil" liftes his fitte hack" British Yeonsu late the notice of the Judge at Nath before his eye could distinguish ooma "f the best running blood in Fugland? Dat bir at such meatings you are "open to ali Angland" You see Lord Glonia, Lord F'iskien, Led Beresford, Capiala Peel, Coposin Lattle, Captain T- vers struggling beside Mason Oliver, Vivian. Laud, Nat Rohe topera, A. Day. Flatman and many other of their cloth, and if a chance the "professional left the Gentleman" rider bekla, fiow pleasant h the kind and beater congratulations of the Lord or Commoner souled to my rats.


To your farmer remark good Mr Editor let me oh. Jeet and my as lowyers say, you have no "locue stan?l?" | for the entries are not out and therefore-it is lan? possible to say "there are us good beeses withheld from she entry," 171 um weong is what I stated that there had been an objection to a tradesman entering a bores and riiting-most sincerely do 3 regret my error, allow your urediction and apologize if I at 1-04 wrong then say that had these bera un objection, but had the rates been "open to all and inflacaced by name **je would have added interest to the meeting and Itiene!* with ble side companions, with Explain Portero gay and one or two other colonial horers and Ponies that have run before, night here lnciemal the spirit of emulation arang the livers of racing in the clay, and have shown their plack or want of jluck at the forth. coining meeting. "Am I "qu rulowa" good. Mir hat. for, because question the "kuowledge, of three ra cing men" when in ile programme of there racen u?i n word about weights for spes " in mentioned ? whete | I am compelled, it 1 enter a three year old Byalmey Horne, co puc 11 stage 3 lb.-11 lb, 10 th, ou hu back while the hounding by his sido te twice his age, and only worries the wine. Bus.Sir ng more have endeavoured to prove, I "m not querukul, I (impe, " I have mucceeded to your stafnam, at least, I think your endeavour to prave that forgerbalness ut my mad WA An error on your part. I wish ali joy awil sport to the racing men, but bad I seed a more open nisl pe- nerous spil pervading their minds is would have pre- vented the intrusion of,

Yours obiectly,


P. 6. Many of your readers have moked wha is, or rather was Rienzi" anal perhaps you will excuse my taking my pour lituries! Luowledge to say Nient, was

‧ Koman of plebelan birih, who was Brad with en- thuuduum to restore the set Hema expublic. shis design ha acquired const·lerable power, and the Pope residing at shot tho at Avignon, bis success was shstructed only by his extravagad ea,and he was killed

in 1354.

Gibbon in the last valame of the Deline and Pall of the Roman Empire, has described him with morb sloquence and power, his life lo plan interestingly given


Articles XIV and XX of the American, and XVII and XX of the Franch, treatles with China, custalo similar penalty for breach of recasue on

these tresting does there exist a single reference to defread on the Chinese Revenua by the exportion process; and, until six months ago it does not up. pear that the officers of the Chinese Govemment {lowed it at all necessary to make any precies Mipulations on the subject. The togulations them perfected (for the port of Bhanglan only), appeared fin our No. 75 of 21st September. Despite thes Boertments, however, there has been, sularquent to Nor. Sandwich Island, Dee. 10 their promulgation, no inconsiderable smoga de franded from the Chinees exchequer, through the raportion of Tene, Ritka do without the payment of the Government dusjen.

if sys and Fridays,

New Advertisements will be exceived until 7 0'Clack, on the evenings priedout to publication, vis: Two If on or capirs of this Paper apt repaired, of:

the issues in which an advertisment is no charge wil be made for ich ospy or copies



Onlied States Calco14 Bombay Madre

Mar. 13 || Hania Dec. |7|| Laboka


Jice. 10| Singapore


11 Manife


Just. 8 Jany Juny 11 Jany.

C. ul G. Hope Ben Franchco

No. 91 Nh



Nov. 29 Magpu





NUT(Chiam Le hotely given, thattha Henrick Darine By is the CATUTURAL CHrach 5 Jun,

Acting Colonial tamplain.

at 13 a. 3, sudut de, a, sud us Tharuluga ai 62.

ETH MUNCHIEFF, $, Peet's College, Viewers, 2nd Oember, 1968. NOTICE-Settler commences in the Mariners' Charel ni byt past Ten in the Dicemuon, of every zuoday.

Victa Larbour, January tell.

dealer calls on the foreign merchant, at altbar of the Con-ular ports, and expresses his wish to purchase. The purchaus fected, thu dealer receives an order on the Master of a Vassel, Tybig at some plau or other nut of the Hite of, ale port, for u many chose us he may have b?ight. The chem being delivered, it is ade for the meretinal in know for what market they are densland ; they may be for Japan, or for the Kurite, or for Valoouver's Islanda. The artials sold bas already prild a duty to the British Guveminant, and ibat lahti thai'it is required of the vendor to know.

The drag

may be for two ana medielne, or as a luxury, nei ther is there any necessity for satisfying "the mind on that particule point. In a al?mlar "Imanner wa may expect business is extried on all over the world; | invoices are sold to arrive, of goods are to be c'eliver ed at some particular place."

In que Inat issue wa simply referred to the fact Dec 14 of the brief detention, at Bhanghae, of the British Hd | Bhip "John Dugdale." It sppests that the Tans shipped in this vessel belonged to four parties, wbo, preparatory to her alteranos, forwarded to the contignora receipts for Juti on some of the

As to the ery rail against dentara in Opium, tras on board. The Consignees, on summing up

that bey are criminal lo triscking lambeth the quantities specisd in these roovipla, discovered,

poro-malog prisimons' qualities, is 'utterly impos outparison with the cargo of a former voyaible to draw the line si which the trade cate at furuly bell" of the whole content had daty

to be a legitimate own," With eqital justine migh bean paid. The consignees, who,by the way, had

a cry be indeed against the distillera of spirits,- not shipper! a pound of Ten in the "John Dugdal or the cultivator of the sugar cane or the tobacco on their own account, immediately waited on the Consul, to reg out that he wok take means for plant. Au halfpenny worth of tobacco produces beving the cratuner willbekt, veil the matter had equal arcotic effect with the same value in pre- pared Opium The labourers of England are met ? been a quired into But that document was al- NOTICE,- beer bons el Puble Worship to the Dready granted, and then in the Con-ule pa-session; oked on sia benotied race becuuas it is impos Chapel, timfit moest Homil, in un the Babbaik, at 11 4.8.

Vicita, for Junr, 1651,

consequently it remained only with the Connessible for a great many of the to do without their to lay infuriantions against the several shippers, and plosa ; and why should we report the Chinese to be proof unch ext time self denying babita ne te to protest agni et duinuga krising through the ves-

debar shemelves of similar luxury ↑ To speak f 1 sel's detrution, and probable vein ire,

whats in Guna in the way of thierry, caused, solely by inilulgaro in this fascinating Vira" and to compare it with what may be seen in Eng Intl, thenigh indulgenza in spiritunes, liquors - ie to compare a drop of water with a bucket, | fills river to an bean; and it is our firm


MEMORANDA UNTIL Next publication)"




23 day

0,43 | 6,4% | 9.40

20) Sunday

27 May


Allo A

The Consul thereupon returncel the grand chop to The Tasuta!; and a messenger was despatched to sest the hatchee of the vessel, and in being her 14: back to the anchorage, off the custom house, from

042 549 461 630:

6,42 544 T707 7:34 6542

815 US 131;

broce e had atariak.

The eremity for unloading the Vessel being

entured on her leat quarter praterday officially mimoted to the parties concerned, anbefier, that wolesa pengde, through the cry which

About 4.

We have to apologize to a "LovER OF SPORT M for omiting in publials the proper name of the owner of "Hieusi." It appears, by a reference to the cards of the Races, to be the wish of that gentle to be kon on the surf only a Mr North; and so let it reunio, Ascor Correspondent bon not

examination was made into the various accoun's

without d-lay--and it was then discovered that upon 1,0 bao than two thousand cheats of the cargo day had not been paid. Upon this quamity the duties (abe $7,500) were immediately tendered but the reply given was that the Ship's accounts had been closed, the vemoj was cleared, and shorel re if that quantity of ten was on board without any duly

in the second volume of " L'Abbe de Bada's Alemoresen, vidratly, tho eveda to which we alfado, wa; being paid on it, it became, in virton of the regole

pour servir a la Vie de Petrarque,"

Mia Mary Mitford one of our English Female l'oets has further kept Bleuzi's memory alive by a tragedy written upon the erente of his lifu."

It rather angular shat a horse of that name shoul have arrived and have been the cause of telat whether the races of Hongkong mere, we were not pablic ; ku has bowever changed hands (audi like the man) knew upon bis in it in second atate hope with better succem, (At least his owner Mr Nurch'aliva (no they my at the Basley) Mr how been slirected

by good judgement in not giving him a long distance.)

take from ase of them the followhig'ini

The Ple. (potentiory's Cup, value, von dillies, presented i by His Excellency Sir Samuel, Gouna Howa, K.B, for att Horses bona fide the company of the Persons eolering.

- einlit raise 10th, Rydner, ape, Logisk of Rod Bred Horses Ost 10-art skiers the Cople,cary 16. exita, progressively.-Enirace 10 dollara' each-Distance 2 m?lei

1. Mr.King's 19th Regt, nhin. h. "Krka go langh" - White, Gem


It must however he remembered that when Alenzi || 2. Me) K?Mett's

(the original) berare Invented with power froso weith

labs nature changed with ble fortune, and he failed, and

In his feiture add what perkapa great men of Hong Z

kong will say one day i-

"Ob that I had lalu

* All earthly passion, pride, and poing, and power,

"And high ambition, and hat last of inte "Lake sacrificial fralix upon the shar

"And made toy fallow creatures happy and contested,"

L. or d.

A Tradesman, and a Subscriber to the Tradesman's Cups, at the forthcoming Kates, presents lite com. pliments to the Editor of the "Friend of China" and begs the favor of the invention of the following Jetter to Captain King of the 59th Regi-ment."

Victoria, January, 24th IRE1. Bhave the honor draw your attention 10

Kum ‧Kathleen"

Beartai Rady, White Flarres and flas

esk Presentat

Grom and Gold

dam. "Harga Vender?

has been raised againm opium, were on the look! out for instners of'ispalension, the general opinion | entertained of the, Chiong would be thatchey are the suberast race in exie era. We do not speak what is soen in Hongkong, alane, wheze the na- tire population is compard of the very drage of the Chiure empire, and the coes likely to give way to every d basing proponally ; wa speak Hom long v perineca, and with reference ti what we know te be the coon in warlana viher parts of China.

But we have unintentionally diverged from the subject upon which we intended only to remark. At reguida amuzaling in 'imports aken, all we scili Carl ther my in--th-t, if the Chinese Gorernment have

* ||'alene, coplecated in the Chinese Government.

But gametzu:h confirmation the Britivli Consul mognanimously protected; nut, we hear, upan way valid grounds, bot, becanus (i wouk), he alleget, be

fair to punish a navaraly the shippert in thin par. | tisular tranention, which, Inken altogether, was ? not the power, ar the inclination; to guard their known, by common repo.i, in be the most molesta CDARIN, as we do ours, it is not the duty of the Bri affair of the sikson; the payment of delis at all, ital, nor of any other Government, io, geplicitedly, would appear, being honoured, at Bhanghee, alost help them to do se."To take, however, from as much in the breach as in the observance; for, Consular Post any atuele upon which, by Tariff,

lety ought to be paid le quite a different matter; upon adrefully prepared statistica, it is mid to be an Ibadatroverublu fact, that, in respect of her townsge,

-it is unfair an well to the Chinese, as it is le Our Co. e-pondent, it very contain, aulike the "John Degdele" with 2,000 Chests at no duly at every foreigner engaged in business in the country: ourselves, is no Tyro in racing matters.

all, and only partial dusies upon the remainder, hud Be far back as August allaskagine wo drew public still paid more, in the aggregate, than an average attention to the large quantition of Tea and Bilk no- Patres fourths of the romels clented during the triosely smuggled from Shanghae; whereby the yone 1850. Such in Shanghae, and such is the Merchants at that port, were enabled to force the Canton Morchable "injustice 14 thermalres Looper ability of the "ablast of all our Consula

** the Ten market at prices which could at Teruk

any thing remunerative," (see No. 70 of 3111, Augnd 1850)

i... Persie's

8. The fam foderados

b. all. (F1pine Drunkenet. King


We were formared, yesterday, with call, by & gentleman who-a acquaintance we had not, before bad the plesaurs of possessing The object of the visit was to hani) us a letter and an article of bla

After one diplomalle negotiation, the Conen) arguing that it was the doly of the Chinese Govern ment to infuse a spirit of bonesty into the r Custom bonso affioncs, without whose connivance the da

own writing. Finding, on perusal in its com position the edqntial son had bean frevly used, we intimated to our visitor that such weange was alios gether contrary to the penatios of our office gher-fraud could not have occurred, the shippers were advisement appearing in Dixson's lougkonging, hitherto, made it a point to write our articles anvered in the fine of one hundred dollars each to Hrestske" of this date, in reference 10 the entries for the outrelves, on subjects of which we had, at least, the Queen, and, upon payment of double duries on some kind of knowledge. Being, however, quite the Carga admitted to be illegally on board, the antissed that the information intended to be conveys ! vesmi was allowed to depart.

Tradesman's Cup, and to request of fun to state whe ther you authorized the ortion of that m?vertisement

in the form use, and with the heading thereto tech

ed. Throughout the proceedings in reference to the Itaces being thrown open to all persons, I bei-eve out a

cd van of a highly interesting ndure, we abled, and

La commencing this notice we drew attention to

But not only have theen, smuggling opera tions caused great injury to Marchwale in Mouchere Chins, they have acted injuriously, aled, toward the neighbours of those by whom they base bean performed. The Consignces of the "Fabe Dagdalo" would appear, are inerchants who pre- fer doing business on the aquare, and we have beard their conduct w?luded to do szlibition of

word lise been parlecly, or purvately, said, na

any way upon the characters of yourself or the stewards | Frishman like. Mr Walker delivered, ishbia wwa - theries, China, English, French or American

as prolinen, and, therefore, I cannot believe you could hand. We have only to mild that the coumeauvions | appene tu hawn; dermed it necrosscy to make any have authorized such brefaced sumpudence on the part of a peicy paper, the only notice given to which



I have the humer to be.

Sar. Your obel-mit servait,


Captain Kino, dark Regt.

&c. &c, &c.

Oce Correspondem-(annoytosus) on resetion, will are that it would have bem insiiscrect in us to print

the finish lan has written it.

tipan new printed, in our currerpondence talban,


Tau translations from the "Diario da Manila", "and the 13-Jetim da Glovema" in the present leson, will be found interesting, by some of our readera

Tan twelfth article of the ai pplementary treaty bo tween Oral Bil'ain and Chine romper,

Aar. XII. A fair and regulse Tarid. (dation and other

does having new benu mahil-hed, it is to be kepad that the

tovin ngainat slefrated on the Chinese revente when "ffected by the export process; -smuggling in- wurde-the contraband in Ppium only, indeed, op- penzing to have had, for the time, ekslusiva possen-

‧ The antrespondent of the " Chins Majl" given the

fuppet Placement of the delalenikoa, und vor

I appear to be ve side extent in error: SON referewet 10 ibe manifest there was no absolute dif. ference of "T "Thousand choss, when collated with the [several day rebripis-that is so say, in use case the July had bers inff, peld sts 4.100 chests; but bills of lading had been signed for 6,183 chess."

have been, but this virtue'comes under the class des nominated abaleset principles, of which, in reply s A question it to him by wielort committee of the - House of Commons, Mr Johu D. Pawlia, a kler chant, in 1833, nid, "5 really eos vo litla harmony between abstract principles and the practical ba news of life, that I have the grantom poselikle di-trust of them as a man of businem;" and to this opinine we may expect the consignees of the John Dug dale" will 'ere long idation, in return for the "high moral courage" ofteying so information, whereby no lean a sum that Seven Thousand five hundrel


Dollars has been taken from its chest of our ur | anjayeil great consideration nad lasluence at court||stinek, and unexpectedly lui opportunely tripled the


nn shadow ad ground for beheving that their men en ton puh. sermon of the Farist dynasty."

forers of the Spaniarde by the small reinforcement more British Marchants, and placed in the Excl? as well as with the Imperial family

Bul to return to our subjuet, Don Joao da Fran he brought with him--The appearance of day die. Of for more outarquence to us, at least for the quer of his imperial Majesty of China ;--bus cha

?i woll, whneuver be weni, the al cilune and res avered to their www the enemy at anchvir up presentare uno incidente ni Shanghae, which have state of things requiring such exhibition of "moraleet of tho Chinese Chrisiens who had been posite the City, where Limalong first Laded led to pretty warm discussion on the duties of courage" cannot certainly exist much longer.

placed under his pastoral care, and in so high. alk hundred well armed men,and finding it deserted | British Consular agents in Chiness ports, and the Mr Consul Alcock is in the continuni habit of degree that after his return to Mucho mengen by its inhabitants,who had all fld and taken refuge manner in which they are executed.

In the course of the month of Juna certalu halva retorting on Chinese Offioure the necessity for were sent him?liciting his return to them, and within the fort, be pillaged and set at da dre-Ele thes

meinorials ware even add?ovo d-to His Holiness and went up to the fort which be nuncked several times of silk were shipped on board the Lady Mary Wood stricter parveillance; but what has this to do with H. M. Government to the same effect. These hava bat in van, for he was always repelled and oblig. Iteamer, by Mir Dallas, the resident partner or agent ble bounden daty o apprize instantly the Chinese already appeared to the public through the press to retreated so much execution was done by the of the house of Jardios, Matheann & Co., at Bhang- Epanlarda" Grethat the field was left covered with bas. The Lady Mary Wood appeara de have prou nathorities of any uggling transactions coming lurtugal.

What induced H. E. the most to relite from the dead-Limaborg cousmend then that his age- at the time the gaoils were brought on beard unt- to his kunwige Will Cool Alrock reply had strong the Christians, was the difficulties dis mjen mere men of greater power and valor than | vi?n of the limits of the port of Shanghae. The pot a certain araurante of the fact↑ How then did gracefully started by the congregation of the Pre - those with whom he had been in the habit of bales were conveyed to her in waliyo hosts, Hito the condigners of the ? Juhu Dugdale " no speed, paganda fide, who are ever opperd to the Royal 6ghting, Terolvant to rembark-which he did, and which they were put at the wharf without any

Portuguese adronson, concernlig rights of juria?te || sailed immediately for Cavite, saler burying bis | tempt at concealusent. The duties levi ? by tha By discover the defend? Was it moi alan

tion. 10s elitement theraluru was entirely as | dood; there be again set sail, and went down the Chinem authorities on experts were but paid. Samo the power of the Consular Boere to check the

elfeot of his virtuous abnegation in favor of the | svaal un jar na Panguoinan, whore he pitebad bin | correspondence having taken place between the Tou-te and the British Consol on the subject, guyntities, paying duty, with the amount of duty general internate of religion ; and may serve as an camp at the distance of a league from the bank of

ou the prations engage, or by ships of similar | example in those vary members of the Romish the river. All these movemeals were however watch- the latter remmended or ineated that Javno, tonnage 1 There is somnisblog skogether inexpl. priesthood who gave him the opportunity of abaw.ed by the intrepid Balcedo, who overtakes, bruleges, Matheson & Co. should pay the dutica, and subse cable in Mr Coneul Alcook's perforizure of his of- by that resulution that the sole spirit of his entrounds, says and oppresses him, so that were quently inflicted fins upon the Captain of the

deavors was to be a tros promulgator of Chris: it not that be contrived to escape stealthily and Lady Mary Ward. ficial duties during the current spol.


again tiko to nas, he would certainly bave fallen Consularicers are appointed by the govora. Having returned in 1847, to Ban Joze's College || Lulo his power, ut did his camp and all that was is is-This much draded pirate now even before ments of different countries for the purpose of alding in Macan, of which he is both a member and au to foster and protect all legitimate commerce. Bup. ornament, his truly religious #jirit did not allow he scaped the whole of his A et in Dames, and him to remain away from his evangelion) Fiboom | Hose of bie man made victime of the Spanlard's just poping great la enabled to export the ball and the questions referred to should be sculed; he vehgoance, who did not, like himself take refuge of a cargo of Tea, ylihout paying the three half tarefate applied for and obtained, permusion to wiibl. ibe inner pallande whence be, as has bess pace per pound of duty, who does he defrand beside, exercise the functions of his high office among the wid, reacbol the boss which had been secretly

constructed for his cocape, the Chimere Government T who, but his next door plain and rude iolabitshus of those wealthy but

alamitoned and despised Islands of Timer, where ‧ Thus and?d this war which left the Spaniard | While therefore we attach no blame to Mr Alock neighbour? who, maybay, in a ship leaving at the he will certainly promote and sealter the book of again in Poncefal possession of Manila, ss time, is sending home a cargs of similarly rebulon and civiksstion, the suls tim of bie loss Priced un, upon which all the legal duties have been trious and pious spirit, and consequently contribut Paid Arriving the port of destination, toge. grast measure towards the future improve

ment of that Colany, which is so susceptible of ther, the smuggler is anntet at, once, tu dispore prosperity and importance, by its geographical situa of the whole of his tea for just the half of Ibros half. Tion, supendous fertibly of facil, valuable produc- pence per pow?ji lepo than his homester neighbor, tioks, and good disposition of the cohabitants. can eford to sell an ounce far, whose agent, it may be, le compelled afterwards to realize proceedla, al any secrifips, fur meeting the bilia drawn agaion! the particular shipment, ..

The mackieGby quazzling ja exports u indeed calculated, to entail erils of the capet serious ang Lede. The bonesly di-posed merchant, is kever ml; un osfculation based on the report of quait write can be noted on electually; and, uolers all become anugglers, a wide spreed ruin tuber be the certain result.

sep the policy of doing business in a different man wer. I rang entirely with themelves to check the Fill grown evil. Let the Chambers of Coma- merce beait Theuns veg; and, if ibe lying an in formation is calculated confer abi guy on so particular individual or firm, leit beer oficio the des of the Cheney or the B-cretary, acting in be half of the win hody of Merchants in to poct, to de that which is almutotoly necessary; ~a congro which will speidily have the 8 ct so quel to be disited.



(From the Chinn Mail, Jany, 23)

The most careful examination of the published documents we have been able to make has lod man to the conclusion that Jarding, Matheson & Co und dune what they did spenly and without any attempt al concealmedi; thatibey had been instigated to do

it by the fact that a similar lend of conduct was systematically pursued by other shippore, with the combirance of the Chincon authotitive; and that the Consul was cognisant of this stute of affaire,

(the Coorul) for insisting on the payment of the doties, neither can we sterk any to Jarduse, Mathreon & Co., who appear to bave acted its soli- defence, seeking to avoid the payment al duties

bich olbers were allowed to ovade.

The case of the Captain of the Lody Mary Wood is very different. The vessel was not within A MONTH ago wenovaced the appointment of

the port, and it does not appear that she ever m Brahor Francisco Anunio Gonsalves Cardous a

Tered it. The Captain was therefore b.good the Post-Captain in the Navy, as Govucunt of MusaD His Excellency arrived on Monday evening by the jurisdiction of the port sutharities, and not fiable to Homer Pekin, and uext forenoon, lauded under their regulations. Breides, there is not appear sluts from the battery, anilar honour having to be any regulation prohibking the master of a been paid before bis lading by the Flag ship and veel to reocive goods on board in the saner and aba Paringus Cofvalto D. Jos J. Haring token siromances in which he received the pilka. In addition to this, po one lodged a complaint again,t op bis residence with Mr Edward Pereira, he ex-

banged visits of coremony with the Guvernor, the de Caplain, and no witnesses were produs d The Comtalent for kin, and on Admiral, and the General. His Excelledey expres. | "guinat him

ed ineelf much gratified by his cordial reception his telling the plain truth of the transaction with and the attention stems to him during his brief sailor-like frausness, colled tile statement

In acting thus, Bir Alcock baackarig exceeded bis Consular authony

(From the Fiorio de Manila 30th November, 1850)

Manila celebrates the day one of its most glori non anniversaries-one of ti ove zobierengsis, which reflect the greatest hour and fame upon its found. ero; and which having bean commemorated from year to your for more then two centuries, to being transmitted to the coming generation aves in the remotest pterity. The rest to which allade fell in with the fritival of St. Andrew which the way; and petiap wenye prilled to nd.l, 1belfession," and, thereupon proceeded to fine huu. Church solemnizes this day s?d pecurred on the kila jana lef 'n very favourabl · impresion with those 30 November, 1574., Though it a known to who have had the honour to meet him.

Ilis Karaliency monoerke! for Macan this fore-

it is so babaper, towever, that before this un-many, low are acquainted with its origin and wickel for pynod arrives, Merchants will bars | hi-tory, of which I abuil give hero a briff slowell | noon, un bone like Gorvet, " gosed of a snuur hay- in commemoration of the victory galand by sur Fing been stationed at the wharf, and salutes fired

me on the shore at the mentioned period from the shore and the Flag-sup. There your six monthened eleven days had already passed gince the Flag of Cortde had been waving not over,umptuous temples, and numerous bosses like Two Edict deacasting Muchengah and K'ying to which at present form depraud Capital of, which we published a teal time last work, bas. .wo then mentioned, uppraced In the Peking hot see groups of thatched hats and over imeanne. ly thick grow, which, along the busks of the near. | Gazette printed at Cauton. The manuscript for presented to the eye a great mine of grem foliage: warded to us from Shanghe onitied an important when there apurated in a wide by the famous class. The Camon edition makes the Emperor Chlorar, Limuliong who, pyrried be a formidable sharge Kiying with dwelling 'oh the terror the feet on the rosas of his own country-the theatre arms of Englam, and the a cesty of conciliating of his d predations, adopted the ides of geeking re- that barbarian nation in the event of a rapture with fige in other shoresand bring there his residence and her the Shangfine manwacript reada rather the dominion is fore a ons sted of a fleet of twelve advliablity of seeking her couperation at any Junks and a bit of 2000 men, Lioce a daring junature. We purpose giving a teraed version Japanese being plared-in command of the man. in our Overlod sange -!bid` Inndi il four hundred of then nour Paraonqu", before


The interior of China.

Advices received by the West India maile se-


The worst feature of this ense is the systematic lexity which it alvens to prevail in the discharge of his functious by our Consel at Shanghae. Wa have acquited both the shippers and the mounta? of all blatio; but it is evident they linra been weilug under a lax and vicinio system, and that siri nya. tom line grown up with the eugnisance and commie- ence of the Casiol. It is equally evident that te Consul has punished the intant master of it: Lady Mary Wood for what was the fault of the affairs, the puselbility of the existence of which Const himself. This in a witched state of

only he explained by the following statement

| of the China Mail:

**The grust majority of cases in the Consular Courts are newer (airly imported, there being no one in the spot to do 2*, nid the racurde being hapt from the publie geas with

We have on former oeensions drawn attention

to the oppressive 25"plexity of our Chinese Con- polar system, and to its needless expense. From day dawo of the 21th Noveaser. The city of Mil

the case to whick wa are now adverting, nae als was then lying beedka, in the lap of sleep?it was sino

from the previous case of Mi Casuptas, it is ob- nendele, for garrison had been scattered quait with the fact, that on the 24th August, aver the l-land to quell insurrvationa | the neigh: 1850, in lat. 98 8 l"n. 126,23 W., William Muir,

vious that this complicated and expensive syatune boring provinces; and wearealy sixty, mes coul! Gonner's mate of Mer Alaj aty's Bhip Swift, being in worse than wolves. It is to be hoped that atten- be found in it. The winds dil se favor the enemy' repriman er ise neglect of duty, want to the galley tion will be directed to this subject in the next landing, ou the contrary retarded it, and their Gro. lika slow match, and we discovered by the raion of parliament, with a view to prevent un entry into the city through the place which we corporal of Matinos in the act of entering the ma-pleasint collisions with the government of China. 60% call Parts Real (Royal Gae)"We not of gazine, with the intention of blowing up the ship!

and to remove uppressive Gurdens and rezotions freted before six o'clock in the mordag. Toe na-Mule was kept in leons ll his orival at Valparaiso regulations from English enmmerce.

(From the Daily News, November 20.)

In a few India is concerned, the news se-

not of much importance.

[From the Boletins da Gmeriu, Dec. 28.) The 21st of Dermber wile the annivermy of H. E the Bishop's souleration, and in haunt of it a pontificat lewat was colebrated by the Cathe- dralcburgh On this pofasion fire ordipables were promoted to the leveer azdera ni priesthood: swo reerived that of Prima Tunsors, two, that of Sub- d-acon, Sad one that of Deacon of the four were Macarneae nibere Chine, and in des tiveg fo?kin Missions attached to this Diocese in

Welke t?h opportunity to mration that ties were the first to spread the alert thai,Moors where he contrived to make his escapa-how la not besites tujhnder driere given to several ardiwabka Borneo ware landing; and before the Spaplaid stated-Daily News November 04. on is obloge by 13. E. dince he first began coull take any messure to prevent it they had to rule av Dhoort hele conferred that of already done a great deal of damage by destroying Pobyter four whers, (horn in Man)Of these, every thing that came in their way, and by break stands the College two was Chinese, who having sinre completed dir to the house of actin Guiti Ure Camp civilag religious educates in the missionary Col- Mester, shunted where wom

which oor belanged to the Jesuite. Though af lege of an Jose burs departed for their respective ficted with illness, Guiti rose from his bed, armed destinations, and for the above named mission, the himself, and leaping through window, ploegod veived by the Overland Mail, thung out altogether other for the Islands of Timor and Bolor, le come upso the nomatous hout; unsisted only by two nul- | destitute of interamt, i pany with Don Joda de Frangi Castor e moure, der be fought like a hero, whom hours the snemy. The iutalligeam from China and the Eastern Ar- Bishop of Nankin

This reputable joan lived for seventeen years in had sm on Grn, but at last he lost his life, we did his chipelago has more urgent claims on the attention The disturbances in the interior of Chine, though the interior, and aller vilting the rzionais soldiers. Lavesures the Governor leaving Legaspi of the English public.

In his place, ran to give atsistence, and though na Provitemol Panuin,Shantung and Pekin,pensunt- ed afterwards into the very, capital of the Empire opened only by his personal attendante, under. serions and widely spread, do nut appear to be of where be mai and conversed with Du Chitano took to meet the pirates in battle He was however a plure to produce immediate political result that Pires Perel the last Bebop of Nankin, whe immediately surrounded by them but even then cat concern Corolgners. They seem to ex short while lifewards did it a very advanced age that handful of braves fought with such boldesse ander the greater part of Human and Kwang in the year 1820, having lived in that Capital forse could only be the effect of their catural valor, si, and are reported to have reached to within 120 many yearkbokguly kapwa publicly to be an E. and the conselenres of their perilo of Canton. As far, however, we can be While they were the ongaged ather officers and gleaned from the very fragmentary and contradic the rank of Mandarin, and like all the missionaries several sukliers reached the place; then it was that tory notices of them that have transpired, the in la formas deya sonde a member of the Board of Mizah desperate force and unequal engagement sergents, or rebels, as they are aniled in the court thematica dath; of this min pul an end to took place that confusion soon broke into the reske language of China, hare an political sim. The the College of Forgung missions in Pekip, and of the orgressors, and Lioco had to beat recrest tolle, indeed, shew, what was before suspected, However he rallied his men with the intention of that the Chinese government is extremely weak as its axunelipe had been preceded by that of the College of ather allons, the public and general returning to the charge, in company with Limos- for all purposes of preserving pence and order. Cathalle Miskins of Europe, became entrely ex.hong, to when be ran to impart the unfortunates legerment of report writers and speech me Linet, sontioning now besoretly and with difficult-arent of kla defent. Linahong being then in Cavite kers, and does not put down insurrection, but wait If the Ragalne being theonly ustion whoare llaw did not come to the second lack again Manila, till in ine warn itself out, auil then claims the ered ed by it) to have a roll nous debent there. two days after the first which gave the Spani It of restoring pace, which is solely due to the This Melons had always been under the guards the opportunity of taking defensive measures, exhaustion of the tumultuous. But there is no Fimfictief Pettugu Bishops, and endured for and of preparing themselves so as better to enable evidence of disaffection to the Imperial dyansty - them to make a bold and obstinate rakhtandy,though' mang te population, or nay wish to ext-?dish no more than ten hundred Years. Dating this period wth hot few men, and no saber fo?y hot that caued, then an ite name. The following remarks of chef bina many individowla distinguished themselves there for the bright talents and skill in the arts and sciences, spesially the of the Society of Jesils, from whose extraction may be mid i bete commenced the all of there establiments which were so producir of glory and unlity to fteligion, and to the State, of much credit to the Missionarice, who always

Topeen, and Roman Catholic, hot even talked to


means of logs of wood and casks of sand. | Mail, are fully borne out by all the facts which lavas yet to sched the knowledge of Europeans, The victory in this instance became the spore mable from the highly accomplished youth' through

Linfu.ther wasntered that, antite dame eines, Su repen whose prowess it was in, and who' war we in pead that Kwang si won in stef belion. The term defatigable as he was intelligantangacious an lan was dyed, lower, wald by applied to any body or indivi Ur, and much creained as Herman Cortes the offing a conti ad ession in restituted authority, onquering hero of thean lalands. This was uouther and by the meane warrante che esminius that the ve

medic is of the revolutioaery churave #th which a um ke- than, Juan Salcedo, Ligaspi'a neplow, who, being | signera sie diepcard to invest it. The chirit, at la e museo sa men scossinos, kate taken to themariva tisles of vafal

dile, such as The Real-basing Geral * Generalnime of the whole Expire, swooping clean to the may be the semptation to the theft eird if the vagabonda R...rdi, v.mag op n the Dragu '&c., q~ Dangerous sa

continue to bald chest w?n for name in?nthe, we have no pet

Binee pesalog this%remark; we have the informed by Francisco de Ravedra of Lamalong'o "Dally News of the 308 November, in which Cool buio designs against Mamla.kft die Krovince of Alonel's conject is "pokas of lu un way that that guoile. | Tlacol whats be wen quelling inducentiga amang man might have expcbed. Washall have a word or two be natives, and took the road towards the Capita!|| however to say in the extreme view which the Editor of

There he arrived the night previous to the second

· that Journal Man taken of the matter,

The event in the Ensiers Archipelago to which we niluded above, is the failure of Bir Jumer Brooke's expedition to Siam, of which ample,de- tails will be found jio another part of this day's publication. Without taking upon as to day where the blame lies, we have on hesitation in de- claring that the failure bas been principally owing to undue delay. Our frelations with Biam aro now in a more unsatisfactory state than they pre- viously wers. This too like the matter of the Cbuscan Consulate, ella for parliamentary notice; and if we do not at present enter moto et inrg into a diaevasion, it is simply because we wait fut forther informativo that has been promised as It is however apparent that the interests of Brush coguntice in "thm for ost" are much in need of a more careful and judicious surveillance than they libro bilberto received.


The close of Copperheld," and the appoint ment of Alfred Tennyson to be post furents, are the most recent of great literary events, l'en- dennis" will be terminatae in a day or two. And the monthly Billip of the surinks will be missed by the public. The spirit, influence, nud seeme of two such remarkable works require consideration sport. We have heard on voicu raised in objevvina to Tensvenn's appointment, except on the ground that be in already in receipt of crown bounty, med might have left the laurentralip for a more needy candidate. This may be cluerity, but is not justive. "I'le pride, rather than the grustusity, of the nation, was to be consulted in the appointment of a laus rents. The qualifications of Teany son meet that sentiment, and have carried universal approbation. Dr Bermenal's two volumes al "A Voyage to China," published by Shoberl, are very amusing, and especially valuable as the author's chinese gleaning It would seem, indeed, na if one coul never exhaust the partienlors or overda tho details of this singular people, in whase habits the draper we fathom, the atjunger contrasts to our own life do we fil. Think of there being no milk used in io China, according to florneartle, mud that is u lead conquered by Torturs.-Dady News.





to skor


919 Hely 251 yolu..

391 Stafford

Brit stutaminan





AT Kuxoxoxo.

24, Cosmopolite (Fr. Whaler), Cumbrlere, from Oahu, 19th November, with 1,100 barrels. &peren oil

24, Mount Wolinston (Am. Whaler, Barker Jr.,

from Oahu, Ji October,

21, Alligator, Baker, from Whainpote



18, Lewis (Dot), Bock, from Hongkong. 20, toxin, Hartir, from Hongkung Jan.


- Lightning, Bing, from Singapore.




2. Gorgia (A), Taber, Whauspur.

22, Sir Falword Ryan, Turner, Amasy,

R2, Kol (Dut), Wiseinung, San Francisco.

22, Bernici, Aroull, Singapore.

23, I (Peruvian), Waliburn, Manila.

23, Pumper (Am), Childs, Caleuits,

93, il. F. M. Carvetta D. Ja 1, Cept Guim

r&ens, for Macau, with 15. E. the Governor of Macao

24, Pondicherry (Fr), Prudhomme, Whips.



19, Clara (Pontaguese), P. A. M.da Sitra, Lisbon. 19, Omyan (Portogares), Oliveira, Lisbon.



11, Fatal Hair (Dui), Setter, Straits,

21, Sassoon Family, Inn, Bombay.

21, Swishamley, Jennings, Bombay.

29, Alligator, Baker, tlongkong."


Per Jowo, J. Phillips E-q.

Vencia In Honoreno, Canton, or Marso,

under DespATER

For England. Georgis, W.

Hugh Walker, El. Rose Standish, W.

Telams, H.

For Sydney-Regia, H

For United States. Ceres W.

Mennon, W.

Oxnard W.

Rhodos, W.

Sea W.

Ben Witch W.

Tar W.

For Hamburg.

Rajasthan, W.

For Frimen

Albert, H.

Pondicherry, W.

For Bombay. Albion, W.

Aliet Raberno, W. Charlotte, W.

Pekin Sur, H.

Prinos Albert, W. For Belavia. Leui, W.

For Straits.

Trinak, M.

For San Francisco Antilope, H.

Mahomed Shah, U.

Balite, W. The El.

For Ilma

Coromandel 31.

Mariner M.

For Manila.

For Shanghas.

Andaz, ti.

Joland Queen, H.

Alligator, H.


Andis, nebesner

Anthem, schoner

Antilope, barque

Argyle, ship

Atlet Bahaman, skip

Audou a hossar

Aama. schooner

Itetin, belz

Homenjen Hormusjes,ship

Boshey ship

ditch, ship

Cantos Homber

Ceren, barque

Congress, skip

Cond1, thin

Cosmopolite, skip

Dart, schooner

Denis, schoonet

Georgia, skap

(mod buccess, brig

Harlequin, belg

(1skomuk, skilje

Hongkong, smer

Bygel ship

Lady Peel, barya




In Macfarlane



Badger Hilangkang



Crusty teen






PRICE $10 per anos.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRiend op china AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, 19 Dollar, pazable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, at option, Single Numbers, 23 ermis

uch. SVOBCHIPTION to the OVERLAND.-To Subscribers to the Patano or Cuera, 4 dollars per Annum ; non-subscribers 88 ; olaglo coples 50 cents; if more than Ten Copies taken, forty conte TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, 1 Dollar; ad filonal, 10 cents * lies. Repetitiene one-third of the pret insertion, Ships, -First losertion, & Dollars subsequent Insertions 15 cents, Advertisements to have written on the face of then, the number of ilises they are required to appear, otherwise they will be publisnod until countermanded. In all lostances, those who are not Subscribers, rejistra to pay in silvance.


