VOL. IX. No. I
PRICE $12 per annum."
Three Months, Dollars; all paku in advanan. Credit TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF China and HONGKONG GAZETTE, por tamum. 19 Dollars My Menthe, 1 Dollare,
Priom, 14 Dollars. #a Dollars, mod & Doilers, for the periods of Twelve, Six, and Three Months respectively: Single Numbers, to Baberribera da cents each; to Non-Subsribers, I Rupes, Parties calling or sending to as Offon for papers are requested to pay oush SUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND FRIEND OP CHINA, 4 Dullaru per AnnUM. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, & Dollar; additional, 10 souta Hon. Repetition, one-third of the first insertion. Ships, Pirst insertion, & Dollars enbasquent Insertions 48 Tots. Advertisements to bave written on the face of there, the number of times they are required to appear, osim wise they will be published until countermanded In all instamom, thond who are not Bubscribers, require to pay in advance.
Also, route to the ubo, Bernatona, Panang, Gallo-Matra, bum, Ana. THE PRIMULA and Ori- 1ENTAL Company's Steam Ship ACHILLES, will leave this forthe above places on Wed naaday the 30th of January. CARDO will be received on board until Noon, and Borgin until 42. m., of the 24th.
Fusfurther particulars regarding Fanion and Passion apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office longkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent.
P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Office. Victoria, Hongkong, Tat January, 1980,
THE rate of Freight on Bilk to Eapland per Over. and Route has been reduced by order of the Directote of the P. & O 8. N. Company's to $96.00 per Tea of 40 Cubic feet, which will be charged until further notice.
J. A. OLDING,-Agent. Hongkong, lb November, 1849.
ERS, costique to ply between ALEX ANDRIA, and Trisers so under vis. The Direct leaving Trieste the 28th of each month arrives at Alexandria about the Sad or 3rd of the following mouth, and starte for Triene from Alexdria 18 24 hours after the arrival there of the Indian Passengers by the Calcutta Steamer, except on occasions when the latter arrives at Bues A*Steamer of the same Company leaves Alex- andria every shernate Thorsday for myros where it mesin the Steamers of the Lavant Lips, by means of which, commuolcation is kept up as previously through Sym with Constantinople, Trisulu, Greece,
behind me.
Fares direct to Trieste £18 including Table money Do. via 8myrna £18 4 without do, do Pamengore intending to avail themselves of the Trieste Route should book to Burs only,
For further partienlare apply to
Mars W. PUBTAU & Co., Agents of Canian and Hongsong. for the Imperial Royal Privileged Austrias
Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company,
N. B. There are now so many Railroads open through Gleamally that London way be reached from Triene in 6 days with comfort and at an expence of about £10 £12.
Victoria, 27th September, 1849.
AMICABLE INSURANCE OFFICE. THE undersigned have boso appointed Agents for the Arcane Insuwanom Orston, and are pre- pared to itans policing on the usual terms, in Hong. Long, Cantos and Shanghai, payable as follows: In London, Agents Mera Matheson & Co.
P. A. Cavorke and Calcutta, Becretarlag "?
T. O. Bagram.
Hombay, Agente
Modrag Agent
Singapore Agents
Remington & Co.
‧ Bainbridge & Co.
Berkies & Moses.
Hongkong, 18th July, 1849.
UNION INBURANCE SOCIETY 1847-49. THE Hall yearly Genegal Meeting of the Share- holders be held at the Office of Mesaro. Dar & Co., on Saturday 5th proximo, at 11 a. M.
Hongkong, 28th December, 1849.
THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risks (covered by open POLICIES at Laerne aud In the various LONDON INSURANCE COMPANIES,) by
the Poniamlar & Oriental Company's Steamers, from Canton and Hongkong, to the Braila, Cay- loo, the Presidencies of India, and England,"
For Rates of Premium and other information, apply to Mr 3. A. Osnito, at the P. & O, Co.'s Odios, Hongkong.
JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co London, 234 December, 1848,
H. B. FORBEN is admitted a Partner lo our
Meas life date, his Interest and Rospod
sibility commencing on the first day of January nest, at which time More W. H. KING and GEORGE PERKINS retire.
RUSSELL & Co. Conlon, 20th November, 180.
JR FREDENICK JOHN ANGIER is autho- zixed to 8igo for our am by proegration. BYME, MUIR & Co Hongkong, 8th November, 1869.
siga our Firm by Procuration.
HORMU JEE FRAMJEE & Co. Canton, Lot December, 1849,
FOR BALE. HEATHING COPPER from 14 to 24 oz.
Apply t
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, Sed July 1849.
FINE ARTS,. Monday the 7th Jamary, 1850, at I1 o'clock Oh designed will submalt to pablis
competition, (at the House in the Queen's Road formerly known as the Hongkong Bhop.) in con. venient lots, the Invoice of Supeb Alabaster Marble, and Ague Ornaments, consisting o Yan, Lamps, Cradl sticks, Jugs. Enk-elande, Baskets, and Paper Weights, formerly on view in the los Houss
Also, a choice Assortment of Plaster Figures, being one from the boat Wons of the Brat Mas tern of Blatuary comprising The Apollo Bulridate, Vecos Calepichi, Venus de Medici, Baillie's Eve,
and other Master Pieces of ART.
FOR SAN FRANCISCO, THE LORD HUNGERFORD " Captain Paganson will be des- patched for the above named port, not jolster than the middle of February,
For freight apply t
Y. J. MURROW, Kwanglon Hong, iu December, 1840, P. 8-A Supercargo acquainted with the Trade will accompany the Ship, whose services are avall. able to abippers.
MR A. R. Hobson became Partner in our
Firm on the 1st July last.
Camion, 20th December, 1849.
NOTICE. Hell Yearly General Mostemu of the Shard- Aholders in the HUNGKONG & CANTON STEAM PACKET COMPANY will be buld et
CRon of BPENCER COMPION partner,
Together with a cholds Lot of ENGRAVINGS |,?i d'cleok a. By Tung) from Paintings by Corboult, Haydedi, Landoosi, |-benary mak Reynolds, and other Palators.
? By endal of the Directors, GEO, DUDDELL
Victoria, 27th December, 1849.
THE Undersigned has completed bisarr
for Jocking and repairing Veoonli?ju pos, and bege to call the attention ofi wod Merchants to the facilities be si, parpose The Dock is new one.
caiving Vessels drawing thietsen fort of Spring Tides, and elavan foot 11-N?ng Th?c Targu Bail and Rizging loft are sundhed wi misos. For terms, which will be mode?lji
December 8, 1849,
open for the Bale of Medicines, de
i management of a competent a Diapenaar.
BODA WATER and LEMONADE: rior quality. Agant at Macao-ULELATION
Hongkong, 16th December, 1849,
An Account of the Origin and
Brillab Colonies in the Birmity i Lieut.-Cal. James Lone, a. M. 3. M? General Report on the Residency
drawn up principally with a view of its Agricultural Sutistica, by J. R Esq. a. . ., Burveyor to Gover The Piracy and Blaye Trade of th? |
The Languages of the Indian Archipela?a by the
II. Preliminary Remarks on the Cloneral
Growth, Structure and Analysis of Diseases of the Notmeg Tree, by R. Lady Lan Gold in Sarawak. Fall of a Portion of Trien, ka
auciferous mountain, by C. Grash. Bat.
N. B. Partise in China wing subscribers will please forward the ***p**** drown the office of "The Fried *‧FOLDE Hongkong Gasto."
Victoria, December 22nd, 1949%.
the Patronage of Mis Bonnam, whe the Hongkong Club Hode, on the RS day the 11th of January milk. Tiozare;-Singla,............
To admit a Lady and
will be obtained at the Cros, ha day the 5th proximo.
Floogking, 10th December,
K"BALE 21 the Qilos of th? BILLA O ExowAMES.
‧ Lane,
for the Pat
gin? Company'a Bum conv","
Cumprador Qrowen, in Books.
Powie of ATTURNET.
Betterti?e AntIDLA.
afshond, Jat Japonry, 1850,
thy name the big empachante 0,9
· Portugulos Ovetuana.-There is gum ing, fay loon beauty and distinctiad Forings) than in Spain, but the dred Tatry la guamolly rich in this part o The quline wid Agun that mort Cike megerdred parts of Spain. ghoonty d? sunther age, aro dos be
peners being a pannit? I mode a vigoris
Van Parkplaty towarog: In their owry, i wan datz "Phile, in the bigbeat posel; which can be derived fro the contemplation hature. On our sight hand won u cheie si tains, sising kimost streaky from the windekiled. Veluw by s and 112ckets, -otted bara and. with palace, as loloating abase in pianal fis
Mercantile forts and other work printed with whichmond on in ballent relief against thesky expedition at the onslocery retre,
Queen's Road, 9th October, 1848.
is bleak and frowning maltes Ever the river, which here and there stresalad westward go longergka or bays, whose gazitamity not being visible, sug gastae the idea of vast lakas. In the interstices of chess pyramidiesi piles of basali, grew palas trees and the most delicately feathered species of mimo- ss, which looked like henglog provon erected by ari.
On the surface of the broad Nile not a ripple. was to be worn thyst was not caused by owtown |bout. Jis whole sulises, theraldry, lightill un bril- Jamily by moon, glittered with' Port of Metal lia splendour on which the oye aramed to rest with slicing pleasure. In the midst of the thoughts which such a prospect was calculated to inspifb. I was startled by skouts of laughter and bursts of " ruda masio, proceeding from a party of Neblaas, as we concluded, who were enjoying tim?civat, somewhere high up on the slops of the mosa Lady, I was immediately seized by the desire to spend the remainder of the evening with them. Causing our bost to be stonend; therefore, we landed quilt. ly and, gulded by the sounds, climbed the recka and threaded the petls of the grope towards the sonne of marry-making. We were invited to as oend, and presently found a large group of Nubians of both sexes, formed into a sirtla on a rocky plat fares sone hundred sad kity feet perhaps above Jhe river. La the assen ware two young women, a
? were dancing in honour Take place on the 3d_Nie frjendo, "ro
arsages in the enving of some neighbouring vil- lage, Without the slightest ceremony we WICE JOU! mitted to make part of the sitede, and fold blan tily in the clapping of bands and all the other signs of merriment which our new friends thin, sefres exhibited. Sometimes we crouched down Kha no- vages, then suddenly roes up again, then stamped with our feet, then chapped our hands, and went through a variety of other evolutions for which it would be difficult to dod a same. In cho th?ng I failed to imitate my neighbourss rolling the lan- que in a very pacellar madner in the mouth, they soatrive to produce a Joude pieralng soyad, which toiembled nothing a'mooh as the whlate of a Estions-engine ; fi sarmed in Sill the whole valley, _and_wat verschramand fiam ablakban kay okumak
ye bride and bar a
of the marriage, morrow. The b】 were told, were ac
▲ Ben Constrictado and Me Pray---An English- ?man and an Indian were passing along by a very nerow trail through a thick Threat, whe? a cy was beard in the wood like a child is great pala, or, mach like the dolap a haft makes endogtimes when in the fanga of a deg. They nullbar of them know what it could be; bot, pulling out their pistoll andaringsup their bornes, worked their way jato, Laha wood in the dienotioff of the minaj which were" facili bekrd. Aboat a hyodred yarde inside the wood there was a rather thinner epson, and as the aries ocomed nearer, the party approhibed with mote caution, until iba Indian caught the other by the arm, and polated to an obfact thas had already caught his sys: It was a boa ecughing a young roabock-young, but still with mines horns i the sculptor of the famous-Loncoba, had had an [ opportunity of_studying haftes, 10 would hav 'simplified the folds of his serpents }} M?le trao the Elegance of the varied, twindage world harp boeu o, but what would da last in bedly" would be gined by the strength of death. Ders were only Two folds of the heaviest pais of theanaka's body farly round the body of the deer, jant behind sho lahaqidar@; one fald over the other, in lataraang she Height and power coupentrated upon qua ipot, The hand and nenk of the bon paried hardy the | nock of the deer, bad thing high on the other ide I held h?t by the seeth ?upen the back of the sale hond. The mil had twa imeun toand a young" lide close by. So fa?ionaly was linken, engaged with h?a gray, that he never renunted that observers;. il fin test thay worg well condialg) by the underwoo
but, no doubt, if he had dat bein so wall occupiei, be would have"blan diare of their prosenco nad glided of Oo a propselben to pitch into the spate and 1918 the dear, the ladinu munmapsa kywalking very sasily off, sod siguing to th? Whero futur hing on regaining the horses, the Todian remarked
· that it would baye boed madness so hang tough?a largo irritated arulo like that, as one ar other of them would most likely have got quab a squeeze he should not gann forget.' Thingal abest seten Eq?sique in the manlog; an, after marking the
tres? onrefullykwith the machutes, the party wegs Fantaja Ladini villaggy share they bad soma ban Fons and on their ruin?n, about four d'cleok in [the?evaning, sleppad voce:shogi at the notched trees. Diegroussing, they -prod?edod_esutionaly kow Kile she op?t where the unequal dontest ind hodu ging no'lu tims'morning; and nearly upon Mbe hung spol, extended straight on the ground, sewa alios pornoba-looking brain, with one of the anti) horne af den rueback protruding from one HomeFUEL Tech, nag the other sneming no if #Boult perforate the bigk every instant. The I still coiled ruand a small tree, though aut Edhe jane ka in the morning ; and the centre of his "Jody looked like a nine gallon cask. and aleag
The tail," said the Indian, and a few blows fromfy Kakarp mnckites soon "finished him; he was matedly powerlemj tried to throw up the deer,
On the left was the desert, consisting of covy muskat could not, and de ne rasistlipca,-Ligan's
a skupem, allerdits: / with low ridges of h?p that Debuff Life in Centri America,
NOTICE Nem Avvertisemente will be -served until a 0°Cuck, on the zorningt | ve mua to publi. ra Tursdays and Free
Ock $4: Bydary
Ushed Vel
Nov. No.
? Bauvia
Bingapore D Matia Nov. 14 Bhanghai Dec. 91
come dia:uming in the local papers, the [ bulk er which is among our extracts.
Dales from California are brought down to No rember. The Si Cobreation had adjourned, and the elections were looked forward 13 veikh intense in Merest by the American portion of the community. Gold digging continued profitable; gobla wats sztremely chop-map of them destroyed by the heary mains. Among the diggers there was much sicknegs from exposure.
Am Ac? tu mutand the Laws in Fares for the Encour
agudent of British Shipping and Navigation,
Certain Acta People are getting moansy about ike Apelle troop | repealed from ship with the head quarters of 11. M. 59th raghumit | and after"" lat so beard. She put into the Brazils several months January 1850. ago, some of the troops bark died of clisen; it is NOTICE-T+ Van of Divine Sercise of 3. Jo's thought, howgree, that she aught to have arrived
are de Sondag, W 10%- at and j pasco KA
are this- quarantine is always a tedious affair. And op Therdag 02.10.
VINCENT STANTON, +, The 59th ril, va c?n 05th; the Chinese say it is the same regiment, the hyrces on the caps belog trans. Vizania, 90. Nocomber, 184%
To tarde imusediase mention, ke la arz?gi.pa stat can sin writing oval papuze ot advertisementa-talen vele
Parsvik, who rovides an ih- permites C
The Bl?n, 10 cho t??ng of the multiplano, ? Ben main vall which an b?t nam than the man primer nog wel debis be acknowledged inlogi donira, ed by his writin order.
Odlas 44 Frion of China and Hon cines. ‧ C?u-a?a"
‧ Dewal's How, Queen's Roa), Vietti, December, 1849%
We were reminded that Nagpe in a port of trade by the receipt of a letter a few days ago dated as far inch as the beginning of November. Wear con fident that our Correspondent would not wring for- word charges against any man unler, he babayed them to be true; and in laying his lotter before the public, we will, for it, forbear comment ling po a place aver that the hard
further than to oj "ev of no commercial
taxed people of Elgun "Borno two thousand pounds e your to support a Cimetler estalPolimeni Cum which trade devives no benefit and if the Consulcers by their misconduct ondanger the liven of the few missionarisa resided at the por:,th: acomer they are withdrawn the better. La tua quar ter it appears to be understood that every man who emars the government service has a claion to so upon the public for life whether his umvitam ate tru quired or not but arcfi official roomuliny, it is to be bope, will not palliate conduct which tals to ren der character of in Paglishmio odious in the esimation of the people of itluppo, who, bi herto, kama umed forsignarn with s?i jiky 2----
The colony nh?; the weather cool and dry; ika notusi men Arting takes place next month, then un, nyan clasa with Subscription Ball-the Best of the Kind in Cloon-under the petronage of the Lady of His Excellenly the Go vernor An Amster thestrical performance, of a superie descripliun, helped to c?lived the month about to close.
The Canton market report in rather more favour able for some descriptions of import; though prices are still comparatively low. From Shanghai also the commercial intelligence is more encouraging.
(Pas the Overland Hongkong Register, December 2, The past month has not been marked by any van: of importance.
The China Government stlik ortalu the lead
of the unfortunate Governor Amaraland they have now been upwards of four months in thei powession, it is but too probable that be if ultimately diappeared. The anhappy fate of this brave and mobie *rgovered, all traces of the identity I have long race minded man is still bitterly deplored by all Foreignen in Chins, while the cruel and cowardly insults the cast upon his remalus. in the subject of personal morulsen- tion to every man oogst us. Governor Amaral wee not without his faults, but thene ato few des whom *ivors of judgement were redeemed by dach noble and unsualfied visters.
leges of
Bec. 7. Sec. 9
26th June 1849.
sign Vessels, and to amend an Act of in Parliament for authorizing kie d'a certain Circumstances, to regulate the t Drawbacks on Goods imported in any bore: pals; also so much of an Act passed nine of Parliament bolden is the Eight red
Yers of the Reign of 14=; 849 Fict. Majesty, intitulad 4. 80. &.& grang Duties of Craters, empowers Her Majer, in Cen
ail in certain Case to direct the additi shall be levied on Articles the Growth, or Manufacture of Foreign Countries Goods imported, in the bips of Ferelas Count or to probibit the Importation of malfacted Articles the Produce of Foreign County
Coasting Trade of United King dom and Isle of Man,
the Channel is
Trade with
IL And Be it east a, 'I'bat n Gonde os Pasponge.3 shalt ba of the United Kingdom B carried Cosatwise from me it or from the United agder la the Isle of Man, or frem she tale of to the Unite Kinga, except in British Bhiju.
fit. And be it someted T imported into the United King wa no Goode or Passengers oka
from any of the Islands of Gu
soy, Jersey, Alderney, of Bark... ... ' shall any Goode or Fowonguru dewapustou fav?n United Kingdom to any of the sald Islands, of the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sar skall any Goods er Pamong be carried fenn
Man to any other of the old lalands, aprire
Part of any of the majd Inlando to another For of the same infood, except in British Ships Coosting Trade of the British Potions.
De Goods or Passenger sh÷ll be IV. And be it enacted, Thai carried from one Part of say B fish Possesion in Asia, A?va, America to another Put of Da
except in British Ships.
Whereas it la expellant to amend the Laws now | in fores for the encouragement of British Shipping and Navigation: Be it sanated by the Queen's most Exvellout Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lorde Spiritual and Tempora), The Macao garrison has been agrengthened by a j and Commons, in this present Parliament assem reinforcemol of 106 troops brought on from don | bled, and by the Authority of the same. That from by the "Peninsular and Drinatal Company's? - and after (bq First Day of January 1850 the follow Bloomer Palin. The Chiness will keep possession
ing Acle and Parts of Acts shall be of the head and band of the late Ouvernor.
repeated ; (that is to 007.) a certain Act passed in the Semion of the Parliament holden in the Eighth so much of an Act passed in the Best of K and Ninth Years of the Bolga of line holden in the Fifth and Sixth Yo Act for the Encouragement of British Shipping and Her present Majesty, intkafed An
Reigo of Her presen Maje, 5&6 Vict. Intituled An Act to ame
the f Navigation; and so much of a car-
6. 14. a. 8. for the Importation of : 840 Viera 85. fein other Act gemed in the weid
ables Her Majesty, Belon of Pa-Remont, intitulad Ciredmstances, to prohibit the Imports An Act for the registring of Bri-Grain, Ment, br Flour from the Dom tish Feels,bmits the Privi- talu Forvigu Powers: and the said my Venele regletreed si Ma?in, Gibraline, and Parts of Aots before messed ar
and tidligoland; and so much cordingly repealed, except so far as the anxi Nea. 3.
thersol as provides that no Ship or or any of them repeal any former Actor A Sec. 5.
Vesoul abell be registered, except spy Part of such Act or Act, und magaz such as are wholly of the Build of Home Part of the British Dominions and so much bare heen incurred ander the said Act r relates to soy Poashty or Forfeiture bib as relates to the Duqualification of Ships repaired hereby repealed or any of them, or in any te In a Foreign Country: od so much se prevents which shall have been committed comory to Brink Shipe which have been Act or Acts or any of them. Scaptured by or sold to Foreigners from becoming entitled to be again registered as British in on the mwenguin become the Property of British Subjects; and so much of a certain other Act passed in the said Session of Parliament, Judicated An det le ragu-
late the Trode of British Posses 840Victc. 98. sions abroad, es provides that no Dec, 2. Goods shall be imposted inte or exported from any of the British L'usesione in America by Ses from or to any Place other than the United Kingdom, or some other of such Prossersions, except joto or from the several Porte denominated Free Sec. 4. Ports; and so much thereof a Privileges allowed to Foreign Ships by the Law of provides for the Limitation of the Navigation in respect of Importations imo the Brior
tish Prosessions in Arla, Africa, @Sec. 44. and America; and so much there of se provides that no Vessel or Bont shall be admitted to be a British Veel or 14 le imperille to recur to this painful abject with ut reflecting, that if the miserable doom he met with,
Boat on soy of the Inland Waters or Lakes of had befallen any of his subordinates in the Giover DA,
America, except such na shall have been built at and the Chinese Authoritief bad refused to give up their remains, be gallantly would he have vindicated not have been repaired at any Foreign Place to a Bomo Place within the British Demidone, and aball ruch a monstrous outrage. We have sadly mistaken
emme Pomsession, his character, o ele, al all odds and at any merifice, be
gresier Extent than in the said 949 Fict. Act is mentioned and so much Queen in Coun. derated troops in the Streets of Canton, or be would would have ung awit bia own H?u and the lives of his
or 85. #. 68, of a certain other Aot passed in ci may regulate have plucked the Tyrant Commissioner from the vary
the said Bersion of Parlament, in- Counting Trade the Prays of Mamo, angt he bed restored the cred ca probike the Importation of Train Oil, Blubber, their Address. best of his Pukce, and kept him in the fungus spuntitled 4 Act for the general Regulation of Chatoms, of Colonier on lica in question, and refrenily presented them at the Spermacoli Oil, Head-mater, Skin, Bones, and thread of its Chthades "morkly kneeling upon bis Fine, the Produce of gh of Geostarre living io ido Des, Halate tech which abe bare lies Thet of cleared out regularly with such Oil, Blubber, or drs (European Portuguese) 100 strong, froid Gos.
to assist in the defence of Meso-while the Crama and and so much thereof as prohibius the Importation other Produce on board from some Foreign Port; lection of their presence. American Frigates continue to afford it the pair pre-of Tennise from the Cape of Good Hope, or from Places Eastward of the same to the Straite of Ma gelin and so much of a certain Aas passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Seventh and Eighth Year of the Reign of Har 7 & 8 Vid. present Majesty, intituled an act cil2s.87. to amend and consolidate the Law for keeping a Register of Season, a provides that relating to Merchant Beamon, and the Master of Owner of every Ship belonging to Eighty Tone or upwards, (except Pleasure Yaebus), any Bubject of Her Majesty, and of the Burden of from any Port of the United Kingdom, and sanit shall have an board at the time of her proceeding
VI. And with regard to the times when absent from the United Kingdom or
Counting Trade of India, bei navigating the Beas, One Apprentice or more lea
aucted, That it shall be lawfu escia Proportion to the Number of Tons of his
did it Council to make say He for the Governor Gometni of in Bhip's Admeasurement, and that if any soch Masrat in Council, gulations authorising or permit ter or Owner shall peglect to have on board his Ship the Number of Apprentices thereby required, toge Passengere from one Part of the Posessions of the Gng the Conveyanca of Gloads o ther with their respective registered Indentures, Assignments and Register Tickets, he shall forfeit other than British Ships subject to soak Beatz and pay the Sum of Tea Pounds in respect of each tions or Regulations as he may think notour East India Company to another Part thereof Apprentice, Indenture, Amigament, or Register and such Regulations shall be of equal Paroo a Ticket so wanting or deficient; abe an Act passed Effect with any Laws and Regulations which
in the Thirty peronth Your of said Guvernor General la Council le flaw or to y 87 G. 3o. 117 the Reign of King George the bereafter be authorised to make, and shall be suh- Third intituled An Act for regul.ject to disallowance and Repeal is like Manner as The ship Cberland, Capt. Lewis, from Ball bounds in lodin by the Skips of Nations in Amity Governs General in Council under the Lawe fron ating the Trade is be carried on with the British Pee any gther Laws or Regulations made by the sak with his Majesty; mod so much of a cartala Act Time to Time in fores for the Goverment of
Based in the Beselon of Parlia Brdish Territories in India and shall be transmi ment holden in Le Fourth Year ted to England, and be laid before bath Houses. of the Reign of King George the Parliament, in the same Manner as any other Law Fourth, intituled An Act to compo lidats and amend the several Lampe nove in fores wish Council is now or may bereafter be impakt 0: or Regulations which the Governor. Qual, is respect to Trade from and so l'laoss weithin the Limits make. of the Charter of the East India Company and to make further Provisions with respect to suck Trade and to amend an Act of the present Session of Par- Tit for the regering of Vessels, so far as it relates to Vessels registered in ladin, as enacta ibat no Ariatie Bilor, Lascara, or Natives of say of the Territories, Countries, lands, or Place with in the Limits of the Charter of the East India Com- pay, shall at any time be deemed or taken to be
Ningen, g? 141 mamber, 1910. Bin hope you will give this a place to your lotusan I not only concrine foregnera resident bes but likewise H. M. Piem polentiary, mul era o radanger the Fained in the
relations that have hither
I am surry to buy that in to cumplain of the on duct of the British Comaut for this place who lat go: on from appen to injustice, il est traubi Chinese Mandarines od others have at the oken of is to Foreigners, saying, that if Me dalisan com tinues his je and hatab teramat of the People there will a riding among them, and they will get deunguish one brilgns House from mother, but all will stake. They hy we are fans for net pit- ting a stop it,
4 report abused to the early part of the month that the notorious Pirate Chlef Shup-ng-tool was against the lead of a formidable Squadron, it s we could not trace the rumour beyond raere hearsay and as it is not place any reliance upon it. borne wat by its swn Mkelihood, we are not inclined to
At Ceston all continue quiet.
Our dates from Shanghel are to the 20th inet, bay sontaja nothing entitled to particular notion.
A discussion srose within the past month as to the balleve it was the Rest day after Mr Ballman's a trading settlement. The discussion was chiefly found.
cause the compiewont failure of Hangkong rival from Chaun when in the City he collect an eligible warehouse sites in the Colony-state shout and had hini,ut to the prison and kang to seed the mare of it and equidistant from Bant" and ed on a recent sale by Public Auction of one of the mast day the aching bappened with shr eddliWest Polet. Upon this alletament, in skapa of pre- knock down then a day or can ofertam for the pre-emption and in actual outley, the late his servas to pull down all the cerviulces on the Proprietor invited upwards of TEN THOUSAND D road where ?sika wichunt authorlip, soilca, or re- maneration, pathing several men in
ang Auction a few days ago, when the whale was knocked Lane within the last four years-It was pol up to Pub Quellen the commol Jail, Tome 1)
down for the sum of $90-TWE DO!!! The A14
secret of such an unprecedented depreciation to this. The plot inject to a ground rent of 126 per annum and is not and is never likely to be worth one-elf the money. The discusaleo has shown diariantly that the Treaty of Nanking bad the iocritable effect of cut-
bully be any Pareigas came to the plan
of the log tosterislt were stolen e bebi
they say, the better lay the better deed," thle oo Samah.
Not another Foreigner during their widence
but the
here, except one, who caught a shies het reing off all trade for ever from the Colony, and that the calen ! 1 live to prison or augue a ha British Commal kou Jelight in time at
emeni encammonia ground rante cannot be stalled Jowen or two is the langue and all throng and out involving the settlement in ruin. The whole injury done to himself.
question will to found fully eloqussed in our presint colegios.
All foreigners Yere are douleong, tha? (17ould be
repemented and put a stop to, and travel
ing to His Excellen's eye through a pub
wild enquire Into the feta, which are know
her and can I?sub-anslated by all.
y every
‧ {from the Ocerland Friend "^ China.
to this por.. fondered off the Coast of Laconite theater and six lands were lost. Mr Block, pa ger, and there of the crew reached the show dist
●boat &andlen, id arrived here in the Bpan-brig Bri . Lande.
From the Overland China Moll, Ducember 20.)
11in which may excite some laterest song rcial community at home, has come under
authorities, by whom it has bean cem
Canton Chamber of Commeres. It ee to lietusing warehouse by
tain me
legs tha
ved smug
In the early part of the month i was currently re. ported that Shap ng uai wat agr. at the bad of a munk forablabla fest; bat-though is quite comible to pro that such is the fact the amour has not been eso- Gemed, nor was it thonghi advisable to another force against him until authentic fatellige.co was received. In the incantima, cases of pitics are si- meal of weekly occurrence in this harbour and a thetas robberies are frequent. At the close of the your there is always a greater degree of crims aug the Chinese than at any other aaron; the habit of paying af all debts, wiara a new year commences induce over scrupaloon adherent to old | dent of Tinda. cuators to plunder who they are short of funda
The Justices of the Pasos met on the Bt': Or the purpose of Balloting for two members of the Lagi lative Council." David Jardino, Esq, no? Jumoph Frost Edger, Fag, were chosen; and tho Chile
by the Chinese authorities, tho gat is called for in order to
a. 20.
uoted, That if the Legislatu V. Provided always; and be t or proper Legislative Authors of any such Brit Powe Majesty, praying Her Majesty o shall preesat un Adder
uthorise or permit the Conver sues of Goods or Passengers from one Part of on possesslob to another Part thereof in oihue thi
this Act Her Majesty in Counell shall depera to he British Ships, or if the Legialmares of soy The
neighbouring Possessions, shall present Addres of mere Possessione, which for the Purpose of
Majesty to place the Trade between them on or Joint Address to Her Majesty, penying I Fooling of a Consting Trade, or of otherwise galeting, the same, so far as relates to the Ven in which it is to be carried on, is sball, Cherampo be lawful for Her Majesty, by order in Come, so to nathaeize the Conveyance of such Goods or P neighbouring Posions, as the Core may be, it sengers, or so to regulate the Trade between mich
Case, as to Her Majesty may seem good. each Terms and under such Conditions, in eithe
Costing Trade of India to be
Governor Gene regulated by
No Ship Bri- tish unless re. gistered and no eigated aruch
VII. And be it enacted, "The no Ship shall be admitted to tered and navigated as such; and
■ British Ship unless duly regis that every British-registered Ship (o long as the Registry of unci Bhip shall be in foron, or the Car Giocate of auch Registry jatninge
for the Ues of such Ship) shall be red during
the whole of ovary Vufage whether With a Cargo
or (in Ballet) in every Part of the World by,
Master who ■ British Subject, and by a Cren, whereof Three-Fourths as least are Brinken. and if auch Ship be employed in a Costing Vay
(alt with the revesus is seriously fish on within the latent and Meaning of fected. Ve Age the other hand, aga agr Hong System les geser, og met be greatlyvigation of Brise Bhipe by Subjects of Her Ma- hensive that Corp ko the retagsive of the say act of hels of Parliament relating to the Na- rijected to by thi foregs hous
We are on away abot determination-If any the
justy; sod also the following Act and Parts of Chamber of Caman has come in on the spidset; bus Year of die Rogg of King George Fourth intituledge from ons Fort of the United Kingdom to an Antaj so much of certain Act passed in the Fourth belleve it a been reported bone by the Superinten
An Act to authories His Majesty, 4,13.4 6.77.- under cartsin L'ircumstances, 10
Audio the Duties und Drumbacks on Geode import id se exported in Foreign Yamada, and to exempt certain Foreign Vabels from Pilotage, de relates to the Regulation of Dative and "Draw. backs; also an Act passed to the Fifth Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, a G. c. I.
intituled An Act to indemnify all Persons concerned in odtising, ie
Tae new Navigation Laws come into loce
mon will have the bonour of being the 1. mem. to-day. We believe the Act of parliament has |
bera of the Hookoos legis' store not bolig office not been published offcially by the Superinten
other, or in a Voyage between the United Kingdo and the lalands of Guernsey, Jersey, Aderway Ber or Man, or from one of the mid lekunde to anothe of them, or frem one Part of either of them to ar ether of the same, or be employed in fishing on like Conaty of the United Kingdom or of any of thi mid Islands, then the whole of the Crew shall a British Seamen: Provided alway! Proviso.
that if a dos Proportion of Brush Seamen cannot be procured late
under goersament, Mir Bunham has depared from dent of Trade; we copy it from a Colonialving, or acting under a curtain Order in Council Foreign Port, or in any Place within the Limits i
the weal colonial cumon, and they will not take theirsants until be hears from England.
lbin has
for regulating the Tonnage Duties on certain 'For-
the East India Company's Charter Be the Navic -
THE FRIEND OF CHina and Hongkong ?AZETTE.
In. And be li emon?, That * ni?an (or Denizena, or naturalized bubjest or Sub- the attempt. 14;1. would seem that the time when lion of any British Ship, or if such Proportion be
Penalties Arno all Fanaliims and Forfaturas in- | + jama, as the Case may be,) ofthe United Kingdom friendly ulics might have been affectual, has basa Cestroyed during the Vurage by any unavoidable
curred under this Amt abuff be of Grest Britain and Ireland, by Eler, Majudy's suffered to pass away whimproved, fight has been Circumstance, the Master of such abip make Proof to be resonerd, of the Truth of such Facts to the Batisfaction off
Lista Patel (or by an Act of Parlisinosi, or by sued fag prosecuted, raseterad,
on borli nidas lont sight of in the hint and passion of (or under or by virtue of all Ast or Ordinance of the Collector and Controller of the Customs at any and disposed of, or shall be mitigated?er restored,
senguinary saudact, and ponos can now spring onty ? in Mike Manour and oy the same Authorky na sny | ↑ the Lagiglatofo of
or have been nu froma daaided excesse on one side or the other. Tha British Port, or of any Person authoritad on by
ther Part of be World to loquire into the Nari | Pamaliy or Ferialtare oan be sued for, prosecuted, thorised y su Ast or Ordinance of the Legion-extent and pesullar aburacter of the country which
tion of sok Ship, the same shall be deemedan reseveral, and disposed of, ac may be mhigstod or ↑ ↑ Int of a
te bold Shares | hea h?en made the thaage of war, and the immene. siluly navigated - Providet shoo, that every Bri-1 muoret, nader at det passed in the athi Buation of | 233ridh Bhipping witkaf the soil Oslany, and magnitude of the armles sugaged, seem in indiente
Parliament holden ta_the_Bigth || !sorily the pening o? xush kat ar Ordiosaon't have ..ship (except such as are required to be wholly
that the struggle will be desperate, protected, and rigated by British Boates) which shall be nas: 8&9 Vist car, and bluth Tours of Har poning had a or they bath or hara (ulcan the Cloth of Al- | Castros vs. Previous to its commensament, Ifun- gated by One British Beamen for vary Twenty
Majsary, intituled An ArtJoy V Baglanar in for Majasty Queen Vimagle) (nonding | gary was working in all the best elembuts of woulib as of the Buriken of such Bhilp shall be deemed | Pampantion of Smuggling; and that the Cost of 13 ↑ The Thaar when nich Lasers of Daadion kane min furile fields, in numerous herds, in stormzuf
- ing_Ofixer,) was (unhan what where built or, it Paine || affairs.
forfeited, Copture and Condemnation as such, ar viif the Vrmal la Fresign!
XIII. And be it mod, That Order may be it oba be lawful for Her Majesty from Time to Time le revoke any Order or Orders ist: ader the Antberits of this Ast, navn Pigena
XIV. And be it enacted. That'
The Tion and Phin Wwer i recy" such. Ordar in Council na in aford eball within Fauriaan | ? tione, if any, and vi?c "Gasolid and Days after the Sewing PLEN (*ar art) asla Owonr (
Order to be published
to be laid before Twins published in 1953 ** Parliament.
[+gmd (kat na:pper"
4th or bare veg
‧ Propany therain pri
of Parliament within Six Weeks after the lavning || £. B. (and the mid
the name, if Parliament be then sitting, mid If noi | are) truly and bom t?n"
the within Biz Weeks solar the seamendement of | & Garden Man, de Pan SUMU+/F the the next Bamion of Parliament.
XV. And be it matted, Thai
If any Goods be imported, uxport. ok, or infried Countries samency
te this Ast, all sell Greads shall be forfeited, and the Master of the Bhip in which the same are no imported, suportad, or narried Onastwien shall for
fait the wgn of Oos flundred Founds, stoops whats
any other Ponally is hereby specially Imposed.
"A,Tour de Fuers in | provinjuts, jo tas rud? plenty of agricultural abun. Fikhaing, ar inch | damen, med lu s prospalous poopla. Tas resources is passed inspec. ↑ of the country as great, yet it is impossible but ually or Indirons | that they can dii," should the war be long com, 3 in the anal Ship | tiauech, a the guamusications between plurinosa will be ast kit, the labours of the passantry be inter- bropli?nonsuna. | rupted, end der forsoft of agriostrars and of all the bementem any | other peace?a. Bets of he be materially checked, to the flow any no t?ng s? tan prodigious waste of life and on. [rected, skati, be 1 grmous expenditure of money, required, sy carry Jary or other pro- {forward war uppo so vast a scala... Ang tempo?any #4 | (that la 10 may,) success which may be schlaged by the Hus- gol (Name of Cougarian forces under their galleck leaders will only, Beclare, That the wo far, buvo the effect of protracting a war which @hermal (Master'a | the interests of humanity demand shall be brought at (Kind of Brid, | so quickly as possible to a conclusion.-Tritanka,
of the Surveying
1k, or, if Prise, UT
(ition at sich,) or
nd that such de-
?i when and where
Breign built, and
‧ Place of the
Corporation. Y
(3 smacted, 'font
at by the sald
Erholly and truly | 28, Gazelle, Drewitt, from East Coast,
... reglatering of
jij in scaetad, that
29, P.&O. Cab Str. Candle, Jamierse, (rom Cher;
19, L&C. Bt. P. Co.'s Btt. Hongkong, Hill, from
(not being duly | 29, studar, Bullivan, from Shanghai 22nd. De axercise any of 29, Zephyr, Brown, from Namos With Dec
British Vol. 10, Hugh Walker, Charon, from Whampoa. forfaited, never. 10, Maria (Danish), Thulstrop, from B Franco For Vessels under
16th October.
Barthen, wholly
ged by Brush 30, Elisabeth Archer, Cobi, from Ban Francisco sih October.
ith not registered
ll be admitted to 11, Wellington, Vellacos, from Taserin 20th Oct
bo in the River
Kingdom or of
proceeding over 27, S Edward Pary, Freeman, from Singapore.
respective Co- December,
the managing
Ay reside; and
burned and navi-
ing the Barthen
of fixed Deck,
g on the Banko
the Parts ad-
of the Province
Bruneich adja-
2, Canton (Dutch), Bergner, from Penang.
9. Abema, from Bocardam
Audax-Captalo Brooks, Mosers Ellios; Carlisle, and Cunningham.
Fet Elizabeth Archar,-Yr Humphreys.
the North Dec.
FROM HONGZOXO. the same, 29, investigator, Dunlop, Laedam, bemid Limita, 30, Liang, Allen, Whampo? date or Vessels,
sach Beate or
· 10, New Margaks, Booby, Whampoa. ma 10, hudas, Bolli xa, Whamappa.
So it misled, "Tu, P. & Q. Cay Str. Malia, Pom, Ceylon.
ha!)- coma fata
First Day of
band sight and
be it enacted.
| 11, H&G&P.?A-Er Hongkong, Hill, Chaten.
1, Wellington, Vallas:, Whampoas Dac.
y be amended 28, Joshua Batte (Am), Stoddart, New York.
Peat Beardon of
in favour of
favour of the
one is a little
**, Mr Bright,
la salat
do ware repro- Tata and armies, ad, would.pow
Austria dia).
the make of if the moral. principles as
do not at once Hongurians in a period whea
trouble klin (no ressonalida
people would
attempt to win
yo hamedous,
treme provO-
di few instance
contrary, the
ljde to "bew, that Se or can be of
1, Parang (Am), Griswold, New York. 1, Tras Bobrinos (Opanlah), Gemy, Manila.
6, Careting Ball, Lodica..
Per P. & O. Co.'s Bit. Malia,--For Bouthampton, Mrs Webster, and Me G. H. Schumacher. For
Bombay, Memra B. Byramjee and fervant, and D. Edaljee and Serv
(21st December, 1840.)
werket, has been unusually animated during the past sooth and large alles have been made of the principal staple of Import, Of Long Cloch 150,000 pieces were placed at about present que.
lions, the finer qualities of blanched are expected
ie advice. Rock estimaal at 400,000 preces.
---suppe 2007)----
Long Cloth---Gery-6. to 6? gaules 92,10 1 2,18
12 9,650 2,60 2,25 to 9,70
· #bolowin-Opanak dripur_fevvu baru part chaood freely at adf advance of 5 eghu un Just months quotations. For the present the dipind apposen to be antialled, and as the stocks are gry krge any decided improvement la molexpacted be of the three Long Elle woy alan sought after, fore the spring trade communem. In the marly port asrabook,500 ploses were cleared,--Scales at
onder whateve Ni to gain true in. igensent of their own The clamour for war at thees "popular" mustings is, of course, nothing more than a stou abmeditz, yot je may mislead the Hungarian omia *** *30 hava arrived in this aimstry, and who May be Michwood, on the strength of it, to bold out Cie buyses are now fully supplied, ad at almal gf 10 was mad kasortments al previous Bongniem of umstance to that constrymen while neuld not becuada except at very low rates. Opp. Fareign-Odonata are not asuly moved, the few sales affected Kayhantly deposed to symudiadne with the Blong have been as low rates for both Dutch and English. ?ziato, al?busie mo?kho end 21 hymenalinad vich Ti
La policy.mo vinguioty umplitingind, yat
| lekikably #lagros the slimester & our 520- Pai) milki, vad exhibit it, au si hua ben shown ?mmitt
‧ foor havo say of the sisse Owudely to the 200 of | out the whole of the Stellan trembina, na k?T NOT.
↑ my Koowshiga und Baint) sakes the Dome of Al,; dling and wosk? Were is pomible for filmay Regisnos, so say. Eponiya Hamurtarit gange mediation, to make any part in composing the wi- mid the Terms of Phe (floaty mama akany quarrel bamsen Hongery, and the two great
the Parthiada huon) se litt man my siking Turkisen powers, not a day simild be lost in rokk, * (ar hin or their taket, the Onik`of Allegianos to
1 (noming the Foreign ?tetne respostios?y to wokiak ho ‧ * Bins worthies who sanot or will not distinguish a
se any of the path Osmanskat muni bulamada
141 have?er bo or they hath or have (baseste a D?,
jalapenos from his promal churnacer wote wali ini? * vaga til sagedalous chluany."
Era F. or C.
- Quotations-
T. 207,78
93 1.10
English, Do...
18.-. 90 Beatlet and 2- "* Dark Blond by 59
One Raport. (20th December) Our last
renit was dated the 16th Nombor. The importa
stinn, dhon ato 084 sheats of Malwa nad 879 chests
of Pain.
MalShortly after our les report the
peles advanced aboyl 820 for the firm quality, aud inles were made to some exte But during the heat three weeks little has bean dune; the
New Accurist ment will be to get until a O'Click on the cornings av mer to publi-
Tursdays and refre
34 Ordner
Valid Calexi
4 Singapore
+ Shangha
Nor. 16
Dra, St
?ome du russing in the local paparo, the bulk at which is among our extracte,
Dales from California are brought down to Ne- rember, The Stat - Convention bad adjourned, and the elections were isoked forward t? vakh intense la Merem by the American portion of the community. Gold digging cos tinued profitable; goods were extremely chop-myn? of them destroyed by the henry rains. Ainong the diggers there was much sicknes from uxposure.
The Maono garrison has been agrengthened by a reinforcement of 106 troops
An Act to sasend the Laws in force for the Encour agudent of British Shipping and Navigation.
28th June 1849. Whelans it la expedient to amand the Lawnow in force for the encouragement of British Shipping and Navigation: Bail maated by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice
and Comment of the Lords Spiritent and Temporg),
| and Commons, in thle prosent Parliament SERVO-
THE FRIEND OF CUINA by the "minsul on frame on bird, and by the Authority of the same. That from
Makamba ja talladan
NOTICE-TA & men of Divine Secwe at 3t. John's Loree Ro?ty, St 119, 16 and a parc. I.
Anden Thursday x: 0 r. M.
Virala, November, 1845.
To latore Immediate ansation, it la exzpust that ↑ LP-
(?i velikog about report or seracidnementa vahem ear
sot Passe?a, who resides on the prembes 12 me Munication i modromo? na cha Hmeron caz eliber?s kno
The oron cro the use of the andemjene in the
No portare vald which are n?i v 21 ji tg, then prietor, nor w1 delu bo neknowledged talaga Contra- ad by die wellian order.
Oda "Filem of China and Honzkroc, dla zadhe"
Oswald's How, Quere's No 1,
Vietin, ist Decembe", 1887a
Blemmer Patia
of the head and ba
People are getti 'ship wish; the head on board. She po
thought, however,
ngo, some of the tr
are this -bat quat
The 6th ml, vag
same regiune, che ?????
The colony
dry; the vol
month, the an u94-1
Ball-iba Get
patronage of the L
vernor An AND
(From the Overlan
The post south 1
The Chiasse Got
Hend of the unfort
ziga Vermis, and to amend an Ad of his in Parliamed for cythwizing kis la cosy. certain Circumstances, to regulate the Puri, Drawbacks on Goods imported in any ? wai pola; also so much of an Act passed in the of Parliament holden in the Eighty nad
Yours of the Reign of Har · 849 Vict. Majesty, intituled in c. 90, s. 8. gramy Duties of Customs,
empowers Her Majet: In Un, cil in certain Canes to direct that additional Dut tolen the Glanz ih, Predi
superide descriplia,
about to close.
'I he
Canton me able for some deer
are will comparati the commercial unt
7 14 21 28
Tuesday J 8 15 22 29
Wednesday! ? 16 22 29 Sonday J 8 15 22 Wednesday? 9 16 23 30 Thursday 2 0
Monday 16 23 30
2 9 16 23 Thursday 3 10 17 24 21 Friday
10 J 17 22 31 Tuesday Friday 4 11 18 25 Saturday 11 18 25
Wednesday 4 11 18 25 Saturday 5 12 19 26
Sunday G 1914 26 Thursday 6 12 19 26 Sunday 6 13 20 27 Monday 6 13° 20 27 Friday 6 13 20 21 Monday
71 21 28 Saturday 1 14 21 28
Saturday } 8 15 22 29 Sunday 9 9 16 23 30 Monday
sot 17 -- Tuesday 4 1 18 25 Wednesday 5 Thursday 6 Friday 7 34 21 28
12 19 26
J3 20 27
Tursday J Wedackday 2 9 16 23 3 Thursday 1 10 17 24 st Friday Saturday Sunday
22 1
11 18 25
12 1996 ‧..
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 281
Monday 1 81 15 27 19 Friday Tuesday
9 16 23 30 10 17 24 31 18 25
I 8 16 22 19
Saturday Sunday Monday
2.9 16 23 30 1
We were reminded that Nagpo in a port of trade by the receipt of a letter a few days ago dated so far back as the beginning of November. Wears.com fident that our Correspondent would not wring for ward charges against any man unlee, he believed them to be true; nod in laying blu lather before the public, we will, for ile - further than to all sw
of no commercial
ured people of E
they have now be possession, it is bat tforbear bommentere, all trocan
Kingpo a place evar--the the hard Bitovo thegrend
pounds a year to support "". Cinsular esaldiment Tam which trade devives no besafa-and if the
Consule, umers by their misconduct undanger the liven of the for missionaries resident at the pp, th sooner they are withdrawn the butter. to this qua"- ter it appears to be understood that every man who enter the government service has a Jalan to morn upon the public for life whether his arvien are pes quired or not-but ovch official morality, it is to be bopel, will was pallia conduct which woda to res der character of in Tagliahradu odloos in the imation of the people of stingpe, who, ki burto, kama topated fatrignarn with all thing
Waters, af. Dreamber, 1918.
B10,- hope you will give quid a place in your art lacus, as it not only one for algners revident her but likewise H, M. Pieptentlary, mal erom now my endanger the peacable relations that have hither exited in the North
"I am curry to say that in tu cumplain of the on- duct of the Bali Const for the place who las go on from person to injuries, mit most reste tabia *Chinese Mandarines fae others have at lyngek ezeken of lato Folguero, saying, that if Me Baliva can lowes his ; and harsh eveniment of the People there a tiang siyang them, and that will lett distinguish use lureign House from moshes, but all will and... all. They uy we are so for not pa. thug a step 1. It,
I balleve it was the first day after Mr Bullman's ar rival from Chats when in the City be collect a man and had him at in the prism and kanger, the second day the same thing happened with the wh??i u afa knock downtownd then a day or two after ta order-
add ble sers to pull town all the common the road where walka wlib?na authority, movies, or tr manration, patting several meu in confonent.and one in the commed jull. These !) : s were
built any Foreigners came to the
of the bustling materials waru utolan of brbks
they the better day the better decil,"
tbla on a Bath,
Not anotte Forci, ser during their while hero, except one, who caught a thief, has calon I live to fimprison er kungue a # se Dah Coral 1.kon delight in ibla anl closet or 100 in the kangne and all throng: injury done to himself,
"All foreigners are are doutons that di
represented and put a stop lo, and trust
ing to His Excellen's eye through a prah'
will enquire Into the set, which are
ceber mal cam 1: sub natiated by 21.
disappeared. The i minded man in att?
in China, while the
Upon his remalus, k
tion to every man N not without his fat error of Judgemelli unrullied virt
Jie Tropoutlet out reflectlag, that had befallen ony of
and the Chloe A
their remains, bowi
ruch a monstmuse his character, os would have Sung A devoted Hoops in il have plocku? the TV best of Mi Place, the Prays of Macno.
lict in question, and
thebold of its ht
Justas (Europe
to it is the defen
American Frigates t
roten of their pro
A report obtained
the notorious l'int
head of a fores
trace the rumous ba, barve out by its suf
place any reliance up
At Canton all rom Our late frein S
tale nothing ent?
A discussion STO
cause the cons
trading settlement.
ed ro a receni sale by eligible warehouse
the centre of it
‧West Point." Up
Proprieter invested lam for the pre-e
Lane within the last
Auction a few day down for the sum of
secret of such an un
The platebject
and it net and is w*
and s
the money. The di
the Treaty of Nankis
but the
present en my g
ing of all trade for e
ute andthout involving t
gemelas will in Na
suld be columns.
Theship Cur-berta
to this por.. fonded
master and din 'and?
ger, and there of t
y ste v
about 40 miles, vad a
. (from the Overland Friend - China
., 29.)
muoh is a pro,
Is the early port of the mouth it yet cartedly re ported that Shap ng sai was agh at the bad of a formidable Beat; but though " is quite sossible that such is the fact the mamour has not en co- Lemod, nor was at thought advisable to other force against him until sathestic fateliiges co was received. In the meantima, care of pitics aro el T: of weekly occurrence in this barbour and in this town bheirs are frequent. At the close of the year there is always a greater degree if crime and get the Cliness than et anesthetizion; the habit of paying eff all debta afara a nw year commences induces over scrupulon adhere to old customs to plunder what they are abort of funda
Friday 1 8 16 22 Saturday 2 9 16 23 Sunday a 10 17 21 Monday 11 18? 25 Tuesday 5 1 19 26 Wedorsday 6 13 20 27 Thurdly 7 24 1 28
I 8 15 22 29 Saturday 29 16 23 30
Sunday Monday
Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 11
#10 J7 24 31
Tursday 5
11 1 25 19 26 Widnesday 6 13 20 27 Thursday 7 142)
Friday Saturday Sunday
Monday J 8 15 22 29 Tuesday 2 9 16 23 30 Wednesday 1 10 17 24 Thursday 4 11 18 25 Friday 5 12 19 26 Bawunday 13 20 27 Sunday 7 14 21 29
6 12 19 26 613 20 27 714 21 28
Thursday 1 B 15 22 29 Friday
9 16 23 30 Baturday 3 ID IT 24 31 Sunday + 11 18 25 .. Monday 6612 1926 Tuesday 6 13 20 27 Wednesday T 14 21 28
10 17 24
26 18 Tuesday 6 12 19 28 13 20 27 Wednesday 6
J4 21 28 Thursday 7
B 16 Monday ‧ 9 16 23 Tuesday 3 10 17 24 Wednesday 4 11 18 26 Thursday 6 12 19 26 Friday 6 Baturday 7 14 21 28
13 20 27
‧ 3rd Opium fale,
‧ Th Oplem Sale.
‧ Ik Opin
+ 8
dc. do.
+ 19th do. do.
1 Sch
do, Jo,
‧ 6ch
do do.
1 10th jo, do.
which the Mel Arrived at
Mofel bringing the Wall to Flongkang
Day of the Munch or
Hongkong in the par
1845 1846 1847 1848 1849|
93 90
LA 22
18 17
‧ Jude,
.. Briganta Braganza Bragnosa Pekin ....LM.Wood M. Wood, M. Wood Melia
Achilles ..Braganza Braganza Pekin
LM. Wood & M.Wood Poltlager Pekin Malip ..draganta Braganna | Pekin ......M.Wood Petrin Broganza Achilles
Pekip ...... Braganza Portloger Peki
18 LM.Wood LM-Wood Pekin
Braganza Miglia
Braganza Bragasza Braganza [Achilles Achilles
|L M.Wood|L M.Wood|L M°Wood Okaganza "Peiria
24 Braganza Braganza Postinger |Peklo Brauta
20 L 41. Wood
Pekin Achilles Malin
Day of the Marthan which the Mall who BEL
|1846|1810|1847 1848 181*
24 128
‧ The was so arrival in December 1948, and Her Majesty's Song " Explogle") was despatched from Hongkong on the p?ch with the hallo v? ta mack. The "Lady Mary, Wood" arrived on the tod of January 1987, sad van despatched 16 43 1. m, ?? thu tih.
Tran the Over A JAV which may excite some Interes reial community at home, has come under authorities, by whom it has been com- Canton Chamber of Commeren. It lito licting warehouse by tain mem
my the Chire authorities, the allegu the
at is called for in order to vant smug hands that by 'n ko the restoration of the
the revenue in arlowly af forted. On A get the other hand, Hong Bystemie gewater, might not be greatly objected to by the
forega homes.
We are not warst deseraination--if any-the
Chamber of Comme has come to on the spect; but beller is to be posted bone by the Superinten dent of Trade.
The Justers of the Pance met on the fit'. Or the purpose of balloting for two members of the Legis laur Council. David Jardine, Esq, am Jreoph From Edger, Esq., were abou; and the Onile men will have the honour of being the fmem. bars of the Honkong legis'ature not baki. & office under gaveiament. Mr Hunban deze ed from the usual colonial custom, and they it not take dent of Trade; we copy it from a Colonial thairsents until he hears from England. This has
Tas new Navigation Laws come into force to-day. We believe the Act of parliament has not been published officially by the Superinten-
Paleo ve China Orzica, Qurch's Bond, Victoria.
liament for the regimering & Sumayin fat na iz relates to Vessels registered in lada, us enacts that no Ariatic Bailors, Lascare, or Natives of any of the Territories, Countries, Islands, or Place with in the Limits of the Charter of the East India Com. pany, that at any time be downed or saken to be British men within the Intent and Meaning of vigation of Bris: Ships by Bubjects of Her Ma any act or Aals of Parliament relating to the Na
justy; and also the following Acts and Parts of Act; so much ofa certain Act passed in the Fourth
No Ship Bri- gistered and no tish unless re
rigated as such
Cup This duly regla tered and navigated se voch ; and (o long at the Registry of unci that every British-registered Shiy Bhip shall be la fosca, as the Car for the Ues of auch Ship) shall be Ducigased during tificate of each Baglary remind the whole of every Vejege whether With Clerg or (In Ballest), in overy Part of the World by, Master who is a British Subject, and by a Crew,
from one Part of the United Kingdom to an whereof Three-Fourths at Janat are British Sep and if such Bhip be employed in a Costing Vay other, or in a Voyage between the United Kingdo and the Telande of Guernosy, Jersey, Alderway Sar or Man, or from one of the said Iskunde to another of them, or from one Part of either of them to a other of the same, or be employed in 6shing on the ↑ Counts of the United Kingdom or of any of the anid lalands, then the whole of the Crew shall +
Year of the Fugg of King George Fourth intituledage
"An Act to authorias His Majesty, 4.1. 4. c. 77. sandy cartsin Circumstances, to re- filed the Duties and Ormebacks on Goods import id or exported in Foreign Vensis, and to exempt certain Foreign Vasicis from Pilotage,
slates to the Regulation of Duties and Draw backs; also an Act passed in the Fifth Year of the Reigo of King George the Fourth, 5 G. 4. I. intulad An Act to indemnify all Parsons concerned in advising, is
sing, or acting under a certain Urder in Council for regulating the Tonnage Datics on certain 'For-
British Semen: Provided always that if a dos Proportion of Brut Boamen crnot be procured in any
Foreign Port, or in any Place within the Lis the East India Company's Charter Be the Navigne
THE FRIEND OF CHina and hongkong dazette,
And be it emnew@, That | ↑ nizon (or Denizens, or naturalized bubject or Sub the attempt. HQ: I would seem that the time when fin of any British Ship, or if such Proportion be
Penalties all Fenaltem and Forfaizaras in- jecu, as the Case may be,) obthe United Kingdon friendly low might have been effectual, has been Petroyed during the Voyage by any unavoidable
curred under this Amt ahoji Circumstance, the Master of auch Ship make Proof to be recupera.
Pof Great Britain and levland, by Her Majesty's ||ffered to pass away whimproved, light has b?on sued fas, prosecuted, ruseterad, |' Letters Patent (or by an Act of Parliament, or by on both sides Joer aight of in the heat and passion of of the Truth of such Facts to the Satisfaction of
and disposed of, or shall be mitigatedjor restored. | ↑ or under os by vietas of ad Act or Ordinames of sanguinary caufact, and peace can now spring only. the Collector and Controller of the Customs at asy
w have been sufrom decided asossis on one side or the other." Th? ratish Port, or of any Person authorised on sayin like Mannor and by the same Authority an say the Logigature of
Part of be World to loquire into the Nayi. Ponally or Perfalture on beased for, prossensed,thorized by an Ass or Ordinamos of the Legisla. extent and peealier character of the country whick
to hold dharm | bae hpen made the thaatge of war, and the immana.` on of mach Ship, the same shall be deemed revered, and disposed of, eg may be saltigated of | | INCA OG luly unvigated Provides alve, that every Brimanered, ander an Act pround in the avid Benion of 100 Brith Shipping withid ?y said. Oslany, and | magnifude of the nemies sugaged, seem to ladicato Parliament beiden in the Rigih | ↑strily the pating of rosh Ant ar Ordinanse I hays | thaj the struggle will be desparain, protracted, und hip (except such na are required to be bolly
the da a chay bath or have (ukon the?lath of Al- | destroaurs. Previnng to its commanort?iani, Han- vigated by British Bourton) which shall be 8&9 Vist 87. and Ninth Yours of Har prapat rated by ?ne British Sesman for every Twenty
Stujasty, istan?ad An Ast for the | + inglines to StarMajesty Qown Timegla) (saning | gary was walky ja kii the best elemfate of warlth * the Timer when vich kaisers of Dukudion Kave -in ferilo Balda, in o'smerous herds, in storag of
man shall exceed One-Fourth of the whole Crow. Vill. And be it camoted, That Phat Parson Du Parson shail be doomed to be.
the Consolidated Daims of Canto C.
ne of the Burthen of such Ship shall be deemed | Prevention of Bunagiing; and that the Com of a e duly navigated, withough the Number of ather Proceedings under this Ast shall be delayed out of ? ham graund verpentionly or the Year Years in pooviajenn an toa rud? plenty of agricultural hun
* which mich hat er Kate of Naturalisation, or anch | danes, and 'iu a prospalvas people. The resources 27IL. And belt sasosad, Thai || Cekalal Asta of Oyommen kast pasmi rupes. | of the country se glost, yet it is impossible but nil natural-hera Bubjung of klar Hoa Vinh man hinh nhat, die dily or bodie khoe khay c?m 2 chaild cho mai b? long con. Brkich Banman, or to be duly
Majesty, and all Perenne made Ir, bad, ang Bhare or Part intervet in the sard Ship | tinged, the canmunications between plsvinges qualided to be Master of a British
Denissos by Letters of Doum? *of Vemale.
will b? xst kit, the labours of the pesszatry be inter- Vassal, szop Persons of One of 1. Detters of bars son, and a? Parsona usturland Prafers always, that if it shall become nanessa- | raptad, ond the pursuit of agriculture and of all the following Ciasno ; (that is to say,) nasdial beta | Wink Voorde, by or under say hat of the? vy do bezitter may ship or Ved belongleg jo suy | other penceta' set of hau be materially checked, to objects of Her Majesty Parsons naturalized by
ment, or by or under any Actor | Cots sale Body in the Unand BolmVenette Non- | my po tong n? the prodigiof waste of life and on- ur under any Act of Parliament, or by or under Ordinance of the Legislature or proper legislative ing Declaration hersinkefore directed, shall be grmous expenditure of money, required carry -ny Act or Ordinance of the Legislature or proper Authority of any of the British Possession in Aris, made and umbsoribod by the Benretary or other pro-forward war upon se vast a scale. Any temporary
per Officer of such Corporate Body; (that in to my,) galative Authority of One of the British Posse Afrion, or America, and all Person authorised by
accomm which may be echinged by the Hun ico, or inade Denizens by Letters of Denization; or under any such Aot or Ordinamos to hold Shares +1 4. B. Becralary or Officer of (Mane of Com. | garian forcas under tbelt pulland leaders will only, Persons who have become British Subjects by In Briliak Abipping, shell, on taking the Oath of *pany or Corporation) do truly declare, That the We four, have the r?ect of protracting a m?r which virtue of the Conquest or Cussion of some newly Allegiones to Her Majesty, Hor Heire and Boo. Bhip or Vesel (Name) ot (laf) whornol (Master's the interests of humanity demand shall be brought Required Country, and who have taken the Ostf cessors, be deemed to 'duly qualified to be Name) is el present Master, being (Kind of Buid, | as quickly as possible to a conclusion-"Trattoria,
* Allegianos to Her Majesty, or the Outh of Fa. | Owners or Part Owners of Britisk registered Von- *4, described in the Certificate of the Burveying p elity required by the Treaty or Capitulation by : sela, anything in the mid recited Ast for the ragis- |· Ugion), was (when and whies kujt, or, if Prize, or
SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. thick such newly soquirod Country came into terlag of British Bhipping to the contrary in ung- forfeited Capture and Condemnatim ar such.) or
wine notwithstanding
((i) the Toasc) be Forsign built, and that much de- ser Majesty's Possession; Asiatte Sailors or Las- "XVIII. And be it maclederetary or Oficer data not know when and whers Form of Car That the following Form of Cer ier, Istede, or Places within the Limita of the
** bult,) that the mid Vamal te Foreign built, and harter of the East India Company, and under tificate of Relisrate shall be substituted for the that I do not know the Time and Place of the Dec. ‧AD HOWMEOKO.
Form of Certificate prioribed by ↑ * boilding, and that the mme doth wholly anddruly | 28, Gazell?, Drawit, from East Coast, the arid A? for sba, Ragistering | ' belong to (name the Company or Corporation. Y 29, ?. & C. Ca.'s Btr. Canik?, Jumlerin, from Can-
XX. And be it enacted, That
Government of Her Majesty or of the said | glatry, mpany; and Persons who have served on board any of Her Majesty's Ships ( War, in time of of British Shipping:- War, for the Spaos of Thres Yeara,
‧ Thie la lo sertife, That (here isvert the Namar Proviso for notwithsisoding that by the said 29, 11. & C. 8. P. Co's Str. Hongkong, Hill, from And be it onnoted, That Occupations, and Raidence of the subsoribing | Fatrala under reched Act for the registering of Froportion of it Her Majesty shall at any time | · Chandra) having mails and subscribed the Doeler- Fifteen Tons British Vessels it is enacted, that
Barthan in In. in cam any Bhip, sot being duly | 29, "dudox, Sullivan, from Shanghal Read Deo. *ution required by Law, and having dealared that Scamon may be,by Her Royal Proclamation de- altered by Pro-"clare that the Proportion of Bri. ‧ (he or they), together with ( Names, Occupations,| Land Masiga tegintored, shaff exertion any of | 29, Zephyr, Brown, from Names Bich Dec. comotion.
fisk Seamen necessary to the dust and Residenos of new subscribing Owners) is (or tion, and for the Privileges of a British Vassel, | 10, Hugh Walker, Cameron, from Whampoa. Navigation of Brick Shipssball | ‧are) sols Owane (or Owonre) in the Proportions || Vassala under, the same shall be forfeited, never-
30, Maria (Danish), Thalstrop, from San Francisco be less than the Proportion required by this Act, | specified on the back bereof of the Bhip or Ver Thirty Tone thalom all Boats or Vasels under
16th October," very British Ship marignied with the proportion | * sel oslled the (Skip's Nasa) or Plans to which the || Barthen for the Fifteen. Toge Burthen, wholly ot British Emmon required by such Proclamation + Vessel belongs), which is of the Berthan of (Num Newfoundland owned and navigated by Brit. 30, Elisabeth Archer, Cobb, from San Francisco coull be deemed in be duly navigatoil, as long as |· ber of song), and whereof (Master's Name) la Mas
Bubjaci, although not registared
19th October, Britisk Bhips, shall be admitted to
(01, - Wellington, Vellacet, from Tatsoorin 10th Oct.
ich Proclampion shall remain in fores.
Cser, and that the mid Bhip or Vasool was (phens and where built, or conelented as I rise, referring to
be British Vaovala jg all Navigation in the Rivert
27, Sir Edward Parry, Freeman, from Bingapore. December,
2, Camion (Dutch), Bergner, fraca Penang. 9, Abema, from Rotterdam.
Andax-Captala Brooks, Moser Ellios; Catiala, and Cunningham.
Per Elisabeth Arohar,--Mr Humphreys.
39, Investigater, Dusier, London.
30, New Margaret, Baby, Whemes.
30, Audax, Gulli ua, Whacapga.
X. And be it enacted, That in case it shall be made to appear to
‧ Builder's Certificate, Judge's Certificate, or Carijt. [and upon the Comth of the United Kingdom or of *Her Majesty that British Voerole cuts of last Registry then delivered up to be gen. the Brilak Pommession strong, and proceeding over Quren may vo... are subject in any Foreign Cowa
called, or (if the Vascoal was Foreign built, and | Bom, koops within the Limits of the respective Co strict the Pirul try to any Prohibitions or remtrio- · the Time and Plaos of building not known) was || Jonial Governmenu within which the managing Owner of wach Vowels respectivly reside; gad Irges of Foreign Lions as in the Voyages in which
Foreign, and that he or they did n?a know the Ekips in cartea they may magage, or as to the Ar-
Time or Pics of bailding ) and (Name and Em. | that all Boats or Vessels wholly owned and Davi ticles which they may laport into ployment of Burveying Oflow) baring oeetided to gated by British Bubleolssot exceeding the Burthen or export from such country, li Tus that the said Ship or Vowel hoa (Number) | of Thirty Toos, and having a whole or fized Deck, shall be lawful for Her Majesty (if the shink it,) ‧ Docks and (Number) Muate, that her Longth from and bring haployed solely to flaking on the Banks by Order in Consail, to import such Prohibitions the inner Part of the main Stem to the forn Part || and Shores of Newfoundland and of the Parto ad- or Restrictions upon the Ships of such Foreign ‧ of the Sternpost niedi is {
Fook. jucsot, or on the Banks and ?h?tes of the Provinces Contry, either as to the Voyages in which they
of Canada, Nova Bestia, or New Brunswick adjus * Tantha) her Brosch in Mijak?pe in ( may engage, ar su to the Artisles which may may
Fool Teathe.) ber Depth in Hold at Midcent to the Gulf of Buint Laurengs, on the North soport into me axpart from any Part of the Onised
Tentha) that the of Cape Cass, or of the hinned vlkin the some, Kingdom or of any Britisk Powension in any Partia (hose rigged) rigged with a (tanding or running) or le trading Constwine geldin the said Limits,
the World, as fler Majesty may think fit, so Bowsprit, is (Description of Stera) starned, (Car- shall be admitted to be Britan Boats or Venesia, 10, Linnet, Allen, Whajapat to place the Ships of mick Country c? ya usarly | 1 vai or Quinchor) bilik, has (whathar any or met) || although nat registered on long ne much. Boats or kap sable the same Fosting in British Ports au ‧ Gullory, and (Kind of Heed if any) Hload, that | Vossair shall be solely zamplayed.. that on which British Ships are placed in the Ports the Framework and planking (or plating) is (alala of such Country.
Lehether a Baling Vased or a Stormer, and if a XL And be it enacted, That und may impare in same it shall be made to appear alditional Dutiqu to Her Majesty that British Bhips are either directly or indirectly subject in any Foreign Country to any Duties or Charge of y Bort or Kind whatsoever from which ?? national Vonnals of such Country are exempt, or that say Datier are impoend upon Ae ticle imported or exported in British Ships which are not equally imposed upon the like Artioles im- ported or exported in national Voorals, or that any Preference whatsoever is shown aithne direoily of indirectly to national Vraonis over Hellish Vossel, or to Articles imported or exported in national Vod And on the Back of such Certificate of Ragis- sels over the like Artiales imported or exported in i try there shall be an Aotosal of the Parts or British Vessels, or that British Trade and Navi | Bharna hold by suph of the Owners mentioned and gation le not placed by such Country upon an ad- dasgribed, in sick, Csetisesta, in Form and Mao-assolshed at the warlike sentiments souselated. Vantageons & Footing as the Trade and Navigation | nor following:--
of the most favoured Nations, then and in any ruch. Case it ball be lawful for Her Majesty (if She think it) by Order in Coneji, te impose such Duty or Duties of Tonnaga upod the Ships of cook Nation entering into or departing from the Porte of the United Kingdom, or any British Postion lo sey Part of the World, or such Duty or Duties
on all Goods, or on any specified Classes of Ganda, imported or exported in the Ships of such Nation,
an may appear to Her Majesty Justly so comater vail the Dyadvantage to which Brikke Trade or Navigation in se subjected as aforesaid.
XXI. And be anaoted, |30, P. & 0. Gay, Bi. Ma?ie, Pots, Ceylon.
Act to take That this Ant ele!! come late 11, F&CP.Ca4St, Hongkong, Hill, Canton.
Sue, alate whether propelled by Paddie Wheels affect on hot or Berne Propatiars) and the mid subscribing Jan. 1850, *Owners having monerated and agreed to the above Destriptben, having ongood sufficient Securi
Ad may be
ty to be given as required by Law, tha and Bhip For Vamel" enfled the (Nana) has been duly regis. | amended; &c. *send at the Port of (Name of Port). Cortified as
1 dar our Hund at the Custom House in the mid | Parliament.
Part of (Name of Port), this (Date) Day of (Na- * ma of movili) in, she Year (Warsis at Langth.)
*(Bigood) (Signed)
Names of the several Owners within man- tloved.
(Signed) (Bignedy
Form of De
XIE. And be it enated, That Order in Coun in every soch Ordre Her Majemy | claration.
cil to specify Shipe to which us applies.
may, if the so think fi, apacity
what Ships are to be considered
Calle stor. Comptroller.
speration on the First Day of
Jannery Oon Loomad sight" and Ingary,
k Wellingtm, Vellacoti, Whampone XXI. And be it enactu, Dec.
FROM JY RAMPOA. that this Act may be amended 28, Joins Batse (Am), Stoddar, New York.
se rupiled by any Act to be passed in the present Bession of
Considering that the movement in favour of Hungary meets with the marked 'favour of the peccat-any-price men,-Mr Cobden, Mr Bright, nod Mr Harns, among the number,-one is a little
Tvory men who a few weeks ago were rapeo- ba ing the palloy of maintaining flesta and armina, Number of Sixty. that war might not find us unprepared, would.pow fourth Shares bald engage the uation in a contest with Aostela dad
by wash Owner. | Bumin for no other purpose than the sake of
masntaining a political sentiment. If the moral. Thirty-two force men have so much faith in their principles s Sixteen. Eight. Eight
Collector. XIX. And be noted, That the following Declaration shall be substituted for the Declaration by the mid Act directed to be made
1. Pasang (Am), Griswold, New York. 1, Tras Sobrinos (Spanish), Gdray, Manlia.
4 Caroling Ball, Lotion. ‧ PAMINOKIS
Per P. & O. Co.'s Bit. Malia,-For Bouthampton, Mira Webeter, and Mr G. H. Schumacher. For Bowley, Mosora B. Byramjoo and Bervant, and D. Edolins and Berment,
(SLst December, 1849.)
market, has been onoerally animated during the past wath and large Des invo been made of the principal staplar of Import. Of Lang Cloth 350,000 piacon warn plased at about present quo-
they profess, how goes it that they do not at once coadame the present conduct of the Hungariane la | inking up nevin against Astatria, at a period when that power was sorely distracted by trouble vkl?n and without, and when certainly no ressonable demands made by the Hungarian people wouldations, the finer qualities of blanched are expected have been refused ↑ The desperate attempt to w?a
in advance, Rock estimated at 400,000 preces. liberty at the sword's paint is always hazardous, and only to be justified by the most extreme prova-
by the Owner or Owners of any | callons. Modern times have afforded few instances Dans?bi revolt; while of the contary, the
as Shipe of the Country or Coun|?Vessel previously to Registry thereof; trim to which sock, Order appli
$1, 4. B. of (Place of
Long Cloth-dry-5 to 6) calles 92,10 x 2,15 1.30 to 7,45 9,55 to 2,0 9to9,70
TYbile-common to fee
· ▼ bulberta.-Apontes Daigu bero bona part chased freely at af simons of 5 sehr un Jast months quotations. For the present the diisind appears to be antialled, and as the stocka s?m get? large any decided improvement is molexprstad be- fore the spring trade commences. In the antly port of the red Long Ells wap also sought sher, auf Shoal 800 pieces were cleared.--Scarles at 45 47much of 10 ample und Lesortmanfaat previous man neslu not berande ancept at very low rate. raten ‧ Che buyers are now fully supplied, and
· Elbiate uve not easily moved, the few sales affected
vad all Ship navwering the Dottripsing must aftraty Yookaro, The "Kad when Cuscantion),} whola,coures of human history tende to show, that )
Femei (dame)" no people gas be kept in bondags or can be op- to such Order shall be considered to be 8bija se ↑ of (Pert or Place), whertof (Master's Name) is at pressed, who exert themmives, under whatever ruch Country or Countries for the purposes of such presoet Master Ming (Kind of Beild,Berthem, et form of government they may ba, te guim free in- * outers, as dasaribal inika Cartistosta of the Survey. Stilations, sud soquire the management of their own Xlll. And be it ameted, Thating Ofour,) wae (when aid where but or, it Pane affes. The clamour for rar at these "popular" Order may be it shall be lawful for Her dajesty or far, Captwa and Dowelination as such, or enderings is, of course, nothing more than a stod
from Time to Time to revoke any gif the Varval be Fertiga kallis
abgardin, jei ji may mislead the Hungarian amin Order Order in Commik dur
P 22 (ave arrived in this bountry, and who mder the Anchority of this det
?wly bu idildaad, on the strength of it, to bold out magram of anlatanca to linda contarymen white mydlenigy demand to eyage the Bungbaw? be as low rates for both itch and Boglish.
XIV. And be it uprated. Ther Order te le vy? such Order in Qu published in formid shall with. "Gazatid" and Days after thamang sekeja toblaid before Tina pallikad laudat Parliament.
the same, if Parliament be than sitting; nh? If not
Property thesis
‧ 1. B. (ont, tos med
Tamwarte and. Butcher, Will it is impona?nou chyfl (* pulty no moguluty Mpandaand, you DO MENA
ady Monking and cowardly, can bufete dhe las Laut pani for show make it is adopted, while it inau inarkably dingeson the olarsatur af our Glouch 'mint, and exhibit ii, as 14 hena buan shews toruagh-
‧ (nor lev? any of the neber Ownden-to-thejibu-of
out the whole of the die?lag trembles, an hoch med's XV. And be it manted, That | ‧ my Koswidige vor BAIM?) KAN LOW ORLENE A), diing and work." Whrs it possible for fiendly if any Goods be impacted, export.
mediation to take any part in`composing the un- Regiamos in any Fomija stake at
Much Governor powers, not a day should be lost in mak-
the within Bla Wesko after the poemmencement of the then next Bemion of Parliament.
· - Quatations --red
leh Stripek-red-
My Chak
English, Do.
Dark Biar by 38 la 3-
Bearled and in - ",‧
Orton Rupont. (2011 December). Our last
regent was duind the 16th Nodernber. The importa
erind Coastvrias contrary |? under Zim Terane of some Ganda konec kotour quarrel kumpons Hungary, and the two great times 1bon are 984 chants of Malwa ag) 87!! chests
to this Ast, all such reade shall be forfeited, and the Particulars Thereof.) or that gines my taking | the Master of the Bhip in which the same tre 00
? *(or his or their inking) the Oath of Allegianos te imported, exported, or ourried Donaties shall for= feit the age of One Hundred Pounds, aroops where any other Panally le hereby specially kaposed.
| | (neming the Foreign Sinine respectively to which he - Madan ya then who went or will
? or any of the acid. Owners shall have tahan the?aming) | wwan an vederea calonny's
· Tuan's printon from his personal charmaier would call thi?
191 have (or ha or they hush ar love (bosomo a D?
Ero F. C.
of Pates.
price advanced abogi 820 for the first quality, and Mal-Shortly aft our hat report the sales ware made to sache extent. Hat during the last three weeks little has been done; the
New Accertisements will be seemed until
O'Cork, on the cornings, we rus to publi.
Tatedays and Frila-a
THE FRIEND OP China and Hongiung Gazette.
cadwoma disuasion in the sacal papers, the bull of which is among our extradie.
An Act to amend the Lase in Furce for the Encour
agudons of British Shaping and Navigation.
96th June 1849.
eign Vessels, and to amend an Act of the is olm Parliament for mythriting his H? esty... certain Circumstances, to regulate the thazir, Drawbacks on Goode imported in any 2 ?velyn lak pels; also so much of us Act passed in the B of Parliament holdan in the Bightly ned ~..
Youre of the Rolgs of Her 849 Vict. Majesty, intituled" in 4
gring Datige of Customs, empowers Her Mojaty in Uga
Data from California are bronghandown to Ne- rember. The Sta Cobrention had adjourand, and the elections were looked forward to vaka inmate inf tort by the Ame:Joan portion of the community.
Whatman if le expedient to amend the Laws now Gold digging continued profitable; gouda, wenn - in force for the encouragement of British Shipping |extremely cheap-nap? of them destroyal by the | and Navigation: Bait saasted by the Qussa's
hoary mias. Amang the diggers there was much | most Exsallost Majesty, by and with the Advice || c. 30. a. 8. sickness from exposure.
and Consent of the Lorde Spiritm? and Temporg),
Kugled Unked
Nov. 11
Nov. Nov.
141 Bhanghai
Dra. M
Biemmer Palin
The Macao garrison has been agrangiboned by a jand Commons, in this present Parliament Kapera. prioforonet of 100 troeps brought on frans. Ces | Mel, and by the Authority of the t
Thai from by the "Paminogler
ell la certain Came to direct that sadikal Duter
of the bead and bu
People are getti
ohip with the hand
'en bgard. She pa
Mjavam ago, som? of the to
ROTICE TO Vives of Dicine Serries si Jo. Jagd's Unete aro da Smity, 20 119- 22 and 4 past - Eu Ma
Visuale, Mia November, 1845.
To ledes hommediata namation, it is nagy "Alistair
modne to th? Parve?e, who couldas on the premlagt (C) me
Leo) adaramed te Uhe Timegon 64.3 ahher by her le
No prorfus are valid which are morte, (57 156 1 prietors nog wel delta be scknowledged mng somet by his writion order.
Olles" Fries of Chen and Hooster/ Ga-gla
Chwald's Row, Quem's Roal, Victoria, La Decembe', 1809.,
Wa were reminded that Ningpe in a port of trade by the receipt of a later a few days nga dated as for back as the beginning of November. Wenes con fident that our Correspondent would not wring for word ebarger against any man values he batiered them to be true; and in laying Me totes before the publlo, we will, for the ? further than to give
of no commercial
1, forbear bomen en Jugget a place ever-that the land sammet wo thepand pounds n your to support = Cipeular esat deseront Issan which undo deviren no based--and like
taxed people of
Couleurs by their miscoue jedanger (ho lives of the low misu?ovarian resident Co port, the wow they are withdrawn the butt. §. - Ta than quar- ter it appears to be understood that every man who entare the government service has 'n "lafm'ch vorn upon the public for life whether hissavi?u are to quired or not--bed srch afficiat zao?uljty, A la to be bope, will not palliwa gooduct whith doxin to zen. der character of an Taglabama edipus in the estation of the people of chlappe, who, hi berto, kama treated, forsignnemarith mil jiky a
Minggo, ali Demander, 1958.
Bowl hope you will give thin a plast par arst leons, as it not only so, zeran ferdigpiera rot?rbc her.. bat kawin H. M. Piepotentiary, and win Day m3 "endanger the pesovable relazione that have hither: axiled in the Katch.
Cam botry to say thou?t is to mocndala of the aor - duct of the Brilly Consul dey th?n phan who las gone
on from opperies to tajusios, mil mom ble *Chiara Miandurines fad others have at Jagthe-okes of it in Folglquera saying, that is van con- tin are bin ndy; and baish treningit ke Propla there will arising among them, and May will ont dietinguish one foreign House from me, has all
V ME 160y day we are footh for not put- ting a sep 1: Et.
balleve It was the Beat day after Mir Hallivan's are rival from Chessa when in the City be coiluet a m sad had him put to the prism and kangue, the day the manching happened wich die antivirus of a
knock down bow, and then a day or two after da onder-
ad bis serra's in pull down all the cc on the road where i walks without authority, delon, or
thought, howgrer,
care thle - byt quat
The 69th di mme regiment, the
The colony dry; ila moi mel ?, month, the an wei Ball--the ef patrolege of the L An Ama
superide detriplio about 10 close.
The Cantou ma able for some drect are will comparati
the commercial int
(Prom the Orland
of importa
The Chinese Get
and of the unfort
they have now bra posuession. It le but @ragovered, all treets r dippered. Thes minded man in sh
in China, while thi
din ze every man a hot without his fe? men of judgemelt unrullied virtue.
po remains, la
It le Tuspendule out erecting, that bad befallan any oft
B 16 22
8 15 22 29 Wednesday 1 A 16 22 29 Sunday Waloenday 2 9 16 23 30| Thursday" 2 9 16 23 30 Monday 2 9 16 23 Thursday 3 10 17 24 31 Friday
10 17 24 31
Tuesday Friday
Saturday 4 18 25 Sunday 5 1 26 Mooday 6 13 20 27 Tuesday
7 14 21 28
4 " 18 25
Baturday 6 12 19 26 Sunday 6 13 20 27 Monday
↑ 14 21 28
8 15 2 29 Baturday 29 16 23 30
? 15 27 29 9 16 23 30 10 17 24 18 25 Wedn?aday b 12 19 26 Thursday 6 13 20 27 Friday 7 14 21 28
10 17 24 31 It 18 25
Wednesday 11 18 25 Thursday 5 12 19 Friday 6 3 20 27 Saturday 7 14 21 28
Tuesday 1 15 22 1.
8 Welaceday 2 9 16 23 30 Thursday 3 10 17 24 37 Friday 4 18 25 Saturday B 12 19 26. Sunday
6 13 20 27
714 21 291
THE FRIEND OF CHina and Hongkong dazette,
the altempt. Bazi, would seem that the time when friendlyow might have beso effectual, has been
And be it manual, Thai | ‧ ufson (or Di?nizens, or naturalized Subject or Sub- Penalise how all Fonition and Portdancos in- |* jomis, as the Case may be,) ofthe United Kingdom
curred under this Amt shaft be of Grest Brissio and levland, by Elor Mofelty's offered to pass away whimproved, Right han boon sued for prosventet, vasaforad, |! Letters Poted (or by un hot of Parliament, or by on both elden lost night of in the hout and passion of
'ar under or by vielas of n? Ast or Orduanes of sanguinary conduct, and pose", "an now spring only ‧ *cko Lagielni? of 1
or have been au- from desided escases an one side or the ower. TES *thorised by an Ant or Ordinases of the Legisla. extent and posutiar abureter of the country which
to bald Blares | bau hyen made the thenige of war, and the immenez, big withaf yi schl Culty, and | magnitude of the nrusien mugaged, saam to ladieste Auch Ast de Orllosnos I have ; that the struggle will be disparato, protracted, and " ar karo (uckandbodjath of A)- | destructive, Priving to its commesertpent, Hun. (Days))}naging | gory was wooliku ju m?i the best elembnie qe wanita
tion of any British Ship, or if such Proportion be destroyed during the Vurage by any unavoidable Circumstance, the Master of such Bhip make Proof to be reoveerd. of the Truth of sach Peats to the Batisfaction the Collector and Controller of the Custome al asy and disposed of, or shall be mitiganger restored. British Port or of any Parson authorised on sayin like klasoor and by the same Amberly us say ther Part of be World to loquire into the Mari | Pesally or Pecfeiture osa ke aned for, prosecuted, pation of euch Ship, the same shall be desmd. "a dudy navigated i, Providik abs, that every Brik +5), Jhip (onsept ruch nu are required sa be wholly igated by Britlak, Bourbon) which shall be ne Kated by One British Beames Tor being with
of the Barthen of ruch-fhip-shubhai
as duly serigetel things Tha Yume Te
unen skall scored Chan-Frank of da ‧
What Person. Borsa shall be donated
be British British-Beman, di-da,
kamps Persona ne Qasal
- Glide Guiday in numeroun hards, in Stormprof
?d Tours in | parinkan an tha rada planty of agricoltural ubao. smak | Zenalka? lu a penapa?ous people. The rustices af the country nen groot, yet it in impossible but Komorerne | that they sign, deh, should the war be long sous Damned Sklp | tiamoci, zat the patiesunications between phoringss (will be ay kit, an inbows of the peasantry be inter- captad, vet vier prmit of agricultors and of all th Cach nggade other queena) (in or kan bo moscially chechad, w SUROTRANSAKA, my j? tagit der prodigiout waste of life and on-
in following Chughes (981 in to map) naing)))
-giant, or by or under ang Kette | OusidwM50dy in the Ualind bagga Sobjects of Her Majesty'? Persona baturaffed by or under any Act of Parliament, or by or under Ordinance of the Legistare or proper legislative log Donlaration bereicbefore directed, what, ha | grmous expenditure of inmney, regaired # carry ny Act or Ordinance of the Legislature or proper Authority of any of the British Possession in Asia, mada and putsaribed by the Secretary se oiker pro- forward war upon un vas a scala... Any lampetsay gislative Authority of One of the British Pouses Afriss, or Americe, and all Persone authorized by per Officer of sock Corporate Body; (that is to day.) | saccomm which may be schisjad by the Hud Ho, or made Dasison by Lecture of Dealsation; or under any such Ant or Ordinamon to hold Shares 11 4. B. Seoratary or Offlver of (Name of Con- | garing forcas under their pulloch lenders will only. Pureone who have become British Subjects by in British Shipping, shell, on taking the Oath of Pony or Corporation) da truly declare, That the | we fer, have the effect of protracting a war which virtue of the Conquest or Cession of some newly Allegiones to Her Majusty, Her Heirs and 800. Ship or Vessel (Name) at (Put) whereof (Matter' v | the lafereste of humanity demand shall be brought required Country, and who have taken the Oath com, be deemed to be duly qanlified to be *Name) is at present Master, being (Kind of Build, as quickly as possible to comalin-ratama,
Allegiance to Her Majesty, or the Oath of Fe Owners or Pet Ownage of British-registered Vas- *4, at described in the Certyfests of the Burveying anyoyote Jelity required by the Treaty or Capitalation by | sem, anything in the mid molled Ast for the ragis. | 5 O?leur), use (inkan and inkora buja, or, if Prisa, or
SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE hich such newly aequired Conairy, came into tering of Brkish Shipping to the contrary in any- fefilet Capture and Condentsation de slack,) 07
wise notwithstanding,
Phem of Car
Her Majesty's Possession: Asiatic Sailors are, being Mutives of any of the Territories, Coon- ies, lache, or Places within the Limite of the harter of the East India Company, and under tificate of Bo > Government of Her Majesty or of the said ? gistry.
mpany: and Persone who have served on board any sof Her Majesty's_Ships_of War, in time of of British Abipping z- War, for the pace of Three Yours,
‧ This le le sertify, That (here insert the Namas LC And be it sancted, That | ? Occupations, and Raidenas of the subscribing Proportion of Her Majesty shall at sky lima | · Cuners) having main and absoribed the Dealer.
Barthes in In- in case may Whip, not being duly | 29, "dudez, Bullivan, from Shanghai #?ad. Du. *ation required by Lam, and having declared that Ecaman may be by Har Royal Proclamation de altered by Fra- "olare that the Proportion of Bri. | · (ba or they), together with ( Namie, Gooupations, Land Naviga. registaral, shall exercies any of 29, Zephyr, Brown, from Namen Pak Dec. clomatim. tish Beamen neomary to the dus ‧ and Residanes of un aukscribing Onnare) in (or tion, and for the Priellegas of a British Vamel. |10, Hugh Walker, Oueros, from Whampoa.
Navigation of Brisk ??ipe sbull |? are) sole Owder (er Oraws) in the Proportion || Yassola under, the same shall be forfeited, water-
"C? the Tassel be Vorsigs built, and that such Ba- "IVIII. And be it enacted ontory or Offoer date net kuow when and where That the follow?g Form of Cer- |* balit,) that the said Tamel in Foreign built, and sidente shall be substituted for the" that I do sot know the Time and Place of the Form of Certificate prevuribed by * building, and that the mms doth wholly and truly | 28, Gasella, Drewit, from Kast Osset. the said. Alt for the, Registering | 1 belong to (name the Company or Corporation. Y 19, §. & 0. Ca. dr. Cash, Jazzles, from Char;
IX. And be it enacted, That Prosise for notwithstanding that by the mid 19, &C. P. Co.'s, Elongkong, Hill, from | Totrela under recitad Act for the registering of
‧ Carter. Fifteen Toms British Vatecla it is soacted, that
16th October.
be less than the Proportion required by ibin Act, specified on the back rear of the Skip or Ver Thirty Tone to all Boat of Vet under 30, Marie (Danish), Thalstrop, from Bun Fenolaco evety British Ship navigated with the proportion and called the (tkip's Name) or Flaos is which the | Bayihen for the Fiftoon Togs Burthen, whe 80, Elizabeth Archer, Cobh, from San Fransisco
Nonfundland owned and navigated by British Foldry.
Bubjects, albough not reglatured Drink Ships, shall be admitted to 31, Feltingin, Vallacett, frum Tutenorin 20th Onl.
Rikh October.
of British Seaman zequired by such. Proclamation ‧ Fawn belongs), which is of the Burthen of (Num shall be dugmad to be duly serigstad, so long st | + be of sme), and wherwol (Mama's Name) la Mus such Proclamation shall rumaia in foros.
*ter, and that the mid Bhip ar Vaomi was (whos and. X. And be it maclad, That in cukoro bulls, or cmdmhed as Erin, refuring a beltisak Vasnale in all Navigation in the Rivors Nor. quan li ghall be cande to appear to ↑ " Builder's Certificate, Fulge's Cartilonie, or Chriji. "and upon?ke Coself of the United Kingdom or of *Her Majesty that Britisk uralous of lam Registry then delinbred up te begin. Use Bribiah Posion abroad, and proosaling over 27, Sir Edward Pwry, Freundin, from Singapore.
‧ called, or (if the Vomit was Poreign built, and | Soi, szange within the Limits of the respectiva Co-December,
The past month b
8 16 22 9 16 23
Sunday 10 17 21 Monday 4 21 18? 25 Tuesday 5 1 19 26 Wedaraday 6 12 20 27 Thursday 7 14 21 29
Saturday 1 Sunday Monday Tuesday
B1 15 2 19
1 10 J7 24 31
Tuesday * Wednesday 3
9 16 23 30
Friday Saturday Sunday
41 st 25
6 12 19′ 26
Thursday 4 Friday
8 16 22 2.9 16 21 30
10 IT 24. Monday ‧ " 18 26
Wednesday 6 13 20 27 Thorsday 7
14 21 18
6 12 19 25 Saturday 11 20 27 Sunday 7 14 21 28
Tuesday 6 12 19 26
Wednesday 6 Thursday 7
13 20 27
Quem may re- sro onbjost lu any Foreign Coun striot the try to any Prohibitions or restrio- Inge of Foreign done as to the Voyagon lo which Ships in bertam they may segugs, or sa to the Ar- ticles which they may impact into
J Monday 8 16 22 Today
E 9 16 23 10 Wednesday 3 10 17 24 --
Thursday 4 11 18 25
6 12 19 20
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
? 3rd Oplan Bale,
‧ Th
Oplum Sale.
‧ 11th Opium Bala,
+ 4th d
+ Bik dc. do.
+ 18th do do,
1 Bub
do. do.
9th do do
↑ 6th
‧ 10th da,
and the Chloe & their remales, boyr such a monstrook
would have d?ng 2a his character, 01 elat devoted troops in Li have plock the T heart of the Place.
the Fraya of Macao
ti in question, and
threshold of its h
Intan (Ewropens ble the defen trction of their prop American Prigai
A report obelmede
the notorious Piratqi
bord of a formida
bare sut by its ow trose the rumour b
place any reliance
A1 Canton all cont
Our dates from S?
motele nething entil
A disenin acol
of the cons
trading wettlement.
ad on a regni anla by?
eligible warehouse
the centre of it gj
Wat Polat." US
Proprietar investeri
for the proveng
ration,iting several men in amusokavstand A within the bust $
gon 3 belie-gh the commol Jall. Thee 1).: s were Up Auction a few day
bulli before any Foreigner came to the plac
of the building materials stolen or hear
they say," better slay the better deed,""
this on a fat'ath.
Not another Foreigner during their wifle
b?n, except one, who caught a sbias des
elo ib-tier to Impelsom er kangue a now.
Mang**down for the sum of
and an
bagan The plot lost
ut the
Drieb Consul tabou delight in the set ng had a
slow or two la the langue and all throng?alt and fejury dose to himself,
All Sorigners are are doudruun, that th
represented and put a map in, and Irth the
His Excellency's eye through a publ
■ila maquire foto the Net, which are know
bar and can be sub-antiated by all.
uld be
and 19 nat aneh la n
the money. The di
Treacy of Nankli
ingonil tendo for +
bruseni mu moun gi
be involving thi
questiou will see
The ship Chuderla
to this pori. fanded
maque and alg land)
about 40 cadles, and at,
(rom the Overland Friend "" China.
tres the Overtim
Thursday 1 8 15 12 29 Friday 2 9 16 23 30 Baturday 3 10 11 24 31 Sunday 4 18 25 Monday 66 12 19* 26 Tuesday 6 13 20 27 Wednesday 7 14 21 28
14 21 28
Sunday 1 8 16 Blonday J 9 16 23 30 Tuesday 10 17 24 Wednesday 4 11 18.25 Thursday 6 12 19 26 Friday
13 20 27 Saturday " 14 21 28
Day of the much en
which the Must Arrived na
Home Tool bringing the Mall to Hanghang
Bangkong in the you
1845 1846 1847 1846 1849|
. 201
| May,
‧ Jane,
th, which may excite nome inemagi
November, December,
+ 1892
They of the hath an
|1844 1840 1847 1849|IDES
Bad 1847 1019
Braganza Braganza Braganza Prkin ..LM.Wood LM. Wood & M. Wood Malta ..Braganza Braganza Pekin Achilles
LM.Wood M.Wood Portlager Pekin ..draganza Braganna Pekin Malte
Wood Pen Braganza Achilles ..Braganza Pontlager |Pekla Pekin LM.Wood LM.Wood Pekin Braganta Malta 11 Braganza Braganza Braganza Achilles Achilles
LM.Wood & M. Wood L, M Wood Waganza "Pekin 14 Braganza Braganza Postlager |Peklo Brafona
LA. Wood
Pekin Achilles talia
‧ There is no rival in December 1446, and Flu Maired the tnd of Funshey 1947, mLL TOO Jeshme on the 20th with the Mello of h
rcial community at beme, has come under|
authorliler, by whom It has ba sem
Canton Chamber of Commeren. It ce to lietasing warehou by
the Chires authorities, who
dy. The "Lady Mary, Wood" a
Palma or Cuina Orrica, Queen's Bond, Vlotaria.
In the early part of the mouth i was correctly re- the
Damnat in the regiming Voma, 10 jar at 1 | Ko Ship Bri- ported the Shap ng mai wan ag at the bed of a munk
relates to Vesela registered in fadio, na enacts that tisk unless ro formidable feel; Gm though 'n fa quite cosible is pro
no Ariatic Bilors, Lascara, or Nativas of say of gisteredmeno that euch in the fact the moore not com.
the Territories, Countries, Solanda, or Place with cigated as such. tala mer filmed, nor was it thought advisabit to another allege that
in the Limits of the Charter of the East India Com- force against him until authentic ilg.ca was
fole wat la called for force pasy, eball at any time be deemed or also to be received. In the meantime, case of piracy are al-beare that corm Yo the restoration of the any act or Acts of Parliament relating to the Na- the price larily ale ich Bame within the latest and Meaning of fested. A quid fans, the other hand, 298 aggre- host of weekly occurrence to this harbour and to song Bystem les querer, maight nec be greatly rigation of Bridal Bhips by Bubjects of Her Me. thee too robberies are frequent, At the class of objectal to by thig the year there is always a greater Mage of orime Were not away-wher deteralaatinlfany-they ao much of certain Act pamet in the Fourth justy; and also the following Acu and Parts of amage the Chinese than at unge dikte varon; the bauber of Comme bas come the pleject; has hab of paying off all eskes, vegre a new year ballore to been reported head by the Superlatin-
Year of the Rugy of King George Fourth intituled commends induce over sorupalone adbarabia se old
dant of Trade.
An Act to authorive His Majesty, customs to plunder what they are short of sagde
4.0.4. E. Toortsin Circumstances, to re fathe Duties and Dimebacks an Goods import il se exported in Poreign_Tasoola, and to exempl curtain. Foraigu Viobels from Pilotage, do inaten to the Requintion of Dorino and*Deww- backs; alsown Act passed in the Fifth Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, 10. 1.
dar a caricia Urder in Comel Intiraled An Act to indemnify di Persons concerned in advising, ia- for regulating the Tonnage Duties on certain For
The Justices of the Pase that on the fa's for the purpose of balloting for two members of the Lagis lative Council. David Jardine, Est, sa? Joseph From Edger, Eng, ware abuson; and thes- Cute
Taa new Navigation Laws come into force
men will ho to the booou: of being the f. mem. to-day. We believe the Act of parliament has
bare of the Honkong legislature not belgice under goverament, Mr Bonham Boo depared from
not been published officially by the Superintes-
the seal Colonial castoin, and they wis not take dent of Trade; we copy it from Colonial sing, or acting theirsons until he hears from England. This bas Gazette.
tored and navigated as such gu that every British-ngletered B (long as the Baghy of sel Ship shall be in fost, or the Car tidcase of sech Begkry roulos!
for the Use of such Ship) shall be daring the whole of every Vajaga whether a Charge or (in Bellest), in avery Part of the World by,
and If anck Ship be employed in a Outing y Master who is = British Subject, and by a Cren, whereof Three-Fourth at least are Meridiah Benayap age from one Part of the United Kingdom to an other, or in a Voyage between the United Kingdo ". and the latende of mornay, Jersey, Aldoramy Bar. or Man, or from one of the mid lat, ndy to sayile ( of them, or from one Part of either of them to ot other of the ame, or ba smployed in faking an sho Counts of the United Kingdom or of any of the maid Islands, then the whole of the Crow shall be
British Sentom : Provided alwage that if a dos Proportion of Britisk | Beamen onnot be graenced le any
Forrige Part, or in any Place with the Lim the East India Company's Charter for the Naviga
Ownam of mok Vromis respectivdly reside; and
‧ the Tine and Place of building not known) was | Tonial Governments within which the"managing Foreign, and that he or they did not know the Tims or Pines of building ) and (erate and 2006. - Moni sil Bosts op Ventola wholly owned and navi. gated by British Babieses,pot axonsding the Burthen ployment of Surveying Offair) horing wortilled to
? Gallary, and (Kind of Hend if any) Hond, thai | Vasinda shahi be solely jo amplayed. -
the Framework and planking (or plating) in (tile, whether a Balling Vowed or a Blommer, mit if a Samar, state wekirker propelled by Paddio Whaste or Burke Propoliara) and the said subscribing Openers having contented-and agreed to the above Deamiation, and having caused sufleient Securi-
hot to take #fact on Let Jes. 1880.
Act may be
Kl. And be it mustal, That this, Act shall come la operation of the Fire Day of January One thousand eight and
SIL. And be it enacted,
That this Ast may be amended or repealed by any Am to be posed to the present Semion of
2, Canton (Dutch), Bergner, from Panang,
9, tema,-, from Rotterdam.
P? Audax,--Captulo Brooks, Mancs Ellios; Catife, and Croningham.
Put Blisabeth Archer,-Mr Humphreya.
16, P. & Q. (hy Br. Malis, Pain, Cafian.
1, H&GP.Cx483 Hanging, Hill Chaten January,
1 Follington, Tollaset, Whumpon Dec.
23. Joskus Bates (Am), Biodigst, New York. Elec.
or export from such connity, it is that fae vald Ship or Vasest ban (Number) | of Thirty Tons, and baring a whole or fized Duck, shall be lawful for Her Majesty (If She think 84,) | · Docks and (Number) Massa, that her Laugth from | sad being in played solely in fabing we the Banks by firder in Connall, in import auch. Prebiblions |? the inner. Part of the main Stem so the form Part | and Shores of Newfoundland and of the Parts ad- or Restrictione upon the Ships of sash Foreign | "of the Starspost aleE INT
Foul. jaasut, or on the Banks and?hotos of the Provinces Country, sither as to the Toyage in which, they | ‧ Tantha,) ber Brandth le 3tlaskipa iz{|
of Canada, Nova Boullo, or New Brunswich olja. may engagi, me go to thaj & 'stlaken which they may ‧ Fool Trotha,) hor Depth in Hold at Mid- cont in the Gulf of Babt Laursos, mon the North upport into er sport from any Part of the United | + shi ala (
Totha) that she of Gapo Unum, or of the Missid Wiihde the oerne, Kingdowner of any British Possalon Sit kay Part | cis (how rigged) rigged with a (standing or conning) or fe credigg Conacurios peitrim the man Zanten, 10. Froomigater, Deulen, Landen,
the World, ne For Majesty may shink fi, se no
Bowsprit, in (Description of Stern) clarsed, (Car- | shaft ba sundivat sa te. Brick, Boats ar Vemen | 30, Lient, Allen: Whimport to place the ships of men, Dountry on on osarly val er glasset) bede, can (whichas any of an) sichuugh wit rightmind as long an sosh hosts or 19. Naw Kamine, Beepy, Whampoa. ne pomochle the mine Fondag in British Porn as that on which British Bhips are placed in the Ports of such County.
XL. And be it enacted, That and may impose in it shall be made to appear a:iditional Duties to Her Majesty that British Bhips sre akther directly or indirectly subject la any Foreign Country in any Duties of Charge of apy Bert or Kind whatssover from which th? national Thovels of such Conouy az exempt, or that any Dates are itaposed apos Ar ticles imported ar exported in British Ships which are not equally imposed upon the bike Aruoles im- ported or exported in national Vostela, or that any. Preformed what over le shown wither directly or indirectly to national Vrasin over British Yamely, or to Articles imported urazported in national Ver
And on the Book of auch Certificate of Regio- sels over the like Antinis imported ar exponed la. try there, shall be an Account of the Parts or British Vossia, or that British Trade nad Maxi- | Bharon held by such of the Owners mentioned and gation is not placed by pack Oreniry apa sa deseribed, in sick, Cortinate, in Form and Man- vantageons a Posting as the Trade and Navigation | nor Sullowing:- of the most favoured Nations, than and in any such, Cum it shall be lawful for Her Majesty (if Bho think fit,) by Order in Cassol, in Inspost sonh Duty or Cuties of Tononga upoll the Skips of tuah Nation anring into oc departing from the Porte of the United Kingdom, or say British Possession in any part of the World, or such Duty op Dution on all (pode, or on any sposlled Chasm of Goods, imported or exported in the Ships of such Ration,
de-giran no required by Law, the said Ship For Vanel sallad the (Mini) ban boon dafy regis. ? mendal; ?o,
and at the Port of (Name of Port). Certified un *der our land at the Ousine Ho?re in the mid Part of (ffome of Port), thin (Date) Day of (No * me of modlil) in the Tour (Wirda ae Langth.)
‧ (Signed)
Name of the several Owner within men
(Signed) (Bigned
Form of De
ell to specify
way, if She no think f, specify
Ships to which
what Blipo are to be considered
may appear to Flor Mujuny jasily in counter- vail the Dyadvantages to which Britikk Tynde or Navigation is so subjected as aformasid.
*IL And be it conced, That Order in Coum in every such Order For Majacy | olaration
Calle sor. Comptroller."
Number of Sixty. Aberth Shares held by aneb Owpar,
. Thirty-two
Bizton Eight,
1, Panama (Am), Griswold, Bw York. 1. Trio Sobrinos (Spanish), Cheny, Manila.
