Government Gazette | 政府憲報 | 1852



VOL. II. No. 1.




PRIOK $18 pe 16 13 ma

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION in the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum. 15 Dollars, payabla in adrancs, quarterly or otherwise, at aptlan. Single Numbers.93 descan


- Communiations for the Zaklar will be forwarded if left with Ty mn, Sindioner No. 895 Quandi Boat -fourth bruse mat of the Oriental Bank, whers sperm soplar af tåle Paper may also be obla?iai. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Tan lines and under, 1 Dollar; ad ftional, to centeline. Repetitions ons-third of the arc insertion. Ships. - First Insertion, 1 Dollarus exbsequent insertione 48 contig

Advertisements to hate wiltsm on the face of them, the number of times thay are required to appear, wiher wiss shay will be pablaned until countermanded. Full sharga made for reposition of any Adverikomanija

in the OyeLED





N? of the PexIMPULAN AND

Steam Ships will leave this for the shove places on Friday the

Bish of January.

Cameo will be received on board mill & e. m. of

· 28th, and * mature ubil Noon of the 20th

0.0 EDMOND, Beperintendent

P. & 0.8. N Co. Oflen. ?longkong, Blet December, 1881,


THE Tenk built, copper fastened


LE Begiver, now at anchor in the Harbour. For particulars. Apply 10,


East Point, Victoria,

4th August, 1861.


THE A. 1 Prusino Bark "FRIED.

RICH BOEHM" Cap F. Wo Pisa will sail for the above port on or sion: the 1st of January.

For Freight or Pasengo apply im

MEYER, SCHAEFFER & Co. Hongkong, 19th November, 1881.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE 6+ British Ship "CONSTANT," 636 To- Register, Captain Cooma, nograpitched for the above poil on

Manuary west.

Fireply in

JOHN BURD & Co. #Chiseober 201k, 1851..


and Grounde of " Glaoraly."

ber particulare apply at the Of

Dany & Co.

cember, 1851.


on the Bouth side of Gungh ly scampied by Mr J. G.



ER or separately, those four situated on Lit 90. two ot Maling a frontage de Hollywood Ben Grogh Street.

Apply to


amber, 1881.

Abraman Josepa Biely, *Victoria duenasci.

jag any claima on the rheos Finessed to "forward" the same

vouchers to the undersigned

??Indabted to the Estate are also

Jonnie of their deble respectively

day of March azul.


Administratg to the Batala Desember, 183t.


ICE R. BELL is authorized

rm by procuration. J8TABLE, WOOD & Co. Ade?ler, 1851,


admitted Mr FRANK KOOP

Jie Firm.

A. LUBECK & Co. October, 1951.


| DAVID BASSOON in this day

Partner in uur Firm.

NOTICE TN consequenes of the retirement of Mr. OHABLES |

HARD, the firm of WILKINSON & Sanpuus has been dissolved, and, in future, will be signed in liquidation waly. The other partegre in the late-Dark, Bra(Mr. Alpand WILEI, Conion and Messrs | DANIBLE. DIGimson & Co. London) will com timur the business under the Style of ALPRED WILKINSON

Canton, 18th Desember, 1851.


JUST OPENED AND PORBALE, (ELECT Batches of vary superior old Gilsolivat Whiskey in bottle-Dark und Pale Bewly follande Gin-Cordial ditte, Fine fruity Puit

Golden, sad Pile Sheries,London bot Blow ad Porter, Batu' Pale Ale do, de, Home Five Baked Balasa (u Jaro

MOEWEN & Co Hongkong, Queen's Rand, 80th Brpt, 1851.

Ex ** Land o'-Caxie."

UR CARR LUCAB is admħied a Partner in UBT landed an umorimunt of very superior

our Firm from 12th May 1851.

MACKERTOOM & Os, Canton, 18th Augost, 1881.


THE Interest and responsibility of Mr Rustvate Papion Razminaros in our co

on the let alumo.


Bombay, Laugar, 1851.


THE undarsigned bare formed a népartnership for the Lasecting of a Garabar Communion Bustrans at Singapore, under the style of WOL

COTT & Co.

JAMES H. ADAM9, from Boston, WILLIAM DRETER from Hamburg, DENRY G. WOLCOTT of the fro ??WOLCOTT, BATES & Co., Sborgkas

and Canton.

Blogapore, 1st April, 1851. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN AGENCY,

CITY OF WASHINGTON, ?INDER the Direction of Aaron Hatent Pal's PE, of New Tork, Gunanellor of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Director of the Inte Amerious and Foreign Agency of thet sig, and WORTHINoron Gameetroon Sweters, of Now Orless, also a Counsellor of said Court, and lele Buliaitor of the United States General Land (Mon. This Establishment is formed for the following objects:

1. For conducting Profrasional business in the Supreme Court of the United States, and the pro- secution and recovery of Claims against the Ame rican Governme

3. For Colletions generally, embracing Debte, Legacies and Laheriancas in the United States and the adjacent British Possessione

3, far the Purchasing of Land in any of the States or Territories of the Union, and Lorning Moneys on Moriguge of Real Estate lying therein;

4. For Investment of Foods in ?nited States, and States Socks and Louna, und, generally, for the transaction of all business portaining ve Law, Loan or Banking Agency.

All Communications addressed, post paid, to Mero, Palmier & Snothen, American and For. eign Agency, City of Washington, will morire prompt and fübfef attention.

PALMER & SNETHEN, Office of American and Foreign Agency, 5. Carroll Plate, Capkali (titl, UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY 1830-52

HE half yearly Gemaral Meeting of the Shere. 1holders in the shots Society, will be held m the Office of the undersigned on Saterdag, the 10th | January, 1889, #1 2000.

DENT & Co. Becretarios.

Hongkong, 30th December, 1881.


HE undersigned, having been appointed ?�gable -

??for the above Odios, are prepared to affect fu- sorances against Gre, on Buildings and Goods, In Canton and Hongkong, including merchandise in native Packhou.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Ca Canton, 14th August, 1851,

FOR SALE DALTIC Timber and ("lanka, ?"Brindy in moku and coom,

Vinegar be ensku.


Scotch Tweeda.


Queen's Bond, Victoria, 22nd November, 1961



PLL and Ointment i


Extet of a letter, dated Madras, June 10, 1886. F. 4. Neti. E+q ich Light Coralry; Que poty Assistant Quarter Marter General of th Army.

To Profano Holloway.

I have much pleasure in wilding w testimony to that at the many who have crstified" the exilence of your Obstment, but my obje?al addrawing you in, chicây, to draw your atten

??means by which its valeo ma?, i think, bojama still more generally apprecised and applied.

In this couarry there is a disosan callet Pinea (frum Betriot, cum); it sommelery and prevaili je [ibe gremist extent during tho talny wrother; ? se confined, I believe, exciumvely to Butora. A paka- denizabla sasorum ni of Bartz, rollerted | able Horse of mint caught it in a murah dariq? po A chiefly on the Coasts of Ceylos and the Mau- | Alonsoon ; all the metal remedies ware appliaci

vin; indeed in a diceuse which I have never MCEWEN & Co, geen eured, for when once taken il sain kecodjas rooted in the constitution. Icabinelf by legs foul angry sores over all parts of the body eight months my Home bad kopecially bad, hang | had_trea large sores en bu futu luga,


Queen's Road, Victoria, Tih November, 1681.

FOR SALE. THE Bong Ale Palont Ventilating elegant full Dress Hat, an article comblaing gentility with e mfort and economy, and never surpassed in adaptation to a warm climate.

MoEWE!& Ca

Agents Queen's Road, Victoris, Brd October, 1851. JUST RECEIVED ??"ROBERT SMALL" PRESU Haws and Chauen.

congface of Assortel Biationery.

LANE, CRAWFORD & Co. Hongkong, 10th Dra. 1851.




Ex "Land ofʻ-Cagm," Pale Ale,

Martella Pulo and dark Irundy, Superine Old Tom,

Pat Sherry.

Table Forks and Spoons,

Wellington Boots,

Oxford Shoes (stout,)

Hand toilet glasen, Day books and Ledgero, Who Casimete,


Letur Diaries for 1962,

Lady's and Gentleman's Black, colored, and

white kid gloves, in good order. Murryak's Bignals Latest Edition.


Victoria, 17th November, 1851.

|UBT receivad par "Ronert Busta." by ike


Finn Glenlivet Whiskey,

Palo Bherry.

Do. Alr, Bus',

Pilot Cloth Pen conto.

Tambe wool, Worated, Cutton and Thread


Redge and Sons' Penknives and Razors. Rodgers Table cutlery.

Dish Cowere in pasa.

Powder Baska,

Bhot Belts-double sud single.

Liber Cigar Cases,

Cofer mite

Price's Wax Candles.

Alo per OVERLAND an assortment of Gold well adapted for Christmas and New Year presents pencil estos and penholders and a few articles

ROWIA & Co. Hongkooth Desember, 1851.

FOR SALE. Exmount Sanden." [ESSRA SMITH & BRISELOW havo re-

ceived by the abova vessel, - Prime Wiliakie Cheese, Prime_York Hame, Blohm Raleika, Jordan Almonds, Prenah Oliver, Ryal Standard Vinegar made entirely from_Mali, Beperior Port, Sherry, Claret and Muscatel Natal and Military Saure Worcester and Royal Wina, &o,.

Zest Hat ce, French and English Povs, Preserved | Apply to,

Meno of very description. A. LUBECK & Ca Hongkong. 14th August, 1951.


ENGLISH and Dutch Bheuthing Copper of ali




September, 1851.


also Nells, by

ANTHON & Co. Wongkong, In October, 1850


N Invoice of Superior Java Co?be, and Man

Ti Ale and Stout, in 4 and 6 Down Cake

RAWLE, DRINKER & Co. Hongkong, 815 Septrume,, 1961.

of the undersigned will, from this, or Flear de Sillery Com

tied on under the firm of BiLRY



per French ship NICOLAJ _GE-

palgo, in cos doyan Cases, at the Godowns of

W PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong, 2d December, 1851.



An Involer of Buationery.

Per late Arrivals

at fourth Laow your advertisement in the and thought that, if the Ointment diato much for weaklod there was no reason why then, &c. should not equally benefit by H, The St did wwoders, and three or four cured the plicia în six weeks. (The writer further states, "chat{from the Horas having bison tumad", u arte appeseed ge one of the old places, but this is rapidly giving way to the Oil)" I real, bir

Your oblici serenn?,

F. SCOTT, Pth Light Cavalry. Theon truly invalsible medicines cai be pr cured at the "B?tablishment of the Undersk. in rickly runneuted Boxes and Pule toga,

with Directions for the Guidance of Patients al

to each Box and Pot.

_J. M. Da BILY) Quend's Hood, Tigh


The fit,


Fosterede, Mode


PHE undersigned an established a large B4

KRY, and guarantees to supply my quati

ty of CABIN and SHIP BREAD at abort s Lice


Finn Navy BRHAP.....................?j onda per l?. PILOT BREAD,... warranted to keep for Six Mathelo say Clients. Comtenets entered into with Departemente, Come meudais of Veseli, &c. for regular supplies. |- THOMAS BUNE, Oth November, 1831



gentlemon thoroughly acquainted with the fres- conuule business of the United States (endind ing California; le desirous of obtaining a situation na h-are of businem; or would take a shapo aq

an selive partner in any firms with which he could make sutable arrangements. +

For particular address to Lawwaz at the Oljke of ible paper.

Friod of Chine Office,

Victoria, Hongkong, 12th Dre., 1851.

FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. CITITCHED copies of a Review of the Trader Shanghas, 1850, as printed at the Office of t NORTH CHINA Herald. Price Aftycents.


Chine Ofen, 19th October, 1951.


| ESSRA SMITH & BRIMELOW will sell by

YESORAS AUTHIN, on Tronday the 6th ine's


at their God was Queen's-Roodyat 11 6ʻzlack 2. Na for the benefit of the concerned, a fem Spain,

Two Bakes, 27 pieces of Buckskinn, more ut les damaged by vas water.


One Hoore Boat and a quantity of other mel chandira.

TRAMS OF SALR--Cash before delivery

in Merion Dillers. Thongkong, 2nd January, 1852


Public Stent in Bonie, Campbell's Edinburg). | "THE kusiness of the Undersign?d from this dere

| Pale Ale in Bottle, Peme Stat in Hogshenc folgen's Pale Ale in Hogebend, Superior" Pon Sherry, Kuglich Borled Claret, Champagne. Toch Maude Dark and Pale Brandy, Urated Vir, yarı Ching-ny's Brandy, Glenlivet Whuky, Ond Tow

Rum, de, dec, all in excellent order

Nie | & £ Waosman's Buildings, Mongkong, 9th December, 1858.


od 130 Chare of Superior Holland Gia. "hich tiếfy offer at a low figure.

Hongkong, 9th December, 1851.

will be conducted und rice Firm and Style of ORANDAO & Os, and Mr Joað. Bertuka

· Gomas and Mr Jonu Purneamaica, sem ode in @ Partnära löstein.

ANTONIO C. BRANDAO, Canton, J. Januety, 1851


PHE Juterest and Heapsnsibility of the le Horronzer Honnusjan Gamajak cenand und Krua-mirez Rcoreazza Gamazan in admitto(r) Partner in our Fitm from this day.

RUTCONJER HORMUJJZE CANAJER & Co. Chaton, Ist January, 1843



To the Biber of the Prano or Chi

Huezone, 30th Devrimber, 1851. DEAR BIR

As the Chure cooks are said to averl in the colinaty on, a friend of mine in Edinburgh has sent me the schoopaying, and checking ita poklication


have intended to discontinue at end of the part year, we shall be obliged by tilt, voturulag - the sand at once, no a guide to ạo l? tầh puripides- tion of receipts for farther ubacijdona,

lu o apare quines a your widely circulaird journai | Wu furnish, in the premot admber, a coft: 1ems may prove of a man pubbe internet in Chian, the parative English and Chiam Calendar for iba' Ludwormer is good su te wagu, da. (Ne Beer allowed, except on the oly.) I send it to you. More over the Chitres are ove nader the partieatur jalange of Haysky in England, on that sa amigration heres of eneks is certain of being suc comful, specially familien sizing a lot of doogbbers, borcing the eccentricite al the Faibe:

--Bat to the point =...


skdesaariss of kle, can only

This was to carry & Proyal Emma peony to

slung the whole of the ses front, as they hang Shan remitting to Eng. si Mecao; whereby the aity" would be greatly beautified, and most efficient asset inco sea liz- Fekeý had been paid lat

The following extrant from a latter ad tem.: sed by our respected friend Mr Gurd?n, the late Surveyor General, in adfikun to it cation of the love the enluny said senco of an officer who wanh hyun bis propositions being effectent affords deigile stioli mey provisi whatever may now be determina

gafars mataad of Englished to soch a misomma! Qody as our Miliny Quell have got for every one

Fire Brigade postule paid into the Bank bore 4117 current your, (1858), which would have been and if klou which they will have got s delivered apart from the paper, had we'poi been made aware, by the receipt of a press to the rate of 4-6 per Mexican dollar tatious copy, that an Anglo Chinese Caloudare's published rate.) But we are wander ing into the mang? of exokanga operations and already on sale at the slice of nur Coatempor.

ournanny, wing wo should be writing of the ary of Ge Mud. The Maifa Calendar is a beau-iful specimen of silluminated printing, and fear the misery it has caused; having been noor, we are sure, will think of purchasing led to do so, however, with the intention of aid gore at four per dolar, unlem they like the ar- rangement better, Car Calendar is will be seen delers train the fail's in several parole We call 1832 the first and second youre of the dynasty of, mut of an Emperor by the man ol, Hirnfung. We give the phases of the Moon

to avert the ungenerous impression that others are apparently de-irces of insinuating.

His Breathnay, we are alan told, twisted what had been rid of the bora kality having been þu nest of outlaws, and gave no heed to repre- sentation of the prominent fact that the tons proposing to pullah the times of bigir paternal Government of China always reit wator, and casings ami setting of the vụn, actuzte for a time unt acopines of serinús cal. heretuilure, m each surcet thing imar. Tiara >1]ainity-the land tap specially someibing in the Mafe Calendar about an ingen be by gones, Lithoongwen, year-Basel

>Thai part of the Lavar Biznefit ana beach, will, I am convincal, bi

gras were it rabatumtially built I am decu diy plates that it should be resieved and file .. let or Eurogen ware happy ; that lipo bring fronte in fat sou valuable de lappal Tur paði Chices Sheps

I prepon that Fylki Boadmap aban topla

po | the spice lugavas the ses and.

In by uw private prípstry of the Qurang

| mod that they should bare premisaja

scalery noon, we observe, which our makes. Let remembrance of the ill for the vendance of faming chint to mention of The Mail is wrong. The deeds that and ween perpetrated in it be brim, the right of charging what he pu Chinese have no interrotary mecah in theinen in its subven. Te true that in Shoongwun

** Winar? žirneliaidy a good plain Cook-å gen- clamat a lower residing in London whose family as borne or salots of himself can daughtern, and a son, hos roquia party to Rakaburgh, so engagumim a cook_} ereduca are on follows -

**The ir man you may make are shown, ifl? to £16 the your a burling on her charseter su cork (we

??pity Chu ??giris don't make cookg!) tea and sugat el- dijenal, bars,though I ssmont prevent her having it. ma a cuch we kept on top and the house vald has the key of it. Becuos jo d'up, and if dhcharge! by us within 12 months her espouws paid back, but uni të ple learn of hat own free will. the well here she alternate Bandays to go out, the dưa being oboma veven haurs. but not more than oichi bears, and seranged between ber and the humanus id. As a omeral rule I have no company on the Saúday to dinner. Her ducim will be to cook a plain jolas, game, and poulựy, and the usat perce of procal ow, all is a proper manner oleo la makuan C?lal", pia er ??udding of paste and so be able to learts If she dom na: already know, tow lo moku a entry, a custard, ami a jdly, to keep the dining- room in ander, lane the kontson boute, and sho Khould the dining-remo be the pmerať sicións from, the housemaid will hơn tako cħenge of te, wat put ocher-

Is a spirit of very commendable, gympathy way. The was glog la put vai but she will have to wool her own ethen, end du klicken einiks, There

some of our citigens met, at the Victoria The are other little actors in omestlag the homemold but to talance melon Piusly my client daughter in are, on the morning of Wednesday last, with the nistrom, though I am Feway smer her, that lay Id

avowed is tention of devising some means for ibra dhishly bicunly through the medium ef my daughter, at 4 tần sốngbust poorplslut from her of relief of the several thousands of Chiness, who,

civility from Barvani wili ho followed by cartelo

from a state of comparative comfort, are new deninga á sumayyabla, versgået will led the plan a good der, and my hours are not fatumaridom uperhouseless, and, by the late disastrous tire, ng Eleven 'eleckas tight, sud duưng dewa un kreak fot

of them bereft of the appliances with which st? pista. "dionor compulyata P. 1."

Apply personally the files of this paper, they have hitherto obuiued a hvelihood. He North British Advertiser, "inburgh."

J. Kördshijshe Bishop of Victoria, being presses,

?was called on to provide, and, after a little de??bate, it was revived that some thirty of the onmmunity abould be onwinsted a committes, with whons should be vested the power of di.


Jaked me



I am Dove dile your's_truly-




., advich Island Nov, 10


Nor. Lebano

Nr. 171 in ga para

Nov 14 MANDA




No 1 Norpa

next year.



parties weing them.

All the persons who have altusly intlang po -- staat Mylde Lots are willing binari ons this plan, and to pay a propisalminthe ex pense. In some cua n the gʻantity of Jaiji:aft they would gain nder dednotng tâm Fily (80) fest within I believe in so we cage, wold the re

each on Lets already gragadguid ja

st the same rate us for tha" ?ãột

they do gila they would at

dwelt the lumpback wretch who fitted out the | piratical-squadron that ploodered and barnt the British Vesels Carolina vid Umeg on the coast in 1947, sad who then mordered our fortunate country Macfarlsos, Chamber lain and others in cold blood-blood you unavenged-there two lived is noturid procures who negotiate with Homation husbands in the sale of their wives to be bound in abalan of the most horrible state of aluvery that can be thought of-thers the meeting beam of the Tried Bonisty -the white pigeon lattery banne-the labyrinthine bowers where desperato snugglers and blood thirsty murderers 'hold thole" opgion. They existed until they had all found defenders even


front at thees Matine Kanta mot uch can be do diffealty, for they may with'n slawma binding der juzel

potti of the on wall

painu | Shee mansion d

Prags, it, we the Cradle

the onset it is of courag som


Miles th?nh m�?


in the event of advf-taugt dhe


The expanse I believe. Olgti 12, covered by.

Dee. Loing whatever might n-pene most seemly to be song civilmad fussanity ??but the messure of ??Thirtriss Dollaro pay-hibitje makunyu

Dee. Ju

Dee, 23

done. On the following day a danas <[iniquity was full-and the offended majesty of

bosvon dourged that another, your qu?mid not, four of the body wahert on flie Exd?rmany-se DeGovarner, to ascertain in what way Gover open on its existence. Sowongwa here

gating, amongst other things, we are told, that, other to regret about the circumstanem at ment would operate: the deparation, sug. | your requ'am 1-If there le angles more than kan







4 Sunday



Fines) Beta tamaa.

642 57,47 7.30 9.49 8987,00) 17 6,43 599 831 | 9.69 6,30 || 036 || 9.46 Full Moon, on the 7th, at 1.45 " ??


Fegards the further proceedings



the filing in, which amat bo i dit Mitte EVN ALLA exovvu d from the late at the cupidly side of the and for nearly the whole nude,

wal repay dan prina ste plakared by mening devi cães

Lungpasado ma je be

land for building, sint chướn tion of beta-baloinen

B sure odly le

1930s degtor of, naik building Etresa."


to denule the Bon d?te as to which we have

rison's suggestions, whicni

and arendused among tin, t

posed, that the bëridi? whit

to encourage the Choose tá?rübuild and marilo, Į your desiruction, it is that the lives of English- the ground rout should be bamittat for can year, betoon should have born lyst to the soilentður in We certainly agree with Erenlency moveis year vzletoncomes which were countering that in mich remission of rent in worth hang wan-on and to oad, required to induce. Chienge to rebuild, if the ??Elseg over. ? old Leasebokieer will cordó it, than cabees in whom they may amiga Apygg, jkin, whlets, bad as landed property general, Victoria, de oidedly holds a premiumantle locality of the dis- lity isʼaniel so ba Boven Tääramisk; and, in nater. As to the nther reasons assigned för net some future lasso, we shall përtage'be able to complying with the depa'ation's request we hold furnish a statement of shale remptotra modna somewhat of a differunt opinion. The Govers of obtaining a livelihood. Despite the annoume ment ground reat on the lots bald by the Chinese foot that but few have yet gone to the sufferers for one your, under $700, and, to Coverageant Shasis for comfect, there is a great remit payment of it, would bear but a lipil?neer | deal of minory; in we ono saitily from a finto the bight Wideity between points two per cent on the aggregate salaries of thog | instaubes that have been brought to our notes. 10. A good of the inblý byjebenst Cedrial and resulens Diploma luulonstric(r) Maggi appastics are deadener "hy this severe who draw from the Civil Trenury the set loses of thu suflorers. Give them a day or two £150 and ups andyanıtally ;. His Expolleney's to router from the effects of pianis.and there proporties being less than a hundred and 6ty will I so want of applicants for Rice, Fish, corpen of the lamented Liew, Lug have been pune, pot filthat the grand tool required. and other of the Bounties of the sharitab'y die discovered among the reine.

It is a libel on His Excellency's in-wa chapaveri. actor for generosity to supporo, for a mome?t, that such a paltry amount, from ac lar?o mar iby. en, would be withheld, if good remaded wars shown for the giving of it.

Maria to be forwarded, by H. M. 8. Sp?yn, to Shangham and Ningpn, close, at the Phat Offer, at 30 p. 1, a Wednesday the Tib instant.

Lieutenant Wilnom nesú thn Arcillary men ara Improving, we hear, Parts of the dimnambered

We have some interesting intelligence re garding the Chinese rebellion, and, in reply to enquirice, are 'old that Governor General Ben is at th wit's and at Kow-chow-fon, for nine days having been without any kind of sc. com to the surrounding country, to that he Manda a fair choice being starved into sub- mission to the Thèm is dynasty. A tros Tartar

would cut bis thej

., or jump dowa

well, ra.

There is, however, are reason for being cautious in ordering a mulet from the salaries of our Government off ala than people are perhaps aware of for, it ma-i be born in ind, that, the period when salaries were fighthe Hoge

is a depreciated enin, what prived agnati Spanish dollars, in salaries were ginally paid, time of the Government vaste who do not spend all their wages la

??We give the âgures, which will bê be?ter undne


Leaving maltors of this kind, luwesar, 16 the olive cortions of the Committed (of win??|-wa karo, indirectly, been told wo are alan ap- pointed,) we would now urge on the attention

those whom interests are more or lose ateitablity of using Government to par terapped in the jumperity of the soillonnál, the emptorily put a stop to all beilage until a better plan for a Chinese town has badn de-



rains should el soon be some

however, an fit would be severler her z

10 of them; aand from plain-soala

Mg a chanɲer sulfiture.

vlug n për le

of het of trentago Thie can opplly

mandy making. Tapingahon Market --Who we liavo no doub

feet of wes fromage which, jing to give up that sectioni

does the mad loading from ses, and on which to ben (between two afittima,

her than yield; bi? Sou has Chinase blood in Gargident as payable in sterkey,whiqevised. Mr J. G. Morrison, who' lait more than | hall womb) eqturæ pêlinaslay -

him, and will doables kiauld Lord and Kaster a great way for bar balore he does any thing of the hind. Son's conduct has been apple of mystery for some time past; even to soch wooderfully clever people se our Contem- poraries of the M?�d and Register, and their re- spootive lights.

We had intended to wrbo for the amusement, ¦

or the lameft, of nor readers must rapporten, a very extensive New Ycarb address, as it in camry for Editors to do, we believe; bot than comfortmunte fire, into wh oh we have gone rather deeply in other colonia, har poi a stop 10 all och intentions, and of good frienorts muda'en be content with will for deed." Bom of the sentiment, mtende l to be expres sod, will, du klem, on our before many weeks pass over. To sam up in brief, we beg, to return thanks for all-pasi lavones, and pledge oorrelves to an endeavour to merita con- tinuance of them. Moould say, with this first son, receive copies, when it way be that they

and by a reference to the lint-la one last focus. ` Block 13. No. I

Block 1.??

24 100 $100 1200

to the landing plaốn

shan Markai": Méling.

shiny tenements, and a rental of some of £500 per year we believe, has already submitted ble to run. This Proff, viawa on the salient to the Surveyor General prepared on a voale de 400 With the main details of his "plag' there is ¦ will be noor, in la no reason to find hull. There and oppositiode the watag ng grounde to the artying "it aut, however, which can only be overcome by an Ae1 ol Parlament, or the ready consent of those holding sea front of twenty five to thing

seholds. The plan i? the same up thai | the sweaning a pangu dovisus, by Sir Nemy Pattiger, and which frontage of storage one would have been carried out, had that gemle- | in the refr of this shilhar man retained the Government of Hongkong at the extremities, 32{leja Mr Burd's Escños 2:1) 1·9,9 | for a short time longer; weasly the wiselp of ibe From the junction in the

Acident merchants interested having fallen in | reduce the prosess

-feet, and serin"

(less Mis Morrison's Poncian jobs 4 U



44 0 0

10 0 0

The Bank's ratio w porchlight hillų in Londen 4. 183 one | ul a crescens z Täht bih in London 443 per Meslem dotie se Miglia | towards 25 jak,

Te mike, the abere more intelligible we give the felinta

tre; landing

ára, 2100, what wild wide at 4 di puschen Anover | quirements of e!! |


Total annual Rose $310 pa


dha pulsins of some Cibati-Germania wo learn.

Dineper mens proman të bie mališaty vocabaney w

??hafið geich

zen granted, then allot to them plots in th Hver locality.

(From the Telegraph and Courier, Oct. 99) We beg to direct the attention of no Native Traders and coot mporaries to the following ex- iract from the Friend of China's overland Sum mary regarding the mode of administering and arenting Justice in the Celestial ampire. Pome of our Nativo friends apook disparagingly of British Tule, but we work! -k such, under what other ralu would the Dalives of ludiu enjoy equal quiet and protecting 1 Woul our friends wish British rute suspended, and Chincoe laws and a cargo wi Mard los imported to meet any emergencies which may arise during the holidays upon which wa have just entered1 Here in China in the 19th century. Buah collblooded butohery and wantost serise of human life must eventually, and per- kape apeadily, bring the dynasty under which they are perpetrated to lose and the sooner the bat


FOLLOWING this remark the Editor re-published that column of our isme No. 74 of September last giving a precis of head cotting in Canton during the month of August,



** of Spain. But the most remarkable bonus | to hang mo, here's a protry tren¬do ir like room. I came next gong at the es no time nevar o d?d s the allotment of half the purchase vary to the The threatered to resist the Sheriff, but made no the kick could not have been much, for he kicked English holder of Sp?�mình bonds.

altempt to. The party reschel town yesterday | from behind 108; la neuld a clerk around before It is sold that lord Fatineraton dislikes these forenoon, and all the way in, the prisoner inaleted | me ; Cogsell made no threw 9; Ethink it was the Termo. Credot Judae

upon saking a drink it every bar on the road. Ele | larch (1ope on the edge of the sail) so much us any. We do not know how fut the into explosion in was quiely osudurted to jail, without any effort on thing that knocked him off ; it arrick one. Cuba and New York will affect tieto negotiation; the part of the eigens to rescue him from the hande Ths. Johnamn, 40 min, #worn-Bays ha ba, zeording to our authority, it will make no dif. | of the police. He is new, of zouzen, in the linada | was at the wheid, mid the jard arm spoken of was ference, General Lopes, the English bondholders, ofthe Unitedtates authorities. - Ibid Nor. 2.


and other others in Ruomilal parties, having boon an- maged in the organusion before the untoward event recounted also whata, occurred si. Hamını-Ibid. Nov. 6.



US District Court.-Before H. B. Jonus, Cout


Doggell, the second inate of the Challenge yraneday araigued on ilus charge of cuidarag??Foilor mutued Stivens un the high moan, when the foll wing testimony was given i

over his head ; the oil was flying shout, fim bil- ing, than bucking, und karkód the man eil ; had kick Stevena

good view at iba yard, but did not von Coggell

Nick, soulher seauan, was -gamized, and wil be on the two men fall from leb yard, but knew nothing wise.

On this evidance Coggell was discharged from

George Hill, senme, we sworn and is fed tancussion of murder and was he'd in bail for am asosult me his condunt was improper and unjno- Duggall's watch was sent up to take in the

tíðable treatment of Stevens during a gal. The Drizza lap sail-Bievena smong the number ; a pur

amount of bail was left to be sued akar enomina. tion of us went out on the yard arm, the rest and into the quarter of the yard as olone assboy could;wo other wariante ous at the instance my the wind was blowing ??gule, not a bard one; the Duuglass the featur, for muting, and the other mate ng out from below to lay nut on the yards faded to the easily of the Mari

ne the instange of a sénman, for onsmult, waril which


We learn from Denon lesture of the 22nd ukima,

Capture of Douglas.-Yesu eday forenson crowd praveil along Kratny street, through the city. It was announced that Douglass, maio of the Cual longe, and beso caught, and the citizens rusheds Trois mil quarcere, following the pissoner to the Country Jail. He was lo the hands of theri Jack Hayo, deputy, sod sight or alun pulicomen. He was cuplared on the road to Sea J., about ten mile from ibo chy. He was lying dowa asleep in a ore horse cart, with two companions, and then pick up the soil; Caggelt gave orders to trim intention was to drive him to Monteroy by last oven-

the yard ; the mate sang out for us to pick up the thick seil didn't know what we were waiting for, and ing if possible, where he was to take the steamer in

saked Coggull why he did rat keep the tons of Panama. We are informed by the Sheriff that ne was taken by judge Corbett. The party who took

be on the yard, and if he did nut be would that the iteriew of the Trope had just boon com. pleto), and that Major General Blaveley, C. B., him numbered there; they wore on burssback. coms up anil kick big off Berens and eles to When they rode up the two man in the cart jumped

gon on my right, Cornell on my left; Berens and expressed himmelf highly pleaped with the mate of disci, line of the entire brigade. He had out, and one of the capturing party sprung from

was'steding on Ibe funt rupe almat two-thirds of

keno gutertained at the Men of the Mich King's On his horse jumped in and threw a sisa around the way out; a minute or two before Coggell klee armis and shouliters of the prizones before he was

ked Stevens a men fell of the yard arm lots the herning of the 19th, and qonted Dress on the following erwing onder ??enlute of thirteen guns, Walary minute or two after this the mail ovme after fairly awake. Resistance was talked of by the two

weather during the moath had been very trying companiona, but nothing was done. Judge Corbett the heads of all on the yard, and twu fell, sus of after having been at the station three days. The scola memenger immediately to the olty for Bheritem, Stavene, into the water, the other on the

and pickly-hant extremel, o prranea. Plunder Hays The messenger strived about one o'clock deck; both of them were killed; it was a milonte of

two after Coggell kicked Slovens b fare be, Bevybitwing had seen experienced on several og yesterday morning, and the Bhariť and poses viat

carioca, with houry ahowers of ratu of shirt dure- led out to bring the prisoner into custody, l'here can, fell: we were foбug thì mận top an??now; the largest (all du any accsolom being (4 of on the Jarboard yard arı | Coggelt said, when the Gral mau fill, if the yard to ma inmund well an inch. The full of ins morin was 323 inches,

were about bity sailors onthe road in panuli of him. He was considerably intoxicated" when taken When the party who were to take him into towa came up, he mids. "Ini Chaugles-my name

Douglass among enitors, soldiers, und gentleman, I whipped 'em and I'll whip 'em again." Buber quently he said:

all be knocked off; Unggeli kicked from beind mo: Stevens made us cry.

Cressexamined-We went up by the mare's or date the wind was blowing a gun; that said was Well, gentleston, if you wainging great deal, and whipped wear our bendes


(From the Weekly Alin Califor· sia, c. 21)

(From the North China Herold Dec. 20)

One or two sborura altempla Wn bawa bren favoured with the following ex- have been made to establish a je tries from a fetter dated Ningpo 18th December, gular monthly was communica which soudeme sundry reports that have been car tlon with the Hawanan Island,

-nt bere during the past lon dayo:-

The value of those islande to thin *Business bare is extremely dull from the heavy count, their present In-p-lance to iho American whaling interest, barier tractions at your place, and the fact of a Casion rétaticul -el belog close to this. The pl and the promective magnitude rates have given out that they are coming to this they are likely to so ume in the Elvre and Chirghai, either to plunder of receive damnerce of the Pacific, render a Tansom. The people are sending their families and connection with themby steam a valenties into the country wad are in a great fer-highly desirable obje i Dita","

At the request of the Mandarins, Her Majesty's Brig Contest has been detained here for a wok, and may be so langer."

At Singkong (a place in Ubasan) to the South

of Blackwell passage, an engagement took place on Randay ist, between the 3lendarine and she pirate Junka, (13 in number.) when nine of the former were taken, partly it is asid through treachery, The Ningpo and Shanghae deeta never fred a shot, It is also sold that your Taowai is coming hate to try and selido matters."

The above is taken from the Chia Wail of Thursday, and confirme the report in our lent. We have not got received our copy of the North-Chios Harald from which it le extraalad.]-Ep. F. or C.

(Pre Da?y Alta California Oct. 23.) Arrived Get 22 - Her Maj-sty's ship. Dadala, Cant, Wellesley, from Port Cherande, Ushring's

Birits, Oct 19



But it

has been urged that the present

ante of unde, and our relations

with that kindo a de aut dem B1,

and carequenily will em support,

a monthly line ramers. We are

not prepared to say positively that that opinion is wrong, but owun love its anlation to the active and experienced marchinte who fully onderstand that trade, its magní. tude and its value. Billl, we bevo no do doubt, that if the busine will not sport monthly line, it will well remunerato a commi. mication onos in twa month And, even if we could have but one Blenmer a quarter, the commerein eommunity and the country qon.

lyull be immense genre. Lis grifying, theref iv, 10 he informed upon rafelde authority. Santa 17 "bad" 7e in foot which peomuude to s?dure to wu tha Br great has in the gigantic enter price of storm navigation from thiê coast to China. And walls, with infinita plens ro, that the Hon, Selim E. Wa?�dworth will probably be adlected to command tha Arai atentship which amers

UrBskip Detalus, Copt G 0. Wathalley, from Port Clarence Bebrip 'a serafin, Oet 3, mis ried in bury and a chared at 34. top teled from Valparaiso last sypany, To visit the provision which is kept at Port Clare, as depot and paint of succour, in "as either Sir John Franklin's Expedition of the other rrows in resick of his should be obliged to quit sheir ships and take to their host, The Darrived on the edge ni the iep. (which was then eine to St. in this promising trade. Mr. Lawreno Island.) in the middle of Jone, when she Wood worth has been long a realid

Brod to the fell In with a Lirge foel of balera principally ent of this country. Americans, waiting for an opening to procede, ha ben filled various postions northward. There had been but little done in that an officer in the U. 8. Navy. fog wining this season, although large numbers of la 1-45 be found his way, with them had been seen in the Arotic pea In the early the emigration of that year, anross Firt of the ONB?N, Most of the ship had gone, the stocky Mountains to Oregon Boath Capt. W. thinks thist all the vemela hed | From there he cause to L'alilorate, pad straits for the south before the Dailed, The summer tendom in Ester than downl, the drat now having fallen on the let Oet, the day the D sailed from Port Clarence.

Nuthing had been seen or heard of the wafortan n's Franklin's expalition. The Advance nod Rece had not been board Crown, but it is to he hoped they are safe and may yat meet with access. MO-pt. W. mports teamvnduwe large ouv'ities of ire in the Strait, which were, in fast, al bleck ed up. The D had overal surrum undanra, and Wat one time in inueninem danger of being brand ?�ered. She ju a fine val, mounting 20 guce, and

950 men.

Capt W. reports hearing of the loss of ship Globe, of New Bedford, on Eval Cap?, ab ut 10-h

and was in command of the Gar Binment bark Anıta doring thy war with Mexico. Ela was the first officer of the U. 9. N?vy whi took a Governant ressad tafely in mad out of the Columbia River. After twelve youre service in the

Navy, he resigned his poltin to accept the peel of Biate Senator from the District of Montarey: and it in hot toe nach to say that

in all the varied pontons he has ocupied during nie residence mong ut, he has shown himach the wining and ardent friend of Californix It is filing, tribute,

lag. Also the ships Amity and New Hibernis,refore, to be abelity, integrity

New Bedford, time not statel. 1 atau seperti

??names of several others, which have been before reperiod per abip Nile at this port

and desi-n en promote the great

now and happiness of California slot be alınald to selectas to per 1994 1994 imporint part in

Tutumie the pulilan,

The Bib Knig ?- had 130 tuen la bespust, and ika native corpo lind each a large number on the nick liss Ms.mum of hotmoueta dañog Anzünk, 1086, metai nam Te jo main on ai dél- m?x 96 97o urn of daily was. Bi-Moūras 1.regosal,

Oct. 18.


Comparative Calendar

FOR A. D. 1852,


Being the fifteeenth of the reign of Her Majesty Vicron, and the first and sogand of the Chinese Dynasty #INFUNG


Monday Tuesday 6

?? 1

| Eng: dese in large, Chi. ?n an all figures.


20 7


Big, dala berge, Chi in amill figure",



Eng, das in large, Chi, in small ägaros.

FREET (hands. C�?

Kag data ku berge, Chl'ic amat sigưum.



[2 10 10 S 26 13

6 21 18 30 907714

Tuesday 191C14_1021_5##1O


Big do in large, Ch�?in a malligavom

(14th and 19th Ch.)


Day of work.

30%) in small ?guros

Thoraday ES Friday

12 1


Day of work. Thursday 1621



23 3

80 10


215 9227 16 #

Gng daw in forge, Chl, la anali figuera,

16 22


2T13 80 14



24 4



30 23

17 1024 ??10

IN 9$

24 1


4 17

11 84

18 S


615 12 01




5 10

12 25

19 1 20 10


20 30 27 T


6 19



Wednesday 7 17

14 m°C X1 L(c) 28

Wednesday 7 20

1427 ..

27 11 28 It


(Uch vnd 14 Ch)

(Kch und 716 05 )

Day of work.

Day of week. Bunday Moncay Vonday 31s Medn-oday 4 15


15 20 21 3 29 10


I to

KK 10 22 ~29 11



10 17 28 4



094 169


10 91

17 10

20 5


8 18



24 10


11 20

18 19

Wednesday 4 19

II 1

16 4 25 11

Thursday Friday

12 g) 19 sa

Thursley 519


19 B

20 19

6118 20



12 20

20 6 27 13







14 29 21 7



(I and and Ch}

DAY of book

Day of week.


2 11


05 15

22 1 29

q'u may


910 10

23 a

30 10

Wedonaday I 18 Thursday 2 19

16 990 16

22. 29 16

23 10

80 17

Weln-iday 3 11

10 90

17 ST


Friday $90

10 97 174

94 JU

Saturday 4


25 19

Thursday 414

11 91

10 30

23 16


6 15


19 19 20 6


6 16

13 23 20 30

27 7

Bu day

7 17 14 94 20 10 28 1


nd and 3rd Ch

Day of work.

Eng date in fergy, Chi. In ameli &grou

Day of wack.

Thursday 19

A 19

13 20

20 I


811 15 $ 21 10 29 t


2 19

Satur Lav

9:30 310 10 11

16 97

28 5

30 13


2 19



23 11

30 10


lu 97 17 B

24 19

31 19




415 11 9:

18 99.

Mo day


14 20


26 13

25 7


B 36

12 03

*19 1095 8


6 17

18 94 20 27

Wednoday 7



23 10

Tuesday 5 m (2 n Wednesday 6 12 P'bar-day tu




13 162


14 1

29 14??

(3rd and 4th (l)


(9th and 10rk Ch)

Day of work.

Eng data in large, Chl, in zmsil figures

Eng date to large, "al, in small figuem.


8 20

15 77




22 11

29 11




16.8 28.



2 11


10-23 14

30 10


3 15

10 N


21 6

31 13

W'eduriday 3 22


17 +

24 13


25 7

Thursday 41

11 30


28 34

Wolnceday & 17

Thursday 0 19



12. 20 15 23 1495

19 16 A

20 479

Frd.y Saturday

524 121

19 1


ABS 13 1

21 3 29 10


7 26

21 19

28 11


(1 and rh Chl)

Day of work,

W 18

Wadaeeday I an

# 10

22 12 91 19


Araday 22 Fred Balbiday


23 13

30 20

3 23


24 14 31 31




24 10

27 17




Day of week. Sunday


Eng desain largo, Chi in ansi Agrano

10 nC lò an




DECEMBER (106 and 11th (L)

E das Large, Chi, in saulī (purna,

. .

(From Sydney Morning Herald, Sept. 1B)

NEW FROM THE INTERCOP (Prom our Currespondienis: }


* Maale's Point Bi, Anker 9 --- Although many of the old bolas so on polut are (sat working nat, still the progressive working of the sem unge shows, that the golden weich of this locality le na yet but very partially dave sped. On the bank behind the sents, wo every day hear of one person a ser haring done a very pretty stroke of businam in a Title way. Te day an old miss name:1. Blzokman and his son took not of uns of those balas upwards of tau nunom of gold, mostly in unggute, one of which weighed 24 ounces, and na?ther 2) omnom, Blockman, he appears to be bit a poor mão, si tơn, that he was driven out of uns hide into un nchor until he was glad to get in at this spot where. however, he never exportail to got anything more thes a bare living. The holes in the old bed of the river are mostly turning om but very indiffer· antly, but it must be remembered that of present the top stall only can be worked, for when you sisk about half way through the clay the water comes in and preventa further operations. I am Braly personded that when the bar ou be worked deme to the bad reek, a larger quantity of gold has over will be taken from k. A grant sony are working late the bank from ito bage, and not a few of thou are doing very well at it As they go in


protection, Etien

rehended that our hero bring the light, and put this wu, for 1 naw't get my ditary legislatore any tou d to the fact, sin, as through, I think the lining must bare gol that without a spirit of ou privé sad sanúment of | Juces! patriativm and a ave of improvement in our pon-



[Hongkong] [Imspil ji

Or Hankier





Ing 2.2. B 19 Hvo.Openers Crol M. G.] TV

??Adoritel Auven }} Captain Fast Court M. Bp. 14 and Mr M



Hongkong H.MM.


Į Movie Fr, B

Mary found Brown trying to poke kis arm raun, that our snipping intcrest le no match for through his nighing. She smiled gendy, and put that of America; and besides, in their ignoranes it on his band, of the cause of the?avil, it is to be apprehended that, *Herrsh for Thomson and improper sundid they cannot dian-vor and apply to proper ramedy," | nies,' shouted Brown. #1 wonder if the Mayor | 119 cheap government. Our julers seem to cales. - would fua re dre skillings far haing drunk if I

late as the wearey and roulation of our machen jold him that I was na ba commines, sk, Mary || Nevada trade of the world, ne it they bad dano avery thing | the Vote by Hillot, Mary? Canoss wouldn't dare in the coming life or death strangle for the marrying | I should think noi ; it wouldn't be consistent with in inerman their spirit of anterpelae and their patr? | take up a Magur's commillerman -the Town la

is; whetess the law in question, at least de log spector woulis't be encouraged in tuummons a the non-repeal of the custom on the part of the Mayor's cominitas man it would be uncuselitation- crown of geoling prese warranta, tend to destroyal anti Cols. By the bye, Mary, how in Mis Dy Culeo and all the Intle Calaca! The candle's sat, my word | Hverah I'


The fiet of our seamra being redwand to their Pani sinndsad, or mate of apalky, of insubordina tion, unli? indifference to their agreomunia, proved that a god Constitution may be rendered apparen sire by the mode an which tẩn law is ad-minist-red. interrated in the strike of out one, inasmuchDec. Ermy interst in our colonial empire in thes fire





I, qua Ty Lon, Kaudeden, Put back. 1 Landro Cake, Grim, from Whampoa. 2, Vizoment Sundón, Match, from Wampos. 3. Mungosinen, Horner, from Whanpon

her role of paral land, as well as the modo cteze 30, Tridem (Am. Whaler) Taber, from Bonin cuting these, shoul! he is recordance with our Jaland, 4th November. the system of the force and freut which had born January, Constitution, or with the eight of finemon. Fiboy 11, Mapep, Crocket, from Amoy, 29th D?m. practiced on nur same.. when they augmente! the strength of the seeing'e flest on the Canadian l-fit, and yet bang for rst pairiatic vongs about me the vein appears to thicken, and creuiually I love bring the few sube one of the waren" schile so doubt the bank working will, be found yery Consider sur mercantile enty in prabited (they were in srong in the hold of a piano terday, provida. The gli found in the bank, bath at its from wearing the national unius jach, and cured bere, and up ballad the tests, le much more weighty and smart than w?nt has hitherin bren inkering that the curtains of our mercantile or are deprived of their tile which is awarded to thein by

(To be continged.


New, Brichom, from Fuochowion, 27th Dec, 3. Neptune (Aai. Whaler), Allen, from Ascensjon,

11th December.

3, Amerio Packet (Dlarw), Laws, from San Fran

cisco, 11 November.

2 Decroly, Waite, from Bombay, 15th Octubr




Per Manappa, Mi Laimont and Mr De Lawden.





81, Splies (Dut), Wigman, Whampod. 21, David Malcolm, Sinclair, 'London.

an of the bed. I andaqstand that Mr Humo's party. | the palice, then considerations may in part whe obtained & lbs. 7 ounces of gold at Manderace for the wind watment Hour Point on Bolarday, procured josenlay, 4j Ube.

good teaman "gainst the shipping office and regio Mir Binkolni?a party, who are in the next bola, teket ayatras Cramming the mind of cb Jum 29, 07 H. Boniqqun (Ans), Mix, from Elongkong. are slow doing well; he want za Lovisa Greck with Action, by force of book edgestion, or thr 29, Gatesland, Gludson, from Hongkong. shout shree weeks ago, sad took half a mile n�?groned, with the Intention of having a quale thing-and riiconiventing a powerful class out of 19, Trafegar, jchardson, from Hongkong.

Errors of imaginaljon, lika musulmen, is dos 29, Lard Ashley, Butler, from tungkong. ormsbang maskini thera, bại bo has since pold tha

these polical rights, claim the 2000, thinking it bener, I prveume, do

jerate the day and 30, Timpo (Spu), luchaves, from Hongkong. down fall of the nation, suother. follow up a certainty than rish the henard und gzpona oslocked so quarta arvoking operations. dermal partivo na tha rivor in the neighbourhood of Oakey Creek sze tasnelling into the base of the ranges, and some see doing well at it. I boar of s party there realising wine pounds of gold in one day, but I will not vouch for its nathenticity. A dray belongings a person named withers sopaz ed on the range at the back of my tent to-day, the akat harpe and one of the leaders were thrown, but I believe sustained no demige They camped share for about an hour, when they proscaged on thele Journey, Mar Hollinshed pastel dawajka | Imaginative, but n a go to Drawn, whose head was Turan this afternson as Kate to Loses Canada had with blan, fonded carts and intende punkte pia?y to commence quorta-crushing ope "Blown A grost number of people are daile sensing kora with sled every description of nonvayuses Im Land orders; and beare oft improper exadidates: 10, Mary Adams (Am), Harding, Hongkong. Agissbéry The pany who formad the cyst singular | zmy word, he is all ben si anawa-You'l apponenata was a man with how wife, a boy, and be be Speaker ! Asking A Jesus 30, Land of L'arme, Grins, Hongkong.


(From the Geelong Intelligencer.}

Brown had end the Corporation Diggings 11, Wm. Watson, Richie, Ban Franciso. at the end of Malop strees. He made a succrvofal | 3), Wm Guler, Brown, Whampoa. journey, baying only fallen twier, and lows but que shen. The sedla of the ??Dam? was before him, dark and diamal looking enough to the fascial or

as full of polities, at his inside-mua of benudy match water. *Shan't I catch it,' said Brows, na bo kid hold of the fence, Bacchae and political volyalary gystan and a poney| Lomassed pellicens, and


100 children. The man wherial a borrow" qum | questiono, Hrowa rosabed kasj maining off their stock in-trade, and the boy was?�ing homself into a chair, pandi hugs for storia

coherent information, and de?ki *> vit "fter karmand in front as lead | undervan) they

Adani Smith, Dr Thomson was the peme all the way from Sydney.

ha had pret scen

To Caprate Buscany, 1, 1.

(Continual from No. 104 page 429) The end and ahjust of givilisation 14, to hora good things okrog sound ideas, board on the aj mie theory, and a quel garemmast had on the self improving principle. 14 is a maree troom to reprot that almplicity is the life of sciones; yet this truck cament be tan gran ly impressed on the individual


It sanat be too often repeated that galeer the British Lion take upon itself the task to pafores the ways and gums to revive in our seaman a spirit of enterprian, of omulesion and of patriotan ser position in the scale of nations will ha inori tably last for ovat. Demoerin America to dwar fing our shipping interest in the Pacific Con the one bend, to sinh v�?in our natuem, whik dropo+ un Husin on the other hand is asking gigantjo strides in his naval force up the Baltic and Black Bea, to thresses Bagland with invasian during any gers with France under the reign of Nap-leon The 2nd, or with America for preaming to annex Canada or Ireland, which, under the impress 133. tem we would not provent.

The salien which patronize the free trade pris ciple in virtually the lander of unitermi liberty. It


I've been in the Mayor's committen vakkian. Mary, sandro him how to cantues-he dédra't know how, Mary-ok, un b?a inseount, ke in '

Been in a commister meeting, indead l' esim Isted Mrs Brown, when her husband had


a full, true, and poeticulat acrnant of the reseed of his sheanor, bern so a committee,-what sexi ) Mada fine speechas, I suppose. Called youshelf a

man sud a Britan,' in a public howes, and neglet ed your poor wife at how That's what you call pathics, I suppose Vote by delle and all this, set of thing. Brown, you get worse and wired| *M-y, buat met unaoutastemad n? 1 a?��? public speaking, and italy appeal to buy.

in whatever shape it sosy appear, I may doyed if ? state that i sai-


1, Jose, Duwman, Cummingthoon," January,

I, HM. B. Hastings, Capt. Austen, for a Cruipo.

1) Jules Casm (6%), Lesiryaını, Whampoa.

1 Loopuy1(1), Jurriance, Shanghia.


Par Polis, Mr and Mrs Calliga

For New York. Flying Cloud, W. N. B. Palmer, W. For France.

"Niñola Conard, W.

For C.,8. Am. Bautrice, W.

· pas·

Deprice. W',

La Be what

"A fond i alat's what you gen Benteri, azald the irvituted wife.

?�Mrs Chairman and wife. 1 appoil to you thit I may not be interemptul, I provat sysia augh sprossimus, they me unpneliumentory, unaojige). on galoulted in the highed degren to promila datic discord, and matrimonial aqunabling." + Oh! Mrs Chairman and wife, beware how tha Pancite the petalens of a Brown, pause before yeg Merry foto the alash of conflicting interesis, na Mra Chalman nad wife, you may bring on a eriala **

Beyina, W.

for (alt. Myaram Dyari, H.

J'a. Nedzy. Gateshead, W. John Line, II.

North Carolina, E.

F# Page. Wesloch, H.

hai Lior, Patrol, W. Teron, W.

For Xiam Favorite, W.

Aphens Murlow

Le Cesial

1 kampon U. 3, 81 || 20 |79





in the ?vankans İmue.






623 Jalea Corr


163 Nicolas Copard






291 877







Good Burcres




jatie Ling





NE of the PruimULAR AND



John Line

695 Tarass


| Land po Calm





Tone 1,09%


Mynram Dyarom


Hobert Hall



Cameo will be received on board until 6 m. m. of The 28th, and Taxabuse until Noon of the 29th.


614 Beatrice

#75 Bandos

640 Caprica Coury Tons... 7,858 Misa


O. EDMOND, Buperintendent.


P. & O. 8. N Co.'s Office.


Hongkong, Blac December, 1881,


Tome 1,157



North Carolina




287 $70 449 Albatros 1,410 1,616 Heloiss













150 Tumchoy



Ton 1,014 | Totalis W'pos 19,963

AUDT. British

VOL. XI. No. 2.



PRICE $10 par umum.


TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, Aha, te Dollars payable in advance, quitterly or otherwise, at option. Single Number, Communications for the Editor will be forwarded if left with Tyson, Stationer No. 349 Queen's Road -fourth house went of the Oriental Bank, where spora wapim of this Paper may also be obigined. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, Dollar; aditional, 10 online. Repetition du-turd of the first desertion. Ships. -Port Laversion, & Dollarss subsequent Insertions 48 cents. Advertisements to have writim on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. Fall charge made for repetition of any Advertisement

Steam-Bhips will love this for the above place on Friday the

B0th of January.

THE Tenk built, copper fastened Schoeart" VIXEN," of 106 Taur Regimer, wore as nochor in this Harbout. For particulers. Apply to,

ARDINE, MATHESON & Co. Esat Pelat, Victoria, 4th August, 1881.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE foe British Ship "CONSTANT," 635 Co. Reginer, Captain CsORDLI, will be despatched for the above port on or about the 19th January meal.

Fon Faki Hr Apply to,

JOHN BURD & Co. Hongkong, December 30th, 185).


THE House and Grounds of "Glanesly.

For further particulare apply at the Of. fice of Measca DENT CO. Hongkong, 4th December, 1881.

TO LET. | nt nt La Liga

Street, lately occupied by Mr J. G. Mution,

Apply to, Victoria, el August, 1851.


anh th


TOGETHER or separately, chose four Houses pitunted on Lot 90, two of them having a frontage on Hollywood Hoad, the other two on Gough Bureel

Apply to

In the Estate of AHAMAM Josera Biely, Lute of Ficceria deceased.

ALL partion having any claims on the above A Estate are requested to forward the With decounts and vouchers to the undersigned forthwith. Persona Indebted to the Estate are also requested to pay amounts of their dece respectively on or before the 1st day of March nezl.


Administrator to the Estate, Hongkong, 23rd December, 1831.

NOTICE. THE business of the Undersigned from this date will be conducted wor the Firm and Biyle of BRANDAO & Co. and Mr JOAD BATTA Gowns and Mr Jons FireraTRICK are admitted Partners therein,


Canton, Let January, 1852


THE Interest and Responsibility of the late Rorransen Honmanian Camajun nested and Kuuganiban Rontonsen Clamazes in admjued a Partner in our Firm from this day.

RUTTONJEB HO"MUSJ?E CAMAJEE & Co Canton, In January, 1882




DIRECT per Prouch ship NICOLAS CE- TN consequence of the retirement of Mr. Cuantra | LA ZARD, Jacqueiron's Fleur de Billery Chom Bandens, the frm of Watkinson & Sanzone | palgo, iu ona dozen tasos, at the Qudowne of has been dissolved, and, in future, will be signed in

W PUSTAU & Co. liquidation only. The other partners in the late

Hongkong, 23 December, 1850. Greu(Mr. Aureed Wilkinson, Conion, and Mesurs Daniell, Dioxinson & Co. London) will coo- JUST OPENED AND FOR SALE. Linus the business under the Style of ALFHED QELECT Batches of very superior old Glenlivet WILKINSON

Caman, 18th December, 1851.


Whiskey in bottle:-Dork and Pale Brandy -Hollands Gin-Cordial ditto, Fine fruity Port -Dark, Golden, and Pale Sherive,-Leaden bot- Partner in Bleut end Porter, Base Pale Ale do. ác.

Bome Fiss Balled Salmon in Jaro.



yr Carr Lucas is admited MR CARE LUCAS adds 1.

Canton, 18th Auguel,


lourion, Open's Road, Bởi Ben tron


DIRECT FROM HOLLAND. WESSRY SMITH & BRIMELOW_have_ra" ceived 130 Cases of Superior Holland Gins *hich they offer an a low figure.

Ilangkung, Orb December, 1851.


Pilla and Ointment |


Extract of a letter, delen wren

Irom F. II. Sco, Esq. 8th Ligh?�^2r 10, 1846, pulyamidt Quniter Marter General ofʼlit Arthy, To Professor Holloway.

I have much pleasure la aulding my temony to that of the many who have certified to

R LAWRENCE R. BELL, is authorized JUST lended wortment of very per excellence of Finar Oialment, but my object is

to sign our Firm by procuration.

CONSTABLE, WOOD & Co. Matila, Lat December, 1881.


THE interests our fine ca

FION REKINazon in firm cessed or a lot lumo.

REMINGTON & Co. Bombay, 1st August, 1881.


THE undersigned have formed a copartnership for the tracting of a GunanAL COMMISSION Bosinere at Singap?te, under the style of WOL- COTT & Co.

JAMES H. ADAMS, from Boston, WILLIAM DREYER from Hamburg, HENRY G. WOLCOTT of the firm of WOLCOTT, BATES & Co., Shanghas and Canton.

Singapore, Let April, 1851.


Queen's Road,


Vim November, 1951

FOR SALE. desirable storm at of BUELL, collected A sbiady on the Consta of Ceylon and the Mau- rilig


Queen's Road, Viesoris, 7th November, 1851.


THE Bonn fide Patent Ventilating elegant full *Broos Hai, an articlo combining gentiling with comfort and economy, and never surpassed in adaptation to a warm climate.


Agents Queen's Road, Victacia, Brd (otober, 1851. JUST RECEIVED es "ROBERT SMALL"


CITY OF WASHINGTON, INDER the Direction of A auoN HALONT PALE- of New York, Ciransellor of the Supreme Court of the Unked Bister, and Director of the late American and Foreign Agency of that city, and WORTHINGTON Gallettion Senzu, of New Orleans, also a Counsellor of aid Court, and late Balicitor of the United States General Land Chloe. This Establishment is formed for the following objecta:

1. For conducting Profcaulonal business in the Bupreme Court of the United States, and the pre- secution and recovery of Claims against the Ae- rion Government;

2. For Collections generally, embracing Debte, Legacies and Inheritances in the United States and the adjacent British Ponions;

8. For the Purchasing of Land in any of the States or Territories of the Union, and Loening Moneys on Mortgage of Real Estate lying therein; 4. For Investment of Fonds in United Stated and States Stocke und Leana, and, generally, for the transaction of all business pertaining to Law, Loan or Bankg Agency.


An Involan of Aurortel Stationery.

LANE, CRAWFORD & Co. Hongkong, 10th Dic. 1851.



Ex "LAND '-Campo." Pale Ale,

Martell's Pale and dark Brandy,

Buperior Old Tun,

Pale Shorty,

Table Forks and Spoons,

Wellington Boots,

Oxford Bhoce (out) Hand toilet glasses,

Day books and Ledger, White Comimore,


Leus' Diaries for 162,

Lady's and Gentlemen's Black, colored, and

white kid gloves, in good order. Marryan's Signals Latest Edition,


Victoria, 17th November, 1851. JUST received per "Hostar Small" by the


All Communiemione addressed, post paid, to Mars, Palmer & Sielern, American and For- sign Agency, City of Washington, will received prompt wad lakkful autention.

PALMER & SNETHEN, Uffice of American and Foreign Agency, 8, Carrell Place, Capitol Hill, UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY 1850-52 Tile half yearly Gaveral bleeting of the Shero. hollers in the above Bociety, will be held at the Office of the undersigned on Saturday, the 10th January, 1852, at noon.

DENT & Co.


Hongkong, 80th Dreember, 1851,

EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 26 CORNHILL LONDON. THE undersigned, bating been appointed Agonis for the above Office, are prepared to effect In. purances against fire, on Buildingu sod Goods, in Canton and Hongkoog, including merchandise in Dative Packbouers,

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Cunton, 14th August, 1851,

FOR SALE. DALTIC Timber and Planka,

TE here this day admitted Mr Franz KKOOP Brandy in casks and cases,

partner in our Firm.

A. LUBECK & Co. Hongkong, let October, 1851.


MR BA990ON DAVID BASSOON is this day M

DAVID SASSOON SONG & Co. Canton, 11th September, 1851.


THE Bwelness of the undersigned will, from thie date, be carried on under the firm of BiKLET & Co.

FRANCIS B. BIRLEY. Canton, let July, 1851.

Fine Glenlivet Whiskey,

Pale Sherry,

Do. Ale, Bass'.

Pilot Cloth Pen contu.

Lambs wool, Worsted, Colton and Thread


Rodgers and Boar Penknives and Razors. Hodgers' Table cutlery.

Dish Cowers in nota.

Powder daske,

Ebot Belt-double and single,

Leather Cigar Como,

Coffee mills,

Price Wax Candles.

A par OVERLAND an amortment of Gold pencil cases and penholders and a few articles well adapted for Christmas and New Year presento-

BOWRA & Co. Hongkong, 18th December, 1851.

FOR BALE. Ee Vicunt Sandon," (ESSRA SMITH & BRIMELOW bavo ve

ceived by the above scosol,- Prine Wiltshire Cheese, Prime York Fame, Kloom Relita, Jerdan Almonile, French Offers, Ryal Branderd Vinegar made entirely from Mal, Vinegar in caskı, Superior Port, Sherry, Claret and Muscatel Naval and Military Sauce, Worcester and Royal Zest Sauce, French sod English Pano, Preserved Wine, &c., &c. Apply to,

Meas of every description. A. LUBECK & Co. Hongkong. 14th August, 1951.

FOR SALE PNGLISET and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all

sizes, also Nails, by

ANTHON & Co. Hongkong. let October, 1850

FOR SALE. Invoice of Superior Java Coffer, and Man- A LETTI's Ale and Star, in 4 and 6 Dozen Casks


RAWLE, DRINKER & Co Flengkeng, Bib Sepiomber, 1851.


An Invoice of Stationery,


Per Late Arrivala

m%ydabir¶x, is deny, pour siteation te

still more generally appreciated and spplial.

In this country ?bern is a disease called Burnosti??(from Bareos, rais); it cousinaces and prevaile to ibe greatest extent during the rainy weather; it is conded, I believe, exclusively to Home. A valo able Hurta of minn caught it in a march during the Monsoon; all the usual remedies were applied vain; indeed it is a Jaouse which I have over seen cured, for when once taken it soon becomes rooted in the constitution by g foul angry sores over all parts of the body. eight months my Hores had it specially bad, having

had hice large sores on his fore-lags. Fortunatly at Tength low your advertisement in the paperi, and thought that, if the Dintment did so much for wankind, there was no reason why Horse", dre, should not equally benefit by it. The Grot Pi did wonders, and three or four cured the places in six weeks. (The writer further states, "that from be floreasing bitten himself, e sore appeared on ons of the us places, bus this is rapidly giving way to the Ointment)"

I remain, Bir.

Your obedient sarvum,

F. Beorn, Pth Light Cairy.

Thean truly lovala-bila medicines can be pro. cured at the Bablishment of the Undergoed, OrangentedBogen and Pipa ogch as

I in sections for the Guidance of Patients affixed


to anch Box and Pol.


Queen's Road, Victoria

ACOW & Co.

The Hotel, Canton


Pontarde, Hace


THE undersigned, has established a large BA-

TRY, and guarantee to sup-ly any quanti.

ty of CABIN and SHIP BREAD' at short no-


FINE NAVY BREAD.................} cents per 16.


warranted to keep for Six Months in any" Climate,

Contracts entered into with Departmcols, Com trandeis of Varela, &e. for regular supplies.

THOMAS HUNT, Whampoa, Gb November, 1851.



gentleman thoroughly scquainted with the mer- cauule business of the United States (includ

| ing California) is desirous of obtaining a situation in a hours of businem; or would take a shara an an selivo partner in any firm with which he could make suitable arrangementu,

For particulare address to Lennon at the Offica of this paper.

Friend of China Office,

Victoria, Hongkong, 13th Dec., 1856.


Ethanology of the Indo-Pacio Eslands. By J. R.

Loger, Esq, Coronation &c. of the King of Siam. Sketch of the Steam Route from Singapore to

Torres Straits. N. B. Parton in Chins wishing to become subscribers will please forward the names and nu- itace to the office of the Friend of China and tlungkung Gazette."

Victoria, 18th December, 1851.



THE Business hitherto carried on under the game of MANOMAD ALLE Mornannor & Co, ie this day clored, and well in future he conducted by EBRAHIM NOORDIN the firm and style of Annapanny Rnatutuolla.

Dublin Bloot in Boule, Campbell's Edinburgh Pale Ale in Bottle, Prime But in Hogahend, Hodgy English Bottled Claret, Champagne. Iluck. Hodgson's Pale Ale In Hogshead, Supcriar". Post, Modell's Dark and Palo Bendy, United Vineynod Company's Brandy, Glenlivet Whisky, Old Tom, at Jannies Bum, &a., &c., all in excellent order.

No 1 & 2 Wooanam's Buildings, Hongkong, 9th December, 1881,

(Signed) 811AIK TAIO FARZULABIJOY. Canton, 6th January, 1852,

Merchandise can be bad, on maderate charges,

Rintage el

or ober the Godowa of

WILLIAM TARHANT. West Point, Victuris, Hongkong 3rd January, 1852

N 84. Los

P. & Co'a Sır. Pekin, Baker, C-leups. 1 Orconia, Waite, Whampoa.








Abbotsford 173 Beshampto





Prussian. Friedrich Borha

E Lancaster

460 Eleora




Tumans in Japenon's Wmampos, Cķipainoatona, ON MASSO, FERER DISPATCH. For England, Confucion, 17. [lalen McClaw, W. Land-o' Caka, H.

For San Francisco. Conroy, W.

Kutty America Pucket 406 Ratcha Nosky Niculasen 163 | Aparta







569 SER

Tons ..


Constapi, H. Emperor, 11. Friedrich Boehm, !Į. Golden Age, W. Grass Maven, W. Henbury, H. Henrieti, B.


Swedish. Damer

Brea Cleo. Washington 480








True ...


Kam Ty Leo



Total in 'kong 18,367

Gen. Michelle Thai Gown Vrouw Jacaba


Fer Buarie,

31ACAO. Peringuten



MR. BURGOYNE. Na 1 Wellington Street, Vienria, 23rd Droember, 1881.

Lilar 13 Ja




San Jose


- Jervin







Sam Whas



For Shangha Bolide, t).





Tona... 1,464

Total In Maaso





Hamburg. Andramacha

Toul in Amey





100 Bangalore


420 Dominion




Lon July 18 S

Grace Mayes

860 Dreid

*Hour 1 (heart" ask) Dewwn, "quosition? qEmperor of China Castell

Lon. Oci 13S


Duke of Portland



|Lon. Aug 29 H


Edw. Boustand



Len. Opi 18 EL





Liv. Aug 23 H.


Jeremish Garnett



Liv. Aug 198.





Los Ang ta +1.

611 Sidney









Philomela เ�?$10 Raduga








Mary Adoma

N. B. Palmer

Curran Martin

Bon. Not 10 HT, Bom Nay H. McEcban Bom. Oct 28Wh


374 1,467 640



Tona . . .


Bea Brot



Me Donald Bom Nov Philips

Witch of the Waro, J4

* Only to think that I should be called a chais

in offert advocates a formalion fopinion, to Han, all ebTraki Mre Brama-sabbing Litterly.

titate christianity the principle of freedom. In this

?�Yes' ontinued Brown. 1 see the dark cloud

ezalied pretion, Great Britain, by reviving u spirit | Janering, but I am Buappalled, 1a wit




the en

Albert Edward

Wils Stoddart


of liberty in Poland, would discember and bumblestie miany enward by my arm adherence to Abbar despotin Ruais, and moure the gend will of the principle, but I tremble not, I care ant * Anglo Saxon raca; und besides, could draw cler

· Oh|nh 7 "mid Mrs Bowwn bystrin-lly, 'you're Amy Robert

the bonds of friend-ship with republican France, to rule to express auch feelings to a wife that his Cahaya the maica) bar?t of both nations. Our polar sarahwaya bera dutiful to you." must be the principle of chruinnity, via grauins freedom, osial and politic, throughout the world, The slaves in Aipation not having tasted the sweets of freedom, are widely different from our The idea of the accessity in improses samen men, sa entertained by Sir James Grabara, in higler ly impolitic, and would prove most dangerous Axperiment to the state. Topeak from experiener,

tins order and the mighty convulsigns, and Fax throes, which attend the fall of ampir sa."

Far Wem (Am) Bring the some water and the swelling boule, J. K. L.

if you've any ferling Irf, da Brown; contains 1 John Bright

sad themes Ish! England, my Metbar-ht Brown

sh 1o Mrs Brown was fainting.

* I beg to tranëve myself into a commitee of



||Lon. Bejt 12| 17. LJv. Boja 10 1. Shie, Jare 1- Che Aug 17 8

Ching Confucius Edpo Gullam Galathead

Lord Ashley Osceola Hujatha Region Cenfalque Wm. Gillies

Order in which the above Tovmis left England. Any Robart, Chubacio, Portland, Jalan Right, Cathays, 3. 8, leu Kang, Anuj Kevin, Akban. Kasperat a CNN, PI TAK

Landing -At London; Fat Wet, Helen Lind

Sophie, Pane sbon, and Caslong,-åt Livez--

1 yet food the homiliating sting of impremunt. A general meu vagemani," said Brown 4' whe second- feeling pervades master senusen who have beened it, put it to the role, and carried, 11, nav ans." impressed, that the nation which enfrees improve, 24] now mers the sippurament of Mrs Ring, andy, ment Innerves to fall. I would pet the cling; trust that such an important mistina will wpt fall in

of our time greainees by removing the pau?? i the grownyl. Broen tan to his wife.

vis, cuval patronage and user-t?zrior, a fungus of |

??Keep your distahoe' Bir, and net sunku your

; Old England, and Balmoral.


king craft and press craft. Thanks to the discos. wife a subject of buffooney Brown. Now hẹp | sion on the Pops's pratensique, and to the giant sway do! don't be foolish, and what ver was the ¦ --~-- aurices of democratic Am zien, which now havere cause, the effect was beneficial. Mra Brown threw Ann Marun

about Japan, Canada, Ur-gow, and Newfoundland. · back her singlets, which weja ?�lightly discomprised, Baron of Renfrew John Bull, in all of wounded pride, way inhebe and said, "Now an to had Bewa, it's gening late, Braberin Dy prejudka sinet the crown and mitre humbles, and you wat be up early in the morning. and suppes or agree that chrop self geven.ment is


?�I can't, Moiy, said Brown, without going John �?Chant

the proper remedy, mring that the experiment bas through the urun) ruutinax, I am in committer, Lord Water succeeded in aut dure retulid Amer can colpoiva, 'and most respue. Į ang Uni-Brama be hima li Shamed almest beyond the expectation of the loaders of that, again. revolution

I submit that the prestige of our ozvályrantheno is being daily frittered away shear ramen in

their own and publia opiniem "This indeed la prom

ad by our shop ownese applying to parliament for

wish you were," said Mary,

Put that on the injuutes Mr Secretary, I

favor of the volunrary principle in every

Mory, I am so Why, this in srey strange !

11 do so. Mary, 1 eau's find the unmbele

Mandri Bom Not Wh


American Flying Cloud

G. H. Montages Golden Age

622 Athol

Helen McGly 700 Stephen Laeumo



To the kaliter of the Futana or CHINA.

Canton, 3rd January, 1869.


Oun roader will flod a letter in our Carree- tèhi ishandel. - Ou ik: receipt of this news on the pance column signed Bars. Who is doner Puma Grafske 10th mano, all the afferre collected Oxan Gin,-It is not commonly imagined bew from we know not, but,from various aberálov, van vad dug of Yung g?o châm, but did un púch thalt Supa, nod from enelous points preceeded to st deplorably ignorant some people are contented to live, despite the many opportunities they majey ??that wo bars found it necessary to make, think | their woumpma whain 70 in of the anty. The re- of enhghtening themaires regarding the friky of it is the production of a Parme Gebouwen tuli hoverer pratanding to be do?kaved gendually ind human nature-and the means which knowledge who, more than once beform, has fresured uneven, and shen suddenly turning upon them, ibong no to where they had a large body of troops in givne for its smelistation. It was long imagini d that the Tradmill and the Gallens, were the us with his remarks on passing ove?ka. De postné forth a somplete shower of cannon ballo, only efficient vorrestives of griminal propensitive the pressat occasion we confess to výhông bạc Kitting upwards of 10,000 soldiers," and soorn th in man, but it is now wtablished beyond dapete conception of what Nora's subjeợt hall, so do | 60 whoare of various ranks. that the bump of the hangman and the whips with lunst interests and decurrement Ele the turnkey, che occasionally be dispensed with

Ir'le repreted that ?ns, the Coronet grueral, in ?Iklan-shew-foo, and that the roboli kaau attiekad it on all sides, having arassed a

for other and milder correctives, which, while | Ganna may olour it up. The'andentrabad | sa prostat látko nity

they subserve the and in view, spare bamaally definess of Hongkong Jaron probably maywerful sary before sash of the sity gates as mech of that wedering, which, however deserved strike something out of the manevar may be that, to be ready to ameck the moldiers whenever they es painfully series the kindlies feelings or hu men nature. The system of the Ragged Dehecis, the "msudlin sentimentality" spaken af in a - routers to come The Tartar troops neo afraid which hade fair so woth an era in the grimise! dark allusion to the sayings and doingretour to go out and fight, and have now been basinged for history of the modern world, has no origin in this contemporary of the Register, consideration. "Bui," mys a cloreal Parado philo.

more than 10 days. ? mon argent Mosargs, har

· been sent by Bou to Wes show (in Kwangs) for - ske 2000 troepe kvaly sent there under Has instag-

tophere (a whom the pổng of any pajewarda crimeWare glad to learn that Liestonaut Wilenn Hwang, so sudaru Uumuliately for the relief of the male uppers a mandlia sentimentality and to whom the more mention of masne for recle-in not likely to lom his eye sight, as at first re | city. We have not yet heard which side has gained mation sounds as high seamson zyn not morality, portel, and that the Artillery man, with, helmo- | the Honey,--El moon, 9th day...,

- but, any dwg " will you not by your mon sell, are doing well the lungs of pae of the Aw catre Criminal Sessions of the Supreme for these vagabondo and cut thoata, sand them out af prisen with sa impensation, that their duranos latter are seriously injured, bat nai, trenemydi. vilo" Many thing but rosh o'they expread will ably it is hoped. The moral agrar

et bid of the cases left madingowe


cause would be almene inseparable, and that the protiv is self would produkty ku lujurious to the saladmatan ar junsins.---|| bare dan banane as bo, Kir, your ment who isang !



Rogt. Devoia Cay, Be?, Reglatrer,


CRIMINAL, BESSIONS, Monday, 5th Jomary, 1859,

W. Foulon, arraigned.-Plandad Not JURY.-J. B. Compton, G. Perkins, J. Appleton, B. G. Antrobus, W. A. Bowes, and 1 1, Shine

Lieutenant Banzencro.-la Lévotanent is oj Portuguese Nary-monumbers the 30th June krij

a Mano between Fachan and Niegpe, în cons mand of a lorcha seat to look after pirates the for- www under the Portagoste fag--hi had also istr sione to regulate the forchas viỡng on the Gount unde the Portugome leg. "The name of the fagầm, that ha commanded was the Adamaster. On the imorning of the 30th June, when he was at anchor hotwom ili M islands, la mw two larchao ni ? ditama, be pagin anchor and west close to them and unflint de v that he could hear the men en haard agusbahng: la afterwards and an offcar and interpretar on board the orcha, ue of the interpretari, wan a Pora gunes who spoke English, the offour nodigday; ra Tinc returned with a Chinaman who had some pujan Chieser he thought they were regular Thy

hof, at the regular Hemmons in Decemthon and, anggo what hack in

so the murder of Lieutenant Miranda of Pos

you not former funsungo erowy plying sa Col. Tomkyns and Lieut. Lary was péniche also of kan man Fanton, indicted as an anovosary dóm of persons Leakcie experiance of prioed in 84. John's Cathedral on the afar

derd wholesome terror when op- hile oyandimalisation bar them to a repetition 50 their crime 1 Se

But they are shallow pretenders who roun They take a very humiliating view of human seture and ignore what it la espable of. Thers ?n a snge avon in a surcor of vier, when it can be

modefensionaly seted upon by 198,12) *CF856)

of Sunday last, by the Reverend Weed Lagu Navy. commenced on Monday, and man, Miltary Chapla�? of which the following: tract affords truthful testimony to the worth of the lainested gentlemen 1-


with, we anticipate, be brought to a conclusion

GILATORY se vka lappriensed for two'yours with hard labour. Two cemal rebbory, with arms were also tried, and the Prison were nequitted. Last is order of the Day was t tria) of Panjung for "Arson, who, being found guilty, was antenced to two years imprison went with hard labour.

indict Featon, partly on his own confession, The Attorney General, it is supposed), will for confederating with Piraten, wisen, unless the Jones or even more scrupulous than those

who segnated him of the crime for which he

Chewinne vya sana tha kryer to the query langhe, on

when the Country

when kan

Wharapan; dous not know to whom

lately to yhtingos or who want

document ran a mapy of a leg com Dr. to Mr. Bird at Whampan, taniniting Jh? c formation, and than the other jugér uns ? letter Mr. Bird to the prisoner, meloning diy ong

Bewing's lost on abors. The Jaar kevay at and romuld then sa proven sal why he had not returned to Whampan aðar í and he could uns wierd to return 10. that foster. Ele replied that the loecha won a


a pod mat med going to fum, that jahat, he rapat y gecher, but you boë better

na kimall, the prince master. His taked the prisoner orch was on board. He ther

an hourd sho, pinage repl the weer het bis own. Be what bird. When he anchored nour the y material, I want you and the Chluimis

afterwards lowered la.

was indicted, be will not certainly escape.mes poing to being on kaadion Four mess remain on the Calendar, but in one board bawimy neked khen why i

ing, to which he replied it was the Chinese, who did not know what

of them the witnesses are non set inventur we

this day. We take from the Register var. Burak's lomaso bad expired, and that she wụn They were boown to most of you, The Contemporary's importer's unios of the only bad served his carry many years in varias tried on Monday. Yesterday the follow chore is no affliction more painful to crimile of the world, -kad savived the perising out ware got through, vis. Tian a-sum then to And thomonives abandoned by their fellow to his humene sterlind 1994 last della rictim found guilty of a Burglary, and minced to creatures. They have then nothing on worth of which they can be said to antertain a wholesome long anong us, but sufficientlyllingega very 10 years transportation - King-dahang guilty dress ** But ab ?? Pachian nur Wine lion of the known in all who were acquainted with his u East * there in the prison with ita dark vellemand: kind and benseuleutkaan. "Themin Yakyuu ita traed mill-and its gallows." Granted, friends, been resident saug me, and summortly but then lock at the criminal statisties, ponder over to return to his native landarbeit plans. ressive, and you most be blessed with more than od God he should be out off in the doma

Bogut his kan cedulity if you buvvstill chy l?nh mi thu of- || ago, and lat iha miches of him lưng olluvialare kopne lacy of your meaus. True theca ura senais indivi- and expectations. Ela sterling quilhar wars deal sobardened in crime as to be past all redemp. so well known to you, that I feel relieviût from | tion. Recurve your dark cells, your tread-mille, and the painful duty of any lengthenail trikissa

a right source. They gave the bass ground for ba pagarded by the criminal with any thing bas balering, upon farther anistones of his son pais de lectur; but they in a whee some dread life" discuted mass his donthe sun while which damm up, so to speak, be sources of all evil living, he was not sominikul of themes mean propensities in mar, and which carries a terror to tonure of life, or of his c concern ind i von dieduin on the gallows or ezia, To be shipdened by our fellow men-to think we have nods to beata? " foar if pity on our forbu fate-io al that er auf-rings, however doserrel, are lo?�kod dawa upmu wah anger or ungonogra by our follow crustaces-Ah 1 this le can the for human nature bongofret perracial. In a s] moment when the ebullition of passions haseeb el parties interested in the businesṛt�?tint | Smeton and 20mind that all Chinem whereas shall be sided, and when vida appeara in all its hideous mien " who can tell what pame within the whom quarter of the globe s-- of a criminal. What cumposstone foaling taire podoration of his heart.-How he wringo bin hand and busta bie braut, What stinga of sons. pr Toneesial; and a hey stumbly of heated amends cience forment Lin whhin-With what a bag. w freight for Comm. 48 sa nit de dayans had nothin gard look of despair be contemplates that rear of tuman in Karupe 908 16 36 per mention map of beant, glory, selalu wo, which was within hae morts." tasch, but which, also, he has meri?end in a Wn gite below the insoligonal Jengi je dis: ment of temporary ebullition. * 061-that f would live over that moment of life again." Such turbed districta, of which we unaula, audition in the exclamation of his repeaiast oviments, And our last inst. Should the sitwek Na stické mot-Litems and máte volgári hat which wind rimento them. Canton at Now your 'line, se më ka gala che bellars in buit samusing prior 10 dm, and belleen shat after death shry weidi lnhollë she


are fold, and it will be again popod-Th the prisoner wan sur poquest Ha, Lordship the Chief Justion out the purper's son, and that ke kinally castrated in publicating of the hallow clothes

Mr. Cullen

akbay of the schnalul ewe ung trak with won what he how we demons ETL Lin my?dle of sweaning wines The ult bon (August), £4%"pel?

sure foundation of a monor's hope, maritariona sucrillen-ni, a orundad

ing letters from the Court Intasprater gozando, shu bytagname to set to Chips "paper karging form is still, adhered to, and isolatie van ringa *dnahelewe na good ʼn modo as may that swald be

Into the best???n about vala

Wa give below an axiraci from a fettné ras devaid for binding on a Chinem Odiamenci 1000 jung oreclosed oatly received by 4 wierchant Biru, which bad"} kindly permitted its publication for the nutrien


Vronomia, High Bynumber, 1851.

randa was one of the hu

?�menen in such manner as i shakt zumelder binding m their anglanors, & beg la

este même of sábira fe fuglen) vorne la New Calle, West Coast Bouh kamin, divas for the fermeches of this to offer a fee zem?da survived in hand vichar topper te targeten lat Sij



of nearing, bo zeturned to

uke pirkti caning of a sval's bond wont be sha bem, smoka ??Clusonen, bain | n�?much Hinly to ellait the grassent, automat of such ?ram a | char ved muda al N

Middag, mosche taken before the gutzen idol of 196 Awear. | 1991. Thile noch an be udantebromenil in a manner at all Ubiage have diftruar idols and shame jiyin xte findet mana ??bich are supposed to be obie të panlah masj Thesalore on such before she abi vowal tot ba at mach ** S. The Chiese hato mu bel, if is a God or form AGE, wedenaand sheat, ter?hre la trould be a re

in such a moment when he finds con faint my hope bearing on his forlorn aundition, how gladly he would walowme mkow Armly and sincerely grounds for believing there will ide, the Rilane of "buries of mayan se os puber mom

??liika they invoke are not all emasidered to bete

4. ging in the aberrant, be aut conoldered a sin mang

be would reative to make up for the errors of his the Hongkong Register, will osen the wriqualifi- | vios, înaintea në plaser tonnantly levoke their be ava past, by the exwellcare of his fatura, conduct, ed thanke of his countrymem for his odstinual | in their anical capoikiena And whether or not be would prove true to his word, these who have any knowledge of the india of Peace, Peace, when there is nq geca." China II plora Chmelders to be gully seruul werklage of the human heart need scarcely. It is not generally known, we believe, dat the belak,

he man menar la ang love anlateral than, which he may Chinese Government have offsured the aperta so qui dil ? manich banal lov bers purposan.

sxeber pupetry to put the palli, had he will not 16 The bar of the nut la mero sa in attributed i

anchal, when hò tmovoval Ma anchor which lie bad ailypad ini, tu masing, and nat morning eitustested Nas amebordelonging in prisoner's bout... - When the preter, the two "belb-kupari jumped overboard, and

beat to the Juke. By métien plakud, on the bon:

3D-Midich, die inte pretar, kao slade gone to Anbul. Thuro uro aliqua men be mailed to women why vyn un hoit pe- comer's forelky they are all he could bring dvity ha di not me dhet Miranda or the Chisms. Belkpret - for while backing has no tiene. At the tag a mark, was lying st shade tão dischi tôm the c **, prisoner's larch?, did not return the fro of the" ?ến master, the feudigm shun alá vas ball down in

probaty and a warming is an would me pak e para,

"Sumpatable Chigeon him whing an· Comt are generally well-at both be doit cốt mess · Pe the renty of a sped deic or

ung menabugger inde bulu?ma ??

I must her break off abrupdy-having ran intenden, bere, of the Paciamılar and Oriental | vapuhkina dad of a te makennus sinodam on the out in greater tongth than I intended. I will troume the rebject heater with your kind Bleam Navigation Company, lugu, mme | masoned their cont think thy have ?ạp bag if praia. In the tone time let the disiples of par month for the mevions of two Step maka menena leta shan's Tory any dish that my chat to vital ngh The gallows and the Tread-m School be amoured are to aid them in their operations against that in exclusively recommeading their pancens they adopt a azolam, of logic which will mourely the rebel feet on the quest. By the report impaprs their hands, and follow a code of morale from Ningo, an pablished in the Naval Epida hardly scalated in hocann ist their byart

Your's ballantly.

Morald of the Souls will, gave taur Diety ér sorti in both the padang bapa kayad sơn, haigal ??hay a hug soun that a victory we gained by the Pirates | biggakut ja on vedie nag ku BETA

chiefly through trachay.. This, bas over, je me naweek jandani mwa kiungather, portionnely ne only a repetition aflost of the continua frater-fmige to the lives of Chinaman, who never, at my Manisations of Inops on shore; and that của ?ayo | ronggamanity, if it were suplained to the othman he then

as to conversation) pra?kou artibuur; lemn dos of 106 karvielyet taka satin in their own misere of lowo (bekend - crow that took priedner on boted for he dothen of the Manchon dynasty are drawing to i?-clapp, pertamany that he would be severely passed if Launched that he be van ghinh von fates, or this, he had asen there is not a particia of reason for d abelig, i vina when he did not pe mân

BIRTH & Gisely, Hongkong, on the fich Jaonais, Mr CAUL of a daught BIRTU.-41 Visseria; Hongkong, on the Sib innset


I. Waza of a danger.


ties. 94 Bendish Lalande Nor.



Used Bed


Ner. Lab

Mar. 17 Dingapore

Nov. 14 Menila


Uel 15 Shanghae

C. el G. Elope


7 AD



De 10

of any oath whatever.

A Bod of about four thousand imperial | Tetaberi tihendid pretekunani pa le a mask a arter troops passed up the river opposite the incor?ie | domes than the lane of benen mehr pals or the repentering Dre. is (Canton) during the past week, bounded the

of consolence-the americanon of Chinmo kaing comorkabin ...o?�er??pl-] have she hravar to be, tit, pvar mat obedient


Dea. $7 sout - wan Dec. By Doc.

From our Chine Correspondently

Rean Du pas Cur, B

We have heard that the district ties & Won hern, on the soach, nad Uhaon ping on and east

Viestia, Brd Jarnary, 1858.

THE FRIEND OF CHINA-side of Yong gan chow, in Kwanges hoon



taken pression of by the rabel, who (dily opened all the geories and transurim for lite has hear a la Dar sig det pale me can the land this DIY a pouple, and cemfund all tami Tết 2018 - muna sa ka mana manen i hero add 2 bale tendon the

persent your.




5,31]|| 10,000 10,29




501) 10,4 11,10 6.31127 11,58

We have received a letter from Karangg ating

that the great Terter General that slaag of receiv.

gramat sayaman af wwh fees " Chlati (* sa male. I here any

Pri do nai wish in nak say

he went on board the Sorcha of the prisnivers

· offloat commanding the bost toll hias to go ho v and train the cargo; £ed it to soutlet of pog dried orange, akin, and glupar--diz pouple want? board the forcha; two recanted in the bett, formal t atakpene forward, & achers, 10 shaklda, upward-d 60 speen of different descriptions, a monsted ??" below, and a large capotan hand; suga langs done

done bad land to co

bar of kage, apenkots of Camote brass jel powder; there locks-reported in tha offear what he had som vẫn the officer taking to go below and call the princeers he went to do so, mid found the prisoner skrg on a box in the cabin, and gave him the maradt, the prlacer and it no lose 2). The times will on deck, but the gridne tehnic với f*there

sading talking to the priemer while lost on the

kam qente in erode, at many you be by that which you cable ladder, but he could see all round here be Te qualida, stran - ?the cometies on beard a noise, and looking round new Mr. Miranda wlinks the Chief Justica seems to hire grennded bla urów, k stabbed as

ed an Emporial rescript insisting that the adag cat, hatto vijanapad na kilka or class tilen stilletiden atzen dằng cách n

Yong gun chaw, bo again benaght under ropa! | authority within the spaos of Ahren derpt, and that | atum, and without any formelon di nonveying inlief that

??The expression 10.000 l�?cha Chinent language la

hip, the Shave; the man then stingssted to sc

ad overboard with the Chinme; four way shizora

held Mr. Miranda when he wa MENA DE Mi-

manda was standing war the rudder, dhidham ken

Fell Kron, today, at 1:43 P. x. Is Parigue on General Wee-lan-jai, and Culooel Tingsnya, waça | Aguasively, and implying that th�?qugosity is very great. ??the scabbing if he had baza standing pakin was 204 in case of failure the General Hoang ying, Linet - 3 that to the scine! unnies drengst, mi in te werd the wknow, abant two yards y las polisende sneld un Boday next.

standing, but he could and must have board the noise. Mr. Miranda was stabbed in the night side; a good deal of blood Bowed; does not know whether Mr. Miranda was killed by the wound; he was thrown overboard by the four man that held him and the one that stabbed him. The man tried to stab him witness after the body was thrown overboad. Corrects former evidence, and says prisoner could have sean even if sitting. Never saw Mr. Miranda again. Those in the boat were palling about; joined the Adamastor imme- diately, so she was undir sail in chace; he did not sos Mr. Miranıla receive more than one wound. MI- panda mada no resistance; down not know whether he was dead or not when thrown overboard. No march was made for the body.

Cross examination. Did not go to large junk Gret; went to prisoner's loreka fest; prisoner was stand- ing next the officer when the bosi want the first time When he was naked for his papers. Was rested un

· box when witones went to call him. Did not see the prisoner with his clothes tied up to go on board the Adamstor.

P. J. Correo, was a sailor on board the lorcha Ade- master on the 30th June,-was sent with two other med to examine the bold. Lieut. Miranda told one of the chinsmen to accompany him to the Adamaster; he said he would not do ao sa tha papere be bad were all correct, and had cost him $1,500. Lieut. Mi- renda laid hold of the chinuman's arms, and wanted to force him into the boot; the chinaman pushed the Livot, on one side, and be (the Liost.) struck him with kis lot; the crew of prisoner's boat were at their meal, and they all got up; an old man spoke to the crew, and they all sat down again. He then board Lieni. Mirnoda fell best witness to call the prisoner, and he went with last witosse-prisoner's band was on a level with the deck, he could see through the batchway she was sitting; the batch was lying on the side. The prisoner was called to come) ?ba sald he was not afruld, be did not come sa be was combing bia bairumba told Liena. Miranda that priesner would not come. Mr. Miranda gried to make the chinaman go into the beat,-the lorcha's crew then went below, and the Chinese interpreter who was forward jumped overboard; the English interpreter went into the boa and the boat keepere jumped overboard. Baw one of the crew of the dilemaster wounded with a spaar, which be wrested from the chinamans pulled it out of the wound, and jumped overboard. Mr. Miranda then drew his sword, but was seized before he could it by four chlmammen, and a fiñh stabbed him in the chest. Mr. Miranda did not fall when be re- esired the wound; the four men then threw him over- board, and another man came and stabbed him in the back with a spear. Cannot say whether Mr. Miran- de was Band or alive when thrown overboard. Wit- mas jumped overboard immediately afterwards, and saw Mr. Miranda sink; saw no more of hims. Saw a man cutting the English intarpester in the boat witness want to cast off the tow rope, and the same maD cut him on the forebead; a gun was then fred by the Adomestor, when the chinaman in the boat jumped on beard, and be the cut the tow rope and jumped Into the water, and got on board the boat and picked up the other man.


modern improvements, by incans of winches and otherwins which are supposed to render kur navig. able by a leas crew than she would carry without them. The Insurance uffices stickled for 4 man te??the one hundred tone.

than the rings of the Dashure. Both will men, the one with kalves, and the other with pena

"You take my life, when you do take the means whérony I live

A very little display of omurage, a very slight The Brit Judge of the Small Cause Court found exercise of strategy, will always suffice to van that the Monarchy was sufficiently manued and inquish both enemies, yet it is a certain as suashine,

every respect a good risk, buing in fant losured out and fume by English underwriters at muder ste catre of premium, that the supposed legi) zo quirement of men to the 100 tons was inunginary, and that though unt I within the last 18 months or ??year it was the custom of the Calcutts Insurance Odices to consider a slip not suiciently meaned with less than that proportion of mea to the tun ungu, thu sule bad of his bean in many lustenare deviated Dem. Yet be found in favor of an allng ed quatum of the port, by which it is usumed that it is a conditions implied in the onnired of af freighten the the shipper shall be able to get in urance for his goods lù Caloutta, and gavu a var. diot for the defendanta

at the needful qualities will be found wouling No one who has paid the loss attention to the trade of Madras, can have failed emoticg the gre interesse in the number of mercantile Brms of late years, and the corresponding growik of active competition. With the widest scope for com mercial-enterprisa perhaps a the British donsinious, it might be toughĩ that the old cataldaled houses, would have welcomed the intraders to shute in the good things of the East, but no far from ibis being the case, wo question if there is any pret in the world, where so little of mutual under tendion prevails. Now bearing this in mind, dues ? cá res the beight of imprudence, to give the grast firme, the monopoly of the monry market? They We shall bave more to say respecting this at- consider it their internet to crush rivalry, and the laged custom, and ita probable operative to-morrow. community help them to the moons of doing so

The Judge at the request of the plaintiff's attor The whole of the import trade from Great Bri ory consented to send up a case to the Supreme | tala la carried on upon credit, Three months billa Court, so that it la possible that she demtion may are?givm by the purchasers of goods, and the ye' be refused; though the matter will not come consignes in expected to reunit the amunt humpe before the higher trishave for the do not negotiate the paper received from

tribunal as integra,

fr mail, is the ducount. The large

the case but only the Endings of the lower court

before them.

As these findings cannot be disputed, we con- sider ourselves now at liberty to discuss the case though ad huc subjudico.

5) Valyares they remit from their own surplus Tedds, snd the internt to prosi and fous, but u may be expected, this small femo cannot afford to make the actual advances. They discount the bills with the back, and mark the effect of a stop pige of business at that institution under the pro scal circumstanove! The shipper, hearing Dinl (From the Ceylon Times, Oot. 91.) :

goods base bann ald, expecte the process The Editor of the Friend of China calle Ceylonel. The money market is said to "be envy," *ibst other Galgoria to European soldiers" "We she be caturally concludes there is no want of may well give the ** ritorn courtzun..."'is bis ebarm- funds to accommodate solvent parties.

What then ing Isle of Hongkong-Ceylon le pertaps one of the most bealthy Ina-litine ŵthin the tropics and far from being a case of "i pot and kettle."

[Ili not, then, that the 95th Regimen: lost an v�?k�?wep there in the last of your of the le say, as they did her

in that next year of panic?-E F. ofCS)


The Editor of the Friend of China tells us that Ifis Majesty of Hinta kao arní hlín ta sealed crim

the Madras trader to do! If he states the plein ficts the chances are that he will not be believed. Bibb a state of things is incredible. The bank is

?�ld him. His credit la aut good, and the cerebant al home wishes he had employed one of th�?well known firms, whoes toeans are equal to thiale -engagem In this dilema, the poor ayout finding that a nucratico is inevitable, surpands | hiirakport businow. The money that should be appropriated to the parchese of sugar, rice of other

THE TEA QUESTION. (From the Bengal Hurkaru, October. 29.)


We have to thank the Government of Agra for Western Provinces, by Robert Fortune, Kaq, the

??Report upon the Ten Plestatines in the North

Forong was, in the year 148, sent by the Court celebrated naturalist and traveller in Coinu." Mr.

obisin jeformation un materials for the advance. Directora nu a mission to the Flowery Land, to

ment and improvement of the sea cukivation in In. from Chins anma mosiba agn, and proceeded in die. As our readers already know, he came hither

to the plantations of Gurbed and Kumon; and it the country to apply the results of his expedition

be adopted for improving and at.nding the in on the state of thea- plantations and the means t

be now reporta. His vanit can hardly_fait of pro. bringing to beat on those plantations the knowled ducing subtantially beneficial effects, for sesides sta and experience collected during ng trukdence in China, it has been the means of troducing near- ly twenty thousand pleata from the bet black and gran i enumtrisa of Costral Chias" into the imalayan, as also ein feat rata manufacturers, two lead, and a large supply of implemente from the celebrated Hwayehow districte. The plenta formerly introduced into the ludian plantations south of China, and were wrought chance because Wele, it appears, of an inferior verloty found in the

most conily obtainable.

The Government tea plantationu je Kumaon and Gurbwul, examined and reported on by Mr. Fortune, cover about 640 stene, They to nine in nun ber, and di?er in "zunt from three nares to three hund. The largest is the Keologir plan- utions the Dayrab Duan Braides the plants- tions in which the Government is directly interest- ed, there are our Zamindares anus fostered by the rates; si present local authorities These, however, are of no great

son bng, conseining guld and silver specimens ofive produce, in diverted to meet this unexpectedlowing remarks:

hd raw coinage with a complimentary card in his demand, mud whilst the ** tightness" continues the Majesty's handwriting, and scaled with thres difhollers of money can make good hargnine in the ferent cial sa?la." Now considering that w�?bagaar.

The English housewife's cup of tea will are doing our brat (f), to uphold the necendancy of be trido more expensive next year, on account of Grutom Blandu with all his adjunts of Devil | opératione si C-mpiny's Papor at this 'cendancy. Houses, Devil Docet hoc genus omne, incl-ad'

-Madras Atharmum, October 14 ing the one hundred and thuty three millioua ufi goda, both male and female who with Vahou,

The men who stabbel Miranda was not the owner's Dot; it was a Renal) pock marked man; several of the crow spoke to the prisoner before making the attack, and the Chinese interpreter hearing what was anidiva, Brahma, Honnymaon. Crishan, Parvatty jumped overboard.

| Lazimun, Komna and all the Ragnishes who inhabi the Bwarga of Hindoo malampsychosis, we ouguita expect a crimson bag." if we dust got a bag "f new coine se cati namo a few here wlus we cou inform His Majesty of Sinns ought to be honoured with one.

By Mr. Antrobus-The prisoner was the only Bu- zopean belonging to the locha, the son of the WGET was speaking to the prisoner in English, which the wite does not understand. Both before and dur ing the stabbing, the owner's son spoka, prisoner.

M. da Cunha, was a sailor on board the lorcha Ademuster on tab sora 200g-carromarken previous eridemen, thinks prisoner was standing dressing in bia cabin when he saw him; did not see the prisoner at the time Miranda was wounded; the owner's son did speak to Miranda before Mr. Miranda struck him; if the prisonar was sented he could not see the


C. May, Superintendent of Police-knows prisoner who was brought before him on the 5th December; he was much burnt, and in consequence was sent to the Civil Hospital on the 6th December. I was there and he made a statement,-identifies the statement. I mationed him before he made the statement.

(Bialement rond)

Came to China about 24 youre age; was then en- ployed on board the Cantan steamanuene slarvarda on board a larchay the owner lived in the Lower Banane; dose not know his name acknowledged haring soon nevarul piracion comonitted-saan 7 boste be ruing together. Prisoner has nothing to any.

Værdiet-Not guilty unanimana. ·

W publish the following extract, from Ceylon Paper, for the especial illumination of certain servants of the Hongkong Gutera-


The following minute sets at rast the question regarding the Sovereign being a legal tender or


Minate by the Governor.

Reference having been made to Her Majesty's

Government in awasequenos of double entertained as to whether British Gold Coin are legally our rent in this Island, His Exo-ltancy the Govern has received ? Despatak from the Right Honble the Secretary of State, enclosing a communication from the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, from which the following Extract is published for general information,

A local Ordinsuca is not necsamry to giva le- "gul currency within the bulan) to the Gold Coins


Mr Fortune reports favorably on the capabilities of the sail and chate for the production of ten, UNİ seems to think that a fair beginning has been made in torning those capabilities lo socoon His prin. cipal suggestions for the improvement of the cult vation, are, the abandonment of low fist landa f?r the slopes of the bills, the restriction of irrigation as prejudicial to the plants, the avatinned intruduc. tion of the host varieties of the pleat, and also of better workmen than those which have been haber- to employed. The report coucladen with the fol

"I have pointed out the lind most suitable for the culuration of lea, nod shown that ??ch land tent. But if the object the Government have exists in the Him?�layas to an almost unlimited ex- view be the establishment of a company to devel-pe the resources of thera hil's as in Astom, I would strongly urge the propriety of concentrating, se much as posible, the various plactatione dra ought to be chosen which are not too far apart, only of access, and if posible pour rivere; for, na daali, to be conveyed to the plains of to a seaport, ??considerable portion of the produce would bare

**lu my tour amongst the hills 1 have seen no place so well adapted for a central slotion no Ai- Morab ar llawelbaugh. Flera the Government as oficudy a farge estaruushment, and lan tanda ste abalant in all tion, The climate is bestby, and better suited to a European constitutim than all the temperate part of the world are growing most other parts of India Here plante from near. if they were at home. As examples, I may mention myrtles, pomegranates, and tabernes from the soulb of Europe; deblies, potatore, alous, and Juccas from America; melianthus major and bulle Trom the Chipe; the cypress and donder of the Himalayas; and the Tigerstramita, loquale, sowa, sad ses of Chim.

(From the Daily Alta California, Oct. 34)

The American Merchant in Izmdan.-We copy the subjoined -tice of an accomplished American merchout-residing in London, from the Home Josmak. It farnished an example of mercantile character worlly of imitation: Calden fantaði sum promote do wiele in

+he lame of the polnasty spicis nad splendid bag we will forward it to him of Honduras where beepitality of George Peabody, has now gone the flks, live upon piles Hatenlog White music uf") abroad:iwn all land, and the distinction with which the frogs who inhabit the banka af the mighty | h�?caused the Fourth of July to be publicly boar rivers paring their contents into the Carribeaned. Lemlun, by a commemoration which involrly

One redeeming quality of the new iucumb en Enghob tribote as well as an American nort and of the throne of the country of the Siamese to the dignay of the anniversary, bas gained for twins is that he is tolerant of the exertions of our aim the respect and storm of bis countrymen in missiona, but he will not identify himself as head avery part of the Union. But to those who bare of bia religion with any overtaci aven for the es-

vished London within the Jant few years, there is trusion of our Holy faith 1-be allows every tub to

nothing in the least now in this manifestation of stand on its own "beads notipodes," The King of M Pabedy's noble liberality, er warth national Siam incultates a lesson in this respect which being. Hocially, though not politically, and at his In these daya, whien ten bas become almost who "ruas may read." and we wish that bis on- 9mm coss, not the nation's he has long performed in necemary of life to England and bet wide spread. ample were followed by these here who have the London ministerial function; receiving all resing Colonies, its production upon a large and cheap power, and we would wish the inclination, to estable Americans who appeared in that city, scale is an object of ordinary importance. But to fallow his praiseworthy Temple. The new King whether they presented any olsins upon he notice the natives of to is themselves, the production of is ainus that Rajah Brooke should return to re of nut sbewing dem substantial kindness; and this article would be of the greatest valus The consider the basis of a treaty between the power" "Wording "then" vatnable facilities for seeing and poor pakaris, or hill farmer, al present, has scarcely of Britain and Siam and we would that it be done laying all that was most worthy of regard. His the common necessaries of life, and certainly nose ilie, ora Jounihan steps in so sabeert out in

entertain conta to bis countryman have of its luxuries. The commen sorts of to which race in ibe Eastern Baus. There are now two ban the most luxurious and delightful banquets hea lands produce will scarcely pay the carrings American Alen of War in the China waters and

The most generous and akiku hast ever ar the nearest market town. for less yield a profit of anther of 3 000 tons will be shortly there to aged. He has not only been socostomed to such a kind as will enable him to purchase some spread the infance of the "Stare and stripes" der pertant cial services to Americans, who, few of the necessary and simple luxuries of life. A from Cambodia to Japan,

but for him, might have lacked all assistance in common blanket has to serve him tar his covering metropolis, but he has, on more than one occa by day and fat his bed at night, while lus de-Ning- offe, protected and promoted American interests in the meet signal and effective way. His interver lule sheker from the laclemency of the weather, bours is a mere mud hut, repable of affording t tios in aid of American-oradit, at the time our Were part of these lands producing tea, be, would curities becane depreciated in England, is well then have a bonky beverage to drink, beside a rombered; and in a lata Instance his prompt commodity which would be of great value in the 90 generous self exposure and expenditure for the marker. Being of amall bulk compared with its ben, reed the country from open value, the expense of carriage would be tri?ing, disgrace, and presented an exemple of patrioc and he would return home with the means in hi�?

·bonduct with which the niggardness, pabl.c and packet of making himself and bis family more com. parate, displayed in this country, stande in Cortable and more happy: didimi contraal. It is to Mr George Peabody that pet pralitetion are indsblad for being in the Er- kitino at all. When they wars landed there the B. Lawrence, no pecunisty provision wever bad been wide for the exponam of rattlug them up is the building. Mr Peabody called t

As an instance of the progress of civilization amongst the Siamese we inay mention that the: King Les requested the American Aliminary Ladies of Bankok to attend weekly at his palace be give lessons to the Princesses of his Cours. We have thus the realization in Bism of the aspire bious of our Governor that the fairies of the East | should join these of the West in savial intercourse. Who knows bow soon Mim Montoo Swamy or Mrs Poonche Rala of Columbo may Ve iwan figar ing in the many waits for malas as it may be) ser inspiring Polka, when, the King of Biam des séri such an example in frosing his fate donotitiam from the trommels of the eustong of agon.