VOL. X. Na 0.



[Receiving ship Receiving ship

tlangkong & Canton)


San Francico Bilippirna



||Sept 27 Hongkong Preah Consul

Whampoa W. H. Warday and on. ||Jan 24|Hemikong Olrom, Gray and on

Dec 11 Amer Tail and do

Fes-c-foo Dent and so

Namon Jardine, Matheson and es ||Jan 20 Hoogkany Marme, Blephenson and ce

Russell and ko.

Jan 13 Hongkong Wm Pustan and on

Lobeck and co

Nov. 16

Nov 11 Amoy Kyme, Muir and co ||Jan 14|Whampoo Hirder

Jun 17 Hongkong Jardine, Mulhoven and ?i Voseang

Shaughes V. A. Remedies

Deo 12 Amoy Talt and

Hongkong "ardhan, Mathisown and on. 184Dtded ship Common Cowaijan 6. Lan ruma

Jan 12 Hongkong Kauft, Drinker and to.

Keorge Lyall and co

Slept Whampoa Russell and s Jun 14


Jardine, Matheson und so. |Deo. 20] Shanghae (Diram, Geur and co.

2 Jun (7/5ing & WrongJan Ta 184 Indy 1



Houghone & Cantor

New York





Jan Whatpa Jardins, Mathisen and on.



Amoy Symo, Mair and co



Dec topon [FC, Browse and do.

Wengine P. & D. N. Comajoo sad oe Receiving ship Dra. 10 Sh.nghee Jardian, Matheson and co

Hongkong ?awlo, Drinker and co




Wong Blant and de

Farmer and co

||Shanghas|Milankiu, Sewasa and vo

Jan 14 Chuno Jardios. Maskuony and co

Shanghar (1) Kennedy and op

| Monoap Jardine, Mi?kovou and ou |Resolving ship Hongkan.A. Olding,P AO Co '1>|Meceiving ship

||Nov 11 Hongkons, fedar

Chlorham Pardios, Matheson ad ce Koceving ship Lekang Jirdie. Mathesno and po !Hopalving skily.

Des 34 Sang Hykes, Schwabe and co.,

tiongkong|Tawie, Drinks, and do.

Savage Groll'ana co.

Name and co

Hougkom: Neave ad

| Whampos | Thomas Hant.

Sept 92||||| Amey dymo, Mult and on

|Jan 12tongkang Boat and e

Deo 13 Shingher Hargreaves and go.

Jardinu, Vaska's mod co

Amey Jarine, Matheson and co

Deo 2015 kuumposed

Kwangle. Hong

| Augustino Heard and ce


‧ Ho?gkomu|J. A. Olding,,cu 'n Age Woonang

Lee $3 Shanghar Jardine, alatheson and so Londes

Jo Whampoa deyuvana and co

Leo Teamon Cassajos

Shanghas|Lindasy and co

Amy Door and eo

20|Whampion |Hobart Strachan

Chineleet and o

54 | Nav 3: Sandwich Laloglan F4 Hongkong Itaulu Drisker and co.

lver MinJarding, Mailman and so

Lme 11 vangiongtym, Blur T no

| Whampoa |Milankiu, Howson and out'

Deo 14 Aager |||aat sekil ce

Whamgye P. & D. N. Camajen

Receiging sklo

San Piolres

Dt and p





Fing. Tan


Alhast, ship


Alhlen, barque


Alkesine, helganina

Amarom, ship

Hangkung Whampoa Mandwich Ising

1 Jan 12

Ananya, belg

Anonyma, larcha


River lere

Antele hrbe


372 Kouly 179 Cath


San Francisco

47 Nov 24

Dell Labeck

45 Sept 19


81x Mara

e Oct 11


Port 104temedies


150 Hobarede

Macho Molla

| H

Am. 400Waldron



River Bond

Coulon, steamet



396 ver


Chamlag, sulp

Charlotte, ship

nAt 700 E. ThomaS

Chebar, barges

Chatham, barque


23 Worrie


Liverpool Talcatta

Thill, slilip

Fr. 176 Vergaiol

Clara Anna Maria, barge:


205 tlak men

Claudia Civile, ship



Clown, brig


Confucius, ship

157 D'Macho 40colt

661 July 11

Am 175 French

Mapon 13. Comtek

Constitution, banque

Brit 66-Howa



50 tasbrieve |47|1odberry

Newcastla Hanghong Oula


Hongkong Order

Dec 21 Typ

WC of Amerles Barly

sa Nov te





Brit. J3 Beck


7 Jan 14

pni spon

Dide, schoower

35 Wadman

Lookong. Darkkon

Receiving ship

nor Amigos schooner



Amy, Muir and so

Vizabeth, ship.


39 |Ang 37


Ella, chosa Yacht


Shengo Byma, Muir and oo.. Hongkong

Blardin Earthur, W.

Emily Jave, ship


Emperor of Chian, chip


497) Landers inLocke

Encias dep


Falcon, ship



Tam 18

Khestying ship Stanglin

Deo. C

Jam. LD


Vying Dutchman, barger


Falkaloma skip


40+ Fancy

Fatigru, skip


Gaze le, schonner




Jan Dahampos Vye, Parkin and ou



Slav, 7

19. Bler

| spanis

Halim, hermaphrodita




16 Davi

44 Nor to

Am. | 415 Valett

10 Dec 31



2-0 tut

Hiver bat

Hongkong, barywo


344 Gerard

Hugh Water, shilp

49%, Cameroo

Ban Vennoo

41 Out Hoslala



Independence, belg


17 Mard

Island theren schevner



John Bright, ship


391 W11

904-Jas 28

Jaka luuyan, stilp




U. 8. Bloop Marion, Bi.

Juho Spencer, skly


520 Lidbetter

16 et 12



#35 Paco

14 Ver. 1

Kedian, schoenor


Nav, 20


Lady Hayes barque


Lady Mary Woud, atuames

$70 Eagles



+34 Tradin

Lady Mary Wood, H.


193 Fraser

hot 50

Uno 31

Lana tr?akov, Milp

561 Oran

25 Nov 21

For Fukchow

Lewly, schooner


> Beek


Lighting, chevoer


180 Hing




113 Hellamy

Lively, bog

[hanpon |Landai

Dee 28

ALT May 17

Lord Amherst, ship


340 fals



Lasi-a, baryna




171 King


Magnolia, barqar


+50 Marr

Mahamoodle, berge



Malomes ala, Barque

615 Macken


23 Doe &


Stargatetta, j

LOT Belley


Pa 07


B4 Harland

Dec. 13

WG of America Early






Lon Oct But EL.







Maxion Dud


New Margare


Old England






Jan 14

Can (3) Can's Namie, Drinker sad co.


Nor $1

Wong wasjen %. Emagra


How big the


Deo e



Deg S


Whampon itsell and co

||Jan 24 Bougkong Order



Dea Bi


134 July 20


216 per


Dec. 31

ent and co



[Nov. 19] Whamuon flimself and en.


sad Mo Murde



[Dec. 13

Belt So Whittem

Lim Baker

l'oint de Galle

11 Dep





33- |Petruman





3 Um

43 Prima

3D 21

Herbay Hamurgh

alt Int.





Handwich falas

* Nov,2

Dan 35

· PDMenington



Not M Jan

Nye, Parkin and on.

New York



Part 18

Macao [P. V da·bilen

Dec 16


Die Endles



T. Onice

Bom Nov 19 H.

Bom. De


30 Pink



Span.|| 123|Gamingmar


Man Pronaissa


Bank Lakemana Bora. Nov 24? H.


Jambejeo Jejsebhoy -

Victorin, sicurger


Loading-Al BouBAT; Joho Wickliffe, Cale. dooia, Bydory, Sussanah, and General Bals,




Dec. 4 EL Loading.-At&croapone; Polim,-At Batavia ; Indrameijoe, and Wilhelmina.

Low, London, L., Liveppani, Shin. Michle, New, Memperly Cly. Lipin, met trustees, Hart. Harumand, Den, Devangurt, Caf Cul evak, Hama, Bandart, Key. Declan. Pro. Prates, Ting, Meghyena, M.1inghong, M. Mama, Wh. When,et, A. Aley, H. vlunghas SHIP'S OF WAR IN CINA.






LiSengkang kong 3

The tankar






Sum 5.

11 C S

1 Adorcal Amen

18 Capesin Au



Smaller, burgue

'T W, bears, ally


Ternate, barque

Ternak, barque

Theta, barque

Tave, schoker

Trour les, turque

Trim, brig

Tat, abo Union ship Vint Dandon, ship

View schooner


V barque

Within de erste, ship

Whilly, barque

Zalo, silp

Zephyr, schweber

34 Seagrere SGraves


| Dvd || -470]Ches

BALL, 450 Cam


| Port || 290|Vol

Lois | 419| Mursh

Brit. 28 Davids


61 A

Mar 30

Mbathalu, skipp

512 Haga

[Dec. 7 medita

Siam, barque

Oct 14

Sle George Palock, ship

Edward Hyan, barque


230 Tv




Balpe, ung


170 ENSON, W

Bakida brig


Bure, schooner

|B|| 106 |Kobinson



17 Bramburgh




Aone Jana



Sir Edward Perry Squire

Success Trent

Lon. Oel, 21 S, Loo. Aug.218. Liv. Oct 28

Liv, July 16

Liv, May 15 3.

Lon. Oei JE H Loa. Sept s? H. Liv. Sept in EL. Loa Nov 17 H Giv. Aug 14] (1. |£le. Aug, 1| IL Shia Ort | FL, [Lon. Aug 28' $1.

Lon. Aug.I EL |Liv. Ort 26 H. Loo. Sept 218,

Onder in which the abere Vessels les Boglend. Lepant, Happaleen, Ola Kachel, How Margest, Me Khemi Purry, Alverton, Kroma Mutuale Maven, Treat, Anne Jana, jammen, Chala, Albermula Ducems, Handlech, Mustim.

Loading-London; Hindo, and Androkles,

At Livenroul; Ranger, Alliance, and Duition





Cal. Nov 10 H.

Cal Nov - 14

Gom. Nov 29 H.

U. Nor 25 AL.

Mariner, skip

But, shor

Maltin Luther, banque

Marden, Imique

Marlid, brig

Mappa schooner

Memnun, skip

Mount Wollmsten, barqa


Kerbeda, ozique Blund, barA?ME NE Nymph; bizantine Urd, shup

Patkunder, barque Patsin, choomar Pedlar, bilg

Pekin, stearoar Pondicherry, shijs Pelace Alberi, sulp

Kujt,ip Hanes, barqno Hegis, brig

Reindeer, ship

Kindes, ship

Rosa 241 andish, ship

Noyal Kachange, belg

Halit acuare

Kuparell, Gar


456|J. Hatton

93 Chap


171 Down


Harker Jr.

Spas||| 19%, Lapla

|Bins || Lat|Norwalag · · |Amer

B. it. Waterman, kargue | A

Has Bebite, brig

Belare, skip

Scotland, ship

ben, sup

Bea Joise, brig be Witch, ship

|Bai || 21: Woken

(Am. - 501 Prune

‧ Mindan







V. Joao L

#harpes (HM ST Hongkong 11. M 31. A.M.S Hongkong] F.M.

196, ekley






Anda menama

?t. Andrade







3ng 10







Early Farly

Kaesiring skip

Receiving ship

Harding, Hathinqn and en-:[Woong

Amorfait and co

?De? #Hongkhor|fletcher ac


emoen Darklasseun, done and on Tracieing ship

Amoy fun. Alushamon and so.

Kast Con-toyme, Mud and co

| Shanghae |Oluk, Livin, stown and co.

Hongkong "A Uhing, T.4044 Agt

Jan-Wipro | Deut sed ea

Cleo. 3



B&D, U. Lalcach. Ulrom, Gray and ba. Jan 21ongkop Blaukiu, Mawson and co. Nondar

Ja 11 Whampoa Nys, Parkla and es

Waninpos tiramell and en

Dea 21 Henghong|syms, hilly and co. 16

Dec 19 Shanghae fiumell nud co.

Jan 30thurthang|@corgs Lyall sed ca. Paly hoss

Nav. Is wi

Rocklting ship

Amy & kanghao,

Boy &.

New York

Latijn Bucheon and on. )>ow Yark"

" Debater and to.

Amaj "dymo, Nair mul,co.


Den 17 Shanghan|Likdity and co'

| Woosung |A synsive steard and eo.

|New It]Whampoo Wis. Pustan and on, Cabin 5. Vingen

Ang 30 Ningpo Fluegengem And Co

67 Aug 4 Bandwich Isles 207. 3 Hongkong Jarlos, Machsen and en

Nov 344 homes Olyphant had co

Lian intenshown funt add ba.

Lebak Lent and n

Jan 4Whamide [Hobart Browns and co.. [ber 24|Hongkonggyms, Nule and ea



·Jitacniving ship

Beth Just.




das Fracinentals



Receiving ship


Sinn Fenneloco Womangesinijev P. tama and co tesiring th?p

Le Marqu

J. B das Nemedios |Sept 24|W kampol | Rivalit and en.

Ang Shanghee Kamel and co

Torurt and co.


49 Oct 12


Jan 14



Am 470 Marley



New York


Lu Bradshaw

Mella Heighams


11 ME IN

Des. Lu



1:Lompo Datendam hempast

Paying ship Kecolving shij

104 July 14

|Doll, 217 Stewart

| Part

De l'a Brit. 240 Beow


Jan. 10

||Dec 25 Hongkong|Makla, Tirinker und ca.

|Ugut and co. ????? 3.?. ??? Us →

Jan-East Cossi Dant and no.



Jardine, alatheson and Woman, Bowman and co. Lady co.

EDITED, PAJTU, and Paulmeud, by twa Pruerinton, William Tankany, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 11.

For ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY Also, en route to the abova, Binatons, Panaro, Galle-MastA, BU, ADEN. THE PENINSULAR AND ORI 1 ANTAL Company's Bleum Ship PEKIN, will leave this for the abovo places on Thurs- duy, the Whis of January. Tranunu will be received on board woul noon on the 29th, and Cango unili 5 v. u. on the 2ith. For particulars regarding Funiour and l'aguaos apply at the P. & O. B. N. Company's Office, 1longkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent.

P. & 0, 8. N, Co.'s Office. Hongkong, 40th December, 1850.


"Lady Mary Word" Steamer,

DY Order of the Draxetors of the 2D Paninsular & Orients! Storm Na

vigulina Company, the above re-sel will be withdrum from the Coast aliar the present month, and early in the ensuing one be despatched to Calcutta

For particulars of freight and pasange to that Port, ply at the P. & O. Company's Offier. Barly intimation will be given of the day of her waiting

J. A. 01.DING,

Agout, Hongkong, 22nd Jaunary, 1851,

FOR SAN FRANCISCO, THE A. Buque * MAUOMMED SHAH," Capuam Macmeikan, bav. Hag a portion of her Cargo engazed, will be despatebod be the above Port when the lath proauno. For ficiglit se pamage apply 10,

BYME, MUIR & Co. Victoria. 15th January, 1881.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO, THE A. 1. new coppered Swedish CANTILOPE," beting

Weka part of her carga engaged, will have early despeich. For freight or passage apply to A. LUBECK & C",

(longkang, lal Jaungry, 1861.


THE House on the South side of Gungh Street, lately occupied by ale J. G.



The flopse on the North side of Gough Street lately orcupied by Mr John Carr,

Apply 10,

MR. BHERARD, At Mr Evora's.

Victoria, Red Japunte, 1961.

NOTICE THE Usigned are prepared to accept Risks fronted by open POLICIES at Luvron and in the various London Insuranon Companies,) by the Papionlar & Oriental Company's Stenuiers, Tram Canton and Hongkong, to the Strails, Cog Bow, the Presidencks of Indin, and England

For Hates of Premium and other information, apply to Mr J. A. Ordino, at the P. & O. Co.'s Ofios, Hongkong.


JAMES BARBER & Co. London, 23 December. 1848.



THE undersigned living heen appointed Agent


MR JOHN H. EVERETT is authorized to sign A Invoice of superior Rumien Cordage, from

our Firm by Piguration,

AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 14th December, 1960.


MTE have this day admitted Mr. EDMUND


WALKINSHAW, partones in our Firm, which now consists of Mr. T, W. L. Mackean, Mr. Pat RICK Duboron, Mr. Alexander McCurtoca, Mr. EDMUND NEwan Snow, and Mr. WiLLIAM WALKENOMAW

TURNER & Co. Flongkong, let January, 1851.


4 inches. Apply to,

FLETCHER & Co. Hongkong, 20th January, (851.

NOTICE. THE undersigned have received direct from the Madufacturers, Indian Condiments, the very Talent arrivale-vik:

Very Buperior Bengal Chatney,





Do Carry Powder, Madras Mulligatonny Pasto, Do. Curry Pasto. ALSO,

A few cases of most excellent Port Wine, Bherry, Champaigne in Quarters & Pints, Beer and Stout.

MAC.EWEN & Co. Queen's Road.

Hoarkong, 23rd December, 1850,



To be Run on the 4th Dog. THE TRADESMEN'S CUP, value $30. for all untrained Horses-Weight for inches, is, 15 hands 2 inches and upwards, to carry 12.7. allowed for every inch below.-Entrauen 85 each to go to the 2d Horse.-Once round and a distance. THE TRADESMEN'S CUP, valus 93′); For all untrained Poning -- Woight fur inches.-ila mile beats.--Entance 85 rach to go to the 21 l'any. All Borama and Punies to be measured by the Stewards at the Stand, on the morning of the lat instasi. betwest 6 and 8 4.K.

All Entrances to be made to the Clerk of the Course at the Murray Barracks, on or before

P. K. on the alat instant, Hongkong, 20th January, 1851,

VETERINARY FORCE Wellington Street.

SON & COMPANY, and ni Canton and Hongkong | BUWRA & Co., beg leave to call the tedion of tlongkong, that be le carrying on the

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore sob?fsting between the undersigned Geonam JAMIRrox. Jouw Gerrous, nod Joskr FROST Epack, st Calcutta unilor the Firm of Jamta-

under the Firm of Jamuros, Eporu & CoNFANT, D of the PUBLIO to the extensive saperiment of In this day dissolved by mutual consent as regarda Smir Chandlers and Osmane Stores which the anel Jukan Fan Edoen, who retires from they offer for Sale at mud role prices, coni the Partnership. The Business will in future be principally of:-Canruss, Teion, Europe and carried on by the said Gonos Jane and Joan Manila Cordage, Bunting. Ours, Paints and Paint GIFFORD in Partnership with the undersigned Oil, Varnish. Turpentine, Tar, Pitch Rosin, Ceadles, ALEXANDER Giroud, si Calcutta under the Firm Tobacro, Cigars, Glase and Crockery Ware, an of JAMIRION & COMPANY, and at Canich and Hong-extensive assortment of Clothing and Stationery, kong under the Firm of Janitsox, Armor & Company, to whom the Affairs of the Into Firin devolve in liquidation.

Deted this Thirty first Day of December, One Thousand Eight Hundred And Fify.



by kis Allorney Alexander GefroND.


by his Attorney AL XANDRA GIFFORD,

J P.EDGER. ALFIANDER GIFFORD, NOTICE. THE Business hitherto enrried on in China in my owo name will in future be conducted under the style of Canter & Co

AUGUSTUS CARTER. Hongkong, fat July, 1830.


\? R. 3. DELLEVIE and Me C. BRODERSEN Jiure authorized to sign our him.

WM. PUSTA? & Co. Hongkong and Canton, 24th Dvc., 1850.


MR. EDWARD COHEN, is this day admited

a periost in our firm.

PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Hongkong, 1st January, 1851.


THE interest and responsibility of Mr A. Ilow

PUNKY in our firm, ceased from the BI De- cember, 1850.

BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Hongkong. 1st Juntary, 1851.

NOTICE. WITH reference to the above, it is hereby in- timated, that the business hitherto carried on in the name of Bowna Humphreys & Co. will bereafter be conducted by the undersigned under the style of BOWRA & Cn, which Mr W, A. BOWRA is outborined to sign.


Balt Provisions, Flour, Vinegar, Wines and Spirits of all varieties.

"Just Received, a Betch of Base' and Allsop's Ale and Porter of Superior quality.

The above Hores are of the very best descrip tion and Alesar B. & Co. aro now prepated to offer them a very low rates.

Hongkong, let January, 1851,


THE undersigned legs to inform Ship owners

and Ship mastore Clint he has always on band

■ supply of the following articles,

Anchore and Chain Cakirs,

Iron Knera-Dock and Hawse Pipes.

Round, in to 4. in. Best Refined from, 2 Flet, ~1 in, to 7, ina (Squntain, to 4 ina. Rigging Chavn a in, to ↑ in. Hoop Iron and Lead Pipe, Rigging Screws. Caboose large nu small. Iron Sheaves of all sizes. Sheet Iron of all sizes; for stove pipes and fur other purpose


Spring Gardens. Victoria, Ilongkong, 18th December, 1850,


THE Undersigned beg to intimate that their DRY DOCKB are now capable of receiving Vessels of the following Drafts of Water,-

At Spring Tides, 124 foes






The Large Dock in 200 feet long, and the Pumps attached are worked by a Steam Engine. JOIN, C. COWPER & Co, Whampor, 15th October, 1850.

NOTICE. THE Captain and Consignees of the American Whale Bhip" Shefield" will not be respon- sible for any debis comtracted by the crew of said

Hongkong, 1st January, 1881.

Teo), CHAS, W. BOWRA. Hongkong, lat January, 1851.


ALL Peranna having claime on the Estate of the



rican whale Ship "BOWDITCH," will not

[ENRY MARSH begs to inform the inhabitants HORSE SHOEING Desin on the Premises Intely occupied by T. DRLARET, decessed.

Horses carefully shod on the must approved principles, under Mr Marah's personal superinten. dence; and from the long experience he has had, he hopes to give every satisfaction. Hongkong, 18th January, 1851.



MABAO NATIONAL HOTEL. ????? ?? Board and Lodging per month


do. per day

Bed Room per nighi Breakfast

Tilia -



Part Wine per botua Brandy


do. do.

Champaign -


Soda Water and Lemonade

D do, and Brandy





N. B. Gentlemen residing lace than a fortnight will be charged per day, and all partica fav?ring the proprietor with their patronage are requested to report the least neglect or inattention on the part of oervants.

Macao, 2 November, 1850.


FOR SAN FRANCISCO,? ME A. Amerionn Clipper Bargne "ANN WELSHI," Capt. RruNK, will be despatched for the shore port on the 10 proximo. Por freight or passage opply to

BUSH & Co.

Hongkong, 28th January, 1851.

PUBLIC AUCTION. THE condemned French Ship "CHILI," (?r

Sale on account of the Underwriter, by Pau LIO AUCTION, on Munday, the 10th of February, 1851, No 61, Praya Grande. Sale, to the highest bidder, by PUBLIC AUCTION, JNO: SMITH, has been desited to offer on

(for the benefit of tho con. caned) by order of J. ZANOLE Engr. Chanoullor to the French Le gation in China, that fast exchng and only four yest old ship the CIIILI," of 374 tons, or there.

in Canton for the above rained Society, is late Mr Joun Rewa, Hurgaon, of Hongkong, be responsible for any delte contracted by her crew. of Macso with all her Masts, Yards, Saile, Rig

prepared to grant Philaes payable in London, Liv. pool, Bombay, Calcuum, 'Madron, Shanghai and Canton.

FRANCIS 8. BINLEY, Canton, 14th August, 1850, +


9 hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between by, the undersigned na Gun- BAL AND COMMID Menchants at Shand-

AR IN CHINA, under the firm of THOS. RIPLEY Co., has this day terminated by affluxion of time, hed is accordingly" finolved.

Dated this Thirty-Brat day of December, Que Thousand Eight hundred and Fifty


are requested to send In their accounts before the 28th day of April, 1851, and persona indebted to the deceased are required to make tmmodiste payment of their deb to,


Colonial Surgeon, Administrator to the Estate. Hongkong, October 28th, 1850.

FOR SALE. TINGLIST! and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all

size, bo Nails, by

Hongkong, Let October, 1860.

BUSH & Co.

FOR SALE. CPARS.Railable for Junk and Lorola Miest Teak &mber, Pleaking, and Singapore Beams. NOTICE.

Apply 10,

SYME. MUIR Co. THE Firm of TH09. RIPLEY & Co, having terminated vererday, I have inke into Part

Victoria, 14th Jandery, 1851. hership Mr. JOSEPH BLAND), (Nephow of) M. THOM RIFLET), to engine the bullae s

FOR SALE. Genmal and Communion MincuANTS from the

CHEATHING COPPER from 14 to 20 on. date, under the firm 10 SHAW, BLAND & Co. ex Lord Hardings. Apply to,


Shanghue, lat January, 1851.

GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 21st February, 1830,

Hongkong, 19th January, 1851.


abowie, as abo len at nochor in the loner Harbour

ging Boats, Anchore and Cumios, two day Chrononder, by Breguet, Patent Windlare, Besan Puinpa, as excellent patent Galley, with cop per builors, and Bill (complete) to make fresb WR. WILLIAM SA?6 begs to notify the re-water, Dell, Binnaelu, and all her Stores. dec., es sidents in Victoria, abat he has taken those per a very large and full detailed inventory, which convenient premises at the corner of Peel Street may be seen at the Auctioneer's; and the verrel abuiting on the Queen's Road and opposite the may be iuspected any ume before the day of the Hongkong Regimer offion; where ho will practise | Bale, from 9 x, m. to & P. M. bis profession us Veterinary Surgeon.

Me Saon taken thue opportunity to sequaint the public that he has govoral geod saddlo Horsen, and Pooey Phaetons 10 let,

Victorin, Hongkong, 12th Dec., 1850.


THE HONGKONG ALMANACK for 1851! will be good without the Drectory, as it has been found impossible to prepare the Litter in ruffoient time. The Directory however will bo brought out seperately, at a future period.


The Almanack, price $1, ein he oblainr?l, ma nual, at Meisen Lane, Crawford dz Go -M". Noronha Priming Office, Wellingtog Surcot, and at the Office of this paper,

Victoria, Hongkung, let January, 1851.

This now vessel, constructed of the brat materials, and copper fastened throughout, was built in for. deanz, in 1846, and lunched in November of the asime year, ut a cust of abave $40,000 francs; ned waza coppered only about eighteen musiba ago. The sunday ropnica and fustenings the vessel nuw requires, it is estimated, could be done, compat- aisely to what the vessel may fetch, at a amuli ex- penas; and it is alan nesurted by competent Rusal inen, that she would then be as good a vessel us any in China.

For Receiving Ship she is well adapted, belog spacious and roumy-has curried above 500 tons, and had the room besede, tot light freight

Guns and Ammunition, and sundry Cabin Stores will be Sold in separate fora.

The Safe will Commence at 12 o'clock, a.. Macao, 23rd January, 1881.


To the Editor of the Faixo of CHINA.

Buanemax, 18th January, 1951. Sun-An ez poric and erfenicus account of the smuggling case by the Joba Bagisle basin appested in the "North Chini Her of" "fthe (1 h instant, and no appormu?y Er Miesten being of forded by that print, in timor ate de primat meel,


A - Ba-rusa TO POASUS" in our next,

Tm: "Overland Friend of China" will be rea- dy for delivery at day light to-morrow or na

I requrat de favour of vaut giving 1 9-stva the Tue Mails by the Pekin" close this evening following narrative of the cirrosivate-8, for the

at 0 r.x, and a Suplementary mail will be up securacy of which may angesture well vysch,

The John Digikute," 107 was, won kalen | to-morrow morning betw can the hours of 9 with Tos, by four factor, whg 1-tovi al or cuty collectively a weight (f 1,5104 Pirode, ogeal fo

aml 10. Late fore, in Letters, six pence,

201,400 lt sel could carry 16041 the Newspapers a penny, each,

it was evident that mere thau ver half di thar Ta

on boord we left out of the duty warlon s. To

fof Victoria, Hongkong, to make further inquities

and the very walls of the temple in many places corpreting the Jows in Chine, suil the practicstuli- | v'elapidated. The side apartments which had been ty of estillabong " Atosalon in that country. There appear to be parulive diffkendtiwarin the way of the

mediste realination of their wishes ln this ro spect, and their present efforts must be limited to a Mission of hujuiry, in which the Birling has kindly promised his savistance. That momnificent friend of largel, Miss Cook, has placed in the linnds of your 'Preasurer a noin sufficient to enver the samount of the expenses, occasiound by the es tablishment of the Musina "

koug entered into a correspononce with the Rav The Bishop of Viatoris, on his arrival fu Wang-

| W. H-Meshorst, in Shangling, requesting his na silence towards proeuring suformation about iba

queries on that subject. Mr. Medhorst revolved the matter in his mind, and was prepared with. a plan, which on the expected arrival of the p in Shanghon be diught might be car ries into excoutjun. The plan wan aliis; to aend Iwa testworthy individusia to Khac fong foo, the city where the Jews were supposed to be, in make inquinet respreting their existence, and to bring down such information and duru. mente as could be easily procurable. The persone be lind in view were native Christiamo. Dintre ordered before noon aro joaned at 3 trained under the auspices of the Landup Misalon M. if ordered in the afternoon on the following Chin krang foo, and the other a young who

ary Bociety, one of them a literary graduato from ficiency proved to be 103,733 the): thear warrents morning. A fen of lifty cents will be charged were refused as the Compulate, not being in un'er, on every draf purchased to day. The Bank The Custom House send was placed on ile batcher | chaing * 9 r.. on Monday, and the vessel ordered fuck to the

proiect the shy from the casts which attach to The Oriontal Bank is schling dratty at the fol. Jews in China, and forwarding to his string

angeling, the consignora, when (wooshing par-loving rates:- tenlare for clearspre in Noturday, 4th fret,, I dge

On ENGLAND-At six montle' sight fire a protest in the Beach Consulate. After an alltings per dollar. (3r.). At one day's sight (for tine the Grand chip was grantes', but the Vocaui meanwhile having become cogh out of the praces, sus under £50 only) four shillings and ten

+nferred | penco ha'f penoy (43. 10]d.) deiinid the Pots eleammee until he has with the Tarutao, On Morday the principed ship- On Bounay.At three days' sight 235 Ru- per informed the coneighers, that there was vo

pees per $100. On CALCUTTA,-At bree ominica of 2 000 el:ests in kis return, which it was sisted were not his pet perty, but that of another days' sight 238 Rupees per #100: party; and sulergausily the party osmord inifderei duty natan's for 1.7093 7m'be which would Cover 6814 l'icels, or 91,893 (bs. (the actual dr

Dous anchorage, to which she returned on Twee-

day, and the next day was to discharge her catgo| Tnx P. & O. 8. N. Company's Steam Bhip to ascertain the weight on which duty had "Cantos" left this part on Saturday evening for eraded. The necessity for this was olevisted, by the shippers i elsting the actual weight of sher re Canton v?i Cum-song-moon. On leaving the pretive parcels; the Con-ul interetded with the Intter anchoraga by the fair way passage on Chinese authorities, and tstead of the property Sunday about half past ono, it being nosr. being Excaled the shipers had to pay d-ub's

ly high water at the time, her iron kull cang the trash duty in the weiglu snuggled, wich was

in contact with a sharply ported rock, whore 257,251 ], ont of a total cargo of 458 851 Ite, a

Gus +1 8160 carb was shaolevid for infringement | on, we hear, she remains of Consular regulations

Neith Chiun Herald," asserts that the



A man would alislike the chusneter of a Wushington, and prefer tu pay two bits for a gumo of billiard thau gire one dime tawagda building a most to his memory.-Plaquemine Sentiavl. Yes and that it all Such fellow would roh a lama anose's nest of the last egg-steal n

ing in a urmple. They were unahserved muskil fand whose characters will guarantee Gull Gradence! their ineora of subsistence failed a few dayungo, in the statement. The cargo of the "John Duzi The Chinese were utterly unable to make out their late," cousata wholly of Tea shipped by fute par- enuntry and only succeded alih the help of foreign- ties, the day receipt preparatory to clearing the STR.-E.

vresel wrio forward-1 to her consignees on Hutur day last, and on to forence there they found, that The "Lady Mary Wood" salled for Hongkong on the vessel was about in clear with a cargo of shout tail from a blod kitten for there's anthing low Sunday last and currency has been given to a report half the quauty she had taken on her previous and pan he wouldn't do. He should be tied up shas this will be her less voyage, an the Peninsular and voyage. It should be mesti mod that no pant of the ton braumlick and scalded to death by old on ide, Oriental Company propose discontinuing the Basoargo was shipped by the Consignres of the reasol. and then bis howes stuek he made iara buttons to

lier, unless the meresatile enosmunity enme forward

Mirror +

withstanding sabably bu ita sid. te may indeed be The Pari Clenrange bad been grasred nod forward. be worn an the branches of convicta. -Biolng Bun the Steamry's teet vayage us we believe she is required to the Cemal when the Consignes of the ves for same atlier of the Company's branch limen ; but that fol acrived at the Consulate and laid an information

That's wfect, and that sini all. Such a scoundrel This body contemplates shanikoulug its footing in gainst the veral shippers by this vad alleging would steal thi clothes from his mother's bed on a Phanghas, whatever may be the response of the pablic that they had one and all angle the greater past cold night, nul take his father's cofin to ride down 1 sm reult of which we are move of the enrgo and demandel the Consul's interfer a hit on. A ann like this might to live in argon to this novel demand than aceptle 1. To do so would be at once to call come in order to via upon the fenders the full payers' itch, an I not be allowed scratch -Gas-tle. petitors into the Bekl, either English or resalies of their arranging the Conelgeer, more All the above unght to las se ne preliminary euf-

in the process of me ?night follow the expansive policy

It should eventually bu consigne-l

of the Company Irwelf and fat trop contesting over, ludged a formal protest against any damages || furings--tha * prob"que to the swelling net* "f hig themselves with cast off counting branches, secka altare rig to the ship in ros-quence of the legal fuel done. of the proffis attached to amain lines and introduce duties not having been pail, and late in the same to Tophet, where his perpetual punishment would kolesama sivalry into the whole ehema of Oriental evening, the several shippers were served with he trend the newspaper aquiba perpetrated at his Steam Navigation. It may require cautious comblera. wolce it they were held responsible for by expens!-New York Sonday Timers. tion before Use Company extende Ita operations to any arising from detention of the ship, by any irregu

A number of the ghosts of these chant the prin given locality a but once established there we are such Lority in payment af detire. No other couras co-

stake, it will, we fic to abanden whatever pistent with his official duty could be pursued by newspaper offres in this country. Though they ter Yankees have been seen prowling about the rects way have been eaterialued and whatever Her Hajay's Consul than that adopted by him in could not rest in Yaukeeland, they still tempt press made, unjesa indvei. In shu improbable event of

for which they are suffering in their

cims of humanity, white in the most liberty.

tions openly perpetrated, mud publicly perlaimed


The only pasta; e, to which feel part cubur attoutien here, la 2 Ki 19 18 50f a tal, () Jehovah, the Kinga of Aaruris lavo dostrov vil tha ustine a sand en-l their tiede intis the fire, for them were wt God. The nations wrongly enll-dit,em so, but they cash! if three by shet the tenth ruler of thingy or comes In Kings, Fukim in w with its evidently relative forre, III-times, watu the article, 55 likes, and simply, 21 simre,

In the two books if Chronicles, Elohim is uted 320 LAN.

1. As deroting the true God Elohim, simply-

with relative Fice appsteid, with the artele

411 5


with relativa torce

294 timen





in regimen,

with pronominal "flixen.

2 Applied sway from the irns Gud,--

Elohim in the plitage-ralies Guils,' 47


to the calves of Jeroboam, -

li Gints,"

Gols with relativo forza ap-

parent, (2 Ch. 13,";25,14)



with the article, "sli Cole,"


je in regimen -

with pronominal affixes,

Here Folia is used with its exilently reltics

with relative force


wuh the article, -


apparent, (Ex. 3.3.) ·


riginen, - -

with pronominal athites,

- 67j

121 mes

that no sane peculour wodki think of stepping luto the Taoulai und mutard the grand chop, and es | truonistick estate

the vacated polition

tha vereel bait been permitand in the menutim to Bet it is alleged that the Company are losing money drop down below the anchorage, a messenger wa by the exision of their line to Whoughse. If this sent to uralte hatches and she was ordered bick

Jonathan's Lebens.-There are few things power, 185 tier, with the article, 100 time, and really be the cour, wo regint it sincerely ; but can hard- c? the Chinesa Cumom boure.

more anomalous in this world than the name of || simply, 5t times. by admis that the questiou la thus disposed of. Tas

On reference to the man frat as given by the despotism we final respect paid to the commen

freedoms and its prectionl worklog In the oldest In the book of Ezra and Nehemiah Elokim in

used 123 times. experiment has scarcely existed for a, year, nod twelve months are an insufficient me to prore whether it be Consigners to the Comeul, it was found (after the

1. As dranting the true God,- pro@tible or not. Nothing la mare certain than that grand chop had been inse) that there was a defici.

the great facilitlaw which der seinos has allonteney of 2,000 ebesis on which no duty whiterer mig nations we find the most tyranos ac

Elohim, simply.- ed to communication and Ipenmotion, their invariable and homo pintu, ne jatimation of this discrepano by people and a press thins are for ever dunning Prudency has been not only to develupe but to create had bern binlod at or pointed out by the Consignem

the rest of the world shout liberty, humanity, right trafile; and it is from the new sources thus opened up to the pasty interested, who on watertaining the that these costly poterpelare bare derived in great,mission applied on the rarest occasion to the

and brotherhood For whatever is just, marci. ful, or evno immorable in their lawo, the Amerienta measure their samnomation. New word more Custom bouse and tendered the duty; it was refused ful of the desilujes of this port than to imagine for moment, have yet fathomed the extent of its cap-on the ploe that the accounts of the Juka Ungdiere to ibank their fathers, who seem to have been

" race of men as far superior to the cle prosent alice. Every year flictenses the magnitude of had been cluaril, and the vessellinil c'oured. In the

| the present are tes those barbarius. Spuush lourdes sand trade, did every' your in devekiping something thing the C?ntul had been in communication

that ravage:] noi) massierel the aborigines shortly (trada's special features, Every year con- (with the Troutei and it had born inumated to the

after Amarica was discovered minne died to support ellies | paziur enncerned, that the whole durga would be Sequently-in senio

At present de lows protect when the public. Geeflug woaht indiet ledy a rudimental Biom Navigation on life Chinese Candid and re-usighed and auch portion thereof on Cena ang Ap peraneraza better by the unfurand ex which it should appene that the duty had beenishment, and really there can be nothing more

slog of commgren, the ploneers of such au wailer.

the equity of Ito laws, when thread Inws have on aking Mor 16 it to be forgotten that in the particular add, should be confiscated by the Chinese Au- contemotilde than to hear antin boasting of padone of the Pealer at Oriental Company the lies. Puberquently, Usake in the judicious stat valne of the Shangbas branch is so feeder to intervention of the Consul, it was determined sotons in the hearts of the people. This paper The main lines; and in a compreheim. view of its to discharge the caign, and it was deemed by contains two seperate facts the beat upon this! punlar results should be estlinated not only the lim- ?iem, that this was not a care which merod the

point The first is the attempt on Cuba. A par. Fred rings of the wasting steamer but the return milition of the penalties arising under the Imperialty of thine dezpierailure, nurtunad and ripened by the basms of westem libnity, get va-sela fited from passengers and freight Transferred by it to the Ine fire ty, seeing that the lexity or corrupt compitance dinu and Englah vessels, neliber of which in many in of the Cumom nose officers based trgacha male, | "P. and direct meir course to plunder and isku posaseni?n of an island with which they had no. stances would have gone furwinded, but for the facili-

algned re Chapels in honour of the patris:cha, but poorly serral to a?oid ahulter in the lew wie:cked song Israel who were judulled together in chin, sleeping on the bare ground, with scarcely rg to cover them, mad barely sufficient to sup port nature. So much indeed were they reduced in cirrumances, that they had begun to dispose of the fallen bricks and proairato timbern, sf which sh? various apartments, unes constated, to procure fr kemories the necessaries of life. Yes, they had gone so for us to sia piare of the ground of the inslosure by which the bimple was surrounded to the neighbouring headur, who were eagrowching on a procire's by their over eplurging pagan tem

les. Y there was enough to show what fad beer is former glory. The gateways and inscrip imp were still lare: the holy place was la exi erce, and its interior was beautfully decorated with gous painting and elaborato gildings. Que Travellers entered the holiest of all, from which polluted feet are not new debarged, and aw, the tubes containing the role of the law, which they unrolled and examined. These colla, iwelra number, were each about thirty fast so length, by two or three in width, written on white sheep ekin, in a small character But the room fo which they were found was so dark that our travellers could ba saked, how it is that alrangers are now permit. not examine them throughly. Parkope it may had been brought up in the Mission School at Bated to intrude lalo the holy precincts, when a cenie

avis could send oil write English, and after lay- ry age, the Jesuit Miegindarlos, backed with nil the ing hand has thristian character tested by long ex- Influence derved from the Imperial Court were perlonce, had been already employed in a traci not allowed to enter, or examine the record. Th co'porteur in the loterior, and give every satisfan-reply to this is rasy, and golyes the diflo?ky-dry


Save had no rabbi for fifty yours!nd there is not On the arrival of the Bishop in Whanghie, the || van of the professore of Judaism, in the present day in K'lan dewg-ho, m?u can red oan word of li pin and the persons to whom it was to be intrust ed were brought basure his attention, while tho | brew. They have even discontinued the practies journal kapt be this young mun ou a previous tour, of circumcision, and cor travellera conceived that much written in Baglish, w?n submitied to his lurped | in a dozen more years few or no traces of the tion. The Bishop was not long, la parceiving the || Israeliuah religion will there be fomod. They del prity of the mesure and the persons siluded but they could, however, to rescue what semsized in, wara despatched accordingly. The name of this | frun sblivion. Ibay gave money to the bystanders, gomilacio mas Tieang yong ch?, vod that of the ; and urged thein to set up,000 of two inscription Joung man K'ten-t'lednaung. The latter, though, tableta in front of the temple, which had tollen done. ilos young ee in years, was myda the prinsipi) | This they copied; na will as the writing that ma "grat in the n?nic, chu By becauss (room nur long | traccable on this cabler that was still s'anding? They sequeiatence with his character we could place took down openwurundi of all the imperij tions yol wurst confidence in blm, nud because being able to preserved over it a door way, and in front of tha write English he could give his own nocuunt of temp's: they even oupied the U-brew inscriptions the journey, which would be immediately intel

in the interior of the building, which are found to lisible to the lady who had projected the scorrespond exactly with thoan given by the Jesuit will advanced the funds.