, Carling Ball, Ledion.? FAMENO LEI. Domidwing that the movement in favour of Par P. & O. Co.'s 81. Malin,--For Southampton, Hungary mants with the marked "vour of the Mira Webster, und Mr G. IL. Borcher. For potestany-prica man -Me Cobam, z Bright, - Bombay, Massen §. Byramjas and Bervant, and D. dod Mir Hama, among the somber,-m-diam le a little chiselsbad at the warlike sonilmente smenelased, Edbljos und Serval. Tvory man who a few weeks ago were ruplo- be bag the polley of matomining facts and armine,
· that war might not flod us unprepared, wouldpow angage the "mation in a nonant with Austria da.
· Bussla for no other purpose than the otka of maintaining a political sentiment. If the moral. fora pren have so much faith in their prinsip?ns as they profas, how qemes it that they de met at noon condemn the present venifuot of the Hunguriano la . taking up arms against Austria, at a period whea
(21,31 Domimber, 1849.)
te advice. Block odlomid at 400,000 pieces.
in market, has been sanerally animated during the past cenik and large allan have been made of Oemptroller, that power was sorely distracted by troubles klin the principal supine of Import. Of Long Cl?ch Collinor. | and 'without, and when certainly no reasonablo [150,000 plecen wete plased je about prosent quo- IX. And bak cfnd, That draganda made by the Hungarian people would ations, the finer qualities of klescued are expected the following Declaration skal) | kava born rufined ↑ The desperate attempt to wip be substituted for the Declaration | Nh??ty at the sword's point is always hazardous, by the mild A directed to be made ani only to be justined by the most nigramme proto- by Owner or Owners of any andons. Modera simer hare afforded tym jagmanom of susceralni ravali ; while ch the sostany, the a) whole,neurm of human history tende to show, that' PS, se people pan be kept in bondage or can be of
se Ships of the Country or Oos-["Vassal previona?y to Bo?jatry iBereof; tries to which souch, Order applies
Long Cloth--Gleep-6 to 6f gatim 91,30 to 3,15
2:55 10 1,60 135109,70
chased freely at all advance of 5 out on jest moothe quotations. For the present the dismand appoare to be satisfied, and as the stocke are very
in such Order all be densidered to 65" Biji se (Col{Pari or Place), wheriot (Michler's Nahajiani, pressed, who exert ihemmires, under whatare Puch Country or Countries for the purposes of anoh 4 promet Master being (Kind of BoldsBarThen, letta of gorwammi, they gay b?, to gun from la- Centers, as deserthed Gotha Careidents of the Survey. | Mitutions, and acquire the m?nagement of their own XIII. And be it ama-ted, Thating Oficer,) was (sokog add where bait, we, it Palie | shiro. The clamour for war at the "popalar" large any decided Improvement is not expected be Order may it shall be lawful for Her Majesty {+ or forfaires, Captura qu
Ko suck, or meetings is, of course, nothing more than a stupid from Time to Time to revoke any agen
Under the Auth
Order to be
10 helaid Beltra
of Parliament
the them neat Semion of Partisment.
XV. And be it anotad-That if any Glede be imparted, export- of, or decrid Consterine comteney,
to the Act, all seal Code shall be forfeited, and the Master of the Ship in which the same are so imported, exported, or carried Oostwies shall for feit the age of One Hundred Panda, sastapt whoco any other Ponally is hereby specialty imperd
of the rh Long Elle wegs also sought after, fore the spring trade oecomences. In the early part
The Uguracion quis. | Mathem500 prosag ware cleared.--Scale: at
THE ADDED and Savortmante ai prarious
1994 | qua][4] 5 Suraje are now fully supplied, and
dling and wank," Wari la possible for (Hamily' allasian,we take any part in composing the un- ( ging vend hagesen Bungyty, and the two great M?t pomina sau a duy nhon ba ba
who seznot or will we
VAN DE PROow olinmay,"
Eros F. C.
I dalis meile not belande.acoept at very low rates. Ej blate too noi atsily moved, the few milar affected bown as low rates for both Dutch and English.
English, Do.
Bearist anda.
Dark Baby 23 1 }]
Orgie Marose. (20th December). Our test regon 1-quae dued the 16th Nesember. The impone ba than an ?ai nhoain of alta m?t ghi ch
of Patozi
price advanced abeg? 990 for the firm quality, mud HalShotly after our last report the indes ware made to seihe extent Bal during the last three weeks little has been dune; the
dealers are cautious and will not offer at all except for the best description, and for that at res oder the sales we have referred in, Quotations must be "Kiven a shade lower ; say $825 Spoon for first qua *ly. Stock at Woorung minsted at 2,350 cheats
Patna.Un the arrival of the Museppa with news of the tine in Canton a speculative demand Sprung up; on hearing the the steamer on bad anchored Chapoo holders gained confidence and prices row from $490 to 615 and 290; they felbta $500, and aggin rallied but there is little demand, dagers been supplied for a time, 'The fudan's cargo has not bad much effect on the market; our quotations are 6510 to 051) nosily abominal, The prasure of a low chests upon the market would lower these rates. Deliveries ab?ur equal to the Arrivals pock at Wooeung estimated at 900 abasts. EXPORTS. BILK-Woties a further odveom of from 10 to 15 per coat, and parchams to the extent of 1,000 bales. The mock is mostly of a inferior descrip.
tion ang, bald at very high prices,
- Quotations- Trulo-No. 1 and 2 $485 to $450
390 to 420
340 to 580 Tepotama 3 280 to 310
forward, shipments for the remainder of the son will necessarily be but trifling.
Seanted have been a little request excepting
pace in England-with the expected short drop of 1 Parade Most arrive. Hoop Wire are very sale Cup in America boklere imve besome very ? able la consequanda of light apeka, firm, the natives have in some degree met the de Leal, improved during the month, 06.90 baving mands and sales of Ligiton Cloths Goth Grey and bown Ald for a few bandred pigs, Latterly it has White have been made at an advance. Fue Yarn | declined and?s now quotud vaider $5. the market has been so depebased and prices have
Tia Platfow paceels have sufficed to reture gone so low that an adeunos of $1 per prout is not ↑ dece quotations from $12) set cask to §8 nominal. sufficient to induce holdgre to sell; and unel the old | Et la doubtful if even §7 would induce a sale of stocks in Chinese hands are pretty wall exhausted, more than 100 ba
remunerative price cannot be expected, as the Copper. ---Bales of alab baru bem maeu at $19. hayere are fury slow to bellova in any permanent
Qokilver-11# in quoted for native, but it advance in an import so long al8 as heavily de-ported would fetch no more than 995 to 100 per pressed.
Woollens, some business is doing in Long Bil, during the last three days, at a slighaadvance, icon. sequenon of an enquiry the certail oulours. The demand will be as freely met by holders who wish to avall of the present high rate of Exchange for min, that it is to be feared the improvement will prove very temporary, as stocks are hury
very reduced prices, while the scarcity and ha cost of the Flower will preclude further manu
at present rates.
at about previous rates; the marker is bare of
A few purchases of Souchonge har bess trai other kinds of Blacked prion are quite nominal, GR.From 150 to 155,000 packages have arrived up to date, about half of which have fo
yers si very_fall ratas, bullikle bit yet be done for the English mark, the prices paid America, being generally above the rates ruling for similare qualities in England. The average que lity of the crop is considerably below that of proxi
yours; it is said that the supply will be some million short,
The following ships have been despatched sinds our last. Froms Whampoa Shamiry, Rober Small, William, Marian, Charlotte June, Juli Blaine Castle for London; the Qu'an, Sappho, He for the Outports from Shanghai four vouch for Londen and two for Liverpool The Insti getor for London and Euphrates for Liverpool hava
a mile though the cargoes have not yet been), circulated.
Stool-levelling at $4.50 in tobe of i owt cech Bence Tia-l as quoted last mouth, Papper, is calling freely. Rating are still la Jerman, the boat Banjarmasons !ting command a very mady malo.
* Bandal Wood-Malabar is leable at the low rats quoted, but Browsy and South Sea Islands Wood and the questy na the way in excess of our re-in arriving so freely, and stopke on hand a large, that a s6/6s almost impossible; many inferior par Spanish Stripte ato in great excemt large parcels will not sell to cover Freighty and charges. celaghava again,been thrown on the market in bar-
Rice. The barvest in this district has resulted tor for Tex, und i? aplie of rulmously tow ruim mast favourably; the crop is a very full ons and they are almost unsatrable. With the prospect of prices are daily drooping; the last counts from continued shipment in England very Dule improve. the north niso adrien of a hoary decline and prove ment can looked Tof.
that the report of famine were much exaggerated.
Opium.-Turkey is firm at 0445 to 460. Malwa very dull and unoslesble at $680. Patna, bee gradually given way during the month, and is to-day qurtad $473 to 480, but contraeia for the 1st Halo's Drug, to be delivered 14 days after arrival can be made at $145 to 450; but few Chinese can be pund inclined to enter into tras. Bunares-Is of about the same value as Patus but no forward contracts are reported.
‧ TransA few days after de arzivst of the Au- Fim !Voollens und Superiar Indias Sloth being gustall the market was awegi of Osagene si am very voarca ate qouted at remaserative rates, but advanga & fully safe. Since then upwards of 30 very small Imparts would sufflos to bring down chops have Been milled for no they arived at the p-ices. Lastings-the woche ure vary umall and advanced rate. The purchases of the month common arriving, but losing rates only can bo oblaim. pejaus 35 whope of the season 365 chops. There ad for goud and fins quelation; common quality and ?are 13 chops still in themarke uprokl, and about badly sorted colours are quite unsaleable.
30 more are expected before the close of the OD,
motions. Camlets, bare ngala giron way; the demand la Green test for America are in contidoed demand, very limited and probably in a short time will al and the operations of the month have been chiefly together crees. A few favorite Cokura and of Toi la market The purchase for America good quality are the only salexble kinda just now at amous to about 90,000 packages. for England | from @25 to 37 for all Doabla" Yorkshire Cleods. shay arm light, and will not increase materially | Usani sssortments of Norwich are dal at $19 to 21; until the Americas are supplied.
while Dutch are altogether neglected. EXORANGE-Halle on England at 0 months sight da Od. to 46. 61 21 American credits with shipping
documenta de 7d.
Farie-To England £9 10s, to £4; touongs
(98th December, 1849.)
Tun Market has improved for Cotton and Colton manufactures aming to the small strirala, had in consequence of the news by the mit of advanced
Bham-The old sock baving best cleared off in the spring for California, a high price is named for a few small parcels of approved co- laura, but it is tuon likely that when the goods ar tive no sech price will be offered; 4-5 to 12 per pair is quoted, but affere are none in the market at probent.
Flannel, is also enquired for et paying prless, in conar quence of the market being without stock; very small shipments only can be repogmended
alight accumulation would cause a heavy fall in price,
Iron--La very dull and likely to declinn ag the
The general opinion is hat the new Paina sad Benares Drag will sell during the month after ar. rival at from $430 to 450 per cheat.
Gold and Scan Silver have given way in price, but money is very sentos and Interest ligh. Es chance on England has gone up to ta. 5 to 44. Od. fur first class paper. East India Co.'s Billa na. cepted have sold at Rs. 221) to 226 per $100.
Price &c. of Tea we quote as follows:- Congo-Bat mid, ra. cos. 13 to 14 in??u.
Bl. sough, fard, blkh. IC. m. 15 to 18 al. Bikh. If, stro-very f?w left~17 to 18 taels, Souchong, & to 8 chops sold at 18 to 18 taals; about
20 reining at 15 to 18 tuele, Fiery Pakos, very low left;prices nominal. Oolong Plain O. Pate
do. do.
do. do.
Joenied O. Pakse 9,000 to 3,000 packages sold
at 30 to 6 fesls. Sented Capers, very low sold; stock inferior and
prices asked high in proportion.
Guam Tua.
Thenka: Hyson Shin,
about 3,000 package of each taken for America at 11 to 16 tals; a fow at 20 thes.
Hyson 3,000 la 10,000 packagor sold 25 to 55
melo; a few at 50 to 6? trela, Young Hyron, upwards of 50,000 packages soki st
Tu. Since our last report very litle business has been doing to Black Tea. About 13 to 15 chops of Congou have been taken et prices fully supporting the advance noticed in our last. The stock on hand to setimated at 30,000 to 28,000 chests, and about 15,000 mots are spected. The Export of Cangu up to date appare excessive; | but as the bulk of this description has already gone │wal.
December, 28th, 1849.
(All Articlas quoted 2 Months Cash prices and Duty Paid except the otherwise mentioned.
Description of Goods
Ala-Allsopp's, Bam's and Hodgson's
Amber, large
Betel Nut-new
tordage, European
Bombay Pinont
Gray Shirt
Go feed-7 lbs. a *8 lbs.
Duties paid in Sycen Silver.)
Price Calling
Aniseed, Bar
30 0%
0 Utong.
18.0 15.0
2 60 to
9 50 52
Camphor Disala
0 0 to
Of In Haughing.
To m.
6 7 10
8 0 10
8 2 to
10 0 to
67 to 60 tada,
U to 25 and 36 to 60 tela, Imperial & Gunpowder.-12,000 sold 32 to 85 sad
Oneston Imperial & Gunpowder, 18 to 92 Young Hyaons, very difficult of afla; prices nomi.
(Cash 2 Months. Fres on Board.)
Duripilen of Goede
9 06 980 ghing
60 0 to 140 of
84al, no stock,
Cassin Buda
China Root
Dragon's Blood
Galangal -
Rhubarb (old)
G. E.A0 in, by 384 yds.
2 25 to
2 35
64 do.
8 h. 8 the. 6
2 45 to
2 50
66 do.
81 lbs,
2 56 to
? 65 to
2 60
9 85 to
2 60
2 70 to
2 00
3 0 10
3 $5
0 70 to
No. 28 32 -
No. 38. 42
South American
9 lbs.
72 do. 91 Ib. 10 lbs.
White Shirtings G. E. 36 in. by 40 yda,
60 to 64 read
60 do. 72 do.
Handkerchief (Chintx),-19 by 30 i Prios, Chinta-28 in. by 29 yds,
Twin Water) No. 16 a 20′
Bquare Bar
Fiat Bar
Small round and wire
Lood,-Pig, English
Backer Excel-Englab
Plater J. U.
Putro, (New)
Malwa Turkey
Rics-C?go quality
Bandal Wood-Malabar
Timor, and B. B. Lalanda
Spanish Stripes, 608 62 in.
Hebig Cloth, 00 a 0 in.
Medium Cloths, 60 a 08 in.
Superior Broad Cloth, 60 62 in.
Long Elle,-30 in. by 24 yde, amored
Camlets,-30 in. by 56 yds, amorted
Duck, 28 by 40 yde
Lastings-Aported, 30 to 32 p. by 58 yda.
Bombastis,--80 in. by 50 yd.
28 446 44&_&_&_Cs‧ \stirssssss & 444 44888888
30 to 3 Of Thail
28 0 to 23 78
Canton No.
No 9
No. 3
BUGAB RAW et quality, Pingfa
Price Canion
19 010
?? 145
180 Hangbang.
0 0
do 110 00 120 D
18 0 to 19
10 75 to 11 50
14 50 to 15 0
105 0 to 170 (
* 50 to
0 0 lo
2 80 to
& 50
80 0
80 Mambal
11$ 0 to
30 0 to 40
0 35 to
do. 480 0 to 500 0
0 0 to 8:00
0 0
290 0 to 0 0
5 60 to
450 to
4 80 to
2nd quality, White
3rd quality, do.
0 0
Ist quality, Brown
4 10 to
and quality, do
0 0 0 .0
3rd quality, do..
24 50 to 26 0
TEA, BLACK-Congou--Sound common course loaf
12 to
0 0
28 0 to 90 BO
do, fresh mixed of kind.
12 50 to 18 D
Even blackish leaf-
18 0 17 0
38 0 to
001 gang 1 memband
Do, -Wiry black leaf
18 0 20 ha only la?t.
21 0 to 22
do. do. fine
0 0 0 0 0 More det
3 20 10
8 20
0 to 170 Pro len
4 0
Do. Good
0 to 22 a Phapo smelling
00 Trylow gaining, pr?em ne
Ning Yong-Good to line
Da Pine to very fine flowery
0 0 10
Markady chewed fej
Oulong- do.
0 to
0 to 200
3 66 to
2 60 10
8.90 (0
580 Uigh
4 0 10
8 BU
5 90 to
G 60 to
· ?
6 50 to
4 50 10
4 60
5 0 0
6 50
17 0 10
19 01 0
D U w?
Bouchong-Common to fair quality
Flowery Pekos-Middling quality little flowery
0 to 170 Per Amerion.
0 10
0 0
0 0 to
Mamadou munda,
0 0 to
0 to 20
0 to 26
VOL. IX. No. ↑
Prim, 14 ounding to thei TERMS OF ADY
in pay ing
mazon, Prano, Gaten-Mason, Ross, Assn. THE Panimular and Ont-
Ship ACHILLES, will Zoeva this forthe above places on Wed- weeday the 30th of January. Camso will be received on board until Nook, and Brikciu antliv. of the 29th.
Fosfarther particulars regarding Funtour and PASSION Sply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent.
R & 0.8 N. Co.'s Office, Victoria, Hooghong, let January, 180.
THE mie of Freight on Bilk to England per Over- land He has been redeoed by order of the Directors of the P. & O. 8. N. Campany's to $90.00 per Ton of Cubic feet, which will be charged until farther notice.
J. A. OLDING,--Ageni.
Honghon 20th November, 1849.
Canton, 20th December, 1849,
NOTICE IJR. R. B. FORBES ja admitted a Partner in our house from thin dute, his lotares and Reapon- sibility commencing on the first day of January eat, at which time Messrs W. H. KING and GEORGE PERKINS retire
RUSSELL & Oa Cantoo, 20th November, 1849,
Ju all
formerly known as the Hongkong Shop,) in non- resimt lola, the Lavoles of Baperb Alabaster, Marble, and Agile Onn?ngari, ogmaisting of Vases, Lampa, Candlewicka, Jugs, (ik-piunde, | west Baskela, and Paper Walghts, formerly on View in the low House,
PRICE $18 per donu
Lollare; ut paid to advancu. Cien fizija vespera, & Maym. Parum calling or
Pollere i mbarquent inmedown 45 conft. *
, thou: who are bas Ephoszibara, soqal.co
Also, a oboice Assortment of Plaster Figures, if the being casts from the best Works of the firm Mupidly ters of Siatuary, comprising The Apollo Belvidere, Vanos Calepiohi, Vanus da Mediai, Ballis's Eve, | the pati and other Mastor Placm of ART.
Togelber with a choica Lot of ENGRAVINGS | they from Paintings by Corbould, Haydon, Landecor,
MR FREDERICK JOHN ANGER is auth Reysolde, and orber Painters,
rized to Bign for our Firm by procuration,
Hongkong, Oth November, 1849.
siga ove Firm by Procuration.
HORMUSEE FRAMJEE & Co. Canton, Ist December, 1849.
Half Yearly Garudal Munting of the Share-
TRIESTE ROUTE, THE AUSTMAN LLOYD'SSTEAM-A holders in the HUNGRONG & CANTON STEAM PACKET COMPANY will be held at the Office of SPENCER COMPTON, Esquire, Canton, til o'clock ▲, L, Tuesday the dib Fei bruary next.
By order of the Directors,
1 BRB, continue to ply between ALEX -Andrea, and Triests as under vis. The disgot leaving Triesto the 28th of each mouth serin at Alexandria about the 2nd or 3rd of the following month, and starts for Trieste from Alexandria Ba 24 hours after the arrival there of |the Indiaplussengers by the Calcutta Biesmer, except onions when the letter arrivent Buen behind m
A Steam of the mme Company loaves Alex. Jandria averylakeranto Thursday for Bmyrna where it meets the Stoner of the Levant Line, by mana of which, gomanoleation is kept up as previously through Sycy with Constantinople, Triasia, Araeon,
Fares dires Trieste £18 including Table money Do. via Smyrna £19.4 without do, do Passengers intending to avail themselves of the Trieste Route should book to Sues only.
For further particulare apply to
Ments Wa. PUSTAU & Co, Agents at Canton and Hongkong, for the Imperial Royal Privileged Austrian
Steam Navigation Company.
many Bailroads open don may be reached th comfurt and at an
JHUNGERFORD" Tauson will be dee Giove named port, Rol
terther, 1840.
bainted with the Trade ben pervices are avail.
5 appointdi Agents for
Orion, and are pre.
anal terms, in Hong-
Wongkong, Tol Jennary, 1850,
FOR SALE. QHEATHING COPPER from 14 to 94 oz.
Apply to,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongling, 3rd July 1849.
NOTICE. WHAMPOA DRY DOCK. THE Undersigned has completed his arrangamenti for docking and repairing Vessels at Wham- pos, and begs to call the attention of Bhip Mastere and Merchants to the facilities be affords for that porpore. The Dock is a new one, capable of re-
caiving Vewels drawing thirteen feet of water at Spring Tidos, and elevan foot at Noap Tides. A large Bail and Rigging loft are attached to the pre- mison. For terms, which will be moderate, apply to,
December 8, 1840.
T8 open for the Sale of Medicines, &c, &co, undar
mangement of a
HODA WATER and LEMONADE of supe. rior quality. Agent at Mono-EINNAM.
Hongkong, 15th December, 1849.
AD Account of the Origin and Progress of the British Colonies in the Straits of Malacca, by Lieut. Col. James Lowe, o. 1. 1. A. 6. A N. 6. 1. 6.
GEO. DUDDELL. Victoria, 27th December, 1849.
PRINTED FORMB. FOR SALE t the Offlon of this paper-
of Lading,
for the Peninsular and Orl- sate? Company's Blog
COMPRADORES Onomas, in Booke.
Spippine AntLM.
Marcante forms and other work printed with "kapedition at the customary rates,
Queen's Rond, 9th October, 1848.
TO BE BOLD on LET. THE HOUSE and Premiers in Spring
Gardens fronting the Harbour,
The Home and Promises in Spring Garden adjoining the Rond and opposite" Jortoks Hall both formerly in, the occupation of Moners Hudan 4 Co. Apply so,
|A900. CANTER, Office Queen's Road
Victoria, dih January, 1880.
TT is requested that all claims against the Estate I of the late Robert Waberna may be sent in to the undersigned before the 20th June next, and all persons indebted to the mid Estate will please to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co, East Point, 1st January, 1850. ‧
ALL claims upon the Estate of the late Jomm A Cooks Daizan, proved before the 30th Juns next, will be met by the undersigned, and all per- soos indebted to the mid Estate are requested to make payment to
East Point, fat January, 1860.
NEW STORES PER "ORIENTAL." (WEET Bolter in Kegs of 15 lbs., American ? dried Apples in balf Barrala, "Louf Bugar && ' Also received, Foo-chow-foo Beeon.
Queen's Reed.
W. B.-The Bulter and Apples are of superior
Victoria, 4th January, 1850.
payable as follows:- Grasral Report on the Residency of Singapore,qalily and the Bacon is quite Free.
Matheson & Co.
P. A. Cavorke nad
T. G. Bagram. Remington & Co. Bainbridge & Co. Barkin & Mo
ilongkong, 18th ~5, 1849.
0 (0, 0 0 Nominal; desining,
4TB 010 0
180 0 10 0 U
36 to 140
320 Lo
0 85 to
115 10
180 to 180
Caper-Common to good
Do. Scoated-fine new
Orange Patron--Middling to floa
Orange Scented-Middling to fine-new
Graun-Twanky-Common Canon kind
Do. But middling to good-
Do. Fine and Hyson rind fouf. Hyson Skin-Common to fine-
Hyon-Common to fair quality
Do Good to fine
Do. ??? ???
Young Hyson-Danton and Twankay kinde
Good tree -
Emporial-But middling to fine
0 to 14
30 0 to 40 0
Machetely dated.
Good quality Conten
In the
460 0 to
930 0 to 0
Fine quak3.
6 20 to
55 0 to 60
040 560
380 19
Gunpowder-But middling to fin
98 0 to 70
$ 60
Canton Temperial
12 10 10 16
9 0 w
$30 to
Vary fall, slock vermaak,
Db. Gunpowder
13 0 to 22
6 0 to
6 50.
68 0 to
1 0
80.21 par chang of 144 in.
19. 1-When to petere we wandame in the Macher.
Do Eveland, 6 montha" algbt, 4s. Ed, to ??, Oi,
" India; 60 days' sight 228 par 100 8p. Dr.
ENGLAND, Tear por 50 ft.,-£2 152,0d. to £8.0,qd
Silk-23. 10. 0, INDA,-Nominal. Very little offering.
Jon, the
For Ray
Apply to
Oda, Bo
North of Amor, do,-88 to Ji
ESAT COUNT. AMOT, per 40 n,-94.
9 0 10
T40 L 780
8 30 to 8 50
17 50 to 21
24 0 26 0.
29 0 to 24
21 0 20 50
0 to 14
per 1008p.Dr. E. L. Co.'s Bills accepted. 226
Byces-5. 6. to 7. 6. during the month. Mexican Dollars,-| Premiam. Rupees,-None.
drawn up principally with a view of illustrating
Ita Agricultural Statistien, by J. T. Themach,
Esq. 7. 8. O., Barveyor to Government. The Pinay and Bitve Trade of the Indian Aroki. ·
The Language of the Indian Archipelago, by the
H. Preliminary Redarke on the Generation. Growth, Bumoture un? Analysis of Languages,
FL- MARCWICK begs to inform the community U that he has received instructions to sell by PUBLIC AUCTIOx on Tuesday, January 8th, st 1] o'clock a. m. at the house in Pottinger Streat the homeshold furniture and fixtures belonging to No Huran & Barton.
For particulars ace Hood bills.
as in montorial natyre, ov?ry ddos
that dr? Mounted: far to
· but·
Stew the current of
a thresan, conflablaget.
Sng mat his broad er pasos
19% who mo-brooghi abut
* fegnd-2 is man with no bet
Tema), aprecia of ang which
11 bei har flot Strelt, theogh wor sod (mollier for ban blok thumbs.
Printed and Published for the Proprietor, Joan Cans, by Luiz d'Axavado, Oswald's Row, Queen's Road, Victoria, 1850,
Ser Alvestigate with te veerwed wutit
O Cork, aq?Pe creninga previou to publi.
cution, re:: Tursdays and Fridaya
Och +4 Seter
Volted States th
Calcutia Beilag Modu
Manila ‧
- Not.
NOTICE. -T6- % "ory of Pielne Service at St. John's Chement new on Sonday, at 11 kcm, and ? part 3 e, n.。
And conThursday ni 6 m. st.
Victoria, 9th Norenger, 1849.
Cemal Chaplain.
To insure immediate nitention, it is enzgested that par-
"othe, Pussier, who resalav vn the premises, Com
Dhe office ungothe bongof the valves?urd (a Clough Breet.
The expenditure is much the same, but the re- Avenue in a great incasure reduced to the Subscription account, "The labouter is worthy of his hire;" and in China - especially where great responsibilities are incurred-etery man in bis vocation may claim a fair remuneration. For the present you? we propose raising the Subscription to the bi-weekly paper to $10 per annum (the rate of the Singapore weekly pruit-) The Subscription to the monthly edi- tion to 80 (the price charged for the overland China Mail). We trust these Ranges will not be disapproved of,-a healthy state of the fin- ancial department is essential to the energy of the press as well as of greater power?."
The favours of government are now to be shared by our contemporaries-we depend entirely upon those of the Public. Wo com plic? with the "formality of sending in tenders for the government work when they were advertised for; but although we would cheer. fully perform the service at the rates of these tender we well knew they would not be acg. In conclusion, we would remind our jove
useful matter, reducing his charges for advertising two-thirds under the standard scale, offering to insert subscriber I and other "cheap and nasty" induce advertisements gratis, if the party will become a
menis, to creep into some sort of a circulation, As some proof of the extimation in which the Ar-goose daily papers are willingly paid duble the price given in held, we need only mention, that the other two our cotemporary for the samo advertisements; and this despite the organised gang of touters who are beating up for the support of our bombastic and of sense, he would see the folly of telling people rgutistical cotemporary. If the goose had a grain what morously clever fellow he thinks himself. The to is something wondrously suspicious about this self-inflation-which resembles the courage of the man in the farce, whia la conceal his cowardice d ipspose on an enemy, armed himself with a musket, Naword, nad a Gying pan, the one to shoot, the other to dissect, and other to cook his enemy, A, dently filling in love with his own image; le word of advice to this Narcissian Edmor, who is avi ethers first detect that merit of which you beast at best, you are but an interested party, and by con templating the offspring of your own hesins, hav sequited a sort of maternal affection for the ricketty production, that preveus your seeing its defects Mothers are generally fondest of their deformed off bile calemporary that self praise is no recurnmen the meat male when going down bill.-Melbourn Daily News.
No recipes are valid which are not signed by the pcepted. We have not had any official comdation," and furiber, that a shattered velicle makes
poctor; mietis be acknowledged wules@contracted
by his welten vader.
Oilge "Friml of China and Hongkong Gazelle"
Omar's Row, Queen's Road, Victasis, 1st Decemb., 1815,
JON CARR, Propriar
At this season tho Press is privileged to ad- dress the Public. The Friend of China and Hongkong Guttehas wow nearly completed its eighth year; it was the first newspaper publish- ed in this colony, and it has ever endeavoured to support the true interests of the colony.
munication on the subject, but the documents can speak for themselves.
Ulice "Friend of China & Hongkong Gazeite"
Victoria, 30th November 1849 Tender for the publication of Ordinances, Governmen Notibrations &e to the "Friend of China and ttungk?ng Gate." Tube printed in Long Primer at
si per vix.cem'; single column fine*,
FORT. For best sateen single lines, or under, seventy five tenis 17A cema.)
For every additional satrem tuen twenty five eras
W■ reeemmend this paragraph to the attention of a Con temporary. Modest is uut exclusively a female victo
Eaton P. or C.
From the Times.
The ?ggregate result of the above differeres in that on the toul ordinary revenue there is a on the years showing so increasing ratio of increase of £276,099 on the quarter, and £22, provement. The intrailuction of sina money. I
impres theory, and repayment of trance, des ming £281,394 on the quarter, and £235,671 not meterially affect the result, the pcrare bete the year. The balance of the Chancellor of the Exchequer's debtor and croditor accou
15 nation, after satisfying all claims on purse, is a surplus in the Treasury ta ends meet; and,wer it our privilege of 644,987. So far, therefore, we are thought for the morrow, we might be s the statemrat before us. But, unhapp a future in finance as there is in other this, statemon are apt to forget it; and with before us we can only allow ourselves (. very mild degree of congratulations' which promises to little for pazals ers spd actual debt.
and under every variety of atmospheric made us alive to our duty to our needy neighbours | passporta atawered any rast pupp nu, It is abrique new and during every month of the year, spooking to us through the seishness of our that the supervision should be set strict at the operats been couverted,
cetlay ; ac legeniusly had the To form a correct Jary to Decciuber-in one pecunistence fears, if not through the poblar channel of ser points by which strangers are admitted into the tve 1. en unerring and invariable. Wheresoever | ay?pathics. a
Sinension of the previous symom, fi ?uut be still country. Yet no passport whatever is necessary borna in mind that those onetikoaineare in all cease either for landing ?residing at Boulogne or Calais, precum lie without the slightest inven?igation what and if when there the traveller should be tempted ever. Prodation George Mumlug might have onward, he duo produre, whithout any testimony | travelled from Boslogue to Marsalino without say whaover, from the representatives of his own other warchat than a Bru-franogion. country, a_pasport, which will lake him into the interier of France. In point of fact it is perfectly Fech Republic a expressed his own desire to Unless we are mjelnformat, the President of the
6ith are prevailed, there it a fire edited-wheresoever the people have
(From the Times.)
lly housed and badly fed, share it has ravag ...teslok virulence. hard-worked and poorly paid save been its dartala victicas. Bumboking to the final rather than to the
The conduirent exposure which the continental possible, an owany four readers will have fonkabolish this synum at amou, bai hos forts hava tumate or Temola, cause of the disease, hare,
s that the pestilenge from which we are now system of passports bus just received disclose ex. from their own experience, that an Eaglaid on witherto theactal y the compact and che ing has heas sent among us as a chaoties. sctly such a sole of things as might have been anmay go from Leon to Park way main tere mest option of the aero parties interested
our sins. Het be our other national of peted. The system itellauerly untenable a month, and may retyen from Paris to London, with watenever they may, assuredly the one lafeguard against say of the evil which it we out gear taking his pawpuri ost of his pocket unit! france pela ander system applies to so | mm maintaining it. The tr? in that overy we mannut in which ws, se a prople, bare trans | originally lastituind ja avart, but so many malpras. the Cay of his conbarkation from Boulogne,
fee making is perpernal. Nos only VIII jobs (ikese hava growo up under ita shadow, and so diany set, and for which wo have larly suffered so bezely, has bran our grow and wanton seglect persona are interested in maintaining such a son-ve as to the quantial utility of the system. It p? chole respective of "", but prius hendre: mora These gonsiderations are in themselves comalu beru of peroma ugyported by the fagalixe | s?on of the comforts of the poor. We have sblm venient protest for extortion, that it now holda ita | long ? assombs, even onte ally, the sapedi of a
to the abomtiation and film in which they ground with strength not its own. I with precationery, meumia ngaioal III-disp-ed fosystematic imperitivu. % very majore of the Lerive a considerebiu income from the pr?: nie of 2, and aided, ruilier than sought to purify, the sports as it has been with quarantine. aiguace or sospicious ragrante It has deponerat. pratice suppliesportuslike of asbe, be in sod latino hers of their dwellings. The designer inllible lessons of experience have demonstrated the ad into a agatam of worthless formalities, maderas variety. Where few travollara - puefyci?y, the universe has ordained that not only our own
erroneous principle on which the institutions were chunk of which a band of officials exorales a ball: cognizant of the maplecione so valy mining, sus lib, bo the heskib of those about us, should founded, but interest in for a long while stronger legalized practice of public plunder. The stray kid didalam makan di muspicious of new up the cloanliness of our bodies and our than run, and swarms of hungry oicicule are in folly of the system is conspicuous from the very certain shortenings on their own purba, the means mest the frat condition of our lives should sworn plot to prevent say mitigation of the out. A passport that is to say, the stamped and of fredolent trickery can never fail, and thuisvery the pussy of the air which we imbibe and of the abuse.
solemn warrant of the respectability and integrity idle banger on at sa batal, or a station, in intarest- ter we drink The emanations from our
Writlag on this subject as Englishmen, and frons of the bearer is delivered without the migligeted in the continuance of a system under which be rape here been made most offensive to our senses
our own county, we always labour under the dis-knowledge, test, or inquiry, at the instance of may levy codicibations from the ignoranos ofimps- gations, as if to induce us to rumors the advantage of an apparent insincerity of motives. alipsbod garcade of a commissionaire whose agency one of a stranger. But it now losely concerns thenmediste vicinity of our homens, while, We seem to bave one word for the French people in any imaginable schone is notoriously saleuble the eredit of an enlightened French Overmant der fotop us to do this, they have been fur and two for ourselves, since it is we who subunit to for a 3-franc piece. The subsequent visas are pro- i that this membersome and demoralizing 3410 madona positivo poisons to our systems.
the extortion, while the money sonide behind up cured after a similar fashion, and the traveller, in should be altogether abolished. It a very true that wonderfully and beneficently, 100, has this law
just as if it Lad been more productively disbursed. ordinary cases, Day Futurn to England with the its sporation seneally trangfors certain gliat en adiged, that thong who, despite these injuno We appear to be attarking a custom institued for official guarantees of a dozen functionaries in bir moneys to certain French packets that t ?to my, baka connue to live amides the pollution of
the well-doing of our neighbours in their own pocket, not one of whom had ever trouble himself le a tax open the importation of travellers, but bodice, are the first to fall victims to the
homes in order that we may spend our holidays to certain the smallest particular respecting his whether this is a jodicious impoet or not gur neigh- ismo effllum, and the disease, thus engen. with a little less inconvenience." This, however, ? porn-mal doings.
bours must decide for themselves. Wo karn gaid red,ad from house to house, and so makill prove, on a moment's reflection, to be no trus Ridiculous, however, as these ceremonies are that in a commercial point of view they.{makly so-* the co-interest tf oil to was that none la
all the aforesaid officers are paid for performing knowledge the advantages derivable from tourists. to this the Trot law of our physical osture. And it of the case. We omit for the moment to
urge that our meighbours auffer just as much sa we them, end, as it now appears, at a rate inversely In return, wo enjoy the liveliest eitine and the e richest nation on the face of the earth,
do, and, indeed mere, since they are liable avery proportioned to the true importance of their duties. am stoepbare in the world, and we must be elled of he has tereatures to lust" in sy day of their lives to the vexations which we unly those queriate where a little real surveillance fally blind if we do not draw more abstan
with P. & G ne farmers, now-a-day experience for a wook or two It la true, we be- the swift Cuble lens und dwindle in.
over the passenger in will retained, such as at the | tial benefia from the contemplation of habite We
lieve, that the constitutional temper of a French Prefectures de police and at the brass, where the and fustitutions in secte compacte improved up- ball wed i Jotice. ided, to quench their thirst
man is less affected by such impositions, and it may permis de dobarquement are granted, the trans? on our own, Above all, there is that slavi Leon their
Iwater poisoned with their
be therefore argund that if we chuuse to go to tion is entirely gratuitous and wasfees whatever are on of political tone which must inevitably maso szetion 26th Neto permitted them, uncar.
France we must comport ourselves accordibgly, exacted As we approach the other and of the sosiy from an unrestrained internouras between two gross pack petty capitalist whe
But even speaking in our own interesta we bare | the reality of the forma diminishes while the constries, and which sosomes such an lafinite grand to give them roodess, point of view it is highly advantageous to a coun-offices of our owo British Embassy, we find a countries depend the advancement of general co kRIES pakry independence really a great doll to say. Is a more commercial mount of the exactions increases, till at last, in the portanos when on the good understanding of such
8, cant din, without water,
ley that it should be accessible and attractive to the Jemand of 16 francs made for doing what is abso-lization and the peace of the world'nt large. How traveller or sojourner, and no people could be more lutely superfluous. Various practices it seems have far ook advantages should be exposed to the pos- Front, and for the self-anms Bum
t leavind would furnish them ready with a practical acknowledgment of this fact been in voguelfor extorting money by means falling sible infoece of contreband extortionses, we treat
at Alex well-warmed, and well-
thes our deighbours across the channel. They somewhat "short of a dirset domand. At the Bri- the Franch Governcanny will take yet another op- aion dwelli"nnoth
haya lately placed every facility in our way. Thetish Embassy the clatks adopted the device om, portually of considering. Hayk not have boon wisely ordained that waai competing fines of railroad from Boulogne and | played in pastomiam and ballet, and, whithout no- id fit bould be made a source of pestilenos and Calsh offer all accommodations that a lovelier dan | ivelly speaking, placed a printed placsed in the buk, 10 lapping ourives in tie gessly and | dosies-gress. atlantion, considerable despatch, beads of thegriekor, from which be learned that a illage Sinnen of our anturng, should farget of | adusirable earringos, nut farm shout half thans of deamur of sen france was expected at his bande, jura" je nostrise of our les kortuante besikren, the ordinaty. English lines. Even tho warn laws | At another ofson they transacted their own buai- od lets them to pine and rot unnoticed, and un- | of the douane are partiaky roland for the conpen. | dan? graimitously, bat graciously remisted the victim send ja 7. As there is no evil without de condo- | ieues of the impatient. Englishmen sad oflours are te the smithing mercies of another. Across the utan juni, su de we derosedly believe that the rady at the most unamamable house to speed the | pagpunt was stamped, in red lak shumours, an ne 43400 peailance, though is nas muniched trevulse on his journey. Nay, what is mhen, the imitation (utterly inlse) that the warrant of the so- | orary degree of importance, from a radical roform Hybizour fellow-crestuene from an, kso nator- | vary system of which we are now spanking kas | oond buraw was noosmary to the perfection of the Fin the constitusion of the coggtry to the Lase of selvanoce i attended with one great benefit. It has | bood substantially abandoned in our favent." Af | isoletumont, and this was found to be procurable only Chrishna Ran Wittal of Barrods. When wo axid
(From the Morning Chronich
Tuesday the 11th of September was e morable day for London; for then the side of de which had vison till the black funeral infarne 1 ed from every court and alley, and Zoology graveyard in be motropelis, Bral Jegan to The number of daily victime, which, on the hu of that month, had reached 432, and on (bg-tak, to 816, and the glad tidings, went on the the deadly pestilence was stayed The who be bad et trembling in their homes, their baths should be the next to be desolated, felt as if y bad been suddenly reprived, and at their be longer in fear. And yet the well-hund and ell -fed kaew little of the real terrors of the dis
to their well drained and well ventilited manse brought or left behind it; and it w, 101 until in they saw none of the miseries which be partile heard that it had carried off oog ofits, ludge, land-that no ensinent surges? ha keen att en down by -or that saine Female reminta of their own had fallen a prey to it th? thay bra to feel how fearful an fiction had me upon Country. Even when the infection, id forcel way into the snug, dry, and warm haa, death da bovenvolved not the living of a whole lyseto a
robore de la Moore Than life true
The Revenue returns continue to indicate a
(2) crois) Eight lines and oves to count as slater.incress in the trade and general expediture of
der eight lurs, no charge.
For printing one handred coples or less than a hundred 1 suck Dedinaners, Government Nellscallons de de up into pogre_from the Newspaper, without alteration of witch, the Government providing 'ka paper for this thee, sevenly disc ogmin (16 conta) a page or for part Shut-Or for the shave work-on third of the rates now contructed for with the "Chian Mail "
For about six years it has been under management of the present Proprietor, and ho acknowledges with feelings of gratitude the support afforded him by the Public. It has been his duty to oppose the measures of the local government; and this city-unpleasant in itself-ho has performed to the best of his ability, and at sacrifices which he will not now descant upon further than to say that, six years *ngo.had be known what was before him, he never "would have written one line for the press,-lijke others be would have markeit the corruptinea- ?sures of the Executive, lost be would not by pub hely exposing them have incurred the hatred of those who studied to entail run upon all who had de courage to lay barn the iniquities of their nets. fu almost every young settlement there is a struggle, more or less sovere, before the vermnent in forted upon constitutional prin- ciples, And thue muse at least one Journal *prepared to pivocate the case of the colony without fear or favour, In Hongkong the battle bas still to be fought, and were this pa per to be discontinued to-morrow, is our firm conviction that before three months had passed Mother Journal woual b? established to take its place. We would fuinly hope that ero long the principles of self-government will in some degree be extended to us and when that period arrives that a large portion of the civil establishment will be swept away, relieving the settlement of an oppressive borden. We trust ero long thot a Oill will be laid before parliament by the repro- sentative of the colonial department provid. ing for a constitutional form of government in 1ler Majesty's colony of Hongkong. At this present moment we have no government what- ever, Apart from the arbitrary dictator of a few officials, who, while they have great power of doing evil, have their hands tied up by the Colonial Office when called upon to adopt anyt measure which would benefit the place. We require an intelligible Constitution which every map may read and Inderstand-with a certain extent of Municipal power±osen Legisla. tion and inferions courts of Justice much o abasin elewice. When these are secured the service of an independent Prew will be less necessary, but tir a time were pa per must be available to advocate these mea sures and bring them regularly before the Mi- nistry and the leading members of parliament who care for enlunial affairs. His duty wo have performed in a greater extent than mapy people are aware of, and this duty we will continue to perform.
And now a word or two on financial mat ter. In China the circulation of a newspaper is of necessity anall ; encouraged by advertise- menta, some years ago, we were induced to ime twice a week without raising the est?.
‧blished rate of subscription, and for a long time the new arrangement was remunerativo. But, from various causes, the advertisement account bas fallen off two thirds, and to fill the two weekly papers there is their labour and or expense. Prifting-sually an important itein in receipts has also gradually disappeared,
Office "Friend of China an? Hongkong Gazette," Victoria, 30th November, 1839. Tender for Job Printing for the Honghong Govern- met; paper to be supplied by the Government.
One wird of the rates now contracted for with the "Cs Wall."
one was not to aterre the fest. The recent ad Thou has been rendered doubly sevda by the fict hat it has visited those chiefly wheld the last ford to meet it. The pestilence in guraged, que bar parks, squares, and terracca,
the country. It is sufficient to say that they an tirely confirm the anticipations on which our pre-he Bent Snancial arraugmenta are founded, and prove that we have not gone beyond our depth in the surrender and mitigation of taxes. The document of courir, requires some degree of recollection and intelligence in the reader, as the figures contained in it have been affected by causes of unusual variety and importance. Within these four years we had a period of extravagant speculation, fiskowe by a longer period of collapes; we have had the mel extensive and awful famine of modern times. we have hnd vast undertakings beyond our strength. denining our capital from its ordinary channels we have had some portions of our revenue extincourts and pent-up alleys of the me. Milla guished and others curtailed by what may be calle a financial revolution; we have stood almost alone the poverty-stricken character of funera not the official reports assured u?? thle fai Mallames AND TOR COLONIAL Panse.-By the in a deluge of political revolution and war, of the which for the last three months be owded sa summary of the most important late News in our
fruits of which our commerce has remped its full saddened our streets, would line tok he that those fourth page, our readers will perceive that the Undes here and, lastly, throughout the entire quarter Secretary of State for the colonies, in bis place in just ended the whole land, and expecially thie meer for the motley garb of the sers, wil
whom it mauple were among th?t s? k the house of con tons openly declared the higher-tropolis, has been visited with a persilenen which the hired black closks thrown aver reuloure timate be formed of the greas as an auxiliary to the terrified for more than it destroyed. All these clothes, showed that the friends of Government and a Lenee to the public. His words cause have told upon the table before us, and shouldvietose were generally low needy pen to buy weit:-" la mary-en-vait une must important ibar
ba barne in mind by those who wish to du it jus mourning. publicity which the spezo a Mandat fummaking the Lovertmen should avail themselves of the great
On the ustoms of the quarter there is a dicrease the public acquainted with important public docu- of £153,211; but, as in the corresponding quarter
pulitic interat, would enable us to give them pub may occasionally receive official communications of from the duties on grain, against a comparatively trifling sum in the quarter just ended, there is, in city, and as we will do so without charge we think fact, decided incrente on the remaining articles it is only resonatin to request that we may be all the interval ako between the two quarters the lowed the opportunity. Li is imposa ble for na to Sugar duties live undergone a reduction according time to time be received, or by whom, and, therefore, know what information of general interest may from to the schedule of the last-act, without, however, any diminution in the total receipt. The present we are unable to know where and when to proceed
return, therefore, notwithstanding an apparent de in qinst al it, even wero wa aware that it would be crease, is entirely in accordance with the monthly willingly communicated to us. From some forty. returns of Trade and Navigation, in which we items circonstance, bis name standing first on the list of eignatures or the like a communication may
But duly-paying imposte showing ? safe and steady increase. The comparison between the two years be forwarded as onu party rather than another, but
is so much disturbed by legislation and events, that he has not on that account an exclusive claim to the
it u almost vain to affix any specific character toed information it conveys.-Belfast Gouts.
the apparent increase of £208,736 in the year ju ended. It is year of recovery as compared wit! ? year of disaster. Seven months of revolution an Lettor were comprehended in the year ended D tobar 10, 1848; on the other band, the year jus ended sullers by the reduction of duties on grain, sugar, limber, and some minor articles,
30 We wish our friends in this district, who out year a very much largee sun was teceived country, within the last quarter of a year! As yo
amount of misery involved in the13,000 dat
Who, than, shall be able to suma? the Gwefa that have crurred in Loulon, or the 90,000 in the we have no authentic returns telling us how many working classes; but surely the propertion me in " given number of cases, heve falles among ci have been so large, that we may cataly any the pidamia has made almost un mang paupera es lap inade wilowe and orphanes irish your pride of thirty three thousand to our grupayned Must have cunsigned nearly double that sumber adour workhouses,
ript idly to 20th Ner.
(Published under the Divention of the Casom. Brielah Chamber of Commerct, 19th December, 1900.)
The mollers of mamina for the next monies of
Farlinovani ambtsov'averf variety of subject, of
Byron Bye Imperial powder Ov and bali?ky || 106,083 1,400,ta) 204,065, 000 DUNA10,000 1,029, 110 1,500,000 1,618,400 20,336,1,448,400/5,947,601|| 074,8193,008,112) 7,990,30,3M 16|1,989,270,2,168,190 850 805211011| EMNERBAY (300|147,909|1,431,01128,772,00 118,801 49,948|| 967,007;3,011,208) 410,543/9,646,656|| 6,379,50.17300
Caper Bouching Sorte
[Plenowy| Orange| H?min| PP On Pal
INE 305,000 100,670 1,027,016 FOT
From ler Julx vo 20va. Degmeian, 1849.
Flowery Orang Bernted Total
Pelot Pek Or. Pake Black
Traky Hy
Emperial | Gumponder
|1,847,400|27,720,800 300
461,100 290,000
828,800 1,177,600 285,200 160,300
1,400 609,500 8,700 494,500
(6,700 28,700 7,000 14,900|
Id(8) London* 451,100
(S) Do. Juscon (8)??verpool
206,000 477.600
Work 505,30
14,200 581,100
45,700 17,100
nley Do.
- Smal
47,000 891,900
8,100 22,400; 28,000 1,400| 44,000
180,900 598,300
95,000 724,900
8 Do.
S Cork
in the
iband is that
D(7,000 1,395,400 278,900 184,000
ed in 1848j23.079,928
1847 25,831,243 79,370|
to Londop 122,880,300|
214,900 60,200 30,300 19,300
to anot 917.097|| 386,400 378,906|184,000|| 917,000 1,384,900|#78,900|184,000|
Theory after theory has been put forward to ex plain the cause of this the most feard of all epi demies, whose only symptom, in its cast ng gtprot form, it has been truly said in-dihih. Some have told us that cholera in due to the presence, zytotic poison in the tophere-elten di attributed it to the prevalence of mjeromone the sects, similar to those whit produ] bhaft an amut in the vegetable Ringdon, E theorists we are assured that is urinati peculiar poisonous emanation from the eq... whils The Excise of the quarter has improved to the chemical philosopher affirms in pegoda from
●mount of £166,003, showing su increased uen of ‧ want of dectricity therosphere A few playment of the inbouring clares. The largest ozone, while the latest discoveries would lead us to many articles necessary to the comfort and em-seribe it to a deficiency in the normal amount of and spirits. On the year there is a decrcass of increase, however, we ste informed, in on paper believe that its proximate cause lies in germi £443,945, chiefly owing, it is scarcely necessary
astion of the sporulis of some cryptogether within the intestines. Be the proximations of bad barley crap of last year. Under the head of hop dulies, but in some degroe attributable to the able fact that the primary cause of theilence to observe, to the continued postponement of the the disease, however, what it may, it is indiaper
is to be found in the filth and squalor year, and of £224,806, on the quarter, from which the peculiar nature of the influence, Stampe, we find an increase of £125,104, on the lowever much some philosophers may dat de Lii poor.
transactions. It will also be remembered that so wretched, damp, atferd hol we are to infer an increased amount of businese
produc ing the infection, at least aid ara agl oral great millionaires have lately died learing orders, it is both desped and increase an probata and legacy duties. Possibly valence of certain acJular bodies on their property out of the direct line. Hence on probable that the ephmic pro also the savages of the epidemie have contributed
the atmosphere; but it le positivam to this item. In the Ameded Taxes there is a decrease of £12.500 dc the quarter, but an in- food and shelter, went of pure air and of pass the midus of the disenon is a deficenty of proper crease of £18,427 on the year. As this item is An almost invariable clean, owing to the fixed expenditures on which it is collected, we must sup and regular character of the establishments and be equally glad when he learns from the Cape,se some accidental derangement in the accounts or the routine of office. The Property Tex on the year will shows slight trace of that geporal weck which reduced so onny opulent houses to poverty. On the year the decrease in £2:09. The quarter, however, exhibits the cheering no- velty of a confiderable increase, to the amount of £60,000 on the year, and £3000 un the quarter: £20,116. The Post Office shows an in-rease of
of comistaney, and pays all its expenges, maritime but till this establish settled into some sort as well un infind, we nut decline to draw info. the same round surn for both the quarters, but as fence from its returns. The Crown Landle give increase of £39,000 on the year. This, too, it is evident in a very arbitrary and made up affair. increase of £121,340 on the year, and £5079 on The item of biscellaneous expenses shows an the querier.
DuschkTIONARY POWER OF GOVERNORK-A gel deal has been said lately respecting the discre- Lurnary power of Governors in distant culonica. The >pletent Governor of the Capo says he has node
that he is a gero instrument on which Earl Grey uny play what tune he pleases. Earl Grey himself is, or at least was a few months ago, of a different pinion. Sir V. Denison, Lieut-Governor of Van bilty of dieubeying his lordship's praise and posi- Duyaren's Lensi, had taken on himself the responsi tike instructions, conveyed sirpakaneously to him and the Govor of New South Wiles, with whom the Lord Grey's judgment on the Rebel-When he was instructed to act in a certain measure, and you found the general dietatisfaction which this pro- posal esented in Van Diemen's Land supported as weighty matuse, you judged rightly in taking ? rarily admit it to have been, by some arguments wom gouralf the responsibilities of suspending the meature. And to the Governor of New South Wal, he says: "I also am glad that you did not besitate to acquireca ip the suspension of the m sure, although naturally leaving the main responni bility for that coarse un the Lieut-Governor with white it originated." Lord Grey had reason to be glar, by sensibile condue, of these two o vernors, in disobeying his orders, he escaped a storm that would have blown him from his stool. Will what ellecta ibe 'ape Governor's obedienca has pro. duced?-South African Commercial Advertiser.
COCK-A-DOODLE-Duo-The self vauntings of our friend of the Ar-gouse would be dinguring f they were net so sidiculous. In lie yesterday's furans his sendero that "three months the battle arli odulation puder the title of "Ourselves," he in has been fought and won," Now, it strikes us when is led to blow his own trumpet in this namier, that he resembles the General, who, when he saw defeat inevitable, always ordered a "charge" to be sounded, in the hopes that the ruse might take feet before he fully resolved to best a retreat. If goud "commercial speculation of it, why doe our long twaddle" contemporary has really made he not show it otherwise than by cramining bis print with "Jummies" to save the expense of printing
be instance mentioned by Colonel Rowles, tact The cholera may be eccentrle in its courae; i
only one side of a ship. I may in its progress may ravage only one bank of a river; and, aa ?a
leave whole countries almost unscathed in case of Hanover,Carinthia, and the Tyrol. spread of one time may be promoted by the heat f a tropical automer, and at another by the icy r zuure of a Russian winter. Now it inay rage, n At Delhi, during the rainy denean, and now during the dry hot months, as at Bundeleund. It may
the sea spare isolated mountaine in one country, and in on other, as at Landaur, nitac? placep 8,000 feet abov
Here it may travel rapidly cgainst the
break, as at St. Petersburg-in another, they may wind, and there spread as fast during a calm. la une capital, thunderstorms may accompany its out- attend its departure, us at Paris. Sometimes it may be ushered in by earthquakes, as at Madras antwithstanding all its eccentricities and irregula
sometimes by inundations, as at Dacca. Sull, rities though it has raged in almost every variety
Liverpool 4,462,100 4214,600
Troba' 20
28.632.0 8,146,
641,900 9,800
12,400). 656,800
1,661,100 26,206,700 2,600
2,500 1,700 200
4,500 500
872 827
23 23
103 105
54,400 288,000 32,400|1,898,700|1,987,70430,098.506|| 747 6,406, 6,352
600 0.000 457.100 700 5,700 301.708|| 30,700 42,800 440,800
609,60 13,000 18,900 506,400 4.300 4,900 1-67,300 84,600 $11,800|| 418,800 680-400
103,700 2200
21,000 3,800 4,000
132,800 3400 1,800 29,800
199,300 230,300
89,100 91,400 DEC,700 71,400|| 100,804 908,700 72,300|| 208,500 806,600 77,000 108,000 830,50 133 2,700 4,500 4000 8,800 90,200 $65.70 12,000
10,30 700 1,900
54,300 £8,800 2,100 0,600 1300 60 20,000 881,900 2,600
41,200| 4300 118,400) 167,500|||| 724,300||
338 943
105,000 051,400 57 100 2,381,600 3,185,600 12,000,000 994 500 9,393 1,600 1,012.702,25.751.100 79,472 32,133 200,790 1,613,115 139,003 1,928,188 4,271,849 30,023,832 +494; 6,7180118 609,823| 262,621|360,000| 61,205|283,214|| 654,203,29,155,491| 174,960| 116 226,123 879.924218955 786,968 2,285,936 10,141,617
638,88 79,892 120,469,107,321|
686,8001,173,600|348,60 [1£4,400
14.276,300/26,529,000] 300,
317,300 5,104.60l
21,000 ORA RO" "0,803) |1,064,100|863303,700 || 0,000, j1,004,400| 27,968,900
UADING -For London; Investigator, John Cooper, Buenos Ayrmu, For Liverpool 1 Exphrader, (nailed)
73 73
95,700 591,600 47,000 1,081,7008,716,800 9,289,800 616′′ 7,171; 7,797
7,800 53,400 8,304 292,200 361,700 5,408,1
106,000|| 661,400) 67, 01-JEL
69,000 614,100 44630944E |136,600 37,300| 13,,
20 334
At Bhanghai; Confuetus. Fog Liverpool; England's Qused. At Hodgking, For London; Elion, (with oll.)
Congre. | Sinating, ten vand
De 1540 and 1nt..
1847 and 1968,
1848 and 1910,
Twal 'from 1st July to 20th November, 1848.
John Whi
August and Meling
12 Roseberry,
Nicolas Casard, sig
Trend from 1st July to 19th Decekker, 1960.
1 fith have prevalled, share it has Brot
led itaolf-whiresouvat the people bare
ly housed and badly fed, there it has ravag-
tenfold virulence. The bard-worked and i
(From the Times.)
de, und under overy variety of atmosphoric made us slive to our duty to our needy osighbours pasports answered any real purpose, it is obvious at a considerable outlay so Ingeniously had the and during every month of the year, | -spanking to us through the seldskoons of our that the sapervision should be most striol at the operalom been concerted. To form a correct Mary to December in one circumstance fears, if not through the nobler channel of our points by which strangers are admitted into the en unerring sad lovarkale. Wheresoever sympathies.
onception of this precious system, it must be still country. Yet no pasport whatever is necessary borna la mind thaj (baso cortillontorare in all caser | nither for tanding or coniding ut Boologas or Calsis, | prosurable wahout the slightest investigation whats and if when there the trav?ller should be tempted | avar. Frederick George Manning might have Conward, la can procure, whithout any testimony | travelled from Boologne to Marselles without any
whatever, from the representatives of his own ? other warrant than a Avo-frano pince, country, a passport which will take him lato the
Unless we are misinformed, the President of the interior of Pranco. to point of fact it is perfectly French Republic has expressed bie ewa desire te sbollah this system at once, but his efforts hara bose bitherto thwarted by the animpact and rebe- ment opposition ofika numerons peritos intocosta? in maintaining it. The truth la that every san france paid onder this system supplies too ressona for making it perpetual." Not only are vast moms- bars of persons supported by the legalized foon of their respective offices, but many hundreds mare
ly paid have been its coriala victime.
Booking to the final, rather than to the
or remote, cause of the disease, have The concurrent exposures which the continenta) prasible, sa many of our renders will have found the pence from which we are now system of pasports bas just received disclose ex. from their own experience, that an Englishman ghan bors sent among us as a chaoilos- | nolly such a niste of thinguno might have been an. | may go from Loudon to Paris, may remain there a our sins. Bot be our other national of- || timpaled. The system jaulf is uiterly untenable na | month, n?d may return from Paris to Lundon, with
tacever they may, swardly the one safeguard against any of those evils which it was out over laking ble pawport out of his pocket until int in which we, sa a people, have trans | originally instituted to avert, but so many, malpro. | the day of his Umbarkation from Boulogne.
and for which we have lately suffered so tices have grown up ander ita shadow, and so many These considerations are in thamanires conclu- has been our grose and wanton neglect poranna are interested in maintaining such a conly to the uential utility of the system. It no omforts of the peor. We have shut our venient pratani for exinetion, that it now holda ite longer amucice, even out sibly, the aspect of a derive a considerable income from the proceeds of the abomination and Aka la whiol, they ground with a strength not its own. It is with precautionery measure againai ill-diap?ood fo systematic imposition. The very nature of the avoided, rather than sought to purify, the pan-ports as it has been with quarantine. The in-reigners or suspicious vagrants. It has degenerat practice supplies opportunities of extortion io mod- mosphere of their dwellings. The designer inflible lessons of experienos have demonstrated the ed into a system of worthless formalition, under loss variety. Where few travellers can be perfectly diverse bas ordained that not only our own erroneons pelooiple on which the institutions were | cloak of which a band of officials exercion a half-cognizant of the regulations actually existing, and but the health of those about us, should founded, but interest is for a long while stronger legalized, practies of pablio plauder. The atter where many are either conscious or suspicious of upon the alanliness of our bodies and our than cosaun, and swarms of hungry officicals are la folly of the system la conspicasue from the very certain abortaomlags on their own parte, she means the the first condition of our lives should sworn plet to prevent say mitigation of the outset. A pasport that is to my, the stamped and of frandolent trickery oun nover fail, and thao avery purity of the air which we imbibe and of the abuse.
solema macrant of the respectability and integrity idle bangar on at an hotal, or a dation, la latecost- which we drink. The omanations from our → bave been made most offensive to our song
gination, as if to induce as to remove them he immediate vicinity of our housse, while
Writing on this subject us Engilahmen, und from of the bourat-in delivered without the slightest ad in the continuance of a system under which he our own country, we always labour under the dia- knowledge, tout, or inquiry, at the instance of a may lary contributione from the ignoranos or impa. advantage of an apparent insincerity of motives slipshod garessor of a commissionaire whose nga dienos of a stranger. But now closely re We seem to have one word for the Franch people in any imaginable scheme is notoriously misable the credit of an enlightened. Fresch Govaramaat or to fores us to do thu?n, they have been fur- and twe for ourselves, sinos it is wo who submit to for a 5-freno piece. The subsequent oleds are pro- that this cumbersome and demoralixing systems pada to net na positive polsous le our sy the extortion, while the money remains behind oured after a simst fashion, and the traveller, in should be altogether abolished. It is very true that nderfully and benesreatly, too, has this law just as if it had been more produstisely disbursed, ordinary came, may return to England with the ite operation annually translata cartalo Engla seranged, that thors who, despite these injune. We appear to be attacking a custom instituled for officia! quarantase of a dozen functionarise in his moneye to certain French pockets i that is to my, will costions to live amidst the pollution of the well doing of our neighbour in their own pocket, not one of whom had ever trouble himself it is a tax upon the importation of travallent, bat awo bodies, are the first to fall victime to the homes in order that we may spand our holidays to securtato she smallest particular responting his | whether this is a judicious Impest or not our solgle- seos effarium, and the dissuas, thus engan- with a little less inconvenience This, however, pareonal doings.
boure mast decide for themetiver, We have cuid 3 spranda from bones to house, and so make common interest of all to see that mono i thla the Grot law of our physical nature. And
the richest nation on ibe face of the onrib, urge that our neighboure suffer just so much sa we them, ned, as it now appears, at a rats inversely la relarn, we sojoy the liveliest cities and the do, and, indeed mere, since they are liable every proportioned to she tras importance of their dotion, dunet atmosphere in the work, and we must be allowed our fellow seestures in "fax" in sty day of their lives to the rezations which we only | in those quarters where a little real surveillance, wilfully blind if we do not draw moes subutan- og with dkh, such as fermors, now-a-days,
Et le trun, wo bo- | oror the pawanger is still retained, such as at the | tlal bonefte from the contemplation of habita that swine would sing and dwindle in. W experience for a week or two.
fievo, that the consthational temper of a French- | Prefectures da polion und ut the bursous, where the and institutions in some respecta Improved up- allowed them, nonheeded, to quench their thirst
man is less affected by auch impositions, and it may |paratuanda devorquement are granted, the transane - on our own. Above all, there is that slova- book their food with water poisoned with their
be therefore argued that if we choose to go to - tion is entirely gratuitous and no foss whatever ure ?tion of political sons which must inevitably sosus excretiona We have permitted them, uncur-
France we must comport ourselves accordingly.exaotad. As we approach the other and of the paste from en onrestrained Intercourse between two great tor, to be the prey of each patty capitalist who But even speaking in der own interests we have the reality of the forms diminishes while the a- countries, and which assumes such as infinita im- ht think it to wring a paltry ludependence out really a great deal to say. In a mare commercesi | mount of the exactions increases, till at last, in the portance when on the good understanding of mush heir cruel neonunitive, and to give them roodons, polat of view it is highly advantageons to a coun- oflens of our own British Embassy, we find a countries depend the advancement of general ciri- Fleur, tenecoats, without drains, without walur,
iry that it should be snovesible and astramtivo so the dousad of 10 franes made for doing what is abeo. Jiation and the penon of the world at largu. How kout privim, and that for the solfemme sum
traveller or sojourner, and no people could be more lately imperflorus. Various praollows it seems have | far such advantages should be exposed to the pon- ch-it has been proved-would furnish them ready with a pinotinal acknowledgment of this fact | been in vegue for extorting money by means falling sible laflance of contreband axtortioners, we trust h well-built, well-aired, well-warmed, and woll-
than our neighbours sorose the shaunsi. They somewhat short of a direct demand. At the Bri the Fresch Goveromen, will take yet another op- nod dwellings.
have lately placed every moilky in our way. The tigh Bmbamy the closke adopted the device em portunity of considering. May it not have been wissly ordained that want competing lives of raliroad from Boulogne and played in pastorines and ballets, and, whilkoutso- dith should be made a source of pesulence and Calais offer all accommodations that a traveller cantually speaking, placed a printed placard is the hih, test we, lapping surpalvos in the gready and desire-gront attentive, considerable despatch binds of the visitor, from which be learned that a love sulfakness of our natures, should forget or admirable carriages, and farms about half those of douener of tea feanos was expected at his bends. in the miseries of our lass fortuante brethren, the ordinary English lines. Even the stern laws | At another giles they tremoled their own basi leave them to pine and rot unnoticed, and un- of the downs are partially relaxed for the courses gratuitously, but grpalously remitted the victim end for 1. As there is no evil without ita conde-ience of the impatient Englishman and offlours are to the fnishing mercies of anolber, Across the | Parliament embrace every variety of subject, of tant good, un do we devoundly believe that the reedy at the most undeonable houre to speed the | pampari jas mamped, in red ink characters, as
dreadful paitomos, though li b?n matbed traveller on his journey. Nay, what is mure, the Laver fatterly felor) that the warrant of the e-every dogros of importance, from a radioul reform 1000 of our "Ellow-crestures from ue, has never- very system of which we are now spanking ana | chadhu wwe necesary to the perfection of bel the cotitution of the country to the case of bicar toun attended with one ?com boatfit. It has been substantially abandomed in our favour, 18-|ijntejjent, and this was found to be procurable only Chrishna Ran Wistul of Barroda. When we said
will prove, on a moment's reflection, to be no trus Ridiculous, however, as thoas ceremonim are that in a commercial point of view they frankly so- statement of the cass. We omit for the moment to all the aforesaid officers are paid for performing knowledge the advantages derivable from souriasa,
The polices of motion for the next session of
·? Commercs, Soch Desember, 1819.)
Cruchong Starte
PP Dr.
36,808,963|100,516 1,097,010 767,499,179,301 105,377 183,015||
||12991587|1,048,600/904,963| 198,000|(17/2011/0
Green Expert Conten MAL| 7909,44088,640.007 |110|1,085,978,3,108,150 mlm 1914 6,241,640)41,431,60)| $18,000 49,346||| OST 0973 017 683|| 818,5433,210.850 8'ara,19047,284, 833]
all ba General of
41-drum Tat-July to 20th Novi 849
$3,023,000 Nov.|C.ofBenfield(B]London 451,100
Bernted Caper
Flowery Phot
From IST JULT to 20ra Duonanan, 1840.
Pel Or Palas
828,300 1,177,600 285,200 160,300
Emily (B) Do
James Scou (B) Liverpool
Deo Julist
45,700 17,100
Robert Ball
28,700 7,000 14,300
294 69%
Charlotte Jane Do.
8,100 $2,400 28,000 9,400 44,000
(3) Do.
V. Bandon (8) Da.
Larpent BCork
'Blaine Castle" |London-
from Im July to 20th
917,000 || 285,400 |278,900 181,000
10,068 14,000
Trial Gro
Thal Report
54,400 286,000| 82,400|1,598,700 1,907,700 19,888,500 747 8,406, 6,152
3,500 1,700
0.000 457,100 4,800
600 700 30,700
42,800 440,300
18,000 18,900 508,400 6,200 €200 667,200 84,600 11,8800 414,800
103,700 3,200 123.300 280,200 1,800 89,100 91,400 3,800 4,000 71,400 100,800 132,000 3,400|| 72,300 208,500 806,800
77,000 106,600
830,500 135
4,500 4,200
8,800 20,200 803,70
700 1,800 40,000| $4,300 598,100
600 6,500 1,500
20,000 561,900
8,800 41,200 4,300 118,400 167,500
105,600 051,400 57,400 2,381,600 3,166,600 39,862,300 884 78,472 92,135 290,730 1,613,116|320,005 1,928,883 4,271,842 30,023,032 404
116 298,125 879,814218,955 788,965 2,283,93830,441,617
orresponding period in 1848 1,079,320
639,00 709,882190,469 107,391
do. 1847 23,881,243 79,370| 609,826 282,591 360,000| 64,205/189,918)*65*
?tal in 47 ships to London_?22,880,200|
in 12 to Lavapool 4,408,400
in 10"
to Outpone 4,$4,000
11 Export to Great Britain 1,677,300
from Canten in 49 vonsola 88,582,000|
from Shanghai 20
686,800 1,173,600|948.600|158,4001
214,900 60,000 80,300| 19,500
15,900 151,006
6,100 917.0001388,400 378,900 184,000 917,000 1,284,900 378,900 184,000
63,400 8,000 992900 2017T
4.679,100,000, 0,000
6,234,800 0,900)
95,700 5000 47,80011,081,70012,716,800,200,000 $16 TATE 7,787
7,800 2,100 4,600 1,500 2001 108,600 61,150 87,4009,331900 69,000 14,100 $4,0001973 86,600 700 13,400
7507 8,893
7,609 7,503
LOGANG-For London; Investigator, John Cooper, Buenon Agrenn. For Liverpool; Euphrates, (called.)
At Shanghai; Confacins. For Liverpool; Kogland's Quana. - At Hongkong-For London; Elle, (with oil.)
Congon. Souchong.
Pales Pator
"Flowery [Crang" Soria Oulang Scented
Twankay Skin
Thyrom Hyson
Hyson perial
Season 1960 and 100%
|230,710|| 174,440) 988,160, 1914, 17
That and. 1848
1st T
1968 and
Total from 1st July to 20th November, 1948.
2006) 12
John Whe
Deo, & Angust sad kieline
AT ????????.
1, Oriental (Am), Palmer, from New York 10th September.
1, Dart (Am.), Porter, from Comingmoon.
%, Mary Bannatyne, McKirdy, from Whumpos.
%, IL & C. BL P. Ca's Str. Hongkong, Hill, from Canton.
, P. & O. Co, Sir, Canton, Jamieson, from Macao.
4, Ariel (Am.), Hunt, from New York 24th August.
31, H. C. M. Brig Lijera, Commander Inquiardo, from Manila.
James Tuit
Oquendo, belg
Nume, brig
Hongkong 350 Maronder Shanghai 250 Berrera
Bush and on,
Araizade, brig Brigad, brig
Jose Vicente Jorga.
Jako Lourenco d'Almeida
Ctars, brig
Omysa de Lisbon, rig
Nose Benhora da Las, brig Trumsign, Derqu
Aar, shor
Dos Amigos, schoener Royal Exchange, brig
Jozatra, barque
Per Oriental-Mrs Drinker and two Childrm, Mrs Shober, Mosers Meigs, Bong Asam, bergue Black, and Bennett,
Gjeto Leong, barque
Mecno, bergan
Hire, brig
Sin-Demars, barone
The Oriental reports, the brig Gem laf Bally on the 19th December for gapore. On the 9ib Desember, in lat. 9 56 B. boarded the barque Lady Sale, from London bound to Shanghai, out 128 days.
2, P. & D. Co.'s Rr. Canton, Jamieson, Macao.
3, H. M Brig Mariser, Commander Mathieson, a Cruize,
1, P. & O Co's Str. Canton, Jamison, Canton,
4, Oriental (Am Palmer, Whampoa.
4, H & C. & P. Ca's Sur. Hongkong, Hill, Macao and Choloo, 4, Linner, Allen, Whampoa.
orry variety of subject, we were wrong. There is not a ny lakla in the whole list about our foreign relations, or foreign matters of any kind. We on scarcely imagine i moze wholesoma symptom than this. The exclusive attention of ibe British people In its own advies is the best sign of its prosperly To be sure, a nation which roskosa a dith of the earth under its away cannot afford to throw away much actual bonevolence on other people. Poli- tical selfishness in England is solishness for so enormons a portion of mankind that the term lovana all ka individuousness. If wa profoss but little st- tention to the interests of humanity in general, it is because we have so much to do for the interests of humanity la particular. For this revan it is with namized pleasure that we find the objects of our la giststors so intent upon improvement of our social organisation. Mr Home and Sir de Lacy Evans bare seized upon the great points of suffrage exten rion. The former takes household, and the other tax-paying mullings. These standing dishes of every semion we will not prejudge; the dressing is done sier to approved a rule of cookery that we premam's it will taste wext year much as it has tasted thiss The time is scarcely come for Parliament to owal- low and digest it, even with the aid of the best Mon- | Jan, Iron pills. A far more possible and praction) aub. jeet in that pre-occupied by Lord Nugent--the un. iformity of eating for the poor throughout England, We are anticed that this is one of the most whole. some measures over proposed, and although to adopt the fall principle at once would infliot serioas ladi- vidual Injury on the recent purchasers of estates, yet we cannot too soon prepare for its ultimate adoptino, and give the future purchasers, ut any rate, no rek- go to complain. An excellentenciaty, by the way, | has been founded for the object of equalising the poor-entoe. It publishes a monthly circular, the Equitable Poor-rates Advocate, the numbers of which deserve an extensive circulation. Then we are to have a committee for inquiring into the prec teal more likely to improve the condition of the
Jan. working-clamen. The committes will meat-col- Ject a variety of useful facts, and publish a variety of useful suggestions--all of which will be sold very choop, at the usual offices for the sale of Parlia- mentary papers. Two years henon, the volume will be doly placed upon the shelves of iba Britiab Morom, and ton years hence, people will be wondering why such excellent observations were Bot Mated upon. Of all societies, the one most wanted is for carrying into effect the useful sug. Theo Pr grations of Parliamentary committees, Ewart is to give us bie e?nual motion for the abo- Illon of the posishment of death-and another for the balitution of direct for indirect taxation-a move in the right direction, and of which every practical man will appreciate the importanen, Me Ewant has goocher measure, for the formation of libraries in country towns, which we should be very glad to see adopted. A bill for the extension of the jurisdiction of the county courts is but the foreronder of a series of measures for tranmeting county legal business in the county-even equity cuses will herenster be in grant measure voltled in
4. Hugh Walker, Cameron, Bhanghai,
19, Blair, Mordy, South America. 30, Corcyrs, Welch, Singapore, January,
1, Inca (Am.), Buxton, New York,
1, French Corvette La Bayonnaise, Commander La Graviere, Manila,
10, England's Queen, Alleyne, London, → John Dugdale, Killick, Manila,
Camino, Marque Absons, barque
Nagu Lat, barque Nawan jour, barns Piolades, barq
Paanc Renaissanos, barque Entreprim barque BALMEN Aristides, ship
Maria, barque
180 Lam
19 Hilva
ast Oliveira
171 Victal
105 Silv 155 Gr
Shanghal 80 Remedior
Hongkong 50 Da
Whampoa 292 Derbel
94 Pike
400 De Groot
955 600
27 Valma Shanghai
300 Barguer Ancy |993/5mlth
370 Monsie 350 P0477
Whampoo 350|Cone
914 Brianpo
Whampoa 500 Fridesma
Hongkong 250 Thaleurop Frederick Wilhelm, barque bampos 430 Full Ans, loruba
||Esat Cosa| 190 Sewall
Hampone. Whalesine Marie, barges
Bia, barque
(Starr Ships)
Demandes Formanise, ship
????? ????? Part W
Bomber, ekip
Lady Hays, barque
Nimed, barge
Kuberall (Ana.), barque
Boro, brig
Anonya, belg
Hongkong, bare Lord Amherst, ship Publieder, barns Kayalet, echoener tlacioquia, orig
Lenin, barque Anita, brig
Clown, brig
Per Investigator for London,Dr and Mrs Young, two Children, and female Makmodes, har Bervant, Mra Bowra and Boo, and Mine Helen Holmes.
Per Bayonnaier,--La Baron Forth Roues.
Brig Pilet
H. C. Smer Phlegethon
Ship Minden
their own localities, MF W. J. Fox grapples H. N. Ship Alligste with these two immenso questions-education and church and riale. We shall have a debate, and nothing farther, open each of these. Mr Heywood U. 8. Ship Plymeach -taken the universltims in tow, and Mr Mowest ban
One Delphin
"Which, an may be supposed, mert with our especial approval, for the abolition of the tax on newspapers. We have little fear of the mate of paltry publications which the monoura would produce there ere enough of them now, Heaven knows; but what la their effect? The other met gures are chiefly penetical improvements of local departments, We conclude with the most farciaal of the propositions for next year-the only one, in bet, at which we can fairly laugh. Mir Macgregor la to move for a now franchise for Chelson Kon. aington, and the district adjoining, on account of its population of 120,000 inhabitants suficient 1 rational ples. To this Mr O'Connell tacks a rider, to the effect that the two members thus crent- ed are to ho given to Ireland. With this some- what Irish proposition we leave the next session to ite own prospects. They are not unfavourable, and the spirit of legislation, as arlaced in these notices, is active, scarobing, practical and tempo Tele-Atlas.
The Schoolmaster Abroad - 4 letter was seen in Aberdeen the other day, addressed unerly sa fol- lowe:-" to the woman the selles the Poultry fool of Pokok Oloss and up the studentaire No. 22 Aberdeen,"
A Popa's Benediction. The Pope la to visit Albano," says the Timca, "and give bie benediction there to the French army. We thought the dis- grace of the French army was complete, but there Home no end to its degradation.-Punch.
Elegant Storvation.-A thoughilst young gen- tleman of good family, although he had spent ere- sy shilling, and worn out every trace of credit, liv. ed with a devoted partner of bis poverty, in a splen did villa wear the Regent's Park. Jewels, books, wearing apparel, and overy description of mova. able, had long disappeared from this exqulate resi- dence, to supply the common necasantims of life. Yesterday, our hero boasted to confidential friand, towards the end of this ruin, we supped off pair of earrings. That ease of clumpaign in the coal cellar is the production of same thirty very dry volumes of the Encyclopadia Britannica. We bare dined during the past week off my dress cont; and this very day, had it not been for my polished boots, we should have been obliged to breakfast without Bologna" Of course these fearful priva tions increased, till some time after they reached climes. One day, the hopeful economiai returned home about dinner-time in a state of famishing bunger, and entreated his lovely housekeeper te or der dinner." Dinner t" she repeated: there is
not a scrap in the house, nor an article left to pro- cure and with." "Sorely," exclaimed the other, alopping his foreliend in drapair," something cao be anatched from the wreck--I have it, We can
yet avert from our countenance the borrid state of starvation. Tie a desparate act, but it must be done!" "What?" enquired the lady, anxiously. What? Why, fry the gold fish, and rose the canary!"-Family Jo: Miller,
H. C. M. Brig Lijnen
Alliquiar, beg
Captain J. W. Morgan.
Commander Lockyer.
Flamber and co.
Bolly Jane, ship
Folkstone, ship
Tians, schooner
Monday, barque
Mead, barguu
Snipe (A), brig
William, brig
William V., barga
Dido, schooner
14. A. de Mello
Rull and on
[5. M de Jesna.
Learengo Marques.
|7. A. Con Remedios,
Dent and o
Robert Strachan
Dant and co Chinchew Bong Chinchaw Hang Rayavana and oo. Rajuraan and oo, Robert Browne und en,
Syow, Blair and on. |Syton, Muir and on. Syms, Mair and so,
Rayatoon and co. Capazia.
Augustine Hosad and on.
John Bard and co
Kamell and co
Russell and co
Whampoa 350 Boyana
Shanghai 300 A. A. de Les Oupala.
Hongkong 850 C
121431 Canon 350 Famnivoon
235 Roper
$18 Root, J.
17 When
957 Sohmith
343 Uerard
340 Prima
307 Mile
141 Browning
Chicken 299 Mer
979 Ging
Fofo 1 Half
197 Crawford
Weg 144 D'Bache
36 Landers
406 Forbes
136 Chape
J. Anderson
134 Badiant, W.
Jardios, Mathatom and so. J.A.Olding. P.&O.Com, Agent Cewasjes Bapoorjes Langris Anguidua beard and co
David Samson, Seas and an B|Emell and
Pestonjen Framjee Game and ea
Jardins, Matheson and es.
Deat and on
Flot and on.
Jording, Klaiborn and ca
firme, Mair and co. fardine, Mabanon and eo, Dent and on.
Deat and co
Jardins, Mechanon and on. P. & D. N. Come and on, Kent and co
fardino, Mischases and so.
Cowles Bugourses Langrase, David Samree, dom and so. Augustine Heard and co.
[Poston?no Fransjou Camu und ca.
Glim and
ll and co.
156 Lady
133 Buied
Wa Hughe{ Aza. ? bela
919 Roundy
194 Thomp
Lindsay and co
35 Wadman
Wam Davidson.
SOP Chapt
979 Hot
Jardins, Matheson and eo, Dentsud no.
Jutended Despatch
Rawle, Drinker & Ca. Immediate Dirom, Gray & Co. Early
Jew York [Whangen: "belk. Wilhelm Russell & Co.
H. M. Bhip Hostings
VESSELS OF WAR |Hungkong | 74 |Game
Ship Cleopatra
96 (01
?????? T. L. ?????.
Big Amb
19 Ga
Commender V. Morris.
Hellas, homer
Ring Royalet
Commander IL 8. Everre,
Termal, bo
Boig Hariner
10 Em
Bier Reynard Beamer Mode
Amay 11 Gues Whampor
Comica 4 lans Hongiang..Hopital
Commander C. M. Mashion. Commander & M. Lyons. Commander P. C
Commander G. Niblett
Doctor 'ankier.
Master J. Mitchell.
Hongkong Ellea
99 Gana
10 Guna
Commodore D. Geininger. Captain T. R. Gedney. Kommander T. J. Paga |Camosundar inquierdo.
Whampoa Bueno Ayrean
John Cooper
Jardine, Matheson & Co Early
Liverpool Bristol
Shanghai Panama WLampos Ger
Gilman, Bowman & Co
Holliday, Wie & Co. Early
Jardinen & Co Early
A. A. de Malle Russell & Co.
A. A. Ritchie & Co.
A. A. Ritchie & Co
Wilhelm, Marie
Hongkong 197 De
2:50 J
354 Riddles
A. Care, H. & C.8,P.Co.'s Ag
Shanghai Montank
Wemorn & Co.
Olyphant & Co.
Macvicar & Co.
153 Woodla
Robert Burschas
John Burd & Co.
To day
400 Backb
John Burd & Co.
Lindsay & Co.
10th Fob
Calcutta Bing.a Bombay
Reyovina & Ca
Charles Forbes
$35 Meirdy
360|| Linen
Jardins, Macon and co.
PestonjeeF.Cama & Co Cmmediate
274 Swat
Joka Bard and on
14 Brewe
Dent and co.
Whampoa Lar
343 Major
Immedia Early
214 Meriu
JJnedion, Masbeson sad co.
'Y. J. Murrow.
79 Patton
PG Murray
Robert Brechen.
411 Broby
Dom, Gray and co.
345 Browne
473 Vollanst
Canton, aseamer
Black Dag, schooner
Carmar, onamer
Eleanor, barque
Elsabeth Archat, barque
Ellan, barqua
Falcon, di
Geelie, schooner
Julians, barque
Kite, berque
Louis, berge
Mary Banyo, banque
Mur. ship
Whitby, barque
Zephyr, schooner
Ardaseer, ship
Andar, poner Bence Ayman, barque Chuskes Forbes, ship
Erm, commer Grogs Fyfe, ship
Jahn Cooper, ship Linnat, brig
Led Hungerford, ship
Martha & Klisabeth, schr.
New Morgans, ship
Bir farhart Compton, berger
Tunis, belgante Wellington, barque Cania, steamer Hongkong, seamer
Confecle, hip Elina Klich, barque Uugh Welkar, whip Jeland Unsen, sch-
John Basran, ship
Lady Montague, ship Laher, brig Manappa, chapter
Nymph, brig Paname, p
Richard & William, brig
Sir Edward Parry, barque Spy, brig
Conway Castle, schooner
Deal, hooner
Henry Width, skip Inde, ndence, tele Prince Alert, barque Kane, barga Maggie, brig Bpse, schoner Tian, schoomme!
???????. Ariel, alp Auckland, barque
Dari, phooner Bavey, barque (Whaler) Bagle, bry Heber, al
Indians, boner Memeon, ship
13: Cobb
180 Drawe
366 Rowe
39) Harie
$10 Jamicon
|Shanghai || $11|dosti
Jobe Bard and co
Maswan and oo,
Robert Stachere.
Rawk, Drinker sad on.
Jardins, Matheson and on Math and so.
Jardino, Muchosen and no. dymo, Muir and co.
Symo. Muit and .
Jardins, Macharon and co
P. & D. N. Camales and co.
Dir, Gray
ankin, Blawn and on.
Holliday, Wine and
Lindsay and e
Pasconden Pranjen Carma and on
Mamed and on,
Jamison, Edgar and co
J.A.Olding, F.&O.Co.'s Agent
5. Campion EL. &C.8.Ca?A§
Jardina, Macharon and co
Thomas Riplay and co.
Maclear and co.
Ra, & William Hobart Town Whampoa M. & Elizabeth Ban Francisco Hanghoog Black Dog
Whampoa Lord Hengerford
Bir H. Compton Macao N. B. da Lax
Fromelga Hongkong Mary Bunnatyne Whampoa Bintang Anam
Macao Brigued
Amoy Prince Albert
Hongkong Oquendo
Whampoa Aristiden
P.&D.N Camajood Collmmediate Dent & Co.
Jose M. de Jesus Lourenca Marques Syma, Mair & Co. Chinchew Hong
Jose L d'Almeida Syme, Mair & Ca Bush & Co.
Augustine Heard &
15, Menam, 472, Maxton, Hongkong.
, Lady Bale, 388, Roger, Shangbai.
16, Record, 482, Patullo, Hongkong.
20, Black Friar, 621, Williams, Hongkong.
September 9, Lord Hardinge, 124, Sawyer, Hongkong.
16, Mangostoen, 381, Pantroath, Shanghai.
18, William Blewart, 676, Jamieson, Hongkong, 17, Duilius, 328, Maxton, Hongkong.
Lading on the 24th October.Bir George Pollock
Dont and co.
Martina, Mathemen and co.
Robert Frakom
171 Dow
Hargreaves and co
Vardian, Matheson and co
196 Wile
ilmaa. Bernad co
(65 Brignola
116 Whyte
450HL Biby
Macriar and co.
Rebers Brachen.
Byme, Meir and co
Holiday, Wise and so,
122 co
133 Beroba
Dent and co
470 Marrie
Diros, Gray and so.
174 Munro
gro, Muds and on
Fyme, Muir and m
1D M
Cons 10 Davidson
105, ohio
105 Med
[Hongkong | 570 unt
90+Jang 143 Porter 290 Wa (Winangon | 28|Loret
445| Pameroon 87 Crosby 1060Garden
Oriental, ship Mo
Nariga, bip
Bhanghai 37 Dabern
SOC McMic 110Path
Francia B. Birley
Mechanie, Barker and co Jardim, Matheson and so.
Bob and co. Best and on. Augemine Houri and co Rawle Drinker and co
4. A: Rischis and os.
Red and co
A. A. Rilekle sad ca.
Howell and co
Remell and co.
Wolmer and so.
Olyphant and to
20, Mandarin, 244, Phillips, Bhanghai. il, Monarch, 237, Petcital, Shanghai.
Chieftain, 293, Edwards, Hongkong.
3, Henrietta, 199, Pazon, Shanghai.
Immediat Co Early
Mary Ann Follott, 408, Holgate, Hoogkong,
6, Ann & Jane, 351, Fawcett, Shanghai
Beptember 16, Albion, 599, Clark, Hongkong.
23, Bentinck, 387, Bragg, Shanghai.
13, Jeremiah Garnett, 447, Daley, Shanghai.
Loading on the 4th October,-Aqua Masine, Lancastrian, Orim, Quallipool and Panic.
FROM PORTIXOUTE August 19, Scotland, 388, Davin, Hongkong.
Beptember 2, Maissais..... September 6, Coomad.
25, H. M's Troop Ship Apollo, Com. Rawstorar, Hongkong Loading-Trusty, for Shanghai, and Persen Merchant, for Chinn. November 6, El Tiempo (3panish), 290, Inchavati, Amoy. PALSTED AND PUBLIINED FOR THz Provejeros, Joux Card, ny Lutz d'Agavaon Oswald's How, Queen's Road, Victoria, 1950.
VOL. IX. No. 3.
PRICE $13 per annum.
MS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, 13 Dollars Six Months, 7 Dollare. Prices, 14 Dollar, # Dollars, and a Dollars, for the periods of Twelve, Hix, and Three Months respectively: Bingle Numbers, to Habscribers 25 cents each; to Non-Subscribers, 1 Rupee. Partia calling or sending to the Office for papers are requested to pay cash. SUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND FRIEND OF CHINA, 4 Dollars per Annum.
Thren Manthe, & Dollars; all prid lavance. Cradit TERMB OF ADVERTISING.-Ten Ines and under, Dollar; additional, 10 cents Ins. Repeililone one-third of the heat Insertion, Ships, Pirst insertion. Dollars, submoquent insertions $5 cents. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermandel. In all fustances, thow who are not Subeeribere, require to pay in advance.
ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY Also, on route to the above, LJUBAVORE, Penano, Galls-Malta, Buzz, Avar.
THE PRIMULAR AND OBI- 1ENTAL COMPANY's Steam Ship ACHILLES, will leave thie for the above places on Wed. Deeday the 90th of January, Cango will be received on board until Nood, and BProin until 4 p. x., of the 29th.
For further particulare regarding Faziont and ? Passon apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent.
P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Office. Victoria, Hongkong, lat January, 180,
THE rate of Freight on Bilk to England per Over- and Rous has been reduced by order of the Directors of the P. & 0.8. N. Company's to $98.00 per Tan of 40 Cubic feet, which will be charged watil further notice.
J. A. OLDING,-Agent. Hongkong, 26th November, 1849.
TRIESTE ROUTE. THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'SSTEAM- ERS, continue to ply between A Lax- -'Anemia, and Taskere so wader vis,
The Direct leaving Trieste the 29th of each
month arrives at Alexandria about the 2nd or 3rd of the following month, and starts for Trieste from Alexandria 18 a 24 hours after the arrival there of the Indian Pusongers by the Calculia Breamer,
· except on occasions when the latter arrives at Bues behind time
A Beamer of the same Company leaves Alox. sadrls every ubernate Thoraday for Smyrna where it mrote the Steamers of the Lavant Line, by means of which, communication is kept up as previously through Byre with Constantinople, Trieste, Greece,
ste £18 Including Table money
for the Imperial Rayal Privileged Aditrian
Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. N. B. There are now many Railroads open
through Germany that London may be renhed from Triene in ?0 days with comfort and at an expence of aboma £30 ?12.
Vistoria, 27th September, 1849.
THE LORD HUNGERFORD" Captain Patanson will be des patched for the above named port, not Enter than the middle of February.
For freight apply to
Kwangies Hong, 91st December, 1849.
P.&-A Superenrgo acquainted with the Trade will accompany the Ship, whose services are avait- able to shippers.
10 BE SOLD on LET.
THE HOUSE and Premiers in Spring
Gardens fronting the Harbour.
The House and Promises in Spring Gardens adjoining the Road and opposite Jorroka Hall both formerly in the occupation of Mamara Hogan & Co. Apply to,
A003. CARTER, Office Queen's Road.
Victoria, 4th January, 1850.
AMICABLE INSURANCE OFFICE THE undersigned have been appolated Agents for
RA. R. Hopson became a Partner in our
Firm on the lat July last.
GILMAN & Co. Canton, 2016 December, 1849,
NOTICE. MR. R. B. FORBES is admitted a Partner in our
house from this date, his lotares and Respon sibility commencing on the first day of January next, at which time Meers W. H. KINO and GEORGE PERKINS retire.
RUSSELL & Co. Canton, 30th November, 1849.
rized to Biga for our Firm by procuration,
BYME, MUIR & Co Hongkong, dth November, 1849.
sign our Firm by Procuration.
HORMUSJEE FRAMJEE & Co. Canton, let December, 1849.
TT is requested that all climu agulost the Estate of the late Ronger Wearean may be sent in
An Account of the Origin and Progress of the British Colonies in the Straits of "falacca, by Lieut.-Col. James Low, o. 21. K. a. 1. a M. a. 8. D. General Report on the Residency of Bingapore, drawn up principally with a view of illustrating le Agricultural Statistics, by T. Thomson, Esq., . . .,, Hurveyor to Government The Piracy and Slave Trade of the Jodian Archi
The Languages of the Indian Archipelago, by the
II. Preliminary Remarks on the Generation. Growth, Structure and Analysis of Languages, Diseases of the Nutmeg Tree, by R. Little, Esq. Gold in Sarawak, Fall of Portion of Trian, su
auriferons mountain, by C. Grant, Esq. N. B. Parties in China wisblog to become nbcribers will please forward their name and ad. dress to the offive of " The Prlead of Chios and Hoogkong Gazette."
Victoria, December 22nd, 1849,
to the undersigned before the 30th June Dexi, and
persona indebted to the said Estate will please FOR SALE at the Office of this paper :- to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co. East Point, Ist January, 1850.
| LG claims upon the Estate of the late Jour ACOOR DALLER, proved before the 90th June next, will be met by the undersigned, and all per- sons indebted to the mid Estate are requested to make payment to,
JARDINE; MATHESON & Co. East Point, 1st January, 1860.
Half Yearly Gomonas Mextino of the Share- holders in the HONOKONG & CANTON LOTEAM PACKET COMPANY wil be held at the Off?c ni SPENCER COMPTON, Esquiro, Date at 11 at An Th? Thay tin ?o Ra brusty next
By order of the Directors,
AUGS. CARTER, Secrtiary. Hongkong, 1st January, 1850.
SHEATHING COPPER from 14 to 24 oz.
Apply to,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 3rd July 1849,
·OWEBP Butter in Kegs of 15 Iba, American
of Lading.
for the Peninsular nod Ori.
ental Company's Steamoru,
COMPRADORES Chaopus, in Books.
Mercantile forme and other work printed with axpedition at the statomary rates,
Queen's Road, 9th October, 1848.
TO LET PHOSE Flim Large HOUSEB koown Dra Huren & Bauron's fronting Stanley, Wellington and Pottinger Stress with commanding view over the whole Bay. The Houses can be let either single or toge ther having separate satrances and outhouses. For particulare, apply to,
N. DUUS & Co.
Hongkong, Yeh January, 1850.
TO LET. THE Corner HOUSE next the Bridge over
Scried Apples in bald Barrels, Loaf Sugar &e. Tour Conting the Quad
Also received, Fos-chew-foo Becon.
ROB. RUTHERFORD, Qunso's Road.
N. B.-The Butter and Apples are of superior quality and the Becon is quite Fresh.
Viatorin, 4th January, 1850.
and Offiests Quarters. And three smaller HOU. SEB in the same range of Buildings; for particulars apply to
N. DUUS & Co. Hongkong, 8th January, 1850,
NOTICE. THE interest and responsibility of Mr. JOHIN
STWART in our firm has ceased.
Hongkong, 101 January, 1850.
NOTICE. WHAMPOA DRY DOCK MBE Undersigned has completed bisarrangements for docking and ropuiting Vemela at Wham- pas, and bege to all the attention of Ship Mastere and Merchants to the facilities be afforde for that purpose. The Dock is a new one, capable of re- ceiving Vessela drawing thirteen feet of water at Spring Tides, and elavan foot as Neap Tides. ATHE soleret and responsibility of the late Mr. large Bail and Rigging toft are attached to the pre-
the AMICABLY INQUANCH Ozon, and are premises. For term, which will be moderate, apply to, pared to lasua policles on the usual terms, iu Hong. kong, Canton and Shanghai, payable no follows :- la London, Agents Motore Matheson & Co.
Calcutta, Secretaries
Bombay, Agent
Madras, Agente
Singapore, Agents
P. A. Caverke and
T. G. Begram.
Remington & Co.
Bainbridge & Co.
Barkies & Mons. LINDSAY & Co.
Hongkong, 18th July, 1849.
THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risks (covered by open POLICIES at Fate and in the various LONDON INSURANCE COMPANIE,) by the Peninsular & Oriental Company's Stoomers, from Canton and Hongkong, to the Braila, Cay: len, the Presidencies of India, and England.
For Hates of Premium and other information, apply to Mr J. A. Oldina, si ibe P. & O. Co. Offer, Hongkong.
JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co, London, 280 December, 1848.
December 8, 1849.
TB open for the Sale of Medicines, dec, &o, ander
the management of a competent and Dispenser.
BODA WATER and LEMONADE of supe. rior quality. Agent at Macao-HINNAM.
Hongkong, 15th Decembar, 1849,
THE RACE Countrren beg to intimate that
PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION BALL, under the Patronage of Mr Bonman, will take place at the Hongkong Club Homes, on the Evening of Fri- day the 13th of January next. Trouers-Single,... -
To ndanita Lady and Gentlemen 5, will be obtained at the Caus, so or before Selar. day the 5th proximo.
Hongkong, 10th December, 1849.
T. & H. NYE in our frai cuased on the Ilut okima,
NYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, 4th January, 1650.
great delay and expence for every trifle they asey require. PANCY AND MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Ladies Do Lane Dresses,
Do. Pril
Do. Coloured, Tarlatan do. Do. Embroidered do. Do. Cashmere da.
De. Embroidered look da D. Embroidered Jacenet do.
Da. Morked Alaska Collars
De Do.
?????, Chemeratio.
Lace Copes
Do. Queen Mary's Collars
De. Freach Cosell, Corol Do. do. Jen Bisys.
Do. Braganta Sharl?
Do. do
quite now.
Do. Black Balls Embroidered Montul?r.
do. Laventee
Of the west style, by Jess Maltz
De. Embroidered French Cambric Handkerchiefs.
Do. Barage Dramas,
Do Velvet Boberts
Do. Tuscan, Buraw, and Buk de.
De. Drape
Do. long White 594 Glares.
Do. Coloured and draw de
Da do. Bu do
Do. Black and White Lace Jism.
and White Slik Blocklags
Do and GTI.
do. Olarre
Do. Fancy Checked Uk.
Do, Plain Coloured Eatins, &c., &e.
Bockaback for Toweling.
Dark Table Lisan.
Do. Napkins
Brown Holland Dressed and Undrama,
Book Alulla.
Jaccourt da.
Checked do.
Tallet overs
Do. Fringe
Fancy Gland Fringes for Dresses.
Gonzo Ribbon
Latesting and Salin do
Narrow Sarsuet Ribbons of all colours,
Fine Irish HARD.
English Umbrellaa.
Boys Fancy Cape.
Children's Leghorn da.
Scotch Cambric.
Queen's Lawn.
Mmbia Edglage and Insertions, do, da, de,
Best Linen Tapes.
Kerby's art and Pins
Cotton Card and Real Wien. Darling Colton and Hooks and Eyes. Children's Fancy Backs.
Children's Angels and Catton Becks,
Infanta Woollen Boots.
de Homla.
Do. Long Robes and Procks.
Do. Frack Bodies.
Da. French Cambric Ospe
Do. Thread Lace.
Do. Night Cape
Earlings Lace ed Insertions. Black Lace, wide and narrow.
4-4 Black Net and Blond, 44 Fancy Figured Ner
Fancy Gimp Trimming for Dremas, &c., da. En.
Just Received: -
Boss, Mantillas, Mass, Kaffetta, Cuffs, &c, dc.
Consists of Essenco of Flowers, do. of Rose, Verbaan, WNd Flower, Bouquet, Essence of Vielets, Ambrola, Land Eau de Portugal.
With Hair, wall, and Tooth Brushes; Hoaps, Bears Grease, Pomaten, Lavander Water, Raul Macassar 09, 2 of Hoses, Smelling Salts, Court Plaster, &c., de, the. lo the Chow Chow Store will be found the follow. Ing of the best quality, vle:-
York Hama...
Cumberland Baces.......
Berkley and other Cheese -
Jams and Jchies....
Tart Fruit............ Carry Pender and Chutney..........
Pickies, Vinegar, and Mustard.
Anshory and other Paten.
Bardines, large Tias ... ·
Dutch Butter, 16 16a... Bper Candles.
"35 Cents per 16.
? C. pr Hotte
.710 per Keg
40 Cents per lb. Dungulase, Leaf Bagar, Coffee, Delad. Here, Fresh Sai- mon, Pearl Barley, Ostmeal, Maccaraal, Vermaceti. Haney in Jars, Ten in 10 and 20 carder Beam, Did ida-- alla Legare, all Space, Nutmegs, Baisles, Plema, (HALOON, fashionable Dances of all klada.
Large Ox Tonguer.
WE have this day admitted Mr. JAMES PUR-Cod Batt
DON no Pariser in our House, Our business will henceforward be conducted under the Name of SWORD, PURDON & Co.
JOHN SWORD & Co. Canton, Ist January 1850,
THE undersigned koowing the great inconvani-
emer parties are frequently put to, in conn quence of not being aware that a general STORE of this description is in Hongkong, bega to give the community of Canton, Macao and llongkong, (more particularly Birangers) the following list of Articles always on sale, and from cacent arrango. meuta made with a London House will receive by the Overland Mail every month a fresh supply of every thing that is now and fanblomble, so that in Future Ladies will not be necessitated to write home
In little choice pieces, sultabla ?ar omull Cargillos, With every other article to be found in a ganach morn.
Comlats of Quart and Pint Decanter, from 3o per l'alt upwards; Tumblers, Wines, Claret, ?lock, 1. hampagne, Finger Games, Balts, Crafa, &c., d With a very handsome rich tot Glass Desert Bet,
WINE, AND SPIRIT STORE. Contales-Martell's Pale und Dark Brandy. Byass' tharry in ses desan Cases. Circles & funt's sporlar Port Is da. Champagne
In do in da. Bootch Whiskey
Claret, B., Sa, ??u.
A few Octares of Brown Sherry 51 for Battling; all?"
articles are of the best descriptions and t? ho k? Stores of,
J. INESS, Queen's Road, Hongke
8th January, 1850.
No 4 Sertise-sents wil de vrevered until a Cock, on the rings propious to publi. ention, bit; Tiles-faya and Frezuya
X4 Sylucy
444 Niates Det.
Bruns Matrad
Nor. 14
Phen bal
NOTICE-ho kuro of Dielne Sreier 4 Br. Joan's Caches are on Sunday, at 11 a. st. and j part 3 r. n.
And on Thursday s? 0 v. m.
VINCENT STANTON, Vinela, a November, (84) Calmal Chap
We have been requested to intimate that the Race Meeting and also me Ball have been postponed until further notice is given.
har with the capabilities of the port,-engaged such a distinction is sidiculona; neither does ty,-they pushed commerce to the most remote in trade, they were identified with its prosperi | the money come from the British Government to support the Hongkong government,-it in regions, they facilitated its advancement at simply grant from the people of the United bono, and their docks were filled with ships, Kingdom of a certain amount in favour of this their warehouses with produce, as fast as colony. If we are not entirely left to ourselves, they could build them. Commissioners apalready, such will be the caso very shortly; and pointed by the general government, changing it is our duty to view our position calnuly and places every low years, unacquainted with tho act unitedly. By continuing the prosent ex waste or the powers of the port, careless as to ponure civil establishment the colony will get ita advancemont, and only fixed to it by an an into to debt, and it may take many years of mual stipend, never would have raised the city good management under a more economical we have taken as an illustration to her present administration to clear if our liabilities. The state of prosperity grandeur and wealth.
question is one which affects us all, and ought to be examined with attention and without reference to individual interests.
But Municipal Institutions, in their earher years, did even more for the country. Under their protection grow up a new class of socio- ty. The land ceased to be shared by old patricians (each supporting a band of armed followers ready to do their master's will) ruling despotically over an oppressed peasantry. The middle class of society is the offspring of Mu- nicipal power, and in this class mainly routs On the 23rd ultimo a very disastrous fire broke the strength of England. The pulpit, the bar, out in the town of Amoy, concuming from the army, the navy, commerce, colonization 300 to 400 Hongs and houses, amodg which and manufactures, are all chiefly or partly re- several large houses in the habit of dealing with cruited from the middle class; from these Foreigners suffered, and the houses of the Brit-sources now blood is infused into the ranks ish Merchants was in imminent danger. It is of the nobility, and though the distinctions be said that property to the amount of $200,000 twoen those who are near the foot of the one was destroyed by the fire.
class and the top of the other are marked, still the gradations are so slight that it is frequently impossible to draw a line of demarcation.
M BORHAM declared at his interview with the
Justices of the Peace on the and of Novembar that he did not know the meaning of the termi "Municipal Institutione," and the Public would have fancied he was jesting had ho not backed the extraordinary confession by an offer to per. mit the inhabitants to pay the police force, pro. vided they would reso an additional £1,000
year by voluntary assestment.
The Superin.
tendent, Deputy Superintendent and Laspectore
were to remain under control of the govern- ment, ther salaries falling upon the general rovengo of the colony. Daprived of ail muni. epal power the Commissioners were to have the high privilege of taxing the colony! Tho offer has the merit of originality to recommend it. but the Justices, who are better acquainted with the nature of Municipal Institutions, would not consent to see them thus degrad-s in the British culony of Hongkong.