His prime Minister rejoicing in the euphoniuss title of Chow-fa-mong Keet kan supported the ok'

"Were such resuka doubtful, we have only to look across the frontiers of Ledia into Chios. Hus we fail tea one of the necessaries of life la the strict- esponse of the word, a Chinese nevar drinks cold

water, which he abbors, and considers axbeakby. T'es is he favorite beverage from morning valit

of the Rasim, which, so being issued from Hermple of the King of fire as, gumb?ge ?�nd sugar the palace, and finding that mothing was done to night ; not what we call tea, mixed with milk and

*Majesty's Mint, under Her Royal Authority, are legal discharge for the some they represent ** throughout Her Möjassy's dominions.

By His Excellancy's Command,


Col. Scary.

Colonial Secretary's Offee. Colombo, 18th October, 1851.

(From the Calcutta Citiuas, Nov. 7.)

A CASE of considerable importance to the Ship- ping interente of the part, that of Potter & Co of. Jardine, Skinker & Co. was determined yesterday in the Court of Small Causes. The defendants ergagad freight for the Monarchy, of which vessel the plaintiffs were agents, but threw up their ship ping order and refused to ship their goods, because no making application to 8 of the Cafoutis Insu. rance offers they were informed that they would not insure goods par the Mouarchy on the ground that she wondermanned. The Monarchy is a - Best video pomal of 478 sons and kae many of the

in producing these innovations.

The king of Sium forwarded the Editor of the Friend of China gold and silver-takene of his elcam in return for a few papers sent to him; bere is capital opportunity for our contempor aries of the Observer and Examiner to gat a "crim son bag" for their manifzel determination not to enter the lists ngainst the support of the dustrines of the Oxfinds and Cambridges of Siam Tha Osarmer would be more than cursin of a 12 pund.

er bag at luns...-Ibid,

THE MADRAS BANK (From the Honday Fines, Oct. 25) We have beard ramuurs of an intended addraks to Government on the part of the trading camino- nity, having for its object the batter regulation of the Madras Bank. But it will never be voted, and did the obstruction rest upon a dislike to Govora. mant interferones in matters of trade we too should rejoico al the resuls. But it has its origin in sicer simidity. What the Mople of Malabar is to the Sepoy, that is the Blanker of Madras to the smal merchant Hele noi more duliked than- fanted) The rings of the Moplah "are not inden demisil

establish the American articles in their places, in quired the reason, and was told that there were de tunda for the p гpoa. He replied that he would himself advance whalever amoost might be neces saly for the object; and at once furnished £2,000, without any security at all; trusting to the decency of Congress to take proper action in the matter, and choosing to pay the money from ha own The exitution of this sum, accompanied poket rather than allow the country to be disgrac byme appropriate acknowledgment of the ne tional respect, should form one the first duties

the nei Congres

* Out tvadere will t-member our deprecar remarka Valeur when the Englah menof-war in herb-ar tire -- selaire la vykrment to the Anniversary of America: In-, Liere in a sample of the way in which these complmente ser viewed by the Creat American Noli Mr. Gage Pbodycon-et the 4th of July, to be publicly bred in Loan, by a summaturasing which ins.fred tribute" The cars Beuther Joanthan refect well on that prefer ride gooth betere desugarien. There are many wine bandame can brodo-that view the stenal bu 1. had many of ther_ountrymen with ne plommable bedding band for dan bahro unig yeom vilde over dan spisit of the devam----En. F. or. O

a change

angar, but the meduce of the beta itolf drawn out in pora water. One acquainted with the habisa uf This people can scarcely conceive the ides of the Chinese Empire ex-ging were it deprived of the tea plant: and I am sure that the extensive use of this beverage adds much to the health and com.

full of the great body of the people.

The people of Judia are sul mulike the Chinese in many of their babies. The pour of hoth com trire cat sparingly of aciual fo d, and rice with utler grain and vegetables fazar the staude articles on which buy live this being the chee it a noi at ll unlikely the ladies will soon acquite a habil which is a universal in the sister country. But in order to rable him to drink ten, it must be provinced as a cheap rate; be connol aborde to PST attle rate of four it 012 akillings a pound. It must he furnished to him al (--ut praes or vis pemes iumu nd and this can be stone easily, but only on he own billa. If this is accomplished, and I see no reason why it should not be, ? born will have been osa- ferred upon the people of ladie of no common kind, sad one which an sulighienak ons Yval Gersta. ment may well be proedd confèrring on he sub- jects.

Paltand co


Bloodring skip kly


..B. Amerias Kandy Mara Amey

W. C. 8. America' Mariy



Han French


We believe that we, as a?�beverage is already very populer with the natives, whenever they can get for nothing or at a trifling cost, and we cannot imagine any insurmountable dläculty w oppone Ito general introduction throughout the country.





$ long Down, from Cumaingmoon.

1) Chine, Ferguson, from Whampoa.

3) Patria (Port), Pins, from Canton,


Antelope (Am), Potter, from Shaoghat.

HMS. Hostings, Capt. Austen, from a Cruize.


1. Cowroy (Peru), Robinet, from Hongkong.

2. Splz (Don), Wigman, from Bongkong.

1. Wm. O, Bawa, from Hongkong.

3) Tiempo (25in), Tochanan, from Macao.

3, Jules C'star (Fr), Læsergiot, From Flongkong.



20, Chelwan, Beach, from London, 17th July

91, Gullegs (Am), Ellery, from Califorais, lai Nov. 24, Orisial (Am), Dale, from Bunion.




4, Virement Bend-m, March, Ringapore.

4) Kam Ty Lat, (Chinese) Koudsden, California.

4, John Lane, Pakar, Singapore.

4, Jona, Dowman, Shanghas,

4. Mgaram Dyaram, Brady, Calenta.

4. Dense, Barcham Cumsingmeon.

§ Autulope (Am), Potter, Whampoa.

Mongolan, lorner, Shenghar

Fouriešla, Oates, California,

6. Maxepps, Crochen, Curatingmoon.



10, Mery Adams (Am), Heidmg, New York. January.

1, China, Fergusson, Hongkong.

8, Bostics (Picu), Edwards, Chinsingmoon,

1. Nimias ?everd (Fr), Drinit, Hongkong.

* Wick of the Wäce (Am), Millett, London.


Flying Crowd (Am), Cracey, New York.


20, Edward Forsend, Kilgour, Nexz York,

20, Mahead, Läldir, éydney,

13, Jeremiah Garnett, Daley, Livernout.

14, Bangalore, Mergen, Loodus,

14, Demision, Dark, Londra,

Van Horukowa Wmauroa, ?umsikamDON,


For England,




Abbotsford, barque Agora, bara

Flag T



Albatros, schooter

America Packel, barque

Androma vaba, brig



Aalia, schoonTE

barges Athol, barqu

Andas. " kommer Antara, sebenar

Hess, skip

Bettina ch

Herbampore, s'p

Boadicea, banque

Home Housjen ship Babay,


Canton, steamer

Canlon, steame

Caprica. barque


872 Posi


31 May tha

Touched B


New In

es et to



184 13lay

De 1

c|floogkäng|| Peder

-- Warming Pestorico F. Cuma sad on. Nobelving ship Diger 11|14hanagan |Cartowliz, Harkart and so

bed stitle and en


Food for Dual and ---Nas. Devi and co

Wampon Kassel and co. ||Nov 21 Shanghav Captain

faidive, Matheopa nad so - Shangha Pleghalay

Javna Nye, Parkla and co.

|Alfred Wilson and on.

Jedlow, Möncheng sand an. |Raceling ship

[Nov 24 Whampoa Vypi Perkio and

Recetring ship

Places 1. 1. d'Abé?ka.

"Amoy (Falé dutin



Site Des

[Peru) 964|Ja

Krit. 400 Hoch


15 Blade runer and co

vilna, skáp


Hongkong ligas and co

Clara, ba



Clown belg

Bil 18 D'Ua-she


Conforius, ship


00 Sip 24 Canalulu

Constant ship

Conroy, Uni



13 Borch


34 Kindy

Duke of Portland, ship-

SX2 Mandel

13 Wandis



du jept zejting.

INov 14.


Des -


Dea, schoNET

Vide, achnover

Druk, brig

Eden, barque

Frasers, bare

Flor of Lancaster, bk.

Mio. bergan

Fimigrast, barqu

Fly June, shig

Emperor, ship

Empresa barque

Fakon, ship kaelt, clip

Falinand, ship

salkan skip

Fool Whip

29: Destie

| Diam||67|Devia

Fr Maherbe Britany

Friedlck Boehm barque Pras ?45 | Wallar

Montague, schoon ei Am || 107 | V?

Gallant, brig

Gallego, harger

Odenhead, barn


George W lengtoo, bk

kelas, bermaphrodite

Flexy, p

Holes b

kit A



To t


Des T







Kower D. N. Comsjon spher Heartsing skip Wipes Juridian, Mathenge pad on Not Steward?

· Band x d se

Und 31'bampos dya, Farbli Das Camison Denis Basle sat on Novingpo Wm. Harid

Jardine, Matheson and vo. Londen 11. "trookes

'n Whiperder

Valorch "itates and on.

Fletcher and co

Amoy Falta de

Wodenry De, Husle unt on.

De Hooghong Lurer and on

4 Islankiu, Rawana and co

Jardim, Bali Deum and eg

L've Hanghoon Hable, Bilaket and os

Woldling Janline, Stable-se'n and

Jaket 171

Teyer, chofer and so das Wrancione 44 Kattanjes and

thecha poster

Shanghell. Nye and .


Jarlion, Mailman and on Ntedra July East Famiļas dine, Malnova nard on Dec 31longhong[han. Pasina

`larcon, ziepbenten zadov

hamps Had and co.

For 15 Honghe. Daddall

3, vì lugangton | i.kndsay zid no

-12inchew Jardin, Mucheson and co plessiving shly

Des Whampan day Who and 0.

Looking Jard, Mutionson and co

Kar Shapes Themes Hum


Hough Joka Burd and o

Aney Sykes, behwabe and cr Hongkong Conchone & tanto i ok

Nase and co

l'hamper Chorus Hunt

Hubert Browns and un. |?gwe, Mair and en

Mauriving ship

Main Franalon

bitors ably


Jaidive, Atcheson and co.ibangkan Dea till. Aghauriżymo, vinir al Of

Loot and a

flan open Fest and on [`er - A T M. Batth and os.

afiangkan, Joku Merl gol an

Hawie, Drinkar & de Canton Wurrow homes and se Amunt 2nd e??

Ueo Whampoa (Isder

Pas de co Chloe Dent and co Fee-fou are her and on

and co

Deo sitong kong Order

W&N Longran

U. Basson, Bousand Janet Jardins, Matheson and où. Des Whampoa Olyphant sedes.

Knowving ship



Gleniyo, barge

Props 13

Guldva gr, barga


Good Succem,


as fuit chong

New Th

Orce Neve, ship



farfugula, bele





Hongkong, tumet

Hongkong barque.

Hygria, p

UrlClark Name King 14. SU HBT

Gerard Tigne

France Hi......

Houthous Man Branche Miver boat

44 Det Hongkong

Nor 30

es pt 1?jinulule



For San Francisco,

jate Long, bergue


Cooroy, W.

Indrade, bil



Constani, H.

Holon Ma?aw, W.

For New York.

Golden Age, W.

N. B. Palmer. W.

For France.

Nicolas Cazard, W.

For IF. C. 8. Am Beatrice, C. Caprice. W. Bumuoah, H.

For Bombay.

Region, WV.

For Calcutta,

Gallam, W.

For Madras.

Gutenband, W.

Emptor, H.

Friedrich Dorhm, El.


Golden Age. W. Grogu MeY Hmbury, Fl. Land-o'Cakes, 11. North Carolma, 11.

For l'e 200

Warlock, 11.

For Bla Ijuttio Liang, W. Patriol, W. Terunte, W.

For Siam,

Fascrie, W.

For Shanghas. Solide, It.




La Here, barges Lamang - Jahan, ang

Hanenter skly

Lard Lowarat, stip

Lord Ashley, bar qua Leopat, barque Lenina, banque Male, barque Ala kosten, basqua Martha, cher Made, arque

Matria echomet

Mic, baryon

NB Palmer, skip

Neptune, barque Nicole L'stard, ship


197 Lemford



Peru. * Gesvol Am. 1487 Lew

PT. 27

Noway Niclasen, belg Nari 1981}+&+ Nimrod, barq

Pacar, ship

N. 3. da Luz urg

Mymp briganNKO

Cristal banya

Usted ship

Jone, schoo

Ni Dovan

So, batyus



Inland Green schoene?


Jalan Cerar, barque




3TH Lanky


Sunda, İslands

13 Nov 1


Balt. 412 Bellence

Des 17 Honghong









Contosta, W.


(1), Sans and es. Nor 13 Hanghan, Kawle, trinker und

1. de Jesus

New York

ཧཱུ�?་�?་རྩ�?3335རྩ་རྩ�?༑�?ྜ�? རྰ་སྦེཟླ



theclving chip

eiving ship


Receiving ship

Ap with ship



all and co- Hanghans Kenke Drinker and 0.

Xour Fork beler



*3 fraper



bian Franeless

· Helt | 196) · Maon Aude

firewetting whip

han translin tkanghat

arth Toit.



Patkoder, daryns

'aria,ser Par, br


Het Hongkang



Philip Ledug, baryne

|Brit | A2. Qalakasi

49 150&H









Albert Edward

Amy Robean



Lon. Sept 18 H.

[Lar. Sept 10 11,

Jakie June J-



Lir. Aug 17)&

Emperor of China


|Lon. Of 13 &



Lob. Aug 20 H.

Far West (Am)


||Lon=== Dei 18, H.

J. K. L


John Bright


Liv. Aug 13 8.


||Lon. Ang 13| Ft.


Order in which the above Vsmolalaf) Bagland.

ang Bakoori, Koshak, Ján Bright. Outbags,_JH, L-, Kam,

Allen Kävik, Aline. Kooperar al CD40, Pu Ta

Loading At LUXDON; Helen Lindsay, Sophie,

Pron sbon, and Ocelung.-At Livanpoos; Uli | England, and Balmoral."



Ano Mustio

Baron of Renfrow Brahmin


John O'Gamot

Lord Water

Bhaw Allum




Mania |Currua

MeEchean jom. Det jWh Mundr

Bom. Not in EL, Bom. Nor H.

Bom NorWb

McDonald Bam Nov 11. Phillips

Bora. Oct 26H Wadge

Bow Nor IH1. Loading-A1 Banar; Backporr. D. of Northumbriand, Word, Eliza Morrison, and Matsson.

Lan, Londra, Mr. Llegend. This, Chikka, Wai. Waarhad, C

*** % Bambay, Tas. Tutkun, dira Artean. Pro. Prang. 1. Khônghang, H. Wama, Th. Whainga, A. Amu?, 1. shanghani






falan oder





Elmeghans Jelmagi # Y n

Nagpa 81 | 12 |Hon. Sperat HoogLong [1] M x 213 Adri Amoson

??Copthon Anita

||Kat cam: M. Bg.] 27|||ondo fo

||Bmgko, San B


hamper 13, 20


16 Jungen (15. B.,

Le Casin

Hacas Ft. Ban

Me Wit


6 it man

20 Kilendr

d. de Pies

l'hotela, basque Pleiades, barque Hedags, Salp Majasthan, ship stellf, ship Hegina,

Habert mall, ship Noma, brig Koper, barque dence, wh

Ben Hices, baryse

bes farve,

Blum, ship

de, litig

?�Blam, barque

bir Chellis Forbes, vir.

Sir Edward Kyan, barque

3 pati

shunde, bel

??Opkin, berge

baik, esimer


Spec, achosvet

byun, barys Diphu Larten, ship

#1 Antela, sor at Jost, schower han it hat brig

bak, barque


Tartar, sh

Thai Ues, Laryn

Impo, bri

Time, acuer Tory, barque Telhar, ERO Termeke, barqu

Trider.k, wary

Limpio, big Then, chr

\rom Jacoba barque

harinck, brig

Whoa, bergte

I bel

slam islet, ship thians 1.les, belg

iamte, baryas Willy

I wmchey, Ma




Spar 1ặc Vi

| Beja. | 2172 Megn

· Am. | 12:10ằng

|Belt.) In Chardh?i


131 Com

·Beis. · 000). "

Demon A4 arka Purtrie



[Pwet] $10kms

Port Mel Brit Loo!

Thus, a l'atersom Dan 175







Bleut and co

Use 14 Shanghai silue Heard and on

Hug Order

Whipes |?�ngustine Hard and

-- Along ferdive, Mathewa and on Keceiving hi

Jan longg Mack was and c

Juelz amely Tall and ce UCL DI

Lurdina, Matbras and co Navdhanghariali, hja and on

?�y, altro.

The 'aktu batipes Glimen, s, i

Holiday, la aut ce

Mew York

Taky Dee · Barapan Tandler, Wathonan and on 81 §. ? Bombay

14 Hongkong Jardins, Mathesso and co

sme,Tall and




Receiving ship

|| one does no

Whee by MW Pastan and co

Muptth STANI. V. Joe...

Des Catan A.Vign


Now my talt und en..

Dua-Javelow Lapiala

Early Ents

Sandy kompé Carlowitz, Harkert and Hobart Town

{bagt i

Amagyme, Mulsando,


> Francon


Honkong Captain



1: Unique


341 bu


akang Lindsay and or

Abearing ship

47 #rabes


change J. B). smith and ca

Leobong Jardine, Matheson and'cq. Newstring while

me, harqan



humpeter Braun sad on




Amoy ym. Molt and co

Whapon. Vandenber


Sandwich Isles

18 Uci filongkong

Dec 24 kawen Blerkin Rémon and co.

44 Nov 14

The Hongkongitante, Urfuker and on,

[May. 21]

Bhan th

Angrilu; pe


or Hooghang



Helt D



|- -com l'estonjes V. Cama and enfitsertting abip

dopt 10 Banghar tilbly, Levingscoe and p. London

Holy x Macao L. Marques

July 31 Maanderen.

Jun 17 Hough ong Jardlar, hosas and so Put Male

July 25 ADDY, Hule and ca

Ang 1-1leghang-che Hard and ou


Amoy "Under

-Wouding Unisay and co.

Where poatesler

Nur Shangie Catalo --Wang Laddsay and es. Usinghoog Watmore and o Lady 3.Lampes Choctaw Mang

Use on Dent sed so

Kargo, Raincan, and Curkitund, by the Pudrpizton, Walian Taxdant, Quich's Road West, Victoria, In's


Receiving ably

caling ship Peckell


VOL. XI. No, J.





PRICE $10 per annuni,

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONOKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, 10 Dollars, payable in advance, queriarly or otherwise, at option. Single Numbers, 25 centa

Communications for the Editor will be forwarded if left with Ty-san, Stationer No. 199 Quen's Bond-fourth house wat of the ?rlistal Bank, where spars coplar of this Paper máy niso be obtained. TERMS OF ADVENTIDINO,-Ta likes and under, 1 Doller; adfitional, 10 conta ??line. Repetitions one-third of the first Insertion, ships, -Pont insertion, ??Dollars, subvoquent Insertions 43 cents. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. Putt charge made for repetition of any Advertisement In the Orangan? İmus.





ORIENTAL Company's Steam Ships will leave this for the above places on Friday the 30th of January. Canso will be reorised on board until 8 r. . of Abo 2ly and Tassel Moon of the 29th.

O, EDMOND, Superintendent.

P. & O. 8. N Co. Office. Hongkong, Blut December, 1851.


THE Sou British Ship "CONSTANT,"


525 Tos Regler, Captain CoomBLO, will be despatched for the above port ou

or about the 19th January next.

For Famont Apply to,

JOHN BURD & Co. Hongkong, December 90th, 1861.


THE Haws and Grounde of Glenealy." For further partículase apply at the Of- ne of Messrs Dent & Co. Hongkung. 4th December, 1851.



House on the Bouth Googh

NOTICE. THE Business of the underelgood will, from tole date, bo carried on under the örm of Bralet & Co.

FRANCIA B. BIRLEY. Canton, Jet July, 185L

NOTICE. TN consequence of the estirumont of Mr. Charlus 1 Bandane, the drm of Wotansen de Bannane has been dissolved, and, in future, will be signed in quidation only. The other partnere in the late Ario(Mr. Alfred Wilkinson, Conton and Moore DARI, DroKanton & Co. London) will con tions the business goder the Style of ALFRED WILKINSON & Co.

Casion, 18th Drosumber, 1884,



AN lovnice of Buperior JAVA Coffee, and MAR-155 A sertið Ale and Brout, în 4 and 6 Dozen Carko


RAWLE, DRINKER & Co'a Hongkong, Sth September, 1851.

TURECT per Fional ship NICOLAS OE-

D'ZARD, Paco Pleat de Billery Cham

prigo, lu ona dozen Cases, at the Gudowns of.

WM. PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong, 2d December, 1801


SELECT Batches of very superior old Glenlivet ??Whiskey in bottle :-Dark and Pala Brandy Hollande Gip--Cordial date, Fine fruity Put

-Dark, Golden, and Pale Skurive,-Landon bati.

UR CARR LUCAS is admitted a Partner in led Stout and Porter, Bass' Pale Ale dc, ds.

Faren 12 May 1851.

Some Fine Salted Balman in Jars


Caman, 16th August, 1961.


R LAWRENCER BELL is authorized

to sign our Firm by procuration.

CONSTABLE, WOOD & Co. Mavila, let December, 1881.


THE interest and responsibility of Mr Resale Tineret and our focused

on the 81st lumo.

REMINGTON & Co. Bombay, let August, 1881.


Ely be spider of THE ondersigned have formed a separtnership for Ibe transacting of a GenuzaL COMMISSION BULE 1 Singapure, under the style of WOL CUTT & Co.

Apply to,

Vistoria, Tat August, 1851.



TOGETHER or separately, those fear insey altuated on Lift 30, two of them having frontage on Hollywood Reed, the other two on Gough Brock.

Apply to

MR. BURGOYNE. No. 1 Wellington Street, Vietarin, 23rd Desember, 1861.

RY and Secure Rorage of porishable or other Merchandise can be bad, on moderate charges, at the Godowns of


West Point, Victoria, Hongkong, 3rd January, 1852.

In the Estate of ABRAHAM Jouer BILET, Late of Victoria deceased.

ALL partian having any claims on the above A Estatu sen requested to forward the sin with accounts and vouchers to the undersigned, forthwith. Persona judebted to the Estate are also Jequested to pay amounts of their deine respectively on or before the 1st day of March next.


Administrator to the Estate,

Hongkong, 23rd December, 1831,


THE Business hitherto carried an under the name

closed, and will in future be conducted by Mr. SERAMIN NOOBOopt the firm and style of All- MEDBHOY BHAIMTOOLLA.


Canton, Bib January, 1892.



JAMES H. ADAMS, from Barton, WILLIAM DREYER from Hamberg, DENRY G. WOLCOTT of the fri of WOLCOTT, BATES & Co., Shongkat

and Garten.

Bingapore, het Apell, 1851. AMERICAN And Foreign AGENCY,

CITY OF WASHINGTON, NDER the Direction of AARON HALOT PALE nn, of New York, Counsellor of the Supreine Court of the United States, and Director of the late American and Foreign Agency of that city, and Worthington Garrettion Shataan, of "Now roses, see Counsellor of said Court, and late Bolicitor of the United States General Land Office. This Establishment in formed for the following objects

1. For conducting Profesional business in the Supreme Court of the United States, and the pro- secution and recovery of Claims against the Ame rican Government;

2. For Collectione generally, ambracing Dobla Legacies and Inheritances in the United States and the adjacent British Possomin

8. For the Purchasing of Land in any of the States or Territories of the Union, and Losing Moneys on Mortgage of Real Existe lying therein; 4. For Investment of Funds in United States

and Staton Blocke and Loans, and, generally, for the tranmction of all businesa pertaining to Law, Lean or Banking Agonoy.

All Communicatione addressed, poat paid, to

Mesra, Palmer & Bnethen, American and For-

City prompt and lakhful attention,

PALMER & BNETHEN, Office of American and Foreign Agency, 6, Carroll Place, Capitol Hill, UNION INSURANCE BOCIETY 1850-52 THE half yearly General Meeting of the Share

bolders in the above Society, will be held at the Office of the undersigned on Saturday, the 10th

THE business of the Undersigned from this date

will be conducted under the Firm and Biyls of | January, 1852, at noon. BRANDAO & Co. and Mr Joad BastorA Gongs and Mr Jon Fitzpatrick are admitted Partners thoroin.

ANTONIO C. BRANDAO. Canton, 1st January, 1852

NOTICE THE Interest and Responsibility of the late RUTTONJER Honnossa Camaju pensed and Kruz-kides Rustomzes Camasuu in admitted a Partner in our Firm from this day.

RUTTONJEE HORNUSJEE CAMAJEE ??Co Canton, Ist January, 1852




have this day admitted Mr Frans Knoop = perior in our Firm.

A. LUBECK & Co Hongkong, let October. 1851.



admitted a Partner in our Firm.

DAVID SASSOON SONS & Co. Canton, 11th September, 1851.

DENT & Co.


Hongkong, 30th December, 1851.

EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 28 CORNHILL LONDON. THE undersigned, having been appointed Agents

for the above Office, are prepared to effect in surances against Gre, on Buildings and Goode, in Canton and Hongkong, including merchandise in native Packbouson.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Ca Canton, 14th August, 1851,


BALTIC Timber and Planks Brandy in casks and enacu, Vinegar in casks, Superior Port, Sherry, Claret and Moscatel Wino, &c., &o. Apply to,

A. LUBECK & Co. Hongkong, 14th August, 1851.


MCEWEN & Co Hongkong, Queen's Road, 80th Sept. 1851. Ex Land-o'-Cara." JUST landed an assortiment of very superior

Scotch Tweeds.


Queen's Road, Victoria, 22nd November, 1951

FOR SALE. desirable asortment of Boxes, collected A chiefly on the Coasts of Ceylon and the Mau-


Queen's Itoad, Victoria, 7th November, 1851.



THE Bona fide Patent Ventilating elegant full Dross Hat, an article combining gentility with comfort and economy, and never surpassed in adaptation to a warm climate.

McEWEN & Co.

Agenta Quáen's Road, Victoria, 3rd Octobo?, 1891.

FOR SALE. Ex "Land of Caes."

ABS' Palo Al

Mariella Pale and dark Brandy, Superior Old Tom,

Pale Sherry,

Table Forks and Spoons, Wellington Boole,

Oxford Shoe (soul,) Hand toilet glasoor, Day books and Ledgers, White Campimete,



8MITH & BRINELOW here re- ceived 130 Cases of Superior Holland Gin, which they offer at a low figure.

Hongkong, 9th December, 1851,


Pili and Ointment;


Extract of a letter, dated Madrus, June 10, 1846 from F. I. coti, Esq. 8th Light Cavalry, De puty Acalant Quarter Master General of the Army.

To Professor Holloway.

lestimony to that of the many who bere certified to ALI have much pleasure in suding my the excellence of your Ointment, but my object la addressing you in, chiefly, w draw your attention to a means by which its value may, I think, become still more generally appreciated and applied.

In this country there is a disease called Boroti (from Bursot, min); it commerces and prevails to the greatest extent during the rainy weather; it lo condead, I believe, exclusively to Horses. A valu- able Horce of mlos caught it in a merch during the Monsoon; the usual remedies were applied in vaiu; indeed it is a disease which I have paver seun cured, for when once taken it soon becomes rooted in the constitution. It shows itaolf by large foul angry sores over all parts of the body. For eight months my Horse had it specially bad, having had three large sores on his fore legs. Fortunately at Tengil I saw your advertisement in the papers, and thought Cunt, If the Ointment did so much for mankind. there was no reason why fotor &re, ahould not equally benefit by it, The firm' did wonders, and three or four cured the places in weeks, (The writer further states, "that from the Hurse having bitten himedf, a aute appeared on cos of the old places, but this is rapidly giving way to the Ointment)"

I remain, Bir,

Your obedient eetrabi,

F. Bcorr, Fih Light Cavalry.

Thaan (ruly involashla madinians can be pre cured at the Establishment of the Undersigned, in richly Ornamented Boxes and Pots together with Directions for the Guidance of Patients affixed to each Box and Pot

Letu Dintire for 1952, Lady's and Gentlemen's Black, colored, and tice,

white kid gloves, in good order. Marryatt's Bignals Latest Edition,


Victoria, 17ik November, 1851.

J. M. DA BILVA. Queen's Road, Victoria

ACOW & Co.

The Hald, Canion


Poniareda, Macao



THE undersigned ħna established a large BA- Trans to supply any quanti. ty of CABIN and SHIP DREAD si short no-

FINE NAVT Busad,................8) conis per lb. PILOT BREAD,........... warranted to korp for Six Months in any Climate. Contracts entered into with Departments, Com-

THOMAS HUNT. Whampoa, Gil November, 1851.

PLANTAGENET GUARD RAZOR. (Br Rovat Lettana Patent.) TH18 unrivalled patent consists in the attach

JUST received per "Itonant Small" by the mode of Yeutels, &c. for regular supplies.


Fine Glenlivet Whiskey,

Pale Sherry.

Do. Ale, Ba'.

Pilot Cloth Pea coats.

Lambs wool, Worsted, Cotton and Thrend


Rodgers nod Bond Penknives and Razors, Rodgers' Table cutlery.

Dish Cowers in sols.

Powder Baku.

Bbot Bela-double and single.

Leather Cigar Canen.

Coffee mille.

Prico's Wax Candles.

Also par OVERLAND an aortment of Gokl penoll cance and penholders-and few articles wall adopted for Christman and New Year presenta

BOWRA & Co. Hongkong, 18th December, 1651.


En Viscount Sandon."


eived by tha akova vesas), - Prine Wiltshire Cheese, Prime Yark Flame.

Bloom Raisins, Jurdan Almonds, French Olives, Royal Standard Visegar made entirely from Mak, Neral and Military Saver, Worcester and Royal Zest Sauce, French and English Pess, Preserved

Ments of every description.


An Invoice of Stationery.

Per late Arrivals

Dublin Blout in Bottle, Campbell's Edinburgh Pale Ale in Bottle, Prime Stout in log-hend, Hodgson's Pale Ale in Hogshead, Superior Pan, Sherry, English Bottled Claret, Champagne, Ilock, Marttila Dark und Pale Brandy, Uniteil Vinegard

ment of a movable Comb Guard to the ordin ary Razor, so nicely adjusted that, in theoperatqes of sharing, the skin cannot be cat whiletbe heard is being removed. Those who have never provi. ously shared can shave themselves without fear, or the old of glass, or on board ship in the most It is invaluable to nervous, tempostdown weather.

paralyzed, blind, the timid, or most awkward shaver. The patent has been most extensively patronized by the officers of all tanks of the United and Hon. bio E. J. C. Services.


Te made of highly prepared and compressed leather, has all the efficiency of a bons and pre- serves the edge of the Razor in the most perfect


Plaka Razors, Penknives, and Scissors of every acription warranted of the finest workmanship.

C. STEWART & Co Patentes 22, Charing Crow, London, may be bad at all the three Preal- dencies nad all the principal chics in the East Indies N. B. All C. STEWART & Co.'s Cutlery has the brand Pinageart then on, and is made of their celebrated lantagenet Stoe! chemically prepared.


CHIPELAGO AND EASTERN ASIA, Ethew Ingy of the todo-Pacific Llauda. By J. R.

Lagos, En Skel of the Steam Route from Singapore to Coronation &c. of the King of Siam.

Torres Straits.

N. B. Parties in Chion wishing to become

ENGLISH and Dutch Bheathing Copper of all Company's Brandy, Glenlivet Whisky. Old Tom, subscribers will please forward shout Dames and ed

sixes, also Nails, by


Hongkong, Int October, 1850

Jamaica Rom, &c. &c, all in excellent order.

No 1 & 2 Wooanam's Buildings, Hongkong, 9th December, 1851,

Frasers to the office of the "Friend of China soJ tlungkung Gazete."

Victoria, 18th December, 1831.




[N comarquence of its bring ne cary to lay up each of the H. & C 8. P. "Co's Blade 11, None hereby given that after the Oth Bratant, until further notice, they will make only two trips per Week, leaving louxome on Monday and Thursday, and Cantox on Tu-day and Fiday, st the usual bouts and belling at Ma. cao no customary.


Agenio. Hoogkong, 8th Janosry, 1889


sod how anuld be ouery on his business if 1....

no wharf before his door for stood to ind

Mambers of the British Chamber of Core W have again to notions another instuuca of Canton-Arrival of the Mail at Hengkung-Est of Prant issionaries in China-Boman Cathells the benefit acoruing to Brutab Mercantile in- Midone at Hongkong and Shanghua-Diplomatic Ea-terests by the country's maintenance of ours, all of which is brought in boats from thi tablements in China-Newspapers in Chinator. ernment of Hongkong-Detail of H. B_M_Milliary

"gallant navy." The British whip Myaram land. and Naval forces China-Ders of Benevolent Dyaram, on Sunday morning lau, before sho Societies-List of Residents at Amoy-Blat of flood- dents at Shangha-Gars of Macso-Residen could get sufficient way in the water after Canton, Wampos, and Camslag Mouth-Comersiai gylling her suchor of the ground, was drifted, Hou In China-Alpbabesian Ides of Benido?a în China-Table of distances.

deeply laden with salt, right into the bight oft Mere Japon Gillard & Co's Godowns, Tun last China Mail, (a precinus vehicle for

where she remained, the wind having coine announcement of matters ecclesiastical) com.out from the Northward, without any powering and that if no other mondo are avail. Uk tains, we observe, a Government Notideation to the effect that, consequent upon Dr Mow creiff's resignation, the Reed, B. W. Steedman New Advertisements will de recsier:¿ until 7 O'Clock

B. A. Military Chap'an, has been appointed to on the Evenings previous to public stion, ein: Tues dogs and Fridays. It' ona se tipo copies are es

officiate as Colonial Caplain during the further quired of the issues in which an Advertisement absence of the Hovil V. J. Stanton, whose re- is inserted, and applied fr during the perial for turn has been so lang baked for, and so ardent. which mublication is ordered, no charge will be ly desired. This changs in the officiatoryship made for each copy or copies. Bonnes of the Colonial Chexplainpy has been rendered




of shifting her position failing help.

to such a predicament a man of war's launch by taking an nochor out to windward, would have rendered most efficient assistance; but although H. M. 8. Sphynx's boarding officer went alongside in a Jully boat, the officers of the Afyaram Dyaram appeared to fly from him as from a man bearing the plague spot on his coontsaanos. Asistance was not necessary, we believe, through the ontinued rendered, and the Spkynz's went from the ill health of the Rerd, J. O tell, joint presepte Myaram to the Hanbury, and daudied about with De Moncreif at St.Paul's Colloge, wasca- before returning home the idea of assisting Dees 16 by the latter gentleman is disabled, doing jas

British merobant vessel in distres beżag up- tice to both offlors, to give that attention to the pereatly as remote from their ideas, no salvage Dec, duties of the pastorate which he is aware in cy being in the way, aa nnything that could be quired of him. We are sure we speak the geotherwise thought of. The Myrram Dyarum was afterwards taken in tow by the P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Canton, for which service, from 8 a. . unul noon, the owner paid the muss de manded, où $250.

Delendwork falands Nov. to



Uplied B




Nov. 36 Labusa

Nov. 17 Singapore

Madra Bydney

Nov. Ja Manila

Vol. 18??ökangha

C. Hope

7 A

San Francisco

Nov 16 Megpo

Drs. 1

Dec. 97 Dec.

THE FRIEND OF CHINAneral voice when wo say that the congregation


of St. John's Cathedral will deeply lament Dr. Moncreiff's absence from the pulpit.



Editor of the Chine Mail, in his imos of the instant, gave his readers and the public gene rally to understand that he had "received two notes ai suggestions for rebuilding the Sheong was

Home time ago we thought fit to say that as the community paid for the services of a Chaplain no loss a aum than £700'a year, there were certain duties, we regretted to oblat serve, left unperfor ned, which we thought it nothing but right aheld be attended to. To certain extent this was a reflection as he Moncreiff, sud in that way which no faithful minister could bear without feeling annoy Moon-Last quarter on the 14th, at 8 54 ? M. In ed at. We speak, of cou se of the pounds,



10 Baturday

12 Sunday

12 Moody

| 8,44 | 8.39 || 1,30 46 6832,29


Ri Se A. X. P. N.

643 832- U.18 |0,44 | 532 | 0,40 102 1,55 $1,49

13 Toy

Periges to marrow.

A centrowany wishes in on what princip's

monage auch business as announcing marriage ; and onge that some las agu he sent motions to each of the Hoges Journalny, the lady married being the dangler of a sighde prpretable merchant, well kaawa as much, and dentes ented in the darignarist, Barquivo 30 euro que millong- pres the name to be. Jenkins) (meda (all these the same) Jemina dangber of Jeremy Irukins, Kuquire Your pet printed wine m; the Recinter Me (Allater) Javviny

beating, and the Mad plate Jajemy. Chur pondon beeses antaly walls for seneck. Di rear-es have diferant macies par ne they are eat, son il the digits date,

Zequinhas, W marvelvan with primūna sunk place, and person, requiring the indematian ti be rapported

is will be men, siulat a kule in the mic depre ment, and decide who shell, and who shall nat, ko konstred with such a cileno Paquire'er Hanourable; whdet am ther, scrapally determined not te ostragu propriety in mattava H? Linh nen tin the tranh mahdmay ah) - 1 Enquiring, and complementing, slingasher,


Ta letter Bag of the Prussian Sip Frederich Bock" for Ban Francisco, closes at the Office of Mours Meyer, Schaeffer & Co. to day

al noon,

We have, with thanks, to acknowledge receipt from the Compiler of a copy of the (legitimate) Anglo Chinese Calendar for 1852, publish ed in Canton, as usual, at the old Chinese Repertory Office in Minqua's Hong. The comparative English, Chinese, and Parsen Calendar appears to be all correct, which is a matter of some consequence; for, if defective, like incorrect statistics, it would be, as a certain learned law Lord has it "a mockery, dalumno, and a rare."


shillings, and pence" interest which we said Colonists had, and have, in such a matter as the

cure of anala.

The present in a fisting oppor Janity for informing the public that we hire since learnt what totally nullife the injury of such reflection.

To Dr. Moncreifl's ered:t,

that one was (is 1) in types." Penting greatly interested in the subject, we looked anxiously over the collimane of his last imus for the ovid "notes of

gaming," but looked in vain, and are cou strained to four that, as a correspondant express it, the sapouncement of such suggestions was contradictory purpose, which the Editor is the either more nor less than "a gull" put forth for

only one who can give a reason fur.

But there is so utility in elameuring what has been done;---let us instead, proceed a m indication of what should be the course of First then we will, on the one hand,inke in for gra- lei that avery European rasiami is desirous sír-be

??Praya in the from of the Bussar of which w

they will each contribute their quota igward; in coi atraction. We will not stop here to paint on tu, many bo, (dissentient spirita to this "taking i crue to the Colony by the construction el on he for granted the many advantages that would ar prays-the pleasing promenade of a summer's ing, especially if eventonlly skirted with Ter and esate at interrela~the protection in ease of regu or fire by the ability to run anglow of gun cro ages along it-and the sasietesen afforded to un polies force in the provestion of illick plunder an ing. We will proceed, on the other hand, to popinn that the Chinooú Murine Landkokdere object to the construction of nuela Prays und differentaba portu of their repedtire trasholda, How is the in proven to be carried out Government in terms of lens can resume, it will be replied. Tres, they can, but there must be ibres calendar menika aulica given to the occupant, and a full and fair compensa. tion for the said jand besides; and this fat) and tún compensation lo just the stumbling block in the way of the improvement. Government, anya fé Colou although e fused permission to publish, desire il Le mial Secretary, in the seply which we have zend, be distinctly borse la mind that they have be money, and cas therefore award no compensation. ground rent, and the next year's Pollos cales

Governmam will remit the past, ball yanıd'aj

Liberal truly. They semmit the ground rant for a very good rozson; the houses bring barat iboy| have no chaos of recovering malose by throwing suta sop to induce holders to stay their bodies to an action. They renk, the sent year's Pulica Rates nod, thanks for nothing there can be no rasza due where there are no koosne to be assessed- Governor Bunham might just na well bɩyo mid We had baped, and so expressed it, that the coronalaza??exsivited by Mr J. G. Morison le pre-mus! oop iku nur im without cream, for it can't ** worʼa milked the Cow until she has rạn dry, and

he has given overy farthing of his Gover ment allowance to the education and, charit- and wasting on the Barregor General with able fund of the Missionary Society by with ourrying a pray? along the sun from was a dietin. a plan for rebuilting the bazaar, in which the he is engaged-so that in reality he has par guished feelund, we had hoped that this would formed, ever since his arrival, the duties of sunk in active, and feasible, measures for, at que Talimial Chaplain, w thout other fee or reward proceeding with ina worm'; out we regret ay than that of an approving conscience, Folly-hat so far from suck bélag the case there is now

rebuilt in a proper menges,

If the community are desirous of ee-ing the Ba sal and disinterested aftisans should be promptly committee of imper- appointed who, while possessing powers of corcian may act fue the Government, and latuon the Chine to fall readily to that plag which shall be pro-

ing in the same path, too, we are aware that | lao much reason to fear that i rebuilt at all the pounded by the general valos We would dri besser will be in a worm s'y'e than before; sad that unlean the community come promptly forward

år Ricodiman has devoted his contingent fans, the Church fand for charitable purposes. Good such as time on marriage doremonios &c. to deeds of this kind should not be lait unrecorded, and we feel a pleasure in anticing them,

with the necessary funds, the iden of a praya is Just an much moonshine.

Whenever we me a patty or body voluntarily acting as representative of the views of a com- A Copy of the General Jury llet for the curatives for suck alacrity with more than ordinary care munity, we make a point of scrutinizing the mo your lo affixed to the Officers' and Prisoners' e- remain there, it has been netised, until the trance door of the Supreme Court and will China Moil had taken it an himself to get certain falness. Thus when we learnt that the Editor of the inlants & being necessary for any per further malaments and suggestions regarding the son claiming exemption or desiring sdron Colony "printed the atroulation in the House of 10 the Jury bix to inform the Registrar of the Common-part from being smosed at the block sme on or before the date mentioned. Of the band's commai impertinence, we were angry nanes of persons written down as eligible for ser.

at the thought of 134 Injury soch ost of the way intrusion we likely to affect ; for Member of Par

vine, a fall eigth, it is notorione, are anten: demeliamant act upon the same regulations, generally, being dead, othere for years abwent from the Colony, two or three under age, and, incapacitated by re son of ignemece of the English Magasge, not a number. When preparing this list we would advise the Sheriff to take the Registrar General or his Assistant, into his councils.

again. Vilely though the ground may hitherto havo see the Chinson fairly dak by. Every man who bokis a sea front leasehold should have such frontage



been made use of, the fault has all along rested with the Government; who had it in their power to alter the state of things, but made no alisupt to do so. Bot iam) on this subject in the present less. The im- time do not permit further expression (a Yankes-

ball of stay remarke until the business of cobuilding eginary suggmdiena of Contemporarian, however fairly entered on; and in the meantime wathrow oud suggestion for the consideration of this Excellency the Gevarnor, wis the advisability of ring every Leaseholder (Chlann, Englishman, nr Foraig) in be burnt district with a formal nation of intention t powers given in the leases, leaving the Communi- Ministers of State do, and real, with co-

resume a part or the whole, according to ib

We have not had time to analyse the Direc

ramp, any kind of statement or suggestion that is ??Surveyor General to call ingather forthwith, to sid ty, whom His Excellency should depute the tories with which the Calendar is accompanimal

not brought before them in a legitin?ta mannae ; him in carrying out that plan which, whilst ed; we do not think, however, from the cor.

therefore, being as much trifling, however the tained of being the hot bed of arime and depravity. such mode of dealing with a really serious subject,it checks the character that Sheong-wan has ob- sory glance taken, that this part of the pamphlet is so deserving of commendation as the other.

"hick and thin" supporters of the Alil may think will subserve the general interests of the communi Establishments in Hongkong appear to have

to the conisery. So, too, in the master of the newly, and be a real benefit to every eDL. bren guemed at-if we may be permitted to

last, a large trading Junk called the Kumoligblement of the public the reply which Gov. Bizar, desired parmiation to publish for the cile our own as a particular instance of arter, Cheak-choon from a port on the east coast, or Bosham acorded to the bearers of a peil- which could have been avoided if the informa Chan Ackoong, master and owner, bound to tion pasporting in be signed by a memeroma hody tion had been applied for. The Price of the Canton, with a cargo of Alum, an arms of the Bhongwan residents, but such latter might Calendar is not stated, nor do we learn from ront of ten guns, and a crew numbering soi be publiabed and why 1 it who is the Agent for eale down here; but twenty four, was boarded in the Lyo-econ fost that should be any bar to its extensive | passage, almost within sight of H. M. 8. Hast- circulation, we beg to say that we shall love inga by

como hundred men, from bren much pleasure in forwarding orders for copica bonia which ranged along side, after firing se to the Compiler, and attend to their delivery.veral guns and driving the crew below and With about the same quantity of matter, the

was succesfully captured,no more having since price last year was One Dollar

heen heard of her. The owner happened to be on board another vessel in caespany, wyd witnessed the transaction, which he reponed at the Police Office in the evening of the same Boats from the Flag Ship went out

The Contents, as printed on the cover, are a follows:-

About five o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday

Chinese Cvale of slaty years-Chinese Twenty-four Term Echiques of the bun and Moon in 1959-day.

We will as our conceived reason why it mighs oot be so published-bones we ballers that to framing that reply His Excellency was given to understand the adminion of cerwin points, which ademtanding was erroneous. The Plan of a new Bassf to which his Excellancy Ognified approval



(From the Daily Alte Unlifornia, Oct. 26) Foremost noong the programire untions of the world stande the U. 8. of America, hat seventy-ve youre she has grown from sa, jo

Within the guificant colony of Great Britain into salos an examples refags for the oppressed, a brime upon which the syou of the would are quaing for for the free". Within a few your her fing bus bes flawn on the coast of the Pacife, the can greets it at ble rising, and at bir going down nous ita flo by saching he signature to it, is said to be thattering folds as it waves a farewell to the departing annals of so rapid progress are not road in any day-?RRAT GEHTAJKLY ABH WE AS A NATHA??The history save ours, and the pages of the past bato shown no brighter example,

most likely to meet the geral wish of the Chiness holders. In the we can sure His Excellency bo has been misled. Langeholders there have given on consent to any thing of the kind; oor is it

mes Bivious of time-Temperature at the Five Porte with said owner and an interpreter in sesion;able in suppose that people such as the

e-English, Chinese, & Parser Calendar Table of

the Solar System-Illustrations of Scripture-Transla but the result of that search needs no

tion of Chinese Pastry-Lintf the principal olews lati-0.

In the Chic Gavernment-Picipal Chines Fes tival Principal Derartenera in shine since Dece ber, 1840-Table for converting Teels into Dollars,

and vice vorm-Weights in use an ng the thimeno

Mate Postage from 1 ongkong-Kirs of Pustage to

U. blairs-L'auton Linguist'afers-comingale

thon Loween Chaun and England - Nodes of Pam


and freight basmens Uongkong and >h?�nghae-Direct Steamers between bins, Sangapore, l'e. sig, and India -Hates of freight jer stemmero-bleaners in China, and rates of freight-Scala of storing ebarges in the Leisane Packbunn-Juurence Uces in China-

??that of the Tik uh, se apocimen

one cass bigh abora resson or right. Our ge

Buccas generally induces a spirit of reckless. ness, of bold adventure, which sits high, even lu capitulere of Marine Lots Nos. 8. 11 and 17 will ornment, founded upon liberal and natural princ. cment to give up Ben frontage for locations plan hecare mighty, bon spread its power, ce with no marine neoras at all.

rather ite fast-ring protection, from ara to sea, ami The holder of this very success has induced a spirn of ontva Lease No. 11 for instance is a Pig and fowl dealer. which, Al-zanderlike, looks to the googearing "f ~~the world, and would weep when there were det

+ We are has parilcollar in painting our the particular

done or which the list is pool, bo order to offence

the aditiv farlings of like subordinate Officers of the Court, ne ufum redunty theaght it wasneukty, we are call,


there are over £ily eightired allumeets al ng the

??2: le Decemsey to explain to see of me madera that Seat of the Bear, there we welp Forte Lese-

complain za Hre Lotuskip the Chief Justin of the improper i hoideta. No. 9 is for tence le ant up in fire Hertions eest of the Arbenega in satering the Judgmental) by (A, B C and D ) the holders beag mara song...s of

the dor ret apart for adminion of Offcom of the Certaldo orginal lesarbilder to shom they say their propertion and ther friends. His lendship pook posted be avert int inter; bat other than Ausraugi evgnies tu be sandale.

of the ground rent. This undockriding in aid to be a gato të sho pr??pent ?ra, ok: hapo, thưvugh the den, to abiain entito Letona dirnat ffum the Crown,




+ Dar Parrot echoes" from cartably are we at a nation be ventral of the tînited Stato com their saltedness. Babes to fend of talking of great, as stale may be exported inqnry the greatness of aucher. and eventually dieosion will be 18e order of the day, and then "Farewell, a king itewall to all my gra burden of the so0,-ka, Y. ae C

more worlds to conquer, It has become fashionakla tu talk of "manifest destiny" and to indulge the hope that our brand stare ned stripen




the fills attacked a post of our Irregular Cavalry and killed several man before they were repulsed. We veulure to predict that our l'enjob frantier Warlare is not yet by any aveons over ·

As for the land of the Five Itivera itself, it is perfectly quot. Sikh ationality has undoubtedly received a fatal

say years, flat over the whole. American Com

(From the Ceylon Tints. No. 7.) sinent and the islands of the sea Stump poskurs, We have nothing new from the Cape to appeal to our intelligence by the Mauritius Commercial Gusotis. courting an effervescent pipularity, form to dwell

The formidable disaster which has befalten the two upon the theme, and enthuslasie scribblera to pic ture and to prophecy the coming of such a glorious rival on the frontiers is a circumstance deeply to be sagacions to be otherwise, as far as the British are Companies of the 20 Queni's so soon after their at- blow. Gulat Singh is no quict 29 aver, sud in to time. The onus by which the cunqueple neces deplored, not only se being likely to afford additional concerned ;-und, besides, he is in bad bealsh. It sary to such a crouk are to be made, the blood to confidence to the Kors, but it must be dispiriting to appears" says the Englishman. be spilt, she misory to be caused wrong to be duuo, the extreme to troops fresh from England, nose of are forgotten, or if remiambered are made to appear whom probably saw a shot fred before their arrival at

**That there are two candidstra for the uneasy threes from whịch dash has just taken she Awer Dust Mabommand, vin the Gape. This in the Best time we believe where | Hutian Mish mud, sad Grinos Falim If der. The friner proper menos to be used for accomplishment of so glorious na and. The recent heartwakening and

British troops have been trançad like animals with le, as we im gun, the oting, who under the name okziulta Jays, so the Inhabitants of Cuba and Jamales are the dianstrous result of the Quba expodužou win the

Jan de helfen dana the Cabal in bellow, only portion of the bumin race who have yet used coureque...a of the crothy a, irui of piratical cons

toys for so horrible a purpose. We must imagina ly we shad | took mobtain, is met the Mund the Bis qualThe ouble-souled but wringanded man wha

that the poor tallow gut e-fused in the Umah after

(liqu?r, at love a gud alios - the Uses no Emper, dust- were shot in Cubs, and thus who ate now pro- the sudden attack of the Lafore, and for a time nat

ing with him all the chiefs of the Mokuman, who e rapitue a of conquest bably on their way to Spain tu pow yence of inisecended in hiding themselves und tracked out by blood

very indventil sounity party, Taste will, however, there ry and toil, were the victims of tum ruthe-a sp

founde, te ferocious than the hainan inouters who

in lide doubt, be a blady and Bercely contested cird wat, yelled them on to the death trail We trust our west

Bulan Mahomed in moved so ovogo dem ut stafe, Begs in sight a people famler with sosh scence, and is co vions will tell a different tale to those which wa Durkable is remorneliace a d eaugunasy t?mptement, bave received from the seat of war Melancholy it lo and fested for kin teruclly, where men engard but I tile the chus to mines with a dreadful death in a contest with ?�ping bud

vage enemy who it appears deals abroad massacre alt unseen. The poing of war is glorious mough, but in a contest 1 ko thla the a la bas Netle of glory to he schlesed from the ballet or assigal of a munkerous Kar. Holdiers must however do their duty whare ver called upon to go, and sal as the fate of those le #boss duom it is to fall. the world at large will holitioners, in a master of history. their memory as done so if they met death on a more glorious Bold

Bewer, he poutcound of a certain degree of popularity, and will doubeless prove a formidable opponent to Chela lo lo fully evident that a very large re-enforcement lyder, who is a young man, and will wo obend I imagine ba must be sent out to drive chiese hungry wives hous to thele howling foreste Immense the cost will be

Dee the puppel of the Ghilsang or the Kuszilhashes, as lev may be in the hinde ufane w the other. The adherence ?�?to Britain, the sacrifice must be meile when the awful the latter, however, to his cause will give him a very org desolation which the Inroad of from 250 000 to 100 000 petion in the aty, and that is over the object of sexu

to than who struggle ( 1 dvulaation um gst the Afghan and burnunun uzubos."

We have already bars in California seen some examples of the working of this spirit, but fortune- tely thus far the illegal and illegitimiste endeavors al conquest of uur uoighbor's territory have met with but little encouragemout, and have failed nig- nelly for want of support.


thned sarages will eventu. Is calculated upon. 'I'bo

The loss we have detailed in the heaviest which has been experienced at awe time during thila or any pri vious Katile war. Col. Mackinnon has been peculiarly Mafortunate throughout.

The spirit of terprise and adventure has for centuries boch persuing its course westward, aud that direction when American progres vo our soutinent bas been wayed by the warns of the Pacifin which dash againa: vur fucky oda, the eye of the adventurer is looking lar ol lato des octam, Siluated in the Pacifie is a group of greet little islande kouwa na the dominions of King K. nhemake, which within a few past youn lavo Sprung into a considerable degree of fame. early efforia of the Aucriesa pouple were vapond od in the laudable endeavor to civilize and ol?rie- undiza tham, and to raise their inhabitasta up to The stundard of a trus humanity. Ja the course of

?�f yours, the power of first intended for good, bacamma abusod, and a port of theuerung kad tycan nical in?usuce exercised upon tho King, who isn mere puppet in the bands of his ministry, arose, to vex and trouble the furçigo residents of tue islauda, and a gingesword imitansa of the tube clical establistments of Europe was created. Tune in bo doubt that a vory large tusjority of the foreign_rosidenta of the Sandwich Islands ato in favor of some simpler form of govoramont, and One more in accordance with thin spirit of the age-m and there is no doubt but thist eru long, a rovulu trus, poscofal is to be hoped, will take place


Ila chauge ever is made in the governmentsl policy of the Sundwich i-lands, and we cannot hout our eyes to the fact that already the subjout jo bang aguato-) bete, in our own city, it should be done, not in that sparli of conquest and adrua tare of which we have apuken, but in a much mere fessible, quiet and peaceful manner. Any chengo ja Nie pokey or form of a government should be made by the people ikasın?true who ine bubut the territory in which the change in desired to be made, and not by mura iets who bavo oo wher tales at the outery gain or kupe ut falme.

So should it be in the Bandwish felandair

they are desirable as a place of residence, let the be peopled by those who chose to go there. The Bestlers will then become citizens, acquiro MN (0- terest in the government, and havo in timo a right to change it, if it is desired, but anything like in vation for purposes of conquest, it is to be hoped, will not be thought of

The flag of our country, which, through the stormy struggle for independence, waved triuin pbeat ever, which Buated proudly in view of the sorried ranks of lobe on the battle-plains of Mexic, In an escalchison whos honor should be the es pecial guard of Americans. It waves over a broad tertioty, peopled by millions of freeman. ku tho ial course of lignas progress, the dominions over which in theil float will be sularg?d, bat calo alwold be exerted that us bogor l? betur su by being fucked upon quil conquered by wieng or fraud.


(From the Daily Alta California, Oct 28.) Below will be found an extraoi froin a lett"r writen by an American gentleman who las resided any years in Mazatlan, to a merchant in this city, Mr. P. Corrigan. It is dated Oct, 15th 2

"The Spaniards here are making great rejoicing

over the news fram Cuba, One last shwold be known in 840 Francisco, that foreigners cannot pass through Mexico new woken they have a carta de seguridad. This amounia abuust to a pros Inbation, as it tak?n some six wooke or two monika

lu semil to the city of Mexico and back to get then

Eight Americans who came down with me were ralused passporte, and auly got off to-day an a part- lcular favor. The authérives at the some time informing the different consule that they would grant ne more uulous the parties applying produced carin de snguridad, As I' ?aid before, this should bo geuseully known in San Francisco, a furoigners are constantly arriving here, intending to pay through the country. This they cannot now do unfers they wait here two months at lovet. Thin law has always been in existence, but only lately pot into offret. Et applies equally to all Jarcignora, but they are more strict with Americans than any others. All the foreigners in the port received in botice to call on the proper ofeer a few days since, and produce thiel, cartas de seguridad. ?l- though every one knows of the law no one thought of getting out their papers. Tue consequence was every one was fined. I got off by anying I had just arrived and had not lime


The Eastern Star (u weekly paper published in Cal- cute) i iud of the sil Octuber has the following paragraph:- *** The Tulagraph and Courier, noticing the death of the Chinese Mionary, the Herd. Dr dotsad, points to the extraordinary circumstances of his leaving at bla death no less than 30,000). behind him. Ele thinks It extraordinary that oan who went out to presch the Gospel to the benighted, should have amassed such large sum. He consider it is not creditable to che character of the decessed. We think he is very un- charitable to this conclusion, completely ignorant an be is of all particular relating to the circumstance.**

Jacleodynorant of all too particulars! Not quite 9. twinkling luminary the??of Bengal. We at all crane know that Pr Gutzlaff went to China no u Mio- sionary, that he aerod for some time so Interpreter to the Chief British Authority there, cliat he wrote KAIME heavy books and (on the thority of a China paper) that he died worth £30,000; and we repeat our auf- nion that it is an extraordinary and not very credi table cireumatance that any Minary to the Heathen, who is in ournent should leave behind him auch large fortune, considering what good he might here done by expenting during his life, at least a part of the very large si in question on the ohjeet of the Chinese, as of all other minions. The gradual expenditure of one third of this am. under the personal supervision of ter as Dr Gutela, would probably be more benefriel one mincmately acquainted with the Chinese chere

regards Chinese Mielanary purposes then the be- questial of his whole fortune to the Misions at kia death. Did the Star over read in a certain book ony- thing about the proper place wherein to lay up Tres. sure? And we, forsooth are uncharitable for saying sultantially the same tblog1-Telegraph and Courier

He was the felen stroke which first felled the galint Trevor, whom he left to len filloware to lních, org ng th un 13 be dead by the exɩlem

Hammer ng Trepur ..." This is that dig Trever! Foremost in pracy fray he was got naves sûr disting state. vd by success, 2009 in uiding expeditions against. pp ding tribes; and kin zulnerable failure against General Noti, west

is a small Fort between Seepree and Gwalior Our Agra contemporary understando, that there where the Renee is bulding out agnivat Scindia% Government. It is probable that a small focre will by Bent to compel kar submission. The name of the fort is Burngank.

The projected Expedition from Bombay to Adan, for the purpose of punishing the outrages of Arabia in that neighbourhood, appears to have beco, abandoned. Something of a similar kind, towever, is likely to be ensated on the other side of India The Burmese authorities in Rangoon bars for some time been indulging themselves in who had occasion to visit that place. The last case seriously nouying and injuring British subjects of the kind occurred very lately, when Captain Lewis the Commander of a British vessel, was, un Jer same frivolove preliace, detained by the Our- Were Coveraus veral days against his will, and put to great inconveniones stherwise, with tho view of money being exsurted from him The Governor General has at last determined to notice the conduct of the Beras atbrities Com mndore_Lambert, who is now in Calcutta in a British Frigate, will, it is believed, "lurely proceed to Ragools to bring the Burmese to their senses. A de diplomacy, or at most thewat or two, will doubdens be sufficient to orange mallara sutisfac torily.

The Nixon bas at the twelfth kour, paid from bie Private Tressary, the debt due to the British relactance, and only under the pressure from with- Governmat Thin has been done with extrema 04. His Highness was at last brought to know that, wilams the money bus forth coming, part of his territory would be occupied. The annexation of the Nizam's Domluinus is thon deferred, thanke to Bourajsal-Moolk. Minister of the Nizam, and General Frizer, the British Resident, who pulled

(From the Telegraph and Courier, Nav, 14.)

We are sorry to see the death by drowning of Capi.ogether, and carried the Deccan State through Nouree of the Baron of New/rew, his brother and two the late crisis. bande whilst est in the barbour, boat sailing. A equall took the boat and four out of five perlahed.

We ace also that the railway train and engles had been shipped by the Jeha Trat for Bombay in August Just. We guess it will astonish the natives not a little as they are to have gratuitous tripe for a time to teach then the value of locomotion. The Engine le to be called the Falkland, but considering that it is coming out in the Trat -it ought to be called Pretty Veck. be com £2000 and is guaranteed to go 40 miles an hour un a severe gradient.-l'epton Times, Oct. 31.

(From the Telegraph and Courier, Noo, 17.)

A Military Farce of some 3000 men marched from Pelinwor on the 25th October, under the command of Brigadier Bit Colin Campbell, with the view of settling mattera with the Momunda, a troublesome, plundering Afghan hill tribe residing in a district on the Kabul river about 15 millea from

the Hungarian Hero, and feeling assured that the We have on several occasions ulluded to Komuth' majority of our readors sympattine with the unfur tunate exile, we gave yesterday from the Examiner: certain details which we believe are strictly correct. On the liberation of Kossuth being proclaimed to the Austrian authorities at Pesth, he and his com. panions were hung in effigy. Here is the neguna. tion against Kosuth, for which his name written ad a black board, was hung upon the gallows at L'ooth:-

Ludwig Komuth, born in Monok, county of

Zemplin, Hungary, forty-seven years old, of the Protestant religion, married, father of three children, ance Minister, and deputy of the city of Peath at the advocate and newspaper editor, Hungarian Fio

Peshawar. They had provisions for 7 days. By Hungarian Diet, bas (from the beginning to the end the Inal nccounts, the British Troops and reached of the Hungarian revolution) played the principal the Momand district, whence one of the leading part, and this pre-eminence was panicularly shown robber chiefs with his tribe had ded, after first in October 1848, whoo be prevailed upon the setting fire to their viliage, firing a few shows into Dick, to remain together and not abay the Imperial our camp, and cutting up some struggling camp

maodate dissolving it: further, that he took upon followers. Nothing of what can be called fighting himself the presidency of the provisional govera- bad taken place. Should operations be confi sod

mant, or so called comminen of national safety, and issued paper money in order to furnish means for to this section of the Momunda that caused them to

an arined resistance to the Imperial Government, be undertaken, the object of the expedition will anon be aroured; but protracted warfare would recruitinge, organization of National Guard,

which he developed in a dangerous manner by i probably follow upon muy interference of the neigh bouring mountain tribes to assist the Momande, and Landsturn that he himself jeed the army in its invasion of the Austrian archduchy, declared Such interference however is not expected. The the succession of Francis Joseph a usurpation- repusted death of Dont Mukomed u interesting in

trusferred the seat of the Dist from Pesth to Da connectiva with our North West frontier mye. ments. The top itt, it is true, wants confirmation

bocin ou the approach of the royal forces under but

Windachginalist by means of exborations and prock?�tions, by reward, and martial courts, he jaimed the outhuis of the army and the people balent countrymon his death would doubles and excised thom to go on with the revolution, and followed by internal dissensions, and by art of tried to gain the sympathy of foreign countries violence on our frontier that might compel the through bus gouts abroad--that he Sanlly, so the British quilineities to interfere more decidedly in, 13th of April, in a private conference, and on the Afghan missira than they have any wish to do. The hill tribes "long our Punjab fromler are got 14th in public atting, proclaimed the total se- paratlan of tlungary from the Empire,outlawed the You are compelled to make application, through generally friendly to wins can carcely and sacred dynasty, close cry in his character of expacted that they should, seeing that we meet Goretest, took the asth of independence on the the inhabitants of the plain from their planering 14th of Aley, and on the 18th May, and June excursions, and curb the sobbor prop nadies in 27, this preached a crusade against the allied which they uice au freely indulged One instance forces of Austria and Kusate, and tweed Hungary of this feeling appoured so inte as the zlat of Ot with the power of a dictator, till at last he was com ober, when budy of some 5000 horseinen from pefled by the ave to of the war to rego (August 11, at Asad), and Buon afterwards fled into Turky." A higher tribute than the could not be paid to the genus of any man, and whan wa uke i don sideration that the compliment i paid by those who

your consul to the government at tos ally of Meze eo, within_tiny days after your actival in the Country. The fact in the Governor tries to annoy foreignere ne much possible, pisticularly Aino-


On my return here I found no chelets, but I am sorry to say that it has since made ita appearance. They are now dying filleen to twenty por day, and 1 four that it is on the intro/O

bar coma Irom several credible quartere The Dat has hitherto vigorously, toled 'his tur

??The Editor of the Tilegraph and Churfer, world have thority he made this statement. have not need a done well by 4 lving the tufe of the paner on whose nai

stated in any Chius papar.-E, E, or L.

would givo a principality to have bin in their clutches it entamera it stili mora. The dreument which contains Kossuth'" ncausation gives the ful- hwing description of a ce16tryman of our own, General Gran.

"Richard Guyau, Esq., native of Bath, in Bomer. solaire, who served on Lieutenant in the Aurin Hussera, quitted the service and married a Counters Spleny, and became a gentleman farmer, Un tho breaking out of the revolujem, for jdeed the rebel- lion, shil was ons raised in the rank of coloarl in The insurgent army, Fought at Mansowarth and Trinad, turned the pass of Branitzko, brought the news of Georgey's approach to the Comori giri- sin, can wred under letter, on the nights of July 13 and 14, 1949, 41 ft-gyes, and with the Polar and l'alien legions covered the retreat of Kosnach to Urenwa. He then escaped to Turkey with Been."

The exiles are now, however, free from the in. fernal machinati-ins of Austrian intrigan; by this time the grester number of them will bave trode the matred i) of Britain consecrated to hberty by the blood of our fathern, shed nimid the smuggles of part eges, hallowed by the memory of our Ances. tore in the past, and ennobled by the deeds of their children in the present


The British press treats our generals when in active pervice, morally, something after the fashion adap oil by the Emperor of China physically Vic- tury, under any circumstances, or the bowstring! We read the other day that the Spaniards acvar employ unsuccessful soldier again, 180 matter under what circumstances he met a reverse; and to this attributed the descent of Lopez upon Spanish ormy when fighting against the Corlate- Coba,it being stated that he had lost a division of the

not one word of which we bullere. The Athenians of all, and even the Romans, were wont to be un- Themistocloe, Arstides, and Curiolanus. Wo can- gratefal unfrequently for success, as witness not be said to be as bad as thing, except in point of bad taste in soucing no frightful an equestring statua opposite Apsley Ilouse, Bot to the question, A short time ago Sir Harry Smith was one of the most popular men in the British Army. He was nemiril emphatically the Haru of Aliwal. La Jodia than the Kaffic but then wo lind efficient forces wo lead a far more formidable for to contend with and something liko armies. Sir Harry Smith hap bal to watch with a amali force, and that force not organised appropriately for the Service, a wide and boundless region full of enemies of an every day lactica. It is complained by those who abuse kim that be remained in one #pet. Would they have had him spread out his foreve one man to the squard mila Sir H. Smith had to 6;ht with the orga nization of years, with the blunders and faults of Colonial administration, with the work of seati mentalists and muistionaries. At first he sought to amiram Of came fro ce bleurva och to ought to here known the K fir better. Pray why are not those who have dealt with these savages in

??Christian spirit for years, and forulahad them with arms and ammonition against Bir Harry, blamed Why is not the policy which disarmed found fault with Sir H. Smith to ridiculed for the the burghers, or sendered their meme powerless, tone of his despatches. He was not writing leaders for a morning contemporary. It was with in him the Government would not support him he was not to dishearten the elony or the trope. Since forced to use big words. Finelly, it makes us sick to observe some cozcumb of the press prate of warlike matters, so if he knew all about it Why. jo lieaven's name, was nut pu editie e-nt nut in. stead of gallmat Sir Hurry to out wit the wily av nge, or light kin in the bush. At any rate if killed ho would have been no loss. We shiuld. however, deeply mourn were the Hero of Aliwal to perial In this degrading und desultory warfser.-British Army Despatch, ?et. 3.

TEA AND ITS ADULTERATIONS. The last investigalings of the Lancet with regard to the adulteration of articles of consumption here been directed to tea, A face our own dealers azo concerned, the results ob'ained are not quatisfao.

tory; but the extent of decepting practised in China is beyond what most persons will be pe pared to learn:-

The Chinese themselves not only use a vast

number of injurious taterials, but also other leaves then these of the tos plant system which has increased since the trade was thruwo open and the inspection of the East India Company ceased In England some of the spurious manufactures con pis of the loaves of the brach, elm, horse chestnut, plaba, fancy oak, willow, poplar, bawthorn, and aloe, the latter being most frequent on account of their astringent quality. The use of the re-dried tea leaves, however, has been the most general form of imposition here, and in 1843, when the procese was interrupted by the vigilance of the Excise, was supposed that there were not lea than sight manufactories for the purpe in doa alone, besides turay in the provinces. The lates were bought up at coffee houses, at 24d per ib, noxed with solusson of gum, re-driel, and then e-loured with sore pink and black lead to 'face' then, a bloom being sometimes ule imparted with The practice still prerasla to some extent, catechu vegetalle red mizod with a carbonate of lime. bring ad-led for its tannin, but at is greatly listed by the proceedings of the Excise. Certain mixtures lately sold as ten improvers' under the names of

La Vene Bouo * and * the Chinese botnical p der,' in packages for ad, onchi, have been ascertained to consist of 70 per cent, of cuechu, the habitual use of which is calculated to cause serious evils, while the real in so much lestia or wheat dur Out of thirty-five pics of black tes tasted up n thelt ut-ival from China, twowy shree, consisting twelve, which consisted of scented pekoe and scented of condue and souchong, were geurde, while esper, chulan, or black gunpowder, were adukter. aled. This adulteration consiste in the leaves having been faced, so no tu suprave the appearance of the teas, with black lead, na srruluscent powder


inasmuch so the unrepealed Impress ayatoms is a sleeping hon in their path to freedom, 400mm, resolv. ad to remain pansive. No length of time san justify injustice or prevent reaccipe." Experisaon is the mother of wisdom.


when coming events been to say that a nation Heçnın is seen the finger of providence. It is only which enslaved her seamen for conturies must jall.

by bold and honest insurerse that our naval super. iority can be secured.

I maintain that the ordeal system of election Having for the last quarter of a century bean would not only reviva, or removals, tha sentiment | writing against our imprese systems, as well as of patriotis and spirit of enterpris in our men,agaimai quack naval architects, epasidering, air, bat would prevent depopulation from migration, that you were deputed to hold a sunference with by producing choop government and champ justice the delegates of our soumen, I therefore need offer through nor oulonial empire-would in hot with the secular system of adaostion grapple the best affections of the triali.

The green or alcctivo system of government is in ny humble opinion the only remedy by which to hold together volonial Great Britain. Great Britain kas the basi material, via, protical sen men and cheap iron ships, with which to supply the commercial world, in addition to securing her share of the carrying trade of the world. The thing wauted is experienced practical legislature, which univermi aŭtirago alená cao supply,

resembling mica, fodigo, and turmeric. Uf one coarse sort, which contained fragments of rice or paddy gland in the mine inantner as the tea leaves themselves, it is understood 220 bogen were dispoord of a public sale on the 13th of June laai another kind there were found little lumps like the dung of silkworms, which has been sisted to be one of the articles the Chiuose send us for lus. None of these samples, however, contained any other leaf than that of the tea plant

With the green toss insted on their importation The results were much more serious. Thirty sam ples were tried, and all were found to have been adulterated Fire consisted of what is called 'lie' ton, which is simply tos dust and sand made up with sion water; ons was composed of paddy book and other substances; one was a sixture of listen and spurious leaves of other plants Every one of the thirty sorts was artificially glazed or coloured, Prumine blue indigo, turmeric powder, sad China clay being the substances employed. A curious aditional fact was likewing arrived at. In no in- planos amongst all these trials was a single laaf Que colonial vessels, mauped by fiée coloured discovered possessed of a green colour, other than peuple, ars victually probibised entry into the what was produced by artificial means, and as ir states of Ameris, because all free coloured people puniatible inference consequently arises that there is are store imprisoned to prevent "dizmlinsaction be shoot probably m�?such thing as a gouuine green tes?�ing excited amogass ihale ajaran. of the colour ordinarily supposed to be its okarao teristic. Two specimens from Asam were tried, and these were found genuine but their colour was of a yellowish dulans, without the alightest ting of green. The same thing was noticed also in a specimen from Javu, which was found gapuíua, ex- cept it was apparently with Chion play. The aya- tein of fabrication seems to be general amongst the Chines, and the spurious nocta hava their regular macket quotations.

With regard to British operations of the same kind, the skill exercised is described as little inferior. In this specimens lately avised by the Excior, the posterip variously employed were exhausted tea Jones, Prusino blue, turmeric, China clay, Chinese yellow, roop stone, indigo, catechu, and the leaves




no apology for addroming these sheets to you.

I have the honor to be, Bir,

Your most obodi, servant,

M. F. CRISP. Maplasin, 22nd September, 1851.




Allguse Contest


[Lengkong impi 8

Dr Hankier Nagpo M. B 19 Hon. Banor Hongkong). M. 8.

Adpiral Am


Ceptala A


East Coast M.

Nemesis Mindan

Canton H. C. Su

Halamander Babynx Marion

Whampoa |H. Mer

Klage H.Ms.


WU. B. 61 20 leady

VOL. XI. No. 4.

La Cassiel Mondegr

Mac Fr. Be

" Im..b

do Plan Lima,



Mr Mitchell Kloodwis


distinctly heard ?�hh middle tokso ware sweaty Lord Chatham-Chatham's lowest whisper was Fish and beautifully varied,' says a writer, describ log the orator; when he raised his voice to the highest pitch the house was completely filled with capt when so wished to cheer og animate-and the volume of sound and the affoot was awful, ex- then he bad pir stirring poles, which was pari fectly irresistible. The terrible, however, was hid | Cont When davon ibus parcsite that free blacks are prestar power. Then the house sunk before him imprisoned, their mots af sjevery is to them anyi-will, he was digolfed, and wonderful as was bu Eleanor pbis freedom, which they willingly soleate

singurnos, it was attended, with this asportan It was the dread of inessivo on the part of those, the pond every one with a souriasion that there was something je him faer syên tham who monopolized property and power which jur- riểnd the Braish dation jo talegate improve

his words, shes the an was greatas, ipfakely `greatas, than the orator,'-Lawpar.

Lot any civilpa pra himant?", with the view to intimidato ? a compaere, when a qegistrate would | p be jysñed to tind him over to keep the peace. It is on tus prinsiple that ina gcclesiastical dill di pasand, in nedir to provoni spir?val in?sence from bamboogling publys opinan, and through it so on. slave the parliament, Had, dir, you suggested to he delegates of our sepaya in amptent? wish the pesce congress to plans beyond tha gommercial

sed quanimo palo'the slave plajon in Amazing,

of the sycamore and burse cheplay. As respects | and avao place France beyond the pale so joog in





1, Manappa, Crockett, from Cumaingmoon.

B Coorjca Family, Durham, from Calcu

8, Denia, Bareham, from Cumpaingmood.

the samples purchased in London shops, the facts her army tonguing in Home, you would have prov. | Jan.


??ed a citadel to iba causa of finedum sed al'pen

You boweres suffered the opportunity of plusing

Great Britain in bar propar poqulion, in sa th�?

Bu long as prejudo and despotism, or rather our existing state of emi?cial socity existe, inmu culting opinion with masamal poison, te fasuo with slavo magtar? would be "te place pearla be fore WILD.





PRICE $10 per meum,

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, Axum, 14 Dollars payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Bingle Numbers, 24

Communications for the Editor will be forwarded ( left wich Ty man, Stationer No. 599 Qum's Boot -Jyvýh house writ of the Ortinial Bank, where spare copies of this Paper may also be obtained. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Tea lines and under, Dollar; aditional, is vents #lies. Repet ne so-third of the test insertion. ships, -Pirat Insertion, Dollars, sabe meat insertione 4 cuts. Advertiments to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, ejher wise they will be published until countersadel. Full charge iade for repe.. in of say Advertisemen In the Ovensana laua.





?�NE of the PRNURIZAR AND O Commer's Blast Ships will love this for the above places on Friday the

30th of January.

Canes will be received on board until &-r. u.



Toos Ship


Hongkong, British

Wasaros. Dutch

Chica Cowans Family

Batjuin Ling

bas Opbyng

297 Bymatre


153 Terata



Empreses Fulsa


TAD - -.





Good Buccess




Land 'Cake



bit Micano

163 Couroy

$66 Caprice

476 Beatrice

Toop... 084





287 Favorio

North Carolina 670 Trident



1,310 Yumchoy


6, H, F. M. Brig Mondego, Commander Lima, Wichorak

Grom Timor.


1, Rejasthan, Anderson, from Hongkong. 6, Sumaire (Dui), (rom Macao.

6, Anialopo (Am), Poyer, from Hoogkong.




7, Radert Small, Small, Whampoa.

1, Jusotnak, Lukey, Comingmoos.

7, Balide (Han), Beyer, 8bangbae.

are not more unfavourable than might have been expected from the Chinese'adaherations, an�?the benso warranted that sunget the vendors them polves the practice is not at present extensive. Out adroesta of Izendum, to be postponed." It immains || Jan. ' of twenty-four pamples of black ten bought in the to be seen by this proposed reform bell how fur the metropole, twenty consisting of congous and sou-- strike of our sonman kan elegated them ju tha upin ohonge, were all genuine, while four, which were men of the prime miniges of meritis Ort B of the scented descriptions, were adulterated, otain. It was Neckar mada the discovery that probably, however, in China, without the know-power is where it is believed to be. Perbapa Lard edge af the dealers The conclusion from all the Juhu may profit by the discortsy to allow abapaj facts in that the great bulk of the black ten werd in some to vote by "proxy. this country, vix, congou and swụchung, in genuina, and that the scented teas-the pe koes and capors are invariably adulterated. Of genoten, out of twenty sample purchased in Londup, all were ac Juficially coloured, glazed, or painted with a mix pore of Prussias bus, lorueria powder, and China phy. Eleven were also adykerated with 'lja" tan, which, although it may hava bonu introduced balore importation, is still so engy of Jesection, and also so dangerous, from the osigut in which is coloured with Prusian blue, thai tha daqière ava que juštined, by the plan of ignorance, in selling a mixture in which is in eqntained. t is, moreover, known to bate to this country in rast quantity, and deposed of at 64. par I., so that there is reason to ppprehend it may not vafrequently be mixed on the #pot.-Atlas for India.

(From the Telegraph and Courier, Qct. 31.)


8, H. M. Bu. Sphyr, Commander Shadwell,

Niugpo and Shanghap Maseppe, Crockett, East Coral.


I, Trimple (Post), Bocadion, Singapota,


Your argument that the periament alone could, escind the abrasious slauses of the not, while our Jan. stamen worn ja a trippķel state of airil aunty to civil authords, was in bad janta,-was un-Bugtions; Your superior intelliganan ought to hang iklórmed | Jan. you chai," auw se pokmun dought for theilsalvon the transdon from femidalism to demootedy was seated. Mind a fequemerized from fondalisen by the spirit of the age

Bell government je the science, of institution, or ordeal to make 8t rulera. That sham passing system at the college of Fort William, iliustrates the rolleuse of the patronage system in ali ka bearings, autausule inferior pubka servants Į whereas by rewarding mara through a publie ordnaj firepoopis can order themselves fowly súd reverently olicare are appointed to whose apperiority the without self degradation. Proptical meinen, for instance, bold the nautical pretensions of this ready! made officer in contempt. Afor making dụn allow. noaca for prejudion or for foolings, yet our heal bours the French in their effort is realrat Napo ison's nephew azbikit shoir leaning for the site of tax. Napoleon the flod in Franos might render

it expedirt for our executive to ratais jho perm warrant power. Upholding the shadow of this hereditary principle, is to war against the spirit of the age. An appeal to feelung be one sling, and following on the principles of raison quoiber. Loyalty in good-patrieden in noble. The godfee arts of war, instead of cha gem of ponon: Ho of Napolion sencontested power to cultivate the warred against the times.

East India Tam was sold in London for the time on the 23rd ultimo It was grown on the Company's ton forms on the Hymnala yao mountaive, pod is, we believe, of superior quality. The green tes is not coloured, and in sousequence much less deleterious then the less of China.

A correspondant waiting to a London Journal *That the fest pala by public sodice of grown by the East India Company took place year Jerday, the 23rd instant at the Commercial Bale rooms, Mincing lane. The whole, comprising most ports of both black and groen kinda, went at full market rear. The Hon. East India Company have for some yeare pa?i cukivated the China Lon placi (by natives of China) in India, on the slopes of the Himalayas. It is found to thrive equally well at beights ranging from 2,200 feet above the Jeval of the sea to 6,000 feet The company hare many tea farme, each containing from 200 to 400 sepe. The most important feature in this lesin that the superintendent, Dr. Jameson, has not a lowed the Chinese to poal over with Frumien blue, Ao, the grown too, an i�?their custom in Chion to all they send to England. The Hon. Company persiply show a correct taste in not having their soa painted. Bis John F. Davis, 10 bis China and Chiners, states the Chiness themselves do not use the coloured grepe ten they prapare for our cuarkot, Mr R. Fortune, who bap in some seasons besa is China selecting tea plants for the Hoo. Company, writes" took some trouble to ascertain precisely the quantity of colouring used la the process of dyeing green ians intended for export to England, To tie of ton was applied rather more than o punse of blue culout. For every 100lbs. of green tea which are consumed in Engl-nd or America, The consumer is rather more than flb. at colour.'i


To CAPTAIN Barcher, L. v.

fool their uper incompeiance toʻpilot and manage The purple born and silver spoon fad" most ship among hosakare in a storm. On similar,

priasiples the amatous legislator, though gref banded in artificial paglina, must begin to surfanj his own unfituesa in this transition nga,

Over_Jegjolation is a henry parne on a people.

Nicolas Casard (Fr), Drinol, Franas.

7, Gallant, Black, Bingapore and Caloutts, 6, N. Palmer (Am) Low, New York. 8, Sea Bree (Am), Brown, Bingapore.

Vapença ar Howegowe Wy?amana, Opusasunnon,

on Mad4o, proSK For England. Confucion, W. Helen McGaw, W.

For New York, Golden Age, W.

For W. C. 8. Am. Beatrics, O. Caprios, W. Sumpah, J.

For Bombay. Beginn, W.

For Madras Clateshead, W.

For Pagoo. Warlock, H.

Friedrich Boehm, H. Grage Moy, W. Henbury, H. Land-o Cake, H. North Carolin, H. For Balavid. Jjattie Liang, W. Patriot, W.

Ternate, W.

Tona. .. Rold Total u W'pon 13,201

abe 28th, and Taxabonn undi) Noon of the 20th.

O. EDMOND, Buperintendent.


P. & O. 8. N Co.'s Offer. Hongkong, Blac December, 1881.


TN consequence of its being m

Ary to lay up each of the H & U. B. P. Co.'s Stamers, Notion is hereby given that after the item, until further motion, they will make only two trips per Wavi, leaving Honexopu co Monday and Thursday, umi Canton on Tursday and Friday, at the usual houts and celling at Ma CAD as susiouvry.

LYALL, STILL & O Agents.

Hongkong, 8th January, 1862.



will be despatched for the above port on


Hongkong, December 30th, 1881.


PHLE House and Grounde af 5 Glananly. #

För faríkar pariteumri upply mesin bye-

Hongkong, 4th December, 1881.

NOTICE. THE Business of the undersigned will, from this date, be carried on under the firm of Bazar & Co.

FRANCIA B. BIRLET. Capton, Ist July, 185).


JUST OPENED AND FOR SALE. SELECT Batches of very superior old Glenlivet Whiskey in bottle-Dark and Pale Brandy -Hollande Gin-Cordial dito, Fine fruity Port Dark, Golden, nod Pale Sheria,-London bot- stlad Bloot and Porter, Base' Pale Ale &c. &c.

Bome Fine Baked Balmon in Jaro

MCEWEN & Co Hongkong, Queen's Road, 30th Sept. 1851.

TN consequence of the retirement of Mr. Chand

SANDER the firm of Wiskimon de Sasmua has been dissolved, and, la future, will be signed in liquidation only. The other partners in the fut Arn(Mr. AlFeed Wilkonion, Canion and Measts DARCALL, DICKINSON & Co. London) will coa-ritice. tinue the business under the Style of ALFRED WILKINSON & Ca

Canton, Jesh December, 1861.


[R CARR LUCAS is admitted a Partner in

HR CARR & 1881.


Comos, 181b Angust, 1881.


NOTICE. LAWRENCE & BELL is authorized to sign our Firm by procuration.

CONSTABLE, WOOD & Co. Marilu, 1st December, 18814 -

NOTICE. THE interest and responsibility of Mr Ryarwan FREDERICK Remington in our Sink coumad on the 81st alumo.

REMINGTON 4 Co. Bombay, let Augnat, 1881.


THE undersigned have formed a copartnership for the transacting of a QannUAL COMMUNION Bouwa at Singapore, under the style of WOL COTT & Co.

JAMES H. ADAMS, from Boston, WILLIAM DREYER from Hamburg, RENRY G. WOLCOTT of the dra of WOLCOTT, BATES & Co., Shanghon Singapore, 1st April, 1881.



THE House on the South aide of GuoghNDER the Direction of AANON HAIGHT Palm- an, of New York, Cunsellor of the Supreme 11 Bizes, Insely occupied by Mr J. G. Bluros.

Court of the Unked States, and Director of the late American and Foreign Agency of that city, and WORTHINGTON Garation Betanu, of "Now Orleans, also a Counsellor of said Court, and late Solicitor of the United States General Land Office This Establishment is formed for the following



TOGETHER or separately, those four Hyra situated op n 90, Two of them having frontage on Hollywood Road, the other two on Gough Birsel.

Apply to


Ferdinand Irin Lisboug


393 250



$71 Abbotsford


1,014 Bondicen




E Lancaster









be about the [Pth January neat.

Prusslan Friedrick Bo-hm



For Fan-KT Apply in,




Whan pon



Tope... 1,431

America Paket Nolay Niplayer 168






?ад Romeno


- Gos of Mesoro Dise & Co









For San Franciaga. Conroy, W.


Dutch Goo, Washington 460 Thai Goon

Vrope Jacoba

Coustani, H. Emperor, H.

Total in H'kong 10,824


114 894


Apply to

Victoria, tel August, 1951.





Belliza Claes

214 8am



Jun What


N. 8. de LATE


Ban Jose









MR. BURGOYNE. No. 1 Wellington Streal, Victoria, 23rd December, 1851.

For Sign, Favorite, W.

For Amoy. Albatros, W.

Tons -

1,333 | Andromsoha


Total in MasaŲ

1333 Total in Amoy





$11 Athol




420 Druid

622 Chabota



Graca Me Ve

?ại | Pin

B50 Duke of Portland






900 Bidony


810 Tory




Lon. Aug 19 H.




Lea. Out 18 H.


Liv. Aog 28 H.


Liv. Aug 18 9.





|Lon. Aug 18 11.

Gallego Oriental





G. H. Montaguo Helen McGaw Golden Age


Philomela Raduga




$10 Stephen Larmon 700 Tartar 725






Camton, 5th January, 1852.










Bom. Nov 16 H. Beat Nov 8 EL.

McEchene Bom, Oct 24Wh.

French, Jules Cezar

Loopuyt Pislados





Bond Nor wh.

Tons . . .


Mc Donald Bom Nov.







366 Total in Bg'has 7,038


Man of mediocre entrusted with despatie power, Akber mother. It opens the flood gums of diperlindão. Albert Edward tion just se apucial. planding judge by making Amy Robert their conscie?ce the pirat of law, opens ge food. Callaya





gatan al litigation; to damoentens and dividh society. Emperor of China Daniell Os both skene subjects, the xylose of thage provincen Essex offer many examples

There is so radread of each national stility the bigh gore; and besides, freedom inaresses their utility in a goocentrical ratio. England, in order in order to supply choop freight in foot sailing good to prevent the emigration of bet sancyen, and again angle, must have the chaapart and the best gov- ernment in the world, which of course involved tim abulishment of the tighter tichut systnen, the skip ping offer, the merchant anquen copaleory tas, the passing system, and eventually the emancips: tion of the shipping founrest from aur out hones,

lix house, and many other impeding jempolicia restrictions on commeras,

Far West (Am) J. K. L.. John Bright Scotland

Lon. Bapt 13 H, Liv. Sept 10 H. (Shio. Juía 11 ??Liv. Aug 17 8. Lon Qot Is 8

jad? kariet, Aphyo. Starpair o�?Chân, Pu Want

Order in which the above Volmois left England. Amy Mebust. Berland, John Bright, Cuchayn, J. H. Lee Kions, Paou shop, and GeslongAt Livanroot; Uld LeadingAt LowDON; Helen Lindesy, Bophle, England, and Balmoral.



Ana Martin

(Concluded from hio, ? page 4.) The Gilure of the centralization system of gor. smoment, from China to Rome, prates to a den monsistion that its theory is unsound, or is based the ergogust reasons for remaining firm to their The Lood Times says, "that ons seeme? have on Batlon ; while the strike of our seamen, which Occasioned government to employ your talent, sugargance to a country where their intereste ara so gets the fable of the boy and the wolf-our cea carefully protected by law." It however requires Baron of Renfrow tralizationists being apprehensive of future wacies of competition are daily demanding a larger

no great spirit al' prophicay to foretel that the exigen Brabosin seeing that Franco corta England, Rumia langa

Cornwall for India, and Americs will be trained to anots supply of auterprise and energy and pairimu

our sermen, and that the mawkich efforte of our mur kyisistor will fail to meet that demand.

Caosda, or Ireland, to presetre ket balance afier annexing 'spa Our son on the other hand, from baving well grounded suspicious of a design, bing short of universal pulirage dan

on the part of government to keep thein enslaved,

apply that demand. The Editor of the Times Jemina e of Chancellor Moore, who after land- ing the rulertaliga died a-m-styr to superstition.

??Ameriça la just so likely wandes freland as Japan. 11 is en insult to reason to talk about the interagis

It laas erroseva estimate of Amica puwer that gir

the satin calls for being able to do altar---En, F- or C.

of our scamen being carefully protected by law, I

Clonfucion Edeo

Lord Ashley Opceola Rajumban Regina Robert Small Trafalgar Wo. Gilles


John O'Caqui Lord Western


Bom, ner 26 H Bhaw Allum


Bam Nor It H. Loading.-At Bouzar; Borrackpore, D. ef Northumberland, John Wood, Eliza Borrison, and Heloise Manson.

Lon. Land, Liv. Limugari, Khin Mjelde, Wat. Watchard, Cly, ridia, Mom. Hombay, Tusk Tulletin, kere Arrian. Pro. Pres.



Printed, and Published, by William Tabant, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1852.


1. For conducting Professional business in the Supreme Couil of the United States, and the pro- cation and recovery of Claims against the Ame eieso Government;

2. For Collatione generally, embracing Dobla Legacies and Inheritances in the United States and the adjacens Bellik Posion;

B. For the Purchasing of Land in any of the States or Territories of the Union, and Lossing RY and Secure Herage of perishable or ather Moneys on Merigoge of Real Estein lying therrin; DX and more Here, eroderate charges,

4 For lovment of Funda in United States at the Dodowns of

and States Blocke and Loune, and, generally, for WILLIAM TARRANT. the transaction of all business pertaining to Law, West Point,

Loan or Banking Agency. Victoria, Hongkong, 3rd January, 1882.

In the Estate of Asnawak Jouxrs Billay, late of Victoria drosused.

|LL partics having any claims on the abare A Estate are rogocated to forward the same with counts and vouchere to the undersigned forthwith. Persona Indebted to the Estate are also requested to pay amounts of their debés répectively on or before the lot day of March wait.


Administrator in Che Bilalt,

Wongkong, 23rd December, 1851.

NOTICE THE Bosiness bitharto-carried on under the same of MANIDALLY Morannor & Co, in this day sloemd, and will to future be conducted by Mr. ERAMIK NOOBoobin the firm and style of AH- MEDBHOY RHAIMTOOLLA.


All Communications addressed, post paid, to Mestre, Palmer & Samhen, Amerioso and For- alga Agency, City of Washington, will receivo | prompt and faithful attention.


Office of American and Foreign Agency,

6, Carrull Place, Capitoll MiN,

EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 96 CORNHILL LONDON. THE undersigned, having boen appointed Agants for the above Office, are prepared to effect lu- surances against Gre, on Boildings and Goods, lo Canton and Hongkong, including merchandise in Dalive Packboneca.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Ca Canton, 14th August, 1851,

FOR SALE. ANGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all

gives, also Nallo, by

ANTHON & Co, Hongkong, fet Oolabaz, 1880


THE Wusiness of the Undersigned from this date JUST landed an assortment of very superior

will be conducted under the Firm and Btyla af BRANDAO & Co. and Mr Joad BAFTA

Gowns and Mr John Fitzpatrick are admitte Partners therein.

ANTONIO C. BRANDAO. Canton, Tot Jasonry, 1862.



admilled a Partner in our Firm.

DAVID SASSOON BON J & Co. Canton, 11th September, 1851.

Scotch Twoods.

Queen's Hood,


Victoria, 92nd November, 1961

FOR BALE. THE Bonn fida Patent Ventilating elegant full Brass Hay, an article combining entity with adaptation to a warm climata. anmfort and economy, and never surpoverd


Agente Queen's Road, Victoria, 3rd October, 1851.

FOR SALE. desirable assortment of Bulan, collected A chiefly on the Consa of Ceylon and the Mon-


Queen's Road, Victoria,

7th November, 1851.


Ex" Land o'-Cam,"

DA88' Pale Ale,


Martelle Pale and dark Brandy, Superior Old Tom, Pale Sherry,

Table Forks and Spovar, -WeRington Boale,

Oxford Show (stait,)

?Hand toilet glaze04,


FSS SMITH & BRIMELOW have re- ceived 130 Cases of Superior Holland Gio, which they offer at a low Agose.

Hongkong, 9th December, 1851.




Extract of a riter, dated Madras, June 10, 1846 from F. H. Sci. Enq Bib Light Coralty, De- puty Assistant Qarter Marier General of the Army.

Te Profesor Holloway,

AIR," have much pleasure la adding my tralmony to that of the many who bave certified to the excellence of your Ointment, but my object in addressing you is, oklefly, draw your silention to

??means by which its valus may, I think, besame alill more generally appreciated and applied.

In this country there in a diamen called Barsott!* (from Barsol, rain); it commatzes and prevails to the great at extem during the rainy weather; it is confined, I believe, exclusively to Here. A valu ale Horte of mine caught it is a march during the Munson; all the usual remedies were applied le vain; indeed it is a disease which I have cater seen cared, for when ones taken it soon become rooted in the constitution. It shows itself by largo foul angry sores over all parts of the body. For eight months my Horse had it specially bad, having Lady's and Gentlemen's Black, colored, and Tength I us your advertisement in the

had here large sores on his fure legs. Fortunately

Day books and Lodgers, White Comimero,


Diaries for ib

which kid gloves, in good order. "Marryatt's Biguzla-Latost Edition.


Victoria, 17th November, 1851.

108T received per "Roar SHALL." by the



Fine Glenlivet Whiskey,

Pal Sherry.

Do. Ale, Base".

Pilot Cloth Pes coats.

Focke-Waward. Busson and Brand Rodgers and Sons' Penknives and Resore. Hodgers' Table cutlery.

Dish Cowers in sets.

Powder Basin,

Abot Bake-double and single.

Leather Cigar Cases.

Coffee mills.

Price's Wax Candian.

pencil cases and penholders and a few articles Also per OVERLAND aortment of Gold wall adapted for Christmas and New Year prosema-


Hongkong, 16th December, 1851.

PLANTAGENET GUARD RAZOR, (Br Rorm LETTER PATENT.) 18 unrivalled potent consiste in the attach- ment of a marble Comb Guard to the ordin ury Razor, so nicely adjusted that, la thuoparatges of sharing, the skin cannot be cat whilethe heard is being remored. Those who have never previ. nualy shared can share themselves without tear, or the aid of a glass, or on board ship in the mo empestuous weather. It is invaluaħfe to nervous, paralysed, blind, the timid, or most awkward shaver, The patent has been most extensively paironizad by the officers of all ranks of the United and Hoa- ble E. J. C. Bervice.


la made of a highly prepared and compresseil leather, bas all the offelency of a hose and pre- serves the edge of the Hanor in the mout perfect


Piaio Razore, Penknives, and Schnors of avery | scription warranted of the finest workmanship.

C. STEWART & Co Patentes, Charing Cress, London, may be bad at all the three Presi dencise and all the principal ckles in the East Indies N. B. All C. STEWART & Co.'s Cutlery has the brand Plantagaset tharron, sod is made of their calebrated Plantagenet Steal abomically prepared.


Ea Vrecount Sandon." 1ESSRA GMITH & BRIMELOW have re-

Deived by the above vessel, - Prime Wilshire Cheese, Prime York Hams, Bloom Raisina, Jordan Almonda, Franch Olives R ya! Bandard Vinegar made entirely from Mali, Noval and Millery Bauer Worecaier and Royal Zest Bauce, French and English Pess, Preserved | Ments of every description.


An Lovoice of Stationery.

Per late Arripula


and thought that, if the Oietimas much for mankind there was no reason why Horses, &c. should not equally benefit by it. The firet Pot did wonders, and three or four cured the places in

??weeks. (The writer fuither states, "that from The Horse baving bitan hempelf, a more appeared on one of the old plaers, but this is rapidly geeing way to the Ointment)" I remain, Bir,

Your obedient servant, F. BOUTT, Fib Light Cavalry,

cured at the Einblishment of the Undersigned, in richly Drasmented Boxes and Pots togelber with Directions for the Guidance of Patients affixed to each Box and Pot.

J. M. DA SILVA. Queen's Road, Victoria

ACOW & Co. The Hotel, Canton


Pontards, Maca


THE undersigned has established large BA- ty of CABIN and SHIP BREAD at short no Live,

Finn Navy Bazao,.....3) cents per . PILOT BREAD...

KERY and guarantees to supply any quanti.


warranted to keep for Six Month in nay Climate. Contracts entered into with Departments, Com mandate of Vesels, &ca. for regular supplies.


Whampoa, 6th November, 1891.

CHIPELAGO AND EASTERN ASIA, THE JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN AR. Ethanology of the Indo-Pacific Islanda, Bp.J. R.

Logan, Eng.

Coronation &c. of the King of Siam. Bketch of the Steam Route from Singapore to

Torres Straita. N. B. Posties in China wishing to become draws to the office of the Friend of Chine sod subscribers will please forward then nam and ad. clungkung Gazette."

Victoria. 18th December, 1851.

FOR SALE AT THD OPVIOR. STITCHED copies of a Review of the Trade of Bbangbee, 1850, ne printed at the Office of the NORTH CSIRA Honald.

Price Aftycents.

Friend of China Offier, 10th October, 1881.


HUN-ACHUNE, Office Comprador, formerly in the Service of the Honourable East India Company's Supercargoes at Canton, ta demiroms of meeting with an engagement-1 can produce nesorptionable references. Terms Filtera Dol- lars per month and u-pal perquisites. Letters addressed to Caps Achone, care of the Comprador at this office will be duly forwarded.

Friend China Office,

Victoria, Hongkong, 24th Nov. 1861.




Dublin Bloat in Boule, Campbell's Edinburgh FOR GALE at the Office of this paper 1- Pale Ale in Bottle, Proms Boat in Hogshead, Hodgson's Pale Ale in Hogabend, Superior Pan, Shetty, English Borded Claro, Chenee. Hoc Marcil's Dark and Pale Drandy, United Vineyard Company's Brandy, Glenlivet Whisky, Old Tom, Jamaica Rum, &c. &e, all in excellent order.

Nos 1 & 2 Woomer's Buildings, Hongkong, 9th December, 1851,

for the Peninsular and Ori ental Cenpany's Blaser. NATE BILL COMPRADORES Onduas, io Books,





| toning boats in them, or by other moons; a very


good suggestion in ita way, but it would have been thrown out inappropriately, for extended


out of oil-airgitus 100 Tulot in a

European family. Apply to A. Z. care of the investigation elicited the fact that the piracy

Evisor of tlas Pupet.

Vict rin, Itoogkout

19th January, 184


THE undersigned bei a about to freen China, requista fiu (all accounts may be rendered for l'qulation, and payment of su s'anding has made in him, 'ther sa individently, or in his capy city of administrator to the Enals of the late TORO-ELINO,

Victoria, Hongkong. 14th January, 185



1852, Price Ons Dollar. It can be had on sp plication to


Hollywed Hood,

Ilongkong, 0th January, 1651.



of the Mail Stramers.

Prics-On Card, 1 Copy 14; 3 Copira 28 Paper, L ??50c.; 3

China Maz Office, Hongkong, 31 December 1ASL.



New Advertisements will be received until 7 O'Clock on the Evenings previous to publication, viz: Tuca days and Fridays. If one or two copies are re- quired of the issues in which an Advertisement is inserted, and applied f'r during the perial for which publication is orderet, no charge will be made for such copy or copies.


Used Maz




did not occur at all in the letter of these pas sagra, as the complainant at the Police Offic at first alleged; but on the other side of nur 1-loud allogetiver, three miles from Tytam, and Colquently within sight and gunshot of Stage ley Barracks. With the broad sun light when the pirany occurred, the pi rato's mat sail woukl¦ have been a capita Iruark for natour artery non; aller circustance which the Jurura would have done well to have founder a sug gestion upon; instead of leaving the brunt of the blamo on the naval arm.

We sincerely regret the having believed

the whole of the information which wo publish

ed in our last, and in which it was alleged The Ero centre does repersent the alle for public

COLONIAL Brcostanz'ı Ouvion, ViaraRIA,

turned an unanimous verdict of Guilty, and the pri Buner was sentenced to Theo years' imprisonment with Aard labour.

TAM A HAM, charged with burglary-The prisoner was caught by a police constable about 4 o'clock A.M.. bolting through the bars of a house în Tai-ping-aba. On the inbaltants of the house being awoke, it was found entrance had been effected by breaking a hole, foot and a-half square, through the wall-nOLT which hole some house breaking instruments were discovered. The outer doors were all fast, but a bed room door bad been opened, and trunke moved, candy for taking away. Prisoner's defence was-that be was going to get some medicine for a sick friend. The jury returned an unanimous verdict of Guilly, and two previous convictions, one on 28th January and another on 19 September, 1850, before the Ba- gistrates, having been proved, the Judge sentenced the self styled sick nur to Ten years fragortation.

WOKO ATANO, charged with robbery


The prosecutor, Leong Atai, eline Young Afat, in on accountant to shop in Canton Bazaar. On the 22d October last, about 9 A.M., he started to collect money in Binley, and by way of personal adornment bad put on four Jackets, wherouf one was white, two dark blue, and one light blue. About I o'clock ha returned, minus the three latter, and also, as bo alleg- ed, minus ten dollars and a gold ring-stating that at the top of the Happy Valley be had been stopped and robbed by two usen, one whom was the prisoner. The other man was armed, and wanted to strike this

of Agure with his sword, but the prisoner who was not armed, interfered, for which interference the prosecutor appeared so grateful that he made it appear by bis evidence doubtful whether or not the prisoner had any connection with the other robber. Besides thin, there were some discrepancies between his police

supreme court evidence.

that the piracy was comunitted almost within a reservde-a great rejairasent dwa there. sight of IL. M. 8. Hastings. We are now told that the piracy was actually perpstral-

Hoxorona. 6th January 1982. cd about tou or eleven miles from our har

Gentlemen - With regard to the personal confer- Inwar. (Thres miles from Tytam, and that

ener you had with the Governor in the 2ud lost. three this way, is not clevou miles, however, ant relatère in the fute distressing fire in the Chi nor the hall, of the third, of it) and that the man

nres town, at which time you presented two Pel who led the complaint was not the Captain lions from restsin 'hinese slabétun's,-The and Owner, but the Captain of another Junks to the efl of that the local Cereriment wid in company. Our readers will say what pretty staff of Interpreters you appear to have in Hongkong Cuarts. Gearle Reader, the Itok him dialect, (that which is spoken most by the Junk people resorting here), Government hove no interpreter at all; and when they want to get almatiar they pick up any fal. having this morning had an opportunity of laying fully proved by two witnesses, from whose eridance

allow the Ground. Rent for the ending your to

stand over and in romit the Pe Rate for the entire year 1852 -The second that after the place cleared certain alterations should be made in lasing it out; that the houson should lac budt of more darllenterials, and that a Publie Whac or Prays shall be constructed along the S free, I am directed to inform you that His Exerlloney

| themo Petitiona before bis Executive ('aurail, it bei

for the past half year, as well as the salita Police

the year 1852


low out of the streets, and ask him to tell what ??been resolved to samit untirely the Land tax due the deponent is waying. The man who inter preted in this particular case, we believe, was young gentleman who within the past with has completed a terms of three months coin- pulsory labour in the chain gang, as reward ??for the crime of extortion of which be was found guilty. Talk of throwing out muggestion for Governors, Generals, or Admirals to take a note of-cam pearls before swine-throw phy- sic to the dogs, and its jum ne rational. The want of a flokkien interpreter was particular. notices in nur No. 23 of 5th April last year.

With what effect? We reprint the part :-

Clet. 24, Randwich Islands Nor. 10

Oct | Halatia


30; Labus


11 | Singapore


I Maolla



15: Shangha

C. of G. Hope


1 Am

R- Fineco


11 Mingpo



. 14 Dee. 18 Dec. 1 Dec, 21













15 Thoraday

648 538

2 4.2

16 Friday.

691 5 41.

9 50 6.06 6.20

Moon-Last quarter to-day at 8,54 a 10.








"The foregoing detail in the aulalunen of what wis elicárd, under particularly difficult circams. Concre, there being no person to be found compe- lol 10 render the evidenon tato intelligible English. A verdict of Hilful Murder, against some persons unknown, was returned by the Jury, coupled with

??recommencation to 1]is Excellency the Q-vernor to provide some better mathod for obtaining infor. mathon vis, by the retention, in the Police depart ment, of paid interpreter, to render the language of Chin-chew senman into the dialect generally obtaining in this Colony, or into English.


The Governor in Council has alan had before him certain plane prepared by ike Surveyor Ge. Geral, and has come to the conclusion that the own bearing his name is the best adopted under alt eir stances to meet the devira of the inhabitants. The Surveyor Genera) has been instructed to ple himself in communication with you and to furnish you with a copy of each plan ; and the Governor | will be happy to attend to way paguetion after coming the parties Interested, you may have o offer on the subject, either for its alteration or iss provement.

But with a view to publia economy Ha Excel Tracy is of opinion that the inhabitems of the Inen hry, bose proprity will be so much imptered by clate chria fuonish their quote | towards the erection of the Sea wall this work, if undertaken by the Government, will na dauhi ba one of considerable expose, while His Excellency thinks, that expenss would be much diminisha I, were the parties interested because the debru of the rules of the houses, &e, to be thrown into the epare forced to, and the mweltro to undertake the cungtraction of the wall on a plan to be furnished by the Burrayor General; and to cable this im portant and desirabla work to be executed at a comparatively triding expense, he is willing that the large cut graplis stones at present forming the wharf to the premiers formerly the property of the late Capral Larkins at Spring Gardeon, should be available for this purpose.


