Government Gazette | 政府憲報 | 1849







MIA AND HONGKONG GASETTA, per Annum, 19 Dellars. Sa Moalla, 1 Dollars. 1999 Kalen indels of Trelos, Gli, sad Thron Mansha rumpectively: Bingla Numbers, sa Babueriders 83 conta miche

Da?ar y sd?lilonal, () and ▼ Bas. Reaktions cannabled olika dan "paartian. Ships, --Pires Innerchon,

↑ undi ovuntermanded.



Friend as China Oprich,










2% 29 Turday Torsday 2 9 16 23 20 Wednesday Wedonday 8 10 17 24 31 buraday Thursday

1 18 25 Friday Priday B 19 19 26 Saturday

13 20 97 Funday 7 14 21 28

15 22 29 Saturday:

? B 1822-29

9 16 23 30 Sunday

* 102 30

8 10 17 24 31 Mondays

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4 11 18 23.



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9 16 23



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4 31 18 25


114 18 25



5 1 11 20


19 19 20



****6 19 20 27

Wednesday 7

14 21 28

Wednesday 13 20 Thursday

27 da


14 21. 28

18 22 29 Mond. 1915.

10 17 21

4 1 18 25

€ 48..20

Sun714-21 99

444 1946



Thursday 1 8 15 22 29 Sunday

A 13 29 29 Thuy


Friday 2 Saturday Bunday 4

B. 16


10 17

24 30 Monday 24 81 Toesday


91 10 23 30 Friday E 10

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$ 12 10$ 26


5 12 19 20

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5 1 20 25



18 20 47

Wednesday 7 14 21 28

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1 10 Do. do.

The title.

· above sam ?r T??

Je Land und Borut

of the best local-rial: Cot

las, for which a L?b r?p

jply to,


BAEKLL, Bellotter,





* Entwiss of D. and Mi



that by two nev?te Hoserable Cout Twenty wdboud day

Jors were 'GNEM?

Setatoo were then

Victoria gad





Tu the Eldor 5f Ar Fagan br Corsa,

A last in CNN had the press la Eng. 1

Sen Vark paj se hating lal Ac?malty free.

seant & 4% le hat. Now is

kable that the said fere man of the uit should

her the beatles and his

han deyil basmelate with the citizens -f, and to hure j??em parace to Mancin in a ship of wat of the country where hot actualls free 1

Macao, th December, 1896.



between a country like America, wire suturity

merne innocuous.

Any me slark on Monday morning the

the sovereign reigns by so undisputes! tukemis

Hann ? m ve semahalde than tror, that the Intel

repose of the Antents on the Queen's coad is divided and local time Banane le apply exempt. Perlap, by the way, if the it own out of many kelle that tempt the spirit of cut worth the consi-fation of those very philosophie * of but, mar 10, 1818.

was disturbed by a party of intoxicated Euro- terprise and ambition, sail a country like France, persons who inatura everything by the foot rule ad Che above. “urovikable discovery" was made by the

peaux parading the street with music. They here thority is central and metropolitan, andy" that anarchy, in this country, gives a Folder-the Fans Reid who was lol in investigatii Inu

· of a Biconish Editor et a been drinking the old out struggling

the new year 19, in eono of tho public: the only caroor hell out to a crusless anul unastis- | to obtain by a fer omstlier and maro compli Hence this violent phliliple

|fied evergy↑ Yel eran In America—although an | apparatus—namely, a permanent suprema Exera. all houses at the west end;" fired with spirits, many other then political interests absorb the setive tive, uninducaced by party passions, unsuspecte remarkable tents they allied forth to levy contributions from the intellect of the people, und akhough every part of jacly preferences and favouritisms, and eac other publicans, and in one instance, where the state of the Union has its our Frost price for pu ready to take into il chenails and its confi.kare proprietor refused to comply with their delitical ambition - the electies presidency is by to the salesmen prosented to its notion by the delite. These periodical contests for rste verdict of Parliamentary approval, Inx word, mals, the door was forced-or rather a panel popular envereignty, with all their intrigue, their preciselys beentes we have Queen Victoria, reign. knocked out the premises entered and threo heartburnings, and their party virulenceanding over us by hereditary title and the grace of Lisd

-sepecially with the temptations that the chances of and not Lord John Rosell, or Sir Roben Pel or four boxes of Cigare carried away.

reelection offer to the temporary occupant of the Lord Stanley, or Mr Cobden, by quadrennial p We will my but little of the indecency of praeptential obale, as the fatal fourth your ap. har election, nur political organization is, practie al mich exhibitions they certainly are disgrace proaches-involve political inconvdolences which I speaking, mora Bezilla al lancio than that of

in a Christian community and discrofitable to only very robust social constitution could sustain the purest of democratic republice.

without serious injury. In France, all themo svil police ouablishment the support of which is op will exim on an incomparably larger scale, and prosiva upon the colony but in addition to without any of the checks and counteractives peo. the indre rug, a robbery was committed by vided by the peculiar structure of American socie- A has are attachel se le am however per band of lawless men, sud it is certain that the aware that it has rotansted leom the merchants here, whi mar pible hare taken the blut from the Admiral that

police witnessed the felony, and equally cortain Greeman having, It is well known, expressed gre?i dins smlarion at the laid series of the Strainer figm Singa? | it is that they did not interfere. Jet ibis place

Let poopla anjoy themselves after their own on the P. & 0, S, N, Co.

faaltion and according to thoir own depraved taste, but they havo no right to thrust their

To the Editor of the FRIEND OF CHINA.

January 201, 1829. Vie Erevan-tee that both your Contmporary of the Brister and yarnell publish what appears beful

Excelency Bear Admiral Sir A. Co

in the shape of a lewer to the allemes el 186 I ?r, ?r. a relative in the leg passages of the P. Car in consequence of being overloaded. In the minunkcntion wpyware to be anonymous In Ba

In this leuer blaine is the es desetre blate; but "cle

gui no lomba that 'engany

every man he wwn" and then let ure whether or m

others in blator as well as the P. & 08 N Co. A

kaded beyond what is considered sate 1 Are the merchants

The touters to blame fur perraklin: a vessel levices or follies prominently before the public

ur if they will do so, it is the duty of the Ma- but w Blaine who mast be perfectly well aware the Adly put tehlame who are permalised this to go on Ristrates to protect the community from grow

are overlading the vessel). And is


that ther


There are of people to blame, hot give cry man his bare would like to have how much cargo il anders is the letter meeile every mall


ke la kw what they would say if thelt god- ha-l

been but as the the Siesmer was dying light

womly like to had a geral many things, lai as it is mot Jikely will get the inrmation already askpl, I will con cle by asking what right,

Bir 1.. Collier,

Rear Admiral of the Whin, da so the s?tigaf His E1-

clones puse it a note in the game of Bakery,

Yes, ie Franc

Certainly, plural —

Most decidedly, Your Excelner.



Ne Alertisements will be received until 4 ("Cock, in the evenings previous to publi entum, viz: Tuesday and Fridays

LATEST DATER. Fuglard Dec, 24 Byne

Nov. We ate it. H

Now Batavia Cntratta Nov. T Singapore Dec. Fombay

Nor. 18 Mieni?a

Uher, Nur. Madras

13 Shangha Dec.





NOTICE-Dirine Service will for the premat he cou

decsed on the Ladling adjoining the de-ice and apps to the Club, Lente,—en Sundage a?t? A. M. mud & past 4 330, and on Thursdays at 6 P. M?.


Ven, SchUcluber, 144%,


Colonial Chapls?n.

NOTICE-PIAttrain Cavaen. This congregn.

will meet every Sammayi, in the Bungalow imediately be bord the Gren Donat

? "The bones of Dir?ne Service will be 11 A. 12and | part Vic, 214 November, 1842,

tum, conducted for the perment by the Her, W. C. Buss,



From the European Times, Oct. 17.) ty. The prizo will be immensurably greater the Our Continental news ig replete with incidenta nice violent; success more sintoxicating: prewar with alarm to the countries now undirt. defeat mere exasperading; the prospect of an even-going a slats of revolution and with no less din twallapes into private citizenship more odiobu, to get in the general peace of Europe.

The abalinacy of the Prisonal Government of the once-elected candidate; and the hopes, fears, tin, nie excited by his uncertainties of re-elec. Schleswig Holstein, in thing impedimants in more intense anil vehement. We cannot the way of carrying out the irmistice, baa bonus pro

dentskip, for a dezen years, it will be by far the their illegal government pas of the armistice state to say, that if Prance can manage to reductive of enenter proceedings by the King of Denmark, Tha Schleswig-Holsteinora maistain tsin both har Republic and ber quadranuint Prasi. grestest triumph that the demneratio principle has whilst the Danes are establishing a goremment of their own, equally in fres of the conditions agremi achieved, either in ancient or mudera limos.

We do no menn to anst any slur on the wisdom upon. We know that the exertions of Lond at. of the Assembly's recent votes in reference to this morston are still earnestly directed towards bring. Presidential quration. If our neighbour mug|ing skout an adjustment of the quarrel; but while have Prime Minister for a term of years-which the main difficulty exists, wo have at present very is what their President will virtually be-we de little hopes of complete success. Each party en not know but that direct popular nomination may

deavours to put the other in ibe wrong, but show, be, on the whole, the least objectionable method no sincerity in wishing to bring about a satisfactory of appointing him. It is in the Pesidentship itse, elution. The King of Prussia has refused to o rather than in the mode in which Presidente ure to tognise the Danish Commissioner, Couns Matoke chosen that the real peril appear to as to find this, in the very inception of the working of

the Jainc government, a misunderstanding be This institution, so far as wo can make it out, simply an expedient for delegating perijssent and arison, as we fully anticipated. and irrevocable powers, of the most responsible, to an individual who may happen to lose Me popularity in the first month of his four y?rs" term, and who, in that mes, would only become a mark for faction and conspirher. Wocal not go far for Illustrative examples of the evile which would arien from beatawing permanent powers where confidence may turn out to be only transient Twice, already, since the February revolution, has France been in the mood for making a Presidential choice which, as wo now know, she would by this time have been eager to retrast. Had an electing taken place six months ago, Lamartios would have been the mos. Yet the mouth of June would have

Many of the public houses in [longkong oro, intolerable nuisances—we spent feeling on the subject, having the misfortune to live op- posito two of them, We are free to declare that during last summer the neighbourhood we disturbed almost nightly by an upmar in these dens which seldom buided before two ne three in the morning. In warm Weather, with the windows opoff, sloep was out of the question as the songs were heard tinctly, noul we can only say it was fortunate they dul not go farther than a Bachelor's bed-room Quieter and more respectable Tenants now occupy the houses referral to but such scengs are of nightly recurrence in other quarters.

By the police regulations, publia houses to Incked up at 11 o'clock; and this is so far com- plied with as closing the street door, but the party have free ingress and agress-ihero is not the Wightest check upon their revelrios, "and we state it on our own knowledge, that on one occasion when the morning gun fir the nearly exhausted but still noiny toppie ball not finished their debauch.




Jo Berlin matture have sostinned quiet ainoa the last triumph of the popular party. The Ministry is to carry out to a satisfactory extent the decision of the Assembly with regard to the circular of the army; but a very short time will furnish the anti- monarchial party with fresh grounds of quarr. It is reported that Here Von Roune is about to ment to the United States as Minister Plenipotentry and Ambassador Extraordinary A good den uf excitement still prevalle in Silesia, and on the on tiere of Poland, with rumours of frosh insurrect meditated by the Poles. At Cologne Iranquility is again restoreil.



many domestic affairs in settle, it would be inuch to the most vindictive repreaches. The English pe

port from Peeler that the Expilingan kema

Band of

Is to the net of the Markram elvar, wi?ch fo nish the linge that the long luat party nito Joe Franklin, in the Aretia 2015, moment, he in fact safely. have anynames this elemente, ihil mag, at alu

cres. Animurrection has taken place al Vienn

Emperor hat dol-the Minister 6 War, be doplered chat she should waste her strength of war sem reperially olations The Silians Sent Latour, has shared the Tajn, of Count Lam- about fomiz? effum. "An unbosty has been poh are organising & dufence of every point should the

and the two Zichys ; and Vienna was in the lished at Miken by the Austrians. We are will in Neapolitan forem march na Palermo. sion of the insurgente on the 7th.

the dark about the programs of the medialino ques- The birth of diughts- of the Duka and Bush With regard to the Italian quetion we can on

tion; it f, however, hoyand all doubt that Austria ras de Montpeuse his not extind more this ly give the latest reports, which offices that fresh

will nevar yield an inch of Lombardy. Clear end passing content amidst the other fimportant ovente him have boon slatted by Austria resposting Tusay appost in bu again tranquil, and the|which are going forward in Europe. With the meliation of France and England, and that threats of Charles Albert, of renewing heilitis,estion of the financial derangement in Muleid, she has definitively rejected the proseral media. A wisely forgotten sidst calmer console. matters continus in their mual site. Reports are We think this will be found to be overstatod, The accounts from Naplanan | Sicily are con ? current as aver of the complete disparainn vi the

Anidate of 3 Xay Barringtonmek young relative inly not hapediments have been thrown tradictory. We hour, by way of Turin, that the Carlist bands, while the report in Paris was that

Appriant biolof his intent?w-f taking holy nee in the way of fixing a place for the meeting of a Royalists had made an attack on Palermo, and had Cabrera has motorul France, and has offered to

ds; not that b-liked the church as a perferenda bat res, and it is very natural that Austria abonk! been repulsed with the loss of 703 men: hot the

decane frame she tublimp (an life nesr relidre, pad hay ? submit t1?2 the 8,anish Ourernment on certain con- rrent to gain time until her own dominions Neapolitan papers of the 23rd altine, with dead-tion. It la eres stated that a condutin er urady, kanchos. En truth, mercred ing met z's splenda | prof?rment se his dilapenal) he might odi frangaliliyi whas supported by free Meel of the preceding day, are alun up the treaty of Bergara is on the tapis, vd that the

the pevlana di vily to this frank seapest, “ the expens kate would undoubtedly retaso to withou the subject. The duty of one ducat on thu ?m Queen of Ronin Kad notally farel him a con bden is mei un sawable Wean closely contacted, 2 porma of Lombardy. From the first we per portalim of Gesign core had been consored at Ma- mand in her army! Anything is possible in the | you?" Pro ind hats A all the complicated difficulties of the case, ples. The Bardinian aquadron was still at Acsons. Doures of pawish politics. Nothing new from blanketing ner that presiden for life Mmy gif What would conten sum? foul” njoined the young do not see ang shanes of an immediat so Crence and Turkey worn orfoundly tranquil; the, Portugal.

under a living of six huja Jon of the q Charlos Athors has refused

chulera was declining at Constasi?cople, but wan to disclose to Apople the basis of the Anglo- still raging in the provinces, and in many plane United States respecting the prospects of the

The intelligenes which kim rmolied us from the ? not of chu ch, not to it. That' income shall le Megnal you from my private monroes. God forbid Und a caport prevailed at Paris in the Mediterranean. The later intelligence from veral candidston for the Preiloney, has one-d French media

that I should for rememory to any mod's taking haly that he was

Naples and Sicily is more tranquill, but the bel the duepost interest, and the isang of the conto is

orders from perdut motives." The stipulated provision* ligerents having been stayed in their career of de? awelted with grant anxiety,

fa youru; but, mark we, ou this condition, you struction by France and England, hop upon both A good deal of interest has been excited by a re

remain a layout.”

St Mothe

ed, and whi


76% pevuma hostilities,

Ahaa huolilation are not ronew French Govorocomt has so

Tual from 1st July to 20th November 34

** Nov ? mgdala{8}|London

10 No Slus

20,107 340




(Published under the Direction of the Canton British Uhamber of Commerce, 30th December, 1818)



(From Sat July to 10th December, 18(8.)

577,635 764,727 100,144 79,025 1,600 841,20222,464,27% 48,865 16,113178,348 1,195,54713-2901,824,906 1,107,083 25,661,830 404) 3,881) 4,218

225,60-|| 16,912 14,020|| 35,832 250 370 1,895 B93,200



Casper Capre

Rented shoe Forth




Poker Pek

Ur. Pekne Black

Frankay! Hym

S Hyun

Young lign

In vist Chaponder





Scott London






23 |

Chrster Landoo


24,40 18,070 13,000 1,200

69,600 401,644 ?


1,100 5,000

35,950 118,300|| 29.640||


Sala (8) $.














10,000 19,085 1,265 28,396 18,217

191,900 661,142

? 370,901 6,500



36,778 17,784 49,200 11 400

65,471 7,777 70,151 217,068 0,891 1,74 2,456||||| 10,946

34,700,- 4.100 (1,400) 58,605,

U030 232 030 90,227 74,700 338,872

442,661 SOT BL






289 ond





37,500 110,300 451,200


93,325 29,930 16,843

2,000 280,515 803BT

9,794,007 675,201


Vocal from Tos July to 20th-


1848/23,070,328 633,886 799,882 120,460 107,321 1,600 1,012,702 25,761,190 73,472 32,133 290,734 1,013,115 33,005 1,968,8834,271,84% 80,023,032 104 0,787 6,191 Correspon ling period in 1847 5,831,24379,370 600,823 282,621 360,001 04,205,283,216 845,208 28,156.681174,960 146296,128 870,014|2|0.955 785,0039,285,086 30,441,017 1,800 13,675 14,384 1948 24 408 385 22.549 205,247 932,002 132.450 299,529 1,208) 854.15226,042,090741,442) 12:334 128,733′1,813.439|358,360|_044.797|2,499,893 30,140,9 ? 1,099 11,489 13,959


Total in

A to London 17,587,943


fr to liverpool 0.309.207


to Queports 2,182,178

440,70 700,100 119,279 107,321 151,813 77,592 7,190

47,700 12,900

Tool Ev



Great Brieka 28,079,328 Son in #7 vesaria.|15,727,325 Aghai 15


630,888-780,982 120,469 107,321 699,899 769,882 +20,409 98,821


Benson 1945 and 1940 in 41 vessels

1,600 824,909 19,778,027 71,577 31,039 289,61,604,342 315,007 1,859,796 4,941,345/23,817,302 404 5,714 0,118

137,93 3,083,286

49,800 9,291,878

1,895 1,100 $1,128

91,773 22,60 17,000

62,085 210,877| | 3,803 062 1,500 19,800 2,311,678


1,800 1,013,700 5,751,190 73,472 82,133 200,734 1,613,445 339,005 1,928,383 4,281,842 20.00)29 403, 1,787 1,800 1,012,702 20,300,187

208,371 1,240,445 270, 0010006772209,007,17 K?RJ

| 5,364,003| 73,472|32,189| 81,862|| 303,670 P2,799|| 188,905 917245) ASHADI


490,37 220,994 65,435 872,730 685,095, 120,308|| 173,350

Engkivist | Cumquador | Tolai Grici Baai. Bago

905,566 8433,7,1|| UM.45 1.9% 1705 $14,790

8,022,076) 904,910) 1,102,948 18.340,683)

100.801 J

1,408 306,547 68,136) 1944

305,935 9047 13.413 130,100 1,834 1,10


Congou and

Caper Pouchong| Culong J'choo


Flowy Orange Trial Black Twankay Hyron


18 yoon



4,206,267 2,688,776

Season 10 and 1847 in 41 do, Brason

7 and 1848 In 21 do. Tale July to 20th Nav. 11948.j 1848, 7




3,016,675 23,084| 372124) 698,835 1.204 45,176)

6,572,181|| 983,690 1,307,017), 14,387.0

8 098,$168,750.602



10,4%) 380,682|


4,353,632||| 142,021|| 106,507|


27 Horsburgh to New York





As Prince de Joinville do.


32,700 20,021





General Elarrison do.














Toul fo L'ostry the


171,756 551.014,

period 1847.


do 1946

1,682,091 23,084 10,267|| 302,521|



211,695 977,409

89,142 30,010 2,348,82: 1,760,020 85,909

€2,592 4,118 ????? (,927.801|46.130 | 189,822


302730 23.136 325,491

1,502,777 746,023

Ja, 174




The city of Frankfort has not been forthe Jin- found Lamartins at the head, either of an Admi-rbed. A far so we can judge, the recent Hote mistration that had lost the confidence of the Athave somewhat strengthened the Central Pier. ammbly, or of an Administration forced on him by but we may perceive me prope Coanglaich, the Assembly against his jaclizations, and not en- settled form of authority as would give credit Joring bis confidence. Thres ronths ago, or two the title she claims of being considered an

months ago, General Cavalgnan would baya bean Europoon power. Whilst Prussia and Vira 150 - the favorite, Yel General Cavaignac would like. main disorganiend the proneedings at For

wise, by This time, have been in the position, silber many ga on uninterruptedly, but wa treable of gevorning without the support of the Assembly, day when oriler shall be oniablished in Ben and The police ara perfectly cognizant of these or of presiding over a Cabinet politically and per Vienna, for in such an event fresh contermut things, and take no notice of them. We know sonally distasteful to himself. Pochapa, whanarine, the termination of which no man not what instructions they recoive from their Louis Napoleon has made a second oratorical du bly conjectura. Binos one last, the insured jou

been superiors; but this fact is undeniable, that about play, we may be able to add a third same to the Baden, by Struvo and his band of outlan

list of Presidents whom France would have map. completely suppressed. An effectiva hoja Troopa the low public houssa in Hongkong a number turously elected one month, and been baastily ?rad having been dispatched from Frankfor

Aneury of illo Europeans have congregated (assuming of the next.

Fiplete- gents wore ancamarod at Stvallen, mei” Thos, Jodging from sit the experience of the ly routed. The fugitivos were cut dewag the garhof soxmany having no ostensible means past half-year, we should say that the French Prely, and only a few escaped late Swit of earning a livelihood, and that with thead aidentsbin an institution for clogging the admiwne at first reported that Bruse was teff:prison" / men, the European police appear to be in eles surpation of affairs with man of damaged reputa- be and instally shot, but it seems di?i ja was alliance.

tion, worn.sut (infpopce, and extensive powers of | taken, and is may a prisoner ni Frayburg. The So long as a gablican'e lisenos is

mlachief. If the past is any premge of the future, whole inauervation is effectually put dower granted to any man who can raise $100, and the French people will, Jetworn now and Christ we have no dubt a similar fate awaits Avseten in Rear Admiral ?ir P. A. Collier's the pence of the town thus sacrificed in raiso ? mas, entrust a four years' Fermiership to aude man movement which has taken place on they frjoitiers peply to a letter from sertain Morchange and regente, the evil will exist. Were liosnone of whom they will in thoroughly tired before Lady of Wurtemberg, at Roth-weil, where he faw others, residents of Hongkong, complaining on granted to men of charsoter, and offenders day. Considering how soon Itepublican repata levies of Hed Republicans had appeared. And '--

fione wears out, it some inconceivable that an ar- not be difficult to trace the origin of these jackin- the delay in the arriva? of the coufr act Steamers against the regulations struck off the list of rangement can work wall which virtually pra.

Yops movements, which, being totally nurse to with the monthly mails, consequent upon the publicans, a reformation would be speedily of supposes, first, that France has at lanes ane man the feelings of the people, can only er | in scam- vessels boing over burdened wight freight. Infected, and the loafers" in the mantlement capable of preserving his popularity during four Aure. The Wurtemberg Governmantis y pre

entire year; and soundly, that the whimerical pareil to put them down. this matter, the conduct of the P. & O. Com- would find their way to California, or some majority of the French people may be frosted to pany's Agents is indefeasible; and the step other congenial spot, where their vices ware discover who that man is. already taken by Sir F. A. allier, and the re-nonder restraint, and the only recognised Presentation to be made 18rds Com. law is that of the club.

A sweeping reform is called for in the no- misioners of the Admiralty, will no doubt pro-nicipal establishment; but we despair of seeing dare some corrective to the evil most justly it effected until a little of the spirit of a brought to the observation of the Naval Contration is infused into the Magistracy. mander-in-Chief. We may mention that when

a copy of the letter to Sir F. A. Collier was sent

* the press on the 20th ultimo, the original

was in the course of signature; this will explain

14 publication without the names of the sub- senbers being attached.

"Besting","al flongkong,

Doch December, 1919-

Gentlemen,—I have the honor to acknowledge the en- respt ikon day of yout terret dosed the 29th Lasts, on the leet of the lerquegi delays beyond the appointed tiene, in the antral at thong Lung of the contract Packets with Her Majey's malls,

Having myself been a witness in the vessel in which I way lately a passenger and in other vessels of the China bar, of the evil of which you completo -3 had before the cipt of your letter cominunicated with ille Managing Di- etues of the Penisolar and Uriental Steam Navigation Konjang in London, and chele Agent at Bombay, pu?ci- Ing to the

ace table tur

babes of Lanka to which the i

; and 1 boddlond the

Mikette Agros bjbe contract packets un the China Une, in proses againt the varmis being overladen to as cxies likely to prisid their voyage Hai 9 derm the represenIN- whir you have made me, to be of such importance that I shall take the earliest of the Admimliy of translating your settes to the Lordi Cominlastunera i

I have the bower to be,




Your musi obedient humblo Servant,


Rowe Adment and

Men Dry & Co, and others,


The capital of Austria in not yet free fgn falsl* Emeutes, and a devastating war seems to be farried on between the Ilungarians and tho Or Tho

report of the decisiva stesses of the Harinns tho Ban of Creatin hue advanced as for Hude, in spite of a strong manifeste which the patched Field Marshal Count Von inued from Vianna, Elis Emperial M39 dia- bring about a ceration of hostilities, noble man, whoan only fiult was the office to jie Emperor his mator kad appointed hingga 1 Com mander-in-Chief in Hungary, has been bor arously murdered. Whilst in the net ringing about a pacification of the sounding in gatinas and Cretinga hp gas eraelly slain baju moh,

has not been confirmed, indead, by the last counts

we could imagine the election of a President who No doubt it would essentially alter the case if

had no strong political or party bius—a mera est- cutive offerr, capable of giving his hearty confi. dence and es operation to any cabinet that enjoy corporale, pamionle representative of the abstract ed, for the time being, the support of the A?sembly principle of social stability and publia sedan inse who would no mero interfare, on his gown re- sponsibility, with the deliberations of his Cabinet, than the Monarch of this country. But, unhap pily, this is precisely the sort of Presidens that kan?vormi antiago, of huy form of suffrage, will Lever produce. The 'efectiva Bovereign of the The experiment which the French people appear Franph people must necessarily bd-n man of (rest who verdgaida him so he wwe crowing. “[bridge to lava definitely resolved on trying, la one of the? | or supposed) political mark and distinotion ; a man' (roin Buda (Of) to Peath. The renow moal andwous and critical ever alfempled by a bas having political sympathica and antipathios, politi- | to hara gaumed a determinate charade? The tion; and while we cordially wish it all success, forcal friends and scemien; a man who will give his | Emperor of Austria bus thrown off the mark; mod the rali?both of Frogfee and Europe, we cannot confidence, therefore, freely and cordially to one maddened with the murder of his brave lievemurit, ceal our misgivings as to the result. The election, aide of the Chamber, and grudgingly, or mount all,


(From the Morning Chronicle.) ?

to the other side. In other words, he will be, vic- tually and substantially, Prime Minister, holding office on a different tenure from that of public con- lemon and Parliamentary support, and standing in a moat anomalous and ambiguous relation to his official colkagues and subordina1ve.


of July in 2011. Dec. 1840.

Season of 1847 and 1848 Hamburg,


38,317 ? 1,690,360) 102950 349,183) 2838,898) 330,719|| 146,847 2,427,878 121,000

You Emperish. ligen

4,6 NO


Tyson *Thanksy

Hyson. Skin 35,153|| 13,676| 49.246 32,830

17,940 15,97|| 17,209 22.986 22715 19,300 27,800 124,054 49,964 117,378 27,035

18.080 37,290 49,040

Cong. Souchon

Total Flowery Or Psked Sorts.

Havre, Bordeaux,


61.787 ~73,557|| | [2,100

22,060 125.700 SP.67 157,762 6,35 18 930| 060,240 [8,000 90,796



Black 6,822 99.516|| 184,380 16,910 7,500| 104,730| 1,930 12,100 197,035,

1,224,220 25,052 42,1121,800,415 9. Tod 13,600 3.200||

14,000 664,291 $1,300 2,530.440

t.109,230 872,321 161.078 372,321 161,076 81,100 31,640 11.910 Season 1848 and 1847) Hanatio Towns 830,200 172,900 247,000

1.490,530 466,109 438,610 1.837,070 059,100 717.360 34,210 110,600 89.000 392,000 106.480 142,900) 1,500,000 719.120 41,100

99.000 06,200 1,085,810,007, 400, 826.010||


[ Holland,



erg to



Bich the

| Hanseatic Towns ye Season 1845 and 1846 Holland, Sweden,

?Victor {Macao) Haver, Juli Aug.

Nov. Bareas



43,046 201,200) 39,400 210,400

2,300 (411,600|||| 82.348 2,200

Count Lamberg, who had been sent to compen the differences between his own subjects, he has dissolved the Hungarian Diet; has appointed anaW Baron Jellichich Commander-in-Chief of all the, armed troope in Hungary and the Allied King deneg, with simpatic power; and has placed 1 gary under manint low. It is now clear that Jel-

by direct and universal popular suffrage (though we do not know that that makes so much difference) of an irremorable Prime Minister who may, or kiny not, retain for three months, or three weeks, that popularity which in to be ble indefensible title to four years' Premiership-koil this, ton, in a country of thirty five millions of men, with "highly, sentru lized administrativa institutions, that render quasi- | lic's chief magistracy, not, as we have aid, with the Emperor, and the Contest 10tween the Crom despotic power on inseparable incident oCoffice any view of censuring the framers of the new

Linne and the Hiwgarians will be severe. The appears to our plain Englih judgment a political Constitution-who have, very possibly, done the former had advanced near Peath, and last werk ik woonaly of the most dangerous discription. The beat that circumstances allowed--but in order to was thought that the Croatians hnd conquered the stability and well working of a conzitution com

prepare the public mind for conquency which Hongarians in a complete story. Later accente prising to explosiva an ek ment gathie vlgetirsand | stiko us as almost inevitable. We do not pretend inform us that the Croutine had been partially de quadrennial monarchy, would, we think, "bo a total La say that it would have been wise to try the ex-feated, and compelled momentarily to retire. B by Dew fact in political science,

periment of dispensing with a permanent and irre plain that they would again adrance, and a

We note these conditions of the French Repub-Inchick has been throughout secretly supported by

Of course, the Uplied States Presidentabip will|igoveable Executive, or that the simplest and most he quoted against us, ea care in point, by those democratic mode of popular nomination inay not emmander-in-Chiefblances. But eit be necessity to say, that there

who are governed by unges and superficial som- be the beat, in the present state of things; but off- ly that the institution of a periodically elective in all the difference in the world, as regards the monarchy prasants dertain grave inconveniences,

seal position and powers of au adeninistravo chief, [frum ich berclitary conngchy—thaja, veliere

bloody battle underdhe walls of Penh would pre

belly occur. Whilst we write intelligence from

Vienna has reached us, that the appoinment of the

on to the post of Buyal Commissary of Bluepr

and the proposed departure of troops from Vam

to join his army, has led to the most deplorable sa-

16|Comelius Hega

? Total frum Ini July to 20th Due. 1846.

Bex-on 1867 and 1848

Aug 19Tkania, Rept. 1A

Oct. 1:Emma Sherratt Swan river

Nos. In Rome EUGEN

? 20 Sohrson,

25 London,

Dec. & Furtani.

- 12.

_? 16P?i??nice Royalj )

84,250 39,800) 110,400| 81,--0 135,680 97,410 104,710 102, ?

13,600 68,0 1.280,20||233,210174,440 263,160 191,

4,590 7,800 201 140 32,500 18,430|||

19,850 2


10,997 965 $17


€8,096||| 1,000,000 419,963|| "6745,000|| 201,987||||·8,648,609


Exp 23:220 27,120, 140,145, 214,625 220,040 1890 91,800 2×1,000 14.905 5,000 184,498 339,576 4.300) 5,600 49,000 1,274,160 (61,P93||| 60,530 456,308 2,234,785

(7,600 18 TEFLONG" 78,4 19,70407,970 LAT 41,680 84,700 14,100,150 M 137,050 51,100 11603,070, 1

3,610 10,370 to 184, 3,300 615,050 201.102 141,800 128,300 148, 7 67,900 51,300 797,873;1,388,0 07,500 2,457,720 201,200 37,810 02,000 900, 49,100 45,000| 300,4103,054,580 9,000-6,000 122,460


1,420|128,870 14,180|115,1p7|9,427,490 426,592 199,240 211,950 251, 07–745.210108,6701,499,342,4 025,802

1,000- 21,500 13,720 6,550

10,400 60%

10,800 988 900 1,000 913,700








* 1,000)



9,000|| 41,050)||| 548,198

Congo Coper Caper chang

pembed Bow


Hyson Skin



Total Bouth Actri?M

da, Hobart Town









000 43,660








Port Adelaide






Australia Bydney












6.840 2,666







-088|| 603,904

Fort Philip and

Sydner Lord from ten July to 20th Becameter




powder Great

6,500|| 141,306 65, Ken

323 4.5.201


112.500 112,500



6500. 10.850


4,960 30,081 49,860 0,00 109,700

Das 75,907

4385115,75 138,18


09,986 204,484 734,800 170,000 *27,500

14,292 831,192|| 1,900,11

Aday with the Saron!-Nuishga of people are in grace with the year 2. The ldest demperat of the pen day revert with pride in the glimpse of nationality exbibited by Ireland immediately before the Union. Thegrand choral ery of Reposters in fou

? Paliniure mere in Dublin. 1 melancholy, deplorable, almost lawliernan Inconsistency! The your tpad and repen)! "The independence Bitzalanil after Te and repeat! The old Irish Parliament and re- peal Plunket-e son of Ireland-talked of history bimmortble indard for the being an aid almanack. your 1782. But i?? trophies were the handlwork of the San Bright may have been the gleam of indepen. dence which screwed that year. The bole Mover ment owed character and solidity to grest Baron losclaro, Conspirone is the fame of those inch who protested with fery rinquere against the treaty of the Union and these were all Saxons. It is very strange, but very true, that the sinews and line of the agitation now. days are all begotten of Sason #pirit and Bakon free dom. There is not a letter in the alphabet of sali government-there is not a syllable in a bola of mu




29, Victor (Siamesel, Roys, Bangkok. Dec.

-Kitty, Shaw, cannot,


- Kanigin Caroline Amalia (Danish), Neikon, ————————


Per P. de O. Co's Str. Achilles,--For Southampton-Captain MacQueen, Mrs C. Kerr, and W. O. Aspinall For Suer-Captain Lubeck. For Gibraltar-8Mr. Kiszal Spanish Government Momsenger). For Singapore-

Colonel Robo.

sticipal law--there is not a sentence the charter of | 16. M. Ship Hastings political alberty-of Ireland, which is not the lemon,

the example, of the boon of the Bazon, Evayibing

? that Iralend now demande is an imitation of a Baxon Snertation. And Ireland only demands these things, bacus for a Saxon Institutions have pervaded hat Buil, and imbued her people. Grattan and Charlemont ate Beten nura. Lo all the principles for which these remarkable men co?tended, no restige of a Collic We can be traced. Until the Saxon-conqueroras he wat-touched the Trish soil, there did not grow, bloss Bom, ne bear fruit any intelligible notion of solbr der or pubile liberty. But the gratitude of actions is diren from the gratituile of individuals Away with the Saxon!-Blackroned's Edinburgh Magavino.

IMIE RACE COMMITTEE beg to call atten.

COMMIT Resolutions passed a

*their last Meeting:-

1. That during the days of the Races, the hoisting nfa Red Fhg from the weighing Tent shall be the signal for the STEWART to Asemble, and that on the hoisting of a f'kite Flag die Comfre attend, at the 'cht,

2. That Worses and Ponies requiring to be mona stred be sent to the Tent in the Valley between the hours of 7 and 8 in the mornings up to the date of entenner, to be measured in the presence of two Members of the Committee.?

that Proper Statul be efected, and that nd. mittance thereto be by menar of tickets to be had applications to the Stewards or Members of the Committee.

The Committee beg also to remind Gentlemen imending to entry Horses that the Entrance Lor

will be closed on the 1st day of January next.

Victoria, Hongkong, 21st Oycember, 1848.


N?M, Chronometer and WatcH-WAKEL,

moved his Establishment from Macro to Bhagghi, and he has the pleasure of addressing his beat thanks||

to the Community of Macao, Canion, and Hong- kong for the patronage he has received. He hopes, by his exertions, to deserve in bia new situation, the who support from the public. Ele in wali supplied with a variety of Gooda.

Shanghai, 15th July, 1848.


Brig Colombo



Bremer Fay

Brewer Mode



IL C. Beer Phligesken|Bangkong

Moser Plu

II. M. Ship Alligator


Beur. Admiral F.A Collier,

· Captain J. W. Morgan. Commander J. C. D. Hay. Commander C. M. Methion Commander James Willcox. Commander T. H. Mon. Commander Hibbett, Une&Conding ?.T.Al007;1.3. Dog Bunk,

Master 3. Mitabell.

|Honim | 34 Gam

Amey ||Shanghai

16 Gues

10 Kuns

4 Klaus











0. 8. Skip Mymantha


Frigate La Bayonating

HAITIA Ana Copper, skup Argos Apest, beig

Albena, barque

Hangahre, barque

1 barkam Jane, ak?p

Cormit, Mumto

Conni of Yashorough, by

Hermes, burque

Hadostive, ship

dan,achome Lannick, big

Measm, baryoe

Owaga, achromat

Rad Hower, bargne

Richard &am, brig Balopen, berque Below, barque Turim, ship

?Albion, barque

Anna Roberson, barage Bella Marina, ob p Blackfar, tegun

Bucephalus, sh?p

Charter Farben, slip

Charlotte, shp Chlon, vi


Favorite, brig

New Maret, ship

Predamer, berque


Mustunjoo Kowanjan, ship bamarang, ahj

Boday, Khovkar

THE COLLI' per inn, heroe

Ele SHAKESPEARE'S woske; whoever will →Fetum to the Editor of this Paper will receive the grateful thanks of the owner, and, if neogotary, thao Value of the book.

Victoria, Uth December, 1849.


FOR SALE at the Office of this paper:-

Bhula or EachaBOR,





for the Peninsularand Ori- estal Company's Bicamera.

Ozpena, in Books.





Mercantile forms and other work printed whb

expedition at the customary_futes

Queen's Road, 9th October, 1818. ?





30, Joshua Bates [Am.], Bioddart, from L??arpool

*Bib September.

30, Bright Am. Whaler), West, from Sandwich

Islands th Nov, with 200 bels. Whale Oil.

91, Wellingis, Vellacott, from Tutocoria 23rd Sept.

? and Manila 20th December.


), Athena, Ogg, from Whampoa

1. Jaland Quern, Machtlane, from Whampoa.

1, Arratian Ageur, Durhain, from Whampoa.

1, Angina (Amy, Thorp, from Whampoa.

*2, E1.1. St. Phitgethon, Commander Nible, from




Pat (Spanish), Doman, from Manila 7th Dec.

30, Sir Herbert Compton, Browne, from Bombay


90th October and Manila 18th December,


27, U. R. 8. Pigmondh, Captain Gedney, from Ma-

nila 19th December.



Per Joshua Bates,—Mr [leury Gair, and Mr Philly Katlibque.


The Joshwa Batrappoke the Falcon from Bom

boy bound to China, off the Island of Elouro, on the





30, P. & O. Co'z Bil. Achillys, Evans, Ceylon,

20 Jawa Bate(Am J, Stoddari, Whampoa January,

1. Anach Gribba jAr. Whaler], Merribew, Sen.

1, Radomire Cowngre, Wriglit, Whampoa.

1, Sidnry, Will, Whampo

2. Wellington, Vellarou, Whampoo.

Welingson, harya

Willam Prume, ship William Bogari, oble

Tarrington, schooner Brass Compton, barque Will Die Wiep, nehummer

Royal Exchange, brig

Spy, beg

Amoy Packet, schooner

Andia, sengunar

Chalon, barque

Chislain, barqua

Claws, brig

Confectus, ship

Dunatamos, barqagt

Cormir, beg

Danish of sinon, brig

L?nich?n!, Marqma

Jahn Lamper, skup

Kalpin, barqa

Marion, Litig

Michel, sokaamer

longtone 523 Mog?am

215 Durbam

749 La

134 Median

47% M?n

176 Andr

BEST Diver

165 Brignach

443) Anderson

607 R. R. Harvey

Whomper Jar Gardner

443 Mung

561 Wood



med Koslowall

971 Wabging

411 Ag

294 Crawford

425 Potter

Commodore D. Gaisinger,

|| Capuzin T. R. Gedney. Captain La Oraviero.


|Magvigar und ca.

Bash and on

|Lindsay and co.

and co

?Turner und ca.

McEwen and eo.


Rawls, Dinker and co.

N. Dupe and co.

|Ukrom,' Gr?y and on-

Agar and on

fording Mochosen and co. ?

Framing Michason and c

Jardine, Msikoson and on,

Maricar and go.

JA. A. Righie and eo, ?Thanana Lurkina.

Jardino, Muthoom and co.

Jenkin, Rawson and co Trund

[H. Iliday, Wise and co.

Diro, Grey and co.

Boat and go. Dand


Wins and so.

Russell and co.

?Nys, Parkin and co.

Ramell and on.

Turer and on

Macvisar and on.

Karma, Matheson and ca,

THE A. Vill l?ddsey and so.

540 Mic

473 Vallet

255 Ward STaison

Common 144 Riddler



291 Browe

19] Makright


116 Way

Shanghal 64 Willson ●


63) Bmw

300 Rabarjson


17 Roper


317| L?velaroql

wow and on,

Lindsay and go.

Jurdino, Meshes and co Jardina, Maskanen and co.

A. A. and co

Jardine, Matheson and on.

Rawle, Drinker and co. |thesonjas Framjee Lama and na

Gladmy and on

PP. de Ora

|Hobac? Hinsha

|Murrow and o

?dedino, Mashiroq and ca. Dider.

Turner and an

]R & D. N. Comen and sa, Dardine, Machoom sed ca.

today and o

Kalan, Bowman and co. Three and on

Bad and

||Jhodina. Mathama and en.



Neures, brig Pas, b

Two Sobrinos, bargus


Hitung Anam, barqoft

Ujaum Liong, barqu






????? 23Anu

Jona Ticente Jary

IF. P. da Belva.


Macso 300Li


De Vrown Johanna, barque Shanghai 33 Van'boven Alba, schooner

Ane Marie, brig


Etza, barges (Whaler)


Carl & Hermana, barque


Julians, she

Carl Joban, barque


Ana, orche

Rmily, forcha

Fou. Wart



Hupercage. Superento

Dent and on.




Syms, ir au? 15

VOL. VIII. No 2.

Hongkong 41 sherbe

Rawle, Orinker


|Carboruto, Ilasher n?m

Kennedy, MacaPrA MAN 04.

Den and



|WhamBow | 971|Laytion

Hongkong $43 Hongkong] 19?ewell


Wilhelming, barqua


Whamps 106 Prem

Whampoa 100 Panaloghe


Munazama, bri


Banjarjes, ship (langhong 5 Co

Fort William, ship

Sea Born,


Anonymn, bre

Warlock, brig



Common 372 Burley

Lady Hayes, bargue



Linnet, brig

113 Jumalayon



Haperall (Am.), barque


31 Radicott, J. Ronan')

17 Willson



957 Smith




360 Mila




14) Browning


Chincha 292 Crawford


at co

919 Woodrow


Fee-c-foo|| 219}/?ely


phoeden, baroque Amazon, ship

937 Roope Woong 447 Huberton 170


Levi Ankeri, ship Pathfinder, barque Royalet, echowner Harlequin, brig Logimi, barges Anita, brig

Black Ung, schooner Dide, schooner

Baily Jam, ship Falkatoon, ship Mundea, barque

Bape (Am), brig

Time, cont

William, brig

Witham 15., bar Halle, schooner Ternajo, bargne






49 Landers

406 Forbes


Jardid to.

David co


Radioon, W. Aggod

13 Baird

219 Roundy

194 Tampon

Leokong 20 O

979 Priceman



o Cama and ea

|Jarlips. Mis sad on.

Dond and



Hongkong Athena

Whempos Blackfriars


William Stewart Jardine, Matboton |

Whampoa William Prowar A. A. Tian





PRICE $12 per oknuri

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 10 de FRIEND OF ONIMA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, 2o ?um?, i Bellare. Ste #eaths. ↑ Dollars

Pri 14 Dallers, 24 Vetsons and # Dollars, for the periods of Teufen, Biz, and Three Meacha pativky; Nagle Numbers, to Babarberu ? cento sach; to Naellabeez Sare, 1 Rupan. l'arda odling er The Monte, & Dollire; all paid in adebom. Credit sending to the Diller for papara ana taquespil to pay mah. TERMS OF ADVERTISING,--Ten legs and under, 1 Dollar; additional, 18 souci ? Una. Repech bali killed of the Bret insertion. Stolpe-Piras kemerdam, & Dollar

Advertisements to have welatan on the free of them, the crumber of times they see required to appear, ? The will be published uncii amader mande. ? all lestangos,Pt/m -- why are met Bubscribera, adquira to pay is ava

salonquent bertion 48 onts

Fon 41

ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY Broman, Panerai Galle-Malta, bout, Anal

Alan, en route to the above,


antal Company's Sisam

Bhip MALTA or PEKIN, will love this for the above places on Tuesday the 30th of January,

Hongkong. Lo, Norancher, 1848,


Cameo will be received on board until Noon, and H. T. DE BILVER ? this day admitted af Booteh Unimeal in Tine ; nu assortment of O||mo|

Bran until 4 v. m., of the 29th.

For further particulars regarding Funtour and PAMA apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent.

flongkong, 4th January, 1849.


THE PAO. 8. N. COBRAN, will in fa

Cure proosed through to Bonway, and be pro- pared to receive Canno and Passmorne for that place as heretofore

J. A. OLDING, Agent..

P. & O. Co.'s Office, Hongkong, 15th September, 1848,


THE P. & O. 8. N. Company's, will from this date undertake the conveyance of Specio from Chim, and the Straits, to Southampton, under the conditions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, at 3 per cent for Gold and Silver Bullion,

J. A. OLDINO,-Agent.

P. & O. 8. N. Company's Ofboa Victorie, 13th September, 1848.


THE rate freight on Treasure to the Strnitu and Inper P. & D. Company's Steamers will in fatang ba the same for Gold as Bilver,

Victoris, pt. 15th, 1848,


Dirom, Gry



Dent & Co.

Jardine, Matka.


New Margaret

Nye, Parkin

Shanghai Faithful

Gilman, Bowman.


Boustead & Co



Jaka Bunyan

Jardine Mahantu


Shanghai Confocius

Jardino, Mahonda,

New York

Whampoa Candace

Nga, Pal, d


Nyo, Part


Nya, Par20



Rumoll &



Russell & C



| Augustine Fear Rotary



Rural & Oa

Macao Novo Paquete

Jos? Vicapte Jorgoly




Whaipon Semarang

ardian Mathenon C?n m

| Bing.aBombay



Liudany & Co.



Dont & Ca


Jardina, Matherop. i



| Sing #Cukuus Hongkong Armioon &par Bush & Co.



? August


Charfen Forbon Burge Chunnoon Torrington

Jardine, Matheson

Rawle, Drinker d



17, Queen, 879, -, Hongkong.

14, Lady McNaghtm, 658, Hibbart, Hangkon 18, Land O'Caken, 496, Grant, Hongkong. 25, Aon, 665, Clinch, Bhanghai.

September 9, Euphrmers, 428, Wilson, Whampoa.

16, Axin, 624, Wall, Hongkong.


16, Marquis of Bute, 848, Bangalyne, Hongkon||

Loading on the 24th October.--Palmyra.


30, John Christian, 290, Churchward, Hongkon

4. Molly Bawn, 394, Robinson, Shanghai,

Chians, barbe

| Quardian, bar qua

Alha Banyan, skip

480 Chempans

Dedine, Machupa nad ?a. Marriote und vo

$18 Dele



Khotanton Beprurjoo Langrana


ardine Mathanam and

Nachhena, Worthington and no.




18, Colchester, 162, Withers, Hongkong.


Spedios, Matheson and en.


99, Byrin, Himonds, Hongkong,


145 Lario

Edema, Mnic and on..



Kmen and co


karma, Muir and co.

Pyfrater, schooner

Regia, brig

| carum Louma, bene

Victory, arqu

Walion, burgon

Scadaad, mp

Supide Frame, barque

Denia, achouw

Mixaappa, schooner

pao, choot

Vizen, schooner



Bat Co 132 Ki

Dhat bad on

Hardino, Matheson and eo.

Wham Davidemu.

19, Rafael, 180, Brown, Shanghai,

29, Jeremiah Garnet?, 447, Davis, Shanghai.

August 26, "Lord Hardings, 424, Tracey, Hongkong.

27, Old England, 629, Fos, Shanghai.

September 10, Quse idah, 304, Rowe, Shanghai.

171 Jay

165 Lase

Zephyr, schopnet Qualls, sabonner


140Won 190

Pardina, Malmson and on, Deal and co





Brighton, skp (Whaler) Congrem, she Bari, schooner

Glube, ship

Liverpool, ale (White) Mids, ship (Whaler)

Panama, sk?p (Wku)

Ann Maria, skip

Candace, banque

Camragion, ship

Contin, ship

Jonkun Dames, ship

Uneida, skip

Panema, skip

Kadugu, ship

Ne Woahip

Tak, ship

Tonquin, ship

Antelope, brig

Hozer, schooner

Tuncover, ship

Carthage, ship

Petrol, schooner


[flangkong 106 Ther




478 Degesie

AD Gardear





| Bhanghal|| 378 Wachine ?

The Woodberry

Sits Faller



Jardins, Matheson and ca.

and so,

Rawls, Drinker and os.

Bardine, Matheson and eo. |Augustine Hoard and on. |Rawla, Drinker and ca |Hawks, Drinker and on

Drinker and on

redina, Marblawn and co. Augustine Heard and en.

|Nam. Pirkon sad so,

INra, Parkin and go

mell and oo.

Njo, Parkin and

-N7, Parkin and co

Ramell and on

Red co

Jardine, Matheson and co.


|Augusuna Heard

Et and co

Dea. E. Habarison.

Walon, Bates



Bye, Mur and c Chinchaw 100 Bimblecorne | Ranch and co

Ram Francis Xavist, brig |Hongkong | 100|Barron,

Amende, bri

Genore, brig

Marqug of Huntings, barqug|

Neve Paqueta, hargan

Nosa Semen da Lux, bejel

Bromley, banque

Astors, schooner

La Angos, schooner


W. 8. Neel.


30 Pina

Jon Vicente Jorge.

150 25

250 Milva

Foss Prad?ios d'Okesira.


2:00 Jam

390 Carval


?Pedro Jos? da Bilen Loureiro.

Jasa Vican Jegy.

Monnel de Spata.

Louren?o Marques.

V. A. dua lazidjem,



14 Baghalian, 377, Machell, Hongkong. 24, Adder,

9, Charles Jones, 809, Cothey, Bhangbai,

Il, Woodstock, 300, Nicholson, Shanghai

12, Panic, 449, Howard, Shanghai,

Londing on the 94th October---Amarte, Mencius, and Naomi.



21, Angelina, 433, Morgan, Shangbai.


fooding. -Cownajes Family, Eagle, and Isabella Blyth.


October 0, Orixa, 363, Cristian.

10, Falcon, Foreman.

18, Charles (Am.), 487, Andrews.

21, Chabar, 403, Simpson.

28, Malacca, 587, Cought.

November 1, labella, Noble, Whapon.


2,8hah 4chaw, Jokna,


4 ?NDERN 17 wanted, for the loan df 28661 Bojin, on Bolomry on *ape Back “Hrauns," Capisin Carkbill, ow in this port, Apply at the office of

N. DUUH & Co.

Victoria, December 11th, 1848.

FOR BALE. THE HOUSE in D'Agullar Street former.

ly occupied by the Oriental Bank,


The adjoining house known as the Opp ORT



NOTICE KENT ?nderelgoed offer for Sale a goongal adoost- THE Undersigned baring take the premissement of Bhip Chandler's Storse, compriser THE Pram of RAW LE, DUUS & Ca. Hong-

lately occupied by Mr Chas. Bookton, but re- Prime Me Boel and Pork; Gallygo Flour; Pili Storekoppar under the firm of A. H. Fara & and floping Twins; Manila Hope of all sizes persons having claims, against silber frais will- commended business as a Ship Chandlar and One- and Navy Broad; Canvas and Cotton Duck; Sew-hai, ar this day disolved by mutual comment. All Long, and of DOUG, RAWLE & Os. Bhong- A. II. FRYEL Paints bid Paint Oil; Paint Brushes; fotbalins please send their scossais for adjustment, and there

Marline, de, de.

indebted to the firma, will please make payment, Also, received per late arrivals, Ohedder ? rochie undersigned, Bechday Cheer; York and Cumberland Hame;

a a hAWLE.

N. DOUB Victoria, Hongkong, 1el October, 1828, "NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, FOR PREIGHT OR CHARTER

THE A. I. Bark MENAM, 413 Tones Captain Maxton. Apply to,


partner in our Brm, which will consist from this date of Mr A. EL. ?rrey, and Mr ti. T. po SILVIE.

A. H. PRYER & Co. Hongkong, January 1849.



GROBUR C. FRANCE is authorised to sign for me by Procuration.

WAH. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 29th December, 1848.

ON BALE THE BOUSE and Premises situated in Spring 1 Gardens formerly occupied by the ?ruf of HEGAN & Co Apply to

A. CARTER Spring Gardens, 19th Decembar, 1848,

ON BALE. AN IRON CRANE suitable for a Wharf, ca. Apable of raising & tons weight,

An MON Do. suitable for a Godown capable of ruling lions weight.

Apply at the Godowns of

19th December, 1848.


Stores frota Crome & Blackwell; Kennedy's W Crackers; Manila Chocolate; Mucha and bir Coffe, &c., &c.

Morzetti's Bottled Ale and Stout; tendon last Med Sherry, Port, and Bladeira Wines,

A. H. FRYER & Co. Victoria, Ist Jamonty, 1848. NIE underugned has just received a sina li l- voice of the very best English Boots and Shoes from, DAVENPORT. LONDON,

and is ready to offer them for sale at his Corp mission and Sale Room, Queen's Road,

A. L ENCARNA??O. Victoria, 9th December, 1848.



A the Godowns of W. & T. Gemmell & Co

@mall rock of

Buperior Pale Sherry.


Browo do.


Claret, Chateau Margave.

Hock, Grafonberg,

A. CARTER, Spring Gardena,



Apply 10,




FOR BALE TWO very Buperior Carriages- two Bad Baror on the Premiere lo,

rouche and a Single Phaeton. Apply to

GBO: LYALL & Co, Hongkong, 21st December, 1848,

FOR BALE- SUPERIOR ORGAN, of great power and A sweetness of tone. In Handsome Rome case constructed by Meara Wood & Co, playa upwards of forty favorite sire. Apply (?,


No. 1 D'Aguilar Gerent. Victoria, 10th October, 1848.


calvad por late arrivals, a cholze selection of Blores consteling of.-Jordon Almonds, Muscatel glow in Blunion treat al presento Sprats, Pickled Mushrooms, Findon Heddoaks, Rajains, Zanta Currant, Barcelona Nota, Dried pied by J. C. Power,

Bardines, Green pona, Asparagua, Leadenhall Ton Meals, Haree radiab, York Hama, goon, plakled pig's Tongues, Split pas, potied


The Balow in Caine Road in the rear of Mir Bengalow.

Apply the bungalow in Caint Road, and to, Mero FLETCHER & Co. Victor, 17th November, 1848.


THAT Large and Commodious House Intely occupied by the Officers, Ceylan Li?e Regiment ( pusseming among other great ad. malager arge Yard and excellent Stabling. Ap


Toughg, 7th December, 1848.


central part of the town. Apply at this Office, Offers Friend of China,"

jetoria, 4th Angual, |b48.


hall yearly General Meeting of the Bhare. elder will be held at the Office of Moser 14 C? on Saturday the dih proximo al noon,

kog, 30th December, 1848.



Fin of E. MOORMAN & Co., Cantan, this day, dissolved. Outstanding Accounts scaled by,



11, Frances Whitney [Am], 452, Fisk. Loading.—Anna Eliza, Ann Martin, Chinstein, Chipe, Cumberland mare, Hebrides, Monarch, Nymph, Prince Charlis, Prince of Wales, Small, Ruby, and Bukana.


November 7,,Record, 482, Paulto, Shaughai,

14, Clareodon Am, 636, Easterbrook, Amoy. Loading-Clem, and Minerva.

FRON MANILA. November 6, Aurora (Spanish), 189, Cebada, Amoy. December 6, Duiliue, 328, Mexion, Shanghai,



9, Aluvipha (Am | 317, Sanders, Bbanghai.

Printed and flublished by John Cage, At The Frized of China and He Gamtie, Printing Office, Quemy's Road, Vieronta, Honogono, li

Br?perchhb?nt? conducted in Chips |

Firca his day g DREYIUMAN & Co. are unthorised in the lig

in, Jat


A small quantity of Pate de Foies Dose and Pato de Foles d'canard.

Sperm, Composition and English Wax Candies,

do. &c.

No. 1 & 2 Woodmam's Buildings

December 7th, 1848.


Victoria, and January 1810, *

NOTICE THE Business of the Undersigned will from the

date be carriedba ender the Fine Boswa KANN & C

Canton, 1g Jaquary, 1840,


YR WILLIAM DREYER in upthorised to sign

Fler by Prosuration.

Canton, let January, 1849.



RA. LUBECR is authorised to sige our

Figmy procuraties,

N. DUUS &t.

Victoria, dih January, 1849.

NOTICE, MR ARCER MELVILLE seared to be a Part December 1848,

ner is our Figm hore n?d at Amoy from Sia


Victoria, 2nd January, 1819. OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE THE Directore of the AUSTRIAN LLOYD

ITBAN NAVIGATION COMPANY re informadows that frors and wher the 10th of Oster Palmer will ply regularly on the 10th of nece Mouth as the direct line between Tujusrz mi ALEXANDRIA, TO BE to correspond with the HotHARLES WELS 49:15 inforan (hu Comin'?-

NOTICE 1. Comran's Boudat Byzanane; and from and after the 26th of November past a Biomer will ply

Unity, thus be bas papered into the Now.. Pratalees, opposite bis old establishment, where b regularly on the 25th of each month on the direct line trace he will continue to receive the pafz?nigo s? between Tricate and Alexandria, so as to morrespond with the P. & C. Company's Szauna from Cole.

hi fried and the publis. The Aprian LLOYD'S Company will have dr


Queen's blond, Victoria, 10t Jammery, 1849,-*

Steamers available for this line; each of them be?UILLIAM BYRNE, TAIL, from BuckmaE. power. They are fitted up in a superior style and tween 600 and 700 Tons burthen sad of 250 Home- English spoken on Board.

The number of Bertha in sach is an under, viz:-

18 First Class, including 16 for Ladina. 20 Second Cla.. 7 for Females. The Fores to be ?18, for First Class, ?12 fon?.- cond C including Tabla money sad Slew

The Voyage is expected not to acced 5 days. 64 days, and Quarantine is calculated from the day of leaving Alaandria-these vessels being pre

MESSRS SMITH & BRIMELOW beg to in-rided with Health Officers-it follows that with a forms their friends and the Public that they clean bill of health, passengers will get pratiga have taken those pretnises Intely occupied by | immediately on arrival at Triesta Moeurs Rawle, Drinker & Co. in which they por For lettore to England superscribed "via Trieste pose carrylog on Ship Choodlery in all its bran- "overson" charge is made of 18 Krouter (about

ches &c., and that they will keep always on hand | 73 Cia) per Quarter On, and half this rate for every

a wall assorted stock, The Godown on the additional Oz. Any one wishing to send letters

premises are spacious, dry and secured, they will be happy to take Goods on Storage. Victoria, 28 December, 1848.


form the Gabuy of Chuan, that he has concanosed

Yer's London, begn meat respectfully tip in. '

in the Queen's Racul, opposite the Comulioneint Buwise in the above lise on the Premiens a?tudes Gale and W. B., tranfe from his experience in the above well known Hosen and other sminent Houses in London, to meet with*ikas p?troonge and support that it will ever be his study tp marke

Victoris, &th Jasuary, 1859.


DT Order of Hak Britannic Marmer's Con 5 bus, and pursul?t lo a judgment of the Bri- el Consoler Court of Canton, dated 301% or Deermaker 1848, a PISCHER will sell by Pup.

40 Avorion, the Action Beom Minden a Hong, od Monday went the 8th January, 1933, at Il o'clock precies, the Celler EMW% bestiem, per Sailing, Letter, Tom 10 with bar Mem

Rigging, Baila, Apohor and Carla Gabin, The Bakes, and Stores, as she new lies at Chatos,

to England via Triests may pay the "errore into our hands, and address them to the care of th: Austrian Lloyd's Agency at Alexandria-franking | opposite the British Fasteries. them to Egypt.

"Letters to the European Continent via Tried" TANDING ex Athens, from Liverpool, Glood may likewise be addressed to the care of the old Agoy--the franking to Alexandria being anend ed to and for these the prepayment of the "over una” Postaga in not required.

English Coaz.

ROB. RUTHERFORD, Hongkong, 22nd Nov. 1848


Packagon" for Egypt, or any part of the Com ORNELIUS Superior Patent voler Stand, and fiant of Europe, or the Lerant, should be address Hanging Lamps, Extra Globes, Chimnies and of in the care of some out at Bluez, as the P. & O. Wicke

Company do not engage to deliver any thing not Ap invoice of Stationery; consisting of Foolsetended for England beyond that landing port, ap, Commercial Post. Invoice, Blotting and Note where Transit or other Duties must be paid aid to Paper: Buff and While sayeloper 'of all aines: mura as much despatch as pongible a Bill of Lading

Bosturer Bits of szehange on fine Bank poto paper i ilaw Levi Brown's Gold Pena, But thin Overland Laline

Fichich, an Invoice of Hardware; consisting of Aza, Haschews, Gridirons, Dofne mila, Fiat, Raspo, Brocopana, Gonges, Chinch &c. dr.

A. H. PRYER & Co.

Queen's Road,

JARTI'S WILREMS-a authorland in In our Prag by Pianurallas

Victoria, 19th December, 1848. BOUSTEAD & Co.


Storm of the Underwlgsed—An Idipka of Walnut Barmer's with and without Looking Bad-room Furniture, conabting of Maboggay sad

b. 20th May, 1848


* Palanga, ut for further particulars, apply ta,

W. PUSTAU & Co., Agriza Canton and Bongsong for the Imperial Ragai pria, Austrian Liggela's Bizam Mediation Company.'


undervigne? Bega to intimate that he will con * ** liugd to carry on a GlamBRAL AVENor, and Goldberoet Buriram, on the ama premiaca us ely under the Finn of N. DW?H & Co. N. DUUS. Vaplan, Hong kong, set Qutabar, 1868,

US & Co, will receive goods on Storage

NOTICE. in their godawas, at a moderate rust

Retire and forward Gede, or Parole to any part of Ebrapa, Ladia, orja the East Coast of China.

Vimoria Hongkong, Im October, 1848.

Bedsteads Rocking and sitting Chaim – Na' Whohmand and Dressing Tables, Toilet Glass,

NO Associated ourives with Mr B. B. LR, of the late Firm s??AWLE, DUOS our Busint wil be conducted to fatores

Narue of RAWLE, DRINKER & Co. Card Tables, &c.


Long, let October, 1948.

A. H. FRYED & Co.


Victoria, Pot January, 1840,

Sails, Anebor and Cable, and Appartamencion, he saw lies at Canton, opposite the Pasteri

For further particulars apply on board the Car

The Outter HOPE, with har Mos, Rigging

ter, to the Actioner.

TERMS OF BALA,-Cash bef?ra dalisay, Caston, 2nd January, 1849. *




by PL ATTION, on Wednesday the 10th instant at their Godowa Queen's Road at 11

4 Ce 133 Sheets of Stox. Copper




da 30..

66 Bags of and 14 Inch Dinila



TANKS OF SALE -- Cash before delivery.

No, 2 W's Buildings,


DUDDELL is instructed to sell by Pussip ALorton, at hie Mart Cumens Road, sa Wednesday next the 10th Exalant al Noon prozienly, following: just landed. Ex "Charlo?gJaga

? Beditle and Harpus Hotoca Come in Calip



Cows giving Milk,

I Calf,

quantity of Mulee in a Bushel Secka, 2,mcarna, and Ontem," Hubert Town Hay impressed Luice. The above Horses are well br?d and in s sallest condition; their pedigree may be men ?t the Auction Mari of with Capt. Lawrence.


ITU Deens

3 Wis

496 Landers



[Geo F. Ha David Bagle and co.

Turner a

Den and

Jardins, In ved

Comagics Long

14 Gadion, W. Ang





Cazza ser' en-




PRICE $12 per olmuri

OF SUBSCRIPTION ? de FRIEND OF ORINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, je dalele se Dollars, Sir Heath. ↑ Dollars. The Metallire, all palal in ades. Credit 14 Delilors, 43 Dollar und ? Dollar?, de che parlads of Twees, Biz, sad. Theon Manche Mugures flagle Nyaben, so Maharshers t? orvin asal's militar barn, 3 Kupon. Parsian calling ar *ing to the Chiller far paparoava vaqaangi bi jog dark.

OF ADVERTISING,stas does saluda, 1 Dollar; addicional, 19 muta #les. Hopesh kit of [des, of the fret insution. Ohipa,—First Iwers rockmania at hana white on the face of them, the camber of simone abay sex required to sepote, diegryde her will ha pubilebed small socommanded. In all ballyham kho are met babearibers, enquire salmoqmetri funertions as amara.



THE Undersigned baviax takes the premiilent of Bhip Chandler's Biores, comprising THE Frame of RAWE, DOTS & C. Hong-

One biter for Sale a genani amort-

NOTICE. lately occupied by Mr Chas. Bachios, as ro Prime Mets Beef and Park; Gallego Flour Po Also, en route to the above,

commenced business as a Bhip Chandler and Gone and Navy Bread; Canvas and Collon Duck; Bow- ? hai, um this day dissolved by mutual compons All Palani, Galle-Malta, Dave, Apon.ral Storekeeper under Abs ?rs of ?. H. Fanus & Ub. ing and Roping Twine; Idealls Rope of all sinses persone having clais, against aliber trust, will- Long, and uf DVA, RAWLE & Co. Bhong- Paints and Paint Od; Paint Brushes; Houbalim plase send their socemats for adjustment, and them Masline, de, &c.

indebted to the drzzo, will pinano ?moko papmanit,


?LE Panimulan ako Our

ENTAL COMPANY's (smar Bhip MALTA or PEKIN, will Leave this for the above places on Tuesday the 30th of January,

Cameo will be received on board motil Noon, and Pucon until 4 v. m., of the 29th.

For further particulara regarding Punttar and | famaer apply at the P. & O. 8. N, Company's fico, Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent. Hongkong, 4th January, 1849.

NOTICE. THE P. & O. 8, N. Co's Buxamens, will in fa- ture proceed through to Bouwav, and be pre- pared to receive Canno and Pamunozus for ibat place as heretofore

J. A. OLDING, Agent..

P. & O. Co.'s Office, Hongkong, 15th September, 1848,


QUE P. & 0. 8. N. Courant's, will from this

date undertake the conveyance of Spacie from

Chine, and the Straits, to Southampton, under the

conditions specified in their estiomary Bill of Lading, at 9 per cent for Gold and Bilver Bullion.

J. A. OLDING,--Agent,

P. & 0.8. N. Company's Office Victoris, 13th September, 1848.


THE rateli freight on Treasure to the Burnit and Impor `P. & D. Coutany's Steamers Will in furove the same for Gold as Bilyar.

Victoria, ot. 15th, 1848,


J'NDERS 1e wanted, for ibu kan AUTORA BOUN50, d? Bouamry on dim Bark "Hrauna” Captain Corkbill, now in this port Apply at the office of

N. DUVB & Co. Victoria, December 11th, 1848.


A. H. FRYER & Co. Hongkong, January Lot, 1849.


Hongkong, lot, November, 1848,

Alas, received per late arrivals, Cheddar - NOTICE.

Borkday Cheese York and Cumberland Ham VR. H. T. DE SILVER is this day admitted u

Bootch Oatmeal in Tas; an assortment of Olim partner in por drm, which will consist fraas Store from Crate & Blackwell; Kennedy's this date of Mr A. H. Faran and Mr ti. T. unCrackers; Manila Chocolate; Mucha and hirin Bilvar.

Coffee, &c. &c.

Martelli's Bottled Ale and Blout; Tendon bat tled Sberry, Port, sad Bladeira Wines,

A. H. FRYER & Co. Victoria, fal January, 1849. THE undersigned las just received a email to

voles of the very beat English Boots and Shoes from, DAVENPORT. LONDON, 'and is ready to offer them for ato at his C

mission and Sale Rooms, Queen's Road,

A. L ENCARNA??D. Victoria, 5th December, 1848.


FR Grozen O. Pranklyn is authorised to algu

WH. FRANKLYN, Victoria, 29th December, 1848.

ON SALE. THE HOUSE and Promisen situated in Spring THE

Gardens formerly coupled by the firid of HEGAN & Co Apply to,

A. CARTER Spring Gardens, 19th Dacabar, 1848,



Apable of raising & tons weight.


N IRON CRANE suitable for a Wharf, os

ARON Do suitable for a Godows capable. of rulingtons weight.

Amal Stock of

T the odompo of W, & T. Gemmell & Co

Buperior Pale Sherry.

Brown do. Part.


Apply at the Clodowns of

A. CARTER, Spring Garden


19th December, 1848.

FOR SALE TWO very Superior Corringes-s two Smi Bar couche and Single Phaeton. Apply to

GEO: LYALL, & Co. Hongkong, ist December, 1848.

FOR SALE. SUPERIOR ORGAN, of great power and sweetness of tens In Handsome Resume come constructed by Messrs Wood & Co, plays upwards of forty favorite sira. Apply t?


No. I D'Agullar Street. Vistoria, 10th October, 1848.

A uni New Y



vince il







The O

0 1











Aday with the Farsu?—Numnhgia of people are in →racing with the year inst. The less demorata of the present stay revert with pride to the glimps of nality calibet by Ireland immallantly before the Union. Thusgrand choral ory of Repeaters is fo a Parliament suce more in Dublin, Oh! melancholy, deplorable, alment ludicrous inconalatency! be your it

and repeal! "The Independence & Ireland after

9 and repeat! The old Irish Parliament and re- pal Plunket--a son of Ireland-talked of blatory being an vi? almanack. Memor?ble indasd das the your 1702. But in trophies wars the handiwork of the Bax. Bright may have been the gleam of indepen. dence which necooled that your. The whole move mento character and solidly to great Jazon leaders, C'onaplavone in the fame of those inch who proteind with Bery inquakes against the treaty of the Union and these were all Saxooo. It is very strange, but very true, that the sinewe und leine of the agitation no. days are all begotten of Saxen Spielt and Baxon free- dem. There is not a letter in the alphabet of self- government—there is not a syllable in of mu nicipal law-there is not a sentanos the charter of political barty--of Ireland, whleb la not the lemon, the example, or the boon of the Baxon, Everything ?that Ireland new demando su an Imitation of a Maxon Jeediation. And Ireland only demands these things, bact for Saxon institutions have pervaded bar soil, ent wasbued her people, Grattan and Charlemon | are Baken mm. En all the peluciples for which these remarkable men cogtended, no vestige of a Cale Les can be traced. Until the Saxon-conqueror



29, Victoria (Sismenej, Rays, Bangkok.


- Kitty, Shaw,




—, Konigin C’araline Amalia (Danish), Neiboa, ———



Per P. & O. Co.'s Bar. Achilles,--For Southampton-Captain MacQueen, Mrust C. Kerr, and W. G. Aspinal). For Joes-Captain Lubeck. Gibraltar-Sr. Kiazal Spanish Government Mangor). For Singapore- Colonel Roba

H. M. Ship Banting a



Barmer Mogen

Bus Pary



Henghong T Gas


Ja Qu


11. C. Sur Pethon kong 4 Glos


4 Hanghong. Hampi

Home F

It. M. Ghip Allysier


he was-touched the Triah soll, there did not grow, blogs. B. Ship Plym nem, de bear fruit any fotelugikbe motion of soch br- der or publia liberty. But the gracliade of natione le No dirent from the gratitude of individual Away

with the Batong-Blackwood's Kalaburgh Napavine.

THE RACE COMMITTEE beg to call atten.

Tins to the following Resolutions passed o

*their last Meeting:-

1. That during the days of the Races, the hoisting

of a tad Flag from the weighing Tent shall be

the signal for the STEWARDS to assemble, and that

on the hoisting of a White Flag the Comf

attend, at the Ti




2. That Horeca and Ponies requiring In he mons






ured he went to the Tent in the Valley between

Farck. Frut Ca Bayon aoise


36 Own


Rus-Admiralter F.A Collier, Captain J. W. Mapan. Commander J. C. D. Hay. Commander C. M. Mathieson Cemonader James Wilona. Commander T. H. HOUR

Land Canding &.T.Alroy,R.N. Dosier Bankin

Master J. Mahall.

Commodore D. Ondskaper, Copan T. R. Godsey, Captain La Graviera.



Nearea, belg Pas, bre








?Jams Vicento Jar

F. f. de Biles.

Rumeli and on


Bintang Anom, barqu



Guam Liong, baequa



Tree Bobrines, barqua


THE D Songhay

Alpha, schooner De Vrown Johanna, barque Bhanghai 390 Vad'



Dam and on. Captain.

Anna Maria, brig

Bina, barque (Whaler)


Amey Stobarton Itongkong 41 Melberbe bergshampos 453|Kapos

dymo, Muir and a

VIL No 9.

|Rawl, Drinker a.

Carlowicz, Horban))

||Gownedy, Margy

Dent and on,

bay in advanas. *

Carl & Hermann, Beam. Julian, skip

Awka. Carl Joben, br?zo


Ann, leroha Bily, archa Wilhelmine, barque


Moss, brist



(Bere hips)


[Hongkong || $43 ——

- Hongkong|_190) Mavel ***

Whamper 206 Pren

Whampos 10 Pinakucha

domajas Homeges, ship Hongkong 850 Co

Fort William, abi?

Faloon, whip

Common 377 Burley

Lady Hayes, arr


379 Langley

Lianes, brig

113 famine

Ruparell (m.), begyn

JIH Endicott, J.B. Kummick?

Bella, brig


957 with

Warlock, brig

Lord Amberal, obie


336 Zabell


der, berge


362 Mila

Jardine, and

Cously nece.

Harlequin, brig Logies, baryos Anila, brig

Den sad

Ong and

Marvicer and eo. Bank and on. (Lindsay and co


74% Lam

Termer sad eo.

Turer and






Anne Gropper, ship Arratoon Apear, brig

Albena, barque

Hangar, barque

(hacheo Jame, ship

the hours of 7 and 8 in the mornings up to the be

tate of entrance, to be menoured in the presence

of two Members of the Committee.


3. that & Proper Stand be efreigd, Syd that ud.

mittance thereto be by means of lickets to be kad ish application to the Stewards or Members of the Committed.

The Committee beg also to remind Gentlemen intending to enter Horses that the Entrance Let will be closed on the let day of January Desi. Victoris, Hongkong, 21st December. 1848


Here, barg

Linda, shp

Alands, char

Mom, barque

Lannick, belg

Dungs, schoonet Red Rover, berge

Richard, brig

Balogen, barq Bwallow, barges Two, sup

?Athion, barque Aase Roberson, berope Marina, p Bacephalus, ship Cherie Fiebers, ship

Charles, shop Chkan, sas

R?M?, CHRO?ghter and WaTCH-MAKER,

begs to inform the Pablic, that he has rece mored his Establishment from Macao to Shanghai, "and he has the pleasure of addressing his best banks to the Community of Macao, Carlow, and Flong. kong for the patronage he has received. He hopes, *by in exertions, to deserve in his new situation, *the was suppon from the public. Ele is wall

supplied with a variety of Goods.

Shanghai, 15th July, 1845.



MHE 7th Volume of $. I'. CoLLena's edition of BHAKESPEARE'S works; whoever will return it to the Editor of this Paper will receive the grateful thanks of the owner, and, if necqmary, the alue of the hook,

Victoria, Ith December, 1848.


FOR SALE at the Office of this paper


Op Lacto.




for the Peninsularand Ori-

equal Company's Bloomers.

Conradonna Ozone, in Booke.





Mercomile forms and other work printed w?h

mapedition at the customary rates

Queen's Road, 9th October, 1818.






AT HONGzone.


30, Joshut Rates L?m.), Stoddart, from Liverpool

? 5th September.

30, Brighton Am Whaler), West, from Sandwich

Telandeth Nor. with 200 brls. Whale

Farurika, brig

Newbies, ship Pradence, berque

Hajahatan, ship

Rustomjee Lowenjen, ship

Earmarking, ship

Sidney, aber

the ward Ryan, barges

bir Raport Bala, ale


Webingun, barque


137 Roope 449 Hat

Laekwon and .

Rawk, Dakar and co

N. Deep.

Mahmoods, barque Amazon, ship Black Dog, schoon

Dida, ophoone

Emily June, ship

Volkitone, whip Masden, barge

(Am), brig schooner

William, brig

WHgn (Am), brig]

William 19., harg Hellas, schooner Tornaja, bacque

14) Browning Chinches 292 Crawford 977 Woodrow Fosfo 219 Hely

Lockong 90Outl


ely and os.·

154 Munkarian

Harding Motheron and cp. -

17 Andro

fonang Mathon and on.

Jardino, Markomen and on.

Maries and

A. A. Rigbia and a



Theme Zarkin



Jardino, ?achovem sed co.

|Whamper LaGran

Blankin, Kannon and co.


Threer and s

HMday, Wies and co,


730 Thomas

100 Foll


425 Pattersea



$40 Me

472 Vellaco

Die, eay and co.


Dant and on

Jardim, Bucheons and re.

Holiday, Wins und an,

Mall and

4Nyo, Parkin and on.

Terer and on.

Muogique and a

Verdes, Mistheon? and on.

Irty and co.

Jardine, Matheson and co.

915 Roundy

194 Tempom

Nijs and on

279 Priesund

Dear and


Hongkong Albana

Whampoa Blackfriam Bucephalus


Shanghai Faithful


Whampoa William Prower A. A. RI.


Diro, Gray

Dent & Co.


Jardine, Mathe



New Margaret

Nye, Parkio


William Stewart Jardine, Math

Gilman, Bow-

Boustead & Co.



John Hansen

Hardin, Mali


Bhangbai Confejua

Jardine, Man

New York

Whampoa Candaco

Nye, Park


Nys, Pa




Nya, Pa Russell C Russell





Maono Novo Paquete

Josh Vicuta Joug

tush & Ca

Monjos Framjos Cazan and ca Handy and


Jarding, Mathenow




Isaliva JiWhy

P.P. With


|apbar Brachan.


Charles Forbes



Jardina, Mashonan nad ea,


Chan"moon Terrington

Jardjon, Mashesoci Liudasy & Co. Dent & Ca Jardina, Matheca Hawla, Drinker


Carter and o

Dr. Chare and os,

Machman and on.






? August

Denial on, brig

?Falchia), Qarque

Gjilana, Bornia and co.


Qualian, barque

Willam Fromm, ship William Bogari, ab?p

Tarrington, ochoren

rbert Compira, berpen Will Op, echuaner

Royal Bachange, brig Boy, Ing


Amoy Packes, schooner

Aada, agoALS

Chalon, ber

Chiellin, barne

Clown, brig

Confules, ship

??? ??????, ??? Jaka Luoyer, shap

Kaipia, baryos

Mischief, secoAT Primiger, schooner Regla, brig

Lou, Ing

Vicary, harque Walton, berge (A brig

Oil.essed, ship

91, I'dlingua, Vellacott, from Twocorin 23rd Sept.

? and Manile 20th December.


3, Ahens, Ogg, from W?ampon.

1, faland Queen, Macfarlane, from Whampoa.

3, Arroloon Amper, Durham, from Whampoa

1,, Ang/ (A), Thorp, from Whampos.

2 11.18r. Phicgethon, Commander Niblet, from




L, Pa (Spanish), Dumas, from Manila 7th Dec.

30, Sir Herbert Compton, Browne, from Bombay


30th October and Mavila 1ab December.


27, U. A S. Plymouth, Captain Godney, from Ma

nila 19th December.



Per Jonkun Bates,-Mr Henry Gaie, and Mr Phillip Railbone.


The John Batepoke the Falcon from Bom.

bay bound to Chins, off the Island of Bouro, on the

In December.




an, P. & O. Co' Sit. Achilies, Evans, Ceylon.

20, Jandwa Bater Am, Stok, Whamboo.


1. Ansell Gible (Am. Whaler), Merrihew, Sea.

1 Hustom pre Cowgive, Wright, Whampoa

1, Sidery, Wild, Whampom.

2, Welling, Vellacou, Whampoa

Spids Frame, bacque

Deals, schoumer

Maanpyn, schooner Apac, hooner

Von, chooser

Zephyr, achoon

Crambe, schooner



Angler Brighton, phaler)

Dari, sahooner

Oluka, ship (Whaler) Liverpool, shp{ Wholar) Micho, ship (Whaler)

Panama, ship (Whales)

Aus Moria, ship

Candace, barque

Carrington, Wap

Coquila, ship

Jabas Bates, clip

Unake, ship

Pasuma, whi

Madugu, ship

No Wick, ship

Talbot, abip T', ship Antal, brig Homer, choose

Vacco, abip

Carthage, ship

Petral, achomber



?Surdopo la chanson and on. 4. A. Rinakin and ca,

Wurdina, Methon?n and on.

Bowie, Drinker and co

Thrace and on


Apstand and on

Chrdips, Matheson and on


Bing Caloyne Hoogkong Ar?ation Apour

Whampoa mareng


Angustine Fla

Hugell & D

and on


Chiesen Beprotjes Langmaal.


Math and

Worthington and.



15, Colchener, 568%, Withers, Hongkong.


29, Syria, Simonds, Hongkong.


fair and ..


29, Jeremiah Garnet, 447, Davis, Bhanghai.

| 201|Markalar

Sa Mair and en,


26, Lord Harding, 424, Tracey, Hongkong.

Rathe and co.

? 100 Metada


Hongkong John


Heard and ca

Bhanghat 37 Wadin

and oo. and on


Ken E. Huberman,

| 816| Faller

Wales, Basen


Mirand og




Sam Francisco Xevar, brie (15m2000/

Amizade, brit

Geovers, brig

Marquis of Hastings, herque!

Note, barque

Nossa Senhorn fan, beje

Bromage, bergen


Les Amigo, schoonse


250 49



60 Rimedios ? V. A. dan Lomedia. 105 517




Chincho L——

43 Dog

YOGA man


Marian, Mashion and on. Dag and

Jardan, Mankovou and on

Cask and on,

Rawie, Drinker und on

Nardian, Methoven and an, Augie Het und so, Rawie. Drinks and on. Rawle, Drakar and do is, Drinkse red a

india, Mehavn and on. +14cusing leard and co.

No Param and eo. (Nao, Parkin and qu Fimal and c Nje, Farble and co.

Parkin and on

Ramal and co.

ANPAGEbea. Pordine, Machonen and co

W. 8. Neal.

Josh Fices Jorgen

Pedro Fong din Bila Loureiro.

Jan Pradivo Olivera.

Jans Vicable Jorge

Jan Monnel de punt.


17,*Quern, 379,



14, Lady MeNaghten, 653, Hibbert, Hongkon 18, Land ('Cakes, 496, Grant, Hongkong.

25, Ana, 605, Clinch, Shanghai.

September 2, Euphraws, 428, Wilson, Whampoa

18, Asin, 894, Well, Honghoog.

16, Mergais of Bato, 848, Basparyne, Hongkon Landbag on the 24th October.-Palmyre,


30, John Christian, 290, Churchward, Hongkod

Molly Bawn, 394, Robinson, Shanghai,

19, Rafael, 380, Brown, Shanghai,

97, Old England, 629, Foa, Bhanghai.

September 10, Queen Mak, 204, Rowe, Shanghai.

14, Baghali, 177, Macholl, Hooghong. 24, Adder,

Odober2. Chazica Jones, 869, Octbey, Shanghai. 11, Woodstock, 360, Takalone, Dlangkah

12, Panic, 449, Howard, Shanghai, Loading on the 24th Octoben-Awarte, Mascias, and Naomi,


21, Angelina, 423, Morgan, Shangbai,


Loading. --Cowarjee Family, Eagle, and (mbella Blyth.


9. Oriza, 363, ristisn

10, Falcon, Foreman

18 Charles (Am.), 487, Andrews.

21, Chebar, 402, Simpson.

28, Malacca, 587, Const

November 1, Lubolin, Noble, Whapon.


2 Shab ichaw, Johar,


11, Frances Whitney (Am), 452, Fisk. Loading--Anna Eliza, Ann Martin, Chieftain, Chipe, Cumberlan more, Hebrides, Monarch, Nymph, Prince Charlie, Prince of Wales, Small, Ruby, and Sukana,

ROK SINGAPORE. November 7,,Record, 43%, Paolo, Shanghai.

14, Clarendon,Am, 536, Easterbrook, Amoy. Loading.-Gem, and Minerva,

FROM WATIA. November 6, Aurora (Spanish), 189, Cebada, Amoy. December 6, Dailius, 328, Maxton, Shanghai.

0, Mariposa (A317, Broders, Shanghai.

Printed and Published by Jenn Caan, At The Priced of China and Hend Gantie, Printing Office, Queen's Road, Victoria, Hongono, luk

FOR SALE. THE HOUSE la D'?guilas Street former-

ly acompied by the ?n?nnya; Bank.


The sdipining house koown the OLD DAY



The Lungalow in Staunton Strest at present on- cupied by J. C. Power,


The Balow in Caine Road in the rear of Mr Bungalow,

Apply at the bungalow in Caint Road, and to, Mer FLETCHER & Co. Victoria, 17th November, 184.

TO BE LET. THAT Largs and Commodious Hopes lately occupied by this Officers, Ceylon Pie Recient possessing among other great ad. malguarga Yard and excellent Stabling. Ap 內加


Houghg, 7th December, 1848,

TO LET. 10MM?DIOUS and secure GODOWNS in a con) part of the town. Apply at this Office. Offer Friend of Chine," Victoris 4th Augas, Ib48.


E ball yearly General Meeting of the Share- bolder will be held at the Office of Mesura *T&C on Saturday the 6th proximo at noon. Hongkong, 30th December, 1948.


BE Pin of E. MOORMAN & Co., Canton, thday dissolved. Duanding Accounti hemped by

Canton, 201

HE Edber

the Fifo

ithin day Hers REY

for the liq

Canton, lol


MARTILHELMY, 3 maharim? zo Sign our by Proen:allah


Castro, 20th May. 1848


TAVING Asos comselves with Mr B. & HAWLE, of the Firm af&A W LE, DOUB - Ce, our Uusimels whit be conducted in future der the Name of RAWLE, DRINKER & O


Hongkong, int October, 1948,




calvad por late arrivals, a choice selection of Blores consisting sf.-Jordon Almonds, Mosental Rajalne, Zante Currania, Barcelona Nata, Dried Sprata, Pickled Mushrooms, Findon Haddocks, Sardinen, Gren pena, Asparagus, Leadenhall Ten go, pickled pig'e Tongues, Split pass, potted Moats, Horse radish, York Hame,


A small quantity of Pats do Foiss Dose and

Pate de Foles d'canard.

do. &e.

Sperm, Composition and English Wax Candles, No. 1 & 2 Woomam's Buildings

December 7th, 1848.

Claret, Chateau Margaus.

Hock, Grafenberg.





Apply 10,


or on the Premiers in,

Victoria, 2nd January, 1849.

OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE. THR Directors of the AUSTRIAN LLOYDS STREAM NAVIGATION COMPANY ham informadan shat frors and n?er the Lich of Cather pasta diameter will ply regimely on the 10th of an Weath on the dievat lina batwoco Tajapra, #4, ALEKAKULA, so to correspond with the flon & 1, COMPANY's BOMBAT STEAMure; and (rout ad ser the 25th of November paat Beamer will ply regularly on the 25th of each month on the dioci kan between Trieste and Alexandria, so as to correspond with the P. O, Company's Stranzas from Gialle. The ADRIAN LLord's COMPANY will have fr Stanmers avilable for this line; each of them be tween 800 and 700 Tons barthan and of 980 Hene pewar. They are tied up in a superior style and English & apokeo on Heard

The number of Bertha in sach is so under, vix:-

38 First Class, including t? for Ladin 20 Bacond Cla

7 for Females.

6. B. RAWLE N. DOUR Victoria, Hongkong, let October, 1898, “NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.


THE A. 1. Bark MENAH, 615 Tote Captain Hestos. Apply la,


Victoria, Bu? Jopleary 1819, ?


TUM Bortness of the Undersigned will from th?i. databe carried be under the Firm Bonus- MANN & C

Canton, Igf Jaquary, 1848,


IR WILLIAM DREYER is authorised to sign

our Fit by Proturation. Canton, ist January, 1849.



MB LA A. L?SECK is enthorlard to sign age?

Ad Firmy proosation.

N. DUE & Victoria, 4th January, 1849.


MR Ancun, MELVILLE sneed to be a part, per la per #hun kies uild of Away from the omnembar 1848,

SEUN &: Co.

intern, am data, ang pamb

Lom the Out NOTE alty, ilmi baba nga Presales, opposka kis old tab


is frioul and the protulla. truete ha wifi cont?nua “Mi roo?iva'

Queen's Road, Vielsela, Ixt Janingy, 1848;* Pyer's London, begs most respectfully de 182- WILLIAM BYRNE."Tariq dem Buckpage form the Gdesty of Calas, ljut be has constateen Business to the above line on the Precalega skatten in the Queen's Road, opposite the Comminorant Gate: sd W. B., trase from his expellat?s j?

room the shore well known Home and other anis

The Fares to be ?18, for Firm Clar, ?12 foams in London to meet with "that


cond) including Table money and Stews The Voyage is expected not to exceed & dat 5 days, and a Quarantine is calculated from the day of leaving Alexandria-those vossola be?ig pro vided with Health Officers-it follows that with als bill of health, passangers will get pratique fouardiately on arrival at Triasis

MESORS SMITH & BRIMELOW beg to in- forms their friends and the Public that they have taken those premises lately occupied by Menara Rawie, Drinker & Ca in which they por. For letters to England superhcribed “yla Trinata” pose carrying on Ship Chandlery in all ite bran- en "overam" charge is made of 18 Krowser (about: thes &c., and that they will keep always on hand || 71 Cla) par-Quarter On, and half this rate for every

■ well assorted stock, The Godown on the additional Oz. Any one wishing to send letters premises are spacious, dry and secured, they will to England via Triests may pay the "ovacsora be happy to take floods on Storage

Into our hands, and address them to the care of the Victoria, 28ht December, 1848.

Amir?an Lloyd's Agency at Alexandria—frunking them to Egypt.

ENGLISH COAL. ANDING az Athena, from Liverpool, Good

English Coal

ROB. RUTHERFORD. Hongkong, 2nd Nov, 1848

FOR BALE ORNELIUS' Buperior Paint volar Band, and ▼ Hanging Lamps, Extra Globes, Chimnies and Wicks.

Ap invoice of Stationary consisting of Fools Note Farbe: Buff and White soyslopes of all stara i

Bank (

Jere Books, pi

? ise Levi Brewife ?ula Pan? Mengerang Kades thin Overland Eston Puput da &c,

Invoice of Hardware ; sensiallag Elatohete, Gridirons, Cusco m?lo. · Filen Baucopana, Chongca, Chisels &cs, duc..

100 10-1T JUTE "V]

Quera's Beads

Victoria, 19th Desember, 1848.

"Letters to the European Continent via Tried may likewise be addressed to the care of the sald Agacy-the franking to Alexandria being attend ed to and for these iba prepayment of the "over

Postage is not required.

Packages" for Egypt, or any part of the Con- tint of Europe, or the Levant, should be address ed to the care of same con at Bum, ar the P. & O. Company do not engage to deliver any thing not intended for England beyond that landing port. whare Transit or Duties must

up as much deepaich se posible a Bill of Lading would-be esante the

aithe farthez particulara, apply t?,


Agenda al Gaston and Elangsung For teske impagini Mayai prin. Asturian

Lalryde' a Stads union Company.'


and support that it will ever be kila mtudy to them, ju

Victoria, 5th January, targ

** PUBLIO AUCTION- DT Order of Halk Batranuso M?sma buz, and puron??llo a Judgment

tish Consuler Court of Canton, data December 1840, ** FISCHER =il LSO ABUTION, et Me Auction Reome

Hang, on Monday neat the 8th James 11 o'clock pracy, in Cattar BAWAT

per Sailing, Latin, Tome 18/},? With Rigging, Baik, Anabor and Celal get Ball, and Songs, na she new line dion appoate the British Puettries,


The Celler HOPE, with bar Most, Rigging. Baila, Anchor and Cobia, and Apparta

be now Bos at Canyon, opposite the Puppysites For further particulars apply on board the Cas lerk, or to the Auctioneer.

Tanks of 8448, —Enah before delivery,

Caplan, And January,#1849. ?


PUBLIC AUCTION SSRS, EMITA & BRIMELOW, wi! pull by Pomalu Aterian,

instant at their Godewas Qoem's Rond+ng+@g o'close

4 Count 133 8beets of oz. Copper)

225 do. 20..



| Eundersigned Begula intimale that be will com dhood to ch?ty c? ? General Astray, and Qojasthang Baseinate, on the mise promises as


dr the Fram of N. DEUH & Co.




Japse of the designed-An Lavoies of airline; ngkang, del Gejobar, 1845, wewe Bureau with and without Looking, (ST,, Erus & C3, will woeira goods on Blorage Bakrokto Punttori, conghting of Mahogany and

**NOTICE. N?. Et their gode was, at a moderate real.

sun; Bedsteads Rocking and sitting Chair Wahstand and Drukking Tubler, Toilet Chemes, Card Tables, &c.

A. FL. PRYER & ?a. Victoria Pot January, 1840.





do DO.. ca

06 Degin of dead 1? Linh Nhi?n

· Tanks or Sats—Cash before delivery,

No, 2 W' Buildings,


UDDELL is instructed to sell by Purtig Aucrton, at his Mart Queens Rood, Wendy at the Och instancat Noon pensionly, following 1 just landed Ez “Charlotte Jage ***

? Baddle and Bargoon Hotons,


3"Came in Calip

& Cows giving Milk,

1 Calf,

quantity of Maine fa 5 Bushel Seka, Lueneno, 11 andaten, Hobart Town Hay it


1 The store Horses are wall bend and in ex- condition; their pedigree may be so the

Resolve and forward Grunds, or Parcels to any part of Shrope, kun, q? jo the Bam Coast of timallest

Vistoria, Hongkong, In October, 1846,

Auction Mert or with Capt. Lawrence.



- New Advertisements will be received muti!, A FCWck, on the evenings previous to publi. entum, Tir; Tuesdays and Fridays



24: Hydne

lall use ?.



Bombay Madras

Mulla Shanghal

Nov. Nor. Dec e..* Dec.



Nr. ?A Njv. 13



NOTICE-Die Nevelee will for the pressa? he row. dected in the baking adjoining the Post-Odies and upgante to that Club. Hou, --an Sandage 11 11 A. M and a pas P.M.; and on Thursdays at 6 P. M.

October, 1449.



Colonial Chaplain.

NOTICE-ITTERIAN CHURCH. 'This congrege. , conducted the the pegment by the Res. W. C. Hurki, will mentoroty Sangate, in the Bungalow immediamly bei Med the Chun Hocha.

The hos Diome Service will be (1 a. m., and ? past 4. .

Vistosis, is Norsaber, 1868.


ARIA,"25th December 1849--Discovered large Island in Lautude 19." 32" North, Long

? tuls 141 ? 15' 30" Eset; a ?alma the time. I appeared about 40 feet high and 4 miles long; very Larren nd of brown color..

On Thursday several individuals appeared be- fare Mr Holdforth charged with being parties to the robbery mentioned in our last issue. The Magistrato went into the case fully and imparually; but the evidence only proved that they were with the rioters rcho d?turbed the peace, mud did not bring home the felony to them. They were therefore discharged. Mr Holdforth commented severely upon the outrage, and consured the police for a laxity of duty in not putting a stop to such disgraceful proceedings.


Or Wednesday evening, shortly after dusk, an attempt was made to cut through the front door of Mears Smith & Brimelow's store. A sor. vant chanced to come down froin the dwelling houss above (the stair of which is within 20 feet of where the rubbers were at work) and on seeng him the thieves ran away. They bed taken the mouldings from one of the pands, wurde bules through the panel with the in- tention of forcing it in.

Between Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, a burglary was committed in Gough Street. A Bungalow was entered and some trunks of Clothing on rried out on the Verandah and ransacked. The watchman on the beat

must have slept very soundly not 18 have been disturbed.




the mess rate of the product of the two netals from 1746 lg 1823. Chen he Hussion ginen began to be regularly worked. Bince then the compara- tive sampal product of the two metale has greatly changed. The solul product of silver in 1810 ban bero estimated at $87,000,000 gniom 0-47,000,000 the product of gold exceeding that of silver 94,000. 000. This excms of gold over silver it must be remembered, accurred before the discovery of gold je California, and while the Mexican wines wore the time engaged in war." "To" this adormous en- not being generally worked, that nation being a nasal product, of geld most hereafter be added the re-product of the Californie Plasaros.

poly, and luences to supply the Canton market with Casua were granted to certain individuals, who established what is known as the Sungiai Hong, and by this Company Cabin was moon- polised as rigidly as evor. Et may appear sin. gular that or John Davis-or any man of common 10410-would officially recogai a measure injurious to the interests of commerce and repugnant to a treaty the integrity of which he was bound to sustain ; but the fact is doniable. The co-hong system, so far as

gards, Cassin, was thus in full operation, sanc- Gooed by H. M. Plenipotentiary, and had that distingumhod individual boon continued a few office, ulk and other articles years longer would also have been monopolied upon his pet plan of granting licences.

The Sungtai hong bold the monopoly for three years; the partners of the Hung, we are informed, were Tony-wei-chuen(the same who had been deprived of the monopoly (), a moda- | rin of potty rank named Mih-king-pih and his brother; the other nominal partners were the hong gervants. A well known broker was Qu- gaged and through this broker and from the Sungtai hong alono soukl Camin be bought,

It le mogocally admitted that the average amquat of guld procured by each laboras angaged in dig ging or washing, is $18 per day. Biz themed are already engaged in digging. The gold was discovered in May last, and up to the 12th of Oe tober, it was estimated that $4,000,000 had been taken from the earth. Thoumada are Bocking there, and probably in the satires of twelve months there will be 50,000 people in the country. Let u suppose that during the year 1840 the average number of laborets will amasat to 20,000 and that their arscete product of gold is #10 sech per day. This number of Jabouters, working 313 days in the year, would produce 302,000,000 worth of gold per annum, or more than a third more than the whole prodest of gold during the year 1846, and n?a half ones than the entire juodust of silver das. ing that year. This amount added to the yearly product of gold from other onenes, would swell the annust product of gulu to over $100,000,000 against $37,000,000, the onus product of silver. It must be evident that with such sa immondo qu- ul yield of gold-its value mast fall in every market of the world.


of the returns of the population in 18. tal number at that time, according to 301,609,177. Thit Mr Everest beli. far more carefully made up, and co... more reliable estimate of the populatic than we have of any other country c szert the United States. The popul posed to have doubled between 1712 Between 1794 and 1812 & is supposed creased about 30,006,000. This imm




territory, the extent of which hau beer distributed in different degree of de elated. Mr J. Q. Adamo,'in his loklar tackons ibio sound numbara a? setus square miles—including, of coute, C ry. Balbi, pashape the bigbest sui who, in the caes, fine the endorseme bold, states it at 5,350,000. This would u the whole empire, a density of abou the square mile. Much is greater population dr, however, concentrated in pet, which includra 1,297,000 squar ?gu,#19,630 English area. On that population stands to the engraphical e relia of 20 to the square mile. This in m then the average faug in the thickly-p of Europe." In one parts of the Nail in the Grand-dueliy of Luces, 250. example, the ratip in 275; in England, 25 vince of Yoonau, ip China proper, the as low as 14, which is rather lower the o State of Mchumia; while in C... most populous of all, and the one which suc udan Paking, the average risen to 844. to 1. prosince of Kwan-tong (Camop) it is stated at 101.