A knowledge of the advantages of this system Islands. In the United States such Institutions of self government is not confined to the British
exist in all their integrity. They were introduced
Wo submit that the time has arrived when the town of Victoria, its Police, its streets, and the whole municipal economy requires to be taken from the control of the Executive power and be placed under a Municipal body. The revenue is small, and there is no prospect of an immediate increase; reductions in the vari ous departments of the public service prose themselves upon our notice; reductions in if left to a regularly constituted body holding what may be called the Municipal department,
the usual power can and will be made to a large extent. But before any thing in this way is attempted, the legislature is bound to lay the draft of Municipal act before the public; and before this can be done-as we have al ready said the legislature itself must be re formed.
The police establishment is probably the nost extravagant and the most imbecile (we except a few officers) in the colonies,-that is before the separation from the mother for a town of this size. It will scarcely be cre country; the people were accusturned to self' dited in places were these things are better ar government while yet colonists, and after the ranged that in this small place the sum of revolution they preserved their okl corporations £1,800 is paid annually for Police. George and their old English corporation laws. In the Town (Pinang) has nearly the saine popula. British colonies (with a few exceptions) they tion, and from the report of the Municipal are introduced at a very early period. In: Committee, we learn that 410 dollars a month Australia (settlements but little older than Now Zealand, in Port Phillip, and in South defrays the police expenses,-this is at the rate of £1,050 per annum. The assessment upon loogkong) we find them fairly established.
house rent levied to defray the expense of our Police is estimated at £2,500 a year; a sum times over, and yet this oppressive tax (not less than 10 per cent upon the net rental) dues which nearly pays the Penang Police three
little more than meet half the expenses of the statement of facts, upon which we will not de- establal?ment forcell upon us. Here is a plain late, we would rather with the inhabitants to form their own opinione, to look a little for ward and act according to their own judgment.
For a longer or shorter torin, according to their resources, all young colonies are mainly supported by the parent country; and during their years of tutelage the adinimustrative and le glativo power is in a great degreo intrusted to the Executive. The first step to self government Wo need scarcely remind our Readors that is tho admission of unofficial members to the Le. at an early period of English history out of the gislature; this is followed by a Municipal Act Sovereigns, in order to protect the inhabitans under which the towns are left to manage their
The Members of the Commiten having severally considered the documents (A. & 15) relating to the increase and reform of the Police Force laid before the last Aleeting by the Chairruan containing plan drawn up by the Deputy Superintendent of Police and observation therson by the Resident brought forward at the last looting it is Resolved, Councillor together with the several propositions
JOL-That a sum not to exceed 220 Rupert a month be granted for the purposes at forts in the above named documents vis:
An additional Constable Sia Jo,
Native Officers, and
An increase of one Rupse per monik
to the pay of the men. 2nd.-The Committee being of opinion that the Office of Deputy Superintendent of Police, present constituted in unnecessary and that the Quin of 300 Rupees ‧ month paid to sustain it, i. too heavy a burden on the resources of the luni- eipal Fund, that it be strongly recommended to the Executive to abolish the said Offles and to cause the duties thereof to be performed, so far as prac Licable by a Head European Constable on a salary no1 exceeding 100 Rupees a month.?
they should bays a properly qualified Officer to 3rd. The Committee baing opinion that kis necessary to their efficiency pubile body wat conduct the various dutine for which they are rea- Braddell Esquire, the present Deputy Supariates. ponsible and to represent them to the dus enforce meal of collections, have resolved to nominata T. deal of Police in be their Collector of Asscasmest un e salary of 300 Rupees a mouth and to request the Hon'ble the Governor to appoint him sech in Be Loureire the present Collector. accordance with the provisions of the Act, Vios
4th. That the charge and auperintendence of the Roads and Bridges be withdraws from the Ex-vulire Officer and revert to the immediate con. mud that the thanks of the Committee be tendered trol of the Committee, through their Collector and
Lieut. Slacpherson for the readiness and cour. teay with which he has carried into execution the wishee and views of the Committee.
Ath-That the fallowing seduotione be immo- diately carried into effect, in the Establishments under the control of the Committes.
20 Raper month
One Native Colleator One Writer Road Dept, " One Peon
Do. De. One Peoo at 9 and one Coolay at 580 in charge of Aque- duct,. Ballack keeper (Bullock to be sold by Auction)
Rupes 89
allowed for the erection and fitting up of five Bin- dib.-That som not exceeding 500 Dollars be tion Honaca within the Town for the use of the Police Force.t
to say un the goneral duties of the Committe 7th-That sanding sab Committee consisting of the Chwirren and one klamber be empowered during the intervals between the monthly meeting them and the sum of money disturned by them be provided that the ordura and instruatione fecued by subjected to approval by the general Commition.
8th-Read a letter addressed to the Chairman
comes more immediately under the control of by Bears A. S. Brown, Lorraine and Anthony
quire into the connection that existe between the civil establisment and what ought to be the Municipal establishment, with a view to show that when a separation takes place a very small staff will serve to look after the affairs of the Hongkong government.
of towns from the rapacity of tiro feudal Chief., jown effairs. These privileges have been with Bot this is only one establishment, but one that incorporated the towns giving the community held from Hongkong longer than the way power to manage their own internal affairs. necessity for, but we have never claimed the the tax payers. In a future paper wa will en These corporations have long outbred the evil in a very prominent way. In 1844 when the which called them into being, and their influ.courts of Justice were established we might ence upon the prosperity of the country has have expected that the principle of represent been greater than could have been foreseen by ation would have been ouncedo to a scule- the wise Monarch who established this system meat po sossing as many Gentlemen of educa of self government.
tion and fortune fit to take their seats at the Co- The commercial prosperity of England is uncil tabla; and looking back at the legislation usually ascribed to her arms, her consolinisted for in past five years wo think it will be ad- government but rarely disturbed by anarchy misted that had the Chuacil been a mixed one nud internal war, and to her wide spread and many ordinances which have since been disal- fully developed schemes of colonization. That lowed would never have passol,-the colony thesc, with impartial laws and religious tuler would have been benefited-the government ation, are the elements of beg greatness is not
would have been spared a good deal of obu. to be denied. But the Municipal In-titutions If Governors looked to their own comfort-to of the country have aided in developing her re- their future advancement in the public service sources and in supporting the view of the Itoy would never wish to rule absolutely. perial government.
The colonial ollica is bound to support them, The history of nearly every shipping and but a very unpopular ruler is rarely appointed inanufacturing city is identifiad with trade and to other office. colonization, and the corporations of these cities charms, but they are dangerous attraction; op. Daspotic power has its have controlled and directod not only local position may be disagreeable to men of arbri allairs but, to a great extent, commerce and co-tary disposition, but it is a wholesome medicine lonization thornsolves, Harboure, light-housed saves years of bitter recollections. Oo and docks, are Municipal labour; manufacture, the teora uf economy and officiency it is de. ship building, and emigration fellow or goband sirable that all new towns be placed as soon band. Cangle and railroads, ail inuro or less as posmble under their natural guardians. connected with corporations, have connected With regard to Victoria we are not sure the inland towns with those on the seaboard, that the fitting period for such a change has and at the present day the whole empire is been much exceeded. It is obvious that in Jittle more than one huge city. Leverpool, | 1814, supposing that in addition to the Police Manchester, Birminghan, and Glava, in
ascuasiment, the inhabitants had had placed at point of time, are mere suburbs of the great their disposal the market licences, publicans metropolis, and in warehouses built under licences, auctioneers licences, and other items their respective corporations are stored a year's of municipal revenue, they could not by any supply of the most dutant articles of tropical posublu degree of assosament have laid out the production.
streets and built paranena gruite drains, No government that has over existed or ever! These works were undertaken by govoru nent, will exist could in a few centuries by its own and parliament gave libaral grants to pay for labour produce such a result. It is to be thou. traced to the beautiful divit of the govern. ing, the protecting power of the local Magis. Irates. No council sitting in London could have guided the growing prosperity of such a place as Liverpool as it was guided by a localf Hungkong and the town of Victoria; the
council of the fabimbitants. They were funi-
But they are now completed, and from the debate in the House of Commons on the Ist of last June wo learn that we are to be lef
to ourselves for the future. Parliament make.
no distinction between the civil establishinent
vole is to aid the general revenus, and to set up
Pinang Municipal Committee; an estimate of W present our readers with a report of the the Police expense drawn up by the Deputy Superintendent: and the Resident Councillor's remarks upon the proposed reform in the exta- blishment. The report may fairly claim the George Town, Pinaug, municipal institutions attention of this community. It appears that in bave been introduced; we bolova under a re- cent act of the Indian Government. The pre- sent is not a favourable time for the incorpora- period does arrive, our legislature will naturally tion of Victoria, Hongkong, and when that wish to be guided by colonial legislation, and Some month ago & Municipal Act was before not by the legislation of the Jodian goverament. the Council of South Australia, and no duubi passed, though we have not seen a copy,-If any of our friends can savour us with the docn. ment we will be obliged. As regards Hongkong the Legislative power itself then wo may, --the first reform urgently called for is that of look for a Municipal Act, duly followed by a re- formed cheap police. Not so cheap as Pinang, but between the $410 a nonth and nearly an many pounds sterling there is a wide margin for clipping.
Prestal The Hon'ble 2. A. Alandell, Esquire-Chairman,
H. Nelson
C. C. Carrier
and Capala 3. Cross,
Rou requesting the Committee to take into considera- line the eligibility of continuing the Hound Ditch in the Sea, from the present stoppage on Northam The Chairtoan is requested to inform these Gen. lemen that an Englaear's opinion on the subjret will be taken as early as possible and at the same time to call on them for information as to the pa- riod when and the erder muctioning the closing of the former outlet to the Sec.
9th-Read a lotter from F. 9. Brown Esq, Lo the address of the Chairman reparting the injury suffered by Bridge in the Southern Districts of iba leland. Tant Gentleman to be informed that
asures have been aiready taken to repair it. 10th-The Chairman lays before the Commit. lean statement of the sum expanded by the Com- mittoe for Boat hire for Constable's Travelling in Province Wellesley and other minor item of Boat hirs, amounting to an average of more than $25 per month.
Referred to Superintendens of Province Welles. Jey with the request of the Committee that be will take the enbject into ble full consideration nod make known to the Committee at the next mvet. ing his opinion as to the practicability of seducing this heavy item of expense.
E. A BLUNDELL, Chairman of Committes.
Memo of Proposed alterations in the distribution of the Police force in Gcorge Town P. W. Island,
Constable will be attached I should propose Plu To the plan bere submited it is proposed to di vide the Town into two Districts to mob of which Street from the Pranging the rope walk and Love Lane so the boundary line. And for each District a principal station under the Constable wo subordinate Stations under Native Officers.
Before entering into the Details of the plan Te to state the present disposable force. On the Moster roll the following officers are borne oE office Establishment in addition to the Police Force of Constables and Paune. I place the amount of Salary drown opposite each,
+ In Boogkong the aggregate amount of salaries paid to the Superlatendant, Deputy Superintendent and fus- pector, falls little short of £100 sierling monby, or lea times what lu paid for the same service ta Pisang-EBI TUR F. OF C.
The Hongkong police starlos cost apde of $20,000, three are of no earthly use as Maride-ou built a mile or mora da od sowo, has been allowed to go to ralpe. Alter all this extravagance, the Central Station
‧ Population of Georga Tema 11,700.-?orroa F. OPC. reated at a high late-Editon F. or C.
t Head Clerk... 1 Junior Clerk.
Chinese Writer.
↑ Malay Grany.
1 Receiver of Court fees...
Chulia Writer..
1 Court of Request Warrant Peon, 10
du Sumicas Peon....
4 Ondrily Peone.
Head Cousteblu.
1 Second
9 Jemudare.........
2 Undo
2. Duffidiis ......... ........................
56 Police Peous>
day dutics of watching the siroots, ram?ving obe of walking the rounds at night. The important truesions-preventing ncovmuotation of pasale, or keeping tha stronte olean &o, seem uokaowa. carla or carringer enforcing Pulaa Regulations The amount of pay of the present Establiment while that bere proposed is 1,171. in 1972. That prepisal by Ble Braddell in 1 211 The present plan will share.
On duly every night
On Duty
10 Jo ears and 49 Peons
R", 150
$ GB JA I should propose that the peons of thin 8 oul sin 22 72 tioon be armed with swords at night and that the rod 09 should have a mick and callo that the several station
the the Lords, the noble President at the Council 9 09
bo-sen be provided with a proportion of erm. such
was kept--we do not say designedly-in a state of as muskets speare swords and pistols that one Fire
blissful ignorance as to bus colleague's movements, which, whils if sometimes lod the noble mojus 6 36 Engine with its propurtion of nocensurias be placed 6 90 at the Pit street station mud the other ni chaurusler.
auto awkward scrapes, effectusily baffi Inquirere, by depriving them of all hope of ubreining an an 454 I abould propose that the 2 principal stations be 8 18 provided with gunge to be struck every hour,
swer at once categorical and tras
Ja fact, wu 16 36
I should propose that when on day duty the peons
were at last plainly tell by the Ministerial prose, 86 36 should wear the Com with a uniform beaddress ne-
that if a Peer wanted any information with respeci 22 72 cording to thoir suverat asula, white straight trow.
to the proceedings of this branch of the Govera 18 18 sers for foe weather and dark do for wet, for night
Daffent, he ought to instruct some friend in 'the 1362 duty a jacket wado of warm stuff'e tel kilmarnock
Lower Huuse to put questious for him. Buch a 10 B8 honnel and a expo of Vil cloth or painted canvaca
curio, we have no doubt, would have spared Lor.l I Confiable 239 01 with dark trousers, these articles might be purchas-
Ludlown some tion, and at a little Jemedare & Duff trouble. We have besa scoured of censuring with ed at wholesale prices and delivered to the fores with.
I'vons $487 12 out profit payment to be deducted in montbly in.
undue severity the foreign policy of the Guvern This element shows 60 Police Peons for daily atelineate for the whole years supply.
The Cunstable, Jemader and Penus, (as above) uff dmt; and weave it to our readers to doturma eat. That we have crincised it freely we rendity duty to the Pulice Office, Station Homer and Rema
duty at the ulice office the next morning at.. whether our comments have not been at once pro- For the office duty t should propose to tell off daily Police duties it may be necessary to appoint an under night duty. The roster will of course be drawn
At the 2 Constables will be solely employed an
and at Bunsel of that day will take their tums of voked and justified by incidents happily el rare uo. men to guard the Police Jail, 1 meo le guard Constable for the Otice the duties are to altond the up by Mr Braddell who will explain it to the Conary. It may not, indeed, be the first time that we Prisoners up stairs and one man to attend the Bil
Currence in the annale of our l'arliamentary histo ting Magistrate. For the two principal station serve the routine Warrants, attend to the prisoners turn at day, night and office duty, allowing no man Sitting Magistrale bring on the cases for houring. Wes. The objects, to have every men la bis Houses should place 4 men 2 for each es a watch, in the Police Ja victualling and keeping their so
have seed diplomatic meddling in mattere great and this leares 48 men for Street duty or 24 Bent counte &c. for this duty a native of the Laland would causing each to do duty lu different quarters every that we have seen the correspondence of our U
to becomed a fixture in any part of the Town, but of our foreign policy. It may not be the maitino small made the rule, instead of being the exceptions These Beats I should propose to place as follows: probably be well qualified, for the present I should pight. object to mea (to be called part of the ernment with foreign Staton disfigured by Bippant No, I Light Stresi, JNo. 13 Beach Streal, propose to give him no Police duty as the organiza police) being engaged for special work. Mr Brad sarcasm and lotiations as offensive as they were
2 Bishop do,
11 of wood bazar, tion of a system of this kind requires armes and dell us recommended some men for office duty gratuitous and unprovoked But it is the first time, 15 Halton Lane Tesolution which are only to be looked for in so Eu.
and an office Constable. Far better to amalgament within our recullection at least, that a British Ali- copen after the system is well established the sur vices of the Office Constable any be made use of
the whole and consider all hunds available for all niner bas, in compliance with a formal application the duties of Police. I would apply this remark permitted arms to be supplied from the public ma to form a relief.
to the Country Police, not included in these obser-
gazines to the revolted subjects of a friendly Power,
3 Oborob do.
7 Bosch do,
4 China do.
16 Pinang Road
6 Market do.
J7 Chulia Road
6 Chulia Jo.
18 Hope Walk
19 Stuart Lace
8 P
20 Love Lane
& Armenian Laga
21 Pinang Road
23 Farquhar street, .24 Loith
10 Pill Street
Ji Bach da
12 Half of Wood baxar
For the day duty I should prosose 10 Beals follows:
No. 1 Beach street,
No. 6 Pinang Road
7 Chulia Road
2 Jelly,
3 Pinang sirost
8 Pin street
King Kreat
5 Beach street
9 Wood bazar, "10 Beach street,
I should propors the following as the localition for the Blations
1st District.
Principal station at the Junction of Pitt street
with Chulia street.
Second Station Police office, Third Station Fob market.
2nd. District
Principal Station Chaurasier,
Second Station Draw Bridge,
Third Station at the junction of Ballery Lane and Farquhar street,
I should propose that the Head Constable be stationed in Pitt strest with ● Portogussu Jeitiader en Kr. 25. A Jemadar oo Ra. 18 and a Duffdar on Rs. 12 with 12 Peons. The Beats of the station to be those numbered 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
Jo the Pollen office stativa one Jemadar os 20 Re, and one on 15 ft with 8 Peons. The Bout Lubo No. 1, 2, 3, and 4.
As the Figh market Station Jemedar on 15 R&.&
-Pace The Bosto be Net
‧ Pur
Bunta to
1/ Chowraste with
Feed·ad Peona. The
At the Drawbridge a Joni?ar t?h. La win 6. Peons. The Beams to be No. 14, 16, and 21.
At Battery Lansa Duffader at 12 Re. with 4 Prom.
My reason for recommending Portuguese Je madare for the principal stations is that Euro. peame of the Clous required for Cocatables are r Jely good men and the Jemadars can keep their reports Book write the daily reports keep the rester abeet &e, they will also be of great use in the Detective Branch of the duty as Natives will Teport to them in many cases when they might not In a European and from their loos koowledge and connection with the Natives they may often obtain intelligence of consequades.
I should propose the following as the routine of duty a general rower of the whole number of Pecos will be kept
the Head Constable station to ap partien the Day duty.
Required for day Duty 10 Beale.
Police office Statioon.
20 men. 4 do 4 do.
Police office. Stations.
48 Men, 4 do. 4 do,
that it was done in-drertently. It is the first time
lo the remembrance of the present generation of
At present the duties of Bailiff of the Court of Rovations. I think the two (Towo mod Country) and then excused himself by the limping apology quests are performed by the Constables and Punghu-hould form but one body, and that each member fun and although the work la pet heavy still it is of the whole force should take his turn in the re- made au ezouse for irregularities in the execution of
ral districts the Punghalus only remaing fixed in statesmen, that the Sovereign has met her. Perha the regular duties of these Officers. If I might he their several Districts or Villages. The Cuntry allowed to make e suggestion on the subject I should
Police will be taken in hand berea?ar. propose that Bailiff be appointed for Georgetown, Jelutong and Ayer Rajib as percentage is allow
E. A. BLUNDELL, ed on all sales & should say 10 Rs per mosco would
Resident Councillor, secure the services of a properly qualified pernon, us there are few wariants or other duties in the 8 out Districts the Panglulus might cominus au at present to attend to the duty.
POLICE INTELLIGENCE. (From the Hongkong Register, January 8.} Absconded from the service of Mr Burgopus, Wellington Street, Chinese servant, stealing 80 Ra. $ 36 36 830 (which he had been instructed to receive by
22 72 his mastar), and a musical bux-playing 8 aire.
The monthly cost of the Establishment here pro- posed woold be.
? Head Constable
1 Second do.
1 Office
2 Head Jemedare
1 Jemedars Police Buationed
$ Joineders
4 Duffadars
30 Peons.
4 Orderly do..
# 18 18 20 n" 22 72
On the evening of the 3rd instant, the house of 900 Lwa-young, Lower Bazaar, was entered by six mon, 34 05 who wrenched the padlock off the door during the 21 76 absence of the inmates-and carried off two boxes 220 04 containing clothing. 32 and 6,000 cash. The Po 16 36 lice obained a clus to the thieves-succeeded in
apprebending one, and recovering a great portion $110 29 of the property. The prisoners were commilled to tenced to 6 months imprisonment with hard labor. the Paily Scasione (held this day) for trial, and wea
With a view to prevent confusion and to make thie Memorandum as concise as possible I have nos mentioned in their places the reasons by which I hava berd guided in the several suggestions made It would be perhaps better to explain in conversa- tion any of the minuter details than to attempt to do ao in writing and in commencing a systom of thin kind dificulties must be expected but in the course of a short time I have no doubt that the entire duly wan be nutried on in a satisfactory manner if good ofleurs can be obtained.
(sd.) T. BRADDELL,
Depy. Supt. of Patios.
P. W. Island, 10th Oct. 1849. }
Observations by the Resident Councillor on Me Braddall's suggestions for a reform of the Police. The positions of the new Stations appear judici- ously selected and the beats laid down by him sp. pear to command the Towa. I doubt whether so many beata can be filed by the number of men at disposal.
mom without the usus asurance of bar continual amicable relations with f?raiga Bates, and that the Royal Speech itself has boon made a vobicle of in- salt to wards a Monarch, with whom we were on time of unbroken frisolabip. It is the Brat tine and we sincerely trust it will be the last-that an English Minister has condescended to the ding trick of suppressing en important despatch, in order lo discredit the Government of a foreigu Buate, until challenged to produce it by an independent member of the House of Lords, who had found it out, and had a copy in his paket. No attempt bas ever been made to justify this scandalous manipurre -probably because it admits of no justification. We have spokes of it is strong terms, and we do not regret the language we have used.
We feel too acutely the disgrace of eosing a Minister of the Crown, its orgas and representative in ita foreign relations, convicted of doing an set in his public capacity, which, had be done it as a private indivi deal, would have banished him for ever from the society of gentlemen. The general policy of the Secretary, must, of course, be judged by its fruits. government, of which Lord Palmerston in Foreig We have succeeded in protracting a state of war
The two following instances of robbery of boats for six or seven months to the north of Italy, na in the harbor, exhibit the necessity of masters of well as in the south. Following the lead of a merchant vessels maintaining a good watch during French Admiral, we tied the hands of the King of the night:-
the two Sicilies from Boptomber till the and a March, and then set him at liberty to crush the insurgent provlace, en wone bekali we had lower- fered, and which, but far our later per tien, he would bare reded to obedience six months before. We
Stolen batwarn I and 6 a. M. from astera of the Datch barge Jacstre, a host with mest sail, and care, having the barque's chain top-mil "yes and abeeta' in her at the time
Stolen between the hours of 1 and 2 a. ., on the 9th instant, from the Barracks at Stanley, 2 cartiam, I suit of regimentals, several knives and forks, Bre irons, cooking utensils, and rupees.
Stolen on the evening of the Sed instant, from
boat, a silver watch-makers name "Vincent, Ld taken on board H. 51. ship Cleopatra in a Chiness the person of a sailor, who fell asleep when being
Btalen during the night frum off Mass Dest innocently pressed the second son of the late King Ca. pretnines, where it was subored, a copper of Sardinia, to take possession of the island white formed bou. It is reported that the boat has the royal troops were still on Sivilfte soil, and the - been noen on?ahore in the Cep-slag-moon Passage, royal lag was still dying on the citadel of Meseca. |and & party of Pallow have been despatched to ima Wo vapoured a greal. Jeal, in Parliament and out
skute the neopesary enquiries.
of Parliament, ab?al engagements which were something less than guarantee, and obligations which were not strictly binding in law, and ward almost, but not quite, broding in honour, and then withdrew our quadion from Palatino, and left Ferdinand to deal with his subjects after his own fashion. The people whom we patronised are now at the mercy of the Sovaraign whom our
fraction of a treaty to which we ate parties, and whom we "counseled as a friend, whilst we threa
in encouraged them to defy. The Prince toned Austria as an encwy"-whose wanton ja- which we profess ourselves determined to uphold, has never alicited from us the lightest token of dia. PARLIAMENT.-THE FOREIGN DEPARMENT. approbation-and at whose court our envoy bat remained and still remains without protest or co- One of the speakers at a recent meeting in the monstrance, has been twion struck down by the Maryleboon Eliding school-we think it was Mr Power he had unjustly iuraded, while his succeseur Haroay, the Chartist-is reported to have expressed has within the last fortnight, been compelled, ni- so serbest wish that the members of the present mom the sword's point, to conclude peace upon government were all Lord Palmerstons. We must the terms granted to bim on the fisk of bastio. own, not without some shame for the weakness of our berres, that this appalling longe bus haunted as ever since. Fancy sa administration composed of Palmaratons The bare elan is enough to give
explanation on our part, are occupied by a French The States of the Church, without any demand ter army of forty shouting use. With Spain, when we offnaded by? pence of gross volcare, and by
one the nightmare. A cabinet full of Groys in a whom wo have been treated with gross insolence thing we have all long been accustomed to, but in return, we are not yet on speaking terms, and who, except Mr Julian Harney, oworier, or some the prospect of a recuociliasion appears to be as genilaman of kindred sentiments, over dreamed of for off a ster. We have not forgaten-Lord cabinet full of Palmersions We must confase Palmerston has taken good care that we should not that, so reviewing the passages of the political forget it-the pacification between Doomerk and drama of last session, in which our Foreign Secre. Prussia. This on the obs success-if a success cl
nightly employ of the men without ang relief or Mr Braddell's plan provides for the constant any provision for sickness. Jarn of opinion th no Police fures can be effective or do their work contentedly and cheerfuly without some relazarlos. By the modification I am about to suggest, there will be relief for all ranks. Each Constable will have one might in throo. Each Jamader and Duf- fadar ose sight in six and each Pooo oo night la
I am farther of opinion thal to ensure the ser- vies of efficient and respectable man, their pay should be fixed 10 Rupees, a month, A Police Poun in a mare responsable and more important half the force which brings each man on day duly parsconge than any office Peon and ought to be every second day.
better paid at all events he certainly ought not to | be paid less than other Peons. Required for Night duty. 24 Beats
I think too that liberality should be exercised to- wards clothing them and that, at all events, every thing they are made to wear which may not be ac tually monemary to comfort and health and designed 56 the whole more for oranimant and ualformity, (the Cloth cut force use those hoors night duty every day and fur instance) should be given to them. hours day duty avery alterante day.
Police Pecos should not be called upen to persary had to make his appearance, we are not so can be collod-with which bo qunsoles himself fyr For Buation duty ench Commable will keep a roster form any duty that as not actually necessary. thoroughly satisfied with bin performances to of hu own district by which to bring the peons to
mlandrestores many sod grievous on the shores of In the day time, half the force (or it may be less) concur with the suggestion of the Barylebone or the kloditarentun. With the details of the nego doty in ble station house in their turns, and each of only will be required at the station and the other tor. We have, it is true, enjoyed several specimens tiation we are still maacquainted, bus we confulent. the Owations will have a roster for their details of should be allowed to go to their houses, except of that light moussent style of oratory, so pleasantly expect, that about this time next year the papera dals.
buch sa are notumilly wanted for daly at the office to listen to when it does not happen to be directed will be ready for publication. In the meenwich, For the Rounds duty I should propose the following or elsewhere,
against yourself, which veils the tact and adroitoss the general history of the adair la tolerably faun- The Officer on duty at each station will march ein averes to arming the Poons but consider of a most accomplished debetor under a shower of liar to the public. Some lon month ago, if our oat with the Relief at mid- that the spations ought to be wall supplied with rattling talk and piquot marcasm, and, without rememory does not mislead us, we first undertook Midnight Patrol night or half-past eleven and arma. Each Poon should have a baten or wand of yealing anything which the audience does not to mediate between Denmark and the then extring and Relief of Beats, in addition to relieving will ofce an ebony stick with the Company's arma know already, seems to dilute the most couplicated orgae of the Goresan Confederation. The pa
visit every part of bis Division | on 14, qufficienty strong to inflict a heavy blow. questions of diplomacy into the casy dow of drawed on the bases proposed were not accepted at continuing on the streets for about one hour and The station hos should be brick and chunam | ing-room chit chat. Nevar, within our ronda- Frankfort, and at the end of March kostiluice were making a careful examination of the Verandal and buildings and at least three of them should be pro- branco, was the judicious reserve of the Foreign rauewed. But the war, which derived in ongin other places where vagrants are likely to be in rided with took op rooms all with stocker office more effectually maintained. Never were from the revolutionary murumont in Germany, and hiding.
the motions of the government more completely The grand requisites in my opinion for ensuring shrouded in mystory, until it had became too late an active and efficient Pulice are Gret vigilanen lot atach it with effect. Noror was the practice the heat of it and that, I foul confident we poren, of keeping back all information till it was stale, and Loudon negotiation was broken off, or died a na and soundly a cheerful, contented body of inea, then bestowing it on the public in the shape of tural dosti; and a peace was patched up at Berlin proud of beingin the Police and possessing an esprit huge folie stud with trivialities, amidst which de carps. Every man who does his duty well should the points of interest were as undiscoverably buried the personal influence of Lord Wamoreland, our be marked down for promotion and every possible at a Gredle in a haystack, more successfully adber encouragement given to them. The men will re- edla. In the Common, the interpellations of Mr quire much and constant instruction and discipline. Bankes and Mr Urquhart were disposed of wh The present fucca seam atterly ignorant of the ouse, and new and then, when they happened to proper duties of a l'olios beyond the mere routine tech a sure which made the Minister Wino, with mert rap on the knuckles, which discomfited Night Cap1 P. D.
the queriet and served to assume the sadieuce. Ja
At 9 p. m, and 3 ■. m. the Officer on duty at each
elation will visit his Beata, Station Founda
District Rounds.
Bach Constable will visit the Beats In his own District every night between the houre of 10 p.m. and 4 n. m.
One of the Constables will be considered on night duty and will in addition to Constable General ble' Datrics Roanda visit Rounda
every Best in Gurge Town botween the hours of 10 p.m.
and 4.2.
was carried on under the nominal directium of the
Frankfort Convention, lauguished when the cha
era of German unity had faded into air.
betwoan Denmark and Prussia, mainly through
able and jedinious representative atins Prussian Court, but upon terms which, in our opinion, are
Faer and beerazaty of Blase; had be teen Guvernor of
Shocking profanity! Bus Lord Palmersion is only a
have been broadsides of mome, bazled na hla calamota. Hongkong, or any other Barralari, yo is there would toe" by conta vistnous Joncnalia-aperos F. or U.
unjust in Dennis's, unjust to the Danish popula tion of schleswig, and which offer no satisfactory Printer for the future tranquility of that part of Northern Europe. There has been gu meification between Drausch and Germany, slibough the with frawal of the Prumian troops has been accom- panied by the departure of the contingenta furnish. ed by the other States of the Canfederation. We are not sure whether this ought to enunt as a di- plamatlo triumph; but if so, we are perfectly will ing to allow Lord Palmerston all the credit be can extract from it. No mach for the foreign cam- paign of 1849-Chronicle,
In a free press we have a never dying exponent of public opinion, a perpetual advocate of rational liberty, and a powerful gine for the exposure, which is ultimately the redress of wrong; and although this influential member of bur Government receives no pabba money, nor called Right Honourable, nor speaks in the House, yel, in fact and in truth, it has a seat in the Cabinet; and upon momentous occasions, a voice of thunder--Blackwood's "Magazins,
Yoire of the Nation-Mona. Matrast, before the National Assembly was dissolved, called upon the Representatives to give three cheers for the Republic, which accordingly were loudly given. We must confess that for months past the news from Paris has not been so chtering! But, by the by, what should we think if, when the Elouse of Commone was being prorogued, the Speaker called upon Sir Robert Poel for a song ? or knocked down Mr Plumpera for the Kentish fire or hoped the Members would not disperse without fire favouring him with "For he's a jolly good fellow," and asking Colonel Sibthorp whether ho would be kind enough to lead the chorus?-Panch.
?? ????????.
4, Auder, Bullivan, from Whampoa.
6, Lady Montage, Smith, from Shanghai 28th Dec, and Amoy 3rd Jan.
6, Dortmund (Am-Whalor), Puitce, from Monmouth 3rd January,
6, Island Queen, Macfarlane, from Shanghai 21st December.
6, Joha Laird, Casa, from Ampanam 7th November.
6, P. & O. Co.'s Str. Canton, Jamieson, from Canton.
7. Lord Hungerford, Patterson, from Whampoa.
7, H. & C. & P. Co.'s Ste. Hongkong, Hill, from CamoD.
8, Vizen, MeMundo, from Chische End January and Amoy 4th do,
AMERICAN Auckload, borgus Demeth, (Whaler) ship Savoy, (Whaler) barque' Ariel, abip
Eagle, ang Hebat, ship
Indians, schoonet Memmon, ship
Oracial, shp
Antelope, brig Dart, schooner
Oquendo, beig Namai, brig
Amanda, brig
No Banhora da Lus, brig
Tremelga, banque
Awer, cheer
De Amigo, schooner
Royal Exchange, brig
Incira, barque Big Asem, barque Ijatie Leong, barque Macao, barque
Biren, brig
Sumaire, barque
Ceaton, barque
Nagu Lau, barqna
Nowen Eljour, barque
Pieledes, banque
Fonc Renalno, bargsa Entreprise, barque
Aristiden, ship
Per Lady Montagur,-Rev. Mc Stanton, Memes Fortuas and Robertson, and Mari, q no Italian Missionary.
4. Alligator, Dune, Whampoa.
Dord (in.), Porter, Shanghai,
6. Ariel (Am), Hunt, Whampoa.
6, Zephyr, Brown, Amoy.
6, Gonella, Drewet, East Coast,
?, P. & O. Co.'s far, Canson, Jamieson, Canton.
7. Island Queen, Macfarlane, Whampon.
22, Ongam de Liedna (Portuguese), Olivaitu, Lisbon, 27, Brigand (Portuguese), Luz, Bingapotu, January,
1, Clara (Portuguese), Silva, Lisbon.
2%, Adcona (Dutch), Rotterdam, 15, Siam (Simmane), Luz, 9iam.
27, Navigator (Am), Putnam, New York. → Montauk (Arm.), MaMichael, New York.
H. M. Ship Hastings
Chip Cla patru
Brig Arab
Mini Boyaba
Bolg Manner
Brig Pilot
|(1+ngkong || 74 Aruna
19 Que
10 Gu
10 Ca
Heart Reynd Binner Moder
Ar #kampan Canton
12 Klana
0. Esmar Phlegethe
H. M. Ship A'lipsane
Both Houses of Parliament have finished the sepsion with a scramble; each having detected the other in furtive attempts to pass favourite chart- mente in the confusion. The Commons ary out that the Lorda esad down amended bille at such a time that it is impossible to "comidor the amend- ments; the Lords are surprised by an attempt to Jan. omagala the Bribery at Elections Bill at an ya- usual sitting. The Vice-President of the Bourd of Trade avows that he has allowed a bill to go with an improper clause in it, because the baste is too great to permit bis ultering it in the Hours of Lords; the Commona discover in a private rail. way bill the pith of Lord Montengle's Kailway Audit Bill which they had rejected. The Lords throw put the bill; the Commons, the clause. The damage to the particular bills was small matter, compared to the confession on all hands, that both Houses were turning out their work, at the clows, in a state that nobody understood. The Proroga- tion Speech profesema that "the state of public basi. mos permite the dispersion of l'asfiament; but in order to get off by Wednesday, it was necessary to spend three or four days in that lovely patch ing and slashing. In one way or ether, measures Jan. have been disposed of; but some matters that do not come within tbs entegory of measures engaged attention. Lord Roden volunteered an explane. tion of his candwal towards the Orangeman on the 12th of July. His defense was little more than an echo of the surringe; with some show of reluc lance, he consented to receive the Urangemen; regaled them with beer, but pleads that it was only of the sort called soil; joined them. In a field of his own, where he found a scaffold; and address- ed his Bratbran' in a sporch full of what he prob ably meant for axboriation from violence, only they reed very like the Irish incentive 'not to nail a rascal's ears to the pump People here are shocked at the faction-Oght tone of Lord Roden's pacifice; but they do bim an injustice in viswing him from the Hour of £rds' point of view; there he is sa exotic-at Tullymore he is of the in- digenous Orange species; all his affection and convictions are Orange; he has Orange ideas of tight anu wrong; he speaks in the Orange dialect, and is too old to lonto another. Some oro scanda lized, because, being Custos Rotolorum, he does not know that an armed and intimidating assemblage is illegal: yet be is not altogether without warrant In the contrary opinion. Uslil lately, there was
■ special to forbid party processione in Ireland; the net not having been renewed, the natural infer eues is that party processions are not illegal; mare ever, he had an armet bodies of Roman Ca. tholice namelesta). It is true that those two negations do not establish the requisite affirmative, the legality of arined Drange processions; but to perceive that (ach requires some cool acumen; to which indecil, sharp Sir George Orey has t bat owly and, since his revelation of the illegality at common law is quite recent. Lord Rodan is manifestly stronger in the heart then the head fe is at only out of place geographically when speaking in the House of Lords, but also ebronologically; he belongs to the past-be is the Newcastle of Ireland; the really contemporary generation of Jocelyn in the one that has succeeded him, and that testifies that the hopes of Jocelyn bas advanced with the times. Lord Roden is but
‧ surviving ancestor enjoying a cherished loogerny, The Ceylon Inquisition has ended for the soution ia an official scandal, which insures its revival next year, thinks to the nimety of Me Hawen's zoal The committee found that they could not from judgment without further evidence as to the mode in which the insurrection had been suppressed; and Mr Diarmeli proposed, in committed should be reappointed next year, and that witnesses should then be produced. Mr Elawes, on the tule of ad- mjuing numbing, stoply refused. The chairman was therefore instructed to mova iu the House an address to the Crown, asking for n Commission to laku evidence in Ceylon. Lord John Russell apposed the motion, mainly on the ground that the Committee had adduced an evidence in support of the application,-evidence being the very thing desiderated-and that such an inquiry would embarraza the Governor, by implying a prima facia charge against Lord Torrington, as if that charge were not implied in the very proceedings of the Committee. No, said Lord Juhn; suther lot the Governor be impeached 1 will impeach bim? cried Mr Hunsa. Or, id Lord John, *let the Commides be reappointed next year,
‧ Precisely what 1 desired 1o cried Mr Disraeli. And that was the ollimate arrangement Lord John answart for the re appointment of the Committes and the production of witnesses to be named. Thanks to Mr Ilaves, the case of the colony s. gainst its Clorernor line acquired a signal notoriety La preserve it fresh thronghat the recras. Nor aro foreign affair last without a party scandals in which, too, by ringular luck, Mr Hawes has a share, Air Monckton Milnes has extracted from him the ugly fact that Italian refugees have been refused a sylum at lalu. The pretext was, a fear for the peace of the island; * several hundreds,' aaya Mr Hawes, having arrived, and more being on their way. The computation looks very lax. By this step, the beast that the English domisions are the refuge of the vanquished in wriken down ; Lord Minto's fostering of insurrection in Rama and
■ self-inflicted sarcasm is appended to Lord Pal mersion's flaming oration on tho independence and patriotism of Hungary. Our public officers affect to be impartial; would the King of Naples have been repelled from Make? Amurody out. But be is a prince; it is peoples and patriots whom Bri- tah policy cojokes to their destruction-Spectator.
Ship Minden
U. 8. Ship Plym
H. C. Brig Lajaro
Captain J. W. Morgan Cepsa T. L. Mando. Commander W, Marria. Commandor H. B. Everest. Commander C. M. Mathisoo. Commander R. M. Lyons.
Commander P. Crof
a Niblets. Duster Wenkler |Maattr 3. Maabel.
Cider D. Geisinger, Captain T. 4. Gedney. Commander T. J. Paga Commandse Izquierdo.
Brie Dolphin
Whamps 10 use
44 Th Mantera.
Mongkong 131 Pullivan
153 Woodla
440 Backbam
346 Came
491 Syba
Bob and go.
199 Paterson
301 Retrie
barn. Andas, achoker Black Dog, chronic Conton, er Chair, sima!
Eleanor, berque
Exaubeth Archer, barque
Ellen, bergue
langhong, amer
Falcon, al
Jan Laird, barque
Juliana, barque
Kiw, bargua
Lady Montagna, ship
Loei Hungerford, alap Louisa, bergus
Mary Bampatyce, barque Mor, shap
Plzen, schoon Warlock. brig Whitby,
Alligator, brig Ardeer, skip
Bow Aren, barque
Charles Faro, ship Empre, chan
George Fyfe, sup
Wood Queen, rehnomar
John Looper, ship
Linart, brig
Meribellabeth, mohr.
Now Mazgases, ship
Be Herbert Compton, barqar
Titonia, bigan
Wellington, basque
Canton, waar
Coofacio, ship Fin Kiel, barque Hugh Walker, p
John Bunyan, shap
Lyaber, brig
Nymph, brig
Manoppo, schoener
Panamon, abip
Hebord & William, brig
Pir Edwned Parry, bargas Bpy, brig
Comary Cole, achowar
Denis, schoner
Com, ship
Haury Winch, ship Independence, brig Prince Albert, barque Races, burge
Zephyr, achoq
Graelle, acboo
Maggie, brig
Spec, echouter
Robert Busahaa.
Hongkong | 304 Janming
337 Peirce
396 Walker
Sh Loran 446 Patterson
1084 Gondan
1050 Palmer Bbanghai 379 Deborn
147 Part
Hongkong 350/Marunder
| Shangbai || 250|Gerrors
Macao 233 Fina
Beah and co. Hale, Deicker and co.
flows, Drinks and co
Rel and co.
Humell and co.
4. A. Richle and co.
Bell and ca,
A. A. Ritable and ca
Rorell and co
Rewall and
|Augentina Heard an
VOL. IX. No. 4.
Band co Panes Tail
Food Vloers Jorge.
J. M da Jeme,
371 Victal Shanghai · 80 Remedios
Lourenco Marques.
V. A. don Remedion.
Away 145 Gril
Hongkong 500 Bu Whampoa | 192 Darbel
940 Pika
400 Us Grol 945 Geons
974 Velman Shanghal 200 Borgwar
Das Smith 37Makro 350 Parry
|Whampoa | 261|Com
914 Briancon
Whampoa 600 Faldhuma
Flaaghong 950 Thuletrop Frederick Wilhelm, barque |Whampos | 430|Powlsin
Elampupu. Wilhelmine Marie, berque Wampos 350 Boysa
Ann, korahs
(Bhore Ships.)
Bomatine florenajes, skip
Nimet, barque
Anonyme, brig
Mongkong, barque
Fatblader, barque
Royalim, schooner
East Co 190/8mith
|Hongkong | 850 Cont
350) fumisaon
31oon, J.
340 Pristines
Fort William, hip
Bomber, ship
Lady Hayes, barqns
375 Langley
£35 Koper
Ruparell (Am.), barque
Bes Hors, brig
212 W Woon
257 Sob
943 Gerard
Lard Amber, ship
300 NG
Harlequin, brig
295 Miller
Louis, barge
Anita, brig
Feo- foo
910 Help
Mahmoodes, barque
Clown, brig
Emily Jane, hip
498 Landers
Falkone, ship
Munded, barque
14) Browning
972 King
997 Crawford
1440 Ba
406 Forber
236 Chape
J. Anderson 196 Gadol W.
Deat and on
Bobert Brachan.
!Dent and co.
Chaabe Hong Chiaobow Hoo Rayavan and on Hayevaan and oo, Robert Brower and co Kirder.
|3ymo, Muir and co Byme, Mair and co
yms, Mair and co.
Rayarsan sad os. Captain.
Augustina Board and o
John Bard and co.
Russell and on
Ramell and co
Jardine, Maibenon and on. JJ.A.Olding, P.&O.Cala Aguac Cowes Bapoorjes Langrau Aagutino tleart and co David Samson, Sows and co, BR and s
Pestonje Franjes Cama and co Darbas, Matheson and co
thent and co.
Dent and co.
Jardins, Matheson and on,
Jymo, klude and re.
Jardin, Matheson and so,
Dent and co
Deal and co
Jardine, Matheson and co.
P. & D. N. Cams and . Dent and o
Jardins, Maibanon and so. Dawes Bepostise Leagrams, David Bassoon, Bose and es. Augustine Haard sad on, Pastonjes Framjee Come and ea Ollman and on
Mastiff, berque
Baipe (Am), brig
Tine, schober
William, brig
William Hagb( A m.), help]
919 Roundy
William IV., barque
194 Themp
Liday and on,
Dido, sekooner
35 Wadman
Hellas, schooner
906 Gu
| #79|||al
Ternate, barque
William Deridnon. Jardino, Mabason and en. Deat and co.
Hakong Ellen
Whampoa Buenos Ayrean
Now York
John Cooper
Shanghai Confucius
Toba Bunyan
Whampos George File Hongkong Kita
Whampoa Erek. Wilhelm
PRICE $10 per annum.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, por Annum, 14 Dollars She Manike, 9 Dollars. Then Manika, & Dollars; all paid in altvance. Credit Prices, 18 Dellara, 10 Dollars, and 6 Dollars, for the perlede of Twelve, Kia, and Three Months respectively: Bingle Numbers, to Subscribers 95 cemis sach; to Non-Bubscribers. Rupeo. Parclan calling or sending to the Office for papers are requested to pay cos SUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND.-To Subscribers to the Faison of China, & Dollars per Annum non-subcribers 50; single copias 30 senta TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, 1 Dollar; additional, 10 cents lion. Repetitions one-third of the rat lation, ships,-First insertion, & Dollare subsequent insertions 43 coils. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are requiral to appear, otherwise they will be published until counterwandel. to all instances, those who are not Subscribers, require to pay in advance.
route to the above,
Also, SITORS, PEnano, Oaltu-MALTA, BUZI, ADEN.
NOTICE RA. R. Huuson became & Partner is our
Firm on the 1st July last.
Canton, 29th December, 1849.
THE PRINOLAR AND ORI THE 1NTAL COMPANY's Steam Ship ACHILLES, will covD this forthe above places on Wed-house from this date, his luterest and Respon R. R. B. FORBES in admitted a Partner in our
Desday the 20th of January. Cango will be received on board until Nooo, and
Byker until 4 p. m., of the 29th.
For further particulars regarding FazioNT and PASSAGE apply at the I. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent.
P. & O. B. N. Co.'s Office. Victoris, Hoogkong, 1st January, 180,
THE rate of Freight on Bitk to England per Orer.
Directors of the P. & U 8. N Company's to 90.00 per Tan of 40 Cubic feet, which will be charged
until further notice.
J. A OLDING,-Agent. Hongkong, 25th November, 1840.
THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S TEAM- ER8, continue to ply between ALEX- ANDHIA, and Taxerz as under is.
The Direct leaving Trieste the 28th of each month arrives at Alexandria about the 2nd or 3rd || of the following month, and alerts for Priesto from Alexsodris 18 a 24 hours after the arrival there of the ludiao Pareengors by the Calcutta Steamer, except on occasions when the latter arrives at Boes behind time.
A Steamer of the mame Company leaves Alex- andris every alternate Thursday for Emyrna where il meets the Steamers of the Lavant Lano, by mesne
of which, communication in kapt up as previously through fym with Constantinople, Trinite, Greece,
sibility commencing on the first day of January next, at which time Metra W. B. KING and GEORGE PERKINS setire,
RUSSELL & Co. Canton, 20th November, 1840,
E have this day admitted Alt. JAMES PUR-
DON as Partner in our House.
Our business will henceforward be conducted under the Name of SWORD, PURDON & Co.
Canton, 1st January 1850,
NOTICE THE interest and responsibility of Mr. JOHN 1 6TWART in our firm bus ceased.
TURNER & Co. Hongkong, at January, 1850.
THE Interest and responsibility of the late Mr. T.B.HNYE is our firm cansed on the 31st ultimo.
NYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, 4th January, 1850. NOTICE
rized to Sign for our Firm by procuration.
HYME, MUIR & Co Hongkong, 8th November, 1849.
De Mele 1999 Jordi Table money DADABHOY BAZONJEE is authorised to
Farm diren Tulgala
Intended Duspect
Rawle, Drinker & Co. Immediate Dirom, Gray & Co. Early Pardina, Matheson & Co Early Jardine, Matheson & Co Early Jardine, Matheron & Co. Early Gilman, Bowman & Co Early Holliday, Wine & Co. Early Jardine, Matheson & Co Early Russell & Co.
P.&D.N.Camajeed Co. Immedia
35 Rowe
Jardins, Matheson and se |fubn Bard and sa
A. Carr, B.&C.3.P.Co's Ag
McEwan and co
[Rawla, Drinker and on.
Jardine, Matheson and en
A. Carter, H.AC.8.P.CO.NA?L
Rawla, Drinker and on
Merica and co.
Jardine, Mabason and on.
Lindesy and ca.
Syme, Muir and on.
Hobart Town Whampoa M. & Elisabeth San Francisco Hongkong Black Dog
"Lord Hungerford Lindany & Co.
535 Mardy
560 Alton
106 MaMe
931 Las
274 5mwan
|Whampoo|| 281 Dana
Passenger beinding
Trieste amarys be broll thence logs of the
koak sa Bust only. For further pr
Mom W. POSTMED OM, Agents at Canton and Hongkong, for the Imperial Royal Privileged Austriom
Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company,
N. B. There are now so many Railroads open through Germany that London may be reached from Trieste in 6 days with comfort and at an expence of about £10 £12.
Victoris, 27th September, 1849.
sign our Firm by Procuration.
HORMUSJEE FRAMJER & Co. Canton, Ist Desember, 1949.
** is requested (at will defin? against the Milaane of the late Revuur Wagerne mAY BAPAPPERS to the undersigned before the 80th Jhos ne?t, mie all persons indebted to the mid Estate will plieno to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & C", East Point, let January, 1850.
| LL claime upon the Estate of the late Jozu A Couns DaLan, proved before the 80th June
Captain PATERIon will be dos-nex), will be mat by the undersigned, and all per- sona indebted to the mid Emate are requested to "patched "for the above named port, not
make payment to, shen the middle of February,
For freight apply to,
Kwangles Hong, 31st December, 1949.
A. A. Richie & Co.
Early Early
A. A. Ritchie & Co.
Wilhelm, Marie
Rumoll & Co.
Shanghai Rd. & William
Maricar & Co.
Robert Brachen
John Burd & Co.
10th Feb.
John Bard & Co.
1st Feb.
John Burd & Co.
Calcutta Bing.&Bombay
Whampoa Renaissance
Reynman & Co.
Charlee Forbee
Dent & Co.
?yms, Mur and on.
Jardine, Mainasson and co.
ferdina, Slatheson and co
Jobs Burd and on,
John Bard and co
Dir. Gray and on.
Dirow, Gray RD Co.
P. & D. N. Carajse and on.
Dent and co.
Blankin, Hawson and an,
Halliday, Wideo.
Dant and co.
Pardue, Machegon and co.
Hebert Strechen.
Direm, Grey and ca.
Bir H. Compton PestonjoeF.Cama & Co.Immediat Macao N. 8. de Lax Joze M. de Jeaut
Tromelga Hongkong Mary Buonatyne Whampon Bintang Anain Amoy Prince Albert Ilongkong Oquendo Whampoa Aristides Alligator
Lourenco Marquee
Syme, Muir de Co.
Chinchaw Hong
Syme, Muir & Ca Bash & Co.
Augumine Heard & Co. Early
Dirom, Gray & Ca
16, Menac, 479, Maxton, Hongkong.
3, Lady Sale, 188, Roger, Shanghai,
16, Record, 412, Patallo, Hongkong.
30, Black Friar, 621, Williame, Hongkong.
Beptember 9, Lord Hardinge, 126, Sawyer, Hongkong.
16, Mangosteen, 188, Pentreath, Shanghai. 18, William Stewart, 676, Jamieson, Hongkong. October 17, Duilice, 328, Maxton, Hoogkong. Looding on the 24th October-Bir George Pollock.
349 Major
1500 15
114 Maritt
444 Murray
194 Wear.
GO3 Were
112 Allen
411 Breby
146 Browae
PfeFrame Game and so.
140] Kaight
Rumel and ca
473 Vlcom
16 J
f. A. Olding. E.&O.Co.'s Agen
Bungal 11 deon
Jordan, Muthatoo and co
957 Norman
466 Thomps
171 Oww
106 ton
163 Brick
587 Prom
133 Bare
Jamieson, Edgar and co.
Thomas Ripley and on
Maclear and co.
Jardine, Matheran zei eo.
largreaves and co.
Pardias, Matheson and co.
Ural and go.
Gilman, Bowman and eo,
Mecticar and so.
Rubert Roechas. Arme, Nair and co
Dept and en
Holliday, Wine and co.
Direm. Oray and co.
Hyms, Alwir and co,
45E R. Bibby
470 Baie
174 Munro
Arms, Moir and co.
Syn, Muse and co,
14 Brown
Iiral and co
Rest Coast 19 Drew
Jardine, Matheson and en
180 Davidne
Francis B. Birley
10% Rodon
30, Mandarin, 344, Phillips, Shanghai. 11, Monarch, 337, Percival, Shanghai.
Chieftain, 293, Edwards, Hongkong.
3, Henriett, 199, Paxton, Shanghai.
4, Mary Ann Follion, 108, Holgate, Hongkong. →→
Ann & Jane, 351, Fawca, Shanghai.
September 18, Albion, 599, Clark, Hongkong.
23, Bentinck, 187, Brogg, Shanghai.
18, Jaremiah Garnett, 447, Paloy, Shanghai.
Loading on the 24th October-Aqua Marice, Lancastrian, Oriza, Querapod.
and Panio.
19, Scotland, 388, Davie, Hongkong.
Beptember 2, Mathosis.
September 6, Conrad.
26, H. M's Troop Ship Apollo, Com. Rawstorus, H?n ?her g
Meckenzie, Brother and PIT AND POBLIGNED FOR tus Professton, John Cann, by Ede d'Aisteon
Oswald's How, Queen's Hood, Victorin, 1880.
P. 8.-A Supercargo nequainted with the Trade will accompany the Ship, whose services usa avuil- able to abippers.
THE HOUSE and Premises in Spring
Gardens fronting the Harbour. The Hours and Premices in Spring Gardens Adjoining the Road and opposite Jorroke Ball both formerly in the occupation of Moters Huoan & Co. Apply to,
Aves. CARTER, Office Queen's Road,
Victoria, 4th January, 1850.
AMICABLE INburance ofFICE. THE undersigned have been appointed Agents for the Ammann IKIDDANOK OPPics, and are pro- pared to isane policies on the maual forms, in Dong kong, Canton and Shanghai, payable as follows:
In London, Ageous Mera Matheson & Co.
Calcutta, Seoretaries
Bombay, Agents Madras,
Sapore, Aganu
P. A, Cavorke and
T. G. Bagram.
Remington & Co. Bainbridge & Co.
Barkies & Moses.
Hongkong, 18th July, 1849.
THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risks
(covered by open POLICIES
in the various LONDON INDURANCE COMPANIES,) by the Poninsular & Oriental Company's Steamers, from Canton and Hongkong, to the Braila, Cay- Jon, the Presidencies of India, and England
For Rates of Premium and other information, apply to Mr J. A. Olvino, at th? P. & O. Co, Office Hongkong.
JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co. London, 28d December, 1848.
East Point, tot January, 1860.
8 open for the Sale of Medicines, &c., doo, under the management of a competent and accurate Dispenser.
SODA WATER and LEMONADE of supe. rior quality. Agent at Macao-HINNAM.
Hongkong, 15th December, 1849.
An Account of the Origin and Progress of the British Colonies in the Straits of Malacca, by Lieul-Col. James Low, C. W. X. A. U. & M. A. 9. O. Groen! Report on the Residency of Bingapore, drawn up principally with a view of illustrating its Agricultural Statistica, by J. T. Thomson, Esq., F. n. o. 3., Surveyor to ?avernment The Piracy and Slave Trade of the Indian Archi
The Languages of the Indian Archipelago, by tho
11, Preliminary Remarks on the Generation. Growth, Structure and Analysis of Languages, Diseases of the Naumag Tree, by R. Little, Esq. Gold Bamwek. Fall of a Portion of Triso, an
auriferous mountain, by C. Grant, Esq. N.B. Partim in China wishing to become subscribes will plonas forward their name and ad. drome to the affics of " The Friend of China and Hongkong Gazou."
Victoria, December 22nd, 1849,
FOR SALE at the Office of this paper :-
for the Pavinsular and Ort.
of Lading.
sola! Company's Branary,
COMPRADOR Cabras, in Books.
Mercantile forme and other work printed with
supedition at the customary rates.
Queen's Road, 9th October, 1848.
THE Bhip LORD HUNGER. FORD" Captain Paterson will
be dispatched from this about the 10th
of February. She has excellent accommodation
for passengers, and carries a Surgeon.
For pounge only, apply to,
at great delay and expence for every wide they may require.
Do. Priat
Da. Coloured, Terlates do.
Do. Embroidered do.
Do. Cashmere
Da. Embroidered Book da Uo. Embroidered Jacconet de.
Do. Worked All Collar
do. 20.
Da. Blck Lace Capes
De do
Do. Queen Mary's Collars
Da. French 'stell, Cornels.
de. Jean Blays.
Do. Braganca Shawls.
Da de Handbarchlefs.
quita Dow.
Do. Black Falla Embroidered Mantillas.
do. Lasemeen
Of the newest style, by lost. Mail.com
De. Embroidered French Cambrio Liaudkerchiefs.
Do. Barage Dresses,
De Velvet Bonaca.
Do Tosca, biraw, and Bitk 40.
De. Night Caps.
De. Dress de
De long White Kid Oloras.
Do. Coloured and Straw do. Da. da.
De. Black and White Lace Mine.
De. Black and White SU Stockings.
D. and Gente da
Da. Fancy Checked silk.
De. Plan Coloured Satins, &c. &o.
Buchback for Toweling.
Damak Table Linen.
Do. Napking
Brew Holland Dressed and Undressed.
Book Musi
Jacconet de
Checked do.
Tollet overs.
De. Fringes
Fancy Gimp and Fringes for Dresses,
Gauze Ribbons,
Lalastung and Balin do
Narrow Parent Ribbons of all colouru,
Fine Irish Linen,
English Umbrellas.
Boys Fancy Caps.
Children's Legborn do.
Scotch Cambelt.
Green's Lane
Min Kaginga and Taverden, de, de,
Best Linna Tapron.
Kerby's boot Noodles and Plus Meme's best Saving Cotton.
Cotton Card and Reel Wire,
Darling Coltes and Hooks and Eyes. Children's Fancy Socks.
Children's Angola and Carton Bocka,
Infanta Woollen Boots.
de. Hooda.
Long Robes and Frocks.
De. Frock Hedles-
Do. French Cambele Oaps,
Do. Thread Lace,
Do. Night Cippe
Earlings Lace and Insertions.
Black Lace, wide and mascow.
44 Black Net and Blend, 4-4 Fancy Figured Ne
PUKS. Jus Recolou
Capt. PATREON on board, Fancy Gime Trimming for Dremos, ka, ko, kr.
Boas, Mantilles, Maffe, Aufsetts, ?als, key a?.
Victoria, 11th January, 1650
A Half Yearly GENERAL MEETING of the Bhare. THE besines I have hitherto conducted in my
holdere in the HUNGKONO & CANTON STEAM PACKET COMPANY will be held at the Office of SPENCER COMPTON, Esquire, Canion, at 11 o'clock a. i., Tuesday the 4th Fe. bruary next.
By order of the Directors,
Secretary, Hongkong, Tat January, 1850,
FOR SALE. HEATHING COPPER from 14 to 24 ox.
Apply to,
OIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 3rd July 1849,
NEW STORES PER "ORIENTAL." WEET Butter in Kegs of 15 lbs., American dried Apples to half Barrels, Loaf Sugar &
Also received, Foo-chow-feo Bacon.
Queen's Road,
N. B. The Butter and Apples of superior quality and the Bacon is quite Frosh.
Viatoris, 4th January, 1850.
WHAMPOA DRY DOCK TE Undormgood has completed his arrangements 1 for docking and repaliing Vessels at Wham- poe, nad bugs to all the attention of Ship Mastora and Merchants to the facilities be affords for that
The Dock is a new one, capable of re purpose. ceiving Vessels drawing thirteen feet of water at Spring Tide, and eleven feet at Nomp Tides. A Large Bail and Ringing loft are autobed to the pre- mics. For larme, which will be moderate, apply to,
December 8, 1849.
JAMES ROWE, Wheimpos.
own name, will be hereafter carried on, under the Firm of TAIT & Co., of which Mr Charles WILLIAM BRADLar is admitted a partner.
Amoy, 1st January, 1860.
(Lata Woopbarry, Baylara & Co.)
Consists of Essence of Flowers, do. of Base, Verboes, Wild Flower, Beagant, Essence of Violets," &mbrada, and Eau de Postage
With Hair, Cail, and Tooth Brushes; Soaps, Baarn Grease, Pomatum, Lavander Water, Real Machar Ou, Mak of Hoses, Savelling Sella, Court Plaster, de, ke,be. In the Chow Chow Store will be found the follow- lag of the best quality, ele:-
Verk Ham...............
Cumberland Baoan ..........
Berkley and other Cheese
Jams and Jellies..
Tart Fruits................
Carry Powder and Chutney.
Ship Chandlers & General Commission Agents. Pickles, Vinegar, and blustard...
Ta meeting of the Stewards and Race Commit.
tee held this day it was resolved,
lot. That the January Race meeting be Can-
2nd. That a Race meeting be held on the 4th,
5th and 6th of February.
3rd. That a new Programme be issued as our-
ly as possible.
4th. That entrances be recaived by the Clark of the course up to noon of the 19th January, and all previous aptrances paid will be returned on application to the Treasurer.
Hongkong, 11 January, 1850.
THE undersigned knowing the great inconveni- ence parties are frequently put to, in cones: quenes of ust being aware that a general STORE of this description is to Hongkong, begs to give the community of Canton, Macao and Hongkong, (more particularly mugers) the following Mat of Artiolos always on mie, and from recent arrange. messe made with a London House will receive by the Overland Mail every month a Gash supply of every thing that la now and Esklonable, so that in future Lail?s will not be neonesitated to write bome
Anchory and siber Pastes
Bandles, largo Tins................ Dutch Butter, La Ma...
Coats per
.... Ct. pr Battle
-748 per Keg
40 Camis pas lb. Sperm Candles.................................... Duggists, Land Sagar, Cafia, Dried Heria, Proh Sai mon, Pearl Bartey, Ostmeni, Macearuel, Vermacelli, Honey in Jara, Teo in 10 and 20 sotties Bisum, Old Mu- alla Legare, all Specs, Nutmegs, Baislas, Plans, Olives, fashionable bances of all kinds.
Larga Ox Tongaat.
Do. Park
*..........60 Conta sach.
In Utile choice pieces, sa?takle for canli farallies. With every other article to be found in a general store.
Consists of Quart and Plat. Decentem, from 38 per Pair upwarda; Tumblers, Wines, Claret, Heck, i kampagne, Finger Glasses, Salts, Crasa, &c. ko. With a very handsome rich Lat Glas Demart Eat.
WINE, AND SPIRIT STORE. Contains-Martello Pala and Dark, Brandy. Byam' aberry in one dosen Cases Curries & Hant's superior Port in da. Champagne Scotch Whiskey Claret, Hock, de., ka,
La de. la do
ALAO, A few Octaves of Brown Sherry di for Bottling | all (base articles are of the best descriptions and to be had th Bar of
J. INESS, Queen's Road, Hongkong.
eth January, 1850,
DE LA Victoria, Hongkong, on Tuesday the Fi kostani, William Forsyth Orgy, Bog, ln his ch year.
Now Advertisements will be received until 4 O'Cack, on the menings prroious to publi- salim, vis: Thedays and Fridays
We take the following paragraph from a Ma- dras paper received by last oinil. We will not assert that the letter from the Secretary of State to the Governor of the Mauritius was mare counterpart of that addressed to the Go. vernor of Hongkong, but from the phasagos of the letter to Mr Bonham which have appeared in the local papera, it appears that in substance they were the same, and had he acted upon it at once as Sir George Anderson did, an Indian Journalist might havo intimated the fact in THE FRIEND OF CHINA terms precisely similar to those we now quote.
Nov. Nov.
LATEST DATES. OKL 14 | Oytory Nor. 7 United States Oct.
Bavla Nov. 90 Nor. 4 Blogspore Dec. 10 Dee. 10 Dee. ??
19 Manila 14 | Shanghai
m menu
NOTION-The home of Divine Servlet at Gr. Joan's Carson are on Sandoy, at 11 a. st. and a part 3 p. x.
Anton Thursday si 0 1.3.
VINCENT STANTON, Vinuria, 8th November, 1849 Colonial Chaplain.
NOTICE-The hours of Public Worship in the Unime CHAPE, Bollywood Road, are on the Pabbath ILANG and half past 6?r. M., and on the evening of srury Wed- nesday hall past
Victoria, 19th January, 1956.
From the advertisement in another part of the paper, the Public will observe that the January meeting has been broken up entirely, and that another meeting has been arranged, to come off in February. The Committee will publish a fresh programme at no early date.
Tun China Mail points out an ineccuracy in our statement as to the charge made for his overland edition, which we correct. Subscri- bere to his weekly issue pay for the monthly paper #4 per annum, and non-subscribers 0. To those rates we also conform ; subscribers to the bi-weekly paper will be charged 84 for their subscription to the Overland, --non-sube. cribers 0.
We have Mauritius papers to the 97th August, from which we learn that, on the Sith of that month three orw members M. M. Cavaon, Iloconton, and Rudalla wem,
worn Into Council, onder the authority of the Home Se
cretary to the Governor to increate the comber V he should judge mch a dry to be rearealet This increast, it is obmerred, will give the liberala in the Cabinet a ma- jority of three voirs over the supposed obstructives; abil we should imagine it has bred occasioned by the resis tance of the latter so the plans of the Governor, which are in harmony with the general wishes of the Coloniste
by which the
Adminitration of Justice.
£8281 more than that estimated by the Colonial Secretary as the savanna expected to be derived in
Clause 5-The decrease under this head is al 1860. The only two items which exceed the amounts slimsted by the departments are the Customs and considerable, which is owing to the Circuit Reimbursements in aid of expense. The sotuales estimated for 1950 sing nuch lower the receipts for the first six months of this year under those of the present year, and to the sum appl the first head, as compared with the estimated for by the several Fiscals being reduced from £1,971 amount for 1849, show to increase of £9,889, and that they cannot urge in too strong terme upon -10 to £1,252-2; but the Sub-Committee the Bub Committee therefore think that there are
Governor the Recosity of linmediate revision wi so grounds for apprehending any diminution in the
■ view to aztanelre reductions in the conting Cosome revenue for 1860. The amount over stimated under the latter head, is expected from expenditure now appropriated to all such Estatius the increased rate of fees directed by the Commis-ments whether Judicial or otherwise se nany ha uinn of Education to be paid by the pupils in atten-
uutgrown either the means or
‧legitimate wa dance at the Government Schools iteme generally the amounts are much lower than Claus 6, 7, 8, and 9.-The total amount of those estimated by the departments; and the Subduction onder these Clauses in £1,920. The Committee have every ranson to hope from the no- maunt allowed ja nid of Mimiona lust year deration of the calculations at least, that the solici- £900, but in consequence of the low slate of th pated revenue will be realized during the ensuing Funds it was reduced to £500. The other year, although some apprel.ensions are entertained ductions are under the heads "Charitable Alloy.
regarding the probablo produce of the Arrack
aucer," "Education," and "Hospitals," whics Rents and the revenue from Judicial stamps.
have been effected with the greatest care and com sideration.
In the other
The Bob Committes will next call your attention samounts voted in the Supply Ordinance for 1849 to the following Comparative Statement of the
A regulation has also here plation their legs and of those reimated for 1850.
members will have to address the 1
and not from their train as had been the pracilos bilberto
very proper Improvemmas, based on the examples of the English and French Chambern, and khawiao t?m of the Legislative Council of Ceylon.
TO-DAY we keep our promise of publishing a report of the debate in the Legislative Council of Ceylon on the supply ordinances for 1850, preceded by the report of a Sub-Committee of official and unofficial members. la the debato itself there is nothing remarkablo, apart from the unanimity of fooling existing between the two divisions of Council on the necessity for retrenchment. The history of the charge of £24,000 towards the military establishment shows how easy it is to lay burdens upon a colony-how difficult to get them remayed.
The mixed Council of Ceylon is one common in the British colonies, and although in many respects it is objectionable all tho members, official and non-official, being nomi- nated by the Governor-it is vastly superior to the burlesque upon logislation which exists in Hongkong under the name of a Legislative Council. In the open Council, the freedma of We acknowledge a long letter signed Publicar discussion, and the privilege to report, there is dated "Muono 6th January, 1850;" but we do at least the semblance of fair legislation. Had not think ito publication would answer any our Council been put upon this footing years good purpose while it would irritate some and, ago, the colony would not now be in mich perhaps, wound the feelings of others. Any communication which will tend to throw light New South Wales we see the next stop ia a backward condition. In the Legislature of upon the circumstances connected with the as- advance. The Council consists of 36 members; masination of the late Governor will be pu-24 are returned by the counties and towns; blished freely, but it does not appear desire- able to re-discuss his career whilst at the head of the Macan governisent; on that head we have already given our opinion, or is that opinion changed by the treachery of those
12 nominated by the Governor, but of the 12 not more than 6 can be in the public service, Canada and Jamaica are still farther in advance, their Assemblies being closely copied from the
who butchered him in cold blood. No degreement the legislatures of the Aven of severity as ruler of the settlement will ex- tenuate such a cowardly outrage.
Comparative Statement of the amounts voted in the Bapply Ordinance for t819 and of those Estimated for 1840,
Provisional and
ABowlby |che Populy | Exc
Temporary alo ries Allowances and Office Cen tingencies..... 37,043 33,591 Pensions and Re tired Allow de 4,807
2,830 Revenue Bervices 12,834 11,800 Administration of Jonike........ | Ecclesiastical Charges...... Charitable Allow Ences.... ....
Education..... Hospitals...... Police and Guala Real...
Conveyance of Transport...... Mail.........
Works and Build
Income DecoER.
1,977 1,218
4,607 3,481)
900 500
3,983 3,894
2,077 1,400
1,100 1,281 181
Bridgra...... 83,418 22,200
...................] 11,62||| 11,294) Roads Streets and Miscellaneous Services Interes
Colonial Commis ariat......... Government Vo Refund of Duties solo..........
4,883 1,320 1,320 39,413 83,876
of the Colony.
Police and Gools.
Class 10.-The difference between the amoun granted for 1849 and that allowed in the Ordinate is principally in consequence of redactions made In amounts applied for by the several Fisenia, for provisions to Prisoners. The total amount of them roductions is £900.
Claus 11.-Under this bead the Committee find a further reduction this year of £231, and it is hoped that when the contemplated messure of ebarging higher rate of rent on the Government buildinge occupied by the public Officers at the severuj slu. time in the Joland, is carried into effect, the amount recovered by the Treasury will be meis than-sufficient to cover this charge.
Transport. Claven 12.-There is a decrease of £1,706 under his band.
Works and Buildings,
Clause 14.-The ma allowed in the Oreinenes for the respective works to be undertaken in 1854 09 vary little with those granted for 1849, for the same pirposes, and the derasso under this head u vory (nding.
Roads Street and Bridges.
Clause 13 and 16.-The principal reduction is this item; the smoont allowed for the present year being 88,418. and that for 1850 22,2001 which with the aid of the Fixed Establishment of the Commissioner of Roads and the labour to be supplied under the Road Ordinance, will the Con- mittee consider be quite sufficient to carry on the 11,22]
works provided for in the Belimates for the ensuing year. The expenditure is chiefly for the upkeep 2,663 of existing Roads and Streets within the Towns, and for miner wurke to be undertaken in the ste ail Provinces under the Road Ordinance.
666 1,200 650 240 200
181,040|| 150.685 2,18|| 31:596| Dedust Incret*********
2,161 Not Deser....
British Parliament. By a recent set of parliamond, scoopt udder that of "Canveyance of B will be seen that there a decrease under " of "Balorem" and of "Goverm??n Yensola "* The only learones worthy of remark is under "In as the loan from the Oriental Bank tood in their report upon the Supplementary Bup- respecting which the Committee have already no ply Ordinance for 18in.
are all to be assimilated to that of New Mouth Wales. South Aust:alia (Adolakle), Victoria (formerly known as the Port Phillip district): Dieman's Land, will each have house of As- New South Wales. Now Zealand ; and Van
Tan Letters Patent by which Hongkong has been made a Bishop's Ben were published ofsembly elected by the people. The only sala. ficially on Thursday; we will make room for them next week.
Bishop Smith and his establishment were lo einbark about the beginning of November; they will now be enjoying the pleasant weather of a Cape summor, and may be expected by the end of February or early in March. In this colony there are three Roman Catholic Bishops, and a largo stall of Priests. We have also so. veral Protestant clergymen of various deno- tants are not well ministered to, it is not for luck of may labourers in a small field.
ries chase assemblies will not have the power of reducing are those of the Governor and Chief Justice; in other respects they will con- trol revenue and expenditure. Further, a General Council, composed of deputies from Sydney to regulate inter-colonial tariffs, port the various colonies named, will meat charges &c. In his arrangements for the Aus- Iralian colonies Lord Grey appears to have taken the government of the United States as
minations; if the spiritual wants of the inhabi.his model. We believe tho British govern
TH■ melancholy death of Mr. W. F. Gany has cast a gloom over society. On Thursday after- noon his body was carried to its place of rest, followed by a large number of the inhabitants, including the Governor and Lieutenant Gover- nor of the Colony and many Naval and Military Officer. The Colonist Chaplain read the im- pressive burial service of the English Church, and few who were present could fail to be struck with the appropriate truth of the passage that "in life we are in death," Before them was the spot where two days before the deceased met the accident which deprived him of life; and where at that very moment, if in life. ho would have been participating in exhilarating and active amusements.
Mr Grey was connected with China for a long term of years, and was endeared to the foreign community by his many virtues. Spirit od, fall of generous impulsos, and a leader in all manly sports, he was also practically a man of peace, ever ready to reconcile dif- ficulties, he never foiented them. He has loft a beautiful character to be cherished by his friends; we may add, he leaves a blank in so- ciety which will not easily be filled up.
ment is sincerely desirous of extending to all the colonies the principles of self government as far as may be warranted by the condition of each individual settlement.
Provisional and Temporary Salaries, Allowances and Office Contingencies. Clans --The Votes included in this clause ara £3,488 under that of last year. In the item of the department for the Colonial Secretary there la considerable decrease, viz..."£1,104; in cones-
Miscellaneous Service.
Class 19. This is a contemplated diminutina of Expenditure in consequence of vodunjiona muude in almost every one of the rates a for 1650 under shia kami. "For
General 9001-lain hun bout given, and it has been *ing wh the Unthaltime mjesher Kurveyors miche non ho poudrehty angiogiai dai be the diffe- Gonornment Aguardie the immediate survey of hands applied to be purchased, the delay in the unla of which causes a positive lose of revenue lo Government, besides checking enterprise and in- dustry on the part of intending ostive purchaarn and encouraging the illegal appropriation of lande hy private persone, an evil which is of hourly and Increasing magnitude. The vote for the Guvern nl Ageal for the Western Province is less by 1,200 and that for the Agent General in London and the Governments and Colonial Agents in India for similar purposes in 1949. nearly 1,000. less than the estimated Expenditure
Colonial Commissariat.
Clase 21.-The reduction under this head, vis
quence of reductions recently made in that depart. 35381, has been made in the hope that the economy Mladical department" is also owing is retrench will obviate the necessity of so large an Extendi. meal. The decrease under the head Colonial observed in evacy Department of the Government would probably have been further reduced, were tessary to increas the vote, provision may be atments made in the expenditure; this latter item ture as that allowed for 1849, but should it be me nut for the attival from Calculta of Sudents from made hereafter in the Supplementary Supply Or. was necessary to be made under existing agree the Medical College there, for whom provision dipance for 1880. that College, for the purpose of making their ser- mente; but as the ayalam of educating youthe ia continued, it is hoped that this expenditurs will be vices available to the public, bas been of late die- considerable diminished, and to the present cir- cametance of the Colony, and its finanoce, the Sub Committes would beg to press upon the attention of Government the necessity of inquiry with a view to progressive no wall as immediate reduction in this disproportionately costly department. There of the Post Office department. The other items le also a decrease of £282 in the expenditure of the Royal Botanio establishment, and of £312 in that head "District Judges &o, in which is included hardly require any remark, except that under the
been severed. sum of £480 allowed for the newly crossed Police Court at Malaga to relieve the over-crowded Po- Neo Court of Jana from whom jurisdiction it has 160 being the amount of the allowances granted Under "General Treasury" there is a sum of to the Compositura nod Bookbinders whose services the loss of their situations by the recem reductions have been lately discontinued, as compensation for Pensions and Allowances.
Appointed to report upon the Orilinanes Toupply "a sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty thow "And four hundred and ninety five pounds to the " contingent service of the year 1850"
Tan Committee appointed to report upon the Or. din "To apply & eum not exceeding one bug- dred and fifty thousand four hundred and nasty five pounds to the Contingent service of the year the Ordinance, and beg leave to record their opinion 1850" bave gone through the several Clauses of
The Bub-Committes in submitting their Report on the proposed Ordinance To apply a bus mot exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand four hundred and ninety-five pounds to the Contingens netvice of the your 1850," beg to eail your silen. by the Colonial Secretary of the revenon and other tive in the first instance to the Estimate prepared receipts for the coming year, which, as compared with that prepared for 1849, shows an anticipated otimated by the respective heade of departipenta ie decrease of nearly £3,000 paranom. The amount £424,241-10-84, which includes a sum of £20- 450-15 as the ralos of labour under the Road Ordinance This inter aum when deducted from the gross amount of the departmental Estimates, loaves a balance of £408,781-15-8 belag
As regards the Military Charges of the Colony, the Bub-Committed ournepily entreat the attention
Staff. They are likewise unelmously of opinion of the Government to the great expense involved | in maintaining the present extent of the Garrison that the exising amount of Military Expenditure being less secosary for the preservation of the toreal peace of the Esland, theo for the mainte nance of Ceylon as an importam Military Station of the Empire, and as the key to our Eastern pos sessions, the payment to the Military Cheat of the need to be enforced in spite of the strongest r sum of 24,000 impoard on the Colony under an erroneous impression of its resources, and noati 11 years by very succesive Governor, by the dresentations made from time to time for the last Executive Council, by the Legislative Council, and by bodies of private individuals, ought to be discominued; and they trust that H. M. Govern.
of this "penalty for peat prosperity" being noknow- ment will not permit another year to pass, without the injustice done to the Colony by the indiction ledged and repaired."
Port Ofir.
The Sub Committee wuold also call attention to Clause 3.-Under this bead there is a large debut to do planting and Commercial interests in the inconvenience rasuhing to the public in general, erense, but it is chir?y owing to the transfor from the unfixed to the Fixed List of Pensions, of a great
particular, by the non despatch of any mail from ceneasy to remark that a great reduction has taken on an contingencles. It may however be ne many Pensioners, who were drawing their allory slight alteration of arrangements and it is be Colombo between Saturday and Monday By A
place in the fized list by the death of certain Pon- to the Outatations on Saturday afternoon, to sta lieved very riding additional outlay, the Com ioners on the receipt of large allowances in ED.
mittes are of opinion that letters might be forwarded glad.
avoid any material prejudice to norrespondenca from the closing of the Post Office upon Saturday.
Revenue Services,
head, more than one half of the sum is for the Lol Clause 4.-Of the £11,616 granted under this lection of Salt and £1,298 for that of Grain; the remainder is for the purchase of Arraok and for viher expenses.
· Charitable Allowances,
which is now sppropriated as Charitable Allowan cen
The Sub-Committee observe the very lange som
portion of that amonal is now paid to individ ala They entertain an opinion that a large pro whose families, if not they thonsols ", are in p?
He, Sir J. E. Tennent, was fully of opinion the? the advantage of each means of communication, under the circumstances that his honourable friand the object contemplated by Mr Fairholme, of calling he believed, and he spoke from the experience of auention to this subj-al, would he fully attained by years spand in the Colony, that sho could compete would not press an amendment which, if carried the discussion which had taken place and be trup- with any other Coffee growing country in the world, could not fail to be mbarrassing to the local govern
whether slave or free.- meat and her troops, without adding strength to the case against the continuance of then heavy mili- tary charges
arasion of means sufficient to maintain them. Andj they would suggest for the consideration of the out the smallest notice, the eloquent and but too True to their former policy, they pass over with Government the propriety of publishing periodi. cally a list of indivicualls receiving the Charitable
trus representations of Mr Stewart McKenzis, not bounty of the Cloveroment, in the hope that their work, as to the absolute mccully of laying outed
w much to the desirability of entering upon new relatives on being made aware of their necessities money on the repairs immediately required on exist. may avail themselves of the opportunity thus offe red to relieve them; without burthening the ro
ing on's, to prevent their going to tutal ruin; sad sources of the public.
it is quite remarkable how pertinaciously all the replies to Mr Stewart McKenzie evade the points JOAN ARMITAGU on which he must insiste, and to serve the required W. FAHOLME purpose, dwall on probabilities which no one in the Colony bad any great faith 10,
J. EMEDION Tansunt,
C. J. MADCARTHY, Chance P LEYARD. Combo, October 19th 1849-
Colombo, October, 19th 1819. The supplementary Ordinance who read and pared without remark.
When, in the Supply Ordinamos for the present year, the first Item of Military expenditure one read, Mr Fairhuline by means of motion for a mendment originated an animated debate, of rather an expression of opinion strong and unanimous
On the same of £1,110 and 21,712, for Regi
The subsequent comasudications on this subject ara werely references tu preceding vans; and as regards the expression of the Lords of the Tremtury to Mr Merivale, that Lord Groy's despatok is in **pe-foot nocord-Innce with the repeatedly express any opinions at all: there are peremptory directions, ed opinions of the Ard" he could discover and theories broached as to the probabi?lties of the ture bat oo strong grounds are given for the idens Horeaue being sufficient for the regular expend. information and a sections contained in communic of which these directions are the result, since the menta arving in Ceylon, and the General and Garrison Bia, bo proposed.
ations from the Colony are uniformly either to ally He Fairholme said that be mest oppose two disregarded, or treated na unfounded: and, as for items, and that he did so, not with soy expectation dould not help considering that the tras interests of as is shown by the papare laid upon the table, ha that his opposition would be successful, or because those charges had any direct reference in the
The Culony had been, almost recklessly presed over £24,000 Military contribution, but because he can
by the Treasury, for the sako of saving to the fu sidered that the Mombers of the Council should 221,000. He did not wish to enter upon way siber perial Rerunue, the comparatively triding sum of
#24,000 to fifty
Before sitting down he would remajad the Coan- cil that the exaction of this contributlua or tributa www anexampled in the whole range of the British Colonies, at least so he believed-and that from ite baving been at first looked upon as a mere comiti. bution from a surple, fund, it had become a severe burtben upon our revenue, showing now, what real- of a sorplus, a deficiency which must be made god ly had been the case for years, u deficiency in lieu either by the abandonment of the most impiant blic services both Civil and Miltary, or by the in- public works, the curtailing and clipping of the pu. position of freaks taxes which he believed it wan
e contribution as £24,000 from it au justisable, and looy to bear.
ha contended that any surplus whatever belonged to
appointed to consider the Ordinanas, that means of relief to the Colony it was proposed to He noticed in the report of the sub commiles
do away with a portion of the general and garrison Mr S said he had intendal scooling the
stal, and elsewhere be had bourd it spoken of that Hoa'ble the Colonial Secretary he was not prepared da without the whole of the Troops, bal supposing smalment, bat after what had been said by the
we might spare one of the Regimuota. For his to go to that length, but he begged to say that be this possible it would not her the question under own part he was not disposed to think that we could had not. nor did he suppose his honourable friend the diacumion. What was required was the rein the Incal government by the step which had been thought it posible that when the people by the
nos simply with the hape of showing that the Coun mrer had the slightest intration cf embarrassing of the tax of £24.000, and in the course of time he takes. They had oppose these liene in the ordin amelioration and improvement of their condition cil were determined ant by any act of theire to conmight with safety dispense with the services of one had become more attached to our Govorament, we tion to sanction the payment of that most grievous of the Regiments and so increase our saving of lax of £24,000 per annum to the Quson's chant, over and above what they consider the fair propar- tion of the military expenditure that should be boras portion of the supplies was unprecedented in the sa by the Colony. Ito believed than voting against a bis the only course open to pureus in order to en- nals of the Council of Ceylon, but it appeared to deavour to relevo the colony of what, looked upon in a proper fight, could only be considered most un. juslaskia baosuse he believed with his bonourable have an opportunity of placing on record, by their votes, a mare distinct expression of the strong feel.ounds in the discussion of this question, (altho
friend the mover that it would never have been in- ings of the Colony on this subject, then would be
others there are) than this: that that suu, so op.
posed at all but under the erroneous idea of the sur conveyed by a protest only. He thought that the
pears clearly even from the very first dopisch on
plus raronne spoken of by him (the mover). Even chief impression which would by left on the mind
subject of the 12th February 1829 from Mr.ad, he could not look upon the exaction of so large wholly beyond the ability of the people of this Co- granting that the alleged surplus had actually exist - of any reasonable person, by the perousl of the pa
Huskin to Sir E. Birman, was only intended to pere relating to this contribution which His Ex-
be exacted in the case of a Sirplus Revenue. cellency bad ordered to be laid on the Table would
Ten years after thai despatch was written, a re- be that of the most arbitrary and all but tyrannical
part is seat home from the foland by Sir Robert for. tion, in some cases of an very light asters and in remarked that Sir R Horton's statements were the proplu: it was raised from the people by taxa
Mr Armitage, mid the Colonial Secretary had ennduct on the part of the Lords of the Treasury
ton, showing a considerable surplus: and, as affect others of very objectionable nature, such as the tax quite correct, and as far as regarded the amount towards this Island. To reply/en Hu Excellonoy's
follows cause, the payment is instantly enforced. despatch of the 15th Dea 1818, informing Lord
Former Boards of the Treasury may not have been to the people either in the shape of useful pablia was incontestable that they were so. Bata fr
upon food and should, ba coacered, be returned of receipts and annual expenditure he believed it Grey that the £24,000 had been omitted from the
aware of the full extent of the erroneous ideas on, works of by the remission of such taxes as might be figures went they were calculated to lead to an er Supply Ordinance for 1840. Ilis Lorido morals the irreperable injury that has been done to it by the
tertained regarding the resources of the Colody, and supposed to peras most heavily upon them. states that "ho can bokl out ne hopes the remis
roneous inference, and it become ascosary to look sion of the contribution without assigning any re-
pynical of this burden on the Revenue; but those policy of continuing to lary this contribution.
Ite wished also to say a few words upon the im- into the causes which swelled up the retenus ason whatever;" and the Lords of the Treasury
erroneous ideas are now admitted fully, sad the pre referred to this reply, in a latter to Mr Merivale, Board have, as it seems to me, no excuse for emerging from crisis which bad well night over-
ormously at that period, ware it only far ie Ceylon as bis Lordship was aware one just now
purpose of ascertaining whether the osuse of the dated April 13th 1840, * to war Lord Torrington on this oxation, imposed as it was underwhelmed her. She had however after a severe strug again and if so to what extent
Cross which then inek plans were likely to recur mol to emit this eam from the Colonial Estimation of the Financial position of the Colony, an believed that the time had arrived when by stretch-administration there was pearl fishery, giving
the influence of, and justified only by, a mirrepre- *te," and add that "Lord Gray's despatch is in
glu susirivef to keep her head above water, and he during nearly every year of Sir Robert Horton's In to ar place perfect becordance with the repeatedly expressed intentional though that misrepresentation may have ing forth a fostering head to this colony, the home anually more then the amount now in question. opinions of the Board." When we come to exe mine these repeatedly expressed opinions, we find
After jocular remark from Mr Armitage.
government had it in their power to roll back upon ben Bir H. H. left the land, but not a single that all refer back to the original directions gives might conour in the real object of the hon. member, laat he seed only paint to the large sums of money
The last umbers was in 1837, just about the period Sir Emerom Tennent said however heartily he sequent prosperity to numbers; in proof of which arry had there been since, there was no imme her abores the side of successful speculation and con- In a letter of the 3rd Augt, 1888, in which the Ends of the Tresaury after "onourring in the
the abolition of this impost of £2,000 a month upon annually disbursed by the planters to the Kandyas had been a constant drain instead of souros of e- diate prespect of one, and thus the Pearl banko "couree the ?vernor," (Mr 8. McKenzi) "pra
the colung, for undeaed Military purposes; he districts and also by thon and the merchente in Co. poses to adopt," (vis, to apportion the Expenditure indirect meane contemplated by the main of his
could not spent that it should be achieved by the lombe. The greater disadvantage the Planters had
range to the Government. Then there were the on Public Works in the Colony with refervnos
enormous numas dasived from the Sale of and export to the actual surples that may arise from the Re the local government in the coafusion sad the mill by the local Government to extend and improve had to contend with was a want of sufficient means honourable friend. He could not consent to involve of transport. He knew that much had been done in the recollection of the Council that up to the duty on the Government Cinnamon, It would be renor, beyond the ordinary charges for the Coloury departments in the embarrassment which would " nisl Service)" proceeds to request "that the G
tiase of Sir R. Horton's administration, Ciannon "vernor should be sujoined to suspend all works of
fallow from a stoppage of the supplies to be provided admit that as much bas bera done as could be ex the communications of the Telin-1, he was ready to
was a clase monopoly, entirely in the hands of G *which the completion is net urg wily require, us
by these military vs which Mr Fairbolms had pecied from the limited menos at the dispound of
vernment who habitually held as enormous dock Petaktoning them are actually re-
proposed to omit. He (3ir E. Tennent) could take Gorerament wil mych remained undone and be For the monopoly was not abolished wichgas much and regulated the supply according to the demand. hept by the page Back Strapon the impolicy of the payment had been tamis. have been accomplished had the sum of £24,000 time this was going on the Har: Louises became this course with the less hasilation because his views would ask the Council to consider how much might discussion and corresponas, and during the ****lker branches of Karsane"' (Their iblji do mas vandame se indiona, | inkrably recorded; they were identical with thos from what Kamene diprian Karenne may be 250 | ana ur, pkt Jaffre been pressed by His Exation time had been lost, and be feared he most add smok
**t kable friend at the head of the government He thought it was not now too late alihough much they said 500 Balsa par Monch up to the data bren annually available for this and other purposes sirmaly of Guamalion, the grins tax up, end pented, or what gromad tray hod, in 188%, anos'a
when Geferment commenced holding Monthly pearl fishery having take place fo 1981, to samo
property from the wa't he had deed in, it was that the foliary would be again available within a
whee Sir R. Hartna's left, at a price averaging Tosonable period :)and they conclude this singular
len off. At this moment England was exporting tended that such a state of things could arise again ? Bow, he silk gt understood at the produce of with duty fally da per lb. and thus giving Guvern the Jarge Coffts growing coys had much len cam of 10 003 Monthly to addition to ly arbitrary communication by dosing "that the
large and increasing supplies of Caylen produce to "Governor shall be apprized, that as no other pro
other usual sources of revenue, Could it be con
‧ vizim ie nowe made for the charge of the Colonial
moet the demand on the continent, immense capitat "troope, he is to consider the monthly costribution
wan lying idle at home from the wam of safe and
This money was in fact wealth accumulated by "in qutation as a part of the regular arpenture nication addressed to him on the sabjnoi had declar ion many thousands of acres of te finest furest landa ought to have been counted as sevenge. What former Governmeals, it was capital that was be- profiable means of investment, while here in Cay. "of the GovernmENI,
ing realizal, and only the interest on the amount
97 upon the worse of the Beartry of State that he (dir E. Tennent) was relaciant to pieriain a mean time however, the viawa and Latations of the doubt that they would ultimately prevail. In the Home Government had been so recently signified; and in lerine so unequivocal, as to amoual low to instructions than to injunctione upon the Govern. ment, Earl Grey in replying to the latest commu-
Thus, having rat, by forbidding the expenditore he could hold out as hope of the remission of this sy inappropriated. He feared indeed that con would be thought ofa provato individual who should of the Colonial Revenue o Colonial public post-and thus directed to make provision for the! aklerable prejudice had gone abroad hoth in lodia dispose of his properly and treat the proceeds as Worka, provided a means of raising the funds re
payment, His Excellancy had no other course than quired for their pot acheme, they proceed afterwards four years observation of the injurious effects of thie, which only required to be a combat in order to be
appropriate the ravanas in compliance
and in England against Agricultural Speculation
lacorne? Yes this was precisely what Sir R. Hore Inappropriate those funds to its realization, und by
After in Carlon but he believed that it was a prejudice though Sir R. Horton's statements might be cur Low bad done, and therefore Mr A. consanded that placing it on the Fired Eatablishment put it atta compulsory payment he, Sir E. Townent, was 000; overcome the first Planters, the Pioneers he might in them, and while on this subject he might sale gether beyond the reach of the colonial Legislatore since he arrived in Ceylon, in which he had not been because the climate or soil of Ceylon was unadapted mented Stewart Mackenzie any as much. Then wirained to say, that scarcely a month had elapsed call them, suffered loss and dimppointment, nel
reer as to the letter, there was the suggestio falzi It appeared to him, that if a resolute stand had embarrassed by its presence, and precluded from been made against this payment at the time, it undertaking improvemente almost indispensible to
that be bad heard a former Governor the late l to the growth of Coffee, but because they brought be bad further to paint out, that although the Cin could not have been enforced, because we see from the convenison and interests of the public. ft bad the district of Komnegalle was the most convenient 1bla leller of the Lords of the Tressors, that no pro
no experiance into the field-It so happened that visim had been at that period, made for its paged the construction of the most urgently required
stood in the way of all public works: it bad prevent for the first Plantera to locale themselves in, and
namon we this profitably disposed of by Govern. Sent: and Lord Glonal, writing on the 18th Oo-
ment, it left a henry loss to the exporters. Grava ? a consequence there the failures were most mani- tober 1988 to Mr 8. McKenzie appears to have the Government had been compelled to set naida roads and the list of objnota was tonumerable which
& Co. the largest morcantile frm in the place fest-Bot there was one state is the district, opened chases, and compelled to suspend payment, sud all were ruined in a great measure through those pur. apprehended that such might be the case: far fa- with the hopeless conviction, that it was imposible best possible principles from its commencement though Government had possessed an safeiling sup-
later to the day, which had been conduct upon the Atead of commaeiling, ha entreats: saying, and to undertake them and at the same time to make
other exportere suffered more or less. Thus, erza since no other provision has been made for this provision for all the military obarges. The military immbuse crops, and had last season crowned all by ply, the demand must have fallen off, and this source
the result of bich was that it bad for years yielded **service from the let of March last, I earnestly charges of the Conany were at prosent distinguished a crop of nearly 2,600 ow. from an extent of 145
trust that it will be in your power to carry the ar- "rangement" (of the Treasury)" into effect."
of revenue diminished accordingly. But the supply under specific bends, with one series of which the On the 7th March 1840, Lord Juba Hussell refrayed from what is teabaically styled the Queen's
Colony was chargeable, while the others were de communications and he thought it would be far
acres. All we required, he repeated was improved can to an end, and after all was sold off, the next Governor, Mr. Mackenzie, had no resource plying to Mr S. McKenzie's application, of Decem ber 16th 1839, to bare the 24.000 put on the Military Chest. The amount of each of these as did they extend aid to this Colony in the shape of wiser policy on the part of the bome Government
bat to go on selling the garden in the same way as General Army Estimates for 1840 informs him year, was found to be pretty early squally divided an undue weight of taxation.
parate series, when compared at the close of each loans if required, than thus to press it down with
Bir B, H. had sold the spice. When at length Sir Colin Campbell came out, there was actaully hitle that his representation, and the bfinate of the ex
Gorerament capital left to dispose of except waste between the Crown and the Colony; each paying in Scudre Council on this abject, accompanying II, roued numbers alons £50,000 per adour-But here, which had it been carried out would bare chars when roads were made to iben-Large are before the Lords of the Treasury for their no
Be time before project had been started lands, and waste lands were only available to pur- rious consideration: but he adda, "I do not feel
after defraying those defined and intelligible items, gone far to come this the cost valuable Colony made, but of course this was a thing that could "jostided in recommending compliance with which the Colony over and above it one-half band. Railway. His Lordship would recollect that the its capital except these waste landa, and saddled treats were purebred in anticipation of roads being came this undefined charge of £2,000 a month, that England over possesso-ho alluded to the your application for the introduction of that
not last, sad now Government was left minna all "charge into the General Army Estimates."
ad over to the Queen's chest towards defraying the East India Company were so well aware of the Not the slightest vestige of a reason appears for
other half anually chargeable to the Crown, advantage that weald acerae to India from such an this determination of bis Lordship-On the 18th
His hea. friend (Mr Fairholme) had misapplied undertaking, that they and guaranteed interest to
with a condition of making roads to them, which it could not fulfi if this 34,000 were still to be of Aprit of the mme year, the Lords of the Trea
the term when be said that the returns of Rarenus the shareholders at the rate of 8 per cent, and be
Bir R. Horton's administration had been errone would ask that it should be considered of what in mot, and be trusted the matter would again ba exacted. He acquitted the local Gorstament of sury have had Mr S. McKenzie's representation ously prepared, Thees returns were correct inga. and the Minute of the Executive Coogail ander
blame but he could not acquit the Home Guvern- calculable benefit a railway would be to Ceylon brought before them with fuller elucidations as to much as they abowed an annually recurring surplus The whole estimated cost of the undertaking was coneration; and inform Lord John Russell, for a cycle of some 6 or 7 youre-But this surplus £800,000. During the twelve years or thereabouts that notwithstanding the talling of in the receipts had been derived not from ordinary and steady ra that the Colony had been paying the contribution of supply bat actually of accumulated property of the manner in which Sir R. Horton's surplus re- "of the Colonial Treasury during the year ends but from such causi and temporary sources so jualy complained of, the sum of about £300,000
venue was made eui, not from say current sources 1838, owing to the entire failure of the Pearl as Pearl Fisheries and Sales of Cinnamon, and when had been wrung from her resources, and if interest Fishery, and the diminisbad Export as well as these in 1837 ceased, the Colvay entered upon an. was added, which in such a calculation was per- "sale of Cinnamon, the large plus balance in other cycle of six years in which every recorring fecily in reason, at only the minimum rate of 5 per the public Cheat at the mancament of the your year showed no annual deficiency! Notwaband dent, now paid to the Oriemal Bank upon a loan "would afford ampia means of supplying ag deing this untoward result the £24,000 was adore rendered necessary to meet the deficiency caused "faiency." Thay go on to say that there cemaatingly insisted on though more reluctantly paid. by the exaction of this very £24,000, we should "no reason to apprehend that the resources of the Hose F. Tennent) had not immediate across to here an amount of £400,000 or one half of the "Colony will not be fully sufficiant to meet the returns but he believed he was correct in stating whole estimated cost of the Railway-Ele was a Wre "regular Expenditurs both Livil and Military, in from indipory, that the gross excess of expenditure that skle was sol-eznally the time to enter into a "cluding the payment of the Ceylon cope (care on the last 10 years had been above £140,000 whilst langtinend disquisition upon railways but be would fully ifed :) although it may be necessary, if this inevitable payment to the Qured's Chest ask the Govorament so keep this moal important that the proercution of new works and improne amounting to £240,000 had been remitted at an in-new-fire because if the commonest **ments should await the means that a rewwat of the earlier date, it would have converted that deficiency justice, was done to Ceylon she had within herself on or two observations in reply to those addressed "Pearl Fishers, or other surplus receipts, may of into an annual surplas applicable to purposes of the ads of giving guarantee similar to that te bim by the Honorable Mumber oppositate "ford for the purpose."
universal waility.
given by the East India Company, and if she had thought in the first place it would be most desirable
Government and the uller axhaustion of this source bow.
Mr Saunders, the Collectar of Custom rose to remiod Lion'ble Membore, of a fact which seemal to be someumes furgotten, it would be a geral meapprabassion to suppose this this £24,000 con. stituted the whole Military expenditure of the Co lony. The truth was, that adding this charge to others the total Military expenditure Jur last year had been no less than £75,000,
The Governor stated that after the discussion which bad taken place be fok it hie daty to make
that the Hon'ble Geuleman who moved the aniond ment, should with how it su the discussion which had taken place would nower the purpose quite as well as the currying his amondueat, which wholt it would be inconvenient to the Local Gov. crmount would not secure the real oljeet ko had lu view, viz, gelling tid of the £24,000 contributing to the Military Chest, After what had taken place and the wrong opinions expressed by the unofficial members upon the subjret, he should feel it his duty agaie to call the attention of the Breislary of State to it, rad backed so he now should be, by their opinions be trusted the Secretary of B'ai would wige upon the Lords of the Treasury the remission of the heavy payment. It was made ● charge upon the Colony during the perod of Sir R. Hurton's Government and stom out of the inspres sion given to the Secretary of Nato by Sir R. 10. tom that the fiture Finance of the Cubny would be sufficiently flourishing to enable it to beat such a charge, but the anticipations which were then en- terised have not been realized much this payouent has been a severa click on the prosperity of the t-land. But looking to the great inter- at which is now tsken at tlome in all Colonial sestons and the sttention that they have latterly comin sodet, he - pure that jisti e would be done to Ceylon sa well as to every other Colony, The Council woul!
would like that, he, Lord Torrington, was not pre- pared to say. On the general policy of Anishing s Road as mion er possible, be, Lord Torrington, fully concurred in the sentiments of the Hon'ble gentleman.
Afr Smith sald that the every contrary opinions offered were puzzling.
Lord Tarrington in explanation remarked thh no more was profosand than to make the Road barely parable for Bandies.
Air Smith thought it would be a good course to appoint | Commitee, who, after personal inspection could report on the state of the Road.
Sir James Emerson Tennent said the Collector of Customs had called atention and not without caure to the inordinate expenditure upon thin rond. Slut he (Mir Emerson Tennent) could apsure the Coun cil that that Expenditure had not barn allagother voluntary on the part of the Government. It was peculiarity of the country and its climate, that works once begun must be carried on at whatever incoven- tence to avail the cinque of the previous outlay be. ing entirely swept away by their rapid deterioration. He had seen it sister as na illustration of this fact by Mr Anstruther before the Commitee of 1848 upon Coffee and Sugar planting, that it would re quire 15.000 per annum to keep the half-made foods from absolute d-struction by the raits. The
A na
on the thigh, but fortunately did little harm, tive Constable on daty on the same neighbourhood also complained of having bad several stones thrown st him. "It was too dark for either of then to see from whence the stones cama--[bid.
sloping woodland wwards that eliber by their vivid verdure the louliners of the Bukku Fiord, a surull cottage, thatched with the branchise of the fir, may sitaet the traveller's observation, and if he does not leak arowae attentively he will not see it, fur it in luw, and sheltered by the spreading arms of The Police Bergeant at Chak-chu has sont in a co-
an old pine The waters of the Flord How not port to the Central Biation, to the effect that very con- many feet from its bumble threshold; and perhaps siderable excitement exists among the Chinese inha- fastened to a stake, a fatherman's praim, awings lo bitanta in consequence of a fishing boat having been the changing currents of air. Now, however, an stopped by two large Mandarin (7| junks, demand. || 1. cutter drifted, rather than smiled, nearer to this ing money. This being refused, an attack was im- gre point of land, we saw that the pram had mediately made, and two of the fishermen word been walied from the stake, and was rowesby an wounded, one with a spear and the other with a stink- uld woman round and round, in nu unecg cir- pot. Fortunately fur ibe attacked, fivo other fishing. cuit, in midway of the Fiord. Often alio Veused bosts como up to their assistance, and succorded in to row, and unfolding a white handkerchief from rescuing them, but not until six of their number bad her head, bared her whitor halt to the burning sky, received wounds, more or less seroto.-Ibid. and waved the signal in the sir. Shouting with the shrill voice usher sex and age, she beckoned us to keston to her aid. Then nobbling from nie end of her prom to the other, and moving quickly from side to side, sha losued over and looked steal. fastly down into the water, as is something valuable lind been lost. When she saw we made no baste, the resumed her sost, and singing a astire song that bad aware of liveliness than melancholy in it burden, again she rowed her prom round the se circle, never deserting the spot, but whistling and
direction, that she might always watch the central surface of the water "What means that old wo mao," usked R. of several men who were observing her, and, clustering round the pilot, seemed to be gathering all the information he could giro. "She is mad, my Lord," the sailor made reply, "blad? -why und 1" repeated R. "The pilot ways, my Lord, that she is so, and looking for her husband," the coftwain saswered. "Where's her band? Is bo drowned, oh?' continued R. "No, my Lord." the sailor said, twitching up his trousers, and walk. [ing of towards the quarter dock, "ber husband
u falierman, and lived hard by, my Lord-up there, abouts, and he was eaten up by the mackerel; but About fifteen years ago the man was bething hero the old woman thinks, my Lord, he has only dived, ouch wit's sun rise agains
And so indved the leg-
Taxation and Representation-The colonise with representative assemblies have a population of about 2.590.000, aud thair expenditure in 1846 was £1.930,000, or at the rate of 140. 11 por bond lation of the colonies without representative nesem. of their population. On the other hand, tho popa
blics, was about $30,000, and their expenditure in 1845 was £1,420 000, or at the rate of £1 148, a head for their population, or 184, 7d more than in
the Victoria Colonist, Oct. 10th 1819).
adint that he load applied every available resouice Ambegumos Rund was one of those heavy legacies the colonies with representativo nauemblies -Fremolanting by turnn, she kept hier face turned in one
at bis coteinqul to the noktug and abstaining of Roads, and shauku sie Londe of the Treasury re love the Colonial. Rerengo from this charge, the kin uut would be devoted to the very desirable jet of opening of Ronda and improving Publie subs for the ground betr 6) of the Colony, Hla bed only one ullur repasik tu make-an Houcale Maader basi ubarived that some people thought one of the Regiments might be wildrawn from the fa!from this agiscon he lagred most ein jasically to state that he entinly dascuted, ka ubjected to any reduction of the number of Trongs the leland so long na ngilation sean abroad, nad an long at he had the huper to prezido aver tho Councila of ibia Island, Peace and iranquility should be rigidly naninirimal, and the public would here The assurance of safety for their fret, security for
which Land Torrington had inherited from bis pre- dixcators, and on which the annual Expenditure, howevar open to quonon ne to its gross amount. was compulsory to prove a the loss of the forgoing outlay. The £11,000 will required to complete the toad, would be provided for in one year were the £21000 but romitted from the Military charges. la the meantiste ho believed ilist a much less sum would be sufficient to reader the road passable for bandies bringing down the crop to the iCalany.