Missionrice; while they dovesprad accurately the On the 18th November lest they started from length ae breadth of the wailing, and brough

away a very lowligible ground-plan of the windo Shaughne in a bont which was engaged to convey them dinetly to Taling krang poo, a towwal

*mel sure, of the interior of the principal tuated in the prefecture of Fe-gan-fon,


The indat important achievement, the inks of the grand ennal, where it jowa th??

however, and that which may tell on the Intoreste" of roliglom mud thn adlence of Liblical 'aking) boedre to each this pl or they avalles Yellow river (Lx 39,29, N., Long, 250 12 ?uf

ercisen in, the brit ging nway of eight. Hebrew themselvenif the grand canal, which pas rough scriptn; six of them containing portie un se tka the cities of Son claw, Chang clow, and Clan 9 Tratament Scriptures: and two of them con- keang fo, where it ernoses the great viver Yang ating of the murgy oned in the weekly services tsze kuang, and puravies its enurun in nenaberly

of the Hebrew people, and an holiday seasia, #3, direction past Yang chaw-fo, Kano-yaw, nud

in which fuser 'dum umetta alig various phottigna - ? Pano ying, until it resclus the Yellow neer. Scriptore orm from the 1st to the Gch chapicts of Baou, from the 88th to the ??nh chapters of the rived at that point they loud to pursue their journey by two mules, following the course of the Yellow

same bunk, Leviticus 19th and 20th chapters, Num- by land, for wel purpose they hired a cui diamen

bere 130. 14th, and ththi sumptern, Deuterowany

Grues on the shore, they renched the plear of their

chapter of the book. Varidus jautrona of Uba Pen- dustirustion. The travellers tepresent ibe Yellow

int-Mel, Psalon, mit Hueughipha vecue in the viver, but those season rather shallow, ins afetoka of pruyete; which have not yet been definites that at one place it could be forded by means of a ly fixed. The character in which them portions cart. Its banks, however, were very high, made wollen, is en nauque forms of the B-Zeuse, with frequent indications upperrol of believing uvari+w

pout. They are wriven on slick paper evidently ed the same during the rainy reson, an exlubited in the marahra and lakes which abound along its

will on the vilk in which the booka ure bourd ex- lub marks of foreign origin. Two Barashitish quran, la the midst of which gunden trees wand the remains of naived houses are to be oven. The

geuluiuen, to whom they have been slow, la Shang- country in the neighbourhood of the forer la du

be, say that they have seen such boks in Advo and the occurrence hule mad ibero of l'eusian punasqueira but flilnty propted, and the faw in- habitants that are left are pour and miserable in

womis, we lice with Hebrew letters, in the mutes The Fire broke out "Lthe North-western end,and the extreme Places that Ggure on the map apnded, seem to indiese at the books in quea there being a grile breeze from N N W, the district cities presented to the traveller tinggaly from the western part be dam."

perbapa Putin or Arubin. There is no trees winl. tous buildings such, one her the other, like but king of thatched cottages, with the user of the Chinese el:acheter uliqui pethehind the y

walls, which once purrounded them entirely de wild-five. It was shortly after hall past 9 when it commenced, and from the explosion which took polisled, and a solitary gatoway here and there,st have been manuluctured tirely by foreign- place at the time it broke oat, and the number of to all of whatfunro existed. The ronds were very ers reailing in China, of who liste nove from a hieves that were on the spot, not belonging to the rough, causing the art to folt excesively: thay difficult to hand wann conjecture. It as most loreign coumey. Reyording their age it would be village, there is every tenson to suppose that it was. - led sometimes along the top of the bank, and xt the work of incendies Those residenta core

America.- Intelligencer,) iber times porsued the best of the streams, in thane,kely that they are mi receut impertations iets

be suppose of an undertaking in which they are but port, moral and social, are most intimately con-

directly concerned as inherently vicious, hat would

Port clearance was granted nid fawarded to ike || Va wero, on Saturda? lust, guilty of indisces- Consul when the consiguen arrived, nad laid na

tion in publishing invite correspoulance colausn information against the shippers, nail moreover

the letter of a "Tradesman and Sulmcriber " lodged a formal rotat". This is untrue; the com signers sirictly confined themasives to the per- relative to an advertisement printed at the fetmanes of their duty as such, anmily is profeet | "China Mail" Press; the "Printer's Devil" of the against the smuggling that was going on; the

"Mail" appearing ton glad of an opportunity protest was lodged at one and the same time that the cleaning papers were tendered at itis Consulate, to perpetrata an off-dmut from the pen of the and cumquer ly before the Cast m House officials "Recorder's" proprietor. We might have fult could ever know of the intende i clentunce of the

ssured that Captain King nover gave hit anne ship.

The same paper smire that the consigners tion, to encli gratuitons impertinenco; and it in demanded that to allevers should be visited hardly necessary to say, as wa aro authorized with the full pashtics of their wrong doing. This e

to do, that the obnoxious mivertisment was unitus. The full pravity was confiscation, muri ri is about to suppose the consignees would vege not sent with the engnizance of the Clurk of It confucation of a cargo which was their call the course. teral cority for a large nmaunt of bills ou Eng land, drawn against that evrga, and which ball-sley bad bought of the skippers, and in pou paid for when the en uggling was desertrik

aviso referruce to the John Dugdale's" de tention at Shanghao. Mr. Spreckley, in his lat.




ared not arcupy your space with exposing|| ter to bo fomul ia our correspondence column, ace ruinor inacouracire of the Shanghae pro | appeared desirous of throwing opau Comal meer, winetimes on the north bank, and at other from the 11th 16the 16th chapters, with ika 32 and remain, Sir,

Your most obedient vertaal.


BIRTH-One tih inst,, at ibe Viesodda flotel, Rha ghat, Mrs. 61. 31. Domstunde, Danger

DEATIL-In Shangbar, co Faisiday, the Ard (uslast, at the house of Messen Wolcott, Rues & Co, Capain C° H. Greeny of the Amerless Barque lunilagdan,

DRA1150 tr?t; W. F. "Hualaus, kaq, Salem Man, 0. & A., aged 33 years.


New Adwrtisements will ba received metil 7 O'Clock on the Evenings rarione so publication, siz: Twe days and Fridays. If one or has copies are re quired of the lames in which an Advertisment us inserted, and applied fr during the period for which publication is ordered, no charge will be made for such copy or copies.


Nor. 25, Sandwich Islands Dec. 10

Dee, Labora


United Blates

Nur. 13, Barl



Deo. 10 Plagepore



C. of O. tlope

Ban Pacio

Dro. 14 Manila

Nov. 21, Shangbas

Not. Amoy

Now, Nagpu

Dec. 25

Jany. 16





NOTICE - 14 hereby givan, chatiba Honen of Divine Servies in the Cathedral Chescit se Br. Jajinare, un Say ni 11 s. m, and at 4 2. n, and on Thursinga vie P. M.

E. TR. MONCRUIEFF, 1. Paul Colegy,

Acting Colonial Cimpin. Victoria, Bad Oember, 1858.


Alcock the sole charga of on using double duties to be paid by the parties implicated in the Lea smuggling transaction.


(From the Hongkong Regiser, Jany, 29.) The Waterside Buiklings on Danu's faland konien as Ramboo Towa were borned down on the evening of the 24th instant, mod nut a vestige of the place remains.

where the fire commenced, saved letle or nothing, parts which hud Gwen left dry by the receding and thora thu thieven ware the most busy, robbing tide. Here the cost was knee deep in sand, ag?i Jar, the of what few gords and doflare they und me. there tambling river rugged store. Their diver, Jaoy. Dnated to clear out of their burning houses By whose good states they were obliged to propitiere, Ja midnight the Giro hd reached the Creek, and there alsted on starting every morning at three or four it stopped; but with place there was a Carpenter' o'clock, whick on the dark and cold winter days Yard with a large quinany of ?t pleska and spara which continued burning until 8 o'clock the fisNow. midday before they could reach a place where

was anything Lat pleasant, and it was generally ing morning. The aul-rera bave lost(besides their freshments wore to be procured Alike clone of premises) property to the smoont of overal thus the day they generally stopped to rest for the sand dollars, and much more would have been night, and yet with all skupo hoyra employed in facrificed, hat for the presence of spain Cerneroff, envelling, they die aut make where twnty of the officers, al crew if H. M. sloop Reynardd,who | thirty miles a day. The car sometimes out to with all the ship's boats, and others ?te the mer slowly thint the passengers were falu to get onl chant via elo, weco promptly, on the spot, pulling, and walk, which they did much faster than the down houses, to treat in progress of the dies, mules. At length after a very tedious journey they and by their presence aving all the lower end of the arrived at Rhine-fang-loo, (LaL 34,53, N., Long Town from pillage, and after their servicct were no 1,30. W. of Peking.) Inger cequited an abore, volunteering to gused

They found many Mahamedans residing there, the property of Bruish residoms aflost, in care of who made no preset of their religion, but wrole on any black from the number of bud characters which had ovenrmed in the spot in the hope of pludes the sign boards the faith to which they belonged,

The Myseniman rrethe principal tavesaka-pera, | *This is the third time during the last fortnight that

and with can of then the vellers put,up. Their the Regnard's basta have been despeiched for the first inquiry was for the lens, whom they used pression of like and progeny to Whamps for under the designation of the 'l'ou kin-kes, Kruch. Too much, estival be said so praise of upur Pluck sinew caligion ; en appellation which had Late Cracroft and his offer or the prompftude with been mod et assigard in cons quenes of their hich their best assistance is voluntarily given a plucking the chief moaw of the legs of all animale all times, not unly unceasion like that istion, slaughtered for food: Bre Clem 89:32 but so many snailer masters which it is beadless to Mahindan hat immediately informed the of the exutence of the people in question, and directed shem to their synogogue. As it was late in the avening when they arrived, they deferrad their visit to the day: there was no difficulty in Anding it; but "oh bow changed, how talkni" from the me when the Jeanit Missionrire, visited it a cen- The outer wall of the in-kamore was bro- the monumental pillars, the inscription tablets, the ken down, the front gate choked up with rubbel, stone balustrade in front of the temple, and various other oramental appendagen brokou or prostrated,

NOTICE-Fertler comureces in the Starwers' Church at half past Tes in the burrson, of every tuning.

Victoria Harbour, January, 1851.

NOTICE-TM hong of Public Worship in the Upper Chapel, mollywood Blond, is on the Batdink as 11 4. se

Victoria, ini Jane, fubi,






al Sale


30 Thursday, $1!Friday.




From the North-China Hernid, 18.

From a report of the Jews' Society of last year 0,41 5.47

it appears that it sou muitten had it fu contemplatury ago +56 9.12

tion to send a Missionary to the Jews in China 040 5.4 9,3 0,0

in reference to what they say: Your Coun. ten have gladly availed tumselves of the opport nity offered by the establishment of the Bishopric

New Moon, on the Ist prox.-in apogee on the


by trenne of'a wyir, and live autorialeurployed, na

Chona ; it is also more thau probable ibay no perana in China hoa tesnenibed ibem within those fify Tore, as the Rallies bien dead for that period Jews in China about 100 years ago. How lung of tron, The Jesuj Apsonering discovered the

before What time they, they had resided there wa

themselves sure that their fathes visited Clupa canho-cily my. The temple at Kung-fo is and to live been bolkt A. Di 1190, but the Jews

during the Han dynasty, whigh corresponds with

the Christian era, Tav tilt from which these

opice were taken may hare be brought in China at any period between the drat vleit of the Jews to this country, and the time of their discoverythiers by the ?Jamit Misrivantiem. Could this rella of the law which were scen by our travellers be obtained,

light might be thrown on this kiterengin quiry. In the mema line, the manuscripts now 'ubuised will be of soma value ni id?ependent, if not very ancient, evidences in favour of the Sacied writings, and as much they bobove to be deposited in the British marun where lawrued men of all weties of the Chtistian churth, will be able to t

mi and assign to themtheir true valus.

It is intended to have fic similes of these man- scripta engraved, and wished for the inspection of the corious; and the journals of ove unwellers, one kept in Chisor and the other in Engich, with their description of the temple, will as speeddy se possible be printed and circulated, to the mean time this beefwecount ofthe discovels in give to publ, who will no doubt be Buxious to see


The whole time necupled in going and returning wwe fity-five days, fire of which were out t Kline fung.fou.

Ningpo, January Oth-The Ningpo authoriti portunity for their waive land, a party of ship have recally set of to Chapou, to wait an of

wrecked Japanese, five in number, who wo Cousin last summier, whase they have been

ties led by's Blup somminuu?estion throughout. If that non-payment of the full duty upon Teas las | ibing whatever to do, and to tauch which was

in the combinasjou of these ultimate results with its now become the cue am of the pit; to mich my darees shit immediate returns the Shanghas line is still that even in this case of the Jahu Dugi dle ( with tailers anil likely to remalo bo, we confme that we the deferency of 2000 chrets on which we day are numeli surprizel at the Brent

whatever was pall and others in which ono nadi At this juncture, iken, the Dompany inatriates a fund on third only was prol), will pad in respect deftand at eos then dollars or as per innesl frein of her teenage, more export duty than ha of the the mercantile only here It true that no rekast is fases recady cleared.

green, and that the exaction is delicitely regarded as a

lage charge for ibdopuveyond of letters; but there

stiraet vinlating of their own hows. The statute compele the enurutire to oppose this condool, yet they remain to be basted of, "s formerly, and the scoundrels require the pe-ple's applause. 'I'be directly affecting nuly a single individual, never. second com we have to mention is one though

We feel oftain that our readers will heartilytheless it rates the fate of bundle of thou-

can i do mistaking ita qual character. We presque apore of the t'onaal se derimon in this man, which: Binds. We refer to the of Fra-terick Du the sing kui been taken in parsusline of instructions 49, that the shippers shoull lealore the resma ? Klang, "Ilu is observed by a number of the apna f from head quartas for the L'ompany's Agenta in Ulle. Juve quantia aliyeit und be amenced by the infiorly, walking along the streets of the cupetal of e could, we are astirol, have given them much better tinn u bnb)- dutiva on tis q mutity was previously redunt, New York, in company with two abile advice to what would be polerable to their supporters, and a further fins for Hair irregularity, of 100 here, wil hened chat to the boat hicarert of their own dollars mch, to the Quevo.

body. We know not whether a digitur alemant wil

be made upon inerphans og Elongkang, the other terin

dues of the 'line ; but af both places the matter intist

We sincerely hope that this Compulir decision

to corp od as a warning for the Cure,

lira, and Junatino's feelings of brotherhood are #toited to the highest pitch of indigonion. Being valorama for the rights of min. xl the good of the pople they Call order the females to return, and chair fall upon thy wiggas with wit

very unan be satifed in one way or thh other. We can we think we kno z enough alf the right-mindedness Gets The lowongnin, ray that this is wrong, but i

the public wil the press silizm that it is right. The

2. Applied d away from the true (lud,--

With pranominal affix, to the golden

·ralt, (Neben-lah 9, 18.)-

In these books, Flokim is used evidently with

ite relativo power, 87 times, with the artick, 31 times, and simply, 4 times."

In Jab, Elohim wccura 17 times, donating

the true Goil,-

Eoin simply.

with the article,


a 17 times

The more equation farsa in Jub is Elnak, In the Pa,i-us, Elohim occurs 350 times,

1. As denoting the true God,-- Elotim, simply,→


with relative power apparent 11

with the article, --- in regimen,

with pronominal afius-

2349 time 31

9. Applied away from the true God,-

Elohim, la dusjunction with E?



in the phrase "all Gors "* "all ye Gluds,"


with the article, the Gods," "Gail of Gods," (190, 2; 168) P

Gods, applied seemingly to princes or magistratre, "{82,

i 6.).

(1 times

with pronominal "fix, (36,5,) There are here three cases of somewhat new ap plier-ho two in the 82nd foulm, and that ha the 97th. The former were sufficiently considered in the second lettes, and as to the last, though the Apostle sanctione, Heb. 1, 6, the rendering of the agi,His Angel, wo arst, 1 apprehend, use the same term that we employ elsewhere far Mohim (except this page from the welfa

arey, to the 'sal?n, Elohim is used with its evident times, and simply, 225 times,

nat amppoor that either cumanly will view with and correct feeling of our readers to say that the much evinplacency Ungattempt 10° sex them by a great lenity accord. & in this Instance to the ound. monthly subscription, tough it may be culte deg parnes, will not be construed into the belief pemple of this county may congratulate themsolves cide whether they shedtil seriously res-at it or foel in that the Chlores authorities will be an apathetic that if such mit grant lind taken plaon in our send rather to be amused at the originality of the idea and ind flerent as they have been of late, to the own land, the lawa would not only hare forced Certainly, of the paltry expedidas to which virus daily (we might say hourly) aystematic evasions of the executive to interfore, but that there would

liste oba redmoes? mo think The meet uwilight- bed spectacle is that of a great commercial incorpors-the gal duties both in imparte and exports-have been sufficient spirit of equality among the *** wuding raund ing batas has been proposed worry should we be, that sich a state of things, balandare to have handsomely wall ped this blaa o do In the present caser by the Peninsular and Urlen- should permanently obtain in this recent but rising | jalernto such " fool wet either by non interference?ly relative power, 130 tirars, with the article, 5

pliemy katar on the spot. The entry that can Company.

|port sa tion disgraced Cunton from time inune Les this unilertaking, like every other Manil upon its murial. We are sured by the best Informed of of the magistrate or by popular comnt, can have en besis, If the link faunos renumerating in the our filouds that it is not only inexpedigt, bat ab- | but amull claims open the respect of any persun empoy haply to Clotgenement for 118 and taude,bysolutely expensivo in its resilie to the shipper;

who has anything about him deserving the one of a human enri. If this story be true, as stated,

but #net for ti ensila, as has harap dumo in

ist han beta satisfactorily proved that any evasion. her attach all over the globe and if Government of the duties held to sure than corresponding and the offenders not everly puked, we need | oldoente to,a: Well authenticated representation of

only anya tha e thn erefitum of Russia ja in averg nature, let the concern be decently she seed, cgmentation of the post laid down in England,

at we can'only regard the principle of a direct (il We shall ann future aression return to this respect more rational and more consistent with for alle in the powers of a private body, a on subject, wne of prominent interest, and in the pre-liberty than the freedom of the Ulied Stairs of word) accseinen pois the pabllo of say locality for peruad standing of which the best interests of this

1 chonglit at home of the motesty of arallway company - difleattles which should send to levy, contributions,


Since the forging was written wa learn that

dis own private vantage pa every parish, through the duties and Snes have been paid and the John hinh thu Une plight passtudita. Marvel of mapping the (Dugdale has provided on ber voyage. If all Co- area of peels he some other branch of malic? !sigures of veste will have the buck moral com ? what cfew insolvent traear eho skondi new? ?a eie jeage' to inform, agulat the irregularkles in viber ler to his creditors-That shey sontributed so peuple's, thero will soon be no end to all not a web so krepkim-allast he would be under fillicit truding-Ibid.

unfarinate perpules, se failus outright? W. o enviainly huge bond in the Petlictular and Oriental ompany" de hinc m?rs intiimale confecilon with Ku- OPINIONS OF THE AMERICAN PRESS OF po which is Life Ringet vetale of a direct Steam Ne

THOSE WHO DONT PAY THEIR PAPERS. jeden, thenes gbut we do not chok that borly ton

A man who would cheat a printer would steal a ways been setailed by the most liberal sextinguits or

wifeet to the ki the most liberal way he should meeting house and tob a churchyard. If he find u on little surprise therefore if she'r present appeal Jenal, ten thousand of its size would have more the mereuntile busly memin with a tardly and unwitting room in a mosquito's eye than a building in the pouse; and we await the lands of the proposal at all Pacific Oconn. Er ought to be winked at by blind with sok, curiosity. He far are, however, pample, and kicked to death across logs by cripples. m regarding with apprehensions of its abcess the ex-Ann Arbor Wolraine,

jesive in a very short line pathing indo will moses tha


(Contioned from N?, 100, page 190) What the Witch of Endor really meant, when she said "I saw Elohim ascending out of the earth," I do not pretend to determine hero. It is a eno

in which we can only 'rangiate safely by translating literally. A writer in the Chinese Repositors has rrently told us that it wona "a miere spirit," which mere spirit we "an old mina, covered with a mountle

I only negerva funther, that in I Sam, Elohim Deco with the affix "our" twice. Once it in "horshow God." Onge it in "Dagon,tr. God," Bali com demand the same tendering In there boks, Elohim is used evidently as a rela tiv? t??m, 89 times, with the articla 42 timer, and simply, 52 ilmen

In the two books of Kinga, Elohim is used 199

jalan of Broom Navigation to this quarter, that we Anal Suelin being would steal the molasses stremmbs of Whanghoo than making it tha teraskuun out of a siek uigger's ginger-eska; buke from a" the_Bombay line, and Flongkang only the para of drunken mau Iris "bout chew of totheeu; walk at dimes, 7. Drug wis bon bw,brought sa without the ne- night through the rain to deprive a blind sheep of sity of tragaliipment with its attendant delay and its fodder, travel fifty miles" on a fanting stomach | Elohim, simply, e and we shall enjoy the slingene of a Branger for, te climat a dying women out of her coffe, and

h reconfig and each but golug mall. It'might" meal wuz nut of'n dead dog's ear. Soch mas wall at the Penimallar"nikl · rental Company to

ipate this awe, at least to facilitate it evaluation, glit to him sind in a sheep's tail and butod 19 aloly not to Interpre out clony obstructions ar luath Florance Enquirer.


it which we kara unticed to the enlarged spirit of Exactly se; and that isn't all. He would brank mercial or price and liberal drating which should surveyor'a-leval to get out the alenbul, word hus jompany the inagtitude of these operating.-Ibid. | wife's untale fur the mock jewelr; bid against a

uary (1.

womno ut her dend husband's auction ; and stral the urplina's shoe-strings before day light.-Tem- The tops of the week in our Ijule commonly, p ranca Banier.

been the detention Tiko "John Dugdale," ou You thovenors of such woule ma that me?'s ground of some plot of the Teu cargo bbi has would raille in a macard sued-douco contra danese paid the ligai duif. 'We are happy to have is in on the point of a whap'e sling--or maroh abreas power to lay before our readers ibe demil of ibis (through the eye of a cambrio needle. A voler mi arrenedand the correctness of which we think crescope would fail to discover them, and when not be contested, our information beag derived found they would not fit the smallest cunny in in parties wholly cognisant of the oireamwances creativa Puel


1. As applied to the tros God,-


with a relativo power ap



with the article,


wth relative foren ap

160 times



in regimen.


with pronominal atfxre,



3. Applied away from the true God→

Elohim, simply, "God" by Je

Rebel, and by Dentindad,



with zelative force (I KI.

18, 27; 2 Ki, 10, 18). -


inthe phase-ther Gada? 11




by Ahab 10 houself," Am

I God T

in regimen --

wab pronominal utlines, -

to the Proverb, Biohim is found 3 times,

It is applied always to the true God Elokin, simply,-

se with procomina) affixes ..

5 times

In Ecclesiastes, Elskim, is found 40 uars.

It is applied only to the trus God,- Elukim, simply.

with the article, .-





In traich, Elohim is found 93 time.

1. As denoting the true God, Elokin, simply. -

- relative foren apparent,

with article, and relativn

foree apparent.

in tegumen,

with pronominal afflues,



79 "



2. Applied away from the true Gol Blokim, with relative force ap

in regimen.


" with pronourinal affixes,


14 times

(To be continued.)





26, Oriental (Am), Dale, from San Francisco, and

Shanghar, 20th January

96, Bazar (10), Graham, from Sandwich Islands,

10th Deesinber

26, H, M8 leopi'ra, Capt. Music, n. 8, from

Singapore, 18th December

26, Laurick, hae, traini Calcutta 20th December,

and Singapore 4th January

26, Mazeppa, Donwawn, frou Wonrung, 22 Jany. 95, Numph, Wibon, from Woozune, 19th Jang."

26, Tipic, Later, fross tonolah, 19th December.

26 Arawant (Am), Gwynne, from Guam, 19th


29, Ann Welin (kin), Ryder, from San Francisco,

8th Decmber.


11 Dec



|Deo 11) Amor (Tait and ou


||Food-foo]Dent and co. langkong/Husk and co-





VOL. I. No. 10.


France timbay



Receiving alp??

Ban Franchco

Leach prox.

:4 *



24, fieorgia (Am), Tabu, fram flongkang.

26, Pondicherry(F1) Prudhomme, from tongkong,



7, Flying Dutchman, Cooper, tum Hongkong

10, Oriental (8), Hile, Froin San Franciscs,

14, Dida, Leitch, from Nano

16, Siemar, Jubator, from San Francisco


Per Oriental, Alias Surth, J. White Erg, and J

C. Smith Eq.

Per Tepic, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Hun-phreys, Mro Stevens and bree Children,




94, Ander, Glover, Wocanng.

To, Dart (Am), Woodberry, Honolulu.

26, 18. M. & Hastings, Admiral Auston, Captain

Austen, Siporo

26, 11. M. Str. Sphyer, Cominander Shadwell,


25, Denia, bareb?m, Exp1 Const.

25, Lady Mary Wood Str, tronson, Shanghae,

15, 11.8. kegethon, Commult Nibh 14, Canton.

26, Island Queen, Macfarlane Woung.

26, Lady l'eel, Fraser, Whimpos.

27, New Bilo (poc), Dominguez, Whampoa.

27, Oriental (Am) Dale, Whempos.

29, 11. M. Brig Pill, Cowen dr. Hinckley, Wham-


28, Ath ot (Ft), Pellequin, Whampoan.

28, Thesia Cars, Ban Francisco

28, Lanrick, White, Cumeingmuon



8, S. II. Waterman (Am), Feisk, New York.

10, Elizabeth, Rera, Landon.

11, Union (Spanish), Pardo, Manila.

15, Land Lakes, Grunt, London.

16, Lively, Bamburgh, Cork



Amyma, larcha

Antilope, barque

Handlich, ship

Channing, ihip

Charlotte, ship

Chatham, hargno

Chebar, barges

Chi, ship

Cinta Anna Maria, barga

Ilandins Cello, ship

Clown bilg

Confucina, skap

Congres, ship Constitution, "barque

Command, thin

l'entopallis, ship

tients, schoort

Dido, schooner


Jan Vinesut

267 Savan




Wimpe Saulwich Isles

San FrutaS

............ liver lortha


San Francisco


‧ Shaughne




a. Moodwich Islan

L. ThomaY

Dut 90-|Bakman


|MAL. || 159)D'Baucha



37 Presch

1973 Lat

| Ret.| 68 |Uporn

SUM Canbriere

| Htit.] (35|B+rcham

Jan 34

Jan 30 (longkong|Ramle, Dilukar and co Wtampos Prench Count

W. H. Wardley and on.

||Jan SiHongkong/Deon Grap med en

| Nainos Pardino, Matheson and co Recoletup slip Jan 30 Hongkong Murrow, Ntephenson and co Hengitong & Canton

Hussell and co

||Jan 17 Hongkong Wan. Pustan and eo,

Nov. 15

Label and se

Away Nymo, Muir and co.

Jau Lempos Order

Hardies, Matheson and co. Wapanag- Shanghar V. A-Remedios

|Jan 20|Honghang Hamio, Delakar and es

Dec tel Amay Thit and co

Howkauzandise, Machosen und co ||Com'moon Comnej?e 3. Lanzmana. Jan ty Hongkong Kawie, Delsker and co.

Cartoon. A Oldinn. P&O CYMAN?.K. |Hongkong (Torgu (grall and so. ||Sept_4|Whamper Ressalt and ca.

Pub 14

Kawal) and co Dardis. Matholon and coafay ||Dec. 20| Shanghat | Birom, Gray and to. Liverpool



(sharghhas Samarung

47 Nov 26


Sept 25

21 120 00

47 Dic 10

13 Nov 14

on 13



San Francisce




Messiving sh?p

Solving abip ||Whaler"]

makese & Canton New York





Wossune [P. & )). N. Comajos und en Raoniving ship

Trashed t



Arena, ship


170 GTO


75 Nov 13


99: Peklogus

Albert, skip

Albion, baigne


Allentot, brigantior

19 Haker

Amason, ship


919 Hely

Aulta, schooner


Ana Welsh, barqna


Anonyma. bele

Antelope bilg


arg Haundy

Authern, song i


| Act


29 afford

Air, Ap

Arlet Nakaman, ship

151 Glover

Andix baser

Ancora UET


4 Remedies


#99 Graham

Haford, barqes


156 Naboredo

Kamanjee Hartansjen, skip Hire

Hombay ship


400 Waldron

1 ne 30


Over boat

d'anten, steamer


Canton, steamer

C'eres, barneo




50 Jahren


Jan Sing & IhongJan 14

$34 Monom


151 July 10

412 Martin

Na M


Jan Whampoa |Jardine, Matheson and do.


316 Vario!

Put back

|Nov. 25 - Alany Syne, Mair and co


Dec 18 Whampoaji?. Browne and on.


161 July

Dec. 19 Shanghae fardino, Mathness and co.




The 21 pos |? 13. Comstock

Newchule Houtkan

167 July 21

Jan 8 Hongkong|Dedar


Deo 20

Dec 21 Typ Tumar and re

45 New ty

1 G, of Amarits Early Whaler


Jun 25]



|| N?M


Dos Amigos, achooner



Eda, schooner Vacht

| Bril


Atet Rabeman, W. Charlotte, W.

Folly Jane, shilp

4 Lander

Empera of China, hip

the Locke



Macon Luther, W.

337 theland


|Dec. 16

Facies lop


Pekin B., II.

Falcon, ship



Flying archman, berger


33 per


31 Dec.

Prince Albert, W.

Falkalnas skep

400 lacry

Fort Him, "ship

Gazelle, schooner

1 Pentold


Georgia, skip




Jan 2

Good Karm, brig





Harlequin, bilg


Hellas hermit




44 |Ner 10

Hoback, ship


415 Cale


10 Dec 31

Ungkin, stenmer


Miver best

Hongkong, barysa

314 Gerard

Hugh Walker, skip Hyzola ship

Comerod Heat

San Francioo0

Independence, brig

(91) Macfarlane

*Ingapore Flongkang

& tame s

Jan To


2012 Jay 15

Jak?n tanyan, ably


21 Dec


14 Det r


95) Pace


36 r.

Dec 18 14 kampsa varder


Nov to

Nov. 25


17 Langley



Lady Steel, baglam


59 Fraser



For Fucho.

Equick, hela


37 |Dee su Hoogkeng

Lenly, achque



Lightslug, schoner



Linum brig

?????? ????

VEMELD IN Donazozu, WusmroA, COMIN?MOON,


Per England.

Georgin, W.

Hugh Walker, H.

Rote Standish, W. Telagter, H.

For Sydney-Regis, H

For United States,

Carce W.

Memnon, W.

Oxnard W.

Rhodes, W.

Sra WV.

Bea Witch W.

Tour W.

For Hamburg.

Rajasthan, W.

For Franta.

Albert, W.

Pondicherry, W.

For Calenda

Lanrick, C.

For Homboy.

Albion, W.

For Belavia. Leuiv, W.

Win de Eere, L

For Strails

Triunfo, M.

For San Francisco

Ann Welch, H.

Antilope, H.

Mahoned Shab, (1. Bolile, W.

For ima

Coromandel M.

Mariner M.

For Alanila.

U. 8 Gloop Marine, M.

Alligator, il.


Talend Queen schooner

John Bright, ship

John Spencer, slije Justian, Darqu

Krem Shaw, schooner

Lady Hayes bacyan Lady Maty

ud, stefanes

170 Simard


Jan 20

Deo 28

Jan 18

[Fan 11 Hongkong|ituwie, Delsker and co.

Det end

Cap 14 Shanghao Wm. Daubiona




Amoy Syme, dale and co Hongkong

|Receiving ship


I th



ecolving ship


Recriving slip


Ith prox.

Istra shilp



???? ----




Heartying abip

Reading ship

153 White


112 Metamy

615 Macmeika

14 by


Pan Francisco

Wang Dent and co.

Turner and to

| Shanghae | Blasklo, Kawaan and co.

Jan 14 Gordies. Maths and

1| Shanghae |1" Kannody and co


|| Wonjanc |Jardine, Matheson and es (Rscrivka shilp |Hongkong|). A. Ok?ng,P&O to 'angi]iteoelving p

Ear Coal Tardima, katheson and ou

Jan 24W kampos | Cye, Parkin and co.

Nov Tr] Hongkong | Vrder

Chirkon landing, Matheson a3d'o Lockeng Jaras, Matheson and outerwiving ship

Dee 2 Shanghai tyke, Schwabe sad on.

Jan 18 Lletgkong|trawie, Drink and co

In Lyall and oo.

Name Dent and co

||Nar 2-Hengkeng Neava nad co.

Whanga Thomas Hunt.

Sept 9 Any ?ywo, Muir and co

Dant and co

Deo 118kroghar Hargreaves and co

||Jardion, a atheron set os' Loaden

Dec 17 Amoy Jardios, Matheson and ne

Kwaug-les Flong

| Augustine Heard and en. "Repairing ||J.?. Owing, Pukikto a tgi Woosing

Whampoa (Went and co

Jan est'am'inson Cardina, Masheson and co 'leutia

[av_161 kampsa |Reynvaan and so.

Await and ca

Dea fwm'moon Cowaijin 29. Langua

Amoy Dent and co.

Jan 24Whumpon Robert "tra?liam

51 Nov 2 Sandwich Isles Jon

Jas 14

28 Nov 15

| Chinaben |Dent and bo

141longkong|Rawle Oriaker

Dec 14

Hlivar Mia Jarlino, Mathieson and ga

Hongkong Syne, Moir and e6

| Whampoa | Hlenkin, Kawson and en

Aincas. Dont and e

190, 14] Camron Sawin, Drinker and co Jon

Whampoa P. & D. N. Chonjve -

Woung Cowasjra A. Lang

10. Bassoon, Sems and co

(Pam W Hongkong|Jardine. Wathansa blind co.

Whampoa tassell and on.

|Jan 24||Jongkong Bush and co.

l'alt und co

Dee Houghowy Fletcher and co.

Rechteing, salj"

San Francisco

mon David Pamon, tea and co Rosalizing ship Manny V. Jongs

Jan 16 Hongkongent and e

Stae &a H'heng 200 18 Whampoa Huell' and so.

||Nur, 35

All and co- Amoy Jandian, Mytreen and on. |Bast Gow-t Byma, Mair and on ||Nka-gline|Gikh, tarin simit and cai" [Sydny

Jan 20 longkang (A Ulding. PKU CsAgi Bombay da.

Wijnie [Dent and o

ED. D. Lalaca

Gray and co. Pas Hongkong Bankia, Kawan and co. Ved tr

andido, Matheson and to Sydney, Hun 11|Whampoa Nga, Parkin and on.

iye, Parkle and on,

Jan JWbampon il nasol) and colone

Mario F. P da Uttra

Dee 27 Mengkong gyma, Mudy and, no.

|.ww/mson|Russell and se

Lenin, belgur

Landen, barque



Land Amberst, sh?p

Magnaila, barque




30: Merrow

Malamoodi, hargne

· Melt

Malome Sko, barque


Albermarle Alverton

Aono Jane









Lon. Oct. 21 S Buckland Lon. Aug. 21| S. Liv, Oki 3 S. Paweelt

Liv. July 16) 11 Arnou

Lo de ||H Bogg

Liv. May 15 5. KCHloun

Proireath Lon. Dei 38| IL

Margaretta, skip

Marimer, slip Matth, bel


Martin Luther, barque

Masden, Lurgee

Alanya schooner


14 Anderen

131 Down LUNA Orden

||33|Harkar Jr.







Dan 17








Deo. 21


WC. America Early



Receiving skip

Kacels og skip

Ngi York


30ch Tast

Bist Dust.

thew York"



Nambay Halurgh


de Harland.

456 J. Huthen


30 Not



Ma-, brig


4 Jan 27

Memunt, ship



Free $0



Maxion Dol |0b|e9

Lon Sopt 18 ||

Mount Walston, skip

65 Dat

Liv. Sept 14 H.

Sarcian, brig



berbudila, barque


4 Wal

Holla Hartlepool

154 July 90

Lou. Nov 17 11.

Id, barwa

Now Margaret

Old England

Breby Eva

|Liv, Aug 14] IT. Liv. Aug. 111.