The prisoner in his defence said, that the prosecu tor came from the same place as he did, and that they had had a quarrel about four rupees which the prosecutor bad lent to prisoner's brother some your ago. This money the prosecutor had deanded of bim,(the prisoner,) trut fe did not feel inclined to liqui date the debt, on which they came to blowe, and the prosecutor, having made an error in his calculation, found himself well thrashed, and in consequence, threatened prisoner, that unlese simple apology und Compensation was made, ho, (the prosecutor,) would have the prisoner transported. This statement was

ita pieared that the prisoner is a stone-cutter, and bad formerly been a caitle dealer. One of the wit- Desaes was Cross Sxamined, for the purpose of proving that he said at the Police Court that the quarrel tross out of transactions when the prosecutor and prisoner were gingerbeer sellers, but the witners asserted be never bad said no. Two more witnesses were ready to be called, but the Judge deemed their widenes unne- creary and summed up to the jury. Before the verdict was given, Mr. Assistant Magistrate Mitchell, who had proved the deposition taken before the Magie- trate, said that there might be an error in consequence of bad interpretation, and mentioned un instance where a prisoner was described before the Police Cours

being "seller of sugar cane," but this was after- wards Inwad to be incorrect, and it was rectified into his being a "saller of umbrellas." This, on mars profound enquiry being made, was also found to be wrong, and the trade was at that fixed as "weller of oranges," all arising from want of attention to pro- nounciation, for example,-a man were to say

when be meant to say "bugles." Thess walls, aper Boxlige ingretion, he has detailed to the jury by his Lordship, they returned a verdict of " Nát guilty."

(Afternoon sitting.) New Jury, Mesir. F. Drake, W. A. Bowna, R. C. Antrobus, W. P. Bevan, Gen. Perkins, and 8. Drinker, MONO Axes, and Foong Nana Taxi, charged with robbery with arma-The prosecutor Chung Apo M. D. was on the 9th November last, returning to bio numerous circle of patients whom he had left in charge o

* of a brother malico at Aberdeen, while be unbent ble mind by a holiday in Victoria. On his route he was attacked, near a village (of ill fardo), a little past the Naval Stores, by about miss men, of whom the prisoners were component parts, who essed him of the remains of his unapent holiday money and bia watch. Retracing his steps to Victoria, be in- formed the police of the hapless termination of his day's amusement. They went with him next day, and on nearing the scene of action, out of a shad jumped four men; two look to the water and thun excapad

took to the Brae side and were captured--so said the dlaciple of Galen, but the captors evuld only swaar to having taken Mung Ahen, Where Foon-Nang- The came from, no one seemed to know; and how the Jary bad got blas in charge, to enquire whether he wa ruilty of the crime laid to his charge or not, seemed

The Surveyor General will personally commun- Icase with you and make the necessary report to Hin Oun remarks of Saturday Just have had the effect| Excellency after he has had the ade sntage of your Tan Spark leaves for Canton this morning at of producing publication of the Colonial Secretary's opinions and advice, but it is right that you should ba reminded that the state of the Colony will not reply to the depotstion who waited on the Governor admit of his entertaining pejects which in their with a petition from certain Chinaer, lato rosidente elscolion would involve any larga expense.

Referring to the increased space which will be of Bleungwan; this reply will be found below. The Editor of the Register, to whom the leter was recovered from the Sea by the temple

rangements, I am instructed to laform you that li jo supplied, expects ta be alde to furnish the pabba not the intention of Governorat to charge any with a lithographed plan with his next issor-(the Ground Rent thereon-but I have at the same time proposed plan for rebuilding Bheanzwan) and which to inform you that this as well as all the forging ho like as he has pen and can only say ka girta il | ma numes, are subject to the approval of Har May his cordial approbation. Some people are very susily | İrstr'a Government, to whom they will be reported pl-word, and it is very evident he has acvar studied by the next mad,

CAPTAIN Stoddart of the Albert Edhoord has favoured us with the following extract from his log.

January 101, in Extitude 10, 40 N. Longitude 191. 18 E. steady North east montana.

Jan. 30,-Civil time, commences with strong galea from N:E. Lat Neon 15. 92 N. Lan. 127. 17. Jan. 4th-Strong N. Ely brede and elowly ; at

the doctor and the myrmidons of the law; the othare

the prisoners was usual a tissue of lies, and most

??profound mystery to all in Court. The defence of

gratuitously so, there was no evidence against them. A Joryman then suggested that some evidence should be had as to the reality of the doctor, and the Judge remarked that a doctor ought to be a well- known individual, in which sentiment the Jury con- curring, the doctor raised himself on tipine so eru if he could spy a friend or brother native or forelga;

Noop, in Lat 15.09 N. 125, 09 East Wind moderate diplomacy in a government school,-the first ka thanks of His Excellency for the Cuistetested and but not finding any, the Judge summed up, and the

log and coming round fromthe S.F. ACT e36, beary raio with a sudden shift of wind to Northward and Westward, falling light. At 10. 45 P. a while squall struck the Ship, and carcled away lose top must, jibboom, and main top gall, ut mart. At mid. night increasing breezes from W N W-squally.

son theen taught being that of finding fult with every plan that is first laid down; in the prudent hope that it may induce the production of a better. 11. E. Governor Boubam has pat neriainly acted with his customary prailence in approval of the plan to which the Register allules ; and when laid he fore the public we feel certain no to the amount of


In conclusion I am directed to convey to you the practical sauce you have an cordially afforded him on this necision, and to add that hy will be at all times happy to receive any suggestions thre personally or in writing that you may be desirous in question, and he will feel further indebted by of making on the part of the Chinesa un the subject

your taking the necessary stops fue rendering the Chinese whore intrinated in this matter, aequnio fal with the result of their Palitioon, na well na to feels at the heavy loss which an many of them have sustained.-! hero the honor to be, Geatlemen, your most obedient serraal.

jury returned an unsalmons verdict of " Not guilty." | Panjano, charged with attempt to burn"Skip-- Mr. Baine, Chist Officer of the 'Denia, stated that while of Amoy, on the morning of ath October, about 3 o'clock, he was called, and told that an at- tempt had been made to fire the veme); all the crow maid it was done by the prisoner. The fre was put out before he came, bui on examining the place, above the forefoot, where the rewood is kept, be found some wood piled in an unusual way na if for a

stooke; on being called they extinguished the dames under the forepank, and were nearly suffocated with before any part of the vessel took. Are. There is a small batch over the place. The prisoner, about ten days before, had received two months' advance from the ship, and one from the Serang.

Jau. 5th-Increnuli g gule with a bigh erous are, credit the Register will get for his ready approva expres to then in his name the pincere regret be, Are, and several of the ploces tarved. The crow slept

Lai, Nonn, 18. 15 Long 126 43, Midnight mo- derating from the North east.

Jan. 8th to 9th-Strong North easterly gaira and very turbulent ora Jun. That 5 x x made


of really very stupid arrangements. For instance, as though the Skeongwan residents were such very cleanly fellows, generally, that there was not the alighiem nosiy for making patunges bawera

12 Lale of Richmond N. W. by N distant 4 leagues, | sich block of bu iding lots, the Surveyor General

Jan 9th-At A. M. made the Leina W.N.W, distant 6 lengoes-tool Pilot on board.

Jan, 10th--3 4 m anchored in Victoria Harbour,

An inquest was concluded on Saturday last on the body of one of the crew of the Junk Kum-cheak-chuan (the piratical capture of which we reported in our last isme)] who it appeare was shot through the brain in the encounter. WILFUL MURDER, by parties ooknown, was ibe verdict returned. The Juris, we hear, took into couederation th: advisability of append ing to their verdict a recommendation that the Admiral should keep the two ourrow passager of Capsing-moon and Lyo nova clear by sin

has jumbled Lata 6, 8, 9, 11, 18 and 17-11 lo a beap -" huge block; and a pretty ncat 11 will prove fur boch land and mur sharks, if mueried out in ita fullest intention,

Whatever plan may be decided on eventually, be that which we would recommend, Thero je noe gro...t obstacle in the way of its execution, ard that is Be circumage of 101 No. 203 being the property of an Europana, instand of being, se

W. CAINE, Colonial Eecretary.

Meatu, Bund, Deinuro, 1, G, Morison,

(From the Hongkong Register, Jan. 18)


Tuesday, 6th January, 1852. JURY.-Mesure. Jae, Maclaboos, J. B. Compton, S. Appleton, J. Beatson, Gen. Napier, and B. B. Berrand. baving committed barglary in store house belong- KONO A CHOONo, the prisoner, was charged with

we supposed, this leaseb-uding al sainetobe Chi-ing to Hinoam, where the servants slept. The articles

neve, who formerly had it in seperate sections an amining to me with whet, studicansees the Ind- ly stranged inland blocks (though lucrative to their holders) are kit untouched in the plan to which the Register, "f-e pare friendship's sake and air pence," accorda his most cordial approval.

carried off were their clothes and bedding. The door of the house was flat at 6 p. M. on the 28th October | last. On the shopmen retiring to bed at 9. P. M., the door was found broken open and the articles goot. The policeman on the beat was immediately apprised of the fact, and the prisoner having been taken, about | an hour before, carrying a bundle containing clothes, they identified the differal articles. The jury ro be and the property being shown to the witnessee,

The depositions of Autoulo Flores, a soneunnie, www.rend. They were to the affect that be saw the prisoner sitting smoking a cigar, with his lege down the hatch; he stooped down, and immediately after smoke came up. Plores then called upon the crew, and with fire buckets of water extingulshed the fre Prisoner came up with kids clothes in a bag, and was asked what he kitended to do with them; he did not


Kwok-and-tuk, Chiness cook, was vick and sitting on the lower deck, and saw the prisoner coma dos below to get some covering; the prisoner put ha clothes into a bag, and then took some rope-yuen-

don't know where be got the repo-yarm; only saw

in his hand-lighud it at a lamp, and put it among the wood, which took fire. Witness new all thin- gave the alarm to the rest of the crew who were asleep When the alarm was given, the prisoner ran on deck with bir clothes. Knows no more,

The prisoner said in defence, that the last witne was far more likely to be guilty than himself, as whe he went below for his blanket and pillow, be fou him crying, the chief mate having flogged him. The Court must suppose him mad, if they thought he would

pt for to the vessel, in which he must have perished; When asked why sentence should not be passed

him according to law, said, that if he was guilty tengre to the vessel, he ought to be lianged." Vliet Guilty by to 3. Betance Two years' 10, cronatant with hard labour.

Wednesday, 7th January, 1852.

On the

The following Jury was empanelled,-Mesura, Goo. Paddell, W. A. Bowra, 8. Drinker, J. Beatson, Guo.

er, and B. Appleton. Woone & KAN, charged with cutting with intent to grievous bodily harThe prisoner was sleerzien Macao pasings boat, which he ran into Mr. Rush's lorchs, nod carried away ber format. For

owner had to pay $6.50. Dias damage 16th November last, he told the prisoner that this sought to be deducted from his wagen, where- pon be the priscour threatened death to the owner, who was also captain, and destruction to the boat; nd he then gure the captain a cut on the back with chepper, and threw stink pots at the crew who took to the water, and came on shore to inform the police. The police as boarding the boat off the central market, found the prisoner in armed possession, having loaded gingel on each side of him, a stink pot at bla feet, and a lighted Joss-stick la his hand. The pri- vomer sized the stink pot and was preparing to throw it at the boat, but Mr. Clifford, jumped on tard, kaneled the stink pot out of prisoner's band, and then kwacked him down, on which he jumped

into the wider where he was captured. The defence -vay-that there was a aqu ulible'in consequence of his it sisting on having all his wages, that a light ensued at some of the crew must have wounded the owner. The jury found him "Guilty," and he was sentenced to kftoon yours' transportation.

SALEEMAN, Andoolah, Potek, Extum, Sze- Man, Bastian, TERMAN, and MOSDEEN, were charged with studding with intent to do prievoNE Fly This was an attack on a black police Costabla, Cheenan, who was interfering in a figl between scand luscars. The constalile was knocked town, and while down, cut by Saleeman and Eetum, une using his knife, and the other a sword taken from a fellow constable who had been knocked down Pun beginning of the fray. The whole eight were Mentified by Cloues, and the five frat by an Euro. pesa constable. The prisoners were all captured on thept by some European constables. Yet the de fo. of all the prieuners was, that none of them were present. The jury sher a very long debate found all | ik prisamer Guilty," with the exception of Bastian anil Mund. The following sentences were then pa-e-Saleeman and Eetum three years' imprison. ext.-Putes and 'Tooman two years' imprisonment, - Alolab and Sooman one year's imprizomment wall www.kard labour.

(Afternoon sitting.)

Fary anelled,-Mesora. J. B. Compton, Geo. PR8. Sherrard, Jaa. Maciehose, R. ?. An- trobes, and W. F. Bevan,

YARPA YADU, FAN ACHU, Lo Apat, and YREP Ausw, charged with piracy with wounding.

boss was attacked in the Capsingmoon on the 5th November last, and plundered. The three first prisoners who were armed, were identified as be longing to the piratical crew, and Yoop A Yaou was felkidemillas having wounded Akwie-chun, char- teal the jigst. The boat attacked came to Hong- kg, and the next day the pirate boat came in, mid greenged by the steersman of the host attack- ad, information who given to the police, who captured the heat with the four prisoners on board. Soveral articles found on board were identified. The defence of the three prisoners was-that none of them belong nd to the boat; that they were on board accidently. The fourth prisomer (a lad) said he was on board, baring gone to sell some salt fish. His story was corroborated by his best having been found along side, the absence of identification by any of the wit- ness, and by a petition from several of the market men in Hongkong-be was consequently discharged, and a verdict of "Guilty" having boon found againat the other three, sentence of death was recorded against them.

An Baropean meat from Amoy, charged with cut- ting and wounding on the high star, but at a greater distance than 100 miles from the Coats of China, was discharged on preclamation--no witness appear ing against him.

A petition was presented by a numerous body of respectable Chinese in favour of Caun Kwai Po, and Chux Lann Bow, charged with piracy, whose


Pendent Why are you loughing and shaking

your head sur

Lieut. Sporary - I bag mo-i respectfully to ob serve that his Lordship is taking unconry trouble for surely he will believe the reports of the Military Board, which represent the Depart med as efficient and as honest as it could be de- sirol.

Colinella an uglar inne. that cliny appes to be wide awake,

Pre-id-al-Well Sir, I attall now proceed to the egnmiuntion, by asking you the first question. Do you understand. Aratus ile, and what is in 1

Prenden-A p opor of cattle; would you per- for the Government entla or hired soimala 1 Livut. -Fired caule most decidedly. Preaddent-Why?


order for him appontment that, the u�?the bishop of Hongkong at any other bishop in meet Intcrianty to enable him to perform bir fincmUMT, and will not entite him to performs those functoire, Lient, 8-The grounds on which object are if he should at any timan he zenoted by the Never serious. Fizet om Government castle, there is no || boty of state. This the Chronic'a saja, 19 a very doduction for dues ares; altundiote upon Ostern gross case; for shiboughs, with reference to Ma- ment catila won't allow the private lugenge of an deira, Lord Palmerston stopped the supplies, dies I say,orfieer to be carried, sud tusily up in Clevernas at mard the chaplain, and set the b shop of London celtle with In control, whilst with hired noulu at di Ramen, which was but munugh-yet China all morte al fines are viseted, which of course being a kenthen county and the br-kup of Hong- 14 claur prok: to tuo Calamosarımı ol?ver. kang being on the spot sent unt as an overages of Pride-11 would yau tegulate your ad- | the English communion in the Chinese near--the vautra lo contractors?

declarating that the Consular chaplain exists solely Lieut. F.--That ng sin deprade upon circums at the wil of the Secretary of State is an insult which, if the church of England submite to it will desarer il il gefe : ??more monstrous aud fegrast gear it would be hard to conceive.

Tout 8-Yes, Sir, film, Arkhmerlo la expter ing in figures the sount which government hus to pay for the expenditure charged by executive | tanrro. officers.

Provideal-What are vulgar and desimal frao-

tlona ?


The displeasure of the Chronicla arises from the rather form not assumption, that, all which England the church pus in her own; it is an old min- passons in the church's property; and all that take ; but one which the spirit of the age in frot correcting sa regnede the people,mor laity, so the ecclesiastica enll them, and one which i would be good thing for pe eccleomatics and their ad- hereats to endeavour to unlearn in time i ne il world wrive to break the used up lady's fall and Lavt B-Tie w-ruk) noi suower stall The let her down much ardier'ban she is likely to lam more contracture the beter, for each at subtle, if she obtinutely refers to mark the signs of certain samples to ensure the well working of the the lun Contact

President-lare thora circumstances, Larut X.-L 1ưa mirket alowed a downward ndency. I woll restrict advance. so iku utare?, Lieut. B-Vulgar fr"ctions are the differences | but it the musket was rising above the contract care. which store krepara pocket, resulting from cei- | I would be very literal, because the chinees IN ing and issuing articles of weight Decimal fronto one ibat the contractor would fail, and then tions are the peromuge allowed by Contractors I would have to buy the required suppliva, chorzing??lu executive officers,

at the end of the math the highest price that me President-D you know what lovalution and merick would allow volution mean, and what is mensuration??

Praden-Would it awer to have one large Leut, B.-ovolution is the art of iuvelring or cotractor for all the articles reqstred by a division tawrapping. It is generally resorted to in the pre-in lieu in having such a large number of them? paration of acounts and may more properly be called complication, which scounding to Wait, mmend the integral consisung of many thing, in rolvad, perplexed, and united, Evolution is the science of eat seting cools from any giren power, Prendent-Suppose Ibe contractors of mest, And in the commissoring departinent givia power brand and other such actieles tendered them of had is the Government, and the rupts are the Rupees, quality, would you dry such articles? Mensuration is the practice of receiving overweight Le B.-They would answer equally well for and issuing short s me "ure.

next day's cor sption, if tendered with a proper recommendation.

Church property as it is called, that in the property by which the anglican iierarchy is supported, in the seal property of the prople, as respreis whatever in received by the clergy in the shape of the; and ia appropriated by the people's stewards for the support of the clergy by the same authority as that which pays tho wins and navy. and the civil departments requisite for the well-be Prendam. Which would you prefer la pouring and gun guvernment of the contributore, the department warrant odi:ora, vergüents, or nativa

vested property of the church to under. Hv pome control, and as that emutrul gan, and itues, create Lacul. B-Natives, the former might comprobislips and regulate their amolumenta from wal mie ma

Col, to the Pres-It will never de ta pot him such questions; nok him rather about practical innogement, kiepie g of sccunuta, &o.

Cul-To be sure. In fact you cannot do bettergine T han inke up the pamphlet, drawn up by the Com. misuurist Commisioners, and containing rome 800 questions.

Pros-Ob??very well. (To Lieut. 8.) Do you thoroughly und ratand the keeping of accounts?

Larut. 8. I may safely nawrt that I know of it so much as any officer in the D-parimant, even the acting Presidency Commissariat officer not ex- orpleil.

Free-Where have you served your year of pro bation 1

Prondeat.-Huppose a detachment lek with you cenain surplus atrout, what would you do whit


Low, S.-I would receive them as deteriorated unicles, and ra in,de them as gool ones

Prendeo-flow many mohly cash books Would you have opened at the same time?

Liew, S.-Always two. One showing what is to be paid by me, the other what is to be paid by Goretament.

Lieut. 8-Under Col. Bagage of Chowringhee, and I afterwards studied the Department mora prac. Lieut. B-Do you think the system of telrench. sically under Capain Hamad, who is a shureinst be a tendency to increase or decre-se ex kulder in meat of the publie Joint stockeries. penditure,

Pres.- What is a simple and what is a double Lá-m 8. -This is quito immaterial. [thu Audit unity?

Offer did not rutreach, I would charge a moderate Lieut 8.-Яimple entry means simply the same proti, oy 25 per cent but it tiny retrenched wea actually paid for an articlu; double entry is charg vily, I should be obliga | to charge sca?�rdingly. Ing the double price

President-Do you think that any improve cal could be rifooted in the presunt management of the Comisiauriat Department, as suggested by the following points in the Circular of the Comun aurent Commissioner

Prm.-8uppose you were pul in charge of Devision, which accounts would you pay the greatest attention?

| Layat_8. -To the Surplus account and ineffi- cient balaco.

Presidente-What do you understand under surplus mconuol and mefficient balance,

Lieut S-Fe surplus scomunt is the excess on the price paid and charged, and inefficient balance meate the monst expanded, but for which the State cannot be charged. Buppuse I wanted 500 Rs for my own private purposes, I could a debt the skate for it so it would have to remain in the inefi cient balance, until I could make it good from the

surplus account.

President.- Contractor deposited with you 10,000 Re. jo Company's paper, what would you do with ch security 7

Leut. 8(Wehmt reading the paper.) Ask any Cosmestio: offers, and he will tell you no; the system worka tu bla satisfaction,und why should there be any sheration. I am sure, non of you gentlemen while in of:e would recommend it, and for the Counciwutzat Commuasium, putihe mem- bere in the Department, and they themselves will approve of the presoul sein

Upon this, the members of the Committes with drew into the adjoining corn, and sitting down to

??vifis prepared for the occasion, held the follow- ing cuscreation:

at of the clergy diwowards, unit, by the said * public source arving, su it can do wali the rute, cut the supplies entirely from ibe least to the greatest.

It is this control which Lard Palmerston is now xercising over the British chapels abroad, under iko sauction of the government which prescribes the sccount of their emaluwaita anil the ex ont n�?makes it a sutije ct of complaint, that, the chaplains their jurialiosion ; and although iba Chronicle

nce sot sure of a life-long transey of uffien, jet se they are under no more stringent restrictions than the mathessadore and conuula with whom they are located, they have no mom grounds for divovutral than their superiors in the service; they are all paid from the seme treasury, and are all erivants of the ser mater Neither are they woren off, an isp cla permaneucy, than the curater of Erglund, who are hired and dismissed at the pleasure of their employees, the rect is und vicaré ; mbilu an to the invalidity of a bishop's b?ence given, #t withheld, to voeste, ar reinin, the Consulate pulp jesit is a very necessity testenint upon episcop

tulancy and arrogance ; which otherwise might La exerted to nouulike Serttary of State's appoint- ment, mud in keep the pulp empty entirely, st Sled by such a person only as happened to clima in with that creed of the thouanod and one into biskup, for the time being find made choice. As tu which anglicanism is divived, which the floogko. g, the remark of the Chronicle, that, un the chaplan ! bus beva appointed in compliance with the wishin of the commony, he can also be put out -f - ffice by the desire of the same partien; the auction is groundless; be lick wanted a shepherd, and Lord || T'aimerston bna given them suali a une si serised good to himself, and whom he will maintain a his past for his good plenaure, n-1 for theirs ; but eron were the car so us in suj poned by the Chronicle, it would be nothing more than the permission of that christian liberty which the dissenters, who pay their own ministers, use na their sightful privilege | And how Decessary it la tha the people's wishes should be consolted in this particular, is "ppatent from the bulbery which white gowns and puseyin live kicked up at home, and the disaustisfaction these novelties hare given at this presidency when the parron pulls one way and his congra gation mother, the missin of the former towards Predeal-But suppose you were to decide upon Qui hoy! cagatch or sini cullum??When the har-T a whole shipment of sucré delivered by the Cau-brought,it the Prasi est took another glass of brandy them in at an end; and if he will not quit bie tractor into your godown?

pawnes, and after ligusting a genuine No 3 Manila | pulpit, bis bentzen will desert their pens: in Lieut. B.This I would be guided by the pri-wrote as follows.

places where Churchies and Chapelo are abundant, they can en-ily at themselves; but where "The undersigned having being appointed la ex- aming Lent Charles Sp mury about his qualica. there is only was tunsa of worship, as at Bhanghes, tion for the Commisscist employ, have particular

their sole resource up to go without public religious Linui. S-Two, Ons showing all that is to he | plossgre in certifying, that the and Lieut. Charka service altogether: and therefore it is me the bi- paid for by Government, and another for myecií, Sponncy is not unly thoroughly sequainted with the shop, not the secretary of sale, but the congrega, as a check upon what I have to pay.

aystom of menaging Commissariat matters, but has

non who alwuli bave the selection of the clergy· President. Oo receiving stores into your gian during the very stries exminition to which he m downs, are you answersble for the total quantity subjected by the undersigned members, wi

ad such a rare fu?iciency on every plat connected received 1

with Executive Courblaarist, that we most strong ly recommend him for the appointment of Joint- Deputy Commissary-General, whenever that op- pointment may become vecant

(Signed) J. Goldiaz, Laut, Col. President,

President.-Well, what do you think of that chap? Cul-Why the follow appears to wuderstand tus

Lioul 8.Why the thing is plain. 1 could not keep it in the office for tear of being robbed, in | Department thoroughly, the Bank it would be equally slangerens, für the

Col.-It would never du, to give him a bad cor- Bank might make use of it. I would sherufire take | tifionis 1 jingo | he might exposa the whole spese on a loan upon it for 9000, with which I could die · President. But what are we to say ab ut him. cowni private bills, no that the utuvat risk inouered ¦ Et inja ticklish thing, supp no ho was caught smor would be only 1000 (".

Provident - If you bad to com:rect for wines,beer,

trial was postponed in consequence of the absence ofur, and other each articles, by what would

you judge of the quality. withemes. The pelition stated that the men were

Lieut S-By the quality and quantity of the good men, and prayed they should be discharged. The Judge referred to the Chief Magistrate the peti-sampla sent by the Compactor & my hous Liners, who could take bail for the prisoners, il she petitioners choose to tender it. - 1668

??Fifteen days besad and water would have been em- pla punishment for what properly sold, was simply a med fru, k without felonious intent-Es


(From the Ceylon Times, November 7)




(Furnished by Punch's own Reporter.) In accordance with the GO by the Mart Noble the Governor-Genaral at Simki, 16th Sept.,

?�Committee, consisting of the following gentle-


Col. J. Golding, Col. T. Hawkeys, and Col. W. Wise, sembled at Fort William on Tuesday, the 7th October, 1961, for the purpose of examio. in Lirut. Charles Bpooney, who reported himself qualified for the ( ommiesárist Department, hur- ing already our ved the pre-crihed year of probation. The president, alter reading the G, O. under herb ihe Committee had assembled addressed the Candidate for a most Impressive speech; he pointed out very forcibly the templations which The Department held out to young-men, nud said that though the Governor-General, out of pure affection for his frlenda wished to alot fia pyes on to the past, he was at the same time determined to vint with the utmost severity muy future attempte

of officers to fill their prekets at the expense of the rete. (Lieut, Spoonay here shook his hend, no if to my the thing is easier said thinn dene) His Lordship, continued the speaker, Would not only make the Department most eff tient, but ako honest. (Here Livut. Spooner miled, and shook his head again.)

vate marks.

President. How many disbursement accounts would you make out??

Lieut. 3.-In general, you, bat ihero ato excep


President.-State these exceptions

Lieut 8-The exceptions are rum,Mandy, and grain, and then depend entirely upon circumstances

President-Detail those circumstances,

Llout 8. With cum it in skogether dependent upon the gorekeeper. If he is entiaded with what be may require for himself and friends, the percen inge la mall moough, but if he traffice, the def ciency in rather great.

Prevident.-But would the Military Board pa any deficiency ??

Libul -Ob not fit wo above a certain per centage, I should be obliged to add to the rum or bras dy groter quantity of water which woul be better for the sokkur, me it would tend 2 olierk diankunness,

President-And with grain ?

Lieut. With grain the initier is much more

way or either.

Chi- depend upon it he is up to the mark, and will take precious gued care not to fall into any trap.

President.-W-II then lat me weite the certifiems

T. Hawkeye, Lirat.Col.

W. Wap, Lieut Col. The corticate was then handelte Lieutenant Spooney, who was ended in to take a glam of beanly paway, and a cheeroot.-Englishstan Oct.



(From the Madras Crescent, Oct 29) The Morning Chrom cle, not of Calcutta but of | Let don, which ban Letterig ronzed itself uudes the banners of pusyism, in indignantly irate with its

It is the faalden with the s?glicans, and the Chronicle in fallen in with it, to consider the clrigy as alone constituting the church; and with this view of the matter ha "bserves the corek of Engisad enout do her work in her own way th on the interferance of government-but this be only the astoral and proper result of her coumezion with the state by wow she is asluzied, od to whose load lie indebted for the bonus of grace and indukpe; an long as he takes this jiny, she must they her paymaster; whone work, and not der wick, she is hired to pertura, but in Christ's es thestic er mich -we don't mean the 10- minnist nor the angle ti ; - the inity so called, ute is much members of the univerzal body as the called clergy: the church was never meant to be twirled amid te Bogers of priests here mod priests thete; want either red stocki go nor perple hats, ?mwn sleeves, spromo, nur mitten, but purity of heart and life for its organization and comm nion, it meüber ecies vor lifts up its voice in the streets, but like its great Founder and Protector put-oes the molarless teavur uf ita way, seeking A

easily managed. Godowns are frequently demper patron. the Storetary for Foreign Affaire,pdum that is not of this world. This church of

--*eevils are very distructive, and in time of war, the enemy la known to have captured grain to the value of many lakhs of Rupees. The same with calle.

??We brand on band ship the other day, that the Mail's Mitrary correspondent la a perlect adept at"denkle, natry. --KD. P. of O.

for having appointed a chaplin to the Shanghe Consulato, as a functiinary of the state caller then of the church and having declared in the

??It le sagulaz fact that they prefer foreigners to en- aikkien lo iba civil service of the Hongkong Govern

-EA, P. L

England in the bandumido of the state; she is in bond-ge will be childion; and while she coo- tinues to receive the price of her servi ude, she is, and ought to tv, the car friend slave of guvern ment authony. She may kick, bet it in against the price if she wants to be free she must shake her golden fetters, and imitate the cuneocl of the apoù, na slia pretends to be dhe inheritor of

+he walls?-blag pesiak and paper -Eb. C. T^ U?�air commisaka nod prorogatives.








106 Sept 20









Jon 10 Amoy Tah and co

- - Woona Pestonjes P. I'm and co. Heeting ship Nov 11 bampos Carioultz, Harkert and eo

Jan t|flengkeng Joh· Bard and co.

Amoy Tult and co.

Dan 19 Hongkong Wardley su? vo


Mio Orar





VOL XI. No. 5.

+ Francines


Noceleing ship

Necalving alp




PRICE $10 per annum.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HUNGLONG GARETTE, per Anmum, 16 Dalları, payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Single Numbers, as cants

Communications for the Raider will be forwardet i k?�t with Tyson, Stationer No. 388 Qamiz Road --farth house west of the Orignial Bank, whers spare ouplar of this Paper may also be odiatasi, TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Tes lines and soder

Dollar; ad Hitleoal, 10 conte Nus. Rapesides one-third of the Best Insertion, ships, Pirat insertion, & Dollars; enbeequent lasertlogs 4 cents. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appoir, other wlas they will be published until countermandad. Fall charge made for repetition of day Adegrilom

in the OTLAND ONE.


w.C.6. Americs Early Wa Ma Amey



180 July 20

10 1

89 Sept 14 Honelale

Jaidios, Matheson and on Shangloo Plugbal apreln

Jannya. Parkcha and on.

|Alfred Wükisses and es

Amoy Falt and

-Houghony Jardide, Matiass and co. (Kerelving ship

--Cam'm'owatjes 1 Langran

Jan 41/Whampoa tåndsay and o

Hongkongj0 0. Kdhood. P.40 G M??Ề

Hanakos Got

[Ser SAViNyo, Parkha and od

Curade and co.

Hongkong ant and co

Wong&D. N. 'najes and

Deo $1 Whampoa Járdion. Matbush and on Now Hongkong John Hard adạn Des 21Wkamyon Nye, Parki) and on. Jan Di

Pestonjce F. Came and on

Jan Hongkong Dent, and o

Wm. Davidson

Det 18 Shanghan ]. Sudsay and

Keriving silp

W. C. B. America Early

Hovriving wi

San Francisco

Jardine, Matkmen and co. Loads

Sept 20 Sig. & B'kongJan 1 Whapes Brandão and oo.

Dec 21 Hongkong. Strachan

olovit Balas and co-

Wong Dan, Beale and o

| Hengkrit farmer and





Fept 4|Whampoa || aptalat

tongking Rawls, Drinker and so


jska ghao


Rơlving ship

a Francis

--Wessung Jardins, Matheres and on Rosering thập -HoughongŬ C.Edmond,P."? Ca'såg (Necalvagely Dee Sn Whampoa Salar

$5 Blingee Bull. Nys and co.

Jardim Math


a Count|Fardīne, Ma1beson and co

|Vec 90|11anghong Wm. Protan solo.

?�uream.Ataphousea and co




Whampoa Lindsay and so.


Ban Pragelane

Bas Francisco




10, Albert Edward, Stoddart, from Liverpool, 10th


10, Denis, Barchem, from Cumsing moon.

11, Brokmin, Mat?chain, from Bombay, 28th


11, Apollo (Brem), Hustelm, from Valparaiso, 28th


12, Golden Age (Am) Richardson, from Whampoa 13, India (Am), Millet, from Ascension, 18th





Om (Port), Oliveira, from Lisbon.


6, Sumatra (Dut), Wehman, from Batavia,

10, Robert Smull, "Small, from Hongkong

11, Coparjen Family, Durban, from Hongkong.




10, Chusejer Family, Durham, Whampoa

13, Island Queen, Macfarlane, Shanghie.

11, Friedrich Borkm (Pros), Waller, California.

11, Brahmin, MacEchein, Whampoa

18, Golden Age (Am), Richardson, New York.



11, Golden Age (Am), Richardson, Hongkong. 11, Siam (Am), Bing, Manila.


The Albert Edward spoke the Ship Jaka Bright on the 17th December, bound to Shangban, she had spoken the Scotland on the 16th November, bound to Whampon. From the 4th until the 9th instants, experienced beavy weiber. In Lat. 15o N. Long 126* E., carried away the Furetop mast, libbooki and Mein top gullentmart.

The Bremen Brig Apollo, on the 1st January, off the Bankees, experienced heavy weather, lol Fore mast, Main top-most, Alnia tup-vil yard and other dausages.

Vegan Horonowo Wmauroa. Cumingmoon,


For England,

Confucion, W.

Hala Ma?aw, W.

F Francs

Jaime Cesar, W.

Fur W. C. 3. Am

Beatrics, O.

Caprion, W.

Bumanah, C.

For Bombay.

Region, W.

For Calcutta,

Comanjen Family, W

For Madras Gateshead, W.

For San Francisco.

American Pucke, H.

Couroy, W.

Coutani, H.

Emperor, +1.

Geo Washington, H. Grace McV, W, Boobary, H. Land-o'Cakes. H. North Carolina, El.

Tatuale, W.

For Balarie

Tatto Linng, W. Patriot, W.

For Manila.

El Tiempo, W. Julen Cesar, W.

For Amay

For Pegoo.

Warlock, H.

Albatros, W.






Amy Rober Cathays



Lea Sept 13 H.

|Shie, Jure 11| - Liv. Aug 17 S

Emperor of China Daniell

Lan. Uct 13 5.


Lou Aug 29 (1

Far Wen (Am)


||Lon=Oct 18| 14.

John Bright




Liv. Aug 13 8. |Lon. Aug 13| 11

Order in which the above V moclo left England.


Loading-At Lason; Helen Lindsay, Sophie,

Paou sban, and Geelong.A Livanpoot; Uk England, and Balmoral,

??With a company of EL. M.% 30th Regiment on board,


Apo Martio

Baron of Renfrew Curran


Abbotsford, bergne Agues, borque

Albatross, schooner Albert Fäward, ship Alpha, schooner American Packet, barque Andromake, brig Aulta, schoenen Anonyme, l

Antelope barque Apollo, brik

Athel, barges

Audax ho

Aurora, achouter

Beatrice ekip

Nellita echosost

Fʻaniom, steniNGS

Caprice. barque

Brit. 4038amen

[New] 150 Thesen

Brit || or:oddart Dal Donat Norw) atalans Mam 970 Porven


__Am || Srg|Pattat

|Diem) 1g-tante

Bril. 337 Block

_~ | 141|Glover

|| Port. 14) Komedios



11 May to Manne



189 | 10

Man Prancion

Ko 15



Vendo Dent and on.

Namun Dent and co

Dee HongKong

Whampoa Kull and co.


Hongkong Order

Chadwich hier!

184 May 21

Nov 22 Shangha||'apta


Per 35 Eder.lo

|Port|| 31a Almeida


Feb Macs J. L. d'Almeida.

Berhampore, sh'p

| Belt | ja 200mich


Headlers, barqué



Oct 17

Hom") Harmeijse ship|


Hambay. Map



Brahmin ship

16 Hongkong


Conlon, stramer



Des 37

River boul


| Hill | 200| Hooch

Hongkong lapton


154 by

| Port | jus/8liva

| Bric | 152|0'Banrobe



Ban Francisce


Come Family, ship

| Brli.| jer Darkala


63 Nor IT Hongkong






[Dew Zealand L'alentta

10 Nar

18 Ded

Nov 14

Na Amey


Talt and

Lynn Lang


Fletcher and co.



altid co





TO Jet


Blacki-, Hawork and do. Purdina, Misc. kuid en



the bacte. sulp

Thing, ship

(her brig

(town brig

Confucius, ihly Count

Conroy, bele

Deula, schooner

Did ch

Droid, bele

Dake of Portland ship

.den, baique

Herner, banque

le morn, har

Elavor of Lancaster, Uk.

Mau berga

Filgrast, bareso

Emily June, ship

Empirer, skip Emprova barqou

Falcon, abl

Git niya.argas

Good accum, brig Grace MeVas, ship Harlequla, bric

Helen McGaw, skip Hellas, Germaphrodite 1lles, barne Heubery,

Heroine bil

fem, hargue

Island Queen, schooner Jules Cesar, arque Kitty, bilg

Lads Hayes, barque

Land-o'-t'akes, ship

Limet ship Linval bi





347 40Kidy

31 Cubitt

412 Murdoch




ET Landers



379 Lay


Ferdinand, ship


391 Malherbe

Volkstone ship


Fertilom, skly

UH Montagur, schooner


Olleso, berg

Bank Lelande

Manila Califor


Deo Hongkong

Cistesbrad, Marque


Gazebo, schovate

40 Gledion Penfold Hrem 460 Probet


Deo #1


Siva France

45 Nov 14

Brit, 348 Haddock


36 11

Nar 10




Ben Pre-clic

sat Hongkong


Mei 200 Porviddgo


|Belt ||BO|Clark

Jan Franciscs

#ept Lifemulaka


Hongkong, straUSE



Hiver boat


Hongkong barque

143 Grand

Hygeia, sila


jet long, bergan


Independence, big

Halavia vulgarore

Pace 1)

India, p


434 Millar


10 Dee

|Brit. 247 Dowman



Des 12

Holi.|| 14|Macluriano



201 Ledergeant



gon Godshall


Nov 20



50 Great





Molt. Bellamy

Heula talaada Amoy

Nov 11


Use 17 Hongkong



flet Houghong




400 Hernes





140 Anderson


121 amekata

| Pero.


Hanghong Aseanalom




bika Franelson

10 Nov


San Prudence

14 apk

14 ay

Melt the Theon


|Port Sa0|0l|vairu





183 Juma't



ai feet It Hongkong






16 et 14 Hanghong

Hellerin Hongkong



Spa to Vi

Belt Si Endicott

Lord Ashley, barque Loopuyt, barque Leal, bar

Bakale, harqen Mw.gotten, barges

Alpha scheper

Mandro, barque

Mas, brig

Mauri pa schooner

Mice, bergar

Kepince, big

Nicolay Kalaysan, belg

Mared, har

North Carolina, skip

Na thì do tại. L

ctrinal berqua Uicer, ship Uscola. ship Pathfinder, barque

Patris, schooner Pa, brig

Phlip Laing, basqua Phonela, aque

Pielades, barque Mads ship

Najasthan, ship

Kairi, ship Kezia, abl

Robert &mall, shập

Home, brig Kuper barque

Belenen, akip

Bus Home, brig

Blam, barque

Nidary, brig

Br Cale Forbes, sir.

Bis Edward Kyan, barqar

Yuipe, brig


Dat. 37|larrianca

Beit #King

Närm|| (ub|Fjafar

|Bra || 135 Kopne


610 Fastes Vertic

penu Artiga

|Brit | Sci|Oulkhead


But 400


| Belt. | Deo|Anderson


| 230| Philipoon


Britto Thorkili

is) En


170 W. Kont

| Port] s41|Pine


Chinchew Jardier, Matheson and coloceiving ship Whampoa Holiday and ce Londo

Lookong Jards, Matheson and coactiving ship N?v 31 hampoo Hot

Henghony|Jaka Hurd and co

Ameryk. Behwabe and o --Hongkong luazhong a Cashi-1 08.

Namos Dent and do [WhangaFhomes Hat

Sept 1

San France

stare ship


Hebert Browna and on. July at Amoy yme, tuir and to Jan Hongkong|lixwin, Dytiker and so,

Jardins, Naikovou and ao. | Shanghao |Than 15 Honghonnyme, Hute and va

Dent and ou

Whampoa m. j'eston and a


M. Baith and co.

- Cum'mana memaline Heart and co

langkong aku Hard and ca

Hawla, Driskerad ce Canton Murrow Stephenson and ob Amoyent and o

Den 96Wbumpon Urlar

W Plan and on

Chlachew Dant and co

Feo-e-feu tardise Matheson and oo

Turner and co.

Dee Hanghong Rawie, Drinker and co. W&N 31 Langris

D., and Jan-Fat Cor Jardine, Matheson and on.

Wapolyphant glob.

z Hongtang Ramle, Drinker and o

Mayer, Schaeffer god os Common 1). Barco en ande.

Nov 13 Hongy Howie, later and es May Macao..da Jen

1eat and o

Macungit við be

Deo Shanghar Asxnocima Heard and co

Hongkong G. T. Glamoro-1


19 Septing & H'kong het O

|| Whairpen | A dgnation Heard und d

Away Jane, Mathene und es lengkong MagĽwan and on.

Amoy Telt and

bando, Math Nov 90 dhanghan Hail, Nya and co. -Apt 15 y tymo, vie and so

Peopen justman and on.

�?ར�?ྞ�?ྩེ་�?ཌ�?ྷྱ�?$་སྦེ�?དྷ�?རྰ�?�?ཟླང�? �?ཟླ ཎ�?�?

on on oln Ma- la Early

tecalvin ship


Knowing whip


Leonising ship Recalving ship

Receiving ship

Ina alveg chấp


Revolving ship

aeth Tust.

dan Traveleco fanghan

như tôi

Racalving ship

longbang & Lantom

Nath York

|Holliday, V he and do

Jardins, Matheson and co


01 Deting & Whomperie, Maiborn and g&Bombay tarty


TEL ATE This and on.


-Cameroon Hall and ov -Wongfall and c

Common Pestonjo V. Can ini

Receiving p

Receiving sup

os. Radeiving hilj


May 25 Amoyo, babe and co

1 bedrag bail os. |Don - Hongkong ! C. komend P&D Co

Warsaw, Dujibanaan anden hancy Wong Augustias Heard and so,

1. Praise and de


Rept | Mocan

J. V. Jer Dee Canton A. Viegas

Nov 11 Asoy Tail and co.

Die-Voachów Capta

21 hempes Ugriewicz, Harkart and

Bhate me Angustine Heard and

si Kane Care aptal ??

Apr 29 Haase [3 V, d'Oliveira

Narviving ship Stanghe

'kang & Caplen Sydby

Hobart Towa






THE PENNULAR AND Out- ANTAL Company's Bloem- Dhip "INGAPORE, wit leave this for the above place on Friday the 80th of January. Cando will be received on board andi & v. m. of the 206, and Taxatuza until Noce of the 29th.

O. EDMOND, Superintendent.

P. &*0, 8. N Co.'s Offen. Hongkong, 15th January, 1882,

FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE das British Ship "CONSTANT," 635 Tous Register, Captain CoomDES, will be despatched for the abova port on

or about the 19th January meal,

Fon Fansur Apply to,

JOHN BURD & Co. Hongkong, Deovesber 20th, 1882,


THE Hoose and Grounde af*Glenelg," For further particolare apply at the Or

Bon of Memon Darr & Co. Hongkong, 4th December, 1851.

TO LET. THE House on the Brush side of Gough Birom, lately occupied by Mr J, G.

Apply 10,

Ma. EDGER. Victoria, 1st August, 1981.





TN consequaman of the retirement of Mr. Chanano desirable partment of Saules, collected Bandean, the Grm of Wilkumon & SANDORA chinly on the Consta of Ceylon and the Man

has been dissolved, and, la future, will be signed la ??ritiuo. lidation only. The other partners in the late



7th Norumbur, 181.

Mr. Au WILOR, Co and Mésére Queeg's Road, Victoria, DANIEL, DICK & Co. Londer), ulli mug tions the bosime under the Style of 175


Cantoo, 18th December, 1881.




to sigt our Firm by procuration.

CONSTABLE, WOOD & Co. Manila, let December, 1861.

NOTICE THE interest and responsibility of Mr Rustrate"

FROK Benimaron is our firm cosaed on the 8 at ultimo.

REMINGTON & Co. Bombay, let August, 1881.

NOTICE. THE undersigned bare formed a sopastoarship for the noting of a Chumuraz GOURINHOR Bonum si Bıngapore, under the style of WOL- OOTT & Co.

JAMES H. ADAMS, from Moon, WILLIAM DREYER from Hamburg, HENRY G. WOLCOTT of the dra

of WOLCOTT, BATH & On, Shanghas and Candan.

Singapore, 1st April, 1851.

Ex" Laxa d'-Cakım."

DABB Pale Ale


Martelle Pale and dark Brandy, Superior Old Tom, Pale Bberry,

Table Forks and Spoons,

Wellington Boots

Oxford Shoes (450ul,)

Hand to glasses, Day books and Ledguru.

T: - White Comimeru,


La Diaries for 1969,




Extract of a letter, dated Medras, June 10, 1846 from F. II. Sconi, Esq. &th Light Cavalry, De- paly Assistant Quarter Maner General of the Army.

To Profer Holloway.

Ri," I have mumok plansare in adding my testimony to that, of the mâny who have anstilled to the excellence of your Gistant, but my object in addressing you is, chiefly, to draw your attention to a means by which ita valeo may, I think, base still more generally appreciated and applied,

In this country there is a disasso called Bursosti (from Bursot, maio); it commences and prevails to the greatest extant during the rainy wellbet; è? is oon laed, I believe, exclusively to Bocom. A valu- able Hurce of mine caught it in a mach during the Alonsoon all the usual comedies wate applied in rais; indeed it is a disease which I have never ses cured, for when once taken it soon beecima Lady's and Gentlemen's Blask, colored, and foul angry sore over all parts of the body. For rooted in the constitution. It shoe imalf by large eight months my Horse had specially bod, having had bree large sores on his fore-lags." Fortuneisly at Tngth I your advertisement in the papers, moria, 17th November, 1861.

and thought that, if the Ointment did so much for mankind. there was no roseco Way Horses, rocaired powert Small" by the &c, bould not equally band by it. The fan Pot did wonders, and thres or fear cared the places in six woske, (The writer further stries, "that from the Flores baring bitten himself, a sore appeared sa one of the old places, but this in sapidly giving way | to the Ointment.)" 1 realo, Bir,

white kid gloves, in good order. Marryatt's Bignals Latest Edition.

the That,


Pas, conte




Wool, Worsted, Cotton and Thread

Fälgoci and Band Pealmiven and Essors.

*Badgers' Table cutlery,

INDER the Directies of Aaron Halony Palm-Chali Cowers in sola."

ww, of New York, Counseller of the Baproma Court of the United Biatas, and Director of the late American and Foreiga Agonoy of that city, and Woxpalmaron Gamzerion Høreveties, of "Now, Orleans, also a Coonellar of anid Court, and bala

TOGETHER of my, those smer. Motickog oftheticle sue Smile MBAS

them having a frontage od Hollywood objects: Road, the other two on Clough Street.

Apply to

MR. BURGOYNE. No. 1 Wellington Street, Victoria, 23rd December, 1851.

AY and Secars Hoorage of perishable or other

at the Godowas of

WILLIAM TARRANT. West Point, Victori, Hongkong, 3rd January, 1882.

In the Ertato of Annanan Josura Biley,

Late of Victoria decasani,

DAY and Scars Hoore general charges

LL, parties beving any claime on the above A Estate are requested to forward the same with recounts and vouchere to the undersigned forthwith. Persons indebted to the Eats are al requested to pay amounts of their debe respectively on or before the Lat day of March next.


Administrator to the Estate. Hoogkong, 23rd December, 1851.


1. For conducting Professional business in the Supreme Court of the United States, and the pro- secution and recovery of Claime against the Ame timo Government

2. For Collections generally, embracing Debla, Legacies and Inheritances in the United States and the adjacent British Possession

9. For the Purchasing of Land in any of the States of Territories of the Union, and Losing Monoya on Merigage of Real Estate lying therein; 4. For Lavement of Funds in Unked States and States Blocks and Louts, and, generally, for the tramotion of all businem pertaining to Law, Loan of Banking Agency,

All Communications addreaed, post paid, to Megoro, Palmer & Baathen, American and For- rigs Agency, City of Waalsngton, will receive prompt und Gishful attention.


Office of American and Foreign Agency, 6. Carroll Place, Capitol Hill.

EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 26 CORNHILL LONDON. THE wademigoed, having been appointed Agante for the above Office, are prepared to affect la. surancas ogalast fire, on Buildinga sad Goode, în

alive Packhouses.


Powder flaska,

Bet Bake-double and single.

Leather Cigar Casse.

Coffee solle.

Prior's Wax Candles.


well adapted for Christmas and New Year presente

BOWRA & Co. Hongkong, 18th December, 1881.


Ex Viscount Sandan." ESRS SMITH & BAIMELOW bare re-

eived by the above reseal,- Prine Wilshire Checes, Prime York flame, Bloom Raisins, Jordan Almonds, French Olives, Ryal Standard Vinegar made entirely from Mali, Naval and Military Bauce, Worester and Roys! Zeet Banos, French and English Pass, Preserved Meats of every description.


An Invoice of Stationery,

Per late Arrivals.

Your obediem ROFFROR, F. Bower, Pth Light Cavelty. These truly invaluable medicines onu be pro- cared at the Establishment of the Undersigned, in riebly Ornamented Boxer and Pola together with Directions for the Guidance of Patients alized to sach Box and Pot.

J. M. Da BILVA. Que's Dead, Fistoria


1.1. M. PONSROA,

Pontoreda, Maca PLANTAGENET GUARD RAZOR (BY ROYAL LETT PATENT.) THIS varivalice patent consists in the attach ment of a moveable Comb Goard to the ordin ary Razor, so nicely adjusted that, in theopuratqra of sharing, the skin cannot be cut whilethe burd la being removed. Those who bave never provi- eusly shaved can shave themselves without sear, or the old of a glass, or on board ship in the most empadour weather, li is invaluable to aervous, paralyzed, blind, the timid, or moel awkward shaver. The patent has been most extensively patronized by the officers of all ranks of the United and Hog. ble E. 1. C. Berviona.


Te mado of a highly prepared and compremed Dublin Stoot in Boule, Campbell's Edinburgh Pale Ale in Boule, Prime Strut in Hogshead, ether, has all the efficiency of a bone and pro- serves the edge of the Race in the most perfect Hodgson's Pale Ale In Hogaband, Superior Port, Sherry, Boglish Bottled Claret, Champagne. Hocker. Marich's Dark and Pals Bready, United Vineyard acription warmated of the finest workmanship.

Plaid Razors, Pankwives, and Scissors of every Company's Brandy, Glenlivet Whisky, Old Tom,

d. STEWART & Co Patentcon 23, Charing Jamaica Rum, &c., de, all in excellent order.

No 1 & 2 Wosnem'e Buildiuge,

Cross, London, may be had at all the three Presi Hongkong, th December, 1851.

dencies and all the principal chins in the East Indie N. B. All C. STEWART & Co.'s Cutlery has the brand Plantagenet tharron, and is made of their


THE Business hitherto carried on under the same apie angkong, including merchandise ESSAS SMITH & BRIMELOW have re- celebrated Plantageact Steel obamically prepared.

of MANDALLY MOTabor & Co. is this day closed, and will la foture be conducted by Mr. FRANIM NOOROobe the firm and style of AH- MEDBHOY RHAIMTOOLLA.


Canton, Sib January, 1852.


THE business of the Undersigned from this date will be condumað under the Firm and Styla af BRANDAO & Co. and Mr Joad BaṛturA Goma nad Mr Joan Fitration is admitted

ANTONIO C. BRANDAO. Canton, Ist January, 1852.


Partnere therein,



Bom. Nov 16 EL

Hom. Nov 8th.


¡Cal Oct 1,



J. K L


Bom Nor Wh Bom.

Spark, steamer Nyheim,


147 Cha

John O'Gaunt

We Donald

Hom Nor

A. H.


Lord Westera


Bom. Oct 26| H

Upbyun, turys

Stephon Larmen- ship



W Ginlarke


51 Antes, schooner





Bom Nor te H.

DL José, nebrosar

Pasha, brig


bantia, barque



Desembab, barque





Redelving ship



dam Francisco

19 Oct 10


hangbae|1 44. Baith and co





Lwakong Hurdian, Mathmon and en. Receiving ship





Nov 106hampoo robart Brew and co



39 Taly tal


July 50 Ay Hyme, Mair and en

Dec 19 Whampoa Elenkis Kawan and on.

--Wg Pestonjan P. Com and to Repriving ship Sept 20 hanghan Gléb, Liriopsis e and co. Lenden



Wopt 1 Amoy yma, Male and on.

Shaw Allom

Wadge Loading-At BONDAY; Barrackpore, D. of Northumberland, Juho Wood, Eliza Morrison, and Monsoon.

Lon. Landan, Liv. Liverpool, Mda. Malakia, Wat. Wowfard, Cir,

Clyde, Sand, Sunderland, Hart. Harsippant, 1386. 24,

con Ban, Bombay, Tan, Tubeula, Arro Arruena, Pan, Penang, E. Ringhong, M. Moon, Wh. Whampoo, 4. Amaj, 1. shangīna.




The Hankier

wallow, Larqua Tartar, ship

Terate, barqa

Ternate, harg

The Gar

1km, brig Tim, solver Twy, barque Talas, barysa Tyewrigs barque Teldent, qua Mara hoonet

View Jacen Darqua

[Hpan | 110 Inchausti


Gr||Duncan 715Njchanion

Part. 31 Las

Engjabwich Isles


to Use 'kang Masa Whampoa V.V Tandenborg

19 Uel 151fongkong


Maci Margen

Des Hoogkang Kawin, Drinker and co.

Jardin, Matheon'and co- For Bal


Daly in

Amay yma, žluir and ca


laughong Jake Burd and ou

Dec - Away Order

AM. Mat DaL) [Peterson


Boula Iskanda L'emsing theo Sincapere

40 Nov


Dan (

Schmical Amste

Hi kampen, Luique


are Gele

جا?ا ?س?طة ا?تا??ة

11 a

Walls, ship

31 Brown

Masten, ben, hog


350 Manhar


W the LY, baryo



Witchcraft, dy


10 Kugars


#Uct T


Yamchey, sip


Zephyr sciamort

|| Belt | | 314|Grows

[Dec 18

{Dec 30]Cum'mopeat and se

M. 250 | 12 ||10mm. Baner MS 21



|Hongkong || Compel (






* Camala Au


|| Gant Caan 10 M. Bej 12 | FandtoonG

Canton C 8

Halamander | Whampoa 13,56,Bu


La Cassini Mondeg

Nagje 19,8

|Whampon|U, 8, 1d | 20 |¡lendy

Hadis [Fr.Bunge] 6]) de Plaa

DAVID BASSOON SONG & Ch. Canton, 11th September, 1851.


ceived 150 Cases of Superior Holland Gio, which they offers a low figure.

Hongkong, 9th December, 1851.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Canton, 14th August, 1851,

WHAMPOA BAKERY. FOR SALE. TINGLISH and Deloh Sheathing Copper of all, and guarantees to supply say quanti undersigned has established a large BA- ENGLAN

ty of CABIN and SHIP BREAD a short a Joe,

FINE NAVY BRADania par 16. PILOT BREAD.......¶


Hongkong, Jat October, 1880

Ex ** Land-o'-?AKER."


UST landed an amortment of very superior warranted to keep for Six Months in any Climate.

Scolob Tweeds.

Contracte antered into with Departments, Com MOEWEN & Co.

mandats of Vesels, &c. for regular supplies. Queen's Hood,

THOMAS HUNT, Victoris, 22nd November, 1981

Whampas, och November, 1851.

PROTESTANT THEOLOGIAN is desir ose of obtaining a situation a Tutor in


Earapens family. Apply to A. Z care of the Editor of this Papet.

Victoria, Hongkong,

19th January, 1852.

R BASSOON DAVID BASSOON is this day THE Bona fide Patont Ventilating elegant full Dress Hat, an article combining gentility with comfort and economy, and never ourpassed in adaptation to a warm climate,


Agoita Queen's Road, Victoria, ard Detober, 1851.


in the Service of the Honourable East India CELECT Batches of very superior old Glenlivel Company's Supercargoes at Canton, is desirous Whiskey in bolile :-Dark and Pale Brandy of meeting with an engageroso!.-Ela on produce -Hollanda Gio-Cordial ditts, Fino fralty Port unexceptionable references. Terme Fifteen Dol. -Dark, Golden, and Pale Sheries-London bolts par month and soal perquisites. Latters tled Stout and Porter, Base' Pale Ale do. dc. addressed to CuON ACNONE, CAT of the Comprador

Some Fins Baked Balmon to Jara

THE Business of the undersigned will, from this

date, be carried on nador the firm of Brac de Co.

FRANCIO B. BIRLEY. Centro, at July, 1851


IR CARR LUCAB is aimited Partner in

our Film from 12th May 1851.


Rrodring ship


Receiving ship



Ang 77 Narpa

B7 Hongkong

- Womainy Lindmy and co. prior"

Nov 16 phangiopla

Wong Lindsay and co.

Hongkong Wetmore and on.

Judy B. Wpes(chinchan Hong

K01722, Pasered, and Perišimas, ay yun Paernieron, William Tennant, Quem's Road Wabi, Victoria, IBSD.


Canton, 15th Augus, 1851.

MOEWEN & Co Hongkong, Queen's Road, 30th Sept, 1851.

at thin office will be doly forwarded.

Friend of China Office,

Victoria, Longkong, 24th Nov. 1854.

FOR BALE AT TRI OFFIOR, TITCHED copies of a Review of the Trade of Shanghan, 1850, as primed at the Office of the NORTH China Hegald, Price fiftycemia,

Priend of China Millen, 10th October, 1851.


THE undergood being about to leave Chine,

request that all accounts may be rendered for liquidation, and payment of outstanding debte made to him, either as individually, or in his capa city of administrator to the Estate of the late Tono- NO.


Victoria, Hongkong. 14th January, 185

ANGLO-CHINESE CALENDAR. JUST Published by 8. W WILLIAM, THE JANGLO-Chinese CALENDAR FOR 1832, Price One Dollar. It can be bad on ap- plication to

RICHARD COLE. Hollywood Reed,

Hoogkong, 6th January, 1852


UE ANGLO CHINESE CALENDAR for 1842, with the Austrate and DepartonES of the Mail Steamers,

Prica-Oo Card, 1 Copy 14; 8 Copies 28. Paper, E 60c. 3 Chine Mail Office, Hongkong,

Blat December, 1851.











10, Albert Edward, Stoddart, from Liverpool, 10th


10, Denia, Barchem, from Cumsingmoon.

11, Brahmin, Mackchain, from Bombay, 2816


11, Apollo (Brem), Huntelm, from Valparaiso, 28th


11, Golden Age (Am) Richardson, from Whumpon 13, India (Am), Miller, from Ascension, 18th




4, O (Port), Olireies, from Lisbon, Jan.


6, Sumatra (Dut), Wekman, from Batavia,

10, Robert Small, Small, from Hongkong

11, Copagjes Family, Dochain, fruin Hunghong.




10, Omengjes Family, Durham, Whampas (1), Island Queen, Macfarlane, Shanghas.

11, Friedrich Bockm (Prom), Waller, California.

11, Brahmin, MacEchein, Whampoa

13, Golden Age (Am), Richardson, New York.



11, Golden Age (Am), Richardson, Hongkong. 11, Siam (Am), Biog, Manila.


The Albert Edward spake the Bhip John Bright on the 17th December, bound to Shanghan, she had apokon the Bowland on the 15th November, bogud to Whampoa. From the 4th until the 9th instanta, axperienced beavy weather._ In Lat. 16o N. Lung 125 E., carried away the Fute-top mast, libboom and Maint?p-guthat most.

The Bremen Brig Apollo, on the 1st January, off the Basheen, szparianced heavy weather, low Fore masi, Main top-test, Alain top-oil yard and other damages.

V Howunong Wmanpoa. CumitnowOON,

su Macao, UnoUE COMPLECH.

For England.

Confacies, W.

Hela MaGaw, W.

For France.

Jalan Cesar, W.

For W. C. 8. Am,

Beatrice, O.

Caprice, W,

Bumah, C.

For Bombay,

Region, W.

For Calenta.

Cowanjee Family, W

For Madras. Gateshead, W.

For Pego. Warlock, H.

For San Franešaco.

American Packet, H.


Coursent, H.

Emperor, H.

Geo Washington, H.

Grace MeV, W. Henbury, H.

Land-o' Cake. H.

North Carola, El.

Ternate, W.

For Batavia [aum Long, W. Patriot, W.

For Masila.

El Tiempo, W. Julen Cesar, W.

For Amay. Albatros, W.



Amy Robart




Lan. Bep 18 H.

Shin, Jure 11-



Liv. Aug 17 S

Emperor of China Daniell

Len. Oct 18 S.


Far West (Am)

May Briard

|Lon. Aug 29| H

John Bright


Lon Det 18 14. Liv. Aug 188.



Loo Aug 13 11.

Order in which the above Vanela last England. (Rabari, Bandung, Jaka gright, Cudaya, J. B. J., Zoti,

Loading ---At London; Helan Linday, Sophie,

Phou shun, and Geelong.-At Livanpuot; Old England, and Balmoral.

??With a company of H. M.% 50th Regiment on board.


Ana Martio



Born Nov 18 EL

Bom Nor 8 EL


¡Cal Oel.

Mandrill Clark

Baron of Renfrew Curran



J. K L.

John O'Caunt

Lord Western

Shaw Allum

Bom Nor Wh Bom


Me Donald Rom Nov 1,




Abbaraford, barque Agnes, barque Albatrore, schooner

Art Edward, skip

Alpha, nekomer

Anonyma. Grig

Antelope bargue

Apollo, bria

Athel, barque

Anda bo

Aurora, chart/

Beatrice ship

Bombay, Hip

ars Potter Niemia-Huntela



161 lever

River boal


150 tab


[Jan 10) Amy -Wing Peatorjes #. Cama and co. Nowelving shilp Nov 11 Whampoa Carlowitz, Harkart and os Jan 10|Hongkong Warding und so

|Ang =|_ Nocas ||Orður

Jan 2 Hanskou Jah Burd and ca

Dec 20 Amoy Talt and co.

-Fan- for Best and co

Namen flent and co Wampo Nell and co. 29-11]Hongkong Order

sidios, Matheson and on. Shang hos


Alfred Wükless and co

Hongkong Jardins, Maths and on Receiving ship

Tracked at



Pag. Tem

Brit 495 Banoot


May tapas

Amerkas Packet, barqua Andromedha, brig Aula, sokoener


|Norw??150 Thron

Broddurt Dut Bows Nure au Lane Ham 17 Paterven



13 Sept


San Francisco Singapore

64 Nov 13

ST Det I

VOL. XI. No. 8.

an Francisca

Macolting ship Keceiving ahly



Dee J Hongkong 114 Sept


Sandwich Kles] 164 (May 31|


Do 31

||Port|| 101|Ramadina


Rilis schooner

Paru. 375 Edwards Part 916 Ahoida




or faith

Berkumpare, dep

Headlors, barque


612 Mankey

Hangkung singapor

Bomanj= Harionijor abip|n


Nov 22 Shanghae aptalo

Nya. Parkda sad co.

Feb to Macao

. L d'Alwalda.

Dos Amey Thit and o

w.t. B. Amerion Early Faily Amey

-Comm Cownsje & Lungroce

[Reortelig ship



Jan Whampoa Cindsay and co



Hongkong) 0. Hdhood. ? bơ C MAJ?

Shanghe Tiende und ca.

Hongkongent and co

W.C.. Americo Karty Cristin


Jan Francisco




18th Inal.

Canton, steamNET Fanton, sicamer Caprice, barqa

The bacte, slip

("tar bri

Clown brie

Confncles, ship Constant ship

Conroy, bela

Come Family, ship

Dela, schooner

Dide, scheer

Deald, bile

Duke of Portland ship

dan, barque

lenor, barqu

Fleaners, bares

Elenor of Lancaster, bk.

Eas, barque

Faltani, barque

Emily June, abip


Empresa orqan

Falcon, ship

Faveslie ship

Ferdinand, skip

Folkstoon ship

Fort Willam, Ahly

|Pern] 086|Jones

|| Helt.| 200| Neoch

Port | suš/30ea

132] U'Bache


| 611]Scott



201 Wayar

| Belt.] 207|Durban

13% Weta

14: Nabla

191 Cente


Miam 170 Davis





Wong P. & D. N. 'fer and os | Nostiring.shly" |Doa $1 Whampoa Jardine, Matheson and se HongkongJohn Hard ada


Posténjeo, F. Came and o

gt 18 Shanghas |- Lodiny and so.

Pardoe, Malbes and so. London

Kept se Slag. & B'kangJim iWhelpen brand be and 00.

||Deo Sijilengkong|M. Strachan

De is

63 Sept



Des 31 Whampoa Nya, Parkt i


43 Nov i fongbong



Hongkong Dent, and 06.

Na Juda


et s


blupo Wm. Havidion

341 MoKindy


Sept 1


New Zealand






Is Dad


Nor 14

Now Amoy

nicht Hales and co.



Taft and oa



Flacher and co.


Amoy ali doo

shaghan Sagaporn


er Lambers

Wemang Den, Hale and co

$doofing why




Hoogkoder und




19 et le

|Blanki", Hawaii Niel do.


'cas Wiekelands


Pardias, Matisson and co

Jept 4 Whampoa || up?ela


Das Hilangkong Rawls, Drinker and o



Des Hongkong

Dec se kempestor

Call forla





19% Penfold


Neem 460 Probes

15 Franc

Bris, 748 Heldeck


76 13




85 Me Donnell





TO Lant

Ban Fra-clcu

#8 et Hongtocy

Bri??| 200|1atridge

San Francisco

#ept 17 tonotada


Irth Fab.

San Franciscs


forelving ship



Heceiving only

San Francisco









GH Mounger, schonner Am | 200| Vla

Gallego, banque

Gateshead, banque

Gurelle, echosker

George Washington, Uk

til-mlpo ?? ' atque

timed access, brig

Grace MeVon, shilp

Harlequin, bel's

Helen McGaw, ship

Hellas, hermaphrodits

Hello, banj

Heubery, skip

Heroli bilg

Hongkong, stramar Hongkong barque Hygria, alip

jette long, barqua

Independence, belg


Cena, schoors

les, banque

Laland Queen schooner Jules Craar, harga Khty, bik

Lady Mayes, barque Land-a-Cakes, ship

Lane kip

Lluna bi

Lard Amharat, ship

Lord Ashley, berque

Loopuyt, barque Lok, bará

Siaham-eule, barqna

Mu-dieen, barygo

Mothaches DE

Madra, barque

Mail, brig

Huspa schooner

Micene, bergun Neptune, biqu Nicolay olajoen, belg Nimrod, hary

Nottharo ship N.. da ki, Belg Nymph brigantin

Unyum, brig Orial, barque Oscar, ship Cacela silp J'abdlader, barque S'aria, about Pas, bila

Philip Lalog, barque

Phela, arque

Piclades, barque


Hadwen, ship

Malusikas, skip

Kate, sp

Kegina, ship

Robert mall, abip

Homere, brig Rupareli barque

thence, hip

Bas Home, brig

Blam, barque

Bidury, bilg

bir Charles Forbes, sir.

Bir Edward Kyan, bargerf

Halpe, brig

Dophia, barqué spark, steiner


Nee, schanoat

bbc, arque

Stephen Larmur, skip

Bom. Det 26) A

Anna, echoener

bt. Jost, oylamat


Philtig Wadga

Bom Nov 181. Loading-A1 BONBAT; Barrackpore, D. of Northumberland, John Wood, Eliza Morrison, and Monsoon,

Lon. Landon, Liv. Lingpool, Mic, Madh, Wat. Waterford, Ci?. Ciple, and Stand, Hack. Hartlepool, 16h). Miller), Cal Cal- cutta, Rom. Bambay, Tuti. Ta?iauļo, Arts. Arracha, Pro. Penang, 1. Hongkong, M. Mams, Wh. Whampoa, A. Amory, B. Ghunghan







Alögr Centre

||Honghong|||[mpt] B



J. M. 1917 (es. Apesort

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??Captain Ame



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Magie HM 150.



Whampon U. 6. al 30 Flody

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bai, bet but, bergan bananah, barqar bwallow; Larysa Tartus, ly

Thal Genus, harya

1ervaly, barque Ternate, baryan

Tip, brig Time, schwer

| Helt | 49d|Gladion


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||Am |:434|Miller

"Fr. | 184|9Mente.


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--Wemang | Jardine, Matheses and no Rapsiring ship -Hongkong) 4.Kdmood.P.40 Coʻsig stocolvlig obly

Nov 10

91 Honghe Bull, Rye and co.

Wa Jardlas, Msikason and co July-East Coast Jardine, Maikassa and co De Hooghang Wan. Pustan and o So Frenc

Marcow.Ateplommen and ve G Daddell Whampendour and -ChinchwJardies, Maibesso and to Dec 1Wbampen Holiday Wu and ca. --Looking Jardine, Mathesun and so Nov 30 15 kampen Floman Hust


Inflanghony John Hard and co.

Amoy Sykes. Behwabe and on Hongkong Lonskong a CariDA DO.

Namo Dent and ob

Whampon Thoma Hast

Hebert Browne and on. fuly Amay

vyme, Alule and Jan 11 Hongkong Harlo, Drinker sad eo.

Jardins, Matheson and on. Dan Liitungkan me, but and

Boat and e Whampoa Pastas sad sv. 104- Amoy JM. Basith and o

Cacing Heard and as Hougton she Hard and ca

sere ship





20 0 1



- hang ham



sada sio Maila Early faceship


100 11

San France



Hawin Jalands

Ser U


|Balt. 213 Bellamy


Dne 17 Hongkong





Kawia, Vrlukera d co Marrow Hippheinen Da? GE Dent and es.

Hoestring ship

IT Hader


49 Out 18 Hongkong

Dac De Whampoa 17 dar

Dat. 37alance





Sheephe Receiving obl

Cooling ship



30 or 2

28 Chape Ander

feeniving ship he'dul thấp








Deo 1

Raoulving shilp


aeth Tast

14 May J








165 June

750 Walte

Jan '11 hanpon Aiguation Hand


Port. 89'ina


Jan Hongkong Hoakwan nad on,


|Hongkong & Canton,

|New York


Peru. 180|On Am 247 All

Noru) (sh|t)efir

Br 135 Koper ATPater

100m Portelvetra



|bbe | 15h|tagerkl



Hrit 547 Cadenhead



Dat 4017

Jan Orecker

Helt. Anderson





Biel Hongkong


N'en. Puates and on

Chinchaw Dented co

-Fae'-'-fou 'ardine Matheson and ce

Turner and co.

Das botlangkong Rawi, Delsker and eo.

Wong&N M Langre

|D. Bama?a, Toms and en Comsardine, Matheses and co.

Whampoa Olyphant suil ok. Hang Rawls, Drinker and

Mayor, Schadar and ce ||Cama'soon 1). Gabeo. Hans and co. Nov 12 Honghamyjkigula, Drinker and on

Hay 4 Maco J. M. de Jesus



langber Augustins Hourd nodes.

Hongkong G. T. stoma

Amy Jalan, Medivava nad on Receiving ship

Tape 15 Amay" "Thiɩand po

19 Sepi Jing & Hiking Oct 31

Jandiae, Whchosen and do,

ev se dhanghon Hall, Nje nad on

?�Apt is hyme, ?imiz and co. Norge

sell and co

Holiday, 14 Jew and do

ghong Pampas Jardine, Machin and cong, & Bombay



Jardins, Matheson and ca

Ahoy Tall and on.

*Receiving dip Receiving sup

10 lat 31



set Hongkong

Nov 2



alej? n. iudicatt).

HUK $37 "joon

15) Conegu




170 W. Kadamtt

Uam) 106šeget


- Hassalt and ce,

Weerung | Hassall and ce

Cum'noon l'estonjon F. Came dad ce mediting Map

No Ramoykas, Schwabs and c

Ländmay had on.

|Dos -- Hongkong ) C. Långad P&O Cog



| Yarrow, Ovejhaande aand en Asary. -Working Augustina Heard and as. Haculring ship

Ww. Paston and do

(Brpt) Macam J. V. Jor.

Dee Cantos A. Viogn

Nor El Amey Talk and to.


H'kong & Canton



|| hampen |?arlowits, Markort and Hobart Town

Dec Bhange Augustina Heard and ce

nicom aptal

Age 27 Alnose [1 2. d'Olivalen





Lelio Clarks






MM 20


Sept 1 Away, and co


Jan Whumpen ||






--Wemang [Uliday and to

odeling ldp


59 kJet Je



||FR|| 169 |HAN


11N Lov


bokong Jurdles, Matheson and ro. Recalving ship



Nor 10ampos cobait Browns and co

San Francisco

July Sa Amy Syme, Mule and co


When Y. V Vuoddaberg




Port. Bax


Dec 19 Wapon Bleakls Raw and on July 2


*Bowls Irlands

Sve Jaco barque

Trat.) 2-JPeterven


For 10




11 kumpul, hai que


$76 Gale


Wil Whea, slip

William the TV, banyua


Anchor, snip

- t


Nor Hoaglong


330 Haukur




Am 181 Magers

Jego Prancisos

6 Uct 2


Zephyr actiober

Birk 21


Deo 28


Readiving ably


Receiving Help Hapairing Pochell

Tory, unique

Tralalot, barque Tremelge, barque Trident,

Vinen, nebudeg

Matlock, bl


Am. 400 Taher

dwick falen

|L'ading force


16 411 angle 3d genalan

12 Dei Hongkong

44 Nov 19

20.37 23

Ang 17 Nlurpe

Weorang Pestonjes V. Usma and co?�Reviving ship Sept 20 bangline Gibb, Livingste und so. London

Map Brequen

Des So Hongkong Haule. Dricker and an two 125

Jardine, Mathurnaʼand no -For Balo July Amy Bywa, Mulr and on Ang 1. Hongkong/fabe Bard sad eu. Use Abey Order

-We Lindsey and on.

hang the Captain

Renang Lindsay and ca.

Hooghong Watmore and no-

July 9. Whampoa Chirchaw Hoog [Dec De Cam'mden Dhest and on

KSTED, PRINTED, and Poptionum, de que Puorninyok, William Tammany, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1949.




PRICE $10 per annum,

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF OHINA AND HONGKONG GARETTE, ??Annum, Is Dollary, payable in advanos, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Bingle Nacabar, conta

Communions for the Editor will be forwarded if kft with Ty-un, Stutioner No. 370 Quand's Zoad-fourth house what of the Orimial Bank, where spars ouples of this Paper may also be obtained. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, I Dollar; ad Hilocal, 10 cents line. Repetidens one-third of the Gratisection. Ships.-Pirat insertion, Dellers subsequent loserclogs 48 t Advertisments to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appuie, otherwise they will be published until osantermanded. Full charge made for repetition of any Advertisem in the Ovastanu luna.





THE Pular and ?RI- SNTAL COMPANY's Steam-




leave this for the above placoo

Cango will be


IN consequens of the retirement of Mr. Omanass Galvan, the firm of WELK & SANDRA


desirable serament of Huule", solisstad hilly on the Couns of Owylon and the Mau

has been dissolved, and, in future, will be signed lo | rítima. Nadation only. The other partners in Ube late A(Mr. Alan Wilmon, Canton and More Que's Road, Victoria, Dabini, Dikimon & Co. London), pill eatN

7 November, 1851.

tiane the business under the Style TEFRED


Canton, 18th Deambar, 1801.


on Friday the 20th of January. received on board until 5 of ER LAWRENCE & BELL in authorized the 2000, and Treasure until Noon of the 20th. | HTM to sign our Firm by procuration.

O. CEDMOND, Buperintendent.

·P. 4'0, 8. N Co.'s Of?en. Hongkong, 18th January, 1862,

FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE des British Ship "CONSTANT," 535 Tane Register. Captain CoonSES, will be drepatoked for die above post on

or about the 19th January west,

Fon Fauteur Apply to,

JOHN BURD & Ca Hongkong, December 30th, 1881.


THE House and Grosads of * Glenmaly." For further particulare apply at the Bf- Ade of Means Dent & Co.

Hongkong, 4th Desember, 1864.


THE House on the Bouth side of Googh Btreet, lately coupied by Mr F. &.

Apply to,

Victoria, 1st August, 1961.


FOR SALE. TOGETHER Orgely, those fing them having frontage od Bollywood Rosd, the other two on Gough Berset.

Apply to

MR. BURGOYNE, Na Wellington Street, Veteran, 93rd December, 1881.

CONSTABLE, WOOD & Co. Manila, 1st December, 1881.

NOTICE THE interest and responsibility of Mr Reora

FREDEDOR Remington in our Br


on the Bistulumo.


FOR SALE En "Land-Cakes," Palo

BAMA and dark Brandy,

Buperior Old To

Pale Shorty,

Table Forks and Spoons, Wellington Boots,

Oxford Shoes (15)

Hand toilet glansen,

Day books and Lodgers, White Camelotero,


Le Diaries for 1962,




white kid gloves, in good order. Marryatt's Signals Latest Edition.

Bombay, let Angon, 1861.


THE undersigned have formed a sopartnershij?" for the inning of a GunneAG ?OULIETO NON- Boutaman af Singapore, under the style of WOL OUTT & Co.

JAMES H. ADAMS, from Boston, WILLIAM DREYER from Hamburg, DENRY G. WOLCOTT of the dr

WOLCOTT, BATES & On, Shanghos and Canin

Binguparo, 1st April, 1861. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN AGENDA


UNDER the Direction of Aaron Haight Pasa

ww, of New York, Conseller of the Supreme Court of the Unked tetes, and Director of the late American and Foreign Agency of that city, and Waxywineven Gamarrin koertin, of Naw Orleans, also a Counsellor of said Court, and late - Bolinker of the Ariel Siam Somualdez Ulan-


1. For conducting Professional boalwess in the Bupreme Court of the United States, and the pro- secusine and recovery of Claims against the Ame rican Govenment

9. For Collatione generally, ambracing Doble, Legasin and Inheritadions in the United States and

DRY and Secure Borge of perishable or ather the adjacent British Possessions

Marchandise can he had, on moderate charges, 3. For the Purchasing of Land in any of the State of Territories of the Union, and Leasing at the Godowns of

Monaya on Merigoge of Real Estate Iying therein WILLIAM TARRANT. West Point,

4. For Labent of Foods in United Suites and Blator Skoska and Lesta, sad, geoerally, for Victoria, Hongkong, 3rd Jaounty, 1882. the traction of all business pertaining to Law,

Loan or Booking Agency. In the Estate of Annanam Joseph Breldy,

Lata of Victoria deceased,

ALL parties having any claims on the above A Estate are requested to forward the same with accounts and vouchers to the undersigned forthwith. Persons Indebted to the Estate are also requested to pay amounts of their debt respectively on of bolore the Lat day of March mezi.


Administrator to the Estate.

Hongkong, 23rd December, 1851.


THE Bosiness bitherto carried on under the same of MANERALLY Storannor & Co, in this day closed, and will la fatere be conducted by Mr. ERRARI Noonooden, the årm and style of?��?AH. MEDBHOY RHAIMTOOLLA


Canton, Bib Jasmory, 1832,


All Communications addressed, post paid, to Mera, Palmer & Beathen, American and For. riga Agency, City of Washington, will receive prompt and Exkaful attention,


U?es of American and Foreign Agency, 6, Carroll Place, Capitoll Hill.

EQUITABLE PIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 26 CORNHILL-LONDON. THE undersigned, having been appolated Agola 1 for the above Office, are prepared to effeci 10. eurance against úre, on Buildings and Goods, is Canton and Hongkong, including caveabandios in pative Packbones.


Pille and OTMENT} CUTE OF BUXBOTTI. Extract of a letter, delad Madras, June 10, 1846 from F. H. Beont, Eng. 8th Light Cavalry, De- puty Assistant Quarter Maner General of the Army.

To Profaner Holloway.

Ria, I have much plansure in adding my testimony to that of the many who have auctifed in the excellecos of yoor Ointment, but my object in addressing you in, sale?y, to draw your attention to means by which its valus mas, I think, basome still mare generally appreciated and applied.

In this country thera is a dionson called Barsotti(r) (from Bureot, rain); le commences and promile to the greatest extant during the rainy wellbet; h is confand, I believe, exclusively to Become. A valu able Horte of mine caught it in a mach during the Blonsoon; all the weusi remedim were applied le valo; indeed it le a disease which I have aETIC seen used, for whao anos inken it soon becơmer Lady's and Gentlemen's Black, oslored, and foal angry sores over all parts of the body. For rooted in the constitution. It shows ipaff by large ibi menthe my Horus had kapsolally bed, having hed bres large soras on his fore-lage. Fortunately HOWRA & O. at Tngth I saw your advertisement in the papers, Materia, 17th Novgober, 1861.

and thought that, the Ointment did so much for mankind, there was no reason By Horses, received po Roser Small" by the cc, should not equally banal by it. The Em Pol Bersirged.

did wonders, and three or four cured the places in six weeks, (The writer førtine states, "that from the Horse having bilen himself, a sore appeared an one of the aid places, but this in rapidly giving way to the Ointme}" Iain, Bir,

Your obedient des enci,

Werted, Goiton and Threed

edgers and Bond Penknives and Basom, lodgars' Tabla cutlery. Wish Cowers in acts. Powder Cake.

Bhel Balis-double and slegla.

other Cigar Case. Jedne mille.

Palos's Was Candien.

well adapted for Christmas and New Year presenta

BOWRA & Co. Hongkong, 10th December, 1881.


Be Fiscount Sandon." ESSES SMITH & BRIMELOW have re- Janired by the above reseal,--

F. BOOTT, Pth Light Cavalry. Thage troig lavalusbla medicines can be pro- cured at the Establishment of the Undersignof is richly Ornamsted Box and Pots together with Directions for the Guidance of Patients affixed to each Box and Pot.

J. M. DA SILVA. Quent's Road, Tiuteria



Postarada, Maca

PLANTAGENET GUARD RAZOB (BY ROTAL Lettuk: Patent.) THIS unrivalled patent consists in the tisch- ment of a moveable Comb Guard to the ordin. ory Razor, so nicely adjusted that, in theopasaiqen

Prime Wilshire Cheese, Prime York Tama, of abaving, the akla cannot be aut whilethe board Bloom Raisins, Jordan Almonds, French Oliels being removed. Those who have never previ Ryal Standard Vinegar made entirely from Mak, ously shared can shave themselves without lekr. or Naval and Military Sauce, Worcester and Royal the aid of a glass, or on board ship in the most Zeat Bauce, Franch and English Pses, Preserved Mosis of every description.

A Lao,

An Invoice of Nailonory.

Perials Arrivals.

??Dublin Stout in Boule, Campbells Edinburgh Pale Ale in Bottle, Prime Stat in Hogshead, Hodgson's Pale Ale in Hogsband, Buperior Port, Sherry, English Bettled Clare, Champagne, Hock, Martel's Dark and Pale Brandy, United Vineyard Company's Brandy, Glenlivet Whisky, Old Tom, Jamaica Ham, &o., &c., all in excellent order.

Nos 1 & 2 Woostem's Buildingo,

Hongkong, 9th December, 1861.



ceived 150 Cases of Superior Holland Gin, HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co.

which they offer at a low figure. Canton, 14th Augum, 1861,

Hongkong, Oth December, 1881.


He undersigned has established a large BA- ENGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all EHRY. and guarantees to supply any quanti Esizes, also Nalla, by

ty of CABIN and SHIP BREAD' at short ao- Les-

FINE NAVY BEDAD.......34 conte per lb, PILOT BEBAD,...4


Hongkong. Ist Ostober, 1880

THE bodems of the Undersigned from this date will be conducted under the Firm and Styla of BRANDAO & Co. and Mr Joad Bartra

Ex "Lando-Camza," Gomas and Mr Jon FITEPATION is admited JUST landed an assortment of very superior Pastoare therein,

MOEWEN & Co. Queen's Bond, Victorio, 2nd November, 1961

ANTONIO O BRANDAO. Canton, lat January, 1859.



admitted Partner in our Firm.

DAVID BASSOON BONS & Co. Canton, 11th September, 1851.

NOTICE THE Business of the andersigned will, from this

date, be carried on ondor the firm of Benzar & Ca.


Capt, 1st July, 1851


Scotch Tweeds.


THE Bonafide Patent Ventilating elegant full Drees Hol, an article combining genuility with comfort and coono:ry, and never surpassed in | adaptation to a warm climate,


Agile Queen's Road, Victoria, 3rd October, 1881.

JUNT OPENED AND FOR SALE. CELECT Batches of vory superior old tilenlivet Whiskey in battle-Dark and Pala Brandy Hollande Gin-Cordial dille, Pine fruity Part -Dark, Golden, and Pale Sharian,-Londen bet

ER CARR LUCAB is admitted a Partner in led Stoot and Porter, Bass Pale Ale do. &c.

our Firm from 19th May 185J.

Bone Fine Baked Salmon in Jura.

HoEWEN & Co Hongkong, Quera's Road, 30th Sept. 1851.


Canton, 18th August, 1881.



warranted to keep for Six Months la any Climate. Contracts entered into with Departments, Com manders of Vessels, &ro. for regular supplies.


Whatapon, Oth November, 1851.

PROTESTANT THEOLOGIAN is desir- Aous of obtaining a situation as Tutor in a European family. Apply to A. 2. care of the Editor of this Paper.

Victoria, Hongkong, 12th January, 1852.

ADVERTISEMENT. HUN-ACHUNE, Office Comprador, formerly in the Service of the Honourable East India Company's Supercargoon at Canton, is desirous of meeting with an engagement. He can produce unexceptionable references. Terma Fifteen Dol ar per month and woal prequisites. Letters addressed to CHUN AQUOKE, care of the Comprador at this office will be duly forwarded.

Friend of China Offon, Victoria, Hongkong, 84th Nov, 1861.

tempestsons weather. It is invaluable to nervous, paralyzed, blind, the timid, or most awkward shaver. The patent has been most extensively patronized by the offores of all ranke of the United and Hon. ble E. I. C. Barviona.


I made of a highly prepared and compressed


leather, has all the efficiency of a hose and pre- the edge of the Resor in the most perfect scription warranted of the finest workmanship.

Plain Resort, Penkaives, and Scissors of every d. STEWART & Co Patentes 22, Charing Cross, London, may be had at all the three Presi dencies and all the principal chine in the East Indie N. B. All C. Brawany & Co.'s Cutlery has celebrated Plantagenet Stoel obemically prepared. the brand Plantagenet therren, and is made of their

FOR SALE AT TEN OFFIOR. TITCHED copies of a Review of the Trade of Shanghae, 1850, as primed at the Office of the NORTH China Heald, Price fiftycemia.

Friend of China Offles, 10th October, 1851.


THE ondacaled being about to leave China, requests that all accounts may be rendered for liquidation, and payment of outstanding debte made to him, either as individually, or in his capa city of administrator to the Estate of the late TONO-BEING.

Victoria, Hongkong, 14th January, 1852.



JUST Published by B. W WILLIAM, THE ANGLO-CHINESE CALENDAR FOR 1852, Price Ous Dollar. It can be bad og sp- plication to

RICHARD COLE Hollyword Read.

flonghong, 6th January, 1852

JUST PUBLISHED. THE ANGLO CHINESE CALENDAR for 1862, with the Aazivala and Departuans of the Mail Steemera,

Prict,-Os Card, Copy 1; Copias 24.

Paper, 1


China Mail Office, Hongkong,

31st December, 1851.




of Wednesday, the Tih instant; Os Bonder, bisable it was shown that this settlement is lustrations on the eventful night of the 29th of of mile utility to British mercantils interests | December. A little after ten o'clock it com- asistan, Mr Henley, wrote here to say that Me ex- pectat some business in which he was sogagui

Mold before that have been settled by Me Howe rally-certainly not repaying the inmense menced, and by eleven was in nice blazing himself, in Hangkong; but so there was no adresume lavished on its expensively maintated trim. Os the east it had goin nice of the said busines being brought to a condub Government-and it was atas shown that as a runing down to the water (marked No. 3 on down there, and that he had never couch the Military station, from the erroneous system of the cut in our issue of the 31st ult.) There management,-it is worse than useless-a simple | was not an engine at work, and the only thing lon, Firther enquiries were monde, and it as móv alleged that he left Whampoa for (Lantog) with uns 28 care of cochineal, worth absal 120 Muary chureel house in short. This ignor to be done in the Commanding Royal Engin- care, and that the boat which tool bios fel the ence of the utility of Hongkong, as a Coliny, eer'a ideas, was blowing up a house or two. pervades everything connected with it. But | Now this is an experiment which unless per- chop is still room. The Consular folks at Su-

the Civilians have lately been throwing out lamander's Offionco are investigating the affair."

formed efficiently, and the debris proporly clear- Friday Evening. § 2. M.

hints that rather than be taxed in the way thoy | ed away, bad botter be left unattempted ;* and are they will resolve themselves into a Con to this hour wo are perfectly sceptical as to mittes of management, and govern themselves; | the slightest good resulting from either of the

IN Tuesday 20th instant, at 11 o'clock A.

the andersignal will bell at the Vtoroata Excmaxon the dects of the Late Lieut Colonel TomNYKE and Lieut. J. Luau, Comprising quantity of or and wound hand Uniferm and uber Wearing apparel, Table and Bed Linen, Saddlery, 2 Double Barrel Fowling pieces, I Rifle, Pistols, Powder, Bbet, and sundry sporting up puraine, Dressing cases, Mathematics) Instruments, Hpy Chere. Thermoms, 1 Gukar, Trunks, Carpet Bags Tables, Chica Couches, Washstands. 2 Iron Bedsteads complete, Preturos, Looking Glass, Baths Bathing Tube, Comodes Book cows, Chos of Daware, Glow Ware, Silver and Plated Ware, Cudary, Crockery, Lamps, do, a articks, full partioalace of which will 'appune in Catalogues

ince the above has been in type, we have boon informed that Mr. Rowo's body has been

number of valoable Books, and ? vari ty vf other picked up between Canton and Whumpolle, which they could very easily do by payment of a explosions that wore affected.


One Boat pelling 9 pair of Bealls



Victoria, 15th Jasonry, 1852,


with his throat cut from ear to ear. We call not vouch for the accuracy of the report, no positive information having come to hand up to the time of our going to press.

few working man for a small proportion of whist is now paid; and what is more they would be governed efficiently into the bargain, which in more than may be said under present systems. | For instance a working Government would A Gannual order, published for general in- takto: care that there were fire engines, and won properly trained to work them.-10 a formation, we premie, by order of Major Go- neral Jervois K. H. Commanding Her Majes:"Burapor General's establishment was mein-


If any our randers will take the trouble to walk to the place where once stood the Kwang- yuen Market, they will see what a large vacant space there is, which, if it had been cleared by hand, instead ol by fire, would have effectually stopped its progress in that quarter, without the aid of gunpowder. But where did the Com- manding Royal Enginoor plant ble first saucis-

side of this narkot, and just fourteen from where the fire was raging. Fancy, readers in England,

?�Commanding Royal Engineer blowing up a house to slop a fire only fourteon houses away from it with an area of a hundred and filly feet square in midway. We only hope the Kaffico are less tarr.bla foo than that fire was, for it Sir Harry Smith keeps his troops at such respectful distance from them, its pretty cer- win how that war will end. We will pass over what occurred from the time of the first

THE undersigned have received instructions to

ull by Publio ?SOTION Hainesvar next, by's Land I oroes in China, will be found sipong tained, such working government might aduel, | son-only some half a dozon houses the other the 21st January, at 31 o'clock. The under mention our selections from other papers The deeply it may be, to give the Burveyor General the same salary as ho gola now (£900 per annum) ed great variety of goods, all in splendid order sad to be deplored loss of two of their comrades hai

which is not too inuch for a working man ol said saly to close consignments for the previous induced in us a desire to deal lightly with the

that standing.-but they would undoubtedly re- your consisilag of

Inditery arui, în deprecation of the worse than Pieces of Whko Military Drilling,

Huckaback Towelling,

uselessnem of that body at the late disastrous quine the Surveyor General to devote more fire. he publication of this order, however, ap- time to active inspection, and lose t? the draw- pears to us to demand from the paid conserving of very pretty plans, which may be all tore of public interests, the respective local very requisite for much Governors us His Ex- members of the fourth extate, the fullest stric.oelency Bir 8. G. Bonhain, whose kiowledga of what can be done about the improvement of tures on condust so deserving of consure; for if such as onder the public appearance of which, the City of Victoria extonds as further than he to say the lost of it, exhibita a very reprolien leans from his daily or his weekly, if his in rith- able taste) is parsed over unnoticed, its perly, or lus yearly, ridas from one pan of Qassa's


Fancy Trowering, Cashmere, and

Doo Skin,

20 Superior Double Demask Table Clocha,

2 Bets Large Blank Books, 400 gr. each Book, Laller Copying Books, Oil Paper, Letter and Note Paper, Copying Prom &c. &s.


An invoice of Cross and Blackwells, Oilman's Blores competing of Pickles, Sauces, Vinegar, Mustard, Jams and Jelkes, euite, Epice Nuts, Harriors. Salman, Capers, Bilton, Cheddar and Berkley Chess, Baros, Loal Bugar da do


8 Cases Port Wine 9 dozen each,

Bherty, 8




Sparkling Work,



40 Casks Englab Bouled Ala,

30 Kege Shot,


The shove are positively to be sold without re- of remaining, where we would in future advise then to remain,comfortably cancunced beneath heir bed quilts.

serve or limit.

the second. Lo the interim there was a most ill directed waste of strength, and it is only singular that it did not result in even more die

explosion to little before the occurrence of

main road clear for engines and passtraby,it was que Instead of isoping the more than half blooked up with doors, window frames, and other matters of fragile nature,

which were much better last to born where

petrators, and the participators in the shy old to anther part 330's R 14 ) -mund the glory with which the onlor is invested, will be Wongneichung Valley, and to the Government disposed to lay flattering and lon to their Offices, and who takes his Secretary's word, suule that they are indeed a very gallant set of without permisi enquiry, that all such plant tellows, and at the next large fire a repetition are very craptabila to tho p:oplu ho goveras, whon in reality they may be nothing of the kind. of the same "gallant actions" will occur, unstead

that to proceed.-the Civilians have been rowing oot rebellious inuts lately, and some have stupidly fraught then to the notice of Members of Parliament (mischievous people, that they are for doing so in the shapo alPamph lets of further Siatamente and Suggestions and those things are very annoying to our Gov. in think that the public sergiege of Englet ernment Officials, more especially to those who exh.bis all those mark??particularly dialingdahley 910 vinculin quired of the human in which in Advertisementing nations that her stained meridian plead would find some difficulty in keeping their

our, and wane ward decline.

Tuna Casa-Mexican Dollars.


Auctioneers. Hongkong, 181bJanuary, 1863,


on the Evenings precious to publication, vix: Tun daya and Fridays. If van de two copies ara ro

is inserted, and applied for Curing the period for which publication is orderet, no charge will be

To the true patriot, who satiates his try's worth and proapocte by compariso with the record of history, a standard of which ge neral truth is allowed to be the baste, it is pain

Wo have no


beads as high out of water as they now are need to wander far, if desirous of abowing the fand, conseq teat upon those danigrement, the made for such copy or copies.

Most depravity in civil departments, offrent Government take things just as they

coma-draw their pay ?�get Spanish dollars BIRTH --A1 Victoria, Hongkong, na the Evening of the Government--honest indigestion at

eread of Sterling money-if they can-and the 35th Instant Mr Thon, SULLIVAN DEN DOM,

whole town, the Chinose town especially, may MARRIAGE -Ai Bu Georgen, Hanovsenquart, (by

be destroyed ten times over, ere they trouble about "organising Civilian Fire Brigade. Thas much for Hongkong under its well paid Civil Government-Sala-Under Thirty Thousand Pounds a year!

special Herase on the Nove by the Bow and Sug Nev, the Lord Bissen of Rocherer, Pare Cacharr. Eng, Commander 1 N., intely commanding H M. A Reynard, second son of Colonel Cracred, of Hachikorn, cously Lincoln, to Canesaun, second daughter of the laid Bir Samuel Scott, Barsot, Sundrides Park, Kent. The bride was given away by Admiral Sir John Ommer KC.B, Commander-in-chief u Devonport, and the busi Plathy and leavy asendant pan the wedding were The most profiose and joyous obfer.


Ted S





Nov. $4, Bandwich Islands Nov. 10






19 Singapore






15 Shangha

C. of C. Hope Ban Francisco

7 Amoy

Nor 91 Niagio






17 | Baturday

18 Sunday


tion mongering treated by thom high in authority with determination, fatilo it may be, to crush mund ta suħdun; as though a spirgey existed to uphold villany, in its most rampant shapes, at the expanse of every feeling of virtue, hoover, or whatever may be pleasing in human character.

See the Royal Navy of England, thit arm di

Then the Military Department, and their the public service which Englishynen are wait" | "measures. It is one unfortunate lọt to be a- to think of with the greatest degree of plotmen, conngat the small number now in China who (and so far as the hardy tars who compass it happen to have been here some half a dozen years before Hongkong was thought of -w thewand sinews are concerned, which toe may Dec I still think of" as the most gallaut body that aver mean thought of as " British Betlemem. We Deo. ST Deo. S. existed on the world's surface)-view the geon, call it us unfortunate lot, bacnom dus expari- Dec.ral conduct of three placed in command-bo ence entails on its pres?sor certain rusty, slothful-bow careless in do anything more than prude, old, polions about things în general, there in the most absolute necessity for,-how which we find great difficulty in fring with oncavalier like their pettifogging attempts to manners and customs under the more modern extort exorbitant payinent for whatever se?- regime. Hence, taking into consideration what vices are rendered to merchant shipping io die- was necessary for conservation of British in- rems; the unsophisticated rearoner gets dingus-terests before Hongkong became a part of that ed with such actions, and laughe down the hof | Empire on which the sun nover sets, we will low reverberation of past character. " Owr:ifinow and shon think that it were much better gallant Navy."

#?�Engram'Goldiers had nover besa allowed to put foot ashore here, and that when the war was over every head of them had gone away in the transporte that brought them; and, when ruminating very deeply, we are even dispos to think that "to this complexion i

abu |

Alsen Sate.. | r. n. 644 | 6.37 | 0,65 | 7,07 4,44 538 7,20 717 4,41 639 1,436 20 9,13

6.13 0.43


20 Tuesday.

New Moon on 21st at 8.02 r. m. Eclipse of the San, mot visible here.

1.314 ..




Come we to the Military sein,'ind whi�?have we in this Golgatha of the East but pang apologies for Boldiers, pent up, by the absurd do nothing discipline of the service, like young ladies whose on'mplesions may be spn It by solar tandio ; and who, when another Chin-kstig-foo | at fast" and Hongkong be last to the guardian- business comes, will faff, rank after rank, like 'ship of a properly organized Police force, and On the evening of Thursday last we were a.

the assistance of blue jackets when fires or sheep devoted to the knife of the slaughterer; roused by a report that one of the shops in the as unfit to cope with an active disciplined f riot occur. We have about a thousand troops as wily diplomatiet is a match for a herd bere, and will any one be good enough to paint Queen's Road at the back of Mens Phillips Moore & Co.'s residence, was on fire and on tender. These were the men, who, belted and ont what earthly us they are, or what use proceeding to the spot found the house in ??musketed, steady as pump boks, wäre drawn thay have ever been, further than to affect the smouldering state, the fire however was spetdi- up in detached files along the Queen's Reados "aanatory character of the Colony with aril of

the night of the fire, and to whom the Brigitte which it to not at all deserving. Major, punonces bis Commander's entire ag....''

ly got under by party of Sailors, who on ob- taining access to the premises remlered efficient and praiseworthy assistance. It is reported

to bave been the set of an incendiary, aquen lie

ty of combustible matter having been observed lying about the place.

But why this circumlocution 'when our probation, and whose officers he compliments business is the fire. We are given to under

on their "peal, activity, and energy" | Berway!?ched that in a garrison town, like to Vio

will have done with the moralizing strain, and "torin, the party upon whom the duty devol. gel on to the narrative.

ves of putting out a fire and organizing the

In the early part of last year, when taking a fire brigade, is the officer în chief command of Extract from a letter dated Canton, 14th Jan, 1832. review of the part, we indicated the unsausfac.the corps called Royal Sappers and Minara" and for the time being he is Commander in "Me Rowe, the Shipwright, bas very mystertory position held by Hongkong as contrasted

Chief in the field. Let on follow this able and ously dumppeared from Whampos, and there are with the position of other English Colonies So

fara for his safety. He ich his chop on the night¦ long as our relations with China are peace-efficient officer on paper, as we followed his

they were than to be destroyed in other ways, and to jeopardise property on the opposite side of the road. It was in this way that the hip Tavern was set in a blaze, simply by ígnition of things in the road which added heat to where there was then heat enough already. It was

mailing on for twaive o'clock before, the kineke

westward of (Wood cut) road No 5 caught fire. Up till that time not an engine had boen got down in the lower Road, and the fire was extending without the slightest attempt to stop it. To speak without bins, thero did not, to un- interested observers, appear to be any general desire to arrest the flames. At ten minutes

past twelve General Jervous succeeded on the urgent representation of the Surveyor General and Chief Magistrate of Police, in getting an nine down to the road way marked na No. 7, and planted it within sixty feet of the son, which there ruse half way up the street. Tho men in charge laid out their hose but could not fill it, for no one appeared to understand which way to proceed. Mr Clifford, Band mastor of the 50th Regiment, had taken the matter under his especial management, but it was found, as before related, that the suction pipes, Two of them each only ten feet long, bolonged to some other engine. The poor men who had brought the engine down stood listles-they attempted nothing--they were & utterly help less as landsmen when first at sea in a gale of wind. We left the place in shore despair. There the fire might certainly have been stop. ped; for with good party walls on each side, the

space is fully sixty feet from one to the other, A little while afterwards we returned to near the mme spot to And the fire coming up with fearfully rapid strides, for the wind was fresh- aning, and it was evident that the market was the first place at which it could stop with such instruments to arrest il. The engine had been withdrawn and not a red coat was to be seen. The Chinese Shopkeepers, with drawo words, escorted their bales of goods and clothing, with aoise and hollowing enough to drown the crackling of the burning afters. Here, where if soldiers were wanted at all, they would

have been of most amistance, there was not opa. Bands of robbers in the most daring manner were rushing into the houses for plunder, to be driven out, purmed, and stabbed, it may be, an womw in several instances. A more diagrac... ful scene of anarchy we have never witnessed in this country since the war,-and this is the service the Cominandor of the Porces thinks it necessary to compliment his files and officers

upon, To General Jervois we would wish to say but little. The following passage from Tacitus,

Gunpowder, with an Engineer, ls what Calomel la co

??Doctor. Heaven save us from a bangling practitioner

however, as regarde previous opinion and that

might's transections, is not inapplicable ;--

??Ohmalani è venetian, onpex impuni, nial imperames," But with his commending Royal Engineer we have not altogether done; and it is a seriou question we are going to ask him. We would kke koow what services he fancies it is his es: 1 duty to perform out here, and whether thesuely explosion which occurred at the ried houses was provided against, so was concerned, by a proper over-





cum of the port fires for use on oc- <1 of such business. The very ineficient I the Are engines induce the belief that hai question been asked by the Jurors at der's Inquest, although the verdict ghave been the same, it would, or should, haa.en coupled with a representation which i have saved such an accident from again ong. There is but littlo need of going on far with our detail. Arrived at the market the way overy probability of the fire conching the posite aide of the road; but by this time from the Ordnance office, worked by the locks and Storekeepers and an engine baking to Mesra Jardins, Mathesun & Co.t were in full play, and there the fire ended.



VICTORIA, 30th December, 1861. The Major General Commanding the Forces has letion in socouncing to the Troope com pesing the Garrison of Hongkong, his watica ap- Probation of their good evadunt, during the arduous duties they were called upon to perform while en- dearaming un arrest the progress of the flames, in the calmsies Fire which took place on the night' of the 28th, and morning of the 99th instant. The samt, sestrity, and sporgy of the Officers was most Bonspicui, and the steadiness and discipline of the The Major-General Men highly praiseworthy beys leave to exprase bie warmest, and most sincere take to Major Boughey, Commanding the 591b Event; to Major Layard, Commanding the Ceylan Rifle Regiment; to ?uprain Broughton, Comsuding the Royal Engineer; Captain Pron whom devolved the Command of the Rollery, when the lamented death of that tal Warious officer Lieutenant-Colonul fomi deprived the Army of his Services; to Capton Harmester, Maine of Brigals, and to Cap Lain Maclean, Abistanı Mildery Searetary; as well all the other fears of these respective Carpe, fo the able mobilsace they afforded on the swial and deplorable occasion. The Majnz-General bas further to add bic own sympathy and sorrow to that very individual (fficer, Non-Commissioned Ollar, and Peixafs 8. Dier in Chiloa) on the up- casins the end calamuy, which caused the deatha of Lieutenant Colonel Tomikyna and Lieutenail 3 Legg of the Royal Arullery : Le has so ne con sektion however in et sting, that from the Medical Report made la him this morning, it appear that Lent Wales, of the Royal Engineers, and Bombardier Whitford and Gunner Mil-, of the Royal Artillery, who warn anverely injured by the se explosion of Gunpowder are progressing to wards recovery. Officers Commanding Companies walbe pleased to read theme General Orders to their How at the Evening Parade of the day.

By order,

· (Bignod)

A. E BURMESTER, Captain,

Brigade Mujer.

Mery singularly the compositor who set up this order princed the want of arrest," Of the two the lasser Weld belyre bean most correct-E, F, or C.

(Fra Dow Ja. Short Patent Sermons.)

ON TRUTH-SPEAKING. Trzz.--Bebald the manos 1 he spake the truths, The greater than a kynge.


ted first. This ancient Nicholas being an enemy of mine, I suppose I am bound to love him, in a degree; but that degros is very small, I can assure you. I wish him well enough-better, no doubl, then be wishes me. He can go on lying, however, if he chooses, while I maall persevate in preaching the truth, and perhaps a Leurtu more than the truth,

Now, my house, what is the troih, and what isn't? Why, it is true that most of you fashinable, church-going follows take great pestensione to pisy, and exhibit outwardly a tightowne show, while true Religion holde no inward eat. There is a vast difference between theoretical and prical ploty.

Qua has bair on l'-the other hasn't. Et fo the truth that politicians who pretend to have such a regard for the dear people," don't care

?�hooter, so long so their own selfish ends are ob. Lained. What care they for you or me, after all T They love you -and so doth a cat love a mouse 1


| Calcutta boon the 16th of January. Major 11. 1. | shown favor, the great council of illustrious prieces Bura, Idemely manager of the ?riental Bank st | and noblau und lörda, great and small, conferred Hongkong, has been appointed Town Major of || together, and were agreed that it would not be Fort William.-The new excise Act for the Braits proper to proceed Immediately to the election of a Battlements has now become law. The English successor to the throne, because His Majesty Som- wm inertia the prospectus for a new Marins In- | dot Phrs Phudha Chow was still living and that it aursoss Diffice in Calcutta. We should shlak that would be better to postposs it awhile, taking care Maring Insurance was rather si a discount at pru. | in the meantime that the nobles and Jords and all went, unsidering the ill luck the offres have had the royal servanın, great and small, assemble com lately. The same of the proposed offor, the Newtinually at the royal palace, and defend is from barn, Hope, wey however bring luck, ne it on stated cost and that the city and country be well gearded the old Huge lasted thirty yeri, and meda large agsian Insurrection. These purposes of the council dividends, without a single call up the wirebol were successful because of the power of bis late ders during the whole period of its existence-Mr majesty's influence, and the authority of the nobles Reddin Form Judge of the Amell Cause Coort, and lorde being unlied in defending the country. died at Calcutta on the 9th ok. Me Rod tla was Consequently no disturbance occurred, the citizens an accomplished lawyer and had filled some high | of Bangkok and the inhabitants of the sountry re- Judicial posts in the West Ladies, from which he mained peaceful and happy, was displiced in consequence of misunderetan linge

(To be continued) with the Government functionaries. Ha diseburg. ed the duties of Judge of the zimall. Couso Court

COMMERCIAL INTELLIGUNOH (Lloyd, klatheson, dy Co.'s Circular) in Celovits, with an ability which abovej bim "AN OLD Bailey defence- **For consideration of longkong Jurora."

eminently filed for a much higher sphere of duty.