Mr Armitage propuned an additional gram of 2200 for surveying and tracing 6 feet wide a road trumn Badulla to Dandugem, the 25th milo pust un the laver Bulutta re "d to Kandy. This trace would not be anore than 15th miles in longth, it would be the connecting link between two important rouls. would dionimah slae distance from Badulla to Kandy
A dandy nuce went to a doctor to be bled. The doctor, oser some time and trouble, succreided in drawing blood from kia trembling arms; whereupan the dandy, after a lit ?s of his tear had subsided, raised upi bia bond, and exclaimed, "Doctor, ? think you are a great butcher." "Ay," said the doctor, "und Eliavo just been sticking a great calf."
their property and protection against any stiumipts from upwards of ×0 miles, ita prosent length, to 55 her, in which there was nothing but a man sitting and gues. One morning, fifteen suintero past,
to disturb the tranquility of the country.
tasks, would save the riso sud duvnuce of 3 000
sickly part of of the lower Badulli rond
Mr Smith, no far as we could understand him, "fou over Nuirera Elle; and would avoid the mot arked if Members might not nid to the Ordinancu, a protest against the £210007
Ford Terrington we begeso said thern could be no objection.
Mr Fairholme would not press his. Amendiment after what had fallen from lus Excellency, and from the Colonial Secretary: but with regard to the Colonial Secretary's correction of lus assertion. with crgard to erroneous accounts sent home from the Colony he wouki read a few hues from Lond Grey's despatch of the 17th July 1518, to His Ex- cellency, paragraphi
4. Frat. the first plaes it appears from **the Auditor General's Report on the Revenue of * the Colony of the 19th June law, nod your den. **patch entering the same, that the Committes, in * assuming as they do at the very outlet of their
‧ Report that Her Majesty's Government in deal. · ing with the Finance of Coylon may consent, * fav.9 a lage geeumulated land fund actually la
‧ hand; and 2nd va ‧ cupsiderable annual surplus, at kara born wholly misled by effonceur accounts from
It would ulso be beneficial to the Estates in the neighbour- hood of the Eleghaut plains and Badulla as well as to the untive population. As regards the distance to be opened and its practicability, he was not theor sing, for he had lately at his own expense opened the two pubs from Badulls to the Kandy road. One was not an easy trace, bin the o hor was 90, and he buttered the latter might be opened as a bridle path and for Tavolema for less than the suas he ask. od for. He would appeal to the Government Agent of the Castral Province who was better acquaintol wal that district than any European in the Island not only as to the facility of m: king the read but alao na to its importanen,
Lord Tarrington and that the matter had been representad sa bin in such a light that he could not hesitate in accoding to the motion of the Hon'bla Gelena
Mr Huller, Government Agent Central Province strongly supperted the motion, saying that until the Wond in progress wan Guished this would be the
way to get Coffee from Badulla.
Catching a Tartar-A countryman, passing over the pout Neuf at Paris, and seeing, among hasp of shops full of merchandise, ikad of a bad-
st a table with a pen and ink had the curiosity t go in and inquire what it was he sold. "As?m' besils," rephod the bunker. "They must be in great request," said the countryman, "since you have only your own last "
A Modest Edi'or." We have tasted Dick's
the poor fisherman plunged into the element that kad bere his sole sustaining friend from youth, tu bathe, and basure scarce 15 minutes had elupoed, surrounded by a shoal of mackerel, and in sight of home and her who made hone plesinnt, was de- voured by these ravenous fish. When he raised
te dot threatened him, and to rouse the alarm of kin uron unt of the water, to show the dreadful
his unconscious wife, a hundred mackerel bung, Hke plummets, from the Besh. The fisherma sunk and was navor seen or heard of more From that morning until to-day, bis widow, having lust breroasun, ever rows her husband's prain about which she certifies in her song, that he has gone to the spot where he perished, in the fell persuasion, seek a sunken met, and in a kitle while will awerg
guia; and so she prays the crew of every voel speaks-Hood's Yacht Voyage to No way.
battled Edinburgh ale," says the Mans Liberal, ** and can, pronounce it excellent ; a good haerty swig in this hot weather is worth all the cold water of the Amazon, whatever terlotullers way say. When we have balf-a-dozen long necked bottles sent us ne in this caso, for review, we get on with |some spirit; and if any one who has a k?nse to let will allow us to live in it for a year, rent free, then we shall be able to tell the public whether it a desirable residence? or not, The country at large know not what they lose by being singiling by, to stay and see the truth of what shie with newspaper editors."
Mira Fanny Remblo Butter.-While in this city Mra Fanny Kemble Butler boarded at the Battery. Hotel, and we have mot her several inprnings ink- ing ber equestrian exercise quite alone.
Flor favourite ride appears to be through
** the Island and have an ived at a co selvsion which voly P. Leyard Clevermal Agent, Western directly on the uarth river, undevinand Jan
"is directly the reverse of the fact,"
pears aduisted by Earl Giary himself that the no- county sent house terre cronova, whoever tent them; and he (Mr F.) only mentioned Sir Robert Horton because he commonly has the credit or blame of . He would unly add further that no person could doubt the earnestness of his Excel Jeney's opposition to thu e utribution in question, na he had taken a more decided cores in reference ke it than any former Governor, by omitting it, so his own responsibility from the supply Ordinance for ibi yent.
With reference to the item in the 15th clause al fatting the sum of £3,000 for the Road between Gampola and Yullestolle. The Collector of Cus- tome, Mi Saunden," remarked that much misap prehension existed in regard to this Road. Accord ing to the retame furmbed by the Civil Engineer so the ComDivoomer of Ruads, it appeared that the mounts already expended on the Road from Yostranfulte to Campidla, and required for its completion were as follows:- Civil Engineer for tuingia Commisioner of Roads
£ 2,262 10 10
36,91 * U
34,004 1
Amount required to com- plete the Rund
20,001 5
£61,718 0 11 included pro- and by another return, in which portion of charges on fixed establehurst, it i mol 19 oprene test this Hood when completed ne| cording to the foregoing estimate, will cost £81, 769 8 10; be distance between the two puluis bring 40 miles.
Now, lo, Mr Soundres, did not mean to cost any blame to the Hood Departmeat, but be thought that the system pursued in regard to this mad ather Roads in the Colony was erroncour. We lind gone on ullulting money in driblets, £2,000 and £2,000 per annum; and at the samic rate we would proba bly
Provas made some romatic shut the necomity of submitting she matter to the Propriet Conimises, The Queen'slapvogs, ffrwd a difficulty refer-
diangrenable thoroughface pan zhrnety be found, even in thio usaty city. A few moralage since she strolled down among the bontosan at pfer No. 1,
ing to the Bard Clause and showing that to justify | sarth river, desssed in a cluse straw bounet, a white the expendiate the road must be declared a princi- |· dress, and a shrek josey (something betworu a sock pal Road,
and a jacket), and," although it was a cold, blenk, windy morning, we saw her embarked and rowed out in the stream by one waleraon. We under stood afterwards, that attracted by the painful scans of a ship-lond of emigrants, she went on board and divided all the money she had with her among the poorest and most distressed of the families bless ber for it!-New York paper.
Afr. Smith dwch on the fact that this would be the only way to get Coffee from Badulla. The present route was so circuitous that really Coffee could not be grown in the District,
Lord Torringtes and Sir Emerson Tennent in- timated that the matter would bo urcenged in con- section with the Department of the Commissioner of loads.
When the Schedule of Cooly labour attached to the Ordinance came to be considered some touse
meal was created by the evident perplexity of Afers Faitholm and Lagond
Mr. Fairholme wished to know what would be dono in case the number of day's labour aloud for a patikuler work did no prove sufficient for its completion 1
der. Inpaid suggested a Supplementary Ord ?????, (?.
Air, Mact'arthy, the Auditor General shewed that the number of day's labout allourd was absolu- aly the maximum--that if more money was requi- tod application must be made to Government. The Schedule was tomed in the shape it appeared so as to melt the requstimenta of the toad Ordinance, It was to a cula number of coolies but a certain mumber of days labour that was shown if unu of money had been mentioned it would have been cessary to brag them into the General Rovense Account.
The Council then adjourned till Tucaday next.
(From the China Mail, 10th January.)
On the 7th, the house ofthe Roman Catholic Blis.
until there would be no rente in beating tionary ut hick-nai wan was agam broken into by in the District. So it had been with the Delfonio | thieves.-A bhuliet was suatched from the top of a Rund, and so with others. Elu thought it would be | Chimamas albep in the joss-house in Hollywood much better, when a Rond any wire was fully Hood; and the thiet is supposed to have escaped up determined on, to allot a large sums bor that partis | t?c bill. cular work and Goish it. Government would shu please at kast one portion of the community ine. teart of being in the positions at present of phone ing none. He brped a large grant would bu made for this really imporinut Rund, the outlet for the produce of so large a number of Estates. 116, Me
B. noticed that the giant for this year originally atuod £2,000; it bad been increased to £3,000; | and he was quite certain that Guvernment, if they could, would mill further increnan Clan sum.
Lord Torrington, in reply to Mr Baunders, stat- id that Bir Birch the othcer in charge reported
that the Rond to Yattenniotte could be made avail. Wble for this year's crop. As to giving a large sumM
to finish this particular Road, that could only be
dine by diminishing the sums atfulted to others;
and how the parts interested in klicar over Road
On the Eth, the house of a Chinaman in Caine's Road was broken into, and several articles taken away-The back door of a house in Chi's Lane was forced open, and a number of silk and crepe dresses stolen,
On the 9th, another house in Tao-ping-abau was tempted, but the thieves were alarmed and made off, having removed some half-dozen bricks.
On the 10th, a purse containing 3 wels of silver was stolen from a house in 'T'so-ping-shau. Oo ex nimation, waa found that a hole had been made in
the pastion wall, the next house being unoccupied,
A European Constable on duty last night on the
road leading from Tao-ping-shun to Hollywood
8, P. & O. Co's Str. Canton, Jamieson, front Can
9, H. & C. & P. Co's Bir. Hongkong, Hill, from
10, Chieftain, Edwards, from Liverpool 2nd Aug. 10, Henry Hinck, Harria, from Amoy 8th Janu ry. 10, Emma, Bibby, from Amoy 8th January. 10, Cornwall, Dawson, from Shanghai. 10, Island Qusan, Macfarlane, from Whampoa II, H. C. M. Brig Lijero, Commander Izquierdo,
from Whampoa. Dec. →Cornwall, Dawson, from New Zealand 30th
October. Dec.
AT AMOT. 19, El Tiempo (Spanish), Jochausti, (from Manila. PAMEKGERI,
Pot Henry Winch,Messrs Syme, Parfitt, and Quicksilver.
Hero-worship of the Swiss-The French and Buglish take ibeir past history by no means so much to host so these republicans. They think of those ages mostly, if they think of them at all, of a period of slavery, happily long paat; in Geromny, on the other band, many a bead is still beunted by the half-fabulous Arminius; and how many partianus have not the "glurious middle ages" still winongst us, with their knights, and castles, and fair damaelo, and above all, their "wimple faith" and ancient truth!" The Swiss in their romantic Bights have certainly this to any for themselves, that their heroes did really fight for a good cause, and did rid the country of its tyrants. ~ What fol. lowed, and how soon they got new tyranids in their place, and now shime and ignominy called for new redemption, they do not care to remember; nothing is were difficult for a people of Geriona race than to be elour, and true to iliemselves, and shake off nil self-delusion in speech and sentiment. A good share of the blame perkapa belongs to our poets. It owodu s pretty to sing of German strength and truth, or to remind the confoderstes of 1846 of the morning stors and battle asos of Seapack and Morgarten. In spite of their cold- Dess and sobriety, the Swiss buve a lingering affec-10, tion for the good old times," au many of whineo
rags and tatters still cling about them to the pre-
The Henry Winch exchanged colours with the schooner Dari,off Capelies. The Cornwall anchored below Woosung, spoke the Paname of Glasgow, from Shanghai to a the 3rd instant, and on that day London.
8, H. & C.SL. P. Co,'Sur. Hongkong, Hill, Canton, 10, Mary Bannatywn, MeKirdy, Singaporo, 10, Oquendo (Spanish), Morender, Manila, 10, 11 kuby, Stewart, San Francisco.
10, Black Dog, W. Anderson, San Francisco, Auckland (Am) Jennings, Whampoa.
11, H&C & P. Co,'n Str. ffongkong, Hill, Canton.
sent day; and this feeling never fails to show itself | 11, Envoy (Am-Whaler), Walker, Sca, when ocension serves, if only in sticking a few Jan.
fellows at the gates with berret caps, false beards, and enormous pikes. At the Schathousen festiva), * couple of broad shoulderod fellows, in middle age costume, with tong "posee and grim visages smeared with red paint, stool as sentinels at the gates, aud were greeted with uproarious upplouse as the in- gers passed out to the Rhine Falt, where a manot- kio Tell, fastened to the rock, stretched his unes-
6. Renaissance (French), Coue, Calcutia, a→
6, Aristides (Bremen), Feldhusen, Manila,
6, Sir Herbert Compton, Browne, Singapore and
7, Memnon (Am), Gordon, New York.
8, Charles Forbes, Wills, Singapore and Bombay. 9, Frederick Wilhelm{Dsa ), Poulsin, New York. Jan.
ng bow. The barmony of so many manly voices, water, mingling with the thunder of the fall, the glurium blue of the heavens, the brilliant sunshine, Panama, and the morning sir, we trosh, sa fragrant, altoge uninosad-Mugge's Switzerland and the Swiss in ther really produced an offect that left few hearts
A Norwegian Tale of a Man Eaten by Mackerel
Road, had large stone weighing G er 8 pounds-Not many miles from the willage of Sand, the
thrown at him from the bill, and which struck him place to which we were bound, on one of the
Per Whitby, Mr Porter, and Mr Fryer. Per Black Dog-De Hunter, and Mr Arong.
Printed and Published for the Proprietor, Jon
Cana, by Luiz d'Azevedo, Oswald's Row, Queen's Rood, Victoris, 1850.
VOL. IX. No. 5.
PRICE $10 per annum,
OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHISA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum. 16 Dollars Nie Monthe, D Dollars. The Ifants. & Uullere: all paid in silvanOS. Nambers, to Subscribera 45 cents each; to Nu-Subscribers, Hano. Parties odling or sending to the Office fur papers are requested to pay cach. SUBSCRIPTION to the UVERLAND,-To Subscribers to the Fasca or Cuena, & Dollars per Annum t non-subscribers 36; single coples 80 cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Tew lines an under, I Dollse; multional, to cents llae. Repetitions one-third of the first lasertion, Skips,-Pirst Insertion, & Dollars; subsequent insertions 45 conta. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermaudet. In all instances, those who are not Bubscribers, require to pay in advance.
Fon ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY Also, en route to the above, BEFORE, Perano, Gallu-Malta, Bust, ADEE,
ENTAL Company's Steam Ship ACHILLES, will forva this fortie slova places on Wed- praday the 30th of January. Cargo will be received on board until Noon, and Fekete until 4 p. m., of the 2nd.
For further partionlam regarding Freiont and Passos apply at the P. & D. B. N. Cotopany's Once, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDINO, Agent. P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Office. Victoria, Hongkong, 1st January, 180,
MIE rate of Freight on Bilk; to England per Over- Find out is born reduced by oller of the Directors of the P. & O 8. N. Company's to €90.00 per Tan of 40 Cubic feet, which will be charged
bntil further notice.
J. A. OLDING,-Agent. Hongkong, 26th November, 1849,
THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S8TEAM- 1 ERS, continue to ply between ALEX- ANDHIA, Bod Takerz se under via. *The Direct leaving Trieste the 29th of each month arrives at Alexandria about the 2nd or 3rd of the following month, and starts for Triesto from Alexandria 18 a 24 hours after the arrival there of the Indian Passengers by the Calcutta Bleamer, except on occasions when the latter arrives at Sues beliind time,
A Steamer of the same Company leaves Alex. andria every shernate Thursday for Smyrna wanre it meets the Steamers of the Levant Line, by meanU of which, communication is kept up as previously through Syrn with Constantinople, Triests, Grason,
Fares direct to Trieste £el Imabuting Table money Da. vin Smyrno £1.4 without de, do Punge intending plan of the Tirete Route skoold bed,la Snea only.
For further particularly to
Menn Wa. PUSTAU & Co, Apenis at Canton and Hongkong. for the Imperial Royal Privileged Austrian
Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. N. 8. Therbare now i ?many Railroads open through Germany that London way to reached irom Trieste in ?6 daye with comfure and at no expence of about £10 B12,
Victoria, 27th September, 1849.
FORD" Capmio Parunson will
be dispatched from this about the 10th
THE undersigned have been appointed Agenta for the AMICAHan Insuranon Orion, and are pro pared to issue policies on the usual forms, in lung kong, Canton and Shanghai, pagable as follows: to London, Agonis Memuru Matheson & Co.
Coleutta, Secreturios Bombay, Agents Madras Agents 19 Singapore, Agents
P. A. Caverke and
T. G. Bagram- Remington & Co Bainbridge & Co. Barkies & Moses, LINDSAY & Co.
11ongkong, 18th July, 1849.
THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risks (covered by open POLICIES " Laotos and in the variaus London Insurance Companies,)by the 'ontular & Oriental Company's Steamers, from Canton and Hangkong, to the Biraits, Coy. lon, the Presidencies of India, and England.
apply to Mr J. A. ULDIRG, at the P. & O. Co.'s Office, Hongkong,
For Raton of Premium and other Information,
JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co, London, 28d December, 1848.
NOTICE. YR A. R. Hopson become a Partner in our
Firm on the 1st July last.
GILMAN & Co. Canton, 20th December, 1849.
HR. I. B. FORBES is admitted a Partner in our
house from this date, his stores and Respon sibility commencing on the first day of January next, at which tirup Mature W. H. KIN? and GEORGE PERKINS retire,
RUSSELL & Ca Canton, 20th November, 1849.
have this day admined Mr. JAMES PUR- DON as Partner in our House. Our business will henceforward ba conductal under the Name of BWOHLD, PURD?N & Co.
JOHN D. SWORD & Ca Canton, lat Jamesry 1850,
NOTICE THE business I have hitherto conducted in my nwn name, will be herealior carried un, under the Firm of TAIT & Co., of which Mr Charles Willian Brantav is admitted a partner.
Amcy, Lei January, 1850.
of February. She has excellent accommodation THE interest and responsibility of Mr. JOHN for passengers, and currico a Surgeon.
For passage only, apply 40.
Capt. PATERSON on board.
Victoria, 11th January, 1850
Captain PATERSON will be dea merr patched for the above namod port, not inter than the middle of February.
For freight apply w.
Y. J. MURROW, Kwangles Hong, 31st December, 1840. P.-A Supercargo acquainted with the Trude winecompany the Ship, whose services to avail- able to shippers.
THE HOUSE and Premiers in Spring
Gardens franting the Harbour,
The House and Premises in Spring Gardene adjoining the Road and opposite Jorroka Hell both formerly in the occupation of Mors Hegan & Co. Apply to,
Avos. CARTER, Office Queen's Road. Victoria, dib January, 1850.
STWART in our firm has ceased.
TURNER & Co. Hongkong, fat January, 1860.
THE interest and responsibility of the late Mr. T. 8. IL NYE in our firm censed on the 31st ultimo.
NYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, 4th January, 1850.
Fired to sign for our Firms by procuration,
AYME, MOIR & Co Hongkong, 6th November, 1849.
our Firm by Procuration. HORMUSJEE FRAMJEE & Co. Canton, let December, 1849.
(LATE WOODBERry, Batliks & Co.) Ship Chandlers & General Commission Agents,
THOSE Fire Large HOUSES known T je requested that all claims against the Estate
Stanley, Wellington and Pottinger Atreela with commanding view over the whole Bay. There House onn bo let either single or toge ther having separate outrances and outhouse. For particolare, apply to,
N. DUUS & Co. Hangkong, 7th January, 1850
of the lato ROBERT WEBSTER may be sent in to the undersigned before the 30th June nezt, and all perana indebted to the said Estate will please to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co. East Point, Ist January, 1850.
LL claime upon the Estate of the late Jonn The Nullah fronting the Queen's Hood next, will be met by the undersigned, and all per- Officers Quarters. And three smaller [QU-ons indebted to the said Estate are requested to SEB in the range of Buildings; for particulars mako payment to, apply to
N. DUUS & Co. Hongkong, 8th January, 1860,
THE Carner HOUSE next the Bridge over A Lone DALLEN, proved before the 30th June
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co. East Point, Ist January, 1860.
A bolders in the HONGKONG & CANTON
Iff Yearly Ocnreal Meeting of the Share.
the 13ffice of SPENCER COMPTON, Esquere, STEAM PACKET COMPANY will be held at
Canton, st 1 o'clock a, m., Tuesday the 4th Fu bruary next.
By order of the Directors,
AUGA, CARTER, Secretary.
Elongkong, 1st January, 1850.
SHEATHING COPPER from 14 to 24 oz.
Apply to,
OIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 3rd July 1849,
NEW STORES P'ER "ORIENTAL" QWEET Butter in Kegs of 15 lbs., American dried Apples in half Barrels, Lol Bugar &o. Also received, Foo-chow-fao Beton.
Queen's Road,
N. B The Bulter and Apples are of superior quality and the Bacon is quite Fresh.
Victoria, 4th January, 1850.
WHAMPOA DRY DOCK. THE Undersigned has completed his nerangementu for docking and repal:ing Vessels at Wham- pos, and bega to call the attention of Ship Masters and Merchants to the facilities bn affords for that purpose. The Dock is a now one, espalito of re coiving Vessels drawing thirteen feet of water at Spring Tides, and elevou Jeet at Noop Tiles. A large End and Rigging loft ara anuchil to the pre
mises. For terms, which will be moderate, apply to,
JAMES ROWE, Whampon.
December 8, 1849.
at great delay and expence for avery trifle they tony require.
Do. Print
Do. Cleared, Tarision de
Ja, Embroidered
De. Cashmere
M de.
Da, Emboldered look do,
Do. Embrollerrd Jacconet do.
Do. Worked Muslim Collars,
De Rich Lace Capes
Do. do.
Canzons. L'hemearts.
Do. Queen Mary's Collars
Do. Frrach 'otell, l'omets,
th. Jean Stage,
10. Braganze kah
quite new.
Pe. Black Satin Embroidered Handklas.
de. Laventrem
if the newest sigle, by last Mall:-
Velvet Bounc
Embroidered French Cambria Unodkerchiefs.
Do. Hamage Drames.
Da. Tescan, biraw, and Buk do.
Do. Nigb Copa.
Do. Drew da
Dalong Whlie Kid Gloves,
Da. Colored and straw do.
De. Black and White Lace Mitr
De, Black and White Bilk Stockings.
a. and Denia.
Da. Fancy Checked sk.
Ble. Plain Coloured latine, &c. &c.
(Tuckaback for Toweling.
Uk Table Linen.
De. Napkins
Brown Holland Dressed and Undressed,
Book Muslim. Jucenci de
Checkad da
Todel Lovette
De. Fringes
Fancy Gland Finges for Dremen, Le Ribbons.
Latesiang and Satin da
Narrow tunet Ribbons of all colours,
Plan Irish Linen
English Umbrella.
Boys Fancy Capa
Chidren's Leghorn do.
AT a mecting of the Stewards and Race Commit-Bosch C
toe held this day it was senolved, Ist, That the January Raco mestk, 7A of
2nd. That a Race meeting be held on the 4th,
5th and 6th of February.
3rd. That now Programme be lasuod ne ont-
ly as possille.
dib. That entrances be received by the Clerk of the coured up to noon of the 19di January, and all previous entrances paid will be returned on applestion to the 'l'ronsurer. flongling. Lih Joovery, 1850.
COMMISARIAT Oyr101, Hongkong, 14th January, 1850, TENDERS will be received at this Office until 12 o'clock on Tuesday, the 22nd instzat, for Betts to be drawn by the Undersigned at thirty day's sight on either the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or the Governor Goneral of India, in exchange for British Money, Rupace, or Mexican and Bouth American Dollars.
Each Tender to be sealed-endorsed " TandeR for Breta "-and to exprem the rate per cent for British money or the Bierling Rate at which each of the other Coina may be offered,
J. W. SMITH, Acristant Commissary General,
THE Proprietors of the HONGKONG DIS- 1 PENSARY, beg to announce that Ms W. J. Parron has succended Dr J. H. Young, in the Management of that Establishment. Hongkong, 1st January, 1850.
Muto Accion on this day, Wednesday the
16th int. at noon, at their Godowns, Queen's Koud.
100 Barrels of very Excellent Floor,
20 Cask of American Beef,
I Case of Boot,
of Bhors,
20 Cass of Calcutta Bottled Beer. TREMS OF BALR-Cash before delivery. Hongkong, 14th January, 1850.
THE undersigned knowing the great inconveni
ence parties are frequently put to, in conm- quence of not being aware that a general STORE of this description is in Hongkong, begs to give the community of Canton, Macao and Hongkong, (more particularly Strangers) the following list of Articles always on sale, and from recent strange. menia made with a London House will receive by the Overland Mail every month a fresh supply of every thing that is now and fashionable, so that in future Ladies will not be necessitated to write home
Kerby's best Needles am in regenuine Brak's best dewing Cotton.
Cette Cord and Reel Wire.
Darling Cotton and looks and Eyes. Children's Fancy Blocks.
Ch@drea's Angola and Cotton Socks.
Enfants Woollen Bost-,
Do de. Hood
Do. Long lobes and Frocks.
Ds. Fruck Bodies.
Do. French ambric Capa
Do. Thread face.
De. Night ups.
Earlings Lace and Insertions.
Black Lace, while and narrow.
4-4 Hack Net and Hand,
4-4 Fancy Fluord Net. Fancy Gump Trimming for Dresses, &c., &c., do.
Just Recrlord 2009
Boas, Mantles, Muffo, Hufsetts, Cuffs, &c., de,
of Fasence of Flowers, da, al Rose, Verhonn, Wild Flower, Bouquet, Essence of Violets, Ambrosia, and Eau de Portugal.
With Hair, Nail, and Tooth Brushes; Soaps, Bears Grease, B'omatum, Lavander Water, Haal Macassar Oll, MUN of Itases, Smelling Balta, Court Plaster, &c., ka, be
In the Chow Chow Storo will be found the follow- ing of the best quality, viz:- York Ha...............
| Cumberland Bacon .................
Barkley and allier Cheese
Jams and Jellies....
Tart Fraite....**
Carry Powder and Chutney
Pickles, Vinegar, sod Mustard................
Anchory and other Pantes,
Bardines, large Time.
Dutch Botter, 13 Ma...
perm Candies... ...............................
.35 Centa por
[110, 2 lbs. Th
.60 Cm. pr Bottle
"710 per Key. .......00 Genta perth, Jsingglans, Loud Bugar, Coffer, Dried Herku, Fresh Kal- mon, Pearl Harley, Ontmeal, Maccaronil, Varmacelli, Honey la Jara, Tea la 10 and 20 carties Boxes, Old Mus olla Legars, all Spies, Nutniegs, Kalajas, Plama, Olives, fashionablo Santen of all kinds,
Large Ox Tongues...... Cormed Heef.
....................................60 Cuts each.
...fo little choice pleees, sallable for small familles. With avery other article to be found in a general store.
Couslets of Quart and Pint Decanters, from 38 par Palt upwards; Tomblers, Wines, Claret, Fluck, ? hampagne, Finger Glames, balts, Craft, de, ae.
With a very handsome rich i ut Glum Dessert Fel
lado. lado.
WINE, AND SPIRIT STORE. Contains,-Martello Pale and Dark Brody, Bya' lierry la one deres Cases. Carries & Hunt's superler Part in da. Champagne Bench Mikey Claret Uleck, Bang ???c
few Octaves of Brown Sherry 61 for Railing; all these articles are of the best descriptions and bi be bad the Stereo of
J. INESS, Queen's Road, Hongkong.
eth Jarmary, 1850,
0 per annum.
To Subscriber
tions 48 cont
mcribers, require
every trifle they
Call 1-
c., .
f Ross, Verbo,
='loleta," "Aanbyula,
-apa, Beare Grund,
acaster Oll, Mak
mr, &c., ka, &c.
Found the follow-
.35 Cents per th
--130, 1 lbs." Ti
.80 Uts. pr Bortle
-.719 per Ker.
......40 Genta per ll.
Hrebe, Fresh Bat-
rond, Varmacelli,
s Boxes, Old Ma
De, Plans, Oliven,
..60 Cent each.
mall familona,
u general stora,
Trom 38 per Pair
mek, ? hampagne,
ert Bal
mottting; all these
and t? be bat the
nd, tiongkong.
that the Hon'ble Girulleman who inored the smond-
Afr Swith sald that the every contrary opinions offered were puzzling.
Lord Tarrington in explanation remarked that no more was professed than to make the Road barely passable for Bandies.
Mr Smith thought it would be a good coume to appoint Committee, who, after personal inspection could report on the state of the load.
Sir James From Tennent said the Collector of Customa had called attention and not without cLUPT to the inordinate expenditure upon this cond. But he (Mir Emerson 'Tennent) could agure the Coun cil that that Expenditure had not horn altogether voluntary on the part of this Gorernment. It was peculiarity of the country and its climate, that works once begun must be carried on at whatever incoven- jence to avoid the rique of the previous outlay be- ing matitaly swept away by their rapid deterioration. He had seen it stated na an illustration of this feet
no the thigh, but fortunately did little harm. tire Constable on duty on the same neighbourhood also complained of having had several stones thrown at him. It was too dark for either of them to pro from whence the stonea came-Ibid.
The Police Bergeant at Chok-ehu has sont in a co- port to the Central Station, to the effect that very con- siderable exviament exist among the Chinese joha- bitants in consequence of a fishing-bont having been stopped by two large Mandaria [1] junks, demand- ing money. This being refused, an stack was im- mediately made, and two of the fishermen wore wounded, one with a spear and the other with a stink. pot. Foruostely for the suscked, fivo other fishing, boste came up to their assistance, and succeeded in tesoning them, but not until gix of their number had received wounda, mote or kese serora--fbid.
Taxation and Representatim.-The colonios with representative assamblica have a population of about 2.590.000, and their expenditure 1840 was £1.930,000, or at the rate of 140. 11 por hond of their population. On the other hand, the popa.
blies, was about P30,000, and their expenditure in (846 was £1,420 000, or at the rnto of £1 14u, a head for their population, or 184, 7d more than in the colonies with representatiro asemblies-From the Victoria Colomist, Out, 10th 1849.
would like that, he, Lord Torrington, was noi pro- ment, shoul I withdenw it as to discussion which pared to say. On the geners) policy of Onishing a had taken place would naswer the purpose quite Road na sion as possible, he, Lord Torrington, an wall so the carrying his ninendurut, which fully concurred in the sentiments of the Hon'ble whilst it would be inconvenient to the Local Gov. gentloosa, ernment would not secure the real ohjeet he had in view, viz, getting rid of the £24,000 contribution to the Military Chral, After what had taken place and the streng opinions expressed by the unofficial members upon uliis subjret, he shoul) teel il kie duty age to call the attention of the Bretony of Blade wit, end backed as he now shoula be, by their opinions be trusted the Secretary of 'si would urge upon the Lords of the Treasury tho remission of this beasy payment. It was made a charge upon the Colony Juring the period of Sir R. Hurton's Government and store out of the impres- sion givra to the Secretary of Sinto by Sir It. H. ton that the future Finance of the Colony would be authciently flourishing to enable it to beat suck a charge, but the anticipations, which were then en- pertained bate not been realized and this payment bebeu a severe chuck on the prosperity of the 1-lol. But looking to the great inteis at which is bus oken at me in all Colonial Questions and by Mr Anstruther before the Committee of 16lation of the colonies without repereculativo assem The attention that they have faitesly comat indel, ha p Coffee nod Sugar planting, that it would re- quire £25,000 per annona to keep the halfmade Ich cure that juu e meuld be done to Cylon n still sa to every idner Colony. The Council would ronds from absolute destruction by the fairs. The adinct that he had applied every available resource... Ambegaonosa. Hand wis oun of those heavy legacie nt has command to the m?ong mol unistsinng of "which"Lord Torringtons had inherited from his pre- Reads, and should the Lands of the Treasury te dore, and on which the annual Expenditure, love the Colonial Revenue from this charge, the however apot tu quaui ne to its gross amount. was compilsory to prove it the loss of the forgoing am wat would be devoted to the very destrable alj et af opening of Ronda and improving Public outlay. Thu 421,000 mill requirol to complete the wurks for the gruczol benefit of the Vilony. He head, woukl be provided for in one year were the Und only she other cemuck to make-nu Llum'ule 211000 but remitted from the Military churges, Maber bad sheerved that some people thought to the meantime he believed that much less sum one of the Regiments might be withdrawn hom would be sufficieht to render the road passable for the la!smil-from this apucion be legged must enas - bandica bringing down the crop to the Kalany.
atically to state that les entirely dissented, fre
Mr Armitage proposed an additional grant of sohjected to any reduction of the number of Troupe £200 for surveying and tracing 6 feet with a road in the Island su Song no agitation was abroad, and from Badulla to Daudugam, the 25th mile post so long as he find the lcger to preside over the the lower Budalie rod to Kandy. This trace woul Councils of this Island, Peace and iranquility should not be more at 15th uniles in length, it would be be rigidly assinasine), and the public eroull have the coquecting kok between two important rosila, Lie asurance of safety for their lives, security for would diminish the diastuce from Bedulla I Kandy their property and protection against any attempts from upwards of 10 miles, its persent length, to 5 to disturb the tranquility of the country,
smiler, would save thin rise and distance of 3000 Mr Smith, na far as we could understand him, feet wror Nuwern Ellia; nad would avoid the most asked if Membere might not a lid to the Ordinance, xkly part of of the lower Badull cond It would a protest against the £210007
Lord Torrington we bejero raid thero could be no objection.
atau be bem feial to the izstates in the neighbour- hood of the Elughout plans and 13sdulla na well as to the ustivo populativo. As regards the distrace Mr Fairholme would not press his Amendment to bu oponed and its practicability, he was not theor- ofter what ind fallen from his Exelleney, and izng, for he had lately at his own expouse opened from the Colonial Secretary: but with regard to the Two paths from thudulls to the Kandy toad. the Colonial Secretary's correction of his assertion. Que was not an easy trace, but the o her was so, and with regard to erroneous accounts sent kome from, he believed the latter might be opened as a bridlo the Colony he would read a few hues from Lard path and for Tavolens for less than the sum he ask. Grey's despatch of the 17th July 1948, to His Ex- al for. He would appeal to the Giovernment Agent cellency, paragraph 4
of the Central Province who was better acquainted web that district than any Europena in the Enland not only as to the tacilty of m: king the road but also na to its importanen.
4. Frat- the first place it appears from ** the Auditor General's Report on the Hevende of the Colony of the 19th June fast, and your den. **pateb covering the same, that the Committee, in assuming as they do at the very ouuret of their * Report that Her blujesty's Guvernnient in deal. "ing with the Finance of Coylon may coutent, ** (1.08 hege gecumulated land fund actually in * hand: sad kad va a zappilurublo nammal surplus, * kaza barn wholly misled by erroneror accounts from ** the Island and have arrived at a co selvein which
Lord Torringtou said that the mater had been represented so bigs in vuch a light that he could not kesiato in reculung to the motion of thin Elen'bin Gentleman,
Mr Buiter, Government Agent Central Province strongly supperted the motion, mying that until the | Hand in progress was finished the would be the unly way to get Coffer from Badulla.
aloping woodlanil svarda that cheer by their vivid verdure the lauliness of the Bukke Fiord, in ama?i |cottage, thatched with the branches of the fir, may stuuel the traveller's observation, mud if be dues not look around attentively he will not see it, for it is low, and shaltered by the spreading arms of an old pine The waters of the Fiord flow mot Any feet from its humble threshold, and perhaps fastened to a stake, a fisherman's prom swings to the changing currents of air. Now, however, us L contar drifted, rather then sailed, nearer to this grew point of land, we saw that the prom bad been untied from the stake, and was rowery an old women round and round, in an unenu?g cir cuit, in midway of the Fiord. Often she Vused to row, and unfolding a white handkerchief from her bend, bared her whiter hal to the burning sky, and waved the signal in the air. Bhosting wili the abrill voice of her sex and aga, aka beckoned us to huston to her aid. Then hobbling from nue end of her pram to the other, and moring quickly from side to side, sho loaned over and looked steni. featly down into the water, na is something valuable had been lost. When she saw we made no haste, le resumed her soat, and singing a ostive song that had more of liveliness than melancholy in it berden, again the rowed her pram round the sume circle, nover deserting the spot, but whistling and ohanting by turns, shu kept her face turned in nee direction, that she might always watch the central surface of the water What inrane that uld wa man," asked R. of several men who wore observing her, nad, clustering round the pilot, seemed to be gathering all the information he could gire. "Sha A dandy once went to a doctor to be bled. The is mad, my Lord," the anilor made reply. "Mnd7 doctur, after porno time and troulilo, succeeded in
-why mad!" repeated K. "The pilot says, my drawing bloul from his trembling arm; whereupon Lord, that she is so, and looking for her husband, the dandy, after a live of his tour had subsided, the coxswain susmernd. Where's her husband? rowend up his bond, and exclaimed, "Doctor, I It he drowned, sh ?" continued R. "No, iny Lord," think you are a great hutcher." "Ay," said the the sailor said, twitching up his tenusers, mud walk. doctor, "and I have just bean sticking greating sft towards the quarter deck, "her husband was calf."
n fishermso, and lived hard by, my Lord-up there. alouts, and he was eaten up by the mackerel lut About fifteen youre age the man was bathing hore
the old woman thinke, my Lord, he has only divedl, med with cum ties again And so indeed the leg. and go One morning, fifteen quinimera past, the pour fisherman plunged into the element that lind bere his sole sustaining friend from youth, to bathe, and bofure scarce 15 minutes bad" elapsed, surrounded by a abool of mackerel, mad in sight of bone and ber who made bonie plcnonot, was do- is erns out of the water, to show the dreadful voured by there ravenous fish. When he raised
fate that threatened him, nod to rouse the alarm of his unconscious wife, a bun trod mackerel bung, like plummete, from the dept. The fuherman sunk and was never seen or hourd of more From that morning until to-day, his widow, having lust her reason, ever rows her husband'e prain about the spot where he perished, in the full persuasion, which she certifies in ber song, that he bao gume to seek a sunken net, and in a little white will emerge sailing by, to say and see the truth of what she again; sud so she prays the crew of every rousel spenka.-Ross's Yacht Voyage to No way.
Calching Turlar A contryman, passing over the pont Neuf "t Patia, sud seeing, soinng a long of shops full of merchsonline, that of a bani- ker, in which there was nothing but a man sitting st s table with a pen and ink had the curiosity to gu in mad inquire what it was be sold. "Amor kends," replicil the bunker. "They must be in great request," said the countryman, "since you liave only your own last "
A Modrat Edi'or."We have tasted Dick's bottled Edinburgh ale," mys the Manz Literal, ** und .can, pronounce it excollent; ‧ good hearty swig in this hot weather is worth all the cold water of the Amazon, whaterer teetotallers may say. When we have half-a-doxen long necked bottles sent us us in this caso, for review, wo get on with some spirit; and if any aus who has a hungo to let will allow us to live in it for a year, rent free, then we shall be able to tell tie public whether it a desirable residence ur nut, The country at large know not what they lose by being stingy, with newspaper editors."
8, P. & O. Co's Str. Canton, Jamison, from Can-
Mra Fanny Kemble Butler.--While in this city Mrs Fanny Remble Butler boarded at the Battery Uutel, and we haya mot her several mornings take ing her equestrian exerciso quite alone. ffor favourite ride appears to be through. Man is directly the severse of the fact." Thus it mpz C. P. Layard Gove?mmi Agent, Westera directly on the north river, under folottity and pears aduitted by Earl Grey bluself that the ne
Provas q made some remark about the racemity of disagreeable ikeroughfare oak chrocly be found, counts sent home secro eroneous, whoover sent subinitting che matter to the Prospeciet Continuation, / even in thin oasty city. A few mornings since the then; and be (Mr F.) only mentioned Sir Robert
The Queen ankylovega, marted a difficulty refer- strolled down among the boatmen at pier No. 1, Horton because he commonly has the credit ut
ing to the Bard Close and showing that to justify | north river, dressed in a close straw bouwet, a white blane of it. He would only add further that no the expenditure the road must be declared a princi- dress, and a check josey (something between a anek person could doubt the ensuentness of his Excol pel Road,
and a jacket), and, although it was n cold, bleak,
10, Chieftuie, Edwards, from Liverpool 2nd Aug. Jency's opposition to the e atribution in question, Mr. Smith dwelt on the fact that this would be windy morning, we saw ber embarked and rowed no lie bad taken a more decided course in reference the only way to get Coffee from Badulla. The out in the stream by one waterman. We under
10, Henry Winch, Harris, from Amoy 8th Janu ry. to in than any former Cloveroor, by umating it, on premat route was so circuisoas that really Coffee stood afterwords, that attracted by the painful sceno
10, Emma, Bibby, from Amoy 8th January. his own responsibility from the supply Ordinance could not be grown to the District,
of a ship-load of emigranta, she went on boned and 10, Cornwall, Dawson, from Shunghai, for this year.
divided all the money she had with her among the 10, Island Qusan, Macfarlane, from Whampoa, poorest and most distressed of the families Gud, H. C. M. Brig Lijera, Commander Izquierdo, blesa ber for it!-New York paper.
Lard Torrington and Sir Emerson Tennent in With reference to the item to the 15th cloure ultimated that the matter would be arranged in con- touting the sum of £3.000 for the Road between
nection with the Department of the Commissioner Gampola and Yattenalte. The Collector of Cue of loads. 10ms, Mi Sounders," remarked that much mitep prehension existed in regard to this Stoud. Accord ing to the returns furuched by the Civil Engineer and the Commissomer of Roads, it appeared that the mounts already expended on the Road from Yeltrantulte to Gospodja, and required for its completion were as follows:-
Civil Engineer fur berbigen Commissioner of Roads
Amount required to com- plete the Road
£,262 10 10
36,-91 4
??,?? 20,001 5
When the Schedule of Cooly labour allacbed to the Ordinance conse to be considered some sinuse met was created by the evident porpiczny of Afcaura Fairholme und Lazard.
Afr. Fairholme wubed to know what would be denu in casu the number of day's labour allocted for * particular work del no prova sufficient for its comph time?
dir. Jargard suggested a Supplementary
nance, but,
9, H. & C. 81 P. Co.'s St, Honghong, Hill, from
from Whampoa
AT SHANGHAI. → Cornwall, Dawson, from New Zealand 30th
October. Doc.
19, El Tiempo (Spanish), tachausti, from Manila,
Per Henry Winck-Messca Symr, Parfill, and Quicksilver.
The Henry Winch exchanged colours with the schooner Dart, of Capches. The Cornwall anchuted
spoke the Panama of Glasgow, from Shanghai to below Woosung, on the 3rd instant, and on that day
Hero-worship of the Swiss.-The French and English take their past history by no means so much to baust us these republicnos. They think of those ages mostly, if they think of them at all, s of a period of slavery, happily long past; in Germany, on the other hand, many a head is will lamuted by the half-fabulous Arminius; and how many partienos linte oot the "platious middle ages" Ordillongst us, with their knights, and castles, and Exir damarle, and above all, their "aimple faith" il "scient truth!" The Swiss in their romantic flights are certainly this to say for themselves, that their heroes did really fight for good cause, and did rid the country of its tyrants. What fol lowed, and how soon they got now tyiends in their place, and now shime and ignominy called for a new redemption, they do not care to remember; nothing is more difficult for a people of German race than to be olour, and true to themselves, and shake off all self-delusion in queech and senrument. A good lure of the blame porlapa belongs to our pouts. It made so pretty to sing of German strength and truth, or to remind the confederates of 1646 of the morning state and battle azon of 10, 11 huby, Stewart, San Francisco. Sempack and Morgarten. In spite of their cold- 10, Black Dog, W. Anderson, Ban Francisco, Desa and sobriety, the Swiss baren lingering affec-10, Auckland (Am) Jennings, Whampoa. tion for the "good old times," so many of whose
Mr. MacCarthy. the Auditor General shewed 7 that the uber of day's labour allotted was absol
uly the maxi-that if mora mocny was requi- ke? application must be made to Goverotheul. The 611chedule was framed in the shape it appeared so as and by another return, in which is included pro-
to cut the requirements of the Road Ordinance portion of charges on tad establishment, it was put a cumber of coolies but a certain anade to appens thest this Hoad when completed oe number of day's labour that was shewa-if sums cording to the foregoing estimate, will cond 251,
of money had been mentioned it would have born 758 5 10; the distance between the two pusats necessary to bring them into the Geral Rovenve being 40 miles.
Now, he, Mr Saunders, did net twent to cast any blue on the Road Dejaniment, but no thought that the system pursued in regard to this and willier Roads in the Colony, was ensuurous. We had gone on allotting money in drillets, £2.000 and £2,000 per nunum; and at the same rate we would proba bly go so until theru would be no ea'ate in bearing in the District. So It had been with the Delkonie Road, and so with others. He thought it would be much better, when Hoad any where was fully determined on, to allot a large sum for that putis | cular work and finish it. Govetaneent would tha pleate at least one partion of the community ima lewd of being in the position as at prestrit of jikne jug none. He bepe? s harga grant would be nato for this really imporum Rond, the oudlet for the produce of so large a number of Estates. He, Mr B. noticed that the giant for this yent exiginally #lood £2,000; it bad been increated to £3,000°; and he was quite certain that Government, if they could, would sull further increase the sum
Lord Torrington, in reply to Mr Baunders, sint- ed that Bdr Burch the other to charge reported
that the Road tu Yattentatto could be trade avail. Wble for this year's crop. As to giving a large sum to fish the panicular Road, that could wily be done by diwisisburg. the sums allutted to others; and bow the pales interested in these other Road
The Council then adjourned till Turaday next,
(From the China Mail, 10th January.)
On the 7th, the house of the Roman Catholic Mis- sinuary ut Shek-pai won was again broken into by thieved.-A bloudres was autobed from the top of Chinaann weep in the joss-house in tollywood Hoad; and the thick is supposed to have escaped up tine hill.
On the Eth, the house of a Chinaman in Caine's Road won baken into, and several articles taken any-The buck door of a house in China's Lane was forced open, anul a number of silk and crape drees tuleb.
On the Vib, another house in Too-ping-ahon
ancnpted, but the thieves were alarmed and rade off, having removed some half-dozen bricks.
On the 10th, a purre containing a terls of silver was stolen from, a house in Teo-png-ahno,
Un ex amination, it was found that a bute had been made an the partion wall, the next bouse being unoccupied,
A European Constable on duty last night on the
road leading from Tae-ping-aban to Hollywood
B, H. & C.SI. P. Co.'s Str. Hongkong, Hill, Canton. 10, Mary Bannatyne, McKirdy, Singapore.
10, Oquendo (Spanish), Mercader, Manila.
6, Renaissance (French) Cove, Calcotia. ? ? 6, Aristides (Bremen), Feldbusen, Manila.
6, Sir Herbert Compton, Drowne, Singapore and
caga and tatters still eling about them to the pre-H&C. P. Co.'sStr. Hongkong, Hill, Canton. sent day ; and this feeling nover fails to allow itself | !!, Enony (Am-Whalor), Walker, Sam. fellow at the gates will berret caps, falou bearde, when occasion serves, if unly in sticking a few Jan,
and enormous pikes. At the Schelhausen festival, a couple of broad shouldered fellows, in middio age custunie, with long "paurs and grim viongessmented with red paint, stud as sentinels at the gates, mud were greeted with uproarious "pplause as the am. gers passed out to the Rhine Fall, whose a manni. ring bow. The hormony of so any maly voices, kin Tell, fastened to the rock, stretched his unor
however, mingling with the thunder of the full, tie glorious blue of the heavens, the brilliant sunshine, and the morning wir, so fresh, so fragrant, altoge ther really produced an effrat that left fow hearts unmoved.-Mugge's Switzerland and the Swise in
A Norwegian Tale of a Man Eater by Mackerel
Road, had a large stone weighing & cr pounds-Not inany miles from the willage of Band, the thrown at him from the hill, and which struck him place tu which we were bound, on one of the
7. Memnon (Am), Gordon, New York.
8, Charles Forbes, Willa, Singapore and Bombay. 9, Frederick Wilhelm (Dan), Paulsin, New York. Jan.
FROM DIANGILAT. Penama, - London.
Por Whitby, Mr Porter, and Me Fryst. Per Black Dog,--Dr Hunter, and Mr Austrong.
Printed and Published for the Proprietor, Jons Cann, by Liz d'Azevedo, Oswald's Row, Queen's Road, Victoria, 1850.
VOL. IX. No. 5.
TER OF SUSCRIPTION is the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, to Dollar Sie Manthe, 9 Hollare. 7hr Monike, & Bhullares all pilin
Nanbers, to Hulweries 25 cents each ; to Ni-Subscribers, Runes. Parties odling or sending to the Oos for papers are requested to pay cash. SUBSCRIPTION 40 the OVERLAND.- to the Friend or Puma, & Dollars per Annum ; non-subscribers 84; single coples 50 cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten loses and under, 1 Dollar; additional, 10 cents line, Repeiltlone one-third of the Brut insertion, Ships,-Part invertion, Hollara subsequent inse Alverisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, oderwise they will be published until counterinanded. In all lostances, those who are mot Sub to pay la ndrance,
Fon ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MADILAS, BOMBAY Also, an route to the abura, Eingatonn, Penang, Galle-Malta, Buzz, Asen. UE PRKINIULAR AND ORI- ENTAL COMPANY's Sleats Ship ACHILLES, will ove this forthe shore places on Wed- nesday the 30th of January, Canon will be received on lourd until Noon, and Syerin until 4. M., of the uk.
For further particolare regarding Furiour and Panao apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agen P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Office, Victoria, Hongkong, Tu Jounty, 180,
THE rale of Freight on Silt to England per Over- land Route hat bera roduced by osder of the Directors of the P. & O 8. N. Company's to $98.00 per Ton of 40 Cubic feet, which will be charged
until further notice.
J. A. OLDING,-Agent. Hoogkong, 25th November, 1849,
THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'98TEAM- ERS, continue to ply between ALEX- ANDHIA, and Taazaru an under vis. The Direct leaving Trieste the 28th of each mouth arrives at Alexandria about the 2nd or 3rd of the following month, and starts for Triesto from Alexandria 18 a 24 hours after the arrival there of the Indian Passengers by the Calcutta Bicamer, except on occasions when the latter arrives at Suez behind tima.
A Stesower of the same Company leaves Alex. andria every sheronta Thursday for Smyrna where it meele the Steamers of the Levant Line, by means of which, communication is kept up as previously through Syra with Constantinople, Trieste, Grasos,
THE undersigned have been appointed Agents for HIO AMICABLN Inquuanor Orvtes, and are pro. pared to issue policies on the usus! terms, in Hung. Long, Canton and Shanghai, payable as follows:- In London, Agunta Messrs Matheson & Co.
P. A. Cavorke and Calculus, Secretaries T. G. Bagram. Bombay, Agents
Remington & Co Madras, Agents H
Bainbridge & Co. Bingapore, Agents
Barkies & Mosav. LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 18th July, 1849.
NOTICE THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risko (covered by upen POLICIES at Ladyne and In the various London Insurance Companira,) by the l'eninsular & Oriental Company's Steaniers, from Canton and Hongkong, to the Strails, Cey len, the Presidencies of India, and England." apply to Mr J. A. Oldino, at tho P. & O, Co.'s For Rates of Premium and other Information,
Office, Hongkong.
JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & V", London, 234 December, 1848,
VR A. R. Hupeun became a Partner in our
Firm on the 1st July lani.
GILMAN & Co. Conlon, 20th December, 1849.
[R. }. B, FORBES is admitted a Partner in our
sibility commencing on the first day of January next, at which time Mosere W. H. KING and GEORGE PERKINS retire.
Conton, 20th November, 1840.
Fares direct to Trieste £18 Sanluding Table money Do. vin Smyros £13.4 without de, do. Passengers intending paid theirs of the WE Tirstr Route should bodite Bart only.
For further particularsupply te
Masers Wm. PUSTAU & Co., Apents at Canton and Hongkong, for the Imperial Royal Privileged Austrian
Layda's Steam Navigation Company. N. B. There are now ? many Railrondle open through Germany What London may he reached from Trieme in 6 days with comfurt and at an expence of aliout £10 B12.
Victoria, 27th Boptember, 1849.
THE Ship & LORD HUNGER. "FORD" Captain Paterson will be dispatched from this about the 10th February. She has excellent accommodation for precogers, and carriva a Burgeon.
For passage only, apply 10,
Capt. PATRION on board.
Victoria, 11th January, 1650
IE "LORD HUNGERFORD" Captain Patruson will be dea- patched for the above named port, nut later than the middle of February.
For freight apply to,
Y. J. MURROW, Kwangles Hong, 81st December, 1840.
P. 5.-A Supercargo acquainted with the Trade will accompany the Ship, whose services to avail- able to shippers.
10 BE BOLD on LET.
THE HOUSE and Premises in Spring
Gardens fronting the Harbour. The House and Premies in Spring Gardens joining the Road and opposite Jurroks Hall both formerly in the occupation of Mosers Hegan & Co. Apply to,
Avda. CARTER, Office Queen's Road. Victoria, 4th January, 1850.
JE have this day admited Mr. SAMES PUR-
DON Partner in our House, Our business will henceforward be confucial under the Name of 8WORD, PURDON & Co.
Canton, at Janv?ry 1850,
THE Imsiness I have hitherto conducted in my own name, will be horeafior carried an, under The Firon of TAIT & Co., of which Mr Chanzo WILLIAM BRaphur is adenitted
Amcy, let January, 1850.
NOTICE THE interest and responsibility of Mr. JOHN 1 STWART in our firm has ceased.
TURNER & Co. Hongkong, 1st January, 1850.
NOTICE. THE Interest and responsibility of the late Mr.
TT. S. IL NYE in our Giro coased on the 31st
NYE, PARKIN & Co. Craton, 4th January, 1850.
rized to Sign for our Firm by procuration,
AYME, MOIR & Co Hongkong, Gib November, 1849.
Din our Firm by Procuration.
HORMUSJEE FRAMJEE & Co. Canton, 1st December, 1849.
(Latz Woorskrot, Batum & Co.) Ship Chandlers & General Commission Agents.
THOSE Fhe Large HOUSEB known
TT is requested that all claime against the Exusta Dr Honran & Barton's fronting of the in Rongar WEBSTER may be sent in Branley, Wellington and Pottinger Streeta
to the undersigned before the 30th June next, and with commanding view over the whole Bay, all persona indebted to the mid Estate will please Theen How can bo lol either single or tage-
to make payment to, ther having separata entrances sad outhouses. For particulare, apply to,
N. DUUS & Co.
Hongkong, 7th Jamanry, 1850
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co. East Point, Ist January, 1850.
LL claims upon the Estate of the late THE Corner HOUSE next the Bridge over AC DALEN, proved before the 3016 June the Nullah framing the Queen's hond next, will be met by the undersigned, and all per * Officers Quarters. And three smalles HOU-sous indebted to the mid Estate are requested lo SEB in the same range of Buildings; for particulars make payment to, apply to
Hongkong, 6th January, 1860,
N. DUUS & Co.
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co. East Point, fat Jequary, 1860,
All Yearly GENERAL MEETING of the Share- Aholders in the HONGKONG & CANTON STEAM PACKET COMPANY will be held at the Office of SPENCER COMPTON, Esquire, Canton, at 1 o'clock 4, M., Tuesday the 4th Fe bruary next.
By order of the Directors,
AUGS. CARTER, Secretary.
Hongkong, 1st January, 1850.
SHEATHING COPPER from 14 to 24 oz.
Apply to,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. 11ongkong, 3rd July 1849,
NEW STORES PER ORIENTAL," WEET Butter in Kegs of 10 M., American ? dried Apple in half Barrels, Lost Sugar &c. Also received, Foo-chow-foo Bacon.
Queen's Road,
N. -The Butter and Apples are of superior quality and the Bacon in quite Fresh,
Victoria, 4th January, 1850,
WHAMPOA DRY DOCK. THE Undersigned has completed his arrangements for docking and repal:ing Vessels at Whom- pon, and begu to call this attention of Ship Muslera and Merchants to the facilities ha affords for that purpose. The Dock is a new one, capalile of re- ceiving Vessels drawing thirteen feet of water at
large Sail and Rigging loft are attached to the pre- mises. For terms, which will be moderate, apply to,
December 8, 1845.
at great delay and expence for may require.
Do. Priml
De. Colonied. Talaten da. Do. Embroidered do.
Do. Embroidered flook do
Eldered Jaccourt do. Do. Worked Muslin oltare,
do. do.
Da. Rich Lace Capes
Catun, Chereetta.
Do. Queen Mary's Collar
Do. French loteil, Comets,
Jral Stays.
Do. taganza blok
1. Black Batle Emiroltred Mo
de. Lasentres
of the newest style, by last
Do. Embroidered French Cambria
Do. Hugs Dresses,
Do Velvet Bonnels.
Do. Tuscan, btraw, and Bilk de.
Do. Nat Caps,
Do. Dren de
Up. long White Kid Glover. Do. Lekured and strow de.
Do. do.
Nith du.
Du. Black and White Lace Mitt
Do. Black and White Bilk Stocking
Ils and Gents.
Do. Fancybecked silk.
Do. Plain Coloured Batins, &c., ko
Hackback for Towelling. Damask Table Linen,
Do. Napkins
Heon Holland Dressed and Undresses Book Musila. Jaccourt do.
Checked do
Toilet Lovers Do. Fringes
Fancy Gimposed Feinges for Dresses
Lauze Ribbon.
Latesting and Satin da,
Narrow Fannet tibbons of all colours,
Perish Linen
English Umbrellas
Baja Pancy Caps.
Children's Leghorn de.
Ta meeting of the Stewards and Race Commit. Bosch Cambric
toe bell this day it was resolved,
let, That Ibe January Race moet
2nd. That a Race meeting o 5th and Oth of February.
ed on the 416.
Srd. That bew Programme be lerued as ar
ly as possil te.
4th. That entrances de received by the Clerk of the contae up to Doon of the 19th January:
and all previous entrances paid will be returned
on application to the 'T'rosaurer.
Hongkong, 11th January, 1850.
CONMINARIAT OFFICE, Hongkong, 14th January, 1850. TENDERS will be received at this Office until 112 o'clock on Tuenday, the 22nd instant, for Bills to be drawn by the Undersigned at thirty day's sight on either die Lords Commissioners of ter Majesty's Treasury, or die Governor General of fodio, in exchange for British Money, Rupons, or Mexican and South American Dollars.
Each Tender to be sealad-endorsed "Tendr For Hitas "--and to express the rate per cent for British money or the Sterling Rate at which each of the other Coins may be offered.
J. W. SMITH, Assistant Commissary General.
NOTICE. THE Proprietors of the HONGKONG DIS- PENSARY, beg to announce that Mr W. J. succeeded Dr J. H. Youno, in the PRESTON Management of that Establishment
Hongkong, let January, 1850.
PUBLIC AUCTION, WENSRS SMITH & BRIMELOW will sell by PUBLIO AUCTION on this day, il'ednesday the 16th inst. at noon, at their Godowns, Queen's Road.
100 Barcela of very Excellent Flour,
20 Casks of American Beal,
I Care of Boute,
of Bhoes,
20 Cons of Calcutta Botiled Beer. TERMS OF SALR-Cash before delivery. Hongkong, 14th January, 1860.
THE undersigned knowing the great inconveni ence parure are frequently put to, in conse quence of not being aware that a general STORE of this description is in Hongkong, b?ga to give the community of Canton, Macao and Hongkong, (more particularly Birangers) the following list of Anicles always on sale, and from recent strange. ments made with a Lendon House will receive by the Overland Mail every month a fresh supply of every thing that is new and fashionable, so that in futurs Ladies will not be necessitated to write bome
Quesa's Law.
we spra
Korby's best Needles as in ou?nnir
Brock's best bewing Cotton.
Catton ord and Keel Wira.
Darling Cotton and looks and Eyra.
Children's Fancy Backs
Children's Angela and Colten Backs
Infants Woolles Boots,
Do de. Heads.
De. Long Habes and Frucks.
Do. Frack fodies
Do. French ambric Caps
Do. Thread Lace.
Da. Night Caps.
Earlings Lace and Jusertions.
Black Lace, wide and sucium. 4-4 Hlack Net and Illand,
4-4 Fancy Figured Net. Fancy Gimp Trimming for Dresses, &c.,
FURS. Just Resrived :-
Bean, Mantillas, Mass, Hudesta, Calls, &
PERPOMERY PROM "P. Coult of Esence of Flowers, do, of
Wild Flower, Slowquet, Essence of V and Eau de Puingil
With Hair, Nail, and Tooth Brushes; Bos l'ematin, Lavander Water, Heal Me ofter, Emeling Balts, Court Plaste Jo the Chow Chow Stora will be f lag of the best quality, viz:- York Liams........ Cumberland Baran.. Berkley and other Cheese
Jams and Jellies............ Tart Fruit
Curry Powder and Chutney Pickles, Vlargar, and Mustard.
Anchovy and other Pastes. Bardines, large Tlan.................. Dutch Butter, 33 Iba...
Jinggtam, Lost Sugar, Coffer. Deled H
men, Pearl Barley, Outmeal, Maccari Honey in Jars, Ten la 10 and 29 cattles bila eger, Spice, Nutmegs, Balsins fashionable dances of all kinds,
Large On Tongues.
Corded Beef.
De. l'ork.
In little choice pleces, suitable for With avery other article to be fenwel in a c
Consists of Qeart and Pint Decanters, fre upwards; Twinklers, Wines, Claret, Hor Finger Glaser, Pults, Craffs, de,, ke. With a very houdsome elek vai Glio Des
WINE, AND SPIRIT B?o Conta-Martell's Pale and Dark Brand Hysse" sherry in one doren Cates, Carles & Lant's soperier Post in do. Champagne
Scotch Whiskey Claret, Beck, de, &e.
In do.
la do,
A few Delaves of Brow? Sherry Bi for B?i articles in of the best descriptions and Stores of
Edb Jomary, 1850.
Queen's Road
would like that, he, Lord Torrington, was not pla- pured to say. On the general policy of finishing a Road as mon as possible, be, Lord Torrington, fully concurred in the continents of the fton'ble gentlemen.
Ale Smith mid that the every contrary opinions offered were poseling,
Lord Torrington in explanation remarked that no more was profissed than in maire the Road barely parsable for Bandies.
Air Smith thought it would be a good course to appoint a Committes, who, after personal inspection could report on the state of the fload.
that the Hon'ble Grotleman who moved the amond ment, should withdraw it no the discussion which bad taken place would answer the purpose quite ne well ma the carrying his amenduent, which whilst it would be inconveulent to the Local Gor- ' ernment would not secure the real object ha batin view, viz, getting rid of the 224,000 contribution to the Military Chest, After what had taken place and the strong opinions expressed by the unofficial members upon this subject, he should feel it his duty agaie to call the attention of the Secretary of Blate to it, and barked on he now shoula be, by their opinions be trusted the Secretary of Brai would urge upon the Lords of the Treasury the Sir James Emron Tennent mid the Collector of remission of this heavy payment. It was made a Customs had called attention and not without care charge upon the Colony during the period of Sir R.
to the inordinate expenditure upon this toad. But Horton's Government and arone out of the imptes-
he (Sir Emerson "Tonnent) could spare the Coun? sion given to the Secretary of Htato by Sir R. 114. eil ihst that Expenditure ?had not been altogether ton that the future Finance of the Colony would be voluntary on the part of the Government. It was a sufficiently fourishing to cuntle it to bear such a peculiarity of the country and its climate, that works charge, but the anticipations which were theu en- once begun must be carried on at whatever incoven tertained bave not been realized and this payment ience to avoid the risque of the previous outlay be. lisa buen a sorare check on the prosperity of the ing entirely swept away by their rapid deterioration. J-lund. But looking to the great interest which is He had seen it stated as an illustration of this fact souw taken at Bound in all tutorial Questions and by Mr Aaruther before the Committee of 1846 upon Coffes and Sugar planting, that it would to the attention that they have latterly cumminsdel, ha feh sure that justi-e would be done to Cylon su quire 25,000 per annum to keep the half-made roads from absolute distruction by the reies. The well as to every boer Colony. The Council would silmit that he had applied every available resource Ambegaon Road was one of those heavy legacins nt his command to the musking and maintaining of which Lord Torrington had inherited from his pre- Itoeds, and should the Lords of the Treasury redecessore, and on which the annual Expenditure, here the Colonial Revenus from this charge, the sin-mat would be devoted to the very desirable ulij et of opening of Honda and improving Public works for the general benefit of the Colour. He had only one other remark to make-n lum'ble Member bat observed that some poople thought one of the Regiments might be withdrawn from the Islami-from this opiston he begged most ew- phatically a state that be entirely disented, he jcted to any reduction of the number of Troupe in the Island so long na agitation was abroad, and long he had the honor to prvide over the Councils of this Island, Pesce and iranquility should be rigidly maintained, and the public should bare, the assurance of safely for their lives, security for ↑ their propasty and protection agarast suy eltemipts to disturb the tranquility of the country.
Air Smith, nu far av we could understand him, naked If Membuat might not aid to the Ordinance; a protest against the £210007
Lord Tarrington we believe said there could be no utjection.
however open to quimion sa to iu gross amount was compulsory to prove it the loss of the forgoing outlay. The #14,000 mill required to complete the road, would be provided for io one year were the £1000 but remitted from the Military charge. In the meantime he behaved that a couch less som would be sufficiebt to render the road passable for bandies bringing down the crop to the Kalang.
der Armitage proposed no additional grant of £200 for surveying and tracing 8 feet wide a road from Badulla to Dandogam, the 25th mile post on the lower Budalia roid to Kandy. This trace would not be more than 15th miles in length, it would be the connecting link between two impormat roads, would diminish the distance from Badulla to Kandy from upwards of miles, its present length, to s mike, would are the rise and distance of 3 000 kot over Nuwara Ellin; and would avoid the most ackly part of of the lower Baduils road It would also be beneseial to the Estates in the neighbour houd of the Eleghaut plains and Badulla as well as to the ustive population. As regards the distance to be opened and its precilability, he was not theor ising, lar he had lately at his own expense opened the two pathe from Badulla to the Kandy road. Quo was not an easy trace, but the other was so, and he belioval the latter might be opened as a bridlo path and for Tavelems for los than the sum he s?k. od for. Ele would appeal to the Government Ageol of the Central Province who was better acquainted with that district than any European in the leland not only as to the facility of m: king the road but also as to ita importance.
Lord Torrington and that the matar had been represented to him in such a light that he could not 'hesaate in acceding to the motion of the Hon'ble
Mr Fairholme would not press his Amendment after what bad fallen from his Exc-llenoy, and from the Colonial Secretary: but with regard to the Colonial Becrctury's correction of his assertion with regard to erroneous accouple went home from, the t'olony he would read a few bides from Loed Grey's despatch of tho 17th July 1948, to His Ex- cellency, paragraph 4
elle per the first place it appears from the Auditor General's Report on the Revenue of *the Colony of the 19th June lost, and your dos., patch covering the sarne, that the Comelite, in **argaming sa they do at the very outset of their ** Report that Her Majesty's Ouvernment in deal- ering with the Finance of Ceylon may content, * Talon & Jorgo gerraukited land fund actually fo ** band: and sad va a considerable soonal surplus, at have barn mhally misled by erroneos-azcounts from in the Leland and bone merited at a conclusion akich
is directly the reverse of the fact,** Thus it splz G. P. Sorgard Goverment Agent, Western peats adatted hy Earl Grey himself that the no- Counts sent home were croneous, whower sent them; and be (Me F.) only arantioned Sir Robert Harton because be conununly has the credit of blume of it. He would only add further that no person could doubt the earosatness of bis Excel- Jency's opposition to the e nttibution in question, ne he bad taken a more decided coucen in reference to it then aby former Governor, by omitting is, on bila own responsibility from the supply Ordinance for this year.
Mr Huiter, Government Agent Central Province strongly supperted the inotion, saying that until she Road in progress was finished the would be the only way to get Coffee from Badulla.
on the thigh, but fortunately did liulo harm. A ne ura Constable on duty on the seme neighbourhood also complained of having had several stones thrown at him. It was too dark for either of them to ver from whence the stones came--this.
The Polica Bergeant at Chak-chu has sont in a re- portlu sure Central Station, to the effect that very con- siderable excitement exists among the Chisms in?a- bitanta in consequence of a fishing boat having beso stopped by two large Mandarin [1] junko, demand. ing money. This being refused, an attack was imu- mediately made, and two of the fishermen were wounded, one with a spear and the other with a stink- pot Fortunately for the attacked, fivo other fishing- | boats came up to their assistance, and succeeded in rescuing them, but not until six of their number had received wounds, more or less severe.-Ibid.
Taxation and Representation. The colunice with representative assemblies have a population of about 1,690,000, and their expenditure in 1846 was £1.930,000, or at the sale of 14s. 11 per band of their population. On the other hand, the popu Iation of the colonies without representative sam bliss, was about R30,000, and their expenditure a
1845 was £1,420 000, or st the rate of £1. 14. a head for their population, or 188, 7d more then in the colonies with representative assemblies-From the Victoria Colomist, Oct. 10th 1819.
sloping woodland awards that cheer by their vivid verdure the lonliness of the Oukko Fiord, a small cottage, thatched with the branches of the fir, may albert the traveller's nbourvation, and if he dues ant look around attentively he will not see it, for | it is low, and sheltored by the spreading arms of an old pine The waters of the Flord flow ant many feet from its bumble threshold; and perhaps fastened to a stake, a Bhartwan's pram swinga to the changing currents of air. Now, however, na the cutter drifted, rather than sailed, nearer to this green point of Inad, wo saw that the pram had been untied from the stake, and was rowedky an old woman round and round, in an uneng cir- cuit, in midway of the Fiord. Oken als Voord to row, and unfolding a white handkerchief from ber head, bared her whiter hal? to the burning sky, and waved the signal in the air. Shouting with the shrill voice of her sex and age, she beckoned and of her pram to the other, and moving quickly un to beaten to her aid. Then nobbling from one
from side to side, abe leaned over and looked stend. fastly down into the water, as is something valorblo she resumed her soat, and singing austive song had been lost. When she mw we made no heale,
burden, again she rowed her pram round the same that had more of Uvuliness, ibua melancholy in i
circle, never deserting the spot, but whistling and clanting by turns, she kept her face turned in ou direction, that she might always watch the content surface of the water What means that old wo man," asked R. of several men who were observing ber, and, clustering round the pilot, seemed to be gathering all the information he could give. "She is mad, my Loed," the sailors trade reply. "Bad 7 why nnd !" repented R. "The pilot saya, my Lord, that she is so, and looking for her husband, the cozowain auswered. "Whare's fer Gumbanu 2 be drowned, ab? ountinued R. "No, my Lord," the sailor said, twitching up his trousers, and welk ing aft towards the quarter deck, "her husband was
■ fisherman, and Ilved hard by, my Lord-up there. abouts, and he was eaten up by the mackerel ; hot About fifteen years ago the man was bathing here the lil woman thinks, my Lord, he has only dived, and with on las again and goen. One morning. 6fteen summers past, And so indeed the leg.
the poor fisherman plunged into the element that had bere his sola sustaining friend from youth, 14 bathe, and before scares 15 minutes had elapsed, surrounded by a shoal of waokarel, and in sight of home and ber wbe made bome pleasant, vas do- voured by these ravenous fish. When he raised fete tant threatened bias, and to rouse the alarms of his arms out of the water, to show the dreadful bis unconscines wife, & hum Irod mackerel Jung, like plummets, from the flesh. The fisherma that mening until to-day, his widow, having lost sunk, and was never soun or heard of mere From her reason, ever rows her husband's pruin about which she certifies in her song, that he has guue to the spot where be perished, in the full persuasion, seek a sunken art, and in a little while will smorga
sailing by, to say and see the truth of what she speaks-flod's Yacht Voyage to No-way.
A dandy once went to a doctor to be bled. The doctor, after some time and trouble, succeeded in drawing blood from his trembling arm; whoreupan the deadly, after a little of his tour bad baided, raised up his head, and exclaimed, "Doctor, Il think you are a great butulier. "Ay," said the doctor, and I have just bean sticking a great
Calching Tartar-A countryman, passing Over the pint Neuf xt Paris, and seeing, among A heap of shops full of merchandise, that of a ban ker, in which there was nothing but a mating at a table with a pen und juk had the curiosity to go in and Inquire what it was he sold. "Assos' heads." replied the benker. "They must be in great request," said the countryman, since you have only your owalof "
A Modest Editor.-" We have tasted Dick's bouled Edinburgh ale," says the Mans Liberal **and.can, prunuance it excellent; good hearty swig in this hot wenther is worth all the cold water of the Amazon, whatever teetotallers may ony. When we have half-a-donan Jong necked bottles sent us as in this case, for review, we get on with some spirit; nad if any one who lias a house to let will allow us to live in it for a year, real free then we shall be able to tell the public whether it a desirable residence' or aut, The country at large know not what they less by being stingy; and so she prays the crew of every rossel with newspaper editors."
Mrs Fanny Kemble Butler-While in this city Mra Fanny Kemble Buller boarded at the Battery, Elute), and wa haya mot her several mornings tik- ing her equestrian exercise quite n?oom favourite ride appears to be through. Khan directly on the north river, sadrid,
P. & O. Co's Bir. Canton, Jamison, from Can-
9, H. & C. & P. Co,' Sur. Bongking, Hill, from
Provaly inada sama remark about the sacomity of | disagreeable thoroughfacsimit Schrodty to feet, subunitting She matter so the Prospekt Commites, even in thin amaty city. A few mors'ogy show whe The Quambukizwenu, fatti's duficulty enfor. | strollo? down among the boatmen v. jilat No. 1, ing to the Band Chaman and showing that to justify | narth viror, desamod in a close straw bonnet, a whilte the expendimes the road man be declared a princi- | drom, and a shack jnsey (something between a sark pal itoul,
and a jackel), and, although it was a cold, blesk, wiody morning, wo saw her embarked and rowed out to the stream by one waterman. We under stood afterwards, that attracted by the painful scane, of a ship-load of emigrants, she want on board and divided all the money she had with her among the poorest and most distramed of the families bless her for it!-New York paper.
Bir. Smith dwelt on the fact that this would be the only way to get Coffee from Badolla. The prestal route was so circumous that really Coffee could not be grown in the District,
Lord Torrington and Sir Emerson Teanent in
With reference to the item in the 15th claureal-timated that the matter would be arranged in con- lotting the sum of £3,000 for the Road between noction with the Department of the Commisioner Gampola and Yattentious. The Collector of Cue of fonds. toms, Ne Saunders," remarked that much mitup- prehension existed in regard to thin Itoad. Accord ing to the returns furnished by the Oril Engineer and the Commissioner of Ruods, it appearul that the amounts already expended on the Road from Yelleantutto to Gampolla, and required for its completion were as follows:-
Civil Enginese for beligen Commissioner of Hoade
Amount required to com- pleto the Bond
£2,262 16 10 36,91 4 G
38,034 I 1 26,004 ?
When the Schedule of Cooly labour attached to the Ordinance came to be considered some sinu ment was created by the evident perplexity of Afosare Fairholme and Lagard
Air. Fairholme wished to know what would be done in case the number of day's labour allotted for " particular work did no prove suflicient for ita cumpletion?
pance, bul
dir. Layard suggested a Supplementary Oni
Air. AlsoCarthy, the Auditor General shewed 7 that the number of day's labour allotted was absolu- kly the maximum-that if more money was requi- ted application toust be made to Government, The Schedule was framed in the shape it appeared to as to mout the requirements of the Flood Ordianes. It was put a cesta nabor of coolies bat a certain number of Guy's labour that was abowo-if sums of money had been mentioned it would have been cesary to bring them into the General Horenon Accuuut,
The Council then adjourned till Tursday next.
£1,718 6 11 and by another retare, in which is included pro- portion of charges on fixed establishment, it is made to appear list this Rand when completed De rooling to the foregoing estiuate, will com £81, 758 5°10; the distance between the two points being 40 miles.
Now, to, Mr Saunders, did not mean to cast any blame on the Fload Deparment, but be thoughi that the system pursued in regatal to this and other Roude in ine Colony was ercomeos. We had gono on allotting money in driblets, £2,000 and £2,000 per annum; and at the samo rate we would proba bly go on until there would be no estate in bearing in the District. So it had Leeu with the Delluna Road, and so with others. He thought it would be thuch better, when a Road any where was fully determined on, to silot a large siin for that partite hill, cular work and fiolh it. Government would thua please at least one portion of the community ins
(From the China Mail, 10th January.)
On the 7th, the house of the Roman Catholic Mia- sinuary atliek.nai wao was again broken into by thjoves-A bhuket wan matchal from the top of a Chuan?na askep in the jas-homes in Hollywood Hond; and the thief is supposed to have escaped up On the 8th, the house of a Chinaman in Caine's Hoad was broken into, and several articles takea
tead of being in the position au at present of pless-way-The back door of a house in Chim's Lane ing none. He hoped a large grant would be made was forced open, and a number of milk and compe for this really important Rond, the andet for the dress stolen. produce of so large a number of Estates. He, Mr B. noticed that the grant for this year originally stood £2,000; k had been increased to £3,000°; and be was quite certain that Goveremans, if they could, would still further increase the sun.
Lord Torrington, in reply to Bir Bawaders, slut- ed that Mr Birch the ancer in charge reported
that the Road to Yattenmolte could be made avail. able for this year's crop. As to giving a large sum to fish the particular Road, that could only be
done by diminishing the same allotted to others; and how the parites interested in the so oiber Road
the the b, another house in Tae-ping-theo was auempted, but the thieves were alarmed and madu off, bating removed some half-dozen bricks.
On the 10th, purse containing 3 weeks of silver was stolen from a house in Tao-png-ban. On ex scination, it was found that a huio had been made sa
the partition wall, the next house being unoccupied,
A European Constable on duty hat night on the
Fond leading from Tee-ping-aban to Hollywood
10, Chieftain, Edwards, from Liverpool 2nd Aug. to, Henry Winch, Harris, from Amoy 8th Janu. ry.
Emma, Bibby, from Amoy 8th January,
10, Cornwall, Dawson, from Bhanghai.
10, faland Quan, Macfarlane, from Whampo 11, H. C. M. Brig Lijero, Commander Izquierdo,
from Whampon. Deo. →→→Cornwall, Dawson, from New Zealand 30th
October. Doc.
AT AMOY. 19, El Tiempo (Spanish), Inchaust, from Manila.
Pet Henry Winch-Moura Syme, Parties, and Quicksilver,
The Harry Winch exchanged colours with the schooner Dart, off Capches. The Cornwall anchored below Wootung, on the 3rd instant, and on that day spoke the Paname of Glasgow, from Shanghai to
Hero-worship of the Swiss.-The French and English take their past history by no era so much to haurt sa ihess republicans. They think of those ages mostly, if they think of them at all, of a period of slavery, happily long past; jo Germany, on the other hand, many head is still haunted by the half-fabulous Arminive; and how many partienos have not the "glorious middle ages" still nongst us, with their knights, and castles, and fair dampels, and shove all, their "simple faith" and "ancient truth!" The Swim in their romantic fights have certainly this to my for themselves, that their heroes did really fight for a good cause, and did rid the country of its tycunts. What fol lowed, and how soon they gut now tyrande in their place, and new shome and igneniny called for. new redemption, they do not care to remember; nothing is more difficult for a people of Garmen race than to be slour, and true to themaglces, and | shake off all self-delution in speech and gentiment. A good share of the blama parbapa belongs to our poete. It sounds so pretty to sing of German strength and truth, or to remind the confederates of 1846 of the morning store and baule szed of Sempack and Morgartva. In spite of their cold- uess and sobriety, the Swiss bave's lingering offee. tion for the "good old times," so many of whose rage and Latters still oling about them to the pre- sent day; and this feeling nover fails to show Kaelf | 11, Entoy (Am-Whaler), Walker, Son, fellows at the gates with berret caps, false beards, when occasion serves, if only in sticking a few Jan,
and enormuna pikes. At the Schaffhausen festiva), couple of broad shouldered fellows, in middle age with red paint, stod as sentinels at the gates, and costume, with long spears and grim visages amtenced
were greeted with uproarious applause as the sin. in Teli, fastened to the rock, stretched his uner- gers passed out to the Rhine Fall, where a manni. ring bow. The harmony of so any manly voices, however, mingling with the thunder of the full, the gloring blue of the beavens, the brilliant sunshine, → Parana, and the morning air, so fresh, so fragrant, altoge. unsored.-Mugga's Switserland and the Swiss in ther really produced an affect that left fow hearts
8, H. & C. St. P. Co's Sir, Hongkong, Hill, Canton. 10, Mary Bannatyne, McKirdy, Singapore, 10, Oquendo (Spanish), Mercader, Manila, 10, Altby, Stewart, San Francisco.
A Norwegian Tale of a Man Exten by Mackerel
Road, had a large stone weighing 6 or 8 pounds-Not many miles from the willage of Baud, the thrown at him from the hill, and which struck him place to which we were bound, on one of the
10, Black Dog, W. Anderson, San Francisco, 10, Auckland (Am), Jennings, Whampoa 11, H.&O. P. Ca'Str, Hongkong, Hill, Canton,
6, Rennisance (French), Cone, Calcutta,
6, Aristides (Bremen), Feldhusen, Manila, 6, Sir Herbert Compton, Browns, Singapore and
7. Memnon (Am), Gordon, New York.
8, Charles Forbes, Will, Singapore and Bombay. 9, Frederick Wilhelm (Dua), Poulsin, New York. Jan.
Per Whitby, Mr Porter, and Mr Fryer. Per Block Dog,-Dr Hunter, and Mr Aurang.
Printed and Published for the Propriador, Jos Gaun, by Lotz D'AZEVEDO, Oswald's Row, Queen's Rood, Victoria, 1850.
VOL. IX, No. 8.
PRICE $10 per annum.
OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PREND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, par dnuum. 10 Dollars Sky Monthe, " Dollars. The Monthe, a Dollars; all paid in advance. Numbers, to Buberbere 25 cents each; to Non-Subscribers, 1 Huge. Parties willing ne sending to the Ulles for papers are requested to pay cash SUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND,-to Subscribers to the FRIEND or Cura, 4 tollars per Annum non-subscribers 34; single coples 40 cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, a Dollar; additional, 10 cents line. Repetitions one-third of the first Insertion. Ships,-First Insertion, & Dellars subsequent laserifone 4 costs. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. In all instances, those who are not Bubscribers, requico to pay in silvance.
ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY Also, an route to the above, Ejuosroke, Paxaro, Galle-Malva, Busz, Aden.
THE PERINIULAR AND ONE- IENTAL COMPANY's Steam Ship ACHILLES, will Conve this forthe shore places on Wed- senday the 30th of January. Canon will be received on bourd until Noon, and Aercie until 4". 2., of the 99th.
For further particulars regarding Fantone and Pamaot apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, llongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent.
P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Office, Victoria, Hongkong, lat January, 180.
PHE rate of Freight on Bilk to England per Over. and Route has been reduced by order of the Directors of the P. & O 8. N. Company's to $96.00 per Ton of 40 Cubic foot, which will be charged
until further auties.
J. A. OLDING,-Agent, Hongkong, 96th November, 1849,
THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM- 1 ER8, continue to ply between ALEX- →Anuria, and TainoTu as under vis, The Direct leaving Trieste the 28th of each month arrives at Alexandria about the 2nd or 3rd of the following month, and alerts for Trients from Alexandria 18 24 hours after the arrival there of the Indian Pureengers by the Calcutta Biesmer, except on occasions when the latter arrives at S bebind uma.
undersigned have been appointed Agents for ho AMIOANEI INSURANOB OFFION, God are pre. pared to save policies on the usual terms, in Hong. In London, Agents More Matheson & Co. Long, Canton and Shanghai, payable na follows:
Calcutta, Secretaries " Bombay, Agentu Madras, Agente Singapore, Agents
T. G. Bagram. P. A. Cavorke and
Remington & Co. Bainbridge & Co. Barkies & Moses. LINDSAY & Ca
Hongkong, 18th July, 1849,
THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risko (covered by open PULICIES at Laords and In the various London Insurance Conraneus,) by the Peninsular & Oriental Company's Steamers, from Canton and Hongkong, to the Strake, Cey Ion, the Presidencies of India, nad England,"
For Rate of Premium and other Information,
apply to Mr J. A. Oldero, at the P. & O, Co.'s Office, Hongkong.
JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & V%, London, 2nd December, 1848.
VR A. R. Hopion because Partner in our
Firm on the 1st July last.
GILMAN & Co Caston, 20th December, 1849.
A Blesser of the asms Company leaves Alex. MR. R. B. FORBES in admitted a Partner in our
andris every akterania Thomday for Bmyrna where it meets the Steamers of the Levant Lion, by most of which, communication is kept up as previously through Byra with Constantinople, Trissin, Gentne,
Fares direct to Triente Bug Table manay
Passenger intending
Tire Route should boda Save only.
For further particulare ppply to
of the
Masers Wa. PU?TAU & Co., Spenta di Canton and Hongkong, for the Imperial Royal Privileged Austrian
Lyds' Steam Navigation Company.
N. D. There are now so many Railroads open through Germany bat London may be reached from Trieste in 6 days with comfort and ai an expence of about £10 B12,
Victoria, 27th September, 1849.
THE ship LORD HUNGER, FORD" Capuin Paterson will be dispatched from this about the th of February. She has excellent sccommodation for passengers, and carries a Burgaon.
For passage only, apply to
Capt. PATSIOx on board.
Victoria, 11th January, 1850
FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE "LORD HUNGERFORD" Capin PATERson will be des- patched for the above named port, not later than the middle of Februnty.
For freight apply to,
Y. J. MURROW. Kwangles Hong, 81st December, 1849.
P. 5.-A Supercargo acquainted with the Trade will accompany the Ship, whose services are avail- able to shippers.
THE HOUSE and Premises in Spring
Gardens fronting the Harbour,
The House and Premines in Spring Gardens adjoining the Road and opposite Jorroka Ball bok formerly in the occupation of Masers Havan & Co. Apply to,
Aves. CARTER, Offico Queen's Fload. Victoria, 4tb January, 1850.
·THOSE Fins Large HOUSES koown Un HUNTER & BARTON's fronting Banley, Wellington and Pottinger Streets with commanding view over the whole Bay. There Hours can be lat either single or toge ther having separate entrances and outbouwen. For Merlicular, apply to,
N. DUUS & Co.
Hongkong, 7th January, 1850
bouse from this dela, his Insarea and Iespon- sibility commencing on the first day of fanu ty maxt, at which tags More W. H. KINU and GEORGE PEKKING retire.
Canton, 20th November, 1849.
WWE have this day admired Mr. JAMES PUR-
DON Ponour Hours, Our business will boceforward, ba coniluetel under the Name of SWORD, PURDON & Co.
JOHN D. BWORDT D Canton, at Janubry 1880.
NOTICE. THE businem I have hitherto conducted in my
own name, will be hereafter ourried on, under the Firm of AIT & Co., which Mr CHARLES Wizaran Bran?ar is admitted a partner.
Amoy, let January, 1850,
NOTICE. THE interest and responsibility of Mr. JOHN
STWART in our firm has ceased.
TURNER & Co. Hongkong, Ist Janosey, 1860.
NOTICE. THE interest and responsibility of the fate Mr. TEL NYE coated on the 3164
NYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, 4th January, 1850).
Fized to Sign for our Firm by procuration,
AYME, MUIR & Co Hongkong, th November, 1849,
sigo our Firm by Procuration,
HORMUJJEE FRAMJEE & Co. Canton, Ist December, 1849.
(LATE Wooderat, Batlim & Co.) Skip Chandlers & General Commission Agents.
is requested that all claims against the Estate of the late ROBERT WURSTEE may be sent in to the undersigned before the 30th June next, and all persons indebted to the sald Estate will please to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co. Esat Point, Ist January, 1859.
ALL claime upon the Estate of the late Jonn THE Cerner HOUSE next the Bridge over A COOKE DALLEN, proved before the 80th June the Nullab froming the Quesa's Road next, will be met by the undersigned, and all per and Officers Quarters. And theen smaller HOU-o indebted to the said Estate are requested to SEB in the ante range of Buildings; for particulare make payment to, apply to
N. DUUS & Co. Hongkong, 8th January, 1860.
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co. East Point, Isl January, 1860.
Half Yearly General Mentino of the Share- A bolders in the HONGKONG & CANTON
STEAM PACKET COMPANY will be held at the Office of SPENCER COMPTON, Esquire, Canton, at 1 o'clock s, *., Tuesday the 4th Fo bruary Box.
By order of the Directors,
AUGS CARTER, Secretary, Hongkong, lal January, 1850,
SHEATHING COPPER from 14 to 24 01.
Apply to,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 3rd July 1849,
NEW STORES PER "ORIENTAL" QWEE Butter in Kegs of 15 lbs., Americas dried Apples in half Barrola, Loaf Sugar &o. Also received, Foo-chow-foo Bacon.
Queen's Rond.
N. B-The Butter and Apples are of superior quality and the Bacon is quito Fresh.
Victoria, 4th January, 1850.
WHAMPOA DRY DOCK. THE Undersigned has completed his arrangemonta for docking and repal:ing Vessels at Whom- poo, and begs to call the attention of Ship Maslon and Merchants to the facilities he allonts for that purpose. The Dock is a new one, capable of co- ceiving Vessels drawing thirteen fest of water at Spring Tides, and eleven feet at Noap Tidos. A Targo Bail and Nigglog lofi are attached to the pro- mires. For terme, which will be moderato, apply to,
December 8, 1849.
at great delay and expence for every trifle they may require.
Do. Print
Do. Coloured, Tarluan de.
Do. Embroidered do.
Da, Cashmere
Do, Embroidered Book da
Da. Embroidered Joccourt de.
Do. Worked Modlin L'ollars,
Do. Rich Lace Capes
Camp. Chemets.
De do. Blaars
Do. Queen Mary's Collars
Do. French Cotell, Corsels.
Da. do. Jean Stays,
Do. Brigita Showls
Da. da. Handkerchiefs.
quite new,
Do. Black Batin Embroidered Manillas,
Do do. Laventran
Of the newest style, by Lost Maid -
De. Embroidered French Cambrio Landkerchiefs.
De. Barage Dresses,
De Velvet Boasets.
Do. Tuscan, btraw, sod Blik du,
De. Night Cope.
Do, Dress do.
Do. long White Kid Oloves.
Do. Colared and straw du.
Do. de.
Da. Black and White Lace Mista
Do. Black and White Bilk Stockings
J. and Gents do.
De Fancy Checked silk.
De. Plain Coloured Batles, &c., due.
FJackaback for Tomcling.
Damask Table Linen.
Do. Napkins
Brown Holland Drewed and Undressed,
Hook Muslim. Jaccourt da ubeckrd do.
Toilet taver
Do. Pringes.
Fracy Olaps and Fringes for Dresses. Curs Ribbons.
Latasing and Satin do,
barrow arnet Albbons of all clear.
Fine Irish Lion
Englah Umberika
Bays Fancy Ca Commited.
Queen's Law.
HONGKONG RACE MEETING. Ta mooting of the Stawards and Race A toe held this day it was resolved, 1st. That the January Race most
Titre mening bo hold on the 4th. Jib and 8th of February.
3rd. That now Programme be issued me ear-
ly as possit to.
4. That outrances bo received by the Clerk
of the coures up in woon of the 19th January, and all previous amurances pald will be returned
on application to the Pressuree. Hongkong, 11th Juasury, 1860.
COMNESARIAT Office, Hongkong, 14th January, 1850. TENDERS will be received at this Office until 19 o'clock on Tuesday, the 22nd instant, for Bitta to be drawn by the Undersigned at thirty day's sight on either the Lords Commissionera of Her Majesty's Treasury, or the Guretuor General of india, in exchange for British Money, Rupees, or Mexican and South American Dollare.
Each Tender to be sonlod-endorsed "Tandaz FOR BILLA"-and to expres the rate per cent for British wooney or the Starling Rate at which each of the other Coine may be offered,
J. W. SMITH, Astistaal Commissary General.
NOTICE. THE Proprietor of the HONGKONG DIS- PENSARY, beg to announos that Mr W. J. Paurton has succeeded Dr J. H. Yooka, in the Management of that Eatablishment, Hongkong, tel January, 1850.
PUBLIC AUCTION. LENORS SMITH & BRIMELOW will sell by PUBLIO AUCTION on this day, Wednesday the
16th it. at noon, at their Godowns, Queen's Road.
100 Barrels of very Excellent Flour,
20 Cask of American Boef,
I Can of Boots,
1 of Shoes,
20 Cases of Calcutta Bottled Beer. Truma or Bala-Cask before delivery. Hoogkong, 14th January, 1800.
THE undersigned knowing the great inconveni- cace partice are frequently put to, in cone- quenen of not being aware that a general STORE of this description is in Hongkong, begs to give the community of Canton, Macao and Hongkong, (more particularly Strangers) the following list of Articles always on sale, and from recent airnoge.. ments made with London House will receive by the Overland Mail every month ■ fresh supply of every thing that is now and fashionable, so that in faturn Ladies will not be necotaitated to write home
Le Boorin tren Cong ?i?n
Kerby's beat Needles and Plan Brook's best bewing Cattoo.
Cotted Cord and Karl Wira,
Darling Cation and looks and Eyrs.
Children's Fancy Bocks.
Children's Angola and Cotton Bocks.
Bofants Woollen Boots,
De do tipod
Do. Long lobes and Prock.
Do. Frock Bodles.
Do. French ambric Capa
Ds. Thread Lace.
De. Night tops
Earllage Lace sed Insertions.
Black Lace, wide and marrow.
4-4 Black Net and Blood,
44 Fancy Figured Nel. Fancy Gap Trimming for Dresses, do..., fe... ka.
Boar, Montillas, Minds, Husetts, Lula, &c., do.
PERFUMERY FROM "PATEY" Consts of Essence of Flowers, de, of Rowe, Verbom, Wud Flower, Bouquet, Essenen of Violata, Ambrosia, and Eau de Portugal.
With Hair, Nall, and Tooth Brushes; Boaps, Bears Grease, Fomotum, Lurander Water, Rai Macamar Ol, MIK of Roses, Smelling Balla, Court Plastar, ke, ko, de In the Chow Chow Store will be found the follow- ing of the best quality, viz:- York Hams.................. Cumberland Bacon....... Buckley and other Choose
Jams and Jellies.................. Tart Frolt..................... Curry Powder and Chutney-
Pickles, Vinegar, sod Mustard... Anchory and other Punter. Bardines, large Tina... Dutch Batter, LS ...
25 Conta per i.
140, 2 lbs." Tios.
,80 Ct. pr Bottle
718 per Keg. Lon Senta per lb. Isington, Lon! Bagar, Loffee, Dried Herbs, Fred Bal mon, Pearl Bustry, Outmeal, Maccaronl, Vermacelli, Howay in Jars, Tes la 10 and 30 cat?ia Bosa, Ol MA- a??a Legara, all Spice, Nutmegs, Halitas, Plums, Olean, fashionable Bences of all kloda."
Large Ox Tongues - Corned
In little choice plecas, valiable for small (amilies. With avery other article to be found in a general stor. GLASS
Consists of Quart and Pint. Decanters, frum 38′ par Pale upwards; Tumbler, Wines, Claret, Flock, ? kampagne, Finger Glasses, &alia, Crolls, do, do, "With a very kondooma rich vui Glass Desert Bol.
WINE, AND SPIRIT STORE. Contales,-Martello Pala and Dark Brandy, Byas' Sherry in ona dozen Cam Circles & Hant's superler Port in de. inde. Champag Claret, Hock, &c., &t, Beotch Whiskey
A few Octaves of Brown Sherry it for Rotiling; all those articles are of the best deac iptions and to be bad the Stores of
J. INESS, Queen's Hood, Hongkong,
2th Janary, 1850,
(From the Chino Mail, 10th January.} GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION.
diligently to do and perform all other Things apper-| Victoria shall have been nominated and consecrat taining to his Office in this behalf, with Effeat. | ed, and his Arrival within the Limite of the said And We do ordain and declare that the said On. GRO SEITA, so by Us nominated and appointed, alter having bora ordained and consecrated there anto as aforesaid, may, by vittuo of such Appoint- ment and Consecration, enter into and possess the aid Bishop's See as Bishop thereof, without Let or Her Most Gracious Majesty having been Impediment from Us, Our Itairs, and Succemers, pleased to issue Letters Patent under the Great for the Term of his Natural Life, subject neverths Seal of the United Kingdom, erecting the loss to the Right + Resignation, hereinafter more land of Longkong and its Dependencies into a particularly sxpressed. Moreover, We will and Bishop's Sea and Diocese, to be called the Bir | grant by these Presents that the said Bishop shall hopric of Victoria, and appointing the Rever be a Body Corporis, and to ordain, make and oon end Groton Sam, Doctor in Divinity, to bostituta h?n to be a perpetual Corporation, and to die said | have perpetual Succession, and that he had his ordained and consecrated Dishop Gloe; And Her Majesty having been further Sorcessors be for ever hereafter called and known pleased to pass Order in Council, directing by the Name or Title of the Load Bisper or Vic that all Persone in Holy Orders of the United TORIA, and that he and his Successore by the Name Church of England and Ireland within the Dominions of the Emperor of China. shall be subject to the authority of the said Bishop His Excellency the Governor directs that the sal Letters Patent and Order in Council published for general information.
From this date, therefore, the Colonial Church sball be known as Tur Cathedral Chuncu or SAINT JOHN IN TED CITY OF VICTORIA.
By Order,
Nao Advertisments will be received wit
O'Clock, on the evenings previous to publi. sation, vir: Tuesdays and Fridaya
Oct 34 Bydney Not. Ualted States OcL
Batavia Nov. Calcula Dec. 4 Singapore Dec. Bombay Nov. 19 Manila Det. Madras Nor. 14 Shoorbal Dece
NOTICE-Te beure of Diodes Bereler at Br. Joan's Carmen are on day, at 18 a. m. and a post 2 1, N.
And on They it la ra th?
VINCENT STANTON, Colonel Chaplain.
NOTICE-The broms of Public Worship in the Un Charre, Hollywood Road, are on the Sabboth 11 a. m, and half past 67. m., and on the evening of every Wed- nesday half past 0.
Victoria, tech January, 1860.
Tas following in the result of the first Opium sale of the season, held at Calovita on the 96th Noven- ber, 1849,
Chests Highest. Lowen, Average. Behar....2,070 035 905 921-7-2 Benaras... 805 050 030 040-7.4 Average of sale in November 1848; Bekar 700-2.10, Bouares 734-8 3,
A nors dated the 19th refers to a communication of the previous day for particulare of an attempted insurrection among the troops. The communication has not come to hand, but from what we hear from others the affair was not a very serious one.
A may be expected, the pay of the troops is a good deal in arrears; this the old garrison bore with much patience, though suffering great privations. recently brought on from Goa were paid in fall, she Bul on ascertaining that the European volunteers
old hande became clamorous, and on Wedocsday or Thursday last a number of the terned out in the square demanding to be paid. The difficulty was
Diocese shall have been notified to the said Par. ties respectively. And We further will and do hy these Presenta declare and ordain, that it shall be lawful for any Party against whom any Judgment, Decree, or Sentencs shall be pronounced by any of the said Archdeacone, or by the Vicar General, or other Officer or Officers of the said Bshop or his Successors, to demand a Re-examination and Re- view of such Judgment, Decres, or Sentence, be fore the Bishop of his Successors, in Person, who, upon such Demand meds, shall lake Cognitanca thereof, and shall have full Power and Authority to affirm, reverse, or alter the said Judgment, Sen- tence, or Decree. And if any Party shall con- ceive himself aggrieved by any Judgment, Decree, or Sentence pronounced by the said Bishop of Vic- toxin or his Bucosssom, either in ose of such ite or Tille sforesaid shall be able or capable la the || view, or in any Causo originally insultuted before Law, and have full Power to purchase, hare, take, the said Bulop er his Buccessors, It shall be law. hold, and enjoy Magora, Messunges, Lands, Rants, | ful for the said Party to sppeal to the said Arch- Tenements, Anquities, and Ilereditaments, of what bishop of Canterbury or his Successors, who shall Nature or Kind gaver. And that he and his Buc finally decide and determine the said Appeals, Pro bocessors, by and onder the aid Name or Title. mayvided always, that in any such Case of Appeal of prosecute, claim, plead and be kroploaded, dufond | Review, Noties of the Intention of the Party ta and be defeniled, snawer and be sawered, in all make sech Appeal or demand such Review shall vile, 8ch November, 1849. Manner of Courts, of Us. Our Heirs and Bacess be given to the Bishop or Subordinate Judge, by sors, and elsewhere, in and upon all and singular whom the Bentonce appealed from or to be review- Caures, Action, Suite, Write and Demenite real ed shall have been pronounced, within Fifteen and preannal and mixed, as well Spiritual an Tem- Daya from the Promulgation thereof. And W. W. CAINE.
do further will, and by these Presents ordain, that poral, and in all other Things, Clauses, and Mat Colmial Secretary.
ters whatsoever. And that the said Bishop of Vic. in all Cases in which an Appool shall be made or forie and hit Buccessors shall and may for ever Review demanded as aforesaid, a Copy of the Colonial Secretary's Office,
thereafter have and use a Corporalo Sral, and the Judgment or Sentence in sech Case promulgated Victoria, Hongkong, 1st January, 1850.
said Soal from time to time at his and their Will
of given, setting forth the Causes thereof, together and Pleasure bronk, changa, aker or make new, AV with Copy of the Evidence on which the same VICTORIA, by the Grace of GOD. of the United
his or they shall doom expedient. And Wo do was founded, shell without Delay be aertified and Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, De
hereby further great, ordain and declare that the transmitted by such Subordinate Judge to the sid fender of the Faith, To all to whom these Presents said Cathedral Church of Saint John shall banca Bishop or his Successare, or by the said Bishop or shall come, Crveling: Whenuas it has been repro forth be the Cathedral Church sad Episcopal Serbia Successore is the mid Archbishop of Canter sented unto Us by the Most Reverend father in GOD of the said Grones Saith and his Buccessors, bury or his Successors, as the Cass may require. Jonn Hun by Livine Providence Lord Archbishop Bishops of Victoria, and that the said Bishop of Moreover, it is Our Will and Pleasure, and We do of Canterbury, Primate of all England and Metro- Victoria and his Succescore shall be subjici and hereby declare and ordain, that nothing in these politan, that the Clergy and Laity of the Co subordinate to the Metropolitan Sos of Canterbury Prosents contained shall exiend, or be construed to sion of the United Church of England and Ireland
and to the Archbishops ikereof, in the same Alsa- extend, to repeal, vary, or alter the Provisions of resident within Our Island of Hongkong and its De-
nor as any Bishop of any Ses within the Province any Charter whereby Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction pendencies and at Canton, Amoy, Frochowfoo, of Canterbury in Our Kingdom of England le au has been given to any Court of Judicatura within Ningpo, and Bhanghai, and other Pluosa in the Em2 pire of China, owing to the Remotanets of Our said Jeet and subordinate to the Metropolitan Seo and the Limits of the said Diocese; and for removing leland and its Dependencies, and of the other Places the Archbishops thereof, And We further will Doults with respect to the Validity of the Resig
and ordain that every Bishop of Victoris al llat nation of the said Office and Dignity of the Bishop aforesaid, are expused in Matters Spiritual and Ec the Time of bis Consecration take an Oath of dua of Victoris, it is Our forthee Will, that if the unid clesiastical to grave Detriment and Inconvenience: Obedience to the Archbishop of Canterbury for the Bishop or any of his Successore shell by festiu- And Warns the said Most Reverend Father in time being as his Metropolitan, which Outh shall ment under his Hand and Seal, delivered and sent God bas further represented unto Us that the Evils and may be ministered by the said Archbishop, or to the Archbishop of Canterbury for the time he aforesaid might in some degree be remedied by the by one of the Bishops setting at the said Cunse ing, and by bim accepted and registered in the Erection of Bishop's See within Our Island afore- cration. And We do further by these Presents Office of Faculiles of the said Archbishop, resign said, and has prayed for Ue that Wo would by Our expressly declare that the said Bishop of Victoris the Office and Dignity of Bishop of Victoris, auch Royal Authority erect and constitute the same: And and his Successore having been respectively by Us, Bishop shall, from the Time of such Acceptance 1 manas by an Act passed in the Session of Par- Our Heirs and Successore named and appointed, and Registration, cease to be Bishop of Victoris, liament held in the Sixth and Seventh Years of Our and by the said Archbishop of Canterbury for the Heiga intitoled An Act for the better Government time being, as Metropolitan of the mid Bee, Cano-10 say Responsibility to which he may be kable in to all intents and Purposes, but without Prejudice "of Her Majesty's Subjects in China." it was sically Ordained and Consecrated thereunto, sc. Law or Equity in respect of bla Conduct in bis amongal other Thingseracted that it should be law cording to the Form and Usage of the United Church said Office; and larly, to the end that all Things iul for Us by any Order or Unders made with the of England and Ireland, may perform all the Func aforesand may be firmly holden and dobe, We will Advice of Our Privy Council to ordain for the Ge- tione peculiar and appropriate to the Office of Bishop and grans to the aforesaid Gronas Sween that be Terrment of Our Subjects being within the Domi- within the said Cathedral Church of Bain John, and shall have Our Letters Patent under Our Great Dions of the Emperor of China, or being within any the said Diocese of Victoria and Places oforesaid Seal of Our said United Kingdom duly Mads and Ship or Vereelta Distance of not more dian Coe, And for Declaration of the Spiritual Cause and eld In Witness Whoreof, We have caused Hundred Miles from the Cost of China, any Law Matters in which the aforesaid Jurisdiction may
these Our Letters to be" mada Patent. or Ordinance which to Us in Council might be mure specially exercised, We do by these Pro Ourself at Westminner, the Eleventh Day of May, Witness meel, as fully and effectually as any such law or at declare that the aforemid Bishop of in the Taeth Your of Our Raigo, Ordinance could be made by Baju Coencil, f
By Writ of Privy Seal. Bqvernment of Our Subject being within the said, full Power and Authority by himself of themselves, Island of Hongkong: And Wunknar by an Order or by the Archdeacon ar Archdeacons, or the Vi in Council made and passed on the First Day of May 1849, We were pleased to order and direct that car General, or other Oilcar ur Ur hereinafter mentioned, to give Institution to Benefi?ve, to grant all Persons in Holy Orders of the United Chuzels causes to officiate to all Reators, Curates, Bi of England and Ireland, being within the Domini sisters and Chaplains of all Churches or Chapala, ons of the Emperor of China, or within any Ship or Vessel at a Listance of not more than One Hundred or other Places within the said Diocese and Places Mike from the Lonet of Chino, should be subject to foresaid, wherein Divine Service shall bo celebrat the Authority and Jurisdiction of the Sea of Victoria Church of England, and in visit all Rectors, Cara- ed according to the Elites and Liturgy of the and the Bishop thereof, in the same Blanner as if
tes, Ministers, and Chaplains, and all Prints and they were resident within the said Island of Hong Deacuna in Holy Orders of the United Churab of hong: And WHESEA We, having taken the Pre England and Irebut, rendent within the said L- misse into Our Royal Consideration, ato persuaded laud of tungkong and its Dependencies, and Places that, by granting the Petition of the said Archbishop, aforesaid, as also to call before him or them, or We aanit, under the Blossing of Almighty God, before the Arclulesen or Arohdeacons, or the Vi promote the Wellbeing of the mid United Uburch of England and Ireland, and of the Clergy and Laity after mentioned, at auch compoteal Daya, Hours, car General, or other Officer or Officers brain thereof, in the laland and Places aforesaid, and hard Places, whom and so often as to him or them resolved to grant the same accordingly: And shall seem meet and convenient, the aforesaid Ree: Wazra the Church of Bah ( John within Our
tors, Carates, Ministers, Chaplains, Priests and is upt and convenient to be erected, sul it in Our concerning their Murala so their Behaviour in Intention to erect the mme, jalo u Cathedral Church and Bishop's Sen Now Know Ya that, in Pars their aid Offices and Stations, respectively ance of such Uur Royal latention, We do by these Appeal as are hereinafter given and reserved; and subject neverthelem to such Aight of Review and Our Leitere Patent under the Great Seal of Our for the better Accomplishment of the Purposo jesty in Council might seem meet, as fully and of decad in 1842, would probably have insured for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, erect, fremid, We do hereby grant and declare that the Saint Joba us the mid Town of Victoria, told a Ca: found and constitute one or more Dignities in his id Bishop of Victoria and his Successors may thedral Church and Bishop's See. And Wado oil Cathedral Church, and also one or more Arch- dets that the said Town of Victorin shall benco
Jencubrics within the said Diocese, and may collate forth be a City, and be called the CITY OF VICTO. a: And Wade ordain, make, constitulo, and de-
end or more fit and proper Persons to be Dignite clare the said City and all the Territory comprised fit and proper Parsons to be the Archdeacons of rice of the ani Cathedral Church, and one or more io Our aid Island of Hongkong and its Depen the said Arclideaconrion, respectively. Provided than One Hundred Miles from the Coast of China, dencies, to be the Diocese of the Bishop of Victorin hereinafter paced and of his Successors, Bishop of shall exerciso aucks Jurisdiction only as shall be of the Son of Victoris, to be erected by Her det is clear that us things now exist Macao cannot always, that such Dignitaries and Archdeacons should be subject to the Authority and Jurisdiction Victoria, and to be called in all Time the Drocese committed to them by the said Bishop or his Sue-jesty July nominated and appointed, in the same continue to pay its own expenses. The families of of Victoria, saving nevertheless unto Us, Que
cessors, and the said Bishop and bis Successors Manner as if they were resident within the said property have contributed liberally; the Soldiers Heire, and Nuccessors the Power of extending or si tering from time to time, with the Consent of the may also from time to time nominate and appoint island of Hongkong: Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being, if the
6t and proper Persone to be respectively the O.