De Plan




7 Jan L




79 epi



Sir Edward Parry Squirca

jon. Aug 28, 41. Lon. Aug 1 fl.


Dec. LB



'fat de Galla

31 Deo 1



15- Prudhomas |11eogkong

Jan za


GG. Jellicoe





3 Dec 21




(7 mon

Sandwich Islas

49 Nav,21

Nelndert, shly









Benares Each Henrietta



Cal. Nov 10 H.


Jan 27

Jee #hampo George Lyall and ba."!!

Cum Francion





Ang 6

||Jan 12 Lengkong Lodony and d



Das BWuampos Diy phoin, and bou var

blow Lark

Ben Hove, brig



Nov 10




Oct. 10

1 Turmer


|63|4 libera


15 Nov 1


|Hom | 23e|Heyer

3 Nov. 13


44% Cate


3 Aug 19

9. LH.

1 Dre ? H.

Bab Francisco

143 Sengrove



(ur. 19

San Francisco

41 Nav i



Hevi Peterkin

Shia. Oci .

Liv. On 26 H.

Lon Sept 218.

Order in which the shore Vessels left England,

Bangles, Old England, New Margret, bie Rdwied no. Read. Mennech Karnam, Treat, Anne Jann Mann, Quita, Atheronth, Koerung Bastlock, Mavilion.

Loading-At London; Rindoo, and Androkles At Levanboot; Hanger, Alliance, and Dudios


Victorin, steamer Virgilia

[Bem, Dec 1 Ft.

Nova Ainlande, skip Nymph bergantian Oriental, buque

tixmard, skip

Pathunder, orqan Palta, schooMBE Pedlar, brig Peklu, Lieser Pondicherry, ship

Prince Albert, ship

Majnatham, skly

Hases, barque

Megla, brig

Khudes, ship

Home Standish, ship

Kayal Exchange, brig

Stylist scher

Kaparell, barque

Ban Baulto, brig

beirce, alp

| Westland, ship

Ben, skip

Dea Witeli, ship

beeld, skip


htt 26 Mo Murdo


| Brit. | #6 Whittem


34 Pearson

Port 15.

Bric | (a)|Browsing


Mpak 12: Dominguez

| Belt | Der Davies'

Am. 807 Spring

1 Wo

|Am || 90: Prover

Calo-Bli Edward Ryan barque Br

Rom. Nov 19 EL. C. On es Jatarerjee Jejeebhoy Fitzmaurice Cal Nor 8 H

Neill Bom. Nov 2). Orpheus


Bom. Nov 225 H. Lakemann Bom. Nov 24 H. Loading At BonBAT: John Wickliffe, dunia, Sydney, Susannah, and General Sala



Coombe 8 F. Det 18 H. Norton Luminary Samuel Keberwood Weshtorn

Barah Bunker Cooper

La Landen,

8.F. Scpt | H.

1. Liverpooly able. Nalaldo, Bew. Newport Cly.

- Jaunpurt, cu 15.

Ande, 204, kaarsen, Itart, hantepon, Her. Das

ch, play, Cay. Laylan Fal transe, mug. Jurgin, 11.9. M. Disco, TX. Whmejo, A. Akay, it. Sa ungka



Bir George Pullock, ship Bulve, big Bolide bris Bipark, Blenmer

Back,mper Sumatra, barquea bwallow, baryno TW.neurs, ship Tellosaur ship Tepic, brig

Ternate, barqon Ternate, barqu Times, schover Tamelan, barque Triawi, bile

Vikosel Bandon, abip


Vixen shooter

I'r Baker

Hongkong Hop. &

[tl. N. 3.

26 |Cups, Aldenin

William brig

Gottinam IV, baryna




Ent. 173 CAR

270 Ha't

Da 5 d

With Lacy

Port 29 Vicial

|Brit. || 410]Marb

15 Vranches





Shanghai. M.El

Je Bon. 3per


Hong River §.







[sion M C S

Marte Misako l

Se kampovo (11,M SI Ty inches

11 race-

Hongkoop. M 643 10 Pas 1. K.

.M.12 [Lad Aky

Moc U. R. Glady

D. John J.






17 Endicott, W


Hiver rout







PRICE $10 per annum,

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ? the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per dumm, 14 Dollars, payable in advanom quarterly or otherwise, of option. Bingle Numbers. $5 oria

c. SUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND, To Hubscribers to the Fassed or Cams, 4 Dolara por danubi non-subscribers 88; single coples 80 cants; if more than Ten Coples taken, forty omits TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Tea Ines and under, i Dollar; ad Helonal, 10 conte? Kos. Repetitions one-third of the first lasertion, Ships,-Pires Insertion, ↑ Dollars; anbaaqami, Insertions 65 cents. Advertisements to have wriston on the face of them, the number of clues they ses required to appear, otherwise they fill be publiebed until countermealed. In all Instances, those who are not Bubscribers, requira 10 pay in advarer.



Abe, a route to the above, amannu, Pran, Gatan-Malta, Sy?n, Avor. BE POULAN and Out. ENTAL COMPANY's Strum

· Ship W4JTA, will fmove this Klar ti?nhavn placeo da Thare-

day, the Sb af February,

Tubavuus will the retrived on bourd until noon the 29th, and Canno un?) 5 v. 1. 'on the 245, For particulars regarding Funtour and Pawans ply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Offhos. Fongkong

J. A. OLDING, Agent. P. & O. & N. Ca.' Office, Hongkor v, 30th January, 12950,


"Lady Mary Wood" Buamer,

DT Onter of the Directors af the PD Paitonalar & Oriental Broam Na Nowak viention f'ompany, the "hova voer) will withdrawn from the Court afiar the present ranath, duty in the oneaing one be despotoked to Scott.

For particulare of_freight and passage to that brt, apply at the P. & O, Company's Office. forly intimation will be given of the day of her



Agent. [longkong, 22nd Ja?nary, 1881.


Sing will be despatebel for the above port on 610th-pruzinio. For right or pago apply to,

BUSH & Co.

Hongkong, 28th Janosty 1961.

FOR BAN FRANCISCO. THE A. 1. Barges MAHOMMED BHAH," Capa Maomeikan, kno ing a portion of her Corga engaged, will despatched for the shore Port them the 15th roximo. For freight or passaga apply to,


Vicaria, 18th Janeary, 1881.


-THE A. 1. cos. Copper Swedish Barque ANTILOPE," having La part of her cargo engaged, will have Brly despsich. For freight or promige spply to A. LUBECK & Co. Hongkong, 1st January, 1651.





ADVERTISEMENT. Nge of superior Rumian Cordago, from FR. WILLIAM BAGB begs to notify the re Jsidents in Victoris, that he has taken thore A. 44′′ "201 inches. Apply to,

convenient premises at the corner of Peel Street. abuiting on the Queen's Roud and opposite the Hongkong Register office; where he will practies his procmsion as Vaeriapry Surgeon.

THE Firm of THOS, RIPLEY & Co., have

terminated yesterday, I have take into Pari- momhip Mr. JOSEPH BLANO, (Nephew of Mr. T, Riley), to continue the bugions as ORNAL AND Commission Munonawes from thie dite, under the firm of SHAW, BLAND & Co. | DOWa


Bangles, 1st January, 1001.


WER JOHN H. EVEKETT is authorised to siju"

our Firm by Procuration.

AUGUSTINE HEARD &C. Canto, 1415 Decembar, 1850.

NOTICE WE have the day admitted Mr. EDMUND NEWMAN SNOW, and Mr. WILLIAM WALKINSHAW, partnere in war Firm, which now cones's of Mr. T. W. L. Mackran, Mr. PAT NICK DUDOSOs, Mr. Acuzandan McCullOON, Mr. Euro Newman Snow, und Mr. WisiZAM WALKINGNAW.


Hongkong, but January, 1851. JOTICE la boreby given, that the Partnership


FLETCHER & Co. 90th January, 1851. Co, beg leave to call the attention

Pustic to the extensiva naperiment of OLERS and Oilman? Storze which or Sale at moderata prices, consisting Lof:-Canviar, Twine, Europe and Fdloge, Banting, Oars, Paints and Paint Ou, Varaich, Turpentine, Tar,Pitch Roald, Candler, Tobacco, Cigars, Olets and Crockery_Ware, un

Mr SAG takes this opportunity to sequaint the public that he has several good saddle Horses, sod Poney l'hetens to let.

Victoria, Hongkong, 12th Dec., 1850.


Wallington Street,

extensive assortment of Clothing and Biatlonery, HENRY MARSH begs to inform the inhabitan


Balt Provisions, Flour, Vinegar, Wines and #pirits of all varieties.

"Just Beceived, ■ Batch of Bam' an?l Alluop's Ale and Porter of Superior quality.

The aberg Stores are of the vory best descrip ties and Mesken 13. & Co. are now prepared to offer them at very low rates.

Hoogkong, 1st January, 1831,


beretofore sabwisting between the undersigned THE undersigned begs to inform Ship owners.

Grobur Jaxtkson, Jowar Giraden, sod Joamper FRONT EDGER, st Calculia under the Firm of Jawoo- don & Company, and at Canton sat. Hongkong undre ibe Firm of Janinox, Edorn & Company, la chis day dissolved by nintual consent an regardi the mal) Joeren Proar Esokk, who retire from the Partnership. The Busiuran will in Cuture bu carried on by the said Gronor Jamitaun und Jour Gorono in Partnership with the undersigned ALEXANDER

il Cafoute under

of Jamtuton & Company, and at Ernion mod Hong- kong ander the Firm of Jamison, Good & COMPANY, to whom the Afairs of the laid Kum devolve in liquidation.

Did the Thirty Brat Day of December, Ona Themand Kigin Hunsted and Fifty.


by kin Atheney Altxandan Glangan.


by Ale Attorney Alexanuun GirFORD,



THE Business hitherto carried on in Chine in my owo name will in future be conducted under the myle of CARTER & Co.

AUGUSTUS CARTER. Hongkong, fat July, 1860,


and Ship masters that he has always on bead supply of the following articles. Anchors and Chain Collen.

Iron Knews-Dook and Hawso Pipes

(Round, a in. to ? lav. Best Refined Iron, Flat, in. to 7. Ine. Bquarain. to 4, ins.

Rigging Chan 1 in," to 4 in, Hoop Iron and Lead Pipe, Rigging Screws. Caboclorge snu amall. Iron Shares of all les Sheet Icon of all sizon; for stove pipes and fur other purposes.


Spring Gardens. Victoria, Hongkong, 18th December, 1850.

WINAMPOA DRY DOCK. dersigned beg intimate that their DOCKS are now capable of receiving Vessels of the following Drafie of Water,-

At Spring Tides, 12) foot



of Longkong, that he is carrying on the HORSE SHOEING Business on the Premisss latoly occupied by T. Dutanar, docessed.

Flores carefully shod on the most approved principles, under Bir Marsh's personal saperinton- dence; and from the long experience ke has ball, he hopes to give every satisfaction. Hongkong, 18th January, 1861.

HONGKONG RAUEN. PROPHECY OF "* Baerumn to Proisus."

January 30th, 1851. BER,-Like cautione jockoy, I bara waited contented, and seen someffast jockies lead the van in prophesying the winners of the various stakey, but though I have riddan a waiting race let me hope, I can come in a wisser; for though it may ba the first race of the kind I have ridden, yet, in the rush, I may land ory favorites in the posillod I wish. It is not experienced knowfadga" of the former running of the Horses that suggesia my conclusions, but, purely a watching of the developement of the various qualities belonging to the animali them- selven, as far as my very humble opinion goes, aud also, as far as 1 durajodge of the merits of the Jockies, of whom Uwill spisk only with the latitude (usually allowed to a Public prophesier who must

say with Junius 4 Mint nominle umbra "

But never mind, we will have no more beating the Bosh" Jets off" or perhaps my apologise may Ura. For the rat race The Wong nei-chung-sinka we have no entry of seven, out of which about throne may get ruand, showing the Blas and White hard hold in front, followed by St. Patrick and Creditor; the latter proving bla inability to make a race with Prince, with any chanet of the Stakes being placed to the credit side of Bic Newman's racing accounts, For the Glearly Cup, we bare a triol of the * Crucks" This will not be'a very interesting for, Kathisen taking the Copffrom Maggie Lauder, bot the English Mata showing racing qualities of no ardinary kind, and running that will stamp her la my mind a being the Droghter of "Glaucpo* whose form she much resembles. Lottery, may amuse himself by showing his plates to the Spen. resportatora, io ao very polite style for his Jockey; if he

The Large Dock is 200 feet long, and the Pumpa akachod are worked by a Steam Engine, JOUIN, C. COWPER & Co. Whampoa, 15th October, 1830.


MRS. DELLEVIE und Ma. C. BRODERBEN THE Captain and Consign of the American

Whole Bhip Shefirid" will not be sible for any debts comtracted by the orem of said vestol.

are authorized to sign our firm,

WE PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong and Cawton, 24th Do., 1850,

NOPICE. The Home on the South side of G?ugh

Street, Insoly occupied by Mr J. THE interest and responsibility of Mr A. How- Jorison.

PHERTA in On firm, censed from the & De- cember, 1850.

BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Hongkong, fat January, 1881.


The House on the North side of Gough Street ely orcupied by Mr J Apply to,


M. SHERARD, At Mr Eporn'S,

Victoria, 3rd Janunty, 1851.

NOTICE AE Undersigned are prepared to secept Riske (eorored by open POLICIES at (LOTDs and the various London Irapuanon Companero,) by a Peninmlar & Oriendl Company's Meddere,

Canton and Hongkong, to the Struts, Coy


Hongkong, lat January, 1851.


lo quiet, a trial of strengili may prove him a fastar horse then Pretrader. Goliath does not plaaso me, even when warmed; bot Protender is a nice borne, and a dangerous enemy.

For the Volley Stakes my friends must CAPTAIN AND CONSIGNEES of the Ame-judge for themselves; Mr Muirhouse will mist rican wil Ship BOWDITCH," will not | likely direa Prince to wia, who will not be follow. be respramble for any deble contracted by her crew. vary closely by any other, except The Shick,

Ilongkong, 18th January, 1851.

who will watch the afety of Prince, bla Diablo companion, fut fear of accidents, and, if necessary, will wio,

PUBLIC AUCTION. THE condemned French Ship "CHILI," for Sale on account of the Underwriters, by Pus. LLO AUCTION, on Monday, the 10th of February, A.1851, No. 61, Praya Grande,

NOTICE. WITH eference to the above, it ?la hereby in- timated, that the business blberto married on in the same of Bows Homeana & Co. will bereafter be conducted by the undersigwad under the style of BOWRA & Ca, which Mr W.

BOWRA is authorised to sign.

CHAB. W. BOWRA, Hongkong, tet Jumaary, 1861,


For the Arab Welter-Temptation and The Squire will make the race interesting, but at the Gioiab I think the Blue and White will ?rat caich the Judge's eye,and exclaim" Temptation sowoh mu

For the Scurry Stakes. I am inclined to think the branded hoitom Tetoy, will give the others a view of his Tail, all the way round, and win easy; Cruiskeen coming in second, followed by

JNO: SMITH, has been desired to offer on dala, to the highest bidder, by Pongio Auction, (for the benefit of the concerned,) by order of ?. ZAROLE Beer, Chenorilor 10. the French La ratios in Chics, that fast saili, and only four St. Patrick and Creditor. For the Rack Stakes

For Rains of Premium and other information. ?NGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all your aid ship the ? CHILI," of 378 was, or ibere. I think The Rake awd The Sworde will show in

b, the Presidenalen of ludia, and England? -


ly to Mr J. A. Osposo, at the P. & O. Co. se, Hongkong.

Baixos, alvo Naila, by


‧ Slam



{Hecniring ship


Liangkung & Cantor

wowook extolen Camgand co. [ileogfying ship (Nov. 13]Whampoa Jardina, Matbaasd and ve. |Niu Yen [Dec Hongkong Hawla, Drinker siv? ca.

Amoy, Mult and an

Murrow, S. and on. |Deo 47| Shanghar Lindsay and on.

Wooning | Mamiue tiened and as

Nov 16 Whampoa Wm. Puotes and so,

Canton ||5. Vinger

Aug 26 Nagpe Hergrentes od ce

Jun 16|Shangban Bienkla, Hawson and no.

49 Ang 48and nick. Isles Now, slangkong Jardide, Mathers and co

||Nov 24 lampen Olyphant and co

Hongkong Bush und co

Jan Shampon | Wm' Buckler

Kosong Dost mode.

Who-Mobert Browne and co

San Francisco

|Winning Pwetbajem??. Lama and on, Bacaining ship


J.B dos Nemedios |Sept 21|1 hampla |Hassell and ca

Doa. 19 shanghae Foruer and co.

"Jardine, Matheson and eng W'coming Ulines, Bowman and so. Llukay sad es

Dee tulongkong Hawie," Orlaker and co.

Dowl and ca. Jan-East Coas] [Dust and ca.


Jan 1.



12 May 21





- Dules 22. Thoug

William de gaste, sulp



104 July

Nahlung, banque

Bell, 11 Stewar




-Receiving skip

New York



Heiving ship kecaiying ship Datarle Shangham

Edited, Printan, and Postituso, sv tik Przeniston, William Tarrant, Queen's Road West, Vistoria, 1881.

JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co. London, 28d December, 1840.



HE undersigned baving been appointed Agent

BUSH & Co.

abouta, na cha lind at anchor in the loner Harbour of Manso with all her Maste, Yards, Saila, Rig ring, Bos, Anchors and Conine, a two-day Hongkong, let Onlaber, 1860.

Chronocer, by Breguet, Patent Windlass, Bre FOR SALE. SPARB Buitable for Jank and Loroha Master

Teak Timber, Planking, and Singapore Bams


SYME, MUIR & Co Viatoris, 14th January, 1951. FUR BALE. HEATHING COPPER from 14 to 28 oz.

Lord Hardings. Apply to,

in Canton for the above named Society, is repares to grant Polices payable in London, Latex pool, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Shangban and


FRANCIS B. BIRLEY., Canton, 14th August, 1850.


GIBB, LIVINGSTON & C Hongkong, 21st February, 1850,


THE underelgoed have received direct from the Manufactorers, Tadias Condiments, the very arrivals-vix:

8 hereby given that the Partnership vertinibretot

subsisting between us, the naderaigned na Gun-

RAL AND COMmino‧ Mpuchanti at SuanO.

AN IN CRINA, under the firm of TIJOS. RIPLEY

? Ca, has this day terminated by effluxion of tinie,

ad is accordingly dissolved.

Very Superior Bengal Chainey,

Do Curry Powder, Madron Mullig tuny Paste,




Do. Curry Paste,


A few entrs of most exerilent Port Wine, Sherry,

Dated this Thirty-first day of December, One Champaigne in Quarters & Pinta, Beer and SL

pensand Eight hundred and Fifty




Queen's Road,

Flongkong, 23rd December, 1830.

per boilers and Still (complete) to make fresh water, Bell, Binnacle, and all her Stores. &c., as par a very large and full comiled inventory, which

from, followed by Baji and Arikar, but If The Seeds comes no tricks, and makes no outward bound royage, I think the fellow countrymna, (horse) of Jenny Liad will warble The Pale

left behind me.


The Pony Walter will only trouble the Book

may be seam at the Auctioneer's; and the vankers to watch the sending of the Valley Blakes,

doubt backing to say amount the Hise may be laspected any time before the day of the without

and White Jockies,

Next comes the "great event" The Planipoten- This new vel, constructed of the best materials, and copper fastewed throughout, was built in Hortiary's Cup which not withstanding the prediction of damex, in 1846, and launched in Novembor of the myself for the Glenealy, will fall to the fortunate owner of the English Maroli no cougli or "ther mia- Esme yest, at a qual ofab?ra 140,000 france; and was to coppered only about eighteen months ago,


them with the Enghali Mate in watting; Kathleen any in China.

seen at the tile drawn before her old friends careful not to worry bet) She is called up in; Kath the English Mare ie jealous (ker Jackey must be

leen is surprised the struggle cumios, Kathleen wine! No! the English More!! then aguio but for a rouest dugni re-echoes doubt, the English Mate pale ale stride or two not expected, and is landed in good amateur jockey style, the Winner;

For a Receiving Ship ahe is well adapted, being spacious nud, roomy-has carried above 600 tons, and bad then room bavides, for light freight


be Bold in separate loca, Que and Ammunition, and sundry Cobia

The Safe will Cor.mence at 12 o'clock, a. m. Macaop 25rd January, 1851.




sh, of a fe

amid the bearly congratulations of the friends of | HRFII-At Csotom un the 30th ulimo, Mia, 8. Raws the iste imposter, who dress town MAERLAGE-A1, John's Cathedra), the 25ub last. The ten pounds additional on Kathleen will mankelijke iz Rev. the Lord Bishop of Vicon NUE. the difference in straight running."long, accord. L. Comenanding the the CW her jug to all accounts I have glemmed, she is a good to Ask Farmer, only daughter of Waluri, Weight carrier, and we certainly from biri ""DEATH-AL Viewdla, Bengkong, on the 176 ingat, dangerous competitor for English Mare, who 3. Pastry Parado, late of New York City to the

I think will be "nossed"itor the tags.

For the Vickers Plate " we have fait un on- trance of three, mact witho" " The NAA * will deso prove himself' ● good betem'il fur'e borse. I think the Doctor's passerspoon, will be Mage asia to cure, "The Sheik to be followed by ne quet dose of Ran... bard. I hop it will be so fur therence many who kom bio boller than myself, who will say, wel done Doetoa! "with all thy tauhs. I love tice sull'

year ago.


Unveil bes Calenita falay FyJort

C. 40, Llops but I think he will me much to his Jockey. "Thn - Sun Fraxelcu gallant Captain."


Horsld," of a Journey_to_K'line-fung-foo, * cily shut three hundred and fifty miles in south westerly direction from Pekin, as por- formed by two Chines outissaries of the run don Mionary Suciety, at the instance of the Lord Bishop of Victoris, for the purpose of carteluing the existence of a section of the tribel of Turdel, is of a highly interesting nature.

Of the sum total of Marriage, Burial, Sa leer, Deed registry and Official signale tees, the European community paid, fully, t on feet off curte say, alan, for the Europe proportion £409 Thus of the whole p of the Colonial revenue the Civil com munity contribute upwards of two thirds £15,000; and this,taken from the pockets of le than three hundred individuals, is after the re nl £50 per head exacity,-not far finin a di We hear that the crew of another America lar por day, each, on every working day in Nov. 25 Bendwich lalunda Det.-10. Now 19, Batavie Dravenel, Wrecked at Japan, were recently taken

year. For this oxcesive Lexation what is the re down to Batavia by a Dutch vessel from Nanga turn? This is the question remaining for t || saki. 14 kesupposed that on the arrival, at Singa-


Des, Labasd

10: Singapore


Do. 14 Manila

Nov. 24 | Shnugbar

Nov. Amey

Nor. 29 Nagpo

Jaak JOOT.

Just Jany, 18

Dec. -

For the Sydney States we lave four. Rienzi ho, THE FRIEND OF ORIN A pot secuted the morning air withouflicinuturgulurity ||

I think,to make bita sppear at the Pist; if de dom, ;

in any thing like galloping trim, he ie a dangerous

bomo, but will b?t lie afla to reach. Prevender, or



Hap Heard, who will be followed by Goliath per un hop. The Pretender will have his work to b-st Hop Haward ladeas. I think, this may be the best sace of the me ting, and Pretender will win.

For the Endza purar and Plate, we have some pretty ponies, and I thlok a pretty mee, which wil} be finished by Teing beating Prisen,und. The Sheit will immediately who his revenge by licking jost the head vil ?etey -The Sheik la a dangerosa Jante borse against ponies and I like bio gallop much.

For the Black Backer 1 think dhe Swede will bove it all but uwo say ; the Shaunock second.


The * Custom Cup" wal-out in doubt will grace






Sonday Munday Tuesday

Rims Sets

6.48 640 640 64M 1,40 8.48 k 1396.40 0.48

New Moon to-day at 1 h. 58 m. v .-in Apoges, t-morrow, bus in echipes this day, but not visibly

so in China.

pure,of an American Frigate and a Steamer dai.munity at large to consider. Thus much by expected, the Ilonourable Mr Commissioner know it is na opinion very generally c

alestier will visit the Court of Jedido, a nisained, it is high time a change should be effecis sion from the United States of America The the nature of affairs,

In British America the inhabitants conte recent soccasion of the young Tuddal to the


throne, gave rise to a report that Cochin China bute some fifteen billings per sundor to was again to be the field of the honourable state-in the West Indian Colonics the sam sum; what resson is there, wo a?k, in requira gentleman's diploinatic labours,

us to pay such proportion more then in times over? Our Governor will doubtten par to the number of Chinese inhabitants wh require to be governed, and who contri iterally nothing toward the appart of the ficial staff; but we will ask his Excellency with all respons, to point out one lot of bent which we, the three bondrad, or ale mo country either, deriva from the dwelling amou us of this overboiling of the Chinese caldron,

Tuw weather, during the month, has been agreeable. There have been -ligla fulls of tuin on the Terage number of (five) days,(January and Febristy, in Chios, are invariably, the dryest months in the year.) The Barometer 29 ranger rather above the average mean Temperature the mame, being 649, against the monthly averago of 4119, cile Therniometer lius ia no care gone below 00"-the known minimum is 499-Dor ranged above 60°-known maximum 73.) For more than two thirds of the month the winds have prevailed from the eastward in generally moderate strength. On that quarter. On the 11th and 25th it came in fresh from the westward,

We have much pleasure in reporting a con

Mr Muitbouse's ride board, for which I think he | Tuz "Hongkong" "passed this "Spark" bound up the Buh-10th-14th and lith it blew fresh from will thank "The Squire" "Suisi Andrew" bing | -so report from the "Couto." saved Inc de Plate.

The "Selling Stakes" 1 think will make a change

But this subject is deserving of mure the From the very inefficient manner in which Co mere cursory notice in monthly euroman ernor Bonhamn has performed the duties of high office, or rather offices, some surpriza ku been expressed at the dignity recently bestos od upon is Excellency; whose conduct Cominendor-in-Chief, is placed in striking co trast with that of the present Governor Gener of India, with whom he paints of etiquette ux award the native Troops cooipensation, whe decemary, to enable them to obtain good a wholesome food (as mure particularly ste ed in the causes leading to Sir Charles Napier retirement.)

of property to the advaninge of the owner of Outcast: TRB commencement, this day, of the Year 44F9iderable improvement in the health of the not allowed to interfore with a determination l though he will be Ginger'd and may require some of the Chique era, wad the first of the reign troops in garriso. The health of the civil "Wegstals to mable bim to digest "bricks" and flien fung, will be lured in with the usual community is, we believe, generally good. The perhaps we "Imp" may "Spar" bin on w msko him

uprostions and danger fraugs, practice of cracker numbers of the several corps now in Hospital go "Ey go Karu."

and squib burning. In anticipation of the geur, arn as follows. - indcol, not a smal quantity of powder i- being burnt offen whilst we wante; and on Thursday even ing house in Piel Street was art into an entire blaze by suma careiras wighter other.

For the Houghong Plate, there is a goodly en try, and may be mon by Lottery, but in case of tricks I think Paint Andrew will beat him, and so will the Eguire, Hagursio will prove laselt god little hors, and of the Cups de men favorably for him will rum will up for thir tave; taking, however, ull things into consideration, 1 am luclosed again, to stick to the Blue and White, unlese it should be the misfortune of Kathleen to have to appear, then aku will take her terenge in gallant ayir, 3dggie Louder will not trouble. Lericif to come to the post I think, if beats for the two events she will bude her diminished hevd and sing small

For the Screw Stokra, I think there are bing en. tries, but the history of this ruuming you had biter have in a Screw Bhyme.

Of all the hot bloode tha. will show in the beni The word must be Tom, who's new turaed. Car's ment

1 wish he may win, bai dumbilul 'tin, very

And save me, O Jaava mr, from oddang

Bot of several naga vi which, i aom pra?tie


By well we man thiult si, our old torud Joe's, Wattle

And take 'em ingether, just ult in a lump

There's a chance, I am looking, for jully Dream Sumje

As to one ile tellin, valjd Kan ju Eury

31 Ar wins, P laith, be'il mot va 11 by

But what shall we say to sar washy Garber

Whipod or mus be lan- kim, vi he'll be a slepenet There's Zifa Ekin, Glgoma and Walter Fisha Veropgina Must be honored wih Arack, le in ziren as largs. Nog The last will be host, ni Jenst zu ihr Jungen say, Hat in my humble judgment 't will be-Dell to pay.


Nine springs have found Hongkong a British settle. ment. Your after ye?r, of reset for religious

ceremonisa! as it is alleged, the Chinees residents have had full si ense to annoy the civil inhabitanta ol blacky with their childish upronz, Viewing, saw do, with a pleasurablo ferlingo, the residrace on the Foland of auch large numbers of the native of Chi- na, wa unaestly trust that this will be the last year in which such permission will be accorded to them. Do these securing the Police foren require to be doubled, and directed to keep the mous law outlook for wreich-son by Rea. Besides pa?emine night patred from the Barracks, the Birds

should be realy for instal service,

Os Thursday afteroon, shout 2 r. u. eight or ten thuavex caine to the wharl, adjacent to there, pushed off, and were observed us puil our Office, trok pen-ession of a Bempore lying alongside a larga Market boat, laden with Gre wood, anchored off" Messrs Jamieson, Gifford The Hunter's Stokes, will full to Hop Hazard & Co's Wharf, and sue akercation was heard between the boarders and the crew; the and do not ask me to ity in ges Fattery urer a fest 6 inches al hurdle stuff, unless it is backward let former in loud torins demanding a fee, from the me advien the Jockey, who rides him, got to kerp Captain, for coming into the harbour with large hunting whip to clue to lus nose; but when carga; eating, that it was " the custom of the he amuses homself by Khong v? be bond, as Ubava | port* (We wouki have our readers to re- seen blin ilu, just 10 turn round has left sem (6 like 1 member this assertion.) to sen a jockey punish with hi h(1) nod give him that shock cans across his nether --eudi, unui bir sem

says hold enough."-ake all amble full of Caracus to here you while you do it. the bored

will soon learn you are lila sunster. That horno must be sidden with confidenco-pot with fear,- he is a good hote

The Amey Hurdle Ruen, will be the easy work

of Kilkenny Roy, with Credator at his herkk

1 bare finished, and with satisfaction ( hope to those who wished to be advised, an to laying out their dollars; hua others, who start, I may be tho last or most unfortuante prophecy; but this I koow, it is my ratnest desire, ana kurer of spurt to see the best horse win, good order kept on the course. and that it may be successful and satisfactory mesting, Is this entoem wish of,

Your obedient Servant.


P. 8. Whispers bave been going the round that the English Mare, in vol all right; if in 10 40, and what every body saja most be true, Katldeen in the hore to back; bus is on to beat the squits and saint

Andrew so easily na is expected,

B. TO I.

P. 8. Since my letter, which was written on the 29b, the Englah Mure bas proved luua ( no wow- der at hores aming on such a course) nich to mygret, and a clear sjew of Pretrader has made



From words they proceeded to blows, and two or three of the crew running below, the free booters very deliberately cut the boat's cable, and commenced to hoist smils, with inte tion of carrying her away altogether.

Of the Ordnance Departments 24 (leen being forty with fever)-Coylon Rifles 22 (ie fover under forer treatm-na)-Of the 69th Regimen 71 cases) Total number in hospital 117 against 173.

of last month.

Uf91ft under medical treatment during the month, two, of the Ceylon Rift■ Reginos, kurve died. mould have bron as ful owa:-

The average daily cases of sickness during the

The Hoyal Artillery. Suppers and Atinere, and Gun Lasers (aumbering 197,) 24,1 against 31,9 in


against 130,6 in Lucember,

Of the 59th Regiment (numbering ·410) 90,6 of the Caylon Rifle Regiment (numbering 907) 29,7 sgeinst 84,4.

The antial returns of revenue and expen. diture have been published in dus cours, almaring a difcrency of £11,000, which will ba paid by the Lands Commissioners of the Tron sury out of the last annuni grast,


The revenue of this poor, barren, worthless ilet alone, for the year 1880, to no fest sum than £28,500, and yet this is insufficient to pay the shares of the officials, and the ordinary contingencies of their offices

sens that the Governor's salary and Establish-

One of the crew thereupon jumped over hard, and swam for the lord (hardly a stone's throw di-lant) and the thieves, appar rently fearing that they might be pursued and taken, followed the example,

iban in


enant Pidier RN has again obtained leaw hear that the Harbour mater, Lies of abssoce, and laves for England in days. The Magisterial duties; during his s sonce, are to be perfonised by the Clief and Assistant Magistrates the nautical, by gent head of one of the receiving ship remaining, as for some time past, under

harbour-the working of the vic


confuet of Mr E, R. Mobell the provi alt. I will be interesting, lo sulke d our realers, tolero,that there is at ind a prospect of our iming the present Colo Secretary, win, we hear, hax went in he resignation, with intention, als-, of retiring, she thor, from the, public service, and of local



in New Zealand. In a succeswar to the

Oficial we all hequr en ung momma ile apparat words of a late Superintendent of Trade, quot od willing, and anxious, id uphold (to two the ed in anther part of this paper)" that high desirable to uplold nod minintain, even for p tional character, and reputations which icy and interoit akong,"

with an addition to his present anlary, night We du not see why the Attorney General


found in another part of this paper, it will be By reference to the unaval statement tabe

ment, alone, come up to £6,500-The Colonial be required to set e Chlonia Secretary Secretary and his office £3.180-the Treasurer and Auditur General The duties of these of £1,700-the Auditor 2000-the Clerk of care, with the aid of the present efficien Councils £190-the Burveyor General $1,500 Chief clerk, Mr L.. Afe Castro, simply nod the Harbour inier £1,100--the Folice rate inalar, indeed, the lauer gelees who has Assessors and Collectors £100-the Registrar now been some twelve years in the Brush General £175-Judicial £8,400-Eclesiastical service, might be primuted to the position of £100--Boucational £00-Medical £800 and Deputy Secretary. This would give the othet Police £6,900. These itens are bere stated in Cles in the Colonial Uthico a step also. sterling, £20,720. We had waited for the appeaking, Dogtor Hance, who, a short me ruuu! numbers-the exhet suni total, in pounds Mr Fleury Fletcher Hande (ur more properly pearence of these tables before continuing some go, received, for his authents, a diploes settlement, having shown in our issues of the 4th now been sung, ark years third Clerk, and Lemmiks on this Colony, in its position as a free philosophy from an University to Gerang) and b instalat Deither as a military mation

as it affects the China bado, is the uphold ing vi' thim government calculated to benefit the mother country from whence, as we have in onler was that of ordaining two gentle seeu, for the past year's expenses, the sum of men (Mesra Odell and Holderness) cows over what the Colony has yielded.

11,000 is required to moet that amount of exowing Sunday his Lordship held a confirme cone of the Church of England. On the fol The Hongkong civil community numbers some three hundred and fifty individuale: Ra ther more than a third of them are trades people less than a third are merchants and their assistants with of the whole are civil servants of the government- uinth are ecle- siastice, and the remainder are of the class professional," (The governmental-the eclo ligence worth reporting. The insurrection in

FROM the provinces we have up intel-siastical, and the profesional, say one ibird of the civil community, may hardly come Kwang tung and Kwang-se, sppears to be on. into a consideration of value returned to the re- serious impediments since our last despatch, tirely in eod. The report of the late Com venue contribistory for this large expenditure.) thepagh accidens to the local Steam Packets soner Lin's denili proved to be correct. For the government of this body of civilians On Sunday last, the 28th inmant, the Penis-

Three or four of them audaciously returned in the place from whence they bad storted,amil, al. though a police man was a long whi's in making his appearance, with the assutance of our Com positors, one of them was eventually captured, and is, we presume, committed for trial,

(From the Ocerland Friend of China, Jany 30.)


that capacity he appears likely to remain. formed these important coremonies; the fir The Lord Bishop of Victoria has also per


on, at which as inany na fotty laven attended: principally soldiers of the garrison, or boya, sal officers, from the men of war in harbour. There we also two Chinese, and one, if not inure foreignersboro) the latter protentact against the Roman Catholic religion. Last in order was cults of this interesting evcut will be found the consecration of a floating Church; par In the supplement.

The Canton river navigation has sustained

A document has been seirculated, during payment made to the ulliciale after thebular and Uriental Steam Navigation Com

the niuth, purporting to be under the veinil-rate or too per bead; two thirds from the civil pay's Vessel Canton Captain Jamieson

a think he has some petence sa running, and in 1 hun pencil ul lits Imperial Majesty, in which chest ut the eulutly, and the remainder from on her passage from Cumingmoon to Cantu

dangerous borte for the Hongkong Piste : which urders and given for the degradation of Ke- I should not be surp; sed to see his win if Sat yong and Mul-chang-ab, minhtera ut me Andrew wing the Caston; for thought he can beat | standing and repute. The document, ed oir- Muse Trooper, pesure he will find wifferent com culated in the north, in found, ou comparison, ay in Saut Andrew But he race do differ materially true that premolgated in favorable for him and I should not be surprisvi the south, and wo and somewhat disposed to

doubt the edict's authenticity, party in the realm who oppant very fond There is a of making the youthful sovereign fulge in vooperations against the barbarian. Keying's pricipal offence, it is sileged, bung undue

he wins the ilrately, at while i thak,my invords the English Mere being Berstens bound no is okwerver to work vo Kathleen from her pruty "go" which is forced a dangerous certainly to bet against, Galinth has no s?ingch ut p-reassiva in truckle my bork such, und ta va a port vatry,

for Usa Screw Biskee. I think the Squire wil sereiny to be black haired flock" his country- abow his Tail to some,ba is doing good work,,order to grauly his friends of the red notwithstanding kis no eving sufivem. The Ponies | finired race," are doing good work nku.

An account, to be found in another part

1. TU P. of this paper, copied from the North Cinna

the treasure vault of the Lords Commissioners. When about five miles from the anchorage The Revenue copies of the following items also ras, at full speed, against a sharp poml Rents £11,700; of this upwords of 20.500 is ed rock, and the hull being of iron, the paid by Europeans. Item £2,200 for rents furemust compartment filling, she sank o exclusive of lands" should have been put down tirely by the head and the boiler fires were pat taken from one pocket and placed in the out, Captain Jamicon, with great presenor master, the Ceylon rifle other" (the asid rents being paid by the Post- of mind, immediately got up the boxes of trom Tax upout provisions: the extradioary Kee-ow are nowrious for harbouring the o curps and Ullers) and, sure, and loaded the fire ande, as the shores d rent ob markets, being included in th?u itein. desperate pirated in the Canton catwary, and tionecer (£170.)-Billiard Room (£10) and sure was forthwith vent back to Camsg Licenses for Spirit Dealers (£1,5db.)-Auc- an attack was to be apprehended. The tre Serangs' (£80) - my £1,70-all paid by por- moon, in the life boat, from whance every ar Lone of the European community.

sistance, in the power of the werin hearted ar riners who are stationed in that harbour, despatched without an instant' delay. We

Of the Police Assumpent of £2,809, one half

and upwards was paid by Europeans.

