VOL. XIII. Na 1.
VICTORIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4rn, 1981. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION |= the PRIEND OF UHINA AND HONGKONG GABETTB, por Annum, 18 Spanish Dollars, payable in advance, TERMS OF ADVERTI?INA.-Tou lines and under, 1 Mpz Dalle | pdilitional, en soum??iyo. Roperistons one-third of the fest regular insertion shlper. Adverchoments to bave written, on the hee of them, the number of times they are required in appear, otherwise they will be published antil counter made when quarterly somunia are rendered for adverilmements ordered to stand sadisturbed for a period of dirré manike. Kadees of Brune and Katalon will be inserted in both Orencana und Hamı mazais alltiona unha ordered to the contrary.
Full charge made les
THE undersignal have to enwoüner,
mente for the Ketablishment of a Lámaní
ply regularly between Alesan | Prehria bertan Hananone and Bay Fran?TICO, drie and Trimm corresponding with the monthly | to be diepalakad panetually on the jest of rack Masch, under the designation of the GILINA and
and bymonthly Indian Steamers,
cates have been fixed; viz
The fates have been reduced and the following || CALIPORNIA LINE, Larga mulishte Mip, the smiling qualities of which have been thoroughly To Chus £16, 2nd Chas £11, Bet Cloon £7, iasied, will be enlactol. They will be uncarep- including Table money and fees.
sionable Risks for knowance, and any f'argo they Arrangements have been entered into between | may damage will be asompi fram Freight.' the Director of the Peninsular and Orients! B. N. Company and the Directors of the Austrian Lloyd's | 5. N. Company. (hai,--
Is, Pamenorde intending to proceed from Chê viu Trinata, oum recedes tickem from the Penivault and Oriental'Company's Agents for Altsandria.
2nd, Patremsky' Badnaam can be shipped, from Alenumbris by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Besma for Southampton??the Freight being Ten Shillings Sterling per Cat.
Brd, Receipts for Cargo and Bracın intended for Shipment to Triede, will be granted by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Agonis la Alexandria, Instead of to Sues as formerly, but each Package is to be provided with a white label, on which in latincily marked in print.
"J Transit for the Aurutan Laönn's SynaMER."
For further particulars apply 19,
W. PUSTAU & Co. Agents at Hongkong and ( union,
Eloupkong, Im July, 1868
Boat Company�?Souanen **JAVA," having been engaged
c�?by the Java Government dip the service of the blemombly Mail between Batesia and Singapore, under contract for 12 months, will ply regularly during that period between Bateria acð Singapore leaving the former post about the 10th or fith of every month, sad Singapore within 24 hours wher the arrival theru of the Moil which lexues Southempien on the dth of the preceding month,
The rates of Pumage money are as follows "-
| Chiky Canier. From Singapore to Rhia
da to Mine do. to Batavia
Do. ?о
8 18
Retorn Tickets from Singapore to Bstoria and ?nice veren $120,
[SECOND GABEN. From Angapore to Minto- Du. do. 10 Batavia. DECK PABENDRAS. From Biegaporn to Rikina
to Mint Do.
Le Batavia 20 Childrm under 10 years of age hall pico
of Free For farther information appear to Mem M MACLARKE WATSON & Co. Directora Bachao Pranga & Co. Singapore.
Batavia, 26th April, 1858.
(Nand her Monday the 2nd
instand, until further notise, the Howexone and Canton STEAN Company's Steamens will ply regularly batween HomeRONG, CARTon und Macao, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (volem previous notice of deviation be given) as follows:-
The Bort leaving Hustanova on Monday and CANTON on Friday, will coll at Madan, starting at 7. The hours of departure at other times will b8a, and the house will proceed direct betwe
Horexone and Canton. When inducement offor the Boats will call at Countramown but previous asics of such deviation will be given when preo ticable,
The fores will be as heretofore.
In Clam Perunormu between Hongkong, &
Canion and Mucuo & Denton 98. Between Hongkong_and_M?ese - 95. Dick Pamengeta, Koropean - M
Malaye, dac. $1,50, Chinees, - Passengers danirous of proceeding to Macao for short period any oltam return Ticketa, available for the first or second Stanchar after their arrival, at the reduced rates of between Flongkong sud Margo, and $19 bolwern Casion and Macao.
Every first class Passenger will be allowed ons servant free of charge.
The rewala will convey Freight on the terme Labsiz rajfsbod scalf; on whleb, however, nomu qule for large qanatiden, by
for Freight of Passage LT?TE, STILL, & Co. 24 c. 3. P. Ch
WANTED TO CHARTER CHIPS of from 600 Toos and upwarde for enveyance of Chinese Emigrants jo Havana. "Apply to
Hongkong, 14th November, 1662.
To millat Falrung,
The LORD WARRINTON," Captala Camere. Gloede from Caston will be convaya | free of ever Freight. For Yantent or l'abside, apply to
MURROW, STEPHENSON & Co. Hongkong, let December, 1853.
TO PORT PHILIP AND SYDNEY. 723, THE Pins British Bhip * RONG OF BILARON," will be despatched Make for the above Porta in the course of next week, and has scoemmedations disengaged for a few Cabin l'amongers.
Any parties wishing to take a pasange in the Phip will be plussed so maka varly application to
MEYER, BOHAEFFER & Co. Hongkong, Slut Deoutuber, 1863.
THE A. 3. Portuguese burqise TRE MELGIA, will have quick despatch for the above ports.
For Famiont of Passava, apply to
Flongkong, 21st November, 1859.
?G, THE A. 1, British ship "RONINA,"
MoWa Mister, will have quice |
"For Fariant of Passank apply to
MEYER, SCHAEFFER & Co. Hongkong, 241b November, 1863.
FOR SAN FRANCISCO. "A, THE A. 1. Dutch ship " 1818," C"p- in A. F. Guess, will be despatch- "Zed en or about the Lat Jamury neat, for the above port. For Funieur, apply to
MEYER. SCHAEFFER & Co Hongkong, lat Ducember, 1862. THE New British Larche "VICTORIA," with , trade regularly belmom Flonglong and Canton, Carge taken at moderate rates
THOMAS ROBERTS. West Point, Hongkong, 13 December, 1859,
FEN TWO COMO HOUSES on the South Side of Gough Street, and another on the North Wide of the same Shrust, such with Stab- be, Out-hoses, Catlen, &c. Apply to.
Witorin. Sed March, 1859.
THE HOUSE in Standy Street adjoin- ing the one now occupied by Mr Co- MRLATE. For particular apply to
N. DUUS & Co.
Hongkong, Blst October, 1953.
HOUSE in Carbon Terrast conialu-
Aina using items and it led Loome
with muthavere uttorkai, and kerge serommedation for deviata un ile ground far. Apply
TURNER & Da Flangkong, 12th July, 1963
FE interest and responsiblity of Ma OLIVER 1 EVERKIT KOBERTS in our Finst Can son and Shangkat orased on the 2004 Pono last.
Chaton, let Droomber, 1883.
THE Busse heretofore sonducted in my
will in Geturn be marind on unclut the style
Brother Mr. Jamaisun Beuamena Johan ia m mited 'ariner.
HARLES BRODERBEN ended a Panther in put Firm both në Chhen and Flinglong.
China, ist July, 1968.
PRICE $10 per unatam,
argely or otherwise at apton Single Mumhara 13 conto, 161,
Tost Insertion. 9 Sp. Däckten a vulnaquent datorveien 46 vaate A reduction of twenty dvo par apart en ummah abanga petition of any Advorientates in the Quemtare labor.
TM hereby given that Coparmership heres fe existing between the underwgned, angry, on buoleen al Victoria, in the Colony of Hongkong. a Menenanto and Couutiston Agants, in th day dissolved by mutual consent.
Hongkong, 10th August, 1863.
Warner in the above advertisement ad
entified that the said concern will he would, up by Ma 8 DRINKER, who la authorize le adjest all accounts, and to whom all correspondance will be addreared.
Hongkong, th August, 1958.
ALESS-A CASE CRISPIKESE POUN MAYOR OF BOSTON. Copy of a Letter from 3. Madly. Bay. Mayor of Beets.
Th -ima ileaUMWST.
Char Pie, -Mes Sarah Dizon of Liquorgané Imert, Boucan, has the day Japonad katere me that for a co solerable petid she was severaly aliniec vận ?ộn fluss Rates and Ulcers in her arma, fet, laga: 3 deal idree was obtained, at the men of a handg
plly grew worja,
liring receamended by a friend to try your nent, she pretu?a sushi pot, and a ben of the sod buffer that was all Mind, Sunnanna of armendia)
tome lenger, occording to 100 Brection, and strictly adhering to year value no to chút, de, so vai perfectly oured, and no o enjoys the bit of vanit?,
I rechain, Das Bie, yours truly.
TUE undersigned begs to give notice that he
Aspect Beninum, under the style and firms of of the stem at Hawa, Dulpen & Ca DRINKER & Go, and will areupy the premises
8. DRINKER. Tengkong, 15th Amguer, 1963,
near Dated Ang th, 1863
AN EXTRAORDINARY ARD BAPI? GURE G? FRYMPELAS IN THE LOD, AFTER MIERNE AID HAD FAILER Copy of a idir from Mrs. Blasien Tota, of the Put Open, Adalah Rost says Bagner, Onarım, dated Jan. 1 1859, fo Parmon Hal?onav,
Bir-bred for a tombéerskie pakal vere attack of Bersipeln, which et hyg le my leg, and revivind alt mundial (OMR)
Quaranteed by the Government of the free City offering wars vary great, mat) ??galti davomi
On the 39 h March the drawing commences. pad will be cominued daily until the 22nd of April, 1964.
The 541-wing large Prins will be gainal:- Premium of Florine 100 00 £8,150
| Pro
1 Dico
20,000 1670
2 Dic of 5,000 Fl.
10 000-
1,000 810
4 of 4,000
A hos al 2,000
109 & 4 of 1,000 100 Duo of 300
3,780 Duo al 100
10 Premium
16,000 1,240 -100,000 8,340 ... 30,000-
1,500 ** =578,000m 49,200 7,7H0.. 650
Fla 1,064,70 £8,000 Særk
12 Florins equal to One Pound Sterling,
men of the first 12 Prizes will everies
the Premium of 100,000 da, comarquently in share may grin about £16,700,
The abere State Lottery, established in 17:9, offers the best, faitest, and infant investment of any b?o trên ninh tinh tinh There are 18,400 Tickets and 8 000 Prars, the smallest prisa being 47. 10% Suching. The drawing will take place
Couros to pour Claimant and PUTTET ER delay, and am happy to say the rongly diwe i vocal, for they afloated u rudeni chat of and restored me to the awjaymens of budge ever spank with the utmost confidants of van clam, and have recommed them a plan neighbourbout almilarly efficiel, who deveral cons boldt-1 am, 15år, your obliged and faldefat farver,
The following Important demandanten pantolonun wandel sa Profesor Halloway for pattern rema 1. Dizon, Chester Kipronily damage Copy of a Letter from Coptara Budh Vom Ka
mevák, dated Janaury-1106, Bit V To Me Dasar,
Daar - sond you the
freed by Prafpagar Hallowed
Me Jonim Watson, lose in Har saltem ve | amado, sini after hunting path in die SA Be Betoon Plan si Mary, Mot guy
six manche, ma svet in Engined an on last mamah Hospital, where in smalle
amputated, he von corned out loratad caine in Yaunch, and area under o atli far about these comitia, buy the male page, worse that all hope we lost. At chân " advice, že tried Heliomay's Cumme al
by wateraicted applicación, handed at a
in the promise of the public, at the Lottery Hsored time to pavdoes health and sating Frankfort, under the unmodate control of a melon, commitive appointed by the High Buste
In the Lottery avery number is drawn, whatur 'b'unk or pray, and sey (om dinumotly marked in us cellist, a copy of which will be forwarded to schreige Sha haklar.
PRICK OF GUARDS. One Whale share
One Half-Share
One Opmeter-Share
£ 2. 10.
Th? kếowing aðralages are given by taking a | wunder of shares : -
5 Sharre, or
10 Hall ditte, of
£ 18
20 Uberver dato
1 Shares of
S Hall dista, or
10 Quarter duo
30 Shares, or
de fall detto, ue Huarter Bbaran.
£ 100
Share and prospects are to be had of the undersignal, who she now spesially appointed #f the eels of sharra for home and foreign comuters, and have given araurity sulficiem su fellit, everg ang agendut towards the shareholders.
The Poonam will be paid in the Bast 1 wdien a K? Asian tourh an Emiah Balo
Iran, Dene vér, panaš very wele, _(Bigned) JOUI UMETIL
Albers Hotel Gresa Tarmuusk.
ILL HEALTH. Vagy vs a Letter from Mr, T. F. Ket, Chamkit k Le Mamant, M'mahanter, daal 216, 102, 10NS.
· To l'aerompa Flecaster,
Desi mirand have jernus plenanou în format
you the parienbarn of a 19P) CALESRE?AK
bad bros, Resid vabaly by the man at gaat der obed Obama and 19ine des sesarna Kouhanyzon street, in this Tamu, had hem for a man w ma?y? burg under nur vores delalley, fatto of attempt. Man | general ill andth, vecassoned by alergand swim
Le bea she had had made importeum in Gran al�?tha kena raelim for the coroaf uddi
vusady bezwaani emma, in fact she stryk canv all fach nað bæpe of a enot being climat, P trening and puntat condition of body suh mam pursuaded to have made in Jap Chischen mal Pilk, wilch she immediate); an thecome of a very abari than the elles perm
astowshing; her appetite was spudly the sermonicors in the lamet pradmeaty ??carons clotment of her sytning tilpas Pavel,
rema, Um le, yana? i
The Pulis should be met quainly vin dhe dhun
mag at the helping that: -
Bandre_and_Apzmieni tiomerna, se | Bankok:
Lowry ContrME (CUM,
Frankfuri wa cha Main,
Camel and
Laal Muschen. Bephantiana
nad Kand-When inces freebat
Apply, without dulay, to Montro 3. A. Benwas - Coupe lan somice & Kona, Hankuen, Fenckfurt on the Mac
ur those who pro'or it, many direct their lettore a-j
| Chapped hende 1.1 onge
| ronilahue la Momen A. Bonwantsesan di UN | Bold by all Druggine, and at Praktika Padaung (
mablishment, 241, hurand, Umb.
26, Lombardeo, Lvelun.
Wh? reference to the totene al the above
Parkano), kalending paroliusers are suform
thai rõmmates of metins lur purckson of A. J.
By M. ?�?HILTA, and by HINNAM, a ther Bute,
also by WONG ACHEW-fl
St. J. M. Da FONC BUA,-2, aid Moonco ACOW & Ca-C
Momus prunica de Cach Amaksa, may be mi je - A1 34. Lad -20 96.-46, 66.-1 18,-15K & 16 Week 171 Aasan, Usimini Agrot, 11, Cla- each pot of Bar men en met de plus of Coles altares sinen.
Kontaktandmed Penn London, who will There is a considerakda nonlng by notưỡng ch�?
"Tand, Quakes, lai, 1983.
3.5 Mrections for the groidutus of patient in usury
shet nou alleel so nach Po
25 2.8
', VOL. XIII. Na 1.
PRICE $10 per anally.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, 14 Spanish Dollars, payable in advance.qtarterly or other alas, 1 uption. Bingle Nowhere Somm TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ton lines and under, I pr Dolly; additional, 10 Ina. Repetlilone one-third of the Beat regular Insertion skips. - First Insertion, 4 Sp: Dolira, vvalroquent insertione të am
Adverthem to have written, on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermetal. A reduction of twenty five per omni va nemal sharge made when quarterly an.munta are rendered for advertleman ordered to stand undisturbed for a perlad of three months. Nations of Arme and Eatute will be inserted la both Orentano and Yami weekly editions unless ordered to the contrary.
Pull eberge made for repetition of any Adrovomersant in the treenaav? (men.
ply regularly between Alexan
drie and Prints outresponding with the monthly and bymonthly Indian Steamers,
THE ondersigned bare to announce,
that they have completed arrange monim for the Esmblishment of a Linen! Packeta bertara Hougaone and San Francisco, to be dispatebed passtually on the first of rack | Manch, under the designation of the CHINA and
The thres have been reduced and the following | OALIFORNIA LINE. Large suitable #hip, rates have been fixed; viz
the miling qualities of which have been thoroughly
T�?Clam £16, 2nd Vines £11, 3rd Class £7, | tested, will be selected. They will be uncarep. including Table money and fear.
tlouable Ricks for Jaswanos, sod any farge they may damage will be exempt from Freight."
Arrangemanta hava been untered into between the Directors of the f'animamlar sad Oriental B. N. Company and the Directors of the Austrian Iloyd's 5. N. Company, that,--
2, Paunonas Intending In proceed from L'hi vin Trieste, can revive tickets from the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Agents for Alesandria.
Sud, Patonworks' Batoane can be shipped, from Alcambria by the Peninsular and Oriantai Company's Bestro for Southampton ; the Freight bolag Ten Shillings Sterling per Cat,
3rd, Receipts for Cango and Senas intended for Shipment to Trieste, will be granted by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Agonia to Alexandria, instead of to Pues as formerly, bat anob Package is to be provided with a white label, on which is distinctly marked in print. vận Transit for the Aurrutan Laons's STEAMRE."
For further particulata upply 10,
WE. PUSTAU & Co. Agents at Hongkong and Canton, Hongkong, Im July, 1888
NOTICE. THENSTWERlando India Sruan
BOAT COMPARE Breankn 'MJATA," having been engaged by the Java Govorament lip the service of the bi-monthly Mail between Bakevin and Singapore, under contract for 12 months, will ply regularly during that period between Batavia mið Singapore leaving the formar part about the 10th or 11th of every momh, and Blagupora within 24 | hours for the arrival there of the Mail which leaves Southampton on the dih of the preceding month.
The risk 3gp talonny 250 se follow
From Singapore to Abio
to Mice- da Do. do to Bamvin Return Tickets from Singapore to Eatonia and
'mine vorne $130.
SECOND CARTIN, From Angapore to Minto-
De. do. 10 Balavia-
From Singapore so Rhio
Do. do to Minta-
$26 49
Do. do, to Batavia. 20 Children ander 10 yom of ago half pujce
of Free
For further Information apply to Mours MacLATE Water & Co. Directara, Batavia,-or to Memm Blaczane Prata & Co. Singapore.
Bamvia, 26th April, 1855,
"N' and after Monday the 22nd butant, until further notice, the Howakong and Canto Senam Company's Steamens will plz regularly between HONGKONG, CANTON and Manan, every Monder Wednesday and Friday (unlus previous neules of deviation be given) as follows:-"
The Best leaving Humanova on Monday nad Canton on Friday, will call at Madao, starting at A.. The hours of departure at other times will be 8 a.. and the boute will proceed direct between Beyeroo and Campor. When inducement offers the Boats will call si Commnemoon but previous nodos of sech deviction will be given when prạo- Licable,
The firms will be as herrinfare.
Je Clam Pamunaras between Hongkong, &
Canion and Macao & Canton $8. Between Hongkong and B-ast - 15. Ikek Pamengere, Koropean
Malaya, de, - Chinese,- Passengers desirous of proceeding to Macao for short period may attain return Tickets, available for the first on accend. Simmer after their arrival, at the reduced rates of @ed between Floogkong aud Mara, and it between Canion and Macao.
Every Arsi clam Passenger will be allowed one servant free of charge.
The resale will convey Freight on the terma * nyklished neut�? où whình, however, nomn Made for large quantities, by
Fraight of Passage
STILL & Co. 40. 3. P. Co
WANTED TO CHARTER CHIPS of from 600 Toos and upward
for nonveyance of Chase Emigrants Jo Banana. "Apply to
LYALL, STILL, & Co. ilanghong, 14h November, 1853.
To alla Flory.
The LORD WARRISTON," Captain CUMTT- Cloods from Canton will be conveye-i free of Kaver Freight. For Fanion or Pamus, apply to
MURROW, STEPHENSON & Co. Hongkong, Jal December, 1853.
CABIN PA88AGE TO PORT PHILIP AND SYDNEY. Mid, THE Fiss British Ship ROSE OP BILARON," will be despatches
for the above Poets in the course of bext week, and has accommodations disengaged for a few Cabin l'amongers-
Any parties wishing to take a pasangu in the Bhập will be plonasd sa maka ourly application to
THE A.. Portuguese barque "TRE- (MELGA, will here quick deepniali
for the above parts.
For FEBIONT or Passage, apply to
Hongkong, fiat November, 1859.
IPBE A. 1. British ship " RONINA," MOWA Master, "will have quick despatch
"För Feziony or Pastaen apply to
MEYER, SCHAEFFER & CA Hongkong, 24th November, 1859.
Zich, THE A. 1. Dotch ship" 1918," Cap-
5.4. Lain A. F. Gunson, will he despatch- Sponzed en or about the lat Jamury nant, for the above port. For Funsour, apply to
MEYER. SCHAEFFER & Co Hongkong, In Ducamber, 1883. THE Now British Latcha "VICTORIA," will - "trado regularly between flongkang sat Canton, Cargo lakon at mudesnio taken.
West Point, Hongkong, 19th December, 1863.
TWO Commonton HOUSES on die South Fari
Bide of Gough Street, and smother on the North Bide of the same Street, sach with Stab- les, Out-houses, Gaplen, &c. Apply te,
Victoria, Brd March, 1858.
TO LET. THE HOUSE lo Stanky Street adjoin- ing the one cow occupied by Mr Co. MELATU. For particulars apply to
N. DUVS & Co.
Honghong, Plot October, 1853.
HOUSE lo Carbon Terrost contain-
Assisting items and 3 Bed Rooms, with outheters 1o-hai, anil large scommodation for sortants on the ground for. Apply to,
TURNER & Co. Tungkong, 12th July, 1853
THE lateront and responsibility of Ma OLIVER EVERETT ROBERTS in our Film at Can
ton and Shanghas censed on the 30th Junt lon.
WETMORE & Co. Colon. 31st December, 1858.
THE Businem beretofore conducted in my name Twill in fotere be onvried on under the style P. & J. BYRAMJEE COLAH where my Brother Mr. Janaejuk Broamann Colam is a?- mited Partner.
PESTONJEE BYRAMJEE COLAJ Canton, 31st December, 1863.
Partner our Firm both at Casios sod Honghang.
China, im July, 1858.
TS hereby given that the Capacitarakip heretofore existing between the undersigned, carrying business at Victoria, in the Colony of Hongkong. a Meucuanto and Commision Adanya, in this day dissolved by mutual consent,
8 B. RAWLE 8. DRINKER tiongkong, 15th August, 1853.
MAYOR OF BOSTON. Copy of a Letter from J. Hall. Bog: Mayor of Becton, Lincobuhire, To l' HALLWAY.
Being wensmended by a friend to try gener ment, de procured a mail pet, and a les of the i and baled that was all nomi, symptoms of amende appeared. By persevering whh the momen samt time longer, sscording to the thre siricily adhering to your rules so to cat, INTE perfectly sured, and now enjoys the ban of hotli
I retain, Dar Biz, postes tragj
That Dim M?n Borah Dizon of Liquorpond. Shen, Horton, has this day deposed before me that for 6 slcalite period she was severely affiliated withe (. fokus Kores and Ulcers in ber arms, fet, leggy XX STEI reference to the above advertisement it in her perta of her body and althen
sotified that the said consorn will be wound.dical advice was obtained, at the sum of a lensing). op by Ma 8 DRINKER, who is anborized to.ty, she obtained no shatenet of deleting will be addreme adjat all accounts, and to whom all correspondence #radually grew worse.
9. B. RAWLE B. DRINKEIL Hongkong, 15th August, 1958.
NOTICE. THE undersigned begs to give notice that he A will carry on a Genrial Commimion nad Aorner Brakes, ander the style and Arm of DRINKER & Co. and will occupy the premises of the late firms of Haw, Dunken & Ca
8. DRINKER. Hongkong, 13th August, 1683.
THE 12th FRANKFORT STATE LOTTERY, Guaranteed by the Government of the free City
Dutal Ang 196, 1845 ("po od) & NOBLE,
of a letter from Mrt Bhumbeth Toutes, of the Copy
Foot Or, &dwich Heat near Bogner, Baron, died Jan. 1908 1343.
to Paramon Holloway,
Bi- red for a comiderable paieš sevare sitack of Beyolpaian, whim at the offerings are say great, and ) qulas dentersa in my leg, and resisted all panifcal frominatus".
On the 99 h March the drawing commences, sad will be cominued daily until the 22nd of April, 1864.
The following largo Priza will be gained :----
I Premium of Flucina 100 000= £8,150 | Pri
100,000- 6,360
+ Exito
80,000 4,170
I Dino
20,000 1670
1 Diso
1,250 12,000 1,000
of 6,000-Fl. = 10 000-
of 4,000
kool 2,000
100 ? to of 1,000
109 Duo uf 5,780 Bus of 100 10 Praminna
** *578,000m 48,200
Fil 1,084,7?? £84,000 Sierk
12 Florina equal to One Found Sterling. The int drawn of the first 12 Prizes will receive the Premium of 100,000 da comarquently on
shart may grin möout £16,700,
The above a Lottery, established in 1799, 'offers the beat, faierat, and safest investment of any like Continental distribution. There are 18,400
or to your Ointment and POR TANT** delay, and am happy to my the realt va uncomfel, for they offered a radiosi dus of dry i and raved me to the enjoyment of bank. Lever speak with the nimmt comillimés al your mill? cines, and have recommanded them in oihane in this neighbourhood similarly siliciod, who derived qual benefit-In, 8b, your obliged faithful,
The following important antenataschen bas katedr tranded in Profumor Holloway for
B. Dizon, Chania; King-serant, Norated by Me
Capy of a Letter from Cydia arkay
mouth dated Jubury 18th, 1882)
Te Mr Dae,
Dear Gly-Fond you the partionlari of a d
Mr JON WALTen, late to Her Maje the Bettie Flest st Malte, bad a veti ancle, uni after having been in the MIC siz month, was oral in England in an in month Hospital, where he popolned ma zmonths, there, so as Malta, rafaslog të? amputated, he was turned out incurju
stat to Yarmouth, and was under a mi
for about these mahiha, bọc bộe ancla la
Tickets and 4000 Prima, the assallest prisa being advice, he tried Holloway's Ousmant an 3 unk
| 47. 10 Berling. The drawing will take place by moremitted application, hauled all
in the presence of the public, at the Lottery Hats | entered him to perfect health and strengt g
| Frankfurt, under the irradiate comeul of a seler,
commajare appointed by the High Senate
Trumain, Dear vir, yanas vary july.
(Signed) JOHN SMITH.
In this Lottery every number la drawn, whether | Albert Hotel. Great Yarmonski.
| b'auk or pris-, and its fute distinctly marked in the official list, a copy of which will be forwarded to
auch dreigo Shazaholder.
One Whole Share
One Bell-Shats
: One Quarter-Share
£10, £ 5.
- £ 2. 10.
The following advantages oro given by taking a number of Hhares:-
5 Bhates, of
10 Half ditto, or
£ 46
Quarter dino
10 Bhares, or
20 la disto, or
40 Quarter ditto
50 Shares, or
£ 10
£ 150
40 Half dito, er 90 Quarter Shares ... Shares and prosperasan are to be had of the undersigned, who are now specially appointed it the sole of phaera for home and foreign countrice, and have given security anfficiem to fulfil story ong@gment towards the shareholders.
The Prises will be paid in the East | udies and Chies through ou Enablished Bank,
Bankers and Appointed Governm N Lotary Contractors, Frankfort on the Main.
Apply, without dala?, to Mantra J. A. Schwa) za FOMILD & Sons, Bunkorn, Frankfurt on-the Maini
or those who pre'or it, may direct their letters and
Copy of a Løbler Fm MC 1. P. Ker, Elonált 4., Lower Momime, Manalaster, dated P6, 106 10ẨN, To Para Escama,
Dear die bere great planeten to fredsting to you the partleaulnes of a vary extenerlikaya La bad breast, effected midly by the use of your tastebek Ultent and Pik. Men. Manena kubwa pas strees, in this Town, bad bona fir a amazing fa labouring ander narratu dabilty, lan of Appl 1) and general fil bealth, socasioned by ulomsted" "motoada în
| all the known comedies for the cure of
out any bowedcial result, in fact abve )
alt faith and hepa on eare being her temming and painful condition of body and mind, she was pursuaded to have soovary to your writte Uncle and Pin, which she immedia?NY KONIN the course of a vary short time the elliot grilin may mosi satomining; be appetite win spadly be moved home shades in the broman grufaadly kangkan the nervous excitement of her system was phẩng 20- ?�moval,
Ils, Dear Hir, youco inte. (igned) T. PORSIEN KLE,
The Pills should be saved conjularly with the Adminant in ar of the following them: -
Coras (Bell)
Bad Bee Bene Beaks
Cowmoted d Bare Meta
Lie of Moscheen Bephanilatio
and Hand-Flies Futalas Cuco-bar
Chil Chapped hands
Glandular Bellaman
bp Lambago Pil
remklasse to Meses A. BouwarzschiL & L'o, Sold by all Druggists, and at Profeet followay 96, Lombardat, London,
Wish referance to the terms of the above v?
var?inement, intending purchasers ste informed
| thai r?mittance of moules for purchase of A. J.
stablishment, 244, Strand, Location.
By Mr. JM Da SILVA, sad by HINAAM, s tim? Blora,
also by WONG ACHEW-Hagkong,
St. J. N. DA FONCECA,--Macna, and Mesaro ACOW & Co-Catom
SCHWARZHILD & Co.'s Bears, may be as lo At la, 1?d -20 Ud.-4a, Od.-1 ¡e, -Ek. & 336.
through Mr F. Atean, Colonial Agent. 11, Clasach pot of Box.
Mooi Lada, Lombard street, London, who will There is a considerabis saving by miông ch�?in such cases, protect the incau of Colonist | large ainos. Sharebeldera.
N.B-Directions for the guidance of patients in every
London, October, fol, 1853.
disorder are sfixed to each loc
THE internet and responsibility of the late Mr
erminated on the 29th of September laat,
Canton, 19th November. 1963.
TITE reference to the above advertisement the
business of the House will be conducted ut before by Ma D. JOHNSON under the avm? same which M??P. B. JOHNSON, is authorised to sign.
M JAMES BOWMAN will sign for us in Shanghot by procuration.
W. H WARDLEY & Co. Canton, 12th November, 1863.
LL Persons having claims against the Esuta Asha Ine WILLIAM HENRY WARD LEY are desired to sent them in forthwith to Masres W. El. Wandler & Co. Canton, or in Meas Janko Bowman & Co. Shanghaë, and thous in debied in the said Exoto ueu requested to make movediate payment to the mid parties.
Chaton, 9th November, 1858.
E have this day established at Canton, under
the same style, a Branch of our business as
Merchant and General Agents.
Mr. Esmony Alukandar Still in authorized
to sign our firm by procuration, and will represent un at CANTON,
LYALL, STILL & Ca. Honghont, Im Jitor, 186
VE bare the honor to inform you that we still continue Businem in Akus?, under the stylu
and firm of LANGLOIB, MCKELLAR & Co.
Car old experienen in the Rira Trade in the gustame for the good execution of all orders iranemuined to us.
Akyab, 11th October, 1663.
Gununaa Mexting of the
TSHAREHOLDERS in the above Society
will be held at the Office of the undersigned on Saturday the 7th January 1854, ut Noon,
DENT & Co.
Sacraterin Hongkong, 28th December, 1853.
Established by Charter 1720. Dust & Co., Agents in Hongkong. THE undersigned are duly authorized by the above Corporation to (NBURE FROM LO89 OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, " Hongkong, on Huildings, Gouda, Merchowtise and Vessels in Port
De Clair, ou Horm in private occupation only, with external Walls of Stone or Brick, and envered with Shie, Tile, Metal, Cement, and other locum busoble Material, detached, or adjoining one,
24 Clam, on Horska ar Buildings exceed and covered so above, parily or entirely used us Go- duwas, and detached; and on Gowns woù Mac chandize, not hamardeur, in auch Buildinga.
Clu, on Houses or Buildinos nã above, adjoining other Buildings, and on Geone and Alum2 CHANDISE, nol hazardow, therein,
4th Class, on Hot or HLDN
and covered as above, in which hazardous Gown are deposited, but no hazardous trade carried on.
bilan, on 8.
Assuramers may be effected for the period of 12, 6, or Montha,
No Insuranon is in force until the Premium thereon paid.
For further particulara, reference is requested to??be made to the undersigned.
DENT & Co. Agents.
Hongkong, 6th October, 1852,
THE undersigned have been appointed Agents at Hongkong for the subscribers tu LLOYDS Masters Voelmata requested to communicate to them intelligence of losses, acci-leats, the spark. ing of Vasali, and ung gmezal information they consider of importance or interent to the subscribers,
Hongkong, Bed Beptember, 1852.
TELEGRAPHIO MESSAGES. THE Directors of the Averaian Loves Stran NAPIGATION Company in Triene, have made Arrangementa for TELEGRAPHING MES. BAGES to Loada, or to any Part of the Continent, want to them from China.
The Menge should be sent under cover, super- scribed "Telegraphic Despatch," to the Alexandria Agent, for transmission through the Commanding Officer of the Steamer, and to be delivered immedi ately on arrival of tha Vemel at Trincia.
The Charge for Telegraphing 20 Words from Tricla per Bubmarine to Landon, is shout 16 Fls rima, or 12 Shillingu Starling ; nud £1 Berling fur
ca Morge
The writing must be in legible words For further particulars, apply to
Wx. PUBTAU & Co. Agents of Hongkong and Canton. Hongkong, 27th October, 1883.
PALE SHERRY, PORT WINS Bad Brandy of superior qualny, Natts of nizes in Casks of
Hongkong, 14th November, 1858.
FOR SALE at the Godwas of
MAC EWEN & Co. Hongkong, 30th December, 1955
PER OVERLAND MAIL. ADIES and GENTLEMEN' White Kid Gloves of morted sizes; Ladies' Stockings; Gentleman's Blanched and Unbleached Hook Dorekin and Buckskin riding and driving Gloves į Neck ties Superfine Black and Blue Broadcloth, &o, &., &
MAC EWEN & Ca Hongkong, 12th Desembar, 1953
{ A fresh supply.) THE BOOKS or tun TIJAE PING WAN�?
DYNASTY-Trip of abs fermes to Nanking -and Firit of Dr. C. TaxLon to Chin keang.
Pue-01 Sp. per Copy.
Friend of China" Office,
December b. 1865,
FOR SALE AT Mas MARSEI'S Millinery Rooms, Quern's Road Hongkong.
CHOICE Selection of Bonuses of the fatos fashions consisting of Velvet, Satin" (lier
Bilk. Plain and Fance Straws of every description.
Black and Colored Silk Mandes.
Black and White Lace Do.
French Barege and Cashmere Bbawit,
French Glace & Taffeta Silks in avery lor." Black & Colored Silk Velva.
Do. Ribbons in all Widths. Sesh Ribbone. Bonnet do, Narrow Satin, Luta & Beranet do. French Brocade Bilk Dronne.
Olece Bill do.. White & Colored Tulle do. Lace do.. Barega de Bois da
Striped Poplin and Norwich Lustre da. Freneb Merino and Plain Muslin de Laine, Dn. in White, Pink, Sky, Slate drab & Nap blua French printed Cambric and Muslio da Hoyle Print do, Block & Colored Barage do White & Colored Tarlau nen in all colors, Swim and India Book Mosling
Jacennet Plain and spotted Mulla. Back Brusells Net, White do, Talle illusion. Blonde Edgingo, Real und Imitation Lace. Lace Falls. Do. Bertha, Bleeves, Collars. Chemisore da, &c., &c.
Plain and embroidered Cambrie Handkerchief Infants' Robes and embroidered Frocks. Capa, and a variety of under clothing. White and Colored Kid Gloves, Silk do. Bracelets and Neck tiem.
Pearl Jet and Chemitto Hand dreven Wrath and Bouquets, and a cholor selection of Feathers & Flowers from Mudarne Ferrisco's Paris.
An assortment of Ladies & Childrens Boots and Shoes from Fla! Kata Rua de la Puin? Joly a 1 uris, comprising White & Colored Satin Shoes, Kid and Mororen da, Bruff and Coutil d?, &c. &c
Linen and Cotton Dispare. Irish Lineo. Brown (folland,-Colored do.
Hormicks' Long-Cloth, French Long Cloth very ?ne and Night, Table Clotha very largo zinas, Table Coveis, Toilet Covers, Quilts, Anti-Macassaro, Lace Catining, Mosquito Nei, Rolled, Juncosal Linings, Union and Twill do., Victoria and Vaue- tion Skinning, White and Colarve Orinolines, Cri Doline Petticoats and Improvers, Corded Dio. Flos Flannels, Narsing Sings, French Wore do. Contil do., Children's Bands, White and Colored Bilk Hosa. Thread do. Merino do, Coton do Cotton Bockt, Wool Polkas, Wool Caps & Sleeves, Gaiters, Bootkin, Gloves Comforters, doc. a.
Woollen Hoods, Braided Satin and Merino do. White and Colored Satin and Merloo Hate, Braided Cloaks and Paline, Frocks, and a great variety of Children's Clothing of all kinds.
Haberdashery, Parasols. Elastic Pages Guntara, Bandalweb whils & colored, Wide Elastic Worst ed and Louther Bella. Linen Tapos, shirt Butt-15, Dress and Trimining Battens in great variety, Silk and Wool Braida, Cotton do, Washing da, ?toksie Net, Ribbon Plain, Bagle Trimmings, Sewing, Kaitting and Mending Cutten, Pion, Needler, Hooks & Eyes, Whalsbane, Covered Cann. Wad. dings, Cotton Cords, Ruches, Ribbon Wire, Silk Piping, Braw Trimmings.
-From Price & Gossal!-
A small assortment of PERFUMERT..
Mr. Maman bage in odd that she will continue to receive the Lavier Fautions from London nud Paris Monthly.
Paynení to be made in Mexican Dollars, Hongkong, 10th December, 1859.
NOTICE DASSAGE MONEY by the Steamer "SPARK," I (from 11onagono to Madao and vice versu 05-or from Hononowe, or Macao in Canton and vice veran $8) sagether with all charges for reight, must be paid in Brantem Döllane, or their Canton marka equivalent, Hongkong, Im July, 1858.
THE abara Paper will he published every Ea
turday, and will contain all NOTIFICATION" ORDINAMORS and other Officia) Decumenie of the Hongkong Government, and ibose of Har Majuly'. Plenipotentiary and Superintendent of Trade, al-o the sal Advertisemente pebliabed in Government Goattra
The Terms of Subcription are,-$6 per Annum Single Copies, 25 cents. Advertising,--Five linen
mach additional line, 20 canta; half of the charger for repititions
Paru drain of subscribing or advertising will please direct their communicative to the Hongkong Register Printing office.
Hongkong Register
Printing Office, 24th September, 1833.
Secomen's Hospital
Honourable David Jandinn, Eng, C. D. Wi sama, Esq, Hon W. T. Manouk, Esq., it. 8. WALKER, Esq. Superintendent of the P. & 0. Bream Navigation Company, (ar oficio)
Trouwer,-J. G. Bowsina Boq. Resident Surgeon.-Presa Yorño. Esq. Consulting Surgeon,-W. A. Hawrand, Esq.
M.D. Acting Colonial Nurgeon
Terms of Adminion. Public Words. -- - 75 cents per day. Intermediate Warde, - 1
Duller " " Private Room, -9 Paciente are alan admitted on depoake, at the fol lowing rates, renewable one day presious to the amo deposited having been rapoaded,
Public Wards,
IntermaNate, -
-- 920, $30,
Private Ronma, "
The Cartalos or Comignons of Vessels must be responsible for the expenses of Patients sent by them to the Hospital,
N. R.--All Hospital Billy to be receipted by the Trespace only.
THE wadersigned has received lestructions to sull by Ponzio Avorion, on the Premises
the 26th day of January next. Al Nood precisely,
Unless previously disposed of by private sale, the following Property,
In one Lot. That building la the Queen's Road known To the
And the not buildings attached, with the land upon which the whole le built-Registered in the Land Office as Taland En No. 10, menor ing 14 160 square feet.-Annual Ground Reat
Also in one Lot
All the Splendid Furniture, Billiard Tables, Piste, Crockery, Glass Ware &o., du, belonging to the above orahlishment.
Conditions of Sale, Catalogues of the Furniture &c. will be distributed some days prior to the Auction,
Hongkong, Oh November, 1659.
NOTICE ??hereby given, that the Copartnership heretofore subsisting between YoutON JONES Monkew and Janno Stupiirmann under the Biyla or Firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON & Co, has been this day dissolved. The undersigned, Beaming the terponsi" ilalan of the mid Firm, will in fare conduri the business on his own account and la bis ow? nama
Hongkong, 2nd January, 1854.
THE interest and responsibility of Me A. L. AGADIO, Jr. In our Firm conend from this date, and our Business will be conducted under the Style of G AGABE3 & Co, which Mr MALONU Asanzo is authorized to siga.
Canton, Ist January, 1994.
THE Partnerabip hitherin subsisting betwem my-
wif and bir FASTSAR EPOLINE ATRAJTE, at this place, ander the Firm of NESSERWAN. JEE ARDASEER BHANJAH & Co., clowns thin days and the Basinse will beefer be con- ducted by myself, as General Commission Ageni, ender my own Name and Byla
JAMES P. COOK la admitted a Parmer R
Busiers will be continued under the Name and Style of TH108. HUNT & Co.
Whampoa, Ist January, 1884,
THOS HUNT & Co. TILL continue to keep a Large and Extensies Apportment of SH?P CH?NDLERY, M the very Lowest Priem.
THOS, HUNT & Cu. Whampos, ir January, 1854,
PUBLIO AUCTION. TESSRS MAC EWEN & Co have received instructions to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION,
On Saturday 7th January 1851.
at 11 o'clock a. M.
On Board the Ship "Bonanjee Hormusjee," (for the benefit of the concerned.) 12 Chests PATNA OPIUM. 1 do BENARES do.
more or less damaged by sea water ex Str. Shanghae.
TERMS OF SALE-Cask before delivery
in SPANISH DOLLABS Hongkong, 4th January, 1834.
TWO HOUSES on the South side
Gough Street, each having Gard
·Stables, Coach-Houses, &a Ground-ra.
J. F. EDUER. Heughang, 2nd January, 1854.
Vol. El No. I
L.-Principles of Life and Fire Amarance, IL-Fable of the Horse and the Bing. [.-Mitenlaneous Now:-
Emigration from China and Foreign Coun-
icles compared,
Flotel at now Jersey, U. 9. described, Declaration of War between Turkey and
Shanghon News,
Vait of French, Alinister to Nanking, Proger of Insurgent army in the North, Amoy News,
Fonchow News,
Niugpo News,
Launch at East Atoo of the Levistban
clipper Republic,
Plunder of Fortune and procedings of I), M.
Bir. Herma
The Tepe Online
Return of Rumian vessels from Japan; their
Discovery of North West Passage,
Acceptance of Sir G. Bosham's Resignation. Burglary of Fast Point,
'J'onnage entered inwaida and outwards at
Port of Great Britain during 1884,
For ass at the Lension Mission House-Price 15 Cash each (or §1 per avaum for oven copies.)
Hongkong, Brd January, 1854,
New Advertisemants should be sent as early os posible on the days previous to publication; but generally, advertisements will appear in the forth ering isous if received at the office de late as Eleven Wadassdays and Saturdays; specially excepting the days on which the Mails are dzspatched to Europe.
Comparative Calendar
FOB A. D. 1006.
Being the Seventeenth Year of the reign of Her Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA, and the Third and Fourth of the rival Emperors HIENFUNG & THAY-PING.
and Hilary Term
6 Epiphany-7'has ping 12th Sunday
Afunday 9th Calcosa Drog Salt (First) 29th Chinese New Year (old style) Wednesday 48
Thorsday 5 7 Barometer range 19. 71' to 30 28 Friday
Saturday Therm'let
In Nisl Prius Sittings,
1st Ash Wednesday,
FEBRUARY, (in and Tad Chi)
ע 10
?? ?
AUGUST. (7th and inter 7th Chi,)
Day of week, Eng, date la large, Chi, in small figures, Tuesday 10 815152219 Wednesday 291016 22 Thursday 810 1017 1714 Friday
Day of week,
JANUARY. (19h and lec Ok.) Eng, dass in Arge, Chì is emel? 6gwees,
JJ 24
1517 224 10
16 18 2394 80
Tuoaday 9 6
17 19
2490 31
JULY. Day of week, Eng. daw to Surge, Chi, is out figners, Baturday
814 1521 98 915 16 9 23 19 31010017DC 2030
tình m? nh CM)
29 4 10 6
31 7
29 29
17 1894 J210 1995
25 10
90 9
13 14 20 ga
27 19
6 Ja
13 19 2095
27 3
49. to 73.
79°14 (6021 93
4, Sandwich blads Nor
Valted Bisse
4. Baleria
6 Labora
Nov, 18 Hingapor
9, Bhangbar
C. G. Hope
5th T'herping New Your's day 8th Calentia Drug Bols (Second) 12th Septogatima Sunday, Wednesday 14
Day of weak,
Eng, dau la large, Cibl. lo small figures,
15 IN
29 15
Bad France
Mar. 18 No
18th Criminal Sessions,
294 30 1
26th Quinquagesima Sunday,
24 47
10 13
17 90
24 131 a
11 14
25 08
186 23
812 36 19
26 20
Barameter tunge 29. 69, to 30.26* Monday
13 14208327 10
Therm'er. " 50 10 78
710 'Tuesday
14 17 21 34 28
Saturday $12 1218 Sunday 610 Monday
26 3
18 20
20 T
27 4
1491 2400
28 E
MARCH. (2nd and 3rd Chi,)
SEPTEMBER. (lader Tik and 8th CAL)
5tb Quadragesima Ist Bus in Lent
Bb Caleous Drug Sale (Third)
Day of week,
Eng. date la large, CM. in avall (garve,
Day of week,
Wednesday 19
8 10
|HION WATAR Rines Sula A. M. TOM.
21st 8po enters Aries,
16 18
15 23 22 199
30 2
1894 29 #
281h Lady Day,
30 19
17 10
2416 91 3
8 11
10 Ju
24 3
25 97
4 18
11 10
LA 96
26 4
12 14
19 21
6 1
63 (8
27 19
Wedonday 6 14.
18 20 2
49 Lo 80
7.418 21 29
7 160 1431 29
28 T
1st Nial Prius,
(3rd and 4th OK)
(ch and Chi,)
9th Palm Sunday,
Eng, data is large, Chi, lo
Day of week,
Eag, date to large, Chl. tom gros,
14th Good Friday,
15th Criminal Betsienza :
811 15 18
20 J
21 129
16 Lo
23 24
16 16
16th Easter Sunday,
10 13
17 20
10 19
25 19
180 1837
Wednesday 5
12 18
26 29
1221 1928 20 5
Thursday Friday
6 9
18 16
20 23
1417 2104
4 Women-lay,-
5 Thursday, -- o Friday
6.42 0.318 4,10 1,39 6.42 5,28 200 2,24 6,48 5,299,00 3.18
Muon-Frel quarter youterday 11. 28 a. -- In Apogee on th�?10th, at 11 PM.
Oon informant on the subject of a certain ap pointment on board the Susquehannah has ad- mitted that he was in artor; and says that it arose through the individual alluded in being son on deck in a night gowo, while the play was going on.
*Tun P. & O. 8. N. Co's Lady Mary Wood arrived from Shanghan during the night, with dates to the Rist ultimo,
No further collision had taken place bo- tween the Rebels and Imperialists, nor any demonstration evinced that can justify any opimon
to the ultimate inue of the contest. Samen had paid off 15 of the West Coast pirate boats. Meanwhile the position of affaire seems to be daily becoming more unsatisfactory as far as Foreigners are concerned, and we ex. tract the following from the North China Herald of the 31 ultimo, as being peculiarly characteristic of the times :-
"We may well desire to see more prompt ter mastion to this mruggle for the City than wo can voulure to bone, for it is hard to say which of the two partire commits the greatest atrocities, of is the least to be trusted geals are alike in affording fruitful cause of com. Imperialista and Insur- plaint. If the Insurgents Bre into the rellement without obvious ar jostið?�bla motive in an attack- ing culumo, by which Chinese have been killed or wounded at our ihrrabolds-though fortunately no Poreigner yet; fire upon our fing, stop the passage of our Exports, and arike our Berran-ihelä- periallats are not a whit more scrupulous of baller behaved. They perp-tually pres in armed banda into our limkaj draw the fire of the city upon the settlement, and interfere with the Chinese that are on our roads at work, with the usual insolence al official underlings. Latterly they have gone so for an to kidnap on our ground a Comprador of ona of the Forsign firma ; and akhough they were seen to make him away, all the effurus made to trace er recover him have hitherto praved unavailing."
The French Steamer Le Cassini had return. ed from her expedition to Nankin after having been eminently succesful. The French Envoy
17th 81. Patrick,
Barometer range 29. 66' lo 80. 19 Monday Therin'er
10th Calenta Drug Sale (Fowth) Day of week,
23rd Low Bunday, Bt. George,
Barometer range 20 65 to 30. 04
Thermer M
49 10 87,
in Trinity Term
8th Calenita Drug Bala (Fifik) 1tb Eclipse of the Moon,
ala Rogation Sunday,
24th Birth day of Queen Victoria,
15th Ascension Dey,
97th Eclipse of the Sun,
29th Charlon 2nd restored,
31st Chinese Dragon Feist,
Day of week,
(4 and 5th ChI.)
Eng, data lo large, Chl, în email Agoras,
Monday 16 Tuesday
612 1619 21
Bag, data in large, Chl. in small figures,
Ist Sun in Apages,
7th Calowita Drag Balo (800 cath)
11th Nii Primo,
18th Criminal Bernious,
Barometer range'to 15' to 29. 85' Thormar 2010 94.
8th Calculs Drag Balo (Bighth) | 28th Birth of Prison Albert,
Barometer rango 99 77o 16 99, 84) Therm'er 78 to
b. Caloutta Drug Bale (Mini)
23rd Bun eptere Libra
Your 5615 of Jewbob Era
th Your 1971 Mabocadas Era,
|29th Michalmas.
Barometer range 29, 10??Ló 29, 94') Mbreter
78 to 13.
9th Caletta Drag Sale (Tamil) [10th Nish Prius,
20 817
Monday 211 Tuesday Wednesday 41 Thursday
7101491 30 28 7
NOVEMBER. (ih and 10th CBL)
Bag. date la large, Chl, to small figures,
22 3 20 to
Barometer range 29. 68 to 30, 16o) L'hermher
07 90.
8th Partial Kelipan of the Moon 8th Calets Drog Sale(Elaemik); Dth Birth day of Friess of Wales. 18th Total Eslipos of the Spa. 30th St. Andrew.
Day of weak,
819 (510 2994
29 8
A 18
9 18
30 4
Thursday 2 19
16 10 23
80 LI
Wednesday 3 7
10 14
17 21
2428 21 #
10 10
|| 16 1611
Friday Bourday Sunday
20 30
1418 21 26
# 1913 17 2011 ~ 27 10 711
4 14
18 #
19 19
26 1
28 1
68 to 88.
Tunday 717 1491 21
1920 127 )
(6th unich Chl.)
4th Whit Sunday,
Day work, Eug, data la large, Chl. in small #gares,
8th Calenus Drug Balo (Sixth)
11th Trially Sunday,
8 13
2217 19 5
Friday I 19
22 3 2010
15th Corpus Chrimi.
19 21
20th Accession of Queen Victoria,
10 15
24 19
Sunday 814
21 #
31 19
21 Proclam.-Son enters Dancer. Monday
!= _25 10
Monday 4159
24 E
19 HC 16 2
24h 81. John Beptim,
75 10 021.
Barometer range 19. 46' to 29 89 Wednesday 7 19 Thorm'ter 11
13 18
27 3
28 4
Wednonday 617 Thursday
Tuesday 610 1993 19 10 26 1
1894?��?20 1
710 1428
21 28
Barometer reage 29, 68??to 29. 95 Theem'ter
Ja Nis Prine,
Day of week, Eng doco in large, Chi, la small digness,
DECEMBER. (19th and 11th ON.)
derometer range 28 P0° to 30. 10' | Cherm'ter
lot Nal Pries.
3rd 1st Bunday in Adval.
Clown Drug Mala(Thanlik);
21 8. Thoka.
2nd Bu Estate Caprissen.
25th Christmas day.
Barometer range 29 60 to 90. 25 Thora'ter
47 to 77.
The Calendar of the New Chinese Dynasty exhibits the year as cominialog 360 days. These days are divided inte twelve Secilona, or monika, some of which contain thing, other thiety our days. The Calendar for the your ending with the 4th February 1854, contains several errors; but the scheme intended by the Thar ping Astronomical Board is the determination of a mouth's "ength by the period whse the Can reaches a certala Conselhalima? allotment. The sun belug in the 15th denice of Aquarius is supposed sebe their grand starting potas. This, in 1954, occure on the 4th of February, so that, at sho-vn by Dr Madbarsi, la fizing the sommencement of their s:21 year for the day following, they again begin their Calendar in error.
* Exceptlag the lam (numbu:log in excess Fognees and Biz respectively) at each Bale 2,855 Chesis of Paina, and 1,170 of Benures, will be expos- if for sompetition. Total for the year 94,574. Chance of Patna nad
14,046 of Jinares,
Delivered to Annual Subscribers gratis.
??interview with Tae-ping's confident
ar. What passed can only b
At the Chinese denied that any ver had been punished because they re In Catholio. Father Clavelin ac. anied the expedition remained in Rankin ben two and three days, and being a dia Jahed Chinese scholar has collected much ional valuable information, The French the populating of Nankin 300 000 sand males and 480 thousand female capture of Teen-Lain was fully confined, no doubt whelgyer was vatërmined that in kad are thep bi??a occupied. the servant of some French Missionaries boon seized by the Shanghae Insurgente -- explanation as demanded and an apology In-the mistake having originated in the sup Tion of their being spice.
Manda ? of high rank had, had an inter-??e with insurgents, and altemped to ne inte fog ransom of the city of Shanghae, Ingve hit chief arked him what had beon Chelr wives and families at Canton. ating in feigned ignorance, when ile Arrange
he Direstoring he would show him, had him Company
Coming is the shipping nowe :- Chizo vinanmıTALS AT #HAHOULAR. Peninsula Wilson, from Hoogkang. And, Pestice, from Liverpool
2nd, Fletcher, Foster
From Alexamen, Jackson, from Sydowy.
ompani Hope, Hutchinson.
jeine TS (Am), Growty, from Hongkong.
BM. Wood, Jamieson, from Hongkong. br Bhit the East, Robertson, from Bydney. Pelast
wch Pan War Str. Voslack, Commander Kor-
in whichoff, for a craigs.
In Trek, Wilson, Hengkong.
Fordy Dowson, Davis, London,
anning (Am), Johnson, New York. Squall (Am), Burley, London Blog Bur. Le Casting Commander F. de Plus,
sin (Am), Halle, Buston. following the latest Market Report. IIANGHAE MARKET REPORT,
December 29th, 1963. IMPORTY.
Marican Com Goods-No demand and only a klee dering the 1st month; gostino al-40 yard Drills at $1.70. Jer and
tings no transaction reported. roy and White Shirtings-Since our last Frket report,-there has been very little basin-se in manufactured goods; no reel demand The sales fes?, have been in b?�rter for
b. ¿duce; and deranged goods pased off at Anction and we see no immediate prospect of any impro
an aither in prior or demand. The Confucius Cum Liverpool with 100,000 pieces of Grey and Vaite Bhirtings atrived last week, and stocke of om denaription of Goods are at increasing. Some proposals have been made, for obtaining a ret accent of Goods in first hands, and'wo ex- Seat Dane mboils do be furnished with econo valan- Slo staffelics,
WolleWithet demand and pricon nominal. panish Stripe about 75 cams par yard-Long Elis,-$4,80 per plan
Tea Report-Ondigoa-We estimate the total sellement le date a 880 e 890 chops aguinat 540 chopa reported acided at this period last your. Quotations are- Good Krew hindi, 14 15 Ts, short price. Bikeh... Ningehow kin1s, 14 a 15... Good common Congous,
9.10. Ordinary to commen,
8. B Brechong15,000 packages sorted in all this Basu, and the total Block of Cougna and Sue clong in this market le retim sted at 50,000 phizo, About 9,000 prekaga on the market fo which 14 15 "tuur ato demanded
Dalongs-We hear of no transaction. light, and quakly infart v7.
Groons-The settlement amount to
290,000 packages for Areries.
Gent Britala. 40,00J
310 000 trial settlement; and supplies not coming feward very rapidly. Prosum quotations
The key,
19 a 16 Tank, Short price. Hyson Bikina, Buil Flyon
[620 Young Hyern, 18 a 23 Imperial. 1628 Gunpowder, 1 a 28 B-About 6,000 biles have been purchased during the Isst month, the quality supplied however
y Inferior-unsold stock of low quality abou bales. Total seulemente la date are botimated $7,000 halen Total Export to Great Britain 100 bales-me time t852m20,906 bales Janse about 10,000 bales for 1833.
Te quote...
Yenfus, ?�Throws,-
Lou Yungs, Banking,
0240 825
940 200
170 180 110. 180 9:00 20 Oph-Mo'ma-Since the departure of the aif on the 18th inatam, prices have featuated bm 8345 370 estimated dolivarius 855 chesta, took 100 shcoin.
Paisa-Declined after the arrival of the Nymph and Lady Mary Wood from 140 840 ;-dolivo ries 250 chests, Stock 700 chesta,
Present quolations-Malwa #375-Patna $340
??Bei per chests. Exchange-Bills nn London, 6 m Clean Credits
6s 3d-E | Co's accepted paper on Bengal, 200 per 100-Dress and Canton, 20 p. prom on Shanghal Dollars. Freights.-Tabnage very scarce-£7. per ion for
Tew, and 8 for Blk. No freight for America. Sure-818, par 100 Turks, Gold-Bas, $170 per D 7m 3o. Merican Dollars-20 per cent discount.
We were so much amused with the parodied
parts of the Lady of Lyons, played by the no- gro minstrels on board the U. 8. 8. Porchaton recently, that we have procured a copy of it, as arranged for them, and print it below: re- marking, at the same time, that bat a faint idea of the performance can be had from reading the text. It needs the inimitable scting and droll perception of negro character, as down by the performers, to convey any thing like a forcible idea of the ludicrousness of the bur lesque.
The curtain rises, showing Pelly ?m seated at a table with a boquet of flowers-Ginger standing near her in a languishing actitude-Violla de, on the table.
"De nigga as cte his heart upon a colored women am camel lion, and feeds hissell on air From air be taken his color-(no he does'nt sneefor, hase air haint got no color and a niggs artingly hand-holds his life-changes wid sbory wnd-grows blacker wid bir hope-er | whiter wid despair,-Just as do gule warice from Bou sou caal to Nor nor west, from bilia ould-to froczin holl-Oh??Pully Ann, Polly Ann-yer orter hab but werry few peccumadillose ob yourn own to answer for- bekes you'm been de 'casion of such a book of fullies in da here 'schoolate black mao- dat it would took ribbore of tears from all de haugels and little cherubimer, to blot de record out 1-(or, det is-make a white pan ob dus- nigg.)
And did you. Ginger, send me dere hare bea- you-de-foo! Bowers? How swool day am-de kull eternal uniwarso seems filled with hodors as I smells om 1
Yes Jubly lady, as a token ob my lub.-Lis san to me-When but a berry little nigga, I vood yar a walkin mong de rose bushos what I hood around-Den fust lubbed you:-Arter varde, ven like a sperrel of bloom and joy and freakness I send yet, I lobbod yor more and more 1 ap sex I to die chile, Ginger det or kibly gal can nebber lub no common niggu." Den to work to 'complish myself, an larna to read de book, an play de Gddel - Listen to its duloimes notes, (playe a soft air), Don I larned to paint-look on die hebbenly pictur ob yer engelic lace, (shows a par trait.) Dare, sm not dis-chile wordy ob yer?: Bay, oh my, Polly-Polly Ano-will per not brow wid one sweet seblence, a lubber, whose buzzi bosta only for you?
Oh, Ginger, Ginor, how hard am win. mi's lol.
To be so lubbed, and yet return it not! By cruel fate obliged, to dash de oap ob hap-
peres aride-1-
Know yer not, Ginger,--that, to Sam,-- A promised bride I'am ?-
To win a name, or-whats the same,-some tin, To Noo Orleans he's bin, And, at dis werry boar, l'ho "spectin him, He'd leave not, in your skin, And, should be colch yer here--a bone, 1 foar, Ha la knock l-by all de Goda at wunos, 'tis him! Ohl Ginger, in die bidin place socluded, Bestow dysell, or muok, I fear, you'll be do
(Secretas Gingre under a flour bag) And now for Bam,to show how berry glad 1 um, Dat, on do 'sippi ribber, he did'nt cotch de lebor- (Enter Sam a returned nigga minstrel from a " porfessional tour in da Souf"-Pelly Anu rur
hes to his arm)
Ah, deorost, doerast, best Belevää,-?n 14- BAM,
My own, my sweetest, Lubliest Polly Ann I movement of the (Sam sees a hats and then
bag, which he kicks, and discovers Ginger cuddled up in a heap.) In what's dis 1-a hat-and dist
(Feels Ginger)
Dhou wrong'at me crusi, cruel Bam 11 nebber nussed a thought what want yourn and chen now, would redder share yor werry poorest grub-trabbel by yer side, an outcast-an play de bones to yer mellemus banjo,--beg cold wittles for you-and lib myarif upon de light of one kind smile ob yourn-dan wear all de fancy 6xina, det det oder fillin niggs could buy in a tree years cruise!
(Extending his arme-Polly Ann rushes into them, and redlines her houd upon his bosom.) Okt what joy-what felickity 1-1"was due-det by de light ob de galley fire, while stramming my ele banjo-Dus hab soed thes-dus foretold die blimful hour-and 'mid de rour ob de ragin tiloon-dus hab teeled de beatin ob dy beart agio my own!
(Raising her eyes lovingly to Bam's, says melt- ingly and with pathos) A better he chawed to doth by Alligaters, wid him I lub, dan nil de pomp an arcumelances vich am but as de dowers det dock a wictim! (Cheerfully) But told me ober agin, sweet Bam, ob dy bilt but an de ribber Tuscaloos. In so wetry pleasant to hear ob all dy haosum fizine, since dou didst swear to me, day would'n be with a cum widost your Polly Ann--and when you tells about em, taint wid no kinder stuck up and snobbish air, as if you'd been fed all your life on hog and humony, and den was shamed to own u
Hush your mouf den-Sweetest,--pick your ears open- livent-
Oh hebbens hobbona i bør fub am grown a tortur-What a heart am die I've humbug. ged-Look up--Look up -Polly Ann, for I can bear dine eyes, de stains am holy stoned frum dine honnor-de night am part, an joy, joy conde to-morrer mornin')-(kisses her) Mo ende all record ob our little row, Polly Ann-allam forgot-all fungibbon l-an now, fou bab sum fun an daue,What, hol my minstrels ! (en- ter minstrels) Strike up your kilelist sire and lotu be gay and appy-(Mint, als commence plrying Camption recen}
Sikwly and, with emphasis, raining his hơnd) (Gontle musicianiners! cove that strain, And play Break" down--once again I (Dance between Ham and Polly Ann.)
Burtain falls,
From the Shipping Gosata, October 31. October Lick. Gold-The markei was moody yesterday 14 £3
Burinam in wholergla trammatione is still dull. There has been a forilar declino in brandy, odere of Martell's at la Od, having boca modo nad cafoord. There is no change in four. Merassille specula- tion at present le very hazardeas, pardy from the uncertainty respecting mapplion, which are pouring in very irregularly from all part of the world, bust obiefly from the sunber of new homens, muy of (hom with insufficiens caplial, who, in canoogareOD of high seats and high rates of verage, ure kapcie goods upon a glasted market. Anéther evil in the too lavish system of "redit, which is leascomble in
??city overflowing with rooney capital. The band are of course liberoi, so they áty well paid a bat aur marcantile mon will fod, in the end, that they p1y Loo dear for what they really do not regaire.
Chamber of Com¦moan? special morning of the commities was held yasturday at the Exchange Booms in Qoes mics, 1 B Ware, Esq, shairmas. It was resolved the Monday orxt bo appulated for electing the new members of the amendes, and that a meeting of the corumitans ko nalled far the purpose. Later, from Mi Murray, the on- mercial editor of the Argun, and Mr Flood on be- half of himself and brother pilawa, wana zand and postponed for further consideration. The meeting the adjourned, and a morting of the auh anumit- tee appointed at the inat guneeni mesiting se pro pare petition to the Government, and to mševy out the matures then brought forward senceraing
??Marine Hospital and the donation of cromo. MỀ Therp brought up the draft of a 'memorial, he had prepaced on the subjeci, erlach akar mature de- eusion, it was resolved so onbek to the abairman and Mr Thorp to perfet.
Buble and Bas sold yaslarday ther-store ship Clare Symes for £2700,
WE Tenant and Co sold yesterday on de ground, Colline e'roo! Fam adjoining the residuaon of U Benjamin, Esq. an allọcement of land, comin- ing to all a frontage of 06 fest, at frem £30 to 120S per fuot The shotmonte fronting Plinder's-lane were bought in at £84 per foot Alan, at their roomté, në allotment at Brighton, consining of 100 far: Cron- toge to a private tund, at 25 per foot; and the schooner Perthshire for $1600,
"A mud walled cottage on de banks ob de Tuscaloos-in a deep walley shut out by swamps an ole pine trees from de rest of de world-che by a deep pad, sercumbumeded by de fruite ob de gulden 'simmone-shook full of tarkles and bull frogs, whose dismal eroakings, should mutter fort dy nama. When de aus am berry hot in de middel of de day, we'd aquot down undles do grape wines, and wunder why all de rust of de niggas in crea shom want happy ven de hebbens still loff om your an lub. We'd bab no frese among dein common uiggs, nor his wostigste no story books what warnt chock full ob lub, dat wa mought left oursela amost to bustin, to tink how poorly ellusquence ob wards, could 'spress de pooltry ob gizzards like our. An don, when night come, an ùt am time to go to bed, we'd hold on a bit, and-like ducks in too. der storms, we'd look up inter de bredens beb. bana, and guess wich ob de stars or planerteries we'd hab for our ham when lab become u
pporterbla,-while de parfumiga demon preramberlated trough do gloom ob alumbaster lamps, an obbery air was bobby wid da size ob mangrove bushes, and da music ob sweet tree sonde, and de blubberin ob mud paddles what Rush forth in de middel ob de Bullrushes1-metion. The Bran rood diggings were impror. Does yor like de pictur?
Ok, de bumble bee ou de ballyhawk flower,-I sucks de horey ob yer illigant tung an if I lub yor too wildly, Bam, who would not lub yer like Polly Aun??
(Bitterly) Oh faler one it am not de man yer lub-it am de mud bili hut on de Tuscaloos And all de pomp an fuscurry I've bin 'spatia tin on,-if lusted ob dat I'd only bin poor nigga, hoin de corn, an pickin de entton from morn till dooy sundown, wid hafa douen little nigga babees, wid on closet an muffin 'o est, yer wouldnt hub licked no honey off my illigum obtug -Dat am nơt lun-Pully Aan 1
?-Art man for but de shadderr sann in sloep? (forls again,)
ft amit má nigga |-Avaunt 1 an quit my sight-Lat de airth kiver de-dou imp blacknes
(Exit Ginger, slinking (f) How's dis Polly Aon ?-what hab. I did to dee, dat dou shouldst crush mo dust-Oh speak-one word-one glance-I cannot belieb who hab labbed you so ?? cannot bakeb dat dou art much --No-I will not wrong den by one harsh word-but apoak, nb | apeak passes) No boice -No speech t-Do Pully Ann-am faitles |
(With much emotion)--De world am enia- uked to atime at my feal-de uniwarsal far- mament am doserfate I-8he was de world an all, to dis poor niggs.-was his sweat lipn ob lipe,-an he didn't dream al aulin oke but Polly Ann-Now, tab, au h?pe, and joy-am. all in de deep baxtim of de ocean berrid (sobe deeply and after a pouss)-Tis past and on do quarter deck I stands-alone wid hebben !-One hope am left-a grabe-a quiet grabe-and then -to forgot her I-
Forgot her (solemnly)-Yes [-for-dead niggas reccermember not 1-
(Bursts into an agony of subdued grief, and, ofter a pause, crosses the stage and soliloquines)
Our ascosals from the Hanging Book any rather anfavourable,-some "f the partito wbøge sea have mentioned in provious circulate an angl?ged in ex- tentive works at this apot, having been obliged to abandon these en ung rofitable aher many woska of vigorous and systemsuc labour. The now wedern Balde at Burrendong costs be a point of st-
ing when our last new, came to band, though the amount sent by in till but a ticha of the former colure. As Adelong there appears to be a fair return for the is lustrious miner, though wa bear of cases al no largo prisa Trie plase in an yet scatoly touched, but the coming souson will abow what it is really worth.
The Escorts brought in yesterday-from Ba shurst, 101 oz.; from Befal 331 om, 2 from Tam. baroora, 145 024. from Meren, 418 ses; from Mudgee, 317 oss; on Buriendong, 16 oxa. from Braidwood, 78; from Major's Creek, 179. Total, 1613 ogs, value aboní £6000.
The market has been quiet during the ck, with bat little alteration in price. Oor qind are 76. 6d. to 769 9d. for Victoria, and 75 New South Wales gold.
The export to thle data.
Value at 700. per ounce.
£5,379 263 10
Exchange on London-Drafts against gold, par
Oh! Sam, Sam! yer knows I lub yer- Mobby so, at fost go off, I mout hub been col- ched by much bob and gammon-but no, O, tromma, Sam, if yor hade's a copper cash | Freight & per cent. 10 jingle on a tumedun, or buy a tot of sameno, or wos de werry commonest kind ob nigga such as
-a dat infarnel, low libed nigga in de bag, dat had de imperence to lift hún ugly eyes lo yer?
You Samf-eben dan yer'd only be more deerer by do sweet' flexion dat I mout prove 10 yer, how werry deep am wimmens lub We um like do 'skeeters, cotched by do poor glim. mer ob a taller candle-but oh I do wings wance burned off, de brightest aparmacitly lures de no more-but by de fatal hog grense, we hang on-till-DETI
(Throws herself again on Sam's neck with her hond buried in kit bosom.)
474, George-street, October 22,
(From the Neue Preussische Zettong} Even though France were to decline joining Great Britain in her refeml to force the accepta tion of the Vienna pote on the Divan, yet that re- fusal on the part of Great Britain alone wise to | olange the aspect of the Oriental question. Lis not now likely that Torkey will be induced to re irket her modifications of the note. This being the cam, a war between Rumin and Turkey is by no means improbable. Though in its decline, still the Moslem is strong enough to produce a fanaticism
lach the Govcibment will had a Scilicult to resist, for this fanaticum hak's forth promises of rapine and murder.
The question in what the result of hostilities would be for Europe. A parial anewer to that question may be enggested by a review of the armis of the two Pout 17.
The Ilungatan campaign has enabled us to judge of the condition of the Russion semp, and ascerto its fitness for the purpows of war. That ury has made much progrès since the Polnh campaign. The various corps are completely manned and mounted; the materials is excellent. Their world famed stublöruneast u undiminished. They are now more ablu in man?ning. The Do Cocks alone are not what they goed in bu The foots of the Hamsian army may be eamLU. rated under the following heads: -They are awk- ward in the commiserist and victualling depart.
30, John Fluckanan, Livingston, from Eamback,
2nd December
11, Walter Morrice, Mortice, from Sydney, 7th
31, Danebrug, Siracaen, from Hobart Town, th
31, Deutschland (Bren), Land, from Macassar, 31, Lord Harriston, Cubin, from San Francisen,
17th November.
St, Mathilda (Dan), Guldager, from San Fran.
cisco, Bih November.
21, Che (D), Hats, from Liverpool, 25th July.
U. S. Sare Ship Southampton, Commander
Boyle, trom Macau.
Rente; they have an objection to quick and daring, movemtals; their outpvel service is still neglected, ~an they keep their troops too much concentrated.
To judge of the Turkish army is much more distically. The regular troops of the two corpo whaels are usually quastered in and aroood Cons. manopole consist of das man, well dressed and med the anillery has good marksmen and drivers; the infantry man?uvre tolerably well; bul the cavalry coozies of the worst homemen that can de land. The provincial corpe of which two are stationed at the Danube or the Halkan, walio wo are in Syri and Margotumis--are said to be At worse. Bince the batide of Nish they have wever taken the field, except against the Druses and the Montenegring, and in either case their conduct was not very creditable.
No one beaver thought of praising the Egyp Lian solitics. It is difficult to vay whether the Hedids are regular or regular troops. They want discipline. The corps of irregulers are chiefly composed of A Manis-bold fellows, indeed, but
Of the Turkish Ornerah the world knows noth Umar Pasha's name alone is known beyond ing.
the confines of Turkey, and aren ho bas ever done anything to warrant dle multiary reputation. He appoate, however, to be aware of the set that since the days of Helgrade and Balankemen is Turke fight well only when protected by walls He is prepared to act on the defensive, zul relies on hit fortresses and entrenched cumpa
No soldier will contradict mio when I povest that the Turkish army is not fit to fight picbal battles The regulars might pomibly defend fortresses and entrenchments, and the irregulars, if allowed to pluster, would do for short expections Of course, o not say that their army i gol much better now then it was in 1823 sad 1929. Bet pitched battles can only be fought by stasion that have confriente to their officers and in themselves; and now is it possible that the battalions can have confidence in their othott, side those officers are mere drilling masters? The regalnes are, morenter prune l commit excesses, and soch troops are never to be relied on a bottle.
As for the era of the war, it presents the great- est difficulties to the provisioning of troops sail the communications between the various corpa
achin and Bulgaria, indeed, are tolerably cukmat el, but their stores sulfice only for the wants of a few works. Throesa is a desert. The roads are bad at the best of seasons, from the commare ment of autume to the end of spring they are im prouble. Military operations are possible only between May and October. The remainder of the gene it is imposible to march troops, espermally artillery. The earrings of provisions by land ie impossible by sen it is difficult and dangerous
It is there onsense to say that Russia protracted the negotiation to the commencement of winer
huge, Williams, from Liverp ni, 7th Augus
Daniel Ross (Ham), Ketels, from Sydney, ist
3, Bir. Lady Mary Wood, Jamieson, from bang-
has, liat December.
3, John Wood, Crocker, from Bombay, 6th 1 st. Dec.
30, Rebekah (Am), Townsend, from Hongkong. 31, Early Bird, Park, from flongkang. Jan. 2, Grdise (Do), Waglenduck, frown Et'hong. PARKDENS
Per Str Lady M. Wood.-Mers R. S. Walker, G. Strachan, 11. 1. Kennedy, E. Wadman, J. L Dawes, C. D. Mogford, A. Heard, Capt. Barn, and 60 Chinere.
30, Eness, Wright, Calcutta.
31, Str. Shanghai, Paterson, Calcuna. 21, Peas, Tinley, Manila. Jonary.
I, Andas, Olover, Woosung.
1, and Queen, Maefarinne, East Coast,
Eamont, Urown, Woutung
2 Dent:chind (Brew), Land, Whampoa.
It. 31.8 Royalist, Commander Hato, Enginad
2 Kots Kearney, Rowland, tarerpool
3 John Buchanan, Lanageien, Wimmpoa.
4, it'atmor Castle, Pryce, Whampoa
4, Daniel Ross (tism), Ketels, Whampoa. 4, John Wood, Croke, Whampoa. Dec.
28, Countess of Seahald, Inora, Loodon.
24, Deane, Tinley, tiongkong,
29, H. M. Br. Rekler, Commander Alelersh.
30, Helena (Don), Simung, Hamburg,
31, Armais, Locke, London.
Jan. 2, North Star, Smith, London,
Banu Algier BALLIN Cr Hercule
Whamopa Bave Ship - For-chem H.W.BE
13 Vacare
Salonder Spartan Biya Winchester AMBICAN
atlamimippi Powhatan
for the purpose of being me from the operations of the Beets. In those provinces there is no making war in winter. Even the singe o the fortresses on the Danube would present enormous difficulties The Danube reparates the two armies The erassing at any one poist prosents the greatest??Supply difficulties to the Russians. The Torks have the odravinge of fustrenes on the Dhaube, and the Vandalia means of crossing the tiger at Waddin.
Hopital -Hayton
As Houghtog The barque
Cornwall, sl
Dannebrog, Gorgeo Els Amigos zabavner
bi L. II. Jessay, ship
Entraire, ship
Farwelte. barque
Free Tender, ship
??? ??با س??)
Legs Avery.
Ials. Wilp
John 20. Gales, ship
Kant Itali, belg
Lady Hallire ship
Led Warsi, skip
Later, bargem Actis, beige Nurvebale bilg
Heena turen, ship
Olena, slup
J'otose, aki
Habla ship
Hose of sharon skip
> Home barges
bra Witch, ship
Bell 4021ampbell
Paly sif., Wiss and co Oct 35 Dent and o
Nov Jake Hard and co
DL. XII. No 2.
Authon and co Wing
Living and co
Dae Wm Authen and May
aday and oo. ~Dve zwa. Anthea and en
Dei M., Deus;"for und so 'P'art l'hinti Deeyall, Kali Jagh co
Oct 13, Bebouder and of San Franci San Franc
19 Marienberg Now 20an France.
... ||111||Cob?ti Ham. 411 begl
$131. Helenir undi Sept Joke Hard and co. For Fala
tracel ban Fresc Amy
Now indenken, 31, and 2
Het Jabo Hard and co
Ang Bidar
PRICE NA6 zet dunnar,
Sig & Numbers 25 goals
A reduction of sweaty fix per cent on n-ual charge
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per duous, 18 Spanish Bullara, payable in adrince, quaterly or otherwise, at option TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Tan lines and unter, 1 Mp: Dollr; additional, 10 centu??Une. Repetitions soe-third of the first regular insertion Ships, -Prat laserslun, ?�Sp. Halesyoubor prent insertions 33 genna
Advertisements to have written, on the face of them, the number of times they are requires) tu appear, otherwise they will be published until countermuted. maile when quarterly, ac oumes are rendered for advertisements onkred to stand undisturbed for a period of three months. Noslers of Brink and Estates will be inserted in boils Craxi.swn and Hem werger clitionın mulesa anıletcil to the contrary.
ply regularly between Alezon für und Trirale entresponding with the monthly ?d by monthly Indian Strane, Franch The inces have been failured and the following Philllites have been fixed, v`z
1st Class £16, 2nd Chan £11, 3rd Chuan £7, eluding Table money and fees
rangements have been entered into between tors of the Peninsular and Orienta) 8. N. My work the Director of the Austrian Lloyd's
mpany, that Parsenorus intending to proceed from 116 Trieste, can revive tickets from the at and Oriental Company's Agents fur
Nov 11 May 1, Scharfer & es Part Phung
Del Jarai, M. and
July 1, cheffar sad on l'art
Ner 2 San Francisco Sept 11 W, Authen sad co San Fran Deyday
Jan Fort
Dut. 43Mer Hit. Down Da
Dee Liverpo
Port. I
30 Mats
New Zealand Hobart Tow NOT ZYMOTIO lac Geam
25 Hm meny
are Chompson
Tom Chem
647 Anderson
16 Amay
47 Bell
Now to LabN
Nov 27 San Francise
180 Deming
No. 5 do
16 Walmer an
Hue, 300 Kolilnius
10 3 do
19 20-book
130 Lerien
| co. Hingapore
Dec 1 do
10 do.
Dan 100uidager Yran Vasques
W Pantyo omd?,
Deg- Oureta
Sept Hanko
rit 43 Era Chin
Aug 13,Jardins, M. and
||Dec 11 Liverpool
June 3.Jardins, Al. sul ; ¿
on Franc
108an Franciscs et 12Urder
an Franch
et verpeci
172 Thomps
Jane W. Molner and co Frauchecap Meyou behartie, & si't
July 3: Hambah
Juty & Anthow and to Sk
901 Fr
Use A York
Pau ??
Shamrock. Sel
Nav Jr Mace
braten, barque
210 Hodge
[Det hapen
Tremelo, barque
33 M
July blac
Veronica, bark
Walmer Cantle, obly
Waller Moriles, barque
+60 Worries
Lyall, Still and co.
När 20 Melbourne
Lobect and co,
Sam F
Beilles, schmer
Port 178 Amelia
et 99ngbac
. L d'Almeida
kternet, skip
Luž. V. Jorge
Nia da Las, bilg
Lane Strabis
J. M. de Jes
Paquete de Pangi, belg
906 Flake
Nov 17 Libe
. V. Jorge
Pierra Sophia, barqe
57 Palleswensel
In Hongkong
Nov 3út. 1o du bliva
Titanto, belg
11 Hemedies
June 21
J. B. de Romethesda
332 rubu
lobert Town fict
Nov 19 Malls
21. Pustan and co.
W. M. Re
Nga, Parkim and cor
Janine, Mwl
Heyer,chenken Landro
* Stuur
Nov 17 Order
etarde, M. sul co
au Franchice
ZUA aid and co
Nob Yok
13 do.
BH, W. Habbell
New York
Carlowa H and co
Nov 15 dan Fischseo Sept
in Nye, Parkin and co. New York
8. H. Endicott
Dre London
sites and os
Ve Benede Hemby
July 2
| valla
Lyall. b and c Order
Mr Bee Thom
ites outs
telekak, barjac
250 Townsend
[Oce Free
Hobest, barqa
ale hartes Forbes, sir.
Nør furanghae Dec
Bulide, brig
Tamerlane, baryng
Bell 144 Yourg
Nov Macamar
Yes Head
14 Welberg, ship
Helta, skip has 180/Agali
Tar, barque
(nute, barque
Dachland, ship
Faily Bled, lique
Mylig Outclimati, shijs
Gaste, wh
Orolias, barque
hyer, ship
307 I'rev
Barber Horn Landl H343 ark
Am. 3471abbard
1241 Dellerd
Dat. 34 Magicinbock A100 Waterman
Imbel Cheiatura barques. Jane Ewlog, ship
ij deejeakboy, sp
Neptune, ship Chugs, brig
Palades, Garpe
Sad Khan schooner
Trimp, ship
Will Mary, brig
Amay Abbotsford, barque
Adolable barque Cervantes, belg
Ann, baiyes
Vydra!, berque
Fathaheel Saini, hargne
el b
Sandow Ellio 12 Meter
1 M.str. Canton.Me 15 Honghong Hospal Whampoa J. M.Ser Bhangbea+1.M.Mer
H. M. Amey H.M.Ste Hongkong H. 31. 8
by Cap Bir W. Bo
Vice. Ad!. Pellaw Capt. Fogarold
???ا 10
U B. 51
Langhong, U. 6. Str U. 8, Bu Plymouth
U. 68 Queso
Canton. Str. Baranga
Shangher U. B 81 20 Walker Rosthampton Won U. Stove
4 Boyle huaBan Arbana Hongkong 11. 6. S1-
Bran Jorge Jus ROMAN Pallon
*hanghee Fr. Atr Niger, Vel Kang Fr. Str. Hilangkorp'u e nao
Bhough Rom Fat 54
?��?upt. De VuemT D'U
4 Great
?not. Wakmilky
?ح?? ?ا
A war con large scule id haparatite before May.Colbert The Kuzina Army is not equal to the axperiences of war by tucana oying columns and detached corps (leiner krieg) Asacka upon the fortresses and short expeditions might possibly give the Turka an opportunity of developing their military advantages. The peculiarities of the two armies make it the interest of the Muhyitas ta make war in a grupe style. But since such a war is tapos sible in winter, what on earth can induce theint commencobaitian before the propas limo arrives! in their Internet to wait, and their troopa lar nothing by waiting; while the Turkish army, on the other hand, antlers from procrastiumtion. Le-
regular troope and troops prone to commit axcesses Atimidea
not bear the trials of inactivity, even when pane. Bri
ly paid, which is not likely to be the case in Catherine present instance. The Kamine therefore will Confucin quiet enough during the winter.
But there can be no doubt that it would be in firelong
the advantage of the Tarke to commence the war Hero
at once, if they could bul de so.
. indord, Jacoba Cornelia
easier for them to oross the Danube then for the Lockeu
Mary Shepherd
Nora Zembla
Rossinn, but they cannot engage in pached baules; Mary Helligonda and if they entered Wallachu. the Russians, chons ing their own field, would not thum with farge concentrated masses. Bouides what with the bail mese of the toade and the want of provisions for the army, the Torke case Eats advance is to Wallach the Hussions into Bolgaris aud Thracia.
If, therefore, war ba declared, or if ever. equal to a declaration of war should occur, the winter will probably pase without any serious engagem ni A few skirmishes may possibly take place on the outports; the Heians will take care of thou netro- in the Principalition, and the Turkiab troops may possibly pass the uma in killing and plandering the pesant population. When the time for making war arrives the Turkish army will be ja a state of thorough in suborilionisan, and the Diran will be glad to have peace at any price) and, sines the Hassane are always moderate in their ondt, it is but too probable that a peace will be coneind ed of which the French scribes of Redactal Pain will say that it so ? triumph of the unconquerable perseverance of the virtuous and bere Omniv.
Pal Jokuna Oud Niderland
Fortuna, brig
Hamer, ship
Endependence, brig
Slim, barqui
| Byren, barque
Mide, scheer
Sto Mary
Bril 444 Dall
ST4 Fica
Spam 254 POST
Helt. is Nakode
dick 400 molila
Dal. Havald
Melt. 21'ra
et - Const
Isle of Pines
Ang 15 Singapore Na Nagpe Dec 16 Ma
13 Shengene
het Hengkong
Ure Shangha
Nept 15 Pat bach Ner 25 do
74 Vanderbaren Oct Honglows 147 Bamb
100 McLean
N 4 Wom
|Brit | 35 Judd
Dec 13 Kan Coust
dept at back
Now 34 Honghong
Del 10Shanghan
Net 174. F. Edger
Authend can reachce orbit H. and co Singapo drac, & .. N. Ca. Nor
Wa Pustes end cv. Hamborg
farat softender
A. Wilkon and co-fLiverpool
4. Livingston and on 'akta
Aug 17 Turner and co.
July 13 Talt ac
Nor-Tal and co
--Bgme Alair and es
Das Llandos.
Sept 25 Order Nav-Talt and co |-|·yout, Stair and co. Nov-me. Muir and on Sept 24-me, Miranda De-Symo, Hur and co Sept-Tale and co
101 Mair and co
, Muir and on-
Ner 18 Tal and en.
Nor-Thit and ce,
310 King
Beli 341 Vincent
Oaselle, schooner
Jendea, schoomez
194 Maciartan
19 Marties
In Last
Mich Nor
" Browall and en.
Museppe, schooDER
Zephyr, sahner
Hong, chip
Aurora, bilg
Beverly, sh
4 hanging, ship fonfucias, steamET
Hesala, bare
Brigga Damian, abip
Yau Keko, b
Nisam Nquall, ship
Time, schooner
Arab, barque Lady M
Mary id, er, Demer, barque
Opends, alp
Andes, hooner tual, schooner Jascher
Apan. VNL
386 John
4:4, Deathera
Helt 433 Habe
Hrtt. 6ar?kom
Dea Resi
an Francisco
Nav 20 Nagp
Det of do
Dec 1 Pubs chow-
Nav Japan
dept Milla
Det mine, M. and o
Jon Dent and on
Jardios, M. and co.
" 14 Dent and on.
Oct zame and co
ugell and co.
Hent and co. -Smith, King and to. New York
Nevletines and co.
Des infandue. Al, and ca.
LeJardiae, M. and cn Shanghae 1o 16.43. a. N. to
ard, M. and so. Shanchas Nor 20 Nye, Parkla and sanghae Pardina, M. and en Wong
in, Nye and co.
13 Russell and on.
Kres 275 Puruhjelm
NovA. Heard and ce
A 741 Burley
ARE 24 Hoplocal"
Home and Os.
Wetmore and co.
T. Lacy
................ Hongkong
30 Jamieson
141 Glover
ent and
of co
#17 Dowman
then 21 Jardine, M. and co. Vent and oo.
act Oct H.
?�hristian, bilg
C. 1 shpagule, basque
Dec 21. Burd and en Labech and co.
Uee 2lt und en
shoegies Amoy
Nor Hume and en
Deo lege, Aturander.
10. Magmar
Lon. Sept 20
Hast. Sept 29
Lie Jane 22, Liv. Bept 195
Goo Get 16 - Liv. Oel 711. Hart Aug 6H Liv. Aug 16 3. Han, 8+pIL Loa. Oci 20 Hart Sept 18 11.
·lats, Bapt 18 Hart On IT Sand, Aug 18 14. Lon. Od - Liv. June 413. Liv. Oel 16 II. Under in which the above Vemeloloft England. Wow Prile, contacting Cin, Jaka Ungfile, Lachore, furube Co- Lundrien, Aristiden. Daberle, riz, Boland, Kern, Gestang.
gay.) Jakova, Mary Shinhand.
Scotland Pelican
Wyny William Petlo
Maty Spencer Bintang Anam
Hulyo Fisher
Bing. Nov 14 W. Sing. Nor to FJ. La Londen, Liv. Lingpool, Oble. Shielda, Rave Massages there.
Nymph, belgan Line
Urmal, ship Walter,bique Valt Lier boED
Lolo, schemes opre, scheer
For London Free Trader, II. British Tat, W. Canute, W. l'udsey Derson, 8. Snow Equall, B.
For Liverpool.
Tamerlane, II.
For Hamburg.
Am arbet
$30 Novellac Dat.We
Span. In throu Bel
Jet 2ardine, M, and co. Pub-chaw-fo
Kept fast and co
tree 12'W. Davidace
For Port Phillip.
Cloorge Avery, 1.
Raso of there, H. Shamrock, EJ. Tremelga, fl.
For Sydney. Rose of Sharon, EJ. Tremelge, H. Knut Bondo, fl, William & Mary, W.
For Calcuits, Triumph, W.
Solide, W.
For Bombay Jamartjen Jenjenbhoy, W, For Java.
Pielades, W.
For Siam, Sen forte, II, Neptune, W.
For Nee York.
Flying Dutchman, W.
Gazelle, W.
Channing, S.
Highflyer, W.
For Boston.
Derailio, 9.
For Panama. Sea Witch, H.
For Per. Isabel Quintana, W.
For Manila Jane Ewing, 11. Aurora, S.
San Benito, 8.
ul-chore fu
For San Francisco frie, t
John N Golor, Et, Lorenz, Fl. Potomac, H. Robins, 11. Veronica, ff. Wilhelmsburg, II. Rebekah, W.
For Singapore. Lady Raitira, 1. Princem Sophis, M. Robert, W.
For Amey.
Nuevo Bilbaino, 11.
EDITED, PAINTEd and PoblumeD, BY THE PROPAjnene, William Tarmany,
Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1886.
Parkok Badaou can be shipped, hmandrir by the Peninsular and Orientat Beamers for Southampton ; the Freight Shillings Sterling per wi
gipte for Carpo and Spects intended to Trivale, will be granted by the id Oriental Company's Agents to betead of in Sus so formerly, but
is to se provided with a white label, pinetly marked in print.
", the Austrian Lloyd's SynaMER."
particulra apply in,
WM. PUSTAU & Co. Agents of Hongkong and é animn, 1st July, 1863.
ZEA QUE undersigned have to announce,
that they have completed arrange ments for the Establishment of a tios of Pack is between flomuxoro and San Francisco, to be dispatched punctually on the first of each Mouth, ander live designation of the ?ILENA AND CALIFORNIA LINE. Large suilake Shige, the miding qualities of which have been throughly teated, will be selected. They will be unrere tionable Risks for busuranes, und any Carge they may damage will be exempt from Fright.
THENSTORELANDS India Stram Beat Compant's Steamkh "JAYA," having been engnged by the Java Government for the Se bi-monthly flail between Batavia und under compact for 12 months, will ply Jaring that period between Bolaria and leaving the former port about the 10th Fevery monik, nad Singapore within 24 bake the arrival there of the Msi) which len ves "adnu on the 4th of the preceding month.
ales of l'atonge money am as follows
CHIRE CABIN. Join Singapore lo Rhio- to Minto- to Batavia Tickets from Singapore to Batavia and
RECOND CABIN. From Bingapore to Mioto
Do. do. to Belavia
$25 48
· From Singapore to Rhio
to Minto-
do. to Batavia...
hildren under 10 years of age ball price
of Free.
To silat February, The" LORD WARRISTON," Captain Corite. Goods from Canton will be contego ) frea of Miner Freight. For Fuzion or Pasoxur, apply to
MURROW, STEPHENSON & Co. Hongkong, but December, 1853,
THIR Fine British Ship ROSE OF SHARON," will be drapatched FORES mount for the above Puris in the course of sưgi work, and has accommodatione disengaged for a few Cabin Parrengers
Any parties withing to take a proanga in the Ship will be plaod 10 maku oarly application to
WEYER, SCHAEFFER & Co. Hongkong, 2 December, 1653.
THE A. 1. Partoguese burq
MELGA, will here quick despatch Visse for this alors porte. For Fancore or Pastane, apply to
Hongkong, 21st November, 1858.
THE A. 1. British chiq " 1201 1NA,"
· MoWua Menter, will have quic thaich.
For Faxiune de Pamant apply in
MEYER, SCHAEFFER & Co. Bongkong, 24th November, 153.
Pull charge made for repetition of suy Advertweinem in the Hyangyvo in one
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Capartnerskip
dueretafore subsisting between. Youre Jour Monnow and Jants Steph wnder the Style or Firm of MUROW, STEPDENSON & Ca has been this Jay disadved. The undersigned, nasuming the responsit ilates of the said Firms, wild in fatura conduct the business on bis own account and in his own mauer.
THE A. F. Dutch ship" ISIS." Cop Shess2491 tain A. F. Gtrasu, will be despatchi
ed on or about the 1st January neat, for the above port. For Fuxiout, apply to
MEYER SCHAEFFER & Co. Hongkong, 1st December, 1853
Y J. MURROW. flongkong, 2nd Jamunty, 1851.
NOTICE. [VE havo this day established at Conlan, under Merchants and General Agusto.
SURPRISING CURE OF A CONPIMEDASTOMA AFTER FIVE YEARS SUFFERING. The fallus bug fartiments: kas tavo went to Projec Halloways by a Gentleman munud "Middelen, st Seatrand load, fxverpost
de Your (la har, been the insatts, wader Posi dence, of rest -tugt me to sound hostib, after but eas of severe able. During còn whost of that period. Handlered them threadful athark. " Aurinia, fer quently of song) weeks" duration attend. I was violent cuugh, and continual
mixed with this so shack of len bar. k my eviattutino thai Isufite for any of the satire dation of life, i was attended by coma of the must eminent medical mens of this town, for shey filed to gin me tha slight- A a last remoly I tried vone Pulls, and in about three the they affected a perfect cure of the dinense, totally readientul plan cough, and restored to aud vigour to a chest and dig stiti organa.
I am, hir, your obedient Pervant, Dated Jan. - 1935. (Signed) H MIDDLETON.
Mr. Ennus Alexander Still is authorized to eign our firm by procurative, nod will represents relief. URL CANTON,
LYALI, STILL & Co. Mongkong, Isi, 1855.
NOTICE THE interest and responsibility of Mr A. L. Astamo, Ju, în sör Firm reseed from this date, id uur Hornuss will be comlurted under the SyroATE AGADET & Co, which Mr Mátumos Ao casu is authorized to sign.
A. & G. LAGADEO, Canton, Jet Jonary, 1554
with me from mad after this date.
JR JAMES P. COOKG is admitted a Partner The Basion will be coined under the Name and Style of TILOS. HUNT & Co.
Whompor, 1st Jannvey, 1854.
THOR HUNT & Co. V15,4, exutinuo to keep " Lage and Extensive
the very Janes P',
TH09. HUNT & Co. Whimpun, by January, 1~81.
Pattier i und Firm both at C'asfun and Hongkong.
WM. PUSTAU & 10,
China, Let July, 195a,
TS hereby given that the Copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, carrying on business nt Victoria, in the Colony of Hongkong, .?ки??ай?е ?ND Соммавии ?аки?е, a tbje
Irther information apply to Mesare Mactat E New British Lotcha" VICTORIA," will | day dissolved by mutual conreut.
Jon & Co. Directora, Batavin,-or to Memors Saink Frainn & Co. Singapore. lavin, 26th April, 1853,
[ and a?ler Afonday the 22nd
the Boxoxorg and Canton STEAN COMPany's SteamAMS will ply regularly between hakone, Canton and Mauad, every Monday, Gnesdas and Friday (unless previous notice of stion be given) sa fuilowa:-
The Bom Iraving Humane a on Monday und Ton on Friday, will call at Macao, starting at . The hours of d partase at other times will 14. m, and the busts will proceed direct bowen SORONO and CANTON. When inducement offers *Bonte will call ni Cumuinamoos bus prarione e of such deviation will be given what prae-
The fares will be on herchiform Clara Packson betwron Hengkang, & Canton and Mucan & Canton $5. DE. ween Hongkang_and_M_evo - 3k Pamengete, Entropean
- $2
$1.60. Malays, &c. - Chinese, - - U aengera derirane of proceeding to Macao for I period muy altom return 'J'iekata, available
Set of second Groamer aRet heir arrival,
reduced rales of Os batween (longkong and 60, and $19 between Canton and Maoso. Every first clam Passenger will be allowed one
at free of charge.
The vessels will convoy Freight on the terme jlavor published senle ; un which, howover, somo Taction will be made for forgé quantities, by
tin) agreement.
All Paymemu whether for Freight or Panange De made in Spania Dollars.
LYALL, STILL & Co. Agents !! & C. S. P. Ca. Jonchong, 18th August, 1983.
WANTED TO CHARTER CHIPS of from 600 Toos and upwards for convogance of Chinese Emigrante Havans. Apply to
LYALL, STILL & Co. gkong, 14th November, 1863.
tendo regularly between Hongkong and Canton, Cargo Inkon at moderato Tatra.
West Point, flangkong,
Uhh December, 1893.
Ilongkang, 15th August, 1883.
7'1 reference to the above advertisemont il le Qutified that the said concers will be wound. up by Ma 8 RINKER, who is authorized to djust a secoums, and to whom all correspondence
TWO NOUBE8 on the South side of
Guugh Street, each having Garden,ill be addressed. Stables, Coach-louses, &a. Oround-rent
Hongkong, 2nd January, 1984.
RETOUR HOUSES on the South
Bide of Gogh Street, and another on the North Nde of the sage Streri, zach with Stab. les, Out-houses, Garden, &c. Apply to,
"iatorin. 3rd March, 1269.
The east on Worley Story arcin ing the one cum recupied by Mr Co. PU solate. For particulier apply to
N. DUIS & Co. Hooghong, 2011 October, 1852.
A HOUSE in Carlton Terrect contain
ing 2 Mitting Rooms and 2 Red Rome, wish outhouses aliachine, and largo accomma:lation
for servants on the gromad for. Apply to
Hongkong, 12th July, 1953- NOTICE.
HE interest and responsibi ky of M" OLIVER
EVERETT KOBERTS in our Firm at Cas tom and Shonghat ceased on the 30th Junt Just.
WETMORE & Co. Canton. 31st December, 1859.
NOTICE THE Busines beretofore conducted in my name will in future be carried oo under the style of P & J. BYRAWEE COLAH wherein my | Brother Mr. Jamajer Bynam?ur Cotan is n�?
mited Partner.
PESTONJEE BYRAMJEE COLAH, Canton, 31st December, 1853.
A PERMANENT CURE OF A DISEASED LIVER OF MANY YEANA DURATION. Copy of a Letter from Me, Liam,, Chemi-1, Farvel,
Par Bray.
Dear Sir thức shstrict your Pilla semnand a more extensii sale than any other propeletus poli- cine before its public. As a proof of theirħffiency Laver and Bill Complaints 3 may won the fol lowing case. 1 lạch of the town with whom I ain personally acqulatet, for years was a wirere sufferer from discese the Liver sal digentive organs; her medical attendir tamured her that be cald de selling to relleve le sile216,09, mul za was not likely she could vive many ith. This anoncement laterally caused great also sinong her friends soal relation anal they induend her a make a trial of your Půl, which so improved her poweral health that she was inducest so eviction them until she received a perfect care This is twelve matka aga, and she has not experienced Buy Grinploms of relapse, and often declares that your Polk have been the means of sowing her fc.
1 mai, Dear Mir, yours truly. Nov. 33rd, 16:2
J. GAMES. (signed)
Hongkong, 15th August, 1953.
NOTICE. THE undersigned begs to giro notice that bo will carry on a Genrral Camminos and Aurner Business, under the style and firm of DRINKER & Go. and will preupy the premises of the late firm of Rawle, Daikin de Ca
S. DRINKER. [longkong, 15th Augum, 1683).
?IE interest and responsibility of the late Mr William Cesur Wandosy in our Gem erminated on the 20th of Septripler int
Canton, 12th November. İ?63).
117ITI) teference ta the sbuve advertisment the IT infect the bread to me the fore by Me D JOHNSON under the sune Guine lutch M" P. B. JOHNSON, in motgorized
tu riga
M JAMES BOWMAN will sign for us in Shanghae by procuration,
W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Contor, 12th November, 1853,
LG Perroca having eleums against the Estate A of the late WILLIAM TIENRY WARD LEY ate demited to sent them in forthwith to Mezoca W. II. WARULEY & Co. Canton, or to Marts James Bowman & Co. Shanghie, and those to debted to the sald Estate are requested to make nimediata payment
the said partire. D. JOLINION.
F. B. JOHNSON. Crater, 9th November, 1853.
THE HOSPAJAL INCURABLE. Copy of a Letter from_Mr. W. Morn, of the ¿queen, Winchester.
To loco CALORAT,
Bir-beg to inform you that for years 1 was a suf- ferte Con 'hronie Rheumatism, auf was often fall for weeks together by its severe and painfot attack. tried every thing that was recommenseil, and wal sendes by one of the moet elnet Burgeons in the town; but obsinad n? relief whaterm, and feating that my health would be eutley bruken op. I wan in- duced go into our C'emnty Howpital, where I had the best medical treatment the Lascitnalon afforded, all al which provel of avall, and I came out no better than I went in I was then adrbert to try your late amil by persevering with them we perfectly cured, and mable to rutne my occupation, and although a canal- derable period has capac 1,1 have feit we returns what- ever of the co-laint
Oct. 84, 85%
1 am, Se, your obedient Servant,
(Signed) W. MOON.
deti Fatemur, 15th, 1655. Te l'or Est Unkowny,
- have
most surprising
ch pleasure in informing you
of Drop bendy i fered by u
Carran dig, of this phục.
??Proper les upwards of righteo stent that it caused his boily and
Talundir medic was offered mantlis, to such Jjenbe to be jus le vollen, and water outed an si mese frutu kis skin, so that slally changes of apparel breatie Recently, interlocanding the various remedies trial, and the iliferear wiglical men coventut all way of
val, until he to wingsced using your Pilis, by which, ala strict attention to the polisted directions, he was actually cured, and bus beatils perfectly trou-tablet you deem this worthy of publicity you are at libe
I am, Bit, aura respectfully.
(Signed) G. NRIGGS, Then cochet Pilla art wonderfuite a Uvarious an the fulluring complainé v
to use it
Agne Salima
j's male tragaleyRestitum of Urine
Ser Lab, ne i
Complainte Cource of all kind Ext
-the skin For Panel Conplant val Holice
tlond ache Conssipation of the Dodgenitos
Hele Cumption Jaundice Delry
Home Theate
me and Ciruved
LA Complainta Viral A?ections
|Al'oeste ed all kande
Weahorse fomoka-
www.cows, &c. &
Bold by all Denggins, and at Professor Hollassay a
mstabluhment, 244, Stand, Louds
By Mr. Da 2HVA, and by
HINNASI, HE thest Storie
also by WONG ACHEW -Jiangkong,
Sr. J. M. Da FONCECA,--Mack,
and Aleanco ACOW & 1'0.-C'anima
At 1. Tad -20 Ud.-49, Od.- 11%), -12%, de vida, each put of Box.
Administratorsage ice.
There is a considerable saving by inhang the
NB-Directions for the guidance of patients in cere | disorder are sillard to each POL
have the honor to inform you that we pl cominue Hummras in Akusé, under the style.
void firm of LANGLOIS, MCKELLAR & Co.
Our old experience in the Itjes Vendo in the guerames for the good percution of all orders transmitted to us.
DUNCAN MCKELLAR. Akyub, 14th October, 1981.
?UE undersigned hava bem appointed Agents at
Hongkong for the subscribers to LLOYDS Masters of Venela are requrated to communicate In them intelligence of kissés, necilenta, the speake ing of Vessels, and any general information they cumcider of importapes of interent to the saberhibere,
Hongkong, 3rd September, 1952.
DE Hold Jently Gusuna Mexting of the Society
will be held at the Office of the undersignat on Saturday the 7sh January 1834, at Noon.
DENT & Co.
Secretario Hongkong, 29th December, 1883.
LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. Established by Chamer 1720 Dany & Co., Agents in Hongkong.
THE undersigned are duly authorized by the above Corporation to INSURE FROM LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, Hongkong, on Buildings, Goods, Merchandise, and Pesacia in Port
Jar Claws, on Houses in private occupation only, wth external Walls of Stone or Brick, and covered with Site, Tile, Metal, Cement, and other incris bustible Material, detached, or adjuiming one.
Ed Class, on Horses or Builbenos erec ed and covered an above, partly or entirely used as Go downs, and detached; and on Ghape and Mun- CHANDER, not hazardour, in ruch Boildings,
3d Claas, on Hovers or Buildewas as above. adjoining other Buildings, and on Goods sud. Mika CHARDIZE, not hazardow, therein.
4th Clain, on Hudies or Boildexos erected and covered us above, in which hazardous Goods are deposited, but no hazardous trade carried on.
5th Class, on Buero.
ASSURAROKS may be effected for the period of
12, 6, or 3 Months.
No INSURANCE is in force until the 'remium 1borcom is pad.
For further particular, reference is requested to be made to the undersigned,
Hongkong, 6th October, 1953.
DENT & Ca Agenio.
MULE Directors of the Austrian Lloyds StRAM Navigation Company in Trieste, have made Arrangements for TELEGRAPHING MES. BAGES to London, or to any Part of the Continent, zent to them from Chine
FOR SALE at Mas, MARSH'S Millinery Roma, Queen's Raul, Hongkong.
A CHOICE Selection of Bowata of the Leviest fashions, consisting of Velvet. Satin Glace
Silk, Plan and Fanny Straws of every description.
Black and Colved Silk Mantro.
Black and White Lace Do.
French Batego and Cachinero Sbawla French lece & Caffeta Silks in every color. Blick & Colored Bill Valves,
Da Hibbana in ull. Widha, Brah Ribbons. Beauet de, Norow satin, Lute da Patrum do, French Brocade Silk Dresses.
Clace Silk do., White & Colored Tulte do,
Lace do., Barège de San do.
Striped Poplin "nd Norwich Lustra do
French Merino nod Pain Muslin de Eaine,
THE interest and responsibility of Mr Jamoutzen EDELJA in our firm at Canton, censed on the Sat December 1803,
Canton, 4th January, 1851.
Ti reference to the above convex to intimate that, from this day, I have osta blished myself non Commission Adane and Max- CRANT this place.
1, in White, Pink, Sky, Slate dra & Nap blue. THE well known Mission Promises (for Mission
French pristol Cambric and Meatio do
Etoyle's Print do, Luck & Colored Biroga do. White & Colored Parlit nas in all cuture, Swos and Inde Book Musting
Jaccones Plain and apoted Mulle Black Braswells Net, White do. Tulle illusion. Blonde Edgings, Real nod Invitation Laca Even Full, Du. Berthor, Aleeves, Cullara Chemietti &c.... .
Plam and embroidered Cambric Handkerchiefs Tofinis' Hubcs and umbroidered. Frocks, Cape, and a variety of ander clothing. White and Colored Kid Gloves, Billi do Bracelets and Necktion
Pearl Jet and Chenille Rond dresora, Wreaths and Bouquets, and a chice selection al Feathers & Flowers from Mudzine Ferriero's l'aria
An uaeriment of La 'ís & Childrens Boots and Sbore froin Víault Exte Rue de la Paizķ Joly a Paris, comprising White & Colored Satin Shoes, Kid end Manreo da. Giua sat Count ?ịa ?ỌC, �?G
Linen and Conon Diapers, trah Lines. titown Holland,-Colored do.
Florrocks' Long-Cloth, Fleach Long Cloth very Ane and light. Table Clotha very large sizes. Table Covers, Toilet Covers, Quika, Arti- Voca 184ED, Lace Curtains, Mosquito Net, It-lad, Jace mei Livings, Union and Twill do., Victoria mod Vena- tima Shunting. White nud Colored Crinolines, Cri ooline Pelucoats and Improvers, Corded Dittu. Fine Flannels, Nursing Stays, French Wore do Coutil do, Childrou's Bande, Wisno vad Coduced Silk Hoo, Thread de, Merino do, Coton da., Cotton Bocks, Wool Polkus, Wool Caps & Sleeras, Gaiters, Booralina, Gluves Comfortari, &c. &e.
Woollen Hords. Braided Batin nad Merino do. White and Colored Satin and Merino Flats, Braided Cloaks and Pelisses, Frocks, and a great variety of Children's Clothing of all kinds.
Huberdsabery, Paranola, Elanie Pages Garters, Sandalwab white & colored, Wide Elast.c Warm- ed and Losther Balta, Linen Tapen, Shirt Bullons, Dress nod Triming Buttons in great variety, Silk and Wool Braids, Cotton de, Washing do., Mob ir Net, Ribbon Plaits, Bugle Trimmings, Sewing, King and Meading Cution, P, Noodles, Elooks & Eyes, Whalebone, Covered Cana, Sud- dings, Curton Corda, toches, Risbon Wire, Balk Piping, Straw Triminú?ga.
-From Price & Gomell-
A small assortiment of PERFUMERY. |00?�′Mrs. Manost bage to add that aba will continue to receive the Latret Faunions from London and
The Serrages should be sent under cover, super-Paris Monthly. ecribed" Telegraphic Despatch," to the condrio Agent, for transmission through the Commanding Duñear of the Gleamer, and to be delivered immedi ately on arrival of the Vemel at Trieste.