(apart from the affair already mentioned, which can Now, therefore, Her Majesty in Council, by and scarcely be called "an insurrection") have submit. cars hereinafter mentioned, that is maid Seo be vacant, or otherwise of the said Arch-
say,-to be Vicar General, Official Principal, Chancellor, Ru
with the Advice of Her anid Couaall, is pleased to bishop, and of Bishop ut the said Beo for the time ral Doans and Commissaries, either General or
order and direct, and doth hereby order and directed to privations with exemplary patimen; the ne- being, the Limits of the said. Diocese of of the Ju- risdiction of the Bishops thereof. And to the cadcial; and may also appoint one or act in Church of England and Ireland, being within the place; while a zealous body of Clergymen, beloved that all Persons in Holy Orders of the United tire born inhabitants are strongly attached to the that this Out Intention may be carried into the due Provided always, that the Dignitaries and Arch-minions of the Emperor of China, or being and respected by all classes, by procept and cumple,
proper Persona to be Registrars and Actuatics. Effect, We, having great Coufidence in the Landescuna sforesaid shall be subjeor and burdinate more than One Hundred Miles from the Coast of within any Ship or Vessel at a Distance of not ing. Morals, and Probity of Our Wellbeloved GE to the said Bishop of Victoria and his Successors, oker Sutra, Doctor to Diviony, do name, make and shall be listing to him and them in the Ex-China: shall be subject to the Authority and fa-votion to the cause amongst the inhabitants, and the risdiation of the Bee of Victoria, and to the Bishop ukimate abandonment of the place is not yet specu thesonf, in the same Manner as if they were cari. dent within the sakl Leland of Hongkong.
- raeaceresore may exercise and enjor
(True Copy,)
W. CAINE, Colonial Secretary
At the Court af Buckingham Palace, the 1st day of May, 1849.
god by complying with their demends-just though in themselves-and the breach of discipline
the disaffected were placed in the Francisco Fort, has been overlooked. the thronewed rgbolt
but on Saturday they were mounting guard at vari ous posts.
Unless Portugal is prepared to supply the go- vardment of Maceo with foods pes fear it will sink into ruine. The late Governar abolished abo one- torn house his only certain, source of revenue, his measures drove away the Chincbow hongs which had lang made Bineno their head-quarters, as well as the bulk of the Chinese shopkeepers, and some Majesty in Council,
Present, The QUEEN'S Most Excellent respectable Portuguese untivos. No doubt his mar was tickled by the term "free port," and he scri- feed a certain revenue, in the vale expectation of did not understand. Had Macao, like Hongkong, drawing one from antreas the anture of which be
pariment would have been a safe ons, as that som porassed a land revenue of £18,000, then the ex. wook cover all the expenses of the civil govern- ment of the Portuguese settlement. But land of
unpopular form of taxation. The free port measure, compelled to fall back upon assessments-always na
with the privilegu to land and store opium, if intro-
Macao a large share of foreign trade, and the pre nomical civil establishment would not have been senco of a wealthy population upon whom het co- an oppressive burden. The concession was too late of being made, and had the late Governor beon batter advised, he would not have sacrificed a carminty fe acquainted with commeres, or had he been better
an uncertainty.
Town of Victoria, in Our said tahad of Hongkong Deacone, or any of them, and to inquire as well Government of Hor Mejraty'● Subjecte, being within Alacao is alienated, so that the gorerament wi
ordsin, make, and constitute the amid Church of
and appoint him to bo ordained and consecrated Bishop of the said Bes of Victoria, and do hereby ignity to the Must Reverend Father in Gon, Jous bt, by Divine Providence Lurd Archbiatop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Metropo Litap, the Erection and Constitution of the said See
ercion of bis and their Episcopal Jurisdictive and Functions. And We will and declare that during
of Parlament held in the Sixth and Seventh years WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Beaslon of the Reign of Her Majesty, intituled "An Aot jeels resorting to Chine, it was amongst other for the batter Government of Her Majesty's Sub- Tainga anacted, that it should be lawful for Het Majesty, by any Order or Orders made with the Advice of Her Privy Council, ta ordnin, for the
within any Ship or Vessel at a Distance of mot the Dominions of the Emperor of Chine, or being
more than One Hundred Miles from the Coul of Chios, any Law or Ordinance which to Her Ma fectually as any such Law or Ordinance could be ment of Her Majesty's Subjects being within the made by Her Majemy in Council for the Govern Talend of Hongkong. And whereas it is expedient that all Persons in Holy Orders of the United Church of England and Ireland, being within the within any Ship or Vassel at a Distance of not more Dominions of the Emperor of Chine, or being
Vacancy of the mid Ses of Victoria by the D mise of the Bishop therool or otherwise, the aud And the Right Honourable Eirl Grey, One of Dignitaries and Archdeacons and the said Vicar Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, is General and others Offioure respectively appointed to give the necessary Directions horsin sacore-
and Diocese, and Uur Nominauon of the said Gas aforemid, shall continue to exercise, so far as by dingly. ORGE DEITU, requizing, and by the Faith and Love whereby he boul on Us, commanding the said Most Reverend Fulber in Gion, to ordain and con- suorate the said Gonca Sara to be Bishop of the said See and Docen, in dlaumet accustomed, and
Law they may or can, the Jurisdiction and Fund- Lions dolagated to them, and that the sald Regie discharge the Duties whereunto they have been Isara and Actuarios aball respectively continue to appointed, until a new Bishop of the said Ben of
True Copy.
W. CAINE, Colonial Secretary.
stimolato the whole. There is thue no lack of do-
Inted upon. But privat sources will run dry the most devoted troops must have food-local at- Lachments will dissolve bofore riot or inauerat tion.
We confo we do not see a very bright future for Macao; but if the report be correct, that France
has been argolinilog with Portugal for master of her title, then there may be better days the store for the ancient city
The ship Blackfriars, arrived from London on Monday, reports having signalized the troop ship Apollo, on the 23rd of Decomber, off the Jaland of Bouro (to the south of the equator near the Gillolo passago). Tho Apollo is there. fore expected immediately. She arrives pone to soon; there is a good deal of sickness among the men of the 95th, and it were desir- abin that they cinbarked and gui clear of the Chinn von before the N. E. monsoon breaks up.) Ja explanation of the sickness at this season, We aru that many of the convalescents of the summer of 1848 and 49 are still much broken down in constitution. They are more suscep tible of disease than healthy men, and har、 not strength to bour up against its influences. some instancce, when sont to the Hospital, wy appear to lose heart and sink without in effort.
(The 95th have been particularly unfortunate during their terin of colonial service. In Cay Jon they suffered much from cholera, that Scourge having mado one of its occasional vi. sits to the district in which they were quartor ed the year before they embarked for China.) Wo recollect reading ono of the late Hir Colin Campbell's General orders, in which he spoke in high terms of the behaviour and disposition of the Soldiers under a severe infliction of Pro- f vidence; he also spoke of the unwearied atten- tion of the Colonel and Officers during that season of distress, and referred to the antisfac. tory state of disciplina in which they were about to embark for servico in China,
During their first summer in Hongkong the 15th were tolerably healthy ; but in 1948 fever appeared in the new barracks in its most vio- lent form, and before the season closed, hall of them were dead, in the Hospital, or conve lescenta unfit for duty.
In China the t giment has sustained the high character it brought from Ceylon; and serve where it may, the inhabitants of this colony wit take a warm interest in the welfare of H.AL
Bishop Broughton and his Clergy v. the Queen, There is no subject on which the Episcopal Clergy ne more ready and more eloquent iban the duty of prompt and unreasoning submision to "the higher powers."
reverend state-paid relate must call the world's ni- tention to their rebellion, because the British G ernment has no sufficient reason at present to offer them all the titular flattery their vanity could al docb. And lest the tenure and direcuan of their sovereign displexaure should un mistaken, they us sure the Vicery of Anatralia that, he having no jurisdiction in the matter, having only the subor- dinate preponsibility of mechanical power," they furbour to inflict upon him the merited castig stin-that they fly at higher game, and burt back Lord of the Treasury, the Queen's adviser, the their defence at the Tuxon that the noble mighty maker of English and Colonial Bishops, tut Inught by end experiance how sacred in the sinbitive of the clergy; that it is at the peril of combos respect in his Rayal Montreas should be si any time pare by the humble followers of Christ of their fold when he conlors such civil distinctions, acier of Lord John Rusall, we read it by the Now, if we have not very much mistaken the okar glare of these rapid and effective bolts be distribut ed among the reverend dissidents, whoa ho mp- pointed the Bishops of Hereford and Manchamar, their turn with an offering of the frankincens Bishop Broughton and ble clergy will be treated in that och stifled the Dean of Hereford and his die interested allios. The following is a wreath that curled around the nostrils of his reverence:
"The Dean of Harefird's note is received, in which he contemplates a breach of the law.
Bishop Broughton and his clergy had a perfect right to be chargrined, In be miserabile, and muss mortifying preferance; but no to publisk the dis over their sorrows as Inage they chose nt this loyalty of their revenge; least of all to assume with ridiculous ambition that the integrity of the British Constitution stands on falle, or le in any way af fected by the abundance or penury or anbetitution of syllables that compass the nomen of their civil alatus. Much learning, ur much money, of much prido has made thein mid. It was doubtless foreigo enough from the intention of dis noble and eloquent historiae and expounder of the British Constation when conferring this verbal distination on a Papal ecclesiastic (probably not without consulting the Lord Chancellor himself) that by that act he was impairing that "onvy of the world"-be British Constitution more foreign still from his expoota- tion of being publicly opposed by a gentleman bul into an unbaronie! Bishop of the Antipodes. He few years ago tranamuted from a parish priest probably thought i would be a timely sop to Car- berus; that he should be capsiliating the spiritual Policy of the Pussy-pouring all upon the chafed surgas of the Irish rebellion; and the thought of how mak a decision would be'received by Bishop Broughton e koe game eune, probably never oc sured to his mind, or if i did, just troubled kim ka much as baw the oil would be taken by the sharks of the other region.
and Bishop to their status as citizens, sad preserve The Prophecies of Ornal.-Same tims Ago wa the Bachequer for the wants of the nation, be may noticed as article in Blackwood'a Edinburgh Mas confor up these Right and Biost Revorant gle-gasine on certain marvellows prophecies current diators and their clergy as many superlatives es the taoguage coolsial.
in France which appeared to have been fulfilled, Lin pari, in a most extenordinary manner, and t? which the reviewer evidently gave great, if not thorough, credence. They were entitle), in the (From Sir George Read's "Tour of Many Days.") visions revealed by God to a Sulary for the con
edition published at Poria in 1810, "Certain Pre- In the grounds of the Villa Borghese once every volation of the Children of God," and more rezen. your a series of rural fetes are celebrated, in the ly, namely in 1949, a memoir was published ne month of October, on which occasion the domain Paris, the principal materials for which were fur- and recreation is afforded to the bourgeoisie and of Verdun. In consequence of this addition, and in liberally thrown open to the entire population, nished by a Roman Catholic Priest, of the dineano
haps even of a hundred thousand people, el period France, the Bishop of Verdun hid instituted lower classes, to the amount of fifty-sixty, or per the grant noiso made by the alleged prophecies In
the l'ope himself, absent at their domains in the stated in a circular addressed to his brother prela while the aristocracy and cardinals, and onetimes searching Investigating, the result of which he has country, are enjoying what in very expensively of the year, in Rome, in superlatively charming, pool Mercury.
les, dated 1th February-that result being that the called "pillegiature" The climate, at this season alleged prophecies are a gross imposture-Lise- and the Roman people appear even to greater ad- disposition, abounding in gaiety of heart and sim- vantage than during a carnival, while their natural
Nat Simon Pure Smith.-The Philadelphia Des- days of the fetes abors alluded to, open or twice plicity, is lost in the wories of dissipation. On the pack tell a story connected with the whipong past at Delaware, whete " man received twenty lashes werk during the peric 1, at balf-past three o'clock in
well laid on. The culprit, instead of bellowing the afternoon, or thereabouts, men, women, and
"like ten thousand" whom the constable spplis.l chiklin, begin to pour forth in extraordinary num-
the Isah. Ingbed immoderately, which made the hars from the Parto del Popolo; and, on one of
angry officer lay on still harder. On giving him there cocalana, when there was neither end nor
the twentieth blow, the constahls could stand is co beginning perceptible in the vast multitude, baring longer. "Well bore, mister," said the offender
officer, "I've done my duty, and I can lick ya no made up my mind to witner the evening's enter- tainment, throw myself into the moving crowd
more hat I'd just like to know what it is that's so along with the cost in Via Bubbuino. Thence wa
fanny 1"-"Funny!" mareil the other, "Funny! walked along at the slowest rete possible through why it's the best joke 1 over beard of! Ha! ha! the main entrance, along the road to the fountain, be! nht be! ha!" as alternately his pain and to the right by the Egyptian Temple, to the left merriment predomiosted.-Funny! Wall, what under the arch of the aqueduct, and those straight in the joke ?"-"Jake |" soared the other, "why. it's excellent. You've got the wrong Smith ! ↓ sint forward for a farlang fusthar, till arriving at the Hippodrome, the multitude branched to the right the man that was to be whipped! It is the other or to the last as best suited their fancy. Here the one! Now you'll have to go it all over again i Ermanic amusements prepared by the onble pro- Really, it's too good! You must lick the other pri for on the present eroding were to take place, man!" Ita | ha)" and preparations had been carried into executina secarlingly. And not only bore, but in the orna- The Mount of Monks-Mount Alhos.-In the mental crowed opposite, additional arrangements extraordinary peninsula of Mount Athos-the were made to render it an agreeable promenade for "holy mountain," as it is called, there are no less the multitude till the beginning of the parfurnace, than 935 churches or chapels, all of which are eller The broad gravel walks were filled accordingly covered in the interior with frescoes or ornamented with well dressed people walking to and fro under with pictures on panel, and socasionally with the shade of the poble ilex trees in front of a co- | mnanic, and many of these works, told the lectu vored stage filled with musicisos, who played with. rer, date from the early period of which we are out ceasing and upon the circular basin of water, now treating. The monasteries of Mount Athos called lake a fancy waterm in sculled flat-bottom- also possess many ancient relics of the juweller's ed punt, round and round and backwards and for art, as the magnificent triplic of St Laura, preson- wards without intermission. To expedicat, how led to that monastery by Nicephorus Phoces in ever, intooded for offset, hardly came up to reality, the tenth century. It is set exterually with ome- notwithstanding the captivating costume of a rod? raida pearle, and rubles as large na sixpencos, and cap, and pink and white striped shirt adapted for ■ double row of diamonds. The most singular yards in diameter, the past wmawbat ill-balanced, women is allowed to enter into it-no femsle has the campion for the circle was got tore than sixty poculiarity of this remarkable peninsula is that no
ty, and over-weighed, and the waterman, aver trod in one of its 935 chapels, and yat these vidently be a movie in his business of deficient chapels are decorated with the guros at famale in practice, caught crabe in ebaniance. Pleived saints by painters who pachaps never saw a wo- | notwithstaniling at attracting the eyes of the makis man from the of their lofancy ; this lia, how;
toda to his performance, or unconscious of want of j vrne, of liisle men de **, as the longas of skill, the more the mishapo he met with the more
T. Rider. rigorously le laboured, giving general antisfaction it only for the correct reprem, to the spectators, and fairly enemine kin-glare, qua
I of
usinta nen stric
~an and. Emaritone, day, det, did. MATERIAL FUSHERY.
Man pasos his life in reasoning u in complaining of the present, and in trombi.. for the future.-Hall.
a man to a real harry. After cemerne within the ornamental enclosure I proceeded to the Hippodrome, whore, notwithstanding the concourse of people I had just left behind, I found a great
of considerable forwardossa. ‧ The exhibi. tion now about to take place was the climbing the Horses.--These are men's wings, wherewith they performed, so it would appear by the preparations, e, sensible to some sort of honour; and made
‧ Mat de Cocaigns, hero called 'Cocagua,' "to be make hich apred A generous creature a horeo precisely after the same manner as in practised in most handeosne by that which deforme man most villege fairs in England. For here, in the middle-prida.-Fuller. of the area of the Hippodrome was erected a polo or mast about 30 feet high, well bodaubed with soft
The Oak and the Pig-A Fable-A greedy Pig soap from top to bottom, the better to to the skill fed upon the fruit that had fallen from a lofty Oak. and strength of the competitors, and surmounted
While he cracked one acuen, be had already swal by a gallant display of prizes enspended from the towed another with his eyes "Thankles best 2 summat. Thase prizes wero aunched to the cir|axclaimed the Oak tree at length; " have now- dowers, groen branches, and a gay lag la the cen cumference of a very large hoop, garnished with
| rished you with my fruit, and you have never given me ovon one look of gratitude." The Pig tra. The articles to be contended for were a comple
ed the titular and technical superiority of a Papal collent French and Latin, but charged with prela: of fine hama, a fresh shoulder of pork, siz bottle stopped gormandizing for a moment, and grunted
tie ambition. On the other hand, we are not afraid
sentiments are too well known. We have read
out an answer,-"I might pamibly show some gre-
of wine, a knife and fork, a silver spoon, a new titude, if I know that you bad let fall your scorne
We know something of the British Constitution, and admire it too. With us the dear patria rincit omnia is something more than a barren sentimoat, or an official sung; and there le nothing that wo should more barnmily deprecate than any not that Within our abort reculloc
should spoil the syrometty, much Irsa rock the tion are crowded unnumbered homilles, especial- ly to the poor, of this chief of human obligations. foundations and endanger the fall of that one Pal la quoled, and we know not who boldes, in
But to supp as these the probable atfects proof that mankind can plead no exemption, though of wabhakding sundry titles from a Bishop is the the throne be occupied by a tyrant or a traitor, and
confession of ecclesiastical vasily tourbid beyond though the adicts they publish be fatal, as they of parallel, and for which we certainly were ont ten are, to the liberty and happiness of man. And prepared. An far from this, we are persuaded that yet no sooner are these very clergy touched by the if the state-paid clergy of att ranks and creeds were multitude already assembled, and maitere in a state band of power, era in mere nominal and con
disconnected from the Exchequer to morrow, and ventional privileges, then they turn emphatically separats to their legitimate business, and thrown alleo and resentful, All their solema rhapsodles open the justice and gentitude of the people, as in of Divine Right, all their injunctions of self as the primitive, the Apostatic Church, the British crificing loyalty, are delivered to the winds, and
Constitution would not only suffer no earthquake apparently without a blush, they then throw of the
or eclipse, but anicbed in beauty and renewed with official slang, and speak as other mon.
vigeur would advance to perfection, and feal the Hooh are the absurd and ridiculous positions into complaints or the opposition of the clergy about as polant as the resistance of a feather to impede the which they plunge themselves, after violating by their monstrous theories the instinta of nature, the evolution of a rolling world. The BRITION Lion is not shorn of his strength by shaking the dew. intuiteas of reason, and the rights of man. We have bose led into these observations by reading drops from his mone the paragraph at the head of this article.
We are not enemies of the clergy, but arrogance which exudes from this me form of It appears that Loed John Russell has recognie-
L'alat moi, this colonial "Ege at roz meus," ox Archblahop to a colonial Protestant Bishop: con. ferring on the former the very enviable distinction of a Reverend, and limiting the dignity of the 1 of being accused of partiality to the Pops. Our jacket and trowsers, a pair of new stout shoes, a latter to Right Reverend. Hence this griefl
It would be in us the very stretch of iniquitous pervalaity not to sympathize with this clerical dis- tres. The iron has entered their soul. They cat the bread of tears They mourn in smokejutb. They refuse, as they well may, to be comforted. Mordecai sits at the gate. How could they sing the songs of patriotism in a strange land. What gmification conld ber Majesty's birth or reign af ford to a proud ecclesiastic that had been so hum bled by the better fortune of a proud a rival? Could any aveot, however welcomed by the con- gratulation of the nation, be auspicious to a ma who was only Right Reverend, while his neigh beur bore away the illustrious prefix, Most Revor end. Under so weighty a grievance, and in spite of habitual projections on the subject of" nonresis
""pasive obedience &6., the lordly Pre- late Bropghton, and what is strange in that body of ladependent thinkers, all the clergy of the diocese refased to attend the leves on her Majesty's Birth day. And lest the public should fail to mise them, or should be ignorant that the disrespect was arudi- e, a circular is sued, acquainting them with what otherwise they were not likely to know, that 1 Britisk Constitution had been violated, that it mcelved a tremendous concussion through the per sone and privileges of these reverend absences, who, because by royal command the name of Dr. Broughos would stand second on the page of the Almanack, had thought fit, in this affecting manner to resent the indignity. So that while the Jaw, however wealthy, upright, and patriotic, mus be silent and loyal, when on socount of his reli- gious belief he is forbidden a seat in the Legisla ture of his country, and the right of purchase of an sera of its soil; that although the Quakers and Dis- sewers have the sanctity of their homes periodical ly god, and their property rifled and suld, to support a hierarchy which in their consciences they cannot approve, must nevertheless be loyal (and they are they still attend the leves), (besa
on purpose for me."-Lasting,
red silk anab, and a long string of silver five-paul something of the Papacy. Os its superstitions we pieces, which letter objects being all fastened logo- express no opinion.
Bome of its religio-political ther after the fashion of a necklace, and turning Every One has his Duty-God appoints to every maxime bare illustrated their tendancy in the descontinually round, and round glittered exceedingly. one of his crentures a separate mission, and i? truction of human liberty and improvement. We The things were at way rate well suited to the pur- they discharge it honuerably-if they quit them- rejoice therefore over the withering dominion of poes and sufficient to number, so that a couple of selvas like men and faithfully follow that light his Holiness," over the rain of Pius the Pope very large live turkeys, and a couple of live fowls which is in them, withdrawing from it all cold and without a particle of bostility to Piur the saint, of belonging to the collection, might the better have quenching influence there will souredly come of the mo. We hope and believe that his political been dispensed with-to say nothing of the painful it auch burning as in its appointed mode and awa- rain predial the perfects, as it produces the partial feeling of commiseration for the poor creatures, sure, shall skine before man, and be of service, downfall, of his ghostly control; and the disiriba fustering and flapping their wings as, painfully constant and holy. Degrees Infinite of lustre there tion of the Bible at the gatos of the Vatican will suspended by the logs with the head downwards, must always be; bot the weakest among us his a accelerate the auspinious day. But to return they wruggled for life and fiberty. The competi-git, however, seemingly trivial, which is peculiar who does not perceive that this outbreak of alati tios for the prizes was conducted in a manner quite to him, and which, worthily used will be a gilt vengeance owes its existenca and sulmue to the alliance of Church and State. This is the fertile an occasion, every village furnishes a ready host
different to the custom in England, whore, on such also to bis race for ever.-Modara Painters, souros sad propagator of discord and schism in the of competitors. Here on the contrary, DOOD ap great family of man. It was this that produced peared inclined to venture, not, as far as i could airollar disgraceful controversy a few you go, perceive, were any chance candidatas adsallied. between the rival Bishops in this colony, and it
The heroes of the day were all engaged for the will do so till the end of time, should that alliance service beforehand, and having arrivad long pre- eantinire. Whether Lord John Russell had viously, lay basking in the san on the draw, strow. much right to recognise the civil standing of Dred at the fout of the pole, around which a sparty Polding a Dr. Broughton has to award Dr. Pol- ding "Apostolie succession," we leave our readere to debate; but of one thing we are satisfied-that the Premier had at first any colonial reference in the business at all (and perlimpe he had.) it was to show that in the colonies there is no Established Church. And as long as Lord John Russell will limit the political indvence of both Archibishop,
Whh reference to this affair we are under the presa that we recently wit Plated that in England it was ruled that the Protestant Bishop abould take precedence, Inasmuch as be bears the lerfwrial Ude of Bishop of syd- bey-the Catholic Bishop being plain Arch-Risbop Pok-
gotron F. or C.
The opinion thus expressed Increases daily; It rolls with a force which will bear before it Church bolt on the old foundations of that of Rome and enriched with har spoils. In England, church reform has yet to begin Ireland_the_chaturies of injustice perpetrated by the
chaick of England and her Prealp have all to be atopad for-Barron P, UPC.
and good purpose la creation; so do woman. Comets are incomprehensible, beautiful, and eo-
A Paralisi.-Comets, deubilets, knower a wien
centric; sure women.
Comets shine with pe- culiar splendour, but at night appear most brillant; so do womeo. Cometa confound the most learned, when they attempt to ascertain their nature; so women. Comets equally exaito ibe admiration of the philosopher and of the cled of the ralley ; so d?y closely analognus; but the nature of each bring do women. Comate and woman, therefore, jira inserotable, all the comains for ps to do, is to view with admiration the one, and almost to adoration to love the oilier.-Era.
of the Papa's soldiers stood guard in a cirola. Here there were tea or a dosan clumsy-looking louts, selected from the river craft on the Tiber, who showed no manner of interest in the undertaking nor gave in the sequel to the spectators any just cause to remove the unfavourable impression cross- ed by their appearance. The struggis, in fact, when the exhibition once began, was very 2000 over, for from the beginning not a abadow of chance of reaching the top of the mast by fair
Flow to Speak in Public.-When you mount the climbing sxisted. One after another seconded eight stand be puzzled where to put your list. Look or ten feel, and then slid down again, and eventual round as though you were qulie cool and collect ly, at the end of five minutes, the idea of fait play and suddenly put your hat upon the floor. Tam was over, and any mechanical means that the com- then to the audience, pass you fingers lightly and petitors thought fit to use resorted to, ull oos fel. gracefully through your hair and say "Fellow- low at last succeeded in roaching the top of the|cluzans,"-extend your sight band-put your left pole by standing on the shoulders of one below, on your vent, on whichever side it is your private and constructing for himself a footing abure by a uplalon your heart lies-wall out your chest as band of rope para.
though all the goddess of liberty in the world
had left their respective countries, but had taken boned and lodging in four expansits bosom, and ware now struggling in find their way out at the front door. Repress their generous offorts for a while, and then out with twm io a blaze of glory. The effort will be tremendous-Philadelphia Mes.
Curious Story--A later from Loche, in Switzerland, dated the 2tb ukimo given the following:-" A rather singular piece of originality has afforded some ampeoment here. An old female servant retired into the hospital, some time back, and died there a week ago. As she was a Roman Catholic, her request was that her mortal remaine might be laid in the cemetary of the chapel of Conway Castle, sotoner Chauffat. According to custom, all the Catholics of the locality were invited to accompany the deceased to her last resting place. The weather on the day
Denia, obuver
Independence, rig
Symn, Muir and co.
Deal and on |4yma, Muir and no,
15yma, Mule and c.
122 oct 133 Barcham
174 Manco
Prins Albert, berges Ranes, barque
150 Mills
Aymo, Mair and co.
Dant aad oo.
Ban Coon 19 Des wei
Davidson 105 Robinso 105.Murde
Maggio, bri
Vizes, schooner
Beso, scanner
Dartmouth. (Whaler) op Hongkong 137 Faroo Antelope, ung Arl, ship
Trial by Jury.-It is strange, and not pleassist of the funeral was most severe; six persons only were present and ten of them to think of, on how many small circumstances n mau's life bange in the must civilized countries of turned back when half way on the road. The other four, after having depois, co Europe, especially in the most Christion A fa.sited the body in the burial ground, retired to the rentry, si the request of the nished juror or two will turn the balance any day i curate, who read the deceased's will to them. No trifling degree of surprise and fear that hunger is not an appetite that leads was exhibited on learning that the old servant had left 400 louis, which she had to mercy. The beginning of the asaizes is always deposited in the savings bank, to be divided amongst such persons as should
■ bad time to be tried. would not advise my lonious friend to attempt it if it can he put off. follow her in bre grave. The will, which was perfect in form, thus accated The jury then think themselves a many-headed to each 100 louis, deposited in the French saving bank. The disappointment Arides. Brutus was nothing to them, and Cato of those who did not attend may be easily imagined."-Brusssie Herald.
mare babe. They would condemn their own children to magnify the law. Then, again the end of the size is an bad; for both judge and jury. men have got tired of the business. and want to get home to their wives and families. This can be only accomplished by dispatching their mon out of hand; and hoste is always cruel, rarely just -O, P. R. Janez.
"Oh," und Siebankas, "ilist every one wookd | consider, and then be would envy those below him How truly that holde good in a figurative sense which has long been known to be true in a Interal one, vin, that coarse linen keppa the body warmer than Goe linen or silken stufe, even as a wooden house is warmer then a stone one, for it coals less rapidly in animert or again, how much more nourishment, according to physicians, is in coarse black ryemoal theo in fine white meal. Neither 1 at all convinced, added be, that the ladies of Paris, who wear diamond hairpimo, spand their days sa merrily so the women who support them. selven by picking up bad hair pins out of the street rubbish, many a one, too, who heats his stove with dried freeses, which he himself has brought in, no a substitute for fire wood, may often fara x well
as those who eat green cones preserved in sugar." -Jo Paul Richter.
Good order is the foundation of all good things.
11, Antelope (Am), Dearborn, from Shanghai 6th January.
12, Charles Pubs, Wills, from Whampoa.
12, Frederick Wilhelm (Danish), Poulam, from Whumpot.
13, H. & G. P. Co.'s Str. Hongkong, Hill, fron Canton.
13, Jaka Cooper, Were, for Whaipos.
13, Ardaster, Leonett, from Whampon.
11, Titanio, Knight, from Whampoa
14, Blackfriar, Williaras, from London In September.
15, Lanrick, White, from Calcutta 4th December and Singapore 22nd do.
15, Menam, Maxton, from London 16th July. 15, Mazepp2, Dowman, from East Coast. Doc.
23, Regia, Johnson, from California.
11, Candace (Am), Gardner, from New York.
Per Antelope-Horra Crake, King, and Mo's.
The Antalape up?ke the schooner Maseppa, in the Yang-za-kinog.
The Blacfriar, on the 23rd December, spoke the trump-ship poil well
Awokladd, barges Eagle, bng
todians, shoomer Oriental, ekip Candace, barque Bart, boo
Namanda, belg
Tempe, brig
Waampon 37%|Dearborn
57 luni
Jardine, Melbesos and co Pranola B. Histor Mackende, Brother and Jardins, Matheson and vo.
Rawls. Drickar and co.
Mell and oo.
Hell and o
914 Jaunlage
Resell and co.
Russell and on.
Russell and co.
BT Crosby
105 Pulmer
Shanghai 39 Gardner
Ramall and no. Ball, Nye and os. Angadine Eleard and ou
ford Florme Jorge
147 Porter
Shanghai 250 Barrera
Tal and co.
Tak and on,
955 Pina
4. M. de Jonus.
JTI Vocal
V. A. dos Remedios.
105 tile
155 Fril
Amizade, brig
No Banhora da Lur, brig
Tremolo, barqa
Aurora, achooner
De Amigo, schooner
Royal Exchange, brig
Bang Awam, barges
Latin Leong, barque Jacotra, barque
Mecno, berque
Birwan, brig
Canion, bare
Nagu Lust, barqiyno
Nawan Eljer, barque
Piclados, barque
Entreprise, baryos
Frederick Wilhelm, barqne Maris, baryto Ans, leroba
(Story Shlys.) Bowenjes Horme, skip Fort William, ship Bombay, ship
Lady Bayan, berque
Nimrod, bare
-To be enabled to acquire, the people, without Saw bor entering Cayola Day-Bouro-for water; she le Cape of Good Hope Ruparel (Am.), bargsa
being servile, muele tractable and obedient. The on the 2nd November,
magistrate must have his reverence-the laws their authority. The body of the people must not find
the principles of noturn) subordination by art rooted Jan.
out of their minds. They most respect that pro. perty of which they cannot partake. They most labour to obtain what by labour can be obtained; and when they fad, as they commonly do, the sue. case disproportioned to the endeavour, they most be taught, for their consolation, (but whoever do. privee bem of it desdons their industry, and strikes at the root of all acquisition as well as of all im. provement. He that does this is the cruel appre tor---the merciless enemy of the poer and wretched
???? ????????.
11, Envoy (Am.-Whaler), Walker, Manila.
19, P. & O Co's S?r. Canton, Jamison, Canton,
12, fleary Winch, Harris, Whampoa.
12, Antelope (Am) Dearborn, Whampor.
12, Vixen, McMurdo, Est Coast.
13, Jacatra (Dutch), Buys, Whampon,
14, Ardaw T, Loren, Bombay
15, E. & Q. & P. Ca's Sir. Hongkong, Hill, Canton.
-at the time that, by his wicked openolations, Jan.
be expose the fruits of mucoessful infantry, and the accumulations of fortune, to the
gligunt, the disappola ins, or belter of the ne
Anonymque ens se Distance of not prosperous.-e
red Miles from the Cost of C
or Ordinance which to Us in
moret, as fully and effet.
Urdinance coull bary Pocket Book)
Government spirit busy
y have the element and
Talon Their Hammers; the sea-wave la apearled;
The cloud; the flares wlads begin to blow
About, and blindly on thele atranda go;
And quickly will the pale red Ingven be hurled From decir dry bougha, and all the forest world
Buipped of in pride, be like a desert show.
I for that meaning male which I hear
In the block austs of antama, for the seal
Berma gathering tidings from sather sphere,
And all mysteriotia sympathy,
10, Wilk?mine Mwis (flamburg), Boyson, New York.
10, Haber (Am), Paterson, New York.
13, Sumatra (Dutch), Valmia, Batavia.
ure especialiam, Brignock, Sydney.
M. M. Ship ling
Ship Cleopatra
11 Ghana
|Hongkong| 24 |Gene
Brig Arab
Alup Regal
Baty Marion
10 1
Ong Pilot
10 ????
Bar Reyned
1) Un
Men's bounding spielt elba and swelts more high,
Bamer Melen
4 Gruas
6. C. Steamer Phington
4 Gas
1. M. Bhip Alligat
Balp Minden
0. 8. Shp Plymouth
Brig Doleble
10 Gue
1. c. 4. Ung Lijom
leaghong 10 Ga
According to the Dillon's loftlar roll.
rior quality. Agent at Macao-HINNAM. Hongkong, 15th December, 1849.
An Account of the Origin and Progress of the British Colonies in the Strait of Malacca, by Lieut. Col. James Low, r. M. R. A. §. & M. a. E. C. General Report on the Hesidency of Singapore, drawn up principolly with a view of illustrating Ito Agricultural Statisties, by J. T, Thomson, Eq. P. R., 0., Bortevor to Governmem.
Andar, schooner Dickfriar, baryse Commer
Charles Forbes, ship
Chieftain, barque
Cornwall, barque
Core, plea
Eleanor, barque
Captain J. W. M-gu Captain T. L. Moana. Commander W. Morris, Commander EL. B. Everaes,
amander . M. Mathiesen. Commander B. M. Lyons. Commander P. Cracroft. Commander Lockyet.
Commander G. NIWIL Ducer Hanking.
Master J. Mitobell.
3 Commodore D. Gallager, Captain T. R. Gladney. Commander T. J. Page. Commander Izquierda,
Heughan 151 ulivuo
594 William
1190 Wid
993 Edwards
580 Dec
153 Woodia
Be Llors, brig
Anonyme, brig
Hongkong, barque
Lord Ambert, ship
Pachlader, barque
Royal, schooner
| Marlequin, belg
Logies, barque
Ales, brig
Mshamondes, barqar
Clown, brig
Sally Jane, ship
Folkstone, ship
Mescid, barque
Beige (Am), brig
Tine, er
William, brig
hapo 297 Derbel
4000 Groo
915 Boone
|Shanghai || 200|Borgnar
925 Smith
350 Perry
STI Monteiro
914 Belango Hongkong | 630|Foula
360 Thelor op East Coar 190]
(fongkong| 150 Coutu
1214 Miller Cam'moon 300 Jaminnan 379 Langley
Lourenco Marques,
Dead and o
Robert durcban.
Mache Hong Chloche Hoog Deht sada. Reyavas and ca Karavaan sad oo, Order.
Aymo, Muir and co.
Jy, air and oo,
| Syma, Muir sad oo.
Taka Bard and co. John Bard and co. Order
Jardine, Matheson and co. J.A.Olding P.&O.Can. Ag
Heard and on.
David Semen, Bestden.
316 Andieout, J. B. Rasool! and on.
235 teper
917 Won
35) Jakonish
340 Printman
Chinets 292 Viller
972 King Foo-for 919 Hely
937 Crawford Wong 144 D'Baske
430 Landers
406 Porber
930 Chape
1. Ander
Pessoas Frangoo Cama and es. Jardim, Machoong Bad 40.
Deal and co
Den and co
Jardins, Matheson and ea [Byone, bai, and on.
Jardian, Matheson and on, Deat and co
Post kad no.
Jamil, Matheson und ?o, P. & D. N. Came and on. Dent and on
Jardins, Mathanen and ox. Dowanlee Bapoarjes Lanyrene, [David Bomose, Bone and co.
196 Endicott, W. Augustina Heard and en
Festejos Framjoo Came and o Cand
133 Baird
166 LANT
Mamages (Am ), bele)
919 Roundy
194 Thong
35 Wadman
900 Out
William IV..barqua
Dido, achooner
Halls, schoener
Termale, baryo
New York
Rumell and co.
Lindsay and och
WI Davidson. Jardies, Maibosom and so. Kheat and do.
Hongkong Ellen
John Cooper Wham Buenos Agron
Shanghai Confucius
John Bunyan
Whampoa Oriental Hoogkong Titani
Hobart Town Whampoa 1. & Elizabeth
Ban Francisco Hongkong Lord Hungerford
Naga Loot
Intended Dropsich
Rawla, Drinker & Co Immediate Jardine, Matheson & Co Immedias Dirom, Gray & Co.
Jardine, Matheson & Co Early
Jardine, Matheron & Co Early
Whipos eorge Filo
Halliday, Wian & Co. Early
Reynvana & Co.
Shanghai Canton
Hongkong Frepk. Wilhelm
Joba Bard & Co.
Russell & Co.
Russell & Co.
Robert Streben
Lindsay & Co.
10th Feb.
John Burd & Oa
fal Feb.
Jardino, Malbeson & Co
N. 8. da Luz
Jose M. de Jean
Lourango Marque
Amoy Conway Castle
Syme, Malt & Co.
Syma Mule & Co.
To Master.
18yme, Mair & Ca
Nawan Eljoenoar 3yme, Muir & Ca
Byma, Muir & Co.
Jardine, Matheson and po
Dicom, Gray and on,
Whaimpos Bintang Anam
Chiochew Hong
A.Carter, H. & C.B.P.Co.'s AgL
Deat and an
Amoy Prince Albert Hoogkong Audex
Syme, Muir & Co.
Jardins, Matheson & Co
Maricar and ca,
Holand Quena Whampoa Antelope
Dent & Co.
19th [net.
Rusell & Co.
McEwan and o
Kebart Strachan.
Dirom, Gray & Co.
13 Cobb
44 Buckha
Rawls, Drisker and co.
45. Bibby
Holliday, Wine and co
Jardine, Mathon and on
194 Manfarinna
Deat and on
344 Rowe
163 dich
Syme, Hat and on,
171 Dow
Hardloo, Matheson and co
La-leay and co.
Kardion, Matheson sad co.
Kell and co
11, Monarch, 32, Percival, Shanghai,
237 Cas
John Bard and co.
Alligator, brig
Whamps 197 Dana
4 Mary Ann Follion, 108, Holgue, Hongkong.
345 Major
Empress, hones
114 Morit
George Fyfe, skip
44 Moray
Banty Wich, chip
474 Elorr
of Lading.
Lienet, brig
115 Allen
Martha & Elizabeth, schr.
ental Company's Bicamera,
Now Hargaret, ship
411 Breby
Wellington, barque
475 Valla
Canion, temae
9th Jan
COMPRADORES Cangue, la Books.
Shanghal $11
967 Normse
Hugh Walker, ship
495 Cameroa
John Banys, chip
48 Thomps
Jardine, Metkassa and so.
Lynker, belg
100 W
Dent and on.
Regia, brig
100 Johnson
Edward Parry, basque
GU: Fre
Bey, brig
LIN Whyte
Robert Sirochan.
The Piracy and Slave Trade of the ladian Archi-Elizbeth Archat, burgun
The Languages of the Indian Archipelago, by the
Jl. Preliminary Remarks on the Generation. Growth, Bructure and Analysis of Languages, Diseases of the Nutmeg Tree, by R. Liula, Esq. Gold in Samwek. Fall of a Portion of Trian, An
auriforeus Dountain, by C. tirant, Esq.
N. B. Parties in China wishing to become abcribere will please forward their name and ad drem to the office of The Friend of Chine and Hongkong Gasaule."
Victoria, December 22nd, 1849,
THOR BALE at the Office of this paper -
for the Peninsular and Ori.
Ellen, barywa P, ship
Falor, skip
Island Queen, achammas
Joho Laird, barque
Juba Cooper, ship
Juliana, barque
Lady Afontague, ship Lanrick, brig
Louis, barque
Lord Langered, lup
Alnaoppa, ochron
Manam, barque
Moe, whip
Titania, belgotipe
Warlock, brig
Ben Ayran, barque
Ilangkung, steamer
Confucias, ship
Elias Killick, larges
Merenmile forms and other work printed with Nymph, hel
expedition at the castomary water,
Queen's Road, 9th October, 1848
479 Maxton
Ferdine, Matheson and co.
Rawie, Drinker and co. Maricar and on.
Bush and o
Jardios, Maiban a and co.
Lindsay and so.
Dir, Gray and o Dirom, Grop and o Blonkin, Rowasa and co.
Holliday, Wine and on, Vin, Gray and ea
Hobert dtrackan.
Dima, Grov and co.
Tensionen, Edger and co
J.A.Olding, & 0.Co.'s Agent
A. Caner, L&C.B,P.Ca?% Agt.
Jardine, Mashences and ca.
Thomas Ripley and co.
Maclear and oo.
Hargrave and
Jord?ns, Matheson and on,
3, Lady Bale, 188, Rogor, Bhanghai,
16, Record, 482, Patnika, Hongkong.
September 9, Lord Hardings, 424, Sawyer, Hongkong.
16, Mangosteen, 388, Pentreal, Bhanghat. 18, William Stewart, 676, Jamleon, Hongkong. October 17, Duilius, 128, Mexion, Hongkong. Loading on the 24th October-Bir George Pollock
30, Mandarin, 344, Phillips, Shanghai,
, Henrietta, 199, Paxton, Shanghai.
6, And & Jane, 351, Fawo, Shanghai,
Septembar 18, Albion, 695, Clark, Hoogkong.
21, Bentinck, 187, Bragg, Shanghai.
13, Jeremiah Garnett, 447, Daley, Shanghai.
Loading on the 24th October-Aqua Blarion, Lancancian, Urizs, Otterepoch, and Panio,
August 19, Scotland, 388, Davis, Hongkong.
Beptember, Matbosin
September 6, Contad
15, H. M.'s Troop Ship Apollo, Com. Rawstorus, Hongkong.
PRINTED AND PUBLimao pon the Parnicron, Jaun Cann, by Lom O'AIRYERS, Oswald's How, Queen's Road, Victoris, 1850,
VOL. IX. No. 6.
PRICE $10 per annum.
TMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONO GAZETTE, ?r Annum, La Dailum, Sia Maniko, 9 Dollars. Thren Sonths, 5 Dollary; all paid in advance. Bloglo Numbers, to Subscribers 25 cents each; to Non-Bab.cribers, 1 Hupes. Parties calling or sending to the Ullos for papers are requested to pay cash. SUBSCHIPTION to the OVERLAND,-To Subscribers to the Fate of China, & Dollars per Annum, 000-subscribers ; single ceplan 50 oP LL. TERMS OF AUVERTISING-Ten llore and under, a Qullar; additional, 10 coutellas. Repetions one-third of the first Insertion. Ships,-Pirst losertion, & Dollars subsequent fasertions 4 cents. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. In alt lastances, those who are not Subscribers, require to pay in alvanos.
For ENGLAND, CALOUTT?, MADRAS, BOMBAY Alm, m reuls to the above, Karmarons, Pagine, Gasao-Malya, Buss, Adpu. THE PENINSULAR AND UHI- 1ENTAL COMPANY's Steam Ship ACHILLES, will leave the forthe above places on Wod- Bunday the 30th of Jamoury. Cando will be received on board until Nooo, and Arrotz until 4 2. M., of the "kh
For further particulare regarding Pastor and Pamaon apply at the P. & Q. §. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent.
P. & O. 8. N. Co. Office. Victoria, Hongkong, Ist Sumuary, 180.
THE ent of Freight on Bilk to England per Over- Iland House has been redusad; by order of the Directors of the P. & O. B. N. Company's to 996.00 pa The of 40 Cable fort, which will be charged antil further notice.
J. A. OLDING,~Agent. Hoogkong, 26th November, 1849,
THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S TEAM- 1ERS, continue to ply between ALEX- sanonta, and Triente as under vis.
Direct leaving Trinate the 29th of each month arrives at Alexandria about the 2nd or 3rd of the following month, and starts for Trieste from Alexandria 18 a 24 hours after the arrival there of the Indian Passengers by the Caloutta Steemer, except en occasione when the latter arrives at Bucz behind time.
A Bicamer of the same Company leaves Alex. andria ovory skurnate Thursday for Byrns where il meet the Steamers of the Levant Line, by me?LA of which, communication is kept up as previously through Syrn with Constantinople, Trieste, Ginoce,
Fares direct to Trimte £18 including Table mossy Do. via Smyrne £134 without do, do Pamengara'intending to avail themselves of sho Trieste Route should book to Bars only.
For further particulate apply to
More W. PUSTAU & Co., Agents at Canton and Honghong, for the Imperial Royal Privileged Austrian
Lloyde's Biaan Navigation Company, N. B. There are now so many Railroads open through Germany London may be reached from Trieste in 6 days with comfort and at an expence of about £10 £12.
Victoria, 27th September, 1849.
FORD" Captaio Parnason will
be dispatched from this about the 10th of February. She has excellent accommodation
for pangers, and carries a Surgeon.
For page only, apply to
Capt. PATERSON on board.
Victoria, 11th January, 1830.
Captain PATzhson will be dis- patobed for the above named port, not
· than the middle of February. For freight apply 10,
Y. J. MURROW. Kwangles Hong, 31 December, 1840. PAA Supercargo acquainted with the Trado accompany the Ship, whown servicen uon avail- able to skippers.
THE HOUSE and Promises in Spring
Gardens freting the Harbour.
The Hogan and Promises in Bpring Gardens Adjoining the Road and opposite Jor?oke Hall bath formerly in the oscupation of Mere Huoan & Co. Apply Lo,
ADOL. CARTER, Office Queens Road,
- Victoria, 4th January, 1850.
AMICABLE INSURANCE OFFICE. THE wadaraigned bro bend appainted Agents for 1` de aminan?m Inadvanch Divion, and are pre- pared less policies on the armi terans, in Hong. hong, Canton and Shanghai, payable as follows: Jn London, Agents is Matheson & Co.
SP. A. Cavorke and Calentta, Secralaries T. G. Bagra *Bombay, Agania
THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Rilaka (covered by open POLICIES at Lzoros and in the various LONDON INSURANCE CONFAN,) by the Peninsular & Oriental Company's Steamers, (tom Canton and Hongkong, to the 8tralia, Cey loo, the Presideles of India, and England.
For Ram of Premia and other information, apply to Mr J. A. Orbina, at the P. & O. Co.'s Office, Hoogkong.
JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co. Loodos, Rad December. 1848.
MR. K. B. FORBES is admitted a Partner in our
sibility commencing on the first day of January oest, at which time Mesaro W. H. KING and UBORGE PERKINS retire.
RUSSELL & Co. Canton, 20th November, 1840.
JE have this day admitted Mr. JAMES PUR- WE
DON Parmer in sur House. Our business will henceforward be conducted under the Name of 8WORD, PURDON & Co.
JOHN D. SWORD & Co. Canton, 1st January 1850,
THE business 1 have hitherto conducted in my
a name, will be heranfine oncried on, ander the Flem of TAIT & Co., of which Mr Charler WILLIAM BRADLEY is admitted a partner.
Amoy, let January, 1850.
NOTICE. Terex and responsibility of Mr. JOHN
BTWART in our firm has ceased.
TURNER & Co. Hongkong, tot Janmary, 1850.
418 interest and responsiblity of the late Mr? IT. SH NYE lo var firmi cansed on the 31m ultimo.
NYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, 4th January, 1850.
NOTICE. ADABHOY, BAZONJEE is authorized to
Din our Fires by Procuration,
HORMUSEE FRAMJEE & Co. Canton, Ist December, 1849,
(LATE WOODBErt, Batues & Co.)
NEW STORES PER - ORIENTAL." WEET Bulter in Kegs of 15 iba, American dried Apples in half Barcela, Loaf Bugar &o. Alse received, Foo-chow-foo Bacon.
ROD. RUTHERFORD, Queen's Road.
. B. The Butter and 'Apples are of superior quality and the Bacon in quila Prob.
Victoria, 4th January, 1850.
rior quality. Agent at Maou-HINNAM. Hongkong, 15th December, 1849.
WHAMPOA DRY DOCK THE Undersigned has completed his arrangements for docking and ropaffing Vessels at Wham- poa, and bags to call the attention of Ship Mastero sad Merchants to the facilities be affords for that Pros The Dock is a new one, capable of re- entring Vensel drawing thirteen foot of water at Spring Tides, and eleven foot at Naap Tidos. A large Bail and Rigging loft are attached to the pre- For terms," which will be moderate, apply to,
December 8, 1849.
Commisariat OFFTOS, Flongkong, 14th January, 1850. TENDERS Will be received at this Office until 119 o'clock on Tuesday, the 22nd instant, for Bruza so be drawn by the Undersigned at thirty day's sight on either-the Locle Commitsioners of Her Majuggy's Trostory, or the Governor General "of India, in pachange for British Money""Rupees,
or Mation and Bouth American Dollars.
Each Tander to be sealed--endorsed "Takaz 'roa Bulia"--and to express the cute per cent for British money or the Sterling Rate at which moh of the diler Coins may be offered.
'J. W. SMITH, Assistant Commissary General.
part of ble Cargo engaged will be des "patched for the above Port on the 15th
For balance of Fraight of Passage. Apply to,
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, 17th January, 1860,
fat great delay and exponce for avery wife they
may require.
Ship Chandlers & General Commission Agents, JUST Landed exenam" and "Bestland** general amortiment of the following article: viz-Stationery Perfumery, Proverted Monte, Breakfast and Disper Bere, Filters, Hardware, Blankote; also an szieknive variety of every des.
THE Proprietors of the HONGKONG DIS.
PENSARY, beg to menunde that Mr W.J.cription of Marlee Shores. Panston has apoconded Dr J. H. Yowao, in the Management of that Establishment Hongkong, lat Jamiary, 1850.
TT is requested that all claims aguinal the Estate of the Inte Ronant Waneras may be sent in to the undersigned before the 30th June next, and all parons indebted to the said Estate'will plesa to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & O East Point, Is January, 1850.
LL claime upon the Estate of the late John Cooke DAL, proved before the 80th Jane next, will be met by the undersigned, and all par mana indebted to the mid Estate are requested to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co. East Point, Jal January, 1850.
Hell Yourly Gamer Mum of the Share- A holdtage in the HONGKONG & CANTON STEAM PACKET COMPANY will be held at the Office of SPENCER COMPTON, Esquire, Canton, st 11 o'clock a, M., Tuesday the 4th Fo. brary next.
!Madras, Agente Bingapore, Agents
Remington & Co. Babsbridge & Co. Burkles & Moses, LINDSAY & Co.
By order of the Directors,
AUGS. CARTER, Bertiary. Hongkong, Tat Jawwaty, 1850.
Apply to,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Ca Hongkong, 3rd July 1849,
Hongkong, 18th July, 1849.
MA, on the lat July lant, TRA. R. Husson became a Partner in our CHEATHING COPPER from 14 to 24 or
Canton, 20th December, 1842.
BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Victoria, 18th January, 1850.
W. H. FRANKLYN is instructed by the 4d.
ministrators of the Estate, 10 Boll by Prazio Avorion at 12 at Noon, on Monday the 21st inst., the following' lots and promises thereon the pro porly of the into T. Mo?niamr, Esq. decoased.
Inland, let 143 and 143 A with house thereon situated in Hollywood Road, adjoining Brook Cot tags on the East Side.
Inland lots 106 adjoining Brook Collage on the West End, comprising an extensive range of ata- bling, out offices &c., easily converted at a small expesos into a row of Chinco Rousse.
Inland lot 44 with Promises and a wall laid out, garden beton ksawa na Brook Cottage.
De. Pit
Ba. Coloured, Tarlatan do.
Do. Embroidered do.
De. Cashmer
Do. Embered Book do
Do. Embroidered Jaocenat du.
De. Worked Muslin Collars.
do. Cantone
De. Rich Lace Caps
Do. de. Sleeves
Do. Queen Mary's Collar
Do. Pronch (toll, Corsets. Do. do. Jeso Stays.
Do. Braganza Shaws
Do. do.
> quite now.
Do Black Batis Embroidered
de. LavAN?NES
Of the newest style, by last Mold -
De. Embroidered French Cambria Handkerchiefs
Do, Barage Dream,
De Velvet Bones
De Tescas, traw, and Bili do Do. Might Cap.
Do. Dress do.
Do. Ilang White Kid Gloves,
Do. Leloured and raw do.
De. Black and White Lace Al
Do. Black and White Buk Slackingar
Do. and Gente do.
De. Fancy Checked Blik.
De. Plan Coloured Batina, &c.; &e.
Bachback for Toweling.
Table Linen.
De. Naples.
Brown Holland Drused and Undressed, Beck Mulla, Joset de
Checked do.
Tollet Covere
De Fringe
Fancy Olmps sod Fringes for Dremen, Gunze Ribbons,
Latesting and Salin da.
Narrow Rannel Ribbons of all colours,
Fina Arials Linen,
English Umbrellas.
Boys Fancy Caps.
Chidren's Leghorn do.
Beatch Cambria
Queen's Lawa.
Malla Edgings and. Insertions, dn, de, k
Best Loss Tapes.
Karby's best Needles and Pina. Brus beat Bewing Cotton.
Cetion Cord and Reel Wire,
Darling Cotton and looks and Eyre,
Children's Fancy Bocks-
Children's Angola and Cotten Becks.
Infrate Wellen Beots.
Do. Long Rabts and Precks,
De. Pruck Bodies
De. French Cambric Uspe
Do. Thread Lace,
Do. Night
Earlings Lace and Insertions.
Black Lace, wide and narrow,
4 Black Net and Hand, 4-4 Fancy Feed Net Ray tinh
m?ng t?i Don len man hinh
PURO. Fuat Recalmed -
Bow, Mandlias, Moda, Buffetis, Cuffs, &c., ds.
PERFUMERY FROM "PATEY" Comets of Emance of Flowers, do. of Rose, Verbose, Wild Flower, Bosquet, Essence of Violeta, Ambrasta, and Eanda Portugal
With Hair, Dall, and Tooth Brusker | Bespa, Bears Grosso, Pamatum, Lavander Water, Baal Machine Out, Muk of Roses, Smelling Salts, Court Plaster, A., ko, de. In the Chow Chow Store will be found the follow-
log of the best quality, viz:-
Quimberland Banan
York Elame.........
Barkley and other Cherso a
Jama and Juliet....
Urry Powder and Chainey
Pickies, Vinegar, and Miniard..
Anchory and other Patter
Sardinas, larga Time.
"25 Cente por 1
-718 per Mag. Dutch Better, Lo Ib... Sperm Candies........ 25lagglam, Louf Sugar, Coffee, Uried Herbs, Fresh Bae. Pearl Barley, Oatmeal, Macescout, Vermicelli, Honey in Jare, Tes in 10 and 30 cattles Bones, UKEMI nila Cagara, si Apsos, Nutmegs, Kalina, Plans, D?vs, Chlorable Bances of all kinda
Inland lote 211 Queen's Road West with a row of Chinese, Hotissa thereon producing nearly $50 Per Month rental, the two latter by consent of the Large On Tongues. Mortgages.
A plan to be slowed and all information given upoo application at the Office of the Auctioneer. Coudi- dloos of Sale,-The' purchaser to pay arrears of ground sent and expense stlending transfer.
Victoria. 18th January, 1850.
THE undasighad knowing the great inconveni
sas par?nu are frequently put to, in comes. quence of not being aware that a general STORE of this description is in Hongkong, begs to give the community of Canton, Macko and Hongkong, (mowo.portinially Strangers), the following list of Artitios always,?? sale, and from recent arrange menu made with a London House will receive by the Overland Mail every month a fresh supply of evary thing that is new and fashionable, so that in futuro Ladies will not be necessitated to write home
Corned Beel. Do Pork.
www Genta much
In little choice places, suitable for small familles, With every other article to be found in a general store. GLASS.
Consists of Quart and Plot Decksters, from 38 par Pair upwards; Tumblers, Wines, Claret, Hosk, 1. hempagin, Finger Glas, ?alts, Crassa, da, da.
With a very handsome rich cui Glass Domart But.
WINE, AND SPIRIT STORE. Contadas,-Martelle Pals and Dock Brandy. Bys' shery in ane dozen Cases. Curries & Efant's superior Port in de.
In de Champagne, Scotch Whiskey
Chret, Back, den we.
a faw Octaves of Brown Shorty 6: for Batthig; all their articles are of the best description and to be bad the theres of,
J. INKS, Queen's Road, Hongkong.
eth January, 1850,
As a speaker he is unquestionably the most ples
sant we have heard. His cost pronunciation and
the most rebellious our.
and unanswerable, by many dissenters. Our space will not allow us to discuas - its claims. His last publication is on the subjost of baptism. He has certain-
Zephyr, schoene
Genie, obumar Maggie, brig Spec, schooner
Visa, sabener
At Tel Musters.
190 Wille
Charly nose.
230 Mon
14 Brown
yms, Mulr anden,
Hyme, Mair and so, Syaw, Muir and co Fent and co. Jardine, Matheson and co Francie B. Birlay Mackensie. Bearber and on, Jardins, Matheson and on.
133) Barcham
Deni and ca,
174 Mudro
Prince Albert, barges Hanes, barqa
Best Cosal Li0|Dewart
LG Davidson
106) Robina
LOS Murdo
137 Fair
Rawle, Delaker and co.
Wasp 379 Dec
Russell and ce
Romell and so,
904 fansinge
Hussell and o
She Lovelt
Ramell and a
1050 Palm
Masse sad co
Bull, Nye and on,
|Angustine Heard and oo,
Tak and oo.
Tait and on
ALLICAN. Dartmouth, (Whaler) ship Hongkong Antelope, brig Aril, ship
bu perioni intonation make his speech drop as the|ly had the good fortune to be placed in counsellonu which giva bim ampla op- dew. He literally discoursen muslo which charms portunity of testing his entbolicity and indupsadmes. In his former son
tion he found lie had rather too mosh albow room, sa it allowed him to ac. But we have hitherto been desling with small knowledge a good many more se Christiana than his ancianos anctioned, Deals, schooost matters. We may consider it pomible for ous to and now he dodo himself in a connection where his first efforts are ascential || Independence, brig possa all those things, and yet be unpopular and to give him a little more albowroom. A considerable part of his treatise on intfactive in the pulpit, Let us then sow wherein baptism is direodly entagoalatio to the views of the Close Communion Baptists. his great strength lies. The scripturality of bis. We are not sore that he has done himself justios in writing thle book in his views places him on high vantage ground. As the present state of information on the subject. He stale in his preface that be Beriptures are from God to man, wo might reason, has not read a single work written by Espuma, which ?u ploede as qualifying a priori, that they must be adopted to his character him to givo a separate and independent tersimony. We draw very opposite and straumstances. It has always been found that inferencs. His opinions having been forined from the arguments on one side the more scriptural the preacher the mure success of the question are almost necessarily one-sided ton, but, on the principle that 41. ful are bis ministrations. The man able to presch | tramos most, the extreme views in favour of infant baptism would naturally the Word and to divide it, so as to give each his produce in his mind extreme views against them. As he read the one class pertion, will be popular whether he addresson the - he ought to have read the other. civilised or the savage, the bond or the free. This
We are not satisfied with the lugia of some parts of this work. He states ex- scripturality of views has been called Evangeliam, plicitly that all believare are oummanded to be baptised, and that usim- mereed which means that such presch Harvey's throw Ra. | beliovoce are not baptised; and yet he centends for fellowship with those dia- -Rais, Redemption, and Regeneration. Like obedient to Christ's command. His sitempt to show that they are conscienti. the Bible, be pronounces the whole world guilty, | qua?y disobedient, proven a great deal to muck. We can mally donesire of dif and so details the character of guilt it home to story|ferences urang Christians on shall matters on which the Bariptura is silent, but heart. His are not mero dogmatical sintemenis ■ command of Christ is a different matter. If a man can be conscientiously dis- of really received dootsines, but a thoughtful || obedient to one cominand, be may be so to every, command. We know that analysis of the state of the heart-a calm and imm- he would urge that many do not no this to be a command, but a command oo pressive prmentation of the objective work of re- a point so important, if it existed at all, would be such sa tha mojority of dumption, and a plain, practical, and exparimental || Christians could nut but sen, view of its abjoctivo aspern on the heart and life. These views are slated aut with the coldness of
18, Maxepp4, Dowman, from Shanghai 9th January.
16, Scotland, Davie, from London 16th August.
18, Cantes (Dutch), Bergner, from Shanghai 11th January.
16, P. & O Ca's Mr. Canton, Jamieson, from Canton.
11, P. & Q. Co.'s Str. Canson, Jamieson, from Cumaingmoon.
18, 11. & C. BL P. Ca's Str. Hongkong, Hill, from Canton.
mers doctrinal orthodoxy, but with an earnesttiosa and thorough honesty which commented universal Ant. His are not words uitered by a thougluma Tongue, but words thas ovens uitered by his whole Jan. counicace. The fized eye, the earnest fonturse, the trembling voice, the doop puthor, and the spanking varmestares, carry the message direct lo the heart. We know not but it is his usque alio. nable sincerity which is the key to the affections and understandings of the sudience. Everything about him here the stamp of on honest right hearted sincerity. He apesks because he behaves, and bis heuters believe because he thua spraka.
But bades this evangelism of view and hosest siposity, the extreme lucidity of his thought and style greatly enhance his popularity. Histtoughts are often vigorous, and always natural and impor tant. They are couched in neat and simple lan- guage, and presented in the most attractive aspects. The course gives is curianly a model for siro- plenty of outline, and
19, Arrow, Macfarlane, from Calcutta 8th Dec, and Bingapore 19th do 18, Andas, Bullivan, from Macao.
16, Royal Exchange (Portaguse), Oril, from Amay dih January,
Per Henan, Mrs Maxion, and Mr Frock,
Auckland, barque Eagle, bng
Indians, schoomar
Odenial, p
Candace, barqsa
Dert, schooner
Numancia, brig
El Tiempo, brig
FORTOGGL Amizade, brig
Na Banho da Las, brig
Royal Exchange, brig,
Tremolga, banque
Acura, schooner
De Ainiget, schooner
Casio, barque
Little Lovag, barque
Bhanghal | 199 Gardoar
147 Porter
Shanghai 250| Barrera
Amoy 950 Luchti
Whomped? Bergner
and on ???????
Jose Ficense Jonge
-Lourenco Margana.
V. A. dos nodiam
Dest and eo,
253 Pie
J. M. de Jaro
918 Pike
Jocura, bargne
600 Bays
Macas, bergas
255 Boome
Naga Laut, bargas
995 Smith
Nawen Eljer, barque
$70 Moro
Pialades, barque
350 Pary
Entreprise, baryam Dama
914 Briancon
Maria, bar
Bicos, brig
Ann, lercha
(Marships) Beans Horjes, skip Part Wilbam, ship
Bombay, ship
Lady Hiyos, barque
Named, burgue
Rupareli (Am), barqoe
Bea Hores, brig
Anonyms, big
Heng kong, barque
The Scotland, on the 30th December, in Inc. 3-16 N., loog 136-40 E, upokea macet, dap
Il mid tile but wity of illustration. the Dutch-barque Sultan, from Bally to Hongkong, ou 18 days.
1 has been oflen sald by others
16, Titonia, Knight, Sydney.
16, P. & O'Co's Str. Canton, Jamieson, Cumpingmoon.
16, Lady Montague, Smith, Cummingmoon,
of the character of suinta as beloved of God; bat
whoever so homologated the statements of Scripture Jan. with his own illustrations Who over brought | God so near to man to hu moral character as the God of love and grace! But simple sa wore the though, they were often highly poetical and for cable. Could thoughts be doer than the following -The Christina's heaven brightene, because he prays to his Father 1" "Elo calls us children, not to bestow an empty name but because we are his children." "Let the humblast of his people say, w they look up, "God bes made tou a saiul!"
Mr Bowl has long sustained a high pupularity aaa pronober. The middle and upper classes have Booked to his suited and occasional ioioimma- and parer did people part with a pastor with ea than that of Bedford Chapel,
ar reluctancent secession from the church. En, on hin ra
1 the above, a fricu? forwar
Nas we bad wound the following very beautiful and trubful &cription of Mr Nool's
za a lotter, in wh?dmyg
17, Camion (Dutch), Bergner, Whampoa.
17, Lanrick, White, Cumaingmoon,
17, John Cooper, Were, London.
17, Mazeppa, Dowman, Cumsing moon.
17, Island Queen, Macfarlane, Cumaingmoon.
18, Frederick Wilkdim (Danish), Poulsen, New York,
14. Bintang Anam (Dutch), Derbal, Singapara 16, George Fife, Murray, Liverpool 16, Wellington, Vullacou, Manila.
7, Conway Castle, Scott, Singapore.
Per John Cooper,-Mrs Franklyn and family... ty of priating the | Misses Brains. entire paragraph relating to that, and though
proaching. We take the libur
we are not authorised to publish the of the eloquent writer, the purity and elegance of the style will be in some danger of revealing i Al loding to his preaching of leat Sabbath, the writer
Three things struck me, as contributing to the power and impression of luis prenobing. The firm -the beautifully scriptural rimplicity of his ex- hibitions of divine truth. The simplicity was ac companied with the most lucid clearness. And it carried to my miod, in beuring him, the impression of his full conviction that it was by God's own truth that God own ende were to be affected; and
EL M. Ship Hastings
Bog Pilot
Parkeder, bergan
Royalist, schoner
Harlequin, orig
Louisa, berque
Anita, brig
Muhamedes, barque
Claws, brig
Belly Jane, hip
Folkene, ship
Mandag, bag
blasti, barque
Snipe (Am), brig
Time, schoner
william, brig
William Hugh (Am.), brig
Williaan [V-, barque
Dido, schooner
Hallen, schoene
Tennis, barque
4000 Groot
Hanghona 950 Theletrop ||Best Count] (90) Sealth
Hongkong 650 Com
1914 Mill Co 350 Jamison
$79 Langley
23* Roper
$16 ton, J.
931 Win
951 Johmith
943 Gerard
340 Prin
111 Browning
Ch992 Miller
Fued foo 119 Holy
937 Crawford
49% Leaders
Bayaran and no. Chleshaw Hong Dent and so Rayaran and co Reynman and so, Syme, Meir used on,
Pyon, Mule nud ve,
Pyma, Muir and on
Joka Burd and no. Order.
Jardins, Mathence and an. J.A.Olding P.4 0.0p's. Agond cowanien Bepearles Lang Angandna Hawd and on David Besson, Boas sed en B. Russell and no
Pasajes Pranje Caran des Jardine, Matheson and so. Deat and on
Dent and en
Jardins, Machanoo and us.
tymo, Muir and
Jardins, Machanou Ke? on,
Dew and on
Deal and on
|fardian, Matheson and ca
P. & D. N. O and Deal and
Funding, Matheson and sa
406 Porbes
238 Chape
Cowes Sapoogjes Lauretana.
-J. Anderson
David Samson, Bam
ad co
19 Badiou, W.
Augustine Hoard vad
150 Laay
Postanje Franjos Cama and so
133 Baird
Gileen and so.
219 Roundy
194 Thomp
indeny and o
35 Wadman
WIM Devidova.
?????? 979
Rll and co.
Hardino, Mahgton and on,
Rawlo, Deluker & Co Immediate Ayroan Dirom, Gray & Co. Ently Jina Jardine, Matheson & Co Early. Buoyan Jardins, Matheron de Co Early
FOL. IX, No. 7,
PRICE $10 per annum,
Numbers, to Bubscribers 515 can each; to Non-Subscribers, 1 Rapes. Parties calling or sending to the Olhos for papers are requested to pay h. BUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND,-To Bubmaribers Three Manika, a Dollars; all paid in advanes. Bingle to the Fate or Cama, Dollars par Annum non-subscribers 50; slagle coples 60 cm. TEHNS OF ADVERTISING.-Tan lines al under, Dellar; additional, 10 coute # Kas. Repeslilone one-third of the Arst insertion. Ships,-Pirst Insertion, & Dollars subsequent insertions 49 centu Advertisments to bave written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published unill countermanded. In all instanow, those who are not Buboscfbers, require to pay in advance.
ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAT Also, en route to the above, Brunavonn, Punane, Gallo-Marea, Burk, Adsu. THE PAMUNDULAR AND GRI- ENTAL COMPANY's Steam Ship ACHILLES, will leave this forthe above places on Wed- nesday the 30th of January. Canoo will be received on board until Noon, and Bracen maili 4 v. m., of the 99
For further particolare regarding Famour and PASAGE apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent
P. & O. 8. N. Co. Office. Victoria, Flongkong, Ist January, 180.
THE rats of Freight on Bill to England per Over. Land Route has beto reduced by order of the Directors of the P. & Q. 8. N. Company's to $90.00 per Ton of 40 Cubic feet, which, will be charged antil further notice.
J. A. OLDING-Agent. Hongkong, 26th November, 1840,
THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM- BRS, contique to ply between ALUE Sandria, and T?inern sa under sis. The Direct Jonving" Triasis the 28th of each mouth arrives at Alexandria about the 2nd or 3rd of the following month, and starts for Trinata from Alexandria 18,24 hours after the arrival there of the Inchine-Passengers by the Calcutta Blesmer, except on peccasions when the latter arrives at Bues bebind tha
A Beamer of the same Company leaves Alex andringovery sharpsts Thursday lie ?myrna where it me the Steamere of the Levant Liss, by mtana of Kuich, commandeation is kept sin na praalsaaly. through Byra with Constantinople, Trieste, Greece,
Fares direct to Trimio £18 Inalading Table money Do. | Smyras £18.4 without do, da
Passengers intending to avail themselves of the
Trieste Route should book to Sues only,
For further particular apply to
Most Wm. PUSTAU & Co, Agents at Canton and Hongjong, for the Imperial Royal Privileged Austrian
Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company.
N. B. There are now so many Railroads open
NOTICE. THE Corner HOUSE next the Bridge over A Hell Yourly GENERAL MESTING of the Share: the Nullah fronting Queen's Road A holders in the HONOKONG & CANTON and Officers Quarters. And thron smaller HOU-STEAM PACKET COMPANY will be held at BES in the same range of Buildings; for particular the Offics of SPENCER COMPTON, Esquire, apply to
'Canton, st El d'olock a, K., Tuesday the 4th Fo- bronry wazi.
By order of the Directors,
AUGS. CARTER, Secretary.
N. DUUS & Co. Hongkong, 9th Junuary, 1850,
AMICABLE INSURANCE OFFICE. MHE undersigned bave been appointed Agents for the AMIOABln Insuwanon Orston, and are pro pared to issue policies on the use terms, in Hong- kong, Canton and Shangbai, payable as follows:- In London, Aganu Memie Macken & Co.
P. A. Cavorke and| Calcutta, Beorolaries
T. G. Bagram. *Bombay, Agents
Remington & Co. Madras, Ageuta
Bainbridge & Co. Barkion & Mo LINDSAY & Co.
Singapore, Agents
Hongkong, 18th July, 1849,
NOTICE. HRˇA. R. Hudson became a Partner in our
Aron of the lat duly l
Canton, 20th, December, 1849.
PHE Undersigned are prepared to accept. Risks (covered by open POLICIES et Flords and In the various London Immunanus Convanina,) by the Petlasolar & Oriental Company's Blesers, from Canton and Hongkong. the Brake, Oey
loo, the Presidencies of India, and England."
For Rates of Premium and other information, apply to Mr J. A. Ozdeno, at the P. & O. Co. Office, Hangkong,
JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co. London, 28d Doovmber, 1848.
Mouse from this date, his latest and Respon sibility commencing on the first day of January sexi,
MR. R. B. PORBES is admitted Partner in our
at which time Mours W, H. KING and GEORGE PERKING TOtire.
Canton, 20th November, 1849,
have this day admitted Mr, JAMES PUR-
through Germany that London may be reached WDON Partner in our House,
from Trieste in 6 days with comfort and at an expence of about £10 £19.
Victoria, 97th September, 1849,
THE Ship
family. Make and his Chy, and
4. Parry
||Whampoa pow
Deut de Ca
doanhon | 74 kem
Captain J. W. Morgen.
Bhip Cleopaten
Brig Amb
19 Ke
New York
Hloop Royalet
'inco Asiel Oriental
Rayovana di Ca
Russell de Co.
Russell & Co.
Bog Marina
10 K
M. & Elizabeth
Robert Strachan
10 Glude
Buah & Co,
16th Foo
Beer Reyard Beamer Kladn
Lindsay & Co.
10th Feb.
John Burd & Co.
Im Feb
Jardine, Matheson & Co Today
Jose M. de Jesus
Lourongo Marques
13 Game
Sym?, Muic & La
Byme, Muir & Co.
Ryms, Muir & Co.
Victoria, 11th January, 1850
Bye, Moir, & Co.
Syme, Muir & Co.
Hongkong Audax
Jardins, Matheson &
Co. Early
Whampoa Antelope
Rumell & Co.
Cously are.
[Cum'mioon taland Queen
Dent & Co.
Whampoa Alligator
Dirom, Gray & Co.
Whampo B. O. Steamer Phlegethon Canion
H. M. Ship Alligator
Ship Minden ANCAIOAN.
that the more simply it was stated, without any of U, B. Ship Plymouth the words which men's wisdom teachesh," the more likely was it, by God's blessing, to effects those enda
Calcuna Biraita
It Gun
|Captain T. L. Manssa.
Commander W. Marria
Commander H. B. Brunet, Commander C. M. Machin |Commander 2. M. Lyon. Commander P. Croft,
10 Ku
10 Gane
Compsandar Loshyor.
Onder G, Niblatt. Oector Pankier. Mane F. Mitchell.
Commodore D. Geininger, Captain T. R. Godesy. Commander T. J. Pago.
Commander Montsegto.
Hobart Town
Ban Francisco Hongkong Cornwall
Lord Hungerford Warlock Cammoon Lantick
Macao N. 8. da Luz
Tremelga Amoy Independense
Naga Laut
Nawan Eljoesoer Pieladen
Amoy Prince Albert
Brig Dolphin
B. C. M. Brg Luero
"The second was-the affectionate carncatness of his whole style of address." It was impossible to hear him without ferlog that his beart was in ovary word he was uttering. The benignity of louk, the winningness of some, the general persuasiveness of bis whole manner, ware eminently 6ted to gain access to the barte of listeners. What comes | Arrow, brig from the heart goes to the heart. And, along with
these, thero wa
"Thirdly the knowledge of his accomplished azbolerable, and his high sintion in society, giving so impression of a truly Christian and lovely hum bleness of mind-an impression which bis satire bearing in the pulpt was fitted to castify a just, and not a little to deepen."
Asda, sooner Blackfdar, barque Canion, steamer
Forbes, ship Chilia, harg Carnwall, burgos Commur, semmer
Elenor, arqu
Archer, barque
Klan, barque Emran, ship Falcon, shap Hongkong, mer
Jukni Gairil, barque
Juliana, barque
Lard hungerford, oltr Lexim, barqar
Menam, barque Mor, ship warlock, boodland, ship
This last den is excomdingly well pat. Pedan tryis the resort of man wh? naume a position which they ar constions they use unable to sustain; but in this instance, conscious superiority, to the nost aulted position, rendered she subject of our sketch at perfect mes; while to those aware of his status sa nobleman and scholar, his unaffected and childlike demeanour, greatly endeared him. This es and dignity of manner were still more obvious se ho sat on the platform. There not a fow res Llamapirits were to be seen, while ho was the im. personificatio of calm dignity. No one aw him writhe under the greatest violation of taste, though be evidently felt as kocoly as others; and no one saw the ende manifestations of joy which charac terine lemn saaltad apiriu. We doubt whether the Glasgow public have ever had a baster opportuni. Cater
ty of witnesslug the public deportment of a rest gentleman.
Bid his popularity an a preacher be bas been loog favourably known as an author. Ho has is- aned above a dozen publications, varying from pany tract to a large colavo. His tract on Chris
Allig, brig
Busco Ayran, barque Engenas, achoo@et Heary Winch, ship Linnet, brig
Marsha & Elizabeth, achr. Now Margaret, ship
Lelanden, schemes Lady Montagne, ship Lancia, brig Manopps, schoonat
dick, barque Confedles, ship Hags Walker, ship
tian Union, some yevra ago, indicated bis leanings | John Banyan, ship towurde dissent, of rather towardsan untrammelled Lynber, bog
Christianity. On his leaving the Established Nymph, brig
Magia, brig
Church be published a large volume, which has wir Edward Pazzy, baspoo been pronounced a failure, by the church party; 1 ipy, brig
|Hongkong || 219 Macfarlane Maviour and co.
151 Bullivan Jardins, Meshaven and en
Dear and
· 215 Juninaon
f. A. Dhema, P.&O.Co.'s Agent
LDs wee
Buck and co.
‧ 155 97 modim
230 Jubb
440 Buckhamm
480. Bibby
Megvicer and
LicEwen and on.
Robert Bernabas,
Husband on
Rawin, Drinker and on,
Holliday, Wise and so.
Jardino, Matharen and on
Carter, EL&C..P.CAg
!lawie, Drinker and co
2, Lady Bale, 188, Roger, Shanghai.
16, Record, 432, Patullo, Hoogkong.
September 9, Lord Hardings Sawyer Hongkong.
16, Mangosteen, 11
18, William Blow
17, Duiline, 128-
Loading on the 24th October,
b, Shangbai.
hinson, Boogkong.
4, Mary Ana Fothott, 408, Holgate, Hongkong,
September 16, Albion, 699, Clark, Hongkong.
24 Cam
30, Mandarin, 344, Phillips, Bhanghai,
246 Bows
herine and co
11, Monarch, 337, Percival, Shanghai.
730 Pataca
Linding and co.
Brot. Muir and so.
3, Henrietta, 199, Pastop, Shanghai,
Hiday and as,
Wardina, Maanmen and on.
6, Ann & Jana, 351, Fawcett, Shanghai
Klin, Livingston and sa.
137 Lane
Jobe Bard and co.
Whampoa 197 Duga
Diewin, Gray and co.
114 Mari
47 Farm
Dirwn, Gray and co.
313 Allen
Y. J. Murrow,
96 Murray
$11 Baby
183 s
963 Whe
250 Champon 194 Maciuciano
171 Dowman
Bhanghai 511
9:57 Mar
196 Camus
466 Thom
106 Winn
187 From
Derom, Gray and on,
Banking Rewean and so.
Hubert Birachen.
Dir, Gray and co.
A. Cacoor, IL&C.B,F.Co. Aql.
Wear and co.
Busk and co
Dedine, Mathee
and co.
Jardins, Mathmes and on
Burdina, Macharen und so.
Marcin and on,
line, Matheson sad en flaggran vos und co.
De and on
Dudine, Mackmon and se
Hobs Buscha
21, Bootinck, 387, Bragg, Shanghai
13, Joenminh Garnett, 447, Dalay, Shanghai.
Loading on the 34th October.-Aqua Marine, Lancastrino, Oriza, Onterpoliti
and Panic
September 2, Mathonia.
September 6, Conrad
£5, H.M.'s Troop Ship Apollo, Com, Rawatorna, Hongkong.
Loading-Arratoon Apear, and Arial,
Loading. Dumfries, Ellora, Jamestjon Jojosbhoy, Lady Peel, and Sultana..
Looding.-Trusty, for Bhanghai, and Purses Merchant, for China.
Printan sa POBUNRO FORTEn Prozaiston, Joan Cann, by Lum p'Assysco, Oswald's low, Queen's Road, Victoria, 1860.
be dispatched from this about the 10th of February. She has excellent accommodation for pananger, and carries a Borgson.
For passage only, apply to,
Capos on board.
THE LORD HUNGERFORD" Captain Paragvom will be dea- 'patched for the abova nazaed port, sol later than the middle of February.
For freight apply to,
Kwanglee Hong, 31st December, 184p.
P.S.-A Supercarge acquainted with the Trade will accompany the Ship, whose servicos nen avail- able to skippers,
Our business will henceforward be dondusted under the Name of BWORD, PURDON & Co.
JOHN D. SWORD & Co. Camion, lal January 1850.
THE basiasse have hitherto conducted in my own name, will be hereafter carried on under the Firm of TAIT & Co., of which Mr Chains WillJan Bradtny is somitted a partner.
Hongkong, 1st January, 1880.
Apply to,
NOTICE. WHAMPOA DRY DOCK. THE Undersigned has completed his arrangements
for docking and repairing Vasel at Whom- pos, and begs to call the attention of Bhip Mustaru | and Marobanta to the facilitias be affords for that purpose. The Dock is a new one, espable of re- cairing Vessels drawing thietsen fel af water at Spring Tides, and elavan foot at Neap Tides. A large Bail and Rigging loft are a?sabed to the pre- mos. For term, which will be moderate, apply to,
JAMES ROWE, Whampoa.
December 8, 1849.
for the Dubinalar nad Orl.
OIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. FOR SALE at the Office of this paper Hongkong, 3rd July 1849,
JUST Landed ex " Menaw" and " Scotland "a general assortment of the following articles: viz.-Stationery Perfumery, Preserved Mesu, Breakfast and Dinner Bats, Filters, Hardware, Blankets; also an extensive variety of every dee cription of Marine Stores.
BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Victoria, 18th January, 1850.
NEW STORES PER "ORIENTAL" QWEET Butter in Kega of 168 1be, American dried Apples in half Barrels, Lous Bogar &c. Also received, Foo-chow-foo Baooo.
BOB, RUTHERFORD, Queen's Road.
N. B-The Butter und Apples are of superior quality and she Bacon is quile Fresh.
Victoria, 415 January, 1850,
.....** first by?ICTORIA DISPENSARY,
ODA WATER and LEMONADE of pe rior quality. Agent at Mane-HINNAM.
Hongkong, 15th December, 1849.
ental Company's Itemore,
Compradores Ondano, in Books. POWERS OF ATTORNEY. CHARTER-PARtina.
Mercantile forms and other work printed with sxpedition at the customary rates.
Queen's Road, 9th October, 1848.
18 DAY at 11 a. m., will be sold at the Auc TION MART, Queen's Road,-Part of sa la. voice of Oilmen's Stores, ax John Bunyan, Includ- ing Mustard, W. W. and Raspberry Vinegar, Bau- cos, Pickles, Groats, Patent Barley, Turi Fruits, Hame, Butter in Jara, Tongues and Beef in Kegs, &o. Also, Bouled Beer, Wines, Spielta, Varniture, and a few Pulatings.
Trans or Bala, ---Cask.
Victoria, 22nd January, 18609 kuash 15,7
Bombay, Ceylon, Madena, Caleatia, Rangoon, Maurition, Australia,
Bingapore, Manila,
Maisons, Proang, Batavia,
Great Britain or France, one Port,
United States of America,
Amoy, let January, 1650.
NOTICE THE internet and responsibility of Mr. JOHN Holland or Hasburgh, Spain or Portugal,
ATWART in our firm has onused.
Best Count of British North Amerion, TORNER & Oo.
Hongkong, 1st January, 1850.
THE Interest and responsibility of the late Mr. IT.&H NYE in our firm cased on the 91m
NTE, PARKIN & Co. Colon, 4th January, 1850,
Capt. Ton, having the greater
part of her bingo 'chgaged will be'de patched for the above, Fort on the 15th
For balanes of Freight or Panags. Apply to,
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, 17th January, 1860.
TO BE SOLD on LET. THE HOUSE ad Premiere in Spring
Gardens frobling the Harbour. The House and Peanies in Spring Gardena adjoining the Road and opposite, Terroka fall both formerly in the occupation of here How & Co. Apply to
ADEL CARTER, Office Quest's Road.
Victoria, 4th January, 1890,
our Pin by Procuration. HORMUSJER FRAMJER & Co.
Canton, 1st Deceraber, 1849.
(Lath Woodburnt, Batson & Co.) Ship Chandlers & General Commission Agents, NOTICE.
TT is requested that all claims against the Estate of the hete Rosant Wineres may the ment in to the wedersigned before the 30th Jane next, and
all persons indebted to the maid Estate will plons to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co. Esat Point, Ist January, 1850.
Den Huren & Baaron's franting. LL claime upon the Estate of the late Joms Stanley, Wellington and Forteger Streets A Coon DALSIN, proved before the 20th fase with commanding view over the whole Basnet, wil be met by the undersigned, and all per- The Houses can bo let either, single of 10gr 2008 indebted to the waldi Estate are requested so that having separata satranecame entkomen. For make payossos to, partionlars, apply to,
N. D??I 4 CO. Hongkong, 7th January, 1860.
East Point, Ist Jonnury, 1860.
Ports in the River BL Lawropes, Brazil-
River Plate,
Windward and Looward Talanda, Berbice and Demarats, Jamgion and Bt. Domingo,
Spanish Mais, Honduras and the Mosquito Bhore,
Touching at the Cape of Good Hope, betwem Jol May and
Tit Beptember, par cant additional,
Towbing at Singapore, Manila, or Java,
For every adional Port of Discharge.
To a Port in Chill, except Coquimbo, warranted not to arrive on the
Const, between 20th May and 20th September,
To arrive within those daim,
Coquimbo and Peru,
Fer prey additional Poet touched at 4 per cent additional, Mirico 187 the West Coast,
From the West Coast of North and South America to China, var-)
Tuoled not to leave the Cast of Chili, steept Coquimbo, baturom 20th May and 20th September,
To lears the Coast of Chili, except Coquimbo, debeten these daler, To and from the Bandwich Islands, To Amer
To Prochowing, Lookong, Woosung, Ningpe, Shanghae,
Calling at intermediate forta + per cent additional, Shanghae to Great Britain, calling at Hongkong, Binka a Hongkong, Cumaingmoon, per month," Risks at Woosung,→
To the East Count of China, per month,
N.B.To Foochowfoo, Woosung, Sbenghae, from 20th August de
2014 April, at 14 par ceni,
Rika to Manila, from 90th June to 90th October, not taken. Av?rage on Bugar, and similar articles to India and Australia
5 per cent, warranted free from average under 15 fun.
per cent, average recoverable on every $500 value (pack-
‧ges of running numbers) as if repartly insured.
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co., General Agents "Canton Insurance Offon,"
Oorean Arass. Apam OcroLE
Blesk Tressure
DENT & Co.,
Bertarica *Union Insuranos Society."
Hanokona, ist January, 1960.
(From the China Mail, 17th January.)
An Ordinance for Her Majesty's Babjonta within
the Dominions of the Emperor of Chies, or with in any Ubip or Vervel at a Distance of not more then One Hundred Miles from the Coast of China.
No of 1850.
BY His Excellency Bamuna Gwoman Boxman, Esquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order ibe Beth, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencie, and Vico-Adosiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plu Dipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Bubjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong.
and Authorities given to and vested in the mid Supreme Court under and by vietus of the Ordi- nance No. 9 of 1845 and No. 9 of 1849, saything berein contated to the contrary notwithstanding.
Pamed the Legiskttre Ceonci) of Hongkong
this 8th day of January, 1680.
La. D'Almada = Castro,
Clerk of Councils.
New Advertisements will be reoraved until 4
Clack, on the openings pervious to publi catim, vis: Tuesdays and Fridays
12 Nor. H
Dec. 10
Ju, D
LATEST DATES. Farland Oct. 94 Bydney Unlid State Ool. 14 Katavia Calcita An Ordinance to explain the
Dec. Singapor Colonial Ordinanen No. 9 of 1845. entidad, "An Ordinones to invest the Supreme Court *of Hongkong with a Summary Jurisdiction is
Bombay Medra
but not one of them is qualified to preside in an English court of Requests where the sumu adju- dicated opon do not exceed twenty pounds. At Canton there is a learned Doctor of Laws, at Shanghai a learned Doctor of Physic; but to suppose that either of these Gentlemen, without
■ legal education, is fit to sit upon the Bench and decide in cases which require a perfect acquaintance with both the statute and com- mon law of England, is to suppose an absurdi- ly.
To sonis residents of the Consular ports and to as good many who visit these ports, £100 is a large sum,--more, possibly, than they are worth in the world. It is hard to place these mens fortunes at the mercy of Consular officers; at Amoy, and at other places, past ex- perience shows what Consular functionaries are capable of. We are told that "there is no evil without its redrem." But here is an evil with- out any redreas.
An ignorant or capricious Consul, in the face of the law and in direct
certain Cases and also the Colonini Ordinance THE FRIEND OF CHINA violation of justice, casts an unfotunate individu.
No. 3 of 1849, passed to amend the peid Ordinanca No. 9 of 1845; and to amend and explain the Or- dinaner No. 3 of 1947, entitled, "An Ordinance to
‧ authorisa Her Majesty's ('onsular Oficere to ad- "judicate in Civil Actions;" and also to make Pro- vision for ariain Couse of Civil Action or Com plaint, originated beyond the Limits of the Colony of Hongkong, for or against any such ?ficers.
(6th January, 1850)
Wanna Doubts have arisen
as to whether the Jurisdiction
NOTICE.-The sours of Divine Service at 81. Jesa's Curnon are on Sunday, is 11 a. it, and § past 3 r. k.
And on Thursday 11 0 2.10.
given to or conferred on the said Consular Offer, 29. November, 1943. by the First Section of the said. Ordinance No, 3 of 1847, be concurrent with or exclusive of the Summary Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Hongkong given or rooferral by the mid Colonial Ordinancs No. 9 of 1845, and by the mald Colonial | Ordinance No. 3 of 1840: And whereas it is ex. pedient to make Provision for Caves in which the inid Consular Offers may become Parties either Complainant or Defendant in cerula Civil Cums : 1. Be it concted and ordained
Colonial Chaplain.
NOTICE-T4 hours of Public Worship to the Unzon Casert, Hollywood Rond, are on the Sabballi (1) as we and balf past 6., and on the evening of every Wed besday half past 6.
Victoria, Lech January, 1850.
by His Excelleney the Governor THE Legislation of 1850 opens with a short Supreme of Hongkong and Chief Superia. Court to be eser tendent of the Trade of Her Ma. Consular Ordinance of no great importance in tised only within jesty's Subjects in China, with the [ itself, but strongly characteristic of it framer, the Colony of Advice of the Legislative Council
The celebrated draft ordinance published House of Hongkong, for the Removal of Its Dependencia.
sock Doubts, That the Summary last November, extended the jurisdiction of Jurisdiction with which the said Supreme Court of the Police Court of tongkong to the do- Hongkong lo lovealed in certain Cases under and minions of the Emperor of China; on the No. 9 of 1840, and the Powers and Authorities other hand, the present ordinance limita cha thereby gir shall not extend or be exercised or summary jurisdiction of the Supreme qurt exercisable by the mid Bapreme Court beyond the to longkong and its dependent, he Limite of the Colony of Hongkong and its De pendencies, nor to sor over shy Cause of Action content in striking. The drew
by virtue of the mie Ordinamos No. 9 of 1845 and
or Complaint whatsoever, originating beyond the give lice Magistrate an illegal jnrimlic said Limits, save and except and unless the Parties Complainant and Defendant shall, at the Destion in the territories of a foreign powers the the Bammered or But, new ordinance deprives the Chief Justice of ball of them actually resident wilbio the certain legal powers which have appertaised
reluct Colony of Hongkong or ita Dependencies: Pro- to his court since its creation. But whence vided always that nothing herein contained shall prerent, or be construed to prevent, all Orders and this anomaly The Chief Magistrata is a Decrees as by the Supreme Court under the mere instrument in the hands of the Governor, aformid Ordinances No. 9 of 1865 and No. 3 of and by enlarging his jurisdiction the Governor 1949, as hereby explained, from being carried imo has a greater control of the law courts. Again: Execution In Mamber in the said last-mentioned Ordinance provided, in any Place witblo the Ju. the Supreme Court is independent of the Gor. risdiction of the said Supreme Court where the eroor; therefore it is deemed advisable to limit Defendant, his Goods, Chatile, or Effects, Lands, ite jurisdiction. The tendency of Mr Bonham's Transals, or Hereditaments may be found or mat with: Provided also that nothing herein con- legislation is that of encroachment upon the tained shall extend or be construed to extend to courts of law. He cannot and will not believe Interfere with, limit, or restrict the Jurisdiction of that there is a power superior to the admi- the Supreme Court of Hongkong, other then the nistrative power and that that power is the Summary Jurisdiction with which that Court la in- rested by the aforesaid Ordinances No. 9 of 1846, Law. Brought up in the service of the In- and No. 3 of 1840, and other than se regards such dian Government, whose civil servanta are Jurisdiction over Consola and Consular Offers, one year collectors of revenue, the next diplo no in hereafter provided for.
matists, and anoo dispensing Justice to the 11. And be it further enacted natives, he confounds the nature of his prosent Provision for and ordained, That whenever any Balta and A
al in the beavy amount of £100. Every body may fool satisfied that the decision is an outrage on common sense and decency,--but it mat- ters not-there is no appeal.
2nd. "Provision for the trial of all suits and actions wherein Her Majesty's Consula or other Consular officers may be parties,"
We were under the impression that " Her Majesty's Consule and Consular officers" were amenable to the laws of their country and could be sued after the usual form. And should the Right Hon, decretary for Foreign Affairs require information on this head, we are pre- pared to show that Consular officers in China bave frequently disgraced the office they hold. and that the Supreme Court is a wholesome check upon men of violent dispositions-ias- perienced in public life-and from early educ- ation, habits, and past pursuits, totally unfit for the appointments they now hold.
But it is
men of this stamp-and that the picture is not over coloured is known to all old residents- who, at the out-ports, are to be intrusted with the extraordinary powers conferred by the first section of this ordinance.-by the second sec tion they are hold exempt from responsibilition which rest upon every obec
from the Stome Quarry, cross the Queen's Road and go in the direction of the back of the bouse, 181 Queen's Road, East; the five men did not see, a 1 concealed myself. I went for the assistance of the European Constablo, and it was less than a quarter of an hour before I returned to the house with him; we went to the back door; I do not kuan if he came out of the back door, but he was class to it and running when I first saw him; the E ropean Constable (ioutifire | Graney sa the man) Bred at him and the man fell. I went up to li and saw that be had been wounded in the head; i was bleeding very much. The man was shut, Boes in the corner of the house and a few feet fig a drein. Itorord on my lunthorn, and saw four men running from the drain towards the ann; I pursued there and Bred my pistol but without effot, the pistol had a ball in it. The bouse 104 Quson's Road, Eart, bad been broken into by forcing open the back door; close to the spot where the decen. and fall, picked up a cap and a dagger, (produced the cap, which had a hole in it, evidently from the | passage of a bullet.) I do not know the deceared,
European Pollos Constable J. Grancy, No. being asked by the Coroner if he had any objection to making a statement on oath, replied not he was then sworn, and deponed:-I was on duty in charge of No. 1 Section this morning some time after a o'clock the last witness informed me that he had seen five suspicious looking men on his beat. I weal with him to 104 Queen's Road, East, direct. ing bim to walk quictly and not to turn on his light, I waited in front of the house 2 or 3 minutes, but heard no noise. I then went to the back of the house facing the son. I saw that the back door had been forced open, and was in the act of entering, when the deccused rashed out against me, I pol my hand out to seize bim, saying "Man, man, Fe kes," but be pushed between me and the wall and run toward the corner of the house. When olens to the comer of the house, I fced at him with my Police Fuzes and ho fall ↓ I went to him, and sw that I had wounded him in the head; I think he was not quite dead for a few minutes after. There is ? drain close to the corner of the house, and (fam certala ba would have escaped had I pot shot him, I was loading my Fuze, when the Indian Cos. stable fired his pistoj ; I asked him what he had fired for, and he told me he had seen four pe tunning near the and of the drain. I went lasida the house and found that the outer back door bad been broken open, part of the door and the wooden socket of the hinge were broken, The inner dose had been opened by bresking a hole in the com position wall and wrenching of the wooden bok. The inmates told me they had been robbed of some dollars, some rion, sugar, and cooking matta."""There was rice uprinkled from the shop th the coo house to the back door. I mover saw the deconsed before to my knowledge; I have inado aquiry in the neighbourhood, but cannot find any
own him.
Willem misertion, #WTYK, BURMES
Grontal Surgeon, I have examined the body of deces-
Britain. In England there are no distinctions in law the portant can was the poor-the most lowly those of th+highest rank. In China" Hor Majesty's Conels and Consular officere," for the future, are so be dealt with after a different fa shion. They are only amenable to their own Su- perintendent and laugh the Supreme Court to Suits against these Gentlemen are to corn. be in the form of petitions to the Superinten dent of trade-the Superintendent will appoint persons to try the case, if he sees fit-or he will remit it to the Supreme Court, if he sees fit. The Law is no longer omnipolost; in bus legia- lative capacity Mr Bonhams has cast it from its pedestal se Superintendent be umrps the va- cant stand. He is advancing on bis career; and in the present instance if his countryman at the five ports are content, we will not find fault. At Hongkong we are protected by the Su preme Court and by the laws of our country: and when we leave the colony it will not be to plich our tent at one of the five puris, where
and and find a wound on the right side of the hamil, the skull has been fractured and the brain protru dee; the wound has been inflicted within the pre- cading seven or eight hours, and wan thi taues of death (A bullet was here exhibited to wing soch a bullet would indict " wound almilar to th?c on the head of deceard. The bglish has not pas sed out.
This being the whole of the evidence the Jury immediately returned a verdict of "Justifiablo Ilus micida."
(From the Tince, October 18.)
The present week see the commencement of the academical evasion is our two ancient universities, and will send some eight ar mine bond red freshmen to encounter the various chances of college life, and the proverbial parils of collego debi. Those perila are not wholly imaginary, but so much misconcep Gion exists on the subject, notwithstanding its re- cent notoriety, that wo may be doing some public service by supplying the materials for the formation of more correcglaidas.
the Trial of all Cause of Civil Action or Com. office with his Indian experience, and in addi- we would be liable to be mulct beavily by ignor college authorities, the university tradesmen, the tions, whereis plaint whatever shall originate tion to the limited powers of the ruler of a
Her Majesty's beyond the Limits of the Coleay British colony, he would also claim to make Lowens of other of Hongkong and its Dependen- and amend the laws of England to suit his pre- Cononlar Officers cles, for or against any such Can- may be Parts
sul in Chion, or any Vice-Consal concieved ideas. He goes a step farther, by while acting as Consul aforesaid,
Tauro De fendant,
Case of Action
basing origin
beyond the La
mile of the Cabe
or any Consular Agent aeting sa
euch, then and in every soch
Magistrates acting under his ordere he adini.
nistere his own laws In the draf ordinance
ant Consular officers,
Case it shall and may be lawful and in the ordinance before us we have an il-office of the Soportatendent of Police, on the body to and for the Party Complainant lustration. By the draft ordinance he makes a or Defendant, or either ?
them, to prefer a Feltona, at any or ciber of law which is illegal in itek, and that law ho Majesty's Chief Superintendent of Trade in Chis, through his Magistrate of Polico-claims the being also Governor of the Colony of Hongkong, who shall thereupon appoint soma Person or Par acus to try and adjudicate on the Matter of the said Petition, and the Person or Persona ao appoint. ad shall try and adjudicals on the klatter, whatever may be the Amount in Dispute there is a sum mory Manner, entertaining in support of or against any such Petition vind voce Evidence on Ost Swara Depositions, including or not, ai kia or their
power to enforce or not as to him unes godd. in the new ordinance he deprives the legally constituted court of the colony of a portion of its jurisdiction, he then assumes to himself the very power (at least in substance) of which he strips the court I
The ordinance is brief enough; but a short
Discretion, the Evidence or Depositions of the analysis may be useful to some who will not Plaintiff or Plaintiff, Defendant or Defendante, or
(From the Hongkong Register, January 22.) An lequest was held on the 19th instant, at the
of a man, a native of China, unknown, who was killed under the following olicumstance; C. B. Hillier E, Coroner.