The theory on the subject of the relation unl cally mulisisting between the state of pulation and the supply of the means of subsist, which has prevailed in Great Britain and sewhere, undertakes to prove that the Howard of Labor The Julia arrived (tom Baa Franciaco on Bun- day morning, bringing fifteen paengers and a regularly declines in proportion to th uncreased large amount of gold dust-By this arrival we density of the Population. Mr Even says that |the impression he has received from enllage, na have date to the 29th of October. She bad mu- merous applications for passge to the lalands, and well as from personal observation, in ?gainak this it is suppoerd that the weat two or three arrivals thenry and to attempts to show that, up thm, will brlog a large outube who come for the pur while the money price of Labor, us almost e pose of trade or to remain during the winter monthe-articles, is lower than in the United Bees, the val she brings no news Cimportance. Bag Francis rate of Wagce-that is, the supply of the weessasi eg is said to be entirely overren-large numbers and comforts of life which the labur is able gel with his pay—is greater than it in it at oth being unable to procure shelter. The ruins had art

countries, including those which wo 1- in and the gold-hunters word fucking down. 10

best administered and most populous, i e Win was thought that the winter would be uncommonly severe. A jargo muaber of emigrants form the ern World.

Mr Everett hewa, conclusively wonk, that Bisten and from Oregon, had arrived. A great number of deaths had occurred, and much sickness many of the statements which have fent of the b?ris still prevailed. Much suffering must ensue during of opinion in respect to the condition 4: the Labor- Mr Wardley was thus compelled to purchase the winter months-hundreds bring unable to pro-ers of China are exceedingly looms and inaccurate, the Camia front the monopolists (the Sungtai cure shelter. Lumber, provisions and goods of all and therefore unworthy of confidence and to the hong); but the notoristy given to the transaction kinds, command enorme prices. The consump talements and speculations he opposes fuels g

ting of goods appears incredible. A reward of thered during his residence to the ostry, W. and the exposure of an infraction of the treaty of $5,000 is offered for the apprehension or the head quote from his observations as follo

of the murderer of Mr You Plater. Tho Kame- The wagre usually paid to doros sorvants Nankin by a renewal of the abolished monopo

in China are fire dollars per month. I am also hamoha fll, and Honolulu are hourly expected, lies, has resulted in a removal of the restric

Informed na good authority, and Sind wated in a tious upon free trade in Cassia. In the words

GOLD-HUNTIO.-There is ons important onder well written article in the Chiness Fesitary, tonig of Seu," I have therefore cancelled the licences ject connected with the working of gold mines, before me, that the pre pedalpurnia by for those Thry of the thirty firms, and the ntegchants of your which capitalists should not lose sight of vis :—reigners here, are about the arms wi

11 appears, honourable country are now at liberty to doaltreme cheap-being extremely simple, and receive from their own countrymen.

admitting of being careled on by one or two sai. from the same authority, that the wages of a la. with whom they pleas8. May every other antific moralogies, amined by workman procur. borer in the field or iba markahip, erally encroachment upon commercial privileges, ad | ad on the spot. The gold is usually found in the one moce a day. Porters, meniala, and established by treaty, be met and defeated by bed of soms stream, either in the form of dust, or laborers, get about the -ms-Ons ce day of rounded masses of various sizer, smoociated and may, therefore, be assumed as she ater to talk of reference to the treaty itself, and not by an un-

frequently comented with tho grave) which forms the reward of marg da-ly labor is Chiq ?* dor-handed arrangement such as that entered the bed of the river. This gravel is collepted and is the tenth part of a tool, and about into by Sir John Davis in 1845. The foreign subjected to a prorams called riddling, by which a part of a Spanish dollar, or frem forte Diplomatist strong in honesty and to integrity to the bottom of the rive and secupes into trough

porilon of the mineral in the form of dust gravitate cents.

In April 1848 a British Morchant contracted with a Chiness for 1,500 picule of Cami: 10 the following month the contractor stated that from certain obstructions at the inland Custom- houses, the Cams on uld not be brought to Canton. This circumstance was iptinuated to Mr Elmslie with a request that he would ask the Hoppo to great his permit for the said Casis to be brought down to Canton upon the payment of the legal transit dons authorized to be levied thereon." The Heppo, in reply to Mr Elmslie's communication adosted the mon. opoly, informing the British merchant that if bo is in need of Caasia he has full liberty to purchase it at his plotusure and crvenienco from the regular morchants” the Sungtai and other firms."

of purpose is a match for Chinees cunning underneath, which is gently filled with crude mer.

but should he abladha tha stronghold of treaty | cury. The conglomerated portion is, by the pro- des of riddling, detached from the sla'y gravel and, along with the dust in the trough the gold and mercury coming to contact in this vasul fpem what | | in sulled an umilquin-thla amalgum is then dub. | jected to a genda hest in's retort, and the mor- nury, being volatilized, in recrived in another ves- pel, whilst the gold remains behind ip a pure state in the retort; it is now ready for the mist, pad its Band.port to market is unattended with any further


This is the season for robberies, and it is par-rights for new agroements" and new arrancaping through the holes in the ssive, is received cularly desirable that a fow trust-worlby Eugements be will be foiled as Sir John Davis

was, and become an object of pity-ar con ropeaus be appointed to go the rounds and see that the Indian polion are awake and at their

tempt, We apprehend that this duty is per- poste, formed in a slovenly manner; the attractions of the Public h?uan proving too great for the faithfulguardians of the night..


By the Amelia we have papers from the wich Islands to the 18th November; from the ' | Polynesian, we extract a fow paragraph with the latest Californian nowe:—


(From the Polynesian)

Batrack ofg Communication from the Imperial Cem- asiener SE, to Fia Favelancy 5. Blora,

quire, C.B.. e., ked szu. Th? Deputai Oleer has already set in a Rapeet The Peruvian brig Parifion, arrivad fram Cali- respecting the Coula question, stating that a great|fornia, bringe no news of moment. The United In the Democratic Review for November wa gumber of inhabitants in Pingman district considered States ship ?kio, storeshipe Southampton and La. Bad'a paper from the late Alexander A. Evereu

I have therefore cancelled (the monopoly) improper. the license of the Thirty Pirme, and the merchants of region were at Monterey. Commodore Jones and the Condition of China, with reference to the Governor Mason were on a visit to the gold region.] Malthusian theory of the influence of a dense Fa your Honourable Country are now la liberty to doul

Comp. Jones has issued an order respecting the palation upon the Rewards of Labor or Rain of (in thla actide) with whom they please.

transportation of treasure in United States resorts, Wages. This subject has been the theme of ao (True extract)

prescribing the saten of freight, an extract from amicable discussion between Mr Evgrad and Prof which we publish to-day. The storeship Esin. Coorga Tucker, late of the University of Virginia; to will probably touch here this month, affording the Iguer affirming and the former denying the pro- an opportunity for the shipment of gold dust to pestifen that Wagre decline in propertion to the Valparisa or the United States. The looward part ingewase in Pupulation. Mr Everett, whose com of the count is nearly desert, every hody baring monication is dated at Muco, April 29, prente gone to the gold regions. The expenses of kring, some Geta respecting the condition of China jh?t are enormously high. It believed that a great are interesting and valuable. deal of suffering will enaue during the winter months—not so much from the actual denreity of provisions as from the lack of facilius of trans.


Tun above appeared in the official organ on Thursday. The monopoly in Camis to which it refers was discussed in the local papers in May and June last, in consequence of Mr Ellie's having b?on indacol to stop payment of dutier until the monopoly was abolished and British merchants permitted to deal with whom

they please in terms of the treaty of Nankin. priston The murderer of Mt Von Phistar had

The filth article of the treaty abolished the co-pompad," long system eptirdly, and a continuance of the


The statements of the population of this em- pira, which have long bean before the public, rest

on official soumerations, regularly taken, or cor. rected, every your. The whole empire is divided


Persone of the description here ment be bearded as from a dollar to a dollar

per month. Mine are boarded a **


other mere

enth fiber

ad hau'



describes that of the poor Chinese food, so thus provided, in sot, as F.. little spoonful of rice, or their wame lo which it was boiled. The 91,50 the month, na much rice net. three times a day. This is the groot/ with all classes, from the Emperor ij. addition to this, thay ?ave fish, fowle in abundance; begf and motion are a

soles They have also an ample supply of the fruit-puch an oranges and bananen, they have tos at dineretlen at all happi the universal beverage throughout the Brown, a misionary alergyman, wh school for Colors boys at Hongkong there are from twenty to thirly pupile, ut the rate of a dollar a month, in the me cribed above

The #verage cost of rice is about taels the pecul, (188 1-2 lbs.) or g? and pound of rice is as much o a day. The daily laborer reoti his mace, an amount of money ear to the daily subsistence of fourtee IT he be the bead of a family, on Sirp perone, be has at his diapos

for his and their sybeitenes, in

tendo for mine or can presama, i providing himself and family with

books and other necessaries and of******

are all to be bad at the most modali

common laborer," mya the authority"

can dive for 83,25 a month, incl

and rett; but 92 is the nearest average

for administrativa purposes into provla?an, and | clothing costs from 83 to 65 a year.

th?se, again, into departments and smaller dj?tr??ta, | an I have already remarked, ken very d


composed of several branches of the

In comequence of skis truly admirab



which i cand publicly every mouth by the provinwards of 2,000 plouls destined for the Bombay wiastun to seeemblies of the people through market, prie hare andmed an upward tendones

and a depaagd having sprung up for snolayed is empire. Is thi3?4, as well as in some ters, to which I owed not hor@ wilddo, Pugs for Bydney, hol·lats are deading phere, philanthropista, nad won mission. higher rates. We hour that I get pic have beco might with adraolage take a few lassone in ? offered ide brown que, dried, and several of the den- political oral and religious doctrine from the lers hate duelined contrasting at this prise. In the om they are so anxious to sailing, and oegly part of this month, they would gladly have prop: canaise so far below themselves in the scoped a lower gure. Should there wot be a large export depesul for ?the next two months, we vilization.

rever, are the facts in retence to the may expect to so lower priom pravniling in March of the working clamos in Chips. The | and April sa the new stop je lica, a

Lamp --Abom 4,900 plesis of good quality,


acco laborer of the bourast olase with the

del stand, on un uraraga, konely na followers which have been in stres, candy sprowad, far the 60 last 5 radnike and for whikh the baldara wadl? 27 hare gepted appo somalh?ng h?n that the melative

Aquis! inporno at 65 per month, Blchoad trai at 89,50 she sayti, debe employed in supporting a fami- ?— prlo?, ?t which some pstonis unterewed that ware

?en expe?ted to arrive about the 20th inst, were dun- dy, becka, jururies and savings,

The correctness of the statomadta girop in for ? trected or Spacebased co-arrive, are now held for week from the polonipal Hemp districts of Alba?

(1) such, 830 added from the Fund. Weig for Ingham. Farmer winders excluded.

The Canton Cup for all for From the Gardga cura, one round and in. Wright 9 clone 7 De for Arabe. 11 stone for Hydaey and Cape bevid Horns Maiden 1Torses allowed 4 iba. Entrena $5 ch.

The Valley Bakar for all Ponies, 19 kande 3 in aber and ander, Chace round and a dissecon. E.. trance 2 ch, 960 added from the Fond. Weight for fnches. Former winners of this Since to carry the actra pengesaniraly. The Arab Walter Majan. Fenm the Garden Sura, oney pound anyd in. Ratesara Bi moh, 199 add from the Fund Wrigin (1 stone The fasi Horse' to pay the second Horsea antrani?a, The l'ash Flakes for all Ponian. Catch weights,

On a sound. The winner to be sold for 850 i ela med within a quarter of an hour from coming

the past, withlu my awe knowledge; and ? higher ratge in annarque?ce of advium received thy, in his Dadenine 1992-040 given from the Fund. where they rest on wvidonos, the authority in am- guastionable. You will judge for yourself how and Camarines, where a great proportion of the ↑ Tha/hlary War Shaker for all Horang Araba

far they are consistent with the theory of abject plantations have been destroyed, and serscal eng welchedoms. From view of these gatements, ele lost in the typhoon of the 12th instant, report. as well as of what I see around me, in the sounded to have been there the most nuvara and close- trous of any in the recollection of t?p Bidest reel- ecodetions of the people, i should say on the cou-

And se beron? of the trary that the working population of China are betdents in those provinces. bered, better glothed, better lodged, ou the whole vessels wrecked and otherwjas donabili, ware e happier, and even higher in the scale of intellectual gaged in the transport of the entiels and some lond- and moral culture, than perhaps any other on the od with it to this port, we look for thatod supplies globe. I dish whether seen in New England, for some time, where the money price of labor is so much higher, thar the laborer or the small cultivator enjoye so any of the eforte of Life as the Chinese. Cac taly the half and ovar-worked wretchen

that crowd the

land, and pans

ukemia rarging scale of ling with him.


Cotton Good

is hardly any

pathicules de

are still giv

since ate gre the pr

$13-0 per pi

tired Drill only be ki Bahls of our

urived yeste

algo which


applied and le priere.,

?ar, minos and houms of Eng.

one to the other of theen


rary oscillation in the ever-

28, dengue pretend to an aqua.



skly General Prics Current,

cember 23.)



| This beanch of our trade there

doing and no enquiry for ·

Rice-Looking up.

Intigo.-No demand, Coffee.-No demand. Sapanwood.--Bearos, Shipping quality $19 ppt Segara.-Abundant.

Exmanos on England.s-We have only based

of some Bank Bills sold for this mail at 3-11, and understand that there are few or no privato Bills offering.

TONDAGI.—We understand, that about ?3 per lon for Sugar and ?4-10 per tua of 20 swia, of Flemp, could be obtained.

THE RACE COMMITTEE beg to call sten. tion to the following Resolutions passed at their last Meeting :--

1. That during the days of the Races, the hoisting of a Red Flag from the weighing Tent shall be the signal for the Stewards to assemble, and that on the hoisting of a White Flag the Commerki attend, at the Fent.

on of coloured goods, which ay in price, and no impro-2. ked for wall present houry duced, or T. Red cambrick blurge, and last salon weco at Long Cloths, Cominon Domes h English and American, can.

De small quantities for the daily The Flocano from Liverpuel mad brings a new and asportad ?rther tend to lower prices.

this article the market lo fully of Intely bean made at var?

Metals- the Eloisas further supplies of Iron abon and haine bave been received and the mother in moje Bully supplied.


Bugs- the aztecoven purchasm of currant qakty, celed to in our previous numbers and whch wahinen bean informed amount to op.

Thai Hocers and Ponies requiring to be mone ured be want to the Tent in the Valley between she hours of 7 and 8 in the mornings up to the data of untrance, to be measured in the pressace of two Members of the Committee.

That & Proper land be erected, and that ad. mittance thereto be by means of tickets to be had ok application to the Stewards or Members of the Commilles

The COMMITTEE beg also to remind Gentlemen intending to enter Horses that the Entrance List will be closed on th? l?t day of January Gezi

Victoris, Hongkong, 21st December, 1848.



MONDAY 15TH January, 1849.

The Wong noi chung Stakes for all Ponies under 1 handa. Onos roued and a distamen. EntzADDO


excepted. From the Garden turn, once round and in. Entraman S5 coal?, 980 added from tha Food. Weight 12 alone. Th? last Florme t? pay (ba mo?ad Hurad's omrance,


Tumsay, L?ve January, 1849, The Pony Maliw Stakez for all Ponies.

rennd “and u dimanco. Entrance B1 each, E30 added from the Eand. Wright 10 stown 4 1×1 for 13 banda and under; 10 stume 7 lbu, if abc 19 (3 banda,

The Plenipotentiary's Cup presented by His Ext

Lency Bambel Ovorgo Bonham, Esq, 08, 700 $200. For all Horses, bon? fida, ibe prope ty of the parties entering. From the distancat.c ryand Ang in. Weight 9 stone 7 lbs. for ?ra is. Sydney and Cape bred Horana 1 stone. For winners of this Cup to carry 5 Ide, exten. La si Horse to pay the second Horse's stake.

trance $10 each.

Weigh for who. Entrance 81 ch, $40 dded from Fund, Benoad Posy to receive

$18 in the Fund,

?The Nacic: Pemi valou $20 for all Posies. Indien and Chunter Hidrs. Owearoand. Orada weights. Entrance Frer.

The Landicap takes for all Heroes, that have staged at this Meeting, to be handiosen by the Slewards Weights in by daqlared of the C?ch trang ?i h?, ch? huy on the Base

·Metrance to i 1 drokaret by 3 s'alosk obe demo day. Baum Fon 63 n?ch, 630 adlyd from

be Foud.

The Honghong ~. aple Choos Grill Paulos. Catch

weights. Creand tu be nuind by the Mowards at rodelnek, as the 16th. Entrkare, sa bu der darr? on the courou. Fee) inch, 8:30 addol wekcaldy,



deckence each day panotollig at 1 o'clock. The first Sa-idling Bell to b? t?ng . at half-past | P. E.

Estrange jy be declared in weiting to the Jaco Committee, stating the mime and color of the Horse, and colors of the Hiders, defore the Jet Jongery, trav.


No Horse allowed to run whom Entrance Feet

bave not been paid,

No Person loged to Enter or Ride, but Gelaars of the army and Navy, Membaca of thy Chah, or Gentlemen nominated and agonailed by say two Menchura of the abara named Bodles, being Subscribers; the party thus nominatud pad ser conded being ? Subsoriber, and ecouted by the Committe

All Disputes respecting the Boose to be released to the awards, whose decision inno be fiqui. All objection to Horses or lidera, moist be made

in writing before artlag. L-Threo Homes to start or no Bape.

Pha Victoria Plats value 690 for ull Ponies. Fom the Black Rock once rosad and in. Weigh 9 atome 7 lbs. Entrance 83 mob. Former wint re of this Race to carry 7 Ibu, ostra progressively.. The Arab Sex House, once round. Weight S

stone 10 lbs.

from the Fund.

Emrance 5 oach, $100 kjed

The Scurry Stakes for all Ponies. Catch weigh

From the Black Rock in. Entrance #1 sich,

$30 added from the Fund. Last Posy to pay

the second Poulos' entrance.

The Ladies Purse value $50 for all Ponica, who have run at this Menting Winners to be ban, dicapped by the Stewards. Once round and a disse. Entrenor each. Weight 9 stooe THIRD DAY.

Wednesday, 17TMm January, 1849.


Walghts for looi, 12 hands t? carry 7'indeo,

inceansing 7 158. f?r query inch abora No allowance for flares or Goldings.

?By Order of the Committen,


J. ROGERS & Co. Bhip Chukikte of Moda, DEO leave to inform. Oyayn? ?ed Garraine of D= Walle Snies, that the Governmen) of Ma mila has abolished the Tonnaan Deni si? ?v?rpu - moup Derius borstufore existing on Wh?lt? codeh- legal that Port for refreshments. This r?gulation will commence from the 18 of Jendary, 1849; and will flord Whaling Capjains the monien dit vilgs plying their votels with s? l?ndi of stores at the · most moderate rate.

Manik, 126, July, 1849,

The Hunter's Piata value $100 for all Hart bege to Inform Abu Public, thai ba h?n re

#rom the Gurdeo turn, once round and in,? ?re four tordion 3 feet 6 inches, and two Hurdles 4 feet high. Weight for inches, 15 hands 2 iarh to fry 11 Mons 4 the. 5 lb. allowed for Very inch balog to 14 hands and 1 inch. Ents $5 each.

The Ping Hurdia Race for all Ponies. From he Gerdes turn, once round and in. Four Hundies foot high and two Hurdles 3 feet 6 lachen.


(Published under the Direction of the Candon Bridie Chomber & Commerce, 90ch December, 1848)



and Twist, pogolle. Camista. Spanish Wornal Interior Iran barel Nail



K?M?, Carosongeng and WayoR-NGKUO,"

moved his Establishment frogs Magush to Bhanghai, nd he has the plansure of editable knot thupke the Community of Mano, Cumimy and Hong.

by ha akartions, to deserti

the map support from the pebble.”?361le supplied with a variety of Ga* V*

Shanghai, 15th July, 1848,


Alison Linin

Rod. tons.



Surd. Zape Platin.] swees. parte, bu





Cotton. Sandalwood. Betal-aut? Raithan.


Primed and

for the


Colton yara




can est



bie of row


pl. of 400lbs. pieces.


Stripes, Stude.






ward to

Hongkong Nu 24 Favorne,







bal dant.





* 2,300


















be drink,


This a


Prudence, 294,025

Raduga, 1,410,100




pire M

Le Mecam,

100 2,600



Tre whic

In them

er doe-




f boles.


pocale. pecule.

Olibam pecule.

Elephants Toolb.

“Bieta di


ition pocalas

Clason Torel haley

Papper. pocaly




poand coc

Ast. 25/5c land




Liefern, in

Ti Baba phalus




in tala:

27 Carrington




21 Blac friar




Duc 1 Man zoeteen



10 EM









Cha otte






Focice lalanda


12 Rabana


14 Carl Hermapu



3 +100 (971)]

of four.

"of motor.

which combines all the supposed adveni aga vaka

virimary scheme of "ormamajaliss," wil jout any as

The discovery of such ram qunotities of gold in the lowbat of which are composed of ten families— || habit of living legether l? large estat Cassia menopoly was unquestionably an infrac-California, combined with the immense yearly pro-alt, from the province to the decade, having their tion of the convention entered into between duct of the Rumian mines must Shortly produca a | appropriate heads. The hond of each district of Great Britain and China.

change in the comparative value of guld and silver, | tes fam?lias la required to keep a tablid, upon which causing derangement in the currency of every nos is entured the oumber of the persona in sich of tion throughout the world. That sich will be the th? families ormpusing his district, ?nder "The two Pre-lac, can easily be demonstrated. It is the cam general heade of able bodied men, or tax-payers, parsive scarcity of guld which has given that me and months—or women and children. Ones in pos-comparative value of gold and silver was different these tablets and makes a return of the population, fuul ita presont valus. Turns centuries ago the every year the governor of each province collects from what it is at the present day. The discovery founded upon ibam, to the Board of Revenue or of America, and the subsequent increased extra- Tranmity "Department, at Peking. Here they see tion of silver greatly increased the comparative ra- par in order and employed for the various purgosen, lus of guld. From the discovery of America upuch as milkaty service, wxation, &c., for biol to 1746, the product of silver compared with the rooh a return is wanted. The result is published

We will state briefly a few of the circum stances connected with this monopoly. vious to the treaty it was held by a man nained Tresy-wei-shuan, and it continued in his session for two years after all monopolies were nominally abolished. In October 1844 this breach of treaty was brought to the observation of H. M. C??rul at Canlon by a Merchant who

had suffered in consequence. After some nego-product of gold was " dva to one. At tim begin- from time lo time, by authority, and thus possess tiation with the Chinese officials, Sir John

ning of the present century, the annual produnt es all the certainty that can well balong to iba of silver was about $10,000,000 gain about subject. Davis ngroed to an arrangement by which, $17,000,000 of gold, or nearly two and a half dol Paulhar, the celebrated French orientalias, in Teny-wei-shuen was deprived of the mono-

lars of silver to one dollar of gold. This was dearly a work published in 1841) gives ind?tail ? portau?

ile Jongere und absurdities, the expanseret uni- duals are greatly reduced. Eighi, twelve, Bitcell, and even mxly persons,' says the authority I have of course, redwors the individual expenses and this already quotes, anglatimes live in and horse Thi practice is so common that $2,60 may be taken the average rate of board *

It is much to be wished that this eccormical. sonjal, and culy christian custom might entEWS

itself to other chuntries. It is constabily secut meiled to the Chinese by the bighest authorities in the empire, and forms the subject of one of the chaplers of the famous Sacred Edict, writen ig

the Emperor Young-Ching, about a century agon

a uprl of summary of political and spert? 4-071

Artided at Whampon.




Lang Canton.

Frisiel and[Golian-yara


Olared and TYM





Sailed. Cotton

John Christian May



???? ???????

L. McNam

Land & Court Land Harling Joola Balca Euphrate Bagbation





Jeremiah Gorme

Old Baglanl



# # *!!!


Neil rpi| Copper, Steel Zinc,




' yla.





Cochineal, Land











31, Raduga (Amb Leitch, New York,

In the matter of the Inovivoni Estates of D. and H. | January,



MEERWANJE? ?????????, NOTICE is hereby given shat by twg several ordered out of this Honorable Court and respectivly dated the Twenty second day of November instant, the vesting ordare whereby the mid Estates became, and wa?u vested la. Robert Dundas Cay Caquiry, the Provisional Assignge of, the Estates of Insolvent Deblers were suaulied and discharged, and the said Estates were thereby ordered to he resigned and reconveyed by the and Robert Dundas Cap Esquire to the mid D. and M. Romjee and Company, add t? the said | Mearanje Jenjeblog.

All persons who are indebted to the said Estates,

or have any effects or dicuments belonging to the aid firem, or to the oil Meerwanjes Jerjebboy, are requested to pay or deliver the same at the Office ?T The aid D. & M, Rustomjee, Croton.

Deted the 82nd day of November, 1848,



Attorney for the said Elolvents. Queen's Road, Victorie.

To the Creditore and Debtors, }.

of the old Insolventa.


PARTIES ura cautioned against trusting the

Crew of the Whalo-ship Brighton, Captain War, the Captain or Consignes will not pay

? any debla of their contracting.

Viethris, "tot January, 1849.


R. F. DHAKE, will be happy to receive two young Gentlemen us boarders, in addition to

one at present under lub taigon, to whom would be imparted, solid and useful accomplishments, run'ined with every domestic comfort, and cal.

c?lsied to ensure kucrem in Mercantila purvuile, and other channels ia life.

Colonial Church,

Vietin, 28th Ducember, 1848.


THE Daily Adveniser and Shipping List will from the 18th inst., be delivered at Hongkong Canton, and Mecso, gratis. The Proprietor hopes by this insuring undrereal circulation, and an op- portunity of advertising daily that the Paper will

be supported by adfertisements.

N. B.-New advertisement for insertion me

1, Oneida (Am), Cresty, New York.

I, William Prower, Ward, Liverpool.

9, Bucephalu, Skinner, London.


ARRIVALS-December 19, Oquande (9p.). Mercader, from Hongkong: Champion, Morrish, Bydnay; 12, Ilocano (Up.), Liverpool.

Darayur-December 17, Congress (Am.), Frach. Hongkong; 10. Roseta Joseph, Patrick, Sydney; Am-frigite Plymouth, Godesy, Hongkong; Wallington, Vellacoti, da.


H. M. Chip Hastings

Brig Columbine


15 Mono-Admiral mic V.A.Callier,

· Captain J. M. Mazza, Commander 3. C. 1. Bay, Commander C. M. Mathiesen. Commando Jam Willen.


|Hongkong| 74 |Gust

Amaj Shanghai

10 Chann


Nthe Form



4 10am



[Passer Banklar.


.. Skor

M. Mitchell,


B. C. Posmer Pilegeshon || CanDE

Big Mariner


Ba Fury

Swan Mules

Bimer Pisto

H. M. Ship Aligator


Ghip Minden


U., Ship Plymouth

Ship Proble

Frigate La Beyonanie



Amale, schooner

Anne Cropper, ekip

Bangulure, burque

Charluna Jane, ship

Commur, nasumer

Hlubinger, barque

Hermes, barque

Gongkong 16 Ke-s

Micro 34

nder T. H. Mason.

under NIGALE






Keren, brig


Jan Viconsh


Moove Babaino, brig Ps, brg



Tras Bebrium, barq TY

Basaga Garay

(Kumell and

300 Lim



Batang An, bergne

ja long, baryan Yann Palin, barque

$15 entendre

De From Jabat, berger Kentzat 350 Vauthor

Alpha, sokovnAr Anaa karis, brig




183 Robert

Cut & Hermann, barque Whampoa 450|aff our ·

Supercargo. ?????????. Koyuan da Den and ch


Brown, Mult





PRICE $10 per Kaune

TEIN OF BUBSCRIPTION FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE por fame is Dollars. Be Mouths. 7 Dollars. Them Mining & Talleres all paid la advenon. Gendit cee, La Dedium Dollars, and ? Dollern, for the periods of Twelve, Six, and Three blanche respectively: Bugle Numbers, ie Babaeribers sa sense,and; to: Mannberenetiari, 1 lmpos. Partiya naling w ting to the men for papera tra requested to pay vask. TEAMS OF ADVERTISING. To know and finder, 1 Dollar; additional 10 ms How. Repetition weed of the West Insertion. Wilge,-Piche Martians in Daisies subungan Inutione de motz. di ctiammonta in have writing on the five of them, the number of clases they are required to appair, otherwies t?ng will be published until countermandach. In all kijukan, t?ng, who are not Subterther, coquiz e

11998 G?versigned offer for Bale a general ames) IN THE OF JA JE COURT OF HONGEDNO,


BAINES. Jalan, ship

Awa.. Cari Jahan, baryon


Whomson 274 Lagting


|Hongkong) 943|——

Deal and da

Ana, loreba Kaidys arou Wilhelmine, barges

HAWALAR. Mohite, big

|Hongkong thSowell


Duse and

Whampoa 906 Freha



|Whampon || 108|PARANche

William Pool



(Store ipo.)

Bemanje Hermangan, ship |Hongkong 650 Comme

Jardins, Mad

Fort Wham, ship


Falcoat ship

Jordina, M

Lady Hayes, bary

List, big


Ben Harpe, brig

Anonyms, Ing

Warlock, brig

Lord Ambers, ship Pander, orqan





14) Browning

Dending G. T.Alay, K.J. Ruparell (Am.), barqno

Commodore D. Gebelangor, Ospesis T. R. Dadway,

Kommander Jam 3lynn.

Captain La Gruvlare.


Harlequin, brig Louise, barges Anita, brig

Mahmoodes, barges

Amares, ship

Black Dog, schooner

Dide, schooner Emily Jane, sk?p Folksor, ship




Comely men.

[Hongkong Lindsey


Time, schudder


Huprimer and an

and on

Willace, brig

William Hughes (Am), brie]

William IV. ber

Balias, acheonar


Com of Yorvagh, be

Coll 800

· 475|Maxton

Wilbon, brig

Lindeman, ship

Rad laver, barque

da kdward Ryan, banque Bwallow, barque Byzja, skup Ter, ship

Zephyr, schooner

Albion, berges

day will be received up to noon very day, and Belle Mare, shy continued seven days without extra charges,

Victoria, 12th December, 1948.




Anna Roberson, barque

barque Charlen Furban, ship


Charlotte, Blag

Dion, skip

ESL, brig

Favorite, brig

New Margar, ship Dolan, hip



Macao, at HINNAMS, China Shopkeeper.

Victoria, 18th June, 1848



The Auction Mart Queen's Road, a very? A superior assortment of Lambs Wool Borks, Stockings and under Vonta; also a Cage of Fall Hats. Shooting "Hats and Cape, Forage and war. mer Capa, Manila Scars and Dromos &c. &o,

A low fare Manila Biscuita; Ibda. Navy Bread

Victoris, 2nd January, 1849.*




AT HONGzono.

3, Amelia, Lindsey, from Maxelland 15th

Semereng, ship

miany, ebooker

Bir Roberg Bale, ship

| Durga, barque

Wellington, barque

Willem Bows, ship

Jaland Queen, achoamer Turingion, schooner

Brorbert Compton, Weym

will onie woopy s??????

Royal Rechange, heig

9p, br

Amay Packet, schatter Andes,


Chalen, bereno *

Chiefala, barque

Clows, brig

Daniel Watson, beig ful, barque Pichoshira, ship


3. Marmion, Dale, from Shanghai 25th December,

3, Orise, Christian, from Bombay 11th Ostober,

* Zephyr, Wilson, from East Coral

4, Sir Edward Ryan, Triggs, from Whampoa

5, Vancouver |Am.), Fuller, from Shanghai.

U. S. & Preble, Commander Olyan, from Ma

nila 28th December.

5, Syria, Simonds, from Liverpool 29th July.



4, Nuevo Bilbaino (Sp.1, Aguirre, from Manila.


Per Zephyr-Mrand Mre Hillier, and Child;

Mr Stewall

Onardian, berge John Banyua, ship

Jake Cueper, cap

Kalala, barque

Mikkal, schoenar Privateng, nobenar Regie, brig

Berah Loung, br

Viewer, barque


Cham, brig

Sealand, ship sophie Frame, barquo


Menuppe, schemat Omegn, schoone

anan, sebnomer

Van, schmmer

Ossels, inhooner


Per Vancouver-Mowers Medham, Morse, and Jujabean, shir (Whaler) Foodgram.


The Orina spoke the Syria, off Anjer, on the 17th November, from Liverpool bound here; also the

Magellan and Bahamian homeward bound.




2. Charge Anderson, East Coast.

2. Atroloon



Durham, Culcata.

2 Lanrick, Wine, Calcuna.

3, f'ongress [Am.], French, Whampos,

3, Anglowa [Am.] Thorp, Whampoa.

B. Elim (French Whalesj, Melberbo, Sea.

3, fakindern, Macfarlane, Cumaingmoun,*

I, Athena, Ogg, London.*.

II. C. Sar. Phirgeron, Commander Niblett,


4. Oriza, Chrision, Whampos,

6. Harmion, Dale, Fingapore and Port Phillip.

5. Panyma (Am. Whaler], tallet, Bra.

Dart, cheer

?labo, ship (Winter)

Livsepool, aby (Whaler)

Vamosaver, skip

Anglows, mahomm

Ana Maria, aip

Candeca, Marque

Carrington, ship

Congress, ship

Co ship

· Jonkun Reten, ship

Prasme, ship

Ben Witch, ship

Talbot, sup

Tuna, ship

Amelope, rig

Bozer, honet Carthage, ship

Feel, boo





WIE R. Huwy

145 Wron

Wham 350 Gardner

447 Meare

Turner and po Melvin s?d Tuple and to.

el, Drinker und vo

N:D and or

Okon, tray and os

Lindy and ca.

Verdes, Hasbrion and co

A. A. Ringle and co.

Maipo (Ain), brig

Ternate, bergan


Maricar and co

Ja, Edgw and sa

Tromso Larkin.


Dir, Gray and ca.


Jardins, M?thon and co.

Dan and co.

Mankin, Hanno and co.

Turner and on

day, Wise and c

544 Wood

63) Willia

Die Gray and

75 Thomas

Deal and on

Jardins, Machnoon and co.

Ferdins, Mathison and co

?b, Parkin and go,

Tuner and on

urter and on

Jagrisar and on


New York



121Mer Camdon 372 harley

Blu Badloost, J. B. kumel and 4 -

Jardine, Me

]Deat and p?



#13 Millen

9:57 Sich

231 Meno

23h Zaball



leo, a rext to the above, Prmano, Galen-MalyA, BURE, ADN THE PENINDUlan and Onl


CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY THE Undersigned having taken the prices latoly occupied by Mr Char. Buckton, bes re- commenced business Ship Chandler and Geos Tal Biorekeeper under the firs of A H. Farm & Co. A. H. FRYER. * Hoogkong. lat November, 1848.


??? ?? ??


H. T. DE SILVER is the day adiated a VR bid on board until Neon, and-] 1 partner In our firm, which will consist from this date of Mr A. H. Parks and Me (). T. va BILVER

A. H. FRYER & Co. Hangkong, January lot, 1849.



a this for the above places on

Calloo will

ady to run Neon,

Bien und 4

.he 29th.


Judo I. AL?

bad cr

Fier, Ha

Frage N

bar regarding Front and 24 0.8. N. Company's ||$|| OLDING, Aged,



3. N

STEAMano, will in fo-


Bonsat, and be pre-


PARK for that


OLDING, Agent.

Co.'s C


Chinshew 25 Crawford Woadw Feo-foo 119 Hay

Wong 442 abertosa

|Dewi anca

Dear and

Jardien, Made

Oso. 7. Hall.

Varid Bam Bam

Parser und

Deos and on


231 Roope


170 Desa


25 WE


400 Farber



(3), Baird

919 Roundy

196 Bodicott,

194 To

Looking 30 Ontwell

970 Printman

fordins, Ma Baron and co.


Augustine Had and-06.

Cawnajes Se ponyu Langrant,

Vesion Fr?ng Cama sa? ?

Vilma sad

Rumelt and


Lindsay and

Coat and ov



Whampoa Blekfrien





Dirom, Gra& Co Nordine, Met.

New Margaret Nyo, Parkin

William Stewart Jardine, Math ban ?

Shanghai Faithful



Joba Banyua




Lure proac

pand to recei

place as berrio


5th Sepber, 1848.


18. N. grant's, will from this take thepoyance of Specie from "Stralia, Buthampton, under the ided in fir customary Bill of ount fold and Silver Bullion,


N. Com Offi

8th Sr. 1848.


freight CE

per P.Thesuura to the Biraits COMPANY's Steamers The the for Gold as Silver.

b. 15th,



MENAM, 415 Tom, Segniet Aten Apply 10,

A Grovon C. Franklyn is authorised to sign


M for me by Procuration.

Viclorin. 29th December, 1948.

ON BALE THE HOUBE and Premises alluated in Spelog Gardens formerly occupied by the firm of HEGAN & Co. Apply to,


Spring Gardens, 19th December, 1848.


N IRON CRANE sultable for ● Wharf, ca-

pable of raising 5 tona weight, An RON Do. aitable for a Godown capable

of raising tone weight.

Apply at the Godowns of,

19th December, 1848.

A. CARTER, Spring Garden.

incit of Whip Chandler's Store, segipriein Prime Mess Beef and Pork: Gallego Flour : Pud?. and Navy Broad; Canvas and Cotiga Duck; Bew- ing and Roping Twino; Manila Hope of all sizes; | Paints and Point Oil; Paint Brushes; Houseli

Harline, &c, &c.

FOR BALE TWO very Buperior Car ingen-two Beat Bar rouche and a Single Phaston. Apply to

GBO: LTALL & Co. Hongkong, 21st December, 1848.




US P. &

de unce

Ching, and the

Lading 3





Oilman, Bow

ill in fater

Boustend &


Jardine, Mat


Jardine, MatPAT TO BUY

Nye, Park


Na Tuba 43 Ca



Russell & Co.


Sea Witch

Jardina, Maharon Karly


January 1849.



Augustine Heard &



Russell & Co


Jos? Vicente Jorge


Macviour & Coa


Jardine, Matheson d


Charles Forbes

Lindmy & Co.


Dust & Ca

The Hoves.

Linday & Ca

Barly Early

W. B. Nant

Turner & Co.

Bleakin, Rawson d

Russell & Co.

Dent & Co

Hawke, Drinker and


Early simmediate


Soun Sova

C. Power,

The th

Mr Sca's B


b in Calce Road in the rear of Agalow.







Maono Noro Paquete

Blag&Cabout Whampoa B. Cowujes


Bing Bombay!


Trilas, Muchos and o

INE, A. Wi

$40 Marica

571 Jamiraam

dine, Matheson and eg *. Mithoon and on rdian, Machoown and eo.





194| Maniklaas


331 Down


· and o


P. de Hilve


Jarow and sa

17 oper

317 Ligertwood

Oh 133||King


ITS Andeci?n 106 Lase

LOS MaMurde

and on

wie. Drinker and on.

o Frames Lame and Shanghai

skins, Klackston and on

Pornor and on

F. & D. N. Came and

Purdiale, Muchanan and ou Kandor

why and wo

Ullman Branta and n

Turger and

Doni sad on.

Jardine Mathmon and on

[Dam and an



Hir R Salo

Hongkong Friar Whampoa Anna Robertson


Albion Coquette Caminoon Island Queen






Will O'the Wiap Lindeny & Co. Rall & Co.

Whampoa Anglona



17, Queen, 879 Hongkong.





18, Land O'Cakes, 496, Grant, Hongkong.

14, Lady McNaghton, 652, Hibbert, Hongko

35, Ann, 666, Olinch, Shanghai.

September 9, Euphrases, 428, Wilson, Whsenpon,

16, Asia, 824, Wall, Hongkong.

October 16, Marquis of Bale, 548, Bannatyne, Hoogh Loading on the 24th October-Palmyr

Jurato, Matheson and co.


Ouradas Rapovcijas Lungrana.


?ardina, Machases and co

Rath been, Worthington and go.

[Farkhan, Mbanan and on.

Brno, Mak and so.

Dym, Mair and ca.

Dant and on

Fortino, Mhosen

and co

ordine, Matheson and es Willem Detido.

Jardins, Masson and on.

Chinchan ↑ · Hortion, Maluma and on,

Bengkong|| 254|Weat

Kawie, Drinker and on,

ikawe, Drinker and on.

Rawie, Drinker and on

Mtania, Doinker and an,

Mawla, Drinker and 40.




400 Can


370 Frosch

$75 Precu

412 dewold

100 Water


184 de

Shane 372 Watkins

Chipthem 100 bakterims

Ras Franco Xavier, brig Hongkong) 103]Barna·

Amizade, brig

argue of Harings, but of the

Genoveva, kr?z

Naaquese, barque

Name Seaborn da Lax, brig

Tranels, bark

Aurses, schooner

De Ago, achooner

Mac 200 na



850 La



200 CT


60 Remedios

Agia Elari and on, .ya. Parken and on. Jiya, Turkin and mo

Jardins, Mathansa nad na

Kyk, Parkin and on. and

Muchessa and c Heard and co


Maswell and on.

Ook F. 18 harted),

Sluit and co

Remit und ca

w.8. Nool.

Jos? Y?oses Jarga.


|Pedro Ima de Bl?vs Lanesien,

Ime Plancings d'Ol?vala.

Linn? Viconen Jube.

Jos? Manoel de Just

Lowango Maro

√7) A. die Recsedies.



30, John Christieq, 290, Churobward, Hong 4, Molly Bawn, 394, Robiason, Shangha

12, Rafel, 130, Brown, Shaughni.

15, Colchester, 102, When, Hongrong

20, Jeremiah Garnett, 447, Davis, Bhang

96, Lord Hardinge, 424, Tracey, Hong

27, Ok England, 623, Fos, Bhanghai.

Beptember 10, Queen Mab, 304, Rows, Bhanghai.

14, Bagbalion, 177, Machell, Hongkong. 24, Addar,



3, Charles Jose, 360, Cothey, Shanghai. It, Woodstock, 300, Nicholson, Bhanghai

12, Panic, 449, Howard, Shanghai,

Loading on the 24th October-Avarte, Mencia, and Naom


October 91, Angelina, 498, Morgan, Shanghai.


Loading. --Comarjae Family, Englerand Isabella Blyth.


October 10, Falcon, Foreman


18, Charles (Am.), 487, Andrews.

24, Chobar, 405, Simpson,

28, Malacca, 587, Const.

November, Imbella, 191, Noble, Whample.

2 Schoh Jehan,” Jokes.

Frances Whitney (Am), 452, Fisk. fading-Alecto, Anna Eliza, Aun Martio, Chieftain, China, Cumberland, Gilmore, Hebrides, Lady Montague, Monarch, Nymph Oriental, Prince Charlie, Prince of Wales, Robert mail. Ituby, and Sukana.

? FROM SINGAPORE. November Record, 432, Patullo, Shanghai.

14, Clarendon (Am), 658, Easterbrook, Amoy. Loading.-Dem, and Minerva.

FROM NATILA November 6, Aurora (Spanish), 160, Cabada, Amoy. December 6, Duiliua, 328, Maxion, Shanghai,

9, Mariposa (AxP), 917, Bender, Shanghai,


Printed and Published by Jonn Carr, At The Prical of China and Changing Gants, Printing Office, Queen's ligad, VICTORIA, Hongkong, 1849.

OUSE in D'Aguilar Street farmer

4 cepic by the OZIERTAL BANK.


bonse known as the OLD COURT


The Bow in Blauoton Street at present co- cupied by



bungalow in Caion Road, and to, Mers FLETCHER & Co. Victoriath November, 1848. TO BE LET., Large and Commodious House Illa Regint; possessing among other great ad- Tastegrale Yard and excellent Stabling. Ap ply 10,

D. LAPRAIK. Hongk7th December, 1848.


03131018 ned score GODOWN9 in a Cosmo devo Apply at the Office.

od of China,"

August, 1648.


AMELVILLE ceased to be a Part- Firm bere and at Amoy from Slat



BYME, MUIR & Co. Vister, January, 1849.

NOTICE FCE. MOORMAN & Co. Canton, dissolved. Outstanding Accounts win' (by,


CONRAD SAUER. November, 1848, NOTICE.

E usia of the Undersigned will from this date bearried on under the Firm Sc?we- MANN Co.

D W. BCHWEMANN. January, 1849.

NOTICE. VILLIAM DREYER is authorised to sign

Fra by Procuration.

SCHWEMANN & Co. Linton, In January, 1849.


MARTIN WILHELMY, is authorised Sign og Fram by Procaration.

BOUSTEAD & Co. Funlon, Dich May. 1848



T the Godowns of W, & T. Gammell & C

amall Block of

Superior Pale Sheery.

Brown do.





Apply lo,

Claret, Chateau Margaux.

Hock, Grafenberg.




or on the Premiar to,

Victoria, 2nd January, 1849.

- kuuka koje smo JyipEotion.

In the munter of the Insoluma Bebates of D. and Id.




MEERWANJEE JEEJERHOY, NOTICE is bereby giran, chat by two PETUN

Also, received per late arrivals, Cheddar and Berkeley Cheese; York and Cumshorland Hams; orders insued out of the Alpha 14%

and empestively dand the Temnej ogond de for Bootch Oatmeal in Tine; an aortment of Oltmaker's Stores from Crosse de Blackwell; Konnedy's Water Noved?ne sun, the verang telah Wheret}"Up Crackers; Manila Chocolate; Mocha and Marinid Estates Senache, and ware vuosad in Robert Dandas Cay Esquire, the Ph?visional ABsignos of Coffee, dm, &io.

Marcelli's Bottled Ale and Stout; Loudon Bathatates of Insolreat Debtors Were Rasglied and discharged, and the said Estates were thereby fled Sherry, Port, and Madeira Winos.

ordered to be reassigned and resonwayed by the A. H. FRYER & Cu, nut Robot Didas Day Enquiri ro cho h? Victoria, Lat January, 1840,

and M. Hasomjon and Company, and to the sald *** | Moorikunjos Joojakboy, TUST RECEIVED and FOR SALE at the

All persons was afh ladebted in the lid ka Stores of the Undersigned,-An Invoice of or hate y area of decrescala below the Bed-room Furniture, consisting of Mahogany and mid dem, or to live atid Meerwangen Jah Walnut Bureau's with and without to pay or deliver the some af til sig Games; Bedsteads, Hocking and sitting Chen, | of the mail D, ? M. Kastanjen, Gelijke Wasband and Dressing Tables, Toilet Obor,

Dund the wind day of November, 1848. Card Tables, &c.


A. H. FRYER & Co.

Victoria, Jet January, 1840

WE. GASKELL Attorney for the pull Jatiwanis. Qood's Road, Viiteria.

THE undersigned has just received a small in-To the Cradors and Debtors, voice of the very best English Boot and Shof be said Insolfents from. DAVENPORT, LONDON, and is ready to offer them for sale at his

NOTICE. Cho-PARTIES are cutioned against galing the

| mimige and Bale Room, Qusan's Road,

A. L ENCARNA??O.” Victoria, 18th December, 1848.


T The Auction Mart Queen's Road, a ry A superior assortment of Lambs Wool Socks Bockings and under Veste; also Case of Felt Hats, Shooting Hats and Caps, Forage and cum.

Crew of the Whaleship. Briket, Capjais Waer, sa the Captain or Com?gies will not pay my debts of their contracting,

Viatoris, lat Jasonry, 1900,


MR. P. DRAKE, will be beppy KT young Gendermen as boardfight presentander kis tuition, whi

be imparted, solid and owful

A few Jare Manila Biscuits; 11bds. Navy Breed

mar Caps, Manila Bears and Drones combined with wory damulla di custed to desura mocomm in line and other channela in No.


Viclogis, 2nd Jnouncy, 1849.




Caloniai Church, *Vistoria, 20sh, December, 1845


(THANKED WHI88 vigrin B??ukty, that he has runc?

Pressione, a?poring S?u c?t numbti?t

SODA WATER AND LEMONADE of Superiorate to receive



MADAO, HINNAM'8, China Shopkeeper,

Victoria, tih June, 1846.


| kir friendo and the poklis.

Query's Road, Vinh, Lot Janne



cueva? b?t Establishment from

THE Directors of the AUSTRIAN LLOYDE | and babarthe plisseme FOR SALE.

STEAM, NAVIGATION COMPANY lave | to the Commu al 19 of : SUPERIOR ORGAN, of great power and

sweetness of Loop In Handooma Rosewood informed seat from and after the 10th of ceber kong for the patronage cape contracted by Messrs Wood & Co., plays part a Besmer will ply regularly on the 10th of by tones to make by de

month on the direct line between Taser and the same support?from the publi upwards of forty favorite mira. Apply to

ALEXANDRIA, O se lo correspond with the Hop. Ea COUGLAS LAPRAIK.

· Shanghai, 16th July; 1848 * 1 No. I D'Aguilar Street.. COMPANY'S BOMBAY GRANNES; fnd from and applied with a variety of Glos?

after the 25th of November past a Steamer will plyi Victoria, 10th October, 1848.

regularly on the 25th of each month on the dired a UILLIAM B?RNA TA between Trigste and Alexandria, eo as to cormioneer'e Landen, liga mot STORES FOR CHRISTMAS.

with the P.&O. CoMFANT'S STRAMERI from Galle form the Gen?y shCh?ns, the “k ESSRO SMITH & BRIMELOW bave re-

The AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S COMPANY will have two Busing in the shina lng ?i?u calved per inte arrivala, a choice selection of Blares consisting of,-Jordon Almonds, Muscatel Steamers available for this line; each of the bin the Cham's Real Finan Raisins, Zante, Curran, Barcelona Nuts, Dried tween 600 and 700 Tome burtben and of 240 Haree Gain and W. Boma?WIT Sprats, Pickled Mushrooms, Findon Haddocks, power. They are fitted up in a superior style and the abere we? dtown Hown and Sardines, Oreen pats, Asparague, Landenball Toe Engish is spoken on Board. gues, pickled pig'e Tongues, Split peas, potted Meats, Horse radish, York Hama,


A small quantity of Pate de Foles Doce and Pale de Foles d'canard.

Sperm, Composition and English Wax Candles,

&c. &c.

No. 1 & 2 Woonam's Buildings

December 7th, 1848.

The number of Bertha in each is as under, vit

First Class, including 10 for Ladina 20 Second Clare

7 for Females.

The Fares to be ?18, for Fire Class, ?12 fort

Housta in London, de most with

and support that ti wit ovat ba

Victoria, 5th Jowalay, 1849,



cond Class, including Table money and Steward by Price

The Voyage is expected not to scored 5 dayste 5 days, and a Quarantine is calculated from the day of leaving Alexandria-there vessels being pro

will get pratique in-vided with Health Officers-it follows that with a

clean bill of health, passengers immediately on arrival at


for their friends and the Pubila that they have taken those premises lately occupied by Meera Rawls, Drinker & Co. in which they par- pose carrying on Ship Chandlery in all its bran- ohes &c., and that they will keep always on hand a wall assorted stock. The Godawn on the premises are spacious, dry and secured, they will be happy to take Goods on Borage. Victoria, 28ht December, 1848.

FOR SALE. MORNELIUS Superior Patent moler Stand, and Hanging Lamps, Extra Globes, Chimnies and Wicks

For litters to England superscribed “pia Triata” an "overem" chargols made of 18 Kromizer (11) TC) per Quartor Oz, and half this rate for a additional Oz. Any one wishing to send la to England via Trieste may pay the "overies

w their dedown Queen's




Ipto our beads, and address them to the are of Austrian Lloyd's Agency at Alexandria-Crankdoy Wednesday the 1

the following Junk M↑ them to Egypt.

Letter to the European Continent via Trizat? may kikewise be addrowed to the care of the id Agency--the frinking to Alexandria being at el to-and for those the prepayment of the "preg

Postage is not required. "Package" for Egypt, or any part of the Con timent of Europe, or the Levent, should be addrem

Dowe T-7 9 Phun girile Milk, 1 Extr

A quantity of Maine to 3 Basikal

and Dalen, Hobart Towa EUG IN I bales. The shore Home E Auction Mart or wish Capa.

As invoice of Stationery; consisting of Fogle cap, Commercial Post, Invoice, Blotting and Note Paper; Buff and White envelopes of all sixee; Maynard and Noges Black and Red Lamelled to the care of some one at Rises, un the P. & Ocellent condition; the to Visiting and Playing Cards; Blank Books and Company do not engage to deliver any thing not Pocket Memorauduma; Books of Bills of exchange intended for England beyond that landing port, printed and engraved on fine Bank apte paper: whore Transit or other Duties must be paid; and ta Compradore Books, a fow Levi Brown'Gold Pens, are as much despatch an possible a Bill of Lading Manifold writers, Extra thin Overland Letter with petticulars of value &co,, should be sent to the

Forward at Buez Paper &a &c.

HA HAWG Associated ourselves with Mr B. B. & Co., our Business will be conduesed la fauore under the Nye of RAWLE, DRINKER & Co.

? DRINKER &, Co. Hongket, Lot October, 1848.

Also on Lovoice of Hardware; consisting of Hasps, Bancepans, Gouges, Chisels &c. &c.

A. H. FRYER & Co. Queen's Road.

Victorie, 19th December, 1948.


age, at far farther particulara, apply tay

WM. P?STAU & Co,

Agents at Canton and Honging

For the Imperial Royel pris. Austring


Staan Navigation Company.


NY Parties indubid to the Tate FlecTM%?" A HOLMES & BIGHAM or to the Under (aigued, djb requested to settle their accounty balese

The soin ineret.

BIGHAM & Un Hongkong, 9th January, 1840.



To the Vildar of the Euannt gy Casa,


? To the Editor of the Frigno or China,

Canton, 14h January, 1849, Six-The Insertion of the following lines, in row bet Lone, will not oblige the writer only, but the whole comm- moir of lathe at large.

B refit.



there is. An appeal to the Chief Justice Ani It may be sail, there is an appeal; and so

three special Jurors: the three specials would pocket #30, and there would be the fees of court. So that apart from the trouble and annoyance, the expences of appeal would bo

We are informed by a Gentleman from Amay 100 generous valuators assure us it is accord-estulate in short, it is a kittle paradise. Term Macho, January Suk, 1969. that sanguine ho?es are entertained of saving ing to their judgment Nor who we used

ed their laws. added a few to them, assembled th All in the churals and addressed them, saying how Will you allow me thio' yone puplicatio? tu re- II. M. 8. Scout, through the indefatigable exer- worse than our neighbours; our friend of the muk hat, of a lineration of, et assent in the ojunient or expression of the "Cha Mall" or fle's Eldes tions of Captain Johnstone, his officers and Register with a house not quita so large in an- they were, advising them to follow in the uleps cose a geblemen, then is to be frared Ikat all my evant, then ins hina siast incur ike mind and pasteful crow, aided bell. M. Steam vessel Afedea and somed the samo, and others are treated in a

virtus and rectitude they had hitherts done, s?pellatimus ul bilivus Yankee, Sn la ta classicilerithe) a party of Chino-n With tanks and other ap similar way.

they would never want the sympathies of the a blocktrad, so stanjantly strished by his una por pliances she has been flated from where she

countrymen (i. ?., English), who were meel int wion of them, and on,--Your v?rp obeclinat Berrami,

TRI-MOUNTAIN.sunk, and it is anticipated that ere long she will

rested about them. I milded such advice | thought useful, and such suggestions would be brought down to Hongkong for repairs and

onurse be to their advantage." It was really afech ing to so these primitive and excellent people. both old and young, 140 in the whole, looking m to roe, and almost devouring All I said, with age attention, and with scarcely a dry eye among them; and, albeit und to the melting mood I found a moisture collecting in my owa which could scarcely mairain, they wore so grateful, truly thankiel, for all the kindurmes that had from time to time been shown them, and the interest their welfare shown by us and our countryma I had all the men and most of the women on board ; but there was such a ses on that the poor gicha weso dreadfully a-sick. I fired some guns and het of mckets on the night of our departure, and they re- combed gun belonging to the Bounty. I set them turned the compliment by firing an old honey. completely up-gave the pige and union jack, ca implements of agricultur books, &c.; and miled, o for Tahiti.

In the Anglo-Chinese Calendar of the year of 1819. Ax ordinance to raise an AsJORPod rate on lands, greater than the over-chargo.

printed in 'sen at the Office of the

hire aty, hours and premises within the colony of

ot grouch the

epablisher seems to have bad the goodness of uses in Hongkong. for the upholding of the requisite the Parsee Chronology, eller boat ay inillos police force theroia, passed the legislative Morilor inigation of Parser. Motive, without may perverted notion of deprecating the

tout, the small but Council on the 23rd May 1845, and was in duo value of the publication, we beg to gling, riding but effective delect its contains, and to ex-

po! the

pras car dition for the same. Sbwald it be im. Course sanctioned and approved by the home houses were unoccupied, and two rented at

This ordinance enacis,

of the publisher, the excuse may be government.. ble, if to the request or instigation of a party wo shall, not with the slightest hesitation, term it to have been ne by the well known rane and animosity which the Dos Neet Parsees buiour towards the other. The Pub

corresponds the sath of January of 1949, in the Farsee mooth Uuendad," that of February to "S?mayver" and so on. We consens odrselves to be in Parses or Z- relasid declare

andad" but ""Deet" and meteni mini? la vai “ Um

? wrzt will be " Umerdad” and

1st. That the value of property be estimated by twd person selucted by the Governor,

2nd, That the valuation be annual. 3rd. That the assessment be made on the

De!!!" &c. To uvid pelverulan ve tuinsapre estimates of the Governor's valustors.


4th. That charitable institutions be exempt. 5th. That the Executive have power to re- munerate the collectors of the assement,

nese are also excewire; as an instance we cite The valuations of houses occupied by Chi- property upon which there is nino tenements. For the last six months of the year seven of the

#8 a month or a year; they are assessed at 120 each or 95 per cent above what they can not be lot for. The property referred to cost $5,000, the ground rent paid government is 9180, the rent at 818 a month is $ 192, leaving the proprietor #32 as interest on the money invested and to keep the property in repair | This may be an extreme case, but the houses are in a good situation, yielded a rental of $884 in 1847, and three or four years ago would have

Oth. That the collectors publish annual re-let for double that amount. The Chinese can-

kind in the stead of the term "Cars" la grel, he should have said "The Chooriger or Codes Pare mouth," the modes of calcalaleg or Chro logy have divided an into two Sects, after Ing sad ungsine disputes. The sas is called the Chouriger or Come see and the other ?b?kshaki or Rusmee. The Komet comprise not more than about 1,000 persons in all, while the latter upwards of 37,000; and what may have turns, Minderey be ablisher from inverting the date which the Janer and larger body calculate, we are at a lows to know. Notwithstanding this the publisher in his remgiks on the Pares Chenology, asserts the Emn of Vend??rid, in be erroneous, in cons?quence of rejecting the a bours over 365

dars, Pretion to his writing this, bad be cooked

mn wines and better seqaninted than himself, ?n all pray


alty he would not have aked to being thach ignor seruioc dispotes and violent quarrels, which lew years back, this very thing had anused in Bombay. Le

salt the tos pamphlets and books containing d her and obstinaia disemalous for the samo-let an Impartial minded, candid hearjed and well experienced the source of his knowledge, and and educated. Parco |

dreamintion of the assertion advanced.

Let the writer be Informed of the vegies of most

1's own inclination, we dare say would lead his 10 a just flaring aal only, what we thought ourselves justided for, we begia egnclude, with a bpe of seeing this in your text inne. We are Sir, your's very truly,

ZOROASTRIANS. [TK above communication is publishal on the re- sponsibility of a Parsee Genile nan of superior al sinments, Journal, we have no doubt, imhinnational chronology; the subject discussed is one, however,

Th. That the assessment be paid quarterly. 8th. That unoccupied property be exempt. 9th. That appeals against over comment be made to the Chief Justice; who may appoint three persons from the list of special Jurors to assist him in ascertaining the question of value which may arise from any such appeal.

We need not refer to the well known prin- ciple of British constitutional law-that with

not understand an assessment in excess of the actual ront, and they look upon any addition to five dollars upon ofery hundred dollara as squeeze on the part of the collectors.



0016 of powder, es

General Lord Viscardine, O. C. H., previous and taken at Lahore, in FIN transmission of two ordine, M

for presentation in her David Base arrived some time and

Docs and an Woolwich; and, bavirin

Jardins, Ma The method of collecting is also most objec.warded with great encengusion Is were packed in bozes?evanjes B tiopable, and may readily lead to fraud and ex. tortion. Policemen are furnished with papers six-pounders, one of well sod They are to be station Venlosjes Fo Bilmes red in Chinese having the number of the house or evidently of those furordine, Ma other with large projoday and shop written in English; these papers state that country, and afterward and of the tax is 5 per cent, but neither is the valustion carriages are of a supe

at beef and pork, kinds, clothe ning of the Ita


dia, ordered the

These guns bai



thued until we are another dine brake, and se wo were all dono op by the excitement and race, we inado a halt, allowing the Mogu tu ran into it without further molestation. The line of our clinse after the heel, from the edge of the brakn where we first parte, until we siluwad them to decao, was literally strewed with wound ?d and

Coulier's Adventures on the Western Coast of South Australia,

Novel Depuitione.—Drilling 4, 8?l liec: ranging Mm through Breaches of trust trouvers not paid

Hall practice: a dancing lobson.

"Help, Help!"-When Adams first crosso-l in- to York State from the Canada side, he took leig ings at an inn in Canandaigns. A waiting maid sat at the table with them, and Dick spake of her as the servant, to the no small scandal of mine host, who told him that in his house a entrant wat callels Acip. Vary wall; the next morning the whole house was aformed by a lund shouting from Dick of 'Help! help water water! help? In an instant every perion in the ino, equal to the task, rushed into Dick's room with a pail of water. *I am much obligul to yo, to b? sure,” mid Dick, but here is more thas I want to sh? e with.' 'Bhave with,' guoth mino bost, you called 'help

important one, that the weekly mortalay is very

tima in glulegical dcience, but as the legionaries in praation so the most innocuous of divernon2. much below the averago—we think 150 loss.

of his sting in patience under hardship, had by n

Whilst caluminated in the abstract, they are dealt Such being the frets of the case, bow are they furg a weak comitution, which he strengthened with in reality in a spirit of dangerous security, by the early practice of gymnastice. It may, in-Ne youth is allowed to make hin Gent trial of horse met? The Privy Council is chargeable with the

akh of the empire. On the 8th instant all the deed, he assumed as an axiom, that a man, antur. macship on the high tiled racer, and yet, in Commissioners of Customs receive instructions ally delicate but vigorously trained, will surpass in gymnastics, you are permitted to attempt per om the Privy Council to keep ont the cholera, activity and strength and vigorously organized, but formances which are even hotardaue to the en They were to do an by stopping every vessel from injured to exertion. If this bo disputed compare par. It may be here abarrvad, that all the ex-doul hogs, some of a set formidible appearance.

choters port, that is, from a port where there be Asiatic palanquin hearer with the European erciscs which are most useful, are also those which had been death from cholera, and detain the said

tradesman. The one, with a feminino delicacy of are most sufo; that those which are mat condu ressel till it had been six days from port. In care frame sesles moumains under hoavy burdens; the cive to vigner and honkti, are those which ace leath on board, there was to be another six other, ondowod perhaps, with the proportions of totally devoid of risk; and that those which most days' detention. Hamburgh, for example, in a chn isot, totters oppressed and crushed by his own captivate the ays and tempt the ambition of the le pir, two days from mir shores. There nte weight.

inoxperienced, are those which are almost useless for. steamers between” Hamburgh and London, and The question will now not unsturally arise, in developing or invigorating the physical po vors. I Hamborg and Hull. On arriving in the Tijanos | how is it poseblo for the middle classes, conais- But the exercises in the gymnasium wool not or the Elumber, the passengers bive to perform | tently with their usual evocations, to take the exar- necessarily he restricted to thats which are con- quarantine for four days, after which they coase to cies nacemary for the pressretion of their health, nosled with the apparatus, Fencing may bo prac mel Jogo, and are allowed to walk the streets or development of their strength? They are cantines Thera, an exeralso singularly favourable to of London or Hull, and tick - their ass in the rail- furd all day by the paramount necessitine of busi-asement, to boulth, to the improvement of the 15. Sich are the orders for the living The nens, and this business is almost always of a so lon- Agure. Economy of time may be ranked among Mata - provided for with equal essa. They mus lary nature They cannot leave it without injury the numerous advantages it presents. In half an berout to drep sea, dombla shouted, anl 19 their reputation and pocket, and when the hour boar a fencing bout gives more acercles then three s with every possible precaution in their of relaxation arrives, and opportunity presents itself hours' walk or ride. In this respect it is admira- reaprence in the realms of day.

for physiol recreation. No athletic games can be bly adopted to those who, cinerly occupied by busi Now, the Best thing that strikes one, in com. practiced after sunset, and if a citizen attempt ? | news, find bot little timo for recreation. No over- paring still share of the cholera, and this order of the *oonstitutional," by the time he has tunched the cise is more suited in the lokabitants of large com Prity Cosa

km Timparable gulf between fresh air of Hampstead or Highgels, he is over-mercial oilies, where every moment is of conse

tely nothing to do with taken by midnight. Braider, who would ever think,quence, and the opportunities of physical recres- is in the river Thames, by way of azurcine, of going, every evening, a cor- tions are few lux cost is vary slight in proportion e recen the Thames, not that they tain number of miles by guilight ↑ Huch an occu to the beanfit it confers. It is so conducive to and 'water! and we thought the house was on P. M.

, but, that they may not?pation would be somewhat of a panel oberentar. besith that I boldly affirm that no man who can bring it. In

part the cholera caught from

and would afford, in return, neither benefit nor on- handle foil and find an opponent ought to suffer min te mandatar tres all our preventivas joyment. It is saay, then, to indulge in vague and from any serious indisposition: The beneficial in that part Bag.H

of danger. The world profitless declamation about the necessity and ad- fluence it exercion on the intellect is almost equal Fonann of this ridiculous vantage of exercise, and to deal in plausible theo- | to that which it exerts on the body. It braces the 1th lab on public opinion? The rien; but the difficulty consists in embodying thees mind with new sinews and now berves. Whilst Saucy Questims-Did you over know an Brindes

inet It. Has the Board, theories in practice.

awakening and augmenting the corporeal swargins, man who hadn't been aducated at Trinity College The Board of Health Those who make thess not unreasonable objeo- | it, simulates and rouses the torpid faceting of the Did you over know a sporting man who hadn't thra the motier; any, more, tion, are not perhaps aware that a room thiety feat | soul, it heightens the vividness of itu sensations, it refused 90 guinea for hu horap1 Did you ever square, a ladder, and a few poles, a handful of ropes, quickens its parenptions, it rekindles ? fresh life, it|| know a slight accident, but ikut it 'might hara e Cat nought. A Board of bra to be neglected. It has and a couple of dozen foile, pro all that is soessary communicates an elasticity, an animation, a rigour, bren ettended with serious cons?quences !' Did Solinus theory The Privy to maintain ? whole community in both vigour which not only resuscitates its dormant powers, you ever help a young lady to wins who didn't say, Co. On that theory for granted. and health. This statement, which sounds lika u | but, as it wore, inspires it with now. It calls forth *The smallest drop in the world."

paradox In England, is an axiom on the continent, and exercives in the adopt invaluable mental qua. It is there corroborated by the testimony of exlities, prudence, caution, sigllance, enterprise; pationeg Oymnasie, or places for the practice of promptitude la profiting by his adversary's errors, athletic exercises, have long been established in |nod skill in retrieving his own, Consummate ex- Germany, Switzerland, and France, with the cellence in this art demands some of the peculiar greatest boneft to the sanitary condition of the po.andowments of the general and diplomatist. Let polation. In this country they are comparatively, it not be supposed that this exercite is not sa wholo reto, and, though open to all, are frequented by soms so those which are pursued in the open air. skip mid that it was evident the jery did not un- low; but the extraordinary advamage which these have brought down the heahcock in freemer, I few have derived from them justify my speaking have stalked the deer on Dan M'Dhui, I have trode with sono authority in their favour. It is astonish the Alpine solitudes of Switzerland, but never ing what wonderful effects can be produced by the bare I felt greater exhilaration of spirit, or a more skilful application, for a short period during each genial glow of health, more buoyancy of mind, or per P. & ers of Comote, or Com-day, of the resources of the gymnastic art. One greater vigor of body, then after sa animated set. short hour devoted daily to gymnastics will sufios |io with the falls at Messrs. Angelo's or Hemon's, to preserve and often restore health, to quadreple a

then They

ane ac ther

and we stop

may and cald



public are

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5th Sepede come to any deliberate - ajithar studied the subject NO amined witnessas, aor

O. C. B. anl

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of Health re

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after your in

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of un

out representation there cannot be taxation-given nor the amount of assement specified,lented native. The limb hold th Neither need we dwell upon the ordinance The police have thus a carte blanche which they embossed with brass, and the gu itself, which though sanctioned by the British can fill up according to their own notions of pro- out the length of the m Government is still illegal, in as much as the priety. We annex a translation of one of these part of the task le besuthe Government cannot legalise a colonial raca-papers, promising that the shop in question is inlaid with brass, repice

pearl omaments regular I sure which in the United Kingdom they could rented at $98-assessed at #120—while the upon and seizing an

not carry without the approval of the repre-policeman demanded a rate equal to a rental of Ang, and an shigas sentatives of the people. We have patiently $108. The tenant demurred, and when his being formed of moe

the wheels are surmou

on which it would be presumptuous in us to heamed bowed to the yoke and paid the assessment; landlord applied to the collector he was told it ments, cast to represe

an opinion.—Epiton]


LATEST DATES. England Oct. 1 | Anler,







Dalled States Del. Calencia? Nur. 7 Ringapure Boha Madis

Nor. 18 Manila Nov. 13






NOTICE.-Divine Service will for the dacted the building adjukning the lost-Officland opposite

? present he cow. the Club Elowe,-on Sablay? at QE A. M. and 4 pasi e P. N.; and on Thursdaye ni 6 P.

P. M.

VINCENT STANTON, .Colonial Chaplain.

NOTICE PATTERIAN CHURCH. This can.. tien, educted for the pen by the Hat. W. C. Buss, will mon avery Smarit, in the Bongalow immadis:ely bg. bind the CLUB Houst

Visarin, Sib October, 1849.

The bar of Divine Service will de El a. k., and pa Vistoria, 21 Novembar, 1898.




A geral maling of membart of the Morrison Edoca.

18th instant : half past two o'clock in the aferson,

Flongkong, handary, 1849,




was a mistake. Admitting this, we certainly think the papers ought to be drawn out o clearly that such mistakes could not occur:-

No. 97. Rate of valuation for Police Ameent According to Ordinance No. 9 of 1bd6. The person baw No-from is time forward, la rated for the present yaar beglaning with iba Rist day of is ordered for the year 18 seventh month first day the 7th Bagish month at the anal rent of **** dollars. corresponding to the sixth (Chinese) month first day that apon every hundred dollars of rent a male of dve dollars shall be paid.--Assessor —C.M,&B.

protesting against fancied grievances imposed upon ourselves by a covetous competition for public land, while a real and substantial gria vano has been passed over, or at the inost been made the subject of an occasional grow). By the third section of the ordinance the Governor with advice of the Executivo Count oil as full power to levy such a percentage on the estimates of his own valuatore "as shall be equal to the expences of the police establishment." The exponcool this establisif. ment is ?8,000 a year; the assment of 5 per cent on the gross rental givos ?9,000, and to raise the requisite amount it would require an assessment of upwards of 30 por cent an the RT rental of Hongkong. The inhabitants are thus at the mercy of the Executive, and an

assejament of 30 per cent on the nut could be enforced with the same ease as 5 per cont on the gross rental.


(From the Weekly Times.)

The awful fate of the ringleaders of the muti- to as a beacon to wain mankind that "the power Deats in too well known to be more than poloted that by are ordained of God:"-

To publishing the following extract of a letter from Capt. Worth, of her Majesty's ship Calypso, A Pitcaim's Jaland, we need scarcely remind our of the Bounty, under Flatcher Christian, the main, renders that it was the spot to which the mutineera steered that ship in the year 1789, when Captain 18 hande, in an open boat on the wide ocean, some- Bligh, on the 29th April, was turned adrift, with where near the Friendly Talands, with about 28 gallons of water, 160 lbs. of bread 30 lbe of park, quarts of rain, and 8 bottles of wine, without a lo England the net rental is the basis of as-

ebart of any description." and landed si Timor on sessment-that is, from the gross amount paid the 15th June, after a voyage (av Captain Bligh by the tenant an allowance is maila for ground observes in his report)," of the most extraordinary real, insurance, repairs, depreciation in taken either in its extent, duration, or so much nature that was over known to the world-let it On a rental of ?100 these deductions may aver- lion Society will be held at the Alorrigon School on the age 20 por cent, the tenant is thus memed at pily ended without accident, through the assistance want of the accenaries of life—which that hap ?80, for though the tenant pays the tax in the first of Divine Providence placo it is indirectly borne by the proprietor as in proportion to the rate of taxes is the rate of Ir is intimated in the Register of yesterday that rent, and it would be unfair to levy upon public feeling will be held at the Oriental charges for keeping the tenement in repair. Bank to-day at 4 o'clock to afford the inhabi In Hongkong a different system obtains, tante of Victoria an opportunity of stoting The Superintendent of police and a clerk in their views as to the position and prospects of one of the government offices are the valuators the colony, and of adopting incamures for again These Gentlemen do not even content themsel bringing the subject to the notice of Her Maves with the grows amount of rent paid by the jesty Government,” [We have been requent tenant-they estimate the rental at what they ed by the Sheriff to insert the requisition itself.) consider it ought to be, and their estimate is

C. G. ALDFORth Esq.

usually from 20 to 30 per cent above the mark Sherif of Victoria.

(the proprietors would rejoice were these de. St.-We, the undersigned request you will callusions realities) and consequently a pomigal Public Meeting of the Inhabitante of Victoria, at an early date to afford them the opportunity of

rate of 8 per cent is swollen to a substantial of this Colony, and of adopting measures for again bringing the whject to the notice of 11 Majesty's Government. We are, sir, your obedient sereanta,


Janoise, Manuka?n d. Co. Atas. CARTRA LISDIT & Co. W. SCOTT & Do. FLATCH & Co Tering & Co. MACTIOAR & Co.

CHARLES J. F. STOART. Hongkong, 4th January, 1849.

"We arrived here on the 9th March (1818), stormy, and aqually, and, as you know, there is no from Callan, but the weather being very bad, landing, except lo a small nook called Bounty Bay, ship bonte, from the vialence of the surf-I did not and very frequently not even there, indood naver in communicate with the shore till the next day, when, laving landed safety all the presents I brought for the inhabitants from Valparaiso, I landed myself standing off and on, there being no anchorage with half the officers and youngsters, the ship made the officers divide the day between them, one balf on shore the other on board; so they were galified with visiting these interesting people. I ruled by asch a visit, sad would world. I would write you a very long letter about rather have gone there than to any part of the them, but time presses," ?? $810y they are the most interesting, contented, ?and I will only Mol, and happy people that can be consired. Their delight at our arrival was beyond anything the comfort, peace, strict morality, industry, and 60 excessive cleanliness and nentoem that wasapparent too about everything around them, was really such as 90 I was not prepared to witness their learning and attainments in general education and information 240 was really astonishing; all dressed in Englishstyle; the men a fine race, and the women and children very pretty, and their manner really of a superior order, ever smiling and joyous; but one mind and onewish pect to actusta them all. Crime ap- pears to be unkaown, and if there is really true repass on cart it surely is there: the island is cription, yielding almost every tropical Irrit and romantic and beautiful; the soll of the eiadem don-

alsting their views as to the position and prosincetasessment of 10 per cent upon the net rental A case in point we need not go beyond our own premises, for which we pay dollars per annum. The charges aga ?— Gronad rent (the lot is the cheapest on the

Island) ..


Ix enmpliner with the above requisition, t becely requested Meeting, the INSTAL BANK, on l'ednestay the 10th instant, 4 o'clock P. M., for

the purpose above nentioned.



Sherif Victoris, Hongkong, 9th January, 1849.

Insurance ? per cent on $10,000, Repairs and depreciation in valle..


Gross tenial....


Nel, or rental for navesament



As we have the honor to pay 800 per annum the name of police aucamunt, it is cigar, that the rate is 10 per cent and not 5 as the

timber to the

Tom The

Tre profumi

Ik, strongly


ing the bod

and tail of

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blished stool

bee guns and

dane Casale,

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This they a demon

Last week


Beria. 1'b

How to Hu


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before they

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hardly expe

ich of the gun

How similar

however, of

ng elevated

for the Sikhs,

the timber is joined to wellent representation 2. brass, and a representa 135 € farmed of iron, the hook Co. gun carriage. The polaetheron ↑ of bright iron, and the ofeard &

hooped with brass. The portu. every part of these aplendidly, water burkais are inade of Jorg

entirely of brass, the fore-part repri of a peacock, and the handle the bod fish carved to represent acolo. The either alle of each gun carriage is a and the handle inlaid with brass. earringes will have a fine effect at and are trophies of the victorio Hardingo and his brother officer There are two seats for gunners carriages, made of bright iron, wid to sem chairs. The arms are ne the albows as the ahsire, in place as the seats of the British Artti have been fixed on the axle-tre age, betwixt the gun and th quoneis have to sit with their brass chains below the aals, with horses, and so near the ground, th step from their meals. The posit the arms of the gunners over the air

? most dangerous one, as on the let

by the revolving spokes in a lice next the wheels they would be la swinging stirrups for the lego liable to danger if they move in near the wheels.


(From the Times

17 lo confue

gunners are

g?n earri- el, and the winging in

backs to the

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peace to be ojection of

be broken



despising it.

and the part

inptom! B

The would w Kader QUAFOT


A. 8. N. Cenat Ists, oor dreamt a jake the ore chanes. The solu- Biraits, to be found in the simple Bed in Board. The Board has cent for that the Cholera is at J. A sil, which at this amazon N. Compton, has no akernative but 19th Bepten woon this country and NOT 10 avail in the face of ffreight on only be thankful that


be the same Surpent, or Commle. pt. 15th, 15missioners of Old Age,

maintained to keep a FOR DUSE lety, and to select ouch nk proper. What we campied b

istant. Why have

it Are the o whic

Country boneoked simply Ime of the tail of an exploded Every 7 ing thin Yorkshire was found were summoned from hafaat ns steam could take posives!

e visiey food themselves con-

uld be calensed from quarantine. As

mero business, appointments nee

Man's strength, to develop his bodily powers, sad.



fire.' Ye told me to call the surut help, and de you think I would cry water when I meant fret Give it up, mid the landlord, as he led off the line of pails.


An Enlightened Jury.—In a caso tried at the Glamorganshiro Assizes the other week, after the learned judge had summed up, the jury turned to consult upon their verdict, when it was discovered that the foreman did not underaand Welsh, and the other eleven did not understand English. His lord.

derstand one word of his summing up. The jury retired for about half an hour, and then returned into court, and pronounced a verdict of guilly! in direct contradiction to the ruling of the judge, and to the utter astonishment of overy one present

Obavieta (Vjections to the Promation of Education.- It will doubiles be sild, the plans of this kind are novelties-that there is no precedent for them that is Is an useless anil centralising innovation that people who stand in need of alucation will dad means to pro cure it-and that society can be kept well enough to gether, as it has aver bem, by the sanctions of punili ment, without having recourse to those of reward. which is beyond its gibers. Yet if we, would mily look at things so they really are, and not chrough the caine our thoughts above the mlats of preindice, and

so loaded with pay-

tilence and noxious exhalation, as at length Imparative I to demand the Interference of legislating authority

to qualify win for an amount of exertion that be

Hunting Wild Swine in New Guine 1.---We had would have despaired of achieving at the com- mancient of his practice. I have frequently soon 1 pack of ne strong dogs with us, of a very paca young men come to Mr Hamon's gymnasiums in far bread: they were large, black skinned, with such n state of debility sa scarcely to possess any schrooly any h?r on, similar to the one in central onmant of their limbs, who, at the end of three America : did their work almost in silence, giving months, have attained a fair degree of strangile, Josly strocondomi yelp, like that of a small hound. and at the end of siz, hare bean equal

gro mallum of conventionalldes and fragments of ? the paz- ] The scene was novel, and animating in the ax formance of extraordinary physical fonts. What, frame, ag men and dogs warted of at a quick pace to explain why the "Avanger," rather than Averter inconsistent principles, it would be bard natiafactorily however, is most remarkable, is the change of consorat a fine level plain, richly clothed with rank of Eri" should so long have is the object of our titution, and even of aspect, in those pereone, dur. grass. This part of our marchi frequentlybrought worship. Nor would it be easy to show-whether we ing the progress of their practice. Tha pallid hue my recollection portions of prairie I had passed take our stamil on the absolute and immutable rule of riodurt four days langer. In

and stated the peculiar replaced by the bloom of health, the narrow bolip North America, as the plain war frequently in. tight, or week our maxime la the ever-changing polley their journey. The gentleman died low obest expands, the flaccid, shrunk, and withar- | Gorropted by dos? gullins or ravines that could not of ? shifing expediency,~why the promotion of esta

el musoles grow large and firm, the languid eye be suso until we were nearly on their brink: then cation should be an object less worthy of the anxious solicitude of the State this the suppression of crima? becomes bright, the nerves braced, the step elastic, our whole party would dive down at a convenient If we deduce our principles from high conceptions of the spirita brisk. Gymonetics ought not to be replace, disappear for a while, then aften: tho preligion and morality, and not simply from low but garded as a mere diversion; they ought to form a posite side, sod sentioun our course on the plain pressing considerations of palpable uthity, we may un part, and so important part of medical scienon again. Thus we went on for a few miles, aptit wo cloubtedly alem that if the ale we breathe solid?t th? Many discases may be warded off, others rudically strived tea? the foot of the range of hille, and tongregated masses of the poor cured, by a timely resort to them. They are, in- | verge of extensive forcat patches and cane brakes. deod, n certain remedy for many allments, which When near the laiter, the men were sunt round, parplex and tele the skill of the physician. By in parties of fours and sizes, to enciralo it at this the Gboke, they were considered assenttal to the part of tbsproceeding, we could occasionally plain preservation and restoration of health. It was justly hear the occasional grunt of a wild hog. Miller we hold, with the grantest of those who have gone be before the time of Hippocrates, as Plato tells us la and I, with his relatives, and other grandon of this fats us, that forms of civil polity exist for the promo bis Politeia, that gymnastics were made a part of tribo, sutional ourselves in the open plain, in from tion of the nobler andanore anduring intersaci of size, medicine, na a moans of counteracting the effects of the cane brake, whilst a great majority of our and not merely to secure him in the un-listurbed en- of ioarasing indulates and luxury. They were party, with the digs, were sent round by the wood joyment of his physical comforts may we not ask. gradually reduced into a complete system. In each to enter the canes, and drive the hogt down to.

why should a general aclcool delivery be done an object of luterest to ciziliand people than a general l estimation were they held, for the cure of disasso,

wards us. It took nearly an hour to complete the delivery? How Is it less consistent with a wish and that not only Plato but Aristotle, thought no re arrangements, before we saw the antives, in a benevolent public policy to senil forth commissioners public could be demand perfect in which gymussia cartered line, advancing through the cases. Then of education than doiledoners of bankrupter & Ja ware Deglected, Aristotle anumeraten them also thescene was particularly sportmaalike sad animat- noc sa rational to fiare inspector to sleiect falssbood among the four essential branches of edition. log, when we saw the black heade and shoulders and dishonesty in education, as in the weights and The ancient gymnusia wse dedicated to Apollo, the of the men popping up here and there; beard the measures of commerce?—Examination of the Province god of medicine, and the directors were regardal occasional yelp of a dog, and saw the canes bend of the State. by Dr Booth, F.R.S., Chaplain to the as physicians on socount of the skill which thay in rewa, as the hoga rushed before those who beat Marquis of Lansdowns. had derived from experience. Book were the opi- Drone and practice of the ancients such ought to

nd perishable cargosa apailt, we can The Privy Council or the Quaran- ouble themselves much about such srities. There is ons consideration, jab magnitude, that it is difficult to lynail or commission out of Badlam port of Landon has the cholera, ondan is sending ships to all the nere in nosment legem sancimus cule we Lave set story portio pure justified in putting uar vessels 48; and sa Englishman will not be ale in land

lais, Boulogne, Harre, Antwerp, Owed with Hamburgh, under six days from Luhan. H

Tegh has so much right to be why Bamburgh. As we have the cho

only object of quarantine can be r supplies of the disoneo. Elam. rol coverely, but it may will drond

disease from this country. loans credit by such measures. course, de not know whence they fre justified in believing no a nation The General Board of Health sent aman to Flamburgh to inquire into n, whether the disordor was con- gentialed from all he saw and ob The not contagious; and such he IA)of the profession in that aily. m convinced he returned to Eng.


the chaire

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The coun


order is now in this country. It lacked some thirty or forty, and proved fatal majority of

The facts of the cholera are pet. The dis

construed into cholera has bean add to the list. A poor lady who had long been suffer intances. Every case that could

palas,-who had also just undergon stormy pes- possibility be

ange from a continental part, and tad taken no from crysi.

inflictlaps. She was immediately go to cholera. food for several days, sank under the acupulated The disorder has chiefly appeared Woolwich, generally, nor in the convict-shr generally. but not in Woolwich generally, not on the rivet though they lie very close togethy nor in the deck generally, but on the ster boards and stern Justinia convict-ship generally, ngin is lower being exactly opposite the mouth of sewer which thereof particularly and exclusivel—that part empties itself into the Thames." where the chelors has appeared here and there almost uni- formily either on shipboard or near the water, in boil, casos in our sweat river-the hues. In arrival, wes on shore two days, which he spent in ope instance, a sailor got leave of absence on hi

neft day. Thus for the Thames appears the chief hard drinking returned to bis vessel, and died the culpri Do the other hand, there had it yet been a single clear instance of the disorder being carried from one place to smother, or passii1g from one person to another. The only reason abla conclu. sino from all these premises is, that at the present time they who breathe the air of the Thames, or cholera. Mewnwhile, it is also a fact, and a very of a safer, or who drink hard, are able to the

spring. The


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the cover. The noise became greater as the liner advanced, and the men shouted lustily. By and by

in the shape of amatory reform, so slao should the least equally, so object of Christian concern. And if purification of the moral atmosphere around us be at


4 Chinese Joss Rows.-There is scarcely a spot of real natural beauty that is not ornamented by a pagoda or ether Badubini templo. A natural grotte, let ita ac cem be over so dimeuit, la enlarged and altered foto a receptacle for idols, Ona at Amay, called the White Bing, la singolarly beautiful, free the peculiarity of Ita situation, and morel comtrivance. Et stands nae gia ummit of some lofty craps. In a bed of huge rocks

be the opinions and practice of the moderns. It the grants of the hogs became more audible, and would, indeed, be desirable that medical men should signal was passed along our parly on the plain study these exercises, with a view to recommend to be rondy. Ons bog rashed out fonining at the those to their patients which are peculiarly adapted | mouth, and dashed through our party, but was soun to the exigencias of each case. But the daily pill pisroed by an arrow, which disabled hin; another, and the daily draught are preferred, and the invalid and anoffor ran past, and wore served in a similar a report, which is approved and continues to swallow prescription after prescription, manner. One large fellow, with Gristina o and,

in the vain attempt to recover that health which, rushed out; and in his passage ocarly upset ma, ni many of them, natural excavations; others, chambere an hour's daily exercise would restora.

at 'oard of Health In the teeth of

his report, the publia opinion at

this metropolis also, the Pdry

a barrier of quarantine between Burgh. We will not suggest the inter-

sig?en must pat on this gross incoo- They will not be able to put any inter-

It at all. They will only soo that, pretemnious to superior light and com- e are rather slow to recognise either ests or the evidereof our own sangos, which we quote eleawhere from a aper, will show that we do not axeg. Hry our fate fumo must suffer from fficial absurdity.

is bullet the main temple, while its dependencias aro,

which my frinod Miller laughed heartily. It was formed by the vacant spaces between the rounded and detached plecs of granite. Many of the idole are A gymnasia apparatus has boou orected by the new game for me; and I confess 1 felt as nervous, carrol out of the solid rock; in one lastases nature Board of Woods Led Forests, in the neighbourhood with my finger on the trigger as a boy would an has left one Immense stone surmountingly balanced on

of Primrose Hill. Its sceation grindes a laudable | bis first ermy at suipe-sbootidg, gaping at them another like the rucking alone. "A solid staircase winds attention on the part of the Government to the without the power of firing. Miller snid, if we round the lower, encompassing the top of which is a health and amusement of the people. One omis went on this way we would be in disgrace with

stone railing, while the space bitwom the tea it saf- Biclent to admit of stone chairs and tables, which are on, however, has been made, which may be at the patires: so we both resolved to do our share of tended by dinas troue consequences No auparin the work At this time, the hoge began to dash placed here and there all round.. Aplendid overhang- ing terraces, filled with exelles, are coveted by apicul londent has been appointed to undertake the ma- out of the cause in numbers, and the arrows and

ators hewn from the solid rock. A few meloncholy. nagement of the exorcise, A man is very properly spears were at work on, every side. One shot stationed there, with authority to preserva the peans from Miller laid one over ; my guo another; second and enforce the observance of decorum, but the barrels with similar rowuh; reload and fire as funt as we can with satisfactory resuks, Bleady handa exercises are left to the untutored diguration of the performer. Now, 1 bavo generally remarked, that and good sim-now warm to the work. Hus- in such cases ignoratoo is peculiarly characterized drode of hoga eushing past, with bags of foam by presumption, and that the ambition to attempt hanging from their jaws, as if suspended from their is almost always in proportion to the inability to formidable fusils. The wholt kae of men that drove perform. He that knows lost and can do lean them out were now close to ; and as the last of the dress to the Middle Classes upon the spires the highest, and tries also feats, which are boge left the cane brake, they all rushed out with mnastic Exercise, by Lord Dalmeny}|most arduous, and which most sarernly task the such a wild yell over the plain after them, that ous fuel, that most of the great geng trained powers of the experienced If such efforte one would think that heaven and earth had a collig re signalized themselves, not only by incurred nothing but falme, they might safely be sion." Hurra 1" aboutad Millar, he ho and I rush for command, but by their endurance left to the ridioule which greets them, but as they ed after the throng of men, dogs, and hogy, now nd fatigue, have been men originally are attended with danger they ought to be restrain. and then stopping to fire amungat the galloping mizations, which they have hardened od. The fool-Lardy experimentalist incurs hazard | bard of swine; the andves, yelling wildly, rushed ed by temperance and toil, Umme, exonlled all the commandare of bla

a piece of



Wied of Gy

Dalk who has

and ingent

who not sel

to his life or limbs. Akhough gymnastics are, in in the most fearless manner after the fiercest boum, hoory, denounced as most perilous, they are treated and finished them with the spear. The chase con

looking priests are the sole tenants of this romantic spot. Of all the jos houses I have visited, that of Tien T'hung, In the province of Chelkrang, is the most beautiful sad extensive. la rece formed by two mountains at the close of the fertile valley of Tenow. Pih, the road, which had hitherto been = +g- sed pathway, expande into a broad Avenus extending about a mile, with lofty trees on each alde, scored at intervals each with a handsome ornamental swear- house. Pasing over a well supplied was couran, the thrilling noles whereof is increased by a fall immediate- ly under, from a height of about S? fest, into a large artificial basiu below, a sharp turning the astonished traveller comes suddenly on one of the most romantie scenes I ever witnessed. There is a tanjesty about the that apparues of this monastery seklown sean in 4:hina.

Immediately in the rear are high topping bille, biel

appear to rise altnost perpendicularly, divered with a magnificent foret. In front, is a buge tank, Bited wich the alagan' locus plant, reffending in l? calm water


To the Editor of the Extano yr Coisa.

Marita, January Stk. 1919.

Will ven allow me thro' your pughcation to res mark Nat, of alikiration, ol, or assent la

to the opinions or Expressius of the Cha Mail or of a bit poistogte a gentlemen, then Niy to be feared that all ang


We are informed by a Gentleman from Amny ? 100 generous valuators, assure us ?l is accord- that sanguine ho?es aro entertained of saving ing to their judgment Noro wa used H. M. S. Scout, through the indefatigable exer-worse than our neighbours; our friend of the tons of Captain Johnstone, his officers and Register with a house not quito so large is as " evunityinen in a hima inay) incut the mild and tasteful" crow, aided by 11. M. Steam vessel Meden and {sosved the same, and others are treated in a appellation of bilions Yankee, Shob es classical shell a party of Chinese With tanks and other ap wion of them, and on.—Yone v?ry obedient Servant,


and blockhead, o abundantly terished by bim una pur-pliances she has been listed from where she sunk, and it is anticipated that ere long she will be brought down to Hongkong for repairs and a refit.

To the Editor of the Frizan or China..

Canton, si Jannery, 1910. -The lesertion of the following lines, la your orst assar, will not diliga the wether only, hot the whole com

large. mosir of Part. A

Is the Anglo-Chinese Calendar of the year of 1819.


As ordinance to raise an assessed cato on Lands, printed in tantos at the Office of the Repastory, houses and premises willun the colony of ?be publisher seems to have had the goodness of inserting The Pure Cbreanhgy, either voluninity of ghruagh the Hongkong. for the upholding of the requisite request of lastigation of a Paper. Withoutally invidious police force theroin, passed the legislative motive, without any perverted motion of depreciating the valor of the publication, we beg to polat out, the small but Council on the 23rd May 1915, and was in duc glaving, tri?ing but ellecitve delect fix contains, and to ex presh our diappenbation for the same. Bhould it be im

couro sanctioned and approved by the hold

This ordinance enacle,

puted to the ignorance of the publisher, the excuse may be government..

nable, to the request or instigation of a party we hal, not with the slightest besitasion, serm it to have been de by the well known tubever and animosity which the

Sect of Parsees harbour towards the other. The Pub

her corresponds the month of January of 1849, to the Pare month*Upendad," that of February to “skrrarver" and so on. We learn to be Parses or Zo wa Um Plans a declare that uma varten! = ended" but "Teer" and the next will be "Vraerdad” and Bot

similar way.

It may be mail, there is an appeal; and so there is three special Jurors; the three speciale would pocket #30, and there would be the fees of court. No that apart from the trouble and annoyance, the expences of appeal would be greater than the over-charge.

An appeal to the Chief Justice and thought useful, and such wegreations se would vi

The valuations of houses occupied by Chi- nese are also excessive; as an instance we cito

■ property upon which there is nino tenements. For the last six months of the year seven of the houses wore unoccupied, and two rented at #9 a month or $90 a year; they are assessed at 0120 each or 26 per cent above what they can not be let for. The property referred to cost $5,000, the ground rent paid government is $160, the rent at $15 a month is $ 192, leaving the proprietor 32 as interest on the money invested and to keep the property in repair! This may be an extreme case, but the houses are re-in a good situation, yielded a rental of $864 in 1847, and three or four years ago would have

Tal. That the value of property be estimated by two persons SELECTED BY THE GOVERNOR.

Rod. That the valuation be annual. 3rd. That the assessment be made on the

Hi I avoid pebretsion of misrepre estimates of the Governor's valuators.

? kind in the stead of the term "Parn Fareehaved The Choorier of Colace

4th. That charitable institutions be exempt. 5th. That the Executive have power to munerate the collectors of the assessment.

vegetable in short, it in a kittle paradise. I ex ed their lawe, added a few to them, uenerabled i all in the church and addeemed them, saying he gratified was to find them in the happy sale they wore, advising them to follow in the slept of virtue and rectitude they had hitherts done, d they would never want the sympathies of countrymen (i. ., English), who were most reated about then.. milded mach advice a course be to their advantage. It was really after ing to see these primitive and excellent prople both old and young, 140 in the whole, looking to me, and almost devouring illi aid, with eag attention, and with scarcely a dry eye ame them; and, albeit unused to the melting mod lefound a moistura collecting in my eea which i could scarcely restrain, they wore so grateful, truly thankful, for all the kindnesses that had from time to time been shown them, and the interest? their welfare shown by us and not countrymin, I had all the men and most of the watuen on board : but there was such a ses on that the poor girls were dreadfully sea-sick. I fred some guna and set of turned the compliment by firing an old bacy. rockets on the night of our departure, and they to combed gun belonging to the Bonly. It ca completely up-gave the

001b of powder, sign and union jack, cua Implements of agricultur bookt, &c.; and sailed, oo for Tabki.

Oth. That the collectors publish annual re-lot for double that amount. The Chinese caa- not understand an asserment in excess of the actual ront, and they look upon any addition to

|mouth," ay ike modes of calculailog our Chro- nology have divided us into two Seet, after tong and Chouriger or ? disputes. The one is called the Comme less and the other Shapshabi or Rosmer. The former comprise mot more than about st,000 persons in all, while the latter opwards of 37,010; and what must have forms, hindered the Publisher from ingenilog the date, which the, latter and larger body calculate, we see at a loss to know, Notwithstanding this the publisher in his remarks Fare Chr. nokgr, amet the Era of Tradrveni la erroneous, in conquence of rejecting the hours over 365 days. Previous to him writing this, kad ke consulted any !


ante. Lat the writer be informed of ibe series of most

7th. That the assessment be paid quarterly.

squeeze on the part of the collectors.

8th. That unoccupied property be exempt.five dollars upon every hundred dollars as a 9th. That appeals against over ses?mmonl wiser and better sequainted than himself, in all pro be made to the Chief Justice; who may appoint bably be would not have bked to betray thi-mach on three persons from the list of special Jurors to asgains disputes and violent quarrels, which few years assist him in ascertaining the question of value back, this very thing bad aroused in Bombay which may arise from any such appeal. Impartial aninded, candid bearjed and well experignord and educated Paises be the source of his kauwledge, and A-s own inclination, we dare leg would lead him to jau Having said only what we thought-urselves justified for, we beg to eqnclude, with a hope ou seelag this in your next inne.-- We are Sir, your's v?ry truly,

grosall the pumerous pamphlets and books containings most bet and obsilause disenssions for the same-Lei si

Trentation of the assection advanced.


[The abo?e communication is publishal on the re-

an opinion.-EDITOR)



General Lord Visol ardi?s ju Q. C. H., previous transmission of two of wee, h taken si Labore, in eo. F. Het for presentation to her avid Sams Arrived some time arnarand Woolwich; and, lavillardine, Me Jont and on.

tiogable, and may readily load to fraud and ox- they are to be stations Pr The method of collecting is also mort objec-warded with great carlagumine li were packed in bozetowages Se

tortion. Policemen are furnished with papers six-pounders, one of in Chinese having the number of the house or We need not refer to the well known pria-shop written in English; these papers state that ciple of British constitutional law-that with the tax in 5 per cent, but neither is the valuation out representation there cannot be taxation given nor the amount of assessment specified, Neither need we dwell upon the ordinance The police have thus a carte blanche which they itself, which though sanctioned by the British can fill up according to their own notions of pro- Government is still illegal, in as much as the priety. We annex a translation of one of these Government cannot legaliso a colonial macs-papers, promising that the shop in question is sure which in the United Kingdom they could rented at 606-assessed at $120-while the not carry without the approval of the repre-policeman demanded a rate equal to a rental of contatives of the people. We have patiently $168. The tenant demurred, and when his

evidently of those furnidine, other with a large proplader and

carlages are of supe country, and afterwa?libi and on


ended alive. The bald the amhossed with bruen, the

the wheels are made

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als bori and park kinds, chache, ening of the 115



thound yatil we nonrej another cano benke, and no we were all done up by the excitement and race, we made a halt, allowing the foge to ran into it without further molestatud. The line of our cunse after the herd, from the edge of the one broke where we first parted, motil we allowed them to escape, was literally sterwed with wound d and deal hogs, some of ? most formidiblo appearance. Coulter's Adventures on the Western Coast of South Australia.

Novel Deputiens.—Drifte. ad lier: rnnuing

all practice: a dancing Jobson.