The Charge for Telegraphing 20 Words frem Trieste per Bubmarine to London, about 16 Fla. rina, or 32 Bhillings Sterling ; and £) Sterling for esch Monge
The writing must be în legibla wc củła
For further particulate, apply to
W. PUSTAU & Co. Agents at Hongkong and Canton.
Hongkong, 27th October, 1853,
Seamen's Hospital
Honourable David Jandine, Esq. C. D. W Lime, Esq., How W. T. Muncan, Esq., H. 8. WALKER, Esq. Superintendent of the 1. & 1), Stram Navigation Company, (ex officio)
Tresmeer-J. C. Bowaine, Erq. Resident Surgeon,-Parun YouNo. Esq. Consulting Surgeon.-W. A. Hauland, Esq.
M.D. Acting Colonial Surgeon
Terms of Admission.
Public Wards,
Intermediate Wards, Private Rooma,
- 75 cents per day. Dollar,
Patirata are alan admitted on deposka, at the fol lowing ratos, Janewable one day previous to the amount deposited having heon expended,
Publia Wards,
Private Rooms, -
$15, $20,
The Captains or Consignees of Veel mug he responsible for the expense of Patient was by them to the Hospital,
N. B.-A Hospital Billa to be receipted by the Temerar only.
FOR SALE at the Godwns of
MAC EWEN & Co. Hongkong, 30th December, 1953
Devoted Ladies' Stockinge
Gentlemen's Bleached and Unblriched 8 eka Doeskin and Buckskin riding and driving Curraj Neck ties: Superfino Black and Blue Broadcloth,
de, de., do.
MAC EWEN & Ca Hongkong, 12th Decembar, 1853
Payment to be made in Mexican Dollare, Hongkong, 30th December, 1883,
TUE andorrigned bas received instructions ta voll by Public Abation, on the Premises
the 20th day of January next. Al Noon precisely,
Unless previously disposed of by private sale, the following Property,
In one Lot. That building to the Queen's Rond known as the..
And the out buildinge attached, with the lend apon which the whole is built-Registmed in the Land Offre on Inland Ln No" 18, measur ing 94,160 square fat.--Annual Ground Real £1288
Also in one Lot.
All the Splendid Furniture, Billiard Tables, Plate, Crockery, Glass Ware &o, &e, belonging to the above establishment.
Conditions of Sale, Catalogues of the Furniture a. will be distributed some days prior to the
Hoogkang, Och November, 1653.
parpaare only) of Rev. 1). Roberts in Canion. The place is hoakhy, comfortable, well known by the Natives sa u preaching place, sad desirable us Mission station. Lat say wishing to rout call and examine the place, and apply to Mess. ItusanLL & Co. for the turna.
Canton, Ust January, 1861.
FOR SALE. AULAMPAGNE in Pista and Quiria, Punt WINE, PALn Bunny, ClaUKT and ?MANDT, il of firat quality.
Nates of size in Casks of 2 cwi. Apply i Hongkong or Canton to
Hongkong, let January, 1854
BIRTH-On bemed the Belilah ship Garewell, Victoria Harboni, aku dik instant, Jiri Captain Dawson el a Bua,
New Advertisemants should de sent as early as possible the days previous to publication; but generally, advertisements will appear in the forth. coming lame if recriund at the office as late a Beren'dmondays and Snturdags; specially excepting the days on which the Hails are despatched
Uni E
ambay Moura dydasty
1. W & Hope Sao Franche
Sandwich Island Nor Dec 6 Labus Dec. Slogapore
Shangha Bepi. - Aquy Nov. 19 Napo
Nor Deo.
10 Tuesday,
Rives Sel
A. M., M.
4 13 630
8,48 4,20
6,43 5,31 4.81 525 4.42 5.81 5,57 4.32 64 5,327,00 7,15 Mon-Fcet quartar yusterday at 11. 23 a. - In Apogee on the 10th, at 13 r.
SUPPLEMENTARY SHIPPING LIST. ARRIVALS AT HONGEONO. 6, Bintang Anam, Hubstyn, from Singapore, 15th
1, Mary Spencer, Fisher, from Singapore, 17th
7. Nymph, Wilson, from Weong, 26th Dec. Jan. DEPARTURES FROM HONGKONG.
6, Nuevo Bilbaino (Span), Vasquez, Whampoa 6, Bintang Anam, Hulagu, Whampoa 1, Mathilda (Dan), Gullager, Whampoa, Panos-Per Nymph, 20 Chinese.
(From the Canton Commercial List, Juny, 5.) CANTON.
OPLUM MARENT. Closing Rates~5 P. M.
8357) 0:107 до?о $400
Malon Turkiz
ESTIMATED STOCK OF OPLUM at Cumsingmoon-31st December, 1853.
Dec. 281218
428 640
Import since 430
-- 729
80 224
10 ??080 692
66 (2398
MESSRS MAC EWEN & Co have Dekveries
received instructions to sell by
To-day, Saturday 7th Jonwary 1851.
at 11 o'clock A. M.
On Board the Ship "Bomanjee Hormusjee," (for the benefit of the concerned) 12 Chests PATNA OPIUM.
do, BENARES do.
more or less damaged by sea water ex Str. Shanghae.
TERMS OF SALE-Cash before delivery in SPANISH DOLLARS. Hongkong, 7th January, 1854.
Dec. 31 1405 0:22 316
From our Provincial Reporters.
A Despatch lately received at Ifwei-chow atated that the Mandarins had barot down more than half of the houses in the insurgent village of Sea-ins, and a number in Shih-kang. and "Tring ke-be, the sker of all which were confiscated to the public, and were never more to be built upon. The leaders of the revoll and their families and relatives had dupersed themselves through several of the neighbouring dimricia. The Mandarina demanded the de livery of three hundred of the rioters before the end of the month of December, failing
which they declared their intention to burn down the ancestral temples of the differant Icadere.
We have to acknowledge receipt of copies of two Anglo-Chinese Culendars for 1854, one published at No. 2 Mioyan's Hong, Canton, the other m the Chine Mail Office Hongkong. The Shangha Almanac for 1934, and Miscellany, may be had at this Olice.
The Officers of the U. S. M. 8 Mississippi issued avvitations to an Ethiopian Concert and Tiwatrical performance on board their vessel on Thursday evening last. The weather being fine, the entertamdicut was as numerously und respectably atten?�led as either of the similar ru-unions in the Sister slupa Sumpihanouk ami Powhatan, of which we have already made maution One thing to us was lacking, and that was a Bill of the day; and we tho moro regret the want of such a miwila by our prcent in ability to furnish any particular ac. count of the merits of the respective acture, They all, however, appeared to get through their parts very efficicully; and the Elbiopan Minstrele werd in excellent training. But the Ellopian Palm must still remain with "our fost luba-De Niggas of da Ponkofan" whose performances, indced could not be excelled by * purfessional minstrela."
Il Commodore Parry and the officers of his squadron came to Hougkong with a design on the hearts and kindly feelings of a not generally over sociable community, we can but tell them, indivdually and collectively, that they havo most effectively mecceeded; and their success in this respect augurs well for the re- sult of an expedring which has for its chief aim the inducing an un-civilized set of unsociables to take a position in the world's fraternity.
THE P. & O. 8. N. Co's Steam Ship Pottinger, Captain Stead, arrived about hall past one ... Wednesday-Twelve daye and some twurs from Singapore. Such fearful currents and head seas were encountered by the Pottinger, that at one time it was thought impossible to make the pamage, and, it being imprudent to drive the whip through them, the Coals were husbanded, so causing a longer than the usual period for the run up the China sea. The Pot- finger brings 1068 Chests of Drug, 420 of which are l'atoa and Benares, 60 of Turkey, ant 569 nl Malwa. Notwithstanding the fact of the Paking and Shanghai having both taken away treasure-the latter some $44,000-our funso money deulars are determinately bent on wak. Ing consignments to a glutted market. The Pottinger bringe no luan a sum thon 82,242,224. This we can but think is overdoing it.
Our London corre"potulent's latter leaves us little to tell of European News, Neither tho Chayolite, nor the Cairngorm--the former out hundred-the latter 95 days-had been re ported it wil he acen. The Challenge had been unable to get beyond the Western Llando, and, hardly with the aid of passengers at the pumps, could she be kept ofat. This remit wes not valoreseen, as evidenced in the follow- ing extract from our inne of the 201l of July,- "The Chian and England Races commenced lat week-the American Clipper Challenge landing the ran, closely followed by the Stornoway and Patna, The Challenge was cast off by the H. & C. Ca'n Hongkong of Macao at d. 20. M. Thursday the Idik ingland, then blowing a sti easterly breeze. The Stornoway was east off by the P. & 0.8 N. Co.'s Canton on Friday the 15th it. The Challenge had therefore good start, but it is stated that, frous over carrybig on former occasions, and the general lightness of her build, the probabilities are that Captain Pits will not be able to spread such an amount of canvası shall enable him to maintain the Challenga's pre- vious oharacter. The ackingly damaged stato of her cargo outward precludes the possibility of her appearing again in Chine waters;-that is te my, oder oberiet by an Engluh boun. - Pro! C. July 20."
Lord Palmerston's letter to the Moderator of the Presbytery of Edinburgh is amusing. and calculated to be useful. The revolution of the Presbytery, that the letter should not be engromed their minuler, jn also en?using. But for this Lord Palmeraton will have beon prepared by precerlent. In Combe's Physio- logy, Chapter IX On the relation between Science and Scriptore" we have an apt il- lustration of this. By an Act of Parliament passed in 1503 Witcheral and Consultation with Witches was punishable with death, The thousands that were burnt to death in Scotland for these crimes may not be told ol. But in 1735 the statulas were repealed, and wo read:-
"The Becesalen Church of Scotland, comprising many Intelligent clergymen and a large sumber of the most serious and religions of the people, complained, lo skele act of their Associate Presbytery at Edlaburgh le Annual Confession of personal and na?iwan) size, (prland
1743,) of the penat macies agaiom witches having been repooled by Parliament, contrary to the expose how of God! This defection is classed by Dr. John Brown of Ladding- Low, one of the great lendaro of the Breersion Church about
the middle and end of last century, among the practical back-ligs from the once slalued tv and coroan? work of reformation, which have happened in the preced. Ing and present age, an abases of the singoler lavors of tiul."
youd the usual time by slow konti, strong lead windle and an unusually honry Mail.- Ibid.
(From the Fricul of India, November 21,
-Tho Lahore Chronicle, Unies Diat this culuva. tion of tea in the Kangra diuret is such as to JNE. tify the Superintendent sa huliling a polden auction -The Citizen reports that the Bopreme Court
of the pruduna. In 1851 there were in this district bos dociled that the Peninsular and ?riental Com
only two ameli plaptations, commanded with anels pony are entitled to an injunction, tu restrain claim those of Kumson, The Lovernor General, however, was convinced that the project would creed, and Dr Jameson was authorised to form the Charabe Itange. The post and climate are ad-
??largo plantation on a waste plain at the foot of mirably adapted to the cultivation, the tea profue d dis emperjar toshat of Kummon Blyps have been taken
??far plutoring 100,000 trees, and?�is a short tas fra hundred acres will be covered with the tes plant,
ANJUR SOFFino Last. Passed from China-Nov, 17 h Mary Rey from proceeding to execution on judgments
obtained against them for the dues at ila Packa -- 19th N. Cezard-20th Maggic, and Preust In other words, the Court has decided that the eber Adler-22nd Balder, and Ganges-21th Company are liable only for the value of slip and Typhoon, and W. N. Lindsay-27th Huser-freight, palmate at about £17,000.-Friend of
India, November 19, 28th General Michiells, and William Prowe. Dcc. Int Flying Clulders (Am) and Lainar.
Rr the Ship Lord Warriden, Captain Cubit, which arrived in this herb-ne on the Slot ulime, we have received advices from San Francisco t? the 17th November inclusive. As these papers cntain sevrtalitume of intelligence, which we do bat recollect having seen quoted elsewhere, wo up- pend the tuost important of them.
The appointment of U. 8. Minister to Chion bas, we are told, been coolatred on teneral Cushing, Diker accounts have it that the post wwaica the acceptance of Mr Dalla-Me Waker, for whom the honor was originally destined, having re-
good the appointment, much to the regret protina The election of Mr Dallas (of indeed it has been made) would seem to be unpopular. 116 je said to be a porong whi su minner in "pompoen and formal" and "definont in ouergy and fact"-
??qualislantion and a defiency which it comsi ba confemed seldom much themselves to a recoguia d ciús 'n of the Godal republic. Perhaps, after all, we may be spared the laffiction of this gentleman's obtrusions for, according to a New Ortonan" papar of the date of November tat, ??Mr R. Mc'Lano, of
a name and qualifications we are, we trust ex rbune cumbly, ignorant, in the appointed Commissioner." The papers furnish us with the averago quate of riola-atakım best explanons whaela masak-in- stions and other stereotyped "dolliculties " (400- tionely so called,
The mining operations are being prosecuted wel various success, and at various paints new
·Jiggings " have been di-covered.
The Company form to mablish a line of Steamers between San Francisco and Chins, to be designated the Oriental & Pacific Sun Nerige tion Company, have memorialiard Congress for & Mail contract
The prorpsetus declare the - tention of the projeciom to be tu issue ten thousand Shao, for sece of which one thound Jollars is
be sub-cribed.
The report of Gold having been found on the Banks of the Amazon in confirmed - A Ciptain Wakeman, who had estently arrived from Australia aya-~ 1 huva doan several guntheroan from the * valley of the Amazon. If one third of what they * may in trus, lels the richest and finest country so the Inca of the earth Other accounts derido this
report a
zrum ax+ggeration-net only is the yield of gold, we are satured, inconsiderable, but the approaches to the localities in which it is nup- pwed to be found "horrible and almost impassable." So many romels bad arrived at the Chenpha lalands, to procura cargoes of Gasco, that some of bom would be compelled to wait there for maniha before their time to load could occur.
It is incidentally mentioned in the Sea Fran cisco papers, from which we quote, that of the cassa ni Yallow (ever which had nocurent at Now Oc Tuono, siz1y four per cent had ended Gatally, Pro- videntially the virulonos of the pligus hid nbatud. A bergò of canle, avid to be of excellent quality, had been brought to San Francisco from Vancow. vers lland, to which place they bad been akon from the Coast of the Pacifi: This reumalance was regarded as augweing wall for the proposed operadloos of the Preu?le line of Stoarmera,
We are inforged that Mr D. B Roberton, H. D. M. Consulat Amoy, and farmerly, while Vice- Consul a Blanghie, meting no Danish Con-01 there, line been presented by the King of Dark with a cold molbox bering the portrait of his Mujemy -Chioa Mail, January B
British Guiana -Tae planters aro sanguine je
··heir anticipatiums of the coming coup. Yellow | fever his mide its appearanc, and singled out as és el time the Portuguese, muro expociilly chan any other class. ()e of the worst features in auch
visitations in the waul of mdical aid cudes are, in the nature of things, left a prey to tho virulence of the epidemic.
A Rangon m Here are no unestiled as ever, mobbery rife everywhere, and the country quite in a thetweled state; the meamers now are the only Contayances for goods to Proma, and such can only be done at extravagant rates of freight. We much fene that the army will again have to take the fold, and that, before the government can have even a temperany e-mation from annoyance on the frontier, Ava súlf mom fall-Mercantile Letter from Mauloin dated Nov 16.
H. M. 3 Greion, Hon O. D. Keane, Com mander, arrived here from a oruige on the 21 instant-Singopers Free Press, Dec. 23,
The P. &. O. Co's Screw-Mamer Madras, Cap-nin Farfil, kft this for Australia yesterday evening-Ibid.
The Mail has been dasimod for some daya be
??This was wrlsen before the receipt of our Londos Correspondenca maction that Mit Melane-" has accept- ed the appolates),"
??British Ternary 1-E F. or C
Great digominfiction, in expressed at the now are rival of the long expected vessels with Chinese im- igas The delay in spposed to arise from the determiantion of iku suthorities to put an end to the crimping system. It is thought that thes may in torfere with a regular accesson of Chinese kabog- rere to the colony. The Royal Gavette benealo over this failure to obtain immigrants Gon sne amire and another, especially as all that can well be done in the shape of wzing the Grende la been flected, in order to render the mosas of his sub. nistence so difficult as to force him to labour on the plantation - Anti Slavery Reporter, Nua lat,
The moderator of the Edinburgh Presbytery of the Church of Scotland addressed Lord Palmerston a few days ago, stating that the Presbytery find in view the propriety of appointing, on ecclesiastical, authority, a day for prayer and humilation within its boende, on account of the re appearance of Avinteo cholere in this country. Considering, however, that it was likely that o national fast would be appointed on toy d authority they begged respectfully to ask whether such an appointment was in e swemplati in.
1 The following letter from the Home Office, in reply, was read at the monthly meeting of the f'rmbytery on Wednesday:-
Whitehall, Oct. 1.
St.- um directed by Viscount Palmerston to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 15th inst., requesting, on the behalf of the Presbytery of Edinburgh, to be informed whether it is propied to appoint a day of national fating sa scoscnt of the visitsalon of the cholics, and to mate that there aan ba no doubt that manifestations of kumlila res signation to the Divine Will and slacere acknow lodgments of human onwortbises are revol more appropriate than whom it has pleased Prorid men to afflirt ma kind with some severo visitation ; bat ja does not appear to Lord. Palm:tann that a un tinol fast wonki be suitable to the circumstances of the present chaiment.
-The Similian states on the authority of a pri- vate lettre hum Kelst, thist the Candular Chief jains are marching où that city. Should the re- part prove correl, the British G. vernment may ha under the necessity of isterlering fra the protection of an old ally. It wid alon that the Itulee of Floral- on of Yar Mohammed, if we mistake mut-ha_shand-med the Persians and joined the Amnet of Cabool.
-A correspondent of the same journals declarens that he has discovered in a commun junglu tree, a perfect sulmitute for guiti perche, Accurate im pressions can be taken with it fram coine, and it is il to be as well adapted for ensulating the wires of the Electric Telegraph as the gutto perchs.
-The Englishmas recommends that when a European Regiment is sout net to Fadio, the com manding offiot and kinata?fabouli un despatched overland. De would thus perive in Osleutia at konat two months befora kio Itegiment, and in that time acquire some kno"ledge of the country, and of the prementies requirød for his men. At present he is obliged to accompany one of the detachments, and even if his russel meriva firmi, he is compelled to undariske numerous duties for his reglament, in a bud of which be knows positively nothing. A more | helplem being than an Englubman of any olas
just attired in Calestia, It is impossibile to concere, and we official megislation can be to, valuable as the experience he would acquire in the two moniki, saved from ship haard
The Maker of the Universe has awaklished car- tain lawa of beture for the planes in which we lien, and the weal or wwe of mankuud depande upon | the observance or the neglect of those bewa ?ne of those law conatela kanich, with the abreson ný those gaseous exhalations which proceed from over. crowded human beings, or fron decompose | sabs tances, whether animal or vegetable; and theas asme laws render sickness the almadı inevitabla consequence of exposure to those uozioua infauncre But it han, at the same time, pleased Providence to put it within the power of men to make auch ar mangamonu sa will pearsal or disporno such exha lations so ne to render them harmless, and it is the doty of man to stand to three laws of name, and to exert the facukiro which Providenco has tur given to mna for his own welfare
The recent vanitation of cholera, which has for the moment been mercifully checked, la an awlul warning given to the people of this ronim that they have too much arglected their duty in this re-paci, ??mud that those persons with whom it rested to, purify towns sad cities and to prevent or to remote the cause of disease, have not been sufficolly active in regazil to such matters. Lord Palmers. low wonk therefore suggest that the best coures which the people of this ountry can pursue to deserve that the further progrem of the cholers should be stayed, will be to employ the interval ibat will slapen between the presont lima and the be ginning of next spring in planning and executing
measures by which those portions of their town and cities which are inhabited by the poorest classes, and which from the nature of things, must moal meed purification and improvement, may be frosd from those casar and sources of contagion, which, of allowed to remain, will lofillibly breed pratilenor, and be fruitful in dentls, in spite of all the prayer. and fastinga of an united but lösatire nation." When man ha dong the Qliwost for bát own sifty, ikon in the time se levoke the blessing of Heaven to give ellet to his caestions.-I am. Bir, your obe dieul servant,
Hamar Fitz.O.
To the Rev. W. E. Gray, Moderator of the
Prebytery of Echobergh.
Englan! have bees very lugn. The shapronk of Grain med Flour to England are forze, hul ship roga fronted and fonight high. Proposals for faying down the Telegraph wars notonn thu Atinue and it appears bring matured..
W.H. Webhof New York liss got a contruct for 100 gun screw manolowar for the Emperor of Huis-two others use and to have been contracted for. The rust is stated ni from $150,0-19 to 300 000, Robert McLvar less been appointed and low accept- ed the post of �?8. Minster in China.
Accounts of rich discoveries in the mines of Mexico have come in hand. A chango ul Presi dunt has wretreat Mome Voloo
A truly of cum orce &c. with Paraguay lina but just been raibed and pubhubed here. The Chilien miers are washing well. A proposal in il to be on foot for a stemm itsdie by the abil of Magellan.
Nearer home there is little of interem transpiring The Queen of Hpsin su in germi disfavour with her aucta for her disregard to even an appetent Tespect for the proprieties of virton and ber royal Bention. The asovuchement of the Queen of Por Tagal in nest. Italy in now attracting little allen- The Pope is an invalid and ordered to play at Bolhazela. Cardiol. Wiesman has gone i Roine. France, liko England, is occupied with the Tur- kish question-and the supply of food for the people. Her ports are stea for corn ships, and the dread of the consequences of a lanine appears to withdraw sttention from manatters. The l'aris exhibition buldig, (not gen, in wivancing standily.
At home the principal topine of interest are the supply of food. The condition of the Isbour market. Sizikes "ntinue donarons and satomiku. At Wigan, riots, buvo ensued, the military colled sut, and suuna or loca lost Throughout the North Wedem provimas and the Calleries, A general disposition to stand out for advanced wagra Me shown, and glyst inconvenience and lone natural ly rock to all chim s The semen conting: (+ legialate by alies) univu, rutes for the ereditions of their employment, but there la nomo indiasnou of
Soulland is in motinu jest bow in preventing she public ackno a ledgment of grievances til lately not all suspected in exim * A grew mywing bac been held at Edm buny?; the Earl of Eglinton in the chair, where revolutiona wazo pasand embodying the ends of then clone; which are, that a Sere. My of Sale for Hoodsad bo imed-" larger share of representation from Scotland is the Imperial Par list lite it the votan s�?public money for works of generi i?ae?t, such as bathome & &o. Crown prop.ty in Bowland to be administer.
-A com.spondent of the same journal writing from Darjeeling states that the late Rajsh of Sk him is resuming relating with the British Gor. ernment. He even pcregia persons sccused of grave offeners, who recape to les side of the kills. It willed
be comeinbered that this firte poraniste, some three years since mctually arrested" Di Campbell Or which he was mulcted in balf his territory nad alg his vou
WRITTEN FOR Tux Friend of China.
London, 7th and 8th November, 1659. What the Swedish Charles 12th breams to the Turks, the Turkish qoesten tids fair to become to European governments,-an unmovable bore. To it every subject of interest and impostries whether nt foreign of domestic policy in and for some time he had to vive place and the enq "rims of the bour as well s the newspapera o�?the day, ap. pear to exclude all other autf-cts in consideration of that, When negociation wis interrupted by the difference of interpretation of the proposided i rme of settement, and at the instance of the jealous Ivolilo Musculmans, the Parte gave a limit of time to the Autocrat for evacuating the Danobian principalities, finding which war to bo declared and commenced, renewed efforts ware made by the mediating powera to bring about an arrangement, which ser some few difficulins was brought so a climax,-object however to homilities not having commenced. bostilities had commenced the diplomatie arrangement to bravomis mull.
Hiles had com-nanced A Russian gun-boat and some other craft bed n'templeil a pasugo up the Danube, and tha Turkish garsioon as fruktchi fred upon them and killed sowie of the offionce and crew. Bulmequently Dost Pacha the Turkish Commander in chief, erossad the Danube at Widdin doc, with 'orres vation-ly stated in number, and some ancounters of an considerable extent appear to have onu d. The particulers of than solibeir renuka are but imperfacily known here, some telographic meimges sinte suceras to have stiend ed the main forces while the contrary is stated by others. It is supposed that Omar Pacha had no clojen but to commence the imureinent of hir forest, spitit of fanatical soal pervading the Twkab troops which it was seureely poambia to restrain. The urders despatched to him by the Bulten werd that on the event of his having cora menced hostilities, the new settlement was not to be regarded, and he on bir own responsibility was to progerate the war al liig discretion,
Gortaciskoff the Russian Commander has it ap peats been slow to assume ectos! hostile incasuren, and so far only arta on the defensivo. Ila hat | demandedse inferenments it is evid. The principa. bition ato declared in a state of siege, and martial law threatened to be administered in case of com- munication of the inhabitanta with De Turkich ste The English and French is are in she Be of Murmor-and will be brought up to New Constantinople, The French Ambrotader at Con- stantinople, Do la Cour, has been recalled,and Goo erl Burnguny D' Chilliers his left. Paria to astund the duties of the embassy. Austria, the ciderant Ally of Nursia le 'no where in the contention, having too much to look after for her own ini teresia an imminantly pevilled by the disorders on her border, and at the last gasp of financial credit, Turkey ft in said is about attempting once more to raise a loan in Paris and London. Rowin, al- though about to negociate a loan to Austria, 'it in known would gladly" become our debtor if a nom lean could be raised for her here.
On the reading of the letter, the Rev. De Clock exproved bie total dissent from the quotuments v1. pressed in the letter, and said he would not wish to be a slater in the responsibility of those who re Ensed or declined to give her Maje-ty's subjects an opportunity of meeting for prayer in regard to so fearful a visitation. The Rev. Dr. Mur said, ho- thought there could be but one unmingled feeling of pily entertained by them that such a document should emanate from a professedly Christian Gr eroment. Several members exproved concurrence in there unlimenta, It was agreed to refer the Appointment of a day of humiliation and prayer to the approaching mesting of the Provincial Synol of Lotijan and Tweeddala, that the same day migh! be fixed for the whole Brood. The question was put whether the answer of Mr Fizsoy should be engrossed in the minutes, and it was unanimously carried in the negative.
The Persian Ambassador at 81. James' was oud- denly recalled, and loft bore a few days since.
The intelligence from the United States intimates a condition of comparative political quiet, but com mercial anxiety and difficulty. Money very scarce, credit restricted, discount run up to 12 per deul, and some low failures, but not of first class met- cantile concerns. The remittances of specie lo
by a word spally appointed, and the produce
applied to local improvements. la freland, bonde the usual amom of party strifes and animated diarusion, the men of ike Dublin exhibition nista uut joel for frence. The occasion was ap propriately significat, and to the patataction of be- batdeen-sle Darg in lind thras chreis,and Mr Honey sa medu s kunigüt-In the douth of leland there have been heavy floods attended with disasters and loss of life-The vacant Bishopric of Derry is anid to be dried for Dr Higgen of Limerick and De Kitwau Dean of Lumenck to be made Bahay, and some say Heary Crime of Clonfessle. Profemor Blaurice of King's College London, his been so avored on the ai coul v? betaraluxr, boi ben n his ade the concidenes and approval of a large number of his cudjutore and the studio-The Auglican Bioboro Juru-alem has been sapratens ed by a formally subscribed doommand from his subsidionte Clergy de, as encoding his preange. lives, but counter declaration has been fanned from his brethren 1 the bench at home.
The commissio, u; enquiry on the Lodes ear- poration has cauenced its sittinga, and already Mirred up strife o sume methods of corporation routine of limle ich erlamos,
The Queen ho bern antertainnig ber Belgina visitors do at Windsor--King 1rop>ht coturned to attend on the G". A new paddle stemın yachi of 1800 tona to be called the Windsor evels in under gider for 11 Majesty-The Lord mayor and some cibere ac geting support to a project for erecting a public einen Prince Albert no the site of the Crystal Palice (1μls Park-£3,000 alenady subscribed. Opinions and freely expteasel against The propriety of cha Meisure us premature, A public meeting et grens ruspreslukty kas uz. pressed the immuun of Englishmen for the bravO od amiable Lieut.-Bellot who lost kon life in the Franklin expedition ul Commander MoClare-a platne at Greenwich had a skuntien to his family Bro proposed New 14k ogg shaped green bottles have been found or ciancatat of Biberis and rúppua- ing they may have from Franklin's shipa nun is now exhibited at 1 for ådratification-The fitted out by Lady i contro la abandoned, the of feere having diangan ), and the ships taken into Valparaiso.
A report in just polished of the correspondence that took place with our government touchin Chinese minigration-le dentarna oothing particu larly new.
* A local Contemporary alleves bla correspondent to Kay that this meeting, or ruber she anclasion which grew out of it, han for his male object the obtaining "a larger portion of the humeurs and rewards of public life," The corrupin rental che Singapore Free Prym ibas speaks of the water. One corte-pient, by simply stating what ubject the nanociation really alm n', is the lalies of the th. There in Dutting moreasonable in si requisitos, "The nearest approach to a political movement is the ap,arance of a Timog Scotland party includ. ing the somewhat anomalotta nenes of Eglinton, Young Sceland Al, Napier and Aylous. complains that his country has not her due share of love and fishes, thi? bonora and the rewards of the United Kingdom, that the Unicorn is not fairly treated in short, ned demand a revision of the mode of detritation.
It has not been the general opinion that Sentia was alighted in ber soon, albeit ? but been sand of late that no Brochman ever led the House of "Commons" mofortunato saying which per- hape may have been the spark to fight this new fire and call the Earl, the Knights, and the Alen of levers into the field of controversial politics and load them to platform oratory. The Trofeur, by the byc, should beware of the gibes contained in i certak poem inued under tha ponudanym of "Hon Gaultier." "
matkul dezırım' =
Ca oveð ziet u ekslas panoge, g weh-bunging a nude raze akapan yoð orði cp, baru slope czy ng bag Fou meiciants here nie masile dapost k to Save let se inscher operátor. Ta Pagate Vallebaut Viciarci has nobiessta cary taking a speilida a atm 33 faye do buenaces generally. There hen bova v lede fall, De manufacturers have been of come probiemg kes, nod the state of the money market has mete l
The trade of the year however hit b wry large - there is no distrant, and shmangá money 1 worth more than foi saina time pri VOORN, there is nothing like ptersure or slaria, se The Pauk bare bad a moderate flow inwards, and are liberal in advancea. The decount betsen ny veh Meng slated paper. The bank rate of disecant is 43 per cent; Juuide 5 tu 6 per cent. Consile have maintained and advanced in price, cluclip as the effect of large speculations for the fall in whielt sunny now find themselves but awkwardly plecet -The price is now 9%) The high price of com !
is a matter of serious consideration ; Brend in the
4. 49-Gary Bass, Mano, foin Honolulu, Dai Dec. |
4, Su Penger, Sterd, ziom Bombay 2nd Doe
Galle 13th'ila, Pensng Kør d�?... and own.
2. Aravin, Locke, tromi Whimpoa. J.
4. Drut chand "Dirin), kaind, train Hongkong 4, 154 Bakanan, Lavingvon, from Hongkong. 4. Hraður, Lambert, from Valentia. Dec.
20, Numph, W1'9on, tram Honchong 20, Confue #1, Penske, from Liverpå??, 20, Firtcher, Postur, troun Auckland. 20, Rogal Siam, Jackson, from Sydney.
21, Heijimin Hope, Hutchinson, Melbourne, 22, Omadr (Asu), Creery, from Hongleơng -
24, St. 1, M. Hu, Jamieson, troi Hongkong, 22, Star of the East, Roberto, from Sydury. ( 26, Spec, Mayntia, from Ningyo.
Per Str. Pottinger,-Miasta. Faite, Clarke, an
and 1 Chinese.
metropolis has reached 114 the quantera -The ¦ Meunan, Langley, Bow can, Giveon, Miss tonsket has probably ecsched its highest, and skraidy je declining--Large supplies may be expected from ¦
the Black Ses, where about 9,000 vemels are now merived or bound est to load wheat hare tuled exoosely high-Ilice has born! gradually advancing, but is to quieter-Bengal ba quoted 14,6 to 11. Ariaen 12,6 19, Cut
tom han ruled dull owing chivẩy to it o roducel
consumption resulting from the strikes, but during
the last day or twe mote himness is exhibited.
The colonial perduco innikem have been quiet and prices drooping.
The silk market is steady and prices continus about the same no indicated at our October rilas
The deliveries in Dember were largs, although not expial to these of September. In the 10 mosilia enaline 31st October, there is an increase in the deliveries of 7,149 bales, and in the importations of 1,312 balen over the same period. Te82; and tho stork on 31st ultimo was only. 194 balno users aban
in 1852. The quantity to active, as advised by the Mail in nearly 17,000 bales, including abun 4000 which were to leave immediately alier 20th Augant. The increasing preference given to Chana Silk over other kinda muel, en long as the tunde momontažna s k?aliby position, protect prices from any atrist dreline.
The Ten market has been very animated and the consumptive demand has, coupled with the confidence of unportance, induced an improvement in good Congous of about 2? per lb (having touch- ed ja lil) and a slight adfahre in several other descriptions. The stock in U. K 3m ulimo, was 54,615,000 fed against 49,237,000 Rs. 311 October 1863,
Amount of billedrawn by the Company on their respective Presidencies from the 24ili ?ctober to the 7th November,
Bengal. - - £1,5TE 18 10 | Exchange,
Pins: Ton
Ai Mangkona
4'The. Unique
Carnwall bl
Dannebrog, bargue
34 21!
4. Jeomey, k?p
then tokyo sebaones
Entepeize, skip
Ferlir barque
Five Fradr. dip tiple
tieorge Avery, banque Hongkong, ricamer
Jakie bagdal, skip Jahn N. maler, skips Kat Bach,
i hokituor, sehr
Lady Vary Moo 1, str.
Lady Hates widge
Loud Mariston, ship Loven, barqar
Mathile gentlur Nato a big
Cawalbera Use, sl
5 Lady Bagler, Marienburg, Whampor.
ricke, London
Ockney Is basque Chile. ships lolama, ship l'atlager steamet
Hine of haren alı?ı
> barque
6, Rieng Shuron, Thinson, Port Phillip nudes, barga
26, Pogurte de Pangim (P-1), Fi-lhe, Singaporo. 19.
2 Trinfo(Past), Remodios, G. n.
| Dec.
27, Robert (Aust., Canell, Singapore, Jon. 4, Syed Khan, Young, Singapore,
14 William & Mary, Iteed, Sydney, 5, Jane Eving, Dallas, Manila.
21, Russian War Sir, Vittues, Commander Kor
eshell, fie cruis
25, Nymph, Wilson, Hongkong.
17, Pudsey Dawson, Davies, Lidon.
29, Channing (Am), Johnsuu, New York
24, Nama Iqsoft (Nm), Bursley, Ludon
felt Fast
Dee Liver of July 21. We do.
New Zealand 4Jei meet and co
Hobart Town New John Huel and co.
Nor y Mocas
The Guam
2. Authen solco W?ng
VOL. XII. Na 3.
110 Tom Chi
The Wm Amb and co May
Lindsay and co,
16 may
Dec 14, Anthem and co
Nav teftaban
theit Pho
Beit. 40 Campbe?i
367 Luderson
250 1:1000
Dat :00 lesse
Bee L'anton
i Livingston and co
thel Belaffer and ou Pest l'hilly Deo.gall, Mull and co
Schandor and co dan a
Sor 37han Frances Dee lather and or
Framelecet 16 tuore and os
43 V
Desig Swe. Hallimbur
Jan Dee
" 3 do.
13 Leden
Famirsen Marienb
Dan 130 dager *pan. Vague
|slam | 350|Lan
| Heli-| G| Tactio
50 Evans
[China] tielstope
[BiH (Lam-Shrad
ve Fraser
66 Morrice Shu-soliter Mau
Vetle Sept John Bud and co, Jan Shangline Dec 21 & ON. Ca
Man Francises Spiney
For tale Little
San Fra
New to 'au Frauche Sept 27, clunsfer and co. ringkjver Deo 31 de.
Nur InJardina, 39, and co
pan Franc
EU da.
John Hardco
$ du.
Pests and
Dec --
Sept a Haukok
Aug 13 Jardins, M. and co.
Ure Jardine, Maud ca. June 2. Jardins, Al qui ce. San Franci
san ban
On Mauclaes et 120Frier
Dea 14 Liverpool
(Dee TP 0.9 N Co
Jet verpl In clarifer and co
||July 31 Haskok
July Amoud costat
ing Herder
Nor 11 Mayer, Belfer & class haiky
Det Pardue, M. and on.
ceffer and co Pert halli A. Anthon and coba Pramiro
On New York
Shamrock, brig
1 W
Nav Maca
statesman, barque
150 lodge
the Whampoa
Veronica, bask
Timel, barg
Daily by Mec
Ser 13 Sige Fradelsce sept
Walter Morrice, hasgos | Brit
Dec 31 dny
Lyall, Sill and co.
Whelansberg, ship
Nov 21, Melbourne
Lubeck and ca,
Fulgrant, ship
The Whompson Jane Stralie
Det tv. V. Jargo
-J. M. de Jesu
l'incess Sapala, banjac | Dut
Nov (6. Po da bira
Andrachios, slip
Bella Vascongada, sippan
Brends, scho
Agulne testeas
Bi Tar, baran
347 'recisa
Cantos, teamer
NS da Lus, ke
Vacate, barque Danket Harque Deutschland jo Laily Bhd, barque Flying Dutchman, sulp Kastle, ship
29, Fr. Str. Le Cass, Commander F, du Plas, tenbery, alp
30, Herria (Am), Haller, Boston,
Angivale in England.
Oct 14th, Countess of Winton, 27th Willem Connel, 28th Don Ricardo, 30h Sea Qunen, Nov, 1st Stornoway, Rod Motion Melatyre, 3ed Flying Chillers.
Oct. 29th Topaz, Louisa Jacoba Jubanos, Kla aiun, and Gerardus Jacobus
Highdyar. ship
Isabel Quinture, barque
J. Jeejeebboy,
Jels Buckan barque John Wood,allp Mandaques, brig
| Neptune, sulp
| Duan, kelg
Pindes. barque
51 Pellenweet Nov 18 Haugkoug
" 25
Garter Hom. Ketel Hrebend tilt 243 Park Am.1251 Habbani
Lada Dollard
Brit. 473 Lamberi
|_ Am. |1290] Waterman
Pera. 54 Hey
Deci Hele Town
Ser 25 Mguula
| 10 Shangkas
Bee Landon
Jan anyduny
???ة 17
$7 Fitles Des mbay
237 Lirlagstau
Span 350 (worna
Slam. 1990 Martins
sie karies Farben, ett. Hell
Jan 3 Bembey
Det my
tagcudock Dee saamatang
San Franci
West Joule
het Mm. Pustan and co. Landan
NovW. M. Kolmet.
Nye, askin and Jaline, Mt and co. 'an-yall, Bill and co.
hang love Landen
Det er, Sesederaco. Lauder
16 Nye, Parkin and co. New York
the Fajne Sons de cv Mombay
1King and co
Authon and on an Francisco Jun.0.1 N. C
Ure 11 Vaca
Jardine, M and co.
13 Fraachee
A bed and co
New York
3. W. Hubbell
New York
Packerloem and ca
Nov 13den Franciace
Ang 903701 Endicott
Net Order
Dee Raj Hanlla July Tim
Lyall. Still and on.
11 Perry
det 11. V. der
Store ship Java
I'roles, barque
Hebekah, barge
San Francisco
Bolide, belg
Jun 26 Heyer
thee 21 omalla
Spark, steamer
Tamerlane, banjee
420 caldwell
Tel, sp
Tol do.
Vigilant, entor
1:20 Form
Hongkong day
UNL 19s|Nakoda
|Aug 19 Slogapore
July 15 Falt and co
Nor Falt and co
Dec 1
Fein banque
Welt, 100 timelin
25 Elvin
Fydenle, barqua
Fathakool alam, barque
$13 N
Fortuna, brig
Homer, ship
Independence, brig
142 Bach
Heatles, skip
Whamapa 'Shore May| -- Focló 251) 12 Vroma
1. Theme |Hongk?m1:14 MM.
Hospital - Beymun
Madras- Itumbay- - -
16,584 IN 1
402 40. st 20. id
Lü, 151 01
per Co.'s Rupee Alligator
Batten Ca Ikiele Hermen
The Ripon" took out $10,300 gold l 2025,717 silver for 1rogkong, and £155,879 vil vez for Lanton-besides about £160,000 for Indra- The greater part of silver lately arrived hap been taken for Insin and China, and the price in Bander Bed & per oz f?r bar silver, 58 tal per v? Max. || Spartan ican dollata
Toonigs although not plentiful is not commanil. ing such high rates as of late. The partis) eur pension of the colonial exporta usturally moder sun the demand. Freights hero to Astralis (Uz to Plla-Canton 50c to 7?c--"-Tinto" takes 300 tons Patrol Fuel.
The "William Connal" arrived hora Oct, 20th, The "Don Rient 'o" arrived at Falmouts Oco. bee 29th-Son (boven in London and Flying Chillers" at Greenstown S0thy~~Marion Bĺ-to- Igre" at Liverpool (of es putting lato Crustchaven) Jst instant-Brocimway 3)u ulto.
The "Challenge" put into Fayal 20th October very lenky, passengers having all bad a curu ai the pumpa, and not likely to have kept afloat many
baura longer.
Canon 1.31 B 12 Sander Hongkongpil š - Ellia
N kampon 13. M. 11 eller Slangse 16.M.Bull
10 M. Sto Capt the W. Hone
Amoy 11.11.20 Hongkong H. M
Hongkong 1'5. Boo
Lehce UN, HI Ilanghong 1. & Bre
U. 8, Sheage U. 8 & Canton 3.4
Yol Pellam
{{ Cope. Pitagueuld
9 McClaney
alle, ship
AMAT Abbotsford, barque Adelakla, barne Lane, Bel Eles Ann, baique
Blow, barque
Byre, barque
Amato, ship
East Coas
Indo, schooner
Watelle, schooper
Island Queen, sebronas
Autry pa. 1:lpaner
Zephyr, schooRN
|AMERICAN. Leaington Macedonia Miipp Pambatian Plymwach
| Slangher. AN Lunch U,~, Ban Manghong|U. a. 9(+ Lochos . . 21
Aurore, brig
*api. De Vie
Hevesly, ship
Fr. Sur.
Da Plas
Confucius, Mesmer
(onincías, sulp
Hanghong c
Hing, skip
4 Qarada
Houthompsonhong 1,4,8 Supply Vanda Human
Pesach. Culbert
-hanghan Fr. Kar
Fr. Va
Con matine
N?m 1
La Cama
The Tinto" and Sea Queen" are loading Jorge Jasa here for Canton, and the "Emily" at Liverpool for Shanghae. The "Topan" sciled from Shields
Palle with Coals for Hongkong 29th ultimo, also with L'osle the "Louisa Jacoba. Juhanos"-" Kuazima" and "Gierandan Jacobus".
The marine disasters reported et Lloyda have The underwriting been of fally average amount. business this year hos of avarse been very extensive We have had very wet weather generally, and not favourable for getting the seed in fur next year's harvest. The cholera has considerably abcted, The stention to sanatory reforme is Qu being aided consulerably by ita luring the special case of Lord Palmerston the 11ome Secretary.
A company is just announced with respetablo aupport, for the cutting new Dank un the South side of the Thames near the city-to be called Wellington Dock.
Bth-To days cabinet council of Ministers has been held. in assansol some attention would be given to the beads of ministerial pulley in ton en u ing Parlamentary session,
Atiatives Beatrix Catherme Dumfries Geelong Elero
Shanghar me Fg54 Capt. Unkesby
Cela ose der Normal
Jacoba Cornelia Lockett
Mary Heligondas
Mary Shepherd Nova Zembla
Oud Nederland
Felsen Lon. Sept 26
Last Sept 29-
Lie. Sept 19
Howere Lo 16 1 Finlay Liv. Dal 01 adwick Hart Aug 6H Valentine L Aug 16 S. Visser Jart. ApN. Hapson iLon. Dci 20's. Jansen
j'art. Sepi Is It.
lart, Sept 18: 11.
Hart Uct 17 -
Paul Jubano
Brostend Tupas
The continental news to day is of the same character as of late-nccounts of hostilities with | Willian Veile dostful is-The Cat immovably dim. The Wybalay Suhan willing to frent fur terme unable to his own rename fom powers making further effort
to bring about an arrangement and way hostile
proceedings, 1118 asid ?mar Pacho has teenved orches to pause before aurcacing luriber.
The Afghans are and to have requested L'eroia tourist Turkey and threaten on ceful to march on to omada.
3. The Overland Mail with advicra from you, quarter to 27th Septembar, in jam telegraplied maritred 1 Stirrte this morning, and announces the accupation of Shanghae by the Insurgent forcet and rabble
"Chrysotito" and "Cairngorm" not yet reported.
Idund. Aug 18; 11.
Lon. Oct 4 10. del2 Oct 29 11
Liv. Jung 4) 11. Liv. Oct 16 H.
Onder in which the above l'eanctataft England
Wm. Fri, 1nchett, Jarsha Chemba. Puhom, Mary Molligenda.
Nato Sembla (Pad Nederland, Panties, Catherine, keserin mena land Brew, Bitching, Wymay, Tua 39
) Jakova, Mary Suphant.
Elintang Anam
Mary Spencer
Mosque, sladyr
Vanesaver, ship
TOO Pryce
-pad.| 235)Valsalla
214 D'BUva
23 Shangha
het longkang
Dre Shangha Sept 151' back
Nov 23 do
242 Vanderhovedet longkong
300 McLese
370 King
109, Lawla
Brit 34) Vincent
Own 13% Const
Sept 15 Hat Linch
||Noe ) (Hongkong
Det Shanghag Now d
Nav Was Pasts and cellen.barg jac -- aptalo
Oc A. and a liverpool
and coalit
Nov Jardins, ?l and ca
ye Murano
De call and co.
Sept 13 Order
Ner - Talt and co
--you, fluir and co. Nov
. Me and co. Sept 2, Hair and ca. Doc-syme, Mule and Sepand c
28 Mair and co 11, Aful and o
Nov 13 Tak and so.
Nov-Tait and co
J3, Jodd
cardio, M. and co
101 doctrine
Dant and co
17 Nyr
Jardin, and co
Hent and es
So Thob
430 Cam
et-Hongle compt Nov-hang
Apan. (25 VE?Lat
Sept Mana
150 U
St l'erica
42 Nob
Benjamu Haspe barque Brittnckbone 31
Joseph Fletcher, shHE
Unda, slip
Alesbike, barque Hayal Kazen, barger Kam Hemito. Ind Bec, schmer
Star of the East Jip Time, scler
Arabla, bar Nemesla, barq Audax, schoner tanut, schoon Luma chooner
isilan, brig 1.4ampagate, Bare
Yes, ship
Chakwal p
Walter, bir
Sa Ling barque Lee, barunt
For London. Free Tender, 1. Androcklon, W. British Ter, W. ('Roma, W.
Walmer Castle, W. Jos pb Fletcher, Royal Saxon, 8.
Oriental, F.
For Liverpool. Tamerlane, 11.
Confusion, S.
Krum | 974) Purakjela
Bric $11) Jack
pen 12 Using
Hell. 36 Garthe
Nov 2 Ningpo Dee zu Liverpool
|the 20
Hongkong Not Japan
Doa dang
Deast Nige Sydney
Oct 18 Numell and es N?l and co.
sugitumell and co.
-Shaw, Ittend and to -A Hoard and co. Nov nese and co,
Pune Hies and co
Get In Jordlue, M. and co
31 unila
New York
--Lent, Heale and co. Lede
- lead and co
Nor . Nye and co.
-1.. Hmmon and co-
Angeli nod oo.
-W. Davidson.
??ا س?ا
NOT largreaves and co. Įtåverpool
-r. Lacy
Deo Le Jardine, M. and co. Shangliae
M.and changha
antipe, A. and co
Bed 23 Pardue, M.
Ang 93fffeschole
Hough ang
343 Hamilte
it and co.
317 Dunman
co. W mong
De ad co
Ham 14 mar
a. Herd and co
1 may
73: lyn
6 Flay
Nae. $10 well
{rept Still and co
Amec Fletcher
(pac) (odabres
Lubeck and ca.
4fel to farding, Al, and co
Deo avail o
Now Humella co.
Deyme, Muir and ev
For Bombay.
For New York.
Str. Pominger (1 lih inst.) Flying Dutchman, W.
Jamertjes Jeejrauboy, W. Gazette, W.
Fe Calcula
Triumph, W.
For Port Phillip. George Avery, II.
howtock, Tremelga, A
For Sydney. Cornwall, H. KHUL Bonila, Ed.
Sur of the East, 8.
Itukayn Fieber
|Sing. Nov 14} w Sing. Nov 75 1.
For Sinm.
Sen Horse, 11.
Solide, W.
La Londen, Liv. Liverpan), thie, Shhhhe, Mam, Kalegale Bak Bartdegunt, Patt. Putemoval,
Cal. Calcuits
Bow. Kothay, Mad, Madra, Pro Pening
F. Camangason, 43, Hongkong, AL Money Wh. Wiempo, he hey, 6. habighan
Fur Hamburg.
Neptune, W.
Highflyer, W. Baverly, B.
For Pangwa.
Sen Witch, FL.
For Peru. Isabel Quintana, W.
For Manila. Bella Vascongada, W. Aurom, 3.
Sap Hepino, S.
For Java.
Pir'den, W.
ab chow
| |'nhochure In
For San Francis Isis, If
John N Goalor, fa.
Lorenz, H. l'otomac, It. Itobins, II. Veronica, H. Wilhelmsburg, (f. Rebekab, W.
For Singapore.
Lady Bailes, W.
For Shanghe.
Str. L. M. Wood (7th inst.)
Brenda, W.
Early Bird, W.
EDITED. PRINTED and Published, av Tun Propuseron, William Tarmant, Queen's Hood Wem, Victoria, 1861.
PRICE S pot sunum.
TERMS OF BUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, por Anauw, 10 Spanish Dollare, payable in advance.quieterty or otherwise, at optios, Hingle Numbers V5 cente TRIMB OF ADVERTISIN9).-'T'en lines amit under, 1 Hp: Dolle; udilitional, 10 cents ??line. Repositions one-third of the first regular insertion Ships, - Piret Insortium, & Sje 18oʻlenarulisempiens Insertions 45 zenze Advertisements to have writter, on the face of them, the number of tlines they are required to appear, odlier wiso they will be published until emunterundel. A reduction of twenty five per cent on mul charge Pull charge made for repetition of any Advertisement in the OrankAND İRSİN, made when quarterly, sezonilia are rendered for advertisements ordered to stand undisturbed for a period of thred months. Notices of Bria and Estaten will be inserted in both Oraneand and Samo weensy editions unless asdered to the contrary.
STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAMERS, rly regularly between Alexan
drs and Trieste cunresponding with the monthly
and bymonibly Indian Stramers,
The faces have been reduced and the following Tales kavo been fixed, vis
I Class £16, 2nd Claes £01, 3rd Class £7, including Table money and fees.
Arrangements liave been entered into between The Directors of the Peninsular and Oriental 8. N.
Company and the Directors of the Austrian Lloyd's S. N. Company, thm.-
1 PARKOK intending to proceed fron China in Trizst, as receive ticket from the Fruineular sod Oriental Company's Agents for Alexandria.
2nd, PARKO' Bandage can be shipped, from Alexandria by the Peninsular and Oriomni Company's Renmeia for Southampton ; the Freight bring Tre Ahillings Sterling par CwG
THE A. I. Ponsguese barque TRE. MELGA, will have quick despatch for the above ports.
For FORT or Passive, apply to
MEYER, SCHAEFFER & Co. Hongkong-
Canton. Hongkong, 21st November, 1859.
AS THE A. I. Dritisk ship "ROPINA," 47. J MoWua Master, will have quica
Fur Fariant or Passam apply to
MEYER, SCHAEFFER & Co. Boogkong, 24th November, 1853.
FOR BAN FRANCISCO. CCALL THE A. 1. Dutch ship" ISIS," Cap 1 tain A, F. Grasou, will be despatol. on or about the Isi January neat, for shove port. Fie FREIONT, apply to
ard, Receipts for Cameo and Srecen intended for Shipment to Trieste, will be granted by the||the Peninsular and Orional Company's Agents to Alexandria, instead of to Suen no formerly, bul ench I'nekage is to be provided with a white label, on which is distinctly marked in print.
MEYER. SCHAEFFER & Co. Hongkong, le December, 1853.
trade regularly betwom Flonghong sad Canton. In Transit for the AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STUAMESTU New British Lorche VICTORIA," win
Cargo takon at modernto sasen. For further particulars apply 10,
WM. PUSTAU & Co. Agents at Hongkong and ( anton, longkong, In July, 1853.
JAVA," having been engaged by the Java Government for the service of the bi-monthly Mail between Hatavin and Singapore, under contract for 12 months, will ply regularly during that period between Balamia and Singapors leaving the former port about the 10th or 11th of every momb, nod Singapore within 24 hours after the arrived there of the wil which leaves Southampton on the 4th of the preceding month. The rates of Paunge money ate as follows
CHIEF CABIN. From Singapore to Rhio
to Minto - de. de. to Havin
8 28
Do. Retorn Tickets from Singapore to Batoria and
vice eran $3
SECOND CABIN. From Bingapore se Micro-
do. Do.
10 Bavia DECK PASSENOKKS. From Bigspore to Rhlo
Do, Do
do. do.
- 10 to Minto
20 to Bavia Children under 10 years of age half price
3. of Free
West Point, Flongkong,
13th December, 1863.
will in futuro be carried on under the style of staraOING CURE OF A CONFIRMED ASTHMA. THE Business beroufure conducted in my name
|| 1. & J. BYRAMJEE COLAŬ wherein ing Brother Mr. Jamauser Buranjur Colam in mến mittad Porinez.
PESTONJEE BYRAMJEE CULAR. Gaston, 31st December, 1853.
MR JAMES P. COOK is admitted in Pasiner
The with me from and after this data Business will be continued under ibe Nains and
Biyle of TROS. HUNT & Co.
Whampos, 1st January, 1854.
.. continues to keep. Large and Extensive Assortment of 813İP CH?NDLERY, @ the very Lowes I'sıom.
Wheinpoa, fet January, 1954,
MR BRODERSEN adm Hongkong-
Parter in our Firm both at Casian sal
FOR SALE. TWO HOUSES as the South side of Gough Street, each baring Garden, Stables, Gosch-Houses, & Ground-reit
J. F. EDUEN. Hongkong, 2nd January, 1864.
Bide of Gogh Street, and another on F TWO COMMODO HOUSES as the South the North Made of the muse Street, each with Bul | Jes, Out-houses, Garden, &c. Apply to,
J. F. EDGEL Victoria. 3rd March, 1851,
TO LET. THE HOUBE in Stanley Street adjoin ing the one now occupied by Mr Co- NRLATE. For particulars apply 10
N. DUUS & C.. Hongkong, 21st October, 1852.
ing & Hitting Rooms and 2 Bed Rooma,
China, Ist July, 1957,
W". PUSTAU & Co.
THE 1256 FRANKFORT state lotTERY, Gisarmuted by the Govorament of the fros City of Frankfort-on-the- Main. On the 29.b March the drawing commences. and will be continued daily until the 22nd of April, 1884.
The following large Prix will to galond:-
| Premium of Florina 100 000= £8,150 100,000: 8,950 4,170
| Pow
1 Do
I Dieu
2 Dian 5,000 Fl.-
10 000-
Do of 4.000
- 10,000-
NEM? of 2,091)
1,310 1.040
100 Du. of 1,000
101 of 300
.. 30,000- 2500
6,780 in of 100
10 Pina
??78,000- 48,200
Fle. 1964,70 £8,000)
The fukau ing testimonial has been sent to Proftione Bulleways by a Gentleman named Middleton, af Bestland Hond, Liverpost. sir.-Your Pills have been the mess, under Proti. Jetter, of restoring min to sound hostili, after ?ve years. of severe affliction. During the whole of that period, Indeed the most mindful attechs of kathms, from quently of several weeks' duration, stimdel with a Violent eng and e"nnoval spleting ať plilegis, laser- mixed with 1 ned. 'Ikla on shook my opinization that [k was unlitt 1 for any of the active duties of lie. § (way attender by some of the most culong medias) | mens of thla tomú, but they failed to gframe the slight- Best rellef en fast remade 1 tried your Pille, and in shot three months they esseen, ? " perfont aura of the
· disease, totally eradicated the couple, and emtored tone and vigour + the obest and dipretive organs.
I aim, bir, your obedlijt Pervant. Usted Jan. lat, 1868, (Signed) 16. SIDDLETON-
12 Florins equal to One Pound Sterling. The last drawn of the first 12 Prizes will receive the Premium of 100,000 de covarquenily and shart may gain about £10,700.
The above State Lottery, established in 1789,
like Continental distribution. There are 18,400 being £7, the Sterling The drowing will take in the presence of the pallic, at the Laterry Hall, Frankfort, under the immediate control of a select commitee appointed by the High Senate.
A PERMANENT CURE OF A DIBRARED LIVER OF MANY SKARA' DURATION, Copy of a 1.klar fram Mc. Gambo, Chomi-1, Teová.
Dear Sir,--in tila d?strict your Pilla command a mare extensja mie than any other proprietary made- cine before ile public. Ana preot of their o@racy lu Låver mod H Couspisinta 1 way mensdọn ch�?fal- lowing care. ? lady of this town with whom I am personally arjuninted, for years was a severa sullover from disease of the Liver and digestive organa; her medical utten lant suured her that be replů do sulblog to relieve herflerlugs, and fe was not 1fkoly she could survive many monilis. Thie saouocustní naturally caused great klarm among her friends and triations and they induced her to make a trial of your Pilla? phoch so improved her general koolch that she was induced to continue thans "unif she received a perfec) eure 'This is twelve months ago, and she has wo? axperienced any impetus of relapan, and with declares that your Pola have been the moons of sering her tide.
1 remain, Dear sir, ponis scaly,
(Signed)^2, GAMIN.
Nov. 33rd, 1932.
Capy at a later Iron Mr. W. Moon, of the Square, Winchester.
To l'aorta HOLLOWAY,
kit,-) beg to inform you that for porn 1 was a myf- ferer from Cheorie Rheumatism, and wma nões laid up int weeks togi thur by lu orvers and pamfal attacks. itled arcty th ng khác n?o ?ang tạo nên tended by one of the mon aminami Burgeone in this town; but ulitaloed no relief whatever, and fearing that my health would be entirely broke up. I was kn Juced to go into pur County Hospital, where I had the best medical treatment the Institution afforded, all of which proved lof no avall, and I came out na butlar than I went i I then advised to try your Pilla, and by persevering with them was perfectly marad, and
with outhouses afincliad, and large accommodation | Tickets and 6,000 Prizes, the mulled prenabled to rea (ne my accupation, and although a comi
For further information apply to Mesare MacLain for servante on the ground Boor. Apply to, WATSON Co. Director, Batavia,-or to Meses Mattathe Frauen & Có Singapors,
Batavia, 26th April, 1853.
Hongkong, 12th July, 1853- TO LET.
each foreign shareholder
In the Lonery very numbur in desun, whether Nand Aer Monday the 22nd E well known Mimico Promises (for Mission | blank ar prize, and its fato dutinatly marked in the parpoons only) of Rev. J. Rounts in officiel list, a copy of which will be forwarded to Canton. The place in healtby, comfortable, will known by the Natives as a preaching place, and desirable as a Mission station. Let any wishing to real call and examine the place, and apply to Mesare Rosen & Co. for the tormi,
instant, until further notice, the HONGKONG and Cantun STEAM COMPANy's Steamers will ply regularly between HOKOTOND, CANton and Madad, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (unless previous notice of deviation be given) as follows:--
The Boat leaving Hoxonovo on Monday and CANTON on Friday, will call nt Macao, starting at TA.. The hour of departure m other times will be 8 A. M. and the boss will proceed direct bo, wann Hosonowo and CARTON. When inducemeal flera the Boats will call at Curinamoon but previous notice of auch deviation will be given when prac. cleable.
The fares will be as hevetofurs
In Clan Pamuxoris betwron Hongkong, &
Canion and Muces & Canton $8. Between Hongkong and Moro - 65. 81 Dick Pamengers, European -
$1.00, Malaya, &c. -
$1. Chincur, -- Parengres desirous of proceeding to Macao for a short period may obtain return 'l'ickets, available for the Grat or accom Sommer after their atsival, at the reduced rates of between (longkong and Alucao, and $12 between Canton and Maexo.
Every first clam Pamunger will be allowed one
servant free of charge.
The vesela will convey Fraight on the terma of their published scale; on which, however, anme reduction will be made for large quantities, by specia) agreement.
All Paymen whether for Freight of langs to be made in Spanish Dollars.
LYALL STILL & Co. Agents !! &C. &. P. Co.
flongkong, 18th Augum, 1863.
WANTED TO CHARTER CHIPS of from 600 Tous and upwarde
Canton, Ist January, 1884.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Copartnership
keretofore subtiming between Youtoa Jonas Monnow and Janze Stupunnen, under the Biyle or Firm of MURROW, BTEPHENSON & Ca. kua been this day dissolved. The undersigned, assuming the tertionsibilities of the said Firm, will in future conduct the business on his own account and in his own coine.
Y. J. MURROW. Ilengkong, 2nd Jaounty, 1864.
THE interest and resposability of Mr A. L AGARKO, J. our Firm ceased from this date, and war Busince will be conducted under the Syla of L. AGABES & Co., which Mr Masonus Auazzo is wüthorized to siga.
A. & G. L AGABEG. Canton, Ist January, 1864.
THE interest and responsibility of Ma OLIVER EVERETT HOLERTS in our Firm nt Can-
WETMORE & Co. tam and Shanghas ceased on the 20th June lost.
Capton. $1 December, 1883.
THE interest and responsibility of Me Jamourzan EPULJER in our firm at Canton, ceased on the 31 #ecember 1863,
Cuaton, 4th January, 1954. WITH reference to the above notification I beg to intimate that, from this day, 1 bure asta-
for conveyance of Chinese Emigrantsblished myself as a ComIGION AGENT and Man-
to Bavana. Apply to
Hongkong, 14th November, 1853.
this place.
PRICE OF BHARES. One Whole Share - Doe Half-State
£ 5. £ 2.100.
The following advantages are given by taking ??
Day Quarter-Share
or of Shares:-
6 Shores, or
10 Half ditto, or
£ 46
20 Quarter diue
to Shares, or
20 Half dino, or
40 Quarter dino
20 Sheran, or
40 af dito, or
Quarter Bharca -
£ 90
£ 150
Bhures and prospectuses and in be bad of the undergned, who are now sp cially appointed for the sale of sharse for home and foreign countries, and have given security swfli bent to fulfil every engagement towards the abateholders,
Tho Peizen will be paid in the East Indies and Chua through an Established Buck.
Bankers and Appointed tiovernment
Lotery Contractors, Frankfort on the Alain.
Apply, without delay, to Meenen J. A. Serwarn SCHILD & Sons, Bankers, Prankfort on the Maine ; of thinen who preter it, may direct those lettera and remitances to Monero A. SchwaNZSCHILD & Co. 26, Lombard et, London
derable period line elapsed, I bare felt no saturn whate
ever of the complaina
Eum, Bie, your obediena Bervant.
W. MOON. Oct. Bili, 152 {Agned}
|| Erbeuary 15th, "{885.
Sir- av much plessure in informing you of s mosi surprising Pure of Dropsy seet.lly efflated by your 14luable medica. Corin A, c nh ph was ficted
Dro for upwards of eighteen months, to sue extent that cated his body and | kraba to be a ich swollen, apd water posed an li were From his, that a daily change of apparel became preciary, uols olestanding the various remedian tried, ` and the differe trilical iden consulted, all waif no prail, unit be zonewond malag, your l'illa, by which, and a strict at suon to the printed directions, be wa efectually cures, and his health perfectly re- mtablished. if you deems this worthy of publicity you are at liberty
1 am, Bir, pour respectfully,
45. Haluck. (Signed) These broded Pošto nes wonderfully "frescort in the
following complainta
'male Irregala-Reichiion of Unge
-In, or King's
to use it.
Hare Theobi
Stoma and Gravel
Complains. "Governuf all kid but Watches on the Akay. For Bowel Comptam a Costipation of sla 'Unschges
Hecondary Symplantes
The Dusk
tant Complaints Vinereal Affections
11 caurumu un leht "
ne of all kinda
ever car, c. &c.
Sold by all. Druggine, and st Professor Holloway a establishment, 244, Strand, Loudon.
By Mc. JM Da SILVA, and by
HINNAM, thair Stores,
also by WONG ACHEW-Hongkong
Sr. J. M. DA FONCECA,-Nocau and Metorn ACOW & Co.-Canka
FRANKFORT STATE LOTTERY, With reference to the terms of the above ad- vertisment, intending purobanets are informed chat remiliance of monies for purchson of A. J. Botanasonild & Co's Suakes, may through Mr F. Augar, Colonial Ageni, 11, Clr | each pot of Box meni's Lane, Lombard Street, Loudon, who will
mado | At_la, l?d -20 Sd.-41, 60.- 1hr,-22, & 336.
in rucb cases protool the interests of Colonial Shareholders,
Loodan, Uctober, lat, 1853.
Bl'here is a considerabĵo saving by taking the large sızan.
NB-Directions for the guidance of patients to every disorder ste o?zed to each Pot.
th the exports to Australia mod the shopyogeen afval, wiarye a marked dertes
1 ne feres Schermined after a 64 daye junge, and trading wearels-bouging a modetale sumant of gold, jósong of orders, but discouraging new2. The meichawis here are mostly disposest to mia a hate mare læfire fooler operations. The
?Т ?олоколо,
4. Didney Lan, Matin, frein Honaluto, Dec.
4, But. Potanger, Sterd, from Bombay 2nd Dec.
talle 13th do, Peaing tin do, and tim gapore 23rd d
cofresate blad Coatest Victoria nelja,
victory in taking a spleulil ran out in 123 slaps
la buenac?t generally there has beeix mole ball, ` Jan.
the manufacturers have been of course probicing
les, and the state of the money market kas setel
Arms, Locke, from Whumpaa.
1, Deut eklamit (Urent), Laind, froin Hongkong.
Ai Menghena
(e. barqu
Cornwall, abl
Denning, arque
Jenner, ship thos Amigos, schooner
A Juha Hckenen, Javingson, from Houghong...
in a patrctive duction in many la inches of bant, Eradar), Lambert, froin Calcuna pros-The trade of the year however hat beca
y ligo-There is no distrust, and shibought | money in worth more than for rome time previous, there is nothing like pressure or stain. The Bank hare had a moderate flow inwards, and are liberal in drancia. The decount houses grost Jong dated paper. The back rate of disconst in 42 per cent; outside 5 to 6 per eval. Consils have maintained and advanced in price, chufly as the effect of large speculations for the fall in which funny now had themarlves but sakwardly placed -The price is now 0%; The high price of com in a matter of messeus consideration ; Brend in the metropolia has reached 100 die quarters -The niket kas probably inched is bighost, and stevidy in declining Large supplies may be expected fram the lack Ben, where about 2,000, remèls are now
20, Nymph, Wilson, from Hongkong. 201, Confurus, Pentice, from Liverpool, 120, Joseph Fletcher, Poster, from Auckland. | 30, Rogal Sorm, Jackson, ham Sydney.
attired of bound oor to load wheat Freigh's have ruled exconvely high-Ulice has been gradually adruncing, but is now quieter-Bengal is quoted 14,6 to Acacia 12,6 19,9 Cor tou kan ruled dull owing chiefly to the induced consumption resulting froin the strikes, but during the last day or two more krmness is exhibited... The colonial produce markets have beco quiet and prices diooplig.
The silk market is steady and prices continuo about the same an indicated at our October silen
The deliveries in Ocimber were larga, although not equal to those of September. In the 10 months ending 31st October, there is an increase in the deltenes of 7,149 bales, and in the Lotportationg of 3,312 baleo over the same period. 1232; and the stuck sa 31st ultimo was only 183 balne more chan in 1832. The quantity to arrive, as adried by the last Moth in nearly 17,000 bates, including abut 4000 which were to leave immediately ater 29th August. The ju?censing preference giren ko China Silk over other Alda must, so long as the Trade maintain a healthy position, protres prices from any lecial dreline,
The Ten market has been vets animated and the consumptive deinand has, coupled with the confidence of importance, induced an improvement in good Congons of about td per lb (having touch- ed (a la) and a slight advance in several other descriptions. The stock in U. R 3hi olino. war 54,615,000 in agonet 45,837,000 lbs. 31 Desober 1853.
Amount of balla diawn by the Company on their respectives Presidencies from the 2 clober to
the 7th November.
- 242,510 12 01 | Exchange,
16,584 IN 13 at 25 fil
206, 151 01
21, Benjamin Fir-pe, Hutchinson, Melbourne. 22, Oncia (Ain), Creery, from Hồngleơng- 22, Buc. Z. M. I'wl, Jamieson, from 1lingkunE. 22 Star of the East, Robertson, from Sydney. 26, Sper, Maynsis, from Ningpo.
Per Str. Polfinger,-Mersts Faire, Clarke, a Meunan, Langley, Bowan, Green, Mier and 11 Chinese.
5 Lady Raffer, Marienburg, Whampor. b. Armais, Icke, London
Entrepolze, shijs
Fare barque Fire Trader, hip
ر?ش Cigar the
Juhu Bagdal", ship
Jak N. timler, slige
135 Thomjin?m
134 Tom Chase
thec kim
Dent and co inly if.. Wle sad co.
Dec 11. Aath and co
Det yt. Beleeffer and a Port Phill Deeyall, Hull
Nov 27 San Francischer Schaeffer and con Fra Jan Liverpool Ana Luchon aude,
Hec a Francisco Net 16,11's tossed and ca
PRICE $ per ?�tunum.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, 10 Spanish Dollars, payable in advance,quarterly or otherwise, at option. Single Numbers 23 cente TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten Ilões amil umiler, 3 Rp: Dolle ; adilitious), 19 crute ??line. Repetitions one-third of the first regular insertion ships, -Pint Insertion, ??Np DuTrai subsequent insertions 43 count Advertisements to have written, on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermandel. A reduction st twenty five per cent on usual eberge Vail charge made for repetition of say Advertisment in the drankAND HOME, made when quarterly accounts are rendered for advertisements ordered to stand umilisturbed for a period of three month Notices of Being and Estates will be Juserted in both Oranges and Bass worster editions moles ordered to the contrary,
Hole Port
Maur Belt. 590 Dawson
3 New
and the
+! These
Hebert Towa New
John Hund and co
Per) | 13%
24 me. Authouse Italog
54: Auderson
thet e Livingston and co Dec 12 Wan Awtbe and co Hay 3 Lindray and co.
VOL. X11. No. 3.
tieorge Avery, Larque
Ju Hell
Nor Inaba
Hongkong, risomer
Dat besse Unit Wams
A350 wins Ne. HeNotes Bal
jan Fragrisey
3 do.
Labeck and cu
Sept Joke Durd and co.
Nov 19
Der 11 de.
do. ID
||Sept a Mankok
China tops
Can Francises, enter
Jet (a liverpool
July 21 Hankok
Deo New York
hant 15arch, lolg hahluter
| Lady Mary Must, str.
Indy tales patys
!ped Warthlon, ship
| Love, que
Mathilde bgunslow Nuevo la?no brig
Cawalheese, sk
6, Rose of Sharon, Th-anpean, Pon Phillip nod
25, Pogurte de Pangin (Post), Filhn, Singapore. 19, Belinna (Pont), D'Atwell, Singapore, Jan 2, Tranfu (Pani), itemodis, G. L. Dec.
27, Robert (Aur, Camell, Singapore, Jan. 4, Syed Khan, Young, Sogspore,
William & Mary, Iteed, Sydney. "5, June Ewing, Dalla, Mands. Dec.
21, Russian War Str. Vostues, Commander Kor
sakoff, for a cruizs
25, Nymph, Wilson, Hongkong.
47, Pudsey Dawson, Davier, Dindon.
29, Channing (Am), Juhimono, New York
26) Sumo Squulf (Xin), Butaley, Landon
Ockney barque the ship I'tomac, slip
Postinger steamet
Mobius alip
Hose of Sharon abilp
2 en beque
Shock brig
States, barque
Telga, baryse
Veronica, bask
|How!! 4[1]Saabegi
| Dan | 110siallager *pan | 16vVasyara Plan &10|La
130) 83170
Am 90: Fraser
Bvc & S N. ta Franclee Sept 23 M. "cluofer and co. ("lagaj ven
her midah 1, and co.
Hard and cu
Na Pesta a o Dec -- Garrets
Yong 13 Jundine, 11. and co Dee Jardine, M and co
Nam trans.
you trail....
Jung 2. Farding, Al and co. Pan Franch t
Fran Franches 11lombay
luse will retailer and Faci
Non Favelaetsept #byer bela da & so l'ait l'hedija
July Amilion and ca.Biam
Ang Hider
Nov 17 Maca
July 12 Macas
sau lodge
Pont Del
37 Silva
543 Ulger
Morrice *Miller
De 3 day
isher Morrice, barger H
14 ilhelmatıwig, oblp
Fulgrant, ship
N Sco da Lak, tule
'clucem Soykla, karjus | Dat
Androchlor, ship
Hella Vascougarla, slope
Brends, sch
Tar, barne
Cantu, steamES Canote, kauno Daniel Hour banque Deutschland ship
Early Bird, halque Myla Dulciau, ship
29, Fr. Str. Le Cassini, Comutander F. du Plas, elle, whip
10, Herri ia (Am), Halle), Boston.
AnsivaLD IN Esuland.
Oct 14th, Countess of Winton, 27th Willium Connel, 28th Dọn Ricardo, 30h Sea Queen, Nor,
at Stornoway, 2nd Merion Melatyrr, 3rd Flying
Oel, 29th Topaz, Louisa Jacoba Jhansa, Kla ins, od Lieradis Jacobe
Whamopa [Store M2)-|
Var lowes
1,450 8 9
$126. id
per Co.'s Rupee
Batt Cm
ercules Iarmace
The Ripon took out $10,300 gold an £125,717 silver for Dengkong, and 41:25,879 al
**z lat Camino-braiden sbuut £160,000 for Indan. | lady
The greater port of silver lately arrived ling been taken for Inŭis and China, and the price in
5a 28 i per uz for bar silver, Sa tol per va Mox- Span ican dolla
Tosnige alibough not pleatifal is not cornmamı)-
ing such high roles as of late. The partial sur-
Henbury, ship
Highflyar. ship
Grab Rulotara, barque
3. Jerjeabhay, bly
Huckanes. barqoo
tah Wood, p lodges, belg Neptune, silp
Wales arque Ongs, help
Foo clow M.M
|Honghen:|| MAI
Canton. Ng
13 hamgun 13. M.
||Sanghve 11.M.wer
- Bayatum
12 Hamdormen -ED
11 Muller
20 Cap Bir W.
Amey H.41,Br |Hongkong|18, 18 so Vice.Adl Pallaw
|{ Capt. Fingerald |
Filp banya
Myrew, berque
Nov 13 San Franelsen
Nov Ja Melbourn
the 'Whumpoa
[Fone 9),Stralis
Nes in Haughong
Dee 19tabat Town
57 Pellenwemel
4 Agalva
Nov 2Manila
347 'roun
73' Stars
en Land Hrik 14 Park
Am. 1267|Hubbard
20. 1942 Vellari
Bild 473 Lambert Am. 1200 Wutalan t'eru Sey
Brit 271 Fitamarice
EDTİLivingston Jutrocketi
Spam 150 Povinn
Bee Landon Jeughong Broalcula Jayde
Bee 111 Mac
13an Franchre
13 do.
Nav 15,en Francisco
17 alleo
3 Bembey
Ore 14 Manila
July 7
Dee - Zamo'mgom
Sadock Dec 31 aranji
Brit 40ldwell
?ا???ا?ة 131
Dat. Sue Hardereld
141 Vanderbors
Kaut Cear
(51min) $70
Hele 341 Vincent
Usa lalala
23 Shangha
het Hoogkeng
Dre 91 Shanghan Sept 1 back Nov 23 do
Des Hongkong
Sap? Je Put back Noy it!
Now yer, 8chaffer & en l'oct Pullip Det faale, M. and co.
uly 19., Schaller and es Part Phillip Sept 21|4. Anthon and coban Francisco Nov 71.7, 8 sed cu Sept Lubeck and ca
San Francisco
Jet 10J. V. Jurga
10.M. de Janu Nov 1. P de Sliva
West India singapore
het 21U'm. Pasion and co. [Landon NovW. M. Koldnet.
Nye, Pain and co Banghar Jane Bullion, M and ea. Lo
Anyalt, Still and co
Det sleyer, Schaerico.goda
Nov 1 Order
Sept In Nye, Parklan co. New York
Det B Pamjeo Sena & cu
Lyal SUM und co
H Baklag and co.
share ship Wave
Anthou and on- Franciser Jan.). N.
(NOT Wis Pastas and co. Hamburg
Jet A. klason and co Liverpool
DU Livignon and cot`akutia
OW. Her
Sor andlas. 3) and co. Lombust
Daly 15)Puit und zo.
(NON-Felt no co
- Me and co
fee taalt and ca.
|Sept 2343rdor
Nov-Fait and co
-- you, fair and ca. Now, wrandes. Sept 24-me, Muir and Le. DocSys, Muir and co Sepal and ca
ret ma Muir and ca. ye, Mair and on. Nov 11 Fall and on.
and co.
kang har
A tegid and co
New York
bor. W. Habbelt
New York
-¡Mucheroom and
Aug 19, H Elo
Dee der
Det Order
|Siam. 1990|Maria
131 Perry
Det | Amoy
Get 1 F. Edger
Profes, barque
Nebekah, baros
256 Townsend
on Francisco
Sir Charles Forbes, sir. H
Solide, beig
Spark, Meamer
Ham Am
Heyer 4174'illa
Des 2+ Teno
Tamerlane, barque
16 Catepila
Triple, abip
Vigul, cater
Malle, ship
Amay Abbotsford, barque Adelahle, barque Cervantes bel
Au Belt
www.Claughton Velesie
to do.
TOO Pryce
Itec Sydney
Bri. Nakoda
185 Mason
Elza Anu, barque
Dis Elvin
Eydrusele, hargan
Falhalla, Lurque..
Fortuna, bri
214 D'alla
Homer, ship
Independence, big
147 Bath
Kluy, bl
200, MaLeas
Memales, ship
to Wo
stem, barque
Ner in de.
Macedonian Mini Powbalcon Plymouth aren
Hongkong L.M. Bor Leghe U. XI
·loughang U. S Bir U. 2. Har Shanghe U. SHKelly
Amame, ship
Nor-Tait and co
22 Abbot
pide, scheener
9 NeClassy
Ostelle, schooWer
110 Hagbla
Jardins, M. ad co
Jaland (eep, schooner
190 Hecialone
Dent audeo
171 Kyrie
Dea 10, Jardine, H. and co
| Shangher 1. 8 Southampton Hongkong 11,5, Bas Hupply
Leche, Br Mashanes longhong:U. .4 Vandalia
Lanchen U. B. SI
20 Water
19 Corrice
34 Drotandes.
looque, skip
seo Thy
Det - Hongkang
Vancouver. ip
18 Lan
-long ha
Aurora, beig
La Croisi SPANI
-hanghan Fr. Kar
Fr. Yet Ft. 34.
Capt. De Vajno
127 VI4
Henjamin Heaps barque Heil
Dec 21
Beverly, skip
toofnelua, steamer
New York
150 Urban
Ner 2 Ningpa
Ianfinclus, ship
Jorge Ja
Honghang'n e H.MI
Hags, ship
Joseph Fiches, ally
RAY Pala Yestock
trade, ship
40 res
New Japan
-A. Flourd and co
itayel Sason, barque
San Benito, bla
Dec 24,dney
-B., Hawson ami eo.
Ang -- Hamill and ce
Deo 96 Niurpe Nydway An 831focal
Arabia, banpes
Dr. Garthow
Nemes, baryad Anda. Broomet Fan, choLCY
23 Fill
211 Dewman
Dent and e
15 Downst
1. Hodal co.
Nerabeek and co.
14 hampe
Dee c
sept 'rait and c
pension of the colonial exports naturally moder. Leunion aw the demand, Freights here to Astralis GOs to
El Canton 50 to 70-Tinto" takes 300 cann palent Fael,
The "William Connal" arrived baro ?c, 20th. The Don Nieur-o" arrived at Falmouth Oce ber 28ılı-"Be" (kueen" in London and "Flying Chillers" at threenstown 30th,-"Marion B?1?n tyre" at Liverpool (af or putting into Croatebaven) Set instant-Etorowway 3let alto,
The "Challenge" put into Fayal 20th October very leaky, passengers having all hada rors at the pumpa, and not likely to ħare kept afloat many bunca longer.
The Tinto" and "Sen Queen" are loading here for Canton, and the "Remily" at Liverpool for Bbanghee. The "Topax" waited from Shields with Ceel for Hongkong 2:9th ultimo, also with Combs The Louisa Jacoba Juhanas"-" Kozema** and "Cietordas Jacobus".
The markline disasters reported at Lloyds have brea of fully average amount. The underwriting bonimem this year has of cuttrad loan very extensive We have had very wet weather groerally, and not favourable for getting the seed in for sext year's horrent. The cholera has considerably bud. The stiction to montory reforms in now being aided considerably by na having the special care of Lord Palmerston the floma Seermary.
A company is just annuancel with respe ?table support, for the cutting now. Dick on the South nide of the Thainee near the city-to be called W.llington Dock.
8th-To day cabinet comocil of Ministore has been held. It is armanied some attestion would be
given to the heads of ministerial policy in the v�?u ing Parlamentary action,
The continental uewe to day is of the same character as of lete-accounts of hostibties with doubiful in-us-The Czar immovably fion. The Bulan withug to treat for terme suitable to his own view the four powers making further efforts to bring about an arrangement and may hostile proceedings. It is aid Omer Pacha bas rocnred ordre tu pano bol?re advancing tuftber.
Tho Alguns are mid to have requested Persia to in Turkey and threaten on refusal to march on to Hamad..
The Overland Mail with advices from you, quarter to 27th Septembar, in just talegreplied
arrived at Piterte this morslag, and announce the occupation of Shanghed by the lanurgent forces and tabble.
"Chrysolite" and "Chicag?rm" not yet reported.
Avistika Beatriz
Shangher Rus Fgt 51 Capt. Vakan?ky
Cathering Dumfries Grelvag Helo Jacobe Cornelia Lockc
Feldkusen Lon. Sept 26
Hort Cit
Hast. Sept 29-
Liv. Sept 1 S. Lon De 3.
Lav, Det 712 Hast Aug 6 EL
Mary Helligonda
Blowers Pinlay [Ludwick Valentine Viner
Liv Aug 16 S.
Edart. Sept.
Mary Shepherd
Loa. Oct 90's
Nova Zembla
Hart Bept is 11,
Jure Beps 19 H.
Telust Dei 17, -
Sund, Aug It,
Oud Nederland
Paul Johann
William Peile Wynty
kuna. Del 4! 01.
let Oct 1 Liv. Jans 12. Liv, Oct 1611.
Order in which the above Vorociniaft England Ka. Pra, Inst Mat Kembla ad Crumbs, Peligna, Mary Heliambule,
thad Medrstand, Dumbien, 4scher,
Fund com, derung, Wyamay, Paul Jakina, Mary Shepherd.
Bintang Anem
Mary Spencer
ukyn Slag. Nov 14 W Fiber Sing. Nar JH H. LL, Lat. Liverpool, ble. Velde, Made. O ARREALE 11909 Dartet,
der, Hart Harsleponi, Part Rate
1'. Calculs R. Bomber, Mak, Whim, yen renung 12 Cuatropation, 1. Hanghang, M. Micro, Wh. Whengen, de
Mapa bany
Zephyr achones
Dee to Liverpool
3 Phonghong
Ich 28] Nussell and co
Kell and ed.
Ang Hussell und co
-haw, land and ce -A. Iran and co. Ney 18 Knoll and co. he Ski and co.
Det nordlue. M. and co
-Dent, Heale sad ce
Hall, you co.
Alcalked, barqUE
Spes, schooner stat of the ant ship Time, scher
Span, Dongwe Hept Mila Delt
tena chover
1. belgamine
L. 1ompagule, basque
4ntal, p
Muller, bayne
You Llong barque Lolo, actioner
For London
Free Trader, II.
Androcklon, W, British Tar, W, ('name, WV.
Walmer Caulo, W. Joo ph Flacher, S.
Royal Saxon, 8.
Oriental, F.
For Liverpool Tamerlane, t).
Confusion, S.
Het Gindlay
Am 100 Flatcher
[pa) too!Abeca
ree. Davida?n.
Nov 14 Hargreaves and co. Liverpool
- Lucy
Dec 16 Jardins, M. and en. Shangkas di, M. and ce Shaban
Jardi, M. and o
and co
tie 22 tarde, M. and con
fet fordima, M. and conk-show-in
Natriumell and co.
live layme, Muir and co.
For Bombay.
For Yew York.
I'nk-chaw be
Far San Francisco
Str. Poatinger (11th inst.) Flying Dutchman,, I
Jamsetje Jeejectboy, W. Gamlin, W.
For Calcutta.
Triumplr, W.
For Port Phillip. Cleorge Avery, 11. Shamrock, D. Tremelgo, fl
For Sydney. Cornwall, H. Kat Bonde, H.
For Sirm.
Star of the East, 8.
Solide, W.
Яen forse, 12. Neptune, W.
For Hamburg.
Highflyer, W. Hererly, 8,
For Panama, Sea Witch, H.
For Peru. Isabel Quintana, W.
For Manila. Bell Vascongedo, W. Aurora, S.
San Benito, S.
For Jaed.
Piclades, W.
John N Gosalar, 11. Loreng, H. Polomac, J. Robina, 13. Veronica, IT. Wilhelmsborg, . Rebekah, W.
For Singapore Lady Raffles, W.
For Shangh
Str. L. M. Wood (4h inet.)
Brends, W.
| Early Bird, W.
Edited, Pistas and PeptioNER, BY TUR PROPANTON, Willian FarmaNT, Queen's Itond West, Victoria, 1896.
drs and Tricate correponding with the morally
and bymonthly Indian Strauters,
The fare line been reduced and the following rates have been fixed, vis
Ist Chup £16, 2nd Cloea £11, 3rd Class £7, including Table money and fees,
Arcangements have been entered into between the Directors of the Puminaoler and Oriental B. N.
Company and the Directors of the Austrian Lloyd's B. N. Company, that --
14 Patenkorns Intending to proceed from China la Trieste, can trelivo tickets from the Primular and Oriental Company's Agonis for Alesandria.
2nd, Pannon Baouaou can be shippo, from Alexandria by the Peninsuler and Oriental Company's Steamers for Sowkampilow; the Freight bring Ten Shillings Sterling par Cul
3rd, Receipts for CARRO and BPECI intended for Shipment 10 Triests, will be granted by the
Peninsular and Orissa) Company's Agents lo Almandria, Inalrad of in Furn ?s formerly, but each Package la to be provided with a white label, on which is distinctly marked in print.
THE A. 1. Portuguese barque "TRE
MELGA, will have quick dapuích for the abure ports.
For FLIGHT or Passága, apply to
MEYER, SCHAEFFER & Co. Hongkong.
Bangkong, 21st November, 1858.
FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE A. 1. British ship "ROVINA," MoWa Master, will have quica despatch.
For Fuziour of Passion apply to
MEYER, SCHAEFFER! & Ca. Hongkong, 24th November, 1853.
THE A. 1. Dutch ship 1819," Cup-
ACtain A. F. Gezusa, will be despatch-
ed on or about the lat January neat, for the abure puri. For Fartout, apply to
MEYER. SCHAEFFER & Co. Hongkong, Is December, 1853
· VICTORIA," will trade tegularly betwom Hongkong and Canton. "In Transit for the AUSTRIAN LLOTO'S STRANDSTRE New British Lorche
Cargo taken at moderate rates. For further particulars apply in,
Wx. PUSTAU & Co. Agents at Hongkong and (anton,
Hongkong, 1 July, 1858
THE NETOESLando India Stran BOAT COMPANT' Stranen JAVA," having been engaged by the Java Government for the service of the bi-monthly Mail between Batavia and Singapore, under contract for 12 months, will p?y regularly during that period between Bateria and Singapore leaving the former post about the 10th or itch of every month, and Singapore within 24 howen der die arrival there of the Sisil which leavES Southampton on the 4th of the preceding month. The rates of Passage money are as follows:
CHIEF CABIN. From Singapore to Rhio
Ja do.
to Minie - to Batavia
Return Tickets from Singapore to Batavia and
vice versa $130.
From Bugapore to Minto
From Bugapore le Rhio
Do. do. Lo Minlo -
20 to Batavia.
Children under 10 years afnge hall price
Free 3 of For further information apply to Bierara MacLain WATHON & Co. Director, Batam-or to Meta Blackatne Fraten & Co Singapore,
Balerin, 26th April, 1863,
West Point, Hongkong,
13th December, 1853.
FOR BALE. TWO HOUSE 9 on the South side of
· Stabko, Coach-klouses, &o. Ground-re modermu
J. F. EDGER. Hongkong, 2nd January, 1864.
WO COMMOPIOU OUSEB na the Bustli Bide of Gough Street, und another on the North Dads of the same. Strust, anch with Bob- Lee, Cut-homes, Garden, &c. Apply to,
J. F. ENGER. Victoria. 3rd March, 1869.
TO LET. THE HOUSE in Stanley Street adjoin- ing the one now occupied by Mr Co. MALATE. For particular apply to
N. DUUS & Co. Hongkong, 21st October, 1858.
TO LET. HOUSE io Carlton Terrass contains
Aing 2 Mining Hooms and 2 Hed Reone, with outhouses attached, and large accommodation for servanta on the ground floor. Apply 10,
TURNER & Co. Hongkong, 19th July, 1863-
THE Burines heretofore conducted in my name will in futuro be carried ou under the style of P. & J. BYRAMJEE COLAH wherein my Brother Mr. Jamander ?yranjor Curam in ad- milled Partner,
PESTONJEE DYRAWJEE GOLAH, Cinton, 31st December, 1851.
YER JAMES ('. COOK in að sittod a Partner
Business will be continued under the Name and
THOMAS HUNT. JAMES P. COOK. Whampna, tot January, 1854.
MJAC in a a lar
Byle of THUS. HUNT & Co.
THOS HUNT & Co. 1.1. continue to keep a Large and Extensive
Wertment of SUP CHANDLERY, A
the very Lowest Prices.
Wlosinpoo, Int Jamunty, 1854.
MR CHAR en both at Cantos and
Chinn, at July, 1958,
THE 125 FRANKFORT state LOTTERY, | Guarnatoed by the Government of the freu Cily of Frankfort-on-tho. Main.
Da dhe 29-h March the drawing commences. and will be continued deity until"ike 22nd of April, 1994.
"The fllowing forge Prin a will be gained:- | Premiom of Florine 100 000= £8,350 100,000 6,350 4,170
1 Pocas
1 Dio
I 470 1,200 1,00
2 Din of 6,000 F?.
4 Bun of 4000
= 16,009-
shup of 200
-100, JUD
1,310 1940 8.340
109 10.410 of 300 100
= 30,000
10 Praciamo
100 Dus of HOO
5,700 in of
F. 1,064,720 £8,000 Hul
12 Florino equal to Owe Pound Sterling. The Inst drawn of the firm 12 Prizes will receive sha Premium of 100,000 da novaequently ont
share may gain about £16,700.
The above Brate Lottery, established in 1799, | offers iha bent, fairest, and salost javarment of any
like Continental dietribalen. There are 18,400 Tickets and 8,000 Primes, the smallest prizo being £7.1 Sterling The drawing will take place
AFTER FIVE YEAH GOFFERING, The folowing testimoniai kas keen sent to Praftame Buttoways by a Cieniloman named Middleton, hi Kotiand Road, Liverpool.
-Your Illi høre heen the meani, under Provis dence, of rentoring us to neural hostili, after dve years of were affliction. Horing the hule of the period. sued the meat leelful attacks of Asthma, fre- quenily of wveral weeke Juratlow, attended with a violent enug's, and continual anteiing of philogin Inter- mixed with'i aud. "This so shook my cuminicanon that I was unfl lor any of the active duties of life. I was atiendes by some of the most union? mallaal men of this Own, but they fuled sa gireme the slight- fat relief. last remedy I tried your Pills, and in shout three onthe they rem. ) a perfont euro of the diense, total), vredicated the cough, and restored tone and vigour to the sheet and digestiva organi.
Ja, har, your obelimi Harvaat. Dated Jon. Fat, 1863. (Signed) H. MIDDLETON-
A PERMANENT CURE OP & DIBGASED LIVER OF MANY YEARS' DIRATION, Copy of a Letter from Mr. Gamle, Chami-1, Feorli- to Prof Hallonarcy. Deer Fir.--in thla datelot you: Pilla command a more extensivo ale iluan any other proprietary mode- time before le public. As a proof of their ticary tu Jäver mud (loosa Couplainte. I may mensen the fol lowing esse. A lady of the town with whom I am personally arjuninted, for year; mas o devere sufferer from incase of the Låven and digestive organa; har medical atten lant asaural ber thai ha er uld do nothing to reflove lict sufferings, and it was not likely she could survive many months. This avouacement aplurally caused great-larm among her friends and relations and they indword her to make a trial of your Pills, phích so improved har general boulik chai she was induced te cutie them until she received ??perfos, cure This is twelve months ago, and man jauna
o nei szper lenord that your
|any symptoms of relapot, and old?budures Pls buve bec:, tha mans of saving her tie.
I remala, Dear bil, yours truly,
(Uigned) J. GAMID.
Nov. 33rd, 1847.
Copy of a Fatter Iron Mr. W. Moon, of the Square. Flacrofar,
- big to leform you that for youre 7 was a maf- fever from 'ronic Rheumatism, and often laid up for weeks tog har by its movers and painful attacks. tried every thing that was raamesanded, and wại nữa tended by one of the most eminat Burgeons in thlo to; bat obtained no relief whatever, and fearing that my health would be entirely broken up. I was in duced to go into our County Hospital, where I bad tha best medical creatment the Tostication #@briled, all of which proved of no avall, and I came ont no better than I went i was then advised to try your Pillo, and by persering with them was parfsetfy iród, and enabled to rene my norepation, and although a conal-
ever of the complaits
in the presence of the public, at the Luterry Hall,erable period has elapsed, I have felt un rothen whate Frankfots, under the immediate control of a seleci
I am, Bir. your obedient Servant. commitee appointed by the Figli senare.
Oct. Bib, 135L {Alghed) W.MOON.
Nand after Monday the 22nd | E well know" Mission Premises (for Mitrion blank or prize, nad it late duineily macked in the
the Hongkong and Canzen STEAM COMPANt's Breamını will ply regularly between ETONGKONG, CANTON and Macao, ovory Monday, Wednesday and Friday (untose previous aurice of deviation be given) as follows:-
The Bom leaving (lomazaxo on Monday and CARTON on Friday, will call at Madan, starting at 7A.x. The hours of departure at other times will be 8 a. a. and the hosts will proceed direct beweX Boxerone and CANTON. When inducement offers the Boats will call at Corttromoon but previous notice of such deviation will be given when prac textile,
The fares will be as heretofore.
In Clate Paperspers betwrun Hongkong, &
Camion and Musso & Caulon $8. Between Hongkong and Mono - Deck Pameugers, European
05. 09 Makaye, dea 01.50, Chinese, 91. Parengers desirous of proceeding to Marso for short period may obtain return Tickets, arzilable for the first or second Stammer after their arrival, at the reduced rates of between Hongkong and Macao, and $19 between Caston and Macao.
Every Bral clame Passenger will be allowed one corvant free of charge.
The remole will conver Freight on the terms of their published scalo; on which, however, norwe reduction will be made for large quantities, by special agreemani,
All Payments whether for Freight or Pasango to be made in Spanish Dollars.
LYALL, STILL & Co. Agonis &C. S. P. Co. Flongkong, 18th Augam, 1863.
WANTED TO CHARTER. CHIPS of from 600 Tone and upward for conveyance of Chinese Emigrante 10 Bavuna. Apply to
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, 14h November, 1852.
purposes only) of Rev. 1 1. Rogenti Canton. The place is healthy, comfortable, will known by the Natives as a preaching place, and desirable as a Mission station. Let any wirking to rant call and examine the place, and apply to Mesas R. & Co. for the terms.
Casten, in January, 1854.
To the Lery every gumber in drown, whether
ulliris) list, a copy of which will be forwarded to each foreign sharehokler
PRICE OF SQUARES, One Whole Share - One Dall-Share
Ono Quaeter-Share
£ 2.100. The following advantages are given by taking a
of res
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Capartcerablpumber
heretofore subsisting between YORICK JONES Monnow and Janne Stephanony, under the Style Firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON & ?a, lies been this day dissolved. The undersigned, assuming the respon-lines of the anid Firm, will In future condues the business on his own account and in his own name.
Y. J. MURROW. Hongkong, 2nd Janusty, 1854.
THE interest and responsibility of Mr A. L Aanvo. J. in our Firm cossed from this date, and our Busion will be conducted under the Style of GL AGABES & Co, which Mr MALONUS Asanko in suherraad to sign.
A. & G. L AGABEO, Canton, Lat January, 1854.
THE interes and responsibility of Mx OLIVER EVERETT KOBERTS in our Firm Can. ton and Shanghar censed an the 10th June last.
WETMORE & Co. Casion. Bis Dreamber, 1883.
NOTICE. THE interest and responsibility of Mr Jamsarjan Ebolan in our firm at Canton, cessed on the 314 December 1869,
Canton, 4th January, 1954.
5 Shares, ur
10 Half dito, at 20 Quarter dito
10 Shares, or 90 Hall dino, or
40 Quarter ditto
20 Shares, or
£ 45
40 tak ditto, or - £ 150 10 Quarter Shares -
Shares and prospectuses mio i he had of the undersignal, who are now epcially appointed for the ale of shares for home and foreign countries, and have given neurity sutli ient to fulfil very engagement towards the abareholder.
The Prince will be paid in the East Indies and China through an Established Bank.
Bankers and Appointed. Governme?t
Lotery Contractor, Frankfort on ike Main.
de 1 February 15th, 1895,
To Pertani Holloway,
Eje, har mick plessure in informing you of most surjulang fura of Dropsy, recently, ficted by your valuable meiliisen. Carism Jackson, of this plode. was a ficted
sh Dropar le upwards of sightin months, to sme sa rateit that it caused his body and limbs to be tash swollen, sød water soned an 17 were from his aktu, that a daily change of apparel becabe necessary, tots, Petarding the satova remedies wied, and the dilleretical inem conaulted, all win at n? avail, until he nemoni malug, your Pills, by which and a strict at or to the printed directions, be was effcctually cured, and this bealth perfectly re-mtablubad, If you deem the worthy of publicity you are at liberty le use it.
1. Bir, yours respectfully.
G. BRIGGS, (Sigurd) These eclebrated Pille are wonderfully efections in the
following complianta
Female trgalarichuan of Urme
Milena Complaints Ervers of all kind bel Daches on the Naim Fre Bawal Complaint, rot
Throat Soone and Gravel Siccandery
jklarowana m
Ittend nake Coemtigation of the {Codigestun
Down Constupiles
Apply, without delay, to Merais J. A. SCHWAR SCHILD & Sons, Blankers, Frankfort Maio: er those who preter it, may direct their letra remi.tances to Mowers A. Bouwastacuild & Co, 25, Lombard it, London
[Lime Complaina Veneroni Adentroni
Lumbago jilba
More of all kinds
|1'cak mann_form what.
I ever cause, due. dx.
Bold by all Denggins, and at Professor Holloway ??establishment, 244, Strand, Loudon.
By Mr. JM Da SILVA, and by HINNAM, these Bures,
also by WONG ACHEW -lingkms, Sr. J. M. DA FONCECA,- Macho. and Meters ACOW & Co.-("cle
FRANKFORT STATE LOTTERY. With reference to the terms of the above ad- vertisement, intending purchasets ate informed that remittance of monine for purchase of A. §. SOMWARRICHILD & Co's Snanza, may be windo ote-through Mr F. Alean, Colonial Agent, 11, Cle ment's Lane, Lombard Street, London, who will in each case protect the interests of Celosial | large suTOO. Bhareholders.
to intimate ibel, from this day, I have WITH reference to the above notification 1 beg behedinti Comox AGENT and Ma-
CHANT In this place.
NEBOER WANJEB ARDASERO BEANJAH. Canton, 4th January, 1951,
London, October, ist, 1853,
At 10, 140 - 24 Vel.-46, Od.- 11x,-9%, & 334. each pot of Bor
Thero is a considerablo saving by taking iba
NB-Wrections for the guidance of patieuta in every disorder are affixed to each POL
Merefinery wolkigital Agends.
Mi. Erwone ALEXANDER Smija ir authorized kangie acar tam by precur nion, and will reptere 43 CAMION.
LYALL, STIEG & US Hongkong, Jat Juno, 1958,
ĮS hereby given thest the Copatineeship heretofore Cushing between the undersigned, everying Da business al Victoris, in the Colony of Hongkong, de Menenants and CommiseroN A?ENTS, is this day desolved by mutual consent.
$ 0. NAWLE.
Elunghong. 13th August, 1853.
I reference to the above advertisement it is molded that the wid en scorn will be wound.
up by MS DRINKER who is authorized to adjust all accounts, and to who i all correspondenco will be addressed,
9. B. RAWLE,
Hongkong, 15th August, 1453
PUE undersigned legs to give notice that bo
TE, &
that ha
Aurset Besésras, under the style mod firm of DRINKER & Co. mod will occupy the tenure of the late from of Rawer, Detaker & Ci
S. DRINKER. Hongkong, 15th August, 1583.
THE interest and responsibility of the Into Mr WILLIAM Head Wardest in our firm terminsted on the 20th of Septrinber last,
Canton, 12th November, 1953.
11*ITI reference to the sbore advertisement the
business of the House will ba conducted us before by Me D JOHNSON under the amo name which Mr F. B. JOHNSON, is authorized tu sign.
M JAMES BOWMAN will sign for us in Shanghae by procuration.
W. II. WARDLEY & Co. Canton, 12th November, 1853.
I.L. Persons having claims against the Estate A of the late WILLIAM HENRY WARD LEY are desired to wot them in forthwith to Meeta W. H. Wampler & Co. Canton, or to Meats James Bowman & Co. Shongkoë, soil those pa delted to the snið Estate are requested to make sumediale payment to the and partico,
Canton, 9th November, 1853.
L'E hare the honor in inform you that we still continue Bussress in Akgað, muder the style and fem of LANGLOIS, McKELLAR & Co.
Our old experience in the Rice Trade is the cuniamen for the good execution of all orders transmued to us.
Akyab, 11th October, 1953.
THE undersigned have been appointed Agents at Hongkong for the sulmeribere to LLOYDS, Alasters of Vessels are reqstented to communicate to them intelligence of los-es, necilents, the speak. ing of Vessel, and any goueral information they con-ider of importance of interest to the subscribers,
LYALL, STILL & Co. Ilongkong, 3rd September, 1852.
Seamen's Hospital
Тага?а ко.
Ilonourable David Jarding, Esq. C. D. WI Lama, Esq, How W. F, Menoni, Esq., R. 8. Walker, Esq. Superintendent of th�?P. & 0, Stam Narigaon Company, jez officio)
Treasurer,--J. C. RowLino, Eq. Resident Surgeon, Peres Youka, Eng. Consulting Surgeon,-W. A. Haurand, Esq.
M.). Acting Colonial Surgeon.
Terms of AdmiTE INZ,
Public Words. - -
- 15 cents per day.
Dollar - 2
Intermediate Words, Private Ho Paticple are new admined on deposits, as the fol lowing rates, renewable one day previous to the amount deposited having been råpended,
Public Wards,
Private Rooms,
The Captains of Corsiguees of Vessels must be responsible for the expenses of Patients w ty them to the Hospital.
N. D.-All Hospital Bikla to be receipted by the??Treasurer only.
CHAMPAGNE Pinta mal Qavis, Porr WING, PALE Boukat, Clarut and lirasdy, ull of best qualny.
NAILS of size in Carks of 2 cwt. Apply in Hongkong or Camion to
Hongkong, 1 January, 1951.
FOR SALE at the Lindwgs of
MAC EWEN & 46. Hongkong, Suth December, 1951,
OR OVERLAND MAIL. APIS 999 GENTLEMEN, White Kit 22nd over moored mees; fydans' Blocking Giuntivano na Lleshed and Coblenched Socka ; Docskanal Poci,-lan riding and driving Ollares; Neck tice; Squabne Black"and Blau Brusilcloth, Ac, A., A.
Hongkong, 12% Dvevmber, 1-53
FOR SAGE ar Mus. MARSIP'S Millinery Romans, Queen's Rant, Hongkong.
CHOICE Seletion of Hossa ra of the Latest fislions, consisting of Velvet, Saun Glice Silk. ('hun and Faner Straws of every description.
Black and Colored Silk Slantes. Black mol White Lace Do,
French Barege and L'arkın ve Shorts
French Cilice & Tallou Sibosim every color, Black & Colored Silk Velvet,
Da Ribbons in all. Widlo, Sash Ribbons. Beanit do, Narrow Satin, Late & Stranet d?, French Brocade Silk. Diesss.
Qlace Silk do.. White & Valored Tulle do. Lace do,, Hsiege de Nowe do.
Striped Peptin and Norwich Lautre do. Fruch Mepo mud Pain Muslin de Laine, Do. m White, Pink, Sky, Slate drab & Nap blua French priatel Cambric and Muslin do Boyle's Print do, Black & Colored Birege do. White & Colored Turlat des in all colors, Swim and Cudia Book Muslin?
Jaceumets Plain nød spotted. Mulls
Blick Brugs:lla Net, White do. Tulle illusion, Blonde Elgiga, Kral end Innitation Lace, Lover Fails To Berthes, Sleeves, Collars. Chemise No., &c., NC. Phun mod embroidered Cambric Handkerchiefs. Infants" Itubes and embroidered Frocks. L'ops, and
tatiety of under clothing. White and Colored Kid Gloves, Silk du. Ummeed-to and Neck ties.
Pearl Feld Chenille teid stressen. Wreaths and Bouquets, and in clesign selection of Feather & Flower, from Alduine Feroete's Paris.
An se tinent al Larlies & Childrens Boots and Shoes from Este Hue la la Paizly Joly a Paris, comprising White & Colored Satin Shoes, Kid and Morocco do., Stuff and Coutil d', &c. &e.
Liten nad Cotton Diapers, Irish Linen,
Brown Bleklund, Colored do.
Horrocks' Long Cloth, French Long Cloth very kue and light, Table Cloths very large sizes. Table Covers, Toilet Covers, Quilts, Anti-Vacasar,
· Jace Tirtama, Mosquito Net, Rulled. Jucevei Linings, Union mod Twill do., Victoria and Ver. fưm Skanog. White and t'olated Crinolives, Cri poline Price and fuptovers, Corded Ditto. Frou Flannels, Nursing Sinys. French Wore du. Contil do, Children's Bande, Wine and Calorel Bilk Hose, Thread Jo., Merino do, Couso da, Colton Bocks, Woot Pofline, Wool Cape & Skeves, Ganets, Booking, citoves Comforters, &c. &c.
Woollen Ulo de Benidest Satin and Merina fo White and Colored Satin and Merino 1849, Braided Cloaks and Pelises, Frocks, and a great variety of Children's Clothing of all kinds.
Haberdashery, Parasols, Elustir Pages Garters, Fandalweb while de colored, Wide Elastic Wors esl and Leather Belts, Linen Tapes, Shist Battens, Shea and Trimmung Buttons in greet variety, Silk and Woul Brands, Cotton do, Washing do., Muh sit Nit. Ribbon Plans, Bugle-Tinamiage, Bering, Kitting and Meading Cotton, Pins, Nealles, Huoka & Eyes, Whalebane, Covered Cane, Wad dings, Cullen Corch, Ruches, Ribbon Wire, Sik Piping, Straw Triminings.
-From Price & Gomell-
A small assortiment of PERFUMERT.
Mrs. Maman begs to add that abe will enation To cercive the Lercar Famous fruin London aud Paris Monthly.
Payment to be made in Mexican Dolları, tlongkong, 30th December, 1853.
LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION, Established by Chaner 1720. DENT & Co., Agents in Hongkong,
TUE undersigned are duly authorized by the above Corporation to INSURE FROM LOSS OR DAMAŬE BY FIRE, " longkang, on Buil-tinga, Goods, Merchan·liar and Vessels in Port.
#cribed " "Telegraphie Dispatch, "ka the 11 Agent, for transmission thranglike fanumanding Olicer of the Stenner, and in beddered comedi ately on motivad of the Vessel nt. Prieste.
The Charge for Telegraphing 20 Words fram Tricate per Subinsting to Londen, te about 16 Flo- cine, or 32 Stollings sterling ; and Sling for mach Meen co
The writing nonst by m legible words. For further particulars, apply to
W. PUSTAIL & Ca Agents at Hongkong nad Custom. Hongkong, 27th October, 185).
PUBLIC AUCTION, THE undersigned har received instructions to zell by Prause Aueruis, on the Paviases
the 20th day of January next. At Noon praesely, Valoss previously disposed of by pairale rule, the full wing. Propony, In one lot. That building in The Clutcu'e Road known
no the
And the asit funkdagi nitneked, with the land upon which the whole je bosht-Registered in the Bowl Dice we Intind Lot No. 18, mencer ing 11 till square feet.-Annual Ground Reut
Also one lot.
All the Splendid Furniture, Billiard Tables, Piste, Crockery, ays Ware &c, &c. belonging to the shore establishment.
Condens of Sale, Caldognes of the Furniture Ace, will be distributed swing days prior to the Auction.
Hongkong, Pili Narember, 1953.
UE Copertoesship hitherto existing between tho undersigned, under the Form of A. 11 FRYER & Co, is this day ilizuotred fey matusi conscal,
A. 11. FRYER.
I T. DE SILVER. Conghong, 1st Janusty, 1854.
WITIL cafeteren to the above Votier. Ma H. T. " DE SILVER 19 wuthorizel in settle all te counts for the Late Firm of A. II. Furer & Co.
A. IL FRYER. II. 1. D. SILVER. Elongkang, fat Jinvazy, 1854
THE creigne begs to intimate, that the
business her, unfit, euriel an by the Firm of A. II. Fater & Co, will hese-forward be co- ducted by him under the style of D" SILVER & C, which Mr Gao. P. De Silven is amhorized Lu sige.
flongkong, 1st Janusty, 1851.