Ya Absing, sworn, deposed. I am part owner of the "Trmy" chandlers' shop, 104 Queen's Road, East: shout half-peat three this evening was awoke by the report of a gun, and immediately after a Police Constable (identifies John Graney as the man) came into the shop thro' the back door, be told me that he had shot one of the thieves, went out with biro, and saw the deceased lying near the corner of the house; he was dead, I'm a wound on his head which was bleeding profusely, I do not know who he is, nor have I beard who he is, 1 then examined my house and found that I
There are four parties whose positions are to be considered in a sensible review of the question-the parents of the undergraduates, and the undergra duates themselves. It is in the habita of this last class alone that the main source of the evil lies, and it is bare alone that a remedy can be effectually applied. At the Gulset we should observe, that we do not admit the axlatence of evil to any such ex. teal no has been sometimes described. It is not seriously injure aliber themselves or their families tine that any considerable proportion of students by extravagant expendituro during their academiest onroer-such tales are mere idle exaggerations; but it is true, we think, that in ninety casos out of bundred expanses are incurred in some degree in commensurate with the moans of the student's fa Imily, and wholly uncalled for by the actual el ream- stancon of his position. We do not mean that all young men are at this particular period of their live extravagant, or that they are evan induced to be so by example; but there is undoubtedly perpe tuated, at each of the universition, a kind of tradi tional spirit, which is taken to warrant a certain extraordinary expenditure. There is really nothing whatever, as we shall presently observe, in the com tingencies of a college education, to justify this. pga - concaired, that when a man gets to Oxford or Can bridge the supplies which have hitherto sufficed for his needs will suffice no longer. It soome almost imagined that be in pushed up one elep in society. and that for the thres next years of his life he must comport himself as if ble position were something superior to what it really is. This feeling is not ahogother without ite valas, but it conduces in al most every case to home needless expense, and, in It excess involves the serious embarrassmen be Oumphined of. There is no sarthly reason why a mu should spend more in Oxford or Cambridge than in Worcester or Huntingdon; on the contrary, there are many reasons why he should spend bear bat, either because in the quality and fraternity of more readily give the tone to the whole, or be academic life a few individuals of rank and wealth
any or either of them, in the same Manner as if be at the trouble of examining for themsolves had been robbed of $50, 10,000 cash, about a sumption, but it is neverthalets almost univardiy
sucb Person or Persons were acting as Consul
under the Provision of the mid Consular Ordinance preme Court to be exercised only within the No. 3 of 1847: Provided always, that if the mid Chief Superintendent shall deem the Master in colony of Hongkong and its dependencies."
question inore fitting to be tried in the Supreme
Ist. "The Summary Jurisdiction of the 80-reoty callies of caked sugar and two cooking pans -the dollars were taken from the cowater, the caked sugar from the shop, and the pans from the cook house. I found that the outer back door had been forced open, part of the door being broken; the inner back door had been opened by a holo having been made close to the door thru the com- position wall, and the wooden bolt wrenched of I heard the report of two moskets before I got up, Mah Cheet, sworn, deponed. I am partner in the "Ty-my" cheudlord shop, 104 Queen's Road, Esst, this man gave similar evidence to the first witness.
Indian Police Constable Wuseer All, Na-, awor, deponed. I was on doty dile morning no about 3 o'clock I saw five men sense down the hill No. 1 Beal, from the Gap to Mr Framjee's house;
The Summary jurisdiction referred to ar Court of Honghong, It shall and may be lawful for tends to the value of five hundred dollars, and the said Chief Superintendent to remit the Party Complainant or Defendant and all Proceedings in under the administration of a competent Judge the latter to the mid Supreme Court; la which the system works very well. By the now.or- Caso the said Court shall have Power and Juria-dinance the residents of the five ports are hand. diction to entertain and adjudicate upon the Matters ad over to the Consular courts, and from the de- and Proceedings so romitied, in a Summary Man- ner, provided the Dubt or Damages or Case of Ac-cisions there given there is no appeal. Ware tion of Complaint shall not exosed the Sum of Five Her Majesty's Consuls in Chion all. Barristers Hundred Dollars, and shall and may bave and ercise over all and every such. Matters and Pro- credings all and every the Jurisdiction, Powers,
of some standing in their profession, there would
be no great objection to the ordinance thus far:
Do not think that your learning and grains, your wit and sprightliness, are welcome every where. was once told that my oumpany was disagruentido because I appeared so uncommonly happy; and many good housewives duelure they do not like a learned, bookisb husband,-Leon.
They who place themelves on that side of the world in which everything apponta la a ridiondos pleasing light, will find something in every oc currence to excite their good humour. The most
them a theatre, on which comedies only are noted. calamitous rete, either to themselves or others, can bring no new nfliction ; tho whole world la to
All the bustle of heroism, or ile ranks of ambition, perros only to heighten the sbourdity of the scene, and make the humour more poignant. They feel, the complaints of hers, us the underinken, though In short, as little anguish at their own distros, or
dressed in black, feale sorrow at a funeral.-Zhanny.
that the terms cards was sa interpolation introduced tile Belds of bistorical fiction. - Kosingam wits, at Inter peried by a transcriber. The author of the "Guldin Spil," ?a work written about the mid- dle of the fifteenth century, and printed at Auge- sims to confer a massure of Italf upon inferior In A Word in Season. It is the prerogative of ge- buro, in 1472, says that the hail rend that the game telligences. In reading the works of Milton, Ba- at cards was first brought into Germany in 1800. con, and Newton, thoughts greater than the growth No fact, however, conarmstory of the correctness of our own minds are transplanted into them; and of this account, he been discovered; and the feelings more profound, sublime, and comprehen- omission of all notice of cards by Europoon au sive, are insinuated amidst our ordinary train; while thor of the earlier half of the fourisonth century, in the eloquenes with which they are clothed, wo even when expressly treating of the gamen in vogue learn new language, worthy of the new idons cre- st the period, may be received as good negative stad in. Of how much pure and exalted enjoy. evidence of their not being them know? se'n po meat is he ignorant, who never entertained, so puler game in Europe: Da non apparentibus at gals, the bright emanations of loftier intellecta tham non existentibus sadem est satio," Admitting carde bis own by habitual communion with superior to be of Rastata invention, it would seem that they spirits, we not only are soabled to think their first because known in Europe, as a popular game, thoughts, speak their dialect, fost their emotions, between 1560 and 1390-Corelesso, en lilian but our own thoughts are refined, our sonaty lan- chronicler of the fifteenth century, says, that the gunge in snriched, nor common feelings are elevat- game was first brought into Viterbe in 1879 ;, in od; and though we may never attain their standard, 1309, the packs of cards were paine Jae yet, by keeping company with them, we shall rise quemin Orlagenwear, for the amusement of Chari "Sogre our omat se lesen, by growing in the society len VI. of France; in 1307, the working people of ofa focost, are ould to draw sech ether up into shape- Paris were forbid to play at carda au working dapaj Ty and stately proportion, while dald and hedgerow and in that game your mud playing was prohibited stragglov, ampaidd to all weatheru,assprvaesh Filin by the magistrates of Ulm Sath are the principal full stature, luxuriance, or beauty,te Honigo- fante relative to the introduction of cards into Ea. mery: rope. The game appear to have been rapidly spread amongst all classes of people. The m facture of cards was a regular business in Germany doubts whether our peculiar views in many little Mra Pry's Opinion of Quakerinn.-I kave some
use the traditional institutions of the place go. of the mam by which social reforme are ordiarily in the way of the old mother's expectations on erale and encourage the idea, it is certain that brought about. To promote and encourage this behalf of her daughter, and an I said at one of our are the most economically minded do incur ex feeling in the special duty of parents thema Ives stolen interviews, low shall this be, dear Cathe penses here which they would not incur elsewhere, and parental appeal to the honour of their chil-ries and she advised that for the present our These are not often, in particular detalls, either dren an entering the threshold of University life meeting should be discontinued. "My mother arge or culpable, but the aggregate ja be rond what would propably save any thoughtless youth it should or might be.
Nor are the parents and from destruction Timely warning may do some slin become older, and better settled in the world; will become more reconciled." she said, "and we familre of the young men always unimpliosted in thing for individuals, common sense may do mero: these results. There is oftentimes a kind of pride but the true remedy is only to be looked for in the change tokens of affection, to be looked won with manwhile, let us not forgot each other, but ox
There is but one way of tranquillity of mind and entertained in the figure which the non or brother correction of that traditional tons of sondemical kind reroumbrance when we are distant. And happiness. Let this, therefore, be always rendy at in making at the university, and if the onst of the
society which sow, unfortunately, acts in the op- we exchanged Inva tokens; and after a long in-
band with thee, both when thou wakest, early in the display is but confined to reasonable limite, we are
posso direction.
morning, and all day long, and when thou guest late terview, and many last words and turninga agito sleep-to account an external things thine own, inclined to think that it is seldom taken with a vary
we parted, and I went to Prestwith very downeast but to leave all these to God.-Epictetus. bod grace.
and wishing I had a farm and a huren of my own. The worst part of all this is that particular fan-
that I could make a home for my dear Caibelas ture of the system which naturalians the iden and It is held to be an ordinary and
-Banford's Early Days. An Almanack, 190 Years Ago,-In the Man- practice of debre almost legitimate incident of a collegista education, charter Guardian there is an account of an old nl. that at its close there should remais certain oblige manack. The tile rane, "Gullsmith, 1660. Lions bich are either to be discharged by an im Bring Bissextile, or Lasp Yant und since the erro-
Aniquity of Cards-In Hindostan, the tradition is, that cards were known in that country at a yo Lion 5609 mediate crifice, or are to be borne through a
Wherein la contained many obserwa burdened and embarrassed life. Credit is thought tions, pleasant, uecessary, and useful. Amongst but I bave not been able to learn that they are
mole period,-upwards of a thousand years ago avulable currency as money, and necomaries are the rest yon may behold the longitude, fatitude, oventioned in any Hindostanee work of an early ofsen proeured by means of the former, while the
and aspect of the planeta. As also a description date; and I em informed, on the authority of the Jatter is reserved for the enjoyments of the day. of the highways and fairs. The like not extant by Ranscrit professor at Oxford, that there is no To show the strange acceptanco which this system any other. Composed by Joha Guldsmith. Low Bauert word for playing cards. This last fact has now securel, we moed only quite a few words doo: printed by It. White, for the Company of is, hatever, of lut tida weight as negative ovi from the address of a certain Oxford tradesmante Stationers 1660. At the end of the monthly el dence of cards being unknown in Hindosten a cently published in defence of bimaelf and his bro- msnack are various tables Then follows "A thousand years aga; for long before that time, theclined. He puts two or three of what he thinks Compendions Chronology." Other tables fellow, Sanscrit had become obsoleta as a vernacular the most ordinary casos. "A gentleman on leaving
of moveable feasts and taraw, tide, interest, &c. Inngungs. In China, if any credit can be attached he university bas possibly his bills for the fast
The third quarter of the year is called "the har
An author, who trosta to his own goalus, will never to the two dictionaries, or rather cyclopedias, of be left in the larch. And it is much better for an year or more, or lave, unvortled. Preparations vest quastar," not antuma The next page con- the greatest authority in that country, "dotted author to commence his work, without knowing for continental travel take up all bli present tains a wood-engraving of a man's left hand, the cards" were invented in 1120, in the reign of Bows how it is to end, than to hamper himself whb a re Mons, and he loaves his Oxford creditors unpaid; palm, with the line of life" and the table line," ho, and began to be common in the reign of Kegular plot, a succession of prepared incidents and at he gets his commission, and lin ent?s use tip &c. A double range of Agures about the fingers,tang, who neranded the throne in 131. Cada all his ready money, or a young olergyman on are carried from 1 to 18. Oui in the insertion of carts-are mentioned in an Italian work, said hold to be an error little less than to tie the legs of
■ premeditated catastrophe. To do otherwise, wo taking to his living finds that the wants of his the little finger la I. and so the palos opposite it to have been composed by Sandra di Pipozzo. parish require all the resources at his command, 11; the third joint of the little finger is numbered 1999; but as the M9, is not of an endlier date gracefully, or platen a man's arms behind his back dancing master, to make him capor the more &c. Now, these sto not in reality by any meas 10 and 2; the second juint 9 and 3; the first juin, than 1400, there is good reason for concluding the preparative to a boxing match. In short, it is taking ordinary cases either at Oxford or Cambridge, but or tip, 8 and 4; the tip of the 4th finger, 7 and 5: work to be an interpolation, seeing that in several "way, by a sort of literary felo de se, all that free- the assumption pervading the whole argument is
the tip of the middle finger, O and and that of the Wurke of the earlier part of the fourteenth century, will, that perfect liberty of imagination, which cau that a man has dodes and creditors, to a greater or forefinger. 5 and 7: 12 in on the outside of the which had been cited to prove that cards were see some writers to ourret so grorefully in the fer- less extent, us naturally so he would have brothers hand, near the wrist, below the little finger. A then known in Europe, it has been discovered or slaters, and this we auspect, though less at Cam straw is represented as being held between the thumb bridge than Oxford, is too often the area. As to
and the land, and the following me the directions the tradesmen who practise under such a system, for going this portable and over-realy sun-dial: it is wholly preposterous to expect that they should To know what time of the day it is by your band, bory themselves about the means of bringing it to
take a straw, or what else you please, about four an end. It is not in human nature that refuritia inches long; hold it straight upwards with your should be originated in this quarter, and the outery thanh opan the edge of your left hand, on the end occasionally raised against them is altogether un- of the line of life; then turn your body and hand reasonable. They got their brand, liko atburn, on- to the sun until the shadow of the ball of the thumb dr the conditions In which they find themselves ches to the line of life. The abudow of the At the same time, It is wholly sales to meet that straw will polot at that part of the hand whlob ther are a sworn band of harpies living upon plan showoth the hour of the day, &c. Next followe dar. They are nonhing of the kind. With carpsin ‧ the geographical description of ways from one exceptions, wot peculiar to the two Universities, notable town to manther, all over England, and except in the promisanas which they bare lately thereby how to travel from any of them to the city acquired, they ate in their own vocations no re
of London." The remaining pages of the look spectable, and in many cases os respected, as any ara 6lled with a list of the principal feire of Eng. specimens of their okem throughout the kingdom. land sad Wales, with the mouth, day, and place They are, of course, habituated to ampleczars of a where they be kept prealior charactor-mon presumed to pomesa cer- Lala means, seklom careful of small expanna, Bul allen inquisitive ab?ut prion, andRANTE MAN LAN Alone AdventureOne day, when retorning considerate la their orders. Thele dealings inevis from Manchester, 1 wm overtaken in going up the Red Bak, by a heavy storm of wind and ralo, lebly sauce a corragponding character; but to es- art that they are dishonest, or that they make their and sewing before me an old woman muffled in her for by impara gains, would be an awarrant-cloak, well, thought T, the old creature shall, at any rato, have a shore of my amhrulls, if she will Bo alle. They sell good articles at a high prion, are
I walked up beside bar, and said-"Good mother, accustomed to give credit, and to witnesa unteans-
cone and take shelter under this covering of mine." sary expenditure, but the supply most always, by eternal laws, answer the demand, and we do not and I stopped short that she might core under, bekere that any class of individuals batter calculat
when at that moment looking up, she displayed a
and Italy prior to 1495; the Importation of farsign ed to deal with undergradustes could anywhere be
countenance the very type of angelis loveliness, found. Neither are they unconditionally interested youthful, so shashed, so gentle, so innocent, and lament in 1463; and about 1484, cards, as at pre-
cards into England was prohibited by act of Par. Things, much in the cross to young people, de mor, In a measure, tain them from religion itself on the in the maintenanes of the present system, for they,
withal to serious, that I blamed myself for haringant, was common Christmas game,Chatto's other hand, I see in others how Imperseptibly the as well un thair debtors, frequently suffer. In fact,
scoosted her in that abrupt manner, though with
standard lowers when these minor saruplet are giren we suspect that if the statistics of Oxford and Cam
up. I am persuaded, in the education of youth, bridge trading were sompile), it would not be found
there are two sides to the question. I have so deubi that those who minialared to luxury or extrava- then for an old woman!" For a country lad, I Anecdote of Jenny Lind.-During her visit to whatever of the utility of tbaso things when adopt- once had boon the most fortunate in business. was in the habit of theeing and thouing my equals | Bath she happened to be walking with a friend, Ined from conviction: my doubts are, bow for they The men who retire with money are not so much
in years and condition. "You should'nt try your front of some almahooses, into one of which she anabool be pressed through education. Ives, foci, the harmedealers, the wine-merchants, the tobacco-
jokos on strangers," she replied with a look of re-tered, and sat down for a moment, ostensibly to rest and know, that, when these scruples are adopted mp, or the confectioners, as the booksellers, up. proof, and pausing in her gait, that I might pass herself, but in reality to find some exene for doing from principle, they bring a blessing with them; Dolaters, and grocers, or such tradesmen as hara on. If there be troth in human words," I said an act of charlly to the old woman who red in it, but when they are adopted only out of conformity commanded a large sale of mal decansaries at good seriously, "ooold not attempt to jest with thee." mad whom she had seem feeble and tottering at the to the views of others, I have very serious doubi prices. Altogether, we believe that the university "Why not?" the laquired, "you seem rather apt at door. The old woman, like the rest of her neigh- tradesmen would be just sa willing na any other the thing." **Indeed, I do often jest, like others bours, was full of the Bwadiah Nightingale, whem parties to receive smaller gains and morregular pay. of my condition, but if thon will believe me, I could sha bad board was just thon at Bath, notermining
It is obviate that a system so grounded and main- not do so whilst looking no a froo like thise" with her valce all those who were so happy and for perience has proved to me that friends do rest o mined as we have described this to be can be no "How then owuld you pretend to have taken me tuanto as to be able to go to the theatre. For my much on externals, and that valuable-indred, for an old women 1" bad not then marked thy wolf," said the old woman, I have lived a long jewels of the first water, as are many amongst theo, more changed by soy decree of the university au thorities, then the social character of the people bouny look, and the wind and the rain had caused time in the world, and desire nothing before I die yet there are serious evils in our society and amongst can be changed by a Royal proclamation. All that thy cloak to be so muffled, hood over banner, that but to hear Jenny Lind." "And wabid it make its members, 1 am certainly a thorough Friend, can be done by the governing bodies of collegas is thou wert in a close gulse. Besides, speaking truly, you happy inquired her visitor. "Ay, that it and beva inexpressible unity with the principle: exercise auch indirect influence as lies in their I did think thou walked somewhat wearily up this would," answered the old woman; "but folks such, but I also see room for gress improvement amongst power, and to limit and ovetail the necessary tX-
hill, and I fek moved for my own mother has tra- as I can go to the playhouse, and so I shall cover no-may it take place. I want less love of money. penses of a student. How far this has been doos vellad this road in many a storm ; nod I thought | hear ber." "Don't be so sure of that," said the good- lass judging of uthers, Jess tauling, loss dependence it is in the power of any person to ascertain for
this is nieo somebody's mother, aure enough." And natured Jenny, "ait down, my friend, and liston; upon external appearance. I am of opinion that my may excite then, when the fair being saw that I was moved, and forthwith she mng, with all her richest and i parents are apt to axercise too much authority upon no little surprise; bre experience or inforpercargo so, we steert that in you do not intend to benter me, I will codless I knew. The poor old women was beside herself really more happy unions, if young persons were no single college by the Ship, hmbridge need the | did walk slowly, for I have a pain here," preslog with delight, when, after concluding ber song, bertefi mare in their own foelings and discretion. Mar- yearly exponeerppers.
ed 100%, and they her hand on her left side. "If than, when thinking kind visitor obestved, "Now, you have heard | ringo is too much treated like a business sondern ; are ofion actua
A pr su Avably within this thou wort aged, I hastanog to show three kindness, Jenny Lind." If she had given the woman a ban. and love, that essential ingredient in it, too little re- som hy men maintaining lo al rospects the cha. sorely now Edod thee to be young, and passing dred pounds she could not have afforded bor half an spected it it.-Memoirs of Mrs Pry, racter and position of gentlemen. There are no
Cuir also, I may be allowed to show then respect, much pleasure... It was an act of noble charity of Badgings in England as charp as college rooms, Bee how the rain again poem, and how the wind no dinners in a London club house so cheap an
blows, and how the loaves are swept from the bed would have been easy for her so give, and money, | FUIE JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN ARCHI- college dinners, and fose lente al a popular ins-
gen. Trust too, Inse, and walk on this quiet side, no doubt, she did give; but to sit down in an lae- PELAGO AND EASTERN ASIA Ober Mala so cheap as college tuition. For 162, n-year and F'll break the storms, over fear." And so I house, and there to call up the enchantments of her am may have a good room as he man posibly kept my stout umbrella to the wind, and she walk-voice, for the amusement of an obscure and poor old ed; the most expensive set in the onllege would ed by my side, her gowden wir scarcely ruffled by woman, was a touching proof of goodoses of beart, probably not exceed 30%. Those of our readers the wind. And when there came a Wash and an which nothing we have heard of Jonny Lind eur. who have ever taken respectable Indgings in a stoneding rout of thunder,-she stopped, trembled, passe-Ta's Magasine, cowy own will know how to estimate theva 6- and looked impleringly, and I drew her arm over be charge for tuition, including lectures mine, saying, "Trust God, and fear not he whe wwwy subject required for the academical degree, burls the belt oan avert the blow." Such was my 2. 54. per quarter at Cambridge, and 41. 4. et | fret meeting, and such nearly the terms of my Oxford, and every single necesary charge for
first conversion, with my beautiful Catberide,- hard, lodging, and education may be, and of the daughter of a widow who kapta amall farms in
brought under 251, -term, The addition of Crumpsall. The thunder soon railed at a distanco tween them; the one gives light, and the other heat. The Languages of the Indian Archipelago, by the another 1008. a year for personal expenses, in am-
the rain began to abate; still, arm in arm, we pro-Jean Paul Rich'er. My officient for the wanta of any right-minded | needed until we arrived at the top of Siedley Lane student during his academical career. All above where there were stumpa leading to a foot path this hae reference only to those demands to which Across the meadowe; and here we parted, but not Waded at the commenceme of our remarks, before an appointment had been made for a second and which are solely charged with the bazarda menting. Of we met again, and took lonely walks of college life. The relations, as they exilin
in those pleasant undulating pastures; and when the present day, between water and pupil, preclude her mother came to know about our meetings abe any such personal superlatendenon of the former said, na one should marry her daughter who could could check or guide the personal expenditure not fetch her away on his own-horse; and thereas
the best of intentions. "Lord are us!" at length History of Playing Cards.
said f, "that I should have taken auch an one as
whether they are not a stumbling block. And, again, I cannot deny that, much as I love the prin- ciple, earnestly as I desire to uphold it, bitter ex-
himmelf. What we are goja peither without she gave a pardoning Inok, and said..."Wall since most glorious powers, one of the foest songs abe | the subject of marriage, suil that there would be
the tender and most delicats kind. Money i
Father and mother divide the office of the sun be.
If idlenen be the root of evil, then matrimony is good for something, for it sets many a poor and and women to work,--Senar Montania,
1849. Continue
AR Account of the Origin and Progress of the British Culanime in the Straits of Malacca, by Lieut.-Col James Low, c. x. R. a. 6. & 1. a. 6. 0. General Report on the Residency of Singapore, drawn up principally with a view of illustrating ke Agricultural Statistica, by J. T. Thanson, Esq., 7. R. 4, 44, Burveyor io Government.
The Piracy and Slave Trade of the Indian Arabi
If. Preliminary Remarks so the Generation. Growth, Bruelure and Analysis of Languages, Dice of the Nutmeg Tree, by R. Little, Baq. Gold in Barawak. Fall of a Portion of Trino, an
auriferous mountain, by C. Grant, Esq N. B. Parties in Chias wishing to become
Good Humour.-Perang who are always Inno-subscribere will please forward their uume and ad-
cently cheerful and good homoored are, very und
ful in the world; they maintain pease an I nappi
of the latter. The change can only be medically I felt abugbed, thought I was sure enough prenos, and spread a thankful temper amongst all who elected by that revolution in the general feelings sumptuous, and that I had got any right to stand live around them,-Miar Talbot
drose to the office of The Friend of China and Hongkong Linneka.
Victoria, December 22nd, 1849,
(From the Chino Mail, 17th January.)
Aa Ordinance for Her Mojesty's Subjoute within the Dominions of the Emperor of Chlon, or with. in any Ship or Vessel ut a Distance of not more than One Londred Miles from the Count of Chime,
No 1 of 1950.
BY His Excellency Bamun Gronan BonHAM, Esquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and ka Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plo- nipotentiary and Chief Superintendem of the Trade of British Bubjects in China, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong,
and Authorities given to and vaated in the said Supreme Court under and by virtue of the Ordi Dance No. 9 of 1845 and No. 3 of 1849, anything bereia contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed the Legislativo Council of Hengkong
this Sth day of January, 1650.
Clerk of Councils.
New Advertisements will be received until
O'Clock, on the evenings previous so publi satim, vis: Tuesdays and Fridaye
74 Bydney
Ualed States Del.
An Ordinance to explain the Colonial Ordinance No. 9 of 1843,
entitled, "An Ordinance to invest the Supreme Cour
Bombay Madras
Nov. Nor,
Shanghai Jan.
* of Elongkong with a Summary Jurisdiction in
* certain Cases and also the Colonial Ordinant THE FRIEND OF CHINA violation of justice, casts an unfotunate individu
No. 3 of 1849, passed to amend the said Ordinamen No 0 of 1645; and to amend, and explain the Or- dinance No. 3 of 1997, entitled, "An Ordinance lo "authorize Her Majesty's Consular Officers to ad- " judicata in Civil Actions ;"" and also to make Pro- vision for orriais Couse of Ciril Action or Con- plaint, originated keyond the Limits of the Colony of Hongkong, for or against any such ?ficers.
NOTICE-The hours of Divine Service ut Sr. Joan's Crunch are on Sunday, at 11 a. a. and § pass 3 r. it.
And so Thurday at 0 r. M.
Visoria, 29th November, 1949,
(8th January, 1850 | Wonnie Double have arisen to whether the Jurisdiction given to or conferred on the said Consular Officers by the First Section of the mid Ordinance No. 3 of 1847, be concurrent with or exclusivo of the Summary Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Hongkong given or conferred by the said Colonist Ordinason No. 9 of 1848, and by the said Colonial Ordinace No. 9 of 1840: And whereas it is ex. pedient to make Provision for Casus in which thenesday hall pass 0. said Consular Oloure may become Parties sither Complainant or Defendan?'is certalo Civil Cases :
The Rosary
Court to quer
elsed only witkla
1. Be it enacted and ordained
VINCENT STANTON, Colonia) Chaplain.
NOTICE-The bones of Public Worship in the Unow Casert, Hollywood Road, are on the Sabbath and half past 5 r. st, and on the erming every Wed-
Victoria, Jeth January, 1850,
by His Excelleney the Governor Tu Legislation of 1850 opens with a short of Flongkong and Chief Superin. todent of the Trade of Her Ma. Consular Ordinance of no great importance in jesty's Subjects in Chins, with the itself, but strongly characteristic of its frater. Advice of the Legislative Council The celebrated draft ordinance published soch Doubts, That the Summary fast November, extended the jurisdiction of Jurisdiction with which the mid Supreme Court of the Police Court of Hongkong to the do- Hongkong is invested in ourtain Chat under and
the Cyf Hongkong and Its Dependencies. of Hongkong, for the Removal of
jal in the beavy amount of £100. Every body may feel satisfied that the decision in an outrage on common conse and decency,-but it mat- tera not-there is no appeal.
but not one of them is qualified to preside in an from the Bione Quarry, cross the Queen's Itend and English court of Requests where the sums adju-go in the diction of the back of the house, Hi dicated upon do not exceed twenty pounds. At
Queen's Road, East; the fies men did not ses 190, as concealed myself. I went for the moristanco Canton there is a learned Doctor of Laws, at of the European Constable, and it was less than
quarter of an hour before I returned to the house Shanghai a learned Doctor of Physic; but to
with him; we want to the back door: 1 do not know suppose that either of these Gentlemen, without if he came out of the bark Joor, but he was clos |a legal celucation, is fit to sit upon the Bench to it and running when I first saw him; the Ea- and decide in cases which require a perfect ropean Constable sutica I Gruway an the mao) acquaintance with both the statute and com-fired at hice and the men fell. I went up to t
and saw that he had been wounded in the head, it mon law of England, is to suppose an absurdi.
was bleeding very much. The man was shot, Boss ty. To sono residents of the Consular ports to the corner of the house nad a faw foot from a and to as good many who visit them ports, drain. I turned on my lanthorn, and saw four men running from the drain towards the son; I pursued £100 is a large sum,-moro, possibly, then they them and fired my pistal but without wffor, the are worth in the world. It is hard to place pistol had a ball in it. The bouse 104 Queen's Road, East, had been broken into by forcing open these mens fortunes at the mercy of Consular
the back door ; close to the spot where the decen officers; at Amoy, and at other places, past ex-
sod fall, I picked up a cap and a dagger,(produced perience shows what Consular functionaries are the cap, which bad a hole to it, evidently from the capable of. We are told that "there is no evil passage of a ballet.) I do not know the docenrod.
European Police Constable J. Grancy, No.-- without its redirem." But here is an evil with-
being naked by the Coroner if he had say objection out any redress. An Ignorant or capricious to asking statement on outb, replied not he was Consul, in the face of the law and in direct
then sworn, and deponed: I was on daty in charge of No. 1 Section; this morning some time after 3 o'clock the last witness fofortned me that he had seen five suspisious looking men on his beat. I went with him to 104 Queen's Road, East, direct ing him to walk quietly and not to turn on his fight I waited in front of the boues 2 or 3 minutes, but heard no solo. then went to the back of the house facing the sea. I that the back door had been forood open, and was in the sot of catering, when the deccused rashed out against me, I put my hand out to size him, saying "Mao, man, Fo- kes," but he pushed between me and the wall and run toward the corner of the bour Whoo close to the corner of the house, I fired at him with my Police Fuzes and be fall ;' I went to him, and on that I had wounded him in the head; I think he wa not quite dead for a few minutes after. There is
‧ drain close to the corner of the house, and I am certain be would have escaped had I not akot him, I was reloading my Fuze, when the Indian Com stable fired his pistol; I asked him what he had fired for, and be told me he had seen four me the bosse and found that the outer back door bad ronning bear the end of the drain. I went inside
been broken open, part of the door and the woodon socket of the hinge were benken. The inaer door had been opened by bresking a hole in the com position wall and wrenching off the wooden balt, The inmates told me they had been robbed of soms dollars, some rice, sugar, and cooking pnu? There was rice sprinkled from the shop th?a" the cook house to the back door. Inovar enw then deconsed
the neighbourhood, but cannot find any
lonial Surgent, I bere examined the body of decos
Whilken morrison; wwown; deplinite and and Gnd wound of the right side of the feed,
2nd." Provision for the trial of all suits and actions wherein Her Majesty's Consuls or other Consular officers may be partion."
We wore under the impression that " Her Majesty's Consuls and Consular officers were amenable to the laws of their country and could be sued after the usual form. And should the Right Hon. Secretary for Foreign Affaire require information on this head, we are pre-
pared to show that Consular officers in China have frequently disgraced the office they hoki, and that the Supreme Court is a wholesome check up men of violent dispositions-inex- perienced in public life-and from early educ alion, habits, and past pursuits, totally unfit for the appointments they now hold. But it is
men of this stamp and that the picture is not
over coloured is known to all old residents-
who, at the out-ports, are to be intrusted with
by virtue of the said Ordinenos No. 9 of 1845 and/minions of the Emperor of China; on the the extraordinary powers conferred by the first before to my knowledge; I have conde euiry in
section of this ordinance, by the second sec tion they are held exempt from responsibilities which rest upon every other Midget of Great Britain. In England there are no distinctions in law the passent can sue the pear-the most lowly those of the highest rank. In China "Her Majesty's Console and Consular officers, for the future, are so be dealt with after a different for shion. They are only amenable to their owndu- perintendent I and laugh the Hupreme Court to Suite against these Gentlemen are to
No. 3 of 1840, and the Powers and Authorities other hand, the present ordinance limits the thereby given shall not extend or be exercised or summary jurisdiction of the Supreme Court exercimble by the mid Supreme Court beyond the to Hongkong and its dependenge Limits of the Colony of Hoogkung and its De pendencies, nor to nor over any Cause of Action contrast is striking. The deewaarwoud or Complaint whatscorer, originating beyond the give, blice Magistrate an illegal jurisdic. snie Elmula, save and except and unless the Parties. Complainant and Defendast shell, at the Deur, 'tion in the territories of a foreign power; the the
Bones Blank az Bas, now ordinance deprives the Chief Justics of reluct be all
"them actually randent within the cortain legal powers which have appertained Colony of Hongkong or it. Dependencies: Pro- to his court since its creation. But whence vided always that nothing herein contained shall this anomaly The Chief Magistrata is prevent, or be construed to prevent, all Orders und Decreas made by the Supreme Court under the mere instrument in the hands of the Governor, sformid Ordinances No. 9 of 1845 and No. a of and by enlarging his jorisdiction the Governor be in the form of petitions to the Superinten- 1849, as bereby explained, from being carried imo has a greater control of the law courts. Again: dent of trade-the Superintendent will appoint Execution in Manner in the said last mentioned Ordinances provided, in any Place within the Ju. the Supreme Court is independent of the Gov-person to try the case, if he sees fit-or he will riediction of the said Supreme Court where the ernor; therefore it is deemed advisable to limit | remit it to the Suprema Court, if be seas fit, Defendant, his Goods, Chattels, or Effecia, Lands, its jurisdiction. The tendency of Mr Bonham's The Law is no longer omnipotent; in his legis Tenements, or Hereditaman?n may be found or met with: Provided also that nothing hare coo legelation is that of encroachment upon the lative capacity Mr Bonham has cast it from ite welded shall extend or be construed to extend to court of law. He cannot and will not believe | pedestals sa Superintendent be usurps the va- loterfere with, limit, or restrict the Jurisdiction of that there is a power superior to the admi- cant stand. Ho ir advancing on his career; and the Supreme Court of Hongkong, other than the nistrative power and that that power is the in the present instance if his countrymen at the Summary Jurisdiction with which that Court is in- vested by the aforesaid Ordinances No, 0 of 1848, Law. Brought up in the service of the la-five ports are content, we will not find fault. and No. 3 of 1849, and other than an regards such dian Government, whose civil servants are AL. Hongkong we are protected by the Su- Jurisdiction over Consuls and Consular Officers, one year collectors of revenue, the next diple-preme Court and by the laws of our country; at is bereafter provided for.
matists, and anoa dispensing Justice to the and when we leave the colony it will not be to 11. And be it further enacted natives, he confounds the nature of his present and ordained, That whenever any Cans of Civil Action or Com. office with his ludian experiance, and in addi-
Prestales for
the Trial of all
Nuits and As Clans berela
plaint whatsoever aball originate tion to the limited powers of the ruler of a Her Majesty's beyond the Limits of the Colony British colony, he would also claim to make Conents or other of Hongkong and it Dependan Casalar Others cies, for or against any such Con- and amend the laws of England to suit his pre- may be seul in Chios, or any Vice-Consul Plaintif or De fendant, the while acting as Consul aforesaid, Cause of Action of any Conmalar Agent neling haring originated such, then and in every such beyond the Case it shall and may be lawful ults of the Cele to and for the Pany Complainant
concieved idens. Ho goes a step further,-by Magistrates acting under his orders he admi misters his own laws! In the draft ordinance
er Defendant, or any or either of law which is illegal in itself, and that law he
them, to prefer a Petition in the Matter to Her Majesty's Chief Superintendent of Trade in Chion, through his Magistrate of Police-claims the
being aleo Governor of the Colony of Hongkong, who shall thereupon appoint some Pereon of Par seos to try and adjudicate on the Matter of the said Petition, and the Person or Permons so appoint.
power to enforce or not as to him seems good. la the new ordinance he deprives the legally constituted court of the colony of a portion of
pitch our tent at one of the fire parts, where we would be liable to be mulct heavily by ignor- ani Consuler ol?cers,
own him.
on to
the skull has been feassured and the brain protr? den; the wand has been inflicted within the pre- cading seven or eight hours, and was the cause of death 3 (A bullet was hure exhibited to witum) auch a bullet would infliet " wound similar to that on the head of denokard. The ballib las not pas- eed out,
This being the whole of the evidence the Jury immediately returned a verdict of "Justifiable flo- micid.."
(From the Times, October 18.)
The present weak sees the commencement of the academical calon in our two anciant universities, and will send some aight or plas handred freshmen
to encounter the various chances of college life, and the proverbial perils of college debt. These parila are not wholly imaginary, but so much misconcep- tion exists on the subject, notwithstanding ka re- ceal notoriety, that wo may be doing some public servien by supplying the materiale for the formation of more correcipicitas.
There are four parties whose positions are to be considered in a sensible review of the question-the college authorities, the university tradeained, the parents of the undergraduates, and the undergra" duates themselves. It is in the habits of this last alase alone that the main source of the evil lian, and it is here alone that a remedy can be affcctually applied. At the outset we abould observe, that we do not admit the existence of evil to any such ax. (From the longing Register, January 22.) lent as has been surmatimen described." It fa.mot An Inquest was held on the 19th instant, at the and in the ordinance before us we have an il-office of the Superintendent of Police, on the body seriously injure altbar themselves or their familing true that any considerable proportion of students lustration. By the draft ordinance he makes a of a man, a native of China, unknown, who was by extravagant expenditure during their nendemical killed under the following chicumstance; C. B. career-such talas are mere idlo exaggeratione ; but Hillier Esq, Coroner.
it is true, we think, that in ninety cases out of a Yu Absing, sworn, deposed. I am part owner hundred expenses are Incurred in soms degree in- of the "Ty-my" chandlare" shop, 104 Queen's commensurate with the mass of the student's fa- Road, Bass: about ball-past three this evaping mily, and wholly uncalled for by the actual circum- was awoke by the report of a gun, and immediately stance of his position. We do not mean that all after a Police Constable (identifice Joba Granoy JoDag men are at tbls particular period of their as the man) came into the shop thro' the back door, ven extravagant, or that they are even ladused to be told me that be had shot one of the thieves I be so by example; but there le vodoubtedly perpe. went out with him, and saw the deceased lying usted, at each of the universities, a kind of tradi near the corner of the house; he was dead, I saw tional spirit, which is taken to warrant a certain a wound on his head which was bleeding profusely, extraordinary expenfitare. There is really nothing I do not knew who he is, nor have I heard who be whatever, as we shall presently observe, in the son is. I then examined my hoose and found that tingencies of a collega aducation, to justify this pap· had been robbed of $56, 10,000 cab, about sosumption, bat it is nevertheless almost universit Tonly calles of caked sugar and two cooking pane conceived, that when a man gets to Oxford or Chas -the dollars were taken from the counter, the bridge the supplies which have hitherto sufficed for caked augas from the shop, and the pans from the his needs will suffice no longer. It en almal cook howed. 1 found that the outer back door had imagined that he is pushed up one step in society, been forced open, part of the door being broken; and that for the three next years of his life he must the inner back dour had been opened by a hole comport himself as if his position were something having been made close to the door bro' the com-uperior to what it really is. This feeling is not position wall, and the wooden bolt wrenched of altogether without its value, but it conduces in al- beard the report of two muskets before I got up, most every case to aume usedless expense, and, in Mah Cheet, sworn, deponed. I am partner in its excess, involves the serious embarrassments the "ly-my" chandlers' shop, 104 Queen's Road, complained of. There is no earthly reason why a Fast, this man gave similar evidence to the first man should spend more in Oxford or Cambridge we
than in Worcester or Huntingdon ; on the contrary, Indian Pollen Constable Woaser All, Na, there are many reasons why he should spend la worn, deponed, I was on duty this moming no bat, either becau in the quality and fraternity of No. 1 Beal, from the Gap to Me Fromjes's house; academic his a few individuals of rank and weakh muro readily give the tone to the whole, or be
The ordinance is brief enough; but a abori
ed shall try and adjudicats on the Matter, whatever its jurisdiction, he then umumes to himself the may be the Amount in Dispu'e thermo io a mum-
very power (at least in substance) of which be mary Meaner, patertaining in support of or against strips the court! any rack Petition vin? voce Evidence on Oath or Sworn Depositions, including or mat, at his or their Discretion, the Evidence or Depositions of the analysis may be useful to some who will not Plaintiff or Plaintifs, Defendant or Defendants, or any of either of them, in the same Manner as if be at the trouble of examining for themselves. such Person or Parsons were acting no Consul Ist." The Summary Jurisdiction of the Su- under the Provision of the said Consular Ordinance preme Court to be exercised only within the No. 3 of 1847: Provided always, that if the oni Chief Superintendent shall deam the Master in colony of Hongkong and its dependencies." question more filling to be tried in the Supreme Court of Honghoog, it shall and may be lawful for the mid Chief Superintendent to consit the Purly Complainant or Defendant and all Proceedings in
The Summary jurisdiction reterred to ax- tonds to the value of five bundred dollars, and under the administration of a competent Judge
the Master to the mid Supreme Court; la which the system works very well. By the now.or Case the said Court shall have lower and Juria-dinance the residents of the five ports aro hand- diction to entertain and adjudicats upon the Mattered over to the Consular corta, and from the de- and Proceedings so rumitied, in a Summary Man. ner, provided the Debt or Damages or Case of Ac. cisions there given there is no appeal. Were tion or Complaint shall not exceed the Sum of Five Her Majesty's Conmila in China all Barristers Hundred Dollars, and shall and may have and ax of some manding in their profession, there would ercise over all and every such Haltern and Pro-
ceedings all and every the Jurisdiction, Power, be no great objection to the ordinance thus far; \ about 3 o'clock I saw five men come down the hill
caure the Traditional institutions of the place go.
of the mam by which social reforms are ordinarily serate and encourage the idea, it is certain that brought about. To promote and encourage this aren the most economically minded do incur ex
feeling in the special duty of parents theme-Ires i penses here which they would not incur elsewhere, and a parental appeal to the honor of their chil. These aro mot often, in particular detalla, eitbar
drew on satering the threshold of University life large or culpable, but the aggregate is beyond what would propably any a thoughtless youth Nor are the parents and from destruction Timely warning may do sous it should or might be, sectiles of the young men always unimplicated in thing for individuals, common mas may de more these results. There is oftentimes a kind of ride but the tree remedy is only to be looked for in the entertained in the figure which the son or brother correction of that traditional tone of academica! be making at the university, and if the anet of the
society which now, vafortunately, acte in the op- play is but onefined to reasonable limits, we are
posite direction. clined to think that it is soldom taken with a vocy had grace.
in the way of the old mother's expectations on behalf of her daughter and so I said at one of our rimp?" and she advised that for the firent our stolan interviews, How shall this be, dear Cathe meanings should be discontinued. My mother shall become older, and battar settled in the world; will become more reconciled" she said, "and we meanwhile, let us not forget each other, but ex change Lokane of affection, to be looked upon with kind remembrance when we are distant." wa exchangud Inve token; and after a long la terview, and many last words and turnings again, wa parted, and I went to Prestwith very downcast and wialing bad a farm and a herve of my uh, that I could make house for my dear Catherine. →Bomford's Early Days.
Do not think that your learning and grains, ynor wit and sprightliness, are welcome every where. was once told that my company wen dieagracaldo because 1 appeared in uncommonly happy ; and many gond housewives declare they do not like a
learned, bookish husband, - Lacon.
happiness. Let this, therefore, be always condy at There le but one way of tranquillity of mind and
hand with thee, both when thou wakest, early in the to sleep-to account external things thine own, morning, and all day long, and when thou gonet late but to leave all those to God.-Epecietur.
A Word in Stasom.-It is the prerogative of ga-
The worst part of all this is that particular (on- fare of the system which naturalians the idan and practice of debit in held to be an ordinary and An Almanack, 190 Years Ago,-1 the Mon Host legitimate incident ofa roliegisto education, charter (!uardias there is an account of an old al- That at its close there should remain certain obliga masck. The tills russ, "Gollamith, 1660. inns which are either to be discharged by an im- Bring Binextile, or Leap Year and since the res disto scrifice, or are to be borne through a tion 6609 Wherein is contained many observa- burdened and embarrassed life. Credit is thought sa tinns, pleasant, necessary, and useful. Amongst aralable a currency as money, and nacematics are the rest you may behold the longitude, latitude, ofien procured by means of the former, while the
and aspect of the planets. As also a description latter is reserved for the enjoyments of the day. of the highways and fairs. The like not extent by To show the strange acceptance which this system any other. Composed by Jolin Guldsmith, Lon bas now secure), we need only quote a few words dos: primed by It. White, for the Company of from the address of a certain Oxford tradesman re- Stationers 1660." At the end of the monilly al- cradly published in defence of bingelf and his bro-
manack are various tables Then fallows "A therhood. He puts two or three of what he thinks Compendions Chronology." Other tables fellow, the most ordinary case. "A gentleman on leaving of moreable feasts and terms, tide, interest, dec.
the university has possibly his bills for the inst
The third quarter of the year is called "the bat- year or more, or loss, unitled. Preparatione reat quarter," not autuma The next page con- # for continental travel take up at his prevent
Lains a wood.engraving of a man's left hand, the moons, and he loves his Unford creditors unpaid; palm, with " the line of life" and the table line," asko gets his commission, and his outfit uses up &c. A doable range of figures about the fingers, all his ready money, or young dargyman or carried from 1 to 12. Outsi le the insertion of taking to bis living finds that the wants of his the little finger la 1. and no the palos oppusita it parish require all the resources at his command, 11; the third joint of the little finger is numbered &c" Now, these are not in reality by any means 10 and 2; the second joint and 3 the first joint, ordinary cases either at Oxford or Cambridge, but or tip, 8 and 4 the tip of the 4th finger, 7 nad 5; the assumption pervading the whole argument is
the tip of the middle kuger, 0 nod ti; and that of the that a man has debts and creditors, to a greater or forefinger, 5 and 7: 12 is on the outside of the less extent, no naturally so he would have brothers band, near the wrist, below the little finger. A or sisters, and this we suspect, though lees at Cam
draw is represented as being held between the thumb bridge than Oxford, la too often the case,
and the land, and the following me the directions the tradesmen whe practise under sech a system,
for using this portable and ever-ready sun dial:- is wholly preposterons to expect that they should. To know what time of the day it is by your boul, buy themselves about the mesne of bringing it ta
take a straw, or what else you please, about four d. It is ant in human nature that reforms Inabes long i hold it straight upwarde with your should be originated in this quarter, and the outery theach apon the edge of your left band, on the end ccasionally mised aguinal them in altogether un- of the line of life; then turn your body and hand reasonable." They got their brand, like others, un- to the sua until the shadow of the ball of the thumb r the conditions in which they find themselves. ranches to the line of life. The shadow of the At the same time, it is whelly fales to assert that straw will point at that part of the hand which they are a swore band of harpies living upon plan. shawoth the hour of the day, &c. Next follows der. They are noching af the kind.-Wich sagala
* the geographical description of ways from one sceptions, not peculiar to the two Universities, dotamie town to another, all over England, and except in the prominanos which they have lately thereby how to travel from suy of them to the city acquired, they ate in their own vocations as re- of London." The remaining pages of the book spectable, and in many cases un cospected, an any are filled with a list of "the principal fairs of Eng. specimens of their class throughout the kingdom. land nad Wales, with the mouth, day, and place They are, of course, babituated to customore of a
where they be kept. preuliar character-men presumed to pomens car- lain means, seldom careful of small exponesa, nut often inquisitira ab?at prizm, and-apte de laan lan considerate in their ordern. Their dealings inevie ably aroma a corresponding character; but to us. beri that they are diskopes, or that they make their fort by impure gaine, would be an unwarrant alle. They sell good articles at a high prion, are mccustomed to give aradit, and to witness unneces- mary expenditure, but the supply mist always, by eternal Jawa, unawer the demand, and we do not believe that any class of individuale better calculat ed to deal with undergraduates could anywhere be eund. Neither are they unconditionally interested in the maintenanes of the present system, for they, as well as their debtors, frequently suffer. In fact, we suspect that if the statistice of Oxford and Cam bridge trading were compiled, it would not be found that those who ministered to Inzury or extrava-then for an old woman!" For as a country lad, I once had been the most fortunata" in business. was in the habit of theeing and thoning my equals The men who retire with money are not so much in years and condition. "You should'nt try your the horsedealers, the wine-merchants, the tobacco-jokes on strangers," she replied with a look of re-tered, and sat down for a moment, ostensibly to rest and know, that, when thase scruples are adopted puts, or the confectioners, as the booksellers, up- | proof, and pausing in her gait, that I might pass|| berself, but in reality to find some excess for doing | from principle, they bring a blessing with them : Belesars, and grocers, or much tradesmen na have
1 there be truth in human words," I said an act of charity to the old woman who lived in k but when they are adopted only out of conformity commanded a large sale of rol necessarion at good seriously, " could not attempt to jest with then.'' and whom she had seem feable and tottering at the to the views of others, I have very serious doubes prices. Altogether, we believe that the university "Why not!" she inquired, "you seem rather apt at door. The old women, like the rest of her neigh- whether they are not a stumbling blook. And, tradesmen would be just an willing an any other the thing." ** Indeed. I do often just, like others bours, was full of the Swedish Nightingale, whom | again, I cannot deny that, misol en I love the prin parties to receive smaller gains and mereragular pay. of my condition, but if thou will believe me, I could she bad bowed was just then at Bath, entertaining ciple, earnestly an I denice to uphold it, bitter ex- It is obvione that a system so grounded and main- not do so whilst looking on a face like thine" with her voice all those who were so happy and for perience has proved to me that frisade do rest loo taised as we have described thie to be can be no
"How theo could you pretend to have taken maromate as to be able to go to the theatre. For my-much on externals, and that valuable-indeed, more changed by any decree of the university au
for an old woman 1 had not then marked thyself," said the old woman, "t have lived a long jewels of the first water, as are many amongst then, korition, then the social character of the people bonny look, and the wind and the rain bad caused time in the world, and desire nothing before I die yet there are serious evils in our society and amongst can be changed by a Royal proclamation. All that thy clonk to be so muffied, hood over bonnet, that but to hear Jenny Lind." "And would it make its members. I am certainly a thorough Prized, can be done by the governing bodies of colleges is thou wert in a close guise. Besides, speaking truly, you happy 1" inquired her visitor. "Ay, that it and have inexpressible unity with the principle: In exercise such indirect influenco us lies in their
I did think thou walked somewhat wonrily up this would," answered the old woman; "but folks such but also see room for grost improvemem amongst power, and to limit and curtail the necessary "x-
hill, and I felt mored for my own mother bus tra: an I can't go to the playhouse, and so I shall never may it toke pince. I want less love of money. penses of a nudeat. Elow far this has born dous relled this rood in many a storm ; and 1 thought | bear her." "Don't be conure of that," mid the good. laas judging of others, jesa tatling, lass dependanca it is in the power of any person to ascertain for
this is also somebody's mother, sure onough." And Ditored Jenny, "ait down, my friend, and listen" opon exteroni appearance. I am of opinion that himself. What we are going to say may exelle then, when the fair being saw that I was mored, and forthwith she wng, with all bar richest and parents are apt to exercise too much authority upon no little surprise; but we speak neither without
who gave a pardoning look, nad said-"Well since most glacions powers, one of the finest mage she; the subject of marriage, and that there would be experience not information when wo sasset thai fa
you do not latend to bentor me, I will codfers I knew. The poor old woman was boside herself really more happy unions, if young persons were no single collage in Oxford or Cambridge need the did walk slowly, for I have a pain here," pressing with delight, when, after concluding her song, her left more in their own feelings and discretion. Mar- yearly expenses of a student exceed 1001, and they har hand on her left side. "If then, when thinking kind visitor observed. "Now, you have heard ringe is too much treated like a business obngern ; are ofon actually brought considerably within thin
thow wart aged, I hastaneg to show three kindness, Jenny Liod." If she had given the woman a hun- and love, that essential Ingrediens in it, too little re- eam by men maintaining in all respects the cha- surely now I and thee to be young, and pessing dred pounds she could not have afforded her half so spected it it.--- Manoirs of Mrs Fry. racler and position of gentlemen. There are no
Cuir also, I may be allowed to show thes respect, much plansuro. i was an act of noble charity of Lodgings in England so cheap as college rooms, Bee how the rain again poore, and how the wind the tenderest and most delicate kind. Money k De dinners in a London club house so cheap as blows, and how the loaves are swept from the had- would have been osay for her to gire, and money, college dianara, and few lecturen al a popular ios- gen. Troot ins, lass, and walk on this quiet side, no doubt, she did give; but to sit down in an alme Mate so cheap as college taldon. For 15. a-year and I'll break the storm, never fear," And so I hoase, and there to call up the enchantments of her may have as good rooms as he can possibly kept my stout ombrella to the wind, and she walk voice, for the amovement of an obscure and poor old Bed; the most expensive set in the onllege would ad by my side, her gowden air scaronly ruled by woman, was a touching proof of goodness of beat, which nothing we have heard of fenny Liod sur. probably not exceed 801. Those of our readers the wind. And when there carne dash and an who have ever taken respectable Indglago in a
astounding ront of theader,-she stopped, trembled, passes-Tail's Maguvine. coultry, town will know how to onimata these fi- and looked impluringly, and I drew her arm over the charge for tuition, including lectures mins, saying, "Trust dod, and fear not He who wy subject required for the academical degree, hurls the bolt oan avert the blow." Such was any in 21. 54. por quarter at Cambridge, and di, is, at first meeting, and such nearly the terms of my Oxford, and every single necessary charge for first conversation, with my beautiful Catherine,- hard, lodging, and education may be, and often the daughter of a widow who kept a small farms in
brought under 251, a-ferm. The addition of Crumpsall. The thunder snon rolled at a distance tween them; the one gives light, and the other heat. other 1001. a year for personal expena?e, le am-
the rain began to abate ; pill), otru in arm, we pro- My twfficient for the wante of any right-minded ceeded until we arrived at the top of Senedley Lase Madent during his academical career. All above where there were stumpa lending to a fuot path this bas reference only to thoas demands to which across the meadows; and here we parted, but not luded at the commences of our remarks, before an appointment had been made for a second and which are solely charged with the hazarde meeting. On we lost again, and took lonely walks
college life. The relations, as they exist in
They who place themselves on that side of the world in which everythlag appants in a ridiculous An iquity of Cards.---In Hindosten, the traditioner pleasing light, will find something in story ac is, that cards were known is that country at a re-
currence to ateite their good humour. The most calamitous ovunts, either to themselves or others, mota period, --upwards of a thousand your can bring no now affliction; the whole world la to but I have not been able to learn that they are mentioned in any Hindestanee work of an early All the busite of herolam, or the ranks of ambition, them theatre, on which comedias only are asted. date; and I am informed, on the authority of the serve only to heighten the absurdity of the scane, Samorit professor at Oxford, that there is no
mud make the Missour more poignant. They feel, Bauerit word for playing cards. is, however, of but little weight as negative vi the complaints of others, as the undertaken, thought This last fact In short, as little anguish at their own distress, or dence of cards being unknown in Hindostan a drossed in black, feels antrow at a funeral-Zhanay thousand years ago; for long before that time, Sanscrit had become obsolete as a remucule language. In China, if any credit can be attached
An author, who trasts to his own genlus, will never to the two dictionaries, or rather cyclopedias, of be left in the lurch. And it is much better for an the greatest authority in that country, "douled author to commence bis work, withant knowing cards were invented in 1120, in the reign of Seus how it la to end, than to hamper himself with a res bo, and began to be common in the reign of Kaos guler plut, a succession of prepared incidents and tsang, who areaded the throne in 1131. Carda premeditated catastrophe. To do otherwise, we carte-are mentioned in an fialinn work, raid hold to be an error little less than to tie the legs of to have beon composed by Bnadro di Pipozzo, in a dancing master, to make him caper the mare 1299; but as the 13, is not of an earlier date gracefully, or pinion a man's arms behind his back than 1400, there is good reason for concluding the preparative to a boxing match. In short, it is taking work to be an interpolation, seeing that in several away, by a sort of literary falo de as, all that free works of the earlier part of the fourteenth century, will, that perfect liberty of imagination, which which had been cited to prove that cards were see some writers to ourvel so gracefully in the for- then known in Europe, it has been discovered tile salds of historical .tion-Koningsmarts. that the term cards was an interpolating introduced at a later period by a transcriber. The author of the "Galdin 8pil," a work written about the mid- dle of the fifteenth century, and printed at Auge mins to confer a manure of itself upon inferior in- burn, in 1472, saya chut be bai rend that the gaine telligences. In reading the works of Milton, Ba- at cards was first brought into Germany in 1800. con, and Newton, thoughts greater than the growth No fact, however, vonfirmatory of the correctness of our own minds are transplanted into them; and of this account, has been discovered; and the feelings more profound, sublime, and comprehen- omission of all potion of carda by Bumpon su sive, are insinuated amidst our ordinary train; while thore of the earlier half of the fourisenth century, to the eloquence with which they are clothed, wa even when expressly treating of the games in vogwo learn a new language, worthy of the now ideas cre the period, may be received as good negative atod in me. Of how mock pure and exaked enjoy. evidence of their not being then known as a po mentis ke Ignorant, who never entertained, se An Pular game in Europa: "De mon apparentibus et gels, the bright emanations of loftler intellege than nan existentions eadem est satio." Admitting carde bis own by habitual communion with superior to be of Eastern invention, it would seem that they spirits, we not only are enabled to think their first became known in Europe, as a popular game, thoughts, speak their dialect, feel their emotions, between 1360 and 1890 -Lovelesso, an Italian but ner own thoughts are refined, our scanty lan chronicler of the fifteenth century, saya, that the gungu is enriched, our common feelings are elevat- gatus was first brought inte Viterbo in 1879;, in ed; and though we may never attain their standard, 1995, tres packs of cards were palaleu L, Jane yet, by keeping company with them, we shall rise quemin Gringonner, for the amusement of Char igre our Gewre wees, by growing in the society VI, of France; in 1997, the working people of of forest, are said to draw each ether up into shape- Paris were forbid to play at carda on working days; ly and alaicly proportion, while held and hedgerow sad in the suma your oud playing was prohibited mengglem, mopaid?i ca all merikorn, mozer zanah 122;= - by the ngistrates of Ula Bach are the principal full nature, luxorianca, or beauty,~~Jamia Montgo facts relative to the introduction of cards into Ea‧ mary: rope. The game appeare to have been rapidly spread amongst all classes of peuple. The manu. ? facture of carda was a regular business in Germany Mts Fry's Opinion of Quakerim.-I have some cards inte England was prohibited hy act of Par. tblogs, much in the cross to young people, du mor, and Italy prior to 1496; the importation of foreign doute whether one peculiar views in many Intic liamcat in 1463; and about 1484, cards, as at pre- in a measure, turn them from religion itself; on the sent, was a common Christmas game-Chatto's other hand, i see in others how imperceptibly the History of Playing Cards.
standard lowers when these migor soruplas are given up. I um poranaded, in the education of youth, there are two aides to the question. I have no doubt Anecdota of Jenny Lind-During her visit to whatever of the utility of these things when adopt- Bath she happened to be walking with a friend, in ad from conviction: my doubts are, how far they front of some "almshouses, into one of which abe'an- aboull be pressed through elocation. I sea, fael,
A love Adaeature--One day, when returning from Manchester, I was overtakan in going up the Red Bank, by a heavy storm of wind and rain, and soning before me an old woman muffled in ber cloak, well, thought 1, the old creature shell, at any rate, live a share of my embrella, if she will So I walked up beside her, sad sid-"Good mother, enime and take shelter under this covering of mine." and 1 stopped aloes that she might come under, when at that moment looking up, she displayed countenance the very type of angelic lavalines, so youthful, se abashed, so gentle, so innocent, and with so serious, that blamed myself for having oosted her in that abrupt mannor, though with the best of intentions. "Lord save wo!" at length said 1, "that I should have taken such an one as
In those pleasant undulating postures; and when
Father and mothar divida the office of the sun be.
-Jean Paul Hicker,
If idleness be the root of evil, then matrimony in good for something, for it sats many a poor man and
women to work,-Senar Montana.
the present day, between unter and pupil, preclude her mother came to know about our meetings she Go! Humour.-Persons who are always lano- any such personal superitdendamos of the former said, no one should marry her daughter who could cently chearful and good-bamoured are, very 86- could check or guide the personal expenditure not fetch bar away on his own-borse; and thereatful in the world; they maintain peace an 1 nappi
of the latter. The change can only be radically edicated by that revolution in the general feelings
I felt abashed,-I thought I was sure enough press, and spread a thankful teraper amongst a who sumptuous, and that I had not any right to stand fire around them,-Miss Talbot,
An Account of the Origin and Progress of the British Colonise in the Straits of Malacca, by Lieut-Col. James Low, O. 3. R. A. 1. §. M. A. 4. O, General Report on the Residency of Bingapore, drawn up principally with a view of illustrating Ita Agricultural Statistics, by J. T'. Thomson, Esq., . . ., Burveyor io ?orarament
The Piracy and Slave Trade of the Indian Archi
pelago. The Languages of the Indian Archipelago, by tho
1. Preliminary Remarks on the Generation. Growth, Structure and Analysis of Languages, Disses of the Nutmeg Tree, by R. Linie, Esq. Gold in Barawak. Fall of a Portion of Trian, an
auriforous moontalo, by C. Grant, Esq.
N. B. Partise in Chias wishing to becoms subscribers will plotse forward their name and ad- drome to the office of The Friend of China and Hongkong Ganstid. "
Victoria, December 22nd, 1849,
19, Martha & Elizabeth, Murray, from Canton.
Nemani,bri" Twopo, belg
PRICE $10 per annum.
VICTORIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1950. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF China and HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, 18 Dollars Sla Afonike. ● Dollars.
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AMICABLE INSURANCE OFFICE. THE undersigned have been appointed Agents for Also, en route to the above, Pindarone, Panaro, Gallo-Malta, Bunt, Adun.
the AMIOAREN AKAUBANON OPrion, and are pre- pared to inaus policies on the usual terma, in Hong THE PENINSULAR AND ORI-kong, Canton and Bbanghai, payable as follows: TTAL COMPANY'. Steam E, done and Phone Ca
THE undersigned knowing the great inconvent
coce patues are ferquently put to, in conem. quence of not being aware that a genersi STORE of this description is in Hongkong, begs to give the community of Canton, Macao and Hongkong, (more particularly Strangers) the following liat ol Articles always on sale, and from recent arrange. menu made with a London House will receive by the Overland Mail every month a fresh supply of every thing that is new and fashionable, so that in future Ladies will not be docessitated to write home at great delay and expance for every triffs the may require.
Ladles De Lane Dreiers,
De. Print
De Coloured, Tarlatan do.
Da, Embroidered da
De Comer
Ds. Embroidered Book da
Dn. Embroidered Jaccent de.
De. Worked Mwallu Collar,
BIOTOL guito new.
Rich Lars Capes
Que Mary's Collars) Preeck
do. Joel,
Do. Braganza Shaula.
De Black Satin Embroidered Mulilu.
do. Laventem
Of the newest style, by best Afall:-
De. Embroidered French Cambria Landkerchiefs.
Da, Bangs Drewes,
De Velvet Bonnets.
De Tuscan, Utraw, and silk ?e,
Do. Might Cope.
Do. Dr di
Da long White El Oloves,
Do. Coloured and Straw do.
Su do.
De. Black and Wilts Lacu Mirts.
De. Black and White Bulk Stockings
Dead Gents do. Gleure.
De Fancy Checked BOK.
De. Pial Coloured Satius, &a, &c.
Huckabach Toweling.
Da Tehle Linen.
Du. Nephine.
Brown Helled Drewed and Undrasnach,
Book holla.
Jacomet da
How Many Creatures a Man of 10 kas Eaten 1---A Cocherian correspondent of the Gader. Loud Glover has calonland east a man might ootame vaske orange in seventy PAM. * Taking ten years of for lafancymwhich to top match input; fit *ion musk.** Man.
lesenih yearm but, - talclog tom puuro of the
is too much," and
ma's darllo Jacky. 41 papa koowe to his wost.is esto completion
allowing a man four pounds of Beach then pee werf (ions Ile for an aidsemen, boj more than a burgess deported aty kan solatiupta, at the slove of three score years and tea, amosali, according to ear owe Cackw, to 18,400, of 19 stone; or to 156 sheep of-00th sach, or 90 bullocks of taj sime; or, to jako le still another way, to T sheep and 10 balloris," with & stone ove), which many stand for poultry, fish, dc."my 10 of each in the ye, or "1900 poultry, 1900 Mab." Hi,il we take it lo sticlmpo and shell-lah" (and fall la duk" that comes to ser corespondent's on), "Heared only knows what animal his la destroyed to keep up that the animal-mani
Barr Independence, brig
Prince Albert, barque Kases, barque Zephyr, tokeo
Capelle, shoomer ????, ??????
Vin, sohooner
Antelope, brig
Ariel, skip
Auckland, barges
Eagle, brig
Indiana, schooner
174 Mance
93) Manoo
190 Mille
(41 Brown
Bast Case 1 Orwel
100 Murde
Hongkong 37 Dearborn
Dartmouth, (Whaler) ship Wampos $37
Oriental, hip
tos Palmer
Shanghai 19 Jardiner
Hyron, Mair and co
Hyma, Mule and o iyme, Malt and co. Dent and co Jardine, Matheson and be Mackenzie, Berber and an, Jardine, Mathanon uid an
VOL. IX, No. 8.
Bash and on.
Rawls. Drinking and co.
ST2 Chan
904 Jennings
Russell and o
Ramell and do,
Numell and o
Rare and co
Bull, Nyu and on.
Candace, barque
147 Porter
Augustino Hoard and co.
844 Phillipa
Bas Benito, brig
200- 250
Tak and so
Tak and o
18, Audax, Bullivan, from Camsingmoon.
19, Maggio, Daridaon, from Foo-show-foo 16th January.
18, Lanrick, White, from Macao.
18, H. & C 4 P. Co.'s Str. Canton, Boumes, from Canton.
18, Sultan (Dutch), Schade, from Swibawa. 1916 December,
Dart, schooner
18, Nymph, Wilson, from Shanghai 16th January.
20, Island Quren, Macfarlane, from Camingmoon.
21, Anteimpo (Am), Dearborn, from Cunaingmoon.
Per Arrow-14 Chinese Passengers,
335 Reper
942 Gerard
Checked do.
De. Fringes
Fancy Glapsed Fringan for Dremen,
Liuzza Ribbons.
ig ved Balin do
Norrow carmet Ribbons of all colours.
Flow Irish Lion.
English Umbrellar.
Boys Fasty Caps.
Bildes Laghorn da,
Scotch Cambric.
Quem's Lawn,
lam ?c tranh ??ng khong n
Best Linen Ta
Karby's best Noodles and Pine
Brook'abast Bewing Cotton,
Easton Cord and Reel Wire,
Children'sy Becks.
Children's Angela and Cotton Becka.
Infants Men Boots.
De Long Webes and Procks.
Do. Frack Bedien.
De French tambric Depa
Do. Thread Lace.
De. Night Caps
Fall Lace and Jasections.
Black Leon, wide and narrow.
4-4 Black Net and Bland,
4-4 Fancy Figared Net.
Fancy Gimp Trimming for Dremes, ae., de..., ka
Just Recent
Boss, Mantillas, Maffe, Rutella, Cufa, ?ay ao,
Conlets of Broches of Flower, da. of Rest, Verbone, Wil Flower, Bouquet, Essence of Violeta, Ambrosia, and de Portugal.
With Hair, Nall, und Touch Brakes | Soaps, Bears Drenas, Prosatam, Lavander Water, Rool Macassar Oll, MIK of Bates, Smalling Balls, Court Master, kc., ka', de.
In the Chow Chow Store will be found the follow.
Ing of the best quality, vin:--
York Hame......
Cumberland Bacon......
Bartley and other Chatro
Jams and Juliana
Tut Fruits..............
Curry Powder and Chutney .............
Pickles, Vlaagar, and Mustard...
Bardinen, large Tion.
Anchory and other Puates -
Dwich Batter, 16 the...
Sperm Candle.
.35 Cents per 16. Hda,
19, George Fyfe, Murray, from Whaungos.
19, Napolem (Flamberg), Schmidt, from San Francisco 19th November and
Sandwich Islands 9th December.
19, Ariel, Bunt, from Calcutta 8th Docwaber and Singapore 29th do.
20, Denia, Barcham, from Amoy 18th January,,
10, Mazepp ? Dowman, from Cumsingmeen.
21, Louisa Bailis, Roxby, from Sydney 28th November.
21, 17odan (Danish), Bendixen, from San Francisco 11th November.
21, Kacord, Patullo, from Landan 16th August.
29, Charlotte, Thomes, from Tulocurin 1th October.
19, Esches, Robertson, from Callao,
13, Aurora (Portuguese), Remedios, from Shanghai,
16, Sam Barito (Spanish), - from Manila,
6. Mandarin (Am), Phillips, from Liverpool 23th June.
9, Mmarch, Purvival, from Liverpoot foch July.
Per Nymph-Mr Ullett and BerruDL.
Ambada, big
Aurora, acheimer
Royal Exchange, brig
Tremalga, barque
Use Amigos, shoomer
Sultan, barque
Canton, berga
[jale Long, bergan
Isostre, bergas
Men, bar
Sires, brig
Nagu Laut, baryan
Naws Elje, barque
Pieledes, bargos
Entregalas, bargas
Hanson Napoleon, ship
DANG Maria, barwna Wodan, ship Ann, lercha
(Boro Midpa) Bowles flejno, ship
Fort William, ship Bomber,
Lady Haywo, banque
Nimrod, ber
Raparell (A), baryna
Ben Horn, brig
Ananyan, belg
Hongkong, berge Lord Al
Pathfloder, barque Royalist, echoener
The Nymph exchanged numbers with the Elisa Killick, off Outlaff, on the risqain, belg
19th January.
PRON HONazon. -
19, Linust, Allen, Whangat.-
20, Arrow, Macfarlane, Camaingmoon.
20, Lewick, White, Calentina
317& C. &L P. Cah Br. Hongkong, Hill, Macao and Canton.
-Noma Senhora da Eus (Portuguese), Jesus, Etraita,
Big Miner
Brig Pilot
H. M. Ship Masinga
Ship Cleopatra
Drig Arb
Mkup Royalt
Bimar Bagated Benmor Med
|Dongkong || 14 |Cinna
90 es Ningpo 12
11 K 10 Ge 10 G Amoy 11 Ge
4 Qaas
39 G
10 K
B. O. Bemar Phlegethon
H. M. Ship Albiguate
Bhip Minden
U. 6. Ship Plymouth
Brly Dolphin
E. . M. Brig Laeso
Ariel, barque Andar, ho
Blackfriar, barque Canton, Mer
Onion, elmar
Capula J. W. Morgan Captain T. L. Momin Commander WV, Morris. Commander L B. Everest. Commander C. M. Machinson Commander & M. Lyear. Commander P. Cr
Commander Leokpar. Commander G, Nible. Donor Dankler.
Master J. Misabell
Commodore D. Gelsinger, Captain T. R. Gener Commander T. J. Pag. Commander Montenegro
10 G
Hardina, Masbeton and on.
Louise, barque Apital
Rithimeides, baryto Clown, brig
Billy Jane, ship Folkstons, ship
Manden, barges
af still, barque
153 Pla
80 Remedios
185 Gril 371 Vichel Shanghai 10
Hoogkong 360 Stabd
W bampon 27 Barguer
92 Pik
400 De Grudol 255 Boss $25 Smith 370lro 350 Perry
no14 Belangon
|Hongkong || 306 Volumbia
Hongkong 850 Thaletrop
233 Bendiza Best Com 190 mich
longkong 954 Yontan
Caramoon 5 faison
37 Langley
311 Cadivou, J.
$40 Prints
141 Browning
Chimoba 29 Miller
|[FouRios] | 218?lely
931 Crawford Wcoming 1410'
450 Landers
296 Chape
--J. Anderson Indian, W.
Tond Viceman JorgR
V. A. doe Remedios Captain.
Loneuaco Marques. Dent and on.
John Baid end on, Reyn?rsan sed so Chinchow Elong Dept and co Reyevin and co. Raravan and Syms, Muir and on. Arms, Mair and o me, Mair and o
Jahn Bard and so. Order.
Jardios, Mathon and co.
tomasjes Bapoodles Langres Augustine Heard and co Durld Bones and
B. Rasvall and co
Prstenjan Fremijos Comand Harian, Mabsoon and an. 10dat and c
Deat and co.
Jardino, Mathosen and on.
Syme, Muir and so.
Jardins, Machapon and so,
Jardine, Maibenon and en
P. & D. N. Cam and 10am and co.
Jardine, Maikonen and eo. Cowsajes Saporjee Lauerans, David Soon, Bone and an Augustino Heard and co
stones Framine Cama sad os, Hlman and n
Kamelled so,
Bolpe (Am.), brig
Tla, soboomer
William, brig
William Hughes (A16.), Dela)
25 Waden
Willem Davidson.
Oval and en
Willam (T-, bazene
Dida, ashooner
Bellas, eshona
Tarnais, barque
Holland New York Hobart Town Ban Francisco
Lindsay and a
Vardas, Machenon and so,
Hongkong Ellen
Whampoa Bueno Ayrean
New Margaret
Shanghai Confurias"
John Bunyan
Bir Ed Party
Whampoa Jecara
Arial Oriental Hongkong M. & Elizabeth
A. Carter, L&C.B.P.CoAgt. Shanghai
Lord Hungerford
Mecae Tremolga Amoy Madepandenon
Naga Lat
Nawan Eljoesoer Pielades Amoy Prince Albert
Hongkong Antelope
Intended Despat
Rawle, Drinker & Co. Immediate Dirom, Gray & Co. Barly Dirom, Oray & Co. Jardins, Matheson & Co Early Jardine, Maiharon & Co Early Order.
Dent & Co.
Reynvaan & Co.
Russell & Oa
Ramell & Ca
Robert Strachan
Bath & Co
J6th Feb
Toch Pok
lot Feb.
Lindsay & Co. John Burd & Co.
Lourengo Marquesm Byme, Muir & Co. 9yme, Muir & Co. Syme, Mule & Co.
Ship ACHILLEB, will losva this forthe above places on Wed- monday the 80th of January,
CABOO will be received on board until Noon, and Brecis botil 4 2. 2., of the 29th
For further particular regarding Funtant and Passion apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agoni, P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Office. Victoria, Hongkong, 1st January, 180,
THE to of Freight on Silk to England per Over- Land Route has been reduced by order of the Directors of the P. & O 8. N. Company's to $96.00 per Ton of 40 Cubic feet, which will be charged satil further notics.
J. A. OLDING,--Ageni. Hongkong, 26th November, 1849,
Calculin, Bectalarias
*Bombay, Agenta Madras, Agents
Singapore, Agenta
T. G. Bagram. P. A. Cavarice and
Remington & Co. Bainbridge & Co.
Sera ????
OUTOBAHIL ????. ???????
Barkies & Moses. LINDSAY & Co.
Black Tre?T
Bombay, Ceylon, Madras, Calculis, Rangoon, Mauritius, Australia, Bingapore,
Hongkong, 18th July, 1849.
THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risk (covered by open POLICIES at 1.Love and In the varieur London Insurance Companies,) by the Peninsular & Oriental Company's Slowmers, from Canton and Hongkong, to the Btralia, Cay. len, the Presidencies of India, and England
For Rate of Premium and other information, apply to Mr J. A. Olveno, at tho P. & O. Ca.'s Office, flangkong.
JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co. London, 2nd December, 1848.
Firm on the lol July last.
GILMAN & Co. Camion, 29th December, 1849,
THE bosiness I have hitherto conducted in my
ERS, continue to ply between AL-MRA. R. HUDHON became a Partner in our ANDRIA; and, Taikaru sa under vis. The Direct leaving. Trients the 28th of each month arrives ut Alexodria about the 2nd or 3rd of the following month, and starts for Triesto from Alexandria 18 a 24 hours after the arrival there of the Indian Passengers by the Calcola Steamer, except on occasions when the latter arrives at Sues A Steemer of the same Company leaves Alex. andrin every abernate Thorsday for Bmyrna where it meets the Steamers of the Levant Lino, by man of which, communication is kept up as previously through Byra with Constantinople, Trieste, Greece, &c.
behind time.
own name, will be hereoflor carried on, under the Firm of TAIT & Co., of which Mr CHARLBO WILLIAM BRADLEY is admitted a partner.
Amoy, 1st January, 1850.
Fares direct to Tie C18 fooluding Table money THE interest and responsibility of Mr. JOHN
BTWART in our firm has chased. Do. vin Smyrne £18.4 without do, do,
TURNER & Co. Passengers intending to avail themselves of the Trieste Hosto-shaghejbank to Bawn only,
Hongkoor, ie January. 1850- For further particulars apply to
NOTICE. THB interest and responsibility of the late Mr. 17. 8. EL NYE in our firm cessed on the 3 let ultimo.
NYE, PARKIN & Co. Chalon, 4th January, 1850.
Mestre W. PUBTAU & Co, Agents at Canton and Hongkong, for the Imperial Royal Privileged Austrian
Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company.
N. B. There are now so many Railroade open through Germany that London may be reached from Triente in 6 days with comfort and at an expence of about £10 £12.
Victoria, 27th September, 1849.
FORD" Captain Paterson will
be dispatched from this about the 10th of February. She has excellent accommodation
for passengers, and careles a Burgeon.
For passage only, apply to
Capt. Patuon on board.
Victoria, 11th January, 1950
Byme, Muir & Ca
Syme, Mair & Co
Both & ?o.
Jardins, Matheson & Co. Limmediat
laland Queen Juliana
Dent & Co.
Maricar & Co.
Dirom, Gray & Ca
Immedia Early Early
Elenghong 371 Bart
Dees and so.
394 Williama
Dom, Gray and
J.A. Olding, P.&O.Ca's Agent
Dant and on
72: Th
fardino, Matheson sad on
| 200| Edwards
Macviour and co.
So Daw
Bank and co.
44.. da,
Denie, hooner
133 Barcham
Elener, barque
Elizabeth Archer, hasque
Elsa, barque
+710 per Keg,
Crats per la,
Emma, ship
Faloon, ship
1110, 3 tha. Tim
AU C. pr Bottle
Degglam, Los? Bagar, Coffee, Dried Herbs, Fresh Bal-
mts, Paarl Baclay, Ostmeal, Maccaronk, Vermanalli, Honey in Jars, Ted in 10 and to cattles Boza, Old Ma alla Logars, all Spytov, Nutmegs, Halalan, Plume, Uden, fashionsch Banner of all kinds."
Large Ox Tongues i un no se a
Corned Beal,
- - - - - 140 Cents each.
In little chalco pieces, suitable for small familles,
With every other article to be found in a general store,
Consists of Geert and Plut. Dacasten, from 38 per Pair
upwards; Tumblers, Wlass, Claret, Bock, Champagna, | Pinger Olmera, thi la Chua ??ng ?i?n
With a very handamme rich int Glass Dessert Eat.
Contal, Martell's Pale and Dark Brandy.
liyam' sherry in one dosen Cases
Carrion & Hunt's importor Port in do.
Bootch Whiskey
Claret, Heck, dtc., &c.
la do.
in de.
Charlotte, ship Chieftain, barque
Cornwell, barque
Conair, T
George Pils, burgun
John Laled, barque
Juliana, barges
Maktwon and to.
Dent and con
Rob Strachan,
Cand no.
Hawe, Drinker and on.
Holiday, and co
Jardines Mathmon and co.
Holiday Win and co Dead
Whampoa Alligator
3, Lady Sale, 188, Roger, Shanghai, Beptember 9, Lurd Hardinge, 494, Bawyer, Hongkong.
16, Mangastoon, 188, Pontresin, Shanghai,
Island Queen, rakennes
Rawla, Drinker and co
Merrier and oo,
Lord Hungerfel, skip
750 Pe
Lindy and on.
Louisa, barque
Louisa Balle, obly
Maggia, brig
Pranale B. Blity
Martha Fleboth, soker.
Robert Barachan,
Ninaoppa, schoonm
111 Dow
Jardine, Matheson and co.
Monum, barque
Lindsay and co
Mar, pup
Nymph, bla
Record, burgue
Boodland, ship
Wazlook, brig
Alliquor, brig
Bagno Arrean, barqua
Empres, schooner
Eobe, barque
Henry Winch, ship
Linant, brig
New Margaret, ship
Hoogkung, mer Arrow, brig
Lady Montagne, allp
Confuci, ship
↑ High Wallar, ship
A few Octaves of Brown Shorty 8t for Bottling; all thane | Kisa Killick, bargan
articles are of the best description and t? be bad the Bierce of,
Whymper|| 197 On
Major 114 Merk
150 Rabermon
470 me
112 A
41) Booby 1:50 1 Chatmom 212 Moofariano 70
Shanghai | 911 de
Cameron 484Thompson
Jardim, Matheson and on,
Dent and an
Hallday. When and
Gibb, Livings sad so, Jean Bard and co
Divaga, Gray and an.
Diro, gay s?d on, silenkin, Rawson sad s. Mathbones, Worthingtun and co.
Dirum, Gray sed co.
Y. J. Marrow.
Direa, Gay and on
Maricar and co
Carter, E. &C.S.P.Cagt.
Kilian and co.
Jardine, Mashmon and so,
Thomes Ripley and co.
criar and
Jardine, bestharon and so.
Hargreaves and co.
Derom, Gray and co
John Bunyan, skip
Lesher, bel
Queen's Road, Hongkong,
Regia, brig
Edward Party, busque
Eth January, 1850
Opy, b
Hebert Birachas,
Jardino, Mathews and or Dedar.
18, William Beware, 676, Jaintenon, Hongkong.
17, Duilius, 328, Maxton, Hengkong.
Loading on the 14th October.-Sir George Pollock.
8, Henrietta, 199, Paxton, Bhanghai,
4 Mary Aan Follion, 408, Holguin, Hongkong.
6, Ann & Jane, 351, Fawcet, Shanghai
September 18, Albion, 699, Clark, Hongkong.
81, Bentinck, 387, Bragg, Shanghai,
October Loading on the 4th October-Aqua Marino, Lenestrian, Orim, pool, and Panio.
12, Jeremiah Garnett, 447, Daley, Shanghai.
Beptember R, Mathesis.
September 6, Coord.
25, H. M. Troop Ship Apollo, Com. Rawatorne, Hongkong
Loading-Arratsen Apcar.
Loading---Dumfries, Eliora, Jamestjes Jujusbhoy, Lady Posl, and Sukam
Loading.-Trusty, for Shanghai, and Perses Merchant, for Chine
PRINTRO AND POputanae von tua Phoracaron, Jawn Carn, zu Luiz D'Aanyam, Oswalda Baw, Quecu's Road, Victoria, 1850.
Captain PATE?son will be des podpatched for the above named port, not later than the middle of February.
For freight apply to
Y. J. MURROW, Kwanglee Hong, 31st December, 1849. P.3.-A Supercargo acquainted with the Trado will accompany the Ship, whose services are avail- able to skippers.
THE A. 1. Bhip "CORNWALL," CAPL. DAWRom, having the grater part of ber Cargo engaged will be des patched for the shove Post on the 16th For balance of Freight or Passage. Apply to,
BUSH & Co. Hongkong, 17th January, 1860,
TO BE BOLD LET. THE HOUSE and Premises in Spring
Gardens fronting the Harbour.
The House and Premises in Spring Gardene adjoining the Road and opposite Jorrake Hall both formerly in the pecupation of Mora Hz & Co. Apply to,
Avos. CARTER, Office Queen's Road. Victoria, 4th January, 1850.
WE bare this day admitted Mr. JAMES
DADABHOT BAZOO authorized to
sigo our Firm by Procuration.
Canton, Lot December, 1849.
(LATE WoodBarzy, Batlies & Co.) Ship Chandlers & General Commission Agents.
in requested that all claims against the Estate of the late RoBERT WEBSTER may be sent in to the undersigned before the 80th June next, and all persons indebted to the emid Estate will please to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co. East Point, In January, 1850.
LL claime upon the Estate of the late Joan ACOR DALI, proved before the 30th June next, will be met by the undersigned, and all per sona indebted to the mid Estate are requested to make payment to,
JARDINE; MATHESON & Co. East Point, 1st January, 1860.
A Half Yearly Gunnar Meerenu of the Shars. holders in the HONGKONG & CANTON BTEAM PACKET COMPANY will be bald at the Office of SPENCER COMPTON, Esquire, Canton, at 11 o'clock a. m., Tuesday the 4th Fo bruary next.
By order of the Directors,
Secretary. Hongkong, Tat January, 1850,
CHEATHING COPPER from 14 to 24 of.
Apply to,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Ca Hongkong, 3rd July 1849.
JUST Landed ex " Benam" and " Scotland "n general amortment of the following articles:
PUR-iz-Stationery Perfomery, Prowerval Moats,
DON Partner in our Hous Our business will henceforward be conducted under the Name of SWORD, PURDON & Co.
Canton, at January 1850,
Breakfat and Dinoer Bete, Filters, Hardware Blankets; also an extensive variety of every den. eription of Marine Stores.
BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Victoria, 18th January, 1850.
Malacos, Penang, Batavia,
Great Britain or France, ous Port, United States of America,
Holland or Hamborgh, Spain or Portugal,
Past Coast of British North America,
Ports in the River Bt. Lawrence, Brazils,
River Plate,
Windward and Leeward Lelands, Berbice and Demerara,
Jamaton and Bt. Domingo,
Spanish Maiti, Honduras and the Mosquito Shore,
Touching at the Cape of Good Hope, bench Lot May and
1st September, parent additional,
Tonching at Singapore, Manila, or Java,
For every additional Port of Discharge.
- To a Port in Chili, except Coquimbo, warranted not to arrive on the { Comat, between 20th May and 20th September,-
To arrive within these dates, -
Owgzimbo and Pero,
For every additional Pert touched at per cost additional, Mexico and the West Coast,
From the West Coal of North and South America to China, war-7 ranted not to lears the Coast of Chili, except Cogulmbo,, between 20th May and 20th September,
To lears the Coast of Chili, except Coquimbo, betioren those dates, To pad from the Sandwich Islands, Te Amor,
Te Poochow foo, Leokong, Woogung, Ningpo, Shanghas,
Calling at intermediate Ports, & per cent additional, Stephen Great Britain, calling at Hongkong, Habra Westeja umaingmoon, per month
To the Ban Codki of Chien, per month,
N.B.-To Foochowfoo, Woosung, Shanghae, from 20th August to
20th April, at la per cent,
Risks to Manila, from 20th June to 20th October, not faken. Average on Bugur, and similar articles to fodia and Australia at 3 per cent, warranted free from average under 18 florn per cent, average recoverable on every $500 value (pack- ogos of running numbero) an If separately insured.
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co., General Agents "Canton Insurance Office,"
? ??????-??
pool, with
DENT & Co.
Secretaries "Union Internmos Society."
HONGKONG, Lr January, 1850.
NEW STORES PER "ORIENTAL" WEET Bulter sa Kegs of 16 lbs., American ? dried Apples in half Barrels, Loaf Bugar &c. Also received, Poo-chow-foo Bacon.
ROB. RUTHERFORD, Queen's Road.
N. B.-The Balter and Apples are of superior quality and the Bacon is quite Freak.
Victoria, 4th January, 1850.
THE JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN ARCHE. PELAGO AND EASTERN ASIA ; October 1849. Contents: An Account of the Origin and Progress of the British Colonies in the Braile of Malaces, by Lieut. Col. James Low, a u. 2. A. 1. & M. A. . . General Report on the Residency of Singapore, drawn up principally with a view of illustrating ita Agricultural Statistles, by J. T. Thomson, Esq., 7. K. a. s., Surveyor to Government. The Piracy and Blaye Trade of the Indian Archi
The Languages of the Indian Archipelago, by the
Preliminary Remarks on the Generation. Growth, Structure and Analysis of Langunges, Diseases of the Naimog Tree, by R, Lattle, E- Gold in Barawak. Fall of a Portion of Trian, an
auriferous mountain, by C. Grant, Esq.
WHAMPOA DRY DOCK. THE Undersigned has completed his arrangements, 1 for docking and repalling Vemela at Wham- pos, and bege to call the attention of Bhip Master and Merobents to the facilities he affords for that purpose. The Dock in a new one, oapable of re- celving Vessela drawing thirteen feet of water at Spring Tides, and eleven feet at Nosp Tides. A subscribers will please forward their name and ad large Bail and Rigging loft are attached to the pro-dras to the office of" The Friend of China and mes For torme, which will be moderata, apply to Hongkong Gazelle."
JAMES ROWE, Whampoa.
Desember 8, 1849.
rior quality. Agent at Macao-HINNAM. Hongkong, 16th December, 1849.
FOR SALE at the Office of this paper
for the Peninsular and Ort-
sual Company's Bloemore,
COMPRADON Ozdere, in Booke.
Marcantile forms and other work priated with
expedition at the customary rates,
Queen's Road, 9th October, 1848.
N. B. Parties in China wishing to become
Victoria, December 22nd, 1849,
JUST RECEIVED and ready for Bale si the
Btores of the Undersigned.-White Kid Gloren White, Pink, and Blue Bilk; Ladies and Gentis- mea's; Norway Don Glavotat Capo) Ladies Silk Stockings; Satin Striped Alapaks Druses; Nor- wich Lunter Dresses ; Cashmere do. Black end White Lace Cantous; Spotted Muslia for dresses ; fancy Buttons and Gimps for dremet; fine Book and Naissook Hoslins; Freach Satin Ribbons of all colours; Print Dresses.
For Mourning-Black Bitk Gloves; Black Par- ramatta Cloth; Black and Lavender Dresses; Crepe Collars; Silk Slooking, &c.
One Box of real Freach Flowers, containing Orange Blossom; White and Pink, Rosse, &c., &o.
J INESS, Queen's Road.
Victoria, 25th January, 1860.
Charles Stuart if a rom,
14 | Sydney
Usted Fate Nov.
Des Dec.
19 Maklia
Πον Nov. Jony. 14 Dee. 10 Jan,
NOTICE-The bourn of Dicine Service at Br. Jaun's Curso en unday, at 11 x. 1. sod ? past 3 r. a.
And on Thursday s? & F. N.
VINCENT STANTON, Viemeln, 18th Novasher, 188% Colonial Captain.
NOTICE The hours of Public Worship in the Use Car, Hollywood Road, nie on the. Saltash 30 a m. sad half just 47. M., and on the evening of every Wed-
Victoria, 19th January, 1850,
nerday hall past 6.
In lieu of our usual editorial article we present our Readers with a couple of chapters on colo. nisl matters from the pen of a well known writer. Though Colonel Wakefields observa-
Edited by (one of the writers) Edward Gibbon Hatfield,
been extended; and in the bureaucratio coloniest
fow Oficials are appointed in the Bareaucratic co. I the cost, who therefore onstitute the great
Towers.-They are a sort of Demigods, but very | ilty, and exemplify the rule, are persons who, in much inferior to the better order of sett'ar is abi. consequence of their want of ability, find office is
-Examples Sity, character, conduct, and manners
the colonies a refings froin destitution. thereof and the causes of it.-Behaviour of the Oficials to the better order of Sentiers.
pintments, he obeys the commands of the Colonial
What are the conduct, character, and manners of the best class of emigrants, in a point that re quires only one remark: those only form the beat class of emigrants, whose manners, character, and conduct are unexceptionable. Unexceptionale: I would propose no higher standard by which to messure the conduci, character, and manners of the official class in bureaucratic colonies. Before
by distance as to plato no very effectual limit on our they are made. Occasionally, with respect the standard; whom we shoulil unjustly disparage the interference of Downing-street in so weskened the governing powers of the official clare
Whilst speaking of the official clam. 1 with to exclude for the present the udicere called gover- more, who represent the crown, are nearly always strangers to the colony, and generally hold their appointment for only a few years, sometimes for only a few months
ma'l minority; and they would be amenngat the Grst to admit the truth of what I say about the others. The majority is bomposed of people, some of whom just come up to the stadard abore pro- posed; some a little below li; some below it to a degree which you, who have had no personal ez. perience of the colonies, will not readily endit. Or rather what you will with difficulty believe, is the large portion of officials in the bureaucratio colonies who are below ibs standard. I mean a large proportion whether of the whole number of colonial officials, er in comparison with the pro- portion of official people in this country where munnern, character, and conduct are worse than whexceptionable. But how, you will eak, can it ja
TI-At Dusseldorf on the 13th November Mesmited by the hindering, worrying power of the
Hours of Assembly, so in the bares ncratio oalasies,|| the power of the official clam le limited by the superior power of the Colonial Office at home. In the former colonies, an official faction enjoya power limited by a nasty local opp sition: In the |latter, an official class enjoya power limited by a
In bureaucratie colony, as in other, the gov nastier interfirence from Downing-street. Still lu
ernor appoints to office. He is generally in lend. both ensen, the power is immense. In the wing-things like the governor of a family compact THE FRIEND OF CHINA Cerdas, the official faction, becked by the might along but strings are pulled by to different dels of the empire, used to have its own way in spite of
colonies to which responsible government has no Office at home, which reach him in the form of applying the mensure, however, - me ago w the Assembly; and has mill, in the representative of bands. As to the great bulk of the higher ap
in many, there are persons in office who are abors recomendations delivered by the persons in whose owledge that in all col nies probably, friainly to a higher appointment, and always with respoel
by saying that in cond-el, obaracter, and manners, to a good many of the inferior appointments, espe they are only unexceptionable. In every el muf cially those of which the salary in small he teken
mankind as numerous as the official, elmaa ju k the advice of "people about bien," that is, of those
rasucratic colonies, there are some people who amongst the higher officials who really govern the
have been always good, and whom nothing ong colony subject to interfanes from Downing Street,
make bad; "nature's roblemen," whose duty to Thesa virtual rulers of the colany do not hang to-
their neighbour is prescribed
A inborn com gether with the tenneity of a regular family com
science, and whose manner represent an inherent The rest of the official b dy consists of the colo-pack. Their position does not require that they benevolence and delicacy. Buch people may be ajal secretary; the president of the executive coon should do so. They owe their appointments to cil; the treasurer or inepector general, who is the Downing-street; and as long as Downing street soprank and file of desolating armies, in the corroptest found at the plough, among commou emilor, in tire principal finascial officer; the +91rejor-gensial, ports one of them he is in no danger of losing of parts of great cities; I had almost said songst and commissioner of cross lands, who are very nice. The influence at home which induced Down- thioves: the thieving spart. Such people there important people in colonies where the waste land is ing-street to make the appointment, generally con
are in bureaucratic colony official life; duty-doing to be disposed of; the attorney and solicitar-grae trives to induce it to support the colonial officer.
men, tres, bonourable, and public spirited, having ral; the judget, and several other judicial officers, Buch officials, therefore, ors in a great measure in- such se the sheriff and prechonotary; and some dependent of the governor; they many safely,
generous sympathies, and connners remarkable for gentleness and reforment. I am half inelized to more which it is not worth while to specify. Nor resporte their own position, Brglect the manifold
mention the names of s?me of them. But all their tionsefer chicfly to the agricultured colonies, either so respects take or functions. I give it as a keep the governor in ordor. Neither are they names would not occupy much proc. They are is the above hat applicable to all colonize alike, precautions by which a regular family compact there is in them general applicability to all sample, for the mere purpose of indicating the ge- tormented by house of nisamhly, and compelled colonies, which cannot fail to strike, our Hong-neral nature of the funcilona of the official body in to guard against it endeavours to take a part is a colony. The subject of thess functions and the governing the colony. They are altogether more kong Readers
menner in which they are performed will be fully at their cans than the members of a regular family | considered under the head of colonial government, compact, more independent of control, more free to In every colony, newsly all the offices filled indulge their personal inclinations and passions by the governor's appointment in torm, just as, in Wa fod accordingly, that they uflen quarrel form, the crown appoints to most ofices in this among themselves, and sometimes with the gov. country. But the manner in which the appoint armor. The jealousies, and rivalries, and hatreds ments take place, differa according to certain pecu. | which belong to poor human nature, but which in liar circumstancia of each of the three cases of well ordered societies uro subdued by various res colonies before printed out, la creponsible govern- traints, break out uncontrolled amongst the official colonies, or rather in Canada alone, beesuse lof a boreauvrstio colony. The official body in there alone has responsible-government obtained sometimes split into hostile factions individuals anything like a dim footing, the governor appoints have biter public quarrels; even his excellency on the advice of his executivo council or cabinet of, the governor Limself is often worried, sometimes ministers; and the ministera ure from time to time | upset, by theen nominal subordinates. But there that set of leading celenist who por as the conf. is one palm on which the officials of a buzequeratic might be metinser. "The Colonial office could if it denes of the reprezummise body. The ministers colony never differ; nan tappet in which they losed, and would if the House of Commons in- being as with us, responsibla tu parliament, and bold logger as tenaciously as the best-cemented sisted on it, though sorely against the grain, fur- appointed or removed by the votes of pacliamamily compact. They agree in thinking that co
nish a return of the number and titles of official? really carry on the governmeed therefore of lonists or settlers, people who come out all that way
in the bureaucratio colonies, who during the leat course, make the siments to office, including to improve their condition by their own exertions,
twenty years have bcon dismissed from office for their;,
town: the governor does not govern, any more are an Inferior order of beings; and they stick misconduct. It would be needless to specify the then the Queen here he only reigns, like ber Ma-, close together in resisting all attempts on the pet nature of the miscaedect in each case, because the jesty. In Canada, secordingly (though how long of the settlers to become officials; to get a share severe punishment of dismissal from office is only ibis may lust, 1 pretend not to opine; for the new in governing the colony. If they were eritiere applied in groms and Bagrant cases. Indeed, the system is far from bring thoroughly established themselves as well as officials, it would be a fair natural touderness of officials towards ufficiale in. duces the Colonial Office, which alone of our publio on unigrant colonial may get into office if he taken struggle botwoon the in sund the outs, to weich no the proper road. The road to ulice is open to blin Englishmen would think of objecting; but the of departments is thoroughly bureaucratic in it com- as well as to any native. The road to office po- ficial's of a bureaucratie colony are hardly ever position and character, to avoid as much as pos ulaz favour, on the confidence of the constituencies; settlers. They have their salaries to live on, and sible the form of dismissed; and this tenderness kondigingehiroq With the glory other party that is up property equally actuales governors and other colonial off
way of Winning at The colony they consider their salaries | siklo, when they are under Tik-decassity of rezoOV. favour in a country where the unffings is practically property for life; and the source of it is far away | ing an sering brother. The sequl form of dismis. slnicat univermal.
from the culony. They arrive in the colony as
al, therefore, in un intimation to the wrong-doer, alter siranguro to it, and in order to exercise the
that he will only avoid the diagrace of a formul power of governing it; they are, in their own esti dismissal by tendering his resignation. The form mation and in that of a good meny of the bumbler of dismissal is hardly ever used, 1 think, except culoniste, sort of demigoda, coming from another when the wrong-door is alan the scapa goat of bin planet, and gified by some distant and mysterious official brabren or of his superiors in Downing. authority with the right of governing the settlers.
reet. The comman form of real diamisan) is re- Their dignity would suffer if they became settlers 2
signation. I mention this in order that, if you if they aranciated with the actulers except on the hold try to get such a return, your object may most unequal terms or sympathised with them in
1.n ba defeated by an evasion which might not be any way. Like the caste of Brahmina, they hold discovered, and, if it were, might be defended un themselves apart from the rest of the community
the ground of formal accuracy. The return should and immeauorably superior to it; or rather (for
state under separate heads, whether the officer re- this is a true comparison) ibey do not belong to
signed or was dismissed; if he was dismissed, for what reason; if he resigned, for what known oe supposed reason; and whether the axpediency of bis resignation was intim-ted to bim by superior outborby, I have no doubt that there are mute- rials la ibe Colonial Office for framing such a to- turn, though for most of them a search must be made in the "confidential," "private," and "secret" pigeonholes of that department; for of course, with misconduct in the culoales is carefully kept out of view by those who, if it were mentioned in blue the exception always of soupe-goat eases, official
books; might be held responsible for it.
The Primleged clase in colomics-nature of their
privileges the road of office is representativement calonics where responsibls government in esim. Misked, and where it is not-emigrants of the better order a proscribed class as respecte ofice You may suppon that the demrersey of the co. lonies is accompanied by a perfect equality. It is so with the demornicy of the United Bistes, but not with that of our eclonies. As in Turkey there democracy, solo our colonies there in democracy without equalay. In the colonice, however, there u but one privileged class which, so to speak, is mero privileged than any European country at present, excepting Rusrin perbaps. This prisit clams as proud, though in a way of ged *xclusive, na insident, so deeply 220 * (WA, LE inferiority or
convinced of the, yof the other clase, as was not in any mamace. But its privilegeonzo tre the attribute of birth; on the Who prives them are seldom high- often of the meanest extraction. Neither do mar rad nalezner 9: sramnik ni reprise of red, colonies are generally without property, often in prest want of mracy, not very seldom on the verge of insolvency. The privileged clean in colonice is the official class.
be ascertained? With respect to conduct at least,
1 can suggoola menno Jy-widow-yem "Estronky
(From the Singapore Free Press. January, It)
By the brig Dido, Captain Saunders, we bare pocived Calcutta Journals from the 7th to the 15th
The following are the Commander in-Obler's re- uk. Another officer ha bean tried by Court Mar- tel and dismissed from the Army for drunkenness.
In the representativa colomion from which res ponsible government is still withheld, it is exceed 1 feel at a loss the means of getting you in ugly difficult for un emigra at to get inte office, by understand the onlure and extent the privileges any man. The colonial faction which gori
njoyed by the ficial class in colonies. I would in spite of presentative assembly, dors so by be easier to make a Frenchman acquainted with means of holding the governor in leading strings, the subject. In our colonica, so in Farce now, This is not the proper place for describing the na. office is the only diasinetion. Of course, whatever ture of there string Fusce it to my here, that is the only distinction in rny part of the world, is, they are most artistically formed and as carefully in that part of the world, greedily desired and de- kept in working order. For the making and pra voutly worshipped by most people. The pawing, nervation of them, ume, consecutive effort, and in the dying for office in colonies, is a sight to sea, cessant vigilance are indispensable. Those, there But fico in the colenko la so precious, so only fore, who hold the strings are a party of long and because it is the only reality of power. The going and of permanent organisation. They belong the community at all, but resemble the official clars vernment of our colonies, for the ins at part, bu to the coluby. A ranger szriving there would he io British India, which exclusively governs, be reaucratie. In poms of the repersentative colonies, incapable of joining them from life ignorance of dots not setile, and with regards the lives us a indeed, especially in Canada, the recent adoption | local politics Besides, they want all the appoint. tace only fit to be governed by a superior race. of what is called "responsible government" placisments for themselves and their adherents. Lalo For nativas, read settlers when bureacratic culony power in the bands of the parliamentary constitu- the whole, or nearly the bate, patronage of the le la view, encies and those who can win their confidence; colony were at their disposal, they could not hold
In British India, the natives are what the white but this is a complete and very incdern innovation sepether, and defy the representative body, for a officials deem them; if they were not, they would and it has by no means buen extended to all the single year. They do hold ugether so as to be hardly submit to be ruled by a handful of Foriegn representaties colonies. As in Canuda before this commonly called the family compact. In the coursers. Bot in the bureaucratic colonies, the officials Innovation, so now in the representative coltmira of time, an emigrant who has great talents for in. are, apart from their official position, which is one to which it ban bot been extended, and in all the rigus, may peniliale into this close corporation, of exceeding superiority very much inferior to the burcapcratio culonics without exception, all power and become one of is; the king happens every now better order of settlers. "Pray observe that I speak originates in and la inherent to ffice. But there and then, But allowing for such rare exceptione, generally not denying that there are exceptions, in a distinctica between the reprezentative and the the family compact vigorously excludes emigranta and exceptions which it is a pleasure to record. bureauermic colonies which have not obtained from tffice I dislike and fearn emigenata at
But, speaking generally, the officiale of a bureau- responsible government, no formerly in the two class. It dislikes them, more especially if they are oralis colony are inferior to the best settlers in pro- Conadas, the executive and the repremmative rich and clever, as persone who may be willing perty, manners, and character. The moal valu branches of government are generally of variance and able to obtain pointical lofluences no pasible able settlers have a good deal of property; some a the executive branch sides with the minority in rivals, and almost inevitable faul-finders and op. great deal the officials hardly ever have any P the preventative branch. In order to carry th poneau; it fears them, because they may be able party; it is their poverty at home which induces government at all under this curious system, it in through their connexions at home to get at the go them to seek a colonie! appointment; and they Indispensable that the executive should have the veinor in some way, and may try to make him out generally spend the whole of their salaries, not un- support of a party or faction in the colony. The f his leading-ntings. They would rejoies if there frequently in much more as they can get into debt, governor, therefore, who represents the crown. were no enigration of the better order of people. The beal settlers are often men of great ability; disposes of offices in favour of such a faction: in- They do much to prevent it; and they succeed in is proved by their success settlere notwith deed, the cficial faction is rally the governm materially cheeking, by vationsly ill treating emi-standing all the hindrances i have enumerated and It consists of vicinis and their portinus hoping giants of that clues. 1 he family compret of Upper some which remain to be noticed; most of the of to be faciala. It is compound, the root part. Canada, befute the black day for them which incials are permans who, in consequence of their of colonists; that is, mans or Gized residents of reduced responsible government, waed not only to want of ability, have broken down in some career the colony, and it enjoys all the power, that is exclude emigrants of that class from distinction and at home, or bave had no career but that of being exercised in the colony; all the power, that is to political power in the land of their adoption, hat supported in idleness by their relations. It is in- my, which is compatible with the existence of a also to front and injure them by the numerous seront of a kind to be hereafter explained, not suit vast deal of worrying and son ens peding op means which power can employ for such a purpose.able ability only "good enough for colonies that position from the majority of the representative This was one of the causes of rebellion in Upper tu persons whose want of ability unfit them for body.
Courda. Not that the higher clars of migrant, holding office, or otherwise aning their own bread, In the bureaucratic colonies, on the other hand, who were then very numerow, were depond to at home There are exceptians of more then one where constitutionally there is only one branch of setel; their maladia du poja, thele pasiunte love kind It happens sometimre by accident, that a government, where the hein! aluno legislate as of England, provented Hal: but those who did re- young man of real ability in urged by necessity of well as crecule, and where secordingly govern tel, thought that, to be sure, emigrants who had led by inclination to prefer an immediate provision ment may be carried on how without the aid been an ill-treated by the sulling faction, would be in the colonies to wasting for what big talte might of a faction of colonists, the best offices are filled disposed to join in a rebellion; and this expretnobioin for him at home; but generally where a by appointnical foom Downing-street, generally tion, it is now well known, bad considerable perion of real ability gets his friends to solicit by stranger to the colony, and almost always wi? share in leading the rebele inte action. lost any regard to the wabes of the colt nists of Upper Canada was not singular, though it is either prefers an easy life abroad to hard work at The Hon. Mr Bathune, the legal member of Loun
be case Downing-atteet for colonial appointment, ko and these superior cffcere appoint the inferios better known than others, I think wa mny lay it home, or hea defects of character, perlinge babitual ell, who presided at the late St. Andrew's dinner officers. In those colonies, therefore, the power down at a rule with but sary tore exceptions, that vices, which diequalify him from getting on where at Calsuits, and made a most foolish egotistical which the official class enjoys is strictly privi. in colony governed by a family compact, amibe in koown. There ares few men of superior ability speech on the occasion, and who was accused of Jego, because it is a power independent of in sub- | grants of the Letter order aze a precribed class as jccus, inberent, as I said before, to the poutres respects the enjoyment of distinction and power.wreet, who are open to no countervailing reproachning, has denied all recollection of having pung in the colonial official clara appointed by Downing having song very indecent song late in the even They are mese reuters, snubbed and ill treated by and there are many whose ability in uilled to de- the rong attributed to him, or any other song at those who enjoy a menopoly of distinction and [fects of vices of character, that render their talent the St. Andrew's dinner The Hunkaru there. power; and they can be nothing else.
of office. But it is out an valimited power. An
in representative colonies not having responsible government, the power of the official factium in k
marks on the case
that gave me more pain thao i feel in confirming this "I never confirmed the sentmee of a Court Marilal
how abilities 1 had formed high opinion, when bich dlamies from the service a young man, of (some years ago) he served onder my command in the able family is thrown into deep fiction, and a young Bald! The services has lost a clever officer, an ha man of great promise in utterly rained in bli profession al in India! It is therefore impossible for me not to by a vice which has ruled the other elace my arri call upon all who have commen sense, rmolation, and
bich are so unfortunately pravalent in the Europ respret for their uniform, to join in the endeavour which I am making to repress those destructive a portion of the armies in India, drunkenuem and gambl
Courts Martial are ready to show all practibable mercy to a prisoner: bus they will pot, and cannot, entfellings for an individual, and no cause the rula acritice the honor of the military profession to indul of numbers
The sentences shall be carried into effect!
