VOL. III. No. 105.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
“THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Seoretary.
No. 100,
Le newest
with all
■d sold by
gkong.- Thirty-six
nder, One nia-One-
It is hereby notified that, at a Meeting of the Executive Council held this day, The Honourable FREDERICK HENRY ALEXANDER FORTH, Esquire, took the necessary Oaths, and is duly declared a Justice of the Peace for the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 29th June, 1857.
No. 101.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
The attention of the Foreign Residents is drawn to Section XII of the Registration Ordinance, rendering necessary the Registration of all Chinese Domestic Servants
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1857.
No. 102.
The following is a Return from the Surveyor General's Department of Allotments of Land, the Leases of which have not been executed. If, within Ten Days from the present date, the said Leases are not executed by the Pur- chasers of the several Lots, or their duly authorized Representatives, the Government will cause the necessary proceed- ings to be instituted in each case.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th July, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
LIST OF ALLOTMENTS of LAND, the Leases of which have not been executed.
8. d.
0 0
75 13 1
7 8
52 10 52 10
7 18
9 1 6
17 10
17 10
0 14
17 10
17 10
17 10 0
15 17
17 10 0
36 10
6 104
17 10
8 15
27 14
28 11
8 15
24 9
20 6
12 1
At Aberdeen.
12 i
12' 1
Surveyor General's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 29th June, 1857.
Acting Surveyor General,
N». 103.
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Wanted, a Passage to Labuan for Fifty Chinese Convicts. Sealed Tenders will be received at this Office.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th July, 1857.
No. 30.
[JULY 4, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Diplomatic Department.
His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade, &c., &c., is pleased to direct that the annexed Returns of BRITISH AND FOREIGN TRADE at the PORT OF BANGKOK (SIAM), during the Year 1856, be published for general information.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 27th June, 1857.
No. 1.-Return of BRITISH SHIPPING at the PORT OF BANGKOK, in the Year, 1856.
DIRECT TRADE in British Vessels from and to Great Britain and British Colonies.
In Cargies. Ballast.
With Carget.
Total. CREWS.
With In Cargoes. Ballast.
With Cargoes.
In Ballast.
7 58
1,238 | 17,454 1,340
£ 213,789.17 34
8. d.
34 10,105
1,303 | 114,334.16.3
INDIRECT, or CARRYING TRADE, in British Vessels from and to OTHER COLONIES.
Number or Vrsikls.
With Cargoes. Ballast.
TO WHICH Departed.
Carget. Ballast.
With In Cargues. Batiast.
With Caryoet.
In Ballest
6 2,213
2,213 174
British Consulate, Bangkok.
W. RAYMOND GINGELL, H.B.M.'s Acting Consul.
No. 2.—Return of BRITISH and FOREIGN SHIPPING at the PORT OF BANGKOK, 1856.
ending 31st December, 1856,
New Granadian,
United States,
11,938 610
4,278 572
1,238 502
17,454 1,684
£213,789 17
4,585 12 6
12,411 13 4
9,375 0
5,689 11
2,637 10 8
106,824 15. 10
39,747 57}
44,626⋅ |
£395,261 5 11}
12,318 1,154
· 1,430
269 368 14,053
United States,
British Consulate, Bangkok.
£128,295 5 5
5,124 13 0
6,324 8' 71
5,113 0
3,018 0
133,040 0
35,693 19 2}
£316,619 6
W. RAYMOND Gingell, H.B.M's Acting Consul.
V. [11
Deerudan da EXPORTS of the PORT OF BANGKOK, in the Your Ahok.
N». 103.
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Wanted, a Passage to Labuan for Fifty Chinese Convicts. Sealed Tenders will be received at this Office.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th July, 1857.
No. 30.
[JULY 4, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Diplomatic Department.
His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade, &c., &c., is pleased to direct that the annexed Returns of BRITISH AND FOREIGN TRADE at the PORT OF BANGKOK (SIAM), during the Year 1856, be published for general information.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 27th June, 1857.
No. 1.-Return of BRITISH SHIPPING at the PORT OF BANGKOK, in the Year, 1856.
DIRECT TRADE in British Vessels from and to Great Britain and British Colonies.
In Cargies. Ballast.
With Carget.
Total. CREWS.
With In Cargoes. Ballast.
With Cargoes.
In Ballast.
7 58
1,238 | 17,454 1,340
£ 213,789.17 34
8. d.
34 10,105
1,303 | 114,334.16.3
INDIRECT, or CARRYING TRADE, in British Vessels from and to OTHER COLONIES.
Number or Vrsikls.
With Cargoes. Ballast.
TO WHICH Departed.
Carget. Ballast.
With In Cargues. Batiast.
With Caryoet.
In Ballest
6 2,213
2,213 174
British Consulate, Bangkok.
W. RAYMOND GINGELL, H.B.M.'s Acting Consul.
No. 2.—Return of BRITISH and FOREIGN SHIPPING at the PORT OF BANGKOK, 1856.
ending 31st December, 1856,
New Granadian,
United States,
11,938 610
4,278 572
1,238 502
17,454 1,684
£213,789 17
4,585 12 6
12,411 13 4
9,375 0
5,689 11
2,637 10 8
106,824 15. 10
39,747 57}
44,626⋅ |
£395,261 5 11}
12,318 1,154
· 1,430
269 368 14,053
United States,
British Consulate, Bangkok.
£128,295 5 5
5,124 13 0
6,324 8' 71
5,113 0
3,018 0
133,040 0
35,693 19 2}
£316,619 6
W. RAYMOND Gingell, H.B.M's Acting Consul.
V. [11
Deerudan da EXPORTS of the PORT OF BANGKOK, in the Your Ahok.
Areca Nut,
Beef, Dried,
Birds' Nests, Cardamoins,
Cocoa Nut Oil,
Copper (Japan and Old),
Horns, Buffalo,
Hides, Buffalo,
Iron Pans,
Mangrove Bark, Peas,
Pepper, Black,
Sapan wood, Silk, Raw,
JULY 4, 1857.]
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
Foreign Weights and Measures.
B-glish Wrighte
and Measuree.
- 250
810 ·
-1,4944| 11,482.20
47,086 | 60,500
4,315 | 12,110
1,016 | 11,416.40
27,260 |3,634,666 ib
Ticals cts.
3,132 Cwt.
· 1,158.
English Money.
£1,695 17 6 842 0
579 0
1,842 11 101
2,976 tb
2,207 10
5,157 10
70,866 - „
1,131 10
3,464 Cwt.
2,930 7
776 5
1.25 0 0
· 250
14,560 13
.31 5 0
412 7 6
HI 10
0 10
75 0 0
5 10
150 15
47,086 Pcs.
7,562 10 0
90 Cwt.
2,218 7
· 14,206
109 7
337 10 0
1,775 15 0
.43,520 42
203 0 0
- 548
652 Cwt.
211 17
163,237 231,602.45
277,259 | 330,070.
9 4
1,139 Tons
1,091 17
4,583 Cwt.
· 33,040
4,401 Tou:
63,866 tb
320 12 6
16,030 10 5
8,957 3 4
79,193 622,184
8,836 Cwt.
8,100 0
128,140 0
35,399 tb
0 0
3 9
384 Ton
170 7
8,171 Cwt.
3,478 0 0
4,933 5 0
2,024 13
2 Salungs
Total Value,
The Tical is equal to 2/6.
No. IV.—RETURN of the BRITISH TRÅDE at the PORT OF BANGKOK, during the Year ending 31st December, 1856.
VALUE of Cargo,
Ticals 2,532,954.30 £316,619 6 3
W. RAYMOND GINGELL, H.B.M.'s Acting Consul.
1. No, or
Faize Allum,
Henry Miller,
January 28 February 8
January 16
23 Singapore
Piece Goods
Prince of Wales,
£10,761 13 4 7,758 2
February 6
10,315 14
2.760 1
Piece Goods & Specie
2,395 16
250 | Singapore
826❘ Bombay
300 | Shanghae
£13,498 15
1,337 10 0
3,770 0
2,031 5
15,150 15 0
5 1,512
3,008 6
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
[JULY 4, 1857.
No. IV. Return of the BRITISH TRADE, &c.—Continued.
No. of CREWS.
NATURE Of Cargo.
Tiger, China,...
Elizabeth,... Ocean Bride,. Alexander, Samuel Stoddart, City of London,
Faize Allum,
20 Singapore
23 Singapore
Piece Goods &S.Stores Specie
Piece Goods & Specie
£2,583 6 8 June 17 10,416 13 4 July 14 766 13 4 June 28 5,201 5 0 July 28 416 13 4 4,529 11 8
658 London
£1,750 0 0 11,046 12 6
600 0 0
2,028 0
1,098 15
August 13
431 Shanghae
2,476 176
2,291 13 4
3,325 12 6
Piece Goods
4,059 15 10
3,782 7 6
65 Bombay
29,499 15 10 September12
12,503 15 0
3,725 12 6
6,706 15 0 2,537 19
456 Ningpo
1,628 10
Septen ber 3
Piece Goods & Specie
3,044 3 4
Sold here to Siamese.
5,127 1 8
1,850 0
October 6 September27
486 .97
3,129 5 0 1,301 13
Machinery & Specie
3,669 11
October 17
165 Hongkong
558 15 71
9 Hongkong
104 3
148 Singapore
15 Singapore
127 Hongkong
Wild Irish Girl,
59 5
Britain's Queen,
Piece Goods & Specie
0 0
Futty Moobaruck,
Piece Goods
6.839 7 6
1,833 10 10
Futtle Galeel,
Mariner's Hope,
Prince of Wales,
Mat Bags
Piece Goods
Nam Cheen,
Ship's Stores
Piece Goods
2,683 6 8 1,404 3 4 992 1 8 107 18 4 1,937 10 0 1,436 2 11 1.593 15
November18 October 24 November 6 28 December 8 November December 1 November28
371 Singapore
206 Hongkong Singapore
979 15
587 10 0
372 15 0
2,375 0 1,002 10 0
2,937 10 0
202 Bombay
3,075 0 0
167 Singapore
1,076 12
1,215 11 10
5 0
December 3 November29
364 Singapore 246
Piece Goods & Specie
3,020 16
December 13
170 Singapore
4,166 13 4
Faize Allum,
7,683 6
Amy Douglas,
December 5
2,083 6
December 26
Scotch Lassie,.......
Ship's Stores
Countess of Winton,
Mat Bags
Bags and Specie
3,153 0 5 6,250 0 0 26 0 10 662 10 0
December 26
254 Singapore 104
· 19
148 Singapore
6 8 895 0 0
320 12 6
7,241 15 10 680 10 0 2,144 & 71
5 0
In port on 1st January, 1857.
In port on 1st January, 1857. Sold here to Siamese.
In port on 1st January, 1857.
In port on 1st January, 1857.
John Brightman,
1,041 13 4
Specie & Ship's Stores
2,242 5 10
2,604 3 4
Specie & Ship's Stores
1399 19.10
Earl of Hardwicke,
770.16 8
Piece Goods & Specie
4,310 8 4
Mountain Maid,
2,977 14 2
4,273 2 6
In port on 1st January, 1857.
Edwin Fox,
Specie Ballast
6,458 6 8
12❘ Singapore
58 17,454
November 1
£213,789 17 0
550 Ningpo 12,318
British Consulate, Bangkok,
5 0 128,295 5 5
W. RAYMOND GINGELL, H.B.M,'s Acting Consul.
Built here.
Twist and
9 - ZI. 970°TI- 0.0092*1F
པ་པབ་ 073
Buoy Juv[] || 871
9 889*ZF
•ห ห หยา
40 "N
ཙ ཝིཀནནིཝཱཨཱརཡརི པིསཾབྷབྷིཀརཏཱརམྤིརི མི ཙ སི ཨནི ཙཱིཝ
No. V.—RETURN of the IMPORTS at the PORT OF BANGKOK, in the Year 1656.
JULY 4, 1857.]
(Brocades, White,
Weights or Measures.
1,300 Pces.
2,000 »
⚫ 8,000
7,040 n
Crape (China),
Domestics, Grey,
955 "
Long Cloths, Grey,
1,123 »
Foreign Money, Mexican Dollars.
English Money, @ 4/2 per §.
£812 10 0 1,566 13 4 62 10 0
4,989 11 8 440 8 4
212 10 0
93 15 0
515 12 6 1,600 0 0
397 18 4
467 18 4
9,174 3
781 5
100 "
Sarongs, Shirtings, White, Grey,
250 ”
62 10 0
104 3 4
46,515 16 8
9,554 3 4
38,016 5 0
2,239 11 8
White Figured,
947 184
7,949 "
4,968 2 6
7,270 16 8
2,436 9 2
Silk Gold Cloth,
Turkey Red Cloth, Surat,
[Twist, Turkey Red,
Coloured, White & Grey, ́ Surat Red,
Thread, Sewing,
24,134 lbs.
198,900 "
3,057 10 0 875 10 0
2,413 6 8
343 15 8 17,792 14 2
3,854 3 4 185 9 4
(Copper, Sheathing, Nails,
Iron Nails,
1,333 Cwt
10,983 6 8
368 Cwt.
7,005 "
487 10 0
Shipping Stores,
Total Value....
150 Tubs
4,198 12 11
333 15
187 10 0
59 oz. 70 gr.
59 oz. 70 qr.
262 1 8
2,711 5 0
423 Chests
423 Chests
3,932 10
9,550 16 11
36,353 0 14
£395,261 5 111
British Consulate, Bangkok:
SHIPPING STORES.-Anchors, Chains, Cordage, Canvas, Ironwork, &c.
BUNDRIES-From CHINA-Garlic, Trunks and Mat Bags, Sweetmeats, Crockery, Medicine, and Kittysols.
SINGAPORE.-China Paper, Dammar, Sulphur, Earthenware, Kittysols, Wood Oil, Seaweed, Flints, Gambier, Medicine, Sutong Fish, Mushrooms, Joss Sticks. BOMBAY.-Dates, Red Ochrc, Rosewater, Beeswax, Books, Cuttlery, Toys and Birmingham Articles.
W. RAYMONd gingell, H.B.M.'s Acting Consul
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
No. 31.
The Honghong Government Gazelle,
[JULY 4, 1857.
Diplomatic Department.
His Excellency The Chief Superintendent of Trade, publishes for general information, the following Locat Regulations for the Port of Bangkok, which have been issued by Her Majesty's Acting Consul in Siam, in cou currence with the Siamese Authorities.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 1st July, 1857.
British Consulate, Bangkok, 27th May, 1857.
1. Masters of vessels are required to report in writing any Passengers at the same time as the arrival of the Ship; and due and timely notice must be given of the number, together with the names, of all Passengers to be received on board any vessel about to leave the Port. 2. Seamen, Lascars, and others belonging to vessels in Port, are not permitted to go on shore without a responsible officer in charge, and they are strictly prohibited from wearing or carrying their side knives, the Masters being distinctly responsible for the conduct of their men on shore.
3. All Loss of Property by Theft or Fraud; all Assaults or Felonies, whether on Shore or on board Ship, requiring redress, must be reported at the Consulate as soon as possible; and in cases of Theft, Peculation, or Assault, where British and Siamese subjects are both concerned; a Siamese if guilty of any criminal act, may be conveyed to H. M. Consul,-provided there is no officer of his country at hand. But British subjects will not be permitted to use violence to Siamese offenders, or take steps for the redress of their grievances 4. British subjects intending to reside within the Kingdom of Siam, are required to enrol themselves in the Consular Register kept for that purpose, within Thirty Days after arrival, in conformity with the 5th Article of the Treaty; and with Paragraph XXIX of Order in Council, dated at the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 28th Day of July, 1856.
5. The throwing of Stone and other descriptions of Ballast into the River, or outside the Bar within 7 Fathoms, is strictly prohibited. Masters of vessels under British colours, convicted of a breach of this Rule, will subject themselves to a Fine of not less than £10, and not exceeding £25, according to the circumstances of the case,
Masters of vessels having Ballast to discharge after having crossed the Bar, are requested to report the same to the British Consulate, when they will receive detailed instructions on this head.
6. All cases of Death occurring on board a vessel in Harbour, must be forthwith reported at the Consulate; and in case of sudden or accidental Death, the best information attainable will be required.
7. Masters of vessels under British colours desirous of moving their vessels to another Berth, or wishing to drop down the River, are required to apply for permission at the British Consulate, either in person or in writing.
Particular attention is directed to the Custom House Regulations, entered into between Mr Parkes and the Siamese Authorities. The following additional Rules have likewise been entered into by the undersigned, aud the Siamese Authorities :—
1. Every English merchaut having Cargo to load or discharge, must give due intimation thereof to the Custom House, when a Pass, if for Export Cargo, will be granted on application for each Lighter proceeding to deliver Cargo at the Bar. On arrival at Paknam, this Pass must be delivered to the Chief Authority there.
2. Both Import and Export Duties must be paid at the Custom House; and upon a vessel being ready to proceed to Sea, the Master or Consignee on application at the Custom House will receive two Certificates, the one for the payment of Import, the other for Export Duties. These being obtained, the Master will proceed to the British Consulate and deliver in to the Consul à true Manifest of outward Cargo, (in accordance with Form to be had at the Consulate,) together with the said Certificates. The Ship's Papers will then be returned to the Master, and the vessel allowed to leave.
3. When a vessel shall have taken in her Cargo and is about to drop down the River, the Consignee or Supercargo must at once pay the Duties at the Custom House, before a Receipt for Duties will be granted. In the case where Lighters are employed to go down to complete the loading of a vessel outside the Bar, and Consignees or Shippers do not wish to pay Duty on their Cargo till the Ship is loaded, a Certificate of its being due must be given, when a Pass will be granted by the Custom House, on which will be shown the Registered Custom House number of the vessel to which the Cargo is being conveyed. These Certificates will be presented for payment when the vessel has completed her outward Cargo. Should any disputes arise, the Certificates will be laid before the British Consul.
4. Merchants and others are cautioned when purchasing Rice brought from Petchaburi and Panat-sani-kom, (near Petriu,) to demand from the Owners of the Rice the receipt given by the Collectors of Rice Duties at these said places, and show it to the officer of Customs who is supervising the shipment, when, if it agrees with the quantity of Rice received on that date, (the date of Receipt,) according to his Accounts, the amount will be deducted from the Duties. Merchants are further cautioned against taking Duty Receipts for Rice which they have not bought, and which has been sold to other parties.
Steam for
True Copy, GEO. S. MORRISON.
at 2 P.M.
CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., on the 8th; SPECIE until Noon on the 9th; and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 9th.
For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Öriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong.
A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may bappen from incorrectness on such declaration.
ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office,
Hongkong, 3d July, 1857.
HE Partnership of the undersigned, under the 1 Firm of A. LUBECK & Co., was dissolved by mutual consent on the 2d of June, 1835. Any musettled affairs will be settled by either partner. L. A. LUBECK. FRANS KNOOP.
Victoria, Hongkong, 25th June, 1857.
2d July, 1857. (EALED TENDERS, in triplicate, will be received at the NAVAL YARD, (Marked TENDERS FOR CONVEYING INVALIDS,) till THURSDAY the 9th instant, at Noon, for the CONVEYANCE TO ENGLAND of about 4 Officers, 1 OFFICER'S WIFE, about 80 NAVAL MILITARY INVALIDS, { more or less,) and a small quantity of STORES. Merchants or Ship-masters wishing to tender will be furnished with all necessary particulars at the Office by the undersigned.
His Excellency the REAR-ADMIRAL COMMANDER- IN-CHIEF will not bind himself to accept the Lowest Tender.
W. RAYMOND GINGELL. H.B.M.'s Acting Consul,
POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. THE Next GENERAL MAILS, per One of the PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STRAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-SHIPS, will close on Thursday, next, the 9th Instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. The usual following morning. LETTERS received from 9 to 11 SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up on the
o'clock A.M., for a late fee of 6d. ; and from 11 o'clock A.M., to 12 o'clock P.M., for a late fee of 1s.
Letters posted between the hours of 11 and Half- past 12 o'clock must be prepaid,
Hongkong, 4th July, 1857.
STABLE, deceased.
EDWIN HOLMES, Acting Naval Storekeeper.
OTICE is hereby given to the NEXT OF KIN, and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS
POLICE DEPARTMENT, HONGKONG, 30th June, 1857. ENDERS will be received by the undersigned.
on or before Noon of WEDNESDAY the 8th or CODICILS of the above Parties that may be day of July, for MAKING and SUPPLYING in their possession, before the Supreme Court, on the undermentioned CLOTHING for the HONGKONG | FRIDAY, the 10th day of July, 1857; or, if none, POLICE-the MATERIALS to be furnished by the Con- that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse LETTERS tractor,
OF ADMINISTRATION; failing which, Administration 1.-319 Blue CAMLET FROCKS, for European, In-will be granted to the Registrar of the said Court.
dian, and Chinese Force.
2.--240 Pairs Blue CAMLET TROWSERS, for Euro-
pean and Indian Force.
BERR, to be supplied from Police Store.
Further particulars to be obtained upon application
at the "Central Police Station.”
A. GRANDPRE, Acting-Superintendent of Police,
Acting Registrar.
THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr HENRY DAVIS in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 22d Instant.
Hongkong, 28th February, 1857.
No. 31.
The Honghong Government Gazelle,
[JULY 4, 1857.
Diplomatic Department.
His Excellency The Chief Superintendent of Trade, publishes for general information, the following Locat Regulations for the Port of Bangkok, which have been issued by Her Majesty's Acting Consul in Siam, in cou currence with the Siamese Authorities.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 1st July, 1857.
British Consulate, Bangkok, 27th May, 1857.
1. Masters of vessels are required to report in writing any Passengers at the same time as the arrival of the Ship; and due and timely notice must be given of the number, together with the names, of all Passengers to be received on board any vessel about to leave the Port. 2. Seamen, Lascars, and others belonging to vessels in Port, are not permitted to go on shore without a responsible officer in charge, and they are strictly prohibited from wearing or carrying their side knives, the Masters being distinctly responsible for the conduct of their men on shore.
3. All Loss of Property by Theft or Fraud; all Assaults or Felonies, whether on Shore or on board Ship, requiring redress, must be reported at the Consulate as soon as possible; and in cases of Theft, Peculation, or Assault, where British and Siamese subjects are both concerned; a Siamese if guilty of any criminal act, may be conveyed to H. M. Consul,-provided there is no officer of his country at hand. But British subjects will not be permitted to use violence to Siamese offenders, or take steps for the redress of their grievances 4. British subjects intending to reside within the Kingdom of Siam, are required to enrol themselves in the Consular Register kept for that purpose, within Thirty Days after arrival, in conformity with the 5th Article of the Treaty; and with Paragraph XXIX of Order in Council, dated at the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 28th Day of July, 1856.
5. The throwing of Stone and other descriptions of Ballast into the River, or outside the Bar within 7 Fathoms, is strictly prohibited. Masters of vessels under British colours, convicted of a breach of this Rule, will subject themselves to a Fine of not less than £10, and not exceeding £25, according to the circumstances of the case,
Masters of vessels having Ballast to discharge after having crossed the Bar, are requested to report the same to the British Consulate, when they will receive detailed instructions on this head.
6. All cases of Death occurring on board a vessel in Harbour, must be forthwith reported at the Consulate; and in case of sudden or accidental Death, the best information attainable will be required.
7. Masters of vessels under British colours desirous of moving their vessels to another Berth, or wishing to drop down the River, are required to apply for permission at the British Consulate, either in person or in writing.
Particular attention is directed to the Custom House Regulations, entered into between Mr Parkes and the Siamese Authorities. The following additional Rules have likewise been entered into by the undersigned, aud the Siamese Authorities :—
1. Every English merchaut having Cargo to load or discharge, must give due intimation thereof to the Custom House, when a Pass, if for Export Cargo, will be granted on application for each Lighter proceeding to deliver Cargo at the Bar. On arrival at Paknam, this Pass must be delivered to the Chief Authority there.
2. Both Import and Export Duties must be paid at the Custom House; and upon a vessel being ready to proceed to Sea, the Master or Consignee on application at the Custom House will receive two Certificates, the one for the payment of Import, the other for Export Duties. These being obtained, the Master will proceed to the British Consulate and deliver in to the Consul à true Manifest of outward Cargo, (in accordance with Form to be had at the Consulate,) together with the said Certificates. The Ship's Papers will then be returned to the Master, and the vessel allowed to leave.
3. When a vessel shall have taken in her Cargo and is about to drop down the River, the Consignee or Supercargo must at once pay the Duties at the Custom House, before a Receipt for Duties will be granted. In the case where Lighters are employed to go down to complete the loading of a vessel outside the Bar, and Consignees or Shippers do not wish to pay Duty on their Cargo till the Ship is loaded, a Certificate of its being due must be given, when a Pass will be granted by the Custom House, on which will be shown the Registered Custom House number of the vessel to which the Cargo is being conveyed. These Certificates will be presented for payment when the vessel has completed her outward Cargo. Should any disputes arise, the Certificates will be laid before the British Consul.
4. Merchants and others are cautioned when purchasing Rice brought from Petchaburi and Panat-sani-kom, (near Petriu,) to demand from the Owners of the Rice the receipt given by the Collectors of Rice Duties at these said places, and show it to the officer of Customs who is supervising the shipment, when, if it agrees with the quantity of Rice received on that date, (the date of Receipt,) according to his Accounts, the amount will be deducted from the Duties. Merchants are further cautioned against taking Duty Receipts for Rice which they have not bought, and which has been sold to other parties.
Steam for
True Copy, GEO. S. MORRISON.
at 2 P.M.
CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., on the 8th; SPECIE until Noon on the 9th; and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 9th.
For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Öriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong.
A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may bappen from incorrectness on such declaration.
ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office,
Hongkong, 3d July, 1857.
HE Partnership of the undersigned, under the 1 Firm of A. LUBECK & Co., was dissolved by mutual consent on the 2d of June, 1835. Any musettled affairs will be settled by either partner. L. A. LUBECK. FRANS KNOOP.
Victoria, Hongkong, 25th June, 1857.
2d July, 1857. (EALED TENDERS, in triplicate, will be received at the NAVAL YARD, (Marked TENDERS FOR CONVEYING INVALIDS,) till THURSDAY the 9th instant, at Noon, for the CONVEYANCE TO ENGLAND of about 4 Officers, 1 OFFICER'S WIFE, about 80 NAVAL MILITARY INVALIDS, { more or less,) and a small quantity of STORES. Merchants or Ship-masters wishing to tender will be furnished with all necessary particulars at the Office by the undersigned.
His Excellency the REAR-ADMIRAL COMMANDER- IN-CHIEF will not bind himself to accept the Lowest Tender.
W. RAYMOND GINGELL. H.B.M.'s Acting Consul,
POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. THE Next GENERAL MAILS, per One of the PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STRAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-SHIPS, will close on Thursday, next, the 9th Instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. The usual following morning. LETTERS received from 9 to 11 SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up on the
o'clock A.M., for a late fee of 6d. ; and from 11 o'clock A.M., to 12 o'clock P.M., for a late fee of 1s.
Letters posted between the hours of 11 and Half- past 12 o'clock must be prepaid,
Hongkong, 4th July, 1857.
STABLE, deceased.
EDWIN HOLMES, Acting Naval Storekeeper.
OTICE is hereby given to the NEXT OF KIN, and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS
POLICE DEPARTMENT, HONGKONG, 30th June, 1857. ENDERS will be received by the undersigned.
on or before Noon of WEDNESDAY the 8th or CODICILS of the above Parties that may be day of July, for MAKING and SUPPLYING in their possession, before the Supreme Court, on the undermentioned CLOTHING for the HONGKONG | FRIDAY, the 10th day of July, 1857; or, if none, POLICE-the MATERIALS to be furnished by the Con- that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse LETTERS tractor,
OF ADMINISTRATION; failing which, Administration 1.-319 Blue CAMLET FROCKS, for European, In-will be granted to the Registrar of the said Court.
dian, and Chinese Force.
2.--240 Pairs Blue CAMLET TROWSERS, for Euro-
pean and Indian Force.
BERR, to be supplied from Police Store.
Further particulars to be obtained upon application
at the "Central Police Station.”
A. GRANDPRE, Acting-Superintendent of Police,
Acting Registrar.
THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr HENRY DAVIS in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 22d Instant.
Hongkong, 28th February, 1857.
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JULY 4, 1857.]
The Hongkong Government Gazette,
THE undersigned is authorised to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, on FRIDAY, the 10th day of Jay, 1857, at 11.30 A.M., on the Premises the OLD }SING BAKERY, Victoria, East, Two IRON CHESTS, a Lot of TRUNKS and FURNITURE,
■ Chinese VASE, STORES, &c., &c.
at Noon precisely,all the Right, Title, and Interest of ALLUM in and to the North and West Sections of TOWN LOTS, No. 365 and 269 A., together with two Biscuit MACHINES, thereon erected.
The Sale of this Property is Subject to a Lease for Seven Months certain, at a Rental of $75 per month, Ground Rent under £7 per Annum.
Hongkong, 4th July, 1857.
In the Estate of HENRY DAVIS, of Victoria,
Hongkong, Merchant, deceased.
BOUT $15,000 on the Ship “RAJAH OF
LL Persons having Claims against, or being in- ASARAWAK," and her FREIGHT. Apply Adebted to, the above Estate, are requested to
forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith.
HENRY RUTTER, Administrator.
Hongkong, 17th March, 1857.
In the Estate of CHARLES MARKWICK, late Auctioneer, of Victoria, deceused. ́OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,-that Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned. All Claims against the Estate must be sent in before the 1st day of October, 1857, and all parties indebted are requested to make immediate | payment to
D. LAPRAIK, Hongkong, 11th April, 1857.
to Captain GILES on board, or to
Hongkong, 4th July, 1857.
NOTICE. THE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES
THE BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857.
WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. Printed at the Office of the China Mall, Hongkong.-
PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-six Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-One- half of these charges for each Repetition.
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VOL. III. No. 106.
The Coutract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
will, as hefore, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
No. 104.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.
It is hereby notified, that His Excellency The Governor has been pleased, with the concurrence of His Ex- lency The Lieutenant General Commanding Her Majesty's Troops, to appoint, subject to Her Majesty's approval, WILLIAM HENRY WHITE, Esquire, Military Auditor General, to be Acting Auditor General of Hongkong, in the preço of H. ReinHARD, Esquire, resigned,
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 6th July, 1857.
Na. 105.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL:D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China.
Whereas the Commands of Her Most Gracious Majesty The QUEEN, conveyed through The Right Honour- le the Secretary of State for the Colonies, have been received, approving of and confirming Ordinance No. 1 of i57, entitled-
"An Ordinance for Intestates' Estates":
Now, therefore, it is hereby declared that the said Ordinance has been so approved and confirmed as aforesaid.
By His Excellency's Command,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Given at Victoria, Hongkong, this 9th Day of July, 1857.
No. 106.
It is hereby notified that the Rule of Court for regulating Proceedings in Writs of Foreign Attachment, which Meted the Legislative Council of Hongkong, on the 5th March, 1857, has been approved and confirmed by Her Most Gracious Majesty The QUEEN.
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th July, 1857.
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
[JULY 11, 1857.
No. 107.
The subjoined Order of Her Majesty in Council, passed on the 22d October, 1856, to legalize the Currency of Australian Sovereigns and Half Sovereigns in Hongkong and elsewhere, is published for general information; and it is hereby notified, that His Excellency The Governor has decided that the same do take effect and come into force from the 11th July instant.
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th July, 1857.
THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS Prince AlbeRT, VISCOUnt PALMERSTON, MR LABOUCHERE, LORD STANLEey of aldeRLEY, SIR George grEY, BART. WHEREAS there was this day read at the Board, the Draft of a Proclamation declaring the Rates at which certain Gold Coins, to be called Australian Sovereigns and Half Sovereigns, which have been and are intended to be struck at Her Majesty's Branch of the Royal Mint at Sydney, in New South Wales, are to pass current in Her Majesty's Colonies of Ceylon, Mauritius, and Hongkong: Her Ma- jesty having taken the same into consideration, was pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to approve thereof, and to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the said Proclamation (Copy whereof is hereunto annexed) do take effect and come into force in each of Her Majesty's said Colonies and Possessions, upon and from and after the promulgation thereof by the Governors or Officers Administer- ing the Government of the said Colonies respectively. And the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, and the Right Honour able Henry Labouchere, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, are to give the necessary directions therein accordingly. WM. L. BATHURST.
Draft Proclamation for giving Currency to Australian Sovereigns and Half Sovereigns within the Colonies of Ceylon, Mauritius, and Hongkong.
WHEREAS, by an Order in Council bearing date the 19th day of August, 1853, we have thought fit to order that a Branch of Our Royal Mint should be established at or near Sydney, in New South Wales.
And whereas, in the 18th year of Our Reign, by an Order in Council, dated the 18th day of October, 1854, we have thought fit to order that certain pieces of Gold Money should be coined at the said Branch of Our Royal Mint, to be called respectively Australian Sovereigns and Australian Half Sovereigns, and to be of the same respective Weights, Fineness, and Values with the Sovereigns and Half Sovereigns now current within this our Realm.
And whereas, pursuant to and in virtue of the Powers given in Our said Orders in Council, it is provided that a Coinage of the said Australian Sovereigns and Half Sovereigns shall be made, and that every such Australiau Sovereign shall have for the Obverse the Effigy of Her Majesty, with the Inscription “ Victoria D. G. Britanniar: Regina, F.D,” and the date of the year; and for the Reverse the word “ Australia” placed in the centre of the piece, encircled by a Laurel Wreath, and surmounted by the Royal Crown, with the Inscription Sydney Mint-One Sovereign," and with a Graining on the edge; and that every such Australian Half Sovereign shall have the Obverse in every respect similar to that of the Sovereign, and for the Reverse the same word “ Australia " in the centre, encircled and surmounted in like manner, but for the Inscription the words “ Sydney Mint-Half Sovereign" and a Graining on the edge.
And whereas, pieces of Gold Money have been and will be coined at Our said Branch of the Royal Mint in pursuance of Orders issued and to be issued: WE therefore, by and with the advice of our Privy Council, have thought fit to issue this Our Royal Proclama- tion and We do Ordain, Declare, and Command, that the said pieces of Gold Money so to be coined shall be current and lawful money within our Colonies of Ceylon, Mauritius, and Hongkong, and shall pass and be received as current and lawful money therein, by the - Names aforesaid, and at the Values herein before assigned to them.
No. 108.
Under instructions from Her Majesty's Government, His Excellency The Governor is pleased to recognize LUDWIG WIESE, Esquire, provisionally, as Consul for LUBECK at Hongkong, until the arrival of Her Majesty's Exequatur.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th July, 1857.
No. 109.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Under instructions from Her Majesty's Government, His Excellency The Governor is pleased to recognize A. W. P. Kup, Esquire, provisionally, as Consul at Hongkong for His Majesty The KING OF THE NETHERLANDS, -until the arrival of Her Majesty's Exequatur.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th July, 1857.
No. 110.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Whereas, according to the Law of England, every Tradesman or Mechanic is at liberty to perform his work at whatever rate of remuneration it seems good to himself to accept, and all combinations for the control of such liberty are illegal: This is therefore to give notice, that any persons found to be interfering as above with the freedom of trade will be prosecuted by Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 10th July, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
JozY 11, 1857.]
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
已七 年 又七
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得示 罰卽不强知此犯高匠恒打得 各應得把悉通例擡等准工凡 宜傳任持凡辭合或會各需有 凜集便限有本亟定議隨銀舖 遵到受似港出立定所多戶 毋案僱同此舖示數規願寡工 違審 工行會匠額將如皆匠 特明作人同人誰皆工有按貿
The subjoined Draft Ordinance, read a first time at a Meeting of the Legislative Council held this day, is published for general information.
By Order,
Clerk of Councile.
bey the
Council Room, Victoria, Hongkong, 11th July, 1857.
No. of 1857.
By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong.
An Ordinance for amending Ordinance No. 3 of 1851.
July, 1857.]
Be it enacted and ordained by His Excellency The Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof in manner following, that is to say:-
Ordinance No. 3 of
Ordinance No. 3 of 1851, Section One, is hereby amended, by expunging the words, " in the month ef January in each Year," and inserting in lieu of them the words, “at any time or times between the First 1851, a. 1, amended. Day of October and the Thirty-first Day of December both inclusive in each Year;" and by expunging the words during such Month of January," and inserting in lieu of them the words, "at any time or times between the said Days both inclusive, in the Year immediately preceding;" and by expunging the words * then current Year,” and “ such current Year," and inserting in lieu of them the words, " Year to which ruch Notice relates."
Future reprinted II. In every reprinted copy of the said Ordinance, the amendments hereinbefore specified shall be copies of the Ordi- accordingly made: And it shall not be afterwards necessary to print or reprint this Ordinance.
tk at '
m of
No. 32.
Diplomatic Department.
His Excellency the Chief Superintendent of Trade has received from H.E. the Captain General of the Phillip- pine Islands, &c., &c., Copy of a Decree, dated Manila, 18th June, declaring that,
Up to the 31st December next, Rice and Paddy will be admitted Duty free, under all Flags and from all places, in the Ports of Manila, Currimao in Ilocos South, San Miguel in Camarines, Capiz and Antique.
Which is hereby notified for General information.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th July, 1857.
The Honghong. Government Gazette.
In the motter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deceased.
【OTICE-All Persons having Claims on the said Estate, are requested to forward parti- culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELÓW; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the said JAMES W. Brimɛlow.
Hongkong, 11th July, 1857.
THE Partnership of the undersigned, under the Firm of A. LUBECK & Co., was dissolved by mutual consent on the 2d of June, 1855. Any unsettled affairs will be settled by either partner.
Victoria, Hongkong,
25th June, 1857.
THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr HENRY DAVIS in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 22d Instant,
Hongkong, 28th February, 1857.
[JULY 11, 1857.
BOUT $15,000 on the Ship “RAJAH OF
THE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Publix, | to Captain GILES on board, or to and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857.
ASARAWAK, and her FREIGHT. Apply
Dated this 29th day of April, 1857.
In the Estate of CHARLES MARKWICK, late Auctioneer, of Victoria, deccused. "OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,-that Letters of Administration have been granted to the
Hongkong, 4th July, 1857.
At the Office of the“ China Mail.” LANK Forms of--POWERS OF ATTOR.
BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LADING, SHIPPING ORDERS, COMPRADOR'S CHECK be derin before claims against the Estate must found a SIPPING ARTICLES, and the newest all parties indebted are requested to make immediate
sent the 1st day of October, 1857, and form of SHIP'S BILL OF SALE.
payment to
Hongkong, 11th April, 1857.
In the Estate of HENRY DAVIS, of Victoria,
Hongkong, Merchant, deceased.
LL Persons having Claims against, or being in-
Adebted to, the above Estate, are requested to
forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith.
HENRY RUTTER, Administrator.
Hongkong, 17th Ma ch, 1857,
A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA, with all CHARGES—Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois.
19th March, 1857.
Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.-- PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-six Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, Ons Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-One: half of these charges for each Repetition.
AR OF Apply
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ngkong.- Thirty-six
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VOL. III. No. 107.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
“THE HONgkong GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLamations, Notifications, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
No. 111.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Scoretary.
Whereas the Commands of the Right Honourable The Secretary of State for the Colonies have been received, instructing me to put in force the powers vested in me by Section One of Ordinance No. 2 of 1857, entitled "An Ordinance for better securing the Peace of the Colony," by suspending the operation of the same: Now, I, Sir John Bowring, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, by virtue of the above recited powers, do hereby declare, that such Ordinance has been suspended by me in Executive Council, and the same is suspended accordingly.
By His Excellency's Command,
Given at Victoria, Hongkong, this 15th Day of July, 1857.
No. 8 of 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong.
An Ordinance for amending Ordinance No. 3 of 1851.
[15th July, 1857.]
Be it enacted and ordained by His Excellency The Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, in manner following, that is to say:
Ordinance No. 3 of
1. Ordinance No. 3 of 1851, Section One, is hereby amended, by expunging the words, "in the Month of January in each Year," and inserting in lieu of them the words, "at any time or times between the First 1851, §. 1, amended. Day of October and the Thirty-first Day of December both inclusive in each Year;" and by expunging the Words during such Month of January," and inserting in lieu of them the words, "at any time or times between the said Days both inclusive, in the Year immediately preceding" and by expunging the words *then current Year," and "such current Year," and inserting in lieu of them the words, "Year to which such Notice relates."
Future reprinted
II. In every reprinted Copy of the said Ordinance, the Amendments hereinbefore specified shall be copies of the Ordi- accordingly made: And it shall not be afterwards necessary to print or reprint this Ordinance.
Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong,
this 15th Day of July, 1857.
L. D'ALMADA e Castro,
Clerk of Councils.
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
[JULY 18, 1857.
Power to suspend
No. 9 of 1857.
By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong.
An amended Ordinance for better Securing the Peace of the Colony.
[15th July, 1857.]·
Be it enacted and ordained by His Excellency The Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, in manner following, that is to say :-
I. His Excellency The Governor in Council may, by Proclamation, from time to time suspend, and and revive this Ordi- from time to time revive, this Ordinance, or any portion thereof; and subject thereto, this Ordinance shall
come into force at the time of the passing thereof, and shall so henceforth continue,
Forms of Night Passes
II. Printed Forms of Passes shall be provided by the Superintendent of Police according to the to be provided, sealed, Form following, that is to say: and issued, by the Su- perintendent of Police.
Blanks to be filled up by the Occupier.
Power to rescind Passes.
Penalty for
having a Night Pass.
Power to arrest and
keep suspected Emis- series or bettors of Enemies, &c.
Power to deport for Five Years.
Co-operation Fire Brigades.
This is to certify, that the bearer hereof [name] is authorised to pass and repass during the "Night Season from and to the House of [Employer's name] in [Street or Road] Victoria, during the 'period of Days from the date hereof. Dated this
Day of
A.D., 1857. '(Signed) A.B., Superintendent of Police.' which Forms shall bear Her Majesty's Arms, and be Sealed with the Police Office Seal; and shall be from time to time issued by the said Superintendent to such of the Occupiers of the several Houses within Victoria, for use, as he shall find to be fit and proper Persons to receive and use the same, and according to the Wants of such Occupiers: yet so as that no Chinese Occupiers shall receive or hold more than One such Form at any one time; and that no further issue of Forms be made to any Occupier but upon his delivering up or proving the Loss or Destruction of those whereof he was previously the holder.
III. Every Occupier using or allowing to be used any Pass, shall first fill up or cause to be filled up the blanks therein according to the truth of the case; and he shall not use nor allow to be used any Pass except in conformity with the facts thereby appearing; and every Offence against this Section shall be a Misdemeanor.
IV. The Superintendent of Police is empowered from time to time to call in and rescind any Pass previously issued by him, whether the times for which they were issued shall have then expired or not; and any Person wilfully disobeying any such call shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor.
V. Any Chinaman found at large elsewhere than in his own Habitation between the hours of Eight in the Evening and Sunrise, and not having a Pass duly issued and made out in conformity with Sections Two and Three of this Ordinance, shall be summarily punished by any Justice of the Peace for every such Offence, either by a Fine not exceeding Fifty Dollars nor less than Fifty Cents, or by Imprisonment and Hard Labour for a term not exceeding Fourteen Days nor less than One Day, or by Public Whipping or Public Exposure in the Stocks, yet so as that no such Offender shall receive more than Twenty blows, or be exposed for more than Two Hours, for any one Offence.
VI. Any Justice of the Peace may lawfully arrest, or cause to be arrested, with or without Warrant, any Person whom he shall reasonably suspect to be an Emissary or Abettor of Her Majesty's Enemies, or of Pirates, or of Chinamen disaffected to Her Majesty's Government, or otherwise dangerous to the and good order of this Colony, and him safely keep until he can be dealt with according to law.
VII. His Excellency in Council may, by Order under his hand, prohibit any Person, not being a natural born or naturalized Subject of Her Majesty, from residing or being within this Colony during any space of time not exceeding Five Years; and (if such Order shall not be obeyed by the said Person) then may, by some other Order also under the hand of His said Excellency, authorize and direct the arrest and imprisonment of such Person without bail or mainprize, and for his Deportation (being so arrested and imprisoned) beyond the limits of this Colony, in which deportation force may be used if need be for the purposes thereof, and if by the said lastmentioned Order it be so expressed.
VIII. Every Person whomsoever required by the Superintendent of Police to co-operate with any Fire Brigade, whether consisting of Volunteers or not, so that the same be approved by His Excellency, or in the working of Fire Engines, or in the suppression of Fire, shall be bound to obey such requisition under the penalty, for every case of disobedience, of not less than Ten Dollars nor more than Fifty Dollars, to be imposed by any Justice of the Peace. or (if such Justice shall think fit and the Offender shall be a Ordinance No. 1 of Chinaman) of not more than Fifteen Blows nor less than Five Blows. 1855 (Sections Three
IX. Sections Three to Eight, both inclusive, of the expired Ordinance No. 1 of 1855, are hereby to Eight) revived and revived and made perpetual. made perpetual.
Ordinance No. 14 of
X. Division Eight of Section Three of Ordinance No. 14 of 1845 is hereby amended, by expunging 1845 (Section Three,di- the words One Hundred and Fifty,' and inserting the words Three Hundred' in the stead thereof. vision Eight) amended. XI. If any Chinaman, not being the holder of a Night Pass, shall carry abroad with him, whether by
Chinamen not hold Night or Day, any Deadly Weapon whatsoever, he shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor. ing Passes shall not carry Arms.
XII. All acts done or attempted before the passing of this Ordinance, and which would have been lawful if so done or attempted after the passing thereof, are hereby authorized and made valid, and no Indemnity for past.
man shall at any time hereafter be called in question for or in respect of the same.
Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong,
this 15th Day of July, 1857.
L. D'ALMADA e Castro,
Clerk of Councils.
LY 18, 1857.]
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
f the
tiary ative
With reference to Government Notification No. 103 of 4th instant, calling for Tenders for the conveyance of Chinese Convicts to Labuan,-it is hereby made known, that a communication has been received from the Governor at Colony, to the effect that Ships arriving there can be supplied with Coals from the Mine at Moarra.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 16th July, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
f the
■ and
The following Return of Notes in Circulation and Specie in Reserve at the Bank of the Oriental Bank poration in Hongkong, is published for general information.
By Order,
3 the
from within
ng to
■ One
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 17th July, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
kevint of the average Amount of Notes in Circulation at the Bank of the Oriental Bank_Corporation in Hongkong, for the Month
ending 30th June, 1857, rendered in accordance with the Terms of Her Majesty's Royal Charter of Incorporation.
NOTES ISSUED.............$309,270. SPECIE IN reserve,
Oriental Bank Corporation, Hongkong, 1st July, 1857.
P. CAMPBELL, Manager.
on his
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and no
mmpected this day the Books and Treasure of the Oriental Bank Corporation, and hereby certify that I found the necessary Amonnt
of Specie as required by the Royal Charter.
J. A. CARVALHO, Accountant.
Vitoria, Hongkong, 17th July, 1857.
* 103.
FRED. FORTH, Colonial Treasurer.
Wanted, a Passage to Labuan for Fifty Chinese Convicts. Sealed Tenders will be received at this Office.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th July, 1857.
next CRIMINAL SESSIONS of the SUPREME | THE business hitherto carried on by the under- OURT, will be held on FRIDAY, the 31st, signed, under the style of TRAUTMANN
& Co., is hereby declared closed.
ad of Saturday, the 25th) day of July, A.D.
1, at 12 o'clock at Noon.
By Order of the Court,
Acting Registrar.
OFFICE OF Superintendent or POLICE,
Central Police Station,
15th July, 1857. *NDERS will be received by the undersigned, on *d before the 27th instant, for TRIMMING, HTING, and KEEPING CLEAN, Two Hun- 33483 and Fifty, or more, PUBLIC OIL LAMPS, * Districts of TAEPINGSHAN, Cheung-wan, ***ING-WAN, &c., for Six Months, commencing on August ensuing. The Person tendering will
pe mecited to furnish OIL, WICK, and the necessary
All Outstanding Business will be taken charge of by Messrs HARKORT & Co.
J. F. H. TRAUTMANN. Shanghae, 30th June, 1857.
E have removed our Establishment from Canton to SHAnghar, and have admitted Mr J. F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our Firm from this day.
Shanghae, 1st July, 1857.
for Lighting and Keeping alight the said HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between
* during the night. The Lamps and Burners furnished by Her Majesty's Government. her particulars as regards SIZE OF LAMPS and TY OF DISTRICT will be given on application Persons tendering to send in Samples of OIL
*euvre Office.
A. GRAND-PRE, Acting-Superintendent of Police.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
THE Partnership of the undersigned, under the Firm of A. LUBECK & Co., was dissolved by mutual consent on the 2d of June, 1855. Any unsettled affairs will be settled by either partner.
Victoria, Hongkong,
25th June, 1857.
In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deccased. ̃OTICE.—All Persons having Claims on the
to forward parti
culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELOW; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the said JAMES W. BRIMELOW.
Hongkong, 11th July, 1857.
In the Estate of HENRY DAVIS, of Victoria,
Hongkong, Merchant, deceased.
WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day A of April, 1857.
Dated this 29th day of April, 1857.
E undersigned being about to close their Busi-THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr HENRY
request that all Outstanding Accounts
went in for Liquidation within Fourteen 22d Instant,
* this date.
Bingkong, 13th July, 1857.
DAVIS in our Firm, ceased by his death on the
DAVIS & LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 28th February, 1857.
LL Persons having Claims against, or being in- debted to, the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forth with.
Hongkong, 17th Ma ch, 1857.
Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.—
PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-siz Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-One- half of those charges for each Repetition.
VOL. III. No. 108.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
“THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Öfficial Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.
Va. 114.
His Excellency The Governor has been pleased to appoint The Reverend ARTHUR TAYLOR Acting Marriage Registrar, during the absence on leave to England of J. C. Power, Esquire.
By Order,
Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 21st July, 1857.
N. 112.
With reference to `Government Notification No. 103 of 4th instant, calling for Tenders for the conveyance of The Chinese Convicts to Labuan,-it is hereby made known, that a communication has been received from the Governor of that Colony, to the effect that Ships arriving there can be supplied with Coals from the Mine at Moarra.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 16th July, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary,
Wanted, a Passage to Labuan for Fifty Chinese Convicts. Scaled Tenders will be received at this Office.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th July, 1857.
N. 33.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary,
Diplomatic Department.
Dr WILLIAM KANE having tendered his resignation of the appointment of Acting British Consular Agent Macao, His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of Trade has been pleased to **ept the same.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 20th July, 1857.
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
Next MAILS, per Steamer
THE next CRIminal SessioNS of the SUPREME
THE NMR GENERAL Mchose for BOMBAY, T Cut, will be held on FRIDAY, the 31st,
EUROPE, &c, on Saturday, He 25th Instent, at 6 o'clock r.M. A SUPPLEMENtary Mail will be made up the following morning from 7 to half-past 7. LETTERS received for a late fee of 6d.
Hongkong, 24th July, 1857.
Steam for
BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THE PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGA- TION COMPANY's Steam-ship “SHANGHAE,” Captain ROSKELL, with Her Majesty's Mails, Pas- sengers, Specic, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on SUNDAY, the 26th Instant, at 9 A.M.
CARGO will be received on board until Noon on the 24th; SPECIE until Noon on the 25th; and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 25th Instant.
For Particulars regarding FREIGut and Passage, apply at the Peninsular & Öriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong.
A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration.
ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent.
Peninsular & Oriental
Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 24th July, 1857.
THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July.
Hongkong, 22d July, 1857.
́ESSRS SMITH & BRIMELOW have re- ceived instructions to sell, an MONDAY, the 27th day of July, 1857, by Order of the MORTGAGEE, under a Power of Sale,—
All that PIECE or PARCEL OF GROUND, situate at Victoria, in the Colony of Hongkong, con- taining in the whole Siz Thousand and Four Hundred Square Feet (6,400 sq. ft.), Registered in the Land OFFICE as ÎNLAND LỘT No. 481, in the name of YEONG Assow, with the BUILDINGS thereon erected.
TITLE direct from the Crown. Annual GROUND Rent £20, 61, 4d..
For further particulars apply to
WM. GASKELL, Queen's Road, Solicitor for the Mortgages,
Hongkong, 21st July, 1857. -
instead of Saturday, the 5th) day of July, ▲.D. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon.
By Order of the Court,
Acting Registrar.
THE business hitherto carried on by the under-
| & Co., is hereby declared closed.
[JULY 25, 1857.
Office or SuPERINTENDENT Or Policy.
18th July, 1857.
ENDERS will be received by the undersigned, on and before the 27th instant, for TRIMMING, LIGHTING, and KEEPING CLEAN, Two Hus- dred And Fifty, or more, PUBLIC OIL LAMPS, † in the Districts of TAEPINGShan, Cheung-WAN, Shrong-Wan, &c, for Six Months, commencing on the 1st August ensuing. The Person tendering will be required to furnish OIL, WICK, and the necessary LABOUR for Lighting and Keeping alight the said. Lamps during the night. The Lamps and Burners
All Outstanding Business will be taken charge of will be furnished by Her Majesty's Government.
by Messrs HARKORT & Co.
Shanghae, 30th June, 1857.
E have removed our Establishment from Canton to Shanghae, and have admitted Mr J. F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our Firm from this day.
Shanghae, 1st July, 1857.
Further particulars as regards Size of Lamps and LOCALITY OF District will be given on application at the above Office.
The Persons tendering to send in Samples of Oil and Wick.
A. GRAND-PRE, Acting-Superintendent of Polico
In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deceased.
OTICE.-All Persons having Claims on the said Estate, are requested to forward parti Busi-culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELÓW; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the said JAMES W. BRIMELOW.
THE undersigned being about to close their
ness, request that all Outstanding Accounts may be sent in for Liquidation within Fourteen Days from this date.
EDULJEE FURDONJEE & Co. Hongkong, 13th July, 1857.
[\HE Interest and Responsibility of Mr HENRY DAVIS in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 22d Instant.
DAVIS & LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 28th February, 1857.
THE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857.
Dated this 29th day of April, 1857.
THE Partnership of the undersigned, under the Firm of A. LUBECK & Co., was dissolved by mutual consent on the 2d of June, 1855. Any unsettled affairs will be settled by either partner. L. A. LÜBECK. FRANS KNOOP.
Victoria, Hongkong,
25th June, 1857.
In the Estate of HENRY DAVIS, of Victoria, Hongkong, Merchant, deceased.
LL Persons having Claims against, or being in-
Adebted to, the above Estate, are requested, to
forward particulars of the same to the undersigned | forthwith.
HENRY RUTTER, Administrator.
Hongkong, 17th March,‘1857,
D. LAPRAIK, A. S. DIXSON, Executors. Hongkong, 11th July, 1857.
William's DICTIONARY in the CANTON
William's MAP OF CHINA, in ENGLISH and in
Apply at the Rev. J. W. Joanson's, Gouyh
Street, Hongkong.
Hongkong, 20th May, 1857.
At the Office of the “China Mail.” LANK Forms of-POWERS OF ATTOR-
A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA, with a CHARGES Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold i the Pound Avoirdupois.
19th March, 1857.
Printed at the Office of the China Hall, Hongkong. PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-n Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, O Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-On half of there charges for each Repetition.
med, on MING, o lies. AMPS,
¡G-WAN, ncing on ring will Lecessary the said Burners nent.
MUS and plication
es of Ont
t of Polies
s on the
ard parti IELOW;
e, are re- eof, to the
VOL. III. No. 109.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government.
ISH and in
IN'S, Gory
No. 34.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855,
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary,
d the newest
Diplomatic Department.
His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China, &c., &c., has this day been pleased to appoint, pending reference to Her Majesty's Government, Mr OSMUND CLEVERLY to be Acting British Consular Agent at Macao, vice Dr WILLIAM KANE, resigned,
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 1st August, 1857.
EA, with off
1, and sold by
les, Thirtyar
nd under, O ty Cents--Ora Nea
No. 115.
His Excellency The Governor having been pleased to grant Six Months' Leave of Absence on Medical Certificate to the Honourable THOMAS CHISHOLM ANSTEY, Esquire, Attorney General, HENRY KINGSMILL, Esquire, will, during that gentleman's absence, perform the duties of Acting Attorney General, and has been sworn in accordingly.
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 27th July, 1857.
No. 116.
With reference to Government Notification No. 93 of 11th June last, it is hereby made known, that WILLIAM LE MESURIER, Esquire, Assistant Commissary General, is appointed Member of the Commission to inquire into the state of certain Public Accounts of this Colony, in the place of FITZJames Edward Watt, Esquire, absent on duty.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 30th July, 1857.
No. 117.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Attention is drawn a Second Time to the following Return, from the Surveyor General's Department, of Allotments of Land, the Leases of which have not yet been executed. Parties in default after this Second Notice will be com-
unicated with by the Law Officers of the Crown.
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 31st July, 1857.
med, on MING, o lies. AMPS,
¡G-WAN, ncing on ring will Lecessary the said Burners nent.
MUS and plication
es of Ont
t of Polies
s on the
ard parti IELOW;
e, are re- eof, to the
VOL. III. No. 109.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government.
ISH and in
IN'S, Gory
No. 34.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855,
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary,
d the newest
Diplomatic Department.
His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China, &c., &c., has this day been pleased to appoint, pending reference to Her Majesty's Government, Mr OSMUND CLEVERLY to be Acting British Consular Agent at Macao, vice Dr WILLIAM KANE, resigned,
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 1st August, 1857.
EA, with off
1, and sold by
les, Thirtyar
nd under, O ty Cents--Ora Nea
No. 115.
His Excellency The Governor having been pleased to grant Six Months' Leave of Absence on Medical Certificate to the Honourable THOMAS CHISHOLM ANSTEY, Esquire, Attorney General, HENRY KINGSMILL, Esquire, will, during that gentleman's absence, perform the duties of Acting Attorney General, and has been sworn in accordingly.
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 27th July, 1857.
No. 116.
With reference to Government Notification No. 93 of 11th June last, it is hereby made known, that WILLIAM LE MESURIER, Esquire, Assistant Commissary General, is appointed Member of the Commission to inquire into the state of certain Public Accounts of this Colony, in the place of FITZJames Edward Watt, Esquire, absent on duty.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 30th July, 1857.
No. 117.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Attention is drawn a Second Time to the following Return, from the Surveyor General's Department, of Allotments of Land, the Leases of which have not yet been executed. Parties in default after this Second Notice will be com-
unicated with by the Law Officers of the Crown.
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 31st July, 1857.
Hongkong Government Gazettę.
RETURN of CROWN LANDS, Rented, and for which LEASES have not been EXECUTED.
No. of Lor.
LAUGUST 1, 1857.
28th July, 1857.
Marine Hospital Society
Ex-cutors of the late William Stewart
26th June, 1843 25th June, 1848. 31st August, 1844
Seamen's Hospital Wongneichung South Taipingshan
Squatter, said to be Le Alun
Chinese Temple
Shaik Hassan Ally and Shaik Ameer
24th December, 1844 27th November, 1849
19th December, 1851
17th March, 1855
14th May, 1855
Near the Mosque
Taipingshan West South of Mosque
Taipingshan, above Joss House
Palmer, Job
Palmer, Job
Shaik Ameer
Markwick, C.
Savelle, J. J.
Woods, F.
Lo Ahoong
Gray, Samuel
Tung Alok
Leong Awoh
Rowland, J. C.
Tong Alum
Leong Achin
Berenhart, A.
Berenhart, A.
29th May, 1855
9th July, 1855
4th August, 1855
1st October, 1855
16th November, 1855
North of Hospital Hill
West Point
West Point near Old Naval Stores
Near Albany Godowns
21st July, 1856
West Point
POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. ȚIE Next GENERAL MAILS, per One of the PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-SHIPS, will close on Sunday, The usual SUP- the 9th Instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. PLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up on the follow- ing morning. LETTERS received from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M., for a late fee of 6d.; and from 11 A.M., to 123 P.M., for a late fee of 1s.
Letters posted between the hours of 11 and Half- past 12 o'clock must be prepaid.
Hongkong, 1st August, 1857.
Steam for
NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-SHIPS, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on MÓNDAY, the 10th of August, at 2 P.M.
CARGO will be received on board until 5 p.m., the 8th; also, SPECIE and PARCELS until 5 P.M. on the 8th.
in its SUMMARY JURISDICTION, will be held on FRIDAY, the 7th day of August, A.d. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon.
By Order of the Court,
Acting Registrar.
the 1st instant we opened a Branch of our Firm at SHANGHAE,
MR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL is a Partner in our Firm from the same date.
THOS. L. WALKER, Acting Surveyor General.
By Order of the Official Administrator.
THE undersigned is instructed to sell that old
established Public House “ THE CROWN AND ANCHOR TAVERN,” situated in Queen's Road, Corner of Taipingshan West; together with the valuable TOWN LOT No. 92, on which the Tavern is built. The Sale will take place on the Premises, on
the 5th day of August, 1857,
at 11 o'clock a.m.
CROWN RENT £3, 12s. 5d. Conditions and further particulars of Sale to be seen at the Office of Mr G. C. TURNER, Crown Solicitor. FLETCHER & Co.
THIS Branch is now open for General Banking Business. CURRENT ACCOUNTS can be opened, on which no Commission will be charged, or Interest allowed.
For SHROFFING, a charge of 50 Cents per Mille will be made.
N.B. On the day of the above Sale, at 12 o'clock, the following LOTS OF LAND, situated above the MOSQUE, will be sold to the highest bidder, viz.,-Nos. 341, 342, 392, 347, 346, and | 345.
Victoria, Hongkong, 27th July, 1857.
of Valuable PROPERTY in Taipingshan. THE undersigned have received instructions from the Mortgagee, to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, on
will be allowed on Fixed Deposit accounts, subject TUESDAY, the 11th August Next, at Noon, on the
For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Pinsular & Oriental Steam Navigation | to,— Company's Office, Hongkong.
A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration.
ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 1st August, 1857.
#11E undersigned being about to close their Busi- 1 ness, request that all Outstanding Accounts may be sent in for Liquidation within Fourteen Dys from this date.
EDULJEE FURDONJEE & Co. Hongkong, 13th July, 1857.
P Cent, P Annum.
One Month's Notice of Withdrawal, at 3
Two do., Three do., Six do., Twelve do.,
The Branch Discounts Bills, and Grants Drafts, on the LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK, and its Agencies in BOMBAY, MADRAS, CALCUTTA, CEYLON, SINGAPORE, and SHANGHAI,—the Rates for which may be had on application.
1st August, 1857.
HE Partnership of the undersigned, under the Firm of A. LUBECK & Co., was dissolved by mutual consent on the 2d of June, 1855. Any unsettled affairs will be settled by either partner.
Victoria, Hongkong, 25th June, 1857.
LOT 1.-That THREE-STORIED SHOP, situated at the Corner of Taipingshan, Central Sirect, and the Ground on which the same is built, registered in the LAND OFFICE as INLAND LOT No. 239, measuring 840 square feet. Annual GROUND RENT £1.5.0.
quite New, and in good Repair, situated in the neighbourhood of the above Lot; also the Ground on which they are built, registered in the LAND OFFICE as INLAND LOT No. 280, measuring 5,440 square feet. Annual GROUND RENT £4.18,8.
Terms of PaymENT,—25 per Cent to be paid on the fall of the Hummer, and the Remainder in 48 Hours after,-MEXICAN Dollars weighed at 7.1.7. SMITH & BRIMELOW,
Hongkong, 30th July, 1857.
NOTICE THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES TSMITI in our Firmy ceased by his death en
the 2d of July.
Hongkong, 22d July, 1857.
Hongkong Government Gazettę.
RETURN of CROWN LANDS, Rented, and for which LEASES have not been EXECUTED.
No. of Lor.
LAUGUST 1, 1857.
28th July, 1857.
Marine Hospital Society
Ex-cutors of the late William Stewart
26th June, 1843 25th June, 1848. 31st August, 1844
Seamen's Hospital Wongneichung South Taipingshan
Squatter, said to be Le Alun
Chinese Temple
Shaik Hassan Ally and Shaik Ameer
24th December, 1844 27th November, 1849
19th December, 1851
17th March, 1855
14th May, 1855
Near the Mosque
Taipingshan West South of Mosque
Taipingshan, above Joss House
Palmer, Job
Palmer, Job
Shaik Ameer
Markwick, C.
Savelle, J. J.
Woods, F.
Lo Ahoong
Gray, Samuel
Tung Alok
Leong Awoh
Rowland, J. C.
Tong Alum
Leong Achin
Berenhart, A.
Berenhart, A.
29th May, 1855
9th July, 1855
4th August, 1855
1st October, 1855
16th November, 1855
North of Hospital Hill
West Point
West Point near Old Naval Stores
Near Albany Godowns
21st July, 1856
West Point
POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. ȚIE Next GENERAL MAILS, per One of the PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-SHIPS, will close on Sunday, The usual SUP- the 9th Instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. PLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up on the follow- ing morning. LETTERS received from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M., for a late fee of 6d.; and from 11 A.M., to 123 P.M., for a late fee of 1s.
Letters posted between the hours of 11 and Half- past 12 o'clock must be prepaid.
Hongkong, 1st August, 1857.
Steam for
NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-SHIPS, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on MÓNDAY, the 10th of August, at 2 P.M.
CARGO will be received on board until 5 p.m., the 8th; also, SPECIE and PARCELS until 5 P.M. on the 8th.
in its SUMMARY JURISDICTION, will be held on FRIDAY, the 7th day of August, A.d. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon.
By Order of the Court,
Acting Registrar.
the 1st instant we opened a Branch of our Firm at SHANGHAE,
MR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL is a Partner in our Firm from the same date.
THOS. L. WALKER, Acting Surveyor General.
By Order of the Official Administrator.
THE undersigned is instructed to sell that old
established Public House “ THE CROWN AND ANCHOR TAVERN,” situated in Queen's Road, Corner of Taipingshan West; together with the valuable TOWN LOT No. 92, on which the Tavern is built. The Sale will take place on the Premises, on
the 5th day of August, 1857,
at 11 o'clock a.m.
CROWN RENT £3, 12s. 5d. Conditions and further particulars of Sale to be seen at the Office of Mr G. C. TURNER, Crown Solicitor. FLETCHER & Co.
THIS Branch is now open for General Banking Business. CURRENT ACCOUNTS can be opened, on which no Commission will be charged, or Interest allowed.
For SHROFFING, a charge of 50 Cents per Mille will be made.
N.B. On the day of the above Sale, at 12 o'clock, the following LOTS OF LAND, situated above the MOSQUE, will be sold to the highest bidder, viz.,-Nos. 341, 342, 392, 347, 346, and | 345.
Victoria, Hongkong, 27th July, 1857.
of Valuable PROPERTY in Taipingshan. THE undersigned have received instructions from the Mortgagee, to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, on
will be allowed on Fixed Deposit accounts, subject TUESDAY, the 11th August Next, at Noon, on the
For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Pinsular & Oriental Steam Navigation | to,— Company's Office, Hongkong.
A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration.
ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 1st August, 1857.
#11E undersigned being about to close their Busi- 1 ness, request that all Outstanding Accounts may be sent in for Liquidation within Fourteen Dys from this date.
EDULJEE FURDONJEE & Co. Hongkong, 13th July, 1857.
P Cent, P Annum.
One Month's Notice of Withdrawal, at 3
Two do., Three do., Six do., Twelve do.,
The Branch Discounts Bills, and Grants Drafts, on the LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK, and its Agencies in BOMBAY, MADRAS, CALCUTTA, CEYLON, SINGAPORE, and SHANGHAI,—the Rates for which may be had on application.
1st August, 1857.
HE Partnership of the undersigned, under the Firm of A. LUBECK & Co., was dissolved by mutual consent on the 2d of June, 1855. Any unsettled affairs will be settled by either partner.
Victoria, Hongkong, 25th June, 1857.
LOT 1.-That THREE-STORIED SHOP, situated at the Corner of Taipingshan, Central Sirect, and the Ground on which the same is built, registered in the LAND OFFICE as INLAND LOT No. 239, measuring 840 square feet. Annual GROUND RENT £1.5.0.
quite New, and in good Repair, situated in the neighbourhood of the above Lot; also the Ground on which they are built, registered in the LAND OFFICE as INLAND LOT No. 280, measuring 5,440 square feet. Annual GROUND RENT £4.18,8.
Terms of PaymENT,—25 per Cent to be paid on the fall of the Hummer, and the Remainder in 48 Hours after,-MEXICAN Dollars weighed at 7.1.7. SMITH & BRIMELOW,
Hongkong, 30th July, 1857.
NOTICE THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES TSMITI in our Firmy ceased by his death en
the 2d of July.
Hongkong, 22d July, 1857.
hat old ROWN Queen's er with
hich the e on the
ions and Office of
2, at 12 situated = bigbest 346, and
Lions from ECTION, on on, on the
, situated drect, and registered No. 239. UND RENT
HOUSES. ed in the Ground on
440 square
be paid on der in 48 at 7.1.7. ELOW,
R JAMES is death on
UST 1, 1857.]
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
Morsigned begs to inform the Public, that ls a POWER OF ATTORNEY from DR EARTON, late of Hongkong, authorizing | nl and collect all Sums of Money which may hereafter become, due to him, the
, K. BARTON; and the undersigned | < upon those Persons who are indebted Dr BARTON, to pay the Sums due without Cay to
*** Road, Hongkong,
27th July, 1857.
I have removed our Establishment from Carton to SHANGHAE, and have admitted F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our fren this day.
** Mar, 1st July, 1857.
Msiness hitherto carried on by the under-
, under the style of TRAUTMANN
hereby declared closed.
THE Partnership heretofore subsisting between THE FOLLIAM GASKELL and JAMES
BROWN, as Allorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public,|| | and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857.
Dated this 29th day of April, 1857.
THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr IIENRY
22d Instant.
TH DAVIS in our Firm, ccused by his death on the
Hongkong, 28th February, 1857.
At the Office of the “China Mail."
In the mutter of the Estate of the lute Mr JAMES BLANEY, WILLS, CHARTERPARTIES,
SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deceased. ́OTICE.-All "Persons having Claims on the said Estate, are requested to forward parti- culars of the same to Mr JAMES W BRIMELOW; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the Baid JAMES W. BRIMELOW.
Hongkong, 11th July, 1857.
In the Estate of HENRY DAVIS, of Victoria, Hongkong, Merchant, deceased.
LL Persons having Claims against, or being in- debted to, the above Estate, are requested to
atstanding Business will be taken charge of forward particulars of the same to the undersigned
**7% HARKORT & Co.
se, 30th June, 1857.
HENRY RUTTER, Administrator.
Hongkong, 17th March, 1857.
A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA, with alt CHARGES-Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois.
19th March, 1857.
Printed at the Ofice of the China Mail, Hongkong.-
PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-sis Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-One- half of these charges for each Repetition.
VOL. III. No. 109.*
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
“THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for Proclamations, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.
No. 35.
Diplomatic Department.
His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China, Governor of Hongkong, &c., &c., having received from His Excellency The Naval Co.nmander-in-Chief the following Noti- fication, announcing the Blockade of the Port and River of Canton, to date from the 7th Instant, publishes the same for general information.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th August, 1857.
By SIR MICHAEL SEYMOUR, Knight, Commander of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, Rear-Admiral of the White, and Commander-in-Chief of Her Majesty's Ships and Vessels employed and to be employed in the East Indies and Seas adjacent.
It being necessary, pending the settlement of existing differences between the Chinese Government and the Government of Her Britannic Majesty, that the River of Canton should continue in the sole occupation of the British Forces: I do, by virtue of the Power and Authority in me vested, and with the concurrence of His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of Trade, hereby notify that, from and after the 7th Instant, the River and Port of Canton, by all its entrances, will be placed in a state of strict Blockade by a competent Naval Force of Her Britannic Majesty. And it is hereby further notified, that all the measures authorized by the Laws of Nations, and existing Treaties with Neutral Powers, will be adopted and executed with respect to all Vessels which may attempt to violate the said Blockade.
Given on board H. M. Ship Calcutta, at Hongkong, this 3d August, 1857.
By Command of the Commander-in-Chief,
True Copy,
Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong-PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-six Cents.
Terms of Advertisements,—Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cenis-One-half of these charges for each Repetition,
VOL. III. No. 110.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
"THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMAtions, Notifications, and Public PAPERS, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
No. 118.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.
By His Excellency_SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China.
Whereas the Commands of Her Most Gracious Majesty The QUEEN, conveyed through The Right Honour- ble Henry Labouchere, M.P., Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, have been received, approving of and confirming the two following Ordinances, namely :
Ordinance No. 14 of 1856, entitled-
"An Ordinance for Fees and Costs ;"
Ordinance No. 4 of 1857, entitled-
“ An Ordinance for amending the Ordinances therein mentioned :"
Now, therefore, it is hereby declared, that the said two Ordinances have been so approved and confirmed as aforesaid.
By His Excellency's Command,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Given at Victoria, Hongkong, this 7th Day of August, 1857.
No. 119.
The following Circular, received from The Right Honourable The Secretary of State for the Colonies, published for general information.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th August, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Downing Street, 4th June, 1857,
St.-You are aware that it was provided by the Merchant Shipping Act of 1854, that from and after the 1st of May, 1855, an rial Number would be appropriated to every British Ship, and that such Number would be permanently marked upon her beam-end, and entered upon her Certificate of Registry.
By that means the identity of every British vessel is established throughout the world.
But in order to realize that advantage fully, it was necessary to enable Ships to communicate by Signals their distinctive Numbers to her Ships at Sea, as well as to Signal-Stations on Shore; and the enormous extent of the British mercantile navy made it impracticable devise the means under any of the existing Codes of Signals, to signify or telegraph the special Numbers of vessels readily.