MATH-A Victorla, on the Tih instant, Mjo Tu: Ha
Envi a Sun.
of a 1 day as for fleet. Some Marines wha called to exert on umb 1 the fireat Chori's musper, uon, at first welased to come on deck, we are to'!, mol when they did appens it was with their knap- sacks in their hatuf, instead of on their I-neks, sail kuapsacks chortly afterwards being seen (l... 4. ing alongside the slop.
After sending sar Overland edition to preza il moning, 11. M. Steam Shoop Rattier autre); ot we learn by private letters that it was fou ed in Canton yesterday she was ordered her lo Conland prepare for a trip tu Shaughty. The va pected decision of the flome government fugarding *y hadlang" is we suppose the immedi de cau of the Raithar'a shspatel Bome of these durin should be applied for by the rebels in pasareta of Shanghie ; and South Amerienu proceslast would bene uut 11-Tajesty's Government la consplying with such a requisition. Her tannic Maj Plewipotentiary, will, we trust, avail hinala od the Rofile'a dispatch to wara Monar Bourbon) sa #garust any further attempt to work the "1. ligoms Ilge" and alarm British traders in the Nugh, Missionarica (cathobe as well so protestant] should be taught to stuly the coinjik pian of the times; and of they unnecessardy get the needs a into dallenity, must get out of it without the talp of foreign powris. The rumour of Tae-pine % 1. Jotry, and Catholic sull' ring, was only a rus, in- dustri- uely propagated by a local contemporary, in order to give an apparent warranty for Frenchnic Boing to Narking Mull
I. M. S Callipe.-The Calliope han returnal to part, after an eight months' craina baring quit. ed Part Philip, King George's 8 und Holst Town, Past Arthur, Nelvin, Port Hardy, Wellings ton, Aucklant. Whylaki, and Kawnu. She caus to Sydney mainly an neenitul "f the wrions, val ption of her commander, Sir Everard Game, ahodu lamented death we record below.-English. man, November 5.
Shipwreck of the Juno Stramer.-The June, glenin ship, which lett Sydneg a few days ago, for Mem
has been wrecked at the entrance of the Mun- ning river No authentic repart of the circum+ since has reached town, though it is said several lives were list.
(From the Canton Comunercial List, Jany, M.)
OPIGN MARKET. Closing Rutes -5 p. . Pairs
h Jany.
ESTIMATED STOCK OF OPLUM at Cymringmnon-7th January, 1854.
Dec. 31-445 Import pince
1-103 62? 320 Deliveries 449
Jany. 7 1014 4(H) 2:3
65 2469 30 7.55
24 651
New Advertisements should be sent ne farly s prasibir on the days prerims to publication; but generally, werefinements will appear in the forth. From the Overlant Frænd of China Jany, 11.) coming fame if veerived at the ofion as late a Eleren Wednesdays and Saturdays; specially cepting the days on which the Muds are despatched to Furope.
Nov. 8. Samlwick Island Nor
United Signa
G. Tupe
Sept. --
Shanghae Alley
Nur. Ore.
San Fransi
Nov. 1Ninepo
Tur principal items of this mail's intelligence are-Return of the French Envoy from Nsuskon -Arrival of several vessels fro the poighbour. hood of Peking, bringing confirmation of the Now report the Teen tai is closely investod, if nut in actual possession of, na army of patriots, said to number seventy thousand men-Suc The censes of the Imperialists in tha Tumurgent dis- Dro.
tricts below Canton,-French design po Shanghac, and preparation of the American Squadron for its second trip unter Commodore Perry to Japani.
Jet Clus, on Hauses in private cemption only; THE FRIEND OF CHINA
with external Walls of Stone or trick, and covered i
with Slate, Tile, Metal, Cement, and other focom
buanble Materesi, douched, or adjoining one,
2 Class, on loves of BWELDINos receded EZTORIA WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Ora 1851. (covered as above, partly or entirely used a Co- downs, and derachel; and on Gone and Man. chandizn, nor buzatdoce, in such Buildings,
adjoining other Buiklings, and on Goous and Min- 3d Class, on Horses or ByjzDINGS as rhové.
chsspizi, not hazardous, therein,
4th Clory on How or Buttons etccied
and covered no above, in which hazardous Go are deposited, but no hazardous trade carried ou
5th Class, on Saups,
Assurances may be effected for the period of
19, 6, or 3 Months,
No Istrasen thereon is pal
in in force until 1 Premium
For further particulars, reference in requated to be made to the undersigned,
DENT & Co. Agents,
Hongkong, 6th October, 1833,
TELEGRAPHIC MESSAGES. THE Dirce'ots of the Austria's LLOYDA STEAM Navigation COMPANT in Trieste, have made Arrangements for TELEGRAPHING MES- SAGES in Landon, or to any Part of the Continent sent to them from China,
The Manages should be sent under cover, super-
AM! P. M.
12, Chanplay, --
0.01 044 6.45
5.32 2,33 737
63 81 8.40
4,3 9,0 199,217
Full Moon on the 3 116, 41 4. 47 v
Yesterday's Quotations.
The French War Steamer Le Cavine's voyage to Naukm, and pleasing report of the interview between 11.E., M. Bourboullon aust The ping Waso's Prime Minister, will det Jou fully related in other colu uans Foo the largo umber of people found at Nanking, it would appear that the Regiments already an their way to the Northern Capital may only be looked on as Pioneers, and that when the winter has passed over, if the mere prestige of Thas piog Wang's name is not in stroll auf- ficient to bring also the desired change, such an overwhelming force will be transported to the northern Capital, as shall ellectually nettle Boy further trouble in that quarter,
L'eking Getter have been received at Shang- hoe of a late date on the 28th of November,
Puta 835%),-Henares 63033,-Malisa $110, and the N. C. H-raht says thint - in that -Sycro 1-Cold 8213.
Tua Lorcha Centrar a week from Swatow, reports the Menzies, Amazon and Commercie Compagnie at that anchorage, waiting for Coolers to take to the Weat luces. The Am, Clipper Sea Witch Ich for Swatow on Sunday, to take in a cargo of labourers for the l'anemo Railway
Estreiat cute apprats to have been taken against the publication of a report prevailing last work
of the 21th we meet with an incidental state. ment from a military officer, that "at pro. sent the rebels have entered into Theen Lin,
which is only Do miles from Thong chow," a city very near to the capital, from wlock it my anturally be inferred that Theon tsin is taken, though there is no report of the date of inqu of a capture." The information on this point supplied by the maruwers of the Junks we ine tioned as having arrived, is marked with all that have alluded in,arproceciling from the fear enter wont of decivelean we, on former occasion, tained by the narrators lest they might be impli
candan elarger alten neule by Canton Man alass of 'sprvailing false und seifitione reports" whereby the safety of the head of the narrator besmet somewhat jeopardized. On board our d the Rover Strainers froas Hongkong to Cinton on Monday the 2od instant, were the auri, Supercargo, and Master of the Junk Cho: Cum be, then bricen days only Room "Uventer, with a cargo of Beaus and Mehe tenars, The Supencargo, a Caubiai nean, sprake, ing a bube Guglsh, when asked low funga were going on in the north, Cu about the slightest finlication on the part of the questioner of wit "Foulyre) he wished most inforoiutono,) at med res plid that the Ties teh men hand driven the ??Manetasins out of Tea-tsin, mud that no many
sevenly thousand of them were there in acons; - that Hienfung waem a great fright, and That there was little doubt hot in a few stave The mergents would drive how nat Pi king, "That there was no distresa caber at Teme Häuser Peking-for the harves bail beau most Zabametrut. One after questionmeg has answers canest, and int fast beenne so vazne that he appeard to be tedung altogether a sol-rent ale, Such is a speetsen of stenchelieufry, eik ecomtered me that senceli bar refabic inteligènes. The impression obtem of form the convers alson, however, wens, that Penn ban was neueilly in the haude of Taiping wayo's followers. (At first the Supercargo said he knew nothing of Tai porg wang's men ; -nod it at therofare not kely that by Tres teh ites, he me sot focal msmegenis--oncmbers of the Trind Society )
I ? ?M. Steam Shoop Rattler has taken up the U. 8. Ntoru Ship Supply's Into position in Ma- cau passage; and the Lily, and the U. 2. etrar. teract Steamer Qucen, ara moored near to each other oil the: Factories, so that the safety of Can- ton ecxudents is pretty well provided for. The roccesses of the Emperalists in temporarily por ng down the Szo-ma insurrection, lina nlso tended to inspire confidence in the Native dea fors, mud thero is na im mediate probability of a reong about Canton that we are aware of
in halu
5420 Wovơng under valèten clave, lan w whether he comand ret flest on vedoong le
at wrong: La where e de emplund, that he wa wao He was then asked whether he was willing to vie ost to the poosh acnt that was drengol by the French Consul olan 14 Rot allzuce, T??thas also lengh (in the affirmatives. Pie Camnal di a stated what at very aleat, lsu troldenstvísl, but an Cecaseigungen of liên my readily giving bans it up less -punk dres by parton hon. Whereupon the conia dh knocked bid wine toms at the givani lv) "ro flac Consul; nod the Can-ul, havaig tul? ile other Tumorgents the accemity of using the utmost can- tean in si) teric dral nga with. Foreign nations, amú with all those connected with these, navoring then that the best insult to the French nation wall he immediately resontel, allowed them in depart. The je ne zemren thuen, besildy thinked The Cut fr los komil commideration, and perusined to pay stried attention so lós requicdinesta". After this the detach How of French rabliero excutted the insurgeme Track to the vast gin of the city, when reeriting shest glad geknowledgments they rentenesh. Th ended than theexteroid attack of the Franch on the Cny of Shangham.
Clone who do not forget the old Petic of Jean Corpond in par-fie watos, view wel na pleasurable feelingsite? poorly sheguised attempt. of the Frene's Envoy to get possession of tho Shanghae Walls. Theru is not a particlo of doubt (believing the statements at the rebels to bu tpie) but the Chesese Cathole Catechists deserved al dot puvishment des Ital-1 ?�biel accorded to themi -They acted like e es (put up to it, un doubt) and were very jully treated is spics deserved ;-and hardly the died, or their unjustifiablu actione, was tire a arcessity for nlärung a praceable commmm- tity at such a soleman time ky that of Christonas Night (the Rabbatha ton) the perial chomon ny gay * dramatic trienal-," for scaling round their Circular warning foreigners to be pre- pared for a bombandonent,
A point of some importance is not unlikely to grow out of this "French expirederic; -1 At Stonghac all was pooking comparati-
point in the treatment of which what infi-Jel vely) quiet, whom the 5. S. Paul left on the call Tac ping-wang's chuirlatonerie may also #1st uluuno:-the Itebok and Imperialists ex-
finve to be brought under early consideration. The point for consideration is this. Are we, choigging shote across the river only n?emon-
in ser new relations with the Chinese Empire, ally. Sanqua was doing what he could in the
to consider, primarily * the interests of nut way of buying over the Chiefs of the Rebel
worthy Misssounries "-the only admitted basi party, but did not appear likely to be succuss
news of the French in China? or, are w. Tul. Two Chinese professors of the Broan
ucting in that way which procedent and cus Caikolic Religion having been acized by a chel of one of the bandy i possession of the
to have decided as the best,-tu set the pro town they were walking past one of the pagation of religion in the socotul posation, nud gales, and, despite their asseverations of lecurg to demand in the first a simple furtherance
the Roman Catholic Bolimp's service and
of commercial freedom-the fir 1 step towards known to the French Consul, severely beaten ??the result of a more general intercourse-out mud tortured-a iemand was made for the cljet | of which the propagation of a parer religious kember. A thua respostion was not promptly system than that practised by the followers ot coupled with, a mobilication was issued to mid | Thao ping wang may no doubt eventually
proceed? tureign community, from which it appeared tâut abe French Naval Authorities determined va obtaming reilruss in a summary manner. For- tunately, such extrome incatures were reader- ei unnecessary. An English gentleman, Bent in the language, went into the city, mud representing the fearful consequences to their Cause if the French Vesicla opened their bat- teres, purmaded the Cloul who had conuntled the allonce to render bintself into the hands of of the French Officers. The result of the muniter is melo-dramatic-French to the hot- ter.-
Our Naval authorities should exhibit more watchlainess wlabst the French are in the North A host of "Spartans" and "Salaman-lers" was inofficient click to the "Constantines" Colberts and Citysta" eady for any movement in the waters of the Yang tao. We were quite prepared for the prank veberrod te z and should not have been surprized bad they houted down the flag of tho Thuc ping Teen- krah.
It is of little import tasny that all is at present quiet at Anny, Fulchow and Ningpo, Buch is certainly the case-but we have it on reliable assurance, that at each of the places mentioned, the people are only wasting the first sale inli. cation to make common cause agamat their Tortor rulers.
Havya Mang -
raprente mod. 11. 17, nu lang . 1 bnn wir nut a proper our,
| 101 an du seta v tist place the still alry was Jood fag the paros munjeer blue1f propang s pesate m, which to c ty is on a ly dang nport vest. The partes la of the is, which lated for more thin un bout, one bureau în dorit enly by the few who were her 1st. The shence of the era. sette, dever app are to lacre bera, to make the petal chord the cycle printed with the foreign
Wi; have land ble pitra neras the past fortnight, Iwonant destovali, Fashite order wi Neht (the 2711 916jou Het mee Iron of Br Charles No G. Worsloplal Master of de Z Us), the splendid entert uronest die f?ne Brethren, of the various Sogset Wor Fri were all invited, and a porton, at fet, el 29 cory bed an opportunes of a barang polite adecitiser reenivcal fronti 5. na se Wanted States Spryloon now in letaliate. Be, Comomodore Perry's ub-race was soura ly | deplored-ile vespre, ed gentleman havour to excuse homself on dit score of neuralgia silva- tion thappily rince passed oil) Duong the banpiet, der boethren were entivege) with the pleasing strams of the Suuqe forma d'e band, which had been kuolly kai for Me; reach-un. Next in the order of Mu-ne convividities came the Bang 129 after the Enstallaten of Br. Jolin Dent as Worshipful M. ster al that Royal Sussex Lodge, Cantong-no taast of !! Tang being so warily responded to as that of " Bik Lace, the mumeiliate Past Master," Br M ver D. P. G. M. rezururi tlauks for this he ac of the P. G M. Oilicers, soil masabers of thes 17... Provincial Grand Lodge-Bir Tarrant i Motor Lodge of the Province, and ?- Un of II. M. S. 1?y "the Ventor di ta mất the former taking occasion to ex half of the mentors of the % od Lab the suron declangs of regar l on cft rowd by dea for their Brethren of thực madong particolar affusé se toe klø and send psd, (esperulis 4. Br. Digby mi kommer han 909 now Mosinee Mali, Hon-kore¦-
"About a dozen of the influential men among the jusmegente, volunteered to accao.puny the moO, which was assented to, but they wer. tud that they on tall go manrmed, and that their conductor would be responsible for th ir sulty. Tas long Sumuted in, the party ert forward), and strived wulent mofestation (the French Conmalato. A nusley of foreigners were already ntarzulidad in front of the Consul's heave, and a porty of hay Firsch tokhere unter caminanıl of twu ullicers specbly arrived. A rumour having been spread NOTE of Registrations, Blangkong during the
Mouth of December 1953, aland that the imperislista bns intended to waylay the party of insurgents on their way to and from the BARGARTER.-Maximum Henge on the 27th French Consulate, the military foren was deened| 36 30-(Pharmamister, when noting at 9 a 24, et vad- pepsiste to provent surprise, as well as, perhaps, to ing si 50° dry and 55% wel bulbe-Word Esterly, give dignity to the priovedings. The insurgents | Futar 5-Apect-Dull with rain,- Boom -27 laving been denied that no farm was intended to || days old and be tre pral Apogen. It was blowing thin, further than the currying out of the Consul's so hard in the Cap sing moou this day, that thu amon la, ahoy 6ft sussfied, sand went really into Steamer Spark bound to Coman had to put back.) the Comobile, 1. was a beautiful exibition of the Minimun range on the 20th??9.83 -{Thurniome ience of the ameerity which is well known la ter when woning at 21. a. 3., atuneling at 79° ity cb-tacter z ull the procévdinga of European gor and Gsa wet bulbs-Wind Barterly, force 4 to 5- erimenta, Chut these men traitsd themselves so Aspect dull-Moon 20 days old and & past Apogee.) tradily in the mitet of an armed force, which, bd Thinkoxeter,-Maximum longis 73 on the (les degutantivos turte), would is a few hours bare 20h (see pork to Barometrical Minimum buon angaged in blowing their battery to stoms, Micimum 65 on the 29th-Varometer standing,, sod apumuang condition through their ranks. They 49. when noting, at 30,944- Wet Bulb Ther It, liwweror, sair in the bands of Europe, even womir 5-Wood Northerly, forco & 6- Though those Eur peuns had reason to be ollosled Axpect fine and clear-Mown 29 skaya uld and 13 agata tem. Fat daforawi, however, would have
Past Apogee.) In their feelings had they found themselves than marron-sted by limperialiste, when to safe conduct whatever would have secured them against instant dreaptation. In " short time the French sabliera were marched to the ?ng HT, which they surrounded, med the amikorites requested all foreigners to leave the ground of the French Consulate. The person wh bad induced the insurgents to surrender tum rules then stepped forward and said, that he had quested the men to coumarined to the French Contulate, under promise of a safe connet to and few, and be begged that when the Consul had done with them whatever ba deemed fit, he would kind ly are to their being sent salely back again. To dny mood 20, 98 Dry bulb Thermometer 63--Wat which the Contul politely replied, that not only do G-Asp-ct, dull with rain-Moon's age 7 days would that be poiectually extended to, but that su and 7 days pasi Verigen It continued to bl Eeption would be made in favor of the person hard all the night of that day, and until 5 x x. wherscorted them, and that he would be allowed of the following-when it monterated; the wind to Fermin and witnes the proceedings. The insurreering North and on to Nor West Upwards of a gent were then required to go to the front of the inch and a hult of rain foll about this time flog stall, where the Connal and the naval com fwieder was stationed. The Canton nan asid to ave been the offender on the occasion was made Lo kneel dowo, and the Consul neked bịm through the interpretar (who expressed himself in the clearest and moat idiomane manwer) whether he were the
Hvatoniter -Grement difference between wet and dry balus on the 2010s5.-(see remuck to Barometrical Minienuen.) Læset diflorence on the 2612. (Dry bulb Thermometer wanding at 10 A. M.. whun moʻing, at 09-15"ro netos 30,017- Wind Enterly, force 3 a 4 -Asport dull and ratog -Moon 20 days old and 11 post Apogen)
Misan diletonco (of 27 not trans) betwerk wat and dry bulb Theravimziersz3) Mean Tempera, sure by dry bull=543, giving For Dow Porn 57 12- WIND-A proportion equal to 23 days from the Eastward, grestes forze frion that quarter=?
to 9 on the 7th The Barameter at 9 a. 3. of that
A proportion (qual to foor deya x blew from the Northward, (vchining westerly)-firantes Ener from that quarter on the 10th-7. The Baroner nt 9 s. m, on that day stood at 30, 17-Dry Bulk Thermometer 604-Wet do. 57)-Aspret dull, Moou's age 10-Proximity, Ten pan Pörgeo.
of first evening was well matukan.. I stil lote our.
Following is a list of the Glicers of the Southern Chun Lodges for the current year.
ROYAL Russex Lopin, Cytox No. Ta5 under the Grand folge of England
Worshipful Master-Br. Dent Nonne Warden--Br. Moscow, Junie Wieden-Bc. Wital,
Terer-Br. Campb·ll, Secretary-Br. It. Mirray, Senior Deacon-Dr, Mr-kenz?r, Junier Deions -Br, S with. funer (ind-Br. O Cleverly,
Zetland Lepig. Hissarast,
No. 7013 wwder the Gintal Lodge of England,
Worshipful Master--Mr. Cleverly, Smor Ward-tr. Compton, Junior Faden-Be. Be mela's, Treasurer-Br. Rienaceker, Secretary-Br. D.xean,
Senar Descon-Br, Caldwell, Junior Descon-Dr. A. Canybell, Directm of Ceremonies -Be. Grandlce, Laws Guard-Br. Coken, Tyler-Br. Goodings.
(From the Nuth-China Mcrubi, Dec, 21}
selos love treates with Clon, piteing by lane thera tonadioga of fur En; bali, Vnë cica, totek Formal Mon, 19 the 13 xonali e son of the co
matadoy an der prevent crentful struggle, and Kagemang kete libanes and syang alay for tho
Tetkowego. Junadh sode 1 patronaler f
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Ap the Steamer Le Cassini, which started from Shangha on the 306 November, and seems to have tracheid Nanking on the 8th ist ??n Devo ker, oestel Vinking, a blint was Gri de her trans one of the batteries on the bar Candaceste pe an milennen of the city watts, and separated for a chees by a canal. Preparations were incediately, on la Du return the fito in ente the malt abandå have been ( repests, the Comini cominning to mave cowly up-regards the w tastards the spot designed for for muchorage; bit bu other shot was freil. As prout em despent |
her anchor, a lernt was sent on alone with ather and interprèter trask for explanatures, wha zain returned bringing satisfactory anewvera; nord christly ofter an officer from the general e-manzicling the
Hạn to what was
in the part of the ad, and many be i
buying on t
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whom they invent imps and devils
the lower classes ar
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" Steamer, ið Human
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found-1.png laingh with
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| outposts (General Su) came on board wils ampla | apologies for the shot that had been hired, string tlost it had been through the mistaka of a suber. dimate, &c. &c. This first ditjesby hating lova removed, Mr Marques, but rpreter of the gate, wem agvis on shörn explused to what yuna? the leaner belonged, and anneunzol that there was an visited the Berge encoj? of the French Emperial Commissioner na boats, who had ins-age to deliver to the Maands the chicin- ters of Tae-ping-wang-�? This request was DK. of wwelcim malim 5, The 6. Gath mitted through Sato mome sirje zoir ainhosty, wet wet-an fired upon The following day for an alertaw
Cavisi at Noleg with two of the Moisters, wins e seda acre Beat olinard. Accordingly the text morning. Con d do Carey, Sceretory of the Frenen Le kau accompanied by Mr Mampies, an on or of the Crenni, and one of tua. Missmaries abo deck, putt In the expedition, set our for thin city on has 55.1, escorted by so officer with a defachinem of solite an These gentle sat netegeretal la wiz in teaching the official residence of the Ministers, loving to vi detained for a cous arab' tine at the cay gate, and sho kipt writing beford being irrébieť, They however met with a courirens troopis hom the two Ministers wan yuk tasan, and back yig, whom they found seated in stre, diretol an The ancient costume of the Ming dyniety, which ; is remarkable particularly for the nesly wrought golden diefems worn over the yeless, edim kand. After endeavouring to give them venam sexterna of why their visi ora wero, which gasto e le seret it questione proving that the relei elatis koos butlar beyond the exisiracy of wester nations, the Caract de Courcy in them understand that the Freseli Minister himself was on board, nad dearod tu con+ municate other with Tae ping himself or commu person that he should delegato for that purpose. It was agred accordingly that the following day on vifiver should be seat on buzal tu usak'u the accesary urroogements for this vint, Tino mea
polite, they was at cordel, und in Con verplian sit the French. Zinisher, liny womed tehind to patrum those acregant provistons which al all nues has been delatacieraatios of Chinese " Hendle. These diy, osmont wusaid pt cially weat vil, elwould rienne-lances bring the lica meta firent conduct watts lurozici: Gur that a n
prostu winch inne dous can decide,
The Casuai, when smeaning a molatokred at Ninking, set oùi va hur seturn to ?i reng hair cu the mating of the 1 lilt, and sozdájást semeka naze down the Yangrae will the same where That bad nitended ber vry upwards, and without any further incident worthy of note,
A very interesting letter desetilise the meeting between Liepinaat Pen, of the Resiste, nnd Cap kam MClure: -
This sy really u red letter day sa aut voyage, and
??all be kept dua holid?�y by our hems and nervøs sued for ever. At nuo o'clock of the day me bankout man made the sigunt for a piety enang ( from the westward; all went out to meet them and assist thein 26. A second party was then an in. 1 cau- Dr. Davalio was the first person I arest.
not derende my feelings when be told me that Copa McClure was among the west party. I was hot lung in rausching lum and giving him many hearty shakes -no pirer ware ever given by vưn men in this world. M-Clare looks well bat la vegy hungry. In discription of the's making the Einrbour of Merey would have been a fine subject for the pen of Captain Marryat, were lo alive.
M-Clure and his first li utenant were walking on the floe, Seeing a prison coming very fast tu wards them they supposed he was chated by bear, or had seen a bear, Walked towards kim z
on getting onwards a hundred yards, they could | see from his proportions that lie was not one of them. I'um began to screech and throw up his hands (his face sa black as my bat ;) this benught the captain and lieutenant to a cian, as they could not hear su?ciently to make out his langu ugo.
At length Fim reached the party, quite beside biteell had stammeted out, on M-Clure him, "Who are you, and where are you come from 1"- Lieutenant Pim, Herald Onpani" Kel Jel." This was more mexplicable to M Clure, as I was the last person he skunk bands with in Beh Ping's Bitnice Me at length found that this anli. tary swanger was a tree Englishınan-se sigri ut light he says " le suơn was seru Gằm the ship; they had only one hatchesy open, and the trew were fully jammbed there, in their endeavour to get up. The sick jumped out of their hands- mocks, and the crow forget their despondeney 3 in her all was changed on board the Investigator.
The whole narrative show me that the Arctio Been have afforded a nxval school, in which our brave unilors have learned their old lesson uf dwing their duty with cheerful courage.
A Nan with Twenty Wives-A man calling himself v. William Haster, but w2000 real nam la mid to be Nathaniel J, Bird, is in jail at Cam den, N. Y., on a charge of bigamy and various other charges Elimbeth Barrington, a lady of Philadephis, visited him in prison, had ascertain ed he was the man to whom she wse married on ibe Mth of July last. On the one day he was vi sited by another lady from Kensington, named Ma
Thomas, to whom he was mutried in May last It is also stated that he has a wife in Reading, and ther in Wilmington, Del, and another yot is l'hi Indeplia. The prisoner is only about twenty three years of age, and, it is stated, declares that he bus Twenty wiron, a statement which may be true, av more than one fourth of thai naab?r has been wund within a few days. It is alleged that be abandomed each wife soon after marriage, and that shey never board of him a?er until his recent ar tml. Tho xấuir cronies the greatest excitemeDi in Camden, and has induced an immenes number of people to such aduasion for the purpose of see- ing him.
The following letter from the Managing Direc tors for the Awitisa Llojda, to their Agents herr, conveys some information which may be useful
lu og ercantile runden. -
Tricote 10th Chalaber, 1838
Mrom MacLaine, Prisca & Co.
From Labuan we hear that on the 7th July a U. S. man of war had arrived with the rutiled tresty, concluded between Me Buloutler and the Sultin of Borneo. It cousine the same oondions na the one concluded botwara Ragland and Borneo, by Mr Icke, encajt the clum preventing the Blave trade.
AT BURDкова.
6, Dining Anam Hulity, from Singapore, 16th
1. Mary Spencer, Fisher, from Bingupore, 17th
7, Nymph, Wilson, from Woosong, 26th Doc. 1, Fr. S. La Cassini, Commander. F. do l'lsa,
from Shaughie, 3rd January,
Jane Buring, Dalles, from Whampoa.
B, Jacoba Carnelia (Du), Lodowyki, frown Har-
tlepool, 6th August,
9 Shelomi Poser, from Singapore, 38th Nov, 10, Frederick VII (Dan), Luvs, from Bally, 18th
10, Mazappa, Ryrie, from Amy, 9th Janusty. 11, 11. A. B. Raider Melloreh, from Canton Jan
§, Arrow, Dando, from Caleous.
by Austins (Am), from Calcutta.
6, H'almer Lasic, Pryor, from Hongkong.
Pu Sholomith-Mto Puner du Femalo servant, and Miss Bowen.
Al Menghong ('lia barque Cornwall shel
Dannebrog, barque Dos Amer KL.B. Jensey, sulp Paterpolte, skip Favorio, barquit Frederick VII, belg Free Trader, saly
by Mame nh Jard
Mary Hacer ship
Queen, skip (clean, ship L'or, ship Pottinger, ster Kobina, ship Norqua
kelt Part
Italy 15/16, Wise med en
Pat. 450 Har [hots. Dow
Holt Sa Thompson Sam Cheng
than SU LAY Bell.mpbell
10 New Zealand Dei no Dent and ea
| 20|Hobart Towo |Nor ?�John Hurt and co.
Nor Meces
Jen to Hally
Dro Jiverpool
|Now In Laburn
934m meny
San Francisco
VOL. XIII. No. 4.
11Wm. Anthon and con
Livingston and on
Dae (2W authen and co
That w14. Schaeffer aud eo Vert Phillip
(Nov 21]San Franciacochet 10M.. Scheffer auto San Francisc
Marg Nora Francise
.. 10 do.
[Sept 1Mankok
Laback and em Sept 1Jake Bord and co.
27, "chafer and co. Singapor Nor nerdlee, M. co. San Francis het goue met and co nap Francisce
Når 17 Cana and og
Dee ziem and o
|Nag Kajarilao, M. and co
Jana 22 Judina, M. and es. Man Francisco Franchen
La 19?en Francioniran 12 tedar
Nov 25 Joho Burd and co
|May sielludaay sad no,
George Avery, barque
53 Anderson 402 Ball
|Dec 11Was. Anthon nga ne
Jau 1.yall, Nalli and ca
Zrcalia Vornells, barque Jane Joh
Jonar openi Any
Dest and co
5. Nela qud o
TW' Amon and en
Juhn N. Ciaooler, skip
Sse Dewing
Kunt and, belg
Tec. San Francisce Arella
et 16 Wimore and co.
Sas Francice jayday
For Vélo
|Dec 11 do.
Ham, labral |Dod. | are|Fisher
Jau gapn
w T
Name La
Dan Kos
Dec La Liverpool
| Belt ||12||Stead
Stan Hambay
1230 Whe
Jet 18 Liverpool
130 astro
July 21|Monkák,
hot F1 Hassa
sau Hodgs Poov
July 18'Necas
et & Whampo
Dot SST Welger
Water rice, borque | Helt Whelumburg, ship
Sue Wilber
Brit. 317 Dande
[Dec 21*ydney
Now Lynn, Ham Bid 09.
Sept 31 Lübeck and co
cheaffer and co Past 'kup
Port Ph dan Francisco
Jan VCalzato
-P. P Come and en.
Nov Lan
Emigrant, ship
Pert T33 Guterres
thet 31 Whompon
Oct 199. V. Jorge
Want indica
Androcks, sp
331 Bruke
Antis, sp
Da Jan
Hebert Town 'alcetia
Hella Vascongada, ship Span
New York Malia
Bintang Anam, barque
Hela, echower
Helt ulatya
Nye, Parkin and on Buangkan Jardine, and canno
Shamook.belg Matraman, barque
Per Mazeppe Hand, Mr and Mrs Young, Mr Arrow, belg J. Williams and Br. Cottes.
6, Nuoro Bilbaino (Npan), Vamjocs, Whaipon,
6, Bintang dam, Tulija, Whampoa.
1, Mathilda (Dan), Gullager, Whampos.
3. Sou Witch (Am), Fooner, Ainoy.
10, Shalomish, Poster, Whampon.
10, Orkney Las, Martin, Whampoo. 10, Mary Spencer, Flaber, Whamp 10, Fatorde (Sismo), Tomchose, Sinem. 11, Jana Ewing, Butler, Manila.
Jan. 4, N. S. de Las (Post), Jesus, Singapore.
Princess Sophia (Dut) Pellen wessel, Singapore
4, flighsyer (Am), Waterman, New York.
6, Isabel Quintana (Para), Bossey, Cam'moon
1, Solide (itum), Bayer, Hamburg.
Piclades (D), Perry, lara
Par Bir finger, -Pur Southampton, Com. I Bayaton. R.N., & Captain R. Miller;- Mulia,
Mannes 11. 11. Kisordy and George Strachan For Bombay, Mr. McCullock-Fer Singapore Me. Realock.
Better Comes
Minden Hauler Salander
Our object in addressing you by this mal is to advies you of the arrangement we have made for telegraphing messages that may be mut to no by parties selding in India, Chiun, or "Anatralia to Low- don, de any part of the Cantinent, and we shall forl obliged by your communicating them to the Ringapore Chamber of Commeren. Any mercantile firm oe pri- vale individual desiring to send a message to Triat to be telegraphed to London, or to any part of the Cop- tinent will forward the same addressed to ma, unler enter to our Alerondela ågest imperscribed. "talegra phic despeich" Dur e gent will enclose it in our pri. Tate paket, which in delivered to us by the Captain Commeding the direct steamer kanelistely on arrival of the remel in peer ; by ahia uneses the illapetch will under ordinary circumstanon, reach Lawclon or any part of the Continent before the arrival of the Mornell- Jes Mails, whereas if it is forwarded to us or to any other party residing her through the Past Offer, the Que despatch would in all probability be delivered in Lon-anga don after the arrival of the Mariella Mail, especially | Saulbampasa If our Steamers arrive here lato in the evening, in Į Supply which the Poss Coe korps theletter on the
Eext morning-
As the arcangerment is a great convenience for the merchants and where in the East, and to carry it out e?cleully we are obliged to entertain an extra coin- blishment for the purpose, you will therefore not feel it anresale that we have Exed a charge of £l fre each despatch to defray our expesars and postage, in adition the wilay for regisphing the message. Further, we expect that the receiver of the despatch will pay us all the expenses on the bill being presented to him by our agent, uwil in case of slemur we shall rake no nailer of any message that may be sent to us for bón subarquently If, however, you think it preferable yon may collect the meningen 'to be t'egraphed from benes, dressing them ta sa under cater
ter to bar Alex. andria Agent, charging the sander of each mentage 41, for which you will geto na treslit ; if this is conv ment you inform us accordingly. The charge for te'graphleg 20 words from this acrom the footmens, and per bewaring to London is about 16 Borine and en brutera or 29 shillings staring. The despatch must be written in legible wordla, a conventional figures or angle letters are not re?ived and there in no cliance of the mmugt being mada kuewo by the employé - in tha relegraphie filce, as they are on osik met to divulge what is given to them to be telegraphed. Despatches for Germany or Venner may be forwarded in the Ore man or French languages, mume for England should be la the English language. We remain, &c.
?�Fro Press, Nar, 19.
Translated from the Javasche Courant, Dec, 10) The French government organ the Moniteur Communicated news from Eastern Asia, from which | we extract the following:
The American house of Russell & Co. the Senior partner of which is U. S. Consol General in Chion, I according to the latest news, sent their Clipper Brada, to Japan, fut the purpose of opening mor- Cantile connections, protected by the U. 8. men of seat, and favoured by the prewn which Com. modore Perry's presence shall make upon the Ja panese GovNIDIMAIL.
AMAR CAN Lesingran Macedonia
Powhatan Mymonth
Tabel tuletava, barque Peru. S
Helilah Tar, barque
Laimte, baryso
Daniel Ray barque Deutschland, ship Party Bird, barque Flying Dutchman, ship Gaella, skip
Heabury, ship
J. Jeejeobboy, whip
John Hacks
Helt Saremat
Ham. Ketels [Brum] sos{Ld Melt || 263 Pack A.1241 Hubbard
Hill 473 Lambert
John Wood, ship Mathida, beigusien Handsques, brig Neptune, ship
Neare Wilbane brig Owyn, belg
Okay La
D+ SP. & OBN C2 Bombay June Mayor,beker en Franci July Wm Anthon and co. | Stam Nov 11 Mayer, Bekarter & onları h Det Jarlow, M. and an
Nov 28 San Francisco sept 24 Wms. Anthon and co San Francisco
|Nav to Melbourne
Pam Blugapore
Nav to Shangher
Jos ydney
Doc Mc
* Ado
471 Flexmourion Deo Hambay
287 Livingston
STUrockett 10 Juldager [Span | 150|PwTRA
||Nyan] 201|Vanquor [Belt | 200||phom
Proteus, burgun
Da Am
Hebeka bergsto
ب??? ?طا?ع?ا??
Tamerlane, borgos Triumph, ship Vig, enter
mer Castle, obaly Amer
Abbotsford, arqu
Aug 999. 15. Kadet
Oct 25W ten sad ce. Leden
Need co.
|Nov 9]W. M. Releet.
To Order
Detayer Nav
Llamas and pe.
Det darding Mind co
(Dec 31 on Francisco
SDA Heard and co.
Wa Pustan red co
13an Francisco 13 do
30 M. W. Hubbell
-Mackerteem and co.
56 Frames as
Lomback Dec Bombay
Lyall wind co
Jen Hangkong
E. Garceta
Jan Henshala
1ard, Mand co
leg and co.
* Francisco,
Jan Springspara
Deo JeleniLA
10 do.
Jely 18
340 Wagiandock Dec 29 Nemarang
Clagcom 100|Mura
Brit. 700 Pryo
Kydrate, barque
Fathahool Kala, barque.............. Fortus, brig
Homer, skip
Urie 193 Nakoda
Lervantes bet Elite A, barque
| Hril | 200|5molo
kep bar
166 Kiela
113 Hmith
Killy, bong
Independence, brig
147 Smith
200 Malean
Henties, chip
100 Lewis
Fae-claw | M.B 12 Viti
Feluwen |Hongkong|11 34 N?.
||ia Motar.) & Fiskbourne Canton (1.36 3g|| 19 |modernon ||Hongkong|12mpul 2
1.M.B 13 | Mallarab Shanghae 1). M.w G
DUM. S Amor | M.B16 |Hongkong|H. I B. 60
Vice Prile
|} Ungi, Fitagurald
(lamines Leeches, 80 22 Abbot
Hongkong|U 5 B 10 1200
10, 8, B0 | 9 MeCloney [shanghon U. B??8. | 39 |Molly
Camion JU 3. 4tr.
Mam, barque byrra, bergua
Must Dess
Inds, schemes
Unsee, schooRE!
Island een schooner
Map.choqner Zephyr, schort
Fab-obov-2 Howe, ship Vancearer. Able
Aurora, bilg
142 Vanderhoram
Brit 340 Vincent
Jom s/Hooghong
|Ang Hapone
Dan sustai
Det Hougang Ore 13hangha Sept 19 back
Nov 13 de
et Hongkong
the 13 Cassi
Sept 35 Put back [Nov 11]Hengkang Det lashangha Not In de
Saw York New York
8tara kip
ma anion and co-un Franchen Under
A. Winson and eo Liverpool
G Livingston and eo. Ji alentia
a. Harter
Nav Jardima, and os
July 16 Tuli and on.
Nov-falt and co
- Klair and co
De Tall and co
Sept 23|Order
|Nov -Talt and co
-yo, Arude and ca. Novi, Mair and on. (opt) ime, Mule and co. DBye. Mair and ce Sept-Thit and ve
rat gubima. Muir and ca 131-yum, Muir and an.
Nov 13 Tall and on
Nor-Tait and es
Oet 26Jardin, f.sed co
Dent and co
| 171||tyre
Jardins, M and co
135 ferrica
14 Deal and en
500 Thornbl 300|Lant
[Det -Hongkonga,
Noll and ca und Co.
Hep Manila
Hanjo Heape barque Hot 261 Hatchimon Dec Belbourne
Movesly, ship
onfucius, steamer
they lo
1ofcis, ship
Hostings, ship
Shanghar. B 10 Walker Hongkong U,§. Starr
Honghong]U. 5. Su | 8 KaakanAR.
Leechee U. 8.69) P
Niepe Pr. Vel - De Valian
Liches UAB
Fuch Colbert Companie La Uamini
Brani Jorge Juan HOWLAN
Shanghae Pr. Str
Hongkong Pr. Ble.
Hongkang,n c x
You ack
[Changban |Konn.Fri|54|Capt. Unkasiky
Crane Kur
Aristides Bantrix
Catherine Domfries
Jacobs Cornelia
Joseph Fletcher, ship
Grada, ap
P. Meshell barque
Hayal Hasso, banque
Sao Benita brig
#pec, schooner
Bigt of the East ship
Thus, schooner
Arabla, barque
Lady 'ty god, sir.
Noida, unqua
Aug --Hassall and as.
¡New York
-Shaw, Hand and co
476 h
- Hoard and en.
430 Dearborn
Bilt 11 Pamice
433 Rab
Nor Ningpe |Doa ga|Liverpool
Now lesson.
$10 Foster
Hem 37-Furalijalna
Blackcom Prit
15 Designer
The Ackland Le Tationgkong
{Nee 20Japan
Sept 16 Ma
*Doa maydang
210 HeberLION
|Deo 26|Ninepe
Brit. so Garthom
Pana Stelians and co
Jardine, Na, and co
Dent, Beale and en. Landon Nas 30 Hall, Nye and co.
A. Heard and co
-B., Hawson and to | London
|Aug - Hansell and ca.
r. Davidson.
May 19 Hargidar and cn. Liverpool
-r. Lacy
Dec 15 Jardins, M. and en. Shangha
Jan SP & ON 19
Icardi, M. and c
achine Shawshan
Jordine, M. and W
Dont and es
Jan 23rdiwa, 19. and on. Woma
Mikel Jandreas
Anda mer
141 Ulver
kama, schouwer
long sebour
?�hristian, bilg
Ham agulladar
Land co
C. Lompagnie, barque
Lubeck and co.
Begreb, ship
ar Hindlay
Jardine, M. and co
Denial, ship
Dec 32 || nach vad ce
Knall and co
Yati Liong barque
Ueo layme, Almir and ob.
[span] LaelAbres
Filt and o
Feldboom Lo. Sep 16-
Hart Oct
Hail Sept 29
Liv. Bapt 198.
Howare Finlay
Lo Oci 16
Mary Helligonda
Mary Shepherd
Nora Zembla
Ond Nederland
Paul Johann
Scotland Topaz
William Palle Wymstry
Liv. Oel 7. Hart Aug 6 H Liv. Aug 168. Hort. Sepia, Len. Oct 08.
Hart. Bept 18 H. Hart, Bapt IF H. Hast Oci 17- Sand, Aug 18 H. Ges. Oct 4. 3lali, Oct 20, 11. Liv, June 4 fl.
Liv. Od 16 H.
Order in which thendors Fameisleft England Ww. Palla, Lovett, Jureka Corolla, Palan, Xary Helligenda. Nom bland Nedeland, Duntries, Vechta, kostela. Heut- tand, Hera, Omlung, % putty, Paul Jakaan, Mary Khopkard. London, L. Lärapani, Plás,shishda, Ram, Rayagado art.
Hot.Net, P. Pa Fiaturing magte 1. Bangung, M. Minne, WA. Whange, Li
Leal, cover
For Landon
Free Trader, H. Androckian, W. British Ter, W, Canute, W. Walmer Caulo, W. Joerph Flacher, 8.
Royal Boron, 8. Oriol, F.
For Liverpool, Tamerlane, 11. Confucius, S.
Star of the Eas, &
For Calcutta, Triumph, W.
For New York.
Sar. Plinger (1 Ich imot.)| Anetine, W.
Jamsetjes Jeejeebhoy, W. Flying Duchman, W.
For Port Phillip, George Avery, H. Shamrock, E. Tremely, H. Waker Morrico, H.
For Nydney.
Knul Blonde t
For West Indies, ~~ Emigrant, M.
For Siam,
Favorite, H.
Hea Home, $1.
Gazelle, W.
Beverly, 8.
For Singapore. Lady Rafles, W.
For Manila.
Jane Ewing, H. Bella Vascongado, W.
Aurora, S.
San Benito, &
For Peru.
Tabel Quintana, C.
[?�gh-chen fa Muchew
For San Francisco, Cornwall, H.
Ins, H
fohn N Gusaler, fl. Lord Warriston, II. Lorenz, Fl. Orion, H. Potomac, H. Robina, 1. Veronica, H. Wilhelmsburg, 11. Rebekah, W.
For Shanghar
Brands, W.
Early Bird, W.
Qoven's Hood West, Victoria, 1851.
PRICE $10 per unnum,
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, 14 Spanish dollare, payable in advance,quizterly or otherwise, at option. Single Numbers vicom TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten Ilwes and under, 1 Sp: Dolle; additional, 10 oruts??line. Repetitians one-third of the Brat ragalur insertion Ships, - Pirat Inversion. Sp. Dora, subsequent insertions 45 cents. Advertisements to have written, on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear.otherwise slicy will be publlebol until countermanded. A reduction of twenty dve per cont on usual charge made when quarterly sounds are cundared for advertisements ordered to stand undisturbed for a period of three months. Full charge made for repetiton of any Adverthenient to the OvanLIIMA Nodies of Brine and Estaten will be laserted in both Ovanand and Bami wechi liitossunum ordered to the contrary.
THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAMERS, ply regularly between Alexan dria and Trinate corresponding with the monthly and hymonthly Indian Steamers,
The fares have been reduced and the following rates have been færd, viz
In Chan £16, 2nd Clues £11, 3rd Chun £7, including Table money and fers
Arrangements have been entered into belwan the Directors of the Pexinanier and Oriental B. N.
Company and the Directors of the Austrian Llayd's 5. N. Company, that-
Is Patongens intending to proceed from Chile Trinate, con trærive ticket from the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Agents for Alexandria.
2nd, Pawanonne' Baowaon can be shipped, from Alexandria by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Beamtia for Southampton; the Freight being Ten Shillings Sterling por ?Cwl
THE A. 1. Portuguese barque "THE MELGA, will have quick despatch for the shove porta.
For Faxion of Passion, apply to
Hongkong, 21st November, 1853.
THE A. 1. British ship "ROBINA," J MOWHA Manter, will have quica despatch.
For FuxiONT OF Pamson apply to
METER, SCHAEFFER & Ca Hongkong, 24th November, 1853.
3rd, Receipts for Caneo and Bruct intended for Shipment to Triests, will be granted by ibr Penlasala and Oriental Company's Agone to the Alexandria, inalcad of to Dues a formerly, but each Package le to be provided with a white label, nwideh is lutinatly marked in print.
POR SAN FRANCISCO. THE A. I. Dutch ship" 1818," Cap- 24 in A. F. Chigua, will be despatch ed on or about the tat January neat, for above part. For FREIOT, apply to
Bonghong, Ist December, 1863
For further particolare apply to
WM. PUSTAU & Co. Agents at Hongkong and (auto,
Hongkong, Jul July, 1853.
THE NETWERlando India Steam
Zu JAYA," having born engaged by the Java Goverment for the service of the bi-monthly Mail between Batavia and Singapore, under contract for 12 monthe, will ply regularly during that period between Batavia and Singapore leaving the former port about the 10th or 11th of every mouth, and Singapova within 24 hours after the arrival there of the Meil which leaven Southampton on the 4th of the preceding month.
The rate of Pusenge money are as follows :- COMEF CAB?N. From Singapore to Rhio- Do da. to Misto Tho do. to Batavia Retom Tankets from Singapore to Batavia and
vice are 130
BECOND CABIN. From Bingapore to Minto-
38 ..76
do. From Bingapore to Rhie
to Batavia-
Do. do. Do. do,
so Mioto - 10 20 to Batavia
Children under 10 years of age bell price
Free. For further information apply to Meera MALAIK WATSON & Co. Directors, Batavia-er to Memors MACLATOR FRASU & Co. Singapore,
Batavia, 26th April, 1882.
~N and a fer Monday the 22nd instant, until fumber notice, the Homakone and Canton BTRAN COMPANY'S BEAMS will ply regularly between Hongxone, Cantor and MADAO, avery Monday, Wednesday and Friday (unimo previous matice of deviation be given) as follows:-
New British Lorcha · VICTORIA." will ined regularly between flongkong and Conton. Cargu taken at moderate raies,
West Point, Hongkong,
19th December, 1863.
FOR SALE. TWO ROUGES on the Sowib side of
Gough Street, each having Garden, Stables, Coach-llouses, & Ground-rent
J. F. EDGER, Hongkong, 2nd January, 1854.
EEL TWO COMEDIONS HOUSES on the Bouth Hide af Gough Street, and another on the North Nido of the same Stat, zuch whih Buat Tes, Out-bones, Garden, &c. Apply 10,
J. F. EDGER. Vitoria, Brd March, 1859.
TO LET. THE HOUSE in Stanley Afret adjoin-
ing the one now occupied by Mr Co MELATE. For particulare apply to
N. DUUS & Co. Hongkong, October, 1858.
HOUSE la Carlton Terrass contelo-
A ing Sing Rooms and 2 Bed Rooms, with outhouses aliachað, and large accommodation for servants on the ground floor. Apply to,
Hongkong, 12th July, 1853-
well known Mission Premises (for Misian purpoars only) of Rev, I. J. ROBERT in Canion. The place is healiby, comfortable, well known by the Natives as a preaching place, and desimble Mission station. Let any wish to rent call and examine the place, and apply to Meera Russell & Co. for the terms.
Canson, lot January, 1854.
The Boat leaving Henesova on Monday and Canton on Friday, will call at Macan, starting at A. M. The hours of departure at other times wit M8 A. 1. and the bouts will proceed direct between N Hoxton and CANTON. When inducement offers the Boats will call at Cumotnomоon but previous notice of such deviation will be given when prac- teable.
The fares will be as heretofore.
In Clam Parnarna between Hongkong, &
Canion and Macno & Canton 19. 05. Between Hongkong and Micro - Eck Pamengete, European--
Melaye, &c. Chineet, - $1. Passengers desirous of procending to Macao for a short period may obtam return Tickets, areilable for the Grat o gesond Steamer after their arrival, m the reduced rates of between Hongkong and Marao, and $12 batween Canton and Matae."
Every Bracle Passenger will be allowed one servant fren of sharga,
The venals will convey Freight on the termi of their published scale; on whieb, however, some reduction will be made for large quantities, by special agreement.
& Payments whether for Freight or Parenge to be made in Spanish Dollars.
LYALL, STILL & Co. Agents H&C. &. P. Ca Flongkong, 18th Augum, 1883.
WANTED TO CHARTER. CHIPS of from 600 Tons and upwarde for conveyance of Chinese Emigrants La Havana. Apply to
LYALL, STILL & Co. Flongkong, 14th November, 183.
TOTICE in hereby given, that the Copartnership
heretofore anboelating between Yoon Jong Monnow and Jamzu ?tapnanoon, under the Style Dr Firm s1 MURROW, STEPHENSON & Co. has been this day dissolved. The undersigned, assuming the responsibil?tes of the said Firm, will in future conduet the business on his own accom and in bis oWD BRING
Hongkong, and Janusty, 1954.
PUE Copartnership hitherto existing between the Uletsigurd, under the Firm of A.H FRYER & Co, is this day dimolved by mainal content.
1. T. D??SILVER.
Hongkong, lat January, 1854.
17ITH reference to the abave Notice, Mz H. T.
Du BILVER is authorized to make all Ac counts for the late Firm of A. 1). Farar & Co
leoghong, Id Janosry, 1854.
17E have this day established at Canton, under
the same style, a Branch of our basics Merchants and General Agent.
Mr. EpUND AlRxandru STILL is authorized toelen our frin by procuration, and will represoni In ni CANTON,
NOTICE THE undersigned bege to Intimate, that the business heretofore carried on by the Firm of A. fl. Farza & Co, will hwcoforward be con ducted by him under the style of De SILVER & Co., which Mr Gao. P. De SILVER is authorised to sign
H. T. Da BILVER Hongkong, ist Janunty, 1854,
LYALI, STILL & Co. Hongkong, Ist Ine, 1858.
TS herrby given that the Copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, carrying on business at Victoria, in the Colony of Hongkong, se Menchante and Counimo Aours, ie this day disolved by mutual consent.
Hongkong. 18th August, 1853.
-900- reference to the above advertisement it is outified that the said concern will be wound. up by Ma & DRINKER, who is authorised to adjust all seenunin, and to whom all correspondence will be addressed.
?. B. RAWLE. 6. DRINKER, langkene, 18th August, 1959.
NOTICE. PUE ondersigned bego to give novior that he will carry on a Gunzual Commatalon and Adamer Bosingas, under the style and firm of DRINKER & Co. and will occupy the promises of the lets fim of Rawan, Ducar & Co.
S. DRINKER. Elongkong, 13th Augan, 1953,
THE interes and respons billy of Mr A. L
AGADKO. Ja, in our Firm cessed from this date, mod vor Business will be conducted under the Byle of G LAGAGED & Co., which
Mr Malone Agazzo is authoriard to sign.
A. & G. L AGABEG, Canton, Est January, 1864
NOTICE. POE interest and responsibility of MR OLIVER
EVERETT KOBERTS in our Firm at Can
tom and Shanghas oensed en the 20th Juno lasi.
WETMORE & Co. Canton. 31 December, 1853.
NOTICE. THE interest and responsibility of Mr Janentza EDULER In our firm at Canton, consed on th |B1st December 1863,
Camon, 4th January, 1864.
71TH reference to the above notification I beg
to intimate that, from this day, I have esta |blished myself as COMMENTION ANT and MR-
chant in this placo,
THE Business heretofore conducted in my tane will in future be carried on under the style of P. & J. BYRAMJEE COLA wherein my Brother Mr JAMAIEN BYNAMER CO4 is ad
missed Partner.
PESTONJEE DYRAMJEE COLAH. Canton, 31st December, 1864.
HR CHARLES BRODERSEN is admitted a 1 Partner in our Firm both at Canton had Hongkong.
China, el July, 1888.
THE interest and responsibility of the late Mr William Bunny Wandlay in our Gm terminated on the 20th of September last,
Canton, 12di November, 1853.
OR TITH reference to the above advertisement the business of the House will bo conducted an
befure by Me D_JOUINSON under the ova
Copy of a Letter from J. Nobla Boq. Muyor of Boston, Lincolnshire,
To Promos For Loway.
Dear Bit-Mex Saralı Dizon of Linterpond Br Boston, has the day d-posed helor that for Bilerable period the severely sliced with fulogs Notes and Ut in lat aron, fret, lugs, and other parts of her body and although the dret of me dical advice was obtained, at the cost of a large kam of mury, she whtxined abutment of suffering, but gradually grow words.
Being recommended by a frland to try your Cint ment, she procured a sonali jut, and a box of the Pille, and before that was all nand, symptoms of amendme appeared. By perverslag with the planes for a the time longer,ording to the directions, and mictly adhering to your cales as to dlat, &co, sing was perfectly cured, and enjoys the best of th
Ir mais, Dear Air, yours truly,
Dated Aug 19th, 16 3 ('gned) J. NOBLE AN EXTRAORDIN, V AND RAPID CULT OF ERYSIPELAS IN THE LPG, AFTER MEDICAL AID AD FAILER Copy of a letter from Mr. Blisabeth F'zalm, of the Post Ofico, Adwich war Begur, Sam, Sams
Jan. 1943 1343 To Phormon flowcomer,
Hir- suffered for a considerable period from a severe stuck of Erysipela, whilek at lupgik ontled in my leg, and resisted all medical treatment bly oní. ferings were very great, and I gulte dayaleed of any permanent amendment when I was advised to have re
ose to your intment and Pilla. I did as without delay, and am happy to say the result was sociaandy suconiafol, for they clfouted a rudinal cure of my leg and restored me to the joys of hoolch. Itali ever spook with the not perfidoner of your wo cines, and have com "dal ?ầên t? vise i neighbourhood similari? silicand, why Grind mai beast-1 am, Bis, your old fallts] forvint,
AFTER BEING GIVEN DANKT 20 TY, AT MALTA AND PORTMOUTH, INSPITALA The following sportant som leden is bom for wanded to Profesane l'Aloway for |
B. BITON. Chemlas Kg Man Awalden. De M
Copy of Latter from Captain Faith at Grah Tas mouth dated Janery 180, 1845.
Te Mr Dio,
Dear Sir, and you the pertimulato of a rare fed by Profesor Hojoway's to valuable caclicite 1 Mr JOHN WALIon, Inte la Eter Majesty's Servios, to the British Fleet at Malty, had a very hol ulawenled ?�anele, mid after having been in the Maka joupla?i for six moutbe, was sent to England as al lavalt to farts- mouth Iapital, where he smelted on ivássia Sage months, there, on at Malin, refading to have che la amputated, he was turned out incurable Bethan came to Yarmouth, and was under u modfoal ganišerman for about three momtha, ut diis ançin became so much worse that all hope was last. At this period, by my advice, he tried Hollowa,' Clotment and Pilla, which by unremitted application, besked all the alcun, and restored to perfect luth and strength,
I remain, Dear Ble, yours vary truly, (med) JOHN SMITH. Albert Hotel Great Yarmouth.
Copy of a Letter from Mr. T. F. Ket, Cherwist &, Lower Mann-lant, Afungkener, dated Fab, 14th, 1953. To Fmoramos llocs,
Dear dir- have great pleasure in forwarding to you the particulure of a very extraordinary care of a Und breast, effect il solely by the use of yang palalated Ointment and Pill. Mrs. Momens Bras, of Plu street, in this Town, but been for a condilerable time Ibouring peder nervous debility, lom of appetita, and general ill health, occanqisl by ulcerated" sounds to the breast she had had much experience in the ma all die known reweilies fi ??the ente of oleers, but with- out any bet Brial result, in fact she bad hourly lo att faith and hope of a car being effected, la thn die. tressing and poleful consition of body and min-l, sho www paranded to have recourre to pour jurakable Ointment and Pilts, which she twinediately did, and ia the course of a very short time the effect produced was most astonishing; her appetite was speadily (improvel the notes and ulcera in the breast gradually bented, and the nervous excitement of her eystem was wholly re moved,
I remain, Dear Gle, your faithfuly, (Signed) T. PONSTER KER, The filla skrald be used conjointly wich the Ofactment in
mour of the fulliming comes Bad Legs
Corna (Bob) Bad Breat
IES BOWMAN will sign for la Cor by gravera?ion
Dopik w. fi.WARDLEY & Co. (tik Novel), 1889.
laườn bering chime against the Estate PO WILLIAM HENRY WARD. are desired to set them in forthwith to Mest
Glandulár Bwell. Tumourn
Chingo-foo ?MMalos Chapped banda Lumbago
Sold by all Druggista, and as Profetuer lolloway
establishment, 244, Strand, London.
By Mr. JM. Da BILVA, and by HINNAM, ibair Bros.
also by WONG ACHEW-Hongkong,
Sr. J. M. Da FUNCECA,-Mecha
and learn ACOW & Co.-Cantons
W. 11. Wardley & Co. Canton, or in Mesata Jante Bowman & Co. Shanghar, and those in debind to the old Estate are requested to make | Al 11. Tad -26 9d.-4r, 60.-113',-221. & 134.
maaliate payment to the said parties.
P. B. JOHNSON,{istrators
Chaton, 9th November, 1858.
each put or Bor.
There is a considerable saving by making sho large 1300.
N.B.-Directions for the guldamot of patients in ANT Disorder se aard to each Pal
YH JAMES COOK admittel & Partner
soth me from and after this data.
The Bostan, wolf be continued under the Nione sul Sigh at TINOS, HUNT & C6,
Whumpon, 194 Janusry, 1951,
no to karps Large and Exirnove Assortment of SOP CHANOLERY, nt the very Lowest Prices
Whampoa, Ir Jaworry, 1951.
Earn the inform you that we still continue Business in. Akash, under the style sad firm of LANGLOIS, McKELLAR & C?
Our old experience in the Rica Tande je skr pusiamies for the good execution of all orders iranated to "*,
"DUNCAN MCKELLAR. Akrob, 11th October, 1931,
PIE undersigned have been appointed Agents at
Hongkong for the subscribers to LLOYDS MasterofVonsciente requested to enuimuricat In thru intelligence of Jus-és, neci·lents, the spak. ing of Virrels, and any general information Lary cvarider el importanco er ínterest to the saberniber?
LY ALL, STILL & Co. Hangkong, 3rd September, 1852.
LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION, Exublished by Charter (720, Dent & Co, Agents in Hongkon
THE undersigned, nor doly auth tinel by the shore Corporation to INSURE FRO Loss OR DAMA?E BY FIRE, Kong, ut Enildiga Goole, Here' antiza and VanPrix Pori
Fit Close, en Bevers in private cecup ti n en't, wah external Walls of Stown or Brick, ana covered with Slate, Tile, Metal, Comment, and other Incom bustible Malerist, detached, or adjoining one,
2d Cxas, op ?nens or Bou?INGS core ed and covered as above, justly or entirely used as Go downs, and deraebel; and on Goops and Man- CHANDIZE, no bazardous, in such tuilhuge,
3d Class, on Herare or Bulbinus as above, adjoining other Builhuge, and on Goone mel Mirm- CHANDISE, not hazardous, therein,
4th Claia, on Horny or Beitiakas erected and covered no abwve, in which hazardous Goons nie dope sited, but wo hazarduus tunde carried on,
5th Class, on SurPS.
Aaners may be affected for the period of 12, 6, or Monthe
No Assumasen is in force until the Prominion thercon is paid.
For further particulars, reference is requested to benimle to the undersigned,
Hongkong, 6th October, 1953.
DENT & Co. Agenix.
TELEGRAPHIC MESSAGES. THE Directors of the Avaratan Laoyim Stran
NAVIGATION Company in Trieste, have made Arrangements for TELEGRAPHING MES- BALIES to London, or to any furt of tha Continant, sant to them from 7. kina.
The Messges should be sent under cover, super- scribed Telegraphic Despatch," to the Hexandria Agent, lut trapsmission through the Commending Officer of the Bleamer, and to be delivered immedi ately on mijlval of the Vaseel at Friente.
The Charge for Tek graphing 20 Words ferom Trieste per Submarine to Tandon, is nhout 10 FT? ruz, or 32 Shillinge Sterling ; aud £1 Surling for dern Blue-go
The writing must be in legible words
For further particulare, apply tu
W. PESTAU & Co. Agents at Hongkong and Conton
Hongkong, 27th October, 1883.
Seamen's Hospital
Honourable Datid Jardine, Esq. C. D. WEL Lama, Esq, Hon W. T. Mencer, Esq., R. 8. WALKAR, Esq Superintendent of the P. & 0. Steam Navigation Company, (ez of cia) Treuer,-J. C. Bowers Esq.
Resident Surcon-Peren Youso, Erg. Consulting Surgeon,--W. A. UlawEASP, Eag
M.D. Ading Colonial Surgeon
Terms of Admission.
Public Warde
Intermediate Wards,
Private Rooms,
75 cents per day.
Patients are also admined un deposits, at the fol kuwing tatan,1geewable one day previous to the
mat deposited having been expended,
Public Wards
Private Ronine,
??$20, - $90,
The Captain or Consignees of Vel responsible for the expenses el Patients sent by them to the Hospital.
N. R. All Hospital Wills to be receipted by the
"I center only.
CHAMPAGNE in Pists and Quits, PORT WINE, PALK SHEBBY, CLANET and ELAMUT. all of first qu
NAILS of size in Cnska of 2 ew. Apply in Hongkong of Canton tu
LY ALI, STILL & Co. Hongkong, (as January, 1951.
FOR SALE at the Gudower of
MAC EWEN & CH Hongkong, 50th December, 1-83.
FOR SALE At Mr1 MARSIP'S Millinery Barns, Queen's Rood Hongkong.
CHOICE Selection of Box of the Last
folions consisting of V. fret, Sadio Ghee Silk, Plyn and Fine. Straws of every description
Glach noch Colored Silk Manil 4.
flick an Whao fare D
French Darege and Carliniere Shawla
French Gler & Toffets sitke ja every color. Black & Colored Silk Velvets,
Do Ribbons in all Widths. Sosh Ribbana.
Honne do, Narrow Satin, Luto & Saranet do. French Brocade Bilk Dressen
Glace Silk do., White & Colored Tulle do. Lace do. Ustege de Poin du
Striped Poplin od Norwich Luatre do. French Merino and Pain Maslia de Laine, Do, in White, Pink, Sky, Rhandral & Nap bloa French printed Cambric anil. Muslin do Flugle's Print do, Black & Colored Darage do White & Colored Tarlet nes in all culors, Swiss and ludia Book Musline
Jacconen Plom nød spotted. Viu b Back Bris Da Net, Whine do. Tulle illusion. Dowle Edgmes, Real and Imitation Lace Lice Fall D. Beither, Sleeves, Collars. Chrosites &c., &e.. de
Plon and embroidered Combric Handkerchiefs Infants' (tubes nad embroidered Frocks, 4'aps, and a vaci?�ty of under clothing. White and Colored Kid Uloves, Silk do. Bracelets and Neck tirs.
Pearl Jet and Chenillo Hand dresses. Wreaths and Bouquets, and a choice selection of Feathers & Flowers from Madame Ferince's l'oris
An oxsortment of La·lica & Childrens Hours and Shoes from Vault Este Rue de la Poizy Péy a l'aria, comprising Whùs de Colored Satin Shoes, Kid and Morocco ?? Stuff and Vodi d ?, &c. &c
Linco and f'ottom Dispera Trish Linen, Lown Hallitul, - Onlocel do.
Horrocks' Le ne-Cloth, French Long Club very fine and light, Table Cloths sary large sizes. Table Covers, Toilet Covers, Quilts, Anti-Vacanza, Lace Curvina, Mosquito Nel, Rukiel, Jaccanoi Lininge, Union and Twill do., Victoria and Veno- tian Skirting, White and 'olored Crinolines, Cri- noline Petticoate and Improvers, Corded Dino. Fine Flannels, Narsing Bisys, Ficuch Wore do Coutil do, Children's Baude, White and Colored Silk Hose, Thrred do, Merina do, Cotton da, Cotton Socks, Wool Polkas, Wool Caps & Sleeves, Gaiters, Boolaking, Claren Comforter, &c. &c.
Woollen Ho. de Braided Satin and Merino do. White and Colored Satin and Merino Braided Clooks and Pelisses, Frocks, and a great
ariety of Clokdren's Clothing of all kinds.
Haberdashery, Parasols, Elastic Pagan Gericis, Sandalweb white & colure, Wide Elastic Woo el and Leather Belts, Linen Tapen, Shirt Butang, Dies and Trimusing Butons in gran variety, Bilk nod Wool Braids, Conton da, Washing do, Mobir Net, Hibbon Phis, Bugle Triemings, Bening, King and Meading Cutton, P, Neos, Hooks & Eyes, Whalebone, Covered Cane, Wall: dings, Comen Cords, fluchen, Rilbon Wire, Silk Piping, Straw Triminioge.
-From Price & Gosnell
A small assortment of PERFUMERY.
Mro. Maman begs to add that she will continue to receive the Latait Faquions from Landow and L'arie Monthly.
Payment to be made in Mexican Dollars, Hongkong, 30th December, 1853.
alt by I'UBLIC AUCTION, on the Premier
LEWIS HELLING and Ma. BENJA. MIN GOTT KINNEAR, are admitted laitects in yur Firm.
Shan, kar, Red Jawowry, 1654
GEORGE GRISWOLD GRAY in su thorized to sign our naina by procuration.
Canton, 14 January, 1951
CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000, PIE medersigned, hara been appoisted Aassro
in Chine for the above CoaPANY, and sta prepsted in rovdi Mirka, on first closu vra-ele, to the exist of 100,000. PoLiems payable in Canton, |Bombay, Calcutta, London and New York.
Cinton, Fidi January, 1934
FOR SALE. THE enign of Red and White LISBON WINE
en Omgren, just activol m Macao Apply w
Canton, Ili Jonuiry, 1981.
Blurid's O.Fico Victoria, 13th January, 1551. N'o-Toon-Huno r. Hawle. Danken & Co. NOTICE is hereby given that under the Writ
of f f sued in the above action, all tha Housek. Id Furniture, Office Furniture, Merchan- dizu, or (?rds and Contela wanaoever in the House or Joo was of the D. fendante will be modi by 'uncio Avorion on Saturday 21st day of January instant.
Particulara will be given in Hand bills.
CRARLES MAY, Acting Sherif
R. N. BEAUVAI-Defendunt, THE undersigned has received instruction from the Build of the Supreme Court to sell by PUBLIC Averton, on Tuesday the 17th January, 1854, all that pieco or parcet of Land with the Hours and appurtenances thereon erected, known No. 9, situated on the Queen's Road East, and con mod Registered in the Land Ofoe na Judend. Lot taining 4,520 square foot, at no Annual Ground Rest of £1,17,0.
CHARLES MARK WICK, Government Auctioneer. Hongkong, 14th January, 1954.
PUBLIC AUCTION. THE undersgard has received instructions to sell
the 28th day of January, 1954,
on the Promiset, No. 4 Cough Street,- The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of. Gentleman leaving the Colony.
All particulare will be stated in the CATALOGUE.
Auctioneer. Hongkong, 12th January, 1854,
THE undersigned has received inatenctions to FOR SALE the FORES of the undersigned, fw bu-liek of English Ovns, mughing 43 lbs. per Guehol.
11. MARSH.
the 20th day of January next.
At Noon preciorly,
Unless previously disposed of by pri
as the...
sate, the folling Property,
In one Jad.
Vi Lovia, 10th January, 1984.
PER OVERLAND MAIL, ADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S White Kid Gloves of assorted sizes;
That builling in the Queen's Hand known adies' Stockings; Gentlemen's Bleach- ed and Unbleached Socks; Doeskin and Buckskin riding and driving Gloves; Neck Ties; Superfine Black and Blue Broadcloth, &c., &c, &c.
HONGKONG ULUB HOUSL And the cor buddings attached, with the land upon which the whole is built-Registered in the Lan Ore no Inland Im No. 10, measur ing 14 100 square feet-Aanual Ground Real £129.
Also in one Lot.
All the Splendid Furavure, Billiard Tables, Pine, Crockery, Glass Ware dea, &c. belonging so the above ortablishment,
Conditions of Sale, Cataloguen of the Furniture &c. will be distributed some days prior to the Auction,
Auctioner. Bangkong, Dik November, 1653.
An assortiment of Superior Penknives,
MAC EWEN & Co. Hongkong, 14th January, 1854.
Now Advertisements should be sout as early as jasible on the daya precies to publication; but generally, aterrizaments will appese in the furth coming issue if recrived at the office as late Eeren . I'edaendana and Saturdayız specially cepting the dayton which the Nails are despatched to Parupe.
Nov. Sandwich Island. Nat
Ship of front Four to Sex Hundred To, lo carry Chino Pasengers and Cargo to California. Apply to W. TARRANT.
4 Lubiana
Dec. 18 Sing
3. Shourine
1 of G. Hope
Nov. 1 Nokia
Hongkong, 10th January, 1854
Ship of From Faur to Bir Hanted Tone, to catry Chinese Camenges and Cargo to Australia. Apply to
1). ogkong, 10th January, 1854,
Nor. 14
1. Saturday,
4 Sunday,-
16 day- 47 neslav,
Rin) Bela | 3. M. | P. 4.
939 1 641 5,35 10,18) 10,51 0.11
650 1,500 24.07 6,371,23) 14.13 Full M502 Tday, at 4. 47 y. M.
13 British Tor, Piecman, from Whimpor 13, Str. Gangra, Baker, from Bombay 15th 14-
Galle 25th do.. Penang 3rd January, a Singapoto 6b du
14, Pr. Str. Le Cassini, Commander F. de Plar,
11, U.B Str. Susgorkunna, Capt Buchanan, Japan, 14, U. B. Ni Powhatas, Commander stelury,
14, U. 8. Sur. Mississeppi, C'apt Lees, Japan. 14, US Store Ship Izz?ngton, Co somnader Ole-
so, Japan 14, U. 8. se Ship Southampton, Couder
Boyle, Japan.
Per Bir finger, Mre Wikon & Child, Assi-fact Surgeon Hanbury, Assist Surge An-ir-s Me Stewart, and Mi A. Aubert, Uno Nativo, murd Uwo Chinesa,
Dyrantugt frem Exuland FOR CILINA. Oct. 2ith Rose Elli-, 49h Topoz. 31kh Louisa J-cabe Jolina; Nov. Ist Klazian, 13th Mercator, 17th Emily, and 19th Ti to for Chine.
A report has reached Ceylon of the loss, in Torres' Straits, of the Brigs Druid and Antise.
Tua Dutch ship" De Stud Dord-ceht" at Rin- gajmore, teports thus Vanguard, and the JF- fem from Chium, as on the 24th wit, in 1; 39' 8.- 107. E.
CANTON MARKET. Yesterday's Quotations
Patna $151,- Benares 9363), - Afahoa 9119, -Turkey $350.
HAI. Steam Sloop "RATTLER," will kate for langkung this day, no noon as she era procura
??Pilon who han barn sent for to Whampoa. The Community are invited to avail themselves of slan opastanity of forwarding Letters for the Supple mentary Mail. You will themes I believe pricvol tu Bhangbae.
J. SANDERSON. Commander, If A, 8 Lily.
Cantoo, 10th Janawy, 1851. We pullish, above, the copy of a notice politely nade by Cap. Sanderson to the Canton Com- minity, directly ho knew the Rattler was wr dered to Hongko g. We wish we could furnish e similar announcement by the Admiral to the Hongkong Community.
The day the Ratter
arrived the Post Master notified us that ki tera for Shangha e, to be sent by tho Rattler, would be received up to a that evening; and yesterday forenuan another notice was imucf, to the effect that the Rauler would not learo Matil alter the arrival of tho mail. The usail is in, and u?w we are told she will not go 'ull Monday (7)
It s pity the Superintendent of Traile does not lead kịn aid to the Admiral-to gio some definito shape to announcements of this kuml;-so that parties having interest in tho matter may know what to be prepared for.
Tuz P. & O. 9. N. Co.'s Nicaen Ship Ganger, Capt. Baker, arrived about half past nine last pare. The Ganges experienced a strong mon night.-Seven days and some hours from Si
soou all the way up the sea, rather violent for two days before making the lamel. She bring, besides 873 Chests of Malwa Opium, another overwhelming batch of treasure, vix, 1204) boxes of bar silver, dollars, and gokl, or almot a mullion and thero qua rters of dollars in value. Our Correspondent's letter is too lengthy for the present ; but the most pertinent frame of nows by this opportunity will be found below. According to the Straits Times the Cairng wi" arrived in England on the 11th of November -the "Chynolite" on the Juth. (This would be 08 for the kermer, and 108 daya passaga for the latter) Our Correspondent saya-" tho
??Cairngorm" arrived at Falmouth on the, 15th (102 days from Mocan) and Graverend ?�be 186, Bad weather hac dotamed her of Se ly some days."
The following vessele passed Anjer on the dates mentioned. Dec. Gils Flodo-Dil Planet.
and Mystery-11th Panic-14th Fleetwoul from Shanghac-Living Ags, from Canton, and Vancouver, from Fulchow.fu-18th Countes of Seafickl-20th Security.
London, 14th November, 1453, The Nens fa the banka of the Law is all adorare. und mile qars; iba Tacks hare with sut d?ult ezbitua
mago ok ass and na want ud discipline, but, an the contrary,
part the fu-eiena notch trouble and ante achevril La je 1940 one sabey over ike t'a te'n trag", - A registeka seas by die Homaanauyet the Turks, nu-l-like fastir lang use the Dena', a current he is wrik, but the to be it sa Chine Parka rekostet with part où får La to mpgove bón pannon. We see rap vting thing
moze dormire exets ilaw, but she wear nam pretty cezioni 12 The Cxur mid the Sultan tove leath tested ske one. war with wound, on that the bênd buh v�?rals tape
as thing securing bứt th d mittmaner vi tho struggle un le party up il at klund,
in use in 4'kinn, the insurers are table for anything ¦ months, carried on la exænding ved short of an laulute total toug I thin while of the mitcler ionoted. Me Pullard appened for toe Plein Till the A Turney tentral and Mr. Tarcant for the Betendents The facts are briefly thene: De Mello & Co, shipped a certain quantity of bags of rice last peat to Califormis in the Marion Mcintyre, and in sound them at 2} per cent in the Cintos foverance
Itu mud "Turks in up, and there wine finle chance office, under n Policy containing the warranty of
" krve from particular average." The vessel ex porised bad weather emily in her voyage, jetti zo ed soins of her cargo, and par luck into Hung. kong with the camiler, partly dangel. So voys were held at the request of the Citrin (the ship bring unable to continue the voyage,jauta porn of the rice recomeneteled to len sult by tho
Cur Aluare date met in Cabinet Council every day Darby, and is in anderwrnod that " Peace or War" i the waste. Lt kan belat e inglik a French Tito antered the ser, but that to som csuttale. Nu te huweser expects at pas sent, that England will
rely la the struggle, ni tho nama thưpe we are v�?katana qui bout this mult.
The death of the Queen of Pungal in chľð÷ed, kus and mounderable mention, look na trænede the pome Qin kerse (personally and`slov mah kapret so the je li Biel uendattus of the Counter. The Kog Commat 10p- The funeral of her late Quen se ? place poned treat
nih 19th instant, and all was your thin and up to the lea ropory S01 there is considerable danger of autolutionary mos meta-blagapore Free Press.
From LLOYD, MATHESON, & Cu's Larren,
Le Bon, November 29, 1953. The China Maila arrived on the 20th ult sod bant; latest dates to the end of September. Throu_boot they
e past month nar Market has been is excited me. Immediately after the trip of the letters, on the 12th inst, confirming the graphie intelligence tectered via Triente, ex- Irtive transactions were entered into both by spec In and dealer, the former operating chicly in emanon Congo, and the latter in the strong blo How kinds, which repally advanc 4, and may now be quoted 3d, to 41. per ll, higher than at ibu datu last month; common having advas cod from 1d. to la 3, and the strong a-te from 18. Jd and te Ad to te Gd and 1, 74, with a firm market at thes quotations. The improved position of our musiker les cunbld out a to be effected in Now Sea-ou'a
(From the Froo Press January 4)
On 10th December slam U.19 grommetskiy Joku Hanenck, Caplan Redgren, arrived at Batuviu un hor way to join the Jepun quadre Other three vessels seen, ed to follow. On the 15th December the Bu eb merclient verne) Utens alba, chino ta ancher in Ontayin qonda, having belt. Dem
Với n ứng 16th N N
the 20th Augun there arrived in the unde of Nag pak, and will retasine in the Papel har
??departure of the Hendrika, a Itusion (rigst, HOTTES to, per esmahin and a umenpet, under commend of Adooral Petrowie, konguga lenei leven doo ( hanenike of Kusem to the Kasparov if Japan 176 ile What September, 4e Admiral and a great ranný vllierta were me ived by tha goteam of Waguchi with post si ermany and matku-l se- pes The letter was recited and forwarded ??the expital Zeds but no unewer had been ree les, up to the deporteen v? the Hendrik
swale, from my own personal kombi (g, that pre Some have been carraralamayees 2 will, but I was fully awnie of the fact test a treur. fal impresion to th. etlicet prerade antong the community, and to this case nolely would tat toboto the origin of the late shstgsbandry,
Do you know of any duf reuse sa the ma.). of aldrining roles and if the treatment they re reive during the Lot few yesen and then added minze trockily 7 As to the made ??f alterumL egolier, in its details, I am entirely ignarunt; fon in tegard to the unede ad treating the 12,3 15 (1); aware of the fact lea), while previously. Ca si els gaped to go as confies enjoyed their muretranod Letty I think, untill the cig of then en back vine, there have been established of late, both on alep board wad uu ahore, depo's where the coulus have bvod
Corual 6, uneatening that the young tona had beco reland (for the actual termin ured I can refer, if
Dr. Boeting to the Enth of M Cocobury
(Bretired March 2) Ms Lu
Hargkong, January 5, 1953. lateforenen to my dewjrate of 15 Daveronteer, pes Istinul, by who col my intention
laranguática frase this corandre kuna leg leur paragone a lo ngie wluch the aforeme at Amsy, n t wholly unanticipated by me, hive geven all peer-at
The wo die egration may be divili Linto tw categories that which takes place at the five porta whore by Tony we have a right to trife, wal that which is extried on from great and pleen where we have no sight, and where trying mon Ta deene la diane Lafreths of Arucle VI of der supplementary Tieny woh China.
Vaanids Lading wils cd may be consilerel wter en claw: Betish veinels cosseyang coules ta Brittal colunica, futrigu ves-cle convey. coolies to Bratesh maduniya's foreign vessela caveting enotare la foreign countries or e fontes, Unach of thene divisions & purpose to isku klow tonnika.
Any cucal lecido inquity for sonicco, any erm.
a sogle husan ng beyond te p petiban for obesimng dùm in dl, any dewa supply of volumtree, will in China lon) tu m'unes. Suels see the vemaking mul profbynes of pride of licers, such th
for galam ng jonato l of the people, tha uulis trade will ineen.y be acted with rolarinos and crueluca. 1 it only be unless it that men are wanted, unl they will be of an Lubtained by collum, etlos pitiga, ituinds, fulee ote, vilances, #nderstanding with the Morlatans, and the abomina mea will u course be maximes it where ustholty is m"ttable and the demand my arsite
The whole of it was unshopped into Murrow, Stephenson & Co.'s goduwen, and the 901.r.d sperated from the bad, i, 8., that portion per con mended to be sold. Then bail portion was peur- 42. you know of any specific cate where a ed by the testimony of metien) and other witoms evoley has been held in onshormal contrary to by is a partially paid condition, the gates em bie anu wish of that vi his friends 7-4 1ook nating train it producing sickness. De Melt & Co's aboot a l'onight before the disturbance miere, ing FORMA VỀ M? was sold by public muctiuni, mud pru- and Ferrant menusel on tourning to me that being duced 1.73 per pecul (uni 173 per picul, the had been duen at the adiel in irunt of Mr Nymo's learned but aut mereuntile Attorney G-menal grava
buna, along with the relatives of a young mati fton ly and repeatedly stated, to the amusement - fasey Los own village who wished in havo lum sedraved, erd d co, and the sound patios Wo forwar a", uocurding to their statement, he had been dan ward to California in another ship it was lip- ecivel buil was confined against their will, if not ker s ro, that there were at that to spp. how will. My servantulio stated, fost on going abrue in Dongkong for kilosing or otherwise, to the shed they could find no mode at comment doctoring badly danged rice, It was proved slot | ing with the young man, and be slzo stated that among the jetzoued and sold portions, share ware
those were the free in of several gifices at the same 185 bags of rice balonging to the Pisimulle. time in attendance there for like objarte and with De Mello & Co. having giren ustice of tonno bence succos, fin was much Mlected by the ment to the underwriters in due time, new sought to tire instance, mid begged of me to do what I could recover from the office, as for a total load of part of to have the young man relax d and resented to him the articles i sural, the value of the lags of rice
frivade j-tizoned and old as damaged. The Attorney QDd you adapt any means, and what, to obtain General opposed the claim on there grondslat, the listy of this young man -A. On the alter. that the vasage h?d maves tuken place, the plip not having will frem Hongkong for San Francisco: Mr Symes hong, I neeilemally mat wil Mr Cor non of tùn saine day, when passing at the front of 24, that the rice having existed in specie do rice,
The opium nations were early Grad spin se nale, in Me Syme's employ, and need the convenient plates for the supment of cooler. A when sold could not be considered as a total loss;
case lom The sad that the coolies had perfect large force in blwa 34, that the exoted a custom in Insurance mai- hberry to gu in or nut, and sivo spoke to the elect
· Hieroj a bystein cl mondister. ference but base suscza nad simurt a nder-sity. tera in Chim to the effect that the warroully against that any such person on being ??plied for would be No muthority is prevent to chana way want t Tarry Cangoue at rutes which the dusters had pru Particuler Average exempted the uniters imdi-tely allowed to go. On the evening of the vrouely declined.
fz?m responsibility, unless the whole of the tetes
merlotogs 2 wind ('n "ving nanda, the opuru al. 199 anne day I met with Me Wardery, who hid licen wensch supplies the Caston demand and that of the insured were absolutely lost, and shat no claim ex-
hear for 1-me tide as no agent to v Zoopring condiditets to the west ". Casian, bar, next to Anoy, isted for either constructivo or absolute tuigt fo??de Cuba, sind meistöanesh Lim sanır cavo to him. Has of part The fist ground was almos, sa a on aban
Dvenue ?se of the site ipad places of sh pusat. mla stenute in regard to the casu wete to the effect, | Stour the & storh duend ne motiound; but the recod and thinl that was on the proper party conectaud, b. 1
Ay, Namoa, Alber jandi statom, hand taled tan C. points were ably argued on both sides, Air Pollard that he would speak to Air Syme amout the car,
wa of contre. uk for motora atronunualy endeavouring to exclude all eradenco
the other for Austraha, and and that he thought the proper course lui me la propitations are sing there, I am informed, for as to the custom contradictory of the words of the like would be simply to send u note with the young the excelion of sere
como and for carrying on the Policy. The Chief Jaslice, permitted the oc's ende tile Cornate, wh whom I kid coolinde on
to this custom to be called-stating bewever that altemly spoken on the subjet
y ex'endive sexie," I Love Ela duuled nul, he would not allow custom to rary, control, or com.thu were durs, that the young man would be in
reason to know the the great oplum bou-s are suit fast alarmed 1 trad of the terme of the Policy, but would only ru
mediately relamud. The following day, accord
the adjacency of thung onlin depots, and that the ceive evitenes of cualora as to any ambi usus
ingly, I wrote Rote to Mr Curnalú, cscribing ordered to quit the neighbourbed of tluse coulis spomin vrach at Nossos ate words in the Pulicy, and the conclusion of the
the young man's pamo sud mutira sidng", &c congregatice. I ca noi coom) from your Lord- Adney General's defence, without hear ng Mr
This note was taken to the bung by the young ship my approsousso that the guhering together, Polled ruply, his Lordship stated that he would
man's relations, accompanied by my own survani, under the easing class, of coalies in thes take time to c-neider, sud that if we mad- no lut.
who was axioms to go with them. A short time remote places may sad to sapazonu evil, to reb. after they artcant sotunel will a axe end tganda shujt free place where trade in ther mention of the case, the decision was to be con.
mod fl-al-hal pa large scale. tulered in Carour of the Plaintiff; but that he would probably mention it again on Wednesday. On
abrolutely interdie ef by Toy, Her Maiemy's Thuraday (Today).-
Government way he to cynder how far the principle laid down, in your Ford-4179 despatch of the 20th Uctulier, is to be read as regarde loca. lities. Jttere the Clubese du soi calores their Q Would you be good enough to put sho note own law to cite trou, and it is quits int lligible relested to in evidence, and allow your servum to
that put doing so when they are able, we can hard- be cad 1-4. The dot-1 bekere I neve, and by le boil for cog einigtaste to our c if so will be happy to produce it, My servanties, and waking up. Or the protaction and should think also will be willing to give his evi-
confort. But oneguda alopments of con from place where the Chin sa kucharkika are wholly lpless, from platre where we have pledged our selves that flee Majne y's subjecte al af uit, unde, and that Henan slope all not load or discharge, shall we, ought we, te exceed the oplum hlutge lo quether species of tric, wholly unprotected by ibe gusta-ters velitel the wealth positivt soil high chrterter of the grẻm opum houses viter 7 As regards Bratch slope loading or dierburging at unlawful places, it up, or to me that Her Möj-sty'a Government posteric angle and pleanty power. should it een fit to excreted, Then comics the oljection so loudly are nonetently braid. "It' yuu probalut Heitles "tups and British merelianis, you rely transfer ? voimalla trade tu fureiga vovala and latvija ar vantarmen." The argumont would junity wny peol ble abominations permiste ! by the laws of me iation and prohibed by wo Law of another Bitrise Majani (juvetwisent, bering kreatios of my wers Commerce with China, now be diønnet i ti pret dit will trading with illegal placca, it went, cleriy have an absoluta The Commere Gevrement right to and from- dist nations having a Trosty whoever should out bellowed to vejo cookta from all 310 excluded; and mugle Ft be #a "mnirons wieder the Chers fluvecam ni, in onda je state uwa wa kwe-a, in zat went to expers an them in music cung their athing, in the of the principle that no other mathra she?! matumpy p?ed ges in China, which non denied cous 7 1 his late) ngowe a vast ajaran Lo whether the sou vilestant, of the 'i maty vs DIN part of the Couran, bei Tu o ill will or weakura, hay but suction sur veking other porla (on toure which sto now leglly meetery war. The soly Barruments poker, samo prekion with our- salong, as having 3 roshen gogh Chion, are inges of the United Sporo zad Fran. The Bank) Trin (The O?lanan menigration to DIDIT N? stinat wholly confined w like.
Nothing further was known neganding the. Usted states pagonisaluña Thun what hon sirendy b on pugilated,
The death of die Emperor of Japan is contined. Ba Percer, the cluse enner, had set yet been sword
A born some at Dewi
Tin Alta Cabformin, of the 2016 November states that James Keenan Esq, reevnily ap pointed United States Consul at Hongkong, lad arrived at San Francisco in the "Cinklen Galo
ond woukl leave for Cluna on the 20th No. vember in the "Pathfinder."
We take from the China Mail of Thursday the report of an important mercantile caso ad- judicated at the last sittings of the Suprono Court in Summary Jurisdiction. We are told by parties cognizant of the whole of the facts that this report is fair and impartial, and there. fore conclude it cannot have been written oithar by the Editor or his myrmidon, whom gen. szal want of faimen and impartiahty is slightly cvinced the remarks with which the report is prefaced, correspondent being mailo to insinuste that the action instituted for the purpose of taking an unfair advantage of a doubtful clause in an Janurunge Pul ey. Tho fact of the Editor at the China Mail b ing komen bat troublewne tenuat of the Maintill
(Plaint?) and a recent disagreement between them, meg bara had some influence in this desire to a wick erroneoses colouring 10 a matter whook, as will be scen by the report, speaks for itself.
A great principle was involved in the proper interpretation of a mercantile document. To settle this knotty point it appears to have been minically arranged that the opinion of the Churf Justice all be obtinod in the easiest posubla way. Denco the action-hence the result ;-
Do party, porkapa, being more satisfiod at the point being cleared up then the Agel for the othco against whom the decision went.
(Friday & Saturday, 6th & 7th January, 1961.)
De Mello & Co. v. Jurdine, Matheum & l'a. The Defendan't in this cam represented the Chatoo in>urance (lice. The question in dirpute wa whether, under the form of lohey at prezent
??Na troublease, that on a representation of the ou
the uritur, an Didinance was especially need des the abler's quibbling grievance.
His Lorbip mid, that he had delny bis de- cision in order to look into 'he case of Norron Haddon, 9 Manning and Granger's Rep submited to him by the Alt vney". Gemeral, as al- tering the law of constructive total luge na memo mudun sticlu After a careful invigation, he was four that the case did not apply, as is appeared there that the goods (2) could invo been brought on to England and sold, still retaining their chasing. ter of Bilk, while in this case tho Rice was so da maged as not to be worth sending on, and had been condemold, after abandonment by the Plaintiff, by the Defendant's own surveyor, and was according ly sold by their agoni, the Caplata, realizing only about one third of the value. By the cridence, the rice was so damaged and diseduured as to have pro
cluded all probability of its retaining its character or specia; and he should therefore adhere to the law laid down by Lord Alonger (acting as the moh pices of the Court of Exekoquet) in the case at Kouz??Bilrador, as to constructive ptal Inse
ud fd for the Plain:if the in-ured value of betli the jctioned and woll portions, as for a total loss, under de Poker, of a part of the articles insured
Mr Pullard applied for the coals, which is Lordship granted-China Mail Jan, 12.
Wa publish in the prosent into some longily extracts from the correspondence presented ta the House of Commone on the 20th of August fast, on the subject of Emmigration from "hina; resurring comment for a future occasion.
INCLOSTER 8 IN No. 14 Minutes of Evidence taken at a Court of Inquiry held at Away to investigate the Causes of the late Riots, and into the manner in which Coalie Emi grutin has been lately carried on of that Part. Dusicians token during an investigation bell st 1 Bonnie M. jesty's Coorulv'e nt Amug, inta the c-utro of the riotous precedings ahlen took place at that purt in die 21st, 2nd, Sul and 24th of
November, 1852
Monday, December, 13, 1862 PREGENT:
John Burkhoone, Esq, War Mojesty's Officiating
Cumul Frederick Harvey, Esq, Secretary to flor Majre.
ty's Plenipotentiary In China. Commander E Gotdiner Fishbourne, R.N., Com.
meding Her A-jeaty's steam-slovp "Heroes, The Rer. William Chalmers Hurur. British subject Missiory in China, called so, wil being duly sworn, is examined;
Q You have heard of the disturbances which have recently takes place on the recasion of which rome lives were les. Can you state the causes, or any of them, from which liesa arose !-A. ? have heard of there disturbances, and believe ba they have arisen from item.cut produced in the pubka mind by the trade which bas Leen for some jesen past, but especially during the past tow
te, to the note tuill in my pray Bernt was arcon panned on this secasion by the brobes of the young man, who warmly thanked me for what I had done in the ma ter.
Q. Do you know of any placards that would identify this coolle emigration with thio dister bances, and what was the substance of them?-A, Boreal womba ago I conde Guvernment proclai alion in reference to this subject to the effect that porsons described as " Khen Shaon," or, in the col. fuqund of the kanga " Coolie Brokers," were lead- ing away and selling poor people. The proclaima tion threatened such with severe punishment, and alou added that Ivan) constables who know of auch persons and yet did not give luforrnation would be held qually guilty with them. More lately, un Tuulay the 23rd November, passing through a street in the middle of the town, I found a crowd ul peuple eating two placards pin up by the people, thu ono u them in the namin ul tho veli dira uod merchants, the other in the same enter ulie lach Po, or al the 18 Pune (the whole number com prized within Amoy.) (Yule Appendix, juper macked A and 13). That by the scholars and inef- cam was longer and more general; i made gen esal reference to the 1x sence of a trade in cooles (sluscribed na buying and a long mun) citted un at this port for a Doutor of pests, and anid that tie persons thus exported hid bôen pior people without relations, but went on to say that af late sevent tema of persons (natives) had juine) tregether for the porque of obtaining persons to be exported, thu they had several hundreds in their employ who were guing in all directions, -ing every prowat by which they might get hold of jettani by sun their purpose that them - perzona chuir sets mod wore the mabets of athed to the caruamionly (ual abo Cure, friendless pocasno); and that Oing were shar up so that they could havu ou comaussen ban, even by jepevek; that they were planwards estreak to foreign countries and there au jected to bul on y ended by their deaths,
The pad to wala warned the people again besog Impel by aucheranos. The other placats, which has ofi ingreat character, waa gaaslit, and wartertha Trang,emi?gal com
presne indig i land emolved, in
Te coulies, and dupovejte Palla biker, who had mernavik,
on 1st 26. Nurember, been again oond that may would not buy and sell with the bogat Syme, Muir al Co, id Tait and Co, a al final if persons among themselvca should de wil these honge the houres would to pulicu daya their goods plandered and there bror jak placard andfed by saying that if the abuta-menci su od coule broker was given up to their summerine, to be punished, they would then be wiling to sui with the said 'hunga na balore, have bena gen, rally posted up throughout the bo u. W or was it that you read the p cards-Ahould think ab út 4 o'clock p. x,
(Signed) WN. C. BURNS, (To be continued.)
Those plan ada
woo pay their own pissage
A l'och merchant aliji in acidort is prents of chi in one Usated States or of Planes cuddly no long1k the > Cial
wash by angam, errat tuhivadly arrangemente outlet to press theron mom, interroga of prade, esateko, and cakes. As tegards our own cubic meg så mot con esportation of coolna pagk tu ke permit 1 an skips plania at 19 illegal for Her Majesty' y es to trade, may be a grave grechten for the cinskttinten ut. Her M jenya ?.vermou
Aah verge-1 to the legal ports, Amey and Can- tun ate at prvount the only two frun wovace any supply of cookies cau bo cxpected, Tacts can be lible doubt if the same atute of things had erined in Canton which led to to la'e dintorbance at Amoy, if the peoplo al Camion suspected that for
eign merekamı employed eximps to inveigle and sedner, or ink waren, to kidnap the inhabitante, that the fretones would be burnt down and for steners exposed to extreme danger, 1 da mul shook the sbijment of coolies by any means me from Whampoa, where a carga" har just felt for Trinidad (ol whine cunditan the Emigration Agent Tepurtu very favourably), but the power of the Matalatine in Canton is great enough to bene meunty against abuse, mad a próhibition would Immediately follow any peril to the publie prace. White the premium pod on cookies cominues at anything like its premat rate, no Consular anthony, no interference of any emigration agent, will make the trade anything but one of great irregularity and shares. Coolire will be e duced by lalichonda-kept by violence; ships with | be expond to prest danger from the revok of deceived coolice, who, unaccompanied by inter picters (for I am sorry to say there ne few instances in which any person to to be found on board the emigiant skipe who can state their mania or ex plain their grievances), listo, in a gical many instances, subscribe) cogagements, under the pres aure of extreme want, and olben in ignorance of their meaning. One of the most common methods of obmining coolice me to make them voma small advance in food, clothes, or money, which being unable to trpay, they become pawned to the erediter, who le probably the crimp himself, or tome of his agents, I do not believe the foreign coulia merchants are directly cognizant of ur would be willing to qulkona, the inevitableʻini- quities of the system. They examine, of esuse to | be examined, the physical condition of the men whom the crimps and cadie brokers have gathereal wgether. The profits are large, and do ngucious mirichani wonkĺ jeuperdas them by directly sanc tioning gross oullagio against homolar and honesty ; but the outruments be is compelled to use are of the vilest charactes; they are almost wholly Can- tonces man (among whom will be always found the Tagabonds mast notorious for insubordination and recklessness), uncontrolled by the pubke api. nion of the locality, in which they are maly strangers.
AD bour's successful hent-for they are paid, 1 am told, at the inte of 3. dollsia per man-may give them more profit them they could obtain from mooth of boost labour. Even, therefore, 45 regarde British ships bound to Brush colonies, and departing from legat perts, it appears to me des. irable that a tigerous investigation should ke place, on the atrical of tho emigrants' ship, into ia circumstances under which they have been engaged; and I mentioned in my despatch dated the lot of October, that the house of Turner & Co., which understand has the Trinidad contract for coolice, had, în approbemtion of the revok of the emigrants, applied to me for military force to bo employed against them, should soy timing lake place on Fouri.
Nothing is, withal, wore likely to assist a volun they falute emigration than a knowledge in China
of the fact that the emigrants are transferred to
countries where justice is strictly administered,
Whether, or when, mitters will revert to a stúto in which the superduous labour of China can be safely and properly diverted to the demands of fler Majesty's colonies, must depeul apon the derchopmost of avants, I bara thought iny duty to communicate the facts within my knowledge to Her Majesty's Government, hoping that to die painful and often embarrassing position in which Her Majesty's servanta ate placed in this country. Benjamin, shly and looking to the immense interesa involved in the Hade with Chim, we may be faveurel with such instructions for our gu dance to the circum stances of the game allow. I orders and from alr White that he proposes to confive his nation to the colony of Hongkong, where, of e-ures, mora simple powers of inspection and control exist than in any portion of the dominions of Chine.
I have, &c.
U, El Tiempo (Span), Ynchausti, from Macan.
Cornwall, all
Dannebrog, barque
U go soknemer
6. L, H. Janney, MN
EW, Anthea sad on 19
Flag To
Jell Port
A Menghong
10 Haney
Jan San Franclare New 24
Det Blåverpool July
|H., Who and co
16 Nuw Zealand the
Dent and es
Ban Francisc
Habert Town Nov
Jaha Hard and co
VOL. XIII. No. 5.
Was Energ
Fl Themp, big
|3|Marsh SpaYachti
dan 11 Manka
Free Trader, sky
Ball. 1982 Campbell
Gamble ship
347 Anderson
Do 16 Liverpool
George Avery, barque
Not InLabers
Hongkong, remar
tealer Horena, barque I ship
Frederick VII, belg
Jacobs Cornella, turque Joku (agdal^, "llp John N. Ummler, ship
Knal land, bri
Lord relatan, ship Laren, barque
Alatbilde, belgantina Nymph, beigšties Deran Chures, ship Orleans, ly
12, Benjamin (Fr), Isary, from San Francisco, Pap
24th November,
13, Isabella Farcus, from Sydory.
13, arschale, from tlonolala.
19, G, Howland, from Honolulu Jan.
- El Tiempo (Span), Yocheusi, from Menila.
B. Umum (101) Olmeirs, trum Lisbon.
| 10, Daniel Rozz (1low), Ketels, from Hongkong.
10, Mundagner (Span), Puizar, from Macro.
11, Orkney Lass, Martin, from Elongkong.
Per Benjamin, 216 Chinese.
10, Mary Spowers, Fisher, Camengmano. 11, Bur. Poting, Steni, Hanib y. 11. Mazeppa, Ryrie, Unnaiogin-OLLA 12, Shamrock, White, Port Phillip. 13, Enterprize, Thompson, London.
13, Kokinoor, Lavien, Whampoa. Jan.
10, Androclas (Dan), Brubn, London. E, British Tar, Freeman, Londoo. Nov.
24, Vancouver (Am), Lum, Lindon.
Dec 13, Fa, Findlay, London.
15, Waller (Bwe), Norelias, Landon,
26, Haninge, Robson, London,
Per Enterprise-Capt. Campbell, Linut, (Tor-
rights protected, and wrongs punished. And with don, Dr. Wright and 26 men of the Hayal Artil
Nabine ship
Mary bermont, skáp
| Dut |:004|Gleme
130 Ladewyk
Welt 407 WILL
AN Nu.
Helt abl Ham. 411 begi
Dan. 110|Guldager
|Mamı | 010|Lat
Helt Eram China 470 Stone
Bik??13 M" Wa folium | 100%: un
11 Sydney
Lyall, will and co
Nov 20 feb Hard and eu
Leday and on.
De 11W. Anthon and no Manila
et enfer and on Pocke Jan-1.yall, still and co
Nør 27% Francisedet 19M.. Schaeffer sad on San Francisc Jallar lepool Aug Deat and co
7W Anthon and on
San Franciscofthet 16 Water and o Lobock and the
& de
San Francisco Bydney
Lo do.
[Nov InJardine, M. and co.
John Hard and
a Frenc
NOT W Pasta and co
art and es
Ang 13 Jardino, M. and so.
Jardine, M and ca. San Francisc Order
Fraucace Myer Beheeran Pau
Anthou and costan
Sept Houkok Dea 11 Liverpool
San Francisco ict 13 Liverpo
July 11 Hankk
Dec 31 ydney
[Nov 24, Melbourne
has Herve barg
Matesman, berger
Hrit Hodge
thel When
Temiga, barque
Past 374 Silva
July 19 Macas
Vetenica, bark
Walter Morico, barque
Dat. Bel
537 We
Nov 33 San Francisco
14 Wimburg,
Arrow, brig
912 Dande
Tabeliniatura, banque Peru
Sip Many
B|Calcula Nov 11'alles
4 Febr
Maser schoner
175 Hyrla
10 Amoy
Emigrant, ship
Omyum, brig
Amatis, ship
Helle Vacagada, skáp
Bintang Ana, barque
Hrenda, schooRES
208 Halslyn
Hum Katal
Mer Canute, barque
Dulal Ha, barque
Deutschland ship
ty Blvd, barque
Flylug Dutchman, ship Gingell,
Henbury, ship
J. Joejeabbey, ship
John Wood, skip
Kohinoor, schooner
Lady Rules, ship
Standages, brig
Neptune, valp
Naro Bilbaino, belg Owys, belg
Port 7310starves
$40 Barber
Hrone Land
343 Pask
Am. 1997 Hubbard
Oct 21 Whomps
Jan Lieben
Jas sleutta Norm?la
Jan fisgapore Now to Shanche ||Jan --longhong
Doc 4'anti Jan
Del Hardine, M. sol.
aly 19 M, Schaeffer and on l'ort Phillip
pt 21W, Anthes and co San Francisco Nor Lyall, Bill and on. Port billig Sept Lübeck and co
San Francisco
-H. F Cama and so. Ang 203, 4 Eudleat
Nav IT!". P. Cama and ou
Jan Jardine, M and co.
Det 19J. V. Jorge
A. A. de Mello red ce
-Ramell and co
Ner W M. Rebluet
West Endles
New York Manila
N34, Parts and co Shangha
Jan - Lyall, still and co.
Mayar Schoeffer&co.Landon Order
17 Slesion and co.
A Hard and co.
13 France
de 13
Jan lent
Dea Bombay
Jardine, N and ce Shanghar
3019. W. Hubbelt
Mackerton and on.
New York
[New York
Oct & Frames Sous & co Bombay
Nov 19an Vrancisco, 27 Mayar, Behar för ? por
(34) Deller
47% Lambert
ST4 Fuzmancies
John Buchesso, baryon
*17 Livingston
King and ca.
$70 rockatt
Jan Bombay
Det order
20 Løren
Dec Arado
John Burd and co
Dro 14|Manila
Lyell Stiil and on.
July 700am
Jan Hongkong
Brore ship
Det 25 King and co
San Fratele
Orkway!, barque Pretres, barges
Rebekah barque
Me' hip
Sir Charles Farbos, sir,
Tamerlane, barque
Triumph, ship
Vigant, etiar
a view to this, the rear of some Chinese emigrantslery: Sergeants, & Corporals, and 79 privates Candia, whip
to their country, who should report favourably of the prospects of agricultural labourere in our col nies, would be of the highest impotianco, The ra portation of Chinese women, unless absolutely sa slaves, in out of the question 1 so that nothing but aucecasion of emigrants will keep up the supply of labour.
If foreign ships convey emigrants to British colonies, it is clear no sufficient protection can be
invalide of the 59th Regiment,
Amay Abbotsford,bargan Adelaide, barque Cervantes bel
194 Martin
Dat. 345 Wagteudeck
200| Townsend
$50 Patter
(31 Les
| Bitt | 430/Caldwell
A. 10 More
Brit. 700 Pryso
Brit. 195 Nakoda
Eliza Ane, barque
sipan. 454 Zaballa |Bric | 2068mella
Eydrede, barqa
Fathabool Balem, bargnel
Fortuna, brig
Homer, ship
Independen, brig
Kley, brig
S70 King
Bar Alligat Bittern Come
given to the coolies, either before their embarks Hercul tion or during the outward pasange. Interference re
is a matter of moch deileacy sad difficulty for though I bara little doubt, were the facia accessible and the prowl at hand, that many of the prooted ings in China come under the provisions, sou woold ambject the malfosants to the penalties of the Slave Trade Acts, I cannot abut ny eyes to the impracticability-the impossibility rather, of far- nishing judicial proofs ; and the embarras-ments of the question would be greatly augmented by the general worthloveness of Chiucse testimony, as my experience leads me to the sad conclusion that the securiti for verecky in any of the grades of society in China aru weak and few,
Fon-chow H.M.De 19 Vannimore Hongkong. M M. 14 Fellow
19 Sendemon
Minden Rouler
Blumender Berto Byx
Canton H. Ha
12. Na Shanghao |+1.M.B
H. M. B ?.?.Т Amay
AMERICAN Leningsen
Macedonian Mississippi Powballin Plymouth Queen Baratoga
khonglong 15. ?i ?
||Hongkong|113, Sun
Cops Bie W. Host Mania
11 Vico Adl. Prijam
12 Lope Fingrid
Leeches U. 61 22 Vibot ||Hongkong|U. S Bir|| 19 |Legs
10.6, 80 || 3|3oClassy Shangham U. BFL Kelly
Slam, bargno
Amazon, ship
C. Compagnie, barque
Mencia, ship
Sea Witch,
Zephyr, schaane
Dee 12amang
Man Francis Juningapor
- do
Dio 16 Calenta
I do.
Jan Hongkong
De 18ydney
Ang (Singapore Nov 7 Mingpa [Dec 16 tala
Het Hongkong Dec 31 shangh�?Nept 15 at book Ner 25 do
141 Vanderberant & Hongkong
340 Me Lean
DUL 249 Lowe
Brit 341 Vinent
101 cicloT
Do East Com
18apt 18|Put back
Chet langha
NOT i de
Ner Amoy
Nov 14AMO
Hanjamin Heape, barque Brit 261 Hachines Use 21 Melburne
10 Faster
M and ca.
21 Backl.
P. & 0). d. N. Ca.
A. Wilkinsons and co Liverpool
50. Livingston und
Jardins, and ou. Lomics
July 18 TakaINT OF
Navel and co
--Nyme Sale and co
Deo falado.
Sept 22 Order
Nor-Tait and co myme, Mair and co. Now me. Mair and on. Sept 24 yma, Mult and u Dey, Muir and co Sept- and on.
at 115, Mule nad on
Nov 13 Takt und ca.
Nov-Tait and co
West Indies
West Indies condic
--Captala Oet
Jardin, M and ca Des and co. Doo 14 Uant and ca.
Dei 18 Namoll sad so
Jane Slam and co.
Dent, Neale and co. Tandon
737 Buty Brit. 440 WLson
pet Praer
Jan Hongkong
-Pyma, Muir and
Best Dea
Ido, schooner
30 Jad?
Unselle, sebooner
110 Mcglib
kanghas Honghoug
Island Queen, schooner
135 Morris
Hanque, sale
'U 5. 4
Aurora, bike
19% VI
Sapt | Manila
(Ang ==|itunci) and on.
hongkar U.
Rehampton Supply
Heghan U..
4 Boyle
Heverly, ship
574 kasa
Lesche U.8.8
Confucius, Meamer
110 Dearborn
i. Mesto
-thew, Hand and go. A. Heard and co
New York
Nov 2-Niaga
Nor leased co.
Hongkong U. B,
??Confucius, ship
311 Perica
Dec 20 Liverpool
Lechon U. B. 290
Joseph Flicker, skip
10 Auckland
Oneida, ship
Pesad, barque
Fr. Str
Hegal Baxon, banger
Pr. Vet
Hongkong Fr. Sle.
aps. Du Yaman
Han Hello, bilg
#pes, schommer
Bir of the Hast, ship
Hoogkang M
Tlame, chor
Aug 23 oseb
Arabia, bangas
Lady Karyol, elr.
KS Jamie
Nemesla, barque
[an ** 0. 3. N. C
$40 mi
Jardine, M. and to shangha
Andan, schooner
161 Glover
Jardin, N. and co
ow and co
Free 33 Jardia, M. and
Laldymo, Muir and co.