(Bigned) C. J. Nar?na, General,
The Sikh Sirdare are to be sent to Calcutta,
an evil instead of a benefit to the coluby: but all upon tomarks "now as diere can be no doubt that
Whilo, however, Government casts nhout how t
plied to the dynasty of Orleans by one of its allest "a legalized farce," to use the expremion lately ap defonders; and encls is liable to be succeded in
of the Itapublic has been twice tried and convin tel for the same offence, and that an impartisi od ministration of justice would consign every mem dred, avery adventurer in the terrible experiment her of the late Provisional Government, and, in- of February, to the same falo,
whois. In Flowery Pekoe and Anuchong w have few transactions to report. Hewstod Drangs L'ekoes and Capere continuo dull.
The market for Green Tous, a noticed above, has shown some improvement in the decksul. There has been more inquiry for Twankays for export, but the limits coming under the prices de- manded by the Importers, few sales finya han made. Sme speculativa pireless ware made in Canton Young 19ysons at previous prices, and the the good and Gan are dull. Common to good fly- Tankay kinds have been rather more in demand; sang bara been more inqriend for, and may f quoted Id. to 2d. per lb. higher. En Gunpowd to and Im-eriste the transet dus have been limited.
'The sales of the month were-
November 21. 11,700 pkgs.
Boki, 2,000
The few sold worn at previous pricao.
A sale of Assam Teas took place on the 20th, and all m?bt at very full prices.
The Deliveries for thu manth ware 8,538,005 lbs. agamont 3,193,851 lbs lam your.
Your obedient Servants,
(From the Bombay Times, 19th December.) REPORT ON T?? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ??????? From the Jn to the 15th December inclasive, We have no change to report in the sale of sur Money Market, which continues well supplied at sky ruled Government Securities also remain without material alteration, but we do not hear of much paper changing hunde Bank shares are very gulet, but maintain their valus, Bombay Bank stock is in great request, al 18 per cand. pre mium.
The Import Market continues as dull and in?c- tive anat date of one last,-owing in a considerable degree to the want of fresh supplies, and partly to the fact of the upcountry markets having been ful by supplied at the opening of the season. In the Export market the excitement prevailing in the end of last month has subsided, unit the shipments of Colton have been considerably lets than during The priod last reparted an. Other articles of ex port are being aaquired afar to a moderate extent,
he did sing a song, nid that of the most vulgarly the Indian servico; It in useless to hupe for any Enfecent character, the inference is that a great Augmentation of present cereurs, and those from gislator and curtos moram pleads downright drun-Panjule cats and other sources are as yet only kenness as an excuse for his obscenity." The
estimistes. It semlo, then, that Gurarnment should konurnbilo gentleman seems to have put into a di
turo by a state of things nod by " race of men lin- be stirring; anh thu?n is not much time to think on Jemma, from which it will not ha essy for him ta the question
ving the same claim to the obedieno of the nation Under proper administration, as it escape. The big Thomas Metcalfe went ashore should not despair to see that an incuma tax of Da the heich at Madre during a strong monon even fira per cent produced enough to clear away have just termianted in the High Court of Vernail- For those cons, proceedings like those which breese on the 27th Now. The crew and part of all prenost difleufties. Then we should not hear low are apt aither to degenerate into a firco or lo the cargo were saved, but the vessel was expected of suspensions of useful public works, or of funds suggest reflections extremely at variance with the b break up-Tho brig Fying Fish was lost on for educational purposes, or for general improve her passage from the Nicobots to Pinang, some ments being denied. We are comis to a sed pass pirators, of the meanest Llants and the minst absurd real dignity of the low. Here are a hand of cons where to the wratward of Darren Island, as or 'imulvad when this nocera, and it existe OW Go-potension, conilemaril to be transported to somo about the 7th October. Part of the crew were vordimant, two, must provide for the guarantee to picked up by the ship Manchester on her pago the railway company, and has no time to waste, as the Pacific Ocean, for the very same crime which savage fosserie on the coast of Madagascar or in from the Straits to Caloutta. Capanin Shaw if these can be little doubt that growad will be taken not in ing monilis ego proclaimed the Itepublic, the Flying Fish after living for 18 days on Nur. in the present season combom left for die Cocoa in a Chumene namijan
Coproke the National Assembly, nal has since with six of his crew. The fanchester visited tax is subject in an equitable manner, it is bound to ples They ventured to plead what they called placed Land Nspolean on the set hem occu The Cucos but found that all the Eurapenas lo look sharp after the money it has advanced to na left it in a stoniner-The Revd. J. El. Prat, do tive states Ofilieno, na I have before informed you, so indefeasible rig of French citizens to take the right of inturrecti?n," by which they mCAN mestic chaplain to the Bishop of Calcutta, has the Nizam's debt is the heaviest, and no chance of up arms whenever they think fit to assert that the been appointed Archdeacon rice Dr Dealery pro its recovery seams possible. What it is now, I do Constitution is violated. But that was not a due moted to the ree of Madras.-The Cairo corres uot exactly know, but when I inst heard, it was betrise to which the sacsitive care of justice dould pendent of the Englishman mentions that a private tween fifty and sixty face, the liquidation of which, be brought to listen; and so they stand condem. eter from London states that Lord Lineola, who 1 suppose, in impassible. It is sidanstood that the ned to divers penalties, to be borne na best they
at present in Egppt, intends to visit Ladin. The | Nizam offered instalmente, which were refused. Englishman also says that among the political The close of the your is rumoured as the latest
may, but with this consolation, that the President moure which the October mail has brought, out, period to which his lordship will wait when, if the on is that the Whige have a now Refor?n Bill in debt he not paid, the ultimatum of Guvernement will preparation, which is to astonish both friends and
bo proposed to tho Nizam; which is generally be foet-Captain Da Costa the officer who gambled lieved to be occupation of territory, either Behar, with Major Cooka, has been tried by" Court or the districts south of the Kishow, including Martialfor gambling, and sentenced to be placed Gukwal and Sborspoer. This would be uspelat at the bottom of the list of Captains in bis able to his Highness, but there is no resuurde la regiment - The abip Campus brand to Li to Government 1 it cannot afford to sit down help.
NAUVOO-JOE SMITH AND M. CABET. vernal, was totally destroyed by fies at the Sand-less under a lean of this kind, as a Hyderabad The Intelligence we have received from America hasile on the 11th December. The Bre broke out
banker is obliged to do, and is too poor to preora comprises a notification, which, though it can scarce in the cabins where a quantity of jute was slowed. sinate payment. I expect, therefore, to see thtly be described sa importing any political novelty, is She burned sa rapidly that there was not time to territory occupied, which, of course, will land the certainly as suggestive of edifying reflection any Ert out the long boal. The cultors were lowered | Nisam to pay the debt from his own coffers, or tu thing which has transpired in those regions withia and all the crow got into them. One of the aut, submit patiently if he cannot. Land Dalhousie is recent times. 'T'he fraternity of the United States in ters was picked up with a part of the crew, and I should think, the very last mwn to be trided with likely to receive an additional member, and a ler another bad been sean at thie Sandheads, but the | in such matters.- Bid,
elreumalincon without a parallel in morlorn politica. commander and six men had not yet turned up-
For some years past the sect of the Mormons has The Governor General mod Commander in Chief
been steadily growing in quembers and in that con were at Lahore-Dra Campbell und Hooker were
sideration which numbers, under the American con |will la confinemvot at Sikim, but the trestusent of
stitution, cannot fail to insure. They played a coo- De Campbell and improved Dr Hooker had all
spinous part during the presidency of 1 Van Bu along been comparatively well used, nad had been
rea, and they have repeatedly bean courted by the told he might leave the country if he liked Elw In alluding to the Colonies bar Majesty cannot
great political parties in their cuggles for power. refused to do to thinking that bie romeining would but admit that they are in a stats for from coodluci.
Nether the vagabond life not the usheroic boath of be some protection to Dr Campbell. The Chinese ve either to her own satisfaction or the well being
Joe Bmith. the original "prophet," served stormily anthorition seem to be mixed up in the affair. The of the empiro; but still there condition is such as
to discredit this prodigious impasture, and n the pre- Government of India has sent a sharp letter to the to promise amendment on the application of suitable
real momen Mormonism is a more acceptable and Sikin Rajah, and it was thought that the Doctors, measures. In Canala, there have been disturban
theiving doctrine than in has over boen before. It i would be soon released from dursaen.
ces, in which her Majesty's representative endes-
carious, though not perhaps surprising, that the sect voured to preserva a ignified neutrality; but to
is mainly recruited by emigrunts of whom by far the SELECTIONS FROM THE LONDON
in that he was compelled to leave the scans of com.ge proportion are from this country. Prosoly. dist in the capital of the province, for a temporary
tiam in the States procenia but slowly in comparison, PAPERS OF NOVEMBER.
retirement lato rural privacy: the moremeat, how
and although the seulements of the now religionists ever, which was then initiated, to transfer that part they have Dover made any coproris amongst the ab have always boon on the outskirts of civilization, yet THE ISTHMUS, A WAY TO THE SOUTH. of her Majesty's dominions to the neighbouring
Repullin, has not get attained success. Lo the origin. Nothing can be more remarkable than (From the Times.)
West Indies, the pressure of distrom ander t
the superiority, in this respect, of gt over educe We need do no more than allude to the schemes varying and still uncompleted experiments of the which have bran in agitation for cannoting the Imperial Legislature bas ocossioond the manife
Cumberland pinned their spiritual trome, with the umos implicioso, upon a man Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by mesne of a panongu sation of a permanent discontent; bat the differ. scrape some point of Central America. One of the tion has not yet smumed a decidedly rebellius form
whom the unfettered Indians denominated lobo wa thire rouler fuggented for ibis porpone, vin, that of nor one which might not be neultalized by wise like, which, in an English version, signifies ** A milroad across the isthmus of Panama is desosi. | policy and friendly demarmour on the part of the
great macat"
There are few toimivars by this mall, most peo bed, in the metaphorical language of a tranoviqiie | Imperial Government, personated by Governore
In the disturbances, however, which earned upon ple bring in expectation of an advance in the rate journal, so being already "wn-fer way," and in less eminent for high qualities and not identified wah
the incarceration and extinction of the revelator" whom the China meatur arrives. Drawers, on the Dan two years' time tula arkical travel is to be so past dissensions. At the Cape of Good Hope, the Braith, the old scalement of Neuroo was abanother biod, have been exceedingly Arm, and our for simplified that, according to the report before somewhat rebellious exhibition of feeling exalted dosed, and the Inst secounts represent this mysteri. quotations are to. 10fd to be. 11d, for first clam six va. " a possenger lighting his cigar as he leaves the by the measure for making the South Africa cul- our cay as having mom appropriately fallen into the months' right pa er. At the former rate the Ori- atramer in the Atlantic, may smoke it until ho na- | ilemente a receptacle for convicts, has been soothed
hands of M. Onber, who will, no doubt, acquire from ontal Bank has been drawing-Government drafts cenda the ship'a side in the Pacifio, then reducing by the judicinus and ampla concorsion of the Go- the Indiane me correct a designation as his predecos on Calcutta have been sold as high as 14 per cent the distance between the two oranga ta less than the vernor to the demanda of an unanimone community, 907, and incur perhaps somewhat similar risks from premium at night, Bills on China we quote a kagth of a cigar." The Nicaragusa route, by the although those demands were totally at variance those American citizens who are accustomed to de
Ra 212 per 100 dollars, great lake of that name and the San Juan river is with the instructions transmitted to his Excellency fine "chaft" rather as the abstraction than the pos Det in so forward a slale ; though the durinmittoes | by her Majesty's Begrotury yf State for iba Colo- eassion of private property. of the General Peace Congrow will be pleased to nias: the dangers of open rebellion, therefore, alike
Joo Bmish lived before the world for years together Jeam that, in the opinion of the projectors, ** no
in the fall reality of convicted scoundreliam Those disastrous to the colony and embarrassing to the dificulty whatovur is apprehended with the British Emporial Government, have bean sveited. The
was not on mom of mystery or doubt about the kaave's whole character, nor did be oven condescend to the fiovernment on this subjent. * The line by the strong failing exproserd in Australia against the ists of Tehuantepec is in a still more radimon dission of convicus will probally yield to the in-common austerkirs or hypocrisies of a religious im tary form, though it is confidentially prediated that, telligence that the measure is invoked; and the poster. fledrank.awore, and swindled; drove about with a lunboring waggon in a broadbrimmed hat, *within a very low yeace" all these three routes | misuke of sending convicte, on the plan tately an. will be simukanoously open the first for the expe nounced, to the district of Moroton Bay, which is cracking his whip like a courier, and could scarcely Matter an intelligible address to extort the dollars of ditious transport of maile and passengers; those. a part of Now South Wales, will be rectifial, cond lar heavy laden through-going vessels; and The abandonment, however, of the last, and the his followers. Yet year after your, as we under the last for the special and peculine traffic of the failure of every preceding scheme for dealing with stand, the migration still sets towards there fanatical United Blates.
this great national evil, will render it necesary for sectaries from the port of Liverpool, and, what in even more extraordinary, is found to consist, for the Parliament to aid in revising the system of secon dary punishments with a view to the disposal of most part, of a benermost sort of people small farm
ors, intelligens tradesmen, and wall-to-do labourers, convicted prisoners,
with a respectable portion of capital amongst them. What can be the explanation of this ↑ is it that co- lonization, when conducted on professions of roligi: on, however falsa, possesses surections above that rate which makes no religious provision at all The nonly well deserves an inquiry.-Times.
Not all these three linee fegethar can atinfy the American craving for speedy and continuous loco motion, and plans uto now under serious discussion in pepelar" conventions" for the construction of a The withdrawal of the Australiso Constitution dieret Arkentic and Pacific" ][ne which is to start (No, 2) Bill, will have ralloved the anxiety created Trom some eligible peint au the banks of the Alis. in the Australian Colonies by both versions of that elosippi and to and it termination sa the western measure; and if some natural distrust have been board of the States In the prospectus of this occasioned by the repeated changes of this bill undretaking it is ingenuously admitted that the without any declared caues, the pesmalgation of shortest cat to bo found must excool 1,300 miles ; | truly kberal institutions, coupled with the choice of that the route, in any direction, mum bo screes mo- Governors respected and papuler, and plane for untains and draerts, uninhabited except by wild Ia. enabling the Imperial Government to avail itul diana and buffuloas, and unprovided with any kind of aneistance in a coonelle from the accredited re- of materiale except rocks and sand. The estimated presentatives of tho dependencies, will impart an erpense of the work is "the spare capital of the unprecedented degree of content to that vast sco whole country," which is to be invested in the la tion of the empire. but of 100,000 men for a minimum period of Alleen rear. This invitation is candid, al any rate, and perhaps such a programme is preferable to the Jo- ariant descriptions which used to be issued in our country some little time back, when every project-
to in un adage na old na the days of the Roman
ed has had the ossicat gradients, the oftest eurres, satirist, that the lottery of revolutions consigns one The greatest facilities, the largest traffic, and the man to the bulks and another to the throne, and clever directory that arer was known. If, how
that the very same actions which are chastised in our friends should really get from the Mis-one instance with all the severity of the law are pila Oregon, it will be a thousand pities that rewarded in some more fortunate occasions with They should stop there. A labalar bridge across the applause of nations and the prizes of power. Bebring's Btraits would literally put a girdle about But if this be true of every insurrection and of The earth, mud then the predilections of American every pulitical context against established autho aizes might be gratified by the establishment of titiy, it is especially true where that authority is
●perpetual circulation.
ita If founded on the some shifting basis. Of all governments, those of revolutionary origin live in the most constant dread of revolution. Their own example ip for ever before them. Their own suc ceme torments them. If they prevailed over the apparently stable institutions of a monarchy and cluster, how much more readily can the engines of destruction with which they slected a trench in so solid an edi?es be turned against their own
The increasing embarrassments of the Indian Government, which are not concealed or denied, require extraordinary measures; nor can they be long delayed. It is impossible to go on borrow All we have done, and so adding in the intereat ofery million, permanent charge on the 6nan it is nearly impossible to curtail adequately,
*kobire and
Colton Wost-Prices of Cotton contious high, Gotwithstanding the comparatively unfavorable so- counte Just received from home,--which is attribal- ed to the scarcity of the staple at the presvol timme, and which is of a very inferior description.
Opium.-Noveral hundred chests have boon par. chased by Europeau House at prices closely ap proaching Rs 1300 per chests,-the drug to be de- livered before February cost. The market is mondy at Rs. 130 to Rs. 1895 per client,
Have experienced a doclive since our last, and cannot quota them higher than £3-94, d. to 19. *-* nog, to Lealon and Liverpool, with very Idditiona),
tion. Steady-going yeomon if a peodiiery hille ??ng, owing to ine'grett ieliek-pl@yata.
180, Fenchurch Street, LONDON, November 22, 1849, ?and 29, North John Street, LavERPOOL. The China mail arrived yesterday with dates to the rod of September, and that of last month on the 27th uk.
We have again to report a dull and heavy mark- el for descriptions of Black Teas, the iraosac. tions being most limited, Green Teas, on the con- trary, have been more in demand then for some lime past, and extensiva salon took place in low Canton kinds of Young Hysons at 6), te 74. por 1b; but with the exception of Hymns, which have ruled at higher rates, we do not allor our previous qualations,
The principal feature of interest of the month in the arrival of the "Menciu?" and "Aden" at Liver- pool, and the Mary Sparks" at the port, with the ars importations of Congous of the New Season, Bales have been made at Liverpool of several chopa by the digt vanel at 18, 21, and to. 9jd. Samples | of the "Maty Sparks" Congens were offering to- day, bos we have not heard of any sales yet being
For Common Congens the damand has been
willing, prione maging from 844, to id per It; the fair to goad Madiv?n kiade are the most depressed,
frail abode. For, above all, between ons gust of it being impossible to effect sales except at a for-
revolution and another it is hard to draw any disther reduction in the finer kinds the dealers have
or without risking the efficiency and integrity of tinction of right. The best of them becomes but only purchased small lote to supply their immediate
haro To China there is also little d??ng, mi Rs. Il per candy.
(From the Singapore Free Press, January 11.).
The Prince, Mary and Emperor serived from Grost Britain during December,
An uninterrupted dullness in trade bas charsete. rized the past inonih. Owing to the advices pe- demanded for Goods, but as yet have not been aul colved by the last Overland #1 ill higher prices aro
mited to, and the only operations of any connes quecos are in a few speculativo purobuses of 'I'wist at lower and at previous rates.
Produce continues in equally good demand se at date of our last report. Bis also we regret to say in still very high
5d 6 maths sight, 41. 44d 60 days sight and 40. On England-The rate in firm at da. Bjd, to 4a. ad. Navy bills at which there have been immene. tions. The latter to a small amouni have been sold
at 4, 5d.
Ou Calcata.-The treasury is open at 224 30 days sight. About 100,000 Rs. of accepted Court of Directors Billa hava bean sold at 206.
On Bombay,--No demand,
On China-Unsaleable at 3 to 4 por cent discount,
The reach loading hat month are kill on the berth; freights confleur the same.
Best-Bales of amalt los from Palembing 91 60 per picul. Cloves-No transactive About 150 picula in the place for which $13 per picul in offered.
Camphor. China-None,
Cassia-In quo demand-sales of about 70 cases at $15 per picul.
Codon - The Market monely cleared by ship. monta to Amry,
Hace & Nutmegs-The former in tile raqorat ; sales of the latter at 606 per picul for Singapore and Pinang.
Opium The Market har boen dull daring the pasi Munth and pziren kara declined to 0450 sa 455 for Henares at which rata a fow chests of the new drug have been sold. Afalara mone. Turkey Sales of 27 chests onetly last month at $400,
Pepper, Black-Continuse in goud demand and aloe mede at 94.08 to 4.15-for Singapore. White none offerlag. Long the same.
Rice-Advancing, sales of White Java & Bally
at $74. Middling quality at 908 and Arrucon al 850 to 52 per coyna.
Rattans-Supplies and sales of Straite at $1.75. Benjarmossin at $250 per picul. Market modern fely supplied.
Sapanood-Sales of about 3,000 picula
at $1,27) to 1.35. Manila Rooi-about 000 plculs st $1,40 per pleul.
Barra L
133 Barchem
132 Mason
150 Mill
Denia, sebaumer ledopsadenor, brie
THE THANKSGIVIne Day.-Tho large congregations assembled in the two cathedral of the metropolis beard the chofern discussed, so to speak, on its ow merits; but though the Bishop of Londos, sed still more the Dean of Westmin Siameter, went deep into natural panson, they d?ith?c precluded the idea of a divine Interference nor left the matter without improvement to the heart of the Crimino. Dr Buckland appears to have delivered himaalf with his wanted energy sad free dom of utterance. The profesor came forth, as it were, from the school of material nature, and expounded "the oracles of God" wraten on the face of his works, and on the order of his providence. The occasion demanded this appoal; and as the Dean's subject happily confined him to the surface of the earth, and Geschosser involved no underground theories, we do not doubt that his arrmon will be up- preciated by many who cannot follow him into all his scientifio speculations.- Times.
Silk Raw, Canton No. 3-Rules of 25 cheats at $200 to $16 secording to quality.
Tru, Junk-Nons, supplies expected shortly. T-Beire of Malacca without certificate al #15 to 18, and with certificate at 8183 per picul;
Luis une Siren at those rules.
THE undersigned koowing the great inconvent ance parties are frequently putte, in conse quemos of not being aware that a general STORE of this description is in Hongkong, begs to give the community of Canton, Macao and Hongkong, (more particularly Strangers) the following list of Articles always on sale, and from recent arrange. menta do with a London House will receive by the Overland Mail every month a fresh supply of every thing that is new and fashionable, so that in future Ladies will not be necessitated to write bore at great delay and expence for every title the may require.
Ladies De Lave Dresers.
Do. Prial
De Coloured, Terlaten do.
Do. Embroidered do.
Do. Cashmere
De Embroidered Book de.
Da. Embrokland Jaceonet Ja.
Do. Worked Musila Callar?,
De Do
De. Rich Lace Capes
Ds. Queen Mary's Collars
French tall, Corsets.
de. Joan Blays,
De. Braganza Shark
do. Handkerchiefs.
21, Exmore, Dunsford, from Swensen 2nd June and Simon's Bay 14th Oct.
24, P. & O. Ca's Str. Achilles, Evans, from Bombay 19th Dec, Point de
Galle 2nd Jun, Penang 10th de., and Singapore 14th do.
26, Arrow, Macfarlane, from Cumsinginoon.
Per P. & O. Co o S?r. Achilles,-From Bonday, Messru Ranken, Mahomed, Aleezze, and France From Paint de Galle, Messro Daniell, and Speckley Captain Ince, Colonel D'Almeida, Major Do Conten, and 3r D'Almeida. From Penang, Mr A. Bird, and ons Chinese From Singapore, Me Barra, and four Natives.
PROM ???? ????,
23, Nempa, Wilson, Cumaingmoon.
23, L'harlotte, Thomas, Whampos.
21, Maria (Danish), Thulstrup, Sourabaya and Loinbock,
23, Aris), Dan, Cumsingmoon.
quite new.
21, Ellen, Buckham, London.
25, Denia, Barcham, Amoy. Jun.
Da Black Badia Embroidered Mantillas.
Do. de Lavesten
Of the newest style, by last Mail:--
De Embroidered French Cambelo Bandkerchiefs.
Do. Barags Dresses,
De Velvet Bouncin
Do. Tesco, Straw, and Milk de.
De. Might Caps.
Do. Drum de
Do. 4 long White Kid Gloves,
De Clered and
Do. Black and White Lace Melite.
Do. Black and White bilk Stocklugs.
D. and Dentado.
D. Fancy Checked Silk.
Do. Plabi Coloured Satlus, dec., de
luckaback for Toweling.
Domack Table Lurn.
De. Napkins.
Brown Holland Dressed and Undressed.
Book Mwalim
Jacco d
Checked de.
Toile l'overk
De Frigh
Fancy Glugs and Fringas for Dremos.
Livute Ribbons.
Latestone and Baila de.
1, Numancia (Spanish), -- Manila.
→ El Tiempo (Spanish), Lockausi, Menila.
At Ladow,
At Liverpool,
From London,
November 19, Mary Sparks
October 29, Bagbalion. November 17, Mencius; 18th, Aden.
-November 1, Bir George Pollock.
From Portemouth -November 16, Rasa.
From Liverpool, October 20, Outerapool, November 9, Pamio.
ARRIVALS January 3, Sutlej, Corkhill, from Liverpool 20th Aug.; 4, Cor. Dir, Dobir, Hongkong 16th Dec; 5, Malta (str.), Pour, da. 30th da; Veloci pede, Wolfe, Sulu 30 % do; 8, Dido, Baunders, Calculs 19th do ; 2, Ariel Valberg, Penang 30th do Ararat, Rouse, Calcutta 18th do.; Rajah Bassa, Sharp, Calcutta 2011 do; 10, Corcyr, Woleh, Whampoa lat do.
Departures - Janwary 5, Atiet Rahman, Badan, Bombay; 7, Samatang, Buckle, Madras: Maha (str.), Ports, Penang and Gelle; 8, Protomolia, Hurri B, Bombay; Adiqus (Fr), Vidal, Marseilles; 8, Dulphin, Peermal, Po nang and Carrical; Alex. Johnston, Turner, London; Blondell, Hennut, Amoy; **y 8. da Lax, Jesus, Penang and Maulsonia; Gersely, Dobin Calzona; Pote-
"NATE OPPORIS SCARSTW Nacherda prem (Pro) Batavia
Fles Irish Linen.
English Umbrellas.
Boys Fancy Capa
Seto Cambre.
Children's Leghorn do.
Linces's la
Media Edgings and Insertions, do, do, do
Rest Lion Tapes.
Kerly's best Needles and Pina.
Brook's best Bewing Cotton.
Cotton Card and Reel Wire.
Darling Cotton and Hooks and Eyes,
Children's Fancy Becks.
Children's Augula and Cetten Socks.
Infanta Wellen Bests.
Do. Long Boban and Fracks.
Do. Freck Bodles.
Do. Pranck 'ambric Oaps.
Do. Thread Lice.
D. Night Capa
Farlings and Honertions.
Black Lace, wide and narrow.
4-4 Block Net and Blond,
4-4 Fancy Figured Net
Fancy G?ng Trimming for Dressan, ke., &c., he
Just Hecrical com
Bess, Montilles, Muffs, Rudetis, Cu?i, &c., &c.
Consists of Essence of Flowers, da, of Roon, Verboma, Wild Flower, Bouquet, Prococo of Violets, Ambrasla, and Gau de Portugal.
With Hair, Mall, and Tooth Brushes; Boaps, Bears Grease, Pomatum, Lavander Water, itesi Macassar Oll, Auk of Hones, Emoting Balta, Court Plaster, &c., &e, de.
In the Chow Chow Store will be found the follow.
ing of the boat quality, vit:-
York Hamo.......
Cumberland Bacon -****
Berkley and other Cheese
Curry Powder and Chutney ---
Pichita, Vlangar, and Mustard.... Anchery and other Partes.
Sardines, larga Tian............ Dutch Butter, 16lbs.. Sperm Landlen, ............................
.35 Cents per l.
40 Cents per lb.
8. 30. 155 Huntingo
Phiji Cleopatra
Brig Arab
Akup Hovalios
Big Mannor
Beg Pilat
Be Regard
Beer Ma
H. C. Biner Phlegethon
H. M. Ship Alligator
|Hongkong || 74 ||(leas
26 Jun
12 Lase
11 Gune
Gane 4G Tongitong| .. |Hospital
Captain 2. W. Morgan.
|Capiale T. G. Maana.
Commander W. Morrin, Commander H. D. Everest, Commander C. M. Machinson. Commander E. M. Lysae.
|Commander P. Chcroft.
Commander Lockyer. |Commandar G. Nibert
Docier Bankier. |Marie J. Mitchell.
Whip Minden
U. 8. Ship Plymoang th
Brig Duplo
29 an
10 |
10 Goo
H. C. Lijeri
Achilles, T
Arrow, bre
Andar, seponer
Buckliar, barque
Canton, mar
Caston, atzen?? Charbon Forbon, sh?p
Chieftain, berge Cornwall, hary
Loulan Brilla, skip
Henghong 586 Bran
911?2 Macfarlane
|950|Boumes |(190) Willa
seu Dewa
450 Dead
19¢ Necfdan
Commodore D. Geisinger. Captain T. R. Gedney. Commander T. J. Pago.
Zanimander Montanager,
Prince Albert, bargun Renee, bergpe Zephyr, schooner
?????, ????????
Vinen, schooner
Antelope, brig
Dah, (Whaler) ship Ariel, abip
Auckland, barque
Eagle, beg
Indiana, schooner
Oriental, skip
14 Brown
Best Case 196
105 ob
106 MeMard
Haaghong 37 Dearbor Wampon|| 837 |Palens
577 Flam
904 Jong
Do Loved
87 Crosby
105 Palmar
Shanghai 29|Gardner
Dent and co Syme, Male and on. Hyme, Meir sad as.
|Symn, Muir un co.
Dent and co
Inedino, Matheson and on. Mackenzie, Braber and Jardine, Matheson and co.
|Bush and co.
Rawle, Drinker and do.
Boll and oo.
Russell and on.
Ruwell and oo,
Rumall and o
Karmell and co
Bal, Nye and on.
147 Poring
340 Philipe
Augustine Heard and co. Ordne
253 Pina
Food Ficepts Jorge.
155 Gr
Cande, barque Dark, cheer Mandarin,
Ban Banice, brig
Amizade, brig
Arora, shooNET
Royal Sachange, brig Tramelge, barque
Dos Amigos, schooner
Sultan, barque
Canion, burgue
Gezim Leong, kargo
Jacare, barque
Macao, barque
Biron, brig
Naga Laut, barque
271 Vital
Shanghai 105 silen
Mongkong 360 Sokade Whampoa 387 Bargner
919 Pike
son Bays
400 De Greol
V. A. doe Hassedios. Captain.
Lourenco Marques,
Dent and co
John Bord and on. Rayavana and ou Chiocbaw Bong Dent and ou. Bayavaza and co Bayaran and on, Symon, Bauls and co. Syme, Muir and oo.
955 Rooms
925 Smith
Nawin Elar, barque
378 Montal
Picades, berque
350 Parry
Syme, Muir and en.
914 Bdangon
Napoleon, ship
Wodan, skip Aan, lore
Hongkong 3064chan.idk
Flonakon Best Cound 19 Smith
933 Bendlan
Entreprise, barque
(Store Skips)
Baranjes Hermijos, ablakong 85 Cost
Fort Willam, obie
Bombay, ship
Lady Hayes, barque
Nimrod, bera
Ruperall (A.), barque
Bes lors, brif
Anonyms, brig
Hoogkong, bezpe Led Armborn, chip Pathfinder, barque Royalist, schooner
Harlequin, elg Logi, berque Anita, brig Now,
Mabamondes, harga
Sally Jane, skip
Polusone, ship
Mandag, barga
Mastiff, berqua
Snipe (Am), belg
Time, echocar
William, brig
William Elughan (A.), brie Wilman 17, barque
Dido, schoo
Wellan, sehoonAN Ternate, barque
1914 Miller
Cam'ron 35|| fomieson
935 Ramer
3) Badloost, J.
25) Salth
943 Gerard
309 Mila
141] Browning Miller
979 King Fufoo 919 Hely
937 Crawford Woosung || 144|DBasscha
456| Landers
-J. Anderson
190 Edico, W.
Jardine, Mathogen and co, J.A.Olding, P.& 0.1%. A Cowles Sapoorjas Longreas Aaguecine Hoard sad co
David Beans, Buse and co.
8 |Russell and so.
Pentuajes Framjee Cams and co Jardins, Matheson and es.
Dani and co
ent and co
Jardins, Mathon and on. Hymn, Muir and os.
ad co
Jardes, Matheson
Deal and so
Deat and co
Jardine, biatheson ad co.
P. & D. N. Cams and Dent and co
Jardine, Matheson and co
David Samo,
ad co
Cowen's Bapoocjee Langrenn,
Augustine Baard and so
16 Lovy
Pestoale Frame Cando,
13 Baird
Gilman and so.
919 Roundy
Rall and P
lindany and a
Willie Davidson.
Cant and a
fardina, Matheson and co.
906 Gutsell
975 Hall
Whampoa Buenos Ayreau New Margaret
Whampoa Jachura
Intended Despatch
Dirom, Gray & Co. Dirom, Gray & Co. Early Jardine, Matheson & Co Early Jardine, Matharon & Co Early Order.
Bhanghai Confuciu
John Bunyan
Sir Ed. Party
Dent & Co.
Reyarena & Co.
Russell & Co.
Early Early Comediate
Russell & Co
Robert Strachan
Bush & Co.
16th Feb.
New York
Ariel Oriental
Hobart Town Hongkong M. & Elizabeth
San Francisco
Lord Hungerford Lindsay & Co.
John Burd & Co.
10th Fek
VOL. X. No. 0.
PRICE $10 per annum.
VICTORIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2017, 1850, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHina and hongKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, te Dollare Ste Menthe, Dollate. Three Months, & Dollars; all paid in advance.
Numbers, to Subscribers 98 omnia sach; to Non-Subscribers, I lapos. Parties calling or sending to the Olles for papers are requested to pay cash. BUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND,→To Subscribers to the FRIED or Cus, & Dollars per Annum non-subscribers 96; single coples o cants. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and under, 1 Dollar; additional, 10 otsus. Repascions one-third of the first Insertion. Ships,-First insertion, Dollars subsequent Insertions 45 cm. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be pabilaked until counterande. In all instance, those who are not Subscribers, require to pay in advance.
ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAT Also, en route to the above, Bindarone, Pagano, Galle-Malta, bust, Avon. THE PANIMULAN AND ORI-
ENTAL COMPANY's Bleam Bbip ACHILLES, will leave this forthe above places on Wed-| nesday the aid of January. Canoo will be received on board until Noon, and Brucan intil 4 v. m., of the 30th.
For further particulare regarding Faktany and Pasos apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Offico, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agoni.
P. & O. B. N. Co.'s Office. Victoria, Hongkong, 1st January, 180,
THE rate of Freight on Silt to England per Ovet- and Route has been reduced by order of the Director of the P. & O 8, N. Company's to 990.00 per Ten of 40 Cubic feet, which will be charged antil further notios.
J. A. OLDING---Agent. Hongkong, 26th November, 1849,
TRIESTE ROUTE. THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S TEAM- 1ERS, continue to ply between ALEX- ANDRIA, and Taizers as under via. "The Direct leaving Trisose the 28th of each mooth arrives m Alexadeia about the 2nd or 3rd of the following month, and starts for Trimate from
Alexandria 18 a 24 hour the Galeria Borer,
the lodian Passengers by the Culeuita Binamar, except on occasions when the latter arrives at Ques bebind ume.
A Steamer of the mome Company leaves Alex- andria every skernate Thursday for Bmyrna where it meets the Stenom of the Levant Line, by mdaha of which, communication is kept op as previously through Byrs with Cosalaatinople, Trieste, Greece, kc.
Fares direct to Trieste £18 Including Table money Da via Smyrna £18.4 without do, do, Passengers intending to avost themat Ives of 100 Trieste Route abauld book to Bues only.
For further particulare apply to
Mom W. PUSTAU & Co,
Canton and Hongkong, for the Imperial Royal Privileged Austrian
Lloyds's Steam Navigation Company,
N. B. There are now so many Railroads opas through Germany that London may be resched from Trieste in 6 days with comfort and at so expence of about £10 £12.
Vistoria, 27th September, 1849.
THE Ship" LORD HUNGER. FORD" Captain Patarson will
be dispatched from this about the 10th
of February. She has excellent accommodation
for paracagers, and carries + Surgeon.
Ist Fob.
Sing. Calcutta
Mnovicar & Co.
Laurengo Margsen
Syme, Muir & Co.
For pusage only, apply to
Naga Laur
Syme, Muir & Co.
Nawan Eljoesoertzyme, Mair & Ca
Byrne, Muir & Ca
Capt. PATREBOX on board.
Amoy Prince Albert
Syme, Muir & Co.
Hoogkong Antelope
Bush & Co.
Jardios, Matheson & Co Immedia
Laland Queen
Dent & Co.
Macvicar & Co.
Ditom, Gray & Co.
Barly Immedia
Jomedian Early Early
Victoria, 11th January, 1850.
JA. Olding, P.&O.Co.'s Aguas Bingapore
Macviour and oo.
Fardian, Matheson and co.
Dirom. Oray and on.
JJ. A Olding, P. & U.Co.'s Agent
{A. Carter, EL& C.P.Cu's Ag
Dant and co
Meerloor and ou
Bush and co
Hobart Buchan,
Dent and co
Jardine, Matheson and co
Holiday, Wine and on.
10am and co
||Rawlo, Drinker and co.
Maricar and co
indey and oo.
Ayme, Muir and so.
Turner and
McEwen and co.
163 Wodi
Ekesbeth Archer, barque
235 Jabb
Besh sad su
Emma, onip
221 t. Bibby
Holiday, Wies and co
118,1lbe Tim
Enmore, berque
Uta. pr Bottle
Falcon, slup
George File, barque
44 Murray
Leland Loren, kunnes
Juba Laird, barque
946 Ca
Juliana, barque
346 Rowe
.710 per Keg.
Lord Hengros.rd, slep
139 Patar
Louise, bugue
413 Reaby
16 Murray
171 Dow
47 Mu
434 Pelle
$56 Davie
9:37 Lane
John Bard and on.
|Whampoa] 197 Dem
345 Major
13 Themes
114 Merit
Lingga, Loaf Sugar, Coffee, Dried Herbs, Fresh Sat- mon, Pearl Barley, Oatmeal, Maccaroni, Vermacelli, Honey in Jara, Ten in te and 20 enttien Houta, Old Ma alla Legare, all Opico, Nutmegs, Kalsina, Plans, Olives, fashionable Bences of all kinds.
Large On Tongues - aka
De. Park
.....................60 Cents each.
En little chalca planna, snizable for small familles.
With every other article to be found in a general mare.
Consists of Quart and Phat Decantres, from 38 per Polr
npwards Tumblers, Wines, Claret, Hock, Chumpagne,
Finger Glanes, Salts, Crasse, &o, ka
With a very handsome rich vst Glass Desert Bel
Cootalna-Martell's Pula and Dark Brandy,
Byaherry in one dozen Cases
Carles & Hunt's superise Port ind
Scotch Whiskey
Clam Rock, day ?i?n
la do.
Meggie, bri
Martha Elizabeth, ache.
Museppa, schooner
Menuva, barya
Mer, ship
Record, hargne
Scotland, sp
cock, brig
Alligator, beg
Buenos Ayrean, barque
Cberluste, ship
Empres, echow
Eathen, barqa
Henry Winch, ship
Linna, brig
New Margaret, skip
Arial, bargne
Lady Montagne, abip
Nymph, brig
Confociar, ship
196 Davidson
250 Rebercon
Francis B, Birley
Robert Bachan. Vardine, Matheson
Lindsay and co
and so.
Jarding, Maisema and on.
Holiday. When und ca.
klibb, Livingston and on.
Diren, Grey and co.
Ditom, Grey and co
Jardins, Maheson and co
Jenkin, Rowson and on.
Kathbones, Wurtsingsum and on.
Divo, iray and co
Y. J. Murrow.
Dirom, Urag and co
A. Carier, B. &C.B?P.Ca¥Agt.
Den and co
Hilman and co
113 Alles
411 Braby
Dent and co
| Shanghai | 611|4oon
397 Norman
IN Camaron
John Banyan, ship
486 Thempion
Laher, hig
J. INESS, Queen's Road, Hongkong,
Monarch, talp
Regla, brig
Edward Parry, barqar dpr. brig
A few Octaves of Brews Sherry 6t for Battling; all these
articles are of the best descalptions sad to be bad the
Blares of
8th January, 1850,
Elas Klick, barque
Hugh Walker, ship
Jardine, Muiberon and on. Thats Ripley and co Maricar and co.
Jardine. Machaton and so. (Hargreaves and on.
Due, Gray at io.
Jardins, Mathosen and on. Urder.
Robert Atrackan.
|Whampoa | Alligator
$, Lady Bak, 188, Roger, Shanghai.
September 9, Lord Hardings, 421, Sawyer, "Hongkong,
16, Mangartoon, 382, Peatroaib, Shanghai.
18, William Stewart, 676, Jamieson, Hongkong. 17, Dailias, 128, Maxton, Hongkong.
November 1, Sir George Pollock
Loading on the 14th November -Euphrosyna, and Naomi
3, Henrietta, 199, Paxton, Shanghai.
4, Mary Ann Polilatt, 408, Halget, Hongkong. 6, Ann & Jane, 351, Fawont, Shanghai
September 18, Albion, 699, Clark, Hongkong.
21, Bentinck, 387, Bragg, Shangbai,
October 13, Jeremiah Gamett, 447, Daley, Shanghai.
20, Otterspool
Noreraber, Panic.
Loading on the 24th November.-Aqua Marine, Lancastrian, and Hip.
November 10, Ross, Villiers.
September 2, Matbosis.
September 6, Conrad.
26, H. M.'s Troop Ship Apollo, Com. Rawstorne, Elongkut
Loading---Arratoon Apcar.
Loading on the 19th December-Ann, and Earl of Chater.
9, Blundell, 176, Renant, Amoy. Loading-Rapido (Ruminn), for Whampoa; Rajah Bassa, for Shanghai; and Prince of Wales, for China.
PRINTED AND PUBLISHED Pon van ProPreston, Jaun Cann, ay Luci d'ALETION,
Oswald's Row, Queen's Road, Victoria, 1950.
THOSE Fle Large HOUSES known
as Dr Horen & Baron's fronting Blanley, Wellington and Pottinger Streeta with commanding view over the whole Bat. The Houses can be let either single or log- ther having separate entrances and suihouses For
particulare, apply to,
N. DUUS & Co. Hongkong, 7th January, 1850.
covered by open POLICIES at Love and THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Riske
in the various London Imurance Compantur,) by the Peninsular & Oriental Company's Steamers from Canton and Hongkong, to the Baraita, Cay- Lon, the Presideoice of India, and England,"
For Rules of Premium and other information, Office, Hongkong. apply to Mr J. A, Ospang, at the P. & O. Co.'s
JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co. London, 28d December, 1848.
TE have this day admitted Mr. JAMES PUR-
WDON as Partner in our House,
Our business will bunceforward be conducted under the Name of SWORD, PURDON & Co.
JOHN D. BWORD & Co. Camon, 1st January 1850,
NOTICE MR. R. Hun became a Partner in our
Firm on the lat July last.
Canton, 29th December, 1849.
THE business I have hitherts conducted in my own name, will be herensios carried on, under the Firm TAIT & Co., of which Mr CHARLES WILLIAM BRADLEY is admitted a partner,
Amoy, let January, incu
THE internet and responsibility of Mr. JOHN 1 STWART in our firm has ceased.
Hongkong, let January, 1850.
THE Interest and responsibility of the late Mr. 1 T. 8. NYE to our firm ceased on the 31st ultimo,
NYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, 4th January, 1850.
sign our Firm by Procuration.
Canton, Ist December, 1849.
(LATH WOODBErkt, Bayl?m & Co.)
Bombay, Ceylon, Madras, Calcutta, Rangoon, Mauritius, Singapore, Australia, Manile,
Great Britala or France, one Port, Malacca, Penang, Batavia, - United States of America,
Holleed or flamburgh, Spain or Portugal, East Coast of British North America, Ports in the River BL. Lawrenou, Brasil,
River Plate, -
Windward and Leeward Islands, Berbice and Demerara, Jasmica and 84. Domingo,
Spanish Main, Honduras and die Mosquito Bhorr
Touching at the Cape of Good Hope, between 1st May and
Lat optember, per cent additional,
Touching at Singaport, Manila, or Jave,
For every additions! Port of Discharge,
To a Port in Chili, except Coquimbo, warranted not to arrive on the
Const, between 20th May and 20th September,
To arrive within those dates, -
Coquimbo and Peru,
Faravery additional Port souched at ? per cent additional, Mexico and the West Coast,
Octouro, Ar
Block Trea
Goode Copper
?? ? ?? ?? ?? ????
From the Cost of North and South America to China, war: ) ranted Bot 4 leave the Coast of Chili, except Coquimbo, S between 20th May and Dich September,
To jeavs the Coast of Chilli, except Osquimbo, between those dates, To and from the Sawmiah Islande, To Amor,
To Foodhowfoo, Looking, Woorung, Ningpo, Shanghae,
Calling at intermediato Porta, per cani additional,
hal Hongbang, Comingsoon, per month,
Hi?ka at Waonung,
To the East Coast of China, por month,
N.B.-To Foochowfoo, Woosung, Bhanghan, from 20th August to
20ch April, at 1 per cent,
Risks to Manila, from 20th Juosa to 20th October, not taken. Premium on Bugar, and similar articlos to India and Australia at 3 per ount, warranted free from average under 15 Afteen per cant, average recoverable on every $200 value (pack. sgen of running numbers) as if sepatainly insured,
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co., General Agents "Canton Insurance Office."
| ??? ???
DENT & Co., Secretaries "Union Insurance Baciaty,"
Honozono, 1st January, 1850.
NEW STORES PER "ORIENTAL." WEET Butter la Kegs of 15 lba, AmerionD dried Apples in balf Barrela, Loaf Sugar den, Also received, Foo-show-feo Bacon.
ROD. RUTHERFORD, Queen's Road. N. B.--The Butter and Apples are of superior
Victoria, 4th January, 1850.
"TUE "LORD BUNGERFORD" Ship Chandlers & General Commission Agents, quality and the Bacon is quite Fresh.
Captola Parson will be dee patched for the above named port, not later than the middle of February.
For freight apply to,
Y. J. MURROW. Kwangle Hong, 21st December, 1849.
P. 8.-A Supercargo noquainted with the Trade will accompany the Ship, whose servioca are avail- able to shippers.
AB A. 1. Ship "CORNWALL," Capt. Dawson, having the greater part of her Cargo engaged will be des patched for the above Port on the 15th
For balance of Freight or Passage. Apply to,
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, 17th January, 1860,
TO BE SOLD on LET. THE HOUSE and Premises in Spring
Gardens fronting the Harbour.
The House and Premions in Spring Gardens Adjoining the Road and opposite Jorroka Hall both formerly in the occupation of Mesora Havan & Co. Apply to,
Aves. CARTER, Offee Queen's Road.
Victoria, 4th January, 1850.
THE Corner HOUBE next the Bridge over the Nullah frosting the Queen's Hond
and Nficera Quarlem. And three smaller HOU. SEB in the same range of Buildings; for particulars
apply to
N. DUUS & Co. Hongkong, 8th January, 1850,
le requested that all clima against the Estate of the Inte Roseer Wenster may be sent la to the andersigned before the 80th June next, and all persons indebted to the said Estate will please to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co, Eest Point, let January, 1850.
NOTICE. ALL claims upen the Estate of the late Jown A COORE DAL, proved before the 20th June next, will be met by the undersigned, and all per- sons indebted to the mid Emate are requested to make payment to,
JARDINE; MATHESON & Co. East Point, Ist January, 1850.
Apply to,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 3rd July 1849,
JUST Landed or "Men" and "Sotland" a general assortment of the following articlo: vis.Stationary Perfumery, Promerrod Meau, Breakinat and Dinner Sete, Filters, Hardware, Blankets; als an extensivo variety of every don cription of Marine Biores.
BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Victoria, 18th Jannery, 1950.
CODA WATER od LEMONADE of one. tior quality. Agent at Macao-HINNAM. Hongkong, 15th December, 1849.
JUST RECEIVED sud ready for Sale at the Supres of the Undersigned, White Kid Gloves; White, Pink, and Blue Bilk; Ladies and Gentle men's; Norway Dos Gauntlet Capa; Ladies Bilk Stookings; Batla Btriped Alapaka Dresses: Nor wirh Lunter Dressse; Cashmere do. Black and White Lace Cansous; Spotted Muslin for dresses'; ' fancy Bastoan and Gimps for dresses; fins Book and Naina?ok Muslina; French Satin Ribbons of all colours: Print Dremes.
For Moursing-Black Silk Gloves; Black Par ramatta Cloth: Black and Lavender Dresses Crapo Collers: Silk Stooking, &c.
Ung Box of real French Flowers, containing Orange Blossom; White and Pink, Rosas, &c., &c.
Victoria, 25th January, 1850.
Queen's Road.
E Undergoed has completed his arrangements for dorking and repaiting Vessels at Wham- pos, and begs to call the attention of Ship Masters and Merchnals to the facilities be affords at
NOTICE. THE MEETING of Shareholders in the HONG. KONG & CANTON STEAM PACKET COMPANY called for the 4th proximo la post- poned until further notice.
AUGS, CARTER, Secrtiary.
Hongkong, 28th January, 1860,
THE JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN ARCHI- PELAGO AND EASTERN ASIA ; Decom- bor 1849. Contato:- Remarks on the Metalliferous and Mineral Pro- duations of the Tannsserim Provincan, by Ed- ward O'Riley, E4q,
General Report on the Residency of Singapore, drawn up principally with a view of Westrating it Agricultural Statistien, by J. T, Thomson, Esq., . . . ., Burveyer to Government. The Leland of Mindoro.
N. B. Parties in China wishing to become subwribers will please forward their name and sd- dress to the offios of The Friend of Chins and Hongkong Clanete."
Victoria, Jasonry 29th, 1849,
oser for male on Friday the Lat February, at undersigned has received inntractions to
at the Bungalow occupied by Mr W.H. RANELY", at the back of Malacca College, (in
purpose. The Dock is a new one, capable of a consequence of the Family having left for England.) The Household and other Efforts, consisting of ceiving Vesela drawing thirteen feet of water of Spring Tides, and eleven feet at Neap Tides. Axcellent English made, Chairs and Tables, Bad- large Bail and Rigging toll are attached to the pre-load, Pictures, Glass China, & misos. Fotverma, which will be moderate, apply to Particulare in catalogues.
December 3, 1849.
Victoris, 21st January, 1850,
(From the China Mail, 24th January.)
Y Hin Excellency Bauvat GuORGE BONNA, Ejuice, Companion of the Mort Honorable Order of the Beth, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Tion-Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Pleni potentiary, and Chief Juperintendent of the Trade of British Babjects in China, with the Advios of the Legislative Council of Hongkong.
An Ordinance for the better Ad- ministration of Fuation in Criminal Proceedings before the Supreme Court, and for im. proving the Law of Evidence.
(15th January, 1850.)
When in Crace of Bur. glary and Laroosy, Difficulty has been found in ascertaining from Chinese Witnes ses in whom the legal Ownership of Property is vested, which Ownership it is necessary, according to the existing law, to set forth in the Indictment or Information; and whereas also, from the fre quent Discrepances in Chiness Testimony, like Di@cultes may arise on similar Bubjects thorohy canning Variances between the Indictment or In- | formation and the Evidence at the Trisl, render- ing farther Indictments or Informaitons necessary i and whereas also it is deemed expedient that Wi nesses should not be excluded from giving Kvi- dence in Criminal Cases by Incapacity from Crime:
5. Be it therefore enacted and ordained by flis Excellancy The Governor of Hongkong, with the Advice of the Legislative Coun
preme Court
amond Infar-
the condusters of independent Journale san jamiy baie
Enced in lettlag the world know of the true stats of iets. Granted, Bir, that the relentlem marderers were Uhisest.
that they did sacrides the "resting trophies" to their Gede -that they didi pass guards after guarda, bot would the
| intimated their intention of confirining his pro. molina and appointinent, as Commander of H. M. B. Medea, for his gallant service in culling out and destroying five piratical Junke at Tien-palk with the boats of bis ship.
We have been requested to give publicity to the fol-
arching seralloy of the tneso Council ist en single reliable evidence as to the complicity of the Chase authorities
a that strvolous plan of ammonikasien or na to the wifi coment of the representative of Sof Heavy" himself i la the syn of law and justion the intrinnin value of the problem in sitached to th?t qury: bare br whallayed truth for it and the problem wit be worthy of Ka valon. Your own kesowledge neede soarosty to la re-lowing testimonial:- minded of the miserable rate of the guards...of the recit. lesa treachery of the mandarines-and of the cogetuai la. defatigable vigilance of the military and navy men of Camion 111
The lancient and haughty condest of Sen towards the Marnd government can hardly be repudiated with a degron of jullection. Were we to view the question. In Ke front light, the Mac?e government has avec boss, but the "weekly child" of China's own roaring, and bad it boot predicted to the predecessors of son, that sebeaparut events would render the child ungrateful, pugnacions, p ferocious to the Father, they would sal have thought it wawi to put an end to ita existenen But now, when the Father sem the necessity of committing an not oft ge- || Bucal feticide," be duda the oklid to be uncerement ely depled by a gigantic favouretium, le whose lap. It now as fleshly, and where shadow of protection has bean spread" for and wide " over it.
By the two koaded Janus "Nature to have
| Ben, from the sole of his foot to the extramen
polat of his tall a Chlammen ; and as a Chinaman he most
"be a downright coward, became be lo trong dat ar
The undemigand, having made the Voyage from Tries sa Alexandria in the Austrian Lloyd's Steamer Schile, have much pleasure in recordlag their anquallded alum
it is onred little for,-to them it would be an i venient acquisition.
The ordinance before us is no doubt intended to check the evil spoken of, and in a degree it will probably have the effect of posting Justice in a bet ter position for the prosecution, conviction, and pu nishment of Criminais.
Some people complain that the criminal laws of England are too mild for the Chinese, andra trum most sincerely that there ever will be some greand The error is on the right for the complaint
for the Odder in Command of that Vessel, whom unvary: side, and the Chinese Imow that though the laws ing albulky and dispition to oblige, and whose Gentle manly manner hare greatly ended to render their lugar mild and discriminating, carefully abusing rand say on board, sa agreeable as etroumstances per- from punishing where doubts exist as to the prisoners They have also to signify their satisfaction with the ge- guilt, still when crime is brought home to the peral arrangements of the Staward's department and with cused they are strong and uncompromising. The the concivility and attention displayed by the Chiaf Biemand and bla subordinates.
Dated on beard the Schlid, this 4ib day of Novem- bor, 1900.
(god)--A RowLane, Alder Bombay Arillery, W. Conneau, Alger Shakay Artillery, K. Lyon, Bootkay dray. D. Camrence. R. ffort. J. Roerns. D. STEWART, G. Bencaci
Dr Boxcom
recorde of the Supreme Court contain antifactory evidence of its efficiency; it is true that the number of criminale who have escaped through technical errors, and from other causes, is larger than usual; The legislature bes endeavoured to correct this difset, and if the ordinance is completely successful 20 much the better, but if la proven a failure, and the
tablished system of Justice in the Supreme Court of Hongkong.
portaaliles to punish the assomed boldness of the black COLONIAL ORDINANCE NO. I OF 1810. blemish remaine, it is not one which deforms the es-
**Laughs not the heart when -, "big with pride, As the pompona part, the merial part? However, upto the whale, since, It has been exposed that **to infant weaknem karo sank" the Chloeso arms. con- quences of the most serious matere have ausmed and will nies to the Chinese power and Chiness prestige. Hemor One can truly fortel that unhappily for this calassal Em- pirete sesion to call out.
Ya Quides and guardian of our 'Chinese' ro Come all let generous rage your arms omplay And save the Celestial's from the kandory*** I got far ae.
Apart from any maligman? or partial feellman, having expersed my ophalow in a far greater degree, that i had bonght of 1 earnestly beg to camelude this latter, relying
Eosoprane who ate in the habit of attending the cousta cannot fail to be struck with the disregard for truth at times exhibited by the Chiness wit-
It is not displayed in any viudictive fool- ing towards tho accused, and rarely beart upon any rory essential part of the evidence, still it has the certain effect of shaking the whole stimony and invariably operates favourably for the prisoner. In addition to the usual chapter of doubts, by which
tris one of the peculiarition of this colony that the city of Victoria within the limits of the Police com prises somewhere about four fifths of the entire pe palation of the Island, and between East point d
ail thereof, That, before the Jury for ita publicstion entirely on your knowa dielnder the prisoner is benefited, he has fresh chances from West point about nine tenths of the revenue in raised,
Dat Trial wh
the Priemer may
are charged with the Trial of any
Prisoner, or during the Progress
of any Trial, it shall be lawful for ibe Court in its Discretion to end the Indict. ment ar loformation in any Matter of Form or Substance not calopleted to mislead the Prisoner
in his or her Defence.
II. And be it further anacted Today of Wote and ordained, That no l'ation be azeladed offered so a Witness shall here- the_Lompakty after be eluded by reason of Incapacity from Crime from giv.
from Criane.
edus and general kindures.
I am, Sir, Your Obadient BorvONE.
* Query. * Banghty boy,"
P. D.
To the Editor of the Found or Cuina, San-In forwarding yve the enclosed extraet fremme *Sporting Magazine' with a request to gyes it a place in your columns, I would for one masazi la undaroned in he wending in rewrence for the Cherok of Kagland, the Church
this defect in the national character. Justice take advantage of it no doubt, but it is desirable that it should not be frustrated by perversions of the Trach. The discrepancion between the depositione uken before the Magistrate, and the oral evidence from the witness box, at tirane amount to a positive con- tradiction, and have the effect of setting the Indict mant aside entirely. Did we not know the extreme care with which the Chief Magistrate takes down these depositions we would fancy that the error lay taling disposition and an-
of our fathomurky which so thinking men zu aro siker to be ( with him; but his saved or lost, det hold, the purity of is Ohankara'
above allther-ske kan bewevac n cheion.quaintance with the language presla-le the idea of
cos-and the bermeil profesine only to
we so follow, ways of prace sad nighambat || systent against unchasinam which lande Lag Minimoes out of their proper bounds. I pensant nanimati cone, I prosesa ngo?ate she doctrine which would skatina tito at its inaonent enjoyabanin, ? protons_saglia shamed interference of her mindsets the red pulpite with the prizes now of her know-
ing Evidence either in Parson or by Deposition in any Criminal Proceeding in any Court, or befere say Judge, Jory, Sheriff, Coroner, Magistrate, Oficer, or Person having by Law Au- thority to bear, recsivu, and examine Evidence; bet that every Pareos so offered, shall be admitted to give Evidence op Oath, or on Solemn Affirma- tins in those Casts where Afirmation is by Law Froelvable, sotwithstanding that suck Perling in my a la continey to the wome of that 2310-4 We way?XI&deer pessionaly con-
4 PROTESTANT, victed of any Criino se Offsets...... ZVONAM,
Pamed the Legislativa Council of Hongkong, Sporting Magasins for November 1849, Page 395.
this 15th day of Janury, 1830.
L. D'Aurada s Careno,
Clerk of Councils.
To the Editor of the Fatman or China.
Canton, 20th July, 1830. *The mist mogarto ramones the action of the
phabet panda - a client sevaade of the time mana." Salt may be advanced as an indisputable fact that the ablam and the most impartial minds that are secustom- ed to judge of things as they see them, and spank of events na they transpire, have not unfrequently been found la- bouring in series. Once venerated fois are rejacied as Fabricsand tables;-hand and denonored oplelona are pai forth so dassling and nurncilen trnika)-Divisos doo- trinos sen derided as the most debating superstitions. The mont fonishing sent of cirilization, have been commaend
Church and bag to schocrito myould
The Chriesham Meet,
Pal arbert | any importani blonder in taking down the statements
upon which the prisoners are committed,
illustration of this evil we mention a case which occurred lately. One or more Chinees www sharged with a robbery on bourd a boat in this vicinity, the crimes being accompanied with violenes. The Master of the boat in his examina tion before Mr Hillier declared that he was also the owner; the Indictment was draws out according form, the prisoners being charged with piracy on board a boat or vassal belonging to sound so (giving the name of the Master). On being sworn and put in the winese box at the Admiralty Court, the Mas for declared that he was not the owner of the boat, and the few consequent upon his mis-statement be- fore the Magistrate was futal to the prosecution,
Theobald Sung Hovede. On their being Brat originated they meltuk one- siderable opposition from those who with mistaken enthuriam strow fire and flames in the path of our innocent amuseibenta The Subscriber to them were denounced from the pulpit and all the act spriage of clerical manhinery pot in foron to brand, them aff. But the good sense and the sporting spirit
railed over casting hypocrisy and resolving to | longer to submit to the close yuke which had al- ready galled them somewhat severely, by redoubled axertion they snoceeded in getting up an exoele
The revenue itself is in its sharector aentially a Municipal race. The gross amount for the past year was under £24,900; one ball is derivad from the rent of land and the public markets; £5,000 from retail and other licencas, and £3,000 from the police assement. The Police and Jail cost the enormous amount of £7,000; this with the repairs of the streets und roads within the city is all that strictly speaking is Municipal expenditure, and on ler a more economical system the establish- ment would be greatly reduced.
Pinero the aboier or cler gevormat={15 been chiefly of a municipal description. In most now colonies there are large tracts of land to be survay- ed and brought into the market; towns are laid dus at various points; numerous conste of Justice are sansblished; roads, bridges, and harbour have to bo mide, or improved; tariffa have to be established ; sural collon are organized, and variaus other ser- vices performed which are unknown in this quarter. A deal of correspondenon is unamsarily uncroid- abla, and the labour of legislation in looking after and protecting many lotereste falla heavy upon the axecutive power. Victoria bar been prematurely raised to the dignity of a city, in order to saddle it with an ecclesiastical establishment which it ne maro requires than it does tw? breaches of lagiste tion in the shape of Lords and Commode. But sup- The man might have boon paniched for the papig the new city is incorporated, and the duties
which animates a majority of the inhabkania pre-jary, bot la'ie questionable whether the fawe agalast fall upon the shoulder of those who are best quali this crime should be strictly enforced when the fled to bar cirle dignity, it follows that the parties are Chinese. Like other Heathen they civil establishment will have little to attend to, and have very looes notions of the obligations of an apart from a Governor to represent the Crows, com math, and in the ordinary office of life they tell an respond with the home government, and act as
as be the bourons of barbariam; but the smalleyed meeting and laying the foundation for an unndal
Grotha of a hundred score of ages, are the venerable trutha of 10-day. Nese have not resped as they planted; nor a past bildar er folly han not had ita filtter fruita.
de la so be hoped that tay plasing this much of a preface beirra nalaring to take a diapassioonis view of your own observations given in your lesse of the 19th instant la m. ferwood to the mis murder of the usformaals Governor of Macao, will not he dermed improper.
It la grailflying te observe that whilezalslling the duties of an Edlane, you have frequently acted the part of a cen- or, ample capability and a commendable inde pendence of character, on the occations of taking cognis koen udany glaring deviations from straightforward parka: but 1 humbly, beg to give li as my opinion, that in your haring cercled this cenancial capaelly on the subject of the mid nasaalaation and elrennances connected there
from the course of events, and the narrative of foreigners carver, la this part of the Globe, it may be admired with andoulsed propelety, that she perpetration of the atrocity above alluded to, mands unparalleled; but to impeach the bend of the Canton government wib being almal abettor or lasilgstor, so emphaileally as you have done, would be a sort of estrangement fromi a leglikannte q?RENE, You have averred in your aforementioned paper, that thi Governor "murdered by Bea's admirelua?" "bay, Bir, before we shazga nim with tale beloona erims, which can- not fall to be Interpreted most fjarlously to his character, the possession of clearte arkdences, and mare morbentle Laformation, to the most requisite. How many tile gwennen karu bon made, how many contradictory moles have been current on the subject it to woo tedious to derail What we have heard up to this time is merely through the distorted them of rumourn, and in your having publish. at your mid views, you seems to have been sciaklad "hy the previous namelity of the Nike mapiclone; but, 6li, wean still required to be guided by bester grona?i and
lik, you seems so bigader small miatate Fudglog
ob sounder sons to giva war judgment,
*The effects of the pubile expression of suspicion, are, I cancelre, in some cases sa na wholesome and lajariou an in other they are actundad with beacsclat farulta, However culpable, in other respects, the conduct of the Chlaes Viceroy may have been, the one above alluded to, loodly calls for the most serious attention of the reading public. On the one hand, his stacion--kia digalty and the qualices of bla mlad, affice to rupe) the suspicion of on- worthy moiires; and on the other th? least resectina shows that in n connity circumstanced Uke Canton, his be ing accessory to the murder could not under any elrend- stances, have so long been doubted over. It might ere long have saposed him to obloquy and degradation,
Pmy what unbiased enquirer or what unsuspecting Joue- maliat would not scimple to place bla reflanas ou the bare a sertions that "Bea dki knew that such a crime was in con. samplation-that meetings ware held at the public dalla- that the Governor was murdered Bee's admon" aa- sily could satisfy him indebiliably of the trustworthiness of the source which you may hava depended apua or the validity of the gruanda on which your assertions may have been founded? Because the eirenmanntistry of faith- fal evidences and collateral relations bearing on a mat- ter of so mach Importance are the maly points in which clear minded men can ambesitatingly confide or with which
noe on a more extensive scala.-What a pity it is untruth without hesitation, nor are they ashamed that these renewed ministers cannot be brought toif desactal. The evil is a serious one, but there is believe that the doctrines hy which we hope for toward an friendly to harmless recreations and
opposed to that squalid superstition which wooll | in China,
rip 8.elets of its pleasures and defraud mirth of the importance of Truth; and an oath sits very
its smile. The then grawe with the rose and rice lightly upon the conscience of those who bare no will intrude among meo; but be in a bold man who
head to the small community, the whole labour of this establishment wou'd not require more this
no certain cure. Their system of morality-which, a couple of competent clerks. The present staff of religion-does not enforce upon them Secretaries, Treasurers, Surveyors, Auditors, Re giamme, may be enfely awept away, and con- sidering the date of public opinion, the various de nominations of Christians in a small society, and supported by
adds to the severity of God, and thinks we stand conception of the Deity, and are liule for the
meore in weed of bis juries than his mercy. These fatura. In the case referred to, the witness had no the great indiscretion exhibked by the Clergymen observations may appear somewhat out of char- evil latent in asserting that he was owner of the acter in a magazine, but having their origin solely vessel; it added to his self importance, and it mude in the furios attacks made upon full sports by the great guns in the Cheltenham Palpit te I may be pardoned for inflating them on the reader. --Sporting Magazine, Nou, 1849, page 335-38.
Nee Advertisements will be recemed ut
O Cock, on the coenings precious to publi- ention, vit: Tuesdays and Fridaye
LATEST DATES. Nov. 4 Bydowy + Envia Dee
Hlogapore Dee, 19 Manli Dec. 11 Bhaaghal
Nov. 7 Nov. Judy. to Dea. 10
Unked at Nov. Calenta Bombay Madra
commend that each sect be last to support its own public generally, we would re
depraved of men, who believe in a God and in the den of an ecclesiastical establishment where the ex- the case against the accused no worea. The most Pastor, and that the revenue be relieved of the bur immortality of the Bout, would not without some hibitions of fanaticism, bigotry, and religious into-
vory potent cause commit an act of perjury by de- lerance, are so frequent, so discreditable, nad no in visting in the slightest degree from the strict line of jurious to religion kali. trach when upon oath. But a Heathen, though in sound religious feeling in this community, and There is no lack of many respects a good man, would embellish his were the people left to apply their own spiritual story without scruple. As already recorked it in a wants, they would follow the example of their defect in their moral or religious training for which countrymen at Canton and Shanghai, In England allowances mast be made. Most crimen are crimes there is an abundance of good prescherm wha in the sximation of every race on the face of the would gladly come to China,men who combine globe, and the criminal codes of the ibres great law ploty and mal with good common sense and a givers of the sivilized world do not differ very ma-practical knowledge of the world and of bumaa 51-
THE FRIEND OF CHINArially from each other, or even from the code of citare, Such man would be useful members of a
NOTICE.-The hour of Divine Serviat i Br. Jean's Carnem sre on Sunday, at 11 a. st. and § past 3 ra
And on Thursday at 6 1. 16.
VINCENT STANTON, Mors, 18th November, 19. Calcolat Chaplaid,
NOTICE-The hours of Public Warable in the Unm CHP Hollywood Road, are on the Babbach 11 a and half past d. w., and on the evening of every Wed- Doday ball paat 6.
Victoria, 10th January, 1050.
The friends of Captain Lockyer will be glad to tour that the Lords of the Admiralty have
Hied--Heathonie so long in force in China. The city; they would draw people to religion by ling former are more strict in enforcing moral laws, and them of the marties of the Supreme Being an in our own code nothing in anjoshed more urgently of hie lore; and not endeavour to intimidate them then a due regard for Troth, and no moral obliga by fiery denunciations of his wrath, provoke them tion is more generally attended to among Christian by their pharamsical cavings, or shock them by thair people. Men of the world, who affect to treat sectarian intolerance. religion lightly, adhere strictly to the truth; any Were the incorpention of the city to lead to an im marked dereliction would lead to their expulsion mediate roduction in the civil amablishment, we from socity. A liar is naturally at war with so would say, "ast about the good work at once." cialy, and hence it is that the worldly wise class But this does not follow. To expect that the Gan this virtue before all others. In the estimation of tlemen in the public service would voluntarily. the world the seduction of a wife, or the butchery ?der their resignations because their services were of a frised to satisfy some fantastic point of bonour, no longer required, would be expecting too much are light ecce compared with so open andeni. of poor human nature. An official appointment is troth in hedged in, guardad slike by the rali- abje atsakood. Among all professing Christianity the estimation of officials in a prevision for life, one gione and the izreligions; but among the fleathan
which they will never abandon if they can help it
This in natural enough, and if we hold a sinecure
The colour le poor-not express any decided opinion. But we trust thst in an English onlony we will neither sou the
(From the Glasgue Harald, November 18.)
|their capacity is supposed to be larger than that of the Great Britain or the Provident, although the Great Britain was somewhat longer, and was no- minally rated as of bigber townsge. "The most noticable peculiarity," it is asid, in the contrac tion of their balls to that the sides are lined with fron bura, sia incher wide and one inch thick, which crom each other diagonally at distances of three foot, deck, being boked to the thabere as each point of and exlood from the floor of the ship to the main
intersection." Another steamer, Use Franklin, is building for a company about to stablish a cow fino between New York and flevre, by way of Bouth-
Liverpool, Tuesday Morning, 18th November, 1849. By the Royal Mail seam-ship Niagara, Captain ultima. Although working only one engine, the Ryrie, we have advices from New York to the 31st other having been disabled during the outward par go, the Nisga'a has made the rus in 121 days. The Niagare has brungin £30,000 in specie un freight.
The Ewropa, Captain Lott, hance, arrived at Bonipton. he is of 2200 teas burden, sad is expect
Lon on the 25th uhino.
The Hibernia, Captain Bono, bence for New ed to be ready for seo in four or five montha Tho York, was spoken by the Niagara on the evening tone, which has just sailed from New York, will be Georgia, intended as the mate of the Olie, of 3000
otice perhaps we would cling to it with trus official | $100, $150, 200, $250, 8300 or even $400-and tenacity. The Governor holds office for a limited take that as the basis of alestoral privileges. Fur term of years, and the governed look to him for such a purpose the list is sufficiently accurate; the Pretection. But Governors are enbued with of only point to be decided in the smount of rest Beal feeling; they look lees to the interests of the which well entitle the householdor to a vote, and many than to the wants of the few. They abhor considering that in Eugland the frenokian is no law redectione a dangerous innovations; they sympa- £10 (950) double that amount, or $100 may be ties with poor Mr Bo and-so, but they have no com- a fair guide for Hongkang,
As to the most Biting men for olection we will passion for the poor public who are heavily taxel to support im in itleness.
cannot pay the establishment thrust upon, in -it is bound to economice," Economy" ought to be our privilege of election restricted to those whoes name wuch word. From the disposition of our present are placed on the list of Grand Juror, by the ser- rulers-from the sentiments sapressed by a welter | rants of su shtofula g?warammt, nor the honoure for the prem supposed to be in their confidence of office confiard to the some clare. An English of the 2nd intent, off Samben? Hand.
is clear that any scheme for municipal governem colony in the winsternth century should not copy land, which will be found elsewhere, the advices This Ino is to consist of four lips, but the keelef Beyond the intelligence from the West India indy to take her place in the Atlantis and Pacific line of mail-steamers by the middle of December. would increase the expenditure. The city would the customs of Venice in the sorentoench,-the
are butally uninteresting. be saddled with the onlaries of officers it did not re- aristocresy of the two places are as different we tha From Canada we have the confirmation of the called the Gold Hunter, to be employed in the Bay the remaining two are not yet leid. All master rumoured change in the set of Government from of Bas Francises and the river Sormento, la se quire, and by palming off on the corporation a law under which they lire, let us have an Eng-
Montreal to Toronto. portion of the present staff the guarral government lish corporation, or none.
Jy finished. She is about 180 feet long, very ne The following is the offlalal sociscation:-- Would APPARENTLY dmw los from the public But at present these are almost idle speculvions.
tow beam, and proportionally sharp forward. With a revenue of £24,000 we have to pay £7,000
**Crown Lands Ollos, Montreal, Den 9s. New Liverpool linera are also in progress, and ships pares. The bumble duties of Inspector of sewer
Mr Mayor-Altar mature deliberation upon the are likewise building for foreign countries. Oos aldaca of and stress would be performed by a Burveyor.Ge for a Governor and his boseshold, while the other
F the Legislative Assembly, dated the 19th of steamer is for the Spanish Government, to be em May last, favour of holding the st of Government parel, and the police assessment (by deputies) would members of the civil etablishment are paid in pro-alternately at Toronto and Quebec, and on our Noyed at the island of Cubs, and a sailing voel of be collected by the Honourable Colonial Treasurer, portion. The eriasenon of the colony depende tion that nothing has since occurred to diminish the
800 tone has been buik for a company at Bi Puters The Harbour Master and his establishment are upon the reduction of these exlaries, valess the weight of the ressons which gave rian to that addrom, | burgh, to be employed by them in the fur trade of the Governor-General in Couneli has come to the des the worthwest coast of America and the trade to sha to be supported by the corporation. Why we British government is willing to share the burden
termotion of acquiescing la ther slew of the Legisla Chion, are not informed, but ho is as much connected with with us.
tive Assembly.
*The decision necessarily causes the removal of the the corporation (supposing We had one) at the
st of Government to eus of the two cities. Roman Catbell, or any other Bishop. Uail re-
*It has been determined that the new arrangement shall commence by the Immediate removal of the Go. Treachment is forced upon the government by ex-
vernment to Toroute, there to remain sill the expiration plicit orders from home, the colony will not be re-
of the present Parliament, after which it will be trans- lieved of one superfluous appointment, and any
Carral to Quaber for the four following year. scheme for municipal government will be a mera shifting of the burden from caso shoulder to the other. This le so obvious that though we admire the principle of self goremment and would gladly it introduced in a modified form, still we are so convinced that at prosent at would not prove econo mical that we would rather ses the change deferred slibough in many respects it la desirable. A muni- cipal institations could greatly reduce the expense of the police-it would demand a greater expenditure of chon leather and a more constitutional exercise of tion that the local Assestor, Collector, and Super | cine la Canada, is so agitato te kts respective loosio, no
be limbs, and less extravagance in silk braid and silver lace--but if it is to be hampered with the beavy malaries of servants who are not required, it would not be able to carry out any general achome of financial reform.
The "waying and doings" of the Singapore Mu nicipal Committee during the month of lotolar ist apoter at some length in the Free Press of the 9th and 16th ultimo.
We gather from them that the Committee is at ierun with the Chief Civil Authority as to the real object of Act IX of 1848, but as we have no desire In internoen between disputants in Perish matters out of our locality we wish it to be understood that we call attention to the fact merely for the purpem of deprecating the policy of passing an Act for the United Settlement and then allowing it to be dealt with not as a general Act but an Ant for each neo- patate part of the Union susceptible of any contrad
* For these rassens, 1 am comumended by his Excel- Lency the Carrion-General to notify to the corporation of Quebec, in accordanos with the subwisting contract, that in one year from this date the Government will gain take possession of the pubila edisoes com in
→ have the houeur to be, Bir, your obedient servant
"T. BOUTHILIEN." The League had been called together, to meet st Toronto on the 1st November, to take lato consi- derato matters of importance. The plan propce- ed to be pursued by the Longao is onid to be sa ful- lowe:-
charge of the mid corporation.
"Every branch of the Langua in all the constituen
From a general review of the satire operations thus going on at the New York ship parda, la ap- pears that there are under construction and resolving their engines and machinery the following suil and
steamer of 2000 101 ch.
dv. of 9990 los
of 600 tes
da. of. 400 tons
4 stambouts, say --
11 ships of, say, 1909 some enchi
bark of, say, 400 tons
I schooner, say, 150 tona..
of Tonnage.
Liverpool, Tonday. The arrival of the Royal mall stoum ship Mis- gara, this morning, pate ne in possession of advices a note forpretative in the provincial Parila- from Kingston to the 20th alt, belag 19 days later Introduction of a bill authorising than the intelligence brought to Bouthampton on the the amambling together of the people of Canada, by 2nd instant, by the Royal mail steam-ship Clyde. mass of delegaten. In convullen, for the purpose of de Jamsion had been visited by fine rains, which tertaining on what change in the constitution are de
were particularly servionible to be planters, | comery ; and, having done so, a messure in accordance with their views is to be brought into Parliament, and,
The Assembly bad also passed a bill to re-mala- when dorpied, seat home. The consideration to England. bish the police force, and an urgent letter had been for the purpose that xation of delegates of addrevand by a number of merchants and loading ibe Bridah American League sa udunt. A union of inhabitants of Kingston to the United States Consul, the North American provincau will also be gonsidered-Harrison, requesting him to addrato his Govern. A slight but unimportant disturbanca bad deur met in behalf of the establishment of a regular mail osovesunication between_iljes podi.and 1kg. Tak- ed States.
ede Quebor
Propan dat
* 19 jar
And in giden and cardin... Timone Tangubriand as may
Ander De weight. Tobacco memanfatented in sty af 100 valan_ ***.. - Por concy la maight says ag
Explod Act
- Si par man
intendent of l'olice for the time being with the one Chief Ciril Authority in the rent may choose to put upon it
There is nothing approaching to uniformity in the working of the Act. It is tro that each Miation has its Committee-but, each Committes pulls in Reform ought to commence in the Legislature; different directions; and the same Commituse up- pero in pull differently at diffscoot times, while their by altering the constituent materials of that body so
Common Chief plu?ons himself on the anclativeDON as to have an equal number of official and unoff of his position. Throughout the published Promend cial members-my four or fee of each-we would ings of the several Committees we look in vala for be in a position in devine further changes, such a guiding mind-the 16 Committee man with the
Chief Civil Authorny at their hand or their hole changes being approved of by those who, la u da
We have Mexlean advices to the 5th of October, since the tal of January last have evidently been but they contain ao intelligence of importacs. gres, were reprosatatives of the community gagroping about with no other light to aid them in their The Washington correspondeat of the New York Import Duties Bill, which had for some works been We have intelligence of the final pooving of the rally. If not abookdely against rule, we recom
deliberations than a confused, ill-constructed and in-
Tribune states that the result of an interview which in abeyance. It received the ament of the Glavara- mead that two of the official members of the Le complete Act. Take for insince the purely Police lately took place bolsas Mr Rives, the United ment on the afternoon of the 20th. The bill con galative Council be also members of the Executive Regulation, which it emodice, prateolly without States Minister France, and Lard Palmerston, tains a clause baving natrospective affect to tax all any mining sacing that neither Assessor, College Ujile doubt of such an adjustment of the mat. goods landed sine the 6th ult. Some skotations Council By this arrangement the services of a
tor, Committee, or Chief have any thing to say to it. | tar an will throw the Nicaragua resie open to all had been made in the tariff. The ad valoram duty separate council for municipal matters would be less
The Cummistoa may talk big of being indepen-gations on an equal footing.
on dry goods has been increased to 4 par sent. urgent. But unless the two members of the Execu dent, but of whom are they independant?" "To judge The seam-ship Crescent City bad arrived at New From the Kingman Intelligencer of the 20th ult. Live Council were prepared to attend to the duties of from what we occasionally hear and see, we are dia
York from Chagres, with advices from that post to we extract a copy of the proposed tariff, compared an appointment highly honourable, but perfectly un-pect to think that if we were to sek for a definition the 17th ukimo. She left Kingston, Jamaica, on the with that which existed under the expired sets:
of an independent Commites we should be oplight. 20th altimo. We have no later in-ligence from pradable, the arrangement would be injurious ra- ned much in the same way as a Youngstar is said ther than beneficial. A difficulty might thus arise to have enlightened some of his Messmates when
the gold lase. Panama remained healthy, not readily overcome. The members of the large anked by them to de?ng what he meant when he
COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCR, firme naturally expect to hold most of the promi spoke of his Father being an independent man-
New York, Oct. 31. nent public positions, which confer honour, but they "Why" said the unsophisticated Youth, an "inde
Many Morket.-The stock marker slope the last are not always willing to give to their office that pendents is a man not to be depended upon to be
ormer had had bayern, and the gostatione hava nasely abate of attention which it demands. The fate of
allmproved Demand for Government stock has b That the Committen sugk to be free Agoola in targe for remittance to England and the contoast, and the Morelson Institution, and the condition of other the right sense we koow-but, gild the fears how at advancing prices. The amount of Goernment and loes! Institutions or socistisa, show that ne man | you will, the rivets are uli undur ons ibumb-rand State curities by this sommer wo estimato 100,000
dollars. should accept an office to which he is not prepared the Act any way you please the whole power icon. fers in opatred in a single Individual. "The Singa-
Ja exchange the market le a little saler. The sup! to give a reasonable share of kle attention.
ply of these has somewhat incressed by the movement pore Committee, wo observe, throws up its head and
In cotton and prodoor. The demand is moderate, and The diffienky might be overcome In this co
expatiates on the principles on which it desires to Get-class sterling sold at top, which la about the top of long there are Gentlemen in ovary respect qualified serve the Public, nevertheises it pays the Rosident the market. The landing drawer radneed his buying for either Council, who wool stand to the duties | Counciller hia Bill of 60 Dollars for his aon descript
price per cent. France at 6,9 to 5,90, and arm, amma "bekerja me
Cacion.-On the 7th, on the receipt of lasters by of both, and an arrangement which popularizes the Police-men! No-independence and Act IX of
1848 are not to be named together. No long as
Karups, buyers came frosly forward ind 2,400 bala Legislature, and gives the Inhabitants through their centages to be the Statute Law of the Buraica so long
were sold at an improvement of a cent mutabilsking the members of the Executive, a sbars of municipal will the Chief Clell Authority continue to be abao-
improvement for the work of a to i cont and quotations of the highest point of the mason. Yesterday the les tuto. To boast therefors of freedom of action when rechod 8.000 balm, and to-day 980 bales at exusme power, may claim ■ Nulo quiet consideration.
To such an arrangement the Colonial office may
the map to be taken runs counter to the will of the prism The unfavourabla advice from the sth giving Chief, la pura homburg and geosense. Horant Po
a dem impetus to the demand, the market closes with a offer insuperable objection. We than fall back upon nang, and, for aught we know, at Malnecs, the Com-good loquiry, belog sester to sell than purchase at theThe carious palatings which the recent impro. Recent Discovery of Pisturot at Bin College. mosiripal commiation such as obtaina in other mitton corresponde with the Busideas Cousalller... | quocation English colonies. We will suppose that the lagin As Singapore the Committen, in substance, hise re- Brandotu?u.-The lower grades of four, bara declin-vements kave lately brought to light, are now pro- Iative council placed conjointly in the hands of solved that, it is in fra dig to do so and bottoms if to 164 serves per barga, being to plentiful supply. bounded, by competest judges, not to be frescoes, The price of the better kinda wasemaly. The stock In | but oil paintings. If such be the fool, of which the government mervante and the leading men in respectability on the lap of its legitimate Lord and Master.-This la all right and doubtless pleasing to the colony and that taking as their pattern tho mu. the Chief but, whether or no, it in not a question by nicipal act of one of the other colonies they remo- which the independence of a Committee lato be test del it to suit the existing stats of society. Tho od-We approve of the principle and give the Mom European population will then be called upon to bers of the Committee credit for their resolution. But in the name of Common menes and Common elect their members of Council, and to this Coun honesty we say, let there be at och stating an intag. cil will be intrusted the municipal affairs of the city dependent Corporate Body to manage the pacanla of Wotia. We need not now enter upon the ry Affairs of the Parish: or, let some Nomines of daties to be performed by this body, taking it for the Governor General of India in Council be the granted that it will possess all the powers usually digested and well defined rules for his guidance and Parish Officer for all Municipal purposes with woll conferred upon such corporations we may speculate then let him, as such Officer, be held responsible se for a minute or two on the manner of election, the the law for the efficient and honest discharge of bis feschise, and then enquire who are the most elegi. duties. ble people to manage chy businem.
It is fully to Ape indepsodent bodies and to as- If the Councillera ate to be elected by the inha-tablish stitutions whics, from a soublation of ment, owing in a great rosasure to the capules is result; for, as it has been observed, "Lo leave vial. untoward circumgamom and the want of analogy | pirted by the tenfila to Califoenis, the ascober of, ble a lively representation of the soldier selling ton bitants, there will be little difficulty in making up between suck Budies and Kaablishments in Engatenmech and sailing vessels under constraction is wife to the devil, or the empress inveigling her in- the electoral lists. The two Jury lims, prepared by land, can have ne valid affect-it is Child's play on camtually large. Four sur of the five steamers of cautions lover into the tower, is not to be thought the Sheriff, ure soppneed to include all who are com worthy any Government, in this the winstoonik E. K. Colla's kos, which will compass with the | of" They will, therefore, be hidden from public
Cunard bouts, and which under the contrast with the palem to sit on a Jury, and any man fit to not as Century.
view by the esaspies which are to be erected at Wa contemplate refusing to pay either Assess- Clovernment are to commence running before the | the banks, and over the stalls, on either side of the Joryman sa questions of life and death is certainly
ment of taxes on several specific sad distinct grounds, 1st of June, 1850, are lo a state of forwardness, and chapel. The cauppies in front of these very za- At le vole in the municipal elections. Again there which, when the time arrives, we will endeavour : two of them are already rochieing their machinery, markable warka of art will be constructed in such the list of European householders, prepared by to have argued in a Court of law by Counsel learn They are to be called the Atlantic, the Pacific, the a manner that thay may be removed ni pleasure, the memors for police taxation. It is only no ad in the law, just to test this Act IX of 1848 of Arete, and the Antarctic. The length of thras rom- so that the pictures may be onhibited to artists and sary to fix the franchise at a certain amount the Indian Legislature.-Pinang Gazette, Int Dec. | seis ls 200 foot, and beer bfeadth of beam 40, while others, who may feel an interest in the acemica
acore was moderate for the season.
On all other gud, mare, or may
dating, ka, aturn it over. Mad, merpt vika, veslo, der, d
Neurona, tortalanskal, mer halten]
| there appears to be no doubt, they are works of New Orleans, Ohet, 06, 0. 2- extraordinary interest, from their grost antiquity: There has been a good demand for cotton to-day, and for there neeme good reason to believe that they the market in without changs from yesterday. The ware executed by Flamish artists, at a period one operations are partly for export
| later than the reign of Henry the Berenik. Vau October 17, a. M. Eyck, it may be mentioned, is supposed to have
1410. These pictures illustrate the miracles attri discovered the art of painting in oil about the year buted to the Virgin Mary, referred to in the ga culum Historials" of Vincent of Beauvais, and the Golden Legends" of Vormsins; quotations frots both of these works being inscribed beneath the paintings. The Pruvest and Fellow being The American papers contain some Interesting decirose to preserve these rare works of werly ari, details of the program of shipbuilding in New York," as far as is consistent with the propriety and the le most of the yards there has been great activity decorem of a plan of worship," are about to car during the past two years, and at the present mo. Try a plan inio "fect which will have the desired
and made pobile this morning. The adviem being The news by the Europo was received here last even maidered highly favourable, holders advanced their prices, but as the market has not fairly opened, it would be fault to give a correct view of the same. Freights to Liverpool are declining, and are quoted
for cotton.
tion of the rare and singulur produotione of the olden time. There is now in Eton College an url- ginal portrait of Jane Ebore, who rendered grust | services to this institution, for it so happened that the then provost was June Shore's confessor great deal of the college property was confiscated by Edward IV, and more would have been taken away by that monarch had it not been for the in Astuce possessed by "Mistress Shore," Henry VI. the foonder, balog " Lancastrian, whereas Edward IV. was Yorkiet.
THE undersigned knowing the great inconveni-
enon parties are frequently pot to, in comme quence of not being aware that a georrel STORE of this description ie in Hongkong, begs to give the community of Canton, Maeno and Hongkong, (more particularly Strangers) the following list of Article always on sale, und from recent usrange. meals made with a London flowso will receive by the Overland Mail overy mouth a fresh supply of every thing that is now ami fashionable, so that in future Ladies will not be necessitated to write home al gront delay and exponce for every trillo the may require.
Ladies De Lane Dremes.
De Priel
Do. Coloured Tarlatan de.
Da. Embroidered de
Do. Cashmere
De. Embroidered Hosk de,
De, bradored Jacconet da.
Do. Worked Aluslin t'ollars.
de de.
De. Rich Lace Capes
De do.
Harmon Deliberate -In a window belonging to the Steam Bedding Company, in Kingsgate-street, Holbars, is a notice to this t?vot :- All boys playing or mak- ing a noise against this window will be skat."
Book belag proposed a member of the Phonix Club, he asked when they met, "every Saturday evening during the winter? Then 1 shall never make a l'honix, for I can't rise from the fire!
AT RONOzona.
25, Ionar Howland (Am-Whaler), West, from Sandwich Islands 20th Nov. 26, Cobinet (Am-Whaler), Hathaway, from Bandwich Lalanda 20th Nov.
26, Nymph, Wilson, from Cumsingmoon.
26, Alligator, Dunn, from Whampoa.
17, Ariel, Burt, from Comsingusion.
27, H. & C. 34, P. Ca's Str. Canton, Boames, from Canton.
27, H. M. Brig Marieer, Commander Mathison, from Manila 17th Jan.
17, Emme (Danish), Nas!, from Oahu 17th December,
91, Emprats, Merit, from Whampoa.
21, Brillanta (Spanish) Madrigal, from Manila 11th January,
27, Paquetbot Garonse (French), Gamot, from Manila 19th January.
28, H. M. Brig Arab, Commander Morris, from Shanghai 16th January and
Moonung 20nh nha
Per Issac Howland, -Me Pitsluy.
Per Eama-Messrs Porter, and Ogden.
Per l'aquetbot Guronan-Moora Habbak, Mugford, Geraad, and Morca- diar.
Por Arad-Savon Prisoners from Shangtri f?r Thongkong Jail.
quite new.
Do. Queen Mary's Collars
Do. French 'otell, Corsets,
Jean Stays.
De Braganza Shank
De da Handkerchiefs.
De. Black Fotin Embroidered Mantillys.
do. Latestren
Of the west style, by bost £fail :-
De. Embroidered French Cambria Lisodkerchiefs.
De Barage Dremos.
Do Velvet Bonnets.
Do. Toscao, Straw, and 8Wk da.
Do. Night Caps,
Ds. Driss da
Do.long Whlis Kid Gloves,
De. Coleirad and straw da
De. Black and White Lace Nh
Do. Black and White Silk Stockings.
De. and Gents do.
Do. Pancy Checked silk.
Do. Pain Coloured atlas, &c, de
Rockabech for Toweling.
Damask Table Linen.
Do. Napkins
Brown Holland Dressed and Undressed.
Book Muslim
Levgan Albana,
26, Scotland, Davie, Whampos.
#3, Mazepp, Down, East Coast,
26, Chieftais, Edwards, Whampoa.
26, Charles Forbes, Wills, Bombay,
16, Moxam, Maxton, Whampoa.
26, Island Quan, Macfarlane, Shanghai.
21, H. & O S P Co's Sir Caston, Seriosa, Cio,jon.
27, Audaz, Bullivan, Shangbai.
£7, P & O Co.'s Sir Canton, Jaruimen, Cinton,
£3, Brillants (Spanish), Madrigal, Whumpan.
29, Arrow, Macfarlans, Singapore and Caleatis.
29, Dartmouth (Am-Whalor), Peirce, Bos.
25, Ariel (Am), Hunt, New York.
26, Oriental (34), Palmer, New York,
Ong Arab
VR...Frasela OP WAR
||Lingkung 74 thems
28 0
Jaconel do
Checked da
Tullet later.
Do. Pring.
Fancy Glugs and Pringes for Dresses.
Ling and Betin do.
Narrow Cranet Ribbon of all colours,
the flaming
Ship Cleopatra
|Captain J. W. Morgan Capta T. L. Kaanno.
(3 Qasa
Commander V, Morth
Bog Pilat
Boys Fancy Cape.
Bug Manwer
Clinteon) Lagidra da.
Nh?p trung nh?n
Amey Thampan Cent?n
| Shanghai | 14 |Ema Hongkong|| 19 |Dam
Guna 6 June
4 Kane
Beer Ambra
Beotch Combele.
Deen's Law.
Musiin Edgings and Insertions, &c, de, ko
Hest Linen Tapes.
Steamer Raynard
H. C. Sumner Phlegation
H. M. Ship Alligator
Help Winden
U. 8. Ship Plymouth
Kerby's best Needles and Pl
Brook's best Bewing Cotton.
Colton Card and keel Who.
Darling Catton and floske and Eyes.
Kildren's Fancy Bocka,
Children's Angela sed Ustion Bocks.
Infanta Woollen Boats.
10. do.
Ds. Long Robes and Frocks,
Do. Prock Belles
Do. French Cambele Ospa.
Do. Thread Lace
Do. Night at
Fuelings Lace and Inertious3.
Itlack Lace, wide and narrow.
4-0 Plach Net and Blond,
4-4 Fancy Pigured Net
Fancy G?mp Trimming for Dresses, Se..., ?o., ds.
Jan Received:
Baw, Mantillas, Ku?n, tindetta, Cuda, &c. &c.
Consists of Essence of Flowers, do. of Rose, Verbana, Wild Flower, Bouquet, Essence of Violets, Ambrosia, and Fan de Partitgal
Wish Male, tail, and Tooth Brushes; Soaps, Bears Gran Pomatum, Lavander Water, Hosi Miscaisse Dil, bulk of Roses, Sling Balts, Court Plaster, &c., &c, &c.
to the Chow Chow Store will be found the follow-
ing of the best quality, vix:-
York Hams.......
Cumberland Bacon.
Berkley and other Cherso
Jams and Jellies..
Tart Fruits.******
Curry Powder and Chutney
Pickies, Vinegar, and Mustard..
Anchory and other Potter-
Bardines, larga Tian,
Dutch Butter, 18 the...
Sperm Candles 、 ...................
35 Crats per lb.
"su ?is pr Borde
Antelope, brig
Cabinet, (Whaler) ship
Lone Howland, (Wh.) ship|
Auckland, barque
Eagle, brig
Indiana, shower Landson, bergan Dart, schoo
Brinn. Brillante, brig
Ban Benito, brig
Γουτσ?σει?. Amide, brig
Aarur, schooner
Royal Exchange, brig Tromelga, barque
Un Amigos, vchooner
Baltan, bargos
C'ealoe, barque
Ijalo Leong, barges
Jestra, barque
Meca, barque
Siren, brig
Nage Laut, barque
Nawan Elveneer, barque
Pialades, verge
Hongkong 379 Derbar
397 Hathaway 399 W
Whimpo904 fanning
Buah and co.
Bus and co
Raw, Drinker and co.
Ne and ou
236 Love
Amell and os.
87 Coby
|level and on.
Ball, Nya and on.
147 Porter
Augustine Heard.
VOL IX. No. 10.
Whampoa 915Madrigal
A. A. Ritchie and co
A. F. Vandanberg.
253. Pinn
Feed Vicente Jaegu.
371 Vital
Shanghai Gordan
80 Remedios
Shanghai 105 ve
387 Bergner
Hongkong 360 Sobade Whatape
94 Pike 600 Baye
40% De Groot
255 Boome
295 Balch
310 Molo 350 PUIST
Pamator Chervane, barqueonghong 17 Gernot Entreprise, barqes
HAND. Napoleon, skip
Emma, schouder Wedam, abip
Ann, koraka
Meeso 914
Hongkong 30 Schmidt
Hngkong 13 Nes!
235 Bendizen |Bast Conac|| 130|3math
Bomag Bormasjon, skip ||longkong 85 Com
Fort William,
Ansayma, brig
Langhong, barque
Cammoen 350 Laisson
Bombay, ship
Lady Eyes, bey
315) Langley
Nimrod, barque
9:35 Roper
Rupareli (Am.), barque
Jle Radicott, J.
Sen Homs, brig
917 Willson
2:57 Joh
362 Mila
14) Browning
975 Gag
919 Bely
137 Crawford
Lord Ambers, ship
Path&nder, barque Royales, soboomer
Harlequin, brig
Louis, barquee
Anita, belg
Mahmoodes, barque
Olewa, brig
Emily June, ship
Fellatans, ship
Madam, bergie
Time, schooner
William, brig
Mantil, burque
Snipe (Am), brig
Williams Engbon (Am.), bela
William 19., barque
Utka, zuhosase
Hellas, echoner
Turmat, barque
| Weusing | 14)|[('Buncha
Hi Landers
V. A. dan Remedies. Captain
Georango Marques
Dent and do.
John Buid and oo Rayavaan and o Chaobo Hong Deat and oo. Reparaan and ca Rayavan and co Syme, Muir and sa Syme, Mair and co. Syuse, Mair and on.
Turner and co. Captain.
William Pusiau and no.
Jeba Bard and co. William Puts and co. Klyder.
Jardina, Matheson and co J.A.Olding. P.& 0.0% Agost L'ewagjes Bapeorjee Langrade Augustine Hased and co
David Samson, Bow and co. Bell and co
Pestonjes Pramion Cams and se Jardim, latheson and es
Deat and oo.
Deal and co.
Jardins, Mathesond.
Bye, Muir and co
(Jardins, Matheson and va,
Dent and on.
Deet and ao.
Jardine, Matheson and es.
P. & D. N. Com and .
Dent and an
Jardina, Methanen and eo.
Cowan Bapers Langruas.
Sr. Anderson David Bassoon, Sanandco.
196 Baden, W. Augustino Bonal nad eo.
Pestonjes Fraujos Cam and so, Gilman and co
150 Lay
133 Baird
#19 Roundy
194 Thompson
Fagkne: 35 WaJean
?????? ??
Russell and go.
Lindsay and oa
Wa Devidaoo. Jardine, Matheson and en, Cat and
Whampoa Buenos Ayreas
Camely man
Diros, Grily & Co. Je Dirom, Grdy & Co. Jardine, Mathesond Co Early Jardine, Matharon de Co Barl
Now Margar
Shanghai Confucius
John Bunyan
Whampoa facatra
Order. Bir Ed. Parry
Dent & Co.
Reynvana & Ca
Robert Stenchan
Jamander &. M. Lyons. FERRARI C. M. Musmoson.
Commander IL B. Everest, Gomunandar P. Cracren.
Commander N. Lockyet. Commander G. Niblett. Dueter l'ankier. Master J. Mitchell,
Commodore D. Geisinger, [ Ooptain T. R. Gedoor. Kovan?madar T. J. Pago.
Commander Montenegro.
Hobart Town (longkong M. & Elizabeth
Awan River
Sing. Calcutta
Lord Hungerford Warlock
Whampoa Henry Winch
jullie Loong
Blankin, Rawson &
Beah & Co.
Lindsay & Co.
Brig Dolphin
H. C. M. Brajero
10 Gane
|- Lunghong; $46|Bran
211 Ben
Achilles, tum
Alligator, beg
B.chlar, beque
Cornwall, barqu
Corest, Measur
Enuma, an
Kup, schooner
A. Olding, P.& O.Co.'s Agent
Fletcher and 0.
Jewm, Grty and co.
Hush and on.
6:2|| Williama
153 Woodin
1. Bibby
McEwen and o
Fobert Strankam,
hand ou
klubidar, Wine and co
La and co.
Verdine, Matheson sad on.
Elsbeth Archer, baryan
150 Dall
Bamore, ber Falcom,
Georgs Pile, barque
Joko Laird, barque
Jellana, barque
Lard Hungerhae, skip
Lovies, barque
Lemon Blake, alip
Maggio, brig
725 Patastoo
410 Easy
Jut Davidson
Nankin, Hawson and co.
Hullday, Wise and on,
Rawla, Drinker and co.
Maricar sad on.
Lindasy and no.
Byms, Mair and co.
Tarose and co
Francie B. Birley
lebars Strachan.
Jardino, Matnaom and ca.
Dost and on.
Holliday, Wise and co
Martha & Elizabeth, sehr,
110,3 Time
Mot, ship
Nymph, beig
196 Wa
Record, buque
400 Patello
Warlwok, brig
137 Lam
John Bard and co
Beato Ayren, barque
Whamper 349 Major
|Chaam, Gray and on,
Churlete, ship
73 Theme
Chieftain, barga
293) Edwarda
.710 per Ken.
..................40 Crata per lb.
Tinggian, Loof Sugar, Coffee, Dried Elerbs, Fresh Sal mon, Pourt Bailey, Outmeni, Muccarosi, Varmacelli, Honey in Jars, Tod in 19 and 39 cattles Boxes, OJ MA nila Cegara, ali Spton, Nutmegs, Kalsins, Plums, Ofres, fashionable Bances of all kinda.
Large Ox Tongans.
Corked Beet.
De. Perk.
...................50 Cents each.
In Uitla choles places, suitable for small familien, With every other a??kcle
cle to be found in a general more. GLASS.
Consists of Quart and Plot Decanters, from 38 por Pale upwards; Tumblers, Wines, Claret, Hock, Champagne, Finger Glass, Balta, Cralli, &c., dut. With a very handamme rich Lui Gi
Desert FeL
Contain-Martell's Pale and Dark Brandy.
Byam Sherry in one dosan Cases
Corries & Hunt's supuelor Part in da.
Beatch Whiskey
Claret, flock, &c., &c.
to do.
A few Octaven of Brown Bharry it for Bottling; all these articles are of the best descriptions and to be had the Blores of,
Borben, barten
Henry Winch, whip
Llanet, brig
Mensm, barges
New Margaret, ship Bootland, ship Canton,desma Canton, sembar Hongkong, pamer Lady Montagna, skip
Audna, schooner
Confatis, ship Ela Killick, banque Hugh Walker, ship
teland Queen, schner
John Barrow, slip
Lynher, brig
Manduria, barque
Monarch, ship
Ragie, brig
Sie Klward Party, barque
Independence, bela
2:50 Baker Moch
476 Garris
JIS Allen
411 Booby
206) Davie
9:50 HDI
| Shanghai | 181]Maillozn
195 Camma
466 Thompson
340 Philtipe
15: Percival
1960 Tahmaza
M: Preeman
14 Whee
Jardine, Methanen and on.
Marion and eo.
Rasbbonse, Warchington and go.
Direm. Gray and co.
Y. J. Murrow,
Lindmy and co.
Deco, Gray and c
Gibb, Livingston and on.
!A.Com.P.&O.Co. A
E&G..P.Ca's Ag
A. Carter, E. &C.B.P.Co. Agt.
Gilman sad co
Jardine, Mechados sed co
Jerdine, Matheson and so.
Thomas Ripley and co.
Movies and co.
|Dent and en.
Pardino, Matheson and co
Hargreaves and co.
*Derom, Gray and no.
Jardine, Meibson and co. Deder.
Robert Burcham.
Joy, brig
Dania, sakomer
123 Bamba
Dent and
174 Munro
Feinos Alvert, bergas
2:30 1
149 Brown
£90 Deew
Rana, barque
Zephyr, schooner
J. INESS. Queen's Road, Hongkong.
Genele, nebommer
Manappa, achomet
Spec, schreser
Fih January, 1850,
Vizen, schoonet
12) Opas
106 Roblana
|Hymo, Muir and on, Syma, Mair and co. |Syms, Mair and on.
Dent and on.
Jardine, Matheson and so
Jardins, Matheson and an,
Mackantie, Bracher and on Jardine, Maths and co
Ban Francisco
Early Early
Co. Immediate
15th Feb. 10th Feb.
John Burd & Co.
Dent & Co.
11 Feb.
Dirom, Gny & Co.
Chisebew Goog
Hongkong George Fio
Holliday, Wise & Co.
Macao Tramalga
Couroogo Marques
Amoy Independence
Naga Leo
Syma, Muir & Co.
Syma, Muir & Co.
Nawan Eljoroarf1yma, Muir & Co.
Syme, Muir & Ca
Amoy Prince Alben
Syme, Mair & La
A. A. Richie & Co.
A. F. Vandenberg
Bob & Co.
Macvicar & Co.
Francis B. Birlay
Fletcher & Co.
Robert Strachan
Whampoa Brillante
San Benito
Hoogkong. Antelope
3, Lady Bale, 388, Roger, Shanghai.
September 9, Lord Hardinge, 424, Bawyer, Hongkong,
16, Mangosteen, 383, Pentresih, Shanghai,
18, William Browart, 576, Jamieson, Hongkong. 17, Duilina, 128, Maxion, Hongkong.