That difficulty led the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, to appoint a Committee of experienced Officers to consider whole subject of Telegraphic Communication at Sea, and that Committee have recommended, and Her Majesty's Government have ded, a new Code of Signs or Signals which are represented, with slight variations, by the Flags now employed in Maryatt's Code, so as these are applicable.
Of that new Code I now transmit to you one copy, which you will deposit in the hands of the Resident functionary at the Chief Signal tion of the Colony, under your government, whose business it is to attend to the Signals of Ships.
The object and character of that Code, and the advantages which it possesses over all other Codes now in use, are sufficiently plained in the Report of the Committee, and in the remarks which preface the Book.
la truth, no British vessel should be without that Code, and I earnestly recommend to you to impress upon the mercantile interests Hongkong, the great advantages which they cannot fail to secure by taking care that their vessels are provided with copies of the book,
his published by Mr Mitchell, 54 Gracechurch Street, at the price of 7%.
VOL. III. No. 110.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
"THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMAtions, Notifications, and Public PAPERS, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
No. 118.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.
By His Excellency_SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China.
Whereas the Commands of Her Most Gracious Majesty The QUEEN, conveyed through The Right Honour- ble Henry Labouchere, M.P., Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, have been received, approving of and confirming the two following Ordinances, namely :
Ordinance No. 14 of 1856, entitled-
"An Ordinance for Fees and Costs ;"
Ordinance No. 4 of 1857, entitled-
“ An Ordinance for amending the Ordinances therein mentioned :"
Now, therefore, it is hereby declared, that the said two Ordinances have been so approved and confirmed as aforesaid.
By His Excellency's Command,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Given at Victoria, Hongkong, this 7th Day of August, 1857.
No. 119.
The following Circular, received from The Right Honourable The Secretary of State for the Colonies, published for general information.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th August, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Downing Street, 4th June, 1857,
St.-You are aware that it was provided by the Merchant Shipping Act of 1854, that from and after the 1st of May, 1855, an rial Number would be appropriated to every British Ship, and that such Number would be permanently marked upon her beam-end, and entered upon her Certificate of Registry.
By that means the identity of every British vessel is established throughout the world.
But in order to realize that advantage fully, it was necessary to enable Ships to communicate by Signals their distinctive Numbers to her Ships at Sea, as well as to Signal-Stations on Shore; and the enormous extent of the British mercantile navy made it impracticable devise the means under any of the existing Codes of Signals, to signify or telegraph the special Numbers of vessels readily.
That difficulty led the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, to appoint a Committee of experienced Officers to consider whole subject of Telegraphic Communication at Sea, and that Committee have recommended, and Her Majesty's Government have ded, a new Code of Signs or Signals which are represented, with slight variations, by the Flags now employed in Maryatt's Code, so as these are applicable.
Of that new Code I now transmit to you one copy, which you will deposit in the hands of the Resident functionary at the Chief Signal tion of the Colony, under your government, whose business it is to attend to the Signals of Ships.
The object and character of that Code, and the advantages which it possesses over all other Codes now in use, are sufficiently plained in the Report of the Committee, and in the remarks which preface the Book.
la truth, no British vessel should be without that Code, and I earnestly recommend to you to impress upon the mercantile interests Hongkong, the great advantages which they cannot fail to secure by taking care that their vessels are provided with copies of the book,
his published by Mr Mitchell, 54 Gracechurch Street, at the price of 7%.
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
[AUGUST 8, 1857.
I further transmit to you copy of the Mercantile Navy List, which contains the Name and Official Number of every British Registered vessel, as well as her distinctive Code Sigual, as represented by Four Letters and their corresponding Flags.
This List will be found very useful for purposes of reference, and may afford the means of detecting fraud in cases where a Ship's name has been illegally assumed or altered for improper purposes.
It is published by Messrs Bradbury and Evans, of 1 Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, and also by Mr Mitchell, of 54 Gracechurch Street, at the price of Seven Shillings and Sixpence, and will be renewed every year.
You will deposit that List in the hands of the Registrar of Shipping for Hongkong.
I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient Humble Servant,
No. 120
A Despatch having been received from the Right Honourable The Secretary of State for the Colonies, advising that the true intent of the Regulations appended to the Chinese Passenger Act is, that for every Passenger on board there shall be distinctly Twelve Superficial Feet of the Lower Deck itself, and likewise Five Superficial Feet of the Upper Deck, available to Passengers for air and exercise: It is hereby notified that, for the future, the Emigration Officer will not grant a Clearance to any Passenger Ship carrying more Passengers than the space Between-Decks and Tin the Cabins will allow.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th August, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
In consequence of the diversity of practice which has hitherto prevailed, in reference to the mode of regulating the Contributions of Civil Officers of the Colonial Government to the Superannuation Fund, levied under the Act 4th and 5th William IV., Chapter 24; the following Notice is issued by order of His Excellency The Governor, for the information of the several Departments concerned.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th August, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
1. In pursuance of Instructions from the Home Government, as notified to the Colonial Officers, under date 1st February, 1847: No Civil Officer, having taken service under the Colonial Government prior to 1st February, 1847, can found a claim to Pension, &c. under the terms of the Act, without having paid the prescribed Rates of Contribution from the original date of his appointment, and con- tinued the same during the entire period of his Service.
2, All Civil Officers entering. the Colonial Service subsequent to 1st February, 1847, are imperatively required to contribute from their Salaries in the proportions prescribed by the Act, with the following exceptions only:
3. All Persons holding Offices in Courts of Justice (under the terms of the Act), and all persons appointed for temporary or pro visional purposes, are not liable to pay the Contributions specified in the Act; but unless, in the latter case, the authority from the Colonial Government expressly specifies the temporary nature of such appointment, the Financial Officers will be obliged to enforce the required deduction upon each payment on account of Salary.
4. The Half Salaries of Officers absent on leave will be liable to the deduction, as well as the remaining Half Salaries issued in the Colony to those appointed to Act in their behalf: provided, however, that the Persons so acting are already holding appointments in the Colonial Civil Service, which render them liable to the terms of the Act, but not otherwise.
5. The adjustments of any Claims for arrear for periods prior to 1847, (under the Provisions of Paragraph I,) or of Unpaid Contribn- tions for Periods subsequent to 1847, will form the subject of such special arrangement by the Colonial Treasurer as may be found necessary.
All current issues of Colonial' Salaries will be liable to the prescribed contributions under the terms of the foregoing arrangements, which will be adhered to in the Departments of the Colonial Treasury and Audit Office—and the result duly reported to the Home .Government.
Colonial Treasurer. W. H. WHITE,
Acting Auditor General,
All Parties indebted to the Crown on Account of Rent Due on the 24th of June last, are requested to pay the same into the hands of the Cashier of this Department, on or before the 14th Instant; after which date the Names of the Parties indebted to the Crown, as above stated, will be forwarded to the Crown Solicitor.
·Colonial Treasury, Hongkong, 7th August, 1857.
Colonial. Treasurer.
姓 瓶 六月歲為 交卽 月廿上 與將廿五 半 皇五日 年 家欠 欠日以地 狀地以前 稅 師後者
香港公庫官科 示
名清於六 本示
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
[AUGUST 8, 1857.
I further transmit to you copy of the Mercantile Navy List, which contains the Name and Official Number of every British Registered vessel, as well as her distinctive Code Sigual, as represented by Four Letters and their corresponding Flags.
This List will be found very useful for purposes of reference, and may afford the means of detecting fraud in cases where a Ship's name has been illegally assumed or altered for improper purposes.
It is published by Messrs Bradbury and Evans, of 1 Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, and also by Mr Mitchell, of 54 Gracechurch Street, at the price of Seven Shillings and Sixpence, and will be renewed every year.
You will deposit that List in the hands of the Registrar of Shipping for Hongkong.
I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient Humble Servant,
No. 120
A Despatch having been received from the Right Honourable The Secretary of State for the Colonies, advising that the true intent of the Regulations appended to the Chinese Passenger Act is, that for every Passenger on board there shall be distinctly Twelve Superficial Feet of the Lower Deck itself, and likewise Five Superficial Feet of the Upper Deck, available to Passengers for air and exercise: It is hereby notified that, for the future, the Emigration Officer will not grant a Clearance to any Passenger Ship carrying more Passengers than the space Between-Decks and Tin the Cabins will allow.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th August, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
In consequence of the diversity of practice which has hitherto prevailed, in reference to the mode of regulating the Contributions of Civil Officers of the Colonial Government to the Superannuation Fund, levied under the Act 4th and 5th William IV., Chapter 24; the following Notice is issued by order of His Excellency The Governor, for the information of the several Departments concerned.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th August, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
1. In pursuance of Instructions from the Home Government, as notified to the Colonial Officers, under date 1st February, 1847: No Civil Officer, having taken service under the Colonial Government prior to 1st February, 1847, can found a claim to Pension, &c. under the terms of the Act, without having paid the prescribed Rates of Contribution from the original date of his appointment, and con- tinued the same during the entire period of his Service.
2, All Civil Officers entering. the Colonial Service subsequent to 1st February, 1847, are imperatively required to contribute from their Salaries in the proportions prescribed by the Act, with the following exceptions only:
3. All Persons holding Offices in Courts of Justice (under the terms of the Act), and all persons appointed for temporary or pro visional purposes, are not liable to pay the Contributions specified in the Act; but unless, in the latter case, the authority from the Colonial Government expressly specifies the temporary nature of such appointment, the Financial Officers will be obliged to enforce the required deduction upon each payment on account of Salary.
4. The Half Salaries of Officers absent on leave will be liable to the deduction, as well as the remaining Half Salaries issued in the Colony to those appointed to Act in their behalf: provided, however, that the Persons so acting are already holding appointments in the Colonial Civil Service, which render them liable to the terms of the Act, but not otherwise.
5. The adjustments of any Claims for arrear for periods prior to 1847, (under the Provisions of Paragraph I,) or of Unpaid Contribn- tions for Periods subsequent to 1847, will form the subject of such special arrangement by the Colonial Treasurer as may be found necessary.
All current issues of Colonial' Salaries will be liable to the prescribed contributions under the terms of the foregoing arrangements, which will be adhered to in the Departments of the Colonial Treasury and Audit Office—and the result duly reported to the Home .Government.
Colonial Treasurer. W. H. WHITE,
Acting Auditor General,
All Parties indebted to the Crown on Account of Rent Due on the 24th of June last, are requested to pay the same into the hands of the Cashier of this Department, on or before the 14th Instant; after which date the Names of the Parties indebted to the Crown, as above stated, will be forwarded to the Crown Solicitor.
·Colonial Treasury, Hongkong, 7th August, 1857.
Colonial. Treasurer.
姓 瓶 六月歲為 交卽 月廿上 與將廿五 半 皇五日 年 家欠 欠日以地 狀地以前 稅 師後者
香港公庫官科 示
名清於六 本示
ng ard the
ing 4th for
7: 1, &c.
pro- onial uired
n the athe
AVGUST 8, 1857.]
Notary Public and Solicitor, VICES removed to the first door West of the Oriental Bouk, late the Offices of Mr H. J. penr, Solicitor, &c.
Jong, 3d Angust, 1857.
My 1st instant we opened a Branch of our Firm * SHANGHAE.
· Firm from the same date.
-okong, 29th July, 1857.
Partnership of the undersigned, under the |_ Firm of A. LUBECK & Co., was dissolved il consent on the 2d of June, 1855. Any el affairs will be settled by either partner. L. A. LUBECK, FRANS KNOOP.
Vetoria, Hongkong, 25th June, 1857.
E Interest and Responsibility of Mr HENRY DAVIS in our Firm, ceased by his death on the
DAVIS & LAWRENCE. Hengkong, 28th February, 1857.
HE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on 24 of July.
Hinakong, 22d July, 1857.
WE have removed our Establishment from Canton to SHANGHAɛ, and have admitted
Y. J. F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our
from this day.
Shanghae, 1st July,
Hongkong Government Gazette.
Steam for
BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. HE PENINSULAR & Oriental SteaM NAVIGA- TION COMPANY's Steam-ship “GANGES,” Captain J. BOWEN, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on MONDAY, the 10th August, at 2 P.M.
CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., on the 8th; also, SPECIE and PARCELS until 5 P.M. on the 8th.
For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong.
of Valuable PROPERTY in Taipingshan. THE undersigned have received instructions from the Mortgages, to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, on TUESDAY, the 11th August Neal, at Noon, on the Premises,-
LOT 1.-That THREE-STORIED SHOP, situated at the Corner of Taipingshan, Central Street, and the Ground on which the same is built, registered in the LAND OFFICE as INLAND LOT No. 239, measuring 840 square feet. Annual GROUND Rext £1.5.0.
LOT 2.--All those Five DWELLING HOUSES, quite New, and in good Repair, situated in the neighbourhood of the above Lot; also the Ground on which they are built, registered in the LAND OFFICE as INLAND LOT No. 280, measuring 5,440 square feet. Annual GROUND RENT £4.18.8.
TERMS OF PAYMENT,—25 per Cent to be paid on the fall of the Hammer, and the Remainder in 48 Hours after,—MEXICAN Dollars weighed at 7.1.7. SMITH & BRIMELOW,
A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do
In not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration.
ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent.
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 5th August, 1857. MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LONDON, AND CHINA.
THIS Branch is now open for General Banking
Business. CURRENT ACCOUNTS can be opened,
on which no Commission will be charged, or Interest allowed.
For SHROFFING, a charge of 50 Cents per Mille will be made.
E business hitherto carried on by the under will be allowed on Fixed Deposit accounts, subject
best, an der the style of TRAUTMANN
▲ Ca, is hereby declared closed.
Al Outstanding Business will be taken charge of One Month's Notice of Withdrawal, at 3 {Cent,
Messrs HARKORT & Co.
Sanghae, 30th June, 1857.
HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Allorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the dreease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day ✅ April, 1857.
WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857.
Hongkong, 30th July, 1857.
the matter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deceased.
́OTICE.—All 'Persons having Claims on the
said Estate, are requested to forward parti- culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELOW; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the said JAMES W. BRIMELOW.
Hongkong, 11th July, 1857.
In the Estate of HENRY DAVIS, of Victoria, Hongkong, Merchant, deceased.
debted to, the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith.
LL Persons having Claims against, or being in-
Hongkong, 17th March, 1857.
William's DICTIONARY in the CANTON
Two do., Three do., Six do., Twelve do.,
The Branch Discounts Bills, and Grants Drafts, on the LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK, and its Agencies in Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Ceylon, SINGAPORE, and SHANGHAI,-the Rates for which may be had on application.
1st August, 1857.
William's MAP OF CHINA, in ENGLISH and in
Apply at the Rev. J. W. JOHNson's, Gough
Street, Hongkong.
Hongkong, 20th May, 1857.
Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.-
PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-sis Cents. Taans or ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-One- kalf of these charges for each Repetition.
es of
VOL. III. No. 111.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby given, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
“THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for Proclamations, Notifications, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.
No. 122.
Whereas by a certain Act of Parliament passed in the Sixth Year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled, “ An Act for punishing Offences committed by Transports kept to labour in the Colonies, and
"it better regulating the Powers of Justices of the Peace in New South Wales," it is amongst other things enacted, "That it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, by any Order or Orders to be by him from time to time for that purpose issued, with the Advice of His Privy Council, to appoint, or by any such Order or Orders in Council to authorize the Governors, Lieutenant-Governors, or other Persons for the time being administering the government of any of His Majesty's Foreign Possessions, Colonies, or Plantations, to appoint the Place or Places within His Majesty's Dominions to which any Offender convicted in any such Foreign Possessions, Colonies, or Plantations, and being under Sentence or Order of Transportation, shall be sent or transported; and, "that all such persons shall, within the Place or Places to which, in pursuance of any such Order or Orders in Council, they shall or may be so sent or transported, be subject and liable to all such and the same Laws, Rules, and Regulations, as are or shall be in force in any such Place or Places with respect to Convicts transported from Great Britain;" And whereas Her Majesty, by an Order by Her issued, by the Advice of Her Privy Council, on the 22d day of May, 1840, in suance of the said Act of Parliament, and in exercise of the Powers thereby in Her in that behalf vested, did order that the Governors, Lieutenant-Governors, or other Persons for the time being administering the Government of any of Her Majesty's Foreign Possessions, Colonies, or Plantations, shall, by Proclamations to be by them respectively for that purpose issued, appoint the Place or Places within Her Majesty's Dominions to which any Offender, con- victed in any such Foreign Possessions, Colonies, or Plantations, and being under Sentence or Order of Transporta- tion, shall be sent or transported, provided that neither the Colony of Bermuda, nor any of Her Majesty's Colonies in New Holland, or in the Southern Ocean, be so appointed for that purpose other than the Island of Van Dieman's Land and Norfolk Island, and the Islands adjacent to and comprised within the Government of Van Dieman's Land: Now therefore, I, Sir JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superin- tendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, in pursuance of the said Order in Council and Act of Parliament respectively, and in exercise of the Powers thereby respectively in me, as such Governor as aforesaid, vested, do appoint, that any Offenders, not exceeding the number of Sixty, convicted in the said Colony, and being under Bentence or Order of Transportation, shall be sent by the first convenient opportunity to the Colony of Labuan.
By His Excellency's Command,
Given at Victoria, Hongkong, this 14th Day of August, 1857.
No. 123.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Notice is hereby given, that a Sale by Public Auction of Crown Lands will be held on the ground on Tuesday, the 1st September, 1857.
Plans of the Lots to be Sold, with the Conditions of Sale, may be seen on application at the Surveyor General's Office.
The following Descriptive Statement of the Lots to be offered at the Sale, is published for general information.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 8th August, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
VOL. III. No. 111.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby given, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
“THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for Proclamations, Notifications, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.
No. 122.
Whereas by a certain Act of Parliament passed in the Sixth Year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled, “ An Act for punishing Offences committed by Transports kept to labour in the Colonies, and
"it better regulating the Powers of Justices of the Peace in New South Wales," it is amongst other things enacted, "That it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, by any Order or Orders to be by him from time to time for that purpose issued, with the Advice of His Privy Council, to appoint, or by any such Order or Orders in Council to authorize the Governors, Lieutenant-Governors, or other Persons for the time being administering the government of any of His Majesty's Foreign Possessions, Colonies, or Plantations, to appoint the Place or Places within His Majesty's Dominions to which any Offender convicted in any such Foreign Possessions, Colonies, or Plantations, and being under Sentence or Order of Transportation, shall be sent or transported; and, "that all such persons shall, within the Place or Places to which, in pursuance of any such Order or Orders in Council, they shall or may be so sent or transported, be subject and liable to all such and the same Laws, Rules, and Regulations, as are or shall be in force in any such Place or Places with respect to Convicts transported from Great Britain;" And whereas Her Majesty, by an Order by Her issued, by the Advice of Her Privy Council, on the 22d day of May, 1840, in suance of the said Act of Parliament, and in exercise of the Powers thereby in Her in that behalf vested, did order that the Governors, Lieutenant-Governors, or other Persons for the time being administering the Government of any of Her Majesty's Foreign Possessions, Colonies, or Plantations, shall, by Proclamations to be by them respectively for that purpose issued, appoint the Place or Places within Her Majesty's Dominions to which any Offender, con- victed in any such Foreign Possessions, Colonies, or Plantations, and being under Sentence or Order of Transporta- tion, shall be sent or transported, provided that neither the Colony of Bermuda, nor any of Her Majesty's Colonies in New Holland, or in the Southern Ocean, be so appointed for that purpose other than the Island of Van Dieman's Land and Norfolk Island, and the Islands adjacent to and comprised within the Government of Van Dieman's Land: Now therefore, I, Sir JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superin- tendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, in pursuance of the said Order in Council and Act of Parliament respectively, and in exercise of the Powers thereby respectively in me, as such Governor as aforesaid, vested, do appoint, that any Offenders, not exceeding the number of Sixty, convicted in the said Colony, and being under Bentence or Order of Transportation, shall be sent by the first convenient opportunity to the Colony of Labuan.
By His Excellency's Command,
Given at Victoria, Hongkong, this 14th Day of August, 1857.
No. 123.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Notice is hereby given, that a Sale by Public Auction of Crown Lands will be held on the ground on Tuesday, the 1st September, 1857.
Plans of the Lots to be Sold, with the Conditions of Sale, may be seen on application at the Surveyor General's Office.
The following Descriptive Statement of the Lots to be offered at the Sale, is published for general information.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 8th August, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
1. 2
The Hongkong Government Gazettą.
Schedule of Lots of Land proposed to be Sold.
BOUNDARY Measurements.
[August 15, 1857.
£ s. d.
West Point
27 16 0
10 0 0
17 10 O
17 10 0
12 0 0
12 0 0
17 10 0
521 105
17 10 0
52) 105
17 10 0
Caine Road
3 2 6
11 12 9
Zetland Street
10 0 0
8 00
Queen's Road East
0 0
Spring Gardens
10 9 9
5 24
17 18
5 10
5 20
No. 124.
Acting Surveyor General.
The following Draft Market Ordinance, read a first time at a Meeting of the Legislative Council held this day, is published for general information.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 11th August, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Repeal of Ordinance No. 2 of 1854.
An Inspector of Markets to be appoint
His duties, and As- sistants.
Governor in Council
No. of 1857.
By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in 'China, with the Advice of the Legislative .Council of Hongkong.
The Market Ordinance, 1857. ̧
August, 1857.]
Be it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
I. Ordinance No. 2 of 1854 is hereby repealed.
Sum of
II. There shall be from time to time appointed by His Excellency, some proper Person to hold the Office of Inspector of Markets during His Excellency's pleasure, at such Salary (not exceeding the monthly
Dollars,) as His Excellency in Council shall from time to time determine. III. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, all Markets, now or hereafter to be established, and all Buildings or Places wherein the same are or shall be holden, shall be under the immediate Superin- tendence of the said Inspector of Markets, (without prejudice nevertheless to any Jurisdiction or Authority 'now or hereafter to be vested in any other Servant of the Crown within this Colony); and the said Inspector shall be charged with the duty of enforcing this Ordinance, and also such By-Laws as shall from time to time be issued by His Excellency in Council respecting such Markets and Buildings, or Places wherein the same are or shall be holden, under the Powers in that behalf given or created by this Ordinance, and also of receiving and enforcing payment of the Rents, Taxes, and Fees, hereinafter-mentioned and he shall be aided and assisted in the premises by such Clerks or other Subordinates including (for every Market) an Assistant Inspector, and at such Salaries as His said Excellency in Council shall determine.
IV. His Excellency in Council shall also be empowered from time to time to establish any New empowered to establish Market or Markets, or to close any Market or Markets, which may be established under the provisions of and close Markets, and this Ordinance within the district of Victoria, as defined by Government Notification No. 69 of 1857, to make Regulations and By-Laws.
published under the provisions of the Seventh Section of Ordinance No. 6 of 1857, and to make such Regulations for the letting of Houses, Shops, Stalls, or Standings therein, and the Durations and Conditions of such lettings, and the Rents to be received for the same, and also such By-Laws for the good govern- ment of the said Markets, the repression or prevention of Disorder therein, and the advancement of the Commerce thereof, as to His said Excellency shall seem meet: yet so as that no such Regulations or By- Laws shall be contrary to this Ordinance, or, until the same shall have been once at least published in the Hongkong Government Gazette, be capable of being enforced; and all such Regulations and By-Laws when so published shall be Law, and shall to all intents and purposes have the same force and effect as if they had been enacted by a special Ordinance of the Legislative Council in that behalf.
No Market to be deemed established till
V. No Market shall be deemed to be established, until after Notification made by His said Excellency notified in the Gazette. in Council, in the Hongkong Government Gazette, that the same is so established and open for public use.
1. 2
The Hongkong Government Gazettą.
Schedule of Lots of Land proposed to be Sold.
BOUNDARY Measurements.
[August 15, 1857.
£ s. d.
West Point
27 16 0
10 0 0
17 10 O
17 10 0
12 0 0
12 0 0
17 10 0
521 105
17 10 0
52) 105
17 10 0
Caine Road
3 2 6
11 12 9
Zetland Street
10 0 0
8 00
Queen's Road East
0 0
Spring Gardens
10 9 9
5 24
17 18
5 10
5 20
No. 124.
Acting Surveyor General.
The following Draft Market Ordinance, read a first time at a Meeting of the Legislative Council held this day, is published for general information.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 11th August, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Repeal of Ordinance No. 2 of 1854.
An Inspector of Markets to be appoint
His duties, and As- sistants.
Governor in Council
No. of 1857.
By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in 'China, with the Advice of the Legislative .Council of Hongkong.
The Market Ordinance, 1857. ̧
August, 1857.]
Be it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
I. Ordinance No. 2 of 1854 is hereby repealed.
Sum of
II. There shall be from time to time appointed by His Excellency, some proper Person to hold the Office of Inspector of Markets during His Excellency's pleasure, at such Salary (not exceeding the monthly
Dollars,) as His Excellency in Council shall from time to time determine. III. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, all Markets, now or hereafter to be established, and all Buildings or Places wherein the same are or shall be holden, shall be under the immediate Superin- tendence of the said Inspector of Markets, (without prejudice nevertheless to any Jurisdiction or Authority 'now or hereafter to be vested in any other Servant of the Crown within this Colony); and the said Inspector shall be charged with the duty of enforcing this Ordinance, and also such By-Laws as shall from time to time be issued by His Excellency in Council respecting such Markets and Buildings, or Places wherein the same are or shall be holden, under the Powers in that behalf given or created by this Ordinance, and also of receiving and enforcing payment of the Rents, Taxes, and Fees, hereinafter-mentioned and he shall be aided and assisted in the premises by such Clerks or other Subordinates including (for every Market) an Assistant Inspector, and at such Salaries as His said Excellency in Council shall determine.
IV. His Excellency in Council shall also be empowered from time to time to establish any New empowered to establish Market or Markets, or to close any Market or Markets, which may be established under the provisions of and close Markets, and this Ordinance within the district of Victoria, as defined by Government Notification No. 69 of 1857, to make Regulations and By-Laws.
published under the provisions of the Seventh Section of Ordinance No. 6 of 1857, and to make such Regulations for the letting of Houses, Shops, Stalls, or Standings therein, and the Durations and Conditions of such lettings, and the Rents to be received for the same, and also such By-Laws for the good govern- ment of the said Markets, the repression or prevention of Disorder therein, and the advancement of the Commerce thereof, as to His said Excellency shall seem meet: yet so as that no such Regulations or By- Laws shall be contrary to this Ordinance, or, until the same shall have been once at least published in the Hongkong Government Gazette, be capable of being enforced; and all such Regulations and By-Laws when so published shall be Law, and shall to all intents and purposes have the same force and effect as if they had been enacted by a special Ordinance of the Legislative Council in that behalf.
No Market to be deemed established till
V. No Market shall be deemed to be established, until after Notification made by His said Excellency notified in the Gazette. in Council, in the Hongkong Government Gazette, that the same is so established and open for public use.
AUGUST 15, 1857.]'
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
His Excellency in Council may lawfully cause to be closed, any Market now in use, under the Existing Markets repealed Ordinance, upon first making Compensation (if any such be due) for the closing thereof, which may be closed on mak- pensation, and the amount thereof, (if any,) shall be first determined and fixed by the Ways and Means ing Compensation.
led in the Crown Leases in Hongkong, as to Compensation for the Value of Lands resumed by the
VII. After the expiration of Ten Days from the establishment of any Market, and the Notification
Prohibition of other
creof as aforesaid, no Market shall be opened or kept open except under the provisions of this Ordinance; Markets.
every Market which shall be opened or kept open otherwise than under the provisions of this Ordinance, together with the Building or Buildings (if any) wherein the same shall happen to be holden, be eemed a common Nuisance.
VIII. Licensed Hawkers may lawfully hawk for Sale any Green Vegetables or Fruit, Bean Curds, Certain marketable zee, and Soup, and Boatman may lawfully sell any Fresh Fish from their Boats to the Crews or Articles may be sold capants of other Boats or Vessels; provided that such Boats or Vessels be at a distance from the Shore out of Market.
at least 300 Feet; neither shall this Ordinance prevent any Person from selling on his own Premises any d. Milk, Confectionary, or Salt Fish, (provided that such Salt Fish be sold in quantities not less at any time than the weight of one Picul,) nor (if a Licensed Victualler or a Keeper of a Boarding, Eating, or Fe House, or Cook Shop) from supplying any Cooked provisions to a Customer.
All other sales of
IX All Persons soever within the said District of Victoria (except in the cases specified in Section fight) are hereby forbidden to sell or expose for sale in any place soever, not being a Public Market within marketable Articles out
meaning of this Ordinance, any articles of Food, Fodder, or Fuel, usually sold or exposed for sale in a Public Market.
X. No Sales within any Market shall take place but in a Stall or in a Shop; and such Stalls and Shops the Rooms or Dwelling Houses over or adjoining such Shops, shall be constructed of such dimensions designs, and of such materials, as His said Excellency in Council shall direct. XI. No Lessee or Renter of a Stall, or of a Shop or House, shall underlet or assign the same, or any Part thereof, without a written License of His said Excellency in Council.
of Market prohibited.
Sales in Markets to take place in Stalls or Shops. Stalls and Shops how to be con-
Underletting forbid-
Wholesale Depots to
XII. In every Market to be established under this Ordinance, there shall be set apart Two Lan or trepots for the Wholesale sale and purchase of Fish, Fowl (whether alive or dead), Vegetables and Fruit, be provided in each which the retail Dealers in such articles having Stalls or Shops in such Market can purchase their supplies. the same; (and such Lan or Entrepots, and the Persons frequenting or using the same, shall be regulated governed by such By-Laws and Rules as shall from time to time be made in that behalf by His said cellency in Council ;) and no Person shall be allowed to vend any Articles in any such Lan or Entrepot as Wholesale Trader or Dealer therein, except under such License as shall be ordered by His said Excellency Council, and His said Excellency in Council shall also be empowered from time to time grant such censes as aforesaid, and make such Regulations for the Duration or Conditions thereof, and the Fees or axes to be imposed or levied for the same; and such Licenses shall not be transferable or assignable, but License shall be granted to every applicant for the same.
Slaughtering of Cat-
Erection or adap-
XIII. His said Excellency in Council is further empowered to grant unto any Undertaker in such man- eer, for such Consideration or Rent, upon such Conditions, and for such Period, as shall be from time to time certained and fixed by any Regulations to be made by His said Excellency in Council for that purpose, ve sole Privilege of Slaughtering Cattle for the supply of the said Markets, or of any one residing in the
District of Victoria, and of providing Slaughtering-houses for that purpose as next hereinafter men- tation of Slaughter cdtand the Undertaker who shall have obtained the said Privilege, shall immediately thereupon erect upon houses. ach Site or Sites as His said Excellency in Council shall approve (provided that such Site or Sites be not thin the said District of Victoria) all proper Buildings, or, with the like approval, set apart and adapt any lings already belonging to him for the Slaughtering of Cattle, and every such Erection or Adaptation- l be commenced, finished, and made ready for Public use, according to a Plan which shall have been first mined by the Surveyor General, and by him certified in writing under his hand to be a fit and proper pace in that behalf'; and when the same shall have been so finished and made ready for Public use, the d Undertaker shall give notice thereof in the English and Chinese Tongues, by the publication thereof in The Hongkong Government Gazette, and by printed Hand-bills posted on some conspicuous place in Victoria *...cesaid.
XIV. After the expiration of Ten Days from the said publication, no Person resident within the said Dtrict of Victoria, shall slaughter any Cattle, or dress any Carcass for Sale as Food of Man, in any other
ace than the said Slaughter-houses or Buildings.
Slaughtering else. where prohibited.
Tariff of Tolls for
XV. The said Undertaker shall at all times, during such period of the Day or Night as shall be from 1. De to time determined by His Excellency in Council, allow any Person (who shall first pay or tender the use of Slaughter-
ing-houses. him such Toll as in that behalf is provided by a Tariff of Tolls to be fixed by His said Excellency Council, with powers to alter and vary the same from time to time) to Slaughter any Cattle, or Dress any Ceas for sale as Food of Man within his said Slaughter-houses or Buildings.
XVI. No Person shall keep, sell, or expose for Sale in, or bring into, any Market or Slaughter- Keeping or selling be, any article of human Food which shall be in an unwholesome condition; nor bring, lead, or drive Food, or slaughtering or keep, or slaughter in any Slaughter-house, nor permit to be so brought, led, or driven thereto, Cattle in an unwhole- → kept, or slaughtered therein, any Cattle which shall be in an unwholesome condition, or unfit for the
od of Man.
some condition.
Keeping, selling, or feeding Cattle on un- wholesome Fodder.
Inspector and As-
XVII. It is also forbidden to any Person to keep, sell, or expose for Sale in, or to bring into, any Market or Slaughter-house, any Fodder being in an unwholesome Condition, or unfit for Food of Cattle or
ber Beasts, or to give, or allow to be given, any such Fodder to any Cattle, in any Slaughter-house.
XVIII. For the performance of the several duties of the Inspector of Markets and his said Assistants der this Ordinance, he and they, together or singly, shall have at all times free jaccess to every part of sistants to have free ey Market, and of every Stall and Building therein being, and of every Slaugliter-house, and shall have *d exercise therein the functions of Officers of Police; and none shall presume to impede, obstruct, or
st him, them, or any of them, in the performance of the said functions and duties respectively.
XIX. Except where otherwise by this Ordinance provided, it shall be unlawful for any Person soever demand or receive any Chattel, Money, or other valuable Thing as, or for, or upon, pretence of Fee, Fees, &c., than
provided under this Toll, Rent, Stallage, or otherwise, for access or admission to, or buying, or selling, or slaughtering Ordinance, to be Ex- By Market or Slaughter-house respectively; and every demand or receipt of any Chattel, Money, or other tortion.
thing, except where expressly permitted by this Ordinance, shall be deemed Extortion.
Exaction of other
XX. All Rents of Stalls, Shops, or Houses, and all Fees or Taxes, on or for Licenses, shall be paid Application of Rents, the Inspector into the Treasury, to the use of the Crown; and all Expenses incurred or to be and power to mortgage red by this Government, in, about, or incident to, the execution of this Ordinance, shall be a primary
ze upon the same; and His Excellency in Council is hereby empowered to take up and borrow Money the purposes of this Ordinance, upon the Security and by anticipation of all Rents of Stalls, let or to be under the authority of this Ordinance, and to charge or mortgage the same for the repayment of eys so taken up and borrowed.
The Honghong Government Gazette.
[August 15, 1857
Forms of deeds, &c. XXI. Every such Mortgage, and (if transferred) every Transfer thercof, shall be by Deed, and m 10 & 11 Vict. c. 16. respectively be according to the Forms in Schedules B and C to "The Commissioners' Clauses Act, 184; annexed, or to the like effect: And the said Schedules, and also Sections Seventy-eight to Eighty-thr both inclusive, shall be incorporated with this Ordinance, and shall apply to the said Markets, and be constre Governor as if the following Amendments had been made therein respectively, that is to say, the word " instead of the word "Commissioners;" the term "Officer having charge of the Land Office and Register Deeds," instead of the term "Clerk to the Commissioners;" and the word "Rents," instead of the wo ** Rates."
Penalties for Offen-
1. Against Sections VII & IX.
2. Against Sections
X & XII.
· 3. Against Section XI.
4. Against Sections
5. Against Section XVI.
6. Against Section XVII.
7. Against Sections XVIII & XIX.
Saving as to Nui-
Prevention of Cruel- ty to Animals.
XXII. All Violations or Disobediences of, or Defaults in compliance with, the Provisions of the Sections of this Ordinance, next hereinafter specified, shall be heard and determined summarily und Ordinance No. 10 of 1844, and on conviction of such Offences, the respective Offenders shall be sentence to pay the several Penalties next hereinafter specified.
1. For every Offence against Section Seven or Section Nine, a Fine not exceeding Two Hundre Dollars, nor less than One Dollar,-over and above the expenses (in cases of Nuisance) ✅ abating and removing the same.
2. For every Offence against Section Ten or Section Twelve, a Fine not exceeding Twenty-filt
Dollars, nor less than Ten Cents.
3. For every Offence against Section Eleven, a Fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, nor les
than Ten Dollars.
4. For every Offence against Section Fourteen or Section Fifteen, a Fine not exceeding Two Hundre
Dollars, nor less than One Dollar.
5. For every Offence against Section Sixteen, a Fine not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars, nor l
than Twenty-five Dollars,- -over and above the expenses of the removal of the Food or Catty in question, and also (if the Court shall order the destruction thereof) the expenses of such destruction.
6. For every Offence against Section Seventeen, a Fine not exceeding Fifty Dollars, nor less than Ort
7. For every Offence against Section Eighteen or Section Nineteen, a Fine not exceeding Tr
Hundred Dollars, nor less than Twenty-five Dollars.
XXIII. Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall protect the Occupier of any such Stall or She or the Undertaker of any such Slaughter-house, from an Information or other legal Proceedings fort Nuisance, should any such be commenced either at the suit of the Crown or of any private Person.
XXIV. Every Person who shall, from and after the passing of this. Ordinance, cruelly Beat, Ill-tres Overdrive, Abuse, or Torture, or cause or procure to be cruelly beaten, ill-treated, overdriven, abused,· Vehic tortured, any Animal, or shall convey, or carry, or cause to be conveyed, or carried, in or upon any Hurdle, or otherwise, any Animal, in such a manner or position as to subject such Animal to unnecessa pain or suffering, shall, for every such offence, Forfeit and Pay a Penalty not exceeding Twenty-five Dolla nor less than One Dollar; and if any Person shall, by cruelly beating, ill. treating, overdriving, abusing, torturing any Animal, do any Damage or Injury to any Animal, or shall thereby cause any Damage Injury to be done to any Person, or to any Property, every such Offender shall, on conviction of such Offence pay to the Owner of such Animal (if the Offender be not the Owner thereof,) or to the Person who she sustain Damage or Injury as aforesaid, such Sum by way of compensation, not exceeding the sum of Fil Dollars, as shall be ascertained and determined by the Justice or Justices of the Peace by whom su Person shall have been convicted; or in default thereof, shall be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding 0: Calendar month: Provided always, that the Payment of such Compensation, or any Imprisonment for th nonpayment thereof, shall not prevent, or in any manner affect, the Punishment, to which such Person, or th Owner of such Animal, may be liable, for or in respect of the beating, ill-treating, or abusing of the said Anima Provided also, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any Proceeding by action against such Offender the Employer of such Offender,, where the Amount of Damage or Injury is not sought to be recovere under this Ordinance; and all cases of Violations or Disobediences of, or Claims for Compensation, under th Provisions of this Section, shall be heard and determined summarily under Ordinance No. 10 of 1844.
Lands, or of XXV. If any Person shall be entitled to any Compensation in respect of any
Intere any Compensation in cases not provided for therein, which shall have been taken for or injuriously affected by the Works necessary for the establishme by Section VI, to be of the said Markets and Slaughter-houses, and for which satisfaction shall not have been made under th allowed by Justices, Arbitrators, or a Jury, provisions of the Sixth Section of this Ordinance, and if the Compensation claimed in such case sh as the case may be. not exceed the sum of Two hundred Dollars the same shall be settled by Two Justices of the Peac 8 & 9 Vict. cap. 18. in the manner provided by the Twenty-fourth Section of the "Lands' Clauses Consolidation Act, 1815 the several provisions of which Section of the said Act are hereby, for the purposes of this Sectio incorporated with this Ordinance; and if the Compensation claimed in such case shall exceed the sur of Two hundred Dollars, such Person may have the same settled either by Arbitration or by the Verdic of a Jury, as he shall think fit; and if such Person desire to have the same settled by Arbitration, shall be lawful for him to give Notice in Writing to the Colonial Secretary, or the Undertaker of sur Slaughter-house as aforesaid, as the case may be, of such his desire, stating in such Notice the Natu of the Interest in such Lands, in respect of which he claims Compensation, and the Amount of t Compensation so claimed thereon, and unless the Parties from whom such Compensation shall claimed be willing to pay the amount of Compensation so claimed, and shall enter into a writte Agreement for that purpose within Twenty-one Days after the receipt of any such Notice from
Lant Party so entitled, the same shall be settled by Arbitration in the manner provided by the said “ Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," Sections Twenty-five to Thirty-seven both inclusive, so far as the same * consistent with the Laws, and applicable to the local circumstances of this Colony: the several Provisio of which said several Sections of the said Act are hereby, (so far as aforesaid,) for the purposes of this Secti incorporated with this Ordinance; or if the Person so entitled as aforesaid desires to have such questions Compensation settled by Jury, it shall be lawful for him to give Notice in Writing as aforesaid of such desire, stating such particulars as aforesaid, and unless the Parties from whom such Compensation shall claimed be willing to pay the Amount of Compensation so claimed, and enter into a written Agreement! that purpose, they shall, within Twenty-one Days after the receipt of such Notice, issue their Warrant the Sheriff to Summon a Jury for settling the same, in the manner provided by the said "Lands' Claus Consolidation Act, 1845," Sections Thirty-eight to Fifty-eight both inclusive, except so far as the s Sections are inconsistent with the Laws of this Colony, touching the Constitution of Juries, the Number a Qualifications of the Jurors thereof, and the mode of impanelling the same: the several Provisions of whi said several last-mentioned Sections of the said Act are hereby, (except as last aforesaid,) for the purpos of this Section, incorporated with this Ordinance; and in default thereof, they shall be liable to pay to t Person so entitled as aforesaid the Amount of Compensation so claimed, and the same may be recovered! him with Costs by Action in the Supreme Court.
Interpretation Cattle."
of XXVI. The word "Cattle" in this Ordinance shall include Ram, Ewe, Wether, Lamb, Goat, Kid,
Swine, but shall not include Horse, Ass, or Mule.
Moneys to be paid in Mexican Dollars,
XXVII. All Sums of Money to be paid under, or by virtue of, this Ordinance, or any of its Provisi whether for Rent, Tolls, Taxes, Fees, Fines, or otherwise, are to be paid in Mexican Dollars.
1. 1877
AUGUST 15, 1857.]
The Hongkong Government Gazettę.
1, and m
Act, 1847
constury Governor Register:
the we
No. 125.
The following Return of Notes in Circulation and Specie in Reserve at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, is published for general information.
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
ns of the
rily und
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 12th August, 1857.
Account of the average Amount of Notes in Circulation at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, for the Month
ending 31st July, 1857, rendered in accordance with the Terms of Her Majesty's Royal Charter of Incorporation.
NOTES ISSUED.............$352,785. SPECIE IN RESERVE,
Oriental Bank Corporation, Hongkong, 1st August, 1857.
Hundre isance)
, nor le
, nor le
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es of suc
than One
ding THE
No. 126.
I inspected this day the Books and Treasure of the Oriental Bank Corporation, and bereby certify that I found the necessary Amount
of Specie as required by the Royal Charter.
J. A. CARVALHO, Accountant.
Victoria, Hongkong, 7th August, 1857.
Colonial Treasurer.
Il or Shep lings for
, Ill-tre:: abused,
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With reference to Goverment Notification No. 95, it is hereby notified, that the Acting Surveyor General has been instructed to order the Materials of West Point Hill Police Station to be sold by Public Auction on the 1st September, immediately after the Sale of the Lots of Ground in that direction.
The Acting Surveyor General has also been authorized to direct the disposal by Auction, on the same day, and after the Sale of the Lots on the West of the City, the Materials of the intended Boat House on the Sea Shore of the Parade Ground.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 13th August, 1857.
LALL KHAN, P. CONSTABLE, SAMUEL JARRETT, P CONSTABLE, „ THOS. MURPHY, P. CONSTABLE, OTICE is hereby given to the NEXT OF KIN, and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS * CODICILS of the above Parties that may be in their possession, before the Supreme Court, on FRIDAY, the 21st day of August, 1857; or, if none, that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse LETTERS CP ADMINISTRATION; failing which, Administration will be granted to the Registrar of the said Court,
By the Court,
Acting Registrar.
THIS Branch is now open for General Banking Business. CURRENT Accounts can be opened, which no Commission will be charged, or Interest wed.
For SHROFFING, a charge of 50 Cents per Mille will be made.
MR MORESBY, Notary Public and Solicitor, FFICES removed to the first door West of the Oriental Bank, late the Offices of Mr H. J. TARRANT, Solicitor, &c.
Hongkong. 3d August, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on | the 2d of July.
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857.
HE Partnership of the undersigned, under the dissolved by mutual consent on the 2d of June, 1855. Any unsettled affairs will be settled by either partner. L. A. LUBECK. FRANS KNOOP.
Victoria, Hongkong,
25th June, 1857.
THE business hitherto carried on by the under- signed, under the style of TRĂUTMANN & Co., is hereby declared closed.
All Outstanding Business will be taken charge of by Messrs HARKORT & Co.
J. F. II. TRAUTMANN. Shanghae, 30th June, 1857.
E have removed our Establishment from Canton to SHANGHAE, and have admitted be allowed on Fixed Deposit accounts, subject Mr J. F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our
Firm from this day.
One Month's Notice of Withdrawal, at 3
Two do.,
Three do., do.. Twelredo.,
Cent, Annum.
The Branch Discounts Bills, and Grants Drafts, No1
the LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK, and its Ar-ncies in BOMBAy, Madras, CalCUTTA, CEYLON, SINGAPORE, and SHANGHAL, the Rates for which my be had on application.
1st August, 1857.
Shanghae, 1st July, 1857. In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deceased. OTICE. All Persons having Claims on the said Estate, are requested to forward parti- culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELOW; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the said James W. BRIMELOW.
Hongkong, 11th July, 1857.
NOTICE. THE Partnership heretofore subsisting between BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857.
WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857.
the 1st instant we opened a Branch of our Firm at SHANGHAE.
MR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL is a Partner in our Firm from the same date.
Hongkong, 29th July, 1857.
A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA, with al CHARGES-Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois.
19th March, 1857.
Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.— PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-siz Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents--One- Aalf of these charges for each Repetition,
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
[August 22, 1857.
The Amount accepted for each License, the Party, tendering will be required to pay into the Colonial Treasury Quarterly, and in advance.
The usual Regulations will be imposed.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 17th August, 1857.
Acting Colonial Secretary.
山攬頭者具禀聲明東西兩每 桿舖石橋作爲西一其有欲充石 作爲東一復自中洲以西仍至
憲 自樯捍舖石橋以東至深水灣中洲
歲章程將本港石山分爲東西兩 例應行招諗新人承充惟本年照舊
華英 願
No. 129.
庫季數本 稟石播
CHARLES ST GEORGE CLEVERLY, Esquire, Surveyor General, having returned to the Colony from leave of
absence, has this day re-assumed charge of his Office accordingly.
知悉各宜恪遵毋任遲疑觀望自悞 呈納爲此合行出示曉諭闔港人等 准于每季首月初一日照數詣公庫 最高者准其投充其石稅銀按四季
廿七 ㄟ七
By Order,
Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 20th August, 1857.
Notice is hereby given, that a Sale by Public Auction of Crown Lands will be held on the ground on Tuesday, the 1st September, 1857, commencing at 2 o'clock P.M., on Lot No. 1.
Plans of the Lots to be Sold, with the Conditions of Sale, may be seen on application at the Surveyor General's Office.
The following Descriptive Statement of the Lots to be offered at the Sale, is published for general information.
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary..
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 8th August, 1857.
Schedule of Lots of Land proposed to be Sold.
£ s. d.
West Point
27 16 0
45 5
0 0
17 10 0
17 10 0
12 0 0
52吋 105
12 0 0
52吋 105
17 10 0
52克 105
17 10 0
17 10 0
Caine Road
4 3 4
11 12 9
Zetland Street
10 00
8 00
'Queen's Road East
15 0 0
Spring Gardens
9 9
5 19
5 20
Acting Surveyor General,
Just 22, 1857.]
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
With reference to Government Notification No. 95, it is hereby notified, that the Acting Surveyor General has instructed to order the Materials of West Point Hill Police Station to be sold by Public Auction on the 1st ember, immediately after the Sale of the Lots of Ground in that direction.
The Acting Surveyor General has also been authorized to direct the disposal by Auction, on the same day, and the Sale of the Lots on the West of the City, the Materials of the intended Boat House on the Sea Shore of the le Ground.
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
leave of
ES, etary.
GES, cretary..
£ s. d.
27 16 0
0 0
17 10 0
17 10 0
17 10 0
17 10 0
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 13th August, 1857.
Next GENERAL MAILS, per Steamer
7: Instant, nt 6 o'clock P.M. The usual SUP- Mantany Mail will be made up on the follow- rming. LETTERS received from 9 to 11
AM, for a late fee of 6d.; and from 11 * 19 ¡24 o'clock P.M., for a late fee of 1s. Les posted between the hours of 11 and Half- * 12 o'clock must be prepaid.
gleng, 17th August, 1857.
Steam for
KOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCutta. SE PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGA- 118 Company's Steam-ship “ FORMOSA,” :: a W. M. GILLSON, with Her Majesty's Mails. vors, Sperie, and Cargo, will leave this for the lices, on TUESDAY, the 25th August, at
GO will be received on board until 5 P.M., 131; SPECIE until Noon on the 24th, and ELS until 2 P.M. on the 24th.
Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation ety's Office, Hongkong.
Written Declaration of the Contents and Value Packages for the Overland Route is required 156 Egyptian Government, and must be delivered the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the af lading or with Parcels; and the Company do en kald themselves responsible for any Detention or ee which may happen from incorrectness on * codaration.
ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent.
Peninsular & Oriental
Narigation Company's Office, gkong, 17th August, 1857.
Branch is now open for General Banking Business CURRENT ACCOUNTS can be opened, ich no Commission will be charged, or Interest
*be made.
(instead of Tuesday, the 25th) day of August, A.D. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon.
By Order of the Court,
STABLE, deceas d.
Notary Public and Solicitor,
FFICES removed to the first door West of the
Oriental Bank, late the Offices of Mr H. J.
TARRANT, Solicitor, &c.
Hongkong, 3d August, 1857.
ПHE business hitherto carried on by the under- CON-ned, under the style of TRAUTMANN
All Claims the above Estates
must be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMI- NISTRATOR, before the 14th day of February, A.D. 1858, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division.
All persons indebted to the above Estate are re- quested to make immediate Payment to
NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar-Official Administrator.
& Co., is hereby declared closed.
All Outstanding Business will be taken charge of by Messrs HARKORT & Co.
Shanghae, 30th June, 1857.
E have removed our Establishment from Canton to Shanghae, and have admitted Mr J. F. H. TRAUTMANN & Partner in our Firm from this day.
Shanghae, 1st July, 1857.
In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deceased. OTICE-All Persons having Claims on the said Estate, are requested to forward parti- HEINRICH FRAMHEIN, in our Firm,culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELOW; ceased on the 30th April last.
THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr OTTON ΤΗ
China, 20th August, 1857.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,—THAT HE Partnership heretofore subsisting hetween CHARLES EDWIN BATESUN and JOHN
and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the said JAMES W. BRIMELOW.
BUTT, as General and Commission Merchants at Canton, under the Firm of BATESON, BUTT & Co., is dissolved by mutual consent, (as advertised in the London Gazette, dated Jung 16th, 1857.)
the The Affairs of the late Partnership will be wound up by CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, who will sign the firm in Liquidation.
BATESON, BUTT & Co. Macao, 18th August, 1857.
SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. HE undersigned has received instructions from the Executors of the late JAMES SMITH, Esquire, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIMELOW, to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, on THURSDAY, the 3d day of September, 1857, at 11 A.M. precisely,—
All those TIVO MARINE LOTS, Nos. 99 and 100, adjoining the “ Bowring Prays,” North of the Post-office, Victoria, Hongkong,-measuring on the North 174 feet, South 174 feet, East 340 fert, West 340 feet.-Annual Crown Rent, £65,0s. (d., Mille-together with those new and substantial BUILDINGS
now in the course of erection thereon.
de Suropping, a charge of 50 Cents per
RATES OF INTEREST The allowed on Fixed Deposit accounts, subject
Cent, Annum.
The Meath's Notice of Withdrawal, at 3
20.4 204 ჭე.
Branch Discounts Bills, and Grants Drafts, ** LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK, and its 2es in BOMBAY, Madras, CalcUTTA, CEYLON, SALAPAK, and SHANGHAL—the Rates for which * be had on application.
17 10 0 4 3 4 11 12 9 10 0 U 8 00
0 0
La August, 1857.
5 20
TERMS.-The Sale and Purchase are subject to the Builder's Contract, which can be seen at the office of the Auctioneer. 25 per Cent of the purchase Moncy to be paid on the fall of the Hammer, and the remainder on completion of Transfer. Title Gua- ranteed.
G. duddell, Auctioneer.
Hongkong, 22d August, 1857. N.B.-Immediately after the Sale of the above Property, Mr Duddell will sell that Beautiful under | SUBURBAN LOT, No. 141, situate
Glenealy. This Lot has been lately cleared, a rating Wall built, Trees planted, &c., &c. A lovely Site for a Residence, commanding a full view of the Harbour. Ground Rent, £33, 10s.
Hongkong, 11th July, 1857.
E Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on 2d of July.
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857.
HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said James Brown, on the 28th day of April, 1857.
WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857.
On the 1st instant we opened a Branch of our Firm
MR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL is a Partner in our Firm from the same date.
Hongkong, 29th July, 1857.
William's DICTIONARY in the CANTON
William's MAP OF CHINA, in ENGLISH and in
Apply at the Rev. J. W. Jonsson's, Gough
Street, Hongkong.
Hongkong, 20th May, 1857.
Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.-
PRICE, $12 per Annum. Singlo Copies, Thirty-six TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,-Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cente-One- half of these charges for each Repetition.
VOL. III. No. 113.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
“THE HONgkong GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” vil, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, Notifications, and Public Papers, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.
Na. 130.
The following Return of Payments on Account of Police and Jails, and Receipts on Account of Police Rates,
1st January 1855, to 30th June 1857, is published for general information.
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 27th August, 1857.
Statement of Payments on account of the POLICE and JAILS, shewing the Net RECEIPTS on account of POLICE Rates, from 1st January 1855 to 30th June 1857.
YEAR 1855.
YEAR 1885.
£ 8. d.
8. d.
£ 8. d.
Police Rate Collected, 3,917 3 61| 3,868 1 91|42,890 14 1| Sheriff's Department,C..........
Imy paid from the temeral Revenue,
YEAR 1855.
YEAR 1856.
£ 8. d. 514 5 6 4,618 19 9
d. 607 12 21
6,511 9 117
d. 382 15 10 5,462 9 10
Superintendent of Police, ....
Establishments....... 5,133 5 31 7,119 2 1 5,845 584
4,942 15 4
Police, exclusive of Estab-
lishment, Jails, do.
584 0 1 649 7 3 1,268 3 11 1,268 7 4 1,657 11 14 719 19 9
Total,......£6,985 12 81| 9,426 0 6 7,833 9 5
3,068 9 2 5,557 18 9
Total,......£6,985 12 81 | 9,426 064 | 7,833 9 5
4 The Lighting Rate amounting to £610,5.84 is
claded in the Receipts.
B Deficiency of Taxes and Police Rates as com- pared with Expenditure under the' special heads specified above, £13,569.3.3,
C The Departments of the Chief Magistrate and of the Sheriff, amounting respectively to £5,503.7.0 and £1,500.0.0, are not included in the Payments.
FRED. FORTH, Treasurer.
$20 August, 1857.
It is hereby notified, that the usual Licenses for the Privileges of Weighing Salt and Quarrying Stone throughout the Island, will be put up to Public Auction on Thursday, the 3d September next, at 1 P.M., at the Chief Magis-
Ve's Office.
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 29th August, 1857.
Morst 29, 1857.]
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
Diplomatic Department.
His Excellency Her Britannic Majesty's Chief Superintendent of Trade, &c., &c., is pleased to direct that the joined Notification, by the Siamese Minister for Foreign Affairs, of certain Regulations for the Port of Bangkok, published for general information.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 27th August, 1857.
-ES, -elary.
Notification of His Excellency Chau Phya Rawewongsa Maha Kosa Thibodi, Minister for Foreign Affairs, to the Merchants of every in, Race, and Language, who visit Bangkok to trade.
BE IT KNOWN TO ALL, I have consulted with H. B. M. Consul, the U. S. Consul, and the Portuguese Consul, who is also Acting sul for France, on the following topics: At the present day many more Merchant vessels come to Bangkok to trade than formerly. Ter throw their Ballast, Stone, Sand, and Earth, into the Bed of the River. Ere long the River will become shallow, and the Channel will
structed, so that it will be difficult for Merchant ships, and trading vessels to come in and go out.
Seamen, Lascars, and others of the Ships' Crews also go on Shore, wandering about on the Sabbath, and during the day. At night and through with their work, they wander about, drink liquor to intoxication, and quarrel with the Citizens, Seamen, Lascars, and others the Ships' Crew: `n some instances they have cut and stabbed people to death, and difficulties have originated frequently. The three ols are aware of all these facts, and have consented that we should notify the Foreign Merchant Vessels coming here to trade, under ser control, as well as the vessels that are under the control of the Siamese, that they are henceforth forbid throwing Ballast, Stone, Sand, and Earth, in any distance near the Bar within 7 fathoms deep, and any where in the Bed of the River. If Ballast, Stone, Sand, and Earth, *to be discharged, report to the Consuls, or to the Siamese authorities, that they may designate a place, after which it may be discharged. Captains and Masters of vessels disobey this Proclamation, and persist in throwing their Ballast within the prescribed limits, they shall be ined from 80 to 200 Ticals, according to the nature of their offence: for a slight offence they will be fined 80 Ticals, for a grave
fence they will be fined as high as 200 Ticals.
Let Captains and Masters of vessels prohibit their Seamen, Lascars, and others of their Crew, having weapons and knives, and going Shore, except on business, or to purchase Food, and then let them be in charge of a responsible Officer. If Captains and Masters of tels do not prohibit their Seamen, Lascars, and others of their Crew, but allow them to wander about on Shore, the Officers whose cess it is will seize and deliver them to their Consuls. The Consuls will punish them, and the case will be reported to His Siamese Majesty.
His Gracious Majesty Phra Bard Somdetch Boromanat Bophit Phra Chaum Klau, Chau yu Hua, the First King of Siam, has been rised of these Regulations, and the Royal Order has been issued: Whereas Foreign Merchant vessels have been prohibited, these must the Regulations of the Realm. Therefore Ships belonging to this Capital, Royal Ships, and the Ships of the Farmers, that trade in eign Ports, and all vessels having Ballast, ought to be, and are hereby equally forbidden. If they disobey these Regulations, and
in throwing their Ballast in any distance near the Bar, within 7 fathoms deep, or any where in the Bed of the River, the Captaius, Masters of said vessels shall be similarly fined. A part of the fine must be given to the informer, and the remainder shall belong to The Realm, and must be delivered over to the Royal Treasury. Let all Traders know these Regulations and obey them in every particular. This Notification is given, Monday, 2d of the waxing of the 7th month, in the year of the Minor Serpent, 9th of the decade, and * of the Reign of our Sovereign.
Bangkok, June 8th, 1857.
£ s. d.
True Copy,
GEO. S. Morrison.
-27 16 0
10 0 0 17 10 0 17 10 0 12
0 0
12 0 በ
17 10 0
17 10 0
17 10 0
4 3 4
11 12
0 0
0 0
15 0
9 9
10 10 10
-néral has -n the 1st
day, and ore of the
Next GENERAL MAILS, per One of the HE next SESSIONS of the SUPREME COURT,' COURT, will be held on MONDAY, the 31st
PENINSULAR & Oriental SteaM NAVIGATION PANY'S STEAM-SHIPS, will close on WEDNES | *V the 9th September next, at 6 o'clock P.M.
Val SuPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up
following morning. LETTERS received from wil o'clock A.M., for a late fee of 6d. ; and from
*.. to 12 o'clock P.M., for a late fee of 1s. Letters posted between the hours of 11 and Half- p«: (2 o'clock must be prepaid.
Bgkong, 26th August, 1857.
in its SUMMARY JURISDICTION, will be held on FRIDAY, the 4th day of September, A.D. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon.
By Order of the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON,
Acting Registrar.
"AVING received an intimation from the Trea- sury, that a LIST of ARREARS OF RENT due to the Crown will be placed in my hands for collection: I, the undersigned, hereby give Notice to all Parties in Arrear, that Legal Proceedings will be taken to recover the same, without any further intimation from me.
Crown Solicitor.
Dated 26th August, 1857.
Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and T
will leave this for the above Places, on
HURSDAY, the 10th of September, at 2 P.M.
CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., * de 8ih; SPECIE until Nooh on the 9th, and
**RCELS until 2 P.M. on the 9th.
For Particulars regarding FRRIGHT and PASSAGE, #y at the Peninsular & Ŏriental Steam Navigation
jay Office, Hongkong.
A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value Packages for the Overland Route is required
*** Fgyptian Government, and must be delivered
Shipper to the Company's Agents with the
Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do themselves responsible for any Detention or
de which may happen from incorrectness on
**a declaration.
Peninsular & Oriental,
Navigation Company's Office, Hagkong, 26th August, 1857.
各欠地稅之人名單一紙如是單 現奉公庫司諭云將來附本狀師
(instead of Tuesday, the 25th) day of August, A.E. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon.
By Order of the Court,
Acting Registrar.
In the Estate of the late Dr. WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased.
OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay-
ment to
Hongkong, 29th August, 1057,
LALL KHAN, Police Constable,
SAMUEL JARRETT, Police Constable, THOS. MURPHY, Police Constable, ́OTICE,-All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the Official AdminI- STRATOR, before the 24th day of February, A.D. 1858, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division.
All persons indebted to the above Estates, are re- quested to make immediate payment to
Acting Registrar-Official Administrator,
E Partnership heretofore subsisting between CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, and JOHN
BUTT, as General and Commission: Merchants at Canton, under the Firm of BATESON, BUTT & Co., is dissolved by mutual consent, (as advertised in the London Gos:lle, dated June 16th, 1857.)
The Affairs of the late Partnership will be wound
up by CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, who will sign the firm in Liquidation.
Macao, 18th August, 1837.
"est of the Mr H. J.
he under- TMANN
charge of
ient from admitted er in our
& Co.
Is on the
ard parti- IELOW;
2, are re-
cof, to the
VOL. III. No. 114.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PHOCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.
No. 132.
1836 May 1
. JAMES death on
our Firm
■ Partner
& Co.
The following Account, rendered by the Trustees of St John's Cathedral for the Year ending April last, is published for general information, in accordance with Paragraph 16 of Ordinancę No. 2 of 1847.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victória, Hongkong, 2d September, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
THE TRUSTEES of ST JOHN'S CATHEDRAL in Account Current with R. C. ANTROBUS, Treasurer.
To Balance due for Singing expenses,.
$69.86 May 1 By Balance of last account,
ngkong. Thirty-siz
nder, One nia--Ons-
1857 February 3 April
Repairs and erection of new Out-house,...................... Clerk's Salary, for 12 Months,
144.17 178.27
1857 January 1
Seat rents for year 1856-57, collected to date,
per List,..
Wages of Two Coolies, for 12 Months....
Bread and Wine, for 12 Months, ............... Candles and Washing, &c., &c.,...................................
" Repairs to Organ, ..
Printing expenses,.....
Balance in favor of Trustees,.......
$1,217,11 || April 11 | By Balance brought down,
Hongkong, 11th April, 1857.
R. C. ANTROBUS, Trustee and Treasurer to Body of Trustçes.
This account examined and compared with Vouchers and found correct.
GEO. LYALL, Auditor.
Auditor on the part of the Government.
No. 133.
The Public Service having experienced great inconvenience in consequence of Government Servants vacating their Appointments without informing their Superordinates of such intention: Notice is hereby given, that from aid after this date, every person entering the Colonial Service will be understood to have done so subject to the condition of his not resigning his Office without giving One clear Month's notice in Writing of such proposed resignation.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 3d September, 1857.
Ao. 184.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
The subjoined Return of the Land Sale held on the 1st Instant, is published for general information.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th September, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
"est of the Mr H. J.
he under- TMANN
charge of
ient from admitted er in our
& Co.
Is on the
ard parti- IELOW;
2, are re-
cof, to the
VOL. III. No. 114.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PHOCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.
No. 132.
1836 May 1
. JAMES death on
our Firm
■ Partner
& Co.
The following Account, rendered by the Trustees of St John's Cathedral for the Year ending April last, is published for general information, in accordance with Paragraph 16 of Ordinancę No. 2 of 1847.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victória, Hongkong, 2d September, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
THE TRUSTEES of ST JOHN'S CATHEDRAL in Account Current with R. C. ANTROBUS, Treasurer.
To Balance due for Singing expenses,.
$69.86 May 1 By Balance of last account,
ngkong. Thirty-siz
nder, One nia--Ons-
1857 February 3 April
Repairs and erection of new Out-house,...................... Clerk's Salary, for 12 Months,
144.17 178.27
1857 January 1
Seat rents for year 1856-57, collected to date,
per List,..
Wages of Two Coolies, for 12 Months....
Bread and Wine, for 12 Months, ............... Candles and Washing, &c., &c.,...................................
" Repairs to Organ, ..
Printing expenses,.....
Balance in favor of Trustees,.......
$1,217,11 || April 11 | By Balance brought down,
Hongkong, 11th April, 1857.
R. C. ANTROBUS, Trustee and Treasurer to Body of Trustçes.
This account examined and compared with Vouchers and found correct.
GEO. LYALL, Auditor.
Auditor on the part of the Government.
No. 133.
The Public Service having experienced great inconvenience in consequence of Government Servants vacating their Appointments without informing their Superordinates of such intention: Notice is hereby given, that from aid after this date, every person entering the Colonial Service will be understood to have done so subject to the condition of his not resigning his Office without giving One clear Month's notice in Writing of such proposed resignation.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 3d September, 1857.
Ao. 184.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
The subjoined Return of the Land Sale held on the 1st Instant, is published for general information.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th September, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
[SEPTEMBER 5, 1857.
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
ABSTRACT OF LAND SALE, held on the 1st September, 1857.
1150∞NÓS ET A CO 10 1
F. Genachr,
T. L. Walker,
Achee Choy, Achee Choy, T. L. Walker,
T. L. Walker,
T. L. Walker, for H. R. Hardie, ... T. L. Walker, for W. T. Bridges, Messrs Dent & Co.,
T. L. Walker, for G. Duddell, Cheong Assow, for J. M. d' Almada, Cheong Assow, for G. Duddell,
32 16 2
3 6
17 10
17 10
8 12
7 6
5 8
5 2
21 15 4
£163 10 7
CHAS. ST GEO. CLEVERLY, Surveyor General.
No. 135.
Notice is hereby given, that the Stone Quarrying Farm will be discontinued for the ensuing Twelve Months. All Persons desirous of procuring Stone from the Crown Lands must obtain previous Permission in Writnig from the Surveyor General.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 5th September, 1857.
No. 37.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Diplomatic Department.
Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of Trade, &c., &c., has received, from H.M. Consul at Bangkok, copy of a Notification by the Siamese Authorities, fixing the Value and Conditions of Circulation of the Dollar in that country, of which His Excellency directs the subjoined translation to be published for generat information.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 29th August, 1857.
With reference to a printed Notification issued some time since, enjoining the Nobles, both of high and low rank, the Authorities of Towns, and the People, to use Dollars in buying and selling with one another, by which means the loss of time (which could otherwise be employed in business) occasioned by the necessity of changing them into Ticals might be obviated, and advantages result to both sides: è Again, as regards the Decree, contained in the printed Notification circulated some time since, stating that 3 Dollars should be reckoned as equal to 5 Ticals, 24 Dollars to 40 Ticals, and 48 Dollars to 80 Ticals,—the British and American Consuls and a large body of the Merchants have represented to Chow Phya Rawiwongsa Mala Kosa Thibodi, that the Siamese Traders, who bring produce for såle, will not receive Dollars in payment in accordance with that decree, but want Ticals, and will not credit the notification: Their Excellencies the Ministers, "having consulted together, considered that the reason the people will not receive Doilars and use them, was, that they are unable to distinguish good Doliars from false. Then, therefore, they (the Ministers) ordered the Officers of the Royal Treasury to burn and test the Dollars, and, should they be found good, to stamp them with the Seal of the Kingdom, the same as is used for stamping the Ticals. This will shew that such money has passed through the Treasury, has been tested by the Officers of the Treasmy, and is good If the merchants and people see the impression of the Seal (with which Ticals are stamped) on the Dollars, let them receive and use them, lct there be no mistrust that the money is not good, but let them be used at the rate of 3 dollars to 5 Ticals. For reckoning a lesser amount, Dollar is equivalent to 1 Tical 2 Salungs 6 hun 6 Le 6 Se. The use of Cowries cannot be regulated, as they are
It is therefore decreed that,— constanly changing in value.
1 Dollar is equal to,
1 Ticals
2 Salungs
80 " 100 "
1 Fuang
1 Phai.
Let the merchants and people reckon money according to this; and if the amount is larger, then let them still reckon according to this rule. If the merchants and people see the Royal Seal on the Dollars, the same as is on Ticals, let them receive and use them the same as Ticals. Every day, at present, in the Royal Treasury, Dollars are used in State business, and this year, Salaries will be paid in Dollars. If the circulation of Dollars becomes general in the country, much advantage will result to both sides in commercial transactions, and the loss of time occasioned by the search for Ticals will be obviated.
This Notification was issued on Friday, 3d day of waxing moon of 9th month, year of the Minor Serpent, year of the Era 1219, (24th July, 1857,)
A True Translation
True Copy,
[SEPTEMBER 5, 1857.
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
ABSTRACT OF LAND SALE, held on the 1st September, 1857.
1150∞NÓS ET A CO 10 1
F. Genachr,
T. L. Walker,
Achee Choy, Achee Choy, T. L. Walker,
T. L. Walker,
T. L. Walker, for H. R. Hardie, ... T. L. Walker, for W. T. Bridges, Messrs Dent & Co.,
T. L. Walker, for G. Duddell, Cheong Assow, for J. M. d' Almada, Cheong Assow, for G. Duddell,
32 16 2
3 6
17 10
17 10
8 12
7 6
5 8
5 2
21 15 4
£163 10 7
CHAS. ST GEO. CLEVERLY, Surveyor General.
No. 135.
Notice is hereby given, that the Stone Quarrying Farm will be discontinued for the ensuing Twelve Months. All Persons desirous of procuring Stone from the Crown Lands must obtain previous Permission in Writnig from the Surveyor General.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 5th September, 1857.
No. 37.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Diplomatic Department.
Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of Trade, &c., &c., has received, from H.M. Consul at Bangkok, copy of a Notification by the Siamese Authorities, fixing the Value and Conditions of Circulation of the Dollar in that country, of which His Excellency directs the subjoined translation to be published for generat information.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 29th August, 1857.
With reference to a printed Notification issued some time since, enjoining the Nobles, both of high and low rank, the Authorities of Towns, and the People, to use Dollars in buying and selling with one another, by which means the loss of time (which could otherwise be employed in business) occasioned by the necessity of changing them into Ticals might be obviated, and advantages result to both sides: è Again, as regards the Decree, contained in the printed Notification circulated some time since, stating that 3 Dollars should be reckoned as equal to 5 Ticals, 24 Dollars to 40 Ticals, and 48 Dollars to 80 Ticals,—the British and American Consuls and a large body of the Merchants have represented to Chow Phya Rawiwongsa Mala Kosa Thibodi, that the Siamese Traders, who bring produce for såle, will not receive Dollars in payment in accordance with that decree, but want Ticals, and will not credit the notification: Their Excellencies the Ministers, "having consulted together, considered that the reason the people will not receive Doilars and use them, was, that they are unable to distinguish good Doliars from false. Then, therefore, they (the Ministers) ordered the Officers of the Royal Treasury to burn and test the Dollars, and, should they be found good, to stamp them with the Seal of the Kingdom, the same as is used for stamping the Ticals. This will shew that such money has passed through the Treasury, has been tested by the Officers of the Treasmy, and is good If the merchants and people see the impression of the Seal (with which Ticals are stamped) on the Dollars, let them receive and use them, lct there be no mistrust that the money is not good, but let them be used at the rate of 3 dollars to 5 Ticals. For reckoning a lesser amount, Dollar is equivalent to 1 Tical 2 Salungs 6 hun 6 Le 6 Se. The use of Cowries cannot be regulated, as they are
It is therefore decreed that,— constanly changing in value.
1 Dollar is equal to,
1 Ticals
2 Salungs
80 " 100 "
1 Fuang
1 Phai.
Let the merchants and people reckon money according to this; and if the amount is larger, then let them still reckon according to this rule. If the merchants and people see the Royal Seal on the Dollars, the same as is on Ticals, let them receive and use them the same as Ticals. Every day, at present, in the Royal Treasury, Dollars are used in State business, and this year, Salaries will be paid in Dollars. If the circulation of Dollars becomes general in the country, much advantage will result to both sides in commercial transactions, and the loss of time occasioned by the search for Ticals will be obviated.
This Notification was issued on Friday, 3d day of waxing moon of 9th month, year of the Minor Serpent, year of the Era 1219, (24th July, 1857,)
A True Translation
True Copy,
VOL. III. No. 115.
The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that
“THE HONGkong goveRNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855.
W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.-
No. 136.
The following Return of Notes in Circulation and Specie in Reserve at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, is published for general information.
By Order,
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th September, 1857.
Account of the average Amount of Notes in Circulation at the_Bank_of_the_Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, for the Month
ending 31st August, 1857, rendered in accordance with the Terms of Her Majesty's Royal Charter of Incorporation.
NOTES ISSUED,................................$358,794. SPECIE IN reserve,
P. CAMPBELL, Manager.
Oriental Bank Corporation, Hongkong, lat September, 1857.
I impected this day the Books and Treasure of the Oriental Bank Corporation, and hereby certify that I found the necessary Amount
of Specie as required by the Royal Charter.
J. A. CARVALHO, Accountant.
Victoria, Hongkong, 4th September, 1857.