FELICH. Constantine
But the field where the amount of misery and mindoing in connexion with Chinese emigration will be by far the widrot, is where foreign agente and foreign shipu oto employed in electing and conveying Chinaman to foreign cou trims and colo- nies. There is every reason to fear that iniquities ncarealy exceeded by those practised on the African count and on the African middle passage, have not bren wanting. The statements which have re- uched Chins of the condition of the coolies in the Quano [slanda-tha reported sale of coulies in the public market places of Peru-the decelts practised Venk
in order to obtain labourers for the railways of the fathmus of Darien, are rather subjects of gen. eral confer+ation than of official cognisance. I cannot, however, but think that there may be serious dangora, not yet developed, in these inrom- Bidarate transfors of auch multitudes of Chinmen to distant lands. In a conversation with Mr Wat. drop, who has a contract for convoying 8.000 contira to Cuba, I ventured to ask him whether it had not occurred to the Spanish Governm at that The outcleroset of so many thousands of Chinamen in that island, in its présent condition, might be an alement of on small peril should the spirit of ineur rection aprond. I reported to your Lordship in my despatch of Ocumber 1, some of the arrange ments by which the Chiness are kept in a mate af discipline and obedience in the island of Jarn; with- oot such arrangement their provence would be source of babitual anxiety and nların to the authori· b. 1 am told that Mr Wardrop has returned to Europe with views somewhat changed as to the facilitles with which vast supplies of labour are in be obtained from China; and I suspect Mr White, now nomloated the Government Emigration Agen, and whose primary duty 1 naw conceive to be that of the protection of the cooliee, percuitos much more difficulty in the honest discharge of the mission than he bad befaro amicipated before the rochie rush of coolie collectors in China had so latofored with that over-supply of agricolisala bourer which might have been pro?rably and area benevoleally turned to nocount
to Camini
Brandt. Jorge Jus
4 Romsda
Shanghae |Kom. Ugo | 58 |Fapt. Unkoniky
| | 7 |
11art. Bept 19-
Liv. Sept 19 9.
Aristiles Beatrix
Feldhaven Lon. Sept 16
art Oct:
Incoba Cerori Locku
Lodewick Valentine
Mary Shephenl
Mary Helligondaszer
Nom Zembla
Ood Nederland
Paal Jobano Pelicso Scotland Topaz
William Pella Wyorlay
Lon Oct 16 8 Liv. Oct 1 H. Hart Aug 6 H Liv. Aug 169. Hart, Sept | H. Low. Det to 5.
Hart, Sept 18 H. Hart Bapt 18 H. Hast. Or 17 - Sond, Aug 18 H. Lon. Det | 11. laki, Oct 29, H.
Liv. June 4 H.
Liv. Oct 16 H.
Order in which the above Younele tafi WP, Lockett, Juvia Corselle, Pollen, Mary Her Be Usa Nederland, DURA
| Jahaan, Mary Blephari.
Lon. Landa, Liv, Livssport, Ulla, Khadka, Han, Detraad, Tanderland, Wagt.Hariiepaal. Maak
7. Fang, 1. Banghing, M. Hunt, WA. Waiting): Atary, H. vanaghan.
Lament, schoner
fone, cheer
?�hristian, kelg
Ok, ship
Yuit Liang, busque Loacle, schooner
For London. Free Trader, IL. Cradle, W. Walmer Castle, W. Joer ph Flacher, & Royal Saxen, 8. Orial, F.
For Liverpool Tamerlane, El."
Confucius, 3.
Star of the East, B.
For Bombay.
400 Lreesy
Kom|| 975|Varanjem
tus Domingues
10 Maynar
ZIT Dewate
Ham 140Hinder A1c Fletcher Dat. 242 Wal
Ispan.) JoulAbras
Jammatjen Jonjeenboy, W.
For Calcutta.
Triumph, W.
72 Hongkong
New 29 Japan
(Dao #sydney
dept to
Den 18 Magp
Shy Bydory
Nov 20 tall, Nya sud ce.
4. Heard and
--B., Hawsed Lendo
Aged and on.
ad. Davidson
Now 10 Hargreaves and co. Liverpool
-r. Lacy
Dee 18 Jardlee, M. and oo. Shanghae
Hurd and co
2 and c
Tape "rült and co
For Port Phillip. Gloorg Avery, 11. Tremelgu, H ? Waker Morrice, H.
For Sydney. Kivat Bondi. H.
For West Indies. Emigrant, M.
Amazon, Sw.
C. Compagnie, Bw.
Menzies, Sw.
For Panama,
Sea Witch, Bw.
For Peru. faabel Quimans, C.
For New York.
Austin, W.
Flying Dutchman, W. Gazelle, W.
Hoverly, S.
For Singapore.
Lady Railles, W.
For Manila
Gambin, (1,
Bella Vascongada, W. Aurora, S.
San Benito, B
For Siam.
Sea Hare, H.
| Neptune, W.
uh-chow to hochew
For San Francisco Cornwall, H. Asia H
Jobs N Gouler, II. Loed Warriston, H. Lorenz, H.
Orleans, H. Potomac, H. Kabins, Fl. Veronica, H. Wilhelmsburg, II. Robrlab, W.
For Shanghe. Brenda, W. Early Bird, W.
EDITOR, PRINTED AND Peplanner, by zus ProFatSTON, WILLIAM Fagnant,
Queen's Hood West, Victoria, 2004,
PRICE par stuntin
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION in the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, 16 Spanish Bollara payable in ale usco, quincerty or otherwise, se option. Foyle Numbers docents TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Teu lines soil under, 1 Sp: Dollr; additional, 10 cents ? Une. Repetitions one-third of the first regular insertion shops, -Parat imzertion, 2 Nje bio de sacalmarquent insertimos 15 years Advertisements to have weliten, on the face of then, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be publiavad until enqutermuslet. A reduction of twenty five per cent on past charge made when quarterly accounts are sendered for advertisementa ordered to stand wondisturbed for a period of three months. Pull charge made for repetition of my Advertisement in the tenke kvin jonka Natters of Grins and Estates will be inserted in both Overcana and Bums weakly editions unicas ordered to the contrary.
THE AUSTRIAN GLOYDS STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAMERS, ply regularly between Aleza drus and Trieste cursesponding with the monably and hymonthly Indian Steamers,
The farms have been reduced and the following Tatry have been feed, viz
7 Class £16, 2nd Class £11, 3rd Clam £7, including Table mancy and fees.
Armugements liavo been entered into between the Directors of the Peninsular amid Oriental 8. N.
"MIE A. 1. Portuguesa barque " TRE- MELUA, will have quick despatch for the above ports.
For Fatigue of Passass, apply to
Hongkong, 21st November, 1853.
THE A. 4. British ship "ROPINA,"
Company and thun Directors of tho Austrian klayde | | J MoWos Master, will have quick
8. N. Compnay, that-
Id, PASSANOKR intending to proceed from China vìa Tricale, can recrivo tickets from the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Agents for Alrandria.
2nd, Pasirkonks' Baquaor eno be shipped, from Alexandria by the Peninsular and Brional Company's Steamers for Nowthampton ; the Freight being Ten Shillings Sterling part.
ard, Receipts for Cameo and Sencan intended for Shipment to Trieste, will be granted by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Agonis to the Alexandria, instead of to Sicer no formerly, bul rach Package is to be provided with a white label, on which a distinedly costked in print, "In Transit for the Austutan Lioto's Steazer."
For further particulars apply 19,
W. PUSTAU & Co. Agents al Hongkong and (anton,
Hongkong, In July, 1863.
THE NETDEULands Indta Steam BOAT COMPANY's Steamer "JAYA," having been engaged by the Java Gevorament for the service of the bi-monthly Mail between Hatoria and Singapore, voder continet for 12 months, will ply regularly during that period between Balocis and Singapore leaving the formar port about the 10th or 11th of every month, and Singapore wikin 24 hours after to arrival there of the Mid which leaves Nesthampton on the 4th of the preceding month.
The rates of Pausage money ato ne follows:- CHIEF CABIN.
From Singapore to Ethio
do to Minto No. do. to Baluvia
Return Tickets from Singapore to Batavia and Dice ver $130.
SECOND CABIN. From Engapore to Minio
10 Batavia. do. DECK PASSENGERS.
From Bingaparo to bio
$26 48
Du. do, to Minto. , to Do.
do. 10 Batavia, 20
Children under 10 years of age hull price
of Free. For further information apply to Mesora MacLaine WATRON & Co. Directors, Batavia,-or to Memes Machine Fraten & Co. Singapore,
Batavia, 26th April, 1863.
N and after Monday the 22nd instant, until further notice,
the Hoxanono and CanTIN STEAM COMPANy's Steamka will ply regularly between Ilononoka, Canton and Madas, evory Moulos, W'ednesday and Friday (unless previous molice of deviation be given) as follows:-
The Bow leaving Humanosa on Monday and Canton on Friday, will call at Macao, starting wi
Altare at other times will
For FuzionT or l'assaux apply to
MEYER, SCHAEFFER & Co Hongkong, 24th November, 1853.
PHE Copertaerakip hitherto existing between the moderaigned, under the Firm of A. FRYER & Co, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
1. T. DE SILVER, Fungkang, Isi Pastory, 1854,
AVITU rofeteres in the above. Natine, Mu 11. T. Dr SILVER is nuthorized to strike all Ac- counts for the fate Firm of A. 1). Farum & Co.
A. II. FRYER. H. T. De SILVER. danghana, Lei Juar, 1854.
THE undersigned legs to intimate, that the bushwa keretofte catried on by the Plan of A. II. Parem & Co, will henceforward be con ducted by ban neler the style of D" SILVER &
THE A. 1. Dutch ship 1815," Cap, which Me Gieu. 1. Die Stres i amhocized
in A. F. Greg, will be despatch
1. SILVER. Hongkong, in January, 1858
7 of on or about the 1st January nest, for alive purt. For Fretont, apply to
MEYER. SCHAEFFER & Co. Hongkong, la December, taka
Bhip of from Four to Bix Hundred Tobe, to carry Chinese Pastengete and Cargo to California. Apply to
Ilongkong, 10th January, 1854
A sip of from Four Six Hundred
Tuna, to carry Chinese Pusengers and Cargo to Australia. Apply to
Flongkong, 10th January, 1854.
THE New British Lorcha "VICTORIA," will tendo regularly between Hongkong and Canton. Cargo lakon almudernin rats.
Went Paint, Hongkong, 13th December, 1853.
FOR BALE. TWO HOUSES on the South side of
Gough Street, each having Garden Subles, Conch-Houses, &c. Ground-rent modorata,
J. F. EDGER. Hongkong, 2nd January, 1864,
P TWO Commons HOUSES on the Booth Bide of Gogh Street, and another on the North Wide of the same Street, each with Sub. Inn, Out-houses, Garden, &c. Apply 10,
J. P. EDGER. Victoria, 3rd March, 1863,
THE NOUBE in Stanley Street adjoin.
ing the one now occupied by Mc Co GENELATE. For particulars apply to
N. DUA & Co. Hongkong, Blut October, 1652.
THE TEAM FRANKFORT STATE LOTTERY, Guaranteed by the Government w the froe City of Frankfurt-on-the-Main.
Cutler 29 de March dur drawing commences atul will be continued daily until the 22nd of April, 1954.
The following large Priz ??will be gainod:- | Premium of Florius (00 0+0= £3,150 | Poza
1 100,000 8,350
4,170 1670
(5,10= 12,000=
2. Dites of 5,000 F?.
4. Da ni 4,00
= 10,00
= 16,000
=100,000 32
11 of 349
mo ol
(1 of 2,400
100 Day of 1,(NIO)
10 Premiums
-578,000% 48,200 7,70 .. G50
Fla. 1,061,70 £8,000 Stel
12 Florius equal to One Pound Sterling. The last drawn of the Arat 12 Prizes will receive the Premium of 100,000 fx. comarquently ant
share may gain about £16.700,
The above Stalo Lattory, established in 1789, offers the best, fairest, and safest invamment of any like Continents) dierbation. There are 18,400 Ticket and 6.000 Prizes, the smallest prize being £7. We Sterling The drawing will take place
the presence of the public, at the Loterry Hall, Frankfort, under the immediate cabirol of a seleci commitee appointed by the Elight Senate.
In this Litery every number is drawo, whether blank or prize, and ite fate distinctly marked in the officia) list, a copy of which will be forwarded to each foreiga Kintchokler
One Whole Share
One Half-Slune
One Quarter-Share
£ 2.10. The following advantages are given by taking a
number of Milnres:-
5 Shater, or
10 Half ditte, of
£ 15
20 Qustter die
A ing 2 Hilting Rooms and 2 (fed Itsore,
?OUSE in Carlton Terrers contain
10 Shares, or
20 Half dino, of
L 20
10 Quarter ditto
20 Shares, or
be a, a, and the bouts will procesu under devached, and farge accommodation
Hosokonu and Cayton. When inducement offers
the Roms will call at Commandos bus pravions for sarvnate on the ground Thant. Apply to anties of such deviation will be giver, when prac- licable,
The fares will be as herciofare,
Ju Class Pagsuno?gs between Hangkong, &
Centre and Macne & Canton $8.
Between Hongkong and M1000 -
Deck Pamengers, Furopean-- Mulya, &o,- Chincur, -- 81. Passengers desirous of proceeding to Maenn for hurt period they oblam retorn Tickets, available for the first second Stommer after their netival, at the reduced rates of 95 between Hongkong and Maran, and $12 between Canton and Minero.
Every fiat clam Passenger will be allowed one servant free of charge.
The vescia will convey Freight on the terim of their published scale; on which, however, some reduction will be made for large quantitka, by *perind agreemE EIL.
All Payment whether for Freight or Panage to be muda in Bpanish Dollars.
LYALI STILJ, & Co. Agents If & C. S. 1o. Ok.
Hongkong, 18th August, 1663.
WANTED TO CHAHTER Cities of from 600 Tons and upwards fur conveyance of Chinese Emigrants yu Hamana. "Apply lo
LYALL, STILL & Co. 1longkong, 14th November, 1853.
Nangkang, (Ab fuly, 1883-
TUE well known Mission Premises (for Mission prepare mly) of Rev. L. 3. Kunrata in Canton. The place is healthy, enmfortable, well kawn by the Natives as a preaching place, and desirable as a Alistum alotiun Let my wishing to rent call and examine the place, and apply to Memors Ruscus & Co. for the terms.
Canton, 1st January, 1851.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Copartnerskip beretofore pukeitting between Youter Josts Monnow and James Stephenson, under the Styk of Firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON & Co. has been this day dlanored. The undersigned, Assuming the responsibilaker of the said Firm, will in future condues the business on his own accoum and la bia own nu,
Y. J MURROW. Hongkong, 2nd January, 1864.
THE interest and responsibility of Mr A. L
Adamko, Ju, in our Firm ceared from this date, and our Business will bo conducted under the Style of O. L. AGABEG & Co, which Mr MALove Auancu is authorized to viga.
Canton, 1st January, 1864.
10 dino, or
Quarter Shat
Shares and prospectuses mo tūʻJe það of the undersigned, who ste now specially but the sale of shares for home and foreign countries, and have given sucurity auflicient to fulfil every engagement towards the shareholders.
The Prizes will be paid in the East Indies and China through an Established Bank.
A MOST ASTONISOINU CUIE 44' SCRIIFIRANJA OLERS-A "AKE CERTIFIES BY THE MAYOR OF BOSTON. Copy of a letter from 3. Nah, Esq. Mayor of Beston, Incashire, To Prismo. Hozemsex.
Thar Sir,-Ale varal. Dizon of Lagooeyond. Mreet, Slano, las clés doy depwad before nie this! tua x com. alah period he was merely auctes with Sero fulous No il Vicens in her anus, fert, lep, sul other part of bact lunly a mud alate with this best of mer dical dic was okatid, at the cost of a large sun al moury, de alasingst ou abatement of suikerlng, b gradually prom
Being room by friend to lay your Tint- ment, the proct a small pot, ahol a lust v�?thc Pilla, and before that is in all mand, symptoms of ane miliment
Hyvering with the medicines for strictly adhwin your culca in to diet, &c., she was alost none fon. 1, accadding to the directions, mil perforily eurail and now enjoys the last of health,
Iceman, Dear Hir, yours truly,
Dted Aug 19th, 1853 ("ignel) J. NOBLE
AN EXTRAORDINARY AND NAPID CONI, OF ERYSIPELAS IN THE GEL, AFTRA MEDICAL AID BAD FAILED Copy of a telte from Mra Bizabeth Yeates, of the JU, Adeich Dad near Bognar, Musica, dateal Jan. 1 15693. To Praca Holoway,
Nie - sullied for a considerable periad from screre attack of Erysipelas, which at length artile in my leg, and troisted aft medical troutment" My suf. feelings were wij grest, and I quite drepaired of any permanent amuelment, when I was advised to have re course to your Dintment and Pilla. I did so witho delay, so am happy to say the roult was minently sucraful, for they effected radical care of my leg and restored me to the enjoyment of health. Iball ever speak with the wimant conditor of your medi enes, ad kay recommended them to oibere in able eighbourhood similarly a@listed, who derivat equal benefit-la, Sir, your obliged and faithful Berrast,
The following sportant sulestjon ban boets for warded to Professor Holloway for publication, by Mr B. Dinos, Chemist King-stront, Norwich. Copy of a latter from Captain Aurich of Great Yw. mouth dated January 19th, 1881.
To Mr Dian,
Dear Sir,- send you the particulars of a ence of feeted by Profumor Holloway's invaluable medicines 1- Mr Julie WALION, late in Her Majesty's Service, la the British Flect at Malia, had a very bad ulocated ancfe, and after having been in the Malta Flospital for six months, was sent to England as an invalid se Porta- mouth Hospital, adere be remained an inmate four month. chire, at at Malia, refusing to have the tim came to Yarmouths, and was under a medical gentleman amputated, few turned out incurable. He then for about three months, but bla nocle became so much worse that all lipe was lost. At this period, by my advice, le tried Idaway's Ointment and 1988, which by unremitted application, healed all the ulcers, and restored him to feet leash and strength,
Itein, Dear Ble, yours very unly, (Signed) JOIN SMITH.
Albert Hotel Great Yarmouth.
Copy of a Exiter com Mr, T. F. Ket, thermist S La Masia Hanchester, dated Fab, 12th 1839.
Tu Puerenson Be conway,
Dear Hired fare great pleasure to forwarding to you the particular, of very extraordinary eure of bad becaái, vélices solely by the use of your celebrated Ointment and Pol... Mon. Maurus Best of Pitt street, in this Twin, had been for a considerable trom labouring and ruas debility, lewe of appetite, and general ill wealth, scamoted by ulettated weandem the breast the ad had such experience in the uve all the kuum rete lies for the cure of ulcers, but with orang bersul in fact she had nearly lo
and let a cure being effected. In this dan Gressing and paintal condition of body and mind, she ww pintades to have remure to your paralable Dintment and Pitts, which she immediately did, and in the course of a very short ume the eflet produced was mont astonislung: "bur appetite was spudity improvel theres mal abeers in that beerst gradually beatest, mind Ithe nervous excitement of her patent ma holly
Seman, Dear wie, faithfully, {Signal) "2" PARSTER KUR, The film absol in cupently with the Qin me m) at Mixing castuim Bad Leg
Gora (1) Ri
Bankers and Appointed Coreeanest
Latery Contractors,
Frankfort on the Main.
Canaried alt
Puli Jeebly
or Nipples
Khe of Mochetas Elephan'ia k
and Fand-Flex Perdas Curo-bay
Got Chir
Kilafaia Bweli. Tümennt.
Apply, without delay, to Merais J. A. Sonwass scummu & Sons, Bankeja, Frankfort un-tho Main, of those who preter it, tay direct these lettera and | Chapped band- remitances to Menara A. Seuwarzschild & Co. 25, Lombard st., London:
FRANKFORT STATE LOTTERY. With reference to the tetins of the above ad- vertisment, intending purchasets are informed that romiforce of monies for purchase of A. J. Senwaduschild & Co's wants, may be made through Mr F. ALDau, Colonial Agent, 11, Cle inonte Lanu, Lombard Street, London, who will in ruch cases protect the talorests of Colonial Shareholders.
London, October, 1st, 1853.
1.00 Pol
Sold by all Bruggens, and ni l'enfiteur klollowsy ??establislament, 214, Stand, Loando i.
1ly Mr. Da SILVA, and y MUNNAM, at their Stores.
also by WONG ACHEW --Hansker, S. J. M. Da ?ONEECA,- Ma and Marie ACOW & Co.--Pett,lem, At 1a. Tad -269d.-41, GJ,-) l"^,~22, ? id, each put ve L01,
There is a conendurablo zaving by taking ite
large sizes,
N-Gector tis ter obr guidanes et patients IN (VELY
order colband to cash Pu
I be the grace of our Marissa
hver skos diy established at Camon, under
Merchids and General Agents,
Ale. Eamese Aluvandis STILL
to sign ou fem by procnestion, and will represent
LYALI, STILL & Co. Hongkong, Pol June, 18513,
?�S hereby given that the Copartnership baretafore existing between the undersigned, carrying on bugines at Virtoria, in the Colony of Blangkong. "s Manenanto and Commission Awaits, in this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Hongkong, 15th August, 1855.
ference to the alre advertisement it is nodied that the said rumeera will be woul
up by Ma & DRINKER, who is authorized to adjust all accoums, sad to whom all correspondence will be addressed.
Hongkong, 15th August, 1953,
QUE søkerigned begs to give notion that he will entry on a tigoerak Comminton and Adekor. Besistas, under the style mud firm of DRINKER & Co. and will occupy the premises of the late form of Rawis, Dainnin & Co.
S. DRINKER. Thongkong, 15th August, 1953,
E interest and responsibling of Ma OLIVER EVERETT ROBERTS in one Firm at Can- lae und Shanghat censed on the 30th June last.
WETMORE & Co. ?stten, 31st. Prcember, 1953.
MR. GEORGE GRISWOLD GRAY is US 300 thronged to sign our name by procuration.
RUSSELL & Co. Cantoo, 1 January, 1951
E interest and responsibility of Mr Jamegtaka Esquer our most Caton, raped ut she 31st December 1839,
Canton, 4b Jousty, träk
WITH teference to the above mutification. I beg to intimate that, from this day, I have orka- blished myseli se a Gomatisson Agent and Mea- chant in this place.
HE Business heretofore conducted my nu
will in future be carried ou under the style of P. & J. BYRANJEE COLAU wherein y Brother Mr. Janavike Byramjan Gulai 11 ad tured Partner.
PESTONJEF BYRANJEE COLAII. Canton, 3 Icember, 1853.
R CHARLES BRODERSEN is admitted a Priser in our Firm both at Camion and Hongkong.
W. PUBTAU & (o. China, Ist July, 1853,
THE rest and responsibility of the fate Me WILLIAM Hose WARDLET in our firm terminated on the 29th of Reptember last,
Canton, 12th November, 1953.
|*ITII referenes to the above advertisement the
Writ of the Ilouse will be conducied as
Is fore by Ma D 301İNSON under the same name which Ma F. R. JOHNSON, is authorized to siga.
M(r) JAMES BOWMAN will sign for us in Shanghac by procuration,
W. . WARDLEY & Co Canton, 12th November, 1953.
| LL. Persong haring clima aguinat ibe Estata A of the late WILLIAM HENRY WARD. LEY are desired to sent them in forthwith to Means W. II. WALDLET & Co. Canton, or in Mesota James Bowman & Co. Shanghaë, and those m debeed in the paid Extate are requested to nake mupdate payment to the mid partira,
Csalon, 9th November, 1953.
I attoess in our Firm.
Shangline, 2nd Jununey, 1954.
MR JAMES P. COOK is admitted a Partner
with me from and after this date. The Bouerza will be continued under the Name and Style of THOS. HUNT & C?,
Whampon, 1st January, 1854.
\\'IEJ, continue to keep Large and Extensive Assortment of stile CHANDLERY, a
the vety Lowest l'tice.
Whampoa, in January, 1954.
hare the bonor to inform you that we still continue Businesa in Akuab, under a style and firm of LANGLOIS, MCKELLAR & Co.
Our old experience in the Rire Trado is the gurumen for the good execution of all orders
led to .
DUNCAN MCKELLAR. Akyab, 11th Octobe, 2853.
TDE undersigned havo been appointed Agents at
Hongkong for the subscribers to LLOYDS Mutors Vicle are requested to commusicale to then Intelligence of losses, secilenta, the sprak. ing of Vreels, and any general information they consider of importance or interest to the subcriber
LYALI, RTILL & Co. Hongkong, 3rd September, 1852,
White Kil
L? Gloves of assorted times; Ladies' Blocking; Gentlmen's Bleached and Unbloached Sucks Dorskim and Buckskom riding and driving Cluere ; Neck ties; Superfine Black and Blue Drosdclub, &c., &., &0.
Ao assoliment of Superior Penknives.
MAC EWEN & C". Hongkong, 14th January, 1954.
FOR SALE at the Godowns of
MAC EWEN & Co. Hongkong, 30th December, 198
FOR SALE STORES of the undersigned, feba-hels of Englah Out, weighing 43 Hr. per tuskiel.
Victoria, 10th January, 1854.
*** LIST OF GOODS FOR SALE at Mai. MARSIL'S Millinery Rams, Queen's Rood, Hongkong.
CAN CAPITAL ?? (10,600. undersigned have been appointed Agarta Ts for the above COMPANY, and are prepared to cover Risks, on first class sels, to the extent of $100,000. Pozicks myable in Castanetions, consisting of Velse, satis lace Bombay, Calcutta, London and New York.
RUSSELL & Co. Canton, 11th January, 1854.
NOTICE. LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. Established by Charter 1720. Dant & L'a, Agents in Hongkong.
THE undersigned are duly authorized by the above Corporation to INSURE PROM L?SS OR PAMA?E BY FIRE, Elongkong, o Buildings, Gsuda, Merchan fise and Vrauria in Part
at Class, on Houses in privato occupation only, with external Walle of Stone or Brick, and envered with Slate, Tile, Metal, Cement, and other foc-m bustible Material, detached, or adjoining ear.
Lit Class on ?lorses or Boikmisos "erce ed and coresed no abure, partly or entirely used as Go- downs, and dracted; and on Clips and V Chandir, no hazardour, in auch Buildings,
3d Class, on II. voze or UvituINGS 20 KV. adjoining other Building, and on Goods and Mar CHANDIZE, noi hazardous, thorcio,
o uses or BUILDINGS erected and covered no above, in which hazardous Goods are deposited, but no hazardous trade carriol on,
bih Class, on Bars.
ASSURANCKS may be effected for the period of 12, 6, or 3 Months.
No INSURANCE is in faree until the Premium thereon is paid.
For further particulare, reference is requested to be made to the undersignal.
Hongkong, 6th October, 1853.
DENT & Co. Agents.
THE Directors of the Austrian Loves STEAK NATICATION COMPAnt in Fritate, have made Arrangements for TELEGRAPHUNG MES. SAGES in London, or to any Part of the Continent, sent to them from China,
The Messages abould he sent under cover, super. scribed Telegraphio Despatch," in the "ticsandria A geal, for transmission through the Commanding
Chicer of the Steamer, and to be delivered istuudi ately on attival of the Venec) at Triesta.
The Charge for Telegraphing 20 Words from Trieste per Submarine to London, le about LG Flo. rins, or 39 Shillings Sterling; aud 21 Sterling for each Morange.
The writing met ba în legible words For further particulars, apply w
W.. PUSTAU & Co. Agents at Hongtrug and Canton. Hongkong, 27th October, 1883.
Seamen's Hospital
Honourable David Jardine, Esq. C. D. WIL MANA, Esq. tlon W. T. MaRock, bag., 12. 8 WALKER, Esq. Superintendent of the 1. & 49, Steam Navigation Company, íez oficio)
Trommer,-J. C. Bawnina Eag Resident Surgeon-Perku Yowna. Esq. Consulting Surgron,-W. A. Cauland, Esq.
M.D. Acting Colonial Surgeon
Terms of Admission. Public Wards. - - 76 en per day. Intermediate Want I
Dullar 1 Private Ho
- 2 Prats are also admitted on deposits, at the for lowing rates, tonewable one day presions to the amount deposited having been expended,
Public Wards,
Intermediate, -.
Prime Rooms,
-- #30,
The Captains or Consignors of Vessels must be responsible for the expenses of Patients scot by them to the Hospital,
Selection of Bonakts of the Latest
Silk. Plain and Fanov Straws of very decription.
Black and Colored Silk Mantles.
Hlack and White Lace Do.
French Batega and Cathmero Shawls French Ulice & Talita Silks in every calor. Hlack & Colored Silk Velvets.
De Ribbons in all Widths, Bash Ribbone, Beart do., Nertow Halin, Lawn & Barnet do. French Brocade Silk Dresses.
Olace Silk do., White & Colored Tulle Jo. Lace do. Barega de Maio do.
Striped Poplin and Norwich Lustro da. French Merino and ¿hin Muslin de Laine,
Did White, Pink, Sky, Site Urab & Nap blue.
French priated Cambric and Maslin do. Hoyle's Print do, Black & Colored Barege do. Wine & Colored Tuzlanes in all colors, Swits and India Hook Muslios
Jaccones Plain and spotted Mulle
Back Brussello Net, it hise do. Tutto illusion Blonde Edgings, Real and Imitation Lace. Laven Falla. %. Bottles, Bleeves, Collars. Chemisettes do.. ko.. dc.
Plain and embroidered Cambric Handkerchiefs Infant Rubes and embroidered Frocks. Cage, and variety of under clothing. White and Colored Kid Glove, Silk do. Bracelou and Neck sins.
Pearl Jat and Chenille Hood dresses. Wreaths and Bouquote, and a choice selection of Frashers & Flowers from Mudaina Fersiero's l'avis.
An mortment of Ladies & Childrens Boots and Shoes from Vault Esta Awo de la Puiz & Jody a Paris, comprising White & Colored Satin Shove, Kid and Morocen J, Яtuff and Coutil d", &c. &c
Linen and Coton Diapers, Irish Linen. Brown Holland, -Colored do. Horrocks' Long-Cloth, French Long Cloth, very ?no and light. Table Cloths very large sizes. Table Covers, Toilet Covers, Quika, Anti-Macassare, Lace Curtains, Mosquito Net, Rolled Socc Laklinga, Union and Twill do., Victoria and Vome-
Skirting. White and Colored Crinolines, Cri Holine Peniconts and fmprovers, Corded Ditto. Fine Flannels, Nursing Buaya, French Wove do. Cowril do, Children's Bands, White and Colored
koso. Thread do. Merino do, t'olion do Unkers, Booraine, leves Comfortem, &c. Cotton Bocks, Wool Polkas, Wool Caps & Sleeves,
Woollen Hooda, Braided Satin and Merino do. White and Colored Satin and Merino Ras, Braided Cloake and Pelissos, Frocks, and a great variety of Children's Clothing of all kinda.
Haberdashery, Parasols, Elamic Pages Garters, Sandalweb while de colored, Wide Elastic Warm. ed and Leather Belts, Linen Tapes, Shirt Buttons, Diers and Trimming Bullons in great variety, Bilk and Wool Uraids, Cotton do:, Washing do., Alohit Net, Ribbon Phite, Bugle-Trimmings, Bewing. Kaiting and Mending Couba, Prus, Nonii, Ilmaks & Eyes, Whalebone, Covered Cams, Wod. dings, Cotton Cards, Ruakes, Ribbon Wiro, Bilk L'iping, Straw Trimming.
N. -All Lospital Bille to be receipted by then Treasurer only.
CHAMPAGNE in Plate and Quaria, Punt Win, Pack Bukrey, Claney so BRANDT, all of ficut quality,
ALEO, Nates of suce in Casks of 2 cwt. Apply in Hongkong at Canton to
LYALL STILL & Do. 14ongkong, 1st January, 1864.
FOR SALE. THE cargo of Red and White LISBON WINE
ex Oyum, jum arrived at Macao. Apply to
Cauton, 11th January, 1851.
-From Price & Gomell-
A small assortment of PRAFUMERY.
Mr. Manon begu ta odd that she will contione 10 receive the Latest Fashion from downd Paris Monthly.
Paymani to ba made in Mexican Dollars, llenge 30th December, 1853.
THE undersigned has received Instructions to
bell by Pouto ACOTION, on the Premise
the 20th day of January next At Noon preciarly,
Volcas previously disposal of by private tule, the fall wing Property,
In one Lot.
That building in the Queen's Road known the
And the not buildings attacked, with the land upon which the whole la built-Registered is the La Dole a falsad lot No. 10, measu ing 14,160 square feet.-Anaval Ground Rear £129
Also in one La
All the Spicodial Furndure, Billined Tables, Pime, Crockery, Glow Ware &c., &e. belonging to the above establishment.
Conditions of Sale, Catalogues of the Fornitore don, will be distributed some days prior to the
Elenghong, 9th November, 1659.
Sterill's Oilice Victoria, 131b Jamenry. 1854. Nu-Tven-Honor Rawak, Duimura & Ca NOTICE is hereby giron dist under the Wit of 6.6 paupil in the above action, all the Household Furniture, Office Furniture, Merchan dix, or Clouds mud Chastels whalsdever in the I?owo or lodowns of the D feadhunts will be sula by PALIC ACCTION on Saturday 21 day of Jummary instant,
Particulars will be given in Itand bills,
CHARLES MAY. Acting Sheriff.
PUBLIC AUCTION. "P11E undersigned has received instructiona tu se
by Posio AFOTION on
the With day of January, 1954,
on the Premises, No. 1 Gough Street,--(Noth Silojal Non-
The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of Glencleman lanving the Colour
All particulars will bo stated in the CATALOGUE.
Auctioneer Hongkong, 12h Jananey, 1854.
YR ROBERT POWELL SAUL has this day bera aduitted a partner in the F'wrms of BYME & Co
Singapore, Manila,
KER & Co. PITCAIRN, SYME & Co, Balavis. Batavia, Ist Jenusry, 1856,
MODEEBOY DOUNJREBNOY MOUNSEY is nu-housed to siga vür Fum by procuration, from this data.
Curentian Fookus?a.
Canton 16th January, 1851.
MFLAT NOSSO & Co..... Recutaries. Menu Thomson Vinház ? Ch.......... Agents in Liverpool.
Labou Willin & Co... Agents in Dadevila und angene B FINKAT SETT & Agents in Barabay. Ma Da
Apants in Modern.
Mc MacLain Fran & Co............. Agrala la blogapary, NIE undersigned have been appointol Agrufe in Casten for the above COMPANY, and are pro- parel to take Reans payable with abatemont al ibin place in three months, and in London or Lavk POOL in a month, aftor proper proof of loss is given,
Canton, 18th January, 1954.
FOR BALE-Just ReceivKD VERY Superior Budur, Sliced Mangee na
Cashmera Chonies, Mulligatuony Carry thate and Powder.
MAC EWEN & Co. Hongkong, 17th January, 1884.
N lavaler of very Supurior English Canvas
and Twink.
Red and White Lisbon Wax, of fiue quality just arrived. Apply to
J. C. PEREIRA. Macao, 14th January, 1854,
MESSI'S MAC EWEN & Co., have
received instructions to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION,
On Board the Ship "BOMANJEE HORMUSJER," On Friday, 19th January 1854. at 11 o'clock A. M. (For the benefit of the concernel,) 3 Chests PATNA OPIUM more or less damaged by Sea Water. Terms of Sale,-Cash before belivery, in Spanish Dollars, Hongkong, 17th January, 1854.
MARRIAGE-At BL. John's Call deal Victoria, on the 17th January 1864, Mr Harem Hila, naw, Propelenet nd the City Eloel, A third awughter Car Willam Care, Penzance, Cuenwall. MAROJAGE-As Glenora, V9h October 1863 Sie CHARLJA Montulien Lano Bar, of Beaupat, Hassel to Pant daughter of the Her. William Alargemon, ul Clukbar?d Burrey, and Rector of Whallingson, Husex.
Try Wednesday,-
In Thursday,-- 20 Friday---
Rics Beto
A... M.
6,44 6,351,67-
2003 0,50 6,4.5 4,19 1,3 1,31 Moon-Last quarter on the 22nd, at 8. 8.) a, H.
Nautical Correspondent.-The RARA AVIA till in existence. The report of being "los." had song foundation in fact, but it appearance is as bright and silvery an avor.
COOLEE TRADE. INCLOSURE 8 In No. 14, Nimmtes of Evidence taken at a Court of Inquiry Arld of Amoy to investigate the Causes of the lata Riots, and into the manner in which Coolie Emi gration has been lately carried on at that Port. Depositions 14en during an investigation held al Her Britannic Majesty's Consulate at Amny, into the causes of the clotour proezedingu
which took place at that port on thei 2001, 12nd, 23rd and 2áh of November, 1852.
Monday, December, 13, 1852 (Cosilawed from No. 4 page 16 ) Wu-tung, curvant to the Rev. Mr. Barna (native of a village in the teland of Amov), eslled in, and being duly sworn, through Mr Burns, abo duly porn interpreter, Is exmined:
Q. You went to the shed of Mesore Byma, Mair, and Co, together with the brother of the young man said to be detained there. Was he really in confinement 1-4. 1 went to get the young man out. The first time I went with the brother of this Joung man we went to the door leading into the shed, and spoke to the Chinesee there, with the view of seeing this young man sad of getting him out; but we were not allowed to go in, and we were not allowed to see him. The man at the door said that we could not get lo. Afterwards, when I got my note to Mr Cornaté, I went, and Mr Cornabé took me and the brother of the young MED GUL
Q. In what kind of place, and in what state did pru find the young man 1-4. The place was a vary bad place; the corn had nothing but the damp ground, with mata apread upon it, to lie apon. They were all found with trousere, but otherwise naked, and 1 believe that they bail so sther clothes to put on. They could not go out if they wished,
Q Did the young man atata that he was in con Sement, and express wish to be released 1-A. The young men told me that he was deceived, and that, from the distress of boing thus confined, be still more wished to be released.
Q. Did he state the kind of deception that had been practised on bl" ?-A. The mind was deceived by promises of work. The person who thus do esived bi brought bim to Amey and made bim over to the coolie broker at the hong.
Q. Did be give you to understand that they were under a contract to give him so much money and that he was to work for a given period; or was any contract at all spoken off. If there was anything of this kind, he did not tell me of it. Q. Are you positive that they were not free to gia and sut as they pleased 14. Certainly they could go in, but they could not come out.
Q. When did these circumstances orger--A. It is fully more than a month ago, but I conant recollect the precise day; but 1 mm sure that ji was about the end of the 9th Chinese month.
Q. Have you any knowledge of the cause of the Ince disturbances 1-A. It was owing to the "[Cleb Bhaon" deceiving the people; some were willing to go abrand a coolice, and anime were not.
Q You say that same were willing to go, and Hump werd BOL Do you went to any that some ware som away unwi'lingiz 1-A. With regard to the people generally I cannot speak with cortainty ; I can only speak positively of the case with which
I was connected.
Q Did you ever hear of the sscape of some coolies from the boats in which they were being embarked ?-I did ;. I understand that they forced the boatman to go alone to the shore, so that they might land.
Q. Did you know any of them 1-A I did not
(Bigoed) WU-TSANG.
Q. Was this not a reasonable reques, that this coolie-broker abauld be given up to the authorities, seeing that the mob would otherwion cresta a rint ? A. It was a moonable request, and I was wil- ling to comply with it on application being made by ibe authorise
Q. What experated the people so much against the conlie brok-17 - A. t have no ides.
Q How does your answer, that the people con gregated for the purposes of plunder, consist with The range brought by Me Talmage from the people, that they would be quiet on the delivery of the broker t-A. 1 Spey that there were two par tira; those from whors Mir Talmage came I have no knowledge of. He said that they had called upon him, and thought this would be the best made of proceeding. The rabble who were surrounding the house, l'imagine, were there for the mure pur | Pros of plander
graling. Will you mate what took place on the scension of your vill to the police station relative to enokin broker 1-A. On Sunday evening the 31st of November last had information that one of my brokera had banu saiard and was detained at a small police station near our own house. A bad received almilar information on previous ca. sis, and had bean deceived, I determined to go thera ti nocent in whether sbé party seized was, be he was stated to be, my own servant or not, for the purpose of making on official complaint the nuc reeding day to the Consul. I was accompanied by Mr William Curnabé, en ossistant in my rice, to at na interpreter, and two Chinese coolles, each carrying a laniara with the name of the hong In Chinese characters written an It When wo gol to the police stating the police officer himoslf was not there, but an inferior offer was busily employ |ed in superintending the infiction of corporal punishment on a man who was tied to a pole hand and foot. He empped the proceedings when we stand, the object of aur vielt. We told him that arrived, and them inquired, no fit a could under
we came with the intention of ascertaining whether one of the men belonging to the Hoke (Symu, Muir, and Co.'s hong) Hong was theo bring detained. He asked whether the man then under punishment was the party inquired for Hoth Mr Cornabé and myself were unable to recognize the " oh as being one of nur servants, his features being disfigured by the treatment which he had received. We applied to the two servants who accompanied | us to see whether they know the man, but they seemed so frightened thist they refused to give us any answer. "About this time the palles officer In | angiling connected wah the circams'ance of bis
confinement and release 1-A. I know nothing of charge repeatedly said. "This is not your men: he is a bad man," Mc Carnal & then inquired | his confinement; and hourd nothing of the applic what the man had been guilty of? The answer ation for the relevon, till through Mr Burns. was that he had been going about the streets with
(In Chinese characters) Dr. Young, British subject, missionary in China, called in, and being doly sworn, is examined:
Q. The Rev. Mr Butas plates that you had in. terested yourself in the case of a young man about to be embarked as a coolis; state what you did in the case 1-A. My Chinnse teacher ted to me one morning that he had a female relativo from the country making application to him for the re- lease of a nephew from the coolie abip. She had bean to the vessel, and had obtained information from the case in charge that her relative would be set free if an order from Mr Tait was given to him to that effect. All that my teacher requcated me to do in the ones was to speak to Mr Tait an the subject, which I did, taking my teacher with I saw Mr Connelly, Me Tak'o partner; bo at once mid that there would be no difcuky, and that he would give orders rospecting him to the man in charge. Me Connolly gave my teacher hie oard, and told him to come back to the offer the next morning, when one of the clerka would visit The abip. My teacher went accordingly the next morning, and proceeded to the ship along with Mr Tait's clock. He came te ma with bin relativa about 12 o'clock in the day.
This young man stated that some men feld bim to come to Amoy, and thence to proceed to Mr Talt's with some potajeen which he was selling, which he did. While balling at Mr Taii's bo mid
??Chiasso broker suggested that be should go with him on board the "Emigrant" coelle depot, and that he would give him wages for working on board hie ahip. He west with blm, and he w there for some eight days without doing any work, at which time there was a draught of cookies from the "Emigrant" epolis depot to a ship lying oat- olde, making in a cargo of cookies. He was re- quewed by the broker to go along with him, and he want. After being there for some time, be found out that it was intended to send him away with the coolion; he thereupon got a man to write a letter to his friends, which information was the cause of bus female relative coming to Amoy to prefer the request previously mentioned.
(9lged) J. H. YOUNG. Francie Darby Byma, British merahanmı, serablish. ed at Amoy, called la, sad being duly sworn, la examined:
if I then suggested that it would be as well belonged to the Huke Heng, and he said not, bai to inquire of the man himself whether be really
that he belonged to a foreign hong, with a garden io frum of. About thật tíma a Chinaman speak. ing Malay can up with others, and said, unides a good deal which I could not understand, that be was not the man wa ware in graceli of, but a bad himself what his name was, en av to obtain in that map. I then asked Mr Cornubá to nak at the man
way some kind of clue to the man's Identity. He replied that his name was Hwan, which neins answered to him we were in search of naked
Did Mr Tolmayo amigo ang reason for the || perple bu represented T-A. Not to the bust of my
us to be the broker. When we gotfup ther�? wa inquired of the mandarin if he was the man? Ele rold us that he was not the broker, but quite a different person. We then quietly left, and hind almost got home when we were met by a Ching- man, der of our hang men, who told us that the mandarin bad d'crived us, that he was the broker in queston. Ile further stated, that he would go up with or and identify kim; conseqorady wa went up a gond time, and we found that the fourt had closed and the man was in the hands of the mah, who no sooner saw us then they began to pull me by the hair and drag me on the ground, besides which I rasalved wounds on the fưrad nad braises about the body. I then did my best to escape, in which I succeeded with some difficulty.
Can you account for the beating you receive ed7-4. cannot account for it.
Q. fill the usual manure in which Europeans are treated at Amoyl-A No.
Q Then, so it was an amuros proceeding, it must have had an unusual cause?-A. Ya
Q Did they stick anybody else's hong braides you own 1-A, Not to my knowledge, I not having | Chiness brokat. left the house during the day.
Q. You mid that they were congregated lo wards Mis Jackson's; was it for the purpose of at- tacking k-A. I have go iden
Q has been stated in evidence that young a was induced in enter your abed, and was aới -gam pactanted to leave k; on his brother making application to see him, he was not allowed; but that foaly, on Mr Burne writing a noia to Mr Cornals, he obtained his release, Do you know
Q Then are you prepared to asy that the coo- bro who were arrombled in your sheds were (a monik since) at Wherty to go in and out at plasmare -A. Yes Icoder they were, most decidedly, free agents.
Q. Will you klodly explain this note from Mr Cornaba to Mr Buros:
"My dear Mr Boras,
"I've received your kind nate, and in accordance have delivered over the mon to ble relation, who come in watch of his,
"Yours truly,
(Signed) "Wo. A. Conan."
the police officer whether he had saybody olss in he is not your man, but a bad man." After this, custody. fle wid, "No man bọt chat man, and
soning we could do no goed, we left the puljes sta Isover beerd of the note before, and 1 boleve tion a quietly and peaceably as we had entered it, | it to improperly worded my directions, when I When I had aruved about half way home, I met | heard of the application of Mr Burns to Mr Cor. police officer had imposed upon us, and that the one of my Chine servante, who saved that the | nahé were to are if the man was in the abed, and to
take him away komediately.
was really the broker we were in search of and offered to accompany us back again to iden tify the man, which we did; and on arriving at the door of the outer court we found the man in the band of the ralible, who had ? mon the ground, and were mulirenting bio. I stoupad down for che
of looking at the man's fare, and I received i blow on the vigla shoulder. Then struck the man who held the mail of the man who was bring kosten with a slight enno which I was then carry. log in my hand. Alter that I cat cat speak to par lealers, having been knocked down ihree times. endeavoured to find my way home, but not being able to do so, took refuge in the Shroff's houre. A quarter of an hour after the gentleman living in house came down to the Shroff's bower to seek
for me.
Q What are cho general oireomelances under which these men are in your shod 1-A. They come there as applicants for emigration; they aid | provided with food and Indgings until there is some
vessel ready to take them away.
Q Previous in embarking, do they enter into a contract 7-A. Yce; there is a legal contracE, RI tented before the Consul for Spain, a copy of which in China is given to each emigrant
have not shipped any to a British post for many years.
Q Why ware they enstporated agrimat the It is not usual to treat brokers in that manner; and therefore I suppose thero must five beru some renown for the treatment he received?-A. There must have been something wrong in the manner of he conducting his busi
Q, Did you hear of a man baving been remon ed from your heng and murdered 1 - A-1 did not.
Are the coolice now, and have they always been, at prof et liber y to go in and out of poor hong ?A. They are, and always have been.
(Signed) Wu, A, COBNABE.
Bros hin, a native of Amoy, in called in for examinarino; and being daly sworn through Dr. Young, bo duly sword as interpreter, makes the following achternaat:
Ilis relative baving been to his house, said that her nephew named "je" had been deceived by certain men to carry some things to Amoy. terwards they again told him that the foreign ekipo | were inviting inen to da work, and mid, * Will you go or moi 1o he answered, "I wili.** Then Lasked them, Will I get wagne ?" they said, **Yes." Then he went. He was in this ship sight daya; afterwards they told him they wished him to go to as other ship which was going abroad to do work, and to return in eight months or your. He afterwards, heard on board that they would be a long time in geing borne, and he Thereupon goc s'ngan ta wiẩn to lia fiando. Than bislative rame to him, and he went to Dr Young.
Q you visit the chip 1-A. Yes.
Q. Was your relativa preveosed from leaving be ship I-?. He was,
Q ?d you ever wish the place where the coolles
sro kept at the foreign hoogë T-A. No.
(In Chinese characleta)
Tuesday, December 16, 1852. William Hugh Nura", seting-anta of Her ålar jesty's steam sloop * Salamander,'" called ca, and being duly sworn,da examined:
Q You were prevent at the disturbances that took place on the 9ich ukimo 1-A Yes.
Q. Were you cognizant of any riaus, or disposi emigrantente 1-A. Yes, perfectly; and any quelling a disturbance sear the prerelman of Menan
tion to riot, on Tuesday the 23rd ultimo 1-4. A number of people collected on the road in front of the hongs with an avidant intention of masuking any foreigner that might pass. A German gentleman, Me Mendug, who living with us, and myself, when standing qietly at the door, were stoned and brickbatted; also a" grailaman living with Me Helme, nezi door. Buch was the excitement of the people that when I was speaking to Lieutenant Smith and Mr Hospor, I advised them not to go from my house to Mr Jackson's through ibo mộ�?, they would probably be stoned They pard through safely enough in going, but coming back I believe they were both sioned. The mob then dispersed when it became dark. On Wednesday morning, the 24th, the crowd began at an early hour, shortly after the guard was withdrown, all being quiet peariously, to assemble both 10 front and at the back of our henge. I wrote off to Captain Ellman, wating that our hong was then besieged by the rabble, that I had so means of protecting it, and requesting that resistance might be sest from the ship to defend it. Lieutenant Smith then load ed with a party of marines and maitora, sume of whom ba quartered in our house. Bing at brake fast Lieutenant Smith came and told me that the rubble were breaking into my eulbouses, and ank ed me to come out and look at it. He sent times down to guard the doare, sad ordered part of the men to remain in front of the outhouses. Those men were peked by the rabble with stones, brieks, &c., and in order to clear the lane he led the men through the house to the rear of the mob. Ile partially dispersed it on the way down without any firing having taken pleer. The moh had thea congregated near Mr Jackson's bong, and were still cominuing throwing brickbato, &e. I aw Lieutenam Smith, who was than standing on some stepe, track twice by these missiles, "The o sines then fred and the mob dispersed.
Q Did the mob, or any of them, state why they made this stack 7-A. Not to my knowledge.
Q. Did you, er any pareou in your heus, have any conversa.ion with the mob, or any of them? A. To the best of my knowledge and belief, Das. Q. Can you assign any reason for their having sacked your house -A. Nothing further than a desire of plundering.
Q Was there any statement made to you.or any of your house, that the tiot would care if the ceolie-broker was given up to the amhorities ?- A. It was on Toonday evening that a Missionary, Me Talmage, called upon me, and stared that he had been deputed by some persons to say, that if the Q. It has been stated that the late disturbances soolie-broker was given up the affair would then be which took place here arose out of the coolie emi. quiet.
Q. By whet instrumentality is the contract made knowo to the emigranta 1-A. By forwarding thess Chinrar onpies Into the country and into the towns and villages, the contract containing the terms upon which they are engaged.
"Q. At the time of exscuting this contract, are they free
who ôner pot wish to procced on the voyage le at liberty to leave at once.
Q. How do you reconcils the degree of freedom with the fact stated in the Chinese placard, that they are not free, but that they are entrapped under false pretences, placed in conficemen, prevented from holding Intercourse with their relatives oven by speech, and, finally, carried to foreign countries without the prospect of returning 1-A. The exis lence of the said placard described 1 was not aware of, and, as far as I am concerned, I eno mídly asy there was no detention or anything of the kind ever same to my knowledge, and that of any intending emigrant ever expressed any unwillingnam to me to go abroad, on his representing the same, which they have both time and opportunities of doing, 1 make a point of dissing them.
Are you aware that there was another pla eatd. which ousted that if the coolie broker, who had been arrested on the 21st and was released, was not given up to the authorkies for punishment, they would not buy and sell with the hongs of Byme, Muir & Co, and Tait & Co, and that if any among themselves should deal with them, their house should be pulled down. their property plundered, and their lives inken ?-A. 1 wat ooi aware of the existence of this placard until after the decorbance, and then only in a very vague manner, tried to get a copy of the placard but was unable, because the placard had been already torn down by orders of the mandarlar.
Q. Do you not think that these placarde, and the circumstances and the exasperation of the people against the cool e braker, are suficient to identify the rists with the coolie emigration sa lately one- ried en 1-A. Not entirely I it may ba partly,
Q Are you aware that it has been stated that there was a Gootio, a coolie broker, or other Chi. osse, taken from your hong and his threat out 1- A. I heard a report of the enme, but the removal was not effected from my premises, neither did anything of the sort take place with pertine connect- ed with us in an? reepaci, b?i 1 am rather inclined to disbelieve the story altogether.
Q How do you account for the fact of your house and that of Tuit and Co. being mentioné) In the host o placard 1-A. I cannot account for :
William Carnabò, British subject, Assistant fo the house of Bynum, Muir, and Ca., called in, and being duly sworn, is examined:
Q. You seat to the police office with Mr Syme; will you be good apaugh to state abortly what took place A. remember going up on Banday night
the 21st vltimo to the police station, to sea whe ther it was really the man that they had stated to
Q State shortly the miraomstannes-A About ?o'clock in theo m? thơ sinh Nomalia I was mont with a porty under Lirulegant Beith, to sid lo Syme
Muir and Co. Lieutenant Swith shortly- after this left me with a party to dispeme tho mab surrounding the hang of users Tait and Co., after which be relsenad, by which time the mob had commened to throw stones and brickbata leaving me with sight men to protect the premise of Mesore Byme, Moir and Oe, he went away with the remainder of bis party by the back way, and shortly reappeared again in front from the leas adjoining Mr Jackace's hores. He then o menced an attempt to disparse the mob by hosting them wish muskels. Failing in bis endeavours to disperse the mob, arvatal of his men having been struck by their ininuilos, he bad recourse to fire arme, seeing which, and that the mob did not ap pear to disperse immediately, I ordered my own party to fire on those farthest from our men engag ed below I saw several Chinese fail, and the mob then diaperond,
Q. What were thues men in the act of doing apon whom you fred?-A: Throwing atones and brickbate on Lieutenant Smith's party.
Q. By this you men to my that you merely fired in defenen of your party ; in its 1-A. HA Q Do you know what the mob were about to do: if you do not, what in your opinion 7-A. They had plundered the outhouses in front of Mr Byme's
Q. What did these outhouses contain 1-A. Different utensils for the 'vee of coolies
Q In fact, these outbouses were the coolie ekade it la not so?-A. Ya
Q. Did you see any attempt made to break open the dwelling houses and godowns in order to plan. der 1-A. No direct attempt; stones ware throwa into the rooma.
Q. Would you any that tabose stones were throwa with a view to break open the houses,&c, from per. sonal hostility to the inmates ?-A. I believe the men there assembled were intent on plunder, but still bad a personal dislike to Mr Syms.
Q. Have you been in the coolie sheds from time to time-A Yes, I have been, I think, twice.
Q Were there cooliga in them, and were they, or any of them, subject to contraint, pliysical or moral-A There were coolira; and I believe they were under some restraint; but of what na- tore I cannot say.
Q You would say they were not frogants- A They appeared to be detained.
Q Did you see, on any occasion, personal vio leace_need towards these, or treated otherwise than Englishmen are entitled by law to be treated? -A 1 did not see actual personal violence, bai they appeared to be greatly crowded:
(Signed) W. H. NURSE: (To be continued.)
Den London Correspondent's very excellent smary of passing events in Europe taking up an mách of our limited space (overcrowded with advertimoments) wo give in supple went a continuation of the official enquiry into the cause of the Inte rinte në Amoy, presumed to have grown out of the improperly conducted business of shipping Coolves for the Weil Judios.
Ausmal Pallaw's Twonly nou 'gun salute, with the Stars and stripes at the Main, on tho occasion of Commodore's Perry's departure with his squadron on Saturday last for Japan, was in excellent taste. It was one of those decations when a hatinual salute powcased all the appearance of a gruff old father bolching out a blessing on his well intendinged son, and wig hic in bue onterprizo-God Breed.
might be allowed to judge of its general truth isende are supposed to be forthcoming to sal thring by the assertion that Tai-ping-wong keeps a ??Enypt and Sytis are sending on a strong farce lo largo barom, and den.onds for himaali- flor the Bulina The contest is not canfined to l "honour and obedienco de paly to God." Europen side of the Bephorus. Bame fusts have we should be Jisposed to attach but very littlo been taken from the Rurgians in Cowgia and weigld to it.
Cicerosis, and gemaal sympmby uppears per Talem ugalist the (tusisns, ?�binks is likely to fare til vory difficult task for them to find their alight semblance of authority in that quarter. The Bukan proposes to head his forces in the coming spring. The Hungarico Guneral Klapwa hai accepted a command from his Brylines
It is greatly to be regretted that Christian Mis- sionarice cabinot refrain fress potting forth as sterling statements what they must know in of doubtful honticity. The report about Tai ping-wang's barom (ho Edor of the North China Herald told us the other day.) costs on na stronger foundation than the ore) tostiumy of a ragged horse boy :-and this Mr Milne, il he ever took pain to learn the truth of things before telling the world thst Troping-wang's colo strongly resembled Mohamedinis, mud have known. We would reomsical Me Mil. ne, in the next history he attempts to give of Christian operations în China, to give all the glory to the Most High;-to confine himself to Oun lent Contemporaries have each publish welf ascertained facts, and, if disposed to any ed report of a hearing in the Supreme Court any thing about human instrumenta in the great on Thursday faut, in the case yclept Edgor and moral and political revolution now going on another versus May; but both of them have in China, to set the example of giving so o erodit neglected to correct one or two important min. to our old friend Gutzlaff-who, Mr Maine and statements by the Defendant's Counsel. The the Directo: sot the London Miwimary Society Incis of the matter are briefe these. The Plain-should know--if they do not know (though inforcements are said to be pressing to the scans of ae
their heart of hearts iso believa they do kuow, i tum from all parts of kin dominiums, and what is of
tiffs having engwonded to net qe Trusting of the Tosolvent Estate of Rawie, Drinker & En tank owans to obtain the sigantures of the Creditors to a deed of the true nature of which they (the Plaintiffs) appear to have bean ignorant. They supposed it was w døed of "Assignment noul lá. spectorship" but, on legal noslyzation, it was foward to bo wanting in those essentials which could aloue render il a dred worthy of its name, However, on has been said, they to the ne. crmory means to obtain the signatures në tho Invents Creditors,-the sum total of whoso debts was winething over $10,000, Dofen- lant's Counsel said "Creditors whose clains "amounted to $60.000 refused to sign." ~ Thin was incorrect. The Plaintiffs were properel I to show (and their Counsel should have prompt- ly shown it) that written promione had been received to sign the supposed died of Assign iront and Inspectorship, from Croditors whosn clamin umounted to $23,000, ne nearly half of thu whole of the mum which the Insolvent - no tually owed; and it was under the bolint that they were auling in furtherance of the interests of no largo a portion of the creditors that the 'lauiff were induced to consent to net wo Trustsex of the Insolvents' Estate. Without this explanation, the Plaintiff action against the Sheriff bears the appearance of futility and reprehensible interforanco with the course of Justice
Tho Register has a show of learned disquisi tion on the inultimem of our Colenial tasolvent |lows-and sitting, us does the Editor - or Rub Elitor or Accountant is the Register allico - or whatever the writor of the article may SCIM- ally be) at the very feet of GAMALIKE. I may be suprosed that the suggestion really came from a higher quarter. But, lowever currect the Re gister may be in its general view on the point, the Editor cannot mirely regret the present sinte of the law, by which a Chinese is enabled to get, in an English Court, anma portion of that juice which the Mandarina of his own country would hardly douy to him.
The cause of the hearing before His Lordship the Chief Justice was in this wise, N'g toch hung, a respectablo Chinese resident bere, supplied Rawlo, Drinter & Co, not very long before they declared their insolvency with goods to the amount of $10,000, for which he received negotiable instruments pay. ablo, we believe, with intorust. Those, on duo dishonour, being put in suit gave a julgment, and it was in executing the process of the Court upon much judgment that the defendant May (Acting Sherill &c.) laid hiusolf open to to the Plaintiffs' suit, which, as is generally known, resulted in a dismusal, the dead on which the Plaintiffs based the action being declared invalid,
A Supplement to the British Banner of the
but will not admit it) bar had more to do wel the basis of the matter than any other human being in the present century.
(From the Canton Commercial List, Juny. 18)
OFJUM WARRIT, Closing Rutes-6 e. x. 10th Jany. Patna
83171 Henares
ranks. The natives of the principalities, and the The Palich soldiery ure deserting the Russian Grecks under Turkish rate, do not accept the woke Intions of the Hussions to sunch themselves to their side in the contrs. The Turkish gary is being strengthened and equipped as capilly as possibl A divison of the French and Englah det kan been moved up toward the rok sen. The Ad mirala have landed at Constantinople. The Bultan exhibits no disposition to listen ta prmpurile of reconciliation from the diplomatic representative of the great powern. We may suppaan auspen sion of arma may be shortly sasioned on the fret condition of support from the western po vers.
Meanwhile, so may be imagined, the Emperor Nicholas her lo so tine paso nway without not vigordas tmemeures to sustain his dignity. H-in.
kunta interest to us, some positiva india stunne are now supposed to be given of what has often loo | coʻjecturad-vis the progress of Russian influence in Parvin, and with the other weigblours of our Indian mimpice Persia, untrary to terms of tra ty, it is siid, is moving hrge forces toward the
· frontier, and an alliance in derland to have been entered osta between the Czar and D?st M shome!. The founder at St Petersburg aru said to be work day and night The Emperor's manifesto drelating the fact and cause of war, has excited profound disgust in all quarters, his own doin tras not excopted. It should be ratiound that LD official urence has been gre to foreiga CALCUTTA OPIUM SALE.
merchants that mlens Roasian property is alléchad, The Twelfth Government Opium Rale took progress of commerce with England &c. The the Emperor will not allow the war to adues the place Der 16. The following is the result of merchant apnded with a ribet vertila addeen. the Sale. Prices ranged from 125 to 143 Rupees The learned in Groten, Vatel said, Pullendorf doc below the ruling rates of this month in last year, wines, are busy spelling out the rights of wrang and from 61 to 63 Rupees below the prices olitain- | bradrid men, and the fansite of ticnce to licu! ed at the seventh pale of this someon :
Malma Turke
8410 0210
Chests Highest Loweal Average PATNA, -- 2,191 820 705 815-130J Benak,- 1,059 820 805 810-1334
The value of Caton Opium s??Shangha" on the 19th November, was 340 dollar, and Exchange on Caloon 290 Ra, per $100. Canton, Parna was worth $390, and Beauron 8400 on the 24th November, with Exchangco m 245 Rs. per $100,
WRITTEN FOR TA Friend of China.
Landon, 24th November, 1863, Rince last Mail we have had here much of the suine neder of su'jects of publio interest repeated, with no very striking vatówiona, There is still Largo amount of attention devoted to the momentary flocations of foreign politics, and the agility of the Electria Agent kreps alive from hour to lion the expectation and enquiry of all persons arquainted with the events in course of development on the borders of Europe and Asiz.
The speculations of the philosophical, and the vaticinations of the enthurinalle, sonrealy enter into the consideration of popular opinion, but a common pression prevails that the contest now actually lo for between the autocrat of the Russias and the Ousman Porte, Is one on the issue of which some determining impulen for the future of Europe rests, Several meetings for the expression of sympathy with Turkey have bean bald in various parts of the country. may be well to mention that the views of most persons are to a great extent more anti-Rastian than pro-Mohammedan, and that while they desire the defeat of the invador they scarcely wish an secession of power to the Turk."
The Pro Russian policy of Austria is more and more suspected. Count Bol is to retire and Count Frequent to nauuase ministerial functions et Va
na. Anamy w observation is concentrated at ried next April. Temesvar The Austrian Emperor is to be már-
over the isthinus-A cargo of hlwers for the Pa natum codecad det. Cork'a few days back-more wet fl-ring in po.
The New York monay market, by the advises this week, has become reales, and although more failures, including a-vine small tank, udarcurred, the return of confidence was anticipates, dinont had gone back soins four or five per cent-The shepiments of sperce to the side have been large. Maine reduction of import duties on Iron &c. is about to take place.
The railway between 3¶untrend and Partiend, and the stammers between Liverpool auf Portland, new koep Canada opra in us thro" the winter momike. slightly at some of the other W. I stands. The The yellow fever fann sigel at Bermoda and inaugural aðilfans of the new governor (Hajkly) of Jamaica has bera delivered, and hopes of amity and unilad rart entertained by the inhabitants, s long dirunited and unprosperous. despprobation, is bring uttered (by the ends alsory Considerable
apprentices for Cubismoine of abokabing perty and other4) agninu the new plan of 65,000 alavery. The Daily News of London was forbed deo minion to Culie, and the Governor secalled to Madrid almost sim-kanoously.
In Ireland, the elastyn af John O'Connell to a vacant borough is a point of strong mily craffice at the moment. The Rov. teary Griffin in the now Bishop of Limerick. The sale of enramhered emala has already tracked the amount of 10) mil· lions netling, property fetching 18 to 30 years pur. chase. The regemoration of fraland seems by this grand scheme to be gredeally approaching by a Dendy Guances and industrial remedy. Mon while emigration has continued pozlied The formen of Cocholia umversity in asid to be in ??forward slate Cardiga! Wisemen it is null will remain at Homer.
In matters of homir policy the principal topic of discussion is perhaj " the projected extension of the franchier, which may be expected to occupy jie at. tention of the next juskumentary onion. No mi- nisterial project has brem promvlystad, National education, and that without refwance to religions views or pasty preferonor, may be said to osenny wi'l fair share of ellenum among enlightened people The continuance of urikos with mouse frank acces sions from other departments of spustiva employ; inents, keeps alive dur question of wager, priem of Decessary article of ennevaption, and the general vocial questions of the age.
The Lancashire colliers have however, from sheer oecemity, returned to their work. The ma mulcturers in the cultos districle got being now much pressed by orders are showing no disposition to conorde the deiner:le at the work people.
The Chardice commission of enquiry is parsing its lahore in that freitiul field of holiqueird and unscrupulos abuare The City of Lood a co- piration commission has plentiful cridanen supplied be Gesi cha persons, of prosent defects sapna. aible reforma. The Lord mayor's show was ole brated as usual, and, an soins conjsaare, for tho Fast time.
The ft Nigence from our nearet continental neighbours in rather less stirring Naples, Italy, and Lardy bave te el 10 du, it appears, than krep a for prosible on bursts of in surrection, of which the suppressed witeratizuo ute loquearty being recorded. The Pope has harang-
f the people of his core, and said he was surry h The public health has Improved, bai the morta- could not avea vaty good opinion of them, but lity is still slightly above the fotme ymr's aver- wumkd try to get them so heaven despite their age. Agricultura) atsisties ate designed to be bad behaviour. Qures Chrion has returned lo mate a branch of the gljacta to which the Board respects to the Queen for the have obtained to tion. There is some ducusing going on as to the Modeid. Mendin stal in drad. Narvaez bus paid of Trade now devatra attention for public informa
ie coumey soit. Beveral now projects of law ace nod to be forthcoming.
At Leon a slig skork of an earthquake bas been felt Italy. The Queen unhappy died in child bed 16th is, infant still born. Ter son Don Podra lae been declared aucecesor to the throne, and the King consort Regent during bis minority, The Luetu's Sister the Princess Joinville arrived It is supputed he will ebustly bo declared of nge
at Llabon not many hours after. Lisbon was tranquil.
propriety of another Arctic expeditis.
Mr find has discovered another small plast, making now 27 known asteroide between Han been lately announced ne completed. and Jupiter. A machine of perpetual motion ban' Some lively dirousion has been on the high price of coals. The councs are chiefly the the coal trade, and large foreige demand. Home Mrikes of collints, scarcely of shipping at home for ures for the reduction of price are demanded, and abolition of the city tax,
Of Court newn there is nothing particular meatium. The Queen bas boon stopping at Windsor, occasionally diverted with some privase ikeatrical performance. The Duke of Banfort died last week.
There is general activity in most branches of Trade, particularly Iron and hardware.
There are also manifest some of the results of year of extended commerce. The demand for new works of a public nature, and the opportunity for formation of companies to encry out the expand. of operations of the day, aro bringing an: projects calculated to afford facilities for continued com. mercial prosperity and progress.
The influrace of the warlike condalen of Turkey, and the Chinese insurrection, is of course detri
In France bo now features of intelligence bave Eastern question in doubtless the our business of been exhibited. The private discussion of the the day. Entaraal prosperity does not appeut in any alteral light. The food question in lanked upon with a Hitle more complacency, and Official trumpeis ela sounding the praises of the govern ment for its paternal kindnosa in what it has done to avert impending deneth by throwing open the ports and giving scope for private enterprise. Turgot and his advice of 1797 are invoked to testhe tify the propriety of the policy adopted The Fres de principles thus exhibited are of course re- garded with great satisfaction by many in France, and still more in this country, and indications of are being given. The import duties on Iron and born todaced. Count Welewski, Franch Minister at 84 James', has been ena moned to Parin for a fow days. Bune 22 conspiratore have just recaived Imperial retubation modified dosar. The Daa de Bordeaux at Frodades has received and re- turned vinity of the Due de Nemours, concluding, it in mid, a fusion of interene of Bourbou and OF Jeone familiar. The late visit of the King of the Belgians, coupled with the matrimonist alléance of his son with the tapeburg house, has formed sub- ject for playful donjacture of the tropoldine vieme and price on the European political aspet. Ilismigration society have lately despatched 100 Majesty has lately addressed the legislature of his Lochiel men thither. The shipment of gode bas kingdum.
ben tending upward.
2nd al November 1858 " principally occupied??yatuncilation of the Greek Empire, of which the further adoption of that p Coal have just mental to the interests of compesca bere as far
with a report of the fif eenth- Autumnal Meet- ing of the Congregatronal Unim af England and Wofes, as commenced at Manchester on the 24th of October fast. At the Nominn uf the 27th October the following resolution Was proposed by the R. IR Reynolds, B.A. That that Assembly, having tagurd in the przodat oper Logi som presented for the d�?tìam of Chejmian stuck in the at tegen of Chlam, in called upto la congregulars the Di- e and apporter at the London Mer) cicly, un Po duringniobec komet pas upes that facientover, in šta buting been the monna · ? trawluting the Holy Beriptanon e tu slag i mixese langong, and to have a sisted in canying indricum of the Now Tomament through the Pre- ale- some when huppies in ecleral-tion have been apre lly need??and, keling the importance of full-wing the weten weed with the lining voice of the preacher, din An eastly tree th the nerd intarian of the B cluty in Prud vet additiona) Masionar la presah the Chapel in
and we read that,-
"The Ret. W. Milne, M. A., supported in by giving * kantony of Chalmina operailuma in China, and shelt bra ing In the present revelada Tha chlfledar vf the tebellun Je posiered be informed boob by truth and error, Much of thing remqueting kimmil suongly membed he code and prasendis of Mohammed, le kept a large stem, and fade any bade a coat on era upea has women, if they should chanor to be in aur palive streat, un pain of sant dead, and demanded for himself the honour mod ube- dence duo caly to God. On the other bowl, be recognised many of the great truthe ai sho Grapel, and innght them to kes f flower,-much so the Unity and tubesh-od of God, jand the brusherbond of humanity, in every portion of t
old. On the whola, ko angured the orbit cerqu
Cluns from the wanderful wente wow on Jnd, combined with the oferta which are being put brits by me bemtian people of England to send the people Bibles and Mime."
In 1
It is a great pity the reporter for the Banner fel not give us an abstract of Me Mine'a " hus- tory of the Christian operations." I wo
The ancient enmity between the Malem and Christian is fairly exhausted, yet no one conten- plates with pleasure the rise of a power which lin nothing in its history se arved to recommend it to the Christian warld. So that, nteld to the main qaration, on which but one opinion pravila, against Ituesin there is a quist aguation going on, both here, in France, and the Levent, having for its objrat the realisation, al some future day, of the
warkkr and fanatical Torks have for four cen taries boon the supplanters. This has been styled the Pan-hellouie movement. Of course the Grecks ace the principal parties to it, and those only who know something of the Greek character since their emancip sus from Turkish braldum cam form a correci ides of the manner in which they contemplate the eod în view, and the methods pat in op ration to avonta-lly secure it. They do not however desi e thu vaunted prosection of the Car in in distasteful, and moreover not worthy of their entida ico, Tricompi, the G?ock minister at St. Jatra kis recently published in Greek hern the
history of the was of independence.
The Norwegian railway is to be opened in the spring.
The Government of England, France, and frus ala daubeless desire unitedly to koop Russian ambi lien in alweek; that of Franco however woulit al inal prefer a successful military demonstration, while England sedently duties to accomplish the end by pacific means. Austris has in reality a toom for the consideration of any interests but her awn; Ley are momentarily jeopardised; she best no maral or financial vitality to sustain her in the hour of peril and surrounding commotion.
Eitherto according to the advices received, and as far as short messages by Telegraph can well conrey, accoon has completely nonded the Turk- rothero have been coine devere emirate, sit?�l the advantage on their sido kus bom denialva. Wo have recently socount of a retrograde movement of the Turkish army which by Russian report was compulsory, but this appears to be incurrect, The forece on both sides are at this moment sup- posed to be inactive, Bucharest is said to have bean bent on the Rossinna being compelled to reticu from it. The declarations in favor of the Turkish side have been general throughout the central Ma-Navy Bay, forming a direct communication of 21 bommoda countries, and considerable re-infusca. 'days long?li from England, for the maile &c. bound
From the Westward we have our mal wekly b?deu of information. The Sandwich Island movement for annexation to the United States is stated to be progressing-The Cuban annexstion echiamo is less declamatory than previously-Party | spirit in rather turbulani, and the fabog nguinit the President nota strong than ever-Camplsiata are being made of the Reisney of these naval forces. Blech disappointment has been expressed at the iw of the Japan expedition. A conservation of Catholic Bishops trok place, and the form of oath published not being identical with the actual terms, trong feeling of displeasure has been exhibited The promotere here of the Atlantio and Pacifio skip canal have had na Spterview with the govern ment-The firm catastrophe on the Proma mail. way attended with the loủa of 4 lives hạt boon a nounced. The Won India Sloun Packet Co. nte about to put on a verwel between St. Thomas and
as it depends on foreign orders from those quarters The Ean ladie Co. entertained Lord Elph-tone with splendid banget immediately preceding his departure for latis en route to Bombay, to
sume the Governorship there.
The government contract for conveyance of the maile betweon Saex and Bombay has been finally conceded to the P. sod O Company, at the rate of Gin, 3d, per mile.
Two Emigration to Australia is not now very extensiva, but still considerable. The Highland
The vessels despatched from the United King- down to Australia in 195) were 271; in 1852,-501 and in the first 9 months of 1863, 801 venvels, bot the avenge tnguage has been respectively 538,000, and 460, showing the sunbar of smaller ves dispatched this year, many of which are intended to remain in the colonial watery.
The Marco Pulo left Liverpool 9th instant, for Melbourer. The Golden Age, American builı stomer of 3000 10, in to leave 26th. The first of the Panama line of steamers is intended to leave end of January. 'The Cratura fine tow boat of 2500 tout, belonging to the straw company, is to leave 10 January.The freigh,joked by her is 67 per ton The Sapphire 1400 ns from Clyde to Melbourer, has been lost Dear Baltual. The clearances of sail. ing vessels for Australia for the past formight have been about 15 veocl. 'The Cairngorm from Chi. De arrived at Filmowib 15th, at Gravesood 19th bad washer bad detrimed her off Scilly one days The Chrysolita" arrivol 16th,-" Ulidia " 17b and "Paton" 19th all at Liverpool.
The "Emilia, Thompson, from Whampoa for
Flaborg, miroved vi (kurtmogth 22ad, kad spoken the Eugenis Irom 21 anghae 23rd Oct. Dat 27 N. Long 33 W.
The Challenge has Jocharged good pan of her cargo surely damaged state at " Payal" and | los gone on to Lisbon to repair
The "Emily" sushed from Laverpool for Shang- has 17th, the Tinto" from London for long Long 20th.
Loading-in London "Sca Queen " for Canton Looding-io Laverpul "Nimroud" 987 tons Hongkong.
Freights are fully supported, and there is no prob pees of a warly decline,
For Australia the racrent rates are from Tãe to -China Ga to 75a - India and Singapore 45 to 55. Freights from the U. ited States and Medi Lerabean are brisk and keep high, chiclly owing to grain shipments, the Corn market has not de clined, and unul very large supplies from abroad arrivo, prices are likely to keep up. The short cropa un the continent keep alivo u brisk demand, there, which, independently of our own requiry- menta, lobes to sustain our market. The Losdor average price of whônt is 70s Bul.
Rion, early in the month, experienced on active demand hare, both for consumption and export, (the doly being reduced in the Zuliverain states), and siter a pause the article is again friply held wah an upward tendency. A large business has been done In Liverpool this week In Attacan a 134ỏm to 13191 and Bengal 131 Vel to Ha Gal, Sugai bes been qua and notwithstanding a temporary revival the aruab is again comparatively dull. Spicos have sold to a lair extent but the prices have brom generally Id 12flower since the beginning of the month.
The scuvily in the Tes matkoi has greatly in crossed during the mouth, caused chilly by the accounts arrivél by last Overland Mait of decrem and shipments as compared with the previous sea son. In addition to the large purchases which have been made for home consumption, there has been a very extensivo speculativo demand,
а? поно?оно.
13, Irabella Hercus, Robertson, from Sydney, 19th
Parachute (Am. Whaler), Baston, from Oahu,
6th November.
13, Girorge Howland (Am. Whaler), Wich, from
Honolulu, tind October.
13. British Tor, Freeman, from Whampoa.
13, Str. Granges, Baker, from Bombay 18th Dec., Galle 26th do., Penang Sed fanuity, and Singapore 6th do.
14. Mazeppa, Ryrie, from Cumsingmoon. 14, topia (Am. Whaler), Newell, from Isoolatu.
19th November.
19, Sophia (Port), Ruzativ, from Bally.
13. Aristides (Berm), Fehlburner, Singapore, 19, Shalomith, INter, from Hongkong.
19, Mary Spencer, Fiskor, from Cumsingmoon. 33, Arrow, Dundo, from Cunising on. 14, Augusts (Brom; from Batavia,
Per Br. Gang, Mrs Wilson & Child, Asian Surgeon Hanbury, Amplant Surgeon Andrews Mr Stewart, and Mr A. Aubers, One Nauve, and Une Chiuose,
14, Fr. Str. Le Cassini, Commander F. da Plaz
It, U. Str. Susquehanna, Capt Buchanan, Japan.
At Manghong
||Flag-Tany M
Benjamin, ship
Heltists Tar, baryen
Brit Am
Iteary Botiratan BIS Nowe DOL 5 Her
Jan Honolulu
$60 DaW
Part 120
30 Marsh
Copla, silp
Cornwall, sh
Do Amigo. schoones
& LH Jenney, slap
El Tiempo, brig
Frederich VA, heig Free Truder, ship Ganges, steamer George Howland ship Hongkong, staine Inara lercus, skáp Jale. Whil
Span Yacht Jan Lore Bril. Campbelt
|110|Maker Am. and Wigh Bri 20 Cl
Den 18an Francisco Nov 24 url and co
Deo Landes Inna Judios, aut co. Lomalum
Ner IDW Ante and coating Puly t?�]H., Wind co
an Francis Heparing
Deo Liverpool
BG New Zealand Get 10 Dewi ad as Nav B Macao Now Weng
leo 40am
11Wm. Anthem and co-ing
Des-Lyall, it don
John Hard and co
De 16vaipuol
Lindsay and oo.
Jan 12 Hombay
Londay Homkay
Wm. Athen doing
Danyal, and on
Incel Cornells. barque Joku Dugdale, shly Jak. Lansler, skly Land Wasion, skip
die Robarton Dale Gless
Jane, M. and on
Nav San Franeler Jan
M. Sebafer and co Bas Frances
Ase Dowing
Hartlepool Liverpool
Dent and .
Deo. San Francisco
18 Wumore and co
San Francine
Det tuleb Bard and on
Jardine, M. and co. Has Francin
190 fieldager
Nav W Psion and co
Bak. | (+0) Nove
Jan Weng
Dec Uant and co
Lent, barque
mathilde. Gigantius
p.brigation Herau then, ships Orleans, skip Parachute, alp l'oli, ship
Statesman, barque
Fremdga, barqar
Wsher Morice, barque
?belumbag, ship
Am 18sion
Teabel (imintana, barque t'era 5
Emigrant, ship
Oway, brig
Sophia, baryee
Whampoa Antima, alp
14, U. 8. 24. Phoras, Commander McCluny, sales, ship
14, U. 8. Br. Mississippi, Capt Loca, Japan.
US Store Ship Lexington, Comnader Glas
son, Japan.
14, U. B. Sure Ship Southampton, Commander
Boyk, Japan.
a considerable advance in pricer. The article con-1, tinues to be held in great favor, and large purcha Den are still effected at advancing rates; the quan tity of Tea offering is kingularly hted, and every prospect at present exsata of further improvement.
Common Corgog to day in worth 1a Bid por Ib. and no seller at that price. Block in Kingdo 14 16th instant 59,095,000 lb. against 49,300,000 fla 16th November 1852.
The traumeliona in Silk doring the last foun woche bavo not have been large, the deliveries, however, ato good, and mitte und looms are all going
The market has been improving since ortiva) of mat mail and some good qualities are said to have realised Id to fid advance. The market in decidedly Grmer during the last few days.
The doubtful pession of Rumis towards the country pending iba progrem of the Eastern dif. ficulties has saturally tender to make Tallow a speculative sticla, ums, oggravated by deficient ton Baga, the price has advanced through the your some 40 per cyl. It is now rather quietor.
The accuuols given of the cotton yaru market by different parties are somewhat conflicting. Sume maio that they have done enote businoes hant wack's prices-othera (speaking of similar ar ucles) say they have found loss diepovi'ion to put- chase. We believe that there has been partial increase of small purchases, evidently for presen waws, from ben.e consumere; and lodino qualities of 40's and 50's mule, pertsolarly the former, have been saleable al premion rates. But the general cha racteristic of the yarn market is that of unrelieved dullaces. The diminished production, however, prevcals the want of demand from forcing down prices so that although a slight weakness may how itself in coma faw things, a general firmness
14. Teronica (Dulj Welger, 84% Francisco, 14, Gambia, Anderson, Mashiac
14. George Amery, Bell, Port Philip.
14, Dobrug (Dan), Bimesen, Whampos.
14. Mazappa, Hyrie, East Count
14, Kant Bowl (Swe), Kallinlus, Port l'hillip
16, Sea Horse (Sism), Castro, Sim.
19, Canute, Barber, London.
Jannetjca Jerjackkog, Füzmaurice, Bombny.
13, Gardis (Am), Dollard, New York.
The Am Whaler Copia, spoke the Barqus North America on the 13th November, in Lat, 36° 30' N 1.30g. 139 32??W.
Comm Jere Herm
Mendon Itates Salander
found to prevail in the medium and lower counts Lexington of mule and water. The Bates in greater in goods than in yarn. The entire suspension of sop largo a part of the production has undoubtedly pre- rooted prices from sinking very much lower, no they otherwise would have done; hat it does not induce either foreign merchants or home dealers to Tenture opon speculative purchases; indeed, the latter are not keeping up a moderato unorimont for Pattani waola, 'T'he consequence in, thas secum"" Lions of stock are taking place. Prices ramoio ao mimally unchanged.-
"The market for all kinds of metals has main lained the same healthy appearance observed for manths past, sad in quino descriptiona sull kighor prices have boon oslabihahed. Coppet has advan cod in price as much as £9,10 per ton, and the de- and continuet waabated. The quotations for iron are also higher. Lead is in good request, and price have much improved. The demand for tin is quite quivalent to the supply, and the general aspect of the metal in good. La tim platen a fair amount of baina has foen done
The Money market has been tolerably mary, but decount ranges 43 sa 6 par coat on commer
cial paper, and long daind bills are avoided.
The government funds have been moring up. aided much by the nature of the speculatore oper alion in stock, Consola bara barn 1151 and close to day 95.
The Chartered Bank of Asia statind soma Sin months since it appeats la about to be wound up without commencing beamcar.
The receipts of billion have been moderata, the demand for silver for expor las contioned,
The Euxine taken out £492,000 of which for Bombay, Hilver £127,800, Ceylon, goli £ 4,000
10,044, and gold.
160,700, and gatal-
E8,707, and gold
Frisca Calbert Constantin
Ming- Dem
Whamoga Sally - Foo-chew 11.M.??||tiongkong|14, 13 14 14 Pellowes
Content. Be |Hongkong tampil b
It..But Shanghae 11336.NE
19 |lection
Amy 11,M,Mapin
Capt. Br W. Mon
Viool. Pellew Hongkang H. M. B. Cap. Pigald
Leech UBN
Japan U. 8.8 Lonchoe U. 8.
3W Aushom and co
bian Francno
10 d.
3 do.
Sept Hanked
Deo 11
Ang 12 Jardins, M. and co. June 2x Jaloe, M and co. NovW Anthes and co. Hing
Plan Franci
[loc 19 San Frances Jet 1
Michander and coast l'ip
l'ari l'holly
Ban Fiumic
China 470 4
Me Whe
- 12
10 Hodge
12 Liverpool
8. Wha
Une Meyou carer an anci The farine, M, and co.
July 15 Mac
Brit. | odMorrico Ham Survillier
Deo Busydney
Lyall, Hull and co.
[Nov 14,Melbourne
Sept 5 Lubock and co,
Nov 07'altas
Aug 204J. 4. Endico
Part 153 Galeries
the 31 Whumpon Jan
Det 10J. V. Jorge
A.A de Mello and co
V. Jorge
-Koreell und an -Carlowitz, H. and co -P. P. Cando -Kinder
New York
Calcutta Ostavia
A 604 Hedges
Heem 400 Fakher
Brit Dando Hre
Aurow, brig
Angola, bilg
Heila Vascongado, ship
Blutang Anam, barque Brenda, schoone Lane, Her
Daniel Now, barque Dannebrog, barque Uslechland, ship
Early Bhd, bargoe
Flying Dutchman, skip
Hembury, whip
Jal Bucks barque
Juhn Wood, skip
Fluor, schooner
Lady Halles, obl
Mary Spence, hip Mondaynes, brig Hepton, shilp Nuevo Hbaine, belg Unya, brig
Orkney I. barqao
Proteus, barque
Rebak, arqu
480 Ago Brit Huletyn Am. 20 on
Brita Soum lam Ketels Dan 20+|me
Brum Bed
15 Singapore
14 Baarle
Nov Manila Jan Gingapore
Nov 1o Shalchan
3 Nyday
Not 9W M. Robinet.
14 Uhincham Hung
||Nya, Parkla
Jan Lyn, end co. Bangle
co. and co.
fa Deck
tec a Hobart Tow
Helte Park
AM. 1967 Hubbard
13 San Francisco
Hall 473 Lambert
Jaro, ki uni co ZA. Heard and co
Mackorteous and co.
San Francisen
hungher New York
137 Livingston
King mud co
Des Areto
Sept John Bard and co.
Marinburg Nov 2bles Yrancisco
47 Fr Ban 150 Por
Slam 104 Marcion Span 100Vac Brite Them
But Wagteudock Dee 3855amurang
21 Mayer, Wharffor & collegapase
Nov 11P. P. Cams and co
De 8 and
Jan di Garieta
|July 1|8kan"
Jan Honolulu
ilardi, id and ca. Lo
200 Townsend
630 Peter
Jan singapore
Searle Verben, str.
153 La
P. & ; ?. N. Co
Tune, beyn?
490 Caldwell
Deg Calcita
Triumph, skip
G. Livingston and escalatin
dw. C. Hanter
Now Juris,
Spark, ser
Vigilant, entr Wer Castle, ship
Amor Abbotsford, barqu Adelaide, barqno terventes bri
Filza Apo, barque Film
Fydrumie, bargas
Claughton 190|álem Brit Teryo
Belt. 195 Nakoda
Spam. 452 Zaballa BriteSmelli
Dat. Harneveld
thebool Balan, barque..
Fortuna, brig
Homer, ship
Independen, brig
KMty, belg
Ma barque
Byren, bargne
2. Compagala, turque Measles, talp
Onzelle, schooMET
Island Chan, schoener
Mustype, scheener
| Zephyr, schooner
Ancora, brig
?? 10
Dee day
Ang 19 Singapore New Nagp De 10 Mile
Det-Hongkong Deo Brihangho Hopt 19'm back Nov 25 de
142 Vanderbenet Hongkong
||Dec 17 East Cana
| 147 Smich
300 McLean
| Dal | 500|Laul
Bett 34) Vincent
Dat 131 Colya
Melt. 4 nost
| Am. || 001|Fraser
at Mabb
Wept it back
NOT LEAS Jan-Hongkong
19 Macarian Pa
Sept Man
Helen De Melhore
21A. Wkmen and co Liverpool
NosTall and co
and on eode
Bye. Meir and ce Denali and 09.
Sept 13 Under
Nor-Telt and ca |-·, Hair and on. Nov --mo, Muir and on. Hopt B45 ms, Muir and un Usa Syme, Muir and ce
Stout-Tat and ve
Chet 11 dymn, Muir and o
Nov 18 Tilt and
Nov-Tait and to
halt and co.
VOL. XIII. No 0.
PRICE $10 per annum.
TERMS OF BUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONOKONO (JAZETTE, per Annus, 10 Spanish Bollare, payable in advance.quarterly or otherwise, at opilus. Single Numbers v? conta. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-T'en lines and under, 1 Sp: Dollr; additional, 10 auto lina. Repetitious one-third of the first recules insertino ships. - Pre? insertion, Sp Suflea, yaubsequent insertions 64 cents Advertisements to have written, on the face of them, the number of things they are required to appear.otherwise they will be publieind until coumiarmandel. A reduction of twenty dre par canton neual charge made when quarterly accouille are rendered for advertisements ordered to stand undisturbed for a period of three months. Pull obarge made for repetition of any Adverthement in the OrpaGAND AUS Notice of dr and Estates will be inserted in both Ovanland and Samı wegner eðlilosa unless otdeend to the contrary.
THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S OTGAMERY, ply regularly between Alesan dric and Priests ontresponding with the monthly and hymonthly Indian Steamers,
The fares have been reduced and the following rates have been ázed, viz
160 Clam £16, 2id Chan £11, 3rd Class £7,; including Table money and feat.
Arrangements have been entrard into between the Directors of the Peninsular and Oriental 8. N. Company and the Directors of the Austrian Lloyd's 5. N. Company, that.-
J Paramores latending to proceed from China via Trisse, can previvo tickets from the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Agents für Alesandria.
2nd, Pasringees' Badnaam can be shipped, from Alamondria by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers for Southampton; the Freight being Ten Shillings Sterling per Cut.
3rd, Receipts for Canno and Brucem intended for Bhipment to Tritats, will be granted by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Agonia in Alexandria, fostrad of to dues so formerly, bot ench Package is to be provided with a white label, on which is diloctly marked in priot. "Jo Trask for the Avaratan Ltörn's SquamMUL."
For further particulare apply 10,
WM. PUSTAU & Co. Agents di Hongkong and (conion, Hongkong, in July, 1858.
Boat Company's Syganun **JAYA," having born engaged by the Jars Government for the service of the bi-monthly. Majl between Batorie und Singapore, under continet for 12 months, will ply regularly during that period between Belavia erd Kingapura leaving the former port about the 10th or 11th of every month, and Singapore within 24 hours after the arrival there of the Mail which leaver Southampton on the 4th of the preceding mouth.
The rates of Pamugo money uto as follows :- CHIEF CABIN. From Singapore to Ahio - 8
Do. No.
do de.
to biolo 10 Batavi Return Tickets from Singapore to Batzola and vice veran $180.
From Bingaporn to Mioso
do. 10 Batavia DECK PAMENORRS.
From Biogapore to Rblo
Weat Judien
Do. do.
West Indies
Da. do
- Pyass. Mule and co. West Tues
JOet se Jardins, M. and co
||Oust and on.
TeJnedion, M. and co.
Deg 1 Dant and co
Det smell and ce
|ing --- Russell and on.
-how, land and co -A. Hoard and en.
Perbation Plymouth Qren
JU.B.B Landen 18. | 29 |Nihat Japan. B 10 Len
U, P. Bu
Clue Shanghan U. 9 61 22 Mally
Fanton. Str. Taylor |Shanghar U. 19 20 Wolker
Japan 102,8
Sea Wich, ship
Eat Court
Dido, schon
171 Kyrie
Dee- do
Nuchanan Pope
Howym, shp
500 Theenhill
195 VI
Benjamin Hampe, barque Lírit
??| Ngl, De Vaimenn
Beverly, ship
#764 base
l'ouseclus, steamer
150 Urbor
'facian, ship
sil Perica
Joseph Fletcher, ship
$70 Vostre
wacka, ship
400 reg
Peth, barque
Hazen, barque
Henito, brig
$5 Dolowan
Spec, schooner
10 Mayears
Star of the Fast, ship
.. Robertson
Bril. Garton
Lady Mary Wal, ft.
150 Jamieson
(a) Lilever
| 18,
th Brown
أ??س?ت ?ا
Spanien. Jorge Jaan
Shanghe Fr. Ber Pt. Yet Maior. Bir.
|| Bhanghao (uno. Figu
52 apt. Unhofsky Ural 1 20. Korked
Hart Oet |Einit Sept 29 - Liv. Sept 199 Liv. Nov 17| 8. Loa Oct 16 3.
Catherine Dumfries
Liv. Oct 7 H.
art. Nov | EL
Valentino Liv. Aug 169.
[Hart Oct 26| 11.
Hart. Sept.
Lockett Louis J. Johanna
Mary Uelligonda Vimer
Lon. Oci tu) 3. Hart Nov 12 H. *Hart, Sept 18 H. Hart, Sept 18 FL Hart Oei 17 Sond Aug 16 11. Port. Out 24 H. Lom. Oet H. 1.on. Nov 19 FL
Mary Shepheal
| Mercator
Nora Zembla
Chad Nederland
Jannea Keepen
I'ul Jobano
Reee Ellis
Sell Oct 29 IL
William Paile Wynutsy
Balt Langley
Liv. June 4 H.
Liv. Oct 16] 17,
2,610,-beside which it is
experind silvar the extent of £100,000 will gu
on from Marseilles chiefly for China,
Amount of billedrawn by the Company on their respective Presidencies from the Bit, to the 23rd
of November.
Bengal -
£73,537 107
14629 02 ( 1,662 10 0
£80,729 11 4
nl 2. id per Co. Kupce
Silver in bare 5a 23, Mua?can dollare 5a id per ox
Order in which the above V'masto left England,
Lost, Polam, Mary Mallanda, New Mendio. Ond Valutant, Dominos, Catherine, Kentzia, Westland Harn, Gering
Jakunna, Kladen, Kazanat, Katy, T
Lam. London, Lit. Liverpool, Mida, Falakka, Hawa Menangkan,
La Caleta, Den, Bombay, Mad, Madeo, fee.
4: (norma. H. Hanghusa, M. Mass. Wh. Wh
Amer, U.Shangha
Time, schooner
Arabia, barisa
Nemes, barse
Audan, choc
Lamont, schooner
lona, schooner
kristen, brig Cabe, sp Vall Liang, barque L'alo, consor
For London. British Ter, 13. Free Trader, II. Orkney Li, W. Walmer Castle, W. Jos-pb Flacher, B. Royal Saxon, 8. Oriental, F.
For Liverpool. Tamerlane, H. Confucius, 5.
Star of the Ead, B.
For Calcutta,
Arrow, W.
Triumph, W.
211 Dewman
Ham : 140 Minder
Amor Fletcher Das Wo Ispan.) 180/Alrea
Now t
100 LITHrpel
Awakland Taliongkong
Nor Japan
One day
Deo 15 Nispe
Ang valid
New In Ness and co.
Juna Reflikana and co,
New York
Deet, Ileals and caLandon
Nov 30, Nye and co.
- Heard and an
-8., Hawse and co. Leaden
Ang- He and go.
ned W. Davidon
Nov 19 Hargreaves and co. Liverpool
-r. Laty
Dec la Jardine, M. and on Shangha JAN 2P, 40. 8. N. ES Shangha DeeJarde, M, and coache Jardins, Wanang ant and co. WHOLENE
Thee 23 ardue, H. and c. Woman
19mell and co.
Fisk chow (
14 laldymo, Muir and c. tub-chan in |Sept affølt and co
For Bombay.
For New York.
Str. Gonges, (21th inst) Anstisa, W.
For Balaria
Angusta, W. Proteas, W.
For Port Phillip. Tremelga, H. Waker Morrico, El.
For West Indica,
Emigmat, M.
Amazon, Sw.
C. Compagnie, Bw.
Flying Dutchman, W. Beverly, 8.
For Singapore. Lady Raffles, W.
For Manila,
Bella Vascongedo, W. Noero Bilbaino, V. Aurom, S.
San Benito, 8.
For Slam.
For Ban Franciso Cornwall, ti.
Tain, H
Jahn N-Gossler, II Lord Warrison, II.
Loranz, H.
Orleana, H. Potomac, 1. Robina, H.
Wilhelmsborg, II. Deutchland, W. Rebekab, W.
Muxico, Bw.
Neptune, W.
For Shangh
For Panama.
For Pare
Branda, W.
Isabel Quistano, C.
Early Bird, W.
Sea Witch, Sw.
EDITED, INTE V Posades, av tur Puseniaton, WILLIAN TABRANT,
Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1984.
to Minto 110 to Batavia.
Children under 10 years of age half price
3 of Froe
For further information apply to Kimura Magatze Warton & Co. Directors, Batavia,-or to Memor Macarne Frarna & Co. Singapore.
Batavia, 26th April, 1983,
FOR PORT PHILLIP AND BYDNEY. CST THE A. 1. Portuguese ferque " TRE- MELGA, will have quick despatch for the above parla.
For Fanion or Passans, apply to
Hongkong, 21st November, 1853.
783, TUE A. 1. Dutch ship" 1918," Cap Mais A. F. Oreus, will be despatch- dad en or about the 1st January mesi, for
the above port. For Fatrout, apply to
MEYER, SCHAEFFER & Co. Hongkong, In December, 1863
Ship of from Four to Blx Hundred KRZIA Tons, to carry Chisme Passengers sa and Cargo to California. Apply to W. TARRANT. Hongkong, 10th January, 1854.
Bhip of from Four to Bix Hundred each A Tons, to carry Chinese Passengers
Fand Cerge to Australia. Apply to
W TARRANT. Hongkong, 10th Junvary, 1854. THE New British Lorcha " VICTORIA," will trade regularly between Hongkong and Cant Cargo taken a moderate ratas.
West Point, Hongkong,
13th December, 1852
TWO HOUSES the South side of
Gough Street, sach having Gerika Stables, Couch-Houses, & Ground-rat??moderate.
J. F. EDUER. Hongkong, 2nd Janoury, 1884.
Fat TWO Come HOUSES on the South Bide of Gough Street, and another on The North Bide of the mme Strutt, sach with Bul Lee, Ous-house, Garden, &c. Apply to,
J. P. EDGER Victoria. 3rd March, 1853.
TO LET. THE HOUBE in Stanley Street adjoin
ing the one now occupied by Mr Co. mulati. For particulars apply to
N. DUUS & Co. Hongkang, at October, 1858.
ON and after Nonday the 22nd A HOUSE in Carlien Terrass contain- ing & Bitting Roome and 2 Red Floome, with outhouses attached, and large accommodation for servante on the ground floor. Apply to,
instant, until further notice, the Hongkong and Cart?N Steam Company's Steakura will ply regularly between Honakona, Cawton and Madao, ovary Monday, Wednesday and Friday (unless previous notice of daviation be given) as follows:-
The Boat raring Homenaxe on Asaday and CARTON on Friday, will call ut Madao, starting at ? A. M. The hours of departure at other times will be8 a. m. and the boate will proceed direct between Hovezana and Canton. When inducement "ffers the Bouta will call at Comarowoon but previous notice of such deviation will be given whân prac ticable
The farms will be as heretofore.
Hongkong, 12th July, 1832-
THE well known Minion Premises (for Mission purpura only) of Rov, E. J. ROBERTS in Canton. The plece i blthy, comfortable, well known by the Nativa as a preaching placa, and desirable on a Mimion amtion. Lat soy withing | to rent call and examine the place, and apply to Meere RowLL & Co. for the tortas.
Canton, Ist January, 1864.
Jal Clam Panda beren Hongkong, WE base the hoger to form you that wou
Canton and Macao & Canton Between Hongkong and M430 86.
12 Deck Passengers, European. -
Malays, &- $1.50. Chinist, - $1. Passengers desirous of proceeding to Macao for short period may obtain return Tickets, available for the first of cond. Stamer after thoir verival,
at the reduced rates of between Hongkong and
Alecao, and ga? between Cautan und Msono.
Every Brei clue Passenger will be allowed ons sarvant free of charge.
The rewals will convey Freight on the terms of their published seals; on which, however, some reduction will be made for large quantities, by special agreement.
All Payments whether for Freight or Passage to be made in Spanish Dollars.
LYALL, STILL & Co. Agents H 4 O. 3. P. C. Hongkong, 18th Augom, 1883.
continos Berinem in Akva?, under the style and 6rm of LANGLOIS, M"KELLAR & CO.
Our old experience in the tire Trade in the guarantee for the good execution of all ordere trabemitted to do.
DUNCAN MCKELLAR, Akyub, 11th October, 1863, NOTICE is hereby given, that the Copartnership heretofore subsisting between Your Jonse Monnow and Jamun Sturaunton, ander the Bylu or Firm of MURROW, BTEPHENSON & ?". has been this day dissolved. The undersigned, assuming the responsibilnies of the said Firm, will in future conduct the ban?nem on kie owa socoum and in his own names,
Y. J. MURROW. kloogkong, 2nd Janusty, 1854.
(? have this day established at Canton, under
Merebante and General Agents.
Mr. Edmund Alatandra BrILL in authorised
THE Copartnership hitherto existing between the undersigned, under the Firm of A. H FRYER & Co, is this day disolved by muteal consent.
A. H. FRYER. II. T. DE SILVER. Hongkong, 1st January, 1854.
WITH reference to the abova Notice. Mu 11. T.
DE SILVER to authorizat to ule all Ac counts for the late Firm of A. (1. Extan de Co
Hongkong, Ist Jamuney, 1854.
THE undersigned begs to intimate, that she buences harrofste ostried on by the Firm of A. H. Farn & Co, will henceforward be cos- docted by him under the style of De SILVER & Cu, which Mr Oko. P. De Vilvan in authorised to sign.
H. T. Da St.VER Hoogkong, Im January, 1854
NOTICE. hereby given that the Copartnership heretofore existing between the undi emgned, carrying on business at Versia, in the Colony of Hooghong, Munonant and Commision Avanto, in this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Hongkong. 15th August, 1853.
reference to the shove advorileoment it is motified that the said concern will be wound. up by Mn 8 DRINKER, who is authorized to at all accounts, and to whom all corespondence will be addressed.
Hongkong, 18th August, 1958.
PHE oudersigned begs to give motion that hu will carry on a Ganasal Commission and Agency Busiakon, moder the style and firm ol DRINKER & Co, and will occupy the premises of the late firm of Rawls, D. & Ca
S. DRINKER Hongkong, 15th Augbel, 1683,
NOTICE. THE interest and responsibility of Ma OLIVER
EVERETT ROBERTS in our Fim at Ca tom and Shongkar censed on the 20th Juno fast.
WETMORE & Co. Canton, 31st Decembar, 1889.
thorized to sign our name by procuration.
Canton, In January, 1984
THE interest and responsibility of Mr A. L
ADABKO, Ja. In our Fim cessed from this date, and our Business will be conducted undar the Byle of 0 1. AGABES & Co, which Mr MALCHUS AGADCO is authorised to sign.
A. & G. LAGABEG. Canton, Let Jasonry; 1854.
BHE internet and responsibility of Mr Jamie EDVIJE in our firm at Canton, cassé on the 31st December 1858,
The following testimonial has been sent is Proftame Hallways by a Gentleman named Middicten, af Scotland Road, Limerpool,
Bir Your Fille hoya bean the mass, under Provi dence, of restaring me to mound health, after dryer of severe allision. During the whole of that period, I suffered
mou dreadful attacks of Asthme, fra- quade of several werks' duration, stranded with a lolens cough, and continual spitting of phlogra ister miked with loud. This assbook my emiattalion that I was united for any of the active duties of ife. I was attended by me of the most eminat medical mess of this town, but they failed to giveme the slight- shout three months they acted a perfect care of the A last remedy I tried your PM, and is der, totally scalested the cough, and restored cons and vigour to the last and digestive organa.
I am, tir, your abellóna Berrant, Dated Jan. lat. 1945. (Signed) H. MIDDLETON-
A PERMANENT CURE OF A DESEAORD LIVRA OF MANY YEARS' DURATION. Copy of Letter from Mr. Gomia, Chemi-1, Yasil, to Profeter Horny. Det l--in illa district your Pillo encamand a else before the pub 'n prose of tone enchay in more extensive sale than any other proprietary mali- Liver and Biliona Complainta' I may mgation the fol lowing com. A lady of this town with whom I am personally acquainted, for yours was a severu m?r from disease of the Lával and digestiva organa; bar medical attendant suured her that he anglé de nothing to relieve bac mullerings, and it woo mat Kha?y she seeki survive many months. This amounammene naturally cused great alarm among bar Afends and relations, and they induced her to make a trial of your Pilk, whic so improved ber smoral boshch that the usa indagini This is twelve mouths age, sed do ban not experienced to cool them "artil obe resolved a perfcet ouv any symptoms of relapas, khi "djan doeluros that your Pile have been the ace of saving bar liền,
cio, Dear Ble, yours truly,
(Signed). OASIS.
Nov. 33rd, 1968.
To Phurzon HOLLOWAY,
Bir-f beg to inform you that for years I was a mot ferer from Chronie Rhramat!em, and use often laid for works together by its ass and paietel attack. tried every thing that was recommended, and wat gle rended by one of the ment eminent Surgeons in this town; but obtained to rellef whatever, and fearing that my besielt would be entirely broken up, I was fu daced in go into our County Hospital, where I had the best medical treatment the Institution afforded, all of which proved of no avall, and I came out no better then I went in I was then advised to try your Pille, and by persevering with them was perfectly cared, and enabled to
derable periem occupation, and although a consi
has elapsed, I have fait no return what- over of the complain
sm, dir, your obedient Bernaut. Oet. Bch, 1952 (Signed) W. MOON.
Coppa Latter from Mr G. Brings, Chemist, Geois,
dated February tšik, Toss.
To Paorten HOLLOWAY,
Bir-1 have touch pleasure la loforming you of most surprising care of Droquy,recently effeted by your Taluable medicines CAPTAIN Jackson, of this place. afficted with Droper for upwards of eightee months, is such an extent that it caused his bady and me to be much swollen, and water oozed as li wern from his skin, so that daily change of apparel became neomary, notwithstanding the various remedies tried, and the different medical men conanted, all w of o avait, will be commanding your Pilla, by whic and a strict attention to the peiniad directions, he was WITH reference to the the callan 1 beg if poble.
to intonate that, from this day, I live asta-
you seen this worthy of publicity you are at liberty blished myself sa a Commission Acunt and Man- ONANT in this place.
Csalon, 4th January, 1854.
THE Business bermofore conducted in my name will in future be carried on under the style of P. & J. BYRANJEE COLAH wherein my
Brother Mr. Janasen Bramına olan in ad milled Partner.
L'ESTONJEE BYRAMJEE COLAH, Qanion, 31st December, 1863.
IR CHARLES BRODERSEN is admitted n Partner in our Firm both at Canton and Honghong.
Chios, 1st July, 1658,
to use it.
Age Funkma
I am, Bis, yours respectfully.
(Signed) G, BRIGGS.
The Pillo are wonderfully offsentions in the fallecing complaints ||'amala trupulo-pitoteeniem al Urine
Scrube, or ing's Hare Theory Stone Gal Secondary By impleme The Dr
Plissa Completam Forums of all hinde Evil_
chesthe Khin Pin
Bowel Comalalts Growi Bolige
iled ache Demetipation of the Indignation
||[ukammar- o
Liver Complaints Vemsenal Auctions Lambago
|W cuvan of all k?nd?
Washnam, from what-
| ever came, &c. ?e,
Bold by all Druggisin, and at Profwaor Holloway establishment, 244, Strand, Loodan,
By Mr. JM Da SILVA, rod by
HINNAM, ai thoir Boros.
also by WONG ACHEW-fengkong,
Br. J. M. DA FONCECA,-Macao.
and Meters ACOW & Co.-L'ANOT
MOONSEY is authorized to sign our Firm | Al 54, 98d.-20 Od.-4a, Od.-ile,-99%, & 136.
each pol or Box
CHIPS of from 600 Tone and upwards
for conveyance of Chinese Emigrants to sign our firm by procuration, sad will reprenant by procuration, from this date.
200 Banana. "Apply to
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, 14th November, 1863.
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, 1st June, 1858.
CUTE Hmunosen, Canton 16th January, 1854.
There a considerable mving by taking the Intge siten,
NB-Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to cach l'es
THE interest and responsibility of the Into Mr
William Husur Wandery in our dem erminated on the 20th of September last,
Canton, 12th November, 1953.
1117 reference to the above advertisement the
borivers of the House will be conducted a before by Mn D. JOHNSON under the asimu name which Mu F. B. JOHNSON, in authorized to sign
"M"JAMES BOWMAN will sign for us in Shanghae by procurali,
W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Canton, 12th November, 1853,
LL Pervans having claima seninat the Estate
LEY are desired to sint them in fertlowith in Mestre W. H. WARocky & Co. Cantan, or in M. obis James Bowman & Co. Shanghae, and those in debted to the Bald Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the mid parties.
F. B. JOHNSON, { Administratīva
Capton, 9th November, 1953.
MR JAMES P. COOK is admitted a Partner
with me from and after this date. Busiares will be continued under the Name and Style of Tit08. HUNT & Co.
Whampoa, 1st January, 1884.
?�R ROBERT POWELL SAUL has this day
Mara admited a partner in the Ferms of
SYME & Co.
KER & Co.
- Singapore,
PITCAIRN, SYME & Co, Bataras. Batavia, 1st January, 1854.
THE undersigned hasa bem appointed. Agents at flongkong for the subscribers to LLOYDS, Masters of Vysels are requested to communicate to them intelligence of losses, accidents, the sprak. ing of Vessels, and any gmetal information they consider of importance or internet to the subscribera.
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, 3rd September, 1852,
REGISTERED In London in 1833,
Memes #tolat Hopinon & Ca............. Marvetaries. Moms Turan Tintas & User Agents in Liverpool Melameda Wyalon ? Co......... Agrams in Calestra and Hangsen Bears Fruket Sewer & Company Agents in Honkaj.
Memes Martano Phatan ? Con.... Aprots in Viagem.