Laul Revenue, Hent, reclusion of Lands,

Licensed :-

Spirit Dealers,- Pawnbrokers, Auctioneers, Fak Broker,

Billiard Room, Opium Dealers,

Sion Quarry,






Colonial Secretary, paid in Hongkong, including arrears)

Do. England, Contingencies,"


1,2017 Betablukmenis Governor, 3,197



6,305 +1


Trosauror, paid in Hongkong,


Do, England, Salaries,


Andor, paid in Hongkong,

Do. England, "Contingencies," -

(1467)14) 3 213/16


1,637 3



Clerk of Council,

117 510



4,824 48

| 25:||




100|14) J

17514 | 6,437



681 14 R

89 1x 6

Berangs to 2 November, 1330,

Tes-Police Assessment :--

Belauce on the four ended 30th June, 1850, On account of the year commenting in July, 1950,





Fines, Forfeitures, and Pres of Court:--- "Prout Chief Megistrac





Superintendent of Police, Juniors of the Peace,

vis From Chief Magistrate,

***Muperintendent of Polica,

From Supreme Court,


Chief Magistrate,



*Fon of Oficity.

"On Marriages,




Official Signatures and Seal of Colony.

Registration of Houts und Bawkers,

Deed Registry,

Bailing Lers and Passes, -

Sale of Government Property,

Reimbursement, in aid of Expenses incurred by Government,

Miscellaneous Rocsigle,

Special Receiple".



40 0 31 836 B


Surveyor General, paid in Ilongkong,

Do. England, Salary, Harbour Maler,

Police Rate Asworn dud Collectors, Registar General, puid in Hongkong,

Do. Eugland, Balary,

Ecclesiastical, paid in Hongkong,


Do, England, Balary,

Medical, (including Sexton and Burial Ground Koepers)


Total Establishments,

Retired Allowances and Gratuisica,

Atoomer Service, exclusive of Establishments,




6101 6





25 167


Paki in England, -

Administration of Justice,

do., -

|Hospitais, exclusive of Establishments,

1861 1


||1021 7 D

1,0211 01

910 10 6


Paid in England for Medicines,

|Police and Goals, exclusive of Establishments,

Paid in England,



5128) oyance of Masin,

19119 78/orts and building, including paid in England £1 211,

Roads, Streets, and Bridges,

prodal Expenditure,




23.590 +64

Colonial Tresenty, Victoria, Hongkong, January the Becond, 1881,

are in hope, before going to press, to hear of this beautiful vessel again being affoat," by the sid of casks, prouiptly seat, with a number of labourer, by the Company's agent in this place Captain Massic, the Senior Naval Officer, on this station, on hearing of the disaster, gavo, we are informed, inmediate orders for the Reynard" to proceed from Wham- pos, did aford every pogible asioianco, Or the acident to the "Canton" we have but few particulars, but it appears that a Chi nere, pikit was on heart, atul on llamo what ever ban be attacked to the commander.***


Warts Suintinho. Canton. -Sulen veported at about 25000 psos, of principally high reeds; quotations on follo


55. 60

52 rueda 2,15 20 | 6J read. $2,00

2,30 06 22,60 712


3, 9,20

#te noininal, Aprocin, $1.40;-- Bengal. $1.80 to 1.85-Formode, 1}.

Anoy.-Neither imports nec sales are reported, but we hear that there in a great scarcity in the surrounding entistry.



070 (1

017 65


| 3414129

R. RIENAECKER. Acting Colomnal Treasurer,

Early in the month prices of Black Tent pr Gicularly Congous, for two or three of the better grades, had so upward tendency, at which the market was cleared of all Congoos, better than good ordinary.

In Hongkong, sitre tka China Holidays the fol- W'e quote prices or in our last report, Gunpowders lowing prices are confidently anticipate, Artscan and Imperiala of good quality would command full

1.80.-Balley $1.90.-White $2.10.-Bengal | zalea.

Shangha--Sales amount to 30,000 pieces at 92.60 per pecal

following quotations

48 to 52 reed Dre, 9.05 2.20

54 to 68 rand

60 to 64 reed

66 to 75 reed

Dra. 226 = 230 Dia 2.40 a y 50 Dra. 2.50 # 200 Estimated stork in first handa-

Let Jany. 1951, Grey,... 209 780 pieces,



Im Jony, 1851, Grey, ....(30,000 110,000 Wbio,......, 190,00a 175,00

IM 15th



Orig, at Confon,-Q" 271h Palan, was qunted | 8406, 25,--Malwu. §521, ---- Banarts, 8410, - Tur- acy, uceniable of 8945,--Price of Porn expected So ga dumo conergiunt upon the "Laurick's" arrival. Deliverica frum 22"d ultima to 28th instant, Patna, 1,924 cheats.-- Valma, 212 cheajs,f arec, 393 chests-Turkey, 09 chests, Block at fast

·vinabened dute, Patna 1,078 ch?nia-Modra, 131 chess-Baseres, 306 cheats, Turkey, 203 chests. - l'utal 1,720 chois

At Blanche-On 17th,Patna, was quoted $446 for low "umbers, high numera 6454,-Afalion,

Dilivaries during the mosti. Of Paina, 150 cheste,--Afulwa,1,100 ebe-n.

Sask-Pam, varestain, either 900 or 500 | abosts,-Malom: 1,300 chesta.

Curton Yarn, at Canton-Bales have been ef- | 9570 a 575, for best quality drug. fected to the extent of 1,300 bules, sl -- Nos. 16 to 24 best quality ?


26 32

24, 36


98. 42






As Aoy.-There has been a crailnasion of

Tus grand topie ad this place has been an pufortunate silampi et smuggling Tens in the Ship John Dugelala " Tha particplars will be found in our supplement, Aspalliation for the huperial Government, whoan Officers it is nail connive at deirard on the revenue, it may be stated that the curtains of the various ports aro faroved, for certain mine, so that when effected, rubbery of the former only, and not of bau Empatial Majesty's Exchequer. In Contou those things are piangged with more adroitness and- nagulacji jak "to foreign Merebunis giv:. the demand, mentioned in our last report, nod for ing so much for Teas " on boarti;" and for Nos. 16. 96,-03:23 per pecul it is supposed might': defraud om hver the farmer or the Governus obtained. merit, the Chinese brokere are alone respon SPANIAN STRIPES, Cinton.-Bales of about 3,500 sible. The difficulties in Shanghar are su spl pieces of the followlog, rommous, rater !--inferiar 85

to 90 cm-good 98 to 100. ithetition of the daliger of departing in Chine, ????

Medium clots,comium] at 81. 15 to 1. 20. fruolo custom. | simplest niktera, |

Brond clutha 1. 85. The great alapaate in the way of any im provement in the present system of things is the worse, than, useless appointment of Su. perintendent of Trade; that functionary being a clog, rather than an assistance, to the Conmils,ry who are debatred, from using their own judgment and from acting independepily.


Shengkoe.-Saka ata erimatod in all at about |

50 pieces et frias 70 to 100 coms por yard. The stuck in nuve lands at Su-chow are said to be

large Total Block say 12,000 pieces. LONG ELLS-Centom, abunt 11,000 pieces have changed hands-

H. II. Scarlet




B. Beatlet



Yorkshire Bcarlet


7.05 6.40 15.50

Al Shanghas. There has born litlo alteration from prices fan mouth, present prices 64 25

COMBRECIAL INTELLIGENCE, (From the Oufland Friend of China, Jany, 30) GENERAL MARKET REPORT. Canton, (92) Januacy). The Chinoso new year, comigeyning of the jet prox, oddsen a bump?racy kapucion all kinds of basjnow. During tho mooth there has been a lair srede in Long Clothe 40 for Assorted colours, I did Searlets 07.20 a and Yarn, af forruer, dr at better, quotations 7.30. Salos may be quoted at $2,800 to 2,900 pieces, The duck" JE Hevias description if "Shirtings

CATCs, Bales about 500 pieces of being small, higher priors are, are long, noslidant-best quality 824,25, No. 2. $13.50, low goods 818. ly anticipated.

AtShanghas. Salos email-quotations $15 a 21. Inon-Canton. Baks about 11,000 prcule. Nald rod Nos, 182 -- $2.45

Nos. 2 & 0

Shanghas, (17th Janduty) The market for im- paris appear to have been, throughout the mond'; of average briakinematika

Amoy, (161| Joquasy) Mainly owing to un atrocity detailed in ayr, supplementary columna; business si ibis port appears tojaava boun unusually stagnant. Grut Silktimes. L'anjon --Salts have been effected to the extent 6[ 30,000 pieces (Cash in two muuths) si flowing redes

56 reeds weighing 53′entsion





full 6

$2,35 @40 2,40,48 *2,450 80

















2,00 8,10



For the better qualry of these shirtinge there is semo enquiry, stomic being smali.

Shangkas. Foles amount to 70,000 pieces; the market remained firm at fultuwing quotations

5 to 6 cales Dik. 1,05 a 2.26

G? to G? carrivo Dra. 239 a 2,45

61 in 7 cities Ura. 2,50 a 2,05

771 catti D?a. 2,73 a 2,05 The da, despite largo importations, principally in 0 to 6? cactics.

of all koils. Block 1,000 pieces.






Hoop LAD, Camion. No stook, but wanted, would command 90. 80 to 7. 20.

Cotron. The deliveries of the month are 10,986 Uslen.

Bombay, 9,20! Lales at No. 3 Tecla 8.0- common to fair Twels 7 € 6. 4~-two months credit. Of Bengal, 1,27( buleg at No. 1 Tacs 8,8--!u‧ ferior, T'dels 8. 4.

Of Madras, 453 bales at No. 1 Tsols 0.8-com mon, 'Iwels 8. 4..

GfShanghue, lo bales only.

Buick on hand 43,4397; bules against 42,419 in' 1860-70,#16 in 1849 and 82,630 in 1(48

At Amoy-Thero has been a sale of 2,400 bal Bengal ez" John Apeccer" at $14 per pocul, two musthe, credi?, if no wrrival within that period, ulherwise threo mbutlio.

Rio, Cantona quoted Bengal $2.25 por bag,


A1 Amoy--On 16th, Patez and Bewares are akkaquoted as ranging from $190 10 505, Block in two bands only.

EXPORTS Than-Up d? within the past week the Market bat amained tok?rable quiet, the few pur- chess effeclod bein, at lower rates The arrival of the Mail bringing advice of an adrance in prices caused a cortespouding briskness.

The following are the rupertal soulomeate:- Congas,-80 to 32 chops ut, Taula 144 to 18. Stork 50 obupa.

Souchong,-12 to 14 chops at from Taels 15 to

lock 56 chops. Plowery Pakes,-A few hundred packages for india et Turle,24 to 26, and 30 to 48.

Scented Orange Pekora,--About 5,000 packagon at Tavla 17 to 22, and 26 to 82

Thi Pig and

Good in fiue

inferior Shew Ming

Shew Ming

Yew Niar, 4o.

Yew Ning &

Gunpowder, tele 19 a 24 on board Laela 24 = 50

Imperial, Young Hyron


19 a 24


+ 2430

18. 17









H 140144





12-14 10LL Hyson Skins

" 31.12 The total quantity of ton abipped from Shang. kne since Tas July 13,505,905 pounds against D,504.2!4 pounds for exme period in 1849-80 and 7,948 692 pounds in 1848-49 (We take this op portunity to correct an error in our fast monibly Shanghae Ten Report-the total quantly shipped from Canton and Shanghue together, being given as shipped from Bhanghae alona-it should have bean sisted as Total quantity shipped from Shang hse from let Joly to 18th December 12,094,290 prouds apsisu 9,820,443 pounde lo 1849 and 5,692,095 in 1845.

Stek. Canion-Prices asked are so high and the exchange is so extreme, that operations he been entirely prevented-the following quotations are nominul -

$470 409 440 480 Tayam trus No. 1'Tyky 370 380

Chew Cam 350 Inferior


Teile No. 1 & 2




At Shanghae. Purchases during the month - mount to about 800 bules, al previous quotations- Block is bsod like quantity. The export of the pason to England so far, may be taken at Taslee

Plain Cap 13,-1,000 ten eatty boxes at Tuels 15 to 16. Stuck 2,000 fan cally buten.

Scented Capers -3,500 to 4,000 tea cally boxes at frum Tael 104 10 22.

"Ningyongs and Oslonge.-About 22 000 pack- on Audican scenust et, Tecla 17 to 10 for Ningyong, and 22 to 28 for Oulonga,

Canton Grans-Gunpowders, 1,500 pack. great Taola 12 to 14 for spurious kinds, and

Yong Hyo-A for hoodred packages at new. Do Caleutin, also, 298 Kuper-On Bombay 283, thras however ate mejely nominal, as Est Tacia 14 to Id.

Connrar Gumena - Skine,-A few parcels of ladia Company's accepted paper is in great pro- common taken for Sydney at Taela 13 to 14 Stockion at 242 to 214. There is, in fact, us money $1,000 packingen,

to purekaso with.

Breen 4 mace premium.

| 5,824 balen-Taymam 8,100 bules-Yuanfa 30€ bales Thrown 218 bals-Sorta 193 boles-Total apart to Great Britajo 12,820 Inles (and expocted 10 reach 20,000 by the 30th of June next)

EXCHANOS.-Cuvion, American clean errie offering freely at 56. 34. and docomoidery papes S. afi. to 6. 4.-Bank Post Bill? u". 2);-60 daya aight Banker's Credito Sa. 23. The Oriental Bank fixed their rates on England at 5a bet will the above ruling rates they will have done but lule busi

10 in 20 for common to tair Tour.

Twaskays, 2,200 packages at Taola 143 to 24 for America and Portugal." Brock 8,200 packages," Wysoss, 2 or 200 pu?kages for India at Taule 25 to 45 and a few parcels of Bou for the Cantignat at Taels 85 to 70-Stock 21,000 packages,

GOLD $21.85 to $22.

Mexicane 9 to 10 per cent discount.

A Shanghar, Clesa credits on England at ingilis eight 53. Id. to 5a, 141, with documenta

Young Hymns No sales reported Stock | 6-1 3d 10 54. 4.-Essi fadia Company's Bille au- 110,000 packages.

epied 233 to 230 Rup es. Bank P?u Bills 51, Oa Conto 10 days tight par.

Imperials and Gunpow?ws 2 or 200 packages taken at Tarla 40 to 457 to 60 and 69 to 68--Stock 31,000 packages,

The total quantity shipped from Capton since 1st July 1660, in 91,825,470 posudi ngalat 32,989,82) punde for mon period in 1859), and 25,744,505 pounds in 1849.

Syene $1401 per Tuels 100.. Gold:-BAT204 per Tuels 9 m. 7 d. 8, Chopped dollars to 2 por ernt discount. Mexicans to 9 per cant discount. FREIGHTS from Gaston to England have been

at C1 E0-now at from £3 to £2,3. To B?mbay 20

en per pical for Sugar.

About 18,400 Tons of shippio: ata at Whampoa

AlShanghaeSince our lat report (18th ahimo) we bavo lu notice sales of about 20 chopa Congou and Sunshang, and 5 to 6,000 package (chests and ? May- h. Malanta) Green Tean; having in stuck about 20 chops Black, and something sudur 4,000 packages | 13com, the latter almost exclutitoly Twankaya mod

Hyeon skin.

"The market continues to be fed by occasional ar

540 Tone British


"8 Anuaricao






French H

Fattonts for Shangkas to England are £3

-Arrom $1.20 to 1.26 per pacul Strafts $1.60 | civula, bin there linle ressou to expect any " 106 for Tea and £a lor suk, par tun of GV Cabio

reato 1.65 por pecul.

alty pintalion to the quality already brought forward, At Shanghas-There is no enquiry, and "trices | during the remainder of the season.


Han Hongkong Order

Deo RT Type

Marmor and en,

Dan B4] Hongkong Runde, Drinker and co

||st l'aust|Dont and co

|Fan 14 Bhunghan]Wm, Davidsea


Amoy Syms, Male and co. Hanghong

Womnes Dent and on.

Tareer and ca

Shangban Bloekin, Nawson and co. 14/1000 Jardins, Matheson and

ongkong Under




PRICE $10 per akude,

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF OHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Apnum, 10 Dollars, payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, al option. Sio, Numbers, 25 is each. BUBBCHIPTION to the OVERLAND,-To Subscribers to the Yutend of China, & Dollaro per Annum ; non-subscribers 86; single coples 30 cents; if more than To Coplas taken, forty gende TERMS OF ADVERTISING-Tan lines and under, a Dollar; ad-limdal, 10 certs Has. Repetition no-third of the fru Insertion, Ships,-First insertion. Dollars, subsequent insertions 43 cents. Advertimenouto po hup wastino on the face of them, the number of tianes shey are requiend to appear, wthatwian they will be pubilan until counterm al. In all instanom, thow who are not Subscribers, equiva

ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY Also, ap route to the above, Bintaroza, Pakano, Calau-kasva, Buda, Ayyy.

THE 'PENTLAR and Ori- 1. NgaL COMPANY'S Bleum Ship MALTA, will four this for the above pigem on Thurs- day, the 27th of February Tanayin will be receized on board until on on the 29th, and Cando until 5 P. 1 on the 24th.



THB Firm of THO3, RIPLEY & Co., having Corminated yesterday, I h?vo uk?, loto Part- narabip Mr. JOSEPH Bland, (dophow of Mr. Tus. Retr), to continue the buslana n GRAL and Comm?son Mnaonants from the date, under the firm of 811AW, BLAND & Co.


Bhangban, lat January, 1851.




FOR SALE. Nevoion of superior Ruins Cordage, from Pere having alsime on the Estate of the A 4494 inches. Apply to,

Late Mr Jonn Rows, Burgeon, of Hongkong, ure requested to send in their scesuals before le FLETCHER & Co.

28th day of April, 1851, and all persone indebted Hongkong, 30th January, 1851.

to the deceased are required to make immediatu payment of their dels io, NOWRA & Co., beg leave to call the station

of the PUBLIO to the extensive assortisol of

W. MORRISON, SHIP CHANDLERY and Ullmans Stone which

Colonial Forgon, they offer for Sale at moderate prices, conating principally of--Canvasr, Twine, Europe and Oil, Veralah, Terpeline, Tur, Pitch Rosin, Candles Tobacco, Cigi, Glass and Crockery Ware, an culosive nanortment of Clothing and Stationery,

For partieslavs regarding FaxIGST and PAMAGER JOHN II. EVERETT bored to dign Manila Cordage, Busting, Oare, Partite and Paist

P. & O. 8. N. Ca.'s Office. Flongkong, 30th January, 11950,

NOTICE. "Latly Mary Wood Sireper.

DY Order of the Directors of the ?D Paninat?la? de Oriental Stem Na ***** vlention t'ompany, the shove re-wet will De withdrawn from the Coast Bar the preaast month, Sad sprig in the ensuing one be dorpstaged to Calculu

Our Firm by Procuration.

AUGUSTINE HEARD & Ca. 14th December, 1860.


E have this day admitted Mr. EDMUND NEWMAN SNOW, and Mr. WILLIAM WALKINSHAW, partners in our, Pirm, which Du consists of Mr. T. W. L. Mackman, Mr. Pati KOK Dynoon, Mr. Alexander MoCosLoon, Mr. END Newman Snow, sod Me, WILLIAMsion WALKINIKAW.


Hongkong, tot January, 1851.

to, the port my-

5100 Tons Britiah,



Shipping at Amoy. 1000






About 5200 Tous of Shipping in, or on the way




















Total say 2000 Tone

Aronat, ship


91% Gwyne


Albert, Alp


???? Flonghong

TS Nov 13


Shipping to El'kong. 4000

Tort British,

Albion, ba




Alliestne, kelgandim


Jan 201

Mandwich Isles


Amy Talt and of



do (le Wholere)

Amsten, ship





215 Hely

Aun Welsh, barqov


em Ryder

San Francion

At Dea





Anonymu, brig









Total may 9,000 Tona.

Toul quemity of merevntile Shipping in Chins, (exclusive of Siesmers,lying up vas-sis and consters) | Buy 34,00 Tom, against 38,000 Tons of lust month.




29, Vizer, Bradebaw, from East Coast.

29, Flying Dutchman, Cooper, from Shanghae,

25th January

29, Wilhelmine (Dio), Prahe, from Batavia, tosh


30, U. 8. Sloop Murim, Cupi, Glendy, from Macwo.

30, Alenam, Blastoa, from London, 19th Sept.

al, Limet, Bellamy, from Amoy, vab Janmry,

Anthem, schooner

Andlape, barque

Argyle, skip

Atlet Kakantan, ship Andan, or boomar

Antara seboomer

Bayard, barque

Neil, Wil

IT Cath

(Belt | 408 Lable-



1st @lover

Port 104 Remaller

span 150 Reboredo

Rotasjer Hormasjos.ship| Hint

Hambay skip

Clewe belg

Constitution, barque

Cornetadel, shen

11, Far West (Am), Briard, from San Francisco, polite, shp

25th November.


29, Lady Peel, Fraser, from Hongkong

28, Oriental (Am), Dale, from Hongkong.

Denis, schooner

sig, schooner

Dla, sobomer Vacht

Fully Jane, shp

29, San Benito (Sp), Dominguez, from Hongkong. For of China, skip

29, Tepic, Loer, from Hongkong.

29, H. M. Brig Pilot, Cominidr. Flinckley, from



Per Mexam, Mosers Busters, Dewar, and Brown,




29, Alligator, Baker, Faschowo,

30, Nerbudda, Main, Singapore.

30, P. & Q. Con Bir, Pakin, Baker, Bombay. Jan.


29, Rare Standish (Am), Pearson, for London via


30, H. M. Str.-Sloop Reyword, Cornmdr. Crero,

Keo ow.


Per 'P. & O. Co.'s Str. Ship Prkin-For South ampton, Captain Goldsborough, Miss Smith, Mousta James Wbio, C. Smith, K, Rutherford, and J. L

Mann-For Gibraltar, Sat. Adrian de Brosmage, Spanish Government Agent-For Suen, Merata Gi F. Bull, and F. A. Antboo-For Bombay, Euniga Burna-For Singapore, Mra Litle.



Focles ship

Falcon, ship

Far West, slip

Flying Usickman, barque Hard

Folkster ship

Fort William, ahip

Georgia, whip

Godec, brig

Independence, brig

Island Qures schwer

Bright, ship

Juku Hasyan, skip

Lady Prel, barqua

Lanrick, brig

Danet Grie

Antelope beke


San Francisc

4T Nov 24

Sept 1


10 Nov. 1


hot 11

Nov. La Nov 11 Away - dyrne, Muir and os. ||Jan 14|Whampoa Under


Jan 34


Sandwich fales

AT Dec 1



Nov 16




Hawdlich, ship

Am. 400 Waldem


21 Dec 20

Canton, slom



Mirer bout

Jan 24

l'enten slearer

530 Seamen

Cers, arqu


('kanaler, l

Jan 13

Sept Jan 14

Jan Hongkong Rawle, Brinket and co

[W'kanapon | French Consul

W. E. Wardley

Dievam. Giray and o

Fro-c-foo Dent and os

Hongkong/Bush and on

Nama Jardine, Matheson and Jan-Wong Howell and co Jan Hongkong Won Pastan and on.

Labeak and ce


Homny Feschoo

Receiving ship San Franciscs coilsotiring ship

de Francico Slagpers



Vardine, Matheson and co Shanchas V. A. Rewordlan Hongkong Kawie, Drinker and on- 18|_ Amey" "F'alt and on

Hongkong Jardine Matheson and on Con Conajes o). Lanera Jan 17 Hongkong Kawie, Belsker and on,

Coo! A Olding, P&O) UqIAN]" Hoogkong George Lyall and as. Whampon Russell and as.

and oe.

fremmediate Early

VOL I No. 11.

froch prox.


to pay in advan



Reorting ship Receiving ship



||New York:



Resell and

Charlain, ship


TN Thems

<'hatham, baryto


cher, berqno

40% Martin

Jan 19|Sing & UkongJan 16||| 161 July 19

$4 Nov



||Jan 42***on Jardins, Machaams and co. ***

Jardice, Matheson and co. Horabay Dec. 2 Shanghe Cirom, Gray and



bill, sh

X76 Vermel


Viera Anna Maria, barque|

Dui- | 90 Bakeman

Nov. Amey Syms, henie and co



landias Civile, skly

|Des ?18Whoispion [SC. Browse and c

Brit 15 Rasaba

Confucius, ship


161 July 10

Congres, ship


175 Freak



Wet P. & D. M. Camajos and co Resolving ship Deus 16 Shanghie Jardine, Matheson and on. Dec 12 Whatpen W. (). Comstock

apply at the P:"& P. 8. N. Company's Office. Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent,


913 Lath


LOT Undy 21


06-1 Retr



Fr 500belore

63 Ner 19

w G. of America Early Whaler

Brit. 133 Barc


Dido, schommer





487 Landers


465 Lacke


Jam 18

BEI Falberland


Des. ta


Jan 13


Kan Francisco


04 Nov 30



Receiving ship Shangha






124 ar

Clarette, achouwer




Am.04 Takin


I Carey


Nov. 7

Harlequin, bring

Hala, bermaphrodita





Kacaling p

Am. 415 Calett

Is Up 01


130 H

River bant


$14 Guard

Hugh Walker, blp Hygeln ship


#44 peron

?an Francisco


17| Nard

591 Wall





John Spencer, ship



Uno 25

Jarilna, barqar


96x Face

Deo 20




Nov. Za


Kwang-ken Flang

Lany Hayri baryan


STU Langley

Angustias Heart and o

Lady Mary Wood, stammer


8.5+ Transom



591 Pran



37 Den Hongkong

Lewis, schooner




Lightning, achocoher





9 an 2

Lord Amherst, ship


Loka, berm


Lan 18

Lanisa, barqna

27 King

Magella, baigaa


San Francisco

44 Nor adwich


11hmoodle, barge


21 komed Skal?, Barque



23 Deo


dan Frasilece




Margarella, ships




Jan 17

Wapo sklo, Rawson and on.



W. C. of America Early



Anne Jane





Len. Oct. 218.

40. Hatton


20 Nov st





Lon. Aug. 21 S

43 Chape

‧Resolving whip.


[Liv. Oci 3

Hand, brig

145 foren

A Foot

Liv. July 16| 1,

lamppa, schooNOF

471 Dorman

4 Jan


Reor?y mi vidj [Womang


1984 Gerden

Bragg Gilson

Lon Oci H.

Menal, baiqes


Lir. May 16 S.

heat Wolston, ship







120 Sent 13.

Jan 20 Glongkang Linding and on




Marcian, belg



Liv. Sept 108




Lon. Nor 17|| H


New Margaret


Liv. Aug 14| 12

Old England


|Liv. Aug. || H.

Nymph. brigarilne Orinolal, barque Chamard, ship

Bett. 100


1 Jan 10


ITU Dale

Fun Fromelsse





Sir Edward Parry |Squires

Lon. Aug.1


Cathrinder, barque l'aula, schoo l'adlar, brig


310 Werdo




Deo. J


Pondicherry, hip



L'an 34


Haviu Peterkio

Liv. Ort 2 &

Prince Albert, ship

BHL 01 Je

3 Jan


43 Vi

Hanra, barque


da Musta

Deo 21


ver to

Kain, brig


Kaladeer, ship


dou Lord

Sandwich Isles Hoogkong

40 Ner, 24

Aldre, ship



Koyal Exchange, belg

Part 155

Nojallet schouwer


Pentreb Lan. Oct 18 H. Dolf



Shla. Oct 1 H.

Lon. Aug 26 FL



Habemuk, ship

Hunghung, lesmer

Hongkong, barque

Martha, schoor

Matin Lather, bergan

Harden, arque

Moman, "k?p

Cal. Nov 30 EL.

Bom. Nov 19 H.

za tobolly

Cal Nov 8 II.

Bom. Nov 29 FL.

Bom. Nov 25H

Slam 250 Dav

191 Wafata


Wacker J.

Byes 193 Lapto Brit 935 per Port De Plas



44 Nor 10

4 Oat modulp


Ja to


202 May 23

28 Dec 12

Nov. 1


Jan 2


65 et si

Nov 12

Dec 201

Jan 27

day. Elonolul

10T AN

61 Aug

Nov 13


630 Ithers



9 Nov 1


176 Endicott, W

Ham 30 Beyer


Lon. Sept 21 $

Order in which the above Vesela left England, Lampant, Bangalors, Old Rachel, New Marpast. Me Khurd Pary, Alvartun. Band. Mamede Moon, Tran, Ana Jana, Klantation, Qulin, Albermarli, mietin, Hablach, Mosten

Loading.-At London; Hindno, and Anddrokles. Ai Liveupool; Hanger, Alliances, and Duslin

Benares Eagle Glensi

From India.

!Bom. Dec. I; H.

T. Outco Jamvetjen Jejeebhoy Fitzmaurice Orpheon

Neill Bank Lakemann Bous, Nov 21 H.

Victori, amer


Loading-At BowRAT; John Wickliffa, Calo donia, Bydney, Sumanoh, and General Bale.

FROM CALITUrnja & Sandwich (slande




SF. Oct 14 H. SF. Not 23 B

Bamuel Robertson Washburn 3. Dec 1 H.

Sorb Booker Cooper

Lon. Landa, lar, Livapus), Khan roladh, Kru, Newpart. Cip Uple, sau kwamen, Mirt. Augstugan, Der. Deus porr, Cit


11. Enghong, M. Kinema, WW, Whanga, A. Alej, Kakanan


Haparell, barqar

Bas Benite, brg

Science, ship Beotland, ship Ben, wat

Bea Horse, brig

Beeld, ship

Bingo, barque


11&cowning Amy Sloj?adicall

Hipan 15 minguat



Brit Davies

Ampit Spring

Helt 917

Am. 507 Pra

Blu Edward Hyan barquent

Sir George l'ullock, ship

Npark, kamer

Samaira, barque Swallow, barne TW. bears, ship Tellership Teplo, brig

Temale, bat?na

Ternate, barqu

Thane, schooner

Truncles, berpe

Tiinale, brig

Fuel, Nap

Vixenstbanden, skip

Varn, schowe

Whaler, barges


14 stilam 17, baran


$10 Bay

310 Tareer



Jen Francene












D. Jobe L




S. L Dee H.

8. F. Bept


tongkang Hap B

4. M. 1.

|| Shanghae |14. M. 21

Bengkung Burn B.

Catan H.

Khanpur H. M

THAI ST |Hongkong||), M. at.


De per



12 Hwa. Spend (

[Marter MicheB

4 Niblett


itment 10. H.M. 12 Lowel |Hongkong|U. 2, 63, 30 Glondy

38 J?ru. Andrade


Balpe, brig

Balda brig


Am 147 Can

Bel. 105 Kuwag





Hough DE

Fan Finnelsen

Nov, 12


D. Kennedy and Westan? Jardine. achoson sal de Reeniving ship Hongkong J. 4. Olding.rgb0 Us 'sigi ileosbring ship East Coast Tardina, Maikonen and [Jan 24|14 hampns |Nyo, Park node.

Yor 1 Hongkong| Veeur


Chiang Jarino, Matheson and Lekang Jardus. Matheson and es Shanchis (dykes, Saliwabe and en.

Jan Ja Hongkong Kawie, Drinkes aul oe,

? ??? ?????? Flame

Name Dent and co

New 2 Hongkong Neave and on. WhampoThomas Hunt.

Sept 93 Amy ?yma, Muir and co

Dent and o

Dec 31 Shanghar |Hargreaves and c

(Receiving ablp Whaler

Longtong & fam Recebring ship Genden


Jardas, Mathe-on sad ve Laeden Jardiau, Matheson nodes

bampen Lorder


P. X. Onling a tg!]Wong

Whampion Dent and co

|Jan 25|Cum^me w'arina, Matheson und an

Whampoa Reynenan and co.

AMAT Foil and co

31 Hongkong wapbazno u and no.

AlwyDent and es

Jan 20Whampoa Haber truckus

CMochew Dawlan

Longkong Hawls Drinker and on.



Receiving sp


River Marius, Matheson and co. Receiving ship

legkong) tyma, Mal

De 14 Macies and co

Canton Hande,: Brinker and co. Whampar P. & D. N. C

Wooownsjen %. Imag Fans

D., Son and Hongkong Jardino, Malboton and so.

hempas Ragerat and an

Wage and no.

C'mon David Samson, Bone and co?Rrcniving ship Jan-Man I. V. Jarga

Jan 20Hongkong|Dont and co

"Kong Jam yg Whangad Kussell and so.

Rawal and co.

Awey are then and on. [Bayt Chu-th?ynja, Muir and on

Shanghan Olsh, Livin·stoon and co,

Fam 20 Wajan | Dent and on

K. & D. D. Lale!

Oiram, Gray and co

18th prozes






For particolare of freight and pasangs to that Port, apply at iba P. &. O. Chimpany's Office, Early intination will by given of the day of her smiling



Hongkong, 22nd January, 1851,

FOR BAN FRANCISCO. QUE A. 1' American Clipper Barque - ANN WELSH," Cam. BrowAR,

will be drapste?ed for the above port an

be 10th pra?imo. Pagdroight or pastags apply to,

***** BUSH & Co.

Hongkong, gech January 1861.

BOR BAN BRANDENVO.. THE A. Barque MAHOMMED IBRAH," Caplan Maometkan, hay- jing " porilogakt der Cargo engaged, will on despatched for d?n, aberg Part about the 16th proxmuo. For freiglit or passagu apply to,

SYME, MUIR & Co. Victoria, 15th January, 1851,



O THE AV I. new coppered Bwedish Barque ANTILOPE," having

a part of her cargo sngaged, will have party despach. For freight or prisega apply to A. LUBECK & Co.

Hongkong, Ist Janduty; 1651.

TO LET. THE House She Bouth side of Gough Biteet, Intely occupied by Me J. α,


New York Necating ship

jay & Shanghon Sydney



Jan 12 Hongkong Mankin, Rawson and co. Jan 12

(urdino, Malkuson and co Sydney Jan 17 Whampoa Nya, Parkin and de [Nov. 29

Nya, Parkin and on. Macro FP da bilen

|Duo 27|Hongkongssyste, Muir and on.

um meon fearch and co

Jan Skapen George Lyall and co

Jaly 15 Sanghes



Wharpen Dlyphant and on. ·

Na Yock Repairing Receifing ship Manilla

New York

Cam'mone, l'espada 7. Che sad no. L'opciring dup |Nov. 18W hampea Jardine,


Hongkong Nasie, Dried New York,


Amay - symo, Muir und da. J

| Waung | ~agantne tipard and co Ner In Whampoa Win Pustan and co

Cen. Vloga

Ang 24 Ningpe Hargreaves and co

Jan 15 Chango Biesklo, Rawson sad c

Hongkong Jaripe, Matheson and on

43 Ang Sandwich dor,

Nor 34 W po Olyphant and ca Jam Hongkong|Bush and ca.


4 Nov in

Dec 19



242 Sengrove


Baby Grove

473,4 god

Bric. 172000

Dal 310 C


Held Lacy

Port 300 Vicial



410 Harley


UNL 814 Moch


212 May 2

Last Coast

Daa. Perks


Dec 25


120 Deinn


detersia, skap


630 Mawlowdam


194 July 14

Miny, barque




Zephyr, selainer


149 Hrown


Jan 20 Whamper Buckler

Jan 1

Lakong Dent and co

a Whampas Hebert Browne and co

Wunung Pastojty F. Lama and to

Mauro Marques

2. 5 dos Kamados

Bopt 21 Wharpos | Fussell and on,

Jam 25 tios.gkom: Jardine, Matheson and co |Jam 2%

Bash and co Bong Gilman, Bowman and on. Lindsay and ou.

[Dec 21 tiongkong Mawin, Drinker and ce.


Alent and

East Coast Dent and o


For England -Georgia, W-Hugh Walker, B.-Roes Standish, H-Telaar, H.

Fir United Mates-Ceres W.-Memnon, WOxnard W-Rhoder, W.-Sen We Witch W-Ter W.---Oriental, W. For Nydney-Regin, H.

For Hamburg--Rajanben, W.

For Frames-Albert, W-Pondicherry, W.

For Bombay-Aurion, W.-Ariet Rabama, W.Charlotte, W.-Martin Lather, W.-Prince Albert, W.

For San Francisco-Ann Welsh, El-Antilope, H-Flying Dutchman, H.-Mahomed Shaft, 11-Sottle, W.




Moving ship Saw Franceco changhong di Cant


Bloodring ship


New York


Iteorieing able Heceiving sp Batavia


For Caloutta-Lanrick, G,

For Balavio Legir, W. For time-Coromandel, M. Mariner M. For Straits-Triunfo, M. For Manila.-U.8. Bloop Marion, H.-San Benito, W.

LOITED, PRIDERN, AND Pulisnou, THE l'oriatur, William Tanans, Queen's Road West, Victoria, Jus1.


The Home on the North side of Gough Street

ly occupied by Mr Job Dar, Apply to

MR. SHERARD, At Mr Econ's.

Victoria, 3rd Janency, 1961.


HE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risks (covered by open POLICIES si Jorpe and the various London boshanon Companimo;)by Peutnantar & Oral Company's Skaters, om Canton and Hongkong, to the Btraits, Cey-

the Presidencies of lodia, sed England For Rates of Premium and ather Information, ply to Me J. A. Ovorna, it' the P. & O. Co.'s Rice, Hongkong.

"JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & O. London, 28d December. 1949,'


HE undersigned having been appointed Agent in Canton for the abote named Society,




NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership Nherefore balating between the undersigned Guodon Jadisson. Joan Gerrone, and Jose FROST EDORA, at Calowila under the Firm of Jants BON & COMPANT. and at Canton and Hongkong undra the Firm of Jamieson, Evoux & Consant, in this day disolvad by mstaal dowment as regatta jke snie Loaxen Fort Edoku, who retired from the Parthip. The Business will in future bo married on by the said Grovoz Jackson and Jou Gir?une in Partnership with the undersigned Alakbar Gifrond, si Calcutta under the Firm at Jambuson de Company, and ai Cuni?m and long- dowg under the Firm of Jan?zson,. Gippond & COMPART, to whom the Affaire of the bio Firm devolve in Iquidation.

Deted due Thirty-first Day of December, Ops Thousand Bigh Hundred und Fifty.


by kia Attornay Aurland?e Ur?run.


by his Attorney Alexanunu GirrORD.



P. Biness Misri carried on in China In my own Dame will in future be conducted "under the myle of Cartan & Co.


Hongkong, 141 July, 1850,



Balt Provisions, Float, Vinegar, Wines and Spirits of all varieties.

Just Received, a Batoh of Bam' and Alleop's Ale and Porter of Superior quality.

The above Hors are of the very best descrip and Messrs B. & Co. are so prepared to offer them at very low rates.

Blogkong, tot January, 1851.

GEORGE PERKINS SHTRIP GEZET IN DEOS to inform Bhip owners and Ship mastere that he has always on band a supply of the following articles.

Anchors and Chaid Cables,

Iron Knox-Dook and Hawse Pipes.

(Round, a in, to 4. Ina, Best Refued Iron, Flat, id, to 7. jan Bquirsin. to 4. ime. Rigging Charni lu, te ↑ in, Hoop Iron and Lead Pipe, Higging Screws. Cabooars large epu smulk, Iron Sheaves of all sizes Bliest Iron of all sizes? for slova pipes and for

other purposes.

Spring Gardens, Victoria, 16th December, 1850 SENZA


THE Undersigned beg to intimate that their DRY DOCKS are now capable of receiving Vessels of the following Drafta of Water-

At Spring Tiden, 12) (est



The Large Dock is 200 feet long, and the Pompa altarbed are worked by a Stiam Engine JONN, C. COWPER & Co. Whamhos, 18th October, 1830.


MRS. DELLE TIE sad MC BRODERSEN THE Captain of the Ammon Whale Bhip Shafield" will not be respon- sible for any debe contracted by the crew of esid Trosel.

are authorised to sigh our tkm.