"Help. Help!"—When Adams first censed in- to York State from the Canada side, he took lefg. ingat an inn in Canandsigns. waiting maid

time in strategical deience, but all the legionaries | In practice as the most innocuoue of divermont. of bis nem in patience under hardship, had by an

Whilst caluminated in the s'atract, they are dealt lurg a weak onstitution, which he strengthened with in rely in a spirit of dangerous security. by the early practice of gymanstics. It may, in No youth is allowed to make fije first trial of b?rse- deed, bo assumed as an axlem, that a man, natur-manship on the high mettled racer, and yet, in ally delicate but vigorously trained, will surpass in gymnastics, tyrous are permitted to attempt per- activity and strength one vigorously organized, but formances which are even hazardous to the ex injured to exection. If this be disputed compara per- It may be here olerrred, ikest all the ex- be Asiatis palanquin hearer with the European ercises which are most useful, are alor those which tradesman. The one, with a feminina delicacy of are most enfo; that thues which are mint condu frame scales mountains under hoary burdens; the cive to vigour and health, are those which are other, endowed perhaps, with the proportions of a totally devoid of risk; and that those which most ginnt, totters oppressed and crushed by his own captivate the eye and opt the ambition of the Mm through Breachos of trustrousers not paid weight.

inexperienced, are those which are almost useless for The question will now got wonaturally arise, in developing or invigorating the physical powera. how is it possible for the middle classes, conals But the exercises in the gymnasium nel not tently with their usual avacations, to take the exer- neosarily be restricted to those which are con cles necessary for the preservation of their health, heated with the apparatus. Fencing may be prac or development of their strength? They are contine there, an exercise singularly favourable to fined all day by the paramount necessities of basi- amusement, to health, to the Improvement of the nets, and this business is almost always of a solen- Aguro, Economy of time may be ranked among tary nature They cannot leave it withnat injury |the numerous advantages it presents. In ball an to their reputation and pocket, and when the bour hour a fencing bout givan more exercian than three of relaxation arrives, no opportunity presents itself hours? walk or ridu.” In this respect it is admira- for physical recroation. No athletic games can be bly adopted to those who, slowly occupied by busi- practised after nuuset, and if a citizen attempt a nom, fod bot liule time for recreation, No exer. constitutional," by the time he has reached the cine in more suited in the inhabitants of large oum fresh air of Hampstead or Highgate, he is over-mercial elties, where every moment is of conse taken by midnight. Besider, who would over think, goenor, and the opportunities of physical recrea- by way of exercise, of going, every ovoning, a cor- tione are law. Its cost is very slight is proportion lain number of miles by gailight↑ Such an occn- to the benefit is confare. ?i li so conducive to patina would be somewhat of a penal character, health that 1 boldly wrm that no man who can and would afford, in return, seither benefit nor en handle a foil and find an opponent ought to suffer joyment. It is saay, then, to indulge in vague and from any serious indisposition: The beneficial in profitless declamation about the necessity and ad- fluence it exercises on the intellect is almost equal Tantage of exercise, and to deal in plausible theo-to that which is oneris on the body. It braces the Ties; but the difficulty consists in embodying these | mind with new sinowa and now ourves. Whilst Saucy Quertims.—Did you ever know an Erich- theories in practice.

awakening and augmenting the corporeal energim, man who hadn't been educated at Troity College?

important oor, that the weekly martalny is very much below the averago—we think 150 lesa.

Such being the frets of the case, bow are they mot? The Privy Council is chargnablo with the beakh of the empire. On the 8th instant all the Cominiinners of Curtains received instructions from the Privy Council to keep out the cholera. They were to do an by stopping overy vessel from cholera port, that is, fr?m ? port where there had been deaths from cholers, and detain the aid tessel till it had been six days froin port. In case of a fouth on brand, three was to be another six days' detention. Hamburgh, for example, is a cho lern part, two days from our shores. There are steamere between' Homburgh and London, and Hamburgh and Hull. On arriving in the Thames or the Humber, the passengers hire to perform gexrantine for four diye, n?lar which they dose to Bemo talaga, and uro allowed to walk the streola of Lanto

? Foll, and tak - their so sta fu the rail- are the ardore for the living The wiled for with equal ense. They must ut to deep sea, double shotted, an very possible pressution Against their

in the realms of day. ? frat thing that strikes one, in som. Poso?the cholera, and thu oriler of the

impassable gulf between ruly nothing to do with absol,? is in the river Thames, choleche Thames, not that they down, but, that they may not holers the cholera caught from anca itrous sil our preventivas we add of danger. "The world source romann of this ridiculous [ire the son public opinion? The founded it It. Has the Board,| hoas agit The Board of Health ended it the mutter; any, more, rolled inst bought. A Board of ely set to be neglected. It has createdious theory The Privy le ooning that theary for granted. r, takes a come to any deliberato of Auganther audiod the subject

mak, wit


W Privy Coun then They

and we slop



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inlaid with bisse, retrying a Bag, and an aligus opao and seizing any being formed of mos

the wheels are surmou

sponsibility of a Parses Gemile-nan of superior at Usinments, learned, we have no doubt, in hitnational chronology; the subject discussed as one, however, on which it would be presumptuou? in us to hazard 'bowed to the yoke and paid the atrosument; landlord applied to the collector he was told it wenis, cast to represe protesting against fancied grievances imposed was a mistake. Admitting this, we cortainly the limber is joined to upon, ourselves by a covolous competition for think the papers ought to be drawn out sollent representation public land, while a real and substantial gris-clearly that such mistakes could not occur:- vance has been passed over, or at the most No. 937. Rate of valuation for Police Asement been made the subject of an occasional growl. Adega Ondinance No. fibia. The person sew inhabiting the bot No-from bla time forward, is By the third section of the ordinance the rated for the present year beginning with the first day of Governor with advice of the Executivo Count is ordered for the year 18 venth month Ars day the 7th English thonth at the aparent of **** dollars. cil has full power to levy such a percentage cospery road seller of ver) and a day that on the estimates of his own valaators shall be paid.-Assessor-C. 34, E, B.

apon every barodred dollars of rent a rate of Are dollars shall be oquel to the expences of the police -establishment." The expencaol this establis



Ocl. 24 | Brdor,

Baked Sutes Oct


Nov. Nor.


Nor 18 Manila Nov, 13 Shangbal Doc.



Calella Nov. 1 Kingapure Bomba Medras




ment is ?8,000 a year; the assessment of ? per cent on the gross rental gives ?9,000, and to raise the requisite amount it would require

10rm 1×49,

NOTICE-Divine Service will for the present be co dead in the building adjoining the Post-Mosad apposite to the Club-House, Edlayer LL A. M. and pas an assessment of upwards of 30 por cent 01 P. M.; and on Tharadaye at 6 P. M.

the far rental of Hongkong. The inhabitants are thus at the mercy of the Executive, and an stament of ao per cont on the net could be enforced with the same case as 5 per cent on the gross rental.

Vetoria, 9th October, tata.


Colonial Chaplain.

NOTICE FAMENTERIAN CHURCH. The orga. tion, conducted for the person by the Rut. W. C. But, will marry Sannath, in the Bangalow immedia:ais bg. bind the CLUB HOUSE

Ju England the net rantal is the basis of air.

The bones of Dicine Service wi? by 11 s. 1., and patement--that is, from the gross amount paid Vietaris, Net November, 1848.

? by the tenant an allowance is made for ground

47. M.


A giberal megling of membart of the Harrison Elea tlan Society will be held at the Morrigan 8-bool on the 18 is at half past two o'clock in the afternoon.

Hongkong, Schdanuary, 1849,

Sheriff of Victoria.


(From the Weakly Times.)

te publishing the following extract of a letter free Capt. Worth, of her Majesty's ship Calypso, renders that it was the spot to which the mutineers at Pitcairn's Jeland, we need scarcely remind our of the Bounty, ander Fletcher Christian, the meta, weered that ship In the year 1780, when Captain Bligh, on the 29th April, was turned adrift, with 18 hande, in an open boat on the wide ocean, some where near the Friendly Tolands, “ with about 28 gallons of water, 150 lbs. of bread 20 be of pork,

the 16th Juno, after a voyage (as Captain Bligh A quarts of rum, and 6 hottles of wine, withaat chart of any description.” and loded a Timor on observes in his report)," of the most extraordinary wam of the necessaries of life-which thos bap be taken either in ita extent, duration, or so much pily ended without accident, through the assistance

Divine Providenca.

rent, insurance, repairs, depreciation in valuedcc.ature that was ever known in the world-let it

On a rental of ?100 these deductions may ator age 20 per cent, the tenant is thus med at ?80, for though the tenant pays the tax in the first place it is indirectly borne by the proprietor as ia proporting to the rate of taxes is the rate of rent, and it would be unfair to lory upon charges for keeping the tenement in repair.

The awful late of the ringleaders of the muti- to sea beacon to warn mankind that "the powers Deare is too well known to be more than pointed that he ace ordained of Gud:"—

& The naves of

brass ora.

Liger; and

Lak Gga by a ex. head castin Covated trunk, timber to the carclages aro

brase, and a representa formed of iron, the hookCo. of bright iron, and the ord dire profuse h gun carriage. The poles the every part of these splendid, Agios hooped with bram. The porter la formed The water buckets are made of ge! Elk, strongly antirety of brass, the fore past reping the hand of a peacock, and the handle the bound tail of a 6sh carved to represent scala. The taket on the either alle of each gun carriage is of olished stoel, and the handle inlaid with brass. These guns and enreinges will have a fins effect andsor Canle Harding and bie rother ofBorrser the Sikhs. There are two neste for gunners on ch of the gun and are trophies of the victorised by Lord

carriages, made of bright iron, wi” bows similar to arm chairs. The arme are necesty to outfies! the albowe as the chairs, in place of ingelerated so the scale of the British Artille gunnern are, have been fixed on the axle-tree gun carri age, betwixt the gun wad the bela, and the guoners have to sit with their winging in Grant chains below the axle, with ( horses, and to near the ground, tha step from their seat. The positio a most dangerous oor, as on the le

the arme of the gunners over the at

swinging stirrupe for the lega by the revolving spokes to a line next the wheels they would be lial

liable to danger if they move in

Dear the wheels,


(From the Timed;

becks to the

* can easily ppear to be


If the chaira

bo brokea

Ir also to be

hem. The

ast degres

thirty or forty, and proved fat majority of

The face of the cholera aro

ht. The die order is now in this country. Itacked some

palas,whe had also just undergo stormy pas- instance. Every case that coul possibilty bo construed into cholera has been to the list. A sage from a continental port, and third when no poor lady who had lang been autre from erysi-

food for several daya, sank under the acumulated The disorder has chiefly appeared Woolwich, inflictions. She was immediately to cholera. generally, nor in the convict-sh but not in Woolwich generally, not on the river generally,

Ir is intimated in the Register of yesterday that public feeting will be held at the Oriental

We arrived bere on the 9th March (1818), Bank to-Day at 4 o'clock to afford the inhabi In Hongkong & different system obtains stormy, and equally, and, as you know, there le no from Callan, bat the weather being very bad, tants of Victoria an · opportunity of stating The Superintendent of police and a clerk in landing, except in a small nook called Boumy Bay, their views as to the position and prospects of one of the government offices are the valuators, and very frequently not even there, indeed never in the colony, and of adopting incatures for again These Gentlemen do not even content themsel. ship bonts, from the violence of the surf-1 did nol bringing the subject in the notice of for Alaves with the grow amount of ront paid by the having landed afely all the presents I brought for communicate with the abort till the next day, when, jesty Government." [We have been request-tenant--they estimate the rental at what they the inhabitants from Valparaiso, I landed myself ed by the Sheriff to insert the requisition itself. consider it ought to be, and their estimate is

with half the officers and youngsters, the ship C. O, HOLDFORTA Esq,

usually from 20 to 30 per cent above the mark made the officers divide the day between them, one

standing off and on, there being na anchorage S.-We, the undersigned request you will calllusions realitics) and consequently a pomipal grallied with visiting these interesting people. I (the proprietors would rejoice wore these de-half on shore the other on board; so they were

■ Public Meeting of the Inhabitants of Victoria, at an early date to planl them the opportunity of rate of 5 per cent le swollen to a mubatantial dever was so gratified by such a visit, and would though they lie very close togeth nor in the elating their views as to the position and prospects

world. I would write you a very long letter about rather have gone there then to any part of the of this Colony, and of adopting measures for again

them, box time presses, ** inging the subject to the notice of the Majay's

$840y they are the most interesting, contented, and I will only Government. We are, air, your obedient servante,

moml, and happy people that can be consired. Dent & Co. JARDINE, MADres?n & Co.

Their delight at our arrival was beyond anything; the comfort, peace, strict morality, industry, and 50 axcesive cleanliness and penthes that warapparent 100 about everything around them, was really such as ... 901 was oot prepared to witness their learning and attainments in general education and information 240 was really astonishing; all dressed in English style; to the men don race, and the women and children very pretty, and their manner really of a superior 6pn order, wrez amiling and joyous but one mind and one with seama to actuate them all. Crime up pears to be unknown, and if there is really true romantio and beautiful; the soll of the tichem dos happiness on earth it surely is there: the island is cription, wilding almost every tropical irrit and

Aros. CARTE LINDAY & CO. W. Scort & Uo. FLETCHER & Co. TSER & Co. MacTICAR & Co.

CNEJ. F. Stuart.

Hongkong, 4th January, 1849.


In compliance with the above requisition, "I hereby requested Meeting, tha Oninstal Bank, on Wednesday the 10th instant, 4 o'clock . ., for the purpose bore protivned,


Sherif Victoria, Hongkong, 8th January, 1849.

assessment of 10 per cent upon the net rental As a case is point we need not go beyond our own premises, for which we pay dollars per annum. The charges at 1--- Ground reat (Che lot is the cheapest on the

Island).. Insurance per cant on $10,000... Repairs and depreciation in valle.


Grom rental ....

Net, or rental far amassement

As we have the honor to pay 860,per annum in the name of police asseannant, it is clear, that the rate is 10 per cent and got 5 as the


deck generally, but on the starboarde wad stern Justinia convict-ship generally, so is lower thereof particularly and seclusivol that part being exactly opposite the mouth of sewer which cholera has appeared here and there almost uni empties itself into the Thames." Elsewhere the formily either on shipboard or paar the water, in both case in our sweet riser-the Thames. In arzival, was on shore two days, which spent in ope instance, a sailor got leave of stuence on his hard drinking, returned to his vessel, and died the nof day. Thus far the Thames appears the chief culprit Do the other hand, there had wil yet been a single cleur instance of the disorder peing carried person to another. The only reasonable conclu from one place to another, or passing from one

of a seder, or who drink hard, are liable to the sion from all these premies is, that at the present cholera. Meanwhile, it is also a fact, and a very time they who breathe the air of the Thames, or

Halth ber

Har that Co

drame, or a Linofila pro fact that there ortified to the Hamburgh; of thes your in in interpe


och institut

there are no

miners toners of lo


three thing

defences n

abject to ist

Board of

medical auth that they sa

Last week

Belin. T

In be dring


anly broker

badly expe hes Board to mercantile T

| It has an amined witnessass, nor Puric?; b?l'osat l?ts, nor dreamt a


guna by pure chance. The solu- Hinge is to be found in the simple Quarantine Board. The Board has Privy Council that the Cholers int Privy Council, which at this son Iring skeleton, has no akternative but warantine between this country and Reason is of no avail in the face of a. We can only be thankful that Commissions of Comets, or Com- he Great Se Serpent, or Commle Jenza, or Comissioners of Old Age, era of Bores,intrined to keep all of the cory, and to select such Jay may the proper. What we t we are iogaistent. Why have Por Progued it? Are the jounity amenkad simply aikio the tail of an exploded


Bow, in Yorkshire was found Mather were summoned from

3. - ?as na steam could take

nd perishable cargoan spoil, we ca he Privy Connoil or the Quaran- ouble themselves much about such

arities. There is one consideration, jak magnitude, that is le dificult to


sat at the table with them, and Dick spake of her ms the servant, to the no smell scandal of mine host, who told him that in his kausa in ontvani wak called help. Vary wall; the next morning the whole house was alarmed by a lund shouting from Dick of 'Help! help water! water help! lo ap instant every person in the imo, equal to the tack, rushed into Diek's zoom with a pail of water. *I am much obligul to ye, to b? suen; mid Dick, 'but here is more then I want t? she a with.' have with,' quath mine host, you called help? and 'water and we thought the house was D fire.** Ye told me to call the servant help, and do you think I would cry water when I meant fret Give it up,' said the landlord, as he led of tho line of pails.


you ever help a young lady to wins who didn't any,

The gmallest drup in the world,"


An Enlightened Jury.—In a case tried at ?th? ' Glamorgansbiem Ansizes lbs other week, after the legrand judge had summed up, the jur? turned to consult upon their vendiet, when it was discovered that the foreman did not underssod. Walsh, and the other eloren did not understand English. His lord. ship mid that it was evident the jury did not un- derstand one word of his summing up. The jurg retired for about half an hour, and then returned into court, and pronounced a verdiet of guilty! direct contradiction to the ruling of the judge, and

is the utter astonishment of ovary one prescal

Those who make these not unreasonable objec- | it, simulates and rouses the torpid faculties of the | Did you ever know a aparting man who badn't tion, are not perhaps aware that a room thirty feat | soul, it heightens the rividness of de sensations, il, refusel 90 guinea for k? hong? Did you ever square, a ladder, and a few poles, a handful of ropes, quickens its perceptions, it rekindles a fresh life, it know a slight accident, but that it " might hova sou a couple of dozen foils, cro all that is nosemary communicates en olasticity, an animation, a vigour, bean attended with serious cons?quen?os 1o Did to maintain a whole community in both vigour which not only resuscitates its dormant powers, and health. This statement, which sounds like a | but, as it ware, inspires it with now. It calls forth paradu?r in England, is an exlom on the continent. and exercises in the adept invaluable mental qua- It is thero corroborated by the instimony of ex-lides, prudance, caution, vigilance, enterprise perionog Oymnasia, or places for the practice of promptitude ly profiting by his adversary's orzors, athletic exercises, have long been established in and skill in retrieving his own. Consummate ox- Germany, Switzerland, and France, with the cellencs in this art demands some of the peculiar greatest benefit to the sanitary condition of the po- sadowments of the general and diplomatis. Let pulation. In this country they are comparatively it not be supposed that this exercise is net na whole rare, and, though open to all, are frequented by pame as those which are pareuad in the open air. fow; but the extraordinary advantage which these have brought down the hem brock in Bracer, few have derived from them justify my speaking have stalked the deer on Ben M-Dhui, I have trode with some authority in their favour. 1 in astonish the Alpine solitudes of Switzerland, but never ing what wonderful effects can be produced by the bave I felt greater exhilaration d?spirita, or a more skilful application, for a short period during sach | genial glow of health, mora buoyancy of mind, or day, of the resources of the gymnastic art. One greater vigene of body, than after an animated bet short hour devoted daily to grinnastics will sulloso with the fella nt Messen. Angelo's or Ilamon's. Obsolete Objections to the Promotion of Education.

It will doublega be avid the plans of this kind are to premrve and often restore health, lo quideople

Dovelties—that there is no precedent fof them—that it man's strength, to develop his bodily powers, and.

is an useless and centralising innovation-that people to qually bin for an amount of exertion that he?

who stand in need?f education will find means to pro-

top would have despaired of achieving at the com- L?heting Wild Swine in New Guine1-We had cure it and that society can be kept well enough to

Cons of his practice. I live frequently seen a pack of fine strong dogs with on, of a very pocugether, as it has over boon, by the sanctions of punish- young mee come to Mr Haman's gymnasium in fiat brood: they were large, black skinned, with meat, without having recourse to those of romaj?, such a stats of debility as scarcely to possess any poninely any hair on, similar to the one in central which is beyond its sphere, Yet if we would only command of their limba, who, at the end of three | Amerton ; did their work almost in silence, giving raise our though above the mists of prejudice, and months, bare attained a fair degree of strengur, Jonly zrocon??smal yelp, like that of a small hound, look at things as they really are, and.not through the and at the end of six, have been equal to the par. The ecme was novel, and animating in the sx- gram medium of conventionalities and fragments of formance of extraordinary physical feats. What, frame, at man and dogs started of at a quick pace to explain why the "Avonger," rather than "Averter Inconsistent principles, it would be bard nailsfactorily however, is most remarkable, is the change of censores ? Koo level plain, richly clothed with rank of Evil," should no long have been the obfeet of our The Hull

wah ftthey found themselves con. titution, and even of unpact, in those persona, der-groes. This part of our march frequently brought worship. Nor would it be saty to show-whether wa de aard to ba

art four days longer. In

ing the progress of their practice. The pallid bosh my recollection portions of prairie ( had pasund | take our stanil on the absolute and immuable rule of ain they rea and stated the peculiar air is replaced by the bloom of health, the narrow hol- tip North Amerion, as the plain was frequentig in. right, offweck our raszima la dis ever-changing polley

their journey. The gentleman died low chow expands, the flaccid, shrunk, and wilbererempted ty doa? gullins or ravines that could not of a shlfing expediency,-why the promotion of la Where they

cation should be an object laws worthy of the anxious uld be relented from quarantine. Ar

ed musoles grow large and firm, the languid ?ya – be done until we were nearly on their brink: then for mallara d

solicitude of the State than the suppression of crime? becomes bright, the narres braced, the step elastin, our whole party would dive down at a convenient If we deduce our principles from high conceptions of nere business, appointments ned 19-

the spirits briek. Gymnastics ought not to be co-place, disappear for a while, then aftend the op- religion and morality, and not simply from low but garded as a mere diversion; they ought to form a posite side, and continue our course on the plain pressing considerations of palpable utility, we may un part, and an important part of medical sciones again. Thas we went on for a few miles, uptil we soubtedly aflem that if the air we breathe amblat th? Many diseases may be warded off, others radically arrived bear the foot of the range of bills, and congregated masses of the poor be so loaded with pas- oured, by a timely resort to them. They ate, in-verge of ex'ensive, forest patches and cane brakes. Lilence and noxious exhalation, as at length Imparativ dood, a certain remedy for many allments, which when near the latter, the man were sont rougil, 12 to demand the interference of legislativa suthority perplex and badle the skill of the physician. Byrtles of foure and axes, to enciralo it ; ut is in the shape of swatory reforms also should the purlocation of the moral atmosphers around us be t the Grooks, they were considered assemial to the part of theproceeding, we could occasionally plain least equally, an object of Christian concern. And if promrvation and restoration of health. It was justly hear the occasional grant of a wild hog. Miller we hold, with the greatest of those who have gone be before the time of Hippocrates, as Plato calls us in and l with his relatives, and other grandes of this fate us, that forms of civil polity exist for the promo his Politeln, that gymnastics were made a part of tribe, national ourselves in the open plain, in front tion of the nobler and more enduring interati of mus, mosdicine, na a means of oqueteracting the effects of the cane brake, whilst a great majority of our and not merely to weure lilas lu the undisturbed en- of increasing indulence and luxury. They were party, with the dogs, were sent round by the wood forment of his physical comforte-ar mot ask, Eradually reduced into a complete system. La soch to apter the canes, and drive the hogs down to of Interest to cigilised people than general gol why should a general school delivery be fuss an object wards us. It took nearly an hour to completo the delivery? How Is it less conslatent with a wide and estimation wore they held, for the cure of disassa, that not only Plato bat Aristotle, thought no re

arrangementa, before we saw the natives, in a benevolent pabila to and public could be demand perfect in which gymnssia acartered line, advancing through the cases. Then of education than donmledanets of bankruptcy were neglected. Aristotle enumerates iham also the scene was particularly sportmanlike and animat- not as rational to leave inspector tostatect falsehood among the four essential branches of, when we saw the black heads and shoulders and dishonesty in education, as in the weighta apd The ancleat gymoasis was dedicated to Apollo, the of the meu popping up here and there; heard the mures of commerce? —Examination of the Proobies loans credit by such measures. god of madigine, and the dicators were regarded occaecal yelp of a dog, and saw the caper bend of the State, by Dr Booth, F.R.S., Chaplain to the course, do not know whence they a physicians an acount of the skill which they in rowe, as the hags rushed before those who beat Afarquis of Lansdowns. ere justified in baliaving na a nation

had dacived from experience. Buch were the opi- the cover. The noise became greater as the lines The General Board of Hanlth sent mions and practice of the anciontach ought to advanced, and the mon shouted lustily. By and by a medical geman to Elamborgh to inquire into

be the opinions and practice of the moderns. It the grants of the hoge became more audible, and The very quen, whether the disorder was oon.

would, jadeed, be desirable that medical men should a signal was passed along our party on the plain gions. Elle antiafled from all he saw and ab. study then exercises, with a view to cacommood to be ready. Une bog rushed out foaming at the served that

e not contagious; and such he

those to their patients which sen paculiarly adapted | mouth, and cleabad through our party, but was soun feed the opLIA of the profession in that city.

to the exigencies of auch case. But the daily pill | pidroed by an arrow, which disabled bin; another, Thus informirand convinced he returned to Eng

and the daily draught are preferred, and the invalid, and anolifer ran past, and wore served in a similar led, and dre Pablished by st oard of Health. In the tooth of

report, which is approved and continues to swallow prescription after prescription, menner. One large fellow, with bristles on end, in the vain attempt to recover that health which rushed out; and in his passage nearly upset me, xi The mission, he report, the public opinion at

an hour'e daily exercise would restaro,

which my friend Miller laughed heartily. It was Hamburg. this metropolis leo, the Privy

A gymnastic apparatus has been prected by the new game for toe; and I confess I felt as nervous, carvelous of the old rack; in one instances nature Council seta e barrior of quarantine between Board of Woode and Forests, in the neighbourhood with my finger on the trigger or a boy would on hea leh one immense stone surmountingly balanced on

and flamurgh. We will not suggest the inter-

of Primrose Hill. Its erection evinces a laudable his first camy at noipe-aboolidg, gaping at them another like the rucking stone. A sold quaireann winds patio for gets must put on this gross Incen-

atlantion on the part of the Government to the withupt the power of firing. Miller said, if wo round the lower, uncompassing the top of, which in a cy, for They will not be able to put any inter- hoakh and amusement of the people. One amis. went on this way we would be in disgrace with stone relling, while the space between the five is suf pot it at all. They will only see that, sion, however, has been mado, which may be at the natives: so we both resolved to do our share of ficient to admit of stone chairs and tables, which are shelever our pretensions to superior light and com-

teiled by dienstrous consequences No superin the work At this time, the hoge began to dash placed here and there all round. Splendid overhang- od ease, are rather slow

A few melancholy- recognise either tendent has been appointed in undertake the me-out of the cases in numbers, and the arrows and ing terraces, Bled with exotics, are reached by spiral A pasta or the evidence of aur own songs, nagement of the exercises. A man is very properly spears were at work on every side. One slot stairshows from the solid enck. A pangraph which we quote elsewhere frod

here, from king sole tenants reaper, will show that we do not usage and enforce this authority to preserva, the peace fee Millet laid one over; my gus another; accend spot. Of all the Jou houars I bave visited, mas of gate the injury our fair fame must au?er from This piece official absurdily.

exercises are left to the untutored disaration of the as we can with satisfactory renuke. Steady hands performer. Now, I bave generally remarked, that and good sim-now whem to the work. Hun in such a?are ignorance is peculiarly characterized deada of hoge rushing part, with bage of foam by presumption, and that the ambition to attempt hanging from their jaws, as if suspended from their is almost always in proportion to the ability to formidable task. The whole line of mon that drove (From an adress to the Middle Classes upon the Perform. He that knows loast and can do lost them out were now close to; and as the Inst of the house. Paming over a well ruppiled wales.course, the

hoge left the case brake, they all rushed out with object of Gymnastic Exercises, by Lord Daleapt aspires the highest, and tries also fente which are such a wild yell over the plats after them, that le who have signalized bemselves, not only by

curous fact, that most of the grout geng trained powers of the experienced if such efforts one would think that heaven and earths had a colli, nothing sion."Hurra Miller, as he and I rust?- of prisation for command, but by their ondurder left is the ridicule which greet them, but as they of after the throng of med, dogs, and hogs, now of privation and fatigue, bave been men originally

of la are attended with danger they ought to be restrain and then stopping to fire emunget the galloping and fatigor Pizations, which they have raised ad the foot thrds gareng nufil wears beraird

invigorated by temperance and toil. who not only excelted all the commanders of his

Comr, to his life of limbe. Alhoogh gymnastics'afe, in theory, denounced as most perilous, they are treated

however, of toy

pail or commission out of Bedlam despising i

part of London has the cholers, and the port Palandon in sending ships to all the world. Quamere ?n noamant legem suncimus implem! B. rule we are ast avery port in the marki w outs justided in putting our vassale ader quarzo 248; and an Englishman will not be able to land

lais, Baulogne, Havre, Antwerp, Gend, or 4th Hamborgh, under aiz days from [rgh han sa much right to be shy kmburgh. As we have the cho- only object of quarantine can be supplies of the disenna. Ham- severaly, but it may still droad disease from this country.

Isade. H


lea already,

to keep out

burgh has

Foreigners. spring. The

The coon


of old wome


berd of awing: Un nefires, galleg wildly, rushed

the most feartone manner after the fiercest boars, and finished them with the spear. The chase con-



A Chinese Jour Flow-There is scarcely a spet of

real natural beauty that la not ornamented by a pagoda or other Buddhin temple. A natural grotte. let its ac cr be aver so disseult, la enlarged and als?ral fotos. recepiscle for Idol One at Amor, called the White Stag, le singularly beautiful, from the peculiarity of im cluation, and novel contrivance. It stands near gla summit of some lefty craga... In a bed of huge rocka is built the male temple, while its dependencies are, many of them, natural excavationa; others, chambers formed by the vacant space between the rounded and detached pleoms of granite. Many of the idola are

Then Thang. In the province of Che-Kang, in the most beautiful and extensive. In a recess formed by

two mountains at the close of the fertile valley of Teo-Pib, the road, which had hitherto been bg- ged pathway, expands into a broad atenue extending about a mile, with lofty trees so each alde, adorned intervale each with a handsome ornamental summer-

thrilling nole whereof is imbrassed by a full immediate

under, from a height of 30 feet, largu

artificial besim below, as a sharp turning to atoning traveller come suddenly on one of the most romantic scene 1 over witnessed. There is a Majesty about the immediately in the rear are high topping lite, which appear

to vise almost perpendicularly, cuvered with a magallicent forest. In front, is a huge tank, Biled with

the elegant. lotus plant, reflecting la iw calm water





PROM HO??????.

0, Menom, Maxton, Whampon. *

6. Vancouver (Am), Fuller, Whampoa 7, Anna ('ropper, Morton, Whamp?e. 7, Anglona [Am.], Thorp, East Coast.

7. Island Quern, Macfarlane, Shanghai, t

B, Amelia, Lindsey, Wampon.

the boga halliding. Facing the temple la a small seven- ! storied stone pagoda, on each side of which are three lony urns. The furest closes the area around an im Jan. me alegram, thirds of which form th? site of the Joss boyse; white the rest in occupied by the tank, round which is a broad fugged parement;

tences of the road are lost, an extraordinary ech extelten iho veriest whisper, while this report of a gan would appear never to leave the ration. "Through the woods, In all digtetions, are fourpailia, commanding crepy variety of scenery. A few stepa condues from very plain to highly ornamented parterjes, then through je muckler opening betwen the trees may be sean a hal- ren abende plain farther on, the side of a hill te, “wing : with the richest trop of comm, taking an almost pers diculus descent into some fairy-like bouquet of bamboos. Birds of beautiful plamage and the most allvery Notes abound, and increase, and multiply, safe in the vicini- ty of the shodes of torn, one of the tenets of whose re- ligion is, "* Thou shalt not kill.”—Elestestant gl'orbes's | Jan.

Fire Frore in China.

THE RACE COMMITTEE beg to call nuen. tion to the following Resolutions passed at they fal Meeting:-

J. That during the days of the Races, the hoisting of a Red Flag from the weighing Tent shall Be the signal for the Brew aude lo nascruble, and that on the hoisting of a White Flag the CommTre: uttenil, at the "Teni.

2. That Horses and Ponies requiring la be move- ured be sent to the Tent in the Valley between the hours of 7 and 8 in the mornings up to the data of untrance, to be memnured in the presence of two Members of the Commitive.

3. That a Proper Stand be erected, and that ad

mittance therto be by means of tickets to be had

on application to the Brewards or Members of the

? Committee.

The CONTTRn beg also t? remind Gentlemen intending to enter Horses that the Entrance List will be closed on the Ist day of January neki.

Victoria, Hongkong, 21st December, 1849,


Sea Witch [Am], Watermen, New York.

6, Torrington, Riddles, Shanghai.

Zephyr, Wilson, East Coust

9. Richard & Wisfiam, Brigstock, Califomia.

9, Vixen, BleMardo, East Coas

9. Privateer, Bellamy, Whampoa.

9, Coquete [Am.], Prescott, Shangbai.

9, Will the 'up, McKnight, Bhanghai.


1. Carrington [Am], Abbott, New York.

1, Albion, Gardner, Singapore.

6, 7gmin [Am.], Wilson, New York.

0, Anna Robertson, Munro, Singapore. Dec.


26, Guardian, Vickerman, Manila and Sydovy. 27, Chicslain, Robertson, London. Dec.


20, Carthage (Am.), Fox, Bingapore.

30, Sephia Fraser, Mackellar, Singapore.





Para Frameless Xavat, brig Hongkong Amizade, brig

Genovevs, brig

Marqum of Huntings, h? qu

Nova Paquete, barga

Rees Seabere de L?s, brig

Tramalgo, barque


Vicouse Jorge.

1006 Alanoel de Jeans.

Lorange Mseques,

V. A. dos Remedion.




The Masters.


100 Barros

W. 8. Neal.


300 Pie

Jood Vicente Jongo.

150 Marques

350 tilva



Jan? Feucisco d'Okreita.

Pedro Sun? de diles Lamrevo.

960 Jes

330 Carvalhe



YOL. VIII. No. 4.


Nuevo Bilbaina, brig Pex, brg

Jenkong 930) Artvan


Buah and co.

Jons Vianato Jongu,

Tres Sebrince, barque



spe ????????? Gay

. P. du Biles.

Bintang Anam, barque

jai Liang, barque


Aurora, schovGIN

Dus Amigos, nebmoner


Van der Palm, bamus

De Vrown Johanna, barque

Alpha, schoonN

Anna Marin, brig


| Cart & Hermann, berque


Julians, ship

BWLD. Carl Johan, barque


Ann, larcha

Emily, archs


Per Richard & William,—Capt. Marvin, Blesers Hoyl, Winslow, and Mac-Montezuma, r Connell.


41. C. Kramer Phlegethon



f. M. Ship Lastings

Itongkong 14 Gens

ling Colorobin

Irig Marioer

| Shanghai


Noser Fary


For Modes

Amoy 15 KING 10 Gub

Ow Nabu.Porm 4 June




Gues Hongkong. Campica)



Que ilengkong| 16 |


30 Chose

Hier l'ul

WIE Daily Adret:iser and Shipping List will | IN. Sto Alligator

from the 18th ins4., be delivered as blangkong, Clop, and Macao, gratis. The Proprietor hopes

by this inspring vuit?rsal c?rculation, and an op

portunity of advesiting doily that the Paper will

be supported by advertisement

N. B.-New advertisements for insertion same noon every day, and

day will be received op (

continued seren days without extra charges.

Victor, 12th December, 1941.


FOR SALE at the Chice of this paper:-




forthe Peninsular and Ori- ental Company's Beamers.

"COMPRADORES Ordens, in Booke.





Blip Minden


0. & Ship Plymouth

+4 Ship Proble


Frigate La Bayonnaise





flangelo, barque

Charlotte, b

Cheslete Jabe, skap

Coron?r, maumer

Count of Yarborough, by.

Buchinger, organ

Denia, schouder

Hermes, barque

| Windowss, ship

Queen, barque

Hed over, re

Restore Cowie, ship

Baloplen, barque

Mercantile forms nad other work printed with Bie Edward Ryan, barque

expedition at the customary raten,

Queen's Rond, 9th October, 1848,






5, Vancouver (Am-), Fuller, from Shangbai 30th



*6, Island Queen, Macfarlane, from Cumtingmoon.

6. Torrington, H?llen, from Cumaingmoon.

6. Nonga (Spanish), Artaza, Rom Macao

6, Anglona [Aik], Thorp, from Cuisingmoon.

Viren, McMurdo, from East Coast.

7, Zephyr, Wilson, from Cursingmoon.

7, Sea Witch Amj, Waterman, from Whampoa,

8, Rustomjen Cowarjce, Wright, from Cusing-


8, Carl & Hermann (Ham ), Keyser, from When



8, Eoquette Am.1, Prescott, from Whampos,

8, Charlotte, Thomas, from Whampas,

2, Falcon, Burley, froin Cumainginoon,

Will O'the Wiep, McKnigh, from Cumeing


9, Priester, Bellamy, from Shanghai 21st Dec.

*9, Quen, L?ydan, from London 17th July.

9, Dexia, King, from Foochow 3rd January.

9. Neptune (Am. Whaters, Holt, from Guam 29th

December with 1,360 brla, Whale Oil and

? 250 do. Sperm Oil.

"A ship (British) coming in from the westward at ?

paat 5 P. 1.




Swallow, barque

Byria, ship

Tartar, ship

Amelia, schooor? Anne Cropper, ship Bella Marian, ship Bachirr, barque Charlee Furbes, ship

Clifton, ship

E15, bog

Favorite, brig

Mebam, barque

New Alergaret, ship

Chien, shop

Pet, echoemer

Prudence, barqa Rajahan, ship

Gamerung, ship Bidney, schooner

Er Kobert Bals, ship

Burge, barque

Wellington, barque Willladen wart, ship

Royal Rachange, brig

15 Rear-Admural vir F.A.Collier,

Captain J. W. ?lorgun, Commander J. C. D. Tay. Communder C. M. Muchinson," Commander June Willow. |Commander T. M. Mason. L'omandar Nables

Lieut-Gonding U.T.Aitoy,r.. Doctor Bankin

Muslar J. Mitchell.

?Commadere D. Geisinger. Ogain T. R. Gadner. Commander Jumes Giyan.

Captain La Graviere.

Jardine, Matheum and co,

alcEwen and co.

Turner and co

Deat and co

Rawk, Drinker und en.

(Sime Skips)



51 Vontendan

Ahanghai | 320|Van'oeven -Mart


193 Robertson

Hongkong | 459||Capser

|Whampoa | 970|Layton ||Hongkong || 243 -

Rust and ov



Hayvan and co.f

Dent and cu


Syme, Mair and

Carlowitz, Marko

Kennedy, Mecgraden und or,

[Dga: Bae Chal

Dead o

Dust sor

Hongkong 12 Bewe

44 Han

Wilhelmina, barque

Whampoa 905 Preha

Carlow, and OR

Whampoa (DP?sankaobe

William P

Bomenjes formujve, abip ||longkong 850 Co Falcoe, rup

Jurdinu, Mathe

Jardine, Mube


Fort William, ship

J.A.Olding, P.

10. Cabo Agen

Lady lagen, barque

Common 379 Longley

Line, brig


The Langton.

Rapell (A.), berge


Endicou, J.

217 Willson



937 Mean


39 Zubell



Bex Hores, br

Anonyme, brig

Warlock, brig

Lord Asaber, ship

Path?nder. barque Royal, schoooor Harlequin, brig Line, barque Anita, brig Muhemodes, bars Amason, ship Black Dog, schooner Dido, achooner Emily Jane, ekip

Folkstons, ship Malabare

Baipe (Am), brig

14) Browning

Chinchew 199 Crawford

919 Woodrow

For foo 319 Hely

Woosung 449 lubertom

Augumine How Cowans Bspec BRumeland

Postojes Fr Jandios, Mebe Dear and

Dent end

Jardine, Ma...

*** Dent and

Farchne, Mo... Dent on


Jardine. Ma

David Sa

Parts and co

237 Hoopo

170 Bean

36 Wix

426 Landers

Deal and

406 Forbes

fodour, Mart,


136 Chaps

Cawanee Sap


196 Endioot, W. Augen Heus

13 Jacy

133 Baird

9'9 Roundy

194 Thou

William Hughan (Arg.), brig

William IV., barque

Hellas, chocer Ternate, barges

Thine, schooler



William, brig

Hongkong 877 Martyn

Funb and co.

138 Thora 1491

Turner and c

190 Seamen

437 Braselt

297 Candle

213 Cork

N. Duus and co.

Dir, Gleny and co.

375 P. Laydon

Landeay and co

Maquicar and co.

A. A. Bitehis and co.

Lia -40000, Edgy and so



To Wright


390 Trigg

343 Anderson

5ty manda

567 H.. Harvey

Whampoa 149 Lindoor


543 Marion

354 Wood

691 1

Bys Kettle wall


475 M



Jardin, Matheson and co.

(Thermes Larkia.

Dom, Gray and co

Jardine, Matheson and co.

Timer and co

Pericar and ca.

Illday, Wise and co.

altrom, Gray and co.

and co

Jordine, Matheson and co

liday, Wise and co

Helas and co


979 Priessman


Peony F

Hull and

Landay and es Judio, Maces

Pen and eu.






Consigueca 25 J


Whampoa Blocha frien







Jardineth and d New Margaret Nys, ritis of the William Stewart Jardins, be tied Bhanghai Faithful






<■ geniluau Reino & in fa



New York



John Bunyan


Whainpoa Candace




Macao Novo Paquete Shanghai Regia

Sing Calcutta Hongkong R. Cawasjoe Medras Whampoa Samarang Sing.aBombay!

Cole Bezose Logan, Bombay

231 Weber

Lindy and co

Nyo, Paris and on.

Tarner and co.

394 Crawford

Russell and co.


435 Patron



Jardine, Matheson and en.

1816. A. Wild

Lindsay and co.

740 Brown

Jurdina, Mashop and co.

California Batavia Manila

500 Backla

540 Maurice

472 Vallow

$74 Jamison

Bir ferbert Compton, berger Cats moon 331 Brewe Hybr

Amoy Packet, schooner

Angelina, barque

Auda, sooner Chalca, barque Clown, brig

unence, berque

Confados, ship

Carl, brig

Deniel Watson, brig

Faltbful, bec

Forfarshire, ship

Liston, berque

Inland Queen, scherzer

John Bunyan, ship

John Cooper, ship

Kelpie, barque

Mascines, schooner

Rafael, ship

Regin, brig

Saran Lowe, beig

Terringtoo, schooner

Victory, barque

2, Charles JAm.), Andrews, from Bombay 18th Watson, barque




24, Rafael, Brown, frion Liverpool 12th July,

27, Angela, Morgno, from Sydory 211 October. Dec.


21, Clarendon [Am.?. Easterbrook, fram Singapore

14th November.


Will be Wap,seboomer

loom, brig

Scotland, ship

Manappa, schooner

Omega, tehnonee

Spec, choose

Vizen, schooner

Uzalle, schooner

Zephyr, schooONT


Brighton, ship (Whe

Per Prebir,w-Captain and Mrs Osborne, and Mr Dart, schooner Giban.

Per Vixen,Mr Melville.


Ciloba, shop (Whe

Liverpool, ship f

Midas, ship


Ann Mirka,

Candace, bara Charles, sig Congr

The Hancouver on the 27th December, saw the Angelina from duey; 2011, the Jerewigh Garnett from Liverpool, 80th, esthanged signals with the fobs

Andqz, and pared another schoones in the Yang Talbot ize-kiang riverat, spoke the Antelope, 15 days

from Hongkong and saw a barque standing towards Boer, the entrance of the river.


The late Master of the Queen, died on the 22nd | Clara


of August last on his passage out,

165 v


|| Shonghai | 14110

Turner and co.

Lady sed co.

Jardins, Barbason and eo. Jardine, Mathosen and co.

Fastcujes Framjes Came and co. Shanghai

F. P. de doa

Rebert Birchan

Merrow sod co.

434 Morgan

that and co.

15) Pathan

337 Brown

1440 Benche

466 30


17. Roger

186 Won

49 Mor


$17/Ligwetwmod 194|Mnoftrlame

446) Thompson

254 Wa

964 di


330 Grow

Jardine, Maibesson and co. Deder.

P. & D. N. Cama and

Jardine, Matheon and on.



and ca.

Gilman, Bowm Turner and

Dent and



Charlet Forbes

Sir Robert Sale Surge Fengkongs F. Xavier

Macao Van der Palm Hongkong Charlotte


Jardine, A. came Nye, Parl' where th full off the Augumine med. Olyphant & Co

Jos? Vicente Jurge Jordine, Matheson a Macticar & Co.

Lindsay & Co. Dent & t'n.

Lindy &

Sardine, Mo

W. 8. Nest T Royavaan &





PRICE $18 per unutim,

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Ann. I Bellars. St Wants, 7 Unlar. The Heather, 1 Dollars; all paid in advance. Cerdit Prices, 14 Dallars, 44 Deilures mind ? Dollars, for the periods of Twelve, Six, and Throa Mlontha r?sportively; Bingle Numbers, to Subscribers als conta each; to Non-Bulieribein, 1 fuper... Parlies calling of sending to the Oce for papers are requeugd to pay cush TERMS OF ADVERTISING. --Ten lines and under, i Dollar; additional. 10 cents line. Repetitions e-third of the first insertion. Ships-First location, & Dellares subsequent insertions 45 cents. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. Tu all instances, those who are not Bubscribers, require to pay in advance.


ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MABRAS, DOMBAY Also, en route to the above, Einerons, Parano, Galle-Matra, Sure, Aden.




TUE Undersigned having taken the premiars lately occupied by Mr Chas. Buckton, los ro commenced businow is a Ship Chandler and Oena cal Storekeeper under the firm of A II. Jurza ? Co.

A. 16. FRYER.

Hongkong, let Novamber, 1848,


| THE Undersigned offer for Sale a general namel- ment of Ship Coller's Stores, comprising Prime Bleas Roeland Pork ; fiallego Flour; il and Navy Bread; Cocivan mind Callan Thick; Bew. ||ing and Roping Twine; Manila Hope of all sizes; Printe und Paint Oil; Paint Bruskis; Busseline Marline, &c, &c.

Also, received per late strivals, Cheddar and Berkeley Cheese; York and Cumberland Hame;

*his for the above places on e of hy the 30th of January, | YER. 11. T. DE SILVER is this day admitted a Scotch Dutmeal in Tina ; an ssunrtment of Dilwan's

the board until Noon, and


Caneo will be


this date of Mr A. 11. Farar and Mr II. 'I', on Bracin until 4. 4°

For further parkerding Fastant and SILV

A. 1. FRYER & Co. Passau apply at L. 1. D. 8. N. Company's

Hongkong, January 1st, 1849. Office, Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent.

ON BALE Hongkong, 4th January, 1849.

THE HOUSE and Premises situated in Spring NOTICE.

Gardens formerly occupied by the firm of HEGAN & Co. Apply to, THE P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Teamers, will in fu-

A. CARTER. ture proaced through to Bonnat, and be pro.

Spring Gardens, 19th December, 1848, pared to recrive Cargo and Passangene for that Place as heroinfure.


J. A. OLDING, Agent.

P. & O. Co.'s Office, Hongkong, 16th September, 1848.


QUE P. & O. 8. N. COMPANY's, will from this date undertake the conveyance of Specie from Chins, and the Stealls, to Southampton, under the onditions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, at 3 per cent for Gold and Silver Bullion.

J. A. OLDINO,—?geni. P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office Victorio. 13th September. 1848.


THE totes of fraight on Trensors to the Biraits and India per P. & O. CURTANY's Bienmare ill in future be the same for Gold Silver,

Victoria, St. 15th, 1848.


THE DUSE la D'Aguilar Birect former

pupled by the ORIENTAL BARK.


The Plume Bo

Hover. Ivory ta

The Bunga Maunion Street at presente

iewer, (capied by } {haps w


insalves Caine Road in the rear el


Plaw in Okine Read, well,



pable of raising tons weight,

Wharf, ca-

An IRON Do, suitable for Godowa capable mining 14 tonn weight.

Apply at the Godowns of,

19th December, 1848.


Spring Gardens.

FOR BALE TWO very Buperior Carriages-a Iwo Seat Bar

roucho and a Singlo Pharton. Apply 10,


Hongkong, 21st December, 1948.


T the Godowas of W, & T. Gommel & Co

At the Godown of

Superior Palo Sherry.



Apply to,

Brown da,

Claret, Chateau Margaux. Bock, Grafenberg. Champaign.

DIBE, LIKINGSTON & D be Premiers to,

The i

Air Beon's

Apply at

wia, 2nd Fanuary, 1849.


ca deglina FLETCHER & CF →.

of fune

B??d by Mesara

and Commodious Ha



Jardine, Matheson) di


Itifle Regi




Bush & Cu...



ser in

Hongkong 3ir Ed, Ryan

2. P. da Sil Jamieson, Eine

December 14




of Hw

Macao Paz

Jardine, Motel wil

wong olber gra

D. LAPRAI 1848.

VILLE consed to be Part.

kore and at Amoy from $1?l



HE Fire of E. MOORMAN & Co., Centon, gith in thing diapolred. Omganding Accouma


1. Bovine of the Umi?rvigoed will frees this

be carried on under the Firm benwo-


de Grorite airs,


No. - *tober, 1848.

English Honda-fo


te his C


Stores from Croma & Blackwell; Kennedy's Water Crackoru; Manila Chocolate; Mucha and Manila 'Coffee, &c. &c.


R I. A, LOBECK is authorised to sign our

Firm by procuration,

N. DOUS & C Victorin, 4th January, 1849, - NOTICE.

UUS & Co, will strive gands on Storage in their golowns, at a mod?rale tent, A 1.30,

Receive a forward tionds, or Parcele in any part of Europe, fundin, or to the East Comtof China.

Victoris, Hongkong, Im Octobni, 1849,

Marketti's Bottlest. Ale and Stout; LoaJon Bol.

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, iled Sherry, l'ort, and Malvira Wines.

A. H. FRYER & Co.

Commissariat OFFICE. Victoria, Im January, 1941),

Hongkong, 11th Januiry, 1819. TENDERS will be received at this Office until JUST RECEIVED and FOR BALE the 12 hock on Monday 22nd instant for Bills

Blores of the Vadersigned,An Invoice of

to be drawn by the undersigned at thirty days Hed-room Furniture, conmating of Mahogany and sight on either the Londe Commissioners of Her Walnut Bureau with and without "Looking, Majesty's Treasury or the Clovernor General of Masca; Bedsteads, Rocking and sitting Chairs,

India to the extent of toa thousand pounds sterling Washstand and Dressing Tables, Toilet" Glasser,

in exchange for Brilish money, Rupocs, or Mexi- can and Bouth American Dollars.

Card Tables, &c, A. U, FRYER & Co.

Victoria, 1 January, 1910


Queen's Reab.



→MACAO, at HINNAM'S, China Shopkeeper,

Victoria, 18th June, 1848,


THE Director of the AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY have informed us that from and after the 10th of October

?past a Bosmer will ply regularly on the 10th of each month on the direct line between Turkeys and ALBEANDRIA, LO us to correspond with the Hon. E. 1. COMPANY'S BONWay &thamnus; and from and ser the 25th of November past a Steamer will ply regularly on the 25th of ach month on the direct line between Triate and Alexandria, ao as to agrrespond with the P. & O. Company's Strameno from Galle.


banyo available for this line; each of them be. and 700 Tona burthen and of 200 Horns-

They are fitted up in a superior style and "Enquiry la spoken on Hoard.

The number of Bertha in oach in an under, viz: 88 Firm Class, Including 18 for Ladina, 90 Second Clim

I for Females.


The Fares to be 218, for Firm Class, ?12 for Se. ↓ Class ; including Table money and Siwarda

...** Voyage is prpected not to exceed & days to *k, and as Quarantine is calculated from the Dmplag Alexandria—those roseola being pro- Heath Offices--it follows phat wait a of health, passengers will get pratique Ayon arrival at Trisse.

ata England superscribed “da Trieste ***eborgo is made of 18 Kreutzer (about Quarter Os, and half this rate for every 4 D. Any one wishing to send letters la p?ronda, Muamala) Nand vin Triente may pay the “aversen ” ento

Nula d

vulgare hands, god udirom them to the care of the Abram Thadkanke, | Kuntan Lloyd's & genoy at Alexandria-franking

Tanhai Tom | themo Egypt.

“Letters" to the European Cominent via Trieste may likewise be addrowed to the care of the sail Agency the franking to Alaraadria being attend.

| Mad | ed jo-and for thesa iho prepogintut of the "over-

Postage is not required.

The lenders to be sealed-marked on the outside “Tender for Bills”—and to express tho cate per cent for British money or the steifing rate at which cach of the other coins may be offered.


Assist Commy, General,


I. ENCARNA??O having obtained permis. AEGAAgun the Itece grind dur

Ing the meeting, bego to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Victoris, that they can be accom- modated with scale and procure a good view of the races.

Admission to the Sinnd will be obtained by means of Tickets to be had on application at the Bale Rnoma of A'. L. Encarna??o, Messto Builh a Brimalow, and Menara A, H. Fryer & Co. Tickel, which can be had at the above places. and Spirits are not allowed.

refreshment will also be surved with an exten Who


Victoria, 12th January, 1949.

BELLING OFFH BELLING OFF!!! THE Underignal being about to close up their

Business in Hongkong, bare on hand a large variety of useful Articles, which, in order to clear off, they will dispose of at Greatly Reduced Rates, They invite the Inspection of the Public to over STOCK of the following:-

Si verfino Blue Broadcloth, Cashmerette, Plaidle, Two, Waistcoatings, Merino, Flannel, Barege Saun Scars, Muslins, Cilorca, Braces, Bilka. Huc kaback; Brown Holland, Printed Velvet. o., d Nlinen's ATORES of overy description. Hanging Lamps, 8, 4, 2, and 1 Borners; Half do.; Padseta! Solar do, with spare Sha?ga; Signal Lampe, and Lanturns.

Clocks, Dust-paus, Water Jugs, Plated Candle- slicks, Cruet Blands, Soup Tureens, Lndles, Tou pota, Decanters, Tumblers, Iron and bead Shot, Stationery, Parfumpry, &o, &c.

BIGHAM & Co. Hongkong, 12th January, 1840.

? PRIME DACON. ESBRS SMITH & DRIMELOW bar) just received syna very Prime Bacon which they can highly recommend to their Customers.

No. 1 & 2 Woomam's Buildings.

Victoria, 12th January 1949.



* Packages” for Egypt, or any part of the Con- by Postie Acction, on Monday the 16/4 t?bent of Eompe, or the Zareat, should be address- instant, at Messen. BUSH de Co.'s Wharf, s? 11

d to the care of morge one at Buen, as the P. de O. | o'clock a. M.

Company do not engage to deliver any thing not intended for Bagland beyond that landing port, where Transit or other Duties inust be paid; nadto | ppance na ranch despatch as possible a Bill of Lading "ith particulate of ralne d?., should be pans to the

*warder al Huez.

The Pasenge, or for feather partianlara, apply to, |

Ww. PUSTAP & Co,

A?gula at ?min and longing For Mike Turperial Rayol prit. Austrim Lloyde's Saam Navigation Company."


RAWLE, DOUS & Co, Hong. DOUS, RAWLE & Co. Bhang- tisolsted by mutami consent. Al me, against either Brrn, will -unde f?r adjustenovi, and those will please make payment,



1 October, 1848.

imate that he will con-


some precisou

.. DU98 & Co

N. DUUS, ubor, 1848.

26 Bahia Spers 40 x 41 fort 8 inches,

2 Poone Topmarts 40 foet ? laphos,

Lower Yarde 86 feet 4 inches,

176 Singapore Planku 13 feet 2 inch,

3 Kettles each 200 Gallons

1 Anchor 4000 lbs.

Ditto onch 1600 b

I Ditto


Whole Boat

8:40 lbs.

400 lbs.

1 Chain 69 fathom lach

I Topment

Topall Yard

12 Brail Wood Oars.

Baker'a Slove


Ta?NS OF Bal,-—Unak defora delivery; all lota

to be cleared on the same day,

Victoria, 12th January, 1849.,

PUBLIC AUCTION, WESSRB SMITH & BRIMELOW have re ceived instruction to dispose of by PERLIG Avorion at the Godowns of Masatu W. & T, Gom- mell & Co. on Friday next the abth instunt at 11

· o'clock ?. m.”

An Invoice of English Paint



A quality of Superior Claret.

For particulare-See printed Handbills.

No. 1 & 2 Woosnam's Buildings.

Victoria, 18th Janmry, 1849,







0, Menam, Maxion, Whampon. *

6. Vancouver (Am), Fuller, Whampoa

7, Anna Cropper, Morton, Whampoa

2. Anglowe (Am). Thorp, East Const.

7. Island Queen, Macfarlane, Bbangbai.

the bugs building. Facing the temple is a small segan- ! storied stone pagoda, on each side of which are three lony uma. The forest closes the area arounul an Im-Jan. mense pasilelogram, two-thirds of which form the site of the jou boyar; while the rest is occupied by the tank, round which is a bend for rent all trace of the road are lost, an extraordinary o catches the verlent whisper, while the report of u gun would appost never to leave the revine. Through the wooda, in all dipetions, ara footpaths, commanding every variety of scenery. A few steps conduct from very plain to highly ornamented parterres, then through ? sudden pening between the trees lany, he seen a baf ren stevilo plain Garther on, the side of a hill toning with the richest trop of corn, taking an almost purplis dicular descent intp some fairy-like bosques of kamboos. Birds of beautiful plumage and the most silvery nal abound, and increase, and multiply, safe in the vicini. ty of the abodes of isen, one of the tenets of whoot re- Higion le, ** Thou shalt oot kill.”—Zindebant ?Forbes's | Five Fear in China.

THE RACE COMMITTEE beg to call atten

tion to the following Resolutions passed st their last Meeting:-

1. "That during the days of the Races, the buisting of a Rad Flag from the weighing Teat shall Be the signal for the Brgwande to assemble, and that on the hoisting of a White Flag the Commer?

attend, at the Tent.

2 That Horses and Ponies requiring to be mess- ured be sent to the Tent in the Valley between the hours of 7 and 8 in the mornings up to the dale of untrance, to be measured in the presence of two Atembera of the Commillos.

3. That a Proper Bland be erected, and that nd. mittance thereto be by meaga of tickets to be had

on applicating to the Biewards or Members of die Committed


B, Amelia, Lindsey, Whampos.

8, Sen Witch [Am], Waterman, New York,

8. Therington, Riddles, Shanghai,


Havva Bukhora da Lim, brig

Trommelge, baryon

Aurora, echoenar

Shangha|||| 80 |Remedios


Jan? lanoel de Joves,

Louren?o Margane.


19 Master.



Ram Francis Xavier, brig tongkong 180 Barron Amizade, brig

W. B. Neal.


300 Pina

Food Vicente Jago

150 Marqu

????????, brig


Marquis of Hastings, batque



250 Las


Nove Paquete, bargai

Vicente Jorge.

Jos? Francisos d'Olieri.

Pedro Ion du B?va Leuven,


260 Jos

390 Carvalhe

VOI. VIII. No 4.

Nuevo Bibelas, brig Pas, be


Jan Pleonie Surgo,

J. P. da Silva.

Tras Boksimas, barque



330 Garay

Russell and on


300 lempoje





515 Vanlandesa Rayarong and co.f

Dent and on.


8 Zephyr, Wilson, East Coast

9. Richard & William, Brignock, California.

9. Vixen, MoMordo, East Coast

9, Privateer, Bellamy, Whampos.

9. L'oquete [Am.], Prescou, Shanghai.

9, Will the Wip, McKnight, Shangbai.

!, Carrington [Am], Abbott, New York.

Albion, Gardner, Singapore

6, 7quin |Am., Wilson, New York.

6, Anna Robertson, Munro, Singapore. Dec.


26, Guardian, Vickerman, Manila and Bydney. 27, Chiefslain, Rubertson, London. Dec.


20, Carthage (Am.), Fox, Singapore.

30, Sophia Fraser, Mackellar, Biogapore.


Don Amigos, achosner



Bimang Anam, barque

jaitle Elang, barque

Van der Palm, haryan

De Frown Jobanes, barque

Alpba, echova AN

Anna Maria, brig



105 Jites

Hoakkang 136| Artvin



900 Carro

Shanghai 33 Vanhoven

Fon-6-foo Amey


193 Robertson

Cut & Berman, barque ||flongkong | 459 Kayaur


Juliane, ship


Carl Joben, barqa Dimin

Ann, forehe

Per Richard & Willis-Capt. Marvin, Mesero Heyl, Winslow, and Muc-Monsume, brig Connell.

The Comitieran beg also to remaind Gentlensen H. M. Ship Hastings intending to enter Horse that the Entrance List

will be closed on the let day of January nel

Victoria, Hongkong, 21st December, 1848.



Brig Columbia Brig Marieer

Beamer Pury

Beamer Mede

1. C. Hamar P?lageiben


Mr Pluto


THE Daily Advertiser and Shipping List will ft. M. Ship Ale

from the 1818 inst., be delivered at Mongkong, Omton, Rod Macao, gratis. The Proprietor hopes,


by this inspring universal circulation, sad an op. U. B. Ship Plymouth portunity of advertising daily that the Paper will

be supported by advertiments.

N. B.--New advertisements for insertion same day will be received up to noon every day, and cootinned seven days without extra charges.

Victoria, 1:3h December, 18411,


FOR SALE at the Office of this paper-




for the Pojnaular and Ori Total Company's Stamere,

"Compradorno Cuscus, in Books.





Mercantile foems and other work printed with

expedition at the customary rates.

Queen'e Hold, 9th October, 1848,






6, Vancouver (Am-), Fuller, from Shanghai 30th


*6, Island Queen, Macfarlane, from Cumaingmoon.

6, Torrington, Riddles, from Cumingsoon.

6, Newrga (Spanish), Artam, from Mueno.

6, Anglona (A), Thorp, front Cumaingmoos.

7. Vizes, McMurdo, from East Coast,

7, Zephyr, Wilson, from Cumaingmoon,

7, Sea Witch (Ami, Waterman, from Whampok.

B, Rustomjes Cowarjee, Wright, from Camsing


8, Carl & Hermann (Hem ), Keyser, from



Bhip Proble



||Hongkong|| 14 |Prem


14 Qu

| Shanghai || 10 |Quan





4 Kans Kiw

4 Glas Hongkong..kapital



|Bonghong] 16 |Dans

Frigio La Unyansako



|3 Stour. Admiral Bir F.A.Collier,

Captain J. W. Morgan. Commander J. C. D. Hay. Commander C. M. Mathieson. Commander James Walloon. Commender T. H. Manes.

|Livet.-Comding O.T.Alcoy,a.m.

Doctor Bakir

|Master J. Mitchell,

◆ Commodore D. Geisinger, || Onanin T. E. Gledesy.

Commander James Glen.

Capela La Oraviars.


A Th Masters.


Honghoog 677 Martyn

Cab and co.

Bangalore, baryas

Charlotte, she

Charles Jane, ship Correr

Countess of Yarborough, by.

Deals, shoemer

Elarbingu, boryno

Harmon, Larges

Hadees, ship

Queen, berque

Hed Hover, barguo

Cowsajes, ship

Balian, barque

Bir Edward Ryan, barque

Swallow, barque

Byria, ship

Theme, p

Amelia, ghammer

Anne Cropper, ship Bella Marins, ship Blackner, barque

Chark Furbes, shop t'lafton, ship

El brug

Me, barque

Faveries, brig

New Margar, ship

Private, schooner

Urias, opip

Prudence, barga

Bajahan, ship Semarang, ship Sidney, schooner

Bir Robert Bala, abip

Berg, barque

Wellington, barqOO

Willes Baswari, ship

738 The

145 L


437 Bout

133 K

207 Comin

9 Cork


STEP. Layden

343 Andro

Jardins, Mashasoo and co

Turner and so.

McEwen and

Turner and so.

Dent and o

Rawls, Drinker and co.

N. Dan and

Jardin, Maibesan and co.

(Dirom, Gray and on.

Linder and o

Mario and so.

JA. A. Kickin sad na,

La inson, Edgy and on.

Thomas Lackidk

Dom, Gray and co

367.. Harvey Jordian, Mathosen and co

Whampoa raLindsay

421 19

206 Gandewall


971 Webster

475 Nazipe



495 Pa

san Beckle

Tarner and o

|7′anvious and oo.

liday, Wise and on.

Dirom, Grey and on.

!Dent and on

Wardina, Mucheson and on.

Reiss sad of.

illiday, Wins and so,

Lindas and on

Turner and co.

Nps, Parkin and on

Cetrajes Bepective Langrass.

Turner and co


V. A. don Recordin Captala.


Bub and es.

draw, Muir and

(Deet, wala temp

Carlowice, Harkor and on

Bmity, orcha

Wilhelmina, barqa


|Whampes | 270 Laye

Jamakatz125% ma

Hongkong|| 190] Sowell

44 Hzon Whampoa 206|Prabu Whampoa 100 Pfannkuche

| Konzoly, Mlangred - and on

Deus and so. T Duna vid on.

Carlowe, Harkari and on

Willi Pasi

(Short Ships)

Bomanjes flormuje?, skip Hongkong 850 Con Falcon, abip

372 Barley


Pom within, nh?p

1914 Nor

Lady Hayes, barque

Camoon 31 Langley

Line, brig

11 Tamianon

Rupareli (Am.), barges


257 Seth

257 Mana


306 Zabell

369 Mila


141 Browning

Bas Horn, brig

Anonyms, brig

Warlock, brig

Lord Ambert, ship Pathfinder, bargos

' Royal, echover

Harlequin, brig barque

Anits, brig

Mahamondes, barges Amass, ship

Black Dog, becer

Dido, cheer

Zelly Jane, bip

Palkmens, skip

Manda, barque

Buipe (Am) belg

*Thos, scho

William Hugom (Am.), brlp

William IV., barque

Belize, schooner Ternate, barque

1th Endicou, J.

917 Willson

Chiochew 299 Crawford

919 Woodrow

For foo 919 Hely

937 Roog

Woong 442 Hubertso



170 Dess 35 Win

426 Landers


Beari Bepos Lent ad on

Frant, Cam-seal inte Malbon and .



Machen Read on


and e

Dest and bo bo,

Hardino, Mathu,

David Batte

Former and as

Demandes, I

406 Perben|||Jardins, Mahlap and un

Cows Bepo bojis Langrenn.

990 Chape

196 Badoo,

133 Baird

9'D?Roundy 194 Thompson 9060tall

979 Printman

|Auguocino ?i

estonice Frasi Cuma and es Gilman and

Lindsay and

Jardino, Maibes in and on. Beat and








Whampoa Blackfriar



Now York



Jard Cub and may New Margaret Nye, Paritim of the e William Stewart Jardine, My be tied w Shanghai Faithful Gilman,?


John Bunyan



Whampoa Candace







Bhanghai Hogia

Novo Pequeo

Bing Calcutta Hongkong ft. Cowanjoe

Whampoa Samayung

Jardin, gewechs Reias &

Wie facel Jardine, Bay oam |Nyo, Park where th Russell & off the p Angumine Prostad Olyphant & Co. Jos? Vicente Jorge j Jardine, Mubas?A & Macridar & Co. Verdine, Matheson

Lady & Ca









PRICE $12 per annum,


NOTICE. YR L.A. LUBECK in quiborierd to sign our

Fire by proration,

N. DUIS & C?> Victoria, 4th January, 1849.

NOTICE DOOR & Co, will retaire goods on Storage

in their golowas, at a moderate rest.

41.20, Receive and forward Goods, or Parole in any par of Europe, India, or to the East Coast of Chine.

Victoris. Hongkong, In October, 1848,


TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per denum. 19 Dollar. Sle Monter, 7 Collars. Three Honike, & Dollars; all paid in advance.

Prics, 14 Dollars, #4 Dollerne und ? Dollar, for the palade of Twelve, Gla, and Thron Menthe respectively: Bingla Numbers, to Subscribers 25 cents each; to Non-Subscribers, 1 Rupee. Parties calling or sending to the Oon for papers are requested to pay ouch. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.—Ten loma and under, 1 Dollar; additional, 10 cents llos. Repetitions one-third of the first inseries. Ships-First lasertion, #Dallar? tabsaqueat Insertions 43 cents. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until counterwanded. To all instances, ?liose who are not Bubscribers, require to pay in traRCE.

| THE Undersigned, offer for Salo a general bowort ment of Ghip Chandler'a Stores, comprising ENOLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY THE Undersigned having taken the preinises

lately occupied by Mr Chas. Buckton, has re- | Prime Men Boef and Park : Gallego Flour'; Pilot Also, reuse to the shore,

commoncod buainem as a Ship Chandler and Geneaud Navy Broad; Canvas and Codon Duck; Bew. Bindazone, Perave, Gatza-Macri, Buen, Adural Borekeeper under the firm of A. 11. J'avara Co, ing and Roplag Twine; Manila Hope of all sizes; A. II. FRYER. Phinta and Paint Oil; Paint Brusbos; Houseline

Marlies, &e, &. ENTAL COMPANY's Bloem

Hongkong, let November, 1848, MALTA or PEKIN, will

Also, recaived per lata, arrivals, Cheddar and NOTICE. e for the above pinces on

Berkeley Cheese; York and Cumberland Han?r; YR. H. T. DE BILVER is this day admitted a Bootch Outmeal in Tina; an stooriment of Gilman's "board until Nook, and | 211 partner in our firm, which will consist, from Stores from Crams & Ulickwell; Kennedy's Water CARGO will be ran the evilku 30th of January.


this date of Mr A. H. Farsa and Me E1, T. on Crackers; Manila Chocolate; Mocha and Manila SILVER.

Coffee, &c., do. A. H. FRYER & Co. Hongkong, January (st, 1849.

ON BALE THE HOUSE and Praises situated in Spring Garden formerly occupied by the firm of HEGAN & Co. Apply to,

A. CARTER. Spring Gardena, 19th December, 1848.

ON BALE. N IRON CRANE suitable for a Wharf, on-

pable of mising 6 tons weight, An IRON Do, suitable for a Godown capable of raising 1 tons weight.

Bruce natif 4 N

For further partarding Fament and PANAO apply at the P. & >. B. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent. Flongkong, 4th January, 1840,

NOTICE THE P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Benamena, will in fu- tore proceed through to BOMBAY, and be pro- pared to receive Canoo and Paquamoons for (bat place as heretofore

J. A. OLDING, Agent, P. & O. Co.'s Office, Hongkong, 16th September, 1848.


TUE P. & O. 8. N. Company's, will from this date undertake the conveyence of Specie from Chins, and the Straits, to Bouthampton, under ibe conditions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, st 3 per cent for Gold and Silver Bullion,

J. A. OLDING,–Agent.

P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office

Victoria, 18



Jorensare to the Btraite D. COMPANY's Stowmart

THE rates doth and Indir will in fature Victoria, S

B. N

Intruded Despatch


for Gold as Silver,



Aguilar Street former

he ORINTAL BANK. Office Joy

Jap?omowa no the OLD COURT


N. Collusion Street at prosent oc-

all the cofer,

Batails, to AND

cited in usine Road in the rear of

J. in China Road, and to,

N. Comp FLETCHER & Co. Victoria 3th September, 184H


The adjol



The Bun


expied by



The f


Mr Borbent for


Apply al




bre day Early



Rayavsan of


Jardins, Mall

Bush & Co the

P. da Sil Jamieson, Eline

and to


Charles Forbes Dent & La

Sir Robert Baleindmy & C Sorge

Pardice, Mupo!







Jardine, Matheson sad es.

Lindony and on.



540 Maurice

Jardine, Math



473 Tellen

Jardin Matheson and co

376 Juminson


P. P. da di?re.

Robert Strachan.

1846. A. Wild

Herbert Compion, berque Common 331

Royal Krebangs, beg

Wham-8py, brig

8, Coquette [Am.], Prescott, from Whampoa.

8, Charlotte, Thomas, from Whampoa,

8, Falcon, Burley, from Cumaingmoon,

9 Hill O'the Wisp, McKnight, from Comsing


9, Privateer, Bellamy, from Shanghai 21st Dec.

*9, Qu?n, Izydan, from London 17th July.

9, Denia, King, from Foochow 3rd January.

Amoy Packet, schoenar

Angalan, barque

Andex, achooner Chalco

Clown, brig

Cosos, barens

Confucion, ship

Comal, brig

Daniel Waison, brig

Falibfal, barque

Forfarshire, ship

Cman, bargne

Infond Queen, schooner

9, Neptuno |Am, Whaler), Holt, from Guam 29th John Buaran, ship

December with 1,350 bela, Whale Oil and

? 250 do. Sperm Oil.

John Cooper,

Kalpia, barga

Machlaf, schoeder

*A ship (British) coming in from the westward at ↑ Rafael, ship


past 5 r. x.


2, Charles [Am.], Andrews, from Bombay 18th




24, Rafael, Brown, from Liverpool 12th July.

27, Angelina, Morgan, from Sydney 21st October. Dec.


Regin, brig

Bar Low, brig

Terrington, bosser

Victory, bargne

Walion, barges

With Wup, schommer

Scotland, ship

|Museppe, ochoren

| Omagh, achaone

pet, achocar

Visen, schoss

Zephyr, sobrenat

31, Clarendon (Am.f. Easterbrook, Chin Singapore Gazelle, schommer

14h Norenbes.



Brighton, ship (Whaler)




| Shanghel | 146 won


Lindsay and co.

Jardine, Maibasen and so.

Pastonjon Pyumjas Cama and so. Shanghai

Marrow and co.

43 Morgan

Deat and cu

161 Gall

33) Brown




317 L?gsttwood

19430 dens

ordino, Matheson and so.


P. & D. N. Came and .

Jardine, Matheson and es.



Lindsay and on,

Gilman, Bowman and on.

Turner and co.

Deal and se.

Deal and c




Heughoogs F. Xavier

Macao Van der Palm

Hongkong Charlotte



Maceo Par Hongkong Bir Ed Ryan

W. 8. Neal


VESSELS EXPECTED. jambo of Ho 14, Lady McNaghtan, 668, Hibbart, Hthe | 18, Land O'Cakes, 496, Grant, Honghoube 35, Ann, 666, Clinch, Shanghai.

September 9, Euphrues, 428, Wilson, Whampoa

18, Aain, 594, Wau, Hongkong.


16, Marquis of Bute, 542, Bannatyos, Hongle

Loading on the 24th October.-Palmyra.


Jardins, Mochama and co.


Jardine, Methanon and eo,


Meier and on.

Dear and on

Apkan, Bobwabe sado.


144 Rides

20 tokio

Ren Cam 171ooms

100 Meturde 143 Wom

Chinchew 186 ———————


|Hongkong| WeWast


Globe, ship (Whaler)


Liverpool, ship (Whaler)

Mini, nhi?u (int)

Per Preble-Captain nod Mrs Osborne, and Mr Cart, schooner Gilman.

Per Vizen-Mr Melville.


The Vancouver on the 27th December, saw the Angelina from Sydney; 20h, the Jeremiah Garnett

Aan Marin, dh?p 4

Candam, barque

Charles, ship

Congrem, slip

from Liverpool; 2016, exfhangad sigands with the Joan Baw, ship

Poems, ship

Audqz, and passed another schooner in the Yang, Ize-king river3Jm, spoke the Antelope, 15 days! Vancouver, ship

Antelope, belg

from Hongkong and saw a barque standing towards Boss, achome the entrance of the river.

The late Master of the Queen, died on the 32nd

of August last on hia pamage out.

Coquette, ship

Clarendon, ship

Angione, nahemat

Petrol, schoenae




St Gold

Bag 37 Wachina


575 Preord

536 Tachok

Amoy |Be Coned 100| Tharp

|Chiochew| 100(Brimblecoms

Jardins, Madates and cu

laskbones, Wantingies and co

Hazes Lawrence Mann and so.

Roles and co

Jardina, Machoven and on.

Limmy and on.

Byme, Mirando.

Khan and on

Jardina, Mathema sad co.

Jordion, Mashapin and on. Wala Davidson. Jarilina, 20namon and c Dent and co Jardins, Matheson and eo.

Stack, Drinker and

|Augustino Board and on.

Rawls, Drinker and o Paula, Drinker and on.

Rawin, Drinker and on.

|Rawie, Drinker and as,

Anguide Beard and on.

|Nys, Park?n Vad an

Kell and on

Pardue, Matheson zad so.

Nya, Parkin and co.

and co.

Aukustine Heard and on

|phan and

Reell and .

Goa F. Mobormer.


Varnon Taft

Recoil and

[& mall and co



80, John Christian, 300, Churchward, Hoog

4, Molly Bawn, 394, Robinson, Shanghai

16, Colchester, 62, Wither, Hongkon

29, Jeremiah Garuett, 447, Davis, 3, whe

26, Lord Hardings, 494, Tracey, Hision

97, Ole England, 593, Fee, Shanghaod an September 10, Queen Mab, 304, Rowe, Shanght up

14, Baghalian, 377, Machell, Hoogkd the B 24, Adder,





3, Charica Jene, 309, Cothey, Sband in 11, Woodstock, 300, Nicholson, Shang up

19, Panic, 449, Howard, Shanghai.

Loading on the 94th October-Aparte, Monchis, and Naomis


Loading, -Cowarjes Family, Eagle, and Imbella Blyth


FROM BOMBAT. 10, Falcon, Foreman. 24, Chebar, 403, Simpson

98, Malacca, 887, Cool


November, Imbella, 194, Noble, Whampoa.


9, Sabah Jehan, Johan,

11, Frances Whitney (Am), 452, Fisk. Loading-Alecto, Anna Eliz, Aun Martin, Chieftais, China, Gilmore, Hebrides, Lady Montague, Monarch, Nymph, Orie Charlin, Prince of Wales, Robert Small, Ruby, and Sukana.


November 7, Record, 432, Patullo, Shanghai. Loading.-Gem, and Minerva

FROM MANILA. November 4, Aurora (Spanish), 160, Cebada, Amoy. Dacomber 6, Duilius, 128, Maxion, Shanghai.


9, Maripoon (Am), 817, Sanders, Bhanghai,

Printed and Published by Jonu Cardt The Prised of China

*Gantta, Printing Office, Quane's Road, Vastoria, Homoks


Itifle Rogin rastacia


freight and Commodions Hone per P. opisal by the Officers, Ceylon the sating among other great ad. 18th, 18d excellent Bubling. AP EIGHT

D. LA PRAIK. EA. L. Barember, 1848.


R ARCHD. MELVILLE cenued to be a Part- ner in our Firm here and at Amoy from 21st December 1848.

BYME, MUIR & Co. Victorin 4th January, 1849.


Apply at the Godowns of,

18th December, 1848.



A. CARTER, Bpring Gardens.

TWO very Buperior Carriages-a two Seat Bar rrache and a Singla Phaeton. Apply to,


Mongkong, 21st December, 1848.


T the Godown of W, & T. Gemmell & Co

amall Beck of,

Buperior Pale Sheery,

Brown do.




Apply to,

Claret, Chateau Margast, Hock, Grafenburg, Champaigns.


Market's Botiled. Als and Blout; London Bot- tled Sherry, Port, and Maleira Wint

A. H. FRYER & Co. Victoris, 1st January, 1849.

JUST RECEIVED an! FOR SALE & the Store of the Undersigned,-Au Invoice of Bed-room Furniture, consisting of Malogy and Walout Bureau's with and without Looking, Glasore Bedsteads, Rocking and ainting Chairs, Wasband and Dreaming Tables, Toilet Glassos, Card Tablog, &c.

A. H. FRYER & Co. Victoria, 1st January, 1840


Queen's Road. MODA WATER AND LEMONADE of Superior | Quality.

~Mabao, at HINNAM'B, China Shopkeeper.

Victoris, 11th Juno, 1848,



THE Directors of the AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY have informed on that from and after the 10th of October (past a ?toomer will ply regularly on the 10th of anch month on the direct line between Turer and ALBEANDRIA, So as to correspond with the Hon. E I. COMPANY BOhpat Strazzra; and from and er the 15th of November past a Steamer will ply |regularly on the 26th of such month on the direct los between Trieste sad Alexandria, so as to correspond with the P.&O. Company's STRANEKO from Galle. The Austrian Lloyd's Company will have fra Steamers available for this line; each of them be- power. They are filled up in a superior style and English is spokes on Board.

The nomber f Berthe in each is at under, viz:-

88 First Class, Including 18 for Ladies, 90 Becond Cise

for Females. The Pares to be 218, for Firm Claas, ?12 for Be cond Class; including Table moosy and Suwurde la-fees.

OIBB, LIVINGSTON & CL W. F. BEVAN. or on the Premiers to

Victoria, 2nd January, 1849,

FOR SALE. SUPERIOR ORGAN, of great power and In Handoms Rostwood sweclocs of tome case constructed by Mesare Wo?n & Co, playa upwards of foely favorite airs. Apply to,


No. I D'Aguilar Strool.

Victoria, 10th October, 1848.

THE undersigned ims just recolved a ama il

voice of the very best English Boote and Bhosa from, DAVENPORT, LONDON, Andis ready to offer them for sale at bis Com- mission and Bale Room Queen's Road.

AL ENCARNA??O. Victoria, 18th December, 1848.



tween 600 and 700 Tena borthon and of 280 Horse-

The Voyage is papected not to exceed 6 days to 54 days, and as Quarantion is calculated from the day of leaving Alexandria-thes vonels being pro- vided with Heath Officers-it follows that with a clean bill of health, passengers will gai pratique | immediately on arrival ne Triasta.

For letters to England superscribed "la Trione STORES FOR CHRISTMAS. An "ovora" chargo is made of 18 Kreutzer (about {EBOKS SMITII & BRIMELOW have re- 73 Cu.) per Quarter Os, and half this cate for every coived per late arrivals, a choice selection of additional 4 04. Any one wishing to neod fetturi Stores consisting of.—Jordon Almonds, Muscatel to England via Triesto may pay the "overson " rate THE Fire of E. MOORMAN & Co., Canton, Brain, dead aches him to the care of the is this day dissolved. Outstanding Accounts Sprats, Pickled Musbroome, Findon Haddocks, Austrian Lloyd's Agenoy at Alexandria-franking

Sardines, Groan pena, Asparagus, Landenhall Ton them to Egypt. will be souled by,

gue, pickled pig'e Tongues, Split pas, potted Meats, Horse radish, York Hama,


Canton, 80th November, 1848.


THE Busines of the Undersigned will from this date be carried on under the Firm Scawa- BAKH & Co.


Canton, 1st January, 1849.


ALSO DIEBOT prom NantrE A small quantity of Pate de Foies Doos and Paiq de Foies d'amour?.

Sperm, Composition and English Wax Candles,


No, I Wooedam's Buildings

Droomber 7th, 1848.


MR WILLIAM DREYER is authorised to sign forma ibair friends and the Poble that they

Our Firm by Procuration.

BCRWEMANN & Co. Canton, Ial January, 1849.


have taken those premises lately occupied by Mora Rawie, Drinker & Co. in which they por-

"Letters to the European Continent via Trieste may likewise be adilessed to the care of the said Agency-the franking to Alaxandria being attend- od to--and for these the prepayment of the "over- sen" Postage is not required.


'COMMISSARIAT OFFICE, Hongkong, 11th January, 1849. - TENDERS will be received at this Ofice until

12, o'clock on Monday 2nd instant for Bills to be drawn by the undersigned at thirty daya eight on either the Lords Commisioners of Hor Majesty's Treasury or the Governor General of India to the extent of tea thousand pounds sterling in exchange for Brdish money, Rupoes, or Mexi- can and Byuth American Dollars,

The lenders to be sealed--marked on the outside "Tender for Bill”—and to express the

erale per cont for British money or the sterfing rate at which each of the other coins may be offered.


Assiet. Commy, General,

HONGKONG RACES, AL ENCARNA??O having obtained permis. A. sion to creat a Sund on the Race ground dur ing the meeting, bege to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Victoria, that they can be accom modated with seats and procure a good view of

the races.

Admission to the Stand will be obtained by means of Tickets to be had on application at the Bale Rooms of A. L. Encarna??o, Mesero Balith a Brimslow, and Messrs A. H. Fryer & Co.

A refreshment will also be served with, an extra

Ticket, which can be had at the above places. Wino

Victoris, 12th January, 1949.

and Spirite are not allowed.

BELLINO OFF!! BELLING OFF!!! THE Undersigned being about to close up their Business in Hongkong, bave on hand large variety of unaful Articles, which, in order to clear off, they will dispose of at Oreally Reduced Rates, They infile the inspection of the Public to obeir STOCK of the following:-

Superfine Blue Broadcloth, Cashmerette, Plaida, Tweeds, Waistcontinge, Merino, Flannel, Barege. Batin Scarts, Muslins, Glares, Braces, Bilka, If?e kaback; Brown Holland, Printed Velvet, do, do,

Cilmen's STORES of ovars description. Hanging Lamps, 6, 4, 2, and 1 Burners; Ifall do.; Pedentul Soler do, with spare Shailps; Bignal Lamps, and Lantaros.

Clocks, Dust-pana, Water Jugs, Plated Candle- sticke, Cruet Stands, Soup Turecer, Ladies, Ten. pota, Decanters, Tumblers, Iron and Lead Shot, Stationery, Parfumery, &c, &c.

BIGHAM & Co. Hongkong, 12th January, 1849.


MESOS SMITH & DRIMELOW have just received some very Prime Bacon which bey can highly recommend to their Customers.

No. 1 & 2 Woonam's Buildings. Victoria, 12th January 1849.


MESSRS. SMITH & BRIMELOW, will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, on Monday the 15th

"Packages" for Egypt, or any part of the Con- tinant of Europe, or the Levant, should be address | instant, st Mensca. BUSH & Cole Wharf, at 11 od to the care of some one at Buex, as the P. & O. | o'clock a. M. Compray do not engage to deliver any thing not 26 Bakic Spare 40 a 41 feet 8 inches, intended for England beyond that landing port, 2 Poona Topmaate 40 feet 4 inoboe, where Traqail of our Duties must be paid; and to

our much despatch as possible a Bill of Lading with particulare of value ??,, should be gent to the

For Pusage, or for further particulars, apply to,

Ww. POSTAP & Co.,

pore darrylog on Ship Chandlery In all its bran-forwarder at Buez. ohes &c., and that they will keep always on hand The Glodowe on the premises are spacious, dry and secured, they will be happy to take Goods su Stomge

Victoris, 28ht December, 1848.

M MARTIN WILHELMY, is authorised to well assorted stock.

Sign our Pram by Procuration.


__Canton, 20th May, 1848.

NOTICE. HAVING Asociated oursives with Mr 8. B. Rawix of the late Firm of RAWLE, DUUS

& Co., our Business will be conducted in fatare Bnder the Name of RAWLE, DRINKER & Co.

DRINKER & Oo. Hongkong, 1st October, 1848.



GROROS C. FRANKLYN is authorised to sign

W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 29th December, 1848.

NOTICE. ANY Parties indebted to the Inte Firm of AHOLMES BIGHAM or to the Undar gned, are requested to settle their account before the 20th instant.

BIGHAM & Do Hoogkong, 9th January, 1849.

FOR SALE ORNELIUS' Superior Parent solar Stand, and Hanging Lamps, Extra Globe, Chimsies and


An invoice of Blationery consisting of Fosts.

Agenta al Canton and Hongkong for “the Imperial Royal prio, Austrian Lloyd's Sicam Navigation Company."


HR Fines of RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Hong. hoof, and of DOUS, RAWLE & Co. Bhang hal, are this day disored by mutual conront All


cap, Commercial Post, Invoice, Blotting and Note persona keving claims, against either firm, will Paper; Buff and White envelopes of all sizes; please send their unconute for adjustment, and those Maynard and Noyes Black and Red Ink, semelle indeblad to the firms, will please make payment, Visiting and Playing Carda; Blank Books and to the undersigned, Pocket Memorsuduma; Books of Billa of exchange printed and engraved on fine Bank bete paper; Compradore Books, a few Levi Brown's Gold Pune, Manifold writers, Extra this Overland Letter Paper &c. &c.

Also un Invoice of Hardware; consisting of Axes, Hatobets, Gridirons, Coffee mills, File, Rasps, Baucepans, Gouges, Chisels &c. &c.

A. H. FRYER & ?. Queen's Road. Victoria, 19th December, 1848.

Victoria, Hongkong, 1st October, 1848,


THE undersigned begs to intimate that be will con- 1 tiode to carry o? a Gulupat Aorway, and Conxuston Bosures, on the same prominous formerly; under the Firs of N, DUS & Co. N. DUUS, Victoria, Elongkong, Lat October, 1848,

2 Lower Yards GG feet 4 inches,

170 Singapore Parks 19 feet finch, 3 Kettles cach 200 Gallons I Anchor 4000 Iba,

Ditto och 1600 lbs.

I Dillo

1 Dillo

I Whale Bost

800 lbs.

400 lbs.

1 Chain 69 fathome 11 loch


Topmail Yard

12 Brazil Wood Ours.

Baker's Store


TERMS OF SALA,—Cash before delivery; all lots

to be cleared on the same day.

Victoria, 12th January, 1048.


WEBSRS SMITH & BRIMELOW have re- Aceived instruction to dispose of by PUBLIQ AUCTION at the Godowns of Mesara W. Jk T. Gam mell & Co. on Friday nezi the 19th instant, ut || o'clock . .

An invoice of English Paint.


A quality of Buperior Claret.

For particular-Bee printed [landbilla, No. 1 & 2 Woomam's Buildings. Victoria, 19th January, 1849,


To the Editor of the Unuso or Unika.

Hangkong, 11th January, 1819. Sin.—In looking over the Police rata ordinance. Ne. * of 1840. I did the fultowing provision with respect

the valuation of property.

The valustor or valuston shall when thereunts pequired makes return in writing and on sath of such Valgutton to the saul Guvernor mail l'ouneli "

I could lay before you several hostances where pro-

THE FRIEND of china and HONGKONG Gazette.

lord and tenant. It is true that some of the ablishment were maintained as ayah for the grand d? building, and nisa that houses in the most eli- lences pay very high rents, and that others advantage of the residents at the openporth sa pur. (Rible situations remain unregatal and have done for selves and it was to be hoped that such expenses are, to wake li apparent that no sajusties could wow be

Jons to the garmeceaiul bl

al bidders by a reduction of the rear, would wol continue to be put down exclusively to and this is the murveyidmat in the many four of land, which the account of the Colony. He instance the Bu-have been strendy abandoned by the tenante, vrea with perintendent of Trade, and the Rupreme Court, se balldings execind ibereum.

With respect to the term of the leases, we observe that

bold at comparatively low rates, but in land purchases as in very transaction in life, good judgment oxlubita itaol?.


The latter statos that the subscribere "do | well as the Consular cases in which the Allorngy Her Majesty's Overament are disposed to grant them in

not ask to be exempt from reasonable taxation,

perty has been widerably over-value, the Ascorbut

at the same time knowing that such was the case.

General was consulted, at the charge of the Colony: but if it was the intention of the framers of the Be


We shall be glad to see this mean carried , micha' wierdth no Immediate relief to the Co.

bulldlega therson to Government will at all times

only that it shoull be reduced; at ilon, as seemed to be implied in an earlier version lony but suppose that the liberty of ceding the lead should be more equitably levied,” If we are loof the draft, that those who derived the benefit rat, otherwiw, the grant might in many, if wat in all seems afterwards to direct. I can only MT I would understand by being “niore equitably loving" | should bear their share of the burden, be was scams, prova raiber a burden that a benefit to the comms.

the return on oath is made annually, se ibe thedinange

sooner starve kapi be an Assessor of the Police rater

Your obedient Servant, TENDER-CONSCIENCE.


[The Valuatore have a conscience tan-that aher sort. They don't bother themselzes with enquiries to actual rent, but with a liberality worthy of all admiration they oness hours they consider they ought to let for. If foolish proprietors under-let their property rather than have


lose to perceive how it was to be imposed. that tho saine rate should bo levied upon all the Mr Campbell mid it was considered advisable to allotments, wo vertainly think the Gentlemen leave thel to the wisdom of Parliament; but sug who drew up the letter have introduced/gated that it could be effectually done in oon way. | salud, sper cent low; ut showing, n?er allowing ?13

By reference to Government Tables we fad, that the Sales of Land ough to have produced the sum of ?15,500; whereas, from that source, unly about ?11,195 la nus for land resumed for Government purposes, a falling off of ?4,110, or about 17 per omt; ?3,64% of this cam is upon fois abondoand, upon which bosh deposks and rests have been paid, and upon which mosey hus been spent in the erection of bikings or otherwise; ?1,019, upon which deposits only have beon paid; and ?395 upon which the parchaser have neither paid depusis nur cent. This bas Jomnem of

of property, consiming of 12a lots, has taken place within the last three . In 1849 le amounted to 13 upon 91 L 1817 and 1848 to ?3,764 upon log Lots. we would beg to call the particular attention of Her Ma- jesty's Goretament. |?f Baremy-eight Mercantile establishments in China, boi tame nh?n Pibeen are in How long i beanly all o thies have branches in Canton of Huanchat, and i? may be supposed that ah, with these or four exceplies, who de conlane here, unly do so, vither because they are unfur tonately proprietors of houses, or cour'der life and property in Canton more loseeney than others.

■unoccupied, what doth it melter the Asmssors themselves by reating lands a fair and equit. 1% particulitly to the fact that many of our Colo. These facto afford master for serious reflection, and to theat Their troder consciences recognise no such perable arrangement has thus been entered into nefit of all British subjects in Chins, whilst tho


To the taliter of the Friend or Chora.

Hongkong, 11th January, 1949. Son-Perhapp you could inform me why the me chants who ste se uurious to do away with the Mono- polies lu Hongkong, more particularly the opin?n ki-

cruses, should ebare at from 5 to lu per chest higher for opinen, than the prices at ?Canton or Cuin-eing- moon particularly as the Licenses do not in any way ?nterfere with the sale of opium by the Chest, ?1 15-

main, your stedient.


[We are not awar?that the price of opium is higher at Hongkong iban it is at Cin-sing-noon; opium is not sold by Merchants &·liverable nt Canton, t?ng

aam ly. by making such disbursements as wore proposition which is Excellency cannot not strictly Culonial nut of the general revenue entertain, and that they wish to saddle the the nation, which was so materially benefited by community with thoir unprofitable speculations. the trade of Chine.

After some farver #onversation, in which it was The cokuy must bear at least a share of the urged that greater explicitness was desirable, al expense of the civil establishment, and the Matheson auggested that a substantive motion residents have already taken the burden upon should be made for an addition to the clause, point

nial institutions are maintained for the general be- expenon is charged exclusively to the Colony.

Mr Duddell then complained that too short a time was allowed for consideration; ko had not seen the drafta before he came to the mooling; and on a former occasion the residents had been naked in the same way to put their name to a Alomorial which he bad done with considerable reluctanos. This led to a good deal of conversation, ending in proposal to adjours the meeting till a future day. It was explained that there drafts were merely drawn up to be submitted to the meeting for their approval or amendment,

between them and the government, and the wishes and interests of three or four individuals should not interfere with the harmony of that


It is alleged that the expenditure is ?39,000, the land rent not being more than ?11,200, there is thus a difference of nearly ?28,000; greater amount than the British government will defray, but a reduction of the rent would

incres that amount.

Wo entirely agree with the parliamentary report, "that it is not right the burden of me. intaining that, which is rather a post for gene

trade in the China scas, than a colony in the ordinary senso, should be thrown in any great degree on the merchants or other persons who may be resident upon it," and we are therefore of opinion that the excise taxon which prem upoo trado require to be taken off, and that the dif. ference between revenuo and expenditure bo male good by the British government-by the East India Company and by the general trade of the British Empire with China. The colony exists for the protection of the British and In dian revenue, as well as for the protection of THE FRIEND OF CHINA trade generally and of all British Subjects ro,

do we believe that a single ch?nt puces the Bogueral sa farrica mercantile account. A legling firm rely withdrew their Cum-sing-moon reveiving week, and others, we trux, will follow the expu ple.-Eviron]

Earlat 4


Chel :: Brine.

United State









13 Shanghai

Nov. Nur. Dec. Dec. Jan.







sident in China.

From the want therefore of that protection to which they are ended by Treaty, and which they have a right to ask Her Majemy's Goverment to secure to them, they are not only compelled si considerable expe?m to keep up na n?- ditional establishment in Hongkong but and objected also to the ? brary wxation complained of. No doubt, also, the bore that Her Majesty's Government would eventual- by tam la altention to the seller of the Colony has prevent- ed many from abandoning their property, sa others kara Mr Parker begged to call the attention of the already done and are still doing-but must be evident to Your Excellever that should that rubut not be granted. meeting to an expression in the 8th article, con-

a great fuiting off in the revenue, will the result, and mare so when those, consisting both of many. Briksh and veying a ving and grievous charge. If it were forwarded in its p. nat state, it would obligs || Natives, who mainly through there drms Bad a livelihood him and his brother Attornuys to send a counter pesod sapport, sic compelled to lease also tition, wherein he would state the number of casus in which the merchants of China had been concern end. Of the mercantile houses represented at the ting, two or threo only have had actions in the The immense sume paid into the Treasury a fof Court which appeared in the returns of Hevenue, showed how little the Attorneye got out of these charges.

We insy reasonably sak to be relieved of taxes injurious to the prosperity of the colohy and oppressive upon a unall European cork A general meeting of members of the Morton Educh-munity; but when we demand the best building Mom Society 318 be held at the Morris Helvol on the

sites on the Island for noeling, and wish to make 18c? instan?at kali past two o'clock in the afternoon.

our neighbours, or the government, responsible Hongkong, ach nasury, 1889.

for our unprofitable land ?peculations, rgason ne longer accompanies us, and we injure our own cause by continuing to press upon the govern ment a request which has received a decided negative.

About noon to-day (Friday) an English lod was sent with a Chronometer from Mr Dou

? gina Lapfhik's to put on board a bit off West Point; just as he reached the Itope walk he was attacked by throo Chinese, une of whom blindfolded him with his hands, whilst the others forcibly took away the Chronometer, which they wrenched from the Gimbols of the cave, and as the Boy followed them, in hopes of obtaining the auf of Police, they Alwng the case at him and sc?mpered up the hulls. The Chronometer was worth go guinea; Maker, Baker of London, No. 1,710.



I cannot be otherwise than impollile so tvardena Colony of seven years standing, possessing no natural advantages for trade, with su amount of tazuilaa unknown in almost any other, and equal to what it is to any two lo Olent Britain. That trade which now affords a Yearly Revenu of more than Five Millions Sterling to Great Belinin, Two or Three Millions to British India, and sa advantagens trame to and from other British Possessions, we have shows is not carried so, as Her Majesty's Government from Heighong, but almost endrely from


Mr Gaskell said the Court fees were justly com- olber ports and placen in the Empire of thion. And for the protection of that most (mspariant tradle Itongkong be- plained of, but the Attorneys bad nothing to do came as have alren kated, a B?ttish soulement. The Right Honourable Bir Gladstone, then Her Majesty's with that.

Popelpal Fecretary of Busin for the Calosies, stated in 1846, that the exception of the island was decided on, lely and exclusively with a view to commercial interents for

Mr Matheson and others seemed disposed to de- fead the clauso sa it stond. Mr Bbortreur, on the other hand, profossing no particular love for litiga-the mecurity of merce, and for the beat, of those magugut tion or Attorneys' charges, could not help thinking in the trade with Chanjesshowing that der Majesty's that the clause might be modifed with advantage Govement at that time agreed with us in the view we and be trusted the Committee whose appointment | sertain on the subject. The lule trade that done ext he was about to move would think so too. There is not bateral to Flongkong-it consikschledy in the transhipment of goods, affording on reven, Sajor advanings meeting had been amured that there was no inten- to the Colony, and but for the readines iftar your men tien te impute blame to the band of the law here, bas morialism, not only this trade, but they sein liimi call as the clause stood, this was not very clear. With here on their arrival from a

small crail that may be considered sea, and the regard to the cost of law prore dinge, it would be

woold is a great we are cleans ear. Wo the por well for the meeting to hear in mind that under the

ensively with Lord Bandon and the Cam, tas in their re hand of "Fess, Fison, and Forfeitures," in the re- port to the House of Communt," "in this, that it be mat ** right that the burden of malatal bulan, Virbich in riber ene retus of Hongkong, appeared a sum ex-

it a post of general trade in the U Pick so sthan a Gulony creding 24000, being double the Pulice Rate, which,

rictly speaking, was the only tax on the colonists, gres on the maschants or other persons he may be re ** In the ordinary sense, should be larverk ? say grins d?- Mr C.J. F. Blart then moved that the meeting ** rident upon (L" be adjourned till Friday the 19th at noon. Themo tion was seconded by Mr Seat and carried.