THE undersigned, have been appointed. Agrate in Canton for the above Company, and are pre pared to take. Raus payable without abatement st This place in three months, and in Lonnator LiveR- root in vue monch, eher proper proof of logs is given,
TURNER & Co. Canton, 10th January, 1854
Cam CAPITAL 81 000,00.
E undersigned bave been appointed ASENT
in Chine for the shore Company, and are preputed to enver Rinks, on first class vemele, to the Price of $100,000. Poureira payable in Canton, Hombay, Calcutta, London and New York
Canton, 11th January, 1864
LONDON ASsurance CORPORATION, Established by Charter $720,
Dany & Co, Agents in Hongkong. Edgara dal noterized by the abora Corporation 10 INSURE FROM Loss OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, " Hongkong, va Huildings, Goods, Merchan fine and Vesaria in Fort at Clam, oo Horns in private occupation only, with external Walls of Stone or Brick, and covered with Slate, Tile, Metal, Cement, and other locom burtible Material, deuched, or adjoining one,
Ed Class, en Hovas of Buildinos erec ed and covered as above, partly or entirely used as Go down, and de'ached; and on Gode and Man CHAKDIRE, Dol hazardowe, in sech Buildings,
34 Clair, on Elovers of BUILDING abova. adjoining other Buiklings, and on Goods and Alen CHANDLER, DOL hazardown, therein.
4th Close, na Homa or Buildings erected and covered as abave, in which bazarda Goode
ara depreted, boi no hazardous trade carried on.
6th Class, on Backu.
Amaraner Tony be effected for the period of
12, 6, or 3 Months.
No Ranch is in force until the Premium
thereon is paid.
For further particulars, referencs in requested to
to made to the undersigned,
Hongkong, 6th October, 1863.
DENT & Co. Agonia.
FIDAMPAGNE in Pints and Quska, Porr ??Wine, Falk Surray, Claret and Bhanot, all of first quality.
FOR SALK-Joer Recaires VERY Superior Bunter, Sticed Mangos and Cashmere Churnies, Mulligatusny i Curry L'aste and Powder.
MAC EWEN & Ca Hongkong, 17th January, 1884.
PER OVERLAND MAIL ADIES' and GENTLEMEN White Kid It Gloves of averted stern; Ladies' Blockings; Gentlemen's Isleached and Unbleached d-eks i Dork and Ruek-kın riding and driving Gloves; Neck then Superfine Mack and Blue Broadcloth, &c., &c., da.
An estment of Superior Peknives.
MAC EWEN & Ca longkong, 14th January, 1954.
FOR SALE at the Oudowns of
MAC EWEN & Co, Hongkong, 30th December, 1954
VILL continue to kerna Large and Extensive Assortment of SHİP CHANOLERY, # the very Lowest Prices,
Whampoa, 19 January, 1984.
FOR SALE STORES of the undersigned,
a few buskorla of English. Ovrs, weighing 43 1br. per buskel,
Victoria, 10th January, 1854.
FOR SALE AT Ma MARSIP'S Millinery Rooms, Queen's Food, Hongkonz. ? CHOICE Selration of Bovarza of the Latest A fashions, consisting of Velvet, Satin Olize
Silk, 1'in and Fancy Straws of every description.
Black and Colored Silk. Mintha. Black and White Lace Dn.
French Barege and Cashmere Shawls French Oher & Talleta silks in every color.
Black & Colored Silu Velvets.
Do. Tibbror in all Widths, Sarh Tikhoon, Bonnet do., Narrow Bulin, Luto & Samnet do, French Brocade Bilk Dresner
Olace Silk do.. White & Colored Tulio do. Lace do., Barege de Boie da
Striped Poplin and Norwich Lustre da
French Merino and Pain Muslin de Laine. Da, in White, Pick, Sky, Bløte vrh & Nịp klon French printed Cambric and Maslia do.
Flaglo's Print do, Black & Colored Barege du. White & Colored Parlatapre in all colars. Swiss and India Book Maslina
Jacenes Phin nad spotud Mulle
Black Brunello Net, Whits do. Tulle illusion Blonde Edgingo, Real and Imitation Lace Lace Fall Da Berther, Sireven, Collarn Cheminee, &c. &
Plain and embroidered Cambric Handkerchiefs Infanta' Robes and embroidered Frucks, Caps, and a variety of under clothing White and Colored Kid Alloves, Milk da, Bracelets and Necktion.
Pearl fet and Chenille Høvd dressra. Wreaths and Bouquets, and a choice selection of Festbere & Flowers from Mudaria Fersiera'a Paris,
An sariment of Latin & Childrens Boots and Shore from Vizuli Este Hur de la Paizķ Joly a Paris, comprising White & Colored Satin Sbobe, Kid and Morocco do, Stuff and Coutil d", &c. &c
Linen and Cotton Diapers, High Línea, Brawn Holland,-Colored do.
Horrocks' Long Cloth, French Long Cloth nary fina and light. Table Cloths very large sizes, Tablo t'overs, Toilet Covers, Quika, Anti-Macamera, Lace Curtains, Mosquita Nei, Rolled Jacconei | Láninga, Unioo and Twill do,, Victori and Yeme- tian Skirting, Whee and Colored Crinolines, Cri goline Petticoats and luptovers, Corded Ditto, Fine Flannels, Nursing Bings, French Wore do Coutil d?, Children's Bands, White and Colored Bilk Home Threat do... Merino da, l'osos do, Colton Bocks, Wool Polkmus, Wool Caps & Sleeves, Ankern, Bootakins, Gloves Comforters, &c. &e
Woollen Hoods Braided Satin and Merino do. White and Colored Satin and Merino Hats,
Braided Cloaks and Pelisses, Frocks, and great variety of Children's Clothing of all kinds.
Haberdashery, Parasola, Eluatic Pages Garters, Sandalweb white & colored, Wida Elkate Worm- od and Luther Baka, Linen Tapos, Shirt Ballona, Droes and Trimming Duttons in great variety, Silk and Wool Braids, Cotton doc, Washing ?o, ?tokvir Net, Ribbon Plius, Bugla Trimmings, Bewing, Ksitting and Mending Custon, Pina, Noalles, Hooks & Eyes, Whalebone, Covered Cane. Wad. dings, Cotton Corla, Ruches, Ribbon Wire, Silk | Piping, Straw Trimmings.
-From Price & Granali--
A small assortment of PERFUMERY. 63"Mrs. Manon begs to add that she will continue to receive the LATEST Fanions from London and Paris Monthly.
Payment to be made in Mexican Dollare, Hongkong, 30th Decomber, 1851.
THE Direc'ore of the Austrian Leord: StEAM NAVIGATION Courant in Trieste, have made Arrangements for TELEGRAPHING MES. BAGER to London, or to any Part of the Continent, sent to then from China,
The Messages should be sent under cover, super- scribed "Telegraphic Despatch," to the Alexandria Agent, for transmission through the Commanding Offiour of the Steamer, sod to be delivered immedi
Naile of since in Casks of 2 cut. Apply in alely on arrival of the Vssel at Triacta.
flong kung at C'anion to
LY ALL STILL & Co. Hongkong, lal January, 1984.
THE cargo of Red and White LISBON WINE
ex Omgum, just arrived at Marna. Apply to,
Canton, 11th January, 1854,
The Charge for Telegraphing 30 Words from Tri per Bubine to London, la shaut 10 Flo- rine, or 12 Bkillings Sterling ; nud £1 Streling for sach Munge
The writing must be in legible worde
For further particulars, apply to
W. PUSTAI& Co. Agents al. Hongkong and Canton.
Elongkong, 27th October, 1883,
Seaman's Hospital
Honourable David Jarmenn, Esq, C. D. Wit HAM, Esq. Hon W. T. Menon, bag., . 8. Walken, Eig Superintendent of the P. dc 0. Steam Nerigation Company, (ar oficio)
Trouwer,-J. C. Bowning Eq. Revident Surgeon, ---Payan Youno. Eig. Consulting Nu gron,-W. A. Hansand, Esq.
M.D. Acting Colonial Surgeon
Terms of Admission. Public Warde,
- 16 evnte per day. Intermediate Wards, - 1 D Hlar Private Rooms,-- Pacemen are also admitted on deposito, at the fol- lowing rates, renewabin one day previous to the amouût deposited having been expendel,
Publio Wards - - - - 015, Intermediate, --- $20, Privata Ronna, -
The Caption or Consigners of Vessels must to responsible for the expenses of Patients met Ly them to the Eleopital,
M. Ft.- All Hospital Billa to be receipted by the Tronster only
THE undersigned has received instructions to
the 20th day of January next, At Noon precisely, Unless previously disposed of by privula rate, the following Propeny,
In one lot. That building in the Queen's Road known elbe
And the um buildings attached, with the fund upon which the whole is built-Registered in the Daud Ufire on Infamil Lot No. 18, meDALJE.
ing 14 100 square fret.-Annual Ground Rent £129.7.
Also in one Lot
Alle Splendid Furniture, Billiard Tablos, Pime, Crockery, Glass Ware &c., &c. belonging to the above establishment.
Conditions of Sale, Cainlagues of the Furnitare dc. will be distributed some days prior to the Auction.
Nongkong, 9th November, 1858.
Bheri Oler Victor, 13th January, 1854. N'o-Tock-lluno r. Kawie, Dusena & Co. NOTICE la hereby giron that under the Writ Nof B: fe: meued in the above action, all the Household Furniture, Office Furniture, Merchan. dia, or Goods and Chaitale wantsoever in the House or Godowne of the D fendants will be sold
Muunter's Orrion, VICTORIA,
19th January, 1954,
"Ng Tuck Hung v. Rawls, Drinker & Co. THE Sole by AUCTION of PROPERTY of Defendants, advertised to take place on 9a- TURBAT the 21m instant, is postponed until Wed, msday the 35th inst.
Acting Sherig
To the Editor of the Fajenu or CuUSA,
Hongkong, Beli Jamuncy, 1854. Duan Ben,-It was with much plessure I road in your list irgue another rebuke to the Hongkong Register. Tooce, from such a quarter, a di?a?ation on the July vacinty owes to itself of securing reci. procal honesty between men and man, is aroun sing. You appear to think that the writer of ikal anflection of warde, without very clear mean- Inge, was the Chief Justion's sering Cork, and that the suggestion mado omiasted from no kamer personage than his Larılalıp himself Concur. ring in auch ruppo-itium 1 proposa in this comm nication to back up your remark shat, at all svenia, the present viata v�?que Culonis) (ventrent Lawi can hardly be regretted I will go farther dian alia. I desire to show that any alteration of the law -Any incrran of facility to designing or thoughtless persons to take advantage of unwary people,-Chi- nese of here, in commercial dealings, is strongly tu be deprecated.
No, Mr Editrit not the law-it in the law's prac litioners that requira amendment'in their practice. I do not confine myself, be speaking of the law's practitioners, to the Coust aermals, Attornim od other. Amendment should begin with the higher powera ; -the Governor-the Colonial Bucretary- the Executive Caudell, should all be taught to re- member their powion-their duty, and with them 1 emendment abrold comments;-for it in with them the duty remains of soring every part of our Colo- mial symom-legal an will no oiler banohe perforing thele saska with sourgy and purity.
villatatu to you-me esses of pretty general ato | rity or illuuestions of the monssity for din smenit- metallude to. First, in urder of like, in ?�b?rl? the Hagistar's remarks are certainly applic uble-bot equally no certain is it that it ban mut been by the fault of the law the delinquent has escaped the rward due to "his dumorita. This was an in- solvent cow-the insolvente residing an of the colony, but beving certain estate in it which they appointed so Automey to realizo mod alonjoler, The Estate was duty real and but what his became of the proceeds? Echo auswers-whai Thay ato still in the trende of the party who realized them, and the leor something else -le twofficient to caue the bollar to disgorge
Then again came that ifisgraceful Bulians can The owner of the ship Sultana sent the vessel to Chion with orders to the Sapereurga in charge vi bring her directly back to the port abe sailed from. When here the Supercargo instead of sticking to his insiructions entered is a sharter to proceed to California. He received and remitted to frio master some $10,000, and then broke through the agre
by Ponato Avorion oo Suurday 21st day of ment, arned the passengers out of the val | Funnary instant.
Particulars will be given in Hand bille,
CHARLES MAY, Acting Sheriff.
PUBLIC AUCTION. TE undersigned has received instructions to sell
by l'omic Avotion on
the 29th day of January, 1854,
on the Premiess, No. 4. Gough Street, North Side) at Non,--
The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of ??Gentleman Joaring the Colony.
All particulars will be stated in the Cavalodur.
Auctioneer. Hongkong, 12h January, 1834.
FOR CANTON, THE Lareha "ANONYMA," will be despatched to-morrow evening. For Fanone, apply to
Y J MURROW. Hongkong, Sat January, 186),
TO BE SOLD OR LET, THE HOUSE on Hollywood RoadIntely occupied by Captain HoLWORTHY Ceyla Rider-and The flause No. 7 in Gorgh Street at present in the occupation of Dr. Corr.
For particulara, apply to
Wellington Street.
Victoria, 19th January, 1854
N lavoice of very Superior English Canvas A and TWINK.
Red and White Linnas Winn, of fine quality just arrived. Apply to
Miend 14th January, 1854.
TT contains the usual British and Chinass Ka. lendar, ingether with dator of the operations of the insurgents during the youta 1852 and 1853
Meteorology of Shanghee for 1833
American Treaty in Chinese and English. List of Foreign Hanes corrected to preral time Renters of Land of the Port of Shanghon, 1859. A Table shening the cret of Tea-at Exchange
from Ra. to us, the dollar.
&c, PRICE-Sp. 2, or De. Od. per Copy.
serve, to pilfur, or lo comult wuendo-and, meded by the law, the ship malled back to the port whence she came the owner then turning round ant ying My Bupercargo had an business to let * the resol contrary to my instructions-to him "you must look, I am not to suffer. I cannot lo
made to return the money received the law * allow it, and the Court confirme it."
This oase, for which there can be bat ona namN, should certainly have besa checked by the Acting Attorney General of the olony-the party sup posed to be placed here as tertor to evil doen.
There is another case of closer applianbility to my subject than eiber of the foregoing. A party. -country, wame, and position shall all be nemo- less-residing out of the Colony End clon against and her, which, after longiky litigation, re- salted in a deeren (mcrossed by costs) fut apurarilo
The Anorney in this case, an officer of our Hio. mouraola Superine Court of Hongkong, exercing that power which all Atornles are supposed to pennene, without h?a client's authority, weltled thin
decree for less than a half of the soms decreed; and of the manny so recaired (notwithstanding the fact that upwardle of an eighth of a bakb of dollara hed already been paid by his Client for aasta) he modest ly proposes to retain, sa commismon dec." about Kiba of a half. The reukeum the Client refus to accept; and, further, denies the Attorney's power to compromise without his comment. The answer to this ja "1 have given up my practice, * am going to England, if you don't take wasi * 1 ffer you, you will get nothing." In this case the Governor, the Council, the Court, have all ben made cognizat of the facts; but the vietim of placed confidence is so far from redress
ho won the day he first found himself deluded.
J'br instances that effice my purpose showing that it is not so much the law that requires smradment as the preotice of those within wwara sphere it is to put that law in operation. To gu back to the case with which we need. The whole drift of the remarke which the Register hat made can only be interpreted as the exhibition of a desire to offer a premium to people of essy con cineman vagonragem ot to such 10 go on ard
sway away on all top ropes" and what a judge- men of the Court le pet in proper process, to turn roued on the unfortune creditor and orniin hum by the offer of a bag full of thin air."??
I am, Dear Sir, Your's,
??Who ever before hened of a lawyer charging comm slos os moury resolved, in addidim ya kia legal esnes ??C
??The Regler'a ?emark about property worth $10,00) belog sold for a song. Is not applicable. Hanida (bo Hon-E hold and dice forekote, the Asana, I am sold, ure uit. 1.
DEATH-A Monunos Dia, Cloxgirone, on the 19th lasinet, sped 3 monika, the ton vf the Rerd, Holen Neumses.
Nrw Advertisements should be sent as early as possible on the days previous to publication; but grerally, advertisements will appear in the forth. rming larus if received at the office as late as Eleven A.M. l'ednesdays and Saturdaye; specially racepting the days on which the Wuils are despatched
Nov. 26, Goodwich Islands Nov.
Batavia Laboss
?cked Biswa
Calen Moinbey
Mnr. -
Dec. 18 Blogspore
- - Manila
9 Bhangkan
Dec. Dr.
C. G. Elope Oct.
Nov. 18
Amoy Nj
A. M.
J. M.
25 Sunday, - - 23 Monday- 211 ueway.
642 6 40
2,19 1,54 643 6,40 246|| 2012 0,48 0,4 3,44 421 8.43 5,49 4.57 5.35 Mon-Last quarter to morrow,ut 8. 69 a. M. -La Perigee on us 27th. 9 a. M.
ARRIVALS AT HOKOKONG. 20, Yesel (Dus), Meman, from Bhirlda, 20th June. 20, Libertad (Chilian), Lunborg, from Ban Fran.
cis:0, 2nd December.
20, Ende Hales, Marienborg, from Whumpon. 20, Whamburg (Ham), Miller, Pubick, having
struck sa a rock and broke ber Rudder,
DEPARTURES FROM HONGEUNO, 20, Mundogurs (Bpan), Porras, Menila.
Panos-Pet Libertad, 101 Chinese. REPORT,--The Yard passed a Stoner off Cape Verds on the 97th June, in Lat. 16 11 N. Long. 95 24??W.
The sulty weather of the past few days re- muted about the Canton rivor with wond sharp squalls, and at Macao yesterday it blow half a gale, clúefl; from the southward. The Clipper Brig Brenda, and Ship John Dugdale the former bound down, the other up the river, both appear to have suffered aloft through it ; the Brenda having brought up with jika bonus. alore top gallant mast gona -the John Dugdale's main top sail yard in two pieces.
TЯ P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Bream Ship Pekin, Captain Grainger arrived on Wednesday, hav- ing felt Calcune the 99th alt, and Singapore (where she appears to have stuld the best part of a couple of days) the 9th instant. The Pukin met the Ningapore at Pinang on the 5th, on which day the Shanghai left. Sing spare for Calcutta. The Pekin enenuntered a strong hand wind the whole of the way up the Son, and bringe 1,725 Chests of Opium and a amall quantity of Transure ($30,000,) The Puoushur was to leave Calcutta on the 30th ult., and may be looked for hourly.
The report of the twelfth sale averages was givan. In our last (Pains by the way being ar romanuely printed Re B15 instead of R+ 805).
From Private letters we learn that gambling was going on, and that Patua of the first salo (to have taken place on the 10th inst.) figured at front. 870 to 875. Bizar quotations on the 20th ull gave Paton Rs 910 to 812,-
Benares Rs. 820 to 825,
Ma Rawle of the firm of Rawle Drinker & Co., being desimos putlicity should be given to the following lutter as soon as possible, has re- quested its appearance in our column:-
"Hongkong, Jany, 2b, 1854.
A. SHORTREDE Erg. Editor of the "China Mail," "Der Bit,- beg sna will correct, in your next ime, grom error, made by the Asteroný Gonetal in his opening of the care of "Eiger and smollite *. May, Sheriff, reported in your paper of yes terday. Thorney General states that in Feby: Mr Rowle panda Bill of Exchange to a Chloniendo, &c." Now I solemnly de- clare that nafar pasand a Bill of Exchange to the Chipamen-Abeat the and of the year 1862 of the beginning of 18554-a purchase of iner chandas to the value of beiwen $10,000 and 040,000, was made from Chinaman, a large part of which was pois for in cash, and for the by Iance do any $10,000 promissory note, payable in Six months, was given. This note was diwwn by Mr Mennecke, (thes Rawle, Drinker & Co. Clerk) and signed in the osine of the firm-vy Me Drinker; and I never know that such a note had been led Mr Dent told me of it in his own nies, and that he had saun it. Plesso insert this letter in fall, and oblige
Your's faithfully.
8. B. RAWL.
Chistuan Langmality - 'f'ong Achick, on bulialf thought it worth, while in be slwriya on the Duk Q. Do you thank u well regalsteel ngetren of of the four Que-Knons, or gemi Chinese houtée ní our for "Dreadful Marders" "Allecting Huicides," antigration would be preoptable to the people linn, this city, appeared before the Recorder yesterday, "Dalractive Fira," "Cruel Hobberies," "El-qu med beneficial 1-A. There would be may alj c and placed in bia hande $1000, as a volontary mento," "Boductions," and axering incidents' of | Hone to is, but still I think there are very many euntribution upon their part in aid of and for the
of all sorts. These rien differ from the regular re- people who would be willing to go. use of Captain Love's Company of Rangara, for
Q.le ie your opinion, founded upon your own porters because they are paid by the time instead their services in capturing Josquin and dispersing of by the week, and, of overar, the amount they | knowledge, or an statements made to you by the his gang. The money is to be paid over to the obtain depends upon their industry, their ingenuity Chinese, that the coches have been under undue person properly authorized by the company to re-
in turning a ??plain unvarnished tale" into a star- restraint in the skede 1-A ??abigh thơp buvo kera ceive it The Chloees, it will be remembered, iling narrative, and their facility in making the under undue restrosas; but know not how much of wore the espacial objects of Josquin's ferocity, and
better appear the warre completion of a stury A this is chargeable to the merchants. Į may add suffered severely by his outrages. The Ringers penny line seems at firal view but a very amsil|| that, formerly, they might have been ignorant of bad feard that some of them had offered a reward remwarration for labour, but, in point of fact, the evils perpetrated by their servants; but now. of $80ud for his empture, but they could noi trioe ??maus in, ia the first placu, un error, for, it 19 not a after the late disclosures, a soluma responsibility.
The tapert to any reapumaitila anuros. The Chinese bere, although ja no manner bound, have with commandable kḥerility come (yeward with that contriháttum of $1000, in token of their appreci tom of the Ringers' survices. 'Thay hova "prod themselves in this city, on many ocersions, " liberál and public spirit Cople --San Franciscu Daily, Nov. 18.
A considerable it has hean cnuned by a report that the Peningular and Oriental Company have applied to the Admiralty for permission to remove their sacs to the Port of Trincomallir in plura of Galle, Taie proposition is mid to have been caused by the plate of the Galk: Habout, now so imperfectly rapi lind with bencana to point out the entrance in si to clear the dangerous coral reefe abounding thers, an will no the want of a Dag skull to signal to approaching vaovels. "The went of a Telegraph Colemba and a Rillway to Kanily to afford facility for the transmission of rapid intel. ligence to India via Trincomalie on the arrival of the Blasmurs at Gally when the great Indian Tola, graph is elulisted from Madrós to Calcutta in astabilislied, is said to be an adilitional renesa fur ??the proposed moramunt. Here is another instance for the many of the Nero like system of "fiddling whila: Rome was burning."- Ceylon Times, Dec. 13
We sto more interested in the slate of Chins than anything that in nearer our own doore, The imperturbability of Jobs Chinaman was a 6xed thing in our popular belief, and the lies of their cutting off the pig-tails and overturning their temples. bas taken us quite by surprise. The nature of the movement, tos, is a mystery to us. | Their vague motion of Christianity, and the tub- bish that they mix up with it, equally astonishes. That they should have gni so much and d me so h da in eurloon That the rebolu should have done ou much and got so little is equally curious, lar wo are sold to wait till they have captured Poking, nisl ; then we shall on a new order of things - Wa hewa had several attempta st explaining erergibing to us, but none of then in altogether untiafactory" 2 ho Time has Itely given iwo very elaborate articles on the sukjent, but it in yot far from being cloor, If the ju a new religion rising in the for augt and another in the far wout, it will comes a vad dialurbace to sho nadinary surront of nur ideas. Joseph Burich, and the Apostle of the Chinese-). cannot up the instant call (bo gantiema" by kie right name, and I have no timo to go and luck ter it-ara queer figurum to come across our path t this advanced period of the 10th century. Who. ther they are jumis natura, or whether they will Lake roul upon the earth and feet, must be left sa time to determine. We look forward to the next Mail from China with considerable noxiety. It is not merely that the most valued of our domestic in. stitutiontha T'ex-pot, is in danger, but as a pro- blem in Bucingy," the development of thin revolution is stuly interesting, and if a totally now ondor of shinga ba estabkened in Chios, it will undoubtedly tell on all the world. A third part of the human race cannot be in an unsettled wate without communicating thase unmosineet to the other two. If they manage their own affa-te, well and good if not, both America and Rutala are said to have Goets in the mighbourhood, and they will pockapa uraist thom. We can have no objec tion, and anything that will open up Chine mat be considered a gais to humanity.-Bumbay Ga- wolle, Oci, A.
THE TURNING POINT IN LIFE-There is Turning point in the life of every human bring We do not ment theen in a tidal garrent which must ehh and flow, and flow and ebb ; but something lege drĥnite-come thing more dependent na cir cumateacon. Man is lega a creature of destiny that is generally imagined, Destiny is something inevitable, like the tides; but so every malient being has the power to make his or her destiny. either he nor she can be consider as any other than a free agent, as regards the completion of his or her future. It to lie onre taken at the turning peint that determines the coming-especially who. 1er for good or evil. When this turning point can be trengsized constitutes the whole af the difficuhy. When it dura come, the character of the future is fixed. It a soly allowed to beings with the svols of giants to smil ja iba wind's eye. Therefore | the critical period in every man's and women's spiri ual life should be closely watched Generally, in man it occurs within five or six porn after kunining mashond-in women li to soraya enclicz, Eighiren would be a reasonable limpia for all female Lemperamente. But whenever it does occur, it invariably preceded by bodily lassitude, mental Isa-kude, and a longing for something not present to the in-agination, and to becha anche cannot be givon. The fact has not hitherto been conmdered by meral physiologim-Bombay Qazite, Oct. 8
penny but three ball penca a line, which the news. | foute upuo them to see that the coulas més qut un- papo pay for theso casual chronicles of the mo justly dealt with. ing incidence of Landon hfs, Thus, for ninety-wit * 42 Du you think it would tend to improve the lines, the sums paid is twelve shillingi. Bunin mr- | foalings between the Europesot and Chinesa if sentiel festurs of penny a lining that the matter in thess sheds wets disurated with, or thrown open not considered exclmars. The writers are allowed to the public view?-A. If thrown open to the to send the same matter 1 - all the newspapera; no public view, thore would probably be iu need to that, if all the morning papers make use of an ar- - dispense with them. The strach made upon then ticle, the Dinely six lines, reokaing twelve csillogi I believe to have arisen from a disposition to plunder each, from the ax morning papere, ammunta lo | by a bal drecription of people, taking advantage of thren pounds twelts ahillings. Thun, it will be the fosulty shown by the respectabla portion of snow that, where a ponny a tiher ge's plenty of the coran uusly to coulis emigration in general, aud
to the cone brokers for their deceptions in parti "copy used," namely, inserted, the pay sa by no means no sounty as the term would seem to imply, cular. Varioua miretinga ware held by the rospect. alle Chinian, at which suggratlona were mods for It will not, therefore, crente surprise when we siste that some individuale, who fron long connection
the destrocion of the English hong", the unacking the coole ship, and various other extrema men - with a paper, kare become favourites, manku what
is called a good deal of money. Our reporter, who wore with a view to mitigate the evils of the direct his attention principally to city matters (we | gynem; but these were all repudiated, an likely to do not meso a clay aniele), is supposed to make a ??be injurious to their own interests, because their had a yest, and this by naly a few hours" | suecesars ceuld only be temporary, as in two or, or Inbour day. He however, is a very clever, in.
three days viriness would be up from Hongkong. celligent, bustling an avala), and may be consider
and the cobble, after plundering the foreign honge ed at the band of the clase both from his intellectual would plunder induciminsely among the sanver Requirements and long services. Another reparier
(Signed) JOHN V. N. TALMAGE on the penny line system, instead of confining himself to the metropolis, takes ??cange of thirty or forty mile around it, undertaking to give un'ac-
count of the murders and sudden deaths, nad
Proclamation issued by the Scholars and Merchants of Amoy, other attractive incidenta of the same kind winch ocea within that circk. This gentleman has a elylah vubicle, and comtrives to keep three kurse and a handsome reablishment out of the profits of his peregrinailons The branch entails a good deal of labour, book by night mod by day, cause the account to firijunally brought from a distance at late hour, and at all times the groat paint is to avoid delay. Bombay Gazette Oct, 14.
Exclus B In No. 14. Hinutes of Evidence loken at a t'ourt of Inquira
held at Amoy to inredigate the Causes of the Inty" Riots, and jelo the manner in which Coolie Emi- gration has been lotely carried on of that Part, Depositions taken during an investigation held at Het Britanic M ·jesty's Consulate si Amny, luta the causes of the riotous proceedings which took place at that port on the 91at, 12, 23rd and 24h v�?November, 1852 (Gootword from Supplenarai No, & page 41).
Friday, December 17, 1932. The Rev. John F. N. Talmage, American
missionary at Amoy, called in, and being duly aworn, examined:
Q. Bate the ruberance of a conversation which you no aril in evidence to have held with Bir Byme on the subject of coolie brokers 1--A. There were half a-deusu tropretatile Chinese on Monday and Tuesday who caine requesting me to intercede with the merchants, making them to give two pro. win in order to satisfy the people. Owa promien mas, that the coolio-braker who had heen arrested on Sunday evening, and was said to be then at Me Syme's long, should be delivered up to the Chinese authorities. The other promisa wan, to secure again any future decoying of man by time brakoze. In my copertanton with Mr Syme on this subject, I stated thron reques'a of the Chineso. I told Me Syme, that respectable Chinese assured me that these two promitra would be swflicitat to satisfy the people. They would then agaia commence their business as formerly. I also stated to Mr Syme some reporta I heard respecting some placards (above alluded to, le tered A and B.)
Q Did you think Mr Syme was a party to the deception practised on the people 1-A. ? did nut think so.
Q. What, in your opinion was the immediate cause of riot 1-A. The immediate cause was, in my opinion, the reports in circulation that coalie brokers were decoying men to go off na emigrants. These repors centered mostly on Mr Syme's hong, a few law on Mr Tall's bong.
Q. Do you believe it to be true, that the poople ajo generally tempted to leave liome for Amny by false promises t-4. The number so dealt with is
noi gioni,
Q Do you not think there is a moral aldization resting on the employers of these coolie-brokera to fend thus so brouglit down, or pay incle expenses back 1-4. It brought down under false pretencse, certainly.
Q. And therefore the employer can have no clam in confine such persons upon the ground that they bad fed them a fortnight at there works ? - A. Certainly not these; and I am doubtful whether they have the right to confine any.
Q. And will less, you would say, have they a right to expatriate them against their woll-d They can have no right to expatriate them against their with
Qle it your opinion that verinus alfoms of the coolies to escape have arisen principally from an unwillingness to emigrata 1-?. tulu my opi The Aristocracy of Penny a Lining.-It should 'nion ; but I suppose some of those who hate at- be known that there is in every newspaper sila. compled to escape originally entered principally for bljabmment an edient, a sub editor, and a corps of, the inke of food, without having been decayed. reputers and literary writem, who receivo a regu Q. Do you not think that contract to be just gular salary. As it is obvious, however that the should be entered into before wither of the parties reporters cannot be everywhere, and that occur. I was brought under obligation, and white they were rences will daily happen in various parts of the still free agus ?-A. I think the substance of the town of otarast to the public, a class of men have contram should be explained to them previously.
Nties, being an exposure of, for the purposing of cumareeting, the artifices of bordered mis cicants, who impose on the people and seduce them to their destruction.
From the time that the barbariane began to trade at Amoy, they have had the practice of buying poople to sell age; subjroilag ilium guillem of crime to erwel trestment, and employing evil-de- posed and traitorous natives in entice away peace. able people. These agents, styled brokers, consist ing of some scores insimately losgued together, would attach to themselves several hundreds of valiers, and rem ring vil restraint fro a their (nor- Milores wherever it might lead, without any scruplo. | diunta cupidity, would follow the course of these
They have daily in the country, along the covet, nught about in all directions for persons whom they might calice suny, with the end of making go for themselves by the detriment of others. Ily fon prospect of minuto adrastaze they drew away lonely and destrula persons, while they held out alluring beita to seduce the younger members of
elded families Their tricks were innumerable, and they would dexterosaly conceal their resi | dreigas. They would pretend to hire their victima for employingat by which they might resfino a beliod, and then drive them into the pita propar- ed; or they would cheat them with promises of advantage (here some Malay words are used which are unintelligible) and thus got them within their power; or perhaps would invite them to travel and divert themselves, and so urge men to destruction. Every kind of abomination thay wore ad ficted to, The ignorant country.people have many times thum been lom ko numbers. From souls so abandonad to corrionem every spark of inante right feeling must have departed."
The men being invaiglad to the barbarian bouten and ships, are publicly sold. When once among u them they cannot understand their gibberish, and they are kept in close confinainant. They may implore Ifeaven, and their tants may wet the earth, usb-their-Complaints are altered in vain. When carried to the barberina regione, day bashlight they ara impelled to labour, without interval even fur sleep. To advance or evtreat is equally impossible to them; death is their nola relief,
Moreover, they can transmit or receive an intel. ligence; noue know whether they be alies or dead, and the hearts of their parents and families are lorn with anxioly. The succession of there famdire is cut of, an injury for which nothing can mione. Alas those who living were denizens of the central flowery country, dead, their ghosts wander in strange funda. O, azuto Henten above! in this way aro destroyed our righteous people.
Our present suggestion is, that the benevolent and respectable public shall unité in esertung their influence to repress these practices. L fathers caution their sons, and elder brothers there younger brothers. for seeing the evil, and guarding against it. Let one misguidedly kind thems·lici to promote dia schemes of wicked traitors. Let us mutually warn each other, and point out to all men the roads which, while of life to ans, are of deaths to on thousand. Wo remure, nu above, to expres our bemble but sincera and kaartfelt sentminuts, trusting that they may receive the consideraton of the public.
Notification by the scholars and merchants of Amey.
A true trauslation,
(Signed) - M. C. MORRISON
Areukpix (B.)
Proclamation issued by the Inhabitants
of the Eighteen Wards.
The barbarica are ungovernable in the extreme and their only motive of activa is destre für gaw. W Ve, the people of the eighteen words (the town of Amoy), have now agreed that we will bara no die. pate with be barbarians, but will concert mesuree for the regulation of our conduct amongst ourselves. From this time, il any persons transact, boarness with the Te-ki and Ifa ki hưng (Tait & Co., and Byne, Aluir & Co.), they shall be put to death, their property seines, and their houses destroye without nere). Namo shall be permitted to enla bligh firms for foreign trade. Any brokers who are caught shall not be carried before the author
Lies, but shall be 1 obce killed. Hereby we express
the public indiganun, and do not employ words
of courte. All are warned therefore to abathers from tesung The truth of them, I Thit & Syma give up to the authorities, that he may have justice dealt on him, the broker whom ons day they col bed away, it will then be permitted for theta to du Lunes again.
A true Translation,
(Signed) M. MORRISON.
Inclouen (0 in No. 14 Account of the Interview at the Marine Magis trade's on the 14th instant.
The interview was opened on the part of Captain Fashbourn, I. N., by expressing to the mirlas magistrate the desire which the British Govetom st erinced to costret eriala oboses which had crept into the system of emigration at this port, and s?- riously wished for the co-operation of the Chinese authorition in effecting their purpose, so as to deul, in the investigation which was now being held, so Jually by the Chuame as would be done by the English themselves. The maciae magistrala dil But conceal his adentration of the spirit of justice which animated the British Government, and sa- promed much stinction at the decisive steps which the British Plenipotentiary had thought proper lo adept for the suppression of the provant train of evile, and that he was equally evaguine in the same cause; that he had already several of thms oufa- riowe Kibtowe or coolin-broketa in hin custody, and that he would proceed with wamstignind rigour against the whole of them, and would not res quiet until the antica alust of them bad suffered for the evil they bad wrought; but he strongly pro- tested against the interference of the merchants, who, he said (naming Mesara Tak and 8jme), bad, on spery occasion of an arrest, aithær sent in their cards with menanges for the releads of such or sock
??broker, or also come themselves to get larm out, The morine magisrate consequently took this op portunity of formally complaining, and thought the present occasion a favourable one of potting stop so such proceedings, hoping that the necessary olders would be given for their discontinuance,
ware empty-handed ; he, therefore, denied that they had come for the sake of plunder; he added, had the four men who had been kitted been either inga bonds or thieves the soldiert would have been jṣati God in dring; but that the victims were respocimble people of Amoy, and the their relatives were ?asy harassing his with petitions for redress, and for the punchment of the offenderas be was told that
· by the Treaty regulations whenever Chinese bave sú complain of English subjects their duty is to plate their grievances to their authorities, who will | communicate on the subject with the British Con [sal and get the grievance entremed. But in this instance the prople had not done so, they had takvo chu law into their own bands; they had attacki en English hong, and if any had innocently suffered it was but only what happened in every riotous case where troupe are called upon to de their July. 12e was told that he should have written to the Consul bout the coola broker being obnoxious, which the magistrate said he did by verbal me angon, and that the Tanutas had written on the whole matter to the British Coul.
At Menghong
Ball Vatowagada, abip pipes help
Capla shly
Cornwall p
Dan Amigos, scheerer
K. L. H. Janey, ship
Frederich V11, belg
Gorge Hawland ship Hongkong, ber
ܢܫloculbs Dinrcnt, od
Jah Pas
Nor 90 Manila
Jan dan Francisc
Nov 90% Auto and cowatew
ZdRussell sind es.
Janet, till and co Nov
Nov 17 San Veancloenthet Magar, Bokardas ? en San Francisco Jan
Ana Dent and on.
PRICE $10 per annum.
TERMS OF BUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG QAZETTE, por ¿naum, 14 Spanish (lolları, payable in advanon, quieterly or otherwise, at option. Bingle Nutabere, 16 can ta TERMS OF AUVERTISING.-Tan lines and under, I Hp: Dolly; additional, 16 sette??Ina. Hapeililone one-third of the first regular lasertion Ships, - First insertion, & 8p. Dollen, coubsequent Insertions 48 cones Advertisements to have written, on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be pabllabol until countermandod. A reduction of twenty ära per soni su navel skarga made when quarterly socounts are randored for advertimenta ordered to stand undisturbed for a period of three months. Pull charge made for repetition of any Advertisement in the Orsaland loose. Notices of drive and Estates will be inserted in bọth Oraulaan and Saut weekly aditions unless didered to the contrary.
60 Aguirre
Heary 115|Nawad Brk. Dow
IW, Anthon and on Wh
Une 19 New Zealand
36 Best and co
Jari Marsh
33 Wh
Not W koud to | W/kallag
Finaci Repairing
VOL. XIII. No. 7.
SUN Lave
La Se Jebu Burd and un
37 Weight
43 Hasbulu -K'anton
W. Awhen and
Wha ing
Jardena, M. and as
190 Lodewyks
Pista blan
31 da
11 de
140 Lyall tall and on.
Sept Hankok
381 Heslo
Peklu, ste?
Roll 10 Grainger
Potomac, skip
Abey Cours?ate, December 18, 1852.
Stan, barque Tremely
Waker Moni
?�burque Hrit
To the best of my recollection, I believe the above to be the substance of the prosadings and conversation which took place at the marine cangin trala's on the ith justi.
I, Str. Pekin, minger, from Calcutta, si Dec. 18, Bella Vascongada(Sp), Aguirre, from W'pus. 12, Mundoques (?pan), Portae, Com Whumpos. Dec.
19, Confança (Pon), from Port Phillip. Jan.
He said he felt that it was fully time to sup the | 15, Kokinoor, Lavien, from ilongkong,
evil, which had assumed a criminal tendency, and 17, Dannebrog (Dan), Bimeseo, frum Hongkong.
that the coolie.brokora, being the wicked parties,
ought to be severely punished and made an example
off and be desired not to be interfered with in the | Jao. performance of hin magisterial duties.
1, Nymph, Wilson, Wonsung.
17, El Temps (Span), Yachausti, Menila.
11, H. M. Sur. Rauler Hellarab, Shangha
18, John Dugdala, Williams, Whompoo.
18, Cho (Dut), Herr, Whamps.
18, Str. Ganges, Baker, Whimpos.
18, British Tar, Frenman, London.
The coolie broker, whose evidence was required, was then carried into the room in a dying cinta bis legs bore the marks of severe brugen and gushes, sourcely healed; nest the knespan Still le?e The bone bars. He was evidently on the brink of outh, and speech seemed of difficult users. The magistrate said that he had the been ill used by the exasperated mob who had captured him, and who had handed him over to him in that condition. The coolio-broker being too far goon to give bie evidence, only one single question, "whether be | Jan. was the same broker of the floke bung 1" wa
18, Free Trader, Campbell, Manila.
19, Hobina, McWha, San Francisco,
19, Hemsöurg (Elum), Miller, San Francisco.
13, Triumph, Claughton, Calaus.
pat to him, to which ho modded his head, and sod | 16" Lady Hastes, Mutionborg, Singapore. yes, and was then removed. It was then nokia | whether the military masdarion or any o hi soldiers were prezent when Mr Myme went to get the broker out of their owwody, and on the ocassion D that scule, could be produced and went to the Con sulate in the morning to give their evidence. The magistratu, uchnowledging the imperiosas of sheas withresos, said he would make an application for them at the military station, and send word in the morning; but that he knew the mandanın alluded to was sway on day with the Admiral.
The marine magistrate then begged, now that the British Government had ordered an investiga tion, that the merchants might be strictly prohibited from carrying on any longer their trade in Chi- sese coolice, for be was convinced it would sooner or last cause serious disturbanoes a?d endanger Ble and property, when the support of the Chinese mandarine would no longer kavo e?ent; thom wore apprehensions looming in the future, which he considered bis daty at prosent distinesly to stata
Whatops Baru2lay| -- Fee-chew H.M. 19 (Vasainm?t Hongkong 24, 14 Follower
Juba Corella, barqar > N. Gessler, ship 2d Warriton, ship farens, barges Matkikle bilganiioe Mandagna, Grig Geransen, ship Odrane, ship
Parachute, ship
Chine 70one
Dee. Franciaenet 16 more and
One Liverpool
Ly Jacalouttu
July (Moca
San Franci
[Nov in Jardim, Al, and on. Ban Francis jUet rulluke Man and cn.
Han Francis
Not Was Phstan and eo t'ort P
vog 12,Girdles, M. and co
June 21|Jardino, M. and es. Pas Franch Now We Anthou and co| W'? sing
Uro 29 &). 5 N. Ca
Pam Prancisco Jatene, M. and ca. by, Babaefer and ev Port Pay Nov 1 Lys, suland.
Port Phillys
Dec 190an Francinenter
Fel 6Whampoa
Deo Jt-ydoug
Nov 17
|Ang Su[J. 1. Endlesti
Condance. brig
Emigrant, ship Onyem, brig Sophia, baryaa
138 Guterres
Des 29 Part Philip that Whompée Jan
hat 105. V. Jarja
Die Rosario
V. Jorge
(azbol Gulutana, barque l'aru. 540 any
Whaingen Anster, ship Astiden, p Arrow, belg
Anguis, bilg Hiwang Anam, barque Brenda, scheer Cantu, AT
Clle, barges
Daniel Hoes, barque Debrog, barque Dowband, stip Early Bled, barque
Dutchman, ship
leobury, ship
Jola Betkanen, harque
Jehual, ship
Kakinoer, schooner
Am 100 Hodges
Home Fallhumor |Brit. | 91s|Dande B07 Langerberg
Brit Halilyu Am.
Be mes
| Dut. 45|Har
[Ham. en|Ketola
Dan 11 SES
Jan Caloutta
ataloutta 14Balara
Jas Hongkang
De Liverpool
Jan Myday
100 21 Hoburi Tawa
14. A. de Mullo and co
Wat Ind
New York
-Numall and en. -arlowita, H. and on thonghan -P. F Cams and an. Calcutta -Order
Batavia Dava
Nov 16 Chikshaw lang
Nys, Parts and to. Shanghao Fusta, sem ad co
¿Jehu Bard and on.
840 Francisco Shanghar
New York Bombay
farve, Mandos. A Heard and co [Deo In P. & UN C
Macberteem and on. Klag and ce Ostrave and co. Shangbae
Sept 1John Burd and on.
July 21/11., Wies and co,
Hrom 500 Label
Am. 1967 Hubbard
(San France
Helt. 1000|fakar
17 Hambay
472 Cambert
197 Livingston
4. Anthon and en
Dec Avalo
4T Fiber
Nov 17 P. P. Came and en
|Slam. | 100%|Marchon
Muere Bildeleo, bilg
| Vasquez
1a Ha
Orkney Labarqué
'rates, barque
Wagtandock. Din
Hebukan, burquo
Shalmalih, ship
----- Calotila
Siracles, sir.
Spark, smer
141 Cla
Tamerlane, barque
Vigent, calie
El Metro
Walmer Castle, ship
Jury por, skáp
Mepine, ship
Abbotsford, barque Adelskie, bargai Larvantes, bel
?�ren, br
Eliza Aun, barque
?rim borg
Hydrama, barque
Belt. 133 Nakoda
| routin
Dat. Barnereki
Fathakal Malan, berguna Fortuna, brig
Hamer, ship
Indapadesco, brig
Kitty, bng
blam, banque
byres, barque
| ANI, | 114 D'allva
Hendaia lamarang
San Francio
Je Singapore -Hongkong
DJ Calenta
Pan Hougang
Heo 19 Sydney
Aug (9 Singapore |Nav 1|Nagpu
|0t|Hougtong ||Den Beškaughai Papi 15 Put Cock
142 Vaderhovet Hongkong
447 Smith
Fig. Dan ?азме? ли?.
Allgaier Birm
Mercure Her
inde Raider Bat-mander
p Biya
Coalge 11.31 BE |Hongkong tampal N It. M. Bur |Shonghoa|H, M.n
H. N. S Amey Hongkong H. M. 5.
19 andernon
14 Wellb 4 Ellman
4. Lampagala, banque
131 Untyn
Caps Fingerald
Bea Witch, ship
Japan 0.8.Bo
Gisson Loco U B. 21
2:14bbe Japan U. & Br 19 K
FU, B, Bur LUB, Str. Sfor Bbenchaolin [Walkar
Hdo, sebener
Macedonia п?лойной ?ай Powbatian Plymouth
Ser the future peace and welfare of the community. Ques
To the propol whether a pellz slican might manag
not be appointed by the Chinese officials to inspout | Rusthampton ech emigrant ship no she left, for the purpose of??Supply satisfying bumaci? that no coolies were carried out of the constry againn, their will, the Harfang (murine magistrate) smiled at be iden, and state d that there we general prohibition in the code of lewa against the emigration of Chinema vabjecar, He blūsily complained of the wickedness of ibasu coolin-brokers, who were doubly culpablo,
was told that he should sein all these brokere who kidnap and deceirs, and then emigration would gu a smoothly. He replied to this that they were all inside English booge, and that when ba g?t hold of any of them a merchant would come for. ward and claim them | to wit, the last instance, when the Hoke bong merchant went to the station nod got that man cos, against whom the people bore such a bitter batred.
The ill treatment of the mate of the English remel (" Australia") war ihm complained of; he had been upeared in naveral planer, and his body osherwins bruised by Chioma soldiers, whilst he was passing by in a most inoffvasive manner; be was an injured man for lift, and by the custom of England be chimed an indemnity' of 5000 dullara. The morias magistrate aid it was not the ninge in Chime to pay money as compensation for wounds inflicted, but thai by the laws the case should be minutely investigated, and the offenders punased; that they bad similar cases of immoesol persona having been abot ar woonded-persons who were at a distance out of the crowd-one a hosimae in bạn boni, another an unfortunate child-and still the Chinees did not claim ompensation for the erroga injury sustained by them; but he required the trial and punishment of those persone who fired upon the disarmed people and shot fuar men, wounding
To was made to understand that the rearm had been discharged lo nall dafenea upon the rabble, who presented a very menacing attitude and actined intent se pleader, having actually began to ser Mr Bymo's bong; that it was noctill after the Eng. lian soldiers had been brickkatınd that they find
The magistrate domind that the people were there for plunder, but said they were collectal there to revenge themselves on the onolia brokers who had been carrying on a soume of kidnapping ; that mot one of the people then provont was armod, but all
two or three others.
Jorge Jusa
Jap U. 6. Bar
25 Caps, Be W.
Vos Adi Pellow
Leochee U. S 824 Pope
Hanghong?�N (c) || 4 |Quesada
Amazon, skip
Mena, p
On 132 C
Hapt 16 Put book
||Nov in do
Ross Ganes
Gazelle, sch
Indian, schooner
Brit 341 Vincent
Ball. 440 WOM
AM. 901 For
Le Mingibbo
-Hoaglung New Amer
19 Maclar
Benjamin Huape, barque Mela 2014-chimeno 3Xelbour
De Jard, M and co. Londen
Oct Being on.
Nov F. Cand. Jus, & 13, 1. N. ON aptala
Get A Wikimoms and du Liverpool JW. Huotar
Nov Jardins, I and co Lado
Jely 15 Tall and ce
|No9 - Falt sød so.
- Alair and so
Den Tak and
14 Tall and os.
Bept 31 Order
Nay-Talt and ca
|- -|`yma, Muir and on. Norme. Mair and an ||Papi 2||| 3 me, Muir ad ve. [Om -Jyms, Muir and co ||Bept -- Tilt and es
Diet (1) yue, Muir and on.
Nov 11 Tali and so.
Nor-Tand co
Thit and ca
?�Byma. Mair and on.
?Talt and ca
Dont and so.
14|Jardino, 18. and co.
Des 14 Deat and co.
Janela and co
Went Indien
Was Inchies Want Indien. Papa
Dear, Heade and co. London
H., Kawson and co. Landen
Houqua, shp
ба? ?ин в?
Jet smell and c
Aurora, ri
Lake Villar
Sept Manila
Colbert Constantine
Shanghon Pr. Bir
Pr. Vat
& Branden
Beverly, Mp
Capt. De Vona
encias, steamer
110 Dearborn
Fr. Sir.
1 Pla
Inclus, ship
311 Pearles
vig - all and co.
-how, Hind and co. -A Heard and ea. New Hall and co.
Jessph Fletcher, ship
de, ship
400 Cro
P. kambikad, barqua
6375) Furwbjelm
Dee pool
Auckla Hongkong
New York Liverpool
Nav 20, Nye and c
Nov 2
4. Hand and ca
Noyal Baxen, barga
$10 cha
Den dag
Ben Beats, belg
15 smugnas
10 ag
Dec 1Sing
Star of the East, ship
Ang 23 Heselt
Arabla, barque
Hr. Garthom
Lady Kutyað, str.
Hamad, Barqno
4 Hamilton
Audan, behan
Kamen, schemat
Jan 17 Unnamed on.
A100 Flatbes Dat. 14 Wall
................. Whampoa
Dec 21.
Idymo, Mule art co.
ROCK, Pallos
Shangham Row. Egt 12. Volky
Craig Haski. 4 Kanskað
Brily Geelong
Louis J. Johan
Mary Helligonda Mary Shepherd Mercmor Nova Zembla Oud Nederland Paal Jobena
Rapson Maldor JADOM Keepsa
Hart Oct
Hact. Bept 29- Liv. Bapt 198, Liv. Nov 17 8 Go Out 16 8, Liv. On 1 H,
Hart, Nov
Liv. Aug 168. Hart Oo 80 H.
Hart, Bep 7 H. Low, Oci 208.
last Nov 13 H. ||Fart Sopa 18 11. Hart Bapt 18 H. Hast Oct 17 - Spad. Aug 18) 1. Poil Ou 24 FL |Lon. Oct 4 H. |Lon. Nov 19 H. dield Oct 29 H.
Ellie Scotland Tile Topaz
William Pelle Wynstay
Devia Jenee
Ball Langley
Liv. 2004 H Liv. Oct 16 H.
the above Formele left ängland.
Order in
Laban, Palm, Mary Kaliganda. Myn Katalin, Oud Hebebat.
Marvin, Emily. The ha Larte. Landau, Lie. Liverpool, data ablakda, Kat. Dark, Sad, kernel, mas,
Cakes B
Tims, schooner
Nymph, brigantino
Oriental, ship
Yet long, barque
For Landon, Orkney Lam, W. Walmer Castle, W. Jorph Flacher, a
Regal Bazon, B.
For Liverpool. Tamerlane, H.
Confucina, 3. Same of the Eam, 8.
For Bombay,
Str. Ganges, (27th ios)
For Calcutta.
Bur. Pekin, (4th inst.)
Arrow, W.
Bhalomith, W.
Barnato Dart,
?�M. Mama, Wh. Whenym, k
s day
Ang -||(novel and co
|100 = 1. Devideos.
Ner 10 Hergrates and co. Liverpool
900 16 Jardion, bl. and on. Shanghag Won... N. Lo
De Jardin, M. sad os
Jardin, M. and so Wothing
||||||1rman and en.
Den 23 Jantios, M., W
For New York.
Amrti, W.
Flying Deichman, W. Beverly, 8.
For Port Phillip.
Mathilde, H.
Trameign, H. Wakar Merrion, H.
For West Indies.
Emigrant, M. Amazon, 8w.
C. Compagnis, Sw.
Menzies, Bw.
For Pama.
Sea Wich, Bw.
For Batavia,
Augie, W. Prolou, W.
For Mavila
Mondaques, H.
Nuevo Bilbaine, W. Aurora, S.
San Benito, 8.
For Shanghes. Arlotilen, W. Brenda, W. Early Bird, W.
Falchow Fab-chon fa
For San Francisco Cornwall, H.
John N Gossler, H.
Lord Warriston, H.
Lorok, H.
Orimos, E.
Potomac, H. Deutchland, W Rebekah, W.
For Biom
STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAMERS, ply regularly between Alexan dria and Trieste corresponding with the monthly and hymonthly Indian Steemer,
The fores have been reduced and the following ratre have been 8zed, viz
Tot Clann £16, 2ød Claro £11, Brd Class £7, including Table money and fees.
Arrangements have been entered into between the Directors of the Paolosaler and Oriental 8. N. Company and the Directors of the Austrian Lloyd's 5. N. Company, that ---
1 PANENOREs intending to proceed from Chink via Trieste, aus treesvo tlakem from the Penisoler and Oriental Company's Agents for Alexandria.
208, Padernouza' Bronson can be shipped, from Almendrie by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Beamein for Southamptow ; tha Freight being Ten Shillings Sterling por Cat.
and, Receiple for Canoo and Bracis intended for Shipment to Tricale, will be granted by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Agonu to Alexandria, Instead of to Sues an formerly, but each Package is to be provided with a white label, on which is stimolly marked in print.
Transit for the Averran Leotos BreamDK." For further particulare apply to,
WM. PUSTAU & Co. Agents at Hongkong and ( anton, Hongkong, 1st July, 1858.
THE Netwwalando IndiaBroar |
BOAT COMPANY's Brazen *JAYA," having been engaged by the Java Gvernment for the servies of the bi-mombly Mail between Batavia and Singapore, under contract for 12 months, will ply regularly during that period between Balavia and Singapore leaving the formér_port about the 10th or slth of every, Tomih, and Slegapore within 24 burn after the arrival there of the Mail which leaves Southampton
the 4th of the preending month. The rates of Piange tooney ato no followes- CHIEF CAR?N.
From Singapore to Rhia-
Do do to Minto- ?о do
to Batavia
Return Tickets from Singapore to Betwis and
TELA. 1. Portuguese harque "TRE- MELGA, will hava quick dospateb for the above parts.
For FRIGHT or Pamaon, apply to
Hongkong, 216 November, 1853.
THE A. 1. Dutch skip " 1818," Cap lalo A. F. Grawa, will be despatch- ...acked an ar about the lat January next, for the above port. For Funtour, apply to
MEYER. SCHAEFFER & Co. Hongkong, December, 1853
Ship of from Four to Bix Hundred A Tona, to carry Chinese Passengers and Oarge to California. Apply to W?? TARBANT.
Hongkong, 10th January, 1854.
Bhip of liom Feor to Bix Hundred
A Tobs, to catry Chinese l'assengers and Cargo (0) Australia. Apply to
Hongkong, 10th January, 1854. THE Now British Lorche "VICTORIA," will rada regularly between Hongkong and Canton. Carge taken at moderate raken.
West Point, Hongkong,
13th December, 1853.
TWO HODGE 8 on the Sunth side of
Gough Street, each having Garden Bubles, Coach-Elouses, &o. Ground-rest
J. F. EDGER. Hongkong, 2nd January, 1884.
Pay TWO Commodore HOUSES on the South Bide of Gough Street, and another on
THE Copartnership hitherto eximing between the uniteraigned, under the Firm of A.H. PRYER & Co, this day disolved by mutant consant,
1. T. Da BILVER. Hongkong, at January, 1854.
reference to the above Notice, Mr H. T. D. BILVER is authorized to -úle all Ac- counts for the late Firm of A. It. Fayan & Cn.
A H. FRYER. H. T. DE SILVER. Hongkong, In January, 1854.
NOTICE. THE le rest and responsibility of the jata Me armlasted on the 29th of September fast,
Canton, 12th November. (863.
Test end responsibility of the late Att
WITH reference to the above advertisement the
before by Ma D. JOIINSON under the SLIME Dome whigh Ma P. B. JOHNBON, anothorized to siga,
We the theme will be annéeted as
M JAMES BOWMAN will sign for us in Shangkas by procuration.
THE undersigned begs to failimate, that the
business barc-fore carried on by the Firm of A A. H. Farm & Co, will henceforward be con- ducted by her under the style of Du BILVER & Co., which Mr Oxo. P. De 21svun is authorized to olgn.
H. T. Du BILVER January, 1854 NOTICE.
15 hereby given that the Copartnership beretofore existing between the undersigned, carrying on business at Victorio, in the Colony of Hongkong, m? MARURANTS AND Canion Aanme, is thin day dissolved by mutual capsest.
Hongkong. 15th Augus), 1953.
resor to the above advertisement it is outfied that the said concern will be wound. up by Ma 9 DRINKER, who is authorized to adjust all verunt, and to when all correspondence witi ba addressed.
Hongkong, 18th August, 1?63.
NOTICE. THE undersigned begs to give notion that he I will carry on a GENERAL Comicston and Acenet Bearman, woder the style and frm of DRINKER & Co. and will occupy the promises of the late firm of Rawan, Dutnger & Ca
8. DRINKER. Ilangkong, 15th August, 1653.
the North, Hide of the same Street, each with Bab-WE theme style, a Branch of our business as
vice veran 18u,
From Bingapore to Minio
Do. Jo. to Batavia. DECK PASSENGERS.
From Singapore to Rhio
les, Out-houses, Garden, &c. Apply to,
J. P. EDGER. Victoria Bed March, 1859,
Do. do.
to Minto to Batavia-
Children under 10 years of age hali prien
# of Free.
For further information apply to Meera Nisolated Warton & Co. Directore, Batavia, or to Memor Maciatue Fratak du Cô. Singapore,
Batavia, 26th April, 1863
and aker Monday the 22nd instant, until further notice, the Hopekono ase Canton BTEAN COMPANY's Breaks will ply regularly between HONGKONG, Capron and Madão, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (unless previous notice of doviation be given) as followe:-
The Boat leaving Homerore on Monday and CANTON on Friday, will call at Madao, starting at 7. M. The hours of departure at other timon will be 8 A. M. and the boats will proceed direct between HOYONG and CARTON, When indomat offers the Boots will call at Comernomoon but previous notics of such deviation will be given when prac ticable,
The farm will be as heretofers.
TO LET. THE HOUSE is Stanley Street adjoin- ing the ons sow cocopied by Mr Co- MELATE. For particular apply to
N. DUVA & Co.
Hooghong, 2lat October, 1853.
TO LET. DOUSE in Carlton Terrace eolaío
Aing 2 Sluting Rooms and 2 Fled Rooms, with oathouses attached, and large accommodation for servants on the ground floor. Apply to,
Hongkong, 12th July, 1969-
THE well known Mission Promises (for Mission purpose only) of Rev, 1. J. Renunte in Cantan. The place is hoakhy, comfortable, well known by the Natives as a preaching place, and desirables Mission station. Let any wishing to rent call sad examine the place, and apply to Mesars Romalt & Co. for the torma,
Canton, 1st January, 1856.
by Captain Holwonroy Caylen Rifles-and
In Clate Panorme between longkong, & THE LOUNE on Hollywood Rand lately occupied
Cosion and Macan & Canton $8. Between Hongkong sad B 010 - $5.
Drek Passengers, European -
Mulyo, &a- $1.50, Chineer, BI. Passengers desirous of precending to Macao for short period may obtain return Ticketo, available for the best of ancond Stamer after their arrival, at the reduced rates of 98 between Hongkong and Macao, and $12 between Canton and Macas.
Every are alar Pasenger will be allowed one sorvant free of charge.
The rewals will convey Freigh on the term of their poblished zeniu; an which, however, somna reduction will be made for largò qanotilles, by special agreement.
All Payment whether for Freight or Passage to be made in Spanish Dollars.
LYALL, STILL & Co. Agents H&C. S. P. C Hongkong, 18th August, 1653.
CHIPS of from 600 Toos and upwards for conveyance of Chinees Emigrants 10 Havana. "Apply to
Neptune, W.
Daniel Rose, W.
Henbary, W.
For Sandton.
John Wood, W.
Bella Vascongada, H.
LYALL, STILL, & Co. Hongkong, 14th November, 1868.
Quero Hood Want, Vieroin, 1854.
the Floare No. 7 ku Gough Straf at present in the occupation of Dr. Chost.
For paniculata, apply to
N. BURGOYNE. Wellington Street, Vloteria, 19th January, 1884. CIRCULAR
have this day established at Canton, under Marcbant and General Agent.
Mr. Esmera Ackxandan StilL is authorized to sign out firm by procuration, and will represent
LVALL, STILL & Co Hoopkont, 1st Jhin 180
NOTICE. THE interest and responsibilay of Me OLIVER EVERETT ROBERTS ʼn our Firm at Can- tow and Shanghar coased on the 10th Juna laut.
WETMORE & Co. Canton. at December, 1853.
Morro Bus we by procuration.
Caston, int Jensa??, 1964.
THE interest and responsibility of Me A. E
Acake, Jr. in dur Firm consed from this
date, and our Business will be conducted under the Style of G. L AGABES & Co, which Mr Milan Agameo is authorized to sign.
A. & G. L. AGABEO, Canton, Ist January. 1854.
NOTICE. HE interest and rrapomelbility of Mr Jamentiun Even in our Brm at Canton, cinsed on iku 31d December 1868,
Canton, 4th January, 1854.
W. H. WARDLEY & Co Canton, 121, November, 1863.
LE Person having cisime against the Estate of the late WILLIAM HENRY WARD. LEY are desired to eat them in forthwith to Monca W. . WARDLAT & Co. Catfin, or in Mano JAMRO BOWMAN & Co. Shanghai, and those an debted to the mid Estats are requested so mako immediate payment to the said partian.
D. JOHNSON F. B. JOHNSON.} Canton, Pib November, 1953.
THE 125th PRANKFORT STATE LOTTERY, Clearouteed by the Government of the free City of
On the 29th March the drawing commences and will be continued daily until the 22ad of April, 1864.
The following large Prizes will be gained:-- | Premium of Plorios 108,000 £8,150
1 Dine
I Disto
100,000 8,950
20,000 1.070
16,000 1,250
2 Ditte of 6,000 F.
10 000-
- 16,000-
-16,000- 1,840
4 Dio of 4,000
Ditto of 2,000
100 Dio of 1,000 109 D.40 of 800 6,780 Dino of 100 10 Premiuma
6.000 Sharce.
100,000- 6,340 2,500
= 80,000
-578,000 48,200
Fis. 1,084,700 £88,000 Sterk
12 Florins equal to One Pound Sterling.
The last drawn of the fra 12 Prises will nocive the Premium of 100,000 fr. consequently one
share my grin about £16700,
The above Bite Lottery, established in 1799, like Continental distribution. There are 18,400 offers the best, fairest, and miast savedment of sov
Tickets and 4,000 Prizes, the smallest prize being £7. 10 Sterling The drawing will take place in the presence of the public, at the Loterry Hall, Frankfort, ander the immediate control of a saleci commitee appointed by the High Senate.
In this Lottery every number in drawn, whether black or prize, and its fate distinctly marked in the [afficiat list, a copy of which will be forwarded to |unch foreiga Shareholder.
Oas Half-Share -
One Whole Share.
One Quarter-Share
£ 5.
£ 2. 10. The following advantages are given by taking a
number of Shares:--
6 Shares, or
10 Half dito, or 20 Quarter ditto
10 Shares, or 20 Half dito, or
40 Quarter diuo
20 Shares, of
06 *
£ 180
40 Half dino, or
80 Quarter Bharos.
Bhares and prospectuses 10 to be had of iba undersigned, who are now specially appointed for the sale of sbare for home and foreign countries, and have given security sufficient to fol every engagement towards the shareholders.
The Prines will be paid in the East Indies and
J. A. SCHWARZSCIRED & SONS. Bankers and Appointed Government
Latery Contructo:, Frankfort on the Main.
WITH resence to read the day. I have note. China through an Eiablabed Bank.
to intimate that, from
WE ban the boot to OANT this place.
Contious Busimase in Akyak, woder the style
and firm of LANGLOIS, MOKELLAR & Co.
Oor old experience in the Rice Trade l the gorate for the good execution of all orders trasermitted to us,
blished myself as a COMMON AORT and ME-
THE Business heretofore conducted in my name will in future be carried on under the style of P&J. BYRAMIRE COLAH wherein 195 Brother Mr. Jamasan Byraxton Colan ia nd- mided Patiner.
Apply, without delay, to Metro J. A. Schwabe DCHILD & Sone, Brokers, Freakfort on the Main ; or those who preter 1, may direct their lettere and ramillances to Movers A. Bowwarzschild & Co. 28, Lombard London
DUNCAN MoKELLAR. Alyab, 11th October, 1853. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Capartnership Nheretofore subsisting between Yorion Jonas Munnow and Janzo Stevnanow, under the Style of Firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON & ?o, has been this day disolved. The undersigned,
sing the responsibilities of the maid Firm, will CHARLES BRODERSEN is admitted through Mr F. ALOAR, Colonial Agent, 11, Cle in future condues the business on his own account and in his own nema.
Hongkong, 2nd Janust?, 1854.
PESTONJEE BYRAMJEE COLAH, Osion, 81st December, 1853.
Partner in our Firm both at Caion and Hongkong.
W. PUSTAU & Co. Obian, let July, 1858.
FRANKFORT STATE LOTTERY. With reference to the terms of the above all- vertisement, intending parahae:ta ata informed that remittance of monies for purchase of A. J. SCHWARESCHILD & Co's Buanks, may be made
mont's Lace, Lombard Street, London, who will in euch come protect the jatorrnia of Colaslat Bhareholders.
London, October, Ist, 1859,
AL MOONSEY in authorized to sign our Firm
by procuration, from the dais.
Co Elonungszu.
Canton 16th January, 1956.
JAMES P. COOK is admitted a Partner with me from and after this date. The Hasinem will be continued under the Nume sad Byle of THOS. HUNT & Co.
Whampoo, let January, 1854.
Mbis admited a partner in the l'ums of
KER & Co.
Singapore, Manila
PITCAIRN, SYME & Co, Damein Betavin, tot January, 1851.
THE undersigned have been appointed Agenta si Honghong for the subscribers to LLOYDS. Masters of Vessels are requoated to communicato to them intelligence of koosta, necò?�lenus, (he speak. ing of Venals, and any general informs..tion they consider of importance or interest to the p?fectibera,
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, 3rd September, 1832,
Reopened in London in 1854.
Mods Finlay Hobsons ? Co............. decretuates. Moms Turussa Fonar & Our Agutta la Livepool Moms Diabetas Vrur ? Ca. Agugla Moas Pinast Seart ? Oscarsas, Agusta in Bombay.
Home & One Aquile
Calestra and Bangun
Machine Teases ? Comes Agrata in Blagajare. MEER undersigned have been appointed Agrate in
Cast for the above Company, and are pro pared to the Risco payable without abatement at This place in three months, and in Ursoon of Layer- Fool in one month, after proper proof of loss in given.
TURNER & Co. Canton, 18th January, 1854.
CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000. THE undersigned have been appointed. Acenta in Chine for the above Company, and ora prepared to cover Risks, on first class vesiels, to the extent of $100,000. Pourcine payable in Cantes, Bombay, Calcutta, Landon and New York
Camon, 11th January, 1854
Established by Charter 1780.
Dear & Co, Agents in Hongkong. THE undersigned are duly authorized by the above Corporation to INSURE FROM LOSS ?R DAMA?E BY FIRE, Hongkong, on Dudings, Goode, Merchandise and Veanola in Port
(st Class, on Horsus in private nocupation only, ital Wells of Stone or Brick, and covered with Slate, Tile, Metal, Cement, and other locum. bustible Materiai, detached, or adjoining cos.
Ed Class, on Homes of BotzDings erected and covered as above, partly or entirely used as Go. downs, and detached; and on Chrons and Me Chandler, not hazardous, in such Buildings,
id Clark, on Houses or BuildEROS A above. adjoining other Buildings, and on Goode and ålan chandise, ool hazardous, therein,
4th Class, on flous or Borotxas erected and covered an above, in which hazardous Goods are depraised, but no hasardoue trade carried on.
6th Class, on Baira.
ASSURANCEA may be effected for the period of
12, 6, or 3 Months,
thereon in paid.
is in force until the Premium
For further particularo, reference is requested to
be made to the undersigned,
Eloogkong, 6th October, 1859,
DENT & Co. Agenta.
TELEGRAPHIO MESSAGES. THE Directers of the Austrian Lords Stran
Navigation Company in Trieste, have made Arrangements for TELEGRAPHING MES- BAGES to Landen, or to any Part of the Continual, sest to them from China
The Messages abould be sent under cover, super- reribad" Telegraphie Deepsích," to the Alanendría Agent, for tranomlazing through the Commanding Officer of the Steamer, and to be delivered immed ately on arrival of the Vemel at Trieste.
The Charge for Telegraphlog Yu Words from Triato per Submarine to Lendon, la about 10 Flo- vins, or 12 Shillingu Sterling ; and £1 Sterling for
och Manga.
The writing most be in legible words
For further partienists, apply to
W. PUSTAU & Co. Agents of Hongkong and Canton.
Hanghang, 27th October, 1843,
FOR SALE. HAMPAGNE in Pints_and_Quarth, Pont Winn, PALA BERRY, Chaney and BhanoT, of firm quality.
Nails of times in Casks of 2 ext. Apply la Hongkong uz Casion to
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, Im January, 1881.
THE cargo of Red and White LISBON WINE ex Ompum, jum arrived at Macro. Apply to,
Canton, 11th January, 1864.
ILL continue to korpa Large and Extrant Assortment of SHIP CHANDLERY, M the very Lowest Priam.
Whumpon, In January, 1954.
FOR BALE at the ЯTORES of the undersigned, few bushels of Englah Oats, weighing 43 lbs. por baskel.
Victoria, 10th January, 1854.
FOR SALE AT MR. MARGH'S Millinery Rooms, Queen's Rood, Hongkong.
A CHOICE Selection of BONNETS of the Lakst
fashions, consisting of Velret, Satin Glace
| Silk. Plain and Finav Straws of every descriptisa.
Black and Colored Silk Blanco.
Black and White Lace Do.
French Baregs and Cashmere Shawls
French Giscs & Tuffeta Milke in every color. Black & Colored Silk Velvets.
De Ribbons in sil Wichht, Both Ribbone. Bonnet do, Narrow Matin, Luse & Barnet do. French Brocade Bilk. Dresss
Glace Silk do., White & Colored Tuile do Lace do., Barege de Noir da
Striped Poplin and Norwich Luerre da French Merino and Plain Moulin de Laine, Do, in White, Pink, Sky, Slate Drab & Nap blue French printed Cambric and Muslin do Hoyle's Print do, Blick de Colored Batega do White & Colored Parlatenes in all colors, Sorias and India Book Muslins
Jacenmota Phin and apoted. Mulla. Dick Brumelis Net, White do. Tulle illusion Blonde Edgings, Hen) and Imitation Eace. Lace Falls Do Barthes, Sleeves, Collars Cheminotes &... ... de
Plain and embroidered Cambric Handkerchiefs Infints' Rubes and umbroidered Frocks. Capa, and a variety of under clothing. White and Colored Kid Gloves, Silk do. Bracelets and Neck is.
Pearl Jet and Chenille Head dressre
Wreathe and Bouquets, and a chris" selection of Feathers & Flowers from Madame Fersieta's l'avis
An sportment of Ladi??& Childrens Boots and Bhoes from Vault Este Rw telo Pair? July a Paris, comprising White & Culered Satin Shoe, Kid and Morocco dn., Stuff and Coutil dn, ?e, &c.
Linen and Cotton Dispers. Trish Lineo. Brown Holland, Colored do.
Horrocks' Long Cloth, French Long Cloth very Ane and light. Table Cloths very large cizes Tubis ("overs, Toilet Covers, Quita, Anti-Aluna - Ben Lace Containe, Mosquito Net Rd Jacconat Libing, Union and 3 will do., Victoria and Vena Lian Skirting White and Colored Crinolina, Cri Doline Petticoats and Improvers, Corded Ditto. Fine Flannels Nursing Blays. French Wore do Coutil do, Children's Bands, White and Culere Silk Hoon, Thread do, Merino do, Como, da Cotton Bocks, Wool Palkas, Wool Capo de Bleaven, Qaiter. Boothios, Gloves Comfortere, die do
Woollen Hoods' Bovided Satin and Merino do. White and Colored Batin and Merino Bus, Braided Cloake and Peliasas, Frocks, and a great variety of Children's Clothing of all kinds.
Haberdashery, Parasole. Elamic Pagen Canaco, Sandalweb white & colored, Wide Elnetic Worm-
ed and Leather Belts, Linen Tapes, Shirt Buttons,
Dress and Trimming Buttons in great variety, Bilk and Wool Braids. Couton dor, Washing do, Mohair Net, tibbon Plais, Bagls-Trimmings, Bewing, Knitting and Mending Cutton, Pins, Needles, Hooks & Eyes, Whalebone, Covered Cans, Wad. dings, Cotton Corda, Ruches, Ribbon Wire, Bilk Piping, Staw Trimmings.
-From Price & Granoll-
A small assortment of PERFUMERY.
Mrs. Maman begs to add that she will continue
to receive the Lateer Fashions from London und Paris Moatbly.
Paymeni to be made in Mexican Dollars, Hongkong, 30th December, 1858.
Seaman's Hospital
Honourable Davin Jaudino, Em, C. D. Wie Hams, Esq, Ion W. T. Minoan, Esq., R B
Tell by Past Auction, on the Premison THE sadetsigeed has received Instructions to
the 10th day of February next. At Noso precisely, Unloss previously disposed of by private sale, the following Property, In one Lat. That boilding in the Queen's Road known to the
HONGKONG CLUB HOUSE, And the out buildinge alleoked, with the lead apon which the whole le built-Reglatered is tha Land Office as Inland Lot No. 10, sur ing 14.160 square feet.-Annual Ground Rest
Also in one Lo
All the Splendi Furniture, Billiard Tables, Plate, Crockery, Glass Ware &e, den. belonging to the above tablishment.
Conditions of Sale, Catalogues of the Furniture &o will be distributed souin days prior to the Auction.
Hongkong, 9th November, 1889.
Public AUCTION. TUE undersigned has received instructions to sell 1 by Penic AVOTION on
the 28th day of January, 1864,
on the Premises, No. 4. Gough Bired (North Bide,) at Noon,
The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of a Gentleman leaving the Colony
All particulate will be stated in the CATALOGUE.
Hongkong, 12th January, 1854
19th January, 1844. 'Ng Tuck Hung v. Rawls, Drinker dj l ?o. THE Rale by Ascion of PROPERTY_of Delradinis, advertised to take place on Sa TURPAT the 21st jostast, is postponed until this day the 25th inst.
CHARLES MAY. kating Sharif.
THE internet and responsibility of Mu JOHN PATON WATSON in our Firm, conseil on the 31 December, las.
WATSON & Co. Shanyhas, and January, 1854.
THE Bale of the "Hongkong Cava House and Fouxiroas." is post posed until Friday the 1014 Fubruary 1854.
Hongkong, 25th January, 1964.
JUST RECEIVED a few Koga of Prime Humpa and Brakes-and some superior Butter. Har Wax, prepared expressly for Bottling purpose and Besling Temaura Boxes,
Boop and Boulli in 6. Tins, Preserved Meats in 4 lb. Tins, Caletta Bottle Ale (Base's)
Shead Mangoa and Cashmere Chutnies, Mul- liguinney Curry Pada and Powder.
Ladies' and Gentleman's Whle Kid Gloves of amor siden Ladies' Boschlugs; Gentleman's Aleached and Unbleached Books; Doeskin and Buske riding and driving Gloves; Neck dos; Superfine Black & Blue Broadcloth, &o, &c., día,
Ao nevortment of Superior Packnives.
MAO EWEN & Co. Il-ogkong, 24th January, 1884.
Sea WVck"_
WALKER, Esq Superintendent of the F. & O. TE andere lately received per Clipper
Suam Navigation Company, (a oficio)
Traumerer,-J. C. Bownine E-g
Revident Surgeon-Penn Young. Eig. Consulting Surgeon,-W. A. Hani and, Esq.
M.D. Acling Colonial Surgeon
18 11
Terms of Admitricos. Public Warde, - 75 cents per day. Intermediate Wards, - 1 Dullar Private Rooms
2 Pacienta are alés némited on deposita, ni the fol- towing rates, renewable one day previous to the amount deported having been expanded,
Pabllo Warda, - - - - $15, Intermediate, ---- $20, Privat Room?, ---- $30,
The Captains or Consignes of Van-is must be responsible for the expenses of Patients set by then to the Hospital.
N. B.--All Hospkal Bills to be receipted by the Trosaurer only.
TT enntains the usual British and Chinos Ka
lendar, together with dates of the operations of the insurgents during the youra 1859 and 1858.
Halurilogy of Shanghan for 1858.
American Trenig in Chinese and English. List of Foreign. Hours corrected to present time Remiere of Land of the Port of Shangkan, 1853. A Table showing the cost of Ten-at Exchange
from Sa, to 66, the dollar.
PRICE-8p. 2, or Dr. Gd, par Copy.
An invoice of Canaláry Patent Solar Atand and Hanging Lampe of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 6 Barnare, with extra Globes, Chimneys, and Wicks, and with or without Lustres. Also, Band Lamps of vationa
50 Barrel Prime Meas Best
100 Gallego Elear.
50 Bartels Prime Cider Vinegar,
100 Boxes Winchester Salt-water Soup,
50 Boxes Sickel's Wine Butera,
60 Ke Drial Apples,
25 Box H. Lamp Tabacca,
100 Tins Besta Boda and Water Bisuke,
200 Gallone Spirits of Turpentine,
Boiled Linnend Oil,
100 Koys New York Butter
100 Tlas Powdered and Lump Sager, 100 Barral Pilot Brand.
Hides of Rigging, Pump, and Bellows Leather.
Also, constantly on hand.
Europe and Manila Rogging of all sizes, Canvas, Ter, Paints of all Colours, earl a completa Amort ment of Articles necessary for Shipa Dr.
Marielle Pals and Brown Brandy In Wood and Boule; Sherry in Wood and Boule Gold and Pale.
Hongkong, 14 January, 1884
N Invoice of very Superior English Canvan A and TWINK,
Red and White Lashon Winn, of fine quality jum estived. Apply to
Macao, 14th January, 1864,
LEORGE LOGAN Hair cutter and Perfumer, bege to inform the Ladies and Gentlenes of Hongkong, and Captale visiting the Colony, that he new carries on the above business on the pre. mines of Mr F. Dvodell, Queen's Road, oppo. ake the Oriental Bank.
N. B. Ladies and Gentlemon attended at their own residences of required.
Hongkong, 24th January, 1854.
76 the Editor of the PRIEND OF CHINA.
Hongkong. 20th January, 1854. Duan 8-Me Bridges, who was counsel for the Defendant in the case of Edger and another May, lately tried before a special Juty bore, bas relied my attention to your romarka on the onso appearing in your insus of the t&b current You mention there that the statements of the De fendaui'e Counsel wers incorrect as to the amount of debts for which credore had refused to and undertake to correct him to fate. Editor, you had been in Court you would have brord Mr Bridges enunciate more than once the names of the Creditors refusing to sign, (be Binals that each represented, and the fact of their namon and elame not being even mer.aloned in the schedule of liabilines as which the Dand was grounded, mod this statement, tipo? which one of the objections to the derd was founded, was allow ed to be reiterated without being questioned by the Counsel for the Plaintiffs, who, if Mr Bridges were erroneous in his premises, would hardly, I think, bare allowed him to make tuch statement-r Bekiges also told the Court that he was prepared to prove then and there the statements he made to be correct, but the proof was not called for by the Plaintifs mention the above faste believing that you were noi, st the time the article under com ment was penned, aware of what actually touk placa and bad meal probably been misled by som garbled version of the trial-I am regareted by the counsel for the Acsing Sherif to radict the charge of tulastating the fapta and think it only fair to his to state that any person having doubis Do the matter can on application to me be entialed by the same proof that was to keys been adduced in Court that creditor representing more tha $60 000, are not mentioned the sabedule of labi and and refused ever to sign the Deed, and that there were other creditors who and got signed (the sinoval of whose elaina are not included in the amount mentioned above) and who are kiko- wise excluded from the schedule.
I doubt not, Mr Editor, that you will, in fair- wee both to Mr Bridgno and the Acting Sherifi, make known the fort of the so o?�lfodasign. mat for the benefit of all ine creditur."
sad m, Dear Sir,
Yure Faithtully EDWARD H. POLLARD. Se'citor for the Defendant.
New Advertisements should be set as early so possible in the days previous to publication ; but generally, advertionments will appear in the forth. coming farms if received at the office as lalo da Even a Winsedays and Saturdays; spreinily excepting the daye on which the Mails are despatched to Europe.
United Baza
Nov, 14, andwich Islands Nor
- Batavie
Dec. 9 Laboan
Boin ber
Dec, 18 Biogopera
- Maalla
Nor 14
C. of C. Hope
Noy 9 Bhunghad Oct. 1 Aug Nov. 18 Ningpo
Dec. 31
Dec. Dec.
Ban Franc
AUN (NIDU WATER | Rions || Bats CAM | PAN. 4.45 8,49 4,12 636 0,42 6,48 707 7.37 6.42 8,44 8,0 8,30 New Moon on the 29th, at 0, 48 a. -In Periges on ite 27th, at 9 4. a.
95 Waloss.iny,
26 Thunday,--
27 Frida----
DEPARTURE PRON HONGKONG. 24, Lorena (Elam), Baabagi, San Francisco.
Per Bir. Lady Mary Wood, Mr & Mrs Baylice, Mr & Mr Hargraves, Mr & Mru Meridith, Capi Robinson, Mesere King, Antrobus, Forane, Wet- mom, Wilson, Chalmers, Robertson, Crampton, Thorburn, Kinment, Bowman, Püober, Barnet, Baporja Langrana, 6 Chinees, 1 Child, and 17
POLALITH, Oge ver Campadium wont have hoon parklad or they roci sac lani petani ka maratónden burely. The con al the volt (priated at the sighth of u lakh of dollars) l? the 4, 8. sav amsted so the sath sat a la 1 (or upward AE TO SET WES man Why "Turbinat muda, set pins the don t the site vierend so
they happen to barn hum, and at ho han mot dina as we will bara na
The smennt of the Court's decom (la pa and maskers) Var 214 BAD. The
The che non ne nahe bhan dengan gay
TX Ang tum, to
va La Duleeko?ate sledy paid by táto 1790 Dublina-Fa Total shadero 11,200 Dudes. -ANAT? 1 some to pay de báo Xlend 1,000 Dalam Huoving 1,200, or 3 100 Dothan mang thưến ?âu pannaan að tapi chapin. My hole mind 100 Dylans as the pronacid aku plane laget "Megan, kar we know that the Bilder pakke kan vatan?nos of a larger made in the spander of an intermedian Age, who also shagan qura bim sacharity so sapsgevarden the end, dat k�?thờn the metal state regulators, and the manner has been rahoved to the lu
We give in a Supplement proclamation by His Excellency the Governor, of the rule for computing the length of voyage of any Ship
tralia, Africa and America, and the quantities carrying passengere hence to Europe, Aur-
of Provisions, Medicinos de, to be laid in for every 100 persons, or proportion of such num-
ber. The absurdity of some parts of this pro clamation will be dilated on in a future issue,
through IL
siege in the neighbourhood-whether many are killed or wounded we know not, as great pains are taken to conceal tha cosult of almost each day's at- We publish a letter from the Solicitor for the Deteck. Yesterday a number of goldente armed with Aint locks and spears landed from the junke to fendant in the case of Edger and another vers okin chin jam, up the flow chow creek ; those wat May: the writer of having been requested an attack upon the North and West sides of the by his Counsel to contradict the aberge of mis city and some tolerably sharp Ughting. Weber slating facts at the Inte hearing, as commented that to-day is fixed for taking the city, but we can
not keep our columns open long enough to give on in our issue of the 18th instant. It is salia wecount of their victory or defeat.-North China factory to learn that any person having doubts Herald, Jan. 14. on the malter can, on application to Mr Pol. lard, be certified that proof was to bare bone adduced to Court that Creditors representing more than $60,000 had refused to sign the so called deed of Assignmout and Inspectorship, and, in fairness to Mr Bridges (we do not sup. pose the Acting Sheriff as very much about it) we readily make known this important air
But is equal fairness to those for the vindi callon of whose motives we were induced to pen the remark which have called forth the lot. ter under consideration, and after further en" quiry, and further satisfaction of the goodness of the fact, we must iterate what we before said, - the Plaintiffs were prepared to show that * written promises had been received to sign *the supposed dead of Assign meat and Ine- "pectorship from Creditors whose clanue "mounted to $28,000,"
The threeland fight did not come off lest Be turday. We suppose the loss the Imperialisa sua- wined in their skirmish with the rebels the day previous had been enough for them for nas while
that docution it is s'ated that shout 30 imperial- into were killed and nearly one hundred wounded, but the insurgents are reported to have had only 8 killed and eight wounded. There has been much firing during the last few days. On Monday an at tack was made on the south side of the ony, and the aky and the other batiaries at the WeKwa and scross the Iwang poo kept up a continued fire.- Föld 21.
CAPTAIN DANDO of the Arrow has kindly favoured us with an extract from his fog certain rough weather experwood on the pas sage up the Ching. Bên; not, as he says, vory much like maaroon weather, certainly.
The pinorge came out amongst some | buldings of the Magisteste's Famun, nod a dozen of the men having made their way through, killed
??weichman and somn ulher persons who opposed
The Officer of the patrol having discovered the affair, caused alarm to be given, and the garrison turned out and captured all the prisoners who had scoped; ften were lit at the mouth of the un- derground passage, and about a hundred who were in it mura sulfonated. The rest, with their necom plice the jailor, were put to death by being crati- ded.
of Kenng pea, regarding a grast victory oblained at Bhanghae, and the autormination of the rabala thero. The rabola at Bhanghas, taking advantage of ite distance from the provimals) esty, resisted the imperial authority, when the governor sent a boly of troops to exterminate them. He also command. ed the san going junke and the square rigged vas. sche which had been procured by Woo keen chang (the Trouins), to sodibine with the volunteer vee- sels from Cheh krang, sad form onu formidable deel. On the 7th of Nurember, while Woo keen- | chang was arranging these vessels for an attrak, be spied two janks from Ningpo coming in before the wind: these ware ordered to come to for inspration, instead of which they refused complianos and open ed a Bre open the nuthorities. The Troutas im- mediately ordered the war junka and Canton fast- busta to return the fire, when the rabal junka mere takan, and many of those on board were either kid- ld or drowned: ninety sis were also taken, a well as a quantity of jingalls, gunpowder, and cillary Borro, ?n the 10th of November, so- cording to the statements of Woo keen chang, he united with Pob clung shing, the general of the Lang nhas antion, and st the head of the Conten mar-junke, they proceeded to the grant and little fost gales, to exterminate the rebolaj cominanding the junks from Tee chow in Cheh kong to en-op- perate in the wack. Keih urtebang a blao sari a Our Cossision to the ramonl Its ring lim, l? s�? rance at the hand of all the troops under bio charge, and make a separate mítack jai all the other gatos. When the attack commenced many of theʻrobole were killed, and four prisoners were jakoo," "Pho rebela wasi na board their vessela and stopped the presage of the rivar, but the imporích soldiers, with unwonted bravery, leaped on board the real shipa, and funghe band to hand. The sabela were unabl to withstand this a'tack, and several of them were killed and fell into the water; the rat awam qui sad escaped. The Imperialista captured on this |pression two aganto rigged vessels, one war junk, and three fast boats. They also destroyed the b battery outside the city, and capturod'a asmber of | forge guna and military weapons: taking at the
Translation (Communicated.) The Complainants of Bza ma and other towns in the District of Yung-kwan bereby set forth The oppressions we endure are inexpressible, the good sud the evil ure nordistinguished," Wouping, wopre semivar complaint to Imperial Heaven,and look up, imploring (1) condescendingly to look down opoo and sure us Inaumanh as we ofthe village of 830 ma had among us one Yuen leva pân, belonging to a rebel clan who deluded the stupid people, vellecting their munny and saw?bling item together. Our gentry and allure reported him to the Detriot Ma mirate, who sen palice to arrest him; but the Hebel hasring of this movement abscouded, sad we could only take bla Hrother Yoon-chang-pan and ubandhi and under extremt deliver bim up to the Magistrate; whereupon the said rebel (Yun toon- par} from 'a spirit of revenge" called onveral bun- dred and more of bandits, and strongly oppressing the gentry and cidere, coerced them to deliver op his brother 1-and upon the 9th October a great number of troops, numeroas as the clouds, assem bled, and the rebel "gain callel his companions, and at the Konou yuû market reviated the Gov. erament troops, when the gentry and aldors im mediately led the brave men of the village, and aided the troepe to surmund and take them, susing the rebate upon die night of the 11th Oc loher to Bos and retire; and on the 14th October ench of the grant High Officers fed forth their -ope to this village, when the gantry and alders,
person went forth to receive them, and volus | same tiron ta prisoners." A great number linemiso tired within this peri-4 of three days to deliver up were drowned, and the rest retired into the city. | The imperial troops iken landed in pomuit, ikrus. ing about dire pois and rockets, so that the suburb qutalde the grant erst gas, which the rebels had made their skulking place, was almost all destroy- by fire. On ronding this report the emperor re- marka, that having inflicted this bonyy blow as the laurgents, their gallbladders must have become very cold; la therefore the governor and lieutenant- guvernor strictly command Woo keen abang and bio fellows, to take advantage of their succhoven, and proceed with the attack, so se to recover the Ent them was think city as speedily as possible of sitting down long before it. Hapect this.
Dec. 18th 1853 Sunday. Cominences with freshening brooz, and occasional heavy squail, Wood N.N.E. under double reef top sails and course-7
M. reefed courses-10. A. M.
clowed up the Topsaile.
Nook, Lat. by account 11. 22' N., Long, 113. 28 E. Gale frostioning, Wind N by E. Wore ship to W.N.W.-Reefed forestil and double reefed Boom in asil, .. Wind N.E. blowing very hard-Barometer falling (as per
memo at foot) furted the course and sent down top gallant yards-battened down fore and aft and lashed every thing.
5.30 r. m. Very heavy goat. Hail set,-Fore ¡Op masi slay soil on Foromast, and Peak of Main Try sail.
10 .. Faint flashes of lightning-very dark-scarcely seeing two ship's lengths late. rally-partially clear over boad.
11 Wind much less-much lightning and very heavy confused ses;-the loc side ul the Brig completely ander water. Midnight Pot Foresnit to steady the ship.
December 10th . Lom Wind. Vivid ligning. Thunder, and a confused sea. In Foreil. Wind N.N,W.
A perusal of the detailed report al the heer- ing in this caso, published in the China Mail of Thursday lust, readers it the more necessary to bear this fact in remembrance; for we learn from that report that an attempt would have boen made to prove that, so the prejudios of a large proportion of the Creditors, the law had been contravened by the acts of the Plaintiffs, Now any intention to contravene the law del not, we are sure, exist. We will say more- we believe that the Plaintiffs conscientiously thought they were doing good for every one of the Creditore in consenting to act as Tru-1500 and Inspectors of the Estate -and should there be any furilior stir in this master, it may become necesary in show that, wilet so act ing as Trustees and Inspectora, without any prospect of thanks-any hope of reward..... conmissions wore actualy armed for the Butate on consigamonts received after the deod was executed.
The only way
in which we can reconcile the matter is by believing that a schedule of all the debts due by the Estate was never laid before the Trustees. Ou this point ulvase who take interest in the matter can satisfy them selves in the way Mr Pollard proposes. Our objust, in noticing the published reports of the hearing, was to clear away the suspicion of fraud, which certainly would have attached to 4 a. M. Thunder and lightning-Gale break. the Trustees were it not shown that so large|ing-Wind West 6 am. Wind Sou'Wem-
??proportion of the Creditors had given war- Steored North East and made all sail-Cromed ranty to their action.
top gallant yards. Noon Lat. observed, 11 #5 N, 119 20 E. Long. by Account 162 38 Moor's Lat by Account 11 97 Long, by Chronometer age 18,7 days Remainder of the day fine.
Doc. 20th Wind gradually veering to N, E December 22nd. Another gale commenced from N. F. but accompanied by any fall in the Mercury. This gale lasted until the 25th, when it finished in the evening with an extre- mely violent squall, and electric discharges.
Tax P. & O. B. N. Co.'s Steam Lady Mary Wood came to an anchor in Roogkong Har. bour a little after 1 yesterday-having left Shanghae on Friday last, and Amoy Mon- day morning. At the date of her leaving Bhanghee the city was in continued occupation of the robala; but disagreements among then -discovered treachery in the camp-appa rent partial repediation of their allegiance to Thue-ping-Wane-and the want of money and provisions, were creating serious d?ubta en to the ponbility of their being able to wok out much longer againm the arts and arms of the wary ex Taoute.
Paking Gmetter had been received up to the 16th ultimo. The rebala at that dato were not
extenninsted, and it is therefore to be prosu od that they were anlely housed, and waiting more clement weather before attacking the northern capital. The Baxtle of the 4th of December contains "an account of a great * Victory obtained at Bhungbas, and cho oz. * termination of the rebels there on the 10th * of November last, by the combined floot nu-
der Woo-keon chang." As the Editor of the North-China Berald, from whose columna wa quoted, would my-sided by providence wa had the privilege furnishing at the time very different version of that affair. Exter min-tion indeed Yar, the atrocious macro
of two boat leads of unoffending passengers from Ningpo, in broad day light, and in right of the foreign residencos;-it this is a specimen of the boasted Imperial victories, we may safely judge how much reliance may be placed on the report we generally have of them. But fu- ther comment on news from the north must stand over for our Overland Summary under preparation.
There have many fruitless stacks upon the city
1,80 A. Wand N. W. N blowing very violently in heavy gurte-a complete drilt. Brig lurching with loa lower yard arms in water- Lost lee boat, bulwarks, lower boun &c. Split stay sail-hands continually at the pumpe- lee side of Bug under water.
Fanday. December 98th (95th) got an ob- arvation-the first for five days, and found the
Brig set 120 miles N. W. and by W. of her reckonung, after libera! allowanes for lee way &c. This day made Triton hoal, Paracole.
December 27th and 28th. Hard steady gala from N. E. with clear weather--Barometer ranging froin 20,08 to 30,06-Thermometer 72 to 8i.
December 18
Hour, BAR, I'ME, ROLD,
4. 19,71 83 39,71 Noon
87 29,70
p: m. 29,08
B$ 29.06
29,50 84
29,51 84
29,54 20,53 29.40
83 29,48
V0, 40
29,41 99,46 99,48
84 29,68
Midoigh 20 80
From ou Provincial Reporters, Recapture and Execution of escaped Convicts - On the 19th of December the Magistrate of the ri shen District in Hwei chaw for appti hended two handed of the Tidling rioters, whom he one- deed in the distriet jail to await their sostenea, The prisoners bribed the jaltor with 20 dollars to procure for them a number of hors and pickaxes, with which one night they undermined (l-o walle of the prison, digging passage in the direction of
of Shangles, since we last noticed the main of | tha saat gate totrading to make their escapa
Yuen teen pan, and we were obliged by this perlad being grated. Hul, contrary to ost aoticipations, con the 15th, when funt tirar was not yet up, the sol. diers returned, and very violently surrounded and cloned wor vili-ge sud burnt it te sabes, anded Inflicted upon us a tiger's crasity. The troop from Cheù shou would pistó to no restraint, all were bent upon plander and poting to death the good and the evil without dimisctim. Aht pliable was the fate of the men aud w men of the whole || village, of whom is one and the mums day more than two hundred and thorty porazna met with sala
mily. They have to complain of barbarin that
reach to Heaven, and their cries and lanobationa We did not reset that Yuen like the ground. ten pasand his cabal were left still undisparard bat comousled opom the mosaisin top whaona beholding the troops returning from devastating this village, they might embrace the opportunity to pactus and put them in denili ; but cân geotry and elders (on discovering thro) iwering they migh wound the officer and troops, called the villagers together and west, birth to their essens but witbual anocer Alul start that in arresting the rebels their bigh authorities should not have rewarded the gentry by proving their lives, and that the rebels, wound. ing the government troups, should result in an cadlem chain of calamities to se1. The oppres sions we endure are naniterable. We wish to enter our samplaint but there is no door (i, e. there is on court that will receive the complaint and redress the grievance). We therefore entmartly bag Imperial Heron to condessendingly look down upon us and Wooping and wadh- grant the saving of our lives. ing, we mate our grievance.-lassed in the month of November, 1857.
By the celebrated American Clipper Bhip Joka Bertram we have received Manila Journals Iron 30th November 1853 to dt instrot in- cleave. Shipping movements, in China con- mexion, appens during this period to have boon as follows -
Arrivals,-Nov. 30th Rivadavia.-Dec. 9th San Lorenzo, 19th Romano,-20th Jegro, Jan. 2nd Ilocano and Jamestown,-8th Nouvel Alfred.
Departures,-Dec. 2nd Mundaques,-Och Tiempo,-20th Jorge Juan.
Exchange and Freights, have been steady, Six months sight bills at 41. 14d. On Canton 5 per cent premium,
Cochin (not Cochin China), Catch, Gazerst, Ovaliar, the territory of the Nisam, Ternary of 11other, Mysore. Nagpore, Onda, Travancore, Kolipore and Sawunt Warron havo bom placed by the Lords Commissionses of Hw Majesty's Treasury on the same footing in every respect in ergard to their trade with the United Kingdom sa is British India, with the exception of the impert duties which will us abargal ?os certain articles concealed
The good policy of the azcaption we fail to raalina. - Tr_Wagaph and Courier, Dan. 6.
From the Telegraph and Courier, Dec. 8.
"The advance of a Rossian force apan Rhiva may we believe be accepted as a faci, for lodepend- end of the announcementa or ramoure which have from time to time beso givoo in the ladian Jeornels, we are told that a gentleman who arrived in Cal carts by the last staniner, baving passed the suber at St. Peterburgh, mentions that the march of an army to Khiva, was there publicly on. nounced, and ste avocatsen were us publicly recor ded. I would seem however that the ostensible
To London £3,6 per ton for Hugar,-£4 Volga. Ilowever, though all this seems simple for Hemp.
In the Bottom de Filipinas of the 20th uk. We find, among the Shipping lisantors, the following report.-
object of the expedition after releasing the Russian prisoners in the hands of the Oosbegs and Kuszaka is 001 advance upon Bohkara or Cabul, bu that the comparatively easier march upon Persin has been decided upon, and that the Russians colons will advance direct upon Meshed, from whance, they cab monaco Hermo on nae side, sed the central provinces of Persia on the other, though the great sak desert will inservene between the and Japaban. A Meshed, they could easily upan commusicallous with Astrabad on the Carpin, and receive supplies direct from Astrakup and thú
carugh on paper, it is a very different meter when the difficulties before them, and which no map cam exhibit or defimu, are takes into consideration. Io the Brat place supposing the Rusias to be now encamped at and in poseson of Khiva, it must be remembered that by slow time winter has set in, with a severity equilling or avea surpposting thei of their own country, and that all operatione et any further advance, must be impossible, until the ording spring. In the secund, we must bear in mind that they are surrounded by bereditary enemies, bating them with a batred no bitter a difference of creed and cootingal bosulny can engender, and that the country they have seized upon or are located in, is peor, barren, and unpro- declive, and that say European army traversing its so must depend entirely upon ha Commis marint for supplies, which department is the lenst effective portion of the Russian stmy, say is co- Juantoriously deficiant and regulated. Now it must
Arrived at Manila,-(27th Dec.) the Spanish Schooner Joaquina. Marino, Master. This res eel left Manila on the 27th of September last bound to Shanghae. On the 6th, 7th and 8th of October, when to the Eastward of Pormoes, experienced a Typhoon, principally from the North and East, and losing Foremast and bow- sprit and diabling the rudder, was compelled bear to throw part of the Cargo overboard up. On the 18th of October fetched Santa Cruz in Zambales, where she remained refitting uotil the 22nd ultima Passenger Don Tirado (European Spaniard.)
From the North China Herald, Jany, 7.
The Gazette of the 4th December contains a
report from the governor and liedtenent-governor " And very commandable ératernal adiection 1--E.
be admitted that these al?ne nis no slight abolzel-u and are sufficient to rooder eventual swecom very problematical when the enormous distances to ba inversed or cumsidered ; but from later acconale sed rumours, for as yet little is really known, we may anticipate that a Persian Army will also take the Geld lost them, directed and aided by the counsel and advice of Britiab effices, amonget whom Colonel Ostram, will, it is ballared, take e high place."
The following Lestimonial haz been sent to Preitsmer Halloways by a tõentleman named Alidlicton, of Scotland Kood, Liverpool Bir-Your Polls have been the mesos, under Provi. | denor, of restoring me to sound ácalth, after five years of severe action. During the whole of that period, I suffered the most dreadful attacks of Asthma, fre godly of several weeks' deration, attended with a violent cough, and coniunal apútting of phlegm inter miked with blood. "This no shook my posstitution that I was unfited for any as the active duties of life. I was stranded by soms of the most eminent medical men of this town, but they failed to give me the slight relief. a lost remedy 3 tried your Pills, and in about three months they effected a perfect cute of the dir, totally eradiested the cough, and restored tone and vigour to the chest and digestive Organs.
I am, Sir, your obedient Ferrant, Dated Jam. Lot, 1843. (Signed) II. MIDDLETON.
13, Droida (Am), Stone, from Whompon.
12, Zephyr, Morrics, from Amoy, 18th January.
24 Fermion, Dut), Welger, Pat back.
23. Dannebrog (Den), Simmerem, from Whampon.
11, Bư Lady Mary W ?ood, Jamieson, from Shang
her, futh January,
14, Str. Gangez, Bakor, Wbempus. Jan.
20, Clio (D), Hure, from Dongkong.
20, Joka Dugdale, Williama, from Flonghung. Jan.
6. Nemoris, Hamilton, from Hongkong.
7. Jona, Dowman, from Hongkong
10, Spec, Maynard, from Ningpo.
11, H, M. Sir Salamander, Commander Ellman,
from Ningpo.
15, Jona, Down, from Lookong.
15, & M. Wood, Jutnicuos, from Hongkong.
17. frabia, Gaethon, from Hongkong.
17, Audaz, Glover, from Hongkong.
17, Exmoni, Brown, from Hongkong.
| 17, U. 8 8. Plymouth, Commander Kelly, from
Per John Bertram, Mr & Mra Siurgos, Monito
J. Rumel, N. Lones, and 'T' R. Wariin.
Per Jona, Mt Spicekley. Mr Whstucy and 41 Chinese
A PERMANENT CURE OF A VISEASED LIVER OF MANY YEARS' DURATION, Copy of a Letter Pray Mr. Gamis, Chami-1, Trevil, to Professor Holloway, Dear fir-in this diotitat your Pills command a more extensive mle than any other peopaictory li cine before the public. As a proof of their smener in Liver and Lilioma Complaints' I may question the fol- Jowing cose. ? lady of this tow? 'wish whom I am peromially sequainted, for years mia a miere sudores From discs of the Liver and digestive organs; dier matical attendant assured her that he could ale noiking to relieve ber sullerings, and it was not likely she could | survive any weathe. This anewcomment naturally caused great alarm song her friends and relations al they induced her to make a trial of your Pilla. which Improved her general health that she was loduced to continue them not!! she received a perfect curr This it twelve month ago, sad she has no esprit, sny symptoms of relapse, and often declares that your Pill have bom the means of saving her life.
I remouin, Dear Nie, youre truly,
·Nov. 33rd, 1858-
THE HOSPITAL INCURABLE. Copy of a Letter from Mr. P. Mow, of the Square, Winchester,
To Prozisa Holloway,
gir.- beg to inform you that for years ! was a suf- ferer from Chrowia Rheumatium, vod was often laid up for weeks together by its severe and poinful attacks. ] tried every thing that was recommended, and was at- tended by one of the most eminent Bargeons in this town; but obtained no relief whatever, and fearing that my health would be enfitely berhem up. I was la- dared to go into our County Hospital, where 3 bad the best medical treatment the foalliation v?funded, all of which provel of no avail, end I came out no better than I went in I was then advised to try your Pilla. and by persevering with them so perfectly cared, and enabled to resume iny seempation, and although a conal derable period bas elapsed, I have felt no return what- rver of the complaint."
1 am, bir, your obedient ServON).
Oet. Bih, 1839.
(signed) W. MOON.
"datad Fobruary 1äck, 1885.
Fir-1 have much pleasure in informing yon of a most surprising care of Dropsy, recondly effected by your Taluable medicines. CAPTAIN Jacon, of this place,
Per Falakood Nalum, 910 Chicos.
Pet Libertad, 191 Chinese,
20, Mundoques (9;an), Porina, Manila. 20, Benjamin (Fr) lienty, Whampoa
2x, Lady Nages, Marienberg, Singapore.
21, Rebelak (Am), Townsend, San Francisco.
Bella Varunyada (Span), Aguirer, Sw.low. 24, 80, Pekin, GGrainger, Culcuits. Jan.
21, Austier (Am), Iledgen, Now Yorkg Jan.
4, Hanjmin Ba-pe, Huschanson, Australia.
5, E. M. St Salamander, Comm-uder Eibnon,
Ning po,
1, Joseph Fletcher, Foster, Load 0.
10, Jona, Dowoman, Lockong,
10, Royal Sazon, Jackson, London.
15, Aurora (pin), Viline, Manila.
Dannebrog, barese
= Amigos, solconer
Jasnoy, ship
Nav W. Ambon and conghor Jass (7. 5. 29. Ca
lee 36ew Zealand Oct 26 Dant and co
Plan T
A+ Menghas
Brands, choress
Nev to Shangkan
Canon, mer
Hell A
Pan -[Fantom
DI Nawa
Not 1 Anthon and
Cornwall, ship
Brit. | Dawo
Nobart Thes Now
San Francis
Joks Hord and c
Part 120
VOL. XIII. Na 8.
Je Marsh
15 Taber
Jen 3: &moy
11Wms. Anthon and ooting
Jaha Burd sad o
Belt. Haker
Des te P. & ON C
George Howland ship
DTA Wright
1 Hancial
Wm. Anthon and coWhing
Hongkong, beaver
140 Gilbe
Sanyal, Bill and co
247 Degre
17, H. and es.
Isabella Harcsa, shtyp
$19 Robertson
fola skip
Jacoba Cornelia bergua
190 Ladewyk
New 31
John Hestram, skip
100 end bolm
John N. Bowler, skip
Fathakool Salam, barque Belt
Frederik Vit, belg
Ganges, sasmer
Tana, relioner
Lady Kay Wand, sir.
Libertad. barque
Lord artists, ship Lastar, barque Platbilde gentlas 4tecan Choren, ship Dilrass, ship
Potomac, slip
>Tatraman, barqar
Tiemelgs, barque
Veronica, betr
Wilhelmsbaig, ship
Yoel, -kip
400 Danborg Beit 1114ablet" Ha41begi Dan 150 dager
Brits Frass
A. 13 lastn Chine 70 Steen
Post BT4lvá
Walter Store, karyne Helen Verric
Zephyr, schooner
Francisco Der Tees, N. and on
".Scharflar & co en France Hartlepool Aux Dent and co Ti lenkia Jan 12 Order Do. Francisco flet to Wore and . tan pitkanghas Jan P & . . N.
en Franciaco Under
Des s
10 da
Sept 4 Haukok
Dan Dala
Nee 19 Mag Frances
Dra ? respec
Jat Wpca
July 19 Mac
San Francisco
Now In Jardins, H. and co. Francico
et Job Hard and san Francisco
Nor W Pastas and co Port Phi
og tardes, M. and co
June 21 aidées, M and co. Van France Nur Wm. Anthow and ousting
et der
Da, t, and
Schafer and
Authen and on
Now 7 Lyall, Still and on.
Labeck and e.
June |Drinker and co
'an least and on.
Port Phillp
a Fri [Port Philly- San France
Out 337 Walgor
Jan 19 at back
Deo 31 day
Hiller Dat. S Brit
Pun 2014 buch
10 Merries
[Nov 17 allee
Ang 29J. 5. Endicott
Oet IJ. V. Jorge
label Qulutasa, barque Para Saly
Confiança, brig
Falgot, ship Onyom, bilg Sophie, barjus
Cile, arqua
Deutschland, skip
Wylig Dutchman, ship
Mrit 649 Park
Deo 20 Part Phillip
Oct 21 Whomps Jan Lisboa
A. A de Melle and ce
V. Jorg
West Indies
-arlow, H. and enthanghas -V. F C and on. Calcutta
In Vanco Nav Russell and co.
138 Gatares
" 130 vairs
216 Nouar
Artidas, ship
Heum 440 Feldbasser
12 Slugapore
Arrow, belg
Brit. iz sede
Angerie, brig
Brem 197 Langesberg
J4 Hatori
Meqje, hip
4 Heury
Hing Anam, barquet
02 Malatya
L'astoti, ilgamet
100 Noame
15 Chinchow Hess angell, till and on.
Biarla Dave
45 Har
Daniel Moos, barque
Ham Ketels
Dec 1 Liverpal Dan
Lady got. We od co
Nov 10rdar
Hremove Laled
Dec 31 Mar
947 Chlmess
Early Blid, barque
ict Jardies, M and co.
Am. 1359] Hubbard
135 Fracco
A Heard and
Batz Pranciero
ungbar New York
473 Lambert
Macherteam and co. Shangkat
251 Livingst
Des Lambeck
King sad es.
401 W
Jan 3 Liverpool
n Bombay
John Burd and us.