WA. PUSTAU & Co. Hongkang and Casino, 94th D-v., 1858,


THE interest and responsibility of Me A. Hun-

Pari va to our Bern, ceannd frous the Bit De cumber, 1850.

BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Elongkong, Int Jumuary; 18$1,


WITH referenda to the above, it is bereby i

Wimated, that this business hitherto carried of in the same of Bow Hunt & Co. will bereafter be conducted by the undersigned under

the style of BOWRA & Co, which Mr W. A. BOWfts in authorised to sign.

UHAB. W. BOWRA. Hongkong, fat January, LBD1.


INGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all

simon, also Nuila, by

BUSH & Co.

| Hbagkang, (st October, 1860.

FOR BALE. PARS Buitable for Jank and Loroha Mats Teak Timber, Planking, and Singapore Beams.

Apply to,


| Violeria, 14th January, 1951.

FOR BALE HEATHING COPPER from 14 to 26 oz.

pared to grant Polices gable in Lupton, Liv.THING IL

pool, Bombay, Calcutta, Madrhe, Bhanghes and olon.

FRANCIS B. BIRLEY. Canton, 14th August, 1850.

NOTICE hereby givap ikat-die Partnership herriaforo subsisting between us, the noderaigned as Gin- al and Comniastos Maseranth at Sxing. ?n en Chama, moday the firm of THOS. RIPLEY Ca, bao this day tarpdosted by effusion of case, | is accordingly" dimulised..

Dared this Thirty-first das of December, One Sorand Eight Tundred,and Fifty


OIBA, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 21st February, 1630,

NOTICE. THE potersigned 'have reorived direct from the Manueturees, Indian Condiemots, tha istem arrivals-n?z:

Very Superior Bengal Chutney,

Hongkong, lal January, 1961,



ricen whale Ship "BOW DITCH." will not be responsible for any dabus contacted by bar crow.

flongkong, 13th January, 1851.


HE condemned Freach Ship "CHILI," for

Sale on account of the Underwriters, by Pus LIG AUCHON, on Monday, the 10th of February, 1858, No 61, Prays Grands,

JNO: SMITH, bau besu desired to offer on Sal, ip the highest bidder, by Puuto AFOTION, (for the benefit of the concorned,) by order of 3,ZANOLB Esgr. Chancellor to the French Le sito Chies, that at stiling, and only four year old ship the CHILI," of 870 tone, or there- about, sabe lies at anabor in the Inner Harbour of Macso with all her Musta, Yards, Bails, Rig ging, Boals, Anchors and Chains, a two-day Chromator, by Breguet, Patrat Windlass, Brass Pumps, an excellent patent Galley, with cop par boilers, and fill (complete) to make fresh enter, Ball, Binaele, and all her Stores, &c., as per a very large and fall detailed inventory, which any be seen at the Auctioneer's; and the vessel may be inspected any time before the day of th? Bale, froud 9 a. 1. ta'd P. E.

This adw vessel, constructed of the beat materials, and copper fastened throughout, was built in Hor. dears, in 1846, and launched in November of the sume year, at a cost of abuve 140,000 francs; and was re-coppered only about eighteen months ago. 'T'he sundry repairs and Exafenenge the vessel now meryequires, it is estimated, could be done, compar. atively to what the vessel way fetch, at a small ex- penso; and it is also saracted by competeni ostal men, that she would then be as good a veniul un any in China.

For a Receiving Ship sho la wall adapted, being spacious and roomy-lias carricu above 500 tom,




Do Curry Powder, Madras Halligany Pasta, Do. Carry Paste, 15.30,

A few cases of most exellent Port Wine, Sherry, Champigno in Quarters & Pints, Bear and Swel

MAGEWER ?c l?n Quern's Boad.

Hongkong, 23rd December, 1630.

and had then room beaules, for light freight.

Guns and Ammunition, and sundry Cabin Sterne will be "idio separate lote,

The Bale will Commupon at 19 o'clock, A. B

Macao, 23rd January, 1851.

Administrator to the male.

Hoogkung, October 28th, 1850,


R. WILLIAM SAGE begs to notify the re-

dents in Victoris, that he has then Chore convanist premism at the career of Peel Street Hongkong Register offhos; where he will practice abutting on the Queen's Road and oppose the blu profession ne Vaterinary Surgeon.

Mr Sao lakes this opportunity to equagint the pollie that he has several good saddle Itores, and Poney Phelons te lor,

Victoris, Hongkong, 12th Dec., 1856.

VETERINARY FORGE Wellington Street,

HENRY MARSH bags to foform the subabitante Hongkong, that he le carrylog on the HORSE SHOEINO Bundes do the Premises Lately occupied by T. DELANET, deceased.

Ilores carefully shad on the most approved principles, under Mr Maral's personal superinton.* dence; and from the long experience he has had, he hopes to give every satisfaction. Hongkong, 18th January, 1881.


THE JONGKONG ALMANACK for 1851 will be saved without the Directoryand it has been found impassible to prepare the latter in sufficient uma. The Directory bowener will bo brought on heperately, at a futuro period.

The Almanach, price $t, can be obtained, de Del, at Mean Lane, Crawford de Co 1%-Str. Noroobu's Printing Office, Wellington Birest, and at the Office of this peper.

Victoria, Hongkong, In January, 1861,



do. per day

Bed Room per night





Port Wine per bottle


do do.




Boda Water and Lemonade

Du do. and Brandy






N. B. Gentlemen reading lew than a fortnight will be charged per day, and all partica favoring the proprietor with their patronage are requested to report the leas neglect or inalleation on be

part of servants.

Macao, 21st November, 1850.


FOR SALE at the Office of this paper :-



* USO.


for the Peninsular and Orl- ental Company's Steamer



PRINTING, Mercantile forms and other work peluted with spedition at the customary rates. Victoria, 22nd August, 1850-


LL Persona having claims againas Major Ge Artel STAVELEY, B, are requested to for- ward them to him for payment.

Victoria, 4th February, 1881.


To be Bold by PUBLIC AUCTION, at Me Fisomua's Bale room, Minqua'e Hung, Canton, on Thurs day the 20th March meat, at I o'clock P. M.

The House and Godowos, pitasted a Lots No. 8 and 10 of the British Pactory Grounds, Cant, formerly occupied by Mesare Bell & Co.

For further particulars, apply to

MAX FISCHER. CALION, 21st January, 1:51.



Races to commence cach Day panetenlly at half-past 1 o'clock r..; the first saddling Bell to be ning all a'clock. Each Horse will be numbered, and the number corresponding with the winning Horm or Pony in each Race, will be hoisted from the Judge's chair immediately after each Race, sod kept up 10 minutes.


TURDAY, 4TH Februant, 1881.

1. The Hungai-chung Stakes, for all Ponies under 12 hasda -Weight for inches.-Former win.

ners of this Race excluded.-Entrance 3 dollars each with 20 dollars from the Fund.-Distance once

round the courbe.

br. b p. Wegetables

1 Mr King'. 59th Regt,



br. a. p. St Patrick


- Newmenh

4 Capt. Fisher's, RA.

g. m. p. Gabriel Grub

6 Mr Squeer's


7. Nonth's

dm. p. 4wditor

bm. Paddy

km p Prince

bmp up


Turpat, 6th Feary, 1851.

1. Canton Cup, value 150 doflers, presented by the Canton Community, for all Atabe. - Weight Su, 10lb.-Borance 10 dallare anch-Distance

Mr Bonham's w.ah. Tempration

King's 69th Regt. ch, n. h. Erin go bragh

3 Muirhouse's 8. a. b. St. Andrew

?o e la The Equire

br.a. h. Mow Irvaper


Blue and Black Cap

White, Green and Gold Cap Blue and White

9. The Selling Stokre, for all Penise -Weight as follows: in be sold for 60 dollars, 10 7lb.; for 50 dollars, I for 40 dollars. Ust Tib; for 30 dollars, 94-The winner to be put up to Publie Ave. tion immediately after the Riseen, sad nny sorplos over the Entrance prices to go to the Fund -Eutra.ce one dollar sach, with 25 dollars from the Fund.-Distance ↑ mile.

690 90|Yellow Body, Rad Sleeves and Black

40 97 Green and White Stripe, and Black


Green and Yellow Cap,


White and Crimson, and Crimson Cop Scarlet and White

F Mr King's.59th itagt. bin. p. Oxicas

Snooks' Chadkins

ch. m. p. Spur

d. m p. Ginger

br. m. p. Wegetables

bk m p. La

Red and White Stripe, and White Cap

Yellow, Blue Velvet Cap and Yell-ve

Bue and White

Black and White Cap


2. The Girasoly Cup, valus 150 dollars, presented by a Member, for all Haram.-Weights, Aralia,

9 Tib.; Sydney, Cape, English, or Stud Bred Horeca, Itat Sib.-Entrance 10 dollars each.-Dis- woce miles

1 Sir J. Kollett's

br. b. Lottery

2 Mr King, 69th Rog?, b. ‧. m. Kathleen


b. Hoggia Lauder

Scarlet Budy, White Sloors and Blun

Blue and White


h. Pretender

Greon and Gol



Flying Dutchman




Blue and White


7 The Confederate

Black and Pink

3. The Valley Stokra,

br... Meet fromper

b. . . Goliath




7. Fred's

4091 Cherry and White Stripe ICup

6010-7 Green and Yellow Cap

40 9.7 Hlack and White Cap

bm. p. Firicke 50 100 Yellow and White Stripe

b. m. p. Easy goeasy 40% 92|White and Rose


The Honebong Plate, value 100 dollara, for all Horse.-The winner of either the Plenipotentiary, Glenenly, or Canton Cup, excluded, -Weight for inches, vis: 16 hande 2 incher and upwards, weary 121-lb. allowed for avery inch below. -Estinace to dollare eagh to go to the Fuod.-Distance


Mr Bonham'a

w... Temptation

4. King'.59th Rogt, b. m. Kathleen



cha.b. Erin go bragk

Sir I. Kellett's

br. a. h. Lottery -

5 Mr Leslie's

br. 4. h. Hop Hazard



7 Turboso's

for all Pooies, 13 bands 2 inches and under-Weight for Inchro-Former

winner of this itace to cuery Tib. extra progressively.-Entace & dollars each with 35 dollars from the Fund-Osce round and a distance.



bem. p. Tom Thumb

2. . p. 'rince

blr.p. Imp

E. mp. The Leird

White and Crimson and Crimson Cap Scarlet and White


Yellow, Blue Velvet Cap and Yellow Blue and White



11 The Confederates

12. My North's

13. De, Motelson's

br . b. Pronar

b. ". h St Andr

gh. The Squire

br n. h. Moss Trooper

chem. Maggie Landar

b. s. Go isth

'b. n. h. Rienzi

g. 4. g. Magnesia

Blaa And Black Cap

Red and White, Blue Cap White, Green and Gight Cap. Blue and White

Blue and Crimo Cap

Greso and Gold

Blue and White

Black and Pink

Black and White Cap

Yellow and Blas Cap

- The Parem Mtakes. for all Ponies; catch weights-lockoya jo bo changed by the Stewards befor startingLast Pony to win, second Pony to pay Bras Pony's

20 dollars from the Pund.-Once reanil iba couree.

R. m. p. Tom, late Cats Afeat. Groen pind Block Cap

b. m. p. Jerry

m. p. Wattle

unce-Entranca 2 dollars each, w

Jilly Flower and Yellow Cap Green and White Hoop

1 Mr Ireland's

brm.p 8. Patrick



4 mp. Credior.

3 Sir J. Kelle's

m. p. Fecit Worser

4 Mr Mortion


b. p. The Shel?



Dlack and White Cap




Blue and Crimson Cap

1 Capt. Orquhari's

9 Bir King's

4. The Arab Wolter-Weight 10st. 71b-Enuarce

5 dollars each with 50 dollars from the Fund. 3. Fo

- Distance 14 miles.


w.n. b. Traptation


Bloe and Black Cap


g... The Squire

Blus end Wibile



bra, Moss Trooper




Blue and Whhe



" Freit

bmp. The Fore

Red and White Cap

b. m, p. Easy go easy

White and Hous

6 The Winger Handicap,

Yellow Boly, Red Bleaves and Black

The Brain Handicap,



7. Naive Purse,


1 Mr Boabem'"


6. The Burry Stakes, for all Ponies; catch weighus -Rotrange 2 dollers each with 20 dollare from D the Fund.--Last Pony to pay second l'ony's entrance. ~~ ||÷If a mile.

1 Mr Trenda

br.m. p. St Patrick

n King's, 50th Regt. b. m. p. Ovices

Crimson and White,and Crimson Cap

A. Scott's

mp. Tetoy





dm p. Craiskren

‧ North's

7 Drummatica" The Laird


b. m. p. Bricks Imp

Pearlet and W bita

Blue and White ('ap

Bloo sad Crimson Cap

Black and White Cap

Yellow and White Stripe

m. ↑ Walter Gukke Berog. While und Red

m, J. Broom Stump [gisa. - 1980 and Birds' Eye

my. Gigans

m. p. Devil Skin


FRIDAY, 7TH Fourwaar, 1851.

1. The Hunters' Stakes, for all Horses,-Weight 11st 10lb, for 18 hands uplover; Ath. allowa? je

Flack Stakes, for all untenized Homes; owners op --Entmace 3 dollars each with 30 dollars from every inch betove 18 bunda, tu 14 handa 1 inch -Entranen & dollam each, with 50 dollars from the Fund the Fund-Distance half mile

br... Arther

Crimson and White, and White Cap

ch. a b. Hamburg, late Malton Kearlet and White Hoop.


Yellow and Green Cap

- Distance 14 miles; over 6 hurd es I festa inches each

Mr Leslie's

2 Bring's

3. Ble J, Kellen's

Land White Cap

1. Newman'a

: Joo's

White Boly, Green Blerre, Green

-1 Mr Briggs'

Klogs. 59th Regt

3 6ir J. Kellotra

. Reke

4 Ale Campbell'a

br. a. b. Hejj

g... Shamrock


... The weda

Blue and White

7 Capt Staveley's

b... Railings

Black and (ink


5. Lloyte


WEDNESDAY, 5TR Faduart. 1851,

br... Hap Hasard.

br. a. b. A chu.

br. h. Le targ

Blue and Crimson Cap

Criman and White Blne and White

1. A Pony Huvila Ruer, for all Panier.-Weight for inches -Entrises, ? dofluga inch, with 30 Julle from the Fand-Dinance 1 mile; nor 4 hardka 3 feet high-cond Pady in ?i?n hia sinks.

Me Ireland's

4. Drumosaics'

hr mp St Patrick

dim j. Predior

pmp Riley Boy

10 T40 Laird

White and Crimeen, and Crime-n

Red and White

Green and White Hoop

Blue and Red Cap

8. The Tridesman's Cap, voluo 80 dollars, for mil untrained Horses, weight for inchos(vix) U5, 2. so upwards to carry 19st-716 allowed for stary joch below,-Entrance 6 dollars se go to the second Hom

1. The Pony Weller, for all Pooles.-W-ight 10-1. for 19 hands and under: 10at dib. fur over 19 Ces round and a distance ((est.) kanda-Entrance 2 dollars each with 80 dollare from the Fund.-Distance 1 mile.



chh Quicksilver chb.clipse

H. i. 8. lb.

|14, 2110, 7|Panch Jacket, Crinaon Gap. [Cup 18. 0ti. Olurple Jacket, Lavender & Chocolue 9. 7 Light Blue Jacket, Peich & Yellow

1. 'Me King's, 50th Regt.

b. m. p. Onions

d. m. p. Creditor

Yellow Dndy, Red Sleeves and Black Berlot and Who

1 Mr Daddell'a



H Ayer's

a' Sir J. Kelle?a

m. p. Derila Warner



4. Biz Muirhouse's

Rp Princs

Blue and Whito



5 p

b. ap. The Sheik


bb Corporal gah Great Sigla Ch? b Pain d'Epica

|15. 111. 7|Rheo Jacket, Pink Cap


bh Block Jack

14. 810, 70reco do. Yellow p



* Darlington


‧ ? Nebuchadnezzar

Anh Sang

14. 0 9. Oringe di Bligh Cap

|14, 19, 7|White do. Bine Cap


9. The Plenipotentiary's Cup, valun 200 dollars, persented by His Excellency Sir Samurt Ureson Bowman, K. C. B., for all Horses Bina fide the property of the Persons entering,-Weight for Arabo 9. 10lb.; for Bydney, Cape, English, Sund Bred Hot List Tolb -Former winaare of this Cup to carry 5lb. extra progressively.-Entranco 10 dollars each-Distance 2 miles,

■ Mr King's, 60th Regt. ch a. h. Erin gebragh

4 Mr Chance"


a Sir J. Kellett's

. Muirhouse's






9 The Confederalen"

White, Green and Gold Cap.

Scarlet flody, White Sireves and Plua


b. 1 m. Kothlon

be a, b. Loil

Blue and White

br. a. h. Pretender

Green and Gold

br., b. St. Andrew

a The Victoria Plote,

Distance 14 miles.

1 Dr. Morrino's


? Mr Malthouse

8. b. The Squint

ch.e. m. Maggie Lauder

ba, Goliath

Blue and White


Black and Pink


14. 810. 7 Black da Wives Orange Sap

4. A Tradesman's Cup, value 30 dollanes, for all Entrance 3 dollars euch tu go to the second Phy.

Mr Bawra's

Pluck has


2 Mathwick's b mp Berphala Marsh's bay mp Challenger



4 "Emeny's


doa. bp Lombrak.

b bp

J. (You


Thempepa bay bp Ambler'

untraided Pooles, weight for inches, Jall milo ke

White Cap, Peach Phakor 22.

Max. Blue, do Cap

Lemon and Orange Osp

Rose Jacket, Pink and Black Cap

Purple nod Crimson Cap

-Rei and Yellow Cap, nod Jacket......

AIRTA-AL Viloria, on the 90th shimo, Men, Jown Tx American Big "Antelope


b. bl. Flying Dutchman



Roundy, has again, made a fine voyage

value 50 dollars, for all

Horses 14 hands and under--Weight for ineben

- Naso Advertisemanls will be received until 7 O'Clock,

Shanghan and back, From Luconia humand

64. C. Magneria

ch.b. p. Rhubarb b..

The Sheik

Yellow and Black Cap

Black and Omega Cap Blue and White

4. The Sydary Stakes, for all Bydney Homes-Weight 1004. 70k--Entrance & dollars each with 60

dollars from the Fund.

Distance Tj mile.

br... Pretender

1 Mr Chances

Green and Gokl

2 Lealia's

b. a. h. Hap Hasard


a The Confederates'

bah. Goliath

Black and Pink

4 Mr Nouth's

b. a, b. Rienzi

Black and White Cap

6 The Ladies Purat and Plate, vetoe 60 dollara, for all Ponies which have run at this Messing.

Weight 9st --Winners at this or a previous Meeting to be handicapped by the Stewards, not to exceed 10,7b-Erupcu 2 dollara each-Distance 1 mile.

1 Mr Ireland's

br m. p St. Patrick

g. Troy

King's, 60th Regt. b. m. A. Outcast

A Scott's







d. mp Creditor

br. m. p. Tom Thumb

g.m. p. Prince

b. up. The Sheik

bl.a. p. Lup

8. t. p. The Laird

White and Crimson.and Crimes Cap

Yelaw Body, Rad Bloermund Black

Pink and Silver


Scarlet and White

Yellow Blue Velvet Cap and Yellow

Blue and White

Black and White Cap

Blue and Crimson Cap

6. Rack Stokes, for all untrained Horses; extch weignuEntrance & dollars euch with 30 d"llara

from the Fund-Distance 1 mile.

beh. The Doctor

Blue and White Strips, and Black

1 Mr Bonham's


w Lloyde

Rab Shamtrek

b. a. h The Sepede

Red and Whhe Stripe

Blue and White

Black and Pick

5 Mr Chances

b. a. b. Pedlar


4 Capreley's

b. a, b Hailinga

Green and Gold


WILLANCE, of iwlo sons.

the Evenings previous turpublication, me: Tess

to the Lye moyo, pamago, she was only t

dapo and Frinngs. If one or two copica sta ce- | daya kad sightled hours ; and just twelve de quired of the issue in which an Adertimet on the passage np.

inserted, and applied fir during the period for

which publication in urdered, no charge will bo-

made for such copy or, copies.


A lengthy translation from the Boletim Governo, is another column, will be found

Nov. 96 Bandwich Islands Dec. 10 contain much useful information.

'Dod' ▼ Labuan


Unked Saten

Μ?νο 18 Baria






Dee, 110 Singapore ;

Jany. 9 Jan 18

Dea. 14

Now, Shangha

C. 610, Hope 1*- Nor. ||| Amoy

San Francisco Nav. 99Ringpo



Jany, 16 A fall of rain, on Monday, served to impro

rather than injure, the turf in the Valley,

THE FRIEND OF CHINA Today, taken angether, was as vice de for the first of the Spring meeting, as any the conki have been looked for.





HIGH WATER Risen Bats KPK 6.89 31904 014 0,34 6,61 0,32 0,44 6,37 5,511,00 1,94


6 Wedoradzy,



Moun-tal quarter, 9th stan

We were not present at the first race, l understand that Creditur, pane in first-St. F trick, second-Wegetables hird-Paddy Prince, bolted-and Nos. 4 and 7,--no who For the Glencaly Cup, five started. The dart was a false onc, and, in the second, Kal leen got some dozen yards in advance of competitors, a position, which, as the se? Clerk of the Course observed at the si was vory unlikely either of the others wo

get a bend of; nor did they ; Kathleen appar- ently winning the Cup essily-Maggie Lauder, second, Goliath, third, and, Pretender, the favo rite by the way, fourth.

For the Valley Stakes four took the field, and came in as follows-Creditor first-The Shaik a good second-The Laird third-Tom Thumb, lart.

Despite Brother to Pegasus' prophecy, Tem- ptation; in the Arab Walter, carried Mos Trooper close upon the point of touching him just the winning post; and, find there been dozen more pueda ? to run would have been headedbyhim, altogether. This was a well com Lasted race,

For the Scurry Blaker Cruiskeen took the load, and kopt it until, near the winning post, he was beaded by our old favorite Tetoy, who may he said to have won eqar, the rider hav. ing neither whip nor spar The others (Credi tor and Imp remaining in thefe's talls) cania in pretty well together


it is one which does him good credit ;" and if the "China Mail" does not, in the course of the month, anticipate our review of the Register's review, we shall, perhaps, have a word or two to say on the prominent acta," of Bir Samuel Georgo Bonham's career as Governor of Hung- kong; deuring it once, and for all, to be uti derstood, that our complaint of this Excol. lency's inefficiency lies not so much in what has been done, but in what has boon left un- dono.

Pounders. Guar. l'ounders, Gun.






18 15



103 134



Total 659

The best uroved L?rah?n ostry 20 gune, and ora pierced for 2 mare; the insil ones have from 48 guns exbli, s?d in all of them the guon of larg" | cskbin are worked un pivot,

Mushoto, Lpacos,






The pirates are so imprudent and so during that very ofan they send challenges to the Mindermu either by pasquino, or chops, laking ofte, however, to make it a condition that they are not to be 10- companied by Portuguese Lurchao; mad it sen thing of common occurrence to paa einisviries, pent from the pirate chiele, proposing ransom for pro robore and gouda fallen into their horsla, negotiat- ing it with the inhabitants or ManJarius cather ja money or goods.

It even appears that in Shanghan there in se vart of society among the Chinese called by the master of Bantow potassing tunes adely, destined for Taksoin,conlarkia) with the trade of ?luagh se kothe


Steris and Ammunition.

304 | Pistols, -

'These fun'le me now appropemted, in pre- Shot, - - - The, 16,726 | ference, to the chatter of Portugame Curelims Grape.---


The number of pirates that infest the Coat G? 802 China is almost inestentabla ; n 10 a rado ul people 18 Cesks of powder,

that perpetuates and mutilplas me it woen ajan ike The whole of these Lirokas when than they go Oto sea cirry, according 14 their respectiva regla

waters, recruiting iuelf from the most demural and clames of propia un shota :. They posons latitude ter, from 800 a 420 Portuguess, and 480625

fleets and rule somatisera over Islands. Chinese,

Ou first perural of the Register's "ketch" those bucs of Byron's, with slight alteratino,'Bwonde Como forcibly to remembrance :-

**Time was 'oro yet in these degenstaja daya

· Some paltry acts, obtained a meed of praise; Whon senso and wit, with flattery allied No fabled graces flourished side by side, From the same uurpe their inspiration draw, But penned to puf bloomed pestiar as they grew."

* 1 la sala to be there that last weggested to Lauto Navo-

The sixth soil lost rece was "Ya llack" Three out of seven Biarfli--Rake took; and to his grand lostrument for gaining hour-the dinner, He applies it mich, a to Valkow, and le now applping kept, the lead: Arthur Sung his rider, but did

, with what score remina to be orch, to the shay. A his best notwithstanding, sind was a' capital on his void that the uncle's inesistible instrument for second.

guiming adberean, won the sword, and that tho l?ch la the nephew's-New-York, Family Courier,Oed, 19,

We can pledge ourselves for the correctness of thero details, so they are gathered from the best ....sourcen ; and though a continual change occure in the number of guns, the atures and crews are nerar leathan' what the statement shows; and wa solght alvany, with some probability that the guns never Deme short of 600, as the Lorghes do not always surry all the pins they bave."

All the Lorches were buik in Macao, a great part during the years 1847 and 1841, and so after. ward. This mity shounds in resources for the construction of vessels, and in a very few months many Lorehas might be buil 'The Typhook in 19947, demtrayed, in this harbour, 13 of 14 Lorebre, and those built up to the follow jog April were frum 18 a 20. Tuey belong all

service when they are required. even buu" and uru obliged to charter them into the

We 'observed no particularly gloomy faves, and incline to an opinion that every thing went

We hear slint 10 Wan Tam-Achusa sorvant to Mesore Holli- le privatah parties ; for government do not possess off just as it was expected. morrow's sport is expected to tell.

day. Wise & Co. was convicted of forgery

· Bopse timela?? your, in common with our brother

Jurore we felt pleased at hearing Chief Justice Halme's sentence of two year's imprisonment with hard labour; instead of, what might have been expected, a sentence of transportation from the Colday, for an offence, which, at one time would have been punished with death. Wead. wired the wisdom of the decree, because of it anticipated practical effect, in exlubiting, to

Trosz engaged in raising the Cauton from ber prosent position, design to effect their par poso by means of chains, we hear to be carried underneath the hull. It ia singular (isht Steamer should have been running in the tract of the "Canton's" disaster for many years, without being aware of the existence of the cluster of five rocks within which the "Canton" is firmly wedged Captain Soames, says, we are men of Tain-Achuck's class, how crimes of formed, that if he had heen asked if rooks werech nature (an ungrateful use of the knowledge there he would have said, decidudly, thor imparted to them in mistaken iduess) would

bo visited. But what, was our surprize 10. lowen that public justice bad again been tam-- What are our surveying vessels about?! perod with, and that this individust, so far is only a few weeks ago we shot, in all sim from being required to work in iruns on the plicity, what was the use of an Admiral on this ronds with his follow miscreants, was allow station: instamatie fact that Citizens cea ad the free run of the goal yard and access to hardly go out of the harbour but they are in

those, wore then mocles, octagonal towers danger of being murdered by the numerous

on the southern boundary, from the western pirates skulking in" dorindinedinte vicinity! most of which he managed to escape on the whilst our hearty tete, so whim nothing would

alternoon of Friday last, just in time to spend afford greater pleasure, than a brush with the New Years day in native district of **long inila" and "allowed to luxuriate in luglo-liesng-shan. It may be stated that the Sheriffs riska doth. What a nice little employment,

were none.

doubtless, easily conveyed.

during the winter, fur the supernumerary mids Contractor, for supplying provision, is allowed of the Hastings" would a survey of Kee-ow'so have a weighing house chate beneath the shores have been; whilst the presence of a Brit-place, from whence the means of exit were, ish man'ol war's launch, ready for instant ac tion, now anchored bere, and gow there, would very soon have, jatroduced a new systems of ethica in the practice of the Dingoa boat prow kera.

No later than Sunday ada Captain of ship, in a Hakow bor, was chased from Bione calter's Island, right down to his vessel's side, then ?i anchor in the Cap-sing-moon. An Of Goer of tho. P&O.. N. Company on his way from Hongkong to Koe-dw experienced

a similar noplessnLI[NGAN," >

Tan "Register" of yesterday has a "Skaton of BIR GROKER BONDan's Govawluderente or Bonaxona" reprinted from the Overland lame of the 201 ultimo. Intended an a rebuttal to our queriion that His Extollehgy's career, don ink if the period of his day t? China, hod bos unmarked by aky babile, act calling for the conference of Kuch dignila sine a Compe nionship of the order, and thed, Knight Commandership of the Bath, readers of the "Registe" at kome, will sliech, to the article sa question, just as much importenen ki is th intrinsically worth? The "Register" is vilant on- Sir Samuel's Plenipotentiarial measures for the simple reason," "we expect, that there is no thing whatever to be all about ther

Tax Boletim de Governo" of the hut jamant, contains several proclamations by Her Majes ty Queen Donna MARIA E., relative to the future government of the Provinces of black, Timor, and lor.

There Larches are well built boats : their ground

In viny, 1889; the Imperial deem belonging to the two Naval matione of Shingliae and Biskupu. numbering 60 "nil, gathered togeiber in the central port of Ningpo, from whence they left, uoc-ampanied by five Portuguesa Lorchins for the Island of Frengs shan, where the piratm find established their co- sidence and dominion, and after putting think to dight they laid wasle tire land; surces which they never sill then enjoyed, though many Ligh-n similar attempt bed boen made fure, by bo?l flera.

In the preceding your,1867,seven Lortchas joined ingetter, and at their own risk umiartook to attack the pirates in the sa-na leland p-a great arrunt of booty w the reward of their underprise, mid when divided among them, pieklud about $800U 10 ock.

The reason that Imperial Rosin are anarly in ill instances defeated by the piratro, lies not so much in their defective systemi and lactica, bar lu iba

manner of life and the dangute webwhich they are superior courage of the later, mequired by their exposed.

"They very often figl? bravely with ibe Portoghese Lorchus, and when boarded, or are no claice of eac-pe, they have the barbarutis practice "frying their wives and abildien together, and s-rowing

into the son, and have courage evongh; prefer death thun yield thaneelves up as primorare.

Their Junks of Lorob saare very strongly built;

■ branch wiada batween wind uhd water.

We have explained the plein mud ingenious idon, as it appears to be fiul" know?, sive nos yes wadee of in the building of Portugunu varsel, the Engl though it has been adopted in some instance by

timbers are of Cimplor; and where strength is required task, and other kinds of strong wood are upil. They ate Bat bottomed, drawing very 'Nitle water, qud pometimes got av near the shore satos low pople to land from tiein. They bara a deck and good cablu's as accommnalations for pengera. They have twa made fitted with Irinagulir sod square sale. The shape of the pop and ruder done not admit here of any explanation. that might be sutalligible to evaders, in Portugal, suffice it to

y, tant it gives an oxirsurdinary quickness to the their oldes are of thick plast will joined, pod e

They ate built with - profitione, qud mi????????『zing

wooden walls reiset parallel with, and perpendicular The Bante ali over the most dangerou? Sous me the boat, particularly in the dificult caily pi-reed by the enemyrbot, witan of modernis in China they tu down to the straite of Malacca dhe krel,liriding the bold inteseven to tes patre the Borghbouring Arcipelagir, and cran a crime the whole extan) of the Pacife, sa Ese sa California

In 1843 sum of the Lorchat which, up to 1837, were but few, and employed woly in the neighbour of vessels in the Bay, entered the convoy service at Jug Coom trade and in the funding sad unloading

the Northward, que were followed by others a then English war with China. The profits they xde which were frum §1000 " 1200, cosplod with an getira demand from all parts of the cost from Shinghas down ward, invited parties to build, and their bumber soo swelled to ite present extent. Of the 60 Lucches, 2 have tearntly left for the Straits of Malacca, ober's are employed, according to informause we have obsinat, in the following manner: 19 as convosa femi Euchow to Ningpe, 12 guard to fishing boats and as conrigs ort, as consuys from ilang-thaw Ningpo from Chincher and le trips to Amy.

The monthly rate of charter ruins a coording to the size and strong、h of the Lorche: As convoya to Juske from Inn 480,me guardy to fishing Boats perial oavy(11!) from $100 - 650. from $250-4480; and when they protect the La.

Janka pre rancantile vassals agreeing in caprei. ty with our Schooners. Brigs and even Barques and Ships; and they olien carry very rich sargoes; way is merely for the enlightenment of our rendere in Portugal, and however trading such Senhor F. M. Bordallo, a first Lieutenant lanation may appear to readers in China, we When wed a convoje to Junks, Lienhan sen in the Army, supersedes the late Secretary in unique to give then an occasion may require. Gupermont, Sr A.J de Mirande, whoso faitlis pia by the merchants who resp the benefit of ful services Her Majesty proclaims altall still their hire The Charter when contracted for,

st tiod, is adjusted by the be retained, and exercised in another office. of the where there is a Chinese avai His Excellency Governor Cardozo, did not | Meid?rin; who, ou boing igy of the naval by the owner land in Macro until the 20th ultino; and of the Junk of his intention to soploy a Larch

for the safety of his venoni, proceeds to survey on in the evening of the same day oplectained, at (which is dios for mere formality) and according dianer, various officers of the Government to his report the barguin is arranged. From these (Civil, Miblary, and Naval) the Resident foreign accione these officers commonly derive a grant Amount of illick profit, by receiving bribes from Consule and the Principal merchants, From the Masters for good ropast, su the state of their the "Boletim's Summary of News by the Lorchas. Mail we shall, in a futura, number, forpish our renders with a fow extracts appearing 16 um to be of some interest.

[From the Boletim'do' ?aterno, Javy (18)


In order to diaguion Useir real chamotor sho pirates carry sung beis on board their te which ulu serre, when doubled into 8 ur 16 folde and ilm-g lunide and outside with luncher, no perchet and afford the most effcntual defence against the enemy's shot.

Our Lorcha too, use these Sching nets in their figlar with the pirates; anil, sa a stratagem of wat when the number of Portuguess in tou amvall, they make the Chinese on bard andrem Europesor, which is uflen enough to put the pirates to fight.

In the Himory of China will be found that pirates baco in more instations thau una caused very re rious disturbances in die Empier, going so far no U become matere of Provinces and placing the

(To be continued) throua lu jeopardy.

We are confident that even the most ardaut nd- waiters of this Charles Napier will cancer in opini- on with bis friend, the Duke, and consider a be to the public service, that Sir Charles No pier should entice from Justin, to the quiet enjoyment of the Iurele he has earned Itis father' con- tinuance in ladin is incompatible with the good

much to the constant spirls of antagonism which

government of this empire. We do not allo

he has manifested towards the Gorefoor General,

and every functionary independent of hun, and which rendere it su utterly impossible to obtain any harmony of co-operation; we refer to that which alone was before the Duke, the immedia.e cause of his reigation By an old rule, which has been in existence for a long seiler of years, the native troops receive compensation wh?n th? price of alle uwd other necessary miticire e?oveda a certain rate. Sixtenu nevra for situ is, wa thick, the maximum. In the Punjab atu was very dear, 9 or 10 sera for a coperi glee, dhol, and other articles, correopuadingly clump. The Military Again, Lorches are also chartered directly by the Auditor General explained to Government, wine Merchants of mure cominonly by Chinese Brokora,] timo ugo, tlint the calculation for remunerati?io, Ka wae to the management of these contracts are】 laid down in the cules, was net adhered to. The basin of it was, that a sepoy's food suoskl not cont equally as bonnet as the Mandwrimo.

bim more than three rupees and a half, or half lig pay. The Auditor General, therefore stated, list the account aliould be in the psture of a delet and credit oue; that is, that the jam on this atta, vad the guin on other articles, alwould go against each other; and that the difference was tun rutu he was entitled to. There is nu dusit, we believe, that this is the ourzwel rule; it was in this sequer that the ramosueration was calculated in Cabul. The

As guards to Gabing boats, they are commonly pal the large dealers in Salt fish.

Some are stationed at anveral ports to preserve them from the devaslions of pirates, add they aro pald either by the inhabitants or local mandarins. The very Mandarins or Admirals have often maken

In speaking of the Military powers of the Chinese, them loto that service; either to watch the porta Empire is former nomber of the Buletin, we | and grouths of the rivers, or to accompany them glanced oursorily over the services performed by in the pursuit of pirates When the latter is the the Purtuguese Lorahas at the Northipen Ports of one the Admiral, or the next under him, inker bis | Governut Growral in Council on iluu wrote to the Commn-uder in-Chief, requesting that the cumpen. ? Oblas ; 10-day we handle the subject with prester, quariges on board the Portuguese Latola whare Far bo it from un, it this season, when, as a fattubileo, as we believe it to be one of some disport, 'the dng of his rank is immedisiply hoisted at the sation might be future be enlavlated on this prins rena kend, in thit manner-only they goderticks | ciple; but his Excellency, on this communication, Contemporary would enjTM" the mind in all g?ance to this City.

As late as the year 1835, the number of aquare - to?ntluck the piroter! by whom, ifjunaided, they arm || issund a circular to the gruerals and Luigadiers in ritable" to enter opon a discurtion of the ve ridus prominent pucarures and reforms which the "Register" has set down from a memory, freshened, only by some litla, generally un koowo, act Hi Excellency's complaintson, We should, however, be indeed untrue to the cause in which we are engaged, a desire, se tar ni in us lies-tb, further the real interests of this Colony-if we allowed the "Register's" dictum to pa u challenged viz, that "as a career of practica! usefulines and tone endeavour to do the best for this supplanted settlement, and to develop such resources as yet remain to it (!) | calibre: -

?in must ca ser "fotiated thievadel, and destes juu la | command, to any liat Uus was allogetint a non- rigged vesels belonging to this port amounted t eight, there are now hardly woven >2 Barques, 2 | ibuir mary pane, bat,auled, they always denroy them. take, and that they were to uske un dillerence in Brigs, and 3.Sebeoners of iba aggregwa burden of ? Of those successss very inflated accouut?, pra aftur. the matem they had pursued. The Guveront 1810. Tone, of 40 cubic feat.

ward soul to the Emperor, wod negribing all to Geuprol, as unglit have been expected, felt no ins He did u think ?i to There are also in this part, scaerding, to the | theunives, thoy easily get renk and recompensa derelile nasmuco.

alter Sir Charles Napier's order, bot be posted attlet the instructions lie had issued, na the trend enumeration in the Harbour master's register, sixty reven Lurchas, but 'as some of these have long

|of the Government, were deer and expkeit, mod destrayed, and othore Eave become anft for servies,

notku vont of no doubt, and that of the Com the actual number in employutant acu 60, of the ng-

under in Chief could thus set them maide, ure order of Government cault be of any wind. Si gregate burden of 4051 Toas

Charles dated up, and immehstely sent in hila zo- digestion, which we sta hippy is perceive has been accepted, for there wai munca feat lost he shieki have beou solicited to recal it. --Frand of India, Sept 20.

Of the Lornhau, & range from 100 106 Tom 84 from 50 108, and the remainder are of small tonnage, and range from 100 Tons dawn to des.