Mr Shartrede moved that a Comitive be appoint

The estimated expender of Hongh ?39,000—of thin show ?19,808 in required verment of the Colany —?5,816`je dafte the Court of Justice, and ?19,389, for th

posimused at mind

el to receive and put into shape any suggestions | Departments. Wah the exception perhe, that may be offered, the Committee to consist ofed from licenses granted by Governiniens, Mr Stuart, Matheson, Edger, and Campbell. 430,540 said in je bere This having been seconded by Mr Davidson, was agreed to, and the mesting adjourned.

Of seventy eight mercantile establishments in China it is said that only fifteen are in Hong. kong: this is not quite correct. In the Hong kong Almanack for 1848 there is a list of 28 mercantile firme in Hongkong and 86 at Can-To His Excellency tun (inclusive of American and other foreign. firms), of which number four or five have left China or removed to Hongkong and Macaw

BAMUEL GROzon Bonmam, Esquire. 81,--The anon of many of the residents (mm Hong-


Your Eace Menez of the Deepach from the Right

PRETIRANNthes? the Bermer her so has pressed be from per

Har Majesty'?

But the discrepancy is a matter of no moment. ?Principa) Recretary of Buuse for the Cobusier, goblished by

reply to The Memorial of 19th February, 1846, from

If with regret we learn, that His Lordship does not

amwants to

the Civil Go

is expenses of

Hoe and Geol

21,800 obtain-


Ground Fenn,

Tirol water, klebmento in (k is necessary

falaberge upon the Sow Marmi alle shin place, zanse of whim se siniy aqas in have alau Istablishment at the ocher Meal, 19, while tho ? who are so Establishments in this Culony, Ko are deriving nesily the name, advantages from this Betilengent and from the Court of Judicatuen an eo di, are caputing nothing towards their support.

only that by levied, and that is alwuld det be incommed, brata with tha benefite we receive from being mesclate—an i aloo chos m. should have some voice in the expenditure of the money sol.

We bere found You Excallanes, during the short periad you have been zvonge e desirous of doing in your power to promote the inverse of the Colony and of t?p community:

When inerchants find it their interest to come i 700 for general information, on the 17th Joly lash betwee From the notes of the Editor of the Hangouto Hongkong they will come; and two or three babitants of Hongkong, praying for a reduction of the exla

hundred dollars a year of ground coat will noting Ground Rear deter them. The desideratum is trade, and towards the encouragement of a local trade we trust the energies of the Government will continue to be directed.


maker we have established good grounds for the reduc- Wiranaga of the Colony ; and further that the large gianta lock, or that the measure would be really for the that have already be made for Elongkong should em, In the optaton of Her Majesty's Government, to preclude the propriety of our asking to be relieved of a ta? weigh- ing heavily upon us, and y

[ which we are prepared to show Hi Lordship. has already interfered weslously with the prosperity of the Colony, which li must continue to af feet no long as it is maintained without some material re- ducilon. Her Majesty'%Government are already sumgjently aware of the causes which led Brisish Merchants to berita Sheridand to expand explial to Hongkong, and also how moch

lo scordance with a requisition from several mercantile firme, public meeting was held on Wednesday in the Oriental Bank. Ble

Register we are foraishod with the report of a pulilic meeting held at the Oriental Bank on the 10th inuant, to which is appended drafts of a letter to His Excellency the Governor and * petition to the House of Coininong, bush of which wore laid before the meeting. The Gentlemen who drew up those documents, stater distinctly that there was no desire to force then upon the community, but on the con- trary they were merely to be booked upon as Mr Campbell read the despatch from Lent Grey drafts, subject to such amendments and addi- na published in the Chine, Mall of the 20th July last, tions as public opinion should dietate.

in answer to the Memorial from 18,e residents of It was satisfactory to observe the good feeling which longkong, which had been shot in February; and explained why the meeting had not bom aseljar convened to consider what stops ought to be adopt ed. Mr Campbell then submitted for consideration the draft of a letter to His Excellency the Glovera. or, a copy of which is subjoined.

prevailed; nod from the appointment of a Com mittes to receivo suggestions and draw up an amended petition, the meeting may be consi dered merely preliminary to the final adoption of a parliamentary appeal, a step which has been too king deferred.

The letter to the Governor is an iteration of the land grievances—grievances which we con- sider imaginary, or much exaggerated. The question is already settled by Lord Grey's an swer to a incmorial from a portion of the land holders, and it byght also to be borne in remem brance that before the parliamentary commit fee they did not show any reasonable grounds for complaint.

It is asumed, that the land rent in a far; but


Holdforth took the chair,

the prospects and expectations then held out have been de feated and destroyed. What Bir Henry Poulages in his Despatch of th March, 1814, mates, that those who had when tand and built upon H, and bean amply and quickly returned, could only apply to a few speculolor,

and by bo toeans to the 2 642 secilers.

"We have already pointed our to Her Majesty's Govern meat, that the prescht ground rema endnot in justice be considereditary imposision on car part; but allow ing aven that it were so, we are no Hling believe that Her Majesty's Government, with the unslety to promote the laterests of the community and of the Colony, as ex- promed in the Despatch from Lazd Grey, would wish to as- Mr Fletcher moved that this drafl be adopted in that as a reason for continuing a tax, which on laves which motion was beconded by Mr Carter, and ligation has been proved to be injurious to the welfare of carried by a show of hands-Mr Carr remarking, both that he, and probably others who declined to vole, were not to be considered as either approving or disapproving of the document.

Mie Matheson said it had farther been Considered advisable to forward a Palition in the House of Cominons. This proceeded, not from any distrust of the willingness of Mr Bonham or of Earl Grey to take the matter into consideration, but as it was at always in the power of either to grapple with such questions, it was considered advisable to apply to the House of Commons. He would therefore read a denst of a polition for the consideration of the Meeting,

Mr Care suggested that in the petition a claim should be made for a share in the legislation as well

We would also respectfully submit to Her Majesty's Government, that it appears to us onreasonable that the circumstance of large grants having already been made for Hongkong, shouka be a ground for resuring ear peridan, la a mach as these graals were made for purposes connected with prosection of the exining between the Empire of Chios and Great Britain and he posses slons, which grants became oretssarily larger, from the unfortunate selection of this harren island by the represen- tailer of Her Majesty's Government, and by no means we coscere for the benefst of the low merch?nu who may have chosen to M Pettle upon $1.


and we feel confident that you will do we the jos to admit, that the facts are have brought forward sed how we have

exprowed, are not more than our present poslijon barv, and thecis connected with in, call for.

We bere endeavoured to be Your Excellerer, that in the opinion of onelves and othere, the expenses of thin node. mant should chiefly fall upon dis Trade exiadne between chan Emprendevas Brismen and her fananiona, End that under no circumcee alonld thom residing have bio ized in ax- com of the benso they receive.

We fra Hot Majesty's Government, new being in pas- reation of full Informasian on the subject, will view the monar lan a light differunt from what they have hitherte done-and in nonsideration of the objects for which the settlement was established, in orderation of the burga maziv? alenady laid out by the Cl and Miktary Departments of Government, an well at by privain fadteidunie, we conten dewlet kui stent Majesty's Government will be trziona sa t?n every enden. vour to promote the interese and prosperity of the eeulement, and which, so justly marad in the Report of the Select Cuale, can only proper under the greatest amount of freedom of marcourse and irao.


To the Honourable the COMMONS of the Unised Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Par- frament assembled --Tho humble Petition of the undersigned Inhabitants of the Caland of Bong- kong,


Sel, That Your Petitioners have made repented representations to Her Majesty's Government, br Memoris and otherwise, praying for relief from the havy burdens under which they labour, where- by the prosperity of this Island has been retarded.

2nd, That these representations induced Your

We are pat called upon to say whether the expenditure Honourable floose to appoint a Select Committee, hitherto has been excessive re not, bet taxation in this to take into consideration the present mate of our

Colony it depend upon the expense of the establishment Commotolal relations with Chine, and report tendence of Tn da, we would beg respectfully to giv? kan thereon.

re for the Ooremment of the Colony and the

here i

our opinion, that that. Establishment has assumed a meg; Sad, That the Report of the Committee was laid nude unaecessary for the objects for which is exist, and before Your Hoscurable House nightsen mouthe that a saving might be effected, more than adequxim 10

well as the abandonment of all other restrictions on trade that any of the most important recommendations in As regards the "then successful bidders for the lot," the Report have received the attention of Her Ma

this is a fallity. The frases were all purcling ed at public sale, or granted at the averago nl as in the municipal government of the alad; and over the reduction for which we now memorializa, an! #80o, but there is no evidenco, up to the present tim these suler, muki if competition ran them up being put this in the form of a motion, it was beyond what the holders consider thero present value, it does not impair the validity and per-mid it was quite right to keep la viaw that everai fect fairness of the transaction as between land- of the most important and expensive of the Colonial

generally approved of

Bir Shortride, in reference to the 5th clause,

it in known to Your Excellancy, that many owners of but. jemy's Government, ancept ge regards the tenure of

and bulldags bem are but to glad toond tenants, at

looking to interest upon capital expanded "th"levelling | tion to offer la perpowity.

ma suficient to defray the apual ground, without the Land, which it would seem to be in contempla.

THE FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE. ath, Your Palitioners therefore leal if thair railronde, a good deal would have guna abroad, rastness of old times by the ladion of Tara. All bowden duty to call the particular attention of Your and that being kept at home, the Inkositor and the the young ladies, anxious bo pry into their future Honourable House to that Report, praying that revenus have benefitted. No doubt it has ovund destiny, place their rugs in enverad dish, and some individual distress, but fo termely concludes then commence the wing; which is compo1el in mesures may be adopted for improving our com marcial relations with this Empire, and ameliorat by saying, the all he can charge upon the rall. short strophins, cech involving some mystic and ing the condition of the inhabitants of this laland. ways in, the difference between knoping a number prophetic all-ision to marriago or In riches. Mean Si, That considering the Island as necmary of bor upon good wages, ani keeping them while, the rings are drawn out of the dishes repa for the prosection of the British Trade carried on at upon the pont-rates." This is an unfavourable rstely, by soms of the elder lading, and so that the the Five Forts-necemary also's sato dopot for testimony, certainly. Me A. Hodgson, director prophin expressions of each stroke aromatin to Braish manufactures and produce as well as a of one of the joint stock banks at Liverpool, coo apply to some of the dividuals in the gaine. afe reimal for all foreign residents in China, in the reives that railway debontures provoi sitractiva in Beveral athare of their divinstory piseliges still erest of disturbed relations, your Positioners are many parties (and no doubt to companies among exist among ourselves; as, for example where of opinion that all sinuses of our countrymen derie the rest with large available resources, and that omens sen dessen from the dripping of medial wat in advaulaga, directly or indirectly, from the trade this crippled their banking sccounts; but not to into water, and where the astrinomial prospects with this Empire, should in common juice bear multiply our references, we will state briefly the of the young women are forebusded by the manner equally the expenso iocurrol in affording the pro- conclusion we have oursolves come to upon the in in which lade shells move with regard to sach section and facility for conducting their burinosa, purtam question of the Influence of railways upon other on the surften of a vessel filled with water. provided for by the Treaty existing ligtween the two the Money Markot, alter a careful examination of In like somer, allapoos sio mule in the ancient

|| all the argumenta anil opiniona put forth.

Russian bridal mange, us the ruling of rings or brads of pearl acmosi a pizze of velvet towards the expectant lover. Thoir poculite superstitim, how- over, is the importance attached to the podsluski vale or listening; that is, the import of particular words caught up outside a window, from any coa vereation carried on wahin. The loneliness of the situation where this appeal to destiny ie usually made, naturally ezal? ika inquirer'a susceptibility of ominous impression; for which reason the coun try girls generally sustion themselves in the balk chamber about midnight, where they expect to un- joy an interview with the apparition of their de ptied husband. The bath in regarded by the ig norant sa the favourite retreat of the household sprite. It is at the same time easy to conceive that the fois votaries thay at times he favoured with meetings requiring no intervention of super. natural mouse or boings.-Ermad's Travels in Si- Daria.


6th. It is also worthy of notice, that while the We believe that individash havn been antiously exponer of this Beuleincat, amounting to about injured, but we tavo not the slightest ides that tha 200,000 per annumi, hour so heavily on the inhabi; national wealth or prosperity has been diminished; tants of this place, they would form but = light and on the ontrary, as the lines come into oporation, appropriate charge on the general trado, yielding they wild wasily to the power of creating exports upwards of Five Millinna sterling Revenue on Tea by oconomy of labour and capital; and ai no po alome to the British Empiro, and Two to Three?riod has the active circulation boen diminished by Millions on Opium to British India.

an amount worth mentioning, although it may 7th, Your Petitioners urgently pray the attention temporarily havo been diverted into new channels, of Your Honourable Ilouse to the recommandations and there retained son long for the interests of our of the Select Committee in their Report, in which foreign commerce, 'The next consideration is that it is stated

which affect the sherohoklere more than thu cour That they do not think it right that the bur-try: we allade to the position and prospects of the den of maintaining that which is rather a poet for railways, and the dividends to be expected from general trade in the China soas, than a Colony hom. Here we have au guide but the data which in the ordinary sense, should be thrown in any every day events afford, and we must seek to mako great degros on the mercantile or other firms it available. who may be resident on it."

There have been accounts published during the That akure in the administration of the se

past week, compiled by a meniker of the Stock ex- dinary and local affairs of the Feland should be change, who is authorised by the committes to given, by soma system of Municipal Government, publish a wookly list of railway prices, tradio, &o.

Discovery of America by the Normane, — While to the British rendonte,''

To those accredited statistics, however, have beep,

the Abbassidon rulod at Bagdad, and the Bamanides That some short code should be drawn up for from time to time, added cartain observations upon

Persia, in the year 1000, America was discover- the more convenient administration of Justice." | the coudition of particular lines; and within 1 m-

ed by Lof the son of Eric the Rel, from the ox- Bil, Your Petitioner cannot too strongly express cont period in accession of onloslations professedly north, to the funy fires dagres of northern Intitudo Iceland had been taken possession of by the conviction of the bad moral effect produced affording that information so long sought in rain on the minds of the Chinese by the present system from the companies themselves, wire goloaked from lesland 100 years later; an that the Normans in the year 873 Greenland was

adapted in the Supreme Coun, whereby the ends of amount of gapital, and the revenue that must accrue justice are too ofton frustrated, and parties socking order to maintain the existing dividends. F? 125 years musthave ?lapsod ?fter the first accupa- tion of Iceland by the Normane before they die. redress are obliged to call in the assistance, in Civil such particulars the committes of the Stock Ex-

coveral Americe. The coast they explored was puun, of Attorneys, whom charge aro exconsive, changedo not hold themselves responsible, although, but whose services are rendered necessary by forms supposing them to be correct, their publicatios called Winsland, from some wild grapes which which one but an Attorney understands; whorous might be very desirable. We have gone carefully

were found in it (Vinland it Goda.) It included the track betwee? Boston and New York; thus these, in the opinion of Your Petitioners, should be over those figures however, and we have no hesi no simple as to admit of any ona pleading his own ||tation in affirming that they land to most erroneous

comprising part of the present u'ates of Massaelta- sans, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. This was deductions; that although perhaps placably are the chief settlement of the Norgens We may cauea.

form some idea of the daring spirit of that gallant people from the fact that theto discoveries extend. from 41je to 72° 55′ north latitude, The Runio one found in the autumn of the year 1824, under a parallel, bore the date of 1136. Their north- western station was called the Kruksj?rdar Heide; and accounts were published of the quantity of dri-wood (ibarian,) the whales (placa,) ses horses, and a banen, for which it was at that time colo beated. Authentic accounts of the interesurse of


{From the Observer.)


In conclusion, Your Petitioners earnestly crave od, they are fallacious; and that an authorized ota- the early consideration of Your Honourable Houssement which will appear lo a few days from the to the prayer of this Position; and Your Petitioners, North Western Company, and subsequently, it sur ar ?im duty' bound, will ever pray.

information be cutrest, from the South Western Honggono, January, 1849.

and Great Western, will put a more favourable face upon matters, without in the least departing from

?Marchants or other persons c

the truth. We should feel loth to credit the report that the blee of the publicasion in question ware prepared to foster spopulative purposes, although it be from that they were made known these ar four Na slijedo which reference can be meds, is days before the close of the past week, and sont to at the present time so generally interesting as that of influencing public festing; but if we look at the with the American continent, racli su later than loading contemporary, with the apparent purpose the north of Europe, and of Greenland and Iceland, of railways, Ivery consideration affecting the result, we find that it has baan ur mischievous me

the middle of the fourteeth century. In the year has been during the past week more or less die though the improper mativen did wrist, and that 1347, ship esiled from Greenland to New Beat- cared in bobinas ciroles Men who have dog the impression of Stock Exchange puthority, which end for (mber. On its return it was driven out gedly, or, perhaps we should my, courageously, the whole seeme to bear, and which induce the land no the west of Iceland 'This is the laal ac of Its course by storms, and was forord to make preserved thousalves against the enticenient af timid, the negligent, or the inexperienced, to so speculation the vision of large gaina required in copt it as it stands, has caused it to have far more

Dent of North America preserved to us in the old the shorten Hod—have all been brought to re- weight then I really merits. A large amount is andinavian blatories. The traces of an Irish Beet, to arguto decide upon the passing crisis hrought into the estoulation as being capital that discovery of Americs, before the eleventh century, in the exil world; and simply because the Parliament has nothorised to be raised and upon

are doi so numerous. An account was given to the Frisia affect interent most temply, whatever which, consequently, interest will have hereafter Normons of men clothed in white garmanta, bear policy they hitherto pursued. They may

ing poles, with linen fastened to them, and singing pole, but their neighbour does. They forced to admit that a number of the branch line weatholic precession. In the midrat Sugathe-couts

to be paid from earnings; akhough the compilar

with a mod voice This the Normans applied to my oot bed by calls," but their country for which bills have been obtained will never be corpond They may not care to woo the

commenced, Then debentures hearing 5 per cent,

beton Virginia and Florida are distinctly called value of railroperty reduced one ball, but they

Old Ireland.-Humboldt's Kormos in Proser's Ma- interest are put down or being entitled in 7 per cent. date the malineace of Console and a tranquil divider, and no allowance space to be made for faxine, Honey Mad Ike) It is not pusible to enter at i fit that calla” have been partly applied in gium fungale tgrie de riera saksa ky shiturein inea reduction of floating liabeltles, consequently they of approved on pericase in the city, and pachapa la canmol co-exist to the amount represented, unless the evidence fately received by Parliment there

the companies are in a much worse position (han will be found a fair exposition of Use feelings ra

we take them to be. There are other one-sided tertained sa regards the effect upon the currency calculations that have a partial foundation, but yet which is the point from which we ought to start cannot be relied upon; and these, under the pro- Mr Joshua Batos does not concur fully in the be mise of early official date, we shall ant at present hef entertained by many that railways have had further antar isto. Far one thing we shall at any mock to do with the difficulties in the Money Mer rate have to thank the parlica who have bean so ht. The principal effect which that abla merchant industrious, however the market may have been acribes to them in that of enhancing the prices of temporarily Rected; we shall soon beve an sa- gooda; but when asked, "Where does the money thorised, and we trust, an unequivocal balanon. erentually ga, that goes in the first instance, to the sheet, such a one na molary-public might fix labearer and tradesmen; does it not return to the name to, for none other will prove satisfactory, bashora in course of time!" he answers, "It does now that matters bare gone thus far. sad in that state of things I do not see that the

It we were to give an opinion on this point, wa railways would make much diference. I am afraid should any that grost octors in railway management that samo portion of it after all must come to be have been committed, but for which shareholders fized capital; but it would not dimurb the general cancerns of the country so much." Mr Jamenally, or perhaps more than directors, are at Then our national amusements, which have ben,

| doukteilla zasponsible. Internet har best paid upon Ming the Qurduus of si Duke thick the deposits, akhough every subscriber was aware inst cesare expenditure on railways partly occasioned the practice was tantamount to finding himself." the money pressure of 1847, because, for a ume, Money has been obtained on loan to complete the the investment is unproductive to the party making construction of lines, and interest had been paid it; but he does not, any more than the Deputy thereon in a manner we presume that must have Governor, sega to them the most prominent pe trenched upon the capital. Guaranteed dividende silin as having produced the panic. Mr Cofton, have been given to now companies, and have been a director, states that the abstraction of caprici from

so occupation to another is always attended with paid before the railway was ready for traffic, with serious laconvenience to the occupation from which been issued upon which a small amount paid has aundry other like involvemente. Now sharma havo it is abstracted, and concludes in this sense that in been at once allowed to coum for twice or thrice dividuals cannot offer without the country at large

bring injuriously affected, for a time at least, Mr much, and a auch entitled to interest according Robert Gardner, a spinner and merchant, of Manly in shore, the public have lost all trace of the chester, is particularly adverbe to railway specula original capital in the subsequent additions, and fis. He observes, that they proved exceeding to the intrinsic value of their property. The uqul enlightened cannot possibly form a conaturjog mischievous in his locally and aisee an instance traffic is good, the market prices are exceedingly (samang hundrede by the bye) where party low, and yet few will buy except in new and un- ?100,000 in calle last year, besides the original incumbered undertakings, which suffer in the ge purchase money, and who early this your found neral discredit, and all that is required is such a work only ?20,000; but he do not omit to statement as will serve to show whether fram ear- hat he railways have a certain amount of rent receipts the dividend and other liabilities have good, for if it had not been for the railways, the heretofore been mat, or will be henceforth. terze must inevitably have fallon off to a munk

caler extent than it did," Mr Samuel Johns

Loyd affirms that the dimination of deposits with

book at Manchester was in the year 1847 in


New Year's Eve in Midaria.-Upon the Eve of

more than 20 per cent., and attributes tble in ? th? saw your, (12th January, new style,) I receive

Mitte the opportunity afforded for bonc?cis! in- ed an invitation to the house of the captain of the


the Romana, the love of war was kept up by cons- Woflike Influeno's and Incisamenia-Amongoi takt exercise; and the ancial habits of the people encouraged a ferocious disposition. Their gladia. torial aliowa, and their exhibitions of combate with the character of their chizens, than the eloquenco wild beasts, bad a more powerful effect in forming

of their senatore or the labours of their phileso- phere. Their poutry-one of the most powerful tribused in no man degree, to the same results. agente in the formation of notional character-con-

Amongst ourselves, while we have deplored the rices and rampant passion of the multitude, we which proosed from the character of nation. We have neglected a close observation of the causes have been decidedly a warlike people: every so tremble before our arms. We have, since the your has borne our hostile flag, and every nation had to

1688, spent arly one half of the time in war.

in a great measure, patronised by the higher classes, proposaiti. Our prize rings, ball baitings, and here all gone to the more cultivation of the animal

a host of other ferocious amusements, as well as producing the depravation of morals we see around our songs, have all boun powerful auxiliaries in

us Its been anid- Let me make the onge

people, and lat who will maka thej laws.” And ibero is great-force in : our national songs anuality; our theatres resounded with the shouts have been full of the praises of war, and wios, and


of triumph over some victorious battle-Gold ; and our cathedrals and churches have not only received -the monuments of our naval and military command- ers, and the spoils of conquest, but have poured from their akra prayers for the success of our chased by the expenditure of thousands of lives and arma, and thanksgivings, for the victories, pur- millions of the transura. — Weekly Paper.

The Rights of Woman ara decidedly looking up[-- The Vermont Legislature has passed una provid ing that all real estate, and, the rants, ietums, and pro- B. wich have beleged to a woman before marriage, of which she may inherit during marriage, shall be examps from attackman or losy fur the sole debla of Jer, bebay," and that no transfer of either made by

the husband shall be valid, wile the shall frooly sign adeed. Married woman are also authorised to devise auch property by will,

▲ bill has been Introduced into the Legislature of of money le railways" Me T. Birkbook, district; where table songs, (pollyudnia ptenia, South Carollos, to prevent the property of the wife ker in Yorkshire, is of opinion that if money, Ilterally dish song %) as they are called, and fortune before marriage from becoming the property of the when, it was so cheap, had not boom employed in telling games, ware entered upon with all the 1 husband, by the mees set of marriage,"


pUE RACE COMMITTEE be to call atten their fast Meeting:-

from to then falluring Resolutions pivond et

1. That during the daya of the Rscar, the woisting of a Red Flig from the waighing Tent shall kn the signal for the Srawants to asacimble, and that on the hoisting of a White Plagthe COMMITTE attend, at the Tent

2. That Horses and Ponies requising to be maand

ured ho sent to the Tent in the Valley betwe the hours of 7 med 8 in the mornings up to tho dato of entrance, to be mameured in the presence of two Members of the Committe

3. That a Proper Nan be erected, and that ad mittance thoreta be by means of tickets to be had on application to the Stewards or embora ofika Committee.

The Conten beg also to remind Gentlemen intending to enter Horas that the Entrance List will closed on the lat day of January neat. Victoris, Hongkong, 21st December, 1848.




Monday 15tu Janyant, 1849.

The Wong ni chung Stakes for all Ponies under 13 hands. Once round and a distance. Entrancs #1 och, 8:30 added from the Fund. Weight for inclies. Former winnare excluded. The Canton Op for all torses. From the Garden tuen, ons round und in. Weight9 stone 7 lbs. for Acube. I stone for Sydney and Cape bred Horse Maiden Horses allowed 4 lbs. Entrance 96 aach.

The Valley Stakes fur all Ponies. 13 band? 2 inches and unilor. Oncy round and a distanca En- Iranco $2 each, 10 added from the Fund. Woight for inches. Former winners of this Race to carry the extra pengrossively. The Arab Weller Stakes. From the Garden torn, unca rauad mint in. Entrance 91 cmob, 880 added from the Fund.Weight it alone The Fant Horse to pay the second fore's entrance. The Hack Makes for all l'union. Catch weights, Once round. The winger to be sold for 650 if claimed within a quarter of an hour frem coming in. Entrance Free. $50 girca from the Fund."" The Sydney Weller Stakes for all flores Arabe excupied. From the Garden turn, once round and io. Entrance $5 each, $80 added from the Fund. Weight (2 stone. The last Horse to pay the second Elused's entrance.


Tuesday, 16th January, 1849.

The Pony Welter Stakes for all Ponies. Once round and a dimagre. Entrance $1 anch, 850 added from the Fund. Weight 10 stono 4 lbs. for 18 handa kod under; 10 stene Ibe, if above 13 bands.

The Plenipotentiary's Cup presented by His Excel- leucy Samuel George Bonham, Esq., 0.8., value $200. For all florsen, bon? fid?, the property af the parties antering. From iba dijanco iwica round and in. 'Weight 9 stone 7 iba for Arab. Bydney and Cape brad Horses EL stone, Forinor winners of this Cup to carry 6 lbs. extra. Last Hare to pay the second Home's stake: En. trance $10 each.

The Victoria Plate value $90 for all Ponics, Prom the Black Rock oase round and in. Weight 9 stone Entrance 03 each. Former winner of this Race to carry 7 lbs. extra progressively. The Arab States; Hoats, once round.

Wright 9 stone 10 lbs. Entrance $5 each, 100 added The Scurry Sinkes for all Ponies. Catch weights,

from the Fund.

From the Islack Rock in. Entrance $1 cach, 030 added fron the Fund. Last Pony to pay the second Ponies' entrance.

The Ladica Purse walee $50 for kill Pontos, who have run at this Meating Wioners to be ban. dicapped by the Stewards. Once round and a ?distanco. Entrance 1 anch. Weight 9 stoo THIRD DAY.


WEDNESDAY, 17th January, 1819, The Hunter's Plate vaine $100 for all Horses. From the Cardea turn, ages round and in. Orec four Hurdles Seat 6 inchra, and two H?rdles 4 foot high. Weight for inches 15 banda 2 inch to carry 1 stone 4 iba. 5 lbs. allowed for every inch below to 14 handa and Linch. Entrance $5 each.

The Pony Hurdle Race for all Ponies. From the Garden turn, once round and in. Page Hurdles 3 feet high and two Hurdios 3 feet 6 inches. Weight for incher. Entrance 0 each, 10 added from the Fund. Second Pony to receive $10 from the Fund,

The Nation Purse value 820 for all Ponies. Indian and Chinees Rider. Ooceroward Couch wights, Entrance Free,

The Handicap Stakes for all Borses, that have started at this Meeting, to be handicapped by the Stewards. Weights to be declared at the Club House by 11 ? 1. the day of the Race. Entrance to be declared by 2 o'clock the same day. Entrance Fee $3 each, 90 added from the Fund.

The Hongkong Steeple Chase for all Posies. Catch weighta. Ground to be named by the Blewards at 12 o'clock of the 10th., Entrance to be de. clared on the course. Fed $1 each, $30 added From the Fuud



RACKS to commence each day punctually at 2 o'clock r. z. The first Saddling Bell to be rung at balf-past I r. s.

Entrances to be declared in writing to the Race Cominition, stating the same and color of the Hono, and colors of the Riders, before the lat January, 1949,

No Hors allowed to ru? whose Entrance Fees

have not been paid,

No Person allowed to Eater or Rigle, but Officers of the army and Navy, Members of the Club, or Gentlemen omusated and seconded by any 'two' Members of the above named Bodies, being

Subscribers; the party thus nonsinated and cooded being a Bubscriber, and accepted by the Committee.


All Disputes respecting the Races to be refiered to the Stewards, whose decision is to be fast.

All objeglions to Horses or Riders must be made

? in writing before starting.

Three flories i? start or n?. Race. Weights for Ponim, 12 hands to carry 7 stone,

increasing 7 lbs, for every inch above."

No allowance for Mares or Geldings.

By Order of the Committee,



In the matter of the Insolvent Estates of D. and M.



NOTICE is hereby given that by two severa

inned out of this Honorable Couri and respectively dated the Twenty second day of November inslam, the vesting orders whereby the sid Estates breame, and wore vested in Robert Dundas Cay Esquire, the Provisional Assigned of the Esistes of Insolvent Debtors were annulled and discharged, and the exkl Estates were thereby ordered to be reasighed and reconveyed by the mid Robert Dundas Cay Esquiro to the mid EX and M. Rohomjee and Company, and to the said Meerwanjen Feajebkoy,

All persone who are indebted to the waid Extatro,

or have any eels or documents belonging to the il firm, or to the auid Moerwunjes Jerjahkoy, ura

requested to pay or deliver the same ni the ?lico

of the amid D. & M. Rustomjee, Canton,

Datod the 22nd day of November, 1849.



Attorney for the said Insolvente.

Queen's Road, Victoria,

To the Creditors and Dobtors, ?

of the mid Insolvonta



PARTIES are ontioned against trusting the

Crew of the Whale-ship Brighton," Captain




20, Jeremiah Garnett, Davis, from Liverpool 20th July, ?


Per Audaz,--Mesars Jardine, and Compton,




10, Dania, King, Cursingmoos.

10, Midas Am Whaler], Eldridge, Ben.

10, Liverpool [Am. Whaler), West, Sex.

11, Andes, Bullivan, Whampoa.

11, Rustomjut Cowarjee, Wright, Whampoa.

11, Sir Edward Ryss, Triggs, Camingmoon.

11, Neuron (Spanlub), Arteza, Manila.

11, U. 8. 8. Preble, Commander Glyco, Macao.

11, Wilhelmine (Danish), Praha, Sandwich Islands.

19, Harbinger, Candlish, Whampoa,

13, Charlo, Thomas, Manila,

12, Sir Edward Ryan, Triggs, Shanghai.


Smering ?N VRINA, Contioned.


Omaly Bare.

W. B. Neal.





Nam Francison Xavier, brig Hongkong Amizade, brig



300 Fina

Food Vicesie Jongs.

Lissows, bhe

150 Marq


Marquis of Limings, hueque

350 Mile


and Francisco d'Oliveira.

Pedro Sane du Bilva Loureiro,

Nova Poquote, burgun

$150 LA


Noms Sobera de Lam, brig



Trasnalga, barque



Aurora, voleumer



VOL. VIII. No 4.

De Amigos, skooner


Syme, Muir and on.

Word Viosuse Jorge.


Contante, brig

Nero Bilbaino, brig


Bintang Anas, berque

Lji Ling, barque

Van der Puli, barque

De Vrown Jahanna, barque

Alpha, schooner

Anna Maria, brig

Carl & Hermann, barque

BUNE. Julians, ship



longhang 150 fang





300 lj

Dan Vicens Jorge.

Jos? Manoel da Joan.

Louren?o Mseques,

|V. A. den Ramadan. Captain.


5151 Reynes and co

Shanghai | 33|Van'horvan



7, "Talbot [Am.], Blory, New York.


Carl Johan, bargua


Amey 195 Robertson

Uwagkong|| 459| Keymr |(Whampos | 970|Layton Hongkong $45 ——


Ass, Lorcha

11, Pan (Spanish), Dumas, Manila. Jan.


9, Tres Sobrinos 18panish), Garay, Manila.

Bris Columbias


UL. M. Ship Hastings

||11ngkong || 74 |Gum

Bow Bowl


16 |

Brig Mariner

| Shanghai | 10 |Cana

Ber Fay


* Qu

Be Mades

Nthe Park


ti, C. Bor Palerechos


Home Plus

I bumper.

War, as the Captain or Consignees will not pay | 15. M. Ship Alliga

any debts of their contracting,

Vieloris, Let January, 1849.


Bhip Minden

Emily, kecha


Mom, brin

(Shure Ships)

longkong 1well.



Concimson 379 Langley

Dent and on. Ceptola.

|2,100, Mair and v

Carlowits, lechon and on

Kommedy, Macgregor nad os,

Den and on.

Angamino Board and 22.

B. Ramet) und ec.

Cand co

Dane and co


|Whapon | 200| Pokeche

WUlam Putin bi

Bomenjen Harmin?, ship |11engkon 650 C

Falcon, abip


BT: Barley

Jardins, Mahammut ... Jardins, Matheson ?.

Fort William, tele

Lady Hagen, barque

Linsel, brig

112 Fami


Ruparell (Am.), barque


118 Budico, J.

Ben Horn, brig

917 Willem

Anonyma, brig


Warlock, belg

137 Mann


290 Zabell

Pueblindar, bergan

307 Mila


|Chillon || 990 Cewke)

Feo-foo919 lety

|Wgonang | |449|Haberman

Harlequin, brig


Kour. Admiral dir F.A.Collier, | Captain 3. W. Morg Commander F. E. Johnston Commander J. C. D. Bay. Commander C. M. Matheson. Commander Jane Willoor, Commander T. H. Mo


The Coming O.T.AINE,LE. Doper Ranklar.

? Commodore D. Onlaingur,

L. Godany.

}} ?sprit T. R. C

||Commander Juman Glyna.


Capiale Le Graslaru.

Lord Ambarai, ship

Royalist, schoo

Louis, barque

Anita, brig

Mahamondes, bangun Amazon, ship

Dido, aber

Emily June, sh?p

Folkits, ship

Balge (Am), brig

Tian, chor

wal, brig

W Hughes ( Am. ), brig

William V., barijos

Hella, cooper





|0. B. Ship Plymouth



Ship Proble



10 Game


36 |

R. F. DRAKE will be happy to receive two young Gentlersen us boarders, in u?ldition to one si present under his (aition, to whom would he imparted, solid and useful accomplishmonte, combined with every domerila comfort, and cal- culated to ensure access in Mercantile pursuits, and other channels in life.

Colonial Church,

Victoria, 20th December, 1848.


CHARLES WEISS bogs to inform the Comrqu

nity, that he has removed into the New Premises, opposite his old establishment, where he trusts he will continue to receive the patronage of big frisolla and sho public.

Queen's Road, Victoria, let Japunry, 1849.


Bhip Chandlers of Manila,

Frige La Bayon nains



Bangalore, barque Charla Fieben, skip Chacha June, ship Ch?en, ship

Caresta vezmer

one of Yarborough, by Detla, chocer Herman, bergen

T?nde, ship Queen, barque

Red Rorar, barque

Saloplan, barga

BEG leave to inform OWNERS and CAPTAINS of bumerang, ship

WHALE Smire, that the Government of Ma-

?wila be abolished the Tonnaur Dons and Corrom- novaz Durize heretofore existing on Whalers touch- ing at that l'ort for refreshments. This regulation will commence from the 1st of January, 1819; and will afford Whaling Captains the means of sup plying their vessels with all kinds of Stores at the most moderate Tale.

Manile, 12th July, 1848.

KEAN, CHRONOMETER AND WATUN MAKE: begs to inform the Publis, that he has re- moved ble Establishment froen Macan to Shanghai, and be bal the pleasure of addressing ble best chanke

to the Community of Macao, Canion, and Hong. Long for the patronage he he received. He hopes, by his exertions, to deserve in his baw situation, The me support from the public, Be in well

applied with a variety of Goods.

Shanghai, 15th July, 1848.


?er's Londoo, begs most Aspectfully to in- form the Clentry of Chine, that be hay comencod Business in the above line on the Promises situato in the Queen's Road, ?pposite the Commisariat Co; and W. B., truste from his experience in the above well knowo Fouse and other eminent Houses in London, to meet with that patronage and support that it will evor be his study to merit.

? Victoria, 5th January, 1849.


POR SALE at the Office of this paper :—



Reallow, barque Syria, skip Tarar, ?p

Amefa, schooner

Anne Cropper, ship

Audan, ashooner Della Marine, ship

Blackfiver, karyad


Favorite, brig

Harbinger, barque

Manem, barque

Naw Margaret, ship Orlen, ship

Primer, achooner

Pradmon, barque

Rajaman, w

gan Duwanjan, shep

Barbert Comp, arque

Bab?rt ?ole, ship

Apr, brig

Farge, barque

walijaan, barqWO William Bewart, blp

Royal Exchange, wig Amer Packet, schoon Angalien, Larque Chelos, barya Clown, belg Coolecins, ship Comptance, berges

Coal, ling

Daniel Wasson, brig

Pashful, baren?

Forfarables, whip

Gitare, barque

Leland Queen, schooner

Jewish Dart, skrip

At |Tou Matata

Hongkong 677 Martyn



497 Boli

375. Leyden

253 ver


| 242|Anderson


Ir and on.

Dent and on

Terner and co.

Jordion, Mecheson sad on.

? Ewen and

14). K. Harry

Whompon | 148 Lindsey



198 L?vl

478 Maxion

431 Ap


HD Bellem


426 Patora

Turner and co.

Dent and o

IN. Deas sad co


Dieam, Clay and on

Jardins, Mashmasa and so.

dian, Mailada and co,

A. A. Based on Gardine, Muthanda and on Lindan? and on.

Thomas Lackina

iro, Gray sad co

Jardine, Metheesen and no,

Tarr and co

Meier and co

Jardine, Mathan sad e, liday, Wiw sad co. Pleom, Gray and on.

Holliday, Wise and co,

Roles and of.

Holiday, Wise and co.

Lindery and on

N, Farkin and on.

Turner and

Cetragen Bagrotjes Languana.

Rell and co

|Turnae and on

764 Wright

Mosges and

33) Drowne

Liedery sad

500 Marion 47840014 $70 fami

Shanghai 145

Pestonjes Framics Cama and on,

Mebars Straches.

Jardins, Mathoms and co Pardian. Matheon sad on

Bardino, Mathases and co.

F. P. de dire

Morrow and on.

430 Morgen

Dent and co

139 Brown


172 Repar


311 Listyod

294| Noshelano


John Bunyan, ship

John Cooper, ship



for the Peninsular and Orl?


Rafael, ship

euml Company's Steamers,

Stagla, belt

11 Fol


Bar Lects, bele


Bie Badward Ryan, barque

Teringin, noboost


Victory, barque

Waken, barqar


COMPRADORES Chapana, in Books.



Will Ched up, aohoones

Cham, beig

Benland, this

Mercantile forms and other work printed with Mumppu, vohnomas

expedition at the customary roles,

Quem's Rond, 9th October, 1848.





10, Constante (8p ), lone, from Manila 28th Dec.

10, Audaz, Sullivan, from Shanghai 4th January.

10, Clifton, Kafewell, from Whampoa.

11, Wilhelmine (Danish), Prohn, from Whampon.

12, Dexia, King, from Cursingmoon.

12, Sir Edward Ryan, Triggs, from Cumsingmoon,

12, Sidney, Wild, fom Whampos.

12, Samarang, Buckle, from Whampon.

12, Charles Forbes, Wills, from Whampoa

12 Abdel Kauer,

from Whampoa

Omega, echoeser

Spec, schoonar

Vinen, schonner Zephyr, sooner Casella, soberer

AMERICAN Brighton, ship (Whaler) Dirt, choose

| Globe, ship (Whaler)

Neptune, ship (Whaler)

Ana Maria, ship

Candace, barque

Congum, sip Engle, brie

Joshwa Bajos, ablo Panama, ship

Vancouver, bip

Amelope, l Boer, kont Coquette, ship

Clarendon, ship Anglona, schooner

Petrol, acheomas

|Boat Com|| 171/PRO

P. & D. H. Cam and .

Black Dig, boomer

Marden, barque

Torete, barque




14) Browning

973 Woodrow

191 Hoope

170 Dese


196 Forbe


Presales Pranjeo Bona and ca

Jardins, Matheson Dentado.

Demand o

Jurdics, Matheson and on.

| iymon, S?mir und ak Jardine, Maahanon, Dent and an

Dost and on.

Jardine, Methooow and na. Geo F. Baberto.

David Bassoon Baca and on. Purner and v.

Dent and

Jardine, Maikenen un va Kownes Sagorjes Langrenn,

LPG Bedinett, W. Angestins Heard and on.

Pestonjos Promjon Cams und un kal doo,

158 Levy


Lindsay and ca

13J Baird

219 Roundy

TH Thompson


108 Owad


219 Prissima

Jardine, Mathanom and do, Cantando,



Whampoa Blackfriar |Dino, Omy & ??i





Now Margaret Nyo, Purkh? & C


||William StowariJardins, Matheson d


Shanghai Faithful

“Hellmti, Bowman &



John Bunyan

Jardion, Matheson





Reise & Co.



Jardine, Matheson

Co Usely

Nye, Parkin & C


Russell & Co.

Joshua Bates


Nye, Parkin &;

Russell & Co.


Olyphant & Ca


Jos? Vicente Jar?j


C., Harkort & Co


Jardins, Matheson


Macvicar & Co.

New York






Winpos Chodaco



Mano Novo Paqueta

Hongkong Carl & Hermann Whampoa EN

| Shangbai | Regin

Sing Calcatua Whampoa R. Cowarjon

Hongkong Semarang









Charla Porbes

Whampoa ir Robert Sale


Hongkong . Invier

Mico Van der Palun

Hongkong Tartar

Holliday, Wins

Jardino, Matheson

Dent & Co. Lindsay & Co Jardine, Mache & C W. 8. Neal Royataan &



14, Lady MoNaghten, 658, Hibdon, Hongko

18, Land Cakes, 496, Grant, Hongkong.

95, Ann, 665, Clinch, Shanghai.

September 9, Euphrasen, 428, Wilson, Whampoa.


16, Aria, 524, Wau, Hongkong.



for late

Waredinta vooded line Euty

16, Marquis of Buto, 543, Bannatyne, Hongkong..

Loading on the 24th October.—Palmyra,

Chardino, Mathewen and on.





Olsan, Bowman and co.

harner and do


Debt and so.


Dested on

P. Harmaaves and on

Gardien, Machamp and co.



TUNA, Mathurn and co.


|Raikkonen, Worthington and on.

Jardima, Maneno and ou

dyken, Babyske nad so

Merrow and on.

James Lawisnos hann and eo.

Items and so.

Theodo, Matkamon and co-

Liudmy and co

down and co

. Nafharm and co.

101 night


Syno, Maje sad do.

175| Addamen

Festas, Mathsion and ss. Willem Davidson.


140 Wom


|Hongkong) 254|W ON




370 Frank

390| Lowest

63) Bland diet

516 Faller

Shanghal 37 Wochine

15G Woodberry 53EPraset



Dear,sad co

Predko, Matheson and on.


H?nda, D?nh?c and an.

[Abonelov. Board and no.

Mavic, Delakar and so. Kawla, Delakar and co.

Abemo?no Boxed and on,

N79, Parkan gadus.

Jardine, Mathema and co. Likasali sad no.

2pa, Parkin and co.

and es.

Diy Bhant "pi co

Saamil and o

|dao. P. Elshartners. ||Ruovell and an.

James Talp

Ramell and pa. Chinchew| 109, Brianhiacomo (Kassist mld co.


80, John Christian, 890, Churchward, Flongkang.

Molly Bawn, 394, Robinson, Shanghai,

18, Colchester, 582, Wisbars, Hongkong.

96, Lond Hardinge, 424, Tracoy, Hongkong.

27, Oll England, 523, Fee, Bhanghai.

Depiamber 10, Omaan Mah. 204, Rowe Blunohal.

14, Baghallen, 877, Macbell, Hongkong. 24, Adder,

2. Charles Jones, 369, Cothey, Shanghai,

11, Woodstock, 300, Nicholson, Shang bat

12, Panic, 449, Hovard, Bhangbai.

Loading on the 24th October-Aware, Mencius, and Naomi.


Loading,-Cowasjes Family, Eagle, and Imbella Blyth.


October 10, Falcon, Foreman.

24, Chebar, 403, Simpson. 28, Malacca, 887, Consili November 1, Labella, 194, Nokia, Whampas.

2, Bokeh Johan, Johna

11, Franom Whitney [Am], 452, Fisk.

Loading-Alecio, Anna Bliss, Ana Martin, Chiefain, Chine, Cymburka',' Gilmore, Hebrides, Lady Mongs, Monarch, Nymph, Orientaly Princ Charlie, Prince of Wales, Robert Small, Ruby, and Bukana.


November 7, Record, 482, Patullo, Shanghai. Loading.-Glem, and Minara.


November 6, Aurora Ppanish), 160, Cebada, Amoy.

December 6, Duilius, 828, Maxion, Shanghal.

9, Mariposa [Am], 917, Sanders, Bhanghai. – 19. Jo

Printed and Published by Jon Cana, The Fricas of China and Khunghong Guntis, Printing Offs, Quuun'attoad, VICTORIA, HONGEON, 1980.





PRICE $19 per aromom.”.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, par dumus, le Dollars. Sir Mouths. 7 Dollar. Three Moghe, & Dollain; all poll to advanco. Credit Prions, 14 Duliars, #4 Dollers, and a Dollars, for the periods of Twoles, Bix, and Three Months respectively: Bingle Numbers, to Bubscribers 25 cents sach; to Non-Subscribers, 1 Rupes. Firtlig calling or sending the Om for papers are requested to pay omah. TERMA OF ADVERTISING.—Ten lees and under. 1 Dollar; additional, 10 omis los. Repetitions me-third of the Art Insertion. Khips. Plast Insertion, & Dollerna aubosquent Insertions 48 sents. Advercleschemia to bava writim on the free of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published wasil countermanded. In all Instanses, show who are not Babeeribers, require to pay in advance.

| maf? Umlaraigoed offer for Bale a general nasort-

Commimastar Orrion, THE Undersigned having taken the premisesment of Bhip Chandler Stores, comprising 1 lately occupied by Mr Chan. Buckton, has re-

Prime Mess Beef and Pork: Gallego Flour: PENDERS will be received at this for antil

Hongkong, 11th January, 1849. Demented busisa hea Ship Coandler and Gud Navy Bread Canvas and Cotton Duck Bow 12 o'clock on Monday and instant for Billy, tal Storekeeper under the firm of A. H. Furan & Co. ing and Roping Twins; Manila Rope of all'atros;

to be drawn by the undersigned at thirty days AH. FAYER.Paints and Paint Oil; Paint Brushes; Housoline sigint on sither the Lords Commissioners of Her

Marlins, &o, &o.

Also, received per late arrivals, Obeddar and Berkder Cheese; York and Cumberland Hame; Bootch Onimal in Tina; ani nazoriment of Ollman's – Bjorne from Crosse & Blackwall; Kusnody's Water

Al, on rode to the abovo, Bindatory, Punane, Gazzo--Maura, Buyt, Anau, THE PENCHElan and Ori-

BNTAL COMPanel Boonen Bhip MALTA or PEKIN, whi Love this for the above places on Tuesday the 30th of January. Carse will be received on board until Noos, and But until 4 v. ., of the 20th.

For further particulars regarding Fanwae and PA apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Once, Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent. Hongkong. 415 January, 1849.

NOTICE. Trend through to Borax, and be pre- THE P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s STEAnu, will in fu- pared to receive Cazuo and Passumus for that place as heretofore,

J. A. OLDING, Agent. P. & O. Co.'s Offic Hongkung, 15th September, 1848.

NOTICE. MIE P. & O. &. N. Cobrake's, will from thle

dale undertake the conveyance of Specis from China, and the Straits, to Bouthampton, under the conditione specified in their customary Bill of Lading, at 3 por seat for Gold and Silver Bullion,

J. A. OLDING,—?gul. P. & O. 8. N. Company's Off

Victoria, 13th September. 1848.


THE rates of freight on Treasure to the Straits and India per P. & O. COMPANY's Steamere wilt in future be the same for Gold as Silver,

Victoria, Bept. 15th, 1848.


THE HOUSE in D'Aguilar Street former.

by acoupled by the Oriental Ban


The join ?Roman known as the Ola Court Hover.


Train Brauniem Rival al present cupied by Mr J.JO. Power,


The Bongak in Caine Road in the rear of Mr Boo's Blow.

Apply at the angulow in Chine Road, and to, FLETCHER & Co. ramber, 1841.

Victoria, u


and Commodinu. Hope THA

led by the Officers, Ceylon Rifle Regimenti pieming smong other grant ad- gelerigord and excellent Stabling. Ap ply lo



December, 1848. NOTICE.

ALVILLE osed to be a Part-

Decor 1848,

Amey from


Victoria, tik January, 1849.


THE Firm E. MOORMAN & Co., Canton, is this day dissolved. Outstanding Acounts will be settled by,


Canton, 10


November, 1848.


of the Undersigned will from this

d?e be carried on under the Firm Sexwa

MATH & Co.


Canton, 1st Janary, 1849,


HR WILLIAM DRETER is authorised to sign

Our Pirm by Procuration.

BCHWEMANN & Co. Canton, 1st amery, 1849. NOTICE. VR MARTIN WILHELMY, is authorised MR MARTIN WILDCMT


Hongkong. In November, 1848,


periner in our arm, which will contit

H. T. DE SILVER&a, quer nimited a


this date of Me A. H. Farz and Mr H. T. A. H. FRYER & Co. Hongkong, January tur, 1849.

ON BALE. THE HOUSE and Promises situated in Spring Garden formerly onoupled by the Brm of HEGAN & Co. Apply to,

A. CARTER. Bpring Gardens, 19th December, 1848.


N IRON ORANE suitable for a Wharf,

pable of raising 6 tons weight, An IRON Do. suitable for a Gedown empable

of rising 14 tous weight.

Apply at the Godowns of

A. CARTER, Spring Gard

kans: dalla Chocolate; Mocha and Maelle

Coffes, &c., &o,

Morsetti's Borded Ale and Btout: London Bot

Majesty's Treasury or the Governor General of India to the extent of the thousand pounds sterling in exobange for Brkish money, Rupees, or Maxf. on and Soull American Dollars.

Tender for Bille and to express the rats per osot for British money or the sterling rate at which each of the other coine may be offered.

The tenders to be sealed-marked on the cosida


td Sherry, Port, and Madeira Wines,

A. R. FRYER & Co, Victoria, 1st January, 1849. TUST RECEIVED and FOR SALE at the

Sorts of the Undersigsei-An Invoice of Mired instruction to dispose of by PUBLI

Bed-room Furniture, consisting of Afabogany and Walnut Burmu? with and without Looking. dimper; Bodstendu, Hosking and ulting Chain, Warisand and Dresing Tables, Toilet Glasses,

Tables, &c.

A. H. FRYER & Ca

Victoria, ut Jantury, 1840

BELLING OFF11 BELLING OFF!!! THE Undersigned being about to close up their 1 Manibels in Hongkong, have in hind a large variety of awful Antele, which, in order to clear all they will dispose of at Greatly Redosed Rate), Bary invite the inspecting of the Public to their

OOK "ad be following:-

18th Doombar, 1848,

FOR SALE TWO very Buperior Carriage- two Beat Irouche and a Single Phanton. Apply so,

GEO: LYALL'& Co. Hongkong, 21st December, 1848.


T the Godowns of W, & T. Gemmell & Ca


the lock of

Superior Pale Bhary.

Apely le,

Browa do.


Claret, Chris Margaux.

Hock, Gentborg.




er on the Premiere fo

Victoria, 2nd January, 1849.


FOR SALE. SUPERIOR ORGAN, of great power and sweetness of tone In Handsome Resewood case contracted by Mesere Wons & Co., playe upwards of forty favorite aire. Apply to,


No. 1 D'Aguilar Street, Victorin, 10th October, 1848.

PRIME BACON. WEBBRS SMITH & BRIMELOW have Just El received some very Prime Bacon which bey can highly recommend to their Costomers,

No. 1 & 2 Woomam's Buildings. Victoria, 12th January 1842



Auction at the Glodowas of Mosere W, di T. Gam- medi & Co. on Friday next the 19th instant, ut 11 a'look

An Invoice of English Print.


A quantity of Huperior Claret,

For particolars.---See printed Handbilla,

Na 1 && Woocnam's Buildings. Victoria, 19th January, 1849.


COMMEMARIAT OFFICE, Hongkong, 15th January, 1849. NOTICE is hereby giving that Sealed Teaders will be received at this Office until the 16th day of Febr?ory next at Now, from such Parson at may be willing to contract to supply the under mentioned articles in such qanotities and at sock places as may be required, to the Troops and Mi

pe Breadoloth, Cashmerette, Plaids, elemtinge. Merino, Benari, Balege, Boar, Myelins, Gloves, Braces, Silke, Buc Back, Brown Holland, Printed Velvet, dia,, dea

Volkman's BYORES of every descripiloo. 3. Hanging Lamps, 6, 4, 2, and 1 Berwers; Hall Hin; Pedestal Solar do, with spare Shades; Bignal|| litary Hospitals in the Island of Hongkong for

Lampe, und Lanterns,

twelve monthe commencing the lat day of April 1849, and ending va the 31st day of March 1860 Broad at a part

2: Clesta, Dust-pana, Water Jogs, Plated Candle atbuku, Cruet Blands, Soup Tareene, Ladies, Tee- vist pela, Deokuters, Tumblers, Iron and Lead Shot, Stationery, Perfomhry, &o, dec.


at, cents per lb- ditto Cones wich dilo. ditto Bugar Id quality diso ditto Pler


Blesuit Fresh Beef

Bongkang, 19th January, 1880. THE undersigned me just received a small tu-

Rice Posse

Linased Meal

ditto disto


Tod Ball Fish

ditto Soop


ditto Sago


ditto Pearl Barley


Dholl + Chillin?








volbe esthe very best English Boots and Goes Bugar and quality ditto Vegetables from? DAVENPORT, LONDON, and is ready to offer them for sole at his Com

wision and Sale Floom, Queen's Road.

A. L ENCARNA??O. Victoria, 18th December, 1848.



Pepper, whole diute Beg No, for a col


ditio Tobacco, Indian ditio Milk al dente per bottle



dille Bagt

par dosaA.

sheep diso

Sherry Wine


Goal ditto Port Wine





ditto Brandy

tite Visegr


per cool! Parther particulare including the firm and con- dions of the contract required to be entered into, may be known qu application at this office.


informed so that from and afer the 10th of Obser Mutton post a Stoomer will ply regularly on the 10th of mob Paddy month on the dier?t line between Taitaya and Bran ALEXANDRIA, 30 68 to correspond with the Hon. E. Candles (8parm) dijlo | Lime Juine L GRANT Bombat Gew?muus; and from whi any he 25th of Novembar phat a stomer will ply girly on the 90th of aach month on the direct line STORES FOR OHRISTMAS, bach sea Triasse and Alexandria, to na to correspond WE88KB SMITH & BRIMELOW bare ro- | with the P.&O. Company's Steam from Challe ceived per Jala arrivals, a choice selection of The Aurutan Laord's Company will have five Biores consisting of,-Jordon Almeade, Muscate! Steamers available for this l?as; each of them be- Balaine, Zante Durranie, Barcelona Nuts, Dried ? (ween 600 and 700 Tene burthen and of 280 Horse Sprats, Pickled Mushrooms, Findon Halleeks, power. They are Aured up in a superior style and Bardines, Greenpann, Asparagus, Leadenhall Ten English le spoken on Beard. gwen, pickled pige Tongues, Split peas, potted Meats, Horse radish, York Home,


A small quantity of Pate de Foies Docs and Pais de Foles d'onard.

&a. Ms.

8pm, Composition and English Wax Candles,

No. 1 & 2 Woosnam's Bulidings

December 7th, 1848.

The number of Bertha in each is an under, viz:--|

38 First Clem, Including t? for Ladian 10 Second Clas

7 for Females,


The Fares to be ?18, for First Class, ?12 for Be

Astial, Commy. General.


HE A. British Ship DELLA MARINA, 564 Tom, Captain WOOD. Apply to,



orto, HOLLIDAY, WISH & Co. Canton, 15th January, 1849.

cend Cla; lockading Table meory and Stewards- Port

The Voyage is expected not to second 5 day to 54 days, and a Quarantine in calculated from the day of leaving & laxandria-these rosols being proof February next, will be offered for Safe

TEBORS UMITA & BRIMBLOW beg to korf vided with Hewith Officers—it follows that with a form their friends and the Publis that they cleen bill of health, passengers will gat pratique bave taken those premises lately occupied h?+immediately on arrival'ns Triaste, More Rawie, Drinker & Co. in which they par- For tops to England supervoribed in Trista" pore carrying on Bhip Chandlery in all lia besa.. an “overfia" alarge armade of 18 KW (about che c., and that they will keep always on hand | 73 Om) per Quaster On, and belf this rate for every to? well assorted stock. The Godomas on the additional ? Or. Any one wishing to od letters premises are spacious, dry and secured, they will | to Englii via Trieste may pay the oversee "cate fata our bands, sed addrem Thyme to the ongs of the I be happy to take Goode on Biorage.

Victoris, 2811 Degember, 1848.

Austrian Llwyd ?e Agunay sa Alamadria-Tranking themao Egypt. FOR BALE.

“Let to the European Continent via Trieste

Canton, 20th May, 1848. HAVING Aucointed ourselves with Mer 8. B. ORNELIUS Superior Pet voler Brand, and

RAWLE, DUUS my fitrine be


Do., ont Bustees will be condoosed in fature der the Name of RAWL?, DRINKER & Co.

DRINKER & Ou Hongkong, 1st October, 1846.


R GRONGE C. FRANKLIN is authorised to sign

for me by Procuration.

W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 29th December, 1848.


|NY Parties indebted the late Pirf of A KOLMES & BIGHAM or to the Under ned, ara requoted to wettle their acconute before

201 instal.

BIGHAM & Co. flongkong, 9th Jandhry, 1849.


Agonoy the freaking to Almarsdria being stand ed to and for there the prepayment of the "oren

Postage is not reqsired." Packager Egypt, or any part of the Con-


T the Naval Store West Point, on Friday 90

quantity of Old Naval and Vietolling Store,

consisting of Bouis, Chain Cable, and Broall Ukain, leon, Rope. Canvas, &c, &c. Biscalt, Plone, Chocolate, Vinegar, Biscuit Bags, Bouler, Jara, Metal Cases, Pucking Cases, Blop Clothing, Blan kat and sundry other articles,


The Stores to be viewed ans day previous to the Bale. Torms—Cash before delivery.—

The Bale to commence at 11 d'clock in the

THOS. MCKNIGHT, Bhupal Storshiper and Agant Victualler; Naval Yard, West Point,

16th January, 1849.

SHERIFF'S SALE. Under & Diermee Fox Baxt. Hann, Defendant.

An invoice of Stationery; commeting of Foole p, Copubercial Post Invoice, Blotting and N Paper: "Bu and White envelopes of all afzen ; Mayoard and Noyer Black and Red Ink, mallusting Etrope, we the Levant, should be addrase Viking and Playing Card; Black Books and ed, to the case of some ane al Sem, ar the P. & 0. Company do not engage to deliver any thing bot Pocket Memoranduma; Books of Balls of change intended for England beyond that landleg port, TO be sold by Avorion at the Mart, Queen's Road, *printed and engraved on flos Bank wote papers where Tranet or other Doties must be paid; and to Compradore Books, a few Levi Brown's Gold Pans, were no much despatch qu posible a Bill of Lading Manifold writam, Extra thin Overlund Latter | with particulars of value azo,, should be sent in the Paper &a &c.

Hogwarider at Buck.

Aleo an Invoice of Hardware; consisting of Axes, Hanobete, Gridirons, Coffee mills, Fil Rasps, Banospans, Gouges, Chile &c. &c.

A. H. FRYER & Co. Queen's Road. Victoria, 19th December, 1848.


For Feage, or for further particulars, apply to,

WM. PU?TAU & Co,

Aguite of Canben und Elonging

for the purial Bayal pria, Austrian Lloydd's Blaam Navigation Company."

on Thursday the 19th instant, at 11 o'clock a x

15 Chinese Cows.

At the capto time for the benefit of the comnerned,

20 Choice of Harvey's Pale Ale, Beveral places of Tweed,



Dudd's Parth Ink and apariety of Mer-





On the 18th instant, at her realdenca Elizabeth, wife of Henry Martin, Hongkong Hotel, aged 10 years



LATEST DATES. Oel. 24 Uned bruses Det Balavi Cajouta Nov. 1 Biogapore Bombay NOT. Madras

18 NOT 33 Bhanghai

Nov. 17 Nor. 125 Dec. 11 Deo. Jaa.


aver the Power that mucceede

In the draft of the petition to the house of | Let as further call to remembrance the tone of this populations, scattered and diffused over

of square miles, should, if abandoned by Ba Commons there is an omission which at the public feeling when the Chief Justice was sus

be able to govern itself? Is it strong do first meeting it appeared the general wish pended by an iniquitous tribunal, and a puppet either by arms or by wealth or by local resour to mupply-we refer to our reasonable claim to of government stuck on the bench, to whom If it is not to whose dominion will in lapse? W Now Advertisements will be everived mutil 4

in the empire representation in the local legislature. We natural incapacity was not the greatest objec- the fifth of the globe, that Power must be, Clark, on the ornings pero in publi believe this is the only crown colpay where the tion? Let us remember the feeling of indign become hostile to us. This is well evident. Ilms sation, vis: Tutadays and Fridaye

principle of representation is not readghised.tion with which we learned that this vicious is the dilemme. If we surrender our colonial pa Without constituency-or with one where tool was to be continued on the beach floressions because they do not perceptibly enrich

we must surrender them to others who sust tu the great majority cannot appreciate the pri the Honorable Attorney General returned to tually damage us. The fag that supersedes out viloge—an oloctive legislature is entirely, out of the culony! Let us also remember the grati-? fag must ware over a Government of Inimicul the question; but in other powessions to which fication experienced when Chief Justice Hulmo view and obnoxious tariffa. A far, then, as regard mere proft and low, it ware better to retain le the franchise has not yet been extended the arrived to displace the puppet from a poption nies that don't pay immediately, than to incr principle of representation is acknowledged by which he held for months to his own discredit consequences of their prospective aulumision to THE FRIEND OF CHINA the nomination of some of the most influential and the discredit of those who helped him to foreign sal en olien Crown. But Bir W. Moles worth did not claim so wide a premises sa ubis, and intelligent members of the community to his perch 1

He only asserted that they did not pay proportion weats in the Council. We may respectfully

ally to their cost. Ho adinits that they are at some Ask for such a systein of representation; and so

though light, commercial use. The balance of the dilemma is now oltared. The present advan far from impeding the measures of government,

teges of going aro aigually in our favour; the pacted in the building adjoining the Post-Dios and opposite few inembers of Council acting independent

prospective disadvantages of disposemion as g the Club-Home Sandaj,at 11 A. M. and 4 pau 4ly would facilitate the labour and strengthen

olly against as: the inference is too sisar to m



NOTICE.-Divine Service will for the prvonat ke pen.

V.M. 1888 on Thursdays at ? P. 3.

Var?, ?k October 1845.


Colonial Chapla

MOBIOTIKyraktan ?moncu. The congrega. de, conducted for the pressat by the Ray. W. C. No, will meet every Sabbath, in the Bungalow immediainty bo Mchum tiouse.

The homes of Dicina Seruler will be it a. m., and ? past

Vistoria, Tin November, 1818.


A general meeting of members of the Morrison Educa- rio Seeley, will be held at the, Morrison School on the 18th instant at half past two o'clock in the alignson,

Hongkong, Bh January, 1849.

A LITTLE before noon to-day (Tuesday) a Na, tive Indian Servant on his way to the Gar. den at West Point for somn flowers for his em- ployer was attacked by three Chinese, near

the hands of a liberal Executive.

The 8th clause of the draf petition reads, *Your Brillioners canost too strongly express thest conviction of the bad moral affect produced on the mlede of the Chinese by the present system adopted in the Supreme Court, whereby the ends of justies are too often frustrated, and parties oorking redraw are obliged to call in the assistance, in Civil enito, of Attorneys, whose charge are excessive, but whose servicm aro ?rindared dreessary by forme which none but an Attornay under-

alanda ; wheresa these, in the opinion of Your Petitian. ere, should be so simple as to wimit of any one pleading

his own cause."

Parties on the spot will understand that this refore especially to the expenses of litigation in Hongkong, and to the heavy bills of costs which have been run up against Chinese suitors, who ignorant of our laws and acting upon bad ad- vice, have rushed into litigation when they had no chance of success. But to others the fan

watch and beat him over the head. Furius wrong in the court itself; such an opinion is tely Mr Cameron of the Royal Engineer Dupar-foreign to the gentlemen who drow up the tment was passing with a capital dog which fastened on one of the rascals; he was captured and lodged at the Central Police Station.


We might avail ourselves of the publication of the drails to descant at greater longth on the matters to which they refor; but this appears in a great degree uncebessary, as we feel en isfied that our readers will think over them calmly. There certainly is a general desire that these documents should embody the opinions antertained by a majority of the European inha- bitants of Hongkong.

We have much pleasure in publishing the subjoin ed Circalar from the Contul at Amoy. The Con- sut has apparently found that his former restrictions ware unnecessary, and much to his credit has not only withdrawn them, but arramped with the Hau- kwan to dispense with shipping off and landing chops akogether:—


To the Batroon Muronanto rezident at Amoy. Her Majesty's Consul begs leave to inform the British Merchants that he has arranged with the Hen-kwan that Shipping off and Landing chops shall henceforth be dispensed with.

large on.

the example which Sir W. Molswarth, is eordance with the doctrines of his school, ahost bring forward, xix., that of the United States, pre- vee nothing for his theory, The United Stain are good customers; they are better customers, becau mere numerous, since their separation than befor it. But does it not occur to him that this may no be owing to the fact of their separation and th under a sounder policy and wiser treatment thas it was their fortune to experience at our hands, they might have been just as profitable customers and not a whit the worse subjects? Is it not possible that without a disruption of our American pro vinces we might have had a healthy and profitabla commerce with our transatlantic colunistas ↑ and us with bread, and we supplying them with man that of this moment they might have been supplying fatures We believe that, in the end, this slee of things would have been botter both for America

But Sir W. Molesworth bad an onsier toak to per colonies to the account we might have done. We have neglected great opportunities we have slight ed marvellous appliances Our faults are twofold; we have omitted much and oumwisted munch. Not withstanding Mr Hawes spirited and chivalrom defanos, the Colonial-office bis much to answer for. It profomes too much; it meddles too much, presents the only collection of men who pretend to the gift of omniscience. The Colonial Dopers inent agtbide M. Phillippo and all the modern cou- jurors. It knows everything and about everybody in every degree of latitudo, Al convicts judges, examines and displaces any odonial officer, from the chief justice to a tide war in any colony, from Newfoundland to New Zealand, on the aug.

and England.

Pybus Godowns, who robbed him of his guage und will imply that there is something Trade is to be conducted, and the 1bal Regu form when he showed that wa had not forged our

A male child seven youre of ago was carried off by some thieves last week. It is been'in timated to the father that for $50 his son will

paper, nor does it exist among the European in- habitants, who know that justice is not govern ed by the opinion of an Attorney, nor its length and breadth to be measured by a bill of costs. Of the six Attorneys who have followed their profession in Hongkong during tha kat

? seven years, one was struck off the rolls, two be returned; and that if he does not agree to were notoriously unfit for any pursuit requiring the terms the chill will be sokt. The father-judgment and common sense, and another was a decent Bhoemaker well known in Victoria-obliged to leave in bad health. Without is now negotiating for the surrender of the lit charging any thing against the two Gentibmen Ne captivo.

who still practice, we may say that there have been instances in which ignorant Chinamen were urged into court for the sake of the bill of costs, and i is also our conviction that thi system produced a bad moral effect on the minds of the Chinese. If not altogether, cor.


W reusind our Roadors that an adjourned Public Meeting to consider the affairs of the colony will be held at the “ Oriental Bank on Friday at Noon.

The drafia of two docu nents which it is pro-tainly in great degree, the evil has ceased, and


The Gensml Regulations under which the Brit-

Guiona remain nevertheless in full force, and Kia peculiarly necessary that Article 111. of the Geners! Begulations should be strictly auended to,


T. H. LAYTON,-Consul British Consulate, Amoy. 6th January, 1849.

TABULAR SHAPE. and INWARD MANIFESTO required in a cordance with Article III of the General Re. gulations for Trade,





MAHAL. |Doede in



ABC 1200 chu 100 pla. or cus.Tas 9820.00 eations of an Intuitive mod insolat sagacity Hud

2180 bxo. 213

Camia 40000 be more quick algbud to dated more handy it a bound arms or a millio?d lay it could ast (CBOE)

XYZ 3318 bl 1:28. Buk "Hongidag, Regisser, U?th January,


{From the Timas)


While we cannot give an unqualified assent to


vaulted by th bla interfarend

at meddling than in now. The by lo that w?t

for sightedmann wird gets fu antisfies those for whom it hath Officials and c loplata are alike aggrieved and perpetual irritation of an irrespe It is a mockery to talk, no M Parliamentary responsibility. dozen members of Parliament caro to moot their grievances about the colonies, and not on,

Hawas talked, bere are not t

ho kpow anythin

Palament. dozen who wou

far the reepozbility of the Clonial Joffice is a de



Bough America


*East India

West Indire




15.1 181

by the margin of a Bnr sheet of water, and as the view is enclosed on almost uvery side by lofty halls, it poses a highly sequesterol and romantic cha



alamity which seemed to forebote the happigst results. Tired it was part of the character of the Duke of Wallington to inspire every man who approached him

blessing and tretaire to our colonial settlements, are kept back from prosecutingan enterprise fraught with momentous consequences to themselves and their country-while the colonies (bensalvos suffer from the denial of privileges which the experienne

As it emerges to the south, a prospect of, with absolute confidence in the succem of whatever ha rich and varied beauty in displayed,-presenting in

undertook, and so remarkable an instance of the extent of Canada and New Brunswick has shown may be

Coast of Africa exercised with safety and advantage. But the lan. (Report on the Climate nad Diseases of the African turn of the landscape with perfection of cultivation,

suspension a des combinatino of the natural fes. ? In which the fisting was carried occurred this day, ( that it would be unjust to pass it by. Among other guge of Mr Hawes induces us to hope that these

Station, p. 178).

At Le base of the hill, the picturesque loch of Dud. insats, and afterworths followed his fortunes to London, domenele vervants who had attended him in the Pan- privileges will soon be extended to our rising set- Independent, however, of this mortality, which | dingaton repossa in quiet beauty, and with its ab demanis in Africa and Australia; thus ensuring is reckoned from die alone, and of that perma

Paris, and Visons, was a Franch cook, a man of much tique church on the brow of the gentle eminenco, science and excellent method in ble way. This artists cheaper on more banourable mode of pravervationnent lues of health, which though not reckoned as almost reallas the sufl and tranquil aspect of an Always contrived to get ble master's diner ready at the than the suppression of our armaments or that death, is mostly equivalent to it, there are other English landscape, while its village possess a exact time when it was wanted, and on the 28th of mest equivocal economy of which Arperica best liabi incidental to this agreeable station which historio internet as the spot where Prinos Charlos | Juse be appiled bitself, as usual, to his duties in the known the frail, and the peril—tha parsimonious are by 1,? masane to be disregarded. Much of the slept a day or two before this battle of Prestonpans.

kidben of the house in Waterloo, where the head- juuuaration of mentorioua publle servants, service is bout service, and in this boat servias it The eye soon rate on the vanarable ruins of Craig der of the battle, henover Intermitted ble task; and quarters of the army were setabilabuj. "Amid iba thun- in constantly necessary to cross the "bare" formed millar Castle, where ita square keep and embattled by alluvial deposila at the mouths of the various ri walls suggest the recollection of an age which has back, and a thousand volcs mrged him to mapa while when the wounded men and fugitivm came crowding vers. The utmost skill is often Insufficient to pre-long passed away; and the transition of the mind he could, feasily refused either to budes an loch vent the swamping of the boat in these expeditions, to more peaceful and happy times is natural sad, or to intermis his labours. His Grace had ordered and the warf is so violent as to ball; the hardient enn? avthe tower of Libertin Kirk strikes the view. dinner, and would certainly return to ost it. He wa wwimmer, sad the sharks are so numerous and The general aspect of the scenery is striking and not golog to disappoint so generous & matter for any Tigilant as in give few swimmer any chance at all, diversifled, mingling, sa it slows, the softer and bolder comalderation whatever. And his Grace did come back, it follows that the deaths from drowning and de

features of a landscape of plossing variety, and pre-re than aal, though the state of his own al- au ha bad promised, and found his dinner mot faal vouring, at returned in the report, are almost equal to those from all natural diseases together on more

Inga, vietor as he wave Could hardly permit him to do favoured stations.





found alivi

Ting June, officere am in the Ot

Another pe and a leath well, a wife, a

the climate.

ed; and at les

that is to ou


(From the Timer.)





sonting those fall and flawing rivers which are considered to be ascential in the theory of natural jatice to It-Gily's Story of the Battle of Valerios. beauty.



The reports from the west coast of Africa ara highly encouraging to the advocates of the block id. ing system. The Dorastation has returned with a being commander, and the Dolphin her just cap. ered a prize with 600 negroes aboard. Both base sasuring ficla, however, are somewhat qualified by inrideal circumstances The commander of the Now, we request dispassionate readers to ask

The construction of the road on the outbora

AN ARAB ATTACK, Derasbution is but the representative of two on themselves what they actually gut for their money side of the hill was a work of the meat fortaldable

(From top Paglish Anguaintance in_Binekomad's happy victl?se who have been carried off, and be Burely this question is a fair one. The djaciples kind, and sequined much skill and labour, fi h?z

Maarias.) fore the 500 negroes could be released from their of Easter Hall get that satisfaction which is deri

been absolutely cut out of the face of the hill, mad About two hours after midnight, the biveno captivity they ware decimated by the long 32-

sable from the simple reflection that they are per carried through masses of rook frequently of the was sunk in slalaber, the horssa bi? ba?ome qule- sisting in certain saorifices, and we do not any that depth of forty or Ghy foot; and the imagoltade of ter, and the silence was rarely broken, are by the pounders of their rodaamera. We hope our readers will considerately muse upon the facts our intelli- the saccifiom may not be considerad proportion- the undertaking is impressed on the mind, when warning cry of "Sentinelle, garde a on when gance supplied. The Dorastation-a highly really greater and more maririons when there is on one side the rocks are soon rising to a great sullenly a few dropping shots were haard, the speciable steaner, whose first mission was the oar- Do kind of return. But what do those get whe height in oas precipitous front, and on the other drum of a picquet rattled a loud alarm, and rying out a bishop and large vargo of rockets to demand a more substantial quid pro quot Bathay the hill sloping away to the depth of several, hun shout arose of "fah Aruba ?" In an instant the the coast of Syria-only remained on the cosm of get the stoppage of the tracka? It is admitted on dred feet. Btrong and manolvo walls have been encampment, so will before, swarmed like a hive

erected for the protection of the public, and about of here. Luckily we had all laid down fully se Afriza sighiosa short months, the rest of her time all handa to have increased. Do they get a miti- being spent on mors fortunate sintions. During gstions of the horrors attending it? Thone, alas. 600 feet of balansial palisados, so that the most cou'red with our waspona beside us, an that se These dreadful months, how war, she plied about as far as the mere faci gong, non admitted likewise timorous, whether in carriage or merely poles. we sprang to our feet, we found ourselves ready between the Bighta and Fernando Ph-that is to on all hands to bare increased. Do they got a

trians, ned entertain no apprehension of danger. for action, The Ga?eral, who?olone had a small any, from the most deadly sen to the most pesti. prospect of better auceous This is what the ad. The drive has been boldly ourriel over the rango tant rushed half dressed from under his canvasa. ferous land which the universe is knowa to cou vocates of the system anticipate, and what nine-

of basalio columns known as 9xmon's Riba, whore Our veteran colocal wap on foot with the Arst, tain. We have decribed the Bight and their tri- toathe of the officers employal have repatted an ? splendid view is obtained of the Pandland Hills, cool as on parade, il biathing defunct. "Chai betary rivers oflen soough, and certainly no Inul beyond any reasonsbly hope. Now, with al

It then promeda batwoom two hills, where boms ours, your horses!" shouted be in atentorian ewuld over hava buen solucied so appropriately i million of money and 89.4 per 1,000 of our seamen Encient reijpe were found during in contraction, tones, hostes from the smoke of asuy battles. At Fernandu Pa for a consistent and congeniai rau. sonwally absorbed in the experiment, whose oplan emerging from which the dark outlines of the the word we were in the saddle. On every de dom. It was one part of our "system" in ! miona ar? we to listen to, and what racolutions aro

Castle, and the elegent spira of the Assembly Hall, we heard wild and a trage shouts, and valleys of Maintain a "pet loovent there; but so this much wo 10 ikke?

are vu la singular contrast. The road then sm?il arose, and the piogurts, overpowered by num. debated terim, ovan in its widest Istitude, implies

makes a magnificent semi-circle by the bgas of bars, came seampering in, with heavy loss and in the continuous exsimenon of certain Lving cron

Salisbury Orugs, where the parks present kill the moch confusion. There was no moon, but by the tures on the spa, the Idea was abenduued sa im. This splendid road, embracing the complete cir- grace and beauty of a verdant lawo; and as ? con. starlight we anw large bodies of white shailowy practicable, though, of course, with grant role. euit of Artbor's Seat and Balisbury Carge, has at siderable portion of marshy ground through wh?ch | figures sweeping around and towards our encamp- tance, and amidst the loud murmurs of the philan- length been completed, and is now open to the it passen was subjected to a thorough drainage, ment. Our infantry had laid down in order, by thropist People who have seen this island, and public. It formed an undertaking of the most advantages have thas been both salutary sad companies and battalions, according to a plan of lived, describe it ma a spot more externally bonati-, gigantie description, and while ite exocution has


defence previously formed, and now they stood in fattigimation can conceive. From the been marked by difficulties of a very formidable We understand that the drive was executed from three anmpact square, representing the three bosch future ghost mountain ridges there is ons nature, the skill and vigour with which the opera the design of the late Mr Nixon, architect to her points of a triangle, whilst in the intervals the equ4- wartorin, age of magnificent over varging, ll^na havo boan conducted, have overcomo every Majesty's Commissioners of Woods and Forests, rona afanzuvred, and the artillerymen watched what is bomoath this surface no abstacle, and afforded another graat triumph to of whose inlunto it affords an enduring memorial. opportunities to send the contents of their light body rule the brushwood of these gorgeous | modern enterpries. The conception of this great There are six rangera in connexion with the Hill, mountain howitzers amongst the hostile masers,

impenetrable. At this fooldusus work is stated to have originated with Bir Robert

who are dressed in the royal livery; wad the whole With whoop and wild hurrah, and loud invocations square mile or two on a Hila ? Peol, during his ascent to Artbors Boat with bir arrangements are lo accordance with the liberality of Allah and ibd Prophet, the Dedowin h?rdes palehe adjoin the British fog, and compounded Royal Highness Prince Albert in 1862, on the add oergy which have been displayed throughout charged to the bayonete point, but recoiled again

Battlers, out of soldiers, seamen, and occasion of her Majesty's lo her anciawi metropolis | by the Commissioners.

before wall directed volleys, leaving the ground in prty mechanics landed in November of scotland; and the attention of the Commission

front of the equares strawed with men and hors, ath,) 1827, of whom five only were ses of Woods and Formats having been directed to

dead and dyings Then the artillery fuyu thaai a The Eden (the vessel, which in soran the noble demesne in connection with the royal

round, and we cavalry dashed after tham, pursuing man out of 109) in the sucosod. painon of Holyrood, measures were adopted for its Amusemente in the Buck. -Among our seting amose. | and sabring till compelled to retire before fresh mariats and mechanics, including imprarement, of which the construction of the meque ara kangaroo and emu hunting – Posplejivo ali and overwhelming masons. This was repeated mon, landed in June, 1829, of whom Victoria Drive was one of the most important.

their lives in iho nettled districts, and never son a kau-

several times. There were many thousand Arabe following, only four bad scapa. The interon, thus awaked in Holyrood Palace, except me.

I remember at one of my out-ata collected around us, chie?y horsemen and had ? came from 8t. Helena in 1830, long the metropolitan residenca of the kings of

tloos, being visited by ● gentleman who had been senty t of macions actually exported him- Beutland, and the son of some of the most remark

years in the colony without ever being en kangaroo their discipline encalled their daring, our position round. 1 took him out, and in three hours, en ons would have been perilous indeed. Undineyed by children, to try the chances of able erente in our national history, diffesed the Fast gramy plain, showed him at least thirty, and killed their heavy lon, they returned again and again all there woarcely one survi. utmost gratiation among all classes of the inhithra The big one show great fight, but the wilddo to the stack. At last the General, impatient of bout 1833, the settlerent bizana of Edinburgh, which, it may be bakered, and one are the best fliers. Our dogs are splendid, the protracted combat, whealed up the wings of Polypical and burying ground was also generally experienced throughout the thing like South deer-bounds, but very few can the squares, reserved the fire till the last avinent, kill an old kangaroo single handed. The shepherds, and receive the assailants,with a1 etunaing a die- government establishment; country. pinistration found itself wrong

It may acardely be remarked that Arthur's Best their idle hours ki the bush, catch a mall species charge that they ded to return no more. The scribe of principla ap. which, with many other places included in Scottish ting. The stan runs along, with Dappers on spread, cavalry of count, followed them up, and our Co. het we have lutely beard, saz-topography, afforde traditionary testimony to the warly as fast and with the thumping sound of a race local, Monsieur de Bellechasse, an old soldier of

gersons, however, will won skistance of the famous bero of ancient romanse, har lost two, commanders in

imme. "They are not worth eating, but afford the finest Napoleon's, over foremost where cut and thrust from whom its name is derived, for the peine coursing it is possible to imagine. I have any a day's are passing banded the aquadron to which I belong. fairy lalo and the Bight of pal and most imposing abject among the remark. sport handtag chess, our only large game The woods Carried away by like impetunsity, and charging the Penamento contains le features which distinguish the environs of with birds good for the pie and the apli, spe- hope the dying Bedouin, he lost sight of prudemos, active to the "friends of the Eliuburgh. It cians in a sleep and rugged scoot ci parrots, pigeons, and black cocks, and then we soon found ourselves surrounded by rag African."lever had 670 negroas closely talising boight of monely 830 feet above the warm with dne dah, easily caught, but too stupid in host, who, perceiving how few we were, lood Mlowed un batches, and being a fat-sailinglovel of the sou, and from its elevated summit the to afford any apert. I generally hail a tame hangaroo at ung, and in theif turn asumed din offensive. schooter of our cruiser phase of no le variety and magnificence of the panoramic view two, and pair of emas shout my hut. The coon in the dis atarlight, with chein towny faces, The 12 hol During all this time the Dolphin that is afforded can scarcely he equalled Though became un tame as barn door fowls anil very mischia gleaming eyes, white burnous, and furiaus gesticu was trainer long 32' at eo lair a dark, and

it la in the imm?date neighbourhood of a populone

Tous They would take a couple of pounds of beef at Fations, the Arab? seemned a logion of devils let letting dri har whenever she came within any, it possesses all the wildeem and seclusion of a

of the pot, and run round the hut with IL-Frem Std loose for our destruction. Our tanke were #loor- range Faty shots were fired, of which 47 lokt lighland mountain, and till the construction of the

ney's Australian Hand-Book.

dered by the pursuit, and we thus last one of our well We recommend to all friends of humani yow drive, much of its beauty and Faters were this picture of oraleer discharging the very idon known only to the more adventurous youth, or lo

chief advantages; for the Bedouino, unable to relat Preparations for Waterles-While the French re the charge, in line of disciplined valry, are no lical duty on which philanthropists have despatch the curions Onterest, to whom the extent and with charaatriatic activity, was providing against ere despicable opponents in a hand to hand meles.

mained unscountably sapine, the Duke of Wellington, elber, and pelling her round abots into a vessel a variety of the minerals and indigenous planta, prey possible emergency that might oceur. He was And this the combat soon became. Greatly out- full of huo breatures as those strange wicker seated an allractive field for the gratification of his

whared and dressed at two o'clock in the morning; at numbered, we fought for our lives, and, of course machines represented in pictures of Druidical sacri inde. Sir Walter Scuts, in the introduction to the

down by the light of a lamp to ble desk, and wrote fought over best. I found myself eene the columel fices. Sometimes, indeed, the result of this practice Chronicles of the Canongate, describes, in his mount many leters, of which three bars been given to the who was astniled by two Arabs at one time. Ha gitan the purest of a slaver. Not unfrequently, graphic and vigorous styls, the peculiarities of the of the English Minister at Brussels-bas for

pable In Colonel Garwood's invaluable collection. One defended himself like a linn, but his opponents while shimming off at the top of their speed they spat."A Dabler contrast," he says, "the can ??tvolsket the malatenings of quiet in that city, The were strong and skilful, and yours bad impaired ward to disguise heir calling by all manner of ax-hardly exist than that of the huge eity, dark with | Welter speaks with con?idence of the events whet the activity and vigour which procured him, pedients to thro the pursuere off the scent, but the the smoke of ages, and groaning with the various wars hurrying forward, and amures in correspondent quarter of a century ago, the reputation of one of crash of a single hot sent home would be followed sounds of active industry or idle retak, and the, that “the Prussiane will be easily again for anything the soost efficient light dregsone in Banapetale by a long piarch yell, which rosa bigh into the lofty and craggy hill, allost as the grave; ?nd 42?) its led mundigen u Pray keep the English qui?c,” be armies There were nona to nid him, for all Ind ir, and brought across the waters infallible ari-hibiting the full tide of existence, prossing" End / condenser) at then all propana in woTE, bermuther their Lands fall, and I dysff was sharp set with a dence of the character of the chase. Occumonally, precipitating itself forward with the foros alas] been hurry her a fright, sn?ll will yet turn out walls brawny Bedouin, who made excellent ass of bla of course, these sospes, as was nearly be laudation; the other, resembling some time worn but clear account of the operations of the 18th, and

Anether, addressed to the Dua de Berri, gives a brief scimitar. At last I disabled him by a severe cut on jog the case in present Instance, so that the anchorke, whose life passes as silent and unobserv.

explain the arrangements which had been made for the sword arm: he guached his teeth with rage, decases of Ex Hall, and the money of the ad as the standar rill which escapes unheard, and the prosection of the Mous road at Hal. At the same turned his beautiful horse with lighting awilnom, English people, ve merely to diversify the bor. acarae seen from the fountain of his patron saint.” dime the Doe le advised to cus?re with blowlie to and fed from the fight before I had time to con- rete of the midd] baseage. by sending a few can- The Victoria Drive has been carried round the Antwerp, and to sarry thither also the King of France, plete my work......... I was glad ?o be quit of him, an [ men balle among the victims between decks. whole extent of the bill, and is about four miles in though saly se a commure of precautivo. "I hope," was able to strike in by the colonel's side. Tha Sometimes a sinakol may finlah the business, length. Al the and of the old. Duke's Walk (so says the Bald Marshal, "Indeed I have every reason, old warrior was hard put to; a wbre cut had

to haliyva, that all will go well; but it lenscomary in i drink ship, al, and all, in the deep. When called, it is said, from having been a favorite pro to way before, and provide sqelet er koocked off his abako, and inflicted wound un add to the nations of the transit, motorious menade with the Duke of York, afterwarde James look, should any accident excar, and, last of all, his high, bald forehead, alight indeed, but the blood sed by our systain, these pleasant coatings VI, during bia residence in Edinburgh,) near the Governor of Antwerp is inatenched what to do from which, trickling into his eyes, nearly blindad tes of an English brondelds, it is really onough Parson's Green, the road winds round the asstars that he le to consider the city in a state of slegs, sail him, and ba was fain to leave go b?a reins in daals suggest a few misgivings as to the effective bias of the hill, in a gradost ascent from which a have his means if loundating the surrounding country it away with his hand. The Arabs perceived their of our humanity. The point with which we eri- unique and striking view is obtained of the descend- rendy jubile at the same time he gives free adcok advantage and preased bim hard, when I charged finally opened this question-the claims, namely, ing lofty ridge, orowded with the ancient tesessence slow to the King of Pisaca and bis attendants, as well one of them in the flank, bringing the brennt of of our own samen to some of that consideration of the Old Towo, which stratches from the Coatle to any brita entdects who may dr to pass my horas against the shoulder of his, and cutting

through Antwerp on thile way to England, Nor was which we so laviably bestow upon the population to Holyrood, and of the Cakoo Hill, with the split thus alene that the Duke of Wellington devoted at upon the ground. M. de Bellahasse hagl scarce. al the same time at his head. Man and beast rol of Askantes—has been of inte so disingmnomaly did structures with which it is adorned. As the ful hours of that eventful day to the n?justment of ended that we again place beface our readers the road ascende, the prospect becomes more extensive matters "pich bore more fatimately upon the arrangely time to observe from whom the sexcour cunt, sficial report of the expenses, recessed la humar and interesting, now beauties being dersloped og made of us latter hours. The apare ammunition, when 1 deshed in before jam, and draw upon my- Wool, of our systematio humanity, and we recom. every side. The noble expanse of the Frith of which had been packed over night at Waterloo, was so wall the fary of his remaining for Jou then. to

my in?nite vlief, I heard at a short distanco end that it shold be preserved 20 pendant to Forth, bearing on its broad bosom many gallant distributed to be ready for carriage to all parts at a bos returns of more remediable of war and craft, is soon stretching for away toward the bold spent hedor. Apartments were tied up in ese steady regular fire of musketry. It was the infan fer which Mr Blouse judiciosity inquire outlines of the opposite shore; while the fertile boss, both share and along the entire rear of the potty, advancing to our support. The Arabe beard Merage mariality of twenty one years on the dif

ty of East Lothian, mudded with thriving

So sager, was neglected or overlooked which could loitalen.nd having bad, for one day, sufficient Mitat enval stations of the Finglab sorries is as silag and the seats of the country grates, Im any respo?a comaribus in the security of the sountry, | taste of French lead, beat a precipitate extent, player, calculated per 1000 of the mean force om- paris varid through a deep and secluded gles, all was done with a chearfsins and good-humoured the gloom of the desert.

and interent to the nosos. The drive or the sciensy of the fores which defended Is, while scouring away like phantoms, and disappearing in then proceeds

was given

enough to m

though baw

prar, after

prising emo

der that the

18 melle

land, of no cost,

anger. It would of certain cost.


what we be

pagod to pass in their original or in an amend the Chinese profiting by experience are less all the doctrines propounded by Sir W. Molesworth ed form are before the public, and will partial to litigation. An outline of the forms of on Tuesday night, yet we feel that he has done a doubt be duly considered by the community proceduce in our courts of law, and a brief areal service to the country in belaging the subject lusion and fraud. But it . pproduvenem is a whose seulinants they are supposed to einbody.stract of the laws themselves in the Chinese lan- and the Government, and preseming it in the unity two remedios. The one in to ultiply enermovi

of our colonial administration before Parliament unfortunate reality. For bere appear onl The letter to the Excellency the Liovernor set-guage is a desideratum; but this is subject for of its apportioned good and evil.

the bands of the office. The thing, do what Bir Vi) ting forth certain views regarding the land the consideration of the local government, and advantage of a colony by the amount of its imparte of the government assented

We do not cosaur with him in mensuring the Molesworth suggested, and M&Ces, in the numb roots is in itself harmlom--although the opinions until such a compilation is available, the Chi from the mother country.

esponsible self expressed are urrunsous-di? it not go farther nese most depend upon the Attorneys-sedler not a statoman's estimate; so many pounds cost so

This is a tradosman's, | government by the culonim. than Government house, but as its ultimate all an honest Lawyer is the best adviseration, and beand to consider our traffic in some landas far as we can sea-of no

The first of these would be many pounds receipt IP is true we are a trading lines and deulful utility; the! destination will be the Colonial office, it in a

ever much people rail against them. question how far we act prudently in oppos

degree; but we are also something mors, and bound be only carrying out in our mode The fees in the Supreme Court are enorious? to consider something else. An we have before regan in our older colonies; of doing in Australie, ing the very ducided opinion of the Hight at a time when every available source was

marked, the sources of national power must often Capeland, and New Zoslind, who used to be done Honorablo Secretary for the colonies, as at- pressed into the revenue, Justice did not escape. They are not always palpable, obvious, and direct. and what is now dose in Nova Bcia, New Brun be traced through devious and winding channela, | in Virginia. Massachusetts, and New England, pressed in his answer to a mentorial from a In England, cheap and spoody Justice engagon But notwithstanding their distanes or their ind wick, and Canada. It would be transferring to porkan of the landholders forwarded in Febra- the attention of the best and wisest of our mates.rectnom, they are not the leat road and assocatial. ary 18. We may be assured that no im- man, and at no very distant day the forms of worsted or spinners of cation, to pay 2,000,000 their borough and their municip elections at English settlements the forme a babets with ft may not be worth while to us, as weavere of which Englishmen are familiarized their county, portant alteration will be made in the land rente procedure will be simplified, expenses reduced, a-year for garrleoning Gibraltar and Malta or home; forms and habits by which the mind of as now settled, though Her Majesty's govern. and time saved, Hongkong will derive the full 5,000. -your to the Governor of the Cape, or ment appear ready to give a new and more benefit of such changes, but we cannot expect America, or 6,000l. a-year to the Governor of any body of intelligant English en are fitted to 7,000. a-year to the Governor-General of North independence aprang; forme and has under which Washington was trained and from which American enduring title to the land. At the sale of July that our claims are individually of sufficient Hongkong. With regard to some morcantile in, live, and without which no high irited English 1844 certain marine lots were purchased very importance to engage the attention of parlia-terests and immediate returns of outlay these man will consent to live. The fruits of such much abovethe highest rates paid at other sales.ment, and that an act will be passed in our favour may be beary and seprofitable expenses. But liberal institutions is the colool would be those Upon those lots, costly and permanent buildings altering the established forms of procedure. they valueless in the long run? Allow that the them elsewhere; a more economical system of in are they unprofitable to us as people! Are which Bir W. Melworth remarks have followed have been erected, which even in prosperous Perhaps it would be advisable to confine the manufacturer of Manobanter and the shipower of ternal administratio. A colony which provides time will not give the proprietors a moderate 9th clause of the petition to the question of Laverpol, do ant receive an immediate and direct te own Government and determine its own policy interest on the investment after deducting the court feqs, which render Justice expensive and contribute to the support of the colonies, or to put extravagant, and cost the mother country lam then equivsfoot for the portion of taxation which they must pay its own taxes, It will, therefore, be less ground root; in the present condition of the co- deter some from seeking redress; the Attorney's. it as Sir W. Molesworth puts it-that the rest of a colony whose destinies are bandied about between Zony they could not be let for more than the bills are liable to be taxed by the Clerk of the other lor, for erary pound exported by British Nor this, though grant, the only advantage

the community are paying in some cases or, in ground rent, insurance and other charges-if Court, and are not a very proper nor yet dig-manufacturers to the British colonies-stall the reel derivable from colonial self government. At present ? capricious governor and a despotic bureaucracy. for so much. These allotments were leased nified subject for a parliamentary appeal. and the houses built in the belief that Houg-

question at ionis, Da ww, y? do we not, as a poo- too many of our colonies are dependent on the We hear it has been proposed to do atray

ple, gain by the prossession of our colonies? If it whima and ignorance of Inefficient governors. They kong was about to become a place of commer- with the Supreme Court altogether. The Bri-ould be shows that in gary way the colonies are of bare no expression of pablic opinion which can cial importance (such was the prevailing opi- tab goremment will not listen to such a propo- out in favour of that economical school to which pulation is divided between the Governor's loadin no adraclage to us-then something would be made anforce attention or command respect. Their po nion in the summer of 1844), but the expects-sition; and we trust the inhabitants will pause

Bir W. Molesworth belongs. Bat even in that and the Governor's fertlers-two parties rivaling tions of the purchasers have not been realized, before they in the most remote degree sanction cough would not be made out to warrant the one another in baseness, weakness, and malignity. nor is there any immediate prospect of there

conclusion that they ought to be given up at once They must get into debt which they cannot pay, or approve of it.

Lay Judges, and "overy and satirely. It would be our business to weigh like South Australia; or into ware which they can being realized" to such an extent as would en man his own Attorney," are very pleasant considerations, which, though economiste may pro- able the proprietore to rent their property at theories, but in practice they would be ditas once them to be sentimental, men of common comes a man of confusions, querulousness, parse- not terminate, like Capeland. Their poldy bo- remunerating rates. Under these circumstances

sense de know and steamen of intelligence re-uutione, rindiculveness, and reality-one on which trous. Let us call to remembrance, the state it is for the n to consider whether it would of this colony before the Supreme Court was

nogniae, qa essential to the question. Remember respectable men look with disgust, and enterprising not be advisable to petition for a reduction established, and enquire whether we refer it individually without atk meddling with the to the protection of just and oquitable laws? settlement of land rent generally. As a boon Have we such confirlence in the Colobial So- they may ask to have their rant reduced to cretary, Chief Magistrate and other members the average of marine lote—as a right they, of government, as can induce us to prefer their can claim nothing.

dispensation of law to that of Judge Hulme

"thai wa start wall, a great fact, We have forly man with horror. The public opinion of the colo colonies, spread over an aron greater than Europe plata is degraded into libele ; their private language. and lodia together. If we have them not, some degeneralne into slang. No gentleman, ne men of other Power must here them. Molesworth's own premises There are not two goals the denizen of a soil on which his interests Take Bir W. education, honour, or refinement, will submit to be million inhabitants of British extraction in the may be alighted, kia opinion derided, or bis eba- whole of them. All Canada, New Brunswick, roter traduced by a narrow and nervilo ostario.

in the population of London. In it likely that Australie, and Cape Colony, icgether, do not co-

Thus, at a period of grant social pressure, hundreds of English gentlemen, whose acoession would be a

incidents hi


of kangaroo, about the axe of a rabbit, which la capital

pools and rivers are covered with wild ducks. The war

tion, for the accommodation of the wounded. Nothing.



An Original Sea Leiter,—Tho`W. Y. Courity 4 Enquirer publishes from the Journal of the Conti nental Congress for 30th January, ET84, the follow- jog entry, erfecting to the departure of, we presume, the first American ship in this port for China:

On the report of a Committer, consisting of Mr Monroe, Mr Partridge and Mr Williamson, 10 wham was referred a letter from Daniel Parker, of 23rd December, 1789, stating that a ship culled the Em prew of China, will shortly sail from New York, for China, under the command of Captain Jobs Greep, and requesting non-letteru for suid Green.

Randed That sen inlteru be granted for wild Captain John Green, in the form following:

Meal Serene, most Puimant, High, Illustrious, Noble, Honorable, Venarable, Wise and Prudent Emperore, Kings. Republics, Prices, Dukes, Earl, Barone, Lorde, Borgomentate, Councillors, as also Judges, Odicere, Judiciaries and Regenu of all the good cities and placos, whether occlusi astical or secular, who shall see those presents o'

? hear them read.