LONDON, November 21, 1851. The Chios Mail arrived on the 17th instant, The following is the result of the 19th Opium OKUTLAMAN OF Tus Jury,-We have honed the ovi- | mala ̧-

with dates to the end of September. dence of the witnesses for the Prosecution, I would

Chests. Highest, Lowest, Averag not for the world attempt to throw a akade of doube | Paina,- -- 1,974 1,038 925 1,011 4.7 upon the testimony given They are doubilene, ali | Banarsa,

961-074 bonourable men, and have a firm belief in the truk of what they have stated ; but I will prove to you, indubitably prove, that they inny not only be mis taken, but that they are! Gootlemen of the Jufy, this occurrence took place on a windy day the wind blow from North east, Now we all know from experience, the effect of a North-east wind, the bitter enemy of Asthins and Rheumatism, and the unfailing friend of Apothecarine and lozenge 1 makers. The wind)was North-oust ;_now assuming the respectable witnesses ware not affected by short- pose of breath or rheumatic twinges, stül & am sure that the luobrymal glands were "xcited, that the visual organs were rendered delective in their perception, and that what they did son wan mongni?- ed through the medium of their involuntary tours ] Gentlemen of the Jury, I trust that those ph (200

gumenta; they have more to do with the case of my unfortunate cheat then you imagine. The Prisoner at the bar is accused of stealing a hat, alias a beaver, alias & tiles, now I mean to prove that the wind was prima facis the offender sed are in your soveren judgement must be considered

phical reasons will not be blown upon as windy ar

a particeps criminis.


065 980

dm-asement of the sickness and death of His Lais Majsy Phrabat Somdat Phra Phada Chow; -The exaltation of His Majesty Bondat Pha Chon How to the Government of the Kingdom of Biam ; and of his sub- sequent coronation, together with the oronation of his younger brother Somdat Phra Pin Klow; also an account of the royal proces

sion by land and by water,

of both these moto

ed Personages, and

same descriptim of the Fu

neral aslemnities and the burn-

Thmaghool the past month the Tea market har bean doll and drooping considerable quantity of all devoriptione has been offering, but to affect le lower prices have been submitted to. In con aquance of the large quantky now know to be allost, which will arrive at a market alreedy over- stocked, the policy of the Trade has been to refrain from purchasing except upon necessity, but the Congoue of the Old Sanson possessing great strength are till enquired for, and some large contracta have been made, but at low quotations.

On the arrival of the "Surprise" on the 12th instant, about 15 chops of New Season's Congos were placed upon the market, but of these about half ware food to be there. Sales have been pre- oceding slowly. The loss of the Americas clipper, "Memnon," in the Chios Seas, with upwards of 1,200,000 lbs Tea, chiefly Fine Comzod, will re- Lieve our market considerably.

Common Congous have recoded få to åd, per Ib, at which decline they are very beavy-thu falt blackish loaf, Souchong and He How" kinda show a reduction of jd. to Id. per lb., also the mo diem to fine of the Old So'zimport. The males made ex "Sorption," show a considerable dooline Bauchenge continus depressed. Scented Orasga on the opening price o the "Stornaway" Tane. Pokoe,iba recent large arrivals have caused our market to be endly overstocked, and prices havO

de d. to 2d. par Ib. Bcented Capara baya old alier rates Oolegs of really fine quelty are inquired for, but the common qualities have sold at a decline.

fng of the remains of His Late Majidy, which are yet to take place."

At the end of the wet season and the commence- ment of the cool, (Damber 1850 and January 451 Hte most righteous and illustrious Ma- jesty, Phoibal"Bomdet Pars Prodha Chow M belzed with a sickness which deprived him of ability to sleep, producing much us and grally impaired his appetite, so that he could not by any mesan adequately nourish himself. He was abla to leave his bed chamber but saldom. On Thurs day, the 9th of January 1861, bis disasse bucamo more aggranted, when all the illustrious priners and nobles, lords and goverdors, great and sinsil, both thous belonging within and without the royal

In Green Tens there is no improvement to na palace, bocaine very anxiune for the cosult of His

tics, and the market remains in the mma depraed ate Majesty's sickness, and held council with

state which bas continued throughout the entire year. Common to fair Young Ilysome cnatiuue the royal physicians, and had medicines carefully

in demand, but the good and fine show a further and faithfuly praparod and administered; but the discaso did not yield. It continued to prey upon Hyeons there has been a fair business, but at a declias on the previously depresed priore. In reduction of Id per lh, Canton Gunpowder of

prefiro bankar fak good and ipo kinds have been at reduced price.

The Sal??of the Mouth werd

Ofered, Bold. 80 cl to 3 Nov, 28,000 9,000 16 November,

The proseculor swears, that my client snatched up bis hat, and took off; now the witness have proved the error of this statement, swearing that the wind took it off, and my client picked it up This is very material. It is trus be rao away with it for he was batless kimaolf, and probably took it for one those windfalle, which Fortume com so oppotiunely thrown in the way of poor morial

The wiul bad affected his oyes as well as the ituess, and ba onuld not see the bald head of the proprietor of the beaver (who had been no un ceremoniously untiled) among the pedretrinns of " crowded strest; and this is the most charitable con

tion we can, pix pron his soliour. He placed On Bandar, the Qib of March, Ella Majosly such cloap quelitim are 6pm. bựt the spacioma posto are

the hat upon his hand,-avery nit plate you ajira. low,-and it fitted him ex-oily. He ran away, it is true, for the outery was so great, that be was al. armed, he dodged io mod out a stand of coaches, galloped down the stront, pan ad through courts and lanes, and at last bolted down a blind alley, wh he was captured by bia puresare, who kika cunning beaver busters followed him with shoom and laughi ter. Why the ap?rt wan worth the boat Perrin or

Frank ever moulactured;

bia wystem, and his strength gradu:lly diminishind.

wheed perfect coabjance, into hie pre whom plized

11,976 1,900

39,276 10,900

T'hey all wear that they fund the property of own piecbure ; but I fear I shall not be supported low Coogaus ai Ajd, to Bfd. per lb. There we


The Budhiji priesthood and to the people," Hary

Hyeone sold at a decline of 3d, per lb., and some

extreme heaviness at these sales, but the low sold were at previous raten.

Pub in ades of 1,612 pkgs. Asam Team meuced this morning of which 1,380 have sold at prices above those of the last sales. These malo. will be continuedjon Monday.

The deliracire for the month are 3,770,045 Iba.




Blasticim, Molison, from Hobart Town, 30th


P. & O. Co 's Bir. Singapore, Evans, from Bombay 18th December, Pi de Gella 261h Dee, Penang 2nd January, and Singapore 6th January,

H. M. Bloop Roya'in, Commander Bate, from

Singapore, 6th November.

since, af M? bedside. Being thee kusembled he bald to them-Thie my present sicknros is aavara, the symptoms are all bad, it is probable that it will bibit the skill of the physicians." Where- pow be thought within himself, saying, "This a dombas become large, its fame has spread abens? 19 all foreign countries, it would be proper for me 10 appoint iny successor socording to my

Ju mý choina of a successsor, that should. L'attempt the prosecutor upun by olient, but that it was

�? the unity of the kingdom would be broken, the minus the Crown. Now Gentlemen of the Jury: people and persons of kamer who shall fit all the I appeal to your good sense, my client le indicted places of trans in the fatore will not be pleased, and for stealing a bai, and it is positively sworn, that

that domaqumdy it would give clue to civil com. they found this said bat upon the Prisoner. I dany, motide, and bring trouble to the illustrious princes - deny upon their own evidence, A crown wand roys) seranie, both great and small, and t ota hai is very ungible and as ful thing no wa all know; but a hit without a drown is a bones. tity useless thing-in fact, no hat at all Deprive under ard for the welfare of the people of the.

Ing the thoughts and being exermed with di "gainm 3,829,174 lbs. lost your King of his Crown, and he is no longer a King kingdom he was pleased in have bis promise writ deduct a Crown from a Sovereign, and the Sovereigotan and solemnised by an oath before the idol is transformed into Been Shillag-take the Bhadb, giving, all to sea true allitude of his mind; crown from an arch and it falls to the ground, whereupon he aprite, giving Ella Excellency Chow Jan. and to Gentlemen of the Jury, must this charge Praga Phraklang, at ford in the treasury, and 14, Confuciat, Boou, from Whampoa. M. Hranken: I will tell you a truth: There is Against my clieat. There is an insurmountable flaw lord of the army, and die Excellency Chow Phaya 14, Mamed Shok, Macmeikan, from Macamar, Bet dab among five thousand of you who has the in the indictment, the benefit of which i trust you Si Pho Phat, 2nd in the treasury, and His Excel- 9th December.

boldne to sell the bonest, wholesome, anjo. will give to my unfortunate client."-From Exay's endy Phaya Bu Phawadi, ford of the exchequer, 16, try truth on ocasions

Local Advertiser. Your plunke are loo

together with other oflora of government, great jol, sed you havow's grit enough in your gizzardı

and small, saying " Lat these persone be salted la 16, to do it." Shew ma ibo brother bipad who har-

the choice of my accesor, and when they aball Beththam and poseeth the courage, to come

be united to any price of middle age, potarseed of | Molly forward and defend the Veritable-though

wisdom and knowledge touching the dutim of a h-but this head against that same old part, Public (From the Singaporn Free Press, Dac. 19-)

king, having a disposition to sustain the Budhist 15, A(c)nion-age will show you a man who is grea By the P. & O. Co's Busemer Patin, Captain | religios, and a heart to protect the people and the A Pithin a bunkhough he might fail a little short Baker, we have Calautis papera to the 20th ultimo, || kingdom, so that it shall prosper greatly, and one)] 16, "ala japan gaitado t. for greatnego, ran knew, The Peolausular and Oristial Gumpany have now (vetiljal who should be the abolce of all clumes in

my rodean's depend npon the weight and ost orders to discontinus despatching astra Rimme, the kingdom (only Jat all be united to the choice of 16, Exchange, Saunderson, from San Francisco, (buns of the adepan, but upon the depth of the mind, era from Calcutta to Buen unul the 20th March" | (dos lej such a prince be exalted in gorsen the

the steangth of the brain, a dusposition to do tha **lmn thing?ạt all times, and to speak the whole truth, undejerred by four, and unwayed by favor, Ail TWAT solmitates grestoms, and 'nothing ol' herwise a rhinoceron, or a bug, is grantor then My friendat I wonder if I couldn't, by gentle pond net by such ixrotams so are ad- and are to be placed on the China line. As soon and teatament was ronde and presented to the groat wareontrary caitloom you more ge as a Steamer can be spared, the line will be opraed council of the kingdom on the 10th day of Fab zerally to proclaim ibo truth, and bring a blush between Hongkong and Manila The Expedition The fact that His inte Majesty Bandet Phra par the shock of the arch-enemy of mankind, if it for Rangoon left Calcutta on the 18ib ulumo. It | Phudba Chow at no time in devising this mon",

sible that a glow of shume can make selfconsisted of H. M. 8. Fox, Commodore. Lambert, ware, that he consented to have his successor to the Churmace od ovat; from Point de Gals, Viable upon the countenance of a black rascal like And the H. C. Steamer Tosamaria Thom resses throne chosen by sbor rater than himself, that Mesars Butt, and Harkort; from Bingapore, Rev. him. The devil and I, my brethren, are sworn are to be joined by a Steamer froid Maulmain and his successor should be a prince whom all cli; Mr M'Dougal, Mesare Wydely and Malabors, weajes

We have been so ever since he put ma H. M. S Serpent, but as the last vessel was at Mabigh and low, ould heartily choose, that he should Chow Chang le; aures of India, and 10 Chiame (when I was a boy) to hooking watermelons from dras, it is doubtful whether else would be able so surrender now right to appoint be succeseats from Singapore

(neighboring paich, for the fun and glory of the

beat up the Bay in sufficient time to enable ber 10 Now if there is any fan or glory in being take part in the operations before Rangoon,Iou should b come too much dismend to declare bu Wild fast by = bulldog, and by the seat of one's ligence had been received in Calcu-to, via Darjoal.

mera, ft Mr Proprietor comes along and an

ing, that the Emperor of China had audiensed tha LA TRE CANTHE-wbo, then, old Fiz'om uney throne, and that the lendar of the rebels, Tin-Teb, bid ble hat to catch my compliments. But he lied, had succeeded him! This prison of news is oot and he knew it: ba is a liar from the beginning; con?rmed by our Hongkong contemporaries, a and I am not afraid to tell him so to his fo that fight him, though ; for, when I figh', I 8ight

though the rebels certainly appear to be gaining great companion and unbounded regard for the.

welfare of wankind. His late Majesty having thus, Favorite (Siam), Novia, Biam. one belgenilemaand I'll soa mm clod-rot- *Merment, Gillesple, Archbeid and others.

Halety managed by Alt kard, before mentioned, - Du hoch Cork,and some weiten from a


Eseska(Am), Auchsocioss, from Ban Francisco

24th November.

22nd November.

next. This has been done to allow of the Calcufla || Lingdom as my successor. Let there be no four 16, Siam (Am), King, from Whampoa.

and Chios llas belog kept op without interruption. | chat, I shall be dieplessed, my only doairs is that | 16, Champion (Am. Whaler), Bailey, from Osku, The Pekin has been placed on this line, and on there should be eternal pesce nad happiness to all

In November.

this, her first voyage, she has a freight of upwards | cleanen på my anbjecta,-by no means lot there be Jan.


of Rupees 40,000 from Opium stone. The Shang ony civil contention, war and distress in the king-14, Brahmin, MacEebein, from Hanghong- has and the Chusen, oaw Iran ecrow Stenmore, dom."

expected is Calcaste in the beginning of the year,

ground-The Shipping intorost in Calcosta un ni very low abb. There wore upwards of 200 romela

This written matement of bis late Majesty's will

nad world not allow the muiter to rest until he


Per Mahomed Shah, Mr Hardy Wells.

Per Blenheim, Mr and Mrs Cartwright, Miss Lempriors, Mesra Lampriers, Brackenbury, and Spacu.

Per Singapore, from Bombay, Mesare Chapman,

Per Exchange, Mrs Abbout and 70 Chinese,


mind while poimpaired,-is a matter of grini wonder." în ie vaardi?gly care that any king esa | Jan.


he fwand she can do such a magnanimous set, 16, Denia, Barcham, East Coast. Flis his Majesty did this because he was a may 14, China, Fargason, Singapore and Calcosa, postaneed of extrunrdinary power of mind, havie

panas dan



* The very curiose sad Interveting, papar, drawn up by The Mahomed Shah on the 12th December, on In the harbour, and more coming in Freight to

Pitts Burmita, ned abla Colonel Bunarward, O. 8., devorner of the Straita Battlemont, has hoon kindly commasettien to me by Caten on the 28th December in company with e. Brig, light freight and twenty-five shillings for dend

| namu unknown bound to No?thward. weight-The Governor General is expected is 'Hatuorwarth for pablanton,--ža,

England were down to thirty abillage par ton forms and of the king of them and transmitted to the E) imar | Barone beating to Westward i




At London.-November 11th, Burprise; 13th, Hindoo; 18th, John Philip; 20th, Orjental.


From Loxbox-October 93d, Far West; Nov. b. Sophie; 19th, Helen Lindery.

From LAVER FOOL October 24th, Old England; November 13th, Balmoral.



Alberom, schooner

At Landon -Surprias, Phon-thon, Grel?ng, and Alberi Kdused, iliy Celestial.




8, Margareta, Boyce, from Etongkong.

9, Eliza, Langs, from Whampoa.

10, Hannah, Heritage, from Amoy.

11, Earl of Clare, Powell, from tlongkong.

12, Acadia, Dunn, frem Hongkong.

12, Bu. L. M. Wood, Jamieeen, from Hoogkung.

13, G. Michins (Dut), Prosser, from Anoy.

14, Thos. Chuchick, Vickerman from Amoy,

17, Prince of Orange, Stephen, from Whampo

18, Bella Marine, Wood, from Amoy.

38, Boltoners (Dui), Jaski, from Macao.

20, Game (Am) Hollis, from Hongkong.

24, John Wickliga, Daly, from Hongkong.

24, Dos Amigue (Port), De Silva, from Amoy.

24, Once (Am), Draw, from Hongkong.

21, Blair, Mordy, from Hongkong.

19, Water Wick, Maen, from Hongkong.

18, Ass, Fowler, from Whampoa.

28, Acia, Banteur, from Hongkong.

28, Fatal Hair (Dut), Holmyn, Amoy.

19, Johann Casar (Brien), Elberald, from


80, Weraf, Bmoolt, from Amor.



16. Constantina, Batrews, for Whampoa

20, Red Rover, Bith, for Hongkong.

28, Arrow, Macfarlo, for Hongkong

29, Bintang Awam (Dut), Deibel, for Whampon.

30, Acadia, Dusa, for Whampa.

Van Hoxazons Wusuro4. COMBINAMOON,


For England.

Confacios, H.

Hales McGaw, W.

For France,

Jules Cesar, W.

For W. C. 8. Am.

Beatrice, O.

Caprice, W. Busandab, C.

For Bombay.

Region, W,

Singapore Sts., H.

For Calentia, Cowajce Family,

For Madras.


For San Francisco.

American Packet, H.

Conroy, W.

Constant, H.

Emperor, +1.

Geo Washington, H.

Grace MeVe, W.

Hlebury, H.

Land-o Cakes, FL.

Nond Carolma, H.

Teroni, W.

For Bularia.

Ijattie Liang, W.

Pazio, W.

For Manila,

Juka Ociar, W.

Biam, H.

Gateshead, W.







|Lon. Sept 13 11.

Amy Rober

Balmoral Cabaya

Emperor of Chios Daniell


Far West (Am)

Helen Lindsay

John Bright

[Shio. Jako 1)) -

Liv. Nov 15l - |Liv. log 17 S.

Amerions Packet, barque "Norm 400 Lawag

Andracha, brig

Al's schooner

Anonyma bilg

Antelope bargo Apalla, brig

Aikel, barge


boneer Agrors, schooner

Restrice. by

Halka cer

Berhampore, ok'p

Blakel ship

| (loadicea, barque

Home Horang as, abij

Bombay, p

Beshala shp

Canton, siamer


Brit. Idely

Batallivus AM 177 Police Biem to tu

HitBT Black

141 Ulover Port 191 Remedies Per 376 Edwards Part 21sulda Brit 451 Smith

Mollon Hackey KSLE





$14 Merciel

Bit Mc Dermol



???? سر?? ١٧



عد dara


Woosung Pestonjce F. C'ems and coiteceiving ship Whompok Carlowits, Harkert and on

John Bard s?ð an

Do 30 Amay Talt and co

-FooDesk and on -Namon Deal and co

Waputoril sad on. Hongkongirder

Nov 22] Shaughne]"aptain

Jaidius, Matheson and Maghalapaln foo Nye, Parkin and . Feb 18 Macao .. d'Almada.

Alfred WUtluse and do Jau 14 Hongkong Jardins, Matheson

Amy Fall and on

Hougheng Jardlux, lathese and on. Receiving able -Chunonajes H. Langma

Jan 11Wapon (Lindsay and on.

laughing C.Edmond, F.&0.0 %

tongkong & Cat

Kav 34Whumpon?�Nya, Parkin and o Jan Throngkong Hawls, Drinker and co

geto &hanghar Turyer and co Nov 4 Mac A.

D. N. najan and costeoclving skly fan 14 HongkongJardise. Mathe-on and Nov

"Joko Hani a d'o

Des 31 Whampoa Nye, Parkiv and on.


Phy. Tear


Lace Troskeda





Abbelsford, berges Agars, barque

ML 425 Bes


Narw 130 these

01 May (Macan

Now In

Jun 15

Amoy Tali and es.



Brit (97 Stoddart

129 dept lol

Jen 14/lougtong Wardley and go

San Franchoa Stagepore

Or let 15

Deo 20tougheng


104 Sept 29

Sandwich Isles

104 May


De St





Horbast Towe

43 Nov 38

Las Franciace



Kecelulag skip Heceiving sal

on 5bangkan



W. C. B. America Early Ma Ma




10ct +




tombey Amay

16 et 1 Hongkong


River bea


Nov 3

Am 154 Balley




W. C. 3. Amarica Karty Thaler

?�Helt 406 sch


150 July 17

Port 13




83 Sept 14 Hevalala

Dvo 29

Ham Franciaco

Hall Forede



Ia Kar it Ha sông

Ja ta

PanPast Coast Dent,



Pastonjes F. Cams and co

and co. Magps W, Javidson


Dan Zapload

30 N

Jardloc, Mathes and os. Lendou



Ca Shangh

Deo si Hangkong M. Machen

Nov 14



Walatt Hates and co.


rals and on



Fletcher and co.




1 2


+9% Outle





10th Inst


410 Walle

10 ct le


Coston, MAT

Caprice. barqu


Clown brig Confcis, ship Constant, shly Carey, bl

Cowes Family, ship

Druid, belg

Dake of Pertad ship

hden, barque

Eleanor, barges

Kleaners, barque

Eleanor of Lancaster, bầu

Man, barque

Imigrani, barque

Emily June, ship

Farr, ship

Empresa, banque

Entela, ship

|kachangu ship

Fal.on, bly

Ferdinand, abip

Fort With, shp


OH Moolager, shooter

Gallese, bergas

Gateshead, barque

Onelle, schwer George Walton, b Girly, bato

Good success, hela

Grace Meyer, slip Harlequin, brin He's McGaw, ship

Halfan, bermaphrodite

Itaklis, burge Herbury, ship Heroine brig Hongkong, frames

Hongkong, barque Hyaca, Kip

ljiti Llong, bargan Independance, bulg

Intti, alp

Tona, schooner

Tru, barque

Island, dunen schoonas

Mira Cosar, barque

Klity, hig

Lady Hayes, barque

Land-o'-Cakes, ship

Linnes brz

Lord Ambara, ship Laril Ableg, barqu Loopal, birqas


Alameda bargua Magiken, barque Maths schober Maiden, bargus



Mazerga schoons

May Briard

Lon Oct 12 A |Lon. Aug 29 H.

Miceno, barque

Kapture, barqua

Nimrod, barque




||Peru. 36/ Jasa


$39 Combes Peru Maser Hell 201 Durham

138-rok-m Fadd

Je Kardy 283 Cublic

#urdoch 233 Woode 312 redkanto

14 Noble

031 chencloss Ben Prancisco



Brit 31

19 Materbe


am 167| Vla

184 Jery

430 Bladon Penfold

194460 Probl (Halt) Sie Haddock






este Donnell


Brit. 30 Gu Slam) 200 Klag



Gerard Int

That Wo

Bolt 147 alth


$34 Blor


$47 Downl F7.50 Galis...

????ا???د ا???ا .

To imorgant

Belt 20 Godaha



379 Lay

545 Grant

Fr. Lopes

Bolt. 111 Ballamy




674 Matlar

frat. 31trance




27 Crainford

#15 Macmalkan

400 Mermer

w 258 Chapa



Houla landa

Corala Hougtong

Ga In cha



kangha |liver bout

Ratavia કામમા�?

het 12 Shanghai day and n Deo

Dept 10slag. & B'kong Jan Wempon Brandão and so. 15 Dee

Do longkong

Amay tallad

~Wang Dani, Basle and ve

Den Hongkong furner and .

Blankio, Hawwa sed go. Wolrest Hates ved co


Jardtar, Stallsson and co


Harle, Drinker and so (C.Edmond,P.AU CơsAg | Heczek g obắp

Dao 2 Whampoastr

3. Nya and on. Shapes Jardine, Matheson and on JulyMast Co Jardine, Mariveson and co Dec 20 langkong. Pintas mid ce

Harrow.cphansen and Os G. VadJe Whampoa Lindsay and Chische Jantiac, Matheson and to

and co

Dac Whampoa Holiday W



Ben Frenlace


Lookong Hardie, Mathanon and co Receiving ship

Newhampo human Heat

Is Houghany John Bard and so.

Dee Amoy Sykre. Schwabe and ou

-Hongkang Houskeng & Lantos 0,

Namo Deut and so. Whampoa homes Hat

dept 1)

San Francisco

- obip Lataria


JEsu Framelson

ás [Nov 14

16 17

Not T

Nov 30


$8 Uel longkong

Nov 30

pt 17 Hoolaba



Jace 11

July & Amoy Jan

Itabert Browse and so. Hyme, Alwir and es longkang (fawin, Drisker and co

Parding, Blatbeson and eo-



Dec 1

Jan 11


lecu os cón Ma: Na Karly


Nev 30


1300 $1


Haule lands

Nor t










ཉྩཎ�?�?རྰཧྰུ�? རྰ�?ཟླཎ�?རྰ ཏི I �?

Aace slo

Hongkong Away



Marmar Hoogkong

Samwich Isles


17 Jochett

Per Am.



da Ascension

sa Dea

34 har 31


San Francisco

14 May



jorth Ima

Old England



|Lon. Del 28 H. Loa. Nov 19- [Lår. Aug 19) 8. Liv. a 24-

Lon Aug 12 1 Lon, Nov 11 -

Order in which the above Vowels test England.

Any Balmet, fastland, Jeden Bright, Dubaya, J. E. Ja, Baga, Malmetal, Belum Landing.

Loading-At London; Pasu aban, Geelong, Surprise, and Calestial-At Levanroul; None."

??With a company of EL M'a 59ch Regiment on board. EXPECTED FROM INDIA.


Aon Martin

Balmoral, Str.

Baron of Renfrew






Cuningham Bom Dec 9 H. Martia Bom. Nov 17 FL Robertson Bom. Dec 6 H. Curren Bom. Nov & H. Underwood Boun. Deo e fi.

Cal Det [Bom Nov wa Bom. Des 4 H.

- Mandrill

D Northumberland Hodson

Eliza Mericen


J. K. L.

John O' Gaunt

John Wood

McCullock Bon. Dec 4 Nixon

Bun Nov 28 H. Bum


Bom Nov 1.

Bom. Det 25 H.

Nicolay Nicolaen, brig Norm 101 ofer

North Carolina, sp N. S. date. brig Kydipl.elgallos Oyim, brig Oricotal, barque Oscar, shi

therola, slap Palader, barqia Patria, schooner Par, bile

Philip Laing, barque

Padomela, Carqu Plelades, barywa Radogs, ship

Kajasthan, ship Katchi, ship Region, alp

Robert malt, ship

Rosao, brig Belence, ship

Slam, bip Bom, baiqu Bjury, bilg

Singapore, Reamer

Charles Forbes, str.

Bedward Kyan, barqu #ulpa, brig Balide, bilg

Sophia, barque

park, aler


Spee, schosser

pby, rom

Stephen Larman shig


b. Jost, schöner that brig Sumatra, barque

Unt Mopar

A 410 Folpr


Brit, 106

Part 20.

470 Dale



Beli 15 alle

367 Me Mardo


[*pan] 201}\rig


517 Caderhand

A few it

Dat 40 Perry

Am Cracker

Hell Adem20



726) hillpeon B1Qelain

Span. 168 Vidal At Kondy

123 Klog

Slam; 101] Young

||Help|| 14d|Thheska


1790] Evacan

San Francisco

logapore Hongkong




Canton Manila ?�alcula


Ban Franciace

10s Jane t

BI het 121longkong

- ???Т

Des 1701-nghourya, luir and on

Whampoa Pastan and o


M. Smith and of.

Cammooniustino Heard and as Itnosis) ship

Floughoa oh Hard and on.

HAWI, Drinker ad co

9 Canton Murrow Staybanson 1:�?CO

-Apoyan and os.

Dee 2 Whampoa Order

Wm. Punton and o

Chochew Dent and co -Foo

Sau Prae lece Whaler

Heceiving ship


acaling ship

fou Jardine Maikoan and eo Receiving ably

Jun 14 Hanghong| Order

Turner and co.

Des se Hongkong Hame, Drinker and en, S&NM Langrans


East Coast Fardisso, Matheson and so. Whampoa Ulyphant and on. JHongkong Hawie, Drinker and so.

Mayar, Schaeffer and co --||). Saxo Bom and do. Mar 13 Hooghong Kamla, Drinkar and ep May 4 Macao. M. de Jo

Deo #

neat and co

Jas Macao ill and co

Dee 14 Shanghae Anguila Heard and ca.

Brongkoug G. T. Blemine

Whampoa Anguation Heard and os

- Amoy Jardue, Mathe

loughing Magwan sad co. impel Amoy Tail and ce


#peg&H'kong Chal 3010 31






Tota Hongkong

41 el 75g


ع?ا?? ?ا

Shangha Husgang



10. Kadott..........

Brit. $0.

|451| Clarka


100 SOF





and a

Jardine, Mashesen sad to, ev 10 Shangla Hall, Nye sad ea.

·apt 1 Amay yma, Muir and co. Nav Shanghae [Kassell and cs. Den suhazpon G

u & M.


Recel log able


Recelving abip

San Francisca Shanghar

Receiving ship Hongkong & Lanto

New York


|Holiday, Wlan and an hampon Jardine, Maiban and Slug, & Bombay

Jardine, Matheson and co.

· 12 Amey Talt and co.


-Wong Hamil and co.


Hongkong Haule, Drinker and

Nov 20


Sykes, Bohwabe and co. Lindy and co.

In Pt de Quia & Hongkong 0.0.Edmond;PAO.Cơʻr?gilombay


G.Edmand PAD Cas Musar, il inphansen and

#scoong Agatha Hand and on.


Receiring ship


Amor Receiving ship Shangbse H'long & Canton. Sydney

hoth lost.


Hobert Town

Karly Zadly

Amefalt and eo


Juhampoo 'arkowitz, Harkort and on

Dun Shanghap Angustné Hoard and co

Kant aptal

Maca d'Grales

Sipt 1 Amoy Myme, Mair and no.

Japon 1. Hrows.

Common Captain

W. Ladany and e

-- Lookong Jardins, Matheonard on. Receiving ship


151 Cou

130 ye


Uam: 130 Beya

W Pasta and so

Part 24.



Moran J. V, Jors.

A Castilla

tiangong Bydany



New Z

Casten A. Vlog=


Des tal


Me Donald


Bom Dea Wh

Callin Maca

Des 13

Lord Western







[Aug ---



Bhaw Allum Bokana

Wadge Rice Bom Nov 21 8. Loading-At Bonnar; Chippewa, Blurgurit, Mary Grobam. Royal Alice, Moffat, Bobreon, and Bamboon Family.


Bom Dec 6 H. Bom Nov IF H.




biakbak, beri


31. Lukay



Swallow, Larqan



Terlar, slip


STC Webber

San Francisc

Termale, busque



Termite, burquo




1 hai Gan, baryan

In Law's


1 lempo, brig


Thane, T


Tory, banque






Alligator Comment




Nematis Royal

Hunene Thumpit #

Mr Hankier Nagpau, M. 6) | 18 |[(va. Apaneer

za 12 Admiral A

Hangkom! M & Copiale Au

| Enal Canal') 30. Baj 19 |"ande tama

|||Hongkong] Shen giblj


Coton [reangkan|EL. M, SI

Halamander Whampoa 13, M,Be

Le Credi


Mr Millebel

Kingpe 41.M 290. ||Wheelopen (1) 8. 3): 20 (Ulendy

Maca (Fr. Borage]

1 do Plan

Trafaler, barque

Terariga, burq Tidens arbe Vien, sch?

View Jacen burqda

Warlock, bri

W kampun, baryto

William, big

Mallinen Gillan, ship

Modes, brig

W the IV, barque


Achap, slys"

Zaykys, schooner


Dunca 717chardson Bamber

Port. 214|Las

andwich later

Haula Idanda


Wapore fenolnis Jingapor

Is Us Maca

190 15 Hongkong

6 / 2


440 Taber



Dat.| 22.[Petersen

Belt | 470 Geata

Aug 27 Nlagpo



$11 Brown

87 Hongkong



Can Francisco

es et

Hrials Hrown

Cocblockies Hoay hoa






Whopes. F Yindenburg

--Wing Pestoniae . Case and coolvlagship

Sept 39 Shanghee Gibb, Ldringste e and co. Lamin

Dea 10 Whampoa Henklo Raw and co


Macio arques

De Hangkong Ramle, Dricker and co.


Jety s

Jardine, Mathan anden For Bale Amyyme, and co

Aug Li Hongkong John Burd and a


--Weosung Lindsay and co.


Whampoa idar

Nur 20 Shangha Captele --Woosing Edules and ca

Hongkong Welmore and se Jaly St Whampoa Chinchaw Hang

Cam'mom Dent and as.




Receiving ship

Secalving ship



Hpted, Pusotud, and Purlisuno, at rea Puorniaron, Willian Tanzant, Quaco's Road West, Victoria, 1859


Recalving ably

Deo barge M. daith and ce

Nov 1 kampos cobert Brown sat en

San Francisco

July 20 Amy Syme. Blair and co




40 Nov ta

Jan to

21 21





PRICE $10 per annum.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND DU CHUNA AND HONOKONG GAZETTE, we fram, 10 Dollars, payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, as option. Bingle Numbers,63 centa

Communications forʻy B2047 will be Predarded �?tật with Ty-ann, Mutioner No. 890 Guam's Road -fhurch besse wat of the Oriental Bank, solare apare ampler of this Paper máy also be shtatnei. TERMS OF ADVERTIUNO. - Tên ươes mad wonder, a Dollar; adilchwal, 19 emas ??Kas. Repetitman-third of the test Insertion. Skips.First Inertion, Dollers enbeequent Insertions 64 cosa Advertismenin to have writùm on the lion ofphem, the number of timerthey are enquired to spanír;vijetline they will be published until countermanded. Pull charge made for repetiiion of any Adværshoment

In the Orsand furio.








TN kuunganaca af the retirement, of Mr. Cuantan

Bxtpans, 100 firm of Waratonon & Sanda ham bori diesolved, sod, in fumes will be algued in figulda?lar" only. The other parfotore fun tho laža Arm (Mr. Azizy Wilkinson, Geston, and tänutra Dan, Dikuston & Co. London) will can- tune the buzimine sader the Bayle of ALFRED WILKINSON & C

Ship "SINOPODA. ??will |---

lo?i th�?con ?i theo wi Peltapala zhdi át Jummay, Cando will be received an þgurá until 6-7. u. ?ất the 28th, and Yamarugs and Noon of the aptin

0.4. EDMOND, Buperintendent,

P. &0, 8. N Co. Ofbe Hongkong, 18th Jundary's 1959.

FOR BAN FRANCI900. THE finn British Ship "CONSTANT" 635 Tola Repli?ar, Capfhín Qasmi, will be deapaṭiped for the above portil of about the 19th January spot. "

Fon Front Agrly in

JOHN.BERD & OL Hongkong, Decembar 20th, 1881.


THE House and Grounds of "Blamedy. " For fiber partienture apply at the?a 660 of Mere Dent & Co. Rongkong, 4th December, 1881.



THE House on the South wide of Gough Street. lately occupied by Air J. a

Apply to,

Pieloria, let Augmat, 1851.


FOR SALE. TOGETHER or separately, those four

them having = Trònlage Rond, the other two an Gough Birsel

Apply to


No. 1 Wellington Street, Victoria, 291d Drommber, 1851.

Chakang tech Bójámbory 1851. ------


LAWRENCE & BELL authoriand

to jigu dur Fiem by procursion.


Manila, Ist Desember, 1861.

NOTICE. THE Intergal and responsiblity of the Restrate

Parko Rewineren in 'our

red ob the 31 at ultimo.

REMINGTON & C "Bonohdy, Lal August, 1851, NOTICE,

HR undersgard bare formed a coparmerip for the traning of a Guumal ?emummon Elaikam at Bingapore, wider the style of #OI DOTT & Co.

JAMES EL ADA 189; from Bono, WILLIAM DREYER from Domburg, DENRY G. WOLCOTT of the firm

of WOLCOTT, BATES ? Ca, Bhongket and C


Ringupons, Jet Apell, 1881.




JUST megygg por "Rosaur Sması" by che

Flas Whiskey,

Palo Mberry,

Do, Ala, Eage'.

Pilot Cloth Pes couts.

Lambew, Wowwied, Cotton and Thread


Hodgers and Bond Paslativas and Baxorn. Radgers' Table enclory,

Dish Camere in sets.


Bhot Badeable and single.

Leather Cigar Cane.

Coles milli

Prion's Max Codes.

Alex OVERLAND an sportevent of Ciph pencil case si jagaboidors-and a few sticles weft adapted for Ohritans and New Tase preownie-

BOWRA & no. Hongkong, Ibu Desember, 1861-


Fa * Viatuunt Sandon." LTBACKS B?ITE & BRINKLOW have re-


Che Prime York Base,

NOTIOR THE undersigned being about to leave China, requesta thật n�? scoeunte may be rendered for liqulation, and payment of sulatanding, dobis mede la him, liker sa individually, or in his aspe diy of adelaletrator to the state of the la Tone-arm Grow,


Victoria, Hongkong. Idib January, 1052.

FOR SALE AT tes Optics. TITCHED copim of a Review of the Trade of

1) Shanghas, 1850, as printed at the Odins of the NORTH Pigna Hensio, Prise Aftycents.

Friend of China Offer, 10th Onieken, 1851.


THE undersigned have rezsivad ipolzestions Ito all by Folio Accrías this day tha 91? January, at 11 a'block, the undermenuband grint variety of gonda, at) is splendid order, and weld only to ?elest consignmonth for the previono peak conelling of

9 Piece of White Military Drilling,

Hochebak Terolling


· Jordan Almonds, Frack Offm. I put Monchli Finonar made milenig. From Mali,

Zoot Bajronics Magos and Royal


Câu Ingles of Sutionary.

"P6lah Arrivals.

Dublin Stest in Beale, Campbell's Edinburgh

Panay Trowering, Cashmarn, and Do Bhim,

90 Superior Double Damask Table Olakke,

2 Buto Large Blank Books, 4106 qu seeb Book, Letter Copying Beeks, Oil Paper, Letter and Nota Pupat Copying Prom &e &


An invoice of Cross and Blackwell's Oilman's Bieces, cooelating of Pickles, Bousen, Vinduer, Mostard, Jams and Jollisa, Biscuita, išplon Note, Herrlags, Balmes, Capres, Stilton, Chceme and


3 Cass Port Wing 3 dozen each,


milk undersigned, having been appointed Agonia | Pake Ate in Beije, Prina Bave in Hugsima, | Barkley Obia, Bacon, Loaf Sogar des de 1 the above Dillon, are prepared to affect In- | Helgson's Prie Ala- in Hayahmad, Superior Port, myances against Ger, on Buildings and Goods, in | Shorty, Bagh Bottled Clare, Champagne. Hook, Canton and Hoogkong, ineluding merchandise in || Marnell's Dark End Pula Brandy, United Vineyard Company's Bay, Gildeliver Whisky, Old Tom, | Jamnica Rai, kò., &c., all in excellent order.

No Woosham's Buildings,

native Packhouse.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Ca Canton, 14th August, 1861,

FOR SALE. ENGLISH and Datch Sheathing Copper of all Lysines, aloo Nallo, by


fladakong, 186 Oqtober, 1960

* Ex ??Lanbơ-Ca£t."

DIRECT FROM HOLLAND. SSRS ONITH & BEINELOW have re- daired 150 Can of Superior Holland Gin, which they offer ni a low figuro,

Fonghong, Darumbet, 1881.

RY and Secure Morage of perishable or other | ??PST fipited ap mesortment of very experior A of obtaining station sa Tutor in a DX rend die More, moderate charges,

at the Godowns of


West Point,

Viancis, Hongkong, Sed January, 1882.

In the Exsale of Awn auton Satru Binkay,

Lade of Ficiaria, domingoli,

Scalah Tweeds.

Garen's Road,


Victoria, Red November, 1881

JU?T, OPENED AND PORSALE SELECT Bajches of roty imperior old Glenlivet 1)ylakey in bottle :-- Dark and Pale Brandy -Hollands Bio-Cordiul ditte. Fine fralty Punt ALE partinn having any alelme on the above A Estate are regulated a forward the ahve | -Dock, Golden, and Pale Series-London bot with accounts and vouchath torthe undirsígnað | sled Stout and Forvar, Base Pale Ale da, ?eo. forthwith. Persona Indebted to the Busto are fliso,

Home Flue Sabad Balmon la Jard. requsated to pay amounts of their debts_rospectively

· on or before the fat day of Mirananla


Fimmtaroba? to the Entate, Hongkong, 23rd December, 1854.


THE Bovinets Wither carried an under the nome of Manepally Morantiam de Angin mein kya closed, and will la, falura ji, dandacted by Ma SHRANIM NOOKGOuts the saniliyla of AH÷ MEDBHOY RHAIMTOOKĻA


Canton, 8th January 1995;">


THE busion of the Unimat trên thi Linh will be conducted walk ind Fu? sad war BRANDAO & Co. My Joao Bakkert


* Hongkong, Queen's Bond, 90th Sept. 185).




lot of a collected skietly on the Counts of Carlos and the


Qatar's Road, Ficerie, 7th Nartabat, 1841..

PROTESTANT THEOLOGIAN ia doli- Europan family. Apply to A. Z care of the Editor of this Paper.

Victoria, Bongkang,

12th January, 1852.




Extract of a Joker, dated Madras, June 10, 1845 from F. U. Scat, Esq. &th Light Cavalry, De. puty Assistant Quarter Marler General of the Army.

To Prefer Belloway.


Sparkling Hork,

40 Carke Brglah Bouled Als BU Kegs Bho

above a?e positively so he sold withapa TCA-Masican Dollars.



Hongkong, 16 January, 1862.



THE Pins Brich Ship BLENHEIM, A. L. 600 ma "burthen, 4. 8 Mailroon Commander, will meet with


quick despatch.

This vessel bus splendid scowmmodation for passengers for which, or freight, apply sa maka

RAWLE, DRINKER & Co. Rongkong, 20th January, 1882.

FOR BAN FRANCISCO. THE first class British ship RO.

BERT SMALL 610 vado per gioler, carrying an experianead Gargton, Bmali, Mamer, will load at Hongkong for the

THOMAS HUNT. Whampos, 20th January, 1869,

81-1 bare much pleasure in adding my Mus-timony in that of the many who bare stifled to abore port, and have early despatch.

the excellens of your Ominent, but my object in addressing you is, obiefly, to draw your attention to ??means by which ita valne may, I think, become still more generally appreciated and applied.

WHAMPOA BAKERY. THE undersigned lipo notabillabed a large BA-

KRET garantem to supply any quenti of CABIN and BHIP BREAD at short



THE Undersigned, having hose appoźnand Agents 1 bare for the above o?ica, are prepared to grant Policies payable in London, Calcutta, Bensat, and Canton.

GILMAN & Ca Chnson, 1218 January, 1859.

In this county there is a diannes called Burnout" (from Bera, ralo); commances and prevaile to the greatest extent during the rainy weather; it la confined, I believe, exclusively to Horses A valu. note Hore of mion caught ??In a march during the Monsoon all the mail remedies were applied in val; indeed it is a slissons which I have never som cored, for when opto takes it ason becamer ond o the constitution. It shows itself by large al angry saree over all parts of the body. For eight months my Hates had kopecially bed, haring bed thres large sores on his fare-logs. Furtunately at pagth now your advertisment in the papers, and thought that, if the Distent did an much for led, there was no reason why Horses, arc, should not equally benefit by St, The firm Pot did wanda, and these or four cured the places is six works, The writer further states, *that from D MACGREGOR las received instructions to

bundell, a sote appeared on

Frame Bugað,-**poromand warrowald to hang for Six Months in any Climate, Contmata jucand into with. Departmania, Como- Goum and Mr Joup Palgasaan sen Multi) | ronndergunt Vonals, dia- for regular supplies. Parthare therein.

THOMAS HUNT, ANTONIO U. BRANDAO. ??Whatupon, deh November, 1851 Canton, Jet Jannecy REN



ndoned Pariper in our k?irm.

DAVID SASSOON BONS & Ca Canton, 11th Septocabar, 1881...

MOTION THE Basine of the moontlined wil. & Co.

FRANCIS B. BIRLEY, Canton, 1st July, 1861


R CARR LUCAB is admitted Pather in



Covice 16th August, 1851.



Ez * Land oʻ-CARRA,"

A Pale Al

Martella Pa and Jack Brandy,

Superior Old Tom,

Pale Sherry,

Table Fork and Spoons,

Writion Boots,

Oxford Rhoes (ul)

Flest soil glasson,aka Dajkapkanid Ledgers,

?�Wilta Camikiare,


Len' Diaries for 59,

Lady's rod Goodlomen's Black, nelors, and

white kid glove, in good order. Marryat's alguale Latent Edition,


Victoria, 17th November, 1881.

the Horne horing his

es of the old plaors,

10 the Ointment)"

BORROWED, OR STOLEN. THE 18th Volume of the Waverley Novels in 25 either be saturned to the Friend of Chine Offany or volumes. If borrowed, it is requested it may an offer made for the remaining Twon:yfour



Hongkong, 3rd January 1832


Aurten, to the big toe bid but this is rapidly giving way der, on Thursday the 22nd instent, at home, at bie

I remain, Bir,

Your obedient carrant, Godowa No. 2, New French Hong, the whale of

the Cargo of GUANO, on tourd the Perrian

F. Buerr, Pth Light Cavalry.barque Empreses, imported direct from the Chincha teland. his good condition and of firm rate

The truly lavalnable mediclare ca be pro

ented at the Rablishment of the Undersi guod, quality. in riebly tommented Blaze and Pote ingresult in Lots of 100 Tons, to be weighed and

The Cazgo is estimated at 1,000 Tons, and will

with Duortlane for the Guidanes of Patients died then divery of from the Ship's Deck at Wham-

to sach But nod Pet.

J. M DA SILVA. Queen's Hood, Pictoria

ACOW & C The Hotel, Gandon


Potards, Me

pon, within 10 days of the Bale.

This Cargo in for peremptory Bals, and the par- chaser of each Lo be the privilege of kazing many of the proceeding Lou se bo wi-bes at the | same prion

TREND BALE.- Lash on delivery. Chaton, 19th January, 1869.


BIR CIK-At Macao on the 15th last, Mr, W.D. Lanie We

MARRIAGE-At Newark, New Jersey, U. 6. ?, Oc tober 2k 1:50, 23 the Rev. D. P. Kæder D.D. Bruker in law of the bible, the Rev. Groun Low, some bermen's_Chaplain. W kampon, to Miss Evian Batten of Rework


OKA TU -At Sangkar, on the Berk December, 1854, Me, Loma Lovren, lase Máster of the schooner DEATH -Os board the Amerfona-ship Dưrprise, on the 94th August, 1850 James P. Stusea, Esq, lame of Macao.




it in puid, entirely clear of mortgage incumbrance; be was posensor elo of certain suma of money and good securities in the hands of several partien of te spectability. We are thus particular in stating the matters, become, from the colouring gives by the aridence of his Chiaros Servants, there is some reason for giving credit to an opinion that bir Rows

has absconded.

As mentioned in our nola, so apprehensions ware New Advertisements will be received until 7 O'Clock | eartsined for Mr Rowe's safety until he was sober. on the Evenings previous to publication, wis: Tues?�tained that he had not concluded certala business. days and Fridays. If one or two copica are ru -ostensibly on accumut of which, ? was allogod, lia quired of the times in which an Advertiorment had come su this place, Mr Healy, of the firm la inserted, and applied für during the period for which publication is ordered, no charge will be

of Button and Denlay, silmakers, (who was st made for such copy or copist.

Whampoa exec'ing a e-mmi-gian of Mr Rowe's,) on Monday, the 19th instant (the Esik day ufor Me Rowe had left) then went to the British Vios Con sul and stated he fears that some ocident hed


Nov. 14, Sandwich talzado. Nov. 10


Dec. 5 Labora Dec. 18 Slagıyoru


Uned States Cale





C. vd G Hope

Ban Franci

Oct 15 Shangkas


Dec. 18 Jan. 14 Jan. 19 Dec. 19

Dra 14 Masila

occurred; a statement Mr Bird mode same stupid objections to take calers in the shape of an afff. davil. We belites nothing more officially was done in the matter until lato on Wednesday. On Thursday un assistant from the Cantuil Con. THE FRIEND OF CHINA.aniels and a gentlemen connected with the firm







22 Thursday


"Hime | Bets | A. M. 3 PN. 5,40 9,95|| 9,56 6,42 5,41| 10,16| 10,35 0,43|| 5,42) 10°52| 11,10 New Moon and an Exlipos of the Bus (not visible herojat 3.09 r. w. to-day,

93 Friday

Tun P. & O. N. Co's, Blaster Sir Charles Forbes and the Americas Steamer Spark bath leave for Canton this morning at eight.

We mention this

Equru's equib has ran our care of italics completely hare with his "thoughts. " simply a hint to him that a variation in the styla of bis wext promised equit, will be bøller "stormed by both Compositor and Editor, and, we doubt by Squib's readers also,





out of the way creeks brauching from the Pearl Elver, to which he may have boon rowed sawit. singly to blanclf-asloop perhaps, as it in the cus- tom of night travellers to do on that reale; and, the murder being affected, the remainder of the playa was carried out and the Coshineal quiolly taken from the chap some dane before next morning, The Owners of the Cochineal, we hour, say that the duly had already boon paid on it at a Consular part, and that there was no rosson for Me Raws to

bare transported it to Canton during the night for any purpose of defraud on the revenvo ; admitti however, that they had requested him to send It up by the frui mốc opportunity.


Squin's TuNTR

I thought, Elitor, that I was ou a barten Bosky Island, Lehenght it was called an English Calooy, I thought its name was Hongkong, I thought it a queer place, ith ught I ant down upon a pretty wooden seat of which so many are distributed about


he would be ungrateful efter soch a "up" so

??Knightbood.-) thought the "Be would bare much fret upoo blm.

eng bu would still be George Bur.hame to the last of the chapt I thought I was right. I thought on the shut

Goremer he did very well. I thought a Gove ernor was public property, I thought was pen,la thought so by the manner in which they bully

thought that when the new Major Gear came out bere there would be soralikin altera in the social rate of sority, 1 ngắc that he was for many years the oracle of social fooling aro the visitor and residents of Bathand though he happy lie seed to be watching the hundreds of happy fress and merry feet blog recad 115 19å sight wlint a sheerful change would be le Heig kong when so mintile a man should be placed at the head of the army, I thought thai be would be the pattern to follow in social and domestic life. thought he would make a very good General -time will show if I thought sight, I thought of the Great Exhibition, ??thlight again, ao) szalo 1 kingit, I shought but wonderful," / thought how stupendums Aught there ought to be public spirit suuugh in Hongkong to subscribe and purchase some pisos afisary le ba

the road sidea and hill sides. I thught they waco placed on the pla?e as a remomlás of 1951. 1 for the bane of the indios. I thought I said their thought there might be a publie dieser in the dresses, I thought it I did I should be wrong. I

Theatre one day of the mos walks in honor of camgh bar khane newspaputa to sad. I chaght the Makikition. I thought the Ceverter woold they were published in the Colony. I thought that accupe the poolitan of shelrose Mokykla if they were "ario juusta in uno they might be

good many would go. I sending would walk called the "Friendly Mail Register"-| shenight | down to the reps sour

I would

While I tried to find something in two worth read. I go the new road. I thought the net food should I thought

Ing 1 fell asleep, I thought it was an wander, I tght be carried straight scrow the sh

I saw an Editor ruggling to write agmething wally, I thought he nearly fell asleep under the ext.

there was another Editor who fixed the usme so


in Canton to whom the Cochinealgepoken of bel?ngad, then want in Whampon, and the Com- | mander of the Sulamander took formal possession

of Mr Rowe's Chop and offsets, notifying, the mina time, the servants and otha@mployer that they were to consider themselvan ander deten tion; Mr Acting Cool Elmelis proceeding to ex-thought his candle seasly going out, on the Edie arning them at Whampoa on the morning of Friday.' visage apon the well, and made him though

exolnim "asser esm by type" than I thought be From what we have glasued of this examination was misisken, and so the candle dittuend out it al- (from other then oficia! sources) it was stund that tured the appearance of the shadow, I thought the

Mr Rows loli Whampoa on the morning of Wed

Editar could not recognise a likuese to an animal, | sreday for Oculon, leaving that place again it la

I thought therefore the said Editor coined a name and while yet half natrep he eslled them "Pigster mid between Fur and five in the afternson, bal, Ears fought he woke from his dreamy heavy from that to this, we bres no certain testimony thoughts and found ko bad actually been sketch- of his having been soon by any Europedh; what ing one of his own onder de klod, indeed bis friends more is known of bias, therefore, rests principally thought it was a very good name for him I thought on the stalematta of the Chinese in custody. The much that be adopted it himself, and the wider or Cook, who was to have been married as to day, kind has now two vary dos specimens in two Edi. ciremowance not without weight in dealing with torn alar two "Piguson"-whoes exre require Chinese matters, ys his mater returned from cropping and whose great gives satisfactory cun

Arios tint the order is well named-! thought | I tried to recollect that in any one of these pa pere, I thought I was trying to rund, that one single migration had been given the public to improve the social, moral sud, political justion of the in- habitants of the Colony -) thought it would be a god puniabem to the Editute to stop their par pera' circulation patil they had been to selinol at the Times Ufice for three years. I thought I wâld not think any more of the Editor and their paper, I threw them away in disgust (not the Editurs they are too heavy) and thought of something elas, brandy and water, I thought I saw a public tavern, I thought 1 appronched it, I hang it was by its sign the "Mira Tarora and Ten Gendous" I thought saw some Chin writing, I thought he wan a notion that the house was hongued or else it wa have been engaged either by Mr Rows before bebow chow on the shortest notica" I thought 1

| Canton betwina veveu und eight, and directed that the care of (achioral should be got out of the bold ot,ady trans-bipmrat. Shortly after tena bost came alongèlile, and the anses were put into it; Mr Rowe going also on board, and taking with him bla arm, and cluthing; telling him, the Cook, as he left, to get the cabins of the Chop painted and foished by the tinga he returned from Ilongkong, which would be in thren or 'thur days The Best than and sail with a front hemma, and was so a out of sight below the shipping. This le shout the sum total of all that be known, the Chinese on board, one and all, paturing that they never saw the boatmen before, and that they must

Were shipping intelligence our readers will And mention made of the murder of the Mots of the Brig Corey lost from Macassar bound to lice Magistrate on Blonday, bes the investigation was postpwoed satil this morning ; for that there was na qualided Interprates in Court to render the replies of the Prisoners into English.

Bh... tness sakam before the Pa

Tax police of a fire in the Queen's Roid, which appeared in our last, should have been headed "communicated." It must have been speedily subdued for the mol beams and top of a table, for about a'yard square on each, are simply charred to the depth of a sixteenth of an inch or so; the only article really burnt. that we can learn of, being a mettram, which a workman was stuffing with Damboo shar



lef Canton, or that they were sent exposely for would go up and here my glosa; as I went tong ht] the Cochineal by its owners. When brows left - mot a customer coming out. I thought I asked him if for Hongkong he took no provisions with him, the liquor was good, I thoug¿t he did not understand It was mainly upon this last sesertion the uption, I thought he said that is the house of the me, I thought right, I thought I repeated the quas. position gained ground that his expressed intention * Pastor The Parish Flook " I thought I sadak - of going to Hoo:kong was a rame, and that what 711 | thought I mid that in the "Palwar of the De ship or other being all sondy waiting for him, Bishop." I thought I did not believe him, I shought 1 falniad, I thought I soon recovsend, I thought of be had gone away in her with the oochiel and

my done church, my glorious protastnat mligion, other valuables. Am-ngst other vessels leaving thought of the humility of my Lord and savior, I shoot that time the Hamma ship Fargrita was thought can that gawgaw pince be the Parish Cler gymisn's residrace, sun that be a " Bishop's Palson" or in it not a "Palators Bign Shop " I

ings, and which was set fire to by accidented; bet that vases) did not trip ancher till is the ambor of it running away in a great fright, terday (as år Rowe Isit on Wedersday) and so far instead of stopping and putting it out. But akhough so little was burnt, a good deal was plundered; the unfortunate proprietor of the Shop alleging " loss of full $500,






it would improve the race conreught thre

is not straight running enough for a good spur

and Bogreon. I thought I saw hat Barwe ad Ponies I thought I bow lot of funday mornining horses, 1 tágh Brotbor bus karping his sya apen, he looked fresh, Warted the yrat' wight win," I thought 1 sad. Back Snaffle but he looked 1 få ught very much en of--I thought | saw Alinos" but vai noi carije I thought he looked very biggy-I thought thớth arealra would be comlig out, I thought l'any man sew born, I thought they were fine strong hetom, & thought I saw them gallo che the Pander" 1"

lygiad logo tu stand un

right-I thought I saw the Comeläke Tetor 4hought I would like to be miting thought Ishonglit? I may be wrong--E-"adaght 1 se Cockapinner, Rury and sons and though eneather people would have a Walk at tham to- [ "thought" there was chance of good pan. 1 thought the Gallant Paptain looked happy na Erin go Brah, ["thought" shat huggy had but don fool box dap-1 th?wght' right-23dimaki* Uni- Invue bapa'anid orzek-l 'thougar brwira Eng bra-I thought the old men" þoked and tan well-) 'shought' the English hdføre lego did out get enough elbow grease-I thought are bore night and morning is not too strong a slums of such physia-Į "thought" I might ant bo i thought too impertinent te make the had though I would go home to hreif s?? (2 at twey bạn. 1hought it would out hari sur ma ma theraghe ( 17 Jahiseltsinhala sk bygda duplung write the should be aorty its didi-13 segherightand Megha I was your friend,


P. &-N.-A. B. C.-I thought right!!! P. 8. No 2-dourke i mel Pasch's friends

Cawdle and Briggsel (hought I was shaking hands with the thought in squite No. 9, & wanid wel- eene them to Hongkong.

P. 8, No. 3--I thought nothing ?? ? ?


(From the Friend of India, Hav. 27.J We are moriend intelligence from China by the regular route down to the 39th. ?gtober but the papers con?ain nu ellesium to th�?aille?tion of the Mancha Dynasty, Intely apogiad from Dar jealing, bryond the somewhat andationl sent 2400 that in Pokin trosso" led around the throne," We do bel, however, you ander working is way from Fykin to Casten, and key- the report disproved, fag political sewu la long in. anal paragraphs in the papre now cocofrad, appear

in give some color to the remour Whather Tien- 10h be himelf in the Soulbero Previnase or unt, the rebellion which brors ble name je ungpaation- ably making supid progress, and Jackaps the best evidence of its Increasing strength is thun fact, thit

amount + (one particular gain, exceeding this our think about the mistaken savero and tos gardens the Pakin Gaustis-a sort of Chiguda Maiteur - -


thought of the yrable palaces of Backdeo, of from it being likely that he could have gone in beri cul, I thought of Peterboro sad of suob like it in arcerisined that the Captaia (Davis) waited places and I said in that a Bishop's Palace? I thought oga whole day expressly for Mr Rowe return

of Goldsmith's Parish Clurgyions, who "ght and slows recounts with him. Moreover, against himself. the supposition of his having abeconded with come

* Passing rich on forty pounda a yaar" these thousand dollars worth of Ceebles), werage of my parish at home, the sable of religious I thought of the pretty quist retired soustry Visa-

bave to place the valos of what be leaves behind; retiraniant, of damistic fidelity. I thought what a which we have heard estimated at quadripla that becoming residence for the faithful - manguine bat devoted parish alergyman". E thongal I would pot again. I thought how shocking the distraction of property was by the fra-I thought that but for the melancholy consequences of the Sea it was n good thing. I thought the Government woold now' donase away from the'Englishs pagadasan. Jag oblige the native population to remove their real- thought that that should be done, and 1 dagle that the owners of the Lost should be compelled to build a certain kind of house, I thought that than based that a sea wall was going to be bask, I though some cleanliness might be observed, 1 shunght E

that it might be done very well to allow shipe lo unload, I thought the Queen's Band abould be arial streight to the water's edge, I thought some much better plan might be had for building the Sun will: I thought of the melancholy stoldent le the Officers of the aring, I thought when I heard of Colonel Tomkyne bring found, and his death, I | thought of the Pont's words. -

The America whale ship Champion, which arrived here on the 18th instant, brought in four men, who were taken four days befoes from the Spanish Brig Breza (from Masatino) at the request of the Mas- ter of that vesel, who alleged that he had reasons value of the Cochineal, has become payable to for believing it was the intention of certain of the his order eloce his dissppearance); and we have orow, handed by the four men brought here, to mu- not board that, barring such debte as it in reason- Loy and lake charge of the vessel, which has a able to suppaas a man lu bis way of basinges and Taloable cargo on board. As there is no paoleh general habits would contrast, and be liable for, the Cassol bere, the impeached are now in custody of | la la any way involved. It le cortainly was that the Polios, panding the arrival of the Brasse, kour, for some time past be saterained thoughts of ly expacial.

louring Chios, and in a letter written, on the 5th, to party here, he urgantly requsaus him to some up and take charge of bie business as on the 7th, the very day on which he disappeared. There are various other dinila which we need not recite, leading to show the improbability of his having

Oon Printers fornished, with last (mae, the report

that Mr Rowe's body had bere found; appending it to a note of information which we had gleaned at, and forwarded from, Canton We regret that publicity was given to this report, which was no- Lirely arroneous; up in the present ma'noni ibere being still grant mystery about. Mir Howe's disap. parat-ce

We have taken some paina to arrive at the facts of the cans, which, divested of super Bonotismes, in the many conflicting ramours in circulation, stand as follows. Me James Rowa, " Canadian, came to China in 1843, as Carpooler of the John Laird, Mr N. do St. Croix, Mestar and owner. The Jaka Laird tamsining heen, Mr Rowe established himselfin basinom so a Chaodlar, Ship wright, and General agent, and, being artive and economics), thera la good reason for believing that ba bau dans very well during his stay in this coon try: Ibe leehold of a dry dock at Whnompon, nad his chop share (late the Schooner Heemskan) being,

left China "f his own free will and accord. The

only shernative semaining, therefore, in to suppose that he has been foully dealt with; vid thin view of the case Onverament`sboold diesot Ite

especial autoivo, by offering rewarda"fie jaloesia- tion, and depuiing iba. Ae-stant Soperintendent of Police here to proceed to Whampon not make och anquicles as his experience may sugges The report that Cocistneul has recently been offered for male in Hongkong le noirue, wa Sesto,


"They raino blm-bane him; kush bo speako

artby black recolous? în kia chevka,

- His Hp resums its rod, kis gya though ?ơm, ??Badlo wide and wild, each slowly quivering lab *faction, but his words are sprang * ?n terms that seem not of

Në kla na?ine tunique : Dinle,ba varnage, euongh they nodermanj "To deem them accents of another land"- I thought of the Troopa and of the nioknom. among them, I thought I shuddered. I thought right-I did thought what would be the ead

We have said that pipes Mr Rawo left Canton ha-1 thaght that at a comparative small com, has not been seen by any European; consequently ??in suspecting the Chinese who are in austody of having had a hand in bla eulling off, it may even be supposed that morder was committed on the passage from Canton, in some oùn of the numerous

the Murray Hospital_might be pulled down, and placed up the hill, I thought this could be very easily down, -h thaght it could be a very good b-though I ese the Governor, 1 thought The looked very well, 1 thought & beard he was going house, l'thought it was a mistake, I thought

ken med to report vistarira gained by Tion-teli's followers Since the das of the Met' Mail, the Tartar forare bad been defeated shin grönt batile, and the rebel had made thacmaq,ugh masters of

bandon their allegians to the Nupjumpy another city. babeading namber Che, undoned t best, the only General apparsáily man dejta benging back from a general ent in 4- pectation of reinforcements frock but hi awn troops oppoer incllund-to motiny, 30% a de achment of Two thousand men ordered up from the Province of Tung-kweo obsoletely defreed to more, unless they rearived a lorga amovet of per in advance, and Ben was compelled to yield to the demand.

Whether the Lama's version of the story be al present correct, or otherwinn, the listen orrtainly ashibits every symption of breaking up--The northern est. In particular, swarms with freebook ere, whom the Government i uberly annule to suppress, while the recent execution if eighteen Mandarias in Pakin itself, for a plat to apsainipote the Emperor, has increased the dianiation,_the existence of which it revealed to the work. The Mancboo dynasty le a worn out Oriental des po i-m, and the conviction is forced agam us, thốt th Europren redes are yet destined to play in the great Empire of Fauera Asin the part they are now playing in the Bouth and West,

* The import that Seu la balangured, af Hou-choo-ivo prese correct. He had offered the belightg farge, at det OFFICER,

", Bus,000 Taal; in emite, and allow bat to reparie Victory. A Casiun Mandario per mit en last week that be heard he had got away and watai Munkin, shaking kin bead doubually eben esked if them pas, probabil nz Tomiah cahing New year's dinner la Gemminko P

of L


(From the North-China Herald, Jany. 10) The flowing Circular was addressed, to the British Residents at Ningpo, in relation to the mo- seces of the piraten,--

BUT COMULATE, Nongpo, 18th Dec., 1861.


P. HADDS, H. M. Vico Conent,

The Chiasse authorities, and people as well as Foreigners generally, were gratified to learn that Captain Spencer had decided in remain with the Casteel, instead of going to Looshoo.

(From our Loudon Correspondent)

The friend of china AND HONGKONG GAZETTE

Compote 9 to 99). Bank Block 214 to 218,

ExMANO-Bengal lo. 1144, to 20 Madran (a. 1496. so 26. Bombay 2o. to 21. 14.

In the obituary will be found the namon of Sir Edward Disbrowe, British Minister at the flagur; | India 202 to 964. the Right Han Charles Hope, Isla Lord Provideni of the Court of Session, Beotland; and Mejor. General Herbert Bowen, O. B., of the Bangal Army,

FRANCE-The Membre of the Legislative Chamber re-assembled on the 4th lost, and the

inenne in his power, the vast conspiracy in progress

London, 24th November, 1851. Rumours of Cablost differences continue to he

straggle with the Executiva has re commenced. por forth by the daily press, but so little internet le Her Majesty's Vice-Consul, begs to soknowledge The President's Mesongs was read by the Misis manifested regarding the details of the now Elec the receipt youerday, of a representation from theer of the Interior, and appeared to have been very forel Reform Bill, the somed point of diarord, that it is hardly expected any change of importance British Residents, and in reply thereto, has much carefully drawn up I noticed, in detall, the pro

will be found in the socupanse of the ministerin) Polisfaction in being able to leforın shero, but the made since the last mewage in the verinas

The result of the St. Alban Comunition pro Hohle Commander Speror, has notified to departments of Government conneed the deter. bebes when Parliament reassembles. bim is intention in comalo at Ni-gp, for the mination of the President to rainbal, by every | sents some singular features: cases of bilbury have present with Her Majesty's Brig under bis Com of organization Siroughout Europe; all emported been brought home to 212 out of 353 Ton Found the Ansnce of the country to be in te favourable rulers; and 65 out of 65 Best and Lot electors. condition as circumstances permitted, the defirit The Freemen are comparatively pura, saly 31, out But exoeling the provisions of the Budget. A of 68 who polled at the last election, admitting the project of law for completion of the Louvre was soll imprachment.

The Queen's Bravet was published in the Go noticed, and high compliment paid to Prince

ree of the 12th instant. Ju extent is as follows: Albert and the English wallon for the cordal troup tion given to Frenchmen of all alsares during the Lieut. Generals of 1837 to be Generala; Major. Great Rahibkin, The situating of affairest Rome Generale of 1841 to be Lint-Generals Colonels of 1861 (+ for Colonal Chamberlayne) in be was spoken of as more favourable, and the Major Generala; Lieut-Colonels of 1841 (a for ment of England and France, in support Spain i required in datence of Cubs from foreign aggres Limit-Colonel Jobmiens, 87th Fool) to be Ce- sinn, adverted in. After castomary susurances of one Majors of 1841 to be Lieut. Culoase; Cap- Lond. 8th Nombor, 1851.

tuận ?�?1840 to be Majors. The division of the frivedly relations with Foreign Basta, referance was.

year 1841 exclodes 32 Colonels from the Braves The Ministerial changes samuunned are limited made les passage in the President's Message of

who have served for periods varying from 32 to 55 to the transfer of the under Colonial Bearslary, Mr last year. If during this assion you vote for the

pear. The Bravot of the Indian Army, Gelad Hawen to the War Office, vios Mr Sullivan, who revision of the Conmutation, our Constituent Assem Hver after 40 years' service, and the entry of Mr Mly will remodel que fundamental laws, and 6s de 1832 and 1841, Il Majors and Me Copies of 1 205 Captains; the Frederic Peel on the palkical area to replace Mr destiny of the Executive powers. I you do not Bawel. Karl Granville and Lord Seymour, sote it, the people in 1652 will solemnly meatfest Camilote to bear dase from 11th November, previously intimated, have been adradoad to the the expressing of its will a now." And the signik. 1841. rack of Cabinet Ministare, and & le said that Mr cent announcement follows that a new administra Labouchere will be raised to the Upper House as Lion has been formed, composed of honourable place on the likk, had been long ected. He le men whose cervative anatimente are publicly succeeded by his son, now in his 33rd year, for Bama Hendon.

The details of the Electoral Reform Bill about known, and who hereonsented to admit the whoop incurable blindness special provision has born hade by the institution of state witnesses, to brenght in by Garramalar saknown, necessity of re establishing universal suffrage but the revelations now leking place at St. Albans, the broadest prasible basle." In calling upon the wees daty it will be to read aloud and attest ai where a majority of votere bas confessedly been Assembly to abrogate the law of the 31 May, the Jete submitted for the royal signature.

The Queen and Royal Family bara laft Wind- bought and pull at every election, may glow weight Prident admits his consent to the initiative is a sheage whink shall open pocket Boroughs to takes by the Cabinet which contested with the or for the Isle of Wight, Prines Alfred, it is sakl, slišal of the majority whose werk ikis law war, the

la dended for the Navy.

Moth, her triumpbal visits to Birming more extended ellengo.

The increase of Irable on the Railways of the honour of presenting it," bat centrade that the ce United Kingdoms during the 17 weeks proceding sente was a protective one, and should be consider. the opening of the Gress Exhibitina, samastad toed raiber ne a-temporary political act, than ay a

to £1,107,180. The Bisa Boat returns show the law bad gone far beyond the object intended,

The death of the King of Hanover, which look

ham and Manche-ter, and a regal reception at the Polish Ball, borked on the 20th lost, at South

called at Cowes, for the United States.

La Palmerton received addresses from Fine-


brought forward by the Council of Htate. The popularity of the President la incrassing in proper. on to the growing discredit of the Assembly, and for the present more is to be hoped from the moderation and prudence of the young chief than from the talent and experience of vasaron politician Probably the worst to be apprehended from the in ternal divisions in Fronos la the confidence willi which the Abanlatist Governments of the Continer: are thereby embolikened to astry out their sever- ayarama ni despoti-m.

AOITHIA-The Court at Vienna has adopted a novel mom uť supporting the Public Funde, and of giving stability to its depreciated paper. Beating The old fe-blowed rate of bringing the expendliere of the country within the Ilaite of is revenue, and to equal zing the valos ofis promises to pay with metallic currency, it has ohused to be arrested and albed fr. Vianne if mat from the Austrian danions, divers Merchants and Broker whose operations on the Exchange had been based upon the probability of a further decline. This singular plan for rigging the money inmarket preparatory to ??new Lose would be simply ridiculous did it nol involve the main of many families, and shadow Gorth the length to which an unchecked minary despotism may be carried ovao in the nineteenth entury.

Tu Austrian rule site na uomaily upna its For- elan pussernigos es où ila native sent at Vinous. Uninstructed by the experience of 1948, and deal to the appeal of civdız lìon, Engineers of the Im- perial Glove Foment are now merking out the site of

Ronster Bastery at Vamice, which, at its first discharge, will sweep down the proud monument of its former glory.

In Tuscany the frisi inflounce of Austrian pro- lection abos juelf in the disolution of the Unive- sity of line and pr sosution of heretica-those who dera to read or retain possession of an authors- ed copy of the Bible.

The American clipper Oriental, arrived in 125 days from Shangban, end the English-built veneci, Bornoway, accomplished the voyage from Hang- kong in 100 days.

Comercial The Monry is very Bush, and ing adventures. The Bank adrances ut per speculation is reviving in Rállway Shares and Min-

cant, on Government secunties, and with Bullion amounting to £16,000,000 and a terra of Notes

£461,941, and during the 27 weeks which follow. | permanent electoral law." Elo s?irmed, led, that plan, pad proseaded by the Fhumboldt, which exceeding £0,000,000, low rates of interent, must,

lecom-iderable increase The total number n�?| and by disfranchising 3,000,000 electore two thirds bury and. Eslingto? in his own peculiar way, "The visitors from the bat of May to the 11th October is of whom were pesosakdo inhabitants of the couple Government," he said, "had no desire to be urged on to war, although they were desirous of uphold atured to be 0,089,986. It is satisfactory to and had directly inverted the proportion of voles ré- that the ayes have not been feasted at the expose quired by the constitution, for the valid suction of

President. He Bully urged the argument pating the nationalty of Foreign countries." He re of hack and helly, as the Ravenue blen shewa

ferred to the successful results of their good offices with the Tarkish Government, and concluded, considerable increase in the consumption of Imports forth lust omsien, ky the opponents of the revision, then proposed by government;" the conecitation" and excleable articles,

was required, and doring the pending struggle, a

it is expected, prerail throughout the wister. Ooo- siderable caution is, homaret, mill exercised in discounts. New York advices to the 31st Just, out, advance, otherwise nothing of intares. report brick shipping demand for Colton at

Sous-The mies premiug forward in advance month, but the tone in the market within the last of amand have kept prices down throughout the

Benares middling to good white 30-6 to 39; Mau.

The Admiralty it is said have decided to send | thay sald * which is the work of an amembly tok. ebarneloristically, by Informing the deputation that ¦ few days has been more favorable, and the parcels The Kalme and Assistanos, accompanieil an before ing ite riar la universal coffrage, onanol beʼmudi?ed "a great deal of good geonrelship and julgmont į last offered bare been taken briskly si fall anten by the Pionar and Intrepid Berew Hisamery, for a by an assembly issuing frem a restrictive aufrago good deal of judicious bottle holding was obliged ?ritius kiaJa, mid-king to good strong yellow 30 to consequent upon the Isin expedition, will take place? with the rage, and concluded by demanding bottle-lokdern withdrew, highly delighted with their 20 6, fine grocery 28 to 89, low soft in good stroug

further search in the Arctic sona,

Rer the investigations new in progress are com


to be brought into play," whereup?n, the judicious

30 Madras, middling to good soft bɩówn 24-6 to yellow 20 to 24.

Promotions, The Minister read a project of law in conformity urganey. M. Berryer moved sa na amendment the

resepilon appointment of a Special Commition to inquire into Biece she shows of the - Exbiblijog,Koa-uth has the politicat mination, and receive explanations Calale is now in full play, and communications are bad the palis stage almnat te hingeëir, nicmove from the Minisiasa. Ahoraxma anim?la-d dupan daily excbangfid` by it with the landing Capitale, itve, at which pridr? calça ára dứt nauty entered

The absnarine telegraph between Dover and

the "argency" mwa rejacied, a large mejorky of

| the right and centra voting against it. M. Dupin

of Europe.

The Ecclcsination) Todes' Bill remains a dend


The Protestant Journals of Ireland

charge Lord Clarendon and the English Govern ment with truckling to die. Papal power, whilst the Remen Catholic pepers lensent, with probably more tear, the extent of the increasing defection from their Church, Arranguinemia_"hara_bosa made with an American Company for Jireet StoumD intercourse with Belfast, which, if sunsssful, will give a great impulse to trade in the West of Ire- land.

ariste and sprechen having hero liberally recorded in the daily press. After the adder of the Cor parating of London, the most noticeable oration has been ve elected President of the Assembly. loker, but no the other hand, the Rowish deman was from a cakemers of people in Copenhagen Norwhatanding the advore majority of the

cinture against the Royal Colleges appear equally Firtis, sembled by the diligence of a busy calling Chamber, an impression gaine ground that the itself the Central Deopatiation Commises, the now-electoral law, with some moliorations as to Secretary of which opened the proceedings by en period of residence, and on other points, will al. Among the comments on the mes. aidees of the inhabitants of London" (after the timately pasa style of the three Tailors In Tooley restoring af Louis Napolion, the Preses says. The him, that had their wishes received Government President of the B-public has récki, bat has sid, the intervention of Bumla would not bare been notách, sad the new Cabinet has earned met alone by procente opon paper, but upon the field attitude which warrants an idea that he will mot of action by the foros of British arma" M, Kos give way.

Butoru-The King, accompained by bla wath's reply comp:feed his customary eulogies on England and America mingled with denunciativas sons, opened the Chambers on the 6th lost, with of Auuria and Russia, and Annacing uppala to the congratulatory speech. A distribution of prines working class prreumed to be the present. Lord took place previously, when the manufacturers and Daley Start and Mr Condem did not show at the aries whe had most distinguished lemanly at Merting, but Me Verge O'Connor, Bronterra the Great Exhibition recrived decoration of theor. O'Brien, Laule Blano, and a few otlines of the der af Leopold or gold medaks.

GOREANT.The several males aen engaged in same political stamp rendered themarin oon. spicense. A kind of procresion was headed by forwishing lion of the adage that it is mura man bariig Dematie banners, and socompleasy to pull down then build up, and resort is bad o extraordionsy menouren to keep the political ma- ed by a German Band not inappropriately playing inse in motion. Hungary, it is now conceded,

the Marsilleine Hymn


The Times presents an amusing correspondence between Bir William Napier and Mr Samuel Gurney on the saljeet of Military role at the Cape, from which Colony put nooounts sominus of the mo?i masatisfnatory character. Some further regi. meg'a are to ba shortly sent out.

Limit Pim, who sccompanied Capt. Kallest, in

the Plorat last year, when the coat outg

to Behring's Straits was explored in search of Sir

Joke Franklin, has undertaken an suploration of

that the missing varesia might have been unable, the Coast of Siberia, doemlog it out improbable


andar coustenauso of the British Government, enterprising officer has gone by way of Petersburg,

The supe of M Koodi's sparches appearing must have on independent into al gevorment for somewhat to bellinous for our ashar manufacturers, the administration of its own afaico; juu maialed from interraning Prod, to make the Straits. who lank rather to continental peace the univeríance & Bunte being acknowledged as nary Wat me's means of domestic prosperity, intimations to the political organisation of the Antrian empire. COMMERCIAL-The money market in vary aney, have been sent from Birmingham that the Mayor deck the bonour of a visit, whilst Sir Robert and discounts for first-rate paper can be obtained at Potter goo wop farther and absolutely refuse to 24 per cem, but credit is not good, and bills other sell Corporation Mesting to great the as-Gor- then of undoubted character are laken very cau. timely Consols continue to improve in Palus, ernor of Hungary,

The Annual Poliak Bell wel be given at Guild. sotwithstanding the unauled state of affairs in ball on the 13th, sad the following day le fixed for France.

Farther failures have increased the downward M. Kowth departure.

Her Majesty and the Royal Family coolings at tandeney of the Colonial markets, which are beigties of partive erer the Busculis is the Windson. Ouaile, where Chapter of the Garter


extremely large males of East India have Bananes, good and öns white, 88, to 40s. Bd.; jew soft gray, 25. to ate. Kaava, low brown, 23. Od ; Mannan, grainy bow whit, 11a, 10 424 mid, to good grayish yellow

was hold on the 4th inst, at which Earl Pawil lism was edited and invested with the boneure bron effected this week. bir badges of the Order. The Duke of Cambridge le shortly to be invested with the order of 84. Pa- trick at Dabbin ?zala.

20% 6.

The Director of the East India Company, at 35. BL to 37. 6d; mid. to soft gray, 290, 6d to the Coort held on the 5th inet, appointed Capt. 3le, good bright brown has been very languid, Bir Henry J. Looke, R N Superintendent of the


FRANO-The struggle bet woon the Executive and Legislative powers shows thus far en favour- able to the former, that, according to the corres podent of the Chronicle, the freest opponents or a relation of the President Dew admit that ho has the game in his own hands, and that nothing had gone imprudence can deprive him of the fall öbjecti of bis ambition." The vistosy gained by a

first parliamentary move; when the consider ston

of a Bill to repeal or amend the Electoral Law of

converted into a defent upon the proposition of M, May was gaired by a majority of 7, bas been

aboolt hats power to call out troops by General Bar, one of the Qurators, that the Amambly of ke own appointment, without ina intervention of the War Muster, which, after much angry duputation, was lost by a majority of 108. An ex

Indies Navy, in pinos of Captain Lushington, re and a decilee has been submitted to of Bd. to 18.

par owt The sales during the week bere rangad, pediat, attributed to M. There, af leiguing a panic on the night of the rejection of the Government


Mr Na Banior ??Master in Chamoory) is for Pantation good marks 57% to 60% ?i, = 12* | gill, when niêny mạmbera crowded the rooms of

named to succeed Mr Drinkwater Bethuno

gal Member of the Supreme Council

A Brevet on a more extended ecule than of late year, in which the Indian Army is to share large ly, is confidently spokes of

70s. to 714, fine ordinary to midling bold 474, so 566, good to Que ordinary 44% to 4751 triage and raggad 5. to 45; Peaberry 581 168: Native good ordinary 39. to 40. Buyers at former rates and eller at the latter.

A. Ban, and seat not patrols to watch for a sip. of dividing iba military power by showing the positious coup d'olet, so let from siding the project hocastity for a separate comasaud, revoked, odly in bringing redivalo upon the alremists. The prin of the law of May has since been virtually bound by the new Communal Hill, introduced

How in demand, at previous maten. 12190 Of $1,889 cheels declared for the goor-ciple erly males which closed on the 27kjult, about 10,000

Currun-The aules bara heen limited, as im porters hold at 408. to 414 for good ordinary Na- the market in, liawever, decidedly looking up, and parcele uṛa privately sold at the bought-in reter of

the preceding day. Common ordinary canol, bow. ever, be quoted currently at aboré 894; Plant- stion, com as ordinery, 489. 6d. to 474 ??Co lory, fine ordinary, 474, 6d in 494: Home trade kide 50 to 52; Peaberry 631. to 68. ¡ Madras,

16 324

Tea-The market has, generally, ruled fat, but the freeb arrivals of Assam Tan here gune uff st full prices being in favour with the trade for their strength and good qualitina, although inferior in appearance to the Chios lat.

IND100--Sales limited No alteration ja price. Copyon.-Amarino standy; East lodia freely

bought of full ratao.

in price.

Rics.-The salaa go off briskly at full prices. BALTTETRE-Bundy demand without relation

Console 951 to 99. Bank Stock 214j to 215) ladia Block 2821 to 2014.





AT HONGKONG, 16, Champion (Am Whaler), Bailey, from Oahu,

Ist November,

17, Corcyra, Paterson, from Macassar, 9th Dec.

6th October.

17, Nymph, T. Wilson, from Wootung. 17, Bengal (Am Whaler), Phillin, from Osha, 17, Andes, Glover, from Woosung, 13th January, 18, Red Roper, Smith, from Calcutim, 6th December

and Singapore, 2to do.

18, Bayard (Am. Whaler), Graham, from Oubo,

7th November, 18, Antelope (Am), Potter, from Whampoo, 18, 11. Montague (Am), Mix, from Whampoa. Doc.


27, Prescott (Am), Spean, from California. JaDonty,

1, Elsa, Noble, from Hongkong.


Por Nymph Me Hart and Me Durica.



PROM HOлокона.

16, Siam (Am), King, Mutila, 17, Confucius, Schul, Liverpool

19, G. If Montagué (Am), Miz, 8 America.

19, Ferdinand (Ft), Malherbe, haids. 20, Piclados (Dwi), Perry, from Amoy, 18th Jany. Jan.


were actually roll, the proportions being about a Cammilies of the Assembly, wherein the qua 7,500 for export, and 3,300 for home option.ication of three youre residence la reduced to twis

the Government took no part. A force content in |17, Bautrice (Vera), Edwarda, Callao, The subsequent purchases have been mostly at the 67 mujerity of 125, in which the Mutsis and

much enquired for. bought in priona, Bloft Bladras

Corron-Market sary 6tm, and prices lending pocted on a law to fix the responsibility of the Jan

President and Mioussars which will abortly be to advance. A parcel from Cochin China fosched afd to 44% per 16.

A Meeting of the Great Indian Pumineular Rai). way was held on the 20th uit., Lord Wharneli in the Casir, when the report and accounts were Banimously ressived and adopted. A suggestion who made by Dr Buro, in favour of Endian Shure holders, who were prejudiced by the rate of con. Terlan for the Ropes being fixed so low as a 10, The Chalan aid the rate had been approved by the East India Company, and that the Notive would get fra Rupea for the 100 whatever might be their future value. Some shares wars forsvited, and the binern terminated without any adrame prices. motion being pressed to a division.

BILE.A fair business without akecation in

I T-Mark very dull.


??The Brevet affects only two army. Oferrenos lo Chien via W.Caine, unattached, a Majoi of 1841, and A.K. Barmester of LL M. 50a angīmeni, " Quptam of 1169,- En V, or C,


14, Regina, Quinton, Singapore and Bombay. 20, Cowasjee Family, Durbam, Culeuita. Dec


- Philip Laing, Cadenhead, Calcutta






21, Tartar (Am), Webber, New York,

28, Tory, Dancso, London,

28, Philameia (Am), Jowen, New York,

20, Duke of Portland, Cavill, London,

31, Drand, McKindy, Cowen,


1, Stephen Larmm (Am), Clarke, New York.


Per Cowarje Family, OC Crane Eng Pot Beatrice, Two hundred and filly China.


The Champion on the 13th January, in Lat. 21+ 10' N. Loog. 123° 60° E., spoke the Schooner Breme 61 days from Mazatlan, and trored 4 men from her, sharged with plotting to take the vessel. On the 18th Jany in Lat. 240 N. Long, 181o E. the Chief mate of the Corcyra was murdered by a portion of the crew (Malaya) who, it is said, had it in Intention to kill the Captain' also and take the Ship

The Red Rowe on the 95th to 30th December, experienced a succession of hard Clalos from N by E. Coolios.

to North, and on the tet to 8th instal

tion of the same weather, lost Jibboon, and sprung the Bowsprit.

The Andas on her passage up carried away savaral Spara, and was delayed some time in repair-


VI Hosanone Waura, Comington,


For England.

Helen McGaw, W.

For France.

Jules Cesar, W.

For W. C. &. Am.

Caprios, W.

Bunneb, C

For Boobay.

Lord Ashley, W. Bingapore Str., H.

For Madras, Gateshead, W.

For Batavia,

Ijattie Liang, W. Pution, W

For Singapore. Apollo, H.

Wm. Gilling, W.

For San Francisca

American Packel, H.

Blesbrim, H.

Conroy, W.


Eden, W.

Emperor, H.

Geo Washington, FL.

Grace MoVan, W.

Hombury, H.

Land-o' Cakes, El.

North Carolins, E).

Orcola, W.

Robert Small, W. Teroni, W.

For Manila,

El Tiempo, W.

Jules Cesar, W.

For Shanghas. Antelope, ti.

For Amry.



Agars, barque


Albatros, chasser Albert Edward, ship Alpha, schon i

Alla, chasser

Anonyme, lurc



Weng Pretorce F. C'ame and on. Receiving chip Nor 24 hamyon Carlowlia, Harkort and os

Aug Mac Order

Jan Miltonghong Joho Bued a1é os.

Amoy Tall and es.

|Home" Fine Dest and co.

-Namos et and

Jun 14 Hongkong Hurraw. Bigphenson and co

Anthea sad o

Hongkong Jason, Mathcom and


Hongkong Rawla, Drinker and co.

Feb 10 Maco "[J. £.. d'Alwaida.

Jan 17 Hongkong Hawle, Drinker and

Alfred Wilson AN? DF.






Abbotsford, berqas

American Packet, barque Naru Andrea,brig

Bri 43 Benson Norm 150 Thes Oried-art Dut. Jours

sa Ham St Peterven Best 15 Haly



Jay Macao

Away Tali nod co


13 Sept lej

Jan Uitlongtong Wardley and o

tu Franciaos Slagapers

10 Nov 18

87 el i

Dec 1




Blach houd AT Patter Brom Hontri Brit. 397 look





104pt 20


|4athee sad es.

Sandwich Isles 184 ay Th



141 Over Portamodios


Jan 14




13 Nov


Part 214 olda


Call Forais

Jel Ost


Deo 94


40 Nov 30

Jou 14 Hongkong Mawla, Drinker and co

14% Mackey


Uet 17

Des N Amay "Telt and

to jUel


Antelope barqu Apatin, bele Athol, harg Andaxr Aren, schwer Havard, barqu Heliza bouer Braga, ship Blenheim ship Berhampora, s'p

Healices, hargne

majorinaqjee ship

Bumbay, skip Brahmin ship Canton, ARE? Canton, slaamer

Caprice, barque

1 bampion, skip

Clown. brig


158 Castes

dra Met.ohol


150 Seamas

Pero 901 James Am. 33-DAY Hr40k Part 9052lva

Brit. 15 D'Rasbe

533 Tambas

Kiver bast Hanghong




Fon Frunchat

Hanghang Martens

14 154

123 July



VOL. XI. No. 7.

Han Franciaco


Receiving abip Kacalving aly







We the


Web Francisc





- Hougking|Jardins, Malheur and as. Receiving ship -Camoewasjon i Langran

Ja hampen Lindsay sad co

Hongkong C., PROC Vágyámey

Nov 21 Whangam Nye, Varkle and co

Hongkong & Canton c

Honghong Remle Drinker and on.

w to Changbar Terner and co

Nor 3 Macas A. & de Malle

-&D. N. Camajor and on i?nesiring ship

Hongkong John Bardon

Dee #kampen tige, Parkl-ı and on.

Jan Hongkongtider

Han Francisc


-East Deal? F. Cams and Calci

and on.

Nov - Klogy Wm. Davidon

00 sepa 00 sẽng. & H'kong Jon Whampoa A, Virg

Dec 31 tlengkeng N. Birachen

Nor Amoy d'oloots Hates and eo.

Take and co

Neorieing ship


W. C. a. Amarion Early London


Clara, bilg

Sept a Housiain



Constant, ship

Cory, br

Coresis, ble

Por 50 Mager





Cowacje Family, ship

301 Dres


$1 or 15 Hongkong

soch tust.


134 134


Jas 13



Strain this

Aden, barqu

$29 uricch


Bas Franciace


133 Wa


la Des

Honor, berga



Flee or facsafer, bl.


24 Nebla


Bheagher Faith, King and so.





Amoy 1 alt doe Wooing Law, Hesir and co.



Kooni vlog ship

Nov to





Hankls, Ham

5 Nov 74


Receiving ship

Elena, barna


Fagrant, baruus

Emily Jane, ship

Imparar, ship

Emprove, barque Euroka, hip Exchange ship Fakes, dip Folkstes ship Fort, ship

Gallego, banque

Gateshead, baryes 'Gazelle, schooner

Halan McGaw, ship

Hellas, krimaphrodite

Itelelas, karque

Hanbury, káp




Landers Hantle

444 White



1911 chenciam Pra-olace



| Par/Melluten


44 Nov 1

Hough ung

Dec 91


George Washington, bi


de Probat

Ben Franciaco

49 Not 14

Oleniyo, barque


* Haddock

70 17


Good see, bilg




Nov 7

[Nov 19

Canton Str. FL

Grace Men, ulilp




Harlequin, welc



Ban Francisco

38 Det








[San Francisca


?�ept 17 Honolulu


|Slam | WeKing







Hough, ramar


River best


Hongkong barqu

13 Gerard




Loo. Bepi ta fl,

Hygeia, ship

Amy Robear


Shia, Joke 11

Jattle Long, barque





Indle, Bidy



Liv. Aug 17 9.

Emperor of Chios [Daniell

Lon Oct 19

West (Am)

May Briard

Ian Aug 270) 14.

Log Ver 23 H.

Helen Ladeny

Liv. Nov 13 IL

Independence, bil

Tone, schooner tria, barqno

aland Queen sokaaper Jules Cerar, barque Kitty, belg


29 Fergeant

Helt U-Gods




43. Mar


241 Dewant Ge


Singapore Asce-lon Hongkong


Juke 11



ed Dee t



Dee is

Run ti


Lon, Nor 19 H.

Lady Hayes, barqna

John Bright


Li. Aug 13 $

Old England


[Liv. Cat" 24[8

?را? lenseset





Nov 113

Hongkongferner and on.

Welcoll Balne nad an Kong Kang

-Hongkong) Edmond.? 40 (r'sAg Hossivlig oblp

Des 11 banghen Hull. Nye and be.

29 Whapes Jardino, Nathanon and Joly-Eat Comi Jardbis, Muheson and on Deo longhong/5m. Pusts and on

Furrow.stephansen and ev G Dedi

Loday ad


Sun Prepelice

San Francleco

# Whampoarding, walkened and so šteceiving skip


Dec 7W Holiday and co

-- Looking Jardi ", Matheson and an

Nov 24 hempos Fhomas Hust

Hongkan, John Burd and o

Amoy Sykes. Bahwabe and ou Hongkong-leagkong di Canto i op

Nool and on.

Whampoa Thomas Hut

Hebert Browne and an Amay

"yme, Aluir and co ringkongyula, Ditaker and ov


Kecriving abip

San Francisco



Jardius, &fathraes and co.though Das Ciilungkane): yms, msar and co.

Dent and on

Whampoa Jastan zad co har diary A. Benith and cu

-Common Pentine Heard and e

+longkong John Hurdant ca

Kawlo, Urioker co Canton Metrow Stephanson and se ANS

tient and m

Deo 90 Wood and

Wing and so

Chlachew Dad seed on

-Fade" for camino Matheson and

Wan Is Henghong 1. F. Edger

Türer and co.


དྷ �?༄�?�?བྷྲ�?�?ར�?�?མཿ ས�?�?�???

Fra de vie Ma Da Facly Rosalin ship SanFrance Whaler


cooling ship

??000iving ship

Dee 30 Hongkong Rawls, Drinker and te WOMEN F S ?N. M Langrams,

D. Ramesa, Bone and os

Fast Coast Jardine, Matheran and on.

Whangos King and on

Hongkong Kamin, Drinker and co.

loyer. Schaeffer and co me and co

--Camoon 1). Karena


Nov 20




506 Brat


1100 11

Fr. 261 Loves

Bonta Islands Jamey

23 Nov 1

Deo 27 Hongkong




aat Dan


137 Crawford

01 Macmalkan



400 Herac

damwich Islan

Ker 2

Chape LAS







100 Gonzales

Deo 1



947 Alle








San Franci

40 Nor


Br135 Haper

San Francisco


May tr






105 Jane to


Bet Hoophons




Jun 12 Amy Talk and



Hongkoogid. P. Eager.




Shanghe Hargroves and co.

Jan Prandice


Hall and ea

To the

739 Philpoen




Whampoa Nye Parkin and do.


Holiday, WJon








Nar 12 Hongkong Kawie, Drtoker and co

May 24 Maco J. M. de Je

Jan 17 Hongkong tent and ca


Also Halt and co

bangban Anguilas Heard and on. Hongkong. T. an

Whompetive Heard and co

--A7Jaron, Matheson ad os

Jan Hongkong MagEwen sad co


Reaalving ship

Ke elving ship


HecalFlex abip

San Francisco


New York

an Freios

Receiving ship


|Hongkong & Lanton


Lag Aug 13 £1.

Order in which the above Yoads left Englandi.

Any Robert, Buchard, Joks Bright Cathaya, J. K. L., Ees

Jakmani, Helen Landung.

Loading-At LarNDON; Paou shun, Geelong, Barprise, and Calestial--At LavauroOL; Noos.

With a company of EL. 5.'s 59h Regiment on board. EXPECTED FROM INDIA.


Apa Martin

Balmoral, Sur.

Baron of Renfrew


Catherine Apoar Cornwall


Land-a-l`ahre, ship

Linnat bite

Lord Amberat. ship Lord Ashley, buque

Loay, barque

Los, barne

Mahanale, barqan

Mahomed shah bergan

Martha schaamer Mangatzen, baryan

Manden, barqua

Mamis, brig

Manpa schooner

Micrse, barque

Neptune, barges

Nicolay lcalayan, belg



Klared, bary


N. de Luz belg

Cuningham Dom Dec 9, Martin Bora. Nov 17 FL Robertson Bom. Dec H. Corean BOOL NOT H Underwood Bom Dea 6. Fowler Cal Nov 2 (2. Mandrill

D Northumberland Borson

McCallock Bom Dec 4H, Nixon Clark


Nymph, brigantina

Onyum, belg

Checer, ship

Prescott, barque

174 Mader

tel. 37 Jerriance

A For



Per $40 volca

470 Dela

410 agerklow

33 Walte

Jel Ma Marda

Port. et Pee


But | 100 Yen


59 Crooker

Helt. Anderson

(destal barges


Necesia. ship


l'athänder, barqua

Patris, schonne

Bom Nor Wh.

Pas, bein

Bom Dec 8 H.

Piclades, barque

Eliza Morison

Hadoga, abip


J. K L

Hum Nov 28 H. Bom

Hajestien, chip


HoteNET, shly

John O'Geant

Me Donald Bom Nor


Ned Naver, barque

Jobe Wood


Bom Dea


Lord Western


Bom Oct 26



Bom Dec 6 H.

Shaw Alka Bulteos


Bom Nov 15


Bom Nov 21 H

Loading-AL BONBAY; Chippaws, Margaris, Mary Gribam, Royal Alice, Molau, Sobreon, and Bassoon Family.


Nebert small, skp

Hama, belg

Kopa arque

desct, ship

Ses Horse,

slam, barque

Bldury, brig

gapore, Kaamer

ble Calea Forbes, str.

Blakdward Kyan, arqu

Sulpa, brig

sophia, barque

Span 10 VA

Hell. Jib.B Zedlesti


Helt, 217 Wee

Brit In Thera

1200 Evan

151 Conne


Am 170.

|Part 145|Plas



alvar Goat


bolda, bilg


Spark, reamer




Briz $84

Bye, schader



Bintang Anem



Duno Deibel ¡Rachie Shewan

December 31 41.

Blogun, arque


10 Wigmen


81 Ano, schooner


Se Retaria

December 20 H

at José, schowez


¡November 28,

bahat brig


November 98

Sumatra, barque



Snush, Larque




Jing. Gam


The Hankier


Hongkan) M B



Hanghaos Sur Alis


Canton HC B



jongkong [H. M. B






La Cial



Nag H. 1945.



U. RN20endy

Fr. Rado Pla|

L. Lendon, Ly. Liverpool, thin. Weishda, Wat. Work, CT, Clyde, hand, Indurisad, Mart. Barthopal, 1816,

cudia Bom, Bomber, Tuak. Taticaela, kem Artscan, Pol.

Alligator Content


Hanghong (roll B

Nagpo.. Fil 18

Ion. Spences 21 Admiral Anten Captain A

Fast'' M. Baderom

Me Mitchell

1erwaty, barque

Thai Liew, barqa 1&pe, brig TRAI Trafalar, barque

Tilden aque Vark, achomet

View Jacoba barqa

Warlock, Lir


Mul, big

Likes, skip

Wines, brig

Win the EV, barque


bemeber. they

>wallow, barque

343|1 beson

Tanale, basque








Sti Cawle



Trewrige, bary


[247||Richardson [Bembey



AM. Boli

440 Taber

Bowie Inlands

40 Nav


un 16

Dut.¦ 24[Patron



123 IN

11 en 2




Ang 21 Niarpe



italy t

Laokong Paritas, Maibosom með ca. Rucavhighp

Nov 154 kampoo ·rabant Bratan and'on July 20

Ao Nye, Mair and co

16 Dec 411 kong Macan 3 Who Vandenberg

|--Woning Pentomies Cams and consiring skip Dec 19 Whaarpon klonkin Ranton and on.

11 Oct 1 Hengl.cng

July x Macho L. Marques

Dee Hangkong Home. Drinker and ca Jan 17

Jardins, Matheson and os For Bala

July 25 Amay syme, Muir and co

Ang 1.langkong John Burd and so.

Dec- Aney Order

-Wecanar Lindsay nod ce.

41 Den ngapore

Ian 10 Hongkong Jardins, Matheson and on





Hamstring ship


15 kampos Jardee, Machoben and car France

Away Talt and se

Head o

Thomang mall and on.

Common Pestonjed F. 12 am and so, Pepitving, ship

Not 9 Ama yan, Schwabe and on,

Lady and ce

12 Pt de Galle &c ?em-14 Hongkong O.C.Edmond,P&O.Cafe


Fiambry den,

wech Int.


Maroowopbomen and of 40005 Ari Heard and co. Meering walp

J. V. Jose

Use - -


Pastan and co



ventos A. Viegas


Hang Canto [Sydney


Due Peach L'optato


Due 21 East_optal

Sept 1

Ameye, Muir and go.


Whoop Memes.





-Wong Lindsay and co

Respiring sp

hion Stainless




Joe 2 lepo Carlowitz, Harkert and co Hobart Town

Apr Mecse [??V. 40Beefra

Healing ship




37 er 2 Hongkang




Nur Shangha Captain



-- Rocang Lindsay and co

|_ Am.]-311-Nagar

San Francisco

to his po

Zephyr achober

| Belt | 231||conn


82 U 2

Dec 28


lengkeng Wetmore and on.


Receivlog oblip


Lampen Chluchaw itong


Dec av Cam'mose Legi and os.

Esitae, Pojurur, and Pyrlijnso, py van P'ueprinton, Willian Taxmant, Queen's Road Wat Victoria, 1889




PRICE $10 per annum,

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OP CHINA AND HONGKONO GAZETTE, par Annum, La Dollars, payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, et option. Bingle Numbers, 25 omne

Communications for the Editor will be forwarded if left with T�?sun, Stationer No. 349 Queen's Road -fourth house wind of the Oriental Bank, where apare onpica of this Papar mig also be obtained. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Tan lines and under, 1 Dollar; additional, 10 centeline. Repetitions one-third of the first inversion, ships, -Pirst invertion, 1 Dollars; subsequent Insertions 45 cents. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they with be published until countermanded. Full charge made for repetition of any Advertisement In the Ovantano lume.






THE PRIMULAR AND OBI- ENTAL COMPamy's Simoth- Bhip "SINGAPORE," Will leave this for the above places on Friday the 30th of January, CARGO will be received on board until 5. m. of the 28th, and Tamatuna until Noon of the 29th,

O. EDMOND, Superintendent.

P. ¿O. 8. N Co.'s Office.

Hongkong, 16th January, 1882,


THE floe British Ship "CONSTANT,"

538 Tans Register. Captain Coommur,

~~ will be despatched for the above post on

or about the 19th January next.

For Funtour Apply to,

JOHN BURD & O. Hongkong, December 80th, 1881.

FOR BAN FRANCISCO. THE Fine British Sbíp BLENHEIM, A. I. 608 long buttken, A. 8. MOLLION Commander, will meet with

quick despatch

This has splendid scommodating for passungete for which, or freight, opply so


Elongkong, 20th January, 1852.




Ex "Land ofʻ-?akta,"

Mastells Pale and dark Brandy, Buperior Old Tom,

TN consequence of the retirement of Mr. Cwantun

SANDERS, The firm of Walkinson & Sambono | PA88' Pale Ale, has been dissolved, and, in future, will be signed in liquidation only. The other partnere lo the late firm(Mr. Alvard Wilkinson, Conion, and Memora DANIBEL, DIOXINGON & Co. London) will coa. tince the business under the Style of ALFRED WILKINSON & Co.

Canton, 18th December, 1851.


THE basinom of the Undersigned from this data will be conducted under the Firm and Biyle of BRANDAO & Oo. and Mr Joað BartorA Gowns and Me Jonn Firtratals are admitted Partnars thecoin.


Canton, 1 January, 1852.


Palo Sherty,

Table Forks and Brocos,

Wellington Boots, Oxford Shoes (10)

A Hand toilet glasses,

Day books and Ledgers, White Camimere,


Le Diaries for 1962, Lady's and Gentleman's Black, colored, and

white kid gloves, in good order. Marryatt'e Bigoala Latest Edition.


Victoria, 17th November, 1861.

ER BASSOON DAVID BASSOON is this day JUBT received per "Romant Small." by the

admitted a Partoor in our Firm.

DAVID SASSOON BONG & Co. Canton, 11th Septembar, 1851.



TR CARB LUCAB is admitted a Pariner lo

our Firm from 19th May 1851.

MACKERTOOм & O.. Canton, 15th Angam, 1881.


IR LAWRENCE R. BELL is authorised 31 to sign our Firm by procuration.

CONSTABLE, WOOD & Co Manila, 1 December, 1851.


THE first ainsa British abip RO-TE interest and responsibility of Mr Reginald

BERT SMALL 610 tons per re-

gister, carrying an experienced Surgeon, brali Masing will land at Hongkong for the stors þort, and karo šarlý Vedphisk?"


Whampoa, 20th January, 1852.


THE House and Grounds of Glausal

For further particulars apply at the Df- Seu of Mesra DENT & Co. Hongkong. Nh December, 1851.

TO LET. THE House on the Bouth side of Gungh Street, lately occupied by Mr J. G

Apply to,

Victoria, 1st Angmac, 1951.



FOR SALE. TOGETHER or parately, those four Flauren situated on Loi 90, two of them having a frontage on Bollywood Read, the other two on Gough Street.

Apply to


No, I Wellington Street, Victoria, 23rd December, 1851.

FREDERICK Bewoneron in our mood on the 81st ulumo.

REMINGTON & Co Bombay, tel Augusi, 1881.


copartnership Tundsigned have formed a cortar Buat Singapore, under the style of WOL 0OTT & Co.

JAMES H. ADAMS, from Boston, WILLIAM DREYER from Hamburg, HENRY G. WOLCOTT of the Gr of WOLCOTT, BATES & Co., Shanghas and Canion.

Gingapore, 1st April, 1861.

AMICABLE INSURANCE OFFICE. THE Underolgued, karlag been appointed Agents here for the above office, ne prepared to grant Polioles payable in London, Calcutta, BOMBAY, and CANTON,

Canton, 13th January, 1852.




Fine Glenlivet Whiskey,

Pale Bherry.

Do. Ale, Bato'.

Pilot Cloth Pea coats. Zamke wool, Worsted, Cotton and Thread


Rodgers and Bona Penknives and Razors. Hodgers' Table cutlery.

Dish Cowere in dela.

Powder flaske.

hot Belu-double and single.

Leather Cigar Caves,

Coffne raille

Prica's Wax Candles.

Also per OVERLAND an amortment of Gold

pencil cases and penholders and a few articles


Pills and OINTMENT;


Extract of a lettor, dated Madras, Junu 10, 1946 trous F. I, Scott, Esq. Bib Light Davalry, De- puty Avalant Quarter Master General of the Army.

To Professor Holloway.

KR,--"I have much pleasure in adding my testimony to that of the many who have certified to the excellence of your Ointment, but my object in addressing you is, obiely, to draw your attention to a messs by which its value may, I think, become still more generally appreciated and appliol.

In this country there is a disease call Buredi (frum Bursol, rein); la commerces and prevails to the greatest extent during the rainy weather; it is confined, I believe, exclusively to Horat. A valu able Buste of mind caught it in a march during the Monsoon all the usual remedios were applied in vain; indood it is a disease which I bave never seen cured, for when once laken it s?as becomes rooted in the constitution. It shows itself by large foul angry sores over all parts of the body. For eight months my Herts had specially bed, baring had thres large sores on bis fore-legs, Fortunately and thought that, if the Chelmont did so at length I saw your advertisement in the papers, much for mankind, there was no reason why Horsen, &c. should not equally bonefit by it. The first Poi did wonders, and three or four cured the places in six weeks. (The writer further states, "that from the lure having bitten hinwelf, a sore appeated on one of the old places, but this a rapidly giving way to the Ointment)" I remain, Bir,

Your obedicat servo",

F. SCOTT, 8th Light Cavalry.

The truly invalible medicines ra. be pro

will adopted for Christmas and New Year presencored at the Brabluhnem of the Undersigned

in richly Ornamented Boxes and Poin togelber BOWRA & Co. with Directious for the Guidanco of Patients allized Hongkong, 16th December, 1851.

to sach Box and Pol.