47 Flaher
Nuove line, bilg
7 Hongkong
Jon of Gsereta
Chuya, brig
Belt | Ben|Thom
Dea rossar
Okay Las, barque
Jan Honolu
I'roteus, barque
140 Wagtendeck (Dec 345
Bhalomith, aby
63+ Pallar
sie Charts Yooboo, air.
151 B
Mpark, steamer
Tamerlane, baryna
Vigilant, calle
Walmer Castle, shly
100 P1704
13, San Benito (Span), Dominguer, Mauila,
16, Jona, Duwnan, Hongkong.
18, Star of the East, Robertson, Liverpool,
18, Beverly (Am), Chass, New York.
18, Time, Chape, Hongkong.
Par Time, Mr T. Lavy
AMINICAN. Lexington
was leted with Dropaw the upwards of eighteen | WinchonHOF months, to such an extent that it canned his body aud limb to be much swollen, and water cobed as li wera from his sida, so that a daily change of apparel breame necessary, notwithstanding the variona remedien trial wa
and the different medical men conemited, sii was of no avail, until he commenced, waleg pons Pills, by which, and a strict silention to the pelniad dirresiona, he was effectually cured, and bin health perfectly re-established. If you seem this worthy of publicity you are at liberty
to us i
1 am, Ble, yours respectfully.
These bed Pills we underfully : Jamiona in the following complaints.
¡Pemale Erzagula-Rondon of Urina
Powhatan Plym Queen Saratogra
Sayakanus Vandalia
Le Camil
Whamopa |Shure Shiy-
Vas-chew 14.M.Bg ||Hongkong|it sa zl, 14 ftellemen [Hospital) -
M.Mer. Phone Canten
Sade |Hongkong (amps) ~
|| Khangbro|11. M.8 H.M.B M.
- Bilia 11Mallorab
Capt. Sir W. Bloose
Vice.idl. Pellow Capt. Fitagoral
Amey ||H.M.808 | |Hongkong|EE. M. 8.
Japan U..Sacer Leschoo ||0 8. 11| 28 |ANC
|U. 8, EU || 1 |MoCheney Shanghas|D. 3 Bi 29 Kaly
to 3.5. olar Shanghae D. Be to Walker Japan U.$. Str Ale Louche UB41
Inclair & Hacheses.
Japan U. b.s
Load U. 390 Pap
Capt. De Vaisse
She has Fr. M
Ningpe Pe. Va
20ac Fr. Bur
4 Du Ples
Jorge Juss
4 omda
Sore Throw
|Stage and Gravel
Bike Completam Fevern of all kind. Eri Mocha an the Nin
Bawal Complaints Gray
tland cha
Conmigation of the Indigenon
Liver Complain
Lambago Piles
Secondary Symptom The Dual
Venereal Affectionn
W of all da
Wannow from wher
evere, da,
Bold by all Druggins, and at Professor Etolloway al
establishment, 244, Birand, London.
By Mr. J M. D2 BILVA, and by HINNAM, at their Shores,
also by WONG ACHEW-Hongkeray,
ST. J. M. Da FONCECA,-acno.
and Movers ACOW & Co.-Cantons
At 14, 148-209d.-4a, Od.-11a,-Ela & 334 each pot or Box
Thero la considerable saving by taking the large size,
N.B.-Directione for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each POL
20, Visel (Dot), Masson, from Bhields, 20th Juno.
20, Libertad (Chilina), Lonborg, from San Fran
cisco, 2nd December.
20, Lady Rafira, Marienborg, from Whempes. 20, Wilhelmsburg (Ham), Miller, Put buck, having
struck on a rock and broke her Rudder.
21, Fatahool Salam, Tuber, from Amoy, 18th Jan.
12, fond, Dowman, from Woosung, Tih Jun.
2. Rebekah (Am), Townsend, from Whompos. 24, John Bartram (Am), Landholm, from Manila,
1th January.
Henbury, ship
Joke Buchanan, barqod..
Joka Pagdale, ship
John Weed, shp
Kaloor, schooner
Mary Spencer. ship
Maple, ship
albasford, baryan Adelakta barqni Larvantes, bri
Elisa Ann, barque Erin, barjer
Fydi, barqua Fortuun, brig Homer, chip
Independence, brig
Kitty, brig slam, barque Byres, barene
C. Compagala, banque
Manali, skip
Bea Witeb,
pide, schanner Qaralle,
Island Co. schooner Maseppa, sebesses
Zub-chaw-fa Itaque, ship
Confucios, steamer Conci,
Nemesis, harya Hoolda,
Span 16 Vasquez
1:30 Heere
Belt, 123 Nakoda
*65 Mimon |*pan. 353|Zaballa Hem 140 Blader Heft. 200maillo
Dane Barnavald Helt. 2140'SUTA
749 Vanderhaven
200 Ma Lean
Dec 300 La
Brit 341 Vincent Dat 13 Boyn Beit, 419 Wan Am. 901 Freer
35 Jadd 1101/gibbo
19 Mactar 171 Kyrie
Am. 410 Dearbor Brit 111 Paurica
848 Hamilt
Deo Calcutta
Jan longhong
Bec duty
|Ang 19/5ingapore
Not Nagpe Deo 10 Manila
Hanghong Shanghae Det-Heegoog Ore 21 Shangha Nov 25Put back
Dot Hong
Dec 13 Cond
Sept In Put back
Let 16 ga Nerde
Nor-Amey |z7|=||Hongkong Now 14/Amy Jan-Hongkong
Rawson and ebanghar
Nov 17 P. F. Cama and on
Jardino, M and co.
Det at King and on,
Nor TP Cams and on
Jan P. & ), N. Co.
Beership London Halavi
A. Wilkinson and su Liverpool Pao. C. Huster
Novardas, and on Cantues
Jah inch =
Now falt and ce
--Syme. Stair and on De Ti and
Sept Urdar
Nov-Tals and ca. Lyme, biule and na. Sept 21-yma, Mair and co Lee-Syme, Mair and co Sept -Tilt and an.
ty, Mair and pe Nov 13 and
New Talt and co
Wat te Thit and co.
Indias -8yma. Muir and co. West Indies
7fall and co
Jardino, M. and co
Pan -- do
1 neat and c
14 Jardin, M. and
Uca 22 Numeli and so.
Ner 19 Nagpe Deo 30 Liverpul
1 da
Not Japan
Nov 16 Holland co
June 21 Bless mad to, Dea Maner Grove Ner 20a, Nyo and on,
-|A. Hamid and do. W. Davidson,
Dee 10 Jardine, M. and co.
Jaedian, M. and
375 Farahjelm
*Bric|| (01|Maynard
Jan Nagp
Hell. 86+Garth
a) Over
190 Brewp
100 W Heec
Pletal as
Dec 31 amell and ov.
Dat. 443 WE
480 Aguirre
................ | [fanak mung
|Shungkan Rum Fgt 32 Capt. Uskalky
Bundab Bowers Finlay
flart Oct? H. Hait. Bepi 29- Liv. Sept 199 Liv. Nov 17 & Log Out 16 & Liv. On 7H Hart, Nov EX.
-Valentine Lv. Aug 168..
P. Meikoff, barque
Spen, scher
Arabla, barque Andan, achooMA Ement, schoner
| Nymph, belgantion
Uriental, ship
You Liong. banque
Commelo, schoever Bella Vascongada, ship Tava, scho
Am 19
Beatrix t'atherine
Dumfries Emily
Louis J. Johan
Hart Dei 30 H.
Mary Delligonda
Hart Bept
Mary Shepherd
Nova Zembla
Oud Nederland
Paul Jobuon
Rose Ellis
William Pelle Wynstay
Ball Langley
Lon. Dei 08. Hart Nov (2) H. Hart. Sept 18) H. Hert Bept 18 H. Hart. Od 17
Soad, Aag 18 H. Port, Oct 24 H. Loa. Det 4H. Las. Nor 19 H.
died Oct 99 H.
Liv. June 4 H.
Liv. Oct 16 H.
Order in which the alone Vessels left England,
Laskett, Pallero. May Ballarate- Hava Komila. Ond Medal,
Jakarta, Kaina, Mara, Kudly. Pata
London, Liv. Liverpool, Phis. Klinika, Kan.
Darth, Grand, Maps, Harshapeal, Parc A
1 Conteng, H. Hanghang, N. Kinets, WK. Whihom, 1.
Amey, B. vaanghan
For London. Orkney Lam, W. Walmer Chale, W. Oriental, &
For Liverpool. Tamerlane, H. Confucius, S.
For Bombay. Bir. Gango, (2716 inal
For Calcutta, Arrow, W. Bhelomith, W
--For Manila.
Nuevo Bilbaino, WY.
11 Dent and co-
New York
bangle Weng
148m, Muir and co. Fab-chow-fu Sapt a falt and ve
Jan 21 Aibe and coWalaw
Tur. Lovy
For New York.
For Belaria.
Flying Dutchman, W. Doard, B.
Auguete, W. Proteus, W.
For Port Phillip. Malbilde, H.
Tromelga, Et. Walter Morrice, H.
For West India.
Emigrant, M.
Acton, Bw.
C. Compagnia, Bw.
Mennica, Bw.
For Panama,
Sa Witch, Sw.
For Siam. Neptune, W. Oceno Queen, £1.
For Shanghat, Brenda, H Dannebrog, H. Aristides, W. Early Bird, W. Daniel Ross, W, Henbury, W.
Jobo Wood, W.
For San Francisco Cornwall, H.
Lai, H
Jobo N Gamler, H. Lord Warriston, El. Lorenz, H. Orleans, H. Potomac, H. Veronica, H. Wilhelmsberg, H. Deutchland, W.
For Jana Bintang Adam, W.
For Pari
PRICE $16 per annum.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the VRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GASETTE, per damun, 16 Opanish Dollars, payable in odvamon,quarterly or otherwise, et apilon, Single Numbers. Så denta TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Too lines and under, 18p: Dollr; additional, 30 sente??li?a. Repocitome one-third of the Arat regular Insertion Ships, ?�Pirat insertion. # 5p. Deltrasigbosquentinsertions 48 cenia Advertisements in have wrilim, on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear.stherwise they will be published until countered. Aroduction of swanty dee per can't on menal charge made when quarterly onconnia are rendered for advertisements ordered to stand andiabarbed for a period of three month. Fail charge made for repetition of any Advertisement in the Orensana Imus, Nacies of frasad Estaten will be inserted in both Ovansand and Beni weekly edicious unless ordered to the contrary.
ply regularly between Aleson??the above port. For Fate, apply to
drio and Trieda corresponding with the monthly
and hymonthly Indian Steemers,
The fares have been reduced nad the following ratey Bavo bara færð, viz
IM Clan £16, Zad Clase E11, 3rd Clem £7, including Table money and fres,
Arrangements have been entered into between the Director of the Peninotalar und Oriental 8. N.
Company and the Directors of the Austrian Llaya% 5. N. Company, thaipon
1 Paradyne intending to proceed from Choi va Trim eo seriis theirt from the Pripolar and Oriental Company's Agents for Aliandria.
2nd, Parmesanne' Banoson can be shipped, from Alemandria by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Stromera for Southampton; the Freight being Ten Bbellings Btorling pu ?Cwi,
B, Recripta ler Canno and Brutan intended for Bhipment to Triasia, will be granted by the Penlosular and Oriental Company's Again to Airmandria, stred of in Sua formerly. bot each Package le to be provided with a white label, on which dielinotly marked in print.
"In Truant for the Avernian LASTD's STEAMUL.*
For further partienkurs apply so,
Ws. PUSTAQ & Co. Agents at Hongkong and ( anion,
Hongkong at July, 1858
"SAVA" having been engaged by the Java Government for the service of the bi-mon?bly Muil between Hatavia and Singapore, under continet for 12 months, will ply regularly during thet period between Brivia and Singapore leweing the former port ab?m the 19th or 11th of very month, und Mingapore within 14 boure for the strivel them of the Mail which traver Southempien on the 4th of the precoding month.
1beiter of Pasonge money see as follows -
From Gingapore to Rhia
Le Minie.
to Batavia
8 38
Retorn Tickets from Bingopora to Batin and vías para 01.
AKCOND CARTH. From Bugapore to Minto Da de. to Brav
DECK FASSENGERS, From Bungapore to Rhin
to Minto
Do. do. to Batavia. 10 Children under 18 years of aga ball price
MEYER SCHAEFFEN & Co Hongkong, la December, 1853
FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE A. 1. Dutch ship" 1918," C-p
THE Copartnership bitherto existing between the Bodersigned, under the Firm of A.H PRYER CRM this A. P. Guess, wilt he despach
ngað en ar about the tat January mat, for | ? Co, in this day dissolved by mutual consens,
A. H. PRYER 1. T. Da SILVER. Hongkong, let January, 1864.
-800- [17171] reference to the above Notice, Ma 11. T. TYD BILVER is authorized to pula all. As- counts for the lato Firm of A. 1. Pavan & Co.
A H. FRYER. H. T. Da SILVER. Hongkong, Ini Janm?y, 1854.
A Bhip of from Four to Bir flundred A Toba, to carry Chiosos Pantongers und Cargo to California. Apply to WM. TARRANT.
Hongkong, 18th January, 1854
A Bhip of from Pour to Bic Hundred A Tous, to carry Chinese Pamangaro Fand Cargo so Australia. Apply to
Wx. TARRANT. Hongkong, 10th January, 1854.
THE New British Lorche VICTORIA," will isada segularly betwem Hongkong and Centos. Cargo taken at moderate rates.
THOMAS ROBERTS, West Point, Hongkong,
19th December, 1859.
FOR BALE. TWO HOUSES on the Sinch side of
Gough Street, each having ?urdon
· Stables, Coach-Housen, da ?round-rest moderate.
J. F. EDGER. Hongkong, 2nd January, 1886
PWO Compress HOUSES on the Bouth T
Bide ul Gorgh Street, and another on the North Side of the same Street, ruch with Sub- ton, Chat-huucos, Garden, &c. Apply so,
Wiziaria, Bed Musah, 1854,
TO LET. THE HOUSE in Stanley Street adjoin. ing the one now occupied by Mr Co- makati. For particulars apply to
N. DUUS & Co.
Haugkong, 21st October, 1951.
Ais Gliss Tarsus metalo- Eng 2 Sitting Room and 2 Fed Room, with outhouse stinchad, and large accommodation For further information apply to Mastro MaoLATER | for servants on the ground foor. vgly to,
Warton & Co. Director, Batavia-arte Maste MADLAM PRAnnu & Co. Singapore,
Bonvin, 26th April, 1868.
Hongkong, 12th July, 1863.
TO LET. (N and after Monday the 22nd THE well known Mission Premises (for Mission purpoare ly) of Rev. 1 1. Konurre in Canion. The place is healthy, comfortable, well known by the Natives as a pranching plese, and desirable as a Mission station at any wishing to rent call and examine the place, and apply to Mere Roula & Co be the termi
Canton, Jet January, 1854.
instant, until further notier, ibe Honekone and Canton STEAM COMPANS' Braxx will ply regularly between Howumone, Cannon and Macan, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (onless previous motive el daviation be given) as follows:-
The Ben leaving Horasuse on Monday and Canton on Friday, will call at Masao, staring 7 A. M. The hours of departure at other time will be8 am, and the boots will proceed direct betwee Berezore and Canton. When indwowment offers the Bob will call at Cuminanoon but previous notine of such devinson will be given when prac Lionble
The forms will be as heretofore
1st Clam Pagaweane bawron Hoogkong, &
Canton and Macao & Canton 98. Between Hongkang_and_Ma?��?- Bs. Deck Passengere, Europese -
Melayu, &- Chinese,
$1.50 91. Pengen desirous of preseeding le Macao fer a short period may oblaka return Tickets, available for the Bret of cond Blesmer after their arrival, at the reduced rifles of 08 between Hongkong and Maco, and belwera Canton and Masso.
Every Area Passenger will be allowed one servant free of charge.
The vessie will convey Freight on the terme of their pablished scale; ou wblak, however, memo reduction will be made for large quintiles, by special_agreement,
TO BE SOLD OR LET. THE HOUSE on Hollywood Road lately occupied by Captain Hotmontux Ceylon Rifles and shu Hause No. 2 in Gough Birant at phasest in the
coupetido of Dr. CROFT.
For particular, apply to
1. BURGOYNE. Wellington Street.
Victoria, 19th Jonery, 1854.
E bave the har to laform you that we Hill continue Beanea in Akyak, under the style
NOTICE THE intrgest and responsibility of the late Mi WILLIAM HENDY WARNbuy in our firm ermianted on the 20th of September last,
Canton, 12th November. 1963.
ITIL reference to the above advartinsmani the busings of the House will be sondanied as before by Ma D_JOINBON under the same Be which Mu P. B JOHNSON, is authorized to sign.
M JAMES BOWMAN will sign for in Shangkat by prosurathon,
W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Canton, 12h Nomber, 1853.
416 undersigned begs to insiste, that the
LL Persone having claims against the Estate businatu kasetofore carried on by the Firm of
of the late WILLIAM HENRY WARD. A. El. Fava & Co, wil herocforward be con-
LET are desired to sent them in forthwith to Mestia W. ducted by him under the style of D" BILVER & Oo, which Mr Quo, P. Da Euway is authoriand lo sign.
H. T. D??BILVER Hongkong, tot January, 1851
TB bereby gives that the Copartnership beretofore existing between the gaderegsed, carrying on business at Victoris, in the Colony of Hongkong, 4 ?еж?кай?е а?? Сомилинок ?ѳаи?е, io thа daj dissolved by mutual consent,
Bonghong, lồth August, 1858.
I'll reference to the above advertisment it le notified that the said concern will be wound. up by Ma 8 DRINKER, who is authorized to adjat all accounts, aud to whom all correspondence will be addressed.
Bangkong, 18th August, 1958.
NOTICE. THE undersigned bega to give notion that he I will mery on a Gubuxas Commision nod Adynoy Business, under the style sod drm of DHLNKER & Co. and will occupy the premises of the 16 fron of Ramza, Danera & Ca
8. DRINKER. Hongkong, 13th August, 1663,
¿E have this day established at Caston, nador the same style, a Branch of our business an Merchants and Guberal Agents.
Mr. Romun Azarazoak BILL is authorized
to sign our firm by procuration, and will repreemi no 11 Canton.
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, Is Jaun, 1868.
EVERETT KOBERTS in our Fhm at Can- dan and Shanghar censed on the 2018 Juna last.
WETMORE & Co. Canton, 1st Decembar, 1858.
and belly of Me OLIVER
THE inlet and responsibility of Mr A. L. Adanna, Jr. In our Firm coated from this date, and oor Businese will be conducted under the Style of G AGABEG & Co, which Mr Malambe ADARKO is amborized to sign.
A. & G. L. AGABEG, Contes, Lal January, 1864
THE interest and responsibility of Mr Jamentzar Enviate in our firm at Cantan, ecrand un thu
December 1868.
Canton, 4th January, (N54.
Our old caporites in the Rice Trade in the ??VEFITH reference to the above notification I beg gorrences for the good execution of all orders | 11" to intimate that, from this day, I bere asta- wanemited to pe
Akysh, Fith October, 1858. [OTICE in hereby given, that the Capartnership heretofore subasting betwera YOKICH JONKS
MORROW and JAMES STEPHENSON, under the Style at Firm of MUKROW, STEPHENSON & Co.
blished myself as COMMEION Azar sod Max. CRANT in this place.
THE Busine heretofors conducted in my name | |* will in future be carried on under the style of
. Wandar & Ca. Caion, as to Meett James Bowman & Co. Shangkas, and those in debted so the ssid Estate are requested to mak immediate payment to the mi? parties.
Canton, Pib November, 1958.
R. GEORGE ORISWOLD GRAY je su thorised to sign our name by procuration, RUSSELL & Co.
Canton, 1st January, 1864.
by procuraidon, from th�?date.
Curitz [laundang.
Canton 16th January, 1681.
MR JAMES P. COOK is admitted a Partner with me from and after this date. The Businem will be continued onder the Name and Biyle of TUOS, HUNT & OL
THOMAS HUNT, JAMES & COUN Whampon, In January, 1964.
R ROBERT POWELL BAUL Hos this day: 1 bave add a parmar in the Fleas of
BYNE & Co. --- Majapere, KER & PITCAIRN, SYM & Ca, Besaria Batavia, lat Jahoney, 1961
Hongkong fry the subsoribben to LLOYDS, Mastors of Vendo não nogtootedjo porn-basical to them intelligence of losses, accidents, the speak. ing of Vemels, and any gmetal information they (csosidar of importants or interest to the subactibere,
LYAJI STILL & Co. Hongkong, 2:4 September, 1855,
undersigned here is appointed Agenlaat
SUN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, CAN CAPITAL $1,000,000, THE undersigned have been appointed Acanto in China for the above Courant, and are prepared to cover Risks, on first class vasels, to tho extent of $100,000. Polico payable in Canton, Bambey, Calculin, London and New York
RUSSELL & Co. Canton, 11th January, 1864
NOTICE. LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION, Established by Chanor 1788. Dent & Co., Agents in Honghong.
THE undersigned are day authorized by the abova Corporation to INSURE FROM LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, Borgkeng, on Dwildings, Goods, Merchandise, und Verods in Part. Let Class, on Howasa in private occupation only, with external Walls of Stone or Brick, and covered with Blate, Tile, Metal, Cement, and other Encom- bostible Material, detached, as adjuning one.
Ed Class, on House of Boiling orced and covered an abora, partly or entirely used as Go- downs, and detached; and un Qouda sod Man. CHAKBIRE, not hazardous, in quch Buildings,
14 Class, on Hove or Buzlutmost above.
omandian, bot linanedous, shetein,
adjoining olbar Buiklings, and on Goons and MR-
4th Class, on Homa or Bummnar erocied
ara dep sited, but no hazardous trade carried on,
5th Class, on Bri
All Payments whether for Freight or Passage has bem this day dissolved. The undersignod, P & J. BYRAWEE COLAH wherein myand covered at above, in which beardens Gload
to be made in Spanish Dollars.
unming lay responsibilities of the oxid Firms, waki In future conduct the business on his own account and in his own Baga
Hongkong, 2nd January, 1884.
LTALL, STILL & Co. Agents H 40. 3. P. ?.
Hongkong, 18th August, 1853.
WANTED TO CHARTER. CHIPS of from 600 Teas and upwarde
Fleabai Quintana, G
Lo Hanana. "Apply to
LY ALL, STILL & CO. Hongkong, 14th November, 1848.
PATON WATSON in our Firm, consed on the 21st Decembar, last.
WATSON & Co. Shanghae, Rod January, 1834.
Corres, Painter and Pongitnes, at the ProPRIETOR. WELLian Tarmany, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1344.
Brother Mr. Jamastan Beramien Colan iu n�?mitted Partner.
PESTONJEE BYRAMJEE OULAH. Gaston, 81st December, 1852.
ASPUKANOse may be effected for the period of 12, 6, or a Mouths."
No insuranow is in force until the Premium thereon is paid.
For further particulars, reference is requested to
Sfor searrator of Uhinen Enigmaple THE loterest and responsibility of Mx JOHN Per le due Firm both at Canton and be runde to the undersigned,
W?? PUSTAŬ & Ca China totJuly, 1863.
DENT & Co.
Mongkong, 6th October, 1893,
REVISTERED in London in 1859.
Howes Fincke Hoptons ? Ch............. Bereteria. Moon Fresas ? On.......... Agende in Lérempool. Many Willis & Co. Again in Dalram und Hangren WFort ? C... Aguata in Benhag Sta Ross & Ca
M Mack Factsu & Op............. Again to Magupta,
THE undersigned have been appointed Agents in 1 Casion for the sbors Company, and are pro pared to take Rraka payanle without abate-nest at this place in three months, and in London of Larn POOL IN DE MUNC?, after proper proof of loss is given.
Canton. 18th January, 1854
TELEGRAPHIC MESSAGES THE Dieters of the Abertan Laorde Stream NAVIGATION Company in Tries, have made Arrangements for TELEGRAPHING MES- BAGES to London, or to any Part of the Camilment, want to them from China.
The Messages should be sent under cover, super- veriba)" Telegraphie Deopatch," to the "Alesandrin Agent, for transmission through the Commanding Ufour of the Steamet, and to be delivered inmedi ately on arrival of the Vessel at Trieste.
The Charge for Telegr-phing 20 Words from Triste per Subasstina to Londen, in shoot 16 Flo sina, or 22 Shillingo Sterling ; and £1 dieeling fur
on Meng
The writing must be in legible words For further particulars, apply to
W?? PUSTAU A Co. Agents at Hongkong and Canton Flongkang, 27th October, 185:1
FOR SALE. CHAMPAGNE is Pints and Quarie, PoRT Wina, Pale Bukurt, Clavet und Brandy, all of first quality.
2630, Nasze of rima in Caská ví 2 cmt. Apply in Hongkong or Canion to
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, 1st January, 1884.
THE cargo of Red and White LISBON WINE ex Owynn, just arrived at Macao. Apply to,
RUSSELL & Co. Canion, 11th January, 1954.
VILL continue to keep a Large and Extensive Arsortment of BH?P CHANDLERY, M
the very Lowool Prions.
Whumpen, lat January, 1954.
| UST RECEIVED a few Kegs of Prime Humpe
JUST of Primar
Hard Wax, prepared expressly for Bettling purposes and Besling Tressure Boxes.
Soup and Billi in 6 lb. Time, Preserved Mosta in 4 tk. Time,
Calcutta Bottled. Ale (Blast's )
Silced Mangoe and Cashmere Chutnies, Mul- Rigatonny Curry Paste and Powder.
Ladies' and Genil men's White Kid Gloves of red size; Ladies' Blockings; Gentlemen's Hinched and Umbruched Bocki; Dooskin and Puckskin riding and driving Gloves; Neck tien Superfine Black & Blue Broadcloth, &c., &a., áo.
An assortment of Saperior Penkoiven
MAC EWEN & Ca Hongkong, 24th January, 1854.
THE undersigned lately received per Clipper
"Sea Witch"--
An invoice of Cornaline Patent Soler Sten- and Tinging Lampe of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 Burners,
with entrs Globey Chingne, and Wicks, nad with
Striped Poplin and Norwich Lostre do French Mesino and Plain Muslin de Laine,
Da, in White, Pink, Sky, Shate drab & Nap bhas French printed Combric and Masia de Hoyle's Print de, Black & Colored Barage do White & Colored Tarletones in all calore. Sws and India Book Muslins
Jacennete Plain and spotud Mulla
Black Bromella Net, Whito do. Tulle illusion Blonde Edgings, Real sod Imitation Lace. Lee Falls Do. Barth, Bleeves, Cullara. Chemours & ?ược ?
Plain and embroidered Cambria Handkerchief Infanta Auber und embroidered Frocks.
Caps, and variety of under clothing. White and Colored Kid Gloves, Silk d? Bracelet and Neck, tion.
Pearl Jet and Chmille Head dretten Wreathe and Busquets, and a choice selection of Feathers & Flowers from Medema Ferriato's Paris.
Au amortment of La-li-s & Childrens Boots and Shore from Vianti Esto Ruan sa ba Paiz? kdy a Paris, comprising White & Colored Baria boss, Kid and Morocca do., Buaff and Cout!! d", &c. &e.
Linen and Cotton Diapart, Leish Liom. Brown Holland,-Colored do.
Hurtocks' Long-Clock, French Long Cloth pary fat and light. Table Clothe orry large siz Table Covers, Toilet Covers, Quika, Anti-Masamun Lace Curtains, Mosquito Net. Rlted Jacoast Liosage, Union naid "Twill do., Victoria and Vene tind Skirting, White sad Colored Crinolion, Cri noline Penticosta and Improvers, Corded Dino. Fise Flannels, Nursing Staya, Finnch Wove de Coutil do, Children's Bonds, White and Colored Silk Hove. Thrand do, Marino de, Cotton do Colon Becks, Wool Pallosa, Wool Capa de 9lver,
· Ositors, Booralina, Glura Comforters, dic. do
Woollen Hoods' Braided Satin and Merino do. White and Colored Satin and Marino Halo, Braided Cloake and Palisses, Frocks, and a great variety of Children's Clothing of all kinds.
andaraigned has received instructions to sell
the 29th day of January, 1854,
on the Premises. No. 4 Gough Street, Nonb Bide,) as Non-
T. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of ??Gentleman leaving the Calony
All particulare will be stated in the Catalogun:
floogkong, 12th January, 1854.
JOHN BUTT is sutherised to sign our firm by procuration.
HOLLIDAY WISE & Co. Csuton, 28th January, 1854,
to sign our firm by procuration and Me Coware Hoamwosum in authorinud to sign the same by procumtion from thảo date,
RUSTOMIEE BYRAMJEE & Co, Canton, 38th January, 1986.
ALL Parsons having claims nglina the Estate A of JOHN SMITH, deceased, fate of the Barque Red Rower, aru rapiented to make them known to the undersigned, and those indebted tu the mid Estata are requested to make immediate payment to Mr Jonn Gemson, of the Steamer Hongkong, or to
ADAM SCOTT. Administrator,
Canton, 25th January, 1854.
Haberdashery, Parnaola, Elsmic Paga Gariam, Sandalwob white & colored, Wide Elastic Worm- ed and Leather Beka, Lions Tapes, Shiri Budada, Dress and Trimming Buttons in geost variety, BIK and Wool Braide, Cotton do:, Washing do, Mohvir Fet, Ribbon Plaits, Bugle Trimmings, SergOFFEE Knitting and Mending Cution, Pius. Nesiles Hooks & Eyse, Whalebone, Coveral Cass. Wad dings, Coston Cords, Ruches, Ribbon Wice, Silk Piping, Staw Trimmings,
-Prom Price & Gomall-
A small assortment of PERFUMERY.
Alm. Manou bego to add that she will costions
to receive the Latior Fashion from London nud Paris Monthly.
Payment to be made in Mexican Dollars, Hongkong, 30 December, 1853.
Seamen's Hospital
Ilonearstile David Janosur, Exq, C. D. Wa trame, Esq, Hon W. T. Munoan. Esq., R. 8. Walker, Esq Superintendent af ik E. &.0. Steam Navigation Company, (ex officio)
Traseurer,-J. G. Bawatsu Baq Residens Surgeon,-Puvaa Yooxa. Eng. Consulting Sur gom,--W. A: Hautand, ?og.
M.D. Acting Colonial Surgeon
Terms of Admission.
Public Wards -- - 76 sunt per day. Intermediate Warda, 1 Dullar n Private Rooms- Parents are an admined on deposits, at the fol. lowing rates, renewable one day provions to the
amount deposited baving been expanded,
Public Wards, Intermediste, - Private Robe
-- $80,
The Captain or Consignses of Veun-li monet ba responsible for the expauses of Patinou wat by
or withou-de. Also, Bland Latipurapihal
50 Barrala Prime Me Bef
100 .. Gallege Flour.
100 Boxes Vinchester Balt-waler Song.
60 Barrels Prima Cider Vinegut,
50 Boxes Sichel's Wine Balers,
50 Kags Dried Apples,
25 Box H. Lump Tabacco,
100 Tisa Benda Sodn und Water Biscuits,
200 Gallons Spirits of Turpentine,
Bold Linseed Oil,
100 Kegs New York Bauer,
100 Tins Powdered and Lamp Sugar,
100 Barrel Pilot Brand,
Hides of Bigging, Pump, and Bellows Leacher.
Also, constantly on hand.
Europe and Manila Rigging of all sizes, Cunves, Tar, Paints of all Colours, and a complete Amort. ment of Arunks necessary for hipa" ve",
Maria's Pale and Brown Bready in Wood and Boule; Bherry in Wood and Boule; Ould and Pa DE SILVER & Co.
Hongkong, let Jasvary, 1854.
FOR SALE at the HTORES of the undersigund,
FOR SALbele of English Date, weighing
43 Ihr. per bushel.
Victoria, 10th January, 1854.
FOR SALE at Mas. MARON'S Millinery Rooma, Queen's Rond, Hongkong.
CHOICE Selection of Bonauts of the Lainat fashions, consisting of Velvet, Balin Olsce
Bolk. Plan and Fancy Straws of every description.
Black and Colored Sith Mantles.
Black and White Lace Do,
French Barege and Cashmere Shaw la
French Glass & Taffino Hilke in wary color. Black & Colored Bilk Velvas,
Do Ribbons in all Widha, Sash Ribbons.
Boat do., Narrow Hetin, Lote de Bermet do,
French Brocade B Dress
Glace Bill do.. White & Colored Tulle do.
Lnce do., Barege de Boie do.
N. B.-All Hospital Billu sa ba receipted by thầu, Trearer only.
EORGE LOGAN Hair water and Perfoma U begs to inform the Ladies and Gandemen of Hongkong, and Captales visiting the Colony, that be now carrier on the above busleses on the pre- mises of Me F. Duddell, Quova's Road, oppe via the Oriental Bank.
N. B. Ladies and Goslemon attended at their mon residemens if required.
Hongkong, 24th January, 1854.
THE underwired has received instructions lo mall by Pussio Auction, on the Premisen
the 10th day of February nart. At Noon praty
Unless previously disposed of by privi
me, the folt wing Property,
In one Lot.
That building to the Queen's Road known
to the
HONGKONG ULUB KOUBA, And the ou buildings allached, with the land upon which the whole in built-Registered in the Land Ore as Inland Lot No. 18, mor ing 14 100 square foot.-Annual Ground Reat £128,001.
Also in one Lot.
All the Splendid Furniture, Billiard Tables, Pine, Crockery, Glass Ware &a., &, belonging to the above establishment.
Conditions of Bale, Chialogues of the Forag Acc. will be deleted some days pel?r to the Auction
Hongkong, th November, 1658.
THE Sale of iba " Hoxanone Czua House and Funnitus." is postponed until Friday tha 10th February 1954,
Hongkong, 28th January, 1954.
in Bacs of 5 Ibe a 15 lbs. nach.
MAC EWEN & Co. Hongkong, January, 1854.
(Cupressus Funebris,)
Few Packets of the Seed of this
A Tea Pick plant have been obtain
ed from the Green Ten country, and are for Sale.
"We have received a specimen of it, which enables us to say it must be a plant of the Greatest beauty."
Prada Unite--" Agricultural Gazette."
Apply to
MAC EWEN & Lo. Hongkong, 17th January, 1854.
TRANSLATION OF THE QURMAN OFFENIAL LETT. TN accordance with the Prospectus, has taken place this day, before a notary, witnesses, and the public, the 17th Drawing of the HasOTAN Brats Lentrent Loan of the year 1845, and the fullowing 20 Serien mumbora hava bean drawe :-
99 1639 1951 8524 5787 093 9186 3163 3500 5850 1072 2479 8201 3940 0941 1091 2774 3509
4407 together, 20 Serias of 25 Bonds each, or 500 Bonda. We hereby publish the same for the informa- tion of the pabilo.
Direction of the Heusian Treasury Office,
Camel, fat December, R53.
Dec. B tööd vich Islands Mar
D.c. 19 Labs
Japy. 9 Blagapor
Oul 1 Amay Dec Napo
Fagian Ushad Biator Calevita Bombay Mudrai
Hyde. Hope
C. San Fra clac
98) Saturday,
30 Monday-
29 Sunday,
Rio Bot
1. P. W.
64 6.4 0,49 9,25 6.41 6,40 9.32 10,17 4,41 64: 10,40 11,0% 91 Tuesday.
6.40 44.29 11,49 New Mund to morow, as 0. 48 A. x.-Pariges yesterday.
ANKIYALA AT TIONGKONG. 27, Vier (Peru), Clark, from Callao, 90th Nov. 11, Hosduck(Am), Walden, from Baltimore, 19t
27, Orkney Las, Martin, from Whatapos.
17, Zephyr, Morrice, East Co.,
27, John Jartram (Am), Landuolm, Whampo 27, George Howland (?m. Wie), Wrih, Whating
REPORT-The Rosback spoke the Am Barqua Casada on the 11th November, off Cape of Good Hope, in lat. 39. Lang. 18 E. bound to this port.
Tun P. & 0.9 N. Co's Storm Ship Cadi Capt. Roberts (late of the Bris) arrived shortly after Sundown on Wednesday, bringing 1,300 Cheats of Mulwa Opium, nod Thirteen more lakhs of Dollars worth of bullion, principally bar silver. The Cadis is one of the Company's now Screw Steamers, and does ber work well, Up to the latitude of Pulo Sepata she expo- rienced fine weather-thence a strong unvon-
The Poons of Singapore for this port three days-H. M. N. 8. Encounter two days before the Oadi -the latter vessel how ever would call at Labuan and coal. ff. M. 8. 8. Baracuta was to leave for China direct on the 18th osient, and may be looked for hourly.
The Russians and Tucks are at war in good earnest, and nearly all the success kitherto has bean, as we expected, on the side of the Turks. We take the following from the Malta Times of the 13th ult.-
By papers and private lattern nevived by the French sizamer Nil, we have received the following important intelligence:-A suguinary action bas taken place at Sinoje on ibo Asiatic mda uf tho Black Sun. There was in this port us Ostema division, composed of 4 friguses, 2 cervelles. 3 or 4 small vessels, sod a very small steamer, the Ergli. A strong Russian squadron, ounsisting of 8 line of battle ships, one of which was a threa decker, nad several Gigstas and sorvatten, favoured by the wind entered the port, and sù mngagemeni look. place. The struggle was dreadful, ned was sustain ed by the Turkish ouifers and the batteries of the fort with the ment determined courage
The city was on fire in two places. The steam frigate if which brought the nowe to Constan- Lipuple, received several shots, nad kad some ni killed and wounded, the mone Russian ven- sal funder. When the Turkish stanmor Faf NO Simups the engagement was being overled on was the same obtusoy. The English and French steem frigaivo Retribution und Magador, hud leiu Constantinople to render magistaucaso lhe wasedet. A other English stummer was sent to Biuope to obwin the precise details of the ongagument." Un the day after the arrival of the faif, the Eng- lish Admirals Duades and Lyons, and the Frenchs Admirala Homolin sud Jacquloot, descended from Beyco to Paru, on board the Cadac, Lord Stratford De Recliffs, accompanied by two Eug- Jish Admirale, proceeded to H General Braguay d'Hilliers, and there a conference took place be. tween the Ambuendere, and the four Admirala, the result of which was that the Caradoo was or dered to leave ab important despetobes for the English and French Governments. It was re- ported on the departure of the French steamer on The 5th, that the Impoh line of battleship 'Cher- Irmagos" and nu_English szrow steamer under the command of Bir Edisund Lycos wert about to as- the the Black Be The Boglish iron muertunt skraneme "l'haba." antret had left Constantivople for Trebizond, was fråd isto by sein Russina own of war, and struck by three cuneo balle, which obliged bar to lay to After being visited abe was allowed to continue her voyage.
We glean from the Impartial de Syras, of the 6th Dee the following:-Kard Ahme. Pacha har. ing marched aguina Alexandroplo, the garrison ande e sortie, but was driven back leaving grost many dend and wounded, and a large quantity of arma and baggage Abdi Paaha þad in person com menced the siege against Alexandrople The Ge neral in Chief of the army of Asle had taken pos- session of two important positions, Azgur and Dj rail, which command the dafilen looding to Akisks All the neighbouring districts of Akĭska have been occupied by the Ottoman troeps, who have changed the authomies The gront part of the population being Musselman, their liberatore were received with enthusiam. Zbalans Geen taken by Sebamy), afar a most ganguinary fight of 38 hours. Douirt Bey, one of Schamyle omar had taken the fort of Kabott, and continued his march towards Chitwan.The sonobate frain Tra bizund which are to the 24th Nov, ate very favour able to the arme of the Turke:-All the efforts of the Russians to retake the furt Chawketul have been waar-lling The Turka had taken pusses sion of the station of Soples, and of 70) Russines that garrisoned the place, anly 300 escaped with their lives.-Malta Times, Dio. 13.
As the P. O. 8. N. Co.'s Steam Sloop Can- lon was coming bere from Cumaingmoon on the 24th instant, an engagement was observed off Listin between a Junk and two piratical vemels; the latter, the Cant approached, sheering off to the Eastward, one of them boaching on Lintin-the crew taking to the hills. As the Cantun got closer, the Junk was observ od to be in tames fore and aft, the crew jumping overboard. Boats were immediately lowered, and Capt. McDermott and his crew succeeded in saving fifty two from a watery grave, with whom he arrived in Horgiong
From the North-China Herald, January, 7.
We have gleanal from the narrative of an eyewit- oes the following lunbar pirsiculare of the trip of
Cassini to Nanking.
ancestors and can be traced back for many hun- dreds of years.
The female officern were noticed riding through the streets up to the Yamune to give in their daily reports to the chiefs, and diammunted in inilitary order and with great olsenity at the ofloist radi dences; when they had given in their reports they remodeled and rode away to their quarters
From the North China Harald, January, 14.
The China Mail and Hongkong Register.-W= chetain!??du not desira en unter into unfriendly ana- toveny with our contemporsche, and wa cordially | mehow "* hatred, malice and all unansritablearse," hut wa shuld be found wanting in just ca to nar srives to our fri nile, and to the great cause which we adeorala, via: --the best interesta temporal and aternal of the vast peoplo smong whom we kro-if we failed to notice the tone of the journals whose titles we placa as the head of this article.
have been accompsed by the remark, "probably
KOT Gorrect.
In the paper of December 18th (being from his overland edition), he acknowledges the gradual up. proach of the rebels to the Capital, but comandes himself with the idea that the intense winter of that region will be more distrous to them then suc- ception of defaute, and he adde Peking is pre- ** samed to be well garrisoned, and warn from the son of a Clilauta gentleman, recently arrived from the ospital, that its stores of rice ore af *ficient for three years' consumption," &c., &c. Mo the Editor swallows this, and then complacently des to the unfortuante oredulity of those who had believed more assumptions' to the contrary.
In the same paper, professing to give a summery of intelligenes from Bhanghae, for the information of his home readers, he says... The Fokinros chief La cuts me to pieces, and steeps their hearts and entrails D wing-that the population In the city his bran tidazed from about half a mil Tươm to 80,000- that about 300 of the orderly
Caron, -No report-Stock 4,000 pecula, Buds-No report Ithubarb.-None in market, Verl(c) B"m,
|Bug?t,- White 7000 preule.
Brown 10,000
New Cup looked for.
Cash in 2 Months, Duty Paid
+ Mendes the apperet, sågpas mbet godatima yad the de mangronden in prior to vote, ruộty so when there be how we k Spritem in the Enchongo an England and India. Gray Shirtings from $1.50 to 2.40 (+ 0 a 5 cis.) White Shirtings. $ 1,80 10 2.90(Mandy) American Drills. § 1.85 to 1.65 (swady,) Calion Yarn021.00 3050 ( +0 ??@ 1 p. pl } Spanish Stripco - 0.71 to 1.00 jetendy.) Long Elle Ĥ & H§ 6.75 to 7.15 (steady,)
H 8 Lead Engkab Steel Faglish
On parsing Eching about ten miles above. Kon- chow, it exhiklied all the appearance of a large cing very lofty pagada reae habind it myking = good land-mark for vessels moving up and down the river. Many large dem were anticed which proved to have bean caused by the destruction of Joe-houses by order of Ten-ping. There was a large firal at anchor consisting of about 800 vesi - pasir them they boisted their colore which made a very gay and benutiful appearance and the crowd of soldier and chiefs au hoard, supposed to be nearly 30,000 troops, presented a splendid effect. This Hoet was understoud to he bound fet Yong-how with provicious and reinforcemento for that city. Shortly after, a vast number of ventola was met with which seemed to swarm over the
First, to or own viswa.-We have walebed zivar lika boes, all flying Ta--ping wang's colours
the pongress of the Chinzés Rebellion with great buhabitants have been recently ala o by the rebels, and towing numerous bonus conveying mules and
interest, and have become ne adroosios, becauso we En giving those interesting Mens, the Ednor dome horses for the daw of the army. These men were
bellera that ko greens, -under ihr quideore of an | cot say wholber be can " vouch for their authenti- in high glee sad onluted the foreign firaskip na it
overruling Providence- will ant only emancipate any." moved slowly up the river, and the chiefs wered
the nailon frag so allen and diapolie yoka bat i-- their bande in token of welcome-taying we ittradure the light of Christianity and true evil Chine Herald is ont to be trusted in what profes
The Mail in respect to as, "the North
ses to be editorial" We can afford to sendo at the coffellum, and ask if our journal-which is a Rice (Duty free) record of evrst mod exponet of public opinion, Betel Nut may not be more satisfeciory to the public. for oc
TRAN" cannually awdorung the cuntsibations of there. Oquam, Menings,
were, go forward. Next morning another email. ders of jusks was anonuntered, so that it appeared o if one continunue stream of vessels was peering down without interruption; not a single imperiskat vessel was seen above Chin-konng. The appear. ance of the country about Nanking is very bara and unprepossessing ; que would scarcely suppowe it to be the seat of so as a population The
tion ; and thos ?rsive her termlög millerine from the gravelling alswety of paganino into the "glorious liberty of the one of God,"
Evan 1 ? a slightest sign of a movement in this direction, the faintem ground for hope that queh gbrings really may now be forthcoming, are
Ugh le racile e shrub of sympathy threogboat the great hourt of Chelstondom. We believe in the progress of rivillz navê ns, and to enter the pale of Curlstendom- and we have hopes that this rebellion is the bes ginning of that and,"
But we are not over credulows on this subject. - We are not unmindful of the many unfavorable features in the lastrines, sad deeds of the revola
then le that of the China Mail, which is the so-
The Plates
??6 50 to 6.00 (stan 4y.)
630 to 6.60 (4-10.
500 to 5.50 (??0 ct.pib) 65 80 to 0.00 (??10 stop.bus Geng Clarified $70.00 to 13000+24 010, pl,
Grade 8x00 to 100 00 Sandal Wood, Balakar
varying record of the prejudices, and the speck Docke ed opinions of lus Eitor
The course of the Hongkong Register, his baen similar to that of the Mail It is unnecessary to advance any proofs of this, for they are somerons and palpable enough We will refer however to two of a fenders which appeared in the overlan edition of December 10th one is the review of of the Bishop of Victoria's chargo ni Shanghar, and the other is a comment upon the lesser of Dr. Madhurst which appeared in this journal Novom bet 20th. Now, in both instanses, the Editor has rushed into the males, without knowledge, judg. ment or courtesy, striking blindly st the proper- tion that there are some favourable religious fen- tures in this Rebellion, demoving the attention of The Christian world. He seems to be personally nfended at such an intimation, and do arouila it (particularly in his enmarks upon the latter of Dr Our object in this journal has been to prescot a Medhare) in language totally unworthy of any faithful and cntract picture of the course of events | journal which has the least pretence to respecta in China; and while we do not conceal our own?�bility. rympathien, wa surely buvo no desire to mielend the minds of any of our rendere.
|| tionists, and of the proverbial ascertainties of war;|| -and we admit the possibility that all mar hop se, cory and la disappointment, and the dark eurain of Tataing be senin drawn closer than ever nevr the nation; but still we shall aut surrender our bore for batlar things, until more definite and pal- poble emaons are developed.
The Register is not bound to giva assent to the opinions of the Bishop of Victorin or of Dr. Bled- harat, hot he is certainly bound in trost three re verend gentlemen with the courtney to which their
character and attainment until them
The Register ways-~ We doubted the sorcess * of the rebels in Kwang as * *
** we donkind she quecoa -f the rebolo when they
+ barmapen Naching ... and we |" shall continue te denke the vibers of the rebel- fiona! we see it * avastamiskän a revolution" *be bar a right tu doekt; but smid,ali ihla v. ferous doubting, we would suggest de 2 fitle deobt as to his own Infallibility of judgment'Eufo tem of information, would be a Jury gmat impoo-
The China Mail and flongkong Register, b?�w- over, have lakon an entirely differem view, both of the character and alteriór objects of the Tarbigh pings For long period they denied even the existence of "a rebellion." but when this becging Da notorious for danlal, they began to usonil le character and motives of the Insurgents, as if fu so. range for buying proved them to ha nilaroken. Bo they open wide their eyra, wid hodly cipelen. Agrimst all they see that is objectionabila in the The pingy, while they pertinuélously shut their open, or at konut keep silent, upon all that is favo rate-they evince the most pativo celulity of every thing that is reported against them, and s hike incredulity of all that le io their favor. They are not friend on the contrary, they mail each other upon almost every other subject, but in huo- ting down the Tao ping wong and his followers, they lovingly ron together in couple, and endes Your to crash all sympathy for them, by represen. them as impastors, rogues and brigands, who will as as certainly deserve to be. They seem to measure the lower- gent Chinos by the high standard of Wastaen Ci- viligstion, and wherever they fall short in doctrina or conduct, in political, in religious, und, even in military mattara, they denounce without mercy.
steamer cast anchor near the firet stockades about seven miles from the Brut gate of the City, and no water communication could be had mentor, expect by carrow canal which led up to the city wall md round to the Porcelain tower, lying at a con- siderable distance behind the Tarine city ; at least Bees miles from where the Coríní dropped anchor. The city walls are in beautiful repair and range from any to seventy feet high -the canal earrounding the city in estimated to be at least do Fre bread and about 4 10 6 fact deep. The partion of the wall blown up by the insurgents was sixty feet wide, but has been substantially re-budt. The oper wall is well guarded by seminala at about one beadred yards apart-which intres fully 2,000 men to patrol is The space between each wall about four hundred feet, near the gates they are about 10 fest broad and 40 fem high and full hundred feet in depth-enteraet gutes of smaller dimensions have been added by the insurgents, inside which long from guns are mounted. The di'nce from the large and ensirat ozier gule, to the inner one of the third wall, ması be at least one.quartet af a-mile-from whence a wide streat of twenty feet bread and surrounded us either vide by low house in a very rolmous state, rana as far as you can sou. Not the slightest bushumng is car rying on in the shope-but all the iukabitanie, men, women and children are well dressed and cleanly in their persona, and the great variety of col-ura, and coelome presents a very agreeablo and livaly been before almerved, the women A has b aspect. ace ongregated is beir own quarter, hat many of | them are occupied during the day in carrying tion from the junke into the city having officers of their own sex over them, and if any are niced to be ting female chini with a small rastan in ber hood, given her soma smart tape to awaken her attention. Many of the women were observed to be of large slatere, florid complexion and having onurmally large feat for Chinese, and akogether, looked more like Europeana then are met with in ible part of China. The men are generally strong, Blood and beakby looking, and they tram the boys with great kindna-e-all are well dearted in alik, calia and for. They all fare alike-thay un man wine in small cups at their moola, but eat nothing between merle, and no sobadoo or opium le any where met with, for it is well known death in the award of any instingumunt of the strict orders which are placarded all over the walls of the city, and even in the country round about. All the Josses have been destroyed throughout the city, sad every where within reach of the lavargania." One morning about ten o'clock, a very larga pro- cession, consisting of at least five thousand men, moved from the official rosidanese up to the hill on the north side of the city, te také a vlaw of the Steamer. Two very large dragons were carried in the prossesion, our yellow," the other red, a toast one bandred fast long; each carried by 200 hundred men and so large, that the man's legh looked like cemi pedes' in comparison. Flags, banner and music accompanied them and many chie's were present on the oezavisn. They stayed there at least and boar and a half, and then moved down again to the strains of their nemi.barbarous music of gongs, tomtoms, and triangles. The forti- ficatione appear to have been well looked to and strengthened in every possible way, by canale, fome, form, stockade and pitfalls, in all directions -all the walls and forta are well magated with Iron gun-one 24-ik, brase carronade was noticed in one of the outside Batteries. The small arme of the soldiery se abiody apears and small swords and matchlocks, bat no European guns were among them. The great city (now called Teen- king or heavenly city) seama quke impregnable to any active Croops and i would even require a well appointed foreign force to make any offectual attack on such a forurens as Nanking now is The people are remarkably civil and wall behaved towards foreigners-and toomade upon shonendu visited the Steamer, bat all in the most orderly manner, and not the slightest thing was mined during the Crimi?'s vinis, in Nanking not a dost in locked they universally eslute each other an Heung-ta ar brother and Tohrung brethren who ther native of formigo if u Chrisilan, and impe and de ilele en generally applied to their enemics
The orderly way in whiab vrarything is conduct ed would lead the the spectator so imagine that being was visiting an old established government, instead of a new power just sprung lato existanca. Every one, men woman and child has their appointed duty, and they go about it with a will.
The chief say, their religion is not borrowed??from Irreigners, but was the old religion of their
We will not wi?em that the Editors of these journals are not no davirons for the best interests of The Chinese as we are, and we do not complain that they di?er from us in opinion at to the `character of the rebellion, but we find fault with ilem for no harably prejudging the Revolmionists, and for the unfair manner in which they report the progress of events. The reader of chase journals for the pist year will have noticed this,--but we will refer, in illustration of our remarka, moraly to name of their Intent in We begin with the China Mail In the issue of December 8th, the Editor, professing to give a report of the programs of affairs in China, produces a long string of sucenta over the rebuli and recapture of Citire by the Imperialios, taken from the Peking Gungtia; and at the tail of this he mys.-We add an "extra" from the travelation of the Pening Gorette furnished by Dr Medhar to The North China Herald,"-this " extract," je that Taparing and garbled report of "the grost victory"? gulard by Shing paow over the rebela at E'yang October 6th, wherein they lost somewhere about 10,000 man." Now, why should the Editor be se mreful to publiah ibio ?zvette in full, while ba not only left out but made no reference to various olber Gaseties of quite a different tenor, treiale: tinas of which were before him at the same time! Does he call this giving a fale and truthful plc- Lure of the course of avonta, or does he prof-an on- IT to publish account of victorise over the rebels?
In the same paper, and directly following the| "bare, he introduces the translation of a letter from " Chinese, purporting to be a carration by an aya. witoms of the "capture of Nanking, and of the cruelties that followid"-the latter staten that-
??On the 93 March, all the woman la the Tartar C ty of Nanking were ken and put into a large empty ball- ding, which, alter smadry renkadons of a kind of janyar, wak set on Ben. The vicla pia wờhin and wikom Wai thes destroyed by fire-soi a soul escaped."
This awful story the Editor endorses, by intimal
that the narrativa in teliable, and so ya " though it does not coptala much information, it is probably correct," (The imalios are ours.) If a report of like atrocitise nommjund by the Imperialists had com to the band of the Editor from a like source, wa will venture to sy, that it would either not have found a place in his columns, or if it did, it would
Tu la bomentable that these journals-which go forward to the western world purporting to give a record of the course of events in China, and in guide the public mind--should be filled with such one sided atasaments, and imbsad with such li beral and bitter spirit as they are likely greatly to prejudice the cause of truth-Their local indu ence, is of fur les importance.
24th January, 1854. Sales during the Month Orey Bhirlings,-46,000 pieces, White do. 1.500 pieces, American Drills,- 8,000 pieces, Cotton Yarn-Importers not sellers, Cotton-7,600 Bales, vis 4,500 Bombay and 3,000 Long Elk 800 piscus,
(Bengal Spanish Bic,-600 pieces, Camlets,-1,000 places,
No sale reported,
Tin Plates-300 Boses. Lead,-2,200 Pacala, Quicksilver -900 Flaske, Lochineal,-Far sales reported, Ginseng Limited anla Bandelwood-500 pecula, Retin-1,000 preuls, Pepper-No repon,
Purchase during the month, TR,~~Coogou, 100 ?boga,-Block 140 full Chope, Souchong,-4 Chope-Stock 70 Chape, ill Pekor,-3200 Choola-Stck 2.300 new and 1,000
Main Orange Paloe,-Na seulemente reported,
Block 4,000
Plain Capar-300 Borse-Stock 14,000 Package, Ankoy1,000 balf Che.-Stock 15,000 half Cha. Ning Yong and Oolong,--18,000 Package-
Blook 142,000 Packages,
Booted Caper-5,000 Box, Boented Orange Pikos,-8,000 Boxes, Canton Gunpowder,-Trifling, Young Hyon-Tuding, Hyson Bios,-8,000 Chests, Twankay-150 Chance, Hyron-4,600
Young Hyeon-32,000 bair Cheat, Imperial and Gunpowder-700 ball Chests, Country Green-188,000 Paakuga havo arrived,
47,000 of which are entled, Nasztó Size-Purahasoo of the Benson to date are 1,487 Bales of Tauthors-458 of Tarmama and 505 of Pewbingu, leaving only 90 Bales of Sewhinge in Stock,
06 90 in 7 50p pl.
Bouth Ban falando 94.60 to 500°,
82,40 10 2 60
155 to 2.90 (-5 @[10 cis.)
300 to 4.0+10 GO, }
Tasly 16 to 17 (-
Bouchong, 28,31 + 35 Pelota.
17 to 19-1° ??14 .. ) 174 to 21 (- 10 1 .. 17] to 23
Tarleto 40 (+1 a 10
No report.
Plain O. Prkos, Plain Coper Ningyonga Oolong Scented Caper. - Honted O. Pekon Canton-Guapond-r.
Young Hyson, - Heron Skin, Twonkay,-
H17, Young Hyson,
10 to 24
16 to 30 (+1
19 ta 26 (??9 Ne report,
15 - 29
19 a 42
Imperial ? Gunpowder, 33 a 46 BILE-No report,
Cassia, Lignia,-Prices have recadad,
# Buds.
Ov Vermillion $30 to 37 p. box of 50 caltis(4-1pbox)
Freights-Are firm at £5 a £5 104 for Londo Rod Laverpo?�↳Ļ and soi likely to decline looking to the requiremenu for Tonnage both for E gland and the Out Ports. For New York, $18 * $20 for Tea, and $90 a 36 bar Silka For San Francisca, 820 für Tom, and 930 for Sitte. Exchange-Transactions for the Bi monthly Mod
were undeally large, at rate ruling from Se 3d a 51 140 thou for the prescat Mail may Lo quoted Aid &e zd. On lodis, 243 ??V40 -1 which a good business las b?an done Orie Bank Corporation on Laden, at 6 months right 64.14. ?n India, ni 5 days sighi 242 Rupees per TD Dars, Commercial Bank of India en Landon, at monthe sight be id. On Indra, - night 208 a 1 Rupie per 103 Dra. Bujë m-Bappling by the two Bros of the pre- aft mondodenne to show Four Million Dot. Jars, 'u considérable:persion of which however has gone North. Quotations are,-
British Chamber of Commerct, Canton, 24th January 1854.
A Public Declaratie from the Banking Haasan having been amoed isla day, stating that for the future all DOLLARS of the same instrinsic value as the CHOPPED DOLLAR CURRENCY wal be received by them at Par: the quotations of bul- lion are akered no under.-
SYCEE BILVER, 22 per Cont Premium. GOLD, 21 80 per Taël of 100 Touch.
It may be reasonably expected that the question of the MEXICAN DOLLAR at Par ? now disposed of
(From the Canton Commercial List, Juny. 25.)
Cloning Rates-5 r. 25th Jany.
at (umringmoon-21st January, 1854.
Juny. |14|| 1238 609 ฟ�? Import ninos
36 no
1359 609 Deliveries 391 305
35 2641)
Jany. 21 96% 204 5764
10 775
25 18864
??The apparent advance or recession in price of Tena must of comem be considered relatively with theft quality. The marks oigally from lowest to highest prices, as in Sonchongs, in which there has been an increase la the cheaper and a decrease in the pries of the dearer kinds.
about 10 r.M., and reported at the Polios office, The Junk proved to be the They chong-hang belonging to Slam, whither she was bound froin Canton, with a general cargo and somo 90,000 in specio, the whole of which went down with the Junk. There were 68 people in the versel when the pirates boarded a vet fire with stink pots, w?ma the 80 having sunk whital the others were being picked up but how many were lost ononot be stated, as a Portuguese Larchs and a Chins boat that were near also aided in saving some of them from drowning.
The Police authorities, as is their wont, promptly informed Admiral Pellow's Begre lary of what had occurred, who took the usual course of reporting the sums to his superior in due time; by whom, in conjunction with Vico-Admiral Bonham, the matter is presumed to be still under cousideration, and, in course, no doubt, a scheme, will be deviasıl for check- ing the many slotilar atrocities we are conti noslly hearing of, worthy of the high, reputation of the several worthies alluded to,
supplement we give further detaile of the Frenchmm's trip to Nanking, and a long articlo from the pen of the Editor of the North Chins Herald on the course pursued by our loes! Contemporaries in their treatment of the Chi west Revolution subject; the article being, only in different words, a mere scho of what wo have over and over again written of the same impartial jourodiete. We desire to correct the Herald but in one line. Their (the Afail and Nagister's) local influence "he says"in of far less Importanos." This should have been "Their local influence ie so owall, that," a-ke Toote
its of no consequenos whatever."
bow, and, to his borror and alarm, there was | " Emperor of Chins and his people in the the land. He immediately sunk out Port-" struggle now going on!"-should not, wo Port! The Captain rualed to the whool and think, be definitivoly answered in tan negative sided in porting the helm himself; the ship for the mere reason that it is part of a proper soon cleared the land, but only to be brought up creed of European Governments to allow each by a rock, of the existence of which navigators uation to fight for liberty in its own way. were previously but little aware.
On a formar necasion, toueling the lows of the Larriston, we gave our Contemporary a??few lines in cantation of Burna; we will now conclude with a line from Bhakspero,-
li you will mesanco you, brider's length agala, tarry
Low, Act 31. 16.4.
There is no parallel ouse by which this ques- tion may be anawared. At no time la the annals of Chelitendom do we read of a people rising, an it were from the sleep of the grave, and eny- lug, with a voice in which there is no wavor, we will not be ridden down by our present rulers Because they are alien to our blood-bo eause they are alien to our religion-our reli- | gion, the worship of the one true God-for it in circumstance not lightly to be dwelt oo, that the new Chioses dynasty, in their religious doctrines, claim only the exercise of rites they allego to have been practiand by their fore,
A deputation headed by and entirely com prised of the Editor of the China Mail, waited on the Hon'ble Colonel Marshall on heard the | Ganges, in which Brosmer H, E. took his pas- sage home. The deputation highly compliment od H. E. on the sucess of his career in Coins, To superficial observare this asesetion may and on his endeavour to check the grasping pro- appear ridiculous. But we are not of those pensities of his countrymen. H. B. replied who think that the Chinese are incapable of that when he went in to befriend a man he reflecting deeply and sincerely in mattare of guessed he wont the entire animal 1-ho had | spirituality. There is not, we believe, a nation gone in to help Rainqus, and he made his own under the heavens, with whom reverence lo countrymen stump up their duties until they
God is so anich dirolt on as by the inhabitanta had not go a darned doller left. He pledged of Chinh amand this in to be seen in alíaner evory his word shat he did not leave Bhanghee until spot to which we happen to inflow them; who. he was perfectly satisfied that not an American ther in their public places of resort-their dormi- house had one silver dollar left." The deputatories-their work shops -their kitchene-" ?un- tion then handed H. E. a parool, which we sup "der every rock and every groen treo "-alika posed was present, but, upon a glance at the displayed in the dwalling of the courtesan and addres, it turned out to be a pacquet of Nowe the artisan-there, in some conspicuous place papere for Mress Bhuttleworth, London, 100 is seen, emblazoned in fomninous characters, the late for the Post Of?ca, which H. & con- name for what they conceive to be the essen. descendingly took charge for. The deputation then withdrew.
(From the Overland Friend of China Jun 27.)
A Chinese Junk arrived in Hongkong on Wed nesday inat, only three weeks on her passage from the Gulf of Pechelt. and reports that when she left Tien-talen that plans was ac. tually in powersion of the rebel Army, and that Pehing was clovely invested.
Poking Gazettes have been ghyvived in the 14th ultime, but thele geétanda arar doubtful Truth--the extermination of reboli si Bhang.
lee (a groes Inlpehood) being among other items therein reported,
Shaughne has now been four monila and up wards in possessión of the rebels. But reports are current of interual disentune, and it is not Improbable that before long the Imperialists will succeed in causing the place to be evacun, ted. As the party in pression see l? no way -gends in their professiopa of adherence to th�?Nanking Dynasty, mach ironics Mave bat Wiile case for veganos to foreigners, and abot, in much to
We publish a letter regarding the * lubberly " Labriston.caso, as the Editor of the China Mail styles it in his Overland edition. We here beard it doubted whether Captain Potter ever wrute such a letter as thot on which the Editor rolsen fur bio justification in further stirring up la matter of wisch-be hur good reason to be so well ashamed. But whether the Nab Editor of the Man did, or whether he did not receive nach a letter, (certainly never meant for pub- beation) the Mail is allogeiber wrong- wuld have the public to be so ton-in trylag Ito throw odium on the Master and Officers of The Larristen, for their pit in the unfortun
Recule. la no way could a communion de examina Captain Putter in England have aid?d The Editor of the Mail in his dosence of the action brought against him for libel; nod to car nly oureaves that such examination would have been useless, we have only to remember what was the essence of the plaintiff's cast.. He was the Officer of the watch when the Larriston strack, and was accused in the Mail of having kept a bad look out, whereby the sound cident occurred. Now, that on the contrary #ával Autoestion take hala nolino al it, there
From other
**nac of the elelerets far a re- getation, and that if the spirit to write ses into blame
The profesional rebele of the Toong koon district have been obliged to mocumb to the arme of the Capton Imperialista. The Kwang chow-foo has returned to Canton, still lear. ing, however, large bedies of troope in the
arbad districts.
of tent occurrence i bas, as our wend Hongkong and Canton piracy is
ie do see in referring to the subject in a more
The United States Squadron-the three Leviathan Steamers, with two Stors ships in tow,-leh Hongkong on the 14th instant a few bours after the arrival of the overland mail bound to Lon-cloo and Japan. They onrry with the many hearty good wishes for their success 1-bet the mucosas antioipated is soins- what doubtful.
In lind, he was keeping a good look out, could hary
bean proved on the trial. Owing to the as-k pitkänlað minner. roneous course steared, through the variation of the compare (no fault of his) lie was draining hie eyer in the way he was told, bot in an opposite direction to the point where the land lay. The action was lostituted by the Booond date solely to clear his character. Well, what had Capt. Potter's tealimony to do with it? By own snimion he was below sleep when the vessel struck.-How than could he toll what kint of a look out there was 1-what good could have cavalled froin any commission to examine him-unless the Afail thought he was disposed to perjura himmlit
In calling the wrack "lubberly" the Mail only shows how great a lubber he is himself. By lobber wo do ne confine ourselves to Tus ser's sense of the word va "a sturdy, denna i an idlo, fat, bulky lost; a booby" we mean " lubbaj" in the maritime sense-"one who knows nothing about a ship." The loss of the Larriston occurred in this wise. On leaving Shanghon she was fouled by an American skip, and carried away her misen maat ; from this mast lod forward a chain stay, and even children who play at magnetism on terra firmá know that if a chalu in suspended over a mag.
Exchange on London and India, both is Can- ton and Khanghae, has slightly declined. At Canton 6 months' billa on London range from
Bl. to 8% 7d. On fudia, in Canton, por 5. 18, to da, 24-At Shanghae they are from
$100. Ra 96810 260-in Shanghae per $100 Rs. 300.
Freights from Bhangbae to London from £7 to 9 per ton-frois Canton to London Gon £5 to 25,104
Milwa Optum, in Canton $497)-in, Shung - hac #880. Paina Opium in Canton #961)-- in Bleunghee $325,
Buch in a briol alixtract of the principal items. of political and inerèantile intelligence by dja Present opportunity, for the aid of ibne who desire to make use of the Electric telegraph.
Let us now proceed to a consideration of our position, for the perusal of those who take an interest in the moral and political regeneration of the great Empire on whose barders we are dwelling. From the long continued marina of troubles in the Celestial Empire an comptial good has already no crued many of those who were used to think of the Chinese nation as a body of obstinate foole for whom there did not exist
net it causes to it polut saat west of true north so it may happen to be situated. This chain being accidentally so removed, the magnetic-either presently or prospectively--the small needle, by which she was steered, took an oasterly aberration, and, whilst Captain Baylis thought he was making a course which would take him woll fear of Turnabout, he was actually running for the passage be- tween that faland and the main. The Se. cood Mats, stationed forward, being told to keep a good book out on the sterboard bow-??did so. Dy chance he looked over the other
det hope al elevation from the slough of supers- tition, and degradation in which we have seen then allowing many of us are now wit nong with pleasure the glorious fact that China in hot altogether insenslule to the prompt. ings of that spirit of progress which, over all the rout of the world, in the great churaclaratio of the age in which we live i-and, circumstanced as we are, the question which has hitherto been held in abeyance-" la it the duty of western nations to interfere between the
til Essence the spirit of the Almighty Gon, as though balering, and rightly too, that where ver we are and whatever we do, his all-soving eye beholds us and that where his name is in voked there may we safely follow, trusting all cooldeadly that no danger can ensus,
We repeat, that there le ua precedent for our guidance in determining the question
it..the duty of western nations to inter- fere bewon the Tartar Emperor (the up
bolder of Buddhism and idolatry) and the Chi-
nose people-the professore of a creed of ai milar tenour with our own)
We have been led into be consideration of this question by the news which has
reacbed us by the fast mail fimm the north. As before mentinued, and further referred to in extract from our last regular imun, we now find that liare every prospect of Shanghan soon falling again sato the bands of the Tartar Government Now, according to the report of the French Steamer Cassini from Chin keang Ino to Nanking, and thence upwards to the Yellow river, the forces of That plug wang baye mipromo convint *mot an aperialist "wonnel was coved" witht on the coast, outside the mouth ?of the -Tang 100 kiang Boots of fran- bootare "holidḥa Turlar Government in com lantpiadas Gelin si yatan qus and
The Pork is intended for the use of the eslab. fish-nent at New You time, and it is difficult fue
`me to say how many will partake of it.
The jar of Oil and the Hen nte imported as mos lere only, from which to lay in a so- silerable stock is anticipation of even more stringent ordere with regard to the supply of the necessaries of life to British buljaste being issued through you, by H. E. the Taufae, possibly to the saint of pros hibiting their Importation in tolo. When par abased, the Oil to intended for the illumination of 16 lampe (Including 3 out of denre), and the Fowle are in acecompany the Rior in the shape of carry.
Your notification I obsetre applies to Rice only, but I have thought it well to mention the ether ar ticles as I bear that Pals have already bear stap- pad, and in expectation of a notion on that subject.
Permit me to add that I shall be importing me Eggs shortly, whm I skali agala bave the bonor of adfrosting you, that the Coulins in my Evisblush- ment are slarving, and that-I am, Bis.
Dr the outgoing teamer Dr. McAndrew leaves the Colony, to take charge, in Madras, of hi uffien of Deputy Inspector General of Hou pital in Judia. We hear that in Garrison Or- der the Honourable the Major General Com manding, has dwelt somewhat extensively, and very justly, on the great ervices rendered by Dr. MacAndrew during his three years stay bore. This is as it shoulit be; and it gives us much pleasure to and this reterno physician's mrvices appreciated in a way which cannot fail to prove to him a sarce of much satisfaction.
in medical charge of the invalide of his corps another deserving Medical Officer also leaves the garrison, where he has been stationed near- ly as long as Dr. MacAndrew. We allade to Dr Crok of the Caylon Rifle, who, to our knowledge, has had more to do with the sick of all the corps here than any other Medical Of Boer during the period mentioned. la the first summer of bis arrival, oupocially, whon-owing to the death or absence on sick louve of his
brathor blediensospital charge of the Beis Regimeos, Artillery, and Rifles, nourly all si the more time, dovolved on Dr. Crolt,~who is therefore peculiarly identified with that mark ed improvement to the health of the troops which took place so soon after the arrival of General Jervois with full autherity to see that
what the medical officers recobeanded spoald be instantly attended to; and to Which. Thder Divine Providence, next to the Physician's skili, success has mainly to be attributed
Whilst speaking of the garrison (greatly and improperly reduced to a small body of fighting men) we have to notice two improprieties con nected with the service-un in sending inva lide to England in a ship much too small for the number pac?ed (a:darks) on board-and mext, the despatch of a'hudy of roomtilts for the 50 Regiment, expected to arrivo ja -that pices of all other meathe for entering vir a adenour of acclimatizing-tha maery manh ?�?
We would why they nên lượn the question pro apily poosidir?k:4 the Tenutas Way 're covers le plating at Swanghee, we are justified in paying t�?báng "?ht: lariga atroan of Karles he expect to Leodiva, whereby we place in his bands effective weapon to protract the strag gini-marwang uHẾT AND HAREKRAF
In our Osirisad Bommary for the 27th of Deeper, we are expression to some opt., blondes the grace Mr Cound Alobek was per
And with the Bhanchua
way when
Si pemes of all Ch
We district, mais bei ENTO" to "^ Findingrimsinking, bes tween the pubadanlage," We deprecated. now to Botion a similar price of indiscretion in bis acquesaing in Samque's intention of doing neither more nor less than commit a breach of the Treaty.
Shanghai, Sth January, 1854. NOTIFICATION. Various complete having Kaen made of the stoppage of sepplies of Rice by the Imperial Bert, HM.% Caneul has been in correspondence on the subject with the Tanoue Woo. In conformity with the consent of that officer, British Realdenu are hereby informed that if potion be given through this office of the amount of flies about to be im ported by any member of the Community, the bumber of persons for whose tee the tin is foun ded the nine of the party shipping; god of the places at which it is so be purchased and to which it in to be carried, a Carúilleas will be lamed by the Troutae, under which the rion will pass unmo Teated.
By order,
T. WADE, Fica Coment. To the British Community, Shangkas
Upon this some Shanghau wag has pertinent. ly suggested the following.
Bugged Form of Application under the ne Rice regulation.
Bir beg to inform you that it is my intention to import from a bags of stion two side of Park, a jar of ?li and ana Hon. These articles will be shipped by sundry shop kerpart whose me 1 shall endonvaue to obtain and for- ward to you The Rice will be landed at the Too- kee Jetty and lo intended for the consumption of- -persopa, via. - but I cannot of ecurso guariðum that it shall be airictly confined to then, -se in the event of a stranger dropping in, fi will be imeumbent opon me to offer him some with curry. The servant will also se you are aware nometnes surrepitioaily cearumeiblak it well to draw your attention to these fasts an I dira to act to the best of my shillity la 'mries accordance with the
ema of your rou?estion.
* is the firm prest of this article we said these charac. ser sigalled the mat of the Abolghty. This is hardly so. We, the game of jehovah in Chiasse to be fe or Sum of the holy spirti Amuw (the charaRIES to which we all the n of Jesu, teraby-the son of God. On this subject of a name there has been mach discussion.
1 the Elkar of the Patton'ap China.
Hongkong, Jawry, 1906, Dear San-You" will of "fourne have summ that extract from a letter to the Bab Editor of the China Mail!, which the Edbhor anga he has best favoured with, and hopes the rider win jodge and the Judge will read " Now to aid the render to judge) beg to hand you a true extract fron a tartar the fudge has already tong. Armed with this latter the Counsel for the pitc bed, I think, good conson for roaming the
· Maita' applicacios for a communion to ansmis Capi Palier in England; and pha li sa you, un?h 4 to your coulere gandeally, wintând un comporio of the two letters, the testimony of aweka depostor could be deems! important. En order to a proper nodermanding of the matter, it would be as well perhaps, if you onal spare room, to print the letter (or rather port of one) the Mail's Devil has beca favoured with, fruta bie honourable friend Ospa
'I am Dear Sir, Your's VERY MUCH DISGUSTED- Extract referred to (as copied from docu- ments to have boer, read in Conrt in the czas of Lawson v. Shurtrede; being part of a let. ler written by Captain Potter to his inand Captain Roundy.
Thank God I had nothing to do with the no vigation of the vessel. I am fully confident that there was a local variation of at least half a point is her binnacle compass, which, in my opinou was the cause of our geriting near the land,
"Arous not on "deek at the time I cannot now that there was n't a good lock out, nor would Inour that there tos.
"I do not consider Baylis at all to blame, and on the contrary he is a very attentive and cure- ful man in conducting his skip, and it only in my opinion the victim of misfortune." CAPT, POTTEN TO HIS FRIEND OF THE "M
**I write by this mail to inform you, but I re- ocived a letter from Baylis the other day, asking my opinion of lume!!, officers, &?., and sí Ĩ recollected ur ever dimngrusing in the course to be stored. I write in reply that I was not awar that he ever asked my opinion at the time, and that did diengree with him, bat did not exprem my oplava to that effect. I klas wrote him that i dd not besitate to express my opinion that the Juse of the barristen was immediately owing in a lack of vigilance *** and that i dombled the pro priety of keeping inshore so olors with a fair wind and current. I le rather cool in him this trying to elicit a latter from me which would enddla me with a port of the blame. I think had I had the gommand of the vessel, she would have reached Hongkong ftly and dua simo z und 1 think he in tanking nu am of kimmelf in trying to quit hin. self and the Sed mouse, when li la parfectly avideat that there is a screw tone somewhere It might bare beca ibe act of God, but I am inclined to think that it was lubbutly."-China Mail. Dec. 19.
Por Mr. Cadia, The Marquis de Norelickie Gor-
or General of Manila, asıl hi m?o, 90. M. Lasy, M. Comen, M. Sulie P. de Mar, J. Harquero, 5. Lacy, M. Quitorres, P Cares, P. Barch, A.
Copy of a Letter from J. Nable. Esq. Mayor of Boston, Extrar, Dons M. D. Halastique, J. D de Quadre,
To Padremon Hexaowat.
Dear Sir,--Mrs Sarah Dizon of Liquorpand Street Boston, has this day deposed before me that for a cool- sulerable period she was severely allies with Bar falous Borm and Ulors le her arme, free, legs, and other parts of her body i ned although the Arst of me. dical advice was obtained, at the cost of a large rum of money, she obtained no abatement el sufbring bat gradually grow worde
Being recommended by a friend to try your Dint ment, the procured a small pat, sed a box of the Pille, and before that was all umpi, evanpoons of amendment opposed. By persevering with the ovedicines for a short time lenger, according to the directions, and strictly adhering to your roles on to diet, de, she was perfectly cured, and now enjoys the best of health,
I remain, Der Fir, years truly, (poed) J. NOBLE
Dated Aug 19th, 1952
of a hope hem Mer Kundell Troms, of the Four Open, denn Rae Bar Baker, Son,
Jan. 194 1649,
To Paoremo Hollomat,
A Hernandes, A. G. Patil, snd Stm P_Na. querra, V. Sotes. J. Ramon, and Lapes-From Bumday, Mr B Nowerwanjur.--From Galla, Mr Dotter and Me Guerin.-From Singapore, Memo Menke, La Cairo, and & Chinnen.
Per Minas, Bishop Sheldon.
Jan. |
24, Lorent (Ham), Saabeg? 840 Francisco. 96, Dannebrog (Den), Bimesen, Shanghas. 25, Frederick VII(ĺko), Love, Shangbae.
Benjamin (Fr), Houry, Whampo
35, Brenda (Am), Stone, Shanghai.
25, Jela (Dui), Geinsa, San Francisco.
2, HQMB Jrge'Juan, Capt. Quesada, Manila
11, Bu. Ganges, Baker, Bombay. Jan.
Flag-Tea Master
Arit #1 Heberts
MoBerme A213 New Br. Dawson Part 10
Jan Babay
A300 dara Helt
Calle steer Canton, votamer
Cornwall, ship Des 4 migas, onkoener KLM. Jay, ship Krangulos, bergau Fathulalom, barga Omg, mer George Newland ship
| Hanghong, vivamar
Is, skip
Harcus, bly
Japsas Verwella berges
John Bertram, shly
John N. Gemler,salp
John Wood, why
Lady Kay Wood, str.
#34 Hatten
Tape Maker
14 Handlin
1992 34 New Zealand
Ner can 140404
J 3: Lowbook
Jan MP & G. 3 N. C2
-P.4 0.8. N. Ca Nov 19 W. Athen and only Oct 26 Dest sed no
Wan Francis Reping
Nor town Ey
24W Antbon and co Wag
Dee John Burd and co.
Jan Order
Dee IP.&O..N C
Oct 13 W, & nihon and no 159 Ang
Jas-gall, Bo
Jard, M. and es.
Nov 21 Das Francieen Out 15 Meyer.KahesFor de eo San Franchare
400 Ludewyks
Dest and co
Jan 12 Jedot
Stig rockell
San Franche Bombay
16 Walmore and on.
b. Rawn and us.
Fors, ship Orleans ship Parachats, ship Parklader, barges Potomac, ship
C490 mmbers Arit 14 Cubitt Dan. 43 Guldager Ham $101.
Dea a de.
Sept Haskek
Dre 11 Liverpool
Pon In Oska
Libertad. harnes Jardineras, ship
18, Fr. Str. La Cawini, Commandes F. de Plas, stathilda, belgan?ios
20, Tamerlans, Ouldwell, Liverpool.
20, Nueve Hilbaino (Spon), Vasques, Manila. 24, Arrow, Dundo, Calcutta. Dec.
Hir-1 ford for a considerable period from a severe attack of Erysipelas, which at ingch settled in my leg, and resisted ill medical treatment". My sof ferings were very great, and I quite despaired of any | permsort amendment, when I was advised to kere se. 28, Menzing, Wilson, Haruna. coure to your Ointment and Pills. I did so without| 29, Siam (Siamese), King, Siam. delay, and a happy to say the result was eminently 11, Adelide, Manor, Singapore. ceful, for they affected a radical cure of my leg | Jan 12, Erik, Elvis, Singapore and restored to the enjoyment of health. Tibull ever spook with the utmost confidence of your medi tinm, and have recommended them to others in this neighbourhood similarly afficted, who derived equal benedt-1 am, Bir, your obliged and faithful Farrant,
The following important cook unfeation has been for warded to Profesor Holloway for publication, by 21 B. Dizon, Chemina King-street, Norwich. Copy of Latter from Capta a fuckk, of Great For
mouth delad January 1816, 1845.
To Mr DEA.
Dear Bird you the particulars of a curu ef- fected by Profior Holloway's invaluable medicines Mr Jewar Waupun, lain in Her Majesty's Servios. In the British Flat at Malta, bad a very bad aloud anada, and mile having been in the Malta Hospital for ziz kerakk, was sont in England as an invalid to Ports mouth Hospital, where be remained an inte four months, there, as at Malta, refusing to have the Memb amputated, he was turned out incurable. He then
ane to Yarmouth and was under a medicul gol Lesboot three months, but his socle became so much were that all hope was fast. At this period. by my advice, he tried kolloway's Ointment and Pike, which by unremitted application, bowled all the nlerro, and restored bikes to påftet bealth and strength,
Train, Dear Sir, yuard very unly. __(Signed) JOHN SMITI.
Albert Hotel Great Yarmouth.
Copy of a Letter 'one Mr. 2. F. Hor, Chermist H.. Lawn Mowiam, Manalyster, dated Fab, baik 1853 To Povo Hosp war,
Dear dir, bave great places in forwarding to you the parilenlass of a very extraordfoscy ears of bad brassi, eflected solely by the use of year celebrated Ointment and Pilla. Men. Mawena Basis of Plat- street, in this Town, had been for a cunalderable time Jabearing oder nervous debility, lam of appetite, and general II) health, socamoned by olorated woonde in
18, Eydensis (Duy, Barneveld, Singapore.
Per Mr. Gangen-For Southampton, Memozu John Mary, G. Sprockley, and J. Macdonati. For Marseilles, Blas D. Mendivil, BO Kinnour,
Sistan, barqar
131 Heston Cro Chino 470|5000
Hell i Hedge Past BF4
Jes 40. J. M. Ue.
Francis Desde
14 Bar Free Dec 19 d.
?�te Whampoa
July 13 Macas
Jos 20/Pul bank
De 251 Weigor
Wale Morles,
Thee Si?�ydoty
Millersburg, skly Year!, alp
Dat. $10 e
Zephyr, schooner
321 Verrios
Isabel Gelatara, barque Pora S Hously
Conduce, brig Omy, brig
Nov 1 Jardine, M. and on 6 Fenneises Nov DA POstan and no. Port Phil
Aug 13 Janies, M. and co.
June 21 Jardine, M and co. Man Franches Now Anthou and Wing Deo Order
Pan Francis Jardins, M. and en
My 19, chanfor sades Port Philly
??Amen and or San Francisc
Jan 17 Labeck and eo.
Part Phy
Ban Vrumben
Nev Lya, Sill and co.
June MyDrinky and on,
an Deul and no.
Now Talles
Ang 90J, 19. Endicott
" 34Maria
Port Phillyder whogos
Out 10. V. for a n oben
-A-A de Mallo - V. Jorge
West Indies Liabe
Hrom 400 Feldbnever
Jam 12 Bagpara
Bett. 81% ande
Bram 201 Langenberg
- |. V Cab and en- Calista -Veder
15 Fimelec
Nov 14 Gall and co
260 10 DEL 410 Har
Daniels barque Dextrahlted, ship Early bit, barque
Des $1 Liverpel Jan Kydney Dec 31
Milan and
#A Heard and cu
Deo Klag and se
Ang T
Artides, p
A. Bowman,For Alexandria, Col Humphry- bophla, banque Marshall and G. Kawell.-For Madras, Dr. and Mrs, Macandrew, * Childreu, and servant, - For Gelio, Dr. and Bira. Crust and servant,-For ydney, via Singapore, Capa1n J. C. Pos Gerald R. N., Alexander Hird, 11. M.'s Vice Cinsel for Whampos, and Wushing, Chutesan
Auxvalo mi Esstand rnos China.
Nov. 22, Emer, Thompsor, from Whampon,
14, Eugenia, Pakke, from Shanghao,
26, Challenger, Killick, from Whaimpos.
96, 8. AM, Willie, fròm Whump
18, Nightmgale, Mather, from Bhanghua.
20, Hannibal, Walker, from Whamyon. 30, Calentia!, Rymur, from Whampoa DEPARTURES FOR Cama.
Nov. 24, Johann, Bik, for Hongkong-
B0, Corustus Weroid, Edward, for 'kang 30, Yuck Club, Lindere, for Hougton
Des 1, Cornelion Smit, Rubnak, for Hongkong
3, Nederland, Roster, for Hongkong-
the breast he had had mueb cxperience in the ader all the known comedies for the care of micers, but with- ant any baneelal result, in fact she had early loss alt faith and hope of a case being elveted. In the dia trossing and painful condition of body and mind, aba w paraded en have neverve to your invaluable Ointment and Pille, which she immediately did, and le the course of a very short time the effect prednced was aver toolking; bar appetita was speedily improvel the sores and ulcers in the breast gradually healed, and
the pervem citament of her system was wholly re- moved,
I remain, Dear Bit, youre fuichfully.
(Signed) T. PORSTEN KE?,
The Pills should be mad conjoiedy with the Olsana vod. In
meget af the following came
Bad Lag
Bad Breasts
te of Monchosm
and Band-Flies
Chapped hande
Corn (B)
Comed and
Bu Jalat
Hanghang Hampi z
| Shanghe |13. M. Bhd | 16 |Muliamb
LA M. 25 W. Batu
Anguste, brig
| Benjamin dhe
tiny Asem, barges
Life bar you
Mylog Dutchman, dep Henbury, ship
Joka Boskanan, bargan
Joko Dugdale, skóp
Mary ben, akip
slept, p
Duys, bilg
Urkey barqua
Futons, horque
Arharts Forbes, eir. Spack, steamer Vigilent, coltar Walser Cantin, olip
Amay Abbotsford bergan Adelaide barq Lore
hrleden, brig Sta Ana, barga Erla
Fortuna, brig
Kr. How Houry
Helt 56 Park A.257 Hubbard
Well the WON
40+ walma
$10 her
Llans 10 Herrinos
Jan 4 alevik Deo
beck Liverpost Deoretie Jan (3) July 1
19% stan Durandock Or Tamurang
Carlowits, H. and changing
?ا Bata
15Chitataw Hatva
Nov Brder
| 478 mt c
343 Francis
-Makertoo and un. Landon
ep John Bure and en.
Hat Cams and
Deo timor
diwe, M. and ca.
Del 31 King and ra
New Canaand Jas P. & C.. N. Co.
New York
Pave Php
Marg ekip
141(Hern AM. 1472
Tea 2ydery
Jardles, and en
|Ang 15 Singapore
Joly 18 Tult and co
The Fok and
Tall and so. Order
Bria 120 Nahda -pen. 153-Zabal Ham 140 tinder Mrit. 2003 melle
· 1954/12/ohm ---
Det Harperald
Hell, 1440'dva
Der Hongkong
Dee Shangha
142 Vandesherochet
147 Bath
300| Melaan
Des Came hat 'n bank
kret 10 shangh
Not it do
1 - Muir and de
Mr Falt and ca
3. Mule and an
Sept 14 me, Nui Das
Syms, Male and ca Wept-Faland so
11 11 200, Male ved an
Nov 15Th and so.
Nor-Talt and re-
Talt and
- Mair sad on
Don Titan
Alligato Bera
Fan-che H.M.q|
13 | Vansiunet
Indeyradenos, brig
(06anahang|24. 10 N
14 | Pellewor
Kitty, bng
blom, barque
Byren, barque
Amano p
341 Vint
- 4 empagule, barque
Dal 131 Petya
Went Indi
Opertan BITE
Hei, p
Wort Sain
Amey |.14.34%
Hongkong||1. M 6.
Vino Adi. Follow
Bea Witch, ship
Am. 903 Front
11 t Insc
||| Caps, Plager såd
C 11 6.4
Japan (0 5 Be
10 (
10 Ma
-honghan -Hooghong
J. Në and co
Dont and go
Powhatan Pyth
Showgho 17. Kolly
Canton US.
Hanque, ship
Japan 13.3km
4 Bayl
Arabla, barque
Confecins, MounAT
L'eudacias, silp Neme
Sheng 0.20 Walber
LU. 1994 Pape
Foto Sapely
Fruck. Cart Costantive
Nage Pr. Vg
Berry Bure-benda
Ulcero Wonde Yawa
Pallas Vartock
Bore Nipples
Glandulas Swell- Tainuntu
Lembaga Piles
Bid by all Druggius, and at Professor Holloway setablishment, 944, Strand, London.
By Mc. JM Da HILVA, and by HINNAM, at their Hasan,
also by WONG ACHEW-Hongdong,
Phong 50 rapi. Unka?sky
Fund-b Bawara Floby
Beatrix Catherine
and Motors ACOW & Co.Contra
At is, lad - Dd.-44, 6d,-) Ir,-12 & 234. seth pot ar Bea
Louin J. Johanna
Mary Shepherd
Mary Helligonda Vimer
Nova Zembla
There is a considerable saving by taking the large sizes.
NB-Dératis for the guidance of patients in every disorder are lized to each POL
25, Bur. Cadiz, Roberta, from Bombay, 2nd Jany.
Galle 7th do., Penang 13th do, and Singa pore 16th do
tb, Evangeline, Humor, from Lombock, 20th Dec.
26, Paljinder (Am), Cremy, from San Francisco,
9th Decembar,
25, Jahn Wood, Croker, from Whampa.
26, Minna(Am), l'ul-ipber, from San Francisco,
18th Decrater.
27, Christian(Ham) Binder, from Away, 25th Jan,
21, Daniel Ross (am), Ketals, from Whampoa.
97, Victoria, from Callao.
27, Reobuck, from Baltimore.
Oud Nederland
Peal Jobana
Bart Oct Harl Sept 9- Liv. Bejt 199 Liv. Nov 17 8. Leo On 18 a Liv. Oot H. art Nov 11.
Liv. Aug 16
Hart Ou But F. Han Bot H Loa Oci 20 ? Įstart Nov 13 H. Hart, Bept 18 H. Hert, Sept 18 H. Hart Od 17- Sun, Aug 18 H. Port Oct 24] EL |Lon. On 1. Lan Nov 19 H.
Rose Ellie
Tinto Topaz
Devie Hones
William Pelle
Bell Langley
Liv. June H.
Sield Oct 29 H.
Liv. Oct 16 H.
Order in which the above Vanclosest England. Lukata, Pelican, Mary Heligandu Kata Tumkin. Ond Makeland,
Food Jobson, Mary, Shepherd, Dan Kila, Topra, London'Invoki
Johanna, Klakin, Stauber, Emily. Than
Love. Last, L. Livspool, min. Mishka, Kem. Bogota Dur
Most Com
Wido, schooner
Gazelle, schooner
Talend Up, schooner Mamypa, sekaanDe
ج? تا?د
Son Diy
op 15 mill
New York
??Machihet, bargne
??а?, ?ала?а?
Breads, cer Dannebrog, barque Frederich 11, rig Anúna, schontor
Lama, schooNET
Nymph, brigantine
145 Hamilien
35.. Varakjelm
Belt, 103 Maynard
Am.000 wer
Ner 1Ningpo
Den 30 Liverpool
Wan #looghong
Nor to Japan
Jan Jolinggo
Oct 10 Ramell and an
Dec 14 Jardes, M. and co
May 10 timesall and co. tuan and to.
Decould invo Nov 29link. Nye aud co.
-1. Heart and co -W. Davos.
Jan 95 sell and on.
les, ship
Yet Ling. Grque
Cole, achoD?T Hello Vastigada, shấp Tine, echoener
For London Elanbary, W
John Buckanen, W. Orkasy Lam, W. Walmer Castle, W. Oriental, F.
Fu Liverpool John Dugdale, W. Mary Spencer, W. Confucior, 5.
For Lieben, Oy, M.
16Jaka Bar and co.
200 Late
22 jabe Hard and
161 lover
Jardin, M. and
(Shangboo Shanghan Wong
100+ team
17 Unt
cant and o
Am 100 Flateber
Den 22mell and co.
Lopetals and co
Fuh· chow-fa Face to
Span 100 Abras
Iyme, Mair ad eo.
For Part Phillip. Mathilde, H. Waker Morrico, H, Kohinoor, W.
For West Indies.
Emigrant, M.
A200, 8.
C. Compagnie, Sw.
Moasice, Sw.
For Panamo.
Ben Witch, Sw.
2 Authend tow IT.LY
For Bria August, W. Bintang Anamo, W. Clio, W.
Protean, W.
For Siam. Neplace, W.
Ocean Quo, H.
For Shanges.
For New York. Flying Dutchman, W. Oced, 8.
For San Francisco. Cornwall, H. Lai, H
John N Gomler, H. Lord Warriston, II. Orlenon, H.
Potomac, H.
Veronien, H.
Str. L.M.Wood (2 lat lost) Wilhelmsburg, H.
John Wood, H.
For Bombay. Shelomith, W.
For Peru
Arletiden, W.
| Tombol Quiman, C.
Early Bird, W.
Dewichland, WV.
For Jana.
Daniel Rosa, W.
Emas, Pautes and Poggined, by the Paopateron, Wilman TanANT, Queen's Road West, Victaris, 1834.
PRICE $10 per annum.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, 18 8panish Delaro, payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Bingle Number TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, 1 Nps Dolls; additional, 10 cents line. Repetitleba one-third of the Rest regular insertion ships. - Parst insertion, typ: Dollreprobsegaunt insertione 48 cenie Advertisements to have written, on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermandel. A reduction of twenty are per cast on usual charge made when quarterly accounts are rendered for advestlamenta ordered to land undisturbed for a parled of hired months. Notices of Beina a Estates will be inserted in both Orencine and Hani weeney editions unimo ordered to the contrary.
Full charge made for repetition of any Advertisement in the Orastane jesus
ply regularly between Alexan
dria and Fricate entrepanding with the monthly
and hymenthly Indian Steamers,
The farea have heen reduced and the following rates have been fixed, vis
Ship of from Fant to Bin Handred Tona, to carry Chinese Pamengers and Cargo to California. Apply to
Hongkong, 10th January, 1854.
lal Cha £16, 241 Chứs £11, 3rd Clas £7,3A. including Tuble money and fees.
Arrangements have been entered into between
Ship of from Six Hundred
PE Copartnership hitherto existing between the undersigned, under the Firm of A.. FRYER & Co., is this day disolved by mutual consent,
Hongkong, lat Janusty, 1854.
WITH reference to the above Notice, Ma (d. T. DR SILVER is authorized to artile all Ao-
Coats A Thus, & cour, Chinese i'mengers couate for the late Firm of 2. 11. F'uras de Co.
the Directors of the Puntosular and Oriental B. N. | ??** Company and the Director of the Austrian Lloyd's 5. N. Company, that,
14, Panorme intending to proceed from China in Triests, as receive tickets from the Peninsular and Orientul Company's Ageois für
2nd, PAMENOURS Bogaer can be shipped, from Alexandria by the Peninsular and (kiontal Company's Steamers for Southampton the Freight bring Ten Shillings Sterling per Cai,
Brd, Receipts for Canoo and Srecae intended for Bhipment to Trieste, will be granted by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Agonie to Alaxandria, Inelcad of to Suen as formerly, but each Package is to be provided with a white label, on which is distinctly marked in print,
"In Transit for the Austrian LLOYD STEAMER."
For funbar particulars apply to
WM. PUSTAU & Co. Agents at Hongkong and (amton,
Hongkong, In July, 1888,
THE NETURELANdo India Staan BOAT COMPANth Braankr "JAYA," having been engaged by the Jave Government for the service of the bi-mowbly Mail between Batavia and Singapore, onder contract for 12 mowthe, will ply regularly during that period between Batavia and Singapore leaving the former port about the 10th or 11th of every month, and Slegapore within 24 bours after the arrival there of the tail which leave Southampton on the 4th of the preceding month,
The rates of Prange moway are as follows-
CHIEF CABIN. From Singapore to Abio
10 Mioso do. to Batavi Retura Tickets from Singapore to Batavia and cer $130
Da Do.
8 88
BECOND CABIN, From Smgapore to Minto- Do. do. to Batavie
DECK PASSENGERS. From Bingapore to Rhio
#26 .. 40
Do. Do.
10 Minto . To do. to Batavia- 20 Children under 10 years of age hall price
Free. For further information apply to Mesars MACLAIKE WATSON & Co. Director, Batavia,-or to Memza MALAINE FRADux & Co. Singapore,
Batavia, 26th April, 1853,
N and after Monday the 22nd
the Hoxoxone and Canton BTEAM COMPANt's Steamori will ply regularly between BlONOKONG, CANTON and Maoa, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (uolase previous antics of deviation be given) as follows:--
The Boat leaving Honoraso on Monday and CANTON on Friday, will call at MADAD, starting at
Apply to
and Corge to Australia
Hongkong. 10th January, 1854.
THE New British Lorcha VICTORIA," will trade regularly between Hongkong and Canton. Cargo taken a moderate rates.
THOMAS ROBERTS, West Point, Hongkong, 13 December, 1953.
FOR BALE. TWO HOUBE8 on the South side of
Gough Street, each having Garden Subles, Cosch-Ilouses, &c. Ground-rent modarets,
J. F. EDGER. Hongkong, 2nd January, 1854.
PAD TO COMMODIO HOUSES on the South Bide of Gough Street, and another on the North Side of the me Street, anch with Sub- Ie, Uut-hensen, Garden, &c. Apply to,
J. F. EDGER. Victoria, 3rd March, 1863.
TO LET. THE HOUSE in Stanley Street adjoin- ing the one new occupied by Mr Co. MELATE. For particulare apply 10
N. DUUS & Co.
Hongkong, 21st October, 1853.
ing 2 Bling Rooma and 2 Hed Room, with onthouses attached, and large accommodation for servants on the ground floor. Apply 10,
TURNER & Co. Hongkong, 12th July, 1883-
TO LET. THE well known Mission Premises (for Alision purpoara only) of Røv. 1. J. ?OPRATO in Canto. The place in hoaltby, comfortablo, well known by the Natives as a preaching place, and desirable as a Mission stallon. Lot any wishing Mower R & Co. for the berma. to rem call and examine the place, and apply to
Canton, let January, 1854.
TO BE BOLD OR LET. THE HOUSE on Hollywood Road lately occupied by Captain Howoarny Caylen Rifles-and the flouse No. 7 in Gough Street at present in the occupation of Dr. CROFT.
For particulars, apply to
MR. BURGOYNE. Wellington Stree
Victoria, 19th January, 1854
14. M. The hours of departure at other times will We have the honor to inform you that we will
be 8 a. . and the boats will proceed direct betwe HONGKONG and Canton. When inducement offer the Boats will call at Cummin?moon but previous notice of auch deviation will be given when prac??
The fares will be as hereinfort
In Class Papenorge between (longkong, &
Canion and Macue & Caulon $9. Between Hongkong and M?c?0 - 05. Jek Passengers, European
Momys, da. - 01.50. Chinese, - 01. Persengers desirous of proceeding to Macno for a short period may obtain return Tickole, arailable for the first or secopil Beamer after their arrival, the reduced rates of between Hongkong nail Macao, and B12 batwern Canton and Macao.
Every first claw Passenger will be allowed one servant free of charge.
The venals will convoy Freight on the terms of their published scale; on whiab, however, some
election will be made for large quxatilles, by
All Payments whether for Freight or Passage to be made in Spanish Dollars.
LYALL, STILL & Ca Agenta H & C. S. P. Q. Hongkong, 18th Aŭguas, 1863.
WANTED TO CHARTER CHIPS of from 600 Tons and upwards for convoyance of Chinese Emigranu Lo Havana. "Apply to
LYALL, STILL & Co. flongkong, 1415 November, 1863.
continue Business in Akyaó, under the style and firm of LANGLOI8, MŰKELLAR & Co.
Our old experience in the Rica Trade in the guarantee for the good execution of all orders treemiued to us.
DUNCAN MCKELLAR. Akyal, 11th October, 1653. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Copartnership
beretofore sulwisting between YORIOK JONK Morrow and Janus Stephanion, under the Stylo or Firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON & ?A, has been this day dieanived. The undersigned, assuming the responsibilities at our in future conduct the business on his owa nocGUD and in his own name.
Hongkong, 2nd January, 1854.
WWE have this day established at Canton, under
the same style, a Branch of our business as lerobama and General Agente.
Mr. Edmund Alexandun 89111, is authorized to sign our 6rm by procumtion, and will represent??un of CANTON.
Hongkong, Jai Jun, 1863.
A. II. FRYER. H. T. Du BILVER, Hongkong, 1st January, 1854.
THE undersigned begs to intimate, that the businere Merefore carried on by the Firm of A. II. Faree & Co., will haveafutward be con- ducted by him under the style of De BILVER & Co., which Mr Gno. l. De Nilvan is suchorizod to sign.
H. T. De StLVER Hongkong, in January, 1854
hereby given that the Copartnership heretofore existing between the undergard, carrying on bainesa al Victoria, in the Colony of Elongkong. 1 MERCHANTO and Commiuion Aquuta, is this day dissolved by mutual consent,
llongkong, 16th August, 1863.
reference to the above advertisement in le notified that the said concern will be wound. dp by lk 8 DRINKER, who le suthorized adjust all accounts, and to whom all correspondence will be addteed.
Hongkong, 18th Augual, 1963.
THE undersigned brge to give notice that he will carry on General Conalostor nad AGENCY Boaan, under the style and firm of of the late firm of Rawin, DuikKER & Ca
3. DRINKER. Hongkong, 15th August, 1683.
NOTICE. THE interest and responsibility of ME OLIVER
EVERETT ROBERTS is our Firm at Can to and Shanghas ceased on the 30th June las.
WETMORE & Co. Canton, 31 December, 1855.
THE interest and responsibility of Mr A. L Avanzo, Ju. in our Firm caused from this date, and our Business will be conducted under the Style of G LAGANEO & Co, which Mr MALONUS Adanca in suthorized to sign.
A. & G. LAGABEG. Canton, January, 1864.
MR JOIN BUTT is authorized to sige our
firm by procuration.
HOLLIDAY WISE & Co. Canton, 25th January, 1854.
MR SHAPOORJEE BYRAMIEE has ceased to sign our firm by procuration and Ale COWANE Ormussen in authorized to sign the same by procuration from this date,
RUSTOMJEE BYRAMJEE & Co, Capton, 26th January, 1984.
E interest and responsibility of Mr JanSTIRE Even in our firm at Caulua, erased on the 31st December 1863,
Canton, 4th January, 1968.
IT reference to the above notificati
1 to intimate that, from this day, I bive ess
TIE interest and responsibility of the late Mr
WILLIAN DRNet Wardley in our brus terminated on the 29th of September Inst,
Chalon, 12th November, 1863.
W¿TIJ referance to the above advertisement tha butizens of the House will be conducted as before by MD. JOHNSON ander the sam name which Me F. B. JOLINSON, is authorized to sigo.
MK JAMES BOWMAN will sign for us Shanghac by procuration.
W. II. WARDLEY & Co. Canton, 126 November, 1853.
LL Persons having claims ag.inst the Easto A of the Inte WILLIAM HENRY WARD LEY are desired to sent them in forthwith to Most James Bowman & Co. Shangkar, and thone un W. II. WARDLEY & Co. Casion, or in Marta debted to the mold Excale are requested to maku immediate payment to the said parties.
D. JOHNSON P. B. JOIINKON. Canion, Dib November, 1953.
NOTICE. thorized to sign our name by procuration. RUSSELL & Co.
Canton, Il January, 1884
DIIUNJEEBIJOY MOUNNET is authorized to sign our Firm
by procuration, from this date
Canton 16th January, 1881.
JAMES P. COOK is admitted a Partner Business will be continued under the Name
THOMAB HUNT. JAMES P. COOK. Whempos, tot January, 1864,
bien admitted a partner in the Firas of BYME & Co. -
Singapore, Masile,
Btyle of THUS, HUNT & Co.
KER & Co. -
PITCAIRN, SYMB & Co, Belaria, Batavia, Ist January, 1254.
NOTICE THE undersigned have been appointed Agents at Hongkong for the subscribers to LLOYDS. to them intelligence of losses, accidents, the apes
Master of Vessola ate requested to communicato ing of Vessels, and any general information they comvider of importance or interest ta tha a?bscribeza.
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, 3rd September, 1852,
Casit Capital, $1,000,000. 'THE undersigned have been appointed AORT
in Chip for the above CoMFANT, and are prepared to cover Risks, on first class vessels, to the extent of $100,000. Policies payable in Canton, Bombay, Calcutta, London and New York.
RUSSELL & Co. Canton, 1114 January, 1864
NOTICE. LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION, Established by Charter 1720. Dust & Co., Agents in Hongkong.
THE undersigned are duly authorized by the OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, at donghong, on sbare Corporation to INSURE FROM LOSS
Buildings, Gooda, Merchan line, and Venecia in Part. Jst Cir, on Havase in prirate occupation only, with external Walls of Stone or Urick, and covered with Bale, Tile, Metal, Cement, and other Incum-
bostible Alaterial, detached, or adjoining one.
2d Class, on Hores of Buildings orce ed and
blished myself as a Common Acunt and Mun- | covered sa abore, partly or entisely used as Go
ortant in this place.
THE Business heretofore conducted in my name will in future be carried on under the style of
P. & J. BYRAMJEE COLAH wherein my Brother Mr. Jamaijer Beranjen Colam is n�?milled Partner.
PESTONJEE BYRAMJEE COLAH. Conton, 31st December, 1853.
THE interest and responsibility of Me JOUNER CHARLES BRODERSEN in admitted n PATON WATSON in our Firm, used on Partner in our Firm both at Canton and the 21st December, lam.
Shanghas, 2nd January, 1854.
WM. PUSTAQ & Co. Chion, fut July, 1858.
duwna, and dolechod; and on GD and Max CHARDIN, no hazardowe, in auch Bucklings,
34 Class, on Houses or BUILDINGS as above, adjoining ocker Buildings, and on Goose and Aler- CRANDIZE, ont hazardous, therein.
and covered as above, in which hazardous Guobs 4th Ciais, on Hopasa or Beils etcted are dep-sited, but no kazudous trade carried on.
5th Cla, on Bars.
AuSURANCE may be effected for the period of
| 19, 6, or 3 Months.
No INIURANCE ie in furce until the Premium thereon is paid.
For further particulars, reference in requested to
DENT & Co.
be made to the undersigued.
Ilongkong, 6th October, 1953,
KROSTLAR in London in 1858,
How to Boonens de Lo..... hardcLaren Kubistar a la
News Foss Seert A Ca.......
M. Mida Fasses & t-
Agrate in Lavanguard
Agrinetta and Hangmata Aquets in Monphar),
Again Nebras
UE undersigned have been appointed Agenta in Canton for the above Company, and are pre pated in take. Nesus payable without abatement af i This place in three months, oud in Lanwix or Later: Fool, in one month, after proper proof of loss is given.
Canton, 18ch Ismusry, 1954
ALL Persons having claims agvinn the Fetite A of JOHN SMITH, decensal, Inte of the Barges Red Rever, are requested to make them known to the un-lers.. neil, and thuso indehted to the al Este ate requested su make immedintu payment to Mr Jous Gimon, of the Steamer Hongkong, or to
Canton, 25th January, 1854.
TELEGRAPHIC MESSAGES. THE Dircelone of the Avetriax GLOTHE STRAN NAVIGATION Company in Tricate, have mo Arrangements for TELEGRAPHING MES. BAGE8 to London, or to any Port of the Continent, sent to them from China,
The Mersagen skoukd he øent under cover, super- ersibed "Telegraphie Hespatch," to the Alegendria Ageni, ne trakamission through the Commandling Officer of the Steamet, and to be delivered imunedi afely on arrival of the Versel at Tricase,
The Charge for Telegraphing 20 Words from
Tricale per Submarino to Eneidon, is about 16 Flo-
rine, or 12 Shillinga Sterling ; and £l Steching for win Moses
The writing must be in legible words
For further particolare, apply
WM. PUSTAU & Co. Agents of Hongkong and Canion. Hongkong, 27th October, 1853.
EORGE LOGAN Hair cutter und Perfume
beg to infurin the Ladies and Geusleimen of Hongkong, and Captains visiting the Colony, that bo now carrier on the above bulness on the pre-
mies of Mr. F. Dupdell, Qudva's Road, oppo. eito the Oriental Bank
N. B. Ladies and Gentlemen attended at their own residences if required.
Hongkong, 24th January, 1854.
HAMPAGNE in Pints and Quarte, Pour WISE, PALK SHERRY, CLARET sod ?RANDY, all of Grat quality.
Nates of sizes in Caske of 2 cwl. Apply in Hongkong or Canton
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, Ist January, 1884.
FOR SALE THE cargo of Red and White LISBON WINE ex Ompum, just arrived at Maceo. Apply to,
Canton, Thib Januvry, 1854.
WILL continue to harp. Large and Extensive Assortment of SHIP CHANDLERY, " ibe very Lowest Prices
Whampoa, let January, 1884. FOR BALE.