We, the United States in Congress assembled. maka known that the said Jok Green, Captain of the ship called the Empress of Chian, is a citizola of the United Bates of America, and that the ship which be commands, belongs to cities of the sid Tal, and name wash in non the oxid Inha Greso prosper in his lawful airs, our prayer is to all the before mentioned and to each of them separately,orben the said John Grben shall arrive with his vessel pod cargo, that they may be pleased to receive him with goodness, and treat him in u becoming manner, permitting h?n, upon the usual tolly and expenses, and paming and repassing, paso, navigula and frequent the ports, passes and jeritories to the end, to tranenet his businers, phen and in what manner bo will judge proper, bereol we shall be willingly indebted.


The friend of china and HONGKONG GAZETTE.



?? ????????,

12, H. C. Bir. Pluie, Lival-Commanding Ai?ey, from Cabion.

14, 11. M. Brig Arab, Commander Morris, from Singapore 14th December

and Labuan 26th do.

15, Lond O'Care, Grant, from Loodou 18th Angus and Rio de Janeiro

16th October.

15, Audax, Bollivan, from Whampoa.

16, Spy, Whyte, from Whampo


Per Land O'Cates,-Six French Priests. EXPORTS.

The Land Cakes, on the 9th instant, off the Bashes Islands, lost jib boom und top-gullant-mast.




13, Sidney, Wild, Bombay.

18, Counts of Yarborough, Beans, Manila.

18, Penis, King, East Coupl

14, Syria, Simoods, Whampon.

15, Tarter, Harray, Bingapore,


Amisada, was

Geneves, brig


Marquis of Beedago, bargur

Neve Page, barque

Nose Benbare de Lux, brig

Truunigu, barque

Aurers, chodar

Das Amigo, chooser


Costasie, bri

Nueve Babains, brig


actie Long, haryan

Van der Palm, barque

De Trown Jebam, borgar

Alpha, schooner

Assa Marin, brig


Carl & Bormann, barque


Jaliane, skip


BWLE. Caal Joban, barque


Ass, lareka

16, Ey, Danish, (lately Port,-brig 8. Prancisco Xavier), Gebhard, West

Coast of America.

16, Clifton, Kettlewell, London. Doc.


31, French Corvette La Bayonnaise, Com. La Graviere, Shanghai. January,

2, Bintang Anam (Dutch), Liamuostjes, Batavia.



|Hongkong 24 Gum

Brig Colmesne


Brig Scost

18 (Cana 14


Brig Arab

Brig Mariner

Sumer Fury

Beer Medes

H. C. Beer Phlegethon

Hisamer Visio

The Dead Sen.~Some months ago, a porty was] H. M. Ship Hastings sent out by the United States Government la ex- plore the Dead Sea. It appears that they have most atisfactorily completed their task, having been upon the men in their boats or encamped on its borders for some two months, and their researches and e limates have been of the most thorough and inter- eeling character. They have sounded the sea in all its parts, to the depils of 600 fathers, and found the bottom crystallised salt. The pestilential effects attributed to the waters turn out to be fabulous Ducks were seen skimming over the surface, and U. 8. Ship Plymouth partridges abounded sloug, the shore. The party are at present visiting the most interesting places in the Holy Land.



In the matter of the Insolvent Estates of ? and M. RUSTONJEE and COMPANY, and

MEERWANJEE JEEJEBHOY. NOTICE is hereby given that by two severa

ordera ibued out of this Honorable Court, and respectively deled the Twenty second day of Novembre instant, the vrating orders whereby the mid Eature became, and were vested in Robert

Dundas Cay Esquire, the Provisional Assignre of the Estates of Insolrani Debtors were annulled and discharged, and the said Estates were thereby ordered to be reassigned and recouveyed by the sad Robert Dundas ?ay Esquire to the said D.

and M. Rustomjee and Company, and to the sald Meerwanjce Jesjebhoy,

All persons who are indebted to the shid Estates,

or have any effects or documents belonging to the

said firm, or to the said Meerwatjes Jeejobhoy, are

requested to pay or deliver the same at the Udicon of the said D. & M. Rustomjee, Craton.

Dated the 22nd day of November, 1849.


Attorney for the said Involvents, Queen's Road, Victoria.

To the Creditors and Dektor?, ?

of the mid Intelvanta,


R. F. DRAKE, will be happy to receive two young Gentlemen as boarders, in addition to

one at present onlar hia co?tion, in whom would

be imparted, solist and useful accomplishmente, combined with every domestic comfort, and ral culated to eppure success in Mercantile poreuits, and other chamele in life.

Colonial Church,

Victoria, tb December, 1818.


D. the Public, that he has re-

it. M. Baby Alligste


Ship Minden AMICA.

Hoogheng O

Shanghal 10 Gunn Hanghong

|||NaPuu|||| 4 |Gine

Canton longhang 4


Kaur.Admiral Sir F.A.Callier, Captain J. W. Morgan. Commader J. C. D. day. Commander F. B. Johnston. Commander WV. Morris. Commander C. M. Machiason. Commander Sagaon Willoon.

Shoe T. H. Mason.



Ebip Proble


[Whampos | 18 |Game 14 Gero

Corvette La Bayonnaiss





Andes, hooner

Bangalore, barga

harlas Borben, skip Charkond Jane, ship L'flop, ship Car, usmer Hermes, borgo

thadonan, ship

Land O'Cakes, ship Quo, betwee

Hed Have, barque Haloplak, Sarque bemarang, ship

py, belg"] Swallow, barque

Amelia, chenner

Anne Chopper, ship

Bells Marina, ship

Blackfriar, barque

Favorite, bria

Harbinger, barque

New Margaret, ship


Managi, ?argos

Orisa, ship

Prver, chooner

Pradanes, barqos

Halogen Cowanjon, ship

Rejahatan, ship

Brother Compton, barque

bir Robert Belo, ekip

Durga, bergan

Byte, p

Wellington, bergue

Will Brewer, skip

| Royal Exchange, brig

Amay Packet, schooner Angolan, Large Chelen, berque

Clown, bla

Coalition, ship Cominos, barque Col

Din Watson, heig

Falihil, berque Furf, nh?p


moved his Establishment from Macao to Shanghai, | ?alma Quran, sekoamat and he has the pleasure of addressing his best thanke Jarlak Garent, obip to the Community of Macao, Canton, and long. Jahn Lunyan, ship

kong for the patronage he has received. He hapan,

John Cooper, skip Recall the

*by his exertions, to deserve in fis new situation, | Rain, britt

the me support from the public. He is well supplied with a variety of Goods.

Shanghai, t?th July, 1846.


Quin's Road.

Bir EdwardRyan, bargue

Victory, barque

Walton, barque

(Juan, belg

|Elangkang| 161|Bolivia


| Photo Jamling 0, T. Alroy,8,8.

Doctor Bankier,

Master J. Mitchell.

|5 Cmmodore D. Gelslagar, |{ Captain T. R. Gedney. Pommander Jumsas Glyna. Capesin Le Graviere.

Camaly m?r

Pardino, Matheson and co.

Emily, reka


Monicama, bri


150 Jor





300 Pine

Jos? Vicente Jorge.

150 Marques

Jos? Francisco d'Olivi

Pedro Jund da Biles Louis.

Joss Vices Jorge.


Manoel de Jus

190 Carvalhe

Louren?o Marque




BU Radios

V. A. de Rem?dio,


Byme, Migir and on.

?and Vloeite Jorge,


Blogkong 150




615 untradara (Reyavaan and ca.

Bhangbai 320 Venkovn Fa...-foo-art

195 Roberta Amery

[Tengkong | 452 Kayser Whampoa 27|Laytion

|Hongkong| 24)-—---- Hongkong Sovell

41 ta


11 and co


|Symo, D?uir und so.

Carlowita, Harkour and on. Konsoly, Bisagrager sad on,

Dan and

Dam and so.

Dass and n

Whumpon 100|Pinakwobe

William Puslan and on.


Bomann Formfeo, ship ||longkong 630 Contes Fales, ship

Pary Willaim, ship

Ben Horse, brig

Anonyasa, brig

414 M

Cammeon 870 Lenses

Jardine, Matheson Jardina, Malbare and es. J.&.Olding On Agent. Asmine Haned and on Caraes Bapecies Lungzaa.

318 Kaloon, J. B. Ronel and ou

967 Colch

Lady Hopan, barque

Linnet, brig

Raporull (Am.), barges



217 Maes

33 Zabell

14) Browning

Chischen 19 Crawford

972| Woodrow

Warlock, brig

Loud Ambert, ship Panda, barqa Royal, poset Harlequin, belg Lombarque Aulto, beig

Mahamondes, barn Amazon, ship Black Dog, choomer Dido, sobsoner

Bally June, ship

korque ?

Buipe (Am), brig

Time, schooner

Wam, brig

William 19., bargne

9:37 Roope Woong ||449| Hubertson

&TV Deene

35 WLE

496 Loade

406 Forbes

sou Chape

115 Endicott, W

13J Baird

Willian Hughes (Amm.), brig

219 Roundy

194 Thempass

Lookon 900|G

975 Princoma

Balls, schooner

Termain, baren







Jardina, Matheson and on.


Tarner and co.

677 Mertra

l'esh and no

1190 Will


745 Lawren


STUP. Gaydon

2001 Lapham


316 Waym

343) Andoron

Whompoo 349 Linchay


McKean and co

N. Dass and co

Uwin, Gray and on Janina, Mathung and cu

Fardos, Mashoon and on, A. A. Kitobie and es. Herdins, Matheson and co.

The Kark?na,


Patios Frades Command on. Jordan, Mathoven and on, Dantando.

Dent and po

Jardins, Masheson nad un Firms. Muir and co.

Jardins, Muchoman and es, Dent and so, *Deat and co.

Jardine, Machanon and en.

Geo. F. Hubertoum,

David Basin Bows and o

Durner and so,

Deal and co

fardina, Maihmon and no. Cowan Bapoje Legras, Augustine Bear? nad on. |Pestonjen Pracujes Cama and o

kfilmas and o

tall and co.

Landang and so, Jardine, Matheson and so, Pat and so



Whampoa Blackfriar Dicom, Gray & New Margaret ||Nys, Parkin & William Stewart Jardins, Malkane Shanghai Faithful Gilman, Bowmad

John Busyen

Victory Confucius


Dublina L'pool Whampoa Harbinger New York


|Jardine, Matheson.

Reiss & Co. Jardine, Matheson,

Holiday, Wiss

Aon Marka

Augwelling round!



Nys, Parkin & C



Russell & Co.


Joabua Batea

Nye, Parkin &




Russell & Co.



Olyphant & Co


Macao Novo Paqueta

Jos? Vicenta Jorah




Hongkong Carl & Hormanu Whampoa Elf

C., FM Mia &










Hoogkong Samarang


The Immedia



20th (not

tro, Parkin and ao.

Warner and an


Quarujas Bapaarjes Langrana.


Rural and c


435 Far

764 Wright

740 Brows Manbandica Besselmonde

|Muovicar and co |Holiday, Wise and en.

Diram, Gray and en ||Holiday, Wins and so,

Mais and

Holiday, Wine and on.

Lindsay and co

Tower and

Movie and on,

Fastening Framvise Cama and co.

Limmy and co

Jardine, Methadon and as.

Die Gray and

Jardino, Matharun and co

Pardino, Ma?koven and on,

Murree and co

Shangbai Regia

Bing & Calentia Whampoa R. Cownajes


Charles Forbes Dent &

Whampoa Bir H. Compton P. Fram

air Robert Bale Lindas y) tepat Βατρα


to Early


Ca Early


Macao Van der Palm Reynatij



Auguel 14, Lady MeNaghten, 658, Hibbert, Hanging.

25, Ann, 665, Clinch, Shanghai.

September 9, Euphrates, 428, Wilson, Whampoa.

16, Ania, 524, Watt, Hongkong.

October 16, Marquis of Bute, 848, Bannatyne, Hengkang. Landing on the 24th October. ---Palmyra.


670 Fandan


Shanghai, 145 Wilson

17. P. da Bilen.

431 Morgan

Den and so.

P. & D. N. Come and es.

Jardino, Machasm and no.

Lindsay and co

May, July

|Diana, Berman and co.

|Utrwer and co.


Dear and co.



$17 Ligerwood 164|Munksiona

447 Devia

184 Feb

Hanger and on

Machon and o Fiardina, Mashaon sad ct. Dyke, Bohwaba sadno.

Diedina, Mochosos and on.

Flanken, Workington and so.

Brew and on

?ster Lantonio Huan sad on.


Sandi, Moshanan and co.

Lindsay and a

Miss, Muir and co,

cavan katkeaa, belt


Tarrington, sebeonar

Wire Wip, schooner


Dele, schooner

West Coasting


Mesoppa, achosom

172) Andame

Vien, scher

Zephyr, schooner

Bend, he

GODA WATER AND LEMONADE of Superior schooner


MACAO, at IHINNAMI'S, China Shopkoper.

Victoria, 14th June, 1848.


FOR SALE the Office of this pepar :—


for the Peninsular and Ori-

eurial Company's Steamers.


of Lading,



Powers of ATTORNAT.

COMPRADORES Oz?zus, in Books..




Mercantile fees and other work printed with

expedition at the customary rates

Queen's Road, 9th October, 1848.

Galla, schooRST

AMERICAN Brighton, ship (Whaler) De acor

Globe, ship (Whaler)

Napiane, ship (Whaler)

Ane Meris,,

Cadas, barque

Cher, hip

| Congress, ship

Eagle, brig

Joshua Boson, ship

Panama, sp

Vancouver, ship

Aqistopa, brig

Boxer, coboar

Coperta, p

Clarendon, ship

Ag, oper

Petrol, schoone

Climan and on.

Falls, Machaam sad an

Kvillan, Machapon and no.

waliam Davidson.

| Chlachew| 190 —

Japliko, Madison and es.






Food Cas

Chichew 100mm

Rawla, Drinker and mo.

?gwodne Heard and on

awin, Drinker d

Jamie, Dilaker and an,

Anguilas Board and on. |tips, Park?p and oo.

Ramell and so

17750 Parkin and no.

Olyphant and an

Osa 2. Myberie,


30, John Christian, 390, Churchward, Hongkong.

4, Molly Bawn, 894, Robinson, Shanghai.

15, Colchester, 162, Withers, Hongkong.

96, Lord Hardinge, 494, Tracey, Hongkong)

97, Old England, 629, Fee, Bbanghai.

September 10, Queen Mab, 304, Rowe, Shanghai.



14, Sagbalim, 977, Blachell, Hongkong.




2. Charles Jones, 360, Cothey, Shanghai.

11, Woodstock, 300, Nicholion, Bhal KALY

12, Panic, 449, Howard, Shanghai.

Loading on the 24th October,2—Amarta, Mancias, and Nahi


Loading. –Cowurjee Family, Eagle, and Jambella Blythi


October 10, Faloon, Foreman.

24, Chaber, 403, Simpson. 98, Mon, 587, Conaill,

November 1, Imbella, 194, Noble, Whampoa.

2, Behab Jebin, Johns,

11, Francos Whitney [Am.], 452, Fisk.


Loading—Alecto, Anna Elian, Ann Martin, Chishin, China, Cumberland, Gilmore, Hebrides, Lady Montagus, Moonrch, Nymph, Oriental,. Prince Charlie, Prince of Wales, Robert Small, Ruby, and Bultan.“


November 7, Record, 43%, Paiullo, Shanghai. Loading. --Vishnu (Bally).

November 6, Aurot (SOM MANILA. December 6, Duiliah), 160, Cabada, Amoy.

Domen Tait



Printed and

Maxton, Shanghai.

9, Mipos (A to 1, 317, Bandore, Shanghai.

shed by Joan Care, The Friend of China and Honging Garette, Timing Ofies, Qoung's Road, Victoria, Honozoxo, 1849.







PRICE $12 per annum.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, Annum, 12 Dollars. Ste Mantha, 7 Dollars. Thr Monike, & Dollars; all paid in advansa. ?Credit Prices, t4 Dollars. # Dollars, and ? Dollars, the periods of Tyrevo, via, and Thres Menthe respectively: Bingla Numbers, to Subscribers 85 centraach; to Non-Subscribers, Rapes. Parties calling or sending to the Ufles for papers ale requested to pay atak. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Tea Ines and under, Dollar; addicial, in cents line. Repetitions sos-third of the Best insertion. Ships-Free Insertion, & Dollars; onlequent ingerklons sa conse Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published unill countermail.d. Id all incon, thom who are not Subscribers, require to pay in advance.


consisting of Mahogany and Waloul Bureau with and without Long, Glasses: Bedalcada, Rocking and sitting C vint Washand and Dressing Tables, Toilet Gl ve, Card Table, &c.



ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY THE cupied by Mr Chan, Buckton, as Hed-roums Furnitu, died

Also, m route to the above, Lindarone, Penano, Gallo-Malti, Quri, ADEN. THE PERINgular and Ori- 1 ENTAL COm Bigam Bhip MALTA OPPEKIN, will love this for the above places on Today the 30th of January. Cano will be received on board unb Noon, and Bracin until 4 P. x, of the 29th.


commended businom ?s a Ship Chandler and Guns. tal Storekeeper under the firm of A. H. Fryina Co.


Hongk?ng, "In November, 184'e v



H. T. DE BILVER in this day admitted a partner in our firm, which will consist from BILFER

A. H. FRYER 40 Victoria, 1st January, 1849


For further partlculers regarding Fuzione and this data of Mr. A. H. Faven and Me 11, T. px | THE Undersigned belag about to close up their

Pain apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Offies, Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent. Hongkong, 4th January, 1840 -

NOTICE. THE P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s STRAmeno, will in fu- fure proowed through to Bombay, and be pre- pared to receive Causo and Passungene for that place as heretofore.

J. A. OLDING, Agent.

P. & O. Co.'s Office, Hongkong, 15th September, 1848.


QUE P. & O. 8. N. COMPANY's, will from this date undertake the conveyance of Speels from Chine, and the Buraite, to Bouthampton, under the conditions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, at 3 per cent for Gold and Silver Bullion.

J. A. OLDING,—A gond, P. & O. 8. N. Company's On

Victoris, 13th 8-ptember, 1848..


THE rates of freight on Tiensure to the Buenita and lodia per P. & O. Confany's Steameru will in future be the same for Gold e Bllvar.

Victoria, Sept, 15th, 1848,"


A. H-FRYER & Co. Hongkong, January (s, 1849.

FOR BALE. TWO very Superior CarAnges-a two Seat Bar roughs and a Single Phapton. Apply to;

GEO: LYALL & Co. Hongkong, 21st December, 1848.


variaty of useful Articles, which, in order to clear off, they will dispose of at Greatly Reduced Rates, They invite the inspection of the Public to their STOOK of the following:-

Saperfios Blue Broadcloth, Cashmerette, Plaids, Tweeds, Waistcoatings, Merino, Flannel, Batogu, Batin Scarfs, Mouline, Gloves, Braces, Silks, Hoc kaback, Brown Holland, Printed Valvet, dos., &a.

Dilmen's STORES obavery description. Tthe Godowns of W, & T. Ommell & Co do.; Pedestal Bolar do, with spare Shados; Signal Hanging Lamps, 6, 4, 2, and I Barners: Hall

A small Stock of,

Superior Pala Shairy,

Brown do.




Claret, Chateau Margaux.


Hock, Grafenberg.





Apply to,

or on the Premiers to,

Victoris, 2nd January, 1849.

J. ROGERS Com Bhip Chandlers of Manila, DEO teave to inform Ownike and CAPTAINS of Walk Hnra, that the Government of Me- nila has abolished the Tonnaoz Doze and Corron- THE HOUSE in D'Aguilar reforming at that l'ort for refreshments. Where

ing at that l'ort for refreshments. This regulation ly occupied by the Oriental Bank.

will commence Trom the lat of January, 1819; The adjoining house known as the OLD Copard will afford Whaling Captains the means of sup

plying their zogels with all kinds of Bigtas at avt moderato face.

Manila, 12th July, 1848,



The Bungalow in Staunton Brantat premaal.oc empied by M.

Power, AND

The Bangalow in Caine Road in the rear of Ale Broca Bungalow.

Apply at the bungalow in Cairie Road, and to, Mega FLETCHER & O. Victoria, 17th Nov@mber, 1818.


Lamps, and Lanterna.

Clock, Dust-pass, Water Jugs, Plated Candle slicks, Cruet Blande, Soup Tureene, Ladies, Tea


NOTICE. THE FIRM of RAWLE DUUS & Co. Hong- 1 kong, and of DOVA, RAWLE & Co. Bhang

sau thn day dissolved by mutual comment All persons having?oleums, against nither firm, will please setal them aegate at adjustment, and eBo Lindeblad to the strike, will please make payment, {To the underilgad,



Vistaria, Hongkwog, Tat Encsobov, 1848.


E undersignat begu to intimate that be will son tise to carry on a Qusanki Aozur, and Common Bosimas, co the same pramingo nu formerly under the Fan of N, ??A & C.... N. DUUS,

Victoris, Hud 18 Onlaber, 1848.

ROTICE. MR.L.A. LOBECK is authorised to sign our

Firm by procuration. Victoria, ich Jaiwary, 1849,


N. ?DUUS & C

pets, Deogoters, Tumblers, Iron and Lead Sol, N. de Co, will receive goods on Blueringe

Blutionary, Perfumery, do, &c.


· Hongkong, 12th January, 1840.

in the godowns, u? a moderata sunt. ALOO

*Rosive and reward G?ula, or Parcels to any

?12" | part of Earepa, India, or to the B Cast of China. Victoria, Hongkong, im October, 1868,

THE undersigned kas jos verived a vote 2015- voice of the vory best English Boots and Blis



? ? IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HONGKONG, Insolvency Jowessorion.

and to ready to offer them for sale at his Com-In the matter of the bolt Estates of [, and bl.

Mission and Sale Itnom, Queen's Road.

A. L ENCARNA??O. Victoria, 18th December, 1848.






NOTICE to hol? girou that by two sovora? orderu jasan na of this Honorable Court THE Director of the AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S and respectiibly daad sjeme

Tay of BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY her November Instapt, the samengers whats formed as that frore and afer is 10th of October id Estate ANA Brahmary regularly on the 10 face Ory Emuli, din Progla sinapth on the irret has bafiese Tarzan milline mentre of thiotrem chick

ALEXANDRIA, SOMS to correspond with the flow. Radarged, and the and 10042 1. CONFANT' BORBAY Steamus; and from and Putaran to be jongend mid the s

her the 25th of November past Blommer will and Robert Dundas Day Enga Ve regularly on the 25th of each month on the dives ijo, Jon M. Huomaten und kuningdale Chambe between Trieste and Alexandrin, so as to care manjos Jonjohny. with the .&O. COMPANY'S STEAMERS 3. All parages wheats indebted to the said Botaim,

She AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S COMPANY will have that - de imes any effets de dupunginta kolonging to the . Steamers Brailable for this line; each of thein besides, or to the said clerujas Jetjuny, nen tween 500 and 700 Tons burthen and of 200 Hored to pay sa dallwerthe sepse ai the. Odices. power. They are 6tted up in a superior style of the sql D. & M. Burianjen, Optimisa Euglieb inapokba on Board.

Dated the 2nd day of Novalgi

FOR SALE. SUPERIOR ORGAN, of greep power and greatness of tone In Handsome Rosewood est constructed by Mrasta Wous & Co., plays upwards of forty favorite airs, Apply 10,


No. 1 D'Aguilar Bireet. Victoria, 16th October, 1848.


THAT Largs and Commedione Hanes Intely occupied by the Officers, Geylog life Regimenti preressing am ag other glad. Yantages a large Yard and excellent Stabling. Ap· Tacpived some very Prison Bacon which usey

can highly recommend to their Customers.. ply to,


Hongkong, 7th December; 1849.


MR Ancho. MELVILLE emneed to bear nat in our Firm here and at Amery Grown 35 Decor 1848.

8YME, MUIR & Co. Victoria, 4th January, 1849.


THE Firm of E MOURMAN ingebutions Is this day dissolved. Quanding Asbounts will be settled by


Centop, 20th November, 1848.

NOTICE. THE Buriases of the Undaraigned will as this dete be carried on under the Firm Bouw- MANN & Co.


QW BOHWEMANN. Canton, let Junonry, 1649.

NOTICE. [R WILLIAM DREYER is authorised to sign

Our Firm by Procuration.

SCHWEMANN & Co. Canton, let Jaboury, 1849, - NOTICE. MR MARTIN WILHELMY, in anthorised to

Bigo our Finn by Procuration.

BOUSTEAD & Co, Canton, 20th May, 1848.5**


HAVING Associated sureble with Mr 8. B. RAWLS, of the late Firm of RAW LE, DUUS & Co., our Business will be conducted in furo under the Name of RAWLE, DRINKER & Co.

DRINKER & Co. Hongkong, let October, 1848



No 1 & 2 Woosnam'a Buddinge. Victorie, 12th January 1840.


The number of Bertha in each in no under, viz:-,

38 Firm Class, including 16 for Ladies 30 Second Cla

7 for Females.

The Fires to be ?18, for Firm Olas, 12 for cond Clast including Table money and Stewed foes.

The Voyage id expected not to exceed & days to


theyday of leaving Alexandria-those vessels being pro-

vided with Heski Offlears—it follows that with clean bill of health, passengers will get prati immediately on arrival at Trisate.

For letters to England superscribed "ola Trieste

"overson" charge is made of 18 Kreutzer (abatji ? 71 Cia) par Quarter Ox, sad haingia sale for every

for their friends and the Publio that bavo aken those premises lately occupied by Mouare Rawla, Drinker & Co. in which they pur- pore carrying on Ship Chandlery In all its bran- chor &c., and that they will keep always on band a wall amorted stock. The Godown on the prises to cloud by gedagcured, they will be happy to take toode on Borage. Victor, 28h1 December, 1848.



them to Egyp

additional Any one to sood lett to England via Trieste may pay the "overse" rie into our hande, and address thech to the care of the Amirian Lloyd's Agency at Alexandria-fracking "Letters to the European Continent via Trione may likewise be addrossed to the care of the sad Agency-the franking to Alexandria being suende ed to-and for these the prepayment of the "oTON

"Postage is not required.

Packages" for Egypt, of any part of the Cood! inset of Europe of avant, should be address to the ore of not. 25 at Buen, na the P. & O. Company do not engage to deliver any thing nut tended for England beyond that landing port where Transit ur other Duties must be paid and ensure as much despatch as possible a Bill of Lading: with particulare of valua dec., should be tant to the forwarder at Buez,

CORNELIUS Superior Palet solar land, and Hanging Lampe, Extra Glober, Chicnics and An invoice of Stationery consisting of Fools Commercial Pol, Invoice, Blotting and Note Tapha Bu? and White envelopes of all sizes: Mayard and Hey Blick and Rod Ink, enamelled Vising and Phylog Cards; Blank Books and Backst Mengandung, Books of Bills of poked princenen foe Bank note paper Compra dire Books, a low Levi Brown's Gold Pens Mandfold wrion, Extry this Overland Letter Piper

per. Levoice of Hardware; comtiming of Axes, Haichota, Gridirons, Coffee milla, Files, Reapa, Saucepans, Googes, Chisels &c., c.

A. H. FRYER & Co.

Queen's Road.

Victoria, 19th December, 1848.

THE Undersigned offer for Bale a general amort-

of Ship Chandler's Stores, comprising

Prime Me Beef and Pork; Gallego, Floor; Pilot

For Punge, or for farther particulars, apply to,

"W. PUSTAU &?Co., Agents at Canton and Honghong for "the Imperial Royal prin, dustria Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company.


Hongkong, 11th January, 1810.

and Navy Bread; Canvas and Colton Duck Sew-TENDERS will be peceived at the Office until


WARIELL Attorney for the 2015 Assolvente.

To the Creditora and Detter, of the swi? Info?vania.


MR, F. DRAKE wil be happy to respire tira

young Chillemen as boarder,


900 at prosent under h?a tuition, za: m?tes mouli imparted, solid and useful methifi hann. Sambined with avery deme?tia comfitged s?l osaled su lours ansgres in Mercantile pur-anta, and siber okanoela in Kobay

Colonial Oberab;:; Victoria, 201k, Demember, 18-19.



A Meleg of harsholdere of the RONGKONG ACBUS e requested on Saturday the instant, at 6 P. M., at the Chub Housie Yar the par- poss of filling up vadanoles in the Standing Com mites, and for reference to other important r connect with the minion

WILKINSON DENT, ? DOND MATHESON, } CHAR line. Flu@gkong, 12tv,Jiampryp2840.


I do requested that gl?gtennis whe

scribe, be settled on the 25th of the present


OLO. FRAZAR. Victoria, 19th Jonagy, 1840.

PUBLIC AUCTION. ?MITH & PRIMELOW have received instrume tions to dispose of, by Porum Avetion, de Thursday the 1st Fodenary, of the Bobres of Modern

HAM & Co., the remaining Brook, Eurai

No: 1-? ↑ Woonam's Buildl??i, ribed in landballs.

Viptari 19th Jowery, 188,"

ing and foplag Twins; Manila Rope of all size: 12 o'clock on Monday 22nd instant for Bills, &c., partion?rs of which whi we des Paints and Point Oil; Paint Brushes; Houseline to be drawn by the andersigned as thirty days

MR GEGROS G. FRANKLYN is authorised to sign Marline, &o, do

for me by Procuration.

W. H. FRANKLYN., Victoria, 20th December, 1848.


ANY Parties indebted to the late Firm of A HOLMES & BIGHAM or to the Under signed, aro requested to settle their accounts before

BIGHAM & Ca Hongkong, 9th January, 1849.

the 20th instant..

Also, reocived per late arrivals, Cheddar and Berkeley Chime York and Cumberland Hama; Sontab Ostmeal in Tins; an assortment of Oilian's Stores from Cross & Blackwell; Konnelly's Water Crackers; Manila Chocolate; Mocha aud Maile Coffes, &c., ALO.

Marseile Bottled Ale and Bront; London Bot led Sherry, Fort, and Madeira Wines,

A. H. FRYER & Co.


Victoria, 1st January, 1869,

right on either the Lords. Commissions of Her Majesty's Treasury of the Governor Grural of iodle to the extent of ten thousand pounds sterling in exchange for British money, Rupees, or Mexi-THE cap and South American Dollars.

The leaders to be sled-marked on the outside "Teader fos Hills and to express the rate per cent

for British money or the sterling rate at which each of the other coins may be offered.

J. W. SMITH, Aurial. Commy. General


Bale of Feins, Chiet, &c., adraked 10 take place on the 19th, at the Gods Memes W. T. GEMMELL & Co, je postponed

to Monday d 5th Fary.

SMITH & BRINELOW.- No. 1 & 2 Woesta's Buildin?a.

Victoria, 19th January, 184).


THE FRIEND OF China and Hongkong Gazette.

(From the China Mail 36th January)


Laud Revemit,

Kent, exclusive of Lande,

Auction Phation

Licenses -

* Panultakers,

Auctioneers, Salt Broker,

Bibised Rooms,

Cum Dealers.

Stane Quarrier,



Trav-Police Assessment,

Finer, Forfeiture, and Fees of Courts:-

From Supreme Court,


Chief Magistrate, ?


Marine do.



Asst, do, and Reg. G1|| 18|11| 1|


Supreme Court,

989 104 Chief Magistrato. 39 210 Marine do... [a Asst. do, and Reg. Gi||0|| 84 (From Chief Magistrate, 311 6

Sheriff, *||140||5||34|




New Zealand



Cape of Good Hope



from the



B. Christopher




Other oficials are paid la proportion, and benco

7,706) 7|10|it is that most of the West India islands, with even Colonial Secretary, (inclusive of ?0 19-8 paid in England) 3,205.1 64 a smaller zovenus than Hongkong, pay their own


12,016 9 9) Establisbraunts—

1,730,172 Clovernor.

286 0, ef


67219 1



Clerk of Council; '

Surveyor General,

Registrar General,


1095|16|| 8


Fers of Offices,

Bale of Government Property..

Reimbursement of Expensla incurred by Government,”(inclu-

site of ?10 7 0 recovered in England,

Mi-calonrous Receipts, ??


Harbour Master,

62 10 0

11 110

22 0

Police Rate Assessors and Collectors,

Judicial (exclusiva of ?3950 paid in Englngd) Ecclesiastical.

Modical, including Hospital,

Remuneration of the Adessors and Collectoto v? Palicr

1,800 181

454 16 9

117, 41


BL 29


765 39

expenses In 1843 the population of Antigua wan 36,400, the gross amount of revenuo raised wan ?32,900, or at the rate of 18 td per hand; the neighbouring Island of Barbadds with a population of 199,200 yielded a revenue of ?57,000, or De Sa 205 189

per head, but wore the British government to saddle 6,198 3

Auligue with the Barbada establishment, the rate would be raised to upwards of 32 per hood, an a- mount which the colony could not bear. This is precisely what has been done in Hongkong, with a population less than that of Antigua we have an ex- penditure greater than Barbados; to pay which the fired population (Chinese included) would require to be taxed at the rate of ?4 a band, a burden which is not borne by any British possession, nor could the rerourced of any colony support it.

654 13,4

8,906: 6:


83,16 0

101 5 0 0815 0 282) al 01 2,154.3

Ta propertion to its population the recimo Now raised in Hongkong is large-not less than 330, a bead; when it is considered that nearly the whole amount is contributed by a few hundred Eu- 867 10 0 13.7886ropeans, it will be allowed that it contrasts invour- 3,2017 0 ably with the revenus of other colonias, But the


following table will establish our assertion, that in 4,000 of o

proportion to the population ibo revenue of this co- lony is in excess of other colonies; and sufficient to dufray the expenses of a civil establishment similar to those of the amali West India Islands, und if a more expensive establishment is forced upon us we ought to be relieved of a great part of the burden:


Gree Pur Head, Bourne.

Cup to carry Bibs extra


1 2


secund Wurao's Sakp. Entranco 10 oach.

Kathleen Gray Style 2






eko, my friend, what erd have I committed characteristic, and, at the same time, have been

beshop of Yock ties only 2: the berie and foreign no means personally and directly interesting. T The Pony Walter Stakes, for all Ponies. Once that you act thus towards inu! Your presunt con

secretation have each, while the Secretary fut discourse was, however, altogether singularly fa mud and distance. Entranco 81 cach, 850 added duct is not that of a great chief, it is murs like

Weight Itt dibs. for 13 hands that of a slave To the astonishment of the neful; and calculs, we believe, to be remember

The Colemics and the Becretary-at-War have only Fund,

| lives, no less than of Mr Davis, Hike with unpa- by the highest and lowest of its bearera; not,

Joar between them, the Bailiffs of Burford" have under, 10. 7lbs. if abova 13 hands.

rallelo bifrontery, declared that be should coffsider we have said, fro... the eloquence of the proact has only one. These anomalies are, however, pro

| two, while the Chanoeller of the diocese of Londo Flatcatcher Mr Trubahaw's

Ils sentence as involving a curso (kosga) and that Cruickcom Mr Shaw's

Rot exactly from the character of the style-bably more apparent than reel. The Fotel Se he should demand an extra ?5 for its expiation! The Plenipotentiary's Cup, presented by His Ex-

from the plain downright truths it contained, credery glands on the list for four bucks only, but Expostulations and remontramos were am- cellency Samuel Georgs Bonbum, Esq., U. B., va

the personal application lo of them to the slate na "the Viscount Palmerston" recurs further down gand, for all Flores bond te the property of ployed, in order to bring Heke to reason, but in of every human being.

vato, and even the Res. Mr Burrowe, wo are in-

for two, and as the suble ford ressives one in die Cree church presented one of the finest illa opacity of maker Cooper of the New Forest, he le the parties entering. From the stance twice round

Weight 9at Tibe. for Arabs, Sydney and formed, was told that he had better haki his tongue, tration that the world can exhibit of the equality is reality one buck & head of the Arabbishap of and in Cape bred Horana 110t. Furmor winners of this did not want to lose the waddle he was then of all his creatures before Gud. Passant girls in Canterbury and the Lord Mayor of London. The Lost Hored to pay the tiling upon. Indeed, wine think that Hoke would printed cotton, and Highland mucous in their snow Comtalewoners of Woods and. Forme are enticed Hava Liken it if it had not been somewhat the womewhite caps and plaids, were sested best din Q10 for 1 bucks, but Lord Morpeth, in his au pasity of for wear. It is dowkital whether bir Janos Dal of England; and the whole appearance of Chief Justice in Eyre, receives 14,addition to would have complied with the axorhitaat demand, congregation was most ruspertful—not merely | if he had been allowed to act according to his own the high pemonages there, but to the praclies Winchester, again, appeare to receive 4 backi, or he third port of that allowance.. The Bishop of feelings; bat his fatiter, the Reg. R. Diva, a man feeling that this was a place of worship of more than the Archbishop of York; but the srab- of proverbially wild and finding dipsition, and

Highest, and that they professed therein to be e

bishop gets the whole animal egrept the head, maerer wol gricken in years, who would per gaged. The preacher read the st rapbra, while the bishop's boasts aro cunailed of their hips with more amiability the prudente, unit and the word had evidently escaped the 410, Decks and shoulders, walmost any persoon) sacrifice and loss, for the who turnal round to a young ins in the powi

By this curtailment hungo a tale. ?n th? rom: purpose of lienling differences, eventually agreed modistety babind, and requested him, app?rentl to furnish the required payment. Hoke oven went

to "alber the place," as people say in Scotla

lation slicked by the committee on Wosie and Forests of last session. Lard Charskilt appears to At the conclusion of the service there was ve so far as to sompel Mr James Davis to start latof

all the dignity of a foreg Hampden. Et used to be at night for the parpots of catching the hocas that little display of cariosity. The only fueling

customary in all the rests for the kupem to re- Whon, he had obtained" that kind which seemed "offensive was evinced 1 the money, be with a ridiculous affection of gone an old gentisman and lady, whe cans in a requisites. An order isced by the Demmlafeners of was to be delivered up

Is the necks and shouldere of the bucks as per- rosity, told out about 30s. sach, and presented it cla from a neighbouring parish-apparently the Woods some-years ago, to and the entire animal to the Rer. Mr Davis and his son, we a slight com? only stagera present. pensation for the "darkness of thole heart," or lo other words for the mortification they had under Bone

Mc Day's

Mr Alexander's

Mr Chance's


& Andrew 4 Haphard 5 Jerry


Mr Muirhouse's Mr Casey's Mr Campbell's The Victoria Plate valus 093, for all Ponis, From the Black Rock once round and in. Weight Former winders of this Entrance $3. An, Tibe race to carry 71be, ex-re progressively.

Charlie Mr Clement'

Teloy Mr Scout'

+1 9

The Arab Stakes, Hous, once round Weigh Bulbs. Entrance 85 oach. 8100 sdled from

the fund.


Mr Muirhouse's Pha Squire (1 Mr Mercer'a The Hajji 2 23

Holstein Mir Bedley's The Scarry Stakes, for all Ponies. Catch weights, From the Black Rock in Entrance 81 oach $30 del from the Fund Last Posy to pay the second Pooy's entrance.


1967 510

59316 N

4,416 78)

26.75 184

Police and Gaola,

Toral Establishments

Pensions. Retired Allowances, and Gratuities,

Fevenue Bervices, exclusirs of Establishments:-

Hates for the year ended 30th June 1849,

Commission to the Government Autoacer

on the Sale of Licenses, &o.,


908[ s

Administration of Justice, exclusive of Establishments, Charitable Allowances,

16318 7 355 1 31

Education, Exclusive of Establishments,




Police and Guole, do.

Superintendent of


4417104| 19914 a

1,572 1810


1,073 64


Works and Buildings,


Roads, Streets, and Bridge,

Miscellaneous Bervices,

270 3 8

Land and House Purchased,

513 10 422 29

Special Expenditure, (inclusive ?173 10 1 paid in England

for Standard weights, &c.)


312 16 8

Total Expenditure..........


Colonial Treasurer.

An adjourned public meeting was held at the Baul?) har not been with-held from any other British yosterday forenuou; J. F. Edger, Esq., in the chair. colony.

9th, Your Petitioners cannot too strongly express







294 400

13 7

Navs Scotia


64 200


125 000

15 9

Barbados Newfoundland





23 10

Prince Edward

Jaland Antigus




38 FOO

10 I


29 400










0 13 4

Dominies Tobago Bermuda Nevis Montserral Hougkoog

18 5000




10 T


12 100

Mo Fund.



7.100 18,000

2010 95,000

19 3


Spremi Receipts, (inclusive of ?0 0 Twreceived in England)

Toist Revenue received during 1948,...................... ? 25,001/19/194

Victoria. Hongkong, Bil, January, 1849.


New Advertisements will be received wati

O'Cock, on the evenings previous to publi zatim, vir: Tuesdays and Fridays




911 Brdary


United States l'el

H? Hatari



↑ Singapore Dec.


Buhay Aladras


I Manila



13 Shanghai




NOTIgh, ?Dielne Service will be the peminat be con.

| 62,654|16| 7|

With few amendment, the memorial to His Ex their conviction of the bad moral effect produced New Brunswick 156.100 cellency the Goretsar was passed. The following on the minds of the Chiness by the present systom draft of a petition to the House of Commons was of forms adopted in the Supreme Court, and by the aho passed, bubject to alterations as to point of form: heavy Fees authorized to be levied by the Court, in consequence of which the ends of justice are too of To the Honourable the COMMONS of the United ten frustrated, whereas these forms and fees in the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Par opinion of your Petitioners should be the simplest liament ambled-The humble l'ition of the and lightest that circumstances will admit of undersigned Inhabitants of the Laland of Hong- kong.


15 That Your Petitioners have made repeated represantations to Her majeng's Cigvernment.”by | Memariala and otherwion, praylig for reling from the bavy burdens under whichshay labour, where by the prosperity of this Island has been retarded.

In conclusion, Your Petitioners carnestly erava the early consideration of Your Honourable House to the prayer of this Petition; sad Your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. Hananono, January, 1849.


St. Vincent

St Kitt's

We have borrowed from the "China Mail" a communicated report of the ra?as,——

2nd, That these representations induced Your LAT month when discussing the question of re- decte. The bag alpinus the Put-ice an I oppet Honourable House to appoint a Select Committes, trenchment we estimated the Revenue of the colony

The Clemin Sandare 411 A. M. ??) j pasi 4 |to take into consideration the present state of out! for 1818 at ?25,000, and the expendituro (axalusive been varied during the past three days by the us Commercial relations with China, and repon of public works) at ?99,370, showing a deficiency

P, N.; vnd vn Touradage 81 0 P. al.

Vitans, 9th October, 1984.


Goomal complain.

NOTICE-Ceonytanian Chunen "The congreg tion, vol end for the present by the Her, W. C. Ross, will rotetests facetit, the Bungalow immebetely be The sets of Dicine Service will be. 11. 2. 2, and 3 pas Victoria, 210 Novembe), 1848.



Wy hear from Canton that the schooner war lost?a Branker Point on the 5th intrat; Captain, first Mate, an English Musionary, and nine of the crew were drowned. * The survivors, twenty

five in number, arrived at Canton on the 18th; they bad wife across the coun? revilsfsting a sixteen cath per diem allowed by the Aulporities. After the week, the cag weet plundered by the inob; but the Mining, so the as ?n yes koown, treated them

with Luudavad

We have been favoured with further


Our ordinary monotonous round of existence ha Winter Raced Expoc ation had been kept alive

by rumours of excellent sport, destined, we are hap

3rd, That the Report of the Committee was laid of ?14,970, which it was proposed to meet by repy to any, to be fullied Now horses and nove before Your Honourable Elouse eighteen mont?aductions in the civil establishment. These calcul riders were mixed up with old favouritas; and al- ago; but there is an evidence, up to the present time ations have proved tolerably cartons. The Roves tolerably well, yet the additions to our Racing world. though some of the latter sustained their reputation that any of the most important recommendations in the Report have received the attention of Her Ma.

both biped and quadruped, have certainly consider- jesty's Governinens, except as regards the tenure of

ably raised its ar?ndard. | the Land," which it would seem to be in contempla.

tion to offer in perpetuity.

4th," Your Petitioners therefore feel it their binden duty to call the particular attention of Your Honourable House to that Report, praying that measures may be adopted for improving our com cial relations with this Empire, and ampliorat

ing the condition of the inhabitants of this laland.

225,001; expenditure (exclusive of public works, roads, bridges, and the purchase of a court house) ?40,385, leaving a balance on the wrong sida the finances of ?15,264.

There is no immediato prospect of any increase in the sources of revenue; and a reduction in the expen- dicure is therefore unavailable. The people of Eng land will not capsent to be burdened with expansive colonial establishments; and in Hongkong it is very

for the protection of the British Trade carried on at out of the colony by any degree of financial pres Sth, That considering the Island as necessary clear that ?82,000 per annum cannot be squeezed the Fivo Porta-necessary also as a safa dop?s for British manuf:ctures and produce as well as a sore which can be applied without endangering the safe retreat fat all foreign residents in China, in the life of the patient. Ultimately the land renta may be of op of disturbed relations, your Petitioners are much increased; though this can only result from

of opinion that all classes of our countrymen derle-cammercial prosperity. An extensive Juck trade ing advantage, directly or indirectly, from the trade would lead to a demand for land, bot that trade does with this Empire, should in gommon justice bear particularly the expense incurred to affording them pro- sot now exin to any extent.

on and facility for conducting their business,

of the loss of the Omegu from a Gentleman in provided for by the Treaty existing between the two Itongkong-

*"'The Charga lef this on the 3rd indant with cargo of Opium and Coon. On the night of the 5th she was besting up in 'unt with a mill becca The night was dark and bazy, and after sanding in shore, and just as she was going about, she touched the ground to the Southward of Breaker Post, the The Jamil being so low as not to be visible at the time.



The sports tornicated hot frening with foot and ock races. &c. &c., which produced to small amount of fun and laughter.


The Wong-moi chung Staka for all Ponies under 13 Handa. Once round and a stance. Entrance $1 each. 830 added from the Pund. Weight for inches. Former winnors excluded.

Mr Clemem's

Mr Shaw'

Mr Trubabaw's

Charlia 1

Cruiseen 2

Flatcatcher 3

The Canton cup, valce $150, for all Horses.

From the Garden turn, once round and in. Weight

951. 7ibe for Arabe, list. for Sydney and Capa bred Ilorees. Maiden torace allowed itba. Entrance $5 each.

Mr Chance'

Mr Muirhonan's Bir Hickson's


St Andrew 1 Chance ?

importance of this colony, the establishment was From the exaggerated opinions entertained of the

formed at first on too large a scale. The Governor, Colonial Secretary, Magistrato, and other heads of de pariments, are pot on a footing with officers holding inches and under Once round and distance. En. The Valley Stakes, for all Ponies 13 banda 9 alilar appointments at the Capo, New South Wa-trance $2 each. 40 added from the Fund. Weight for inches. Former winners of this Race to carry Tibe, extra, progressively.

Gth. It is also worthy of notice, that while the expenses of this Soulement, mooting to about ?39,000 per annum, beat so heavily on the inhabi- tants of this place, they form but a light and appropriate charge on the general trade, pickling upwards of Five Millions sterling Revenue on Tea alone to the British Empire, and Two to Three ficers of the count are also remunerated as highly Millions on Opium, Cotton and other produce to Bris in the old and flourishing colonios referred to

of Your Honourable House to the recommendations of the Select Committee in their Report, in which it is stated,

lea, Jamaica, Ceylon and area Chunda. The of

This won about 2 a. . of the 6th. The Schooner tish Indian Your Petitionera therefore pray that the It would perhaps be unfair to reduce the the salaries stuck fist and all boude remained by her till day. chief part of these Expenses be charged against the of those who have given up other purecita to accept light. As soon as the Chinese saw ber they began Ravenue dorived from that Trade. collecting in crowds. About moon, Capt. Anderson, seeing there was no use in remaining longer by the

7th, Your Petitioners urgently pray the attention appointmeau(though there need be no such delicacy vesel, attempted to land with his officers and part of the crew and the Reve Mr Pokiman passenger. They took pikes and other weapons with the view of defending themselves from the Chinese on the besch Before they had gone from the schooner more than a bear's length a sex struck her and sho swamped. Those that could swim then got la whore, but Me Hinchinson, Me Pohlman and some of the Lnecate are believed to have been drownel When Capt. Anderson and others of the crow Teached the beach, they wore attacked separately when in live water by the Chinese and their Clothes torn from their backs It is suppo od Capt. An derson offered cesistance and was drowned by them as he was deen lying dead on the beach afterwards. The secool officer and pars of the crew on being do prived of theit Cluthes tan info tive Country, and after

with the adventurers who came aceking employment),

but when these appolutmenu become vacant they will

very probably be filled at lower rates. The

"That they do not think it right that the bur-Chief Justice of Hongkong receives ?3,000; we den of maintaining that which is rather a post for quote the salaries of the Chief Justices in a few of general trade in the Chinn soos, than a Colony the first class colonies merely for the sake of con in the ordinary sense, should be thrown in any

some lys tavelling, during which time they were

great degren on the mercantile or other firma trat

who may be resident on it,"

“That a share in the administration of the or dinary and local affairs of the Island should be giren by some system of Municipal Government, to the British residents."

That some short code should be ?Pawn up for

the more convenient administration of Justice."

8th, Your petitioners further represent, that al-

New South Wales




Do. -we


Van Diemen's Land






British Guiana


Po may abo cite a few second rate colonies,

though this colony has beco established for upwards (which in population exceed Hongkong.) where the

of seven years, the Inhabitants have no share to the

amily provided by the Mandarius at each station Legblature either by elective representatives or by duties of the Judge are arduous, and the settlements, with copper cash and rice, they arrived at Camon." Dominoes selected by the Governor,a privilege which [ themselves of great value to Great Britain:——

Mr Scod's Mr Bernard's

Teloy Morada

The Arab Welter Stakes, from the Gordon turn, once round and in. Entrance 65 each, 880 added pay the second Horse's entrance. from the Fond. Weight 11st. The last Horio to

Mr Muirhouse's

Mr Mercur'a

Mr Wiseman's

The Squire The Hajji 2 Ranger

The Hack Stakes, for all Ponies. Catch weight. Ooce round. The wiener to be sold for $50, claimed within a quarter of an hour from coming ih. Entrance Free, 630 given from the Fund.

Mr G. Strachan's

Mr Lloyd's

Air Maxwell's


Rif Ref 2 Mercury 8

The Sydney Weker Stakes, for all Botnes, Araba excepted. From the Garden turn, once round and idEntranco 65 mch, 980 sdded from the Fund. Weight 12. The last Horse to pay the second Hord's entrance.

Mr Alexande Mr Casey's

Mir Heard's

Grey Style Hopkarand 2 John Gilpin 3


Mr Black's Dictum Factum Mr Shaw's Cruishoon Mr Timothy's Lirio The Ladies' Puros, valus 850, for all Ponies which have run at this meeting Winners to be handicapped by the Stewards. Once round and a distance. Entrance $1 each. Weight 9 stone,

Mr Clement's

1 Charlie Tetoy

2 Cruises 3

Mr Scou's

bir Shaw's


kinds and I inch. Entrance $5 each.

Mr R Strachan's Mangroo Mir Mercer's

Grenadier & The Pony Hurdis Race, for all Ponies. From Ovor four the fiarden turn once round and in hurdles 4 feet high and two bodies 3 in. Wright for inches. Entrance $1, and 840 edded from the Fund Becond Pony to recuire $10 from

tory order Mr While, late subinapotor of police We are also informed, Heko has sent a porcmp. were, who le now stationed at Mungaoul as colleo. for of Customs, to quit that district without delay. Ja this case, however, he may magi with a rebuff that he had not anticipated. Noble, the resident Chief Kaitaia and Mobgenai, has not forgotten he old feud with Heke, and the loss be sustained at his hands some five oral years go, and in answe, to

was obeyed In all the siber Kresto ang parich, BILA On the narrow lanas leading from the church to the doble fager of Whychwood stood out, menfelly the bridge-amongst a considerable crowd of heaters for the prescriptive rights of himself and keepers. -in the plaio couras woollens of the hille-with The keepers have thus retained the wicks and the old broad blue boabets of the district-or taboulives of the warren door, and the ranger some simple female ettiring that, many years ago, was thing core sabatantial Lord Churchill'e claim the prevailing babit le lowland country parishes- to the entire use and poetrel of the residue of the Jady and gentlemann were walking down towards deer of this forest, denoting them killed under the the bridge. They neither seemed to seek nor to

warrants," has bese conoaded. The ground on avoid mixing with the people; who, on their part, which he advanced this claim was big allegation, did not step out of their ordinary walk and ease that the expense of increasing and preserving the either to avoid or to meet them. The gentlemen stock of fear be been defrayed by me." The would bare been considered by a passenger one of truth of this statement might have been confested the Best looking men in Scotland. The lady by any board loss polise than ber Majesty's Com would have been regueded as remarkably ploosing, alioners of Woods a ferit appare from the eri or kind-hearted; but, at the same time, hering a dence of Mr Mime that board have had to stop large share of intellect and decision in her appen bis lordship'a timberVopredations in Whyshwood esaco. As the people before and behind exhibited Forest, committed to diely food for his deer;

unusual feeling regarding them, and only a tiro and from the evidence of de Downes that the kog Borse carriage was in waiting oa the south side of of one back is ofsel to the hamp of night or int the bridge, stranger in these parts might have sheep. Lord Churchis may harp dofmy?i the ex- supposed that he had met a landlard, bin Indy, unda “pen of preserving the door, but he has done it out their tenantry, on the way from church Europe, Helthe public purse.

or the world, had no faer spectacle, notwithstand- The daties of the knights of the haunch are ob world; the gentlemes was her cuneori, and, from them. This entalle pen the Land Mayor and the Queen of the widest and the greater ampire of itre de los than out the venison their sovacsiga vendo his peeiion, the first in the land; their guards Archbishop of Canterbury she arduous of com rising not merely from a cold foundation of luty, buimt digest 17; Lord Marpath, 101 and her Regal were the devotion sad affection of their people,ming andually mix fat buckca imala j. Leved. Oltro!! from respect and love to the character of the purest Bighann the Beagar of Lany Fark so lam th?n and the best sovereign of a long hoa of kings | 90. Dat Ta human raguz? to thebonith of them And yet the proscher bad spoken of troublows illusione personages we would ruspoelfully repre times in the church they had left-troublous times so that they ought to be allowed-), command that might have even shaken the strong structured to astah chalk, own veninde me wiki na but it. of the British constitution, except for the character. To this suggueliana na may add suscher, which of the, lady who held the sceptra of the Sistas,

follows it a sarily as ?

the thres hold out by Heke, " that ho would go himself and drive Mr While away," has quietly told him to." come on."

Things have come to a and pass if the new po- lice force should be dran by Heki from Mon. ganoi-such can scarcely be tolerated by the Go. veramente may terms Now that the police for The Hunter's Plate, valus $110, for all Hones

ace there, it will mot de to let Heko drive them From the Garden-turn, once round sfd io. Over away. Yet it would have been well to have com four hurdlee 8ft. 6in., and two hurdles of high.sidered the propriety of establishing such a station Weight for inches, 15 hands 2 inches to carry 100. | with a little more cara. If the truth muat ba 4. Sibe allowed for every inch below to F4 told, there is as much oned of such a force at Moning its apparent simplicity. The lady was the lealy savara. "Ta somaten pritenute they cannot

gouni as a carl has for three wheels. Why, there are only two settlers, if we mistake not, and those algront distance from each other, and there can be very little smuggling, for the best of all reasonu, there is no commerce carried on, and no outlet for amoggled goods. We doubt if the whole duties collected during the twelvemonth will afford a cou ple of months pay to the farce.

Such is the sale of affairs in the north as far as Heka is concerned. The beltlern generally do not The Naline Purse, Talde $20. for all Ponim apprehend and danger to themselves personally, ledian and Chinese tiders, Oace round

but must of them ato inclined to think that Heke sight. Enance (res

is only acting in the manner in order to draw forth Capsaic Heavinda's Joam's

some demonstrations on the part of Government, that he may have a pretext for repawing his strug The Handicap Stakes, for all Horses that have gla with the authoriting. It is a singular act too, matted at this mesting. To be bandicappol by the "a wa are informed, that many of the natives, and Mewards. From the Garden torn, once round and they are generally the best interpreters of each ia. Weighs to be declared at the Club house by others feelings and motives of action, ascribe these I am, the day of the race. Entrance to be de- renewed indication of hostility on the part of Heke clined by 2 o'clock on the same day. Entrance to the extraordinary pains taken by the Govamor $3, and 980 added from the Fund,

lose and coociate him. They say shat since Mr Alexander'a Grey Styla

The Gwernor'e vuit ho has been "whakakako rawa" (insufferably overbearing.)

Novice Mr G. Strachuo's

Mr Muirhouse's

Mr Campbell's

Mr Hickson's

Mr J. Day'e

The Stifton 2

Si Andrew







Homeroo ?


Me It Strachan's The Hongkong Staple Chase, for all Pos?ss. Catch weigh Ground to be naged by the S- warka at 1:3 o'clock on the 10th. Entrance to be declared on the course, $1 each, $30 added from the Fund,


Me Timothy's Mr G. Strachan's Nevica



At the mouth side of the bridge, a small numbye | problama. Trus kewapate (amma@"The Atlas sva

in such circumstances.

of the people whose road lay down the river, waned reed are we longer allowed to reminded pendata (until the Queen'e carriage came up took off thee | use the sonics and shoulders; why should

bule or boasts and bowed.

allowed to keep the skies! Outerthan Mom highe There was, we think, no occurones that could | ba maustantsend broschen und gloves whithin The give umbgage to the Queen, who is known to be knights of the order might “ chase the dying deer.” opposed to say greal manifestation, ovan of respect, cheap defence of nations.""" It may be mammal Order and decorations have been formed the

whether this description applies to the engler of the koonch, *There are numoally distributai ymong the knights of the order 729 backs. Now Me Doulan Her Majeay's beef enters--their figures, con.-maintaine, with a fair show of reason, that the horp tums, and functions—are as familar to the publis↑ of one back le equal to the keep of sight ar sen an k?r Blajesty's self. But the gallant ba?d whoon | sheep. "I jie noi mean,” mayo Mr.Downes, “ that musterolbwe this day publish—her Majesty's voni?, you anu koop sight or the shoep with what would ton-eaters—are less known than their aggregan | food ane back, but you maquire that book to be kept- and individual importance merita,

five or six years, whereas the shoop are about a poke


From the Daily News.)

Dulfs the commencemsal of every back sad and half hafarn they yield a votues.” – My Diaryin 200 a royal mandate is addressed to the Commiss | adds, with a obermingsmanto?i?, " E geckons shat for sinners of Woods and Foresta, authorising and re- every dear you can Toing late sheep, and you would guiring them to issue warrants to the rangers and | get four changin of shang whilst ons deer is coming keepers of the rayal parks and forests to kill med to perfection; and, tu maantee to the back, you mus deliver for the service of the royal table, and for the? b?ve a don to bread the Guys on that, in fact, vali lorda and others mentioned in ? list thereto append | am becomes very exponalat 1622 – Winlehrendt od, a buck or hocka respectively. The hot in chiefly to the krights of the lastah, we must add the qua- made up of civil and ecclesiastical functionaries of lifying phrase, " to those who pay for it," a certain tank, to whom are added by special grars "In Me Dongos' nationate de bevona? l? made of a few private individuale –none of them below then | the depredations committed by the deer on the game. rank of aequire. It is, in point of fact, the full of wry round, for which sundry hacka ora konvully dias a civil and'ecolesiastical urder of merit-the necer | tribusad as kush money among the f?mors and pro- of the Haunch. The official members are adm prietors in the vicinity of Whiteweed. Whychwood, ed on the strength of their having allained a cs, and the Nate Format. But leaving als out of riper Lain standing in their respective services, un t?o | far the pressal ; and also the fact that the Duke of members of old German chiralele orders used - Grafton, Lord Churchill, and other hotoditary row be on the strength of their quartetings. The not goil are allowed an unlimited numberva? banka z official'members appear to owe their advancement | The 799 backs annually distributed among bar Mas to the mere genes and favour of the crown, except Joy's corps of vanisen omters, such buck being squi- in one or two instances, where it looks as if it ki? | valens da at fast 10 shop, and good da been obtained by baker at least if not by par- being worth at least ad, it is evident and the chans.

every year apart upon the order $1,8760° Ana mLM? The sovereign for the time being is at the head ter of womy it could be wished that the knigh?n of the order. No person under the rank of a senior of the knock like those of the flacon were da to oleck of the Treasury, a clock of the Custome, in i west matallia imagus nof their divljactiva kukat aficer of Woods and Works, a housekeeper in instead of swalloping the real animals.


(From the North British Mail.) Bar Majuly and Prince Albert attended divino servica ga Bunday at noon, in Crathie parish church. It was generally known that the Quines would be present at worship there, but the circumstance did not cause any of that excliament whias was sup. posed to have been highly and justly offensiva io her Majesty Blair Athol. The church is a small building, and was quite fall but not over crowded. The congregation appeared to conmat From the Southern Cross (Auckland) Oct. 21,)

entirely of the parishioners; who may have aliand- The Nancy, from the Bay of Islands on Monday al in larger numbers than is usually the case, but evening, brings us letters from several correspon none of the people from neighbouring parish des, all of which allude in pointed terms to the seemed to be provent. T?n visitors at Billator, bearing and conduct of the redoubtable Hieka, s eight miles lower the river, wore not there; and Indicative of this restlessness, and determination to the attendanoo was not equal to the numbers who ast law and order again at defiance. It is the al- would be present on a communion Sabbath. The mou unanimous opinion of those who have known feeling manifustad seemed thus to be highly credit- this chief for many years, that he never will be able to the people of the neighbourhood. The church quiet for any length of time together. Ambition is, of Cratkin was specially whitewashed and cleaned; bis ruling passion, and being very liule ander the the pulpit asatly covered with cloth the front influene-if not wholly destunte—of apright prin- || seats of the gallery decorated and painted ; and the ciples, he does not scruple tu anise upon the most paw set apart for her Majony and the Prison, co- frivoles and unwarrantable protexts for supporting vered with crimson cloth, and a small canopy of his exactions. Some of his old adherenu dimp-| erima?n fringo was suspended from the coof. The prove of his present behaviour, and declare that be improvements were very nonily done, and not out must have good cause for assuming a hostile posi. | afkeeping with the unpretending character of a tion before they will yield their sanction and sup. Highland church, which is seldom or ever attended pon; but the majority stand in awe of him, and by a proprietor. The only propriators in the pa- feel that their own safety in a measure depende | r?sh are the Earl of Fife, who is under trustees; upon their union with him, as be bas duglared Col. Gordon, of Abergeldla, who is in the sama that he will regard the neutrala on his foes, and in position; and Mr Farquharson, of Inveronuld. The one instance has alecady wreaked his vangeance | Rev. Mr Anderson, who is minister of the parish, ripping a neutral chief of all that be possessed. conducted the service in the form asual in the The history of bis recant exploit, according to the church of Scotland. He read part of the last ad- best account we have obtained, is as follows:- dress of Mome to the Exrmalitos; apparently, from Mr James Davis, a son of the Rev. R. Dayle, his comments, in the oval course of reading; and has been for many years in quist possession of the made some remarks, elicited by the passage, on the and purchased for him of the native chiefs, and najure and character of ontional sins. His targ had lately had in his employ some native lede zote was the 36th rarse in the 6th chapter of Joba's log in the capacity of shepherds. Some of those, gospel. The Rev. gentleman is dot a pleasing The Felative rack bald in the order by the mon it weras, had kindled a fire upon a portion of Me speaker. His voice in harsh, and admits, apps.bert of the order may, we presume, be inferred fro Davis's land, which Hoke chose to say was "tapu," rantly, of no modulation. He would not have broj the number of bocka upcribed to each. Her M 40 account of some bodies having been buried there accounted, some time slace, & farourable repre- Janty to set down for 10; Lord Churchill (as Ran Dor, if not more, of these offending youths belong sentative of the parochial ministry of Scotland; but ger of Whychwood Forest), 16; the Archbishop of 10 Heka's tribe, but this was not taken into the the composition of his discourse was better than smallest consideration by bim. Tastead of espri~ the dolivory. It was ramarkable for brevity, and manding or punishing them, be brought a "tana” acoupied ?zneily twenty-Bro minutes. This may against Mr Davis, and demanded ?15 and d'hofen | have arisen from the length of the preliminary sai payment for the offenco. By James Davis not vices, and the nonessity of rooting a Galia con inclined to submit to such an unreasonable gregation in the afternoon. We wish, however, demand, adiremed a letter to Elekt, commanding, so add, that the protober's sentiments were strioly we believe, with some such question as this:erangelical. They might have passed this

royal palace, or a clergyman having a cure of o

Be it remembered too thai net one of those bucka

is adonible. Breange to say, the Solicitor Geradually presented by the grows to lie wanaon-a- ora la honestly come by. The crown continuar cool. ral deme not ressive the order, though both the

ly to make premt? of the deer of the royal forente Attorney General and the Firm Serjeantbat Le

are d?cords. The inscription of the Bailiff aakhough the formats were long ago sold to the pub- Leoksmith" of Windsor Great Park on thee for the civil et. But it seems that pince the would appear at Best sight to imply an extension of days when the dear sighing expedition of the Party the honoure of the Haunch to pleboises; bat e into the Douglas's woed provoked the lamentatio dare wager that the "locksmith" will be fout, t, | battle of Chery Chase, no venison has been thought on inquiry, to be a genilemen born," like t... | to have the right favour unless it were stolen. clown in "A Winter's Pals"--" no waiter, but a kaight templar?"


(From the Liverpool Mail.)

"Ships, Colonies; and Commaeno " have long beso closely and insperably connected in the fa vorite formula of every growl commercial"comm Canterbury and the Loved Mayor of London, ? sach ; a phocipal Secretary of Blato, 4 ; secretaris |nity. But secoreng to the shep-Book garishmala and clerks of customs, the housaksepers at Wind- of that prodiglang oldver “calculations boy m sor, Kenelagton, the Surveyor Decoral of the Ock | Conona, and of the other sonnacalora of the tim nos, the clerks of the vasisoin warrants, &e, chester school, il ne latterly baan tonepated, az a sach. There are some apparent anomaliza is the natible discarery, that Commeren will thrive most, order of precedence thas indicated. The Lord by discouraging our own shipping, and by reining Bishop of London has 4 backs, while the Arch. For elas cutting mirik our Colonies



Our empatical State Doctors-Cobden the con- Palung physician : Peel the prescribing physician, practising surgeon, and and adventurous operator, Itussell the humble and obsequious apothecary and tirey the untiring cupper and leeclier-ara ull best on sul jecting the Shopping Interest to the same tegimen me that which they have adminialered, with such tal ronuli, to our Culonial Interest, how fairly impoverished and exhausted under the Fangrado treatment of bleeding and water grud." For the rake of cheap freights" and of peddling savings to the pockets of grouping millowners, our Kavigation Laws aro to be broken down-the wooden walls of old England" to be unmanned and IR to decay-snu our unrivalled merobust T to be exposed to an unequal competition with Dutch galls, cheap-built crail from the Ballic, or float- ing coffin of any kind-manned chiefly by crews wio. wages are so luw us to be scarcely a quarter of these paid to British sailors, and who are via. alled on blackbread and other garbage at which our parish paupers would revolt and mutiny. All this amount of motional disaster is to be brought about merely in order that cution may be imported for two or three-eighths of a penny (ras, nad twist and devil's-duat exported at a fractional reduction frights. On the selfish and shortsighted policy-merely for the sake of "ebeep sugar" our own colonies have been wurdidly and cruelly secri- ficed; while the ho?ilde slave-traile has been stimu- Jased and multiplied, and while the slave wrought sugar estates of. Binzil and of Cuba, are, thereby rewed to an unparalled state of commercial pros. penity.




(From the Sydsey Moring Herald, Dec. 2) Arrivals of produce from the interior have again caused dnie stir in tradothis week, and sales by importers have been more extensive than for som titne previous The Fruit, ex fate ship, kua mel a ready sale and been all placed, say the Currupts at about Gd, and Muscatele at 5d.; the scarcity of Chesme Raisins in mpels felt.--- We have aoticol Bone little enquiry for Texpand some trifling sales have been effected; this article maintain its prica -be desand for Sugatu have also been more haimated, though liulo doing for speculation.- Flourlo been submitted on easier ferme stocks of unpoffed are light, but there is little in quiry. There have been considerable sales of ego Gin, quotations are 10s to 19. 01-Curry Pow der; we notice a sale of East India at about 154,— Bleached Ginger may all be quoted at is to in.





17, Lady McNaghien, Hibbert, from London 18th August and Portsmouth


19, Antelope [Am.], Waikin?, from Shanghai 1815 January,

10, Falcm, Foroman, from Bombay 10th October.

19, Malaces, Consit, from Bombay 28th October,


Por Lady MeNaghten,—Mr Hibbort and Child.



The Lady McNeghian cali 1 at Coprog on the 15th December and sailed on the 18th; was ten day in company whh the ship Ann bound to Shanghai, and three days with the barque Eagle from Singapore bound to Macao.

The Antelope spoke the Demin, off Breaker Point; H. M Str. Hodca arrived st Shanghai on the 8th instant.




19, Neptune [Am. Whaler), Holt, Ses.

18, H. C. Str. Plato, Lisut-Communding Airey, Bingapore.

18 Andar, Sullivan, Cumsingmoon.

18, Antelope (Am), Watkins, Whampon.

18, Julia (Bremen), Layties


19, Ans Maria (Am), Osgood, Singapore,

19, Prudence, Crawford, Manila.

10, Cori ? Herman?Hamburg?, Keyoor, Manila.



13, New Margardt, Ager, London.





Brighton, whip (Whaler) Dart, schoones Glabe, ship (Whaler) Jefferson, ship (Whaler) Antelope, brig Candes, barg Charlan, shly Congress, ship Eagle, brig

Joshan Bain, ship

Forumo, ship

Fanmeer, bly

Baser, schooner

Coquis, ship Clarendon, ship Anglona, schoo Petrol, echoca

FORTABLE. Amiunde, brig

Gesavere, brig



41 Tens


Hongkong 351 West

150 Porter

439 Deze

435 Smith

|W'basspos || 37%) W?ackian

43 Andra


Rawte, Drinker and c

Augustine Heard and ca,

Hawis, Drinker and co

Bush and on

?tuelt vad cs.


Nya, Parkin and co.

Kell and ou.

Furdina, Matheson and co,

Kwell and ou


Nye, Parkin and co.


370 Presc



S16 Fuller

575 Prescot

| Bhangbai"|| 166|Wuodberry


Earl (4



Olyphant and co.

Geo F. Luberon,

Resalt and co.

|Jamoa Tali.

Russell and co.

|Uhinchaw? 100|Brimklcome Russell and co

Jood Vicente Jorgu, Pedro Jos? da Silva Laureas, Jos? Francisco d'Olivers.

Macao 300Pin


Margus of Hisings, barque


250 LUB


960 Ju

New Pagnets, barque

| Nam Bohati di lam, Ang

Tromsija, barque

Aurora, cooper

Dos Amigos, schooner


Constante, brig

Hard Balbino, brig


Liong, barque

Van der Palm, kurgan

De Vrown Jehanna, barque

Alpha, schooner

Ano Muria, brig


(Store Ships.)

390 Carvalho

| Shanghai |||W0|Remedios

106 v

[flongkong|| 180|fana





51 Waden

Shanghai || 330|Van horren

Foo Hart


193 Robertson

Etongkang 19u dewel

44 Banma

Whampoa 100 Pfannkuche

Bomanjes flormuajve, ship |Hongkong | 850|Cagim Falcon, ship

List of Weals S?tes at Ov?x, Sanuary 3, 1819.

Ase, lorcha

Emily, lorchu




Steel Groo

Jagger Sag Harbour 15 1909 | 1120 Whale 608parm Monimda, bein Gcorga & Mary Middleton New London 15 Droma. "Alert










312 Burley

Fast Williams, ship

1914 Har



Lady Layan, barque


Harmley Now Bedford 32


Llanes, brig

378 Langley

Gideon Howland Chal


Ruparell (Am.), barque


Ben Hare, brig





Amaya, big








Warlock, brig

237 Mean






Lord Amber, ekip





Gwonport 15

? 1000

Pathfinder, barq




New Bedford 15


Back Tenedog.

Bbip Nile

2. according to simple.-Carbonate of Sod: some . M. Ship Hastings

few too, ex late ships, have gone if they came

to Ind; 40 is now quoted for small parcela- Colle: this market is fast improving; stocka alb Jaily decreasing-therade gilling it fits their kande,-Cider: some business has already been done in this cle this season-quotations are 188. per dezen, and 3s. per gallon for bogeheads.—Als and Porter have been subsisted at onzierte in bottle,

Big Columbine Bricost

Dog Arab

Bo Mariner

Summer Fary

Becamer Modes

H. O, Bounter Phlegethon

11. M. Bhip Alligator


Ship Mindes





tlonghong 74 Gum

Foochow 16 O 162

Longh-ng|| 19 |Glass Shanghai 10 Gam Hongkong

Shanghai 4 Glamo

Gu Camion

Hongkong Hopical



Whumpon 28 Ga


Bhip Proble Fawk. Corvette La Baroni

14 104

Shanghai | 36 |

Soft Goods have been scareer than for years past, U. 8. Bhp Plym groovyment on the falling off in the importations Serials are eagerly looked for, and liberat advan cen on igroirs price given. A recent large iinport- ation by the General. Hewill was eagrily sought for; and invoices of grey domesties, calice, long- cloche, hesity, prints, and plain mortion were taken at liberal advances. For the Spring Trade these is a demand for printed musline and fancy Forde, ako for good town printe. During the month fie demand will be brisk, and fair prices Jralized.

Farsen Buka-We are informed, on the best mosborty, that all the bills drawn at Tahiti upon the French Government havo been duly paid,



1. Ja som-trert, December 2.


1) REM, CUNOMETR and Watch-Barre,

begi to inform the Pubbe, that he has rei moved him Establishment from Mutav to Shanghai, and he has the plesatire of Adders-ing fila best thanks

In the Community of Macao, Canton, and Long. |

“We cridar ?lie patronage he huapeccisod. Halopes,

Rane-Admirali F.A Colle

? Captain J. W. Morgan. |Commander J. C. D. Joy.

Commander F. E. Jubnsion. Commander V, Maro. Commander C. M. Mathieson. Commander Jomas Willcox, Commander T. H. Mazon. |Command?r Niblett.

Dacier Bankier.




JENSTERN. bathe Fiebes, ship Bangalore, basque

Charlotte Jano, abip Conair, slamet

Rmpere, ship

Falcon, barque Horses,


findomen, ship

Lady McNughwo, banque

Gand Cakes, ship

Led Warding, shep

Maleen, ship

Quren, barque

Hed turer, barque

Salopean, barqa

sang, ship

Hey, brig

Haw, barque

by hu exertions, to deserve in his now situation, || Amola, schoonet

the same support from the public. He is well suppled with variety of Gode.

Shanghai, 15th July, 1848. ?






Anne Crepper, ship

Bella Merion, ship

Blackfriar, barque Fif, beg

Farwelio, belg

Harbinger, baryka Mena, barque Driza, ship

Patosur, achouars

GODA WATER AND LEMONADE of Buperior Rajsh, ship


Macan?at HINNAM'S, China Shopkeeper,

Viloria, 11th June, 1848.


FOR SALE at the Office of this paper :-


for the Peninsular and Ort

catal Company's Breamers.

? 11

of Lading.





Power of ATTORNEY.

COMPRADORCH Ondesa, in Books.




Mercoile forms and other work printed with

expedition at the customery ratra.

Queen's Hond, Nih Oet?ber, 1848.







17, Ann Moria [A-], Osgood, from Whampan.

17, Juliana [Bremen). Laytits, from Whampoa.

17, Emperor, Day, from Sydney 6th December.

17, Jefferano (Am. Whalery, Bmith, from Gusen 4th

Rustomjee Cowesjes, ship

Bir Herbert Compaan, barque

Bir tabert Bala, ship

Surge, barque

Byuk, ship

Welton, bargoe

William Biowart, ship

Audax, schooner

Royal Exchange, belg

Amoy Packet, scheeser

Angelinn barque

Chales, barque

Clown, brig

Colecine, ship

Cannes, barque

Carvair, bre

Daniel Watson, brin

Falibfal, berque

Forfarshire, ship

Citzen, barqu

Island Queen, schooner

Jeremiah Garmati, ship

John Bunyan, ship

John Cooper, ship

Refuel, ship

Regis, brig

Buren Louis, bru

Sir Edward Ryan, barzwa

Torrington, scanner

Victory, barque

Walton, barqa

Will Cike Wing, taboonar


Bootland, abip

Deale, schooner

Mekappe, choos

quary wuh 80 brla. Sperm Oil and 2,120 Omega, schwer do. Whale Oil.

17, Lord Hardinge, Tieccy, from Liverpool 20th


Ac, schooner

Von, rbM


|Hongkong | 677|Martyn

1120 Wille

142 Lawrence


991 Forma

500 W


SIMP. Leydan

253 Ming


302 Backle

142) Andemon

|Whamson| 149|t?ndary

393 Mura

341 Wond

en Williams

196 Cre


$37 Candleh


Muotor J. Muzball.

1 Color D. Geisinger, || Copsin T. R. Gedoor. Commander James Ilyan.

Capusin La Graviera.


'wah and co.

Dent and en

Turner and an,

Alcon and ca


N. Da sad to.

Dievs, Gray and on.

Maricar and ca

Jardin, Matheson and co.

Gibb, Livingston and go. jardins, Matheson and on. Jardine, Mathonun sad es. Jardine, Blachosen and en, IA. A. Rugble and to.

?Jordias, Mothrang and ca.

char diracha, These Larkin

Turner and on.

Wariant and co

Uiday, Wise and co. Dinan, Gray and us.

Holliday. Wind co

Reig and co.

Holder, Wien and on,

Lindsay and co

Kayalet, schooner


Lonis, berque Aalia, brig

Mahmoods, burgeo Amazon, ship

Black Dag, shower

Dido, schoend

Emily Jane, ship

Folkstone, ship

Mandan, barque

Te, echomer

Boips (Am), brig

William, brig

Wii Hughes(Am ), briz,

Wilian 1V., barqa

Termato, barque

Hellas, schoder




Lord Vicante Jorge.

Jos? Manoel da Joan.

Louren?o Margera,

V. A. de Remedios,


Bye, Muir and on.

Josh Vene Jorgo.


Rayarak and co


Deal and ou

dye, Muir and eo.

Does and o

Dan and

William Pastay and co.

Jardins, Matheson and co, Jardins, Mashooon and on. J.A.Olding, F.&. U. Lista Agra, Augustine Heard and co Cowsejas Bapoorjen Lang. 316) Badinou, J. B? Kamell and co

Psajes Primjee Cama and an Jardins, Matheson and es.

Dent and ed


141 Browing Chinchew | 2934'en wined 279 Woodrew Foo-fee 919 May

1937 Reope Woosung 449 Uebertson

170 Deane

420 Landem

JOG Forbes

236 Chape

196 Endian,


Dent and co.

Jardins, Matheon and on,

rae, Mair and co.

Hardee, Malhoson and on,

Dent and cu

Beat and co. Jardine, Matheson sad ea, Kleo F. Hubertasa.

video Bens and co. Turner sad eo.

Dant and c

furdina, Muthmon and an

Cowages Bapootjes Langos,

Vogustine Beard and on,

Joelenjos Framjoo Cama za? c |?iilmas and u.

lt and co.


133| Baded

21 Rady




US Chase it

279 Priceman

ent and en.

Lindsay and c

Jardins, Maibenon and en,



Whampoa Blackfriat



Dublin L'pool Whampoa Harbinger

New York




PRICE 019 per annum,

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, num. 19 Bollers. Sis Moniks. T Tollars. The fits, & Dollars; all paid in straneo. Credit Prices, 14 Dollars. 4 Dollars, and & Dallars, for the periode of Twelve, biz, and Three Meatha respectively: Single Numbers, to Bulucribers 95 conta sach; te Ka-Babest?bars, 1 lapos. Parum calling de sending to the Dor for supe.s are requested to pay o TERMS OF ADVERTISING.—Ten lines, and under. Dollar; additional, 10 cents line. Repetitions one-bird of the Arst insertion. Ships,-Port insertion, Chullora subongaut insertions 49 conta Advertismania se have witum on the foot of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published unul countermande. all levenson, chum who are met Balmeribers, require to pay in advance.


ENGLAND. CALOUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY Also, en ran to the above, Bismicorn, Penang, Gallo-Macra, Cose, Aver,

THE PERINIUlau and Oni-

■NTAL COMPANY' Bloo Ship PEKIN, will leave thie

for the above places on Tuesday the 30th of January,


MR. A. T. DE SILVER is this day admitted

HT DE admitida this data of Mr A.,H. FRYEN and Mr L1, 'T' on SILVER.



A. H, FRYER & Co. Hongkong. January 1st, 1849,

FOR BALE. CARSO will be received so board until Noon, and Two very Superior Carriages- two Sout Bar-

rouche soda Bingle Phaeton. Apply to,


Brecon until 4 P. M., of the 29th.

For further pariloolar regarding Furiour and PAA apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Offics, Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent. Floogkong, 4th January, 1849.


THE P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s STHAwana, will in fu- tore proceed through to BomBax, and be pre- pared to receive Canoo and Passumcuns for that place as heretofore,

J. A. OLDINO, ?gent.

P. & O. Co.'s Office, Hongkung, th September, 1848.


THE P. & O. & N. COMPANY's, will from this date undertake the conveyance of Specie from China, and the Straits, to Southampton, under the conditions specided in their customary Bill of Lading, at 3 per cent for Gold and Silver Bullion,

J. A. OLDING,—Agmt. P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office Victoria, 18th September, 1848.


THE Imes of freight on Treasure to the Burnitu

and fodis por P. & O. Curvant's Bleamer will in futore be the same for Gold Silver.

Victoris, Sept, 16th, 1848. A


THE HOUSE lo D'Aquilar Street former

by ocupied by the ORIENTAL BANK.


The adjoining, house known as the OLD COURT Joree.

Hongkong, 21st December, 1848.


T the Godowns of W, & T. Gemmell & Co

A the f

Superior Palo Sherry,


Brown do.



Apply to,

Claret, Chateau Margaux.

Hock, Grafenberg.





or on the Premiere to,

Victoria, 2nd January, 1849.

FOR SALE- SUPERIOR ORGAN, of great power and awestones of toss In Handsome Rood cme cobstrusted by Moure Wood & Co., plays upwards of forty favorite aira. Apply to,


No. i D'Aguilar Birool.

Victoria, 10th October, 1848.

PRIME BACON. MESORS SMITH & BRIMELOW kava just reprived some very Prima Bacon which they can highly recommend to their Customers.

No. 1 & 2 Woonam's Buildings. Victoria, 12th January 1849.


BELLING OFF!! SELLING OFF!!! THE Undersigned belog about to close up inalt 1 Business in Hongkong, have on band's large variety of useful Articles, which, in order to an off, they will dispose of at Greally Reduced Rates, They invite the Lospection of the Publico their STOCK of the following:--

Superior Blue Bros doloch, Cashmerette Plaule, Twoods, Waistcoatings, Merino, Flannel, Baro Bacio Bear?a, Muslims, Gloves, Braces, Bilka, Huo ksbach, Brown Elolland, t'rinted Vulvet, do, Oilmen's STOREB of every description, Hanging Lamps, 6, 4, 2, and 1 Burners; Hall do.; Podestal Bolse do with spare Shades; Sigapl Lamps, sed Lanterne,

Clocks, Dust-poos, Water Jugs, Plated Cam?a Micke, Cruel Stands, Soup Tureen, Ladlos, Taji? pots, Deonnters, Tumblers, Iron and Load Shot Stationery, Perfumery, &e, &c.

BIGRAM & Cate Hongkong, 12th Jasonry, 1849.

OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE THE Directors of the AUSTRIAN LLOY I STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY informed us that from and after the 10th of Oculus pasta Steamer will ply regularly on the 10th of much juhth on the direct line between Triners and ALEZAFONIA, To su to ourrespond with the Hog.. 1. CORFANT Bombay Sym?nuns; and from? sker ibe 20th of November pasta Bienner will, regularly so the 20th of each month on the direct between Triests and Alexandria, so as to corresp with the P. 4O. Company's Stkanuns from Challe The Austrian Lloyd's Company will have fi Beamers available for this line; each of them be- ween 600 and 700 Tons burthen and of 200 Heine power. They are filled up in a superior style and Bugleh is spoken on Board.

The number of Beribe in each is no andar, vis:-

38 First Clear, fooluding 18 for Ladies,

? 30 Second Clue

7 for Females,


The Farts to be ?18, for First Class, ?12 for Be and Clam insliding Table money and Stoword-


14ESSUS BMITH & BRIMELOW beg to in- form their friends and the Publie that they have taken those premiara Jately occupied by Messrs Rawls, Drinker & Ca. in which they por- The Voyage in expected not to exceed 6 daya ta The Bungalow in Staunton Street at present de pous carrying on Ship Chandlery in all its brun- | 54 days, and an Quarantine is calculated from the cupied by Mr J. C. Power,


Apply at the bungalow in Caine Road, and to, Mesars FLETCHER & Co. Victoria, 17th November, 1848,




Introd Despach


John Bunyan Victory




Dirom, Gray &Co. Early William Stowan Jardine, Matheson & Co Early Shanghai Faithful

Gilman, Bowman & Co Early Jardine, Matheson & Co Early Reins & Co. Jardion, Matheson & Co Early lolliday, Wise & Co. Early Nys, Parkin & Co Early Hussell & Co.



The Bungalow in Caine Road in the rear Bir Scon's Bungalow.



Joshua Batet

Nya, Parkin & Ca




Russell & Co.




Olyphant & Co





Novo Paquete

Jos? Vicente Jorge



Whampoa EN

Holliday, Wise & Co Early

Shanghai Regia

Jardine, Matheson & Co Early

Macvicar & Co.



Henghong Sametang


Charlon Forbes

Dardine, Matheson & Commedista

Dant & La



Whampoa Sir H. Compton

Framjee Cama & Co. Early



Sir Robert Bale Burge

Lindany & Co.


Jardine, Matheson & Co. Early



Vader Palin

Reyvan & Co.



N. Duse & Co.


Bing Calcutta Whampoa R. Cowanjes



Hongkong Homes


25, Ann, 665, Clinch, Shangbai. September 9, Euphrates, 428, Wilson, Whampon.

16, Asia, 624, Walt, Hongkong.

October 16, Marquis of Bute, 543, Bannatyne, Flongkong. Loading on the 24th October.-Palmyra.

475 Marion

32 Christi

Turner and co.

Bu Ballmy

Curages Saponsjen Lungrasa.

435 Petterse

Turner and co,

76 Wright

Marian and on.

33) Browns

Pestonjen Framine Cama sedo.

740 Beown

Lleday and ou

Jardine, Maskinen und ca.



Jardine, Methows and ca


Mauric 84almenJa 472 Tellu

Camoon 1581|Sullivan


15 diva

Shanghai 145 y Llnom

44 Magn

127 Bow

14 D'Bache

429 Morrio

317|Ligertwood 12/20

|447 Daria

464 Thoug



290 Trigg



570 M



Job Minghie

Bat Com

133 King

171 Jay

176 Ande

185 Lane

145 Rouarie

195 MaMurde

Zephyr, abonner


| Glasalli, achouDRY

||Chlachow | 190)

Derock, Orey co

Jardine, Matheson and ev.

Jardine, Matheson and se.

F.P, da dilve.

Yarrow and co


Dant and to.

F. & D. N. Care and so,

Jardine, Matheson nad os. Drder.



and co

Gaman, Bowman and co.


Dent and co.

Jardine, Makena and en.

Jardins, Machosen and ca. lykas, Schwabe and ca.

Cardio, Mbosom and co

Washbass, Worthingtoosade.

Murrow and co.

James Lawrence Maan and e

Rein and on.

Hardin, Matheson and co.

Lindsay and co

Syma, Muit and co.

Dilman and co.

Deat and co

Jardine, Matheson and co.

Jardon, Matheson and pe. WBlam Doridron.

furdion, Machanon and ca, Dent sad ce.

Lordine, Mashemen and on.



30, John Christian, 390, Churchward, Hongkong.

4, Sally Bawn, 394, Robinros, Shanghai.

15, Colchester, 89, Withers, Hongkong.

97, Old England, 623, Fee, Shanghai.

September 10, Queen Mab, 304, Rowe, Shanghai.

14, Baghalien, 377, Blackell, Hongkong. 24, Adder, --



2, Charles Jones, 869, Cothey, Shanghai,

11, Woodstock, 500, Nicholson, Shanghai

Panic, 449, Howard, Shanghai.

Loading on the 24th October-Amarie, Mencius, and Naom

FROM DALOUTTA. Loading. -Cowarjee Family, Eagle, and Isabella Blyth.

PROM BOMBAT. October 24, Chebar, 403, Simpson. November 1, Imbella, 194, Noble, Whampoa.

2, Behab Jehan, Johna

11, Frances Whitney (Am), 162, Fisk.

Loading-Alecto, Anna Eliza, Ana Martin, Chiefsio, China, Cumberland, Gilmore, "Hebrides, Lady Montague, Monarch, Nymph, Oriental, Prince Charlie, Prince of Wales, Robert Small, Ruby, and Bukana.


November 7, Record, 432, Patullo, Shanghai. Looding.-Vishnu (Bally).


November 6, Aurora (Spanish), 160, Cebada, Amoy.

December 6, Duilius, 320, Maxion, Shanghai.

9, Mariposa (Am), 317, Bandera, Shanghai,

Printed and Published by Joan Cann, At The Friend of China and Hongkong

Garatto, Frinting Ofice, Quuux's Road, Victoria, Hosonono, 1849.

THAT Lagre and the era,

Italy occupied by the Officers, Ceylon Rifle Regiment; pressing among other great ad vantages a large Yard and excellent Subling. AP- ply to


Ilongkong, 7th

7th December, 1848. NOTICE.

R ANCAR. MELVILLE consed to be a Part. Mere our Firma hers and at Amey from 31 December 1848,

BYM?, MUIR & Co. Victoria, 4th January, 1849.



ches &c., and that they will k?np always on hand | day of leaving Alexandria—these vessels being aro

clean bill of health, parcengora will get prod immediately on arrival at Trients.

? well assorted stock. Tha Godowne on the ridgd with Heath Officers-it follows that with a proaches are spacious, dry and secored, they will be happy to take Goode on Storage. Victoria, 2011 December, 1848.

PUBLIC AUCTION. QMITH & BRIMELOW have r?ocived instruo ?tions tu dispeme of by PUBLIC AUCTION, ON

Thursday the let February, at the Store of Mor BIGHAM & Co., the remaining Blook, Furni- ture, co., .. particulare of which will be de scribed in Handuilla.

No 1 & 2 Wooanam'a Building, Victoria, 19th January, 1840.


Sale of Paints, Claret, &c., adverleed to Bears W. & T. GEMMELL & Co. is postponed take place on the 19th, at the Godowns of

to Monday the nth February.

SMITII & BRIMELOW. No. 1 & 2 Woomam's Buildinga.

Victoria, 19th January, 1849.

For letters to England superscribed "wia Tride" ao "overaen ” charge is made of 18 Kruutzer (Rides | 7 Cus) per Quarter Ou, and half this rate fur opet additional ? Oz. Any one wishing to sand lejjung ? England via Trieste many pay the “omirana” raus! into ons hands, and address them to the care of the Austrian Lloyd's Agency as Alexandr?a--Cranking, them to Egypt.

"Letters" to the European Continent vin Trienta

may likewise be addressed to the care of the mat Ageny the Cranking to Alexandria boing a?and- ed to-end for these the prepayment of the "dard en " Postage is not required,



ODA WATERap 450 P__Quality.



Macherat INN, MJ, Chins Bhopkeer.

Vlasaris, Hith Juan 184,


FOR SELE. THE L?mba EMILY, 06 Twas, and ANN, 180

Tour Far particulars, apply ta,


Victoria, 20th Jandaag, 1840,

PALETUTAKUATI**** RECEIVED Pobin from Amenil, ?. & 17"

Nicoll, Beget #ironi, Looden,

ROB. KUTAK YURD. - Queen's Road, H?rd January, 18ang

CALIFORNIA IRA, INC88 baying base.

primson Buddly



Os Tongues

Kalande of Meaf pinkled je order +

Amoled Pige Cheekay in., 40.


A very superior astaple of Kiln dried finize, and Hydralis prutsel Bay,

Haggling, ipad Janbury, 1849.

1. INESS MN contiques je rapsive every tenth by the Dealed Miller seuni vop-

Freks, and

Hongkong, Stad January,

to koc

Doory and

Huhit Skirts, and Collars;

Feathery, Ribbon Sky this

Angyaljanovsta?ast of Babise Linen. Hongkong) had January, 1849,



JUST Laniel Exhale Figs. One Alderay Down to be 10hj?lma Bay Kyony


tinent of Europe, or the Levant, should be addr

"Packages" for Egypt, or any part of the Can- Hort


ed to the care of some one at Buen, as the P. & O. | Vispaly, 24th January, 14th

Company do not engage to deliver any thing not


intended for England beyond that landing ports, AUCTION AF TIN MART QUEENE ROAD

?VICTORIA. where Transit or other Duties must be paid; and to ensure as much despatch as possible a Bill of Lading JR DUDDELL has ropeland lastrustions to mil THE Firm of E. MOORMAN & Co., Canton The Fire y disolved. Outstanding Accounts THE designed offer for Bale a gobara) amint with particulars of value die, whenkd be sent to them to the Highester The day is sol! Superior Horses, Pooft, cos Cow and will be seuled by,

forwarder at Bo

CONRAD BAUER. Canton, 30th November, 1848,

NOTICE. THE Business of the Undersigned will from this date be carried on under the Firm cawa BARN & CO.

D W. SCHWEMANN. Camion, 1st January, 1849.


IR WILLIAM DREYER ? authorised to sign

Our Firm by Procuration.

SCHWEMANN & Co. Canton, Tet January, 1849.


general amort-

Prime Mesa Beef and Pork; Gallego Floor; Pilot and Navy Brand: Canvas and Colton Duck; Bow- ing and Roping Twine; Manila Rope of all also Paints and Paint Oil Paint Bronbes; Houseline Marlipe, &o, c

Also, received per fata arrivals, Obaddar and Berkeley Cheese; York and Cumberland Harmo; Bootch Oatmeal in Time ; an saortment of Oller Stores from Crosss de Blook wall; Kennedy's Witne Crackers; Manila Chocolate; Mooke and Manila Coffre, doc, do.

Marselli's Botiled. Als and Stout; London Bot- led Sherry, Port, and Madeira Wines.

A. H. FRYER & Co. Victoria, ta January, 1649,


Sign our Plan by Procuration.

BOUSTEAD & Co. Canton, 20th May. 1848.


Mr B.

Blores of the Undersigned,—An Invoice of Bad-room Furniture, consisting of Mahogany and Walnut Bureau with and without Looking. Games: Bedsteads, Rocking and siting Chairs, Washstand and Dressing Tables, Toilet Glasses, HAVING Associated Unser RAWLE, DUBS Card Tables, do

A. H. FRYER & Go Victoria, let January, 1840 THE undersigned has just received a ama l·l la- - velte of the very best English Beats and Chose DAVENPORT, LONDON, from and is ready to offer them for at kie mission and Sale Room, Queen's Road,

A. L ENCARNA??O. Victoria, 18th December, 1848.

& Co., our Business will be conducted in fature ader the Nains of RAWLE, DRINKER & Co.

DRINKER & Co. Hongkong, 1st October, 1848.

NOTICE Grozon C. FRANKLYN is authorised to algo for me by Procuration.



Victoris, 29th December, 1848.


THE Undersigned having taken the premjoen

letely occupial by Mr Chie. Buckton, has re-


For Passage, or for further particulars, appl; lo, Calf, we owls Cullingarim Marpunen


Agents al Canton and Hongking

fur "the Imperial Royal prin. Am The

Lloyds's Steam Navigation Comp


In the matter of the Insolvent Estates of D), and 31. RUSTOMJEE and COMPANY. and

jons Large Triangla Fron bana and Beylon.

Victor, 94th Janu149.


A sinfin good bullies

Victoria, 23rd January 1849.



A choles

ad for Sale at the Auction

enprimum Julies & Co.,

Zoey Gandrilles, and Ope-

talie Airs, of their height:PARATION. Victoria, 231h Jutinaty, 1869.

MEERWANJEE JEEJEDHOY, NOTICE hereby given that by cup several

orders qued out of the Forged day and respectively dated the Twenty second day of

PUBLIO AUCTION. November instant, the vesting orders whereby the

Kalares beesras, and were vested in Robert WEBSRA BOWKA, HUMPHREYE & Co. Dundas Day Enquire, the Provisional Assigue of have recolved (ructions to self at the NA the Estates of Insolvent Debtors were all VAL STORE, West Point, on he 2nd Pole vary went, and discharged, and the said Estates were thereby a quantity of Old Naval and Vicinalling ordered to be rosasignad and reconveyed by the vining of large Bat Boniorend Bonta, Cutiten, daly and Robert Bundar Cay Esquire to the said D. Bows, Chain Wahlen, umall Chalo, Iroo, Rape, nuel M. Kastamjen nad Company, and to the sald Canvas, Bluemit, Hirouit Dust, Salt Pork and Bow, Flour, Chocolate, Ontund), Vickgar, Cook's Fai Meerwanjos Josjobhoy.

Bags, Watre and other Chake, ? large gomity of Stay of Sorts, Iron Hoops, Firewood, Packing Cases, Slap Clicking, Blankets, and Bus-try other Articl

The Sares can be vingat the day, previous to

All persons who are indebted to the mid Eetar, or have any effects of documents belonging to the Commid firm, nato the mid Meeranjes Jeejobboy, ire requested to pay or deliver the same ni the Ofice of the said D. & M. Rustomjee, Canton,

Dated the 22nd day of November, 1848.

is requested that all Accounia with the sub-

comcoted bastos e Ship Chandler and Gane-riber, be settled before the 35th of the present

Jal Storekeeper under the firm of A H. FATAL & Co.


Hongkong. Ist November, 1848, ?



Victoria, 12th January, 1840.

| the sale.

Thamor Sun-Canh before Debility. Articles sot takes sway la twe working days

Wx. GASKELI. Attorney for the said Insolvente. | altas the sale, will be resold at the expsamt of the

Queen's Road, ?Victoriae -

To the Credit and T?b?ru, ?

of the mit Troolrusia,



Bale to commence at 11 o,olock a.) Pictorie, 20 January, 1842






Dec Des


Jony. Sung-bare

1 4

10! Manua

b.. 1: Shanghai

Dec. Jan.


increased his tamne ps a general pul tactician by 1 basing recrowed a second time the bench of the river which was between them and the traites, oupported by mendous fre from four masked Batteries,

attacking the Seiliks with an inadequato force, By a private letter from Singapore dated the 11th Instant, we rejoice to learn that in a cond engagement the Saikku were totally, des feated. The intelligence was brought by a vessel THE FRIEND OF CILINA [fom Calcutta with dates to the 14th ultimo,

We quote from our correspondent. AND HONGKONG GAZETTE,


Tur: pebbon" is the House of Comisions and the memonal to His Excelleury the Governor are brow at this Oriental Bank " for signature Partes intendag to sign villur or Goth of documents will see the necessity of doing so et unce, as we presume they will be closed be fore the mail is despatched.


the small arms of the lofantry, in a moment speed upon them, throwing a terri?e discharge from their hand pine. c-Amidst a shower of shall and shat which burst in mer derons volleys among the squadrons of the Dragovos, the trampet wanded, the arder to draw swords was given, fellowed by tret, gallop, charge! The 11th, with the Co lonci lugding them in the front, dashed into the midst of the energy, the throw themselves upon their faces on the Approach of the columns, and rose and fired upon them islahi perbags was notar as they passed. A more fear?mi olj witnessed an ? fald si baile, for the Write army stood drawn up, both Arilllery and lefantry plant spectators of the bloody condict of 410 sabres agulasi sa army amon?l- it to more than fifteen chensand men with boney cannon. Between the 14th Bragvoos and the Fikh Batteries was a drop. wide precipice, and beyoul it there was a wells. The gallant Colonel Havelock pat his charger at the former, crying Follow me, and the reglasat dashed aver the brink after him, galloping through the water._aud forming on the opposite bask in the very centre of the ssemy's entrenchments. They charged a second time, and pawed away to their ramp, by an order from Lord Gangb, who highly eulogised thair noble charges Buch indomit able courage any teach the fos a sefull lesson, but I re- geet to say abat 'olonel Havelock was stalo, and a numher of the officers either mortally or severely wounded. The gallant General Cureton fall by round shut abrat the same Un This distinguished four commenced life, withough the son of a gentleman, as a private soldier In the King's Dragoons, and has thus ended his military career with the aid 13th fighting vader his command,"

"The following important and most satisfactory latel lizerre reached the Englishmen Ofen by axpress on the morning of 13th Dec Lahore Dec. 5th 12 hours a Alute has just been deed omncing the defeat of >here Slugh by the Commander fo-Chlef at Romanogger, who was la fuil retreat fallowed by the whole of the Dry- goons. Un cioning the civar o ?ly a faw situbled gans were hand. An Formian kad however come in, and in- formed the Chlef of the route their gums had taken The Fekk Garchovas made o charge at our guns, and in the

anta them a faste of their sterk. From the burried satare

these the Chief lanched the sed Dragons at them, who

We acknowledge the receipt of a presentatibu copy of the Hongkopg Almanack and Dirosto. ry for 1849, which we can safely recut?mend to our Headers as a very useful compilation and a convenient reference. The price has been reduced $1.50; and the book is for sale, we

believe, at Mr Rutherford's store.


of the despatch not much can be gathered, but the victory appear to have been most complete, and at a very small Jos. The only affeer wounded that the (hief had board when writing was Captele Auelle of the Arillery, and It was feared be would lose his leg."