They duty at prezent 539 guan, of different

Gbarte af pukoting out to Eu Excellency the great value which would be silve?ad to the settlement by the meta hvata. macht of a armall runnlag uto amwer belkosa Macao and Vic sila. He Enerney admined the pastion, but uppoured ta pegive the wetla domujrime casting in the mind if the This lack of enterprias Negociantes home he governad * not, we think inherent; bat an imagion vnt. 190 cool bateze be support the guistume-st have had che natural cflugi uf obvchi ig wra?y mielay. We trust, new, Mayen, that for Navona Love is indeva "a good day a suming.-En. F. of Ug








v?i. L. Na 1%.

Receiving ship

110th June

cairing whip


calving ship Wholer

Hongkong & Crate

New York,


by Liverpool


Singapore Revolving ship


W. C. of America Eady



DAMASCUS ---An insurrection broke est at Demsarms on the same day so that of Aleppo, dur was put down by the troops. A batile was fought between the troops and the Emire of Baulbee at the Jefiles of Malonlah, nour Damantur, in which the Emice were completely consed and taken prisonero 'They were walked through the streets of the city with frons on their logs, in their store, and with | brooms on their shoulders

Two of the Give Paraves indicted for the murder

of poor old oil women, were preverday found

Auronant, ship







Pamankan Ph





970 Guyan

?????? Hanghons




15 Nov 12

Jan 18


Dirom. Gray and as.



Ann Welch, barges


Sandwich Isles,

San Francion

De 1


$1 Doc


Amazon, ship

guilty, and sentenced to be trung na Fridny neat. | Alligator briguntlan The other three were acquitted, ---Bombay Times Dec. 7






2. Audaz, Glover, Put back.

%, Solide (Ham), Beyer, from Whampos.

%, fouise, Hartie, from Whampon

Lanrich, Whte, from Cun singmoon.

Rore Standish (Am), Pratzon, from Whampoa.

3, Georgia (Am), Talboy from Whumpos,

4, Antelope (A10), Roundy, from Woosung.



30, Albert (Fr), Pelloquin, from Hongkong.



18, H9.M Bloop Contest, Hoa Commander Spencer,

from Honghoog.

19, Celestial (Am), Gardner, from San Francisco,

*2nd December.

21, Carrington (Am), Abbot, from San Francisco.

21, Old England, Eves, from Liverpool, 2nd Aug.

21, Pedlar, Whitem, from Hongkong, 9th Dec.

Autte, cheer

Anonyma, brig

Anonyme, forcha Antelope, bl

Aath, schonnes

Antilope, barqu

Argyle, hip

Atiet hats, skalp


Aurora, achooner

Bayard, barque

Bella, bilg

Bombay ship

Redlich, ship

394 Viares!

40Ryder Belt $57 van Martine

Am B7 Hondy

1TS Lathes Bilt 40 Labeck

fver Joreks

Nov. Ea

Hoogkang Kawie, Pr?okar and co

Hai 31Whampoa French Cogoni

Poo-- Dest and as

Hongkong: Bush and o

Names Hardies. Watheson and go Hongkong Harw. Glaphenson and on

|Vab 4 Hongkong Bash vad ce Pro 17]

Wan. Pasien un? no. Lubeck and ce

Nav (1) Amey Kyme, Mair so os

Flan to Whames Order

Fob Hougtong fardios, Matheson and o

Shanghon V. A. Beadles Hoggitqwis, Dricker and to

Deo LA falt and co

San Francisce

Hongkong & Cusion



San Francisco

Houck Curline Mathode voceiving ship Zameen (estanje 8.

Dan Lafflengtepunt Rawie, Drinker and op

1000. A Olding. POUKA Hanghangeorge Lyall and o |Ion 3)| Shanghar Bail, Nyp and go Hall, My and do, Saps Whampen | Humell and op.

wall and Ja, Matheson Dec. Changhe Oirom, Gray and co ||Jas||4|what=pon Jardin, Matheson and to.


Nov. 3 Amey Syme, Nair and co

Dee 16pos Browne o

Wood P. & D. N. Comes and Des. 15 Shanghee Jardine, Matheson and ea Des 3 Whamp W. 4). Dumotack


Des 37 Type

wer and ea.

Jan 31 Mangkong, Itawie, Drinker and co.

Bastast Dust and o

Nagom. Davideo13



Pas Preslaco

47 Nov 24

40 Sept


Is Bare


10 Oct 1

| 181/Glover

Put back


Port 104/Rmedi


135 Graham

47 04 15


Span | 140 Roberede


13 Nov 10

Kamanjou Formujos,akip Bint



| 400 Waldem Deltameren

33 Ove

River best

Dan 33

Canton, steamET

Carrington, ship


Cristal, skip

547 Abbot erhardust

Has Francisco

Ceres, barqu

Chaming, ship

Belt. 13- la Thomas


Jan 10

Chatom, baryes

254 ore


184 Indy


03 Nov X

Fr. X16 Vergnial Dat. 205k

Kat back


‧ Charlotte, ship

Chebar, barque


Clara Anna Marlo, barga

Claudia Civile, ship

Clown, brig

Confucias, ship Congrem, ship

Consultation, barque Cocomel,

Cosmopolita, skip

21, Encica, Sutherland, from Hongkong, 15th Deo. Denia, cheer




), Flying Dutchman, Cooper, Whampoa.

Constitution (Bremnes), Lanh, Whampoa.

Wm. de Eerste, Maciendamo, Batavia.

U.S, Sloop Mariam, Capt. Glendy, Manila.

Renee, Mills, Who

Scotland, Davies, Whampos.

1, Linnet, Bellamy, Whampoa

1, Fizes, Bradshaw, Ean ?osit.

Magia, Johnson, Sydney.

3. Mazeppe, Dowmen, Woorog.

3, Solide (Ham, Beyer, San Francisco.



10, Solide (Ham), Beyer, Hongkong.

$), Rajasthan, Pricarves, Hamburg. February,

1, Fady Hoyer, Lungley, Camsingmoon.

? Lowin, Harrier, Hongkong


Georgia (Am), Talbot, Hongkong.

Albion, Clark, Bombay.


16, Dide, Leleh, Ningpo.

21, Joke Bright, Wau, Singapore and England.

22, Sir Georga Pollosk, Withers, Ladoo."

28, John Luyur, Thomson, Londo



Dido, schmer

Dos Amigue, schoner

Good deep, bilg

Harlobals, brig

Hellas, bermaphrodita

Huron ng

Hehowak, skl

Hongkong, stakmer

Hangkang, bargjig

Hagh Waker, ship

Hyji p

Independence, brig

Laarick, belg

Lane, schour

Lighting, scheuemer

Lianat brig

Lord Amberst, ship

Louba, barque


Belt. 35 siche 4.16 lost A975 French Hrom 973 Lach




*briere Borekomm

1 Leich

the Lowe



Bri. 250 H


341 Gerard

156 Cameron HURE

17 Vid




Top Atlangkong




01 July 1




e mos


Amy Ayme, Hair and on. Hongkong

[Nandiving ship

Farmer and co

Act d






Brosiving ship-

Gooden Kosovint ship spring ship




|:tamehung de Cunto

Recolleg ship



?? ???????



Mecalving ships



Nov. 22

Wacom Dent and co

Jan 21 Shanghan Bienkin, karogs and ev

Cumino-fardine. Matheson

Lion satimskong/Black and or |Vek "Wbangan () Konnedy and

Woodle, Matheson and op

Jordias, Mudhalog nisil m? (Feb-2 flangkang ya, Parkin and to

Nov 1

Chiana Conte, Matheme sad se Lokong Jordion Matheson and

Die zi heyhan, Schwabe and no,

Jan To Beglong Mawie, Drikes and on.

Tinwuo Lysil and ou Namon Dental co Nov & Houghong Nova -nd co Whampoa Themas Hunt.

Aday, Muir and co

Best and on

Jardins, Mathes and c

Des 28 kampos Order

war-les Flor

Volum'ugstine Heard and on

1. A. Onling. 'n ig) Weeping

Usa #hampes Deet and co

Pab tongkang Jandios, Watheson and dealen?ia

Ir]Whampoa Kryuvaan and co.

Amy Thit and co

Feb Whampoa fairgapansanande

Amy Dest adti co

Peblangkong Rabert pracko

Now andwich (ales) Jan

Chinese Demand

ongkong lawls Drinker and do. Rivar 16 Jardina, Altoona Benghongbyme, Mair and co

Whamped Blenkin, Kaws and co 14 Mono Dent an

Canto Hawlo, delsker in 0. |Whape: JP a 1. N. Cuando

Wanajes %. Langtone

O, be done and de Jardins, Matheson nev? on. Dea to Whampoa Rumeli and de Jan Honghong Linduty and vo.

San Francisco

W. C. of Amarion Early

Moon Cavid Bows, Coins and de Receiving ship MeV forge





Part 95

Floor Yacht


Emily June, ship



Emperor of China, ship


kcles skly



Falcon, skip


Far West, ship


Han Franches


Flying Dutchman, barque


33 per





40 Jannery

Fort William, ship


121 Miller



Georgia, hip





140 Callery




31 Darle



10 O

[tive bo

Jan Francisce

Fept 9

laland men schouber


Jan 30

John Spencer, sl?lg?


Dec 11


Jasilna, que


953 Pare

50 Nev. 1

Beam than, schooner




1 Nov 20

Lady Hagen bargan

ww Langley

Lady Muy Wood,steamro




Lady Feel, harga

305 Per

183 White


30 Book


Nel 1 Ming


113 Hollamy




a. IF

San Francisco

53 Elec


Dan 17

Uan, 33



30 Ner


ITI Devmas



Hackor J.


Landes Chaha


Dee 20

100 Sent t

Jan 24

Husband 4o.


Receiving ship Hecate as ship Wacsang



36 Dee

U 31

De Pla

Nov 12




Jan 20 longkong lost and e

30: F


172 ang


Shanghan skam, Bland video.



170 Dale

Men Pranolace

19 pt

Nov. 1

Russell and ca.

New Park



Me Murdo





Receiving ship

Dec. 15

Amory & Shangha




Fr. 35 Prudhomme


Jan 24


Brit Jellicom


Jan 4







de Lord


Jan 13

3m 17

Nyo, Parkin and co



Nue af

Nov. 19

$40 Porven



New York Laados


|| takealla le

Port 15%

Des 36


Reqsirlig ably


Jan 29




San Francisco

July 11 Shanghes | Resanti and on

Fab awpes Lindsay sed s


New York

Nor 13


Leah, bar

Magwell, target


Malamoodie, barqna


Mahomed kan, barque

Stargarella, ship



Anna Jane


Trive Buckland Fawed Arou

Hengg Gion Pentresib Doff







Now Margare Beeby




Sir Edward Perry Squires Succes

Han Peterkin


Lon. Oct 218, Lon. Aug.218. Liv. Oct 23 |Liv, July 16| A1. Lon Oct 8 EL

||Liv. May 16,8

Lan. On 18 H. Liv. Sept 168 Lon Nov 14. [Liv. Ang 14] IL Shie Dei r H. |Lon. Ang 26 II.

|Lon. Aug.1: EL

Liv. Om $5.

Lon. Sept 21 8.

Order in which the whore Teznelo left England. Larpart, Hungalows, Ola Enoland, New Margaret. Me Menard Purry, khawan, Bored. Manech Mom, Trans, Anna Jana, Mangalan, (hales, Alborzarla, karcem, Kaninch, Manica.

Loading-At Lowoon; Hindoo, and Audraklas,

At Liverpool; Ranger, Allianes, and Duliva



?Bom. Dec 1, H.


Westha, schoowET

Matt Lather, barque

Harden, barque

Haul, brig

Mamrypa schooner

Merksem, skip Alenam, barqa

Hent Weston, ship

| Nursin, brig

| Sled, hargan,

Nova Amizade, dip

Nymph brigandinu

Chad Kugland, ship Ucleniul, Duque Omar, ship

J'atkunder, barquo Patria, relaoner Podles, brig

Pondicherry, ship

Prince Albert, ship

Hanes, barque

Brindes, skip

Bhedes, ship

Moab, ship Hayal Exchange, leig

Kojalist schoner

Kuparall, barque

Ban be, brig

Blanc, ship Band, sp

Sea Hora, brig

shield, ship

Siam, burge


Se Merrow

* Crawfor

615 colk

GOT Bailey

664 Harland

430s, Hition

934 Chape

140 Andr

Am. 1084 Garden

pan 1 Lap

| Urtt | 335|Koper


Bet. 141 Brownling

|Bpan || 133|Dambiguos

Ain Saidy Ult | Deli

Brit $17 Withon

|Am | 507|Frazar

579 Roye

Biam. 200| Lo




S'han & H'henj Jan 15 14 hampoo A. Nears and o

Amy Cardios. Math

East Care, Mand

Shanghaibh, Litla sice and so

Waspe Dlets and se

C&D. D. Laleaca

Menklu, Hawass and co.

Nye, Parkin and co.

and co

Mario V. P dd 50vd

Des Hongkong

me, Muir and ca.

ww.meen Kassell and co

Van Shampon |Clearge Lys) and

Benates Eagle Hearin

T. Onles Jamsetja Jejechboy Fitzmaurice Orpheus


Victorin, steamer (Bank Virgilia

Homo. Nov 29 H.

Salpe, brig

par, ber

Best, 101H

Cal. Nor 10 H.

be Witch, sp

Bam. Nov 19 H.

Chi Nor B.

Bis Edward Ryan, barque Bria



Bom Nov 25 H. Lakemana Bom. Nov 947,

IT Endicott, W


147 Cu

Hiver boat

Vore, sekunder

3 Aug 19

San Francisco

03 Ang Bandwich


Nov. 33]

San Franciaco




Dea Is

Loading-ABownar; John Wicklife, Cale- dania, Sydney, Eumanah, and General Sale.


FROM CALIFORnia & Bandwich Islands.

1Coombes SF. Od IN H Luminary

Notton 9 L Dec EA. Bamuel Robertson Washburn 5 Dec 1. Sorub Bunker

19.F. Beplan H.


Lan, Lanton, Lie, Liverpool, this. Valida, New. Newport, Clp. Klyde, sen. Vinoon, Hart. Martepost, Pyr. Uneosport, Lal Cha vita, Bam. Banko), Say, ?nko. Pro. Ping. He regar 1. Hunghang, M. Hiram, WhiWinkpan, azadiy, Vettingung


Bomatia, barque

Swallow; burqan TW. Deus, lo

???? ????Tell

Teradle, orque Tele, bus June, scho

Trinho, Barca

Telmafo, brig Year, ship

Viscount Bandon, ship

Vixen, scher

Werimine, basque

Will brig

Wifi &V, barqa

Wfaltby, barque

Zephyr, schmac



Bris, 173 Lege

{og Hall

Dai | dulcun

| Port || 200|vul



Am. 410 Barsley




PRICE $10 per miremin

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum. Le Dollars, payable in advance, quarterly or otherwias, at opalon. Bingle Numbers, 25 auto

each. SUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND,-To Hubcribers to the Fataup of China, 4 Dollars per Annum; non-embacalbare 89; single copies 60 cmits; if more than Ten Copias taken, forty' TERMS OF ADVERTISING-Tan Kessel under, I Dollar: aditional, 10 cents on. Repetition we chord of the Bret insertion. Ships-First Insertion, Dollers subsequent insertions 40 mts. Adverslampants to have writin on the joos of them, the number of idues they are required in appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. In alt instances, those who are not Subscribers, require to pay in odrapOO.



n??c va m?a co thi abur

terminated yesterday, I havo tako into Part- Bazmazona, Parana, Gasan-Matra, dom, Asan.rship Mr. JOSEPH BLAND, (Nephew of

(PHB Paraolan and Ori- 1' fuerat Company's Stowm Skip MALTA, will leave this for the phase plaops on Thurs- day, the 27th of February. Trusouza will b? resefund on tioned until boom on the 29th, and Chapo until 5'x. x. on the 24th.

For particolars regarding Fastany and PASSION apply of the P. 30. B. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agoni P. & 0.8. N. Coft Office. Hongk?ng, Both Janoary, (650,


"Lady Mary Wood" Steamer.

DY Order of the Diameters of the (2D Peninsular & Oriental Steam Na

vigation Company, the abova vessel will be withdrawn from the Crest after she present month, and early in the wrening one be despatched to Calcatio


For partibulare al fenight and patongy to that Port, apply at the P. 6. O. Company's Office. Early intimation will be given of the day of her smiling


Hoogkong, 22 Fadwary, 1881.


FOR SAN FRANCISCO, THE X. 1. American Clipper Barque ||~ ANN WELSH," Capt. Reban, 18; Will ha despatched for the shore port on the 10th pruxino. For freight or pastago apply to,

BUSH & Co.

flongkang, 28Jinwity · 1851.



| Mt. Viton Hirzar), to continue the business as GENIAL AND Commission Maagnawes from this data, under the firm of BHAW, BLAND & Co.

OHAB. SHAW, Shangbae, Jel January 185


Wow How to M. WILLIAM E have this day admitted EDMUND WALKINSHAW, partners in our Firm, which


PUBLIC AUCTION. N Invoice of superior Rumian Cordage, from TO be Sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, at Mr Phone's

4494 inches. Apply to,

I Sale-room, Minqua's long, Canton, on 7- day the 20th March mest. at 1 o'clock v. w.


Hongkong, 2018 January, 1951.

The House and Godowas, situated on Late No. 8 and 10 of the British Factory Grooede, Cantuh, formerly occupied by Menara Hell & Co.

For further particulars, opply to,

MAX. FISCHER Caniba, Blet January, 1951.


DOWRA & Co, beg leave to call the attention Dof the Pontro to the extensive assortment of Snip Cuanplans and OttwaND STORM which they offer for Sale at moderate prices, commuting Manila Cordage, Banting, Ours, Paints and Paint inpally oft-Canvas, Twins, Europe and Oil, Varatish, Turpentine, Tar, Pitch Rosin, Candles, Aleis Mr Joss town, Burgaon, of longkan Tobacco, Cigara, Glass and Crockary Ware, an

LI. Persons baving claims on the Estate of the

pow consists of Mr. T. W. L. BlackRAM, Mr. PAT Migg Donowon, Mr. AtHARDER MOULIDON,xtensive patient of Clothing and Stationery, 28th day of April, 1951, and all persons indebies Mr. Bound Newnan Snow, and Mr. William WALKINMAW.


Hongkong, 1st January, 1851. NOTICE is bereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subslating between the undersigned FROST EDGRK, at Calcutta unilor the Firm of JAMIX Geonos Jaminios, Joan Gierows, and Jounes

SON & COMPANr, and at Canton and Hongkong weden the Pizm of Janimon, Ednan & Conrank, this day delved by mutual consents regard the mid Joepen Troer Evans, who retires from the Partnership. The Business Will in furs be earried on by the aid ?zapoe Jintesest and Jons] GIFFORD in Partnership with the undersigned ALEXANDRU GIFFORD, al Calcutta under the Firm of Jameson a Courany, und at Custom and Hong- kong under the Firm of Jastini?), Garmio & .Company, 14 whom the Affair of th? lato Firm devolve in quidation.

Dued this Thirty-6rst Day of December, Que Thyusand Bigla Hundred and F107,


by Als Allorney Alexandan GitpuIO.


by his Attorney Alxxakour GiuFORD,



A Bargne ? MAHOMMED BEA MAONIKA, TUE Business hitherto carried on in China in

Cargo cogated, will on in

be despatched for the abbre Port shout the Luth | under the mylo of Carten & Co. proximo. For frai?li or fadanga apply to.

Receiving p

Revell ship


BYME. MUIR & Co. Vktorin, 18th Janoniy, 1851.


THE A. 1: now coppered Bwediab

Olyphant and

Common stanjes F. Came and be, Kesriving ship Nor. is Whampoa Jardben, Matheson god esi New Vark


Educhong Wawio, Dejukne and on,






keeping d

Hongkoe & Lanton,

|20uryow, al. pad on.

Wunding Augustine beard and so,

Canton A. Vigse

Aug 30 Ningpe Hargreaves and co

Jan ta Bhabie Bleskla, Kashod and ed.

Isles bor. longLow Jardine, Natheson and co

||Nor_3417py Olyphant and co

Wan 15 tonto

Jan 20 bamper


Looking Dent and co

Wharapo Haber), Browns and co Woong stone. Lama and co

Macks Leafeco Marse

1. B. dee Hamplies

and en/

Receiving ship

sosiring ship

Dept my W bamposti

Brit af Memb

213 May 2

D15 Shangs and way


Dan. 205 Preka


Dec 28

New York Hardlow, Mathegon and on Emt Cout [tha_29]2fa"ak?ne Carloulta, Harkart and co




130 Dele

176 Thostpon

917 diwart










Tienphong Huynh

102 9. 4.





Shenzhar 14. MA Hongkong Suro A.

Canton H 0 BM |Whumpur kt. M

HM Br Hanghong !!, M DI.



Dr Masker

26 Capt. Mami

Ion. Sincer


Water Alche

Viber Jockey

Ciber 10 1.

Mac.cortet NummerNE ME

-aps, Andrade

Hong, Bewijnao and ce. Receiving ship

- Ledy and co.

Heceiving bij Dent and co.

Jasal Court Dust and se


For England-Georgia, W-Hugh Walker, H.-Rots Standish, H-Telaumer, H.

For United States-Cerea W-Memnon, W-Ornard W-Rhodos. W.-Sea W.-Sea Witch W-Tar W.-Oriental, W. For Franice.-- 1lbert, W-Pondicherry, W.

For Calcutta--Lanrick, O

For Bombay-Miet Rabaman, W.-Charlotte, W.-Martin Luther, W.-Prince Albert, W.

For San Francisco-Ann Walsh, H~Antilopa, H -Flying Dutchman, H-Mahomed Shah, 19. For Balavia--Leuit, W.

For Lima-Coromandel, M.-Mariner, M.

For Straits--Triunfo, M.

For Manila-San Benito, W.

KOITHO, Puaneno, and Pesliiwko, ay tun Paochlaroi; Waggian Tamnant, Qussu'a Root West, Victoria, 104).




U. Joke L

Barque ANTILOPE," having part of bar cargo engaged, will have rly despatch. For freight or pasange spjdy to A. LUBECK & Co. Hongkong, Ist January, 1651,

TO LET THE Homo v the South side of Clough Btract, lately occupied by Mr J. G. Morison.

AUGUSTUS CARTER. Hongkong, lai July, 1850



Balt Provisions, Flour, Vinegar, Wines and Spirits of all varieties.

Just Received; a Batch of Bats' sad Allsop's Als and Putter of Baporior quality.

The above Stores are of the very best descrip tion and Blusars B, & Co. are now prepared to offer them'at very low rates.

Elangkong, let Jawory, 1851.



EGS to inform Skip owners and Ship master D that he has always on hand a supply of the following articles.


? ..

Anchors and Chain Cables, Trok Kreis-Deck and Hawa Pipes,

Itnond, e in. to 4. jan. Best Refined Izott, Flat, ? in. to Y, los, Square in, to 4. jus. Rigging Charito | in. Hoop Iron and Lead Pipa, Rigging Berewa, Caboose large a small, from Shears of all sizes. Bheet Iron of all ?aixor; for stove pipes and for other purposes,

Spring Gardena, Victoria, 16th Decembar, 1850


THE Undersigned. beg to intimata that their DRY DOCKS are now capable of receiving Vamals of the following Drafis of Water-

At Spring Tideo, 12) fant


The Large Dock e 200 feet long, and the | R. S. DELLEVIE and M C. BRODERSEN Pumpe attached are worked by a Steam Engine.

are authorized to sign our firm.

Ww. PUSTAU & Co.

Hongkong and Chion, 24th D-4., 1850.


JOIN, C. COWPER & Co. Whampoa, 15th October, 1830.


THE interest and respondility of Me A. Host THE Captain sad Consignes of the American

Whale Ship" She finid" will not be respon sible for any debis coutraged by the grew of asid Tromol.

PERKYG in our Urni, ceased from the lat. De- cember, 1850.

BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Hongkong, 1st January, 1851.


WIT3 reference to the above, it is hereby in.

timated, that the business haberto carried on

Hongkong, Ish Jabusty, 1851.


The House on the North aide of Gough Street in the name of Bowna LlomsnurTS & Co. withAPTAIN AND CONSIGNEES of the Ame


ately occupied by Mr John Carr,

Apply 10,

Mu. 811ERARD,

At Mr Enou Victoria, and January, 1851.


THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risks (egrored by open POLICIES [zere and n the various LONDON Imunnon Companies, by De l'ewineulat & Orionet Comping's Steamer, ra Canton and Hongkong, to the Straka, Day-

on, the Presidencies of India, and England'

hereafter be condanied by the undersigned uniler the style of BOWRA & Ca, which Mr W. A. BOWRA is authorised to sign.

CHAS. W. BOWRA. Hongkong, 1st January, 1861.


ALL Brava, C., B., are requested to for

Phemons having cloima agulat Major Ger

ward them to him for payment.

Victoria, 4th February, 3851,


rican whale Bhip " BOWDITCH," will not be reaputisible for any Jabla contracted by bor Grow.

Flongkong, 13th January, 1851.



THE condemned French Ship "CHILI," for Sale on scopust ofthe Underwriters, by Pus LIO AUCTION, on Monday, the 10th of Fobrusty, 1851, No. 61, Prays Grunds.

INO: SMITHf, bas bean desired to offer on Bala, to the highest biddur, by Publio Avotion, (for the benefit of the concerned,) by order of J. ZANOLE Engr. Chancellor to the French Le-

are seqyouied to end in their accounts before the to the deceased are required to make immediat payment of their debts to,


Colonial Surgeons, Administrator to the Estate. Hongkong, October 28th, 1850,


YR WILLIAM SAGB bega le notify the re- Iidence in Victoris, that he has taken these convenient premises at the corner of Peel Sirens abutting on the Queen's Road and opposite the Hongkong Heginer office; where he will practive bis profcasion ne Veterinary Burgoes.

Bir Saus teko ible opportunity to aequaint the public that he has several good sadillo Horses, and Podey Pietars let,


Victoria, Hongkong, 12th Dec, 1850.

VETERINARY FORGE Wellington Street,

HENRY MARCH bio inform the inhabitan

of flanghong, that he is carrying on the HORSE SHOEING Business on the Prives Intely occupied by T. DELANEY, dorcased,

Horses carefully shod on the most approved principles, under Mr Motula's personal puperinten dence and from the long orperience he has led ho hopes to give every satisfaction. Hongkong, 13th January, 1851.


THE HONGKONG ALMANACK for 1831 will be sued wilkost the Directory, as is han been found impossible to prepare the latter in sufficient time. The Directory however will bo

brought out seperately, at a futuro period.

The Almenach, price 1, enn bo obtained, ne usual, at Menors Lane, Crawford & Co Btc. Noranlin's Printing Office, Wellington Street, and at the Office of this paper.

Victoria, Bongkung, tu January, 1851.


No. 24,


MAGAO NATIONAL HOTEL CHARDER Beard and Lodging per month



per day

Bed Room per night


Timo -



Port Wine per boldle


Jo. do.

Champaigo -



Boda Water and Lemonado

Da do, and Brandy

60 121


N. B. Gentle residing less than a fortnight

For Rates Premium and other information;/NGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all gution in Ubins, that fast soiling and only four the proprietor with their patronage are rejunted

apply to Mr J. A, Ozar?u, at the P. & O. Co.'s

Office, Hongkotig, Korky, kt


London, 2nd December. 1848.


THE undersigned baring heen'oppointed. Agent in Capton for the share named Society, is repared to great Polices payable in London, Liv po, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Shanghae and Antoh.

FRANCIS B. BIRLEY. Capton, 14th Augul, 1850.


B hereby gigs that the Partnerskig herefore aubaising between ka, the undersigned as Gen eal and Contatos Muachants at Skand lar in China, nuder the flem of THOS, RIPLEY Co, har this day tarnimated by efuxion of line, nd inecordingly dissolved.

Dated abis Thirty-first day of December, Ous howsand Eight hundred and Fifty



sizos, olio Naile, by


BUSH & Co. Hongkong, 1st October, 1850.


PARS Suitable for Junk and Lorobe Masts Teak Timber, Planking, and Singapore Beans.

Apply to,

SYME, MUIR & Co. Vitoria, 14th January, 1951.

FOR SALE. HEATHING COPPER from 14 to 26 ok. ?ex Lord Hardinge. Apply to,

GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 21st February, 1850,

NOTICE. THE undersigned 'have received direct from the Manufacturers, Indies Condiments, the very latest arrivals-vix:

Very Superior Bengal Chatney,

Do. Curry Powder, Madras Malignanny Paste, Do. Curry Paste.. ALSO,




Chanaigns in Quarters & Pints, Bour and Sok. A few enues of mat excellent Port Wine, Sherry,

MACEWEN & Co. Queen'e Road. Llangkong, 23rd December, 1550.

Year old ship the " CHILA," of 970 tons, or there- about, as she lien at anchor in the Inner Harbour of Meono with all her Masts, Yards, Sails, Rig ging, Boats, Anchora and Chains, a twoday Chronger, by Breguet, Patent Windines, Benos Pumps, an excellent palent Galley, with cop per bollers, and Still (complete) to make fresh water, Bell, Binva?ka, and, all her Stores. da, aa par a vocy largo and sall datnited inventory, which may be Loon at the Anationsor's; and the vessel may be inspected any time before the day of the |Bale, from 9 ayat: tO O P. M.

Tiria new vessel, constructed of the best materials, and copper fastened throughout, was built in Hor deaux, in 1846, and launched in November of the same year, at a cost of above 140,000 francs; and was re-opppared only abbus eighteen months ago. The sundry repairs and fastenings the vessel now requires, it is climated, could be done, compar. atively to what the vessel way fetob, at a ainali ex pen; and it is also awaried by competent pavul men, that she would then be so good a vessel us any in China.

For a Recairing Bhip she is well adapted, belog spacious and rborey-has carried above 500 tona,

Stores will be buld in separate lota, and be then room braides, for light freight.

Guns and Ammunition, and sundry Cabin

The Bale will Commence si 19 v'clock, a. m. Macao, 23rd January, 1851.

will be charged per day, and all parties favoring report the least neglect or inattention on the part of servants.

Macan, Siet November, 1850.

FOR SALE at the Office of this paper:-



or Labing.



forthe Peninsular and Orl

ontal Company's Steamers. COMPRADORES Ozbere, la Books. POWER OF ATTORNEY. CHARTRE-PARTIR


PRINTING, Borcantile forms and other work printed with

xpedition at the customary rates, Victorio, 22nd August, 1950-



THE Sopertor A. I. Coppered, Fest ling Ship "FAR WEST"" 600 Tona Hurthen.

Apply on board to.

WILLIAM A. BRIARD, Hongkong, 6th February, 1851,


To the Editor of the Fate of CONA.

Jongmono, Tik Fedexary, 1831

312.-The "North China Herald'' namesta, with reference to the smuggling practized at Shanghee, "that it is not only inexpedient but sheoladly ex *pensive in sta resulta to the shipper ; "9 st han kreo

vatislactorily proved that any of the

dution has led to a more than curtrepanding augs ** Tentation of the cost laid donen se Eupland "

Will you permit me, through the red-um of your paper, lo prefer to the Editor of the " North Chisa Herald a request that he will be so med as to explain the excruordinary "poration of cir sumetances by which the voidance of payment of two and a half teele st Shaughan, reulte 36 5 disbursement of three ise's in England; for it ap prore to me that a more direct and ed>etuul method kan batuf making this amouishing rezult paten




WEDNESDAY, Broond Day.

A fine eunshiny morning, although accompani. ed by a bleak northwesterly broeze, auracted to the courte a considerable number of our,

Lindy residents, amongst whom was Lady Bon- han, who, for so long a period, has boon in infirm health, The Day's Sport, as anticipatod, was altogether good.

For the Pony Welter three started. The Shaik, Creditor, and Outcast; who came in, we are informed, in the order in which we have

named them.

to all whom it may concern, could not be desited, potentiary's cup was a basatiful contest-Erin

Time taken over the one mile and a ball, four minutes and ve seconds.

The rider of Lottery, on being weighed, claimed a cross--(two wore first silegod, one in the first round, and one in the second.) The

to perpetrate the gromost libel ever conencled, Colonel Brooko, father of Bir James, might here delighted in warfare but a horror of bloodslic is, by common repute, the peculiar attribute of the son who, on his anticipated early return to

his detractore of the necessity for actions, all


towards thereupon resolved themselves into a England will, we doubt not, easily convince Committeo, but ovidance for the gain-say ap peared to be given with some doubt and hesitamisrepresented, tion. After a good deal of argument it was an- ' bounced, pretty loudly, that the case bad pro. coedel so far as that, by the rider's admission, the cross `occurred during the first round.

In our humble opinion this should have wot-

garagh-Lottery-Preiandor-The Squlro god to maintain that position, nad was there fules, and the aboda Olibora Wesa very quiet on the

fore the best horse.

The "great event" the race for the Pleni-tied the matter for Pretender,as we have stated, being ahead on passing the Judge's Chair, man- We profess, however, to be very ignorant of racing law, and would sup- pove that the better way to settle the point would be for the two horses to ran again.

Moss Trooper, Hap Hotard and Arthur ran for the beaten Handicap, and, apparently, to the astonishment of a good many, Arthur came in some three lengths aboad of the second

for putting an end to ell illicit trading," wash thus promoting the best interests of the port, bath

and Flying Dutchman, although entored, dil moral and etial."

ool appear. The reoaining four got off pretty But as the Editor may have his reayons for not divalging to operation affording, inrn whe purwell together. Goliath led for the firm mile, chase what they have not the funds to pay for,

when Kathleen got about a beck a head; This web marvellous inci'ities for clearing off wir ne. counts, and by such means encouraging kabits position she did kar best to retain, but, although of extravagance and loose morality --I beg to say bosutifully ridden, fell back in the second inite; that 5 am quite willag, and indeed an1.006, 10 | Gulath coming in, amid the cheers of the spec- enter into a strictly private arrangement for pro-

tators, and to the astonishment of the knowing ceeding to England, and there, in conjunction with him at hungbae, working the oracle to our mutual, ones, a winner by suno half a dozan yurde. and meret, adveninge.

Ja the third raco Sheik, at the first turn, evinc.


Unked Butea


Bombay Medras Bydney

C. of a flope San Francisco

I am. Bir.

Your obedient servant



Nov. 96 Bandwich Islands Dec.


Nov. 13 Baurla

Lee. 25

Deo. Labuzu

Des, 10 Sinesport


Jany. 15

Dec. 14 Manila Nov. 4 Shanghae

Nov. Away Nav. 99 Niaspo

Judy. 26

Jany, 16

Dea -





A General Meeting of the China Branco or THE ROYAL Aptatio Bocirty, will be held in th Bociety's Rooms, on the Evening of Tuesday the 11th of February, at 8 o'block.




A General Meeting of the Medicas Missionary Boosety in China will be held at the Rendzues of the undersigned at 18 'clock Noon on the

2jai instand, for the Election of Officers modibe Transuotion of General Busines.

By request of Five Mechbet


Senior Vice President.

Canton, 4th February, 1851.






10 Monday

11 Today



P. R.

A. M.

Ri Sol

6,37 562 1,42 2,03 6,37 569|| 125 | 250 6,30 5,14 3,20 3,50 0.36 6.65 4.34 | 5,14

Moo-101 quarter, W. Io. 31,


Tan Honorable the Chief Justice sat in Sum- mary Jurisdiction yesterday, Eight cases were set down for trial, but only one appeared in bo of any interest, that of Cheong-Aloi v. Chung, Assung, We shall furnish a few particulars of this curious little business in our next in which a Gentleman justice, who figured rather pro- mined by in one of the ephemerals, on a recent occasion, camo out in a new character, as counsel for one of the parties in auit.


Mr Rama Khan on "Outcast" and Mr

From Manila Correspondent. *On the 15th January the Spanishyor Stemmar Reyna do Castilla" was telegraphol, and pasha formed one of the expedition which left that in the 11th Dcorniber, the Slanikep were very unsions to get the news. She brought the Brigadier of Bla

day various reports were abroad but all turned avt rice and the Colonial Scorelaty. During the fine

subjret Councils were held, but nothing transpired, and not one Officer was allowed on shore. On the Diariothes the Lieutenant-Governor had receiv 17th, however, it was anaoussed, officially, in Che ed communication they the expediuon, after chas living the Pirates of the Islands of Bamaire, Boco- un, Beleven and Teoquil, had burst from 600 1 700 house, a number of bonta, killed some 25 pirais, and recaptured, 40 Slaves, The Gene at (IL, & the Clovartipe) ball Bean well pleased th the troops, and the spirit with which they wer animated, That the expedition had been in the bar of Illuns and Soolon, in which last (Solo) they satisfied with this proceeding returned i Zembe anga where he now temning.

ed a thorough disgust for physic, of any kind. Cheong Ahsow, on "Juhn Sout" with foilt bowed hertifitsen without cause. IIJE, ont being

and he either bolted, or was pulled up, we could not learn which; the race therefore lay between the great specifics Magnesia and Rhubarb, the suplar medicine of the two carrying into the Doctor's laboratory the Victoria Plato-value $50.

The Confederates appeared perfectly satisfied with Goliath's perfices in the second rece, and did not think it prudent, apparently to sisk his reputation the Bydney Brakes, Pretender and Hop Hasard got a beautiful, start; Rienzi acted as whipper in all round. At passing the stand on the first half mile P. sad H. were neck and neck, and the struggle for the mastery that followed, was, we thought. the uscat beautiful aflair of the day; Pretonder was, however, eventually landed, by his gallant rides" a good length ahead of his competitor.

The race for the Ladies' Purse and Plato wa looked forward to with some interest, as being likely to prove the respective merits of Teiny and Shick, (the Inter Poney, however, bad been already twice no the belt during the day: Totoy not at all) Eight panies started, the Laird only remaining in stable. Totoy was the winner by half a length in advance of Shick -Creditor third,

others (Imp.Ginger, Blazes and Wuttle) ran for the Native purvo. Outcast won, favoured, princi- pally, by a cry of lalo art," John Bow," (the winner in a similar race last year by the way) boing reined in for a second or two.


A falling Barometer, with a continuation of the easterly breeze, indicatod a change of wea-

ther, but again it proved most favourable for the sport.


-The first race (the race of the day) was for the Tradesman's Cup, for which Eight horses were entered,

In the first host Corporal, Paip d'Epics, and Nebuchadnezzar, were distanced; Eclipse and Great Btyle ran a dead heal. In the second heat, Eclipse came in first,

Great Style second- Quicksilver third Stag distanced. Third beat, Eclipse got and kept the lead all round, Great Style was placed second. Af. ter weighing three cheers were cordially given for Echiper's rider.

The second legitimate business of the day was a Pooey race for another Tradesman's Cup

Five Pounya started, Jam'Ormo, non est inven- tur. Both heats were won with apparent cas

"From a party wh? was ou board the Steamer with His Excellency, I have the following; the 'arriving at Boolvo, H. E' sent an Ambassador with twe. Offients, to ? tewht with the Sukan, who exprossed his willingasas to do so, hatawid he had no power over the people. The Officer being reenguin. ed by one of the Oylefa be baving been there a short time before, and had taken notes of the forte &, it on fed to the people, who, to the amount of about 1,000, qurrounded the house, and dramaad-

moment seized the Bukan, and took away his Cree telling him, that ok, the least hostility, to wither of them, he would let his (the Bolan) with swa wespion Upou "dila the Sultan'led them Through ove private voed but of the house which. issued, on terplays, where chair but was stationed. poe jumping flu the hose they worn ene fro as frigate opened in sea, and covered the retreat 50 fol, which ford upon them. Upon this the Span

1 am informal by anothady, ip, who was on board that a bell from de font sirgck within a yard from when the General was handing, watching the that the balls were strils close about biw ke loremquis, and upon being gaformed by an Officer caly, replied, without ringa teac "much good run they do," "lerm merchant tre sels and two war Stedbiera willon va taisa-ku a day, or two, with 5.000 troepe, hud-what with the men Jaken from different pour mene, | 16 supphetki. Diane will be whout 8000, Oxhiller men ready for Bowls. 1 Militio from the Flor Pantjangs are ordered down to Cavid jo end liha regular troope mom at that place ta mingapire. Subscrip have bars very liberal. Whout being naked, s is $30,000 to defray the pieces of shaxdi tion; and should it only las a- Tong na is expecsol they have already enough 10 dover the expeneda.