FOR SALE. Ex Viscount Sanden."


esired by the above vessel,-

Prime Wiltshire Chorse, Prime_York Flams.

Bloom Reielne, Jorian Almonds, Frock Olives. Ryal Standard Vinegar made entirely from Mali, Naval and Military Bauce Worcester and Royal Zest Sauce French rod English Pons, Preserved Meats of every description.


An Invoice of Stationery.

Per late Arrivals.

Dublin Bloot in Boule, Campbell's Edinburgh Pale Ale in Battle, Prime Stout in llogahend, Hodgson's Pale Ale in Hogshead, Superior Pon, Sherry, English Bottled Claret, Champagne, Hoek, Maril's Dark and Pale Brandy, United Vineyard Company's Brandy, Glenlivet Whisky, Old Tom, Jamaica Rum, &ó..., &e, all in excellent order.

Nos & Wooanam's Buildings, Hongkong, 9th December, 1861.


THE undersigned, having been appointed Agentaived 130 Case of Superior Holland Gin,

for the above Ooo, are prepared to effect In- mstances against fre, on Buildinga and Goods, In Canton and Hongkong, including merchandise lo RY and Secure Biorage of perishable or olber native Packhouses.

at the Godowns of

DRY oderate charges,

Wool Paint.


Victoria, Hongkong, 3rd January, 1859.

In the Belate of Amanam Jopuru Birlay, late of Victoria deasased,

| LL parties having any claime on the above A Estate are requested to forward the same with accounts and vouchers to the undersigned forthwith. Persone Indebted to the Estate are also requested to pay amounts of their debta respectively on or before the lat day of March next.


Administrator to the Estate. Hongkong, 23rd December, 1851,


THE Business hitherto carried on under the name of MANEDALLY MOTABHOT & Oo, in thìa ?ây closed, and will lo future he conducted by Mr. ERBA NOOROOder the firm and style of Afl. MEDBHOY RHAIMTOOLLA.


Canton, 8th January, 1859,


THE Business of the undersigned will, from thle data, ba carried on wader the firm of Benter & Co.

FRANCIS B. BIRLEY. Canton, 1st July, 1851

HOLLIDAY, WIBE & Ca Canton, 14th Augum, 185),


sizes, also Nails, by

which they offer at a low figure.

Hongkong, Oth December, 1851.


(BT ROYAL Letteri Patent.) THIS warivalled patent consists in the attach- ment of a moroable Comb Guard to the ordin.

ENGLISH and Dutch Bheathing Copper of all 77 Razor, et nicely adjusted that, in theoperates | of shaving, the skin cannot be cat whiletbe heard is being removed. These who have never provi ously shaved can shave themselves without fear, or the aid of a glass, or on board ship in the midet Tempestuous weather. It is invaluable to nervous, paralyzed, blind, the timid, or most awkward shaver.

ANTHON & Co. Hongkong, 14 Ontober, 1850

Ex "Land-o'-Camus." JUST landed an amortment of very experior The patent bas bean most extensively patronize-

Scotch Twoods,

by the officers of all ranks of the United and Bon-

blo E. 1. C. Barrios. MOEWEN & Co.

Queen's Road, Victoris, 22nd November, 1951

JUST OPENED AND FOR SALE. QELECT Batches of vary superior old Glendivet Whiskey in bottle :-Dark and Pala Oranly -Hollands Gin-Cordist disto, Fine fruity Part |?�Dark, Golden, and Pale Sheries, - Londen hal-

tled Stout and Purter, Base' Pale Ale &o, &c.

Home Fine Salted Balmon in Jura.

MoEWEN & Co Hongkong, Queen's Road, 80th Bepi, 1961.


desirable amorum?ni of Buriz?, collected chiefly on the Coama of Ceylon and the Atau cilma.


Queen's Road, Victoria,

Tih November, 1851.


la made of a highly prepared and compressent leather, has all the efficiency of a bone and pre- serve the edge of the Raroë in the most perfect


Plain Rexors, Penknives, and Scion of every arription warranted of the first workmanship.

C. STEWART' & Cu Patenties 22, Churing Crom, London, may be hail at all the tires Pros). dención and all tho príncipal chies in the East Indies N. B. All C, Stewart & Co.'s Codery fine the brand Plantagenet thot on, and is made of their celebrated Planinganet Steel olemically prepared,

PROTESTANT THEOLOGIAN is desir A our of oblaiding a situations Tutor in a European family. Apply to A. Z. care of the Editor of this Paper.

Victoria, Hongkong, 12th January, 1862.


Queen's Road, Victoria



Postareda, Maca


THE undersigned his established a large BA- KKRY. and guaranteen to supply any quanti. ty of CABIN sod SHIP BREAD at short no Lice,-

cents per lb.


PILOT BROAD,.........


warranted to keep for Six Monthe in any Climate. Contracta entered Into with Departments, Com. manders of Vessels, &c. for regular supplies.

THOMAS HUNT, Whampoa, Oth November, 1851


THE undersigned being about to leave Chins, requests that all accounts may be rendered for liqullation, and payment of outstanding dabis made in him, aliliar as individually, or in his cape- eity of administrator to the Estate of the late



Victoria, Hongkong. 14th January, 1852

THE JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN AR- CHIPELAGO AND EASTERN ASIA. Ethonology of the Indo-Pacific islands. By J. R,

Logas, Esq. Coronation &c. of the King of Siam.

Torres Strait.

Sketch of the Steam Route from Singapore to

N. B. L'attles In China wishing to become subscribers will please forward their names and at- frees to the office of the " Friend of Chios cd

ilongkung Gazeta,"

Victoria. 18th December, 1851.

FOR SALE At this ?rvice. TITCHED copies of a Heview of the Trade of

Sbangkac, F650, as printed at the Office of the NORTH CHINA BALD

Price fiftycents.

Friend of Chine Office, 10th October, 1851.


DON BALE at the Office of this paper 1-


03 N.


. forthe Peninsular and Ori-

notul Company's diamer.




Siercamile forme nad other work printed wh

expedition at the customary rates.

Hongkong, 20th January, 1852,




have carly despatch for the above gra? port ; for Fruzone or Pardaos,

Apply to

ANTHON & Co. Hoogkong, 23rd January, 1852

FOR SAN FRANCISLO. THE Barque ANN WELSHI," will 11 be despatched an above on the 17th proximo, hus excellent Cabis accom modations for Fasion of Pabbage, Apply to

ANTHON & Co. Flongkong, 23rd January, 185%.

(Recticed to late for insertion in last isuwe } CELESTIAL THEATRE, CANTON. THIRD NIGHT OF THE SEASON.

On Thursday, the 22nd January, 1882 ??MOST UNWARRANTABLE INTRUMON

Will be a?mmitted by Ma, RAYMUR, To the annoyance of M? 09MOND, After which,








Quanteur,-Hail Smiling Horn-Spofforts, III. QUARTETT, See our ours with feathered spray

Boy Baykond home---Rooke, TRIO-----!ørk the lark,------Cooke, Soto, Piano,





VIL CAVATINA, Modali-Nelson,

VIII. THCO VINain. To all ye Ladine.-Caloon,


Colonies; and it is hereby declared, that any Co where Two or more auch Justices are required sa act jointly. One of the said Consular Officers o foreid shall be and is horeby authorized to act alone.

fadrmaky Clame.

II. And be it further enacted and ordained, That no such Consular Offcer no aforesaid shall be subject to any Suit ar Proceeding whatever, for any Act or Acw hereto. fore done by him in his Official Capacity with the iulant of carrying out or enfurcing say Provision ur Provisions of either of the nformaid Aets.


Passed the Legislative Connell of Honghong

this 18th Day of January, 1898.


Clerk of Councils.

To the Editor of the Fuinny or CHINA.

Honghong Bind Jaumary, 1882.


??We have reorived nevarallatsero, during the new days, working Information, and will endeavour to BusTI their enquiries rectly. Alpha-Has Eathless bees beaten by any other horse

chas Guliah 1 Yes, in 1830 be Great Western, who was ridden by Captain Klag Giant Western was on Arab!

4 Young



Jock-Not you seed so repass the winlo pom, but if a dead best you must be weighed or your fellow jockey can claim the eap. Rule 18 Cane-We cannot of a ortainty say who the

dern will be. but should may under the advis of a sporting friend, that the monni Will M.

Quer of Clube.








Maggie Lauder Colla B

40 cwl.-Mcast. Goods, £3. 3 per ton of bo cubic foot.

Exchange.-On Longue & months sight 14. Bd. On Calcutta-Directors', accepted, 220.


About 5,000 tone of Mercantile Shipping at Colombo, on 16th December, all British saven of which were loading for London-one for Bombay, and four destinations onkowe- Freights quoted boing. Coffee £,, to 3,16, Cinnamon Oil 21,10-Pfurabago £3- The following ships were expected at that Lieut Clark both port Lady Bundys," Bydney," "Lydis, " Chalmera," Emex, *" Margaret Conuel," "Bharp."


W. Dent, Beq

Naval Or



R Jarla, Bog

- Owner

& T~The judge decides the race; but basmo power to order the Sunward to give up the Stakes. The Rewards are scially the Bupreme body.

SIR-I buve always noticed in your piper the erere, though proper, temarks upon the Revenue and Expenditure of this Colony, and Cricket "Lam Stop "We believe the match between know the readiness with which you will allow me to draw my fellow citizens' attention to the hang of the account of such matet. To the Religious and moral, to the Clergy of all denominations, it is

ley oppraise the Grand Bland. We caRBOI give the names of the two el?vana, bai elli sa- deavour to do so in ar arat

Bate set on by the rule of orice if he did

Exchanges.-On London 6 m. 1.-6 to 7 dis- count-nothing doing.


the 39th and all China is âlized for the Saturday Forty-four Merchant vesmis in harbour, fra of the Race week, and to come off lathe Val loading for Loudon,-four for Liverpool,- soven for China-four for the Braits-two for Moulmein-one for Mauritius--one for Ceylon -one for Cachin-two for ports in lodis, and seventeen with destinations not given.

Freight.-To Lion or to Liverpool, £2,10 to 9415.

T1 China-15 to 18 Rapsen por Kenʼiy. Exchange--On London

m. s. 2. f.

out grow the "popplag crear.

Mr Galty's colors

Thapper"...Bine and Walle is

--bis jockeys always ride in white. M. 8---Bottled under advice.

The Nobleman mentioned sports the1 Tartes "

The land enqutiles art gouwered bave in wait cos- Nideration for tear of leading. The doings at the Corner" will appear on Wednesday.

anything but a matter of congratulation to bad that spirit dealers and ponobrokers, the trades whigh, read together to demoralize the people more than any others, represent an increasing sa, ply to the revenue; and tile too whom the Ecclesiastical and Educational expenditure hove increased from 2071 To. 2d. to 2014 Ba Id-thia la a zorkova matter for the Right Reverend Bishop's consideration, and may be subject of soms momuit to the clever aeration in the Surveyor General's Office I thus people of Exeter Hall. I del again but little T received £1,216 On 3d for superintending Werks last year, that worthy functionary and bis Stad to the amount of barely that sums, the whole of which superintendence might be done by one foreman, and save the Colony £800 a year at least.* The Harbour Master's Othe shows decreasin Expenditure of £184 19s Dd,, and to it usight; as a

Wirgman, Master, for Port Phillip and Van Letter Bag by the Dutch Bark Sphyns, Diemen's Land, will be closed at the Office of Mosers John Burd & Co. at 4 v. m. to-day.

& Passos boat hence to Macao, the other

On China 293.


petre per Ton of 20 cwl. £i, 5 to Londoa.

Freig Ala-Last quotations-Sugar and Salt- The following extracts speak volumes.-

The whole to conclude with the Extravaganza of | usmless, but exuargani appendage to that night, was attacked by Pirates off Baw-Chow. Shipping in the river, and freight in Gras clṣou You


dy-Me Raymar,


by Mr Montagus, Bylvester Daookswoon. by Mr John Reeve,

In which character he will increduce, Imitations of Celebrated London Performers and the Trial of Bardell V. Pickwick for breach of promise of Marriage.

CHRONOMETERS, WATCHES, CLOCKS &c. DARKINSON AND PRODSHAM Chronomater Makere to the Lords of the Adinirety and Hon. Enel India Company's Servios, beg to call manfacture of their Chronometers, Waithes, and Clocks, no porad by the number of prizes awarded to the Chronometers made by them sent on public trial to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and the reports published of their superior performance in abu vurlone solcntlão reyagos under Gaprains Rom, Parry, Freakin.

Business fona to have arrived at a deplorable state is Calcutta, where there are 90,000 To

bis duwo to £2 for Sugar! All imports are produce. To complete the melancholy sisters, money scarce and the Bansur dealers quing, as wows.-Madras Spectator N, 17.

has been away for twelve months The Aos and plundered of every thing of valua. No selling at a loss, and every one is afraid to beg I think should at once be reduced to its present blood was obed. The Police have taken de force, without tacking ea to it the exiraragual | positions in the matter from a sufferer,-a rom. Mr Manialiui expresses it, to the damaktiot, bem-:

dent here.


and unsucessary expense of its absent bakier. t. the judicial depertinent but little alteration la par- ceivabl; but I hear the worthy judge, who le f think one of the best jalke functionaries in the place, is about to proceed heme and that Mr At torney General Stirling will be upon the bagh, my fellow citizens then, sound and eloquent, Lawyer, like Judge Heliar, should find some higher field for his talenta ture for Alles nad Ghouls; this year It amet I regret to kaa growing increase in the pad. between £9,000 and £9,000 notwithstanding the

Aw inquest was held, yesterday, on the body

st Calentia as low as 15e dd, par too! the Fire We understand that freights have been engaged

of a nauve of India, by namo Shaikh Hussein, | trade tide having flowed up the Hooghly; but ameli formerly a Police Constable here, and latterly urgent this for ship owners to uphold ike one of the crow of the Clipper Schooner Adras Atheneum, Dec 9.

bonour and glory of the mercuatile marion. -Ne day, on board of which vessel he was found, in the afternoon of Thursday, suspended to a bean in the forecastle, and quite dead, Vanmor


Four English and three French Shipe in the Freights--Nu quotation,

the attention of the pablio of India to the superior | mystifinution of the acouunt "exaluelve of establish. | accordingly. It is suppound that docensor/onda, 5 of the 7 were loading for Europe.

Tory strongly recommend to the Gentlemen of the Naval and Military Services their improved da tached Laver Watchra, at being specially adapted for horse exercise, and a being subject to stop or be otherwise affected.

is." Without, however, more partieplarly twaing the particular items thatahould be aortofely canvassed, most ask my flow chin as to ously consider what meane osa be taken es reduce the colunial expenditure and increase the Toranus,

I am, dir.

Your obedient Servant, CITIZEN.

??Not while Hoogkong moralne a flovernor who wants pretty plesures drawn for every little me Duplex Watches, Pocket Chronometers, Cat-improvements Guverner, who, like the present, has rings Clocks, &a; which can be forwarded by the peter. It is believed, lace be feat came here, walled Overland Mails, and insured to their destination. from one rod of Queen's Roal to the other. If a

dreaded the cold weather on the const; and, for sonawhat the same reason that Chinnear at- tempted to destroy the Demis, bo destroyed


Oun record of arrivals of Mail Steamers at Honghoog givos the 20th as the earliest.and 90th, the latest days of such arrival in the mosh of January, during the parind that there has been direct communication with England ; a moan of the past six years showing the 92nd or 93rd as


All orders mtel be accompanied by a reosittance Surveyor General can manage the Government of fan that, with the P, & 0. 8, N. Co,'s old appli de dreadfully mutilated; be removed bim lo

or reference for payment in London; or the amonst may be paid to theu Agents in ledla on delivery of the goods.

4 Change Alley, Cornhill, Londen,

An Ordinance for Her Majesty's Subjects within the Dominions of the Emperor of Chios, ar within any Ship re Vessel at Dienace of not more than One Hundred Miles from the Coast of Chios.

(From the Chinz Mail, Jany, 18) HONGKONG


BY His Excellency Sir SAMUEL GEORGE BONHAM, Raight Commander of the Most Innorable Or der of the Bath, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Depen- dencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same. Har Ma jesty's_Plexipotantiury, and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Bubjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong.

An Ordinanca fær inorating "Her Thie.

Majesty's Conile in China with

the Power of Justions of the Pocs, far as way be requisite for anforclug the das Observance of certain Provisions of Two Acts pazard in the in- perial Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland - namely -- The Góneral Merchant Seaman's Act," and The Mercantila Marino Act, 1850"-

(13th January, 1862) Preamble. Whereas it is dermed expedient

tình Her Maj ey's Consulue Of ficers within the 'mons of the Emperor - China ahouki have Puwer to enforce the due Ob servance of the Provisions aforesaid :

Cousalar Od 1. Be it therefore acted and!

eer with their

rospective Juris diedown empo ered to carry out soch Provisions ofrbe"Merchani

Bear's Ac, and "Mercantile Marian

busb, each a fanationery colt condnet each a governances,) on which the Mail might have been look

more effelantly, it may be, than it is now educted ment on this sleo; and, if a welding meo, a great deal ed for. With continued reports of rough weather


outside there was therefore good reason on the

trata are performed for the Harbour Master by site : part of those who took odds against, the arrival appears from the representation of the Cap


In the China Mail's inuo of, thie morning (Thursday. Seoul mutsall be en so MƯA H�?TH arrival of the Brig" Coreyra," with the parti culars of the inurder of the Mato. It is a pity that parties who profoss to be pablic organeto what are sometimes crroneously called facts.

iako greater care in guring publicity to The case stands ther. No blow was struck by the mate when he was attacked. The Captain being apprised of the row on deck went up and saw the Mate clanbering up the the cabin where he lingered fourteen bours. The Captain never put the men in irons, and when the men of war boats went alongside, the men were unsuspectingly furling anils" tain that the men thought they were upon the coast of New Guinea, and that they wanted-the vessel; they make no complaint against their that the Mail had already reached Hongkongordared into the cabiu, and last them to bolews treatment in the vessel. The men, the Captain suspected of being the authors of this net, he' and between I sod 29. M. of Friday the 10th e espected the other part of the crow, thus be the mail was landed there, something like sloeplemly remained for four days and nights.??twenty Hours after the Singapore cast anchor in Hongkong harbour. Absent, we were unable to imue an extra, as usual, un the Mail's ar rival, but the present number supplies copious

length of time taken up in selection, precluding extracts from Indian and other journale; the notice of several maiters of general local in-

Civian forgets that the duties of Marine Magios stipendiaries during Me Peddar's abonen ; and an that of the Singapore before the 18th at earliest. gentleman is a thoroolibri deller, we doubt what To our surprise, however, the non-arrival at their performance in Breed with a much antibogan.

before. We shall not regret to a Me Canton of the H. & C. Co.'s Packet at the pro. Pedder resume vice, malgre the

??sapeus. - Fo Clites in his time of Mr Stirling, who, wanting it

??We must omit this part, med beg to didike win per hour on Thursday, the 15th, told the tale is true, in many of the evnenitate of a gond pleader, la possessed of two main qualifications for Judge, of being a sound and experienced Lawyer (apwake of to years standing at the kar we bellero) and her acter, for honour and Integrity, unimpeachable.-K. DKATHA Bingapore in the 28th December, JA Scorp f*2+na, & quire, aged 47 your.

New Advertisements will be rousived until 7 O Clock NOTICE. on the Evenings previous to publication, vix: days and Fridays. If one or hien copies are re quired of the larwes in which an Advertisem?�torest," so inserted, and applied for during the period for which publication is ordered, no charge will be made for such copy copla

England Onked Stam Caleita Bunany


! Bydney

C. ule, Hope Rao Pranciscu


Nov. 4, Sandwich Islands Nov. 10 Oct



5 Laboan


1 Slagaporn

Dre 14 Mailla


15 Shangh

Ool 7 Amoy

Dre. Ningpo

Der.. 9


Dee. 31

Jan, 14 Jan, 1



ordined by Hu Excellency The ViorUNIA SATURDAY, JANUARY 1418, USI Governor of Blangkong and Chief Superlatendent of the Traile of

for Majesty's Subjecte in China,

with the Advice of the Legislative Conseil of Eungkong, That evtty British Cuneul, Vica Con-

1656," as are by sul, and Consular Agent, and all



Led Culo

the sald Acta en


Persons duly appointed to



Which stand over for sextious.

(Axtract from a letter datni Launceston, Fan

Diamens Land, 21st November, 1881.) "The gold Baldo in Port Phillip, or as it is now

ferous than those of California. pounds a weak-they are apparently more auri. called Victoria, are yislding about thirty thousand We are expecting

??great influx of population from Europe, which must prove advantageous to us in many respects, It will, trust, for ever swamp or absorb our eman- alpial element, and raise the moral tone of our e-

At the request of several mercantile friends rerouted in shipping busloem, we have collect-ciely, which is but too low. ed the following shatract of supping in, and rates of freight at, foreign porta.


We have had a great full in the four market this hot week. it fall from 225 to wet er svon oine a too, and many of the heartless apsonlatore in the staff of life, have not only burnt, but hot,

About 10,000 tons of merchant shipping in their fingers. In this little tome, which de01610 port-bis 18 British-8 American-1 PortuguIf report speak tree, a thousand tone; and Sydney not more than seven thoumnd sozila, there are new, -3 French- Austrian- Spanish-9 Bally-Dutch and Brenien Total 82 Ves-ala: ostinations of 14, only. given. Freights-To London and Liverpool -

Tin £2 per 20 owt. Coffee £3 per 18 ew1. Measurement Goods #3, 10 per 50 cubic

Bachange.-On England :- Oriental Bank 6 months sight 49. bd. On China-1 per cent premium. Ou Calcutta-Directors Bills Rs. 2174


Abot 3,500 Tons of Marcantile Shipping (exclusive of antive Craft ) ; vis, 8 British - American and Bramen-Total 10 vasola




Rise Sets

8,42 0,42

6,42 || 11,7 11,44



6.-12 6.16

6.42 5.44 0,35 1,00



the destinations of 8 given.

lo Apogee on

Current Rate of Freight to Londo

t-mporarily in any such Capneuy 95 Sunday

shall be and are hereby authoris | 20 Maday

ed to exercise within their peetiva Consular 27 Tenday

Jurisdiction any of the P...wers which are by - iber

fb and Imperial Acts committed to be Justiers Moon bras quarter un the 9th,

of the Peace in mad for any of Llor Al-jony's, the 27th.

has been inundated with wheat and four from Ca forois and Valparaiso and there is every pros pet of an abundant harrast-so that there will be, for the new comers, saaugh and to spare. No gold has been, as yel, discovered in this had; meny parties are, however, looking for k, and the large award which is to be paid to the fortunate disco. verer. I fell it a luxury to be able to sleep at night In this Colany, undisturbed by the mequitoon. It in so different from 8ydney or Melbourne, in that respect. Our elections, with one EXON KON; DIE

* 61,5.

Neither in our informant slingsther prifect in his detail, we think. However, se tihe tried of tho vùr who nee cpmunitie ed (two ma a okazje så toorder and fame Sve obling and oh- more chain in already known to the geblas. Capoia ing) Gurne

Ezt month, we do not think it proper in

who he was placed, was preseworthy is the atte

and, wed-wht not, will be duly appreciated by both owner

tea lo a noveco gale, that the unf-rate mese ?sa araoned and throw everboard Hed the engulded with the ma Lowe, Copiado Paterod's fae would have bova zasjed

Tio, £2.5 per 20 cwl,-Sugar, £3. 15. per weet deebi. Fortunately be proved faithful.

over, and nane but an?l transportalkooiste have bee

mored. I think the gold discovery in the Col. saire circamjsoent will put an end to the sealing of criminals from England to this little island."



Rhoniah fem or 28, 86 Dolcb ells above the level of the se. The light is a fixed cats dioptria appa calue of the lat hind 4th magnitude, and is visible at from the deck of a ship at a distance of fram á to 2 German miles.

Captain Carry and the crew of the late Ship Brodie, arrived here few days ago in the Booth owen from Labuan. It would appear that the Boti grounded on reef about three miles to the wai- ward of the island Mangalam, on the North West Court of Beraso, on the 15th November-test, after three days of think, haay and squally weather. was found impossible to get the ship off and aké

(From the Overland Star, Dommber 6.) Not having any very exciting kowe for our Indian readers, we cannot preland `to despatch a vary intresting budget for our Julialı frivade, but setko ohiaf nowa caughtalunya ia come dret, wa will commence at this mod. L?s recsing the Pre- serpine. II - Cựu Blumer, teturord fena Rangoon, with Captain Latter on bonra, bearing drapatches began to fill fat, the water gaining on the pampa at the rate of diss fort per hour. Under the air. from Commodore Lambert to the Government of India. The purport of these d-apnich 10, we cumstances the C'aplain and seven gramen started la the pinnace for Labuan to sook aasialaner, leav liers, that the Commodore has conceded to the

ing the rest of the olleers and crew on the wreck. Rangoon selborities period of thirry fun days fram ble arrival, wherrin to expisia, to render patio- On the 18th, at 9 p.m. a ba?vy gule asias sa from fection for the past, and give security for the future, the 8.8. with rain, and a very heavy sen got up st This is nothing more than what is raliowat, just, midnight, branking over the ship sad wesking and fair; bat although time is given, it is strictly || sway the gig during the night. As the trusel was limited to what is necessary for the above objects, completely bilgad and appeared fast breaklog up, k and there will be no apata laure for temporising judged, prodent to allow her, and the-per- duns remaining on der left in the boxts on the morn conceded. Mattern inant new snow come to a

riale. Our hule war in the portowest goes on in of the 19th and no the 22nd were picked up by. us such ware generally do'slowly and pouily. Bi

the barque Lady Ross, which had procended from Labuan in search of ike wrack end the persone Colin Campbell and the force under his command are slowly eating their way, so it ware, intu the

la on The Lady Roses, allor teaving Labuan, made the wreck on the 21st and signalized it boi mountain coetry of the hostile tribe beyond our

no answer was made, so that it was conjectured North West trontier, and builling forts"an they

that it had been abandoard, but very heavy wou proceed, la order to keep up their line of commu

that coming un, ti could not be visited at that time. sation, which is us yet the only diiculty, there Next day the Socia's boats were picked up with having baco up to the date of last despatches wo

gating worth motion. Strange to may, the Moolan the people in them in a very exbused sale. The farco bea been ordured to take the field for service

gale continuing, the Lady Ragis was carried out of her course as far as the Bouiti and of Palawan, immediately, leaving only a sufficient guard to hold

plece, but their debation le unknown, although and it was not until after several days that she again made the scene of the wreek when it was it is suspected to be Upper Boinde or somewhere

found that the Bootie had completely broken up. there abouts. As yet however the officers of the Jorde know nothing whalovih sortain as to its real

The Lady Roger picked up two bales of potion, the main topsail and topgallant yarde and then re and ultimate dostiuation, whlab cannot much longer

turged to Labuan where she arrived on the hat ist romalo secret. Except at Raogeon in the Both East and about Peshawar in the North West, ant. The long beat and paasss of the Scotiewe understand were afterwards purchased by Afr. Ta all is tranquil, and the general peace is undisturbed.

vapor, who left for the wreck with some divera Bán not by may means curtain howeves that it will

Free Prem Dec. 28. lang voštalo so, no the Burmess affairs may swell from manacing negociation into expensive warfare and another out pour from our treasury be requir??od. This would be much to be deplored at sha present time, when an.much is being done and con Dupland for the internal improvement of the smpire, but we sens dustioed never to have a long dontiavome passo in Ash. The only great of domestic interest since the Mail in the Jamant- od death of Mr Reddie, Arst Judge of the O-louis Small Case Court, who fall a victim to Obolera on the 29th of last monik, mora ganarully regrated and balorad se s just Magistrato and an aimable i member of Boolety than any person who departure frack htườngel as, we have ever had ovession ta record. Beyond thle the Obituary since la meil

(From the Bingapore Free Press, December, 12.)

Ladun-By late arrivals we have advives from this Colony to the sad of November. The árat batch of Convicts had arrived from Ilongkong, considing of two murderers, two pirais sad the Fant persone convicted of robbery &c., with vio Javos,

The revenue farms were lately let at following rate, per inasson, showing a considerable incremen on the previous builf pour :---

-is an bis progress through the Punjab, and she, Ganja or Baang

of +xortion go.

in, we are glad to say, scanly and said of names of Oplom

sete and one-dersties. The Commander in-Chief Spirit

Gotor denial to'an kid way down to Cálcuit,

but slowly and thu a vjonroy; so far as the absence

Er businage in canearned, in serinin to be a bad one, Freights are new lower in Calentta than has over hawa known disse the British Ang Grat How in the Hooghly, but there is a certainty of these gloomy | wund. similars working their own oure, and those who


From Jang, to 30th Jana.





lat July to


31st Deo.




Trade is dui," and the Ozemercial amason as far ¦ (From the Bas Francisos Daily Herald, Nov. 10)

There has been a steady business done, bet the country buyers continue to be Inse aumerous than

Belee of Flour are made in lots of 50 to 100, at

may Bo Lare to see the cold water of 1852, will 811 50 for helves and quarters wized Gallego

des a prosperous and stirring tms, and plenty of business being done at cheating tutan, The Breest of the th of November in England has been ex- ching the hopes and speculations of the military body, whom it's proposed Umited sweep has some- what depassen sad disappointed. As we have aid the political and social affairs within our from tar during the past fortnight are happily mainte. Fasting 1, and, we have given below a full summary of all the mare important kanet.

Teisman has heard of a report in town ta frend scurred in Canton, and much proper. By destroyed; Proca Quodesivas being awinated at Bity ho similar cond-gration here might remier the drooping spirits of the Calcutta import


sells for city use at 011 75 012 per barral

Barley ln hold at 60. with firmaess. Dark Manila Bogar has been placed at 440. per 16. vnd one sale of 150 bags light has come under our notice at 48. par lb.

Franck Sperm Candles have been sold at 371?? e 3c.; American at 43 a 440. ; ndemantine at 350. per 16.


D.y Good sell slowly, without any variation in Cuals have farther improved ; a male of Walsh has been affected at $25 per ton.

European Interference in the Cuba Questina...

thou entice the tumor of a European ageol The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore

sent to Washington to look after the affairs of Cuba From the same paper we learn that Major Bat-

Some curiosity is felt la regard to the purport of dam of the 44th N. L., who was recently

the special mision said to be sent to this Gavero- shond by sentence of a General Court Martial, regard to Cuba. The Commissioner, whoarer he ment to represent Europaan interade and p-licy in Jer ruled as appointment at home from the may be, at whatever may be his errand, had beder Court of Direstore of one hundred and eighty stay at home. If be is to remonstrate against the pound your. The friends of ine abare offerillagal expeditions of Lopes against Coba, we may are of pileo that the above is only a prelude to simply refer his to Lopes for infaction. Find furthe consideration, and that though the the expedition of open beso of a charecter involv major day not be removed to the serviña, his ing the patios of this Gerstamol, ac aliating se payers the falt pansion of a mejor will not be any the considerable excal, the good wishes of the


American people, is would not have proved to be | so mlearable a šnitura.


(From die Overlan i Singapore Free Press Jan. 1) By the Dareb Bloomer Jann, we have Java Cosrama to the 27th win. They contain very little Chofer, still omalla oss to prevail in some districts of Java. In the Banjarmasing districts in Burase, It has ale made lis apperaars, and it has broken cel on the islands of Bali and Lombok. Fevers at weil na Chulara, pravail in the Lampong dimries, but the number of deaths has not been ascertained, Captain Towan, of the English ship West, which crrived na laturin on the Brd Decetaber, report

to 17th November in 14'0' South Lat And 86' 5' Long, he saw a largo ship, as th Katance of about seven miles, which had lost at the three separate and the bowsprit, lying with be head to the south. She did we shwer the signals and shewed no flag.

By an acial astics it is intimated that the light the farth polet in the straite of Bunda, will be shown bout the 99th November last, and will be lighted from 6 o'slock in the evening le 6 o'clock in the morning.

The Night ease is situated on the shore at the worth pa of a mile from Anjer. It is large



the great blunder of stripping the colony of troops to pleure few of the peacemongera

We find it difficult to write with patience n this -bjret. The coiree to La followed was so plain, and the faulte and follies of the Government so many sad so manifest.

Th??news is hoportant, though and very favour able; the combined attack on the Kaffes nicondy talked of has been made, and the enemy driven from the Waterkloof, bul without loss of three ours and veveral oven.

The Graham's Town Journ! of the 21st gives the following audury secount of the engage ment

If it be considered sound policy to reduce the THE KAPER WAR.

Troupe in the enlies to mere "guards on publio of fiers and stares," it ought, most assuredly, to be a "Graham's Tom oct 21-Sinée uur laat com right policy to prove that the macker country is not monication, important intelligence has been rely wing, at ready to send troops without her colved from the set of war "The following brief station and by the quickest convejasde, to crush Sanday morning, an express remebed town frum Metriment will be found pretty avarly correct the revolt or stack. It weens impossible, with safety, Major General Bomerset, bringing len prisste than we now maintain in them. We bars only that fewer diere can be employed in the colonies Ietters from Benfurt and viher places From the 80.000 en anting in them. We have had prac. Sources it was then maila kn?en that there had cal proof that three weck regiments are and full. been very severe fighting in the Waterkloof, from cient for the Cape, and there are only twelve com. wbich, after a prolonged struggle of several days', panie, në shokt 1000 firel eks at the Wamiting; duration, Mscomo and bis Kafürs had been expulsar are there many more at Caylon, yet the vast led, and that they had taken refuge in the Blink value of there walzade nune can deny. water. The loss of the Kaffies is supposed to have bors about 100 men, amongst who it is said, in and possessina, and in nu one of them could we We might go through all cur foreign garrisona one of Bendilli's principsi councillors first day of the Aght, it was calculated that 80 of all we should find 17 notable deficiency. Itars On the failure troops than are needed, while la almost ibe enemy were ? lled on the spot, and afterwards, In traversing the kloof, in one place 20 bodies their defence! Not we have not men in either We at Malia and Gibraltar garrisons quitsient for were found, which appeared to have been those of these places sufficient for manning an eighth Be were mortally wounded, and land been unsom- part of the works. We do hope that the dimat CONT blød together where they had died. All this, of tale of the frontier of the Cape, and the evident course, was no effected without severe loss on our difficulty experienced in sending out troops from side. Ident Norris of the 6th Regt, was mortally this country, may open the eyes of the Government wokaded during ile batile and Capt. Aldiana of and of the peupla to's fret which is so noterious to thefnd Lisut Ricket's,and a Lieut of the 91st all but themselves--that Great Britain, with all whose name we have not leamed, were so severely her weikh, has not on foot an army propor- wounded that they died shortly afterwards De

Toute to her empire; but is at this moment depend killed and 37 wounded, thus making the fut of bours for freedom from invasion, and on 1030 video those ofboots, it is stated that 1) een wera Ing the for botuace of her cutinomial neigh assaltics amount to about 40,- fearful number, barassed alliers for the saiety of a whole colony. when compared with the loss to the enemy. What was tomarkable in this s?ale if true, was thin, ikat not a single Hottentot way seau in the ranks of the andy.

Reports state that Mucomo was nothing deusted by this partial or temporary discumature, bat said be had not all his men abust bit, but he should shortly have more Kaffics and many Magests, and then he would show them what he odd de. A letter from Fort Beaufort, written Josefore the express left, states that fighting was than going on, as the firing swald be distinely hold From this we judge that the troope have kep up the parsuit Into the Blink-water, and moj? sasualties may be looked for On one of the days, the fighting commenced at one o'clock am, and cominged till snaget. Now much ammunition must have been expended in this fight? And where do the Kafite procore the supplies to keep up such an expenditure? These are questions that are fequenly asked, but to which no reply can be given."

The following Begimenie wors angagad.--- Rad, och Royals, 74th Higlanders, 91st High landers, C. M. Rifles Osef Rennat Lavy, Beaufort Levy, Pingo Lary, in all 3,000 men. Number of killed and wounded 1.

Kl... Ofice

10 Rank and File. #unded, 20Boere.

8t Rank and File.

# Horsen killed and missing. Fighting continued from the 12th to the 15th.

{From the Naval and Military Gavelis } It's a fact, more notorions on the continent of

Europe than in this island, that Great Britain does


[The way in which cases are proved in Courts in England; and the way respectable papers report the same.]

(From the Daily Kos, Now 20) MIDDLESEX GESSIONS-Yaterday. Baron W. Wirman Indictment for keeping a Brothel.

ty keeping a common brothel, in the parish of bit. Mary Ann Rice, 66, was indicted for unlawful Lake.

directing of the parvchi-l mutsneities, and Mr. Set- Mr. Parry appeared to prosecute, instructed by call appeared for the prisoner,

urged on her behalf, that withough she had been The defendant pleaded guilty, and ber connel convicted in this court in 1945 af & Diasilar effeara, the present was put a cast which the court would frel compelled to visit with ser-za ponishment. No doubt she had lived is the knuss in ques jan, Loke's, or somewhere shout there, but the fart which was situate at N 14, G-orge'a row, St. was that the coal teurat of the house was defan-t. ant's daughter, whn, however, had taken it in the defendant's name, for the purpose of securing some farsitura.

Mr. Parry said, the guardian of St. Luke" court not make any arrangement with the defendant, The buse for which he was indicted was cun. ducted in the worst possible mounet ; it was a renet of thieves sud prostitutes ; anel ha had so only to rall the auration of the email to the car. cumstance of the defendart baring been convicted in 1845 of keeplag a similar establishment near to lase, Holborn, and in New castle court, Strand. fact, that since then she had kep) brobele in Fil the celebrated " Clouse in Weal street," but to tho

Inspector Braunau and Archer then gave evid-

once the effect stated by the armed counsel months' hard labour in the House of Correction. The Court sentenced the defendant to six

AN AMERICAN WAR STEAMER. (From the Ceylon Times, Dec. 5.) Yankee Doodle; the cab who has outgrown the- *(furb that masked the bay

The were made of sorduroy wall lak'dwich black "The crne har arver destand sa il

(and d Ponly lat the bio sull

not maintain la any part of her empire, abroad or may pretend to bind ourselves into a belief that our at bone, really effective and sufficient force. We requisition of the inhabitants of the larmedinta In this case the guardi"na had prosecute-l on the neighbours in Europe are ignorant of it; but they by the evidence of Inspector Breanna, and Comm- Beighbourhood of the bouse, and he should prave, know per defenceless state and smile, hiding chairable Archer of the G division, that during the three sime. We fancy encaolves very prodant, knowing, years the prisoner had lived in the house, it had saving people, and Better ourselves that we apand??been frequented by the worst of obaracters, and that very little in keeping up our navy and zeny. The economista chuckled to think, soins abort time ago, sued there.

conduct of the most disgusting character was pur influenced to withdraw from the Cape of Good that through fear of thou Guvernment had been Hope a ccosderable portion of the troops formerly employed there. We could not, it would appear, spare more than three regimanta-or rather parts Cape of thind Hope-most undoubtedly one of of three regiments-for the sate retention of ti our most enviad unit, to many respects, one of our most valuable colonira. Our neighbours, the Doteb, then most economical merchants, in the days of their republic, deemed that possession cheaply beld consequence has been of this penny-prudence we and protected by 8,030 or 10,000 mea. Want the have lately found, Wenze now waging war with the Keffire at an promous coucous for greater then that of keeping up in the colony a force adeqande to suppress any outburst by those sav- age fortead of Sir Harry Smith's having boom ouabled at once and with a high hand to put down rebell, be bad been forcoil to hing back to do Weekly, and almost hesitatingly, what he would If he come to demand any new gporaptree for

bare done strongly and promptly, had troops bean the maintenance of European power-Spanish, at his disposal. French, or English-in Cuba, he will he told that

The Olb and 73rd regiments-united, not quite be is too late, that the Americao people have 1,000 bayoness-have been, with desperate efforts considered this subject, and have come to the Exed and inconceivable toil, an Jeavouring to save the determination to permit no interference on the part-dony from inroad and rapine. To do even this of any power, in our relations with any oumy, or -to defend only ?�there twa noble regimente here State, or power, on or contiguous to this cominaal,

bran riuired to do this work of We are em Lo faor, I du not eas how any proposition on the ad wba we read that they have been able to oct subject can be received or entertained by the gur. on the aggressive; and nur wonder is ineressed on ernment, frum any other government than that of reflecting that the operations have been carried on Spain bers-If

in one if the non duficult countries for troop I do not think that this government will binil k. foll of dolles ! praxea, and is may parts des- self not to interfere in regard to Cuba, in case of a Inato of hier? Savagem can undersund usi general move in Europe, or in case of a servile in- they only recognim oneri p-wor; they only know formation in Cuba, or la ang event that may, in

of England's power by what abo dese; they casen its resaks, throw Ouba to the handle of some roud of her in fomitable anergy from history; M11 J other power than that of Spin. Mr Welter will thy have unun to tell them of her latent strength, fortunately be here is time to treat with this ex- in whom they put say belief. The day of the lit Iraordinary indukter. He had better open the

ouibemaks of rube lin at the Cape night nut to hire operation by handing his copy of the Hulse-ped without su instant more to crub i We mano letter.--föid,

blat Sit fauery Smith for having as yet d?ne Hide; we only wonder that he his been able to dư anything with his crippled overne however, but blame the Government is this non

We cannot, uy, which, being well aware of the sull force i the Caps, dil tot at once, with all the nuw aid of

(From the Mauritius Commercial Gazette.)


We have been kindly favoured with Cape Town

w this covered with tiles, from which

papers to the 28th October from the U. s. urred wooden tywer rises. The lantern in 90 | Frigate Susquehanna,

in certainly likely to go a-beed of his father. The

* Repose upon the bead" fellow picks out time honoured Bremabs beac with his resping machine. Le ships cargors of tonisha the Yokels of Hampabiro and Lancashire elephants from Ceylon, ent tou to india, he sails his Yachte to the discomfitere of the Aristocratio and wealthy Clobs of England, he bents as in his river Steamers when with presure at 100 praads to bour on the vast rivere of his equally must territory. the square inch he drives his vessels 20 miles an

jag with the lung bow, and to crowe all he h In fict he beats us in every thing even to "about- now the largest siram frigate in the E-ern any the large real that bas ever sounded the years ago erected a stone er ofbraally thrown Cape of Pirms where Martin. Dean Chiren hundred revel) to compresorul bis voyage.

down lot ly by a Capteis of a Britub Murchant

Il vesels town-t Cape tiora constantly with- out an accikut, and thread their way through senn which before wer??deemed fraught with des. truction lo by adventurer.

The Susqueham ak wist duabil- orento a great sentino wherever aku goes, we will out any that estemation brige ler to the eastward of the Cape, btle, it is lely to pro uce 12 +ffect amongst the Chices and uther pe pl- in the yellow 304. Probably fared amongst us wee before aware that there was auch a ship in ezistener, kui il mut, hotd afs her done rions audi a: Core La Côn lako, she would not only be a welcome hot a wonder at the peine time. If somthing predicati the slow but ir atitel·la fall of "Nations, it in the atrid. Ameries is asking beyond the Empire

Storways and tears, expedite the embarkih gave her birth and than cruelly cadeavour.

of four regiments, te sadeour lost tima and amend Ted lika Baturo to destroy ita of sprog.


We take the Having extract from the Cm- mercial Gorette of the dimensions of the Sungard in- mah a re-sel which would take many of our 1+j+ of war as a long bust on her decks, 9,490 L+ 4 American measurement is almost equal to 2009 tona Butish-power of full steam equal to 15. home truly as we said Intely there is it

to the extent and capacity of ship buil-ling. Yra ago, when Nelson and Collingwood tend to ay to victory it was considered hazardous to send a line of Battle ship a long voyaga, jai now we sec enormous fabrics asiling of neat loude the size.

"The Cape Town Mail of the 25th October contalas the following account of the splendid Am- sticas Stram Frigate Surgeshennal, now in our herbeor: The length of the vessel is 273 (t; breadth of beam 83 Tech; depth of huld 20 feet 6 inches; draft of water 19 feet. The tonnage (Am. erican monaurement) is 2,400. The disuster of the cylinder is 5 fra 10 inohra; the length of stroke 10 feet; diameter of wheel 31 (eet; longth of booke! 9 feet 6 inches, and width 34 inches. The engine is of 1090 korse power but will work up to 1,300 The ordinary daily consumption of fuel is 98 tone, but with full power in heavy was ther 60 tons are consumed. The vessel will stow 1,000 tose of fuel."




find an Agent of the E. A. C. arrived bare in March or April $849, and proceeded;to Labuan. Ja May he reports to his directors, that "the coal is beyond all praise" and I suppose he then set to work. In 1880 seeing no rezuka, and started by the arrival of coals from Somatra, we made ama enquiries about the Labean coal, but could obsin no satisfactory account, we could hear of so untore. teen impediments, and what wosae, we could hear of no chance of our golling any coal.

In 1831 a few hundred tona have been brought here, and 1 hope in 1852 we shall have some those and What is the cause of this delay? Simply that the present style of working won't pay. Your readers will be surprised to hear that as yet there are no alaing operatione carried on, (1 men with practical result), but that the mineral is obtained by quarrying, unil that the labourers are principally Doramas, a nondescript bread from the cost, te tally un?tted for the wark, physically and morally.

lo Singapore we should se son think of empley Ing babes for hanvy work as Malays, but ifbelieve in Labuan the quality of the labour is much wors than that of the Singapore Malay. Besides, the frus labourer will only work a few works, and then having made some little money return to the comm, and the trouble of teaching new bands has to be recommenced, That labour is obviously bed oncugh, but the principal portion of the labourers are all more inferior.

These consist, I am told, of the followers (QJ ?? of the Chiefs of Bruen, who send them over in goga, under one of their trust worthy men, and keep them at work as long as ounvenient at the ros sen. These labourera do not themselves plain the full prise of their work, ularge portion in appropriated by their masts, who influence ham by means of the wives and children left at bune in their power. This must make very bad workmen, bus is a practice that the Company cannot prevent, although I believe they have made very exotion to put a stop to it. The only way such effamin de labour. There is not a momen to pala stop to, is by discontinuing to saploy! dae who woul! not paint to the Clinter, as the ready, cheap, and always ts be-lind Laburn

We have been kindly favoured with the following notice. Whether Messy Hammond & Co will Bad say one in Caston to take up the Gauntlet is ??mallet we ate not able to give an opinion on. That the questions are very important there is no doub. We think bonorer that Hongkong. Sin gapore, Penang and Malacca are the most likely places whence says ought to be likely to be the best. When we look at the enormous mass of la Jands extending from 40 North to 16 Bouth in the Eastern Hemisphere, together with the vast extent of Continental territory of the Chinear, we see no limit to the extent of Commercial busions amongst so many millions of human beings who, are far removed frorum ouvaga mate. Most of these race have hitherto hald alsof from any connexion with wa, bat we have no doubt that ere long trade relations will be established even with the Japa- urte who bare for hundreds of years closely ad- hered to their exclusive principles Religion and Commerce are the twins of Hammond's project, We know that they go "band in band "-Let but Commerce enlighten the dark minded races" of man, and Heligion with silent but sure footrep comes in to do her glorious duly, Commerce is the leader of civilization and daily do we see tho re-examined them, and is moreover of twroty rate suke of this ssions throughout the whole universe, The objects of Meus Hammond are noble, but we think at the anme time they might have wor-led their request a linte lese in the advertising system of the present day.

Mr W. Parker Hummond, of the firm of Mesara Hammond & Co., London, uffert premiums of 30, each for the beat says on the following subjects:

The Labuan workmen get a spanish dollar for every six days work, and at that rate there would be little chance of the 'supply failing, when open the Chinese have been employed.

The conclusion chat we cant comme to is, that nothing has been down yet worth speaking of, but that we may tops better for futuro, va a gentleman, well known smong sa for hia geologiosi attes menia, kas just coturned from inspecting the works. As he is, I believe the first sciratifle man who has

experienou la the East all who are interested in the success of steam Communication expect that prac nical recolts will be s?en, apparent.

I conclude, as I began, wf'b euquiring, what has become of the Eastern Archipelago Company, with capital of £200,000, with ite promises of agri- url "perativas, ile Trading operations, and ita mining operations ; ita acquiring and disposing of £80 for the best way on China, embracing Innde; and other stupendous proj os 1. As yet suck the following poins:-The rapabilitied of that em ??Company is not in operation, but there is, ingland, pire de ocasume the manufactures of Breinin, and the more modest and appropriate), who have done,

??Labuan Cal Cumping, (hem much betion the existing impediments thereto. The effral of the present British duties on tes, on its cousumption, what lave just sketebad, and who will dom and on the China trade generally, and the probable something I hope. Singapore must be the centre influence thereon of reduction of duty. The of esa comunication, and every exita vongel

adda to var ploeperity. Ayet coale bare muod terals of China and Inuliu. General Test:arka on

at a high figure, but could we obtain a cheap and the empire of Japan, and prospects of trade there in supply from Labuan, it would greatly facia with. Suggestions as to the most eficient mode of tale future increments for opening as linea. extending Christianity in Chins. £50 for the best

There another inquiry I must also make, essay on the Eastern Archipelago, including the Why change them of Tanjong Kabang into Philippines and the Gulf of Biany embracing the Port? Call it flatles Folal if you like, following poinu-Piracy, its extent and effect un out nikad by calling a place a port, where I am the price of Straits, produce, and the cocampioned on the best authority there le not even a of British manufactures The best meant of ups anchorage for a single ship daring the North pression or prevention, the commercial capabili. East monsoon. ten of the countries alluded to, and existing impe- diments to their expansion. Christianity, the best means of its extension therein."

The object of Mr Hammond to offering these premiums is to promote the interests of religion and commerce in the China erae and Kastero Ac. chipelago in coonealun with the design of the Great Exhibition; and he proposes that the rewards should be given in cash or gold medals of equal value, al the option of the successful competitors. Three of more competent and disintansted judges are to be appointed to decide upon the merits of the eway, and the lost day of beat June la disad upon no tha limit within which manuscripts must be sont in.

(From the Singapore Free Press, January 2)


To the Editor of the Singsgore Free Press. BIR,

1 hope that some of your readers, who may know more about the Comy, will eliguen me, if 1 bava Mieleted any particular. We are only in the dark brew about all ibere romters, andule rus informatie officially given would go a great WJ, It is from no hostility to Labuan of the Comping I have written this; there osobe na city more abalous than that of Hingapore ta ukinen a regular supply of the black mineral. I y to the EA. C Ditrators give us coal and we will forgive all your other shortcomings."

Your Luly,


Singapore, tal January, 1832.






20, Pirlades (Dut), Perry, from Amoy, 18th Jany. Brighton (Am Whaler), Weaver, from Ascan

son, 20th October,


Will you allow me, though the medium of your paper, to enquire what has became of the E20,

A. C.1

Junior (Am Whaler), Hemmood, from Band

wich Island, 25th October.

21, Aria Falis (Span), Maria, from Manila, 31st


All your readers must remember how we were startled about the middle of 1848, by the announce- ment of an Eastern Archipelago Company, int91,

tuled for the extension of commerce in the China was, and for promoting the civilisation of Borneo 22,

4, 4" Royal Charter, capital £200,000, and

as much more as you liked to carry on mining, agricultural and trading operations in the Eastern Archipelago. The Prospectus proceeded to tell

us, that the philanthropel will feel interested in this design" (promoting civiliston &c. &c.) Be


Sphinx (Dw), Wigman, from Whampoa

Ann Welch (Am), Hyder, from San Francisco,

Jst December.

Brim (Peru), Agualer, from Mazatlan, 11th


99, Ocean (Ain Whaler), Swill, from Sandwich

talands, 29th November.


jog bit of a philantbogist myself, I was much pleased with this announcement, and felt a per-22 nomal interest in the undertaking, langhed at the feats of those who dreaded moon-ples, and looked 22, to noch benefit sec;ging to Bingapore from the ca" tension of our tre.

Wall! here is 52 just come, and what is the Jeuk? The fourth vent pince the enablishment

of the Compuy, and apparently coming done; et least much was my imprimo six months ng?, and

I determined to enquire, and discover what has be come of the E. A. U. A rumeur occasionly teach ed me that a little con) wwa being scmpol up t wards the North of Labuso, bet as it never made its appearance here, I concluded that there was. some mistake.

However, let me give the resuk of my enquiries,


Zephyr, Brown, from Namon, 21st Jundary. Museppa, Crockeu, from Namos, at January, Tiempo (Sp) Inehaul, from Whampoa Midas(baler), Woodbridge, from Band- Fortums (Am. Whaler), lathway, from Band-

wich Irlanda, fo" November.

wich Islands, 28th October Marcus (A. Whaler), Wing, from Bandwich

felands, 14th October.

27, Nymph, Wilson, from Cursingmoon. Dec.


29, 1-asis (3pan), Ansoleaga, from Manila,


Per Pi-lades Rev. R. D. Jackson and 70 Chinese, Per Ann Week Mesara Hullins & Co. and 15 L'binere.

Per Mateppa, Mr J, Gdard.




10, Nymph, T. Wilson, Cumingmoon.

1, Palades (T), Perry, Whampo 22, Corcyra, Paterson, Whampoa. 91, Antelope (Am), Poder, Bhaoghae.

13, Albert Edward, Boddert, Whampos.

27. Andar, Glover, Shanghas.

2, P. & O. Cor. Canton, McDermott, Amoj. #2 Rod Rover, Sikh, Charingmoon. 23, lasbury, J. Clark, Ban Francisco. Jan.


16, Sophia (Port), Rozario, California. Jan.


17, Wm. Gillies, Brown, Singapore. 19, Sumaira (Dui), Weltman, Batavia, 20, Grace McVea, McDonnell, San Francisco, via 19, Krian Mction (Am), Lint, London.

91, Tumpe (Span) Inchaus, Hongkong.

Macao. 21, jattie Leong (Bus), Walli, Bavie



29, Philip Laing, Cadenhead, Calcuta, 29, Eleamers, Hunter, Singapore. 19, Abbotsford, Benson, Bingapore. January,

1, Etanor of Lancaster, Sydney.

Arrived at CALOUTTA-November 22nd, Red Bingapore 29th Oct Rover, Claxion, from Hongkong 10th October and Dado, from Macao 9th Oct. and Singapore ist Nov. Nov. 29th, Lody Amherst,

9th Oct. and Singapore 10th Oc Dcember te, Victoria, Smith, Iron Jongkong

Vimala in Darenaro Whampoa, CUMEINGMOON, ON SASAD, UNDER OMFATCH. For France.

Jules Comar, W.

For Lisbon. Clara, M.

For W. C. S. Am. Caprice, W.

Bumudah, C.

For Port Phillip. Sphynx. H

For Bombay. Lord Ashley, W. Singapore Str., H.

For Madras. Gateshead, W.

For Batavia, Patriot, W.

For Singapore. Apollo, H.

For San Francisco.

Constant, H. Eden, W.

Hjertben, W.

Ban José, M.

Ternate, W.

For Manila.

Ballins, M.

El Tiempo, H. Julea Cenar, W.

For Shanghas. Nymph, 11.








Fig. Kim





Hongkong (M 8. 79

Hongkong Hoppd

Dr Hankier Nagpo. M. Si 19 Hon. Open our Admical A


Lity Minden Nc

Cons!!! M. Bg

Comi der


Sir Michell




Halamander Nobyak Veri

VOL XI, No. 8.


B20 Glady

Lo Cassini

R. de Plan







Red Rover Singapore Str. Sumouch

Champion Enreka Exchange




PRICE $10 per annum.

to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND SONGKONG GAZETTE, per Asmuo, 15 Dollars payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, at opilen. Bingle Numbers, 85 orui 14;lder will be forwarded if left with Ty-san, Sinthener Na. Die Quem's Road -fourth kram'weat of the Oriental Bank, whers spare soglas this Paper may also be obtained. PARTISING.-Ten Ilpea and 'ander, Dollar; ad físlegal, 10 pentolina. Repetitlema one-third of the rat Ination. Ships, -Pirat Insertion, & Dollarse subsequent insertions 43 vs. "die to have written on the face of them, the number of diapos 2pay ará required to appear, otherwise they will be published until sountermanilal. Fall charge made for repasition of any Advertisement





Metal Odurány Bloom. Ship "BINGAPORE, vill Seave this for the above places on Friday the 80th of January. Canso will be rearived on board uniil 6 3. m. of the 28th, and Tomasuma until Noon of the 20th.

O. EDMOND, Superintendent.


TN consequenos of the retirement of Mr. Chartno Bandura, the firm of Wilation & Samme has been dissolved, sad, ta future, will be signed in liquidation goly. The other partners in the luta firm(Mr. Alyssa Wilson, Camion and Messrs Dantu. Dignon & Co. London) will con |ches the boxine under the Style of ALFRED


Canton, 18th Deseober, 1851.

NOTICE. THE Business of the undersigned will, from this date, be carried on under the firm of Bruzar & Co.

FRANCIS B. BIRLEY. Chaton, In July, 1851





Extract of a imter, dated Al

| Madras, June 10, 1846 ium F. H. Scott, Erq Light Cavalry, De poly Assistant Quarter Marter General of the Atiny.

En Viscount Sandon." [ESSKS SMITH & BRIMELOW have re

seived by the above vesus), - Prime Wiltshire Cheees, Prime York flom Bloom Raindos, Jordad Almonds, French Olives, Ryal Standard Vinegar made satirely from Mali. Naval and Military Bauce Worcester and Royal To Profener Holloway. Zest Bedce, French and English Pens, Prostered Mons of every description.


An Lavoice of Stationery.

Per lata Arrivals

Kan-~" I have much pleasure in adding my trimony to that of the many who bavo vestided to Ihr excellence of your Dintment, but my object in addressing you is, chiefly, to draw your attention to means by which is ralos may, I think, become still more generally appreciated and applied. (fram Burson, ram); it commer.cre and prevads to In this country there is a dismen called Bursotti

enufined, I to have, exclusively to Horses A valu the greatest extent during the rainy weather; i le

Deblin Stout in Boule, Campbell's Edinburgh Pale All Bottle, Prime Bout in Hogshead, Hodgson's Pale Ale in Hogshead, Baperior Poly Barry, English Bottled Claret, Champages. Hockable

of mine caught ? in a march during the sin; indeed it is a disasse which I have never

THE G. British Ship "CONSTANT- THE bines of the Uodereigned from this date | Martell's Duck und Pale Brandy, Unitod Vineyard Monsoon; all the novel remedies were applied in

will conducted under the Firm and Style of Company's Brandy, Glentiret Whisky. Old Tom, BRANDAO & Co. and Mr Joad Bartista | Jamaica Rum, &c. &c, all in excellent order Gowes and Me Joan Fitzpation are adroit d Nes & Woosnam's Buildinga, Partners therein,

Hongkong, 8th December, 1851.

CHRONOMETERS, WATCHES, CLOCKS & PARKINGON AND PRODSHAM, Chronometer thers to the Lords of the Admissky and Hon. India Company's Service, bag to call UR CARR LUCAS is admited Partner in the steden of the public of India to the superior

our Firm from 12th May 185).

MACKERTOOM & Co. Samson, 18th August, 1881.


FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE Barque ANN WELSH," will be despatched above on the 17th 2 proximio, has excellent Cabio accom modulums ; for Fazient or Pamage,

Apply to

ANTHON & Co. [longkong, 23rd January, 1852

FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Tach. THE Clipper Ship" EUREKA " will have forly dispatch for the abra port for FRONT OF PANADE,

Apply to

ANTHON & Co. Hongkong, 23rd Jnomary, (802.


THE Fine British Ship BLENHEIM, A 1. 1908 tika barthen, A. 8. Mozakion Commander, will meet with

quick despatch

This veel has splendid sooommodation for | passengern for which, ne freight, apply to

RAWLE, DRINKER & Co. Hongkong, 20th January, 1882

R LAWRENCE R. BELL is authorized

to digu vst Firm by procuration.

CONSTABLE, WOOD & Co Manila, Ist December, 1861.

NOTICE. THE undersigned have formed a cepartnership

Bretem at Singapore, under the style of WOL CUTT & Co.

JAMES H. ADAMS, from Baslon, WILLIAM DREYER from Hamburg, UENRY WOLCOTT of the drin

of WOLCOTT, BATEB & Co., Shanghet

and Canton.

Singapore, Jet April, 1861.



Tone Kbipe



Blenheim Consta

688 Jula Cesar









446 Albatrons





Good Burces







Mahomed Shab




260 Pialades


1,200 Terpala


P. &'O. B. N. Co.'s Office.


Hongkong, 18th January, 1852,

Too ...


Tone... 6,426




Ann Welch

181 Caprice


American Packet, H.

Buy and

339 Couroy

And Welch, El. Blanbeim, kl.






Big blon


Conroy, W.




Fon Faki-Hr Apply in,

JOHN BURD & Co. Hongkong, December 30th, 1881.

635 Taua Register, Captain Cooms, will be despatched for the above port on oe about the 15th Janeury mut.

ANTONIO C. BRAND?O. Caston, 1st January, 1852.





Emperor, H.



One Minchiness.

Eureka, H.



Geo Washington, H.





Leod o'-Cake, 11.



North Carolina, H.


125 Total W'pos


O.ceola, W.



North Carolina



Kab. ri Small, W.






AMOT. British


9,069 Bondicra

652 240






Asia Fela Tiempo


135 990





- 426

Tone . .




Liane urt

$60 321







621 Pa




Akbar ??


Amy Rober Balmoral Cathays

Badga Billj

Emperor of China Panjall

May Briard Sucey

Loo. Sept 13 H. Shin, Juzo 11) ĮLiu. Nov 13) (L [Liv. Ang 17] S& ||Lon. Od 18 S

Lou. Aug 29 H



280 Tons







[Lop. Oot 23H


Loa, Nov 19 H.

Weit Even

Liv. Aug 13 8

|Liv. Oma" 24 &


Lon Aug 18

American Polit Nicolay Nicolayaen 161



Thui Goan Vrouw Jacoba







Lon Nov 18






Geo. Washington

Tona -




110 Blam

160 460



So What












Cuningham Bom Dec 9 H. Martin [Bom. Nov 17) E1. tobertson Bom Dea A. Carron Bem. Nov H.

el Underwood Be Dec 6 H. Fowler

MACAO. Peringuess


MR. BURGOYNE. Not Wallington Birol, Victoria, 23rd Dressbar, 1861.

Cal. Nov 2H.

Belliza Clar Eroma

214 Athol









Bom Nov 6Wh

N. 8. de Lax

260 Mangosteen


Bom. Deo 6 H.

San José

100. Sidney


Elisa Morison

McCullock Bom. Deo 4 H.



Bom Nov 22 H


J. K L.




Joba O'Gam

Me Donald Bom Nov 19.



Archer flom Dac Wh

Lord 'oster


Bom. Oct 26 H.


Toa 1,843

Total lo Macao


Ton 1,674



Bom. Dec 6 H.



Bom Nov 18 H



Bom. Nov 21 E.






Albert Edward Brakin


Toor ....





Eden Gateshond Lord Ashley Osceola








Rojamban Robert Small Trafalgar




Bolide 717




Far West (Am) Hein Lindsay John Bright OW En Land Boulland Sophie

Order in which the above Vowels izst England. Any about, Bestial, Jaka Bright Cathaya, J. K. L., Hasan, Alber*. Empar of Chêm, The Wai, 0.4 Kagianis Joplin,

Loading. At LONDON; Paog abon, Geelong, Surprise, and Celestial--At Lavanpool; None."

??With a company of H. 34.'s $9b Regiment on board. EXPECTED FROM INDIA.



Ann Martin

Balmoral, Br.


Baron of Renfrew

Catherine Apoar Corowall

D. Nosthumberland Hodon

Monsoon Shaw Allum


Wadge Rice

Mary Graham. Royal Alice, Mollan, Sobraon, and Loading.As BoMBAT; Chippewa, Margatel, Nampon Family.






Bintang Anam Ludia Nigam

Dunn Derbal Richie Bhawan

December 30 ft. December 20-H. ¡November 29 8. November 9 B.

La Landen, Lit. Läbuspoel, Ridla Maielda, Wat. Worker, Cly. Ciyla, Wood. Wunderland, Hart. Bartspot, M. Ma, C. Caj cuits, Bam. Bombay, Thal. Tuthuria, Arm Aveneno. Pan. Parang,

Total lo H'kong 18,769 Total in Amoy

Total in Bg'has 4,106

Printed, and Published, by WILLIAM TAURANT,

Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1862.

FOR SALE. THE Hoos and Greands of Gleosely." For further particulars apply at the Or fice of Mesore Dint & Co Hongkong, 4th December, 1851.


THE Home on the South side of Glough Strest, lalely occupied by hir J. G.

Apply toy

Victoria, 1st Augus, 1881.



THE Undersigned, having been appolated Agate hese for the above office, are prepared to grant Pofioles payable in London, CALOusta, Bombat, and CANTON.


Centon, 12th January, 1859.


THE undersigned, having been appointed Agents For the above Offos, are prepared to affect la. parances against Gre, on Belldoga and Goods, in Casino_and_ Hongkong, including merchandise in native Packhouses


Canton, 14th August, 1851,

TOGETHER or separately, those four House situated on Lot 90, urs of them having a frontage on HollywoodNGLISH Road, the other two on Gough Street.

Apply to

DRY and Secure Htorage of perishable or other

Merchandise can be had, on moderata charges, at the Godowns of

West Point,


Victoria, Hongkong, Sed Juzunty, 1852.

In the Entode of Annanam Joseph Bılay,

Late of Victoria drenaad.

LL parties having any claims on the abere

A Estate are requited to forward the same wid accounts and vouchers to the undersigned forthwith. Persone Indebted to the Estate ace alon requested to pay amounts of their debts respectively on or before the lat day of March now.


Administrator to the Estate Hongkong, 23rd December, 1851,

NOTICE THE Boriness hitherto entried on under the name of MANEDALLY STARMY & Co, this day etneed, and will in future he conducted by Mr FBARIK NOOROODIN the firm and style of AH- MEDBHOY RHAIMTOOLLA.


Canton, Sib January, 1852.


seen cured, for when once taken it soun kecOM.ES rooted in the constitution. It shows itself by farge fool angry sores over all parts of the body. For eight months my Horas had kapecially bad, having had three large sores on his futa-lege. Pongaudy at length is your advertisement in the papers, and thought that, if the Ointment di so much for mankind. there was no reason why Horses, Are. should not equally benefit by it. Then frat Pa menulamare of their Chronometers, Watches, and did wonders, and three or four cured the places in Clooks, a proved by the oumber of prises awarded six weeks, (The writer father states, that from to the Chrometers made by them sent on pabilobe Horse having bits himself, a note appeared on trial Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and one of the old places, but this is rapidly giving way the raporu sechshed of their superior performance to the Ointment)"

Rama, Parry, Franklin, in the various Haientific voyages under Cap'nina

resin, Nir,

Your obedient vervaar,

F. BOTT, Fib Light Cavalry. These truly invaluble mrdiciara ca ??be pro-

They strongly, mommend to the Gentleman of the Natal and Mary Borvices their improved de. tached Laver Watchra, a being specially adapted in richly muted Boxes and Pots together

fur bosse exercies, and um being subject to stop or be niherwise aried.

cured at the Retablishment of the Underdgmod,

with Directions for the Guidance of Patients amazed

Duplex Wacher, Pocket Chronometrre, each Box and Pet. ringe Clocke, &o, which can be forwarded by the Overland Majls, and insured to their destination,

All orders must be accompanied by a remittance as reference las gagmans in London's or the genomes) may be paid to their Agenta ladle on delivery of th??google,

4 Change Alley, Cornhill, London.


THE undersigned, has established a larga BA- KKRY. and guarantees to supply any quaoti, ty of CABIN and SHIP BREAD' at abort no.



Finn Navy Bedav...................?i centa par lb. PILOT BREAD........ warranted to keep for Six Monthe in any Cilanta, Contrate entered lato with Departments, Com. manders of Vesels, &c. for regular supplies.


Whepos, 6th November, 1851.


A one of obtaining a situation as Tutor is a Eoropean family. Apply to A. Z. care of the Edhor of this Paper.

Victoria, Hongkong, 12th January, 1859.


THE undersigned being about to rendered for

maquesta accounts may be


Queen's Road, Victoria

ACOW & Co.

The Hom, Canis


Pontarda, Maca

POR SALE AT TOD ?PPICK. TITCHED copies of a Review of the Trade of DSbangle, 1850, as printed at the Otice of the NORTH CHINA Ennald, Pine fiftycents.

Friend of Chloe Offies, 10th October, 1851.



THE Arst class British ship RO- I BERT SMALL, 610 sone per re- #gloler, carrying an experiomed Bargeon, kwaki, Minster, will load at Hongkong the the shore port, and here early despatch.

For FAIGHT apply to

THOMAS HUNT,-//hampag. or to WILLIAM TARRANT-¡langkung. Victoria, 27th January, 1652


of Chinese Passengers and Carge to Sat

NE TWO Vesela suitable for conveyance

and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all liquidation, and payment of oustanding debis Francles, the charterer being prepared to par, Im- made to him, alther as individually, or lo-bis capa-mediately, a fourth of the amount agreed un, 107 cly of administrator to the Estate of the late TOKO-KEN BIRU.

gizen, also Naila, by


Hongkong, let Oalaber, 1860

Ex "Land-o'-Camm." JUST landed an amortment of very experior

Beotch Twoods.


Queen's Road,

Victoria, 32nd November, 18st

JUST OPENED AND FOR SALE. SELECT Batches of vary superior old Glenlivet ??Whiskey in bottle :-Dark and Pale Branly

Victoria, Hongkong, 14th January, 1852


THE JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN ar. 1 CHIPELAGO AND EASTERN ASIA. Elbanology of the Indo-Pacific Islands. By J. R,

Lopar, Eng

Coronation doc, of the King of Siam. Skrich of the Steam Route from Singapors to

Torres Strait.

N. B.

Parties in Chine wishing to become

-Hollanda Gin-Cordial dite, Fine fruity Portbcribers will please forward their names and a

the office of the " Friend of China and longkong Gatella"

- Dark, Golden, and Pale Sheries-London boro-ary fled Stout and Porter, Ban Pale Ale &o. dc.

Some Fine Baked Salmon in Jar

MCEWEN & Co Rongkong, Quarn's Road, B0th Sept. 1951.

FOR SALE. desirable assortment of Bretz, coll-rted chiefly on the Cost of Ceylon and the Meu ritjue.


| Queen's Road, Victoria, 7th November, 1851.



caived 130 Cases of Superior Holland Gin, which they offer at a low Sgure.

Hoogkong, 9th December, 1881.

Victoria. 18th December, 1851.

PRINTED FORM. FOR SALE at the Office of this paper -


Op Laune.


forthe Peninsulae and Ori- ontal Company's Blesaver.

· Còmeradones Orutas, idʻBrake.

Power of ATTORNEY.




from £500 to £1,000 on dech, Tenderezo ara co quired to state in their communications additrased to "Charterer" at the office of this paper, the length, brandib, and height between decks, and the quantity of spare water stowage at service of the Shippers.

Friend of China Office, Hoogkong, 37th January, 1852.


MR DUDDELL is instructed to sell by POULLO

on Friday the 8th February, 1852,

as 11 o'clock am, precisely, in front of the Avc- TION MART, Queen's Road, without reserve, the fol lowing Property belonging to a Gentlemen leaving flongkong.

The beautiful Bay Horse Rienzi, accustomed to carry a lady, and quiet in Harpes; a large Bay Sydney Carriage House; the well-know More l'aulino; and the Dus Pony Piper.


One large Carriage, complete, with lampe, &c. A ! Pony Phaeton, quite rew; Set of Double Horse Harness · n pecond Bet of Ditte za Set of Buggy Homens; 8 Ladies' Sales and Bridles; Gentlemen's Saddlen and Bridles ; 4 Site of Horse C "thing ??4 Suits of Ditto 5 while El Covers: 4 Notte) Horse Cavers; Patent Saddle Clubs, and a quentity of Stable Gear.

Elongkong, 26th January, 1852.



Alereantile forms and other work printed with A HONGKONG REGISTER'SNOLO

expedition at the customary rates,

Dongkong, 20th Jensary, 1852,

T the Office of the Hongking Ragider: the CHINESE CALENDAR for 1889. Hongkong, 28th January, 1852.




#3 |




PRIOR $14 per mm.

to the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum. 10 Dollars, payable in advance, quirterly or otherwise, si opilen. Bingle Numbers,85 mente Kalilter what be forwarded if left with Ty can, Motleyter No. Bin Queen's Road -fourth house wat of the Orimin! Bank, whers optra ooping of this Paper may also be obtained. RTISING.-Tu lines und under, & Dollar; við Halasak, 10 grants #los. Repetitions shahird of the rutination, ships, -Pirot Insertion, & Dollars; subnoquent insercions 48 cont ớm to have written on the fees of them, the mainber g? times, 557 Mo required to appear, otherwise they will be published until nountermanilpd. Full charge made for repetition of any Advertisement

güns?n? farve.






THE PROTOZar kun gai. Perditas CorváNTU Bloom. Bhip "SINGAPORE, * will leave this for the above places on Friday the 20th of January. Cameo will be received on board mill 6. M. of the 9th, and Tunatuna mül Noon of the 29th,

O. EDMOND, Buperintendent,


T635 tons egter, Captain Doomnes,

will be despatched for the shore port on or about the 19th Jamery neat.

Fan Fauteur Apply to,


Hoogkong, December 30th, 1851.


THE Bargoe" ANN WELSH," will 275 | be despatched a above or the 17th 2 proximo, has excellent Cable accom madations ; de Fusionr or PatnaQE,

Apply to

ANTHON & Co. Flongkong, 2ård Janonry, 1852.

FOR BAN FRANCISCO THE Clipper Ship " EUREKA " will have early dispatch for the ab wo

· port ; for FuzionTM or Pastaon,.

Apply to




Viscount Sanden."

*N consequence of the retirement of Mr. Cuanine

Bandum, the firm of Wiskennan & Sandons | || ESBRO SMITH & BRIMBLOW have re baa boco diassived, and, la future, will be signed in | 11 esived by the aboya venti, Niquidation only. The other purinere in the late

Prime Wilshire Cheres, Prime York Name frm(Mc Alyu Wilkinson, Canton and Megora Bloom Raisios, Jordan Almonds, French Oliven, Damsel, Inguineon & Co. London) will ses. Ryal Bandard Vlagar made entirely from Mak. Amen. the boaineen under the Bigle of ALFEED | Naval and Milimry Bauce, Worcester and Royal


Zot Modce, French and English Pass, Prosseradi Magia of every description.

Canton, 18th Donorshor, 1951.

NOTICE. THE Business of the undersigned will, from thie date, be carried on under the Arm of BraLUT & Co.

FRANCIS 8. BIRLEY. Canton, Jet July, 1881


An Invoice of Stationery.




Extract of a tur, dated Madras, June 10, 1846 irm F. H. Bai, Esq li Light Cavalry, De puty Assistant Quarter Master General of the Army.

To Professor Holloway.

Hi,-"I have much pleasure in adding my timony to that of the many who bare declined to the excellence of your Dintment, but my object in addressing you in, chiefly, to draw your attention to a means by which its value may, I think, become still more generally appreciated and applied.

In this country there is a diomas neliel Borou Dabila Biost In Boule, Campbell's Edinburgh (from Buset, raid); is commoners and provade to Pale Ale in Botile, Prime Sinul in Hogshead, the greatest extent during the rainy wasther; i lu Hodgson's Pale Ale in Hogshead, Superior Pon coulined, I believe, exclusively to Horses. A valy Sharry, English Botad Clares, Champagne. Hockable Mures of maine caught it in a march during the

Per late Arrivals

Ainasque; all the usual remedies ware applied In

THE Louintes of the Undersigurd from the data Warehe Dark and Fala Brandy Gold

will be conducted under the Firm and Style of Company's Brandy, Glenlivet Whisky, Old Tom, vain; indeed it lu a dinner which i barG DAVVE

BRANDAO ??Co. and Mr Joad Baptura | Jamuna Ram, &c., &c, all in excellent ordne Gomas and Mr Joan FITZPATRICK are adasht d Nos, & Woossam'??Buildingo, Partoers therein,

Hongkong, 9th December, 1851. ANTONIO C. BRAND?O,

CHRONOMETERS, WATCHES, CLŪCKA As. Chalon, 1st January, 1852,

PARKINSON AND PRODHAM Chronometer Mhers to the Lords of the Admiralty and NOTICE.

Heo. India Company's Batvice, beg to call UR CARR LUCAS is adraktind a Partner in the afian of the public of India to the superior mooniatoare of their Chronometare, Watches, and Clocks, so proved by the umber of prison awarded to the damometare made by them soot on public wiel de fosed of their superior performance Observatory, Greenwich, and

our Firm from 12th May 1851.

MACKERTOOM & Co. Junton, 18th August, 1961. NOTICR

In that without Sanguifle voyages under Cap'alia

IR LAWRENCE R. BELL is authorized Rape, Pany, Fra

to augu ver Firm by procuration.

CONSTABLE, WOOD & Co Manila, Lut Decembar, 1881.

NOTICE. THE undersigned have formed a asportsarahip f?r the transacting of a Ggxanal. COMMEMION |Bestimme at Singapore, under the style of WOL-

CUTT & Cla......



1 Bad an Agent of the E. A. C. arrived" bere la March or April 1849, and proceeded;to Labuan. Je May he reports to his directors, that "the coal is beyond all praise" and I suppose he then set to work. In 1860 seeing no results, and startled by the arrival of con's from Samairs, we made some enquiries about the Labuan coal, but could obtain no tisfactory account, we could hear of as uniore. reen impediments, and what wores, we could hear of no chamos of our getting any coal,




a), Pistades (That), Perry, Whampoa, TO, Nymph, 'T'. Wilson, Caneingmoon. 91, Anielapas (Am), Potter, Shanghae. 21, Corcyra, Paterson, Whapon. 12, Albert Edboard, Stoddart, Whampos, 22, Audar, Glover, bonghi.

2, P. & O. Co's Str. Canon MeDermott, Amoy. 92, Rod Rover, Smith, Camsingmoon. esburg, J. Clark, San Francisco.

We take the fllo ving estreol from the Com mercial Gazette of the dimensions of the Saagarkan nak a vessel which would take many of our rigs of war as a long boat on her decks, 2,400 16: " Amerion measurement is simost equal to 3,000 Ions British-power of full steam equal to 150 bores tras un said huely there is no ait to the extent and capacity of skip building. Yere ago, when Nelson and Collingwood lead the way to victory it was cònsidered hazardous to send a Time of Baute ship a long roynge, yel n?w we 100

In 1851 few hundred tone bave been brought enormous fabrics sailing of noir double the size. here, and I hope in 1858 we shall have some thune,

"The Cape Town Mail of the 25th October | anıla What is the cause of this delay??Simply contains the following accoum of the splendid Am-that the present style of working wea's pay. Your Jan. erican Sam Frigate Surgachennek, now in our traders will be surprised to hear that so you there barbout -The length of the vessel is 278 feet; are wa mining operations carried on, (1 moan with breadth of beam 83 feet; depth of huld 28 feet 6 practical suit, but that the mineral is obtained luches; draft of water 19 fr. The tonnage cam by quarrying, and that the labourers are principally erican masroment) is 2,400. The diameter of Boramas, a nondescript breed from the cost, so the cylinder is 5 feet 10 inches; the length of tally filled for the work, physically and morally. stroke 10 foot ; diameter of wheel 31 foot; longth La Singapore we should as soon think of employ of bookst 9 feet 6 inches, and width 34 inches. ing babes for havy work as Malays, but Ifbelieve in The engine is of 1090 hores power but will work Labuon the quality of the labour le much were up to 1,300 The ordinary daily consumption of than that of the Singapore Alalay. Besides, the fuel in 35 tona, but with full power in beavy was fros labourer will only work a tow wooks, and then ther 50 tons are consumed. The vessel will stow baring made some lule mossy return to the cam, 1,000 toss of fuel,"

and the trouble of teaching new hands has to be recommenced. That labour is obviously had singh, but the principal portion of the labourers are still more inferior.



Thess consist, I am told, of the followers (9) ??of the Chiefs of Bruan, who send them over gangs, under was of their trust worthy men, and keep them at work so long to convenient at the coal sean,

The labourets do not themselves

obtain the full press of their work, at a large partius is appropriated by their masters, who issuenos them by means of thm wivas and children left al home in their power. This must make very bad workmen, bot k is a proptice that she Company basot prevent, although I believe they have made wvery excited to put a slope it. The only way to put a stop to it, is by di-continuing to sinploy toch e?amin te labour. There is not a man among to who would not point to the Chinese, po the rondy, cheap, and always to he-bad Jahrers,

We have been kindly favoured with the following notice. Whether Messie Hammond & Co will Bad any one in Ceylon to take up the Gauntlet is

??matter we are not able to give an opinion on. That the questions are very important there is no doabl We think bonover that longkong. Bin gapore, Penang and Mulsoca are the most likely places whance sosays ought to be likely to be the best. When we look at the sormous mas of Is lende extending from 40 North to 10 Bouth in the Eastern Hemisphere, together with the vast extent of Continental territory of the Chineer, we s no limit to the extent of Coatmercial business atmongst so many withons of human beings who are far removed from savage mate. Most of these zaces have hitherto bald aloof from any connexion with, but we have no doubt that ere long trade relations will be established even with the Japa arse who have for hundreds of years closely ad- hered to their exclusive principles Religion and Commerce are the twins of Hammond's project. We know that they go hand in hand "-Lat but Commerce colighus the "dark minded races" of¦ man, and Religion with silos but are footarep comes in to do her glorious duty. Commerce in As he is, I illere the first scienti?o man who has the leader of civilization and daily do we see the re-examined then, sad in moreover of twenty years suke of this axiom throughout the whole univoce. The objects of Means Hammond are noble, but we think at the same time they might have worked their request a liela laas in the advertising system of the present day.

Mr W. Parker Elammood, "the fim of Movers

The Leben workmoo get a spanish doller far every six days work, and at that rate there would be little chance of the supply failing, when ones the Chinese have been employed.

The conclusion that we met odme to in, that

nothing has been love yet worth speaking of, but that we may hupo better for future, as a gentleman, well known among so far his geologies sti manta, kas just returned from inspecting the works.

ex nenos la the Ean all who are interested in the success of steam Comm.con expect that prac tical results will be soon, apparant

1 conclule, na Jhegan, with saquielag, what has become of the Eastern Archipelago Company, walls capital of 500,000, with its promise of agri- aukurs! "peratiune, ita Trading operatioon, and is

Innda and uthar stupendous proj cis? As yet suck Company is not in operation, bat skare is, ingland, bunu Dial Company, (how much better the more modest and appropriate), who have done, -what I have just sketched, and who will do something I hope. Bingapore must be the centre of Steam valamunication, and every exira vpage! add to our plurpetits. As yes coal have d at a high qure, but could we obtain a cheap and

Ham good & Co., London, offert premiums of Gnuining operations; its seguiring and disposing of each for the best essays on the following subjects:- £60 for the best day on Chine, embracing the following poínu:-The capabilities of that em- pire in soncame the manufactures of Britain, and *xisting impediments there. The effect of the present British duties on tes, on its consumption, and on the China trade generally, and the probable influence thereon of a reduction of duty. The oplom trade, and the effect on the commerce and morals of Chios and India. General remarks on the empire of Japan, and prospects of trade there with. Suggestions as to the most efficient mode of extending Christianity in Chios. £50 for the best

'There is another enquiry I must also make. tomy on the Eastern Archipelage, including the way change the same of Tanjong Kabong into Philippines and the Gulf of Bis embraging the

Port Ram? Call it Flaj?les Folní if you like, but following pointe:-Piracy, its extent and effect on

Jout lead by calling a plase e port, where I am the price of Straits, produce, and the consumptioned on the best aborty there is not an of British manufactures The best means of eup. nochorage for a slugle ship during the North pression or prevention. The commercial capabil. East moosvoa, tes of the constries alluded try and existing impe diments to their expansion. Christianity, the best means of ita extension therein."

is supply from Labuan, it would greatly faci itale future increments for opening new lines.

I hope that some of your readers, who may know more about the Company, will enlighten me if I | have instated kny pticular. We are only la The object of Mr Hammond in sering these the dark here about all these masters, and aditis premiums is to promote the interests of religion rus uformation officially gloss would go great and commerce in the China oras and Eastern Ac, it is from no bility to Labuan or the chipelago in coonealun with the design ofthe Great Comping I have writes this; there own he no Exhibition; and he proposes that the rewards ebaoldy more noxious than that of Ningapore be given lo cash or gold medals of equal valus, at

u obtain a regular supply of iba black mineral i the option of the successful competitors. Three to the EA. C Dirmore..." give us cond and of mere competant and disinterested judges are to

we will forgive all your other shortcomings." be appointed to decide upon the merits of the ey and the last day of next Jana is 6xed upon na the Jimit within which manuscripts must be sent in,

(From the Singapore Frés Press, January 2)


To the Editor of the Bingagore Free Prins.


Your truly,


Singapore, 1st January, 1832






20, Piriadas (Don), Perry, from Amoy, 18th Jany.


18, Sephia (Part), Rotario, California. Jan.


17, Wm. Gillies, Brown, Singapore. 19, Sumatra (Dui), Weltman, Batavia. 19, Helen Mcfiam (Am) Lint, London 20, Grace McVea, McDonnell, San Francisco, vin


1, Tiso (Bpan), fochaul, Hongkong. 21, Battle Zing (Dut), Wolff, Batavia, Dec.


29, bouford, Benson, Singapore. 29, Philip Laing, Ondenhead, Calcuta. 29, Eleanors, Hunter, Singapore. Jannery,

2, Branor of Lunouder, Sydney.



Dr Heaker Ningpo.M.91 19 Hen. Spenc


sing. Jones!



Hongkong)(band 4




* Count !! M. Qgand

Hun Bj 31 || Admical Ana Capiala Ama

Misten Name Ruyan Halamander Hebrna

H.C. Su



6 Bes

VOL. XI. No. 8.


La Consil Mandage





Mahomed bike Land-o'-Cakes



Tona 5bipa

Hunc oxa.





689 | Julm Cozar








Empressa Falcon Glenlyon





Good Burcase



668 Heloise





26-0 Pialades 1,200 Torale



P.&O. B. N. Co.'s Office. Hongkong, 16th January, 1882,




181 Caprice

Hay ind


300 Afied





336 Tone








Arrived at CALOUTTA-November 220d, Rad Blagepors 295 Ut Rever, Claxton, from Hongkong Job Ocwber and Dando, from Macao 9th Oct, and Bingapore 1st Nov. Nov. 29th, Lody Amhara,

9th Oct, and Singapore 10th Oct. D.cember 1, Vickie, Brith, tron Houghough

Vemula u Horagons Whampoa, ConsureMoon, sa Manas, uzvdE UMPATON. For France.

Jules Count, W.

For Lisbon. Clam, M.

Caprice, W.

Bumugab, C

For Port Phillip. Bpbyax. Ft.

For Bombay.

Land Aibley, W. Singapore Str., H.

For Madras. Gamhand, W.

For Batania,

Patriot, W.

For Singapore. Apollo, H.

For San Francisca

American Prokoi, H.

Ana Welch, t.

Blenheim, H.

Conroy, W.

Constani, H.

Edeo, W.

Emperor, H.

Eureka, H.

Land o'Cake, tí.

Geo Washington, H.

North Carolina, H.

O.ola, W.

Rajasthan, W.

Iob. Ball, W.

Ban J016, 3L

Teroute, W.

For Manila

Belliza, M.

El Tiempo, H. Jules Cesur, W.

For Shangha Nymph, 11.



Hod Hover Singapore Bu.


Amerion Ann Welch


319 Conroy


1,424 Tumchoy

196 Twin! Wpos 8,13






North Carolina












Teas ...




Raių nat






Asia Falk






V becom


ANTHON & Co. Hongkonz, 2d Josmary, 18th --












Ton ...

l ?Ы



Akbar" Amy Robga Balmoral


Lo Sept 13 H.


Sbia, J. 11-




bản Nov 12


Emperor of China Daniall

Liv, Ang 178


Lom Oct 18.




Hem Lindeny


Leg. Aug 29]. H

Far Wes (Am)


Plph. Oct 28 H.


Lea, Nov 19 H.


Liv. Aug 198

Norwegian. American Puslint 406 Nicolay Nicolaytes 151


Liv. C' 24 8.



Lon Aug 18 IL


Lon. Nov 118

569 ==




to Bien-


Ban What



260 Towe

Tone . . .









Total in 'kong 18,369 Total in Amoy

Magao. Portugu



Belliza Char Enna

John Bright

Beland Old En-land Sophie

Order in which the above Vainola laft England.

Al Bustand, Jokes Bright, Cubaya, J. K. Ka

Potopieni, Hahn Landing,

Loading.-At LONDON: Proa abun, Ocalong. Burprise, and Celestial-As Lavaurvol; None,

??With a company c! EL M.'s 50kb Regiment on boat.




Ana Martin Balmoral, Str.

Will you allow me, though the medium of j 20, Brighton (Am_Wholer), Weaver, from Asc Baton of Banfrew (Carrón your paper, to enquire what has became of the E20,


All your readers must remember how we were startled about the middle of 1948, by tow announce. | 21, IDent of as" Eastern Archipelago Company, inel 21, tulad for the extension of commerce in the "China sens, and for promoting the civilisation of Borneo | 22, 4. &e" Royal Charter, expital £200,000, and

a thuch more as you liked to carry on mining,

agricultural and trading operations in the Eastern Archipelago. The Prospectus pineceded to tell

oa, that the phileshopist will feel interested in

this desigs" (prometing civilitate &c. &c.) Bo

Junior (Am. Whaler) Hammond, from Band-

0, 20th October.

wich Island, 26th October.

Aria Felis (Span), Maria, from Manila, šia


Sphisz (Out), Wigman, from Whampoa,

dan Welch (Am), Ryder, from San Francisco,

In December.

Brise (Peru) Agualer, from Mazatlan, 11th


Barrackpore Ombering Apear Cornwall

D. Northamber

Jobs O'Geant

Coningham Bom Doc 9H Marto Bom. Nov 17 A. fabertan (Bom. Dec 5 H. (Dem. Nev #H Underwood Bam Deo t Fowler OL Nov 28 H. Mandrill Bom NOT 8 Wh Horison Bom. Dec H. MaCalioak Bom Dec H. Nixon Bom Nov 29 EL Bom


Geo, Washington

8. de Las

Ban JDes



Thai Gloss Vrouw Janoba




105 Chebucio

260 Eli

180 Bidney 314

Tome... 1,843

**** **** **** ********

260. Mangosteen

Blita Motion Gem

Too ...

J. K L


We Deonid

John Wood


Bo Nov 1 H. Bom Deo Wh



pleseed with this announcement, and fella per

ing but of philanthopie myself, I was much


Ocean (Ain Whaler), Swill, from Sandwich Zephyr, Brown, from Namon, Tim January.

telands, 29th November. Museppe, Crockeu, from Namos, 21 January.

Lord Wertero


Bom. Oct 26 FL.

Total la Macao





Bom. Dec 6H


8bow Allem


Bom Nov 16 H



Bom. Nov 21 FL,


Midne(bal), Woodbridge, from Band-

dempo (Sp), Juchausti, from Whampoa

WDANPA British



Albert Edward


wich Islands, So Normober.







Eden Chutesbood





Lord Ashley


474 Loopwy 759





Bintang Anam lodia Niagara

Dusa Dribel ¡Rkahie


Decembar 80 £1, December 29 F November 29 B. November 98,


Robert Small






Tous . . .


sonal Interest in the undertaking, langhed at the

feats of those who dreaded monopolica and looked

to maci ben, fi sccruing to Singapore from the ex- tession of our trade,

Wall! bore is 6:2 just come, and what is the 22,


Fortune (Am, Whaler), Hathway, frowi Sand

wich Islands, 28th October

Marcus (Am Whaler), Wrag, from Sandwich

felde, 14th October.


19, Lasis (3pan), Ansolenga, from Manila.

reeuk? The fourth year since the establish at 97, Nymph, Wilson, from Camingmoon. of the Curapany, and apparently nothing done; at leem much was my impression six months ago, and determined in enquire, and discover what has be come of the E. A. C. A rum...ur occasiouly reach- ed me that a little coal was being scrapeil up to wards the North of Lahuan, but s? it never unde ita appearance bera, I concluded that there was some mistake.

flowever, let me give the resuk of my enquiries.


Per Piclades Rev. & D. Jackson and 70 Chinese Per Ann Welch Mosare Hullina de Co, and 18- Chinese.

Par Mateppa, Mr J, Guddar,

Atlea Loading-At BoxBAY; Chippewa, Margaret, Mary Omham. Royal Alice, Moffau, Sobraon, and Hamoco Family.


tom. London, Liv. Lhuspool, thin, Phields, Wat, Watchel, Cly. Cipia, and declard, Chart, Karthignol, MILL. MIMed, Cal, Col. culpa, Baru Bankng, Teti. Taita, da, Arro, Arman. Pen. Pamana, 1. Menghing, M. linen, Wh. Whengen, A. Anry. 1. Many that


T'otal in 8g has 4,106

Printed, and Published, by Wszatam Tabbant, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1862.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE Fine British Ship BLENHEIM, A 1. 608 Jong borthen, A. 8. "MoLlunan Commander, will meet with quick despatch

This veel has splendid accommodation for passengere for which, or feelght, apply to

RAWLE, DRINKER & Co. Hongkong, 90th Jansory, 1882


THE House and Grounds of "Glenenly." For further particulare apply at the ?f- W! Son of Memes Dany & Co

Hongkong, 4th December, 1851.


JAMES H. ADAM9, froen Macias, WILIJAM DREYER from Lamburg, DENRY G WOLCOTT of the firm

WOLCOTT, BATES & Co., Shanghas and Canton.

Singapore, let April, 1661.


THE Undersigned, having been appointed Agente Tate dig those ciles, are prepared to grant

Policles payable in London, Caloutta, Borrat, and CANTON,


Canton, 18th January, 1852.

Theg strongigzdommend to the Gentleman of

the Nagaland Mary Bervices their improved de: tacked Laver Waschre, as being specially adapted for or excels, and not balog subject is stop or be otherwise affected.

Duplex Watchin, Pooket Chronomsters, Car. riage Clocks, &o, which can be forwarded by the Overland Mail, and lasored to thele destination,

All anders mest be accompanied by a remittages ar valeipios fangagumi:la:kantor's prie aprona may be paid to their ? genta in India od delivery of 1b. 2oogle,

-4 Change Affey, Corukili, Landen.


THE undersigned bee established a large BA

KKRY, and guarantees to supply any queotí. ty of GABIN and SHIP BREAD at abort no- toe,


PING NAYE BRAD,..............3] cents per lb. PILOT BABAD,......................¶ warranted to keep for Six Monthe in any Climate. Contrate entered Into wuh Departments, Com. mander of Vale, dza. for regulas supplies.

EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 26 CORNHILL-LONDON. THE undersigned, having been appolated Agoo

for the shore Offies, are prepated to affect In-Ak Genners against fire, on Beldinge sad Goods, in

THE Hones an the South side of Gongh Btreet, lately occupied by dt J.


Apply loy

Victoria, 1st August, 1881.


FOR SALE. TOGETHER or separninly, those foor Houses situated on Lnt 90, tare of thee baring Grontage on Bollywood Road, the other two on Bough Street.

Apply to

M". BURGOYNE. Na 1 Wallington Street, Victoria, 23rd December, 188).


RY and Secure Mhorage of poriebsble or other Merchandiza can be had, on moderate charges, at the Godawn of

West Poist

WILLIAM Tabrant.

Victoria, Hongkong, 3rd January, 1852.

Cantos and Hongkong, including merchandien in native Packhous

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Canton, 14th August, 1851,



Whampón, 6th November, 1851.

A PROTESTANT THEOLOGIAN í dæir. one of obtaining a, situation as Totor in a European family. Apply A. Z. care of the

Editor of this Paper.

Victoria, Hongkong. 19th January, 1869.


THE undersigned being about, to rendered for

(requests accounts be

NGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all liqulation, and payment of oustanding debte made to him, either as Individually, or in-bla capa Edison, alvo Nxile, by

city of administrator to the Eats of the late Tom-ZEN MED.

ANTHON & Co. Bergkong, Jat Oetoba?, 1860

Ex "Land-o'-GARIR" JUST landed an assortment of vory experior

Scotch Tweeds.


Queen's Road,

Victoria, Band November, 1851

Victoria, Hongkong, 14th January, 1852.



Logen, Esq.

Comation &c. of the King of Siam. Sketch of the Steam Route from Singapore to

Torres Straite.

N. B.

Parties in Obine wishing to become

JUST OPENED AND FOR SALE ORLECT Bauches of vary superior old Glenlivet Whiskey in bottle :-Deck and Pale Branly -Hollanda Gis-Cordial ditte, Pios fruly Purtenbecribers will plonos forward theu nomen and að above-Dark, Golden, and Pale Sheries, London hot-reare la the office of the Friend of Chi and

| el-ingkung Gstelt."

In the Estate of Ammanam Joeur Binay,

fata of Victoria deceased.

LL parties having any claims on the

Estate sra requested to forward the same with secount and vouchere to be undersigned forthwith. Persona indebted so the Fatale veo nlan requested to pay amounts of their debts respectivaly on or before the lat day of March nagi.


Adovinistrator to the Estate Hongkong, 23rd Desember, 1891.


tled Blant and Porter, Bam' Pale Ale ako. dc.

Bone Fine Baked Balmon in June

MOEWEN & C Hongkong, Quern's Road, 30th Sept, 1951.

FOR SALE. desienble ameriment of Becas coll-ried thiefly on the Cousin of Ceylan and the Mag ritles.


Queen's Road, Victoria, 7th November, 1851.

THE Business hitherto aarried an under the name of Markdally Morannoy & Co. in this day elneed, and will in future be conducted by Mr ERBAMEN NOORCODE the firm and style of AH-1 MEDBHOY RHAIMTOOLLA.


Cantun, 5th January, 1852.


ESSRS SMITH & BRIMELOW have re ceived 130 Clues of Superine Holland Gin, which they offer at a low figure.

Hooghong, 9th December, 1881.

Victoria. 181b Deember, 1851.

PRINTED FORM, FOR SALE at the Office of this paper 2-







for the Peninsular and Ori- ental1ompany's Stammer.

LIBERADORKS Cadeau, fa ?Books.



sets rared, for when once taken if soun heopmen roosed in the constitution. It shows iteulf by farge foul angry sores over all parts of the body. For eight months my Horns had k spesially bad, having had three large sores on his furelege, Forquately at length, I be your advenisement in the paper, and thought that, If the Ointment did no such for mankind. there was no reason why Horse, arc. abould not equally benefit by it, The Bon Pa did wonders, and three or four eared the places in six weeks, (The writer further states, "that fram the Horse having bee himself, a sure appeared ou one of the old places, but this is rapidly giving 437 to the Ointment }" I remain, Bir

Your obtient servant, F. BOOT, Pib Light Cavalry. The truly lovele-ble medicius c be pro- cured at the Bablishment of the Undersigned, in richly Ornamented Boxes and Pot together with Directions for the Guidance of Patients alized to each Box and Pot

J. M. DA BILYA. Queda Hood. Fictoris

ACOW & Co, The Hotel, Umies


Pontaria, Mace

FOR SALE AT TED OFFIOR. TITCHED copies of a Review of the Trade of NORTH Cuina Umrald,

8bangbao, 1850, as printed at the Olics of the

Price flycants.

Friend of Chloe Office, 10th October, 1851.



THE Sist dla Britisk ship RO-

BERT SMALL, 519 1080 per ro "gider, carrying an experienced Bergeon, wwwik, Master, will load at Hongkong for the share port, and have early despatch.

For FRNIOT apply to

THOMAS HUNT,-?ampog. of to WILLIAM TARRANT--#longhang. Victoria, 27th January, 1862.



of Chieres Passengers and Cargo to ga Francisco, the charterer being prepared to pay, im- mediately, a fourth of the amount agreed on, say from £500 to £1,000 on much. Tanderers are voi goired to state in chele communications ad?�ired to "Charterer" at the office of this paper, the length, breach, and balght between docks, and the quality | of spate walet stowage at service of the Shippers.

Friend of China Offion, Hongkong, 87.b January, 1952.

NE OR TWO Voneels onimble fut conveyance


YR DUDDELL is instrooted to sell by PoulisS Aucrsek, on Friday the 6th February, 1852, a lock, precisely, in front of the Awa TION MART, Queen's Road, without reserve, the for- lowing Preperty belonging to a Gausloman lanving Itongkong.

The beautiful Bay Horse Rienzi, accustomed to every Lady, and quiet in Harness; a large Ray Syway Carriage House; the well-known Mara Facline; and the Due Pony Pipar.


One large Carriage, complete, with lamps, &c. Anal! Puny Phaeton, quite new; Set of Double Elore Harnem ??a sacond Bet of Duto; a Bet of Boty Harness; # Ladice Baldies and Bridle Gentlemen's Saddlen and Bridice ; 4 Aile of B- C) thing 4 Suite of Ditto 16 wake Hover Covers: 4 Nette Horse Covers: Palen Baddle Cloth, and a quamity of Stable Gear.

Hongkong, 25th January, 1852.


Airreantar sira and other work printed with A HONGKONG REGISTER'S G

sxpedition at the customary rates,

Bongkung, 20th January, 1882.

T the Office of the Honghing Register; the CHINESE CALENDAR for 1863 Hongkong, 96th January, 1858,



Nov. 94 Bandwick Island Nr. 30

Dec. 1

Jan. 6

Dre. 31


United S





B Labora


10 Slugsporu







G. Hope

(ht 15 Shangh Oct

??? Dre

Jan. 14 Jan. 1


Ban Patelsco


Aided greater value to the judgment exibited certain cargoes right candies in the existing by the poet, who, wanting other means to state of the market" Raw Silk-nh 1 that may urge his comrades to shake of "trembling " | do--Tes-we've heard s-unerung ab sat that ar "perturbation" thought wall to tell them that ticle so day" (the London Mail was delivered in ??no surly newspaper had they to fau"

The performances on the evening of the 10th were repetitions of what had been played on THE FRIEND OF CHIN 3 - | ~ the first night of the Winter soussa," viz, the AND RONGKONG GAZETTE. Comedy of "The Schoofollow" the Mu-deal legend of The Great Kan Hüske" and "Hyx and Cor." Iid we read, before witap-ing, the remarks with which our contemporaries have favoured the public, we should have la boured under a specica of mysticisın, and hero been includ, perhaps, to condemn the pro dence of the csupany in choosing for a first no presentation " picca haring on little incident or Moon firm quarter to worrow; in Apogee yesterday. plot, mul therefore dependent for succeva mainly







EN Wednesday,

Kim Bel

0.41 6.40

19 Thursday 30|Friday.



8,40||| 0,40) X QU 5,47) 2,40 9,49

6,40 5.4 3.16 3.47

Tur" Ovrdland Friend of China," will be da livered at day-light on Friday next.

We have had the question pat to us whether, under shu elreumalancer,Government would set act wisely by takleg premises but reception of parties altered with the Basli || peat; or if such may not be done on shore, then to engage ? vessel, which, for the use of the bosi people, la par- slcularly neoratory, and to pay the rest of which they would inllingly contribute. Among the Chisare pipala-

upon diskigue and situation ("-an opinion first furnished by the Mad and echoed by the Regir ter. An quilino of the play will have a twofold effect in correct, want we drain to he, en er ennenus notice, and to enable or to furnish a description of the situation which such amateur had to fill.

Jasper-Horace Meredith-Nicholas Bhilling

tom the mortably to frightfuld children especially of-Tune Drops and Jack Marigold are the

whom from 66 in 1,000 hava lullen userider it la rate biorach this terrible securge A. Chinese Duetur, speak ing of some sixty patients under his bands, admitted that two only had recovered; mote by good luck. than mata- gem, probabY.

School flows. Rushworth, who first appears, is the son in law, as afterwards shown, of old Master Cedar, the School master-Esther, with whom Japer becomes enamoured, is

* cavalier of the oklaa time,

was col

Fair &

iends, who delgu l? mile

I'm hither

A genila julge


I've plunded

the friends again. Such was the performance of the Cantons tours, and lung may they all havo health and spirite to join together in mark pleasing attempts an hour to beguile a the morning) Tou"--pulling a Trade Circular tempis, shanks to themselven thoroughly suc out of his pocket Cong-eight perce

ccentula l'rolugue rucited by the author farthing to eight pence halfpenny Hah I -ann ?t | in chm think of Tex"; sed again, afterwards, whion Drop cones in with an axe which he has taken from a Wood nan who bad rasaived Nick Shilling's orders to cut down no old walnut tree that "the schoolfellow." of yarn hið hang their swings upon-"Trees - Trous "-says Nick-" what were Tress made for but to ba cut down telling with happy effect on the alleged expression of a certain confervatur of the Canton alirubbery, who hail lopped a tree that * for the first time to flower was kowat pleading as excuse that "public meu should know the time." But we have just mentioned Drops who, although one of the schoolfellows, has do more particular part to perform than that of representing a Waiter and ostler in a village alebwise. He appears in the first scene, sont in to Rushworth with a bottle of the "black cork" A. 1). 1890-and having Jrawa the said "black cuck" whilst answering Rushworth's questions regarding old Cedar and other of the inhabitants of the village, half empties the bottle, exhibit- ing, throughout, acting, which if Garrick was the best representative of a drunkard ever known,

11 bir beats in such The dire Jer the Curtility, Post, Ceth- poedum will be math an I'm ch' to say--it omado ao of th�?Our Ladies, wani wach pesation to lugh i The svagh, sining vulos ill suite with fooling. And inch wiek su make their waingo lubi ?s be the man the care le list... sos, ? the dialogue seuros know th All ensoqolated with esat atomic rale, We feel we're need indeed to go to School, And trembling ofund afraid to come bafora je, And if the Sokwe felt we su tell the story. Yet, wead this be 1 1 see na ette here, Nously Newspaper have us to fear; Our sorry may be bad, but i invisin, Bright downthus, are before the Cu:tulu, Under whom laflusson puo may wadbalera Wadau with fe Sisähald, grieve for Grove. Y-1, lo far larry lenor, And ply with s vled regul Prompter where, var memuriva to use p But wir bent frompt e le she wish to plakao..... Then kindly say, wo sinmbler. In their pir They have got was surely go by hvert; And each sumanded by his Primod


He will meet night but kindness at Uncle banda,

cacoethes for classical expression, wook! say, Ao a certain friend of vure, trouble with a

We had intended, in the present issue, to take Rushwortli's daughter.-Jasper and Horace would not have enst a blush even on him. In the Youteniay's Register proves that the conductor

Meredith are some of the same father, Sir Luke last socnes the acting was all girl. Ja,'erbande Meredith; that they are si, however, doce Truclared to Colar his love for Esther, and the poor

is" Hminem delirum qu verborum minutis rerum frangit pon·lera" which rendero-i into modeft English signifise we ba iave. Ife in a simpleton, who breaks the weight of the mat ter by the nicety of words," an opinion which will, wa are sure, be roadily subscribed to

sotme notice of a lithographed plan furnished to Subscribers to tho Hongkong Register, pur- porting to be the plan which the Chinese onun munity approve of, and according to which they intend proceeding with their buildings in the Bozzar. The subjret, generally, however, must stand over a little while; but, in the mean tune in other lands-a search frowa wffich ha, his son, and curses him, The language in this by any one who takes the trouble to wade

time, we would request things who feel any in-??terest in it to take a copy of the Register's plan

and compare it with that, bearing the Gov. ernor's signature, hanging to one of the pillars of the Chinese Temple in Flollywood Road, and see how much the two are a like. The Register is either gulling the public, or, un not unlikely, he is gulled himsel? Perhape

the cnductor in the next issue will coudio-

cend to explain. Members of the respective Clana Loo and Tam, aut me European, are the only parties who have begun to bariki ma yet. Consent or no coastal, huurover, Ginterie iment have set the Convicte to work com v ing broken briche and rubbish to ko so front, in part formation of the praya. His Excel lency the Governor appears to have his own peculiar mode of eerling matter here; wa frost, however, he will not forget that he has gol Chinese Chinese, not Hingapore Chinese, to deal with. The Public may perchance suf for hereafter for His Excellency's air-ap. preciation of the character of theen he governs.