We rationed in our fast that His Excellency

the Commander in-Chief in India was on the point of joining the grand army on the Cheannab, and that on his arrival the whole of the troops would have joined-mustering upwards of 30,000 men with 70 pieces of ordusuce. We then considered it probable, from the extreme caution that up till Last week we mentione? a case of kidnapp? then had been displayed that he might rest on hie The child was recovered two days ago heavy guns and muttars bad arrived. It would up- arm till the convoy which left Ferozepora with the father paying a ransom of 690.

pear, however, that Lord Gough having f?t vix months soked on the extreme of caution, rlved We have been requested to give publicity

to comprosate for this by excess of cashness, far as we can gather from the Extraz of our north the following report :—

west contemporative, and the various letters we have seen from camp, the following appears to have been the state of matters. Laid Gough ar rived on the 21st, and intimated that an attack' would beat day be made on the enemy. The noo insurgents appear to have jolped Shere Singh" on the 17th, and so brought up the strength of the enemy to about 20,000 mes with 30 guns. The town of Homnuggur sems to have been held by strong detachment of Seikba well protected by Thai a general meeting of members of this soutworks: on the other side of the river was a ckly be called to assemble ? mouth hence, to take in consideranon the resolution sitewly carried, and 10 do:de ally the spurntion, to what liesions. rybody the school shall be tendered.


sta generatinecting of members of "Tho Morri Fin Society held at Hongkong on the 1 quay, 1819, for the purpose of deliberat. the projanty of revising and modifying the Alese ich's operations, it was resolved,

at the Muftison Schoul si llongkong be 1 from the society, and tendered to some

Ma jonary body.

3. That the first stick of the constitution of the soeisty be altered from as present form to the for



We are in possesion of other letters from the camp of the commander in chief, dated 29d and

coma Traprovement in the weather after so much rain. The aufhorities throughout the country seas to be ful.

ly ative to the exigenty of the monent, and no expense to spared to mitigate the evi's arising from this calama 100s visitation "At present the great manufacturing town and districts kava escaped the scourge, and se sincerely trust that they will continue to be exempted from its attacka. The malady, however, has appeared on the northern coast of Fiance, at Dunkirk. It would be most dep'orab'e if je show'd extend to Patin. The appearance of the colere in that city, where it was fatal in 1939, wou'd fill again the cup of unisery, which the poor population of that capitat have already drained to the dregs.



Ireland has how subsided in'o a state of ordinary tranquility laulated outrages, as in the best of times, are perpetrated in many parts of the country; and the contest "between the landlord and his starts ing tenantry is still waged with unrelenting bitter- were. But upon the general surface of politica ser is scarcely a ruffle discernible The discomfited confederates, who have been kept in prisan during the lost thee or four months find themselves art at liberty and scarcely any questions asked the stern alarms of Slinvenamon sis silenced; and the grim visaged war around Ballingerry has been transfer. red to the gladiatorial tens of the Court of Queen' Bench in Dublin. With the exception of the usual ebullitions of Orange fanaticism, which finde

field-work with a battary of 28 guns commanding and wounded. The 5th Cavalry have lost 33 kin. teproach of the other on the ground of political in.

the opposite bank. Very early on the morning of the 22nd the Commander-in Chief, with the caval- ry brigades of Colonels Campbell and Curston moved down on Remanggur, with the view of driving the easy across the river and establing ourselves in the town. The aacking force con- This institution shall be designated The Mor-sisted of the 3rd and 14th dragoons, the 5th light 11on dueniku Society,' in memory of the late Dr

and 19th irregular cavalry, and three troops st Murraon, the first Protestant Missionary in "horse artillery. The enemy on the further side of And the second attielo from us present farm to the river appear to have played succesfully on the lo'lowing-

them as they advanced. There on this side were 1 hevalgret of this society shall be to further the driven back, but are said to have crossed over again work to which Dr Morrison chiefly devoted his fie, in face of us in the course of the afrock. Ram. by aking know to the Chines- the gospel of Jenua puggur was taken possession of, but we were for at, and by forwarding Protestant education the present unable further to advance. Colonela Bong then in such way and manner at to the 40. Cureton (15th) and Havelock (14th dragoons,) ewly losy ser tu fisting."

two of the most distingui-hed officers in "the_wer- lo cununity with the second resolation, a gent vice, ware killed. Colonel Alexander, of the 5th ral mecting of unembers of the Morrison Education light caretry, had an arm carried away by a cat Fete will be he'd at the school house, Hongkong, non shot. Captain John Foster Fitzgerald, 14th on Thursday the 15th Fib:uary next, mi 230 v. m)

dragone, son of the late Commander of the Pount D. MATHESON, division, wae dangerously wounded, and is scairely Chairman of the Meeting expected to survive. Captains Oell and Scudamore, and Licotobante NeMahon and Chetwynd, of the

corp, Captain Hyley, 5th cavalry, Captain Holmes, 12th irregulars, and Lieutenant Hardinge, Extra A. D. C. to Lord Gough, were also wound.

Tur P. & 0.*Company's new sidam vessels Captust sailed from Simon's bay (Cape of Good Hope) for Hongkong on the 28th October. Sheed. Captain Gall received a severe sword-cut in would take the eastern passage, and is scaren- ly overdue.


II. M. Steamer Fu?terible, from Ceylon, arrived Cinnspore on the 6th instant Slie comes on to Chine via Labuan. "H. M. Brig Pilot Captain Lyons, from the Cape of Good Hope. also arrived on the Gth, and sailed for Labuan

on 30th,

malty action with the nem azar ham healthful ventilation in the November season, poli ed of a cavalry action with the enemy near Katica have ceared to occupy men's attention o muggur, sod furnishing us with few details other side of St. Georgeh Channel, and we earnest. which may be interesting to our frion Je to hope the present calm will be of long darating. A correspondent says: When our force came

Statesmen, however, and the organs of parties, aro up, a number of the enemy ware on this side the beginning to marshal their forces and to arrange Chenab our torso Artillery Gune opened upon their tactica, and it is evident already that a despo they could split. they had their guns in position opens, to overthrow the proerat Whig Administra them, when thay cut of across the ford as hard si

rate effort will be made. as soon as Parliament there, which, being of heavier metal than our tion. Lord Joba Russell having arrived a power obliged us to withdraw the latter. Their cavalry through a vote upon the question whether Ireland emssed again and again, so that the river here is should be ruled upon the principle of coercion o perfectly fordable. H. M.'s 14th Dragons made not, his lordship has been compelled to edun the

charge on a body of horse, who, si their neater coercive policy of Perl, and even of the Conseres panach, dispersed right and left; the Dragoons Live party, in spite of his previous declarations; pre. Ware brought up by a nut Alled with infantry cisely as Sir Robert Peel before him, was urged to fire, and their loss has been considerable, the Coin-laws, although the right honourable baro. who pitched into them with their matchlock embrace a liberal cominercial policy and to abolish some 60 killed and wounded. Curetse was, I be met was as deeply pledged to support the sliding seale lieve, killed in this charge. Colonel Havelock, as ever Lord John Russell has been to maintai 14th, were wounded. Col. Alexander, 5th Light the Fates had studied so to direct the course of Captain Fitzgerald, and 3 more officers of II. M. policy of conciliation in Ireland, It would seem as Cavalry, lost bis arm, but is since doing well: eventa as that neither Ministar should be open to tho Ryloy hit by a spent ball : 25 of their men killed

consistency. At this moment, na indeed throughout ed and wounded. Das officer of H. M. 3rd Dre the whole of the past session, we cannot point out goona killed. The total lose exceeded 100. The any one question of foreign or domestic politics enemy are in force on the apposite side of the Che wherein the two leaders of the Whig and Peel par bab: but many of them are but rabble. Holmes of ties differ in opinion. It would be difficul to ad- the Irregular Cavalry has been shot through the duces singlerance wherein a principle is invalz. breast. He went with a party to look for Cureton's ad. Accordingly, it is a very remarkable illustra body: it was found completely stripped but un- tion of the unprecedented state of parties, struggling is doubtful. Elardingo, A D. C. to Lord Gough, made in order to pave the way for a ministry under mutilated: the ball is not extracted, and hip cao0

as they again are for power, that efforts are being is wounded. The whole left of the lion ura under arme: they are saving the right which was out all on his lordship was a subordin rember of the the auspices of Lord Lincoln. Up to the fates. yesterday. We studied at 2 a. M. and were under Peel party; neither more nor leaf Conservativa arms for twelve hours, moving hard and there, and than the right honourable baronet him off Lord lents did not reach camp until 6 r. x. We Lincoln held the office of Wonds and Forests in the were scarcely under bre, for only two or three leat Peel Administration, and together with Lord balls and a rocket came our way or at all war us. Dalhousie, was offered a position in the Whig Ca From Lahore we have letters of the 24th No- bioet at the period af Lord John Russell'accessi Tember. Full particulare of the action had not to power. Both declined office; Lord Dallowa even then transpired there. Colonel Havelock has since gone to India as Governor-General; whils to reported to be killed) is said to be wounded

it is pretty notorious that Lord Lincoln and action and missing; the same return is made of two or of the Peelites are leaving no step untrial to bring pected to hear of the advance of the Army in a day three other Officera of 14. M % 14th. They the present Government into disrepute in the hopes

of supplanting them. It cannot escape the most or two inore-Agra Messenger" Extra, Nov. 28,

perficial observer of politics that these damaging of. Tors are more especially directed against the Grey portion of the present Cabinet, and Earl Grey. Sir C. Wood and Sir George Grey, his gether with the numerous scions of the Governing Family scattered throughout our colonies, all came in for a predominant share of the force axults made against the Whig party.

Whether this hot purit is to compel the "huntad" Russell Adminis tration to cut off the offending part," and thus stay the vengeance of their "natural cocnice," we know not. Byeodeta who are supposed to sea in nof the game sloot declare that Lord Lincoln only is aiming at the re-instatement of Sir Rubers Peel; but she of two votes last semion, whorein Sir Rob Peel and Sir James Graham voted adversely to tho Lincoln section of the Petites, denote that even in tbia shauered remnant of Sir Robert Poel's adhe rents there is still a difference of opinion, and per- hape Lord Lincoln intends to set up in business for hitself. To suppose that the united Tory party will merge with Lord Lincoln for the purpose of merely throwing out the Whigs, with the chance of oion, completely delusive. It is upon the great ques paving the way for Sir Robert Peal, is, is our opi tion of Ireland that this coming struggle mun hinge. 'I be question of What is to be done with Ireland T will in areay shape become the theme of party elo. quence in the House of Commons, whilst out of doois the niechances and errors of our Colonial policy will furnish abundant materials for following up the main attack upon the present Goretament The

the band white beading a charge and endeavour. ing to seize = standard. About Sky-four men, or ostly one-tenth, of his corge, were either killed or wounded, and it will, we should think, fare AL | with the enemy when mixt the gullary trompers come down upon them. The whole setion seems which since his arrival in India Lord Gough has to have barn a type of the " "Tipperary tactics" to alone reserted--an attempt to seize or silence ar illery with the sword or bayonot point. It was jam the same in China, at Gwalior, and on the Sutlej, where everything was left to the courage and slamins of the tropa: heart and hand had all The barque-Cape Pocket was borned in Pin--be head was not called in requisition. Of course sug harbour on the 3rd instant. Her cargo of we shall have criticisms enough by and bye; but it does appear most strange, were it not in per produce is alued at $50,000; it was fully insurrect consonance with all we have seen of the gen- ed, and pattly saved in a damaged state, eralahip of his excellency, that no sitempt has been cunde to crost the river higher up, so mi in thien. ren or to turn the enemy's Bank The 18 pounders and mortars that the chief took along with him were not made use of to disturb him of long range


Carrais 8. Lashington of El. M. S. Vengrance has been appointed Commander-in-chief of the Judian Navy.

La?ur. Munen, late of the Blues, is to be ap. thought of: the chief made a dash at thews with puinted riding-master of the 7th Hussars.


The 70th regiment, stationed at Cork, has been ordered to Hongkong. It was to embark this month, and will arrive about mid-summer.


while our men advanced under enver of the Bra in truth, no arrangement appears to have be

large mounted forne, and lost se inany officers and Ipe as might have been expected to have fallen in sharp general action. He does not appear to have intended to advance Immediately and the

check be has now received mag probably throw him back again on the extreme of caution and de- lay he so unsuccessfully abandoned.

We give the fullowing graphic decription of the figlu at Kambuggur, feuis our own correspon


From the Bombay Times of December 6th wa extract a short editorial article, also a letter des cribing a bato fought with the Soihks on the 22nd November in which several distinguished British offerts were slain and the most indo. initable courage exhibited by a sinall boily of British at Indian cavalry in charging from fif teen to twenty thousanul, men in a strongly co- 1234 position. The success of the British force does not eppear to havo been commentu. rate to its gallantry. A battle remarkable for the emirage of the combatants, ecrtainly beatowage in gallant style, who drove them back to their

another trophy on the Indian army; though, in Too, it is questioned whether Lord Gough has

**RANSEGGUR, 4 P. M., 23nd Nev., 1949 — I am in the | midst of blood sad dust, and perite to yon from the field, hat pledge my word to the truth of the following report Lard Lough and has Staff arrived yesterday at the camp near Alipore, and about 5 Ma portion of the force creeived a verbal nedar to march without the sound of dim or trumpet at 3A.M. The troops arrived at Ham- tur at about T. 4. M., when gbo enikre fores of Bhera hlagh, comadathing of Avill?ry, Cavalry, and Infantry, from | #ileen to twenty thousand men, were scap stretching in

? dark two along the harizgn. The enemy received us with his heavy guns from arangly entrenched position, in which ear Acullery replied. Our guns, bowser, being only alx and sine pounders, were (as namal in Indian war. are) unequal to the joy metal of the case of the ency The Being conduwed on both sides for a consider. shine, when a partion of the enemy having come over fom their ralcenchments, they were charged by the position. The Coromanderam-, hief with his stal parsed In front of the old Peniumlar 14th Dragnom, commanded byeonci Havelock, and in a few minutes they were advanced within reach of the enemy's guns; the bike



(From the European Timas, November 17 ) We regret to state that the cholera s?oma ta b? mak. Ing insidious progress amongst our population, although there is nothing at present to create undue alarm. The sverige number of deaths weekly is still 47 befow the weekly average for five years within the bills of mur tality in Lomilan The death, in London' from che. la mounted in the work to 34, the average weekly number belog only for the unsecolant five years. But 18 cases were reporteil on Tuesday. 7 of which war fatal and cases were reported on Wednesday, 7 of miles also proved fatal. Ou Thursday 15 cases were reported, of which 19 fatal. In Edlaburgh and the neighbourhood it still Ingers; there have been 3 deaths since the last part, making 100 deaths, since Oct. 4ib, out of 990 cases. In Lancabire a few case only of common cholers have bean reported, and apa the whole the sanitary state of the dialet has been bet- ter than many pessious years The Board of Health in Lonsloo, and the authorities generally throughout to prevent and meat the disse wherever It the country, have taken the most precautionary mea

out, bud with a change of weather we ainestly op that our future reports will record its mitigated zavages, if not its complete disappearance.

Whether it is that the vigilanes and accuracy of the officer of the Board of Health now bring forward be fore the public, and record every case of chalers which occurs, or whether the dies has really thade some considerable progresa since bur last, etale it is that the aggregate returne begin to look formidable. In

London and ste vleimity the deatlis reported last work Iris members at present neglect to enume that at- were 65; whist the number of fresh cases reported: tande which, if maintained by talent, and supported dally varies between 19 and 901 and, far as we can by wisdom and integrity, would infallibly enshlo Judge at present, the mortality will be in that district them to direct the course of events upon which the about the same as last week. The general health is happiness and prosperity of their country so much proceeding years Reports from all the provinces are now 39 below the weekly overage of 1847 and the four depend.

now collected, and we are happy to state that they are

The Attorney-General bas concedo the right

quite inconsiderable compared with us population.claimed for the issue of writ of error in the cases Mear Heusslow, on the 8th inst., there were four fof Mr Smith O'Brien and his brother convicts, and 1) cases and at Blyth six, two of which have been fa- the 13th instant is fixed for thin fresh conteal in the tal. The remaining three on that day have occurred, common law courts of fraland.

to the event of in Luex and Beaderland, but all the nine cases, aceps the Court of Queen's Beach confirming the views one, ademed to have proved fatal. It is, however, in of the judges who sat upon the tria), which is more Sestland where the disease still commits the greatest bon probable, considering that they are almost ravages. No fewer than 488 cases have occurred in Elinburgh and the vicinity up to the 8th Inst, of which

the same parties sitting at another tribunal, there treatment, or the reult not stated. On the 8th inat, Mouse of Laids, and, under any circumstances, the 943 proved fatal. 44 recovered, whilat. 371 where under

can be no doubt that the prisoners will appeal in the only 27 new cases were reported, whilst there were 40 flual decision of the pointe in question can scarcely Reports

on the 7th. The official ergisters are now frained with be arrived at for many months to come. great care, and every endeavour seem to be made to

arrive at correct conclusions as to the pathology and labrated counsel, has intimated His opinion, that the are industriony circulated that My Henn, the ce and treatment of this trighifal maledy. The weaver Las now became fine, drs, and genial

judgment must be quashed by reason of the inform Anniversary of

the Lord Mayor's festival, In Landed, usually a duty of the list of witnesses, had a copy of the jury for yelling Narember day, le described as one of panel mit having been given to the prisoners ten she most beautiful and sunny ever experienced. We days before trial; nod further that learned gotle. hope for a jalutary changeCh the disease by this wel man has added his opinion that the prisoners, in the



an of the area, walked sureland with a small p?t- tion of dour, which was divided amongst the half- fuked grap

Next morning the long bost are-ved, and et?nt ten o'clock the fadies and other passenguts, capton, vod cene, started for Ci ko's

Island, where they stopped that night i souers who were test under guard of the military have, by directions of Captain Mariarty, barr andused by the survivors may be easily imagined. oval to Presecration land. The privatidha

The ladies, we understood, babered heroically, the children had scarcely a witch of clothing. Th who were laut parieked in sight of those renqued, but they had no means of rendering sasielance to all. They who made for the reel were saved, be log washes un by the sos: but neil was foured that at high t?ds it would be under water, some profered alwmpting to reach the island, and being | carried unpy by the current, were drowned,

ecent of their beint again put upon their trini, I

St. John v. Fawkner,—This trin) terminated on! Being a total of pisteen. The whole of the ? ould have a right to plead their previous convic. the morning ofthe 9th by the jury being glischarged vivors sixty-nine, remained ad toll Jelani ng bar to a second indictment. We can by his floor, having been unable to agree, after In November, healing in pengasas un ?l? sterly conceive that absurdity oat ranch to for being lugken up all night. This was an action to fish and during his time I was emplayed rep criminal law, as that a conviction should be recover damages for defamation of character. De ing the bonte and endeavouring to save every?l? wrong for oma purpose, yet right for another. But fondant had pleaded justification that it was for the that might wash on shore from the wreck

rever it may terminate, all anxiety for the lives public cond, and put in eight pleas of bribery and the l November the wasther camo fine, and of the prisoners has quite vastinhed, and their pun corrion against plaintif. Upon theas pleas isus sent the pitosugers to Clark's Island, and got we shment, when it does come, mun antirely fail in had bean joined, and the dainages were labi atsisiue from Captain Moriarty, Moducing any lutary tormin The minds of those ?1,080. The plaintiff was Majur St Jolin, Coin I shall make it my duly in enter into further he might be tempted to follow in their footstep missioner of Crown Lands, and angieleste, and particulis on my arrival at Hobart Town, being The sune"glorings uncertainty" of the Irish the defendant Mr JP. Fawkner, who kid, by a at this time pressed for time, and without pen or faw has been exhibited in the proceedings against lester published in the newspapers, charged bim papar. Mr Claram Duffy. Subsequent to the indictment with receiving presents from different persons for I have the honor to be, Sir, Vem; found against this gootlement, a letter was transferring runs, wenming teanafera of ljoances, dcc.

Your obedient servant, discovered in Mr Smith O'Brien's ponmantenu. The eight ploss filed in justification by the defen crominating Mr Duffy in a higher degree. The lant charged the plaintiff with the following acts of

ALEX. COBBAN. Crown lawyers accordingly quished the first Indict bribery and corruption: --Tal. Reeniving a case of went, with a view to proceed against him for the wine from James Cavenagh, of the Brinn Born, for The Deputy Commissary-General, higher offence, and for the purpose of adducing this procuring a transfer of license; 201. ?5 from Ame freth proof of guilt.

But this simple proceeding drew Bevoridge, for a transfer of license; 3rd. ?5

The following particulare sre not holed!-- could not be done without a blunder. As the ease from J. C. P?tsmare, for a transfer of firense from

d to be changed, they failed to comply with the J. M-Davis: 4th. ?2.25 from John Boat, fut the they were confined, and gained this deck. Lis The prisoners knooked down 170 place in whic ovisions of the Crown and Becurity Act, which transfer of a squatting license in Weisen tur tant Griffiths gave them his word they slut

A now and calf from Jation Lawlor, for gansfer of be saved, and induced them to ga helow. Th to the removal of the survivors from the wreck to run: 8th. Acking an acceptance from C. Nichol-wrecked party comprised thirty thren prisoners, pleatifully applied with provislom, leching son for ?250, and offering to procure a transfer of five seamen, the captain, wife and child, inate, aan blankets. We may here mention that Capt. run to him for leading the same; 7th. A gelding cond mate, steward, a sergeant, corporal, and oigh Moriarty conveyed se passengers, the ladies, the from Major Charles Newman, for adding to his ran 1 Bah. ?5 from Loule Clarke, for the same purpose. Elliott, Mr Belsend, assistant superintendent et provisions on the island for the remainter; in all privates, Mr Lampriare, wife and brother, Itev found mate, and others leaving thetona deya The Port Philip Herald gives the following - Norfolk Island; Mr Adams, also an sistant ou about 43 petoode. From a report resolved sub-


(From the Hobart Than Courier)

Master, two mates, and twelve sommen.



The Kangaroo, wanmar, although undergoing repairs at Hubert Town, as soon as the report reached on Today forenoon, was got ready for , sad sent off to Preweryation Island, with a view

The Kangurse was expo?l?d to arrive at Pre- sorration faland on Thuesday, kad k? hoped will


The two leat Mails from Chise inform us of |sovoru) vonske haring siled with the Now Be 130, Fenchurch, Strest,

mon's "Town, which may be exposted to arrive in the souras of January and Pabrikry sex, but the LONDON, November 21, 1948,

Kircumstanam of the market are mom favourable and 20, North John Street, Livarook for their remption now than last year, plus the The Chine Mall arrival on the 18th instant with Coupons and is may be well to ghearre, that wor Tendo-bold largely of the previous Sgaret's Plan dates to the and of Beptember. The Mail of kata aller import of Coope to Lava month arrived on the 26th ukima.

| p?ni fais yalty to appears share, only thras saa The transactions of the past month have been faghtend to chut part, against mine si the more extremely limited, the dull state of our Marketparjod Jam yaas, ma thle Market may thereford Sw haging occasioned still less disposition to purchase,


4.ONDON. Min. Import 24,358,518 Ih 20,16 2,444 Ibe. 'Delivery 21,655,630

22,820,846. 20,464,497 18,709,628




1817. 0,719.576 the. 8,434,246 2,872,138




7,701,268 Iba, 8,825,757 8,300,627

| Green Tosa, Canton Gunpowders man wh?t ready unles, and the law transnations in the Base ?krinde are at pravioca rates. Commas Young Hy

soas eontiane dull, bot the ba?m quattingen AS A Tuankuya qulia neglebiet. The jew like mado in Hyson barb ban at a decline of 34, por Ib, and are most difficult of eule at thin radmation.

Deliveries for the month new, 3,198.05) be. grinet 2.719 235 m, 1847, Bojong #55,564 Tha.

Your obedient Servants, LLOYD, MATHESON ? Ca.

The Brokers.

requires the accused to have ten days moich of any charges which are brought against him, and the Coult deciding that the objection of counsel was fn.

the scial it thrown over until the next coromin sinn, which sits oarly in Decembor. Theas never ending blunders on the part of the law-officers of the Clown, not only bring the administration of ace in Ireland into contempt, but they indirectly count of the discussion in the jury roam, after the parintendent, and a Mr Wilson. Mr Belstead in to the calling of the Kangaroo, from the rempt reckless persons to the commission of crime. pory had retired :-o retiring the jus are forme us, that had the vessel struck about one Contalaria Officer at Launceston the Fonter y calculate upna many chances of meape decided that only the 4th and gib counts (Beer o'clock Instead of three, their proservation would Frane, which had been placed at his disposal by thewch the ingenuity and quibbling of the lawyers and Nicholson's cases) had book her the and liave been utterly hopeless. Da Thursday, the the fort Offer ad Surveyor-General, would als The case of Mr O'Doherty, part proprietor of the only doubt in their minds was, whether they should long beat was despatched in search of rehef, and be despatched from Launceston about the same Tribune, on the charge of felony, for being concern return verdict for the plaintif, damages one far reached Clarke's Island Captain Morintly had tone at the same fromes, with provisions de the well known articlos published in that news thing, or wholly for the dolomitant; forth the roles left about two hours for Swan Island. Tucker, This slangement baden made by Mr Swan. paper, has since occupied the Court. Two jorios were five for Fawkner, and seven for St John. Un-

the senler, who had his host lauded ready for Lun. who was in ignoranes of the arrangemdots' made have diangreed respecting the guilt of Mr O'Doher able to effect a compromise, the jury endeavoured

canton, discharged it, and went after Captain Hobart Town. In hungaroos the vessels and the present trial having commenced on Mon. to agree by throwing overboned altogether Nichol-

rianty, to whom he communicated the information despatched sarried a refilly goed. day. terminated on Wednesday, in the conviction of soc's car, relying solely on that of Bear'n; nail for

of the wrook. The long boot, Jadeo with flour, the prisoner, accompanied, however, with a recam- this the votes were four for Bt John, with nominal mendation by the jury to mercy on account of his demages, ond eight for Fawkner; and we learn that | not able to reach the party on account of the tides retare to-day ez lo mirro

returned to Barrem laland that afternoon, but was roath, and of the excited state of the public feeling at if say one of the four had goas over to the other the lane of the publication of his treasonable writings. side, the other three would in all probability hava We regret to say that in the South there have followed, and the verdict unanimously returned for been some low partial indications of a renewal of the the dofaudot. The minority, however, remained political storm. It will be enon that the project of slaunch, and all entired to rest (as well as they could) rescon of the state prisoners has been meditated by till morning, when a third and fast proposition was same rash persons around Clonmel. On the 8th made to and a verdict; but at this last conference, instant a body of about 1000 or 1050 men spoem-seven bring for Bt Joha, with nominal damages, blod about a mile and a half from that town and were and five for Fawkner, all thoughts of unanimity being drilled by a student named O'Leary; it in ul- cessed, and in thie way of thinking the jury came legal clint they were about to advance on Clonmel lato aourt, and were discharged," when the police and military made their appearance, and the whole dispered Beventeen of them were, however, captured, and were sent to prison. There mad atempta, after the lenky displayed by Govern mmi to all parties concerned in the Inte ombrosk, The following la the official account of the wreck even less than at any period during this or levi relieved by a demand from that quartor in the unely ? only furnish fresh woapons to the enemica of rational of the abure vretel:-

year. With respect to the present position of Con part of the your. Clark's Island, 5th November, 1848. liberty in Ireland. They are greatly to be diplored.

gous, we find, on a comparison with former years, has bose ambunited to, and id, on the Foud to dis *En Calgon of gommen quality a reduction of §4. Bir,-Isi my painful duty to notify to you tha The precautions of the Government have only been

that the Import is less than any former period ainee dnabled, and the state prisoners being transforradortust olamity that has befallow the Govern- 1642, and the Block since 1841: we give herewith kinda wary Bekoms are firm at vino lato nd-

Dublin, for the purpose of appearing upon the men brig Governor Phillip, while on the passage the comparison with last year for aleven months:

ranos. Scented Capers ars.enquired for at an ad- vanou af 14. per 1, "but Seanted Orange Pakons aril of error, will remove one of the great motives from Sydney to Hubert Town.

I leh Sydany al daybreak on the morning of Sa-

arodose in demand, he disturbanc in the south. This movement at Clonmel ha nonprevented the Government from dis-urday, 21st October, baving on board eighty-Eve persons, viz:-Passengers-Mr and Mr. Elliott, durging on bail aumerous other prisoners in Dub

and three children, Me and Mrs Lemp?lere and and in the provinces a plain proof that the cash proceedings of few reckless men about Cahir and Master James Lempriere, Mr Beletead, Mr Clonmel do not occasion any serious misgivings in Adams, and Joseph Wilson, with Mrs Cobban and child. Guard-Lan, Griffiska, one sergeno!, the minds of the Executive subarities of any further then rank and file Duth regiment, and two pel. breach of public tranquillity. It is, however, deeply sales 99th regiment Prisonsre-forty. Crew- so be deplored that the spirit of private revenge still A larks unquelled in various localition in Ireland. biliff has been murdered near Limerick; Mr Moore. the agent of Lord Annesley's estates in Caran has beer basely shot at from behind a hedge; and Mr Daniel, a magistrate of Helston, in Westmeath, has her fired at in similar mode, the shot having struck kim in the left shoulder: his clothes were riddled with balls, but he escaped with life Thors outrages *are all had their origin from disputes or bad feeling jolly-boat with two of the craw, n ses struck ber ating from the occupation of the land; but in Mr and gashed her to pieces, whereby the two hands were lost, I next put all the females and children, Moore's case, who called the tooantry together and reprched them for their baseness, the crime scene with thren honde, ime the whaleboat, directing

them to krep clear of the wreck until daylight. i have been concocted by, and executed ?t the ina- ucation of men upon whom he had heaped innumer then got the long boat out, and embarked five sol able peronal in yours The legal proceedings in the diers and eighteen prisoners, with fuur of the crew. Coon of Queen's Bench, in the case in error" of this time it was sufficiently light to attempt a landing on Gull feland, a distance of about a quarter John Martin are being proceeded with de die in dir of mile; I therefore despatched the second mate the pritower in lingering in carfinement, whilst his

charge of the long-bont, and myself proceeded in mere fortune rollengur. J. F. Lalor, of Irish Felon Motoriety, has been released on bait, the alarming the whaleboat in charge of the females and children, state of his health having induced the maiharities to considering the beaten incompetent to conduct extend their indulgence to him. together with numb the boat through the breakure. During my ab. em prisoners who has been discharged. As herence the mists weet about two feet above the deck; sofre, we have numerous report about the ultimate the tide being too strong for the long boat, I fo turned to the vessel with the whaleboat and hung fuo of the appeal of Mr Smith O'Brien and bis fel

w convicts amongel oliers, that the Attorney-Go on by rope from the flying jib boom (the wreck eral of England be expressed an opinion that his the most and wile preventing my going along. trisl and conviction were perfectly good and valid, wide.) thore took Mr Elliot, Me Lampriers, Mr and that there is no foundation for the appent in er: Belaend, Mr Adams, Joseph Wilson, one soldier for Some faint and isolated efforts are being made and fiflesa prisoners, and landed them. On retura- le revive Repeal movement, but the alender queing the second time, the rape by which the boat was beld, snapped and she was carried by the surf cess which tho" Rotatory Parliament" project ex perienced shows that for the present these specule-en the reef, and there stove. 1, with the two sca- on upon the misery and ignorance of the people man, succeeded in reaching the rock. Bring thus ate to readily embraced by them as heretofore. deprived of the means of removing any more from the wreck, wo were employed assisting those who swam, or otherwipe came off from the wreck, vin, the chief mate, ons sergeant, two privates and three prisoners, also the steward. During this time, one soldier, who had been carried away on part of the wreck, was seen and picked up by the nounts to ?18.282,148, and has even slight second mate in the long boat. Ai 40 minutes past It increased during the last week. The exportation 9 A.M. the rosel's sides parted, and she became a of silver to the continent, howeger, still goes on. The total wreck. It is proper I should add that the to show that the affaire of the bank are carried chief officer and Lieutenant Grifiths remained on capo a very greatly reduced arale compared with the wreck as long as possible, when they attempted that of lost your. The pros of the institution must to swim to the reef, but the latter unfortunately be reduced accordingly. Whilst, however, the bank perished within a few yards of it. I now proceed in just at this moment in so strong position, the im

to give the name of those who were lost, vix :— posts of grain do not escape attention, and there are, many grounds for adhering to a most prudential course of dealing in all money and mercantile trans- action. The accounts of the Bank of Paris unl farwali continued proofs of the deplorable diminution of trade; the accounts of the Government had fallen the inconsiderable sum of ?70,000 werling and the prices of the Funds are lower than at any period

I proceeded steadily on the passage until the From the shove it would appear that the depias- | -nd fo 1847, 1,006,ANE 196.” morning of Friday, the 27th, when at about forty.sion in this description arises more from a win

ve minutes past i alt, whilst steering 15.8.W of confidence, then from the actasl position of the


The Bank of England accounts this week furnish bat few indicia whereby we can be led to apprehend alany important monetary crisis is impeding. The Back of bullion in the bank vaulia, in both depart.

ce the Revolution.-- Ibid.


[From the Maitland Mercury, November 22.)

We have received Port Phillip papers to the lab November.

the vasel s'ruck upon reef, extending to the article

eastward off Gull Island, the south extremity of

Cape Barrea tela. Immediately on striking, I ordered the brate to be lowered; on lowering the

Lean Griffiths, D?ch Regiment, drowned Private Per







Jones, killed by a plank


Beamed Christopher Kerny, drowned


William Bessborough

Wam Bak

Jane Mensing

Wium Groves, killed by a plank Centie William Willingby, drowned

Henry Green


Win Eulaliom


Ist of denuary to 16th Nomm'a









Daly Prid "Foreign ~| UNTERS |19,490 420| |11,797 822|| 19401 96004230,891) AM40148| 8,007,101 20 908,7

TH9BE7 | 9920,219| 448,360| 41,008.005) 4.aravai|

(From the Bombay Times, December 9.)


Friday afternoon, 5 o'clock, Bik Dec., 1848. Our Import Market continute in a healthy stres but in the absence of further supplies the of business transacted during the past week hap not been large. In Cotton Piece Goods generally, we have no change to notice since our last.


(From the Singapore Pret Peras, Uik January.) REPORTIN ?TTEN MARKET.

The Aamm is the only arrival from Great Bri- |tain during the just Month.

The qetodity of Goods she brings s?jhough not large kan offected the Market and, taken in con- junction with the advices reseived from England by last Mall of, will reading pries in Manchester, | induced holdem in meat the slight demand at lower, cutseda radostion of a faw Cenu on the lower doe- cription of Grey Goods, for which the chief Inquiry COTTON WOOL-The transections of the past existed, and of Twist has been submitted to pisbo week hava beas only to a trifling extent, et priedemand from Si la pacel daring the Mof, (jtha alocks of both see unprecedently low. Some previously raling. The following a li




160 bales Dollarab at Rs. 74 8 per candy








74 8




76 0




74 4





74 0 de to














710 Jille








Orion.-This drug is very steady, but we bera



21 8itto 1

ne advance in price to notice since the date of vie FAKIONTI.


| but even this and the nativity usually appareni | while the China Jiyuka are in barbour will, it in feared, be insufhjelmal to check the downward ten ? dracy of proporti sa long as the value in Beginnd 1 continues to recede.

In Export considerable ?animation ? apparent |and a gr?ster number of remely are loading for England than for many Mentha past. *Although ?the principal of them only the sway all stocks of | Qambiar they will reliara' the Market und, clamed with the reduction which has takvo place in tha | value of Rico, afford some prospect of relief sa the

Cambiar planta?,“


On England--Papar of every description is underamonly souron and unless supplies are resnis. |ed either from Batayik or China it will be impos?.

The rates to Liverpoyl and to London have imible to make remittsons is that shape. The proved somewhat further: for the former port we Oriental Bank has refaeed all applications for Bille quote 3 per ton, and for the latter #3 to 3-5. Londoncept for Farily remittances. The per ton. The rate to Chius has continued to dnnly sale of Private Bills that has tennd dar Fader since our last, and the present quotation is ing the Month is ?1,900 at 4s 24, 6 Months ovar ON CALCITTA-Sales of acoe?ted Company's Rs. 144 per candy.

| Paper at 220 m 29)—and of Private at 222.


The rate remains unchanged, and we quote la 944. as the sale f?r Bank paper, and I. 93d, or

first class private paper, at six months' eight.

? ?n Madras de Bonnay.—The format mleable

at 925; the latter difficult to placo at 227 o 9:13.

O Cerna-Uncleable.

Bron-Salable at 6j a 7 por cont premium





Beteluit —lu Junited request at 62.10 per plcul. Chach Cork.—Sales at $119 per picul

At London, Cart -Sulen of middling quality at $10) p. ol




November 4, Menaga. At Liverpool,

Nogember 18, Adan.


Amisode, brig


300 l'ina

NUT. 9, Mancius.

Generera, belg

150 Marquee

Marquis of Hastings, barque Hove Paqueta, barqar



Camp, Lina-Large su expected by From London, November 18, Palmyra. Free Liverpool, October 31, Naomi

the Zuiki, vers little of the old stock on hand.

Jia Joner No supplies.

31 per bunkul.

-Large importa and ales at 927 a


Opies - Unul the attiral of the Pantaloon on The 22nd alumo with the result of the first le there was little demand, and prices declined from out quotation in the bat ultime of $415 to 390, The new Ding opened at 8385 but tamediately declined to 8960 ? 365 at which upwards of 200 chieste clauged"bonds; prices within the last few day's quotation is 375 at 380 for Benarta. Poma - Nominal Turkey--sales of 20 chests at 9400 Priper, Black-Singapore cleaned maru plesti: for and selling at 2960€ 965; Sumatra unelesned would command 30 per pleul. White-Dull st

per peul.

Rir-Sales of Bengol at 1 70 per bag. Ar Tapun at 832 & 40 and gooq Java and Bally at 951 u 5:2 per coyan


Baitang Sales of Straits at 81.70 1.80 per cal. Vory hule Henjorm seeing on hand. Sugar, Fine China-Bales 13.00 3.85 Jars sekite ng 45: Grey 84.25 per picul ; nene in suportect buida. Cochin-china. No supplies and nene expreted this season.

Silk Raie.--Difficult of male at $200 for Canton

No. 3.


Sapanwond, Manila —Gond wanted at 82; ale

at inferior at $1.75 and Siam 61.50 € 1.60 p. pl.

Tin-Has been in good demand and during the pest Ninth sales have been made to the extent of about 2,500 piculs at $18) a 182 per picul.*

Tro. Junk Supplies expected this Monik, Tobacco, Chua-Market dull ut

i per

picul. Jaru-Scarce and wanted at $1 96 a 210

jer 40 buskeja


REMI, Carexonefer and Watch-MARKE


CAPE SHIPPINO. Arrivals.—October 24, William Wilson, from Flongkong 20th July; 96. Sir E. Parry, Manila 8th August

Departures,-Uctober 10, William Wilson, London; Canton (staum-van- well. Hongkong. November 5, Sir E. Parry, London.


DEPARTORE--November 16, Barsh Trotman, Brown, Shanghai. Passon- gor, Alre Brown.


ARRIVALS.—November 27, Bragauza [storm]; Potts, from Hongkong 30th October; Falcon, Poole, Chins 16th September.

Deestors.-November 18, Monarch, Duncanson, China; 29, China, Fer- grison, do; 24. Sultens, Wedge, do; 17, Ann Martin, do; Prince Charlis, do.; 30 Nymph, Bor, do. December 3, Gilmore, Maw, do.; 7, Robert Small, Small, do.


Anuvala.—January 4, Heber [Am.], from Calculs 12th Dec.; 5, Agla- court, 41agkong 27th do.; Water Witch, do. 27th do.; Achilles [user], do 30th do. 6. 11. M. Str. Inflexible, Trincomalee 27tb do,; H. M. Brig Pilot, England 10th Bapt; 10, Pakin (1168m), Ceylon 29th Dec.; Channing [Am.]. Penang 30th do.

Departori-Jamary 6, Heber [Am.], China; Water W?ch, Chieutta;

7, Achilles (team), Ceyloo; 10, H. M. Brig Pilol, Laburu

Passengers par "Haber."-Mesars Platt, Toby, god Bruce.

G. M. Skip Hastings

moved his Establishment from Macau to Shanghai, H. C.

wil de les the pleasure of addressing his best thanks. M.

to the Community of Macao, Chop, and Hong-

Long for the patronage be las received. Ile hopes,




Blonghang 74 0

Brig Columbine Brig Beaut

Fosshow 18 G

14 ?

Brig Amb

Brig Meriner

Busman Tary

Bumor Mode

? ?

|Bhaaghal | 19 |Gane

| Shanghai

Sumar Phlegethon Canton By Alliga

Ship Minden

by ho exertions, to deserve in his new situation, 0.8, Bhip Plymouth

The Ke support from the public. He well supplied with a variety of Goods.

Shanghai, 15th July, 1848.


FR. F. DRAKE, will be happy to receive two young Genlenen a hoarders, in addition t


che si prevent under his tumion, to whoms would


oparted, solid and unetul accomplishments, combined with every domestio cofurt, and cal- calated edsure success in Mercantile pursuit, .? and other chaodels in life.

Celonial Church,

Victori, 24th December, 1845.



POR S WE at the Office of this papar :—

For ExcuARO

or Labte.



for the Peninsular and Deis

cutal Company's Broamera.

Th?m meg a posts Orptes, in Books.

* Powers or Attokket.




Mezranile forms and other work printed with

expedition at the customary rutes,

Quren's Hood, 9th October, 1848,





19, Pricateer, Bellamy, from Whampoa.

20, Trevor Johanna (Dusch], Vanderhoeven, from

Shanghai Nik January,


20, Vixen, McMurdo, from Namos 17th January.

150, Glide [Am.], Waterman, from Calio 14th Nov,

20, Audaz, Sullivan, from Cumsingmoon.

20. Nero Bilbaino (3pl. Aguirre, from Stone.

21, Sultana [Dutch), Peterson, from Bally Badong

9th December.

Neptune |Am. Whaters, Holt, Put back leaky.

21, Isabella Blych, Baylis, from Calcutta 17th No.

tember and Singapore 13th December.

22, P. & O Co's Str. f'ekin, Baker, from Point de


Galle 29th Dec. 4., Pesang Bih January

A., and Singapore 12th do. 4AN



1), Duilius, Maxton, from Manila 6th December. PAMEKOREA,

Per P. & O. Co.'s Sir Pekin,-Blesa:a B. E Ham-

rock, C D. Mugford, P. C. IcSweeney, Macertoom,

and Barnen; LieutenantJones; Fagal Goolam Hos- azen; Jai Munjes; and five Chinese.




20, Falcon, Foreman, Whampon.

20, Malacca, Consiu. Whampoa

20, Globe (Am Whaler), Daggett, Bon.

20, Samarang, Buckle, Medras.

20, Juliana (Bremen), Layties, Bremen.

21, Charles Forbes, Wills, Bombay

21, Free Vohanna, Vanderhoeven, Whampoa.

22, 11. M. Bog Arab, Commander Morris, Wham

.. Biore


Corvette La Beyanname

|Whamper || 28 (June

18 (G

864ngle 24 G

Skip Proble





Bangalore, larges Charleva Jana, skip Coir,

Andex, schooner

Emperor, p

Former, barque

Hindu, p

Hongkong, barque

leshojia Blyth, barque

Lady MnNaghen, barque

Land U'Cakes, sp

Lord Hardings, akip

Pekin, met

Priver, choner

Queen, barque

Red 1 Borer, barque

Baloglan, barque

Spy, brig

Swallow, barqu Time, schoncer

Amal, achoscer Anne Cripple, olen

Bella Marina, shp

Blackier, barges


Falcom, barqLA

Favite, brig

Larbinger, barque

klulares, ship

Mena, barque

Orins, ship

Rajshap, ship

Huangan Cowajar, ship

Sir Herbert Compton, barque

*Farge, barque

Byne, ship

Wellington, burgos

William Bawari, abip Royal Exchanges, beg

Amoy Pecker, choomer Angelina, barque Chales, beren Clown, brig


Contamos, barqu Coral, belg

Lani Watson, brig


Frithful, bagge

Forfairs, abip

Cine torque

Island Quanu, takotoar

John Bhayan, ship

[[longkona || 151 |Rullivan

"or-Admiral Mr F.A.Collier, Captain J. W. Mergia. Commander J. C. D. Hay. |Cortmunder F. E, Jokarma,

Commander W. Morris. |Commander C. M. Mathieson,

Commonader James Willen. Commander T. H. Hason. Canganandar Nible Doctor Bankier. Plaser 5. Stiebell.

Commodore D. Geisinger, Captain T. R. Gednay. Commander Janm Glynn. Captain La Gioco.

Na Benhars de Langhely Trumalga, harqan


Des ALL 1, schooner

Constants, rig Nusro Bilbains, brig

????? Baltana, burgse Trouw Johanna, barque Ljuttio Liang, barges Van der Palm, barque Alpha, echouwer Aans Meris, beig


Aun, Jorcha Emily, orcha

HAWALAN. Mom, brin

??? 230

300 valho



80 Romedian


(Hongkong || 150|Lana


2004 gaire

Hongkong 10 terven |Whagupon || 505 Vanderhoeven




513 Wuntandaan


|Thanghong] 120well

$a lianman

|Whampoa | 190 | Flannkuche

(Mar) Bips)


Port Witham, ship

Day Hayes, barque

Lions, brig

Bomanjve Hormacjne, ship ||Jongkong Bes 372 Barley Plon, ship

|1918 Stiller Common Langley



|| Raparell (Am)), barque

Besa, brig

Anonyms, brig

Warlock, brig

Lord Amber, ship

Pander, barque

Royalist, schwer



Anita, brig

Malamoodes, barne Amazon, ship Black Deg, beater

Dide, cose

Kelly Jane, skip

Folkstone, oble

Mode, barque

Gelpe (Am), brig

?Time, vekoomer

Wiliam, brig

17 Glam Bughan (Arm.), bele|

William IV., kafque

Belles, chor Terman, bergse






Jardins, Matheson and eo.


871 Marty

Fun and

749 Lawrence

Turner and co.


McBen and co


IN. Dus and oo.

Ses Progan

14 Carball

500 We

443 Ba


493 Gran


Th8h8, & Baker Bellamy

379 P. Lepdau 1253-X



$13 Anderson

195 Malardo




M3 Morten





99 || bater

#9) Candleh




Irry and on.

Deat and co

Jardine, 31acheson and co,

*Macticar and r

Jardins, Matheson and co.

Gibb, L?ringuten and ve

'S. A Olding, & 0.Co Agent

Cue Sapoorjee Laggina.

Jardine, Melbona and on.

Jardine, Macheese and co,

[A, A. Hichie and so.

Robert Buschen.

Thomas Lark?na

Jardine, Misthanon and on.

Cerner and an

Meoricar and on.

[H. Mday, Wine and co

Dirom, Gray and on.

(Holliday, Wine and co


Ruim and on.

ifollar. Win khi m?


Joes Fionnte Jorge,

Pedro Jood da Biles Loureics,

Jos? Francisco d'Oliveira, Josh Vicente Jatge.

Jos? Manoel de Jouza.

Louren?o Marquee,

V. As dos Remedios, Copeska.


VOL. VIII. No 8.

Macy'?ar und so.

John Burd and co.

Dent and co


Rayavota and co.


J?ynie. Mair and se.

Duas and ao.

Dana and po.

William Posen und co.

Jardins, Marbaros and co Jardine, Matheon and ou J.A.Olding, 2.& C. Agoat. |Anguine Heard sad es. Dewas Bepoarjo Lungraon. BILA 3. §. Kamal and on

141 Bowing


| Chiebau | 19 Crawford

STE Woodrow

Feo-fos 219 Hely

931 Reape Wooring | 447|Hubertona

17 De

15 Wix

46 Landere

406 Pubs

936 Chape


15G LT

| 133]Baird

91 Bandy

IN Them

| Laskong | 906|Granit


Papanico Premios Cera and on fardian, Matheson and as. Dedad co


Handles, B?schon and on.

tyron, Muir nod co.

Jardins, Maihwon sad co,

Dent and co


Jardine, Mathion and co

Deo. F. Hubertce.

David Bassoon Sous and en Turner and co.

Den and co.

Tardine, Maiban 1319 On Coweden Sapootjes Langmans, W. ?Augustino Board and co.

Pestonjoo Framjoo Cama und o


and co

Liodway and ex Jardina, Matheson and co, Cent and







Whampoa Blackfriar Dirom, Gray & Co.

William Stewart Jardine, Matheson & Co Early Shanghai Faithful

Gilman, Bowman & Co Early Jardins, Matheson & Co Early

Reise & Co.


John Bunyan


Whampoa Syria

Shanghai Coafucius

Dublina L'pool Whampoa Harbinger New York


Macao Noro Paquete

Whampoa Elf

Dos? Vicente Jorge Farly

Dirom, Gry & Co.

Early Early

Jardine, Matheson & Co Carly

lolalay, Wien & Co. Early


Nys, Parkin & Co.




Hell & Co.

Hoshua Bates


Nya, Parkin & Co Hussell de Co.

Early Early


Holliday, Wise & Co Early

R, Worthington & Co Early Macricar & Co.


Whatupo Sir H Compton

P. Framjee Cam & Co Early


Bir H?bort Sale Barge

Lindony & Co.


Jardine, Matheson & Co. Early


Reyarsan & Co.


California Manila

IN Due & Co




Constanta Hongkong

Byme, Muir & Co.

Den ? t'o.

Immediate To day Animediato




| Shanghai Sarah Louien

Bing. A Calentin Whampoa R. Cowasjoo


Macho Van der Pak?n Hongkong Harma


15, Ann, 665, Clinch, Shanghai. Beptember 9, Euphrases, 428, Wilson, Whampon.

18, Asia, 524, Watt, Hongkong,

October 16, Marquis of Bole, 648, Bannatyne, Hongkong. November 15, Palmyra.


Jardine, Matheson and co,

Lindsay and co.

Turner and o

435 Patio

Turner and co,

Marion and

131 Brown

F'estanjes Framjne Coma and on

Liedear and co,


540 Maurice

Jardins, Mach

and co


$42 Simonda

473llecou 576|Jammlerna 135 dire

|Shanghai || 145 g lon

434 Morgen


200 Meason


#14 T

317 Ligertwood


Gursen, ship

447 Desi

440 Thompson

25 Brewe

John Cooper, ship


ziaren Lewes, bre

Me and Ryan, barqno

Then, schooner

Vietary, bergva

wolts Wap, achoson

W?shak, banque

Chan, bile.

Beotan, whip

Dala wiloener

Masappa, ?c?, "aet


geoser Gener

Akamran. Brighton/ship (Whaler)

Dart, che Gh?i, brig

Jefferson, ship (Whaler) Naptuno, thip (Whole)

Autelope, brig

Candace, barbe

Charles, shap

Congre ship

Eagle, brig

22, 11. M.Bu. Fy, Commander Willcox, Canton. J Bates, whip Jan.


20, Vancouver JAM.J, Fuller, New York. Jan.


~~@p R?gia, Johnson, Manila and Sydney.

Panama, ship

Boer, schar


Cuquete, ship

Clarendon, ship

Anglos, schooner

Petrol, schornst



Dwom, Gry and on.

Inedime. Mishpan and ca

Lardino, Moon and on.

JP. P. da sites.

Wwrow and so.

P. & D. N. Cams and on.



30, Joha Christian, 990, Churchward, Hongkong.

4, Molly Bawn, 894, Robinson, Shanghai.

15, Colchester, 162, Wilbers, Hongkong.

27, Old England, 623, Feo, Shangbai.

September 10, Queen Mab, 304, Rows, Shanghai.


Dast and co Orler.



Jordino, Matheson and on. Order.



Lindway and on.

and c

??????, ?????? and s.

Turner and co

Dead co.

Dent and on

P. Haggravan and on.

Pardin, Mahon so co

Jselor, Mashapon kund an, |Bykas, ?abwabo and es.

Radhomes, Wolgendo.

arrow and on.

James Layraman Manado. Below and on

Jarillas, Matheson and co.

Liblika, Machaste sad so.

14, Saghalion, 377, Machell, Hongkong. 24, Adder,

2, Charles Jones, 869, Cotbey, Shanghai,

11, Woodstock, 800, Nicholson, Shanghai.

12, Panic, 449, Howard, Shanghai,

31, Naomi

November, Mencius,

Loading on the 24th November,-Allerton, Bengalsa, Escher, and Lady Sandy's.



29, Canton [stem-vessal), Hongkong.


November 16, Barah Trotman, 306, Brown, Shanghai


Loading.—Cowarjse Fumily, and Eagle.



24, Chebar, 403 Simpson.

November 1, Ibella, 194, Noble, Whampoa.


101 MaKolb 145 ri

ay and of.

2, Schab Jehan, Johna.

Mair and

296) Richa

On and c


11, Franser Whlaney (Am), 452, Fisk.

Ban Cosed 132 KG

Den and


18, Monarch, Duncanson.

171 Jamey

Jard, Math

and co.


28, China, Ferguson,


175 Anders

Jutkan, Matheson and no.


94, Baltana, Wadge

106 Lane



1990 Race

Deal and m


27, Ann Martin, —

Chincham | LON

27, Prince Charlie, →→→→

30, Nymph, Bart.

Boogkung|| $64|Wat

130 Pentr


495 mich


400 Garder

4RT Andras

$70 French



Bhanghai 166 podbarry


$75 Presco

335 Easter took

East Coas 100 Therp

Chiachaw? 100!Brimblecome


aw, Drinker and on,

Anguine Hoard and co.

W.D. Comodi.

Besh and o

Rawie, Drinker and ca

imanti and o

Mrs. Parkon sad no.

Malted co

Jedios, Matheson and ca.

Ramil and

Ngo, Perkin and co.

Rumel and on.

Geo. F. Hubertson. Bellande, Hamon Tail.

Roll and co.

and co

December 3, Gilmore, Maw.

7, Robert Small, Small,

Loading for China, 10/4 c.-Alecto, Anna Eliza, Chieftain, Cumberland,

Falcon, Clipsy, Hebrides, Lady Montague, Lord W. Bentinck, Oriental, Prince

of Wales, Huby, and Bir H. Hardinga


November 7, Record, 432, Patullo, Bhangbai January

6, Heber [Am.], Peuterson. Loading-Channing (Am), Whampoa; Vishnu (Bally)


December 9, Mariposa (Am.), 317, Banders, Shanghai.

Printed and Published by Joan Can At The Fricad of China and Hongsung

Gas, Printing Ofice, Quas's Road, VICTORIA, Hoxoxono, 1849.




PRICE te per ankum.


TERMS OF BUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE. Am. 18 Dollars. Si Manike, 7 Dollars. Three Monthe, 4 Dollaru; all pakt to sjv?oat.

Prion, 14 Dollars. 14 Dollare, and Dollars, for the periods of Tweirs, 813, and Three Months respectively: Bingle Numbers, to Bubscribers 25 cauta sach; be Non-Bobocribers, i Rapon. Farsi calling or Bending to the os for papers are requested to pay cash. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Too lines under. 1 Poller: additional, 19 arate los. Repedians one-third of the rut Insertion. Ship-Eust insertles, & Dollars, subsequent insertions is conte Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until counter and In all instagoon, those who are not Babearibors, require

to pay in advance.


ENGLAND. CALCUTTA, MADRAS. BOMBAY Also, en route to the above, Eingapore, Pexane, Galle-Masta, Blue, Aosu.


ENTAL COMPANY's Steam Ship PEKIN, will fogva thin for the above places on Tuesday the 30th of January.

Canes will be received on beard until Noon, and Bruce antil 4 v. m., of the 2915,

For further particulars regarding Farmor and PAMAGE apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent. Hongkong, 4th January, 1849.


THE P. & O. 6. N. Co.'s Breamers, will in fu- ture proceed through to BOMBAY, and be pre- pared to receive Cango nad Pamanouus for that place as heretofore,

J. A. OLDING, Agent. P. & O. Co.'s Office, Hongkong, 16th September, 1848.

NOTICE. THE P. & O. 8. No? Cutpawe's, will from thla date undertake the conveyance of Specie front Chins, and the Strafta, to Southampton, onder the conditions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, at 3 per cast for Gold and Silver Bullion.

J. A. OLDING,-Agent. P. & O. 8. N. Company's Offon Victoris, 18th September. 1848.


THE rates of freight on Treasure to the Straits and Indis per P. & O. Company's Simmers in future be the same for Gold Silver, Victoria, Sept. 15th, 1848,


THAT Large and Commodious House Tately accupied by the Officers, Ceylon

Rifle Regimega i posteming smong other great ad- woningen a ladoh, Yard and excellent Sibling. Ap- ply to


Hongkong, 7th December, 1848.



the Colons of W. & T. Gemmell & Co amall Block of

Superior Polo Sherry.

Brown do



Claret, Chateau Margaux.

Hock, Grafenberg.


Apply to,


on the Premises to Victoria, and January, 18th.


FOR BALE. SUPERIOR OROAN, of great power and

sweetness of tops In Hardtune Rose cad constructed by Mesare Wood & Co. plays upward of forty favorite airs. Apply to,


No. I D'Aguilar Sirvel.


Excited some very Prime Besen which they

Victoria, t0th October, 1848

cau highly recommend to their Customers.

No. 1 & 2 Wossner's Buildings. Victoria, 12th Janoury 1848.


E88RY SMITH & BRIMBLOW beg is lo

form their friends and the Publies that they bave taken those premises lately occupied by Mesa Rawls, Drinker & Co. in which they par pose carrying on Bhip Chandlery in all its bran- ches &c., and that they will keep always on hand a well sorted stock, The Gadows on the pranes are spasious, dry and secured, they will be happy to take Goode on Storage.

Victoria, 28ht December, 1848.


THE Eale of Paints, Claret, &o., advertised to

the 19th, si the of


At the AboTION MAST, Queen's Rood

and in good order.

NOTICE THE FIRMO of RAWLE DUUS & C% Hong- Long, id of DUN KA VLE & OS. ilg.

A PONY, PHAETON, and HARNESS, neel bel, are they ay disored by mukena, will

Victoria, 3rd January, 1849.

persona baring claima, against piline ?rm, please send their sounin for adjustment, and those

JUST RECEIVED and for Sale at the Avariabel in the dome, will please make payment,

MAPT, Queen's Rood,-

A she selection of Music from Julien & Ca comprbing Polkus, Wallus, Qindrilles, and Ope

rain Aire, of the latrat public vives.

-Victoria, 23rd January, 1849.


CODA WATER AND LEMONADE of Superior QUEEN'S ROAD. Quality. MADAO, HINNAM's, China Shopkeeper.

Victoris, 11th June, 1848.


HR Directors of the AUSTRIAN LLOTUS informed that from and after the 10th of October


Biomer will ply regularly on the 10th of mouth on the dirret line between Tuizora and ALIZA, 30 es to correspond with the Po

after the 25th of November past a Bleamer wil pTI 1. Confanti Benday Suwannka; und frondisi regularly on the 25th of each month on the direct line between Trieste and Alexandria, ed as to correspond with hp P. & O. Company's Steamers from Celle. The Avernian LLOYD'S COMPANY will have fro Stenere available for this Ulos; each of them be to 600 and 700 Tons burthen and of 250 Herse power. They are fiind up in a superior style and English is spoken on Board.



N. DOUS Victoria, Hodgkoog, lei Oglaber, 1948.

NOTION THE undergoed begu te faciliikin that be will ese- Ilinos to carry on a Ganapan Juzner, and Coco Between, en the sacro pressions no formgly; under the Fram of N. DUUB & Co. ** D004 Vistoria, Hinghong, Lat Osfiber, 1840.

NOTICE. WE L.A. LOJE?K ? sutherland Ja s Mk......Plan by proverit


Nora, n? a dogo vide

Vinnija, tih Jandery, 1849.

NOTWE pdua ? fio, will muosiu



pontok angetual Grada, or Pagala sa say 1 o? be the Ban Danijel Chim. Fig, fal Octaber, 1080



The number of Bartha in each in ne under, via:—?,

38 First Class, including 18 for Ladien

? 30 Second Clan 7 for Females.

inke place on EL, & Co. is postponed The Fares to be 218, for Fine Olast, ?12 for

to Monday the 5th February.


Na 1 & 2 Women's Buildings.

Victoria, 19th January, 1840,

cold Clam, including Table money and Stew fear.


The Voyage is expected out to exceed 5 dag

54 days, and as Quematine is calculated from he

day of leaying Alexandria-those ransels being

[R ANCED. MELVILLE censed to be Part. THE Undersigned offer for Sale a gocarul acont? vided, with Heshh Odieors—it follows that wit

Art Dir Line and at amuy from 31st December 1848.

BYME, MUIR & Co. Victoria, 4th January, 1840.


THC Firm of E. MOORMAN & Co., Canton, This day dissolved. Outstanding Accounts will be wealed by,

CONRAD BAUER. "Canton, 30th November, 1848.



THE Business of the Undersigned will from this date be carried on under the Firm donwE. MANN & CO.

D. W. SCHWEMANN. Conton, lat January, 1849.


SCHWEMANN & Co. Canton, fal Tamoney, 1849.


JR. MARTIN WILHELMY, is autherland to

Sige our Flaw by Procuration.


Canton, 20th May. 1949.

NOTICE. HAVING Associated ourselves with Mr 8. B.

RAWLR, of the late Firm of RAWLE, DUUS, & Co., our Business will be conducted in future Pader the Name of RAWLE, DRINKER & Co.

DRINKER & Co. Hongkong, 1 October, 1848.

NOTICE. Gronon C. FRANELYN la authorised to alga

W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 29th December, 1848.


THE Undersigned having taken the premises isly occupied by mit Chas, Basktan, has re- Commenced barnens naa Dha Pa

rul Storekeeper under the

Hongkong, Ist Nove



partner in our A?

this date of Mr A. H


Hongkong, Januars?



very Superior

touche and Bing

Hongkong, 21 De

clean bill of health, passengers will get prat

ment of Bhip Chandler's Stores, comprising Prime Mess Boat and Pork; Gallego Flour Plo || immediately on arrival at Triana. and Navy Bread; Canvas and Cotton Duck; Bew. ing and Roping Twins; Manila Rope of a Palate and Paint Oil; Palat Brush; Houseline Marline, ko, &c.

Also, received per lato urrivals, Cheddar and Berkeley Cheese; York and Comberland Hame; Beotch Ontmeal in Thwe; an assortment of Oilmen's Storea from Crosse & Blackwell; Kennedy's Water Crackers; Manila Chocolate; Mocha and Manila Coffre, &c., &c.

Magzetti'e Botiled Ale and Blout; London Bol led Sherry, Port, and Madeira Wines.

A. H. FHYER & Co. Victoria, In January, 1840.

For lettere to England experscribed “uta Trina",

"paran," abalga is made of 18 Krautzer (abem) 7 C.) per Quarter Ox, and half this rate for ever additional Os. Any one wishing to send letters to our bands, and address them to the ence of the to England via Trieste may pay the “avezona” sRG Austrian Lloyd's Agenay at Alexandria—fracking them to Egyp

kare tonilerd

Vaz ?rsam, Wen Phi

quity of Old Nava?a

sinting of forgot


Clarks, Blee

Victoria, 2nd Jasnoty, Iben - NEW ADVERTISI


"Letiara" to the European Continent via Tria may likewise be addressed to the care of the sald Agenc-the franking to Alexandria being and. | ALL parties bafing,


and for there she prepayment of the "of Fame TEMO son" Postage is not required,

"Packages" for Egypt, or any part of the charm? s?lhet mom PRIN timeat of Europe, of the Lavaal, should be address | Lamar are rainyda Concept

Henglong, 26 Jaminry, 1843,

and ANN, 190

JUST RECEIVED and FOR SALE at theed to the care of some one at Buen, as the P. & Of the mimo to Mesire Triangl. On

Stores of the Undersigned,—An Invoice of Bed-room Furniture, consisting of Mahogany and Walnut Butrau's with and without Looking Orara; Bedsteads, Rocking and sitting Chairs, Washmand and Dreaming Tables, Toilet Cases, Card Tables, &c.

A. H. FRYER & Co. Victoria, 1st January, 1840

THE undersigned bas just received a sine li fa- volcg of the very best English Boots and Shots from, DAVENPORT, LONDON, and is ready to offer them for me at his Com

ision and Sale Room, Queen's Road.

A. L. ENCARNA??O. Victoria, 18th December, 1848.

BELLING OFF!! BELLING-OVET! THE Undersigned being about le close up their Business in Hongkong, bars on hand a large variety of useful Anicles, which, in order to cleat off, they will dispose of at Greatly Reduced Bates, They invite the inspection of the Publie to their STOCK of the following:-

Company do not engage to deliver any thing not where Transit or other Duties must be paid; and intended for England beyond that landing port, ensure as much despatch as possible a Bill of Lading: with particulars of value &c., should be sear to the

forwarder at Buez,

For Promge, or for further particulara, apply to..

Ww. PUSTAU & Co, Agents of Canton and Hongkong

for the Imperial Royal pris, Austria, "Llaydi's Steam Navigation Companj


Insolvency Justerion.


CTB & Ca

HEATHING COPPE, and Nella" Apply t

***** FOR BALA


Hongkong 16th Jommer?, 1848,


il veived instructio ATION, on Therap Promise, at 11 a'duk ya

Break of MostTA BIGELO

Jang, Jullies. |orgarplated-OL, ·

Monte, Preces

In the matter of the Inovivant Extates of [2, and A1, Bloatare, ARA




Shades for Eston BOSKO Tynbiers, Wiol Grist?k, Mirrors, CN Plated and Gleil Camilericka, Vasa Diaben, Waist (cave Curry-Choda. K terak, Tale and Lan Bynedd, Booti

Twens, Gloves, Madla. Drassen, Caml Back Perfumery, Stadlosery and a large variety of other necujud?r

MEERWANJE? JEEJEBHOY, NOTICE is hereby given that by two sveta, Norders lessed out of init Honorable, Cour, and respectively dated the Twenty second day of November instant, the vesting orders whereby the | Brie Clicks, Ba? den

id Easies became, and were vested in Robert Dundas Cay Esquire, the Provisional Assigace of the Estates of Losolrent Debica ware anguile and discharged, and the said Estaten warns Zreby Halonlered to be reassigned and reconveyed by the

Robert Enquire to

Superfine Blue Broadcloth, Cashmerette, Plaids, Tweede, Waistcoatings, Merino, Flsoort, Batagr, Satia Boark, Muslins, Gloves, Braces, Silke, Huo.

, Brown Holland, Printed Valve, kan do bea's STORES of avary description. Lampa, 6, 4, 3, and 1 Brewers; Mondal

and Lanterns.

Dual-pane, Water Jugs, Plated Candle Croet Stands, Soup Tureene, Ladies, Tor- Deonsters, Tumblers, Iron and Land Shot, bory, Persomary, &c, &c,


fogkong, 12th January, 1849.

PALETOT COAT.S FEIVED por Pekin from More H. G. & D. Nicoll, Regent Hirees, London,


Leen's Road, 2Brd January, 1849,

and M. Customjee and Company, and to the sald Meerwanjen Jesjobhuy.

All persons who are ledebled to the mid Estates. or have any effects or dicaments belonging to the sid ?rm, or to he said Moerwanjoo Jeejobboy, are -requested to pay or delirng the same at the ?fico `of' ibu sni? “D, & M. Rustomjee, Canton.

Datod the 22nd day of Novemlybr, 1848.

AWA. GASKELL Attorney for a agid Insolventa.” Queen's Road, Victoria.

To the Creditors and Debtors,

of the and Insolvents.

C?nd uneful ?rficie:

Theep Fisterra, una dre, Show Tables adh Cases, Belves, Desks, to Boostarly Fa -Cerefore delivery lota to be ?le?ughshe day alry the Sale.

Victoria, Sit? January, 1589.


(~458988 SMITH & BRINSLOW wirkt by

at the G?dowal Qanon'? "Load at 11 0019 for the boneft of the cowotnad.

340 Dam

A quality of Old Copper, ?x Termas.

Terios of Bale, —Au per printed hand bill,

Vimaria, 95th Jomary, 1840.


?from the China Mail 25th January) GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION, -19?Excellency The flovernor is pleased to di. rees that the folowing Desk of propted Ordi. rance, read at a meeting of the Legislative Council for the first time on the 18th instant, he published for general information.

By Order,

W. CAINE, Colonial Offico,

Colonial Secretary. Victoria, Hongkong, 23rd January, 1649.



Power in award Amends in der tin case.


W. And be further enacted Const, to a Term of Leprionment not exceeding and ordained, That on the Com Bis Calendar Alonthe, with or with&dt Hard La viction of say Person of an Of bour, or Whipping, and to be again sent in custo fance by which infory or loss to Person or Pro-dy to the mainland of Chine, as is above provided. perty shall have accrued, it shall be lawful for such

XV. And be it further enacted Court to award reasonable Amends to be made in the Person aggrieved, by Payment of 207 Sulh not exceeding Filly Dollars, besides the Penally to which the Offer may be liable for the Offence, notwithstanding that the nggriaved Person may

have been examined no a. Witnele in the coan.

Power of a Ma

VII. And be it further onpetel and ordained, That any one Ala- gistrant of Fiona in court gistrate of the Colony sitting nut of Amuk, and of Sessions shall have the same And Bar

power to decide all caure of Am Auk, and Asuk and Bastary un


ANNO DUODECIMO VICTORIA REGINA. accompanied by an intrat to commit Felony, as is

No. of 1840,

herein vorted in the Onurt of Petty Sessions In BY His Brellenocy Samour Grogan Bonnal, conned to Ammulte generally. And it to hereby Equirt, Companion of the Most Honourable Or. provided that sich Magistrate shall not have power der of the Bath, Governor and Commander in in award Amends or Compensation; or any Pu- Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Depranishment greater than Bin Weeks' Imprisonment; dancies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, Her Ma- ora Fine not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars. jesty's Plenipotentiary, and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in Chion, with the Adries of the Legislation Council of Longkong.



Provision in

best of Fines Imposed of Am. An Ordines to repealike Orende direcnd, not dinance N, A of 1817, enticed

An Ordinimes for extending the Summary Julia "diction of Police Magistrates and Justices of the Pract within the Colony of Hongkong," and to substitute other Provisions in the place of those com- fained in the soil Urlinance.

1840 ] WHEREAS it has bean desmed advigubio nad fit to repeat the said Andiomes No 0 of 1917, and in substitula other Provisions in place of theme contained in the mi Orlinsner, but with tho intrul of extendi?y the said Jurisdiction no iteginted previous to the passing of that Ordinancq;

1. Be it therefore enacted and Ord names Na In 1947 repealed. nadeinhl by His Excellency The Governor of Hongkong, wit the Advice of the Legislative Couarit thereof, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, the tail recited Or dinance No. 0 of 1847 be, and the same is heroby repealed.

Emblakman of Coen of Prus Besions, with J. rediction to dri with certain Of

the wishes of a few firms or individuals have been consulted, the prosperity of the colony is entirely lom sight of.

We are told in the 15th suation that the Me- and oritised, That in the com-morialists "Do not ask to be exempt from te truation of this Ordinance, unl as there be some asonable taxation, but that it should be reduced things in the context repugnam thereto, any wird that it should be more equitably levica; and denoting the singular number and ale sex, shalt that it should not be incommensurate with the beng be taken to extent to any number of persons and die received from being satulere," This in a very things, and to both sexes,

imposing sentence; but the memorialists have not Honda Beat those, 18th January, 1849.

proved cop existence of upronsonable taxation; mei- (bat do they shew how it can be more equitably levied. It is very clear that they confound the land rent with taxes; but though the rent in the cumin roures of revenue it is not a tax, and it would be im- prudent in government to alienato the land, either by sale or gift, looking to other sources for revenue, The taxes raised in the colony last year were im

L. D'Almada ■ Castro, Clerk of Councile.


To the Editor of the Fatund or China.

- be of interest to the mercantile combat- a L-be fafirmed that the Bill for the alterations 17 of Bink Does in the Port of Bilasol came late opera- of the Dock

low on the 1st November last

Excio 1410


Police Amesament


Fluci, Forfeitures 26.. Fog of Ole




@social Rescipta, ke.


The dues on all Shipping have been reduced from 34. and Ya, person to a uniform rate of Ja., and the Peek dues have teoricely abolished on 530 Articles out of 630 la Vill. And be it farther enacted

the Schocate of Importation, cluding the important or 1, Yarn, de, ac and oriond, That if any Finsicles of Flour, Steal, Cuien, Hlor; Wool,


has been entirely at olehed on all exports Imposed hursender, or say ?m-

and conseredwerd on all Imports, and be not paid on Conviction.

These alterations must favourably affect all Shipments sing pald. os within euch time-or times sa

rose expectans og ?n the vetural market the To this add ?14.965 of re from land and market.

Sugar, Rios, Tea, Galipele, c.. for all the may be determined by the Court or Magistrate Bristol from convicting, it shall be lawful for the cooriolicg West of England, Bonib Wales, and

Banks of the Severn, and is also le courtant and regular oil we have the grosse revenue of ?93,091, less Court or Magistrate to Imprison the Uffender for

communication with the Ports so the Boath and East Count any period not exeseding, togriber with any other of Ireland. For the Bale of Bogari pericar, Bristol the odd stillings and pance of the different items. Imprisonment that may have been awarded, the bas ng been the beat haarket in England, and the increap-

The taxes, including Goes and foes of sours, are ed inducement now held oot, will doubtless reader it a term of Six Calendar Montha in the whole; or soch

most advantageous Part f?r Eastern Produce in general, under ?10,000. The sets of court are heavy and Magistrate or Court may in his or its discretion

The number of Sugar Reem In Bristol oder consider the fines in the police court excessive; but the other levy the amount and Coste by Distress on the Goods

able proprette n?vsolages for the leportating of Manila, end the Foreign Bagari, and the supply, which op to this taxes are nearly unobjectionable with the exception sod Chattels of the Odendar.

time has been chilly drawn from the West Indies, has

of that on Opium. It is desimble that the trade Dever in any year been equal to the demand. The present Mate of the West India trade renders the marb?l still imove

in opium ba na vofstered as the trade in any wonky the adestion of importers from the Kaal-1 10-

other import-indeed as opium is the landing orti. mals, Bit, Your obedient Fervant,

cle, the greatest care should be taken that no restric tion whatever be put upon it. By the prosent regula

Per com mit andere be fore Consition to and their Trial at Sup

IX. And be it farther ordained and declared, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Court, during the Trial of any case under this Ordinates, or at

y me before Conviction, Lo commit the Prisoner to stand his or ber Trial be. fore the Supreme Court, should it opger that the case would be properly visited with a houvier Pus nishowent than such Court of Patty Bestions could award, and that the Law administered in the paid Supreme Court applies such heavier Panich?iati or for any other reasonable came.

Juriedleden in Wages.

And be it farther uscled and ordained. That leball be law. fal and competent for the mid


A. 9. 8.

At Whempen, on the out, Capt. Lindsey, of the tion however the sale of any quantity less than a schooner Amelia,



341 Sydney

States Nov.




The. Dec.

14 | Bingapore

10 | MANA

19 Shangbal

Dec. ? Dec. Judy. 11 Dec. Jan



thest in monopoliend to the manifest injury of the small dealer. The local trade, upon which the re- venue and the prosperity of the settlement in roma degree depends, has been checked, and in consequence wehave few if any wealthy Chiness residents among us. By so immediate sacrides of the greater part of this inx.we are firmly of opinion that the Junk trad?

demand for land at famat equal to the loss in the tax. Let the opium smoking shope be put on a footing with public houses, paying a moderate sum for a license; bot do not hamper the traffic in the article to our own injury and the benefit of Macas where dealers make their purchases mere ad- Fantageously.

1. And be it further enacted and ordained, That Court of Petty Bessions shall sit at the Of fics of the Chief Magistrate of Police, on the Monday and Thurs day of every Week, to bear, try, Court of Pelty Semjona to try and determinis THE FRIEND OF CHINA would increase, wad that are long there would be a and determine in a'summary manner, any of the summary manner, cases and difference between Crimes and Dances undermentioned, committed Mooler and Servant, and relating to Wages, where within this Colony or ile Dependencies, or the the pecuniary question for decision shall not as Inebours thereof, that is in my, Asennult,and ?s | ceed the Sum of One Hundred Dollars. And that ault and Battery, notwithstanding that it may ruck Court may make a written Order for the pay. have been atende) with an intens to cominit Fment of such Wages, and any Canus invarred by lony; Lareening where the Stolen Property shall not exceed Fifty Dollars in valor; all came what erct of Embezzlement. (ave those of Eamb sale. meal by Factors or Agenta,) ar of obtaining Pro- it shall be lawful for the Chief of presiding Ma diamnoted and driven down on that count by the car morialista, though our interests redentical. We sprity by fake pertences, or of knowingly receiv. ing Stolen l'r party where the vwo of the proper- nf the Calony, or other discrect person of persons, rents, and that the crew and passenger are now in also would guin by a reductie Ke land rent- ty savol al as the subject matter of the fence, to levy the Sum so ardened by a Bale of the Gooda durance.

that gain nominally-but we are satisfied that were meat of the Defendant or otherwise, that the De.mander-in-Chief considered that the duty would be fradent has no Goods whereon to lavy the Court more efficiently performed by a vessel of war,

the proceeding basare it, payable silber on demand or by Instalments, as shall seem advisable, and that in the rest of such Order not being complied with

| gistrate to incue a Precept to suge known Baili

One of H. M Steam vemels will be despatched to the coast of Cochin-Chins in a day or two in search of the Kelpie It is possible that the Keipis wa

It was at one time intended to charter a

Our views differ materially from those of the me-

phall not exceed Fifty Daiiara ; all cases of rafurt- and Chattela of the Datendam; or in case it shall small vessel for this cervica; bot the Naval Com the governmem to abandon the rente totally or par

ing Monry or Property by threatening to accuse any person of any indictable Offence, nt by threats of injury to bi, Set, at their Property; all care

of Breach of Prison where no serious bodily 10

ce shall have lead Inflicted; all cater of know agly uttering, or bating posarasjon of with intent

appear from the relure to the Precept, by the state

or Magletrate may order that Defendant be impri

soned for any term not exceeding Three Months: Tus draft of an ordinance repeating ordinanca No Provided that, when from its ipfolving a difficult

tially, fresh taxon would be imposed, and are there

fore reluctant to see the present arrangerment (listurb

ed. We believe that the Memorialists put forth

no claim which they do not consider perfectly just

to utter, nuntersust Silver or Copper Coin eur point of Law, or from any other cama whntovar, | 5 of 1847 is laid before the public by order of flu but when we look at a revenus of ?25,001 and an

rent in this Colony, if the amount of such Coin so uttered or possessed he intended to represent a

it farthe declared, That nothing herein contained to ordinance No. 6, and these objections are station in the ground rent. That the expenses of Hong- valua not exceeding Fily Dollars; jill "enres of

shall be deemed to prevent any person om sing in full force. We have not had time to compare Compiracy or Combination among Artisans of ~ Workmen, relating to their employ or work; all for Wagen under the Summary Jurisdiction of the the draft of the new ordinance with the ons kong in a great degree should fall on trade general

case of tintous Auremblage with intent to injure Supreme Court. any house, place, or furniture, or any person what- Contempt o enever and all attempts or endeavours la commit any of the Crimes or ?llence above engmersted.

Comutation of LIL. And be it further concied

the Court may think proper in refer the case for Excellen 7, the Governor. In our publication of

Trial to the Supreme Court, it may do as: And be the 27th L. stober, 1847, we stated certain objections the memorial so far as it asks for or bicis as a redac expenditure of ?82.65%, wo question the prudence of

Con mua n port to the Pre-

We are not called upon to say whacker the expenditure Aberto has been excessivy or nit, but if inilun ?n th?y Cokay into depend upon the expanse of the establishment here for the Guveminent of the Colony and the open- teadence of Trade, we would be respectfully to give tas vor opinion, that that Enablishment has somed a mag wide unnecessary for the objects for which it eit

As segants the "then unsuccessful bidlers for late," it is known to Your Gresidency, that no injustice could Bow be done to them by aconding to our Memorial, as few each bidders would now be disposed to pay the upset pices for the late they formerly win betod for.




barele or aver saw on fast lepota, antis Chase "ircumsisoera, nemalink to the usual c putatione, about 150,095 horrede nught to le arived down the ver during the present The stick market continued steady, and somedo e te vermoun

(From the largow Herald, Naogmber 17.)

Liverpool, Monday Night. The Royal mall ship Niagara, Capinin Rycie. arrived this evening. Be brings advice from News York to the 21st ul., Boston to the tet, and Hale

fax. the 3rd inst

Now, sup that in coloniste had boon la- temperate and unreformable—which we connet see thit they kavo been--we think that thar bare received ascenderable provocation from the Home of the New Lean hid her? mude et latented locumentary perversions of Lord Grey is The proved mindatemoon god de- Obingizes, 1850 14 1859, were at 97 to 09; Pothe Uppet Hoss-the part abuffing of Mr Hawes sylvania Fives, 754; Illinois Pundable Bondi, gan Want Lada matters in the Commis Indiana Bonds, 80; and Alabums Fives, 62 to 64. Bire of the Jamaigs memorialmal die mit At New Orleans the grain market continued idkapstad liet + the Bi, Lusin paparo” —-haca steady, and the merivals also at that port from the surely given our transatlantic Callow, sucjesta fair interior had been comparatively light. For a reason for concluding that their interests in lig

country is bare fallim amongst thirret." "That sa that other Lord Orey and Mir [fawas have whitel

The Niagara experienced head winds through out the pacings. The Hibernin, Captain Shannon, T. With respect on the term of the leases, we observe that

arrived at Li difex on the 1st, and papooled fur Her Majesty's Gremmest are disposed to grant them in perpelong. We shall be glad to see this messin carried

The steam ship United States arrived at New although endless immediate reef to York on the 20th alt.. efter mange of 14 days. provisions the market will extremely del. We have teorived by the Niagara the report of, Freight was without n'teration, but there was a


l? m?: trentated their position, or slow that that

↑ they are wey ignorant of it. Noc do three twa |staleonon appear to them to ngem oven bet woon

Colany; provided that the liberty of coding the land and buildings theroon to Government at all ihnenexhi

asprech delivered by ?sneral 'Faylor to the volun., slight tendency tower?a an nilvance, night in many, if not in all cases, herwise, the

Igora ni Esot Feliciana, in which be expresses his ↑ By the accounts from Mexico it uppovre (last t deep conviction of the hereare of wer, of which his purchaser of goods from the United States wi mind bad received innuenful proof Throughout seriously hampered by the difficulty of finde - themselves. They only concur in one poist-in means of remittance in payment, in consequancelfyng those whom it is thuir duty to protest. Had the Want kuslivna heva, proved in have been

pore rather hand than a benefit to there -ndalty.

Br reference to iverment Tables we did, that the Sales of Land cght to have prlaced the sum of ?15,0 shreeas, from that source, ty ?19,6id was oblated in 14, and by the estimate for the presene year no more

?1,103 expected; shewing a dettolt of ab$

fier alb?wing ?gs for land resumed for G purposes, a Calling off of ?1.105, 5537 per cent ?160114 th?i nam je for lots aban,lonel, upon which both dep-its anders have been palil, and pon which may spent in the erection of bulkilage or otherwise) ?1.82, upon which deposits only have been paid; and pun which the purchaser have neither paid d?posit morrent. This handonment of property, comuluing at 8:25 Jsts, has taken place within the last three years. Id 1918 anted to ?1,866 upon 91 L 42; M 1517 and 1ek tu 21:41 upon les Low Theme Iacts obtained, with Your

Retore, al master for serious reflection,


A permission from the Butveyor Ganeral and and to chase we would bag to call the particular attention

of Her Majesty's Government,

5. Iterparvient to that Her Majesty's Q?rarm- ment have been greatly milled by the Rapuh was hongo with refers to thin C?bong, Bir Henry Posinger in his depatch of 2nd January 1844, tales det the Ground-rents at that dain, inninging the Balm to take place on that day, wald amount to shout M6,000, but the mole did somely den ?TAS more than the esimeste, making the scal 215,710, which sum by the outanquant sale al 9th July, Modif Sir Henry Poninger's orticate had been correl Me been loscessed a 210,114; whereas the Colonial Land and Emigration Commisioners in their Fish Report in Gov. arment make the total revende at the luat mentioned dass The 9th July 1844) only ?3530, shawing a difference of Cash between their statement and Sie Flaner Possingers . The mim that have taken piros aubsequent v? ?ch July 1914 would, had thai notimate hasa antract, hava code the amount v? Ground-comm #10,867, whereas by the Off-,

Katera they have never skouded ?14,343. 16 Wath reference to wade of the Colony aro, depth of Sir John Dars e Lord Paisarmos of Stai Ja. muary 1848, la father salonlated to misled. He makes the imports into Hongkong in Chismu vamala ainant in 1816 61,700 picats, value ?325,180, in 1847 m840,390 plants, 193,339 It is simast unnecessary to past opt so your Excellency that the trade abere affeded to (with the streptom of this proportion of it la astialem required for the comption of the place) forme as part of the Crade of le island, and Matt Danmark might with equal justice arres ta berwell indiriminaaly Trade of a vela passing through the Catieget to and from the German Oran

11. According to the Inteet Net published, it would appear that (bero urs 139 Mercantis m?ablishments in Chint, of which only 18 ?ra in Hongkong. Mes of these have branches at Canton or Bhanghai, and it may be supposed wall, with shres or four orpilone, who oentiama bars, aly do, aliber because they are propriases of hosses, or der and property in Hongkong more scoure than at Conion,

12. From the wast therefore of that protection so which they are ended by Treaty, and which they have a right ru ank Her Majewy's Govermate ecue to them, they are empelled agensiderable expans to keep up an ad- diimaal extaballerot ie Hengkong. No doubt, also, the hope that Elet Aajesty's Goverment would eventual. by buen les manibba To the rata of the Cology has prevesi- el many from abandoning their property, as others have already done and nro nik?i ???ng- but it fepet be evident so Your Kxcellency that should that rulaf not be granted, ? farther falling o? in the cenonse will be the result.


The charges shall use any insulting reation hurried through the legisluere without giving the

La Chinese or any other langungo

fandi nocennay to have also Bumblebassin at the ou Xl. And be it further enacted repeats; but, with other members of the community and not on the few residents is freely admitted, sede Mestre and ordained, That if any person, we are gled to find that new laws are not to be but for the year jilat elowed there is the very han

some balance of ?87,867 on the wrong side of our account, which must be or has been pro


and ordained, That the said Court towards a Magistrate or Justice of the Praes actinhabitants an opportunity of expressing their opinionvided for by the British Government. With this

make Weekly e-

turn to the Co toolal derretary.

of all Chas tried

of Petty Bessions shall be beki ka. ing in the discharge of any Magisterial du, be upon them. From the preamble of the present ael alum_dmasjern, (en the Chgel Magistrate of Pe- | shall be liable to be fined in an amount not exceed. we learn that “it has be?n deemned advisable and fit lice, or in his unavoidable abseuca befats auching Filly Dollars, or imprisonment for a Term not to repeal the sail ordinance No. 6 of 1847, and to Person, being Justice of the Peace, as he may execoding Two Calendar Months.

| substituta other provisions in place of those constin. depute, aject to the approval of the Gareebor.

Xif. And be it farther ennetad togger with any Justice of the face of the said

and ordained, That the said Chiefed in the said ordinance, but with tha iment of ex Colony of Mongkong that may ses ?t lo attend i

and all other Magistrates shall, tending the said Jurisdiction on it existed previous to Prosuled always, that in the event of none of the

and are hereby required to make the paming of that ordinance." We will take an Justices sugading, it all be fully competent for

sad transmit to the Colonial So early opportunity of comparing the provisions in the Buch Chief Magistrate of Police or person on de

eratury, Weekly Return of all futed, to proced singly to hear, try, and deterinine dass tried and determined by them during the new ordinance with those in the old one, and will such casey as aforestil, as may be brought before preceding Week, exhibiting the nature of the Of- gladly receive any communications on the subject, bon; and he ball be seated with the same power fences, and the Punishments or Fines awarded. aku in igjended to be hereby vested in the Court of When charge XIII. And be it further anacted "Petty Semiona sforeand: And that for the despatch prefered before and ordained, That If any person

Magistrate of business, it shall and way he lawful to and for the said Chief Magistents of Polien, or person so deputed, 10 sojourn the said Cours from day to day. ty. And be it fasthet enacted Eural of Po

1 day when he

Count of Pay

Gin bot wilting, he may

or comitin


We have now before on the Memorial to His Ex-

Burn waring h?n in the face, wo doubt whether the be disposed to view more favourably the reiterated Right Honourable Secretary for the Colonies will

claire of the land owncta to a reduction in rent.

To His Excellency, BAMUEL Gzonos Bonnax. Enquire, Governor, &c., &c.

Memo-coder we are subbed good grounds for the reduc

be charged before a Maginile callancy the Governor in its amended and improved on any day when the said Court form, and we confess that after a careful parusal wo of Poly Solos be mis bare at a loss to perceive precisely what the with any Offence ongnizable by nishment to be and ordained, That such Court duchor bil, the mid Court under this Ordin- rialists would have, or what they propoes. The adranings of the Colony ; and further that the large grani v?nded by the sha! age power and authority to Coen. viction, for any of the Crimes or Offences aburo specified. Impringement in any of Elur Majmty's | Couri

award Punishment on due Con- mannet provided, ance, suah Magistrate way com- document, which is of grent length, indulges Treely the opinion of Her Majeur's Governmen?, U

the perf


Homakowa, 19th January, 1819. 1. Bik-Glumstances have prevented no from nopar addcoming Your Excellency, with referuaen to the Extract of the Despatch from the Right Honourable Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of Base for the Colonies, published br Year Excellency for general Information, on the 17th July laai, being a reply to the Memorial of 19th Pubruary, 1816, from the Inhabitants of Hongkong, praying for a reduction of the existing Ground Rena

9. It is with regres we learn, that Hia Lordship does not

Lion we sock, or that the measure would be really for the

that have already been made for Hongkong should "mem, to preclude the propriety of our saking some relief from a barca welslag heavily upon us, and which we are prepared the property of the Colony, and which it was one o shey His Lordship, has already Inseriaved ariously with at loss an it la malaiaised without some material re dace. Hai Majany's Guvaromen lago already sulciently aware of the cars which led British Merchant to sele lotsaed and destroyed. What bir Heary Peninger i bi and to expend caphal in Hongkong, and sho bow much the prospects and exportation then held aus have been de

Despatch of 4th March, 1844, states, that those who had taken and sad boilt upon , had been amply and quickly rind, wald only apply to a few speculators in land, 36 We have already polated ani to ?fer Majesty's Go vernment, that the presumi ground renta cannot in jail be considered a vakumary imposition on our part; but allow-

mil such person so charged to take in generalities, but no clear and specific plan Trial at the mid-bit Trial before the said Cour improvement is brought to the observation of His

of may admit to Bail or dischar Excellency. An attempt is made to establish

grievance as regards the land-rents; but further than by a broad sertion that those rents are a heavy

Jails within the Colony for any period not excred such person without taking down in writing any

Ing Six Calender Alupils, with or without Hard Labour or Solitary, Colorant not exceeding One Month at a time, or two Months in all; or

Any Find not coeding Fifty Dullure of both Fine and Imprisonmeni qul exoceding these limits : And be it further provided, That when any Mala Offender shall be convicted under this Ordinance


quet ofdbe Examination; and it shall be sufficked

to stais in the Warrant of Commitment that the

Prisoner in charged with Palony or Misdemeanour, bardan, there is no evidence of the fact, the Offence.

as the case may be, without further particularizing tras reference is made to the abandonment of

Certain Chin Olanders may be deported.


XIV. And be it further annet by the carly purchases; the present receipts being ed and ordained, That if any No.7 per cent under the aggregato of the sales, tive of China, of Chinese NativeBut this merely thews that the colony has not pd-

Her Majemy's Government, with the surely to promote

of Lateiny, Embezzlement, or of the knowingly uttering, u hasing porremium of with intent to at. of other places than floogkong, not being a Horaced us the land speculators anticipated, and ter Connies foul Loin aforesaid, or of any Priony, bulder or permanent Resident in the Colon while they have retained the best lot, government for erso that were so, we are unwilling to bellers Last or of receiving Stolen Property, it shall be awful | shall have been convicted of any Felony, or abil for the Magistrate or Court convicting, to direct be a suspected person apparently frequenting the has been sadu'] with those of an inforior descrip- chak in addition to any oiler Punishment to which Colony for felonious purpins, or who shail be a tion. The Memorialise do not show that the local he may be liable, the Off- oder be once or twice public Bagger therein, it shall be lawful for the trade has suffered by the-kigh rate of land ; and in publicly privately whipped.

mid Court of Puity Sesajons, whether before or af Diveblog "V. And be it further enar

ter the Punub caruch Person, towed him this lies the whole merit of the question. If a re, to Corporal Pa. and ofined, I bet whinerer Cut in custody to the more Chinese Magistrate resid.duction in the land rent would draw native dealers _nick wit

purst 'awishment shall be inflicting on the mainland of Chi, with a requot from to the settlement and produce a vigorous local trade, ed under ihm any previous Ordinance, auch Punny Stagiairea of the Court that the person diffusing its influence over the trading classes nishment shall in no case at any anglo ume exceed to seal to custody say be prevented from return from the foreign merchant to the native shop keeper, Thirty-six Blogs with a Rattan, to be inflicted in ing to the mid Colony; and if any person beving

the presence of the principal Jailer, or some other proper person deputed for the purpose by Magis

→ sela

bern so went sway, shell return to the Colony with. out the permission of Magistrate thereof, be shall be subject, on Conviction before the said

—then reduction would be a politic measure. But it is not alleged that such would be the resul; and from the tone of the memorial it appears that while

presser. In the Despatch from Lord Grey, would wish to the interests of the commonly and of the Colony, as ex

sigo that as a reason for continuing to exact terms injoroos to the welfare of bath.

a 4, we would also respectfully subenit to Har Blajesty's Government, that is appeses, to us anpassonable that is Hongkong, should be grounder te considered as neede slcomplence of large grants having already beep made l

war Memorial as these go to be purposes connected with Las protection of the general

trade, existing besmees the Empire of China and Great Britain and ner possessions, which graals became neces sadly larger, from the unfortunate selection of this | island by the repressotails of Her Majesty's Gover ment, and by so m9999 ve 200ezist for the banofi of the le merchants who may have chosen to sends upon it.


his service the prod·lest moments of victory had baen renforod tormwful by tho painful accurrences which United States Treasury denights wern si

It produces, of the wives inado widowe?, of parent. Ing in that expital at from 17 to 25 per cent, pr | dishonest do their aspections, and discoopnciful in made childless, of friends borell of these bound to min. The now shit was under diension, dither Language—had they, to the net a milk, fade tham by tha dearest ties. Beaking of the military the export duty on aperie was prop-ood to he fix-1 | si?ed and gazlided publie durainata-it might spirit prevalent in the United States, he said that at 51 per nent, but 11 was still duubtful if the in- u- have been alleged, in eximustion of their misces. | duri, that they were desperate men, reduced mode

there was more reusch to fear that spitit would, sure would poss. A conducta was on its way fri a carry them t?? far, add impel them to the invasion?” the interior to Tampien with a considerable amount

Jendy, by no fault of their own, fram s?flunaca te of their neighbours' territory, then that it would- of specie, which it was expected would lenye ny

penury, and that their minde, had been woskavad fell short of the defence of their own territory and cost by the November atominer. La California, the and S?nced by the gravity a? juuie reversen. Bet honour. In conclusion, he said. "I have ever gold excitement was greatly on the increase, and, whon m? And the imompornace and the reckless- cherished the santimani of the father of his oeun, It was almost impossible to prevent the desertion of ↑ arm of smention on the side of those from, whom try, who cautioned us against leaving our own soil the crews of vessels on the count. A court-emer. we have every right to appeat gamerosily, mandour, and territory for a foreign country — who inculcated | tial was melting on a party who had deserted fri n cole, zeerang, we confirms that you are at no a condical principle of our republican lastita. the Valled States corvette Warren, and it was in lot to dad words which shall stigmatise with tions that wo should oschew all foreign alliances |?ected their punishment would be severe.

saflolosa sapanty the missamdom o que present The luteal ndvlees from Bogats. New Granda, Colomini Miniature. Having straganily promised

and connections, and coming ourselves to the ing provement of our own proper soil, and the advanos. come down to the 10th of September. The only much when out of allar, they havein a ludicrous ment of peace and happiness within our own pro. Important event they allude to is the general tresty | ly short sipo convinent alt men of Under mior in per hour laries.”

concluded between that Republic nud Amerion, and onpacity sa falli thair quemiton; und they dow We have further particolare of the attempted which was published at langth in the Gaceta Ofis appear'sazione in pune mean the week at the ** outbreak at the Mexican capital. The attempt clal of ibo 13th of August. The Government, se promputs the Milputate tal movespation enguni was to hore hoon made so the 9th alt; the leaders for es could be sacertained, was moving pretty dered by the fowling, ponendimusin of their dia


From the Morning Chronicle )

Akhough we mumot “Wit? the Laglabeurs of Ogisos for the course to, ang big bare bin

of it were well to be Brandra, Tornel, and Almonte, | quietlys internal improvements cominued to our graceful"fuulum, Namorous projects, were on foot to restore Bania | copy a fair share of attention, contracte for natio Anos to the Presidency of the Republic, and it ?nal swade and bridges being offered le public come was predicted that not two in inths would elapos | petition. before he was again pevastated. Indeed, it was condently reported in some quarters that he was already e Vers Crus, and that the troops in gor rison there wura decidedly in kie favour. It was also stated that the Ministry in Mexico had pro- nounced in his favour. This statement, however, appauro very improbable... Santa Anna's partizana made an abortive attempt to rain a revolution in bis favour at Guadalajara, in contradiction to those reports we have letters from Santa Anan to friends in Mexics, sting that he had no intention of returning sa Mazino ?nicas the nation should unnianly oxll upon him to do so, or if the lar. ritory of the Republic should be lavaded by a for reign enemy. The sintement must, of course, be taken at its preper value. The Government had o'ficially informed Congrem that the 8,000,000 $ reselves from the United Sistes oy way of indom, ally, and the amounts received from Taipios and Vera Cruz ure exhausted. Sagor Rire Paleoloy in giving op the Ministry, had annooared that there were resources for four months. The elec tions for the Legislature of the state of Mexico had

multed in a majority of Monarchists and Modera-) dos over Federallels. A new tariff had been re- ported in the Chamber of Deputies of Maxino, its hospitala und gents a sprar?det for; its cre?li

| driven, we wish (for sho?? om”) qplif) that they

could bare forbara? a kula :egu.” Thom are limits to hemma endurnace. Basil Tay cannot be tolerated much longer in drning goal. Ha In the your 1836 the golony of British Gioiana | wii sither driva ble party from offer, to be par prodeged, with slave labour, upwards of 70,000 solf drives therefrom. And my gumo di ma??iai, hogsheads of sugar, 2,000 balas of onion, ghi that the roar of contemptuona umarating which 3000,000 he, of coffee. The estimate of its 15 will teak forikh at the goddact of the Chodil dhe penditum for that your amounted bat to ?14,06%, pinang, when Parkamast ameshtit, sitt be. The salary of in Governor was ?2,500 per annue Pretaler that, if the Secretary for the Colonise teen it ? tous al suficiens gravity to be?vinc? Bugur then nailed ?25 par ton,


January (8)

?n 1847 va fros labour crop had dwindled down. The intrusted with dinas lateralia much longer, be to 47,000 hogsheads of sugar, no cotton, and|will infallibly "ipart the family cosak.” 169,390 kv. of casfor, whilst ita nonagi experilicnes | had increased to ?925,929, and its Governor's sa. bry to ?5 000-sugar sulling for little more than | half what it fatobal in 1830, nal costing to fit From the New Wally General Price Currant, more than it had done in 1996 to manufacture. It was surely time, therefore, for the Colonial Lagia- bigre to retrench, and they decided to do so, by

? IMPORTS. Cotton Gouda, ?r markat har sat quperiononi reducing the wages of every labomier, and the sa-i lary of every whip and throughout the colony, any such inaronomani, ma il from the Goverter downwards, 25 per cent, ungpimaty w

Quinda has, in consej 1995a, bien radiced to a bara notkla Lavionspachantes de goodn state of social disorganizatious. Ita pa?ilin olli sure, being insignilliant. 19 and its police are topsid ; ita tamen are uncollected

T?t --Little trke disposed aft Tak that de la asked por 6 case.