‧ Woned daily looking out for the 'Adawal from your bleiwa wah the Nuvamber Mail

ed his head fortunately one of the Officers of the

The llack Stakes were won by Pedlar, Shamrock, second,-e Doctor, third-wode by Pluck kas it a one eyed Jute Manila man, vocal' provinuns offered Government from 20

and Railings not appearing,

TOURSDAY, Third Day.

A shin of wind from Northwest to North- east, in the early part of the furennon, denea before it a slight fall of rain, and various lower ing appearances; and the day was, again, at- though somewhat cold, a beautiful one for visitors to Wongnoichang.


The race for the Cayton Cup was a very good one. The Squire did not appear; and the running lay between the remaining four. Erin gobrogh led all the way from, and to, the flower garden; Moss Trooper appeared to be second until near the stand, when he was displaced by St. Andrew, who improved upon that position by beading Erin altogether, and carrying away

the prize-Temptation, third.

In the next rare Me King's Outcast was the Poney sold for $10-Bricks came in second Spur third.

For the Hongkong Plato daky four (out of thirteen entries) came to the starting post; and one of them Alaggie Lauder was almost tos late, it being found, just before starting, that the had cast a shoe which bad to be replacod. This race was well contested also, especial-' ly between Lottery and Hap Hazard i former winning by about a length.

TR assertion, to which our correspondent In- Quarron alludes, will be found in the article taken from the North China, Herakl of the 11th ultimo, reprinted in our isona of the 29th.

For the Screw Stakes fire Ponies started. The "North China Herald" of Shanghac, Jerry Icing deplored the winner, and the owner like to another paper we could mention, is, or

of Gigans the payer of his, Jerry's, entrance for. has been for somu time past, editorially sup-

Considerable dissatisfaction was expressed by ported, principally, by voluntary contribute spirited owner of Broomstamp, for that that tions." Mr Spreckley, in a letter to the nominal Editor on the cal ject of the " John Dugdale's" Tear, concludos thus ;--

40 Wlahing wall to the No tichina - Herald, I would cen. cored you in future not allow paar edi-gial celmings to be word to a valuele fut exparte sisteranni", you will thro avid adopning, as your own, hs verure of intermated portion, "

But we are altogether in the dark an to the

motive of the contributor of the Heraki's" ar-

ticle, in making the statement under considera.


aged fifteen years he thereabouts. In the first beat Lombock aud Ambler were distanced. In both honte Bucephalus ran second,

The third race of the day wara privata one (in lieu of the Hunter's Stakos) between Ar thur and Padlar, the first named winning easily. Lostead of the Poney, Hurdle race, Crediterand Kilkenny Buy triert their respective speeds, Ore- ditor, at the close, being just six seconds of time a head of his competitor.

(From the China Mail ?ih Fohruary, 1051.)

We have mook plessure in giving insertion la

the following wildare in in half of obs mother and alter the late Mr Waghoro, in the hope that is object my he thereby promoted.

W (eal very]

who-a na wessied exactions wa alioukl now have

Four other races wound up the business of the day. The first in order was between Sture that the foreign community to Chins only Trong sinh mob an opportunity to contify the a sum v Patrick, Wegetables, Alderman, Laird, Fidget, the obligation they are undar. To the man withou and Mercy. St. Patrick and Fidget cano in pretty well together, but the race was accorded bene momis in place of Billy days from England, and regular overland conveyance would to the rider of the latter the wee won mickly still lire beep talked of by muguine people nas of St Leger notoriety. Then came a trist be possibility in prospect, tween Mercury and Spur, the latter doing the distance, on only three laga, with apparent case, Afterwards Spectators witnessed a very pret., 1 race between Hullabaloo and Pain d'Epice ; j' the former winning by half a neck.

The Laird boating Tom Thunk concluded the Spring Meeting of 1851.


In behalf of Mrs Wagheen, Mulher of the late Liquigpont Waghors.

The mother and sister of Mr Waghora, Teducel to extreme poverty, beg spy their case before the public, in the bope that, hom the gendroglty of in [dividual, they say. And some alleviation 'in thei

This afternoon there is to be an exhibilian, dimrose. of manly sport, for which a purse of some 950 is already made up.

Waghorn, was lent to her son, and was expended

The money which should have supported: Mo bis vest and most successful enterprise of opening an Stow-overland cosimunication with India'; by that moon

country in which the friends and relations of the intercourse of Englund au facilitated with *

many English families reside.

The Ball given last evening by, the arde of the races passed off with customary eclat.

We would draw particular attention to the translation of an auticle from the Boletim de Goverou of the 1st intant, regarding the aus ing offer said to have been made to the Manila Government by the Commander of the "Ama- Bir Robert Peal's last warning to he present administration to refrain from in- terference with the concerns of other patioon, appears to be,by Lord Palmarsion, treated with contemptuous disregard. Perhaps, however,

extraordinary booking little animal war cum- marily ejected from the course, when only half way round; on the ground, wo beard, of antzon." having done the distance within milf so bumir. Lottery.-Magnesia-Pretender and Temp. tution were the four handicapped Winners (Pediar was named alm, but did not run)-At

the start, from the garden turn, Lottery Red, his Lordship is making the demonstration aim- closely followed by Magnavia, mud then by Pre-ply as

rebuke to the Home and Cobdenites.

tion; and, writing to the gentleman in Shang-tender-Temptation lari. Ou first passing the The punishment of pirates in the Phillippine hae, from whom we first recaived the main | Judge's stand. Preten ?er had got the lead-Lot-. | Archipelago, as detailed by our Manila Cor- details of the case, we had also noticed the tery, second-Temptation third, Magnesia respondent, a great argument for the proprie fourth, and in this order they anino in Prety of the course pursued by Sir James Brooke: absurdity of attempting to imposo such ex- traordinary ideas on the English public.

Mr Wagburn spared ng expanse in the executio of ble nodertaking; it was socomplished by ingle genius and perseverance, onaided by the Ex gileh Government. He received much pecunia assistance from his relations, by which bis family generally was greatly impoverished, mother who placed her whole property at his dispon resolved interest upon it from her son doring be life-tice; that interest has ceased, and at sevany sive years of age the in'detiteld of al

the comin necessarice of life.

This petition is addressed especially fo those wh derive benefit from Me Waghora exertions; M which they are enabled to have constant compe nication with their friends,

Mr Weghorn history is well known to the inhabitants of Norbester, in which place his (and) have resided for many years.

Any contributions will be received By Me Nichol

or may be paid to Mears Glyn & Co., No 47

son at Mesara Day and Nicholwin's bank, Rocher

Lombard Street, to be paid to Mr Nicule

sender being the winner by a good length, | of whom to speak as "jabiziman and cruel" in | account for the Rochester Bank.

The above uppen! is strongly recommended to he favourable consideration of the public By the ndersigned inhabitance of Itochester.

J. 81UDEN, Mayor of Rochester.

W. CONWAY,' A. M. of tlechaster

T. BAKER, J. P. Kent,

G. DAVIES, J, P. Keni,

W. IL'NICHOLSON, J. P. Keot, J. H. DAY, J. P. Kent, JAS, BUITII, J. P. Kent,

We regret our inability to notify to public of hve local recipient of the bounty of respond nts to the shave appeal. The willingness, sowever, always exhibited by the Managora he Driental Bank in China, Safford overy fid in works of such nature, render it almost afe on our part to say, that contributions paid n to the branchos of that enablishment, either Canton, Shanghae or Hongkong, will find ■ way to their destinatwin with as much promp tode sa if parnally delivered to Movie Glyn & Co., No. 67 Lambard Street,

From the North-China Herald, Jany. 26. NOTIFICATION. No, 3.

Barton ComJULATE, Shanghon, 22nd January, 1051. Complaint having been made to Her Majesty's Consul by Excellency the Tropter, that se veral British Shippers have refused to give the de- sila required at the Custom Blouse for the due record of the shipments made, and others agnio without aer altipping off Chops have sent gunde basid Her Maj/my's Consul duffis it exi pedient w state that he has, in reply, reminded The Custom House Authorities of their right in the first case to refuse a Shipping off Chop until wit resumable inquiries are entrefnotarily answered and in the second case in seite the gouda, 'if cou- try to the Regulations in force, and attempt in made to ship them without a Cop to Ingali's such proceeding Nolling enn be more adverse to the Interests of British Shippern than to give Jus road fne such complulita either by "ilesign or argligence, sinos if the large facilifles hitherto en joyed can be shown by the Chinese Superintend

ut of Castaque to be incompatible with the due collection of the Cusioci Husan R?venur, their curtailinest must of seosskity Follow,

Butakazond ALOOVE,


To the Brities CompuJITE,



To the Editor of the Konta-Cuina Hersen,

Shopghes, vare January, 1982. Bi-pound with begret in your paper of the 18th instant, the letter af " Ouran Marcusher on the eul-feet of emaggling live particularly on the recent ca of the Juka Dignir With "nuel unmeaning seand informede, cheataignad give, rore in prius ciple, jodiment and good time.




the Mandarins often prosent their usmere, kan

Woollens, at I m. & c. per clang-on an average value! General Cliveris who patues minong the Spaniel

In the 'lippine Islands, and among sil the Eumanth of honor, with pieces of plains, with legenda in of per yard in about & 30 per cent.

of distrust between each other in our commercial in-

Are these les excessive taken as they are on the | zupcane in Ula neighbooring settlemenie, forthebest Chinese, and a flag of rank, which, bosted at the low prices of chis past your ?.. Do any of them changes. | Guvernut, lu every respect up to the time of his gormant head, makes them respected by the war und sven on Adam Smith's prinelpie, afford any apology | arament when Gonatal Glavoria, we ung, put a merebant Janky, who saluto Them with guos nod for their evasion? Lila to escape the payment of these stop about three years ago to the invenione of the sounding of the gong. indeed, that we must play with truth, foster Jeelingen pirates, levelled to the ground all the farts, and des The Masters of Lorchins also get kumshaw from the Sindarins, and from their employers, in ac knowledgement for their bravery and services.

If Lorchin secrivo any damage in ite fight with It is known that this triumph was with difficulty the plates, the Masters" are indemnified Derally obutived; for it became necessary that the bipanineda | for it, should land where there was a current, of seven It is also worth remarking, that Lotalar d? n?t miles, running, and wodar a fire of grape, in ander restrict their visite to the five ports, opened te ku that by storming they might take forta that ropeana after the English war, only, but frequent wern defunded with desperation. In one of there all the intermediate prie and rivers-n circums stones which the Mandarina tolerate at the entreats and fighing upon the walls, died 300 pirates, and the rent ran to kill their wives soil children.

of the merchants and ficheroon, und ob being of The Spanish expeditiwa though telumphant in all ? great advantage and security to themselves, by itte parte, had more than 40 dead and 400 wounded. remedy they alford against the scourge of the

This blow such so much torror into the mind pirata,

tercoure, give place to permal recriminations, wild stroyed the auron villages in the Leland of Balan cause social and fries lly dies, to condles with pubile guingui, where the more valiant, and famous of or privam doty? And where he the benour I would | thein lived. sak, where the brightnow of the gold? Why the bold muugiter and Nie daring grew, as they fallow their illegal, but adventumus cailing, on the deep, bare la them something of the berold, sur une In a sode; but thate any herolem er romanes. co porting lew 'T'es than we have skipped, and in paying duty on one fulf or one third on the team unay be, of such shipanent, when we are best to pay on the whole wot only defrauding, but moreover deceiving? "It is one thing to doceive, mother to be silent," sky some of the ancient philosophers-and if we can admit the Al- auction here proposed, the preference will be given 19 the brave cover, who makes it reset his foriness, and of the parales of that Archipelago, who thought the The fact that our Lorches are employed as

on his conan homo, apsoly defies the law, rather than

These conroys as they have in cross the high seas are paid even now from $1,000 to $1,80),

According to information "oht.siand Train com

to the man, who, quick so ocak radress from law when lalend of Balanguing wo be gode impregnable, convoys to Coren, Japan, and Formons Island is Individually aggrieved, scrupim not to injure others by that from thenceforth the Phillipines remained la alan worthy of notice, but in these places all this * disobeying that law, when he can de so without deseg- | porfect quiet, till last May, when General Blasco, ports are chand against the Europeans, and land is tion, and to svoll which he makes a show of obedience. who governed interim, required a comamaication, ag sooner sighted than they are discharged from

If die Tarif requires revision, which I think it down in which he was intoried of thers having appoured the employ. if the Treaty in attempting to regulate dutica and | a slumber of small piratical buals, when he sent prescribe Custom Howes regulations, ha dose more Beamers immediately, which ran ghrough all the than commercial treaties ought properly to do, the places but found one. question to open to fair disruption, nad for vepresEH (R-

I was known afterwards that this nows had no potent sources, Wethink that we do not go for fresh How in proper form to Government. By the contin wands of the syutein of smuggling, however, itens of | fongilation ; but, latterly, in the month of August. the truth by estimating the total procede al ezer greater facilities, we shail only draw upon ourselves theta roully appeared one or two piratical boats | vices of Lerchias, during the first year, nt $200,000. incard, and perhaps vexations, restrictions. How who landed in the village of Amipy in the cost of In the last year, 1830, li expld not have been much is the existing evil to be cured? There are only two Antique to kidnap the natives; and about the begin less than from $100 a $120,00 messa either the strong arm of the law-ror our gunning of October another appostal, which was sup The nel proft to the owner of the Lerchne wa determinale, Gladly would I see the result brought posed to be smiling from Tunquil to the costs of reck on to be between a third unit a full cl the about by the latter. It would be a wore hours mar, and Leite,

above munt; that is to say, if we exclude all Jum Le meus and worthy of our better judgment.

A Manile they my that comparing those sets of by accident and the dishonesty of matters, which 1n, dir, four obellout serveNS.

piracy with those that are occurring every day in have caused to owners serious losses, and which we Hoference to Quotation."

The cassis of China, it seem strange that the Britleb promise to investigate heranker. Smith's Walth of Nations, Book 4, chap. 2.

Government should wish to send ita vessels to sop- McCullach, on Smiggling, Dictionary, pages 1989. | prem (bo Phillippine pleacias. Ibid,



(From the Boletim do Governo, Faby. 1.) It appram that H. F. M. Bloop Mondego" with Lopes de Linus, the newly appointed Clovernor for Timor on board, bas left Lisbon for Tor, whence she will proceed to Macam. Another Sleep the Berra do Pillar" was also about leaving, and it was said, with good fogodation; that the steamer "Lefante D. Luiz'' will have the same daskiation touching at the Cape and Titent.

In pois all was quiet; the Corice had been opened, and the Spaceti from the theuno, expressiva of smurence that tumouros would be adopted for

- payment of the foreign debt,

Th? batem news from the United States informa a that the sport of ssairu there is very die agreeable, and is supposed that the American Usion is threatened with dissolution.

From this service other advantages still promsad, 1 yilde a living to more than 200 Alscirbes and 300 Chioms, and produces activity in thon trade that are connected with the builling and

We, however, advance the opinion that the chief object of the share determination was to abow the dhcete reconcilinting between the two Govern storing of vessels. mente already alluded in, and we shall point out the In these times of Commercial decline and want fact that the Brigal forces in Chine are more than of labor for the seafaring class of peopleship mersin sufficient not only to minagu dhe pirates here, but and all others that many land to give employment deighbouring archipelagon to this class of people are of the great politian

and economical importance to thin City, where it is well known the mechanical arts and trades are per formed solely by the Chinees.

sholi Wever be required.

The sows from Mausta infurrna w that on the

4th Dooriuber an expedition comisting of men of war and nevoral gun hosts with troops of la fantry and artillery, ok board had left to searah, lat the pirated in their baums-fold.

(From the Boletim de Governo, Juny 11.)

(Continged Grom ?lo, 11 page 45,)

beyond the abjici to which wo bars restricted bar Putting aside qoutatione that would carry on for We learn that in Ria de Janeiro, the Y-low wolves, we shall only say that to the Portugage the fever has been raging to fourful axtel, The Epi- (bio) Epies is fadebted for its preservation

Also in a military point of view ther advantages are dorivel. The aenfaring Macaenses bocaina more incred to the hardship of wat : Th?ˇndvenib- rous life, the habit of fightlog with the pirates onl the consciousaras of their superiority render tum daunties nul courageous? thry dy with the greatest assurance against the furess "f the enemy, hower.r disproportioned they may be to their nom; they with expertnew and skill, and in the midst of mil manage on board the boste the makes and gune ing mancarea; and they plange npon the boarded

unity with the greatest determination.

The bravery and enthusiasm of the Chines soem to inspire tho very Chinese who serve on

everal occasion. The first was in the 16th century la la Indeplinit to say, what profitable the end desnic, alter a temporary decline fituke ant against the kemps of pirates to saigo Ut on two writer, had in, glaw. Him exaruifiui profossen sa juntilly with increaod viulunce." The Crews of many voc-

sing, while the regeld seems chich diresele tylog la port suffered scaly Beer, and the other was avail the begining of the

by Westroying the five of the fam Cham-goi board with courage, sonse of thenu perusem, akropdy.

in, Mr. Old pubowed by hiin in

de of the Consul's the special case. emilnet la the must will only remark, that your correspondent would lig?p slane helter and be reflost, that the free expressed of opinion, is quite compatible with the ardunary rules of contesy. Arguments are

· of no value whieh begray, either a want of calm THALIN ing or the seblende apen of personal bles.

My object in not nos to disuse the strict question of merility- differ from the views expressed in the letter before, no forns I anderstand them.

The writer apporre to be one of those who are ever debating between the "utile" and the homestus"- fancying, or wishing, theives convinced, that the late car is a neowary consiguenes of the farmer, while their ther judgment cells them, that the coves in indeed

the truth

In the presene latter.^I-would offer a few remarks on dhe meto preesicul bearing of thle pum, very important; leni, diagreeable, question...

1 may be well, eley, to enquire into the opinions

of the principe! prisers of the subject of aggling,

al commasolul troutlan, mu? sa I observe, but a Bat.


sole was delxtual there for inomike, wilbert de ng able to bad, or unload, Nearly all the man of-war a the station were obliged to leave the barur, and only visind i ftuan time to time to render any necessary help

The oil contousion between Buenos Ayres and the Brasile has been again rounwel; and Lepetal Guido, Agout of the Arg-niiwe Republd in the Kia, baring received ondere to with draw, appled for,

aud obtained his passports.

tulury when, in 1505, Campanou, having conded to the cominand the Piratical force which at that time was so strong us to be com?ion- ed of an immune flet, with about 40,000 men, and goal quality of gue, ottempted to crown him self Emperor, by deposuig the Tarter Dynasty, and he waged such a cruel war against them that in 1809, at the intresty of the Chinese, nongreamost was signed between thom and the Portuguese the

great ability in the management of lize armo, and work the gun, which are commonly manned by vo poreone, and instinies by ons, uncommonly well.

We bave given all the essen'ist details we could ebula in oor inquinea about the traffic carried o by the Lorchis at the north, the importance of which is quite apparent.

From the New-York Family Courier Od. 19, Part of the Turkish Atediterranean squadron are about to sail for England, and part for the Unked Bistra-ibe latter being the longest cruise on record of sluips belonging to the Sultan.

Tire fired Stoamor of the new line to the Cape ofothikation of which was accomplished within fivo. ood Hope was to kare England on the 15th De being compelled, aller way fictou battles, to Campao od ponered a great ability, was brave, camber, touching at St. Vicente (one of the Cabo-pitulate with the rest of his fleet of 10,000 men. verde lalands) and at sig Lown. She was and had many rasaurora for avanding in his loky, calated to make the passage down in the Cape designs; we want so far as to vifor the Partaguse wanju 34 days, and the Steamers of the line are to

for their neutrality, noveral Provinces of the Em- are on the 15th of every month.

pire. These however the latter, perhaps with leas?nd polly this bravery, refused; no act thai was after In some of our preceding numbers we have chanc-wards so badly rewarded by the Imperial family.

What we have mad, and will still my, will, our

wridan in our No. 7 of last December, upon the military weakness of the Chinese Empire.

But to return to our remarks apou the services

To je na

The Munchart bus not very correctly quoted his ued to weak of the wall-itude of piraled that Safest thei

Beat Sugar to the amount of nearly one hundred twenty millions of pounds too! ce pufactur

thorities. (Ndamn Surish wo?l?Mao-culloch) i thjoin the | seas of the North eastern con of Chine, and in-? readers will perceive, land tu ounfirm what we bare tion from Now Orleans, A regular line of seven

pessages, which give their views somewhat more elmly I cannot Bed-elcher in the books of three two nu- thors, or the laser work by Mr. Mill, any justification of the smuggler's offence.

alices accur, every day, to show that the BoutlierH qual in not free from us like calamity.

At the entrance of Dougkong inself, and in the very face of the un-of-war riding in ita bay, pire els are being committed.

of the Lorches at the Northern paria of Obina. It la fli to know that besides the good chariera ob

tained by these boats they have other opportunity of making considerable profi,

If while conroying Junk from one port to as

Trade sudurs; the Engkah press declaim, but comedy seems to be applied the evil. le there a remedy to the evil! Lait that the Engather, the Lorches mest in any of the intermediate

I find them classed, as the latter and be has it, among *lawian charactere, illicit dintiliers and the like ** They all admit however grisation of the offence, and consider it as the" feals of probibitions-or of oppresno sively high datis.". An Tejudicious tax, thojny,

linh, ne met powerful, are to apply 1 offers a great plation to snuggling--and therefore ** the law in thus creating th? kheptation, and then Thone as questions which we wto not prepared to ponlaking than who yield to it, la contrary to all the answer, nor shall we attempt it, but it appeare difficult ordinary principle of justies" Consequently, accord to us to reconcile them with the recent doings of Ing to the fundamental matins of current taxation, Caplain Llay in Mire' Bay and Tonyquin lever tex ought to be kept so high, me to furnish a motly.

where the English somers deelenged a gratum Its evarlen, te? strong to be counterketed by wedinary

bor of piratical Juoks; and also with the still more means of preveotlar?."

Now,ting the general principle of this apology.); recent fet,nd we underaand by news from Mantis, It applicable in such amagghing as prevails among ? that the British Coryatto "Ajax?n" more than a Itle une that in consequence of the'd elins in peloss of month ago, proceed to that Port, with instructions Tea, of late years.?be per centage of the duties, leviable to offer to the Governor-General of that Coloff, upon this article, become comparatively heavier

than it war, when Tese were higit, at die time of the Treaty boing-draw tip. For exampla Tes. worth,

best price per pleul,


10 Taols, pays dary, 2 5.-23 per cent,



8. 10





9. k




The pea gentage upon the present range of prices is, undoubi o grest-but cure by Tunammbly comple-sedbile e endpaper ont per with a scale of duties in Land, equal to ?ai sl. - 10,00) Ton of peter from tod, up to 14 6d, on the average bich 16, int, per 1b, che per centage ja about 198 per pent? - M?c our smuggling le not on- floed to Ton, it extends also to Bilk and Imperia There lo ne duty on Raw slik at bome, and the duty levishle hero, ou an average valsa, of 360 dollars per probl amounts, at 10 Tels per pecul, to about 3.88 percent exclusive of the 'rqalt duty-equal to about l'k yar


The Duty on

Grey Shinifigs. at 1 m. per plece -on an average value _ of 99 80 la sigut 8 00 per sent.

White Do, at 1m for piece-on an average Falc

of $50 in about 8.6 per cent.

the co-operation of the English toen of war in the waters, towards the suppression of piracy in the Phillipine Archipelago"!

porta, or at een, any trading Junk with the same destination, they attend to it their protection, re burning from the owner un adequate payinant.

Again they receiro Cargo on board, sometime od recair freight for it, but they generally go light wed for the beer insorging their parent aller pirat.

If an motion with these takes place, and they capture the piratical Junk, the Lorchu, if en mere alilo sorrico, Veceives a half of the value of the prize, ali stores and ammunition and for every pri- soner $100, and for every hond of a pirate $10..

Lorcha are also chartered and sent to ransom captured boats, in any place where they sen known te be, and wiieu the madon to Bected they receiro part of the volen ascording to agromnout.

If they go on their own account they are allow. ed to keep what they gel, unless a raneum be offer.

by the owarz, bound by appone.

Letters from Manila say, that General Urbix 10ude was much pleased with thle spootenrous of for as much by the willty which te cases of a donky might accrau froue the aid of English furco against momine, so commes to all natione, no the pirmies aro, un by the prooi, which the offer gave, ofed the andere reconciliation of Lord Palmerston with

to their pussngos they also into such opportuni.

On the 2nd November, the Punuguesa Lorcha,

the Spannh cabinet, between wh?m, ie is well, ties and we will relate a fact in ustration. known, there existed for several ym??.past "Tec), ap. rious misunderstandings. These leera adil, bag? Ne sy, while douwoying 30 Junke my 10 Fuchow at the offer made to blut. ever, that General Usbiztondo was rather earprindenformed foremost in that among the

14501 || Ramani Lalandadhere wasa Bret of peruten, who im

It appears that in former times the Phillippine mokately stocked t:010, and having sustained a dito falada, u well anteau of the luley Archipelago, from it in the morning to a tho thenfernoon, werd suffered much from the incurs of piraten wand at last compelled to run away, leaving Junks be debihalves cusefly to the kidnapping af | hind. Ono of these was a prize they had taken in the she inhabusman, whom they, wold immouetely in morning of the same day, and yielded to the Lor Bolu attempting very seldom to slack pash,or dhe about $900, the other two were given up to coating veneis

The erecting of small castles and batteries in the can count villages,in winch there are now more than 1,500 causes, the ewablahiment of stations for que bonin and stamil schoonera, und afterwarde of stuminora, had already dininitied the evil, when

the Mandarine, ‧

Whoo instancas like thero happen, in which the

Portuguese Lurchsa datioguish shipwriven, and obtain ropaation for bravery nung the Chinot ---

‧ Charity should begin at home always,

ad lu France during the year ending in April last. There is a great falling off in California omigra- scbnoners which for a considerable time bad full wholly withdrawn for want of patronago. business in carrying passengers to Chagros, is now

**Zeu," said a chap to hla chum the other day, seons to me you didn't stay long at Squire Fulgur'a last night? No," was the reply, "I was sayin' few plenannt things to the ?daughter, and Oje ult man came in and gave me a bit to go." "A hist Zob, what sort of a hint 1" - Why, he gate one wy hat, opened the door and just me lo begno to rai his heary boot, I had a thought that I won't want ed, and so I-1-took my loare,"

A gentleman dining with a friend one day, was struck by the earnestness with which a tlo p?l regarded him, and taking her on his lap, he ca aed her. "Please, air, asid alio," tell me what is in the bouse next to you? I'd like very much to know, and to see it" "And tell me, my little clear, why you wish to know ?" "137cause I heard maman say, air, that you were meal door to a brate."

"Jim, dove your mother ever whip youTM" "No : bus ale stown a precisas night worse, though;" **What's that 7" --Why shu washes my face every Durning.**

Why is a gun-cop like death ? Becauso its a dehta'natur'






4, B. M. Str. Sloop Reynard, Comrads. Cracroft,

? from ke UN.

Devia, Barely?m, from Namos, 3rd February.

6 Amer, McMillan, from Maui'a, 29th Juny, 6, Jralerick Hl'arrea (Am),, Mather, from Sun

Francis, 6th Decemiler,

6, Daniel Weber (A. Whaler), Mender, from Oslu, 6th November, with 1,000 lbs. Quae and 400 Latrels Sperm Oil.




Put bech

Sandwich Islan] 193 Oct 25











17| Landers

Imperor of Uhlsa, ship


* Lork







Kae Francisce

Flying Dutchman, barget Hrit


Folkstone, ship

406 Janney

1204 MALT

Frolickurre, basque Am

San Francisco

Gazelle, schouBer


120 Penfold



100 Carey


19 -




AM. +15 Calest


Orit. 250 HM

River bear

Gerard Ham


19 Macfarlane



Justion, barque


Kram Shan, schooner




Lady Hayes baryon

370 Langley

Lady Mary Wood, alaniner




Lady Prel, tarque


19. Fraser


Lewis, schooner



Lighting, schoober


To Hing



Lord Anderst, skip

Lani, barque


Lanka, barne


Bisgaoils, Larque


the Merrow


Bahamonde, banque


32 Cenwford


7, Abigail (Am. Whaler), Young, from Cake, Oth

Norenber, with 400 barzel Sperm Oil.

1, Arabella (Am. Whaler), Maxfisk), frein "t'imor, 21st December, with 200 barrels Sperm Oil

7. Cincinnati (Am." Whaler), Willinan, from

Sandwich Jelandi, 29th October, with 2,150 pounds Bono nad 220 Intrels Sjann Oil.



8. Ranor, Mills, frun Hongkong,


Per Amalia, Deu Wenceslon del turni stel serve ant. lof the French Ship Racine of Unpur Tattoo bound here, having left Maniks on the 2h Jany.




6, Laurick, Whar, for Calcutta ein Macao.

5. Antelope (Am), Roundy, Whampoa,

6, Hugh Walker, Chimesiti, London.

6, Nenom, Maxton, Whunjoa.

Alagnolia (Am), Mestowe, Whampoa.

‧ 2, Wilhelmine (Dia), Preki, Whso-pua.

7, Georgia (Ana), Talbot, London,



1 Mariner, Ularland, Callao.



4. Ranor, Mills, Hongkong.



→ Betis (Spanish), Roboralo, Manila.




9, John Jay (American), [rom California.

9, Penice (Americno), from California.

10, Nerea (Spanish), from Liverpool.

10, Oguend" (Spanish), from Singapore.

19, Sarah (Brilise), from Singapore.

11, Bette (poniab), from Anoy.

16, Sarah Scott, (British), from California.

16, Reina de Castilla (Span, Str.), frown Mindanao.

16, Amelis (British) from Mazatlan.

17, Constance (American), from California,

18, El Tiempo (Spanish), from Macao.

19, Jana Nemorino (Urkith), from California.

27, Sarah Warren (American), from Gurisans.

26, Augustine, (American), from Sydney.



8, San Benito (Spanish), for Hongkong,

16, Lallah Hookk (British), for Australia.

16, photo, Arborican), for Singapore.

16, Ve serpeda (British), for Singaporu,

18, Fenice (Britub), for Singapore.

19, Mercurius (Dutch), for Batavia.

19, Wakain (America), for New York.

23, Hispano Filipina (Spanish), for Caliz

23, Excornacion (Spanish), for Singap>ro.

26, Amelia (British), for longhoog.


Racine (French), for Hongkong 27th January, Betis (Spania), for Amoy 29th January.

Juno (Spanish Bit.), for "Amoy, Hongkong, and Whampon, shortly.





Abigail, oblj

| Arionant, ship

Altest, alp Alligator. bilgeaties | Anuaron, adip

Amella, acoper Auks, ker

Ann Welb, barque Anonyms, brig Anonyma. ercha Antelope, bilg Anthers, schemes

Antilope, harque

Aratrita, ki Argyle, ship

Atlet irghuman, shly


Anvara. Beloner

?layard, barque

Fr 10% Pelloquen










DR Nav


Feb 7/longkong Nynie, Deinker and co



(920) Kinywhe


56 Nov 12

? Rawke, Drlakur sad en



Jan 30 1Ybecupca Praweb Consal



VOL Xr No. 13


Pas 25


Handwich Jales


Dec 11

Drown, Gray and ou. Amaralt and es



fongtang Turner and co.

912 Hely

Receiving ship

si Deo

Am Helt


tyler 957/kuliivam


Am. 172 Nomady

175 Latham

| Bilt. | 400 Labeck


*San Francisco

Hiver lorcha


Nao Francisco

30 Maxfield






197 Stafford

ts Glover

| Port | 184|Remedies

339 Graham


Calcutta (ut back


47 Nov 20

49 Sept 2

| Feo-a-fe|Dent and co

[Jan 25 Hongkong hush and co

Nase Jardine, Matheson and Houghong Harrow, Steplionen and

pan. Bush and co

Dan Iz Hongkong)Wm Pastan and so. NOT

Receiving sp ida Franciaco conflongkong & Canton


21gkong Jarding, Matheson and co


Labeok and os



an Deo 31

Fab Ti

Rawls, Drinker and co



Amoy Aye, Blair and o

86 Oet 17


Whampoa Forder




Shaugheo V.. Remedios


sendwick jeles

47 Deo 10

Jan Tolongkong Hawlo, Drinker and co


|Homesjes Horijos,ally| Birt

Hombay, blp


Howdlich, ship


400 Walfrom

L'asion, stea



Camion, LOT


Anceision River Go


20 Deo 20

Jan 25




547 Abbot

Celestial, sup


C'eres, barga

Channing, skip

Charlotte, shij Chatham, barque

Chebar, balgas

hill, ship



| 4'lum dana Prasla, barque

4hodius Civito, bip

Clown, belg

Confucius, ship

Congrem, skap

Constitution, barque

Come!, ship

veropelite, slip

Dandel, Water, ship

Bania, schoder

Dide, schoonT

We amicus,achsoner

Fils, schooner Vecht

tally Jast, ship

Encian, akip

Falcon, ship

Far West, ship

Fort Millar, ship

Good barees, brig

Harlequin, bri

Hellas, bermaphrodite

lelucorg Hok, sp Hongkong, sten (REB Hongkong, barne Hyreia, sulp

Independence, brig

Island Queen schumer

Joka spencer, skly

Liwat brig




680 Jobson Belt 7 Thomas


354|Marrio 403 Martia

Fr. TE Vangaiol

Am 455

Dut. : 205 Dakowan

ads Nickel


Bet. 158 che


315 French

Heem 273 Lath

|| Bell || #85|Bevan

| Fr. | 500|t:wubriore

ANI. 383 Wender

Hrii. Barch



Slam 216 Duvla


Det-953 Pace


San Francisco



140 llame

The Marria




Harding. Matheson and coriring ship Receiving ship Whaler

Cam'mees Cowacjve 3. Lunetane Jam 12||lowakum Nawla, Drinkar and co,

Luon2.A Online fait 0 1 Hongkongeorge Lyall and co

an sebangher Butt, NJ and co. Hall, Nye and co,


Dec 27 Typa | ????r and

farmer and co

Jun 21| Shanghas|?lenkin, Kaws

Jan 14 C's Jardine. Matbiou and od

Whampoa Kempedy and co Wos Pedine, Matheson and eo Receiving alip HongkompA Olding.P? Co'sAg Kecelting ship

Nav. je Hongkong)}||rlar

Nanoa lent and co.

Amoy Jardius, Alatheson and no

Des Sampen 1rder

***** Fab 2 Cammoon Augusti Heard and catecalving skilp

J. A. Okding. Pau.Co. 1gbest


langkong & Caniow



Whampoa Kumall and cu

New York

fan 18



(Russell and co


ning & Hong Jan 14

104 July 10


45 Net M ja.


Hardine, Matheson and combay, Shanghae Ukrom, Gray and co. Whampoa Jardima, Mabesam und ca.






Hongkong Kawie, Thinker and ov


Noe. $5 Amoy Syme, Male sild co


Whampoa 11. Brown and co



141 July 19


Deo 20Whampoa W. (). Comstock

WORE P. & 1), N. Camajas and co│Receiving ship Dec. 1 Shanghae Jardine, Matheran and wo.

2 Feb 1


Fan 34 Hongkong Huwie, Drinker and ov

03 Nov 8



Rawie, Denker and co.

Feb 1


(Plant and en

W. C. of America Early Whsler Whaler

Lan IN


Nugpo Wm. Davidsen


Amy Sym, Atuir nad os. Hongkong

Wang Dant and co.

Receiving ship


Raft &

and co


Ua. It

as Nav 30

Feb 1

Jan 21 Hongkong Hus and co Veh



so (Des

Hussell and Do

Bast Coast Puma, Malavecs and so.

Nov. 1

44 Nov 10


Chickenardino, Matheson and cooling Leokong Jardine. Matheson and outing Shawshoe Sykes, Bahwabe und ca.



18 Deo


Hongkong Hawke, Drinkas sad oo.



·Jaoran Gyali

fog & Cato:

Receiving shly

Whampoa Donna Hast


44 Ang

Sept 9


Jan 16

ye, Mair and Deat and os




18 Jet 12




3 Nov 26

Nov. 28

Kwang-lea Hang


Jan 20


Whampen Dent and de.



Whampoa Reysraan ani do,



Thit and o



Whampoa wa Siephense and ce

Amay rent and co

Kadeting ship

9 Jan 1


Hongkong Robert trackan

Chinchew Deal nad so

Reoclying ship

teb 1 Sandwich Lales Vals


hapan Hawle Drinker and co.

???? ,Bea





Albermarle Alverton

Anne Jano










Lon. Oct. 21 S Lon. Aug. 21 S Liv. (ct 30. |(jv, July 16| f2. Lon et 3 H. 15r. May 16

|Lon. Det 18] 12.






New Margaret


[Lir, Sept 108 ?L?n, Nov 17| H |Liv. Aug 14| EL.


Shie, Ort H.



Lou. Aug 26 $1,

Sir Edward Parry Squires Ruccess


|Liv. Ort 2015



Loo. Sept 218.

Lon. Aug.1 H.

Order to which the above. Travels left England, Lasprot, Macyskon, New Maryse vir Kdunak Barry, Alvarice, kand. Maleche Torat, Anna Jans, Kingsstech, Valeo, Albers male, Sacco, Bezzzinch, Muor

Loading At Lordon; Hiodes, and Admokies

At Livekroos; Hanger, Alliance, and Dustin

Benates Englo




Bom. Deo 1 FI,

Cal. Nor 10 41.

Mahomard bal?, barqna

Margaretta, hip

| Hartha, seldauer

Martin Luther, barque

Blanden, laryn

{e=u#, brig Autrypa. schooner Also, ship klenam, bergan

Alan Wallaston, shilp Natelio, brig

Nimrod, barque Nova Aitziale, Jhip Nymph, kelganiina "Did inglesi, silp Oriental, barque Canal,shilp

J'athindar, burgue l'atria, schoo Pedlar, bilg Powdleberty, ship l'ince Aluret, ship

lance, batque

Heloder, skip

Whodce, rip

Rose Bandi-, shilp

Hoya Kachange, belg

Hojalat, scher

Hepara, barque

Bi Kenho, big

Bointce, abip Beatland, skip

Bea Horn, brig Bea Witch, skip Minek, ship

450 J. Hatton


14 Andro

17 Down

Am ur Gorded

BH 47z Maxton

| Halt | ton|N Uhen £0


Bittle Murde

Post Tavares

| BHL || 200|W Wirtum

| Bili.| GG||Jellies

30 Rondy

| Brie | 200|Darien

Am 107Heslag

Butt. 817 W

.. 479 Roys

| Olyan, balqur|| Hiru

Balpe, brig Spush, stromer Spee,s