THE undersigned Intely revival per Clipper
"Sen Wück"-
An ineaire of Corneline Patent Solar Steal and 16anging Lamps of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 Burners, with extra Globes, Chimneye, and Wicke, and with or without Lauren. Also, Band Lampe of ratione
50 Barrels Prima Blass Beef,
Gallego Floor,
100 Boxes Winchester Salt-water Song,
50 Parrel Prima Cidre Vineger,
60 Boxes Sickeľa Wine Butera,
50 Kege Dried Applee,
25 Boxes H. Lump Tubnoco,
100 Tina Benda Boda and Water Biscuits,
200 Gallons Spirits of Turpentine,
Boiled Linseed oil,
100 Kegs New York Bauer,
100 Tin Powderod and Lamp Bugar,
100 Barrel Pilot Bond.
Tides of Higgong, Pump, and Bellows Leather,
Also, costly on hami,
(Cupressus Funebris,)
FEW Packets of A the Serd of this
beautiful plant have been chained from the Green Ten country, and are for Sale.
"Where precised
a specimen of it, schich
cobles us to cry i maat be a plant of the Grrated beanly,"
*Agricultural Gunette-
Frode Lindis
Apply to
MAC EWEN & Co. Hongkong, 27th January, 1854.
FOR SALE NOFFEE in Baga of 5 (be. 15 M. ench,
Hongkong, January, 1954.
FOR SALE the STORES of the undersigned, A few bushela of Eoglub Oats, weighing 43 . per borbal.
Europe and Manila Rigging of all sizes, Canvas, Ter, hints of all Colours, and a complete Assort ment of Articles necessary for Ships" tar.
Martell's Pale and Brown Brandy in Woud and Boule; Sherry in Wood and Boule; Gold and ('ale,
D. SILVER & Co. Hongkong, 1st January, 1854
JUST RECEIVED a few Kege of Prime Humpa
and Briskets-and some superior Butter. Hard Wax, prepared expressly for Bottling purpose and Sealing Trenure Boxes.
Soup and Bouilli la 6 th, Tino, Preserved Meata in 4th. Tona, Cleat Bottled Ale (Basu's )
Sliced Mangos and Cashmere Chunies, Mul- ligatonny Carry Past and Powert.
Victoria, 10th January, 1854.
FOR SALE at Mai MARSII'S Millinery Roans, Queen's Raud, Hongkong.
CHOICE Sekction of BoxNews of the LateNi
fashions, compisting of Velvet, Satin Gle
Silk, Plain and Fancy Straws of very description.
Black and Colored Silk Mantles. Black and White Lace Do,
Ladles and Gentlmen's White Kid Glovos of sorted sizes: Ladica Stockings; Gentlemen's Bleached and Unbleached Soek; Danskim and Buckskin riding and driving Ellowa; Neck tien ; Buperfine Black & Hue Broth, &c., &c, &e
An assortment of Superior l'enknives.
MAC EWEN & Co. Hongkong, 24th January, 1:51.
French Batege and Cashmere Shawls
French Olsen & Taffeta Silks in every color. Black & Colored Bilk Velveta.
Du. Stibbons in all Wiche, Sash Ribbons,
Bonnet do,, Narrow ratir, Lao & Satsnet de. French Braced Bilk Dresses.
Olaca Silk da., White & Colored Tulle do. Lace do., Basege de Soia da.
Striped Poplin and Norwich Lustre de
French Merino and Piia Muslin de Laino.
Do, ia White, Pink, Sky, Slate drab de Nap blue. French printed Cambric and Marlin do.
Hoyle's Print do, Black & Colored Burage do. White & Colored Tarlatanes in all colors, Swine and India Book Muslios
Jaccones Plain nod spotted Mulla Black Brasselle Net, W bise do. Talle illusion Blada Edgings, feul und Emitation Lace. Len Palli, Do. Nerther, Sleeves, Callam Chemiscurs &o, &c. &c
Plain and embroidered Cambric Handkerchiefs kufana Rubes and embroidered Frocke.
Caps, and a variety of under clothing.
White and Colored Kid Gloves, Bill do.
Bracelets and Neck tins.
Pearl Jet and Chenille Hand drone
Wrentha and Bouquets, and a choice selection of Feathers & Flowers from Madame Ferriate's Paris.
An sportment of Larli. ??& Childrens Boots and Shoes from Visit Exte Rue de la Pais& Jody a Paris, comprising White & Colored Bath Shoe, Kij and Morocco do., Stuff and Coutil de, &c. &c
Linen and Cotion Dispers, Irish Linen, Brown Holland,-Colored do.
Horrocks' Long-Cloth, French Long Cloth, very fue and light. Table Clotha very large sizes. Table Covers, Toilet Covers, Quika, Anti-MacasoaTO, Lace Curtains, Mosquito Net, Ralled, Jaccones Linings, Union and 'I'will do., Victoria and Vene- tia Bkieting, White and Colored Crinalios, Cri woline Petticoats and improvers, Cordal Ditto. Fine Flannels, Nursing Stays, French Wave do Contil do, Children's Bands, White and Colorad Silk Horo, Thread do., Merimo do, Coton do.. Coulon Bock, Wool Polkas, Wool Cape & Sleeves Quikers, Gookins, Cloves Comforters, de, &c.
Woollen Hoods. Braided Batin and Merino da. White and Colored Satin and Merino Hawa, Braided Cloaka and Pelisses, Frocks, and a great variety of Children's Clothing of all kinds.
Haberdashery, Parasola, Elastic Pagen Charters, Sandalweb white de colored, Wide Elastic Worm- ed and Leather Belts, Linen Tapra, Shirt Bowtoos, Dress and Trimning Buttons in great variety, Bilk and Wool Braids. Conson doc, Washing da, Muh cin Net, Ibbbon Plaju, Bugle.Trimmings, Sewing, Koitting and Mending Cotton, Pins, Neale, Hooks & Eyes, Whalebone, Covered Choo, Wad- dings, Cotton Cards, Ruches, Ribbon Wire, Silk Piping, Straw Trimtninge.
-From Price & Gommal!--
A small assortment of PERFUMERT.
Mrs. Manan begs to add that she will continue
to receive the Latest Fashsone from Landon and Parú Munthly.
Payment to be made in Mexican Dollars, Hongkong, 30th December, 1852.
TN accordance with the Prospratus, has taken place this day, before a natury, witnesses, sad the public, the 17th. Drawing the Hemian State Lottur Loan of the year 1845, and the following 20 Borim numbers have been drawn :-
29 1530 2951 3526 5767 693 2180 3163 2306
5850 1072
2940 3961
1941 3509 B028 6407
2170 2774
together, 20 Series of 25 Bonds each, or 300 Banda. "We hereby puldiak the same for the informa- tion of the public.
Direction of the Irazian Trosury Office,
Camel, 1st December, 1863
Seaman's Hospital
Ilonourable David Jarding, E., C. D. Wa Lame, Esq. Hon W. T. Munca, Esq., H. 8. Wacken, Esq. Superintendent of the 1. & 0. Sham Navigation Company, (ar oficio)
Prmurerer,-J. C. Downtro Erg Resident Surgeon,-Peran Yooka. Esp Consulting Surgeon,--W, A. Haki and, Esq.
M.D. Acting Colonial Surgeon
Terms of Admission, Public Wardı. -- 76 ornis per day. Intermediate Wards, 1
Der Private Room-
2 Patients are also admined on deposits, si the fol- lowing rates, Janewablo ono day presious to the amount deposited having bcan expended.
Pablie Wards, - - - - Intermediate,
Private Rooms,
$20, BBU,
The Captains of Cursignsss of Vesels must be responsible for the rapmisen of Pasionis sent by them to the Hospital,
N. B.-All Hospital Bills to be recsipted by the Treasurer only
THE undersigned has received instrartions to
call by PIC AUCTION, On the Premie
the 10th day of February next. At Noon prectly, Unless previously disposed of by privalo sale, the following Propony, In one Lol. That building in the Queen's Ioad known na the-
And the wat buildings attached, with the land upon which the whole is built-Registered in tho Land Office u Inland Lot No. 18, meneur ing 14,100 square feet.-Annual Ground Rest $128.8.
Also in one La
All the Splendid Furniture, Billiard Tables, Ploto, Crockicy, Glass Ware &c, &c. belonging to the above establishment.
Conditions of Sale, Catlogues of the Furniture Sza. will law distributed sunin da?ı prior to the Auction.
Hongkong, Dib November, 1658.
NOTICE THE Sale of the "Homokong Cruz Claven and FORNITORE." is post poned until Friday the 10th February 1854.
Hongboog, 25th January, 1954.
THE LORD WARRISTON Capt. T Cuairt, will probed on the
For Famiant of BILK ano OPIUM only Apply to
Y. J. MURROW. Hongkong, 3016 January, 1861
MR HENRY DAVIS is amborized to sign our
MOUL & Co.
Canton, Ist February, 1984.
MARRIAGE-At Viewela, Honghong, on the Cơth Ian, Mr William Bazan, Commissariat Storekeeper, to Jané, relies of Sargeant McGowan,
DEATH-AC 14 Moray Place. Kdlaburgh, on the 7 December 1853, Gronau Mences Bag of Gorthy, Deputy Lienunant of the Conaty of Parth, in the 82nd Year of his
DEATH-?I Cheltenham, on the 8th December 1863, LANCELOT Dany, Faq.
Nam Advertisements should be sent an early as poerikin on the days prevince to publication; "but generally, advertisements will appear in the farth. coming issue if received at the ofion as fola an Eleven a.. Wodneslave and Saturdays; specially excepting the days on which the Mails are despatched ip Europe.
Dec. 8 Handwich Island" Not
Hatavia Dec: 19 Labuan
Unkel Sims
Jany. 9
- Manila
C. of G.
Bas Prangin Oct.
Whawchae Amog
Jany. 10 Jany. G Jany 94 Joop
Hisen Bots
"I'(Wednesday, -
0.40 6.46
8 Thursday, -- 3 Friday---
0 45
0,26 B 40
1,06 6.48 1,25 1.42
Moon---Firm quarter on the 5th, at 6, 13 a, m
Tnu Clipper Schooner Time, Captain Chape. reporta H. M. 8. 8. Rattler, and a Nor'west gale, as off the le sans on the 254 ultimo,
Tax Straits Times of the 17th ult, conta a report of the km of the British Ship Birman, coal laden, on the Royalist rock, somewhero between Labuan and Singapore. Crew saved.
We have lost our Racing correspondent thes year, and regret our inability to furnish "any
more report of tho Itacar going on than that the first day's sport is said to have gone off very well, and without any accident worth *peaking of.
We are glad to learn that one of the two beata which attacked the Junk bound to Niam off Livin last week, has boon identified in Cumring-moon but the pratical crew have escaped. According to the testimony of the villagers, this boat was lying in Cumeing moon several days, and, late one night, a crow for ber cuina ovor leum Kee-ow, and they proceeded to sea, where they were joined by the second craft Thore have been several attempts 19 plunder the villages on Koo-ow Island lately; and, apparently believing the crews of these piratical vessels to have been the parties who made the attempts, the identified piratical bont was promptly set fire to ;-though,an we said bc- fore, the miscreaza principals are still at largo. The Island of Kee-ow has long been under the ban of the provincial Magistracy, and there can be no doubt but that there are people comfortably residing there in constant coin. munication with others in Canton, by whom th departure of the Tay chong-hing was specility notified. a putting our report of the attack on the Junk in different words, the Register has made a mistake. The value in specie on board (independent of the Cargo) was $9,000 and upwards
"WHERE TOERN'S SHORE THERR MOST BE FINE." wa maying supposed to bs an old us the hills. A great deal of smoko was seen issuing from and of the new Cual Godowns at West Point early this morning, and, at first, we thought thero was going to be a modern instance of the Truth of the okl saw. But, thanks to the officiant firo Brigade arrangements of Mr Stowart, the Coal Superintendent of the P. & O. 8. N Co., and a good supply of water, for which there was no occasion to go very far, the matter, we wore going to say coded,bur, to speak properly-is
ww enling" in smoke."
It appears that the coals "under consump tion*are Labun anthracite; and were placed in their present situation, the extreme end of the godowa, before the building was roofed in, and wore thus subjected not only to the gentle dews of heaven (which never improve carbonaceous minerals) but
to our Midsummer showers
from kall
to a dozen inches a day som: tines) and therefore, conscquent on these peculiar cir cumstances, the Labuan Coals (we think there must be some patent fuel amongst then from the effluvia) gavo o promise of pre- maturely changing into ashes without tho aid of a Broker. Buch, however, was th energy and good will of the men employed, the Crows principally of the Company's Coal Lighters anchored every night off the wharves, that had flames actually appeared there is no doubt but they could casily have been selvlued. As usual, up to breakfast time, not a Polico man was to be wen ; not eran ano of Ulasa black, decrepit, no-english speaking Mungnes, who form the bulk of our efficient constabulary,
Tum P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Agents in Chine could extend their advertising patronage, and at the same time randor an essential service is the public, by antifying the approximate period for the despatch from Singapore of the vessal intonded to carry the Australiar. Mails. From an advertisement in the Straits Times of the 17th ult, signed by our old Hongkong Su- perintendent, Mr Marshail, wo learn that tha Charan will leave for Sydney, Molluc and other places, via Batavia, about 26 hours alter the arrival at Singapore of the | English Mail of the 8th of January ; and, sa may be inferred from a notice in shu x muse par por of the Cadiz's performaticca--(the Code: having carried the Mail in on the 30th day of me despatch from England-never before at 1
the year having been brought waiter 41) the said English Alail may reasonably be lucked for in Singapore simultaneously with the Cadiz's return, viz-ike 17th-18th instant.
As a general rule for availing in Chiox "f | the Two monthly Steamer from Singapore for Australia, we imagine that letters will be in tut if posted during the current year as follows ?��? First, The Mail of the 17th inat, Alterwards,
by the last mail in March-first in April-but in May-the first June-last in July, Augus, and September-last in October, first in Nor. ember and last in December.
In 1855 we hope to see the maili leaving a little oftener than once in two months, and wa are glad to learn that the respective Chamberi
Commerce of Canton and Nagapore are in respondeora together, with a view to mo
alizing Her Majesty's Government on the
copy from the North-China Herald of the ult. repor by the Committed of the nghae Library 1-not that it can havo any in. at for our readers generally-but aan special ter for the Committee mul Members of the ctoria Library and Reading Room-the cretary and Treasurer particularly, who will pleased to notice that the Tresmer at anghau not only shows the balance of funds Agent's hon da, but also tells us what are the ntities of the institution ; mud, appended to us stract of receipts and expenditure, actually Hobate the London Agent's Account current - owing a balance-fortunate members of Shanghae Library)-not of £57,,10.10 a inst the Society, but £19,19,3 in ita favour, les £200 romitted for books not received, The Nhanghe Committee congratulate the embers on buring reduced the Subscription, d conferred the benefits of the Library on a uch larger portion of the Community.-The ctoria Library Cummittee can boast of con- nuing a ridiculously high subscription-of hav. g-even wine they were largely delwed to beir London Agent-bought old books, for a l price, of nu very general interest, and of decrease the ving sanctioned mean to umber of the members, unwarrantable un er any aspect, und an absolutely unprinci od as would be the action of company of Jack legs, whose nefarious practices were bekl by the press to public reprobati. Elappy terbers of the Shanghee Library Committeo, lan can conscientiously ask for the general pport of the community, -comeci ?us of having aused all their co-members to act honourably hroughout their year's tenure of office.
The General Annual Meeting was held in the Reading Room on the 7th ingkat, when the fol- lowing report was laid before the Members:-
The Commiues in resigning their trust beg in ay before the Members of the Library report for the 6th year of the Institution.
The principal feature to notice in the transae. one of the past your is the diminution of the sube- crpina from $25 to $15 per undum, and they have congratulate the members on the complete success of the experiment, for whilst the beablits of the Li broty and Reading Stoom hava bem conferred won much larger ponion of the community, the fundal the disposal of your Committen have been eressed; and they confidently look for a consider able augmentation in the mumber af members for 1854,
Masara Smith Elder & Co's secount current to the 30th June, 1853, has been received and shows balance in their hands of £15 19. Bd, tinides Akis £200 has been romiued to England for the purchase of Books, do to 80kb June, 1894. The outstanding account moliced in the fast annual re- port have all been discharged. Tho Treasurer's account shows a belenda in his favor of 865:32, io addition to which the reat of the premises for 1853 has to be paid. The accounts have booo sudited and found correct by Mr B. Dallas.
In the early part of the year arrangements were attempted to be made to incorporate the Library with a larger lastitution, but owing to the difficulty of procuring a suitable site the achume is will in abejane, but additional accommodation having be come des rable, la consequence of the increase in the number of subscribers, your Committee would secommend their successors to give this subject their erliest and beat attention; and in retiring from allico they ask for the general support of the com munity to enable it to be completed in an efficient WADGOT,*
(TM the C "een of Geral Britain, my pewcabul Ally, I beg Ve Ambassador to express my grav- ful acknowledgement.
Loughfares an opened in many parts; the streets | courts, and alleys, are regularly clean; pavo iments are almost everywhere laid down; the ginoke Buisance is in rapid course of abatement; public drains and sewers are constructed; the cesspooleing that remain well, I lepo, ba speedily tecnored; and and no abundant supply of good and of water is so admirably distributed, that in a short time the smallest temoment with unjoy an unlimited quantity, at an almost nominal price, The benefits to the | mass of the people are quite incalculable."
*** England, under various cireumiernens hav giving strong proofs of her well wisher cowards my Exupite, I doubt not but who will, by every mean, repel the unjust pertonsions of Rutsin, which atok my independence and my sovereign | rights. The whole world will cow what immense advan?�ages may result from a strong power and a benevolent one, as is England, and the sympathies of a people just, enlightened, and generous, os in the English nation.
A to prace, my Goesinman: deuter it au much as any other, but only as long as it hour. abla and compatible with my suroroga nigble.
***A to what regards the anseliomion and the prospetity of my subjects, Your Excallundy, better than any ous eler, knows my feelings in this
la lecture on Chlon, which he delivered at Bolton the other day, Dr Bowring said it had been enlculated that if all the bricko, elones, and mason. ry of Great Britals, were gathered together, they would not be able tù farnish materish enough for the wall of C?ing; and that all the buildings in London put together would ant make the towere and turrois wuch adora is." - Home News, DecoCE?"
INTELLIGENCE FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. (From the Impartial de Smyrne, 27th Nov.)
We have received this morning by the Aus- trian Lloyds' Heamet L'Imperatore, and the Tan crede, of the Messgerus Nationaler, intelligence from Constantinople, dated the day before your day, the 25th instubl.
(Prom the Daily News, Nov. 2) In announcing yesterday the melancholy death of the Quem of Pourage...aku royal lady in whose behall some four-and-twenty penco ogo the admiration of Lehdon was an enthumsaucally us cital, when, ne chill, sho was the guest of Goa IV.wo comented ourselves wuh geving sa sutine of the principal events of her somewhat Two other engagementu baro taken place on
But now that the the Akke skle, and the Russians, as on the firel chequered and rune enreer. oceries, bars been totally defeated. The fortuan aurprise of the fatal ccurrice is weer, wo mus Today consider its probable political eder. Be Itoll of Akiska has fallca Into the lisade of the Turke. A avmber of volunteers from all parla fore doing so, we inay, however, mention that the later accouchements of the deceased (2uman had have fucked to the standard of Ahdi Pacha; and
given apetisans and crested apprehensions - the Htoman army, profitting by this adraulage,
monget her family, her relauvre, and her house- have snurred Giorgie, and advanced towards Tilla.
"On the 17th lot, the Rusine made another bold, and that on the occasion of one of her Ma
JRITY's more recent enak " ments-that pre ding attack on the Port of Chokweill; but met with no hetter auccess than in their previous attempts. she present, we believo-hir own life was only Nor, before "The Ottoman troops have also taken posace-saved by the acrifice of the intent
entering on the mire publi: consequences of her sion of the Fort of Bala near that of Chek well.
* In consequence of the severity of the season, demise, must we omik paying a tribute of respect to the personal merita of the incensed lady ; for, like there le, it were, a suspenmon of hostilitics on
our on a happier Nov??reign, Donn Marta shio sot bor the Danube Omer Pacha has retired with his forere to the right side of the river, and has taken subjects an excellent eraimple of purity "f con?�lue', up his winter quarters, sfter having completely of domestic happise, and of deration to her fami ly duties. Auscled to her buab ind and her children, destroyed the furnfications of Olteniga,
to them at lasa, her loss with be a source of viuceso and deep regret.
He has left on the Island of Tortokai swo battalion of sculer crops together with a battery. "Omer Pacha krepa Kakfat on the left side of the river. Ile bus inercased the garritun as well On as the fortifications of this offensive position. this side there is an army of 40,000 man, of all arme, under the command of Lemail Pecha, of Cicena."
The English stonım frigate Terrible, bearing the flag of Rear Admiral Bir Edmund Lycos, er- rived at Constantinople on Thursday [21]. After the til salutea, ebn antored the Bosphorus, and anchored amongst the other vaseule of the British squadron "
We have received confirmation of the low of the Russian can frigate with 1,500 trope on bourd"
In her public capacity it was a misfortune, which the late Queen of Portugal unvor overcame, that the was only sovereign of can, and perhaps, su- ?�merically spooking, the ameliest, of in parties. Though the lawful monarch, her slevation to ket throne cont Portugal a civil war in this struggla she was successful principally by means of foreign assistance, minary and diplomatic; and of all Eu 'opese nations the Portugino most resent the in- terferegen of alber Bisles in their domestico milaira, With her, too, came Constitutional Governmens; God, though properly enough it absted the immense power of the Church and the Prathwad, loss of power, influence, and obava either of welth, og gravated the hostility of the Clorgy the new order of things, and they have kept alive even to this day the predilections of the great mass of the ignoral peneiry of Portugal for D ALIJUAL This gave the Court the excuse for koʻping up large and expensive army. The coil wat had, however, completely diorgossed the finances of Pontegal and vulrod the Government in debt, which it had the meanness and folly so deal with "Oo 'I'uesday last (22nd Oct.), Lord Stratford dishonestly; igparantly sorgetting that with Sinis de R-dcliffe, the English Ambasador, having been specially is honesty the best policy. To as facts, adu.itied to the knour of an imperial audience to coinbinal with a co uerkublo absence of all really pre-ent to 11. L. M. the Sukan Vier Admiral Dan-able entesmen at a paried when Porto quicul day and the Commanding Officers of the British Aer and Gener Pombal to resuscitalo 14, oun squadron, is Excellency addresci ? M. as stituted difficulties which Dona Maria tinel to en
counter, though she was set ko,aulí responsible follows:-
A merchant stentner tho Módari. Zīdjarel, bo- lenging te compouy, and commanded by an Aus trien Captain, Choreani Millorich, has been oap- ured by Hubsian cruizer in the Black Sen. This vessel had only merchandise and pengarn on hened, and was too email to serve war-emer. This is no bra than an act of piracy on the past of, |the Russian"
Batimen so generour, and so arongly tend ing to rivet the friendship of the two Stato, ne- quite greater motives for their growth in the just and clear-sighted banerolauce, that has been dis played in the administrative poliny of your limpe til Majesty.
I presenting to Your Imperial Majesty the for them.
The QoEEN, however, increased these difficul Admiral and Captains of the foot, which my ?gen. cious Sovereign, has, on the demand of Your Maties by her own conduct. Like bar father, Dom jerly, and in concert with the Emperor of the Peono in Brazil, she never heartily accepted in Freach, powerful Ally of her Bitannic Majesty, Portugal the constitutional system on which her sant to protect the rights and independence of this authority was band. Like him, she was insincera, friendly empire, fulfil a duty as honorable, as it is vacilling, and faithless like him, she trusted to everything but the onefidence and regard of her factory to them and to myself.
Their presses here, under such extraordinary subjects, and to every one but honest nad truthful circumstances, shows how far Your Majesty and advisors-und if her people were, as can hardly Your Government bave wisely appreciated she be denied, in ante polat of view as yet unsuited to friendship, and reckoned on the sympathics of the Parliamentary Government, she teased, and tor
monted, and perplexed them by substituting the British natino.
over shifting and ranous hadow for the more per manual and for fer reality The outerquence was, that, whilst a powerful Miguell'e feeling had always to be guarded against, the party which had given Dona Maria the crown was unnaturally and violently divided. I ablest anil most loyal leaders were tested with ingratitude and neglect; the Court asumed the place the Legislature ought to base occupied; where wisdom and conciliation were wanted, intrigue and corruption prevailed: and the role of the Queen was associated with a selfish and a reactionary pohay. Hence violence was necessary to effort useful changve, and at last powerful subject (Barsbal BALDANKA) without any great abilition or noble viewe, way, by his pe. pularity with the memy, able to coerce the Crowd. and to govern arbiteneily in its name, though par. sunally disliked by the Manatch and her u Lervention, the resus of Portuguesa discord might Nor is it at all improbable that, but for Iritiah in have been even more unpleasant to the Queen and her family that they were.
It is not alone in the successful maintenance of a great European principle, that the British Government will sock for recompense for the sacrifices it may be compelloil to make, in contri. buting to the protection of Turkey againn so un- provoked aggression. It watches with equal firma. urts over the prosperity and the strength that Your Majesty cannot fail to acquire over all your Mowicine in pulling into exe^ution a system of complete thought gradual progress between all cl, and in the lot test of your subjects.
NAVAL APPOENtarts and MOVEMENTS.-In Comarquence of the death of Sir Everned one of II. M. H. Callipe, now on the Sydney station, tue following changes and promotions have boon wenda. Captain Fuz:rold of them Winchester takes the Ciminaud of the Calliops, and proceeds to join by the Mail stenner. Comm-nder I'ainwright Ivia brew paled to the "inchester, Fling Lavut. Tong btcom uppoutal Commusiqiler, and Liest, Marten, ely acting Conimonides of the Siye, ruperacdo by Commander Il ?o-ycombe from England. has ben appointed Flag Lirum. the Gresiam, brig, mild from Singapore on the 1st irtant for this place, and the acraw stromar Enculer, Capia 'Cal, Jugla, on the 12ık, and are lonked tor daily. The Barracuda, left Bingapore on the 18th. The Sperian was to leave Shanghae un the 22nd re- lived by the Rattler. The Hermen will loay- far England, a few days after the arrival of the counter, taking bume 25 man of the Arúllery, also some of the officere and crew of the Hercul's no in harbour as an Hospital ship. The Come was impected on the 24th, by Sir Fleetwood Pellew, who expresand himsell highly pleased at the arder It is reported that the and efficiency of the skip. Winchester and the f omus will pruce-l on Crus The firm week of meat month-longkong Register, Jany. $1.
Lord Shaftesbury has recently been visiting Manchester. On his return to London at wrok, be forwarded a kiter to the Timer, holding up the public-spirited Corporation of Manchester as an ex simple to corporals authorities: -" I am just rolura. ed from a short visit to their town, where I hoard and saw the many improvements that have been inshed by that public-spirited body. Vast tho
*'l'he constant hope which do 1.o abendua well as the imme-listo abject of its effective upsistance, in porce. Noi assuredly na illusory of procarious peace-but pesen, blint by the simpleat moene, shall anteblish on basm, soled, honorable, and without injustice to any other Power, the so- vereign rights of Your Majesty, and the indepen Jonco of Your Empire.
"To obtain such peace as early possibla, is I have a right to suppose, the livety desite of Your Mejraty, we it is the point mom ardently desired by your allies: and I shall be happy to hora that thễn object is duly approcimed and warmly encouraged by Your Majoy's Minister, in a spirit of oun tinued moderation."
H. 61. the Sultan replied la the following terms to Lord Radcliffe-
"I commence by thanking the Ambesonder for baving procured me the pleasure of seeing the Admiral, and the Officers of kin Beat.
**Under present oireumalateen, tho presenon of the English Best here, in command of an Admiral so distingulubed, being a proof of the friendship of
??We hope to see the wall of Chios some day when Chloe is opped-and text the goodness of this extraor diary - lae foci, which we doubt,-Es, F. OF C
And now that death her prematurely removed
Dona Maria,mbing certain or dependable remains bekled her unlaws indeed (as was the case with hey frother ander not dløsimilar circumstances in mail) the youth and freedom from all ill as cia tions of her son and nocmor may ntouve the ro gard and sympathy of the people. Don Pedra V. is understood to be a fine sclive, spirited, and intel ligent young man, whose natural abiluce are con adorable, and whose education tse been of a much higher and better character than that of l'ortuguese Primers heretofore The experiment they not in deed be without game dangers; but in Portugal, that situated, there is at best only a choice of dan ger; and between & R-gency and a promature majority, there ought to be no difficulty in profer
A King-Contort, be he who be ring the latte. may, on sever be popular in Portugal; and whee we recollect that, scarcely three short years ago, the husband of the late Queen, who is now itegent, was, on s orisical emergency, depected by the army of which he was legally the chief, in to impossiblo
to licite wup eral satisfaction to the natinu from ko n fomnitration for the next two youn, Such a Regency woull, in fart, only be a configura tion of the Last Rrigo; and excellent l'ourarts to reigning Monarche na the Cobourg family wisko, Europa in nevertheless jealous of theo. The beat hopes of Paetugul and the best wishes of Europo wilt, therefore, concur in desiring an mellor ma joing for Dom Pelio V. ihan the law atliven; vnd the best contribution the King Ilogont qua probe- bly sunk to his son's happines, and to the waltura of his adopted country, is the reriguation of bis vicarious nuthority in Tivour of the young King himself.
For what Portugal wants, and what Portugal mud bare, is the commencement of a really con. stitutional system ¡~of a system under which Par- Immentary Government shall be carried out all ile conserpiences; of a system of kanaal conciliation and of temperate and just freedom; in which there shall be no aourt reserves, no palaco intrigos, nu secret combinatione, ma personal proscriptions ok- seling, embersving, and at fast defeating pa- poler Iberty. The Brazilians are only American. Portuguese, and there, at Rio de Janeiro, auch a system is in successful operation. And whence ile rocce Supply because shore it has fair play. Ji nenda no more (but it can be alified wall mo Ira-) at Lisbon. No doubt there corruption, there lacan, there is intrigue, there is evan dialuyaly, to be encount red in Portugal. So there also was in Hazel. But Parliamentary Government je proving luo much and leo powerful for such avil influences. And what ibe Pringuess have na- complished in South America they will achieve in Ewropa under parity of circumstances. Com- phie succos will, of course, require tine ; but what is now wanted is a beginning. To secure the, it is necessary to dispense with a Regency. And if precelenta for its dispensation are wanted, they are to be found in our own time. The mineri ty of Dona Maris borself was prematurely le?mi- Datod; solo was that of her brother, the E-a peror of Brazil; and in the older case with the bappiest consequences
To be two years with Portugal in ita present deplamble site in to waste half a century, and as- an inte the reign of the young King with the mis. fortunes and the failure of his predecesent; 18,40 all probability, to give an evil tone and current to his whole life. Uodora Regency, Miguelism will again raise its head, faction be exveperated and more einlittered, the youth of the reing goveration will be inoculated with all the passions and the vices of their fathers, and a great and noble opportunity of reconciliation will be evaded and avoided. With the Treasury rolvent, without credit or respect abroad, with an army fuur of live months in arrest of it pay, with other state functionaries wanting twelve inonths' salaries, with a ministry in power by violence and force, with a populace discemented, what can??Regency hope to effect or accomplisti
We take the follow my from the Bindian----- Among those who came up by the last Steamer from Baby was M. Gustave 19. Schmidt, Consul General de Danemare pour le royaume de Saxe, on bis way to the charming vale v Kabener, M. Hohmidt is on a tour of Elindoosthan and has comDO But with ancredual letters from the Presscal of the Board of Control and to Comet of Director Lo their Governors in baila, to aid M. Schmidt jo hin object of seeing the country. Ile arrived at Bom- bay early in October, and bas since visited the caves of Kaneres lecito, of Karlas, and Ellura.
Fun Celcom he wit sail to the Eastern Ar chipelago, and from thure mike-way Chios. Hi tour will occupy some eighton or twdary months; he will bara nong một a lila in ibal time, M. Schmidt spanke English fluently for a foreign. er; his deportiment is uūnesu sing and gentlema ly and in conversation is most lively, agresabla. and full of information His reminiscences of the English are, so far, favorable; we hope that br will leave the shorer of Hindous than with the same happy impression of our countrymen. boen glad to welcome him to this province me the first foreign gemiloman who makes it his highway to Kasbiner-Independent of the letter of intro duction brought to us we wish him a pleasant and sain tour. le may be assured, that we need scarcely express bore, that avary visitor from bis land will meet the ante cordial reception that be has bad on the shores of Bind."- Telegraph and Courier, Dec. 12.
We have
A vir to Nr. Helena in January, 1957, WITH A VAT' Jueusev prom James' Town INTO THE COUNTRY
(Concluded from Volume 19, Nu. 103 page 416.) APPENDLE, RELATING TO MANURT AND PRODUCE AT SAINT HELENA,
8d a 10 per lb.
Bral, good Alution excellent
do. Pork Fowls, Jo.
84 v
23 6d each.
Duake Liarse,
104 12
Turkeys, do ERE..
20 a 25
zen duzu.
Hay and Forage Wood, -
Lead her p Potatoes-
Carrots and Tutups Knotecades Unions, dry Cabbage
Grapes, Pumpkins
?ộng tr Ce
358 40 each.
180 cl. middling #ded bauch D..
4d a G 1. excellent.
6d 4
Oda da lb.
d. excellent.
206d a 30 p. 100 not very good
Fab, various and good dito,
4dad Dus goud.
Ada la par 16" Do,
Of Fish there are various descriptions according t? season, lu "ll above 60 kinds, amongst Use bost aro Cavalley, Mackerel, Cingur Eel, Jack, Bara- ta, Albicore, Cod, Flounder, Crab, 21.6am, Ba- w-to, Hock Gali, Mullet, mud (tuck Oyster, alsa Ane farge Turtle. On the laland are Pheasants and Perig, ligeons and Doves & o low Rabbits, The Cook Pesant te a remarkably, hap nurun bird.--Besides the Finns above named, there are the Apple, Plum, Mangu, Orange, Lemon, Shadduck Cition, Quince, Filbert, Pomegranate, Date, Hone Apple, Pineapple, Mulberry, Loquat, Brass.
Fondet Hoboken & Cartesanato New Team Finast & Ca
Masha Fossan & c...
- Agroka un Laretpark.
Indeniza and Rangmen
.......... Agents tu Maleis
uk undersigned have been appointed. "Agenta in Canton for the ebore CORPART, and are pro pared to take Risas payuble without abatement at this place in three months, and in Lommon of Lever??) root, in one month, after proper proof of loss is given.
Canton, 18th January, 1834
A LL Persons having claims nginst the Estate A JOHN SMITH, decenu, late of the Batque Rod Rover, are requested to make them known to the undersi,ned, and thopo indebted to the said Esiste are tegurated to meka immediate Psyname to Me Jons Qim?n, of the Steiner Hongkong, or to
ADAM SCOTT. Administrator,
Canton, 25th January, 1854.
FEW Packets of
A the Send of this beautiful plant have bren ohuined fangu the Green Ten cowalry, and are for Sale.
"Where received
a specimen of it, which
enables me to say it must be a plani of the Greatest beauty." 'Agriculturel Gesells
Predam Lilley
Apply to
LIESENT MAC EWEN & Co. El-ngkong, 27th Janusev, 1854.
FOR BALE NOFFEE in Bane of 5 ibe. " 15 the, ench, MAC EWEN & CA. Hongkone, January, 1954.
THE Directors of the Aueratan Ltovna SteAMOR SALE he STORES of the undersigned,
NatiDATION Company in Tricake, have made Arrangements for TELEGRAPHING MES. BAGES to London, or to any Puri of the Continut, sent to them from China.
The Alertegra should be armi under cover, super- #cribed "Telegraphie Despatch," to the "Alrazadrin Agent, for transmission through the Commanding fficer of the Steamer, and to be delivered iminali- ately on arrival of the Vespel at Trieste,
The Charge for Telegraphing 20 Words from
Trical per Bubmarine to London, ie nhout 16 Flo-
rios, of 32 Shillings Sterling ; and £1 Serling for w Memege
The writing must be in legible worde
For further meticulars, apply
WM. PUSTAU & Co. Agents at Hongkong and Canton Hongkong. 2718 October, 1883.
NOTICE. LEORGE LOGAN Hair cutter and Perfomer
egs to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hongkong, and Captains visiting the Colony, that bo oow carrier on the above business on the pre- misa of Me F. Dvodell, Qanun's Road, oppo. aito the Oriental Bank.
N. B. Ladies and Gentleman attended at their own residences if required.
Hongkong, 24th January, 1854.
CHAMPAGNE in Pina od Quare, PORT WINE, PALn Sunny, ClanET HO? BRANDY, il of first quality.
Nana of size in Casks of 2 ewt. Apply in Hongkong or Canion to
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, lat January, 1864.
THE cargo of Red and White LISBON WINE ex Cuiyum, jum arrived at Macao. Apply to
Canton, 11th January, 1854.
THOS HUNT & Co. JILL contious to keep a Large and Extensive
the very Lowest Prices,
Whampoa, et January, 1984,
THE undersigned lately received per Clipper
"Sea Witch"-
An invoice of Corneliva Patent Solar Sten-1 and Uanging Lampe uf 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 Burners, with extra Globes, Chimneys, and Wicks, and with or without Lutros. Also, Stand Lampe et vations
50 Barrels Prima Moon Bref,
"Gollege Floor.
100 Hoxes Winchester Salt-water Soup,
50 Bartela Prima Cider Vinegar,
60 Hore Sichel's Wine Butera,
50 Kegs Dried Apples,
25 Boro H. Lamp Taboco.
100 Tina Bente Soda and Water Biscuits,
200 Gallons Spirits of Turpentine,
100 Kegs New York Butler,
100 Tina Powdered and Lume Bugar,
100 Barrel Pilot Dread.
Tides of Rigging, Pump, and Bellows Leather.
Alu, contently au hamil.
a few bushels of English Oats, woghing 43 lb. per bushel.
Europe and Manila Rigging of all sizes, Canvas, Tar, Paints of all Colours, and a complete Asst. ment of Articles mocenuary for Shipo" ass.
Martell's Pals and Brown Brandy in Wood and Boule; Sherry in Wood and Bottle; Gold and sk
flongkang, tai January, 1854.
JUST RECEIVED a few Kegs of Prime Humps and Briskets--and some superior Butter. Hand Wax, prepared expressly for Bottling purposes and Bealing Trosaure Boxes.
Tine, Boup and Boulli in 6 | Preserved Meats in 4 lk, Tins. Calcutta Bottled Ale (Bam's)
Sliced Mangos and Cashmere Chutnies, Mal- ligstunny Canty Pasta sud Powder.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's White Kid Glores of - size Ladies Blockinga; Gentlemen's Hleached and Unbleached deeks; Dooskin and Buckekio riding and driving Gloves: Neck tien; Superfine Black & Blue Broadcloth, de, &e, de
An assortment of Superior l'eskaives.
MAC EWEN & Ca flongkong, 2411 January, 1954.
Victoria, 10th January, 1964.
FOR SALE at Man MARSIL'A Millinery Roms, Queen's Roul. Hongkong, CHOKE selection of Boats of the Late
faltions, consisting of Velvet, Satin Glace
Silk, Plan and Fancy Straws of seery description.
Black and Colored Silk Manties,
Black and White Lace Do,
French Barego and Cashmere Shawls
Freach Glace & Taffeta Silks in every color, Black & Colored Silk Velvets,
Du. Ribbons in all Widthe, Bash Ribbons, Bonnet do., Narrow Halin, Lata & Sarenet de. French Brocade Bilk Dresses.
Olace Silk do. White de Colored Tulle do Lace do. Ustege du Bois do
Striped Poplin and Norwich Lustra do
Freach Merino and Plain Muslin de Laina,
Do. in White, Pink, Sky, Slate drab de Nap blua Frcock printed Cambric and Muslin do.
Huple's 'Priot do, Black & Colored Barego do. White & Colored Patlamatten in all colors. Swits and India, Book Murtion
Jaccosts Plain and spotted Mulle Black Brussella Net, White da. Tulle illusion Blonde Edging, Rent and furimtina Lace. Len Falla, Do. Berthes, Bleeves, Collum Chemiscurs do.... &c. &c
Plain and embroidered Cambric Handkerchief Infan' itobes and embroidered Frocks.
Caps, and variety of under clothing.
White and Colorad Kid Gloves, Silk do. Bracelet ned Neck ties.
Pearl Jet and Chenille Hand dra
Wrentha and Bouquets, and a chnice selection of Feathers & Flowers from Madana Ferriero's Paris. An artmont [ Lall, " & Children Boots and Shoes from Viault Esta Rue de la Paisk Joly a Paris, comprising White & Colored Batin Shoes Kid and Morocco do., Stuff and Costil da, &c, &c
Linen and Cotton Diapore, Irish Linen. Brown Halland,--Colored do.
Horrocka' Long Cloth, French Long Cloth, very ?ne and light, Table Cloths very large also, Table Covers, Toilet Cavem, Quila, And-Macassara, Lace Curtains, Mosquito Net, Rolled, Jeoconsi Linings, Union and 'I'will do., Victor and Vene- tinn Skirting, White and Colored Crinolines, Cri online Petticoate and improvers, Corded Ditto. Fine Flannels, Nucing Stays, Franch Wore do Comul do, Chiktro's Bands, White and Colored Silk Horn, Thread do.. Merino do. Celo do. Cotton Socks, Woul Polkas, Wool Caps & Skavas, Gaiters, Booking, Cloves Comfortem, &
Woolfen fonds. Braided Batin and Marioo de. White and Colored Satin and Merino Hau, Braided Cloake and Pelias, Frocke, and a great Tariety of Children's Clothing of all kinds.
Haberdashery, Parasols, Elamic Pages Garters, Sandalweb white & colored, Wide Elastic Wor ed and Leather Belis, Linen Tapra, Shin Bottoms, Dress and Trimming Bullons in groot variety, Bilk and Wool Braids, Cotton do, Washing do., Mob sit Net, tibbon Phita, Buglo-Trimmings, Sewing, Kwitting and Mending Cotton, Pius, Noodles, Hooks & Eyes, Whalebone, Covered Cane, Wad. dings, Cotton Cords, Ruches, Rilboa Wire, Silk Piping, Braw Triminings.
-From Price & Gomell-
A mall assortment of PERFUMERY.
Mr. Man bogs to add that she will continue to receive the Latrit Fashiona from Landon and Paris Monthly.
Payment to be made in Mexican Dollars, Hongkong, 30th Decembar, 1853.
HESSIAN STATE LOAN. TRANILATION OF THE GERMAN OFFICIAL LEFT, TN accordance with the Prospectus, her taken place this day, before a notary, wilmannen, and the public, the 17th Drawing of the Hranian State Lottery Iman of the year 1845, and the following 20 Serim aunibers have been drown -
20 1680 2#61 3524 5787 093 2188 3163 3500 $850 1072 3120 3201 3940 6941
4407 together, 20 Scris" of 25 Bonda each, or 300 Bonda "We hereby publish the tance for the informa- tion of the public.
Direction of the Fration Treamery Ofice,
Cassel, Ist December, 1863
Seamen's Hospital
Honourable David Jardinn, Esq., C. D. Wat GIAN, EM, Don W. T. Muncan, Esq., It. 8. Wakkun, Esq. Superintendent of the P. & 4). Stan Navigation Company, (az officio)
Pressure,-J. C. Howning E Resident Surgeon, Petka Youna. Eng. Consulting Surgeon,~~W. A. Haw and, Esq.
M.D. Acting Colonial Surgeon
Terms of Admission, Publio Wards. - - - 75 cents per day. Lotermediate Wards, I
Dar 13 Private Room-- -2 Patients are also admitted on deposito, at the fol lowing rates, Jenewable onu dey previous to the amount deposited having been expended,
Public Wards - Intermediate,
Private Room,
#15, $20, 830,
The Captains or Corsignaes of Vessels must be responsible for the expensen of Patinite scat by them to the Hospital.
N. A.AM 11ospital Ville to be receipted by the
Trassuter only
THE undervigerd has received instructione 10 sell by Polio Avorion, on the Premises
the 10th day of February next.
At Noon precisely, Unicos previously disposed of by private sale, the following Property, In one Lot.
That building in the Queen's Road known as the-
HONGKONG ULUB HOUSA, And the wu buldogs attachod, with the land upon which the whole is built-Registered in thin Land Office as Inland Lot No. 18, menou ing 14.160 square foot.--Annual Ground Rem
Also in one Lot
All the Splendid Furniture, Billiard Tables, Pisa, Crockery, Glass Ware &o, &c. belonging in the shova neishlishment,
Conditions of Rule, Catalogues of the Furniture Jes will be distributed demo days prior to the Auction.
Auctioneer Hongkong, Pili November, 1659.
THE Sale of the Hongkono Ceur flover and Forniture," is post pourd until Friday the 10th Pubruary 1854,
Hongkong, 25th January, 1954.
?N THE LOHD WARRISTON Capt. Contre, will be dispatched on the * 10th February, For FARIONT of BILK and OPIUM only Apply to.
Y. I MURROW. Hongkong, 30th January, 1851
MR HENRY DAV 18 le suthorized to sign our
Canton, Ist February, 1551.
MOUL & Co.
MARRIADE-At Viemeis, Hongkong, on the 18th in, MT WILLIAM Roan. Commit Brekeeper, to Jawe, cellot of Sergeant McGoess.
DEATH-A1 14 Morsy Place, Rdlebargh, on the ch December 1853, Gaonan Mencia Ray at Gorthy, Depay Lieutenant of the County of Perth, in the Blod Year of bẩn
OKATU-At Cheltenham, on the 8th December 1853, Lancelot Dust, R.
New Advertisements should be sent an early as possible on the Jays previous to publication; "but generally, advertisements will appear in the forth- coming fivus if received at the office as late a Eleven a.. Warinawlays and Saturdaga; spreially excepting the days on which the Huile are despatched 10 Europe.
Ushed Bater
Dec. #
Sandwich faland Nor 16 Halayla
N... - Dec: 19 Labusa
Nev. Javy. 16 Juny Jmy 91 Jouy
Jany. Bingapore
- Mašla
9 Shanghae
Col G. Hope Oet. Baa Praneen
"i |Wednesday,-
2 Thursday,
6.40 6,46
5 48 6.48
0,25 1,05 3 Friday.
1,26 1.43 Moun-First quarter on the 5th, at 6. 13 a, m
We have lost our Racing correspondent dos year, and regret our inability to furnish"way more report of the Races going on than th the first day's sport is said to have gone off very well, and without any accident worth speaking of.
Wa oro glad to learn that one of the two boats which stacked the Junk bound to Num ofī Latin last week, has boon identified in Cumeing moon but the piretical crew have escaped. According to the testimony of the villagers, this boat was lying in Cumeing 100 several days, and, late une night, a crew for her cumno over from Kee-ow, and they proceeded lu son, where they were joined by the second craft
There have been several attempts to phouder the villages on Koc-ow Island fataly; and, apparently believing the crows of these piratical vessels to have been the partica who made the attempts, the identified piration! boat was promptly set fire to 1-tlunghi,as we said be- fore, the miscreant principals oro still at large. The land of Koc-ow bas long been under the ban of the provincial Magistracy, and there can be no doubt but that there are people comfortably residing there in constrat com- munication with others in Canton, by whom the departure of the Tay chong-king was speechly notified. In putting our report of the attack on the Junk in different words, the Register has made a mistake. The value in specie on board (independant of the Cargo) was $5,000 and upwards
"WHERE THERE'S SMOKE THERE MUIT DE FIRE" In saying supposed to ba as old as the hill. A great deal of smoke was scen issuing from one of the now Cual Godowns at West Point early this morning, and, at first, we thought there was going to be a modern instance of the truth of the old saw. But, thanks to the efficient fire Brigade arrangements of Mr Stewart, the Coal Superintendent of the P, &z O. §. N Co., | and a good supply of water, for which there was no occasion to go very far, tho mutter, we ware going to say ended,but, to speak properly-is now ending in winnke."
Juappears that the coals under consump tion" are Labuan anthracite ; and were placel in their present situation, the extreme and of the godown, before the building was roofed in, and wore thus subjected not only to the gentle dawn of heaven (which never improve carbonaceous minerals) bat to our Midrummer showere from b in a dozen inches a day mom? timos () and therefore, consequent on these peculiar co- cumstances, the Labuan Coala (we think thero must be some patent fuel amongst then from the effluvia) gavo a promise of pre. maturely changing into ashon without the mid of a Stoker. Such, however, was the energy and good will of the man employed, the Crows principally of the Company's Conl Lighters anchored every night off the wharvas, that had flames actually appeared there is no doubt but they could easily have been sublued. As usual, up to breakfast timo, not ??Polico- man was to be soon; not even one of thos black, decrepit, no-english speaking Mungnes who form the bulk of our efficient constabulary,
The P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Agents in China could extend their advertising patronage, and at the same timo render an essential service to the public, by notifying the approximate period for the despatch from Bingspore of the vessel intended to carry the Australing Mails. From an advertisement in the Straits Times of the 17th ult, signed by our old Hongkong Sa- parintendent, Mr Mardall, wo learn that the
G Chusan will leave for Sydney, Meltw.urne, and other places, via Hotavia, uliomt 21 hours after the arrival at Singapore of ike English Mail the 8th of January ; and, as may be inferred from a notice in the x suse pa per of the Cadiz's performances --(the Cadi having carried iko Mailio on the 88th day of se despatch from England-never before at that reason of the year having hoen brought uniker 41) the asid English Mail may resonably be looked for in Bingapore simultaneously with the Cadiz's return, viz-the 17th-18th instant.
As a general rule for availing in China of the Two monthly Steamer from Singapore for Australia, we imagine that letters will be in tist if posted during the current year as follows- First, The Mail of the Eth inst. Afterwards by the last mail in March-first in April-lam
??May-the first in June-fast in July, August, and September--Jant in October, first in Nov- ember and last in December.
Tnu Clipper Schooner Time, Captain Chape. reports H. M. 8. 8. Rouler, and a Nor'west grie, as off the Fle sana on the 25th ultimo,
Toe Straits Tanes of the 17th ult, contama a report of the low of the British Ship Birman, coal ladon, on the Royalist rock, somewhere between Labuan and Singapore, Crow saved.
In 1856 we hope to see the mails leaving a little oftener than once in two months, and wo are glad to learn that the respective Choribers
Commerce of Canton and Rugopore are m respundenes together, with a view to mo malzitig er Mujasty's Government on the ject.
copy from the North-China Herald of the ull. a ropure by the Committeo of the nghac Library 1-ot that it can have any in. st for our renders generally-but as a special ter for the Committee muul Members of the coin Library and Ronding Rooms-the cretary and Creamacor particularly, who will pleased to notice that the Treasurer at anglinu unt only shows the balance of funds Agent's hands, but also tells us what are the lities of the institution and, appended to his stract of receipts and expenditure, actually lulet the London Agent's Account corrent - wing balance (Cyrtanate membera of Shanghau Library)-not af £57,10,10 a inst the Society, but £15,19,8 in its favour. des £200 romitted for books not received. The Nhaughine Committee congratulate the embers on having reduced the Subscription, d conferred the benefits of the Library on a uch larger portion of the Community. Tho etorin Library Committee can boast of con- uing a ridiculously high subscription-of hav -evcu wlule they were largely widened to or London Agent-bought old booke, for u xh price, of no very general interest, and of decrease the Yg sanctioned means to umber of the members, unwarrantable un er any aspect, and an absolutely unprinci tod a would be the action of a company of lack lege, whoso nefarious practices were held by the press to public reprobation. Happy Tembers of the Shanghine Library Committee, ho can conscientiously ask for the general upport of the community, conaci sus of having used all their co-members to act honourably hroughout their year's tenure of office.
The General Anual Mcating was held in the Reading Room on the 7th instant, when the fol. Sowing report was laid before the Members-
The Committee in ensigning their trust begin Lay before the Membros of the Library a report for the fifth year of the Institution.
The principal feature to molice in the transan tions of the past year in the diminution of the sube- cripting from $25 to $15 per natum, and they have to congratulate the meishers on the complote success of the experiment, for whilst the best of the Li Urary and Reading Room have been conferred upa much larger portion of the community, the funda at the disposal of your Commnities have been ncreased; and they confidently look for a consider. able augmentation in the number of members fer 1961.
Mesere Smith Elder & Co's account current to be 30th June, 1883, has been precived and showe balance in their bands of £15 19. 34, besides this £200 has beep remitted to England for the purchase of Books, &e to 30th June, 1854. The autetending socount noticed in the last annual re port have all been discharged. The Trassurer's acongue show a balance id hin favor of 659:32, in addition to which the reat of the premises for 1853 has to be paid. The accounts have been audited and found correct by Mr B. Dallas.
In the early part of the year arrangements were attempted to be made to incorporate the Library with a larger Institution, but owing to the difficulty of procuring a suitable site the scheme is still in abeyance, but additional accommodation having be come dearable, in noosequence of the increase in the number of subscribers, your Committen would recommand theit successors to give this subject their eerlion and best attention; and in emiring Crow office they ask for the genotul support of the com manily to enable it to be completed in an efficiow!
NAVAL APPOINTMruts and Movement.-In consequence of the death of Sir Everard (D Of JI. M., Calliope, now on the Sydney station, Ine following changes and proacti ne have boen reade. Captain Fitzgerald of the H'inchester takes the Command of the Calliope, and progreda to join by the Mail towner. Comm-nder. If'ainright han been posted in the finchester. Fing Lirat. Tung kin been appointed Communħder, and Livet, Marten, Intely acting Commander of the Stys, superseded by Conder W ?odenunde frour England har b. an appointed Flag Lirut. The Grecian, brig, mild from Singapote on the Est intial for the place, and the scrow steamer Encinanter, Captain O'C"I Ingla, on the 12th, and are lonked tot laily. The Barraconda, left Singapore on the 18th. The Spartan was to leave Shanghae on the 22ad re In ved by the Ratler. The Hermes will loay- fs. England, for days after the arrival of the En cover, inking bume 25 man of the Artillery, ale some of the officers and crow of the Hercule now in barbour on an Hospital whip. The Comus was i-pected on the 24th, by Sir Fleetwood Pellew, who expresso buonell highly pleased at the order It is reported that the and efficiency of the slap. l'inchester and the ( omus will procee) on a Cra 26 the first week of next month-longkong Register, Jany. 81.
Lord Shaftesbury has recently been visiting Manchtator. On his return to London kaat week, be forwarded a hiler to the Timer, holding up the public-spined Corporation of Manchester as an ex ample to corporate authorities:um just returne ed from a short visit to their town, where I heard and saw the many improvements that have been instituted by that public-spirited bedy. Veat tho
IM then of Gent Bedar, my powerful Ally, I bag the Ambassador tu express my grave ful acknowledgement.
roughfares are opened in many parts; the strife courts, and alleys, ate regularly cleatsod; pavo meme are almost everywhere laid down; the sacke auisance is in rapid courae of abatement; public dreins and sewers are constructed; the cesspooleing ibat remain will, 1 kope, be apelily removed; and and an abundant supply of good and soft water in so admirably distributed, that in a short time the smallest tenement will enjoy un unlimited quantity, at so almost nominal price. The benefie to the mees of the people are quite incalculable."
In a lecture on Chira, which he delivered at Bollon the other day, Dr Bowring said it had been calculated that if all the bricks, slones, and mason. ry of Great Britalo, were gathered together, they would not be able tó furnish materials enough for the wall of Clos; and that all the buildings in London put together woul) not make the towers And turrets which adora k." - Homn News, Dos B
INTELLIGENCE FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. (From the Impartial de Bmyras, 27th Non.)
We have received this morning by the Aur- Dian Lloyds' steuer L'Imperators, and the Tan erede, of the Mengetics Nationales, intelligence from Constantinople, dated the day before yester day, the 25'instant,
Two other eng÷gements have taken place on the Akaka skle, and the Russians, as on the first occalon, buss been totally defentel. The fortress Wecht of Akiska has fallen into the heads of the Turke. Amber of volunteers from all purta bave feed to the standard of Ahdi Puchs; and the Ottoman army, profiting by this advantage, have entered Giorgi", and advanced towards "Tilbu "On the 17th inst., the Ruris made another attack on the Fort of Chekwetik ; but mal with no better access then in their previous attempts.
The Ottoman troops bave abe taken poss?? sion of the Fort of Befer that of Chekweuil.
* In eumsequence of the severity of the season, there is, as it were, suspension of hosulics on the Danube Omer Pacha has retired with his forers to the right side of the siver, and has taken up bis winter quarters, after having completely Jemenpad the forfications of Okevitza.
"Hu kas left on the baland of Tortokni two battalions of regular troops together with a battery. "Umer Pacha k?epe Kalafat on the left side of the river. Ile how increased the garrison as well as the fortifications of this offensive position. On the side there is an aring of 40,000 men, of all arme, under the command of Leuil Pache, of Cirra."
The English stonin frigate Terrible, bearing the flag of Rear Admiral Bli Edmund Lymns, ar- rived at Cunetantinople on Thursday (21). After the url plutes, she entered the Bosphorus, and anchored amongst the other resale of the British aquadron "
We have received confirmation of the low of the Russian menin frigate with 1,500 troops on board "
"A merchant steamer the Médari Tidjeret, bo- longing to a company, and cominuaded by an Aus trinn Captain, Giovanni Milovich. has been cap. wered by Russion cruizer in the Black Bes. This vessel had only merchandize and passengers on ard, and was too small te vore war-tamor. This la o Ines than an act of piracy on the pan of
Clim Russians."
*** England, under various circumstances by giving strong proofs of lut well wishes towards my Empire, I doubt mot but who will, by every mons, rapel the unjust pretensions of Russia, which stack my independence and my sovereign | rigble. The whole world will so what inimenes ilvantages may resuk from a strong power and a banovalent one, se in England, and the sympathies of people just, enlightened, and generous, as is the English ontion.
***As to pener, my Government demeza it sa much as any other, but only as long as it is lionar- able and compatible with ing suvorcign rights.
**As to what regards the smelioration and the prosperity of cay subjecta, Your Excellency, better than any one oken, knows my feelings in chin
(From the Daily News, Now, 22.) lo announcing yesterday the melancholy sleath of the sum of Pokronat-the royal lady in whose beball come four-and-twenty yeuro ag? the admiration of Lehdus was en ontbuerenically ex cited, when, as chill, tho wse the gucit of Gmoney. IV.-wo contested nurselves with garing en vuches of the principal events of her somewhat chequered and color. But now that the surprise of the fatal occafimice is ever, we mux to-day consider its probable patient effe-u. Ba fore doing on, we may, howovor, nekdan ikst tha later accouchements of the deceased Queen bad given Damuse and created #pprehensions a mongst ber fmily, bar relinves, and her house. held, and that on the occation of one of her Ma JESTY'S wie recent, confi "timents-that prec ding the present, we believe-her own life was only saved by the acrifice of the infant Nor, before entering on the more pubb; consequemere of her demise, musi we omit paying a tribute of respect to the persons merits of the facessed lady; ler, like our own karpiar Nov-raign, Dona Maria at her subjects an excellent example of purity · ? conduci, of domestic happians, and of devotion to her fami ly duties. Attached to her husband and her children. to them at loss. her loss will be a source of sincero and deep regret.
In her poble capacity it was a misfortune, which the late Queen of Pontogel never overcame, that she was only sovereign of one, and perhaps, nu- merically speaking, the smallest, of in parties. Though the lawful canoarch, ber elevation to her throne con Portugal a civil war, in this struggle she was ouncesful principally by moans of foreign assistance, military and diplomater; and of all Es 'opean unions the Portugu-se most rosent the in- terference of siber Bites their dome altro. With her, tea, come Cnstitutional Government; and, though properly enough it absted the sinmewBo power of the Church and the Priesthood, loss of power, influence, and above either of wealth, ng- gravated the hostility of the Clergy to the now order of things, and they have kept alive even to this day the prodilection of the gent mane of the ignorant pamry of Portugal for Un M190L This gave the Court the excuse for kuping up a large and expansive army. The cmi wat bad, however, enmpletely disneymuned the linance of Portugal and involved the unces in debt, which it had the meannees and folly sa deal with "On Tuesday_lest (22nd Oct.), Lord Stratford dishonestly; igberantly surgetting that with Staros de R-delide, the English Ambassador, having been specially in honesty the best policy, The Facts, adu.itted to the heacur of an imperial sudience to coinbined with a markoblo abeente af all really pre-ent to 11. I. M. the Suhan Vice Admiral Dua-able sinesmen at a posted when Portuquical des and the Commanding Officers of the British anothe and a better Ponnat to testerlate it, cun- #quadron, His Excellency addressed it. M. asstituted difficulties which Dona Maria had to en- coumer, though she was not becaulf responsible follows:-
**Je preventing to Your Imperial Majesty the for them.
The Queen, however, increased these difficul- Admiral and Captains of the floet, which my gra cious Sovereign, has, on the demand of Your Maties by her own conduct. Like her father, Dom Papno to Brazil, she never hastily accepted in jerty, and in concert with the Emperor of the French, a powerful Ally of Her Bitannic Majesty, Portugal the constitutional system on which her sent to protect the rights and independence of the authority was band. Like him, she was insincers, friendly empire, 1 full a duty us honorable, as it is vacilling, and faithless like him, she trusted to everything bot the onofdence and regard at her stafactory
aubjects, and to every one but howet and truthful advisere-and if her people were, as can hardly be denied, in nume point of view us yet unsukal tu Parliamoolars Governmeal, she teased, and tor mented, and perplexed them by substituting the ever abifung and various hadow for the more per mat and far for ruality The ouerquence was, that, whilst a powerfal" Miguelle foeling bad always to be guarded aguiast, the party which bad given Dona Muris the crown was unnaturally and Violently divided. Its ablest nad most loyal leaders were treated with ingratitude and weglect; the Court sumed the place the Legislatura ought to bave accupied; where wisdom and conciliation were wanted, jatigue and corruption prevailed; and the role of the Queen was neeociated with a Ilance riulance selfish and a reactionary policy. was necessary to effect uselul changes, and at last powerful subject (Blarshal Saldana) without any grant abilitice or noble views, was, by but po. pularity with the army, able to coerce the Crown. and to govern arbeteavily in its neuse, though per sonally deliked by the Momurch and her Cart. Nor is it all improbable that, but for Britkah ia tervention, the rowalu of Portuguseo discord might have been even more unpleasant to the Queem and
them and to myself. "Their presence hare, under auch extraordinary circumstances, shown how lat Your Majesty and Your Governem have wisely appreciated she friendship, and reckoned on the sympelbies of the British nation.
"Betim so generour, and so strongly tend- ing to rivm the friendship of the two Sinton, quite greater motives for their growth in the just and clear-sighted benevolence, that has been dis played in the administrative policy of your Impe rial Majemy.
"It is not alone in the successful maintaanDCO of a great European principle, that the British Government will seek for a recompense for the acrifices it may be compelled to make, in contri- buting to the protection of Turkey against an un- purokod aggression It watches with equal firm. area over the prosperity and the strength that Your Majcaly cannot fail to acquire over all your denising in pusting inte execution a system of complete though gradual progress between all clever, and in the intrerat në your subjects.
The complant hope which does shendon it, as well as the imme lite olject of its effective sistence, is peace. Not aedly an illusory or procarious peace-bul peace, that by the simpleat means, shall establish on baana, solid, bootable, and without injustice to any othor Power, the so vereign rights of Your Majesty, and the indepen Jenco of Your Empire.
"To obtain such peace as serly possible, in have a right to suppose, the lively desire of Your Mojemy, as it in the point most ardently desired by your allies and I shall be happy to learn that this oljeet is duly appreciated and warmly encouraged by Your Majesty's Ministers, in a spirit of oun tinted madematine."
H. M. the Bolan replied in the following treme to Lord Redcliffe:-
"I commence by thanking tha Ambassador for having procured me the pleasure of seeing übe Admiral, and the OlBoots of he fleet.
Under present diretamat.ces, the presence of the English Heel liere, in command of an Admural De distinguished, being preaf of the frio-dship of
??We hope to see the wall of China some day when China i paed-and to the goodness of thle caireor. Aloyfit in " fact, which we doubt.-Es, F. or C.
het family than they were
And now that death bet prematurely removed Dona Maria, nothing certain of dependablo remains beblad her unless indeed (as was the case with ber brother under not dissimilar circumstances in
Brand) the youth and freedom from all ill ssetia tions of her son and successor may stouse the re gaid and ayınpathy of the people. Dan Pedro V. is understood to be a ?nt active, spirited, and intel. ligent Joong 10, whose natural abilsins are com edemble, and whose education has en of a machi
higher and better character than that of Portuguese Princes beretafora The experiment may not in deed be without some dangers; but in Ponagel. shua kitanted, there in at best only a choice of dan- gera; and between Regency and a premature majority, thela ought to be no dificulty in prefer A King-Consort, be he who be ring the latter. my, can never be popular in Portugal; and when we recollect that, scarcely three obart years ago, the busband of the late Queen, who in now Itegent, was, on a critical emergency, desorted by the temy of which he was legally the chief, ùt is impossible
tificipate why real estisdiction in the nation from has a finitention for the next two yrus. Such Regency woull, in fact, only hin a comimu tim of the Test Reign; and excellent d'onzorne ka reigning Monarchs we the Cobourg family wake, Europe in overtheless jealous of theo. The bat hopes of Partagel and the best wishes of Europa wilt, therefore, concur in clesiring an earlier ins jarty for Dom Pelto V than the law atlives; und the boy contribution, the King ilogont can prom. bly ek to his son's happromos, and to the wallnin of his silopted country, is the reriguation of his vicarious authority in favour of the young King hunuell
For what Portugal waste, and whist Portags1 must have, in the commencement of a really can. #national system ; -of a system under which Par Immentary Government shall be carried out in all its coloquene; of a system of honest conciliation and of temperate and jist freelon; which thera shall be no court reserves, no palace intrigues, no secret combinations, no personal pescriptions als structing, embarrassing, and at last defeating pa- palety. The Benzdians are only America. Portuguese, sod there, at Rio de Janeiro, such a system is successful operation. And whence its racem? Simply because thɩrs it has fair play. It needs no more (but it can be satisfied with no fea) at Lisbon, No doubt there corruption, thera faction, there in intrigue, there is evan disloyalty, to be encountered in Portugal Ho there also was in Brazil. But Parliamentary Ouvernment is proving too much and too powerful for such ovd influences. And what the ' risguevo bara ng- complished in South America they will achieve Com in Europe under parity of circumstances. pkre success will, of course, require time; bus what is now wanted is a beginning. To secure the, it is necessary to disputise with a Regency, And if precaleste for ita disponeation are wanted, they are to be found in our own tee, The minora. ty of Jona Maria berosi? was pramaturely termi Butod; so also was that of her brother. The En peror of Brigit; and in the latter case with the bappiest consequencer
To lose tw you with Portugal in da present deplorable site is so wants half a century, and sus site the reign of the young King with the min- fortunes and the induce of his prožacessor; 18, IN all probability, to give an ovil tone and current lo his whole life. Under Regency, Miguelów will sgain raise its head, faction be exsipersted and more embittered, the youth of the rung quustalion will be inoculated with all the pursions and the vices of their father, and a great and noble opportunity of reconciliation will be eroded and avoided. With the Trasury involvent, without credit or respect abroad, with an army four or five months in nefcer of iu pay, with wher mato functi-marica wanting (wetra months' salaries, with a ministry in power by violence and force, with a populace diacoalented, what can Regency hope to effect or accom,lab
We take the following from the Bindian :- * Among those who came up by the lat Stomer from Bo aby was M. Gustava (7. Schmitt, Consul General de Dancmare pour le royaume de Save, on his way to the charming vale ut Kober. M Schmit is on a tour of Hindoosikan and has coms out with socredited letters from the Praatent of the Board of Control and the Court of Directore to their Gaerware in Emilu, ta sud M. Schmidt in het ubject of seeing the country. He arrived at Boni bay early in Uctober, and has since visited the CATER of Kaneresimit, of Karlso, and Ešlura.
From Calce be will to the Eastern Ar chipelago, and from there mist way to China, H ome will occupy summs eighteen or twääry months; he will have seen got a hule in that time, M. Schmidt spoke English Buently for a foreign. er; his deportment is uunasu "Ing sad gentlema0- ly; and in conversation, in most lively, agreeable. od full of information His reminiscences of the English are, wo far, lavorable; we hope that he will leave the shores of Hindowsthan with the sama We havo bappy impression of our countrymen. boen glad to welcome him to this prosince as the first foreign gentleman who makes in his highway to Kantor-Endependent of the lower of iatro duction brought to us we wind him a pleasant and safe tout. ila may be sutured, that we need scarcely express here, that every visitor from bu land will meet the ame cordial reception that he bas had on the shores of Bind."--Telegraph and Courier, Dec. 12.
A vor to St. Helena 19 January, 1957, WITH A DAY's Journey Rom James TOWN INTO vos Country
(Concluded from Volume 17, No. 163 page 416) APPENDI, LELATING TO BASKET AND PRODUCE
At Base Halexa,
3d 14 per lb. 6de Ed
23 Gdonch.
Beef, good Murton carallent Pork
Ducki Lierse
10 12
'Turkeys, do. do. Exgi
Wood, -
Huy and Furage
Lend Sherp Platoed Cariote and Terms Koolcealer Onione, dry
Pumpkine -
34 4 44
?ث?ا ?ا ع?اج
400 each,
l?m �?18t em.. thích ng
Ada G
n excellent
6db eo. +xcellent.
246d a 3 p. 100 sot very good
Fab, various and good ditto.
4ded Dux goud.
Da a la par 16 Du. Idaldun
Of Fah bera ara vacions descriptions according to geamun, in all above 60 kinds, minongst the basi aro Cavalley, Mackerel, Cingar Eel, Jack, Bara- ata, Albicure, Col, Flounder, Crab, 13.aim, 15. utin, Rock Girl, Muller, and Rock Oyster, alea fine large 'Turtle. On the Island are l'honours and Partidge, l'igeons and Doves & a few Rabbitu, The Cock Fresnot to a remarkably fam summa bird.--Besides the Feuna above pamed, there are the Apple, Plum, langu, Orange, Lemon, Sheddock Cirom, Quince, Filbert, Pomigrante, Date, Rono Apple, Pineapple, Maiberry, Loquet, Bacani.
Apricot, Alanya. Lachoe, Milon Cherry. WcusT Chesusi, Fg. Tingstid, Strawberry, Wild Hangi hurry, English Raspberry, Blackberry, Cape tiooseberry, and one or twű others which Lesit recollect a present *
The Island is capable of considerslide impr?vo enent in the shape of cultivation, but the Islanders at two inert, and there are no good agricultural kadere;-a few enterprising Beotchinen, with some capital, would bring out the true valor of die le land in this respect, but they mist take their lab ourers out withthem, and not depend on Yamatorki, who won't work more than 3 or 4 days in a week ol the mesi.
??The water forgets the Wayet even!--Ea
Copy of a Letter from J. Noble, Esq. Mayor of Baston, Lolakier.
To Pnorsmon Hokioway.
27, Victoria (Peru), Clark, from Calisa, 20th Nov.
27, Korduck (Am), Walden, from Baltimore, 19h
21, Orkney Lass, Martin, from Whampoa.
29, Alert, Smith, from Sydney, 12b Dicomber, 28, Baldemar (Dan), Schmidi, from Singapore,
13th December.
29, Island Queen, Macfarlane, from Fuh chow-fu,
Stad January.
28, Mazeppu, flytie, from Amoy, 26th January,
29, Resolution, Carmichael, from Macassar, 24th
29, II M. Str. Barraconio, Commander Parker,
from Singapore,
99, Aulaz, Glover, from Woosung, 15th January, 30, Kohinoor, Levien, from Whampoa.
31, Fime, Chape, from Chiochew.
31, Jegno (Port), Lux, from Macao.
#1, H. M. Bug Grecian, from Singaporo
31, Proteus (Dut), Wagtemlock, from Whampos, 11, Henbury, Caïubert, from Whimpos
$1, Walmer Castle, Pryce, from Whamp?n, Jan.
Dear Sir, Mr Sarah Dixon af Lignorpotul Street, Alonson, has this day deposest before die that for a con- siderable period she was severely afflicted with Bere. Falous Bores and Beers In her sems, feet, legs, and other parts of her body v and schough the head of me- | cheal advier was obtained, at the cost of a large vain of maury, she obialed no abatement of sukring, but | 25, Coreria de India¿l'un), Lus, from Manila. gradually grew worse.
Being ercommended by a friend to try your int tent, she procures a smalt post, soil a box ?of the Pills, and before that was all used, symptous of amendment appeared. Hy persetulog with the medicines for sburt time longer, according to the directions, and arlesty adhering to your rules as so diet, &c., she was perfectly cured, and now enjoys the best of health.
I rem, Dear Sir, yours truly, (igned) J. NOBLE
Duted Aug 19th, 1853.
Copy of a letter from Mrs. Klizabeth Teater, of the Past Offer, Adwick Hood near Bogner, Susses, dated Jan. 1974 1833.
To Porto Holloway,
Sir-1 suffered for a considerable period fror severe attack of Erysipelas, which at length settled in my leg, and resisted ált medical testment. My auf ferings were very grest, umil I quite despaired of May permanent amendment, when 1 was advised to have 10- course to your Ointment and Pills. I did so without delay, and am happy to say the result was eminently succesful, for they effecied a tail-cal cure of my leg and restored me to the enjoyment of health. Y Fabul ever speak with the utmost confidence of your meli.
25%, Jégro (Post), Stern, from Momila
26, Sophia (Part), Honario, from Mucno. 26, Dayam (Port), Olveira, from Macae
6, Benjamin (F1), Henry, from Hongkong.
27, Zephyr, Mornice, East Coast.
21, John tertram (Am), Jandholm, Whampoa.
21, George Howland (Ai. Wie), Writh, Whating
29, Daniel Ross (Ilain), Ketels," Shaw, hac,
28, Victoria (lein), Clark, Whompon.
99, Minna (Azu), Fulsipher, Wha pon.
??Veronica,Du), Welger, Sin Ficisca
25, I'dhelmsburg (hum), Miller, San Francisco.
20, Parks-der (Am), Crissy, Whampon.
28, Orkney Luxe Mitsin, Loudum.
25, Tremeiga (Post, Silva, Port Phillip.
10, Resolum, Uncichael, Whamp
31, Bur Lady Mary (l'eod, Jamieson, Shanghae. 31, Jabe Wood, Crol v, Shangham,
11, Josa, Dowisan, Shanghae
31, Marepps, Rynk, Cumkogmasa. Jan.
eines, and have recommended them to others in this | 25, Augusts (Brem), Langosberg, Ontario. neighbourhood skilarly fleted, who desired equal 27, Ariatides (Urem), Fekihamer, Shanghan benefit-tam, Sie, your obliged and faithful Servant, 29, Mary Spencer, Fihor, Liverpool.
The following important commandeation has been for warded to Profemor Holloway for publication, by Mr
B. Dizon, Chemolot King-street, No1wich.
Copy of a Latter from Captain Smith of Great Var. mouth dated January 19th, 1883.
To Mr D110,
Dear Ble, senil you the particulars of
cure ef fected by Professor Holloway's invaluable meshielmes 1- Mr Jon Watson, late in Her Majesty's Service. In
Per Bur. Lady M. Wood,-Mr and Mrs Curven, Wilson and Children, and Mr. Bowman,
the British Fleet at Malts, had a very had ulcerated | My sucle, and after having beep in the Malia Hospital for six months, was sent to FIN 15 POR
mouth Hospitalere be remained an inmate four d. there, at Malta, refusing to love the limb amputated, be was turned out Incurable. He then came to Yarmouth, and was under a inzilles) gentlemon for about three months, but his anele became so much worse that all hope was lost. As this period, by my advior, be tried alloway's Ointment and Pills, which | by unremitted application, healed all the ulcers, and restored him to perfect health and strength,
flangiand as sa invalili to ravens
Fremuin, Dear Sir, yours very truly, (Signed) JOIIN OMITII.
Albert Ilotel. Great Yarmouth.
Copy of a Letter from Me, Po 8. Her, Charmiat K., Lower Man-lane, klanchester, dated Fab, 12th 1959 To Puorenas Holksway,
Dear - have great pleasure in forwarding to you the particulars of a very extraordinary cure of a Gad breast, effect il solely by the use of your celebrates Cutest and Pallo, Men, Mamens Busty of t
street, in this Tuww, had been for a considerable time labouring under neerous debility, loss of appetite, sod general ill health, neensated by ulcerated wounds in ibe breast he had had much experience lo the use all the known remeilies for the cure of ulcers, but with- nus any berficial result, in fact she had nearly lost
Whamops See Bhip! --
Hongkong .M.Parke [Fon-phow H.M.8g| 12 |Vanillast ||11ongkong 44. at 83, 14 |Pedonea
A1 Hongbruk Alert barque
Cadiz stramar
Canton, pleas 4:hristion, brig
pls alp
N. Gouter, ship John Wood, sily Kahpur, schooner libertad bargne Land Warton, ship Alathilde bokgutine Marponer
181 dilover 410 Roberts
MeDermott 140Hinder 315 Newell
Wha?e 201)||
to Hally
Jardino, M. and co
Now IW, Anbau and
Deo John Bard and ce
Jan-1.yall, Hill and co
Hub-chon-fa Janeat and co
Anz Dent and co Jan
Dee San Franciscofet 16|Watmore and
PRICE $10 per canum.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, 16 Spanish Dollars, payable in advanos,quarterly or otherwise, at option. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten Hars and under, 1 Sp: Dolle; additional, 10 conte line. Repetities one-third of the deat regular insertion ships, -First insertion, 1 Sp Dalia subsequent Insertions så cente
Single Numbers Waornia Advertisements to have weitten, on the face of them, the numbes of times shey are required to appear.otherwise they will be published until counterman.let. A reduction of sweaty Ove per cent au maual charge made when quarterly uncounts are rendered for advertisments ordered to stand undisturbed for a period of three months. Notices of firms and Estaten will be inserted in both Ovassano and Banı we??ly edicions unless ordered to the contrary.
Fall charge mede ter repetition of any Advertisement in the "Ureativa lavua.
THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAMERS, ply regularly between Alexan dría sed Triado entresponding with the monthly and by monthly Indian Steamers,
Baft test
Jo Sydney
Anda. choor
& 17.9 N.
1. N. Co
11 Amoy
Murdaud on.
VOL. XIII. Na 10.
Cornwall, ship
Hrit. 4 DawG
Do Algos, schooner
Naw Zealandot Uest and co Nov 2 meng
H. L. 1 Jenney, abdy
De Marsh
Esmagane, barque
135 fation
Guam Lombock
17. Authen om coaling
Whaline St.
Fathabol Salam, barqar
#15 Faber
Frederick VII, belg
24 | Lave
New John Hard and co
Hongkong, mer fana schooner
110 (bee
117 Dom
23 W'Dung
leabile Herens, bly Island Quran schosuer Juesta Cornella barque
11 fardine, M. and cs. ardias, M. and co.
19 Macfarlane
Dat 49Lodewyk
Lull, Hill and co
Split rocketi ttavien
San Francisco Decoder Dec 31 de
. Raws and co
bs havelian. Sept 1Jahu Merd wid co.
Port Pig
Jan 18 mey Sept
31 Fram
33 aston
[Jan (30abe
bie Wahlen
Sintean, baryan Time, schoo
110 Lodge
Waldemar, barque
Walter locice, barque
Ynnel, skip
[10. Brit DNA.
540 Verado
Nov 17-allas
Candang bela
Den 291art Pulp
Couselo de Indiu, basque,
Emigrant, ship
Jan 25 Manila thet
flommal, sh
Being Amana, batque
Cant, emer
Dot. 4 Har
Dec 31
Deutschland, ship
4ra turen, skeljs Parachute, alijs
[CMN | 490|Lamborg
Hele subito Dan+30Gnklager HEM 171 Kysle
10 Le
Isabel Holetara, bargun Peru 319 Hy
Cile, Larque
Early Bird, burqan
Flying Dutchman, skip
Henbury, ship
Jaku lestra, bly
John Backesan, barque
John lugdale, akip
Minna, sekot
Am. 1967 abbard
HL 473 Lambert
Brit 37 Livingston
Nes 19an Franelse Paranorm let Whenpos Jan Shanghan
Thre 31-ydney
Now tJandise, M. and co. Don Franch NOFW Postan and co
|1°ast thithy
Jan Jedine, and co
Aug 13 Tarine, M. and ce. June 2dine, and cum #ranci Now, Auto and to Wis
et der
Aug 150eder
Javalo, M. and co.
Janet. Lacy
lee 12 Jobo Hard sad es. Navy, B and ou
Jave 20Drinker and co
Ang 99J. 19. Enticati
---|). V. Joega
Oct 1. V. Jorge
Jan 18an Francisco Nov 24|Russell and co
115blachew Hang Paul, Mall and ce. July ifif., Wise and co.
Nov 17
31 Marmar
13an Franci
Jan 4:alentis
Jet Jardine, Malco
10A Hegid and co.
-un ancie
Pool Putty
West Indira
shane ber
New York
San Franci
--Mackertoo and co. London
Jan 12Order
Cresprout New 17. F. Ces and corespund
A.A. de Mello and on Labou
Dea 34 Lombock Das
Dee King and ca.
og der
Mary Spencer ship
$70 act
Francisca Dee Namell and ca.
Diapines, ship
|July 7 Slam
Ouyam, brig
Port. 230 Nivelea
PathEnder, barque
Sus Franciscerer
Proles, bare
Nesolation, barqar HU
Waterdock Dec 1
Oct King and co. Overder
Port 44 Hecarlo
83 Paller
#7) alleo
Nar Kussell "ad co,
Bophis, baryn Victoria, ship
Amoy Abbotsford, barque Cervantes brig
Eliza Ana, barqno
Fortus, brig
Homer, ship
Independence, brig
KILLY, bebe
Hyren, barque
C. Lompagnia, barqna
Alligator Barreauts
Amazon, skip
С п?ив
Ben Witch, ship
Bool Coast
Hercules Hernece
Inde, schooner
Donker BALIRUOT Spartan
Canton, M Ha Hopal ? Shanghee II. M.Bar. ?н ? мог
Fakbourne Hande --EX
Zephyr, sch
AMINICAN Lasingwn Macedonia Mimpi
H. M. H) 26 Amey 11.3.31 Hongkong H. MA
Powhatan Plymou Qeren Bastuga
Routhampt supply Sungorban Vandalia
13 Vloe Adi Pellow ||{ tm.Wolnwright||
Japan 08, BING Classe Loocho U., B1 | 29 |Abbot Japan | U, ?n Bar in the
?. P. Shanghai [0, B2 Kelly
Vantaa U 3. Sur. 8 Paler Shanghan U. 11 | 19 [Walker
4Byla _Japan ||(LA, Flore
Japan (1.8, der
Lachoo. B. A
Fapch Folben Constantine ROMAN.
Shangha, Pr. Atr
Nagpor. Vet.
- De Vimeon
Manglian woo. Fgt 52 opt. Unkodaky
Urulan How St. 4 Kho
all faith and liope of a cure being effected. In this shoe | Catherina
Tressing and painful condition of body soil mind, she
Hart L
ait. Sept 29-
Cornelius Smá
Harl Dec
Start. Nov 30 41.
Liv. Sept 19 S.
the course of a very short tline the effect produced was
Liv. Nov 17 8.
purnonded to have recontre to your valuable Cornelo Wernard Edward Ointment and Filis, which she immediately did, and in
mose stonishing ; "hat appetite was speedily improved
the sores and ulcers in the breast gesdually healed, and Geelong
the nervous excliament of her system was #lindly rex | Hero
3 remain, Dear Sir, youre faschfully
The Fille should be wed conjantly with the Dinament in
most of the following c
Bad Leg
Had Breasts
Bul Julai
Itite of Moncheras Depbantlaris
and Nard-Flies Feiglan
Chapped hands
Nova Zembla
Chad Nederland
I'.ul Jubana Pelican
Howere Finlay
Leo Oct 16 3. {Liv. On 706. ¿Card. Nov 25| 1). Must Nov 1, Liv. Aug 18 S.
Han Oct 30
Hart. Sept 7 H. Loo. Cei 0|| 8,
Feb-chow-Ez Houges, ship
Shaughne Lutzabla, bargna Confucius, uzzinamar Confbalan, ship Nemesis, bergan (inds, ship
P. Ma, barque Spec, schooner
Aristiden, ship Brands, scho
Daniel Rea barges
Dannebrog, barq
Lady Mary Wood, ft.
Lamil, schooner
Nymph, brigan
Didental, ship
Vail Large Conscie, schooner Hella Vascongada, skip
For London. Ifenbury, F), Walmer Castle. E). John Buckmann, W. Oriental, P.
For Liverpool, John Dugdale, W. Confucius, S.
For Lisbon. Omyum, W.
For Bombay. Bhelomith, W.
Peral 140 Clark
Heil 13 Nakoda "pan. 253 Zabala Nelt. 106 Bamolila
Aug 19 "ngapore Dec to Manila
2 Shanghae Nav at back
14 Vanderhoren Uet alleghang 147 Smith
Don Cost Sapi IrPut back Nov 16 Shanghan
Brit 341 Vincent
Der Fraser
14 Morris
500 Dlay
Bri. 36Garthon
Am 150 Dearborn T#%21 10[Penrico
Sam 375 Farhjelm
Tas Stayward
Hrom 440 Faldhamor
A. 200 tone
Tham 21 venea
10 Brown
Am 190Fletcher
Span. 10 Abr
180 Aquita
Nor HP V. Cams and co. Bombay
July 13 Cult and co
-yme Murde Dire Tait and ea. Novar, Muir and ce Sept me, Mule and co. Doo-Symo, Mluir and co Septal and co Now I Tali and oo.
Nor-Teit and en Tall and ea.
7 Fall and co.
--Shanghee - -Honghong Jando.
Jan 17 Hongkong
New Ningro
Now Japan
Jan Je Ningpe
Whampo Hongtong
Wkampen Amay
..... Hongkong
that Jardine, if and oc
Jas 11 Deal and co.
Det sell and co.
Weal Men West fola
Dec 16 Jardieu, M. and os
Nov 18 Hassell and co
June 4 Hage and an.
Dea Womerell Grove & co
[Ker Soften Xare
-A. He and co.
Jas-W. Davidson.
Jan 9 Carlowits, H. and cong h
.95 and co
YN. Use and c
126 Joke Hand sul ce
HP.&O. J. N. to.
dom and ca
1 land en
Dea 32 fell and co
ladyme, Mair and c.
Sept atak and co
Puh-chew- în
bluehew Son zama Anion and cowa?ow
For Part Phillip,
Kobineer, H. Mathilde, Fl. Waker Morrice, H.
For West Indies. Emigrant, M.
Amazon, Sw.
C. Compagnie, Sw.
For Panama.
Sen Witch, Bw.
For Part
Str. Cadix, I. (14th inot)| Isabel Quintana, C.
Fort WM5, sh 1214|Motivean
For Balaria. Proteus, It. Bintang Anam, W. Clio, W.
For Siam. Neptune, W. Ocean Queen, H.
For Shanghus. Frederick VII, H. Jahn Wood, El. Early Bird, W.
For New York. Flying Dutchman, W. Oneida, 8.
For San Francisc Cornwall, H.
John N Gosaler, H. Lord Warrison, (1. Orleans, I Polomise, J. Deutelund, W.
For Manila.
Jegr H. (to day
Klaxine Lockell
Louisa J. Janona
Cow (BM)
Mary Heiligands Vimer
Mary Shepherd
Contracted mod
Sure Nipples
Hart Nov 13 11.
Flurt, Die 2 1.
Flart, Sept 18 ft.
Herry Note-heads
Jars, Sept 11.
1. Harmser, s
#34 ostes
Jardine M. Ca
Amoy Puigrani
Glamlolar Bwell. Tomusie
Hart Oct 17-
P. & U. B. N. Co.
Lambago L'iles
Suod Aug 16
Land Ambaro 15, sh (1. be
H. besoi Edgeit Tull Je t'a.
Dent & Co 3431cardo Jardim, M. & 4
02. 3. LungraNG
Rowe Ellia
H. ak
Leo. Oct 13. |Lon. Nov 19| 1. Sheld Oct 29 10.
#72 Patridge
A Heard & Co.
6. bq. 279|||all
Ano cha
William Peile
1. bg
170 Doble
Heat & La.
Hardier, M. & Co
Dent & Co.
Folkstone Mandra Mast Selence Men Herso
Bbq 234 Dan
Sold by all Dragginia, and at Professor Holloway 1 erablishment, 344, Strand, Londen.
By Mr. JM. DA HILVA, and by HINNAM, at their Store.
also by WONG ACHEW-Hongkong, Sr. J. M. DA FONCECA,-Macro,
and Men ACOW & Co.-Canton,
Al la 14d-2 Odl.-4x, fol.-||s',-22", & 234. rech pot of Box
There is a considerable saving by wking the large sizes.
NB-Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are a?ard 10 each Pos.
Yacht Club
Pott, Oct 24 H.
Liv. June 4 13. |Liv. Oct 16 1, Haft. Nov 30 21.
Deder in which the above Fezuvielaft England. Lachesi, Pakenn, Mary Maliganda. Hom Bombie. Ond Nederland, Unmdies, Usterkur, Benteken. Boothand. Ham, Dendang, W7 gang, Toul John, Mary Khepherd, that ki. Tipas, Tatar Talk Jukenen, Karıma, Herronne. Karly. Thein, Jokiona, Cern Wermel, Yacht Choli, Cararlem Bondt, Hederland,
om. London, Lit. Keturpani, Sblo, Thlelde, Ham, Bamagata kart, (hatavath, head, sunderland, Karn. Bartlegant, Part. Partamenti, Cal. Calrus Mom, Bahay, Mad.
41, mangan, H. Matamu, 1. Vlakken, Yen
Ama), A. Honghes.
Wh. Khampoo, A.
Cama Vamily Wom
Lady Hayes, Nimrod
17 Langley
H. bg 238 Hoper
Ruparell B.
Anonym Uovakom
21. Endlett
.bg 261 Sullivan
H. by ZINC coraid 792
11. bq 277 King
Fab-chan Makamen die B. bq 117
Water Rch Hq 37911ely
0. Bestown, B. & Ca
Rumelt & Co.
Jarding, M. & Coil Jane
141 De Busch
417 Landers
1.148 Ander
A to Nonndy
Jardine, M. & Ca Dent & Co.
Camajor & Co.
C. Palanger & Co
Dent, Heale & C Pardios, M. & Co. Hi Aashikhay A
D.Samoan X & Un Hello Jardice, M. & Co. Ryan. bow. Endieatt A, Heard & C
P. F. Cam & Co. |1. by 343 Thompson | Lindsay & Co.
A. be201 Lacy
Epired, Prinsed and Pungiemed, BY THE PRŭration, William TanRANT, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1851.
The fires have been reduced and the following rates have been fixed, viz
lai Cl?m £16, 2nd Class £11, 3rd Class £7, including Table money and fees.
Arrangements have been entered into between the Directora of the Paninsular and Oriental 8. N. Company and the Directors of the Austrian Lloyd's 5. N. Company, that,-
1. Patonmoun latending to proceed from China via Trisse, can receive ticker from the Peninsular and Orianual Company's Agents for Alesandrit.
A Ship of from Four to Bin Hundred A Tons, to carry Obiness Passengers sad and Cargo to California. Apply to W. TARRANT, Hongkong, 10th January, 1854.
Skip of from Four to Six Hundred Paa A Tous, to carry Chindes Passengers
and Cargo to Australia. Apply to
THE Copartnership bitherto existing between the undersigned, under the Firm of A. H. FRYER & Co., in this day dissolved by mutual consent,
i. T. D. BILVER,
Hongkong. Ist January, 1834.
TIE interrat and responsibility of the late Mr
WILLIAM NY Wampler in our firm terminated on the 20th of September last,
Canton, 12th November. 1963.
Ti referents to the above sent the buriness of the House will be conducted as before by MR D. JOHNSON under the same
sign. Rome which bla F. B. JOHNSON, is authorized
M JAMES BOWMAN will sign for us in Shangkat by pracurativa,
WD SILVER is authorizon to scule all Acto
WITH reference to the above Noside, Mu H. T.
counts for the lata Firm of A. 11. Fater & Co.
A. H. FRYER. II. T. DE SILVER, Hongkong, 1st January, 1854.
Hongkong, 10th January, 1854.
FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE LORD WARRISTON Cap.THE undersigned begs to intimate, that tho business barzhofore carried on by the Firm of COPITT, will be dispatched on the
A. H. Faran & Co., will booceforward be con Por Praions of BILKA OPIUM only
ducted by him under the style of De BILVER &
2nd, Paternoute' Baouane can be shipped, from Alexandria by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Beamers for Southampton ; the Freight || Apply to. being Ten Bhillings Sterling par Cwt
ard, Receiple for Canno and Brucia intended for Bhipment to Trieste, will be granted by the Prolola and Oriental Company's Agous to Aleandria, Instead of to Suen se formerly, but each Package le to be provided with a white label, on which is distinctly marked in print. "In Transit for the AUSTRIAN Lloyds BreamGE."
For further particulare apply to,
WE. PUBTAU & Co. Agents at Hanghong and ( anton, Hongkong, Ist July, 1868.
THE NETHERLawn India Bruau BOAT COMPANY' Brzamer "JAYA," having been engaged by the Jars Government for thei service of the bi-menibly Mail between Balrole and Singapore, under contruet for 12 months, will ply regularly during that period between Beavis and Singapore leaving the former port about the 10th or 11th of every ismih, and Slugapors within 24 hours after the arrival there of the Meil which leaves Southampton on the 4th of the preceding meath.
The ruta of Passage monny are as follows:- CHIEF CADIN, From Singapore to Rhin - 8
Do. do. to Minto-
do. to Batavia
Retorn Tickets from Singapore to Batavia und vice vers $180.
From Smgapore to Minso
to Batavia-48 DECK PASSENGER.
From Bingapore to bio
da 40.
to into 10
to Brin.20
Children under 10 yem of age hall price
3 of Froa.
For further information apply to Manara Matratze Watson & Co. Directors, Batavia,-or to blesses Mactatua Pratan & Co. Singaport.
Batavia, 26th April, 1863.
ON and sher Monday the 99ad
instant, until further notice, the Hongkong and Carton BTRAM COMPAny's Steamers will ply regularly hotwasn Honaxona, Cawton and Macao, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (unless previoua patice of deviation be given)
The Boat leaving Honouova su Monday and Canton on Friday," will coll at Macao, natting at 7 A. 2. The hours of departure at other time will be 8 a. u. and the boats will proceed direct bolweno Hoezono and Canton. When inducement ofer the Boat will call at Construwoon but previous notes of such deviation will be given when prac- tienbla
The fares will be as heretofore.
Hongkong, 20th January, 1851. THE New British Lorche · VICTORIA," will trade regularly batwoma Hongkong sod Canton, Cargo taken at moderato mios.
West Point, Hoogkong. 13th December, 1859.
FOR SALE. TWO ROUBE8 on the Bonch side of Gough Straat, mob having Gueden. Stables, Coach-Houses, &o. Ground-cont modernia
J. F. EDGEH. Hongkong, 2nd January, 1864.
Bide of Gough Street, and another on the North Bide of the mme Street, zach with Bab.
Joe, Out-houses, Gardeo, &c. Apply to
Victoria, 3rd March, 1851.
TO LET. THE HOUSE in Banley Street adjoin ing the one now occupied by Mr Co MELATE. For particulaes apply to
N. DUU & Co.
Hongkong, 91st October, 1858.
TO LET. HOUSE ??Carlton Terrace containe log 2 Blog Rooms and 9 Hrd Rooma, with outhousee alinched, and large oscommodation for servants on the ground floor. Apply to,
Hongkong, 12th July, 1963-
Co., which Mr Guo. P..De Esen is suthorised
to sign.
Hongkong, let Jasonry, 1854.
TB hereby given that the Copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, carrying on burkatona si Victoria, in the Colony of Hongkong de Menoranty and Commission Aounts, is the day dissolved by vetaal consent.
Hongkong, toth August, 1853.
IT reference to the above advertisement it is autised that the said concern will be wound. up by Ma 8 DRINKER, bo la authorized to adjust all accounts, sad to whom all correspondener will be addrested.
9. B. RAWLE. B. DRINKER. Hongkong, 16th August, 1953.
THE undersigned by so give notice that be will carry on a Gunupai, Common and Aarnoy Business, under the sigle and firm a DRINKER & Co. and will occupy the promises +f the late firms of Rawes, Data & Co.
8. DRINKER. Hongkong, 15th August, 1683.
NOTICE. MR HENRY DAV18 is authorized to siga aor
MOUL & Co.
Canton, Jel February, 1984,
NOTICE. THE interest and responsibility of M??OLIVER 1 EVERETT ROBERTS in out Firm at Can- and Shanghat censed on the 30th June last.
WETMORE & Co. Canton. December, 1869.
THE well known Mission Premises (for Marina purposes only) of Rev. 1. J. R?punta in Canton. The place le healthy, comfortable, well knows by the Natives as a presoning place, and
desirable no " Mission station. Let any wishing
to rent call and examine the place, and apply to | THE_interest_und responsibility of Me A. L. Menara Ronela & Co. for the norma.
Canton, 1st January, 1886.
TO BE SOLD OR LET, THE HOUSE on Hollywood Road lately ocenied by Captain HoLWORTHY Copka Rider-and the House No. 7 in Gough Street at present in the occupation of Dr. Corr
For particulars, apply to
Wellington Streat. Vistoria, 19th January, 1884:
In Clate Paxon between longong, & have the bosor to loform you that were
Canion and Mateo & Cauton 88. Between tongkong and M??10 - 05. Deck Pameogers, European - - 92
Malaya, do, 01.80, Chinese, 01. Peeragere desirous of proceeding to loco for sher period way obtain return Ticketo, avilable for the first on second Broomer after their arrival, of the reduced rater of @d between Hongkong and Macao, and $12.between Canton and Macao.
Every first clam Porsanger will be allowed ane servant free of charge.
The sowels will convey Freight on the terms of their published seala; on which, however, some reduction will be made for large quantities, by special agreement,
A Payment whether for Freight or Page to be made in Spania Dollars.
LYALL, STILL & Co. Agents H4 G. SPO Honphong, 18th August, 1883,
WANTED TO CHARTER. CHIPS of from 600 Tons and upwarde
for conveyance of Chinese Emigrant Hanana. "Apply to
LYALL, STILL & Co. longkong, 14h November, 18589.
continue Business in Alves, under the style and Be of LANGLOI8, MoKELLAR & Co.
Our ald experieure in the Hics Trade in the guaruman for the good execution of all order Isamuilled to us.
Akyab, 11th October, 1881.
Atanto, Jr. in our Firm cessed from this date, and our Business will be conducted under the Style of G. L. AGABEO & Co., which Me Matonge ?gadze ie smhorized to sign.
A. & G. L. AGABEO, Caston, Lal January, 1854
NOTICE. VR JOHN BUTT is authorized to sign our
Arm by procuration,
HOLLIDAY WISE & Co. Canton, 25th January, 1854,
to sign our firm by procuration and Me Cowaru Hoamutyun in authoriz?d to sign the same by procuration from this date.
RUSTOMJEE BYRAMJEE & Co, Canton, 26th January, 1884.
Eputans in our fra at Canton, closed on the NOTICE is hereby given, that the Copertnership Timeres and reponsibility of Mr JanorusRE
Camon, 4th January, 1854.
heretofore subsisting between Yanick Jonko || 31 Decumber 1859, Monnow and Jamun Sturmanson, under the Style or Firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON & Co. has been this day diamived. The undersigned, assuming the responsibilùles of the said Firm, will in future conduct the baddest on ble own account and in his own name.
Y. J. MURROW. Hongkong, 2nd Junonry, 1854.
E bave this day established at Camon, under the same style, a Branch of our business as Merchants and General Agente.
Mr. EAMOND Alexandra STILL is authorized to sign our firm by procuration, and will represent us AL CANTON,
LYALL, STILle & Co. [longkong, 1st June, 1853.
reference to the above motiation I beg to intubate that, from this day, I have eata- blinked myself at a Commission Asarr and Man. CDANT in this place.
Canton, 4th January, 1864.
MER CHARLES BRODERSEN is admitted a 11 Partner in our Firm both at Canton and Hanging.
Wx. PUSTAU & Co. China, la July, 1858.
W. H. WARDLEY & Co. Cantoo, 12th November, 1953.
LL Persone baring clermo against the Estata A of the late WILLIAM HENRY WARD LEY we desired to act in forthwith to MeatID W. Fl. WARDlet & Co. Canton, or in Mota
JAMES BOWMAN & Co. Shanghe, and those 15-
deled to be said Fatato are requested te mnaka immediate payment to the said partice.
F. B. JOHNSON. } Caston, Pth November, 1853.
Administrat ra
thorized to sign our note by procuration.
Canton, Ist January, 1954.
by procuration, from the date.
Cumrerses Bonvnajem,
Canton 18th January, 185).
R JAMES P. COOK is admitted a Pa: ser with me from and after this date. The will be continued under the Name and
Style of THOB. HUNT & Co.
THOMAS HUNT. JAMES P. Conk Whampoa, In January, 1864,
THE interes and responsibility of Ma JOHN 1 PATON WATSON is out Firms, cassed on the 81st December, Jaat.
WATSON & Co. Sbangbae, 2nd January, 1854.
IR ROBERT POWELL SAUL has this day been admitted partner in the Firms of BYME & Co.
Singapore,. KER & Co.
Manila, PITCAIRN, SYME & Co, Blatacia Batavia, Ist Junonry, 1854.
THE undersigned bave been oppoiuled Acesti Jia China for the above Company, and are prepated to cover Risks, on first clots vessels, to the exient of $100,000. Palicis payable in Canton Homboy, Calculin, London and New York.
RUSSELL & Co. Centon, 11th January, 1864.
NOTICE. LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION, Establinged by Charter 1720. Dawn & Co., Agents in Hongkong.
are dull, FGM LOSS undersigned are duly authorized by the
OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, at Hongkong, on Buildings, Goods, Merchandize and Vessela in l'ort. lol Class, on House in private ocupsion only, with external Walla of Stone or Brick, and covered with Blato, Tile, Metal, Cement, and other facum tusuble Blaterial, deuch d, or adjoming one,
Ed Class, on torse of BOILDING arte ed and covered no above, panly or entirely used as Gu downs, and deraclied; and on Gunbe and Man CHANDLER, no hazardour, in such Buildings,
ad Class, on Hovma or Butotuon as above. adjoining other Buildings, and on Good and M CHANDIE, not hazardous, thezeia,
tik Ciais, on Humsa or Bendenas elected and covered na above, in whir? bezardone Goope aru dep nited, but no Guzardowe trade carried on.
6th Class, on Bure.
ASSURANOES Tusy be effected for the period of 12, 6, er Months," No InURANO
thereon is pad.
is in force until the Premium
For further particulars, reference is requested to be made to the undersigned.
DENT & Co.
Hongkong, 6th October, 1863,
THE undersigned hura bean appointed Agents st Hongkong for the subscribers to LLOYDS. Master Vaselu are requested to communicate to them in Nigenes of lossés, nezblents, the sponk. ing of Vessels, and any gawetul information they rovider of importance or interest to the subscribers.
Floarkong, 3rd September, 1852.
REGISTERED in London in 1839,
Mesas Finlay Monsoon & Co.......... Bocvetarian.
Brary Transen Fincat & Diderots in Tamponk
Men Ulan-Ustate & Co., Agrate in Cabretto ad Rangun
FBcont de Um
Again in Meghang,
..ågrul la Madran.
Hmm Harcana Fresh & Con.......... Agusta in Kingapore.
THE undersigned have been appo oted Agruis in
Caut for the above Comes T, and are pro pared to the Risks payable witho abatemont at this place in three months, and in Lomann or Lavka??roolin var path, after proper proof of loss is given.
TURNER & Co. Canton, 10th January, 1854.
LL Prisous having claims against the Estate A JOHN BMUTO, deceased, late of the Barque Red Rovar, are requested to make them known to the Bodersigned, and thoso indebted to the said Estats are requested to make immediste payment to Me Joan Gimon, of the Broumer Hongkong, or la
ADAM SCOTT. Administrator.
Canton, 35th January, 1854.
TELEGRAPHIC MESSAGES. THE Directore of the AveraHIAN LLOYDS Stuar Arrangement for TELEGRAPHING MES. BAGEB to London, or to any Part of the Omtinent, sent to them from China,
The Merages should be sent under cover, super- scribed Telegraphic Despatch," to the Alesandria Agent, for transmission through the Commanding Officer of the Steamet, and to be delivered immedi ately on arrival of the Vessel at Trieste.
The Charge for Telegraphing 20 Words from Trieste per Submarins to Londen, in about 16 Flo. rine, or 12 Shillings Sterling ; nod £1 Sterling for on Mongo
The writing must be in legible worde For further particulars, apply to
WM. PUSTAU & Co. Agenis at Hunghong and Canion. Hongkong, 27th October, 1859.
HAMPAGNE in Plow and Quarte, Pont WIRE, PALU Heart, Clabay and Brandy, I of Stal quality.
Nails of sizes in Caoks of 2 ewt. Apply in Hongkong or Canton to
LYALL, STILL &C. Hongkong, 1st January, 1804
THE cargo of Red and White LISBON WINE ex Chagam, just arrived at Macao. Apply to,
Canton, Uth Jeanery, 1854.
WILL continue to keep Large and Extensive Assotiment of BHIP CH?NDLERY, a
the very Lowest Prices.
Whompon, In January, 1884.
(Cupressus Funebria.)
A FEW Packets
The Captain or Cansiguson of Vostela munt Lu responsible for the expesives of Patients sent by them to the Hospital,
N. B.-A loapital Bills to be receipted by the Truter only.
NIEORGE LOGAN Hair culler and Perfamer
bege to infuein the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hongkong, sod Captains visiting the Colony, that he now cirrier on the above business on the pre-
the Sard of this beautiful plant here been obtained from the Green Tee country, and are for Bel.
"We have received a specimen of it, which cabice us to say it must be a plant of the Greatest beauty. *Agricultural Genetton
Apply to
MAC EWEN & Co. Hongkong, 27th January, 1854.
COFFEE in Box of 5 lbs. a 15 lbs. each.
MAC EWEN & Co. Hongkong, January, 1864,
ENGLISH OATS. FOR SALE at the STORES of the undersigned, fr bushels of English OATs, weighing 43 lbs. per bushel.
Victoria, 10th January, 1854.
FOR SALE At Maa. MARSH'S Millinery Rooms, Queen's Road, Hongkong. CHOICE Selection of Bonware of the Latt A fashiona, consisting of Velvet, Satin Glace Bilk. Plain and Fancy Straws of avery description.
Black and Colored Silk Manileo. Black and White Lace Do.
French Barege and Cashmere Shawls French Olice & Taffeta Silkca in every color. Black & Colored Bilk Velveta.
Do. Ribbone in all Widths. Sosh Ribbon,
Bonnet do., Narrow Metin, Lata de Sarames do, Frauch Brocedu Silk, Er zooNE.
Glace Bilk do., White & Colored Tulle do. Lace do., Barega de Bois do
Buriped Poplia and Norwich Lustre do
French Merino nad Plain Muslin de Laine. Do. in White, Pink, Bhy, Blate drab & Nap blan French printed Cambric and Muslin do.
Hoyle's Prini do, Black & Colored Baraga do. White & Colored Tarlatenes in all coloré, Berian and India Book Muslins
Jaccomets Plain and spotted Malls.
Black Bruwell Net, (väisa do. Tulle illusion. Blonde Edgingo, Real and Imitation Lace. Lace Falls, Do. Barthes, Bleeves, Cullera Chemie &c., de.. do.
Plain and embroidered Cambric Handkerchiefs. Jalants' Robes and embroidered Frocks.
Caps, and a variety of under clothing. White and Colored Kid Glova, Hill do. Bracelets and Neck ties.
Pearl Jet and Chanjita Hand dresses
Wrentha and Bouquets, and a choice salestion of Feathers & Flowers from Madame Ferciero's Paris,
An assortment of Ladies & Childrens Boota and Shoes from Fiault Esta Kuo de la Pais??Joly a Paris, comprising White & Colored Batin Shoes, Kid
and Morocco do., Stuff and Cootil do, do, &e.
Linen and Cosion Diapers, Irish Liom. Brown Holland-Colored do.
Horrocks' Long-Cloth, French Long Cloth, very fins and light, Table Cloths very large sizes. Table Covers, Toilet Covers, Quika, Anal-Macasaara, Lace Curtains, Mosquito Net, Rulled, Jocast Linings, Union and Twill do., Victoria and Vene- tion Skirting. White and Colord Crinolines, Cri
THE undersigned uely received per Clipper nolime Petticoats and Improvers, Corded Due.
"Sea H ?uch"-
An invoice of Corneling Patent Solar Stand and Ilarging Lampe of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 Burnero, with extra Globes, Chi-oneys, and Wicks, and with or without Lostro. Also, Stand Lamya of varione nizes.
60 Barrels Primo Mens Brež
100 "Gallego Flour,
100 Boxes Winchester Sak-water Soap,
60 Barrel Prime Cider Vinegar,
60 Dozen Sichef's Wine Bittuce,
50. Kage Deind Apples,
25 Bozen II. Lamp Taborco,
100 Tins Besta Boda and Water Biscuits,
200 Gallons Spirits of Turpentine,
Boiled Linseed Oil,
100 Kegu New York Butler,
100 Time Powdered and Lamp Bogar,
100 Barrel Pilot Bond,
Hides of Rigging, Pump, and Bellows Leather.
Aho, constantly on hand.
rizon, Canvas,
Europe and Manila Rigging of Tar, Paints of all Colours, anil a complete Amort ment of Articles necessary for Ship' dov.
Martall's Pala and Brown Brandy in Wood and Boule; Oberry in Wood and Bonte; Gold and Palo
De BILVER & Co. Hongkong, 111 January, 1854
JUST RECEIVED fow Kegs of Prime Humpe
and Briskets-and some superior Better. Hard Wax, prepared expremly for Bouling purposes and Bealing troure Boxes.
Boop and Billi la 6 la "l'ine,
Preserved Mente in 4 lb. Tias,
Caloutta Bottled Ale (Bass's )
Sliced Mangce and Cashmere Chuthies, Mul- ligulanny Curry Pasta and Powder.
Ladies' and Gentle men'" White Kid Oloras of evd sinne Ladies' Bocking"; Gaotlemen's Isleached and Uubleached Bocke; Derikio and Buckskin riding and driving Glove; Neck sleep Buperfine Black & Bus Broadhub, dr., &c., &s.
Au moitment of Superior Penknives.
MAC EWEN & Ca Hoogkong, 24th January, 1804.