13. The and expond?1men of Hongkong etolusive of which it was thought would be adoped. The war gone, The Secretary for the Calomes hay st?p: mfinu, and thˇbe?p St Pagining to the tirge, what may be required for pabis traildings and teada, mounts against the Government monopoly of tabacon was ped immigration to its mores, and has exci slud it" Pricer looking do when c

?38,000 of this abumt ?19,460 in required for the Civil still married on with soul, mod with prospects of from the relief which was voted by. Parlaunant to Homy.—A omali Sal Bilgiaule has been par- German of the Colony, ?8,616 vi defray the arponies of sucones.__At Tampico affairs were in a very bad, the other dimrewed sugar bulonies, it is, in mot, shused in the t?mica 64 moyoqla de Court of Justice, smil ?11,373 for the Police and Gui atate, The revoltars had isaund their premach outlawed And the sole reason of all this evil, The largdimporting inzetbar, (at they wouldavat Den With the escaption perbape of ?3,840 obtain. meals against the Government, and to Gavour of that the Codes of Policy have determinal that, from admit that price fo? thargement, ed from lineando granted by Government, the whole revenus

RdeaLooking slowi Ennexation to the United States. It was hoped,, tha general moxsarua of gaonomy which the press smmenting in 1847 10 ?31,600, in 1948 to ?25,160, and

msted fat the present year at ?33, 300 mised in the form of hewover, that the outbreak, though serious, would, anre of the times has ren fored necessary, no cla Grand Rems, Palico Tamm, and of sther Impoate of an be soon checkel, as the Government war rating | of perange within their jurisdiction shall be exemple | indoret nature beara severely upon the United Marsandle vigorously. Much excitement was created by the ed, whilst Lord. Greg in determinel that the Co- Commonity in chle plane, most of whom, we already stased,

appearone of the preliminuty detail of the Sierra vernor's salary, and thour of dirtain other Gover other free

Madre movement, which has again_ssesmed a ment officers, to the amount of ?10,909 a year, | We have bond 10m exhile those who have no Katablishments in thir Guleny, Cesare deriving maarly the some advantage from Lake Baida. mare formidablo appearance. The Government shall he exooptions to the general ink. He does | Bills, and that ds LAN SING

ment and from the Court of Jadienture as we do, are contri. was natively engaged in taking measures for the Bot portend that they would not reasonably user Tiswasp.--We Hurrabel'd to-600-taka uta ot Soung nothing towards their support,

sosurity of the vintas menaced by this movement, reduction, but he alleges, that a bargain was my gla-fandenkamer Many, Kanay, and duperwers for 11. I cannot be otherwise than Impolitia to extret no

An American vessel wad-reported to have arrived in 1841 that the civil Het akould be continued jay | Inge revenue from a Colony situated as chongkong 14. The trade which onw affords a Yearly Revenue of in the Rio Grande, lales with muolions, &e, for more than Fire Millions Sterling to Great Beltala, 'Two the use of the expe thinn. It may be mentioned or Threa Minions to Brislab" India, and_za advan-

that Mr Clifford, the United States' Minister to Lagos traffic to sed from other Brick Possession, is not carried on barn, but almost envirely from other

blazion, had stated the intention of bis Govern ports and places the Empire of Chlua, Br for the ment to resist this project The Indians were pection of that most Important trade, Honghang be case, an we have already stated, a Brilah semen. The Right Honourable Mr Gladstone, then Her Majesty's Pelocipal Fecretary of Blase for the Cologies, stated to [848, in the

sccupation of the Irland was decired on, kely and ezzlusively with a view to commercial interests Gae the security of commerce, and for the beneft of them engaged In the Made with China-sbewing that fler Majunty's Government at that time agreed with as in the view we eneral on the subject. The Thula trade that down axis here is met natural to Hongkong-mart chiefly to the lowshipment of goods, affording so revenue in the Co- long; and but for the residence bera of the few Morelle

dispilshet und 1951, and he insists on that and walksgenetikailagoa maa gain being fulfilled in the letter. 10 not-chick


The colonics admit that such a bargain was in 199 INE06 higing hand appolation or post dead made, but comend that it was viliated by the all the Safe of Calpajat Prodada, heats to skill sha wam of faith which the British Government has spies of partion shipping to Callist?in, sa har

commiuing great ravage. They had not confined since shown towards them in the admission of large provena ?i?kyj?,

W.C. Beef

their depredations to the fronijers, but had made | grown sugar, Moventer, they plead that they aro incursions in Ban Luiz, Zacatecar, Durango, utterly bankrupt, and bankruptcy is generally ad- and Baltillo. Anongagement which took plaesia mitted to cancel all bargains. Lord Grey, Low- the neighbourhood of Tampico resulted in the de- ever, insists upon his pound of fleeli ;” hi han i fout of the whites. Mexico is in a deplorable con- given directions, that If they will mot vo'e the vil dition, of which the Indians are taking advantage. list intact, no other public officers shall he past The intelligence from Yucatan relative to the all until the Governor, and those included in the slaughter by the Indiane of 200 Mexican soldiere civil het, have beso paid in fall, and he cons des at Jakcaba in nonfirmed. The garrison of that lowelf with the reflection that he can thus surely place had been compelled to retreat to Boots. The panish these refractory planters, and then throw garrison consisted of 1400 men under the command the responsibility of what has occurred upon the here on their arrival from and departure to sas, and the small craft that may be considered in belong to the port, of General Pos. On the receipt of intelligence combined Court of Goiana." would

? a great menouam dionppear. We soeur shundore of this veal the Government despatebad a coin- One of the ploes which hia Lordship attages for derly with Lord Bandon and the Committee in their re-

forcement of 200 troope from Morida. Great up. { his obuinney in Insisting on the imegrity of the cl port to the House of Commies, "lo thinking, that it k not right that the burden of maintaining that, which is rather probensions are entertained that this reverse would wil list of Guiana is," that the officers provided for post of general trade in the Chi?n sens, than a Colecy be prelude to further disasters. Fears were ex-by that tim had ecerpted office on the underetas?- Ja the ordinary orase, should be thrown in say great de-

pressed lost the Indians should boningo and cotaka | log that their alaries should remai? unthuched for grew on the merchance or other person who may be robe town of Sotuba and Tekak. sident apo "

a certain term." Now, unfortunately for ford

Hesses, not only this trade, but the resets that call

, 12. We do not ask to bo ummpt frame resmaakja tilation, T'he recounts received to day from New York Grey's argument, this ground of resistanca to the but that it should be reduced; chatic skuld be mad ogulis. by the Niagara show, an was anticipated, a grost wishes of the colonists sinks from under bin with by levied ; and that it should not be incommensurate with the | Improvement in the money-market, the bigbust | vary outout. Bir Hancy Light accepted Pho geral benefits receive from being sauleremand farther, that wo


ld have sothe voice in the expenditure of the cooney col rate for the best paper being now not more than norship of Calana at ?3,500 per annum. A. his tram 8 to 9 per cent. In the fan of this, bow solicitation. his salary was increased to 2500, at 16. We have found Your Excellency, during the phart parfod ever, the hope that the fall trade would be wound ? perlad of prosperity, when an olate, which imp up in tast city without faluros, bus out been res-labsly been sold for less than the cost of the mole

read, the stoppage of three firms being and maced nery upon it met ? Fondy sale at ?30,000. The


Ox Teague



Rounds of traf pieklad to aller↑ Bmoked Pigy Cooka, Bed, Ba

Hydrato prend les dade

Honghnagy Mind Yoligley, 1849,22 "ROL TNESS" "ARE “MOKAMAI. 32 tenth by the Overland Mall Fie ply of,

Hongkong, #20d Jandery, 1919- LERS. IN 193 kar odat? severni noraksts so her

afronty will smerted stack of Miksery and

Drapery in the shape of

French Flowers and Wrenchs;

Siped Alapaled;;

Maho de Laine

French Canzos, Bakit Shirts, sed Cullar? i Thrand Laces; Childrens dor and Diaper:

Fathers, Ribbem, dze., don.



? all eksortment of Babies Linen, Elongkong, 22nd January, 184),

have been amongst us, desirous of doing alt in your power na prometa dhe iviscassa of the Colony sad of the poemesity; foal code that you will do an the justice to admit, ched the fact we have brought forward and the ions we have on the present occasion. The parties are Eugenial terms of serving of a Colonial Gloveroo exprmed, are not mees then our prosent position, sad Bogart, a domestic commission merchant, wines being five years, Bir Henty Light as governed

metance onnected with it, call for

Halition are rather considerable, and Emanuel Gains 140. Therefore, had the Colonial Lagle- 17. We here ondes owed to see Your Excellency, that is and Van Clief, and Dole sad Company, wholesale lature reduced his salary to even a lower sem the spicion of ourselves and othnen, the expenses of ch?t m?le.

Owing to ansative than that to which they proposed to reduce it, the grocers, or produce dekora sant should chiefly fill upon the Trade saluting between the dareand for bille connected with the importations would have had ng just cause of complaint; not Empire and Great Britain and her solone ; and chac nedge no circetomance should those riding her be tamed in el. of the season now terminating, reactino had did he make any. It was well known that he w to of the benefits they receiro.

taken place to the rate of exchange, andthe market about to turn home and therefore all that the M. We want Her Majesty's Government, will be inclined closed with much firmness at 8, the expectation Court of policy proposed to do, wan to placurbis

er the abject in Ceruarable light, and be consides being general that the rate would towab 9 before acecor on the same footing as that upon which med bis Pablishment from Moon of the objecie fat which this astcument was agtabjiabad, - coidaration of the large sums stready laid out by the

the bailing of the next packet The French ten End Military Departments of Government, omer which was to sail at the date of these adriges Load City, Pager, would not hear of such a to the Community of Macso, Camp Geri dividunda,we cannot Boubt they had vald take away specie to the amount of 100,000 priceding In it to the Legislange of kong for her pronge list Peprived. He hapon, Goverment will be anzione

The recess of bread stuffs at New York ostindia that if they perristel, the guarding of by le azuctions, to deserve in his new elimation, mited, and hence prices were well maintained, colonist intereste-powered the Dower of uttythe we support from the public. He is wai though thminst cerounts from this ade were re-disorganizing their community; so as they did [ompelled with a variety of Goods.

Bhanghai, 18th July, 1946.

the intents and prin↓

which, july waled in

Mites, can only prosper N

dom of carcare and aga

HEMT, Chronouster and Waton-maker, begs to inform the Public, that he has re- Baugh,

their, two previous Governors had originally so we be has the plowware Buddrawing hoolega ta anko

bar dull. it was questioned if more than 50,000 [paroist, he like availed kimmell of it.


J. ROGERS & Co Ship Chandlers of Manila,

DEG leave to inform Owxgns and CaptaINS Of DRALE SMIP, that the Ciovernment of?la- nila has abolished the Tornion Fern and Corton- moras Dorial heretofore existing on Whalers touch Wegwachat Port for refreshments. This regulation will commence from the lag of January, 1819; and will oflord Whaling Captains the means of sap- plying their vessels with alt kinds of Bores at the

?dlust minderate tale.

Manila, 12th Joly, 1849.


JR. F. DRAKE, will be happy to receive two MR.

young Gentlemen as bouiders, in sikdition to one at prevent under his tution, so whom would be imparted, solid and useful accomplishments, combined with every domestic comfort, and cal culated to ensura sacrem in Mercantile pursuits, and other channels in life.

Colonial Church

Victoria, 20th December, 1848,





A Green Buoy, marked "Wreek." has been lakd

about eighteen fathoms to the Eastward of a cool-laden Brig, sunk upen the Eastern Blot of the Cork Band.

The Buoy Wes in four-and-a-half fathomu g?. Low →Water Spring Tides, with the following mark and com- pau bluids, vis :-The Chlocal end of Harwick Choich Just open in the Westward of the miworks at Landguard Fort.

Fork Light Ver&.........

Naze Tower...

........?.. N. W. ......N. by WW.

W by


A Green Bay, marked “ W reek” has been laid about

15 fathoms to the Westward of a "chooner suck in the Western entratice to Holesky By The Bay les In 93 filmo at low water spring Tiden, with the ful- ling likal egmpass bearings, vit —

The Seered Westernmost Towers East-lame, ito width open of two remarkable poplar trees.....N. W. by W. Bawdeey Church.

.W. N. w.

Orford High Lighthouse vererNa?. by E. ? E.


Mariners are hereby required to take notice that the two barbror lights of Milford, that is to say, the light the Tongue Splt of Weare Paint, co?nt Wome Print Light, on the north share of the barbour, and the light off the Care Spit, called the Carr Spit Light. on the south shore, being no longer required far ber Al-Jenis's pinakete, they will be diselaclased on and after the 5th day of Uctober sust, and the two light vessels will be removal from their Stations.

LIGHTS ON THE COAST OF FRANCE ?Notice has been given by the French Governm?, that on the lik October, Five Firm Lights were established on the Coast of France, 198, one at Calais, . and two others on the coast of the Department of Finlere.

The praitions and characters of the Lights are as fol. Calan Light.


An Intermitting Eight slicwlog a flash every four Spidergabe dash belog preceded and follwnd by |

Wake eclipers





25, Surge, Nauticu, from Wempen.

25, Favorite, Webster, from Whampoa,

25, H M. Br. Fory, Commander Willcox, from Whandpou,

20, Aptslope (Am), Watkina, from Comingsoon.

26, 11. M. B. Medea, Commander Maslo, from Shanghai 22nd January.

20, Montezuma [Hawaian), Plan?kuchepfrom W'hampos.


The West India spola the Aca whaler Mocierama, off the Baahondalanda.




23, Glide (Am.), Waterman, Whampoa.

94, Hongkong, (late Swedish burgos Cert Jukan), Prisstman, Amoy,

95, Hermes, Corkbill, Whampoa.

24, Constante (Spanish), Lanc, Manila


29, Joshua Boles


90, Candace (Am ], Gardner, New York. 21, Congress (Am), French, Valparaiso,

11, Stoddart, New York. 23, Panama [Am.], Griswold, New York. 23, Charles (Am}, Andrews, New York.


ARRIVALS-December 97, Dos Hermance (8p ), Modrigul, from Hongkong;




Jos? Thounia Jorge,



Amizade, brig

30 Pins

Gesore, brig

150 Marqu

Pedro Jos? de Birs Loureiro.

Marquis of Ewings, Korgor

Jood Francisco Oliveira.

Food Vican Jongu.

VOL. VI. No 9.

Note Famoso, barque

Nasus Pombora du Lui?, brie

Tromolgu, barque

Use Amigos, schooner


brig Dr.

Traw Jokanan, borque

Baie Ling, bargue Von der Falas, baryo

Alpha. schooner

Ana Marin, brig


Ass, loreba Hily, dorcha

HAWAIAN. Montazes, brig


(Boy Shina)




|(Longkong | "300|1gaire

ices Bizens! de Jesus.

Long Margard.

V. A. duo Empedive.


Waeriene and as.

Hongkong Parmes

Jehu Beed and co |Whampus: 105|Vanderhoeven |Dent and on


is opettarge 632 Maniondoan Rayarasa and on






beribers c Sir Youth. 7 Chrif


Prices, 1 Bollars, 04 Dollars, und & Dollars. for the periode of Twelve, Nix, and Three Months respectively: Single Numbers, to sending to the fee for papers are requested in pay cak TERMS OF ADVERTISING-Ten lines ander. 1 Dollar; additional, 10 cents Nne. Repetitions one-third of the Rat inscrtion. Ships- Advertisements to have written on the fate of them, the number of clines they are required to appear, otherwise they will be publicul until contenan


to pay in advance.




193 Robertson

Sym, Mair and so,


Does and a

4+ ?????

Chan and an

Wiliam Postan and on,

Gonghong 19 Sowell

||Langhong|| 100 Paunhocho

Damarine formatges, ship Hongkong 850 C

Fort Wilam, ship

Pelson, skip

Lady May, berpoo

List, brig

Ruparell (Am), barque

Warlock, brig

| 31, Catherine (Am.), Pratt, do. – January 6, Closed?an, Vickerman, Shanghai. | Pen Heras, bria

Departure December 21, Babraon, Nicol, Sydney; 23, Thomas Perkins W (Am), Piko, New York; 24, Noero Bilbaino (Sp), Aguirre, Macao; 28, Commente (8p), Isac, du.; Am.-frigate Preble, Glyan, Hongkong. Jakwary 6 Tory, Cork; 6, Cockermouth Castle, Sydney; 11. Aminad (8p ), Mu?os, Macao.


Brig Boo


H. M. Ship stings

Hongkong|| 14 |Green

Brig Columbine


is lowes 10 Khans Whimpan |Shanghai|| 10 |Ghana Hongkong

Bri Arub

Big Mariner

Besmer Fory

Kasumer Infuzibie

Frame Modes

C. Bloomer Phlegethon_Conten

H. M. Ship Agave


Hongkong.. Baolai

15 Rear Admiral zle F. A.Collier,

| Captain 3. W. Morgan. Commander J. C. D. Hay, Commander & Johnston. Camadas V. More. Commander C. M. Bachleron Commander James Walona. §ommender J. C. Hassoun. [Commvender T. EL. Hum.

Commander Ni Desper

Maaner 3. Mitaall.

Pashkoder, barque Royalist, athomer Harlequin, brig Louise, bargai Amits, brig Mahamoodes, baryan Amazon, ekip

Black Dag, theones

Dido, sakoner

Emily Jann, obly

Follisions, ship

Madew, barque

Salpa (Am), beig

Time, soboter

Witam, brig

$79 Berley 1914 Mill Camo 379 Langley





951 mich

2017 ????


30: Zaball



Chloe 995 Draw

272 Wesdres

Foo-$10 Hely

Jardes, Machanon and on Jardins, Matheson and co. J.A.P.30. Cats Agent. Augustine beard and co

Codes Bodes Laugrana.

[(J. B. Katwel] and du.

231 Reope Wong 447 Huberman

35 Wi



23 Chape


Pages Frames Cama and on, Jurdes, Matheson and pa

Den o

Dent and on-

Jardino, Mathon and on. |trow, Muir and on,

Jardino, Mashoorn kad so,

Dent and on

Deat and do

Jardine, Matheson and on. Gen. F. Hsbertsoa.

David Benson Bud

Turner und d

Dent and so

Tardes, Mathon and on, Comalee Begueries Lengram,

19 Cadionu, W. Augustno ?oard med oo.

?Pustacjon Frambre Cama za? o

Gilman and on

13. Beled

313 Roundy


194 Than Gates?

"Wilm`1[Nghes (Am-), brig| ? ? Wien 17., bargus Bella, scheme?” Termain, barque




U. 6. Chip Plymveck

Ship Proble

Whampoa | 28 Chans

Corvette La Bayonnalan.

Shangbei 36 Gum

Comder D. Gollnger, Cap T. R. Gadner. Seminador James Flynn. *Captain La Oraviata.






MASTWA. Aadas, sohooker

Bangalore, barque

harkus Jean, ship

Coruit, nagm

Deals, schooner Empere, aby Parente, brig

Gamelle, schooner

Harbinger, barna

Alindossan, ship

Isabella Blyth, baryon

Jandy MoNighten, barque

Land O'Lakes, skip

Led Hardags, ship Klar, ship

Pakia, viander

Privainer, schooner

| Baloglan, balque

#py, brig

Barga, berge

Swallow, barque Visen, aber

We Indian, bargne

On the 13th of October the old revolving light of Querque Calais was discontinued, sad a Light established in | Red Bover, barque stead of it, Tied every four minutes by a flash pre- Hands C ceded and followgi by short relipses. The Lighthouse aceads in one of the angles of the forti?rations of the Job, bowl $37 yards distant from the old one, in lat 40 ST 45 N. soil long, 1o 41' 18" E. The Light will be at feet above the ground. 190 feet above the lesel of the rat Ligh water, and may be seen at the distance of 1menty-one toiles. The eclipses will not be total 11in the distance of about twelve miles from the Lg L Note-In order to prevent ally mistake rising from the number of Lights on this part of the coast, the fol vicity characters of the differegt Lights in the

of all-

Ostem, a Fixed Light; Dankerque, revolving every minute; Gravelines, Pixel Light; Calais (new) sacles by affin every fous minutes, as above; Grines, revolving every half-minnie; Cayeux (entrance of the Bay of the Sofhme,) varied by a Bush every four min.

te, that Calala,

Department of Fintedul

1. Two Flued Elglts at the Mouth of the Alfer Odet.

A Fixed Fed Light on Point de Coq. the left bank

of the (dit and on the starboard hand in cotering, standa ?n at 47 2h N, and long (638" W. The Light lefret ab Ye the ground, and 38 feet above the level of these it may be seen at the distance of 11 malles

A Fixed Light of de ordinary colour le placed at the distance of 20 yarda N. 14 W from the former. The Light beleg 20 iret where the ground, and 27 feet abone the level of the son, it may be sean at the distance of tiles.

The two Lights on with each other lead through the

neferipal channel at the month of the Odet.

IL Two Fixed Lights at th? Parts of Concarnass.

Amo?n, schooner

Anne Cropper, ekip Bride Machen, ship

Ateckinaz, barque

FJL, brig

Falcon, barque

Hermes, barque

lanes, ship

Menaan, barque Orian, ship

Rojalinan, ship

Bir Herbert Compion, barque

Hit Robert Bala, skip

Byrie, skip

Wellington, barque

Wa Sewart, skip

Royal Exchange, brig


Jstdien, Machanan and on.

|Blongkong| 15)|pullivan

571 Martyn

l'ach and on.


743 Lawrence

Turner and ea

Mwen sad on.

Deal and co


207 Cu



244 Alasa

1. Baker

319 P. Loydan

953 ver



Maavinar and so


Fantino, Mathenga and an

Rawls, Drinker and o

Un, Uray and

Jordine, Mathe and .

Weaver and on. Jardins, Matheson and es. CHA. Livingowe and so. Jordina, Matheman ved ea J. A. Olding, PA Cage Bagrades Langra Jardine, Harbenia and on. Jardine, Macheoen sad on, Maricar and so.

A. A. Risable and on.

Robert Strachan

Jurdino, Moshone and co. Thomas Larking.

Jardino, klachen and se fardino, Machends and os.

Marmer and so.

Movie and

Hriday, Who and on.

Orem, Un and on.

Holiday, Wise and so,

Rain and co

Jordine, Mathenyn and on.

Farver and co



Lindsay and en Jardins, Mushow and co Conload an

970 Priestman


Hongkong Favorite Whampoa Blackfriar

Megam Shanghai Constance


Intended Dispatch

Reim & Co.

Dirom, Gray & Co.

Lindsay & Co.



Dent & Co.

Immedina Immediate Immediate Early (manediate


John Bunyan Victory

Jardins, Matheson & Co Immediate

Reise & Co.


Whampoa Syria

Jardins, Matheson & Co Early

Dirom, Gray & Co. Early William StowarJardine, Matkason & Co Early Shanghai Confucios Doblins Lpool Hongkong Harbinger Liebon

Macao Nova Paquete HaNfax Whampoa EN Sydney Shanghai Sarah Louisa Sing Calcutta Hongkong|R. Cowasjo Bow bay

Surge Whampoa Sir H. Compton

Itawie, Drinker & Co. Immediate les? Vicente Jorge Early Halliday, Wiss & Co Early R, Wanhington & Co Early Macvicar & Co.

Ummediate Jardine, Matheson & Co.Imsaada


Batin California Manila Shanghai

Sir Robert Bale Macao Van der Palin Whampoa Harman Hongkong Nuevo Bilbaino


P. Framjee Cama & Co tomadas?n Lindeny & Co.


Rayavan & Co.


Relse & Co


novicne & Co.


Humall & Co.




Auguel 25, Aon, 605, Clinch, Shanghai.

September 9, Egbeira, 448, Wilson Whampoa.

16, Aajo, 124, Wau, Hongkong. October 16, Marquis of Bato, 543, Bannatyne, Hongkong. November 15, Palmyra






30, John Christian, 390, Churchward, Hongkong.

4, Molly Bawn, 344. Robinson, Shanghai.

16, Colchester, 682, Withers, Hongkong.

97, Old England, 623, Fee, Shanghai.

September 10, Qusen Mab, 304, Rowe, Shanghai.

14, Baghalien, 377, Machall, Hongkong. 24, Adder,

2, Charles Jones, 369, Cothey, Shanghai,

11, Woodstock, 300, Nicholson, Shanghai.

November 6, Mencius.

Looding on the 4th November.—Allerton, Bengales, Esther, and Lady Bandys.


Limmy and a

435 Pa

Turner and on


Postenjen Fraujo Camanac. UNNY


Gray and co

472 Vollecti

Terdina, Motheses and co.


Jardino, Machmen and an.


19, Panic, 440, Howard, Bhangbai.

31, Naomi



|F. 2..da B?ve,


14G W

Menow and

434 Morgan

Den and on.


178 Repor

29 Marion

Rmaels and c

||Tilman, Bevise and c

01 Tudor

Turer and

$17 Listowed

Dant and co

Jeramika Garosti, ship

447 Devia

P. Hargrovou and co.

Machanan and op

Amoy Packet, sabommer Angelina, Larque Chalon, berque Clows, brig

Confucius, ship

Corso, berge


Daniel Watson, brig

Delive, b.rque

Faithful, barque

Forfarabiru, phip

Gitona, be

1. A Fixed Light in the Fort of La Crols, at Concar-seed Queen, achom

beam, in Inlet, 41 aga 13o N, and lows. 3′ 55′ 1′′ W TI

Is Be feet above the ground, and 4 feet above the level Job Dongan, ship

en dutan.

of these; It way be seen

John Coper, ship

A Fixed it in placed between l'ancamo-n, and | Wafael, whi Pentre, sardo NE Oom the above, it la de

Zurna Lovin, ber

feet above the ground, and IT feet above the level of tha || die B?ward Ryan, kargoo

sen; it may be seen we willen distant,

These two Lighin an with each other Irad into the Heta

road-tred foncarneau, clearing to the Westward the

Hacks of Le Vian and adjacent dangers; and to the East.

ward, the Rocks called the Cochon, Barzic, and 3190-Fall,



?? ????????.

23, Catherine [Am]. Pratt, from Manila 17th Jan.

21, HM Ste. Inflexible, Commander Horenson, from

Bingapore 11th Jan, and Labuan Ifth do.

Cowanjee. Wright, from Whampon.

24, Rustomjet

24, Denis King, from Amoy 21m Jafunty.

23, Untale, Pound, from Amoy 22nd January.

25, Mor, Alatoo, Rom Calcutta 7th December and

Singapore 34th do.

25, Wear Indian, Mille, from Sydney 26th Nor.

25, Harbinger, Candlisb, from Whampoa.

Torrington, chances

Victory, barque

Saloon, barque


P. & D. N. Cant.

Jardins, Matheson and on. Ordet


indesy and co

Dent and co

Muchanan zad se.

Sykes, Hohwabo and an,

Rackbones, Worthington and on.

? Machen and co


29, Canon (slam-vassel), Hongkong.


November 16, Sarah Trotman, 306, Brown, Shanghai.


Loading. -Cowanjos Family, and Eagle.



October 94, Chabar, 408, 8impro

November 1, Labolta, 19, Noble, Whampoa.

2, Schah Jahan, Johas.

It, Frances Whitney [Am.], 452, Fisk,


18, Monarch, Duncanson.

28, Chios, Ferguson.


Juan Lawrence Mann and on. |Rain and on.


Muir and on

Wi?ke Wmp, teknemer


Cluose, brig


Hongkong, berges

Scotland, ship

Momppa, schooner

at Com 17) Jaunanya

Tes/Lase J

Dead and .

Bengkung 322 Wadine

936 Pratt

Span, rehnomag Zupler, schooner


Amelope, brig

Brighton, ship (Whaler) Catherine, bar?n

Dar schoner

Jefferson, ship (Whaler)

Neptone, ship Whaler

Eagle, brig

Gl?g, brig

Boner, scheonor

Come, ship

Cherenden, ship

Anglesa, acuer Parel, acho


? Whampoo

150 Portef


170 Waterman


Shanghai | 166|| sodberry

Amay $94 Bastorbyek

Cod 100 Tharp [Chineken || 190 Demiblecours

Rund and c

Raw, Drinkef and on, Hawls, Drinker and c

Augustine Heard and sa

Bable, Drinker and se

[W. D. Commack.

James Teil

Des F. Hebertson,

Namell and en

Rall and co Name




24, Bukane, Wadga

97, Ann Martio,→→→→→

27, Prince Charlie, →→→→

10, Nymph, Bart.

December 2, Gilmore, Mw

7, Robert Small, Small.

Loading for China, 10th Deo.—Alecto, Anna Eliza, Chieftain, Cumberland, Falcon, Gipsy, Hebrides, Lady Montague, Lord W. Bentinck, Oriental, Prince of Wales, Ruby, and Sir H, Hardings


November 7, Record, 432, Patullo, Shangbai. January 6, Haber [Am.], Patarson Loading-Chaneing [Am], Whampoa; Vishnu (Bally)-


December 9, Mariposa [Am.], 317, Sanders, Shanghai, January 1, Ambad (Spanish), 300, Mu?os, Macao.

Printed and Published by Jonn Cann, 41 The Frioade China and Hongkong Garetta, Printing Office, Quanx's Road, Victoria, Honaxono, 1849.

ENGLAND, CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY Alie, en route to the above, Bisaarona, P'erano, Gacur—Malta, Burt. Aben.

QUE Passoulin and Unit


A Ship PEKIN, will love this

for the above places on "Puesday the 30th of JanuRTY.

CARNO will be received on board until Noon, and Breck until 4 . ., of the 29th.

For further particulare regarding Furrows and Po apply at the P. & O, 8. N. Company's Olker, Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent. Hongkong, 4th January, 1840.


THE P. & 0.8. N. Co.'s STEAMERS, will in fu

turn proceed through to Bombay, and be pre- ram to tective Canoo and Pasunnosna (or that place as heretoform

J. A. OLDING, Agent, P. & O. Co.'s Office, Hongkong, 15th September, 1848.

NOTICE. THE P. & O. 8. N. COMPANY's, will from this unte undertake the conveyance of Specie from China, and the Strafta, to Southampton, under the camilitions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, at 3 per cent for Gold and Bilrer Bullion.

J. A. OLDINO,-Agent.

P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office

Victoria, 13th September, 1848.




Tthe Gotowns of W, & T. Gemmell & Co

amall Breck of,

Superior Palo Sherry.

Brown do.


Claret, Chateau Margaux. lock, Grafenberg.





Apply to,


or on the Premiers to.

W. F. BEVAN... Victoria, 2nd January, 1849.

FOR SALE. BUPERIOR ORGAN, of great power and sweetness of tone In Handsome Rearwood case constructed by Mesore Wood & Co, plays upwards of forty favorite aire. Apply to,


No. I D'Aguilar Street. Victoria, 10th October, 1848.


received some very Prime Bacon which they can highly recommend to their Customers.

No.1 & 2 Wosanam's Buildings. Victoris, 12th January 1849.

Essits SMITH & BRIMELOW beg to in- form their friends and the Public that they have taken thoas premises intely occupied by Messrs Howla, Drinker & Co. in which they par- pose carrying on Ship Chandlery in all its bra ches &c., and that they will keep always on hand wall sorted stock. The Godowns on the

THE rates of freight on Tressure to the Straits

and Indio per P. & O. Company's Steamers | premises are spacious, dry and secured, they will will in future be the same for Gold as Silver, be happy to take Goods on Stomge.

Victoria, Sept. 15th, 1848.

Victoris, 28ht December, 1848.


PUBLIC AUCTION, THAT Large and Camodique House THF ale of Paints, Claret, &o., advertised to hately occupied by the Officers, Ceyloniske place the 19th, at the Godowas of

Meer W. T. GEMMELL & Co. is postponed Kalle Regiment ; possessing among other great ad. wentages ago Yard and excellent Bubling. Ap to Monday the 5th February. ply to,

SMITH & BRIMELOW. D. LAPRAIK. No. 1 & 2 Wooanam's Building.

Victoria, 19th January, 1849.

Hongkong, 7th December, 1848.


IE Undersigned offer for Sale a general overt R ARCH MELVILLE censed to be a Partment of Ship Chandler's Stores, comprising M"

aer in our Fan bere and at Amoy from 31 Prime Mess Beef and Park: Gallego Flour: Pilot December 1848.

and Navy Bread; Canvas and Cotton Duck; Bew BYME, MUIR & Co.

ing and Roping Twine; Manila Rope of all sizes; Victoria, 4th January, 1849.

Paints and Paial Oil; Paint Brushes; Howerline Marline, &c, &c. NOTICE.

THE Firm of E. MOORMAN & Co., Canton

Find of dissolved. Outstanding Accouple will he sealed by,

CONRAD BAUER. Canton, 30th November, 1838.

NOTICE. THE Business of the Undersigned will from this

date be carried on under the Firm Scowg MANN & Co.

D W. SCHWEMANN. Canton, Jal January, 1819.



ER WILLIAM DREYER is authorised to sign

nur Firm by Procuration.

8CHWEMANN & Co. Conton, fot January, 1849.



R. MARTIN WILHELMY, in authorleod to

Sign our Fraw by Procuration.

BOUSTEAD & Co. Canton, 20th May, 1848

NOTICE. [AVING Associated ourselves with Mr B. B. KAWLR, of the lata Firm of RA WLE, DUOS & Co, our Business will be conducted in future under the Name of RAWLE, DRINKER & Co.

DRINKER & Co. Hongkong, In October, 1848.


JR GRORON C. FRANITN in authorised to sign MR

for me by Procuration.

W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 29th December, 1848.


THE Undersigned having taken the premises lately occupied by Mtr Chas. Buckton, has re- commenced business as a Ship Chandler and Gene. nl Storekeeper under the firmel A. H. Farina Co.

A. II. FRYER. Hongkong, let November, 1848.


. II. T DE SILVER is this ??y admitted a partner in our firm, which will consist from This date of Me A. H. Fayzz and Mr 13. T. SILVER.

A. H, FRYER & Co. * Hongkong, January is, 1849.


PRICE $12 per annum.

Peru"Monika, 4 Dollars; all paid in advance. Credit coach; to Non-Subscribers, 1 Hupes. Parties calling or Insertian, Dollarse sabsequent laseriiona 4 cents. In all instansow, those who are wot Sabarbers, require

FOR SALE, At the AUCTI% Mane, Queen's diarn PONY, PHAETON, and HARNESS, orat A Pinder.

Victoria, 23rd January, 1819,

JUST RECEIVED and for Salo ai tho AU- raon

Mary, Queen's Road.—

A choice selection of Music from Julien & F.. comprising Polku, Waltzs, Qualcities, and Oper retia Aire, of the latest pulilication, Victoria, 231 | January, 1849.


Queen's Road.



MACAO, at HINNAM'S, China Shopkeeper,

Victoria, 11th June, 1848.

OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTI. THE Directors of the AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY buvo informed us that from and after the 10th of October past a Stoomer will ply regularly on the 10th of each mooth on the direct line between Tarcars and ALEXANDRIA, so a lo correspond with the Mos. E 1. Company's Bombay Erkannnn; and from and after the 25th of November past a Steamer will ply regularly on the 28th of each month on the direct line Trieste and Alexandria, ao to corrend with the P. & O. COMPANY'S STRAMErs from Galla Steamers available for this line; each of then be The AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S CONrawy will have Aro

power. They are fitted up in a superior style and tween 000 and 700 Tann burthon and of 200 Horse English is spoken nu Board.

The number of Bertha in each is no under, vix:—

38 First Class, including 10 for Ludies, 20 Becond Clare

7 for Females,

The Fares to be ?18, for Fire Class, ?12 for Se cond Class; including Tuble money and Stewards


Sjudays, and as Quarantine is exteulated from the 'The Voyage is expected ant to exceed & dags to day of leaving aft-xandra-those vessels being pro vided with Health Officers-it follows that with an

clean bill of health, passengers will get pratique immediately on arrival at Trieste.

For letters to England suparnosibed “ria Trienta" an "oversca" charge is made of 15 Kremzer (nhout 74 Cia) per Quatter Or, und half this rate for every additional Oz. Any one wishing to and fetter to England ria Trieste may pay the "overaon" rule into our hands, and address them to the care of the Austrian loyd's Agency at Alexandria-franking them to Egypt.



CALIFORNIA, YRS. INESS having born appointed Agent for the Bate of Colonial Produce, bega to call the attention of partia,shipping to Califorain, ther present Block of


Park Or Tongues;



+ Koonds of Beef pickled to order t Baked Pige Check, &c., &c.


A very superior sample of Kiln dried Maize, and Hydratic pressed Hay.

Hongkong, 2nd January, 1849.

USINESS has added several novelies to her already well areotted stock of MiBinary and Drapery in the shaps of,

French Flowers and Wreaths;

Suipe Alapated;

Muslin de La

Frogch Canzous, llabh Shirts, and Collars Thread Lacto; ? Childrens do and Diaper Feathers, Ribbon, &c., &


A rok asortment of Bables Lisa, *Hongkong, 2nd Janeury, 1849,




VAL STORKS, West Point, on the 2nd February nest, have received instructions to sell at the Na-

sisting of large flat Bottomed Boats, Callers, Jolly aquantity of Old Narel and Victanking Bioros, non- Bosts Chain Cables, small Chain, fron, Rope, Canvas, Biscult, Biscuit Dust, Salt Pork and Beef, Floun Chocolate, Outml. Vinegar, Cook's Fat, Bage, Water and other Choka, a large quemdity af Casse, Blop Clothing, Blankets, and Bandry ober. Blares of Bogs, frou Hoops, Firewood, Packing Articles.


The Stores can be viewed the day previous to the inle

& Hicles not taken away in two warking days

TANNO OF SALE-Cash befors Baliceryn

war the sale, will be rosold at the expanse of the


Bale to commence at 11 0,clock .. Victorie, 26 January, 1840


PUBLIC AUCTION. ceived insurections to dispose or by PUTYME- Premises, at 11 o'clock a x, the Entire rasining Avorion, on Thursday the 181 February, on the Stock of Mors BIGHAM & Co., consisting of

Jams, Jellien, Tart Fruits, Bages, Pickles, Vi

Berkeley Cheese; York and Cumberland lame; may likewise be addressed in the care of the seldargar, Bald O, Green Passe, assorted Preserved

Also, received per late arrivals, Cheddar and "Letter to the European Continent via Trieste Scotch Oatmeal in Tins; an assortment of Oilman's Agencp--the (ranking to Alexandria being attend Meat, Proses, Mustani, Anchories. Corenni Stores from Crosse & Blackwell; Kennedy's Watered to-and for these the prepayment of the "over Bloaters. Anchovy Pasta Jelly Powder, Capers, Crackers; Manila Chocolate; Mecha and Maple rea" Postage is not required.

Oliver, Table Bali, Horse Radieb, &a, &e, Coffre, &, &o,

"Packages" for Egypt, or any part of the Con Hanging Lamps, Hall do. Table do, Spare Marketli's Beliled Ale and Stoni; London Bot timent of Europe, or the Levant, should be address Shades for Lamps and Candlesticks, Decanter led Sherry, Port, and Madeira Wines.

ed to the care of same one at Suen, as the P. Tuusbless, Wine Glass, Mirrors, Cruet Stande, A. H. FRYER & Co.

Company do out engago to deliver any thing mot Plated and Glam Candlewicks, Vasen, Butler Victoris, 1st January, 1849.

intended for England beyond that landing port, Disher, Water Jags, Carry Comba, Bignal Lan where Transit or other Duties must be paid and to tares, Takle and Tea Spoons. Boots gal. Skuth, JUST RECEIVED and FOR SALE at the course mich drapatch as possible a Bill of Lading Bram Clocks, e, a

Stores of the Undersigned,-An Invoice of with particular of value &c., should be sent to the Bed-room Furniture, consisting of Mahogany and forwarder at Buen. Walnut Bureau's with and without Looking- For Passage, or for further particularo, apply to, Glosare; Bedsteads, Rocking and sitting Chairs,

W. PUSTAU & Co., Waabstand and Dressing Tables, Toilet Glasses,

Agents at Canton and Honglig Card Tablon, &c.

for "the Imperial Royal priv. Austrian Lloyd's Stram Navigation Compa 14.*

A. H. FRYER & Co Victoria, 1st January, 1840 THE undersigned has just received a una 11. In- voice of the very beat English Boote and Bhow DAVENPORT, LONDON, from, and in ready to offer them for sale at his Com mission and Bale Room, Queen's Road.

A. L ENCARNA??O. Victoria, 18th December, 1818.


THE Undersigned being about to clows up their Business in Hongkong, bave on band a large variety of useful Articles, which, in order to clear off, they will dispose of at Greatly Reduced Rater, They invite the inspection of the Publie to their STOCK of the following:-

Satin Searle, Maslins, Gloves, Braces, Bilka, Hue-


ALL partisa__having claims against the late |

Captain Thomas Lindrey of the Schooner Amelia ata requested to sent their accounts without.

delay, and all parties indebted to the said Captain Lindsay are requested to make immediato paymeal of the same to Mesars Tonkar & Co.

Hongkong, 26 Janunty, 1919.


Tweeds, Glaves, Melia Dromes. Con Books, Perfumery, Stationery, and a larga vasicly of other nocemary and useful articles,


The Bhop Fixture, Counters, Show Tables and Caves, Bhelven, Desks, and Household Furniture, Tpr SALE-Cask before oblivery andal! late to be cleared the day after the Bala.

Victoria, 28th Jabary, 1619.



PURDIO ABOTO Today the Blat instant their Godow Queen's Road at 11 a'clook Azt for the baseft of the concerned.

146 C of Beer,



A quantity of Old Capper, ex Hormar: Terms of Bale,? per primad hand bill Victoria, 31st January, 1849.

young Gentlemen as boarders, in addition to M. DRAKE, will be happy to receive two one al present under his tuition, to whom would be impacted, solid and useful accomplishments, combined with every domestic comfort, and FOR SALE at the Oos of the paper:- culated to ensure access in Mercantile ports,

· and other channels in life.

Colonial Church, Victoris, 26th December, 1948.

D: bege to inform the Public, that he has e

Superline Blue Broadcloth, Cashmerette, Plaids, Tweeds, Waistcoatings, Merino, Flannel, Barege,

HBMI, CHRoNoMater and Waton-MAKER, Laback, Brown Holland, Printed Velvet, do,, & a

Dilmen's STORES of every description, moved his Establishment from Macao to Shanghai, Hanging Lamps, 6, 4, 2, and 1 Borners; Hall | and he has the pleasure of addressing his best thanka Jo.; Pedestal Salar do, with spars Shaules; Sigoff Lampa, and Lanterns.

Clocks, Dost-pans, Water Joge, Plated Candle stinke, Cruet Blands, Soup Tureens, Ladies, Ten- pols, Decanter, Tumblers, Iron and Load Shot, Stationary, Perfumery, &o, &c.


Hongkong, 12th January, 1849.

PALETOT COATS, DECEIVED per Pekin from Mowers H. G. & D.

SHEATHING Copper, and Naila. Apply to, Nicall, Regent Street, London,

GIBB, LIVINGSTON& Co. Hongkong 26th Janupry, 1849.

ROB, RUTHERFORD, Queen's Road, 23rd January, 1849.

to the Community of Macno, Canton, and Heng- kong ft the patronage he has received. He hopes, by bis axertions, to deserve in his new altuation, the same support from the public. He is well applied with a variety of Goods. Shanghai, 15th July, 1848.

R8. INESS still continues to receive avery moth by the Overland Mail her usual cups ply of



Fruite, and

Jams and Jellies, de Elongkong, 22nd January, 1848,



or Lumino,




for the Paniolar and Ori


enial Company Bios marn.

COMPRADORES Cabine, io Books.



PRINTING Mercantile forme and other work printed with

expedition at the customary culus

Queen's Rond, 9th Octaber, 1848,

NEW ADVERTISEMENT. HAS. WEISS received by the las

choice assortment of the mors fashionable” Jewellery of every deseription, and beg to inform the Community that it ip open for inspection vo hi you Hremises, Queen's Road.

Victoria, 30th January, 1849.





By ther

Vited States X4

G. Balvi



Banbay Medra

Ice. Dec

14 [E

Minaspore Manda Skarbal

Drs. Thee. Jasy. Thee. Jas




NOTICE-Dirine Service will f?r the prevent be eng, the Club. 11eure, mum Sesionenst &. M and a past 4 P.M. and on Thursday? ne 6 P. M.


THE FRIEND of*culina and Hongkong GAZETTE.

colony is excessive. Exclusiva of public works the expenditure was 40,355, or nearly bixty shillings for each of the inhabitants, including thousands of Chinese who contribute nothing. Great Britain and British India draw upwards of seven millions a year from the trade of China, and it is for the pro- section of that rest trade that Hongkong in remin ed; it is reasonable, therefore, to ask that a large portion of the expense be paid by the country or that the burden be laid on the trade generally and not on the few residenta

ducted in the barbling adjoin the Post-fee and oppgists

Yurak October, 1919.

Celal Chaplain.

NOTICE-Prytantan Church. The ergs.

, elgeted for the present by the Rev. W. C.

will meervers Samuuati, in the Bungalow incrediately be Not Com flota

The laws of Dicier Service will be 38 4. M., and

Victoria, Norber, 1848,

Tan American whaling ship Lagode was lately wrecked on the coast of Japan. The crew are kept in a state of imprisonment and not allowed to have any communication with the natives; in other 10 spects they are well treated. The U.S.S. Free proceeds to Japan immediately in order to relieve


(From the Overland Friend of Chine, Jany 29) The Hongkong races on the 15th 16th and 17th instant (Pre well attended; the weather was favour: able, and the racing good; several new hopes and vilers gave fresh row to the amusement ball and ball government house have also sa livene 1 suciety.

The race

The Select Committee also recommended,— “That u share in the administration of the dinary and local affairs of the Island should given by some system of Municipal Government the British residents."



(From the Times.)

man, anly, let hiss give me a man's chance. You had your men ready, and you hired them. One of th?m yao, have at present covered ; now, wolem We have slready stated the chief want of the you bring forward this fellow and deliver him into Irish to be education. By education we do not; the hands of the authorities, I will put every one meen book tearning, nor mental teaching. They of these decrees into foren before 21 hours, are sharp and skrowd mough by nature for the

Now, to appreciate conduct like Mr Moorea we most part; and do leconsiderable portion of the most imaginea sists of society as different so pos are at least as well taught an the English peasantsible from list of England. One must irongile and artisen of corresponding grade. But the man living in the mide of a population which has education which the Irishman wants is that of oir been brutalized by long indifferance and occasions! cumsinnors, habits, and example. He wants auck

Injustice-wretches who have exchanged the sla. It is true the Colonelucation as men receive from the discipline of rish adulation of power and the bestial toleration do not pay all the expence of the civil well cared regiment, or the classification of a of wrong for a ferocity which & only curbed by helseat, but they certainly do pay more than the well managed marrantile establishment, or the aut fear and a vindictiveness which does not even re. end right the injuries, which it would avenge. inhabitants of any other colony-excepting New thority of some powerful and exemplary ciam a

anciety. An influenos of this kind, alied around One must k?agine people whose feelings have South Wales where the population in Europena bis dally walk of life, with such a visible and pres been long uncared for-whose enforte bave for and every indivilesi a contributor —and is it credit griptive power as should anforce obedience, or at generations cost no thought or head-whose mise- able to the Colonial Office that at this distant day lesst deser from resistance-and followal by perries have found neither sympathy or relief-who arrangements have not been made for providing reptille fruits of advantage-would do more for the have not kuown what it is to hold familiar inter permanently for the deficiency So far from in social conilian sed individual happiness of fish course with one above thein in estion and wealth ment, than the operation of Lis severest penal laws, and who, after suffering the two-fold goed of creasing the revenue, the best policy would be to however much these may hitherto have been de stinging inipatice and bitter contumely for many decemos ? by a sacrifies of some of the Excise taxas mended by the disorganisation und dempralimation years, have fallen into the lure of the agitator's which Bear heavy upon the local trade.

of the islami.

promise and the Ribhraman's revenge, los trails to repay upon this generati'm the wrongs and op- | Such a process must, indrod, be slow, and, wa

confem, canant be wholly without danger. It impression of the last! At socka crisis, to do good ot-ples the energy of the most devoted and the most and to face evil, and to dare death are the stern be sanguine benevolence, no kes than the determina- duties of landed proprietor or his agent in many tine of the most resolute courage. It implies that parts of Ireland; and these are the duties which fir courage which will fios guilty combinations and Menre appears to have adequately discharged,

But what would be the effect of there being more Wely secret conspiracies; which will walk abroad in the light of day and the darkness of night, amid Waterfords and Muores ↑ What, rather, would not the furrows which conceal the blunderbuss, and be the effent, if more of the landed gentry of Ire. the hovels which shelter the assassin; which will land would only bring themselves more and more set blanch at the sharp crack of a felon's rifle, nor into contact with their prople? If, instead of rum. retreat before the boller menace of outnumbering ning away from them in disgust or four after a pine of duty to have multitudes which will meet the auspected Ribbon hasly visit, they made it mas and the recognised murderer face to face; it

more frequent and direct caminunication with their implies also that benevolence, which Ingratitude, dependente? It would not be a very pleasant task, does not disgust, nor the prospect of a black and we adimit, and in some instances it would not be hopeless future palay into lethargy. That few men quite safe. But it is a duty-duty, the neglect should be found with sufficient furent, intellect, and of which by the many throws a heavier and more courage them to encounter the wretchedness and painful burden open the few who stay to beoz it ; crime which bold their rude way over some coun- duty, which shunned or shekea uff, doubles its gies of Ireland, la ont strange; perhape the wonder prospective weight, and, with it, the maludies of a "should rather be that such qualities bere f?i besa || country, whore neither the rich nor the poer have ss yet recognised their moral obligations to the full, wholly exiled and eradicated from the island. But

but which, more cheerfully and more generally more men of the amp be found there will be no "justice to Ireland

performed, would diminish the feats of une class A few months ago we performed a pleasurable and the sufferings of another. But it is not on such task in bringing before public notice the gallent occasions as that of Cavan that face-to-fare romons- conduct of the Marquis of Waterford, Burround-trance would be most requisite and mom beneficis!. ed, au he knew himself to be, by traitors at heart, All landlords are not cho o?ject of a Ribbon conL who only waited for an opportunity to be traitors piracy, nor all agents of a nocturnal attack. There to deed-who would have stricken to the dust the are other enemies bra-deo thu ride, the pistol and employer who gave them their dally wages, and the scythe, that a resident landlord has to struggle the loodlord who remitted balf their annust rent, | with and overcome. There are the idlancas, slug- bad only a glimpse of secaps or impunity appeared? gishness, and procrastination of his tonante: ay, torronded as he was by fellows like these, he and not only of bis iesants, but also of his brother took the bald course of summoning the worst of squires. There is the unwilling to change an them into his presence, of reprouching them with obsolets and sluggish mude of cukivation for a new brir intentions, and of challenging their span and and productive mode. This is a vice of landlord undisguised hostility. This "pluck" of the Mar- and tonunt alike There is the obstinate attach-

once it would have told, upon the manly courage unwashed collage, and the potato garden. 'l'his and generous emotions of a spirited people. The is the vics of landlord and tenant alike. Then, chivalry of Ireland la no more. The venom of the there is the wanted meglect of a large and useles tealtor mad the example of the felon have done their area of unreclaimed land, which wants but the work. The midnight cousplency and the weerst landlords' puran and peanuts' arm to become a rich society have donn their also. But still there is no and productive source of grain, pasture, and ex- country, and no race of men, on whom the nocents playmont, For this sterility the landlord alone is of self refiding bravery and the rebuke of unsup to blame. Suppose a man of property and intel- ported defiance fall wholly dull and cold. There ligence, one who had seen England and Scailand, was a respuras—not, indeed, so full, so hearty, or had lived with English and Scotch farmers, and

Neither has this recommendation received any attention. The Municipal affairs of the settlement are managed by the hasda of departments, and a Munici- pal expenditure of ?11,373 per annum is perfectly unonatroller, though the inhabitants paya Police assement which does not fall short of 10 per cant on the net rental, The Municipal court has two paid Magistrates drawing salaries of ?1,500 (in addition to which there is a Marine Magistrate) and the administration of justlos in the inferior courts is left entirely with a paid magistar acting under control of the Executive.

11. M. Stram ship Infle?ible Captain Hoorates, sails for Cochin China to-day in seared" of the long missing Kelpie; it is possible that she was damasted

The petitioners ask for a share in the legislature." | in the October galas na? carciod down by the currents on the shores of that inhospitable it is obvious that where there are only two arthras cuntry, and that the crew are detained by the ou-hundred qualified voters an elective legislature thorities. In the supplement will be found some would be impracticable. But It does not follow 10f | that the principle of representation must be lost particulars of the melnochaly loss of the Omega of this post. II. A 9. Scont has been raised through sight of. If we ask that a nominated Council be com the extraordinary exertion of her Captain, officers

posed of an equal number of officials and and crew, aided by H. M. Steamer Modra, 11. M.

ciale we are not unreasonable; more then this She i Brig Columbine, and a party of Chinese

we do not expect; bat a respectable body of expected here in a couple of works; but it avill be

faithful British subjects are entitled in this coo" long before she is patiful, the mud of the Min haring coin, and we are listed that had it been foul is way into every crevice 11.1.8. Hostingrated years ago (and the drafts of the ordi-

? with the war Steamers Fury and Molea are in port,

nances published after a frat reading, so is done the Inftrxible will return in about three weeks

war present Governor) Hongkong would

B. M. Brig Arab and the 11. C. Steamier Phlegethon

ars in the Cant?s river; H. M. Ships Columbing/ have been spared much wretched and mischievous quis not without its effect, it did not sell, as | ment to the undrained sekt, the v?jatched and

Soout 10 at the Svalcio porth;

Mariner and 13. M. 8. Meander, 11. M. B. Pilot and the HC. Steamer Nemesis are expected from Labuan. The whole of this force, unler cominand of Hear Ad- miral Sir F. A. Collier, will be available for mor-

in April. "This mail will convey a petition to the House of Commons from the inhabitants of Ilongkong, a copy

in a great degree depend upon the manner in which it is introduced, had the parliamentary Influence of nember who presents it. There are several strong points which the Under Secretary for the Colonies

state of vor commercial relations with C?ina"; the



The Chinese new year holidays bave pasged with. out any commotion, but trade has not resumed an active form, the transactions of the month having boon chiefly with reference to the manual balancing of accounts at the end of the year. If in doub?u

and neglect, and set them the oxample of improve

of which we annex. The success of the appeal will whether any great improvement will take place for so loud as once it would have been to the challenge; know the advantugin of good ng well as the avila some time. The Chinese merchants look for. but one which evinced that sort of homage which of a sluvenly agriculture-suppose auch a man ward with a alety to the 1st of April when the reas coward guik pays to a dashing sailant. Were were to renatrate with his tenants and his neigh- entering the city ought be set. communded the example to the landlords and gen. boare, point out the consequences of their idleness Lione question led in terms of the agroa ment with Sie ohn Daviery of Ireland as well worthy of imitation, and it nor is this the only knotty point which requires to mend a laudable example.

she was ensessively followed. Wo have now to com, meat; and then suppose such a man multipled in will find it difficult to answer solval, the right of laneing building ground in

every conaly-who would, under such conditica, Nearly 10 year ago Select Comuninee was

Me Armitage Moore, the agent to Lord Aangs. despair of Ireland being improved, enriched, and tering of the treaty in still evaded, and wid a po- | lay, was lately Unvelling in the county of an honoured by the influence of individual example t appointed to take into consideration the present pulation many times more numerous, marchants are for the obnoxious purpose of collecting rent When the limits allotted to

near Baker's Bridge bo wao sitacked by two ruf- cooped up in the limits to foreigners ten-,

THE MARRIAGE LAW. of the Select Committee was laid before the turice Ago. It is clear that even though the city wore me, but providentially escaped with his life.

(From ike Morning Chronicle) House of Commons upwards of a Foor and a half declared open forest that even were four days afterwards he called meeting of the

eoler with any Drumline tenantry at his of?ies in Cavan, ni which In a letter, full of point sad pith, upon the sub ago, certain measures being recommended; but to degree of infety; but unfortunately the right has been two hundred of them present themselves. He then ject of Murtingas of Affinity, which is published In this recommendation it doth not appear that the Courged so long-and the city only spared by Sir John dideesses to them a speech which scams to have the Appendix in the Commissioners Report, the lonial Odion has given the least attention. The Davie, when the British force

produced a vivid effect upon his audience. Aler Archbishop of Dublin anys — I think you will And was prepared to storm Select Committee report,—

M, on condition that the gates be opened in two detailing the circumstances of this attack Miraloare four in five mintake the real questionsed e., they will consider the rant question to he, whether it be procee. ■ 1hup- youra—that it would now be imprudent to aben.

an advisable sort of marriage. But ask the same ***Thero fellows were your emissaries, paid by don our right at the clamour of the mob. The im

resion is, that on the Ist of April, Sea, the Impe you, and acting under your ordors. You imagined persons whether they think it advisable for a 10

to marry his servant girl, or a woman young enough That he murderlag me, and sending me into ater- rial Commissioner, will refuse

to be his daughter, or old enough to be bis mother,

"That they do not think it right that the burden of mainining that which is rather a port for the general trare la tho Chinese, than a Colony in the Didinary some, should be thrown in any great degree on the Merchants or other persons who may

resident on it."





agreement entered into between be with the nity with all my aina opon my head, you would &c.; and when they answer no, ask them whether

Meps to


1 par.

The desire to eunct one's own sentiments into

But the opinion or feeling

his predecessor not have to pay for tents, living on years with they would have a law to prolibit such marriages, Keying and Sir John Davis, and the gates will taken. You did this after my living in years with and I think they would then perceive that it to By an official return of the revenue and expendi. not be opened. A strong naval force in congrega. '304, and spending upwards of ?10,000 ?mongst abourd to karp men in trading strings, and to take

you. Iadvanced you loans out of my own pocket ture of the colony for 1848, it appears that while the ing, and possibly the British Admiral may westle of from ?5 to ?35 sobie pot this true? (Seaway all right of private judgment whatever it is the point of honour by catering the city at the head veral voices, It is; it is.') Was it for this you revenus(including rent of land and markets)smounte

possible for men to judge wrong" to ?13,091, the expenditure is ?82.053, including sufficient force to

of a brigade of beamro and marines, We bave not sought to murder met or was it for procuring law for other people, is, indeed, the essence of ail public works, leaving a baignee of ?17,667 in some

the fac. abairment of 50 per ceal upon your last two years' bigotry and the germ of persecution. In the pre- or protect t in garrison Camon ar tories; the dishonour of the maiden city would bring Tent! I went amongst you in your distrar, more set instance, we bave no doubt that the feeling of degras unprovided for, and the colony is now in a

Rhea pedlur than anybody else, distributing ble the great majority of the English public, entirely like locnet, and the result would hets, and giving clothes to your children and irrespective of the law, is, and will continue to be, down the villagers like local state of insolvency, the public works susponded, and

probably be the abandonment of the factories to the wee it for this you sought to murder me officials only paid a portion of their salaries This

fury of the patrious. There are various speculations chased meal in large quantities when it was dear, feeling exists in many minds against a marriage mate of office ought not exist, and would not have

to be taken in the event of the Chi- and gave it out to you the most of it for nothing between first cousins.

avers to marriage with a sister-in-layer existed had the report hyvo attended to. It is evident nese Commissioner refusing to keep faith, but they and some, to these whom I thought able to pof the majority opon subjects of this nature, can- that the regenue cannot be increased and that any at-

mero conjectures—nothing la known at half price, the greater part of which money basnot justify prolubitory statute against the smal- tempt at additional taxation will be injurious. The

Delions are never been repaid me - ask you, was it for this ter class, who are inflamed by no such sentimens, civil establishment requires to be put on a much

nothing may be done until instructiona been mere economical footing, ut money provided to

received from home after the breach of faith has you though so murder met

"A great mudy voices cried out 'Shamet or in whom it has been over-ruled by the force of been communicated to Her meet the expenditure, and this has been orglected

d to Her Majesty's govor ament. shame! It is avery word true'

circumstances, or by such a peculiar domestic po You were The Protestant Church and a house for the Mi always a kind landlord to os, &c. One Toise sitiogas we dod illustrated in many painful ins though the Colonial Office was aware that there

Dister, built by subscription, an

are now completed; but louder then the rest exclaimed, by O, it is Lances by the evidence before us. would effort coming The rated raised is unfortunately the Revd Mir Banks-the clergyman shamal and Mr Moore tells nothing but the truth equal to thirty three shilings head on the supported by the Canton residents-bee

●—bee returned to

After reboking their ingratitude he appeals to population of the Island, but neatly the whole England in bad health. A meeting of the subscr their fears in the following terms: mount falls on a few hundred Europene When bere was held on the 26th when it was resolved, es * is considered that the population of British India

a tempore: y arrangement to obtain the services of Contribute four affillings and aiz pence e iad, Cey-Clarg7on to fill the pulpk of the new Church till lon gegemshilling the British North American Co-

the arrival of a Gentleman expected from England. Tonics from Vigo sixteen shillings, and the British It was sito resolved that the ceremony of opening West India falinds from nine Twenty shillings, ite Charch be performed by a Clergyman of the

tablished Church of England or of Scotland; bos that the services of a Minister conforming to the Church of England be secured if possible.—Ibid.,


will be allowed that the revenue raised in thig The petition appeared in the bi-weekly paper of the 90th paint.


but for the future I will go armed, yes, to the teeth, "Now, I tell you, I will go down amongst you;

The Commisioners, after referring to the con- tinued prevalence of the prohibited marriages, not- withstanding the legal penalties, observe:-" The lar intercourse which necessarily prevails between common foundation of such marringen in the fami-

a man and his sister-in-law, when upon the death opel you to pay your real. And I tell you a wife, she assumes her sister's place in the care farther, you shall ever gat ons shilling allowance of the children, and in the soperintendence of the until you drag that rufis to Junies, you have him domestic establishment. We believe that among secreted, and you know where he is*** parsons who live not pass d the middle age, at That disgraceful and murderous act was concocted tachiments will be very frequed whenever the sis in your Ribbon Lodges at night, when hannat mentor of the decassed wife comes to live under the shoot me, give me a chance for my life, and I will of things" they add," among the poorer clauses, in should be sleeping in their bede. If you want to runf of the busband," "The and of inch a state stand out before you. I will face the bullet of any la great majority of cases, is either marriage or con


"These conclusions of the commission-

are powerfully borne ast by the evidence, copo

lly by that of members of the clerical profes



(From & Bell's Life in Lardon 9

Tha sig miles race, for ?100 wide, between

, both in the Church of England and athar comitations. lose ministerial duties, performed William Jackson, who rejoices in the soubriquet of

they dit when in Chiplom, os ?ystem, but take a little brandy in it, just bronave, they?ra aberat, They walk up Versus-the father with a cotone umbrella, the wolfier in palteas

The con Jelon {when they bara greu' difficulty in keeping the te

see if there's to pla

to pupulon districts, have beaught them into close the American Deer," and James Sherion, ul Shef) Enes aliqut the tuwa

4) then


tire called ** The Tous-born Fingtioloman" (1900.) first masa thun arghty thgowanih paruind copies of it men lichovel to have been sold to the streets of Landen. In 1952 19ukin besan to publisti in America. - Peor Ticket's Alucasse," the demand for which became to rests that ten tamsatul copies were sold in a year very large mantur considering the competitive kouty of readers in the nan coulisand at that time.

walls the peor. We extract the following old, took place on Monday, at the Hyde Park Ori. like Bran's where he can have a lurk

wo very hot abroad Eimmat not forget there, baslow gone through Bre ellilous in the cou, se og

bleil hin a lung tune. And then Viere is the separ


Layes, Which Dr. Jafnidis - Rambler" was fir

publishes, dia pula arktin exceeded five hundred; sod

is in carious that the only paper in the agties that bad

? prosperone sala, ant may be said to lata temu popet, far, m?y No. 11, which Dr Flowon did not wrica, bat" sabl to have been written by Nichetta,1). She popu

ge from Dr Wiseman's ovlancetut that it okot un Pedestrian Ground, Shethold. It is tatura England, they only trumber that it cardious noves of "Panele" met with grant ane- difers from the statements of other witnesses to the lung lime since a match excited such intenso interent, de effect, but because I forgrilly depicta a case or drew together so great a cane purse of spectatuts pedagogical class of travellers. The pedagogue ardinary occurrence, and because the gain but this may be accounted for by the celebrity of carries a estabel of school boks n the craper of of his church, and his position in the central the men, the large ameant of money pending their horse," as Sterne said of Ad lisan. Hu wawings about Athens with a pair of spectacles auch u sops dicts of England, give a value to his experience result, and it being well known that the winner of the habits of the pourer classes. Dr Wiseman would lay claim to the championship of Ragland of Pausanias, quotes Hasier at domet at C? thu.

In the middle classes it generally revelts The rice commanded a few minutes after six, tel, and is going to start tomorrow Ca Tartungsbe

to see if any local investigation with throw a legts from the sister having lived, perhaps for puma ya Jackson bounding off at a rattling pace with the

the family with the wife, the health of the wife lead along the level ground, down the hill, to the un an obscure psasiga la llera-dotus that bra tro

The wife dies and leaves back strotoni," but du coming to the rising ground perhaps being deliceta.

at the extreme and of the couras Sherkin esmo ing young architect, who walks through tha r?mi young family: the husband hat his bugimase to children; and the sister in-law has an other shel- tet polisbly has lost her parents, or has been liv ing for many youre in her sister's house. I had instance where she had been living seventeen years in the family, and had been a sound mother in the children The case is very trying for both parties There is an attechmout naturally between them from their having lived so long together. To bring stranger into the house would probably be dis- tubing the peace and happiness of the little fami

The children are attached to their aunt, and it appears altogether the most natural arrangement for their happiness, as well un to prevent the sin probably, of catabilation without marriage, that dpensation should be granted. That, I should

. is the bistory of nine out of the ten cases which fliave had to deal with,"

Lar doing collar work" at the hill, lelt Jackson Speaking Fracle-Blacklander, in big "Sketches These Dr Wiseman describes as the ordinary et further in the rear, the fifth wine over" of Soldier's Lifu," tells so using anecd mu d? cases, but there are others, as the personal nute being completed in 5 min, 27 voc. The " Amori- | * recruit of the artillery, who could not be made to mesis of some deeply interested parties testify, in can Dear, however, by no means gave way to dos. understand and remember what gunpowder in the higher and more conspicunos walks of life pair, but he continued most gamely to urge forward of The Lieutenant who lectured on gunnery was

on bis course, trusting that his steady perseverance in despair. The fellow could not remember th where the pressure of motives urging to these con nexions derives an intense force and sanction from would uhimately prevall and gain him the victory three sumcles-briansteen, charcoal, wind saltele. (From the Overland Friend of China, zich Jany,) the most touching of all inducements, the death. Thus they continued, Blerdon gaiamg a tride in The moment they were told him he forget all about bed request of the wife anxious for the children every succeeding round, completing the 10th is 12 The Colonel of the brigade was at last inform- she is leaving behind her. We may refer to the mia, 32 ano, Jackson being now 10 100 in teed of the circumstance, and tried what he coull du

**Gunpowder jp made of anitzetre, charcoal, nud evidence of witness, reparted at page 21. whose prear. Al the 18th round he was 30 sec, behind, same in not disclosed. The particulars are shortly the time ogcupied them being 23 min. 10 sec. brimstone," said the Clonel; now tell wir, what these: The wife of this gentleman, whe is a stock. It was at this time all over but shouting" the in unpowder made of 1" is made of charcoal to loose-Exfensive trametions are reporte ed at newly lost mouths quotations Shirtings; the banker, died in 1840. She had said before har hopes of Shardon's expporters were about to be ful-and-briwstone—und — — "

lu fict, belm Comprise about 110,000 pleom gray and 40 000 kuew sol. The Colonel fancied the poor fellow pic white; stock estimate 1 100.000 places white decesso, that she should dis happy if I could marry filled, and many of their pockets replenished with her sister, who had lived with us during our mar cash. The "American Door" was manifestly red life, and who, she said, would be so kind to unable to resist the sharpness of the "Sheffield ber children no herself." The wife died in 1840 lade," by which all the hopes of Jackson's friends and the marriage of one daughter and the death of wore about to be out of The load plauches of the Another left the witness with three young girls thousands assembled cheered Sherden onwards to

tre schnal rooms. After this event it became wards the championship on the prize, which he

When the 20th question with the sister-in-law's family whether was destined shonly to arcw-e.

" The Crefusinan" (1740,) writem by broke tax wein the Cagaya pubiishad kender the the title of Pultenes, other writers in opp-sited to du Re Lart Walpole's measures. Dint ten or twelve thousand were freqsually obl on the day of publication. The Bret edition of Mr Ploer's History of the Contiam of ten thousand coples, was exhausted in Paris on the day of publication, within the space of a few hours; the graceful, style of Sit wilen, was greatly a miradi yan the dinostar end circamference of it. and anders were soon received for six thousand cop

columns. But of the soul, or spiritual meaning, u and competented apo It was evident, outwith-

of the second edition. Of Hannah Mora's religioos auch structure—the motive that swi-nated it build sanding Jackson mis his ruuning at his best pace,

mavel, “Clube in search of Wife, (1×0,) te? odie tions were sold in the year of its peollection. Consta that Bherloo could be with him whenever he pleased, 279, or the idea which was its archetyper, th for at the conclusion of the eocond round (2 min. The knows no more than the heer is cast play slipe ble calculated that nosely Afty thousand copies of Bert's

"Lady of the Lake were toll in timet vritain from its rain. How different from all three the philos and 40 sec. listing expired) bu came alongsida ul

the time of its first appearance, vyleto, ap to the mid- phical wan later that every now and then, tille of The two thousand cope of the Gras li his man, and in the third round went in advance

amel, and has no une to take” oare of his closs in his track. The fica round of 54H0 varda ?f the ancient worl·l, arned wit's a gyfurg | and the Enquire of Pender Nap?lesa, coming was completed in 1 min. 20 sec. They were going tape, and judges of anblunity by ches You ask

him what he thought of s certius temple, and at first-rate spend, and the oavy, and we may mil

milst loud cheering. At the end of this round your lot, in happy hour, to meet! How dillerent ton of Marmion were all sold at the rate of guinea Sherdon led his gallant liule opponent two or three the man who walks through the world in apurad

af entholic sympathy with all around ten, umpios yards, & rain. 5 sec. buving elapsed. The odds on

to learn. ready to communicate, opon to every 10- The Shellielder increased, but there weto noi ang

takers. In the encoeeding round Shordun inprov.-bent only on the study of the goal and the od his previous advantage, being long the "quar? admiration of the beautiful."

et streich at least a dozen yards a head, and af

half cacti, in less than a month 3 kind him he we middle of 18, it is compated that about Afty thou sand copies had bee? sold." to the ten years that have elapool since this saleulation was made, the aggregata namber of soplas sold of both them favebnice poem, has considerably inoremmed. Free she fest of bun. dred and thirty editions of · Hoyle on Ginting' having be published, and Whole Duty of Man.' HELGE editions of the und courable moslimata ban been drawn of the morality of the times.




(18th January, 1849.)


was bewildered, and frightened by the blea of talks, and grey. Trusted grey mirtinge nie nearly ustaleable ing to une re high in command no himself. ?Well," | -stock 10,000 procm) while goods marketebla at 93 40 -10ck 8,000 plzona. American grey drills; salm of said he, "I see how it le;" and, taking off his list with the large white plains, he put on a gumur 3,000 pleces at #103. Amerions in sales of 1,500 pieces at quotation. Printed Goods the market forage cap. "Now" amid the Colonel to the re-

In bare of Turkey red Chints, 4,000 places (inferior) te eruit," you must forget that I am your Culaned.arrive have been placed at 80; Mims of other Chints Think am your old friend and comrade, Jack, are reported at 99.74; Handkerchiefs are not enquiral ske gunnar Can you manage to faway think?" aling. A few cases of 17 Inch Falorianne hava bien Ye"Very wall! Now I come to you, saying placed at 30 cents par yard, but for this description of

goods the market l? dull.


she should remain in the widower's hours or round had been complated, 30 min. had not expir The wish that the difficulty should be real, and Jackson, seving that it would be uncluse to Pared by their union was first suggested by her co sinus ranging any further, gave up whom he had My dear fellow, do tell me what the once is gun. bratlier, representing the feelings of the family other round to run, ShorJun at that period being powder made of? What would you answer to The widower at 6 st hesitated how to act. He half over the course. Sherdan then walked home, that? Speak freely! The socrus thought for Grey shirthaga-59 read- caules cousuked the rector of his parish, now a bishop crowds gathering around him, and loudly chooringowe, and then said....“ What would I answer? The Frati consulted the bishop of London, who him on bis way to the go. It will be vean thit | Pd sdy, ↑ Don't ask que questions. You know much swered, “tunt, ma individual case could alter his the pan mas gerly at the rate of a mile in five better what gunpowder is made of then 1 du l

Jarrold's Magosing.* gal views of the subject." He, however, weil minutes throughout, and there is no doubt 3hardue so far as to consider the matter with another pre- can accomplish the six miles even under the half bie, (who, we mug infor, took the opposite view,) hour. Jackson yielded the victory of a wall con




White shirings-4..


One way of using Honka-Sterne used to any, Twilled gry shirtings”

Do, White

$ 9,25 to 9,40

and the prater reports that the two bishopa both noted race with great reluctance, and on ritiring to the most sccomplished way of using books into Grey, beeting—da baches, 87 an 20 yards ? 5,00


Turkey red blosi—tomolour Other Chart Prised andkerobial-various grounde

COTTON YA.The stock in raz?da je lazem-

Though "by no means sufficiently certain to rest sp." The fact that two biskope thought the marringe oot unlawful un scriptural grounde, de- cided the witness an te his couise, and he married

need in not resting the case upon scriptoral is reon in Mr Heathcote's house ke war eo mur-serve them as some people do lords-learn their

titles, and thon Urng of their acquaintance.' grounds, which the Bishop of London said he tified at his defeat that he 'ved soare.

Scottish Famine sixty. Years ago -A puetial fu



Efects of Fright in Paris,—It is well know we took place in Scotland in 1762 and the spin and the m?ch?e dull; sales of No 129 are exported ja and sommer of 178% proved wet and stormy, and #91, sad fa, higher numbers than 26 there is be

be sister-in-law is Danmark, where such unions that ? large number of children born after the | the prospect of the next winter was still more ? market.

are authorised by law, with the entire approbation French Revolution in 1799, became insane and gloomy. The pressure now became extreme; W201 1,0% —The market in still inactiva. The saley

course before.

government was applied to for alan, diy the reported are, 1.000 places Inferior Apsalah stripes at

- Quotations, —

of her family, in 1844 The opinion of society it seems probable that quother illustration of vis seems to have unctioned the step, for all the ing the sins of the parents upon the children will fol. cority of agement to be imposed upon the ul;43 to be center and 200 pieces of a pup for meertraant ends and acquaintances continued their inter- low the late disturbances. Msay cases of mental and Air Dempster, then one of the most active and at #1,10 1 892 plovun sasorand Comblato ni 840 so 21 ;

Jerangement have already occurred in the Fauboug indsential of the Scotch mealiers, brought in a |leo 1,990 precai Lang Hla in barter for To. du Temple and Menilmontant, where the fighting, | bill for an nesessment of fourteen per cent on rents during the late innurrection, was terrific.

Government also mailu a small grant, which was intrusted to the sheriffs of mounties for distribuliza ymung illa kirk-sessions. Subscriptions were rus |?? l? thu south af Scotland and in England ; many Scutchoro, merchants in London and ol-ewbero, seht shiploads of provisions for the supply of the poor. Among theon the house of Phyn and Hilice was conspicuous. The concluding of a genocal


(From "Biscuits and Gray.")

** First of all (to give precedence to our country.

pince in 1789 sot at liberty the stores collected for

up navy, and these were placed at the disposal of


Dark Blue


Hlack Light Bive






Marae. The quotations are for Fren (nail vat) 89,00 10 3; Land 26 to 9,40 | Tie, Hance 017,50, Steak $14,30,

Ipora Phase-Back pepper la solling at 45.09.

certain market; Ebay is worth from #2, 40 10 8.90 stocks Choco al 14 to so with an ma- acounting to quality : Katiasa, Banjarmasing massa at #% to 4,80 for the boot, inferior #3 to 3,40; Pendel mond is la requosant from 46 to 19aeocording to quality, Orton.—The report of andy markat per 1.M. Gram.

it became impossible to feed. In suma Higher Afede la braught down to the 21st, Atation in

great demand, but lu consequence of an wealny 10 194 lise prices such impossad an the low races role

ing during the early part of the month; gnemuinen, for best quality #800, and for god #sen ? 000. Ab

90 chesca new Maija skaliklar was brought on by

The argument, as far as it turns upon expadiancy, utged by De Pusey and other advocates of the pre- sent low, in, that by maintaluing the restriction you "extend the domestic relation," By making amaninge with a wife's sinter legally impossible, you place liar, say they, in the position of a renf inter, you prevent the occurrence of any feelings

wards her but those of pure natural section. men) there in the class of rich yacht-travellers, and you enable her to remain unblamed in the who journey in large outters and schooners, with hose of her widowed brother in law, which other- || enormous quantities of luggage, fut moh-servants, we she could never do. We deny the soundness pretty nursery-inniila, sowl chubby children Their of these positions in toto, They proceed upon a yachts are grain.ded as full of costarints for a voy-tip sheriffs, but anly to be sold. Governmental through misconception of the power and functions age as Noah's Ark. They travel partly to escape purchased pravisions, sat sent them down for of human laws. Statules cannot ountrol human ennui, and partly brasuse it is ' proper to do so ? Te at prime cost. Among other supplios, large sentiments, nor Acts of Parliament operate aithar They bring haste of introductions to unfortunate apentities of bad wl?te pass were sent down to the gained, or In the place of, the laws of nature. The ambassadors, and condama everything that does north, which worn unpalatable even in that time of desses and affections of mankind are founded in not resemble what they saw in England. They fine. The tals was, to give as little as possible the laws of their physical and moral being, not in live in the most expensive manner, in the finest hat what was sold by the kick-sessions was to a these of society, and the latter will anver possess hotele, gekich, however, they l?ek down spin. c'est estent on credit. The harvest was as bad ar boding force unless they are in unlawn with the Thoy receive you in the most splendid style of vno antiolpated ; in many instances the people sta former. In the present instaures experience bs luxury, but apologize for it, and remind you that wasir stock of sheep and cattle, which in the win- proved this to be so. For centuries these mor- they are not in London now. If they encounter riages have been under the ban of the law in a foul wind, they run into the nearest port. They and parishes the population broke Innar, and aciz England, yet, from the bigbest to the lowest go mechanically to es notiquities, but are too dig at the cattle and sheep of their neighbours; but class of society, they have been more or less pifiwl to be entimalastic. They patroniss the Parte instances of this were very low. In general, prevalent. Twelve years ago it was fourid no- thenou, and any that 'ite a pity It's in such a suin- the patience of the people was great, and every cemy to enact new and more stringent law: ous condition. They smile approvingly on the one exarted himself in his own sphere to wort the Ite tremendoua social and Guest Clouden in the gallary in the Bourbon Mail. Their effects were so far successful. All ac- civil penalties, these marriages have continued to neum, at Naples; and think it 'proper' to look boots agrae in stating that not nu individual died ?aka plan, as the statements of this reportaj?the very solcain at the Holy Sepulolice in Jerusalem If absolute want during the long continued famive, | mand, and stock been takes off as it arrived as front very existence of this commission abundantly tes- In short, though they should travel a thousand hough many fell victime to the disons which 400 to 610 Shanghai dellars; on the sist the quota life. And when k to suggested as a matter of fact, miles, they are hever out of England-a charao- spring from insufficient fund, de food of bad quali po was $550 Shanghal deliars, and no stock is Best that the tow at present actually controle social teristle of very many travellers of all ranks. They ty. The clergy record with just prido the efforts hande. spinie, and is an operative remedy against scan look at nature through an opera glass. Sometimes unde by all clean, and the honesty of the people dal, let us appeal to the opinion of any man who they write large books of travela," in which they in repaying the advances of meal of money to the hows this censorious world, whether it is really try to be very fine in describing storms. They uttermost farthing. Some with difficulty could to ponible, safely and blamelely, for a young and ramark how singular it is that These phenomans this in seven or eight years, but the socounts agere allractive female to live alono le a house will her are the same now as when Horror wrote They that not a penny of the money but was paid at length. aidawed brother-in law, under the present stale of take care, also, to tell you in their quartos what We know instances where gentlemen svarer shags, and whether any prudent family would anne- they had for dinner, and how much they enjoyed mail and seed-corn to their poorer hill tenent fan such an arrangement? No. The Commir the surety of Lord X, the Marquis of Y, and and not only was thle all repaid, but for yours af- uners have atuted the conclusion of truth and of Baron Z. Besides there, there is the retired tra?ne terwards, the tenmins are to send presents of commun sense to the concluding paragraphs of their, man claus, who, all the time they are abroad, are boney, mountain-berrian, and other trillen in token Report:

RDL only virtually in England, but in a shop, or of their gradtoda,-Quarterly Review. *These marriagra will take place when a con. villa near London. When they meet you at currence of circumstances gives rise to mutual of table d'h?ts they express their joy to * pas an Bu

chment. They are not dependent on legislation."glishman once more,' as if they were in the Desert They wild: We are not inclined to think that of Sehars. They grumble at the bills and the hed

catchments and marriages would be exten- rooms, and think that, after all, there's no place penty-four thousand copies of bis Colloquiere the holders have reland the price from $90 to 90,

of the **Orlando Furioso" were published. It is stated la therafete na immediate prospect of further shipmienta. vely increased in number were the low to permit like home. They live in the closest most densely feed of in the sixteenth century, sixty editions prices have ale advanced in the Sick Matrices. There them; because, as we have said, it is not the state of furnished rooms, they can get, which they say are that as many as eighteen hundred edtions of the Do The pensats to England from July to 20th Ja the law prohibitory or promissios, which has governed, in the good old comfortable Baglish style' They Imitations Christi of Themes-&-Kempis have been fuary mount to 11,005 bales, including the cargoes af the John Bunyan and Confucime rated at 856 and 1,411

still, in the face

Sake of Books-In the year 1811, eighteen hundred copies of Eram's work entitled "Encomium Meri" ("The Praise of Pally") were sell: and in 1527,

*, as we think, over will effectually govern, them." I order op huge ten-pate of ten, at the same hour se| leed. Such was the popularity of Daniel De Foe's

the Afasepps for which #700 sa nakart pamil small 2014

of the very best old have been placed at $700 is 703.

Paino. During the mouth, there has been a stead, da bow


EXPORTA. Tai-Temly Gve chops of Congous love bees * purchased during the month at a slight advance, but no settlements have been made since the arrival of the Osaber mail, nor la it probable that further tramotions will take place upull the Chinese bolblava are evUT. Black of Cuegons dinat 11000 padreges of com quality. Grein tess have also been puffchased on seve esot, but prices are receiling swing to advice of decline in the Canton rates. The stock is estimated at 15 000 packages Tychaw and commen Tarplugs The {export in Uriat Beitain from tet July to Stal Decem

bar la 1,990,709 iba against 3,902,895 in 1849.

SILK. Shipments of old contracta hapa bean, large, though the haya hawn for fresh transicions. stock about 140 bales. Blace the arrival of the October mit


festes. The shipments from Canton and Hongkong are estimated at 1st bales, piring an export of 11.817 belem agulat 13,488 to the end of January 1948.

—Quotation -


Taitee-No. 1 (Nominal) §. 200


11 ++






Tay No I





I'men's-red to beat" Throne

191 FO





and Chilles for London, and Wm. Prague and ife-king.



Anuncia Deitia and fuckturm have also improve! | lower rates stilit tullog at Shangkal prevent purchases of | Jou. and though prices are mill low large sales have been made, say of the middling or common quality lo ible market. |9pwards of 50,000 pieces have been reported, bet li le pro- | ?The departures during the past month have been—frum

7,?Aurora 19p.), Cobada, from Manila Och Nor. Meble that a Firger number have serially been sold by Whampac --the Athena, Bucephala, Nah Morguet, Mesem, Jan. See the Traben, though you yet plased among Lako E14a ara antesble though prices baro giren way Iran 10 to be comis, the sepply of Beatleis in ginkg (00: large and the decline in greater on them then in other eol. 7,000 in 2,000 pieces, mostly assorted parcels, have been muld this touch

the dealers,

Brest Brass are very much depressed, Servy par eels bavlor been prewed on the market some of them being Ward will place holders to quit and present priew though | Pry uniamunerative can acarealy be supported. About

6,500 places have been forced det,

Exewyxaq,--Billa on England at a months slakt | Impona na native accounts; the large quantity coming fer- 46% 60 abnet sig?u sa, Njd, to as 4jd.

Farrow-To Lirest Britain, Tas 49 101, Sikat 100. Teonage abundant.


(271k Jexmary, 1849.) IMPORTA

Tau buchtem c? the month kas o ? heon so extensive as belius consequence of the preparations foraki new year, bring the two fest works of the month pileen r?tied

■ Title for 1wouf vor pramineni imports, vin, Cottom Clocks | anton Yarn; the advanen in the former was about ? much crate and on the lacier frwen ? a d. llar to 14 per picut, the heaviest adranes being on the low numbers say "Nos" 16111 Welok forward to a good market for Imports |

? genetic fa abiul a kostalght when the Chinese holidays will be over and the Dealers recated Libaslarse.

Raw Cornis though dull protalam tu adresce in the krivende at this requis are very small, the valesmen esti- maredat alq? 13,50% Usle, ef ?ll k?ndi,

Raw-Corron and Corton-Yaus Rcroar.



Itombay ...........Halo: 19,3n1: Edjbij detalj aa ole, 2017 Bengal


46-3 15,119, 2,531 Nadias

10.474) 2 PE) 13026 (LONG 0,710, Artie p

Nase Nour Nose,

015 None

2,14) Lane 019

**** H

Meinen and Ladies Clones are also very doll and only lable in small Join,

CIM-The market shown on Improvement for chate Good, The socks on hand arr saleable but at such a very heavy loss to the Importer that few are lachiced to

ml in the offers u made.

Tin PLAYER, ars salasble and stocks consume moderate. Less is in demand sad Improving in valen.


fee Liverpool. From Shanghal, the Sanderum and (Mef. | 14, Record, Patullo, from Singapore 7th November. sein for London, and the Ellen K?lich the Liverpool

"The Blackfi fer la bonding f?r London, and the Syria and Wis. Jardne are laid on for Liverpool; but the falldaya have put a stop to shipments for the present.

Sales and Quotations as follows:- FOUR-THE

thres chops af off Congea kar? boon taken at 10 to 11,5 taeli, and about 30 to le chops new at 10 5 to 13 (sels-from 20 to 40 chops rewals.

Soaking --No transactions, the stock 1991) and the qua Hity lacier.

Plata renge Peker-No settlements on English


* Colang.—Largo purchases have been made on American ocenat at 18 to 18 taels; but few fine consola.?

Flourty Print.-Na transactions, prices quoted 16 to 24 tools, seminal.


Per Strabo,-Mooors H. G. Bridges, J. E. Ladd, and W. O Johnson.

J'er Rafaz-Mr Fogg.


The Amoy Pochat, on the 21st instant, passed iba Daniel Watson geing into Woosung; saw the Narek Louise on the same day; passed the ship Forfarshire in the river on the 22nd.

The Kafael spoke the barque Biondell, bound for "Shanghai; exchanged colours with the Skannan,

Strated Urange Priven-1,810 tu 2400 packages have both off the Barrows Islands on the 25th instant, been taken at 20 so 30 tuela; the stock, la small and con- whats of the commoner descriptions.


Scented Capers. —A few purchaser have hoon made al | full rates; n? kon left; stock very fight





PROM NO??????,

Twahay and ifgion Skia -No transactions, stock very 27, Harbinger. Candlish, Dublin and Liverpool.

| 27, Andas, Bolliran, East Coast small. *Ifyong-Purchases of a she chops of Cargo sorta have 25, R?utomjes Cowosjes, Wright, Calcuus. been made at 10 to 11 lacls; fair to Gopal 25 to 34 al 38, Nero Bilbaino (Spanish), Aguirre, Manila,

Young Hymn - Fair Cargo is quoted at 18 totsels; 20, Parorite, Webster, London. good to time 21 to to taels, but few of the Gimer sorts car 29, Catherine [Am], Pratt, Whumpou.

29, Mer, Allon, Cumsinymoon.

the demand la llulted and the stock on hand large.

lans. —Neil Rad has sold an algk av 95 10 for a small pareri la very dos order, but the masket hus alace had a downward tendency and the prrari quotations not ba soppretted if one or two arrivals take place. The dealers ne holding considerable stocka and are losing condence Alimp la selling u11

1 bigh rater; any decline in Ball eat will teid 10 depress its Tales though stocks are very light. Far From, in only saleable at a heavy coduction on all rod and there appears uparcely any demand for I,

Green Var the last three days we have not had a tra swellow. The ratan have not varied much during the mouth us there has been vory Ilule.oporulation in couse- qence of the near approach of the large crop of new Ben-Imperial and Outpowder-Cocaman to fair 12 to 25:20, Amoy Packet, Wilson, Whampoa

the lowest raw for Pama has born about 9475, the good to han de to 20 tacles very little doing on English so- 29, Antelope (A1, Watkins, Shanghai- highest 9308, Denares from s to 100 less. Malwa ha rouat. been high as 8756, ba?lelanly very mealerble at 8740 Cute Imperial and Gurpader-Very fam left in the 29, Privatrer, Bellamy, Camsingmoon. is 9719. A very beary decline is expected on the arrival market, a large geantity of Cacion Young Hysons bars 30, Menam, Maxton, London. of the new Hangul stop and ver kng $100 wid ?acar?ely be sale fur Patna.

been shipped during the month and of the total Expert of Young Hyson, Uunpowder, und Imperial since Soch EXPORTE.

Jusse last, one third more la said to be of fair and fine Canton made kl?de

T-The accounts received by the November mail om England are ageln most discouraging, but their of-

Collen Varm bale 207923 1814 1990 1,900 feets on this market raonat an yet be ascertained all be

aloes being mopended during the Chinese holidays which ommenced on the 24th


N. B. This Hepnet has no referencn ig the Sales by Importers during the South; the parts how the quan titis ratered the fostom-bove and actually landed ; the Deliceries, the quantities delivered iram the Pack- bench seals than that in the deeds,

regains in the Pack-hooses, wild aud et sol

Common Yann--A demand for the Chimaew distlets Jas causes an advance of upwards of $1 per pleet in the I buntis, high numbers kara out been wich wall elites but prices have become some hat dimer, The P Breeg heavy, the time of the year cusaldeind, between

hi 1900 Bases are said to have changed band WR and Gret Lana Chayim have been Kim and though the advarge established in bus inding, it may Teal to further limpiovement when business tadily recom

enges us the dealers are to melt applied and we lo foreign bands not beavy, geprelalig of White tivods. ?sis sveppurest that the sales this month do not exceed 33,000 pes of both ind


rapally diminishing; wet more than 30 to to chops Canon The stocks of Black Teas of all descriptions are now ormain, and besa comist entirely of the lower grades to which the purchases of the past meath have boss chief ly conned, 11 is now evident that the season's supply of Comes will prove short, the export up to date being on hand small, and but few more expected down. wearly two wilhome below that of last year, the stock

All other klods of Black Teas are aglected th the Trception of Scented Orange Pekoes which still contigue

In moderate demand at about pre-low rates.

Hented Capese are sentee sad of inferior quality.

In Crew True bat liste has been done on Engda se- count and prices are rather emler, particularly for

description of Hyron sad Young Hysans, but

The metade e la fin dag en de tih se te kan shin scamvety unstained. The of th? ------), Ibt ----




Tings. At Hongkong ? tahu a? vi? Busness was formed at usa ka d?y on ige arrival at the “Volim ** strike.







26, Afenam, Maxton, from Whampo

27, Scotland, Ritchie, from Amoy 14th January.

30, H. M. Sir. Inferibia, Commander HoION,

Cochin Chion.

80, Neptune |Am Whaler, Hok, Sen.

80, Montezuma (Hawaian), Pinokocho, Bandwich


80, P. & O. Co.'s Bit. Prkin, Baker, Ceylon.



27, Ef, Lyoli, Idalifax,



17, Van der Palm [Date], Muntendaen, Batavia.

37, John Cooper, Ware, from Bhanghai 20th Jan. 22, Nove Paquete (Portuguese), Laz, Lisbon.

28, Angelina, Morgan, from Shanghai 21st Jan.

28, Away Packet, Wilson, from Shanghai 20th Jan.

28, Mazeppe, Jauncey, from Shangba 24th Jan,

30, Straio (Am), Hussey, from Manila Ust Jan.

30, Rofasi, Brown, from Shanghai 24th January, AT MACAO.

19, Eagle, Jerman, from Calcu

18, Justina (Dutch), Thierbach, from Bamrang 96th


95, Amistad (Spl, Mubox, from Manila 12th Jan.


(27th January, 1849.)

(AllaArticles quated 2 Months Cash priers and Duty Paid except when otherwise mentioned.


Cardage, European.







200 1600 Stock h?ry..

0 0 to Do

Cassia Bods


China Roole

Dragon's Blood



Duties paid in Ogene Silver.)

Description of tiorde



Price Canton



Ale.--Allsopp's, Basa's and Hodgson's




0 10


Aniseed, Elat




14 D to


Hetel Nut-new


2 70 to

3 20


Canvas-English and Scotch


9 0 10

0 0





TJ. M.


86 to

7 0


8 to



7 0 10


0 0 to




Block small, price None.





649 reed-71 lbs. 8 lbs.


2 96 to


04 do.



2 35 to

240 Saleable,

GG do,

A3 16.9


* 45 to



9 45


White Skirtinge G. E. 90 in. By 40 y?l.

64reed 60 Jo.



2 60 to

0 0


2 65 10

2 TO

72 do.


2 80 to

2 86

Hantherhiefs (Chintx),—29 dy 30 ? Prints, Chinte,—28 in. br 28 yds.

090 to



3 10|

Twist--(Water) No. 16 a 24 2


28 0

24 0

No. 29 89



0 26 60


29 0 to 80


Very doll




Grey Shirtings & E. 40 in, by 384 yds.

13 do. P? Iba, 4 10 lbs.


No. 342

Copper, Sheathing

South American






Land,-ig, English



? Eteel--English

Swedish 1---Straita


Phier f. C.


Paton, New




Benares (Sew not sealed)

Malwa Old only



Rattana, Banjarmasing

Straile Fonda! Wood, Malaber



Timor, and 8.8. Islands

Spanish Stripes, 60 C2 in..

Haba Cloths, 60 a 02 in..

Medium Cloths, 60 a 02 in.

Superior Bed Cloths, 69 a 62 in.

Long Elts,-30 in. by 23 yds, assorted



Camlats,-30 id by 56 yds, amorted


Dunch, 24 in. by 40 pila,

Lantings,-Assorted, 30 to 32 in, by 58 yds.

Bombaeus,-90 la. by 50 yds.

? ??????????????????? ?? ???? ??????? ???

2 40 to


40 0 to 0

21 010 23 0

4 50 Lo

8 10 10

0 0 4

4 90


8 0 to

7 80

320 to

7 20 to

? No Mock.

? 40 to

6 20 to

4 75 to

5 0 to



18, Anna Maria (Dutch), Robertson, Baiserang.


Per P. & O. Co. Str. Pekin,-For England,- Capain Durnford, Mesars W. Hargreaves, and G Hargroves. For Bombay,--Mr Heard. For Cey- lon, Captain Tattersall, and Mr Ella. For Sid | gapore,—Mr Nicol, and a Private Ceylon Rides.

Free on Board.)


(Cash 2 Months.

Description of Gundu

SILK RAW,-Traile


VOL. VIII. No 10.






TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Aumen, 12 Dollars. Six Months, T Dollars. The Dollars; all peld in draum. Credit Priom, 14 Dollars. j Dollars, and 3 Dellers, for the periods of Twelve, bis, and Three Mouche respectively: Bingle Numbers, to Subscriber 93 centa vadh; to Mat-Subsoribers, & Huper. Passim calling or sending to the Office for papers are requested to pay suri. TERMS OF ADVERTISINGS-Tes lines and under, I Dollar; additional, in oila Han. Restitions -ird of the Rust Insertion. Ships-Pins Incursion, a Dollarni saborgen: Innerclans -43fausta.

Advertisements to have writum on the face of them, the number of closes they are required to appear, daherwins they will be published until countersnited to pay in alios.

En all lantan c?m, cheer who nee met Bubasz?bora, regulas




Apply to HR Directors of the AUSTRIAN ?LOYIPrg qua Lombar EMH,15-60 Tong, vil ?MN, 190



Also, a route to the abave, <

GIBB, LIVINGSTONA Bussreis, Pawano, Gal?n-Malta, Dust, Aban.

Hongkong 20th January, 1848. THE PRIM?lar and On- ENTAL CORpany's Stam

Ship MALTA, will leave the

for the shorepiners on Tuesday the 27th of February,

CARGO will be received-on hourd notil Noon, and Space until 4 2. m., of the 26th.

For further pasticulare regarding Fastour and Pamius apply at the P. & O. 9. N. Company's Oboe, Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Age. Hongkong, 2nd February, 1842






For particulars, oglj ve

informed us that from od after the 10th of Ceto or


past Bator will ply regularly on the 10th of month on the direct line between Varusta odd 4-


Victoria, 20th awary, 1948.

JALANRIA, so se to dot respond with the How.

COMPANY'S Bondat Sru?nzua; and flows qui)

11 received some vaty Prime Bacon which they

can highly recommend to their Customers.

No. 1 & 2 Wooenam's Bucklinge.

Victoria, 12th January 1849.


1, ROGERN & Co.