The Editor of the Hongkong Register, in his in- sue of the 13th instant, when acknowledging receipt of an Anglo Chinese Calendar for 1852 printed la "our Contemporary the Afail's best style and when "ahan baving much pleasure in acknowledging receipt of that very useful publication the Anglo Chinese Calendar for 1852, printed at the Office of the Chine Repostory in Canton" thought fit to tell bis res- ders that this (the letter) Almanack had seen a good many rivals spring into existence and die -an assertion hardly borne out by fact; but of that mose another time. We also presented uur Subscribers with a comparative Chinese and English Calendar for the current year, and the "Hongkong Register" determined not to be behind the age, has now announced to the public that he too has an Anglo-Chinese Calendar for A. D. 1863-an advertisement

appear until in theu last recon Jasper when old man,stricken to the Jasper to un at school, was kaven only as a fortelling, aud, derstand that they are brother and sister (but alad of great sensitiveness, had left thers, with- which it afterwards turns out they are sol) Nir out the knowledge of any one, to seek for Luke Merediths declines any reconciliation with

returns eminently successful.

Seene the and Act 14 introducon Horace quote from) is beautiful-Oh curse not!-says part (we wish we had the play before us to Meredith and Marion his wife, who, known Cedar-curse not your own offspring-for to friends, having plighted their troth at the n'sh! such cura is like unto to the arrow tar, are just awaking to a sense of poverty and that shit at randoms upwards, roverts its deprodance no old Cedar, the schoolmaster, point to pierce the brain of his who' akned to whoen. use they have journeyed for sucit."

cour and advice. Pour Marion is apparently

worn out with sorrow, and the dread of Sir

Loke har husband's father, and Horace, to cheer her, sings that beautiful and appropriate,


4 mille nothma were wont to twit

Before the weight of are

Itad creslid thy Theatr, and for a while

Left only bored the 1

Some thoughts perchance 'twere best to quail,

Mosor impulse to forget.

O'er which should mem'ry ceses to delį

We may be happy yet.

O never name departed days,

Nor raws you whisper'd then,

Boned which toe and a fooling playa,

To trust their tomes again.

Regard thele sherlowe rosad the nest.

As if wearer had met.

And then, unmindful of the past,

We may be happy yet.

We questo from memory; but the

action and implies with which the words wore given werd mich auto muku no tri?ing ina, pression, Cast off by his father, Horace is offer. 'ad by Jasper the half of all he is worth, and the play is almost brught to an end, when Rush worth appears, explains to Codas that Esther is his child, and born in lawful wedlock-and that Japer is the Breiborn of Sir Luko Meredith, therefore the brother of Horace, and the whalo ends with a very pretty tablour-Esther hand ?in hand with Fasper-Phillis with Jack Mari

gold-and Horace with Marion, ne matters of course," the Schoolfollows" altogether, want ing only Drops, who, consequent on Nick Shill. ing's becoming the purchaser of the house wherein be was born, falls a victim to his fortunate propensity, and dive in a fit of drun-

There was no uproarious encoring, butkennem. the bright decorations before the cuaisin " by gentle expression, such as ladies only know how to exhibit

Horace new or

through the following trash.---

"It appears we have unbluingly fallen foss a trop. Wo received an art cels on, and the addresa spoken at, iha upen- gofthe Celelal Theatre in - u. Sappening ikan the adures, which was pallished in the chin Mail, was verbatim and literarim the some rear copy, and draina Celog var compostiors, and by implication varies irable, we gave them the printes copy in penserende tu the wrlier, in the foil bellet that we were reproducing the verable address, Di jpaam, ku li titan cai, tkal var birmporary bad breu asking the address waster's diety rathon This gentleman thinking bio lines were gana prealable witbugi sgeb "blusion, le mot pleased with veg veport and Cousequently with us. We there plugine. At the same time we onnent la tine pro pelery of the Mall's curraciun- in grammar and rhythm, for the tower destin fout these, the muco readable, al all evada. (1 the prudentium. Pabii, a # mamele The great i

kom, bat we would rather pas a sup to han perm that lichot to sperad. And aung vider taluga we w...alu losiste, wual't be the couing v

ka division el monosylabios lute dia-gable-te sarba a ke lad who g. obok bate a pept divi- Bai ibu attempi so extend thòn nghi, we would

meet with lusta?ı and indegnasi Call2?e, fut li might.

happen ikawo abu?ld awake sumbe

" Sed ver language Witbuot a slagle monosylabis-where sh. all ve be iken 1 The Quarterly Brilen vees au víganlend cov piracy i anavezi as to aŭt latlam, commwali, da T tely alther isme los homarons to medion, in the bos If so what horribia vile may we not inter from the fog of Maraba! Hayaña by Barclay and Port' day. that specials institution the monosylable! Tas Lie exalignlabing, the boating Agoratively so to speak, un-overpowern no, and we hope, that in regard to our lear, many stumbles bak up the ground work of all language there will pay atention to ale feet, and not by lo Mengang glatar Juny 07,"

Bar and Cor, or the repacinor landlady, is But (Mr Box, as Mr Bouncer calla hin, a very a truly laughablo farce. Car is a latter, and

Backe by Mr Hannibal Herbert Fus Rowdy The recital of the legend of the great Sen in character, even the rowdiest of the dozen other to underwand that they expected be would Fitz Rowdys who had back seats allotted to sing it again'; and it was sung again accordingly, them (and who behaved with exemplary pro- and very beautifully to: indeed the whole ofpriety throughout) must have been perfectly the scene, both acting and, singing, was per-satisfied with. fection without a flaw. The song exded old Cedar, the perfect imperavnation of Warning and benevnience, comes saddenly on the furers, whilst locked in each others arms, and, with gule railery, remonstrates with them on wiarygan) is a compositor. Cox is ring first, and thinking of the means of subsis tence allerwards promising, however, to use' his best endeavours to bring about a recanatia tions between Horace and his father." At the close of this scene Mr Nicholas Billing; the Man of property, intrudes himself, and the andi.

between his sister and Jack Marigold; not be cause Jack is not a very good fellow, but be cause in only an Apothecary, and his sistor has got 1,000 to her fortune.


Mail or Register, he is not the maże(ing) we take After this if Mr Maling perpetratos either prologue os epilogue for communication" to

him for. Perhaps as the Register is so clever at heir splitting he will tell his readers what lo

mean by "fictitious notice" words to be found

in the acknowledgment of the great advertis.

above" article." ing quack's letter, ionedictuly preceding the

on a recent occasion we read something about In some official correspondence published Chinaman swearing to "false tillateral facts": and thought false facts" mu i be curious things; but ~ Sulitious notices" are better still, and we can only liken them to arry visions and waking but to realize full sense of delusion. -men dreaming that they are literary giants,

of which will he found in another column. The ance learn his version to a match on the tips time. Bux having left, Cos comce in and pro telligence when in Canton Jast work, and hope te

peculiar beauty of the Register's Calendar is its expression from a nice new fount ; the ar rangements are gund also--The comparative date form is copied from the Canton A. C. Ca. londer-the dates of arrival and departure of

the Maila from an old logkong Almanack, and the Calcutta Opium Saler from the Priend of China's Office Calendar for 1850-burring the working out to present period-plagiarizın all. A PREMERE of Gusiness has prevented earlier natice of some Amateur Theatricals which


In a following sense we have the first ap- pearance of Enter, who telle old Codec. hur Grandfather (hut why this does not theinknow As such) that a stranger, Juspor, is working far biu. Jasper entering, a convertation, duman between this all man and bi ", r?smalting in the latter discurring with when he is covering, and promising to tell all that he koown of Jam

We picked up the following itens of Chiares la have a large batch of news from our Chincio Cor respondents all ready for the Alail, Proclamation of the Shang to Society??to the

quired to be at his work precisely at eight in the morning-Box has to be at the printing office all night, retting up long leaders for the home, and vics, verev, Having but one spare morning's paper. As Cox goes out Box comes

room Mrs Bonacer, the landlady, has determain- ad ou letting it to Box and Cox at the same

thinking, that whilst it is grilling, be insy cends to cook his rather before sleeping, just take forty winke. Whilst lying down Cogs who has dandled about dressing and talking to Mr Houncer, and is told by his master that. for that day, his services can be dispensed with, for a trip on the water. Going to the fire comes home to cook his chop before starting place he finds Box'e rasher which he sup- prapar) belongs to those of the former dynesty; Know ye people that the mildf" gruund (Chies throws away pute duwa bis chop and goes to ¡ merchan 4,bet fidati de-atly, every one this work. posen to be Alza Bouncer's, takes it up and ret wfraid ye scholars, farmers, workmen, and fetch the tea things-No sooner left but Box The fortune of the Han dynasty about to floor ih, and the foreign Dynasty of the Binutchoos will

Inhabitants of Wing-on-chow. The Trnou-shing ', Chial Offer in the lift be changed. in publish this, that the hear's of the people may wing of the semy, bae mceived the royal command's

?�We have a perket entempt for everything in the

we had the plea-uru of witnessing in Canton, 's history al sumus fummo period, The Host awokes and finds his raher metamorphosed soon and Tris in the decree of heaven in which Do the evening of l'evlay the 18th instant, į narked scans is und wiwira Niclas Sulling into a chop a loving the blame 10 Mr Houncer biza can he no mistaka. After a long union, di Both our Contemporaries have furnished their discovering that Jasper har jistoturned in Eu- whom be anathematizes pretty severely for her slaina must essur, in order that of dre may be ar readers with communicated" papers about rupe with a fortuna, and thinking that hi will sudacay, he takes it up mail, alan, throws AWAY, these performances; and the Mail has seen filio of nitro, want a-wife, enlever to beperk and then goes out to fatch kit les things-Box a spirit of carping criticism, and a rather ques | his affections in favour of his sister Thills, and Cox return to the rooms at the same time, Lionable tä, we think, to point out one or two! The puris proud_" man of property " was ca, to have a laughable argument on the proper pro- trifling defecte in the prologue read at the first { pitally represented. Estimating Jasper's sup- prietary of the domicile: resulting in their be meeting; criticism, however, which has amply posed worth be runs down the category of what coning first aworn friends-thou enemies and

shape of quackery-out exping our own professional quchery, where build rider or extravagant dre uda sotics

of Impale derde are used to quack papers into it ??Can the lety bay, had any control the Christian Union, many of the metubers been but lower of Ta


rangod again. Our Kings publishing Isus, exhibe boarded the ship, till 7PM. Hle ought to have curd chilling and benusibing kuff once on the

??gond seiling font size to the light with semograss of a species of immigenion, the valuelnos commodation in hor.-Bengal furkarü, Nov. Im chatacter of which in host atteated by the state of

carte encke


bited their benevolence and before over they bowed

(I'cante) To the Editor of th- Timra. the kore to Bhang tu, (God) they stained vir die.

*Waimbell. April 19, 1896. tressed, and after they had learned to worship God,

**Dr, Boring this day delivated into the handa v? tha our trope and the value of our ustalen now, 9+ dom King the male of Odes, I'von, mibes any imperative of they exerted all their strength to save the people from ruis-they supported the wesk, resisted the Sphinx are again expected here alusly, and wa

We under and that El M.'s Ships Hastings and inted wish those periode prove to the commenceu interest di me dive, or any impedimees tum scrúpulons strong, and mealsid such other in opposing these ball ust be anspried to are thom again in thes

ent of our Coolie Immigration #achonga "Melings of del cany, asetada, my d my songs of the pravcial and guarding ngeliat robbers, whichhed strength

* keuses which bars cost the colony milions of dud-up, not which that Ɑvernment that which i had the homune waters before many months njaro pim over our fers, and ended, a far sa prisperity in concatual, in

to pra de cronized some the Times Nowusapat. and unanimity of mind. Th

at like beads. These Burma affaire ro quily diam

If I do affer tho aptume-no od post mai grodinde, it low yeong Tail-e yu, Chann

And that the Evi tulis Company becaufat tot muah dåpe ations would del joi and vibers, lost ninte Government attention towarse than than who stopped the Jura, lundered is generally behaved, and we know that i ra istand way of their au jecu leaving Ladu, is voly in tot

Distors shoot bive thrown every obat ale in the the shameart of a bogʻzet, which was given et lavaly m everywhere, and killar.

Ants of the towns

Colgani wa at vide jade i grande al protas pescatalo ad to take hold of the subject boldly, if i cannot be with their genial plicy, which is neither to

1 oy theo with portret uh, so I "m addressing :-ne and lagen. On the theres in:3 were afrey only cared to Berpent will ever retura te aleata duck her pre

offers and tropengl gently. It is very improbable that cheat empayant themselves for their pople, no

w partnerin salawn to one, and who during my wow if Pinet studion-dy on ided stor, speam "? lutate to allow others to do so

cor which add them oompicin up the motives by passports of 19fe c-ailart, in a protection to the

seni comas'ssian, but we bell wo it in deter nined Derredly unpopular as as Cooke immigra.which he was retariad people, but their a-turnnou of peace wat in vain, for

I ohmid, honorer, ba duing lar that the For will remain meer oor shoras for me, which reems now to be proposed as the sub the inferiors depruding upon their superiore, ultime, sod that the Hostings and Sphine will som

Ju bớt to my own feelings of t were in Putere Ervm Clos etitolo for it, it will prove much word co, emo it thealing yếu-f the némi strươm with which I unturned, dering Felhout any murd í saumal dgment; without at leaët në- weat abroad to aril thenu pasupoets and oulleci a lax,

betorn to calculia again. Motouver, before un go that the inkubitamia bad na posce till stay he

burthen of removing the subj-ain of this Colettial the arde con 14 which I was engaard, the daily 13- her mouth may remonstrance and drinand Empire to three shores be thrown on the shoulderebil mít verrordinary oʻility to which I was indeberá yielded to all these demanda. to this way the merchants and Tinders suffered great and inder

Get explanation and satisfaction will arrive at the the public. Individual proprietors, spending, de moes valuable because it was an importal cribable injury. The cats and arico slept in chr

redress that may fallow it, i Guri foment will please; but we must strongly protest against the same place," "bonen numbers of inferior persons, assumed unusual effrontery, and formed all klods of schemes to do so much harm as they posibly could they also raised tronpe train amongst the inhabitants and even culled apus our kings to sub mit to them. On the day that Wig-on city was settled, there ware three custeading partira, but he who walked according to the wishes of hoven ob wined puserosion. Our kings have spread their benevolenes to the utmost, and regarding the peo plu sa sh-ie mkildren, they have commanded the acay to abstain from murder, and to fakte nothing without permission; they are just and impartial us the balance, and the trade in the merkato nam gou on quietly as before. If any one refers to obey the laws, let him he reported to the law officer of the army. Our kinge invita tha inhabitants of all districts and departments to surrender, and will co- ward those who establish their merits by exerting Ibon ringth. They are now waiting to be julmed by the kings of the other promiseen in order to write their troops for me allnok, vn the capital city P. king; offer which they will procowd to divide the

Court of Hurmah and according to the answer and helt own private munay, can, of course, do so they keer joue acel at and faithful serum,

and distribot ng support. I have the bear is be, ir,

??Kinge Taiping, Heuen-, Plog leo. Yin ük, Tens úk, Shan tik.

Commanders-in-chief Yeanga-talog, Generaliavimo-Hoo-a-kwang, Chief Assist General. Few-choo-kwel, Second Assistan


Ten-ko, Brat year, 8th Munn.

A Rebel ion has broken out to the Bin-on dir. Trick of this (Canton) province. Or the 20th day of the Hub mon, the officers engaged in colleating the taxes, found some who had no rúmne oʻpaying, but instead of rising these men, they took their elder brothora loto vústody, especially the richer sees, frich whom they expected to ohin a good deal of money as . The inhabitants, hon ever, became enraged, and rove kod kulled the Ma gistrate of the district. Troops are now so their way to the scene of disturbance, to examion into the particulars af sko murder, &c.

Diver to the Clipper ship John Taylor-The following from the Albion may be interesting to the nércanule comminuaky:-


* I've me placere sud-f qui a to learn from the Latter which you have konowed at, bearing yuter. day's date boty a ram ou bighly ih-arts whiehave

cl or refrain. The entire of Captain Lewis's case pat community of this colony, the already To which, with das lufterns and diplomaise gravity and to the wathorpies at the Capital of Barmah, and experiment" that may be la embryo in the Ing the New las letre with observations thereon, will be dished up bara so much, bring aidated with any use Levity, there is Alwar, Draught of Asosar, in Pawsed Berg's hard from the heyateikus katkty se honourvil, in they will be givro expliclcitly and fully to under. brains of immigration mongers, Considereng pland that according to the course they may choose that the great objection to Doules minigration W

"To in High How, Bir Robert Pad, Bart. to adopt, the British Goverment will inku measures in costline, scuing from the datos of the

40 40 40. for either restoring protection for their sobjecte at po whence the people ware brought, and com Reagoo by negociation ned trakty, of enforcing string that as Ching in more distant from us by hostilities and the punishment it so well knows the Indle, she expense foringing Chinese herbesam drowning this last divo nimbing by tha The Nawe bow to indict, and bus before displayed its ability will be heavier than that even of bringing Coalies, it past, we supp en bar ? me of rational and wholemme Gas- to carry out.-Morning Chronija, Oct. 81. in sricans that if Coolie immigration was objectonant which his Majuary had antrusted to your guidance j uble Chinese tout Le sull more so, Sent appresice fairly the dinistarsted lancien, of ouslytherefore, as we felt itour duty to oppos0 | chiu Juara 2 has bron-prompt d t perpus a ley la so

I gord ra the pobile weur, at do they also, the chat French Expedition into the Sao of Japan-As (sod as the result showe, an unsuccesfully), dance with that of june Adminisie viia. ?i se, peroni part is current that an expedition is about to be the project of reviving Coolis immigration, by soch modrou only, that the Tlaco, over Miaow I sent from Frases into the sea of Japan. It kald last your, we shall fist still more bound in that it will consist of a frigue, a corvette, and the present, from a feeling of justice to the public, ??to it ; and indeed värre asinc on ucher causives of opcion for a

have known it, has loan induvaeed, whether in di Sanco the Goverment of the day,-7 la consiliational resist stemmer, under the orders of a runradmiral who be sentiments wa ura conscious of expresong, Jourse, compildu alb-3 with tha muíety of the prone, we

a log navigated in the Pacific Ocean and she tu denounce any scheme that may be vo fit to Chinese 140 The xpedition will, it is adiled, pour hards of Chinese is this endowy at the pubire With spect, I have (s konour C. 14, Nie, sla, ale vie,

with he pubical murality of the great wall if in randam "be at once military, commistolaid and scientific; xpres. Whether there is or is dus say such and han for of ject to open to open commerce achime in aguation we are not in a position to say,

"The Estron oF THE T'ium" states which have been closed against it since the oor bove we, we must candidly couleus, any letter only practically felt, but candidsy and gratefully The power of the " f?arth estate" wan chus not sixteenth century". Singapore Free Press. Now, and of judging than the rest of our fellow col acknowledged, by one who may be said without dispute to baru been the greatest man of his times


All know on the subject 18, what buo An Easy Going Captain. The captain of a cruicidy appeared in the radio sewspapers, that are 1035, when the shove letters were wrilles, sing frigate in the Mediterranean, on descending hedging of the Court of Poley, on the 20th the Pecse has increased rather the diminished the ladder for his cot, about eight o'clock in the line, the Honourable Peter He is reported to it's potency as a plural engine and could wa rening, and contemplating the felicity of a dose are handed in the report of the Immigration enjoy a peep into the prtfalice of the leading an hours' uninterrupted repose, lefl orders with the Committee on the Jeter of Dr. Bowring, relative tropolitan journalists during the last fifisen years, office of the watch to be made acquainted of any to Chino immigration" and that the report," we should, if we mistake not, Glad many hitter, change in the wastber. Towards midnight it and | which was decidedly favourable to the project," marked private," from Cabinet Mimi and desly bags to look black to windward, the breeze was adopted" What, however, may have been other men of political note, readylug tư the vast freabening to a long continued squall, which oblig. the specific nature of the "report" or what the depower wielded by the Lood-in Prear, the high value ed the Lieutenant to shorten sail to the foresail of the Interim Dr. Bowring," in placed upon it's opinione, in the gratitude fest for the topenils were clewal down for reefing. Here Chinne mymary to avand the poblio. Equally support, Private requjor, kamey-r, oval lærdig the Captain was informed of the chungs of wesolved in mrawy are the questions that naturally be avarched fui au evide. cr. A glence user ther and the sail the ship had been reduoad to ingest themselves to the sins on reading this 6b of The Tones, the Daily Nee, or thu Aiz consequence Eh said the Captain, it blows rest, what Dr. Bowring bas got to do with aminer, will suffice, to gather ample proof of the hard does Yes air, replied the Lieutenant, hielowy How did he vows to waith any lot. rospect for the Press which is ecturiained by pub- + there's every appearance of gile- Very well, 48" at all. Why should be have so deeply in lie mon of all grades and potuiane, Prere of the anid the Cnprais, let me know if it blows border. (fested unself in our affairs What does he resim, Bishops, Judges, Mem era of the Home of At 12 o'clock. the first Lieutenant, win had been about China and the Chiseve in gmaral? Commons, Generals, Aduri ala, may all occasio for the last half hour watching the state of the | Ah! what, in particular, Trapreung their adaptabili. ally be sero 6guring as correspondents of the pah. weather, made up his mind to disturb the Captainly to the climate and peculiar watta of the aniony ? lia jamcuales and 60-ih le couvéʻraqueen to refute for the calling up of the hands, telling him that be However, in the weantime, until the nature of calumny, to correct monetetedbent, or to a ply thought it necessary in and the top gallant yards the report of the Immigration Commilles is more A precs if necessary colch"tion, mone bad a ano> down, and make all smog, for it was blowing clearly ascertained, we shall not sure that the at henet will think his dignuy lowers) by having perfect gale Do so, said the Captain,' and wander of Dr. Bowring is based na the manupriva recouted to the usual channels of cominuni alion + Accounts were received at this port, Liver let me know if it blows harder, or anything par- the public mat sy tot pay for the imp??tation with the multion. It is only a India nod the pool), on Saturday, of i serious chanter that had ticular happens. Both yards and sana's were of the Chinees which he recommends; but we shall Colonies that great men affect cast for the bellen the fine new Clipper-ship John Taylor ruck, fore and wisen lopsail taken in, the foresail astunek to be posible that the learned Doctor bas organs of public opinion, and that it is considered Captain Hawkins, sister ship to the Chrysofia reefed and set again, before the watch was called proseeded on the understanding that private pro- a fun and lofty thing to say: I never send the will be recollecind that the Jaka Taylor sailed from just after which the second lieutenant, in ubedi- pristora of estates who want Chinese are to make paper," or, when something has appeared that qual this port on the 6th August for Bombay. She pro-enos to the orders left him by the noble Firet, de bargains with those people, and introduce betion, to direct a Secretary to write: The ended acce-fully on her voyage umil the Blai of went down to report the loss of the maitopenil, the wholly and solely at their own cool. In that Most Nobis, or the Right Honorable, h?o h�?this that month, when she sosountered a very heavy which bad blowo clean out of the bolt rope. The real, we shall of course have no more to say lantion drum to so-sod so," though a great and sadden aquel), and before thore was time to gallant commander had been awoke by the noise gain his later, then against the introduction fun official could uøver sa fac stoop from his pedestal take in oil, ale was dismanted with the exception occasioned by the spliting of the mil, and the mo- Lima, Ban Francisco, or Cuba, of cargoes of Chi-to prve Dawspaper article with his swa of the main and mixen lower mats. One man ment the cabin door opened, and the offices of the pegs labourers, imported by private parije, nad in- Most Noble or Right Itunorable eyes! If i were was killed, and three severely injured, The Ela- watch entered as he had expected, promptly or dentured to thom for a certale term of years. Os not so very lainemable, it might be deemed enter. anor Thompson, arrived at Queenstown, spoke her dered him, on his stating the case, to set the storm the fouling siver, té Chiares or Coolie immigra- teining, tu abeerse how this kind of aup scilos al- on the tet ultimo, if the Cape de Verds, and sup mnyamila, adding, as he laid himself down again, dop desunile for the foture, va far as British Quin- fontation is imitated by the satellies of men in plied her with spare, saila, dcc., and she was pre- * and, you know-ah ! let me be called if is kinws A be concerned. Whatever surplus funds the col-power. Lord Noodle, or dis Harry Doodle, randa paring to rig jurmanta."--Telegraph and Courier No 19.

harides. The ship laboured much, and just after only way hereffier powers, can very well be ca- a ament stack upon his magnificent self-carpet daylight shipped a most tramelons are, which on the fun taal improvement of the colour the newspaper thst contains k-gets into a raga made all alike again, washed away the lea waist sod for the bescht of two inhabitant "t large- with all the people about lin, and Gais by de. The Margaret Skelly, Topping, whích b�?she | lamosok nesting, and with it nearly half the watch

claring, like Sir Freuful Plagiary, tant ne dobro't Bendlinda ou the 19th fustani, was zorg from Faire | The galo if possible, was still lucronning--the am

oreg for the confounded papers. Immefistels, Poin Light on the ring of the 16ch instant rousing mountains. The offeror of the watch resi

Mr Becretary Scraggs, and the Hou'ble Felix Fitz bouing S. 8. E. ah at ten mira off, with nothing posted the and catastrophe * And it blows Tory

dunker, pas un grist airs, and pronounes the but her forest and fute lep wast

The Bombay Gazette givas nut that Aden is to journale of the place quita unreadable, by consum Mr Barclay, hard it seriously said the captain. Very hard the Buperintendent of the Light, gut into his jully insteed, sit, as mournfully replied this Lientuonot be sected into a bishopric proposition that of their scurrility, wast of tal-ut, and lack of ipfor- boat, the only one he had, and pulled out at 2 x.m

?�I think I never know it to blow an hard "-"What, would square admirably with ike vil grasping matin; though perhaps, were the truth koown, through the surf to go to het. Aare a pull of

ai 1 saspended the Captain, sa len turned himself her of the Whigs-notwithstanding the brook- anther Scraggs ner Fazlankey di-likeška perhape more than five hours be succeeded in gering

round, in thought of sama funthar urder; 'wha, ed al of the Athéndum utverta they nto such bitter at heart, the former baring (caire keus) variatimes board, and found her in a very distressed condition, you outer know it blow so hard - Never, air, theiles in the church-if there were any probabl. contribuned an elitorial, and the latter having more mainment and mixen mast gone by the deck at the Lieutenant positively Then, ait, let me 117 of is happy accomplishment, but out only than once gone into czchiunatory conval-iune at a bulwarks washed away-lepgalians foremaatle the know when it moderates '-?autical Standard,

are fande wanting for the support of a right revi | happy piragraph, and sworn was damni1ioa artid father in God, but even the shadow of nu good" The folly, however, of dupsing the press anguro, for placing his scclesiastica) lordship in whether the contempt bo real or effected-w TONIRAMuter of an epinguiabed volcano. For locat- aut sal, even smoogst colonial big-wiga, for any BRITI?U QUIANA. }

Ligous in the cherial house of Hongkong alrere considerable space of time. With the spread of was the exouse, that be might at the overseer of European roterprise, representative institutions, (From the " Nayal Gazette.")

the church commasion in the China seas, there be and frie discussion, the power of this press will If we may judge from the present signs of the ing, church missionaries on the o?net of that em- gradually augment, till it cannot be despised. The forth look upon Coolis migration as one of the in the expenditure; but there are no such forerun kindly, and a respectful spirit will display itself times, the planters of British Quinn may hence pic; and there was a plyus lady who went balvas Noodles and Doodles will then take correction Tanished visions of the put. For many months wener on the cost of Aralds, and the East India among the cůlxial mionewa by whom thay are have had a groleman of saknowledged talenta, and Company, though they will probably be compelled arounded,



(From the Madras Cresent, Deo. 18.)


of great local experience, ou a resident and a planter - to provide for a k?abup of Agra, would hardly con-


in this colony, as our immigration agent at Colour. sem to do the same for a single military station, Bo fas, however, from his missioo heving been | rindsted In smother quarter of the globe, wod har- productive of as incraser in the exportation of G a ung, but a suliary aluplain for the punchbowl vľ ile labourers to this post, hi somme to have burn of the diocres. teased wiba directly contrary effect. Since his removal in Calcuna, he has a vol to up do mora "kun

god, as to the future, very few lodved; we swap c

??few dozens of the ducky byshändmen of Eid-1,

will be the dozena despatched by bim from the zama popelque hive of human beings. No doubt, w have to thank for this barron result partly wurarl

{From the Telegraph and Cowrier, Dec. 2.)






the ringbolu all drawn out of the decka. The coddy and the Captain's cabin had been com pletely guilted by the sea sweeping through. The comineer and several of his araw severely bruis ed, some of the latter neable to move. The chief mate had his loya awalled by the combined effect of wet and sun, Mr Barclay "Rered to bring the ren Bel to the anchorage and assist her with spare i bat there being a favorable breran at the time, the Cap- tain preferred avea with his kort and eg austed oraw, to try and rig jury maste He got top. glia il net for a foretop sail and mada a few miles to be our 'kward; but on the morning of the 27th be was in eight bearing E. N. E in mark calm, and woles the Agente arad out a steamer wa ibink it probou the gefortunate vesel may be days in getting in and those on board auffer much, The Reginald Haber went to res on the same day no the Margarat Skelly, and the Lucknow about the De dene. Beth must have been in the fury of the gale. Too much praise anasot be bestowed on Mr Barclay for hia exerti ns.

He had been from those be inde doring the gain in saving the lantern, and aftorwerda le getting it in a condrion fadia Company. When I was prapssed, in theece jay by the home use, that we can of ti, Luner, Hultamy, from Caoloa.

, and putly the illustrious Director of the study it ware of the degree of pdical in to show the light again; yet on seeing a varsel in cature of last year, on the loan baing toned deny, ouratris the gratuication of reproducing "125, tribonia ( Am Whaler), Beker, from Asces- dist ka pahes off to her through a surf in an

In UNC Column@!- with the Imperial Government, that avost nlusterme basafe box and exposes himselt for a whole day to twentieths of the amount should be applied to the the an, for he did not get on abore again the day renewal of Coplin immigration, as loud and general was the burst of disapprobation ruited throughout the colony at that mode of gening rid of the great- or part of a loan, for the redempua" of which we and our posterdy were to be mortgaged, that it ca but natural to dopolude Aline too of public, spinion found its way so?y" cha water, and vases | Private!

*The word King hayo sig-li?en a prince, er one of noble family, and King understood by Eurogane.

kiply the are merely amed, the cammen nem of the pasura ning given underneath, one of them King-Tel ping, commonly called Hung-new.inci, (was a member of Get Christen Union.

Toton not of peculiarly Indian interes, the savezed extract from Carlyin's recent dingriply

23, Sestland, Davie, from London, 18th August. 23, George & Mary (yin. Whaler), Graine, from

Ascension, Jasb December,

24, Meinom (Au Whaler), Boury, from Hoav

lalu, z71b October.

of Juba Strilugas pleasing in itself, a od 21, Rater ur Sagrer, Taylor, from Valparaiso,

The sapp #, by Edwwel Barling and the Turk, of

Robert Veufs Most Manntry, and generally of Pear's senten map, wc-cm-se fast -n in day i hat the

11 mm With from the sermone of je By interested may be puies

SUL. Ucolet.

zion, ard December,


Condor (Am Whaler), Kempton, from Sand.


lied Heer, Sah, gan Com-ing moon,

wich Jelands, 30th Octuber.

sidered well witib moding. The following Leiter, alte 27, Robert Small, suink from Whampoa.

rand-ring though I know not what lundente a adults, and 27, Trafalgar, liebestun, from Whampoa. coatlung of daya oriuna i naity we addit 27, Descola, Waste, spm Wannapok,

and has been found among his peporn.

Edward ditching so the real destrand-id-27, panes (Am Whaler), Jany, from Home-

Tulu, 7th November.

It is



Hongkong Jahi Bard & a co

Amaya and







PRICE $10 per annum,

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per ?nnum, 10 Dollars, payable in advance, questerly or otherwise, at option, Single Numbers, så orte

Caurmaniosilene for the Editor will be forwarded if left with Ty man, 8.ationer No. 589 Queen's Road -Burak kanne want of the Orimial Bank, where opere ongler of this Paper mig ateo de obiskant. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, 1 Dollar; ad Helenal, to contains. Repetitions aus-third of the West Insertion. Ships, -Pirst lasertion, " Dollars; subsequent insertions 48 vomis. Advertiennente so have written ng the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published sadit countermanded. Pull charge made ter repetities of any Advertisement in the Ovantano lesa.







JUST OPENED AND FOR SALE. TN consequence of the retirement of Mr. CHARLUG | CELECT Batches of vory superior old Glenlivet Bandane, the Srm of Wilkinson & Sandars ??Whisker in bottle:-Dark and Pals Branly has been dissolved, and, in future, will be signad In-Hollande Gia-Cordial dito, Pine fruity Port -Dark, Golden, and Pale Sheries-London bot- led Blout and Porter, Baas' Pale Ale do. c.

Bque Fine Salted Balmon in Jurs.

MCEWEN & Co Hongkong, Queen's Road, 30th Sept. 1851. FOR SALE.

liquidation soly. The other partners in the inte ?rm(Mr. Alvana WILKINSON, Coulon and Mesors Darina, Dioxinson & Co. London) will son. tinee the bosinase under the Style of ALFRED ORIENTAL Company's | WILKINSON & Ca Steam-Ships will leave this for

Canton, 18th December, 1851.


the above places on Saturday the 28th of February.

Canso will be rozrived on board unit 5 x. m. of ??THE Business of the undersigned will, from this the 26th, and Taxavas until Noon of the 97th.

& Ca


0.0. EDMOND, Superintendant.

P.&O. 8. N. Co.'s Odc.

Hongkong, Būth January, 1852,



21, Dnim (Span), Dica, from Manila,



11, Careyra, Paterson, from Hongkong.

21, Albert Edward, Stoddart, from Hongkong. 33, Pio?uder (Dut), Perry, from Honghững.


Per Scotland Qir. Master McDonald 60th Regt. | Agnes, barqu




24, Brise (Peru), Agualer, Whampon.

26, Nymph, T. Wilson, Shanghai

20, Spiting (Dut), Wigman, Port Phillip.

20, Aria Felis (Span), Maria, Amoy.

20, Lian, Bellamy, Amoy.

96, Zephyr, Brown, Amoy.


The Scotland on the 18th Nov in Lat 37. 6. S. Long. 64. 62. E. spoke John Bright from Liver pool to Shanghas, and on the 11th December, spoke

The Fair Barbadian in Allasa' Strait bound here,

Vastetaan Horazons Wazuros, CominemOOM,


For San Francisco.

American Packet, H.

For Landen.

Trafalgar, H.

For France.

Ann Welch, H. Bleobrim, H.

Brahmin, W.

Jules Cetar, W.

For Lisbe Clara, M.

For. C. S. Am.

Caprica, W.

Bunch, C.

For Bombay. Lord Ashley, W. Bingapore Str., H.

For Madras.

Gateshead, W.

For Batavia,

Patriot, W.

For Singapors. Apollo, H.

Cooroy, W.

Constant, H. Eden, W. Emperor, Fl.

Eureka, H.

Geo Washington, H.

Glenlyon, tl.

Land 'o'-Cake, H.

North Carolina, E). Ocuola, H.

Robert Small, 11.

San José, M. Teroste, W.

For Manila

Belli, M.

El Tiempo, H.

Jules Cegar, W.






Albatrosa, schooner

Albert Edward ship


Bill 340 LAFT

Nerw 130 These

American Parket, bergan Narw|| 400 Cans

Andromache, brig

Aulia, schooner

Aum Melch baryon

Anonym g

Antelope barquo

Apollo, kuig

Asla Velin, brig Athol, barque

Andar hinner Aurora, schooHOT Bavard barq

Belliza resoner Bengal ship

Berhampore, ship Beus brin


Hadicea, baigne

Boman) Hormasjoe,ship

Brukala shly Brighton, ship Hria, schooTE Conson, stramme t Canton, camer Capelca, barque

Champion, shilp

Cheburts, lig Clara. belg Clawn bri Conder, ship Commast, p

ST Potter ¡Nirm) 10 Hastris

Span) (1)tu, Marla Mt. Blank



Jatt Pat


- - Nov

Boil 4043saddart

139 Hept in Hongkong

San Francisco


Ham Petersen

67 Dec 12

Brit. IP Haly


Am MRyder

San Francisco

13 Dec



Belt T Am


104 Sept


Heizkar Roadwich Isles Honthong

164 May 2

13 Ver

Californi Og


104 Det


Herbert Town Slugspers

45 Nov 20 Oel if




16) Glover Port 10 Remedies A. 190|0rakam Port | 918 Limida A 100 Phil po

Brit th

-panic Amtolangu Holland Meliana H 144 Week

dietbi A 136

Par. 10 Aguafer Urit. 31 We Der

Peru. James Am 19 Galler e4fol Part Budis Bett

158 'Bareke A 34 Kempton Hrit 53 Sombo Pera

Ruby Mayer

100 Paterson


River bous

On Sept #niemelalu

De 19



-Wamang Pestonjco #. Came and philouciving akip ||Nov 11Wkompon|Carlowita. Harkort audi

Wardley and o

De 30 Amoy Tait and es

Fone' for Dent and co

Jan 22onghong Vachoo and on.

Names Dext and co

{Reser: and on.

Hongkong N. Dons and on. Order

Nov 22 Shanghae ||'ng tain

Jardine, Matheson and on Plogbolapla

Jan 101Congkong Hawls, Drinker and en. [Feb 18 Stanno ']). L. d'Almeida. Jan 11 Hongkong Rawle, Drinker and

|Alfred Wükinson and co Des 10 Amoy. [falt and co

Jan 14 Hongkong Rawie, Drickar and co.

-Hochong Jandias, Matheson and on. --Cam'moon]('swasjon 3. Langrana

Jan 41 Whompon: Morrow, Bisphenson and co San Francisce

Hongkong Bawin, Drickar sed co.

So Whimper biye, Parkhi and so.

'an-Hongkong (langkong & Cont Nov 11 Whampoa Nya. Parkle and co

Hongkong Rawie Delker and co ec 20 Shanghar Faroer and co Nov 1 lacas A. A de Mallo --Woven & DN ('smajee and Jan Hongkonglitawie Delabor and on. Now

John Hurd a do

(Uco 3. bampos Nya, Parkio ad un


-Eaal Cost est, and so Now- Slaaps Wm. Javidson

Dec 21 Hanges H. Stracha






Blandwich Tales

BT That sa

San Frateleco Honghacg

Contey, brig

Coreych, hel

!Dela, ac anter


13 Bereb

Dido, schr


472 Wardoch

Idee, banque

13: Wandla


16 Dec



Farner Nilanders

Part B..



3 Immor, baryan

Hisa barque

Falerant, barana

Emily Jane, ship


Imparor, shilp Empresa, bagno Kureka, skip

Exchange ship Faloon, Hip Pelkates Sp Fort Willem, chip Fortuna, barque Gallego, burqu

Onteshead, barqon

Darell, achats

[Rap Vranolos |


Am 101) mebenciana Wan Vrar place


Brit 31

brit 400 fanasy

131 VeQuron Am 201 Hathway

100 F3.TY

Ban Francisco

VOL. XI. No. 0


Ksening skip San Franciase Macabulag alys Shangboa Ingapara

1704 prox









San Francisco


Receiving tip

Heceiving skip




W. C.O. America Karly Whaler



on Heceiving okip


Man Pranciace



San Francleco



nith, King and co. Amoy alta das -Wong Us, Heale and co.





Noelving ship

Des 1 Hanger and co

Francis o



|Bleakle, Hawson and go.

Anthen and co

San Francisco



Quang Kant

Receiving skip Hacelvis gay Whaler



1th Feb Early


Sandwich Islow



George & Mary ship.

George Washington, Uk

Genije, barque


Probet brl, Hedeck


Ren Franciace


760pt 17

Good core, bilg





Harlequin, belg


Hiberals, whi

A 67 Baker





Amy Robsart




Badge Baillia

Liv. Ang 17 8

Emperor of China Daniell

Lon, Oct (9


For West (Am)


May lernt Tabure

Lon. Ang 29 H.

Lan Bep 18 H.

shie, Jar ??11-

Liv. Nov 13 H.

Marine brig

Hongkong, Kramer

Hegels, slip

Independence, big


Hallas, hermaphrodita


Nov 20

Helele, karque




River basi


Hongkong, barque


143 Gerard





Duce (1

AM 43


$4: Damm

Low Oli 23 H.

Lon Nov IP 8.

tria, barque

24 Geus

Inland een schooner



Helen Lindasy


|Lon. Nov 11 W.

Jules Cazar, burgus


John Beight


Liv Aug 159.

Junior, ship

Old England


Liv. 10 28

Katharine Sharar, barque) Brit

Hanghong Hongkons

Xa.dwich lates Valparso

[Dee th

87 et 1




Kitty, holg


- {Ľ

Po 31

|Haula "valando Hongkong

Nov 11




Dan 21

Marrow Alphensen and

Lard Ambers, chip

Amy trant and co

Jard Ashley, barque

Dot Hongkong



Wm. Pustan and se Dent and

Mahomed bok barque




Mangosteen, barque


600 Harar


314 Wing

10 Oct 0


Martha achoner


153 dg




Lo Nov 18

Order in which the above Vroncio left England

Any Balmart, Jako bright, Cathaya, Kapet. Akbar", Tupaw of Ong.


008 Engined, sophia, Haliserat, Helen Lending,

Loading At LoNDON; Paon bun, Surprise,

and CelestialAt Lover2002; Nomb,

??With a company of H. M. Sikh Regiment on boun




Aso Martin

Balmoral, Sir.

Baron of Renfrew Barrackpore

Catherine Apear



Ouningham Bom Dec 9 H. Maria Bom. Nov 17) 81, Robertson Bom Dec 8 H. Curran Bom, Nov & H. Underwood Hom. Dee G FL Fowler CAL Nov 2 12. Mandrill

Bom Not Wh. Bom. Dec o H. McCullock Bom. Dre H. Nixon Bom Nov 2 H. Clark Bom.

D Northamberland Hoon

Eliza Morisco

Joba Gant

Mc Donald Bom Nov H.

Lady Hages, barqar

Land-o'-Lakes, ship Lesli

Linnet bre

Lespayt, barque

Laula, bargna

Marcia, ship

Matacom, ship

Micans, barque


Neptune, larges

Hill Bellamy


That. 31-Jorviamen Bni.

Porn Gener

Nicolay &alysen, brig | Norw|| 161||Jafre

Nimrod, barque

North tʼareina, solp

N. B. da Lua orig

Nymph brigan:In Oce, ship Oriental. baryto Dar, ship

A Sulf





?? sad ا?ر Maran 4g

Jardine, Math and es -Woong Jardins, Matheson and -Hongkong (4,ädmond P 40 La'sAg

[Howls. Beinkar end on.

Dec 91 Shanghat Ball. Nya and co.

When Jardins, Matheson and ca Jay-Cast Van Jordine, Waibson and co Jan 31||langkong|itante. Urlaker and so. Whaler Dec 20

4m. Pustas sd ce San Francis Marrow stephanoom and to San Franco Når 10

lo Doudell -Chinolaw Jardben, Matheson and corelving oblp Jan 33 Hongkong Nawie. Driker il co.


Whaler -taskengard) ", Mathaawa and cooling ship Nov 3 kampus Thomas Hunt

Am Sykes. Schwabe and c Jan-Hongkong riderkant a. Gawler be

Naman Devland o

H-4 July 6 Amaryye, Mair and co. Jan Hongkongsligula, Drisker and en,

Jardine, Matheson and Den 17 Hongkong. Muled co

Dent and ce Whampoa baston and e

So Hanghon, Hasle Drinker and co.


Best 135 per


674 Poster


" les



|San Praveles

|Hongkong Handwich Jales


64 Nav i

104 Jana 16

Uscoala. p

Jam 1.

Pathfinder, barque

20Me Murde


Patria, scher



Par, bria

|5pm| Bv7|Artigs


Tom Ex

J. K. L.


Pelades, burgun


480 Perry

an 1.

J'escoll, barqno



Joha Wood


Bom Dee Wh,

Maduga, ship


30 Crocker

San Francisce

Lord Western


Bom. Oct 26 11.

Kajasthan, hip



Bom. Deo 6 H.

Shaw Allam Baltape


Med Hover, basque

Bo Nov 16 H.


[Bom. Nov 21??H.

Hamann, Delg

Watch, ip

Hobert Ball, alp

Spa |149|Vidal


729 Philipsen

Bombay Hoogkung


Belones, ship


Bond, ship

Brit.) Sad Davie

Ben Horor, brig

Slam 0 Young


16 zusting Hoped and co longkong the Hard we c

M. Faith and co.



Hawie, Urinker ad co

store ship


en. | shangboo


Pia co la Mal?int Fab. Whaler

teceiving skip

The Fren la


col mey

Necuring ship



Hesiring ship


14 DOL




Retiring ship




Rosling ship

dan Francion




THE Bino Briciah Ship "CONSTANT," THE

535 Toon Register, Captain CoomUSA, will be despatcbad for the above port os

ot about the 19th January nost.

Fon Fur Apply to,

JOHN BURD & Co. Hoogkong, December 30th, 1881.

FOR BAN FRANCISCO. THE Berque" ANN WELSH," will 11 be despatched a above on the 17th proximo, bas excollast Cabin accom madations; for Puright or PamAGE,

Apply to

ANTHON & Co. Hongkong, 23rd January, 1852.


THE Clipper Ship " EUREKA," will bare serly dispatch for the above ¿port ; for FraioHT OF PAMAGE,



Hongkong, 23rd January, 1869.


date, be carried on ander the arm of BIR ceived by the above renoa), -


Chotos, Tat July, 1851





Extract of letter, datori Madras, June 10, 1246 From F. I. Scott, Esq 8th Light Cavalry, De puty Assistant Quarter Marter General of the Ariny.

To Professor Holloway.

8 have much pleasure la adding my mony to that of the many who have certified to the excellencs of your Oatmeal, but my object in Es Viscount Sandon,"

addressing you is, chiefly, to draw your attention to BSSRS SMITH & BRIMELOW have re- a means by which its value may, I think, become

still more generally appreciated and applied. Prime Wiltshire Cheese, Prime York Hamo, In this country there is a disease called Bursui Bloom Raisins, Jordan Almonds, Fraub Olives (from Burso, rio); commerce and prevails to Royal Btandard Vinegar made entirely from takibe greatest extent during the rainy weather; it is Naval and Military Bauce, Worcester and Royal confeed, t believe, exclusively to Horses. A valu

R CARR LUCAS is admited Partner in Zero, y descriptionglish Pean, Praved

our Firm from 19th May 1851.


Canton, 18th Augos, 1251.


THE basis of the Undersigned from this daio will be conducted under the Firm and Biyle of BRANDAO & O. and Mr J016 Bartota Gomes and Mr Jony Fitration are admkind Partners therein.

ANTONIO G. BRAND?O, Custon, Tol January, 1852,


HE Business hitherto carried on under the name.

of Manually Moranuor & Co, is this day closed, and will in future be conducted by Mr. EURAMIH NooBondes the firm and stylu of AB- MEDBHOY RhaimToolLA.


Canton, Bib Juntary, 1859.


VB LAWRENCE R BELL in authorized

to sivu od P?est, kg, procmanding..

CONSTABLE, WOOD & Co. Manis, Ist December, 1851.


THE Fine British Ship BLENHEIM THE undersigned hare formed a copertuarship for the transacting of a General Commission Boat Bingapore, under the style of WOL COTT & Co.

A. I. 606 tons harte, A. & MOLLERON Commander, will meet with

quick despatch.

This veel has splendid accommodation for passengere for which, or freight, apply to

RAWLE, DRINKER & Co. Hongkong, 20th January, 185%.


THE Art clom British ship RO BERT SMALL, 610 tons per re- gleler, carrying an experienced Burgeon, DRALL, Blaster, will load at Hongkong for the above port, and have daily despatch.

For Faner apply to

Now Yock

San Francisos


THOMAS HUNT,-Whampoa. WILLIAM TARRANT-Hongkong. Victoria, 27th January, 1862.

Korziving ships

|Hongnong & Landen


This so Whampoa Houd and cn.

Jan 14 Hongkong). F. Edger

Bee to

Turner and co.

Hongkong Rawls, Drinker and

Mawie, Drinker ad re. TOFNANA Jangroun

JJan 2. Hongkong Jardins, Nathannu and co.

Oct 27






JB New


44 Hept

14 May

To the Hongkong




The 17

Howie, Drinker and ce

Whampoa King and on

Hanghong Hawie, Drinker and co

Haute, Drinker and co. Meyer, cheer and se Como). Barena Bons and co.

Nev 13 Hongkoo8|Kamke, Drinkar and co Haya Mano . s. de Jean

Peat and co

Jan 2. Hengtong Hawle, Drinker and

Deo is Akangkar Lagusilna Heard and ca

2 Hegloog|G. TH

Angusina Heard and

Amy Jardin, Hatheson and so Hongkong Mealwon and co.

Amoy Talt and as

Jan 12 Whamps. Viegas


Not 2

Shanghee Hargreaves and en,

Haspell and co

Dea Whampoa Nye Parkia ad co.

Holliday, and co

fam 25 Hongkong Jardie, Mathe-on and ce

Thomas Hunt.

Tall and co -Woong Russell and co

Jan 12 Hongkang Dibb, Livia.stou sad so.


* Can mean Presijas V. Vamos and so Hanaleing ship New

tybas, bakmake and co.


Pt de Galla & 16 Honghang 0.0.dmond,P&O.Co'sAg Bombay ko.

CEdmond P&O C

Manaw, Stephenson and co Ameg

-Wong Austino Heard and on.

Ww.Pustan and co

Canto Viag

Nov 1 Amey Talt and co.

Deo-Peschew Captain

Dụn 31 Bastust) aponi "

Apec [J V. d'Olveira

Jas Hongkong Howls, Dilukar and es.

Janet'm' Captain



Delr Amoy


100 ang 12




Loading-At BomBAY; Chippewa, Margaret, Mary Graham. Royal Alice, Molau, Sobraon, and Bassoon Family.



Bi, barque

Sidory, bilg

biegare, stander

Bestebas, str

Bi hdward Kyeo, bang

Bolide, g




Belpa, bilg

brack, siname?


Biotang Abam Indi


Dwon Deibel ¡Richie 19hewan

December 30 FT. December 29 F.

November 29 8. November 98

Len Landen, L. Liverpool, Sila, Khichis, Wet, Waterbar, Cly. Clyde, distant, Hars. Hartak, bet, ma, ON CAN cuity, Dam. Dugany, Tuti. Tuckwin, Arta Aeron. Fun. M.ghing, M. Maens, Wh. Whompan, A. Amway. S.



Bec, schooner

St Antele, schooner

BL José, ach

Stephame sp


be, baryso

wallow, barque Teunte, barque What lawn, barque

napo, brig Tilver Limfaum, baque Trulys, baryos Tildent, marke Untor, skly

Vingit, 1. Numer

Brit. In Thornhill [1200]||Cram



151 Conw



River Cent


Am TV Kadsenti |:PARTM

Ham 130 Beyer


Bric, M






Am 216 Jan


51+Lakey Senheise Dul, 37-14

TheLaws Zipan. 16-0 Jumboma?i Mit ..


217 Richardson

AM. | 149|Fakte






|10/kampas இமாம�?Basin Islands |Minia






Undery and




San Francisco


calving ship


... �?ཟླ

noch fast.


Receiving ship Shanghee H'kong & Canton




Sept 1- Amoy Myma, Malt and on


Wong Lindy and co

Neceiving sp


Nov 19 hampon ["obert Brawne and on

San Fel



July 29 Amoy me. Muir and co


Janus Hongkong V. F Vandenberg



-Webang Pestonjos & Cama and c Heriving ship



tough blesklu Rawson said co




Mace Marques

4 Nov

Deo Hongkong Kamir, Draker and oo.

For Bale


Regelving ship

Recurring ship




Jan 9 Magnerder

17 Hongkong Jardins, Matheson and co July 55 Amey Jayme, Atair and co

Ang 1-Hongkong Jõks Bard and ou,


Wong Lindsay and co.


De Hongkong ??atmóre and co-

Nagpa. M. 8) 12 (lon. Precort

|Hongkon||| 8 8. F1


flonekors B









Le Chasin


[Fast Comm] | M. Bandera

Minghing Thure Skj

Centit C 8

Lam glome H. M. 01

Godwin Halg

Whimpan |11, 11280 alman

Nup HM 19.] 6 [Shadwell ||M Bumpon|U R. 14|| 20 |Glendy

Macia Fr. Brain] 1 ?? de Plas


lapon, Carque

Williams 1-m, bet, brig


\wincha, sp

Zephyr chur

De Bankier

Npan | 144|Dan

Admital Au

Now Jaculis barque


Matork, bla

Captain Amen




Ang 17 Ningpo


131 Muchell

tie Banker



ill the LV, bacque



Wang Lodsay and co

310| Rogers

So he coul



Framisco Cushinaish [tengtrong

89 Det


[nly 34Wamper Chlacker Hong

West and co

Korram, Paintun, and Portionen, ny tax Pacyninten, Willian Tarrant, Queen's Road West, Victoria, teas

JAMES H. ADAM9, from Boston, WILLIAM DREYER from dumburg, HENRY O. WOLCOTT of the firm of WOLCOTT, BATES & Co., Shangkas and Canton,

Singapore, 1st April, 1851.

?QUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 26 CORNBILL LONDON. THE undersigned, having been appointed Agate

effect In for the above Office, are prepared vurances against fro, on Huildings and Goods, la Canton and Hoogkong, including merchandian In gative Puckhomson.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Canton, 14th August, 1851,

AMICABLE INSURANCE OFFICE THE Undersigned, having been appointed Agents here for the above office, are prepared to grant

of avery


As Invoice of Buationery.

Per late Arrivals

Dublin Blot in Bottle, Campbell's Edinburgh Pala Ali in Britle, Prines Boat in Hogshead, Hodges's Pale Ale in Hogshead, Superior Port, Bharry, Rogliah Bolded Clare, Champagne, Hock, Manel's Dark and Pale Brandy, United Vineyard 40mpany's Brandy, Glenlivet Whisky, Old Tom, Jumalon Bom, dec. &c., all in excellent order.

Woonam's Buildings,

- Hồngkung, 9th December, 1851.


caived 150 Case of Superior Holland Gia, which they offer at a low figuri,



Hongkong, Oth December, 1851.

OBRONOMETERS, WATCHES, CLOCKS ac. DARKINSON AND PRODSHAM, Chronometer Makers to the Lords of the Admiralty and Hear East India Company's Bervica, bag to call


Clocks, as proved by the number of prizes awarded to the Chronocoatere made by the seat on public urial to the Royal Observatory, Grasowick, and the reports published of their superior performance in the varione estentiko voyages under Captains Ros, Parry, Franklin,

They strongly recommend to the Gentlemen of the Naval and Milkney Borvions their improved de Lached Lover Watches, as being specially adapted for boren exercise, and not being subject to stop or | be otherwise affected.

Duplex Watches, Packet Chronomasters, Cat- riage Clocks, &c, which can be forwarded by the Overland Mails, and insured to their destination,

All orders must be accompanied by a remittance or reference for payment in London; or the amount may be paid to her Agents in India on delivery of the gooda,

4 Change Alley, Curakili, London.

WHAMPOA BAKERY. THE undersigned has stablished a large BA-

KKRY, and guarantees to supply any quanti ty of CABIN and SHIP BRBAD at short no- Lioe,--

FINE NAVY BHHady................34 cents per lb. PILOT BREAD,......................!



Moedors of mine caught in march during the

Monsoon; all the usual remedies were applied In vain; indeed it is a disses which I have never ween cored, for when once taken it soon becoM+CS rooted in the constitution. It shows itself by large foul angry sores over all parts of the body For eight math my Horse bad it specially bad, having had three large sores on his forelage, Fortunately at langth I saw your advertisement in the papers, and thought that, if the Dintment did much for mankind, there was no reason why Horses, c. should not equally benefit by it, The first Put did wonders, and three or four cured the places in six weeks. (The writer further states, "that from the Horse having bitten himself, a sore appeared on ons of the old places, but this is rapidly giving way to the Oistment )* I remain, Sir,

Your obedient servum, F. Scott, Fib Light Cavalry, These truly invaluable medicines ca' be pro- cored at the Batahliabent of the Underdgood, in richly Oranneuted Boxes and Porn together with Directions for the Ogilance of Patients afixed to sach Box and Pot.

J. F. CARRUTHERS, Agent in Chias, Bob-Agenia, J. M. DA SILVA.~" Hongkong J.M.DA FONSECA,- Maces.


AT the Office of the Hongkong Register; the HONGKONG REGISTER'S ANGLO- CHINESE CALENDAR for 1862 Hongkong, 26th January, 1852.


FOR SALE at the Office of this paper ?��?


of Lawno.


for the Popineular and Ovi- ental Company's Steamer,



PRINTING, Mercantile fees and other work printed with expedition at the customary rules,

Hongkong, 20th January, 1882.


ER DUDDELL is instructed to sell by Pontzo Auction, on Friday the 6th February, 1852,

at 11 o'clock a M. precisely, in front of the Auo- Tron Mant, Queen's Road, without reserve, the fol.

THE House and Grounds of Gleamly. Policies payable is London, CALCUTTA, BORSAT, warranted to keep for Six Months in any Cilmate.lowing Property belonging to a Gentleman leaving

For farther particulare apply at the OF fice of Mere Dány & Co.

Hongkong, 4th December, 1851.


THE House on the South side of Chough Street, lately occupied by Mr J.


Apply to,

Fistorie, Jal Angost, 1851.


FOR SALE. TOGETHER or separately, those four 1 Hausen situated on, Lết 90, two of the barlega frontage on Hollywood Road, the other two en Gough Street

Apply to

MR. BURGOYNE. No. | Wellington Street, Victoria, 23rd December, 1851..

DRY and Secure Horage of perishable or other



Canton, 12th January, 1859.

In the Estate of Annamam Jour


Late of Victoria deceased. Atate are requested to forward the same partion having any claims on the above will, accounts and vouchere to the undersigned forthwith. Persons indebted to the Eutato are also requested to pay amounts of their debis respectively on or before the 1st day of March next.


Administrator to the Estate,

Hongkong, 2ård December, 185).

Contrata entered into with Departments, Com- mandate of Verala, &so. for regular expplies.

THOMAS HUNT, Whampoo, &th November, 1851.

PROTESTANT THEOLOGIAN is desir As one of oblaiding a situation as Tutor ið a European family. Apply to A. Z care of the Editor of this Paper.

Victoria, Hongkong, 19th January, 1852.

NOTICE. THE undersigned being about to leave China, requests that all accounts may he rendered foi fiqui-tatlon, and payment of outstanding debts ENGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all made to him, either as individually, or in his caps- city of administrator to the Estate of the late sizes, also Nežis, by

Tong-RIM stNU,

Merchandise can be had, on moderate charges, | J at the Godowns of

West Point,


Victoria, Hongkong, Jið January, 1882.

FOR BALE AT THIS OFFIOR. STITCHED copies of a Review of the Trade of Shanghas, 1960, as printed at the Office of the Norra Cana Hroald,

Prica fizcents.

Friend of China Office, 10th October, 1851.



Hongkong, fat Oeinber, 1860

Ex "Lando' Cakan,"

UST landed no mortment of vary superior

Scotch Twds.

Queen's Bosd,


Victoris, 2nd November, 1961

FOR SALE. desirable assortment of Suzzle, collected A. chiafly on the Comes of Ceylon and the Man- ritime.


Queen's Road, Victoria,

Tih November, 1851,

Victoria, Hongkong, 14th January, 1952



Loger, Esq.

Corumatics &e, of the King of Biam. Sketch of the Steam Route from Singapore to

Torres Straite, N. B.


The beautiful Bay Horse Rishni, accustomed to carry a Lady, and quiet in Harner; a large Bay Sydney Carriage Eloise; the well-known Mare Pauline; and the Duo Pony Piper.


One large Carriage, complate, with lampe, dc. A email Pony Phaeton, quite Dew; a Set of Double Hores Harness secund Bet of Ditte, Set of Buggy Hamnese; & Ladies Saddles and Bridles; 8 Gentlemen's Baddies and Bridles 14 Suite of Hores Clothing Suite of Disto 5 white Horse Covers; 4 Nested Horse Covers: 9 Patent Saddle Cloth, and a quantity of Stable Gear,

Hongkong, 26th January, 1858.



THE A. I. Ship "TRAFALGAR," 1 Captain Richardson, 750 Tom measurement, will inset with early des- patel Er the above Part. Fur Praight of light Goods, or Parange.

Apply in Casion to

ME BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. or here to LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, 28th January, 1852.


Paris in China wishing to become SUPERIOR Cut Glass Ducautere and Goblets,

subscribers will please forward thuit nuinrs and að drears to the offen of the "Friend of China and longkung Gazelle."

Victoria, 18th December, 1863.

ALEO, Fuo-cbow Bacon In excellent condition.

LANE, CRAWFORD & Co. Hongkong, 29th January, 1852.



To the Editor of the Friksa or China

Outside the Rails, 20th January, 1959. Fin.-Do not despies me because of the humble ddress of my communication, I nim proud of m�?position, though parbape my blood might entitle ine to address my prophecy from the " firand Stand" as well as a "villago cuck" even thongle it should approach tho Shaughne size.-But I will Jerve the E. V, C. to occupy his own mound and proceed.


lang place will take the races in or·ler, mud give ej these huree their places as they will catch the Julge's eya, but must not forget the words of the Old Squire (?rhaldiston) and with all my heart and 100 fonda love of racing bare reposs-A clear course and no favor and niny the best horse win "-

The Wong ari obuna Stıkre." This will be pretty race between The Curmet and Cookepiawer, | iho places bring,-

Blue and White, Clary & White Strips, Whitecap, Whi, tärnen und Guld say, Pok and Black cop, હાલની કા�?


1 Cornet


| 2, 15ekspinner dp 3. Kunny Bay pm * Fog



In la now twelve months eince my firas publica, the Primor performanco, and I um plead to remember that then I showed nyself a worthy Brother o Pegasus; and 1 shell hope that my ruching the year may not be the less successful, at least I start with cod fidens, and whatever may be the recoli, 3 shall finally retire from the Hongkong. Turf after thi meeting; well assured that 1 have run boresily ; and though I know my retirement will not be the prelude to tho offer for the public consideration of a large blood stock, yet i may feel that it will sever | anane sorial racing ties, and I hope like two hunters|| who have travelled hill and dels with the same

0. Qven if Cl be too m... Dus, Criano ckp, pack of bounds and find theme-lves in their spring

Paulina White, Ked Funmi, Red cap paddocks with only a fence between than,they will.

* Lottery - beskus sed White, Recording to the dictates of nature, give the fondly

*The Valley Bakra" will be preeting across the Impostable barrier. And if, in couring phraseology I let myself quiaily out of. The hiskb Hierd White,

?? Baggle.dmp Coven and Black day,

The Pomshun Cap" will be an interesting race, sad dicide muni; but I think the Englialı Blond will win 4 it will decide whether the rider at Paulina and Collien How will apart their colora again. 1 think the Young Bquire" will save Maggie for the Plenipotentiary, and send the horse to was thin. I think it will be,-

Gabh Band White,

1, Margio Lander cam


vbam Hot body, White Blev Pretender brak. Bien and Gul',

* Corner

ilie alipe and ren cunning," It was in the humide | 1. Cackspinner dhurry and White Buipe, hope that I might add my inito tu mancat în giving | 0. Credealand W

file spur to the week's amucenta,-a little spirit. Supump Phak and Black cap,

6. The Prince - med Wh to the nearusi duliness of the place.

Though my name may be supposed to be fo titious, and though, if the sacred secrets of the Jockey Club and caring calendar could be referred to, mod Air Field could be consulted so longe and pedigree, it might be mallor of duubt whether I non estuled to my claim of relationship to Peg-Bua, yet, in the abacico of proof to the contrary, I am what I 19- present myself to be; I may admit myself nearly allied to "Independence" the winner ul Use "Elop py stakes" but I deny may supposed relationship to "Seclusion" the starter for th? "Chiken" stake; the "Hundreda" of which I hope he will won el-im Under these circumstances | enter for the phecy eup."and peetupu no I won it l"st year,against Jack Busfile and Minca, the few worde i have to any may "carry extra weight."




I new come to races materially dependent upon the frat two days, nos the fixat 1 arrivint in choline tinga" Cup, which all know buside my can never be won by an Arab,not even carrying a feather aga 12 Blone, I think wa shull são Ŭumavur has WOO this Cup for Maggie Lauder, if, however, Kathleen iakos the Pooshun beware, she can win this with 10 16. extra. I man, however, be sunaistent, and give the following bit,- 1. Maggie Laudar o vm *. Koilcon - 3. Protend-


B. And bra

??Queen Globe be o Fringe Brigh

Blue and White.

two young men, her favoritos (whose unner are duly given) and although her mourou word distasteful to Tewich's brother, and to others, by causing thomassination of the former, she had succeeded in fixing horself firmly on the throne. Such nonsense as this evidently written as we have before said with

??view to throw contempt on the robole, may have the desired offent upon tho colestial misse but with us it only serves to show that the Gov. crament are at their wite' oud, and know no other course, but duplicity, to stay the torrent that is apparently about to overwheim ilem.

Under the head Cantos, and in other parta of this paper, we mention the beleaguer. ment of the Imperial Coninissioner Seu and Vetoeite in the south western part of the Cauton Province. Lately we had an opportunity of con- (apvorsing with a Mandarin holding the brevet rank

Red Body, White Riveros, Bles Gesen und G-dd,

(sup Bhusand White, Blae. Crimmen cap. White, Oreen and Juld exp, Blue and Yellow, Whim, Red Beanie, Rad cag, Red and White Stripes, Green and White Fragen, beb Blev ved White.

??Putin bom Straggle kah u Gullion Reem


The Belling Stakes" will be-

| Kay Bey

Whim, Oren and Gold cap,

dp Yellow, Whte Bestes.

Bloe Leap,

U Subes.. U Ginger Jack


Blue and White Bulpes, Yellow Yellow, Red nap,

dmp Black White P The Hongkong Plate will again fall to Preten der, salons, indeed, Kathlora la suabled to go and win easy by loving legs prizes. The Mj slende not the sliglītest chance, 1 dink it is u pi?y after the exhibition of last year to have ventured Wupe = second screw rses Of the Handicape of

coort I can say nothing ¡-time will develops cir


** The Arab Welt r "most be looked after by St Andrew, or the Yellow Cap will show in front,

(186 Andrew does not go it will be-

Andrew brew and White,

1. The May 4 wah Blue and Yellow cap, i. Al?m Doper bal Gler und White,

Tim u ...h

Bland Black op mabuk Med and White,

0 Temptation

u. Pekin

"The Scurry Burst of a half mile-

pod White,

| Caronts.


3 Cor

elp Che's and Wals Stripe, W dip Neuletud White, din



0 Fidget.







Since last year's meeting, there line bren a and change in mun and things in pour Hongkong: Friendship, that happy bond of li'e, which existed between Military men, Circlubs, and their neigh- bours, bears now but the stamp of remembrance, In many are, droth, all and the calls of duty have removed any out of the reach of the enjoy- ment of the merry making of the coming week. The fortunate Confederate han fel, mud poor * Golia" nas fallen a victim of one of those "unis for ones which visit the Chia seas with such kairusa consequendra.Lttery has lost the Bevore assistance of that excellent Juckoy Liv De Montmorency-l'opening Urquhart and Loader hara kell run of the nutsidera withom tveir assis the first step to a mad cart, he has been put to the collar. A hou of useless ponies new mot on-

tered this year, and shhough the antennes are fewer for pony races, the appearance of the ponies

givas promise of better spurt.

The little poney" Tatoy" does not appear in the entrance, and therefore will only be up so the couran to pasive the kind recognition of his many old friends.

But, notwithstanding the loss the Turf hau au tained by the absence of some old friends, thero are still some left, and " gud una" 100; the old mare" Kathleen sull takes her gallope under the excellent guidance of the Gallant Captain?" she does her wurk na preuily sa exit, and may yet bear backing carefully and watchfully for the Planipotentiary's Cup, but not if she is allowed to get away bafort the others, as occurred last year for the tilenenly; if such a thing bappona she is an awkward Customer to give a stait ul nearly a distance and pot much are will be required, but if we one the sate starter on the Gry goiu we shall see the business door na it should be. The remainder of Captain King's stud looks well, Erin On Bregb is doing good work, and is certainly the best Arab in the Colony, bering St. Andrew if sound!

The Muirhouse wablu is still receiving the di-




V Kilkenny


Up n the fourth day will be contested the Ten decian's Cups, and I can only hype that thin your the appearance of the horses, and riders, and the con- dunt of all connected with the Tradromuna (+cm (though for the life of me I knew not who in Chine are not tradermen, who are engaged ln commercial business) yet I may say at parting let your conduct be such exhibit such fair play, and such quietude, that the preventing a tradesman entering, sød rid ing, for every men, will and with the retirement of every sporto man's wall wisher.


PS. Rary bastajeed bimasif in my autimation, so Green and Black ser,

has Timout. I advise my friends to be careful ¿ bmp Pk, Blank cas,

thick well of Shiok. Timour la " good little hores. Blech, and kile cop,

Colli a Rus la too aby ??Pauline is getting quieter, Yel and Waste shape. Tel-

how cap. the Gallons Captaló is on the Queen, then some Red and Wuste,

thing "is up?" but if not Kathleen wins the Plenipo. Gustavus may surprise, but wishing Kathleen well, I do hope my own uld buustry's blood with be for, tunate his year.

B. T. P.

Wista, Groen nud Goki cap,

The Hack Stakes.-

1 Ariber

bak Blue and White,

moked Woise Stripa,


3. Pallar

bab -wh

0 Gre


Grean sud tõuld.

(cap. Brripe, Yellow Cu Your hode, kad žilever, Blue

Tyle an??Yell

gem Black, Orange car,


"The Pony Welter


?�⚫g Green and Gold,

1 The Cores amp Ble and Whore,

3. Creditur dip

??Kolkenry Buy pin)

Scarlet and Whi

White, Greas and Gold cap,

NOTICE. [New Advertisements will be reorient until 7 O'Clock on the Lineni gepracious to publication, wis: Tura days and Fridays. If one or sue espar's are re quired of the issues in which on Advertisemen is inserted, and applied for during the period for which publication is wederal, no charge will be made for such copy or cacies


??Primos - gmp khana and White, Cases & cungmenning a supvAME WAY, JUS w by the way is not the most valuable ras thin your, though, out of compkment to Her Majesty's Pla Pary in Chine, the areatest ruggle is mede To obtain possession of the gif. This year I hope will not prove so unfortunate to my prophecy as last year, but I must be bold again, and any no noW Sydney horse will win. They have not the speed t. do it with, and "goodness gracious" knows that some have not the temper tu do it with-Clube will indeed be tramps if the Queen takes the trick. ahould not be at all surprised to see Gustavas da lì, it is generally the rule in England to allow mare 7 Ib geldings the tame, thie musi have been doga by veterinary law and theretoen we have Gustavus at a vantago of 14 15. over Kathleen, so that if Mangle cannot do it, not bring in the secrets of the stable. I hold Guamvis way do it, and benidro, I think Gur tavas' arma bere more power at that little bit will thao Maggie's, considering therefore every thing I think the English blood is more likely to be useful to rach other than Kathleem and Pauline. I think if they can out of friendship for her attingi kut yest they will senil Klug ginto win if she fails I trust Ginut, Clock, a very best åst vilor, to land Gustave brit at the winning post, larving Kathleen to begin to think that though the boasts of good blood it is not thorough bred,

1. Maggie Landerrum... Bows and WhIM


& Red Body. Walio Blures loo

3. Queen of


lor, cap,

4. Prevender - breh Crew and Gold


LATEST DALES. Not. Miten imum 10 Del.



England Unload as Caletta


$' Laban



18. Blugspor



34 | Manila



15 Shaughar

C. of G. Hope Ben Pra-clic

Del Dra




Jan, 21 Jan 17



DEATH-Atlongkong, un the Sithat, of Dysentery MORALIA CLARIN, Wile of Robert Gordun, Beq, be ereiary of the Hongkong Clob




of Yun tai, Officer of the third class, (address. ed as His Excellency) and endcaruurod to obtain from him an opinion as to the truth of this rumour, mod what would be the result should Sou be captured. That there was such

??report he admitted, but lie doubled its per- fuct tratti Bau, be said, would certainly destroy himself rather than be made prisoner Regarding Canton be thought there were too many obstacles in the way of its being reached easily by the rebols'; but that sliore are a great many disaffected spirits in the city in well known, who may be hiding their time. Tho tak ing of the departmental city Wing on is gene rally talked of by the inhabitants, who know that who those took it, did not, as mere rolbers do, take all that those who were exptured were worth, but only a portion, us contribution to, wards carrying on the war, which they told the people would certainly sad in their abươ lute success and that what was then taken should, by and by, ba remitted out of taxes duo. This from one, who on the accession of the present Emperor received furilor pro- motion as mark of Hu Mejesty's ragani, and whoso interests by being bound up in Yih, chu's retention of the throne, may reasonably be supposed unwilling to countenance rap its | unless his fully beloved that there were grad | grounds for them, should certainly have weight with those who, out of a dogged determinatina to maintain previous opwione, though arseni-i oua, are still doing their best to make light of the supposition that the southern capital is in Jopardy. Should the rebels indocd co:n to Canton, our informant added, his only moans of snkty would be flight to the bills.


For what has been done by the rebala during the mouth now ending, so far as known to us, we must refer nor readers to the compendiain of extracts from bi-weekly issue". We have two long papers, translations of some of our Chinese correspondance, one telling of the taking of the chief city of the Chin-kong dis- trict of Kwang si-and a hard fight between the imperialist troops (those from Kweichow, prin- on WATER. cipally) and the rebels: and in which we hara the usual report of thousands killed, and thous anda wounded among the officers in the fatter category. Chang-king-ano is named, who tell from bis hores and lamed his left font. The city had been thoroughly ransacked-priscoes released elo,


31 Barday


JAN. & F.

Rises Sela

640 6,4


P. N.

4,255,00 649 5.30 16 6,40 548 6,51 1,07 6.39 649 7,95



2 Monday

3 Tuesday

Full Moon on 6th proximu,

The Gams Carmen's Mother givm place, in the present Issue, 10 our elder correspondent, Bas?NER TO Pros: 0.0.M. shall appear, however, in Monday's White and Red seams, Red cap, supplement together with a note of the last state of the odds We beg to return beat thanks to our amony- mous correspondent for his Sporting contribution.

D. Hiroggie boh Bed and White Striper

The Victoria Plate "

1. The Shink - kap %. Hory

3 Tue Chenet

4. kopiere

Abe and Whim,

Green wad Gad,

Band White


Uberry and White Bulpo, v Branet and White,

Jigent attention of the "Yong Squire." Mag.. Our bra los and White gia, my favorite last year ban a yest'a improvement upon her, but the "turi" in the Valley is no place for such a her. I am however one who look to her blood gustines, for na an old gentleman of my acquaintance used to say, be would not give a ôg for ainan who could not prove he had a Grandfather, and when I recollect her misfortunes last year and bor running, never having for a week before the races been galloped, I have to doubt she can beat Kathleen hard hold oves round, osa mile and a half can let Kathleen begged firm and beat her, two milen. I think reluctantly that Kathisen fine con- stitution will make up for much woal of blood. Gastavus did not plauan me at ?rol, but Ye how ing ones bawatel do not forget how ??Truth" bas won the Cambridgahitu. St Andrew looks well, but wants work, and need think seri:usly at bum farabad Erin Go Bragh in to win the Canton Cup. The Sheik, still aco g the fanie, with Mone Trooper makes up a pretty lot, besides a dark one or two mentioned hereafter,


The Sydney Sinku."

1. Prender a Green, and Gold,

Bap Hassed bar, Crima o cup, 1°Collen Uw - cam. Geran and White Stripen, 4. King Jon- bb Ured,

birke haħ ked and White Nisipan,

??Bari Andigen in

*The Cauton cup is na waay matter to decida"

1. B. A me be a li

3. The ju

Ms Trapar b bb

Th "The Lio Plate,"

Phee and White, Vie Grand C.Id cap, Bu and Yellow, Bise and Whire, Pink and bulvar,

1 Bryan gap Gron and Gold, * The thak

a. Cockapinpet

-bap Om Bud Wide,

- gm�?Blu and Wine,

di Merlet and Wes,

(From the Overland Friend of China, Jan. 80.) CHINA.



THE Chinese Newspaper prose may not be ex pected to furnish correct political information if the same is likely to be distasteful to the ruling powers, and it in a matter of soins eur- pries to find any notice at all of the progress of the southern bele, in the papers that are daily hawked about for sale in Canton and her places Indeed, from the purport of some that have fallen into our hands, we are inclin- cd to think that the publication of their stupid details must be connived at by the Imperial Government, with a view to throw contempt

ada Cherry and White'Bulpe, White | sen the leaders of the insurgent bands,

- Cr, Mick cop,

9. Fidget - bmp Mak, Hiace cop.

Then there is a lot of new cracks-Struggles, Paulo, Queen of Clubs, Callion Roe sawong De Bydneys-l'he Alajar, Timour, Pekin und Bury simong the Arabs-Of the p" | shirk Paulisu tu thá favorite genuinily, but no ponics gu au to her for me, it is said that upon occasion she can do 3 C test it in the Guliah style-don't believe it Muggiardi Guliab'e stride was theer tonen what Pouline'a la, Queen of Club is a fine mare I think can brat Julie and certainly Struggies; but I que tion if she would so easity depose of volliea Rue, why thing the most likely of the new horses, but in store run. Waliout detaining my readers longer had leaving the Arabe to be spoken of in ibeir places-Lame the Now ing horns and ponies ae, winuere of faces-Cotnel, Shirk, Cockspinget. Kildanny Bay, Gustung, Mone Trouper. Atthor, Kathleen, Pretender, St. Androw, Lisp Hazard, Moggies, Lauds, -With this


paper now before us, ( not a respectable look-

Kenny By pmp Where and Guld cap, (649, * Itner -- dip Yawand White Buipe, Yellowing shent like an English jonraal, but of very


The Pretemp Blue Rod White,

*Tür Huck Stokes **

1. Hap Mammed beg Blue, Crimson cop, 2 Arome

3. Nell



4. Grog

4. Rosa -

'word W bila,

Lr gạm hak and Whom Sirija,


Pmple & Yellow, Huspe, I 'le Yoko Body Red,k.bik Geen and Guld,


gam Blick, Urangs cap,

inall dimensions, and purchased here in Hong- kong for a small a sumu as a single cash, the fourteenth part of a penny) gives the public to understand that the robel leader, Tien-teh, was burnt to death during an accidental fire in nis

camp, and that thereupon bis wife assumed the imperial tiara, sharing her throne with

The other paper tella of the bad conduct of the imperialist soldiery, when en r?ude to this west of war, and of organized bodies of them being set upon and dispersed by the comman people. A friend of ours witnessed something of this kind the other day, at the place a littl below the Dutch folly where the provincial lovies are generally stationed on thoir ar rival in Canton. The soldiers who had bean

rush to their boats, loaded a long gingalt, and gambling, (cheating or being cheated) mondo a sent its contents in among the mob, whereby one was shot dead and soveral others wounded.

(From our Chinese Correspondents.)

A Court messenger arrived last work, with, an order from the Emperor to raise a million of Turli of silver for payment of the traupe Officista con- tributed 400,000 of it without any delay, leaving the remainder to be made up by the rich families, Meetings have been bold at Tui fut ckie, dally, over since the 28th (the 16th instant) to consider the peript, but, to quote the ezsai words used by th�?Chinees in writing us "hey, the rich people, looked one another-Bad refused to preparo tha susa."

A Rebellion has broken out in the Sin on district of this (Canton) province. On the 20th day of the 11th moon, the officers engaged in colleung the tax a, found some who had no means of payi", bul instead of seating them men, they took their elder brothers in custody, especially the richer ones, from whom ibay expected to obtain a good deal of money ua ranom. The inhabitants, how. ever, became enraged, and rose and killed the Ma gistrate of the district. Troops are ouw on their

way to the scene of disturbance, to examine tuto the particulare of the murder, &c.

One of our Chinese correspondente has since partially troborated this past, and givm fuller details it was not Carge, the District Magistrate, who was killed, bolbie chief

dinue; where ups Cheng mode prin turn, at all tho literati offert and and second rank, one of whom, ourse

Lkw examined as to the perpetration of the deed, was fut- Mared a severely that he died under the laŭlation. Upon tles the will gets Deo en motone, Lied Cảng to a juos gave all number of blows with a bomber, chated Di his board and eye ver, and dusmirand blai in tell is to the Depaly Governor of the Province-klifing Haven Pe give men who stempt to defend bla


The city is quial, and whether or not it is Soon to be disturbed by rebellious strile, a pome anticipate, there is now no sign apparu The Governor General of the Province and suite, as stated in another part of this paper, are believed to be beleaguered by the insurgents at Kou chow-foo, and distressed for food. We have used our best endeavour to ascertain the truth of this rumour ; and, although certain Can- Los Mandarine to whom we have put the quea tion profees to discredit it, they cannot show thist intercourse with His Excellency is maintained with any degree of freedom. Ifer Britannic Majesty's Flonipotentiary by telling the Secre- tary of state for foreign affaire the date of his las despatch from the Imperial Commis sioner, and how long he was in obtaining re plies to his communications, is better able to sid Elie Lordship in forming an opinion upon the point. The last Chinese math was another sanguiary one; some sixty having rolled be. Death the headsmaa's axe, A gentleman poeming peculiar facilities for obtaining cor. rect statistics of crime, and ita reward, in the Kwangtung province, has furnished us with the following abstract of head cutting up to the first week in the 10th Chinese month (say to 8th okimo) 1st month=30-20d 16 - 3rd = 10-4th=5) - 5th 68 - Oll- 7 - 7th 1836th 83 - 2nd 8th-50 - 9th-50 part 10th 18- Total in 10 Calender months say 610. This exceeds the average number of executions in my tull year since 1849, whon there were as many as 7:5* Last week up wards of forty were executed, and the present month, being the last of your, there will, it is expected, customary, be a general guof


The Canton Government being greatly pres wed for funds to pay the newly raised levies, are selling buttons and honorary distinctions to any porty follow that has dollars to pay for the species of general biovet in short, where promotion is not altogether consequent

-lo create monopoly in short-but that again, if sanctioned by the Chinese Govorn ment, would be contrary to treaty provisions. British intercats, out hero, are sadly in want of at active chief conservator, a man of liberal views, with a sufficiency of ability to indicate to the Ilumo Government the proper coured to be pursued.



and we havelcard several very severe remarks passed on the members of the said Coun- cal for having giving sanction to any Ordinances of the kind. These have bean onacted to re- cently that we have hardly had time to scau the purport of them ;-but will see whether or not there is ground for complaint before the uoxt rail leaves. Perhaps Her Gracious Ma- jesty's legal advisers will be good enough to al- low them to stand over until our opinion in duly reported. We said our opinion-uot that altogether, but the opinions of others along some having already gone so far as to el ginalize them as very unconstitutional."

The space laid open by the last great fira in | Canton is almost covered again with as good houses, and as well stocked with goods ap paroutly, as before. Mr Vice Comul Bird, at

Whampoa, hus gain been affording newspaper editor food for further strictures, by his outrage noely stupid conduct. Lord Palmerston, we learn, has at last given ordure for destruction of the Consular chop, and a piece of ground has been purchased on Dane's Island for orce tion of a Police Office and Gaol, to be com inenced shortly.

In soother part will be found a gotice of the mysterious disappearance of Mr James Rowe,

?�shipwright of Whampon, who it is feared was cut off when journeying either too or from Canton. Nothing whatever has since been elicited tending to throw further light on the matter suor, under existing regulations, is there should be really have been murdered, for the any likelihood of his body being discovered, finding, if made publc, would throw on tho district magistrato the, may be, laborious task??of tracing out the perpetrators of the deed, and rendition of the value of the missing cochineal -a task, which for any ends of justice that he cares about, he would be just as well patisfied to leave altogether alone,

There is not an office under the Government


sing, it was alleged, through the merception o anveral earg, ea by the pirsto (rebel) flort, and de soution of the one siWanchau ??por. In the south- ward of Niego, pruding payment of black mail,

Amoy, A fail smount of business dane. Oney Smietimur, Canton-Яales reported at 50,000 pures at an improvement on last advices. Pirreni qutations, asy,-from $1 B�?for b) caltion to 8265 for 74 entries.

Gary Sue Thor, Shanghae -Files reported at 95000 pivers. Quotations running frain for fire caltion $1.90 to for aeron and a half cottura ??75.

INLY SUSITIK09, Am1y -Bales of 2,700 pieces

??$265, P & (c) H. ?. Cua Seminer Canton took up 20,000 pieces of greys and wrkites together. WHITE nga Crotne, Custom - reported at about 7,000 pieces, at from $1.60 for 54 read to to $285 or 72.

Wire: Long Clotha, Bhanphae,-Siates ra. ported 0,000 pieces, at 81.00 for low fir de and up to 93 20 ?o b�?crodi.

COTTON YAUN, Canton-Balro say GOD Boles

Not to 24 31 to 33

29 to 32 39 10 41

35 to 42 $40 to 41). Cortok Yaan, Amoy.-No transactions re. parted sail bell for 832.

SPANISH STROPen, Cantor -Bales may 1000 pieces, at from 70 to 98 cươta per yard.

SPARCOU STRIran rhangkas.-Sutes of-1800, pieces reported at my 20 centa jer yand for scarleti and 01:20 for dark blues -Araosto-l parcels 94 venia to $1. 02 8,200 perrs at any

Loxo Elle, Canton,-Sales reported at about

RII Scarlet,

Assorted -

11 Scarlet






Lono Elia Shangkat. -Palen reported at about 2,000 pire-s. dancy, eny :-

Quitstions with an upward leo.

11 Hrarlet Aworld.

but we could fill pages about, but we must con- fine further antico to one little subject- little liject and yet a very grave one. The Cal onial Hecretary and bio protege the Chief Mast for, gistrate of Police, having bold office when Government salaries wero paid in dolları Spanish, a specics of coin which, unlike English currency, is a marketable commob ly in China,sometimes aborc, som Lines below, par- dissatisfiod at seeing Holler, Spanish hold considerable premium over oller coins during the year now endel, havo

join in the conspiracy, to commit an onslaught conspired, and have induced other officials to

on the common sense of Ilor Majesty's Secre tary of state for the Colonies; and, in a petition to the Governor, they have asked Ilis Excol- loncy to join them in praying that the present currency regulations be done away with, and that they shall be paid in the same way that Conten incrcantile assistants are paid wiz, in Dollars Spanish, or in English coins, or in Mexicana, or in Rupoes, at the current exchange of the day-that is to say, if The stairs of this place pie carod about, wo

Spanish bears a premium of 10 per cent over English coinage, they shall have ten per cent are sure, by so few who live out of it, that wa are almost inclined to close our monthly aleo-and as an argument in their favour they say it can make no manner of difference to the Summary without even mentioning the name of Honarono; leaving our readers to glean all Colonial Treasurer, for he can arrange for re- they may, perchance, wish to know out of coipt of money so that it shall tally with his pay- other columns, in which the principal avonts-ment of it.-So, by this rule, instead of £23,000 of the month are already daly recorded. of Colonial revenue, we unfortunate Colonista Our Overseer in the printing department tells are to make that twenty three, twenty five, us. however, that he wante a few more lines to thousand pounds a year, whenever Spanish fill a vacant space, and of necessity wo mou Dollar Gold a premioin giving that amount. A innre outrageous business it has never been out write something. Although Hongkong in a plane of so little note that if the whole of it had been

lot to take notice of; and whether His Excel- barned the other day, the world at large lency-recomende the prayer, or whether hie- would have cared but very little about it either does not, they may rost satisfied as to the result one way or the other wo take it, yet it is a fine of it, field for a newspaper editor to cull a subject


If a shilling would not get a shilling's worth

to write upon ; and what with its climate-its | here* it would be a different matter-but what

on actual merit. Wolton, beside the coffers garrison-ite government-ite community go.

nerally, and the horden of freebooters that haunt its shores-not forgetting our gallant


Not a drop of rain has fallen for upwards of three months (barring five minutos shower

a day or so ago.)

Barometer during the

past month, inönn range 30. 07??Thering. meter 00.0-ike former a little above, the Inter a little below, the average of the month. The Winds, as usual in January, principally (my two thirds) from the Eastward, or North ward and Eastward.

of lucklem wights suspected of defraud on the revenue.??The Bugar brokers,whose business, it was reported last in?gth, was all amicably Navy." mod the services they render to the arranged, have not got out of the matter so common wealth-we are never at a loss. Le

us deal with each head in the order we have eavily as they thought, we find. Wing-sing and Wing-chong of the Shek long Pack house, are, named them, so far as we have room, and first sale for a mulct of $15,000, three of their col, an 10.- leagues now undergoing the thrumb screw, pending a settlement. Of the Yuan-hing (a Hongkong firm) two aro in custody-10,000 being their figure, Of the Teen-tor (another Hongkong firm) other two see in prison, and they his supposed can settle malters for $5000 -Schoong, a small Cauton house, is nego. tiating for release of two of its members by offor of $3,000. Altogether nine out of thirty mispect. ed dealers have been captured. The Munkee people escaped altogether. One poor wretch, when examined under torture last week, is al-

Health of Troops Goon-not a bad came out leged to have implicated a respectable Chinese of 40 of the 59ths now in Hospital, and only one dealer here, to whom it has been intimated death in that corps during the month, Ord that he may not go to Canton again unlos he mance 12 sick, no denth-Ceylon Rifles 24 takes some Nice or Ten Thousand Dollars ¦ sick and 2 deaths-my total number of desllis with him; a threat he pretends to laugh since last report 3, against Gin same period last at; but these are no laughing matters, for year-Sick ssy 89, against 116 last year. Licu. when the Mandarins fall in getting hold of the

tenant Wilson R. E., and the artillery mon actual perpetrator, they issue a commission to

who were so severely injured at tho untimely confiscate the property of his family, wherever explosion mentioned in our fast overland sum. it may be found. Those are one of the mis mary, are doing well. chiefe springing from Hongkong being a free port, affording inducements to Chinese to defraud their Government. The only way the Chines may in which such troubles can be volded is to form a General Sugar Company

We were tan late a fow daya ayu to witness one of them dreed a basinemas, which are sanctimes nois ? a day br for their nenen, socording to hether the evention in ordered by the vent, with at the Emperor's immedia sanction, or, whether the drempitation is die eily a marquent an imperial alje. Is the former calls generally koown the day befonda iba lalter an hour or so ngly in

enes between meeipt of the coscrips and its fa Glment. Paty eightie the knews maximum of execution is css day 01 summation of ospital paashment in the province be Tween 1834 and 1647 the tutel was 4751, of whom 117 mon and 10 women we strangled, and 13 men and it wollen em up to small pieces termed death by the slow propene, The average annual air of exeus cumpa ed na are of the last 14 years, is between and 0.

Yo-terday's ours in mi Cesion, received in this Wan with a, tell of a slight penis among the tea mea, den. in the threatened impeachment of a few of thom

demen (whom namen been given to sa.)



The Governmeul.-Wa canant write so fast when we come to this subject, which to bo dealt with properly should be treated under separate heads Commencing with the hond of the guveniment we woukl like to tell all we think of the plan,for rebuilding the Chinese town to which His Excellency has given approval; but this matter munt stand over 4-diamiasing

it for the propont with this remark that II, E.

is the actual state of the cam-why that Eng-

lish money is more valuable here than it is at home. Last month for every sovereign paid into the Oriental Bank the payer would re- ceive an order payable at right-("ay two | months afterwards) for £1,1.9.-Thus a mai with a salary of £1,800 a year, like the Colo. nial Secretary-(who lives in a gyle which £300 per annum can keep a-going easily)-is enabled by each rate of remittance to add just £118,5 per axonim to his surings-{to his bloodings out of this ill fated Colony)-and from the style in which the bulk of our officials live they are all making money after the same ratio, but this is not enough, and instead of from five to ten per cent, they want to double their premiums. We cannot wish they make get it,"

07 10 0.00 Lono Ella, Amy-Bales my 1,000 pieces at

III Scarlet . Assorted Inferior. 0.50 Canlete, Carton, Bales of ahont 560 pieces


- 67.20 (duty paid)

English at from $18) to 211. Dutch quared $16 to 20, but no Iramacions.

Canters, Shengkur.-Boles uf about 300 pieces at from ??9 to 21.

CARLETO, Amoy -Soles of 70 pieces reparted at $221.

Imon, Canton-Bales of about 000 preuls st sky v

Nail Rod,



02.10 i 2,30

2,40 to 210

2,10 to 2,20

LEAD, Canton-Sales abon: 6,900 pecule at from $5.80 to 0.

Lead, Bhangkat.----Quoted et §6, with upward tendency. A quail stock only in bands of nativa dealera.

Ten Player, Canton.-Quored at H7 and up-

COTTON, Canton, - Quotations run,

Bombay Teolo 6.6 10 9 1.



Delivering 19,200 Bileo,-vás ¡-

Of Bombay. -

Of Bengal,

Of Madras

67 to 9. 8.


7. V to 9. 5.

14,000 Tales.

8,700 ??1,000 1+

Stock on hand 36,700 Baka ngainal 48 457 Bales at this period last year

COTTON, Amoy.-The Balca reported amnunt to 4,300 Balro at from @4 to 8,50 for inferior Ala. dres, and $18 for gand Bengal.

Bion, Canton.-Quotatione ?�DA,-

Manila 01.35-Bolly $1.50. Ricz, Shangha-Nominal 90 to 90 cents per


Uret Amay.-Manila quoted $1.20 to 1.30.- For 81.59 to 1.00.-Arracas, 1.15 to 1.20. The nativa erop is said to be ruined for want of rain, and higher raten than the above are almostly looked for.

?rium. Canton Closing quotations on 29th.

J'aina, Benares, Maiwa,-






Brack 1 Cum sing moon on 24th instrol, Patna 20 chiesto Benares 102,-Malwa 890,- Varkey

For Piracies and our "gallant navy"-sce extracts from fi-weekly issues. We have no room for any more about them now. A state- } 153.-Toisl 1,467 chests. meat of the last year's revenue and expendi.

Orton, Bhanghae, from the North Chino Herald of 17th January. ture, we forgot to any, has-been published, and a correspondent, whose letter will be found at page 7, has passed some trite remarks on it ; but the subject, generally, we leave to the ablo bandling of the Author of " Further statements, and suggestions" conceiving that all which either he, or we, might my about it, be just as well left unsaid, for all the effect it would have en, those apparently impregnable gentle men,the voters of the supplies,

COMMERCIAL INTELLIGANOE (From the Overland Friend of Chi a. Jan 80(


27th January, Shanghat, -- રા�?Amby. -




CantonThe market considering the period of had an excellent opportunity for redeeming the the year has been, throughout, petacularly sluge

character for Governmentship which he has gish, and but a moderate business has be un-in lost since he came here, and that 11. E. has fails, lukt in exporte and exclimage the opera ione have Liaw, speaking compnieuvely, very od 10 take advantage of the opportunity. ll.

Bonham's Town might have beau Lomur instead of a discredit to him.

Orira Report.-Malwa quoted at dete of our laat $525 to 530, slightly improved ??un alter tha depsiture of the mail, and continued in fair demand till about the close of the month, wheu, in conse quence of a heavy issue of moboy orders the marked flattened and cates for prime drug declined to $540, 6rat quality still however being exquired for, until the arrival of the Nymphaid Audaz, wab duplayed by guy parties alot the time to rest ze engsiderable supplies, coupled with the suziety caused prieta nguín to give way, and the quotations may now be enlied 9500 für 1ắt quality, kad ja 0 10 468 for Indore, Esmonicu dantrasite 1.000 ener", Sleek 2,500 cheate

Pulsa, towards the close of the month improv. od to 8530 and has since fl÷ctuated constantly, alough unhow muy great to go to prices. Prevent quotation being 8510 to 515 for high Nos, with a

duasion for how of 05 10 10. Dbreins are

eminated at 230 chose and Stock at 200 ebrat.

Uram, Aweg.-Quotations P>I"" §505-Be-

bars $495-Turkey 8460-Malwa 185.


Tra, Canton.-Benslementa of month about ai fullon:-


Congous- Say 35 chops at frum Taels 12 to

Shangha Hore too business he been on a derate scale, unwashatanding a demre on the part Souchongs,-2 chops for India, as from. Taela The legisla of native dealers to quit goods and realize proces 16 15. nekurs d 100 chips.

Flowery l'est-700 packages for India,að frum

tive council are officially reported to have before the Chinese now yate (on the 50th Fabenory.) sanctioned two Ordmances during the mouth, ??In dugur business, there who sume, brickouse, ari- || Tath 25 to 40--large aldous,


Scented Orange Pekoes -Sones 3,000 kalf chem at from Treks 12 to 16.

Seed Capers - 3,500 Boxen nt Túris 12 to 15 Ning yoga and Oolonge. -9,000 Packages set tled at about fuels 1:2) to 18 for common and 14 to 15 for beller sörls

Canton tiaxen, " Gunpow (m =2,100 half chests at °Tmel U21 to l

Young Hyson-2,000 half chests at Toels 113

10 18,

Country Queens-8kimi, 2,000 Parkaga at Tuela 13 to 14.

Twinkeys-2,000 packages at Tarly 16 to 20 Frons,-2,500 packages at Taola 23 to 53. Young Hyon.-No le.

Imperial and Gunpowders. -No transactions, Tus. Shanghe-from the North-China Herald" of 17th January.-

Black-Congers, have declined since the last Meil left, and sound common Tess can now be purchased at 10 to 10) Taels per pecul. About 39 chops have been sold during the month leaving a stock of my 60 chope. A few chops of Monings ate will offering at 12 and 12) Tarla per pecul Bouchongs are also lower, and may be bought m 11j 13 Tuels for fair common kinde


few chops have been sok) ni cheap rates, my 15 a 16 Teels for sound quality, with a fair quality

of Flower. A few Seochaos packed Teas, sto o?ering at lower rates.

Green Teas.-The stack has become much re doced and quality fower, prices also are giving way, for all kinda. "We quato-

Young Hyson,


Hyeon Sklo,-






Total quantity of meronatilo, shipping in Chinu | (exclusiva of those in Ma:so, River Steamers, lying up vessels and coasters ) say 36,000 Toos, against 46,000 Tons of last month.

About 33,500 tons of shipping have left and 24,000 tona arrived in China during the month | but of the latter nineteen are whalera,





?Т ????коло,

28, P. & O. Ch's Sir, Canton, McDermott, from

Amor, 27th January,

29, Font, Dow:nun, from Woorung, 73rd January. 19, Catherina Apcar, Fowler, from Calcutta, od


29, Nowlan (Dui), Narteland, from Newcastle, 20th


29, Gorshred, Gladeon, from Wharepon

20, 4matnd (Span), Castro, from Manila, 18th




24, John O'Garut, McDonald, from Bombay. Jan.


10, Adelaide (Am) Cobb, from California.

10, Joshua Bates (Am), Easterbrooks, from Call-


16, H. M. Br. Sphynx, Commander Shadwell,

Taels 134 25

18. 26

10 14



90 a 38 17 24

Since the 1st July total sales are estimated at 330,000 packages, and the stock at 30,000 packa


BILK Candes-No transactions-prices and stocka as last reported.

SILK. Shanghee (from the "Nonb-Chins Herald" of 1715 instasi).

May be quoted lower this month, and the pur. chuses have been on rather a limited scale, only 600 to 700 bales having changed bande.

The export hence to England is about 13,300 beles and including Canton for the two sensown the shipments this year are fully 2,000 bales less than Just, up to the same date however it is only to be re- marked that the deficiency consists almost entirely of Canton reeled Bilk, so that the export of the two principal kinde this season is quite equal to that of Inst. We quota

No. Tais Den. 420 a 430 No 2 Dra. 400, No 3 Dra 865 Common Drs. 393a 34, Tayam Drs. 275 300 at the slater price some very fair Bilk in offering.

CARTA. Canton,-$19 to 19] Buds $21. Exchange, Canton-The Oriewal Bank on London monthe sight 44 9d, a fall from Br. Ial of last month in Hongkong drawing at 1 day's sight for de 7d-or Englah ianney, at Onvern ment rate, Mexicans or Hupere, for 40 340,) Bank Pos Bille 4,8-Directors' till, on Bagal, accepted 129 to 230, Oriental Bank in Hongkong drawing

on Bombay and Calcuits Ita. 295 per 100,

Sycor,- per fost premium, Gold,-212 per inel,

Mericans,- per cent discount.

Exonaxon, Shanghas, -{Cóum N, CH, and

confirmed by private advices dated the 20th.)

On London, at 6 moutha' sight, Clean crudita

Bu, 1.

With Doenments, 50. 21. a 50. 2fd

Bank Post Bills, 4? 14d

East India Company's Bills accepted, Rupees

235 per $100.

Oriental Bank on Bombay, 5 days sight Rs.

237 per 100,

Drafts on Caston, 10 days sight par cent


Fatigers, Canon.-Te London quoted at £2

to £25 for 50 cubic foot. Nothing doing to Ame.


Fazioara, Bhangkas,-from ¿the North China Florid)

To England, £3 a £8 31, für Ten, £3 104.

for Silk.

To New York, nominal at 914 per 40 feet

Spout.-141.40 per 100 Tuela.

Gold.-Flers, $200, par St. 7m. Je

Mexican Dollars.-10 per cent discount,

Shipping at Shaoghae cay:-

1,874 Tona British,






Dutch. Hamburg.

Total 4,108 Tone




from flungkung.



27, Red Rover, Frith, Calenus

29, North Carolina (Ar), Foster, California.

VA Calkerine Apeur, Fowler, Whampon.

30, P. & UX C??% Str, Singapore, Erosa, Bombay, Deo.


30, Emigrant, Totnes, Singapore. Dre


14, Elisa, Noble, Lınıdım.


on Macao, unONO DISPATCH.

For London,

Trafalgar, H.

For France,

Jules Cezar, W.

For Lisbon. Clara, M.

Por W. C. 3. Am. Caprion, W. Sunnah, C.

For Bomboy.

Lord Ashley, W.

For Madras. Gateshead, H.

For San Francisco. American Packet, H. Ano Welch, H. Blenheim, il.

Brahmin, W. Conroy, W.

Coolant, H.

Eden, W. Emperor, H.

Eureka, H.

Ono Washington, H. Glenlyon, 11.

Land o'-Caker, H. Orcool, El. Robert Small, 11. Sao Joza, M. Ternate, W.

For Movila,

Bellize, M.

For Batavia, Patriot, W.

For Singapore. Apollo, H.

El Tiempo, Ft.

Jules Cezar, W.


From Liverpent

From Orál

Soolou, hark

From Bombay

Cowsajee Family,

17, IL. 3. Ete. Splyn, Commander Shadwell, Catherine Apcar,

Ningpo. ??Raduga (Am), Cook, Balavis.

Pono per Str. PINGAPORE-For South ampion. Major Layard, C.R., Lieut. P. Juboston, R. N., More. F. T. Bo-k (U.8, Crosul bearer of Des patches) W. Symont, and L. Josepha. For Malta, R Sturgis, For Surz The Bishop Forandr. For Calculla, Lieut-Brackenhory, 6ix Regt. For Bombay, Mr and Mrs Cartwright, and Mr H. T. Bellon For Point de Gulla, 1 Bergeunt, 10 Pri- Tales, 4 Women, and 5 Childern, of the Ceylon Rifles Regt. For gingapore, Mrs. D'Almelds, 1 children, noi Naliva varvant, Mr. Robt. Killand of H. M. blp For.

Heront by the Amistad,-A Coasting schooner which left this (Manila) on the 6th December, fell in with burricana on the Rih, aẩf the Coast of Masbate (South of the Phillipines) and was entirely lost, the only persons saved being one passenger

and 3 milors, who report that an English Ship wee wrecked 2 hours after them, in the same part, and

not a person not a fragment of the thip or cargo, saved, name unknown.

The Catherine Apcar was in company with the Back Constanine from Tut to 17th joamat, bound here.








Amy Hobart Balmoral Cathaya

Lon. Bept 13 H. Shia June 11-

Budgo Laufle

Liv. Nov 13 FL,

|Liv. Aug 17| 8.

Emperor of China Daniell

ton. Oct 13 3.


Far West (Am)


May Briard Bare

Lon. Aug 29 H.

Lob Det 23 H.

Jan. Nov 19 8.

Helen Lindsey


|Lon. Nov KJ H.

John Bright


Liv. Aug 15 8.

OW England


||Lite. Ca 24 8.


Lon. Nov 18.


Order in which the above Tonoclo lost England.

Any Robinet, John Bright, Culhars, Tom, Albar?, Dupane of Ch�? The Wat, U14 Lagiis, Kaplla, Hilmani, Helm Landing, Gading.

Red Rover, bark

From Musassar

Corcyra, brig

Mahomed Bbab, bk.

Sumatra, bark

Froes Batavia




40% Dec 20 Bhangboo 186 Jan 29 Hongkong

1970 IC Hongkong

360 Jan 29 Hongkong


297 -


260 - 18




For London

Bangalore, bark David Malcolm, bk

Dominion, bark


Brit 871 Dec 24 Bhangbae 496 31 Hangkong 660- 635-

Hair McGaw, ship Am 700 19 Whampo

Brit 61Jn 172H-ngkang





PRICE $10 per annum

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, Anuum, La Dollaro, payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Single Numbers. 85 cento

Communications for the Editor will be forwarded if left with Ty man, Stationer Ne. 399 Quin's Road -fourth house west of the Oriental Bank, where sprre sopias of thie Paper may also be obtained. THMS OF ADVERTISING.-Tes lines and under, Dollar; ed ilitonal, 10 cents Ine. Repetilone one-third of the Brat Insertion, ships, -Pirst losertion, Dellarsi subsequent Insertions 48 cente

Advertiments to have written, on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appour, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. inade when rendering quarterly accounts for advertisements ordered to stand undisturbed for a period of not low than three months. Full chargu mada jer repetition of any Advertisement in the Uvinzano inna. A reduction of twenty dve per cent on metal charges

24 Shang bao

D. of Portland, ship


Elize, bark

- 225 Jan 14

VOL. XI. No. 10.

Tory, bark

Brik 61 Dec Shangha Witch of the Wave| Am. |1500|Jan


For Liverpool

Jeromish Garnett, k

447 Dec 22 Shanghae


149 Dec 31 hangbro 37.Jan Whampoa


280 Jan 26 Hongkong

Confucion, ship

For Qawas

Droid, brig

For Pianos Nicoles Cornid, olli Fr.

For Fort FOUN

Bpbina, bark

Ganges, mentor

Regina ship

For Ontruita

Brit 1200 Deo 80 Hongkong

Bella Marina, sblp Br?

Ohind, bip

Cowarje Family, a Gallant, brig Myaram Dyaram,e

Pekin, veroor

Red Rover, Bark

Ijsnis Lang, bark

For Balauja

Bomatra, berk

For Stagsporo Abbotsford, bark Eleonora, bark Emigrant, bark Fatal air, bark

Maggie, bilg


Thou Chocwick,bk Bri46) Deo Triumph, brig

Favorite, ship


Poit 13 lan Macan







JUNT OPENED AND FOR SALE, QELECT Batches of very superior old tilenlivet Whiskey in bottle-Dark and Pale Brandy

TN consequence of the retirement of Mr. Chanzma

Bandana, the firm of Winson & Sandu has been dissolved, and, in future, will be signed lo-Hollands Din-Cordial ditto, Fine fruity Post liquidation only. The other partners in the late Arm (Mr. Aland WILKINSON, Canion and Mentre led Stont and Porter, Base' Pale Ale do. dc.

-Dark, Goldan, and Pale Sherine,-London bat- Daniel. DioINGON & Co. London) will com.

Some Fine Baked Balmon la Jaro tinue the business under the Style of ALFRED ORIENTAL Company's | WILKINSON & Co.

MOEWEN & Co. Steam-Ships will love this for

Canton, 18th December, 1851.

Hoogkang, Queen's Road, 20th Sept. 1851. NOTICE Cameo will be reprived on board until 8 z. m. of | "THE Business of the undersigned will, from this the 28th, and Tamazon until Noon of the 27th.

date, be carried on under the firm of BIRLEY & Co.

Canton, Ist July, 1951


the above places on Aturday the 25th of February.