Fine Flannels, Nurding Suaya, French Wave do. Contil do., Children's Bands, White and Colored Silk Hose, Thread do... Marino do, Cocoa do., Codoo Bocks, Wool Polkas, Wool Caps & Sleeves, Gaiters, Boolakine, Glores Comfortst, die, dra.
Woollen Heodu. Braided Satin and Merino do.
White and Colored Batin and Marino Int, Braided Clooke od Palisses, Frocks, and a great variety of Children's Clothing of all kinda-
Haberdashery, Parasola, Elamic Pagra Gartero, Bendelweb white de colored, Wide Elastic Wom ad and Lather Boko, Linen Tapes, Shirt Buttons, Dress and Trimming Buttsas in great variety, Bilk and Wool Braids, Conton doc, Wasbieg da, labsir Net, Ribbon Plate, Buglo-Trimmings, Bewing, Knitting and Mending Cotton, Pine, Needles, Hooks & Eyes, Whalebons, Covered Cann, Wad- dings, Consa Corda, Roches, Ribbon Wire, Bilk Piping, Staw Trimmings.
-From Price & Gounel!-
A small assortment of PaRFUMERY.
Mr. Magu baga to add that she will continue to receive the Latest Fagmions from London and Paris Monthly.
Payment to be made in Hozican Dollars, Hongkong, 10th December, 1853.
Seamen's Hospital
Honourable Daven Jardine, Esq, C. D. WIL Liang, Esq, Hon W. T. Munoan, Esq., R. 8. WALKER, Eng, Superintendent of the P. & 13. Steam Navigation Company, (ez officie)
TJ. C. Bowaine, Esq. Resident Sargon-Pat Youme. Esq. Consulting Surgeon.-W. A. Hari ano, Baq.
M.D. Acting Colonial Surgeon
Terma of Admissions. Public Warda,-- -78 cents per day. Intermediate Wards,
Dullar # Privalo Rooms,- -- 2 Pacjenta are also adunitted on deposits, at the fol- lowing rates, renewable one day previous to the amount deposited having been expended,
Public Warda
#15, Intermediate,
Private Rooms, -
$20, $30,
is of Mr F. Duopat, Queen's Road, oppo site the Oriental Bank.
N. B. Ladies and Gentlemen attended at their
residences if required.
Hongkong. 24th January, 1894.
THE underigord has received instruction to
the 10th day of February next. At Noon precisely, Unless previously disposed of by privalo sala, the follwing Property, In one Lot. That building
The Queen's Road known
And the vet huildings washed, with the land upon which the whole le built-Registered in the Lead Office ne Inland Lot No. 18, mewar ing 14,160 square km.-Annual Ground Rem £129,081.
Also in one Lot.
All the Splendid Furniture, Billiard Tables, Plate, Crockery, Clean Ware &o, &o. belonging to the above establishment.
Conditions of Belo, Catalogues of the Forniture &o. will be distributed some days prior to the Auction.
Hongkong, 9th November, 1558.
NOTICE. THE Bala of the " Hoxozono Clos Hover and Fenvirons." is post posed until Friday the 10th February 1804.
Hongkong, 25th January, 1984.
CHINESE SERIAL Vol II. No. 2. Сон?а??а
I. The Constitution of the United States: [I.-Fable of the two Cocks, 111.-Miscellaneo
News from Foochow; from Amoy; from Shanghie.
Visit of French Minister to Nanking. Beiture of French Catechista by Rebels in Shanghac.
Lalande in Paclic taken possession of by the French.
Now Mail line between China and California, Departure of Cal. Mareball; his socesssor. Departure of U. 8. #quadron to Japan, Lete to Amatralia.
P. and O. Company's astion regarding pack log Raw Silka,
Ordinance for provisioning Chinese Emigran Slipe.
Supreme Court Cases.
Coroner's inquest Bhok pre-wan:
Emigration from we-low.
Arrival of Pekin ; of Gangas ; of & M. Food, Peking Gazette Now.
IV. Comparative Almanac.
For sale at the Loadou Marion House-Price
15 Cash each (or (c) 1 par annum side seven copiar.)
Hongkong, 3rd February, 1854.
??Prodimacion |-K". F. or U;
To the Editor of the Friend or China.
Hongkong, and February, 1864; DHAR BI-You will no doubt have repeatedly noticed the contemptible attempts of the Editor of the China Mail to do disparagement to your com temporary of the Register, by writing, or causing bis P. D. to write, leers to his address under the sigontura of Rate Paton, dac in which, among-t other garbage, he pastily points out slight cypogra phical errors In the Government Gazette," "When we ses enviuus little children soarling and scap- ping at each other we are dispard to check them by repeating Wall lies, begin log
"Let dogs delight to bark god bile
For their warto,"
Bot when mouldy whiskered men-would-ba Leaders of public opini?o-exhibit soch umpiessing propamentos---{doga in mangore, unwilling to allow the quiet picking of the bone their uogainly men. ners, and malignaut intentions, hava mansed, in preference to them, to be thrown to some other whelp) what words are strong enough to give the sacfore the retoke they deserve T
Kindly turn up your Richardson and see what dedition is given to the ward Eavy.-
Envy; that is, a palatal enisation excited by the view of I something desirable in the main and viimaties of amber,
which we love wishes w appropriate. To envy, reple at the good conferred up aqutket, or palesand
Cigan. On the Panions, pl. l. a. 9.
Now the something desirable in the sale and igation of another, which exciton a painful seam- tion in the mind of the Mail, in the juh (the " jub " he praised to dilata upon) of printing the Govaca- mat Gazeta-heuce his statluh comarks-ba | spiteful stampan to do so injury to a brother trades maa-gron guing so far as to report upes, and to draw painted alimuon lo, an akurcatum baw ve him and workmen.
From the "My dear Abortrede" and "My deat Surachen" serias al correspondance lately publish. od for the benefit of an admiring public, it ap pears, however, thet, to quote again from Base Payer's lexicon, they are-
Like dogs that mar? about a bone And play together when they've none.
pl.lil, e. J. And it may be, as Toota mys (though they do
give one another a home simb when they can
??ol au consoquunca,"
I am, Year's
Nro Invicta-NEO MURUM.
BIRTIL-A Victoria, Hongkong. February 2nd, lik Min Fermand Geradun of a doughter
Kardand Usled Biawa Calewa
Dee, andwick jaloud. Nor
--| Battle Dec. 29 Labora
Jasy. Blogapore
Jabr. 16
Not 9 Bhaughne
Jabr 2 Jam Jany.
C. of G. Huge Ol 1 Awany BA Francisc
6 39
INION WATER Risos BesA.. V. M.
840 2,01 222 5,00 9.46
5 Sunday,
6 M. adar, Tuesday,
3,40 19 6,37 6,51 485 6,93 Mo-Fire qüatler to merow, at 6. 13 a. u,- In Apoges on the 8th, at 8 a. m,
4, H7. M. 8. Spartan, Capt. Floss, from Bhanglas.
Tre Hosblo J W. Halma, C. 2, took his seat on the beach at Noon yastardıý, for, an we regren sa learn, the last time an President of the Bupenon Court la its Summary Jurisdictios (It being sụp. posed that, though His Lordship gets hown by the next movi on love of absence auly, tha bigher appolament be so richly deserve will soon fall to his share, and preclude the por sibility of his again returning to us.) The num ber of cam for adjudication was small, but one of them, especially, was most interesting. We allude to the case of Lapreik v. Dwideli, - un amicable soit instituted for the purpose of bring- ing under judicial review the very anumalow
of our Colonial Currency regulatious.
The first case entered on was a plaint by Ser. geant Rogers of 15. M's 59th Regiment, who claim. ed damage of Fire Hundred Dollers from one of our Chy Biorekeeper, for having been the means of depriving him of the company and services of his wife. The dest witson, delled by the c
was the wife of the defendant, opon whom it was Karted a subpana had been served. But, kosicipae iogenol a call, Mr Bridges, Counsel for the de fendnot, had previously argood to the satisfaction of His Lordship that the wife of a defondant in an netloo
com in mal competent no wie ness in the Courts of this Culay, and cannot be compelled to attend. It was not any, bow. over, to satisfy the Complainant that the Court had no power to compel the attendanos of the witsers; and that thungh by a recent act Parliament it is competent for a wife to give erk dence in such a casa in England, only those pr of the law of the realm ata in use hore which were actually in force en the 5th April 1843. Complainant said he could not go on with bis en without this wita-ss-ho wanted her to papro days and det R.--The Judge said then he must deni the assa--Counsel for the defenfant wished the whole matter ogʻired into;-the wine was Labouring ender a strong delusion from which only | | full exposition could undeceira him. The Judge aid the defendant could sol insist upon the co being gone on with it the Plaintiff did not wlah it,
The Plaintiff, who was evidently much excited, and mare desirous of carrying war to the hour of the enemy be thought had destroyed his pesce than to obtain pecuniary damages,?�hen allowed the case to be drolered dismissed ;-the Judge in forming him that it was compment for him to re- open should be succeed in obtaining evidence which would serve in dispensing with of a str dance of the Defendants' Wife-Case diamitzad sovh COMER.
In the cues of Espraik v. Dulief, the D f-a- dant informed his Lordship that, hearing he w about to leave the Colony, a sumber o, the Cit were, before he went, desirane of obtaining from hom a decision, whereby the may unplmanteres chat Wera continually trialng through the uncertainty of | the law regarding dollars, might be put an end tru The prevent action grow out of a claim for rem Defendant rented several piacon of land from pirties for whom the Plainti�?was. Agust.-One of their Agreements ran for rapt in Spanish Dufflers- another for Mexicans, and another for dollars of a particular denomination. The Plalarıf, a short time ago, advertised in the public paper
Lbet from every and who reated premises of ho should expect rent in Mexican Dollar, those who did not choose to acorde te bul arrangement had better loare at the end of th�?month. But the defandrot, amid that whon ha c�?tered into agreement with the Plaintiff for tea, be carried in ble calculations only one idea al 9/4 value of a dollar. By Queen's Proclamatior, pal-
baked the Lat of May 1845, it was specially declar-
that the Dollse of Spain, Mexico, or the South American States, should be a legal tender at the rate offur shillings and two peace Marling. He, the defendant, in obedience to such proclamation, bad ald into Court in Englieb money the full equiral
of dollars after the proclaimed ratio. This the Plaintiff would not receive, and claimed the musket Premium on Mexican Dollars-ois eleven per cent on English money-according to which scale ba wan required to pay £7,30 mưa thau be conceived he should have to pay when he made his agreement. Mr Bridges and Me Pallard, voluntarily on behalf of the public, boch essayo) remarks in vid of the argumen.
(To be con'inued.)
We are obliged to deler continuation of our report of the casos a·ljudicatai at yesterday's tinge of the Supreme Court in Summary Juriuliction, in order to make room for advicen just received from bangline by H. M. 8. Spartan. The Rattler reached Wiisung at day. light of the morning of the 28th: alt., and much credit appears to be due to Mr Wen, the Mas ter, for his skill in taking the vomel inside the Baddle group without the aid of a pilot It ap peare the Rattler had a fioo run hence to Amy, averaging nine knots and a half thewhole way,-arriving there about ten minutes before Midnight of the 19tb. Brupping only twenty minutes to discharge the maile, no time was Ical, and the Rutilar again proceeded, to meet next day s mrong North easter, to which they had to bring to under Lam-yit, with two an- chore down, where they remained the best part of two days. Off the Hastun Birute it again came on to blow furiously, and they had again to bring up off Van-gen, and remain other two daya. Having again started, a heavy sca was found outside, but it all calm until the evening, when it again breezed up and cooli. nued all night; so hard that, excepting a differ. ence of five miles, they had, after a night's ham mering, exactly the ramo caringe at daylight as they had the previous Sundown. They had therefore to run for the laud and anchor in Shipoo Roads. Next night anchored off Vol. Choo Island, and the following morning was off Woosing
The Rattler's appearance and welcomo new of an improved Tea market at boine gero much satisfaction. Another fight between the Robin and Imperialists was expected the day after Chinese New year's day (the #0th ult.)
We are very glad to hear that all the spirit of the world has one died out, and that one gallant fellow is to be found houding the rebels sword in hand. The geatleman we allude to is Dr Martin, a Britisher by birth we believe, but for many years enrolled as a Citmen of the Great Re- public, and Bargeon in the United States Army during the Mexican War. At recent engagement outside the Walls, Dr Martin is said to iwe performed prodigine of valour, and the Imperialists were driven off with much slaughter. The Habels have already liberally rewarded him, and if they can hold Shang. heo there is no doubt but he will obtain the reward his commendable conduct merits. Hed wo half a dozen Martins at Shanghue, wa should soon be released of the annoyance of Samqua's mischievous interruptions.
The Eamont was to leave Woosung on the 25th. The Chinese New Year boing then ro close at hand, nearly all businbat will al a stand Mill. The Science (no longer an Imperia-
list Man of war) and also the Swallow, were busy transporting Tea from Shanghan for stor. age on board Joaks at Woowung.
Quotations for Pains on the 25th were $320 -for Malwa $975 Freight to London £7 per ton, unly two venele m part to avail of it,
Tuz following notification in no way surprize. us. Colunel Marshall had been in China but short time before we had ample reason for torning him mo diplomatists Man, so the Mail boasted of him, that "would not abirk responsibility." There is no mistake on thei point, and his bravery will meet from his coun try, no doubt, the reward it richly merits.
United States Consulate. Shanghoh, 20th January, 1854. NOTIFICATION,
The undersigned has to enmmunicate to Ame- rican Civizo a realdent at Shanghae, that he has received instrcatione from H. E. the Commissioner of the United States to Chan to deliver up the papera of American vessels on their leaving port, without requiring the production of Chiness Custom-house clearance, as long as vrasola andor other Foreign gu ata allowed by the Chimene to eatr or leave port without reporting and paying Datin at the Comem house, as is at present the case. The moment the Custom honee regulations are enforced upon all Foreign vessels, a rature of them will be required upon the part of those under the American Flag. The step is founded upon the
right to claim every advantage enjoyed by the most favoured natione, secured to U. 3. Cilizens by Article 11 of the American Treaty with China.
EDW. CUNNINGHAM, Vice Couw, U 8. A.
resident at Shanghes.
ADMINAL Murcsby's report on the stock of Guano on the Chincha Islands will be read with interest. The attempt to introduce it into China, for general munuring purposes, proved futile, which is to be regretted.
That zealous Polish Patriot, Prince Czar- Loryaki, is not allowing the important events in the East to pass by without an endeavour to de good for his fallen country. We find, in tho Timer of the 7th December, a full report of the Prince's glowing address (st a public meet- ing of the Polish Literary and Himorical No ciety, at the Hotel Loaibert in Paris, on the 19in of November last) from which we tako the following beautiful passager:-
??The important evania which are happening in the East Indulonta again the truth of the maxim, that "mistorians should be met with perseveranco," and that we should nevar despair of the success a just and sooted cause
whenever the bour aball strike, kosten with my sona to the call of duty, nor shall I henitsta to ans crifice the remsider of my strength, of my menor, and of my life to the country which I have servað throughout my existence. My hair is white, but but blood still runs in my veins, and, believe me, gentlemen, this white head will, tu chô last breath), be found in shu frat rank, wḥañover the wants, the honour, and the glory of Poland shall caqeiro ito. presense.
In addition to the fearful lemon of life that have accurred in cooliu ships from Chins (except as we formerly slated, to the Britisk* West ladies.) we are told that the Peruvian bargun Empresa, which left Cumingmoen for Callo in May loan, hau lose! bar Captain, White, and no fewer than for hundred coolics, during the pasange. This, together with ca numerous destha on a former voyage, consti'utra a pretty handsome oblation to the demon of cupi dily.??China Mail Feby. 2,
THE IMPORTANCE OF PUNCTUALITY. Mathod is the very soul of business s-there is no
system without punctuality Punctuality is most important; it facilitator bu vis-sa-comtributus to discipline,~promotro pence, equanimity of imper, sud feeling sinongst the Off- con of an Establishment. Beernity of mind, and alf-posession. ure other advantages of "mociusli sy. ??man of doorderly habits in novar punetus), lie never bag Line to speak to any one, bacaves be has something else to do; or he is golog elsewhere; mod when bë gote there, he is too late, or he must kurry away to another engegames, before ha can finish what he is about. Pañetaslity given weight to character, Whru a man is known to be punctual, gentrales pasciamling in onhern, for, like other virtuen it propogaten itself. Bubordinate Officers be punctual, of their principals are so Ap pointments became delu: "Naidan han a right se waste the time of smoshor, still lost that of his an ployers. A men who bas tide to du, bsa seldom jimu to do ?ny thing, bol punctuality begets tim? to do mora, Lizavo not until to morrow, what may Le doon at the time, sa to miernu never comes. Ai rekes of Tupeness, as will ar diliya, nie dangerous a minure idly lovi, or unpro?tsbly spent, cais ouver by recover-
Punctuality is caseparable from industry, dill. gence, and perseverance.-
??The time in rife with signs which show wa that the ruling of the world belange not to burann hande, but only to Providence and that Providence alone leads us to those sade which defy our subnet tles calculations, but in which 11 ja osay to under. wand that crime can never expect impunity, and that, sooner or Istor, k meets with its punishment. This jconviction gives hopa to the oppressed when they are furthest from hops; it comforts them and confirme them in their return to good retour au bien)
The great convulsions which befura this huld sut some hopes to us have passed away like shad. ewe and clude. They have left us more miserable and more abandoned than ever."
A COMFORTABLE INCOME FOR TEN SHILLINGS (From the Reformers' Gasella, Oct. 21.)
* Et in a mistake to believe that Poland desires to'ations Poland desires justice, and certainly no one can be astonished that she does desire it, She does not burl her malediction at her word enamles; in her dearest hopes she never thinks of desiring their ruin. She wishes that all countries within their own limits, should enjoy power and prosperity, bat she prays to God dwt Heiney grant to her also her part of the general peser and proplication, enclosing Posinge Stamp, to Mr
perity. She would prove to the world, and special-
เป�? ly to the nations which oppress her, that it så better to have in her friendly, parable, and axeluleigh- bour, then province, frantic with despair, which is is impossible to keep down, ualow' you aimah it with soldiers, and uproot systematically all the foundations of social order, and even all religious feelings
Nibor ber destinies nor ber hopes can at the part moment be traded or foreseen. Perhaps the ties is at hand when the Government of Europe will canes observing with raspaci to her that gloomy sikage which has for so many years past be of posed to the ary of our distressBut this very hope this very uncertainty, compele us to be doubly reserved and prudent in our words and ucre, and li bide us abstain from all prommure manifestations, From the commencement of one emigration, I never end to watch and advise in all things which might serve to raias our country's hopen without augmenting her sotual efforinge. More
| especially did I attempt to renew and strengthen the old traditions of alliance with a country and a Government the circumstances of which show a most striking similarity with those which it was the lot of Poland to go through, Mutual goodwill and uniled efforts were the results of thund en- deavours. Those trauks in themselves are ins portant, they promine a still ricber harvest in their season, which is not yet bolde,
If I were to say more on this point I should
outrun the facts and awaken prejudine, Nevacibe lem, it is my duty to appeal to your confidence and concurrenes sa acestary conditions to the progress ol our aff.irs-ocessary also, if we would avoid
great calamities. I believe that my past life, and the relations which I have sequired, "entitla me to command that confidence and concurrence at your honda.
"Political affairs, like those which may perhaps deride our destiny, eandet be conducted oubor by assembline or by elections and votes. Surrounded by ausbess of enemis, beat with obstacles, and acted upon by ever changing chicumstances, we nrad the most perfect discretives and tact, at and ime to accelerati, at another to slacken uur pro rese The most perfect unity in neccoasty in the direction of far. The parotin of every one will consist in being prepared, without impatience, to come to an append which cannot fail to be made, and not to divide our forces by isolated atteinpis which clash with one another, and which mor sorely would destroy the fruits of long labower and of hopes which may bold utt u prom-on of fresh effaria. These sta necessary vinu.4, which have been too frequently neglected, and to the level of which it believes us to plae. Let us "void oun- fusion and its fearful consequences, "These are sho crifines to which God, in His merey, will groul the aid of Elie arou
For anveral months past wa bare obrerved the following sea-Ducement in on me of our provincial janji-ro jechoorning a respociabile circulation: -
** £260 per mumma för 104. Any Permon desirous of becoming possessed of the above named Annual
Income, asa crquomted to make an immediate ap
Į, Landon, who will furnish the ful lest particul ra ky return of post,
*NU-No application can be replied to sftar the 17th "
Nothing cau be
All must admit that there is something radically wrong with the newspaper grem of this country, on lang no | degrades itmil by giving publisity lo such manifest frauda. The paper from which wa have extracted the preceding, pretends to a vast amount of consciratiquesa more independent than the tone of its leading art clos it breathes evan a religious spirit; and yet it has been lending its columns for months to this palpable attempt, on the part of some Lowdon konto, to raise contributions from the public poder false and lying prataners. If the mere extravagance and absurdity of the thing proposed were not sent to ponvict it of the mendacions character, the lude intimation subjoined, in the form of an N. B., must have long ago opened the eyes of the parties who admit the advomitument, as well as of the "constant render" of the paper in which i oppento. Week after work, and month after month, are the public enolly informed, that si no ap slication can be replied to after the 19th". And yet is the same fraudulent announce- wat inserted work after work-ay, and manib after monik-in papera pretemiling to honesty and respectability! Buch papers ought to be held up to the just execrating and contempt of the really reapretable part of the public What are they but nidors and abettors in a cool and deliberate t tempt to swindle the public, pocketing their owe share of the gains? That the attempt has been also successful, producing a considerable revenue iu pokage alampa, admits of no ramenable doubt, olkorwes the barefaced announcement would lieve been long ago discontinued.
While on the subject, we may as well inform our rendern, that the house to which the address is given le a Betting Offre. A letter addreased to the party by one of out contemporaries; with slamp enclosed, produced, of onurse, no answer.
(Próm the Shipping & Mercantile Grazole, Dec. 6. We have been favoured with copies of the fol lowing despatches, forwarded to the Admiralty by the admiral commanding in the Pacific, containing moal interesting and important information seletivë to the quantity of guano remaining on the Chincha falando. It will be seen that the quantity stated to be still available is considerably under that given in the nuwe brought by the Pacific mail just or- rised. The quantity, milmsted from the examine. tion made by Me M'Intosh, naval instructor, and forwarded by the commander-in-chef in the Pacific, is 8,600,000 tons; while the recounts brought hy the mail at the present stock to be 25,000,000.
Admiral Moresby, however, states, at the præult of bis dere, in which he says he has confidence, that | the islands will be cabinusted of the guano that would pay freight, or be saleable in the English market, in eight or nine years.
*The Government, which of all is most interest- ed in our suroras, is fully ative to the necessity of mwity among Un. Hence it has long hamund me, with iw confidence. Hence also, genilomen, here 1 particular and urgent motive for demanding Jour confidence and support. The post i orupy is one of those whịch cromat he deserted, for 1 know that there l ?am vecful-that no other man || valuable information thus conveyed to the Govero. Can at this time supply my plece, and that I alone
ment. It is accompanied by nosily racoviej can direct the affairs of the nation with a hope of sketches of the island, showing the position on succem, sod in proserving the country as much na possible from the blows which threaten in
Bopported in this diffi, ult task by the confidence of my fellow citizens, you will see me, gentlemen,
Great credit is due to Admiral Moresby for the
??We thought Demarain was in Brigish West Indies What about the loss of life on board the Lord Bigla bound there in sommence with 1-EM. F. or C.
??Whơn l?n demon 1--5a. P. "# C,
extent of the deposits, which may, no doubt, be scen on application to the Admiralty. Subgoed nto the dropsich
** Pariland, at Ben, Bapt. 9th 18953. Bit. The enclosures referring to the Clonelin Telande may possibly be acceptable to Her Majeu- ty's Government, when confidence in Peturina se cardion bas ondored from te circumstances which
bave taken place at Lime. 1 sequest you will submit them for their Lordship's nikjer. Ibero conf leace in the data given by Me M'Intosh, ban education and practieil experienta being a guer- astes for correctnest. From the northern or principal and more the one third of the guano bus bran removed; the remainder may be divided into three portions and qualities-
* Fires, that termed English gusso, as formerly, alone selected for the English market.
- B-condly, that exported by foreigo ships to America and elsewhere
"Thirdy, inferior quano, reserved for the const Irade.
Of the first quality there remains on the north island about 3,800,000 tone ; of the areawf, about 1,500,000 loas; of inferior, about 500,000 tons.
** 1 have no data on which to report the ship- ment of guano in 1852, but I burn ascertained that within the last aizlit menthe about 300,000 tons of gazao lave brão abipped from the north i-land. A love of 12 per cent, occure from the rude manuer of the working and conveganos, daily observed in the dense cloud of polvocized quan blown awerd, and correctly uncertained by the || abipping docket at the center island. Lenclosu Katement of that shipped in 1850 and 1881; -
7000 1
Som Laotaj
M6|139,19 | 36 |
"There were at the Chincha lalanda, on aur departure, 100 resoch, capable of exporting nearly 100,000 tons of gurno. The Americana (ar 16- seeded in wm-ubi of tonnage. I excluso a los showing that between the 18th of July and the 24th of September, 1853, there has been landet, were fonding, or waking their bara to load, 65 American ships, carrying ??grom amonial of 6:,982 tone Olber American ships were daily arriving, and they now take the superior quality. On the contre land thero may be about 600,009 tom of guano of the first quality, and 700,000 tone of the second. This island is worked entirely by Chinamen; they dig and wheel about 1,290 tona, of which 1,100 appear in the shipping lockers. The sontburn and smallest island has not yet been worked from in windward position the guano in laferior, and has no grent depih.
A commission, consisting of the Peruvian Minister of the loterior, with a numerous stall, as per enclosed list, are occupied in surveying tha island. A clerk belonging to the house of G bla and C. the only person that buð availed Joze if of the permission given to accompany the com- siloo; in fel, the notice was short for others to avail themselves of the offer. From the plans and alorations of Me M'Intosh, and my personal exa- mination and information, gathered from those un the almada convergent with the working, I am of opinion that, at the persent avotuga rate of otput. sation, the islands would be exhausted of tho quena that would pay freight or be sileable in the English market, in sight or nine yours
??1 have the honour to be. Sir, your most obedient MITARI,
FAIRFAX MORESBY. "Rear-Admiral soil Commander in Chief."
*fler Maj-nty's Ship Portland, at Son,Ang 29. *Sig-1 hora tha hommar to anhunt fit your information the tosult of the osicalition tesparung the amount of guano now remaining on the Chin cha Islands.
" The exsmination for | esnnot call it survey. taken by your order, wis necessarily eno seding- ly rough and imperfet, bath by reason of abort
ness of time, soil the want of proper mitrumienia, as well as a desire not to excita observation,
* To avold the po"mbility of underrating the quantity.I have ostinssted at the rate of 10 cubic fem per Low, and here allowed a considerable exceras od the measurement given by the plans and tuetions,
* la laging tale resul befits you, I have tha lennour to state that, though no claim to great sc curney is made. I have no hesitation in pledging roguelf that the quantity bere specified in greater than that absolutely remaining on the stands,
"I have, Ace.,
Naal Instructor.
Rear-Admiral Fairfax Moresby, C.O.,
Commander-in-clul, &c.
|" Qhastity remaining on noribera kalandı - ** Ķilie në réutre island
"Duo un mere land
??Aleving ema-think more than the reglates topango,
1,5 6,000
Nov 30 Jardins, M. and on. San Francis Jan Er Deal and co
Hey! ARE +Den
Deo San Francisco 16 Wetmore and c
P. V. Can and co.
* Pastas and Part Philly
Jan Jardins, M and co
Mg 11 Pardian, M. and so. Slam Jane 31 Jordan, M and cv. Franchen New W, Anthou and co [Wisting
De San Francisco
otaris, M. and us.
Des 20 Ludens and on.
Jan Ir. Lay
The 12 John Sant and co.
Newfordins, and conden
[Jano 10) Meyor,tchenfor & ou
PRICE $10 per unauza.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, to Spanish Dollars, payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Mingle Numbers 25 penis TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, 1 Sp: Dolle; addiilawal, tú crots ??line. Reperitone-third of the first regular insortiou skips, - Pient insertion. 2. Np. Dailea,prgbsequent insertions 45 cents
Advertisements to have written, on the face of them, the winber of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published will countermumlel. made when quarterly nazouista are rendered for advertisements ordered to stand undisturbed for a period of three mondes." Poil charge made for repetition of any Advertisement in the Orangive lovos. A redaction l twenty dre per cent on sinual charge Nosters of Brins and Estates will be laserted in both Orunland and New: weekly editions mules ordered to the contrary,
THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION | COMPANY'S STEAMERS, ply regularly between Alexan drio and Tricate oueresponding with the monthly and limonthly Indian Steamers,
The fares have been reduced nad the following retre have been fixed, vis
Jat Clean £16, Rod Close E14, 3rd Class £7, | including Table menty and less.
Arrangements have been untered into between the Directors of the Poninsular and Oriental B. N. Company and the Directors of the Austrian Lloyd's S. N. Company, that-
1, PAUNO intending to proceed from China vin Trieste, can receive ticket from the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Agents für Airsandria
2nd, Pammuorus' Bagoans enn be shipped, from Alexandria by the Ponineuler and Chriontal L'oropany's Steamers for Southampton; the Ferigis bring Ten Shillings Bierling per Cut.
3rd, Receipts for Caso and Sercan intended for Bhipment to Triests, will be granted by the Peolautar Oriental Company's Agons to Alexandria, Instead of to Buen os formerly, bat each Prokage is to be provided with a white label, ou which is distinctly asked in print, "In Transit for the Averujan Lord's Stuamur."
For further particulars upply to,
ACQUIRED BY Mn, m'imron.
The mechanical engineer in charge of the en evation on the northern island told me that since ho came, in October, tabt, a space of 450 foot bad born cloured into the deepest cutting, which mounts to 300,000 too. I have and been able
to ascertain the era prasmi shipments on this blund, but, judging from the number of ebeck clerks, labourers, the plant, &c., it may probably
Then welcheated Pille aru uvnderfully "?revelous in the
Agos Auchan
following complainco ||Fensi Inegalo¡Retention of Unes
Has Complete Tashed như hu
Pavure of all kinds
Mary Thesis
Sised Urarel
ceʻidery Symptoma The Duelureas ?овил Ulesto
Bowl Complaints Kee
fond sche Congation of the Jadigration
Howel Compels
Jandi Dropy Debility
be estimated at one fourth more than the centre | Dreemiery beland.
* M. Komuth, the emperintendent of the contre Leland, boring allowed is accua to bu books, ) have satisfactorily ascertained that his statemnoul of shipping | 100 tons per day is correct.
The details of the work are-160 Chinamoo, at dve lese per day in borrows, and four ship skoote, at 135 tons each day. M. Kowoth further informed me that, when be commenrad, in D cember, 1852, the mail extended. 150 feet from the brow of the chi�? and that he has wow obtained a dience of 850 feet, in a direct line into the deepest pant of the cutting. This staterarat, on enlculation, farther proves the foregoing part, as the amount of guns from such no cavaration would amouni to £40,000 tons, which, in asten months, in at the rate of 1,200 tone per day."
"El Senor Ministro da El-iends D. Nicolas Piervole, El Benor Coreost, Mayor del Plaza. D Joan Corisoistne Mendoza,
El Senor diputado del Congrem, Doxtor Com Manuel Orain, Los Largenton Mayores de Tuga.| mars, Don Francisco Couso, Dua Fermin Avon. cios, y Don Jose Carlanon,
El Yugenieros Civil, Don Carlos Fatigue, y Los sup Yugenieros Den Exrique Onfra, y Don Moouel Julian Ban Martin
Los Quisices Dua Jusa Eliole, 3 Dos Astoni Raymondi.",
The flowing Methuvatzt has been went to Prostovor Hulenty by a Gentleman named Middleton, of Scotland Road, Liverpool.
sir-Your Fille have been the ions, under Provi- dence, of restoring me to sound health, after ve years of ever action. During the whole of that period, 1 suffered the most dreadful attacks of Asthma, fre- quessly of several werke duration, strended with a violent cough, and continual spitting of phleges inter mixed with blood. This no shook my conatiewïtion that 1 was unitted for any of the active dutien of life. 1 was attended by some of the most eminent medical men of this town, bus they failed to give me the light- set relief as a lost remedy ? tried your Pitla, and in about three moncho they afèered a parfent cure of the dimonte, totally aredimed the nough, and restored tone and vigour to the chest and digestive organs.
1 am, Bir, your obedient "ervASİ, Duted Jim. Lat. 1843, (Signed) H. MIDDLETON-
Copy of a Letter from Mr. Gamiz, Chemist, Toro,
to Profesor Holloway.
Liver Complaine|Vatrend Aledons Lambege
form of all IPL
|Warkanm_from, what- {emrosmi, du ka
Bold by all Druggista, and at Profesor Holloway " establishment, 944, Airaad, Londers.
By Mr. J M. Da SILVA, and by HINNAM, at their Borca,
also by WONG ?OHEW-Hongkong, Br. J. M. DA FONCECA,-Macka. and Mature ACOW & Co.-Canton,
At la. Fid-20 Od.-48, Od.--t la",-2la, & 33%. sock pot or Box
There is a considerable saving by taking the Large sizes.
N.B.-Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are alzed to each Pra.
* Mazeppa, Ryrie, from Caneingmoon.
1. Thomazine, Holmes, from Labujo, 30th Deo.
1, Br. Po Shan, Bars, from Calcutta, la
2. Mary Spencer, Fiabar, from Whampoa, Jan.
31, Resolution, Carmichael, from Hongkong.
Pur Thomarine, 1 Chinese.
1. Kohinoor, Lavico, Port Phillip
Frederick VII(Duo Lare, Shangban,
1 Hanbury, Lamben, for Loodon,
Proteus (Dut), Wagtendoek, Singapore.
* Jegro (Pon), luz, Manila.
3, B. Paon Shen, Bar, Cumaing moon. Jun.
27, Emigrant (Port, Gotester, Hamna, Jan.
28, Jahn Buchanan, Liringaton, London, | 21, John Dugdale, Williama, Londen.
- Sen Witch (Am), Fraser, Panama, Jan.
FROM FUR CHOW FI, 90, Houque (Am), Day, England. Dec.
A1 Mongkung Alari barque
Cadla ster
Canton, MAT Chelan, brig
Cople shp
Carwal, skip
De Amigas, schooner
K. Z. B. Jeaney, ship
Evangeline, barque Fathaheel Balan, barque Hongkong. ber
Joko N. Dosler, ship Libertad. barque Lord
Shipping IN CHINA.
Brit. Daardo Dea
on to do.
Dec 12Order
Jan 20 Jardine, M. and on
�?MP4 0,8 N. Ca
Nov 10 Autben and co 15 ing
SW. Anthou sad es
Jan Rusydway
161 Glover
ere Koberts
23 Tambay
417 McDermott
-P. & U. 6. N. Ca
Ham 140 Blader
37 A
John Burd and on
Am 116 Newell
New Beched
Oct 35 Cent and o
Man Franche Hipolting hating
Jan 23 Lambeck
Decks Bard and co.
216 Tuber
250 (bon
Jan-1.yall, and oo.
Isabella Heren, ship
619 Robertan
Island Queen schoonus
194 Macfarlane
Jocaba Cornella barque
490 Lanberg
arrian, ship Mary Rutacer, shap Makhle. belgustino
Deeder Not
Jan Francisas
Jarding, M. and co.
At Flaber
Jan Bgapore
Muzey pa vzheer
Den dager Bric
Dec 31 San Fra
Teen Queen, shp
Sept Haskok
De 11 Liverpool
China 47
Jan 97 Helero
345 Hal
Whomyss Lab
Jan 31 Shangha
760 Pry
Dea tol-yduay
Walter Marice, barque Yoel, alp
Port Phillip
Dec 544 Messon
Orleans, ship
Parachute, hip Potomac, ship Krebuck, odp
Starman, barque
Themes, basqua
Time, schooner
vit, cultur
??? Walmar toile
W. C. Hanter
1 Lyall, and so.
Now astaline
Ang Sul, A. Endicott
Feb Celoten
Des & Dent and on,
Collança, bri
Port Philip
Corrale de India, barque,
|Jan 26 Manila
Rajula, ship
400 Hany
Bilang Anam, barque
Canton, simmer
Isabel Quintana, barqon |Peru] 640 y Pan Shau, steamer
Che, barque
Dahl, ship
Early Bird, barque tyling Dutchman, ship John Bertrans, ship Mlass, schar Nepione,ably Omiyum
Hill | Bust
107 Holotya 34+Beamis
DuL 44Hi
Heem en Caled Mire 34 Park
Am. 1267| Hubbard
Sam. 1000|Marchton
Part. 210
Relates, barque Sholomith, ship Bopala, barys Victoria, ship
Crea Bell. 430 Carmichael
Dan J. V. Jorge
Jan 128an Francisco Nevesell and cu
16Ubinohew Hang
Do #1 Liverpa
[Jady sab., 1?? and on |Nov 11 Chlor
269an Prosolsen Den
17 Numail and on: -Order
4.λ de Melle und es |
29 Macanes
Pest 246 Recario |Para | 100|Chark
. Come and on Bombay V. Jorge
Abbotsford, hargaa Cervantes bely Fortuna, brig Independence, brig
Holt 424 Nakoda
Aug 15 Sagapore
153 Zaballa
114 D'Siva
l'at back
441 Smith
Bytta, barqo
Dal 200
Amano, akip
4) Vincent
Bella Vascongada, ship span.
450 Altro
Best Usual
Hide, schoner
|Whamapa |Saarep ---
-Parker Foo-chew 13 Tasaları Hongking H. Ma di 14 Felles
Clasele, acces
110 Pagam
Zephyr, saham
133 Merrice
??Condo (8pan), Abeau, Manila,
Elisa Ann, Smellie, Singapore. Homer, Vanderhoven, Singapore, Ridly, Vincel, Singapore,
Per Hambary John Clutcher, Esq
Rabler Halamander Sp
Dar 3-In this distries your Pille command a Grecise mare extensive male than any other proprietary maliaro clar before the public. As's pronf of these eflency in Liver and Billous Complalata I may mention the fol laning case. A lady of this town with whom I am personally acqulated, for years was a severa sufferer from dim of the Liver and digestive organ; bor medical attendant suured her that he could de neobing to relieve her suflarings, and it was ont likaty she tuski survive many months. This asennoucení naturally | Winchester
med great alarm among hæ friends and relacione and they Induced her to make a trial of pour l'illa, which Improved her general health thai she was indword
to cut them until she received a perfect care Thin twelve mousho ago, sed the ban noi experienced my symptoms of relaper, and often declares that your Pills have been the mass of saving her life.
4. Compagali, barqui??Out
Amoy |Hongkong|H. M. 15
Japan (0.5.34 1-
18. M. 6 H.M.SIT
Poubetas Plymouth
remalo, Dear Mie, yours truly, Ner. 33rd, 1948. (signed)
Bopply Boskaan Vandelie
U. P. Bu Shanghe U. 82 Kelly
Fanton E. Su. Taylor Khangban U. S N 10 Waher
Japan 0.0.Boore)
they to Leeches KLB, OLIV Japan U. B.Biz Ladine U. B. 8
8 Machan
lona, her
Nymph, brigantian
Calbert Costane
Son Lev
Decan Const
Not wikangkan
Nev-Am Jan-Hongkong
Nav - d
Nar Vasil sad on,
||July 16 Palt and co.
- yma, Klair and ou.
Nav-3mr, Muir and c Des
-5ywo, Mair and c ||Nov 19|76k and go.
Thit and co
Jas in Calt and co.
Wood Indles West Ladle
Felt and co.
ع??ا ???
Oct 14 Jardan, ML and ea
||Jau 17]Vem and sa.
Das 29 Ansell and co
Jan 10 Nigpo
25 and
N. Da and
Lil Sandemon Canton. Be |HongkongHangal. ??
Shahe H. 125. 11 Mollersh
26 |Capt. Me W. Bos
[5 Vion All Poller
Shanghon??Fr. Str Bonda
Ningyo Ft. Vgl. - Capt. Do Vaincan
Shanghai Fg 60 mp Unhofsky
Pub-show-fa Oriental, ship Yul Liong, barque
Araba, barque Confucius, tamar Confucine, ship Nomeda, barqar Undda, skip
P. Menshika, bergan
8pes, channer
Besada, askGNET Daniel Rays, barque Dannebrog barque Frederich 16, helg Lady Mary Wad, wr Rament, schooner
Am 1903 Patakar
Bel. 001 Burtkan
Am. 440|Dearborn |Brit | 331 Pearios
Am. 400 Cany ||Rusa | Rta Paruk?jaim Br 16s Mayward
Krom 200 Waldbussar
Brk Crockett
947 De LPG|Wäsen
Det fane, lë gol co.
135an Framelco Hd and m
Jan 17 Maghing Not T0 Ninge Des 20 Liverpool Han of Congkong
indyma, Mair and co.
Das LiJardios, M. and co
Ner knall and on.
Jana SiRium and an. Dea
Macral Gromit
Nov 20 Hall, Nye and co. 4. Hased and co.
Ji -W. Davidson,
shangher New York
New York
Dan 21 Karlowita, H. and cente
she Hard and co
John Hard and co
Jan 316. Rawson and on.
PU.. N. Cs.
Jaro, M. and an eering $3/ent and on-
For London, Walmer Carla, ET. Oriental, F.
For Bombay.
Str. Cadix, H. (11th inst)
Chelomith, W.
Hart Oet JH. Hast Sept 29- Bait Dec DH. Hart. Nov 30 it. Liv. Bept 19 8, Liv. Nov 178
Copy of a latter from_Me. W. Moon, of the Equare. Winchester,
To Pherson Holloway,
-I beg to inform you that for yours I was a suf- ferer from Chronic Rheumatism, and was often laki op for weeks together by its severe and painful attacks.
teled ovary thing that was recommended, and was at- tended by one of the most uninest Surgeons in the town; but obtained no relief whatever, and fearing that my braith would be entirely broken up. I wen duced to go into our County Hospital, where I had the | Brix best medical treatment the Institution a?erded, all of which prevad of no avail, and I came out ma hetter then I went in. I was then ulvired 19 szy your Pile and by persevering with them was perfectly card, and asbird to use my occupation, and although a coud derable period han siapand, 1 have fuli na caturn what- ever of the complaint"
1 am, Sir, your obedient ServADI.
Ort. 8th, 183, (Signed) W. MOON.
AFTER SUFFERING FOR EIGHTEEN MUNTII Copy of a Lattor from Mr G. Belgyt. Chemist, Gooks,
dated February 18th, 1849.
Mr,-) has much plasoara in informing you of a mout wurpela ng cure of Deopuy, recently effected by your Taluable medicas. Cartain Jackson, of this plaer wan zieted with Dumper for upwards of righte months, to znak an extent that it caused his body and limb to be wol? swellen, and waist toned na li were from hita skin, no has a daily change "f apparel became peersary, notwithstanding the variana restedien tried. and the dllent malical map consulted all was of no avail, motil ha casa:mencul selng your Pills, by which, Basurtiet stiention to the pelviel directions, be woo @rcinally cured,and bis bralih perfectly co-natablard. If you dều thì worthy of publielty you nee at liberty
Ion, dir, yours respectfully.
(Signed) G, BRIGGS,
Catherina Comalina Smit
Rcotland Ticke Topax
Wiliam Palls Wynstay
Yacht Club
Order in which is above Ventolalast England. Lesbeth, Pallam, Mary Boliguria. Mam Statin Oud Vaderland,
For Liverpool, Mary Spencer, tl. Confucius, 9.
For Lisban. Qmyum, W.
Ive Calcutta. Str. Pacu Blau, C.
For Port Phillip, Mathilda, fl.
Wakar Morrice, H.
For Wast Indies.
Amazon, 8w.
C. Compagnie, Bw.
For New York.
Flying Dutchman, W. Oneida, B.
For Bateria Bintang Anam, W. Clio, W.
For Siam. Neptor, W. Ocean Queen, El.
For Shanghoo.
For Panama.
Bella Vnaconguda, 8w.
Early Bird, W.
flobask Commalias Wernard Edward Domiles Emily
Lob Oct 16
Hero Jahanoa
Liv. Our 7 H.
Card. Nov 25| H.
Hart, Nov 13.
Louis J. JohannNA
Liv. Ang 16 9. After Oct 30 23
Masy Shepherd Mary Helligonda
Hare Bepi 7 9.
Lea. Oci 10 S.
| Mercator
Ham Nov 13 12.
H. Heim.
Fardlar. M. & Co.
V. & U. & N. Ca.
Hart. Dreft
Nors Zembla
Hart. Sept 18 Ft.
Ond Nederland
Bart Gept 18 ft.
Iams Popully
4:. 5. Langrang
P. P. Casa &
Paul Johann
Hart Oci 17
A Heard & Co.
A. b
Rare Ellio
Len. Delor.
8.b 241 Raben
Lan. Nov 19 H.
B. Gerrard
Sield Oct 29 I
1.J. Juna 4R
211 King
Liv. Ost 16 1.
Hart. Nov 2013.
Sand, Ang 18 14
Poil Oel 24 H
Fort War.
Lady Hayes Hy
Bacon,. & Ce
6.b. 116. Endicott Russell & Co
Mahm die Bbq 217..
Water Witch, y
For San Francisco. Cornwall, H.
Imbella Hercur, H.
John N Gomlar, H
Lord Warrison, ti, rok Orleans, El.
Potomac, H, Deutchland, W.
Capis, U. ELB Jenney, 0. Parachute, H.
[15. by | 601|Fdgett
340 Helme
Land Amherst B. sh
Emolly Jane
Jurtles, M. & Co Deal & Co.
Pelklee Mondra Jardin, M. & Co Mil Dent & La
Jordioa, 24. & Co Pant & Co
||21. be. | 243 Valturdo
R. sh 171 Patridge B. bq. 379 Hall
|8 baf 251/De Rossche
2. IT Deble
11. ch 444
1. 427 Lander
Ja, bi] (48)Andervan
Tall & Co. Dent & Co. Jardine, M. & fu
Jardin, M. & Ca Dent & Co.
Camaleo de to C. Pro ¿Dent, Beale & fa. zard, M. & Co boy&. D.Bassoon 6' & Or. Science 150 Horse
[P. P. Came & re Bir V. Nyon 8. br 194W.EnduttiA. Karl & Co. Swallow
|81, bg| 343;Thangtan Lindsay & Co.
Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1654.
W. PUSTAU & Co. Agents at Hongkong and ( anion,
Ilongkong, in July, 1868.
Chip of from Four to Bir flandred Tone, to carry Chinets Pastangers
*** and Cargo to California Apply to
Hongkong, 10th January, 1854-
Ship of from Your to Six Hondred Tone, to carry Chinasa Passengers T and Cargo to Australia. Apply to
Hongkong, 10th January, 1854.
THE LORD WARRISTON Capt. 61 Cubitt, will be disputabed on the
For FARIANT of BILK AND OPIUM only Apply to.
Hongkong, 30th January, 1851
THE New British Lorcha VICTORIA," will trade regularly between Hongkong and Canton. Cargo taken at moderate ruten.
West Point, Hongkong,
1th December, 1853.
FOR SALE. TWO HOUSEB on the South side of
Gough Street, each haring Garden ??Stables, Cosch-tiouses, &a. Ground-rent
THE NETHERLANDS India Stran BOAT COMPANY's Steamer *"JAYA," having been oogagıd by the Java Goveromvot for the fsbytémomohly. ATAS Between Interoba and montreet for 12 months, will ple thef period belog Batavia sai former past show the pêh Thoma atligkih phích loss,
Return Ticket from Shegopore to Batavia and BOE HET BIJU.
From Singapore to Minto-
do. Do.
to Platavia- DECK PASSENGERS. From Bingapore to Rhio
Do. do. do.
to Slimo
to Batavia.20
Children under 10 years of age ball price
9 " of Free. For further information apply to Menara Madgaten WATSON & Co. Directore, Batarin,-or to Mesaro MACLAIRE FHasan & Co. Singapore.
Batavia, 26th Apríl, 1852.
I and a?ior Wonday the 22nd: instant, until further notice,
Hongkong, 2nd Januuty, 1884.
TO CONFO HOUSES on the South Bids of Gogh Starr, and another on the North Mide of the same Sửng, each with B
Out home, Garden, &c. Apply so,
THE HOUSE in Stanley Heng giljain- ing the ang now occupied by McCo- MALATH. For particulars apply to
N. DUUS & Co. Hongkong, 21st October, 1858.
A HOUSE in Cordion Terrace contain
ing 2 Mitting flooms and 2 Hed Roome, with authausen attached, and large accommodation for servants on the ground floor. Apply to,
TURNER & Co. Hongkong, 12th July, 1859.
THE well known Mimion Premises (for Afission prar only) of Rev, I. J. Rapeuta in Canton. The place in healthy, comfortable, well known by the Natives as a preaching place, and desirable as a Mission station. any wishing be rent call and examine the place, and apply to the Honakare and Carto STEAM COMPAny's Steandra | Mesort ResouLL & Co. for the larman.
Capton, Im January, 1864. will ply regularly between Hongkono, Canton and Madao, ovory Alowday, Wednesday and Friday (unless previous notice of deviation be given) as follows:
The Bont leaving Hoxounsa on Monday and CARTON on Friday, will call at Madão, starting at 7A.. The hours of departure at other times will be8a, and the boats will proceed direct between HONGKONG and CANTON. When inducement offera the Boats will call at Conexaoox but previoue Lion of such deviation will be given when prae- ticable,
The fares will be as heretofore.
In Chat Prasknoras between Hongkong, &
Canton on Alano & Canton S. Between Hongkong and Me -
Dick Patengete, European - - 02
01.00. Malaya, &c. Chineer, $1. Passengers desirous of proceeding to Macao for short period inny oktam return "Fickola, available for the first or second Steamer after their arrival, at the reduced rates of 99 between Hongkong and Bacao, and $12 between Canton and Maso
Every Bro clar Passenger will be allowed one servant free of chargo,
The vowels will convey Freigh on the Lerma of their published scale; an which, however, some reduction will be made for large quantities, by special_greement.
All Payments whether for Freight or Passage to be made in Bpanish Dollars.
LYALL STILL & Co. Agents H&C. J. P. Ub.
Blangkong, 1816 Auguni, 1863.
CHIPS of from 600 Tons and upward
fur converance of Chinees Emigrante 10 Havana. Apply to
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, 14th November, 183.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Copartnership heretofore suisting between Youton Jonas Monnow and Janko Stephenaon, under the Style or Firm of MURROW, STEPHENSON & Co. has been this day dissolved. The undersigned, assuming the responellilies of the aid Firm, will In l'ature conduct the business on ble own account and in his own name
Hongkong, 2nd Janunty, 1854.
THE undersigned begs to inti-nate, that the A. 11, Fare & Ca, will henerfs want be con-
bunkuren höretsfore extrind on by the Firm of
ducted by him under the style of On SILVER & Co, which Mr tko. P, Du Sjever in authorized to sign.
11. T. Da SILVER Hongkong, 1st January, 1856.
8 barely given that the Copitnership heretofore existing between the undergard, carrying on business al Victorin, in the Colony of longkong. MCHCHANTS AND COMMINion Acanto, in this day dissolved by mutual comment,
Hongkong, 15th August, 1853.
L'IT'll reference to the above advertisement it is autified that the said concern will be wound. up by Ma 8 DRINKER, who is avifionized to adjust all accounts, and to whom all correspondence will be addressed.
Hongkong, 18th August, 1953,
THE wadersigned begs to give noilor that he will carry on a Ganeral Commission nad Adency Businran, under the style and fem ol DRINKER & Co. and will occupy the premisra of the late bra of Hawin, Duingia de Ca
S. DRINKER. Hongkong, 13th August, 1863.
Where the nor to inform you that we pill continua Business in Akwab, under the style and firm of LANGLOIS, M?KE?LAN & CA.
Que old experience in the Rira Trade in the gusfucks for the good execution of all orders
DUNCAN, SORELLAR, Akyat, 11th Ocial, 18857 -
* PDE interest and responsibility of M" OLIVER · EVERETT ROBERTS in our Firm at Cane- fon und Shanghar ceased an the 20th June last.
Canton. Stal Decambar, $859.
NOTICE. THE interool and responsibility of Mr A. L. AoAnuo, Jr. in our Firm ceased from this date, and our Botiness will be conducted under the Style of G. L. AGARES & Cn, which Mr MALCUUS AGAREO is suthorized to sign.
A. & G. L AGABEG, Canton, Let January, 1854.
R JOHN BUTT be authorized to sign our
Grm by procuration.
MOLLIDAY WISE & Co. Carton, 25th January, 1854,
JR BUAPODRJEE BYRAMJEE las ceased to sign our firm by procuration and Air CoWARE HORMUJER is authorized to sign the same by procuration from this date.
RUSTOMJEE BYRAMJEE & Co, Canton, 20th January, 1864.
THE interest and responsibility of Bir JamORTJER
EnULIER in mr firm at Canton, cinend un li a31at December 1853,
E have this day established at Canton, under
the same style, a Branch of our busio Merchants and General Agents.
Mr. Epus Alexandru STILL is authorized to elg out from by procuration, and will represent us at CANTON.
LYALI, STILL & Co. Dongkong, la Juve, 1853.
NOTICE. R HENRY DAY19 ??authorized to sign ont
MOUL & Co.
1" HE
Conton, In February, 1984.
THE Copartnership hitherto existing between the undersigned, under the Firm of A. H. FRYER & Co, is this day disolved by mutual consent,
Hongkong, 1st January, 1854.
Camon, 4th January, (ŭk.
VUITII reference to the above notification beg to intimate chant, from this day, I hire asiak blished myself no a Commisnox Avast and Mer. Cuant in this place.
MR CHARLES BRODERSEN is admitted a Partner in aur Firm both at Canton and Hongkong.
Chios, 1st July, 1888.
THE interest and responsibility of the late M terminated on the 2uch of Saptrinber Jaat,
Willcom Okey Wandler in our firm
Canton, 12th November, 153,
171 PI reference in the store advertisement the basiness of the House will be eunducted as before by Ma D. JOHNSON under the nam name which Mn F. B. JOHNSON, is authorized to sign.
M JAMES BOWMAN will sign for us in Shanghoe by procurativn
W. . WARDLEY & Co. Canton, 12th November, 1833.
LL Persons having clawns against the Esista A of the late WILLIAM HENRY WARD- LEY are desired to acut lleem in forthwith to Meanc W. II. WARDLey & Co. Canton, or in M IN Jaman Bowman & Co. Shanghar, and theve k Jelned to the said Exate are requested to make immediate payment to the said parties.
F. 1). JOHNSON. Canton, 9th November, 1853.
NOTICE. JR. GEORGE GRISWOLD GRAY is au thorized to figa our wine by proceration. RUSSELL & Co.
Canton, 1st January, 1951
ER JAMES P. COOK is admitted a Partner with me from and after the date. The Bosiors will be continued under the Name and Byle of T109. HUNT & Co.
THOMAS HUNT, JAMES P. COOK. Whampoa, Is January, 1854.
THE interes and responsibility of Ma JOHN PATON WATSON in our firm, coused on the 31st December, last.
WATSON & Co. Shanghae, and Jumunty, 1851.
[B ROBERT MBOWELL SAUL has this day been admitted ammer in the 'me of SYNK & C KER
... Mais PITCAIRN, SYMB & Co, Baltvis. Gafurin, Lot January, 1854. NOTICE.
PUE undersigned have been appointed Agents at Hongkong for tho valscribers. To LLOYDS. Masters of Vencls are requented to communicato to them intelligence of losses, accidents, the peak. ing of Vesach, and any genetal information they consider of importance or interent to the nulactibern.
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, 3rd Beptember, 1852.
CASI CAPITAL $1,000,000,
THE undersigned bave been appointed Anexts Jin China for the above Courant, and are prepared to cover Kiska, on first class vesiels, to the extent of $100,000. POLICIES payable in Canton, Bombay, Calentia, London and New York.
RUSSELL & Co. Camon, 11th January, 1864 NOTICE. LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION, Established by Charter 1790 Dent & Co., Agenta in Hongkong,
THE undersigned are duly authorized by the above Corporation to INỂURE FROM Loss OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, ??Hongkong, un Duildings, Goods, Merchan·liar and Vessels in Port lit Closs, on Houses in pirate sccupation unly with external Walls of Stone or Brick, and coverd With Blate, Tile, Metal, Cement, and viber Incom bustible Material, detached, ve neljoining one.
24 Class, on florais or Buiemesas erco ed mind. enverad so above, pantly or euinely used in Ga. dovenn, and deacbel; and on Qome and Man- chakpien, um hazardous, in such Buildings,
2d Class, on Hogers of Berkurnon as plove. sdjvining other Buildings, and on Goone mud Mam- CHANDIZ, not iranlous, therein.
4th Cluson Hotels or Botlines erected and covered no above, in which hazardous Goode are deposited, but no hazardous trade carried on.
5th Class, on Suite.
ASSURANCES may be affected for the period of 12, 6, or 3 Months,
No Insurance is in furce until the Premiwin
For further particulars, reference is requested to
WITH reference to the above Notice, Ma H. T. MOUNNEY is authorized to sign our Form thercon is paid.
Da SILVER in authorized to ule all Ao- counte for the late Pirm of A. U. Faran & Co.
Hongkong, In January, 1854.
by procuration, from the date.
Comation Hosunosen,
Canon 16th January, 1854.
be made to the undersigned,
Hongkong, 6th October, 1553,
DENT & Co.
Regrann in London in 1853,
Meows Forcas Moruson & Ca.......... beretanes.
My Town Pantat & Do
Agents in Lampnal.
dona M resta ? c
Agrola se t'ndemit and Rangann Agente a Member-
Fit Years & Co... News Disne
Messes Mackatha Pramu & Co.
....... Agrals in Mad
Agente in Singapoer,
E underrigned have been appointed Agrate in Canton for the above Company, mid nie pre- pared to take Riski pryable wabout abic ment ál ibe place in three months, and in London or LaveR- Food in ear month, after proper proof of loss is given.
Canton, 10th January, 1854.
LL Persons koving claims against the Estate A of JOHN SMITH, deceased, Into of the Baique Red Rover, are requested to make them known to the undersigned, nad tleno indebted to the soil Estate ste requested er ske izmedeste post to Mr Joux Ginson, of the Steuer Hongkong, of la
ADAM SCOTT, Administrator.
Canton, 251b January, 1854.
TELEGRAPHIC MESSAGES. THE Directors of the AUSTRIAN LATS STRAN NAVIGATION COMPANY in Trieste, have made Arrangements for TELEGRAPHING MES- BAGES to London, or to any Part of the Cantinant, sent to them from 'kina,
The Messages should be sent under cover, super- veribed "Telegraphic Despatch," to the Alexandria Agent, for transmission through the Commanding Di?cer of the Steamer, and to be delivered immedi alely on arrival of the Vemel at Prieste.
The Charge for Telegraphing 20 Words from Tricate per Bubmarine to London, is about 16 Flo- Tins, or 32 Shillings Sterling; sud £1 Bierling fur
The writing must be in Irgible worde For further particulars, apply to
W. PUSTAUA Co. Agenic at Hongkong and C'anion Hongkong, 27th October, 1853,
HAMPAGNE in Piata and Quarte, Port Wien, Palk Burrat, Chamet sod Brandy, all of first quality.
Narae of sizes in Corks of 2 ewl. Apply in Hongkong or Canion to
LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong. In January, 1864.
THE cargo of Red and White LISBON WINE ex Onyum, jam arrived at Blacno. Apply to,
Canton, 11th January, 1854.
THOS HUNT & Co. ILL continue to kapa Large and Extensive Aveorumant of SHİP CH?NDLERY, m The very Lowest Prices.
Whompan, le: January, 1854.
THE undersigned lately received per Clipper
* Sea Witch"--
An invoice of C. rneliva Patent Søler Stamil and Inging Lampe of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. and 6 Burners, with cairn Globes, Chimarys, and Wieler, soil with or without Lustres. Alen, Band Lampe oi vatio
50 Barrels Prima Mess Beal,
"Gollege Floor,
100 Box's 11-chewer Balt-water Soapy
50 Barrels Prime Cider Vineget,
60 Boxes Nickel's Wine Buters,
50 Kegs Dried Apples,
25 Boxes H. Lamp Tabacco,
100 Tian Bent's Boda and Water Biscuite,
200 Gallons Spirits of Turpentine,
Boiled Lingend Oil,
100 Regs New York Bauer,
100 Tio Powdered and Lamp Bugar,
100 Barrel Pilot Bread.
Hides of Higging, Pamp, nad Bellows Leashor.
Also, constantly on hand.
Europe and Manila Rigging of all vizen, Canvas, Ter, Prints af ell Colours, and a completa Astort. ment of Articles weeronary for Shipa" ver.
Martell's Pale and Brown Brandy in Wood and Bouls; Sherry in Wood and Bottle; Gold and Pala,
Hongkong, 18 January, 1854
JUST RECEIVED a few Kegs of Prima Elampe
JUST for periur Butter.
Burd Wax, prepared expressly for Bouling purposes and Sealing Treasure Boxca.
Soup sad Brailli in 6 lb. Time, Preserved Moats in 4 1h. Tina, Calcutta Bottled Alo (Base's )
Sliced Mangoa and Cashmere Chutnies, Mal- ligalunny: Curry Paste and Powder.
Ladira and land, men's White Kid Gloves of asword sites: Ladies Blockingt; Gentlemen's Blanched and Unbleached Boeks; Doeskin and Buckskon riding aud driving Glover; Neck ties : Superfine Black & Blue Broadcloth, fc., &c., ka.
An assortment of Bupertor Penkuives.
MAC EWEN & Ca Hongkong, 24th January, 1954,
COFFEE in Base of 5 lbs. a 15 lbs, each.
Hongkong, January, 1854.
(Cupressus Funebriz)
A the Seed of thi
FEW Packets of
beautiful plant have bran blained from the Green Tes_country, and are for Sale.
**J*" Kare received
a specimen of it, which
cabies to say
must be a plant of the fireatest branty."
"Agricultural Unaesto
From Lindley
Apply to
MAC EWEN & Co. Hongkong, 27th January, 1854.
FOR SALE the STORES of the undersigned, fw bushels of English Ovre, weighing 43 lbs. per barbel.
Victoria, 10th January, 1864.
FOR SALE at Mao. MARSI'S Millinery Rowe, Queen's Rond Hongkonz
CHOICE Selvetion of Bonnkte of the Latest fashions, resistor of Velvet, statin Lilice
Silk. Plan and Fancy Strawe of ovary description.
Black and Colored Silk Mantles.
Black and White Lace Do.
French Baregu and Crohmere Shawls French Glace & Taffeta Silke in every color. Black & Colated Silk Velveta.
Do Ribbons in all Wichha, Sash Ribbons.
Bonnet do., Narrow Matin, Luto & Savenet do. French Brocade Dresses
Gluce Bill do.. White & Colored 7'ulle do. Lace do., Bairge de Bore d
Striped Poplin and Narwich 1.uere do French Mexico and Plain Musliu d· Laine Do. in White, Pik, Sky, Slate drab & Nap blun French printed Cambric and Mosli du.
Hoyle's Print do, Black & Colored Barego do. White & Colored Taslatanes in all colors. Swan and India Book Malina
Jacennes Plain and spotted Mulls.
Black Brunella Net, Whica do. Tulle illusion Blonde Edgings, Heat and Imitation Lace Lace Fallen Herthes, Sleeves, Cullara Chemisettes &., &c. &c
Plain and embroidered Cambrie Handkerchiefs. Infanu Ruber nod embroidered Frocks. Caps, and a variety of under clothing. White and Colored Kid Gloves, Silk do. Bracelets and Neck in.
Pearl Jel and Chenille Fland dresse Wreaths and Bouquets, and a cheio arlection of Feathers & Flowers from Madame Farriero's Paris.
An esortment of Ladies & Childrens Beota and Shoes from Fioult Este Rue de la Poiz? Jo?y a l'aris, comprising White & Colored Satin Shoes, Kid and Morocco da, Stuff and Coutil d., &c. &c.
Lines and Coulon Dispera, Trish Line. Brown Holland, -Colored do.
Horrocks' Long-Cloth, French Long Cloth very fae and light. Table Clotha very large sizes. Tabla Covers, Toilet Covers, Quika, Anti Vecam.r Lace Curtains, Mosquito Net, Rolled, Jacconst Lánings, Union and I will do,, Victoria and Vene tinn Shining. White and Colored Crinoliose, Cri. alino Petticoata and Improvers, Corded Ditto. Fice Flannels, Nursing Bays, French Wore do. Coutil de, Children's Binde, White and Colored Silk lose, Thread do, Merino do, Cotton do., Cotton Bocks, Wool Pollus, Wont Caps & Blora, Gaiters, Bontaine, Glores Comforters, &c. .
Woollen Hoods Braided Satia and Merino do. White and Colored Sun and Merino Bum, Braided Cloake and Pelioses, Procks, and a great variety of Children's Cloring of all kinds.
Haberdashery, Parasols, Elmatie Pagen Gastara, Bandalweb white colored, Wide Elac Wor ed and Leather Belts, Linen Tapes, Shirt Bostons, Dress and Trimining Buttons in great variety, Silk and Wool Braids. Cotton doc, Washing do., Muh-it Net, Ribbon Phise, Bugle Trimmings, Rewing. King and Meading Coron, Pine, Nellos, Hooks & Eyes, Whalebone, Covered Cane. Wad. dings, L'enton Corda, Ruches, Ribbon Wire, Silk Piping, Straw Temmings.
-From Price 4 Gonnell-
A small assortment of PERFUMERY.
Mr. Man begs to add that she will continue
to receive the LATTET Fantona from London nod Paris Monthly.
Payment to be made in Mexican Dollars, Hongkong, 30th December, 1858. -
Seamen's Hospital
Honourshia David Jardine, Esq, C. D. WIL GAMA, Esq., Hon W. T. Murajn, Esq., H. 8. WALKER, Eng. Superintendent of the P. & V. Stram Navigation Company, (ez oficia)
Traumer,-J. C. Rowneso. Eng. Resident Surgeon-PETER YOUNG. Erg. Consulting Surgeon.-W. A. Haki ANO, Esq.
M.D. Acting Colonial Surgeon
Terms of Admieru.m. Publia Warda, --- 75 cents per day. Intermediate Wards, - 1
Dullar 11 Private Rooms,- -- 2 Pacienta ate also admitted on deposit, at the fol lowing rates, tenewable one day previous to the amount deposited having bean expanded,
Public Words,
OLS, Intermediate, -- - $20, Private Ronma,
-- $30,
The Captain or Consignera of Ventele mont ku responsible for the xposed of Palin sem by them to the Hospital,
N. B.-All Hospital Bille to be receipted by the Treasurer only.
NOTICE. NIEORGE LOGAN Hair cutter and Perf mer begs to inform the Ladies and Gentlenes of Hongkong, and Captains visiting the Colony, ibat he now carrier on the above buslares on the pre mins of Mr. F. Dudokit, Queen's Road, oppo so the Oriental Bank
N. H. Ladies and Gentlemen ottended at their own resideners if required.
Hongkong 24th January, 1854.
TUE undersigned hos received instructions to well by PUBLIO Averir, on the Premises
the 10th day of Feb:wiry next. At Noon precisely,
Volen previously disposed of hy private enle, the following Properly, In one Lot.
That building in the Queen's Road known nothe
Aul the but buildings attached, with the land up which the whole in built-Registered is the Gawl Om e as Inland but No 16, measur ng 14 squate Inet.-Annual Ground Rent £129,"
Also in one Lat,
All the Splendid Furniture, Billiard Tables, Phe, Crockery, Glass Ware &e, &c. belonging to the above establishment.
Conditions of Sale, Catalogues of the Furniture Soc. will be distributed some days prior to the Auction.
Bachelarial emma wa sen prepared en state li che vulpire to the a bemak, de magad so it is. As to the magnet exprssard that the feelings, Libres might have been spared in tar jutuvu) of much a sepa man bạt ?ôngothen that 11. das wware in CHIN A NESKA MAMLA in the winding mornine, to when a pondragonal get of the hour a mantharating ka moro nceupsable than what might by chance he
Srves albero,
SUMMARY JUMLADICTION. Friday, 3rd of February 1954. (Copelled No. 10 Pag 38.)
Mr Pollard oid there had been several decisions already given in this Court, altogether over sid. ing the Queen's Proclamation that four Shillings and pace was the solve of Spanis Mxican, or other Dolt-e of similar weight nud purity and specially cited the case of Bush v. Foote, in which was given on the cost of Merchants in China when bills were drawn on thema for Dollaro of no particular dana. innation; and in which it was ruled that all mac= Contile accou is being kept in D llars Spanish, that that can, with it premium on Englid money, must be given in equivalent who are were drawn for without specification as to deription.
Mr Bridges said he had have instructed to try the point noe und r discusion in a case between the Government and the Peninsular and Oriental recontamers hind protrusted its having been so Storm Novigston Company, sad only arcidamis und at the pree at linze
Terament arr Thond not being a governokal anvant bind- seli na puke disinterestedıy-It inados considera. hle difference.
JUDORI can testify to that have ink that my-N."
Mi Duddell having obtained love to take, as His Lordship said "hin full Bling" with the subject, then proceniled to ludice his views; and an a garded what had been anid by Mr Pullard about customergued that the custom of m?rcliknis in Chine had nothing to do with retail transactions in Hongkong, plics which had to make a dus there -le, Me Dodell bad heard that it was the intention of Storekeepers to adversion that they would not sell anything bit for Mexican Dylan, god if this casu w . droided against hin, then, within a month, there would be a difference of Billy per crallt voca Mexicau D-flare not ? vzdial Aluney.
Rongkong, 9th November, 186Y.
NOTICE. HE Sale of the Hoxerona Cura Hover and
FORNITOR," is postponed uncil Friday 10th February 1954.
Hongkong, 26th January, 1964.
THE HOUSE in Hollywood Bead Lely, occupied by Capten HoLWORTHY, Cyan Rail
Fut particulars, apply to
M. BURGOYNE. Wellington Street. Victoria, tot February, 1854.
NY Mercantile Firm in Canton requiring a A CLERK, will be good enough in intimate the sama by Ltier to A. B. C care of the Editor of this ppor. The adverteer has resided in Canton errorul paura.
"Priend of China" Office, Hongkong, 4th February, 1854.
BOUT 500 Tons best English Aberom
Merikan STEAM COAL bond pokedua daily expert d to arrive. D-livery to be taken from single the ship. Apply, in Canina,
to Musim HOLLIDAY, W18(c) & fe,
or here, lo 1. MARSHALL Hongkong, 7th February, 1854,
PUBLIC AUCTION. RUDDELL structed to all without Favette, on Saturday next the 11th instant, at 11 o'clock a. Nyt his MART, Queen's Road. A quantity of Ship Gear saved from wreck, onm primog Spare, Saile, Awning, Anchor and Chain Cable, Rigging and Mays. Hups, Blocks, fron Hook, Hewan, Hulla Eyre and Patent Lights, Ship's Wheel &c. &.. & Now landing and on vise on the above Freiniare.
N. H. By express desire on the mme day above at Noon will be sold the well known Sydney Horn" Arthur" quiet in Ride and Dove.
Jongkone, 7 h February, 1954
New Advertisements should be sent as early a possible on the days previous to publication; but generally, advertisements will appear in the forth. coming issue if recrined at the office as late as Eleven Weinandays and Saturdage; specially excepting the days on which the Mails are despatched to Exupe
Unlied Bio
Dea. I andern island Nov. -- Halavia
Jaby. 18
C. u G. Flepe
Bar Finni
Mabila Shanghae
JADY. 30 Juny.
JanyS Juny - Jang. -
|ilton # STER Run | Sets | L. N. | P. M. Woradny,- Thursday,--
0 37 0,5%
0 14 4.63 7.39
4.64 7,67 8,21 Full Man on the 13th, at 10, 33 ??- Apogee to day at 8 a. m.
FL. At. Stes Ship Encounter, striven au wa ga to press, from Labuan via Marila, The following vessels had renched Manila before the 4th jam sis, the Gambia.-Casei.i-Timpo-Fres Trader Autors-N. Bilbino-Cervantes & Jorge Jun.
We then an our City Parkenpan han complained of being open ape by simmet Artende on the party sähded to in the pathe
sat sea, cherping by saying that the party is in Jaghattan, ??
We thought
i sommermany in print the tone in bus et dirt- although we had off
Mr Pollard said it was the regular prao- tios of Chiness Storkaspers to suit fing buyers in what cuin they were going to pay and they raised or lowered the price according to the nature of the coin they know they were to bo
paid in.
His Lordship nekod if an Ordinance explaining the Proclam (bon would met avert the mischief
M. Duld aid the Acts of Parliament, 2nd of William the 4th, and Jud of Gourge the 4th, C?p. 34-were explicit on the point that no custo The Queen had declared Mexican sod Spik no urago-could ovor ruls is currency malier"m Dollars to be legal coins of the value of in al each and no ipore,
The Judge said the Proclamation was only in- tendal to bave effect in the absence of apreial con- tract. The P-ninsular and Gricatat De apoy advertised in England then they wanted £130 only their varsels to be, for a passage in either
and vice versa. But here this (30 mas he paid in Spanish Dolls, which makes it bp to £1 40 or $50. Mr Pullard and Gov-ramous bruke through their own proclamation belf a dozen times a year, when buying money to pay the troups.
Me Daddell mid the Commissariat transactions wore purely exchange operations, and the Com- minenzial had a right to pay what ammber of ghil linge they liked for thole D llar. Something was then said about the Crown Lumen, and one being produced it appeared that government stipulated for the payment of rent to them in Dillate after the rate of exchange as which their servants were paid-that stipulation was made before the Queen' rents and all governinem dues were receivail, from Proclamation appeared, and the Exchange at which
and after the appearance of that Procl proer to fout Shilling and two pence per Dollar, im-nadively shared from four 8 silings so lone at which it has alwaya mnge in med.
His Lonbhip after hearing and saying a good desi menee than we: hata kara ceported, then told Mr Daddell that he would take time to look into the subject, but that if he did not hear from hom on or briore Monday he was to consilor the deelal of the Court as against him (and where Me Duddell's agreements run for Mexican Dol it, he will have to pay ben, er vel market Afference against English Money-and the surne wbare the agreement in for Spanish Dollars.)
Ar the close of the Bitlings in Summary Jarls diction on Friday last, Capioin Flahbouros R. N. on behalf of the Officers and the crew ul H. M. S. 8. Hermes, applied to His Honor the Judge in Ad- miralty for a review of Mr Gaekall's charg-1 for obtaining a Judicial order regarding the number of piratical vessels and their crews recently cap- red by the Hermor on the Coast. The Acting Registrae having certified to the conformity of the charg??with those allowed on taxwiin, (iš Obimor declined to make the order Captain Fishbourne required.
I came out in garment that Capt. Fahbusine had been told by an officer of the Court that the only Proctor he could employ ia suoli a muter was Me Qushell, This is Monor mid was a mielake- Mr Cokeld was the Queen's Proctor, and the party. under the Queen's Advocate, who would have to ente, if wecentury, the Hermer claim bounty for services C-prain Fishbourne repasted that he had been anxious to engage Air Jefferd Tarrant, but that he was told he could not. He thought the charges made very high ;-and beving pad similar carls on a former occasion, withou', after all, being of his Officers anit Crew he was desirons of har awarded by the Crown a single faning, oa baba |{* ing the £100 now charged reduced to a murd moderate figure,
His tonor and the services of legal men werd necesary in these matters, and such servicen musi be paid for. He hoped that for the hundrede i pounds paid by Capt Fahbourne, he would, as he might expect, receive back his thousands, (W. learn that an Interlocutory decree was gromed on
??petition for bounty money to two separate ap-
hention. On the first 150 wien were allowed- The eecond 1170 :-and, if awarded at the atmo le no the Ciropatra, the ffermes will obtain about 1,000 For general servinen randarad on this Lation, if not for this particular busieran, we heartily ut the Hermes will get such an amount of bounty)
We conclude, in the present imur, the report the hearing in Dudilelf at suit of Lapraik- be question about the value of dollars in this Entony-the Chief Judice haring, since the caring, confirmed the decision given, vir, that han "un agreciment ruis for dollars of any articular denomination, such dollars must be
with, in English money, whatever pro fum they command in the Hongkong insrket, That this decision is founde i on any other but n-c principles which ought in rule in the Ju- cial mind we have not now the slightest sire to gainsay :-but taking the stipulatione the lease by which lands are held lor the frown in this colony as a starting point,-the Juozu's proclamation of the 5th May 1945 an rulor--and the Order in council of the 18th cluber 1852 ma clinclur.-w c?n l�?m�?hat the sooner un Ordinance is passed in explain seny the ambiguity most evilemly exiting, e koner we shall return to the opinion that be Crown when it maue proclamations does nt do an for the bunefit of a particular section | itu subjects,-or au a mere instrumment to aid |enerying out Haown purposes,
If the Queen's proclaination that a Spanish Bullar, an legal tender, shall be deemed Forth four shillings and twa pence and only intended to apply in par more, cular cases, and not generally, why does of the proclamation also run in the terms | Judge Hulino's locision "save and except In all special contracts for the payoient
reach Europe and Budia braide their convoy. Roces) sod, over riding the Queen's Proclamin- tion, insisting on squeezing theme who the frostunee with them out of £10 or £29 more for a pongo to England than is charged at home, is an act of contempoble meanness the mer the Dis rectore are commanded to sher the butter for their character.
If pushto the very name of dollar alın?ld b expunged from our Colonial vocabulary. The ?ricotal Bank should paun its notes for atorling money.??they choose to receive Deifars for such notes alter any eat they seo fit to charge, let that be their Guaniona, Le Cons of the United Kingdom be almo the mgoddard of our currency-vad let coms of all other countries qud demonio tions bo treated An articles of barter and account.
Jenny be aid in reply that silver is the sole cir culating medium large transactions in Chi un, and that it will be found impossible to carry on trade without keeping it is entsideration, But a similar argument was n-ed a sluart time ago na applicable to Spanish Dollars-ul that trado could not be carried on withunt them - that they should be the basis in every long ;-- jet we towoc Spanuli, Mexico, and other dollar-declaredot par, and trade likely togo on as well as it did before. The sono rasuli may be exprated with gold; and from the large use Chinces are now making of the
tal, in the shape of thick leal, convunical for carrying on their person sawn up on their ap parel, we think Che day is not `iouch farther distant than the regolar amablishment of the now dynasty, when gold will enter into the fiscal operations of Chine, in equal ratio with the pre sent preponderating specific.
of particular coins"-ne why are Spanish, | Tun P. & O S. N. Co.'s Steam Ship Formosa, fcxican, and other dollars spoken of at all? Captain Christian, arrived in harbour yester
the proclamation at present staude, it can day morning (having made the land the night aly operate in favour of the Cons; and
before) bringing 1450 Chests ad Bengal Deng, Jl in averting that very noon slaus state of and some duz a large and small boxes of Treasure (immaterial is a mount). Passengers Tairs which, ontd recently, we have sten btaining in all transactions between the Can. Cour Basildoff (Rusman service) and Mr n Government-ite receivers of revenue-and Domee. We take from the Englishman the se payore of duties.
following report:-
Opium The Grat sale of the Season 1852-53
"one compuitment--Fabuna in another-Syd- ncy in a third-Formwoon in a fourth, nud ma in, -uch a combustible misterial so Patent fuel being kept entirely apart from other mat ter. Lucbonaceous minerals of different kinds, being so kept separate, would not, we think bikely to break out in spontaneous coinlius toon however much they might be exposed to the effects of the weather.
The making dad un cento 10 1300 na we expected, and Indica il Beames from the Com pany's vessels, and Men at war in port, and also from the 59th Regiment, were, for two nigile, const silly coployed upon several firo en gines, One of these Engines a new me from the Alliance Office, threw more water than thret: others, together; but the Officer in command of the detachment of skiers that first put it play bad want difficulty in finding out the proper mealot of ngeng the hoca &c. and it appeared to us greatly to be regretted that so fine an Engin? had not an experienced Fire- man to look after it. * Every mùa in his Trale" is an useful mouxun : med Officers of the Queen's Any may certainly stand excused for bung ignorant of the use of the Pump mod Squirt.
A REPORT has got into cirenlation--low we do not know-ibat a vossel has been seen a-wreck in the J'alawan.
He appears that our Contemporary of the Jail over stated the number of deaths on board the Peruvian Ship Empresa be about a fourth, The oblation to the denon was co-mousted, wo are told, by a beentumb of a hundred and twenty, out of three funded and eighty snols. CAVE-Over crowding, -Fever,-Want of Medicnics
STEAMER "Bintinek," Izra Nov, 1853. To the Bisectors of the Peninaplar and Oriental
Company, Lendenhall Street, London. Gentlenes-As Padengers Com England to indie by the Mail of the 20th October, we deem in af importance to the insorests of the pubire, to bring to the early notice of the Comprùy, the unsatisfac- was held at the Exchange Hooms on Monday last,ory of the Transit arrangements, for the transport of Paterngers' luggage fruin the Steamer and gave the following Frouft:-
on the Mediterraneen, until it is embarked again on Highest apt- Arng, Proceedi Bebar, 1,855 815
'The luggage on this part of the Strainer at Norz 795 B-15 12 106 193 Hemorre,-- 1,170 Notwithmanding the increased quantity put up, tha
sale was used by epired bilding thronglow, and prices ruled higher slion was anticspated, the China news which arrived on the 10th istaut, the asle being rather unfavourable, our adviera datel Hong Kong 23 d. 1)-cember, quote Paina 43614, Bears, #3711 and the market dull, Exchange in Calouste Co's Rs. 2:39 in Co> Rs. 240 por 1000- famediately alter the fiovernment sale, prices fell to C's K. BOW for Patna but several purcha are having been male for actual shipunant, quate- tion were for Paine On's Ra 807, for ente CoR BR2 her chest,
Exwria an abora
To Chins,
The basin of Chinese fiscal operations is bet- r then own. They require Juties to be paid pure silver: consequently, the molting pot ad fining stone in all that is necessary in coin- Jying with a requisition. But, the use of the first Liliese instruments being innonveosent, Consent | given to take dollars by weight and touch, Ewas the arbitrary, unwarrantable, and er- uwenue dollar value fixed by the Strolly-tho sceivers of the ravenue-wruch the late pirn
nimations wore intended to remedy. A short Ime ago we heard in Centon a good deal of Complaint about the obstinacy of these when find hade special agream at tej payment ui Span- Sh, and who refused to take Mexican Dollaru ??an equivalent; and at this present moment here are, we believe, money dealers in prison or what is deemed a contempt of Govern ozat, refusing to acknowledge Afuxican and Spo uk dollars an of equal value. So much lor Chi ere determination-so much for Clancer ju cial firmness, in causing the received laws of le realm to be respected
e basis of English fiscal operations is gold-thor Irty shillings worth of silver enins of the nited Kingdom being the largest amount emed a legal tender in payment at one time | Spanah dollars, worth in the Bazaar fize ilings each, are sendered in payment of overnment dues, they can only be received the Treasury at a vurn approximating bo eir intrinsic value, vrt 11. 20. Wual govern fent always does with Spanish and Mexican llars when it gets then, we canimul any, some casos, we believe, t'my are paid fo Srecninant sortunis, always, however, after a rate of four shillings and two penca This not fair to the Culony, and must be the cans of creating jealousy butweon one gave miment servant and anther. It paid bus wages dely in English money, no Government sur
ot has a right to complain; for the legal coins the United Kingdon are never below the fluo at which they were in-uod from the Mont hid 4) present are muc five por gent above **-[('ha te not sate-fed with bin sulary, what
er it may, amount to when paid in Engleh
old, he should ask for more and not covet assient in dollárs coined in a foreign mint,- adulging desires it is his duty to eccliew, | Mat though receiving Mpanuh dulları at four polinge nod two proce each, in wesking pay- Pies, where Spanjen dollars have seen the tims of contract, Government i always willing | pay the difference between them and En
is manos. On one occafion we received fun the Colonial Treasury seven, at konther ficen per rent, in additi?u to the number of ollare calculated after the rate of four shillings hid twa pence each-ihe rate of difference aving to be certified by two rendent mer-
The Ordinance suggested by Judge Holme cannot so well answer the purpose required
new Proclamation, in which Apnouch, Mexican, and other dollars shall be distinctly eclared articles of commerce, only receivab'e to the Colonial Treasury according to their eight and finences; and it would be well Government made it imperative on those stablishments incorporated by Royal Cuar ar to aid and assist in bringing into full
For peration the laws of the realm. Trge Company like the 1). & V. to tuko idvantage of our necessition, (there being nu other regular mokos here by which we may ** For giving a servant da. 101. for a Grown piree, a Chinese bbopkeeper was, very properly, sesenced by dning Megistrave, he other day, in a short bopilnonieal,
Singapore, -
1,320 chests.
200 25
The Formosa left Calcutta on the 18th-- Bingapore the 20th ult., and bus had finu wen all the way up the sea. The Pakin wa going into Singapore as the Formosa left, and the Ganges was passed the day afterwards. The Jane Ewing exchanged numbers on th 3rd instant, aliost latitude 12-longitude 112 carrying a heavy press of caoraus. The Formosa brings no news of importance. She is circulated to leave again for Calcutta on Wod- nesday the 15th instant at 2 ??m
As wo anticipated, when the wnoking mattor WEo ali Fear lam web from thes I, dc t &N Co West Point Godowoc, it turned out that the cause of alarm arose train La- buna Coal and Patomi Furl beng placed with each other, and allowed to get thoronglily sa- tura:ed with rain water before the Sed whe roofed and clued in. We believe, for this, there is every excure for the Company's O cors at presunt in Hongkong, who bad, on tak- ing charge of uffleo, but intle time to make pr vision for Muring the increased stock of coals hastily thrown on their hands on the Company ublaring the Semi-monthly Mail
But it should be a lesson to these gentlonien In be careful how they bring coals of diferent Countries ingether. English Coal should be in
??Aber wating in we sceived the Frant of Endje of the 12 h who, in which, op aking of the tourpany's gosplug propensiles, the floor saya. -
* Well awaja ma passengers from India book manauly to the caganara of a voyage, whies may dinalaish the rema vauvallekte in England, itqke P.& 0 Company) kao male payo to Egiptului de expermite un te liruat dirimum."
the route appears (as far as ita transport sa e incera. md) to be frất to the wild mismanagement në the Egyptian saimen and Arabs of the D-vert, and the reckicne treatment which it receives at their da, dore it a inter of surprise that any por- sion of it esexpes serious injury,
Many of us wanera d the boatmen at Alexandria literally picking Trunks, Boxes, Portmantenas, Hat Bagés, &e "indiscriminately from the portion which the men stood on the Stromet platform and ladder, into the bottom of this bosi below; distances varying from 3 to 19 feet. Not the slight. cat consideration was shown for die nature, viza, or drecription of package, and this boatmen up, peared to be working wahout say check or control whatever over their proceedings. The came e?ene was repeated with somewhat l'as vi"dones at Bura, is removing the luggage from the pier platform su the small Breamer, and several passengeti hava moffered from the destruction of bozos, dic., und damage of properly consequent on this grass me. menagement. During the transit across the Desert, the baggage appeared to be left to the meflective control of the camel drivers; and akhough pro
poly appear to be protected during this part withe journey plunder on a largo ueule, yet petty theft of leather stropa, kicks, cover, cordage, ¿ce,
ate roman".
nfrenly been edeched in many of thes Deskjet na cangements, and we feel satidind thrt, as the inter ents of the Company and thean of the public m Chemical, can only require defiets to be legugst to none by the passengers travelling thus important route, to ensure the beal existions of the Company for their femova).
We propose to give this communication pabderity through the ton Newspapere. We have the koner tube, entlemen ywurinbestient per Vallás.
(good) W. Bosby; it. F. Wien: Jis. Wigs choter 1 J. T. Young ; M. Mall; Jao, Ming W. Field; J. Nunpoon ; A. E. Paul; H. Liopl; and GU. Cberant. (Bombay Pansengern, j
Cano, Sth Nov 1993. - Oi:hnen the Pasks arrived at hus Capual, from the shors of the Red Sea on Sunday Let the 30th ultimo; in per- fret hech of body and mind, and in the bighest spirits. Immediately taking up his reduce at Halmiah, ko nem-need a cearching investigation thin the gater plate of the county, and what bad been done during his abuenev,-ijalnost need. less to mention that pecufation was paremont in every department, quite sufficient to irritate and provoko lebt disposed Huler on earth. His Il-gline afterwards visited the Qua factory, and inoje 1?) the actne with hir own hands, by trying the efficiency of the muskete den; after coveral boots of ramination, he ordered a general trial of all the fra arme, and that every Musket should be put into proper repair and every way titted fue ef. lective use." I flighness is also raisi further supply of men far the Sultan in case they ny be required; and to complete then arrangements ha bas appointed his son Elintaro Para, Simmar of War. for the duties of which he is to be trained by the most experienced ofliceza and ministers, who fd been previon-ly in the service. Many busa found fault with bis & Iration en placing so young man, (unly 1 years old) is an important and re- sponsible an offire, but his youth is perhaps hei best commendation; wa mif not forget that Mr Pitt was wonde first Jard of the Treasury l Chaarellos of the Exchequre when 21 pair of gr. First there will be no danger of manipu teachers ut plunder-aguia, it is a step towar promoung on herilitary and rational succession in the immediate family of Alibas Pasha, fie en the present state of affairs, it is extremely didicult to rule o people who waterly know whom they bara to obey, and living heretofore in the arta of dig simulation and herbarion, there is burdly a day posting, that we have not some scandalone orpori, sitfully put into virculation, de pratily some disp. pointed expremija ar get ceringe, and these weet- cher have eliqua of hired "landerers who earn these word by propagating every sort of defumu tion against the conduct of the Piston. These pri- vale astutzins of character, se content if they can only feceive the prople for a few days, un?) they gather more gred in mudez in anw a new crop of scandal, to keep the poble moiad in a cuortant state of delis excitement, so that it becomes utterly possible for any plain man to gei si a grauine fin, or detect a groan falchwil, until a bed eme presnen is made; the pople in general have no test taste for truth, they are so charmed with reil posle that they will believe nothing else, whil good repte, and noble act,dus, are unver hevad. of and on riduan notice or Gelerid Men's vices lize in brass; their virtues we were in wales," these act of news ninagars are very busy, and ever ready in ente their interruation under the loose and domay veil of high authori'y1 and we be to those who venture to gainsay u but they arsert,-it a anda a fut until there calunnies wear our for want of the only support that could sustain them, namely the plain truth. A report got into very general circulation here a short time ago, coining (as it wae said) from the French Consulticontal, who bad just arrived from Cunstrutinople, that the Itus-ing had made a general, allwrk on the Torks, the former having cto-sed the Danube. Two or three days proved this an unter talrehand, Pepers bave arrived here un far na the 24th ultimo, and all appenso as yet quiet. For my own part I could never give creduse" to a pince of news su devojd of competency. The Russians ste skrendy in pos ression of the first provinces of the Turkish Em- pire, and are there exercising full right of auvereign- sy willout opposition wad will no doubt keep jön. ression of the juniors unhl turned out by a cup de main The Russians have croated the Danube to anni.silate the presumptuous Turk who foren la terist the sway of those believers of the orthodox Greck Church, over which the Runsion Emperor rules as Pope, and it is to maintain this apritent ouvernignty thist human beings are forced from their homes to the al cughter. Where is our boast- ed civilization ? Should the Czar be made to un- dermand this case of real orthodoa Curatseity, war might have been averted according to Mr. Cu den'e plan. Although assisted by all the lerretica the Emperor of the Sclavonians to daunted,-but we not explain to top Imperial Abijesty the tent meaning of this word orthodoxy? Why t has no messing at all, yet thousands are to bierd for it--orthodoxy in religion and logie ip n törte Feline term; ail religions profess uithodnay, for Viete in no man or Society of men who would willing- ly profess themselves to be in errut and akerwords practian il Now it is but fair to instruct. Hie Melavonian Majesty test that all Human Cathol es whe firm are decidedly the most numerous boly of Chronises, the bust andunt, and have over bon the ipust mumerous in every seo-leg ote then double of all other Ebraliin mets of every demomnimation, and are fully ten to our of any seprints, rect,--that all then learned Christans pronounce themvolves not only onblox, but com sider the Emperor of U· ssin n downright heretic, He church bring generally styled schismatical, only to distinguish or from that portion of the Greek who bad abandoned thest estors nad return. ed to the Roman Catholio pale. We have his meat Christian Majybin most Catholic Majestywe only want he most orthodoxy. - we have found loon amongst the Raspang, But oder all this beast, let us contemplate the so- Bulut war between these mighty unrises and weigh the strength of this great northern gint Teja o quite as lostpilables he would wịch tư appear; we shall also do him justice-ho u nol reckless of human blood, and there are other goud
This very umantisknetary eiste of things might we imagine, be easily and economically remeted by the appointment of a Logangs officer, sillet at. lecked to the stramurs, or stationed at Alexander and Burs, whow duty it should be to superinland the embarkation and disembarkstion of the bag. gage of passengers, and who would see that the Mersity Mekla and appliances were provided fur jlo cafu removal. This op rating med not seenpy more time than at prevent: system and order wie more likely to ensure exp -dition, than to impede j
There is another cause of discomfort and incon- venience in the Transit arrangements on ile kame wart voyage, which (as it los bean experienced by aome of us) we deem it well to bring in the notice of the Company. We allude to Mio practice of requiring wil the passengers to leave the Staatger at Born at any hour of the night at which she may arrive. The inconv pience and uten personal risk to ladies, children, and invalida, jo being transferred from noe Steamer to another in the dark, losing almar night's rem before a jurney over the Lies 16 and taking the ence of procuring aceminumny at the incomodious Hotel at Buts during the might, are ortions. The practice is not obrerved on the Medverranean side, and it in one for which we cannot perceive the necem y ; as, eres if that Alvils were despatelied tem limurs before the pis sengers, (the lunges interval wlweb could uccur between dark an) daylight) the later would still attive at Alexsm-lein before them We couler tlini disembarkation at night should be left options). with pastregere, with the understanding, that all; must be ready to leave the v. tool at daylight in the
There are other po`nts in the Overland artanga- mems (much on the crowding of the Nila and Caval boste, The difficulty of ascertaining the correcinoss
" te to the fashion to any wa wan a great debt så gentiende to the P. &. O. Company. Nana are mere willing thin curseiros de confess the obligation. They have subcardná in establishing a curacion, which appeated fören years since in be almat kepelers, and here maintained a with a regolarity which has rendered the pathic impatien of the sightcat de Nevecibelean, they have been splendidly eewarded. They have been analård va to lea Navy, naloge no tu comder theta a attritime Power Inverents alond which would suffice to keep that Naty in gegnir for pents with an addition, to nent Thule derveturn in Parliament, and so deride pro?ks which servo, le awaken tha envy v�? of charges by the Transit administration for exten the such Iders on the best Nadway lines. The pubke are] luggage, &c.) which still require improvement ; pe-resivity ungr vieľal ; but the time may become whanj | sai we ate now moto desirous to bring matters of indigokut at a tardiwear which would statale ba endursd
prominent importance to notice, then to enter into by Spaniards, they may stike s batanee, and drouge that
faber details at present; and is those now specili. gratitude in dun from the Compan, seihe pubke, and mut
ed involve both secotuy ul prean and secuing of Gom the public to the Company.
the public, who pay hugely for the advantages of dor coute, we trust that the inmediato albeutet of The Directors will be given to the exoject, and that they will address the" Traadit Adminstration on Home point which are not immediately under the contr.) of the Company
??Thle leibe form now nedby the Orienta) Bank Cor- poration; Dod, oulike thole 23-eurpotuilonnes of the 17, & U. song? delers caly, are up coded, they do not take ad- vanings the wrong way, but humuoraky pay them at 1.1.1-or Spanish duflar ihin.
The Onil Bish Carpeession Promise to pay the Barron demand at their few bore (Honghung), vale Dellars, or the equivalinó in Currency i ??Jeland, rettered.
By Order of the Coun of Director,"
the .
We cannot ched the letter without expressing out one of the macked improvement ibat d
tai in the character of this Depor, he u da pored to be genorous; he is inteligent and even cunning, for he dose not often put forth all his power, knowing that it would be unsafe and could not endure lung. This piece of prudence be bu learned from ?be destruction of his predreemura,
If you as this worthy of publicity you are at liberty to use it.
I am. Kir, youre respectfully,
(F) 1, BRI108,
These celebrated Pillo are wonderfully výlonciona on the
tle knows that the vengeance of the people in most | Alkma
Pseudoka, on King's
dangerous from their ignoranes and length of their | B Complafate Fevers of all kinde Kual sufferings; Government which hesitates at moth jag, but rests wholly on the stupidity of the people,
in more drunde ihan permanent ; there ia in Itu misery amongst the masses, brutality in the Army, discreet and worror of those who sta most to be drondod, mananem and netrilty in the Clergy, with perfily and dusmanulation amongst the Nobles Bach is the real state of society in Humin; and is is with this heterogeneous masa of vice, ignomnce, and exrruption, that Nicholas sitempista throw ba weight on Europe, and establish his power in the Wow; but this sort of power imposes its own honito" After all, Nicholas ir at the mercy and under the ear.trol of his agents; distance proles? iguonoce of facts, and the ignorance of Lieutenants makes him dependent on their reporte, nor can be rely on the good faith of his subordinater, l'om bined Europe could at a breath compel Rurks to retire from her position to sinh l? the venle of nations, and now that her power is simplu to that of Turkey-a power more of sufferance than reality. --all is show and outward appostsace, it is an illusion, a piece of grandeur wishing to appear civilized, whilst in reality she in barbarous. Tibe sovereign of Russia aspires to civilise his countty by means of its own congire, by cultivating those
beligations and propensities with which Nature | bas endowed the poople, he will nequica a inore Insting and extensive renown, and will find himeelt exorcising legitimate power amongst the waliopa al the world.
Evon Turkey becielf would then Jofuelerilly succomb to his influears, mahout crest- ing moy je?lousy or alarm.
Bot be bas kust his opportunity-he has not pur- sued this (noble and honorable course, and has made no effort in the right direction for a consider able time at leant ; but this issue, whatever it may be, will displays grand rpeessele for future gené- rations.-Bambay Times, Nov, 26.
The following tentimenini has been sent to Professor Haleway by a törutteman named Middleton, of Scotland Road, Liverpool.
sir-Your Pilla have been the mess, under Provi dence, of restoring me te sound health, after five years of severe action. Dering the whole of that period. Iwered the most dreads attacks of Asthma, fre quently of several weeks' duration, attended with a sloles cough, and conclamel quitting of phlegm inter mixed with blood. This so shook any conalliation abai I was united for any of the active duties of life. ??was attended by some of the most eminent medicul men of this town, but they failed to girame the slight- at relief. As a losi rem?ly I tried your Pillo, und is about three months they effected a perfect cure ut the diaro, totally eradicated the cough, and tentored tone and vigour to the chest and digreve organs.
I am, ir, your obedient Servant, Dated Jun. Lat. 1953, (Signed) H. MIDDLETON,
Copy of a Letter from Mr. Gamis, Chemist, Yeovil, to Profesor Holloway.
Safi Part.
Sore Themain
Stone bad Graval
Ai Mengkong Alert barque
[Johammad s
| De DvakarvaLE
Hooandery temples
Andan, oroonor Cadle stoomer
141 Glover
Jan Vydney
Westing Bombay
Deo 12 Order
Howl Complainte Hiont Belas
lead arba Copies of the Indigentươn
Compalam Dealy
Įtaret Cotspleini Vennem! A Govtinas
Lumbago Pil Kommatem
JWurzon of all kinds ||Wachaut, hem whit
| ever manni, do, de
Sold by all Druggisto, and at Profesor Efolloway + establishment, 244, Strand, Loodan,
By Mr. JM Da SILVA, and by
HINNAM, "t their Mæres,
also by WONO ACOEW -Hongkong, St. J. M. Da FONCECA,-Macáo, and Atemuro ACOW & Co.-Canton
At 16, 15d ~~24 Vf.-46, Od.-3 [ar,-22%. & 336. each pot or Box
There is a considerable saving by taking the large time.
N B.-Directions for the puldanos of patients in every disorder are a?ixed to each Pot,
Canton, MOT bristian, belg
Cornwall, ship Deutschland, ship Den Anlas schooner
Eamont, schoener
FI. H. Jenny, ship Fatbaho Kalam, torque Orlanato, ship'
Hongkong, mer Isabella Horen, shp Island Quran schooner
9) McDermott |Ham] 149|||inder
Hall Osteen
Heltown A JrWerk Brit | ets Fober |Pern.| 430|Ponny Welt dibson
Jacobs Cerella barque | Dat Jahi N. Galer, skip
Libertad. berque
Land Warton, ship Mathilde. Brigantian
Neptune slip
4tecan Queen, ahlp
Delean ship
Parachute, bly
Potomac, lilp
Heback, ship
Statraman barque
Thomine, barqen
That, schooner
Vigilant, culler
WC, ship
4, H. M. 8. Spertas, Caja. Hoste, from Shanglar, Walter Marrica, barque
29th January.
4. Edmont, Browa, from Shangbae, 27th Jany.
4 Deut.chland (Brem), Laind, Tram Whampos.
5, Grimeneza (Peru), Penny, from Calla, 7th
T, Br, Farmer, Christiss, from Calcutta, Jan. 18.
1. Neptuno (Bis), Morrison, fram Whainpos,
7, Brackief {\m), Thompson, from San Fran.
cisco 23id December.
8, Early Bird, Park, from Whampoa.
Per Edmont, 26 Chimen
Per Firmoos, M. Hasikdorf nad Servant and M. Demoe
Par Alischief, 113 Chinese,
6, Mazeppa, Kyrir, Eau Coast.
6, Mary Spencer, Fisher, Liverpool,
6, Evangeline, Hetor, Whampoa.
6, (opia (Am. Whalery, Newell, Whaling.
7, Bu. Forma, Christina. Cunsing mom.
H. M. Ship Spartan, Whampon.
1 tl. M. Str. Hermes, Whapon.
The Peruvian Ship Grimeneza, on the 20th ult.
lost overboard, zu ??Gisle of wind, the Seamati
Rodreguer Valdiwaos.
The Lamont on the 271b uk. passed H. M. Str. Hatter in Woosung River
Hairages Binarn
Un cina
Dear Sir,--a this distrlet your Pilla command a more extenaire tale than any other proprietary madis eine before the public. As a proof of their ency in Liver and Billous ('omplaints' I may mention the fol
A lady of this town with whom I am lowing ca personally acquainted, for years was a nevere Bever from disease of the Elver and digestive organs; bar medical attendant amured her that he could do nothing to celleve her au?erings, and it was not likely she coulil survive many mouths. This unouncement naturally caped great alarm among her friends and relations anil they induced her to make a trial of your l'illa, which
Improved ber general health that she was induced | Plynomoth to continue them until she received a perfect eure Thla lucwelve months ago, and she has not experienced say symptoms of relapse, and often declares that your Pills have bem the means of saving her life,
I remain, Dear Ne, yours truly.
Nov. 336l. 1832.
THE HOSPITAL INCURABLE, Copy of a Faller From Mr. W. Moon, of the Square, Winchester.
Te l'uorumon HelloWAT.
sir.- beg to inform you that for youre | won a puf. fever from Chronic (theumatism, and was often land up for weeks together by its severe and painfot attacks. } every thing that was recommended, and was at- teile der theo was Bergens to the
Leng Maced
Fasthampton Supply
Kung bekanna Vandaba
Fac Colbert
|W kamopa |Shwe Ship | == |Hongkong||-M.Bu -Parker
Fon-chow|1.3.8g| 19 |Vavaitinen Hongkong HM 22 14 Fellow H.M.Bg-Bosne Hap-
|Whampoa |?4 Marer. Fisher
| Cantan |I.M Bg. Ot (Mandersen Hongkong Hopal | | - ]Etio
| Shanghay) (1. M. Br. 11 Mollerak
Whampoa H. M. 98 |Capt. Biz W. Blonia
Amy H.M30
Hongkong H. M
Fico Adl. Follow Lm.Walawngb
Japan 08 Loschen JU, MI | IN | Vibr
Japan 1. b)
Shangghan (1. BA) | 19 ||Kelly
Canio U. Str. |Taylor Shanghar U. 8 19 10 Walker Japan (0.8. Blace 4 Boyle LU. BUT
Vel, ship
Form, aler
sho Habartion
19 Nectaricas
Lodewyks 140 Dewing
100mborg ا?س?ا?
Hril 4 bit Dae 100 Guldager
|| Mlam ||10+ |Morrison
31 Ay
Jan 31 Jardino, N. and no
Dec New Zealand that Deat and o
-.0.5. N. C
Mard and ou
dan Franca Meguiring
VOL. XIII. No 12.
| Whaling
Nov IT Wm. Hata and coat Francia
13m Emony
Ner Mocas
Fab ange
Jan 27 Deut and co.
|100 +Oran
Jan 16 Away
Jan (3%ydney
Now W. Anthon and
Den 1 Hassell and or
|Vab ---||-gall, Still and co
Nov 19 Jardin, M. and es
dan Franche
Fah-chew-fo Jas Hartlepool
feat and an
Aor Dest and co
Dec 5 San Francisco del Landu.
Deo 31 do. Dec 24
16 Walmart and do.
Nav 11Jardine, M. and co.
WPuts and elect Ori
Tuly 15las
Sept Honkok
The Liverpool
3x 12 Fardian, M. and en
Jues 32 Iadies, M and eo.
San Franci
en France
Aan Franche
Nao Was. Anthou and to Wketing
Belts Evans AM
Dan in Doku
Chine 70s
e da Francie
Fan 93 Hallimara
ANK 19 Ch
e 6 Wagon
||Feb 1}Laboni
145 Helmets
TOW Pryce
nga Merric
Dat. 54 Mesoun
Brit. 450 Chelslam Isabellatar, barque Peru 54 y labou, Humer Hellst
Confiance, brid
Cartelo de Imiz, barque
Jan Bijkongkan
|_ J1W kampos
Deo today
Jarsino, M. and on.
Dne 3 ludray and on.
Jas IT Locy
Bac 18Jabo Bard and on.
Feb 1W.C Hunter
Nov Jardins. M and on
7 Lys, and on. Port Phillip
June 90 Mayor.Debatfer to co
Jaul J. V sorgu
Nov 21 Dent med op.
Chinese Hong Payall, Sell and on. July 4{1,. She und en
De Jardine, ki val to Des Sujeta Burd had os.
Berdasa Helavie
Feb 7 Calcutta
Pan ine. & O. 6 N Co
|Nov 17 'allas
Feb *Calcutta
Ang 2017. 11. Eudico Dec 31 Uent and co,
One ge Port M Jan 25 tolla
10% Henry
Bentang Awam, barque
Jan 19an Franco
Cantoni, slaamer
the barque
Faily Old, barque
1.angelus, barque
$30 Hutcom
Flying Dutchman, ship
Am. 1267 Hablard
John Bertram, ship
Mlane, achosNUr
Owym, bilg
Paludader, barque
Palaipher Crea
363a8 Presciece Dog
finbow "
1 France
W. Beckler Jr
Resolution, barque
29 Macassar
24 Angler & As
Keith, ship
V. Cama and en.
Najble, baryka
- V. Jorge
sửa binh Ferb, tr.
15) Har
P. & J. A. N. Ca.
Victoria, skip
Pera 199 Clock
Jan Vall
Abbotsford, barque Cervantes brig Fastan, belg Lodependence, brig ögren, barque
Bella Vascongado, ship
1. Lompagulë, barque
East Coast
Die, schooner Quelle, schooner Many Zephyr,er
Uslenial, ship
Yati Ling. barque
Arabla, bare
Confectus, sīcamer
| 4 nafncías, ship
Nemesis, barque
Dnside, ship
1. Membiko?, barque
Apes, schooner
Avista, ship
Brit 195|Nakeda *pas. 313 Zaballa Melu | 114 D'oliva
(4) Sal
949 Lewis
Brit Vincent
131 lutya
35 Judd
471 Kyrie
Amote Fletcher Dat. | 349,W=LT
Helt, 181|Garthon
Brt $10 Paucios
34 Hamilt
Km 375 Farahjelm
los Maynard Beli
Hem 406 Feldber
Jan 31 Lombok
Deo 13 Fan Vanalaos Det
Fob Hangkong
Aug 15 Singapore
Theo tanila |Nov 2: [P'at back
Dee East Coast
Honghong Nov-- de.
29|a Heard and es
12 Rumel and co
15, W., Kabinet
New York
Part Palp
A. A de Malia and cuisbes
[Nov 2-|Russell and co.
July 15 l'alt and co
- Hymn. Aloir and on Nov-jur. Mair and co Theeye, Hair and co Nav 13 Tall and so.
Nov-Toll and to Jan 21 Telt and es. Noval and on.
1- de.
Det erdies, and e Feb Jurdine, H. and es. Jan 11ient aid co.
Pan 17 Hongkong
Not Ningue
Dec 20 Liverpool Lian of Hongkong
Chow do
New York Hombay
Went Todies
Wasi ladies
Doo 2 net and co.
Dea 13 Jardjes, M. and ca. Navy reall
Hess and on.
Liverpool Dreamerald Grom&c Liverp
New York
Hall. Nye awd ca.
A. Heard and co
D-W. Davida
Jan 21- slowki, H. and co langle
Nav Japan
Headacher Dannebrog, barque Daniel Rambarqua
Whamp Honghong
2: and c
15/Joka turi and co
1N, Oana nað no.
Foederick VII, brig John Wood, ahly
fohn Hard and
M, Aswan and co.
Lady Mary Wood, sir.
450 Jamieson
* N. co
Iona, schooner
147 OW
1 Fardhe, M. and as
Nymph, brigantine
Den and on.
20 Pape
Ningper. Vg
- De Vuineous
Jean | II. H�?Lo Loschee U. B. N
Shangkas Nous Pg 52 apt. Unkefsky HB4 Kuk
Beatriz Catherine
Cornelios Smit
Hart Oct
Rubaak L'ornalias Wernard Edward Dumfries
town; bat obtained na relief whatever, and fearing thegmy health would be entirely broken up. Į wan in- duced to go into our County Hoeplial, where I bail the beat medical treatment the Institution afforded, all of which provel of no avall, and I came out no better than I went in. I was then advised to try your Pills, | Gealing and by persevering with them was perfectly cured, and roubled to resume my occupation, and although a conn derable period has elapsed, I have felt no matum, what- ever of the complaint.
1 am, dir, your obedient Servant.
Oct. 6, 1839. (Signed) W. MOON.