November 1, Sir George Pollock.
Loading on the 24th November-Euphrosyne, and Naomi
3, Henrietta, 199, Paxton, Shanghai
4, Mary Ann Follion, 406, Holgate, Hongkong. 6, Aan & Jane, 361, Fawcett, Shanghai
September 18, Albion, 599, Clark, Hongkong.
23, Bentinck, 287, Brugg, Shangbai.
October 13, Jeremiah Garnett, 447, Dalay, Shanghai.
20, Querpool
November 9, Panic.
Loading on the 24th November,-Aqua Marine, Lancastrian, and Orixa.
November 10, Rove, Villiers,
Beptember 2, Mathesis.
September 6, Conrad
25, H. M.'s Troop Ship Apollo, Com. Rawatorne, Flongkong. Loading-Arraloon Apcar, Poppy, Red Rover, and Rob Roy.
FROM BONNAY. Loading on the 19th December --Ann, and Earl of Chester,
January 9, Blandell, 376, Renaut, Amoy LoadingRapide (Russian), for Whampoa; Rajah Bama, for Shanghai; and Prince of Wales, for China.
Paineau and PUBLINED von tus Paeraisten, Joun Cana, av Lua D'AZEVEDO, Oswald's Row, Queen's Road, Victoria, 1860.
PRICE $10 per annunt.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Anmun, 18 Dollars Se Manila. Dollare. Three Months, & D?llars; all paid in advance.
Numbers, to Subscribers 25 genta osch; to Non-Subscribers. 1 Runee. l'artles callion or sending to the Offee for papers are requested to pay cash. SUBSCRIPTION so the OVERLAND-To Subscribers to the Fate or Cuina, 4 Dollars per Annum nom-subscribers 84; single copies 50 cents. TERMS OF ADVERTISING-Ton lines and under, Dollar; additional, 10 cents llas. Repetitions one-third of the Best losertion. Ships.-First Insertion, Dollars auf aquant Invertions 68 omis. Advertisemenin to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countersnanded. In all instances, those who are set Subsoribara, require to pay advance.
ale to the above,
dindamonu, Pravo, Gatza-Malta, Buns, Aden.
THE Primolar and ORI- ||
ENTAL COMPAnt's Bimm Ship PEKIN, will imava this for the above places on Wedino- day the 27th of February. Cango will be received on board until Noon, and Bestu until 4 v. m., of the 28th.
For further particulars regarding FastonT and PARADE apply at iba P. & O, B. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent, P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Office. Victoria, Hongkong, 2nd February, 1860
THE rate of Freight on Bilk to England per Over- Jend Roots has been reduced by order of the Directors of the P. & 0.8. N. Company's $96.00 per Ton of 40 Cubic feet, which will be charged until farther notice.
J. A. OLDING,-Agent. Hongkong, 9th November, 1849,
THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD'SSTEAM- ERS, continue to ply between ALEX- ANDRIA, and Tuinera si under wis. The Direct leaving Trieste the 20th of each month arrives at Alexandria about the 2nd or 3rd of the following month, and starts for Trieste from Almendri 18 24 hours after the arrival there of the Indian Passengers by the Calcutta Steemer, except on occasions when the latter arrives & Buss bebind time.
A Beamer of the same Company leaves Alex. andria every aberaste Thuizlay for Bmyran where it ments the Steamers of the Levant Line, by meet
of which, communication is kept up as previously
through Byrn with Constantinople, Trieste, Greece,
Fares direct to Trieste 618 loeding Table money
vin Smyrna £18.4 without do, do. Passengers inonding to avail themselves of the Trieste Route abduld book to Swen only,
For further particulare apply to
Mors W. PUSTAV & Co., Agents at Canton and Hongkong, for the Imperial Royal Privileged Austrian
Lloyd?'s Steam Navigation Company.
N. B. There are now so many Railroads op through Germany that London may be resobed from Trieste in 6 days with comfort und at an expence of about £10 £11.
Victoria, 27th Beptember, 1849.
FORD" Capiala Paterson will
be dispatched from this about the 20th
of February, 8bs has excellent accommodation
for pamengers, and carries a Surgeon.
For passage only, apply to
Capt. PATRION on board. Victoria, 11th January, 1650.
FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE A. 1. Ship "CORNWALL," Capt. Dawson, having the greater part of her Carge engaged will be des. patched for the above Port on the 15th
For balance of Freight or Passage. Apply to,
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, 17th January, 1850,
TO BE BOLD LET. THE HOUSE and Promises in Spring
Gardens fronting the Harbour.
The House and Prompion in Bpring Gardens Adjoining the Road and opposite Jorroke Hall both formerly in the occupation of Mesure Hoan & Co Apply 10,
Office Queen's Fload.
Victoria, 4th January, 1880.
THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risks govered by open POLICIES at 530DS and thefariane Lozzon INSURANCE COMPANIes,) by the Peninsular & Oriental Company's Steamers, from Canton and Hongkong, to the Straka, Coy lon, the Presideneles of India, and England,
For Rains of Premium and other Information, apply to Mr J. A, Olacne, at the P. & O. Co.'s Office, Hongkong.
JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co. London, 28d Desembar, 1848.
MR A. R. HUDson becsine a Parmer in our MR
Firm on the lat July last.
GILMAN & Co. Canton, 29th December, 1849,
future Ladies will not ba necessitted to write homo
may require.
WE have this day admitted Mr. JAMES PUR- great delay and expence for every teisls the
DON Partner in our Hours. Our businem will henceforward be conducted under the Name of BWORD, PURDON & Co.
JOHN D. BWORD & Co. Canton, 1st January 1850,
THE business I have hitherto conducted in my
own name, will be boreafter carried on, under
the Firm of TAIT & Co., of which Mr Charles Wikan Baptay in somitted a partner.
Amoy, 1st January, 1850.
THE interns and responsibility of Mr. JOHN
STWART in our firm has ceased.
Hongkong, let January, 1860.
TAB Interest and responsibility of the late Mr. 1 T. 8. IL NYE in our firm cossed on the 31st
Canton, 4th January, 1850.
ADABHOY BAZONJEE ? quiborized to
sign our Flem by Procuration.
Canton, Lal Desember, 1849,
(Late WoodBarat, Batam & Co.)
Do. Priat
Do. Caleared, Tarining do,
De. Embroidered do.
Do. Embroidered Book de.
Do. Embroidered Jacomet do.
Do. Worked Mullo Collars.
Da. Rick Lass Capes
Cantona Chaussetts.
do Bleeve Squila new.
De. Queen Mary's Callar? 3
De Preach Cotell, Corseta.
Do. de Juan Stays.
Do. Braganza Shark.
De do. Handkerchiefs.
De Black Batin Embroidered Manus.
Do do. Lavesten
Of the newest style, by last Mall:-
De. Embroidered French Cambrio Llandkerchiefs.
Do. Barage Drea
De Velvet Bonnels.
De Tuscan, Straw, and Ella da,
Do. Night Cape.
Do Dress do.
Do long White Kid Gloves
Da. Vered and Btraw da.
De. da.
De. Black and White Lace Mits
De. Black and White Blk locklaga
Do and Genis da, Glorte
Do. Pincy Checked Milk.
Do. Plala Colored Batina, &en da.
Huckaback fe Towallag,
Desak Table Lines.
Do. ↑ Napkins.
Brown Holland Dressed and Undead,
Book Mella.
Janet de
- Chacine dar
Tebet Lovers.
Do. Priages.
Ship Chandlers & General Commission Agents. Fancy Glas and Pring for Dress
is requested that all claims againal the Estate of the base Banent Wanorak may be seni is
to the undersigned before the 30th June mozi, and all persona indebted to the said Estate will please to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co, East Point, Ist January, 1850.
| LL claims upon the Estate of the late Jom A Coke Dallen, proved before the 30th June next, will be met by the undersigned, and all per- sons indebted to the mid Estate are requested to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co. East Point, Ist January, 1860.
FOR SALE. HEATHING COPPER from 14 to 24 cm.
Apply to,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co, Hongkong, 3rd July 1849. JUST-Landed ex "Mean" and "Scotland"
general apartment of the following articles: vis-Stationery Porfumery, Preserved Monte, Breakfast and Dinner Bets, Filters, Hardware, Blankets; also an extensive variety of every des cription of Marine Stores.
BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Victoria, 18th January, 1850.
NEW STORES PER "ORIENTAL" WEET Bolter in Kegs of 16 Iba, American dried Apples in half Barrels, Lost Sugar &o. Also received, Foo-show-foo Baoud.
BOB. RUTHERFORD, Queen's Road,
N. B-The Butter and Apples are of superior quality and the Bacon is quite Fresh.
Victorie, 4th January, 1850.
WHAMPOA DRY DOCK THE Undersigned has completed ble arrangements for docking and rupaliing Vemals at Wham- pon, and begs to call the attention of Ship Meters and Marchants to the facilities he affords for that The Dock is a new one, oupable of re purpose.
ceiving Vasele drawing thirteen feet of water at Sprieg Tides, and elavan feat at Neap Tides. A large Bail and Rigging loft are quashed to the pro- mises. For terms, which will be moderate, apply so,
December 8, 1849.
JAMES ROWE, Wbampos.
NOTICE. THE undersigned knowing the great inconvent ence parum are frequently put to, in one. quence of not being aware that a general STORE of thie description la in Hongkong, begs to give the community of Canton, Macao and Hongkong. (more particularly Strangers) the following kat of Articles always on mule, and from recent strange. ments made with a London House will receive by the Overkad Mail every month a fresh supply of stary thing that is new and fashionable, so that is
Grace Elbe
Latestng and Pa?la da.
Narrow Cart Ribbs of all colvita, Flee Irish Lizen.
Boys Fancy do.
- Chodra
Beach Cambria.
Queen's Laws.
Best Linen Tapes.
Karby's best Needles and Plas Hraoh's best Bewing Cotton. Cotton Card and Reel Wire. Darling Cottes and Hoaks and Eyes, Children's Fancy Backs.
Children's Angels and Catton Beck
Infants Woollen Boots,
Do. de. Hoods.
De. Long Boban and Frocks,
Do. Frock Bodies.
Do. French Cambrio Capa
Do. The Lace,
Do. Night Caps
Earlinga Ince and Tuestions.
Black Lace, wide and narrow,
- Block Net and Bland,
Fancy Figured Nel.
Fancy Olimp Trimming for Dressen, &a., ke..., ka.
PUNO. Just Raprizad
Boss, Mantiles, Muf, Bufetta, Cum, &c. &c.
PERFUMERY FROM "PATEY" Consists of Essence of Flowers, de, of Rowo, Verbona
Wild Flower, Bosquet, Essence of Violets, Ambrosla"
and Eas de Porth Breber; Soaps, Bears Grge.
With Hair, Null, -
Pomatum, Lavander Waler, Real Macassar OU, MU of Rests, Smelling Belts, Court Plaster, de hec Is the Obow Chow Biore will be found the follow- ing of the best quality, viz:-
York Blame............................... Cumberland Bacon jov
Barkley and other Cheese
Juma and Jellies...
Carry Powder and Cyl...
Picks, Vinegar, nd
Anchovy and other Partes,
Gardens, largo Tino,
Dutch Better, 16 Ibe..
Sperm Candles
.86 Centi per lb.
" de.
2260 Cis, pe Battle
.00. do.
748 per Kog.
.........de Centa porib, Iningglans, Leaf Sugar, Coffes, Dried Herbe, Frms Sal Bon, Pearl Barley, Outwesi, Macotroni, VarmBOL?N, Honey in Jars, Ton is 10 and cattles Bores, Old Ne alle Cegars, all pics, Nutmegs, Balsina, Phime, Oltres, fashionable Bances of all kinda,
Large On Tongues. Corned Beel.
De Perk.
80 Cents ach
In Mttle lo pieces, seitable for small families. With every other niticle to be found in a general store.
upwards Tumblers, Wine, Clara, Hock, Champagne, Consists of Quert and Plet Decanters, from 28 per Pair
Finger Oles, Balls, Crash, &c., 20. With a very handsomes rich Unt Gl
Dewert Bet,
WINE, AND SPIRIT STORE. Containerell's Palo and Dark Brandy. Byas' berry lane des C Curries & Hanta eperier Port in de. Champagne
Hoogkong, 15th December, 1849.
Remarks on the Motulliferons and Mineral Pro- ductions of the Trouserim Provinces, by Ed. ward O'Riley, Esq,
General Report on the Residency of Singapore, drawn up principally with a view of illustrating ite Agricultural Statistics, by J. T. Thomson, Esq., 7. x. 0. ., Surveyor to Government, The Island of Mindoro.
N. B. Parties in Chins wishing to become subscribers will please forward their name and ad drone to the office of" The Friend of China and Hoogkong Gazette."
Victoria, January 29th, 1849,
FOR SALE at the Office of this pupor 1--
A n
for the Pesicular and Orl-
ental Company's Blazmere,
Compradores Orezas, la Books.
Mercantile forms and other work printed with
expedition at the customary rates,
Queen's Road, 9th October, 1848.
(From the Bombay Government Gunette 20th Nov.) INSOLVENT Danrom' Court. NOTICE le bereby givan, that DADABHOY RUSTOMJEE, lately carrying on the Ba- sinem of a Merchant in Bombay, in bis own name, and in Canton in co-partnership with Maroonsen ROSTOMED and Merwanson Junyasumor, sad in Calella in co-partnership with Rostonian Cowas zan and the and Manocuus Roeromsun, an la. solvent, did, on the Nineteenth day of November, file bis Potition in my Office (under the Provisions of the Act relating to Ensolvent Debtors in India.) praying that he might be discharged from all Limbil- ity la respect of the Debts or Claims established, or which might by law be placed in the Court in the matter of his insolvency; and that the Court bas appointed the First Monday in December, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty, for the farther bearing of the said Petition.
Any Creditor wishing to dissent from the mid Insolvent having his Discharge, most give Notice in Writing thereof to me at my Office, ni la Thron Days before the Hearing; and alt Creditors who | shall not have given nach Notice, will, at iba ex- piration of the abovementioned time, be taken so have assented thereto.
J. P. LARKINS, Clark of the Courts.
Hummum Street, Fort, Bombay, Clock of the Court's
Office, this 20th day of November, 1849.
WEBSRA. SMITH & BRIMELOW will sell by PUBLIC AGorton this day at 11 o'clock a. m.
at their Godowa, Queen's Road, without rasseTA.
1 Bale of Grey Shlesingu,
25 Bags of Calies,
8 Bags of Biebe de mar.
A quantity of Ironmongery bought expromly for
the Bandalwood Trade.
No. & 3 Wooanam's Buildings, Victoria, 2nd February, 1850,
The Steeple Climber.-This individual, who re-
Church, Perth, and took down the vene, has since coolly ascended to the summit of St. Paul's
ascended the more elevated steeple of St. John's- The steeple part of the churah, says a Sontoh pa- per, above the aquaro towar is shunched with lead, loto which be drove large apiko nails at intervals, and by climbing from one set of show to another, he roanaged to gain the top, where ho comported himself with the utmost sang froid, but the spec- tacle was anything but a plenant one, and several $120,
individuals turned sich with looking at him. Stran- few Octares of Brown Bharry & for Rettling | all these
go to say, during his perilous undertaking the rock. articles are of the best desuriptions and to be bad the
Jesu fellow was more than three parts drank, sod when he descended to the bartizan, after faston- J. INEBS, Queen's Roady Hongkong.ing his tackle at the top of the steeple, be threst-
ened to throw a young lad over,
Beste Wakay Claret, Hack, c. xo.
eth Jewry, 1850.
la de.
New Advertisments will be received until 4 (c) Check, on the emingo previous to publi- ration, vir: Tuesdays and Fridays
Untad State Net,
1 Nor. Jany. 14
Dec. Dec.
19 Manila
Dec Jus.
Bombay Medru
NOTICE.-The hours of Divine Servies at Br. Jour's Curses are on Sunday, at 11 s. 16 und § pass 3 r. 16.
And on Thurning al 6 r. M.
VINCENT STANTON, Tloris, a November, 1949. Colonial Chaplain,
NOTICE-Te boere of Public Worship in the Union CHAP Hollywood Road, are on le dublat (14 M. sad half pan Cru, sad on the evening of urety. Wel. ursday half past 6,
Viciela, 19th January, 1050.
We have received news from California to 22nd Noveraber, and Honolulu papers to 20th December.
The gold diggings still continued to be pro- ductive, and we give an extract from a paper just commenced called the "Placor Times," of the rising town of Sacramento:-
On the 25th market-boat was boarded off Loong-koo by thirty men, who, after landing the crew, carried off the host with her cargo of fee bullocks. One of the pirates in new in custody.
The pier-glass mentioned best work us having been stolen from a house in Ashburton Termos, was found by De Morrison's graciter conceal ed in a drain above Calas's Road.
On the evening of the 18th a Chinaman was violently amaulted in the Canton Bazar by a Sul dier of the 95th Regiment.
On the 29th, gold watch, chain, and key, were stole from a house in fagtie's taildings by ons of the coolles-The house of Mr Crook on Queso's Rood Wou, was sotared by thieves, and some clothed carried off
In our, Overland, we alluded to the extensive preparations of the Portuguese in referonds to Ma cao. The following is a more specific states on the subject.
On the news of the assasination of Governor Ararat reaching Lisbon, Jasut-Colonel Almeida of the Artillery was ordered to take summaed of the troops at Macas, and Major Cunhs of the Ea- gineers to take charge of the fortifications. These officers arrived by last overland staamer.
Commodore Pedro Alexandrino da Cunha had previously been nominated Governor of Macso, and being in command of the Portuguese squadron et the Brazils, instructions were sent to him to pro- ceed at once to Chins in the corvette Dom Jodih, taking with him a body of Marines, and as much ammiunkion and ordnance storya no the vessel could recore. The frignia Dona Maria 2a, bon olnu been ordered from Oon to Mecuo, with ammuni tion and stores, and so many troops sa could be
apared from that auttlement.
What is the precies object of these extensive preparations, and how the expenses are to be mat, we are not informed.
Tere to the "latest" intelligence at this time in car? THE CONDEMNED SERMON ABIT WAS ACTED. possession, fross various places in the mountains where cold washing is continued, the news is highly favorable. betting in of the rainy season has been the signal for the abandonment of digging in most parts, and the misers kara employed the intervening pleasant begin between the relas in 'propating wisser qusiters. These consist of a
by bonge of trees.
rade low, or cars le pensary of the storm about the sides, and sheltered from the fury of the storms The heights of the Blerra Nevada are covered with sosu, and this has been the unwelcome form of the winter visit ant in the more elevated diggings." socomputed by cold weather. The moastala Krems are best Imperceptibly swollen su yet, "lthough the Sacramento has clorn many feet ali
de junction with the Atovrican river, since the com- inancement of the rolu. From Frather river the golden news is highly encouraging. A bar of the Bouth Fork, it wased wine mlies above Bldwell's Lar, (ibe original disco- very ol gold on this ferk was here) has been worked dur
Public execution of capital punishment is doamed necessary for the completeness of the example; the public flocked to see the Menninga kanged on Taes day, and, with the expression of disgust at such an exhibition of taste, the clerical officer of Horse monger Lane Guol invoked the amistance of the polica in checking the public assemblage, by de molishing the temporary accommodation which pri rate persoon had buik for spectators that could pay. Thus the gaol chaplain did his bant to keep away the "respectable" portion of the audience firm that shocking drama: some of them he may have driven down sinong the crowd, but many speculators in window, and coats contrived to $15 or defy the authorities. The performance therefore, was at Lended by the usual audig in the street or pit, the felonry of Logton, with a great concourse of women; and in theoxes of private house, tee The Georgetown diglags are perhaps the most famous pectable person delight in such shows. An at the present time in the Sacramento Places These oummende crome amabled over night; and we lave situated aboverwelve miles diriami, TECH Colmar the Sunt ink on the can heard of more than as champagne suppar," fiver. Placas of gold weighing from one pestyweight tu
Strange and jarring was the parallel course of sen and twelve pounds, have been discutered in this vici. preparations within and without the gael. The law nity. The average for day labourers in sold in be not leas within the chapel wasa edified by the "ooodenned
of the gold while succes The character coarser than that of the lower washing, and up to the thes of the caine, was abundant. The county arewed is of the mans description. The Yuba and Beor ek washings are said to have pluided well wating the luw alage of water abimedeni to the mina.
‧ a
what took place at the Southwark Police Court oo Saturday.
On that day the Her. Mr Bowe, the chaplain of Horsemanger Lane Gool, weiled on Mr Secker, and informed tim of the disgusting state of Hormonger Lane, specially that part facing the geol Hastated to the Magistrate that nearly all the tahabitants io that locality had relend a number oflender soffold poles in front of their houses, to which they had tied vide pieces, and placed planke over them, for the purpose of accommodating persons to witness the awful spectacle on Tuesday morning. He was com tein, from the manner in which these platforms were aracted, that mome serious accident would occur, on- loss the Magistrate at that Court interfered. Bo
Mined great hopes of his succes; and when b learned that all the means which had been tri had failed, he appeared greatly dispirited. Lates in the day Edmond Manning bad an intervice is Inke bis Soal leave of his brother. He was intr duaed to the condemned cell by the obepleis Mr Keene, the governor. In reply to his brother' inquiries, Maging mid that he felt perfectly happy and resigned to his fats. He added that he shar well, and was not at all disturbed during the night in proof of which he appealed to the turskeytis Attendance upon him. He asked his brother f bad seen Mr Bians, and whether he waware of the untavourable result which had atten plications made in his favour to the Honds Decre are was the curiosity of the public, that many per-tary; He then sold his brothes that he had writm sons had paid as much as a quines to witness the ex- another letter to his wife, soliciting an interview, soution, and other places were publicly let at a low but he faced that she was a hardened an ever, as half-a-crown. Its boped the Muginmate would would not grant it. Referring to the subject of the ercise his authority, and order the stands to be murder, be produced a pencil sketen of the back pulled down.
kitchen, shewing the position of O'Connor's bads Mr Backer oked the Rev. Gentless whether when (as bo allegno) ho frut my it. He took cup the places were erected on public property.
elal care to explain this sketch to his brother Mr Rowe replied in the negativa. The houses in evinced great anxioly to satisfy him that he w front of the geol bad long gardens, and the occupiers not participates in the actual murder. After mean of them had erected the stands for gain,
olner convaleation os gandral mettete, he caqusat Mr Becher said that if such was the case, he could ed his brother to give his love and just blessing to not interfers. He was, however, sorry to hear that his relatives, especially the sister who visited kin respectable poople should act in such a disgusting on Tuesday last, after whom he inquired mom pur. menger. He hoped the publio would have some reticularly. Ha also desired his rospecta to his form gard for their morals, and not countesence such peo-es master, Mr Raevas, a onachbuller, of Taunton, ple.
and requested that his best thanke should be gives to that gentleman for all his kindness to bim a boy. His brother being about to leave, Alanning raquoted Mr Rowe to offer up a prayer before they parted, which the rev, chaplain' did in a very im pressive manner, all present knooling and joining in the act of devotion. After the chaplula concluded the prayer, his brother asked him if he should come and see him again. Messing replied, that he thought it would be of no use for ki do so; is feel he would rather that he did not. The foal separation then took place, the convict remark Ing to his brother that he was only going shant ime before bim, and hoped he should meet him la another and a better world.
Sir flows asked if sazidents of a fual mature do. curred a any of those plucus, would not the owners be liable to bu indicted for manslaughter↑
Mr Backer replied that he had no doubt they would. If, however, hoped the public would not endanger their lives to witness the execution of two fellow creatures.
in the course of Saturday afternoon the visiting, justices connected with the geol applied to the com- |mia-ioners of pulice for four or five hundred south- bles to assist in preventlog an unnecmary crowd round the gaol on the morning of execution. A gum. ber of constables from each division will 400-d. Ingly be in attendance at an aurly hour on Tuesday morning next. This moralng strong barricades will be rected at the end of Horsemanger Lane, leading from Biones-and, at the end of Swan Street, Trioity Churob Street, St Andrew's Terrace, and Harper such precautions are used the loss of life may be Street. The visiting justions are afraid that unle
great, as many thousands are likely to be present to has received direct orders from the Becretary of State witness the execution of the Mannings. Mr Koso that no person be admitted within the wall of the prison on the morning of execution, excepting mi. tiore, the authorities of the gaol, and such police nisters of the Established Church, the visiting jus tables may be required to asist the authori Late in the afternoon of Saturday a respectable man waited upon Me Booker to took his assistance under the following circumstances:-He stated that 100 yarde from the gaol His landlord had erected he foulged in a house in Hormonger-lans, about
‧ scaffolding, for the purpose of disposing of seats te witness the smontian, and he had married it to auch a height that applicant could not san le perform bis basisers, as the erection prevsased the light from
On Monday last the female convict drew up a memorial to the Queen, imploring har Majesty to ve har from the scaffold, and reiterating her la nocence of O'Connor's death. This memorial abe in which ber Grace was asked to hy it before the Enclosed in later to the Duchem of Butherland, Queen. The letter was duly posind, it appears, Bafford Homes, and yesterday morning it w but being unpaid was rejected on premalations opened in due course at the Dead Letter-offios in Bt. Martin-le Grand. The wretched woman, im Grey, requesting his intercession. patient of a reply, had written on Friday to Sie G.
The following application, made at the Bouth- wark Police-court on Buorsy afwersuco, la cano and will at the proshot moment be rend with in- Torl:-
During the afternoon of Saturday, Mr Adams, Southwark Police-court to demand from lar Book or the pawnbroker, of Bermondery, attended at the the pistol used by Mr. Binning in shooting O'Connor.
tum three oucas, while insanzura of bagging eight and serm"n" on Sunday, and most of them wers allested / Entering his room. He therefore wished to have it inquired whether he bad received any pistol se j
no perdiet are by se tocaus rate"
Owing to the entlare agiant of the winter roine and lu. cman whother, then an antiegated, provios no bavo kr. come searos in the mining derries, the wretched seedidee
thode preventing
cably, any persupplier recking the menplane azo enturning frona tha wachanga in ramargasaco c? this fact, Float in sching on Feather ver at 1.78 por pond, and as "the Bful" (Calama ) for 1,83. All brendatud nie propostenataly bg?
Mr Becker told him that his leadlord had no right to shut out the light from bie room. He directed Cluse, one of the warrant officers, to proceed to the place, and ascertained the truth of applicant's state-
Gweet then left the count, and returned in about 10 mloutes afterwards, when he informed Mr Sac-
The applicant stated that shortly after the murder
‧ sonstable of the M division called upon him, and pistola in pledge within the last few days. He then recollected thata mwering Manning " exiption had pawned a pair of pistole ni kia ch the 14th of August, sed sa examining the found they were quite new, One of them ho used once, but the other bad never been lowded Applicant, at the request of the constable, attended the final examination of the Mancings at that
to seas: the vicinity of the prison presented the eppoorance of a fair, and the housekeepere in the naghbourhood uoted a large mum by letting seata: business in this particular not being swepanded on the Babbail." Un Mooday, as the scaduld for the execution lifted in black benine shore the walls, the scaffold for the audience arose without: the whole place resoundal with hammers. At night, while ker that he had esso the place, and found an extent, when he produced the pistols, but on being the criminals ate their dread-soned supper within, sive scaffolding erected in frons of the house, which without the jovial boule whirled around. While was situated just past the narrow part of Horsemon- the condemned tried, Taio, to court a parting gar-lane. A great portion of the scaffolding project- Hong-shuauber, the murmur of the crowd without want oned over the foot-way, the upper part als prevented
unbroken and not low roar of wicked, wan-light from emering applicant's rooms.
Two Gamers are advertised to run regular ly between the Sacramento city and San Francisco. The Helen Stewart is likewise ad- vertised for the Sandwich Islands and kong
TAR CONSTITITION OF THE STATE OF Ca-ing for the ceremouy, at last subdued and silenced that any part of the platform projcated over the pub. tou anticipation. While the Mannings were dross- The landlord of the house attended, and denied LIFORNIA War signed on the 13th of October into calmness by the dreadful carialary of retribu-he way. As for its preventing the light from so ay the respective Delegates in convention as
Lion, rottibation which now stood as to face tering his lodger's 100m, he could not complain, se sembled at Colton Hall, in the city of Monterey, bowled with impatience to see blood for blood, et
with their memories,-the mob outside shouted and his time was up that night, he having given him a a salute of THIRTY-ONE guns was fired, and the relieved the tedium by joining in the chorus of some
weak's notice at Saturday to quit that day. FIRST GUN for California was hailed with vulgar duggrel, to the accompaniment of the cacall and the there whistle. The convicted criminas hearty and patriotic cheers. Mr P. II. Burneti
walked to their fate in decool maidness: the uncon-ed had a large majority of votes as Governor. riced mub yelled with vindictive rags, or mars The Mariposa's cargo is advertised conrist. sounel excitement; and the eyes swulem with the ing of China Bricks and Wooden Houses, but
wine and the vigil gloated on the convulsed agonies no prices are given.
of human extremity.
A great many people were returning to the Sandwich Islands, probably owing to the cold season having set in at the digging, but hon. dreds continued to strive from New South Wales and others quarters :-
The following description of u largo peace of gold weighing aves fourteen, younda we expy from the Ahi California of Ang. 1. When in San Francio, attention was called to it by Mr Hooper, of the firms of ("prve, 11-beon & Co, and wowok me like pairs to me it. The report that
‧ piece weighing sweaty-five punde had been found, although the port not generally credited.
‧ We were shown last week at the songs of Memes Crom, Hobs Cathe largest specimen of gold we have pei regulat absand boulder, campeed of gold and quar, and measures 7inches in length by an average shinh nen af 1 1-8inches, and variva in widela. from $3.40 3. About three-fourth of talk le quarta, which we should diakenslowes about one quariae of its weight,
Frightful incongruities these! But when we on- ter upou faleo courees in the case of capital punishment, we often and the most startling and revolting incongruities at the further end of the course. If you exbibis this "emmpla, on what pretext do you keep the public away1 if the public u to come, why may not persons provide that own places of they are to preoccupy those places be times, why not make themselves comfortable1 and ben iho contort, perhaps the luxury, jarting with the shocking occasion, suggests the inverted melan choly of a ghastly invity and an indecat wil
(From the Times of Monday.)
The lodger said he wanted to get rid of him to flud an opportunity of letting the window to persons on the day of execution. Ite, however, was determin.
not to leave.
private affaire. It was stated that the scadulding Mr Becker vald he had nothing to do with their projected as the public footpath, consequently he should order it to be removed.
Guest was ordered to take a number of constables with him to remove the nuisance.
Manning and his wife attended divine servios in the chapel of Hurasmonger Lane Gaol on Sunday for the last time, when the Hor. W. S Rowe, chap. lain of the prison, preached a very impressive ser mon. The two convicts were deeply affected during the delivery of the sermon, and when the ror. preach er addressed them personally, they sobbed aloud.
The following letter was addressed to the chap- lala on Friday evening:-
confronted with Manning he could not wear that
he was the party who pledged them; in fact, be believed the map to be much emmaller and of darker fentures. At the desire of the magistrate be hand.
-ed the platole aver to loupeator Yatar, who c pared the balet found in the murdered men's band with one of the pistols which had been discharged, They bad since been in the possession of the lar pector, and as they had been pledged Satily he claimed their restoration.
Mr Becker-But you can have no claim on them. They are instruments used in committing so o?ance, and under those aircaretamens are the property of the Crowe,
Mr Adams.-Bet there has been no proof that commining the murder. I could not swear that either of the platela was the actual ons weed in Manning was the party who pledged them; (bere fore I have a right le them.
Mr Becker-But there in every rosson to beliers that one of them was the instrument used in com mitting the murder. In Got, the male convict hal acknowledged they were the actual ones he pledge, Mr Adams. They were not stolen, and at received them in a lawful manner I contend I here faspector has to detain them.
■ right to them. I se?'t see what business the
Mr Socket.The pistols were pledged at your shop after one of them had been used to commit murder; consequently they become the property of the Crown (= fact, all property belonging to convicts is forfeited to the Orown.
My dear Bir,-Feeling an earnest desire to be at pases with all men, and with my wife in particular. before the close of our earthly course, which is so m
Mr Adime-But not before conviction. Ind. pidly approaching, mayak it of you, so an act of kind, so learn from bar whether an interview maying that one of them had boon used to somit vanced money upon theas in a fair way, not kn?m The whole opere in front of Horsemooger Lane wicked of any one who shall enter the presence.
Det lake place, so it la truly awful to contemplate the murder; consequently, I ought to have them re Gaol bea for the last two days bean crowded with the awful prrenos, of God without being at par with
turned to me. people drawn thither to view the sceus of the apellom. As each interview would. I think, be calce- which at #16 the ounce, would give #3,500 patriaproaching execution, and probably that each personlated to bring peace and comfort to us both in the sext world, do, in the same of God, let me Implore of you
The weight of the piece is 14 pounds, 9.11 ounces, Trey
val were its gold. Deducting one quarter for the to
le contains, and its value is #9,130 The specimen kan bean purchased of Dan Vrsace Laon of Stan?io, ke $3,500, and it in ampposed to be intended fut the cabut of Queer, Vicula.
(From the China Mail, Ikat January.) On Friday, a disturbance took place on hoard the American whale abip Cabinas, now in the har- bour. The men got drunk and quarreled amongst themselves; and the officers having interfered, the fourth mate received a slight wound with a kaife, and one of the seaman was severely injured by a kick. One of the riosera has been sentenced 14 months' imprisongsent, and two have been courmit. ted for trial before the Petty Sessions.
aught decide beforehand upon the pasion which
he or she should occupy on Tuesday morolog. to ask her to graut this last requart for the sake of ber
Nor are the imense numbers of persons that col·! treted the only proof of the extraordinary curiosity which the fate of the condensed murderers, and thie desite to witness sheir last mortal agony, excite. All the windows in the neighbourhood whence a tiuw of the execuuon can be obtained have been let at prices of von guine and two guiness for each seat. The homes tope will also be occupied by spectators, paying exorbitantly for the unen. viable privilege of taking then stand there, and every patch of enclosed ground where a glimpse of the drop can be lid will realize to its owner a good round 'I'be demand for aca?mmedation is very sig Bibcantly illustrated by the following account of
hope you will promote it.-I remain, my dear Sir, pearl. ir, if you could venture to do this for me. your obediently.
Mr Secker.-I really, cannot assist you; the property is in the hands of the Governmos you particularly wish for the pistola I shoui ad- vise you to apply to the 'Tronours.
about the pistols, without being the last remuest Me Adama, have bad considerable trouble
end; therefore I consider that I am sotitled to se and any benefit that might necrus from the sale of the instruments.
"FLICK Guonon MaxxING. "The Her. W. 8. Howe, Chaplain." Hawe, but it had no effect, as aho perana in her ea
This latter was handed to Maria Manning by Mreist fal to grant her husband an interview unless be first commits bimerli to the version of the circum.
mances set forth in her reply to a previous letter. Friday morning and communicated the result of Mr Biana had so interview with Manning on his endeavours la obfain a commutation of the cn- pical sentence on his behalfa Maaning had unter-
Mir Senker tall you again that I cannot
you. The pistols are forfeited to the Crown. baving been used to commit murder.
Mr Adam-But no person has made a claim on them in a Irgal way, consequently 1 thought
amine. There is no proof that either of them were store them, as 1 merely handed them to burn leat your Worship could order Inspector Y10 10
word by the murderers.
Me Becker-The male cobrics has confessed
that they were the actual pistols, and be pledged | Bro. 8. Any person agalast whom a judgment | them at your abop on the 1th of August. It has may be obtained, under the provisions of this act, also been proved where they were purchased, there shall be entitled to maintains suit to compea con fare it is quite clear that the Crown base right to tribution towards paying the judgment against him, delain them.
against all persona engaged in such trase in such Mr Adama,---I shall take your advios then, and county, city, lawn or village who may have sold apply to the Treasury immediately.
or given liquor to such person committing an of fence, or becoming a public charge.
Buc. 9. Any person who shall vend or retail, It has been sacarlained that early on Sunday or for the purpose of avoiding the provisions of this morning the wratabad woman Maris Manong hol, give away spirituous liquors without first gi
de an attempt to strangle barwell. From the sing the band required by the firet section of this tinre of her conviction the governor of the gaol had ac, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and taken ty precaution for har safu kaping, and up convinion thereof shall be fined in a sun of br that purpose had placed three female turakaya - not less than fifty, or more than five hundred dol ber call. She pretended to feel a strong attack-lars, and be imprisoned in the county jail not less ant for theen, and often requested them to lie down this days, or more than six menthe, and shell and inke a few hours' repose, but they declined be liable in all respects to the public, and to indi doing so, as they had worload that, although she viduals, the mate as he would here been had he frequently affected to be asleep, she was witching given the bond required in the first section of this their movements with great carnaticom. About act, three o'clock on Sunday morning, however, two This remarkable expression of public opinion, in of them being overcome with fit que, fell asleep. Wisconsin, on the subject of "spirituous liquors," and the primer took the opportunity to endeavour passed the Senate by a vote of 10 to 3, and the Au- to strangle burself by tightly gaping her throat, sembly 28 to 21. It goes some slepe beyond say med forcing her malls into the winalpipe. The third Jegulation on the subject in the country. attendant cheerved hoc as she was becoming con.
!Niles' Register. vulsed, and arousing the other attendants, the un- happy woman was prevented from completing her dreadful purpose. It appears that she had allowed her malls to grow to a great length, and had abat- pened them almost to a point, it is needless to
add that care has been taken to prevent bee repeat (From "Dies Borealis" in Blackwood's Magazine
ing the attempt. Un Banday evening she retired to bed early, and did not rise antil late on the fol lowing morning, but she slept for a short time on- Jy. She expressed great indignation at having on- veral women watching over her bed all night, and uld they should not do so again, for on the next night (ber lam) she would not go to bed at all. I was hoped that the Impressive address delivered by the chaplain on Sunday would have brought bar to something like puniteoes, especially as during its delivery site +xhibited na appearance of contrition;
for September.)
Soward-Will you, sir, be pleased to sum up the Argument of the First Chapter of the Anslogy? North-No. Do you. You have heard it-and you understand (1.
Olearly examined and better known, resulted in good-and thence draw hope that the stroke which deanta our Imagination, ne though it were the worst of evils, will prove, when known, a die- pensation of bouuty-"Death the Gate of Tulfo,"
AT HORGRONG, opening into a world in which His beneficent hand, 29, Vizen, McMardo, from Amoy 28th January, if not nearer to then kore, will be more mondily 30, H. & C. B. P. Op 'n Str. Canton, Boages, from visible-so clouds Interposing between the ayes of
Canton our soul and their Bun-That the perplexity which oppremes our Understanding from the sight of this world, in which the Good and Evil avem intermixed and erasing sah other, almost vanishes 11, Amaroka (A-Whaler), Smith, from Bandwich when we lift up our thoughts enotemplate this mutable sorne sa a place of Probation and of Die 31, Cowper (Anu-Whaler), Cola, frota Sandwich is lalunda 29th October, with 1,390 barrels DHL.
cipline, where Borrows and Bufferings are gives to school us to Virtuose the Arena where Virtosa, Balley, Law, from Honolulu 16th December. landa 21th October, wah 2,360 barrels Oil. strives in the laborious and perilous contest, of which it shall hereafter moeite the well-won and
glorious arown-That we draw confidence in the
11, Zephyr, Brown, from Amoy £1th January and
Name 19 do.
I, U 8. Ship Saint Mary, Commodore Voorki,
from San Francisco 4th Novembar.
see a mclusions, frous observing how closely sil ef and agreeing to each other are the Two Great | Jan. Truths of Natural Religion, the Belief in God and
Nerbudda, from Bydany. Horsburgh, →→→, from Bydney.
Eb, Balkaven, Gilkinson, from Bally,
we have received the idea of God, as the Great the Belief in our own Immortality; so that, when Governor of the Universe, the belief in ear own prolonged existance appears to du ea a necessary part of that Government ; or if, upen the physical arguments, we have ndemitted the independent con. viction of our Lastmortality, this doctrine appears to
The schooner Rality reports, H. Mcshlju. Am- us barren and conforties, until we naderstand that phitrite and Herald at Mazution, also the yacht ible continuance of our Baing is to bring us into the Nancy Dawson, the owner Captain Bhaddan diod more untroubled fruition of that Light, which bars there on the 11th November
skines upon us, often through mist and slund 1-- That in all those high doctrines we are instructed
to rest more securely, no we find the growing har. | Jan, mony of one solema conviction with sootbar-29, Antelope (Am), Darbom, Bhangbai. wa And that all our better and nobler Faculties co- operats with one another and those predominat, P.&O.Co.'s Str. Achilles, Erana, Bombay, &c.
10, Nymph, Wilson, Am^y. ing principles carry us to these convictions-so that our Understanding then fret begins to pos
11, Mageia, Davidson, Shanghai. res kaslf in strength, had light when the bean 11, Alligator, Duna, Amoy, has nocepted the Moral Law;But that our Un 31, H. & C. & P. Co.'s Str. Canton, Beasons, Ma- Nature itself, with all its affections, only fully 11, P. & O. Co's Sur. Conlon, Jamison, Canton, derstanding is only fally at ange. and our Moral
cao, Camalogmoon, and Canton apported and expanded, when both together have borue us un to the knowledge of flim who is the Wodas (Denleb), Bendixen, Whampo sole Source of Law -the highest Object of Thought 11, Paquahol Garner (Fr.), Unznot, Whumpon.
-the Favourer of Virtue-towards whom Love | Jan. may sternally grow, and still be infinitely less than 1, San Benito (Spanish), Dominguez, Manila. En dus-till we have resobed this knowledge, Jan and with it the steadfast hope that the last act of
this Life Juios,us to Him-duss not for ever shut 19, Confucius, Scott, London.
Beward.-1 cabgot venture on it. North-Do you, my excellent Talboys-for you know the Book as well as I do infaell
Talbeye. That the Order of Nature shows us grent and wonderful obauges, which the living be. but withlo so hour altor she left the chapal she re- ing undergoon-and arising from beginnings in- esmed ber formar air of indifference. In the after-conceivably low, to higher and higbur conditions noon the ray. chaplain had an interview with her, of consciouense sud action;-That unde au SE bat she destined his spiritual assistance, and saltation of our Powers by the change Death, would obstinately refused to have any interview with her be congrusus to the progrow which we bare wits miserabla "husband. Bha stili entertained strong
messed in other creatures, and have experienced in hopes that through the intervention of the Duchess ourselves-That the fact, that before Death we possess Powers of acting, and safering, and sa- of Sutherland or Lady Blantyes she would receive
joying, affords a prima facie probability that, after the clemency of the Crown, but lata in the day who was informed that her hope in those quarters Death, we shall continue to powers them; because us up in the night of Oblivious-And we bare → Candice (Am), Gardner, New York. was gone, for bor letter had been retaroad to the it is a constant prasumption in Nature, and as strengthened sarvalves in inferences forced upon Jan. geol unopened,
upon which we constantly reason and rely, speculs by remembering how humankind has consent
12, Ranee, Mille, Bingapore. ad in those Beliafa, an if they were a part of ver The noise of the multitude that crowded roundtively and practically, that all things will coat Nature and by remembering farther, bow, by
13, Naga Laut (Dusch), Smith, Singapore, the jail on Monday to witness the preparations for as they are, unless a saose appear saliciens for the force of these Beliefs, human Bociaties have 18, Pioladas (Dutch), Parry, Samarang. the heat dreadful scene was distinely audible in her changing the But that in Death nothing pahsisted and been held together-how Laws have 18, Prince Albert, Mason, Blagapers.
"nesty apk?da skroplo-vallan (9 destroy the Paware of call and she was informed that the angfold wzg
PAMENGCHA, erected. She appeared in quite aware then that A, Enjoyment, and Sudering in a Living Bebe sanctioned, and how Virtes, Wisdom, and her late was fixed, but an agreed that the p-For that is all we know of Death we know all the good and great works of the Human Spirit
Per P. & O. Co.'s Br Achilles--For England, ple should not ma bor, so she would cover her the destruction of parts and to the sons of a bare, oder ihre naces han produced Moara Pearson and Milna For Gibraltar, Spanish Government Agent. For Calcutta, Mr C. Mysen, Ble continued to manifest the same bittar Sing Living Being t-But that of any destructios reach Burely grow is the Power of all tosso concurrent "lowards bar bokksund, but inquired "ow her win, 499- Tog, or that we have reason to suppose to reach the considerations brought from wary part of our Na. For Bombay, Moers P. D. Franjos, D F. Canje Living Bring, we know nothing: That the Unity are--frem ile Material and the Immaterial-from and Servant, and A. Abdoollatich and Servant, For how he lacked ; and on being tall the 4562about- by musoisted sind dai? detrit, shu joudvaty Tomarked of Consciousness persuades no that the Balog in the Tntificstuff and Moral-from the Individens | Singapura, Cut Chieman, thas the supposed his "fat old jowl" was chinoer. which Corecious semially resides is one and on on this side of the grave, and that which rea |sed the Hosial--from that which compacta our axis.
allar to the rallong robberies, with which be la d to have been coghosted, and has drakered thing was the mouna of ouring him from truss- portatis, the mme time expressing ber regret that she did en, for the inslala that if he bad bean sent out of the country at the time she would new be a happy woman, sajoying her liberty, instead of
prisonse in gol under sentence of death.
- indivisible-by any accident, Death inclusive, ins
(up towards sleamsa,
COMMERCIAL INTRELICENOR. (From the Overland Friend of China, Jan., 19.) SHANGHAI MARKET REPORT.
(kich January, 1880.) IMPORTS.
A moen better fooling has been erinsed during the past
Up to parlacing she who not aghimas of the non- using be bad made to the shapin, Bhe has often decerptible;-That the progress of disesses, grows our existamos beyond from that which ing till they kill the mortal body, but leaving the looks down upon the Earth, and that which looks Faculties of the Boul in full forse till the last gasp of living breath, so a particular argument, sata- blinking this independeuse of the Liring Being Tosters-Aparean brought his wife to the the Spirit-witch in the man himself-upon the 'polios ollos on a 'okargs of habitual drunken- accidents which may befall the perishable frame. nam. The wi?n, neung by the complaints of
North-Having seen, then, Natural Proball. her husband, recorted. You're so sober yoursel,th the forsiga manufactures, them holl bank prerkovary city that the principle within us, which in the seat man? *Me no sobar l' oralalmed the man; fit's shown for some time past; and athough the two lat
and source of Thought and Feeling, and of soch four months the noo sin' I joined the Tastotal Life as can be imparted to the Body, will subwist Bosisty, and I only fell through the last week a andestroyed by the shanges of the Body-and ww; but you wanna joined a week, woman, till having recognised the undoubted Power of the ya bagan to amoggia, and you're scarcely ever Crestor if it plosses Him-indefioitaly to prolong been sober sin" syou. Thae's waar members (From the Polynesian.)
the life which He has giren-how would you and of the society theo ma ; but so for you, you're a Math is said in these times about "Model hoe, my dear Fried, proceed-from the ground the diagrace to connected wi't. Eland your wheat, bande, wives, babies, aunts, mother-in-law, Be gained and on which-with Butler-we take our man; I keeph steady enough till I got band of a publica, Parishes," &c. do. The Bats of Westrad-to speak further of reasons for believing in drop o2 your aln as Sunday that yo had hidden consin, one of the members of the "Model Reps the immortality of the Soul
in commas, whane ya thought I wadna' look blic," has patched a proper altitude on the subject Seward, feel, sir, that I have already taken fort. Eh, Jean, was't you that start that? of lampernice, to be regarded as a "blodel Bunte !" | more than my own part in thle conversation. We That's war than ever-ya deserve to be sent to and we strongly recommand all vilesmen to be should have to inquire, sir, whether in Hla koown Bridewell for that same lisel": lock her up, po. their best efforts to bring their respective bodies attributes, and in the known modes of His guvern Hoemas. The police, however, refused to inter. politic up to the honorable position, where Wis-
ment, we could sacertain any cases making it pro- form, and dismissed them both. consin, alons, standa pre-eminent.
bable that He will thus prolong our existence- and we find many such grounds of cooldenos,
North-Go on, my dear Soward. Smeard-If you please, air, be yours the closing words-for the Night
Temperance La A stringeot bill relating to latoriosting drinks bas baca passed by the Wis cousin Legislature, which requires all persons who would vead or retail spirituous liquors to gien band to the town authorities, with thres zu. retim, io $1000, "conditioned to pay all damage the community or individols may sustain by rea- of such trade; to support all paupers, widows sad orphans pay the expenses of all civil and criminal prosecutions made, growing out of, or justly attributable to such trafia." And it is made
Norik.-The implantad longing in every human bonum for such permanent saintraoo-the fixed on- laipation of it-and the recoil from annihilation- seem to us intimations vouchsafed by the Creator of His designs towards un the borror with which Remorse awakened by ain looks beyond the Greve, partakes of the same prophetical inspiration. We
the duty of the officer holding the bond to deliver see how precisely the lower animals are stad to
it to any person claiming to be injured by aid trafo." "We quote the remaining provisions sure.
the plass which they hold upon the earth, with Instincte that exactly supply thale nerds, with so
B. 4. i shall be lawkal for any married wa-powers that are not here satisfied-while we, so if man to institute in ber own name, a suit on any out of place, only through much dificult experience
uch bond, for all damages sustained by hemelf or children on account of ench traffic; and the money when collected shall be paid over to bet, for the
of bell and children,
Wa worldly man, when we son friends and kinoman Past hope sani la sbale fortmass, lend no kard To lift them up, bot rather art our foot Upon their hands, to press them to the bottom; As, I man yield, with you I praciled it ; Bai, now I am you in a way to the
I can and will assist you.-Maringer.
ADHIC OF THE RIEDI, (From the Literary Seunctir,
A rolos of music swells from yonder reeds, Where Elts on fesele wing the rising blunt, Low as the sound when gentle play pleads, Or loss remembranes monena the charlabed past; Now, with wild notes apon the water cam, Like tulema voices jolsed la holy mala ;- Anon with measarni intermingling fast,
An pala the divinat cholt-and hiked again, Like Elope that cheere despate-or Grief that wwepe in vaka 1
Eli? the salive harmony of earth- The slow, and awful byma of olde
A melting sirain which owes no moral birth, Bal bram by Nature, in her softest mood, From heath, ofroniese grove, oc mountain rade, Where is in their leafy cwilight r And bloome the gracafil tenant of the wood, Grief's golden emblem, with the plant which vis
Death approaches, our Moral and Intellectual Partner of Friendship's self, to be like member okien.
calties often go on advancing to the Just, as if showing that they were drawing sigh to their pro
can adapt ourselves to the physical oltonCALEDON into which we are introduced-and thus, in que respect, furnished below our condition, are, on the other band, by aspirations of our higher faculties, B. 6. No waits for liquor bille stall be un- raised infinitely shove it if intimating that fortaled by any of the courts of this use, and whilst those creatures are fulfil the purpose of their whenever it shall be made to sppear in any court oraation, here we do sot-and, therefore, look our before which a suit may be pending, so a promis|ward-That whilst our other Powers, of which sara?ota, that such note was given in whole or the use is over, decline in the course of nature as jap for liquor bills, sock deurt shall immedia tely diamine such nuit 'at she cost of the plaintiff.
Bac. On the trial of any mail under the pro- visions of this act, the oe or foundation of which por sphere of action !-That whilst the Laws regu- shall be the act of ne tedividual under the loflu-lating the Course of Hen Affairs visibly proceed ence of liquor, it shall only be necessary in order from Ruler who favours Virtue, and who frowne le sustain the action, to prove that the principal la upon Vice, yet that a jum retribution does not som the band sold or gave liquor to the parana (so in-
unifurioly carried out in the good succem of well- foxicated or in liquos) whose acte are complained doors, and the ill euocem of evil doors-so that we of on the day previous to the commission of the are led on by the constitution of our soule to louk forward to a world in which that which bere lawks like Moral Disorder, might be reduced into Order, and the Justice of the Ruler and the comitancy of His Laws vindicated-That in sladying the arrangements of this world, we see thet in many which, upoa
And wall the Areadien Deky of gum,
Beneath the shade of man-grown bengka reclined, Where nodding thickets crows the pebbled shore,
And salad the rved lia anawar in the wind, Amidst the whispered melody might Bad Th: Intan breathings of that conquering power, The fir, and mightiest mdutrans of the mind. While at Aocian's worm, or Danger's hoor, Raising the drooping sont, au dewn the withered flower. Bigh on, thon bruene i and ye, Night tanves, that make The fast tout, the desert mild, And Gil with woonde of pesos anah ruaciong benken; Be toetsietillo-maldit this pathlam wild, The western sky with clouds of glory pliaj, High sat abora-canh-ocean calm balow, And felt when creatie?'s morning umiled
Sko 7. Whenever a person shall becomes a coumy, city, or village charge by resea of intom pemoce, a suit may be instituted by the proper au thorities, on the bond of any one who may bars besa in the habit of selling or giving liquor to auch 1 cases dispositions of Jumsa aba! being mare | For all thei azi can touch-for all that skill can show.
person or paper so becoming a public charge.
their dret aspect, appeared to us evil,
I would not change the straine which ye bestaw,
month's daliecina mun heavy, the demand for most dem. criptionati condianes et un adraneo of fully & par sast on our previous quotatione
Buenverno,- Lsports during the month by the Mmda- rin and Monarch from England, and other vamale Indirect- ly amount i
10 mille places Greys, and 17,400 ploom its, and deliveries (including 6,000 pleons `n halen en- exported) to about 79m, placat Orago, and 17m plaess Wiltes, leaving a sink in first hands of most 300ml ple- aan, of which about 200m places are Greys, and tada, pleom Walles. Dar preant quotations pos
For Grey-cally, 89.18 to a 930 ; 43 to dj matty, 81.21 65 to 7 cutty, 83.33 to 2.45 : 7) 90 74 muly, #420 White-00 reed, 82.35 to 9 19; 464, 49.50 to 2,00; and 136., 49 65 to 3 75, at which the desfers are stii will- ing purchases; the comparatively high rules obtained some the go for the lower qualitine of White Shirtless, has case this description so be imported in exem, and they are now difficult of sale the doolers betting mlekana apply their prosent wants. With finer Emeriodone sha mekot le mit se mali sappiled, and we hope to see an in- provement on provoni th?m, n?he the Casele barduja
Spotting Shirting---Buck, henry sed in na rogent mi prstom, nie hem we hated of say mine | nominal quotations
has been naqury.
to 165
AMERICAN DALLa and Bungtings.-Este improve 10 per plans, and onles during the teach simonni ti 10m. pleca 30 yarda at 91 96 to 3.88 por pinor, and i pisons de yard at 92.70; leaving a stock of only 11,000 places of both descriptione in first hands. Of ghoodage, che les are Inis penoms 40 yarde at from 23.39 to 11 38 per pinta Jeaving only 5,200 pisoss in fest banda,
Po Paga. - Imports of 1,050 picsan per Monerak and Mandarin, and sales of 406 pilnu katarted granne st 83.00 per placa. The mecha of baik. Turiny (al and va. thout gromade are large, and so many holders sopOAS LAT?ONA to offest anden, prices continua low; Turkey Red Blendkar- china are also dalt, and no salas ; proteat value about 91,33 10 130 per place for small less." Turkay Bed Chach hor beeld is small lato at #85 io par pleor.
VELVET-Bull continun in requent as last monch to quo. cales; offered $60 placas kao born maldan 48 cena per pard; pala Clentina Blue, 1 inch in overth 30 to 34 Denim black and bloe 30 in 20 cents per parl.
Ooren YARK.-Contians without sonably, and we dec the option s? thin article will at uit deman da vory linis- od at this part, se Cecina le grown in a considerable azunt In the neighbourhood; the Imporm during the year have been 3,519 picain, of which 1,878 have been reexported by fa- signare to sizes ports leaving a stock of 1,900 plenia la fest heads.
Watare.-Sangorm during the mod tevant to t pines, and and so about 2,000 ploom, lavving a stock of about 10,000 plesov in drut handa ; during the past, man in an advance of fally & par mat has taken place in the piou at vipanish Stripe, for which there has been a fair derhand, and the dealers are will willing to pursites sandraad onto of fair quality at from 55 cvath to 91 13 con pas parts of Bendly the machat appoors rather oracetoked, and hay kon we at present in rep and Green, being the potential Dark Blue and Gratin, kith a
small, propicion of salonen angle n?ur.
Long Imports of 250 places since our las?, and sales of near 11,700 plnoms, leaving the computed stock im Best hands 0,300 plaats. The sheva having bon endraly diaposed of la barter, (principally for hallik) kane made tim poble elleet cash sales at anything the tale runn
Contato -Importa during the mouth - [480 piese via Hongkong, and sales of 150 places, leaving abou) 1920 pieces on hand. There is at pement ifte ve no domand
for these goods, h?t m the stack compared with prevlas yeur, des but som ench an increase as other Woollen Buschur cod as the article in obizy bold by co party, we hope to soe better entes ebininable, when's de- mand spclogs wo
Orsake has gradually deciled, many parties being anxious to reduce their stocks the duaand has been Tory limited and bu? few unles made,
(90th January, 1850.)
The shipment of Ten since our last whe
arnell quantlides only could now be affected at the current as of last month. Nell rod and Hoop considerable decroses on those of previce montba; from Whampos only thras cargoes a to le
being lightest in vosoke are most enquired for,
Owing to short arrivals and doaressing stocks the market for Corton Goods has continued athadily to Improve; while the news par mail having folly higher than any calling canso now be good confirmed the general impression, that the advance to the English market would aroosarily limit ship nients from thenes for some time to come & still further advance may reasonably he looked for, though from the most approach of the Chies bolli.,
yore, inferior Malwa is perfectly ?- sirable, stock aboqi 2 000 chesta.
Palin, a few hundred chenta have been thrown upon the market the phat conch Rue the purpose of paying the Ton and silk who enquire thele toode before the Chines
bat little in demand; stocks are getting heavy,
LEAD remeine at lest neonib's quotations, and TEN PLATE have been in moderate request, but the market being over supplied for pre- requirements; a drie baas taken place on iset month's ralos: 374 to 85 par box is nominal.
BANDAL WOOD-- Malabar vomaine un last quot- S. S. Islende lo consequence of the very heavy Haryana, are saleable at current rates; the Anor dription being moet in demand.
New Year and this coupled with the great decline in days the Native Dealero generally are unwilling to toeks is almast ausoleable at any prion.
the Geith has had the effect of bringing down prices al- De town to the rules we arw quow in 443 10 618. Barre,ad importues we think could not see sell si price over Block about 800 chest.
TEL--The advance mentioned in prices of black. Toss in
our feet, has been fully labeled the purchase of ??u thang b? b? to c?a con will keeplay the marke baru, although sappilan have arrived freely from the in- terior in oddtion to the usual arrivals" from the Ten districts dirunt, thara kavo been large quantities originally intended for ultra conser:ption brought Cows Com 240- chow, alter being repacked ?n that place Purchases hava soonliked sheet shtirely of good ordinary to but middling qualities, for which 18) in 145 and 12 tanla have been paid, And for a few thous 13 to 15 tasik... The stock in Bhang- hat does not showed 13 to 16 chops, but it is very probable that we may have lu nedition semis 40 to 48 chopi, during the remainder of the semen, If present rates continue. l'urers co the 1st of July amount to 315 to 233 chops. Of Green, ami 19 to 15,000 packages have born taken, placipally for Amorien, ut prices the name us last u?onth, axcept Guspoedera which are 2 tools higher, and common Yong Hyo 3 dana lower: purchases from the lat July, are about 15,000 packages, of which only 8,Co? have beez ise England; unsad stock small, and consists mostly -The advices ressived by recent manils from Eng- had, sad the mall quantity offering continue to keep prince, for article on the advance for Vuales, of which detery. True No. 1, is now queued at 84ta to 500. Mo. 1, #470. Ne B, 6280 in 446, No. 3, #360 to 316 and even at chuan rain the market is barely supplied. "Toy- mano having bom comparatively higher fur sotto time just, (la commqueme of the demand for asuve commption) orei siam wihost shuration. The shipmonia in Gront Heade
of Tasky od Skla.
dirtt Kad vin Hoogkang, amount to 9,571 bales, and are 1 new 1,000 bales venly for skipunnat including, which compared with former posts, skipmann to Europe stand to ander
1818-11,821 bulan. 1849-19,916 bales. 1848-17,378 balss. EXA-Bils on Englend at 6 Monthe sight, with documenta, have sold at ex, Tji, to do id. ; al (bino cateo sales are dificult
Bills on Judis.The companys accepted Bille are go ed at 330 to 234 Rapens per 100e dollas
FLIRTS-To England, Tes £3 10. and 8 £1.
At them rahan the Jola Basya, Nebudda, and Biz Edward Parry are lending for Lundun. The Mama
Liverpool, and the Mandarin will be laid on for Loodes. The Confucius called for the Intier port on
she tih instand.
purchase beyond their Immediate requirements. Grey Clocks are saleable at $755 to 2.60 lor to goode-7 to 7? at 82 70 to 275. The males of mschere stimated at 35,000 ploors. Fait to god White Shirtmge of 56 lo Bi zeed are quoted at $2.50 to $9; to finer fabrics-of which thees are
Rion is plentiful and prices are moderate; all up- probation of warcity here is now removed. Com- mon to fair Bolly cargo is selling at Hongkong and Macao at $1.55 to 1.70 per pleat. The so- counts from Bhanghai are, of an advancing market
Bow nonsering-would command 93 to or up-and a dread of famine about March and April. warda. Sales amount in about 15,000 pieces,
OPIUM.-Some animation prevail in our mar- For as Bengal Optum the demand le retber bask, new Pates at $4894 to $455, and new Holders are Grm and Senared $1921 por Choo. demanding higher rates.
About 900 bales of Yarm have changed hande at an advance of $1 to 93 on previous rates; the imket. prorament being more marked, in the bigher au bere. The following quomilead are now current :-- 10 to 34 - 028 to 96)
28 to 39 - 028 to 90° 89 15 42-081 10 311
Haw Corron has again advanced some 3 to 4 mece since the arrival of the mall; the stock on
Old Palan dull at 84873 to 470 per chost.
Tua.--The past month has been one of unusual deffene in this market; in Black Tows especially
band in vary modarala, the Native inerchants hold. [there is hardly a traumotion to report.
- ing hulo or none; 18,000 to 20,000 bales have
Nothing has been done in Congee on English
boon sold during the month Betsbay is oote quo- | accoum ; a few obops only having bann taken for the
to8 9-Bengal is quite nominal. ted at trala 7 4 to 7.8 for fine, and Madras iela 8,3 Cantinental and Sydney markets. The Teamen however evince no disposition to give way and are CARLETT.-The Goods have slightly improved | asking fully 2 taola above last year prices for the in consequence of the very light sucks on Mad; lower" descriptions. The stocks on hand is by no some demand during the fast work has established | mosnu excessiva ; the quantity to arrive but small, | a small advance and the ben Norwich Goads are now quoted at 921 to $20 for sorted-Bourlets 8:26 10 #38; Dosch, atjorted, 824 to $25.
Woolla bure participated in the general im- provement, skhough the still hoavy stocks with the quantity to arrive tende to chock any considerable |advanos in prica.
Lono ELLs are quoted at an advanos of 10 to 20 conts; sales bare been elected to the extent of 12,000 pinco
Spanien Stulpa.-The demand for these Goods |is still very limited though priom are quoted 2 to 8
'par ount better than last inouth.
BLAKETU→Nons on the market, Bigh nomins! prices are spoken of, but very small supplies will suffice, and there are expected from Shanghai and Singapore.
Purch of Souchong are confleed to to chops of common quality chiefly for the Continent. Of Bound Ther th? sales have been trifling at about the current rates of last month ; the stocks on hand are not heavy.
The sectioments in Grasa Tess comprise aboni 40,000 packages monly for America; latterly how- urse there has been loss demand for that market, sod prices are gradually giving way, although still || too high to afford any margin for operations. Ship mesta of fine Greene for the English market have bosen very limited; the bulk have boon taken for | Amarica and the Continent. Tho present stook
i? estimated at 70,000 packages chisfy of com. men to middling Jo-criptions.
Canton made Imperials and Gunpowders are salable at somewhat reduced nutse; for Young By. METAL--Fran; the demand la dull and on!ou ni | soms there is no domand.
January, 29/A, 1860.
(All Articles quoted 2 Months Cash prices and Duty Paid except when other (as mentioned.
Description of Goods
Pratias paid in Sport Silver.)
30 00
12 0 to 15
2 60 to
Ala-Aropp's, Bam's and Hodgson's
Batal Nut--new
Canvas English and Scotch
Cordage, European
Grey Shirtings (1, E. 40 lm, by 384 yda.
60 reed---71 lbs. a 8 lbs.
8 lb. lbs. 6 oz.
of Ib. 10 lbs.
G. E. 36 in, by 40 yds?
60 to 64 reed
60 do.
04 do.
66 do.
12 do.
White Shirting
72 do.
30 in.
Handharabiofa (Chintz),-29 Prius, Chintz 28 in. by 28 yds, TwistWater) No. 16 a 24′
No. 28 a 39 -
No. 39 a 42
METALS, Copper-Sheathing
Booth American
Square Bar
Flat Bar
Bmall round and wire
Lead-Pig, English
Byeker Bleed-Buglish Bwedish
Banca Plaine J. C.
Paine, (New)
Benares Malwa Turkey
Pepper. Rice,--Cargo quality
Bundal Wood,-Malaber
Timor, and 8. 9. Lalanda
Spanish Stripes. 60 a 62 in. - Haba Cloths, 60 " 82 in.
Medium Clock, 60 a 63 in.
Superior Broad Cloths, 60 " 02 in.
Long Elle,-30 in, by 24 yds, masorted
Chalets-30 in. by 66 yds, amored
Bear lat
Dutch, 28 in. by 40 yds.
Lastings,-&orted, 30 to 39 in bv 50 yds. Bombaxeus-30 in, by 56 yds.
???????????4 4444 ????? ????????? ??????????????????? ???? ??????????? ??? ??????
Anirood, Stur
in Haughing.
ported, those of the Incaligator, Euphrates, and John Cooper the two former having sailed prior the departure of the Decembar mail; the Be Arsen is reported to sail in a few days, and the scarcity of Freight offering, she win probably lead Now Margaret is laid on for London,-from but slowly,
Prices do, we quote as follow. Congo-BL eiro on biok bent-17 tala
Bl day, and Bouchong kiads 15 ton, Good ordinary to BL vozes H to 14% % About 26,000 packages rumalaing no good er
Souchong.ooo, 19; to 18 mele,
Bl. r. Sou, kind, 18 to 19 thelu. Nothing floor in the market with the excmplim of 1 or 2 chops bald for extravagant zulka. Flowery Pelos.No esles-prices nominal.
Not more than 200 to 800 package of com.
mon remaing. Oolangs and Ningyong.-1,500 to 3,000 packag
have been taken for America at 20 to 24 tabla, about 5,000 common to fir mie, en hand- Sas left.
Plain O. Peber-Prices asked 15 to 17tels ne andes a and swall stock 1,000 to 1,500 - kogen.
Somied O. Pales. - About 3,000 packages sold at
18 to 18 als for good to fine.
Scented Caper-From 1,000 to 1,500 half say
boxes at 15 to 18 for middling quality.
Twankay.-1,000 to 1,200 packages sold at 18 i
16 tele; line quoted at 50 to 21 tuala, About 2,500 package in the market-noes for
Great Brimin,
#yoos Stin. --2,000 packaggs sold at 113 to 18
for Bydney 1 0,000 to 7,000 in stock." Fyson -4,000 sold-a1 22 to 48 tande ;
9,000 to 10,000 remain: quoted at it to 50 taels.
Young Hyson,-16,000 packagne mid at 17 to 44 tale. 40,000 to 44,000 offered for which 18 to 50 tals' soking. Imperial & Guspowder,-1,000 to 5,000 sold at
25 to 48 tank.
10,000 to $2,000 on hand,
Canton Imparial & Gunpowoder, ~-3,000 to 3,000
packages sold at 13 in 29 taale. Canion Young gun-Nearly unan10mbla al 8
to 15 tele
work Piko - adersson of Saturday a respectable and will on the
-kia neslatanes
Description of God
and thes
9 80 Dell
9 0 1 9 50 long. 800 to 140 0
0 0 60 0 O Manghong
Cassia Boda
Chine Root
Dragon's Blood Galangal Cambog
Rhubarb (old)
Canton No.
No. 2 No. 8
SUGAR RAW,-tet quality, Pinga
2nd quality, Whi
3rd quality, do
ist quality, Brown
2nd quality, do,
Sed quality, do..
do. fresh mired leaf kind -
Even blackish loof.
Wiry black loaf
do. Bine
TEA, BLOE-Congou-Sound common coarse leaf
5 Lo
10 to
? D
2 35 to
2 40
246 to
2 50 to
↑ do
2 65
2 80
2 46 to
2 60
2 75 10
2 190
8 to
0 85 to
230 to
26 0 to 26 60
28 00 20 0
$10 to 31 60
38 0 to
0 C? | nomina).
9100 92 0
8 10 10 3 90
365 to
3 80
2 40 to
2 60
2 90 10
0 0
4 0 10
8 50
6 10 10
0 €
5 50 to
450 to
Uto 660
to 19 0
19 0 10 0 0
T 50 10
O U to
470 010
0 0
1480 0 10
$20 0 to
0 0
460 0 to
6 20 to
#0,21 per chang of 144 in.
Printed, and Public
5 10 to
1 55 to
4 0 10
500 the
Bouchong-Common to fair quality
Flowery Pekoe Middling quality little flowery
Fine to very foe flowery
Ning Yong-Good to be
Capet-Common to good
Da Scented--Boa now
Orauge Pakos-Middling to fine
Orange Scented-Middling to Soe-DOW
Jazz-Twankay-Common Canton kind
100 as quality.
3 20 to 3 60
9 0 to 10 0
2 30 to
During the Canton,
145 tu 150
13 0
10 0 120 0
18 00 10 0
10 75 to 11 20)
14 50 to 15
165 0 1700
0 0 to
980 19
9 60
036 to
19 Oto
0 0
400 Nowaring 961 demodel
0 0 6
0 0 to
0 04
>Ka Block.
0 0
9. 0.to
12 0.10
5 600
4 GU
800 80 - Mamined.
4 50 to
W IX. No. 11.
PRICE $16 por autum.
TERMS OF BUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONOKONG GAZETTE, par Assum, 16 Dollar Seniks, 9 Dollars. The Manika, 3 Dollars; all pakd in advanen,
Numbers, to Subworthers 25 cents mach; to Non-Subscribers, 1 Rupee. Parties calling or sending to the Ollos for papers are requested to pay mak. SUBSCRIPTION to the OVERLAND,-To Subscribers to the False or Cuina, 4 Dollars per Annum ; non-submcribers 34 ; single copies 30 conta. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Two Unes and under, 1 Dollar; additional, 10 osts ▼ Haa, Hapecialone one-third of the first insertion, Ships,-Pirat insertion, & Dollaros salmaquant Insertions 68 at
Advertisements to have written on the fees of them, the number of times they are required to appoir, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. In all instances, those who are dos Baboaribara, vequire
o pay in advanos.
ENGLAND, CALOUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAT Also, on route to the aberO, Ecstamen, Panane, Gatan-Matra, Boss, Anun, THE PRIMOVlan and One- 1TAL COMPANY's Blesio Bhip PEKIN, will leave this for the above place on Wed day the 27th of February. Cauno will be received on board until Noon, and Bruci mill 4 v. x.. of the 26th
For further particulare regarding Fruent and PAAon apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
· J. A. OLDING, Agent. P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Office. Victoria, Hongkong, Rad February, 1880
THE rate of Fraight on Silk to England per Over. land Roote has been reduced by order of the Director of the P. & O. 8. N. Company's to 990.00
fiature Ladies will not be necessitated to write homo
may require.
Ladies De Lane Dr.
THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risks | 94 grosi delay and expence for every tride the
(covered by open POLICIES Izorow and in the various London Ingusamon Comranunu,) by the Postnrolar & Oriental Company's Steamers, from Canton and Hongkong, to the Struts, Cay lon, the Presidanoles of India, and England,"
For Rates of Premium and other information, apply to Mr J. A. Osozna, at the P. & C. Co.% | Office, Hongkong.
JAMES HARTLEY & Co. JAMES BARBER & Co. London, 28d Droumber, 1848,
HR A. R. Hunsou became a Parmer in our
Firm on the let July last,
GILMAN & Co. Canton, 29th December, 1849.
per Tos of 40 fuble foot, which will be charged WWE bave this day admited Mr. JAMES PUR- until further notice.
J. A. OLDING,-Agent Hongkong, 8th November, 1849,
THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD SUPRAM- 15R8, continue to ply between ALAITM SANDRIA, and Taiseen as under vis, Ton Direct hearing Trists the 28th of each month arrives at Alexandria about the 2nd or 3rd of the following month, and starts for Trieste fromen Alexandria 18 24 hours after the arrival there of the Indias Passengers by the Calcota Steamer, except on occasions when the latter arrives at Bus behind time,
A Steamer of the same Company loaves Alg. andris avery skersale Thomday for Omyrne here it meets the Blesmere of the Lavant Line, by one
of which, communication is kept up a previously through Syra with Conciantinople, Trieste, Greco,
Fare direct to Trienta £18 Including Table Toner
vin Boyena 213.4 without do de Passengers intending to avail than Tren of the
Trieste Route should book in Bles only.
For further parti?ulato apply to
Meme W. PUSTAU & Co,
Agents of Canton and Honghong,
for the Imperial Royal Privileged Austrian
Lloyd?'s Steam Navigation Company,
N. B. There are now so many Railroads open
DON s Partner in our House,
Our basin will henceforward be conducted
-under the Name of SWORD, PURDON & Co.
JOHN D. BWORD & Co. Canton, 1st January 1860.
THE busine? have hitherto conducted in my i own name, will be batonahan melast
the Firm of TAIT & Co, of which Mr Cander WILLIAM BRADLzy is admitted a partner.
Amov, fej January, 1860.
NOTICE. (THE interest and responsibility of Mr. JOHN
STWART in vor firm has commod.
TURNER & Co. Hongkong, Ist January, 1850.
Du. Prik da
Da, Colored, Tarlatan do.
Da brokerel do
DA Cookers
Da. Embroidered Book do.
* Embroidered Jacomet da.
Worked Main Collars.
Eich Late Open
Cantons. Chemezett.
Bleaves Σquito bow.
De. Queen Mary's Collars
De. French Coll, Corsets.
De do. Ja Bays
Doo Handkereklefa.
Do. Breganza thevia.
De Blank Bath Embroidered Mantillas.
De de. Lavaston
Qf the newni soyle, by best. Mali z
Du. Embroidered Frueh Cumbria Elandkerchief.
De. Bags Dr.
De Valet Best.
De Tarona, Struw, and Bik do.
Da Dran do.
Da... Might Capa.
long White Kid Olores.
De Calmured and Baraw do.
Dr. Black and White Lane Mitto.
De. Black and White Bik Stockings
D and Grants. do.
D. Fancy Checked silk.
Da Pale Coloured Badina, &c., do.
Hinskaback for Toweling.
Desk Table Lined. Brown
Bond Drewed und Undressed.
De Fring
Filky Chu?n and Fringes for Dran295, Gasse Ribbons Letting and Satin do
Nagaw Barnet Klikbam of all colours, Farish Line.
THE interest and responsibility of the late Mr Chairs Legiten do,
T. 8. H. NYE in our firm consed on the Sat ukimo.
NYE, PARKIN & Co. Canton, 4th January, 1850.
through Germany that London may be reached DADABHOY BAZONJEE is authorized to
from Trieste in 6 days with comfort and at an
expence of about £10 £11.
Victoria, 27th September, 1849.
FORD Captain Parnason wil
im be dispatched from this about the 10th
Firm by Procuration. HORMU JEE FRAMJEE & Co.
Canton, Lot December, 1849.
(Late Woodmarry, Baylim & Co.)
Scotch Cambri ~Queen's Lawn.
Mults Edgings and Insections, Ro, de, ??
Best Linen Tapas
Karby's best Needles and Plas.
Cation Card and Seat Wira.
Brak's best Bawing Cation
Darling Catton and Books and Eyes.
Clan Fanny Backa.
Children's Angels and Catian Becka.
Lafonts Wooden Besti.
De de. Blende
Da Long Seben und Frocks.
De. Freek Bodies.
De French Cambric Ospa
Da Thread Lass.
- Da, Night Caps
Earlings Lace and Insertions.
Built Long wine and deren,
4-6 Milk Nat sad Bland,
| Nes.
of Fabroary. She has excellent socomioodslie Ship Chandlers & General Commission Agent. | 6-4 Fancy Flest for Dramas, &o., §.
for poengers, and carrive a Surgeon.
Capt. Parson on board.
4 90 to
410 ??
0 0 10
For passage only, apply to
0 0 to
19 0 10
Victoria, 11th January, 1630.
12 60 t5 0
15 0 to 17 0
0 0 to 0 0 Market shared.
0 0 0 0
10 22 Ch
00 Tomatolog, pains me
15 0 17
0 40
0 0 to
? ?
90 0
Ole 17 0 War Again.
0 10 20 0
Do. But middling to good
0 0 to ‧
0 0 to
Do Fine and Hyeon rimul tanf
0 0 to a
Hyton Skin-Common to fine
Byson-Common to air quality
12 0 to 20 0
20 0 to 96 0
Good to fe
29 0 to 50
Young Hyson-Canton and Twankay kinda
0 to 14
24 0 to $4
40 00 48-
da 80 0 56.
12 0 to 18
13 0 29
58 0 to
Good tran
Imperial-Bat middling to Sne
Ounpowder-But idling to fine
Canton Imperial
Do. Gunpowder
of 6
Tay dull, stock depravat.
6 0 to
€ 30] Kamimi.
10 10
1 20 to
180 to
1 80 Aaa).
2 0 to
3 0
7 CO to
7 86
8 20 to
21 04 220
27 0 10
·26 25 10
21 0 to 26 80
M. --When we prione ues quoted nao let the binebat.
To chan Tumpe most fun fake hosting var l-mapaliply the snake of Take par pornt by the number of fates of the combongt jaf
On ENGLAND. 6 months sight, 41. Bd, to 4.6c
INDIA, 60ys' sight 228 per 100 8p Dr.
E. 1. Ca's Bills accepted. 225
per 1008p.Dr.
Bycon-4.7. to 5. 8. during the month, Mexican Dollan, Presium Rupe-Noos.
ENGLAND, Teas per 50 -£3,0x0d.
Silk-23. 10. 0. INDIA,--Nominal Vory little offering. PEAT COAST. AMOT, per 40 ft,-94.
NORTH OF AZOT, do,-85 to
Joum Cana, de Lujz d'azavedo, Ormaid's Roy, Queen's Read Victoria, 1850.
THE A. 1. 8bip "CORNWALL," Capt. Dawson, having the greater part of her Cargo engaged" will be des patched for the above Port on the 16th
For balance of Freight of Prags. Apply to,
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, 17th January, 1850,
TO BE BOLD or LET. THE HOUSE and Premios in Spring
Gardens fronting the Harbour.
The House and Preben in Boring Gardens Adjoining the Road and opposite Jorraks Bull bath formerly in the occupation of hienen Huwan & Co. Apply to,
Aves. CARTER, Office Queen's Road. Victoria, 4th January, 1860.
TO LET. THOSE Fine Large HOUSES known Dr Hunter & BARTON's fronting Stanley, Wellington and Pottingar Strests with commanding view over the whole Bay. The Houses can be lot alther single or logo- dhet having separate entrance and cothouses. For particular, apply to,
N. DUUB & Co. Hongkong, 7th January, 1850.
TO LET. THE Corner ElOUSE next the Bridge over the Nullah fronting the Queen's Road and Officers Qunstern.
And three smaller HOU. BE8 in the same range of Buildings; for particulara apply to
N. DUUS & Co. Hongkong, 6th January, 1850,
le requested that all claime against the Painte of the RosHEY Wanerna may be sent in to the undersigned before the 80th Jane next, and All persone indebted to the sald Estate will plonos | to make payment to,
JARDINE, MATHESON & Co, Bast Point, Ist January, 1850.
| LL claims upon the Estate of the late Jomu A Cooke Dalzan, proved before the 30th Jun next, will be met by the undersigned, and all per sona indebted to the mid Estate are requested to make payment to,
JARDINE; MATHESON & Co. East Point, Jet January, 1960.
Apply to,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Ca Hongkong, Brd July 1849.
[UST Landed ex " Manam" and "Scotland" ? general assortment of the following articles: viz-Stationery Perfumery, Proserved Mac, Breakfast and Dinner Sets, Filters, Hardware, Blankets; also an extensive vacisty of every dar cription of Marine Stores.
BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co. Victoria, 19th January, 1850.
THE ondersigned knowing the great inconvent
ence parties are frequently put to, in cone- quenon of not being aware that a gueral STORE of thie description is la Hongkong, begu to gira she community of Canton, Maono and Hongkong, (more particularly Buangere) the following het al Astinies always on sale, and from reccat arrange. menis made with a London Heues will receive by Ibe Overland Mail every month a fresh supply of every thing that is new and fashionable, so that in
Funny Glimp
Fat Rembed
PERFUMERY PROM "PATEY" Condets of Emanns of Flowers, do. of Boss, Varbena, Will Flower, Bouquet, Envince of Violein, Ambrosia, and Reade Portugi).
With Hair, Nel, um Tooth Bra
Bear Gre
Pasema, Lavinder Walar,
of Boss, Busting Balts, Couri Plater, 4., ko, da
10 ibu, Amerious ?dried Apple in half Barrels, Lost Bagar do. Also received, Foo-chow-foo Bacon.
ROB. RUTHERFORD, Queen's Bead N. B-The Batter and Apples are of emporior quality and the Bacon le quite Fresh,
Victoris, 4lb Janonry, 1850,
WHAMPOA DRY DOCK. THE Undersigned has completed his arrangements for docking and repulilag Vasels of Wham- pou, and bags to off the attalion of thap Masters and Merchants to the facilities be affurds for that purpose. The Dock is a new one, capable of res ceiving Vessels drowing thirteen fist of water at Spring Tides, and aleven fest at Neap Tiden. A large Bail and Rigging Joli are attaohad to the pro- saison. For larta, which will be modurata, apply to,
December 8, 1849.
rior quality. Agrot at Manso-HINNAM. Hongkong, 16th December, 1849.
Remarks on the Matalliferous and Mineral Pro
ductions of the Tomasori Provinces, by B- ward O'Riley, Eaq,
General Report on the Residency of Singapore, drawa wrincipally with a view of illustrating it Agricultoral Suntiatios, by J. 7. Thomass, Esq., 7. x. d. o., Surveyor lo Government. The Island of Mindoro.
N. B. Parties in China wishing to become us?ugalfargli agan forward their name and ad- drone to the action of * The Fried CNNPR- Hongkong Casua
Victoria, January 29th, 1849,
FOR BALE at the Office of this paper --
for the Peninsular and Ori-
octa) Company's Boschers,
COMPRADOR Ozonra, la Books.
Barrino ARTSOLA.
Mercantile forms and other work printed with
expedition at the customary raton,
Queen's Rand, Och October, 1818.
THE Ship "JOHN LAIRD" is now loading, and will have quick des
patch for the above Paris-For Cright
In the Chow Chow Biore will be found the follow. of Chowchow goods apply to,
Ing of the best quality, viz:-
York Flame.........
Camberland Bacon.
Barkley and other Channe
Jams and Juliet...
Ontry Polar and Chutney. Pleban, Vinagar, and blustard..
Da** Barber, 14 The...
Cente per th
[1]8, 3 the Tian, 0 Cta.pr Bottle
+748 par Kag.
Taburkan, Lee Bugar, Coffee, Driad Hockey Fra Bal. mon, Foari Barley, Oatmeal, Maccaront, Vormansit, Hey in Jars, Tin 10 and 30 cation Boxes, Old Me in Cogars, all Spica, Nutmegs, Raislas, Pama, Offres, fashionable enote of all kinds,"
Large Ox Tongue -*****-60 Centa anch. Corned Beel. Pork. Day
Is Bule chales places, suitable for mall (unities, With every other ardchs to be found la a ganarul stero.
GLABB. Cof art and Plat Decanters, from 38 per Pair upwards; Tamblers, Wines, Claret, Black, Champagn Balti, Conde, ka, ke
Plager Glas ma rich L?t Glass Desert Bel
With a very
WINE, AND SPIRIT STORE. Cat-Martell's Pals and Dark Benndy. Bysed wherry in one dozen Cars. Carries & Hunt's superior Port in do. Champagne
Boch Wakay
Claret, Heck, en, 800.
la da.
Atao, A few Octaves of Brown Abarry it for Bottling ; all these articles are of the best description and to be had the
J. *INESS, Queen's Road, Hongkong.
Pth January, 1850.
RAWLE, DRINKER & Co. Hongkong, 5th February, 1850,
NY Person having a Claim upon the late Firm A of DADABHOT & MANOCKJEE RUS- TOMIEE & Co., in requested to forward the name forthwith to the Maraers op ten OrientAL Rank in China, or to Mensen koland, Solicitors, Bombay.
Bombay, 18th December, 1849.
Bar Robert Pool in Aberdeen -When it was a certained that Sir Robert Peel was to pase through | Aberdeen, the magistrates resolved that a onimble expression of respect should be made to him. ▲ banquet was socordingly prepared in the towahall on Friday en'night, to which a number of the clergy and principle citizens, to the number of 250, were lovited. Bir Robert arrived in Aberdeen from Hoddo House, slong with the Earl of Aberdeen, Shortly after, Lady and Mim Pool arrived, and proceded to visit Marieobal College, the new market, and other public buildings. "The Sanatos of the University and King's College, Aberdeen, conferred the honorary decree of Doctor in Law on Bir Robert Pool, and appointed a depulation of their number to wait on the baranet on his arrival at the Royal Hotal. At one o'clock Bir Robert Peel, accompanied by Lord Aberdeen and the other guests of the magistrates, proceeded to the Town Hall, receiving on his way the adolutions of a largo crowd of spectators. The banquet was of a sump. tuous kind and several complimentary sposchos ware delivered.
Now Advertisements will be received until
OC'eck, on the evenings pervience so publi. ention, vil: Tuts.lays and Fridays
Und Base Nav.
Bombay Modra
Dos. Deck
Juny. 14 Dec. 10
Fi? Shangha Jan. Q
NOTICE-The Sour of Divine Service at Sr. Joui'u Cabe are on Standig, at 11 4, ?, su? § pan 3 r. n.
And on Thursday 618 2. M.
VINCENT STANTON, Vistoria, November, 1948. Colonial Chaplain,
NOTICE The house of Public Worship in the Umow Charts, Hollywood Road, are on the Rabbath 61 4. 2. and half past de M., and on the evening of every Wed- Delay ball part 4.
Victoria, 10th January, 1860.
We have much pleasure in giring insertion to
■ letter on the late Bir C. Forbes whose death soems to bo universally regretted. The name in one dear to Acotchmen as recalling to ma- mory those great patriots Duncan Forbes of Culloden and Sir William Forbes of Falin- burgh. We do not know whether or not tho ubject of our Correspondant's euingium was descended from either of the above but with their name he seems to have possessed all thgir. virtues.
To the Editor of the Frined or Ch.
Casten 20d Jbruary 1850,
** Lala la de a ship in vantage patien
Sometimes high and pond mes ten,
When mery qua start plug the so
Whatsoever wind, vag (m.
That stains they in beams thali chied
That death berita meal lan
Dan Sin-When we refret apu the by-gone events -when we reellect the state of those who have borne the parts of kings and commanders utasotmen and sub-? Jecti, or when wa tebe a deliberate Jarwy of the Story ku vaklumary things in general, Kagirten lo mas clear as day-laht t?ng thrie is nothing m) the B?n that is not tiable to be faded away. (hild, hd, walk-Ane and friendship glory and beauty all ?e branded with the dreadial mark fading away How many enclovisions homely take their birth and dia gianty spojilja huwink- tay of an even a month woman agar
kao many wong nun zustell?t?re events come into existence in athula day, and pa tirely unlood. How many of inetive part of man- kind mingle with the common our while they are publi- bag and molling" from day to night in the parsall of hate Gur, meal, and glory. Look beginnend began ablak of the once great might of Larabiavery of Alex. ander the Macedonia-glory of tyros the Great-potency of Car the world's gisht manier and his own," and the mom matoanding achievements of that man of Deathy"
that "hero of andrad battles," the extraordinary Nape- loca Bocaparta. Talak agala of that ones splendid Keypt -boasting Babylonita-pruod Persia-poll-Bed Oreece and "Iron footed Roma" What schoolboy in ignorant of the height of Glory which each of the eagle that
ng cle had once attained 1 Hw how me is the braled Persian post Bady. "The world 0, my brother, coutlumen not to any one; place your affection on the Creaser of the Universe, an-1 that will sather. Make ne rellanor, nor twat upon the kingdom of this world; waing how many like yourself, she hath nourished and Bided. De good and count your life na gain, helore the report is spread that och an ene in no more."
'Tia aur to msk 1' 'ula God's to giro
We live to de-and die to live.
Die then my Grand ! what boots li se deplore 1 Our great and good "land" is no mor
** 2a honationaly bestow'd unanyi guod
How many individuals have benefited by his general - how many of his clerks enjoy a happy and comfortable and how many of his anevant aja sew the ** lords of da manning" and masters of mevsam, it la annemometry de o in detail bars.
It was bat a short time ago, it having amo to his koos ledge, thewagh the publia prate that the limbaj poble sal fered for want of pure water in Bummer " 0, the komandy" of th?n thehe almoore well maker " few to their rullat 1 dan appropriated a res amennt of money for the mosselen af sag. plying good water in all seasons.
Another instance of hochi peromial de
The Fulzi?ial Cup, mlus $160, prosented by A Subscriber, for all. Horma-Waight 9 stone 7 ?lbs. for Arabe, 11 stons 5 lbs. for Sydney and Cape bred Hores-Entrance $10 onch-From the Gard- en turn ones round and fo,
Mr Dudgeon's
Mr King's
Mr Chance's
q.a. b.
b. a. m. br. a, b.
Gro Water. Kathleen.
An excellent race soven horses going off well ingether and keeping so for the first round stribrium strednem of frendebely-or of an autoload spasi.. when the pace bogan to tell, the above three men of the unbiased conscienos and upright mind -? thi C. Forbon, that about a few years best, the Bishof Laging in front and making a beautiful race to dan, bad pubuely made and at a slopinantation of the the finish the Stoker of the Great Western chase of the Endians, alleging that amongst a hand1od of thanhladon phuong an khi co con khi ? khan song th? Lering lua Engino in by the houd, with a train
heart of their grout beneficier, who justly the night the impr. ↑ behind him, for which he deserves to be crown.
tion sately groundion, publinly topelled them-kgangh hares of unquestionable evidenom on his side, and it hogthed the Railway King vice Hudson dothroned.
eccoded in proving that the contrary is the truth,
**Such was "this Forbes" not wwe learned than good
With manners generona sa blu meble
Proid'd by wachten be very heart adored
Por virtus practi'd and for vion abhored."
Of all the other English gentlemen whom the Bombay tr mitry have bad resson to Juve und rospect, Hir ?. Fe be held the fret petithan in their coiman?n and regard. Par- som, Hindows, Mahomedaus, men of all religions, ranka and dinastioan greatly revetruded him by charging in their minda the mandiment of the samarena abiigations which ha had conferred bem. Bock way their action and
him that on the day of h?y departure frots. Bombay so Eng- land, he is said to have been attended ar escorted by a vast congregabea of about & kandred thewound men. The wealthy antives se e token of their lers, smarm and wonder senki me to the out aminhlo of their filende, oructed bus status the splendid. Turn Hill of Bombay, so which occasion be made a long address to she natives, of which las following use a few weida.-
**le would class in the last, na avery principle of duty, respect, offession and grenade, their frm and unal
rable land; their friend to a fellow enhjort, their friend sa admiring their excellent qualition; their friend with cofsetace to the unifamly kind consider than he had received at their hand; and their friend bocnem ha would never forget that it
dent posides be occupied in e
Lottery a capital third, the rest taking it easy in the distance.
The Valley Staker, for all Ponima 13 hands 2 inches and under-Weight for inches--Former winners of this Race to carry 7 Iba, extra progres- vely-Entrance $3 each, with 625 from the Fund -Once round and a distance,
Mr A. Scott's
Mr Muirhouse's
Capt. Tosedale's
m. p.
Telay. * Prince.
The Arab Welter Stakes, Weight 11 stone-Ea | trance 95 such, with §50 added from the Fund -
From the Garden turn once round and [n.
Mr Bombin's Mr Muirhouse's ch a. b. Mr Campbell's ...
w.. b.
Temptation Red Gauntlet, The Haji
The pilgrim going of a+usust full eplit made the running but declined keeping it up beyond the Black rock where he was collared and pas
was to them be seed under had the humble but indepensed by Temptation who run in casily a winner
a vero tu sentiments of this most noble, meet an collent man. The many acts of his active phat have, we darn say, bere indelibly recorded as the
hearts of every honest and Intelligent eitloss.
KALAN royal neighani "dishonesty, frankueet and ala- atlon" were built on merits" His Cherkabuting wh Indepredance of Character and unvarying prodened Wirs la bigh repate in the comnevrolet world.
Ah! whither not as fol Those dreams of Grestanet! these unrolla hapos 2- (14 happiness?
Au regards the gunnen) trades of the character of P?r C.
Forbes we are emphatically reminded that sinon bla de. Parture from Bombay, a trwer English character, velalled. with the meekness and sivity of de tentang tri was
not adorned the mernuntiu circle of Bombay
passed of an admirable bear velenor of heart-9pm, Wi- Tacity in Maouaissance-lanato samo of workday Miner -eminently great devotion to friends and Pral Ground and a most commentable · depth of geHATUNA CHELANT His charities and gympathies wetu Santos para que tended far and wide. *** v zaion, wentkommy. truilend of te
Hu was truly a good man nje a "Peace performer, unfortunate and sandy sy gehen in thy gentle seat and andioos cast in
una mig hand, so there whe fored his death wed sem at the first thought disastrous and salimady, but ou the other were they le belleva in the truth v? pept
Telve le hearts we laava kohlad
they would find a degree of monestacion., At the candle-
wat net olema prapa? i?ga
The il sito, Onadassa Isten
Facher of alli, la veuen par
dangles all the falls of Sir C. Forbes give him a rucd placa in that world of spielte and blem his now living children ar baire" With longer life than earth and heaven can have " Bit, we must humbly apologise for the longthinam of this letter, and had it not been for the wavesrose stuga.
by some langths. Red Gauntlet a bad second and the humble pilgrim following in the rear:- The Scurry Stakes, for all Ponies-Catch Weights Food-From the Village tra la-Last Pony p pay second Pony'e endrance.
Mr Klog's
Gabriel Grab.
g. m. p. p. m. p. Kilkenny Boy,. The Irishnan thoughthehrdi'u, but he had'st. [-hating was of no do, tho' the whip coed was fiberally served out to both it did most for the Grub who ran in a winter by half a length,
Tuesday, 5th February
(From the Polynesian, November 21.) We are indebted to E, C. Komble Esgr, ono ne the proprietors of the Als California, for a pam- phlet copy of the Conetliation of the State of Ca Informis, recently chasted by the Convention chosen for that, and other purposes.
We copy some of the more important parts, that our condere may know what one neighbors are doing in the matter of government, and polition organization :-
WE, the People of Cahformis, gratefuleg
MIGHTY (lop, for our freedom, in order it. Er. ours its blessings, de establish this Constitution,
Declaration of Rights.
80. L. All men are by nature free and in do- pondent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and libarty; acquiring, poseansing und protecting pro. party; and pursuing and obtaining safety and hop- pintas.
Seo, 1.
All political power is inherent in the people, Governant in instituted for the protec tion, security and benefit of the people; and they have the right to shor or reform the same whenever the public good may require it.
Suo. 3. The right of telal by jury shall be se- cured to all, and remalo inviointe forever; but a Jury may be waived by the partim, in all civil csere, in the manost to be prescribed by law.
SEO. 4. The free exorcias and enjoyment of religions profession and worship, without discri mination or preference, shall forever be allowed in this State.
Seo. 6. The privilege of the weit of kaboes corpus shall not be anspended, unless whun, in case of rebellion er invasion, the public sality may cojuiro Ita suspension.
Bo. 6. Excessive bail shall not be required, mor excessiva fins imposed, nor shall crual or DON stal punishment be inflicted, nor shall witnesses benitensonably detainel.
SRO 7. All persone shall be bailable, by muf bjesorem, it or ise pratapti j.
Bao, 6. No person shall be held to shower for a capital prothavenue'nfrausova vinna.fange in. One of unpeech meal, and in muoto of militia wher
in actual service, and the land shd naval farons ju time of war, of which thin Blase may koop wit the consent of Congress in time of poses, and I cuous of perit laramy moder the ingalatan af U Legislatura) unluce ou provestment, or "dietmet of a grand jury; and in any trial in any osut whatever, the party socuted shall be allowed i -appear and defied in person and with counmi, "
civil actions. No person shall be eykjack to b twida, put in jeopardy for the was afinca; ne shall koo be semplified in any oriminal osas, la, a wa?nets against himself, not be deptived of 625 Ilbekly, or progerig, without das process of low shall private property be taken for pakia ma withagn)''s compensation.
The weather being rathers dump threatened an interuption to the sports, byt the few show-mort ers that loft scamed to add fresh spirits both to horse and aten, who went to their work na it it had boon brandy and water instead of the pure element with which they were moistened, The Latios alio inistered strongly for which we are daily thankful, as nothing aids so much to the gnity of a scene of amusement as the similes of a pretty face.
The Pony Feller Staker, for all Ponies-Weight
10 slow 4 be for 13 hande nnd under, 10 stone 7 lbe, for over 13 hand-Entrance 83 each, with $30
BLC9. Every sitiaan may Booly d?us? and publish is coolliments on ?ali responsible for the webron of that rights and he has all be prosed to remtain or udvides de libert of speech or of the press. In all criblant proses
a mimba mammavin kalap given in ovidemos to the jury; and if it shall ag pear to the jury that the matter charged as ille) fous le true, and was published with good motivedi and for justifible and, the party shall be quit ted, and the jury shall havo the right to determino the law and the fact.
80 10. The people shall have the right freely
1000 We are in the lamented deceated, we should not added from the Fund-Dace round and a distance. to maemble together, to nonsult for the commo
have troubled you for lis pabitrails: bat by doing which In your immediate lawn, you will greatly obligo mi and uli Countrymen. It is not from any consideration of par- seal favour, it is not from any feelings of private felund. skip ; but it is on the rarmlecitans of the palille goed deeds, it is on the reflections of the lacshozalibin leva ke bore towards our Countrymen. It is on the conviction of the Infinite klodness they experienced from
our bonden daly to slug his pesina habind him; ontrent- lag" ten thousand pardon for the inability and feckle- mes with which li has bres done, we speak with cond dence that there to mat a loyal Insten who will not lay bla hand on his heart and caucar with our feelings and opi- alan-Wa remala bir, Your most wedlant vervan?s.
After having sold that much of a preluce, we beg to nd- vert to the subject Immediately before us, and in the mean simo, wanto persuaded that li hardly needs na to say, that we are at present labouring under feelings of the most painful and alleging nainee in congrace of the met pected death of Bir Charles Frohes Bail-a man ka "*h??n Tiful as the mines of India"-a more kind and wisectionate -fluble and generous Englishman iban who has not visited the shores of iba City of Bonbay. Phy ikatla thu | Ovm postponed Raco Mesting commenced winging dngn (Canton) (hieous volunrary lebih hai removed us from
"Our heart-eurome-one lerely land
The voices of our kindred band,"
we cannot have an ample access to be acquainted with 1's personage's many morificent gets and all the relating which would have enabled as to dwell upon portion of the tralia of his character. Personally and in- dividually we have breo quke aloof from sharing his busty, yet Mile knowledge of the good he has done to our City, and the saabating seal which he had ever diaplayed in wishing their walfare, inssit in we a degree of warm and vividness to ding, bakind him, publicly the prates to which be in janty cailided and thus we may pay Imperfect but worlby, bumble but less tribute of af fretion and regard to the memory of this moni venerable
**Doach to the happy thom a terrible
Death! Great proprietor of all ! 'tis thine
To tread ontopfres and to quench the wara" Though our lack of sequaintance with the identical or requises and incidents, prevents us from laying bo fora the enlightened public a full delineation of the good heart and humans nom of Sir C. Forbes yet we are persund ed that the low following words would not fall to be a somewhat desirable consolation,
to the first place, we in the name of our Crootrymen at tar beartily call Bir O. Forben blessed for the nimarcas
on Monday and as we anticipated exhibited as far as it has gone a decided improvement on former ones. The weather was fine and the
arrangements on the course were excellent.
Mr King'
m. p.
Kilkenny Bay, Capt. Toendale's
Creditor. The Plenipotentiary's Cup, valus $200, present- | ed by ff. Samuel George Boukam, Baquire,C.B.' -For all Hats bmi fld, the property of the Persons entering-Woight stone 7 ibe for Arabe, 11 tona 6 Iba for Sydney and Cape brod Hurned -Former winners of ibie ?up to carry 7 ibo, entra -Entrance $10 each-From the distance twice round and in-
Mr King, Mr Muirhouse'
b. 9. m. br. a. b.
8. Andrew, Six started, but it was evident froin the first that the Irish Lan was going to do it-the paco wee good but at the finish nothing was any where except the more which ran in casily at least 15 length a head.
The Victoria Plate, valua $59, for all Ponin- Weigl Datone 7 lbs-Formor winners to carry
From the Black Rock once round and in-
Mr A. Scott's
We were mrry in see so few ladies, som?, few | 7 lbs. extra progressivaly-Entrance $1 each, - were on debt frightened at the clerical thunder. our thanks are low overthe more due to those who honored the course with their smiles, The Gentlemen sol Gents mustered strong i
great many of them wearing their tickets for
soup in their hats which give the affair rayther a down the mad appearance. Some kind of a nautical performance was going on sa a stand erected by our Portuguese fellow Colo- nists at least we might infer so from a placueri with the word "Launch" on it; we imagine however this must have moant " Lunch" and we have no doubt the liberality of viande was
good deads End kind feelings we knew of blm. We aver equsi to that of the vowels if we might judge
and aver mon unmistakably, that to a great majority of one Countrymen, and expeelally the Parsees, who wen Bearly acquainted, with his great magnanimity, "writio On a face-his washabsalove of the inhabitanu of Ela- doosten-kis shafiveted humanity-
*Bie gearroa, boldness to defend An Innocenter absent friend."
Hienonning exertions for the amelioration of the Bom. bay citizens Chia varnostorm and aideur with which had invariably advocaand their cause in England-ble uni- form_praction of adhering to the mostres which appeared Shim (*** and remmnabla-and bis other most exemplary codes and praiseworthy quailles, his loss is by much the more irreparabla. Bes??en to the hundreds of poor men in Bombay, lu whom his taroam sem liberal
and the chief source of whose sopputt and maintenanet was his buonly, his death most be snapeakably deplorable.
from the smiling faces of the fair occupants of,
the Stand:--
Monday, 4th February, 1850. The Wong-nei chung Stakes, for all Ponica under 13 hands-Weight for inches-Former winners of this Rece excluded-Entranca ?a each, with 820 added from the Fund-Once round anil a distance.
Bir Duncan'
b. m. p. Capt. Teesdale's d. m, p. Mr King's k. m. p.
Cruiskren. Creditor. Gabriel Grub,
Mr Duncan's
R. m. p. b. m. p. Cruiskoon.
good, tu instruct their representatives, and to peti. tion the legislature for redress of grievanOM.
Sga. 11. All laws of a govoral nature shall kavo an uniform operation. ‧
Bro 12 The military shall be subordinate fo the civil power. Nu standing army shall be kept up by this State in time of peace; and in time of war no appropriation for a manding army shall be for a longer time than two years.
BLO 18. No soldier al?nll, in time of peace, be quartered in any house, without the consent of The owner; nor in time of war, except in the man- Der to be prescribed by law.
Sec. 11. Representation shall be apportioned according to populatisa.
Sac. 16 No person shall be imprisoned for debt, in any civil set on mane or final Mocess, unlem in caes of fraud; and no person shall be imprisoned for x militia fine in time of posao.
Bo. 16. No bill of attainder, ex post facts fyw, or law impairing the obligation of contracta, sunli ever proved.
So. 17. Foreigners who are, or who may hereafter become bone feda residents of this Sinto, | shall enjoy the same rights in respect to ibe pos
| semion, stjoyment and inheritance of property, s
Teloy took it easy, Cruiskeen well up by the native boni citizena. help of a persunder.
excepted-Weight 13 Mone-Entrance 83 each, The Sydney Welter Stakes, for all Horses. Araba
with 10 added from the Fund-From tha Gaelen turn once round and In-
Mr King'a
Mr Bowman's
g.1 h.
Kathleen. Gray Styla. tlap Herard.
Mr C. Lefevre's - b. z. b. The maro won the race of cou-se, but the
Bao. 19. Neither slavery, nor involuntary set- vitede, unless fur punishment of crimas, aball aver be tolerated in this State.
Bec, 19. The right of the people to be soedra in their persona, keuses, papers and effecis, agulost unrovancabin seizures and smrobes, shall not be violated; and no warrant shall issue but on proba. | hle causo, supported by oath or affirmation, parti cularly describing the place to be searched, and the persone and things to be seized.
insist only in lovging war against it, adbaring to fi
SEC 20. Treason against the State shall b enemies, or giving them wid and comfort. N.
rider was so tired he had to carry his whip his mouth; we don't know what became of Hop Hazard but ingine he came in though
wedid not see him.
The Ladies Purar, for all Ponies, which have ron at this meeting-Weight 9 atona-Winners at this or pravimus inreting, to be handicapped by the Stewards-Entrance & each-Once round and a drelance.
Mr Afuirbase's g. m. p.
Capt. Teadale's J.m. p.
Priaco. Creditor.
A good race: but when a Prince or any other man is running a way from a Craditor he generally wins the race.
person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the evidence of two witnemen to the same overt ach, or confession in open court.
Sno. $1. This enumeration of rights shall not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people.
Right of Sufrage.
So. 1. Every white