P. & O. 8. N Co.'s Office. Hongkong, 30th January, 1882,



THE A. 1. Ship "TRAFALGAR," Onplain RIOMArduen, 750 Tana fmensurament, will meet with early der peach for the above Port. For Freight of light Goode, or Page.

Apply in Canton to

Menu BLENKIN, BAWBON & Co. or berete LTALL, STILL & Ca Hongkong, 28th January, 1889.


FOR BAN FRANCISCO, THE fine Britlah Ship "CONSTANT," 535 Tana Register, Captain Cosmess, will be despatched for the above port on


810 Jan 14 Whampoa


664 Do 9 may

331 15 Hongkong


21 Wharapon



| 706|




Philip Laing, bark

64 Dec 12 Amy

From London

250 Jan 27 ilengkaẳng

Chebucto, ship

Beotland, ship


24fen Whampoa



- 10

Albu Edward, abip | Bek


415 Dec 29




Brabour, ship John O'Gaunt, abip

Bri 61 JAB Jongkong




Osceola, ship

439-24 Whampoa 75- Hongkong

John Line, ship

Brk 69 Jan

Bingapore, siramer


Ban Breeze, bark


184 Der 20 113 Ina

From Jalostu

Hongkong Whampoa Amoy

70 Jan 19 Hongkong Brit

Viscount Badon, " Brit, 64u. War. Gillim, ship

4 Hongkong 61 17 Watapice

106 Jan 17 Hongkong 616 - 14


Binm 170J


Ter staalia

Siam, abip


1250 18 Hongkong

For Shanghaa Ansal pr, bwik


372 Jan Hongkong

- Jan

& Macao

Audax, schooner


161 92

lone, schooner faland Queen, sch. Loopuyi, bark





Mangostean, bark




184 Dec Bu


238 Jan 7

Span 134 Jan 26tfongbong

Brit 918 23








Apply to

ANTHON & Co, Ilongkong, 23rd January, 1859.


Fiedrick Boeben, bl Prus Grace McVes, ship Brit Henbury, ship Henrietta, ship

167 Jan 1911eagkong 460 Jen longkang 860- 20 Whampo 600 28 Hongkong



Kam ty-he, bark

Bophia, bark

Chna Port

Wm. Watson, bark Br

198 240 - 18 Macao 480 Dee 81 Hongkong

For New York


Tynn Timer Mondegu, H. | Port

From Singapore Andronache, brigam 170 Dec 20 Amoy

249 Jan 15 Hongkong Royalist

Span 114 Jan 21 Hongkong

From Manila

Asia Feliz, brig Belis, brig Union, ship

Troms Shangha Audax, chvonar loan, schooner loland Queen, sch.

Nymph, brigantine

From Amay Canton, steaner Maxappe, scboomer- Pielades, bark Zephyr, schooner

From California

Adelaide, ship Am. Packet, bark Aon Welch, bark Emma, brig Eureke, ship

Exchange, ship

Gallego, bark Josh Bates, ship

ར�?ྱ�? ཚོ ཚོ ཚེ་�?�?ཚོ་�? ྃ�? རྡརྨ�? ྃ�?�?ཆོ་�?�?ས�?ོ�?༞�?�?ར�?�?�?ཧཱུ�?་�?་�?, ཕླ �?�?ྃ�?ནྡྲ�?ས�?ོ�?་�?་�?་�?�?�?་�?་�? �?�? ཾ�?་�?�?

Preacol, back Stephen Larman, ob

From Herbon

Oriental, bark

Bleaba, ship From Now Kanland

LA of Portland, ship

Tram ManatLAN

Brie, schooner

From Valparaiso Apolin, brig

160 Dec 99 Amoy 484 Jan 21 Blacao

151 Jan 17 Hongkong



191 Dec Bu

106 Jan 17

218 Jau 28 Hongkong



400. 20 126

Norm 406




272 Jan 10 Shanghae

4 Macao


Port. 260

Am. 1061-

16 Hongkong

361 16 686 Dec 31 Shanghan

620 10 279 Dre 27 453-

470 Den 24 Shanghas Brit 689 Jes 14 Henghong

Brix, $15 Dec 7 Shanghaa 120 Jan 22 Hongkong

Brem 160Jan 10 Hongkong

241 $12-

Katharine8barer b Brit

Fren Sandwich Ta.

Boyard, bark

Bengal, ship

Landing.-At London; Paou shun, Surprise, Champion, skip

and Celestial Livanpool; None.

??With a company of 13. M.% ?ồch Regiment on board,


Balmoral, Sir.

Baron of Renfrew







Cuningham Bom Dec 9H Martin Boa. Nov 17 H Macfarlane Cat, Dec 2 FL. Roberson Bom. Dec 5 L. Curzon Bom. Nove H. Underwood Bom. Deo & H Burrows [Cal Nor 20 H.

Bom Now Wh. Bom. Dee H.


O Northumberland Flodson

Plz Morison McCullock Bom. Dec 4 B.

Shipping at Whamspon my :--









Aan Martin










Teto! 9,381 Tons

Shipping at Amoy say:-

2,678 Tons








J. K L


Bom. Nav 23 H. Bom.




John Wood


Bom Dec Wh



Lord Western


Bom. Oct 26



Bom Dec 6 H.

Total 4,403 Ton

Shipping in Al'kong.

Shaw Allum Sullana

6,436 Toni





American, Dutch.

















Acodio Bintang Anam

Dann Deibel

Total 18,709 Toas

Ludin Ningarn


December 20 FT, December 20 H. November 29 8.


November 98.



Bom Nov 18 H. Bom. Nov 21 H. Rice Loading -A1 Bownat; Chippewa, Margaret, Mary Graham. Royal Alice, Moffatt, Sobraon, and Bassoon Family.


Condor, ship

Fortune, bark

Junior, ship

Marcia, ship Martha, schooner Metacom, ship Miles, ship

Ocean, whip Stephanin, ship Trident, bark

Brighton, ship

Hibernia, ship

$29 a 12 longkong











449 Doo



Nymph, brignasíno Bidney, brig Bolide, brig Bphyox, steamer

Iw amey Asia Feliz, brig Contin, steamer Donio, schooner Lionel, brig Mearppa, schooner Zephyr, achoooar

Der Beach Am


G.H. Moungua,ach Am

For California.

Edw. Bousand, ahip Flying Clend, ship Am. Golden Age, bark Helma, ship

N. Palmer, ship Mary Adams, bark

Philomeln, back Stephen Lurman, eb.

Tartar, ship

For Sydney

Alverton, bark

Caklow, bark

E of Lancaster


445 Dec 20 Shanghee 702 Jan 5 Whampoa 12 Hongkong 697 Dec 16 Shanghao 374 30 Whampoa 146) Jan E


400 Des 2 Shangh??463 Jan 7

670 Dec 27

409 Dec 16 Shangban 960. 10 -

JAD Amoy


Mohawk, ship

449 Dea 20 Bbangbao

For New Zealand


169 Dec 17 Shanghae

Peru] 876 Jan 17 Common


191 Jan 19|Hongkong

Glename, bark

For dallas Boatrice, ship


Ferdinand, ship


Pat Bentrics, Two hundred and fifty Chinens. Per Coware Family, 0:1G. Crano Esq.

Per P. & ?. C. Br. Gangari-For Point de Galle, Coum Ricei.--For Bombay, Memra A. D Samoon and pative ontvant, J.F. Buxay and servant,

164 an 20 Hongkong Salamon David, and Servant, Jacob Ruben, and Dadaboy Pestonjes, For Snes, Mr. N.A. Griswold, For Malia, Me." W. Bockler," For Bouthampton. Mr. W. Barnest, Lient R. G. Holliday, R. M., and Lieut. R. F. T. Calvert, R. N

Per Pekin, Mr and Mrs Calliza

George & Mary, abip - vlc Jodia, ahip

Neptune, bark






Per Ann Welch Mesto Hullins & Co. and 15 Chinese.

Per Blenheim, Mr and Mrs Cartwright, Misa Lampriera, Memoro Lamptiere, Brockenbury, and- Synoll,

Per Canton Lieut. Rico and Tait Esq.

Per Exchange, Mra Abbot und 70 Chiness. Per Jon Capla Gordon, and fervin, Mr Bovet,

Alligator Contest





[Hongkong Hom

Dr Henkler ingen | M, 61 19 (Jan. Spencer

1 Admiral Au Hongket M 6. 19 Captain A Fast Cami M,8g| 17 |Fandiene

Hongkong Sturn the

Canton H.C.S

Per Mahoma Shah, Mr Hardy Wells C. E.


Per Maseppa, Mr Lamont and Mr De Lawden. Per Nymph Mr fart and Mr Davien.



Hongkong H.M.S1


Ningpo |(4,30 29.

Per Pilodes Rev. R. D. Jackson and 70 Chinese pbyaz Per Singapore, from Hombay, Mesure Chapman. | Marion Churmure and permat; from Puist de Galle.] La Camil Mesaro Bott, and Hackert; from Singapors, Rev.


Mr 31'Dougal, Mein Wydely and Melchore,SE Chow Chang le; natives of India, and 10 Chinese from Singapura.


4 Bate Whampoa 11, MB) 4 Dilman

Shadwell hapon U. 8. 61 20 Glendy Meos Pr.


R. de Pla Nobrega

Prited, and Published, by William Tarrant, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1852.

at about the 19th January meat.

Fon FansHT Apply to,


Hongkong, December 30th, 1881.



THE Barque" ANN WELSH," will bo despatched above on the 17th -proximo, has excellent Cabin sacom modelion for Pretete 6. Dinaray


THE Fine British Ship BLENHEIM, A. I. 608 long burthen, A. 8. SENA MOLLKIon Commander, will meet with quick drepetch.




Es Viscount Sandon," BBSRO GMITH & BRIMELOW bara re.

esired by the above reseci,- Prima Wiltshire Cheese, Prime York Hame, Bloom Rafeine, Jordan Almonde, French Oro Ryn! Banded Vineger made entirely from Mali, R CABR LUCAS is admitada Parmer in Naval and Military Bauce, Worcester and Royal ""

our Firm from 19th May 185).

Zem Sauce, French and English Pass, Preserved Meas of every description. MACKERTOO & Co. Caston, 15th August, 1851.


THE business of the Undersigned from this date will be enodacted under the Firm and Style of BRANDAO & O. and Mr Joad BarTOSTA Downs and Mr Joan Frekestxion, aen schukind

Partners therein.

ANTONIO C. BRAND?O. Canton, 1st January, 1892.

NOTICE THE Business hitherto carried on under the name of MANEDALLY MOTANHOT & Co. in this day olased, and will in future ba condocted by Mr. KERAMIK NOGReopen the 6rm and myle of AH- MEDBHOY RHAIMTOOLLA.


Canton, 8th January, 1852.


THE undersigned hava formed a copartsahip

for the transacting of a Gewunal Commission


An Invoice of Hutionary.

Per late Arrivals.

Dublin Blout In Boule, Campbell's Edinburgh Pay Ale in Bottle, Prime Brout in Hogshead, Hodge's Pale Ale in Hogabend, Buperior Port, 977, Buziah Bottled Claret, Champagne, Hock, Mand's Dark and Pale Brandy, United Vineyard Company's Brandy, Chenlivet Whisks. Old Tom,

Jamica Rum, &c., &c., all in excellent order.

No 1 & 2 Waounam's Buildingo,

Hongkong, 9th December, 1881.


Extract of letter, dated Madras, June 10, 1846 in F. It. Bet, E-q Ah Light Cavalry; De- puty Assistant Quarter Marer General of the Army.

To Proformer Holloway.

I have moch plasure in adding my testimony to that of the many who have castided to the excellance of your Olaiment, but my object in addressing you is, chiefly, to draw your attention to a means by which its vales may, I think, becure still more generally appreciated and applied.

In this country there is a diovane called Barsotti (from Bureo, rais); it commences and prorails to the greatest extent during the rainy weather; it is confined, I believe, exclusively to Horses A valu able Hurce of mine caught it in a march during the Ainsoon: all the usual remedies were applied la vain; indeed it is a disease which I bare never seen cared, for when once taken it soun becomes rooted in the constitution. It shows itself by large fool angry sores over all parts of the body. For eight months my Horno had it specially bed, having had three large cores on his fore-legs. Fonometely at length saw your advertisement in the papers, and thought that, if the Ointment did so much for mankind, there was no reason why Horser,

should not equally benefit by it,

The Gra P

did wonders, and three or four cured the places in six flores having bitten bimself, a sore appeared on he weeks, (The writer further states, "thai from one of the old placon, but this in rapidly giving way

I remain, Bir,

to the Ointment )" 80

DIRECT FROM HOLLAND. MARS BITH & BRIMELOW have re- lived 150 Cases of Superior Lolland Gio, which they offer at a low figure,

Hongkong, 9th Deesmber, 1854,


(BY ROTAL Larraze Patent)


Boulware #1 Singapore, under the style of WOL-THIS varivalled palat consists in the altschmant

COTT & Co.


WILLIAM DREYER from flamburg, HENRY G. WOLCOTT of the Gr

of WOLCOTT, BATES & Co., Shanghas and Canton, Bingapore, Ini Apell, 1851.



THE wadersigned, having been appointed Agents for the above Office, are prepared to affect in- This year has splendid accommodation for surances against 6te, on Buildings and Goods, In Canton and Hongkong, including merchandise in passengera for which, or freight, apply to

native Packhounds,

RAWLE, DRINKER & Co. Hongkong, 20th January, 1882.



of a moveable Comb Guard to the ordinary

charles. The tenia zdirmelsket in Uka, apocaling of

Your obedient servant, F. SCOTT, fth Light Cavalry.

These truly foraluable medeines en ??be pro- in ticbly Ornamented Bogen and Pots together cured at the Betablishment of the Undersigned, with Direations for the Guidance of Palicots athed to each Box and Pol

J. F. CARRUTHERS, Agent in Chinas Bub-Agenta, J. M. Da SILVA.-at Hongkong.

J. M. DA FONSECA, Nacoa.



being remered. These who have nover pravidiely | MED ANUPOR'A imagem Bin Kalinary, 1852,

| shaved can share thomedrea without Gear, or the at 11 o'clock A. N. precisely, in front of the Avo.

aid of a glass, or on board ship in the most tem-?�TION MART, Queen's Road, without reserve, the fol- pestuous weather. It is invaluable to merruda, pa towing Property belonging to a Gentleman leaving inlyzed, blind, the timid, or most awkward shaver. Blangkong. The palso has been most extensively patronized by the officers of all ranks of the United and Hoo-

ble B. I. C, Bertin,


la made of a highly prepared and compressed leather, has all the efficiency of a bone and pre- serres the edge of the Razor in the most perfect


Plain Razore, Poakatvas, and Scissore of every

| description warranted of the ónost workmanship.

C. STEWART & Co. Patentoes 29, Charing

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. 18 Canton, 14th August, 1851,


office, are prepared to grant BERT SMALL 610 tona per te Policies payable so London, CALCUTTA, BOMBAT, -- ??ghter, carrying an experianced Surgeon, and CANTON

GILMAN & Co. bal Master, will load at Hongkong for the abora port, and have early despatch.

88 For Fansont apply to

12. THE fire class Brilleh ship RO-There for the shore oint base appointed Agate Cross, London, may be had at all the thres Praef

THOMAS HUNT,--#hampoa.

or to WILLIAM TARRANT-Hongkong. Victoria, 27th January, 1854,


THE House and Grounds of "Glenely."

for the

Canton, 18th January, 1851.

In the Estate of Annanam Josuru Bentur, Late of Victoria deceased,

LL partics haring any claims so the above A Estate are requested to forward the same wills accounts and rouchere to the undersigned forthwith. Persons indebted to the Estate ore also

requested to pay amounts of their debt respectivaly

For farther particulars apply at the Of. on or before the lot day of March meet. fice of Memra Dist & Co. Hongkong, 4th December, 1851.



THE House on the South side of Glough Bizest, Istoly occupied by Mr J, G.


Apply to,

Victoria, lef August, 1881.



FOR SALE. TOGETHER or separately, those four Houves situated on foi 90, we of them having a frontage on Hollywood Road, the other two on Gough Street

Apply to

MR. BURGOYNE. No, I Wellington Street, Victoria, 23rd December, 1881.



Administrator to the Fetafe, Hongkong, 23rd December, 1851.

FOR SALE. NGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all

sises, also Nails, by



Hongkong, 1st October, 1850

FOR BALE. QUPERIOR Cot Glass Decanters and Goblan A500.

Foochow Bacon in excellent condition,


Hongkong. 29th January, 1882,

Ex "Land-o'-Cagad,"


| dencies and all the principal cities inthe East fo-lies, N. B. All C. Brawant & Co.ʼn Coilery has the brand Plautaganet thereon, and is made of their celebrated Plantagenet Steet obemically prepared.



The beautiful Bay Horse Rienzi, accustomed to carry a Lady, and quitt in Harness; a large Bay Sydney Carriage House; the well-known Mare Pauline; and the Dun Pony Piper,


One large Carriage, complete, with lampa, Atc. Double Flore Harness second Bet of Ditto; a A small Pony Phaston, quite new; Set of Bol of Buggy Harness; 8 Ladin Saddles and Bridles; Gentlemen's Saddles and Bridles; 4 Buite of Herse Clothing: 49aite of Ditto, 5 bille for Covers: 4 Natted Horso Covera: 3 Potat Saddle Cloths, and a quality of Stable Gear.

Hongkong, 26th January, 1852.



8 the undersigned in leaving China shonly, he requests that parties baring Claime upon him, will send them in on or before the 20th instant ; and that book persons who are indolted to him, will

their accounts before the almes dais.

undersigned bus etablished a large BA- KKRY, and guarantees to supply any quanti 7 of CABIN and SHIP BREAD as abort no-pay tics,

FIND NAVY BREAD,.....4 cents per lb. PILOT BERAD,... warranted to keep for Six Montha je

Dy Climate, Commneta entered into with Departments, Com. chandara of Vessels, &o. for regular supplios.

THOMAS HUNT, Whampoa, did November, 1851.


PROTESTANT THEOLOGIAN is desir Aous of obtaining a situation as Tutor in European family. Apply to A. Z. care of the Editor of the Paper.

Victoria, Hongkong,

19th January, 1852.



THE undersigned being about to leave Chin,

JOHN G. MORISON. Hongkong, 2nd February, 1862.


E undersigned bave received instructions to well by PUBLIC AUCTION, ON Monday next, Nih February, at 11 o'clock a

The HOUSEHOLD and OFFICE FURNI. TURE, with the BOOKS and PLATE, belong ing to Jown G. Montson, Esq.

The FURNITURE, &c, can be viewed at his re- sidence, on Friday and Saturday, from 10am. till 22. M. Catologues will be issued on Friday,


On the same day, should time permit, at the God- owns of the abse quantity of BEER and BRANDY: GLASS-WARE, consisting of Quert and Pint DevANTERS ; (locs, Port, Kakaur, and CLARKT GLASS, Daount Skuviors and 90 Bage of SALTPETRE

Should the whole not be sold on Monday, the to suit buyera

UST landed in amortment of very superior qui ation, and payment of op?�atanding debtsal will bo continued in Tuesday or Wednesday,

requesto ilit nil accounts may be rendered for

made to him, elskar as individually, or in his cape city of administrator to the Estate of the late TONO-IN GINO,

Victoria, Hongkong.

Scotch Twoods.



Queen's Rowl, Victoria, 22nd November, 1951

FOR SALE. DRY and Secure Htorage of perishable or other

desirable assortment of Bazza, collected Merchandise can be bad, on moderate charges, A chiefly on the Costs of Ceylon and the Mau-


14th Janoaty, 1852.




West Point,

Victuris, Hongkong, 3rd January, 1882.

Queen's Road, Victoria, 7th Novembar, 1851,

at the Godowns of




T the Offres of the Hongling Register: the HONGKONG REGISTER'S "ANULO- CHINESE CALENDAR for 1852 Hongkong, 28th January, 1832,

A. H FRYER & Co.

Auctioneers. Itongkong, 2nd February, 1852,

TO ADVERTISERS. TN Compliance with a wish expread by some of our supporters, our general taun for advertising will henceforth when the advertisement ermains undisturbed in our columns for a period of threo months at the least be redited twenty-fire per cOLL.

Hongkong, Brd February, 1852.


Scented Orange Pekosz -Some 3,000 half chests at from Tiela 12to 18.

See- Copers - 3,500 Boxes at Tarls 12 in 15 Ning yogi and Oolongs.-3,000 Package set that about Tuels 1:24 to 13 for cummon and 14 to 15 for better words

Canton Gurun, a Gunpow far ??,500 half cheste si Tvels 123 to 10

Young Hyson-2,000 half cheats at Tools 114 to 15,

COUNTRY GREENS -Skins, 2,000 Packagon st Tarla 13 to 14.

Thankaye.--2,000 packages at Tarlı 16 to 20 If goons,-2,500 packages at Tacks 29 to 59. Young Hyon.-No me.

Imperial and Gunpowders.--No tramauctions, TEA Shangh-from the North-China 1lerold" of 17th January,--

Black, Congous, have declined since the last Mail lal, and sound common Teas can now be purchased at 10 to 101 Tank per pecul. About 30 chops have been sold ituring the mouth leaving a stock of my 80 chopa. A few obups of Mowings are will offering 41 12 and 124 Taels për pecul, Bouchongs are also lower, and may be bought at 13) a 13 Tuela for fair common kinda. Pokret u few chops have been sold at cheap rates, my 15 a 16. Thole for sound quality, with a fair quantity of Flower. A few Boochaos packed Tass, ace offering at lower suten.

Green Tras.-The mock bas become much re duced and quality lower, prices also are giving way, for all kinds. We quote-

Young Hyson,


Hyson Sklo,-

Twonkay, -




THE FRIEND of china AND HONGkung gazeTTK.

Total quantity of mercantila shipping in China (exclusive of those in Macao, River Bienmoro, lying up vessels and coasters) say 30,000 Tons, aguinai 45,000 Tema of last monik,"

About 33,500 tons of shipping have left and 24,000 tone arrived in China" during the mouth p but of the letter nineteen are whalera,






99, P. & Q. Ca's Str. Canton, McDermott, from

Amoy, 27th January.

29, fona, Dow.nan, from Wooung, 23rd January. 19, Catherina Apear, Fowler, from Calcutta, 2Rod


29, Soulon (Dut), Non-land, from Nowcastle, 30th


29, Gateshead, Gladson, from Whampoa

10, 4matud (Span), Castro, from Manile, 18th




24, Joku O'Gaunt, McDonald, from Bombay. Jun.


10, Adelaide (Am) Cobb, from California.

10, Joshua Boles (Am), Ensterbrooke, from Cali-


15, H. M. Br. Apkyuz, Commander Rhadwell,

from Flungkung.

Tarls 134 = 25

18 a 96

10 a 14



20 38

17 24

Since the 1st July total sales are estimated at 330,000 packages, and the stock at 30,000 packa-


BILK Canon-No transactions-prices and stock as last reported.

BILE, Shanghe (from the North-Chios Herid" of 17th inatami).

May be quoted lower this month, and the pur. chases have been on rather a limited scale, only

600 to 700 bala baving changed hands.

The export hence to England is about 13,300 bales and including Canton for the two mempong the shipments this year are fully 2,000 bales less than



PROM ROпо?ока.

97, Red Rover, Swich, Calcutta

29, North Carolina (Ac ), Foster, California.

26, Catherine Ajour, Föwler, Whampoa.

10, P. & C. Co% Str. Singapore, Evana, Bombay. Deo.


10, Emigrant, Turner, Singapore. Dee.


14, Elias, Noble, London.

Vestels in Horexenn Wuamroa, COMEMOON,


For London, Trafalger, H.

For France.

Jules Cezar, W.

For Lisbon.

Clare, M.

For W. C. 3. Am. Caprice, W.

Sussonsh, C.

For Bombay.

Lord Ashley, W.

For Madras, Gateshead, H.

For San Francisco. American Praka, t). Ann Welch, H, Blenheim, 11. Brahmio, W. Conroy, W. Constant, H.

Eden, W.

Eureka, H.

Glenlyon, H.


For London Bangalore, bark David Malcolm, bk Dominion, bark

D. of Portland, ship

Eliza, bark




877 Dec 24 8bergbaa 496.

81 Hongkong



24 Shaagbaa


226 Jan 14

VOL. XI. No. 10,

Tory, bark

Helen McGaw, ship] Am Brit

100- 19 Whamjos

611 Dec Shangha

Witch of the Wave Am. 1600 lan 3 Whatopo

Emperor, El.

Geo Washington, H.

For Liverposi

Confucius, ship


Land Cake, H. Orcoolu, H. Robert Small, 11. San José, M.

Jeromish Carnett, ".

J47 Dec 82 Shanghai

6 Jan 17 Hongkong

War Cowen


149 Dec 31 Shanghte 17 Jan


Terasie, W.

For Manila.

Belliza, M.

Druid, brig

For France

Nicolas Cenard, el. Fr.

For Port Ph

Sphinx, bark

280 Jan 26 Hongkong

Brit 1200 Dec 30 Hongkong 810 Jan 14 Whampoa

For Batavia, Patriot, W.


For Singapore. Apollo, H.

For Bomber

El Tiempo, H.

Qangos, steamer

Jules Cesar, W.



Albe. Edward, ship Brk 497 Jan 10 Hoogkung

Boolou, bark

17. H. M. Str. Sphynx, Commander Shadwell, Catherine Apcar,


Raduga (Am), Cook, Batavis."

PAMNurs per Str. PINGAPORE -For Sowk.

ampton, Major Layard, C.H., Lirol. P. Jubaston, R.

N., Meren. F. T. Ba-h. (U.?. Consul bearer of Dea

last, op in the same date however it is only to be re-patches,) W. Synnot, and L. Josephs. For Malte, marked that the deficiency consists almost entirely of Canton reeled Bilk, so that the expon of the two principal kinds this season is quita equal to that of lase. We quote

No. 1 Tire Dra. 420 a 480 No 2 Dra. 400, No 3 Dre 365 Common Drs. 835 340, Tuyanam Drs. 275 300 at the ninter price some very fair Bilk is offering.

Capeta, Caston.-$19 in 19] Bude $21. EXCHANGE, Cant. The Uriewal Bank on London 6 montha night 44 9d, a fall from 5e. Id of last month fin Hongkong drawing at 1 day's sight for de 72d-or Englah inaney, at Govero. ment rate, Mexicana or Rupers, for is 344.) Bank Pom Bills 4,8-Directors' Wells on Bengal, accepted 2:28 to 230. Oriental Bank in Hongkong drawing on Bomh ay and Caluita Rs. 225 per $100,

Spese,-1; per past premium,

Gold,-217 per tuel,

Merican,- per cent discount,



R Sturgis, For Sues The Bishop Forandr, For alcalia, Lieut -Brackenbury, 61 Regt. For Bombay, Mr and Mrs Cartwright, and Mr H. T. Sehlen. For Point de Gallo, I Bergeant, 10 Pri vales, 4 Women, and 5 Children, of the Ceyla Rides Regt. For gingoport, Mrs. D'Almeida, 2 children, and Nativo pocvant, Mr. Robt. Killand of H. M. ship Fox.

Reroat by the Amistad,-A Casting Schooner

which left this (Manila) on the 6th December, fall in with burricane on the 9th, a�?the Cost of Masbate (South of the Phillipines) and was entirely lost, the only persona saved being one passenger and 3 milors, who report that no English Ship was wrecked 2 bours after them, in the same part, and not a person nor a fragmont of the ship or cargo, saved, name unknown.

The Catherine Apcar was lo company with ine

Exomanos, Bhanghee - (from N. O IT, and | Bark Constas ine from Fat to 17th instant, bound

confirmed by private advices dated the 20th.)

On London, ut & mouths' sight, Chesa credita


With Docoments, 3e. 2d, a Ge. 214

Bank Poet Billa, da lid

East India Company's Bills accepted, Ropoes

235 per $100.

Oriental Bank on Bombay, 3 days sight Rs.

237 per $100.

Drake on Canton, 10 daye vight per cent


FARIOSTS, Caslon-To London quoted at £2 £2,6 for 50 cubic feet. Nothing duing to Ame.


Fazionto, Shanghas,~~~from jibe North-Chinn Herald)

To England, £3 = £3 3a, fut Tes, £3 10.

for Silk.

To New York, nominal at 814 per 40 (cel

Byear.-$141.40 per 100 Tartu.

Gold-fints, $200, per 9. 7m. Je

Merican Dollars,-10 per cent discount,

Shipping at Shanghao say:-







Convojce Family,


Red Rover, bark ?�From Mesmer

Corcyra, brig

Mahomed Shab, biz.

Banatra, back

From Hain via



Regina, ship

|Bella Murina, ship | Brit

Chios, ship

Cowacje Family,

Gallant, brig Myaran Dyatum,

Pekin, mer

Philip Laing, bark

For Manila

564 Dec 9 Amay

13 Jan 15 Hongkong 297

100 T


126 Jac 16 Hongkong




PRICE $10 per annum

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE. por A, 10 Dollars, payable in advance, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Single Nambers, 15 conto

Communications for the Editor will do forwarded if left with Ty ma, Flationer No. 849 Qumn's Bout -fourth house worst of the Oriental Bank, where opere copias of this Paper may alas de obtained. TERMS OF AUVERTIGING.-Ten lines and under, I Dollar; edisional, 30 cents line. Repetilone one-third of the Insertion. Ships, First_insertion, # Dollara subsequent Insertions 48 renta. Advertant to have written, on the face of them, the pumber of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. A reduction of twenty dre per cent on usual charges zaade when vendering quarterly accounts for advertinants ordered to stand undisturbed for a period of not low than three months. Pall charge mode tor repetition of any Advertisemeni in the OranlaV O ?NGO,






ORIENTAL COMPANY'S Steem-Shipu will lowes this for the above places on Saturday the 25th of February.


TN consequense of the retirement of Mr. CHARLES Bandar, the firm of Wikimon & Sandure has been dissolved, and, in future, will be signed in liquidation only. The other partners in the Int from(Mr. Alfand WILKINSON, Canion and Mentaled DANIEL, DICKINOON & Co. London) will com. tinue the businms under the Biyle of ALFRED WILKINSON & C

Canton, 186 Desember, 1851.



Cango will be received on board wall § r. n. of THE Business of the undersigned will, from thie. the 28th, and Tamazuan until Noon of the 27th, | 4_date, be carried on under the firm of Binary

& Co. 0. C. EDMOND, Superintendent,

FRANCIO B. DIRLEY. Canton, 1st July, 1851


P. & O. 8. N Co.'s Office. Hongkong, 30th January, 1852.


777 THE A. I. Ship "TRAFALGAR," Caplete Richardson, 750 Tons mesauran?�ant, will meet with early des petch for the above Putt For Freight of light Goods, or Passage.

Apply in Canton (o

MIND BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. or bere to LYALL, STILL & Ca Hongkong, 28th January, 1852.

FOR BAN FRANCISCO. THE One British Ship "CONSTANT," 536 Tana Regimer, Captain Coomers, will be despatebed for the above pest on

2: Whampo








647 Dec 19 Amay

From Loudou

Red Rover, Dark

260 Jen $7iloogkong

Chebucto, ship Scotland, ship

40 Dec 20 Bhangbos 186an 23 Hooghopg


Ijanie Liang, bark


From Xtvorpesi

Bumatra, bark


For Stagspers

From Uns dis

Abbotsford, bark


249fan 2: Whampoa 226 -10

425 Dec 29 Amoy


Dul 360 Jan 29 Hongkong

From Bombay

Brahmin, ship

John O'nun, shipi Osceola, ship

Bri 61 no 11Hongkong 439-24 Whampoa 75%-Hongkong

Eleonora, bask Emigrant, bark Fattir, back



John Line, ship Maggie, brig

183 Brit 696 Jan

Singapore, sinamer


Bon Breens, bark

From Union tha

70 Jun 29 Hoogkong Brit


260 18

616 -

106 Jun 17 Hoogkong Favorite, ship

Biem, ship

Viscount Exadon, "| Bri. | 54u Wo. Gitlim, ship Fw Ba

184 Dec 31 111 lap Thai Choiwi:k, b? Brit 461 De Triumph, brig Porta



Hongkong Whampoa

Amug Mocso



Biam 170 Jan 11 Whampoa

17 Whampoa


For Shanghas

Antelope, bark Audaz, schooner lone, schooner Taland Queen, sch. Loopuys, back Mangostean, bark

Am 872 91 Hongkong

Brit 16122







400 -

Nymph, briguative Biduey, brig Bolide, brig


181 Dec 30

Hem 236 fan 7

Sphynx, tamar


Bran 134 Jan 26 Hongkong Brit 918. 28

185- 15)









Apply to

ANTHON & Co. 41 Mongkong, 23rd January, 1852,

For South Am

Hongkong +Macao

Fiedrick Bosam, bi Pruss Grace McV, abij Brit Henbury, abip Horieta, ship

167 len 1911ongkong 460 Jan 860-

longkong Whampoa


23 tiongkong




From Tieve

Mondego, . ". Pon

??From Singapore Andromache, brig| Hum Royalist

From Mani

Asia Feliz, brig Betis, brig Unina, abip

From Shanghaa

Adax, schoonar Lona, schooner

From Ame


126 Jeo Whampoa

- Voo Macao

270 Dec 20 Amoy 249 Jan 15 tlongkong Span 13 Jan 21 Hongkong


160 Dre 99 Amoy 18 Jan 21 Macao

Brk 161 Jan 17 Hongkong

Talanil Queen, sch. Nymph, brigantine

Canton, steamer Muzapps, schooner- Pielados, bark Zephyr, schooner Adelaide, thip

From Calenda

Am Packet, bark Ann Welch, bark Emma, brig Eureks, ship

Exchange, ship Gallego, bark

Joshua Bates, ship Prescott, bark Stephen Lurman, cb|

From Harbak

Oriental, bark




Amy Rebeart Balmoral Cathaya Emperor of China Doniell



Budge |šaillie

Loa. Sept 13 EI, Shin, June 11 Liv. Nov 1 F. |Giv. Ang 17| 8.

Lan, Oct 1als.

Len. Aug 29 FL

Briard Barr

Lon Oct 23) H.

Lon. Nov 19 3.


|Lon. Nov (5| 60.

Liv. Aug 1$ 9.

Bries, schooner


|Liv, Ca ? 24[ 8.

Low. Nov 11 B

For Win (Am)


Etelen Lindesy

John Height

Old England


Order in which the above Vanaolo test England.

Amy Rabonet, John Bright, Cathays, Toner, Akbar?, Kapuge st Chi, PhW, U14 Kuglant, Oupila, Balmorni, Beim Landing,

Blahim, hip

From Bew Zealand

ཆོ་�?རྡ�?ྃ�?་�? ཆོ་�? ྃ�? རྡ�?�?ྃ�? ཚོ�?' རྦ་རྡོཎ�?�?ཇོ་�? འོ�?�?�?དྷས�?ོརྰ�??�སྐྲཧཱུ�?་�?་�?་�?�?��འོ་�?་�? ཇོ་�?་�?



194 Dec 80

106 Jan 17

18 Jan 26 Hongkong




(26 94


31 Jan 10 Shanghas

Norw 406-

Am 39) Port 260- Am. 1061- 361- 686 Dec 21 3banghao

16 Hongkong 16

40 Un 10

£79 Des 27



470 Dec 94 Shanghae Bril 6890 14 Hongkong

I of Periand, abip Bri, 515 Dec 7 Shanghae

From ManaKLAN

From Valparaiso Apulia, brig

Pera 120 Jan 22 Hongkong

Brem 166 Jan 10 Hongkong

Katharine@barer by Brit 512-24

From Bantwich Ta

Bayard, bark

Bengal, skip

Loading-Al LowDon; Paou shan, Burprise, Champion, akip

and Celestial-At Livanroot; None.

* With a company of EL M.'s 59th Regiment on board. EXPECTED FROM INDIA.



Aan Martin


Balmoral, Bir.

Baron of Renfrow



Cuningham Bom Dec 9 L Bain. Nor 17 EL Martio

Macfarlane Cat. Deo P. Robertson Bom. Dec 5 Fl. Curran Bom. Nov 2 H. Underwood Bem. Dec 6 H. Jarrows

Cal. Nov 20 H. Bom Nov +|wb Bom. Dec 8 H.


D) Northumberland Hodson

McCullock Bom. Dee 4 B.

1,874 Tone British,









Total 4,105 Tome

Shipping at Whanipoa say:

5,679 Tons













Total 9,361 Tons


Shipping at Amoy say :-

2,678 Tone British,

Fliza Morison







J. K L


Bom. Nov 23 H. Bom.



John Wood




Lord Westero


Dom Dec Wh Bem, Oct 26 (1



Bom Dec 6 H.

Toul 4,403 Tons

Bhaw Allum


Shipping in H'hoog.



Bom Nov 1 H. Bom. Nov 21 H.

0,436 Tone
























620 \




Acadia Bintang Apom

Dund Deibel

December 30 FL. December 20 H

Endin Niagara


November 298.


November 98.


Total 18,709 Tone


Loading At BowBAT; Chippewa, Margaret, Mary Graham, Royal Alice, Moffatt, Sobraon, and Hessons Family.


Condor, ship

Fortune, bark

Junior, ship

Marcia, ship Martha, schooner

Metacom, ship

Midas, ship Ocean, ship Stephanie, ship Trident, bark

From Asosaston

Brighton, abip

Hiberais, ship George & Mary, abip Jodie, ship

Neplice, bark

Top Amay

Asia Felix, brig

Canton, steamer Donie, schouder Linost, brig Mazepps, schooner Zephyr, schoodar

|G.H. Moningue,sch Am

Per California.

Chna 128

Kam tyle, birk Bopbis, bark Wo. Watson, bark Brit.

For New York

Port 240 18 Macao

480 Deo 8 Hongkong

Edw. Boustead, anip Brit Flying Cloud, ship Am Golden Age, bark Helens, ship

N. Palmer, ship

Mary Adams, bark

Philomela, bark

Stephen Lurman, ab

Tartar, shop

Ter Byány

Alverton, bark

Caldow, bark

Mohawk, ship



445 Dec 20 Shanghos 789 Jan 5 Whampoa ato 12Hongkong 697 Dec 16 Shangha 374 2014'hampa 1461 Jan


400 Dea Re Shangh

451 Jan 7

670 Dec 87


499 Dec 16 Bhanghen 960 10

-AD 2 Amoy


??of Lancattar

44% Dec 20 Shangha

For New Liskead


169 Dec 17 Shanghae

Am 119 Jan 18longkong

300- 12

116 16






Gilence, bark

The Gallan

Beatrice, ship


Ferdinand, ship

Pero $76 Jan 17 Cam'roon


192 Jan 19 Hongkong


Par Brics, Two hundred and fifty Chimens.

Per Comaris Family, O.C. Crane Esq.

Ver P. & ?. C.'s Bir. Ganger:-For Pobst de Galle, Count Ricci.-For Bombay, Memors. A. D. Samson and patiro antvani, J.F. Buxoy and servant,

164 fan 20 Hongkong Balamon David, and Servant, Jacob Rubes, and Dadaboy Pestonjen. For Sues, Mr. N.A. Griswold, For Malta, Mr. W. Buchler. For Southampton. Mr. W. Barnest, Lieut. R. G. Holliday, R. M.,






Per Ann Welch Meters Hullina & Co. and 15 Chinese.

Per Blenheim, Mr and Mrs Cartwright, Miss Lampriere, Mears Lampriere, Brackenbury, and Synot.

Per Canton Lieut. Rice and Tait Esq. Per Exchange, Mrs Abbott and 70 Chinese, Per lond Caps Gordon, and Jervis, Mr Bovet. Per Mahomed Shah, Mr Hardy Wells C. E. For Mazeppa, Mr Lamont and Mr De Lawden. Per Nymph Me Hart and Mr. Davien.

Pet Pelader Rev. R. D. Jackson and 70 Chinese

and Lieut. R. F. T. Calvert, R. N


Per Pekin, Mr and Mrs Collies.





Alligator Contest Hasilage

Minden Nomeni Regalia Halamander Helyex

Contra H. C.

Hongkong Hoppal

Dr Hankier ingpet. M. 81 | 19 |Hon, 8pecort

??Admiral Anon |Hongkong|12 M 679

|| Captain Ammen ||Fast Coner|IT M. Bg, 12 |~anch cana

Air Michal |Hongkong|Buưrs Ship

Godwin chongkong H. M. 81 # Base



R. de Ploo Hobrig

Per Singapore, from Hombay, Mesure Chapman, Marion Churmees and armat; from Print de Galle. Le Quasini

Mondego Mesura Batt, and Blaskort; from Bingapore, Rev.

Mr M'Dougal, Messia Wydely and Melchore, Mala Chow Changle; natives of lodis, and 10 Chinese from Singapore.

Whampas |12, 180,

Magpot.M MU.

|36 kampus (U. B. 61 20 Glendy



Prind, and Published, by William Tarrant, Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1862.

at about the 19th January neat.

Fon Fansur Apply to,

JOHN BURD & Co. Hongkong, December 30th, 1851.


FOR BAN FRANCISCO. THE Barque" ANN WELSH," will 1 be despatched a above on the 17tb -prosimo, kas, excellent Cabin com modations for Pretation. By

FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE Fine British Ship BLENHEIM, A. 1, 508 tona burthen, A. §.

MOLLESON Commander, will meet with

quick despatch.

This vessel has splendid accommodation for passengere for which, or freignt, apply to

RAWLE, DRINKER & Co. Hongkong, 20th January, 1882.


FOR BAN FRANCISCO. THE fire class British ship RO- BERT SMALL, 618 tons per re gister, carrying an experianced Surgeon DAL Master, will lead at Hongkong for the abora port, and have early despatch.

For Fantour apply to


or to WILLIAM TARRANT-Hongkong. Victorie, 27th January, 1852.


THE House and Grounds of "Glenealy,

For further particulars apply at the Of.

fice of Remra Dent & Co.

Hongkong, 4th December, 1851.



JUNT OPENED AND FOR SALE ELECT Batches of vory superior old Glenlive Whiskey in bottle:-Deck and Palu Brandy -Hollands Gin-Cordial ditto, Pine fratty Port -Dark, Golden, and Pale Sheries-London bet Btoul and Porter, Bass' l'ale Ale &c. &c. Beme Flos Baked Salmon in Jars.

MOEWEN & Co. Boogkong, Queen's Road, 30th Bapl, 165].




Extract of a letter, dated Madras, June 10, 1846 from F. H. Scoti, Eq. 8th Light Cavalry, De- puty Assistant Quaster Marter General of the Army.

To Profar Bolloway.

Ai, have maci pleasure in kulding my Intimony to that of the many who have castided to the excellence of your Olatasent, but my object in addressing you is, chiefly, to draw your attention to Ea Viscount Sandon,"

means by which its vale- may, I think, beou WEBSRO SMITH & BRIMELOW have to still more generally appreciated and applied.

olved by the above reseci,-

In this country there is a dienas called Bureauti Prime Wiltshire Cheese, Prime York Home,(from Barol, rio); it commes.cre and prevails Bloom Raina, Jordan Almonds, Franch Olives, be greatest extent dosing iba taloy weather; it in Ryal Brandard Vinger made entirely from Malt, confined, I balsave, exclusively to Horse A valu R CARR LUCAS is admauad Partner in Naval and Military Bause, Worcester and Royal able Horze of mine caught it in a march during the MR CARR LUCA 1851.

Za Sauca, French and English Pass, Preserved Monsoon; all the arcal remedies were applied In MACKEBTOOM & Co.

Meas of every description.

vain; indeal it is a disease which I have n Been cured, for when once taken it soun becomes Canton, 15th August, 1851.

rooted in the constitution. It shows itself by large NOTICE.

foul angry sores over all parts of the body. For eight months ny forse had it specially bad, baving THE_business of the Undersigned from this date

had three large sores on his fore-lege. Furtunatly will be ennducted under the Firm and Style of BRANDAO & O. and Mr Joad BarTTA

at length I saw your advertisement in the papers, Gowns and Mr Joan Fretezzaion are adikkad

and thought that, if the Ointment did so much for mankind there was no reason why Horses, Partners therein.



ANTONIO C. BRAND?O, Canton, 1st January, 1852.


THE Business hitherto carried on under the name of MANDALLy Morashot & Co, is this day clared, and will lo future be conducted by Mr. KERAMIK NooreODIN the firm and myle of AH- MEDBHOY RHAIMTOOLLA.


An Invoice of Huntionery.

Per Late Arrivals

Deblin Bloot In Bottle, Campbell's Edinburgh Pale Ale in Boule, Prima Bout in Hogshead, | Holgun's Pale Ale in 11ogsband, Superior Port,

Cherry, Buklish Bottled Claret, Champagne, Hock.. should not equally benefit by it. The fires Put Mandil's Dark and Pale Brandy, United Vineyard did wonders, and three or four curad the places in he weeks, (The writer further states, "that from Company's Brandy, Ceolivat Whisky, Old Tom,

aix Hores having bitten himself, a sute appeared on Juanica Rum, &c., &c., all in excellent order,

No 1 & 2 Weconam's Building",

one of the ok! placon, but this is rapidly giving way to the Ointmeni )" Hongkong, 9th December, 1861.

I remain, Bir,



eived 130 Cases of Superior Lolland

(Signed) SHAIKTYEB FARZULLABHOT, | which they offer at a low figure.

Canton, 8th January, 1852.



THE undersigned have formed a cophetnership,

for the trensanting of a General Common


Hongkong, Sik Deramber, 1851.



(By Royal Larroue Patrar}

Bott Singapore, under the style of WOL-THIS worivalled patant consists in the attachment COTT & Co.


WILLIAM DREYER from Hamburg, HENRY G. WOLCOTT of the fir

of WOLCOTT, BATES & Co., Shanghar and Canton,

Singapore, 1st April, 1851.



Your obedient servant, F. SCOTT, fih Light Cavalry.

These truly lovaluable medicines cas de pro- in richly Ornamented Boxes and Pots together cared at the Batablishment of the Undersigned, with Directions for the Guidance of Patients atkaed lo sach Box and Pot.

J. F. CARNUTHERS, Agent in China, Sub-Agate, J. M. D2 BILYA.-st flangkong J. M. DA FONSECA,??Macoo,

- af a moveable Comb Guard to the ordinary chering, "the shin chinuietaket in the operatiam at.

MADDE PUBLIC AUCTION. being removed. The who have never prášíóia?y | M" ANLUNDIR,'% irvinely me at Fatuary, 1852, | shared can shave themociven without Gear, or the ai || 'clock A. m, precisely, in front of the Ava

aid of a glum, or on board ship ki the most tem- TION MART, Queen's Roud, without reserve, the fol. pestuous weather. It is invaluable to murrưve, pa towing Property belonging to a Gentleman leaving ralysed, bllad, the timid, or most awkward sbavor. ?ongkong, The paint has bean most extensively pairoolsed by the officure of all ranks of the United and Hoo.

THE undersigned, having been appointed Agents ble B. I. C. Bervice.

for the above Offios, are prepared to effect lo- surances against 6te, on Buildings and Goods, Canton and Hongkong, including merchandise in gative Prokhouses,

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Ca 18 Canton, 14th August, 1851,

AMIDABLE INSURANCE OFFICE THE Undersigned, having been appointed Agate here for the ahora office, are prepared to grant Policies payable in Lexdon, CALCUTTA, BONDAY, and Canton.



Canton, 18th January, 1869.

In the Estate of Annanam Jounen Binlay, Late of Victoria doossed.


la made of highly prepared and compressed leather, as all the efficiency of a bone and pre- seran the edge of the Assos in the most perfect


Plain Razore, Ponkoivas, and Scissore of every description warranted of the frost workmanship.

O. STEWART & Co. Patentoes 22, Charing Cross, London, may be bad at all the thres Prasi dencies and all the principal cities inthe East Co-lies, N. B. All C. Stewart & Co. Godlery has the brand Plantagenet thereon, and is oude of their celebrated Plantagenet Steet chemically prepared.



The beautiful Bay Horse Riensi, accustomed to curry Lady, and quirt in Hornean; a large Bay Sydney Carriage House; the well-known Mare l'auline; and the Dun Pony Piper,

One large Carriage, complete, with lamps, Ae. A amal Pony Phaeton, quite new; Set of Double More Hermana encad Bet of Disto; a Set of Buggy Harness: 3 Ladies Saddles and Bridles; 3 Gentlemen's Saddles and Bridles: 4 Saite of Herse Clothing ; 4 Suite of Ditto ; & white Home Covers: 4 Nattad Horac Covers & Patont Saddle Cloths, and a quantity of Stable Gear.

Hongkong, 28th January, 1852.




8 the undersigned is leaving China shortly, he requests that parties baring Claims upon him,

LL partion having say olaims on the above undersigned han established a large BA- | will send them in on or before the 20th instant ; and

A Estate are requested to forward the same with accounts and rouchers to the undersigned


Persona indubtad to the Estate are also

requested to pay amounts of their debes respectivaly on or before the lat day of March next.


Administrator in the Estate, Hongkong, 23rd December, 1881.



TO LET. THE House on the South side of Glough ENGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all

Btreet, lately occupied by Mr J. G. sizes, ale Nails, by


Apply to,

Victoria, 1 August, 1851.



FOR SALE. TOGETHER or separately, those four Houwen situated on Lot 90, two ol them having a frontage on Hollywood Road, the other two on Gough Birsel

Apply to

MR. BURGOYNE. No, I Wellington Street, Victoria, 23rd December, 1881.

DX ago, moderate charges,

and Secure Horage of perishable or other

at the Godown of

WILLIAM TARRANT. West Point, Victuris, Hongkong, 3rd January, 1652.


floegkong, ist October, 1860



SUPERIOR Cat Glass Decanters and Goblets.


Foo chow Bacon in excellent condition.


Hongkong. 29th Janaury, 1852.

Ex "Land-o'-CAELA,"


KKRY, and guarantees to supply any quanti

of CABIN sod BHIP BREAD at abort no-



FIND NAVY BREAD......34 cents per lb, PILOT BREAD,..... warranted to keep for Six Months in any Climate, Comenda entered into with Departments, Com mandere Vessels, &c. for regular supplies.

THOMAS HUNT, Whampes, 6th November, 1851.

PROTESTANT THEOLOGIAN is desir ous of obtaining a situation up Tutor in a European family. Apply to A. Z. care of the Editor of this Paper.

Victoria, Hongkong,

12th January, 1882.


that those persons who are indabted to him, will pay their accounts before the above data.

JOHN G. MORISON. Hongkong, 2nd February, 1882.

PUBLIC AUCTION, THIE waders god have received imafractions to well by FDELIO Avoriox, on Monday next, Sih February, 11 o'clock A.M.

The HOUSEHOLD and OFFICE FURNI. TURE, with the BOOKS and PLATE, belong ing to Jonn G. Moulson, Esq.

The FURNITURE, &c, can be viewed at his re- sidence, on Friday and Saturday, from 10am. till 27. M. Catologuer will be issued on Friday.


On the same day, shunald time permit, at the God- owne of the abuse. quantity of BEER and BRANDY: GLASS-WARE, consisting of Quet and Pint Decanters ; Hocs, Pont, Menur, and CLANXT GLAS, DASKET SKATIors and 90 Bage of BALTPETRE

Should the whole not be euld on Monday, the

UBT lauded sa amortment of very superior liquíation, and payment of ouletanding drble sula will bo continued en Tuesday or Wedorades,

Scorch Tweeds,



Queen's Road, Victoria, 22nd November, 1961

FOR SALE. desirable assortment of Buulis, collected chiefly on the Cons of Ceylon and the Meu cklus.


'Queen's Road, Victoria,

7th November, 1881.


THE undersigned being about to loare Chins, A requesto ilist all accounts may be rendered for

made to him, elther un individually, of in his capa city of administrator to the Estate of the late TONO-WEN HINO.


Victoria, Hongkong. 14th January, 1962.



T the Office of the Hongkong Register: the A HONGKONG REGISTER'S ANGLO- CHINESE CALENDAR for 1859. flongkong, 28th January, 1839,

to sell buyers

A. H FRYER & C".

Auctioneert. Hongkong, 2nd Februsty, 1852

TO ADVERTISERS. TN Compliance with a wish expressed by sime af wall henceforth when the advertisement cri

our supporters, our general råtra for advestiaing undisturbed in our columns for a period of three booth at the least be reduced twenty-five par coul.

Hongkong, Bed February, 185,


MARRIAGR-At the nited Sunes' Coon date shai phoen on the lith ultime, be the Night Ner. De, Huune--Flask- us D. Wonm", Esq, of Shanghar, 10 Meny), damskier of the late Jurph Nelson, Esq, L. L. D ̧ of New Broad- mick, 2. J.

DEATH-A Vietmolu, on the 314 ultimo, Canolina, Wife of Dc W. IL Presion; Is the 31-1 year of her age, DEATHL-Ai Victoria, on the 1st Distani, Nemam Ave. Wife of Mc C. Maskwiek ; in the 3rd year ol her age

To the Editor of the Frinnd of China.

Hongkong, 30th January, 1859, Sin-As the excutful time which is to decide the hopes and fears of the hselters of the vari- ue horret engaged in the Hongkong races of 1?52 19 fast approaching, and, as my worthy husband has already favored the e somunity withi bir views un the merits of the animals, 1 bég to send you mine, which as I am the better half, muat du rizluz -

* Cockspinner" will not win the Wong wel. clising."- Cornet " does it in a camet.

The Pawshan" will be a good knee, bat **Cock-a-doodle" is wrong again-Queen of Clube will win, Maggio 2nd-Köthleen Brd-the real o where.

I agree with him in The Valley Sukou. The Shick will be first.

For the Arab Welter, "The Major" is my ebolos Templation" and "Moss Trooper handy.

I give the Scurry to "Cockupinnor " well charad by The Irish Boy.

11 Bultrope will go straight The Black Blakes are his.

And the Weltoe ??The Cornet's" i do not know "Rose"

As in the winner of the Plenipotentiary, 1 name Her Majesty, Rathtron 2nd (her distance being 100 much for Maggie) I think Pretender "a game little horse, but it is on go-be will be struggling with the remaining horses.

"Rory" ought to win the Victoria 1sherefore give in to my husband

I must be again obedient * Pretender" claims The Sydery

Of The Canton Cus I am doubtful, the Chesnut's game leg uloge prevents bis winning. Jouk ta Blood Royal. The Saint" ought to retita into clusion, and leave o�?auch n sinful unwuement. "The Carnet" must leave The Ladies Parue, the **dent erouluren" do a admire a dragoon.

It" Pedlar" does not sell his wares, he will his beckurs "Hap Flutard" wine.

The Huslings' Cup-Britannia rules the waves,

all hall to fler Majesty 11.

"Dn brur bay m�?ẩn.

Ud b're the Quran,"

Napoleon's sister her lady in writing

For The Scrow Bunken i arlect as winner, the one that last!!


Used Hu Cali

Calx Hope

Bab Francis

Yours affectionately,

Tax Cuica's Mu?KES,


Nor. 4, Bodwich Islands. Nos, 10 Dok Batavia

15. Shangha




Jan. 0 Ja, i Jan. 7 Dee










Wadoro?ny, Thursday




6,49 0, 0,41 6,3 9.1 9.38 561 951 10,10


carry Tib, extra progressively.-Entrance #3 each will 443 from the Fund, Unor round and a distanos,

Hlar and Who,

Blue and Whit

Beatand Wi

1. The Shirk


The Prince

3. Condit. 4. Fidget



Pak and Black cop,

Weight_fost. 716.-Entrance Td each with #50 from the Fund.--) miles. 1. Templadan wah Band B'ack cap, Alone Tiper bak Blow and Whim, J. Traver





For all Ponies; catch weights-Entrance with 10 from the Fund.-Lasi Pony is pay second l'ony's trance.- India.

| Corepiner

3 -


0 Fidget


O Piper

0 Kilkenny

?ịa Cherry and Whim Stripe, White

pelet -nd White,

Green and Htsch exp,

- bmp Pink, Black,

dmp Black, and it hier rap, [com


- dip

Yellow and White Strips. Telkom

- pmp When, Groom and Guld map,


errro; catch wrights-Entrance

For all untrained

$5 each with 20 from 1. Polar

the Fund - mile


Green and Gold.

??B.10 reps Dog.. 4. X. by


Purple and Yellow Brripa, Yellow Yellow bode, led sleeves, Blar Pinkard White Stripe.

For the Wong-nei-ckung Stukis, only three it will be even started; we are wrong two only (Cornet, being pulled up) Cock-pioner al- though second at the start, look, and maintain- ed, the lead, and won sasily.

Porenus Cue.

This was a beautiful race,

Kathleen wa

pulled up after she had passed the grand

same discretion and, as though to have a furnish what we really bobavu to be the truthi, chance of catching the disease, any how, was As a support to our viewer. uud in illustration not sufficient, he tells the world (that portion of of the probability that Seu bas learnt by bard the world who read his effusions)ilent "Vaccina- experience what deep reflection would havo tion acome to have lost its power" here. As taught lam, wa quote the following par-ags this statement altogether erroneous, tho from Paley, Book 1, nn War and Miliary Es disease, instead of virulent, being of a very tablishments, (Moral Philosophy) Chap, XII, light kind, and now disappearing entirely, ap- and would commend it to the careful cousi parently, we think it best to give publicity to deration of our contemporary ?��? the following Table ;-

Table showing the

number of Cases of Small pos admitted


N-cember. | Dreamber | January. into the Seamen's Hospital


Camel Cash Care Com Death Coves


Eume, from H. 2 [more] 3 | 1| 14 | 07 | 20 | 7 | 40 |

14 Dale

None of these had been se


6 Patients were discharend

( 2 Americans (0. 8.)

Resident Sargrom. this morning, which leavza "nly

WA. HARLAND MI Pere Small Pos in the

Victoria, Hongkong, January 19th 1862.

stand on the first round, and the strugg's wes We are informed that Sa and Yé Save irauerla between Pretender and Maggie Lander, the lat-shang ah, to the authorities, ordering them to for Proclamation, dated 26th January, hy order of S. fer coming in second, with her head hanging on Pretender's quartern-Struggles third- Pau lins a bad fourth. The Queen of Ciube, Gustavus and Lottery did not run.

Time 3 minutes


Fid bands of landrere to prereed to Kwang ai. 29 the trope he has are quite sutlerent for either de frogiva or offensive operations. A further scan in given, that the volunteers nes guilty of sacısıen om their march.

Ir la maid a disturbance took pleon at Ping-hoi, during the last month, sad that the Magistrate of Barre won them easily-Prince eccond- Kwel-shea baving gone to quit it, ble diatrics pri- Creditor third-Fidget fourth.

son was broken into and the criminals liberated the number not mentioned. Twenty three of them have been recaptured-the rest we suppose will find their way to our shore,


This was a good race, and won by Templa tiem; not with ease, however; for, bad Mose Trooper been started a little earlier, or had the distrace been a littlo greater, Temptation would certainly have been second.

Time 8 m. 10

The other two races were not worth noticing. bouleret to mercantile men, and ship masters, was enquired into at the Caton Consulate, on Saturday Inst. Memre Murrow, Stephenson & Co. the plaintiffs, it was proved, chartered the Rajukutan, Andarson, Master, through the consignees, Mesra Gilman &Co. to proceed to San Francisco; and the Maker, without reference to his Consignees, to whom power had been given to grant a charter of the vessel, and without any consulation with them, entered into arrangements with a gentle. mau to proceed to the Callao elave maket


About Afty miles from Hongkong, the place where Chal Apo had his d?wk-yard, which was burn by the Onse and Fury


"The constret drudgers -flow cm, 19 mont+ is not only Ine otsible with any go 11 degree of park ctim or experi. need the prolongent of a moldier, bil the pr. tamamını v�?a andal velges always unites men. Kar she business of regale epan. tif ? en fish bitanta sín village, it in bett

we all addics híma, þf asleely to atma, and the nike Two play constantly sth me to robivate the ground, than that all the three ch uld mix the overtime of a temp with the basime of husbandry. 8 the former merangems ??the counter pine sau o mikta suldier, and two inom karbama; fr m tum later. It receive these row militia.

comm, who are at the same time there lille, and pn-diegia p. I all be consider dalno, that the emergencije of war malt not for vessure. Where ibere is no standing artby ready for instagediamo aurulon, I may ba nerowary itu 4-) the reaper from the Bella in birvant, or the plouahman fo sardine; and the provision of a wh l? yra may pre on by A sueding army,

the lateroption af eie mow he labour. therefore, is not only a avea c?ruial, but a cheaper, ad

f proving fr the parlic as?ty, than any other, hic?um it edde me the sny other in the common strength, and takes se from that which empowe the woolth of a aamun, ka

cf productive industry.


There is yet another distinction between standing armies man, which dusarves a more pitentive destin

shan any that has been mentioned. When the state rukia, for it drie, upwa a toíbila, 31 in erronesty that emb pal do the kanda of the people si largo. The milkia neof mynd be ngover?se, la proportiva to the want or laferty of

Ju deci Move, wod the tuberilith a er ið. ( ota of its emaslig torer, e suah a milide moat be supplied by the dựn, allotment, as some made of weap-saơm whereby they who served a sertvin time are replaced by fresh dr?�ughou from the country, a much greator augsber will by instructed în l?o g?o? (neme, and will hava bafi vecasional y embodied t-gether, then uta actually employe?,ve thou are supp med t�?be wanted, at the same time." Now what tiệc tpm the rosadilla of the ovuntry may be lok-4 far fwm this general diffusion of the mdi ry char-over, bee-mes an ja quers of guest campuranes and dehcacy. Themeli appeara d- ob fhì whether any gurstudeni Can be long scoure where pare nguni'ited with the g-a ufarme, and seculo+ od se trourt to them. Every fetics will did sent), at the head of an xemy i avere cingust will not in, and every methin beoma v civil war Nothing, pechop", sanga adeo of armed ckigune but that which govern army, despotiem. I de set man that regula govern ment would become despotjo by training up its subjnom to the hewledge and sawole of arms, but that it would are long that the entry would be able to what is even worse that be forced to give way to despotism in vome uthar skape ; and

?�estled and enässitauletal despotism,-to perpetuat rebellions and in perpetual revolution; in sheet and violent montja. does by the dager and metabolty of their situation, dope; to the secosesies tyranny of govern es, randatud cruel

From our Chinese Correspondents.

It is reported that on account of rebels having taken possession of Ping-nan heen and Chuo piag Aven, the Tester General had collected troops frain the four provinces of Kwang tunz,Kwang se,Yun- attack therebel camp, which was distant skoot 120 san, and Kwel-chow, to the number of 13,000 to

(40 miles). On the way, they met, sa by seci- dent, small body of rebele, who bartily retreated before them, the troope kep! up a vices puranit, of Bamboos, they found thrives anddenly sur wrist proving me olam chrongh an extensive grava rounded by fire on all as, which, with the the of the rebels, threw them in aonfusion. A bota 0,000 of the soldiere were thus alaia, so that the General was obliged to give up his design and proces elsewhere-12th moon, ith day,

We are glad to see, by the above little items, extracted from the Register of yesterday, that our elder Brother is not above taking a leason, from his junior (!), and that he is at last about to furnish the poble with whatans' information regarding the trouble indiquant provinces But there is another reason for the appear suce of Sea's proclamation, apart from the ruse de guerre of telling the world that he has quite sufficient force for either offensive or do. fensive operations," The only way in which the Chinese Government can raise volunteers is to pay them a certain sum in advance, and promise of more at the termination of a short period. The Government want ng the where. withal to fulfil this part of the engagement (this inct is notorious) must seeds let the colun. teer return to their homes. They come back

An Incense dealer of Hsinan, writing to Cantor. my that on account of the disturbances at Yao- Several engagements bad taken place, with a good how,trope had been sent from King chow-fon.

the rebele retreated, and were closely followed by meny killed and wounded on both sides, till at last

the troope beyond the W nocbe-shan (5 Buger the troops lave mot yet returned, so that it in forr. mountain) This happened 18 or 13 days ago, and

with a cargo of liva stock for the Guano with, unaoitled habits, and, wanting employed some disaster beg befallon them, and a special


The Plaintiff's claimed damages to the extant 6Friday

of Three Thousand Dollars,and got a verdiet for" Full Moon on 6th at 2 b 29 a.m. in. Porigne Eighteen hundred and odd (1878) we hear,

at on the 7th


Oon Spring Meeting commenced yesterday. The day opened cold and gloomy, with a little sunshine in the afternoon; on the whole, however, a very good day for the sport. The following was the order of the going :-


For all Ponies under 13 hands ??Weight for inchra -Former winners of this Rare exeluiled - Entrance 43 rach with 20 from the Fand.-Unct teand the


1. Crkvinner

2. Fidg

V Camer


dp Cherry & White Fuipa, Whue cop,

Pink and Black cap Blue and it hite,

Powenan Cro.

Value 4909 premted by Wilkinawn Dent, Fiq., fer all Her Weight Arabs Sat. Tib.: Sydney, Cape, Englab, or Brad Bred Horses, Hist, si-Entrance

10.-1 miles

1 Prosender

Wire and Gold

2 1aggie Lander ca

Sırmak bek

4. Pauling-


Band his

This is a lesson 13 Nhip mastera la more ways than end; and by which they will profit, doubt. lea. We may have more to say on this subject on a future occasion; especially should either of our contemporaries' enrrespondents attempt to misrepresent the facts of the case,



ne-13'h moon, 9th day. messanger has been despatched from King show fo (che capiul of Haiman to enquire into the busi-

local government a police more trouble the meži, the two rabbers and pirates; giving the pay of the rebels in the distance. What would Hamlet" this dread of something-puzzles on the 20th day of the month before las, culleeted you? Seu or Yo (F.) has evidently said with Canton, from Ka of for, anys that I E. Bru, A leather merchant who ban jag ræturned to the will; and makes us rather bear those ills 4,000 solstiera, reol with a fire carriage(r) under his of and has issued the Proclamation" { we we have, theo fly to others that we know not doubt it) to which the Register rufors.

charge, to proceed towards the rebal camp, and en devour le set it on fire, not knowing tint the re- hele were already acquainted with his intention. we would tell our roaders is no auginary rebols) should proceed to a distance of about 40 le, It was arranged that above 1000 of them (che view of the ECL

overing the other day (miles) (rom the ally of Kadu-show-foo, and lie TAK publia can put what construation they with a gentlenian, a proficient in the Chinese, and then suddenly fall on their rear. Sen being In ambush there untit H. B. Peu's troops had pas please on the following extries from the "Oter language, who has better opportunitius than thes stoked both before and behind, brought for Iand Register" of the 20th ult. We have either the Register or ourselves of obtaining ward the fire carriages but they did not dunwer, little more to say about that plan, and their agepact information of the state of the Kwang conspicuune; this way the anldiers berame and the fire only served to emiler his men more building going on, in some future issue~ tung province, Le inidariténnig a�?These very alarmen and thrown into the utmost confpice, so "It will be observed that with one of our inves matters, and said he was told that the ra that of 4000, only 1,700 raped, who with H. E. we sent a lithographed plan of the ground as pro posed in be laid eat. We regne to in that this those they had been sent to fight against. Our

turned soldiers were giving more trouble than Sea, precipiately returned to the city whither they plan is in part incorrect, and, therefore do not

wore clearly porsued by the rebale. serd it with our Overland, flooded: the last intelligence from Kou chose fu (Sen's hand Government plan from which maken werwe quarters) is of a very different repor from that understood to be alteretio pengedatee with some pencil marks on it: íú thìrtske oprošteceived, and

the Register would have the public believe. The plan is to remain.aporizliddy damn; by this Time will tell who is the truth teller. he ground will be severed from the sea. Our lywe find that we have been, all along, a victim

Direct. plan with the exception of the quay, being made of misplaced confulopce, we will make candil though I'm afraid five not much to import. Just I shall now gier you a linde news of this place, ly correct" ennent instead of conten, is we believo vary near

confession of our frailig'i and wes to the genth rather warm in the day, and cold at night. now a cur Winter, and most beautiful weather it is, eronty of our apposters who we are now It is only roos of inducing to believe that was


Wa had intended, with our Overland edition, to havo furnished some fatatistics of the small pox which has been so prevalent eflate here, par- ticularly among the Chinese; but ? gentleman, to whom we mentioned the mulyoet, adria ed us to say nothing af`ajl'about it ; such inan- Why, www.ning being the meansprobally, of frightening Whaling and other Slilja from coming here. The Register, whether he had the benefit for the ame advice or not, has not acted with the

ked and White Nisipan,

* Rod


For at Penis 19 hands 9 inchen and under. Weight for taches-Former winners of this Race to


bele have plundered all the shape in the suburba-- Seu, le sult unable to leave the cit:, and the re- ah moon, 9th day.

EXTRAUT from a letter dated D' Urban, Natal,

28rd July, 1851.

finest climate I was over in. In the sun. Angust)it is warm, but not ressively on boar able to walk or work moderately, with due raine

??The Honotone ?�glater clolme to be the oldest and then, pleasantly cool in the evening. gubat will think the pamburing has been de same time walk about uncovered in the evening! poper in Colas, and numosen in perget same XXV The and night, to list you ano sleep soundly ; at the long having been in existence, this is not advisable in the day, but otherwise I Vement for cheated belogs, above prried ther would so make up. Das it is not even so; the first nam

don't fear from any bad effects of the Sun.


which was ce Redken when it was made: fet the lock with care yield largely, but as yet the costume are her of the Haze Register appoored in 1843 erly Bummet, moderate infus throughout-winter bravy The Register's claim being the ocet sewspaper in Chi demoni night, which keeps vegastion always going spark the un--sometali g kko the Vanhew's o'd Gum.- un more or less. Tunga grow very quick and wachcaped, and then the anek, and laet af al the barrel

and what le a better simile shelter, the powder shar comperis aim beastle() cd kit working. süren the rẹp 2 le very weak-prefer rathleù la

??The bim fachay," baro rendered Fleurige" lealm,ly the old Carthaginian scherms of turcher Dre


quely unfriendly to foreignets, yet his pride are not to be humbled in the level, skhough the tune- tunaries all aduit that they would have been in a dreadful dilemme, if the Contest had gone away, at

bardly known, and we have not had very many practiest man here. Generally there is plenty of was ler, na wa bavu some very fair rivers throughout thu Country, sad avasonsble raise, heavy ni conquence- ment, and after summer. The quil is flist cale, the the time the pirates flushed with victory manuced ground in gond, bm the country generally is so hilly an ark on Chinhsi, and Ningpo, mach of it can't ba uted, or will not be yet a white : Were the Chinese I-ft to themselves awhile to ition easy working sodi,and the bush oull which has

frel their wakose, it is probable, thay would wre the vegetable rompeition of ages in it, is fast rate | lang be muglu the value of foreign assistance. When well cleared. This requires at least two art. sess before toore dcc, are nut, which la absolutely necessary, ollerwirs weeds &o, spring up pro

It has been decided by the Government authori fusely and mustanrussly. Well clourad it 'n ill grow any thing, and, along the const, I think well adapted - fim, that all preservad Oirger from I nekong be for stopical penesies, such as Colton, C... Sogar into ship e unity-Hlustrated Landon Ne 5, Sept. charged with the high rate of day on importation

&c. It le a strong deep sed loan y soll, sad very easily turned up with the bos¡-very an when 18 1851. once well clented. The oilor is a dark was in ma-t paste foamy soll, very good, but some dry and hard

H'anderings of a Newspaper -On the 12th of so I renk up, and much of the country sandelike ob

May, a copy of the Kilmarnock Jimrnal win að sand, perlly good, but wants manure wher the drossed to lady in Sanquebar. The word Sanque. crop. We have lots of parts that would grow bar, ent being so legibly written as it might have Itice, and is a pity but we had 4 or 500 Chinese berd, was mistaken for some part In Chins, pro- bere Round U Urban, to the Uungani river,bably Shanghas, and, in conarquence, the paper mila off, ita avramp that might all be put under

was duly en route for the tund of the Calestials. It the water from the River, and would grow ne reached Itongkong on the 8th of July By what tice in comer quance of the swamp Orban is superior perspicky the post offien authorities thure Not to beakhy as it would otherwise be thouot should have been able to decipher the tour and actually unhealthy, people do to enjoy such gooding of the address w konw not, but such was the bealth as eat of Town in country, where I aver

case, and with the official red mack, "is sent to," enjoyed better brakh thou when I was there. Our Bay to not much to boast of In extout it in two- and stamped Hongkong the paper, bat work- thirda the size of Hongkong Bay, but very shallowing insurand the extreme gils of sess which

came to the Royal Burgli of Sanqueber, after hav and at low water a great deal of it is dry, a chan?e) bound two continents, and having been carried no of dreper water I suppose being left only, otherwise you could walk across

With regard to parties cousin - here I would not speak for so many are discontented, and go sway, stating they can't do, it's a dif?rult thing to make pa mind about the place. At present money to very scared, no we have to pay for all our supplies which we consume, and this drains our cash off, sol vot having any article of export, tho' in 'inse m doubt Cotton will be exposted, Articles are alling cheap bere, having received birge supplies from England; article of courumption busc Thu largast prices.

Tobarco is grown very god by the Cuffres. I think it might foro arco fxport. I am afraid we aball have bad times for want of ?sah, but as many good practical men are settling down, and getting on, in time I think the Colony may rise; tho' we doubt it will bave to struggle, and serious- ly, with great difficulties.


*Hases should be well dried after use, by sue spending them prepandicularly for the water to be drained off, and when well drind should be rubbed ater with dubbing, before they are rolled up, ten- tion being paid to them periodically. To keep Engines in working order, they should he worked at least avery three months, and perhaps every math would be better in a bot Climate.

Whene ver the hore appears to be getting hard, recoord should be had to the dubbing. The Engine house should be airy and io a shady situation.


(From the North China Herald, Jan (7) the Sphing in bar visk, anmathing may be said in Aerome remarks abes the rumored object of relation to the pirates of Shih-poe to the kalwing let.

less than 15,000 miles.



corruption, bol pegersbally vowed in anger a charges at a like usture advanesh by that journal agsinat the Hungarian leader who has jun left our

leis but fair to add that va a complaint being male tu faptain Beynes clent some of the Eur pen Constables were drank, koparaded them all, golf and there was not the let grosad für mich a shures. charge on the entrary, thean men were cong- nicuuss in their efforts to render valuatile usaitt. | yet prove a great ile :), Poipled ??not, ne a general This and similar charges, group-lless me they are, aura, especially Serials Burrows and Haulin, rufe, lightly charge there with crimes of which who were particularly zuelous and active on this they are theclves incapalde, or of which they i have a gesien hortor Where corruption Jan. died about from touch to mau'h there is ground for propaning a exposity for being cruded moder favnarahlo escumstances; ans l mung disclosures of the last few yènes would ?rad to nó very filleting Palemiste of our national aviralry We do not mesa to preach repeutin, but their cau be ne dout that mir baretting sin in villl the lovo of self, and, in onlinary characters, of anor sy, we the latest by

At four o'clock yesterday es ging the fire und not be completely put out, but was confund within the wall of the more houses which had ben barot down. Only one necident accurad. cly faming wolved in vero blow on the head from a wall which & Ei dawn is th??afternoon ; lie wat 1 mediately come you to the flagatal, vai me havu not yet ben able to learn whether he is dang roun ly hurt or got; -mor could we no?est la los tune originated. At present the whole mater arena quie inexplicable, for it was neruf customary tu heght into the room which was : discov ered to be on fire, und, under these oireisatances, no one can account for the conflagracion,


chili can be inuat conly gratified. Great less possibly notonte men now as strongly they ever did so past liars, but at any tale those is nota tulk of material inuresis and of selfish isolating molives. Trade notuine have, or neo supposed to baur, attained such sung avet us that it would be thought as great a miracle to flud a man porening

on of the higher prolet-ioen for the mere love of it as Chogeras would have thought it to turn di lantern on an hent mat. The tendancy to sub- stitute vrelin, guablu valuu for usility, profit so bo lord for work to be duno, is the dragon we mun all slay, in whatever order of modern obivalry wo

nurselves or jumpire in others Journalima abore may be enrolled, whether our work he of the brad or of the band, before we can win nobleness for mast men have to fight with this tendrucy. It is at once the most brios temptation of their cal ling and the io at killing bane of their draful-i and permanent sucre it comes to them in tho Intr shapes uf popularity, in unou, and good re- port, muil bade the ti vestiůze the or that convictions to the cry of the people or the exigents of the par. ty; concession is so easy and so vasily veiled, co- Distance difficut ant so sure, in the present named barnacy or exprice, or ael down to tree- state of public temper and intelligence, to to nick. bary motives, Newer was there a tline, however, when it was more important that the influence of journalismı should (saad itself on a marked and da. termlood ladepandence of ¡opuler e-ntrol on the part of political writers. Ir the revolution", more or los pencaful, which surely aware all European nation, that influence must be powerful; whether for good rather than evil pride do the facts of those who prefias to guide publo opinion doing in ruolity, in place of submitting to full-om its dier- tION.

(From the Spectator) The Timer has thought it right to protest, in dis own name and that of the metropolitan preu gen which have been flug about rather friely of late, erally, against eemaju ridiculous imputations that the line of furtiga pulity advocated by itselľ was the roult of a system of bribery and irrup tion, in which the Absolutist Courts were the On first reading the above Paragraph in the Briand the victimized public the dupe Ou any per ganta, the ed-t?ce of London journals the recipient, tish Banner of the in Korember, we bad presumed the ** superior propleuity" opoken of to arise from the

anal grounds The Timas might well bava afforded published necessity for prepayment of letters and papers from Hongkong for a Consular port; but we under

to Irove the coolempiiblu alunder to the knowledge and good sense of the public; but the dignified re. stand that such presumption is erroneous; and that boke which il addressed to that sermon of the press forward, leaving it to the agents at the different parts given currency to the caloy was not uncalled our worthy Pasmanter permite letters and papers to ge which in a fit of spate sud noger has originateur to collect the dues when application be made for them This loan it usnutd be: and la in pleasing contrast with

for. It is to the ever true is our day that the the conduct of the functionaries' at the General Post

power of the press rrota, in the long run, not mure Office in Eugland, wwe, ara continually in the babit of

upon the talent of i'a nivocuty and the force of a detalning kettes for Consular porte in a when not prepaid; although there is no necely for such con

style than upon the truth, justice, and practical window at the principles i: pri pounds and the me duct.-E. P. or U.

asures it supports. A really unprincipled news. paper eas as more wield an enduring influence than och influenco can be maintained in private life by shachamer or an accomplished wind. lor. The out of people who really believe that the morality of the English newspaper is of a lower order than the morality of English political oven ig general is only to be found in small provincial cor cles which know nothing, or minong men whose soquaintance with the world is derived rain books! wot of the most modern date, and where the author of Vanity Fair runs the chance of being mis'aken Jan. for a a poem of fohn Bunyan. But the calumny



(From the Bombay Gazette, Deo. 3.) At four o'clock yesterday morning an alarm of fire was given by ringing of bello at Mazugon, which, on enquiry, was uncertained to be in the Dock Yard, and proseeding from one of the Store Hos of the P. O. Steam Company.

The Sepoy, on bighi duty, firat gave the alarm an otmerring, through the glene windows, that a penting, rosin, and ciber inflammable meiler, was part of the wire houm, containing linseed oil, tur.

lives in the immediate vicinity of the Dick Yard, on fire. Mr Cox, the Pilot of the Company, who hatened to the spot, and was immediately after Company service, aqil these, with several other jusmed by Blesor. Pritchard and Barker, both in the who won joined them, did all in thele power, with the help of two engines belonging to the Company, and another from the Osverument Timber Yard, to subdue the flames, but to very linle purpose; for the highly inflammable matter, in store, con distroying a lewens. Mr Nicholson, Chief Engineer tributed materially to increase the power of the and all the European Muchanics attached to tha elect, and were soon jolsod by Mers Ritchie Dock Yark, wore at their proper posts in a very and Robson. The Senior Magistrate; Captain Bayuor, Superintendent of Palios; Mr Thorolon; and all the European Constabulary, with a large party of the Police, word ailing in every possible way to put down the fire, and save all they could of the property in the adjoining houser; but in the next to that which was Brat en in dames, also course of an hour the largest of the Store Houses, tours, and before lung was a complete alinil; the couf having fallen in, and Marine and goueral stores, of every description, completely dee.royed, The building next to this latter contained large applies of Wine and Spirits, orockery and grocery of avery description, and wo time was low in to moving the whole beyond the ranchs of the day or ing element; but in their necessarily hasty removal great many articles were destroyed by liraskage and plunder overal men of the Marine Battalio






1, Harvest (Am. Whaler), Alary, from Titian, 6th


1, Ithane (Brit. Whalar, Deonit, from Labsine,

10th November.

1, Hermes (Am Whaler), Fiskur, from Morvic,

29th October.

gainst which The Times protesto is only a cuce 31, Brahmin, MacEchein, from Wharapos. and vulgar form of that narrowness of mind and 31, Constantine, Burrows, from Calcutta 19th Nov. maraes irritability of temper which ena only see its own side of ??queation, and does not belt,ve it bes any other side. This is under one form or and the unedavated man, whether he be learned ar other the characteristio of the child, the savaga, unlattered. Our abs burn the newap per that rana hang ile writer of they know how luget at them,, Denis, Breham, from Namon, 116 Janenty, center to their paston of the moment, and would simply berauto they cannot coucare il possible

2, Julia Vetor (Ft), Lesergewol, from Whampoa. that this opposition dan syting from impulses know! 2, Hobumok (Am. Whaler), Colint, from Cabo, nud ungel?sh so their own. A huile higher in the

28th October, acial scale, foul words and angry koks take the Jan. place of the torch and the lamp post, and political Cubvention and the vocabulary of Billingsgate. February differences are handled with the firrces ces of the 21 Eureka (Am), Auchenches, from Hongkong.

1. Amistad (8pan), Castro, from Hongkong. 1, Catherine Apoar, Fowler, from longkong. 1, Constantine, Burrows, from Hoogkong.

PASIENOCH. Per Denia, F. D. 8yme Eeq.





Tiempo (Span), Inchausti, Manila. 11, Contos/ine, Uutrowe, Whampoa.

Go into the class where monry and money's worth and reary motives are wailable as weapons is the familiar mainspring, and launts of corrupt of political and theological warfare. In one form or other the vulgar inund will be exasperated by difference, and will express it annoyance in that particular form which individual temper and the circumstances of the age sean to render most tal ling. 21 to the readiest way such a one has of c

aping the scuse of weakocas and instability that 28, momile bim when his faosa are denied and b�?cơn. clusions disputed; he has most probably mumed of but partially, examined his fac's, and has got his opinion as he caught the measles when a child, by infection. Only the man who han stu lled hen freis conscientiously and derived his opinions by the process of his own reason can bear to be contra. dicted; for contradiction does not shake his certaio. throw new light sato his mind and coable him to ty while it argument and fresh fats con but embrace what to true and just with a more com- Jan.

Amstad (Sjuu), Castro, Whampo 11, intend, Gladson, Madras 11, Eureka (Am) Auchenekoas, Whampoa. February,

2 Cilonlyon, laddock, California; 2, Lands Cakes, Grant, California. 2, Moarppa, Crockou, East Coast. 2 Fotland, Davin, Whampo

3, Jules Car (Fr), Leorgeant, France vie Manila FROM WHANTUA.

and di Reginaut N. L, and some cooltos, having probonaire knowledge and a more couted convie- | 27, Courny (Peru), Robinet, California.





Our lust information from Ningpo relates to the proceedings of the daring Pirates and timid Man darina. A loraba come in from Shib-poo a few days since, having as passenger a brothes of the piratical cbeel, Poo fling yu, who came to negnoiate with the Authorhies in relation to the fest of junks which bean interceped, now amounting to above two hundred vessels.

Pa bed several Handsting on board his vessel bolagen.

Rumor had azed Dr. 80.000 the deine led for breaking up their ishlish , and a large sum an ransom meney for the junka.

Bone patients of Dr. Macgowan who had bean engaged in the serio-comic light off Chasse, stated that only men were killed un sach side, and that the body of Wang, Commodore of the Imperial Beet, had basa eviscerated. The draigs of his calor was le perfarm thie barbarous operation so in while he was yet alive, to avert which he

anted them until they put him to death in anger. diagraned thema-iven by gating intoxicated, fruition. He two nephews also shared the same fate. Wang the fruits of their pleader. The sepays were, of hed himself been a pirate, but was bought off and douras, made prisosets, by thair Officers, and will, who differ frous us is but the result of imperfect

But though the tendency to be angry with those | 30, Albatross (Norw), Themen, Haraburg. ewarded with office. In his cap-city as a Blan. we bone, meet with sigoal punishment. The fa knowledge and the impatient temper which uncer deris, he had visited with great rigor the famil estigue parties, furnished by the Regimens in Garritan apt to generate, it is melancholy to oh.

Par Jules Casar-Wyllis Esq. of ble former comrades in erite, and had thus ex. eon, were considered worm than useless; vorera hue frequently among ourselves the ex- eiled them to bitter revenge. He bad lately sa turned from a cruize at the northward, and was

O fiesta, umangat whom we noticed Brigadier Wyl- lie, Lieutenant C dooal Stu?ri, Major Willoughby, jolsed by the schooner Bower, (purchased some time

and Liansonant Harpur, were indefatigable in their since by the Tautas of this city, and manued by exertions, in directing the movements of the fire- Dalive and a few Macila men,) and six powerful men, and hastening the supplies of water ; two of Un the corn lawn which Sir Robert Porl under. 20, Narcis (Span), Pui bock. Canton cuters, With this addition to his fleet, ho |ike ?Engines from the Port wore with difficulty could essily have destroyed the pratical horde, careyed to the sea brach, from whence they sup the Canters outers after firing fow blank plied large volumes of water, and to which it was cartridges, went over to the pirates, according to a eventually owing that the fams were in a great Preconcerted arrangement. The Boer, which bad menstre subdued, or, at all ovens, prevented fo kept out of barm'

alance offered by Wang and his nephosa, spe

way, made for nokong. The catching awer hugers; but for this and the pro-ed the agricultural interest. There is scarcely a prera to bara been obstinate, but their junks were village of Mlazigou might have been in rujas

ridentini nhience of any high winda, a great portion Carmar la the country who does not believe with nable to cope suceresfully with the Beet which before now; hut we are get to any that, with the nadad them, and they were taken. The vic exception of the testers houses above mention. forins flert put in at Shih pon, the pirates giving ed, be other buildings took fee themselves up to fallities. The evil and militesile, which is at present undergoing repart in The Tullock ary offer of the port ocossionally taking :iðin on board. Lorches passing the place are sometimes

the Dick Yonl, had several very narrow escapes, complimented with salutas, which are always re-ched her.

as the dainos had more than once very nearly ses- trend. When intercepting junk under the courey

liin ne yet impossible to state the exact amount allerghat, no nolemtion offered to the Portu of loss sustained by the P. and O Compsey, by ques, so the contrary they throw any intention of effending foreigners.

this con?igration ; but it is estimated from ata luck and a half to two lacks al rupees, only a pur- tion of which is overed by insurance Web boned the buildings which have been burnt down were valued at from masy to savantz,?ive thousand rupees - loin, however, which will not fall on the Company, as they only romted the premiers.

Ning virtually offering from a blockade. The cost of all niticks brought in costwind bas kan camiderably enhanced. To svert farther dain ge, if possible, the Governor of the province is from Liangban. This functury is notori

asperation still vents itself in charges of personal corruption. The presentatives of the ancient chirsity of England could imagine, or at least ex. press, no higher moire for the change of opinion west in his closing penta He, one of the most disinterested and highminded of wan, had to sab mit to the humiliation of declaring in Parhainent that life fargo fortons was chiefly invested in land, and subject therefore to every Indeco that affret

19, Precioso (Span) from Liverpool.

Copial (Am), from California. 21, San Benit>(Span), from Shanghas. 27, Neptuno (Sn), from longkong. 27, Arthamine (Am) from Califorois, 31, L'Algeria (Fr. Frigute), ferns Macao. Janunty,

Saratoga (U. 8. 51.), from Macno.

4, Cometa (Span), fram Scolon.

Alokk (from Shanghao.

9, flocons (Span) from Bingup re 15, Kan ty los (Chinese), from Hongkong. 9, Rio Pocket (Brit) from Sydney.


his whole in that the Fren trade party is noiwat. ed solely by a desire to fill their own pockets at the exprone of their neighbours. With what greedy credulity are charges of scandalous nepotism and last of money against men high in station of Church and Dista listened to and ebuckled over, as placing Dec. phone diminguished persone on the comme level of 13, G. H. Montagu? (Am), für Hongkong, human naturo Clever men believe, or did beliora, 16, Union (Span for Amoy. that our adroit Foreign Secretary ree-iver annual 23, Regerwart (Dut), for Batavia, package of gold from Russia, in return for his uu- 23, Gangre (Brit) for Sydney. doubtedly able but crnally disinterested and us. | 24, Flera (Bri), for Amoy. acknowledged services to that despotia Power 24, Christian (Cium), for Hotavia. Noble lords and honourable golfen are some 26, Medusa (~pmn), Lur Singapora, what more generally supposed to bave pocketed 26, firetruder (Spa, for Singapota, money me its presumed equivalent for their vous 26, Elizabeth (Dog), for Batavia, spon bulwav bitka. And now we find The Times 29, Norcia (Spau), for Amoy. defending itself by ??protem uguinêt " charge of | 31, Asia Fulia (Spas, for &moy.




* Victoria (9pan for Cadiz.

4. Mariveles (Span), for Cadis.

4. 12 Algers (Fr. Frigate, for Singapore.

6. Bombay (Am), for Boston

8. Neptuno (Span), for Singaporn.

19, Royalist(Bea), for Sandwich Islands,

14, François Carrimere (F1), for Berdemux,


The Nervi iled here for Amoy on the 8th- September, encountered 3 hurricane from the 17th toast of same mouth, in which she lost her Main and Mize meets and redder, and put into Pangusion (Phillipines) from whence the sailed on the 27th November, and on the 10th had to put in to Ilocos to repair other damages, from whence she sailed on the 6th December, and at last had to put back to Manik, bersama baving opened from stem to let

In another hurricane which she had for 8 days con Decutively.

The Kam ty-lea has put in here to repair rudder

EXCHANO--On England 6 months tight to






Adelaide, ship

Albert Edward shấp

American Pocket, barque Amistad, barque

"brig Andromache.

Anda, schooner

us rich barges

Anonyms, lekt

Antelpu bergan Apolla, brig

Vella, belg

Athol, haryan

Anda b

Aares, schoone Ravard, barque Belles choNTE Bengal ship dempere,ch'p

but likely to rire for the Meil. Do. Bank Bills 30 days sight 4a 6d. Few salon of this kind of paper

Fantons.To England, but one rerel loading

at da bo per Ton for Sugar, and 43 côn for light freight

To Bydney-No produce in the Market for this place, therefore, no rate can be qouted.

To America.Quite cominal; tonnage abandent.

Vimala in lomasons WmauPOA, CUMINUMOON,


For Landon

Mahomed 8bab, H.

Trafalgar, H.

For Lisbon Clare, 3!.

For 1, C. S. Am.

Caprice, W.

Susanosh, C.

For Bombay.

Lord Ashley, W.

For Batavia,

For San Francisca

American Packet, H.

Ana Welch, H. Litembrim, H.

Brahmin, H.

Constant, H.

Eden, W.

Emperor, FT.

Geo Washington, El

Overola, H.

Robert Small, 11. Bao Jazi M. T'erosie, W.

For Manila.

Belliza, 31.

Bells brig

Blenheim ship

Hoodies, a quo

Homarju Hormojen skip

Mombay, ship

Brahmin ship


Man, Ky

Hera, achou

Canton, steamer

L'alon seumur Caprice, barque

Cather & pear, Hulp

lumpion, p bebacle, slip Clure, brig

Clown bel Cander, ship Contant, ship

L'orogra, bil

Am 371f'obb Bri??4973ddart Nurm 190 Ca

Span??790 Castro

106m 270 Peterson

| Best 19ely

AM. Hyder Ori

| Am | 17x|Patter

Biem 16 ||motelas

[span] 11u. Maris







Fort Port





Calbomis Liverpool

119 Sept 10 Hongkong



13 Jan 16)longkong STIN


San Francisco

40 De



Jan 21



104 Sept 20


||Sandwich Islas|| 184 |May 2



To Nov




14 Del


Des 24



Jae Bhonghae Wolestt, Batan and on.

Whampes Warday and

Hanghase Job Banco.

Fab || bampos 1. Vandenberg 14 14

Amay Till and on. Pan-feat and an. South longkong Authon and co.

Namo Dent and ev

Russil and co.

|Nov 22 Shanghas Wolcott, Wates and co

Jan InJiangkopy Rawie, Detaker and co #btce J. L'Almeida.

31 Honghong Hawle, Driskor and s

Alfred Wilkinson and so

*an Francisco


VOL. XI. No. II.

Receiving skip San Francis Mocalving phys Shangha

170 let.

Hougkong|0° F. Siemeen.


slogupere Amo


Aloe, Watheson and so


?ح?د ?ا


Ma Md




Herbert Towa

45 Nav


Get T


alt and co Hongkong Ramle, Drinker and on.

AwayFalt and so

San Francis



-Hougkong Jardlow, Mathroon and on.

Recolvlog ship




-L'amocowanjos #. Langrans

Jan 31 Hongkong arrow, Stephenson and co San Francisca

Havie, Drinker and co.

De Whampoa |?�yo, Parkin and v

Hangkong 0 °C. Edavad, P.Q0 C Sâq||Amay

Meceiving ship



14 Kilever Part 10||Remedios (Am.] 130 Grakan Part 1melda




150) Angolanga




354 fameson


614 Mekabel>


114 Weaver

130 Agualer

Helt. 91 Me Derm

$50mes [Peru 261|Jewe

79 New Hongkong


Jan 31

River boat



Hongkong de Cantos es

Krit. Tawler Am 834 Galley


Welt. 400 Hooch




Ner $1

Nov 21 Whampoa Nye, Parkla and co

W.C.3. America Early




jobb, Livi asian and oo.


150 Fuly 17


185 [Joly

Dec 24 She?gher Turner and co Not



Halt 159 U*flasche



|andwich Isles



San Francis

dr Sapi Si Hanala?a



San Francisco



Castles berquo

Jan 23


Le Puterres


13 Barch


las 31



15 De



To the

Jan 31


San Francione


Receiving ship Cam Francis New York


tilb Inet.

Restring ship


Denis, schaun IOT


623 Mardoch

133 Wgodin

4) Landers


Dide, achoET

Iden, barque

1 langor, bárque


Emily June, skip

Fame, belg


Emperor, shp

Empress barque

430 White

Kareka, ship


kuchange ship


Felton ly

Falon, thi

For life, ship

Furtune, barqua

Gallery, barqu

Osella, schoonar

George & Mary skip

Cloud dress bulg

Loonwerfer | M

es |Nov ( Flongkong

50 Dr do.

* 2* $2 $

Fat Sh

Tam In Hongkong|Hawin. Dilukor bad co

mucus A. A de Mallo WP & D. N. Canes and to Keorlying ship Ian SoHongkHawle Drinker and co Now

Jabe Hard Feb 1,Whompso|4 Vlogan.

FabHongkon; then, and co.

NewNluxpe Wm. Javidsen dopting, & H'kong|Jan Whampoa Vi ga

Dec 31 Haykop.. Sirac


-Neong Dear, lose and so-

Jan 4 Macao-sell and co

Houghong Turner and ca

Henk kawen and co bampoo Wolcott, Matas and co

In Hoogkoor|Chang Kang

Jardion, Mateson and en

Woosung Jardine, Matheson and

Hongkong Edmond & Co'sAg Worship


Hawie. Drinker and co.

Bull. Nye ad eo.

East Coas: Jardine, Nackages and

Pm. Pýta sad to.



114 NaQuisu




Fan Fes dise


Sandwich fales Collinenin

Houghou Asevolo

des Price Macao

so t


46 Nav


Am 391 Hathway

386 Bery




Patriot, W.

| Sitem| ada|Probet


For Singapore.

For Amoy.

Harlequin brig


Apollo, H.

Canton Bir, H.

Harvest, baryos


Iberia skl





Hellas, maphrodite

Hril. Patridge

lalelas, barque

Herrala, ship

| Am. 110|Flabor

Halle bil




Akbar *


Lon Sept 8 F1.

Amy Robart

|Shie, Juro 11 -



Liv. Nov (3) El.



Liv. Aug 17 8.

Emperor of Chios


Lon. Oct 128

John 17°Gum: 1, skip



||Lon. Aug 29| HR

Joshua later ip

Far W1s (Am)


Loo Dei 23] 11,



Lan No. 1918.

Helen Lindasy

Lon. Nov 19 0.

Joba Bright


Lit. Aug 18 S

Old England


Liv. C'e|S,


Lon Nov 11

Elabentuk, ship

Hongkong, steamer

Hongkong, barque

ledependence, Velg

Jadi, ship

les, schort

Je, barqu

Island een schooner


Bes #30 H



Alver beat

Handwich" Jers

les Ket

113 Garant




Dace 11

Am. 1434 Mar



41 Dewmig

?а? У


320 Wlette


194 Macfarlane


Dan U

+30 Donald


63 N


[ra_dwich Islan

67 01.

Valparabe Shangha

Nav 20



17h| Lang 24. Lopes

Gelt. 113 Bey

Bola (alande Hongkong


set Hoogkong






Order in which the above Tamils left England

Japy Behart, Jaka Bright Cuthern, Kraan, Akbar". Kopju of

Junior, ship

Amanachoke California

Katharina harar, barque | Meil | 513Taylor

Kitty, brig

Lady Hayes, barque

Ilancourt skip

Lent bre

Faid Ambert, ship

Lard Ashley, barque

Lampayt, barqes

La baryan

Makam albe, barges

Mahomed shak barque

Landing.-At LoRDON; Proq shun, Surprise, Manrostean, barque

and Celestial-At Lavanpool; Noms,

??With a company of 31. 34.'s 60th Regiment on board,



Ana Martin


Balmora), Br.

Baron of Renfrew Barrackpore



Ouningham Dom Dec H Martia

Bon. Nor 17 EL Macfarlane Cal Deo H. Robertson Bom. Dec 5 H. Corra Bom. Not f Underwood Bem Dea 6 H. Mandrill Bom Nor Wh

Bom. Dec 6 H. McCullock Bom. Dec 4 H. Nixon Clark

D Northumberland Flodeon


Bom Nor 23 H. Bom

Marcia, skip

Martha comer

Manden, barque


Harrypa chooser

Metacom, ship

Mons, burge

Milan, ship

Neptune, barque

34 Helms

474 Betlee

Brit. $7 King

NOT Crawford

61 Macmalkan Mar


AUS Horner

314 Wing

Brit 13 Edg




14 Anderson


171.pache Hongkong

Am. Bandy

Nicolay kulayem, brig | Naru

Nimrod, harqö N.. Las brig

Nymph, brigantine 1, ship Oriental barges Oscar, salp Osceola, salp Pradader, barqno Patria, schner Paa, brig

Pleiades, argua

Prescott, harga Kajasthan, ship Neil,ably Rhone, ship

Robert Ball, sp

klagareli bergan

luk Fjefer Bri 43. Leper Post Jea

Part.||06|Plaa Upan, 207|Artiga Get 40% Perry

Brit 31 8. Endlasti

Kr. 300 Davia




PRICE $10 per annum.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, por dunum, to Dollar, payable in advancu, quarterly or otherwise, at option. Binata Numbers, 2a conta

Communications for the Editor will be forwarded if left with Ty van, Stationar No 589 Queen's Road-fourth houm wret of the Oriental Bank, where spare sopies of this Paper may alon de skiained. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ton lines and under, & Dollar; adfitional, 19 esula Hine. Repetitious one-third of the Brac Insertion, skips, -Pirst insertion, Dollars, absequent beertione 6 renta Advertisements to have written, on the face of them, the number of Umas they are coquired to appear, otherwise they will be published undi comatermanilo. A reddbtion of twenty five per cent on mul charges made when rendering quarterly accounts for advertisements ordered to stand undisturbed for a period of not less than three months. Fall barge made for reposition of any Advertisement in the Ovanovo lau






ORIENTAL COMPANY'S Brea-Bhips will leave this for the above places on Saturday| the 2b of February. Cameo will be received on board antíl & r. z. of the 18th, and Taxasvan outil Noon of the 27th.

O. C. EDMOND, Superintendent.

P. & O. 8. N Ca. Office,

Hongkong, 80th January, 1882,

FOR BAN FRANCISCO. BA, THE Barque " ANN WELSH," will be daspatched sabava on the 17th 255 proximo, bw excellent Cabin asoom medutions for Panions of PatrAGE,

Apply to

ANTHON & Co. Ilongkoog, 23rd January, 1852.


FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE Fine British Bhip BLENHEIM, A. I. 608 t?ng burthen, A. B. MOLLABO Commander, will meet with quick dospatch.

This vestrl has splendid accommodation for passengers for which, or freight, apply to

RAWLE, DRINKER & Co. Flongkong, 20th January, 1852



THE first class British ship RO BERT SMALL, 666 ona per re gider, corrying an experienced Surgeon, bally Minster, will load at Hongkong for the abaco port, and have marly despatch,

For Fazrat apply to

THOMAS HUNT,- #kampoa. or to WILLIAM TARRANT-Hongkong. Victoria, 27th Junaurz, 1862,


THE House and Grounds of Glenealy." For further particulars apply at the Of- fce of Memon Dent & Co. ?longkong, 4th December, 1881.



THE House on the Bouth side of Clough Birest, lately occupied by Mr J. ?.

Apply to,

Victoria, Tat August, 195).



YR CARR LUCAS is admitted a Partner is MCA Ford 12th May 1951.


Canton, 15th August, 1851.

NOTICE. THE undersigned have formed a copartnership for the traumeting of a GaranAL COMMISSION Brawn at Bingapore, under the style of WOL COTT & Co.

JAMES H. ADAMS, from Boston, WILLIAM DREYER from Hamburg, HENRY G. WOLCOTT of the fra

of WOLCOTT, BATES & Co., Shanghe

and Canton,

Singapore, 1st April, 1851.


EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 26 CORNHILL LONDON. THE undersigned, baring bean appolated Ageois

for the above Olies, are prepared to effect In surences against fire, on Buildings and Goods, in Canton and Hongkong, including merchandise in mativo Packhouses.

HOLLIDAY, WISE & Ca Canton, 14th August, 1851,

18 AMICABLE INSURANCE OFFICE. THE Undersigned, having been appointed Agents bere for the above office, are prepared to grant Policles payable in LONDON, CALCUTTA, BOMBAT, and CANTON,


Canton, 13th January, 1859.



8 the undersigned is leaving China shonly, ke A requests that partics bering Claims upon lies, will send them in on or before the 20th instant ; and timi thun persons who am indebted to him, will pay their accounts before the obore date.

JOHN G. MORISON. Noaskong, 2nd February, 1882,


In the Estate of Abraham Jusern Boncay, luta of Victoria deceased. LL parties having any claime on the above A Estate are requested to forward the same

with accounts and vouchers to the undersigned forthwith. Persons indebted to the Estate are also requested to pay amounts of their debis respectively on or before the 1st day of March meat.


Administrator to the Estate,

Hongkong, 23rd Decembar, 1851.



JUST OPENED AND FOR SALE. QELECT Batobes of very nupation old laulivet

Whiskey in battle-Dark and Pals Branly -Hollands Clin-Cordial dito, Fine fruity Port -Dark, Golden, and Pale Sherice, ---Londan bat- led Blout and Porter, Bnes' Pale Ale &..

Bome Fine Salted Salmon is Jers

MCEWEN & Co. Hongkong, Queen's Road, 90th Sept. 1851.


Be Viscount Sandon."


ESRA SMITH & BRIMELOW bave re- tonived by the above vessel, -

Prime Wiltshire Cheese, Prime York Hams, Bloom Reisins, Jordan Almonds, Frach Oliv Royal Blandard Vinegar made entirely from Meli Natal and Milltary Bauer, Worcestar and Royal Zel Sauce, French and English Pets, Presseved Meats of every description.


Au Invoice of Stationery.

Per late Arrivals. Dublin Broot in Boule, Campbell's Edinburgh Pala Ale in Bottle, Prime Smut is Hogshead, Hodgson's Pale Ale in Hogshead, Superior Pont, Sherry, Englah Bottled Claret, Champagne, Hock, Magcil's Dark and Palo Brandy, United Vineyard Company's Brandy, Glenlivet Whisky, Old Tom, Jamica Rum, dió, dec., all in excellent order.

No 1 & 2 Wooanam's Building, , Hongkong, 9th December, 1851.

DIRECT FROM HOLLAND. ESSRA SMITH & BRIMELOW have re- ceived 130 Casts of Superior Holland Gin, which they offer at a low figure,

Hongkong, Qih December, 1851.




PILLA AND OINTMENT QUNE OF BULKOITI Extract of a letter, dated Madras, June 10, 1846 im F. H. Bett, Esq. & Li,hi Cavalry, Do puty Asistant Quarter Master General of the Aciny.

To Professor Holloway.

Bia, I have much pleasure in adding my testimony to that of the many whe bave certified to the excellence of your Ointment, but my object in addressing you is, chiefly, to draw your attention to means by which in valus may, I think, become Mill more generally appreciated and applied.

In this country there is a disease called Buraotti* ENGLISH and Dutch Bheathing Copper of all (from Bot, rain); it comesauces and prevale to the grea'cat extent during the rainy weather; it is confaed, I believe, exclusively to Hore. A valu able Horte of mine caught it in a march during the Alomoon; all the usual remedies wote applied in rain; indeed it is a disonse which I have never geen cured, for when oute taken it noun becomes rooted in the constitution. It shows itself by large Soul angry sores over all parts of the body. For eight months my Horns had itapezially bed, having had thres large cores on his forelegs Fortunately



sixes, also Neile, by

Hongkong, Ist October, 1860

FOR BALE. CUPERIOR Cut Glen Decantare and Globlas

Fuo-chow Bacon in excellent condition,

LANE, CRAWFORD & Co. Hongkong, 2016 January, 1882.





FOR SALE, TOGETHER or separately, those four Ton

Flouses situated on Lot 90, two ul them having a frontage on Hollywood Road, the other two oa Gough Birol

MA. BURGOYNE. Victoris, 93rd December, 1851.


RY and Secare Horage of perishable or other Merchandise can be had, on moderate chargon, at the Godowe of

Wen Point.


Victatis, Hongkong, 3rd January, 1882.


TN consequence of the retirement of Mr. Chaulas SANDERS, the firm of WILKINSOR & Sardane at bach dianeived, and, in future, will be signed in quidation only. The other partners in the late frm(Mr. ALPA Wikimon, Canion and Meanse Daninzz, Dromineon & Co. London) will can- te the boxiness under the Style of ALFRED WILKINSON & Co.

Canton, 18th December, 1851.



THE Business of the undersigned will, from this date, be carried on under the firm of BiRLET & Co.

FRANCIA B. BIRLEY. Capton, 1st July, 1851


NOTICE THE Business hilberto carried on under the sain of MANEDALLY MOranny & Co. In this day closed, and will in future be conducted by Mr. ERRANIM NOORDODEN the Bem and style of AH- MEDBHOY RHAIMTOOLLA.

(Bigned) BHAIKTYEB FARZULLABHOY. Canton, Bth Janusty, 1832,


Ex "Land-o'-CAREL,"

PUBLIC AUCTION, NIE anders ned have received Instructions 12 I tell by l'OBLID AVOTION, OG Monday next, Ich February, at 11 'clock &

The HOUSEHOLD and OFFICE FURNI- TUKE, with the BOOKS and PLATE, belong. ing to Jost G, Morison, Esq.

The FURNITURE, &c, can be viewed at his ra sidrace, on Friday and storitsy, from 10 air. til! 2. M. Catulguza will to lasued on Friday,


On the same day, should time permit, at the God- owod of the ab- quantity of BEER and BRANDY, GLASSWARE, consisting of Quart and Pist DECANTERS; Hoce, Pont, Kukany, and CLARET GLASSES, Danner Sakyzos 8 and 90 Bage



Should the whole not be sold on Monday, the sale will be continued on Tuesday or Wednesday, to suit boyera.

A. H FRYER & Co.

Auctioneers. Hongkong, 2nd February, 1852,



THE andersigned being about to leave Chine, requests that all accounts may be rendered for liqui.100, and payment of ow'standing debir made to him, either as individually, or in his capa city of administrator to the Estate of the late TONG-KIN

Victoria, Hongkong, 14th January, 1852.