No. 137.
Colonial Treasurer.
The Police Rate Assessment for the Year 1858, having to be made in the Last Quarter of the Current Year, Two Assessors of such Rate will be appointed previous to the First of October. Gentlemen desirous of acting as Assessors, are requested to forward their Applications in Writing to this Office, before the 20th instant,
By Order,
Acting Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 8th September, 1857.
No. 138.
It is hereby notified, that Her Most Gracious Majesty The QUEEN has been pleased to approve and confirm the Appointment of The Honourable WILLIAM THOMAS BRIDGES, Esquire, D.C.L., Acting Colonial Secretary, to a Seat in the Executive and Legislative Councils of this Colony, during the absence of W. T. MERCER, Esquire, Colonial Secretary.
By Order,
Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 11th September, 1857.
W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.
The Hongkong - Government Gazettę.
[SEPTEMBER 12, 1857.
Repeal of Ordinance No. 2 of 1854.
An Inspector of
His duties, and As- sistants.
No. of 1857.
By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong.
The Market Ordinance, 1857.
Be it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
I. Ordinance No. 2 of 1854 is hereby repealed.
II. There shall be from time to time appointed by His Excellency, some proper Person to hold the Markets to be appoint- Office of Inspector of Markets during His Excellency's pleasure, at such Salary (not exceeding the Monthly Sum of One Hundred and Twenty Dollars,) as His Excellency in Council shall from time to time determine. III. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, all Markets, now or hereafter to be established, and all Buildings or Places wherein the same are or shall be holden, shall be under the immediate Superin- tendence of the said Inspector of Markets, (without prejudice nevertheless to any Jurisdiction or Authority now or hereafter to be vested in any other Servant of the Crown within this Colony); and the said Inspector shall be charged with the duty of enforcing this Ordinance, and also such By-Laws as shall from time to time be issued by His Excellency in Council respecting such Markets and Buildings, or Places wherein the same are or shall be bolden, under the Powers in that behalf given or created by this Ordinance; and also of receiving and enforcing payment of the Rents, Taxes, and Fees, hereinafter-mentioned; and he shall be aided and assisted in the premises by such Clerks or other Subordinates, and at such Salaries, as His said Excellency in Council shall determine.
Governor in Council
IV. His Excellency in Council shall also be empowered from time to time to establish any New empowered to establish Market or Markets, or to close any Market or Markets, which may be established under the provisions of and close Markets, and to make Regulations
this Ordinance within the district of Victoria, as defined by Government Notification No. 69 of 1857, and By-Laws.
published under the provisions of the Seventh Section of Ordinance No. 6 of 1857, and to make such Regulations for the letting of Houses, Shops, Stalls, or Standings therein, and the Durations and Conditions of such lettings, and the Rents to be received for the same, and also such By-Laws for the good govern- ment of the said Markets, the repression or prevention of Disorder therein, and the protection of the traffic thereof, as to His Excellency in Council shall seem meet: yet so as that no such Regulations or By- Laws shall be contrary to this Ordinance, or capable of being enforced until the same shall have been once at least published in the Hongkong Government Gazette, and posted in the Markets, and in conspicuous places, in Chinese characters, for the space of Seven Days; and alt such Regulations and By-Laws when so published and posted shall be Law, and shall to all intents and purposes have the same force and effect as if they had been enacted by a special Ordinance of the Legislative Council in that behalf. No Market to be deemed established till
V. No Market shall be deemed to be established, until after Notification made by His said Excellency notified in the Gazette. in Council, in the Hongkong Government Gazette, that the same is so established and open for public use.
VI. Existing Markets may
His Excellency in Council may Lawfully cause to be closed any Market now in use under the be closed on making said repealed Ordinance, upon first making Compensation (if any such be due) for the closing thereof; which Compensation either Compensation, and the amount thereof, shall be settled either by Arbitration or by the Verdict of a Jury as by Arbitration or by the Person claiming the same shall think fit; and if such Person desire to have the same settled by Arbitra- the Verdict of a Jury tion, it shall be so settled in the manner and by the ways and means provided by the "Lands Clauses Con- 8 & 9 Vict cap. 18.
-solidation Act 1845," Sections Twenty-five to Thirty-seven, both inclusive, so far as the same are consistent with the Laws and applicable to the Local Circumstances of this Colony; the several Provisions of which said several Sections of the said Act are hereby (so far as aforesaid) for the purposes of this Section incor- porated with this Ordinance; or if the Person claiming such Compensation as aforesaid desires to have such question settled by a Jury, it shall be so settled in the manner and by the ways and means provided by the said "Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845," Sections Thirty-eight, to Fifty-eight, both inclusive, except so far as the said Sections are inconsistent with the Laws of this Colony, touching the Constitution of Juries, the number and Qualifications of the Jurors thereof, and the mode of impanelling the same: the several Provisions of which said several last mentioned Sections of the said Act are hereby (except as last aforesaid) for the purposes of this Section incorporated with this Ordinance.
VII. After the expiration of Ten Days from the establishment of any Market, and the Notification thereof as aforesaid, no Market shall be opened or kept open except under the provisions of this Ordinance; and every Market which shall be opened or kept open otherwise than under the provisions of this Ordinance, shall, together with the Building or Buildings (if any) wherein the same shall happen to be holden, be deemed a common Nuisance. Provided always that his Excellency in Council may, and is hereby empowered, to suspend the operation of this Section with respect to any Market now existing, and which it may be deemed expedient to continue or keep open after the passing of this Ordinance.
Prohibition of other Markets.
Certain marketable-
out of Market.
VIII. Licensed Hawkers may lawfully hawk for sale any Green Vegetables or Fruit, Bean Curds, Articles may be sold Congee, and Soup, and Boatmen may lawfully sell any Fresh Fish from their Boats to the Crews or Occupants of other Boats or Vessels; provided that such Sales take place at a distance from the Shore of at least Three Hundred Feet; neither shall this Ordinance prevent any Person from selling on his own Premises any Bread, Milk, Confectionary, or Salt Fish, (provided that such Salt Fish be sold in quantities not less at any one time than the weight of one Picul,) nor (if a Licensed Victualler or a Keeper of a Boarding, Eating, or Coffee House, or Cook Shop) from supplying any Cooked provisions to a Customer.
IX. All Persons soever within the said District of Victoria or the Harbour thereof (except in the marketable Articles out cases specified in Section. Eight) are hereby forbidden to sell or expose for sale in any place soever, not of Market prohibited. being a Public Market within the caning of this Ordinance, any articles of Food for man usually sold or expo ed for sale in a Public Market. Provided always that nothing in this Ördinance contained shall apply to the sale of Rice.
All other sules of
Sales in Markets to X. No.Sales within any Market shall take place but in a Stall or in a Shop; and such Stalls and Shops, take place in Stalls or and the Rooms or Dwelling Houses over or adjoining such Shops, shall be constructed of such dimensions Shops. Stalls and and desigus. and of such materials, as the Surveyor General shall direct, subject to the approval of His Shops how to be con- structed.
Excellency in Council.
Underletting forbid-
XI. No Lessee or Renter of a Stall, or of a Shop or House, within any Market, shall underlet or assign the same, or any part thereof, without a written License of His said Excellency in Council. Wliolesale Depots to
XII. In every Market to be established under this Ordinance, there shall be set apart Two Lan or be provided in eacli Entrepots for the sale and purchase by Wholesale of Swine, Fish, Fowl (whether alive or dead), Vegetables and Fruit, in which the Retail Dealers in such articles having Stalls or Shops in such Market may purchase
€ 2
SEPTEMBER 12, 1857.]
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The Hongkong Government Gazettą.
upplies of the same; (and such Lan or Entrepots, and the Persons frequenting or using the same, shall regulated and governed by such By-Laws and Rules as shall from time to time be made in that behalf in said Excellency in Council;) and no Person shall be allowed to vend any Articles in any such Lan or pot as a Wholesale Trader or Dealer therein, except under such License as shall be ordered by His Excellency in Council, who is hereby empowered from time to time to grant such Licenses as aforesaid, and make such Regulations for the Duration or Conditions thereof, and the Fees or Taxes to be imposed exvied for the same; and such Licenses shall not be transferable or assignable, but a License shall be
ted to every approved applicant for whom there may be accommodation.
XII. His said Excellency in Council is further empowered to grant unto any Person or Persons, in A manner, for such Consideration or Rent, upon such Conditions, and for such Period, as shall be from tle.
to time ascertained and fixed by any Regulations to be made by His said Excellency in Council for st purpose, the sole Privilege of Slaughtering Cattle for the supply of the said Markets, or for the supply
Slaughtering of Cat-
Erection or adap-
y one residing in the said District of Victoria;, and there shall be erected or adapred, either by the tation of Slaughter- ernment or by such Grantee or Grantees as last aforesaid, at his or their own Costs and Expenses, upon houses. ach Site or Sites as His said Excellency in Council shall determine, all proper Buildings, for the Slaughter- of Cattle; and every such Erection or Adaptation shall be commenced, finished, and made ready for he use, according to a Plan which shall be approved by the Surveyor General in that behalf'; and when ime shall have been so finished and made ready for Public use, notice thereof shall be given in the Berlong Government Gazette, and by Handbills in the Chinese Language posted in conspicuous places.
Slaughtering else.
XIV. After the expiration of Ten Days from the said last mentioned notice, no Person resident within the said District of Victoria shall slaughter any Cattle, or dress any Carcass for Sale as Food for Man, in where prohibited.
other place than the said Slaughter-houses or Buildings.
Every Grantee of the privilege of Slaughtering Cattle shall at all times, during such period of Tariff of Tolls for or Night as shall be from time to time determined by His Excellency in Council, allow any Person the use of Slaughter- ho shall first pay or tender unto him such Toll as in that behalf is provided by a Tariff of Tolls to be ing houses. ed by His said Excellency in Council, with powers to alter and vary the same from time to time) to ghter any Cattle, or Dress any Carcass for sale as Food for Man, within the said Slaughter-houses or
XVI. No Person shall keep, sell, or expose 'for Sale in, or bring into, any Market or Slaughter-house, Keeping or selling **r article of human Food which shall be in an unwholesome condition; or bring, lead, carry, or drive into, Food, or slaughtering keep or slaughter in any Slaughter-house, or permit to be so brought, led, carried, or driven thereto, Cattle in an unwhole lept or slaughtered therein, any Cattle which shall be in an Unwholesome Condition, or unfit for the food of Man.
some condition.
Keeping, selling, or feeding Cattle on un wholesome Fodder.
Inspector and As
sistants to have free
XVII. It is also forbidden to any Person to keep, sell, or expose for Sale in, or to bring into, any Market or Slaughter-house, any. Fodder being in an Unwholesome Condition, or unfit for the Food of Cattle
other Beasts, or to give, or allow to be given, any sucli Fodder to any Cattle in any Slaughter-house.
XVIII. For the performance of the several duties of the Inspector of Markets and his Assistants under * Ordinance, he and they, together or singly, shall have at all times free access to every part of every Market, and of every Stall and Building therein, and of every Slaughter-house; and shall have and exercise herein the functions of Officers of Police; and none shall presume to impede, obstruct, or resist him, them, ar any of them, in the performance of the said functions and duties respectively.
XIX. Except where otherwise by this Ordinance provided, it shall be unlawful for any Person soever Exaction of other demand or receive any Chattel, Money, or other valuable Thing as, or for, or under, pretence of a Fee, Fees, &c., than
, Toll, Rent, Stallage, or otherwise, for access or admission to, or buying, or selling, or slaughtering, Ordinance, to be Ex- provided under this any Market or Slaughter-house respectively.
XX. All Monies payable to the Crown under this Ordinance for Rents, Fees, or Taxes, shall be paid Application of Rents, ter by the Inspector into the Treasury, to the use of the Crown; and all Expenses incurred or to be and power to mortgage curred by this Government, in, about, or incident to, the execution of this Ordinance, shall be a primary Rents. large upon the same; and His Excellency in Council is hereby empowered to take up and borrow Money the purposes of this Ordinance, upon the Security and by anticipation of all Rents of Stalls, let or to be under the authority of this Ordinance, and to charge or mortgage the same for the repayment of Monies so taken up and borrowed.
XXI. Every such Mortgage, and (if transferred) every Transfer thereof, shall be by Deed, and may pectively be according to the Forms in Schedules B and C to "The Commissioners' Clauses Act, 1847," exed, or to the like effect: And the said Schedules, and also Sections Seventy-eight to Eighty-three chinclusive, shall be incorporated with this Ordinance, and shall apply to the said Markets, and be construed if the following Amendments had been made therein respectively, that is to say, the word "Governor, tead of the word “Commissioners;" the term "Officer having charge of the Land Office and Register of Deeds," instead of the term “Clerk to the Commissioners;" and the word " Rents," instead of the word * Rates."
Forms of deeds, &c. 10 & 11 Vick. o. 16.
XXII. All Violations or Disobediences of, or Defaults in compliance with, the Provisions of the Penalties for Offen- bertions of this Ordinance, next hereinafter specified, shall be heard and determined summarily under ces
dinance No. 10 of 1844, and on conviction of such Offences, the respective Offenders shall be sentenced pay the several Penalties, or in default of payment thereof, to suffer the several Terms of Imprisonment
ctively hereinafter specified.
1. Against Sections
1. For every Offence against Sections Seven, Eighteen, or Nineteen, a Fine not exceeding Two
Hundred Dollars, nor less than Twenty Dollars,-over and above the expenses (in cases of VII & XVIII & XIX. Nuisance under Section Seven) of abating and removing the same. Or Imprisonment for a term not exceeding Six Months nor less than One Month.
2. Against Sections
2. For every Offence against Sections Nine, Ten, or Twelve, a Fine not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars,
nor less than Ten Cents; or Imprisonment for a term not exceeding One Month or less than IX, X & XII. Twenty-four Hours.
3. Against Section
s or
of a
d or
3 For every Offence against Sections Eleven, Fourteen, or Fifteen, a Fine not exceeding One Hundred
Dollars, nor less than Ten Dollars; or Imprisonment for a term not exceeding Three Months XI, XIV & XV. or less than Ten Days.
-ops, ions
t or
4. Against Section.
4. For every Offence against Section Sixteen, a Fine, not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars, nor less
than Ten Dollars,-over and above the expenses of the removal of the Food or Cattle in question, XVI. and also (if the Court shall order the destruction thereof) the Expenses of such Destruction or Imprisonment for a term not exceeding Six Months or less than Ten Days.
5. Against Section
5. For every Offence against Section Seventeen, a Fine not exceeding Fifty Dollars, nor less than One
Dollar; or Imprisonment for a term not exceeding One Mouth or less than Twenty-four Houts. XVI. XXIII. Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall protect the Occupier of any such Stall or Shop, Saving as to Nui- * Grantee of the privilege of Slaughtering Cattle, from an Information or other Legal Proceedings for sauces.
any such he commenced either at the suit of the Crown up of any private Person.
Prevention of Cruel- ty to Animals.
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
[SEPTEMBER 12, 1857.
XXIV. Every Person who shall, from and after the passing of this Ordinance, cruelly Beat, Ill-treat Overdrive, Abuse, or Torture, or cause or procure to be cruelly beaten, ill-treated, overdriven, abused, tortured, any Animal, or shall convey, or carry, or cause to be conveyed, or carried, in or upon any Vehicle, Hurdle, or otherwise, any Animal, in such a manner or position as to subject such Animal to unnecessary pain or suffering, shall, for every such offence, Forfeit and Pay a Penalty not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars nor less than One Dollar; or in default of payment be imprisoned for a term not exceeding One Month less than Twenty-four Hours; and if any Person shall, by cruelly beating, ill-treating, overdriving, abusing, " torturing any Animal, do' any Damage or Injury to any Animal, or shall thereby cause any Damage or Injury to be done to any Person, or to any Property, every such Offender shall, on conviction of such Offence, pay to the Owner of such Animal (if the Offender be not the Owner thereof,) or to the Person who shal sustain Damage or Injury as aforesaid, such Sum by way of compensation, not exceeding the sum of Fifty Dollars, as shall be ascertained and determined by the Justice or Justices of the Peace by whom such Person shall have been convicted; or in default thereof, shall be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding One Month: Provided always, that the Payment of such Compensation, or any Imprisonment for the nonpayment thereof, shall not prevent, or in any manner affect, the Punishment to which such Person, or the Owner of such Animal, may be liable, for or in respect of the beating, ill-treating, or abusing of the said Animal: Provided also, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any Proceeding by action against such Offender, or the Employer of such Offender, where the Amount of Damage or Injury is not sought to be recovered! under this Ordinance; and all cases of Violations or Disobediences of, or Claims for Compensation, under the Provisions of this Section, shall be heard and determined summarily under Ordinance No. 10 of 1844. Compensation in XXV. If any Person shall be entitled to any Compensation in respect of any Lands or Buildings, or of eases not provided for any Interest therein, which shall have been taken for or injuriously affected by the Works necessary for the by Section VI, to be establishment of the said Markets and Slaughter-houses, or otherwise in the carrying out the provisions of allowed by Justices, this Ordinance, and for which satisfaction shall not have been made under the provisions of the Sixth Section of this Ordinance, and if the Compensation claimed in such case shall not exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, the same shall be settled by Two Justices of the Peace in the manner provided by the Twenty-fourth Section of the "Lands' Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," the several provisions of which Section of the said Act are hereby, for the purposes of this Section, incorporated with this Ordinance; and if the Compensatio claimed in such case shall exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, such Person may have the same settled either by Arbitration or by the Verdict of a Jury, as he shall think fit; and if such Person desire to have! the same settled by Arbitration, it shall be lawful for him to give Notice in Writing to the Colonial Secretary, or the Grantee or Grantees of the privilege of Slaughtering Cattle as aforesaid, as the case may be, of such his desire, stating in such Notice the Nature of the Interest in such Lands, in respect of which he claim Compensation, and the Amount of the Compensation so claimed thereon; and unless the Parties from whom such Compensation shall be claimed be willing to pay the amount of Compensation so claimed, and shall enter into a written Agreement for that purpose within Twenty-one Days after the receipt of any suc Notice from any Party so entitled, the same shall be settled by Arbitration in the manner hereintofort provided by the Sixth Section of this Ordinance; or if the Person so entitled as aforesaid desires to have such question of Compensation settled by Jury it shall be lawful for him to give Notice in Writing as aforesaid of such his desire, stating such particulars, as aforesaid, and unless the Parties from whom such Compensa tion shall be claimed be willing to pay the Amount of Compensation so claimed, and enter into a writte Agreement for that purpose, they shall, within Twenty-one Days after the receipt of such Notice, issu their Warrant to the Sheriff to Summon a Jury for settling the same, in the manner hereinbefore provided by Section Six; and in default thereof, they shall be liable to pay to the Person so entitled as aforesaid the Amount of Compensation so claimed, and the same may be recovered by him, with Costs, by Action in the Supreme Court.
Arbitrators, or a Jury, as the case may be.
8 & 9 Vict. cap. 18.
Moneys to be paid in Current Dollars.
XXVI. The word "Cattle" in this Ordinance shall include Ram, Ewe, Wether, Lamb, Goat, Kid, or Swine, but shall not include Horse, Ass, or Mule.
XXVII. All Sums of Money to be paid under, or by virtue of, this Ordinance, or any of its Provisions, whether for Rent, Tolls, Taxes, Fees, Fines, or otherwise, are to be paid in Current Dollars.
No. 38.
Diplomatic Department.
The undersigned having obtained Leave of Absence from his post, to proceed to Europe, His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING has been pleased, pending reference to Her Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to appoint GEORGE STAUNTON MORRISON, Esquire, to Officiate as Secretary and Registrar to Her Majesty's Plenipo- tentiary and Chief Superintendent of Trade in China.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th September, 1857.
In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased.
TOTICE is hereby given to the NEXT OF KIN,
and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against or CODICILS of the above Party that may be
the said Estate, will please to send them in in their possession, before the Supreme Court, on
for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the WEDNESDAY, the 16th day of September, 1857; said Estate, aro requested to make immediate pay- or, if none, that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION; failing which, Ad- ministration will be granted to the Registrar of the said Court.
By the Court,
In the mutter of the Estate of the late Mr RICHARD NEIL, of Victoria, deceased.
ment to
ADAM SCOTT, { or AND. S. DIXSON, J Hongkong, 29th August, 1857.
In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deccuscd. ́OTICE.-All Persons having Claims on the said Estate, are requested to forward parti- N° Estate, are requested to forward particulare culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELOW; of the same to Mr H. W. HYATT; and all Persons and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pay the | quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the respective amounts thereof to the said H, W.HYATT. | said JAMES W. BRIMELOW.
"OTICE.—All Persons having Claims on the said
Hongkong, 5th September, 1857.
· Executors.
Hongkong, 11th July, 1857,
ENDERS will be received at the Office of th undersigned, for an advance on BOTTOMRY
on the Chilian Ship “ ELOISA," until Noon of th Tenth of October proximo, for a sum not exceedir: TWELVE THOUSand Dollars, ($12,000.)
TORIBIO LAMBARRI, Consul for the Republic of Chil Hongkong, 4th September, 1857.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,—THAT THE Partnership heretofore subsisting hetween CHARLES EDWIN BATESON and JOHN BUTT, as General and Commission Merchants & & is by mutual consent, (as advertise Canton, under the Firm of BATESON, BUT!! & Co. is disolved bite, dated June 16th, 1357.)
The Affairs of the late #artnership will be wour! up by CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, who wi sign the firm in Liquidation.
BATESON, BUTT & Ca Macao, 18th August, 1857.
Prevention of Cruel- ty to Animals.
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
[SEPTEMBER 12, 1857.
XXIV. Every Person who shall, from and after the passing of this Ordinance, cruelly Beat, Ill-treat Overdrive, Abuse, or Torture, or cause or procure to be cruelly beaten, ill-treated, overdriven, abused, tortured, any Animal, or shall convey, or carry, or cause to be conveyed, or carried, in or upon any Vehicle, Hurdle, or otherwise, any Animal, in such a manner or position as to subject such Animal to unnecessary pain or suffering, shall, for every such offence, Forfeit and Pay a Penalty not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars nor less than One Dollar; or in default of payment be imprisoned for a term not exceeding One Month less than Twenty-four Hours; and if any Person shall, by cruelly beating, ill-treating, overdriving, abusing, " torturing any Animal, do' any Damage or Injury to any Animal, or shall thereby cause any Damage or Injury to be done to any Person, or to any Property, every such Offender shall, on conviction of such Offence, pay to the Owner of such Animal (if the Offender be not the Owner thereof,) or to the Person who shal sustain Damage or Injury as aforesaid, such Sum by way of compensation, not exceeding the sum of Fifty Dollars, as shall be ascertained and determined by the Justice or Justices of the Peace by whom such Person shall have been convicted; or in default thereof, shall be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding One Month: Provided always, that the Payment of such Compensation, or any Imprisonment for the nonpayment thereof, shall not prevent, or in any manner affect, the Punishment to which such Person, or the Owner of such Animal, may be liable, for or in respect of the beating, ill-treating, or abusing of the said Animal: Provided also, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any Proceeding by action against such Offender, or the Employer of such Offender, where the Amount of Damage or Injury is not sought to be recovered! under this Ordinance; and all cases of Violations or Disobediences of, or Claims for Compensation, under the Provisions of this Section, shall be heard and determined summarily under Ordinance No. 10 of 1844. Compensation in XXV. If any Person shall be entitled to any Compensation in respect of any Lands or Buildings, or of eases not provided for any Interest therein, which shall have been taken for or injuriously affected by the Works necessary for the by Section VI, to be establishment of the said Markets and Slaughter-houses, or otherwise in the carrying out the provisions of allowed by Justices, this Ordinance, and for which satisfaction shall not have been made under the provisions of the Sixth Section of this Ordinance, and if the Compensation claimed in such case shall not exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, the same shall be settled by Two Justices of the Peace in the manner provided by the Twenty-fourth Section of the "Lands' Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," the several provisions of which Section of the said Act are hereby, for the purposes of this Section, incorporated with this Ordinance; and if the Compensatio claimed in such case shall exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, such Person may have the same settled either by Arbitration or by the Verdict of a Jury, as he shall think fit; and if such Person desire to have! the same settled by Arbitration, it shall be lawful for him to give Notice in Writing to the Colonial Secretary, or the Grantee or Grantees of the privilege of Slaughtering Cattle as aforesaid, as the case may be, of such his desire, stating in such Notice the Nature of the Interest in such Lands, in respect of which he claim Compensation, and the Amount of the Compensation so claimed thereon; and unless the Parties from whom such Compensation shall be claimed be willing to pay the amount of Compensation so claimed, and shall enter into a written Agreement for that purpose within Twenty-one Days after the receipt of any suc Notice from any Party so entitled, the same shall be settled by Arbitration in the manner hereintofort provided by the Sixth Section of this Ordinance; or if the Person so entitled as aforesaid desires to have such question of Compensation settled by Jury it shall be lawful for him to give Notice in Writing as aforesaid of such his desire, stating such particulars, as aforesaid, and unless the Parties from whom such Compensa tion shall be claimed be willing to pay the Amount of Compensation so claimed, and enter into a writte Agreement for that purpose, they shall, within Twenty-one Days after the receipt of such Notice, issu their Warrant to the Sheriff to Summon a Jury for settling the same, in the manner hereinbefore provided by Section Six; and in default thereof, they shall be liable to pay to the Person so entitled as aforesaid the Amount of Compensation so claimed, and the same may be recovered by him, with Costs, by Action in the Supreme Court.
Arbitrators, or a Jury, as the case may be.
8 & 9 Vict. cap. 18.
Moneys to be paid in Current Dollars.
XXVI. The word "Cattle" in this Ordinance shall include Ram, Ewe, Wether, Lamb, Goat, Kid, or Swine, but shall not include Horse, Ass, or Mule.
XXVII. All Sums of Money to be paid under, or by virtue of, this Ordinance, or any of its Provisions, whether for Rent, Tolls, Taxes, Fees, Fines, or otherwise, are to be paid in Current Dollars.
No. 38.
Diplomatic Department.
The undersigned having obtained Leave of Absence from his post, to proceed to Europe, His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING has been pleased, pending reference to Her Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to appoint GEORGE STAUNTON MORRISON, Esquire, to Officiate as Secretary and Registrar to Her Majesty's Plenipo- tentiary and Chief Superintendent of Trade in China.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th September, 1857.
In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased.
TOTICE is hereby given to the NEXT OF KIN,
and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against or CODICILS of the above Party that may be
the said Estate, will please to send them in in their possession, before the Supreme Court, on
for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the WEDNESDAY, the 16th day of September, 1857; said Estate, aro requested to make immediate pay- or, if none, that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION; failing which, Ad- ministration will be granted to the Registrar of the said Court.
By the Court,
In the mutter of the Estate of the late Mr RICHARD NEIL, of Victoria, deceased.
ment to
ADAM SCOTT, { or AND. S. DIXSON, J Hongkong, 29th August, 1857.
In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deccuscd. ́OTICE.-All Persons having Claims on the said Estate, are requested to forward parti- N° Estate, are requested to forward particulare culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELOW; of the same to Mr H. W. HYATT; and all Persons and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pay the | quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the respective amounts thereof to the said H, W.HYATT. | said JAMES W. BRIMELOW.
"OTICE.—All Persons having Claims on the said
Hongkong, 5th September, 1857.
· Executors.
Hongkong, 11th July, 1857,
ENDERS will be received at the Office of th undersigned, for an advance on BOTTOMRY
on the Chilian Ship “ ELOISA," until Noon of th Tenth of October proximo, for a sum not exceedir: TWELVE THOUSand Dollars, ($12,000.)
TORIBIO LAMBARRI, Consul for the Republic of Chil Hongkong, 4th September, 1857.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,—THAT THE Partnership heretofore subsisting hetween CHARLES EDWIN BATESON and JOHN BUTT, as General and Commission Merchants & & is by mutual consent, (as advertise Canton, under the Firm of BATESON, BUT!! & Co. is disolved bite, dated June 16th, 1357.)
The Affairs of the late #artnership will be wour! up by CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, who wi sign the firm in Liquidation.
BATESON, BUTT & Ca Macao, 18th August, 1857.
Prevention of Cruel- ty to Animals.
The Hongkong Government Gazette.
[SEPTEMBER 12, 1857.
XXIV. Every Person who shall, from and after the passing of this Ordinance, cruelly Beat, Ill-treat Overdrive, Abuse, or Torture, or cause or procure to be cruelly beaten, ill-treated, overdriven, abused, tortured, any Animal, or shall convey, or carry, or cause to be conveyed, or carried, in or upon any Vehicle, Hurdle, or otherwise, any Animal, in such a manner or position as to subject such Animal to unnecessary pain or suffering, shall, for every such offence, Forfeit and Pay a Penalty not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars nor less than One Dollar; or in default of payment be imprisoned for a term not exceeding One Month less than Twenty-four Hours; and if any Person shall, by cruelly beating, ill-treating, overdriving, abusing, " torturing any Animal, do' any Damage or Injury to any Animal, or shall thereby cause any Damage or Injury to be done to any Person, or to any Property, every such Offender shall, on conviction of such Offence, pay to the Owner of such Animal (if the Offender be not the Owner thereof,) or to the Person who shal sustain Damage or Injury as aforesaid, such Sum by way of compensation, not exceeding the sum of Fifty Dollars, as shall be ascertained and determined by the Justice or Justices of the Peace by whom such Person shall have been convicted; or in default thereof, shall be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding One Month: Provided always, that the Payment of such Compensation, or any Imprisonment for the nonpayment thereof, shall not prevent, or in any manner affect, the Punishment to which such Person, or the Owner of such Animal, may be liable, for or in respect of the beating, ill-treating, or abusing of the said Animal: Provided also, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any Proceeding by action against such Offender, or the Employer of such Offender, where the Amount of Damage or Injury is not sought to be recovered! under this Ordinance; and all cases of Violations or Disobediences of, or Claims for Compensation, under the Provisions of this Section, shall be heard and determined summarily under Ordinance No. 10 of 1844. Compensation in XXV. If any Person shall be entitled to any Compensation in respect of any Lands or Buildings, or of eases not provided for any Interest therein, which shall have been taken for or injuriously affected by the Works necessary for the by Section VI, to be establishment of the said Markets and Slaughter-houses, or otherwise in the carrying out the provisions of allowed by Justices, this Ordinance, and for which satisfaction shall not have been made under the provisions of the Sixth Section of this Ordinance, and if the Compensation claimed in such case shall not exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, the same shall be settled by Two Justices of the Peace in the manner provided by the Twenty-fourth Section of the "Lands' Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," the several provisions of which Section of the said Act are hereby, for the purposes of this Section, incorporated with this Ordinance; and if the Compensatio claimed in such case shall exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, such Person may have the same settled either by Arbitration or by the Verdict of a Jury, as he shall think fit; and if such Person desire to have! the same settled by Arbitration, it shall be lawful for him to give Notice in Writing to the Colonial Secretary, or the Grantee or Grantees of the privilege of Slaughtering Cattle as aforesaid, as the case may be, of such his desire, stating in such Notice the Nature of the Interest in such Lands, in respect of which he claim Compensation, and the Amount of the Compensation so claimed thereon; and unless the Parties from whom such Compensation shall be claimed be willing to pay the amount of Compensation so claimed, and shall enter into a written Agreement for that purpose within Twenty-one Days after the receipt of any suc Notice from any Party so entitled, the same shall be settled by Arbitration in the manner hereintofort provided by the Sixth Section of this Ordinance; or if the Person so entitled as aforesaid desires to have such question of Compensation settled by Jury it shall be lawful for him to give Notice in Writing as aforesaid of such his desire, stating such particulars, as aforesaid, and unless the Parties from whom such Compensa tion shall be claimed be willing to pay the Amount of Compensation so claimed, and enter into a writte Agreement for that purpose, they shall, within Twenty-one Days after the receipt of such Notice, issu their Warrant to the Sheriff to Summon a Jury for settling the same, in the manner hereinbefore provided by Section Six; and in default thereof, they shall be liable to pay to the Person so entitled as aforesaid the Amount of Compensation so claimed, and the same may be recovered by him, with Costs, by Action in the Supreme Court.
Arbitrators, or a Jury, as the case may be.
8 & 9 Vict. cap. 18.
Moneys to be paid in Current Dollars.
XXVI. The word "Cattle" in this Ordinance shall include Ram, Ewe, Wether, Lamb, Goat, Kid, or Swine, but shall not include Horse, Ass, or Mule.
XXVII. All Sums of Money to be paid under, or by virtue of, this Ordinance, or any of its Provisions, whether for Rent, Tolls, Taxes, Fees, Fines, or otherwise, are to be paid in Current Dollars.
No. 38.
Diplomatic Department.
The undersigned having obtained Leave of Absence from his post, to proceed to Europe, His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING has been pleased, pending reference to Her Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to appoint GEORGE STAUNTON MORRISON, Esquire, to Officiate as Secretary and Registrar to Her Majesty's Plenipo- tentiary and Chief Superintendent of Trade in China.
By Order,
Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th September, 1857.
In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased.
TOTICE is hereby given to the NEXT OF KIN,
and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against or CODICILS of the above Party that may be
the said Estate, will please to send them in in their possession, before the Supreme Court, on
for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the WEDNESDAY, the 16th day of September, 1857; said Estate, aro requested to make immediate pay- or, if none, that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION; failing which, Ad- ministration will be granted to the Registrar of the said Court.
By the Court,
In the mutter of the Estate of the late Mr RICHARD NEIL, of Victoria, deceased.
ment to
ADAM SCOTT, { or AND. S. DIXSON, J Hongkong, 29th August, 1857.
In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deccuscd. ́OTICE.-All Persons having Claims on the said Estate, are requested to forward parti- N° Estate, are requested to forward particulare culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELOW; of the same to Mr H. W. HYATT; and all Persons and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pay the | quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the respective amounts thereof to the said H, W.HYATT. | said JAMES W. BRIMELOW.
"OTICE.—All Persons having Claims on the said
Hongkong, 5th September, 1857.
· Executors.
Hongkong, 11th July, 1857,
ENDERS will be received at the Office of th undersigned, for an advance on BOTTOMRY
on the Chilian Ship “ ELOISA," until Noon of th Tenth of October proximo, for a sum not exceedir: TWELVE THOUSand Dollars, ($12,000.)
TORIBIO LAMBARRI, Consul for the Republic of Chil Hongkong, 4th September, 1857.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,—THAT THE Partnership heretofore subsisting hetween CHARLES EDWIN BATESON and JOHN BUTT, as General and Commission Merchants & & is by mutual consent, (as advertise Canton, under the Firm of BATESON, BUT!! & Co. is disolved bite, dated June 16th, 1357.)
The Affairs of the late #artnership will be wour! up by CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, who wi sign the firm in Liquidation.
BATESON, BUTT & Ca Macao, 18th August, 1857.
Do" Iont! using.
imag Offe the s
of 1
om &
in, cr Anin nder. ?cove nder: 11. igs, or y for : ision 1 Sec: Hune ty-fou 'the Densat le sett : to 1: ecret: , of e cla ties fr ned, a any so einto! lave st afores a writt ce, is provide esaid on in t. SEPTEMBER 12, 1857.] T་: NOTICE. The Hongkong Government Gazettę. VIE Copartnership hitherto carrying on Business as MERCHANTS and Commission MerchantS aw and London, under the Firm of ORGAN, MCEWEN & Co., and in Singapore, pararia, and Manila, under the Firm of MCEWEN ▲ Co., was dissolved on the 30th April lust, by t of the Subscribers, the sole surviving Partners. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, for self, and as Attorney for CHARLES BANNATYNE FINDLAY, nd JOHN HARVEY. R. HODGE, } Witnesses. KsTurw Brown, asgow, 4th June, 1857. WITH Reference to the above Advertisement, the Subscribers beg to intimate, that the Pala Business of the late Firm of MCEWEN & Co. continue to be carried on by them, in conjunction ↳ Mr WILLIAM Martin, and Mr Robert V. CARAME, under the Firms of RICHARDSON, FINDLAY & Co., in London and Glasgow, and FINDLAY, RICHARDSON & Co., in Manila. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, + OFF MR MORESBY, Notary Public and Solicitor, FFICES removed to the first door West of the Oriental Bank, late the Offices of Mr H. J. TARRANT, Solicitor, &c. Hongkong. 3d August, 1857. NOTICE. Tighed, under the style of TRAUTMANN THE business hitherto carried on by the under- & Co., is hereby declared closed. All Outstanding Business will be taken charge of by Messrs HARKORT & Co. J. F. 11. TRAUTMANN. Shanghae, 30th June, 1857. WE NOTICE. E have removed ́our Establishment from Canton to SHANGHAɛ, and have admitted Mr J. F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our Firm from this day. Shanghae, 1st July, 1857. HARKORT & Co. NOTICE. IE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on for self, and as Attorney for CHARLES BANNATYNE FINDLAY. | the 2d of July. Casgow, 4th June, 1857. TITH reference to the above Advertisements, it is hereby intimated, that the Business here- pice carried on at Singapore and Bataria, under : Firm of MCEWEN & Co., is now carried on in annnces by the “ BORNEO COMPANY LI- VITED.-under the management, at Singapore, of Y: JOHN HARVEY, Managing Director of the Company in the East, and at Buturia of Mr * IN BLACK, who is authorized to sign for the 3 Company. ++ The ·BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED" tere also opened a Branch of their Business as GINTRAL MERCHANTS AND COMMISSION AGENTS - at Bangkok, in Siam, under the management of Mr SANUEL GILFILLAN, who is authorized to sign de the said Company, The Business of the “BORNEO COMPANY !!MITED" will, for the present, he managed in you, by Messrs RICHARDSON, FINDLAY SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. ON! NOTICE. the 1st instant we opened a Branch of our Firm at SHANGHAE. | A FOR SALE. 5 Few Copies of a NEW TEA TABLE, in Pamphlet form, shewing the COST OF TEA, with all CHARGES-(minus freight) as bought by the Picul for Tuels of Sycee or Dollars, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois, in England. Exchange from 4s. to 98.; Tea from 1 to 60 Taels or Dollars. Compiled by P. LOUREIRO of Shanghae. Price-$2 per Copy, if 10 Copies are taken. 3 do. do. 4 for a single Copy. ་ Apply to 5 THOMAS DICK, "China Muil" Office. Hongkong, 9th September, 1857. FOR SALE. YOMMERCIAL GUIDE, 4TH COM EDITION; William's DICTIONARY in the CANTUN DIALECT; also William's MAP OF CHINA, in ENGLISH and in CHINESE. Apply at the Rev. J. W. JOHNSON's, Gough Street, Hongkong. Hongkong, 20th May, 1857. FOR SALE. At the Office of the “ China Moil.” Forms MR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL is a Partner BLANEY FOOLS, WARTERPARTIES, in our Firm from the same date. FLETCHER & Co. Hongkong, 29th July, 1857. NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr OTTO HEINRICH FRAMHEIN, in our Firm, ceased on the 30th April last. THE China, 20th August, 1857. NOTICE. THE REISS & Co. WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LADING, SHIPPING ORDERS, COMPRADOR'S CHECK BOOKS, SHIPPING ARTICLES, and the newest form of SHIP'S BILL OF SALE. Also, SAILING DIRECTIONS for the RIVER MIN; And, A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA, with all CHARGES-Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold by 19th March, 1857. Partnership heretofore subsisting between the Pound Avoirdupois. BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the For the "BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED," | decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day John Harvey, of April, 1857. & Co. · Singapore, 31st July, 1857. Director. WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1837. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.- PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Coples, Thirty-sis Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, Ons Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-One» kalf of these charges for each Repetition. t, Kid, rovisic:: Lent. cellenc ffairs, Plenipo E. Office of OTTOM: Noon ci à ot excee D.) BARR lic of (- -THAT ng hetem and Tercha ON, BU s adver 1837.) Il be we N, who ▸ T&( : M POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. The Hongkong Government Gazettq. "AILS for BOMBAY, EUROPE, &c., per Steamer “CADIZ,” will close on the 23d instant, at 6 o'clock г.m. A SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up the following moning. LATTERS received from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M., for a late fee of Gd.; and from 11 a.m. to 12 o'clock P.M., for a late fee of 1s. Letters posted bet the home of 11 and lialf- past 12 o'clock musi be prepaid. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Master. Hongkong, 18th September, 1857. Steam for SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. HE PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGA- THE TION COMPANY'S Steam-ship "CADIZ,” Captain A. R. ALDHAM, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on THURSDAY, the 24th September, at 2 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 p.m., on the 22d; SPECIE until Noon on the 23d, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 23d. For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Öriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. · ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 18th September, 1857. In re CHARLES ALBERS, deceased. NOTICE. FR THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Mautner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo, MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, retired from our Firm. F. D. SYME & Co. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. N In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please send them in for liquidation; and all Partics indebted thereto, are requested to make immediate payment to JOHN WISE, Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. NOTICE. THE Copartnership hitherto carrying on Business TH as MERCHANTS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS in Glasgow and London, under the Firm of MORGAN, MCEWEN & Co., and in Singapore, Batavia, and Manila, under the Firm of MCEWEN & Co., was dissolved on the 30th April last, by consent of the Subscribers, the sole surviving Partners. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, for self, and as Attorney for CHARLES BANNATYNE FINDLAY, } Witnesses. and JOHN HARVEY. W. B. HODGE, MATTHEW BROWN, Glasgow, 4th June, 1857. [SEPTEMBER 19, 1857. NOTICE. On the 1st instant we opened a Branch of our Fi m at SHANGHAE. MR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL is a Partne in our Firm from the same date. FLETCHER & Co. Hongkong, 29th July, 1857. NOTICE. HE Interest and Responsibility of Mr OTTO HEINRICH FRAMHEIN, in our Firm, ceased on the 30th April last. China, 20th August, 1857. NOTICE. TH REISS & Co. HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. BOTTOMRY. received at the undersigned, for an advance on BOTTOMRY Tenth of October proximo, for a sum not exceeding on the Chilian Ship “ ELOISA,” until Noon of the TWELVE THOUsand Dollars, ($12,000.) TORIBIO LAMBARRI, Consul for the Republic of Chili. Hongkong, 4th September, 1857. In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr RICHARD NEIL, of Victoria, deccused. ́OTICE.—All Persons having Claims on the said. ITH Reference to the above Advertisement, W" Manila Business of the late Firm of MCEWEN & Co. the Subscribers beg to intimate, that the will continue to be carried on by them, in conjunctionNOTIC, are requested to forward particulars with Mr WILLIAM MARTIN, and Mr ROBERT V. GRAHAME, under the Firms of RICHARDSON, FINDLAY & Co., in London and Glasgow, and FINDLAY, RICHARDSON & Co., in Manila. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, for self, and as Attorney for CHARLES BANNATYNE FINDLAY. Glasgow, 4th June, 1857. W of the same to Mr H. W.,HYATT; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pay the respective amounts thereof to the said II. W. HYATT. H. W. HYATT, Executors. J. MURPHY, Hongkong, 5th September, 1857. } In the matter of the Estule of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deceased. Νο "ITII reference to the above Advertisements, it is hereby intimated, that the Business here- ́OTICE.—All Persons having Clains on the tofore carried on at Singapore and Batavia, under said Estate, are requested to forward parti- the Firm of MCEWEN & Co., is now carried on in these places by the "BORNEO COMPANY LI-culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELÓW; N OTICE is hereby given to the NEXT of Kin, | MITED,”—under the management, at Singapore, of / and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- 99 J. J. ALDRIDGE, J. B. ELLIOT, 99 " and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS or CODICILS of the above Parties that may be in their possession, before the Supreme Court, on THURSDAY, the 24th day of September, 1857; or, if none, that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION; failing which, Ad- ministration will be granted to the Registrar of the said Court. By the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. PUBLIC AUCTION, By Order of the Military Storekeeper, F the following GOODS; (ex Violet, Admiral, ft and Mooresport,, all more or less damaged by Sea Water, viz :— Marquees, P. 2,-Valises for do., 2,-Blankets, Single, 2; P. 66,-Feather Pillows, 2,--Rugs, P. 1, -Sheets, White Cotton, 2,-Waterproof, do., 3, -Cases, slip, Bed waterproof, 3,-Comforters, blue, 33, Jackets, hip, 1,-Greatcoats, privates, 7,— Sheets, waterproof, 5.-Beds, hair, 19, Gowns, Blue Serge, 12,-Striped Cotton do., 56,-Waist- coats, Blue Serge, 4,-Sheets, White Cotton, 9,— Casks, 3,-Shirts, White Cotton, 19,-Trowsers, White Cotton, 100,-Rug, P. 1,-Summer Frocks, 64,-Blankets, P. 1,-Empty Gun Cartridges, of sorts, 382,-Forms, printed, 264,-Mops, thrum, 90,-Covers, pack-saddle, 9,-Collars, breast, 2,- Neck, 7-Breechings, 2,-Back Bands, 6,-Breast Bands, 1-Bridles, 3-Straps, Saddle, 3,-Head Collars, 1,-Drag Ropes, pairs, 30,-Bazils Brown, 17,-White Serge, 4-yards, Web Girth, 2,— Thread Collar, 1b,-Hemp, 131b,--Pocket, tubes, 1, -Straps for do., 3, Tents, Circular, 2,- Valises for do., 67,--Bags, tent-pin, 27,-Blankets, Grey, 2, -Buckets, Leather, 1,--Covers, Blankets, water- proof, 2,-Squad Bags, 5,-Hogsheads Pale Ale, 5, Bbls., each 4-dozen of Pale Ale, bottled by Friend & Co., 19. The above named GOODS will be sold on the W. D. Premises, Queen's Road, late CROSBY'S, on TUESDAY, the 22d instant. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon. G. DUDDELL, Auctioncer. Hongkong, 19th September, 1857. Mr JOHN HARVEY, Managing Director of the said Company in the East, and at Batavia of Mr JOIN BLACK, who is authorized to sign for the said Company. The "BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED' have also opened a Branch of their Business as GENERAL MERCHANTS AND COMMISSION AGENTS at Bangkok, in Siam, under the management of Mr quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the said JAMES W. BRIMELOW. D. LAPRAIK, A. S. DIXSON, Erecutors, Hongkong, 11th July, 1857. In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. SAMUEL GILFILLAN, who is authorized to sign NO: for the said Company. ́OTICE.—All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please to send them in The Business of the "BORNEO COMPANY said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the LIMITED" will, for the present, he managed in Glasgow, by Messrs RICHARDSON, FINDLAY & Co. For the BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED,” JOHN HARVEY, Director. Singapore, 31st July, 1857. MR MORESBY, Notary Public and Solicitor, \FFICES removed to the first door West of the Oriental Bunk, late the Offices of Mr H. J. TARRANT, Solicitor, &c. Hongkong, 3d August, 1857. NOTICE. THE business hitherto carried on by the under- under the style of TRAUTMANN & Co., is hereby declared closed. All Outstanding Business will be taken charge of by Messrs HARKORT & Co. J. F. H. TRAUTMANN. Shanghae, 30th June, 1857. E NOTICE. E have removed our Establishment from Canton to SHANGHAE, and have admitted Mr J. F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our Firm from this day. Shanghae, 1st July, 1857. HARKORT & Co. NOTICE. HE Interest and Responsibility of Ma JAMES | SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW, Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. ment to ADAM SCOTT, or Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. FOR SALE. Executors. YOMMERCIAL GUIDE, 4TK EDITION; William's DICTIONARY in the CANTON DIALECT; also William's MAP OF CHINA, in ENGLISH and in CHINESE. Apply at the Rev. J. W. JoHNSON's, Gough Street, Hongkong. Hongkong, 20th May, 1857. BLA FOR SALE. At the Office of the “ China Mail,” LANK Forins of-POWERS OF ATTOR- NEY, WILLS, CHARTERPARTIES, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LADING, SHIPPING ORDERS, COMPRADOR'S CHECK BOOKS, SHIPPING ARTICLES, and the newest form of SHIP'S BILL OF SALE. Al30, SAILING DIRECTIONS for the RIVER MIN; And, A Table, showing the COST OF TEA, with all CHARGES-Tea, as bought by the Preul, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois. 19th March, 1857. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.- PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-six Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,-Five Lincs and under, Ons Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-One- half of these charges for each Repetition. in THE Inc TO Em. een ES lic, the lay Hongkong Government GAZETTE. the NEW SERIES. RY the ding kili. RD said ulars sons the ATT. TS. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 26TH SEPTEMBER, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. III. No. 117. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT gazettE" will, as before, be the only Official Organ for Proclamations, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. No. 39. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. MES ME- the parti- DW; e re- co the Diplomatic Department. Her Majesty's Consul at Shanghae having reported that the Light-Ship at the Entrance of the Yang-tsze-keang has been driven from her Moorings, and as some time must elapse before she can be replaced, His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary, &c., &c., is pleased to notify the above fact for the information of all concerned, in order that the needful precautions may be taken to prevent the disasters which, in consequence of the above accident, might befall Vessels entering the Port of Shanghae. · 75. B. gainst eu in othe = pay- ors. By Order, GEO. S. MORRISON. Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 21st September, 1857. No. 139. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The subjoined Order of Her Majesty in Council, passed on the 25th June, 1857, directing that, in all Prayers, Litanies, and Collects, for the Royal Family, the Words "The Prince Consort" be inserted instead of the Words "The Prince Albert," is published for general information and guidance. By Order, TION; ANTON and in Gough Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 24th September, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. CTOR- TIES, DING, . HECK newest MIN; with all sold by -kong.- Airty-six der, One 18-One. AT THE COURT AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE, The 25th day of June, 1857. Present: THE QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty IN COUNCIL. Whereas by the Act of Uniformity, which establisheth the Liturgy, and enacts, that no Form or Order of Common Prayer be openly used other than what is prescribed or appointed to be used in and by the said Book, it is notwithstanding provided, that in all those Prayers, Litanies, and Collects which do anywise relate to the King, Queen, or Royal Progeny, the Names be altered and changed from time to time, and fitted to the present Occasion, according to Direction of lawful Authority: Her Majesty was pleased this Day in Council to declare Her Royal Will and Pleasure, That in all the Prayers, Litanies, and Collects for the Royal Family the Words "The Prince Consort," be inserted instead of the Words "The Prince Albert.” And Her Majesty doth strictly charge and command, That no Edition of the Common Prayer be from henceforth printed but with this Amendment; and that in the meantime, till Copies of such Edition may be had, all Parsons, Vicars, and Curates within this Realm do *** (for the preventing of Mistakes) with the Pen, correct and amend all such Prayers in their Church Books, according to the foregoing Directions: And for the better Notice hereof, that this Order be forthwith printed and published, and sent to the several Parishes; and that the Right Reverend the Bishops do take care that Obedience be paid to the same accordingly. WM. L. BATHURST. 2 2 The Bonghong Government Gazette. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. [SEPTEMBER 26, 1857. To be sold by Public Auction, on the 1st October next, at 11 o'clock A.M., at the Central Market, a portion of the Land and Premises now attached thereto, fronting the Queen's Road, comprising Shops Nos. 218, 220, 221, 222, 316, 317, 319. Each Shop or Lot will be subject to the Land Rent not exceeding £1, 12s. 7d. per Annum. Possession can be given on the 14th Proximo. CHAS. ST GEO. CLEVERLY, By Order, 771 fo Surveyor General's Office, 18th September, 1857. Οι to 不 SE pa 丁 舖七瓻出月 Surveyor General. 1 زر 一千八百五十七 照 個地投十百百 百百百得 邊稅以四十 + 士不價 日九 十環 準過高上號號號八 八街 午每第第號市 已七 I 年 於 al af ຕ p EP 八九 月 初十 二九 FO NOTICE. 日特 示 E hire this day established at Shanghae, WE in China. 八磅得十間三二 第向 月十每 舖百百 二間點連十北 街 七個舖鐘地七二十 日司每當於號號號舖 交連年公八第第第第 NOTICE. NOTICE. under the same Style, a Branch of our Firm Copartnership hitherto carrying on Business THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr OTTO HE in as MERCHANTS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS Glasgow and London, under the Firm of MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to MORGAN, MCEWEN & Co., and in Singapore, sign our name per procuration from same date. Batavia, and Manila, under the Firm of McEWEN & Co., was dissolved on the 30th April last, by consent of the Subscribers, the sole surviving Partners. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, VAUCHER FRERES. Hongkong, 15th Angust, 1857. Να In the Estate of the late JOAO ANTONIO MARTINEZ, Native of Spain, deccased. ́OTICE.—All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate payment to MANOEL Dɛ SILVA, Executor appointed by the Supreme Court of Hongkong. Hongkong, 26th September, 1857. M' NOTICE. R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo. for self, and as Attorney for CHARLES BANNATYNE FINDLAY, and JOHN HARVEY. W. B. HODGE, MATTHEW GROWN, } Witnesses. Glasgow, 4th June, 1857. W" ITH Reference to the above Advertisement, the Subscribers beg to intimate, that the Manila Business of the late Firm of MCEWEN & Co. will continue to be carried on by them, in conjunction with Mr WILLIAM MARTIN, and Mr ROBERT V. GRAHAME, under the Firms of RICHARDSON, FINDLAY & Co., in London and Glasgow, and MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, FINDLAY, RICHARDSON & Co., in Manila. retired from our Firni. Amoy, 26th August. 1857. F. D. SYME & Co. MR MORESBY, Notary Public and Solicitor, FFICES removed to the first door West of the Oriental Bank, late the Offices of Mr H. J. TARRANT, Solicitor, &c. OFF Hongkong. 3d August, 1857. NOTICE. HE business hitherto carried on by the under- under of TRAUTMANN & Co., is hereby declared closed. All Outstanding Business will be taken charge of by Messrs HARKORT & Co. J. F. H. TRAUTMANN. Shanghae, 30th June, 1857. WE NOTICE. E have removed our Establishment from Canton to SHANGHAE, and have admitted Mr J. F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our Firm from this day. Shanghae, 1st July, 1857. THE HARKORT & Co. NOTICE. HE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. NOTICE. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, for self, and as Altorney for CHARLES BANNATYNE FINDLAY. Glasgow, 4th June, 1857. W ITH reference to the above Advertisements, it is hereby intimated, that the Business here- tofore carried on at Singapore and Batavia, under the Firm of MCEWEN & Co., is now carried on in these places by the "BORNEO COMPANY LI- MITED,”—under the management, at Singapore, of Mr JOHN HARVEY, Managing Director of the said Company in the East, and at Batavia of Mr JOHN BLACK, who is authorized to sign for the said Company. THEINRICH FRAMHEIN, in our Firm, ceased on the 30th April last. China, 20th August, 1857. NOTICE. REISS & Co. E Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. BOTTOMRY. TENDERS will be received at the Office of the undersigned, for an advance on BOTTOMRY Tenth of October proximo, for a sum not exceeding on the Chilian Ship “ ELOISA," until Noon of the TWELVE THOUsand Dollars, ($12,000.) TORIBIO LAMBARRI, Consul for the Republic of Chili, Hongkong, 4th September, 1857. In the mutter of the Estut" of the late Mr RICHARD NEIL, of Victoria, deceased. Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to Mr H. W. HYATT; and all Persons' indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pay the respective amounts thereof to the said H. W. HYATT. H. W. HYATT, Į Executors. J. MURPHY, Hongkong, 5th September, 1857. All having the In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deccused. Νο OTICE. All Persons having Claims on the The "BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED” said Estate, are requested to forward parti have also opened a Branch of their Business as culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELOW; General MERCHANTS AND COMMISSION AGENTS and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- at Bangkok, in Siam, under the management of Mrquested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the SAMUEL GILFILLAN, who is authorized to sign for the said Company. The Business of the "BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED” will, for the present, he managed in Glasgow, by Messrs RICHARDSON, FINDLAY & Co. For the "BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED," JOHN HARVEY, Director. Singapore, 31st July, 1857. NOT In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. OTICE-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please send them in for liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, are MR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL is a Partner requested to make immediate payment to in our Firm from the same date. On the 1st instant we opened a Branch of our Firm at SHANGHAK. FLETCHER & Co. Hongkong, 29th July, 1857. JOHN WISE, ; Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. said JAMES W. BRIMELOW. D. LAPRAIK, Hongkong, 11th July, 1857. Executors. In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. N°1 “OTICE.—All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- ment to or ADAM SCOTTON,} Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. Executors. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.- PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-sis Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lincs and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-One" half of these charges for each Repetition. ; 857. THE tion of A, 222, nnum. Hongkong NEW SERIES. Government GAZETTE. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 3D OCTOBER, 1857. VOL. III, No. 118. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE, HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. r OTTO ur Firm, & Co. No. 140. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. between JAMES es Public, 1. by the 28th day KELL. ice of the TOMRY Don of the exceeding ARRI, The following Return of Notes in Circulation and Specie in Reserve at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, is published for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d October, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Account of the average Amount of Notes in Circulation at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, for the Month ending 30th September, 1857, rendered in accordance with the Terms of Her Majesty's Royal Charter of Incorporation. NOTES ISSUED,............$362,665. SPECIE IN RESERVE, 200,000. P. CAMPBELL, Manager. : of Chili, ICHARD n the said particulars ll Persona to pay the 7. HYATT. ecutors. I JAMES BRIME- 18 on the ard parti MELOW; e, are re- cof, to the recutors. Oriental Bank Corporation, Hongkong, 1st October, 1857. I inspected this day the Books and Treasure Vault of the Oriental Bank Corporation, and hereby certify that the Amount of Specie shown is in accordance with the Terms of the Charter. J. A. CARVALHO, Accountant. Victoria, Hongkong, 2d October, 1857. THE POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. HE Next GENERAL MAILS per Steamer “NORNA," will close on SUNDAY, the 4th October, at 6 o'clock P.M. The usual SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up the following morning. LETTERS received from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M.; for a late fee of 6d. ; and from 11 A.M. to 12 o'clock P.M., for a late fee of 1s. Letters posted between the hours of 11 and Half- past 12 o'clock must be prepaid. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Master. Hongkong, 28th September, 1857. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. T is hereby notified for Public information, that WE on and after the 1st October next, the Book Postage will be extended to Malta and Gibraltar, at the following revised rates, viz :— Rutes of Postage on Book Packets between Hongkong, and the United Kingdom, Malta, and Gibraltar. FRED. FORTH, Colonial Treasurer. NOTICE. E have this day established at Shanghae, under the same Style, a Branch of our Firm in China. MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to sign our name per procuration from same date. VAUCHER FRÈRES. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. NOTICE. TWILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between For a Packet not exceeding 4 oz.g For a Packet exceeding 4 oz. and not exceeding Ib, ...... 8. d. 0 4 0 8 Do., exceeding ib, and not exceeding lib, 1 IAM B. ms against nd them in ted to the ediate pay: Zercutors. THE wased 01) the 30th April last. China, 20th August, 1857. 4 Do., exceeding 1lb, and not exceeding 14, 2 9 NOTICE. Do., exceeding 14b, and not exceeding 2lb, 2 8 THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr OTTO and so on increasing 8d. for each additional Half and 80, or BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. REISS & Co. Post-Office, Hongkong, 29th September, 1857. NOTICE. MR R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo. MR MORESBY, Notary Public and Solicitor, Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. BOTTOMRY. TENDERS will be received at the Office of the Tundersigned, for an advance on BOTTOMRY on the Chilian Ship “ ELOISA," until Noon of the Tenth of October proximo, for a sum not exceeding MA FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date,OFFICES removed to the first door West of the TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, ($12,000) ired from our Firm. F. D. SYME & Co. Amoy, 20th August, 1857. Bank, late the Offices of Mr H. J. TARRANT, Solicitor, &c. Hongkong, 8d August, 1857. TORIBIO LAMBARRI, Consul for the Republic of Chili. Hongkong, 4th September, 1857. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Muster. Hongkong.- 18, Thirty-riş d under, O | Cents-On- JB. 857. THE tion of A, 222, nnum. Hongkong NEW SERIES. Government GAZETTE. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 3D OCTOBER, 1857. VOL. III, No. 118. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE, HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. r OTTO ur Firm, & Co. No. 140. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. between JAMES es Public, 1. by the 28th day KELL. ice of the TOMRY Don of the exceeding ARRI, The following Return of Notes in Circulation and Specie in Reserve at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, is published for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d October, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Account of the average Amount of Notes in Circulation at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, for the Month ending 30th September, 1857, rendered in accordance with the Terms of Her Majesty's Royal Charter of Incorporation. NOTES ISSUED,............$362,665. SPECIE IN RESERVE, 200,000. P. CAMPBELL, Manager. : of Chili, ICHARD n the said particulars ll Persona to pay the 7. HYATT. ecutors. I JAMES BRIME- 18 on the ard parti MELOW; e, are re- cof, to the recutors. Oriental Bank Corporation, Hongkong, 1st October, 1857. I inspected this day the Books and Treasure Vault of the Oriental Bank Corporation, and hereby certify that the Amount of Specie shown is in accordance with the Terms of the Charter. J. A. CARVALHO, Accountant. Victoria, Hongkong, 2d October, 1857. THE POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. HE Next GENERAL MAILS per Steamer “NORNA," will close on SUNDAY, the 4th October, at 6 o'clock P.M. The usual SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up the following morning. LETTERS received from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M.; for a late fee of 6d. ; and from 11 A.M. to 12 o'clock P.M., for a late fee of 1s. Letters posted between the hours of 11 and Half- past 12 o'clock must be prepaid. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Master. Hongkong, 28th September, 1857. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. T is hereby notified for Public information, that WE on and after the 1st October next, the Book Postage will be extended to Malta and Gibraltar, at the following revised rates, viz :— Rutes of Postage on Book Packets between Hongkong, and the United Kingdom, Malta, and Gibraltar. FRED. FORTH, Colonial Treasurer. NOTICE. E have this day established at Shanghae, under the same Style, a Branch of our Firm in China. MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to sign our name per procuration from same date. VAUCHER FRÈRES. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. NOTICE. TWILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between For a Packet not exceeding 4 oz.g For a Packet exceeding 4 oz. and not exceeding Ib, ...... 8. d. 0 4 0 8 Do., exceeding ib, and not exceeding lib, 1 IAM B. ms against nd them in ted to the ediate pay: Zercutors. THE wased 01) the 30th April last. China, 20th August, 1857. 4 Do., exceeding 1lb, and not exceeding 14, 2 9 NOTICE. Do., exceeding 14b, and not exceeding 2lb, 2 8 THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr OTTO and so on increasing 8d. for each additional Half and 80, or BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. REISS & Co. Post-Office, Hongkong, 29th September, 1857. NOTICE. MR R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo. MR MORESBY, Notary Public and Solicitor, Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. BOTTOMRY. TENDERS will be received at the Office of the Tundersigned, for an advance on BOTTOMRY on the Chilian Ship “ ELOISA," until Noon of the Tenth of October proximo, for a sum not exceeding MA FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date,OFFICES removed to the first door West of the TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, ($12,000) ired from our Firm. F. D. SYME & Co. Amoy, 20th August, 1857. Bank, late the Offices of Mr H. J. TARRANT, Solicitor, &c. Hongkong, 8d August, 1857. TORIBIO LAMBARRI, Consul for the Republic of Chili. Hongkong, 4th September, 1857. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Muster. Hongkong.- 18, Thirty-riş d under, O | Cents-On- JB. 2 T NOTICE. The Hongkong Government Gazette. FIMIE Copartnership hitherto carrying on Business as MERCHANts and Commission MercHANTS in Glastone and London, under the Firm of MORGAN, MCEWEN & Co., and in Singapore, Batavia, and Manila, under the Firm of MCEWEN & Co., was dissolved on the 30th April lust, by censent of the Subscribers, the sole surviving Partners. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, for self, and as Attorney for CHARLES BANNATYNE FINDLAY, and JOHN HARVEY. W. B. HODGE, MATTHEW Brown, Witnesses. Glasgow, 4th June, 1857. WITH ITH Reference to the above Advertisement, the Subscribers beg to intimate, that the Manila Business of the late Firm of McEWEN & Co. will continue to be carried on by them, in conjunction with Mr WILLIAM MARTIN, and Mr Robert V. GRAHAME, under the Firms of RICHARDSON, FINDLAY & Co., in London and Glasgow, and .FINDLAY, RICHARDSON & Co., in Manila, FRANCIS RICHARDSON, for self, and as Attorney for CHARLES BANNATYNE FINDLAY. Glasgow, 4th June, 1857. ITII reference to the above Advertisements, it WE NOTICE E have removed our Establishment from Canton to SHANGHAE and have admitted Mr J. F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our Firm from this day. Shanghae, 1st July, 1857. HARKORT & Co. NOTICE. THE business hitherto carried on by the under- style of TRAUTMANN & Co., is hereby declared closed. All Outstanding Business will be taken charge of by Messrs HARKORT & Co. J. F. II. TRAUTMANN. Shanghae, 30th June, 1857. THE NOTICE. HE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. N OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against tofore carried on at Singapore and Batavia, under the said Estate, will please send them in for the Firm of MCEWEN & Co., is now carried on in these places theBORNEO COMPANY LI-liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, are MITED,”—under the management, at Singapore, of requested to make immediate paynient to Mr JOHN HARVEY, Managing Director of the said Company in the East, and at Batavia of Mr JOHN BLACK, who is authorized to sign for the said Company. The "BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED" have also opened a Branch of their Business as GENERAL MERCHANTS AND COMMISSION AGENTS at Bangkok, in Siam, under the management of Mr SAMUEL GILFILLAN, who is authorized to sign for the said Company. The Business of the "BORNEO_COMPANY LIMITED" will, for the present, he managed in Glasgow, by Messrs RICHARDSON, FINDLAY .& Co. For the BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED,” JOHN HARVEY, Director. Singapore, 31st July, 1857. JOHN WISE, Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. [OCTOBER 3, 1857. In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr RICHARD NEIL, of Victoria, deceased. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims on the said NOTICEte, are requested to forward particulars of the same to Mr H. W. IIYATT; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pay the respective amounts thereof to the said II. W. HYATT. H. W. HYATT, } Executors. J. MURPHY, Hongkong, 5th September, 1857. In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. NOT "OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- ment to or ADAM SCOTT, AND. I. DIXTON,} Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. FOR SALE. YOMMERCIAL GUIDE, 4TH COM Executors. EDITION; William's DICTIONARY in the CANTON DIALECT; also William's MAP OF CHINA, in ENGLISH and in CHINESE. Apply at the Rev. J. W. JOHNSON's, Gouyh Street, Hongkong. Hongkong, 20th May, 1857. FOR SALE. At the Office of the “China Mail.” LANK Forms of-POWERS OF ATTOR- BLANEY, WILLS, CHARTERPARTIES, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LADING, SHIPPING ORDERS, COMPRADOR'S CHECK BOOKS, SHIPPING ARTICLES, and the newest form of SHIP'S BILL OF SALE. Also, SAILING DIRECTIONS (printed in Pamphlet In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME-form) for the RIVERS YANG-TSZE-KEANG ́and LOW, of Victoria, deccased. NOTI OTICE.-All Persons having Claims on the said Estate, are requested to forward parti- culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELOW; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the said JAMES W. BRINELOW. D. LAPRAIK, Hongkong, 11th July, 1857. Executors. MIN. And, A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA, with all CHARGES-Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois. 19th March, 1857. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.→ PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-six Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, Ons Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Conis--Ons- half of these charges for sach Repetition. シ ZOITAOUTRO. 7090.41% bure THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE: d NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 10TH OCTOBER, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Von. III. No. 119. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, Notifications, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. L No. 141... is n GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Seoretary. Whereas, by a verdict of a Coroner's Jury, certain Persons unknown have been declared guilty of the Wilful Murder of a Man, Name unknown, on the 23d September ultimo, at West Point: Notice is hereby given, that A REWARD OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS, and a Free Pardon to any of those concerned, (the actual Perpetrators of the Murder excepted,) will be given to any Person or Persons who shall give such information as shall lead to the apprehension and conviction of any one or more of the Parties guilty of the above Crime. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 5th October, 1857. 示 W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary, 憲 No.142. 一千八百五十七:+ 廿三 八十 示 初 1 照得本月初六 示除為紅証如公於地照 其兇銀以有人道方得 罪手貳定人看上有本 花揽百兇知驗經 紅內大手其實本不 仍之員之兇係港知 照人 罪手被驗名 數本作到人屍性在 賞憲証賞衙打官之西 給亦者給門死與人炮 特赦係花作者秉死臺 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, that Messrs WM. CHAPMAN, and GEORGE DUDDELL, are appointed by His Excellency The Governor, with the Advice of the Executive Council, Assessors of Police Rate in this Colony for the Year 1858. By Order, : Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 5th October, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary, 2 TH POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION, The Hongkong Government Gazette. E Next GENERAL MAILS, per One of the PENINSULAR & ORIENTALSTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S ISTE YM-Snips, will close on WEDNES- DAY, the itch Instant, at 4 o'clock P.M. | N In re WILLIAM HADDAN, deceased. JOHN HARTONG, 99 ́OTICE is hereby given to the Next of Kin, and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS | or CODICILS of the above Parties that may be in their possession, before the Supreme Court, ou THURSDAY, the 15th day of October, 1357; or, if none, that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse LETTERS OF Administration; failing which, Ad- Letters posted between the hours of 11 and Half-ministration will be granted to the Registrar of the past 12 o'clock must be prepaid. The usud SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up on the following morning. LETTERS received from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M., for a late fee of 6d,; and from 11 A.M. to 12 o'clock г.M., for a late fee of 1s. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Master. Hongkong, 7th October, 1857. Steam for said Court. By the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON,| Acting Registrar. NOTICE. SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, THE Copartnership hitherto carrying on Business ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. 0% NE of the PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-SHIPS, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on THURSDAY, the 15th October, at 2 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., on the 13th; SPECIE until Noon on the 14th, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 14th. as MERCHANTS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS in Glasgow and London, under the Firm of TH [OCTOBER 10, 1857. NOTICE. HE Interest and Responsibility of Mr OTTO HEINRICH FRAMHEIN, in our Firm, ceused on the 30th April last. China, 20th August, 1857. THE NOTICE. REISS & Co. THE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. MORGAN, MCEWEN & Co., and in Singapore, WE Batavia, and Manila, under the Firm of MCEWEN NOTICE. E have removed our Establishment from Canton to SHANGHAE and have admitted Mr J. F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our & Co., was dissolved on the 30th April last, by Firm from this day. consent of the Subscribers, the sole surviving Partners. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, for self, and as Attorney for CHARLES BANNATYNE FINDLAY, and JOHN HARVEY. W. B. HODGE, MATTHEW BROWN, Glasgow, 4th June, 1857. For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, WIT apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARK REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 7th October, 1857. HER MAJESTY'S NAVAL YARD, 5th October, 1857. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, JONNAGE for the Conveyance to Singapore of 2 Officers and about 100 Men Madras Native Infantry. то TENDERS will be received by the NAVAL STORE KEEPER, until Noon of the 13th instant-the Ship engaged to be ready for Sea within Four Days after the Tender is accepted. Application to be made at Her Majesty's Naval Yard, for information as to the SCALE OF VICTUAL- LING, &c. TEN EDWIN HOLMES, Acting Naval Storekeeper. NOTICE. Office of SUPERINTENDENTt of Police, ¡CENTRAL POLICE STATION, HONGKONG, 9th October, 1857. NENDERS will be received by the undersigned, on and before Noon of Tuesday, the 13th instant, for TRIMMING, LIGHTING, and KEEPING CLEAN, Two Hundred and Fifty, or LAMPS, in the Districts of Taepingshan, CHEUNG- WAN, SHEONG-WAN, &c., for Six Months,-com- more, } Witnesses. ITH Reference to the above Advertisement, the Subscribers beg to intimate, that the Manila Business of the late Firm of MCEWEN & Co. will continue to be carried on by them, in conjunction with Mr WILLIAM MARTIN, and Mr ROBERT V. GRAHAME, under the Firms of RICHARDSON, FINDLAY & Co., in London and Glasgow, and FINDLAY, KICHARDSON & Co., in Manila. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, for self, and as Attorney for CHARLES BANNATYNE FINDLAY. Glasgow, 4th June, 1857. WIT ITH reference to the above Advertisements, it is hereby intimated, that the Business here- tofore carried on at Singapore and Batavia, under the Firm of MCEWEN & Co., is now carried on in these places by the "BORNEO COMPANY LI- MITED,”—under the management, at Singapore, of Mr JOHN HARVEY, Managing Director of the said Company in the East, and at Batavia of Mr JOHN BLACK, who is authorized to sign for the said Company. The BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED have also opened a Branch of their Business as GENERAL MERCHANTS AND COMMISSION AGENTS at Bangkok, in Sium, under the management of Mr SAMUEL GILFILLAN, who is authorized to sign for the said Company. The Business of the “BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED" will, for the present, he managed in Glasgow, by Messrs RICHARDSON, FINDLAY & Co. For the " BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED,” JOHN HARVEY, Director. Singapore, 31st July, 1857. NOTICE. ́R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo. MR Shanghae, 1st July, 1857. HARKORT & Co. NOTICE. E business hitherto carried on by the under- Tsigned, under the style of TRAUTMANN & Co., is hereby declared closed. All Outstanding Business will be taken charge of by Messrs HARKORT & Co. J. F. II. TRAUTMANN. Shanghae, 30th June, 1857. NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death ou the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. N OTICE-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please send them in for liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, are requested to make immediate payment to JOHN WISE, Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Fictoria, deccused. Persons said Estate, are requested to forward parti and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELOW; quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the said JAMES W. BRIMELOW. D. LAPRAIK, LABRAJON,} Executors. Hongkong, 11th July, 1857. In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. NOTICE. the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, ment to retired from our Firm. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. mencing on the 15th instant. The Person tendering W will be required to furnish OIL, WICK, and the necessary LABOUR for Lighting and Keeping alight the said Lamps during the night. The Lamps and Burners will be furnished by Her Majesty's Govern- ment. Further particulars as regards Size of Lamps and LOCALITY OF DISTRICT will be given on application at the above Office. The Persons tendering to send in Samples of OIL and Wick, and will also have to find good Security. A. GRAND-PRE. Acting-Superintendent of Police.. F. D. SYME & Co. NOTICE. E have this day established at Shanghae, under the same Style, a Branch of our Firm in China. MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to sign our name per procuration from same date. VAUCHER FRERES. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. MR MORESBY, Notary Public and Solicitor, FFICES removed to the first door West of the Oriental Bank, late the Offices of Mr H. J. TARRANT, Solicitor, &c. Hongkong, 3d August, 1857. or ADAM SCOTT, ANDA. 1. SIXTON,} Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. CO FOR SALE. Executors. ¡OMMERCIAL GUIDE, 4TH EDITION William's DICTIONARY in the CANTON DIALECT; also William's MAP OF CHINA, in ENGLISH and in CHINESE.. Apply at the Rev. J. W. JOHNSON's, Gough Street, Hongkong. Hongkong, 20th May, 1857. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.- PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-sis Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cants-One- half of these charges for each Repetition. 10, 1857. THE of Mr OTTO in our Firmi, EISS & Co. isting between and JAMES Notaries Public, ssolved, by the on the 28th day i. GASKELL. Hongkong blishment from have admitted Partner in our NEW SERIES. ORT & Co. by the under- RAUTMANN taken charge of UTMANN. Government GAZETTE. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 17TH OCTOBER, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. III. No. 120. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE”. will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. ་་ཀ་ W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. No. 143. of MR JAMES by his death on RIMELOW. ES EDWIN used. Claims against end them in for ed thereto, are it to HIN WISE, Executor. UNALAM Iron Pals de A GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. ז' The subjoined Return of the Sale of Government Property, held on the 1st instant, is published for general Karte By Order, *** information. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 13th October, 1857. RETURN OF HOUSE and LAND SALE, held on the 1st October, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. NO. OF LOT. PURCHASER. ate Mr JAMES H & BRIME- Inland. Claims on the forward parti 527 Achee, BRIMELOW; 528 Estate, are re 529 Chulong & Co., Wo-hang, ... s thereof, to the 530 T Acqui, 531 } Executors. 532 533 Do., Mok-kee, Wo-hang, » ed FIXED ANNUAL RENTAL. PREMIUM. d Dollars. 1 7 11 2,650 1 .8 3,250 1 8 3,100 1. 7 3,300 1 10 3,450 1 7 71 3,350 1 12 2 3,250 £10 2 10 $22,350 ILLIAM B. Claims against to send them in ndebted to the immediate pay. } Executors. TH EDITION: n the CANTON ENGLISH and in HNSON'S, Gouyh ail, Hongkong.- Jopies, Thirty-sis s and under, One enty Cente--One- tition. No. 144. Total,..... GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. CHAS. ST GEO. CLEVERLY, Surreyor General. It is hereby notified, that under the terms of Ordinance No. 11 of 1844, Wednesday, the 18th Day of November next, is fixed for a Special Sessions of Justices of the Peace to be held on that day at the Office of the Chief Magistrate of Police at Eleven o'clock in the Foredoon, for the purpose of considering Applications for Licenses for the Sale of Spirituous and Fermented Liquors, during the Year commencing the 1st December next. Applications for such Licenses must be Lodged at the Chief Magistrate's Office at least Ten Days before the Sessions, in the Form prescribed by the Ordinance above mentioned. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 14th October, 1857. No. 145.. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. ALBERT VAUCHER, Esquire, having been appointed Vice-Consul for France, in the place of N. Duus, Esquire, resigned, is authorized to exercise the functions of his Office, pending reference to Her Majesty The Queen. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 15th October, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. 2 No. 146. A The Hongkong Government Gazettę. [OCTOBER 17, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Her Most Gracious Majesty The Queen having been pleased to appoint CHARLES ST GEORGE CLEVERLY, Esquire, Surveyor General, to a Seat in the Legislative Council of this Colony, it is hereby notified, that Mr Cleverly has been this day Sworn in and taken his Seat at the Council Board. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary, • Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 17th October, 1857. No. 147. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, that Her Most Gracious Majesty has been pleased to approve and confirm the appointment of the following Gentlemen to Seats in the Legislative Council of this Colony :— The Honourable JOSEPH JARDINE, Esquire ; The Honourable HENRY TUDOR DAVIES, Esquire ; The Honourable George Lyall, Esquire. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 17th October, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. LAND AND HOUSES FOR SALE AT THE WESTERN MARKET. To be sold by Public Auction, on the 2d November next, at 11 o'clock A.M, at the Western Market, a portion of the Land and Premises now attached thereto, fronting Morrison Street, comprising the undermentioned Shops, viz: Nos. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63. Possession will be given on the 16th November. Also, on the 9th of November at the same hour, will be sold the Land and Premises fronting the Queen's Road, comprising Shops Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54. Possession of these will be given on the 16th November, Also, on the 16th November at the same hour, will be sold the Land and Premises fronting Bonham Strand, comprising Shops Nos. 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 522, 523, 524. Possession of these will be given on the same day. Statement of Lots with their Area and Annual Rental. Boundary MEASURE-FEET. SHOP NUMBER. CONTENT IN BOUNDARY MEASURE-FEET. CONTENT SQUARE ANNUAL RENTAL. N. S. E. IV. SHOP NUMBER. יאז ANNUAL RENTAL FERT. N. S. E. IV. SQUARE FKKT. 56 14 141 30 57 14 14 30 58 15 15 30 59 18 15 60 19 19 30 61 16 16 62 63 7 8 15 9 15 10 12 49 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 CO 2 154 153 15% 151 151 15 15 151 11 151 151 181 18 to 10 45 am an an ar an co o 30 152 30 30 153 តតតតតត 30 30 30 30 30 30 171 18 31 £ 3. d. £ 8. 31 I 20 20 & 20 20 23.5 IN IN AN AN 25 25 8 30 442 1 12 6 50 164 174 31 31 5:27 d. 1 18 8 30 420 1 10 5 51 143 148 31 31 416 1 19 30 450 1 13 0 52 141 31 31 414 1 12 7 30 540 1 19 94 53 141 31 31 444 1 12 7 30 570 2 1 10 54 171 31 31 512 1 19 1 30 480 1 15 21 511 15 33 31 480 1 15 2 30 457 1 13 6 512 15 15 31 30 472 J 14 8 513 15 15 74 30 465 1 14 14 514 15 15 72 30 450 1 13 04 513 15 15 71 30 450 1 13 0 516 151 152 70 30 457 1 13 6 522 15 15 48 30 457 1 13 6 523 144 47 144 AKRERNA 30 457 J 13 74 1.100 4 72 1,080 3 19 71 1.065 3 18 4 70 902 3 6 47 710 2 12 2 45 667 2 30 550 2 0 524 144 144 45 40 G16 2 5 4 550 2 0 5 By Order, CHAS. ST GEO. CLEVERLY, Surveyor General. 憲 準二百二投鐘舖亦五八向九於一十之點照 於 IF 丁 一千八百五十七 <7111+ 十七 日特 巳七 年 八十 示 t 五一五第將又係十九大月本六七舖鐘得 英百十百五向十準一十街十年十五連將於 十廿五一百海月於五十之三十二十地上九 三五十一波初本十一舖日月六八出環月 月五百三十 一年二十連上初十五投街十 十百一五一街日十五二地午一三十第市六 六十十百號之上月十四出十日號九五向日 日四六一五舖午初三十投一夜〇六十馬上。 交〇五十百連十一五九第點出每十六禮午 舖亦百四一地一日十五七鐘又舖六號臣十 係廿五十出點交四十號將於準十五街- *, 1837 LEVERLY. that M. FS. etary. bintme ES, tary. portion Shops, ; Road, he 16th Strand, on the RENTAL OCTOBER 17, 1857.] Steam for The Hongkong Government Gazette. KINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. NI of the PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-SHIPS, Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and will leave this for the above Places, on | RSDAY, the 29th October, at 2 P.M. ZARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., 27th; SPECIE until Noon on the 28th, and LS until 2 P.M. on the 28th. - Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, NOTICE. THE Copartnership hitherto carrying on Business as MERCHANTS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS in Glasgow and London, under the Firm of MORGAN, McEWEN &Co., and in Singapore, | Batavia, and Manila, under the Firm of MCEWEN & Co., was dissolved on the 30th April fast, by consent of the Subscribers, the sole surviving Partners. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, OFF MR MORESBY, Notary Public and Solicitor, 3 FFICES remored to the first door West of the TARRANT, Solicitor, &c. Oriental Bank, late the Offices of Mr HI. J. Hongkong, 3d August, 1857. NOTICE. for self, and as Attorney for CHARLES BANNATYNE FINDLAY, | ceused on the 30th April last. and JOHN HARVEY. W. R. HODGE, HE Interest and Responsibility of Mr OTTO HEINRICH FRAMHEIN, in our Firm, MATTHEW BROWN, } Witnesses. Glasgow, 4th June, 1857. REISS & Co. China, 20th August, 1857. E ITI Reference to the above Advertisement, have removed our Establishment from the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation WIT y's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. 、 Written Declaration of the Contents and Value Packages for the Overland Route is required de Egyptian Government, and must be delivered the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the ef Lading or with Parcels ; and the Company do And themselves responsible for any Detention or dice which may happen from incorrectness on ** declaration. a ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental 27 Navigation Company's Office, Bergkong, 17th October, 1857. NOTICE. IS Ixcellency the Minister PLENIPOTENTIARY FOR FRANCE in China, has been pleased to st, pending the approval of His Imperial str Government, on and from the 1st instant. AERT VAUCHER, Esq., French Vice-Consul « dev@KONG, instead of N. Duus, Esquire, resigned. By order, KLECZKOWSKI. Lecstion of France in China, Macan, 3d October, 1857. NOTICE. have established a Branch of our House, as General Merchants and Commission Agents, ANGKOR, Siam, from the 25th August last, REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. Songhae, 1st October, 1857. NOTICE. f. 18 14 12 12 19 15 12 ро 19 6 3 12 9 0 hoghae, 30th September, 1857. Copartnership hitherto existing between WILLIAM CRAMPTON, JAMES CRAMPTON, newas Hanbury, Thomas ChRISTY Junior, and *LES PULLAN, under the firm of CRAMP- \S, HANBURY & Co., is this day dissolved tual consent. All outstanding business will be ted either by MR WILLIAM CRAMPTON or THOMAS HANBURY, NOTICE. JUNG-CHO no "UNG-CHO and WONG-PAI have no further Book- `s Shop, (formerly MR SPENCE'S,) in Wellington The Business of the said Shop will in future ducted by MAN-KWONG and LO-PAN, the Style of the "SEE-LUNG-HAP-KEE Neither YUNG-CHо nor WONG-PAI is ised to receive money on account of the late *tong, 15th October, 1857. MAN-KWONG, LO-PAN. | the Subscribers beg to intimate, that the Manila Business of the late Firm of McEWEN & Co. will continue to be carried on by them, in conjunction GRAHAME, under the Firms of RICHARDSON, with Mr WILLIAM MARTIN, and Mr ROBERT V. FINDLAY & Co., in London and Glasgow, and FINDLAY, RICHARDSON & Co., in Manila. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, for self, and as Allorney for CHARLES BANNATYNE FINDLAY. Glasgow, 4th June, 1857. WIT ITH reference to the above Advertisements, it is bereby intimated, that the Business here- tofore carried on at Singapore and Batavia, under the Firm of MCEWEN & Co., is now carried on in these places by the “BORNEO COMPANY LI- MITED," under the management, at Singapore, of Mr JOHN HARVEY, Managing Director of the said Company in the East, and at Butavia of Mr said Company. JOHN BLACK, who is authorized to sign for the The 66 have also opened a Branch of their Business as BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED” GENERAL MERCHANTS AND COMMISSION AGENTS at Bangkok, in Siam, under the management of Mr SAMUEL GILFILLAN, who is authorized to sign for the said Company. The Business of the "BORNEO COMPANY | LIMITED" will, for the present, he managed in Glasgow, by Messrs RICHARDSON, FINDLAY & Co. For the "BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED," JOHN HARVEY, Director. Singapore, 31st July, 1857. M NOTICE. IR THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo. retired from our Firm. MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, F. D. SYME & Co. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. WE NOTICE. E have this day established at Shanghae, under the same Style, a Branch of our Firm in China. MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to sign our name per procuration from samne date. VAUCHER FRÈRES. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. NOTICE. HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between THE WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th đay of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. NOTICE. Canton to SHANGHAE and have admitted Mr J. F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our Firm from this day. Shanghae, 1st July, 1857. HARKORT & Co. NOTICE. THE business hitherto carried on by the under- signed, under the style of TRÄUTMANN | & Co., is hereby declared closed. All Outstanding Business will be taken charge of by Messrs HARKORT & Co. J. F. II. TRAUTMANN. Shanghae, 30th June, 1857. THE NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. N In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please send them in fo requested to make immediate payment to liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, are JOHN WISE, Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. In the matter of the Estate of the late Mr JAMES SMITH, of the Firm of SMITH & BRIME- LOW, of Victoria, deceased. OTICE-All Persons having Clainis on the Νο said Estate, are requested to forward parti- culars of the same to Mr JAMES W. BRIMELOW; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are re- quested to pay the respective amounts thereof, to the said JAMES W. BRIMELOW. D. LAPRAIK, A. S. DIXSON, Hongkong, 11th July, 1857. Executors. In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B LORRAIN, deceased. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against Baid Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- ment to or ADAM SCOTT, ADA. M. SCOTON,} *Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. Executors. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.- PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-six Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, One Dollar; oach Additional Line, Twenty Cenis-One- half of those charges for each Repetition. { THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 24TH OCTOBER, 1857. · GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. III. No. 121. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. .HONGKONG. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. ANNO VIGESIMO PRIMO VICTORIE REGINE. No. 10 of 1857. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the fony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary d Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong. An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 3 of 1849.. [23d October, 1857.] Whereas it is expedient to alter and amend that portion of Ordinance No. 3 of 1849, by which Defendants arrested and taken in Execution under the Process of the Supreme Court of Hongkong, sitting its Summary Jurisdiction, for Sums exceeding the amount of One Hundred Dollars, are debarred the Sacfit of the Fourteenth Section of Ordinance No. 9 of 1845: Be it therefore Enacted and Ordained by Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, in manner owing, that is to say :--- Title, Preamble. One to Five Hundred 1. Every Defendant who shall be arrested and taken in Execution under the Process of the said Persons imprisoned Supreme Court, sitting in its Summary Jurisdiction, and in whose case the Debt or Damages decreed or under Process of the dered shall exceed the Sum of One Hundred Dollars, but shall not exceed the Sum of Five Hundred Court for Sums from Dars, shall and may be imprisoned in the Prison of the said Court at the discretion of the Chief Justice Dollars, not to be im- the said Supreme Court, for any Term not exceeding Twelve Months, unless before the Expiration of prisoned for a longer ich Term the Order or Decree of the said Court shall have been satisfied; and in case such Order or Term than Twelve Decree shall not be satisfied at the Expiration of such Term, then such Defendant shall be discharged from Months. ath Prison; but it shall be lawful for the Complainant, at any Time after such Order or Decree, to take fresh Execution against any Estate or Effects which such Defendant may have become possessed of or titled to, until such Order or Decree shall be fully satisfied. Expenses of Keep- ing such Debtors to be defrayed by the Par- ties at whose Suit they are arrested, II. Whenever any such Defendant as aforesaid shall be arrested and taken in Execution under such Process as aforesaid, the Complainant, at whose Suit he shall be so arrested and taken in Execution, shall such Expenses as may have been incurred in and about the maintenance of such Defendant, in such as aforesaid, not exceeding the Rate of Twenty-five Cents per diem; and the amount of such ses shall be a Debt due to the Crown, and shall be suable for and recoverable by the Governor of Gaol for the time being. III. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed or taken to extend or apply to any Defendant, who Ordinance not to have contracted the Debt or become liable to the Damages for which the Decree or Order of the said apply to Debtors who preme Court shall have been given against him, or any part thereof, by reason of any manner of Fraud, Debt by Fraud or have incurred the Breach of Trust, or without reasonable probability at the Time of contracting the same of being able to Breach of Trust, &c. the same, or who shall have voluntarily done or suffered any Act whereby his goods shall have been en in Execution, or shall have voluntarily made or done any Assignment, Deed, Act or Thing, with ent to delay or defraud the Complainant, at whose Suit such Decree or Order shall be given against him any other of his Creditors. İV. This Ordinance shall extend to Persons now in Prison under Ordinance No. 3 of 1849. l'assed the Legislative Council of Hongkong, this 23d Day of October, 1857. J. M. D'ALMADA E CASTRO, for the Clerk of Councils. JOHN BOWRING. Ordinance to extend to Persons now, in Prison. ૨ No.148. The Hongkong Government Gazette. [OCTOBER 24, 1857. ·GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Whereas certain Persons are reported to have been guilty of Murder and Piracy on board the British Schooner Neva, on the 18th instant, it is hereby notified, that Her Majesty's Government have been authorized to offer A REWARD OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, for the apprehension and conviction of a Chinese Carpenter, Name unknown, belonging to such Schooner; and A REWARD OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, per Man, for the apprehension and conviction of five Chinese Passengers then on board such Schooner, all of which said several parties are believed to have been prominently engaged in such Murder and l'iracy; and further, His Excellency The Governor is hereby pleased to offer a Free Pardon to any of the parties (except the Six above mentioned) who participated in such Crimės, provided they do turn Queen's Evidence, and assist in such apprehension and conviction as aforesaid. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 21st October, 1857. No. 149. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Return of Government Property to be sold by Public Auction, information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 22d October, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. is published for general. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. LAND AND HOUSES FOR SALE AT THE WESTERN MARKET. On the 2d November next, at 11 o'clock A.M., at the Western Market, a portion of the Land and Premises now attached thereto, fronting Morrison Street, comprising the undermentioned Shops, viz: Nos. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,62,63. Possession will be given on the 16th November. Also, on the 9th of November at the same hour, will be sold the Land and Premises fronting the Queen's Road, comprising Shops Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54. Possession of these will be given on the 16th November. 氮 Also, on the 16th November at the same hour, will be sold the Land and Premises fronting Bonham Strand, comprising Shops Nos. 511, 512,513,514, 515, 516,522,523,524. Possession of these will be given on the same day. Statement of Lots with their Area and Annual Rental. BOUNDARY Measure—Feet. CONTENT BOUNDARY MEASURE-FEET. CONTENT SHOP NUMBER. IN ANNUAL RENTAL, N. S. E. W. EQUARE FEET. *SHOP NUMBER. IN ANNUAL RENTAL i N. S. E. IV. SQUARE FRET. d. £ 8. d. 1 56 57 14 58 15 59 18 60 19 61 16 62 63 15 7 445896555 148 147 30 30 442 1 12 6 50 164 175 14 30 30 420 1 10 5 51 144 144 杯 31 31 527 1 18 83 31 31 416 1 10 61 15 30 30 450 1 13 04 52 14 143 31 31 434 1 12 7 15 30 540) 1 19 94 53 143 19 30 30 570 2 1 10 54 174 ∙171 31 143 31 31 444 1 12 7 31 542 1.19 104 16 151 151. 151 15 15 15 15 15 '30 10 151 151 11 151 151 12 181 49 17 18 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 6555555588 30 30 Po 480 1 15 2 (8511.1 15 15 33 31. 480 1 15 2 30, 30 nude 457 1 13 6 1512 15 15 31 30 457 1 13 6 152 30. 1.30 472. } 14 8 513 15 15 74 74 1,100 010 30 465 114 11 514 15 15 72 72 1,080 3 19 יז } 30 450 1 13 · 04 815 15 15 71 71 1,065 3 18 4 30 450 113 04 个 #516 ¥158 158 70 70. 902 3 6 3 30 457 1.13 64 $22 15. 15 48 47 710 2 12 2 30 457 1 13 64 523 .30 550 2 0 5 ! 524 14 144 45 144. 141 47 45 667 2 9 0 40 616 2 5 31 350 2 示 CHAS. ST GEO. CLEVERLY, Surveyor General, 憲 一千八百五十七 + 巳七 年 八十2 月 + 十七 示 準二百二投鐘舖亦五八向九於一十之點照 於 五一五第將又係十九大月本六七舖鐘得 英百十百五向十準一十街廿年十五將於 十卅五一百海月於五十之三十二十地上九 一三五十一波初本十一舖日月六八出環月 月五百三十一年二十連上初十五投街十 十百一五一街日十五二地午一三十第市六 六廿十百號之上月十四出十日號九五向 日四六一五舖午初三十投一交〇六十馬上 交〇五十百十一五九第點出每十六襪午 舖亦百四一地 日十五七鐘又舖六號臣十 係廿五十出點交四十號將於準十五街. 1837. OCTOBER 24, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette. 3 No. 150. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Schooner er Notice is hereby given, that "Kellett's Island" has been occupied as a Military Post, and that no Person, except those on Military Duty, can be allowed to land upon the Island. and I of which rther, i Six above prehension GES, cretary. or general GES, cretary. d Premises 58, 59, 60, en's Road, on the 16th am Strand, iven on the By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 23d October, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. No. 144. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, that under the terms of Ordinance No. 11 of 1844, Wednesday, the 18th Day of November next, is fixed for a Special Sessions of Justices of the Peace, to be held on that day at the Office of the Chief Magistrate of Police at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, for the purpose of considering Applications for Licenses for the Sale of Spirituous and Fermented Liquors, during the Year commencing the 1st December next. Applications for such Licenses must be Lodged at the Chief Magistrate's Office at least Ten Days before the Sessions, in the Form prescribed by the Ordinance above mentioned. - [ By Order,] }//I Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 14th October, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. The following Draft. Ordinance "for Licensing and Regulating Emigration Passage Brokers," read a second time at a Meeting of the Legislative Council held this day, is published for general information. ontrobaronBy, Order, SUGG addard J. M. D'ALMADA ≈ CASTRO, for the Clerk of Councils. Council Room, Victoria, Hongkong, 21st October, 1857. NUAL RENTAL £ S. d. 1 18 1 10 6 1.12 7 1 12 7 1 19 101 1 15 2 1 13 64 5 4 0 10 3 19 3 18 3 2 12 2 9 2 ERLY, • 14 於 + 九月十六日上午十一 च 6 5 KONWA HONGKONG. ANNO VIGESIMO PRIMO VICTORIÆ REGINÆ. No. of 1857. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong. An Ordinance for Licensing and Regulating Emigration Passage Brokers. [ October, 1857.] Be it Enacted and Ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, by and with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows: Title. Preamble. No Person to act I. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, no Person shall act as a Passage Broker or in pro- curing Passengers, for or in the Sale or Letting of Passages in any Emigrant Ship, unless he shall, with as a Passage Broker two sufficient Sureties to be approved by the Emigration Officer, have entered into a joint and several Bond without having enter- in the Sum of Five Thousand current Dollars to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, according to the ed into a Bond and ob- form contained in Schedule A, hereunto annexed, which Bond shall be renewed on each occasion of tained a License. obtaining such License as hereinafter mentioned, and shall be deposited with the Emigration Officer; nor unless such Person shall have obtained a License to let or sell Passages, nor unless such License shall be then in force; and where different members of the same Firm act as Passage Brokers, each Person so acting shall comply with the Terms of this Section. How Passage Brok- Power to Justices to II. Any Person wishing to obtain a License to act as a Passage Broker, shall make application for the same to the Emigration Officer, and the Emigration Officer is hereby authorised (if he shall think fit) er's Licenses may be to grant such License according to the form in Schedule B, hereunto annexed: Provided always, that obtained. no such License shall be granted unless such Bond as hereinbefore mentioned shall have been first entered into: Provided also, that any Justice or Justices of the Peace who shall adjudicate on any Offence against this Ordinance, are hereby authorized to order the Offender's License to be forfeited, and the same shall order Licenses to be thereupon be forfeited accordingly; and the said Justice or Justices making such order shall forthwith forfeited. cause, notice of such forfeiture, in the form contained in the Schedule C, hereunto annexed, to be transmitted to the Emigration Officer, and such forfeiture shall be exclusive and independent of any other Punishment which may be inflicted upon such Offender under the Provisions of this Ordinance. III. Every Person obtaining such License as aforesaid, shall pay to the Emigration Officer a Fee of Fee to be paid for One Hundred current Dollars, which Fee the Emigration Officer is hereby empowered and required to Licenses. demand and receive upon the issuing of any such License; and the said Emigration Officer shall pay over all such Fees to the Colonial Treasurer, to be applied to the Colonial Revenue. to continue i IV. All such Licenses shall continue in force until the 31st Day of December in the year in which How long License such License shall be granted, and for Fourteen Days afterwards, unless sooner forfeited as hereinbefore are mentioned: Provided, that any License granted before the 31st Day of December in the present year, shall force. continue in force till the 31st Day of December 1858, and for Fourteen Days afterwards. Contract Tickets for V. Every Passage Broker who shall or may receive Money from any Person, for or in respect of a Passage in any Emigrant Ship, shall give to every such Person a Contract Ticket, under the hand of such Passages. Passage Broker, and stamped with his Seal or Trade Mark,—each Ticket to be printed in a plain and legible Type, according to the Form in the Schedule D, hereunto annexed, and to be accompanied with a Traus- lation thereof in the Chinese Language, in plain and legible Characters. VI. Every such Passage Broker before he shall receive or take any Money on account of any such Passage Brokers t Passage, or for the sale or letting of the whole or any part of the Accommodation of or in any Emigrant Ship produce to Emigratio proceeding from Hongkong, shall produce to the Emigration Officer the Certificate of the Master or Owner Officer Certificate the of the Ship, in respect of which such Passage shall or may have been taken, or the Accommodation they have chartere the Ship for carryir in which shall have been so sold or let, to the effect, that such Ship has been chartered for the purpose Emigrants 1837. OCTOBER 24, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette. 3 No. 150. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Schooner er Notice is hereby given, that "Kellett's Island" has been occupied as a Military Post, and that no Person, except those on Military Duty, can be allowed to land upon the Island. and I of which rther, i Six above prehension GES, cretary. or general GES, cretary. d Premises 58, 59, 60, en's Road, on the 16th am Strand, iven on the By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 23d October, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. No. 144. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, that under the terms of Ordinance No. 11 of 1844, Wednesday, the 18th Day of November next, is fixed for a Special Sessions of Justices of the Peace, to be held on that day at the Office of the Chief Magistrate of Police at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, for the purpose of considering Applications for Licenses for the Sale of Spirituous and Fermented Liquors, during the Year commencing the 1st December next. Applications for such Licenses must be Lodged at the Chief Magistrate's Office at least Ten Days before the Sessions, in the Form prescribed by the Ordinance above mentioned. - [ By Order,] }//I Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 14th October, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. The following Draft. Ordinance "for Licensing and Regulating Emigration Passage Brokers," read a second time at a Meeting of the Legislative Council held this day, is published for general information. ontrobaronBy, Order, SUGG addard J. M. D'ALMADA ≈ CASTRO, for the Clerk of Councils. Council Room, Victoria, Hongkong, 21st October, 1857. NUAL RENTAL £ S. d. 1 18 1 10 6 1.12 7 1 12 7 1 19 101 1 15 2 1 13 64 5 4 0 10 3 19 3 18 3 2 12 2 9 2 ERLY, • 14 於 + 九月十六日上午十一 च 6 5 KONWA HONGKONG. ANNO VIGESIMO PRIMO VICTORIÆ REGINÆ. No. of 1857. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong. An Ordinance for Licensing and Regulating Emigration Passage Brokers. [ October, 1857.] Be it Enacted and Ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, by and with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows: Title. Preamble. No Person to act I. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, no Person shall act as a Passage Broker or in pro- curing Passengers, for or in the Sale or Letting of Passages in any Emigrant Ship, unless he shall, with as a Passage Broker two sufficient Sureties to be approved by the Emigration Officer, have entered into a joint and several Bond without having enter- in the Sum of Five Thousand current Dollars to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, according to the ed into a Bond and ob- form contained in Schedule A, hereunto annexed, which Bond shall be renewed on each occasion of tained a License. obtaining such License as hereinafter mentioned, and shall be deposited with the Emigration Officer; nor unless such Person shall have obtained a License to let or sell Passages, nor unless such License shall be then in force; and where different members of the same Firm act as Passage Brokers, each Person so acting shall comply with the Terms of this Section. How Passage Brok- Power to Justices to II. Any Person wishing to obtain a License to act as a Passage Broker, shall make application for the same to the Emigration Officer, and the Emigration Officer is hereby authorised (if he shall think fit) er's Licenses may be to grant such License according to the form in Schedule B, hereunto annexed: Provided always, that obtained. no such License shall be granted unless such Bond as hereinbefore mentioned shall have been first entered into: Provided also, that any Justice or Justices of the Peace who shall adjudicate on any Offence against this Ordinance, are hereby authorized to order the Offender's License to be forfeited, and the same shall order Licenses to be thereupon be forfeited accordingly; and the said Justice or Justices making such order shall forthwith forfeited. cause, notice of such forfeiture, in the form contained in the Schedule C, hereunto annexed, to be transmitted to the Emigration Officer, and such forfeiture shall be exclusive and independent of any other Punishment which may be inflicted upon such Offender under the Provisions of this Ordinance. III. Every Person obtaining such License as aforesaid, shall pay to the Emigration Officer a Fee of Fee to be paid for One Hundred current Dollars, which Fee the Emigration Officer is hereby empowered and required to Licenses. demand and receive upon the issuing of any such License; and the said Emigration Officer shall pay over all such Fees to the Colonial Treasurer, to be applied to the Colonial Revenue. to continue i IV. All such Licenses shall continue in force until the 31st Day of December in the year in which How long License such License shall be granted, and for Fourteen Days afterwards, unless sooner forfeited as hereinbefore are mentioned: Provided, that any License granted before the 31st Day of December in the present year, shall force. continue in force till the 31st Day of December 1858, and for Fourteen Days afterwards. Contract Tickets for V. Every Passage Broker who shall or may receive Money from any Person, for or in respect of a Passage in any Emigrant Ship, shall give to every such Person a Contract Ticket, under the hand of such Passages. Passage Broker, and stamped with his Seal or Trade Mark,—each Ticket to be printed in a plain and legible Type, according to the Form in the Schedule D, hereunto annexed, and to be accompanied with a Traus- lation thereof in the Chinese Language, in plain and legible Characters. VI. Every such Passage Broker before he shall receive or take any Money on account of any such Passage Brokers t Passage, or for the sale or letting of the whole or any part of the Accommodation of or in any Emigrant Ship produce to Emigratio proceeding from Hongkong, shall produce to the Emigration Officer the Certificate of the Master or Owner Officer Certificate the of the Ship, in respect of which such Passage shall or may have been taken, or the Accommodation they have chartere the Ship for carryir in which shall have been so sold or let, to the effect, that such Ship has been chartered for the purpose Emigrants The Hongkong Government Gazette. [OCTOBER 24, 1857. of carrying Emigrants, and that he, such Passage Broker, is authorized to receive Payment for such Passage, or for the Sale or Letting of the Accommodation in such Ship; and such Certificate shall be filed in the Office of the Emigration Officer, and the Contents thereof entered in a Book to be kept by the Emigration Officer, for recording therein the Contents of such Certificates. Passage Broker to VII. On every occasion of the delivery to any Passenger of such Contract Ticket as aforesaid, the attend before Emigra- Passage Broker who shall have engaged to provide such Passenger with a Passage shall attend with him at tion Oficer for the purpose of delivering the Office of the Emigration Officer, in whose presence the Contract Ticket shall be delivered to such the Contract Tickets Passenger, and who shall explain to him the true Intent and Meaning of such Contract; and upon each to Passengers. Contract Tickets not to be altered. Agents not to act Contract Ticket there shall be paid by the Passage Broker issuing the same a Fee of Twenty-five Cents, which Fee the Emigration Officer is hereby authorized and required to receive and take,—such Fees to be paid over to the Colonial Treasurer to be applied to the Colonial Revenue. VIII. No Person shall fraudulently alter or cause to be altered, after it is once issued, or shall induce any Person to part with or render useless or destroy any such Contract Ticket, during the continuance of the Contract which it is intended to evidence. IX. No Licensed Passage Broker shall, as Agent for any Person, whether a Licensed Broker or not, without written Au- receive Money for or on account of the Passage of any Passenger on board an Emigrant Ship, without thority, and to pro- having a written Authority to act as such Agent, or on the demand of the Emigration Officer, refuse or fail duce their Authority on demand. to exhibit his License and such written Authority; and no Person whether as Principal or Agent shall, by any Fraud, or by false Representation as to the Size of the Ship or otherwise, or by any false Pretence whatsoever, induce any Person to engage any Passage as aforesaid. Penalties for Of- feuces. 1. Against Section I. 2. Against Section V. 3. Against Sections VI. and IX. 4. Against Section VII. 5. Against Section VIII. F X. All Violations or Disobediences of, or Defaults in Compliance with, the Provisions of this Ordi- nance, shall be heard and determined summarily under Ordinance No. 10 of 1844; aud on conviction of such Offences, the respective Offenders shall be sentenced to pay the several Penalties, or in default of the payment thereof, to suffer the several Terms of Imprisonment respectively hereinafter specified. 1. For every Offence against Section One, a Fine not exceeding Four Hundred current Dollars, or Imprisonment for a Term not exceeding Six Months. 2. For every Offence against Section Five, a Fine not exceeding Fifty current Dollars, or Impri- sonment for a Term not exceeding Six Weeks. 3. For every Offence against Sections Six or Nine, a Fine not exceeding One Hundred current Dollars, or Imprisonment for a Term not exceeding Three Months. 4. For every Offence committed by a Passage Broker against Section Seven, a Fine not exceeding One Hundred current Dollars, or Imprisonment for a Term not exceeding Three Months. 5. For every Offence against Section Eight, a Fine not exceeding Fifty current Dollars, or Impri- sonment for a Term not exceeding Two Months. XI. For the Purposes of this Ordinance, the Term "Emigrant Ship" shall mean every Ship carrying more than Twenty Passengers being Natives of China, and clearing out for a Port or Ports not in the Chinese Empire; the Term "Emigration Officer" shall include every Person lawfully acting as Emigration Officer, Emigration Agent, or Protector of Emigrants in Hongkong; and the Term "Passengers," shall include all Passengers being natives of China. SCHEDULES TO WHICH THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE REFERS. Schedule A. Form of Emigration Passage Broker's Annual Bond, with two Sureties to be approved by the Emigration Officer. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents, that we A * B of &c., C D of &c., and E of &c., are held and firmly bound unto Her Most Gracious Majesty Victoria, in the Sum of Five Thousand current Dollars, to be paid to Her said Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors; to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, and every of us jointly and severally, our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, and the Heirs Executors, and Administrators of each of us, and each and every of them, firmly by these presents, sealed with our Seals, dated this Day of in the Year Que Thousand Eight Hundred and of 1857," it is amongst WHEREAS by the "Ordinance for Licensing and Regulating Emigration Passage Brokers, No. other things Enacted: that no Person whatever shall carry on the business of a Passage Broker in Hongkong, in respect of any Emigrant Ship, or shall be in any wise concerned in the sale or letting of Passages in any such Ship, unless such Person, with two good and sufficient Sureties to be approved of by the Emigration Officer, shall have previously entered into a joint and several Bond to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, in the Sum of Five Thousand current Dollars; And Whereas the said C. D. and E. F. have been approved of by the Emigration Officer as Sureties for the said A. B. Now the condition of this Obligation is, that if the above bounden A. B. shall well and truly observe and comply with all the require- ments of the said recited Ordinance, so far as the same relate to Passage Brokers; and further, shall well and truly pay all Fines, Forfeitures, and Penalties,—and also all Sums of Money, by way of subsistance Money, or of return Passage Money, and compensation to auy Passenger, or on his account,—and also all costs which the above bounden A. B. may at any time be adjudged to pay, under or by virtue of any of the Provisions of the above recited Ordinance, or of the Act of the Imperial Parliament 18th & 19th Victoria, cap. 104, entituled, "An Act for the Regulation of Chinese Pussenger Ships": then, and in such case, this obligation to be void,-otherwise to remain in full force. Signed, sealed, and delivered, by the above bounden A. B., C. D., and E. F., in the presence oft Insert Personal and Family names in full, with the Occupation and Address of each of the Parties.] It Insert the Names and Addresses in full of the Witnesses.] Schedule B. Form of Emigration Passage Broker's License. A. B. of‡ baring shown to the satisfaction of me, the undersigned, that he hath given Bond to Her Majesty, as by the " Ordinance for Licensing and Regulating Emigration Passage Brokers, No. of 1857," required: I, the under- signed, do hereby License and authorize the said A. B. to carry on the business of a Passage Broker in Hongkong, in respect of Passengers on board Emigrant Ships proceeding from Hongkong, until the end of the present Year, and Fourteen Days afterwards, unless this License shall be sooner determined by Forfeiture for Misconduct on the part of the said A. B., as in the aforesaid Ordinance is provided. One Thousand Eight Hundred and [L.S.] Given under my Hand and Seal this 1 Day of Signature J Emigration Officer. [ The Personal and Family names in full of the Person applying for the License, with his Address and Trade or Occupation, must be correctly inserted. If a Member of a Firm, the Personal and Family names of all the Members must be given.] Form of Notice to be given to the Emigration Officer of Forfeiture of a License. Day of Day of SCHEDULE C. SIR,-This is to give you notice, that the License granted on the 18 to A. B. of || now last past duly declared by me Signatures to Act as an Emigration Passage Broker, was on the .(or us), the undersigned Justice (or Justices) of the Petty Sessions assembled, to be forfeited.¶ To the EMIGRATion Officer, Victoria, Hongkong. Place and Date The Personal and Family names in full, with the Address and Trade or Occupation of the Party, to be here inserted.] Here state severally the Reason of Forfeiture. 1 Awek yang terlaken, amicis que ma 185 4, 1857. OCTOBER 24, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette, nch Pass. filed in t Emigratio oresaid, the with him at red to such 1 upon each -five Cents, Fees to be shall induce ■tinuance of ker or not, ip, without zfuse or fail Agent shall, se Pretence this Ordi tion of such efault of the d. ent Dollars, 5, or Impri- red current E exceeding Months. s, or Impri- hip carrying not in the Emigration gers," shall E -ent Dollars, and every of us, and each he Year One is amongst my Emigrant wo good and Her Majesty, en approved - the require pay all Fines, sation to any → by virtue of 04, entituled, to remain ia Bond to Her I, the under- in respect of vards, unless Ordinance is •Officer.. y inserted. 11. clared by me 185 in • SCHEDULE D. Form of Contract Passage Ticket. I hereby engage that the Chinese named at foot hereof shall be provided with a Passage to, and shall be landed at, the Port o "with not less than 72 cubic Fee in the Ship or Vessel called the “ Dollars and 12 superficial Feet for Berth accommodation, and shall be victualled according to Schedule A to the “Chinese Passengers Act, 1855, annexed, during the Voyage, and the term of detention at any place before its determination, for the Sum of including the Half-dollar Government Fee on this Ticket and Head Money (if any) to be paid at the place of landing, and I hereby acknow Dollars in full payment. ledge to have received the Sum of MALE. FEMALE. NAME OF Passenger, OCCUPATION. Age. Age. Victoria, Hongkong, the Day of 185 Signature NATIVE PLACE. Passage Broker. I hereby certify, that I have explained and registered the above Contract Passage Ticket, and that I have received the Governme Fee of Twenty-five Cents. Victoria, Hongkong, the Day of NOTICE. THE THE next Criminal Sessions of the SUPREME COURT, will be held on THURSDAY, the 29th day of October, A.1. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon. THE 1 By Order of the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION.. ПHE Next GENERAL MAILS, per One of the PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-Ships, will close on WEDNES- DAY. the 28th Instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. The usual SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up on the following morning. LETTERS received from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M., for a late fee of 6d.; and from 11 A.M. to 12 o'clock P.M., for a late fee of 18, Letters posted between the hours of 11 and Half- past 12 o'clock must be prepaid. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Master. Hongkong, 19th October, 1857. Steam for SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. NE of the PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-SHIPS, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on THURSDAY, the 29th October, at 2 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., on the 27th; SPECIE until Noon on the 28th, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 28th. For Particulars regarding FREIght and PassaGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 17th October, 1857. NOTICE. HIS Excellency the MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY | 185 In re J. J. ALDRIDGE, Police Constable, deceased. 99 J. B. ELLIOT, " * No " " " JOHN HARTONG, WILLIAM HADDAN, 99 【OTICE,—All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMI- NISTRATOR, before the 24th day of April, a.d. 1858, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. All persons indebted to the above Estate are re- quested to make immediate Payment to WE NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar—Official Administrator. NOTICE. E have established a Branch of our House, as General Merchants and Commission Agents, at BANGKOK, SIAM, from the 25th August last. REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. FOR FRANCE in China, has been pleased to Appoint, pending the approval of His Imperial Majesty's Government, on and from the 1st instant. ALBERT VAUCHER, Esq., French Vice-Consul at HONGKONG, instead of N. Duus, Esquire, resigned, ] By order, ; ́KLECZKOWSKI. Legation of France in China, 21 Dotabes 1957. Shanghae, 1st October, 1857. MR NOTICE. ́R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ullimo. MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, retired from our Firm. F. D. SYME & Co. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. NOTICE. E have this day established at Shanghae, under the same Style, a Branch of our Firm WE Signature in China. MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to sign our name per procuration'from same date. VAUCHER FRÈRES. Hongkong, 18th August, 1857. THE NOTICE. HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. WE NOTICE. E have removed our Establishment from Canton to SHANGHAR and have admitted Mr J. F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our Firm from this day. Shanghae, 1st July, 1857. HARKORT & Co. NOTICE. THE business hitherto carried on by the under- signed, under the style of TRÁUTMANN & Co., is hereby declared closed. All Outstanding Business will be taken charge of by Messrs HARKORT & Co. J. F. II. TRAUTMANN. Shanghae, 30th June, 1857. OF Emigration Officer. MR MORESBY, Notary Public and Solicitor, FFICES removed to the first door West of Oriental Bank, late the Offices of Mr H TARRANT, Solicitor, &c. Hongkong, 3d August, 1857. THE NOTICE. HE Interest and Responsibility of Mr 01 HEINRICH FRAMHEIN, in our F ceased on the 30th April last. China, 20th August, 1857. • REISS & C NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JA' SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his deat the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOV Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWI BATESON, Esquire, deceased. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims a the said Estate, will please send them liquidation; and all Parties indebted theret requested to make immediate payment to NOT JOHN WI Executor Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. In the Estate of the 'late Dr WILLIAM LORRAIN, deceased. OTICE-All Persons having Claims : The Said Estate, will please to send t for liquidation; and all Persons indebted said Estate, are requested to make immedia ment to or ADAM SCOTTON,} Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. FOR SALE, Execu at the Office of the “ China Mail” LANK Forms of POWERS OF A BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LA SHIPPING ORDERS, COMPRADOR'S ( BOOKS, SHIPPING ARTICLES, and the form of SHIP'S BILL OF SALE. Also, SAILING DIRECTIONS (printed in I form) for the RIVERS YANG-Tsz-Kra MIN. And, A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA. CHARGES Tea, as bought by the Picul, unc the Pound Avoirdupois. 19th March, 1857, • Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Ho PRick, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Cents. Terms of ApVERTISEMENTS,---Five Lines and i Dollar; each Additional Line. Twenty C half of these charges for each Repetition. 4, 1857. OCTOBER 24, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette, nch Pass. filed in t Emigratio oresaid, the with him at red to such 1 upon each -five Cents, Fees to be shall induce ■tinuance of ker or not, ip, without zfuse or fail Agent shall, se Pretence this Ordi tion of such efault of the d. ent Dollars, 5, or Impri- red current E exceeding Months. s, or Impri- hip carrying not in the Emigration gers," shall E -ent Dollars, and every of us, and each he Year One is amongst my Emigrant wo good and Her Majesty, en approved - the require pay all Fines, sation to any → by virtue of 04, entituled, to remain ia Bond to Her I, the under- in respect of vards, unless Ordinance is •Officer.. y inserted. 11. clared by me 185 in • SCHEDULE D. Form of Contract Passage Ticket. I hereby engage that the Chinese named at foot hereof shall be provided with a Passage to, and shall be landed at, the Port o "with not less than 72 cubic Fee in the Ship or Vessel called the “ Dollars and 12 superficial Feet for Berth accommodation, and shall be victualled according to Schedule A to the “Chinese Passengers Act, 1855, annexed, during the Voyage, and the term of detention at any place before its determination, for the Sum of including the Half-dollar Government Fee on this Ticket and Head Money (if any) to be paid at the place of landing, and I hereby acknow Dollars in full payment. ledge to have received the Sum of MALE. FEMALE. NAME OF Passenger, OCCUPATION. Age. Age. Victoria, Hongkong, the Day of 185 Signature NATIVE PLACE. Passage Broker. I hereby certify, that I have explained and registered the above Contract Passage Ticket, and that I have received the Governme Fee of Twenty-five Cents. Victoria, Hongkong, the Day of NOTICE. THE THE next Criminal Sessions of the SUPREME COURT, will be held on THURSDAY, the 29th day of October, A.1. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon. THE 1 By Order of the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION.. ПHE Next GENERAL MAILS, per One of the PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-Ships, will close on WEDNES- DAY. the 28th Instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. The usual SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up on the following morning. LETTERS received from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M., for a late fee of 6d.; and from 11 A.M. to 12 o'clock P.M., for a late fee of 18, Letters posted between the hours of 11 and Half- past 12 o'clock must be prepaid. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Master. Hongkong, 19th October, 1857. Steam for SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. NE of the PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-SHIPS, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on THURSDAY, the 29th October, at 2 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., on the 27th; SPECIE until Noon on the 28th, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 28th. For Particulars regarding FREIght and PassaGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 17th October, 1857. NOTICE. HIS Excellency the MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY | 185 In re J. J. ALDRIDGE, Police Constable, deceased. 99 J. B. ELLIOT, " * No " " " JOHN HARTONG, WILLIAM HADDAN, 99 【OTICE,—All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMI- NISTRATOR, before the 24th day of April, a.d. 1858, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. All persons indebted to the above Estate are re- quested to make immediate Payment to WE NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar—Official Administrator. NOTICE. E have established a Branch of our House, as General Merchants and Commission Agents, at BANGKOK, SIAM, from the 25th August last. REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. FOR FRANCE in China, has been pleased to Appoint, pending the approval of His Imperial Majesty's Government, on and from the 1st instant. ALBERT VAUCHER, Esq., French Vice-Consul at HONGKONG, instead of N. Duus, Esquire, resigned, ] By order, ; ́KLECZKOWSKI. Legation of France in China, 21 Dotabes 1957. Shanghae, 1st October, 1857. MR NOTICE. ́R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ullimo. MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, retired from our Firm. F. D. SYME & Co. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. NOTICE. E have this day established at Shanghae, under the same Style, a Branch of our Firm WE Signature in China. MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to sign our name per procuration'from same date. VAUCHER FRÈRES. Hongkong, 18th August, 1857. THE NOTICE. HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. WE NOTICE. E have removed our Establishment from Canton to SHANGHAR and have admitted Mr J. F. H. TRAUTMANN a Partner in our Firm from this day. Shanghae, 1st July, 1857. HARKORT & Co. NOTICE. THE business hitherto carried on by the under- signed, under the style of TRÁUTMANN & Co., is hereby declared closed. All Outstanding Business will be taken charge of by Messrs HARKORT & Co. J. F. II. TRAUTMANN. Shanghae, 30th June, 1857. OF Emigration Officer. MR MORESBY, Notary Public and Solicitor, FFICES removed to the first door West of Oriental Bank, late the Offices of Mr H TARRANT, Solicitor, &c. Hongkong, 3d August, 1857. THE NOTICE. HE Interest and Responsibility of Mr 01 HEINRICH FRAMHEIN, in our F ceased on the 30th April last. China, 20th August, 1857. • REISS & C NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JA' SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his deat the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOV Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWI BATESON, Esquire, deceased. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims a the said Estate, will please send them liquidation; and all Parties indebted theret requested to make immediate payment to NOT JOHN WI Executor Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. In the Estate of the 'late Dr WILLIAM LORRAIN, deceased. OTICE-All Persons having Claims : The Said Estate, will please to send t for liquidation; and all Persons indebted said Estate, are requested to make immedia ment to or ADAM SCOTTON,} Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. FOR SALE, Execu at the Office of the “ China Mail” LANK Forms of POWERS OF A BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LA SHIPPING ORDERS, COMPRADOR'S ( BOOKS, SHIPPING ARTICLES, and the form of SHIP'S BILL OF SALE. Also, SAILING DIRECTIONS (printed in I form) for the RIVERS YANG-Tsz-Kra MIN. And, A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA. CHARGES Tea, as bought by the Picul, unc the Pound Avoirdupois. 19th March, 1857, • Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Ho PRick, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Cents. Terms of ApVERTISEMENTS,---Five Lines and i Dollar; each Additional Line. Twenty C half of these charges for each Repetition. THE Hongkong W SERIES. Ali Government GAZETTE. ། VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 31ST OCTOBER, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. 1- VOL. III. No. 122. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby **s, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contr and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” ♦i, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. 151. HN BOWRING. PROCLAMATION. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief rintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China. Whereas the Commands of Her Most Gracious Majesty The QUEEN, conveyed through The Right Honour- Henry Labouchere, M.P., Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, have been received, approving of and frming the following Ordinance, namely:- Ordinance No. 7 of 1857, entitled- "An Ordinance for amending the Laws relating to Juries and Evidence :" Now, therefore, it is hereby declared, that the said Ordinance has been so approved and confirmed as aforesaid. By His Excellency's Command, God Save The Queen. Given at Victoria, Hongkong, this 27th Day of October, 1857. 152 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. The following amended Returns of Imports and Exports by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Lazany's Vessels, during the Year 1856, is published for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 26th October, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. 1856.—Imports of OPIUM and Treasure, per Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steamers. OPIUM. TREASURE. STEAMIL. Нококом. SHANGHAL TOTAL HONGKONG. CANTON. "SHANGHAI, TOTAL. Malwa. Bengal. Turkey. TOTAL. Malwa, 30 Cadiz, 10 Norna,* ... 30 Madras,... 27 Singapore,... 23 Norna, 25 Malta, ... 23 Singapore, 5 Chusan,t 25 | Ganges,... 28 Malta, 2 Singapore, Norna, 24 | Madras.... *** 1,6121 2,009 184 1,796 1,7961 31 2,040! 2,040 293,012 196,829 217,160 338,814 61,856 115,865 828,652 394,881 ... 1,6644 35 1,6991 1,699) 191,544 129,825 321,792 643.161 1,645 35 60: 1,730 1,730 833,595 220,373 253,392 1,307.360 1,667 1,667 1,6671 963,438 *300,249° 510,908 1,774,595 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,122,743 188,867 511,910 1,823,520 1,609 1,609) 1,615 310,112 113,645 289,132 712,869 311 311 1,018 1,329 5,000 13,938 446.889 465,827 919 9191 919 1,516,798 663,782 1,015,324 3,195,904 1,6074 1,607 *** 1,607 1,653,089 295,380 785,326 2,733,795 *** 1,184 1,184) 30 1,214 1,185,232 279,905 1,546,214 3,011,351 ... 1,788 2,035 1,788 63 1,851 1,099,232 202,100 1,713,968 3,095,300 2,035 2,035 721,024 **245,593 506,805 *1,473,422 Chests,....... 19,650§ 101 244 19,985 1,1174 ‚ 21,102₫ |10,111,979 | 2,992,342 | 8,356,336 $21,460,657 No arrival in February. The Norna was detained at Galle 12 days, in consequence of an accident to the Pera, and made a late arrival. Chusan an Extra Steamer-brought no Mails, SOLERE MORE PYASAZKENA NO avatar THE Hongkong W SERIES. Ali Government GAZETTE. ། VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 31ST OCTOBER, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. 1- VOL. III. No. 122. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby **s, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contr and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” ♦i, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. 151. HN BOWRING. PROCLAMATION. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief rintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China. Whereas the Commands of Her Most Gracious Majesty The QUEEN, conveyed through The Right Honour- Henry Labouchere, M.P., Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, have been received, approving of and frming the following Ordinance, namely:- Ordinance No. 7 of 1857, entitled- "An Ordinance for amending the Laws relating to Juries and Evidence :" Now, therefore, it is hereby declared, that the said Ordinance has been so approved and confirmed as aforesaid. By His Excellency's Command, God Save The Queen. Given at Victoria, Hongkong, this 27th Day of October, 1857. 152 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. The following amended Returns of Imports and Exports by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Lazany's Vessels, during the Year 1856, is published for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 26th October, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. 1856.—Imports of OPIUM and Treasure, per Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steamers. OPIUM. TREASURE. STEAMIL. Нококом. SHANGHAL TOTAL HONGKONG. CANTON. "SHANGHAI, TOTAL. Malwa. Bengal. Turkey. TOTAL. Malwa, 30 Cadiz, 10 Norna,* ... 30 Madras,... 27 Singapore,... 23 Norna, 25 Malta, ... 23 Singapore, 5 Chusan,t 25 | Ganges,... 28 Malta, 2 Singapore, Norna, 24 | Madras.... *** 1,6121 2,009 184 1,796 1,7961 31 2,040! 2,040 293,012 196,829 217,160 338,814 61,856 115,865 828,652 394,881 ... 1,6644 35 1,6991 1,699) 191,544 129,825 321,792 643.161 1,645 35 60: 1,730 1,730 833,595 220,373 253,392 1,307.360 1,667 1,667 1,6671 963,438 *300,249° 510,908 1,774,595 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,122,743 188,867 511,910 1,823,520 1,609 1,609) 1,615 310,112 113,645 289,132 712,869 311 311 1,018 1,329 5,000 13,938 446.889 465,827 919 9191 919 1,516,798 663,782 1,015,324 3,195,904 1,6074 1,607 *** 1,607 1,653,089 295,380 785,326 2,733,795 *** 1,184 1,184) 30 1,214 1,185,232 279,905 1,546,214 3,011,351 ... 1,788 2,035 1,788 63 1,851 1,099,232 202,100 1,713,968 3,095,300 2,035 2,035 721,024 **245,593 506,805 *1,473,422 Chests,....... 19,650§ 101 244 19,985 1,1174 ‚ 21,102₫ |10,111,979 | 2,992,342 | 8,356,336 $21,460,657 No arrival in February. The Norna was detained at Galle 12 days, in consequence of an accident to the Pera, and made a late arrival. Chusan an Extra Steamer-brought no Mails, SOLERE MORE PYASAZKENA NO avatar { 2 + The Hongkong Government Gazette. [OCTOBER 31, 1857. 1856.-Exports of SILK and TREASURE, per Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steamers. SILK. TREASURE. DATE. STEAMER. SOUTHAMPTON. MARSEILLES. TOTAL. BOMBAY. TOTAL. January February 15 15 Madras, Cadiz, ... ... ... 509 652 1,161 ... 1,161 214,829 .... ... ... ... 380 416 796 44 840 282,253 March 15 Norna, 300 223 523 523 $50,000 ... ... April 15 Madras, 1,841 630 2,471 107 2,578 380,630 ... ... May 10 Singapore,... 1,191 562 1,753 1,753 310,690 24 Chusan, 296 351 647 277 924 71,553 ... June 10 Norna, 100 ... .. 1,009 674 1,683 81 1,764 86,219 July 10 Malta, ... ... ... ... 2,102 385 2,487 62 2,549 31,249 4 25 Pekin, ... ... ... 3,936 926 3,862 3,862 9,967 19 August 10 Singapore, ... ... ... 881 793 1,674 18 1,692 8,975 ** September 13 Ganges, 1,612 '906 2,518 2,518 340,713 ... ... October 15 Malta, ... ... 1,108 1,118 2,226 2,226 : 482,722 16 99 November 15 December 15 Shanghai. th 968 ... ... ... b: 1,100 ¡¡ 2,068 15 2,083 ... Singapore, ... 1,339 1,429 2,768 2,768 37,075 Norna, 931 ... *** ... 1,518 2,449 53 30 Formosa, 265 195 460 66 28 2,502 234,313 526 72,069 ... • " 17,668 11,878 29,546 723 30,269 $3,113,867 1856.-Imports of OPIUM and TREASURB-from Calcutta. 1856.—Exports of Treasure to Calcutta. DATE. STEAMER. STEAMER. 27, Lady Mary Wood, €8,005 | May 22 Shanghai, 16,542 July25 Formosa, „TREASURE.__n DATE 1,551 $38,840 810 Marchi unp|I odƒ 71,089 ... ** ... ... PAJAI, 1,154 '1,080 asituli 620 8,700 January 12 Formosa, ... ... ... March 19 Chusan, ... May 14 Shanghai, June 17 Pekin, July 11 Shanghai, September 17 Lady Mary Wood, ... November 14 Formosa, ... 痛痛 ... Chests,...... 1,248 7,552 33,959 August 12 Chusan, ... ... ... ... rebro 340,348|| lino zo kita) nM 186,925 $633,319 TREASURE. ... $194,989 29,466 1856.-Imports of SILK and TREASURE, from Shanghai to Hongkong, by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steamers. T 26,340 $250,795 SILK. TREASURE. DATE. STEAMER. SOUTHAMPTON. MARSKILLKE. HONGKONG. TOTAL. Номококо. INDIA. TOTAL. January 11 Lady Mary Wood, ... *** 365 486 den 851 5,200 $ 5,200 23 Erin,* .... ... 19 February 11 Formosa, ... .. 230 105 335 53,957 19.200 73,157 22 Erin, ... 100 4 16,945 1,400 18,345 " 伊 March 11 April 11 Formosa, Erin, ... ... 285 216 501 131,216 103,378 234,594 ... ... ... 451 jms.337 de 105 O s1,893 129,247 147,017 276,264 20 Formosa, ... ... ... ... 636 15 ... 651 406,670 ... 406,670 "" May June 5 Erin, ... 420 160 9 ... 580 60,700 48,400 109,100 6 Formosa, ... 906 329 ... 1,235 28,700 410 29,110 July 5 Erin, ... .. ... 1,200 89 *** 1,289 14,500 14,500 19 Formosa, ... ... 2,354 August 5 Erin, 618 0:50) 402. 2.756 ... 202 1,086 21,300 21,300 " 18 Shanghai, •• 685 527 September 11 Erin, 854 631 2,060 42.900 42,900 631 34,825 34,825 October 12 18 Shanghai, ... ... 17790] MG428C VO(2,146 5,220 ... 5,220 Erin, 869 34) 1,210 *** November 11 23 " December 21 Erin, Formosa,t Lady Mary Wood, 313 209 50 44 · ོ ལ་ ་ 25 696 ! 522 119 *** .... 0,11,180 5,500 11,180 5,500 ... 11,310 4,252 3,005 1,18,567 936,880 350,985 $1,287,865 * With Chow-chow Cargo. + The Formosa brought also 10 Bales Silk for Suez, and 45 for Bombay. 1856.-Exports of OPIUM and TREASURE, from Hongkong to Shanghai, per Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steamers. DATE. STEAMER. Formosa, ... Formosa, 19 53 2 Erin, Formosa, *** ... - ... 28 Erin, ... *** 19 June July 30 Formosa, ... *** 语 ... ... ... ... ... 17 Erin, 盛 " 30 Shanghai,.. ... ... ... Kalwa. 5 Patna. 5651 590 121 OPIUM. Behares. Turkey. 5 5 ... 10 TOP 665 V 118630 614 January 5 20 Erin, Formosa ... ... ... February 4 4 Erin, ... ... ... 19 " Myd bi1903 March 15 Erin, April May ... ... ... ... 3901 492 59 109 of 7130:11 35910. 206 227 53 ... 7. 14610 1278 661,1940 HC6127) 78 25 12 13 di20 :: 350. 309 August Erin, Jaki im9j1,112. þitt se 28 30 Shanghai,. reitu maba1531 85 October 3 Erin, ... 141 70 19 Lady Mary Wood, ... ... 395 133 November 7 Erin, leyl od 6551 | nd 394 18 Lady Mary Wood, 22❘ Formosa, ** 10: 90 20 20 10 15 ... ... 145 December 6 Erin,... 459 30 " 29 | Lady Mary Wood, 450 ... 6,9271 8,418 165 TOTAL. TREASURE. 1,1651 594.021 881 177,210 745 391,100 330 133,258 6534 196,521 719 418,921 344 181,781 190 469,243 338 587,38 375 860,541 165 296,435 328 694,573 1,140 238 603,042 1,403,211 211 1,517,757 528 9694 284,4% 2,589,11 110 160 370,50 82,11 489 2,216,# 450 18 10,5281 542,49 $14,911,455 ས་ I 1, 1837. OCTOBER 31, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette. 3 Imports of OPIUM and TREASURE from Ports in India and the Straits of Malacca into Hongkong per Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers, during the Year 1856. / N.B.-The Bombay Steamers bring on the Treasure, trans-shipped at Galle from the Suez Steamers. ASTRE. TREASURE FOR. OPIUM. FROM. Malwa, Bengal. Turkey. TOTAL. HONGKONG, CANTON. SHANGBAI. TOTAL 214,803 282.21 550,0 380,00 Chests-half. Chests. Chests. 310,0 71. Raibay, &c.—13 Steamers, Calcutta, 20,967 6 01 244 7 7,552 Chests-half. 21,102 6 7,552 • 10,111,979 2,992,342 8,356,336 $21,460,657 633,319 20,767 6 7,643 244 28,654 6 10,111,979 2,992,342 8,356,336 $22,093,976 $6.20 31.2. 9. 8. 8407 40247. 87,0* This amount is included in Table of Exports to Shanghai. Exports of RAW SILK and TREASURE per Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers, from Hongkong to the Straits of Malacca, and to Ports in India, during the Year, 1856. N.B.-The Bombay Steamer takes away the Raw Silk intended for trans-shipment at Galle to the Aden Steamers. 2313 72, $3,113, utta. Sagapore and Bombay,16 Steamers, Singapore and Calcutta,→→ 4 * " RAW SILK. SOUTHAMPTON. MARSEILLES. BOMBAY & CALCUTTA. 17,668 .11,878. 17,668 11,878 TREASURE. 723 ...... TOTAL. 30,269 $3,113,867 250,795 723 30,260 $3,364,662 TREASULE. $194.0 29.4 ztion 26.3. $250,7 No. 153. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency The Governor has, with the concurrence of the Executive Council, granted Twelve Months' Leave of Absence, on Medical Certificate, to the Reverend JOHN JAMES IRWIN, Colonial Chaplain. During the absence of Mr IRWIN, or until further orders, the Duties of Colonial Chaplain will be discharged by the Reverend J. H. GRAY. By Order, - " dendan ang 'N BAIE W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. i TOTAL. $ 5.90 73.35 18.3. 234. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 30th October, 1857. No. 144. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, that under the terms of Ordinance No. 11 of 1844, Wednesday, the 18th Day of November next, is fixed for a Special Sessions of Justices of the Peace, to be held on that day at the Office of the Chief Magistrate of Police at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, for the purpose of considering Applications for Licenses for the Sale of Spirituous and Fermented Liquors, during the Year commencing the 1st December next. Applications for such Licenses must be Lodged at the Chief Magistrate's Office at least Ten Days before the Sessions, in the Form prescribed by the Ordinance above mentioned. 276. 406. 109.1 20.1 14, 21. 42.5 347 No. 148. 5. 11," 3.: $1.287) _gation TREASURE. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 14th October, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Whereas certain Persons are reported to have been guilty of Murder and Piracy on board the British Schooner Neva, on the 18th instant, it is hereby notified, that Her Majesty's Government have been authorized to offer A REWARD OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, for the apprehension and conviction of a Chinese Carpenter, Name unknown, belonging to such Schooner; and A REWARD OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, 3 per Man, for the apprehension and conviction of five Chinese Passengers then on board such Schooner,—all of which aid several parties are believed to have been prominently engaged in such Murder and Piracy; and further, His Excellency The Governor is hereby pleased to offer a Free Pardon to any of the parties (except the Six above mentioned) who participated in such Crimes, provided they do turn Queen's Evidence, and assist in such apprehension and conviction as aforesaid. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 21st October, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. ... W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. The following Return of Government Property to be sold by Public Auction, is published for general information. 5944 177 No. 149. 391. 133. 196 ༈ ་༔; 416 181 403 5878 800. 694 1,402 1,512 201 2,595 370 $14,911 By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 22d October, 1857. ** W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. LAND AND HOUSES FOR SALE AT THE WESTERN MARKET. On the 2d November next, at 11 o'clock A.M., at the Western Market, a portion of the Land and Premises now attached thereto, fronting Morrison Street, comprising the undermentioned Shops, viz: Nos. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63. Possession will be given on the 16th November. Also, on the 9th of November at the same hour, will be sold the Land and Premises fronting the Queen's Road, comprising Shops Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54. Possession of these will be given on the 16th! November. Also, on the 16th November at the same hour, will be sold the Land and Premises fronting Bonham Strand, comprising Shops Nos. 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 522, 523, 524. Possession of these will be given on the same day. 1, 1837. OCTOBER 31, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette. 3 Imports of OPIUM and TREASURE from Ports in India and the Straits of Malacca into Hongkong per Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers, during the Year 1856. / N.B.-The Bombay Steamers bring on the Treasure, trans-shipped at Galle from the Suez Steamers. ASTRE. TREASURE FOR. OPIUM. FROM. Malwa, Bengal. Turkey. TOTAL. HONGKONG, CANTON. SHANGBAI. TOTAL 214,803 282.21 550,0 380,00 Chests-half. Chests. Chests. 310,0 71. Raibay, &c.—13 Steamers, Calcutta, 20,967 6 01 244 7 7,552 Chests-half. 21,102 6 7,552 • 10,111,979 2,992,342 8,356,336 $21,460,657 633,319 20,767 6 7,643 244 28,654 6 10,111,979 2,992,342 8,356,336 $22,093,976 $6.20 31.2. 9. 8. 8407 40247. 87,0* This amount is included in Table of Exports to Shanghai. Exports of RAW SILK and TREASURE per Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers, from Hongkong to the Straits of Malacca, and to Ports in India, during the Year, 1856. N.B.-The Bombay Steamer takes away the Raw Silk intended for trans-shipment at Galle to the Aden Steamers. 2313 72, $3,113, utta. Sagapore and Bombay,16 Steamers, Singapore and Calcutta,→→ 4 * " RAW SILK. SOUTHAMPTON. MARSEILLES. BOMBAY & CALCUTTA. 17,668 .11,878. 17,668 11,878 TREASURE. 723 ...... TOTAL. 30,269 $3,113,867 250,795 723 30,260 $3,364,662 TREASULE. $194.0 29.4 ztion 26.3. $250,7 No. 153. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency The Governor has, with the concurrence of the Executive Council, granted Twelve Months' Leave of Absence, on Medical Certificate, to the Reverend JOHN JAMES IRWIN, Colonial Chaplain. During the absence of Mr IRWIN, or until further orders, the Duties of Colonial Chaplain will be discharged by the Reverend J. H. GRAY. By Order, - " dendan ang 'N BAIE W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. i TOTAL. $ 5.90 73.35 18.3. 234. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 30th October, 1857. No. 144. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, that under the terms of Ordinance No. 11 of 1844, Wednesday, the 18th Day of November next, is fixed for a Special Sessions of Justices of the Peace, to be held on that day at the Office of the Chief Magistrate of Police at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, for the purpose of considering Applications for Licenses for the Sale of Spirituous and Fermented Liquors, during the Year commencing the 1st December next. Applications for such Licenses must be Lodged at the Chief Magistrate's Office at least Ten Days before the Sessions, in the Form prescribed by the Ordinance above mentioned. 276. 406. 109.1 20.1 14, 21. 42.5 347 No. 148. 5. 11," 3.: $1.287) _gation TREASURE. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 14th October, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Whereas certain Persons are reported to have been guilty of Murder and Piracy on board the British Schooner Neva, on the 18th instant, it is hereby notified, that Her Majesty's Government have been authorized to offer A REWARD OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, for the apprehension and conviction of a Chinese Carpenter, Name unknown, belonging to such Schooner; and A REWARD OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, 3 per Man, for the apprehension and conviction of five Chinese Passengers then on board such Schooner,—all of which aid several parties are believed to have been prominently engaged in such Murder and Piracy; and further, His Excellency The Governor is hereby pleased to offer a Free Pardon to any of the parties (except the Six above mentioned) who participated in such Crimes, provided they do turn Queen's Evidence, and assist in such apprehension and conviction as aforesaid. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 21st October, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. ... W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. The following Return of Government Property to be sold by Public Auction, is published for general information. 5944 177 No. 149. 391. 133. 196 ༈ ་༔; 416 181 403 5878 800. 694 1,402 1,512 201 2,595 370 $14,911 By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 22d October, 1857. ** W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. LAND AND HOUSES FOR SALE AT THE WESTERN MARKET. On the 2d November next, at 11 o'clock A.M., at the Western Market, a portion of the Land and Premises now attached thereto, fronting Morrison Street, comprising the undermentioned Shops, viz: Nos. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63. Possession will be given on the 16th November. Also, on the 9th of November at the same hour, will be sold the Land and Premises fronting the Queen's Road, comprising Shops Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54. Possession of these will be given on the 16th! November. Also, on the 16th November at the same hour, will be sold the Land and Premises fronting Bonham Strand, comprising Shops Nos. 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 522, 523, 524. Possession of these will be given on the same day. BOUNDARY MEASURE-FEET. The Hongkong Government Gazette. Statement of Lots with their Area and Annual Rental. [OCTOBER 31, 1857. CONTENT BOUNDARY MEASURE-FEET. CONTENT SHOP IN ANNUAL RENTAL NUMBER. N. S. E. IV. SQUARE FRET. SHOP NUMBER. IN N. SQUARE ANNUAL RENTAL. S. E. W. FEET. £'s. d. 56 143 143 30 30 442 1 12 6 50 164 171 31 31 527 £ s. 1 18 85 d. 57 14 14 30 30 420 1 10 5 51 146 144 31 31 416 1 10 64 58 15 15 30 30 450 1 13 0 52 14A 31° 31 444 1 12 7 59 18 15 30 30 540 1 19 9 53 14 31 31 444 1 12 7 60 19 19 30 30 570 2 1 10 54 17 31 31 542 1 19 104 61 16 16 30 30 480 115 2 511 15 15 33 31 480 1 15 21 62 151 151 30 30 457 1 13 6 512 15 15 31 30 457 1 13 64 63 153 151 30 7 15 15 15 15 15 555 151 30 30 30 10 151 15} 30 11 151 151 30 12 181 18 30 ....... 30 472 } 14 8 513 15 15 74 74 1,100 0.10 30 465 1 14 14 514 15 15 72 72 1,080 3 19 5 30 450 1:13 04 515: 15 15 71 71 - 1,065 3 13 44 30 450 1 13 04 516 159 159 70 70 902 3 6 3 30 457 1 13 6 522 15 15 48 47 710 2 12 2 30 457 1 13 64 623 144 141 47 45 667 2 9 30 550 2.0 524 14& 144 45 40 616 2 5 49 174 18 3) 31 550 2 0 5 CHAS. ST GEO. CLEVERLY, Surveyor General. 憲 T 一千八百五十七_+_+七 八十 三十 十七 日 示 NOTICE. 準二百二投鐘舖亦五八向九於一十之點照 於五一五第將又係十九大月本六七舖鐘得 英百十百五向十準一十街十年十五連將於 十卅五一百海月於五十之三十二十地上九 三五十一波初本十一舖日月六八出環月 月五百三十 一年二十連上初十五投街十 十百一五一街日十五二地午一三十第市六 六廿十百號之上月十四出十日號九五向日 日四六一五舖午初 五舖午初三十投 交○六十馬上 交〇五十百連十一 五九錼點出每十六禮午 舖亦百四一地一日十五七鐘又舖六號 臣十 係廿五十出點交四十號將於準十五街一 NOTICE. E have established a Branch of our House, THE next WE in its SUMMARY Jurisdiction, will be held on as General Merchunts and Commission Agents, FRIDA Y, the 6th day of November, A.D. 1857, at 12 | at BANGKOK, Siảм, from the 25th August last. o'clock at Noon. By Order of the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. In re J. J. ALDRIDGE, Police Constable, deceased. 99 J. B. ELLIOT, 99 JOHN HARTONG, " WILLIAM HADDAN, " "9 99 " 99 ́OTICE,—All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMI- NISTRATOR, before the 24th day of April, a.d. 1858, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. All persons indebted to the above Estate are re- quested to make immediate Payment to H NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar-Official Administrator. NOTICE. REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. Shanghae, 1st October, 1857. NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. THE NOTICE. HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. IS Excellency the MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY FOR FRANCE in China, has been pleased to Appoint, pending the approval of His Imperial plajesty's Government, on and from the 1st instant. ALBERT VAUCHER, Esq., French Vioe-Consul at HONGKONG, instead of N. Duus, Esquire, resigned, | in China. By order, KLECZKOWSKI. Legation of France in China, Macao, 3d October, 1857. NOTICE. FR THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, pa 1st ultimo, MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, etired from our Firm. F. D. SYME & Co. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. WE NOTICE. E have this day established at Shanghue, under the same Style, a Branch of our Firm MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to sign our name per procuration from same date. VAUCHER FRERES. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. MR. MORESBY, Notary Publio and Solicitor, FFICES removed to the first door West of the Oriental Bank, late the Offices of Mr H. J. TARRANT, Solicitor, &c. Hongkong, 3d August, 1857. | In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. N OTICE.—All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please send them iu fo liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, are requested to make immediate payment to JOHN WISE, Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 1357. In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. NOTI OTICE All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate; are requested to make immediate pay- ment to or ADAM SCOTT, Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. FOR SALE, Executor at the Office of the “ China Mail.” LANK Forms of POWERS OF ATTOR- BLANEY, WILLS, CHARTERPARTIES, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LADING, SHIPPING ORDERS, COMPRADOR'S CHECK BOOKS, SHIPPING ARTICLES, and the newest form of SHIP'S BILL OF SALE, Also, SAILING DIRECTIONS (printed in Pamphlet form) for the RIVERS Yang-Tszk-KeanG and MIN. } And, A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA, with all CHARGES—Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold by "the Pound Avoirdupois. 19th March, 1857. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.— PRICE, $12 per dunum. Single Copies, Thirty-siz Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Ceuts-Ong- ~ half of those charges for each Repetition. · 857. RENTAL. S. THE 18 10 12 12 19 10. 15 13 65 19 16 6 ༤༤2 ཚེ་ྲཨཱ2 0.10 12 Y, Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 7TH NOVEMBER, 1857. VOL. III. No. 123. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, › Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. No. 40. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. ་ DWIN ms against them in fo hereto, are GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Diplomatic Department. His Excellency The Chief Superintendent of Trade, &c., &c., has received from His Excellency The Captain General of the Philippines, Copy of a Royal Decree, regulating the Conditions on which Articles are allowed to be Bonded in the Custora House at Manila, to the following effect: All Articles declared for Bond shall pay, on their introduction, One per Cent on the value; and, if exported, an additional One per Cent. Articles which being Bonded shall be released for Consumption, shall only pay the One per Cent of intro- duction, besides the Duties as established by the Tariffs. If the Articles remain more than a year in Bond, they shall pay an additional Duty at the rate of One per Cent. All which is hereby published for the information of those concerned. By Order, WISE, ecutor. Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th November, 1857. GEO. S. MORRISON. IAM B. ims against end them in oted to the nediate pay- Executors. No. 154. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. WILLIAM H. MITCHELL, Esquire, Assistant Magistrate, Sheriff, and Marshal of the Vice-Admiralty Court, sting returned to the Colony from Leave of Absence, has this day resumed his Duties, and Messrs MAY and GRAND-PRE will return to their respective Offices of Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of Police. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. El ATTOR- PARTIES, LADING, R'S CHECK a the newest in Pamphlet KEANG and FA, with all and sold by Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 5th November, 1857. No. 144. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, that under the terms of Ordinance No. 11 of 1844, Wednesday, the 18th Day of Nerember next, is fixed for a Special Sessions of Justices of the Peace, to be held on that day at the Office of the Lief Magistrate of Police at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, for the purpose of considering Applications for Licenses the Sale of Spirituous and Fermented Liquors, during the Year commencing the 1st December next. Applications for such Licenses must be Lodged at the Chief Magistrate's Office at least Ten Days before the sion, in the Form prescribed by the Ordinance above mentioned. By Order, Hongkong. -es, Thirty-siz nd under, One y Certs-One- on. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 14th October, 1857. - W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. $57. VTEMBER 7, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette. 3 hooner 1 which er, His above hension CS, "ary, general ES, Mary. ad, com- er. - Strand, =n on the AL RENTAL £ 3. d. 1 19 101 1 15 20 113 64 4 0 3 19 3 18 4 3 6 3 2 12 2 2 9 0 2 5 RLY, HONGKONG. {י ANNO VIGESIMO PRIMO VICTORIÆ REGINE. ́ No. 11 of 1857. ly His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Comniander-in-Chief of the ey of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative cil of Hongkong. An Ordinance for Licensing and Regulating Emigration Passage Brokers. [3d November, 1857.] Whereas it is expedient to amend existing legislation with reference to Emigrants: Be it Enacted Ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, by and with the Advice of the Legislative cil thereof, as follows: Title. Preamble. No Person to act 1. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, no Person shall act as a Passage Broker or in pro- Passengers, for or in the Sale or Letting of Passages in any Emigrant Ship, unless he shall, with as a Passage Broker afficient Sureties to be approved by the Emigration Officer, have entered into a joint and several Bond without having enter- se Sum of Five Thousand current Dollars to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, according to the ed into a Bond and ob- contained in Schedule A, hereunto annexed, which Bond shall be renewed on each occasion of tained a License. waing such License as hereinafter mentioned, and shall be deposited with the Emigration Officer; nor ss such Person shall have obtained a License to let or sell Passages, nor unless such License shall be in force; and where different members of the same Firm act as Passage Brokers, each Person so acting comply with the Terms of this Section. II. Any Person wishing to obtain a License to act as a Passage Broker, shall make application for How Passage Brok- me to the Emigration Officer, and the Emigration Officer is hereby authorised (if he shall think fit) er's Licenses may be grant such License according to the Form in Schedule B, hereunto annexed: Provided always, that obtained. ch License shall be granted unless such Bond as hereinbefore mentioned shall have been first entered : Provided also, that any Justice or Justices of the Peace who shall adjudicate on any Offence against Power to Justices to , Ordinance, are hereby authorized to order the Offender's License to be forfeited, and the same shall order Licenses to be eupon be forfeited accordingly; and the said Justice or Justices making such order shall forthwith forfeited. e notice of such forfeiture, in the Form contained in the Schedule C, hereunto annexed, to be mitted to the Emigration Officer, and such forfeiture shall be exclusive and independent of any other shment which may be inflicted upon such Offender under the Provisions of this "Ordinance. Licenses. III. Every Person obtaining such License as aforesaid, shall pay to the Emigration Officer a Fee of Fee to be paid for Hundred current Dollars, which Fee the Emigration Officer is hereby empowered and required to emand and receive upon the issuing of any such License; and the said Emigration Officer shall pay over uch Fees to the Colonial Treasurer, to be applied to the Colonial Revenue. How long Licenses to continue in IV. All such Licenses shall continue in force until the 31st Day of December in the year in which License shall be granted, and for Fourteen Days afterwards, unless sooner forfeited as hereinbefore are estioned: Provided, that any License granted before the 31st Day of December in the present year, shall force. tinue in force till the 31st Day of December 1858, and for Fourteen Days afterwards. Contract Tickets for V. Every Passage Broker who shall or may receive Money from any Person, for or in respect of a age in any Emigrant Ship, shall give to every such Person a Contract Ticket, under the hand of such Passages. ge Broker, and stamped with his Seal or Trade Mark,-each Ticket to be printed in a plain and legible Sare, according to the Form in the Schedule D, hereunto annexed, and to be accompanied with a Trans- on thereof in the Chinese Language, in plain and legible Characters. VI. Every such Passage Broker before he shall receive or take any Money on account of any such Passage Brokers to sage, or for the sale or letting of the whole or any part of the Accommodation of or in any Emigrant Ship produce to Emigration they have chartered · ceeding from Hongkong, shall produce to the Emigration Officer the Certificate of the Master or Owner Officer Certificate that the Ship, in respect of which such Passage shall or may have been taken, or the Accommodation the Ship for carrying which shall have been so sold or let, to the effect, that such Ship has been chartered for the purpose Emigrants. carrying Emigrants, and that he, such Passage Broker, is authorized to receive Payment for such Passage, for the Sale or Letting of the Accommodation in such Ship; and such Certificate shall be filed in the e of the Emigration Officer, and the Contents thereof entered in a Book to be kept by the Emigration cer, for recording therein the Contents of such Certificates. Passage Broker to attend before Emigra- VII. On every occasion of the delivery to any Passenger of such. Contract Ticket as aforesaid, the Fuge Broker who shall have engaged to provide such Passenger with a l'assage shall attend with him at tion Officer for the Be Office of the Emigration Officer, in whose presence the Contract Ticket shall be delivered to such purpose of delivering lenger, and who shall explain to him the true Intent and Meaning of such Contract. VIII. No Person shall fraudulently alter or cause to be altered, after it is once issued, or shall induce *P'erson to part with or render useless or destroy any such Contract Ticket, during the continuance of wr Contract which it is intended to evidence. * the Contract Tickets to Passengers. Contract Tickets not to be altered. Agents not to act IX. No Licensed Passage Broker shall, as Agent for any Person, whether a Licensed Broker or not, tive Money for or on account of the Passage of any Passenger on board an Emigrant Ship, without without written Au- ating a written Authority to act as such Agent, or on the demand of the Emigration Öfficer, refuse or fail thority, and to pro- exhibit his License and such written Authority; and no Person whether as Principal or Agent shall, duce their Authority any Fraud, or by false Representation as to the Size of the Ship or otherwise, or by any false Pretence atsoever, induce any Person to engage any Passage as aforesaid. on demand. Penalties for Of X. All Violations or Disobediences of, or Defaults in Compliance with, the Provisions of this Ordi- tance, shall be heard and determined summarily under Ordinance No. 10 of 1844; and on conviction of such fences. fences, the respective Offenders shall be sentenced to pay the several Penalties, or in default of the Pyment thereof, to suffer the several Terms of Imprisonment respectively hereinafter specified. 1. For every Offence against Section One, a Fine not exceeding Four Hundred current Dollars, 1. Against Section I. or Imprisonment for a Term not exceeding Six Months. 2. For every Offence against Section Five, a Fine not exceeding Fifty current Dollars, or Impri- sonment for a Term not exceeding Six Weeks. 3. For every Offence, against Sections Six or Nine, a Fine not exceeding One Hundred current Dollars, or Imprisonment for a Term not exceeding Three Months. 4. For every Offence committed by a Passage Broker against Section Seven, a Fine not exceeding One Hundred current Dollars, or Imprisonment for a Term not exceeding Three Months. 5. For every Offence against Section Eight, a Fine not exceeding Fifty current Dollars, or Impri- sonment for a Terni not exceeding Two Months. 2. Against Section V. 8. Against Sections VI. and IX. VII. Against Section 5. Against Section VIII. 4 F The Honghong Government Gazette. [NOVEMBER 7, 187; XI. For the Purposes of this Ordinance, the Term "Emigrant Ship" shall mean every Ship carry more than Twenty Passengers being Natives of China, and clearing out for a Port or Ports not in Chinese Empire; the Term "Emigration Officer" shall include every Person lawfully acting as Emigr Officer, Emigration Agent, or Protector of Emigrants in. Hongkong; and the Term "Passengers," include all Passengers being natives of China. AT JOHN BOWRING. Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong, this 3d Day of November, 1857. J. M. D'ALMADA E CASTRO, for the Clerk of Councils. SCHEDULES TO WHICH THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE REFERS. Schedule A, B of &c., C Form of Emigration Passage Broker's Annual Bond, with two Sureties to be approved by the Emigration Officer. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents, that we A * of &c., are held and firmly bound unto Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, in the Sum of Five Thousand curte D of &c., and E Dollars, to be paid to Her said Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors; to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, a every of us jointly and severally, our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, and the Heirs Executors, and Administrators of each of and each and every of them, firmly by these presents, sealed with our Seals, dated this Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Day of in th WHEREAS by the "Ordinance for Licensing and Regulating Emigration Passage Brokers, No. 11 of 1857," it is among- other things Enacted: that no Person whatever shall carry on the business of a Passage Broker in Hongkong, in respect of any Emigr Ship, or shall be in any wise concerned in the sale or letting of Passages in any such Ship, unless such Person, with two good aze sufficient Sureties to be approved of by the Emigration Officer, shall have previously entered into a joint and several Bond to Her Majes Her Heirs and Successors, in the Sum of Five Thousand current Dollars; And Whereas the said C. D. and E. F. have been of by the Emigration Officer as Sureties for the said A. B. appro Now the condition of this Obligation is, that if the above bounden A. B. shall well and truly observe and comply with all the require à ments of the said recite Ordinance, so far as the same relate to Passage Brokers; and further, shall well and truly pay all .. Forfeitures, and Penalties,—and also all Sums of Money, by way of subsistence Money, or of return Passage Money, and compensation to a Passenger, or on his account,--and also all costs which the above bounden A. B. may at any time be adjudged to pay, under or by virtue.. any of the Provisions of the above recited Ordinance, or of the Act of the Imperial Parliament 18th & 19th Victoria, cap. 104, entitule: "An Act for the Regulation of Chinese Passenger Ships": then, and in such case, this obligation to be void,-otherwise to remain full force. Signed, sealed, and delivered, by the above bounden A, B., C. D., and E. F., in the presence off A. B. of‡ i [* Insert Personal and Family names in full, with the Occupation and Address of each of the Parties.] [Insert the Names and Addresses in full of the Witnesses.] SCHEDULE B. Form of Emigration Passage Broker's License. haring shown to the satisfaction of me, the undersigned, that he hath given Bond to Ilm Majesty, as by the " Ordinance for Licensing and Regulating Emigration Passage Brokers, No. 11 of 1857," required; I, the under signed, do hereby License and authorize the said A. B. to carry on the business of a Passage Broker in Hongkong, in respect eð Passengers on board Emigrant Ships proceeding from Hongkong, until the end of the present Year, and Fourteen Days afterwards, unles this License shall be sooner determined by Forfeiture for Misconduct on the part of the said A. B., as in the aforesaid Ordinance provided. One Thousand Eight Hundred and [L.S.] Given under my Hand and Seal this Day of Signature Emigration Officer. [ The Personal and Family names in full of the Person applying for the License, with his Address and Trade or Occupation, must be correctly inserted.] » SCHEDULE C. Form of Notice to be given to the Emigration Officer of Forfeiture of a License. SIR,-This is to give you notice, that the License granted on the to Act as an Emigration Passage Broker, was on the (or us), the undersigned Justice (or Justices) of the Peace in Petty Sessions assembled, to be forfeited.¶ Day of Day of 18 to A. B. of || now last past duly declared by m Signatures Place and Date 185 To the EMIGRAtion Officer, Victoria, Hongkong. The Personal and Family names in full, with the Address and Trade or Occupation of the Party, to be here inserted.] [T Here state severally the Reason of Forfeiture.] SCHEDULE D. in Form of Contract Passage Ticket. I hereby engage that the Chinese named at foot hereof shall be provided with a Passage to, and shall be landed at, the Port in the Ship or Vessel called the " and 12 superficial Feet for Berth accommodation, and shall be victualled according to Schedule A to the "Chinese Passengers Act, 1855. " with not less than 72 cubic Feet annexed, during the Voyage, and the term of detention at any place before its determination, for the Sum of and I hereby acknowledge to have received the Sum of Dollars NAME OF PAssenger. Dollars in full payment. MALE. FEMALE. OCCUPATION. Age. Age. Signature Victoria, Hongkong, the Day of 185 I hereby certify, that I have explained and registered the above Contract Passage Ticket. Victoria, Hongkong, the Day of 185 NATIVE PLACE. ง Passage Broker. Signature Emigration Officer. NOVEMBER 7, 1857.] 7. 18 hip can not i Emigr gers,” RING. and curr ■rselves, ■f each of in is amo: by Emig vo good. Jer Mage en approt the requ ay all . sation to.. by virtu 4, entital Co remai Bond to 1: , the und n respect ards, uni Ordinance. Steam for The Hongkong Government Gazette. ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, ONE & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. NE of the PENINSULAR & Oriental STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-SHIPS, | with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on SUNDAY, the 15th November, at 9 a.m. CARGO will be received on board until 5 p.m., on the 13th; SPECIE until Noon on the 14th, and PARCELS until 2 r.M. on the 14th. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. THE [\HE Next GENERAL MAILS, per One of the PENINSULAR & Oriental STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAM-Surs, will close on SATUR- | DAY, the 14th Instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. A SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up on the following morning. LETTERS received from 7 to Half-past 7 A.M., for a late fee of Sixpence. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Master. Hongkong, 4th November, 1857. NOTICE. WE NOTICE. E have this day established at Shanghae under the same Style, a Branch of our Firr in China. MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized sign our name per procuration from same date. VAUCHER FRÈRES. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. ̃OTICE.—All Persons having Claims agains the said Estate, will please send them in fo requested to make immediate payment to Νο For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE.15 Excellency the MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY | liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, ar apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARD REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 4th November, 1857. In re SOPRAGALO, Police Constable, deceased. " ISAAC BACHELOR, „ " " ELLI BUCCAS, 99 JOHN LORTON, 19 " HUGH CROSS GIBSON, " N SAMUEL JAMES SINDEN, " " 94 1 ROBERT STEWART, Engineer to the Steam-ship" Queen,” deceased. ́OTICE is hereby given to the NEXT OF KIN, and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS or CODICILS of the above Parties that may be in their possession, before the Supreme Court, on SATURDAY, the 14th day of November, 1857; or, if none, that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION; failing which, Ad- ministration will be granted to the Registrar of the said Court. By the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. FOR FRANCE in China, has been pleased to Appoint, pending the approval of His Imperial Majesty's Government, on and from the 1st instant. ALBERT VAUCHER, Esq., French Vice-Consul at HONGKONG, instead of N. Duus, Esquire, resigned, By order, ́KLECZKOWSKI. Legation of France in China, Macao, 3d October, 1857. MR NOTICE. 'R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo, MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, retired from our Firm, Amoy, 26th August, 1857. WE F. D. SYME & Co. NOTICE. E have established a Branch of our House, as General Merchants and Commission Agents, at BANGKOK, Siam, from the 25th August last. REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. Shanghae, 1st October, 1857. NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. NOTICE. HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said James BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. ** Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. JOHN WISE, Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. NOT "OTICE—All Persons having Claims agains the said Estate, will please to send them i for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to th said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay! ment to or ADAM SCOTT, AND. S. DIXSON, J Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. FOR SALE, Executors. at the Office of the “ China Mail." Forms of-POWERS OF ATTOR BLANEY, WILLS, CHARTERPARTIES BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LADINGį SHIPPING ORDERS, COMPRADOR'S CHECK BOOKS, SHIPPING ARTICLES, and the newes form of SHIP'S BILL OF SALE. Also, SAILING DIRECTIONS (printed in Pamphle form) for the RIVERS YANG-Tsze-KEANG and MIN. And, A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA, with al CHARGES-Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold bị the Pound Avoirdupois. 19th March, 1857. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.- PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Coples, Thirty-si Cents. TERMS OF ÅÐVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, Ori Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-Oni half of these charges for each Repetition. Officer. inserted.] ared by a 185 the Port = cubic Fe Act, 1853 Dollar CE. Broker. Officer. } THE Hongkong DIEVO Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 14TH NOVEMBER, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. III. No. 124. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby pren, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" vil, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMAtions, Notifications, and Public PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. મું GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. The following Draft Ordinance "for Checking the spread of Venereal Diseases," read a Third Time at a Meeting the Legislative Council held this Day, is published for general information. By Order, J. M. D'ALMADA CASTRO, for the Clerk of Councils. Council Room, Victoria, Hongkong, 10th November, 1857. HONGKONG. ANNO VIGESIMO VICTORIÆ REGINÆ. No. of 1857. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Clony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative uncil of Hongkong. An Ordinance for Checking the spread of Venereal Diseases. [ November, 1857.] Whereas it is expedient to make provision for checking the spread of Venereal Diseases within this Cony Be it therefore Enacted and Ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, by and with De Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows: Title. Preamble. 1. In the Interpretation of this Ordinance, the following Words or Phrases shall have the respective Definition of Terms Meanings hereby assigned to them, that is to say— "Prostitute" shall mean any Woman who shall live or reside in a Registered or a Declared Brothel : "Declared Brothel" shall mean any House in which Women live or reside, or which they frequent, for the purposes of Prostitution, and which shall in any Judicial Proceedings under this Ordinance be sworn or deposed to be such by any Two Witnesses; or which shall be declared to be such, by the Registrar General. Registered Brothel" shall mean any House in which Women live or are kept for the Purposes of Prostitution, and which shall be certified to be such in Writing by the Registrar General, and which shall be entered and numbered on a List or Register of such Houses to be kept by the Registrar General. tricts, Penalties. II. From and after the passing of this Ordinance no Person shall keep a Brothel within the Colony All Brothels to be Hongkong, unless the same be Registered, nor unless the same be within one or other of the following Registered, and to be tricts or Portions of Districts, namely,-Ha-wan, from Spring Gardens, Eastward,-Sei-ing-poon, from within certain Dis. Junction of Hollywood Road and Queen's Road West, Westward, and Tai-ping-shan, except such ets of such Districts or Portions of Districts as face the Queen's Road; and if any Person shall be con- ted of Keeping a Brothel outside of such Districts as aforesaid, or an Unregistered Brothel within the e, such Person shall, for the First Offence, be sentenced to pay a Fine not exceeding One Hundred rent Dollars, or to Imprisonment, with or without hard Labour, for a Term not exceeding Three ths, and for the Second Offence to pay a Fine not exceeding Two Hundred current Dollars, or to prisonment, with or without hard Labour, for a Term not exceeding Six Months, and for the Third nce to pay a Fine not exceeding Five Hundred current Dollars, or to Imprisonment for a Term not eceding Twelve Months: Provided always, that it may be lawful for the Magistrate before whom such Fender shall be brought to punish such Offender both by Fine and Imprisonment, or by one or other of ch modes according to his discretion; and nothing herein contained shall be taken to bar any Person ceeded against as Nui- indicting any Brothel whatsoever as a Nuisance. Brothels may be pro - sances. 2 Upon the third Con- The Hongkong Government Güzette, [[NOVEMBER 14,/1837. - III. Upon the occasion of any Person being for the Third, Time: convicted of such: Offence as j. viction for keeping a aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the Magistrate before whom such Conviction shall take place, by Warran Brothel contrary to Provisions of this under his Hand, to remove all the Inmates of the House wherein such Offender shall have dwelt or resided, Ordinance, Magistrate and to close up such House, and forbid the same to be reinhabited, unless he shall be satisfied that the sume may shut up the will be occupied in a proper and legal manner, and not as a Brothel within the meaning of this Ordinance, House in which the if situated outside of the aforesaid Districts, or, either as a Registered Brothel, or in any other proper and same is kept. legal manner, if within the said Districts or any of them; and that every Person reinhabiting such House, without a License or l'ermission under the Hand of the Chief or Assistant Magistrate, shall be liable to a Penalty of not more than Five Hundred current Dollars, or to Imprisonment for a Terminot exceeding Twelve Months. Mode of Proof that trar General. Appeal. anier mit و بنده این مینم 068 azole ༢་ ༔ ་ i 3 ► zemeiti [} 3 • 3 ! IV. The averment of Two Witnesses made on Oath or by Affirmation, within the meaning of Ordinance a House is a Brothel. No. 7 of 1857, that any House is occupied as a Brothel, may be received as sufficient Evidence of such Fact; and any Person who shall appear, act, or behave himself or herself as Master or Mistress, or as the Person having the Care or Management of any Brothel, shall be deemed and taken to be the Keeper thereof, and shall be liable to be punished as such, notwithstanding he or she shall not, in fact, be the real Owner or Keeper thereof. drorogail baz Registrar General to V. The Registrar General shall keep a Register of all Brothels, and shall enter: in such Register keep a Register of the names of the Keeper of each of such Brothels, and also of the immediate Landlord for Lessor Brothels, with names of Keepers, &c. to ing thereof, also of the Crown Lessee or Tenunt of the Plot of Ground on which the same may be standing of built, and shall keep it corrected from Time to Time, according as such Keeper, immediate Landlord or Lessor, Slied ads o° Cor Crown Lessee or Tenant, respectively, may change, and according as any such House, shall cease at any Time to be occupied as a Brothel; and shall furnish, the, Colonial Secretary with a Copy of such Register, and shall inform him from Time to Time of such Corrections as may from Time to Time be made in such Register as aforesaid. Brothels declared to VI. Whenever any House shall be, in the Opinion of the Registrar General, a House in which be such by the Regis Women reside, or which they frequent for the purposes of Prostitution, the Registrar General shall forth. with declare such House to be a Brothel, and shall give notice to the immediate Landlord or Lessor thereof, or if such immediate Landlord or Lessor cannot be found or ascertained, then to the Crown Lessce of the Plot of Ground on which the same be built, that such House, has been declared by him to be a Brothel, and as such, comes within the Provisions of the Second and Third Sections of this Ordinance; and in case such immediate Landlord or Crown Lessee or Tenant'shall, dispute such Declaration of the Registrar General, then the Party so disputing such; Declaration shall have ap (Appeal to the Chief or Assistant Magistrate, or to any two Justices of the Peace sitting for either of such Magistrates who are hereby empowered to adjudicate on such Appeals, and whose decision thereon shall be final. od mla VII. Brothels registered under the Provisions of Section Vof this Ordinance, shall be liable to be visited by the Registrar General, and by the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and Inspectors of Police, and by the Colonial Surgeon or other Medical Officer to be from Time to Time appointed under the Provisions of this Ordinance; and, the Registrar General and such several Officersi að aforesanti are hereby empowered to visit and inspect the Condition of such Brothels; and the Colonial Surgeon of such other Medical Officer as aforesaid is hereby empowered and required to visit each one of such Registered Brothels, and inspect and examine each one of the Inmates therein at least once in every Ten daysste Keepers of Brothels to furnish the Registrar VIII. Every Keeper, Mistress, or Manager of a Registered Brothel, shall once in every Week General with Weekly furnish the Registrar General with a true Report of the Condition of Health of each and every of the Lists of Inmates, &c. Inmates of the same. on ad vera requesƐ dove doide ni ozneft vniorok adt Lists of Inmates, &c., IX. In every Registered Brothel ther eshall be kept suspended, in some public Place; a Board, contain. to be kept suspended ing, in the English and Chinese Languages, a List of the Names and Ages of the Inmates then resident in the House, and such List shall be altered from Time to Time according as any Inmate may be absent there. from, either by reason of leaving such House altogether, or of being removed therefrom either to Gaol og Hospital under the Provisions of this Ordinancebudes w di ozool X. Any Brothel Keeper or Prostitute, who shall offer anv Obstacle to, or, refuse to admit such Registrar General, Superintendent, or Inspector of Police, for the purpose of making such Inspection as aforesaid, or shall refuse to submit to such Inspection or Examination by the Colónial! Surgeon or such other Medical Officer as aforesaid, or shall furnish a wilfully false Report of the Condition of Health of the Inmates as is herein required, or shall not keep suspended such List of such Inmates, and keep the same altered or corrected from Time to Time as is berein required, as the Case may be, shall for each Offence be liable to a Penalty of not more than One Hundred current Dollars, or may be imprisoned with or without hard Labour for any Time not exceeding Three Months t Registered Brothels to be Visited by cer tain Officers. in each Brothel. Penalty for offering any obstacle to Visita of proper Officers, &c. Women affected ! W 1 : די A with any Venereal XI. Every Prostitute, or Inmate of a Registered Brothel, who shall be at any Time declared by the Disease to be removed Colonial Surgeon or such other Medical Officer as aforesaid to be affected with any Venereal Disease, to Hospital. shall be, by Order of the Registrar General given under his Hand, removed to such Hospital as shall be built or set apart for Women affected with Venereal Diseases, under the provisions of this Ordinance, and such Prostitute shall be kept under the control of the Medical Officer of such Hospital, and (shall not leave or attempt to leave the same until properly discharged as cured by such Medical Officer; and on every occasion of discharging any such Prostitute from the said Hospital as cured, the Medical Officer so discharging such Prostitute shall give her a Certificate under his Hand of having been so discharged, which Certificate, should such Prostitute return to a Brothel, is to be produced and shewn to the Registrar General, or to the Superintendent or Inspectors of Police, whensoever the Production of the same shall be by him or them demanded; and any Prostitute who shall during her Continuance in such Hospital refuse to submit to or obey the Directions of the Medical Officer thereof, or shall leave or attempt to Expenses of any leave the same until she be properly discharged as cured as aforesaid, shall be liable to be imprisoned with Woman while in Hos or without hard Labour for any time not exceeding Three Months; and the Expenses which may be, incurred pital, to be paid by the Keeper of the Brothel in and about the Maintenance and Treatment of any such Prostitute in such Hospital.shall be a Debt due whence such Woman to the Crown, and shall be paid by the Keeper of the Brothel of which such Prostitute shall huve been an shall have been re- Inmate, or from which she shall have been so removed, and the same in case of non-paynient shall be moved. sued for and recovered by the Registrar Generál. Prostitutes infecting healthy Persons liable [ XII. If any Prostitute labouring under a Venereal Disease shall. to the satisfaction of the Chief or to Punishment. Assistant Magistrate, be proved to have infected any Person with such Disease, such Prostitute, on convic- tion thereof, shall be punished by Imprisonment either in Gaol or Hospital for a Term not exceeding Three Months, and the Keeper of the Brothel in which such Prostitute shall be found shall in every such Case be fined a Penalty not exceeding Two Hundred current Dollars. ¡ Day at * Every Keeper of a Brothel XIII. Every Keeper of a Registered Brothel shall pay to the Registrar General or his Collector the to pay A Monthly Sum. Sum of Four current Dollars per Mensem, which the Registrar General is hereby empowered to demand Moneys collected by and collect, and all such, Sums are to be paid by the Registrar General into the Colonial Treasury. way of Fees under this XIV. All Monies collected under or by virtue of Sections XIII and XIX are to be appropriated to Ordinance to go to the the formation of a general Fund for the Purposes of this Ordinance, out of which a Monthly Sum (to be Formation of a general fixed by His Excellency in Council), is to be paid to the Colonial Surgeon, or to such other Medical of the Ordingure. Officer as may be from Time to Time appointed for the Purposes of this Ordinance, under the Provisions Fund for the Purposes I 14, 1837 1 Offence as 2, by Warre elt or resil that the sar his Ordinanc #. her proper such Hous be liable to not exceedi of Ordinan idence of suc ress, or as t be the Keepe in fact, be th such Registe ■rd for Less: De standing Jord or Lesse [ 1 cease at am such Registe made in suc -use in whic al shall forth. ■rd or Less- Crown Lessi him to be a Ordinance aration of the the Chief of ates; who arc or Hedel ■e liable to be Inspectors pointed unde: aforesaid ar "geon, ortsne h Registere days. every Wee every of th nard, contain en resident in absent there. ☛ to Gaol e admit suck Inspection es geon or such Health of the zep the sam each Offence ned with ot -lared by the eal Disease. las shall be Ordinance. al, and shal Officer; and dical Officer discharged. o Registrat esanie sha ch Hospital attempt to risoned with be incurrel a Debt due ave been an ent shall be he Chief or , on convic eding Three uch Case be ollector the to demand ary, Fopriated t Sum (to le er Medical = Provisions NOVEMBER 14, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette, ** 3 of Section VII, as his Remuneration for performing the Duties required or imposed by this Ordinance; Pay of the Colonial and the said Colonial Surgeon, or such other Medical Officer as aforesaid, is hereby empowered (with the Surgeon or other Me- snaction of His Excellency the Governor) to nominate or appoint a Deputy or Assistant, being a Person dical Officer appointed properly qualified to act for him, in case be shall be at any Time incapacitated or unable to perform such under this Ordinance. Duties, or any Portion of them. Keepers of Brothels may employ Constables specially for their Pro- tection, &c. Such Constables to XVt Every Keeper of a Registered Brothel shall be allowed, upon giving Notice thereof to the Superintendent of Police, and obtaining his Authority, to employ a Constable for the Protection of, and the Preservation of Order in, such Brothel, such Constables to be under the Control of, and responsible to, and to be paid by the Superintendent of Police, and to wear a Uniform to be chosen for the Purpose, but to be solely employed about the Protection of the Brothel by the Keeper of which each of them is employed; be and every Keeper of a Brothel so employing such Special Constable as aforesaid shall pay quarterly in & advance to the Superintendent of Police, a cum sufficient to cover the Expenses which may be incurred in payment of the Wages of and providing the Uniform for such Constable, and such Sum shall in non-payment be sued for a d recovered by the Superintendent of Police. under the Control, of the Superin- A Hospital for XVI. A Hospital shall be built, or Premises in the first instance hired, exclusively for the Reception and Treatment of Women affected with Venereal Discases,,, the cost of renting such Premises to be Woman to be built. defrayed out of the Fund to be raised under Sections XIII and XIX, and the Remainder of the Moneys Provisions for renting which shull from Time to Time be collected under the said Sections, over and above such Sums as shall be suitable Premises in applied in Payment of the Colonial Surgeon, or such other Medical Officer as aforesaid, and in Payment of such Hospital shall be the meantime until and be applied to the built. the Expenses of 'renting and maintaining such“Premises as aforesaid, shah Hospital, and enlarging formation of a Fund for the purpose of building, fitting up, and maintaining such Hospital, and enlarging the same from Time to Time as may be required and all Fees directed to be levied and paid by Section XIII, in case of non-payment, shall be sued for and recovered by the Registrar General, who shall pay the same into the Colonial Treasury. Dissati ! to Diseased seamen to XVII. Every Keeper of a Licensed Boarding House for Seamen shall furnish to the Harbour Keepers of Licensed Master, once in every Week, a List of Seamen then 'resident in his House, and shall report in such List as Boarding House to the state of Health of each Seaman so far as he may be able to ascertain the same; and every Seaman furnish the Harbour who may be reported or may be otherwise discovered to be affected, with a Venereal Disease, unless Lists of the Seamen Master with Weekly then under Medical Treatment, shall be removed by Warrant under the Hand of the Harbour Master to a resident in their Hospital, where he shall be kept until he be, by the Medical Attendants thereof, discharged as cured, and Houses. shall have obtained from such Medical Attendants 'a' Certificate of his having been so discharged, which Certificate he shall produce and shew to the Harbour Master when required so to do; and the Expenses be removed to Hospi- which may be incurred in and about the Maintenance and Treatment of any such Seaman in such Hospital, tal, shall be a Debt due to the Crown, and shall be paid by such Seaman;' or, in Case of the Keeper of the bombaf Boarding House in which such Seaman shall have resided before his removal to Hospital not having of t reported, or having made a false Report as to the state of Health of such Seaman, then such Expenses shall be paid by such Boarding House Keeper, in case it shall appear to, and be certified by, the Colonial Surgeon or his Deputy, or the Medical Attendants of the Hospital to which such Seaman may be removed, that the Disease with which he may be affected is of such a Nature as that the Keeper of the Boarding House could, with ordinary and reasoriable Observation, liave ascertained its Existence; and in all Cases such Expenses shall in case of non-payment be sued for and recovered by the Harbour Master on behalf of the Hospital. ། . same „srooïf() nias to empanel XVIII. If any Seaman affected with a Venereal Disease, and reported so to be by the Keeper of Penalty for offering the Boarding House in which such Seaman may be residing, shall refuse or offer any Hindrance or Obstruc- any obstruction to Re- tion to his Removal to Hospital; or, having been removed to Hospital, shall attempt to leave the moval to Hospital, &c. before he shall be properly discharged cured; or having been discharged cured, shall refuse to produce died his Certificate of Discharge when required by the Harbour Master or his Deputy authorized to demand the same; or being affected with a Venereal Disease, 'shall neglect or refuse to inform the Keeper of the Boarding House in which he may be residing, then, and in every such Case, such Seaman so offendinginan I shall be liable to a Fine not exceeding Twenty-five current Dollars, or to Imprisonment, with or without or slog hard Labour, for any Time not exceeding One Month, leg XIX. The Master of any Merchant Ship, before shipping any Seaman, may require that such Seaman Masters of Ships shall be inspected by the Colonial Surgeon or other Medical Officer who may be appointed for such Purpose before shipping Sea in connection with the Harbour Master's Department, and who is hereby required to attend at stated men may require that Hours in the Forenoon and Afternoon of each Day at the Harbour Master's Office for the Purposes of such they be inspected. inspection; and the Colonial Surgeon or such other Medical Officer upon such Inspection is to give a Certificate under his Hand as to the State of Health of such Seaman, which Certificate such Seaman is to s produce and show to the Master of the Ship in which he may be about to serve; and for every such" Certificate there shall be paid the Fee of Fifty Cents, to be paid by the Master or Agent of the Ship in case such Seaman should prove to be in sound Health, and by the Seaman himself or the Boarding House Keeper with whom he shall be residing in case he shall prove to be affected with any Venereal Disease; such Fee to be received by the Harbour Master, and in case of non-payment to be sued for and recovered by him, and paid into the Colonial Treasury for the Purposes of this Ordinance. XX. In all Cases where Punishment by Imprisonment shall be inflicted under this Ordinance, such, Imprisonment may Imprisonment may be either in Gaol or in Hospital, and may be either with or without hard Labour as the be either in Gaol or Court shall adjudge. Hospital. XXI. In all Cases in which Fines shall be imposed under the Provisions of any Section of this Ordinance, and the Brothel Keeper on whom such Fine shall be imposed shall be unable to pay or discharge the same, then the same shall be recovered from the immediate, Landlord or Lessor of such House; and in case such Landlord or Lessor be not known or cannot be ascertained, then from the Crown Lessee of the Plot of Ground on which such House may be erected or built, provided it be proved to the satisfaction of the Magistrate, that such Crown Lessee was cognisant of the Purposes for which such House shall have been let or occupied. 1 ANA From whom Fines may be recovered. No Trade to be carried on in any Brothel. XXII. No House in which any Trade or Business shall be carried on shall be Registered, or be capable of becoming a Registered Brothel under the Provisions of this Ordinance. XXIII No Moneys which shall be raised under the Provisions of this Ordinance by way of any Fee Moneys raised under shall at any Time be applied or applicable to any Purposes other than or different from the Specific this Ordinance to be Purposes for which the same are to be raised and to which they are to be applied under the Provisions of applied solely to the this Ordinance. } 2015 Purposes of the Ordi- bance. XXIV. His Excellency in Council is hereby empowered from Time to Time to make such Regula- Power to Governor tions and By-Laws as may be deemed necessary for carrying into effect the Provisions of this Ordinance, to make By-Laws and and for the Regulation and Control of Registered Brothels within the aforesaid Districts. Regulations teki XXV. All cases arising under this Ordinance shall be tried and adjudicated by, and all Fines Penalties how to be od Penalties herein mentioned, and all Sums herein declared to be recoverable, shall be sued for and recovered. recovered before, any Magistrate of Police either singly, or any two or more Justices of the Peace in themes elvoudrange anner provided by Ordinance No. 10 of 1844, entitled, " An Ordinance to regulate Summary Proceedings Jore Justices of the Peace, and to protect Justices in the execution of their duty." 4 No. 155. The Hongkong Government Gazette. [NOVEMBER 14, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. With reference to Government Notification No. 149 of 22d October, the following Amended Statement of the Government Property to be sold by Public Auction at the Western Market is published for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 12th November, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Amended Statement of Lots with their Area and Annual Rental, to be sold by Public Auction at the Western Market, on Monday, the 16th November, at 11 o'clock a.m. T BOUNDARY Measure-Feet. SHOP NUMBER. N. S. E. W. CONTENT IN SQUARE FEET. ANNUAL RENTAL. £ 3. d. 511 15 15 33 31 480 1 15 24 512 15 15 31 30 457 13 61 513 15 15 *59 59 835 3 4 3 514 15 15 57 57 855 2 0 515 15 15 56 56 840 3 0 516 152 152 55 55 867 3 2 11 522 15 15 48 47 712 2 10 11 623 141 143 :47 45 667 2 8 4 524 14 141 45 40 616 4 CHAS, ST GEO. CLEVERLY, Surveyor General Νο. 156. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Return of Notes in Cculation and Specie in Reservé at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, is published for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 12th November, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Account of the average Amount of Notes in Circulation at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, for the Month ending 31st October, 1857, rendered in accordance with the Terms of Her Majesty's Royal Charter of Incorporation. NOTES ISSUED....... SPECIE IN RESERVE, $353,219. 200,000. P. CAMPBELL, Manager. Oriental Bank Corporation, Hongkong, 2d November, 1857. I inspected this day the Books and Treasure of the Oriental Bank Corporation, and hereby certify that I found the necessary of Specie as required by the Royal Charter. J. A. CARVALHO, Accountant. Hongkong, 7th November, 1857. No. 157. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Amount FRED. FORTH, Colonial Treasurer. To lessen the evils arising from Fires, the Chinese Inhabitants of this City are hereby directed to adopt the precautionary measures hereunder specified. 1. Every Householder will keep outside his Shop-door, a large Tub of Water of not less than 56 Gallons, con- tinually filled; and also be provided with two buckets on or before the 20th November instant, such Tub to be emptied and refilled with clean Water once every Ten Days. 2. The Occupants of Houses adjacent to any empty House, or the Occupant of any House in which a portion thereof is unoccupied, will, in the evening of each day, visit the said adjacent empty house or unoccupied portion of house, and note that the fastenings of doors and windows are secure and that no Combustible Materials are stored or deposited therein, giving immediate information of any insecurity or any such improper storage to the Inspector on duty at the Central Police Station. 3. The Occupant of every House in which a Fire breaks out, will do his utmost to extinguish the Flame before giving unnecessary alarm; but failing this, will instantly call for the Police, who will protect him while engaged in the removal of his property, and escort him and his family to the nearest Police Station or other place of safety. 4. The Occupants of Houses immediately contiguous to the House in which a Fire breaks out will if they can do so with safety remain therein until Police Constables arrive, a certain number of whom have been especially appointed to escort the said Occupants with their most valuable Goods to the nearest Police Station, or to a position of safety. An Inspector of Police has been specially appointed to attend to this duty. Chinese 5. It is expressly ordered that upon the occasion of a House being on Fire or any public alarm, every Inhabitant excepting those whose safety would be thereby endangered, shall remain within his own dwelling, guarding the same from the attacks of thieves. .. 6. The owners of boats are not permitted upon the outbreak of Fire after 8 o'clock P.M., to remove from the regulated anchorage of 300 yards off shore. J 7. The respectable Inhabitants of the Colony are invited to make known to the Registrar General or Superin- tendent of Police the houses of persons of bad repute, or persons without regular employments, or persons who from any circumstances they have reason to suspect, are intent upon disturbing the Trade or Public Peace of the Colony. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office. Victoria, Hongkong, 12th November. 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. No. 41. The Hongkong Government Gazette. [NOVEMBER 14, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Diplomatic Department. Leave of Absence from his post having been granted to F. H. HALE, Esquire, Her Majesty's Officiating Consul at Foochow, for the benefit of his health, M. C. MORRISON, Esquire, now in Charge of Her Majesty's Consulate at Amoy, has been appointed by His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary, &c., &c., to conduct the Consular Duties at Foochow, and W. H. PEDDER, Esquire, will carry on the Duties at Amoy, until further By Order, notice. Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 13th November, 1857. GEO. S. MORRISON. Νο. 42. • GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Diplomatic Department. The following copy of a Circular from Her Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, dated August 20, 1853, in reference to the "Marriages in Foreign Countries facilitating Act" (12 & 13 Vict., cap. 68), is published by direction of His Excellency. Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary, &c., &c., for the information and guidance of all concerned. By Order, Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 13th November, 1857 CIRCULAR.: GEO. S. MORRISON. FOR IGN OFFICE, August 20th, 1853. SIR,-Her Majesty's Goverment having been informed that, since the passing of the “ Marriages in Foreign Countries facilitating Act," (12 and 13 Vict., cap. 68), doubts have in some instances arisen as to the person by whom, and the place where marriages rendered valid by that Act are to be solemnized, I have to inform you that in pursuance of the Act in question, British Consuls-General, Consuls,— or any person duly authorized to act in the absence of such Consul,--Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents may, subject to the rules therein laid down, solemnize such marriages, provided they shall have previously received a warrant from the Secretary of State specially authorizing them to solemnize and register marriages, or to allow marriages to be performed in their presence. No other persons whatsover are qualified by the Act to solemnize marriages, or to allow them to be solemnized by any other person in their presence. Any form of ceremony, according to the creed of the contracting parties, may be used; end the religious portion of the ceremony may be performed by a clergyman of any denomination, but the presence of the duly authorized Consular Officer is necessary to render such marriage valid; and if the ceremonial be not that of the Church of England and Ireland, which can only be duly performed by an ordained Clergyman of that Church, the contracting parties are to make a declaration before the Consul, in words prescribed by the Act, that they know not of any lawful impediment why they may not be joined in matrimony, and that they call upon the persons present to witness that they take each other respectively to be lawful wedded busbaud and wife; and such declaration, in the absence of any religious ceremony, is sufficient. The only place where marriages, under this Act, may be solemnized, is the “British Consulate," that is the Public Office of the Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent, as the case may be; and every such marriage must be solemnized with open doors, between the hours of eight and twelve in the forenoon, in the presence of two or more witnesses, Hence it follows that no marriages performed at other places, or under other circumstances, will be valid under this Act; and accordingly marriages cannot be solemnized under this Act in any Churches or Chapels, even though attached to British Missions or connected which British Consulates abroad, nor can they be solemnized under this Act by an Ambassador, Minister, or other Diplomatic Agent of the Crown. I may add that all marriages duly solemnized according to the local law in force, so as to be valid by that law in the country where they are solemnized, will be valid in England.—I am, Sir, Your most obedient Humble Servant. 'HER MAJESTY'S CONSUL. (Signed) CLARENDON, True Copy, Steam for SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE CALLE MR ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, THE & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THE PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGA- TION COMPANY's Steam-ship “GANGES,” Captain BOWEN, with Iler Majesty's Mails, Pas- sengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on SUNDAY, the 15th November, at 9 A.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., on the 13th; SPECIE until Noon on the 14th, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 14th. For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and Passage, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 14th November, 1857. P. J. HUGHES. NOTICE. R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo. WE NOTICE. E have this day established at Shanghae, under the same Style, a Eranch of our Firm MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, in China. retired from our Firm. F. D. SYME & Co. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. NOTICE. A E have established a Branch of our House, WE MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to sign our name per procuration from same date. VAUCHER FRERES. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. as General Merchante 25th mussion Agents, N at BANGKOK, SIAM, from the 25th August last, REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. Shanghae, 1st October, 1857. TH NOTICE THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. NOTICE. HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please send them in for liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, are requested to make immediate paynient to JOHN WISE, Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. Νο OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- ment to or ADAM SCOTT, • ADAM SCOTON,} Executors. Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.— PRICE, $12 per Annum. Bingle. Copios, Thirty-siz Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, Ons Dollar; oach Additional Line, Tirenty Cents-One- kalf of these charges for cach Kepetition. Mesh kunci do polyk i IPER 14, 185 THE Department. esty's Officiati f Her Majest , &c., to condi y, until furt ORRISON, Department. s, dated Aug t., cap. 68), n and guidan Hongkong Government GAZETTE. RRISON. NEW SERIES. 20th, 1853. untries facilitati VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 21ST NOVEMBER, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. III. No. 125. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby marriages render given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that General, Consuls “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” o the rules the of State specia No other pers eir presence. of the ceremo sary to render su will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. performed by No. 159. ribed by the A Dersons present W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. e absence of a It is hereby notified, that Second Class Staff Surgeon EDWARD MENZIES, has been appointed, from the 15th ablic Office of instant, to act as Colonial Surgeon in the room of Dr DEMPSTER, who has bean ordered to India. nnized with · opt Jer this Act; al ritish Missions other Diploma e country whe By Order, W. T. BRIDGES,. Acting Colonial Secretary, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 16th November, 1857. No. 160. ENDON: GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, that Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to confirm the appointment of the Honourable FREDERICK FORTH, Esquire, Colonial Treasurer, to a Seat in the Legislative Council of this Colony. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. ished at Shangha Branch of our Fi Y is authorized om same date, HER FRERES. 7. RLES EDWIN deceased. ing Claims again ise send them in Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 17th November, 1857. No. 161. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency Major-General CHARLES THOMAS VAN STRAUBENZIE, C. B., having assumed the command of the Forces in China, has this day, by virtue of his Office, been sworn in a Member of the Executive Council. His Excellency Major-General CHARLES THOMAS VAN STRAUBENZIE, C.B., took his Seat accordingly at the Council Board. debted thereto, 'nient to JOHN WISE, Executor. 137. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary, • WILLIAM B. ased. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 19th November, 1857. ing Claims agait No. 162. ise to send then Is indebted to ake immediate p GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Return of Sales, held in accordance with Government Notifications Nos. 149 and 155, is ON, Executors published for general information. By Order, W. T, BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. le Copies, Thirty- Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 20th November, 1857. ↑ Mail, Hongkong incs and under, Twenty Cents—0)| lepetition. IPER 14, 185 THE Department. esty's Officiati f Her Majest , &c., to condi y, until furt ORRISON, Department. s, dated Aug t., cap. 68), n and guidan Hongkong Government GAZETTE. RRISON. NEW SERIES. 20th, 1853. untries facilitati VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 21ST NOVEMBER, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. III. No. 125. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby marriages render given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that General, Consuls “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” o the rules the of State specia No other pers eir presence. of the ceremo sary to render su will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. performed by No. 159. ribed by the A Dersons present W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. e absence of a It is hereby notified, that Second Class Staff Surgeon EDWARD MENZIES, has been appointed, from the 15th ablic Office of instant, to act as Colonial Surgeon in the room of Dr DEMPSTER, who has bean ordered to India. nnized with · opt Jer this Act; al ritish Missions other Diploma e country whe By Order, W. T. BRIDGES,. Acting Colonial Secretary, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 16th November, 1857. No. 160. ENDON: GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, that Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to confirm the appointment of the Honourable FREDERICK FORTH, Esquire, Colonial Treasurer, to a Seat in the Legislative Council of this Colony. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. ished at Shangha Branch of our Fi Y is authorized om same date, HER FRERES. 7. RLES EDWIN deceased. ing Claims again ise send them in Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 17th November, 1857. No. 161. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency Major-General CHARLES THOMAS VAN STRAUBENZIE, C. B., having assumed the command of the Forces in China, has this day, by virtue of his Office, been sworn in a Member of the Executive Council. His Excellency Major-General CHARLES THOMAS VAN STRAUBENZIE, C.B., took his Seat accordingly at the Council Board. debted thereto, 'nient to JOHN WISE, Executor. 137. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary, • WILLIAM B. ased. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 19th November, 1857. ing Claims agait No. 162. ise to send then Is indebted to ake immediate p GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Return of Sales, held in accordance with Government Notifications Nos. 149 and 155, is ON, Executors published for general information. By Order, W. T, BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. le Copies, Thirty- Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 20th November, 1857. ↑ Mail, Hongkong incs and under, Twenty Cents—0)| lepetition. 2 The Hongkong Government Gazette. [NOVEMBER 21, 1857. Return of Government Property sold by Auction in accordance with Government Notifications Nos. 149 and 155. 2d November, 1857, 9th November, 1857. 16th November, 1857. No. 07 LOT. PURCHASER.' FIXED ANNUAL RENTAL PREMIUM. No. or LOT. PURCHASER. 3RD ANNUAL RENTAL. PREMIUM No. of LOT. PURCHASER. Inland. £ s. d. Dollars. Inland. £ 534 Acqui, 1 12 0 815 542 | Acqui, 535 Acheong, 1 10 5 805 #543 Shine Tow, 3. d. 1 13 9 1 12 7 Dollars. | Inland. 1,510 554 1,650 555 536 Acheong, 1 12 7 920 544 ... Qung Whayune... 1 12 7 1,610 556 Acheong Acheong Assow ... FIXED ANNUAL RENTAL. PREMICM. £ s. d. Dollars, 1 14 10 2,010 1 13 1 ... 1,810 4 ... 1,980 537 Chun, 1 15 10 2,550 545 Acqui 1 13 1,755 557 Onkec, Agent 2 0 1,975 538 Chow Young chow, 2 1 10 2,500 546 Wong Chow 1 13 1 1,700 558 Ong Sow 3 0 11 1,920 539 Pow 'Wing, 1 14 10 1,200 547 Tam Achoy ] 19 11 ... 2,700 559 Toung, Qui 3 2 11 2,050 540 Hang Sue.... 1 13 1 1,060 ... 548 | Ayouk, 1.19 11 2,610 560 Acqui 2 10 11 ... 2,200 541 Young Qui, 1 14 3 1,325 549 Ayouk 1 18 2 1,590 561 Acqui 2 8 4 2,150 550 Achong 1 12 6 1,500 562 Acqui 2 4 8 2,010 551 F. Woods 1 12 2 1,380 Ayouk 552 D. R. Caldwell, for 553 1 12 2 1,410 J 19 4 ... 2,030 Total,... £13 14 10 $11,175 Total....... £20 19 3 $21,445 Total,...... £23 1 1 $18,103 TOTALS. DATE. ANNUAL RENTAL. PREMIUM. 2d November, 9th November, 16th November, £ 3. d. 13 14 10 Dollars. 11,175 20 19 3 23 1 21,445 18,105 £57 16 0 $50,725 TH NOTICE. HE next CRIMINAL SESSIONS of the SUPREME COURT, will be held on MONDAY, the 30th day of November, a.d. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon. THE By Order of the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. HE Next GENERAL MAILS per Steamer “SHANGHAI," will close on THURSDAY, the 26th Instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. The usual SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up on the following morning. LETTERS received from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M., for a late fee of 6d. ; and from 11 A.M. to 12 o'clock P.M., for a late fee of 1s. Letters posted between the hours of 11 and Half- past 12 o'clock must be prepaid. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Master. Hongkong, 16th November, 1857. Steam for SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THE PENINSULAR & Oriental Steam NAVIGA- THE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG. In Equity. In the matter of the Estate of ROBERT JACKSON, deceased. Between (ROBERT CAlver CrawfORD,-Com- plainant. and WILLIAM RAYMOND GINGELL,-De- fendant. CHAS. ST GEO. CLEVERLY, Surveyor General. NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. NOTICE. day established at Shanghar, MONDAY, the Twenty first day of December, Wunder the same style, a Branch of our Pare Fir at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the in China. REGISTRAR'S CHAMBERS, Court HOUSE, VICTORIA, MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to HONGKONG, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating | sign our name per procuration from same date. upon the Claims on the above Estate. VAUCIÌER FRÈRES. Dated this 20th day of November, 1857. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. N. R. MASSON, Acting Registrar, &c., &c. Plaintiff's Solicitor, Hongkong, E. K. STACE, In re ROBERT STEWART, Engineer to the Queen" Steamer, deceased. SOPRAGALO, Police Constable, deceased. 19 99 ELLI BUCCAS, +9 91 ISAAC BACHELOR, "9 LL JOHN LORTON, N " 99 ́OTICE,—All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMI- NISTRATOR, before the 19th day of May, A.D. 1858, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. All Persons indebted to the above Estate are re- TION COMPANY's Steam-ship "SHANGHAI," | quested to make immediate Payment to Captain TOWNSEND, with Her Majesty's Mails, Pas- sengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on FRIDAY, the 27th November, at 2 1.1. CARGO will be received on board until 5 r.M., on the 25th; SPECIE until Noon on the 26th, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 26th. For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 16th November, 1857. NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar—Official Administrator. NOTICE. R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo, MR MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, retired from our Firm. F. D. SYME & Co. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. WE NOTICE. have established a Branch of our House, as General Merchants and Commission Agents, at Bangkok, SIAM, from the 25th" August last. REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. Shanghae, 1st October, 1857. NOTICE. HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. N In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please send them in for liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, are requested to make immediate payment to JOHN WISE, Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. NOTI In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. ́OTICE.All Persons having Claims agains the said Estate, will please to send them t for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay ment to or ADAM SCOTTON,} Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. FOR SALE, at the Office of the “ China Mail.” OLANK Forms of-POWERS OF ATTOR BLANEY, WILLS, CHARTERPARTI BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LADING. SHIPPING ORDERS, COMPRADOR'S CHECK BOOKS, SHIPPING ARTICLES, and the newes form of SHIP'S BILL OF SALE. Also, SAILING DIRECTIONS (printed in Pamphe form) for the RIVERS YANG-TSZE-KEANG MIN. And, DRO C a C C th N of D th Pa Executors vic sa cu M In ΟΙ ex Of 80 fro afo un and wil if 1 leg wit Per Tw No Fac Per the A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA, with e CHARGES Ten, as bought by the Picul, and sold i;j the Ponnú Avoirdupois. 19th March, 1857. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkort- Paice, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirtys | Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Conts-V kalf of these charges for each Repetition. 2 The Hongkong Government Gazette. [NOVEMBER 21, 1857. Return of Government Property sold by Auction in accordance with Government Notifications Nos. 149 and 155. 2d November, 1857, 9th November, 1857. 16th November, 1857. No. 07 LOT. PURCHASER.' FIXED ANNUAL RENTAL PREMIUM. No. or LOT. PURCHASER. 3RD ANNUAL RENTAL. PREMIUM No. of LOT. PURCHASER. Inland. £ s. d. Dollars. Inland. £ 534 Acqui, 1 12 0 815 542 | Acqui, 535 Acheong, 1 10 5 805 #543 Shine Tow, 3. d. 1 13 9 1 12 7 Dollars. | Inland. 1,510 554 1,650 555 536 Acheong, 1 12 7 920 544 ... Qung Whayune... 1 12 7 1,610 556 Acheong Acheong Assow ... FIXED ANNUAL RENTAL. PREMICM. £ s. d. Dollars, 1 14 10 2,010 1 13 1 ... 1,810 4 ... 1,980 537 Chun, 1 15 10 2,550 545 Acqui 1 13 1,755 557 Onkec, Agent 2 0 1,975 538 Chow Young chow, 2 1 10 2,500 546 Wong Chow 1 13 1 1,700 558 Ong Sow 3 0 11 1,920 539 Pow 'Wing, 1 14 10 1,200 547 Tam Achoy ] 19 11 ... 2,700 559 Toung, Qui 3 2 11 2,050 540 Hang Sue.... 1 13 1 1,060 ... 548 | Ayouk, 1.19 11 2,610 560 Acqui 2 10 11 ... 2,200 541 Young Qui, 1 14 3 1,325 549 Ayouk 1 18 2 1,590 561 Acqui 2 8 4 2,150 550 Achong 1 12 6 1,500 562 Acqui 2 4 8 2,010 551 F. Woods 1 12 2 1,380 Ayouk 552 D. R. Caldwell, for 553 1 12 2 1,410 J 19 4 ... 2,030 Total,... £13 14 10 $11,175 Total....... £20 19 3 $21,445 Total,...... £23 1 1 $18,103 TOTALS. DATE. ANNUAL RENTAL. PREMIUM. 2d November, 9th November, 16th November, £ 3. d. 13 14 10 Dollars. 11,175 20 19 3 23 1 21,445 18,105 £57 16 0 $50,725 TH NOTICE. HE next CRIMINAL SESSIONS of the SUPREME COURT, will be held on MONDAY, the 30th day of November, a.d. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon. THE By Order of the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. HE Next GENERAL MAILS per Steamer “SHANGHAI," will close on THURSDAY, the 26th Instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. The usual SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up on the following morning. LETTERS received from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M., for a late fee of 6d. ; and from 11 A.M. to 12 o'clock P.M., for a late fee of 1s. Letters posted between the hours of 11 and Half- past 12 o'clock must be prepaid. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Master. Hongkong, 16th November, 1857. Steam for SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THE PENINSULAR & Oriental Steam NAVIGA- THE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG. In Equity. In the matter of the Estate of ROBERT JACKSON, deceased. Between (ROBERT CAlver CrawfORD,-Com- plainant. and WILLIAM RAYMOND GINGELL,-De- fendant. CHAS. ST GEO. CLEVERLY, Surveyor General. NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. NOTICE. day established at Shanghar, MONDAY, the Twenty first day of December, Wunder the same style, a Branch of our Pare Fir at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the in China. REGISTRAR'S CHAMBERS, Court HOUSE, VICTORIA, MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to HONGKONG, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating | sign our name per procuration from same date. upon the Claims on the above Estate. VAUCIÌER FRÈRES. Dated this 20th day of November, 1857. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. N. R. MASSON, Acting Registrar, &c., &c. Plaintiff's Solicitor, Hongkong, E. K. STACE, In re ROBERT STEWART, Engineer to the Queen" Steamer, deceased. SOPRAGALO, Police Constable, deceased. 19 99 ELLI BUCCAS, +9 91 ISAAC BACHELOR, "9 LL JOHN LORTON, N " 99 ́OTICE,—All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMI- NISTRATOR, before the 19th day of May, A.D. 1858, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. All Persons indebted to the above Estate are re- TION COMPANY's Steam-ship "SHANGHAI," | quested to make immediate Payment to Captain TOWNSEND, with Her Majesty's Mails, Pas- sengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on FRIDAY, the 27th November, at 2 1.1. CARGO will be received on board until 5 r.M., on the 25th; SPECIE until Noon on the 26th, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 26th. For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 16th November, 1857. NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar—Official Administrator. NOTICE. R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo, MR MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, retired from our Firm. F. D. SYME & Co. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. WE NOTICE. have established a Branch of our House, as General Merchants and Commission Agents, at Bangkok, SIAM, from the 25th" August last. REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. Shanghae, 1st October, 1857. NOTICE. HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. N In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please send them in for liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, are requested to make immediate payment to JOHN WISE, Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. NOTI In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. ́OTICE.All Persons having Claims agains the said Estate, will please to send them t for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay ment to or ADAM SCOTTON,} Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. FOR SALE, at the Office of the “ China Mail.” OLANK Forms of-POWERS OF ATTOR BLANEY, WILLS, CHARTERPARTI BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LADING. SHIPPING ORDERS, COMPRADOR'S CHECK BOOKS, SHIPPING ARTICLES, and the newes form of SHIP'S BILL OF SALE. Also, SAILING DIRECTIONS (printed in Pamphe form) for the RIVERS YANG-TSZE-KEANG MIN. And, DRO C a C C th N of D th Pa Executors vic sa cu M In ΟΙ ex Of 80 fro afo un and wil if 1 leg wit Per Tw No Fac Per the A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA, with e CHARGES Ten, as bought by the Picul, and sold i;j the Ponnú Avoirdupois. 19th March, 1857. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkort- Paice, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirtys | Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Conts-V kalf of these charges for each Repetition. 1957. THE L PREMIC 1. Dolla 2.010 1 1,81 3. 1,98 1,978 1 1,92 1 2,03 1 2,20 4 2,18 2,01 Hongkong Government GAZETTE. 1 $18,1 NEW SERIES. LY, MR JAM his death VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 28TH NOVEMBER, 1857. VOL. III, No. 126. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROClamations, NotiFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. .. HONGKONG. ANNO VIGESIMO VICTORIE REGINE. No. 12 of 1857. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, L.L.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the MELOW Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative, Council of Hongkong. An Ordinance for Checking the spread of Venereal Diseases. it Shangh 1 of our F uthorized [24th November, 1857.] Whereas it is expedient to make provision for checking the spread of Venereal Diseases within this: Colony Be it therefore Enacted and Ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, by and with FRERES Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows: e date. EDWIN d. aims aga d them in thereto, -0 N WISH xecutor. LIAM laims ag Title. Preamble. I. In the Interpretation of this Ordinance, the following Words or Phrases shall have the respective Definition of Terms Meanings hereby assigned to them, that is to say,- "Prostitute" shall mean any Woman who shall live or reside in a Registered or a Declared Brothel : "Declared Brothel" shall mean any House in which Women live or reside, or which they frequent, for the purposes of Prostitution, and which shall in any Judicial Proceedings under this Ordinance be sworn or deposed to be such by any Two Witnesses; or which shall be declared to be such, by the Registrar General. Registered Brothel" shall mean any House in which Women live or are kept for the Purposes of Prostitution, and which shall be certified to be such in Writing by the Registrar General, and which shall be entered and numbered on a List or Register of such Houses to be kept by the Registrar General. within certain Dis- II. From and after the passing of this Ordinance no Person shall keep a Brothel within the Colony All Brothels to be send the Hongkong, unless the same be Registered, nor unless the same be within one or other of the following Registered, and to be bted to Districts or Portions of Districts, namely,-Ha-wan, from Spring Gardens, Eastward,-Sei-ing-poon, from tricts. mediate the Junction of Hollywood Road and Queen's Road West, Westward, and Tai-ping-shan, except such ail.” - Parts of such Districts or Portions of Districts as face the Queen's Road; and if any Person shall be con- Executorted of Keeping a Brothel outside of such Districts as aforesaid, or an Unregistered Brothel within the ame, such Person shall, for the First Offence, be sentenced to pay a Fine not exceeding One Hundred Penalties. rrent Dollars, or to Imprisonment, with or without hard Labour, for a Term not exceeding Three Months, and for the Second Offence to pay a Fine not exceeding Two Hundred current Dollars, or to OF ATT prisonment, with or without hard Labour, for a Term not exceeding Six Months, and for the Third RPART Vence to pay a Fine not exceeding Five Hundred current Dollars, or to Imprisonment for a Term not F LADI cceding Twelve Months: Provided always, that it may be lawful for the Magistrate before whom such ender shall be brought to punish such Offender both by Fine and Imprisonment, or by one or other of ch modes according to his discretion; and nothing herein contained shall be taken to bar any Person um indicting any Brothel whatsoever as a Nuisance. R'S CHI nd the ne L'in Pam -KEANG Brothels may be pro ceeded against as Ñui- sances. Upon the third Con- III. Upon the occasion of any Person being for the Third Time convicted of such Offence as is resaid, it shall be lawful for the Magistrate before whom such Conviction shall take place, by Warrant viction for keeping a Her his Hand, to remove all the Inmates of the House wherein such Offender shall have dwelt or resided, Brothel CEA, wit¶d to close such House, and forbid the same to be reinhabited, unless he shall be satisfied that the same Ordinance, Magistrate contrary to up Provisions of this and so be accupied in a proper and legal manner, and not as a Brothel within the meaning of this Ordinance, may situated outside of the aforesaid Districts, or, either as a Registered Brothel, or in any other proper and House in which the Eal manner, if within the said Districts or any of them; and that every Person reinhabiting such House, same is kept. hout a License or l'ermission under the Hand of the Chief or Assistant Magistrate, shall be liable to a ■ Hongk ics, Thinalty of not more than Five Hundred current Dollars, or to Imprisonment for a Term not exceeding nd under. Ey Cents ion. elve Months. shut up the IV. The averment of Two Witnesses made on Oath or by Affirmation, within the meaning of Ordinance Mode of Proof that 7 of 1857, that any House is occupied as a Brothel, may be received as sufficient Evidence of such ♣ Ilouse is a Brothel. t; on and any Person who shall appear, act, or behave himself or herself as Master or Mistress, or as the having the Care or Management of any Broth 1, shall be deemed and taken to be the Keeper reof, and shall be liable to be punished as such, notwithstanding he or she shall not in fact he the Brothels, with names of Keepers, &c. The Hongkong Government Gazellę. [NOVEMBER 28, 1857. Registrar General to V. The Registrar General shall keep a Register of all Brothels, and shall enter in such Register keep a Register of the names of the Keeper of each of such Brothels, and also of the immediate Landlord or Lessor thercof, also of the Crown Lessee or Tenant of the Plot of Ground on which the same may be standing or built, and shall keep it corrected from Time to Time, according as such Keeper, immediate Landlord or Lessor, or Crown Lessee or Tenant, respectively, may change, and according as any such House shall cease at any Time to be occupied as a Brothel; and shall furnish the Colonial Secretary with a Copy of such Register, and shall inform him from Time to Time of such Corrections as may from Time to Time be made in such Register as aforesaid. Brothels declared to be such by the Regis trar General. Appeal. Registered Brothels to be Visited by cor tain Officers. VI. Whenever any House shall be, in the Opinion of the Registrar General, a House in which Women reside, or which they frequent for the purposes of Prostitution, the Registrar General shall forth- with declare such House to be a Brothel, and shall give notice to the immediate Landlord or Lessor thereof, or if such immediate Landlord or Lessor cannot be found or ascertained, then to the Crown Lessee of the Plot of Ground on which the same be built, that such House has been declared by him to be a Brothel, and as such, comes within the Provisions of the Second and Third Sections of this Ordinance; and in case such immediate Landlord or Crown Lessee or Tenant shall dispute such Declaration of the Registrar General, then the Party so disputing such Declaration shall have an Appeal to the Chief or Assistant Magistrate, or to any two Justices of the Peace sitting for either of such Magistrates, who are hereby empowered to adjudicate on such Appeals, and whose decision thereon shall be final. VII. Brothels registered under the Provisions of Section V of this Ordinance, shall be liable to be visited by the Registrar General, and by the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and Inspectors of Police, and by the Colonial Surgeon or other Medical Officer to be from Time to Time appointed under the Provisions of this Ordinance; and the Registrar General and such several Officers as aforesaid are hereby empowered to visit and inspect the Condition of such Brothels; and the Colonial Surgeon or such other Medical Officer as aforesaid is hereby empowered and required to visit each one of such Registered Brothels, and inspect and examine each one of the Inmates therein at least once in Ten days. VIII. Every Keeper, Mistress, or Manager of a Registered Brothel, shall once in every Week General with Weekly furnish the Registrar General with a true Report of the Condition of Health of each and every of the Lists of Inmates, &c. Inmates of the same. Lists of Inmates, &c., to be kept suspended in each Brothel. Keepers of Brothels to furnish the Registrar . 