FOR SALE AT THE OFFICE. TITCHED copies of a Review of the Trade of Shanghac, 1850, as printed at the Cice of the NORTH CHINA Ilmuald.

Prive fiftycents.

Friend of Chios Office, 10th October, 1851.


Lagar, Eng,

Coronation &c. of the Ring of Biam. Bkeich of the Stemas Routa from Singapore te

Torres Straits.

N. B. Parties in China withing to become subscribers will please forward their names and a-t- frowe to the offles of the" Friend of China and | Hoogkung Glazeus."

Victoria. 18th December, 1851.


THE A. 1. Ship TRAFALGAR," Captain RICHARDSOS, 750 Tone messutenoot, will have quick despatch for the above Port; carrying an experienced

Surgeon For l'astaga unly apply

in Canton to BLENKIN, RAWSON & Ca and here to LYALL, STILL & Co. Hongkong, 5th February, 1852.

NOTICE is bereby given, that a Bale, by Pr

LIC AUCTION, of Crown Land on Leases,

at length I saw your advertisement in the papers, will be held on the Ground, to he sold this day the and thought that, if the Ointment did so Barenth of February, at Eleven o'clock in the much for mankind. there was no reason why Horso, Forenoos.

JUST landed on wortment of very superior c. should not equally boneft by it. The fret Pot did wonders, and three or four cured the places in Scolch Tweede,


MOEWEN & Co. Queen's Road, Victoris, 22nd November, 1961


FOR BALE desirable sorortment of Surely, collected chiefly on the Ceasts of Ceylon and the Man- rilis.


Queen's Road, Victoria, 7th November, 1881.



Makers to the Lords of the Admiralty and Hoo, East India Company's Bervice, beg to call the attention of the public of India to the superior manufacture of their Chronometers, Watches, and Clocka, us proved by the number of prizes awarded to the Chronometers made by them seol on public trial to the Royal Observatory, Grennwieb, ond the reperta publiskad of their superior performance || in the various ccientific voyages under Capaina Ros, Parry, Franklin.

They strongly commend to the Gemlemen of | ika Natal nad žílitary Services their improved do. tachari Lerar Watches, as bring specially adapted

for horse starche, and not being subject to stop or be otherwise affected.

Duplex Watches, Pocket Chronometers, Car- riage Clocks, &o, which can be forwarded by the Overland Mails, and insured to their destination.

All orders must be accompanied by a remittance or reference for payment in Lonilon ; or the amount


six weeks, (The writer further statas, "that from | YR DUDDELL is instructed to sell by PUBLIC the Horse bavlog bitten bidual, a sore appeared on AVOTION, to day Saturday 7th February, 185%, one of the old places, but this is rapidly giving wayat 11 o'clock . . precisely, in front of the Awo- to the Ointment)" I remain, Bir,

TION MART, Queen's Road, without reserva, the fol- lowing Property belonging to a Gentleman Jesring Hongkong.


Your obedient SATVANI,

F. SCOTT, Pth Light Cavalry. truly lovaluable medicines can be pro- cured at the Betablishment of the Undersigned, in richly Oresmented Boxes and Pots, together with Directions for the Guidance of Patients sized | Mare Pauline; and the Dun Pony Piper, to each Box and Pol.

The beautiful Bay Horse Rienzi, secustomed

to carry a lady, and quies in Harposa; a large

J. F. CARRUTHERS, Agent in China, Bub-Agonia, J. M. Da BILVA.-st ¡angkang J. M. Da FONSECA,-at #loco0.



PHE undersigned has established a larga BA-

KRRY and guarantees to supply any quents ly of CABIN and SiNP BREAD at abort nu tee,--

FINE NAVY BURAD.................84 cents per lb. PILOT BREAD,..

warranted to keep for Six Months in any Cilmate. Contracts entered into with Departmils, Com murders of Vestels, &c. for regular supplies.


Whampoa, Och November, 1851.


PROTESTANT THEOLOGIAN is desir out of obleking a situation Tutor in European family. Apply to A. 2. case of the

I may be paid to their Agents in Javis on delivery | Ector of this Paper.

of the goods.

4 Change Alley, Cornhill, London,


Victoria, Hongkong,

1216 January, 1882.


Bay Sydney Carriage House; the well-known

One large Carriage, complete, with Langa, &c A al Pony Phaco, quite bew; Set of Double Horse Harnem a second Het of Ditto a Hal of Buggy Harness; 8 Ladies Saddles and Brides: Gentlemen's Saddles and Bridles; 4 Suits of H-Clothing; 4 Swite of Dit 15 white Horse Covers: 4 Notted Horse Cavern: 2 Palent Baddle Cloths, and a quastity of Stable Gear.

Hoogkong, 26th Jaupary, 1852



To be sold by l'enso Avorion, by Mr ChanLES

the Estate of the late Aarawan Jorgen Burley, der of Me Botola Lapuste, Administrator to those valuable Levachold Premisas known as latand Lot No. 11 and 207. O L 118, adjoning the French College standa u substantial four room+ ed Bungalow, ai prosent in occupation of Mr F. Woodle, at mumerating rental; mud on Lut 207 in C Road Tripingebao, uro fra Libina Huusea all niso lot of fair protaže,

For further particulats apply to

C. MARKWICK. Government Auctioner.

Frongkong, 6th February, 1865.



Para Qumalan


190 Wodhelden

Dandwich" fales

Namen Dast and co

July Amay -yor, Muir and so.


|Jan_11|Hongkong Nanto, Drisker and so.

Vaidlus, Sladkenon and to. Lyme, Muir aŭd to.

Bent and

Jan 9 Whampoa Turner and ca

Shaughar |Hall, Nya mend co

Jan 20 Hangkap Mania Urlaker and co





|parrow, Stephenson and so fihangkas Amay M. Smith and so. -Czmoting Heard and

ongkong Nawia, Drinker a de

Marrow Biophemen and

out and co Usa 90 Whampoa atoni and ce


Wm. Pustan and co

-Check Dunt and to

- Fes'-o'-focardias Mathan and on

[Jun 16]Hanghong Kawie, Bassett and on.

[Jan 24Hangtong Kawie, Prjoker and co Rawls, Deli bar and es

Dea "

-- -Wassung [P 8 ?N 14 Längrana

D. Samson, Bond Fab-an Cos Jardine, Matheson and on. Jam Selongkong Rawle, Drinker and ca. Dea Whomping and o

|Jan 17|Hongkong Kawie, Detsker ånd do. Rawle, Drisker and oil,


tecaring ekip What

co Amoy

| talical

Receiving p Bomb




gecelelo's sp






Receiving only

Keeting ship




San Fransisc

Fee #


Ingapore Hongking

14 Mar


John Burd and co C'mon, Nansen, Bena and so,

Macao J. M. de Jes

Kepairing ship

400 Win


Bwe 444|ingerklew Bell 75W Wal


(Handwich Jolen



Dont and co Honghong Nawle, Drisker and co





Itrard and co

New York

405 June 14

Hanging G.

Jan 5.


Augustine Heard and on Jardes, Matheson and

* Francisce


Receiving ship Hangkong & Canton


Amey Talt and on.

Pliza Marius


Whampoa A Vingas.

Apply to


110 У?вал

alee Hargreavat and on.

J. K. L





15 Det Hongkong

Jobe Wood


Lord Western


Phillipa Wyse


Shaw Allom

Durham Wedge Rice


Loading A Bonnar; Chippewa, Margarit, Mary Graham, Royal Alice, Mogau, Sobraou, and Bassoon Family.


Sir Charles Perbes, ats

Bom Dao W? Bom. Ou 26 H. Boo Dec GH, Cal DecH. Bom Nov 16 H. Bom Nov 21 12.


730 Philips



Whompen Nyo Parkia and ce

Away Tilt and



Na 1 Wellington Street,

Sandwich Islan

13 Nov in

Feb 1 Hongkong Anthon and do




La Vidal



Jan 95

Jardins, Matheson and can Frenetice Amey Thit and on.


-Cam'mod Numell and on.

Receiving ship

Balor, skip



Woosung Wymall and ov

Hogeiving ship

Beatland, ship

serie, bil






Nev S

kidney, brig



151 Cons

Meer bant

Kidward Hyam, barque


Bulpe, brig

Am. 196|W Kihatt

solide, beig




baloo, barqno

bjak, mer


Bintang Anem

Denn Debel

December 30, December 2 HL.



Kischie shawan

November A

ا??? Stephanie

Lee Londra, Edo. Liverpool, Vida. Kháchễu, Wat Waterford .. Ciderland, Hari. Narthage, MUL. Alkhart, cu chi

cuts, Fam. Bombay, Tak. Tinicueta, kas

1.Unphong. 11. Mons, Wh. Whampas, agjait F


6. g

kat brg

savannah, baryna

zwallow, barque

Ternate, Image

November 9 3.

Bec, schon er

at Aero, schooner

bt Jart, sein omer

| tiam,|| 106 |Beyar

|uc|| 900|Kartaland

Am 347|

Brit. 00..



Am $16 Jarry,


31 key



1- до?ога






- Wareing|Age

|Wi Pasian and so

Feb- Canton A. Vieng

Nov 21 Amey Talta co.

37 Kast+Zemst aptak ??


Macao ??¥. d'Oliveira



Feb Whomper (ibh, Livin sinn and no

-C'mon Festsajos P. clama and so. Sabelving ship

Amoy yes, tobwabe and co.

Dan -Gloogkong (7.0.2?nost PRO Cosg

| Veriww,Otephensen und o

and Receiving ship

Jan 29 Hongkong]Wm. Pastau und en.














Le Casin




Honchene Honda

Ningpo. M. 81 | 19 Hongkonst. 87

|?mat ('oner10 M, Bg 12

Canton HC Bo

||Frangluong [19. M. BI

Whompoo |(1. W fles

Mage HM 20.

De Honkier

(Jon, Sponere

Admiral Amen

|| Captain ApoES


Me Mitchel



|M Mapon (U. 8, 5) 20 Glendy

Macer. Baram) 6'1 de Plan


5. braga

Jesuste, barque Thai, baryna Time, cer Trafalar, barque Irriga, baina

Tilden, wary

Unies, skly

Vard, schooner

Vrace Jacobs barque

rock, b

Mkampia, barque

Willam, bolg

Will, ben, brig

Dat. 57.

15 Hall


Per Lex

| 3pan] 101|UNG

Bl 300

| 1961. || 200|Potemon

Den 175m

But 2760eale




Korzo, Pasrurn, and Péylisunu, by qua Paaraizena, William Tammany, Queen's Hoad Wat, Victoria, 1832



Amoy aymo, Muir and es



Aug 37 Nlaype


Aa-ay Order


#DeKng Lindsay and on.

Receiving bly



250 Bankr


Nov 2. Shangha

Milan the TV, baryas



--Woong Lindsay and es.

Heceiving skip

Witcherall, ship

Am. 10 Hogers

3a Franelace

ebay, y

Ch: 100.


rphyr achones

|| Belt | 114|Hrown


69 Let

Jan S


Hongkong itamle. Drinker an do. July 1. Whengen bincker Hong

Leul and co.




| Failed




Jnly 20 Amoy Syme, Muir and co

Jan 3-toughengt-gall, ittill and co


Bana Islands Henlla

Jaly Macno | Marquen

4 Nov 14

Hongkong Ramle, Drinker and co


Macan | Inder

Ju 17 Hongkong Jardine, Matheson and For Sale

ilongong Ja Burdu

Honghong Rawls, Drinkar eden,

Amey żywo, Mulr nud on.

-Woong Lindsay and es


Looking Jardins, Mathesona den.

Nov 114 kampen obail Browse and se


-Wing Festonjor & Came and co Roeriving ship


Call fornle




Nacising ship

Neontving ship

Sa Fracce






An Ordinance for Her Majesty's Subjects within the Domi- joss of the Emperor of Chjus, of within any Ship or Vessel at a Distance of nat more than Uwe Bundred Miles from the Coss of China.



Hap Engard


1. 2.

King J-b

Collins Rus





Erin go Brugh


More Trooper- Timoor







St. Andrew

The others no where.

ANNO DECIMO QUINTO VICTORIE BEGINE No. of 1859 BY His Excellency Sie Samurt Gronos Bonnan, Kaight. Sommander of the Most Honorable Or. der of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in- Chief of the f'olony of Hongkong and its. Depen. dencies, and Vice-Admiral of the suma. Har Ala jesty's Plenipotentiary, and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Bubjects in t'hian, with the Adrice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong.


?n Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 8 of 1844, entitled " An Ordinance to carry *isky effect the Trantirs between Great Britain and * Chuca, ani to indemnify Her Majesty's Consulation it and all thar Person in China, who may here hi *ther to assisted therein." - and to limit the apera- tion of Ordinance No Tof 1844 entitled "An Or. dinance for the better Administration of Justice in "the Consular parts, a' des eaublin? a Registratie i wuld have been diegraceful proceed. of British Subjetes within the Dominions of ing had the Stewards for one moment hesitated as to the diepetion of the Cap; disgraceful to iko *the Emperor of China."

(27th January, 1862)

publis who have the exide to go by and bare in the Preamble. Whereas it has been decided by horse within the height and weight accordingly

and allowed to start.-But co more...dingust le dig. the Supreme Court of Hongkong that it is necovary that Wer Majesty's Consular Others hang Assors quet and that is nh. in pur-uence of the Third Bretivo of Ordinace No. 7 of 1844, when imposing any Penaly exceed. ing O e Hundred D-liars," akbough the same

should be so imposed for a Breach of the Tralice ance No. 5 of 1846, and it is expedient to declare more fully the Objrel and Messing of the said Ordiner No. 5 of 1844; And wherene it is far ther cxpedient that the Decisions of the said Cos sular Officer shall not be eemanvable by Writ of

between Grest Breat and China under ibo Ordin

It was said that after this ince there was an objec in the put of a are orfans or persons to sit ing the Cup to Robert Jardine Esq. the Owner and ride of Shek. I cannot believe this, though litla surprises me in longkong. 1 can only say, as one who has con and ridden race horaes, that if

The races eloved with the Hack Stakes.

Hop Hazard Poller



1. --

dies in the Grand Stand were delighted with the I have nudy to conclude by hoping that the Las men afforded by the sailore, and bet the keeper of the course was satisfed that he did bis duty in allowing such an rabibition.


knowledge of public records, ia lughly praise. worthy and contrasts favourably with the mywery with which our Government endon- Your to envelope matter of euch nature. With the aid of this Book we are enabled to check certain Tea statistics, hitherto supposed to be carefully prepared, and deemed correct i but in which we now tud there exista A "leetle" error,

According to the Secretary's report we have Imported from China during the year ending

30th June 1850,"_ From Chins

From Great Britain

From British and Dutch East Indies From British American Colonies From other places


Total Pounds 20,883,213


FOURTH DAY, 8TH FEBRUARY. The Tradesmen's large Cup.

1. Mr Duddell's Dover,


The Ciper, Inta Manaros The Tradesman's small Cup.

1. Air Woods Ton Thumb,

Brook's Auld Robin Gray,late Ga "SamSlick's Jack Spring, [briel Grub,


have lately had a notice, headed Philan. thropy of a proposal by a Tea dealing firm in England, to give £50 for the beat eway on China, particularly on the capabilities of the enuntry to consume our manufactures, the lbs. 20,743.376

impediments, if any, to such consumption- 385.446 effect of British duties on the consumption of 194,105 Tee-or, the China Trade gonoraily, and the

21 407 probable influence thereon of a reduction of

duty.-On the Opium Trade, and its effect on commerce and morals-suggestions as to the most efficient mode of extending Christianity in Chion &c. &c. Fifty Pounds is a small son for an essay embracing so many points; and we doubt whether there will be much compe- tition for it. Perhaps, however, we may favour the Premium offerers with a few lines, Jost more other should be walking over the course and goining the prisa for an undue equivalent. Wo suppose practical suggestion, rather than quantity of writing, la required; not but there are those, doubtles, who thinking that if the sum offered in small, writers must wat on the

Export of Tea from China to United States, in period mentioned, par Table published in China Mad 21,757,800


Difference in Pound

A mistake of nearly a fourth is a triflo cer. tainly. We could get up a Ten table too; but

little nearer than that, would prefer leaving unlos wa could depend on hitting the mark a

allo gether alone.

We have to return our best thanks to Bso THER TO PROAsus for his eontributions. W.

Cortioracé into the Supreme Court of Hongkong MARRIAŬK......At bingspose, on the 19th lustaal, at 51. ! were not present on the second day, and did plan of the Tea tray painter (as the tale wa

so they are now liable to be removed craimzy to ske Bjarit and Intent of the Provisions of the said Trestles :

Andra Church, besho'ller. H. Moust a M., Captain J. A. Trans, of the Bargoe Emigrant, 10 MaxTUA, Foun Dunghee of Joan Barhu Lomonde, Eng, of Booth Pe lerton, Homerewichler.

Ordan 7 Beli therefore enacted and or of 1944 pot to dained by a Excellracy the Control L

Goermol of Hongkong and Chief Fagland Superintendent of the Trade of Her Majesty's Sub-Bas

Calcula jecia in China, with the Artvice of the "Legislative | Bombay Council of Hongkong, That from and after the Madras passing of this Ordinsnes nothing in the said Ur- Byder) dinance No. 7 of 1844 contained obull be held to to abridge or in any wion femal the Power or Jurisdiction conferred on any such Consular Of cers by the avid Ordinance No. 8 of 1844.

Proceedings II. And be it farther enacted and

Tranty moderỌN

for Breach of ordained, That no Proemdinga dikace 5 of 2844 pending or had, or hereafter to be instituted or pending, under the Denial or Ap wid Ordinance No. 5 of 1844 for pal to grant Bresab of the said Treaties be Cours

tween Great Brinio and Cijos, shall be removabla by Certiorari into the Supreme Court of the Colony of Hongkong,- "or be made the subject of Appeal before the Court, any thing contained in die said Uhdinance, or others wise, notwithstanding.

Power to Her 11. And be it further encted and Majesty's Chlef ordained, That if any Person or

parintendent of Trade to Persons be aunvicted of a Breach Elgan or rent of any rach. Treaty by any Con- Penkies under solar Officer, he or they sony Each Corle quite the Consular Offerr prid. ing at the time, to semita certified Copy of the Evidener and Proceedings had as roch "Trial, or also each furiber Bustament therein as the costic ed Person of Parsons may be desirous to make, Her Majesty's Chief Auperintendent of Trade, to whom it shall be then lawful, by Warrant poder ble Hand and Beal addressed in the Consular Off- ner by whom the Care was tried, to mitigate, of semk altogether, the Penalty or Pusiabment award od to the "Party or Parties convicted, and such Consular Officer shall give immediate effect to the Injoneson of any such Warram.


2 is Ortisance 1V. And be it further enacted and not be affect the ordained, That nothing berein Pravim com + Lied in Section contained shall be held to inter- Vof Orolesuca fere with, very, or alter the Pro-

of 1944:

Visions contained in the Fith Section of the raid Ordinance No. B of 1844.

B. BONHAM, Phased the Legislative Council of Hongkong

this 27 b Day of January, 1852.


Clerk of Councils.

??What a farne to say by adeler of Connell, when, if Top 71 dj onko kras, a majority of the said Connel were up- poned Le-li la toto ---Ex F. we C.

To the Editor of the Fatend or CHINA

Whampon, 2nd Fedy., 1952.

Dan Sen,-Having observed in your Pape of the 21st who, a paragraph to the effect that Lord Palmerston had at last given orders for destruction of the Consular Chop at Whampoa, and that a plece of ground bad been purchased on Dauer La land (the porpons of erecting a Police Offer and Gral. Allow me, through the malium of your valuable Paper, tu suggest that it wou'd have reflect ed some degree of credit on our Friend at Home if be had also given ordern for a New man to pre side over them.

Jom, Urer Sir,

Youre uely.


To the Editor of the Fuired of China.

Outride the Maria Faby, 4th 1852. Brn-Today's racet are just over and as I did not see you here abouts, I depatch you the news: - THE PONY WILTER.



C. of flops San Francisco


Nov. 4, Sandwich Islands Nov. Jo


Det Dec.



18 Blog pers

Dre 14 Menila

Oct. Oel. Deg.

15 | Shanghar


??| Minapo

Jan. 1 Jan. 6 Jan. 95








Rise Sets A. M. P.M.




8,46 804

6.69 0.88 11,00 5.59 11,20 1143 0,05

8 Sunday

- 6,35 653

0,26 0,49

once told in our columns by a correspondent) who, from a baltic representation with regi ments of soldiers, guns, and smoke, for a fair remuneration, reduced the details of his picture with a reduction of the wage, ending by fur. nishing his employer with an embellished Tea Tray upon which soldiers and cannons were very low, and the bulk of the picture wa SMOKE.

But there is a point of much greater interest to those interested in the China trade than either of the points mentioned in the prize prospectus; and right glad should we be to see it dilated on knowledge of the capabiliter of China to con- by an able and impartial pen. It is not extended me uur manufactures-nor the effect of British duties on Tea-~of the Opium Traffic-or of the propagation of Christianity, but will answer, to them, any certain end-nor in such know-


not see the fracas to which he alluder. Below we give result of the races of the last two days; and so ends the Hongkong Spring Meeting of 1859. A Race Ball at the Club house, on Thurs Dee day night,is aid to have passed off very agrosa. bly. On the whole,as a Race Meeting(from what we saw of it) we thought it about a dull an Jan. 97 affair us any that bas before taken place in the Colony. The Ntuds are certainly much finor than they were two or three years ago; but to make up a Race meeting of general interest, we want

There was hardly enough "down the road iem

??little more than good Horses and Riders. to our liking; the only one wo saw with a Ticket (not a boojin his bonnet, being the gent pointed out at the Early Village Lock" who appeared an though he had recently left his Cousin ProASSES in the coal hole; and, barring the Auction Bale of the winner of the Selling Stalego e much, immediately, required, as a kes, the occupants of the Grand Stand most. enlatine of the question-How shall generally have had but sorry enjoyment Some three or four years ago we could cont so many as a dozen carriages, instead of one. only, inside the rails and the Grand Stand with more sitters then there were chairs (which by the way there was in the present instance, bal the sum total was a dosen, we believe, instead of ball a dosen times that number.) A lind Music in the intervals wo thought would have been agreeable-either the band of the 50th Regiment or that from H. M. 8. Hastings. There was a something wanting, we cannot take it on ourselves to my what that some--peaceably or by the force of armu-by a thing was Perhaps B. to P. who knows more about race meetings than we do, will enlighten us with his views on the matter,

like condition; and if we had aught to do The turf, to our thinking, is in anything but turf

with a disposition of the surplus race fund, a goodly proportion of it should at ones be made use of in giving the course a thorough good top dressing-making the little hills and valleys into one smooth level surface, before the coming on of the Spring raina. That B. to P. has again won the Prophecy Cup there is no disputing.

9 Monday 10 Tuesday

Full Moon yesterday. In Periges to day.

Tun wonderful Susquehannah came into har bour in the forenoon of Thursday, Ten days from Singapore, and exchanged salutes with the Garrison and Flag ship in due course. The following notice of this vessel is taken from the Cape Town Mail and will prove interesting:- We have been politely favoured, by an officer of the Susquchennek, with the following particulars relative to this fon steamer. The gth of the veauet in 270 feet: breadth of baam, 45 feet; depth of hold, 90 fra 8 inchoa; draft of water, 19 fout. The townage (Ames can measurement) is 2400. The diameter of the cylinder is 5 feet 10 in the length of stroke 10 feet ; diameter of whevi, 31 fort length of bucket, 9 feet 8 inches, and width 34 inches. The engine le of 1000 hores power. but will work up to 1850. The ordinary daily sonsumption of (und in 38 sons, but with full power in heavy weather 50 tons are consumed. The Tanel will slow 1000 km of fuel. The following is a list of the principal officers-Commodore J. H. Aulick (Commanding E. 1. squadron) Leute manta, Parker, and G. W. Cooper: Purser, G. B. Batry; Capt. of Matinee. W. H. Black; Borgen. C. Evenfeld: Anoletant Surgeon, F. Fals Chaplain, Bruinger: Passed Midshipmen, Bennet and Kell: Midshipmm, Thorburn, Stockton, Stan too, Boardman, Ilawley, and May.

By the United States Steam Frigate Sunquo. hanch, wo have, presented to us by the Ame

rican Government, a valuable and beatly bound volume, of between 3 and 400 pages, on Com merce and Navigation; being the substance of a report from the Secretary of the Treamiry to the Hon'ble W. R. King, President of the Senate. The following is an abstract of its con-

"Espor's of domestic prodees and summary of the e-Exports of Foreigu merchandise and som mary of the same...Importsof Foreign merchandis and summary of the mme-Tonnage of American and Foreign vessels cleared,-Tonnage of Ame rican and Foreign vessels entered.-Tunnege and national character of Foreign vessels entered nod cleared.-Blasitical view of the commerce of the United States-Sustistiral view of the commerce of eweb Male and Territory,-Tonnige of Ame rican and Foreign vessels cleared from each district, | ?�Tupsage of American and Foreign_versal un- tered into rech district-Tomange of the several diatric's of the United States,-Condensed view of the trapage of the several districts of the United Sute-Number and class of vessels built during Kubleen pulled up directly atter startinged and carolled tennage from 1815 to 1800,- the year 150,-Comparative view of the register. Number and class of vessele built from 1815 to F830"

Kilkenny Boy


No other started.





Queen of Club


No other weDL




Victoria PLATE,


This practice of the American Government,

of rendering facilities to the obtaining a perfect


THIRD DAY.-Thoriday, Eth FABRUARY, The Hastings' Cup.

1. Mr Muirhouse's





The Selling

J. Mr Gray's

2. Lieut. Burden's,

8. Mr Rowley's.

1. Mr Campbell's

Maggie Lauder,

Queen of Clubs, Erin go bragh, Staker.

Kilkenny Boy, Hilton,

Pauline, Kathleen, Queen of Clubs, The Screw Stakes.


The Hongkong Plate




" Leslie's

1. Mr Caldon'

2. Bella'


1. Bir ??G. Bonham's

-- Chance'

J. Mr Mercer's


1. Mr Marsh'a

Frigid, Governor,

Temptation, Pedler.

King John, Biruggles, Fitzwiggins,

The Winner's Handicap.

The Beaten Handicap. Murrow's

Nation Pures.

serve and foster that Trade with China which we, and the rest of the world, at present enjoy? This question is one of great importance; und well would it be if each country who minintains a Consular representative here would join in

form such resolutions, an should tend to advance congress, and institute such enquiries, and

the interests of all, and remove some of the many obstacles that now obstruct the opward progress of this great land. This may appear Utopian, but it is feasible.

China is closed to us. How shall it be opened

display of the grandeur of reason, or the anti- quated exercise of brute instinct, which tears down the object that opposen its will ! There is no doubt but the ignorance of the people of Europe and America as to the state of the world's relations with China, is very great- hordering perhaps on the ridiculous and they require to be told over and over again, before they can comprehend it, that, with the excep tion of narrow strips along the sea coast, the whole land of China is as a sealed book, which no one has yet had the hardihood to open. The I'renchman, when thinking of trade with the Cari, knows that, as with his Bourbon,there are In general, facilition for travelling through the country to which he has extended bie com- merce, and of * estimating its capabilities for consuming his manufactures, and of marking the impediments in the way of their consumption." The Spaniard thinks of the East as he does of hir Manila,--the Dutch as of Java,-the Portu. guese av of Goa, and the Englishman and Ame- rican as of our East Indian Territories, where prefect freedom in travel is the order generally. China and Japan are the only Oriental coun- tries where no such Ireedom exists all, there- fore, that can he known of the expabilities of them, or in other words of the tastes and habits of their inhabitanta, must be based on theoretical conjecture or crude statistic. What shall we say. China has so many mil- lions of inhabitants, argo so many yards of cut. ton cloth are required for their proper clothing. But this is not correct reasoning. There is auch and such a number of inhabitant on the Continent of Europe, and every state has, or may have, intrzongree with Ching; bot the people of England (how considerably les in aggregate number) consume how much greater quantity of Tea than the whole Euro- pean Continent and America together. Why?

We can answer the question because we have the mess of knowing the tastes and habits of the people. Open China-open Japan, and a knowledge of the character of their inhabitants, know that mysterious and curious as we character to be, will became a basis on which we can frame a proper argunient.



Graham's Town-and the other in the Waterkloof, "The Auditore appointed at the General Most- about 60 miles N. W of the town.

Graham'sing held at the Oriental Bank on the 13ìn of tepi. Town was covered by a force of 500 me under last, baring now been put in potsession of the Ac. Lonut-Col. Eye to the wesward, on the South by Major W Wasot, and on the East by patrolling par Report on the same.

counts of all the Branch Offices, beg to make their is sent from King William's Town, Hovuzal skirmishes had taken place, but unmarked by noy | particuler SNDELES. On Octuber 12ıb, General Somerses marched towards the Waterkloof with a force of 8,000; some hard Sghiing took place, and the enemy was disparsed with a lens on our side of uwe killed and thirty-me wounde *I'he number

Bombay-They have carefully examined and oberkrið all the Goretament recurítion, which ate caract and in order; and all ourcont Com the date on which the Dreucli closes its account, mercial Securities statinding na the In of Bapt. have now been liquidated.

during the past year, izom the heavy losses octa- ** The office hi? attracted much public attention used by fraud and forgery. The auditur hate

was dreadiul civil, tow, slwaye getting' tumeting" how for me. I was up to the ibrust in lura, and was going in for a like's legginoure. Well, things wewl on in this way for a speil, till she had võs tight emu. Then she began to show off kinder indepedent. When I'd go to the mustin', theps was no room in the are; then skin'd strosk?�?with another chap, and leave me "uckin' my fingers at the d-ar. Imtiad of rucklo' to me ne she used to do, she got to catriu* around with the ollat fallers, just so if she oured nothin' a: out me ne more-nene whatever.

1 gut conderably tiled, and thot & might as well has it out with her. There we a whole grat of cum to the end of it si ande; so down i west 16

Hare there. Tury sound mighty quiet vill I weni ja ; then she got to talkin' all sorts of non- seurs-ard nothin' do me, and durns 1 little of that. I tried to keep my lander dewa but it warm't ne won; I kept movin' "bout as if bad a plus is my collar hung down as if it bad been hang over my troware; I most as if I find boun thrashin,' My stuck to dry. I couldn't stand jej su I cleared out on quickly as I could, for 1 suod'twas no used in my collin' ber.

I went strai? bi to bed, and that the matter over spell. Thinks 1, that gal is just tryin' of mez Jorf out of her; if I don't fuck her out of that leis an ger of our playin' possum. ?'ll take the high gram, use me for samego miast. I beard tell boy woods that got to showl late in the mornin'. Tive maser 3, "You tarnal sleepin' antiar, what Las kept you ou lata !"Why," ses the boy, " so overlasting slippery owl, I couldn't get along me how; every map ( 100k forward, I want two mepe had turned back to go t'other way." backward and I coelita't have got karo at ak, lil

that gal a considerable time. Now, thinks I. I'M Now that's just my case. I've been puttin' after

'll slite her. What's men for the gonne, la osas go t'other way; abu's been slitzin of me, and new

for the gender.

baik day I slicked myself up, and I dewaay, whan Woll, I went a more to Nancy's Next Bab.

Under these circumstances we doubt whe ther the Prize offerers will realize any great amount of novel and substantial information fur of Kaars is sunted by some parties at as high on their £30-although their philanthropic inten-four hundred. The Tamboukira bate recomend tion, it cannot be gainssid, is doserring of all nd their incursions into the district of Albert. In carefully investigated the extent of buth, and find the Orange River Sovenciguty aữnico rem són la a the low by robbery is confused at present to Ra. praise.

very unsatisfactory plate. The Zuluo allies were 5.000, the amount of the small notes vader Ra, 50 disgusted and returning to their homes. The long each, which may reasonably be supposed to be lu Extract from a letter dated Mantra 16th suspected Hottentot levies at Fort Hare have bead circulation: 48,100 Rupees of the notes originally January, 1881

| deprived of their arma, We have begun the year with two very good

From a careful perusal of the Cape jourosis it been made available for business by security hav stolen have been recovered, and the balance has improvement, First, on the first day of the year, a

would appear that matters were in no degree im- ing been given to the Bank of Bombay. The love jeung sasmer began squeaking in the river (built praved-the most insecurity, and discontent at by forged hoondees has been found to be Rs 84,500, in America and put up here). It was first intend

the ruinova skule of things in the colony, prevailed, and irrecoverable alsima "xist on the estate of ed for her to rus between this sad the Lakes, with no immediate prospect of being remedied-lesers. D. and M. Pastaj s to the amount of distance of about 10 miles, and between which Straits Times, Jany. 6.

18.000 Reposs. Thu nema of 5,000 and 64,500 pisces thers in a great deal of traffic. At the begin

Rupes were written of tu Prü?t and Leme during ning of the Lakes share are several base of mud, for

<{From the Bingapore Brus Prass, Jan. 31.) the dest half of the current year: the Jast sem vi which a Mad drag wen sent out, but, by some un

By a late arrival we have Mauksia paper to Rapese was ulto at the same period provided for, forcuate miscalculation of the builder, it will set the 6th inst. from which as are the progress of y Bebi to Priit and Loss of 25,000 Rupees, to work; therefore the Stammer, instead of rawang adaire as Rangoon up to the 2nd inst. When the that a considerable surplus, say 10,000 Rupees,) for the Lakes, as originally intended, runs from the capedition under Commodore Lambert Grat appear will become available, 000s week across the Bay, and about 8 miles ed before the town the natives were very much The forged cheques have also commended at up & river, to Village called Guagua, one of the frightened, but they soon recovered from their terror teative invertigation; they amounted to a 99,100- of the province of Pamgange, where a grost and a large body of aes was oullected. Pure rats but the Bank hold the security of the British - deal of traffic is also carried na. Onon a day, for

were also prepared to be employed agulost the men, males Association for 20,000??Ru-ous agermat the four days in the week, to Cavite, a plaos amarly st

of-war. On the 17th Dec, the Gorector sol word culprit, and have also bend from a r·sponsible large as Manils, and but, and what suita mo ba to Commodore Lambert that should any other party for 90.000 Rapses morn, which they are every Sunday she aukce it waarelas trip round frigate come so, the would be red lato and susk. about to enforce. Thus there appears but little the Bay, calling of oo or two diferent pause, The Commodore stated in reply that should a sin resson to doubt that 12,100 Ropes will be the which is exceedingly grenkia, there being google muaket be fired against any vessel whatever, he only loss under this hand, and, as mentwood in the rally between 40 and 60 pople on board, all beat would consider it an set of bostility and act a preceding paragraph, there are 10,000 Supers of joying themselves, and, as yet, all have done cordingly. Mock sicknors prevailed on board the exising surplus, in part to axtinguish it. There , the price of the trip being but 62. I certainly Fee and number of iovalias had been sent down appear to be no co: losses to be scoatered from think that for every $2 per lays out this way to Maulmeia. A midabipas died on board the the lamentable sources in quelon, and the Eats. they save it from the Doctor, for the breeze and air Steemer Term on his way to Maulmain,blishment la now surrounded by ruch excellent In the Bay, are totally different from what we have Messrs Crisp & Co. baving been found to hare reles of caution and safeguard, ibat it appears

the City. The dose Company are putting of been supplying the Burmses with musketa, Com. to impossible each sccurrences can happen again, ??larger Bimmer te ron between ihla and the pro

modore Lambert warned them against doing so. In vinces, which will be sonn fmisbed; on the stocks reply, they state that they will stroud to his wishes, she seems a Bas model, and I have no doubt, but that their own experience is in favor of con- should it be required, will some fine day pay you tinning the sale of muskela as beretofore, or until vists in China. The second great improvement is the result of the negotiations is known, because they the finishing of euspension bridge across the s believe that the bulk of the inhabitants in the Lower ver, Barding communication with the suburb The Provinces would prefer being subjects of Her Brit laga lumay stone bridge le still standing, and is unnin Majesty. In a letter to the Editor of the fingently the case of accedents by Cascos (large Mauiman Times, Capt. May Flower Crisp, refe Bal boltewed hosts of from 16 to 30 Tune) running ring to this adait, says he prefers "a moral force have been extensive and profitable, and though the against is, and only last year the belastrados fell in antilemant of our differenses" in opposition to the community which deals with it was not been free and several people were drowned. It is to be hoped physical force system of ethern | We suppose it is from reverem doring the past twelve months, the that this bridge will be condemned, for it is a disgrace with the bourokul Intention (strengthening the | Bank has bona thus far fully protected, and we sen are so near a one specimen of engineering moral fares of the Burmese that Capt. Crap has no reason to think there will there be any los Il bike the sum ension hridga just finished. This bean supplying them with arms. On the 191b Deo upon is exolange operations. A system al mare latter is a private speculation, and whilst the other | amber leiters were received from the Court of Ava corisited, and askmary advancas has latterly been anda, and prople are allowed to pass over it free, in reply to those announcing the arrival of the ex- | adopted sad the Auditora urga przeoverance in the Compray can make very little profit; bot that pedition The Governor was instructed to behave carrying out the sound princi?ia-ibat a Baok is welther here not there; all I have to say is that it with all friendliness to the expedition. The should'assist trade but mot encourage speculation, igrant ormamrat to Manila, and quite a novely vermar of Dalba and the Commodore were on vary | All cnih crudits at this Brunch ato most completely Things are looking very dull, salon ata forced in the friendly tea and provisions ware freely supplied secured. market al, in none instancas, tremendous loase; the to the man of war. The King of Are had sent re "Madras-Bo far as the capital at the disposal aldest revida' my Manila was never in such a sad plies to the louers of the Governor General and the - of the Manager is concerned, it has been profitably male for business enclose you slupping Liu &c. Commodore, in which he promised eraty salistas and most safely need. The state of its accounts la Our Mail for this month was taken by the Nepon for the insulta and oppressions complained of perfectly satisfactory. 1400" vin Singapore, but I understand that should The Governor of Rangoon was dismissed from of "Legion-Elere a large, advantageons, and sound the November Mail come in from China before the fica, and ordered to proceed to Ava. The Commo-bosiness has been done during the past year the tub, and not bring ihn nowa of the soconchement dora consented to refrain from firing ? malate on Back are entirely free from holding land, and the of the Queen of Spain, a Government steamer, Chrimmas day as it was represented to him that his low have been reduced to an extent that rendere will then be mat with a further Mail to bring on doing so would cause the soliebilais to lake to the them perfectly secure. The Auditore are glad to the December Mail, which, if not in the November jungles. The following are stated to be the demande bear testimony to the correct and safe bus ane, ought to bring the news of the confinement of the Queen,TM*

From Captain Builth, of the Barque Edward Margard, we learn the following paninatate of the of the Conway Onala, on the West Coas of Sumatra. The vessel belonged to Chinees, and

was not insured:-

I get my die on, I took the shine of any speci time, od I pa to Elias Dodges. Patience Dodge men of human natur in our porte. About meetin

was au mise a gul so you'd new twini hero and gua- "The claims of the Bank, secured by landed property, now smont to saly 20,000 Hupses, and

der, any more then own wasn't just like Nance, ibo me is in process of spendy liquidation

Ephraim Musey wat need to go and see her bo was a clover fellar, bat drondful jellua. Well, * The general business of this Branch hoa bass conducted in a most efficient, mandy, and legitimate Nancy I didn't set my eyes on her till akar wont to mentin' with Patienos, and set right alore manner during this past your, samuting, withunt cesti; sbo had a faller with her who had a blasen unduly expanding orodis, and its owlasnading s?nirs red bend and legs like a pair of campuses; the mad are sound and satisfactory.

Calcarte-The Iramaticos of bis Branched who she was thinkin' about, and 'twant the since us long as a Thanksgiving disser. I know.

chap with the red hood, molber. W., I got to buiu' Patience about a spell. Kept me oya os Nance 1 seed how the cat was jimpin' ; she didn's cut about bka abe kad, and looked rather solevaaly obe'd gin her two cym to kino vnd make op. "T kept up sili I'd like to have got in a mees about Patience

The critter that I was goin' after bar


of the British Guroraineist upon that of Burmab := |bas distinguished the proceedings of this Branch, Tharawaddy induced to fortify Maximin, ... 1. The expanses of the expedition of 1842 when in the period under saview.

monating to about 2 lace of Rapors.

2. Restitution of logs of timber stolen from our side and taken to Martaban in Me Colvin's time, or the value, not estimated.

Restitution of all monine extorted from Briti subjects at Rangoon and the amount of Ava Buk- kaťa daodily amounting to more thao 5 lace of Ru- poss

"Two of the crew of the threa mated Bohosner Conway Cute strived at Pinang. Dec. 80, and re. ported the totes less of their vessel at mid- lay, upon a coral reef, on the West Coast of Sumaira, when miling down the coast with a cargo consisting of 4 Exposes of the pressat expedition, piece goods, opium and spesie to batter for pepper.

6 The sum of 6,000 Rapsen to be paid yearly in About 4000 dre in specia alana had been aster, advance to cover the expenses of the monthly steam the remainder being plundered hy the natives or from Calcutta visiung Rangoon on her way the co"-Str Tinna, Jan. 18.


7 That Resident at the Court of Ava and a Consul at Hangoon be supported by the Govers ment of Ava,

meat the Auditors have to report the continuance Chisels the management of this establish- of much sad healthy prosperity. T?s business has been large, there have been no luasne, and the returne are highly salafatory.

Singapara. ---The offairs of the Branch have been carried on to the entire approbation of the Auditors;

the accoupla are lucid, sad the transaction to their opinion free from Jose, or risk of lone.

in conclusion, the Auditors can congratulato busines during the past your. Their dividende [the Proprietors of the Bank upon the success of i

have been paid out of profile, and notwithstanding the heavy losse at the Bombay Branch, the Re sorved Capital of £112,000 remains introl. The will add materially to coorcaicos in working in Borpor sheractar the Bank is about to inceles, will secure the Proprietors against the possibility of

for good, and got as proud as a leme turkey.

One day Ephy came down to our place, lookin' as wrathy as militin-officer one trainin' day.

"Look cera," ex he, " Bath Stokes," as lood sa

??small clap of ibuwder, ** I'll be darord,"

Halloo!" es 1, " what's becke 1o "Why," be, I come down to bare antia. faction about Patience Dodge, Hero I've been avarti her var since last year, and she was jos a good as mine, till yuu come a going after bor, and now I can't come a coor her within a forty. fool pule."

"Why," aen I, What on alirth are you talkin' but, s'pose I had, there's nothin' for you to get about? I aint got nothin' to do with your gal; wolly about If the gal has woken a lixan' to me, 'aint my faolt if 3 bav- taken a likin" to her, 'mini kar fank and it we have taken a likin" to och other, 'laise your fauk; but latos so powerful tarm with her, and you may gut bar for af! moj me you hɩ?at sught in gu savage about nothin. "

"Well," sex be, rather cooled down, "I am the luckiest thing in creation. I went secher day, to a place where there was an old woman died of the butt, at some sock dutres, and they wor well out her things. Well, there was a thunderia' big chist of drawers, full of all sorts of sewak į so bort it, and that I had made a spot; but when I cam to look at 'em, there wara't nothin' in it worth a farthing, except an ald silver thimble, and that was all rusted op, so I sold it for less thầm i gire

chist, and found lots of gold in it, a false betiom for it. Well, when the chap that bort it tak hum, he heated somethin' rattle-broke the old

H, M. Steamer Harmar had arrived at Rangoon, rula under any circumstance, and will add had not a-on. Now, if i tad tak that chlet hom, the huge and promise (with increased safely) of been counterfeit, and I'd been tak up for pusa

I'd never found that money; or, if I did, they'd

and the H. C. Steamer Proserpine arrived there on the Sad instant, from Calcutta, with despatches

It will be seen from the foregoing that nothing 'anlarged action, extended usefulness, and improved on 'em. Well, I just told Patience about 11, and

H. M. B. Cleopatra arrived here on Sunday last tow of the H. C. Steemer Semiramis. The Cleopatra and Semiramis will leave on Saturday bezi far Laboen, where they will be joined by the H. C. Blamer Plato (row aberat on a cruise near Pulo Tioxy) and pressed to the Cost of Bueno to enquire inte and pnnish the parties implicated in beyond the removal of the Governor of Rangoon, cing off the Dolphin, and murdering de Barna has yet been socomplished, and the Ava Govara. and others of the crow.-lid 1.

ibani may be trying to longthen out negotiations la the hope of something occurring to turn the sole in their favor. The Commodors, however, a pro. bably aware of their character, and it is to be hoped that wa the British Government has at length bron mored to seek redres for the long continued ioso- lence and rapacity, practised towards its subjects by the Burmese authoritie, it will a callow the force to retire from before itangeon until redress has been exacted for the part, and ample secu+ky afforded for the future.

HM. 8. Amazon left this on the 6th instant for Trincomalee, the Cape and England.-Ibid.

Captain Basten, of the Scammer Java, has bandad the following for pabloation: "The brig Sawsan Captain F. O. Kaight, passed Anjer on the 16th Decembar, bound to Bydney, having left Shanghae on the 4th December."-

On Saturday last the Freneb Corvette Capricieuse arrived here from Manila and Corbin China and will return to Chl-a is a few days.

Yesterday the Portugese Correlia Dan João from Macao, and will shority proceed to Ube-Ibid.

The ship Bhilomith, Captain Potter, from Cal. cale Bingapore and Chien, greended on the mad bank between Polo Cocab and Tanjong Bolus the 26th altime, and remained there ontil the inster, when she got off without any demage, -Singapore Free Press, Jany. 9.

(From the Bombay Overland Gasatts, Dec. 3)


**(Bigued) Wi. 3. Gret,


Bombay, November 14.



(From the Bristol Mirror, Sept. 27.D I've brard Jolka mny that the winmin was com tray. Well, they be leatly ow; but if you ma- nagelem right-bawl in here, and let 'em out thers you can drive 'em along withot whip or spur, jual which way you want 'em to go.

When I lived at Elon, there was a good many frat cate golu down there, but I di?o take a truža to any of 'em till Squire Carmine com down there The Directors of the Oriental Bank are at pre. to live. The squire had a mighty pony darter. I rent circulating the report of their Auditors on last said some of sun gala was furt rate; but Nancy your's account and proceedings As it is in the Cummine was fost rate, and a legile more, There nature of an advertisement they ought to pay ve fur was many dressed finer, and looked grandre, but publahing it ; but for the love, lavor and election there was somethin' jam abant Nance, that they bat we bear to the establishment we hare subjoin couldn't buld a candle so. 11 a fellar aved her unca, it gratis. It is wall calculated to establish or re- he coulda's Jonk at another for a week. I tuk a reablish, or confirm, public confidence in the Inelikin to har rite off, and we got as thick na thieves. thation, which its best frinede must admit has bees We used to go to the semia inatia", and set in the rather shaken of late years. But notwithetseding some pam. "It took me to God salts and him for (hat, and the high character of the gentlemen who her ; and wa'n swell ?�em out in a manner shockiu'

| Cape of Good Hope-By the Dutch screw certify to the correcions of the accounts, we would to hardened mauera, and then we'd nosey hum dermier Padang, arrived at Batavia, Cape journals suggest more detailed statements, of how and together, while the galla and fellers kept a loukın have been meerved to 6th November. More then where the capital of the concern is disposed of. an anthough they'd like to mix in. 14 alway disy 6,000 hoeule Katirs and Hottentots entered the Publicity of accounts is, in our opinion, the last to supper; and the way she could make Injian Colony, divided into two bodier, the one posted in hope and refuge of Joint Stokkeribs in India; and oakas, sad the way I could sheù 'om with molasses the Fish River Bush-about 30 miles . E. of it should be their boast and prido ovary where ¿- and pot km away, was anthia" to nebody. Sas

aberite up and called me a dermed face."

*Well," says 1, "Ephy, that is bard ; bat never mind thai, just go on; you can get ner ; nad when you do get her, you can file the rough edge of Josi se you please."

That vakked him, and away he went a líula better pleased.

Now, thinks I's time to look urter Nancy. Next day I went Nancy was all alone axed ber of the equire was 0. She said he warn

"Caumaid 1. makin' boleur I wanted him. ** our colt opened his fout, and I con tu see li the equire won't lend me his mare to go into towa " she sad she grossed he would-beller sit down till he cut 10. D?wn & not; bi jooked kind 'trunge, and my heart fli qover on the edges. Aner a while, dez abe, "Air you goin' down to Boy Masin's quilitų???-and 1, * Rockon I shall."

ted abe, I s'pose you'll take Patines Dudge -Bed 1, mo, and again 1 most but "

Bed she, "I hosted you're agoju' to get marend." --Bed 1, "Should't wonder a tal-Pidence to a nice gol." I looked at bør-] socii ina toury A cumtura'.

Sid 1, "Maybe she'll ax you to be bridesmaid," She rig op, she did, ber toe as led no botled

best. Besh Bikes," sex iba, sud she couldu't my any more, aba was no fall.

Won't you be bridesmaid 1" sex 1-"No," ses sbr ; and she best fite ou

won't be brides-

"Well, then," sex 1, * if

maid, will you be the bed

Hongkong spil S

MagL M. HI | 19 |Hon. Spacers Haughtons 11. M. 4. 79

Admiral Aurien Captain Aus

KC M.8g. India

|Hongkong|U. A 810 lady

Com'dre Aulick Vobrogs


(Extract from a letter dated Hiugapore, 28th January, 1852.)

4 am sorry to inform you of the distrous fale of the Victory. She strived here yararday morning in charge of the Chivi mate. Pour Cap- min Mullins, 2nd Mate, Cook, and one wamian, barberously murdered, and throw overboard. wout on board immediately on her arrival, suspect. ing earthing wrong. This awful catastrophe Lok place on the 10th December, 4 days after leaving

Boo Cum-sing noun, and off Pulo Kapato.

of the Villains landed and way on Pulo Osi, the peat on an Island on the Coast of Cambodia. The Villelas held on to the chip until the 22nd January, and abu scrived here 4 days after. There in vulur

unately a Steamer or Man of Wat here, or they would catch every one of theat, and get possess They and a of the Carge, Chronometure &c. sioon on cup of crecy thing, plundering the ship from pem to start, und from keel up, avea breaking up The Privy for plunder. You cannot imagine thar akste

Adelaide, ship


Aguas, barque Alpha, schooner Alt, barqua Anta, scont Aan Welch barque Anonymu, bel

Amora lorchs Antelope horque

Apollo, bri Ala Feliz, brig Athol, bargan

Aurora, schonm

of the ship on her arrival, so completely covend | Bethan ressour

Headican, barque

Home"ju Holmejor shij

with Dist und Vermin-it was so sidinguatune; the ??Bengal skáp Cuddy Sky Night on the Puop, and Captain's Book of China lying on the Cuddy table boopallered with the bloed and brains of pour Mullins the port after Cabin with that of the unfortunate Sud Of Boer. The Cook und Beaman were murdered on the deck, and thrown overboard. It has cause a great dam of excitement here."

Hombay, Hly

Uration shiy Hilgh+ow, skij

He, scher

(tow, leader

Carica barque

Tus Lady Mary Wood has brought on the auto CADET Third Officer, Steward and a Boy of the Briti npcar, slip






aba Lowden






Hongkong T. Hemen.

Bhanghe Malcott, dates and so

Jarding, Matheson and ce Shanghar Urder

J'um Info Hawie. Drinker and ce

Feb 18 Micae S. L. d'Almolda.

Jan 17 Hongkong Howls, Drinker and

-Away Alfred Wilkinase and so

Use Amey Tall and as

-Hongkong Jardine, Mathann und ca. Recalving ship -Cumʼmoon't ownļas 1. Langrana

Jau 31 Hongkong Marrow.Slepkemon sad codes Francisco Rawle, Drinker sad es.

21 Whampoa ye, Parkla and es.

So Houghong C.Edm.P.40 C Vágy ɩmey





Jing. Tw

Brik obb DeLory



day at Fort.






Jun 19 Shanghee Wolcast Hates and co



Wang Pes:sojos V. Cama and no Rscriring this

Maceo det

Bras 134 Castre


18 Jan 16Hongkong


kamp A. F Vandenberg



Yoo Deal and



San Frediase

lam t'enghing Anthon and co.

Bait #11 Sulli

??Namen Dret and e

Jocalving ship

340 Fra

scoring by

Tel Inst.


Fab 4

Feb 4 Honghong|Murrow. #tephenson and on.




14 Sept 20


pon 1919. Mario

Pul back

Fab &

Anda ber


card, batque


161 Glover

J'art $1 Avoida


Sandales Tales 184 May 31



TA Nov J


I Det

Berkampers, 'p


14 Mackey

blengkung Horbell Town Slagspers


46 Nov 20

Jan Hongkong Hawie, Drinker and so


San Francise





Nepriving ship



100 Aler





?ức Me Dermat


9th Lase

River boat

[Hongkong & Canton co

Peru 254 Jos



Whampoa Nya, Tarkin and co

Brit. 70 its



W.C.8 America Early



jabb, Ussian and co


15. Bailey

Tom in Hongkong Hai Dilker and co.




150 17

21 Shongheera and co



15% 'Res-che


14% emplo

fan Estonghony fowls Drinker and co



Bor Burton

TB or tongkang

Feb 14 hours). Viegas

Near Marse

Dan 23



Hongkongi ehl, and co.



90ept 30 ng, & 'hoog Jan


10 Dea

44% Lauders






To tel




:05: chenclos

Kan Fra lero

Brit La

sa Dea 11











1 Prafuld


Brem|| 18|Probus



Ancralu bisa Favelaze

26 Ung

Ure #


(ban | Jauri-Co


Nor t

||Bandwich Jales




1.akong Jade, Hather and co

thing sp

?�or 2-thapon na

Sandwich Isles




?�awie, Dolskar and co


un. Long 14-toa.

tere abl

Cherto, ly

Candor, abip

Ul, schoenas Dido, schmer kdan, barg klepor, barque ¿ely Jane, ship

tish slip Fictory, whose fate is given above.mpion, sily The Fictory having a despatched, Frain | Clown Belg Chios by an America firm and principally Costalo, borque on American account it is the U. S. Naval | Coreyin, brig Bervice that should be expected to render aid in searching for the plundered cargo. With regard to the barratry there are circumstances connected with the shipment of the perpetra tor, of sufficient magnitude, to induce, British functionaries, a degree of caution when pondering on the propriety of interfering at all in this business.

main, brig

prowe, bergne indeavour, Secka Eureka, sp

The Lady Mary Wood passed one vessel, only, in the son, the Courice Furnly, off Pedru Branca.

~16?��?To the matter of all China against the HUAGKONG GARRISON, at Cricket, ALL CH-

na woo easily. A sitgle Parish of all CmKA, we mean Canton Parish, is said to have fairly astonished our Military friends.

Not at all English accoun, bassing the dag. Cap

She looked up at me~) swar to man, i nover sted anything on anful putty-1 luk rite hold el her hand, "Yes or no, rite off" si "You,"

That's your post," sex 1, sod 1 gava bera tum and a bug. I soon fxed matters with the equire. We then hitched itsees, i tot in double homes for life, and I never had cause tu repetit my bargain.


Τ?? ???Υ,

8, Siam (Siamese), Young, Slam. 17, firruine (Bismess), King, Binm 17, Kay, Jodehall, Bingapore. | 17, Basis (Span), Ansoleaga, Manila,

17, W'hamper, Dale, Singapore. 24, Spartan, Sydney.

24, Andronache (Ham). Petersen, Bingapore. 27, Vrouw Jacuba, Dui), Peterson, Singapore.

The highest minda are, in all times and countrice. Jan, acknowledged as the aristocracy of unture. Tem- perament of itself is fortuna. To be born bean- tiful is a manifest advantage. nubly descended a'l oppositioa are but wpportuni

'o the spirit irs and spoils. Men of ains must lead the aimless į those who are not such should either undertake nor be entroned in land. The upper class should be ili vinguished by merit; any class not so dis- tinguished cesses in fact to be the upper, whatever its conv.ptional truk. Natura kuons not of The 50th lecture, nstilled " Poetry and Elu |"quality ; neither does intellect. The inequalities quenes," was delivered on Thursday, the Hith of the litter ser mealed to more the waters of and the sixth and lust, enthied ** Natural Acito. thought. The true stiuttocratic class is that emi- ersey," on Saturday, the 17th insi. Being con

ment by perumal qualities-virtu", genius, talent. [tle who really poforms what he undertakes is nected in argument, we have tesutved them for nan report. Eloquence, ils lecturer afbrmed wag | always mobile; the proteidler, wherever acciden a fact of anjveral interest. This howeter, did tally classified, in evi pl-boits. The prales-or set_pree'ude_grent differences in the character of who demona flff the duties and conditions of his audicares. There were also many differes & mus, office should den end from his chair.



We bend ef* men of the worki" Mr Emeroun

diences in ons audience. Every man is mater-lly wished to are the hur en of the world - men with an orator; howetor for a tique muta-hrnce every man la auserpible in the affects of oratory. The extulic expicities, with universal instincts. The wiss are compelled; because they lost from diversosimating mozko sfdoch aristocratic man were, goverament, to live under the government of worse that he should be total, not sprejst, in his character woo. So with there who compose the sentoa's and acquirements, and thoroughly respect treth audienca 1 they rubmit to hear bød nestions becasa. Air in prop runs to their ability that men ralus they will not themselves speak. Brought to the freal. The nina oble are ike most simple. All that standard in the honzer's mind, aran Chutbem and Denonbenen cannot satisfy his reasonable rapecta. Ile remains dumb, simply because he has never been searched to bis list enuigy, were be so, be would soddenly Bad in his feelings, thought, word's, the manifestations, Arst of the terrife, and next of the sublime. Words were, among the Bpactans, who used them sparely, the sharpest. Seaport Two or three ofiliem ste sufficient to induce despair or to inspire hope.




The Fair Barbadian picked 3 men off a Canos, io Lat. 2.30 N. Long, 191, 43 E.




1, Sommaŭth, Lawson, from Hongkong,

1, Margareth (Brem), Lange, from Whampoa.

1 Phillip Laing, Cadenhead, from Amoy.

4, Bir. Gunger, Marshall, from Hongkong.

6, Don Joâa 1(Port. Corrt), Hibeiro, from Madao.

6 Yamora, "Todbuuter, from Amoy,

Alegge, Droweu, froin Liongkong.

Bir Patie, Baker, from Hongkong.

8, 46baford, season, from Amoy.

10, Emigrant, Tarner, from Amoy.

10, Fiaciunt Sandon; Marili, from thongkong,

19) Triumphs (Port), Rewalior, fwa Macao.

it simple is sufficient for all that is good. Where | 15. Mywan Ugaram, Brady, from Hongkong. there is szignal special power, the individual jus mediately commenda kis proper reuk

there ourselvca tu gidat ande, we must give the approbation of prople in the streets. What ein they know of purpurea like paurs? They can neither estimate your failure or success. Ow 99-cester are maite up of fubarea. Gient minde duregard superficial successo, and despise the means of attaining them,

Me Emerson neat discouried of" men of muti- Mital and men of manner". It was the general reolinaend to shan ter rence for superiority. Sauti Miral was fidelay to a thought. It was thần #lalcit Eave the prestigo to the soldier's churacter-his devo is to honour. Hier was a man whose pro fession showed him to be ready at all have to be The end of eloquence is to alter, on the put of 192 soriblu f?y lên m? ta with his life. Thus it was the audience, the convictions and liabits of years, that the sword commanded wore respect täna the For this the orator must gain noteraign possession. "pado, more useful ne ilio tatter is. Would wa of the assembly. It is required that he should be large composite man The audiouce will prove avnstant metre of the orator. According to bis different moods be will find different forms of basrers.

la ka humorous ??The boy's, whether in mind or body, will Lugh so land and simultane ously that it might sein the whole meeting ware composed of much Ele becomes grove, and straight alie obstreporous ceclination is based, and upper ently universal murmurs of suppressed applause gret bis prasitive auricles. Its witera teligions Truth, nod, lol the whole assembly becomes a meet ing of pictis, Fow sprakett, haagver, are thus theroughly equipped. The New Englander, so customed in a cold chinate to keep monthshut, exprenten himself in a few brief odd plenses, which serve la suggest only what he would communicate, and leave it to your imagination to complete dhe narrative. The frishwoman'a speech, the uther head, Bows from ber like river. In zouth Ame rice they are nearly all speakers Such instances illustrate the need of naivost spirits, which, to the Diptor, are a Xpedient as a house warning to new tenant. They conciliate attention at once. True loquence, indeed, require mother bellman nor belte to invite or resin bestera.

The lecturer then illustrated bit subject by refer. ence to the lindon tale of Sera and the Supplemust, to Homer's description of the eloqu nee of ?llyses, and to Plutareli's ncasant of that of Pericire.

Mere pleasing speech, however, is aj.ggle-the oiled tongue that can do all but lick the run and moon away, and decompose the four elecrals Against seob the only tracedy is cotton-col Such is the sort of aratory used by the superpus and the village lawyer the muctioneer and the gipsy pedlar. Simple Alvency in uttering common places got by rate There sie professional oratora of no better mark-men who like the schoolmaster, ara just one lesson a head of the pupil Sometimes, however, even with tuch, a Satanic touch will ve casionally show itself in their rhetoria. The high- cet water owes bis rank in the mangio of personal ascendancy. Ile is believed to be a match for

Nature creates a symmetry between the mental for a giral min. In the bereditary transmission and natural physical power-proválva Jorge brain of excellence, however, she is onpricious. Yet la there truly prediens of their oưg contain aptè udes that they cannot of others' children. Taway whe will, however, in the course of time and generation, ecunse, touder oo Africwo sun, altogether, black. Cisevmwareus unify eriginal tend notes. Great tjosla juu ty mature Nither spend they such at tention on mete environment-diona de feiral und donatie nervtaries, Lather evuld not count the podduge in his kuchen. Those who we doomed to lead werd, however, good roll-ociations withing things and leading in. Yet the in- sipid ennvortanon of soms who have spent their lives in the compsty of chainguished persuna is ra- morkable Talk of th- nummosphere of a jilanet ; een requites na wyp oprite atmosphere 14, bonerer, Engures two die its production.

and nature wal good breeding are adjuṇeta of wrist-cratic conduct. To there all tupite whatever are open questions, Elizb cultore requires that në. one sill be no tran ta uintum as lu cumno sponta froudly; and life, in courdance with her deeper operations, da pessionta a and calm. Buah habita copti was well with the mass, and belong only to the weiro few. Doriana and Persiane are consi Lusional y mu?trod for each other-the former coldly

moved by life and love, the later warmly alive to the emotions of both. The highest noturen ato readily arved-gratuiteasly, too. The blood-royal aver pays. A·lothers fruely meriton not only for tune bat fa ja its cause Whe would not frealy din, that there should be a better man! Great men, 100, are permittal oven to set bad examples-vices ara in them which are resented in the eventa?�a spirit equal to any exigency. Ordinaril baldts they indulge in by the good service that vulgar rich, who make no compensatin for the time and ciremontantes produce not auch exhibi. Lions; but the storm of great, occasions require los of sisterney are milfs mull character.

they wherwise render. But the essential distinc- Brent energies. Such were Benspots. Cesur, Pericles, Chatham in peaceful periods we dia

Such is rapi outhee of Mr. Kimerson's courv believe the existence of overpowering muda. Al, ofera In our report the substantial principles but they make themselves frit in epocie of agus, for the minst part, giren ; but for the sich illus

Irations by which they were supported wo muk him who we wederatat, in in about a fort await their complete publication by the sathur

ight sum to Aminic-Douglas Jerrold'


tion, and then assust their natural nacendency with cape and immedinis effere Superior knowledge is one condition of sucorssful eratury. Iu suciety, the man who knows most on a particular subject will be listened to, whoever els may be presadi, and however great their talents. Another requirit is the observance of method: But the chief pointi the command of imagery. Embody your ab sunet truth in a concrete image, and you have gained your eause The truly eloquent man is u sone man with power to commuwse to his muity. Though borne in the ebaciot af iunperation, he must have control of the steads-be must driva, sol be zun wway with. Nevertheless, he must be so fall of his subject as to be drunk with it, and the words should dow from him as woregarded parts of the terrible shule. Truth, however, in essential to trus oratory it should be a Mosio statement of feet. The orator, to elevare, must be above big nudiecce. To lik one up, you saunt fie un bighur ground youe- bell. Sometimes from the waldaturas all con voices, disturbing the peace of slaeping times with their indignant watauga nuck pore bita of New Englandians will, in turn, have their cupine to use Ja civilised European communities-such spectacles of power from the hewit of Naus-the Jubin Baptista, the Hermit Peters of modern ilmus gifted



?Т ????????,

4, low (Peru), Washburn, from Callao, th


4, Telegraph (Am), Harlow, from Ban Francisco,

Bib December,

4, Fair Barbadian, Griffin, from Sumbawa, 11th

D. cher.

4, Jose, Dinman, from Camsingmoon.

6, U. S. Brum Frigate Susquehanna, Commodore

J. Et Aulich, from Singapore, 25th Jany.

6, Aria Felix (po), Maria, Pus back.

6, US. SI Alari, Cope Gloudy, from Macao. f, Albert Estward, Suallar, from Whampoa.


21, Narciso (Span), Lopes, from Manila.


???? ??локона,

1, Experor, Grule, California,

at once with charsæter and insight. Moral cuti-Feb. ment, firmative and lufty, in the soul and fuel accomplishment of eloquence One thought tung through all the orations of Demosthenes - Virtue arcutes its own succ Porsed by and pos sessing such ??thought, noy man way become alu quent-the gesta-t of otator

On the following Saturday, Me Emerson's lucu bratione traching a " Natural &ristueruey," com- menced with ulicasing ita perconwent traits. Sub- asutikily, it wan juavitable, mesed and univers -1. Society will demand and appreciau its model we13" its living stoodards. The word "gentleman" la a sound gladly hard in all compagine. In it is recog Dised the spirit of humour. It se accepted ne the reconcihug tetm between the upper and the lower.

KuldeSharer, Taylor, Whampoa. 1 Jose, Dowman Cuisine moon.

Hen, Bucham, Macno.

4, Tride (Am. Whaler), Tober, Wholing. Dec.


29, Le Casivi (Fr Sir Commander R. de Plar,



8, N. S. dr Las (Part), Jertos, Singapore.

Clara (Pur) diles, Lisbon.



4, Albert Edward, Stoddart, Hongkong.

12, John Line, Palmer, from Hongkong.

14, La C'aniri (Fr. Stc), Do Plus, from Macao. The Breaze (Am), Brown, froia Whampoa. "6, Gollant, Black, from Whimpon.

17, M. 8. da Lua (Port), Jesus, Tum Macao. Dec.


10, Bintang Anam, Debel, for Chlon.


1,40, Dunn, for Whampoa.

Peppy, Durham, for Hongkong.

11, Shelomoth, Putter, for Hongkong.

11, Johanus + asor (išrem), El erfeld, for Amoy. 11, Arco Iris (Am), Coffie, for hempos. 16, Alipore, Freeman, for Chiou

17, Nepanício Ambassador, Jackson, for Chios.


For Landon, Mahomed Shah, H. Trafalgar, H.

For New York. Eureka, W.

For Hr. C. S. Am. Caprice, W. Burah, C.

For Bombay. Lord Ashley, W.

For San Francisco

Ann Welch, H. Blenheim, il.

Brahasia, H.

Edin, W,

Content, H.

Geo Washington, H.

N. Nicolay-0, El.

O coola, ti.

Sun Juza, M. Ternate, W.

For Manila,

Bellize, M.




Flag. Gu


Dr Hankier

Alligator Cont




Hunghong SL-re Shiji

Mr Mir


Camon C. Bir


congkong 1, M, SI


Whampoa 11, St"B


Gondula Us toimen


Mark Banquehanna Mendegu

Meso in



Albert Edwar Blenheim


Uo..d Burces


Ana Welch

Jesia (W)

Junior (W)

Neptuno (W) Oven (W) BupW) Tuginphi Witchcrat





WMABFOA. British

497 Catherine Apcar


699 Constantia


614 Corcyra



638 Eden



16a Judo Garni



446 Katharine 8barer


Fair Barbadian


Lord Ashley



172 Rejamboo


100 Sculland


Mabomud Bhak








Nbono (W)


Robert Ball












Bayard (W)

381 139


Bengal (W)

100 Heloise


Brighton (W)


Champion (W)



Cooder (W)


Amoriono Packa, Ho






Fortune (W)



Gea. & Mary (W)



Harvest (W)




Iriculor (W)


Hibernia (W)


Hobumok (1)



1,494 Bri


19J Capr ce


Iob. 8ell, 11.

Marcin (1)

214 Alcoa


M??tacos (WV)


Mid (W)









1,810 Yumchoy



Toas... 10,768

Total in W'pon






Spanish. Asia Fela



ANDY. British



Akbar. Amy Hobart Balmoral

Budge Cathays

Ballia Emperor of China Daniell

Slay Briard Bare 1Stacey Watt


Lan. Sept 13 11




Jaud, 24th December

Shia, Jana 21-




Liv. Nov 13 (L Liv. Aug 17 8. Lon. Oct 18 & Lon. Aug 29 H.




9, Denia, Barcham, from Macao.






Loa. Oct 28] H.


Lon Nov 19 8.


Loa. Nov 19 £3.



Lir. Aug 18 3.

Liv. O 21 9.


Lon. Nov (18



178 Ho

Norwegian, American Preket





669 Thai Goen





Sun What


Bremen. Apollo Geo. Washington

160 460

Total in Amay



Toni ... 6x0




Athol Chebuce 156

Mangosteen Bidney







Tona ...


For Balavis. Patriot, W,

For Singapore. Apollo, II.

For Amoy.

Conton Sir, II,


Eck Far Win (Am) Geelong Helen Liadany Jobs Bright Sophis Old England

Order in which sheaboce Vomelatest England.

kay hahmet, Juba Bright, Catboys, Emer. Akbar", Kupage of Wen, Out Angland, mophia, Malmani, Uclan Landing, China, Fat We

Bonding.At LONDON; Paon shon, Surprise, Nicolay Nicolassen 168 and Celestial At Livakroot; None.

??With a company of EL M.'s 50th Regiment on bars, EXPECTED FROM INDIA.



Ann Martin


Balmoral, Str. Barob of Refree Barrackpore Cornwall


Oboingham Bom Dec H. Martia Bom. Nor 17 FL. Macfarlane Cal. Dia H. Robertson Bom. Deo 5. Curro Bom. Nov 6 H. Underwood Both. Deo H. Mandrill Bom. Nov 6W

Bot. Des H. MeCulloak Bom. Deaf. Nixon

D Northumberland Toléon

J. K L

John Wood

Elias Morbon


Both Nov 23 H.




Both. Dec

12. Wh

Lord Westora


Bom, Oct 26 H.





Boen, Dea & H. Cal Die 18 H.

8baw Allum


Wadge Rire

Tomi is 'kong 21,864

Bom, Nov 18 H.

Bom. Nov 21 (1

Loading At BoMBAT; Chippewa, Margaret, Mary Graham, Royal Alice, Moffan, Bobruen, and Sasinon Family.







614 Adelaide




Joshua Bates


MACAO. Portuguese








Ton ...




Ban José Tremolga


Fur London. Mubamed & bob, fl.


Trafalgar, ki.







For New York.



January 16-





Eureka, W.

Arco Iris (Am)


Bintang Anem


Hobury Wh. December 31





November B.

Caprice, W.

) Cas-r (Bram)







Bank, C.

N. Abandor



For Hos.bay.




Tomlin Macao

1,382 Total in Bg'bae 4,163


11 A. J7 November 98 January 1

L. London, Liv. Liveponi, käia. Melalda, Wat. Wvwford,

Cple, vand, bonds, Hers. Martin, MIN. DEMMA, CARO cudes Bem, kambay, Tull Turlocke, Arms. Arreur. Pen Fine.

1. Hongkong, M. Kim, Wh, wipe, A. Abbey, Minhe


Printed, and Published, by WILLIAM TARANT. Queen's Road West, Victoria, 1862.

in Malilas won a native of Daumuk,

With shree idle chips How to Vowela Harbune.


adhange ship

Fal Barbadian, Log Fan, ship

Velksten ly

Fortuna, Larywa


Gellers, barque

cells, schaker

Gail Mary ship

George Waskankton, Uk

Gued success, hilz

Huayala, like

Fast, atq

Hiberala, odp

Hallas, bermaphrodite Itekian, barque

reaks, shop

Hongkong, barqa

Hygein, skip

Jol tamil, alp

Joshua Hates silp

Junter, ship


100 Paiste



$7 dock


AM.44my ax takes


Am. 315|| Jakar


Hai 148-h

Fern 681 Alanlar




Hil bout


Fretto Amay

carlausung eBonald Hembay Amerbrooks Callford


6, Sir George Pollack, Whbars, from New Z Katharine Sharer, barque Helt 613Tayler

9, P. & ?. Co's Sur. Lady Mary Wood, Jamieson,

from Calcutta 18th January, Penang 26th, and biog?para 29th do.

9, U. 8. 81aratoga, Commander Walker, from



Per Lady Mary Wood, Mrs. Jamison, Meara Jane, Gasest, Bridge, Parley, Kuight, Fothering bam. Jacobjee,, Alrabamj-o Poliael and 2 Chimess,




7, Albert Edward, Stoddar, Liverpool.

8, H. M. Bl. Roya ist, Comder. Bale, Whampoa.

9 Constant, Coombes, California.

9, American Packet (Norw), Lawa, Califorum.


Par Albert Edward, Mr and Mrs. Matthews, and Mrs Millions.




12, Chino, Fergatian, from Whampoa,

93, Regma, Quintor, from W bempos.

25, Wm. Gülses, Biomu, from Whympon.

Lord ?mherst, skilp

Lomba Latyns

Alabamaula, basqua

3. named hals barque

lustuen, barque

Marcia, ale

Martha schmer

indo, basque

Mil, brig

Maja schoner Aulacom. Ship

Siloen, barque

Midm, alip

Naito, brig

Neptune, barque



474 Unter


Usls. #Kla


Am M




Mu, kapa

He Audemon

17. Jockell


Hooula Lengkong

30oodbridge Sandwich Isla

Niculay Allyson, bilg Narw 10 Fifer Amrod, bary

N.. de La Leg


16, Beatrice (Peru), Edwards, frem Cumsingmuda.

humpa, sicile, froin Away.


14, J. W. A. Lorenzen (Haw.), Howeichen,


?? Mermaid (Am), Smith, Chins,


BAL 13 Koper

Part 16 Jers

WPD_N_Famijer and overeing ship

des Francece


Nacelvisy slip

New York

G) and c

larpe Wm. Jardin

Whatapos 4. V) gas.

Uec 21 Hongkong H. Sirachan

-Woosung Dev, Heale and so.

Jan Mac and

De Hongkong lenkin, Nawa. Feby Sleg

Wolcott, Hates and co

Honghony vang Kane,

??wesloar and co. Jardier, Mates and en Wawang Jandle, also a ce Recelsing ship -Hong.Edmouth'o'ing weaving slips

tawie. i lober and co 16 half

Uee thoughse Hai Ne and co July-tina Jardine,bon and ca alungkuny|itante. Priskets a ev.


Drea Chinches Janine, Halbeson a?�J co 'ereiving ship Clougherowo, i slukee a d co



[Feb #

LongHawle Danker adre

Namones and co

zue, Mule and ca

lengong cane. Din and eo.

minho, Mathenso and co.



tongkang, tamer


150 HEL



tudeprudence, bilg

indi, sip




Lona, telconFT


24: Dewman

towa, skip

us lagoon 'sida

83 Nov 12l

Dee 15


Island Queen schoones

Шан 10

Jan 2. Whampoa|tørri and t�?

Least end w


Shanghac unit Nye and co

'n dwich Infan Hongkong

7 K 2-



Houghon, caule Brinker ad to


Lady Hayes, barque

41 La ley

- Lammasu. matine dirard and co

ha arrow,tephens and ev shanghai

't prox.

Endy Mary Vols,

640 Jamison

teceloti alip


41k Just.

Lincon p


7 Loves

Howin lands





22 Nov 11

Fan Y



Mawie, Krioker ad co

Hurrem bleybenson and comoy Ayant and co

-1 baling

verting ship

Loid Ashley, atque

tooquy, bar


Bembey |Hotchórz

49 ct Hongkang




evening alập


Neceiving aldy

di armila


60 e




414 Her

Bouchong ||Jam/wich Isles




240 2

teceiving akip

ke er skip



340 Honey

Oct 21


Peru Gamis




28 or s



[Span | 193|Layes



23 Dec 1

San Francisco

NO 1


lie 1




Keceiving oldp

14 May to

+Longhug Sandwich Inter Heaton Hartlepool

Jas 76






New York

103 Habe IC

Van N

an Franciice



Cantee Mailla

Hongrong & Lan






16 et 1 Hongkong


Nov 2.




Saadwich Jules

Ner (1

teb || Honghoonthou and co

Hebert hall, stilp



Pan 20

Rucha a, ling


15 Vidal




31 Fadicat


Hecalving only


Jd' LOOKdy

Kacelving shep

Hotty do Llavie


Feb 1


Ind Thornhill


¡Dec 30

Bella t


Kiver boat

dward hyan ?ngür George P'oduck, ship

With a





bulur, bil

tram | 136 dryer

zaina, baique



*park, stesura

She lic




21 Jarry



3. Lakey

Malom, tjue

·Tarega, mĺp


Am. 106 ||Harlow

58 Uce 12







It tone




Ny100, Aluir and co




11. Lu


For Sale

(iceau, ship Orioutal, barque

Oscar, ship tacola, stip

Jackinder, barque

· Patila, schooWE Pas, bile

Pizades, bargun Frescoll, barqu

Liliff, tala

He, simp

| Kupstril barque

Hungen, skip

At London-Novembor 27th, Reindeer, from

Shangbao. Duc: 1, Chrysolita from Whan-pos (105 Jays)-

Visita ja fluxomons Wwampoa. CumaikoMOON,

OR MACAU, UNDRA Diaratuli.

For an froucisco


Swe Brit 750 Walto

dis Dale



Port. Pina Span 07 vedga

Ust 40% any

Helt. Boden




Dan 1


T'alt and



23 Jan Ploung & Bag Fehlangkong C. dmond P&Coʻsagaratta

Dee 20 Whampes Mond and ce.

Pasta and o -Chlachew Deal and ce

-Fes-t'-Fardin Matheson and ce [Jan 14 Hongkong Kawie, Brinker and on.

Tacher ad ce an 3. 110chong laule, triker and ce Dec 30

Hawie, Dri kar a?d ve.

& 21 Longran

U, Samoon, Nass and co Veb-tal Cost die, Matheson and on.

Jan 34 laughome lawin, Drinker and ce ampon Klag and co

longhongale, Dijaker ad co

by Syme, fair and ev

Hoogkong Haule, Dilaker and an Meyer, Scharfer and c -Cam'11, basen bana and co Mag 24 J. M. de Jesus

M'eut and co

Jan 9, Hongkong Kamin, Drinker and co

leo abanghe Ancunclo Heard and ca

..Houghoug|G. T. Stems-

Jah 3:



and co Meceiving shly

Augustine Heard and co Amoy Jardun, Mathe Jun 1 Menghong Maelwen Co F0411 Amey

Jan 11 14 hampa. Vie

[Decx. bhangka Hargreates and co.

aya Parklu and co Amy

bellag Hardie, Slatheson and cosas clace

Falt und Co. Welland, --Watug Kumell and co.

Feb kampon ülbb, Livin stam and co

Pestonjwa F. Coma and co Keceiving ship IL Loday and

Skangban theclongkong Edmond Pao Costg Warsaw,tephenso?? und es |

Feb Hanghong Order

14nguntino ¿loud and on, Receting ship

Pata d

Jau tothingkonem. Pustan and co,

U.Foaches 'aptain

Lire 2: tabloyal

Spec Saco | r. d'Oliveira

Hdin sifflorphen Hawie, Dekker and so,

Ame, Mais and co


- Lindsay and co

teb alongkang tider

-Lechong Joe, Malbenn a'den

shampoa -obert ilrown und c



- toujee Cams and coeceiving ship

Ja kilooghony), zuil, dilli and en.

Hough, Jardine, Matheson and co For Hels

ly 2

Acaryars rabbiontong George Dudlell.

Cuasingmon Hustle


Ang 1.

Hard and qu

Ang || 25 | Kauker


hur shanghune |1'aptain

-Lindsay and co


- Lay and

am. Kogi A

* Framelaco

fue hal ave



| Doc | atalBrown


Dre 3/1longkong Monir. Druket aan co

July J. Lamp Ho

Debt and co

EDITED, PRINTED, and Portimao, at zan ProYnizton, William Tamnant, Quetu'. Road 35.


Keeling ship

Sacairing ship


10 lugli


Bolland, ship bos tiene, big aldry, bolg

Saliba, str

paja, kung

Same, below. et nek, achouar al José, louer Stephanin sulp

mah, k


[fir II' C. 8. Am.

Lord Ashley, W.

Fur talentia

Ledy 30 Wood St, 13 |

14:1 inklu

For Butaria,

Patriot, W.

For Singapore,

Aun Welch, 14

15der link, 4. Brahmin, 11.

Ed. n. W

Ge Washingba, E N. Nicolayman, H.

-coulu, tí.

Ruairi Benali, A.

Zuo Juzi, M.

Termie, W.

For Munila.

Belliza, M.

For Shanghat. Katharine Bharer, W.

For Amoy. Caman Dir ¦ Tch ind

- eri aly, barga Jurists, bat

baitan, LJTO Trave, aclu wiICI

rafal, ar, busque Trewrige barque İ?te, ter

$ sapli maner

westlock, brig

Lol... big balconies, brig

A cast the 14, banque

Salche salt, slig

}), slip Zephyr,


Apen in Du

[16: | ta jawi a

New Zealand

Longhong Nencile

irapine cvolut

||sluga, 0.9 Hongkong San Francisc




Feb to A. Vleges



Hang & Canten




Kacerving abip

Heciri-g skip

San Fra clace






OL. XI. Ne 12.



PRICE $10 jier um,

ERMS OF BUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, p, 10 Dollars, payable in advance, quarterly or stherwise, at uption. Single Numbers 33 conte

Common Pallone for the Editor will be forwarded if left with Ty son, Stalloner No. 999 Queen's Hood -Hurth house wat of the Orimial Bank, where apare noplay of this Papár may also be obtained. RMB OF ADVERTISING.-Ten are and under, Dollar; ad cloual, to cellos. Repetitions one-third of the wire insertion. Khips.-P.rst insertion. Dallare, subsequent insertions 66 remis, Adre tipomasta to beve writin, on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. made when Tendering quarterly communis for advartiosmants ordered to stand undisturbed for a period of not less than three menika. Pall sharge made for repetition of any Adverikameni in the Ovartana isso. redation of twenty Bra por cona en amal sharges






ONE of the P


IN consequence of the retirement of Mr. Chanlua 1 Bandung, the firm of Wickinson & SandU has been dissolved, and, in future, will be algood la Nquidation only. The other partours in the late Bri(Mr. ALFRED Wilkinson, Canton and Mare DANELL, Dion Leton & Co. London) will eng- tince the business under the Style of ALFRED] WILKINSON & Co.

Canton, 18th Dronruber, 1881.

ORTAL COMPANY'S Steam-8ħlps will love this for e abave places on Saturday the 90th of February. Cenge will, a radhived on board unifl 8 v. m. of thr 2016, and maven until Noos of the 97th.R

0. a. EDMOND, Superintendent,

40.8. Nico.'s Offles.

11 ogbon, Man Jesuuty, 1882,


[ Burque" ANN WELSH," will 302m 1 besteopataked, aubove on the 17th TEST pekelio, kas ezerilent Cablu escom

front or PASUR,

ANTHON & Co. Flongkom, Bird Joanety, 1889.



1. 608 tone herthen, A. B MOLKEBOR Commander, will most with qock despatch,


md) has splendid accommodation for Ja to which, or freight, apply


Hongkong, 20th January, 1852



Bim sises British ship RO ENGELBERT SMALL. 965 tons per re Ms. Laughans, carrying an experienced Surgeon, abmatty Man well fund at Haugkong for the

kburn 1 ort, * live morly despatch.

For Fan

apply to

THOMAS HUNT,-#kampos, O 10 WILLIAM TARRANT-Hongkong. Victoria, 29 Junonry, 1852,


QU? A. 1. 8hập "TRAFALGAR," Captain RICHARDSON, 750 TORE Muda membersident, will have quick despatch for the above or carrying an experienced Borgen For Pr`mge only apply

in Cames to BLENKIN, RAWHON & Co. and here to LYALL, STILL & Ca Hongkong, 5th February, 1882.




CARR LUCAS is admitted Partner lo aur Firm from 19th May 1881.

MACKERTOOM & Co. Clapton, 16th August, 1851.



THE undersigned are formed a copertaerah

for the testing of General Common Bustiuse at Singapore, under the style of WOL COTT & Co.

JAMES R. ADAMS, Boston, WILLIAM DRETER from Umburg, HENRY (. WOLCOTT of the fir



Es " Visovuni Sandon."

To be sold by Public Avorian, by Mr Chaulus po ESSRS SMITH & BRIMELOW have re-

MALEWISE, on Hondus the thith larrant, by seived by the shore reasel, -

order of Mr Dotolas Larnair, Administrator to Prime Wihables Chase, Prima York Hams, the Estate of the lets Annaman maru BUALTY, Plewm Raisine, Jordan Almonds, French Oliva, those relushie Lousehold Pramisas known so Inised Hayal Standard Viongar made entirely from Mak. | Lot Now, Ett and 207. Os Joi [18, adjoining Maral and Military Saver, Worcester and Royal the French College standa a substantial done com Zest Bason, French and English Pass, Proserved eu Bungalow, al present in occupation of Mr. F. Mass of vary deseription.

Wooda, at a remunerating routal; and on Lot 207 in Caire Road, Taipingehan, are fira China Houses | all ala" tạt a fair rentals.


An Invoice of

of Biatlonery,

Per late Arrivals. Dublin Stools Bottle, Oampbell's Edinburgh Pale Ale in Bottle, Prime Bisut in Hogsbrad, Hodgson's Pale Ale in Hogshead, Buperior Port, Mawe's Dark and Pala Brady, Unitril Vinegard Shelry, Eaglish Bostled Claret, Champagne. Hoch, Company's Broody, Glenlivet Whisky, Old Tow Jai Ram, &ro, de, all in excellent order.

Nos & 2 Wonsnar's Buildingo, Bongkong, ith Desetabar, 1851.



of WOLCOTT, BATES & Co, Shangkas | 18 PSBAH SMITH & BHIMELOW have re- and Caton,

apived 130 Coser of Superior Elolland Gin, Singapore, Jet April, 1851.

?�hich they offer at a low guru.

Hoogkong, 9th December, 1851,


EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 96 CORNHILL LONDON. THE undersigned, having been appolated Agents

for the above Office, are prepared to adfect In purances against fra, où Buildings und Goods, in Canton and Hongkong, including merchandise is active Packhou.



Pille and OINTMENT |



Extraps of a letter, dated Madres, June 10, 1848 Tram P. H. Sevi, Eq. 8th Lil Cavaley. De puty Assistant Quarter Master General of the Appy.

To Professer Holloway.



For fariber particulare upply to

MARKWICK. Government Austianeer.

Hongkong, 6th February, 1989.


19 uneralind patent consists in the attachment

(BY ROYAL Lettano PatseT.)

of a moreable Comb Quard to the ordinary Ragor, so nicely adjusted thati la the operation of shaving, the skin cannot be cat while the teard la being removed. There who have never previously shaved can skava sbesmadres without fear, or the aid of a glass, or on board ship in the most tem. pestuous weather. It is invaluable to m?rrung, ja- | malyzed, blind, the timid, or most awkward obaver, The patent has been most extensively patronized by the officers of all ranke of the United and Hon-

E, I. C. Bervices.


le made of a highly prepared and compresse leather, bos all the efficiency of a hune and pre- terror the edge of the Razor to the most perfect


description verread of the finest workmanship.

Plain Ruzora, Peaknives, and Scissors of every C. STEWART & Ca Patentare 29, Charing Crom, London, may be bad at all the three Prosi- dencies and all the principal elries inthe East Indies. N. B. All C. Briway & Co.'s Cudery has the rand Palagant thereon, and is made of their

HOLLIDAY, WIDE & Co. Canton, 14th August, 1851,


bare much plomaurs in adding my THE de isto se vilice, are prepared to grant the sxcellence of Juur Dietment, but my object in beelebrated Flaningsort Steet ahamically prepared

Undamigued, having been appointed Agents | theclmány to that of the many who bave nestidad in Policies payable in London, Calovera, Bommar, addrowing you in, chiedy, to draw your métention to and Canton,

a jana by which its value may, I think, becuane GILMAN & Ca still more gracally appreciated.and applied.

Canton, 18th January, 1859,



18 she undersigned in leaving China sherily, be Aquests that parties baring Clating upon him, will send them in on or before the 90th instant ; and that those persons who are indebted to bim, will pay their accounts before the abapa data.

JOHN G. MORISON. Hongkong, 2nd February, 1852.


In the Estate of Annawan Jose Bustay, lata of Victoria deceased.

In chất dưềnẩy ther? in a dinner walled Busou {from Barnst, min); it sommeters and pravila to the greatest extant during the rainy weather; it is able Horse of mins caught it in a march during the Banned, I bebeve, exclusively to Hurees. A valu- Monsoon: all the metal remedies ware applied in vain; indeed it is a disease which I have never seen cared, for when ones taken it soubor rooted in the constitution. It sbowe itself by large foul maty sores over all parts of the body. For eight months my Herne had it specially bad, having had three large sores on his fore-legs. Fortunately at length I saw your advertisement in the papers, and thought that, if the Ointment did so much for mankind. there was no reason why Horses, did wonders, and three or four sured the places in c. should not equally based by . The fires Put

A Estate are requested to forward the same ALL parice having any do forward the same with accounts and vouchers to the undersigned | six weeks, (The wiker further states, "that from forthwith. Persons Indebted to the Estate are also the Horse having bikes himself, a more appeared on

|on or balate The Jat day of March most,

THE He and Grounds of "Glensely."

For further particulara apply at the Of. requested to pay amounts of their debts respectively one of the old placra, host this is rapidly giving way fice of Mara Dint & Co Ingkung, 4th December, 1851.

TO LET. 'HE House on the South side of Glough

Street, lately occupied by Mr J. G


Apply T Ticlocis, Tal August, 1851.

to the Ointment)" 1945 romain, "Bir,

War obedient satraD',

F. SCOTT, Fth Light Cavalry. Those truly lavalaskie medicines ou be pro- cored at the Beabshment of the Undersigned, in richly Ornamented Boxes and Pots, togetbar

sach Box and Pot.


Administrator to the Estate. Hongkong, 23rd December, 1851.





alro Nails, by

ANTHON & Co. Ilongkong, lat October, 1850



?�FOR SALE TOGETHER or separately, those four Huges situated on Lit 90, two of them Baving a frontage on Hollywood Boul, the other two on Gough Street.

Apply to

MR. BURGOYNE. No. 1 Welkagion Bireet, Viclotin, 29 December, 1881.


TRY and sure Horage of perishable or other Merchandise can be had, on moderate charges, the Godowns DE

West Point,


Vicoma, Hongkong, Bed January, 1852.


[HE Business of the undersigned will, from this date, he carried on under the firm of BIRLEY



FRANCIS B. BİRLEY, Chatin, la Jely, 1851


ENGLISH and Dutch Sheathing Copper of all with Direction for the Guidance of Patients adöred J. F. CARRUTHERS, Agent in Chins Sub-Agents, J. M. Da BILVA.-st Hongkong J. M. A FONSECA, Afsons.

FOR BALS. CUPERIOR Cui Glase Decanters and Goblets.

Foo-chow Bacon In excellent condition,

LANE, ORAWFORD & Co. Blangkong. 20th January, 1852,


Ex "LAND-O'-Catia." JUST landed an "moriment of very superior

Scotch Tweedi.


Queen's Road, Victoria, 22nd November, 1951


FOR BALE, desirable amorem nt of Buanza, collected chiefly on the Conste Bf Ceylon and the Man- rkios.


Queen's Road, Victoria, 7th November, 1801)


JUST OPENED AND FOR SALE, CELECT Batches of vory superior old tålandient Whiskey in bottle :-- Dark and Pala Brandy -Rollands Gin-Cordial ditte, Fine frulty Poit - Dark, Golden, and Pale Sherios, London bot

Bloat and Porter, Base' Pale Ale &c. &c. Home Fine Saked Salmon in Janu

NE Business hitherto carried an under the nome of MANEDALLE Moranmor & Co. in this day

, and with le fatare be conducted by Mrtled Hakim Noagoane the firm and style of AH- ELUHOY RHAIMTOOLLA.

WHAMPOA BAKERY. Endersigned has established a large BA- KKRY, and guarantees to supply any qomati ty of CABIN and SHIP BREAD at short da. tice-


-FINE NAVY BRBAP,..................B] cauta per lb. PILOT BREAD............ warranted to keep for Six Months in any Olimate. Contracts entered into with Departments, Com- manders of Vesela, &c. for regular supplies.


Whampoa, 6th November, 1831.

PROTESTANT THEOLOGIAN is dir one of obluluing a situation as Tutor in European family. Apply to A. Z. cast of the Editor of this Paper.

Victoria, Hongkong, 12th January, 1969.



THE undersigned being about to leave China, requests that all accounts may be rendered for liquication, and payment of outstanding debts made to tiim, sither an individually, or in his caps- elly of administrator to the Estate of the late TOO-Kru.


Victoria, Hongkong,

MOETEN & Co. Hongkong, Queen's Hond, 80th Bept, 1851.



14th Jungars, 185

ned) BHAKTYEB FARZULLADHOY. Puntua, &ik January, 1852.


FOR BALE At tun Office. STITCHED copine of a Heview of the Trade of

Changes, 1859, as printed at the Offins of the NORTE China Herald.

Prite you

Friend of Chloe Oflen, 50th October, 1851.

Elhonology of the Indo-Pacific Islads. By J. R THE JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN AR


Coronation &c. of the King of Biam. Sketch of the Slam toute from Singapore to

Torran Siraits.

N. B. Partion in China wishing to become subscribers will ploasa forward thalt names and ad

degkong lastin." it to the office of the Friend of China od

Victoria. 18th Deamnber, 1861.



ORIENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY THB andersigned having been appolated ADENTI bere, are prepared to grant Polisian for the above Company,

A. & L. S. AGABEG, Canton, 9th February, 1662.

PUBLIC AUCTION. THE undersigned have received instructions to by PUBLIC Averion, oo Wansaday sees. ing at clach at their Auction Rooma, Queen'a Road-a collection of valuable BOOKS, and va rious other Articles,

Particulars as per Catalogues.

A. N. FRYER & Co. Auctioneers. Hongkony, 9th February, LP52.


IR MIDDELL is inatronted to well by PUBLIO AUCTION on Thursday next the 19th instant, at the VICTORIA ExCHARON at 11 o'clock a K. without reserve.

A very Extensive assortment of Oilman's Stores comprising every neticle requinta Cur families and MOOPER.


90 Kege Aue Cannes Powder.

70 Haga Bengst Rice, 10 Cake Pras,

Pedestal and Flanging Lamps, a Bodan Chair, a Quality of Clothing, Books, and Barometer, ac. 4o., &c.

Vastoria, 10th February, 1969.


New Advertisements will be received uneli 7 0 Clock on the Evenings precious to publication, wix: Tuza- days and Fridays. {!' one or two copies are en- quired of the fimosa în which an Adrastisen ma it inserted, and applied for during the period for which publication is urderet, no charge will be made for such copy or copies,


To the Editor of th koena or China.

Hongfang, 9th February, 1852, Sta-Much against my inclíustion, but in 40- cordande with my duży to the pblie, ? claim of them the ProphecyCup for the Hongkong Races of 1652; and then retire from public ruUGIDZ,

Whatever foolish idea panple may bova "n to my parfor manere I can assure them that I have never clai ed a "lato "* during the time that I have been known in the good people he have taken interest in the Hongkong Fort, "I am Brather to lega

pus" and that in all, and in my performanous in that character, 1 hava avoided every appearance of



6.33 6.34

nión WATER

6,8||||14|| 1,8 1,50 2,00

FEROANT. Fijadors 'my 19 Thursday 13 Frider

5.80 247 5,17. Mono-List quarter to marrow si 5.39 ??m.

Tuuta partly in types,

a wish to be backed by slander, to be supported by Tus Spark lower for Canton at Eight a.. to-day. there are the hargh of Feganck, which forms the personalities. My firmer letter could give no of fence to any no individual, rould not barlang one man's feelings Un Thursday last I certainly did trel and write warmly, and though I would wot cow deizeci one word I onid.-Set pa

the men bers of which, atu all Calvinista; the Ln- troyed by fire; and No. 4 is a pecs adjoung ", ties being acluded not only from the council The former bolder of this property was glad hut also from civil employant Thin council governs the State, regulates commercial afl tire, and avra durantra justice; hal matters of great impor tance are referred to a council of elders and of the pelaripal citizona, who thus form u uart of lezials. | divo aštenskly. Biemen has manufactures of lluen, cloth, hats, worsted stockings, tobiero, oil, and glass. It is slao moted for its hear, and it sugar refaeries; but its weslth and importance depend more upon commeren than connufacturos ; and next to Hamburg, it is the greatest estrepot of the Gar man trade. In the small territory belonging to it,

harbour of Bremen, and 35 villagres but linte rssels stop at Brasche, about half way down the 000 of the Biste, 39,000. The citizens have to Weser. The population of the towy is about 41,

cently purchased from the King of Hanover u pl-ce ground about three mallra in circuit, 28 miles helow Brames, on which they linvo constructed Bremenhofen, already a solidly balli und Bourish ing town. The Wearr is there so deep, that the Bakigest vousels can reach this new port."

The Cup is mine, and I have beaten some **gamy" competitors. They nay seratch away of their wound, sbd they may sound their muri lag calla so they lika, but they have been homesily boa sen; they aried well and looked like winning The Cock we right, and spinned a true yam about Ceroet and I myself might have thought so too, bad I known he wwe not to be "backed by the whole parish" Bat immediately a?er the

Male for Amay, and Fah-chow.far, will be dens patch.d per Suramer Canton and will be closed 3 P.M. on Thuraẳng the 12th instant,


Mails for Singapore, Batavis, Calcutta, Bombay, will be despuched by the fondy Mary Food, and will be closed at the Pont-office, hardey, the 14th instant

ast, I took up the running, and left my chickens The Chinese Government have duly acknow- far behind What could make the " old kackler"


thish so much of Queen of Claba, I cannot tell for ledged Mr William Pitstau, of the firm of Pus. Į given below. It will be seen that on the the life of mep of what "game" the old Cuck tra & Co. as the accredited Consul at Canton

thought there was in bar, 1 evuld not tell-I never | for the free mate of Bremsen,*

aaw anything in her. I myself anid most truly what proved correct, that she was the least ordinary of a vity ordinary new lot-her running for the Pleni potentiary's Cup proved the extremes of thal jud- grosent; and again for the Blastingos but for a Marter for the Prophecy Cup to think she could best Maggie Lander in ber this year's form and condi. Los-pooh, pooh, nokarmar, konsevne, 1 will allow to avery pas, even to the ??Gailoot Cupinın" that the old mare was not in trim and she wen ntning - Then again how correctly I judged Pretender an bring faster horse than any of the new ones. rely chances to give the Queen of Clubs be

new borse to win.

fore Pretender for the Plosipo, because 1 did not think it was his race, and that he would not start, I was consistent throughou~I never backed a Esse right. Pauline, a very shabby representation of Golob did carainly wis the Plate, on the strength of the accident that hap pened in Gumeruer, but I would na brave think that Piper eun but Cockspinner except in giving bia Jockay a breathing up the flap Hill, 'so think Phuli- aren book. Con nh? nòi b�?lieu librk when well. It was thought by mu thưoughout that, if the opportunity offerred, the * Young Squire" would giro Pretender a "chance" and 6 ibought at two same time that Kathleen was the only one that could prewar auch nirangmoenis. I muy again at parting you havo nevus secu Maggie Lauder go; obs can beat Presendur when lame, and her bowali ful temper will allow be Young Squirs" to travel brake Lieut. Clark on "Pretender" and have

??ebat upon the prospects of the hotsar behind but to see her go shu muet waver be ridden by her owner, who, judging by my own trelings towards burana, enu never properly puolah ker. A will, with all duo apologies to the uwners say the su

wkla" who played with Shiek and list), with Maggie and tender-19 war perleeny fair, except that I think that thì re ooght tu bave been a de slaration to win" on one or the sibat. I mate thin oba+vativa not furgetung that four horses wete sent out of on the to clisse Maggia for the Hastings but she won in a band cawler- With these observations & prove my adruninga "vor my game competitora. 11 was a perfect "pros sance" to imagine that King John could beat that thorough good old boron "Hup Ilanned ;" the Cook must have got up very estly indred, in bave found But that 1 give good warning about Etin go Bragb. I said St. Andrew wred think seriously of As far ahead Erin go Bragh se in won the Can- ton Cup" my fears proved correct, and the Mour boven wables were unfortunate with their Aruba

As to your reference to the dullean of a races I do not wish to answer, li all were ne fond of

By the last mail Me Henry Jefford Tarrant, Solicitor, received Commission out of the Court of Faculties to practise as a Notary Public in this Colony, and in other Her Majesty's donnains.

A notified in our last there was anoiber sale of Crown Leaves of Land on the morning of Batonlay the 7th, the result of which is

eight lots knocked down, there was a g gregate bonus of 168,,15, or £01 more than the sum total of their first year's rental We do not know whether the Colony have to thank Governor Bonham, solely, for the al. tered Land Sale regulations, or whether the same are consequent on orders from Earl Grey, at suggestion of the Colonial Land and Emigra tion Commission; but, be it as it may, the

We have been favoured with a corrected list | patting up a lease at a fixed annual rental, lear-

of the Officers of the U. S. Steam Prigate Fusing public competition to be upon the ant gushannah which we subj in: --

List of the Officers of the 1'. 8. Ntr. Scaquena tha.


Ist Lartenant

J H. Aulick,

8. W. Gurdeo,

T T. Hunter,

JP Parker,

J B. Rewolph,

G. H Cooper, W. Aulick,

2nd Do.







Commodore's Secretary

Asistant Surger Pwarr

J Faires,

Captain of Marines Master


Chief Engineer

In Asst. Engineeri

Uk Do.

Red A


Do. Do, Do. De

Lid Aut Engineers

Do. Da.

Do. Da

Passed Midshipmen


Hwanipmen Do.





Boatswain Carpower Boilermaker Gurr

J..Ever Beld,

G. H Harry, W B. Stocks

J. Mauhews,

Rev. Mr. Betinger,

8. Archibald,

G. F. Hebard,

H. H. Steward,

E. Fithun,

E. Croby, JCE LawreROE,

Tha A. Shock, Alex Flandamon,

8 D. Hibbert,

J. W Ben Del

J. Kell,

Mr Bourdmen

Mr Thorburny

Mr Hawley,!

Mr May.

Mr Stockton,

Mr Banton,

Mr R F Ollies, Mc J. Green,

Mr N, Ryn, M: C. B. Oller.

Tun Canteo River is now jofested with more pi- rates than has been knore for many years

of honus only, is the principla which should


always have obtained in this Colony,

We have seen as much eager competition at a Land Bale, in former yearn ; but then to go on adding to a rental, and giving such bidding a nine hundred and ninety-nine year-fold effect was nothing less than the sherost folly. And even on Saturday last the competition was not what we would deem a beahby competition. According to the present systein, however, the party pays his bonus, and it is at dog written off to his annual account of Profi ant L1001 the rental is on the same ratio as his neighbour's,

and will not, as we know to be the case in the bulk of instances of upset rental greatly in ercased, pravo na inoubus to keep the bolder chainer from benefiting by his property.

There has been such a niggestion thrown out as the giving lucumbents of useless offices a year's wages in advance, and torting thein go about their busineses; only requiring them to give up all claim to further pray on the vitals of this Colony. It has also been indicated how greatly we should be benefied if there was

Prays along the Nea front of the Town. Now bere in a plan for carrying out both these purposes. Let the parties who have purchas. ed leaves at rentals doubled, or considerably increased, on the upset, be permitted to enm" muto such advances for certain some down, Some of the idle boys in the Colonial office would well employ themselves by making up table of what could be done in this way, and

and hardly a pekars from this place haten the Colalsts govern themselves, such a

horess and horse racing as I so they would perdered. A Pirate Lorcha with some Europeute, or

she is attacked, and the passengers and ebrgo plon-blo will be useful, if not before. haja find their pockets fight and theis kausta heavy; boi 1 keep up my spirits by endeavouring to make

myself happy among those who rosy wish to rob me of my exclusive relationship to independence" the wlaner of the Happy diskis ; and I am glad to find that their prid, their homest manly pride, kao at last nude them came to the conclusion, in which with all my brart I back them, ibai ?f the celebrat

el beras Seclusion" can con with China coches

men dressed as such, is also mid to be prowling about the meath of the Bogue, on the look out for


From our Chinese Correspondents

By expire from Paking we learn that a large body of rebels in Hoo pih have contraced with the

and Indian grooms, they may as well let him run uz molaincers and mower altogether with the Greasy Pit und Pola, and that the public above 20 000 men.

Land sale was not a healthy one.

We have acid that the competition at thes eight luts sok siz were sites given up by former Of the

owners, with wil their improvements, as worth. less. Inte Now, I and 2 have briets nud materiale enough on them to build a dones China houssa, and were knocked down at this sale for an aggregate bonus of Ten Dol-

bony-pubbe money I repent no o politician of s They have risen in floo-pib, and now sorround lara Lot No. 3 in a sea frontage adjoining humble clamebad better be put to a more chart the capital city of Kwei abow, having already due the site of the Western Market recently das ble purpose. I have oven races in four English Ctroyed the city of Sung tươp ting, whoên Chuť ma- Jonies; but I have never before been so dingusted as

gistrate they have plouderal of everything be po

by the running of the horse "Beclusion, I boperseed They are now proceeding to stack the city no en will whưper the History of this borne into of Tung yin foo. In cona quence of the disturb the ear of the bonorable member for Lambeth, iwe 1994, orders have been received from the board of night the supplies are moved for in reference to the war f?r 10,000 man to proceed from Tachsen to Colony of Hongkong. However I have no time unite with oibers from Kwei cbor, Hoo ana, and to lengthen my note to you, but wishing all keskh || [Tuo-pih -13th Moow, 14th Day.

and happiness to enjoy the tature Hongkong Races Isabebe myslí.

Yunes, and their, sincare well wisher.


DEATH-At Hongkong, on the 19th lost, of Fax. So the Beamen's Hopital, MrGaume Tannoy of orth Shields, law around ?bers of t?n be sooner Jé; type.


Dec., Bendwich Islands Nov, 10 Chel 1 Hpinvia

Dia $


Uned staine



JB Labann


Dec. 10 : alngapore


34' Manila



15: Shanghe

C. Gc Ilope



Bab Fracce

Dec. 13 epo


Jun. 20 104, 20

Jan. 97

Tur Licensed Landford of the Royal Oaks Tavern, Mathew Hopkins, was yesterday con mited to take his trial at the next Criminal Sevions of the Supreme Court, on a charge of aiding and abarting demeters from the Garrison |to escape from this Colony.

??'The committee appointed by Sir Henry Pollinger to conabiler Land sigfime and offer suggestions for far- ther saka gave the following opinion impon which flie Excellency neted. Only one member of the Commit- tre, the ben Flaancial Bocretary, was a Land Jobber i but we believe him to have been epacientions in the

advice he gave, and which the other Committee men

too readily fell in with -

A subject 10 which we have given much ennalilera- them, la the principle on which the land should be die- posed of, with the best prospect of meanings to the tate, and the ultimate welfare of the colony; we are aware of the noceudly that exists for obtaining funds to meet the lovemediate requirements of the unling, and that it has been proposed in effect this, either by attach ing to the sale of euch let the conilluen of a Szed boose, or by offering the lata at a B col annual rest, and setting up the bonus or premlam in public com petlion; hat there in this diandvantage acendent upon the principle of a bonus or pressium, vis, the great value of money in this country, and the high rate of interest at which the parelser would extenders any advance thus given upon the land ; we are therefors of opalon, that if by any other means the requisite funds can be obtained. It would be more advantageous to diaree of the