1. every IX. In every Registered Brothel there shall be kept suspended, in some public Place, a Board, contain. ing, in the English and Chinese Languages, a List of the Names and Ages of the Inmates then resident in the House, and such List shall be altered from Time to Time according as any Inmate may be absent there- from, either by reason of leaving such House altogether, or of being removed therefrom either to Gaol or Hospital under the Provisions of this Ordinance. Penalty for offering X. Any Brothel Keeper or Prostitute who shall offer any Obstacle to, or refuse to admit such any obstacle to Visits Registrar General, Superintendent, or Inspector of Police, for the purpose of making such Inspection as of proper Officers, &c. aforesaid, or shall refuse to submit to such Inspection or Examination by the Colonial Surgeon or such other Medical Officer as aforesaid, or shall furnish a wilfully false Report of the Condition of Health of the Inmates as is herein required, or shall not keep suspended such List of such Inmates, and keep the same altered or corrected from Time to Time as is herein required, as the Case may be, shall for each Offence be liable to a Penalty of not more than One Hundred current Dollars, or may be imprisoned with or without hard Labour for any Time not exceeding Three Months. Women affected XI. Every Prostitute, or Inmate of a Registered Brothel, who shall be at any Time declared by the with any Venereal Colonial Surgeon or such other Medical Officer as aforesaid to be affected with any Venereal Disease, Disease to be removed to Hospital. shall be, by Order of the Registrar General given under his Hand, removed to such Hospital as shall be built or set apart for Women affected with Venereal Diseases, under the provisions of this Ordinance, and such Prostitute shall be kept under the control of the Medical Officer of such Hospital, and shall not leave or attempt to leave the same until properly discharged as cured by such Medical Officer; and on every occasion of discharging any such Prostitute from the said Hospital as cured, the Medical Officer so discharging such Prostitute shall give her a Certificate under his Hand of having been so discharged, which Certificate, should such Prostitute return to a Brothel, is to be produced and shewn to the Registrar General, or to the Superintendent or Inspectors of Police, whensoever the Production of the same shall be by him or them demanded; and any Prostitute who shall during her Continuance in such Hospital refuse to submit to or obey the Directions of the Medical Officer thereof, or shall leave or attempt to Expenses of any leave the same until she be properly discharged as cured as aforesaid, shall be liable to be imprisoned with Woman while in Hos- or without hard Labour for any time not exceeding Three Months; and the Expenses which may be incurred pital, to be paid by the in and about the Maintenance and Treatment of any such Prostitute in such Hospital shall be a Debt due Keeper of the Brothel to the Crown, and shall be paid by the Keeper of the Brothel of which such Prostitute shall have been an whence such Woman shall have been re- Inmate, or from which she shall have been so removed, and the same in case of non-payment shall be sued for and recovered by the Registrar General. moved. Prostitutes infecting healthy Persons liable to Punishment. XII. If any Prostitute labouring under a Venereal Disease shall, to the satisfaction of the Chief or Assistant Magistrate, be proved to have infected any Person with such Disease, such Prostitute, on convic- tion thereof, shall be punished by Imprisonment either in Gaol or Hospital for a Term not exceeding Three Months, and the Keeper of the Brothel in which such Prostitute shall be found shall in every such Case be fined a Penalty not exceeding Two Hundred current Dollars. Every Keeper of a XIII. Every Keeper of a Registered Brothel shall pay to the Registrar General or his Collector the Brothel to paya Sum of Four current Dollars per Mensem, which the Registrar General is hereby empowered to demand Monthly Sum. and collect, and all such Sums are to be paid by the Registrar General into the Colonial Treasury. Moneys collected by XIV. All Monies collected under or by virtue of Sections XIII and XIX are to be appropriated to way of Fees under this the formation of a general Fund for the Purposes of this Ordinance, out of which a Monthly Sum (to be Ordinance to go to the fixed by His Excellency in Council) is to be paid to the Colonial Surgeon, or to such other Medical Formation of a general Fund for the Purposes Officer as may be from Time to Time appointed for the Purposes of this Ordinance, under the Provisions of the Ordinance. of Section VII, as his Remuneration for performing the Duties required or imposed by this Ordinance; Pay of the Colonial and the said Colonial Surgeon, or such other Medical Officer as aforesaid, is hereby empowered (with the Surgeon or other Me- sanction of His Excellency the Governor) to nominate or appoint a Deputy or Assistant, being a Person dical Officer appointed under this Ordinance, properly qualified to act for him, in case he shall be at any Time incapacitated or unable to perform such Duties, or any Portion of them. Keepers of Brothels tection, &c. XV. Every Keeper of a Registered Brothel shall be allowed, upon giving Notice thereof to the may employ Constables Superintendent of Police, and obtaining his Authority, to employ a Constable for the Protection of, and the specially for their Pro- Preservation of Order in, such Brothel, such Constables to be under the Control of, and responsible to, and to Such Constables to be paid by, the Superintendent of Police, and to wear a Uniform to be chosen for the Purpose, but to be be under the Control, solely employed about the Protection of the Brothel by the Keeper of which each of them is employed; &c., of the Superin- and every Keeper of a Brothel so employing such Special Constable as aforesaid shall pay quarterly in tendent of Police. advance to the Superintendent of Police, a Sum sufficient to cover the Expenses which may be incurred in payment of the Wages of and providing the Uniform for such Constable, and such Sum shall in case of non-payment be sued for and recovered by the Superintendent of Police. A Hospital for Women to be built. · XVI. A Hospital shall be built, or Premises in the first instance hired, exclusively for the Reception Provisions for renting and Treatment of Women affected with Venereal Diseases, the cost of renting such Premises to be suitable Premises in defrayed out of the Fund to be raised under Sections XIII and XIX, and the Remainder of the Moneys the meantime until which shall from Time to Time be collected under the said Sections, over and above such Sunis as shall be such Hospital shall I applied in Payment of the Colonial Surgeon, or such other Medical Officer as aforesaid, and in Payment of the Expenses of renting and maintaining such Premises as aforesaid, shall go and be applied to the built. LEZX Z N to W ] C W si t 1 s ti h tl SFAAPAYA ( י ก r. 11 2 I I 1957. Register Lessor ding or Lessor, any egister, in such which Il forth- Lessor a Lessee to be a inance; n of the Chief or who are ole to be ectors of ed under said are or such =gistered S. y Week Fy of the contain. sident in nt there- Gaol or NOVEMBER 28, 1857. Ghe Hongkong Government Gazettę. formation of a Fund for the purpose of building, fitting up, and maintaining such Hospital, and enlarging e same from Time to Time as may be required; and all Fees directed to be levied and paid by Section VIII, in case of non-payment, shall be sued for and recovered by the Registrar General, who shall pay the Same into the Colonial Treasury. as Keepers of Licensed to Boarding House furnish the Harbour Diseased Seamen XVII. Every Keeper of a Licensed Boarding House' for Seamen shall furnish to the Harbour Master, once in every Week, a List of Seamen then resident in his House, and shall report in such List the state of Health of each Seaman so far as he may be able to ascertain the same; and every Seaman Master with Weekly who may be reported or may be otherwise discovered to be affected with a Venereal Disease, unless Lists of the Seamen then under Medical Treatment, shall be removed by Warrant under the Hand of the Harbour Master to a resident in their Hospital, where he shall be kept until he be, by the Medical Attendants thereof, discharged as cured, and Houses. shall have obtained from such Medical Attendants a Certificate of his having been so discharged, which Certificate he shall produce and shew to the Harbour Master when required so to do; and the Expenses be removed to Hospi- which may be incurred in and about the Maintenance and Treatment of any such Seaman in such Hospital, tal shall be a Debt due to the Crown, and shall be paid by such Seaman; or, in Case of the Keeper of the Boarding House in which such Seaman shall have resided before his removal to Hospital not having reported, or having made a false Report as to the state of Health of such Seaman, then such Expenses shall be paid by such Boarding House Keeper, in case it shall appear to, and be certified by, the Colonial Surgeon or his Deputy, or the Medical Attendants of the Hospital to which such Seaman may be removed, that the Disease with which he may be affected is of such a Nature as that the Keeper of the Boarding Hause could, with ordinary and reasonable Observation, have ascertained its Existence; and in all Cases sach Expenses shall in case of non-payment be sued for and recovered by the Harbour Master on behalf of the Hospital. XVIII. If any Seaman affected with a Venereal Disease, and reported so to be by the Keeper of Penalty for offering the Boarding House in which such Seaman may be residing, shall refuse or offer any Hindrance or Obstruc- any obstruction to Re- tion to his Removal to Hospital; or, having been removed to Hospital, shall attempt to leave the same moval to Hospital, &c. before he shall be properly discharged cured; or having been discharged cured, shall refuse to produce his Certificate of Discharge when required by the Harbour Master or his Deputy authorized to demand the same; or being affected with a Venereal Disease, shall neglect or refuse to inform the Keeper of the Boarding House in which he may be residing,-then, and in every such Case, such Seaman so offending shall be liable to a Fine not exceeding Twenty-five current Dollars, or to Imprisonment, with or without hard Labour, for any Time not exceeding One Month.i ▪ XIX. The Master of any Merchant Ship, before shipping any Seaman, may require that such Seaman Masters of Ships dall be inspected by the Colonial Surgeon or other Medical Officer who may be appointed for such Purpose before shipping Sea- nit such in connection with the Harbour Master's Department, and who is hereby required to attend at stated men may require that ection as Hours in the Forenoon and Afternoon of each Day at the Harbour Master's Office for the Purposes of such they be inspected. or such inspection; and the Colonial Surgeon or such other Medical Officer upon such Inspection is to give a Certificate under his Hand as to the State of Health of such Seaman, which Certificate such Seaman is to Froduce and show to the Master of the Ship in which he may be about to serve; and for every such Offence Certificate there shall be paid the Fee of Fifty Cents, to be paid by the Master or Agent of the Ship in case such Seaman should prove to be in sound Health, and by the Seaman himself or the Boarding House Keeper with whom he shall be residing in case he shall prove to be affected with any Venereal hisease; such Fee to be received by the Harbour Master, and in case of non-payment to be sued for and recovered by him, and paid into the Colonial Treasury for the Purposes of this Ordinance. th of the the same I with or ed by the Disease, s shall be rdinance, and shall =cer; and XX. In all Cases where Punishment by Imprisonment shall be inflicted under this Ordinance, such Imprisonment may be either in Gaol or Imprisonment may be either in Gaol or in' Hospital, and may be either with or without hard Labour as the Hospital. Court shall adjudge. From whom. Fines XXI. In all Cases in which Fines shall be imposed under the Provisions of any Section of this al Officer Ordinance, and the Brothel Keeper on whom such Fine shall be imposed shall be unable to pay or discharge may be recovered, Scharred the same, then the same shall be recovered from the immediate Landlord or Lessor of such House; and Registrar case such Landlord or Lessor be not known or cannot be ascertained, then from the Crown Lessee of ame shall the Plot of Ground on which such House may be erected or built, provided it be proved to the satisfaction Hospital of the Magistrate, that such Crown Lessee was cognisant of the Purposes for which such House shall have ttempt to been let or occupied. oned with No Trade to be XXII. No House in which any Trade or Business shall be carried on shall be Registered, or be carried on in any ⇒ inculpable of becoming a Registered Brothel under the Provisions of this Ordinance. Debt e been an XXIII. No Moneys which shall be raised under the Provisions of this Ordinance by way of any Fee hall at any Time be applied or applicable to any Purposes other than or different from the Specific t shall be Purposes for which the same are to be raised, and to which they are to be applied under the Provisions of this Ordinance. e Chief or XXIV. His Excellency in Council is hereby empowered from Time to Time to make such Regula on convictions and By-Laws as may be deemed necessary for carrying into effect the Provisions of this Ordinance, ing Three and for the Regulation and Control of Registered Brothels within the aforesaid Districts. XXV. All cases arising under this Ordinance shall be tried and adjudicated by, and all Fines h Case be and Penalties herein mentioned, and all Sums herein declared to be recoverable, shall be sued for and llector the covered before, any Magistrate of Police either singly, or any two or more Justices of the Peace in the to demandanner provided by Ordinance No. 10 of 1844, entitled, “ An Ordinance to regulate Summary Proceedings before Justices of the Peace, and to protect Justices in the execution of their duty." y. opriated to -um (to be er Medical Provisions Ordinance; (with the ga Person rform such reof to the of, and the e to, and to . but • Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong, No. 163. this 24th Day of November, 1857. J. M. D'ALMada e Castro, for the Clerk of Councils. JOHN BOWRING. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Brothel. Moneys raised under this Ordinance to be applied solely to the :- Purposes of the Ordi- Power to Governor make By-Laws and Regulations. Penalties how to be recovered. nance. to It is hereby notified that, in consequence of W. H. WHITE, Esquire, having been ordered home, His Excellency The Governor has been pleased, with the concurrence of the proper authorities, to appoint WILLIAM employed MESURIER, Assistant Commissary General, Acting Auditor General of Hongkong, from the 16th instant, uarterly in incurred in - in case of Reception mises to be he Money; as shall be Payment of lied to the LE By Order, W. T. BRIDGES; Acting Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 23d November, 1857. 1957. Register Lessor ding or Lessor, any egister, in such which Il forth- Lessor a Lessee to be a inance; n of the Chief or who are ole to be ectors of ed under said are or such =gistered S. y Week Fy of the contain. sident in nt there- Gaol or NOVEMBER 28, 1857. Ghe Hongkong Government Gazettę. formation of a Fund for the purpose of building, fitting up, and maintaining such Hospital, and enlarging e same from Time to Time as may be required; and all Fees directed to be levied and paid by Section VIII, in case of non-payment, shall be sued for and recovered by the Registrar General, who shall pay the Same into the Colonial Treasury. as Keepers of Licensed to Boarding House furnish the Harbour Diseased Seamen XVII. Every Keeper of a Licensed Boarding House' for Seamen shall furnish to the Harbour Master, once in every Week, a List of Seamen then resident in his House, and shall report in such List the state of Health of each Seaman so far as he may be able to ascertain the same; and every Seaman Master with Weekly who may be reported or may be otherwise discovered to be affected with a Venereal Disease, unless Lists of the Seamen then under Medical Treatment, shall be removed by Warrant under the Hand of the Harbour Master to a resident in their Hospital, where he shall be kept until he be, by the Medical Attendants thereof, discharged as cured, and Houses. shall have obtained from such Medical Attendants a Certificate of his having been so discharged, which Certificate he shall produce and shew to the Harbour Master when required so to do; and the Expenses be removed to Hospi- which may be incurred in and about the Maintenance and Treatment of any such Seaman in such Hospital, tal shall be a Debt due to the Crown, and shall be paid by such Seaman; or, in Case of the Keeper of the Boarding House in which such Seaman shall have resided before his removal to Hospital not having reported, or having made a false Report as to the state of Health of such Seaman, then such Expenses shall be paid by such Boarding House Keeper, in case it shall appear to, and be certified by, the Colonial Surgeon or his Deputy, or the Medical Attendants of the Hospital to which such Seaman may be removed, that the Disease with which he may be affected is of such a Nature as that the Keeper of the Boarding Hause could, with ordinary and reasonable Observation, have ascertained its Existence; and in all Cases sach Expenses shall in case of non-payment be sued for and recovered by the Harbour Master on behalf of the Hospital. XVIII. If any Seaman affected with a Venereal Disease, and reported so to be by the Keeper of Penalty for offering the Boarding House in which such Seaman may be residing, shall refuse or offer any Hindrance or Obstruc- any obstruction to Re- tion to his Removal to Hospital; or, having been removed to Hospital, shall attempt to leave the same moval to Hospital, &c. before he shall be properly discharged cured; or having been discharged cured, shall refuse to produce his Certificate of Discharge when required by the Harbour Master or his Deputy authorized to demand the same; or being affected with a Venereal Disease, shall neglect or refuse to inform the Keeper of the Boarding House in which he may be residing,-then, and in every such Case, such Seaman so offending shall be liable to a Fine not exceeding Twenty-five current Dollars, or to Imprisonment, with or without hard Labour, for any Time not exceeding One Month.i ▪ XIX. The Master of any Merchant Ship, before shipping any Seaman, may require that such Seaman Masters of Ships dall be inspected by the Colonial Surgeon or other Medical Officer who may be appointed for such Purpose before shipping Sea- nit such in connection with the Harbour Master's Department, and who is hereby required to attend at stated men may require that ection as Hours in the Forenoon and Afternoon of each Day at the Harbour Master's Office for the Purposes of such they be inspected. or such inspection; and the Colonial Surgeon or such other Medical Officer upon such Inspection is to give a Certificate under his Hand as to the State of Health of such Seaman, which Certificate such Seaman is to Froduce and show to the Master of the Ship in which he may be about to serve; and for every such Offence Certificate there shall be paid the Fee of Fifty Cents, to be paid by the Master or Agent of the Ship in case such Seaman should prove to be in sound Health, and by the Seaman himself or the Boarding House Keeper with whom he shall be residing in case he shall prove to be affected with any Venereal hisease; such Fee to be received by the Harbour Master, and in case of non-payment to be sued for and recovered by him, and paid into the Colonial Treasury for the Purposes of this Ordinance. th of the the same I with or ed by the Disease, s shall be rdinance, and shall =cer; and XX. In all Cases where Punishment by Imprisonment shall be inflicted under this Ordinance, such Imprisonment may be either in Gaol or Imprisonment may be either in Gaol or in' Hospital, and may be either with or without hard Labour as the Hospital. Court shall adjudge. From whom. Fines XXI. In all Cases in which Fines shall be imposed under the Provisions of any Section of this al Officer Ordinance, and the Brothel Keeper on whom such Fine shall be imposed shall be unable to pay or discharge may be recovered, Scharred the same, then the same shall be recovered from the immediate Landlord or Lessor of such House; and Registrar case such Landlord or Lessor be not known or cannot be ascertained, then from the Crown Lessee of ame shall the Plot of Ground on which such House may be erected or built, provided it be proved to the satisfaction Hospital of the Magistrate, that such Crown Lessee was cognisant of the Purposes for which such House shall have ttempt to been let or occupied. oned with No Trade to be XXII. No House in which any Trade or Business shall be carried on shall be Registered, or be carried on in any ⇒ inculpable of becoming a Registered Brothel under the Provisions of this Ordinance. Debt e been an XXIII. No Moneys which shall be raised under the Provisions of this Ordinance by way of any Fee hall at any Time be applied or applicable to any Purposes other than or different from the Specific t shall be Purposes for which the same are to be raised, and to which they are to be applied under the Provisions of this Ordinance. e Chief or XXIV. His Excellency in Council is hereby empowered from Time to Time to make such Regula on convictions and By-Laws as may be deemed necessary for carrying into effect the Provisions of this Ordinance, ing Three and for the Regulation and Control of Registered Brothels within the aforesaid Districts. XXV. All cases arising under this Ordinance shall be tried and adjudicated by, and all Fines h Case be and Penalties herein mentioned, and all Sums herein declared to be recoverable, shall be sued for and llector the covered before, any Magistrate of Police either singly, or any two or more Justices of the Peace in the to demandanner provided by Ordinance No. 10 of 1844, entitled, “ An Ordinance to regulate Summary Proceedings before Justices of the Peace, and to protect Justices in the execution of their duty." y. opriated to -um (to be er Medical Provisions Ordinance; (with the ga Person rform such reof to the of, and the e to, and to . but • Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong, No. 163. this 24th Day of November, 1857. J. M. D'ALMada e Castro, for the Clerk of Councils. JOHN BOWRING. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Brothel. Moneys raised under this Ordinance to be applied solely to the :- Purposes of the Ordi- Power to Governor make By-Laws and Regulations. Penalties how to be recovered. nance. to It is hereby notified that, in consequence of W. H. WHITE, Esquire, having been ordered home, His Excellency The Governor has been pleased, with the concurrence of the proper authorities, to appoint WILLIAM employed MESURIER, Assistant Commissary General, Acting Auditor General of Hongkong, from the 16th instant, uarterly in incurred in - in case of Reception mises to be he Money; as shall be Payment of lied to the LE By Order, W. T. BRIDGES; Acting Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 23d November, 1857. The Hongkong Government Gazette. [NOVEMBER 28, 1857. No. 164. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Notices and Letter respecting Lighthouses at Port Jackson and at Newcastle, on the Coast of Sydney, are published for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 25th November, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. THE TREASURY, New South Wales, 9th October, 1857. The Honourable the Secretary for Finance and Trade directs the publication of the following Notices, for general information. HENRY LANE, Secretary to the Treasury. ADDITIONAL LIGHT AT THE ENTRANCE OF PORT JACKSON. Notice is hereby given, that, in addition to the Revolving Light now exhibited on the Outer South Head of the Harbour of Port Jackson, it is the intention of the Government shortly to erect a Lighthouse on the Inner South Head, which will be a first-class Catoptric Light, and exhibit a constant bright light, at an elevation above the level of high water mark of 90 feet. Notice will be given of the time when this Light will be first exhibited, as soon as it has been with certainty decided upon. ROBT. F. POCKLEY, Superintendent of Lights, Pilots, and Navigation, New South Wales. Sydney, New South Wales, 7th October, 1857. LASOTZ NEW LIGHT AT THE PORT OF NEWCASTLE. Notice is hereby given that, on and after the 1st January, 1858, the Coal Fire hitherto exhibited on the main land, at the Port of Newcastle, will be discontinued, and that a Light from the Lighthouse recently erected on Nobby's Island will be exhibited. The Light will be a bright white fixed light, and will show from Sunset to Suprise. Sydney, New South Wales, 7th October, 1857. No. 139 of 1857. ་་ H: ROBT. F. POCKLEY, mod „prarvasan, Superintendent of Lights, Pilots, and Navigation, New South Wales. LIGHT PILOT AND NAVIGATION BOARD, SYDNEY, 7th October, 1857. SIR, The Light Pilot and Navigation Board having, in attention to the Treasury Minute, dated the 5th instant, taken into con- sideration the subject of the best time for the first exhibition of the Light from the New Lighthouse at Newcastle, I am directed to acquaint you, for the information of the Honourable the Finance Minister, that they would advise that the Light should be first exhibited on the 1st January 1858, and that notice to this effect, in the accompanying Form, be published in the Government Gazette, and transmitted to the proper authorities in England, India, and other quarters, by the next mail Steamer. 2. The Board also think it desirable that a notice should be transmitted, at the same time, of the intention of the Government to erect a New Lighthouse at the Inner South Head, and they are of opinion, that until the time for the first exhibition of the Light from it be determined, the accompanying notice will be sufficient to give publicity to the intention of the Government.—I have, &c., (Signed) W. A. G. DREW, Secretary. THE SECRETARY to the Treasury. NOTICE. THE next CRIMINAL SESSIONS of the SUPREME COURT, will be held on MONDAY, the 30th day of November, a.d. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon. THE By Order of the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. NOTICE. ; E next SESSIONS of the SUPREME COURT in its SUMMARY JURISDICTION, will be held on FRIDAY, the 4th day of December, A.D. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon. By Order of the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG In the matter of the Insolvency of HENRY LAWSON CAMBRIDGE, late of Victoria, in the Colony of Hongkong; and in the matter of the Insolvency of LÜ-PĂN, late of Victoria. OTICE N° IS HEREBY given, that the ESTATE and EFFECTS of the above named Insolvents have been vested in NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar of the said Court, and Provisional Assignee of Insolvent Estates. By the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON Acting Registrar. Court House, Victoria, 26th November, 1857. In the Estate of HUGH WELSH, late of the Firm of CUBBINS & WELSH, of Pagoda Anchorage, Foochow, deceased. NOTIC ́OTICE.-All Persons baving Claims on the said Estate, will please to send them in to the undersigned; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make payment to the under- NOT In the Estate of the late:11UGH CROSS GIBSON, deceused. OTICE.All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- ment to J. GIBSON. N.B.-I have empowered T. SUTHERLAND, Esquire, to receive all Debts due to the above Estate in my absence. J. GIBSON. Hongkong, 26th November, 1857. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG. IN EQUITY. In the matter of the Estate of ROBERT JACKSON, deceased. | W NOTICE. E have established a Branch of our House, as General Merchants and Commission Agents, at Bangkok, Siam, from the 25th August last. REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. Shanghae, 1st October, 1857. THI NOTICE. THE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as 'Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April, 1837. Between ROBErtCalver Craw FORD, Complainant, |'|''ŝi and WILLIAM RAYMOND GINGELL, Defendant. MONDAY, the Twenty-first day of December, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the REGISTRAR's Chambers, COURT HOUSE, Victoria, HONGKONG, is appointed for hearing aud adjudicating upon the Claims on the above Estate. Dated this 20th day of November, 1857. N. R. MASSON, Acting Registrar, &c., &c. E. K. STACE, Plaintiff's Solicitor, Hongkong. NOTICE. M.R R THOMAS DEAS BOYD, was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st nltimo. MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, retired from our Firm, F. D. SYME & Co. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. signed as Administrator, on or before the 1st March, W1 1858. FRED. HOWE HALE, NOTICE. E have this day established at Skanghae, under the same Style,'a Eranch of our Firm in China. MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is anthorized to H. B. M.'s Officiating Consul. | sign our namb por procuration from same date. British Consulate, Fonchow, 9th November, 1857. VAUCHER FRÈRES. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquiré, deceased. the said Estate, will please send them in for liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, are | requested to make immediate payment to JOHN WISE, Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deccased. NOT ŢOTICE-AI Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- ment to ADAM SCOTT, or AND. S. DIXSON,{ Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. Executors. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.-- PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-sis Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, Ons Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-One- half of these chargos for cách Repetition. Copy! 28, 1857. THE the Coast of IDGES. 1 Secretary. -ober, 1857. •rmation. -ANE, Treasury.. Harbour of Por --class Catoptrid apon. Hongkong Government GAZETTE. CY. and Navigation NEW SERIES. 1, at the Port of d. CY, and Navigation, ober, 1857.» taken into con am directed to e first exhibited nt Gazette, and Government to che Light from &c., - DREW, etary. ch of our House, Commission Ageuls, August last, HMIDT & Co. bsisting between -L and JAMESİ , Notaries Public. dissolved; by the ~, on the 28th day M GASKELL. 357. ► y of MR JAMES d by his death on BRIMELOW. LES EDWIN ceased. g Claims against = send them in for hted thereto, are ent to JOHN WISE, 7. Executor. VILLIAM B, ed. -g Claims against → to send them in. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 5TH DECEMBER, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Voz. III. No. 127. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that "THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" will, as before, be the only Official Organ for ProcLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC Papers, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. No.:165. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Seoretary. In consequence of certain applications for Spirit Licenses having been received too late to be brought under consideration at the Special Sessions of Justices of the Peace, held at the Chief Magistrate's Office, on Wednesday, the 18th of the current Month, pursuant to Notification No. 144, of 14th October last, a further Sessions is hereby appointed to be held at the said Office, on Wednesday, the 30th of December ensuing, for the purpose of consider- ing the said applications. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 1st December, 1857. No.166. ·GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. It is hereby notified, that the right of obtaining Night Passes having been abused, it is deemed expedient under existing circumstances to restrict very considerably the Number of Passes hitherto issued, both to Europeans and Chinese. To prevent unnecessary inconvenience, any Person of respectability requiring extra Passes for any particular night will be able to obtain them from the Superintendent of Police, on the understanding that they are returned the following morning. The words " at large,” as affecting this question of Night Passes, will not be held to extend to any Chinese actually accompanying Europeans, whether as Servant or otherwise. The Grantees of Passes are reminded, that no Person should be entrusted by them with the use of a Pass, unless such Person is necessarily employed outside the house for them, or on their business. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d December, 1857. T 一千八百五十七 ᄅ 年 W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. 治奉急 請主倘日請遇有 請滋照 有領有未 照 各法之 母借夜 請照其已領 得 囘要經 俾 亂 各其事 後執示 者國得便准照 Mail, Hongkong. Copies, Thirty-sis mes and under, One "menty Cents-One- 日 示 宜不 得方 凛得 方 遵私 私准 領 執傭留於其者 嘅無 違與行 照非工行赴惟 減論 請 特人仍 者私有他走巡 領 致須須行事日仍捕 爾 干小 遇毋跟之須官中 等人多 究心緊隨用署人凡等實 indebted to the Le immed'ate pay- Executors. 十八八味 初五 憲 示 petition. $ 2 The Hongkong Government Gazette. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. [DECEMBER 5, 1857. DECE All Parties having Claims upon the Colonial Treasury, are requested to forward a Statement of the same to this Office, on or before Monday, the 21st instant, that all Arrears, if any, may be liquidated on or before thé 31st instant. ** H FRED. FORTH, Colonial Treasurer å male Is the Es of C Foo NOTI watersign Estate, as signed as 1858. Colonial Treasury, 4th December, 1857, 丁已年十月二十日 香 ̇諭 署於期年 月定兩 底 Britis! 9tl 呈是儿十 限當所 MU ZAMOUT & 繳 日 以開應10月 有 Fortu YAMIZAT 有 十於郎 mort 英全 應照 Lavo! 照 ●清之 各現 年支 WM RICE 特 60 丁 給單項 土 便 具領初 日本數 領得 W 使 to mi soutui VAI BIOKANI and we meil 1) › „ranquia ibifa ya ni A MR. MR 1 retired f Amoy WE at BAN Shan K 事 項屆 諭 玆 特到准篇已二 銀歲 篇 THE the 2d ‹ No. 43. Hon GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Diplomatic Department. In consequence of a Communication received from The Right Reverend The Lord Bishop of Victoria, stating that uneasiness had been caused to Parties whose Marriages in China had not been celebrated at British Consulates, His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary, for the purpose of removing such uneasiness, and for the information of all concerned, publishes the following, Despatch from the Earl of Clarendon, dated March 17th, 1853, addressed to SIR GEORGE BONHAM. No. 5. By Order, Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d December, 1857. GEO. S. MORRISON. FOREIGN OFFICE, 17th March, 1853. SIR,—I have referred to the Law Advisers of the Crown the question as to the Validity of Marriages between British Subjects at Shanghae, solemnised otherwise than according to the Provisions of the Act of the 12th and 13th Victoria, c. 68, which formed the subject of Dr Bowring's Despatch No. 167, of the 30th of November; and I have now to acquaint you that, even if no such Act as that of the 12th and 13th Victoria, c. 68, were in existence, Marriages between British Subjects performed by any Minister of the Church of England, in any British Chapel or elsewhere at Shanghae, would be good. The grounds on which this conclusion is arrived at are, that on principle and on authority such Marriages would have been good at Common Law; and inasmuch as the English Marriage Acts do not extend to China, and as it is a country which has no local Law of Marriage, they will be good in that country. The 21st Section of the Article ́of 12th and 13th Victoria, c. 68, prevents their validity from being in anywise affected by that Statute. The object of that Statute was to facilitate and not to impede the Marriages of British Subjects abroad; and, in order thereto, to provide for the celebration of such Marriages by the Consul where there might be no Minister of the Church of England, or where the Parties might not choose to have recourse to such a Minister. The Legislature did not thereby intend to invalidate, nor has it thereby invalidated, Marriages which would have been valid independently of that Statute.-I ́am, &c., (Signed) CLARENDON. Sir George Bonham, Bart., &C., &c., &c. True Copy, H. F. HANCE. Steam for POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLESINGAPORE," will close on MONDAY, Next GENERAL MAILS per Steamer ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THE PENINSUlar & Oriental Steam NAVIGA- THE TION COMPANY's Steam-ship “SINGAPORE,” Captain G. A. GRAINGER, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on TUESDAY, the 15th Decomber, at 2 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., on the 13th; SPECIE until Noon on the 14th, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 14th. For Particulars regarding FREIght and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 30th November, 1857. the 14th instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. · A SUPPLEMENtary Mail will be made up on the following morning. LETTERs received from 9 to 11 A.M., and 11 to Half-past 12 o'clock P.M. Post Office, Hongkong, 3d December, 1857. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Master. NOTICE. R ROBERT MUIRHEAD REDDIE, is Mauthorized to sign the name of our Firm in China. HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Hongkong, 1st December, 1857. In re ROBERT STEWART, Engineer) to the * Queen" Steamer, deccused. SOPRAGALO, Police Constable, deceased. " "9 ELLI BUCCAS, " " ISAAC BACHELOR, „ JOHN LORTON, " Νο 99 " 99 99 ́OTICE,—All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMI- NISTRATOR, before the 19th day of May, A.D. 1858, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. In re JOHN ABBOTT, Police Constable, deceased. FRANK ATTRILL, or OTICE is hereby given to the NEXT OF KIN, and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS CODICILS of the above Parties that may be in their possession, before the Supreme Court, on FRIDAY, the 11th day of December, 1857; or if that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse none, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION; failing which, Ad- ministration will be granted to the Registrar of the said Court. By the Court, A NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. In re Estate of late Lieut.-ColonelĮLUGARD, R.K NY Parties having Claims on, or being indebted to, the Estate of the late Lieut.-Colonel LUGARD, Royal Engineers, are requested to com- municate with the undersigned without delay. J. W. GOSSET, Captain, Royal Engineers. Royal Engineers' Office, Hongkong, 3d December, 1857. In the Estate of the late CHARLÈS EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. ́OTICE-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please send them in for liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, aro All Persons indebted to the above Estates, are re-requested to make immediate payment to quested to make immediate Payment to NORMAN RAMSAY, MASSON, Acting Registrar-Official Administrator. Hongkong, 17th September, 185 JOHN WISE, Executor $ 2 The Hongkong Government Gazette. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. [DECEMBER 5, 1857. DECE All Parties having Claims upon the Colonial Treasury, are requested to forward a Statement of the same to this Office, on or before Monday, the 21st instant, that all Arrears, if any, may be liquidated on or before thé 31st instant. ** H FRED. FORTH, Colonial Treasurer å male Is the Es of C Foo NOTI watersign Estate, as signed as 1858. Colonial Treasury, 4th December, 1857, 丁已年十月二十日 香 ̇諭 署於期年 月定兩 底 Britis! 9tl 呈是儿十 限當所 MU ZAMOUT & 繳 日 以開應10月 有 Fortu YAMIZAT 有 十於郎 mort 英全 應照 Lavo! 照 ●清之 各現 年支 WM RICE 特 60 丁 給單項 土 便 具領初 日本數 領得 W 使 to mi soutui VAI BIOKANI and we meil 1) › „ranquia ibifa ya ni A MR. MR 1 retired f Amoy WE at BAN Shan K 事 項屆 諭 玆 特到准篇已二 銀歲 篇 THE the 2d ‹ No. 43. Hon GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Diplomatic Department. In consequence of a Communication received from The Right Reverend The Lord Bishop of Victoria, stating that uneasiness had been caused to Parties whose Marriages in China had not been celebrated at British Consulates, His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary, for the purpose of removing such uneasiness, and for the information of all concerned, publishes the following, Despatch from the Earl of Clarendon, dated March 17th, 1853, addressed to SIR GEORGE BONHAM. No. 5. By Order, Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d December, 1857. GEO. S. MORRISON. FOREIGN OFFICE, 17th March, 1853. SIR,—I have referred to the Law Advisers of the Crown the question as to the Validity of Marriages between British Subjects at Shanghae, solemnised otherwise than according to the Provisions of the Act of the 12th and 13th Victoria, c. 68, which formed the subject of Dr Bowring's Despatch No. 167, of the 30th of November; and I have now to acquaint you that, even if no such Act as that of the 12th and 13th Victoria, c. 68, were in existence, Marriages between British Subjects performed by any Minister of the Church of England, in any British Chapel or elsewhere at Shanghae, would be good. The grounds on which this conclusion is arrived at are, that on principle and on authority such Marriages would have been good at Common Law; and inasmuch as the English Marriage Acts do not extend to China, and as it is a country which has no local Law of Marriage, they will be good in that country. The 21st Section of the Article ́of 12th and 13th Victoria, c. 68, prevents their validity from being in anywise affected by that Statute. The object of that Statute was to facilitate and not to impede the Marriages of British Subjects abroad; and, in order thereto, to provide for the celebration of such Marriages by the Consul where there might be no Minister of the Church of England, or where the Parties might not choose to have recourse to such a Minister. The Legislature did not thereby intend to invalidate, nor has it thereby invalidated, Marriages which would have been valid independently of that Statute.-I ́am, &c., (Signed) CLARENDON. Sir George Bonham, Bart., &C., &c., &c. True Copy, H. F. HANCE. Steam for POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLESINGAPORE," will close on MONDAY, Next GENERAL MAILS per Steamer ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THE PENINSUlar & Oriental Steam NAVIGA- THE TION COMPANY's Steam-ship “SINGAPORE,” Captain G. A. GRAINGER, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on TUESDAY, the 15th Decomber, at 2 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., on the 13th; SPECIE until Noon on the 14th, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 14th. For Particulars regarding FREIght and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 30th November, 1857. the 14th instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. · A SUPPLEMENtary Mail will be made up on the following morning. LETTERs received from 9 to 11 A.M., and 11 to Half-past 12 o'clock P.M. Post Office, Hongkong, 3d December, 1857. WM. CHAPMAN, Post-Master. NOTICE. R ROBERT MUIRHEAD REDDIE, is Mauthorized to sign the name of our Firm in China. HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Hongkong, 1st December, 1857. In re ROBERT STEWART, Engineer) to the * Queen" Steamer, deccused. SOPRAGALO, Police Constable, deceased. " "9 ELLI BUCCAS, " " ISAAC BACHELOR, „ JOHN LORTON, " Νο 99 " 99 99 ́OTICE,—All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMI- NISTRATOR, before the 19th day of May, A.D. 1858, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. In re JOHN ABBOTT, Police Constable, deceased. FRANK ATTRILL, or OTICE is hereby given to the NEXT OF KIN, and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS CODICILS of the above Parties that may be in their possession, before the Supreme Court, on FRIDAY, the 11th day of December, 1857; or if that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse none, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION; failing which, Ad- ministration will be granted to the Registrar of the said Court. By the Court, A NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. In re Estate of late Lieut.-ColonelĮLUGARD, R.K NY Parties having Claims on, or being indebted to, the Estate of the late Lieut.-Colonel LUGARD, Royal Engineers, are requested to com- municate with the undersigned without delay. J. W. GOSSET, Captain, Royal Engineers. Royal Engineers' Office, Hongkong, 3d December, 1857. In the Estate of the late CHARLÈS EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. ́OTICE-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please send them in for liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, aro All Persons indebted to the above Estates, are re-requested to make immediate payment to quested to make immediate Payment to NORMAN RAMSAY, MASSON, Acting Registrar-Official Administrator. Hongkong, 17th September, 185 JOHN WISE, Executor 5. 1857. he same to re the 31st RTH, surer. !rtment. stating that sulates, His nation of all ISON. DECEMBER 5, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette. Estate of HUGH WELSH, fate of the Firm • CUBBINS & WELSH, of Pagoda Anchorage, Foochów, deceased. OTICE. -All Persons having Claims on the said Estate, will please to send them in to the igned; and all Persons indebted to the said , are requested to make payment to the under- -1 as Administrator, on or before the let March, FRED. HOWE hale, H. B. M.'s Officiating Consul. -itish Consulate, Foochow 9th November, 1837. NOTICE. R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimó, FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, And from our Firm. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. F. D. SYME & Co. NOTICE. E have established a Branch of our House, as General Merchants & Commission Agents, BANGKOK, SIAM, from the 25th August last, - REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. Sanghae, 1st October, 1857. NOTICE E Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. Austreget. Sumoigia In the Estate of the late HUGH CROSS- GIBSON, deccused, 3 In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. [OTICE-All Persons having Claims against NOTICE. All Persons having (Csend them in the said Estate, will please to send them in Estate, will please to for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- ment to J. GIBSON. N.B. I have empowered T. SUTHERLAND, Esquire, to receive all Debts due to the above Estate in my absence. Hongkong, 26th November, 1857. WE in China. NOTICE. J. GIBSON. E have this day established at Shanghac, under the same Style, a Branch of our Firm MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to sign our name per procuration from same date. VAUCHER FRERES. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. NOTICE. for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay ADAM SCOTT, ment to or Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. BLANK FOR SALE, Executors. at the Office of the “ China Mail." LANK Forms of POWERS OF ATTOR- NEY, WILLS, CHARTERPARTIES, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LADING, SHIPPING ORDERS, COMPRADOR'S CHECK BOOKS, SHIPPING ARTICLES, and the newest form of SHIP'S BILL OF SALE. Also, SAILING DIRECTIONS (printed in Pamphlet form) for the RIVERS YANG-Tsze-Kiang" and MIN. And, A Table, shewing the COST OF TEA, with all CHARGES-Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois. 19th March, 1857. HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the Printed at the Office of the China Hail, Hongkong— decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857.TATED OTT WILLIAM GASKELL. April 1857. Dated chip 29th day of April PRICH, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-sis Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Linë, Twenty Gents-One- kalf of these charges for each Repetition. boda quitste pâineau! V. To qodeiƐ bro. I sďT ba919v9H tdyið eðT moi} bevisser neitroiyamneo) a lo st itslund dati& in botardalso need ton bed enid ni 9gsins szod enim or hers and-" la lo noitemolní ɔut 10ì bas eesniaconu, doue quivo or to someg odt tot vroiteategiral #janjeśl baths 81 AUT¡ dorsM hatab,mobost: to luk als mod wetsgeof, quowallet was andelt MOZIRSOM POWD „mh0 yü Tha! sedaboaŭ 19 pa dynol comfy, aboad] be yonelmenniraqui. ch, 1853. sh Subjects at ch formed the ch Act as that the Church of e been good at 10 local Law of ts their validity rder thereto, to I, or where the has it thereby ENDON. nstable, deceased. 99 te Next of KIN, duce any WILLS cies that may be preme Court, on ember, 1857; or lo accept or refuse Failing which, Ad- e Registrar of the SAY MASSON egistrar. 【LUGARD, R.K ■, or being indebte ate Lieut.-Colone requested te com thout delay. V. GOSSET, Royal Engineers. byronosh „aldetzar 2 soliol (3TOSHA KROG et al TO ETTA ZEZANE * donad 25OITOJ, Darekani mkt ar Potraty at low stemgel LES EDWIN Feceased. ng Claims again e send them in fa bted thereto, a ment to JOHN WISE, うに Executor zageriali ana nad ziyim exquis pasa ku-,ɔtute12 tudi to qilactozpibui lulez 2990 aral blava doga 4ཏྠཱ,。 • KOTUZAHTUU? & $ dents groqueïl ani) 12:1 681 gadmoon bil odi qa anda sesal Ilus „opul) ban on ovalyje DITOV barn brand na fer inve } ${# *»! COME CAIUM TR499 Я svo de eman dit myia of bosirodius Persanak, OLAWAT2 T99dos 6+ mi C 990TADASITO2 CIMA ON saleŸ Ang eumetno? zut în " COUBDAH DAAZI ZODIOJ ZHOL 那 en - wiel) [IA --MOTO Y bona vebied jeum hos zmotrys, cová nda dire atve ad bovcaq ad Jenny e noted ! thar goda najwy din THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 12TH DECEMBER, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. III. No. 128. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLamations, NotifICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. No. 167. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION.. The following Return of Notes in Circulation and Specie in Reserve at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, is published for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 10th December, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary.» Account of the average Amount of Notes in Circulation at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, for the Month ending 30th November, 1857, rendered in accordance with the Terms of Her Majesty's Royal Charter of Incorporation, NOTES ISSUED.......... SPECIE IN RESERVE, $339,345. 200,000. Oriental Bank Corporation, Hongkong, 1st December, 1857. P. CAMPBELL, Manager. I inspected this day the Books and Treasure of the Oriental Bank Corporation, and hereby certify that I found the necessary Amount of Specie as required by the Royal Charter. · J. A. CARVALHO, Accountant. Victoria, Hongkong, 10th December, 1857. No. 165. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. FRED. FORTH, Colonial Treasurer. In consequence of certain applications for Spirit Licenses having been received too. late to be brought under consideration at the Special Sessions of Justices of the Peace, held at the Chief Magistrate's Office, on Wednesday, the 18th of the current Month, pursuant to Notification No. 144, of 14th October last, a further Sessions is hereby appointed to be held at the said Office, on Wednesday, the 30th of December ensuing, for the purpose of consider- ing the said applications. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 1st December, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. 2 No. 166. The Hongkong Government Gazette. [DECEMBER 12, 1857. D GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, that the right of obtaining Night Passes having been abused, it is deemed expedient under existing circumstances to restrict very considerably the Number of Passes hitherto issued, both to Europeans and Chinese. To prevent unnecessary inconvenience, any Person of respectability requiring extra Passes for any particular night will be able to obtain them from the Superintendent of Police, on the understanding that they are returned the following morning. The words " at large,” as affecting this question of Night Passes, will not be held to extend to any Chinese actually accompanying Europeans, whether as Servant or otherwise. The Grantees of Passes are reminded, that no Person should be entrusted by them with the use of a Pass, unless such Person is necessarily employed outside the house for them, or on their business..... By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d December, 1857. T wo vojarne T ! 1 TAM NAD 治奉 急請主倘日請 遇有請滋 W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Ri est: T 啊 一千八百五十七十二初 已 年 +11+ 之照人有領有未照繁得 憲 嗣 其同為囘 囘俾 要經亂夜 其事 方 巳 行 各不 私准領者國得 母借夜·····傭留 於其者啊。無 治各宜澟遵毌違特示 便准照 行 後執不 照 為行 與行照非工為 行赴惟減 人仍者私有他 走巡衣給中 示致 致須須行事 日仍捕冠爾外 日 多 干小遇毋跟之須官中等人 等實 究心緊庸隨 庸隨用 署人儿 請 領 巳 .GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. All Parties having Claims upon the Colonial Treasury, are requested to forward a Statement of the same to this Office, on or before Monday, the 21st instant, that all Arrears, if any, may be liquidated on or before the 31st instant. FRED. FORTH, Colonial Treasurer. Colonial Treasury, 4th December, 1857. 丁已年十月二十日 香 署於期年月定兩 月定雨 底 呈是凡十 十二限當所譲 照 全應 領得 : 特 諭 照清之六 六年支各 各現 給單項 日丁 + 發項 屆 特到准為已 玆銀歲 科 篇 No.44. 繳日有 十於即有事 月 以開應 便具領初日 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Diplomatic Department. has His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China, &c., &c., received a Communication from His Excellency The Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Forces of His Majesty The Emperor of the French, announcing the Blockade of the Canton River from the 12th instant. A Translation, of this Communication is published for general information. By Order, . GEO. S. MORRISON. Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 11th December, 1857.. ! 1857. DECEMBER 12, 1857.] ent under Deans and for any - they are t be held The Hongkong Government Gazette. (Translation.) 3 تن NAVAL DIVISION OF INDO-CHINA, CABINET OF THE ADMIRAL. MACAO ROADS, 10th December, 1857. MONSIEUR LE MINISTRE,-I have the honour to forward to your Excellency, Copy of the Notification of the Blockade of the Canton Viver by the Naval Forces of His Majesty The Emperor of the French, which are placed under my orders; which Blockade I declare tablished from the Twelfth of the current Month.—I have the honour to be, Monsieur le Ministre, your Excellency's very humblė d very obedient servant, The Rear-Admiral, Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Division of Passes ecessarily GES, etary. To His Excellency THE MINISTEr PlenipotenTIARY, OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN OF GREAt Britain, &c., &c., &c. " of His Majesty The Emperor of the French, (Signed) C. RIGAULT dɛ GENOUILLY. (Translation.) NAVAL DIVISION OF INDO-CHINA, CABINET OF THE ADMIRAL. FRIGATE Némésis, 10th December, 1857. I, the undersigned, Rear-Admiral, Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Forces of IIis Majesty The Emperor of the French in the China and India Seas: : After coming to an understanding with The High Commissioner His Imperial Majesty on the pending difficulties between the Government of France and that of China, on the means of terminating them, on the Resolution of the Governments of France and England, to proceed by common action for the reparations which are due to them, and iu virtue of the Powers appertaining to me as Commander-in-Chief,— DECLARE: From the the Twelfth of the current Month, the River and Port of Canton and their Outlets will be held in a state of effective Blockade, by the Naval Forces placed under my command, acting in concert with the. Naval Forces of Her Britannic Majesty. Any Vessel attempting to violate the Blockade will be proceeded against according to International Law, and the Treatics in force with Neutral Powers. (Signed) On Board H. I. M. Frigate Le Némésis, Macao Roads, the Tenth of December, 1857. True Translations, H. F. HANCE. C. RIGAULT de GENOUILLY. the same to ore the 31st RTH, surer. partment. Steam for NOTICE. R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo. SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, MR ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THE HE PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGA- TION COMPANY's Steam-ship “SINGAPORE,” Captain G. A. GRAINGER, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on TUESDAY, the 15th December, 212 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., en the 13th; SPECIE until Noon on the 14th, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 14th. For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required y the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered the Shipp to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do Pet hold themselves responsible for any Detention or indice which may happen from incorrectness on ach declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 30th November, 1857. NOTICE. HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between LROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, d Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the cease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. &c., &c., has_Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. Majesty The slation, of this RISON. NOTICE. In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deccased. MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date./NOTICE.—All Persons having Claims against retired from our Firm. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. WE F. D. SYME & Co. NOTICE. E have established a Branch of our House, as General Merchants & Commission Agents, at BANGKOK, Siam, from the 25th August last. REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. Shanghae, 1st October, 1857. NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July 1857. MR NOTICE. R ROBERT MUIRHEAD REDDIE, is authorized to sign the name of our Firm in HOLLIDAYSWISE & Co. Hongkong 1st December, 1857. China. In re JOHN ABBOTT, Police Constable, deceased. FRANK ATTRILL, 49 " JOHN LORTON, alias {LAWTON,] Police Constable, deceased. NOTICE, All Claims against the above Estates inust be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMI- NISTRATOR, before the 19th day of May, A.D. 1858, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. All Persons indebted to the above Estates, are re- quested to make immediate Payment to NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar--Official Administrator, In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. E have this day established at Shanghae, No W * China. under the same Style, a Branch of our Firm MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to gn our name per procuration from same date. VAUCHER FRÈRES. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- ADAM SCOTT, Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. ment to or Executors. the said Estate, will please send them in for liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, are requested to make immediate payment to JOHN WISE, Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 185 In the Estate of HUGH WELSH, late of the Firm of CUBBINS & WELSH, of Pagodu Anchorage Foochow, deceased. ́OTICE. -All Persons having Claims on the undersigned; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make payment to the under- signed as Administrator, on or before the 1st March, 1858. FRED. HOWE HALE, H. B. M.'s Officiating Consul. British Consulate, Foochow, 9th November, 1857. In the Estate of the late HUGH CROSS GIBSON, deceased. the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- J. GIBSON. ment to N.B. I have empowered T. SUTHERLAND, Esquire, to receive all Debts due to the above Estate in my absence. Hongkong, 26th November, 1837. J. GIBSON. In re Estate of late Lieut.-Colonel LUGARD, R.K. NY Parties having Claims on, or being indebted A to, the Estate of the late Lieut.-Colonel, | LUGARD, Royal Engineers, are requested to com- municate with the undersigned without delay, J. W. GOSSET, Captain, Royal Engineers. Royal Engineers' Office, Hongkong, 3d December, 1857. * Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.— PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-six Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTO,-Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cenis—One- - half of these charges for each Repetition. ! 1857. DECEMBER 12, 1857.] ent under Deans and for any - they are t be held The Hongkong Government Gazette. (Translation.) 3 تن NAVAL DIVISION OF INDO-CHINA, CABINET OF THE ADMIRAL. MACAO ROADS, 10th December, 1857. MONSIEUR LE MINISTRE,-I have the honour to forward to your Excellency, Copy of the Notification of the Blockade of the Canton Viver by the Naval Forces of His Majesty The Emperor of the French, which are placed under my orders; which Blockade I declare tablished from the Twelfth of the current Month.—I have the honour to be, Monsieur le Ministre, your Excellency's very humblė d very obedient servant, The Rear-Admiral, Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Division of Passes ecessarily GES, etary. To His Excellency THE MINISTEr PlenipotenTIARY, OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN OF GREAt Britain, &c., &c., &c. " of His Majesty The Emperor of the French, (Signed) C. RIGAULT dɛ GENOUILLY. (Translation.) NAVAL DIVISION OF INDO-CHINA, CABINET OF THE ADMIRAL. FRIGATE Némésis, 10th December, 1857. I, the undersigned, Rear-Admiral, Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Forces of IIis Majesty The Emperor of the French in the China and India Seas: : After coming to an understanding with The High Commissioner His Imperial Majesty on the pending difficulties between the Government of France and that of China, on the means of terminating them, on the Resolution of the Governments of France and England, to proceed by common action for the reparations which are due to them, and iu virtue of the Powers appertaining to me as Commander-in-Chief,— DECLARE: From the the Twelfth of the current Month, the River and Port of Canton and their Outlets will be held in a state of effective Blockade, by the Naval Forces placed under my command, acting in concert with the. Naval Forces of Her Britannic Majesty. Any Vessel attempting to violate the Blockade will be proceeded against according to International Law, and the Treatics in force with Neutral Powers. (Signed) On Board H. I. M. Frigate Le Némésis, Macao Roads, the Tenth of December, 1857. True Translations, H. F. HANCE. C. RIGAULT de GENOUILLY. the same to ore the 31st RTH, surer. partment. Steam for NOTICE. R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo. SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, MR ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THE HE PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGA- TION COMPANY's Steam-ship “SINGAPORE,” Captain G. A. GRAINGER, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on TUESDAY, the 15th December, 212 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M., en the 13th; SPECIE until Noon on the 14th, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 14th. For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required y the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered the Shipp to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do Pet hold themselves responsible for any Detention or indice which may happen from incorrectness on ach declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 30th November, 1857. NOTICE. HE Partnership heretofore subsisting between LROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, d Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the cease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. WILLIAM GASKELL. &c., &c., has_Dated this 29th day of April, 1857. Majesty The slation, of this RISON. NOTICE. In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deccased. MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date./NOTICE.—All Persons having Claims against retired from our Firm. Amoy, 26th August, 1857. WE F. D. SYME & Co. NOTICE. E have established a Branch of our House, as General Merchants & Commission Agents, at BANGKOK, Siam, from the 25th August last. REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. Shanghae, 1st October, 1857. NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July 1857. MR NOTICE. R ROBERT MUIRHEAD REDDIE, is authorized to sign the name of our Firm in HOLLIDAYSWISE & Co. Hongkong 1st December, 1857. China. In re JOHN ABBOTT, Police Constable, deceased. FRANK ATTRILL, 49 " JOHN LORTON, alias {LAWTON,] Police Constable, deceased. NOTICE, All Claims against the above Estates inust be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMI- NISTRATOR, before the 19th day of May, A.D. 1858, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. All Persons indebted to the above Estates, are re- quested to make immediate Payment to NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar--Official Administrator, In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. E have this day established at Shanghae, No W * China. under the same Style, a Branch of our Firm MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to gn our name per procuration from same date. VAUCHER FRÈRES. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims against the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- ADAM SCOTT, Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. ment to or Executors. the said Estate, will please send them in for liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, are requested to make immediate payment to JOHN WISE, Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 185 In the Estate of HUGH WELSH, late of the Firm of CUBBINS & WELSH, of Pagodu Anchorage Foochow, deceased. ́OTICE. -All Persons having Claims on the undersigned; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make payment to the under- signed as Administrator, on or before the 1st March, 1858. FRED. HOWE HALE, H. B. M.'s Officiating Consul. British Consulate, Foochow, 9th November, 1857. In the Estate of the late HUGH CROSS GIBSON, deceased. the said Estate, will please to send them in for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate pay- J. GIBSON. ment to N.B. I have empowered T. SUTHERLAND, Esquire, to receive all Debts due to the above Estate in my absence. Hongkong, 26th November, 1837. J. GIBSON. In re Estate of late Lieut.-Colonel LUGARD, R.K. NY Parties having Claims on, or being indebted A to, the Estate of the late Lieut.-Colonel, | LUGARD, Royal Engineers, are requested to com- municate with the undersigned without delay, J. W. GOSSET, Captain, Royal Engineers. Royal Engineers' Office, Hongkong, 3d December, 1857. * Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.— PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-six Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTO,-Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cenis—One- - half of these charges for each Repetition. : THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 19TH DECEMBER, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. III. No. 129. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that "THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE' will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. " W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. No. 168. PROCLAMATION. JOHN BOWRING. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China: Whereas, the Commands of Her Most Gracious Majesty The QUEEN, conveyed through The Right Honourable Henry Labouchere, M.P., Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, have been received, approving of and confirming the following Ordinances, namely:- Ordinance No. 8 of 1857, entitled- "An Ordinance for amending Ordinance No. 3 of 1851;" Ordinance No. 9 of 1857, entitled- "An amended Ordinance for better securing the Peace of the Colony:" Now, therefore, it is hereby declared, that the said Two Ordinances have been so approved and confirmed as aforesaid. By His Excellency's Command, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. W. T. BRIDGES,. Acting Colonial Secretary. Given at Victoria, Hongkong, this 14th Day of December, 1857. No. 169. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Circular received from The Right Honourable HENRY LABOUCHERE, M.P., Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, is published for general information. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 15th December, 1857. CIRCULAR. Downing StreET, 2d October, 1857. SIR-It frequently happens that Persons in this Country, as well as Foreign Parts, forward, for presentation to the Queen, Books nd other Articles. In order to protect Her Majesty against the inconvenience which the common adoption of this practice must inevitably occasion, it * been laid down as a Rule, that no Book or other Article can be presented to Her Majesty without her consent previously obtained. Fe same Rule ought obviously to be extended to Her Majesty's Colonial Possessions; I have therefore to desire that you will conform urself to it, by declining to forward for presentation to Her Majesty, any Article, without special permission to that effect.—I have the our to be, Sir, your most obedient servant, → Governor SIR John Bowring, &o, &o, &C., Hongkong. H. LABOUCHERE. ૭ 2 No. 170: The Hongkong Government Gazette. [DECEMBER 19, 1857. DEC GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. SINGA ADE The Honourable THOMAS CHISHOLM ANSTEY, Esquire, Attorney General, having returned to the Colony 'on' the 13th instant, has resumed his Official Duties accordingly. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 15th December, 1857. No. 165. BO THE T Captain Passeng above 1 at 2 r.M CAR on the: PARCE For F apply at Compan GOVERNMENT. NOTIFICATION. In consequence of certain applications for Spirit Licenses having been received too late to be brought under consideration at the Special Sessions of Justices of the Peace, held at the Chief Magistrate's Office, on Wednesday, the 18th of the current Month, pursuant to Notification No. 144, of 14th October last, a further Sessions is hereby appointed to be held at the said Office, on Wednesday, the 30th of December ensuing, for the purpose of consider ing the said applications. TH By Order, LPOZ Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 1st December, 1857. COX • A W of the by the by the Bills of W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. not hol Prejudi such de F Steam HOD No. 45. q ct 0 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. THE 1857, Diplomatic Department. The following Extract from the London Gazette, of Tuesday, 13th October, 1857, is, by direction of His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of Trade, &c., &c., published for general information. By Order, Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 17th December, 1857. GEO. S. MORRISON. A I G In the The Hor FOREIGN OFFICE, 13th October, 1857. It is hereby notified, that The Right Honourable the Earl of Clarendon, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has received from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty a Despatch, from Rear-Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, K. C.B., Commanding Her Majesty's Naval Forces in China, dated from on board Her Majesty's Ship the Calcutta, August 8th, 1857, stating that he had on that day established a Blockade of the Port and River of Canton by a competent Force under his Command: And it is hereby further notified, that all the measures authorised by the Laws of Nations and Treaties will be adopted and executed with respect to all Vessels which may attempt to violate the said Blockade. True Copy, All -f No. 46. H. F. HANCE. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. ⠀ Diplomatic Department. 丁已年十一月初四日 His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of Trade, &c., &c., is pleased to direct, that the subjoined Translation of a Royal Decree, regulating the Conditions on which Dollars shall be current in the Kingdom of Siam, be published for general information. By Order, Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 17th December, 1857. GEO. S. MORRISON. "T T SOC Offic Gove ᎠᎪ . A A ROYAL PROCLAMATION addressed TO THE NATIVES AND FOREIGNERS' RESIDING IN SIAM. Two Proclamations have already been issued concerning the Exchange of Dollars into Ticals. Merchants still continue to bring Dollars into the country in order to purchase Goods with them, and it has been computed that up to this time $3,000,000 have been introduced. The Owners of Dollars desire to exchange them for Ticals, but the Treasury is unable to meet the demand: therefore the Salaries paid by the King in this month were defrayed in Dollars; but as the difficulty of passing these Dollars was foreseen, Two Proclamations were issued to facilitate the circulation of Dollars, but without effect; but hereafter, whoever refuses to receive Dollars shall be fined for disobeying the order of the King in Council, which directs them to receive Dollars in exchange for Goods; and Creditors shall receive Dollars in exchange for Goods at the rate of 3 Dollars for 5 Ticals, in accordance with the former Proclamation; and if Persons in Bangkok refuse to receive them, let-the head of the Treasury be informed-if in the Provinces, let the Governor of the Province be informed-in order that the Person refusing to receive the Dollars may be fined Five in the Hundred of the amount refused. In future, when Foreigners make Agreements with Siamese for Goods, let it be stated whether the amount is to be paid in Dollars or ▾ Ticals; but if no Agreement to this effect is entered into, and if any dispute arises when the affair is brought before the proper Officer, let hin order the account to be paid in Dollars, and deduct Five in the Hundred from the Person who refused to receive them. This Proclamation is to take effect from the First Day waning Moon, 1st Month (1st December, 1857.) A True Translation, requ Offic in C eign True Copy, (Signed) H. F. HANCE THOMAS GEORGE KNOX. C THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. P NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 26TH DECEMBER, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. III. No. 130. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for Proclamations, NoTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. ❤ No. 171. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Any Persons having to complain of Nuisances, are requested in the first instance to communicate thereon with the Inspector of Nuisances. Such Communication should be in Writing, specifying the Locality and Nature of the Nuisance, and directed to- "THE INSPECTOR OF NUISAnces, Central Police Station." Should the Nuisance complained of continue unabated, the Honourable the Surveyor General will, on reference being made to him, take, the matter under his Superintendence. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 24th December, 1857. No. 172. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. It is hereby notified, that His Excellency The Governor has been pleased to appoint, subject to Her Majesty's approval, JOHN DENT, Esquire, a Member of the Legislative Council of Hongkong. JOHN Dent, Esquire, having this day been sworn in, took his Seat at the Council Board. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 26th December, 1857. No. 165. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. In consequence of certain applications for Spirit Licenses having been received too late to be brought under consideration at the Special Sessions of Justices of the Peace, held at the Chief Magistrate's Office, on Wednesday, the 18th of the current Month, pursuant to Notification No. 144, of 14th October last, a further Sessions is hereby appointed to be held at the said Office, on Wednesday, the 30th of December ensuing, for the purpose of consider- ing the said applications. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 1st December, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. .2 Steam for The Hongkong Government Gazette. SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THE PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGA- TION COMPANY's Steam-ship “CADIZ,” Captain ALDHAM, with Her Majesty's Mails, Pass gers, Sp.cic, and Cargo, will leave this for the NOTICE. COURT, will be held on TUESDAY, the 29th day of December, A.D. 1857, at 12 o'clock at Noon. E next CRIMINAL SESSIONS of the SUPREME By Order of the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. NOTICE. [DECEMBER 26, 1857. ↳ NOTICE. MUIRHEAD REDDIE, Mauthorized to sign the name of our Firm China. HOLLIDAY, WISE & Hongkong, 1st December, 1857. In the Estate of the late Dr WILLIAM B. LORRAIN, deceased. OTICE.-All having Claims THE next Session of the SUPREME COURT, NOTICE Late, will place to send theat above Places, on TUESDAY, the 29th December," at 2 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 p.m., Lon the 27th; SPECIE until Noon on the 28th, and PARCELS until 2 r.M. on the 28th. For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED, A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. MAXN. FISCHER. Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 17th December, 1857. BRITISH CHURCH SOCIETY OF CANTON. HE SECOND ANNUAL Statutɔry Meeting of the MEMBERS of the BRITISH CHURCH SOCIETY OF CANTON, will be held at the Office of the British Consulate for Canton, at the Government Offices in Hongkong, on WEDNES- DAY, the 30th instant, at 1} A.M. A full attendance of Members is particularly requested. CHARLES A. WINCHESTER, II B M.'s Vice-Consul for Canton. Office of the British Consulate for Canton, Hongkong, 19th December, 1857. NOTICE. in its SUMMARY JURISDICTION, will be held on FRIDAY, the 8th day of January, A.D. 1858, at 12 o'clock at Noon. By Order of the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MASSON, Acting Registrar. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG. INSOLVENCY JURISDICTION. N° In the matter of the Insolvency of one HENRY LAWSON CAMBRIDGE, and also of one LUPAN, Prisoners for Debt in the Gaol of Victoria. "OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,-That the Estate and Effects of each of the said Prisoners have ben vested in the Provisional Assignee by order of this Court, and that the Schedules of the above-named Prisoners have been filed in the said Court; and that it is ordered that the said Prisoners be brought up for Examination at the Supreme Court House. Victoria, on TUESDAY, the Twenty- ninth day of December, 1857, Noon; and in case any Creditor intends to oppose the Discharge of either of the said Prisoners, he must give Notice in Writing of such his intention to the Court and such Prisoner, Two clear Days prior to the day of hearing. By the Court, NORMAN RAMSAY MÄSSON, Acting Registrar. Dated this 17th December, 1857. M NOTICE. R THOMAS DEAS BOYD was admitted a Partner in our Firm, on 1st ultimo. MR FRANCIS DARBY SYME, on same date, retired from our Firm. F. D. SYME & Co. · Amoy, 26th August, 1857. TATE have this day established at Shangliae, WĘ in China. under the same Style, a Branch of our Firm MR GEORGE BLAKEWAY is authorized to sign our Name per procuration from same date. VAUCHER FRERES. Hongkong, 15th August, 1857. NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of MR JAMES 1 SMITH in our Firm, ceased by his death on the 2d of July. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 22d July, 1857. | NOTICE. E have established a Branch of our House, as General Merchants & Commission Agents, at BANGKOK, Siam, from the 25th August last. REMI, SCHMIDT & Co. Shanghae, 1st October, 1857. NOTICE. THE Partnership heretofore subsisting between WILLIAM GASKELL and JAMES BROWN, as Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Proctors, at Hongkong, was dissolved, by the decease of the said JAMES BROWN, on the 28th day of April, 1857. THE WILLIAM GASKELL. Dated this 29th day of April 1857. for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to said Estate, are requested to make immediate p ment to or ADAM SCOTT, Hongkong, 29th August, 1857. Executors In the Estate of the late CHARLES EDWIN BATESON, Esquire, deceased. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims agai the said Estate, will please send them in liquidation; and all Parties indebted thereto, requested to make immediate payment to JOHN WISE Executor. Hongkong, 17th September, 1857. In the Estate of HUGH WELSH, late of the F of CUBBINS & WELSH, of Pagoda Anchor Foochow, deceased. OTICE.-All Persons having Claims on N° said Estate, will please to send them in to undersigned; and all Persons indebted to the 1 Estate, are requested to make payment to the und signed as Administrator, on or before the 1st Ma 1858. FRED. HOWE HALF H. B. M.'s Officiating Con British Consulate, Foochow, 9th November, 1857. In the Estate of the late HUGH CROSS GIBSON, deceased. NOTICE. All Personal being and thou the said Estate, will please to send them i for liquidation; and all Persons indebted to said Estate, are requested to make immediate ment to J. GIBSON N.B. I have empowered T. SUTHERLAN Esquire, to receive all Debts due to the above Es in my absence. J. GIBSON A Hongkong, 26th November, 1857. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkon PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copics, Thirty Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and`under, Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-l half of these charges for each Repetition., ن Hongkong THE OLONIAY TRE HONGRU མ་། Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 3D JANUARY, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. " VOL. II. No. 79. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE' will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMAtions, NotificatIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. No. 1. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. With reference to Government Notification No. 138 of 1856, the desire of His Excellency The Governor to create a Special Constabulary by voluntary enrolment not having been generally responded to, His Excellency directs it to be notified, that he has, with the advice of the Executive Council, decided to increase still further the European Police Force, and to advance the Police Rate, from the 1st instant. When the Assessors' valuation shall have been handed in, the Amount of Rate will be fixed and announced in due course. His Excellency has already directed a Piece of Ground to be set aside for the use of the Volunteer Fire Brigade, and proposes to refer this and other subjects connected with the Security of the City to the consideration of the Legislative Council of the Colony. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d January, 1857. No. 2. BOWRING PRAYA. NOTIFICATION. CITY OF VICTORIA. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. It is hereby notified to the inhabitants of this City,, that His Excellency The Governor has received a Despatch from the Right Honourable The Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated the 10th November, 1856, conveying the sanction of Her Majesty's Government to the construction of a Praya or Sea Wall in front of a part of this City, according to the plan proposed by His Excellency; and that the necessary works will be forthwith commenced, and prosecuted with despatch to their completion. Her Majesty's Government have considered the objections of the Marine Lot-holders to the proposed plan, and do not find in them any sufficient reasons for believing that, injustice will be thereby done to those parties. The Secretary of State desires it to be clearly understood, that Her Majesty's Government can give no sanction to the supposition, that unauthorized Encroachments by Private Persons upon Public Property, confer on them any title of Occupation which can prevail against the Rights of the Crown and Public convenience.. Nevertheless, as the particular circumstances under which those Encroachments have taken place may create a claim in favour of individual Lessees to lenient treatment on the part of the local Government, or, (irrespectively of Encroachments), as there may, in certain cases, exist peculiar circumstances which should entitle any of those Lessees to special consideration, His Excellency will not fail to cause all such exceptional claims to be fully examined and equitably adjusted, between the Crown and the Claimants. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d January, 1857. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. い C No. 1. The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 79.—January 3, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Diplomatic Department. · Leave of Absence having been granted Mr VICE-CONSUL SINCLAIR, His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipo- tentiary and Chief Superintendent of Trade, &c., &c., &c., has been pleased to appoint, pending reference to Her Majesty's Government, Mr THOMAS TAYLOR MEADOWS, Acting Vice-Consul in Charge at the Port of Ningpo. By Order, A Superintendency of Trade, Hongkong, 1st January, 1857. NOTICE. MEETING of BRITISH SUBJECTS interested Ofice of the ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION, on MONDAY, the 5th instant, at Noon precisely. Hongkong, 3d January, 1857. SAM. GRAY. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION, AILS will close for BOMBAY, EUROPE, &c., per Steamer “Madras,” on WEDNES- DAY, the 14th January next, at 6 P.M. The usual SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up the following Morning from 9 to 11 o'clock a.m., of Sixpence ; and from 11 o'clock a.m. for as lace fet, for xp late fee of One Shilling, after which hour no letters will be received. Letters posted between the hours of 11 and 12 ́o'clock, must be prepaid. WM. CHAPMAN, Acting Post-Master. Post-Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 31st December, 1856. W NOTICE. E hereby give notice, that the Co-partnership heretofore existing between us under the firm of ARMSTRONG & LAWRENCE, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Accounts of the late Firm will be liquidated by F. W. LAWRENCE, I J. M. ARMSTRONG. F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 31st December, 1856. NOTICE. HAVE this day established myself in the Pre- mises lately occupied by Messrs ARMSTRONG & LAWRENCE, as a COMMISSION MERCHANT AND GENERAL AGENT, under the Firm of F. W. LAWRENCE & Co.. F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 1st January, 1857. NOTICE. M W. WOODGATE. NOTICE. THE next CRIMINAL SESSIONS of the SUPREME POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. ERCHANTS and others lately resident at Canton are particularly requested to in- timate to the Acting Post-MASTER, to whom they | 5th day of January 1857, at 12 o'clock Noon. wish their Correspondence delivered, or how other- wise disposed of; as, until further Notice, no Letters, &c., can be forwarded to Canton, unless such as may be Prepaid, and addressed to Persons in Her Ma- jesty's Service. WM. CHAPMAN. Acting Post-Master. Post-Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 18th December, 1856. NOTICE. T CANTON, are for the time transferred to the THE ARCHIVES of H. B. M.'s CONSULATE AT GOVERNMENT OFFICES, HONGKONG,, where any Official Communications to H. M.'s Consul can, until further notice, be addressed. By Order of Her Britannic Majesty's Consul, CHARLES A. WINCHESTER, Vice-Consul. Office of the British Consulate for Canton, Government Offices, Hongkong, 22d December, 1856. A N NOTICE. Assignment of the Property, Real and Personal, of the Firm of WETMORE & Co. of CAN- TON, FOOCHOW, and SHANGHAE, CHINA, having been duly made on the 12th July, 1856, to the under- signed, in trust for the benefit of their Creditors, and recorded in the United States Consulate at Canton : I hereby give notice to all concerned to make pay men to me of all Sums due to, and to present to me any Claims against, the said Firm. OLIVER H, PERRY. Canton, 7th August, 1855. THE NOTICE. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing at this Port, between the undersigned, under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co., expires this day by lapse of time and mutual consent. The outstand- ing Accounts will be settled by either Partner; and R ALFRED JAMES DOW is a Partner in a strictly AGENCY & COMMISSION BUSINESS will be MR our Firm. · W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Hongkong, 1st December, 1856. In the Estate of LEE KIP TYE, of Victoria, Hong- kong, Merchant, deceased. Α' LL Persons having Claims against, or being indebted to, the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith. G. COOPER TURNER, Solicitor for the Administrator, LEE KIP BEE, Dated 5th November, 1856. 咸豐六年十月初 承辦人谷巴丹拿狀師 A conducted by them as Partners at the PORT OF SINGA- PORK under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co, C. D. WILLIAMS, H. ANTHON, JR., G. L. HASKELL. Hongkong, 1st September, 1856. In the Estate of LEONG-ASSU, of Victoria, Hongkong, Shopkeeper, deceased. LL Persone having claims against, or being A indebted to, the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the TUCK CHEONG Shop in Lower Bazaar, to the undersigned 啟 forthwith. ** 師單各如李李 處到人有傑傑 以 債李被泰 便巴目傑承身 查丹祈泰辦故 明拿卽欠家其 狀送到業弟 In the Estate of ALEXANDER RYRIE, Master Mariner, deceased. LL Persons having claims against or being in- debted to the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith. Dated 17th November, 1856. P. RYRIE, Administrator. LEONG-CHUN-SHE, LEONG-MAN-FOON, Administrators. Hongkong, 19th December, 1866. 店昌德環上 承辦人梁萬寬梁陳氏謹啟 咸豐六年十一月廿二日 啟日 明到人有陳梁 德債梁氏萬亞 昌目亞承寛蘇 以卽欠家媳故 便送到業婦其 查單各如梁姪 By order of the Court. WILLIAM HASTINGS ALEXANDER, Registrar. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG. In Equity, STEPHENSON v. MURROW. T IS HEREBY NOTIFIED,-that all Monies, now or henceforth to become payable to the late firm of MURROW, STEPHENSOn and Company, Deputya, seheving bene of an Order of this Hote be paid to JOSEPH FROST EDGER, Esq., (or his he lawfully appointed Receiver able Court; the receipts of the said JOSEPH FROST EDGER being alone good discharges for such monies. Dated the 13th day of November, 1856. GASKELL & BROWN, Complainants Solicitors. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG, In Equity. Chief Justice. PU STEPHENSON v. MURROW. URSUANT to a Decree of the Supreme Court of Hongkong, in its Equitable Jurisdiction, made in a cause, Stephenson against Murrow,--the several CREDITORS, without this Jurisdiction or the Empire of China, or persons without the said Juris- diction or Empire claiming to be Creditors of, or to of YORICK JONES MURROW and JAMES STEPHENSON, have any incumbrances upon,. the Estate and Effects lately carrying on Business in Co-partnership together under the Firm and Style of MURROW, STEPHENSON AND COMPANY, and which Co-partnership ceased and was dissolved on the Tenth day of May, One thou- sand eight hundred and fifty-four, are, by themselves or their Solicitors, on or before the Thirtieth day of June, A.D. 1857, to come in and prove their said Claims before His Honour the CHIEF JUSTICE OF HONGKONG, at his Chambers in the Court House of Victoria, Hongkong; or in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Dated the 22d day of November, A.D. 1856. FREDERICK S. HUFFUM, Judge's Clerk IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG, In Equity. Chief Justice. of STEPHENSON ». MURROW. Hongkong, made in a cause, Stephenson URSUANT to a Decree of the Supreme Court against Murrote, the several CaRDITORS, (ithin this Jurisdiction or the Empire of China, or persons within the said Jurisdiction or Empire, claiming ta be Creditors of, or to have any Incumbrances upon the Estate and Effects of YORICK JONES MURROW and JAMES STEPHENSON, lately carrying on Business in Co-partnership together under the Firm and Style of MURROW, STEPHENSON AND COMPANY, and which Co-partnership ceased and was dissolved on the Tenth day of May, One thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, are, by themselves or their Solicitors on or before the Twenty-second day of February next ensuing, to come in and prove their said Claims before His Honour the CHIEF JUSTICE OF HONGKONG, at his Chambers in the Court House of Victoria, Hongkong; or in default thereof, they will be peremp torily excluded the benefit of the said Decre Dated the 22d day of November, A.D. 1856. FREDERICK S. HUFFUM, Judge's Clerk FOR SALE. At the Office of the “ China Mail.” ATACE, shewing the COST OF TEA, with all CHARGES Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.- PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-sis Cents. TERNS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, Ons Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents---Ones half of these charges for each Repetition. THE. Hongkong Government GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, WEDNESDAY, 7TH JANUARY, 1857, VOL. II. No. 79*. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. HONGKONG. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. ANNO VIGESIMO VICTORIE REGINE. No. 2 of 1857. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trole of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong. An Ordinance for better securing the Peace of the Colony. : S [6th January, 1857.] Whereas it is expedient, in consequence of the present circumstances of this Colony, to adopt im- mediate and further means for the preservation of the Peace and Security thereof: Be it therefore enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, in manner following, that is to say:— I. This Ordinance shall take effect within this Colony until His Excellency in Executive Council shall, by Proclamation published in the Hongkong Government Gazette, suspend the operation of the same; and His said Excellency in Council is hereby authorized from time to time, by any Proclamation so published as aforesaid to revive the operation of this Ordinance and again to suspend it, so often as shall be deemed meet. II. Engraved Copper Plates, or printed Forms of Passes, shall be provided by the Superintendent of Police according to the Form following, that is to say: Preamble. Operation of the Or dinance, and power to suspend and revive it. Forms of Night Passes to be provided, sealed'; and issued, by the Sy perintendent of Policeș This is to certify, that the bearer hereof [name] is authorised to pass and repass during the Night Season from and to the House of [Employer's name] in [Street or Road] Victoria, during the 'period of Days from the date hereof. Dated this A.D., 1857. '[Seal] Day of (Signed) 4.B., Superintendent of Police.' which Plates or Forms shall bear Her Majesty's Arms and be Sealed with the Police Office Seal, and shall be from time to time issued by the said Superintendent to such of the Occupiers of the several Houses within Victoria, for use as he shall find to be fit and proper Persons to receive and use the same, and accord, ing to the Wants of such Occupiers; yet so as that no Chinese Occupiers shall receive or hold more than one such Plate or Form at any one time. And that no further issue of Plates or Forms be made to any Occt pier but upon his delivering up or proving the Loss or Destruction of those whereof he was previously the holder. . Every Occupier using or allowing to be used any Pass, shall first fill up or cause to be filled up the Blanks to be filled blanks therein according to the truth of the case; and he shall not use nor allow to be used any Pass "P by the Occupier. except in conformity with the facts thereby appearing; and every Offence against this Section shall be a Penalty. misdemeanor. IV. The Superintendent of Police is empowered from time to time to call in and rescind any Plates, Power to rescind or Forms previously issued by him, whether the times for which they were issued shall have then expired Passes. or not; and lany Person wilfully disobeying any such call shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. V. Any Chinaman found at large elsewhere than in his own Habitation between the hours of Eight ̧ Penalty for not in the Evening and Sunrise and not having a Pass duly issued and made out in conformity with Sections having a Night Pass. Two and Three of this Ordinance, shall be summarily punished by any Justice of the Peace for every such Offence, either by a Fine not exceeding Fifty Dollars, nor less than One Dollar; or by Imprisonment and Hard Labour for a term not exceeding Fourteen Days, nor less than One Day; or by Public Whipping or Public Exposure in the Stocks, yet so as that no such Offender shall receive more than Twenty Blows, or be exposed for more than Two Hours, for any one Offence. } . The Wongkong Government Gazette. [No. 79.-JANUARY 7, 1857. Power to arrest and VI. Any Justice of the Peace may lawfully arrest, or cause to be arrested, with or without Warrant, keep suspected Emis-any P'erson whom he shall reasonably suspect to be an Emissary or Abettor of Her Majesty's Enemies, or saries or Abettors of of Pirates, or of Chinamen disaffected to Her Majesty's Government, or otherwise dangerous to the Enemies, &c. peace and good order of this Colony, and him safely keep until be can be dealt with according to law. VII. His Excellency in Executive Council is authorised to deport or cause to be deported to any place within the Empire of China, any Chinamen liable to arrest under Section Six of this Ordinance. Power of deportation. Co-operation with Fire Brigades. VIII. Every Person whomsoever required by the Superintendent of Police to co-operate with any Fire Brigade, whether consisting of Volunteers or not, so that the same be approved by His Excellency, or in the working of Fire Engines, or in the suppression of Fire, shall be bound to obey such requisition under the penalty for every case of disobedience of not less than Ten Dollars, nor more than Fifty Dollars, to be imposed by any Justice of the Peace, or (if such Justice shall think fit and the Offender „shall be a Chinaman) of not more than Fifteen Blows, nor less than Five Blows. Ordinance No. 1 of IX. Sections Three to Eight, both inclusive, of the expired Ordinance No. 1 of 1855, are hereby 1855 (Sections Three to Eight) revived and revived and made perpetual. made perpetual. Power to fire on Chi- • X. Division Eight of Section Three of Ordinance No. 14 of 1845 is hereby amended by expunging Ordinance No. 14 of the words • One Hundred and Fifty and inserting the words Three Hundred' in the stead 1845(Section Three, dis thereof. vision Eight) amended. XI. Every Person lawfully acting as a Sentry or Patrol at any time between the hour of Eight in the nese abroad at night Evening and Sunrise is hereby authorised whilst so acting, to fire upon, with intent or effect to kill, any Chinaman whom he shall meet with or discover abroad and whom he shall have reasonable ground to suspect of being so abroad for an improper purpose, and who being challenged by him shall neglect or refuse to make proper answer to his challenge. ime. Clinamen not hold- carry arms. doned. XII. If any Chinaman, not being the holder of a Night Pass, shall carry abroad with him, whether ng Passes shall not by Night or Day, any Deadly Weapon whatsoever, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. XIII. No act done or attempted in pursuance of this Ordinance shall be questioned in any Court. Acts not to be ques- XIV. Persons serving in the Sea or Land Forces of Her Majesty or of Her Allies shall, if acting or Farther powers to aiding in the execution of this Ordinance, be deemed and taken to have such further and other powers and Persons serving inauthorities for the better securing the Public Peace and Order as they would have had if Martial Law had n the Sea and Land been proclaimed within this Colony; and it shall not be lawful to try and punish any such Persons for any Forces of Her Majesty act done or attempted in pursuance of such further or other powers or authorities, or any of them, save only ind of Her Allies. (in the case of Her Majesty's said Forces) before a Court Martial to be holden under any Statute for holding; Courts Martial not such a Court. XV. Nothing in the last Section contained shall be construed to confer upon a Court Martial any Juris- o obtain Jurisdiction diction whatsoever over Persons not serving in Her said Majesty's Sea or Land Forces. over other Persons. XVI. All acts done or attempted before the passing of this Ordinance, and which would have been, Indemnity for past, lawful if so done or attempted after the passing thereof, are hereby authorised and made valid ; and no man shall at any time hereafter be called in question for or in respect of the same, icts. Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong, this 6th Day of January, 1857. L. D'ALMADA e Castro, Clerk of Councils. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.-PRICE, $12 per Annum Single Copies, Thirty-six Cents.. JOHN BOWRING, TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,-Five Lines, and under, One Dollars each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-One-half of these charges for each. Repetition. THE Hongkong NEW SERIES. Government GAZETTE. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 10TH JANUARY, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. II. No. 80. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that "THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. No. 3. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The subjoined Notice, issued by the Board of Trade, announcing the establishment, since the 15th Ultimo, of a Lighthouse on Cape Race, Newfoundland, is published for the information of Ship Masters, and others whom it may concern. The Sketch alluded to may be seen at the Harbour Master's office. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 6th January, 1857. NOTICE TO MARIÑERS. CAPE RACE light, newFOUNDLAND, The Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade give Notice,— W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. That the Lighthouse recently erected upon Cape Race (Newfoundland) will be lighted, and will continue to exhibit A FIXED WHITE LIGHT, from Sunset to Sunrise, on and after the Fifteenth of December, 1856. The Light will be visible to seaward from N.E. by E. round by the S.E. and South to West. The Light is elevated 180 feet above mean-water level of the sea, and may be seen in clear weather 17 miles from a ship's 'deck. The Tower appears as shown herewith, and is striped red and white vertically. It stands close to the old Beacon, which has been cut down, as shown in the sketch. The Lighthouse is in lat. 46° 39′ 12′′ N., long. 53° 2′ 38′′ W. Board of Trade, September, 1856. No. 4. [All bearings are Magnetic. Var. 24° W.] N.B.—A Toll will be levied upon all Vessels benefiting by this Light. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, that during the present state of affairs within the Colony, the services of Mr MAY will be given solely to the Police Department; and that for the conduct of his Magisterial duties, satisfactory arrangements have been made by the willing co-operation of Mr BRIDGES, and the other Gentlemen in the Commission of the Peace. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th January, 1857. No. 5. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The attention of Officers in the Service of this Government is called to the accompanying Circular, addressed by the Right Honourable The Secretary of State to the Governors of Colonies. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th January, 1857. CIRCULAR. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. DOWNING STREET, 15th October, 1856. SIR, I find it frequently to occur that Officers in the Colonies obtain leave of absence from their duties to visit this country, when bey have, in fact, no intention of resuming their offices, but have made, or are about to make, applications for Retiring Pensions, to which they have just and sufficient claims. This practice leads to inconvenience in many cases, by postponing, till the expiration of the term of are granted, the permanent arrangement proper to be made for supplying the vacancy of the retiring Officer. THE Hongkong NEW SERIES. Government GAZETTE. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 10TH JANUARY, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. II. No. 80. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that "THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. No. 3. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The subjoined Notice, issued by the Board of Trade, announcing the establishment, since the 15th Ultimo, of a Lighthouse on Cape Race, Newfoundland, is published for the information of Ship Masters, and others whom it may concern. The Sketch alluded to may be seen at the Harbour Master's office. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 6th January, 1857. NOTICE TO MARIÑERS. CAPE RACE light, newFOUNDLAND, The Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade give Notice,— W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. That the Lighthouse recently erected upon Cape Race (Newfoundland) will be lighted, and will continue to exhibit A FIXED WHITE LIGHT, from Sunset to Sunrise, on and after the Fifteenth of December, 1856. The Light will be visible to seaward from N.E. by E. round by the S.E. and South to West. The Light is elevated 180 feet above mean-water level of the sea, and may be seen in clear weather 17 miles from a ship's 'deck. The Tower appears as shown herewith, and is striped red and white vertically. It stands close to the old Beacon, which has been cut down, as shown in the sketch. The Lighthouse is in lat. 46° 39′ 12′′ N., long. 53° 2′ 38′′ W. Board of Trade, September, 1856. No. 4. [All bearings are Magnetic. Var. 24° W.] N.B.—A Toll will be levied upon all Vessels benefiting by this Light. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, that during the present state of affairs within the Colony, the services of Mr MAY will be given solely to the Police Department; and that for the conduct of his Magisterial duties, satisfactory arrangements have been made by the willing co-operation of Mr BRIDGES, and the other Gentlemen in the Commission of the Peace. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th January, 1857. No. 5. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The attention of Officers in the Service of this Government is called to the accompanying Circular, addressed by the Right Honourable The Secretary of State to the Governors of Colonies. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th January, 1857. CIRCULAR. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. DOWNING STREET, 15th October, 1856. SIR, I find it frequently to occur that Officers in the Colonies obtain leave of absence from their duties to visit this country, when bey have, in fact, no intention of resuming their offices, but have made, or are about to make, applications for Retiring Pensions, to which they have just and sufficient claims. This practice leads to inconvenience in many cases, by postponing, till the expiration of the term of are granted, the permanent arrangement proper to be made for supplying the vacancy of the retiring Officer. 2 The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 80.-JANUARY 10, 1857. It is my wish, therefore, that when the Governor is aware of an intention to retire on the part of the Officer applying for leave, ho should grant only such a term of leave as will allow time for coming to a decision in this country on the application for a retiring Pension, reporting, at the same time, to the Secretary of State the circumstances of the case, and apprizing the Officer that so soon as the question of granting him a retiring Pension shall be decided in the affirmative, his claim to Half-Salary will cease, and his Pension will commence. If the Governor should grant leave of absence in any case in ignorance of the Officer's wish to retire ou a Pension, or if the Officer himself should be unable to judge of his own fitness for further duty, until the leave granted to him shall have wholly or partly run out, the date at which the Half-Salary shall be held to have ceased, and the pension to have commenced, must be determined by the special circumstances of each case.—I have the honour to be, sir, your most obedient, humble servant, W. LABOUCHERE. Governor SIR John Bowring, + No. 6. &c., &c., &c. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Under Instructions from Her Majesty's Government, and pending receipt of Her Majesty's Exequatur, His Excellency The Governor is pleased to recognize T. LAMBARRI, Esquire, as Consul in this Colony for the Republic of Chili. گی No. 7. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th January, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. : With reference to Clauses II, III, and IV, of the recent Ordinance No. 2 of 1857, it is hereby notified, that Printed Forms of Night Passes for Chinese may be had on application to the Superintendent of Police after Noon to-morrow, when they will be ready for delivery. The Passes thus issued will remain in force until the 31st instant, when another issue will be made on renewed application and return of the Old Forms. In the use of these Passes, a grave responsibility will rest with the person to whom they are supplied. It will be the duty of the Police to see that the License conveyed by them be not abused by the Chinese House- holders; and Householders, other than Chinese, are cautioned to retain the Forms under their own control, and to be guarded in the distribution of them for the temporary purpose of protecting their Servants while abroad. 蓄 By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th January, 1857. No. 8. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Police Notice has been Circulated in Chinese among the people of this Colony. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th January, 1857. NOTIFICATION. Notice is hereby given to all persons who have no employment, or who cannot find security for their good behaviour, to depart from this Colony on or before Noon of the 15th day of the 12th Moon, on penalty of apprehension by the Police, and punishment of deportation. Agents of, the Chinese Government, come within the scope and meaning of this Notification. All persons calling_themselves Rebels against the Chinese Government, or persons acting in any way for, or being Emissaries or C. MAY, Superintendent of Police. 丙 香港總差役官 法究辦各宜稟遵特示 在港與唐官接濟者一體 離本港發蹄異地儿有稱洪賊 許逗遛倘敢不遵定必嚴拿驅 准于本月十五日午刻離港毋 生又無工僱及無保領者一槪 悉凡在本港之人若無正道營 爲曉謚事餘本港各式人等知 一千八百五十七新正 辰七 年 十新 月 十初 五十 孭 2 The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 80.-JANUARY 10, 1857. It is my wish, therefore, that when the Governor is aware of an intention to retire on the part of the Officer applying for leave, ho should grant only such a term of leave as will allow time for coming to a decision in this country on the application for a retiring Pension, reporting, at the same time, to the Secretary of State the circumstances of the case, and apprizing the Officer that so soon as the question of granting him a retiring Pension shall be decided in the affirmative, his claim to Half-Salary will cease, and his Pension will commence. If the Governor should grant leave of absence in any case in ignorance of the Officer's wish to retire ou a Pension, or if the Officer himself should be unable to judge of his own fitness for further duty, until the leave granted to him shall have wholly or partly run out, the date at which the Half-Salary shall be held to have ceased, and the pension to have commenced, must be determined by the special circumstances of each case.—I have the honour to be, sir, your most obedient, humble servant, W. LABOUCHERE. Governor SIR John Bowring, + No. 6. &c., &c., &c. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Under Instructions from Her Majesty's Government, and pending receipt of Her Majesty's Exequatur, His Excellency The Governor is pleased to recognize T. LAMBARRI, Esquire, as Consul in this Colony for the Republic of Chili. گی No. 7. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 7th January, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. : With reference to Clauses II, III, and IV, of the recent Ordinance No. 2 of 1857, it is hereby notified, that Printed Forms of Night Passes for Chinese may be had on application to the Superintendent of Police after Noon to-morrow, when they will be ready for delivery. The Passes thus issued will remain in force until the 31st instant, when another issue will be made on renewed application and return of the Old Forms. In the use of these Passes, a grave responsibility will rest with the person to whom they are supplied. It will be the duty of the Police to see that the License conveyed by them be not abused by the Chinese House- holders; and Householders, other than Chinese, are cautioned to retain the Forms under their own control, and to be guarded in the distribution of them for the temporary purpose of protecting their Servants while abroad. 蓄 By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th January, 1857. No. 8. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Police Notice has been Circulated in Chinese among the people of this Colony. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th January, 1857. NOTIFICATION. Notice is hereby given to all persons who have no employment, or who cannot find security for their good behaviour, to depart from this Colony on or before Noon of the 15th day of the 12th Moon, on penalty of apprehension by the Police, and punishment of deportation. Agents of, the Chinese Government, come within the scope and meaning of this Notification. All persons calling_themselves Rebels against the Chinese Government, or persons acting in any way for, or being Emissaries or C. MAY, Superintendent of Police. 丙 香港總差役官 法究辦各宜稟遵特示 在港與唐官接濟者一體 離本港發蹄異地儿有稱洪賊 許逗遛倘敢不遵定必嚴拿驅 准于本月十五日午刻離港毋 生又無工僱及無保領者一槪 悉凡在本港之人若無正道營 爲曉謚事餘本港各式人等知 一千八百五十七新正 辰七 年 十新 月 十初 五十 孭 The Wongkong Government Gazette. Nɔ, $0.—JANUARY 10, 1857.] The Hongkong No. 9. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. 3 Notice is hereby given, that in accordance with a Petition numerously signed by the respectable Chinese 1-habitants of this Colony, the Chinese Festival customary at the New Year will not, on the coming occasion, be lowed as heretofore. The Regulations against the use of Fire Works will be enforced, and there will be no relaxation of those laid own in the recent Ordinance No. 2 of 1857, against the passage of Chinese to and fro by night.-On the contrary, the Shops will be ordered, in terms of the Petition, to close at dusk on the evening of the 25th Instant, or last day of the Chinese Year. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. 1 -om of F. or Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 9th January, 1857. No. 10 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Rules to be observed by the Chinese Inhabitants, both as regards precautionary measures, and, in the event of a house being on fire, will ensure safety to the honest and well disposed, and at the same time discover those who are abroad for the purposes of robbery and disorder. E 1. That every Householder will take the precaution to have a large tub of water continually filled, with two ckets handy thereto. 2. That the occupants of houses adjacent to any empty house, or the occupant of any house in which a portion thereof may be unoccupied, will in the evening of each day visit the same, and note that the fastenings of doors and windows are secure, and that every thing is correct, also that no combustible materials are stored therein. A Police Constable will be specially employed to attend to this duty, and will have directions to report if any inhabitant neglects this important precaution for his own and the general safety. 3. The occupant of every house in which a fire may break out, will do his utmost to extinguish the flames Before giving alarm; but failing this, will instantly call for the Police, who will protect him while engaged in the emoval of his property, and escort him and his family to the nearest Police Station or other place of safety. 4. The occupants of the houses immediately contiguous to the house on fire, will reinain therein until Police Constables arrive, a certain number of whom will be especially appointed to escort the family with their valuable goods to the nearest Police Station. An Officer of Police has been appointed to attend to this duty, 5. It is an imperative necessity that, upon the occasion of a house being on fire, or any public alarm, every Chinese Inhabitant shall remain within his own dwelling, guarding the same from the attack of thieves or incen- Caries. Every person in the public streets, especially if armed, will be in imminent danger of being fired upon. The only exception to this rule will be in favor of those who are attached to the Fire-engines, and who wear a particular dress 6. The owners of Boats are not permitted under any circumstances to remove from the anchorage of three Landred yards off-shore, after Eight o'clock P.M. The passage between the boats and shore is commanded by cannon, nd boat-owners removing their boats will place themselves within the line of fire, and thereby rush into certain destruction. 7. The respectable inhabitants of the City are invited to make known to Mr Caldwell, the Registrar General, the houses of persons who are without regular employment, or who from any circumstances they have reason to believe are intent upon disturbing the trade or public peace of the Colony. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 10th January, 1857. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary, NB-The foregoing Notification has been translated, and Copies posted at the Public places for the information the Chinese residents. HONGKONG., of 1857. ANNO VIGESIMO VICTORIÆ REGINÆ. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., 'Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Clony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Leuncil of Hongkong. An Ordinance for Intestates' Estates. [3d January, 1857.] Be it enacted and ordained by His Excellency The Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- I. Ordinance No. 5 of 1855 is hereby repealed, and Ordinance No. 6 of 1854 (with the exception of Section Five of the last-mentioned Ordinance) is hereby revived. Repeal of Ordinance No. 5 of 1855, and re- vivor of Ordinance No. of 1854, (except Sec- II. The Officer administering the Government of this Colony shall, from time to time, as occasion shall c require, repay or make good to any persons preferring and duly proving their Claims to the same after Con- tion 5.) Subsequent claims to ation thereof for Colonial purposes under Section Three of Ordinance No. 6 of 1854, all Funds so fiscated; and all Monies in the Treasury forming part of, or arising from, the general Revenue of the he made good out of d Colony, shall be applicable in so repaying or making good the same. the General Revenue of the Colony. Power to unsuccess- 1. It shall be lawful for any Claimant, under Section Two of this Ordinance, in case his Claim shall t be allowed by the said Officer, to present his summary Petition in that behalf to the Supreme Court in ful Claimants to Peti- uity, against the Queen's Attorney General as Respondent thereto; and if he shall verify his said Claim tion the Supreme Court in Equity. Evidence to the satisfaction of the said Supreme Court, it shall be the duty of the said Court to make Order in the premises as justice shall require; and upon the application of the same, or any other mant or Person, or of the said Attorney General, from time to time to vary the same and to enforce every ich Order according to the practice of the Supreme Court. Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong, this 3d Day of January, 1857. L. D'ALMADA E CASTRO, Clerk of Councils. JOHN BOWRING. 4 The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 80.—JANUARY 10, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The subjoined Ordinance, read a first time at a Meeting of the Legislative Council held this day, is published for general information. By Order, Council Room, Victoria, Hongkong, 3d January, 1857. L. D'ALMADA E CASTRO, Clerk of Councils. Extention of Enact- ments. Rights acquired, &c., not to be affected. Date of Act. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 25. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 64. HONGKONG. ANNO VIGESIMO VICTORIE REGINE. No. of 1857. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong. An Ordinance for extending to this Colony certain Acts of Parliament. [ January, 1857.] Be it enacted and ordained by His Excellency The Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, in manner following, that is to say :— I. The Enactments of the Imperial Parliament specified in the Schedule hereunto annexed are hereby, and from the day of the passing hereof, extended to this Colony and its Dependencies, and to the Supreme Court of the same; with such Exceptions as are specified in the said Schedule. II. Rights acquired, Liabilities incurred, and Acts done, at or before the passing of this Ordinance, shall not be affected by the said Enactments, or any of them. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 94. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 97. 19 & 20 Viet e. 113. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 120. - Steam for THE SCHEDULE TO WHICH THIS Ordinance refers. Title or Subject-matter of Act. An Act to amend the Law relating to Drafts on Bankers. An Act to repeal Certain Statutes which are not in use. An Act for the uniform Administra- {tion of Intestates' Estates. An Act to amend the Laws of England and Ireland affecting Trade and Com- merce. An Act to provide for taking Evi-“ dence in Her Majesty's Dominions in re- lation to Civil and Commercial matters pending before Foreign Tribunals. An Act to facilitate Leases and Sales 'settled Estates. SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THE PENINSULAR & Oriental Steam NAVIGA- THE TION COMPANY's Steam-ship MADRAS, Capt. II. Down, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, for the above Place, will leave this on THURSDAY, the 15th January, at 2 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M. on the 13th, SPECIE until Noon on the 14th, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 14th. How much of the Aet is extended by this Ordinance. The whole of the Act. The whole of the Act. * The whole of the Act (except in so far as it may be deemed to affect the customs or usages of Chinese people, touching the distribution of the persona estate of Chinese persons dying intestate.) The whole of the Act. So much of the Act as is not now in force within this Colony and its Depen [dencies, with the exception of the Proviso contained at the end of Section Six The whole of the Act except so much thereof as relates to Copyhold and Customaryhold Estates, and also except Sections Thirty, Thirty-one, Forty-twe, Forty-three, Forty-four, Forty-five, and Forty-six. In the Estate of ODIARNE TREMAYNE LANE, deceused. Aindebted to, the above Estate, are requested to LE Persons having Claims against, or being H forward particulars of the same to the undersigned without delay. H. F. HANCE, Executor. Hongkong, 7th January, 1857. or Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGEE apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office Hongkong. CONTENTS, AND Value of PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness in such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 30th December, 1856, SPRING GARDENS. ПHE undersigned have established themselves in CALL PENTERS and SHIP. SMITHS; and are ready to undertake Work of every description. They have also on hand a large supply of MATERIAL for the BUILDING and RE- PAIR of SHIPS': likewise SPARS ̊of all sizes. BYERS & Co. Hongkong, 1st January, 1837. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE. CENTRAL POLICE STATION, 10th January, 1857. ПENDERS will be received by the undersigned on and before the 17th instant, for TRIMMING, LIGHTING, and KEEPING CLEAN, Four Hundred PUBLIC OIL LAMPS, in the districts of Tae-ping- shang, Cheung-wan, Sheung-wan, for Six Months commencing on the 1st February ensuing. The person tendering will be required to furnish Oil, Wick, and the necessary Labour for Lighting and Keeping A-light the said Lamps during the Night. The Lamps and Burners will be furnished by Her Ma- jesty's Government. Further particulars as regards Size of Lamps, and Locality of District, will be given on application at the above Office. ¿ The Persons tendering to send in Samples of OLL and WICK. C. MAY, Superintendent of Police N° In re ROBERT JACKSON, deceused, ABEL POYER, ́OTICE,—All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMINI- STRATOR before the 10th day of July, 1857, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. All Persons indebted to the said Estates are requested to make payment to WILLIAM HASTINGS ALEXANDER, Registrar-Official Administrator, | NOTICE. ENRY EUSTACE TALBOT is authorized t sign our Firm per procuration, and transac any Business connected therewith. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 5th January, 1857. ΜΑ POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. "AILS will close for BOMBAY, EUROPE, &t per Steamier “Madras,” on WEDNES DAY, the 14th Junuary next, at 6 P.M. The usual SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up the following Morning from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M.. for a late fee of Sixpence; and from 11 o'clock a.m. to 12 o'clock, for a late fee of One Shilling,after which hour no letters will be received. Letters posted between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock, must be prepaid. WM. CHAPMAN, Acling Post-Master. Post-Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 31st December, 1856. ΜΕΙ POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. ERCHANTS and others lately resident # Canton are particularly requested to in timate to the ACTING POST-MASTER, to whom they wish their Correspondence delivered, or how other wise disposed of; as, until further Notice, no Letters &c., can be forwarded to Canton, unless such as may be Prepaid, and addressed to Persons in Her Ma jesty's Service. WM. CHAPMAN. Acting Post-Master. Post-Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 18th December, 1856. MR NOTICE. R ALFRED JAMES DOW is a Partner our Firm. W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Hongkong, 1st December, 1856. 4 The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 80.—JANUARY 10, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The subjoined Ordinance, read a first time at a Meeting of the Legislative Council held this day, is published for general information. By Order, Council Room, Victoria, Hongkong, 3d January, 1857. L. D'ALMADA E CASTRO, Clerk of Councils. Extention of Enact- ments. Rights acquired, &c., not to be affected. Date of Act. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 25. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 64. HONGKONG. ANNO VIGESIMO VICTORIE REGINE. No. of 1857. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong. An Ordinance for extending to this Colony certain Acts of Parliament. [ January, 1857.] Be it enacted and ordained by His Excellency The Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, in manner following, that is to say :— I. The Enactments of the Imperial Parliament specified in the Schedule hereunto annexed are hereby, and from the day of the passing hereof, extended to this Colony and its Dependencies, and to the Supreme Court of the same; with such Exceptions as are specified in the said Schedule. II. Rights acquired, Liabilities incurred, and Acts done, at or before the passing of this Ordinance, shall not be affected by the said Enactments, or any of them. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 94. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 97. 19 & 20 Viet e. 113. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 120. - Steam for THE SCHEDULE TO WHICH THIS Ordinance refers. Title or Subject-matter of Act. An Act to amend the Law relating to Drafts on Bankers. An Act to repeal Certain Statutes which are not in use. An Act for the uniform Administra- {tion of Intestates' Estates. An Act to amend the Laws of England and Ireland affecting Trade and Com- merce. An Act to provide for taking Evi-“ dence in Her Majesty's Dominions in re- lation to Civil and Commercial matters pending before Foreign Tribunals. An Act to facilitate Leases and Sales 'settled Estates. SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THE PENINSULAR & Oriental Steam NAVIGA- THE TION COMPANY's Steam-ship MADRAS, Capt. II. Down, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, for the above Place, will leave this on THURSDAY, the 15th January, at 2 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 P.M. on the 13th, SPECIE until Noon on the 14th, and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 14th. How much of the Aet is extended by this Ordinance. The whole of the Act. The whole of the Act. * The whole of the Act (except in so far as it may be deemed to affect the customs or usages of Chinese people, touching the distribution of the persona estate of Chinese persons dying intestate.) The whole of the Act. So much of the Act as is not now in force within this Colony and its Depen [dencies, with the exception of the Proviso contained at the end of Section Six The whole of the Act except so much thereof as relates to Copyhold and Customaryhold Estates, and also except Sections Thirty, Thirty-one, Forty-twe, Forty-three, Forty-four, Forty-five, and Forty-six. In the Estate of ODIARNE TREMAYNE LANE, deceused. Aindebted to, the above Estate, are requested to LE Persons having Claims against, or being H forward particulars of the same to the undersigned without delay. H. F. HANCE, Executor. Hongkong, 7th January, 1857. or Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGEE apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office Hongkong. CONTENTS, AND Value of PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness in such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 30th December, 1856, SPRING GARDENS. ПHE undersigned have established themselves in CALL PENTERS and SHIP. SMITHS; and are ready to undertake Work of every description. They have also on hand a large supply of MATERIAL for the BUILDING and RE- PAIR of SHIPS': likewise SPARS ̊of all sizes. BYERS & Co. Hongkong, 1st January, 1837. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE. CENTRAL POLICE STATION, 10th January, 1857. ПENDERS will be received by the undersigned on and before the 17th instant, for TRIMMING, LIGHTING, and KEEPING CLEAN, Four Hundred PUBLIC OIL LAMPS, in the districts of Tae-ping- shang, Cheung-wan, Sheung-wan, for Six Months commencing on the 1st February ensuing. The person tendering will be required to furnish Oil, Wick, and the necessary Labour for Lighting and Keeping A-light the said Lamps during the Night. The Lamps and Burners will be furnished by Her Ma- jesty's Government. Further particulars as regards Size of Lamps, and Locality of District, will be given on application at the above Office. ¿ The Persons tendering to send in Samples of OLL and WICK. C. MAY, Superintendent of Police N° In re ROBERT JACKSON, deceused, ABEL POYER, ́OTICE,—All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMINI- STRATOR before the 10th day of July, 1857, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. All Persons indebted to the said Estates are requested to make payment to WILLIAM HASTINGS ALEXANDER, Registrar-Official Administrator, | NOTICE. ENRY EUSTACE TALBOT is authorized t sign our Firm per procuration, and transac any Business connected therewith. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 5th January, 1857. ΜΑ POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. "AILS will close for BOMBAY, EUROPE, &t per Steamier “Madras,” on WEDNES DAY, the 14th Junuary next, at 6 P.M. The usual SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up the following Morning from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M.. for a late fee of Sixpence; and from 11 o'clock a.m. to 12 o'clock, for a late fee of One Shilling,after which hour no letters will be received. Letters posted between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock, must be prepaid. WM. CHAPMAN, Acling Post-Master. Post-Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 31st December, 1856. ΜΕΙ POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. ERCHANTS and others lately resident # Canton are particularly requested to in timate to the ACTING POST-MASTER, to whom they wish their Correspondence delivered, or how other wise disposed of; as, until further Notice, no Letters &c., can be forwarded to Canton, unless such as may be Prepaid, and addressed to Persons in Her Ma jesty's Service. WM. CHAPMAN. Acting Post-Master. Post-Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 18th December, 1856. MR NOTICE. R ALFRED JAMES DOW is a Partner our Firm. W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Hongkong, 1st December, 1856. hc ry he by, ne -ce, the ona por. Six. an! -two -ed to ansact > W. ES made A.N. A.X _after nd 12 AN, ster. No. 80. JANUARY 10, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette. NOTICE E hereby give notice, that the Co-partnership I heretofore existing between us under the of ARMSTRONG & LAWRENCE, has this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Accounts of the late Firm will be liquidated by F. W. LAWRENCE, I J. M. ARMSTRONG. F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 31st December, 1856, NOTICE. HAVE this day established myself in the Pre- mises lately occupied by Messrs ARMSTRONG LAWRENCE, as a COMMISSIONR MECHANT AND GENERAL AGENT, under the Firm of F. W. LAWRENCE & Co. F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 1st January, 1857. NOTICE. HE ARCHIVES of H. B. M.'s Consulate at CANTON, are for the time transferred to the 6 VERNMENT OFFICES, HONGKONG, where any Ocial Communications to H. M.'s Consul can, until farther notice, be addressed. By Order of Her Britannic Majesty's Consul, CHARLES A. WINCHESTER, Vice-Consul. Office of the British Consulate for Canton, Government Offices, Hongkong, 22d December, 1856. NOTICE. NAssignment of the Property, Real and Personal, of the Firm of WETMORE & Co. of CAN- PS, FOOCHOW, and SHANGHAE, CHINA, having been 2y made on the 12th July, 1856, to the under- • cred, in trust for the benefit of their Creditors, and pended in the United States Consulate at Canton: I hereby give notice to all concerned to make pay- rn to me of all Sums due to, and to present to me Any Claims against, the said Firm. OLIVER H. PERRY. Canton, 7th August, 1855. NOTICE. ПHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing at this Fort, between the undersigned, under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co., expires this day by lapse of time and mutual consent. The outstand- · ig Accounts will be settled by either Partner; and ▲ strictly AGENCY & COMMISSION BUSINESS will be nducted by them as Partners at the PORT OF SINGA- *** under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co. C. D. WILLIAMS, H. ANTHON, Jr., G. L. HASKELL. Hongkong, 1st September, 1856. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG' I' In Equity, STEPHENSON v. MURROW. IS HEREBY NOTIFIED, that all Monies, now or henceforth to become payable to the Jase firm of MURrrow, Stephenson and CompaNY, be paid to JOSEPH FROST EDGER, Esq., (or his Ipety,) he having been lawfully appointed Receiver in the said suit, by virtue of an Order of this Honour- she Court; the receipts of the said JOSEPH FROST EDGER being alone good discharges for such monies. Dated the 13th day of November, 1856. GASKELL & BROWN, Complainants' Solicitors, In the Estate of LEE KIP TY E, of Victoria, Hong- kong, Merchant deceu sed. A' LL Persons having Claims against, or being indebted to, the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith. G. COOPER TURNER, Solicitor for the Administrator, LEE KIP BEE Dated 5th November, 1856. 咸豐六年十月初八 承辦人谷巴丹拿狀師 啟 日 者 In the Estate of ALEXANDER RYRIE, Master Mariner, deceased. 5 LL Persons having claims against or being in Adebted to the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith. Dated 17th November, 1856. P. RYRIE, Administrator. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG, In Equity, Chief Justice. STEPHENSON v. MURROW. to a Decree of the Supreme Court *¥**** PURSUAngkong, in its Equitable Jurisdiction, of made in a cause, Stephenson against Murrow,-the Empire of China, or persons without the said Juris- 處到人有傑傑 several CREDITORS, without this Jurisdiction or the 以谷債李泰 и*@**diction or Empire claiming to be Creditors of, or to 便巴目傑承身 查丹祈泰辦故 ←Яπ✯✯ under the Firm and Style of MURROW, STEPHENSON have any incumbrances upon, the Estate and Effects of YORICK JONES MURROW and JAMES STEPHENSON, lately carrying on Business in Co-partnership together AND COMPANY, and which Co-partnership ceased and was dissolved on the Tenth day of May, One thou- sand eight hundred and fifty-four, are, by themselves or their Solicitors, on or before the Thirtieth day of ⇓⇓✶✶ June, A.D. 1857, to come in and prove their said In the Estate of LEONG-ASSU, of Victoria, Hongkong, Shopkeeper, deceased. A LL Persons having claims against, or being indebted to, the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the TUCK- CHEONG Shop in Lower Bazaar, to the undersigned forthwith. LEONG-CHUN-SHE, LEONG-MAN-FOON, Administrators. Hongkong, 19th December, 1856. 店昌德環上 咸豐六年十一月廿二 承辦人梁萬寬梁陳氏謹啟 日 Claims before His Honour the CHIEF JUSTICE OF HONGKONG, at bis Chambers in the Court House of Victoria, Hongkong; or in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Dated the 22d day of November, A.D. 1856. FREDERICK S. HUFFUM, Judge's Clerk. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG, In Equity. Chief Justice, PURS STEPHENSON v. MURROW. URSUANT to a Decree of the Supreme Court of Hongkong, made in a cause, Stephenson against Murrow, the several CREDITORS, within this Jurisdiction or the Empire of China, or persons within the said Jurisdiction or Empire, claiming to be Creditors of, or to have any Incumbrances upon the Estate and Effects of YORICK JONES MURROW and JAMES STEPHENSON, lately carrying on Business 明到人有陳梁梁 德債梁氏萬 ***Tenth day of May, One thousand eight hundred and 昌目亞承寛蘇 店祈蘇辦其身 in Co-partnership together under the Firm and Style of MURROW, STEPHENSON AND COMPANY, and which Co-partnership ceased and was dissolved on the fifty-four, are, by themselves or their Solicitors on or before the Twenty-second day of February next ensuing, to come in and prove their said Claims before His Honour the CHIEF JUSTICE OF HONGKONG, at his Chambers in the Court House of Victoria, Hongkong; or in default thereof, they will be peremp Dated the 22d day of November, A.D. 1856, FREDERICK S. HUFFUM, Judge's Clerk ✯✯torily excluded the benefit of the said Decree. 便送到業婦其 查單各如梁姪 FOR SALE. At the Office of the " China Mail." TABLE, shewing the COST OF TEA, with all CHARGES-Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois, Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.➡ PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-six Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,-Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents--One- half of these charges for each Repetition. ent # to i m the othe Letter as 1* er M. AN. uster. rtner = Co. マ THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 17TH JANUARY, 1857. VOL. II. No. 81. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and Public PAPERS, of this Government. No. 11. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency The Governor has been pleased to nominate to the Commission of the Peace The Honourable Lieutenant Colonel F. DUNLOP, Captain R., W. ROMER, and Captain GuY ROTTON, who have accordingly been uly sworn in as Justices of the Peace for the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 13th January, 1857. No. 12. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Return of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Colony of Hongkong for the Year 1856, and the Comparative Table for the Two Years last past, are published for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 16th January, 1857. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.. THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 17TH JANUARY, 1857. VOL. II. No. 81. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and Public PAPERS, of this Government. No. 11. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency The Governor has been pleased to nominate to the Commission of the Peace The Honourable Lieutenant Colonel F. DUNLOP, Captain R., W. ROMER, and Captain GuY ROTTON, who have accordingly been uly sworn in as Justices of the Peace for the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 13th January, 1857. No. 12. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Return of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Colony of Hongkong for the Year 1856, and the Comparative Table for the Two Years last past, are published for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 16th January, 1857. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary.. The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 81.—January 17, 1857. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE OF THE COLONY OF HONGKONG DURING THE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER, 1836. REVENUE. EXPENDITURE. LAND REVENUE, RENT, exclusive of Lands, LICENSES:- Spirit Dealers, Pawnbrokers, Auctioneers, *** ... Salt Brokers,... Stone Quarriers,. Billiard Tables, Opium Retailers,... ... ... ... FINES. 29 " "9 Boarding-house Keepers, TAXES. POLICE ASSESSMENT :— Balance on the Year ended 31st December, 1855, On Account of 1856, FINES, FEES, and Forfeitures of Court :~~ (From the Supreme Court, Chief Magistrate and Court of Petty Sessions, Marine Magistrate, Superintendent of Police, Sheriff, ... • ... *** £ 8. 15,837 2,279 d. 14 6 2 £3,122 947 18 8 ... 218 15 •'• 992 14 ... 20 16 2,587 141 9 10 13 2 404 8 ... ESTABLISHMENTS (—— Governor, Colonial Secretary, Colonial Treasurer, Auditor General, Clerk of Councils, Surveyor General, Registrar General, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Harbour Master, ... Marriage Registrar, 8,031 16 1 Emigration Officer,... 133 4 11 Police-rate Collectors, Judicial, Ecclesiastical, ... ... ... *... *** ... ... ... ... ... ... や d 2,830 3 8 2,476 12 5 1,381 19 114 903 13 108 15 1,993 400 1,735 50 ... 15 183 130 7 10 5,976 799 711 3,734 16 10 3,868 91 Medical, ... ... Do. for Hospital, £200 ... ... 165 ... සුප £237 10 890 10 365 8 193 10 6 Educational, : 74 101 15 .10 2 6 4 4 4 99 One of the Justices of) the Peace, 3 17 1 1,311 | 19 | 113 Police and Gaols, viz :— Chief Magistrate and Establishment, Sheriff, do., Superintendent of Police and Establishment, £2,153 1,207 12 6,511 3 62 9 11 9,872 5 FEES. ށ From the Supreme Court, Chief Magistrate and Court of Petty Sessions, " FORFEITURES. From the Superin- FEES OF OFFICES;-- On Marriage Licenses, . " Burials, " ... ... ... Official Signatures and Seal of the Colony, » Registration of Boats and Hawkers, Deed Registry, ... » Sailing Letters and Passes, ... ... 581 10 10 203 59 tendent of Police, { Chief Magistrate, 1 94 20 51 784 15 TOTAL ESTABLISHMENTS, : તા. £ 29,401 4 | 111 73 0 10 60 .. 3 5 2,156 18 ... ... Shipping Seamen, " Colonial Register, ,, Survey, SALE OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY, ... ... ... ... ReimbursementS IN AID OF EXPENSES incurred by Government, MISCELLANEOUS Receipts, SPECIAL RECEIPTS, *** 10 ... 7 18 317 8 93 15 929 17 218 ... 1,140 58 8 :960 ... ... ... *** ... TOTAL, ... PENSIONS, RETIRED ALLOWANCES, and GRATUITIES, REVENUE SERVICES, exclusive of Establishments, ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE, do., EDUCATION, HOSPITALS, POLICE and GAOLS, ... *** Conveyance of Mails, WORKS and Buildings, 7 ROADS, STREETS, and BRIDGES, CHARITABLE ALLOWANCES, RENT, 10 TRANSPORT, 2,781 16 10 35 359 108 11 14 6 41 3 વા £ 35,500 8 9 . SPECIAL EXPENSES, MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, ... ... 1. do., do., do., ... ... ... ... ... ... ... abo ... ... ... 63 10 10 208 3 10 82 10 6 7 259 12 1 2,695 13 10 316 397 14 فاه TOTAL, .bi .... *** 4,337 8 4,274 1 32 8 349 1 1 2 14 11 £ 42,426 6 53 Victoria, Hongkong, January the 7th, 1857. W. T. MERCER,-President, J. HYNDMAN, H. REINHARD, Members, of the Colonial Treasury Commission. COMPARATIVE TABLE OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE IN 1855 AND 1856. No. 81.—JANUARY 17, 1857.). The Hongkong Government Gazette. REVENUE. Land Revenue,. Rents, exclusive of Lands,.. 1855 1856 INCREASE. DECREASE. EXPENDITURE. 1855 L 1856 £ s. d. £ d. £ s. d. £ .. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. 27,634 16 5| 15,837 14 6 ... 11,797 111] Governor, 2,685 4 9 2,830 3 8 INCREASE. £ 8. d. 144 18 101 DECREASE. £ 3. d. ... 2,676 6 8 2,279 2 0 397 4 8 Spirit Licenses,... Pawnbrokers' do., 2,512 10 7 3,122 8 9 Stone Quarry do., Opium Dealers' do., Tax,-Police Assessment, Fines of Courts, Forfeitures of do., Fees of do., Auctioneers' do., Salt Brokers' do., Billiard Tables do., Boarding-house Keepers' Licenses, 802 1 8 218 15 0 947 18 4 609 18 2 145 16 8 ... Colonial Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, 2,456 12 8 2,476 12 5 19 19 9 1,359 13 6 1,381 19 11 ... 757 9 11 ... 218 15 0 ... 478 2 6 992 14 2 514 11 8 ... ... ... 31 5, 0 2,558 4 4 102 18 4 3,917 3 63 1,311 4 41 159 14 3 924 12 11 20 16 8 2,587 9 10 141 13 4 3,868 1 9 1,311 19 11 60 3 54 784 15 4 ... ... ... 0 15 7 ... Fees of Offices → On Marriages, ... Burials, Official Signatures and Seal, 7 10 205 3 4 195 8 4 " " » Survey, Registration of Boats and Hawkers, ... Deed Registry, ... Sailing Letters and Passes, » Shipping Seamen, Colonial Register, Sale of Government Property, Reimbursements in Aid of Ex- penses incurred by Govern- ment, Miscellaneous Receipts, Special 1,373 9 3 190 6 10 ... 1,049 11 8 179 3 4 225 0 0 7 18 4 317 8 4 93 15 0 929 17 0 218--23 1,146 0 10 58 6 8 ... 29 5 6 38 15 0 8 4 112 5 0 10 8 4 49 1 9. 99 10 93 139 17 7 Clerk of Councils, Surveyor General,.. Marriage Registrar, Emigration Officer, Police-rate Assessors&Collectors, Judicial, Ecclesiastical, Registrar General, ... ... Harbour Master, 110 13 6 1,420 4 5 365 1 1,327 8 4 1,993 8 903 13 9 168 15 0. 4 9 ... 50 0 0 200 9 7 123 4 C 183 15 8 ... 400 8 5 1,735 3 8 50 0 0 22 6 5 146 3.10 573 3 11 35 6 7 407 15 3 ... ... 16 13 111 1 18 130 7 10 73 : 6,074 13 7 5,976 7 11 98 5. 71 -- 736 16 9 799 3 8 62 6 11 Educational, Medical, ... ... Police and Gaols, ... 137 2 4 330 0 0 7,938 7 10 193 10 6 365 8 4 9,872 5 8 56 8 2 35 8 4 1,933 17 10 Establishments,. 26,073 3 10 29,401 4 111 3,444 19 1 116 18 1 101 13 4 443 12 23 Pensions, Retired Allowances, Gratuities, 494 18 8 27 15 5 ... Revenue Services, ... Administration of Justice, 96 9 2 Education, ... +44 10 8 4 140 12 6 35 14 7 368 11 4 359 6 9 ... 667 0 9 108 11 2 do, 43 18 11 41 6 3 !!: :: 120 16: 8 214 11 8 104 17 11 Hospital, Police and Gaols, ... *** 4738.10 56 19 9 4 15 10 282 16 1 1,852 7 5 63 10 19 208 ~ 3 10 82 10 0 6 7 1 ··259 12- 53 2,695 13 10 Rent, 785 9 Il ... ... 316 6 6 25 10 3 1-11 3 ... 843 6 5 431 7 10 265 4 114 23 3 7 469 3 5 Transport, 835 3 8 397 14 4 9 4 7 Works and Buildings, 7,592 1 6 558 9 63 Roads, Streets, and Bridges, Charitable Allowances, 2,299 11 0 --4,337 3 3 4,274 1 8 32 1 8 437 9 4 3,254 18 3 2 11 101 Land or House Purchased, Special Expenses, Miscellaneous Expenses, ... 62 14 7 349 ... I 1 2 14 11 ... 1,974 10: 8 32 1 & 286 ... 6 6 2 14 11 Total, ... 47,973 11 135,500 89 Deduct Increase, Nett Decrease, ... ... ... 1,576 0 62 14,049 2 11 1,576 0 61 12,473 2 41 Total, ... 40,813 11 2 Deduct Decrease, 42,426 6 5 ... 6,611 0 9 4,998 5 61 4,998 5 61 Nett Increase, 1,612 15 31 Victoria, Hougkong, January the 7th, 1857. ! W. T. MERCER,-President, J. HYNDMAN, H. REINHARD, } Members, of the Colonial Treasury Commission.. 3 A No. 2. The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 81.-JANUARY 17, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Diplomatic Department. Her Majesty's Consul at Foochow has forwarded to the Chief Superintendent of Trade a Decree from the Authorities of that Port on the subject of the Currency, a Translation of which Decree His Excellency has directed to be published for general iuformation. By Order, W. WOODGATE. Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 16th January, 1857. 葉明 事 PROCLAMATION by YEH, Prefect of Foochow; CHUNG, Haefang of Nantae; Fux, Magistrate of the Min District; and TSAE, Magis. trate of the How Kwan District,-issued by order. # a We have received the following injunction from His Excellency WANG-E-TIH, Governor General, &c., &c. Prefect YEH, the Superintendent of Foreign Commercial Affairs, in his report upon the application made by the British and American Consuls to have the new and old Dollars declared current at similar rates. says, If these varieties of new dollars be quite pure, "there can be no deficiency in their value, and there need be no bar to their general use as a circulating medium. Shopkeepers are, how. ever, I fear, not familiar with their appearance, and hesitate to accept them; or perhaps at times their purity is doubtful, and they do not come up to the older coin. In either case it would not have been expedient to force them upon the market by official authority, which "would be doing violence to the prejudices of the people. But a new consideration presents itself. Since the prohibition upon the export of Tea from Fuli-keen has been taken off, numbers of merchants from all ports of the world have come hither, bringing with them large quantities of various kinds of new dollars, which has led to repeated calls for their admission into the currency, and it has become nece sary to issue some Proclamation on the subject, or to direct the Magistrates of Min and flow Kwan to sound the feelings of the people "in reference to the measure, and make a truthful report, on which action may be taken. To this end I beg to be furnished with instruc tious for my guidance.” +4 " Such is the purport of Prefect Yu's Report; and on receiving it I ordered the Local Committee of Finance to look into the matter and give me their opinion. Time elapsed, and no answer came. So, as a promising Tea season was approaching, bringing with it larger arrivals of merchants and these new dollars, rendering it impossible to stay proceedings, and as it had become urgently necessary for me to satisfy myself by application to the Cantou authorities, whether the new dollars and those hitherto in use with ornamental millings ha been there declared current at equal or various rates, or whether differences had been determined among the several sorts of new dollars themselves,-I wrote to the Imperial High Commissioner at Canton, enclosing a copy of the Prefect's report above quoted, and beggin him to inform me whether the new dollar and the old one with ornamental millings had indeed been declared equivalent, and the pay ment of premium made needless, and to send me without delay copies of all papers that had been published on the subject. The Com missioner has answered my letter, and, quoting a report drawn up by his Provincial Commissioner of Finance, he says, "The test by "which current dollars should be judged is purity of touch. In the autumn of the 3d year of His Imperial Majesty's Reign, certain new "arrived dollars with Eagles' Heads and various other impressions were in circulation, and although differently stamped from the old kid "with a devil's head and flowery milling, yet they were the same coin, and both were equally pure in touch. The Shopkeepers of Canton having repeatedly prayed to have the new sorts admitted into circulation on joint terms with the old, orders were given accordingly, and "it was positively forbidden to extort any premium on their payment unless where their purity was doubtful, in which case of course a difference was to be made. These dollars are now generally current, and no difficulty has been experienced in consequence." Such is the Commissioner's reply to my application. Being doubtful (as I have already remarked) whether the various new dollars so plent:-ɔ fully introduced of late by English and American merchants might pass current at par with the old coin, and whether, while objectionable from their strangeness to the people of Foochow, they had yet been officially declared properly current at Canton at equal rates with the old dollars, or, if not so, at different rates from the old and from each other, I wrote to the Imperial Commissioner, and received from him a reply assuring me that these new dollars, although differently stamped from the old kind, were yet similar in point of purity, and has accordingly been declared current at equal rates. Such being the case, I have no hesitation in following the same course here for uniformit sake, and I order therefore that proclamatious be forthwith issued to that effect for general information and guidance. Having receive this injunction from His Excellency the Viceroy, it becomes our duty to issue this proclamation under our joint authority and seal; and we hereby proclaim for the information of all traders within and without city, shopkeepers, soldiers, common people, and persons of ever description. You must all know that the test by which dollars are to be judged is purity of touch. The dollars lately arrived from foreign countries, stamped with Eagles' Heads and divers other impressions, and the old dollar stamped with a devil's head and flower millings, are one and the same thing. Both kinds are of standard purity and both of standard value. Both have been declared current a equal rates in Canton Province, and no excuse on the plea of imperfect acquaintance with the newer coin can be admitted for interferin: with its free circulation here. From this moment therefore see to it, that you all obey this mandate, and use all coins equally in you commercial dealings, refraining from exacting premium of any kind. Should you meet with any dollars which have an admixture copper in their composition, and therefore deficient in value, you will be at liberty to accept them at the proportional allowance. Our sole motive in publishing these orders is to show kindness to those who come from afar, and promote the interests of ou implicitly own people. Let all implicitly obey. Do not oppose this special Edict. Given this 15th day of the 11th month in the 6th Year of Heen Fung's Reign. (11th December, 1856.) Tran 'ated¦y W. H. Medhurst. True Copy. W. WOODGATE. c No. 81.---JANUARY 17, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette. יין NOTICE. |VIE Interest and Responsibility of Mr EDMUND NEWMAN SNOW in our Firm, ceased on 31st December last. Our Firm now consists of WILLIAM Walkinshaw, WILLIAM HUTCHISón, John Scarth, and ROBERT FORRESTER Thorburn. TURNER & Co, Hongkong, 12th January, 1857. NOTICE. E hereby give notice, that the Co-partnership Wheretofore existing between us under the firm of ARMSTRONG & LAWRENCE, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Accounts of the late Firm will be liquidated by F. W. LAWRENCE. I NOTICE. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing at this Port, between the undersigned, under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co., expires this day by lapse of time and mutual consent. The outstand- ing Accounts will be settled by either Partner; and a strictly AGENCY & COMMISSION BUSINESS will be conducted by them as Partners at the PORT OF SINGA- PORK under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co. C. D. WILLIAMS, H. ANTHON, JR., G. L. HASKELL. Hongkong, 1st September, 1856. NOTICE. THE ARCHIVES of H. B. M.'s CONSULATE AT J. M. ARMSTRONG. CANTON, are for the time transferred to the F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 31st December, 1856. NOTICE. HAVE this day established myself in the Pre- mises lately occupied by Messrs ARMSTRONG & LAWRENCE, as a COMMISSIONR MECHANT AND GENERAL AGENT, under the Firm of F. W. LAWRENCE & Co. F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 1st January, 1837. A NOTICE. N Assignment of the Property, Real and Personal, of the Firm of WETMORE & Co. of Can- rox, FoocHow, and SHANGHAE, CHINA, having been duly made on the 12th July, 1856, to the under- signed, in trust for the benefit of their Creditors, and recorded in the United States Consulate at Canton : I hereby give notice to all concerned to make pay- men to me of all Sums due to, and to present to me any Claims against, the said Firm. OLIVER H. PERRY. Canton, 7th August, 1855. NOTICE. • GOVERNMENT OFFICES, HONGKONG, where any Official Communications to H. M.'s Consul can, until further notice, be addressed. By Order of Her Britannic Majesty's Consul, CHARLES A. WINCHESTER, Vice-Consul. Office of the British Consulate for Canton, Government Offices, Hongkong, 22d December, 1856. A In the Estate of ALEXANDER RYRIE, Master Mariner, deceased. LL Persons having claims against or being in- debted to the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith. P. RYRIE, Dated 17th November, 1856. Administrator. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG. In Equity, T STEPHENSON V. MURROW. R ALFRED JAMES HOW is a Partner in 18 HEREBY NOTIFIED,that all Monies, E MR זי +1 our Firm. W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Hongkong, 1st December, 1856. HE NOTICE. ENRY EUSTACE TALBOT is authorized to sign our Firm per procuration, and transact any Business connected therewith. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 5th January, 1857. now or henceforth to become payable to the late firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON AND COMPANY, be paid to JOSEPH FROST EDGER, Esq., (or his Deputy,) he having been lawfully appointed Receiver in the said suit, by virtue of an Order of this Honour- able Court; the receipts of the said JOSEPH FROST EDGER being alone good discharges for such monies. Dated the 13th day of November, 1856. GASKELL & BROWN, Complainants' Solicitors, 5 In the Estate of ODIARNE TREMAYNE LANE, deceused. Andebted to, the above Estate, are requested to LL Persons having Claims against, or being forward particulars of the same to the undersigned without delay. H. F. HANCE, Executor. Hongkong, 7th January, 1857. In the Estate of LEE KIP TYE, of Victoria, Hong. kong, Merchant, deceased. Α' LL Persons having Claims against, or being indebted to, the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith. G. COOPER TURNER, Solicitor for the Administrator, LEX KIP BEL. Dated 5th November, 1856. 承辦人谷巴丹拿狀師謹啟 咸豐六年十月初八日 師單各如李李 處到人有傑傑 以 債李被泰 便巴 傑承身 查丹新泰辦故 明拿卽欠家其 狀送到業弟 FOR SALE. At the Office of the “ China Mail." TABLE, shewing the COST OF TEA, with all CHARGES--Tea, as bought by the Pieul, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.— PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-sis Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,➡Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Centa--One- half of these charges for each Repetition. 川 1 i. le he In ad ed nd rv -ry DW at ur of THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 24TH JANUARY, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. II. No. 82. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that "THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" will, as before, be the only Official Organ for Proclamations, NotificaTIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. No. 14. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. | GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. His Excellency The Governor, with the Advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to grant Twelve Months' leave of absence to Captain WATKINS, R.N., Harbour Master and Marine Magistrate, on Medical certificate. E. R. MICHELL, Esquire, has assumed, from the 12th instant, the charge of the Department; and as a temporary measure, JOHN LONEY, Esquire, of H.M.S. Calcutta, will have the special Superintendence of the Shipping in the Harbour. The duties of Marine Magistrate will be performed, as on previous occasions, by the Sitting Magistrate of the day. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 17th January, 1857. No. 15. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Notice is hereby given, that whereas information has been received of certain Treasonable Papers issued by the Authorities of the neighbouring Chinese Province, and to be found on the Persons of Parties suspected to be Emissaries of the Provincial Government, and now being within this Colony, His Excellency The Governor sanctions the offer of · A REWARD OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension of each Person on whom such Paper shall be found. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 22d January, 1857. No. 13. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The subjoined Notification relative to the Pearl Fishery at Aripo, in the Island of Ceylon, is here published for general information, at the request of the Government of that Colony. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 19th January, 1857. GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENT. PEARL FISHERY, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Notice is hereby given, that a Pearl Fishery will take place at Aripo, in the Island of Ceylon, on or about the 1st of March, 1857; and that the Bank to be fished, is the North-west part of the Chivel Paar, estimated to contain Oysters sufficient to employ Seventy-five boats for Fifteen days. THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 24TH JANUARY, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. II. No. 82. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that "THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" will, as before, be the only Official Organ for Proclamations, NotificaTIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. No. 14. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. | GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. His Excellency The Governor, with the Advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to grant Twelve Months' leave of absence to Captain WATKINS, R.N., Harbour Master and Marine Magistrate, on Medical certificate. E. R. MICHELL, Esquire, has assumed, from the 12th instant, the charge of the Department; and as a temporary measure, JOHN LONEY, Esquire, of H.M.S. Calcutta, will have the special Superintendence of the Shipping in the Harbour. The duties of Marine Magistrate will be performed, as on previous occasions, by the Sitting Magistrate of the day. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 17th January, 1857. No. 15. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Notice is hereby given, that whereas information has been received of certain Treasonable Papers issued by the Authorities of the neighbouring Chinese Province, and to be found on the Persons of Parties suspected to be Emissaries of the Provincial Government, and now being within this Colony, His Excellency The Governor sanctions the offer of · A REWARD OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension of each Person on whom such Paper shall be found. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 22d January, 1857. No. 13. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The subjoined Notification relative to the Pearl Fishery at Aripo, in the Island of Ceylon, is here published for general information, at the request of the Government of that Colony. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 19th January, 1857. GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENT. PEARL FISHERY, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Notice is hereby given, that a Pearl Fishery will take place at Aripo, in the Island of Ceylon, on or about the 1st of March, 1857; and that the Bank to be fished, is the North-west part of the Chivel Paar, estimated to contain Oysters sufficient to employ Seventy-five boats for Fifteen days. 2 The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 82.-JANUARY 24, 1857. It is therefore recommended that such Boat-owners and Divers as may wish to be employed at the said Fishery, should be at Aripo on or before the 20th February next. The Fishery will be conducted on account of Government, and the Oysters put up to sale in such Lots as may be deemed expedient. The arrangements of the Fishery will be the same as have been usual on similar occasions. All payments to be made in ready money in Ceylon Currency, or in East India Company's Rupees. Drafts on the Banks in Colombo, or Bills on the Agents of this Government in India at Ten day's sight, will be taken, on letters of Credit being produced to warrant the drawing of such Drafts or Bills. For the convenience of purchasers, the Treasurer at Colombo and the different Government Agents of Provinces will be authorized to receive Cash Deposits from partics intending to become purchasers, and Receipts of these Officers will be taken in payment of any sums due on account of the Fishery. No deposit will be received for a less sum than Fifty Pounds. Colonial Secretary's Office, Colombo, 13th December, 1856. Translation. Size of BASKET. QUALITY OF PEARLS EXTRACTED. 20th Anie (Round), *** By His Excellency's Command, STATEMENT. WEIGHT OF PEARLS EXTRACTED. QUANTITY OF PEARLS. Manchady. Kalancy. Chew. RATE OF VALUATION PER Chew and Kalancy, VALUE C. J. MACCARTHY, Colonial Secretary. OF PEARLS. Rupees. Annas. " 118 12 pagodas per Chew,... 30 1 Pice. do., "9 *** ... ... ... do., 1 " 40 190 30th do., 1 28 # ... *** .. 10 do., do., 6 12 2 ... do., 1 " *** *** ... *** 50th do., n *** ... ... 19/10 10 do. do.. $ " འ 80th Anie & Anatbary, ][ 10 do., do., 9 3 ... *** Kalippo, 25 16 do., Kalancy, 11 14 2 ... " » 8. Cooroowel, don do., 5 15 * *** " " 100th Vadiwoe, ... n " " 200th do., *** *** " .18 do., do., 225 24 13 19 400th do., ... # " 600th 800th Tool, 21 do.. do., 15 5 " 1000th Peesal, ... Kodey, Karoppo, ... *** ... " do., do., " ... .... ... Total, .. ... 110 " =£11 1s. Ijď. G. LEE, C. P. LAYARD. J. HIGGS. Colombo, 25th November, 1856. Steam for SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THER " THE PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGA- TION COMPANY's Steam-ship "BOMBAY, Capt. W. CURLING, with Her Majesty's Mails, Pas- NOTICE. THE next CRIMINAL SESSIONS of the SUPREME COURT, will be held on THURSDAY, the 29th day of January instant, at 12 o'clock Noon. By order of the Court. WILLIAM HASTINGS ALEXANDER, Registrar. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. AILS for BOMBAY, 'EUROPE, &c., per Steamer "Bombay,” will close on THURS- DAY, the 29th instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. sengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Ma Places, on FRIDAY, the 30th instant, at 2 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 p.M. on the 28th; SPECIE until Noon on the 29th; and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 29th. For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 19th January, 1857. A SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up the following Morning from 8 to 10 A.M., for a late fee of Sixpence; and from 10 till Noon, for a late fee of One Shilling,-after which hour no letters will be received. Letters posted between 10 and 12 o'clock, must be prepaid. Wan. CHAPMAN, Acting Post-Master. Post-Office, Victoria, Hongkong, A 23d January, 1857. NOTICE. LL Persons having Claims against the ESTATE of the late THOMAS B. GRAY, are re- quested to send them in to the undersigned before the Tenth day of February proximo ; and all indebted to the said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to persons AND. S. DIXSON, Executor. Hongkong, 21st January, 1857. NOTICE. HE undersigned, being about to leave the Colony Tby the February Mait for Europe, requests that all Claims against him may be sent in before the 10th February, and that all Debts due to him may be also paid before that date. H. WINIBERG, Commercial Hotel Hongkong, 20th January, 1857. N In re TSOO AMING, CARPENTER, deceased. OTICE is hereby given to the NEXT OF KIN, and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS or CODICILS of the above Party that may be in their possession, before the Supreme Court, on SATURDAY, the 31st day of January, 1857; or if none, that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION; failing which, Ad- ministration will be granted to the Registrar of the said Court. No By the Court, WILLIAM HASTINGS ALEXANDER, Registrar. In re ROBERT JACKSON, deceased, ABEL POYER, 99 ́OTICE,—All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMINI- STRATOR before the 10th day of July, 1857, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. All Persons indebted to the said Estates are requested to make payment to WILLIAM HASTINGS ALEXANDER, Registrar-Official Administrator. 2 The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 82.-JANUARY 24, 1857. It is therefore recommended that such Boat-owners and Divers as may wish to be employed at the said Fishery, should be at Aripo on or before the 20th February next. The Fishery will be conducted on account of Government, and the Oysters put up to sale in such Lots as may be deemed expedient. The arrangements of the Fishery will be the same as have been usual on similar occasions. All payments to be made in ready money in Ceylon Currency, or in East India Company's Rupees. Drafts on the Banks in Colombo, or Bills on the Agents of this Government in India at Ten day's sight, will be taken, on letters of Credit being produced to warrant the drawing of such Drafts or Bills. For the convenience of purchasers, the Treasurer at Colombo and the different Government Agents of Provinces will be authorized to receive Cash Deposits from partics intending to become purchasers, and Receipts of these Officers will be taken in payment of any sums due on account of the Fishery. No deposit will be received for a less sum than Fifty Pounds. Colonial Secretary's Office, Colombo, 13th December, 1856. Translation. Size of BASKET. QUALITY OF PEARLS EXTRACTED. 20th Anie (Round), *** By His Excellency's Command, STATEMENT. WEIGHT OF PEARLS EXTRACTED. QUANTITY OF PEARLS. Manchady. Kalancy. Chew. RATE OF VALUATION PER Chew and Kalancy, VALUE C. J. MACCARTHY, Colonial Secretary. OF PEARLS. Rupees. Annas. " 118 12 pagodas per Chew,... 30 1 Pice. do., "9 *** ... ... ... do., 1 " 40 190 30th do., 1 28 # ... *** .. 10 do., do., 6 12 2 ... do., 1 " *** *** ... *** 50th do., n *** ... ... 19/10 10 do. do.. $ " འ 80th Anie & Anatbary, ][ 10 do., do., 9 3 ... *** Kalippo, 25 16 do., Kalancy, 11 14 2 ... " » 8. Cooroowel, don do., 5 15 * *** " " 100th Vadiwoe, ... n " " 200th do., *** *** " .18 do., do., 225 24 13 19 400th do., ... # " 600th 800th Tool, 21 do.. do., 15 5 " 1000th Peesal, ... Kodey, Karoppo, ... *** ... " do., do., " ... .... ... Total, .. ... 110 " =£11 1s. Ijď. G. LEE, C. P. LAYARD. J. HIGGS. Colombo, 25th November, 1856. Steam for SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THER " THE PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGA- TION COMPANY's Steam-ship "BOMBAY, Capt. W. CURLING, with Her Majesty's Mails, Pas- NOTICE. THE next CRIMINAL SESSIONS of the SUPREME COURT, will be held on THURSDAY, the 29th day of January instant, at 12 o'clock Noon. By order of the Court. WILLIAM HASTINGS ALEXANDER, Registrar. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. AILS for BOMBAY, 'EUROPE, &c., per Steamer "Bombay,” will close on THURS- DAY, the 29th instant, at 6 o'clock P.M. sengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Ma Places, on FRIDAY, the 30th instant, at 2 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 p.M. on the 28th; SPECIE until Noon on the 29th; and PARCELS until 2 P.M. on the 29th. For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 19th January, 1857. A SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made up the following Morning from 8 to 10 A.M., for a late fee of Sixpence; and from 10 till Noon, for a late fee of One Shilling,-after which hour no letters will be received. Letters posted between 10 and 12 o'clock, must be prepaid. Wan. CHAPMAN, Acting Post-Master. Post-Office, Victoria, Hongkong, A 23d January, 1857. NOTICE. LL Persons having Claims against the ESTATE of the late THOMAS B. GRAY, are re- quested to send them in to the undersigned before the Tenth day of February proximo ; and all indebted to the said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to persons AND. S. DIXSON, Executor. Hongkong, 21st January, 1857. NOTICE. HE undersigned, being about to leave the Colony Tby the February Mait for Europe, requests that all Claims against him may be sent in before the 10th February, and that all Debts due to him may be also paid before that date. H. WINIBERG, Commercial Hotel Hongkong, 20th January, 1857. N In re TSOO AMING, CARPENTER, deceased. OTICE is hereby given to the NEXT OF KIN, and all other Persons, to produce any WILLS or CODICILS of the above Party that may be in their possession, before the Supreme Court, on SATURDAY, the 31st day of January, 1857; or if none, that the Next of Kin do accept or refuse LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION; failing which, Ad- ministration will be granted to the Registrar of the said Court. No By the Court, WILLIAM HASTINGS ALEXANDER, Registrar. In re ROBERT JACKSON, deceased, ABEL POYER, 99 ́OTICE,—All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the OFFICIAL ADMINI- STRATOR before the 10th day of July, 1857, otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. All Persons indebted to the said Estates are requested to make payment to WILLIAM HASTINGS ALEXANDER, Registrar-Official Administrator. No. 82. JANUARY 24, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette. IVE NOTICE. E have established a Branch of our Firm at Fuhchan, and Mr ROBERT N. WESTALE is authorized to sign our Firm at that Port by procuration. SMITH, KENNEDY & Co. Shanghae, 19th January, 1837. THE NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr EDMUND NEWMAN SNOW in our Firm, ceased on 31st December last. Our Firm now consists of WILLIAM WALKINSHAW, WILLIAM HUTChison, Joan Scarth, and ROBERT FORRESTER THORBURN. TURNER & Co, Hongkong, 12th January, 1857. NOTICE. Wheretofore existing between hereby give notice, that the Co-partnership Erm of ARMSTRONG & LAWRENCE, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Accounts of the late Firm will be liquidated by F. W. LAWRENCE. J. M. ARMSTRONG. F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 31st December, 1856. NOTICE. HAVE this day established myself in the Pre- Imises lately occupied by Messrs ARMSTRONG & LAWRENCE, as a CoMMISSIONR MECHANT and General AGENT, under the Firm of F. W. LAWRENCE & Co. F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 1st January, 1857. NOTICE. NOTICE. ENRY EUSTACE TALBOT is authorized to any Business connected therewith. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 5th January, 1857. NOTICE. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing at this Port, between the undersigned, under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co., expires this day by lapse of time and mutual consent. The outstand- ing Accounts will be settled by either Partner; and a strictly AGENCY & COMMISSION BUSINESS will be conducted by them as Partners at the PORT OF SINGA- PORK under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co. C. D. WILLIAMS, H. ANTHON, Jr., G. L. HASKELL. Hongkong, 1st September, 1856. NOTICE. THE ARCHIVES of H. B. M.'s CONSULATE AT CANTON, are for the time transferred to the GOVERNMENT OFFICES, HONGKONG, where any Official Communications to H. M.'s Consul can, until further notice, be addressed. .' By Order of Her Britannic Majesty's Consul, CHARLES A. WINCHESTER, Vice-Consul. Office of the British Consulate for Canton, Government Offices, Hongkong, 22d December, 1856. AN Assignment of the Property, Real and Personal, A Firm of & Co. of Can- TAN, FOOCHOW, and SHANGHAE, CHINA, having been diy made on the 12th July, 1856, to the under- Signed, in trust for the benefit of their Creditors, and recorded in the United States Consulate at Canton : I hereby give notice to all concerned to make pay. ren to me of all Sums due to, and to present to me y Claims against, the said Firm. OLIVER H. PERRY. Canton, 7th August, 1855. NOTICE. In the Estate of ALEXANDER RYRIE, Master Marincr, deceased. LL Persons having claims against or being in- debted to the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith. P. RYRIE, · Dated 17th November, 1856. Administrator. In the Estate of ODIARNE TREMAYNE LANE, deceased. LL Persons having Claims against, or being Aindebted to, the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned R ALFRED JAMES HOW is a Partner in | without delay. our Firm. MR W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Hongkong, 1st December, 1856. H. F. HANCE, Executor. Hongkong, 7th January, 1857. 3 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG. In Equity, IT STEPHENSON v. MURROW. T IS HEREBY NOTIFIED,-that all Monies, now or henceforth to become payable to the late firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON AND COMPANY, be paid to JOSEPH FROST EDGER, Esq., (or his Deputy,) he having been lawfully appointed Receiver able Court; the receipts of the said JOSEPH FROST in the said suit, by virtue of an Order of this Honour- EDGER being alone good discharges for such monies. Dated the 18th day of November, 1856. GASKELL & BROWN, Complainants' Solicitors. In the Estate of LEE KIP TYE, of Victoria, Hong. kong, Merchant, deceased. indebted to, the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith. G. COOPER TURNER, Solicitor for the Administrator, LEE KIP BEE. Dated 5th November, 1856. 咸豐六年十月 承辦人谷巴丹拿狀師啟 啟者 李 師單各如李李 處到人有傑傑 以債李泰 便巴目傑承身 初 查丹新泰辦故 八 明拿卽欠家其 殷日 狀送到業弟 Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.- PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-siz Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-One- half of these charges for each Repetition. THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 31ST JANUARY, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. II. No. 83. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby given, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for Proclamations, NotificATIONS, and PUBLIC Papers, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. No. 3. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Diplomatic Department. His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of Trade, &c., &c., has been pleased to appoint, pending reference to Her Majesty's Government, WILLIAM Raymond GingELL, Esquire, to officiate as Her Britannic Majesty's Consul at Bangkok. By Order, Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 28th January, 1857. W. WOODGATE. No. 16. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified that, by Order of His Excellency The Governor, and with the Advice of the Executive Council, a Circular has been issued in the Chinese Language, in which a Reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS is offered for the apprehension and conviction of One ALUN, said to have absconded from the ESING Bakery on or about the morning of the 15th Instant; and a further Reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the apprehension and conviction of One ATSOI, said to have absconded in like manner, By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 24th January, 1857. No. 17. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby intimated to the Purchasers of the Farm Lots at Pok-foo-lum, sold on 14th June 1856, that in accordance with the Third Clause of special Conditions of Sale, and under Authority from The Right Honourable The Secretary of State for the Colonies, the Leases of those Lots will be extended from 21 to 75 Years, on payment for each Lot of an increased Premium by way of Bonus to the amount of Seventy-five Dollars and Sixty Ĉents, being the average amount of Premium realized at the Sale. It is requested that the said Purchasers will without delay communicate to the Acting Surveyor General their intention of accepting such extension on the above terms, or of taking out their Leases under the original Conditions. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 30th January, 1857, 2 No. 18. The Wongkong Government Gazette. [No. 83.-JANUARY 31, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Return of Notes in Circulation and Specie in Reserve at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, is published for general information. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 31st January, 1857. Account of the average Amount of the Notes in Circulation at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, for the Month ending 31st December, 1856, rendered in accordance with the Terms of Her Majesty's Royal Charter of Incorporation. NOTES ISSUED,.............................$247,950, exclusive of the Notes of the Oriental Bank still outstanding. Oriental Bank Corporation, Hongkong, 28th January, 1857. SAM GRAY, Manager. I inspected this day the Books and Treasure of the Oriental Bank Corporation, and hereby certify that I found the necessary Amount of Specie as required by the Royal Charter. Victoria, Hongkong, 31st January, 1857. NOTICE. E have established a Branch, of our Firm WE a Branch OBERT IN WESTALL is authorized to siga our Firm at that Port by procuration. SMITH, KENNEDY & Co. Shanghae, 19th January, 1857. THE NOTICE. by the February Mail for Europe, requests that all Claims against him may be sent in before the 10th February, and that all Debts due to him may be also paid before that date. H. WINIBERG, Commercial Hotel. Hongkong, 20th January, 1857. NOTICE. VIIE Interest and Responsibility of Mr EDMUND THE Interest and Responsibility of em, ceased on 31st December last. Our Firm now consists of WILLIAM WALKINSHAW, WILLIAM HUTCHISON, JOHN SCARTH, and ROBERT FORRESTER THORBURN. TURNER & Co, Ilongkong, 12th January, 1857. WE NOTICE E hereby give notice, that the Co-partnership, heretofore existing between us under the firm of ARMSTRONG & LAWRENCE, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Accounts of the late Firm will be liquidated by F. W. LAWRENCE. J. M. ARMSTRONG. F. W, LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 31st December, 1856. NOTICE. NOTICE. ALL Persing the LL Persons having Claims against the ESTATE H. REINHARD, A Member of the Colonial Treasury Commission. In the Estate of ODIARNE TREMAYNE LANE, deceased. LL Persons having Claims against, or being quested to send them in to the undersigned before A indebted to, the above Estate, are requested to the Tenth day of February proximo; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to AND. S. DIXSON, Executor. Hongkong, 21st January, 1857. NOTICE. .... i `R ALFRED JAMES HOW is a Partner in MR our Firm. W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Hongkong, 1st December, 1856. NOTICE. H sign our Firm per procuration, and transact ENRY EUSTACE TALBOT is authorized to any Business connected therewith. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 5th January, 1857. NOTICE. AN Assignment of the property, Real and Personal, N forward particulars of the same to the undersigned without delay. H. F. HANCE, Executor. Hongkong, 7th January, 1857. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG. In Equity, IT STEPHENSON v. MURROW. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED,-that all Monies, now or henceforth to become payable to the late firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON AND COMPANY, be paid to JOSEPH FROST EDGER, Esq., (or his Deputy,) he having been lawfully appointed Receiver noun being alone good discharges for such monies, in the said suit, by virtue of an Order of this Honour. able Court; the receipts of the said JOSEPH FROST Dated the 13th day of November, 1856. GASKELL & BROWN, Complainants' Solicitors. In the Estate of LEE KIP TYE, of Victoria, Hong. kong, Merchant, deceased. LL Persons having Claims against, or being indebted to, the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith. of the Firm of WETMORE & Co. of CAN-A TON, FOOCHOW, and SHANGHAE, CHINA, having been duly made on the 12th July, 1856, to the under- signed, in trust for the benefit of their Creditors, and recorded in the United States Consulate at Canton: I hereby give notice to all concerned to make pay- wen to me of all Sums due to, and to present to me any Claims against, the said Firm. OLIVER H. PERRY. Canton, 7th August, 1855, · NOTICE. HAVE this day established myself in the Pre-ARCHIVES of H. B. M.'s CONSULATE AT mises lately occupied by Messrs ARMSTRONG & LAWRENCE, as a COMMISSIONE MECHANT AND GENERAL AGENT, under the Firm of F. W. LAWRENCE & Co. F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 1st January, 1857. NOTICE. GOVERNMENT OFFICES, HONGKONG, where any are for the time transferred to the Official Communications to H. M.'s Consul can, until further notice, be addressed. By Order of Her Britannic Majesty's Consul, CHARLES A. WINCHESTER, Vice-Consul. HE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing at this Office of the British Consulate for Canton, Port, between the undersigned, under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co., expires this day by lapse of time and mutual consent. The outstand- ing Accounts will be settled by either Partner; and a strictly AGENCY & COMMISSION BUSINESS will be conducted by the Government Offices, Hongkong, 22d December, 1856. In the Estate of ALEXANDER RYRIE, Master Mariner, deceased. G. COOPER TURNER, Solicitor for the Administrator; LEX KIF BEL. Dated 5th November, 1856. 承辦人谷巴丹拿狀師 咸豐六年十月初八 日 claims against in- Ponds under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON Adebted to the above Estate, are requested to & Co. - C. D. WILLIAMS, 啟 #*# 師單各如李李 處到人有傑傑 以谷債李被泰 便巴目傑承身 查丹祈泰辦故 明拿卽欠家其 狀送到業弟 forward particulars of the same to the 'undersigned | Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.— forthwith. H, ANTIION, JR, G. L. HASKELL. P. RYRIE, Administrator. Dated 17th November, 1856. Hongkong, 1st September, 1856. PRICE, $12 per Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-sis Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, Ons Dollar; each Additional Lino, Twenty Centa—() no- '-half of these charges for each Repotition. THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 7TH FEBRUARY, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. II. No. 84. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. No. 19. : GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Return of Passenger Ships cleared by the Emigration Officer during the Year 1856, is published · for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th February, 1857. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. RETURN of PASSENGER SHIPS, to which Certificates were granted by the Emigration Officer, during the Year, 1856. ADULTS. CHILDREN. DATE OP CERTIFICATE. SHIP'S NAME. TONE. OF WHAT PORT. MASTER'S NAME. WHITHER BOUND. Male. Female. Male. Female. February 23 March 12 Stephen Baldwin,... Bertha, 634 500 " 12 John Calvin,....... 510 14 Cornelis Smit, 719 24 Jacoba Cornelia, 492 25 Euterpe, ... ... 26 * Lady Hayes, *.. 26 Cornwall, ... 28 Juno, ... 31 31 Anglia,... April ... Everdine Elizabeth, Duke of Portland, 615 Rotterdam Philadelphia Bremen Hongkong Alblaperdam Rotterdam 504 Dordrecht 384 Hongkong 580 London 441 Rotterdam D. Klamp A. Thornhill H. H. Ruhaak T. Rosenboom A. Knipers Dawson J. O. Kluin C. J. Tonjis G. Downer San Francisco Adelaide 230 ... 231 ... 12 ... Havana 81 Adelaide & Port Phillip 384 ... 20 Adelaide 263 Adelaide 282 2 R. Williamson Port Phillip 175 Adelaide & Port Phillip 317 Adelaide & Melbourne 226 Adelaide & Melbourne 375 ... *** • 570 523 Liverpool Greenock W. M. Ball Adelaide & Sydney 317 ... 6 12 G. F. Seymour Havana 334 2 Jamestown, ... 1,151 New York Rufus G. F. Candage Adelaide & Port Phillip 399 3 Labuan, 547 Macao ... " 4 Sumatra, ... 778 Dort 8 Tuskina, 420 San Francisco ... 11 Kenau Hasselaar,....... 698 Rotterdam 11 " Alfred the Great, 649 London 11 Alfred,... ... 780 Hongkong 14 Nicoline, ... 570 Hamburg 14 Golden West, 1,500 Boston, U.S.A. J. F. Grill Henri Grivel Edmund Jones O. Lindeman Peter M'Intyre W. R. Browning C. H. Vallessen W. E. Putnam San Francisco San Francisco Adelaide & Port Phillip 252 ... Adelaide & Melbourne 374 ... Adelaide & Port Phillip 294 12 Sydney & Port Phillip San Francisco Sydney 354 ... 230 ... ... 385 234 : 344 ... ... 17 Christina,... 272 Sydney Lewis Truscott Port Phillip & Sydney 157 21 Kit Carson, .. 997 Dennis (Mass: U.S.A.) Seth Crowell San Francisco 370 ... ... 29 Sirocco, ... 1,135 Philadelphia W. H. Weat San Francisco 480 ... ... ... 30 Tartar,... 573 New York ... May 10 Jan Hendrik, *** 12 " Star King, • 611 1,170 Amsterdam Boston E. A. Mix H. de Jong G. H. Turner Adelaide & Sydney 378 ... ... San Francisco 250 ... San Francisco 370 10 17 Sarah Warren.......... 188 San Francisco A. W. Gove San Francisco 57 .. 17 Hamilton, ... 17 Black Warrior........... 438 1,900 Hongkong James Fair San Francisco 219 ... ... ... Baltimore T. J. Murphy San Francisco 457 1 ... *** 24 Carribean, *** ... June 30 Caesar,... **** July ... *** ... " 13 Wilhelmsburg......... 1,119 7 John Stuart, Edith Rose. 19 Henry Miller, September 12 Meteor, 17❘ Excelsior.... 874 London Hamburg 438 Hamburg 1,653 New York 510 Boston 433 London 1,067❘ Boston 682 | Stockton II. C. Muller John Sturge W. M. Chamberlin H. F. Crowell Robert Putt S. W. Pike Alexander Jones John Winchester San Francisco 422 *** ... San Francisco 415 ... San Francisco 74 ... San Francisco 150 Melbourne & Sydney 40 ... ... ... Havana 191 San Francisco Melbourne 260 66 THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 7TH FEBRUARY, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. II. No. 84. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo ; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. No. 19. : GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Return of Passenger Ships cleared by the Emigration Officer during the Year 1856, is published · for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th February, 1857. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. RETURN of PASSENGER SHIPS, to which Certificates were granted by the Emigration Officer, during the Year, 1856. ADULTS. CHILDREN. DATE OP CERTIFICATE. SHIP'S NAME. TONE. OF WHAT PORT. MASTER'S NAME. WHITHER BOUND. Male. Female. Male. Female. February 23 March 12 Stephen Baldwin,... Bertha, 634 500 " 12 John Calvin,....... 510 14 Cornelis Smit, 719 24 Jacoba Cornelia, 492 25 Euterpe, ... ... 26 * Lady Hayes, *.. 26 Cornwall, ... 28 Juno, ... 31 31 Anglia,... April ... Everdine Elizabeth, Duke of Portland, 615 Rotterdam Philadelphia Bremen Hongkong Alblaperdam Rotterdam 504 Dordrecht 384 Hongkong 580 London 441 Rotterdam D. Klamp A. Thornhill H. H. Ruhaak T. Rosenboom A. Knipers Dawson J. O. Kluin C. J. Tonjis G. Downer San Francisco Adelaide 230 ... 231 ... 12 ... Havana 81 Adelaide & Port Phillip 384 ... 20 Adelaide 263 Adelaide 282 2 R. Williamson Port Phillip 175 Adelaide & Port Phillip 317 Adelaide & Melbourne 226 Adelaide & Melbourne 375 ... *** • 570 523 Liverpool Greenock W. M. Ball Adelaide & Sydney 317 ... 6 12 G. F. Seymour Havana 334 2 Jamestown, ... 1,151 New York Rufus G. F. Candage Adelaide & Port Phillip 399 3 Labuan, 547 Macao ... " 4 Sumatra, ... 778 Dort 8 Tuskina, 420 San Francisco ... 11 Kenau Hasselaar,....... 698 Rotterdam 11 " Alfred the Great, 649 London 11 Alfred,... ... 780 Hongkong 14 Nicoline, ... 570 Hamburg 14 Golden West, 1,500 Boston, U.S.A. J. F. Grill Henri Grivel Edmund Jones O. Lindeman Peter M'Intyre W. R. Browning C. H. Vallessen W. E. Putnam San Francisco San Francisco Adelaide & Port Phillip 252 ... Adelaide & Melbourne 374 ... Adelaide & Port Phillip 294 12 Sydney & Port Phillip San Francisco Sydney 354 ... 230 ... ... 385 234 : 344 ... ... 17 Christina,... 272 Sydney Lewis Truscott Port Phillip & Sydney 157 21 Kit Carson, .. 997 Dennis (Mass: U.S.A.) Seth Crowell San Francisco 370 ... ... 29 Sirocco, ... 1,135 Philadelphia W. H. Weat San Francisco 480 ... ... ... 30 Tartar,... 573 New York ... May 10 Jan Hendrik, *** 12 " Star King, • 611 1,170 Amsterdam Boston E. A. Mix H. de Jong G. H. Turner Adelaide & Sydney 378 ... ... San Francisco 250 ... San Francisco 370 10 17 Sarah Warren.......... 188 San Francisco A. W. Gove San Francisco 57 .. 17 Hamilton, ... 17 Black Warrior........... 438 1,900 Hongkong James Fair San Francisco 219 ... ... ... Baltimore T. J. Murphy San Francisco 457 1 ... *** 24 Carribean, *** ... June 30 Caesar,... **** July ... *** ... " 13 Wilhelmsburg......... 1,119 7 John Stuart, Edith Rose. 19 Henry Miller, September 12 Meteor, 17❘ Excelsior.... 874 London Hamburg 438 Hamburg 1,653 New York 510 Boston 433 London 1,067❘ Boston 682 | Stockton II. C. Muller John Sturge W. M. Chamberlin H. F. Crowell Robert Putt S. W. Pike Alexander Jones John Winchester San Francisco 422 *** ... San Francisco 415 ... San Francisco 74 ... San Francisco 150 Melbourne & Sydney 40 ... ... ... Havana 191 San Francisco Melbourne 260 66 The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 84.-FEBRUARY 7, 1857. RETURN of PASSENGER SHIPS, &c.,— Continued. ADULTS. CHILDREN. DATE OF CERTIFICATE. SHIP'S NAME, TONS. OF WHAT PORT. MASTER'S NAME. WHITHER Bound. Mule. Female. Male. Female. ctober 28 Janet Willis, 666 London 31 Land o' Cakes,... 561 London R. J. Wood R. M. Miller San Francisco 120 *** ... Melbourne 287 ... *** ... Tovember 8 Bernicia 548 London 24 Mary Whitridge, 978 Baltimore ecember 4 Cornwall," 580 London J. T. Jarman W. Dawson Adelaide & Melbourne 231 •• R. C. Cheesebroughe San Francisco 161 *** ... Guichen Bay 317 ... ... 4 Paradise, 500 ... Penang T. Heritage Singapore 210 ... ... 5 Catherine Glen, ... 1,327 London R. Early Havana 597 ... ... • 10 Phaeton, .. 1,000 London R. W. Morison Guichen Bay 250 ... ... 13 Jan Hendrik, 614 Amsterdam H. de Jong Guichen Bay 297 22 ... ... 13 Cornelia, ... ... 408 Singapore C. F. Demeé Singapore 100 17 Vanguard, 687 ... Liverpool R. Wise Guichen Bay & Melbourne 309 ... 99 99 " 18 Lady Elgin, 750 ... : 29 Atalanta, 934 ... ... 30 Statesman, Prince of Wales' Island] C. Le Boucher de Lisle | Singapore London 405❘ Singapore 300 10 J. Blyth J. Webb Guichen Bay & Melbourne 555 ... ... Singapore 77 ... 31 Eliza Ann, 246 ... Singapore SUMMARY. C. E. Wise Singapore 92 ... ADULTS. CHILDREN. Male. Female. Male. Female. "9 San Francisco, " To Adelaide, Guichen Bay, Port Phillip, and Sydney, Havana,.. "Singapore,. 7,515 1 86 ... 4,843 24 ... *** ... ... 779 4 10 Totals......... 14,340 29 96 E. R. MICHELL, Emigration Officer. Victoria, Hongkong, 4th February, 1857. No. 20. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. J. J. HICKSON, Esquire, having resigned Office under this Government, it is hereby notified, that G. COOPER TURNER, Esquire, has been appointed Crown Solicitor and Queen's Proctor, and that CHARLES MAY, Esquire, will perform the duties of Coroner; and, as Deputy Sheriff on the nomination of the Sheriff, have charge of Victoria Gaol. These Appointments will date from the 4th Instant, and will be referred for the approval of Her Majesty's Government. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 6th February, 1857. No. 21. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified to Lease-holders of Crown Lands in this Colony, that a List of all Rents outstanding on Monday, the 16th Instant, will be handed in to the Crown Solicitor for instant recovery. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 6th February, 1857. No. 4. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. *W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Diplomatic Department. Directions having been received from The Right Honourable The Earl of Clarendon, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to Revoke the Instructions to Her Britannic Majesty's Consuls and Vice- Consuls in China, in reference to a Colonial Ordinance No. 15 of 1856, conveyed by Circular No. 17 of 1856, from this Department, copy of which was published for general information in the Hongkong Government Gazette of the 30th August last: The said Instructions are hereby Revoked accordingly. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Given at Victoria, Hongkong, this 4th Day of February, 1857. JOHN BOWRING, H. B. M.'s Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China. By Command of His Excellency H.B.M.'s Plenipotentiary, W. Ver TE. The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 84.-FEBRUARY 7, 1857. RETURN of PASSENGER SHIPS, &c.,— Continued. ADULTS. CHILDREN. DATE OF CERTIFICATE. SHIP'S NAME, TONS. OF WHAT PORT. MASTER'S NAME. WHITHER Bound. Mule. Female. Male. Female. ctober 28 Janet Willis, 666 London 31 Land o' Cakes,... 561 London R. J. Wood R. M. Miller San Francisco 120 *** ... Melbourne 287 ... *** ... Tovember 8 Bernicia 548 London 24 Mary Whitridge, 978 Baltimore ecember 4 Cornwall," 580 London J. T. Jarman W. Dawson Adelaide & Melbourne 231 •• R. C. Cheesebroughe San Francisco 161 *** ... Guichen Bay 317 ... ... 4 Paradise, 500 ... Penang T. Heritage Singapore 210 ... ... 5 Catherine Glen, ... 1,327 London R. Early Havana 597 ... ... • 10 Phaeton, .. 1,000 London R. W. Morison Guichen Bay 250 ... ... 13 Jan Hendrik, 614 Amsterdam H. de Jong Guichen Bay 297 22 ... ... 13 Cornelia, ... ... 408 Singapore C. F. Demeé Singapore 100 17 Vanguard, 687 ... Liverpool R. Wise Guichen Bay & Melbourne 309 ... 99 99 " 18 Lady Elgin, 750 ... : 29 Atalanta, 934 ... ... 30 Statesman, Prince of Wales' Island] C. Le Boucher de Lisle | Singapore London 405❘ Singapore 300 10 J. Blyth J. Webb Guichen Bay & Melbourne 555 ... ... Singapore 77 ... 31 Eliza Ann, 246 ... Singapore SUMMARY. C. E. Wise Singapore 92 ... ADULTS. CHILDREN. Male. Female. Male. Female. "9 San Francisco, " To Adelaide, Guichen Bay, Port Phillip, and Sydney, Havana,.. "Singapore,. 7,515 1 86 ... 4,843 24 ... *** ... ... 779 4 10 Totals......... 14,340 29 96 E. R. MICHELL, Emigration Officer. Victoria, Hongkong, 4th February, 1857. No. 20. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. J. J. HICKSON, Esquire, having resigned Office under this Government, it is hereby notified, that G. COOPER TURNER, Esquire, has been appointed Crown Solicitor and Queen's Proctor, and that CHARLES MAY, Esquire, will perform the duties of Coroner; and, as Deputy Sheriff on the nomination of the Sheriff, have charge of Victoria Gaol. These Appointments will date from the 4th Instant, and will be referred for the approval of Her Majesty's Government. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 6th February, 1857. No. 21. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified to Lease-holders of Crown Lands in this Colony, that a List of all Rents outstanding on Monday, the 16th Instant, will be handed in to the Crown Solicitor for instant recovery. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 6th February, 1857. No. 4. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. *W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Diplomatic Department. Directions having been received from The Right Honourable The Earl of Clarendon, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to Revoke the Instructions to Her Britannic Majesty's Consuls and Vice- Consuls in China, in reference to a Colonial Ordinance No. 15 of 1856, conveyed by Circular No. 17 of 1856, from this Department, copy of which was published for general information in the Hongkong Government Gazette of the 30th August last: The said Instructions are hereby Revoked accordingly. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Given at Victoria, Hongkong, this 4th Day of February, 1857. JOHN BOWRING, H. B. M.'s Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China. By Command of His Excellency H.B.M.'s Plenipotentiary, W. Ver TE. l e ent 4-FEBRUARY 7, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. next GENERAL MAILS for BOMBAY, iROPE, &c., per Steamer "CADIZ” will SATURDAY, the 14th instant, at 6 o'clock, Sual SUPPLEMENTARY MAIL will be made wing morning from 8 to 10 o'clock A.M., arte fes tid.; and from 10 till noon, for a late fee After which hour no Letters can be received. WM. CHAPMAN, Acting Post-Master. Post Offer, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th February, 1857. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. ewing Instructions having been received by His Grace The Post-Master General, are te published for general information :— New Postal Convention having just been con- with FRANCE, the provisions of this convention its operation on 1st January, 1857. A re- to Three-pence per quarter ounce, instead of - “ence per quarter ounce, will be chargeable after icate above mentioned, in addition to the uniform A rate of Gd. per half-ounce, upon all Letters d between the United Kingdom and nging, making the total charge for a letter- ia 3, if not exceeding 4 ounce. tad, if exceeding and not exceeding & ounce. " ounce, " n ❤ " " " 11 11 » Convention also reduces the charges upon conveyed directly between France and Hong- ing; and it has been agreed that, upon all Letters ied between France and Hongkong, the entire Ind Sta Postage shall be collected in France. r this arrangement, the Red Sea rate of One Nurg the half ounce, hitherto levied in Hongkong ww letters contained in the Mails to or from Parr, wili no longer be chargeable; and no Postage courerance shall hereafter be collected in on the despatch of letters to France, ng, either e me the dolievery of letters from France. 2 By Order. WM. CHAPMAN, Acting Post-Muster. Pue. Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th February, 1857. SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, Victoria, HONGKONG, 5th February, 1857. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. "OTICE is hereby given, that Persons willing 15 CONTRACT for the EXECUTION OF *** SCURRAL WORKS-in constructing a New WALL, from Marine Lot No. 104 Eastward, to - the Coast Road along the Parade, and Westward. Marine Lot No. 101 to join the Sea Wall of twiter's Wharf; in forming the NEW STRAND ROAD; in Franz in the Gronad between such New Road and - ment Sea-front of the Several Marine Lots; mi w runtinuing the several Culverts and Drains, &c., 4-ear inspect the DRAWINGS, Specifications, **Ă CONDITIONS of Contract at this Office, on and + IT NOTICE. T is hereby notified, that Applications to fill the Office of Danish Consul at Foo-chow Foo. by Resident Merchants of that place, will be received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Copenhagen, until the end of April Next. By Order, FRED. H BLOCK, H. S. M. Consul. Danish Consulate, Hongkong, 7th February, 1857. NOTICE. A NOTICE 3 LL Persons having Claims against the ESTATE of the late THŪMAS B. GRAY, are re- quested to send them in to the undersigned before indebted to the said Estate are requested to make the Tenth day of February proximo; and all persons immediate payment to AND. S. DIXSON, Execulor. Ilongkong, 21st January, 1857. ARTIES forwarding to this Office, in pursuance M PAR of the intimation of HER MAJESTY'S PLENI- POTENTIARY to the BRITISH Community of Canton, under date the 8th ultimo, particulars of CLAIMS for LOSSES recently sustained by them at that Port, are informed by the undersigned that these Statements HARRY S. PARKES, should be furnished them in Duplicate. Consul Offg. Office of the British Consulate for Canton, Hongkong, 6th February, 1857. NOTICE. NOTICE. R ALFRED JAMES HOW is a Partner in our Firm. W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Hongkong, 1st December, 1856. NOTICE. ENRY EUSTACE TALBOT is authorized to HENRY FUSTA per procuration, and transact any Business connected therewith. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 5th January, 1857. NOTICE. N A Copy of the JURY LIST HOUR for insted Assignment of the Property, Real and Personal. up at the Court inspec- tion. Notice of any Inaccuracies, Omissions, &c., must be given IN WRITING to the Registrar on or before the Twenty-first day of February instant, in accordance with the Provisions of Section 3 of Or- dinance No. 4 of 1851. WILLIAM HASTINGS ALEXANDER, Registrar. NOTICE. THE undersigned, being about to leave the Colony TH by the February Mail for Europe, requests that all Claims against him may be sent in before the 10th February, and that all Debts due to him may be also paid before that date. H. WINIBERG, Commercial Hotel Hongkong, 20th January, 1857. NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr EDMUND THNEWMAN SNOW in our Firm, ceased on 31st December last. Our Firm now consists of WILLIAM WALKINSHAW, WILLIAM HUTchison, John SCARTH, and ROBERT FORRESTER THORBURN. TURNEK & Co, Hongkong, 12th January, 1857. NOTICE. WE E hereby give notice, that the Co-partnership heretofore existing between us under the firm of ARMSTRONG & LAWRENCE, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Accounts of the late Firm will be liquidated by F. W. LAWRENCE. J. M. ARMSTRONG. F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 31st December, 1856. NOTICE. sHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing at this Monday, the 16th instant, between the hours Port, between the undersigned, under the Style #11 a.m. and 4 P.M. THOS. S. WALKER, Acting Surveyor General. NOTICE. I have this day entered into Partnership as GENERAL MERCHANTS and COMMISSION herers under the Firm of DAVIS & LAWRENCE, ** which will merge the Affairs of Messrs F. W. LAWRENCE & Co. HENRY DAVIS. F. W. LAWRENCE. Fmrkong, 7th February, 1857. NOTICE. E have established a Branch of our Firm at Fukchaw, and Mr ROBERT N. VESTALL is authorized to sign our Firm at that Put by procuration. SMITH, KENNEDY, & Co. Lunghae, 19th January, 1857. | of Firm of WETMORE & Co. of CAN- TON, FOOCHOw, and SHANGHAE, China, having been duly made on the 12th July, 1856, to the under signed, in trust for the benefit of their Creditors, and recorded in the United States Consulate at Canton: I hereby give notice to all concerned to make pay- men to me of all Sums due to, and to present to me any Claims against, the said Firm. OLIVER H. PERRY. Canton, 7th August, 1855. NOTICE. THE ARCHIVES of H. B. M.'s CONSUlate at TH CANTON, are for the time transferred to the GOVERNMENT OFFICES, HONGKONG, where any Official Communications to H. M.'s Consul can, until further notice, be addressed. By Order of Her Britannic Majesty's Consul, CHARLES A. WINCHESTER, Vice-Consul. Office of the British Consulate for Canton, Government Offices, Hongkong, 22d December, 1856. In the Estate of ODIARNE TREMAYNE LANE, deceused. LL Persons having Claims against, or being A indebted to, the above Estate, are requested to forward particulars of the same to the undersigned without delay. H. F. HANCE, Executor. Hongkong, 7th January, 1857. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG. In Equity, STEPHENSON v. MURROW. ́T IS HEREBY NOTIFIED,—that all Monies, IT now or henceforth to become payable to the late firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON AND COMPANY, of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co., expires this day be paid to JOSEPH FROST EDGER, Esq., (or his by lapse of time and mutual consent. The outstand- Deputy,) be having been lawfully appointed Receiver ing Accounts will be settled by either Partner; and in the said suit, by virtue of an Order of this Honour- a strictly AGENCY & COMMISSION BUSINESS will be able Court; the receipts of the said JOSEPH FROST conducted by them as Partners at the PORT OF SINGA-EDGER being alone good discharges for such monies. Dated the 13th day of November, 1856. PORK under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co. C. D. WILLIAMS, H. ANTHON, Jr., G. L. HASKELL. Hongkong, 1st September, 1856. In the Estate of ALEXANDER RYRIE, Master Mariner, deceased. debted to the above Estate, are requested to ALL Persons having claims against or being in- forward particulars of the same to the undersigned forthwith. Dated 17th November, 1856. P. RYRIE, Administrator. A GASKELL & BROWN, Complainants' Solicitors. FOR SALE. At the Office of the “ China Mail." the TEA, all CHARGES--Tea, as bought by the Pisul, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois. PRICE, $12 per Annum. Bingle Copies, Thirty-siz Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong. Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, One Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cenis--One- half of these charges for each Repetition. THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 14TH FEBRUARY, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. II. No. 85. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby giren, that a New SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMations, NotificaTIONS, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. t W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. No. 22. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The subjoined Notice having been circulated amongst the Shipping in this Harbour, is published for general information. By Order, `W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 10th February, 1857. Masters and Officers in charge of Merchant Vessels in the Harbour, are hereby notified, that the Section in the Port Regulations (Ordinance No. 11 of 1845) having reference to the Firing of Guns, will in future be strictly enforced. * E. R. MICHELL, Acting Harbour Master. Harbour Master's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 10th February, 1857. No. 23. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The Honourable WILLIAM THOMAS MERCER, Esquire, Colonial Secretary and Auditor General, has obtained leave of absence from the Colony, for Eighteen Months from this date. W. T. BRIDGES, D.C.L., will officiate as Acting Colonial Secretary during Mr MERCER's absence. The duties of Auditor General will, until further orders, be performed by H. REINHARD, Esquire. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 14th February, 1857. No. 24. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. J. HYNDMAN, Esquire, will conduct the affairs of the Colonial Treasury until further notice. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 14th February, 1857. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. No. 25. The Wongkong Government Gazette. [No. 85.-FEBRUARY 14, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency The Governor directs the publication of the following Letters from the Superintendent of Police, in explanation of certain statements recently made against that Officer. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. No 9. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 14th February, 1857. POLICE DEPARTment, Hongkong, 6th February, 1857. Str.-In compliance with your letter of this date referring to a statement appearing in the China Mail newspaper of this morning, respecting the treatment of the prisoners seized at the Esing Bakery: I have the honour to state, for the information of His Excellency the Governor, that upon the apprehension of the whole of the prisoners on the 15th January, and pending enquiry which resulted in the committal of ten of the number for trial at the Supreme Court, the prisoners, with the exception of several kept apart for the purposes of the investigation, were placed in a room on the ground floor of the New Police Station, Cross Roads, this appearing to me a suitable place, and the only one at my disposal,-the then crowded state of the Jail, and the Cells at the Central Police Station, being always required for ordinary business, rendering it necessary to provide other accommodation for these particular prisoners. After the committal for trial of ten prisoners on the 19th January, the remainder, forty-two in number, were remanded as being persons dangerous to the peace and good order of the Colony, under Ordinance No. 2 of 1857; and inasmuch as the same difficulty continued of placing them within Jail, (until the 26th January, when certain prisoners were deported), they have been since that date until the 3d February, confined in the room at the Cross Roads Station. This room is a dry lofty room, fifteen feet square, and is ventilated by a chimney and an opening near the top of the room, which opening, secured by iron bars, measures six feet long, by one feet high, the door of the room opens on to the Queen's Road, and as I am informed and credibly believe, this door was frequently open. On two occasions I visited the prisoners, who certainly presented no appearance of illness. I found the air close, but not more so than I have found in many places no larger, occupied by as many, or more, Chinese emigrants or coolies. None of the prisoners are ill, and present no other than the usual appearance of prisoners; and this is the most conclusive evidence that the accommodation was not so bad, and has had no such injurious effect, as stated in the newspaper report. On the 3d of February, Dr Lorrain called at my office upon other business, and then mentioned that he had that morning visited the Cross Road Station, in company with the Editor of the China Mail; and that, in his opinion, if the prisoners confined there were not removed speedily, they would be seized with fever. Giving weight to a medical opinion, I directed the prisoners to be at once removed to the Jail, and I should have removed them at any time had I supposed that the place of imprisonment was unsuitable and injurious to the prisoners' health; for undoubtedly I had no intention to inflict cruelty upon the prisoners, and all my arrangements respecting them were made, having only a regard for their safe custody and the public convenience. With respect to the food for the prisoners, I have to state, that the usual rations, ample and good, were provided at Government expense at the commencement of the imprisonment, and that upon the prisoners friends asking if they might give them provisions, I gave per- mission. Most certain it is that the prisoners had their daily food in the usual way; and that if the prisoners' friends had not preferred supplying it, that it would have been provided at the expense of Government. I have seen the cook-shop keeper, who upon the order of the prisoners' friends supplied the provisions of the prisoners.—I have the honour to be, sir, your most obedient servant, The Honourable W. T. MERCER, Esquire, Colonial Secretary, &c., &c. No. 11. CHARLES MAY, Superintendent of Police. POLICE DEPARTMENT, VICTORIA, HONGKONG, 13th February, 1857. SIR,—I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter No. 180 of this date, informing me that it is the intention of His Ex- cellency the Governor to publish in the Government Gazette my former report on the subject of the treatment of certain Prisoners apprehendeg at the Esing' shop and Bakery, and referring to a second Article on this subject in one of the Local Newspapers. I would desire to add to my former Report, in reference to certain points specified in this second Article, that I have recollection that on the morning of the 3d February instant, Assistant Superintendent Grand Pré requested me to sign an order for the transmission of the Prisoners referred to, from the Room at the Cross Roads Station to the Jail, mentioning that the air at the former place was close. I directed Mr Grand Pré not to remove them until the case at the Supreme Court was decided, which I believed would be that day, as upon that decision would probably depend whether the prisoners would be farther detained or liberated. The following morning_Dr_Lorrain called at the Station, and upon his representation I gave a warrant for the reception of the Prisoners within Jail, when Dr Lorrain mentioned the subject, I casually remarked, "some of them deserve punishment for they did not exhibit much feeling towards us;" to this Dr Lorrain replied, "that may be, but let them be punished properly, do not treat them with cruelty." I said "most certainly, my remark did not apply to justify their being improperly confined." And upon this point, I beg to disclaim the inference attempted to be drawn that I desired to palliate the alleged improper treatment of the Prisoners, because of the heinous nature of the crime in the commission of which they were supposed to be implicated. I do not recollect that up to the time of Dr Lorrain's forcibly representing the matter, (when I instantly acted upon his information) that I received from any person any intimation conveying more than that the air in the Prisoners' Room was close, of which fact I was aware from my personal observation. No complaint was ever made to me by any of the Prisoners' friends, either with respect to food, or to the place of confinement. On the subject of the food I have nothing to add, the Prisoners had a sufficient supply. I do not believe that it was the desire of any person connected with the Police, to use any harshness towards the Prisoners; and with respect to myself, I positively and conscientiously assert that I had no intention to inflict cruelty, or am I cognizant of any cruelty having been inflicted upon them; and I can therefore bear that accusation as well as that more usually urged against me, of exhibiting too much lenity and kindness towards the Chinese. With respect to the Prisoners confined on the 24th and 25th of January ultimo, within the yards of the Jail, I wish to state briefly the circumstances of the cases. At 10 P.M., and about midnight of the 23d January, Mr Caldwell apprehended 146 Prisoners, charged upon private information. These Prisoners were placed for security within the Mill-yard. On the morning of the 24th they had a good ration of rice and vegetables; and on the 25th they had another ration, this last at about 1 P.M. The whole number (excepting two) having given security were released two hours subsequently. The ration of the 25th should have been supplied earlier, but the Cook Shop keeper stated that from the number of prisoners, he was unable to get it ready at the usual time. The Constable in charge of the prisoners several times went to the cook-shop to hasten the supply. On the 24th of January, 204 prisoners were apprehended on Bonham Strand. These prisoners were placed within the yard of the Debtors' Jail, and I remained until after dark releasing all who could give security, finally leaving only 45 of the number, who being unable to give security, remained in confinement all night. At 1 P.M., the 25th January (Sunday) I went again to the Jail, at which time the prisoners received their ration, and took security for 31 of the remaining. In conclusion, I beg respectfully to remark, that, at a time when from secret information it was nightly feared that an armed attack would be made upon the City; when, as you are aware, the superior officers of Police were occupied with pressing and arduous duties; and lastly, when from the peculiar circumstances of the times, the ordinary prison accommodation was overcrowded with offenders, it need not be a matter of surprize, or form a subject of accusation against public officers, that every arrangement was not carried out with the usual regularity.—I have the honour to be, sir, your most obedient servant, The Honourable W. T. MERCER, Esquire, Colonial Secretary. CHARLES MAY, Superintendent of Police. • No. 85. FEBRUARY 14, 1857.] The Hongkong. Government Gazette. Nf. 26. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. 3 In pursuance of Ordinances No. 2 of 1845, and No. 3 of 1851, it has been determined by His Excellency The Governor, with the Advice of the Executive Council of Hongkong, that a Rate of Ten per Cent be paid for the Year commencing from the 1st January 1857, on the Valuation of Property liable to Police Assessment. The amount of the first Quarter will be payable from that date. By Order, W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 14th February, 1857. No. 27. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. WILLIAM THOMAS BRIDGES, D.C.L., having been appointed by His Excellency The Governor Acting Colonial Secretary of Hongkong, has been this day sworn in as a Provisional Member of the Executive and Legislative Councils of the Colony. The Honourable W. T. BRIDGES, D.C.L., has taken his seat in both Councils accordingly. By Order, A Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 14th February, 1857. HONGKONG. ANNO VIGESIMO VICTORIÆ REGINÆ. No. 3 of 1857. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting-Colonial Secretary. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong. An Ordinance for extending to this Colony certain Acts of Parliament. [14th February, 1857.] Be it enacted and ordained by His Excellency The Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, in manner following, that is to say:- I. The Enactments of the Imperial Parliament specified in the Schedule hereunto annexed are hereby, Extention of Enact- and from the day of the passing hereof, extended to this Colony and its Dependencies, and to the Supreme ments. Court of the same; with such Exceptions as are specified in the said Schedule. II. Rights acquired, Liabilities incurred, and Acts done, at or before the passing of this Ordinance, Rights acquired, &c., shall not be affected by the said Enactments, or any of them. Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong, this 14th Day of February, 1857. Date of Act. L. D'ALMADA e Castro, Clerk of Councils. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 25. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 64. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 94. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 97. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 113. JOHN BOWRING. THE SCHEDULE TO WHICH THIS ORDINANCE REFERS. Title or Subject-matter of Act. * not to be affected. How much of the Act is extended by this Ordinance. An Act to amend the Law relating to The whole of the Act. Drafts on Bankers. An Act to repeal Certain Statutes which are not in use. An Act for the uniform Administra- tion of Intestates' Estates. An Act to amend the Laws of England and Ireland affecting Trade and Com- merce. An Act to provide for taking Evi-ˆ dence in Her Majesty's Dominions in re- lation to Civil and Commercial matters pending before Foreign Tribunals. * An Act to facilitate Leases and Sales 19 & 20 Vict. c. 120. {of settled Estates. The whole of the Act. The whole of the Act (except in so far as it may be deemed to affect the customs or usages of Chinese people, touching the distribution of the personal estate of Chinese persons dying intestate.) The whole of the Act. So much of the Act as is not now in force within this Colony and its Depen- [dencies, with the exception of the Proviso contained at the end of Section "Six. ... The whole of the Act except so much thereof as relates to Copyhold and Customaryhold Estates, and also except Sections Thirty, Thirty-one, Forty-two Forty-three, Forty-four, Forty-five, and Forty-six. 4 The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 85.-FEBRUARY 14, 1857. POST-OFFICE NOTIFICATION. ПHE next GENERAL MAILS for BOMBAY, EUROPE, &c., per Steamer “CADIZ” will close on SATURDAY, the 14th instant, at 6 o'clock, r.m. The usual SuPPLEMENTARY Matt. will be made up the following morning from 8 to 10 o'clock A.M., for a late fee Gd.; and from 10 till noon, for a late fee of 1s. After which hour no Letters can be received. WM. CHAPMAN, Acting Post-Master. Post-Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 4th February, 1857. Steam for SINGAPORE, PENANG, POINT DE GALLE, ADEN, SUEZ, MALTA, MARSEILLES, & SOUTHAMPTON; Also, BOMBAY, MADRAS, & CALCUTTA. THE PENINSULAR & Oriental Steam NAVIGA- | NOTICE. IT T is hereby notified, that Applications to fill the WE OFFICE OF DANISH CONSUL at Foo-chou foo, by Resident Merchants of that place, will be received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Copenhagen, until the end of April Next. By Order, FRED. H BLOCK, H. S. M. Consul. Danish Consulate, Hongkong, 7th February, 1857. WE NOTICE. E have this day entered into Partnership as GENERAL MERCHANTS and COMMISSION AGENTS under the Firm of DAVIS & LAWRENCE, I into which will merge the Affairs of Messrs F. W. LAWRENCE & Co. HENRY DAVIS. F. W. LAWRENCE, Hongkong, 7th February, 1857. THE TION COMPANY'S Steam-ship CADIZ, Captain A ALHDAM, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on SUNDÁY, the 15th instaut, at 2 P.M. CARGO will be received on board until 5 F.M. on the 13th; SPECIE until Noon on the 14th; and PARCELS until 2 r.3. on the 14th. For Particulars regarding FREIGHT and PASSAGE, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong. CONTENTS AND VALUE OF PACKAGES ARE REQUIRED. A Written Declaration of the Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading or with Parcels ; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness on such declaration. ROBT. S. WALKER, Superintendent. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong, 2d February, 1857. Νο SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, VICTORIA, HONGKONG, 5th February, 1857. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. | NOTICE. Cory of the JURY LIST for 1857 is posted up at the SUPREME COURT HOUSE for inspec tion. Notice of any Inaccuracies, Omissions, &c., must be given IN WRITING to the Registrar on or before the Twenty-first day of February instant, in accordance with the Provisions of Section 3 of Or- dinunce No. 4 of 1851. WILLIAM HASTINGS ALEXANDER, Registrar. NOTICE. IIE Interest and Responsibility of Mr EDMUND THE NEWMAN SNOW in our Firm, ceased on 31st December last. FORRESTER THORBURN. Our Firm now consists of WILLIAM WALKINSHAW, WILLIAM HUTCHISON, JOHN SCARTH, and Robert TURNER & Co, Hongkong, 12th January, 1857. NOTICE. WE NOTICE. E have established a Branch of our Firm at Fulchau, and Mr ROBERT N. WESTALL is authorized to sign our Firm at that Port by procuration. SMITH, KENNEDY & Co. Shanghae, 19th January, 1857. NOTICE. PARTIES forwarding to this Office, in pursuance of the intimation of HER MAJESTY'S PLENI- POTENTIARY to the BRITISH COMMUNITY OF CANTON, under date the 8th ultimo, particulars of CLAIMS for LOSSES recently sustained by them at that Port, are informed by the undersigned that these Statements should be furnished them in Duplicate. HARRY S. PARKES, Consul Offy. Office of the British Consulate for Canton, Hongkong, 6th February, 1857. NOTICE. ENRY EUSTACE TALBOT is authorized to sign our Firm per procuration, and transact any Business connected therewith. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 5th January, 1857. ANA Α NOTICE. N Assignment of the Property, Real and Personal, of the Firm of WETMORE & Co. of Can- TON, FOOCHOW, and ShanghaE, CHINA, having been duly made on the 12th July, 1856, to the under- signed, in trust for the benefit of their Creditors, and recorded in the United States Consulate at Canton: I hereby give notice to all concerned to make pay- men to me of all Sums due to, and to present to me any Claims against, the said Firm. OLIVER H. PERRY. Canton, 7th August, 1855. In Equity, E hereby give notice, that the Co-partnership heretofore existing between us under the IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG. firm of ARMSTRONG & LAWRENCE, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Accounts of the late Firm will be liquidated by F. W. LAWRENCE. J. M. ARMSTRONG. F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 31st December, 1856. NOTICE. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing at this IT STEPHENSON v. MURROW. T IS HEREBY NOTIFIED,—that all Monies, now or henceforth to become payable to the late firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON AND COMPANY, be paid to JOSEPH FROST EDGER, Esq., (or his Deputy,) he having been lawfully appointed Receiver in the said suit, by virtue of an Order of this Honour- able Court; the receipts of the said JOSEPH FROST Dated the 13th day of November, 1856. 1 Port, between the undersigned, under the Style EDGER being alone good discharges for och mos OTICE is hereby given,-that Persons willing | of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co., expires this day to CONTRACT for the EXECUTION OF by lapse of time and mutual consent. The outstand- THE SEVERAL WORKS-in constructing a NEwing Accounts will be settled by either Partner; and SEA WALL, from Marine Lot No. 104 Eastward, to a strictly AGENCY & COMMISSION BUSINESS will be join the Coast Road along the Parade, and Westward, conducted by them as Partners at the PORT OF SINGA- from Marine Lot No. 101 to join the Sea Wall of PORK under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON Pedder's Wharf; in forming the NEW STRAND ROAD; & Co. in Filling in the Gronud between such New Road and the present Sca-front of the Several Marine Lots; and in continuing the several Culverts and Drains, &C., &c., may inspect the DRAWIngs, SpecificaTIONS, and CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT at this Office, on and after Monday, the 16th instant, between the hours of 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. THOS. S. WALKER, Acting Surveyor General. GASKELL & BROWN, Complainants' Solicitors. FOR SALE. At the Office of the " China Mail.” C. D. WILLIAMS, A TABLE, shewing the COST OF TEA, with H. ANTHON, JR., G. L. HASKELL. Hongkong, 1st September, 1856. NOTICE. R ALFRED JAMES HOW is a Partner in our Firm. MR W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Hongkong, 1st December, 1856. all CHARGES-Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.➡ PRICE, $12❤er Annum. Single Copies, Thirty-sis Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS,—Five Lines and under, Ons Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents--One- half of these charges for each Repetition. THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 21ST FEBRUARY, 1857. · GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. II. No. 86. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATtions, Notifications, and PUBLIC PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. No. 08. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Notice is hereby given, that all Official Communications involving questions of Law, are hereafter to be sent in the first instance to G. COOPER TURNER, Esquire, who will take the necessary steps with reference to the same. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 17th February, 1857. No. 29. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Notice is hereby given, that the Certificate of British Registry, No. 23 of 1854, granted to the Lorcha Tucklee, of this Port, has been this day cancelled. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 18th February, 1857. No. 30. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. It is hereby notified that, at a Meeting of the Executive Council held this day, EDMUND R. MICHELL, Esquire, Acting Harbour Master and Emigration Officer, took the necessary Oaths, and was declared a Justice of the Peace for the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 19th February, 1857. No. 31. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency The Governor, with the Advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to appoint J. C. POWER, Esquire, Collector of the Police and Lighting Rates in this Colony for the Year 1857. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 19th February, 1857. 2 The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 86. FEBRUARY 21, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Ordinance, read a first time at a Meeting of the Legislative Council held this day, is published for general information. By Order, Council Room, Victoria, Hongkong, 14th February, 1857. L. D'ALMADA É CASTRO, Clerk of Councils. 5 & 7 of 1856, to be HONGKONG. • ANNO VIGESIMO VICTORIA REGINE. No. of 1857. By His Excellency SIR JOHN BOWRING, Knight, LL.D., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong. An Ordinance for amending the Ordinances therein mentioned. [ February, 1857.] Be it enacted and ordained by His Excellency The Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :— Rules and Orders I. All Rules and Orders made or to be made by the Supreme Court, for giving effect to Ordinances under Ordinances Nos. No. 5 of 1856, and No. 7 of 1856, or either of them, shall be laid before and approved by the Legislative approved in Council. Council, before the same shall be issued; and all such Rules and Orders when so approved and issued, shall be Repeal of parts of published, and have the same force within this Colony as if the same had been enacted by way of Ordinance. Sections Two and II. So much of Section Two of Ordinance No. 14 of 1856, as contains a Salvo as to the Power of the Four of Ordinance Registrar; and so much of Section Four of the last-mentioned Ordinance, as requires immediate Payment to Sections Five, Six, and be made of Costs of Interlocutory Proceedings, and forbids their being made to abide the event, and also the whole of Sections Five, Six, and Twelve of the same Ordinance, are hereby repealed. No. 14 of 1856, and of Twelve of the same. SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, VICTORIA, HONGKONG, 5th February, 1857. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. OTICE is hereby given,—that Persons willing to CONTRACT for the EXECUTION OF THE SEVERAL WORKS-in constructing a NEW SEA WALL, from Marine Lot No. 104 Eastward, to join the Coast Road along the Parade, and Westward, from Marine Lot No. 101 to join the Sea Wall of Pedder's Wharf; in forming the NEW STRAND ROAD; in Filling in the Gronud between such New Road and the present Sea-front of the Several Marine Lots; and in continuing the several Culverts and Drains, &c., &c.,—may inspect the DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, and CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT at this Office, on and after Monday, the 16th instant, between the hours of 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. IT THOS. L. WALKER, Acting Surveyor General. NOTICE. ́T is hereby notified, that Applications to fill the OFFICE OF DANISH CONSUL at Foo-chou foo, by Resident Merchants of that place, will be received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Copenhagen, until the end of April Next. By Order, W NOTICE. NOTICE. E hereby give notice, that the Co-partnership High our Firm per procuration, and transact heretofore existing between us under the firm of ARMSTRONG & LAWRENCE, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Accounts of the late Firm will be liquidated by F. W. LAWRENCE. J. M. ARMSTRONG. F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 31st December, 1856. NOTICE. The outstand- ПHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing at this Port, between the undersigned, under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co., expires this day by lapse of time and mutual consent. ing Accounts will be settled by either Partner; and a strictly AGENCY & COMMISSION BUSINESS will be conducted by them as Partners at the PORT OF SINGA- PORK under the Style of WILLIAMS, ANTHON & Co. C. D. WILLIAMS, H. ANTHON, JR., G. L. HASKELL Hongkong, 1st September, 1856. NOTICE. ENRY EUSTACE TALBOT is authorized to any Business connected therewith. SMITH & BRIMELOW. Hongkong, 5th January, 1857. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG In Equity, STEPHENSON v. MURROW. T IS HEREBY NOTIFIED,-that all Montes IT now or henceforth to become payable to the late firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON AND COMPANY, lat paid to JOSEPH FROST EDGER, Esq., (or his Deputy,) he having been lawfully appointed Receiver in the said suit, by virtue of an Order of this Honour- able Court; the receipts of the said JOSEPH FROST EDGER being alone good discharges for such monies. Dated the 13th day of November, 1856. GASKELL & BROWN, Complainants' Solicitors. TO PARENTS IN THE EAST. BOARD and INSTRUCTION offered by MRS BAKER, at the very moderate Terms of Sevenly Guineas per annum, which includes all the [R ALFRED JAMES HOW is a Partner in necessary and useful BRANCHES of EDUCATION; our Firm. FRED. H BLOCK, H. S. M. Consul. MR Danish Consulate, Hongkong, 7th February, 1857. WE NOTICE. E have this day entered into Partnership as GENERAL MERCHANTS and COMMISSION AGENTS under the Firm of DAVIS & LAWRENCE, into which will merge the Affairs of Messrs F. W. LAWRENCE & Co. HENRY DAVIS. F. W. LAWRENCE. Hongkong, 7th February, 1857. ΤΗ NOTICE. THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr EDMUND NEWMAN SNOW in our Firm, ceased on 31st December last. | W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Hongkong, 1st December, 1856. WE NOTICE E have established a Branch of our Firm at Fuhchau, and Mr ROBERT N. WESTALL is authorized to sign our Firm at that Port by procuration. SMITH, KENNEDY & Co. Shanghae, 19th January, 1857. NOTICE. ARTIES forwarding to this Office, in pursuance PART of the intimation of HER MAJESTY'S PLENI- to which she adds FRENCH, Music, and DancinG.— DRAWING and Italian extra. A Home replete with every comfort. Religious Principles affectionately cultivated. Especial regard paid to the Health of the Pupils; which can reason- ably be expected, as Mrs Baker receives only a limited number of Young Ladies. References to Clergymen and others of the highest respectability. GRAVEL-WALK HOUSE, CULLOMPTON, DEVON, August 18th, 1856. FOR SALE. At the Office of the “ China Mail." POTENTIARY to the BRITISH COMMUNITY OF CANTON, A TABLE, shewing the COST OF TEA, with under date the 8th ultimo, particulars of CLAIMS for LOSSES recently sustained by them at that Port, are informed by the undersigned that these Statements Our Firm now consists of WILLIAM WALKINSHAW, | should be furnished them in Duplicate! WILLIAM HUTCHISON, JOHN Scarth, and ROBERT FORRESTER THORBURN. TURNER & Co. Hongkong, 12th January, 1857. HARRY S. PARKES, Consul Offg. Office of the British Consulate for Canton, Hongkong, 6th February, 1857. all CHARGES-Tea, as bought by the Picul, and sold by the Pound Avoirdupois. Printed at the Office of the China Mail, Hongkong.- PRICE, $12 per Annum. Bingle Copies, Thirty-sis Cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS, Five Lines and under, Ons Dollar; each Additional Line, Twenty Cents-Ons- half of these charges for each Repetition. • THE Hongkong Government GAZETTE. NEW SERIES. VICTORIA, SATURDAY, 28TH FEBRUARY, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. VOL. II. No. 87. The Contract for publishing this Gazette, entered into on the 24th September, 1853, was terminated on the 30th ultimo; and notice is hereby given, that a NEW SERIES of this Gazette will be published hereafter, to commence from the 7th instant, under a New Contract, and that “THE HONGKONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” will, as before, be the only Official Organ for PROCLAMATIONS, NOTIFICATIONS, and Public PAPERS, of this Government. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 2d July, 1855. W. T. MERCER, Colonial Secretary. No. 32. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The subjoined Return of Balances of Estates, deposited in the Colonial Treasury up to the 31st December, 1856, is published for general information. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 23d February, 1857. RETURN of BALANGES OF ESTATES, deposited in the Colonial Treasury by WILLIAM HASTINGS ALEXANDER, Registrar the Supreme Court, and Official Administrator, up to the 31st December, 1856. DATE OF DEPOSIT. RENARES. NAMES. Jibs Williams, AMOUNT. ... Awabron, 4.59 42.29 17th May, 1853 Deposited as Residue till claimed. Do. ... ... John Johnson, 5.40 21st November, 1853 Do. Do. .. ... ... Fry Garvin, 12.95 ... W Sam James, 18.05 ... ... Mobyboy, ... 14.11 17th March, 1854 Do. 13th June, 1854 Deposited to Account of W. Sutton's claim against Estate. Deposited as Residue till claimed. Do. .. *** A Lactatio Francisco, 6.52 ... *** 9th September, 1854 Do. ♪ H. Skirving,*.. 46.91 Do. Do. ... J'exander Woodburn,* 14.66 Do. Do. ... ... Iles Mahomed, ... Chizmaly... .92 26.39 6th November, 1854 Do. Do. Pedra de Souza, ......... .60 Do. J. Washbaru.......... .56 ... ... J. C. Ryan,* 444.66 ... Juda C. Ryan, 73.31 24th November, 1854 *** ... ... 20th November, 1854 6th November, 1854 Do. Do. 10.95 6th November, 1854 14.02 26th November, 1855 Do. Deposited as Residue till claimed. Three-fourths of this amount have since been paid to three of the Next of Kin, leaving $111.16, the Share of one of the Brothers of deceased. Deposited to credit of claims of T. Beck, J. Lord, Assam, and F. Duddell: of this amount Lord's claim $41.81, and Assam's claim $12.79, have been paid. Deposited as Residue till claimed. vador de Mello, Thomas Delany, John Kingsmill, ...** Fernard Whelehan, Mahomed, Isi mmel, Carveen, ... ... ... *** Do. ... ... 3.27 Do. Do. ... ... 4.93 Do. Do. *** ... ... 1.84 Do. Do. ... ... 2.09 Do. Do. ... ... 3.02 Do. Do. 6.41 Do. Do. ... Meb Jahn, 11.45 ... ... Ta cho fye 12.29 ... ... ... Ham Davies,** 94.65 *** *** Edward Bates, ... *** Arna Antony, Thomas Russell, Cader Alli,... 2.47 Do... 14th July, 1856 2.58 11th October, 1856 21st June, 1856 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ... ... ... ... *** 15.13 26th November, 1856 Do. 4.78 Do. Do. Isa Thomas,......... 38.52 Do. Do. Peter Andrew Tay, 18.54 23d December, 1856 Do. *The Next of Kin have been communicated_with. ¡ Court House, Hongkong, 1st January, 1857, W. H. ALEXANDER, Registrar Official Administrator. 2 No. 33. The Hongkong Government Gazette. [No. 87.-FEBRUARY 28, 1857. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby requested, that Notice to the Sexton of intended Burials in the Protestant Cemetery be in all cases accompanied with a Statement, showing the Name, Age, and Condition of the deceased. These particulars are required for the purpose of enabling the Sexton to fill up his Register of Burials in due form. By Order, • W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 23d February, 1857. No. 34. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. It is hereby notified, by order of His Excellency 'The Governor, with reference to the late piratical seizure of the Steamer Queen, that a Reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be paid to any person or persons who shall give such information as may lead to the apprehension of any of the parties engaged in such crime; and a Reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for giving such evidence as will cause the conviction of the criminals in question. C Notices to a similar effect have been circulated in the Chinese Language, by the Tepos of the different Districts of this Island. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 26th February, 1857. No. 35. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency The Governor having received permission from The Right Honourable The Secretary of State for the Colonies, to publish the Correspondence relating to the Reconstruction of the Legislative, Council, has directed the same to be made known for general information. It will appear in an Extra Government Gazette on Monday March 2d. By Order, W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 26th February, 1857. No. 36. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The following Return of Notes in Circulation and Specie in Reserve at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, is published for general information. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 27th February, 1857. W. T. BRIDGES,, Acting Colonial Secretary. Account of the average Amount of the Notes in Circulation at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, for the Month ending 31st January, 1857, rendered in accordance with the Terms of Her Majesty's Royal Charter of Incorporation. NOTES ISSUED...................................$245,446, exclusive of the Notes of the Oriental Bank still outstanding. SAM. GRAY, Manager. Oriental Bank Corporation, Hongkong, 2d February, 1857. I inspected this day the Books and Treasure Vault of the Oriental Bank Corporation, and hereby certify that the Amount of Specie shown is in accordance with the Terms of the Charter. Victoria, Hongkong, 26th February, 1857. J. HYNDMAN, Acting Colonial Treasure, No. 37. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency The Governor has received through The Right Honourable The Secretary of State for the Colonies, an additional Instruction, under Her Majesty's Signet and Sign Manual, directing that the Senior Military Officer for the time being in Command of the Troops in Hongkong, shall at all times be a Member of the Executive Council. Accordingly, it is hereby declared, that the Appointment of The Honourable Lieutenant-Colonel DUNLOP to 1 Seat in the Executive Council is no longer Provisional. By Order, Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 27th February, 1857. No. 5. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. W. T. BRIDGES, Acting Colonial. Secretary. Diplomatic Department. His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China, has received Instructions from Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to appoint Mr Acting Vice-Consul MORRISON, or the Officer in Charge of Her Majesty's Consulate for the time, to act as Agent for Emigration at Amoy, for the purpose of giving effect to the "Chinese Passengers' Act." By Order, Superintendency of Trade, Victoria, Hongkong, 28th February, 1857. W. WOODGATE. ses als No. 87.-FEBRUARY 28, 1857.] The Wongkong Government Gazette. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The subjoined List of Jurors for the Year commencing on the 1st March, 1857, as revised and amended by His Excellency The Governor and the Legislative Council, is hereby published for general information. By Order; L. D'ALMADA E CASTRO, K Clerk of Councils. Council Room, Victoria, Hongkong, 28th February, 1857. Names. Mercantile Assistant Merchant Clerk Merchant JURY LIST, 1857.. Profession or Occupation. ANTROBUS, Robert Crawford 1 Merchant of Ashton, John Angic, Frederick John Appleton, Samuel Anderson, Graham Bateson, Charles E. the Baldwin, John C. Blakeway, George Merchant's Clerk Clerk Merchant's Clerk Broderson, Gustavus Merchant Merchant and Auctioneer Merchant's Clerk' Queen's Road Residence Messrs Lindsay & Co. Pottinger Street Mr Woods Elgin Street Messrs Bateson, Butt & Co. Elgin Street Messrs Lindsay & Co. Special Jurg. Special Juror. icts Brooks, James Alfred Burrows, E. B. Brimelow, James Wentworth Barretto, João Antonio Block, Frederick Horsen Baldwin, R. H. Behr, Gustavus Bowra, William Addenbrook Horton, James Barretto, João Backhead, Frederick John Beran, William Frazer Buyers, John Blanchard, H. P. Crawford, Ninian tate I the Carroll, J. R. Compton, John Brown Clarke, George day Cohen, Philip Chomley, Francis Crosby, Nathaniel Campbell, Archibald Campbell, A. J. Carvalho, Richardo Homen Campbell, Patrick Cardno, John Carnachau, W. Chambers, Rendall H. Craven, J. H. Cryder, W. Wetmore, Dixson, Andrew Scott Bank Duus, Nicolay Month Pawson, James J. Dickson, George Duncanson, Edward Ford Trinker, Sandwith dell, George Dick, David Dent, William De Silver, Harrison Tillinghurst De Silver, George P. De Silver, T. H. Dreyer, William Da Silva, Luiz Jožo Deacon, R. Beacon, Albert Darling, John Specia Deland, Wm. N, F'de, Francis Endicott, Henry Charles Edwards, Henry Ferne Erbrechts, G. Foster, William Hammond Storekeeper Merchant's Clerk Merchant Mercantile Assistant Merchant's Clerk Storekeeper Licensed Victualler Storekeeper Storekeeper Printer and Publisher Shipsmith and Carpenter Storekeeper Storekeeper Merchant's Clerk Mercantile Assistant Carpenter Merchant Mercantile Asistant Storekeeper Merchant Mercantile Assistant Banker Banker Chief Officer Mercantile Assistant Clerk Mercantile Assistant Printer and Publisher Merchant Mercantile Assistant Smith Merchant's Clerk. Storekeeper's Assistant Auctioneer Blacksmith Merchant Storekeeper Storekeeper Storekeeper's Clerk Merchant Merchant's Clerk Merchant's Assistant Merchant Mercantile Assistant Sailmaker Storekeeper Merchant Merchant's Clerk Mercantile Assistant Merchant's Assistant Findlay, George Merchant Fletcher, Angus Merchant Fernandez, J. Merchant For the ilitary ecutive Framheim, Otto IL Merchant Goddard, John Guthrie, George Mercantile Assistant Carpenter Gibson, Hugh C. Clerk Gutierrez, Venancio Clerk Gilman, Edward Varley Grant, Andrew •P to 1 Giles, John S, ry. nt. na, has Activ gent la E. Grew, H. Gray, Samuel Gutierrez, Lorenço João Gibb, John Darby Gow, David Glatz, C. H. Gifford, Alexander Grosvenor, Arthur Wellington Gutierrez, C. Gourea, M. Harsant, Frederick May Harunt, 1. Harper, George Bolge, Robert Hall, Sam. P. Hudson, Joseph Trevitt .» Hitchcock, L N. Helland, G. Hermann, Ludovig Commission Agent Mercantile Assistant Godown Keeper Merchant's Assistant Banker Merchant Merchant Shipwright. Watchmaker Merchant Shipwright Clerk Clerk Storckeeper's Clerk Storekeeper's Clerk Shipwright Clerk Marine Surveyor "Merchant's Clérk - Merchant : Merchant's Clerk Watchmaker··· Vaucher Frères Hollywood Road Pottinger Street Queen's Road Shelley Street Queen's Road Messrs Dent & Co. Messrs Dreyer & Co. Queen's Road Queen's Road West P. & O. Steam N. Company Victoria Harbour Gage Street Spring Gardens Messrs Hunt & Co. Messrs Murrow & Co. Special Juror. Queen's Road Messrs Jardine, Matheson & Co. Special Jurer. Special Juror Mr Lamont, Ship-builder Messrs Philips, Moore & Co. Messrs Dent & Co. Queen's Road Messrs Fletcher & Co. Messrs Fletcher & Co. Oriental Bank Special Juror. Queen's Road Special Juror. Receiving Ship Fort William Messrs Lyall, Still & Co. Messrs De Silver & Co. Victoria Hollywood Road Queen's Road Special Juror. Special Juror. Messrs Jardine, Matheson & Co.: Mr Lamont, Ship-builder Messrs Gibb, Livingston & Co. Messrs Hunt & Co. Michell's Grove Queen's Road Messrs Dent & Co. Queen's Road Queen's Road Messrs De Silver & Co. Queen's Road East Messrs Gibb, Livingston & Co. Messrs Augustine, Heard & Ca Victoria Messrs Moul & Co. Spring Gardens Messrs Hunt & Co. D'Aguilar Street Messrs Burd & Co. Messrs Blenkin, Rawson & Co̟ Messrs Russell & Co. Messrs Fletcher & Co. Queen's Road Victoria Messrs Reiss & Co. Messrs Jardine, Matheson & Ca Mr Lamont, Ship-builder P. & O. Steam Ñ. Company P. & O Steam N. Company Peel Street Messrs Turner & Co. Messrs Dent & Co. Special Juror. Special Juror Special Juror, Special Juror. Special Juror, Messrs Russell & Co.. Oriental Bank Special Juror. Hollywood Road Messrs Gibb, Livingston & Co. Special Juror. Queen's Road Special Juror. Mr Harper, Queen's Road Messrs Gifford & Co. Victoria Receiving Ship Bombay Receiving Ship John Adam Messrs Bowra & Co. Messrs Bowra & Co. Queen's Road Messrs Harper & Co. Gough Street Messrs Gibb, Livingston & Co. Messrs King & Co. Messrs. Edwards & Balley Mr D. Lapraik Special Juror, The Mongkong Government Gazette. [No. 87.-FEBRUARY 28, 1857. Names. Hudson, Augustus Rawlinson Hardie, Henry Robert Hyndman, Henry Heymann, F. H. Henderson, James Hoey, Henry Edward Harding, William Hutchison, William Heard, John Heard, Augustine Irwin, John Thomas Innes, Hugh R. Johnson, F. B. Jameson, Charles Jardine, Joseph Jardine, Robert Jose, John Jesus, J. V. D. Kup, Antoine Wonter P. Lança, Eugenio Leonardo Lemon, John Lambarri, Torrebio Lambert, J. W. Lamond, William Lane, Thomas Ash Lamont, Tohn Lapraik, Douglas Livingston, John Lemann, H. B. Lyall, George Leonard, James K. Lawrence, Frederick William Lawrence, George Richard Lutkens, L. S. Leigh, Albert Milisch, J. McDermott, Benjamin McDougall, H. Macdouall, John Murrow, Yorick Jones Murrow, Lloyd Edward Maclean, George Francis Macalister, George. MacAndrew, R. A. MacAndrew, James Magniac, Herbert Martin, J. P. Murray, Charles Wilson Maxwell, William Menke, Julius Macleod, Malcolm Andrew Marshall, G. Marsh, Henry Maclean, Alexander Campbell Mackenzie, Samuel Mourilyan, Walter McLeod, John Michie, Alexander Murray, A. D. Marques, D. Norris, George Norton, Wm. M. Nelson, P. Augustus Oliveira, Antonio Outeiro, Joze Maria de Overbeck, Gustave Ormiston, Walter Polkenhorne, Samuel J. Porter, F. Park, Robt. Dudgeon Piccope, T. C. Pereira, Edward Pearce, Richard JURY LIST,—Continued: Profession or Occupation. Residence. Merchant Aberdeen Street Merchant Staunton Street Merchant's Clerk Messrs Duus & Co. Merchant's Clerk Smith Licensed Victualler Storekeeper Merchant Merchant Merchant Clerk Merchant's Clerk · Merchant Master Mariner Merchant Merchant Hotel Keeper Clerk Merchant's Clerk Mercantile Agent Stationer Merchant's Clerk Clerk Banker Storekeeper Shipbuilder Watchmaker Mercantile Assistant Mercantile Assistant Merchant Mercantile Assistant Merchant Merchant's Clerk Merchant's Clerk Clerk Mercantile Assistant Master Mariner Banker's Clerk Engineer Merchant Merchant's Clerk Merchant's Assistant Merchant's Clerk Mercantile Assistant Mercantile Assistant Mercantile Assistant. Druggist's Assistant Merchant Schoolmaster Merchant's Clerk Mercantile Assistant Mercantile Assistant Milliner and Mercer Merchant Merchant Mercantile Assistant Mercantile Assistant Chief Officer Engineer Clerk Merchant Auctioneer Storekeeper Merchant's Clerk Merchant's Clerk Mercantile Assistant Banker Shipwright Merchant's Clerk + Messrs Pustau &. Co. Mr Ross, Queen's Road Queen's Road Messrs Bowra & Co. Mr Sutton, Sailmaker Special Jury. Special Juror. Messrs Turner & Co. Special Juror. Messrs Augustine Heard & Co. Special Juror. Messrs Augustine Heard & Co. Messrs Lindsay & Co. Queen's Road, West Special Juror. Ship Bombay, Victoria Harbour East Point Special Juror. Special Juror. Commercial Hotel East Point Mr Cowper, Spring Gardens Messrs Lawrence & Co. Gough Street Queen's Road Messrs Robinet & Co. P. & O. Steam N. Company Caine's Road Special Juror. Queen's Road • East Point D'Aguilar Street Special Juror. Messrs Gibb, Livingston & Co. Messrs Gillman & Co. Special Juror. Special Juror. Caine's Road Messrs Dent & Co. Queen's Road Messrs Lawrence & Co. Messrs Pustau & Co. Mr Ross, Shipbuilder Messrs Siemssen & Co. Fort William Gough Street Spring Gardens Queen's Road West Messrs Murrow & Co Messrs Lyall, Still & Co. Messrs Jardine, Matheson & Co. Messrs Jardine, Matheson & Co. Messrs Jardine, Matheson & Co. Messrs Jardine, Matheson & Co. Dr Watson's Dispensary Hollywood Road Old Baylie, Messrs Pustau & Co. Spring Gardens Special Juror. Special Juror. Messrs Blenkin Rawson & Co. Queen's Road Messrs Jardine, Matheson & Co. Special Juror. Victoria Messrs Lindsay & Co. Receiving Ship John Adam Messrs Lindsay & Co. Mr Cowper, Spring Gardens Messrs Thomas Hunt & Co. Messrs Blenkin, Rawson & Co. Messrs McEwen & Co. Messrs Dent & Co. Special Juror. Victoria Harbour Messrs Robinet & Co. Stanley Street Spring Gardens Special Juror. Messrs Harper & Co. Messrs Gibb, Livingston & Co.' Messrs Neave, Murray & Co. Merchant's Clerk Messrs Neave, Murray & Co. Merchant Messrs Dent & Co. Special Juror. Mercantile Assistant ` Messrs Dent & Co. Merchant's Clerk Messrs Dent & Co. Special Juror. Merchant's Clerk Plessmann, B. Pustau, William Probst, William Pickenpack, P. Parker, Francis Petel, George Von Polanon Purdie, Walter L. Palmer, W. H. Rutter, Henry Repton, Edward Pakenham Rangel, Floriano Antonio Reynvaan, A. J. Robinet, William Manoel Rickett, John (Junior) Ryrie, Phineas Reiche, Frederick Raynal, G. Merchant Merchant Merchant's Clerk Merchant's Clerk Merchant's Assistant Mercantile Assistang Secretary Banker's Clerk Merchant's Clerk Merchant's Clerk Merchant's Clerk Merchant Clerk Mercantile Assistant Merchant Pottinger Street Pottinger Street Messrs Pustau & Co. Messrs Pustau & Co. Messrs Angustine Heard & Co. Messrs King & Co. Club House Queen's Road Hollywood Road Hollywood Road Vaucher Frères Queen's Road East P. & O. Steam N. Company Roesing, Gustave A. Ross, William Remedios, João Joaquim dos Remedios, Florentino dos Rodger, Alexander Roper, William Henry Russell, W. F. Rangel, Sigismondo Remedios, A. F. Still, Charles Frederick Smith, J. Silveira, Albino da Sutherland, Thomas Sullivan, James Stephenson, James Sherrard, Robert B. Merchant's Clerk Merchant's Clerk Shipwright Merchant Merchant's Clerk Merchant's Clerk Master Mariner Storekeeper's Clerk Clerk Clerk Merchant Clerk Merchant's Clerk Clerk Storekeeper's Clerk Merchant Merchant Messrs Turner & Co. Messrs Russell & Co. Messrs Pustau & Co. Messrs Schaeffer & Co. Queen's Road East Messrs Dent & Co. Gough Street Messrs Dent & Co. + Ship John Adam, Victoria Harbour Messrs Hunt & Co. Hongkong Register Offico Receiving Ship Cama Family Queen's Road Mr C. Markwick Messrs Robinet & Co. P. & O. S. N. Company Messrs Smith & Brimelow Stanley Street Mr Edger's, Special Juror. Special Juror. Special Juror. No. 87. FEBRUARY 28, 1857.] The Hongkong Government Gazette. Scarth, John Stewart, H. D. Scott, Adam Names, : Stiles, William Spence, Thomas Sturgis, Robert Shaw Schaeffer, Hermann Schaeffer, Walter Serrays, Schwebert n, G. W. Stuckey, William Sutton, William Henry Strachan, Robert Siemissen. G. T. Short, Septimus Stanford, Wm. Saunders, W. Tarrant, William Tate, Joseph Priestly Talbot, Henry Eustace Taber, G. A. Trubshaw, James Tyson, G. Tatham, Thomas Thom, William Toms, Walter Urmson, George Vaucher, Albert E. Varco, W. B. Vaucher, Henri Vaucher, Henry Weiner, G. A. Wilson, Alexander Whittall, Edward Watmore, Robert Walker, Robert Scott Wilkinson, Alfred Wilkins, George- Wheeley, A. W. Woodruff, Samuel C. Willaume, John West, James Woods, Frederick Wiese, Ludwig- Whitney, W. R. Willson, Charles T. Wise, John Walcott, John Wilson, J. T. Yuill, Robert T. JURY LIST-Continued. Profession or Occupation. Residence. Epecial Jury. Merchant