RA:p. ?bendiers of Honda,

aker the 25th of November past a Steamer will fuglect van infraer Ehrmann and Captanme-TE regularly on the 20th of each moth on the duct D W??Fares, dat the Clavernment n? big- between Tits and Alexandria, an as i correpliky bagshuttled the Toxusun Pens and Corron- with the P.&O. COMPANY'S STRAMORs from Cially goose Derias heretofere existing on Woulera touch- E88K9 SMITH & BRINELOW beg so la-

The Attornian LLOYD'S COMPANY will have died, ing utdist J'ost for tefreshman. The regulation form their friends and the Public that they" Batailable for this line; each of them be bare taken those practiced lately occupied by 100 and 700 Tons berthes and of 200 Horse wakaford Whaling Captains the means of supe widence from the af Junnory, 1819; Mere Rawls, Drinker & Co. in which they par-power. They are fitted up is a superior style lying their ramoli wish nil islado af Morns at the ? pose carrying on Bhip Chandlery in all its bran- English is spoken on Board.

·Babel Moderate but obes &c., and that they will keep always on baod

The number of Berths in each is as under, vix que THAT Love Delors, Cereremiassorted stock. This Clodings on the Istoly occupied by the Officors, Ceylon premises are spacious, dry and secured, they will

38 First Class, lacluding 16 for Ladion 90 Becond Clot Rifle Regiment i posressing armong other grant ad. | be happy to take Goode of Bloraga.

7 for Females, Tantages a large Yard and excellent Stabling. Ap

Victoria, 28 December, 1848. ply to


Hongkong. 7th December, 1848.



THE Bale of Puista, Claret, do,, advertiged to Lake plaos on tlp 19th, at the Godowns of

The Fares to be ?18, for Fint Class, ?12 for cond Clam + including Table money and Stewards foot.

The Voyage is expected not to exceed & days 54 days, and as Quarantine is calculated from vident with Hankh OfBears—it follows that with a tena bill of health, passengers will get pratign }?mediately on arrival at Trieste.

MR ARCHD. MELVILLE Ceed to be a Part. to Monday the 5th February & Co. is postponed of Long Alexandria-those tossels being pre

ner in our Firm here and at Amoy from l December 1948,

SYME, MUIR & Co. Victoria, 4th January, 1840.`


BMITH & BRINELOW. No. 1 & 2 Women's Buildings.

Victoria, 19th January, 1849,

a sua schling:19th July, 1848.

For lets to England supervoribed "ada Trices no "br?r?in" chetgels made of 18 Krewizor (abi 7) Cia) per Quarter Ox, und ball this rate for ord, mi

to England via Tricou may pay the "oversos"

our bands, and address them to the oare of t them to Egyp Austrian Lloyd's Agency a1 ?lexandria—frankbai

THE Firm of E MOORMAN & Co., Canton,HE Undersigned offer for Hale a govoru) assort· || additional 4 Os, Any one wishing to soud letja

st of Ship Chandler's Stores, comprising To this day dissolved. Outstanding Accounts Prime Meee Beel and Pork: Gallego Fleert Pilot and Navy Brad; Canvas and Cotton Duck; Bow- ing and Reping Twise; Manila Rope of all sinh; Paints and Paint Oil; Paint Brushes; Hansnline: Barline, &o, &

will be settled by,


Conlon, 2016 November, 1848.


dele be carried on ander the Firm Senwe

Letters to the European Continent vin Trick may likewise be addressed to the care of the op Agency--the franking to Alexandlein boing antedi

Also, received par into arrivals, Cheddar and THE Busine of the Undersigned will from the Berkeley Cheese; York and Cumberloor flamed to-and for there the prepayment of the "ord

Beatch Outmeal in Time; an amortment of Olman's Postage is not required. Biores from Cross & Blackwell; Kennedy's Water Package" for Egypt, or any part of the Co Crackers; Manila Obocolate; Moche and Maalainent of Europe, or the Levent, should be addre


Coffee, S., do,

Marselli's Bolded Als and Stout: Landon

ed to the care ploma one at Bisen, as the P, &c. Boty do not engage to deliver any thing

JR WILLIAM DREYER is authorised to sign tied Bberry, Port, and Madeira Wiosne

our Firm by Procuration.

A. H. FRYER & Co. Victoria, IN January, 1840,



Canton, (at Jumonry, 1849.


MR MARTIN WILHELMY, is authored to

Sign our Fram by Procuration.

BOUSTEAD & Co. Conton, 20th May, 1848.




Price Causen





Canton, lal Jampary, 1849,


45 to


In Hougkrong.




00 8 80


10 0 to 1200


18 0 to 19 0


10 0 to 10 90


19 50 to 13 0


165 0 to 170 0

2 75 to 2 80


Q 0 to

0 0

2 65 10 2 70


0 36 to 0 76



30 0 to 80

do 1120 .0 D 0

do. 45

0 to 50


9900 to 350


0 10 0

None offering.

280 0 to 285

|463 0 to 270

250 0 to 256




5 60 to

2nd quality, Whita

3rd quality, de.

In quality, Brown

2nd quality, do,

3rd quality, do.


do. fresh mixed leaf kind


Even blackish leaf.


Wiry black loaf.


do. do. fine




Canton No. I

No. 2

No. 3

SUGAR RAW-1 quality, Pinga

TEA, Black-Coagoa-Sound common coarse leaf


19 00 20 0

0 0 10 0 of

0.36 10 500 I

0 Uto

440 0 to

0 Nominal

Bouchong-Common to fair quality.

Flowery Pekoe-Middling quality little flowery

Find to very foe flowers

BI LI. Pekoo H. Boey-But middling quality



Good to fine

Gaper-Common to gond

bo. Scented-fin new

Orange Peko-Middling to fine

Orange Scented--Middling to fine-new

OrgEx-Twokay-Common Canton kind

Fine and Hyson kind leaf

Hywo Shin-Common to fine

Hyson-Common to fair quality

Young Hyeon-Canton and Twankay kinds

450 D


4 30

410 0


0 0 10



to 0 to 10 0

9 to 0

0 to 1

Few left,

010 o cl

0 to

None left. Nepa

0 16

0 to 22

Fine noce

16 0 10 20


0 0 10

0 0


0 0 to


0 0 10



0 0 10

Do. o C

0 to


16 0 to 24



12 to 16



18 0 30

0 to





0 0


do. 495 0 10°

0 0


20 0



0 to 0


24 0 to 30

do. 45, 0 to



0 0 0



300 0 0

da 10 Ot



Good tras


6 30 to



20 0 to







80 010

Crop short.

Imperial-But middling to fine

28 030


Gunpowder-But middling to flas

do. 30

0 to 60


Canton Imperis!


12 0 0 25


0 10 8 50

Very dull

Do. Gunpowder


15 0 to 20




89 0 to 0

0 90 10


1 16 to

125 Very fuit.

2 80 to




60:21 per chang of 144 in.

120 to 1 PO

3 30 10 360|

2 60 to 2

11 010 12 0 Dull.

10 0 to H

2 0 10 20

7.60 10 a to

0 to

19 00 21 60

25 0 to 27 0 Very dull

19 0 to 24 of

to 0 to 18 o


0 to 100

Do. Do.

But middling to good


Good to fo


Very fine.

#. -When a palmo e

To cuines Touk ju port for Fader foring par ib.-gandtiply the number of Tesla per pocul by the number of Panos of the carkangt p? r


On ENGLAND, 6 months' sight did to 4.2jd.

Indra, 00 days' sight 218 to 220 per 100 8p. Dra.

30 216 to 207 per 1008p Dr.

E. 1. Co.'s Bills accepted, 215 to 216

Byees,-7. 10 7. 4.

Mexican Dollar-par to Premium,

Hopes, Noor.

Bide on Kugland, a month Kahe ta. :

R. T. Ca?a, hills agapted, 114 le tik par to spilih Dollars.



ENGLAND, Toma per 50 ft.,—?3. 2x. Od. to ?2. 10.



Silk,-€ 10€ 0.


BAAT COAT, Amor, par 40 ft.,-96

NOATH OP Amor, do,,--96 to 9.

Printed and Published by Joux Carr, At The Friend of China and Hongkong Gazette, Printing Ofice, Queen's ROAD, Vicroats, Hoxakona, 1819.

At the Auction Maxr, Queen's Rond

in good


Victoria, 23rd January, 1849.

TUST RECEIVED and for Sale at the AvoTION

Mart, Queen's Rood.---

A choide sulection of Music from Jatien & Co.

intended for England beyond that landing p whore Transit or other Duties must be paid; an ensure as much despatch as possiblen Bil of Lad with particulars of value &o,, should be sent to, forwarder at Buct.

For Pusage, or for further particulara, appl

W. PUBTA? & Co.,

? Agents at Canton and Honginn *for "the Imperial Royal prin. Akade Lloyd's Steam Navigation Compar


F. DRAKE, will be happy to receive

HAVING Aanslated ORAWLE, DUDS comprising Polkus, Walize, Quadrifles, and Ope-young plentlemen se borders, in allition

tolic Airs, of the latest publication.

Victoria, 23rd January, 1849.

& Co., our Boatness will be conducted in future under the Name of RAWLE, DRINKER & Cop

DRINKER & ?4. 418-INENT vall d?crive, t? roosive ever

"It month by the Ofsland Mail her mana! ou] ply of,

Hongkong, la Delober, 1848,


JR Granon C. Frarelyn is authorised to sign



Vielpris. 29th December, 1848.


THE Undersigned having taken the premises



Fenito, and

Jama and Jellies, &c.

Hongkong, 22nd January, 1849.


8. INESS having been appointed Agent for the Bale of Colonial Produce, beg to call the

lately necupied by Mr Chan. Bockton, has commenced basins ara Bhip Ghastler and Geos. |, attention of partias shipping to California, to bur

ral Storekeeper under the dron of A. H. Prven & Co. | present Binck of


Hongkong, 1st Nov?mber, 1848


TRA. T. DE BILVER is this day admitted

partner in our first, which will consist from This date of Mr A. R. Fayax and Sir E. T. DE BLLYER.

A. 6. FRYER & Co. Hongkong, January lat, 1849.


ALL. partion having claims against the late Capato Thomas Lindsey of the Bohooner Amelia are requested to sant their secrete without delay, and all pastise indebted to the said Captain Lindsey are requested to make immediate payment of the same to Messee Toknet & Co.

Hongkong, 26 January, 1849.


T the Godown of W. & T. Gemmell & Co

amall B100k of,


Buparier Pale Skerry.


Brown da



Hock, Grafonberg-

Apply to,

Claret, Chalon Margaux.




on the Premises lo,


Victoria, 2nd January, 1849.

W. C. W. Beef



Ox Tengood:



Rounds of Kasf pinkled to order py Omoked Pigs Cheeks, deo., ds. Vi

A very superior sareple of Kiln dried Maine, and Hydralio prend Hoy.

Hongkong, 28od January, 1849,

RB. INESS he added covera! sorokies za kar already well aborted stonk of Millinery and Drapery in the shape of,

Preach Flowers and Weather

Striped Alpaled;

Musliu de Batman's

French Cansons, Habit Shirts, and Collare Thread Lada ? Childrens do.

and Diaper Feathers, Ribbons, da, da,

-A small assortment of Rabies Lingh, Hongkong, 22nd Janoury, 1849,


Quira Road,



MADAD, HINNAM'8, China Shopkeeper.

Vissaria, 11th Jupc, 1848.

one at present under his tuition, to whom wo be imparfod, solid and anoful accomplishmen combined with every domaatio comfort, sod -cvlad to segues success in Mercantile purk

and other channels in life.

Colonial Church,

Victoria, 20th December, 1848.


moved his Establishment from M?cuo to Blingh and he has the pleasure of addressing ble best that to the Community of Macao, Casion, and Hod kong for the patronage he lisa received. Flekop by his exertions, to deseren in h?r new altuar theme sapport from the public. tle is wi Loopglied with a variety of Glouds. Bhanghai, 15th July, 1846.


THE Pics of RAWLE, DUUB & Ca [loc

kone, and of DUUN, KAWLE & Co. Bhai hai, wre thin day disfolved by mutual comfort. person having claims, against other firm, please send their soconuts for adjuntosem, and thi? indebted so the firms, will plotsa muka pymes, to the undersigned,


Vistoria, Hongkong, let Ocwber, 1848,


dersigned begs to intimoate that he will co? Evum to carry on a Genural ?oknoy, cal Comation Bosixem, on the move pronizer formerly under the Fine of N. DUUB & Co.

N. DUUS. Victoria, Hongkong, Tet October, 1848.



WR 1. A. L?BECK is authorised to sign

Firm by procuration.

N. DUUB & Co. Victoria, 4th January, 1849. NOTICE. nous & Co, will remise goods on Blare

in their godowns, at a moderate rent.


Floceive and forward Goods, or Parcels to part of Europe, India, or to the East Coast of Ch?

Victoria, Hongkong, Im October, 1848.


PRINTED ERME FOR BALE at the Offer of this paper:—

BILLS OF EAomanos,

or Lake,


for the ionlar and Qri-

ental Campang's Blousers,

ComFuLog Onvang, in Boots




?Marenaille Sormi sul cher work printed with'

pure Road; a CINE




Mrican Bhip will be Francisco early

Why Magri


Sding into.

Must pr

ztekau alck.


?1,040, Balwar's "Klena) **

*** bunciful med letostng widow of Baker, by the sale of hit jasanal, ?4,000


bel Elds of tde Fraryd or China,

Victoria, Hongkong, 2nd February, 1889.


* Tom and Janky" Prakus, on en in Hoxoxoxo,

The Sis Tipperary berak of day boys! SA few of your neighbours had their lamp ed list Tuesday morning about ? a. d. by half a dozen Stergious children averaging item 33 to 60 years of age (without baring the fear of God before their spes, and pre- orgskizing the god and wholesome laws made and pro- skled by the gore, wat of this land for the pros el her Majesty's gov? nment and objects. And wit fear as luceshought, in the height of their Caps, they

smashed eight lamps with clubs,

The following is a list of persons who suffered thro'

their caprice →

Mr Charles Markwick damage estimated § 1.50 Mr







Winnlbery 1'ng Sheng


The above case was tried before the Chief Magistras with the lanen of the Nuperintendent of Police and every point was izvestigated by the proper authortilen ; the case broke down and wandismimed through a wast of a 1stle clearer evidence. The Europesa sod Indian Coonia- bles are ordered in elab together and make up (be, som jo pay right broken lomapa.

Esusura rom Nie, the Onnstablor are not so much 10 Viime, nyibe “Tapetory Boad" were out of sight, as quick na a Steam Carriner, ini) the band sfumat

Ao all the mx Gentlemen were well dressed in a Pall Mall frekara, and a samit weesking of theca in the segnes uf ent Lay the Queen, I think it but frie and just for them to club gelber and hand over the amount of damage ta O. May, Fan, not allow time poor Constables to shovel mut khele hard earned in for chele maning folly.

If you deem chin alghi informativa worthy of pour, whice, "ore tunic emer of your widely clientsued g?ent of

Ching.—Etundin, your obedient oureang


Wat recommend the suggestion of the "canale Sch" to the coluideration of the "Smashers”—we

mean, that as they enjoyed the frolic they pay the piper by transmating the amount of damage to the Superintendent of police.


NOTICE. New Advertisumants will be received wat 4 ?Clack, on the frenings previous to publi. cation, vit: Tuesdays and Frilaga




LATEST DATES. Forlond Nov. 26 Brdner Dec. Unltd State Not. 6 Baari

Elec. Cakia Dec.

Singapore Jasy Itounty Dec. 10 Mabila

1c. 20 Shanghai Jan. 20





NOTICE --Pleine Service will for the perment he can The Clubs House, Saday 11 A. Med past 1. W.; and on Thursdays at a P. M.

doce in the balding adjoining the Hunt Cow and oppose

Viciona Ortober, (814


Colonial Che plain.


While no

in Ungkong. It is the interest of the Importer i shat diffusion and attention which they deserved. * ? to have bis property landed and stored in se

curo gowns; the expense of areceiving ship is estimated at from 81,000 to $1,200 a month,| which in itself is & hoaxy charge, and one which would in a great degree be saved by landing the drug. The Chinese have been avons to coming here to make their purchases or to take delivery of purchases made at Canton, but this feeling is gradually being overcome since the Opium Monopolin's private cruiser was dial lowod, and ere long it will have ceased to exist. We havo heard the present sales estimated at 360 chests a mouth giving an annual value of ?420,000. This, of course, has no reference to the large shipments to the east coast on forsiga socnurt. By licensing the oplam smoking shops and legalising the sale of the drug by the ball, the sales would no doubt in- cream, and a Junk trade be established to the advarage of every inhabitant of the Island who has an interest in trade or property.



un they were, hardly extended beyond Mulseen and

yrare omitted no opportunity of extending our knowledge respecting the Peninsula, and thin will continue to be the ebiet object of our own enquiries. Those wine investigatione have been more carie! and searching, and all who here had, or may have, opportunities of adding to our knowledge of it in any particular, will, we marnestly brg, ju in our laboura. Occupied by many Interesting states wil tribes-forming as it did ons, perhaps the principal, channel by which the stream of human migration spread from the great Table Land of Asia to the Archipelago and the remotest Infands of Polynesia, anciomly the seat of one of the most famous of Malayan history.deserves to be rescued from Hindu colonies, and, in modere ages the prosi feki

neglect. Its economical value bas noly lately be- gun to exeita loquale attention, but it senile hits foresight to pronounce that is a few years many of its plains, en well adapted for the production of Sugar and all other tropical comunndities, and its mountain and bill range, which are amongst the richest magazines of tim ore in the world, will be occupied and explored by British enterprise.

The last twenty men have been jakna during the inland states adjoining it. We have for soma

youre la preserve the rulerest of the English public in the Archipelago, and the writ ingu?t Masiden, Rappler and Chawroad, de?- cast as their authors admitted them to be, have contined to represent the sum of English know ledge of its racon and productions, a great amount of talent and research has, in reality, been devoted to it. When we replaced the Dutch in ibuir Ear- pomensions, we are, at the same time, to have made over to them the science of the Archipelago. The scientia ardeur which was kindled in Jars by Sir T.& Raftes and his coadjutore, did not bure out when we retired from it, but was communicated subjects which we left in obscurity, but receiving to our successors, and has not only illustrated many

is fresh simulus and direction from every advance of science on the Continent of Europe, has shed new light on those which bad most attracted our regard. It was in the deep regrat with which we sew that the Eastern ermesiches of the Dutch were peded, because unknown, in England, that the ideo of the proposed Journal originated. It is this ing that in the absence of say Socisty in the British Beltements, devoted like iborat Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, Ceylon, and Hongkong is the collection of general information, kas induced us to vercome our reluctance to appear before the public 1. the originatore of a pariadical partaking, lo suy THE JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN AR., of a general sclerotic character. If a hearty tool for knowledge, a willingness to give all our CHIPELAGO-Printed at the Mission Prase | leleure to its extenalan, and a determination to be Singapore, Agents in China, Morsen Burrccurate and laborious, may enable us to do some service to men of science, we shall not regret that, in following up our own limited pursuits, we bo- came acquainted with the extensive acquisitions of our Dutch neighbours, and at once saw that we should be pere likely to make ourselves useful by confining ourselves to original observations. The communicating these to our countrymen, then by chief purpose of the Journal will be, by translations, compilations and notices from Dutch writings, to make English radere acquainted with their re searches. They embrace & wido and singulati varied Geld t. and extend to so many subjects but


Tum periodical was established at a time when obervation was partially directed to the In- dian Archipelago by the naval operations on the Coast of Borneo under Admiral Bir Thomas Cochrane, the success of Me Brooke at Para wak, and the proposed colonization of the is land of Labuan. The occupation of Java and the writings of Sir T. 8. Raffles and Mr



The Hongkong papers notice that the flangkong and Cantos Birom packet Company bere electe] their Directors, and expect to commence operation in March next, with two boats of 250 tons sach, drawing 6 feet 3 inches when loaded, and having speed of 10 mites an hour curtain: bot ero- ditable as this undertaking in to the commercat enterprise of the perobants at Canton and the new settlement, it is likely to prove of less advantage to the shareholders, then it would have done, from the Steamer is expected out immediately, to run bew unlucky circumstance, that a P. and O. Company's tween Hongkong and Caston; although, when up- plied to in 1847, the P.and ?. Company refused to take up the line, stating that they wore an Ocean Company, and that a river trafo was quite out of their line; and allerwards when the new company was started, they again declined to accept the par-

The conduct of the P. and O. Company weare the unhandsome appearance of declining to unter upon a new speculation from being doubtful of its success; though they were furnished with emplo statements of the anticipated earnings, and promis

Crawford at one period arrested (5) alten ball ba compelled to give the Journa?e more mix. ticipation in the schema that was proposed to them. of popular and of purely selemifio interest, that wo of the English public; but the surrender of ed character than may be altogether acceptable to Java to its old masters, the feeling gradually any one class of readers. But as we do not doubt subsided, and farther than a general acquain, that all who may support the undertaking will rance with the affairs of the Britisk settle cordially approve of its object, which is to gather and present to Europees readers, from all available ments in the Straits, the Malay Peninsula sources, knowledge, in the widest sense, of the led the full support of the commercial public at both and the Archipelago were forgollen, except: diso Archipelago, we trust that the general render places on the pleas of dignity, and having alrendy by a few philanthropists who longed for any who may take up the Journal will make allowscre more to do that they could woll manage: but no for the space occupied by scientific subjects, and amelioration in the condition of the inhabithat the scientific reader, in his turn, will not question of the merchants to take up the line withs sooner do they feel satisfied,—from the determina- The design of the new periodical rel with its more miscellaneous ingredients Wo

vesels of their own,—that the concern would pay. was to keep alive the flame that had been suficipate however from the prevailing into for that they descend from theu dignity of wholesale

ocean traffic, to associato the retail tiver trade rekindled, by drawing into a focus from vari treat all kinds of subjects in a scientific or accurate general knowledge, and the growing tendeboy to

and to exclude, if possible the first promoters of the ous sources a collection of papers relating and thoughtful spirit, that our largest clam of ren-

scheme from participating in its pecuniary adrant. to the East. In addition to original arti- dere will be authciently catholio la their sympathies age, by anticipating their preparations. THE FRIEND OF CHINA cles, it was intended that translations from to form is only by the union of subjects wong hee published a letter la detence of for the to find good in every thing" that we shall lay | The Agent of the P. and O. Company at long. Dutch and Spanish authors should occupy a really kept separate that we can hope to attain players; acknowledging indeed they were from the considerable portion of the work. The papers

opport at the outset to enable us to pro

commencement disinclined to undertake the na which have appeared embrace the history, ced, and it is fortunate that many erra of the between Hongkong and Canton stating that languago and Niterature of the various races;

scientific papers of the Dutch explorers are com that Directors subsequently reconsidered the mat- also contributions on natural history, agriculture their explorations that they are well adapted for expressed their intention of sending out at all bined with so much of the personal narrative of ter, and in consequence of further representations topography and other subjects The trapela our purpose. Should a desire afterwards be fell to events one steamer; which he thinks should ele tions relate to Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes,|| have a strictly scintific separately from a popular them of the charge of entering into unprovoked and the Philippines, Bali and the other islands of the our subscribers are numerous enough to maintain suspend its judgment of their conduct till the roy mimcellany, we shall readily alter our plan provided wamerited opposition: requesting the public to Archipelagu; while the communlegted papers two periodicals.

of the Director previous to the contract for the are chiefly confined to the Malay Peninsula

two steamers by shu Hongkong company alia?i be and Siam, The Journal has been in existence

held before it. This reply the new company have for upwards of eighteen months, and captains a

gol published, but one of the directors has stated The hours of Divine Screke will be 11. a. m., and ipdeal of valuable information, much of which,

tory; and that it was received after they bad in- that it appears to himself and another unsatisfac especially the translations, would have been

formed the P. and O. Director of their intentias to build vessels for themselves, stating at the samo entirely lost to the English reader bat for the exertions of the Editor.

time, that if the P, and Q. Company would within La resorable time take up the matter they would abandon their intentions: and as the P and O Company were aware that the two elemen were in course of building after, and in consequence of the unaliafactory reply, it certainly looks as if tios were wall grounded. The representations, of the charges of anprovoked and unmerited opposi

comelder the matter, could not have come from the which the Agent speaks, as inducing them to re- tiongkong Company, neither could they was ax- pressed their change of intentions to it: coderquent contique to de so, and to make our readers pas-ly the fitting out a vessel for the object contemplat- ticipate in the results, by tesouluting from the ad by the new Company, must, unless more and our Journal, that we shall be able to introduce ONE Dwich. It will not be the least beneficial effect of comeary facts appear, be considered in the light eighbours to our Engleb reeders in a character

af opposition to te mucos-Madras Crescent, December in which they have not been accustomed to view them, and thereby, we traat, help to soften those species of feeling that are apt to be occasonally with British interest engendered when Dusch policy seems to conflict

NOTICE PITA Causen. Thin songings. tion, rendweed for the present by the Hav. W. C. Burns, will meet every Saunatis, in the Bangalow immnaliosely be hood the Chun klosse

17. M.

Victoria, 2ta Normber, 1848,

A couple of weeks ago a Correspondent en- quired, Why the merchants who are an ao- Tous to do away with the monopolies in Hong. kong, more particularly the opjum licenses, should charge from $5 to $10 per cheat higher for opium than the prices at Canton and Cum- sing-moon" We were not theft aware that apsum commands a higher figure at Hongkong

While the Journal wit principally be a channel for communicating to European renders the past Archipelago generally, it will, we trust, serve as a and contemporaneous writings of the Dutch on the focus in which the observations of English and American residenta in Java, Bali, Borneo, the Phi- lippines, Siam, &c., may be concentrated. We my English and American, because, although we aball of course be always happy to-receive odli?tu. We are surprised to learn that the Journal nications from any paroon, we are met anxious to has not paid expenses; and that contrary to the

avoid every appearance of offering the wee of our expectations of the projectors it is chiefly Journal to the Dutch contributors to the periodicals of Batovia. We are indebted to Dr W. R Baron lernents and in Java. The proprietors think ciety, and the learned, abs, and sealous editor of supported by subscribers in the Straits set,

Man Hovals, the President of the Batavian Bo that it has not had a fair trial, particularly in for constant and most liberal assistance in making the leading seleute and titerary Jourbal there, Europe "where the first Agent did not take ourselves acquainted with the researches of him any means whatever of bringing it to the no-salf and bis countrymen, and we shall be too glad tice of the public," and in hopes of an increas ed circulation it has been determined to con- tinue is for another year. After a careful pet um of the work from the first to the luat number, we warmly recommend it to the fa- vour of the foreign residents in China.

Many of our readers have probably been ignorant of the existence of " the Journal of the Indian Archipelago," and our duty of directing observation to it has been too long neglected our present notice is purposely brief, in order to give an extract from the prospectus, where the design of the work is fully disclosed :-

Tus attention which, for some time past, has been attracted to the Indian Archipelage recent approximation to Europe by the ment of steam communication, encourage the hope that the time bas now arrived when a Journal de E-voted to this region may meet with readers. After the period when the writings of Me ManaDEN, Sir T. 8. RAFFLES and Mr Chawrond first systema- tically brought the light of European observation and science to bear upon some portions of it, the Archipelago only at intervals awakened the interest of the English public, and, no for as they were chipelago. concerned, it nearly settled down into its previous 10 there who, in ignorance of the later researches of obscurity. It la tree there has generally been two the Duck and of the bew and alimctive character which ellographiest swore has every base named, chiefly deerques by hot air or read Big discuteries of the great German philologists, Settlements on the Strait of Malaces, but their may prioripal object having been the discussion of come wealth of the Archipelago, or even of the single stand that Rates and Ciawined exhausted the scien inercial, polical or purely local topics, their Eu- By be acid so semark that, if at the lands were to which hair personal observarloba were chiefly alereted, ropean esroulation he been chiefly amongst those Lugbi fogeiber, they would from a continent an largu an who have an immediate interest in the Eastern Great Britalo, Fiance, Spale, Portugal, Italy, Sweiland, Trade. The consequence nian been many valuable Piumia, Belgium, Holland and Denmark united, and thei and interesting observations, which from time to

they exbibit a greater diversity of sellers, languages, and time bave been published in thein, nerer Pecrived pructions, idap any other reging of equal ezicht

in the world.

and at Macao than it does at Com sing-moon, but much is undoubtedly the fact, and because is readily explained. Foreign merchants in Canton only sell opium deliverable in the outer waters that is at Cum-sing-moon, Macao or Hongkong. the buyers pay the money in ad- vance and receive orders for the drug, which is delivered at the place named on presenta tinn of the orders. It is needless to say that these purchases are made with the full intention of snuggling the opium into China, and that Cum-sing-moon possamos peculiar advantages for this sort of traffic with the Canton river. Re- cently, however, a rigid blockade has been es- tablished by the Mandarins, and the smuggling boats are only allowed to pass on payment of a fee (or duty) of 650 a chest, and in conse- quence the market value of opium at the ropean settlements, where the trade is free and unletiered, is usually $10 a cheat above the Com-sing-moon rate.

We have repeatedly expressed an opinion that ultimately thin colnay will be the seat of a large trade in opiums, both no regards the ex- tensive purchases of the professional Chinese contrabandistas and the moderate dealings of the Junk traders. To's considerable extent this opinion luss been verified, and if no “un- toward affair" intimidates the Chinese, at no distant day the whole or nearly the whole of the Cum-sing-moon trade will be concentrated

aal of the Britis! Settlements on the Straits of Ma- It will, in a more particular manner, be a Jour. laces, and of the Malayan Febiaule, to which our an observations are and will be chiefly directed While Sumatre and Java have been investigated by English writers, the Peninsular extremity of connected than with the Archipelago has remain. Asis, with which we are now more immediately comparatively unexplored: for the published re searches of COLONEL Low have chiefly related, though they have by no mean been restricted, to the Siamese language, in which he is one of the most distinguished scholars of the age, and Captain NEWBOLD original contributions, highly valuable

receive, enable us to enlarge is hereafter, we end to re-

tat the more Important and detached papers that have appeared, relative to the Ar

fhould the support which the projected Journal inay

caren of these and other


(From the Friend of India, Nov. 18.) The papers have stated that a plot has been dise cowered during the last week, to pose Fort William.

plunder Calcutta, and murder the Europeans, and that i was traced up to Sikh emissaries, who, through the agency of the notorious soi-dieet Ita jah gf Burdwan, Farlab Chand, bad been lomper ing with our Native troops, though apparently without any success.

Various, and, in some re spects, contradictory tumours have obtained air- culation, as to the nature and extent of the conspi racy and the disclosures which have been made la lieve that the following will be found to boa cor- the course of the enquiry. We have reason to be- reet version of the evidence which was obtained at


It was stated in the evidence given ou the Court of Enquiry, that a Havildar-Major of the 56th Gre nadiers was visited in his tent by two men who told bim they had something to say to him, and would come again in eight days to any it; at the expira tion of that period they returned and mid, if ha would gain over the regiment, he would perform a great work for his country and his faith, and that there were even crores of rupees in Calcutta e

? crate of rupees werk set aside for the 18th; that

should have, braided two days' plunder of Calcut the seven regiments at Barrackpore and that they

On their departure, the Havildar proceeded to the Adjutant, who sent him to the Colonel, to whom ke related to whole affair, mud added that he would



than the implicit eonfi lence wlutch we are required to place in th?ts whose prafentional ufulities kas Dever been held in any degree of estimation by the press or the public of Indii, the number of troops with Moolraj, at the time We know that whan Anderson and Agnew wars butchered, did not exceed 4500, and there is every reason to be lieve that if General Whish had been able to proce at with his army of 7040 men, and his will-ap- picted astillery to Monltun, before that army war swelled to 80, or 13,000 forn, and the Dewan had cajoyed such ample leisure to prepare for defence, the submission of his man who, on a former oc oslon repaired to Lahere, when supposed to en- tertain thoughts of rebellion, on the mere threat of coercion from Colonel Lawrence, would have


kawa of ita success and of ite permanemes, there che no longer be any doubt, The expression he was so food, of repeating that there would not be a shot fired in India for the only as affording another example of the vanity of dex.acron yonce, la remembered by his friend humas wishes, and i la repeated By his senior, In the hope of increasing his morti?ention Bur may not hip Lockship with good reason impaga the juice of this decision, and the fairness of

charging daster on his palicy which have arisen out of a departure from it? May he not allow that He neve superad sho Punjab tu remain quiescani," arungi na washowed ourselves able n?d determland te wip revolt in the very bad! May be not bring forward the fact that he sudeavored to maintain peace by a constant propa-ution fir war, and that in the case of Calimero and Kangra be shownd how he would have dealt with Stocks! May be ani vafar, and with effect, to the period of his own; and Col. Lawrence's administrailou, and maintain that his policy worked admirably while they com aw douscle were sloped, and not only was bound in ladle, and that it has failed only vines

but the oficer who endeavored to check a. gyrok allowed to repialu anpunished for tix.

the last antempt to suppoq kim !--[id, in b?i hwoncha h? ble aw? PHOBICAO, whi


have arrested the men, but he wished to find out which the Court of reolute have conferred on thest employer. After another period of eight | Major Edwards. The following is their Resolu das the two emissaries mado shoir appearance, and asked him if he had mude any arrangomento. Realed ussnimously, that this Court do pre and he answered he had gained over Subadar sent to Major Edwards a gold modal in testimony who had great influence, and to whom he had pre- of their high approbation of the important asrvices rendered by him in raining and organising a large ly related the whole flair. The Subedar came 13 the tent and exid, * This is all very well, but who force in a forign territory, under circumstances of it your employer. I must use him, and then I can the grasiest d?ssaulty; in wresting within a Bery tra The man consented, to take them to his brio period an extensive tract of country from the presence, and went away for a time, during which, power of the rebels; lo skilfully combig die whole malter was communicated to the Colefords with those of an ally and in signally defeat gel, and orders mocived to make thu visit with the ing the troops of the enemy in two pitched battles, mes at all risks. The two offerre, anda sepoy thus evincing the possession, in the fewer of his went down in a boat to the Miat, but refused to go youth, of all those qualities which form and en- farther that night. They slept at the Mim guard noble the character of the British officer. and in the morning met the men at a shop near It will not escape remark that this noble reward been almost certain. But all the authorities al la said to be granted on the strength of the des. | Labore, at Simlah and at Calcutta am asid to hava Premchunder Mahadeo, and about a gearer of wils to the southward of Burrs Bazar. They then patches of the Governor General of India, and we

rejected the propnaal of marching a force against put on the Dum dum road, and stir about half conclude of course, that it is in strict socordance Moolian before the cold season.

with his Lordship's views of the ongduct and ma-

It is reported an hour's walk, resahed a place where there was a

that their judgment was bised, partly on the nk and near it a large house. Here they found rite of that officer, and that his success has been danger of moving troops in summer and during the about Gre men, and among then one of singular represented to the most broumble light by the rains, and partly on the discovery which halt boen Nature, and after some time were admitted to the Government of Ladis, whatever opinion may be made of a general conspiracy among the obiele, prrence of the Rajah Porlab Chand. The Rajab | entertained of it in other quarters. The com which was to have broken out ne soon ann large old them that if they would assist in exking pesmen:lation of the Court of Directors is strictly body of our troops had been detached to Mooltan, assion of the country, every smpny would havo | confined to the exerilona made by Major Edwardes, To have made any effort to extinguish the Mont 10000 Rs. He informed them that la Nuramber | and to thoir anuplolaus conul. "Eu to not lauded tan rebellion at once, would therefore, have been out. In regiments would descend from Napsal to size for having extinguished the rebellion in the Punjab, only to play the enemy's game; and an Moelraj Segelis; that our army would not take Moolan; and saved the country from the grasp of the la. was allowed a lang impunity, and permitted to that there was one man amongst those in the house, surgents, but for having raised and organized a augment bis mosus of resistance, in order that wo who would reign over all India, and that twenty large force in a foreign territory, under clrous might baffle the designs of the fales and treacherous one Rnjabs in Bengal ware all joined together to tances of the greatest dimouky for having wrest chief of the Durbar. Now, however certain it hilate the Feringhis; that omisarise from Laod within a brief period an extensive tract of hy be that a diaposition has always existed, in horn were in every city in India, and that the No. country from the power of the rebels, for having Lahore, as it does mere or less in every part of palese and other native power were all in the com- skilfully combined his forces with those of an ally, Todiate get rid of us, and that a wish was cho bigstion. The Fort was to be seized and then Ben and signally defeated the troops of the snomy in rished to improve any opportunity which might were ral would be theirs. The interview closed with a two pitched battles > These are historical facts- hold was a prospect of complete success, il appeare present to the Bubedar, and a promiss that the ten To Jetract from bis merits, and blight his well-highly improbable that any such deep-labi design call Wol, or would nos ringte b?n, and laparoid od and ga:ircled by difflrukian. His friendo either shoukl again visk them in eight days. The whole armed faurols, an attempt has been made to show should ever have been formed by the Punjaboo pollenly disappeared, and procured a Com. e reported to the Colonel, and on the arrival of that Mostraj did u meet him with his best troups, Sikha. It is not in accordance with the antional guotline Millie Regiment. For short the ensinusies they were put in arrest, and orders but with a mere rabble; and that he allowed him. character, nor has the assumption been supported skin whereaboul was unownbat his creditors despatched to avize Vartab Chand, which war done. well to be basten, to allure Major Edwardos to his by any subsequent events. The recent revolt of Junghi diecovered, and throned blog. Hongu This is a most singafer casu. That the Bledars capital. But this is mere matter of opinion; and Chutter Singls and others may be satisfactorily himself and, dignised as a Bailor, wade should think of inveighling the supoys at Barrachis is the opinion of those whose invidious and hor socomated for by our lonelivity, which was so rope. From the tumerence of bis Hagi. pore is extraordinary, but still more so that they uile foolings towards this gallant oficer deprived markable, and to those who did not perceive the mentala hering bass left on the beach when ha should have chosen Portab Chand as their agent. of all valus. Most soldly, it was the interest profound wisdom which is said to have dictated it, extraced on board a bant for London, it was sup- Though probably more than half the statements of Moolrej to cruah Major Edwardes and his army

must have appeared as unequivocally the revak off made by the Rajah are false, they show very clearly and to redurer postasion of the districts at the papillanimity, that tnly wonder is that i dil pe ba bad been growwed while bathing. the sources froin which aid is expected. As for the

De striving in Cindon, he that a recruitjog pa earliest period and he would have done so, If be. so blow the whole of the Punjab itu ama ulized wader the uamp of "Charice to- twenty and Kajuho of Bengal, they will never risk

He brought forth his best traupt, ny sub plen was formed in the month of April Barty" in H. M. 14th Lt. Dragoon. His good their Zemindaries, nor do we think them unfaithful all but could be spared from the garrison of Mool- last, it is most legular that it should not havo boon to the Government which maintains them. From un, so he did not retreat to the fortress, till bo carried into execution when there was a chance

· gondost and his intelligence r?cotsmandau hits 14 Arpaulamistance might be procured, and with found himself unable to cope with his enemy in the

An 'nodes of his superior Officers, and when ho of success, and when the combined march of thosed to the Peninsula in 1818, he carried wah regard to the Bikh emissaries, the fact is perhaps 16, as it was said, there was a general design. troppe, which are now in the field against us, upon the most outiainctory recognitions.

on the part of the chiefs in the Punjab to riso in incontrovertible. They are in every town, and

Laure might have been productive of serious we can only hope they will in every case moet rebellion, Major Edwardos's proosodinga prevented

He joined the L?ch L?, Denango a Portalegre oothequences to ut. But. If the Bles Book shell

Porngal. Hieidendi and in andre soon ad consin distinct evidence that at the time of Moldim to the rank d Cognach, then to that of with a similar rebuff. The story of the rapres is the breaking out of the conspiracy in other direc

uple falsehood, manufactured for the occasion, toss at a time of the year when it was declared

absencepted himself nur troops could not take the field. He has donu such mount of transure could possibly be Honed away in Calcutta without exciting observa-

The State good survice, and his rewards have buon tion. Who was to have been the king of all (adis nobly earned. we cannot even gures ; we know of but one family who are regard in India as the rightful sovereigns

the whole country,



The Mail of the 7th of October announces the very gratifying tentlmonial of their approbation

↑ Doc Elisa

18 XandersonS do,


had been able.

The inactivity exhibked for the last six monthe- has been the theins of general century throughout todia. We are told, however, that it was the co- salt of design, and the dicate of profound policy | |and wisdom ; that this policy has been condemned only because it was at understood, and that the Blue Book will establish this fact beyond all further ooglcovery. We shall be most happy to sue ita revelations, for at present the Jami?cation of that 'must singular policy reste on no other foundation


(From the Mofuscilice, November (9.) gentleman by birth amigigantino, We entered the Juhla at the age of 10, no nalang, and very short- hos pradigul, and he become amberate rewards obtained his Laviancy. His hubies

ra's defaction, the public authorities were fully aware of the extant of the conspiracy, and were in pression of the plaos of the cooupieslora, and - 299?u ska

at their ensolution not to march againat Mooltan | A

onon, and sodeavor to arush the rebel, mise jely, or even mainly, from a wish to bait? Gi?i signs of the treacherous chieftains who were

* iling for the dispersion of our armies to declarat, ?n

emselves independent, we shall be most ready toj bilify ang of those expressions of ensure which' we given such deep affangs.

The course of events in the Panjeb since the desarion of Mootraj, has been deemol an entiraj condemnation of Lord Harlinge's policy. That


(Published under the Direction of the Can?m British Chamber of Counger, 98th Jamery, 1810.)


(From lat July to S?ch January, 1849.)



699,880 789,882 120,489|107,#21|| 1,600|1,012,789|36,761,190| 78,472 32,138|290,734|1,613,118|399,000|3,69 CEL



Congen Cape

Crashing Barto Pabr

Mowry Orange Scented Tomi Ph Or.Pe

Tout from 1st July to 20th December 1848


(B) Londoo



192,000) 7,000| 428785

12,543 14,477

20,781 11,762


Eliza Kick Cork


4,800 12,000

11,200, 32,200) 18,4

18. Lima






12,100 250




386 208


45,141| 12,00

12" Vin't Sandon 29 Athana



46,048 21,088|| 9,000;




38,794 140,839 39,396 | 165514



9, 7500

14,900 $51,00


1 Jan. 17. Prom Liverpool


2,000| 21,600|| 1,800



8 Bucephalus London



48,800 $88,600


N. Margaret do.


27,316 1,730


90,892 $18,037




Total from a July to 20th



ad on some Where he was Duke of Welling. Blues,Ja the Bilibia, *****lington, Ber *** Katha mf the Army.

9,070 0,475 5,700 42,400 4,70 #1200) $104,500|| 000,000 13,218 01,329 5,719

Corresponding period in 1846 8,558,80970,370 733,723 806,821 889,400 124,105 283,215 1,001,908 91,150,436 197,926

do. 1847/28,238 671 29,449/274,290|$17,142|206,616|481,478|144,176|1,147,900 81,339,782,888,049) 24,414|313,047)1,358.927/416,63


Total in 48 ships to London

in 1 to Liverpool 3,084,821

6 n to Outposta Toul Export to Great Britain

154,218 99,242 8,490


47,700 19,900


from Canton in 48 vessels. from Shanghai 20

?Charles Kuberta ?k? g??bted an exi On the die er, be exchang Lahat pay into the

·and dilated to



17.470| 7,470

116437,025 1,291,777|314


157,8894584,8?9 1,895|| 1,190) 40,196 11,200 890,878 18,900

08,24 21,4 49,200 19.7

Goygou and Bouchong *3,001,160) 3,146,126

Caper Pouchong Owlong


| 4,744,472| 94,134| 82,183 197,637| 479,340||20,400) 200



Hyson Orange Thin Black Twankey Shin Pales




"Thial Graan Thai Esport

9,018,865 29.984 372.124 686,855

66,435 490,871 220,294 872,796 685,600 120,398 173,880


079602808,778 440604470 708. 45,176 8498,516) 759,607

905,560 6,683, 131


8,572 181


8.62° 174

?M95), -18,319,063


| 171,786|| 564,814|



89,142 6,927,807,100,180 163,891) 48,411 11,861 37,720

88,217 1,63,





























426,017-11 94

14197 813,100









· 194909)









303 0147,000|















210,603 25,200 196,712





Sea Witch








403,308, 19550) 421.9

60,420 777,340


1,676 494,188


1 Tonquin



4,506 45.770)

(66,844||| +27,901,



7,477 527,484



57 Dec






?27)836] ? +$523,51!

? 601,103




8,40 10,714









? 191,96% 90,348)||| 199,403|

? 38,031 92.30 $4,097

2,118,425 ?

61,004 1,108,787



2,054,041 23,984 216,915 429,284] $,840,134

580,425 6,634,20) 543,316)

Sexton 1843 and 1846 in 41 resaria Sen 1840 and 1847 in 41 do. Besson 1947 and 1848 in 31 do. Tual from July to 20th Dec. 1848. 19 Not, Horque (8)

22 Dec. Inca

22 Jahr Q. Adams

26, Narigator

30- Raduga

Jon Oneida

18 l'anconver


for New York

Tutalist July to 20th Jan. 1919

forresponding perio-l

302,683 648,898)

16,809 55,965 3,508,047 $48,887 8,968,579 36,910, 2,764,698|| 720,450 1,918,590) 8,654

70,089 86,207 2,958,500+ 368,024| 267,71:|

891.000 47,93 20.144 354, 102, 2007) -- 20,000)

299,80095, 20

340,310 4,816.02


410,420) 3,446,107



680.073 0,991,364 19,745,89% 466,291 7,980,046 10.100,012






ARCAN Dars, schooner

| Jeficios, ship (Whaler)

Catherine, burgos


Baghs, brig

hide, brig



Ruse, If und e

proceed to India, he accompanied it. Brigadier General Cureton's honorabil curent in the t?b Youso Mex, Iran-One of the bari odkors of the Westminster Review" wats comper in Aberdeen: one of the greatest philanthropists of hja day west an Lances is too well known to the require mention at the nur hands. Throughout the whole of his mice to surgeon in Fraserborg: one of the editors of a Lanodon daily" Tray eerrice from the lowest grade to the disin. was a baker in Elgin; the editor of the Wines sa plode maron lo Cromarty; one of the ablest London ministers was a watchmaker in Banff: the guired position the recently reached-be always la Dr Mine of China was a bordboy in Aberdeenshire; the Principal of the janved himself a brave soldier, an able and intelli-Loodnu Missionary Society's College at Hongkong was a saddler in Huntly tent Ullicer, and an upright and honorable man.

one of the best Indian Misionaries was a tailor in Kaith; the richest iron- As the head of a Regiment, he was like tapeeted founder in England was a working man in Morayshire; Bir J. Clark, Queen's by his Officers and men; and after the late Cam-physician, was a druggist in Babl; our of the members for Glasgow was poor jagu on the Sutledge, when he was advanced to

| Rossshire boy and Joseph Home was a silor boy in Montross. the important post of Adjutant General of H. M. Troops in Indie, we doubt if there was an Officer in any service who failed to rejoice at his good fortune.

Cuerly destitute of vulgarity, he was untainted by that offensivo presumption which to ofion at Cnds on eminence so rapid and so lolly as was his. 'Jan?. We have heard his unbending strictions often re marked upon; but we never once board wima accus- ed of insolvence ar an overbearing Jemendour

This no trifling praise. His loss is indeed a serere one, not only to his family sad his friends; but also the country that he served. 10 in s curious circumstance that he should have closed, hin existence in the presence of the same Regigoot the 14th Dragoone) in which, upwards of 38 yan? ngo, hi military career may be mid to becom quenced.

At more fixing opportunity, we shall have occasion to revett to the services of this Officer, and

to the claja those who aurcing him.


Compliment for Compliasest,—De. Loena baving, after lund contest, carried tho elration for the elly of Duldis, was met a few days after by a lady, whom forgily was very wargi in the interest of the defeated candidate. Well, Doctor,” says she, “ ? find you have gained the election ? `Yab, madam.

No wonder, Sk, was the reply, 'all do black- gourds voted for you." "No madam, your two sons did not,' replied the Doctor,

A flint for the House of Canmom.—A law among the Arabe permits a inen to divoros any of his wives who do not make go?i breed,

American Advice to "Six Point" Reformers. --The New Xork Express, in speaking of die insane gitation for organic political changes by means of physical force, says:-The six 'points" of the Chartists of England are no doubt known to sur renders. The petitioneze pray (1) for annual Parliaments, (2) universal suffrage, (3) rule by ballot, (4) equal electoral districts, (5) no proper 1 qualification, and (6) the payment of inainbera. Now, at the first blush, all ibare seem ressonable enough if the people want them—although there a no proof that they do, but rather proof to this. contrary; but when we renumber that, in this country, ("Ameries), no one of the points,





91, Zephyr, Wilson, fram Foochow 25th January, 31, Avia, Wan, from London 17th September February,

1, Kajakstan, Patterson, from Whampoa.

1, Afonarch, Duncanson, from Bombay 18th November.

9, Prussian Eagle (Prussian), Schutt, froen Hamborgh 18th September.

Chin, Fergusson, from Bombay 23rd November.

?, Gasalis, Deoul, from Cumsingmoon.


The Monarch aw the ship China, off the Lama Islands, on the fat instant.





30, Strade (Am), Hussey, Whampoa.

30, Mazeppa, Jauncey, Whampon.

91, Gmelle, Drued, Cumaingmson,

31, Tartar, Harvey, Singapore.

$1, Toubella Blyth, Baylis, Whampon. 8f, Brighton [Am. Whaler), West, Son. February,

1, Sultana (Dutch), Peterson, Macao,

2. Angelina, Morgan, Whampoa.

a, fisselle, Drued, East Coast.

2, Charlotte Jane, Lawrance, Singapore.

U. 4, ship tamings



longkang 74 Qa

Big Columbine



Brig Be

Brie Arab

Brig Mariner

Bum Fary


Her ladenible

Beemer Alades

H, C. B Phlagution H. M. Shy Algnor


vo the payment of menbers of Congress, in U. & Ship Plymouth universally recognised at the five of the land, it is

not for up to any a word in favour of the Chaitta

Ship Proble


of England, at least until we make their theoretical Corvette La Baroni

12 Jum Shanghol] 18 Gene Hongkong

C. Chian Gui Hongkong


4 Gud

Hongkong. Hapical


||17 Images | 38 Kuna

16 Kame


Shanghal 30 le

Kone-Amirulier F. A.Colline, Captain J. W. Morgan. Comasunder J. C. D. Hay. Commander P. B. Zakostan. Commander W. Morris. Commander C. M. Mathieson Commander James Willook. Commander 3. C. Nov. Commander T. §. Mason. Commander Niblets. Duever Benir.



Commodes D. Gialoger, Captain T. R. Gedney. Commander James Hysa,

Capain La Graviore.

Babe, bergun Amalope, brig

Coptar, ship

Clarendon, ship Angima, schooner Pacini, schoona)


Aizada, brig

Nossa Senhora de Las, trigi

|Hongkong| 150 Porter 435 Sub Whampoa $30 Pract

Schu Lavat

120) Wamen

4:20 Tonery

|Bangkal || 37 Walking


373 Prescott

Welmore and co. |Kussell and nu. |. O. Comstock.

||Augustina Heard and co

Bush and ou





Revell and on.

134 Karbook James Tait.

Bani Comet 106|Thorp Chincha

Rose and co.

100 Brimklecome |Russell and ca,



320 eba

Jos? Vieras Jorge

Geneva, belg

Pedro Jess da Silva Leeraro,

Marquis of Halaga, bargue


las? Ferncisco d'Oliveirs.

Jos? Manoel de Jesus.

Lerence Marques,

Thamalgo, barque


Ancora, chouer


Ove Amigo, chooner

105 ra

17. A. de Racion




160 Cabada

Jan Vicente Forge. Jacon Tail.

Amistad, barqu

Asrors, schoder


Vrouw Johanna, baryas djumla Llong, baryon

Jussian, bergi

Buku, barges Pati

Prosba Engle, ship


Ann, leroha

Bolly, forske

(Store Skips)

Lady Bayan, barn

Whempos || 595 Vandu bonvan |Demand co

Maco Cumbe


300 Ima


[Hongkong] 300|Dowell

44 Hann

Hongkong || 850|Coume 370 Burley |14|Mer Cammoon Langlay

Bersenjen Hernandes, ship Falso, ship

Lugar, brig


Rupareli (Am.), bargos

Jin Badloot, J.

Restora, brig

$17 Winon

Anonymu, belg



Warlock, brig

237 Man

Lard Amboni, ship



Se Mila


Pathfinder, barque Royal, choos

Wurloqul, brig

Lawn, burgos Ani, rig

Mehanodes, baryan Amam, ship.

Black Dr, schooner

Dido, schooner

Emily Jone, shi

Fellsms, ship


Balpe (Am.), brig Time, iakoener

William, brig

William Hughan (Am.), bele

Willem JV., barqar Hales, schommer Tornata, barque





Chlebow) 195 Cowwford

972 Woodrow

Foo--foo 919 Hels



06 Wi

496 Landers

930 Chape


Dobu Card and

Kennedy, Mangregor und ca.

Duse and on Dan and so

Jardine, Marbenen and co, Jardins, Matheson and on. 1.A.0lding, P.& 0.Com. Agon. Augustine Hosed and on Cowles Bapourjmo Langises, B. stunnaf) and oo.

Fossanine Fromise Coma and on Jardins, Matheson and as. Cantando.

Deat and co.

Jardins, Mathotom and co.

Ayme, Mair and ve

Fundina, Mathmen and on,

Dead and .

Deal and co.

Jandur, Matheson and co.

Gao. F. Raberizon.

David Samoon Bene mad ca


Dent and

Jardins, Matheson and so Coweges Bapoorjee Langras,

Indian, W. Augustine Heard and co.

Paola Franjo Ca? Klima and

11 Lay

113 Baird


Looking Gart

979 Primuman

itmeall and co

Lindsay and a

Jardine, Muiberon and co

staad oo.


Hongkong Scotland |Whampoa | Angelina.

Blackfriar Shanghai Constance







Gilman & Co.


Dent & Co.


Direm, Gray & Co.




Gilman, Bowman & Co Early

Dent & Co.


John Bunyan

siness & Comme


?Dent & Co.


Aries & Co.

Early Early


A Two Masters



Whampoa Syrin

Ditom, Gray & Co Early


William Stowaniardino, Matheson & Co Early Shanghai Confucius

In democratie Virginia a man toust be a freebokler – Asia, ship

|Hongkong| 084|Wat

Jardian, Mathosen and co

Bangalore, barqna Chin. hp

617 Martyn

Bob and on.

Me?wen and go.

Holland Sydney

| 133 | King

Mom and on


Maricar sed ca


Sarah Louisa Whampoa Sir H. Compton

Jardine, Matheson & Co Parly Walloo

Jardine, Matheson & Co Early Whampos Vrouw Jobanns Dent & Co.

Early Shanghai Chalco


Early H, Worthington & Co Early




(homas Larklan


Sir Robert Sale Hermes


P. Framjee Cama & Co Imunedia Lindsay & Co.

Early Relan & Co


Digon, Gray and no.

*points" our points' in padelice. We hav? ku Annual Congress, Members of the House are elected for two years, and members of the Senato We have no univeront undrago. for six years, The three millions of elaves de nut voto, begroes in the free States do not vote(two or three Blated excepted) without a property qualification.


To vote. In some of the other State#thera wes

alto rigid remicuiana. The vote by ballet is known

so where in the slave Slater, The rice puce is the

unly mode of roting, and it is and certain that it is not the best way. Equal electoral districts da,

not exist in this country. Six hundred white men

. in South Carolina or Louisiana eloci na niesy

members of Congress us vix thousand in New York. The lo state of Delawere, entitled to

bat ong, mumber of Congress, elects as many sena.

tors a New York, entitled to her blety-ai mein- hers in the Lower House. Thus, whatever evil the cmazulis groan undet, if any, we groan under here in theso (their dean island,)_Unitud Bintre. But if we are misgoverned here, or if misgurarment exista in England, it is rain to deny that it is our


Corner, camer Dele, schooner Beperor, sup

Hresor, brigh

flalen bouwart, barque

Hladnitze, slip

Jin Coper, akip

Lily Ma?ington, hargan

Land O'Cakes, dip

Leed Hardbags, ship

Monarch, ship

Quern, barque kafazi, Nap

Rejsetan, sh

Ited Hover, barque


own fault. No revolution, no exertion of, kyuichi |?ga, haryan fover, can, better our condition. The cause of onder wallow, barque is the cause of liberty; tyrants, albid thieves alone, Vigan, schooner thrie by confiction. The pengress of popular power, choos

West ladion, bargne is founded on knowledge; and the best frult of 4 knowledge is power. It is kings and autocrats' Amelia, achooner whose bush in the bayonet, and whoge only faith Amoy Packet, schoones is in the side and parks of artillery. Let the purple!

show they are worthy to be fres by practising the virtues of freedom

Anguilas, barque

Balla blansa, aby

Anne Cropper, ship

Packfriar, arque

Eagle, barque

A correspondent of the Daily Near thus desart-Fa, barque

bes Marahal Radetaki: is age occasions him to !lormes, barque

be lifted un his horse, but when osea housed on the boila Blyth, hargue

Malacca, abip

beast be becomes a centaur, incorporated with the amp, moima). In consequence of the heat, be wears w | Orlane skly

large sound hat like a shephend in a " ballot,” all of Bir Herbert Comprom, basque which has a strange alloci, with bis crosses, while | B? Robert Bala, ship

full uniform, and other datorations'

Pin upon Pun-Why is an honest man liko a carpenter ! maid one gentleman to another, 'I can't tell, was the newer. Why because he is a plain dealer.'

? Ah! Fano it now you have made it a

deal plainer,' was the reply.

Wellingsgs, barque

William Biowari, able stor, shit

Pr?amer, schooner

Royal Fachange, brig

Chalco, barqor

Omfacies, ship

Clown, brig

Mick Brady being at confession, owned, among other things, that he had stolen a pig from Tim Constance, barque Carral. The priest told him he must make restitu- | Ommir, brig tion, Mick couldn't, how could be when he hadiel Watson, brig

Duilion, barque

esten it long ago! Then he must give Thin one fal, barque of his own. No, Mick didn't like that, it wouldn't | Forfarabiru, ship tily his own cuscience—it wouldnt be the Gatuan, barque downright identical pig do stole. You' rue it at laland Queen, schooner Jeremiah Garnett, ship

the day of nckoning, if you don't'held the price, Jaya, ship

? You don't man that, father 1 Endecd but tha | Kamera, barque father did. And, may be. Tin himself will bo


Sarah Laune, beg

there loa! Most certainly, answered the price Edward Ryan, barque

Then why bother shout the triflo on this sido the grove,' said Mick, ? ?fd'im's there and the pig. Fure I can make reslitation to bim then you know."

A person once sent a nule to a waggish friend, requesting the kun of his noose-paper,

ed in return his morriaga certificate!

Tarrington, achaona Victory, bergua

Walion, barges

Willie Wup, achoener

Chara brig

Langkang, batyne

Andas, schoo

andreceiv-Quale, sokomos

Spec, schemat

55) Dundason


Jardins, Malboson and on.

MAPTION and co

Furdine, Matheone and on.

Gibb, L?rfaguion and so. Russell and co

Jardino, Madhoven and on.

On and on.

Tarner and s.

landna, Maibanon ad on.




24 Ann, 665, Clinch, Shanghai, September 9. Euphrates, 428, Wihon, Whampoa. October 16, Marquis of Bute, 548. Bannatyne, Hongkong. November 16, Palmyra, 465, Campbell, Hoogkong.

Jandino, Muchessa and en,

A. A. Righis and so.

Gian and on


Babert Birschen.


Jardins, Matheson and co

343 Anderson

Thomas Lariss



|fardins, Matheson sad os.

Deat and co

Whompan 149| M?Man

Turner and on.

MMSTOW and 40.

Deat and co.

142 Merion

Muavior and co.

513 Cond

331 Bres

#12 Vellsoott




49 Metricon

cday. When and as.

Dirom, Cray and ca

Jardine, Matheson and oo.


Balm and co.

Jardins, Muhonon and on. Hanilos, Matheson sad oe.

ferdins, Maibon and op

-Turner and co

Pestonjes Framjos Come and co. Loday and co.

Dom, Gery and co.

Cardion Matheson and on. Jardins, Machosen and on.

Jurdina, Mathnern and co. Cowles Beperjee Langranu V. P. de


P. & D. N. Camden,

·Jardine, Meihmon nad on.

hy and co.

Read and co.

, Bawan and co.

Tw^w and on.


Deat ad co.


Deat sad

447 Derie

P. Hugo and co

400 Thampton ↑ ?Jardins, Marbeson and eo.



ver Junion

101 McKnight

146 Romari

$43 Pranden



190 Dread


105 LAD

Ove god

Watkinan, Farthington and eo,


? Lawrence Men od v Hals and do,

Jardin, Matheson sad on.

Lindegy and .

Byde, Mule ano.

Chege and o

Jardine, Mathoners ad so,

Terme, Matheson and on.

william Davidson.


80, John Christian, 200, Churchward, Hongkong,

4, Molly Bawn, 394, Robinson, Shanghai,

16, Colchester, 102, Withers, Hongkong.

27, Old England, 523, Foe, Shanghai.

September 10, Queen Stab, 304, Rowe, Shanghai.


14, Saghalien, 377, Machell, Hongkong.

24, Adder,

2, Charles Jones, 860, Cothey, Bhanghai,

11, Woodstock, 300, Nicholson, Shanghai

12, Panic, 449, Howard, Shanghai.

91, Naomi, 108, Coibay, Hongkong.

November 8, Mencius, 500, Robertson, Shangbal,

Loading on the 24th November.-Allertoo, Bangalos, Esther, and Lady Sandyr.


October 29, Canton (stoarn-vessel), Jamieson, Hoogkong.


November 16, Samah Trotman, 306, Brown, Bhanghai.


December 19, Ariel, 371, Butt.

6, Hedor [Am.], 44%, Patterson, Loading. -Cowarje Family.



24, Chobar, 403, Simpson.

November, Labelle, 19, Noble, Whampoa.



2, Bohala Jeban, Johns.

It, Frances Whitney (Am), 152, Fisk.

24, Sultanu, (191, Wadgu.

27, Ann Martin, Martin.

27, Prince Charlie, Macmillan.

90, Nymph, 270, Born

Decomber 8, Gilmore, 500, Maw.

7, Robert Sanft, Small.


Loading for China, 10th Dec-Alecto, Anna Eliza, Chieftain, Comberland,

Falcos, dipay, Hebrides, Lady Montague, Lond W. Bentinck, Oriental, Prince

of Wales, Ruby, and 8lr H. Hardinga.


December 24, Sumatra | Dutch), 275, Veltman.


December 30, Changing (Am), 640, Huuleston, Whamna.


December 13, Lov?sa, $81, Hosario, Macao and Amoy.


Dreamber 9, Maripoda [Am.], B17, Soders, Bbanghai.

Printed and Published by Jonn Gaus, ft The Friend of Chian and Hongkong

Game, Printing Office, Qonun's Road, Viozorja, Ilonggono, 1849.

VOL. VIII. No 11.



Prices, 14 Dollars. Dollars, and Dollars, for the periods of Twelve, Bix, and Three Month map Lending to the Offee for papers are requented in pay cush TERMS OF ADVERTISING.—Ten Ihnen and under, 1 Dollar; additional, 10 cents Nine. Repetisic Advertisements to have written ou the fass of them, the number of times they are required to appear, sth

to pay in sivanee,


ENGLAND, CALOUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY Also, a reute to the above, Bosma?ona, Panane, Gaz?-Matra, Bust, Aogo,

THE Panimulan and Out-

ENTAL Company's Slaa.m Ship MALTA, will leave this for the above places on Tuesday the 27th of February. Canso wil he received on board until Noon, and Brace until 4 p. m., of the 28th.

For further particulare regarding Futons and Pamion apply at the P. & O. B. N. Company's Oos, Hongkong.

J. A. OLDING, Agent. Flongkong, 2nd Fabroocy, 1840,


First Clam American 8hip will be A despatched for St. Francisco early Ain March. For fraight or passage op- ply lo

JOB. W. OSBORNE, or to, RAWLE, DRINKER & Cp. Victoria, 3rd February, 1840.

TO BE LET. THAT Large and Commodious House lately occupied by the Cfficers, Ceylon Rifle Regiment possessing among other great ad. vantages a large Yard and excellent Stabling. Ap ply to

D. LAPRAM, Hongkong, 7th December, 1848.


[[R Aucno. MELVILLE coward to be a Part- net in our Firm here and at Anrog from 31st December 1848.


Victoria, 4th January, 1849.





FEBRUARY 7, 1849.

PRICE $12 per annum.


Amen. 1 Dollars. Sie Manike. ↑ Dollars. Three Janis, & Dollars; all paid in alvages. ctively: Bingle Nutubers, to Babecribers 43 cents each; to Noo-Subscribers, & fuper. Parties calling or ms-third of the rst Insertion. Ships.-First insertion, & Bollers subsequent Insertione 43 cenle erwise they will be publishol until countermandel. Ja all insincos, those who are not Bubscribers, require


OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE. Alreosived some gary Prime Bacon which theyTHE Directors of the AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S can highly recommend to their Cua?more.

I STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY havo No. 1 & 2 Woosnamo's Buildings.

informed us that from and after the 10th of October Victoris, 12th January 1849.

pasta Steamer will ply regularly on the 10th of each month on the direct line between Tazer 1 ES9RS SMITH & BRIMELOW beg to iz

ALEXANDRIA, so as to correspond with the HON. E form their friends and the Public that they. CoMPANY'S BOMBAT Swan; and from and sfer the 25th of November posts Steamer will ply regularly on the 35th of each month on the direct line between Trieste und Alexandria, so as to correspond

have taken those promises lately occupied by Mesare Rawle, Drinker & Co. in which they par chea dc, and that they will keep always on bald pose carrying on Ship Chandlery In all its brang wall assorted stook. The Godowns-an the premises are spacious, dry and secured, they will be happy to take Goods on Storage. Victoria, 98ht December, 1848.

THE Undersigned offer for Bale a general amort- ment of Ship Chandler's Stores, comprising Prima Mess Beef and Pork; Gallego Flour; Pilot and Navy Broad; Canvas and Collon Duck; Bow. ing and Roping Twise; Manila Rope of all sizes; | Palate and Palot Oil Paint Brushes; Housefics Marline, &c, &o.

with the P.&O. Courant's STEAMERS from Galle. The Auratan Lord's COMPANY will have five Steamers available for this line; vach of them be wen 600 and 700 Tons burthen and of 200 Horse power. They are fitted up in a superior style and (English is spoken on Board.

The number of Barths in much is as under, viz:-

38 First Class, including 16 for Ladies, 20 Second Clie

7 for Females,

ho Faze to be ?18, for First Class, ?12 for Be- on Class; lacluding Table money and Stewards- Koos.

The Voyage le expected not to excred 5 days to days, and as Quentine is calculated from the of leaving Alsanndria-these vessels being pro- with Hosh Officers-it follows that with a bill of health, passengers will get pratique Inmedi?toly on arrival at Trieste.

Also,ived per late arrival, Chaddar an? Berkeley Cheess; York and Cumberland Hama; Wht Bootch Oatmeal in Tins an esortment of Oilman's Stores from Cross & Blackwell; Kennedy's Water Crackers; Manila Chocolate; Mocha and handlar Coffes, &c., &c.

Marelli's Bottled Ale sod Stout; London Bot. tled Sherry, Port, and Macieica Winon

A. H. FRYER & Co. Victoria, Id January, 1849.


OF superior London make, josi received.

ROB, RUTHERFURD. Queen's Road, 2nd February, 1849.



For letters to England superscribed "la Trieste" An "oversee " charge in made of 18 Kreutzer (alfout Cu) par Quarter Os, and half this rate for every dditional Os. Any one wishing to and lettare i England via Trisate may pay the "over" cut

to our hands, and addrem them to the care of the Austrian Lloyd's Agency at Alexandrie-franking Them to Egypt.

"Lettere" to the European Continent via Trieste

THE Firm of E MOORMAN & Co., Canton, E Die, alegre of Hall Jenny Linda Postage is not required.

in this day dissolved. Outstanding Accouple will be settled by


Canton, 80th November, 1848.


yang riding ditto. -Ditto dillo Boys and Lokou,—For anle at

BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co's. Victoria, 2nd Februsy, 1840,

KO. INESS will continues to receive every of,

WILLIAM BYRNE, T'avion, &o, Queen's Road, Victwie, REGS most respectfully to invite the attention of D Gentlemen to his Establishment. The Pub. Ild will Gad it to their affrantage to have their Clothes made by bim, instead of sending to London or elsewhere.

Shooting Cont new a much worn in London can The Paletot, Wellington Coat, and Rochford be fitted to order; well cut and substantially made articles, unlike the Slope imported into this country.

Hongkong, 6th February, 1849.

T. London, having received a quantity of Eing TRANFIELD, BOOT AND BHDR Makun Frotd lab Leather, ex Lady MeNaghi, sad token Rond, Victoria, bage to inform the Public that he the Shop adjoining the MEDICAL TALL, Quron's has there comienced Bool and Shoe Making in all its branches, and truse by attention to bis Business to meet their Patronago and support Victoria, 7th February, 1849.


ESBRS SMITH & BRIMELOW will sell bj PUBLIC AVOTION this day Wednesday, at Mesure & Co's Wharf allt o'clock a. m.

A quantity of Paap Spars, Anchors, Chain Ca Men, Planke, Whale Boat do. &c. &o.


29 picule of old Copper, ex Dart. TERMS OF SAL.-Cash before delivery. Na 1 & 2 Woonam's Buildings.

? Victoria, Tib February 1849.


Roome, quoou's Roat, this day, at 11 am, * without reserve to close an account,-~

20 Casse Sherry, in 3 dosen.

Do. Floating Wicke

ay likewise be addressed to the care of the said WH FRANKLYN will well at the Sais genoy-tbe franking to Alexandria being attend and for these the prepayment of the "over "Packages "for Egypt, or any part of the Con- Mens of B?ropa, on view Gevaar, showie de zanfour- ad to the car of sure obe at Surs, as the P. & O. Papapy do not engage to deliver any thing not tended for England beyond that landing port, here Transit or other Duties most be paid; and to

THE Business of the Undersigned will from this month by the Overland Mail ber usual supus mock despatch se possible a Bill of Lading

data be carried on under the Firm Scaw-ply MANN & CO.


Canton, Tol January, 1849.


MR WILLIAM DREYER is authorised to sign

our Firm by Procuration.

SCHWEMANN & Co. Canton, Lat January, 1849. .



HR MARTIN WILAELMY, is authorised to

Sign our Fram by Procuration.

Conton, 20th May, 1848.




AVING Associated ourselves with Mr 8. B. RAWL, of the Jets Firm of RAWLE, DUUS & Co., our Business will be conducted in future dat the Name of RAWLE, DRINKER & Co.


Hongkong, 1st October, 1848.


Ya Gronen O. Franulyn is authorised to sign

for me by Procuration.

W. H. FRANKLYN. Victoria, 29th December, 1848.

NOTICE feruighed having taken the premison ccupied by Mr Chas. Bockton, has re- ||business no a Ship Cheadler and Gene bae iuder the firm of A. H. Farza a Co.



lat November, 1848.



Fruita, and

Jama and Jullien, ka Hongkong, 22nd January, 18 ?9.


INESS having been appointed Agani for Me Bale of Colonial Frodece, bege to call the attenting of parties shipping to Callforgia, to her present Block of,

W. C. W. Beef:


Os Tongues:



Rounds of Beef pickled to order

Bmoked Pige Chocks, &c., &c.


A very superior ample of Kiln dried Muize, und Hydralic promed Hay.

Hongkong, 22nd January, 1849.

17A8. INE89 has added several novelties to her

already well sorted stook of Millinery and | Drapery to the shape of,

French Flowers and Wreaths;

Buriped Alpated;

Muslin de Lainee (

French Cansovs, Habit Shirts, and Collare;

Thread Laces:

Childrens do. and Diaper

Feathers, Ribbons, da, dvs.


A small assortment of Babies Linen, Hongkong, 2nd January, 1849,

HAS. WEISB received by the last mail a cholor swortment of the most fashionable Jewellery of every description, and beg to foform the Community that it is open for inspection on his DE SILVER is this day admitted a ? new Premises, Queen's Road. in our firm, which will conslet from

Victoria, 30th Jamoury, 1849.


Mr A. H. Farza and Mr El. T. ?a


▲. H. FAYER & Ca January lot, 1849.



having claims against the late Thomas Lindsey of the 3chboner qpeated to set their accounts withom pastice indebted to the said Capiain jaested to make immediate payment Lenses Tonan & Co. Bota 26 January, 1849.




MADA, at HINNAM'8, China Abopkeeper.

Vinuri, 11th Jan, 1848,

ith particular of valuo &c., should be sent to the brwarder at Buck

For Passage, or for further particular, apply to,

W. PUSTAU & Co.,

Agents di Canton and Hongkong for the Imperial Royal pris, Austrian Lloyds's Steam Navigation Company



Do. Champagne.

Percussion Care.

Barrel Champagne.

19 Kage Painta,

Dora ortod Sauces,

20 Paculs damaged Biscuits.


18 Balos Woollen Cloth

6 Do Coloured and White Blankets.

16 Casks Preterved Mesta, la tine.

With 5 vary handsome Papier Mache Bedsteads.


A Rambin or Wherry, Bamed John Gilpin, that &c., &c, complete. won the race faal your at Whampoa, Oure, Sails,

TERMS OF SALE,--Cash before delivery, Victoria, 7th February, 1840-

R. F. DRAKE, will be happy to receive two young Gentlemen we boarders, in addition to the at present under his tuition, to whom would imparted, solid and useful secomplishments, ambled with avery domestic comfast, and cal-W, the Salg of Bedaleads, at the Auction Rooms. ulated to ensure success in Alercantile pursuits,

nd other channels in Nifa.

Colonial Church,

Victoria, 28th December, 1848.


POR SALE at the Office of this paper :-~~






for the Peninsular and Ork ental Company's Stenmars.

Compradorm Ornans, in Booke.






H. FRANKLYN begu to call attention to

thus day. They are made of from and cavered with Papier Macbe, and very handsomely painted; they will be sold wi?bout reserva to close au account.

Victoria, 7th February, 1849.


W. FRANKLYN will enll, at his sala

TOOM Queen's Road, on Friday next 9th inst af 11 A. M. for the benefit of Concerned,

28 Bales containing, 1,400 pieces Grey Shirt- jags, toore or less damaged by son water.

TERMS OF SALE-Cash before delivsty

in dollar or rupees.

Victoria, 7th February, 1840.


H. FRANKLYN g more or le

W. 500 Proces white Sly

ronatile forms and other work printed with damaged

ition at the custom

Assen Vesalang and Delober, 1848.


HE connection in Business, between Mr La CARVALHO and our firm having crased martial consent, he will no longer sign for us by Jocuration.

BENJAMIN BEARE & Co. Jalanan, 31 January, 1842,

A CARD. R. GEORGE PRAZAR having given up bis business, would inform the Merchants and leidenta, that Mr WILLIAM RO89 and Mr TK?M?, Chuonomuzun and WatOR-MARUS, EORGE PERKINS will carry on the same in begs to inform the Public, that be her raits bramabes on the old Premises, and he is com moved his Establishment from Macao to Bhangbai, at that they will give satisfaction to all who in- and he has the planpure of addressing his bort thanks at them with their work,

to the Community of Macao, Canton, and Hong. Mr FRAZAR takes this opportunity before hong for the patronaga ba has received. He bopen, ring the Colony in premat bia thanks to the” SBETONG Copper, and Nails. Apply to, by be exertions, to deserve la bie new altuation rohants and others for the kind support be has



Ho6th January, 1849.

the support from the public. He is wellberto received, and bege love to recommend his supplied with variety of Goode.

cessors to their patronage. Shanghaip 15th July, 1846,

longkong, 1st February, 1849.

ALAD Jolene, worthy the

16 Bales of colifornia.

allenging. 1849.

PUBLIC AUOTION. MARKWICK beg to inform the Community that he will affer for mle by PUBLIO AG Tion on Friday the 9th February 1849 at 1 r. M,

A small quantity of Silver Plato



To close a Consignement

grohal Tobacco, Butter in Jara, Urandy, Sherry 8 Three quarter Casks of Sherry, 2 Caska Ne. and Bear in Boul; with a variety of other articles. Particulars as per hand Bills. Victoris, 7th February, 1849.


What is W-Dr Henniker being in private company with the Earl of Chatbem, his lordship asked him, among other things, what was wit, BC. cording to his own opinion? Wit, my lord, he replied, in what a pension would be, given by your lordship to your bumble servant—a good thing, weil applied."




New Altvertisements will be prerived until 4

O'Clock, on the evenings pervious to publi.. ention, vis: Tuesdays and Fridays



United Super Nov.


Calmin Dec.

Bombay Medica

Dec. 10 Dec. S

EX ByJary

Dec. Halavine Dec. Bingapore Juny. Manila

Dec. Bhangbal Ju




NATUUR.--Divine Servies will for the promut he can. ducted in the building adjoining the Post-Office and opposite in the Club Elovne, man Sundays at 11. A. M. and ? part 4 1. M. nnd on Thursdays st 6′ P. M.


Victoria, 9th October, 1908.

Colonial Chaplain.





Martial Law sue the Governo, The Act of Indemnity bas now uses passed, und neither Calone! Drought oor say of the officers a men can be indicted for murder or robbery taldraj the Supreme Court is still, however, qarajan. ? aldo whether the Governor may not be impeached. in the House of Lords; and before he la protected by a Parliamentary Act of Indemnity, we tras ibers will, at least, be an inquiry into all the cir cumstances connected with the so called Kandy Rebellion. Passing over the question as to the necessity for proclaiming Martial Law, to put down' an insurrection which (nalwithstanding the Pre tended king) was not half so formidable as a of Indian robbers, whose exploits and discom?tere

speech in the Legislative Council, ambis doing an

find out flest

as rogorda the cheasaing of sugar these had a great chalake. They discover by experience that to have the cheapest suger they must








to be that which was not the ruso-vis that those Priests confessed their guik. But they did no auch thing, they acknowledged the part they had inkun In the proceedings, but assorted they acted onder cultivated by slaves. We then obserre a gimi fear and compulsion. The best excuses that can be change in their policy. We no longer hear front made for Lord Torrington's indelioncy in hax veding them that humanity commands that every kinto such an amortion, are ignorance and incapacity.

opposition must be given to the amplyment slave labour. They omot indeed tore Fount What nosomity was there for permitting the Courte Martial at all to carry on what even the Examiner far as to say that bay don't care jot slow called their "batebary, For the purpose, it is satd, humanity part of the question, and that all the t of striking terror into the people loto whom, pray ally want is to buy in the cheapest mark Nogle The people who disparved from about Matella

say that, would be to be candid, which is a petug that the Quakers and Poritane never drest u after a single volley from the Troops at Warispole, or those who died like a flock of sheep on sing. They take another course. They say at t two Malay Boldiers at Korsagalle No auch no ry is indeed a very bad thing, but that he e consity can be shown for not allowing the ordinary policy for its extinction is to de moshin Civil tribunal-the Supreme Court, to perform is This they my while stoutly voting for we hear of every day, we believe occurences baleitimate functions. There was, in our opinion, in the laws to admit the produce of slave taken place under very high authority thai woul?, ?, much nacailty, for decimating all the inen oven, the same terms as the country admits the nol best investigation. Et is, for example, mid, l) | will be rey ennvenient if the Metis Nilleme and

the labour of colonies in which slavery as trying all thear caught, by Court Martial.

We renew the consideration of these questions prohibited. Lord Denman quotes the others, of whoso re-apprehension we hear so much now that people can reason more calmly than they that her!” gentleman Mr Hutt p esn yet be convicted before the Supreme Court, I could during the past excitement In fact this is

tion of providing the best means for e consequence of the treatment they were subject properly the time for a review of all the circums in machistalla, Jawellery, money and other malu-

tion of the slave trade," in which ku mi? iances connected with the Kandian rebellion. The TO PAUL-The trustecs of the Institution ateables belonging to them are said to be in hande that

be neked how I would deal with the historian has yet to perform his duty; but to en.

I will reply, without doubt or reservuli certainly responsible for the money; their Ac-bare no right to them; and persons generally supable him to do so with impartialay many facts

the slave trade to itself * porod to be above participating in such spoila, are have yet to come to light We have to do with

Now when C tuary may be prosecuted criminally for em- openly spoken of as buying largely shared in the the present, and therefore we are anxious for the

slavery party in found supporting sncl. bezzlement if the facts are ar Hatod. The booty. The Commandant at Matello is considered | fullest enquiry. It is generally understood that in

this, we think it is not much to be m that Lord Denman, as a member of tl- other transactions conimented upon by Paul cable for the conduct of the Military ; and the the late proceedings the Governor acted upon bis

and an honest man, should express bi Town responsibility alone, and without the smola- are highly reprehensible, and it were well becoming display of feeling on the part of his con

some warmth of indignation and some nexion, the District Judge of Kandy, is weerely ani-

tance of his Council. lo ought therefore to be to ascertain whether the youth has really madverted upon. Doubtless many use of spokialled to a strict account for his conduct. A local

of disgust. The point in which we li bees led into gambling traffsactions in opium tion Till now become subjects of judicial investiga. Bill of ladomaity very properly protects all who

difficult to agree with Lord Doomas L. tion for the Indemnity Bill protests only from have acted under his suthority and in accordance dron. His lordship comes to the conclusion,

upon theevidence of the ability of the Afr by his giates as is hinted at.

the consequence of illegal ecte done bone file and

with his view; but before an Act or Parliament though we do not stop the train altogether, we lary is equal to #125 month with free in acordance with orders from the Commendaal. protects Lord Torrington from Impeachment bo-

da se in a considerhle degree. We have stopped house, and as he? ?n not openly of expirosivo If we are rightly informed there have been man fore the House of Lords, we trust there will be a habite, and cannot secount for the expenditure of publicly sanctioning; and there are many other recent Robelkon. It is very questionabis indeed ela committed which no Superior Officer will think searching enquiry into all the circumstances of the

the traffic, he says, to the extent of the cuplures made. Thousanda, he tells us, have been set free of the borrowed money, there is a mystery which, we have no doubt, the sufferre would ob whether the Governor alone possesses in this Co

by the exertions of our squadron, the empty slaver which requires to be cleared, up. Misfortunes in redress for, though not by legal process, from lony authority to proclaim Martial Law; and

has often been bulked of her pray, and the whole Mumber of slaves is diminished by no trivial amount the perpetrators, if only July brought forward for whether, the concurrence of the Legislative Coun. and losses in trade are to be sympathized with, the purpose of andergoing investigation in Conseil is not necessary to legalide its existance. 140,

Now, this las conclusion is one about the and can always be explained; fut ? person in

curacy of which, we regral ja my, we are by no every sentence passed by the Court Martial is illo The Courts Martial, for which there is so redress gal; and the Governor, under whose authority perhaps thousande-have been set fres; but it is mann antiaded. It is true that many hundreds- good circtomances (with an income in?re than

form the baddest part of the dark and bloody ting equal in his apparent expenses) who Gorrow dy. Three or four European Officers, allez eta Before, therefore, he in exonerated from the They acted, is amenable to justica for their legal

asported on the other side that, as the demand in all direction-in some instances from those norant of the mode of condoating sel anquiries responsibility he has incurred, we trust Lord Tor-

for slaves bas to this extent been cametisfied, the who can but ill afford to lose the money-and | participating in the surrounding excitemset, and

rington will be called to a stricter account than he

effect is merely to cause other ships to be employ. then declares that be in insolvent, withoutterly ignorant of native character, in a country has thought proper to offer to the Legislative ed in the place of those explared, and to incresss where the highest judicial authority has declare Council of Ceylon in asking for a local Bill of

the hardships of the passage, with a view to better showing where the money has gone to, forfeits perjury to be the rule, correct evidence the exeep Infomalty-lat, As to the cause of the late Re-cealment of the Dature of the trafic. It is, i all claim to indulvence.

tion; under such circumstancom may, it was a bellion, and how faz Government are to blame for

short, maintained that we cannot so completely likely that truth would be patiently searched adi it 2ndly, As to the necessity for proclaiming taken to the ports where they are admitted, so long knock up the trade se to prevent slaves being and innocence protected. We have board a gentle Martial Law; and 3rdly, Though Martial Law ran who was engaged on some investigations da was requisite to facilitate the action of the Milita

as there is u demand for them, If we capture clare that he was most painfully situated. He had ry, whether or not it was necessary to supersede

ship full of slaves, the effect is not that of stopping re-heard of the character of the people; and that, mo the ordinary tribunals by Counts Marual Observer.

the trade to the extent of the slaves captured, but of withstanding a? the acumen of Jodgu? aud Lawyers.}

increasing the trade by the inducement to supply the Cird Courts frequently come to arrumowe oo

the demand which otherwise would have been eistalons; and yet here it was necessary to deci

supplied by the slaves we bare at free. it ture, and life or death in a few huga was in the ba hand on the guilt or innocence of a fellow-spen

be impossible to make slavery anything alas than we see no other course that can be adopted, upee

? state of degradation and misery, then we confe principia, but that of resiming dad impeding the slave trade to the utmost of our power, and leaving the rest to God alaves so that they shall not be degraded below-the If however, it be possible to treat condition to which bumanity ought to abest, and so that they shall not be subjected to cruelties misorice beyond the ordinary lot of more labouren, then it may very well be questioned whether we de Do throw away our great exertions in the ai slavery cause. It may then be well considered in slaves, in which hitherto we have not succeeded, whether, instead of trying to pot down the traffic we should oot exest ourselves more profitably, trying to better their los as werkers in the plants. tions to which they are carried.

of Justice.

cimen of these tribunals.



We would be reluctant to suggest enyundue interference with the customs of the Chinese inhabitants ;*but in allowing them every sonable indulgence, it is proper that they be not permitted to annoy other members of the summunity. The habit of ushering in the new year with a noing demonstration Witems up and aww Whol and Chief Justise Deamen has published a fat of fireworks and crackers is no doulit national whether to believe them or disbelieve that her to Lord Brougham upon the subject of the ex- and venerable, and probably few European mal koow-there being about as much reasotinction of the slave trade.

The objent of the Car the one panclusion sa the other. The Coar pamphlet appears to be to defend the policy of would object to it—aven at a sacrifice of sopuse lartial upon the Pries, who was shot ishle rober

mainmining a squadron on the west coast of Afti- suring the night and their afternoon's ride if they Kandy, may, we suppose, be taken me a fair apen, to be sinplayed in the bindrance and panah are Equestrians—were it restricted to one or

He was accused of adient of the slave traffic-a policy which has of two days, but when this pacrilo amugent is vendor's place of concealment. There were only long to the old anti-slavery patty. Lord Denman minimering an oath of secrecy regarding the Pre-Inte been more then questioned by those who be kept up for weeke it amounts to a positive nui-two wisensen against him—a father and son, who writes with the test and warmth which hura al- as the by sanders, know, (though the members of ways characterised bis exertions in any public mal- vance and the police ought to be ordered to put

the Court Martial, were ignorant of the fact,) aprter in which he has interested himself. It has been a stop to it. The Chinese new year commenced peared under wery suspicious circumauces, one made a reproach to him that his warmth and oo mut the 24th of January, and on the afd instant of them being in our way a candidate for a Gucional vehemence are not very consistent with we chance to witness a party enjoying them.ernment situation. Of course they deposed as to the judicial character. That may be, but it should selves by throwing crackers on the Queen's the officers were able to make, the bystanders, who the slave trade, the noble lord is not acting in ble the oath, but even in the cross-examination such debo remembered that, in wrking a pamphlet upon road at a time when Europeana umpally tako understood the habits of the people, perceived me judicial characior. Perhaps, if one could choose exercise. Two riders (one a Lady) were terial discrepancies. At the conclusion of the trial, in such matters, one might wish that everything LORD CARDIGAN AND THR 11th Hussan.— several legal practitioners who were present, done by a judge of which she public have any right The John Bull bar published a statement relative obliged to turn as there was danger in attempt therefore thoroughly convinced of the Priest's le

take cognace should bear the stamp of the ing to pass; others may alm have been in conce, called upon the Queen's Advocats, and

to Lord Cardigan founded upon a case, the alleged judicial mind, and should exhibit great caution in convenienced as the house from whence the satisfied bim as to the correctness of their view examination of the subject, and great calmnestina since the Hon, Gerard Noal, a caplado in the circumstances of which are briefly these: a short crackers were thrown is in the most pubht that he waited upon the Governor, who happened in proocnacing a decision upon it.

to be then in Kandy. The interview could bow-

no one can complain that the judicial duties of been late at stables reported himself, expressing As, however, corpe of which Lord Cardigan in colonel, baring part of the town.

orat, have bean no more agreeable than it was sup- Lord Denman are not well dischargal, or that regret for his breach of disciplies. He was at ence cessful, for the Queen's Advocate returned, app bis natural warmth of temperament ?i evar dia- An intimation beaded “Presbyterian Church"cently greatly mortified at the reception be had met played upun official occasions, whom he data an

placed under arrest by the colona), and the arrest with, and informed the ganilemen, who had so ha which appeared in our columns for upwards of anely interested themselves, that at all hazards the tice, we think it is scarcely fair to make the the rest of the troops, without bis sword, the usual interpreter of the law wad a dispenser of jus. on which occasion Captain Noel marched out in remained in force until the regiment left the town, velve montha bhas this week been withdrawn Governor had determined the Priest should be sh?t,

warmth of tone which characterises his pamphlet course adopted towards officere under arrest. Boon Mr Burns, whose services were given gratuit. and he was abot accordingly next morning. The on the slave trade any objection to the argument afterware Captain Noel was again placed under ously, want to establish himself in China feeling that pervaded the Governor's mind maybe which he bringe forward. We must own that his atrast, for not returning to his duty during the gathered from the indecentrafusal of this pear Printship's argument done note to us to settle Easter holidays, the rule, however, being that of "Proper with a view to carry out she object of dying request, not to be shot in bis nacerdotal the very difficult question of the policy of main-Beers in the army, who are also mombers of the his mission to China as a Christian teacher to billments The man had a perfect right to disining the African squadron. We do not think legislature, may at any time absent themselves the heathen; and in consequence the Presby-soy dress he pleased, and not only was this right that the pamphlet states the whole question, ur

violated, but an insult offered to the followers of low as much consideration as might be allowed obtaining leave of absence-to attend their par from their regiment-without the necessity of Buddhist faith, by compelling him to wear his to the cost of our policy, not merely in the exliamentary duties. From this arrest, so soon sait ner priestly dress. It is now however univers?l

pease of the squadron, but in the baith and life

was known, Captaia Noel was released by the which are wasted on that deadful const. But general of the district. Not long after his believed that this Priest was entirely innoost-I}}| he had had no communication whatarer with

while we say this, we must add that we admire

l?berk tion from the second arrest, Captain not be king. I was a low country man who had

the noble lord's constancy and earnest devotednew log exectly on the spot where al demand be grailed in the Interior; we know to few of their expense, to a traffic which he regarde as much a

in opposition, by all and every means, and at every ought to bare been, Lord Cardigan bromptorily ple, and not likely to be entrusted with any it secrets: and even the Pretender, it is now fearful outrage upon every jam principle and ever troops air! To which order the

called out to him," Captain No

go to your declares he knew nothing whatever of him, and we sole feeling of humanity. We think the consis-am with my troop, sir i bedry

bin replied, sol concealed at any time in the same part of they of the moble lord is much more honourable

mediately country where the Priem raided.

answered by his lordship. You are to tim and to his cause than the change of views And yet this may be considered a fair speelm which has been exhibited by the great bulk of the

terian_place of worship is cleod for a time. The Reverend Gentleman's intention is in every respect commer?lable, but inany will regret the closing of the Church where he mi-

mistered zealously and truthfully. He dually drew together a large portion of the Christian community, including a number of the troops; and is much esteemed for his private virtues and respected as a good practical pre- acher and sound expounder of the Gospel,

We hear that an Episcopal Bulop will be out by the end of the year; and in the mean- time, in addition to the Colenial Church, the Union Cho?el, with an excellent Minister, is open Protestant Christiana,

The new Chapel at Canton will be opened on Sugdday by the Reverend Mr. Steedman,


of your London manners barn!"

colonel's words, he asked for a pri

language had been applied to in at which he asked Lord Cardigan

the presence of his group! The a

wa Gat out of my rooms, air!" TI Noel laid the whole matter befor

t, sic; mone

Hart by the

? interview,

by fasulting

parade, in er received eapon Capt.

be Commer


dance with the parties, directed, thrth the Adju- tant Geoeral, that Captain Noel id apologis

of the Courta Martial. We do not mean to say anti-slavery champions. Some years ago anti- none of those other people who were shot or traslavery was a party cry, and at that time every ported bad not takes au getiro part in the Rebellio person who called himself Liberal," and more But this we do affirm, that it was all but impole rapecially the men of the Puritas and Quaker for any inan brought before these Courts actia to communities, were zealous in season and out of establish bis insocence. It is well-known that, for mansuros against the slave trade.der in-chief, who, after a consider of bla followers discovered who the king really was. Nothing than seemed too much or too strong to and publicly called him a Caule-stealer, and that ageia the slave trade, and every one inany were compelled by threats of their ky to who did not agree with them in the necessity for take part in the outbreak. The copotry was quite all possible and conceivable opposition to slavery unprotected, so that the people had mo akermate, and the slave trado was donounced as a Tory and but either apparently to join in the Rebellion, of real heathen in heart, and unfit for the lose their bres and have their property destroyed. society of the enlightened and the humane. This And yet we do not hear that compulsi?n on klaply was the doctrins of the party at a time wheo, de aprumble in any cases, was succesfully pleased -eived by fales information or the parvading folly fore these Courts Martial. The luur Priests who of the party, it was supposed that not only the were tried before the Supreme Court Is Kandy cause of humanity, but the chespass of sugar tablished their innocence in this manner, to the pet would be promoted by a complete abolition of fect satisfaction of the Judge, Jury, and all the the slave system. But those man having bad their

will in cospect to the policy of the country-bay-mands, but praying in the first instand for a cours bising been allowed full swing in adapting their the

Our Mention was called to-day to the practice on board 11. M's stowiner Fury, and we have since learned that the Almical was on board inspecting The fiting was frown carronades at point ber. blank distance, and the target after being repent- edly curtailed of its lair porportions was speedily shot away. The succeeding practice with small -arme was equally correct, and both show the votes

to be in a state of the greates efficiency.-Hong-standers in Court. The Governor has bad the kong Register, Fiby. 0.

treme improprity to impeach this verdict in

to Lord Cardigan, a direction with ich Captain Nool, in the presence of the Adiant General, Lord Cardigan, and other authors, refused to comply. The Hos Captain Nool member for the county of Rutland; his fathe

the Earl of Gainsborough, in a supporter of the Government though the captain himself is a com valive; his maternal ancle is Sir G, Grey, the dome Secre tary, and his stepmother in lady of the bedchamber. Captain Noel writes to the Commander-in-chief, expressing his wish to obey his Grace's com

of inquiry." The Duke of Wellington, refuses the

court of inquiry upon principle, and a court mar. tial is impracticable, for before such tribunal Lord Cardigan must prefer his charga, Hore

the matter relia



the fountain of thy inspiration, the first in the song to thy foreign friend, and listen to the song of the second: "The ease, alugance, and repidity of bis inovamants; the animation of his eye, and the in telligence he displays in listening and laying up lessons from almost every species of the feathered creation, within his hoering, are really surprising, and mark the peculiarity of his genius. To these qualities we may add, that of a vnico fall, str?ng, and musical, and capable of almost every modula tion, from the clear, mellow rouse of the wood thrush, to the savage scream of the bald eagle; in measure and accent he faithfully follows his ar ginals; In foros and sweetness of expression by greatly improves upon them. He sweeps round with enthusiastic aestacy-be mounte or descende se his song swells or dies away; and as my friend Mr Barton has bonutifully expressed it, the bounde aloft with the clerity of an arrow, as if to rever or recall his very su?l, expired in the last olovated strain,"


conjurom was left solus; be commenced operations by placing his box in the centre of the ranta ; lis then stripped off his jacket, thus appearing in a olate of nudity from the waist upwarde, baving ? white cloth twisted round his luins. H? next t?ak bie long tail of plaited hair, and twload it round his head, and being il?na prapaced, be opened his bun, and took therefrom an ordinary basin, or bowl, of about eightoon luches in diameter, closed the lid of the box, Touring it exposed completely to our view he then walked round the room, allow ingleach individual separately to inspect the basin, and handle it—the whole of the time talking is hir native language, which we afterwards learned was

? species of incantation. We word all sufficiently misled, that the barin was an ordinary one, and perfectly empty He then placed it on the floor, hot five foot from the box, untwisted the cloth frock round ble waist, which was in size about a yard and a half long, by one yard wide, and which he threw over the basin, sprouding it out, continu- ing during all the time hit mumbling. In shout ball minate, he raised the clak from the basin, exposing it to view, when lo, and bekuld! to our setboishment, it wu filled with limpid water, and a jih of three or four inches long was swimming about in it? He took up the bowl, and handed it each spectator, es ba had previously done, and satisfied ourselves that there was no ocular Ja feption, but that the water was indeed veritable,

the fish a living one. low this was nocom plished, we leave it to others more lonrmed in me. gromantio ar to solve, but this is certain, that there were was no fals? lining or ballom to tha bin; and it was impossible to have changed tho vesel, or to have put anything into it, as the per- former did not approach it from the time of playing it open the door will after he had withdrawn the elbih, and we had soon the limpid water in it. After we had suficiently satisfied ourselves, by ezunia. in the contente of the basin, he repliced it in the boz, and took therefrom a green Bower put, ?lled

THE AUTHOR OP “CALER WILLIAMS" A friend of murs had leat Clodwin some money thing which (ladwin's friends were frequently called upon to do and had several times in vain applied for a returg One day he went into his pas Godwin was standing behind the counter, aid to him "Now, really, Godwin, 1 must have that money! I positively am in want of it," Godwin went to the till, took out balf the war

aded it across the counter, and said, "Thore, there, sir, that enough, 1 shall not play you more If I give you all, you will be sure to al prestal spead it" And laugh was the only possible ana

Bat it is st nig'st that the song of this bird le we, and the half amusol, half-exasperated dun departed. Godwin had a knack, siin, of stying swantost. In front of a rude and loosly hut, in W spiteful truths, which rendered his senasine, which I lived for many months on iks binks of the ases not quita agreable. He had no sort of pity Santa Fe, was the lower pint of the trunk of or tenderness for any failing in others. Leigh large pine that had boon cut down, last in some tlast once mot him in the street, and passed him windy hour it should donelish my dwelling, though before he was aware that he was Godwin. Then it was a hundred fout off. On this firm eminence,

lealy bethinking himself that Godwin would be every moonlit night, this hird, with no blythew pere in forl offended at the neglect, he turned back spirit, took up his musical throne; he would and apologised, mying, "I really am so short commence when the moon arose, and sing the night sighted that I can suretly ses any body in the hours sway, until early dawn; no cassation to tune street, and I dido know you at first.” “Ah!" his notes, no intermission, no flagging of his in- Mid Godwin, in his sku?p, shrill voice, and sharp, domitable spirit shocked his harmony. I would this manner, "Ah! I woar sprotacios!" "Bo awake towards reveille, but the first taps of the aught 1 to wear them," trjoined Leigh Hunt, wdd- dram beat had frightened him away, yet still us ing, with his used candour, "bat eoxcomley won't willing to conso, his last notes were heard when bear of it." "Ak retorted Godwin, "what a on wing for the woods and in the sultry nights colcomb you must be.”—British Quarterly Review of the auth, when year rest broken by the off- shoots of diecare preying on your syslom, but to NEGRO AMUSEMENTS ON CARISTMAS-DAY. and buzz of musquitoes, the bowllag of wolves, the which you do not wholly fo?umb, by the sling At this season of the year, the negros formed hooting of owls, and the thousand and one anoth themselves into two awe, distinguished by the re- yances that make night hideous in a southern wil spective titles of Reds and Blues, reminding us in dernem, the impassioned song of this bird is heard sure of thoas rival parties of olden times, the victorinus, like the swad malady that is inwoven hose of York and Lancaster. The costume of into all the wails of life. flow often has that bird each band consisted of white muslin drossen, die boen my o??solation when wretched on an uneasy tinguished by the colour of their party; the blue bed, and hay pillow Ofen bere I turned over to wearing blue sashes and head-dresses, with red shows, laten to him with both ears, that not a whisper of an show their contempt for the opposite side; and his notes should escape me, and then cams to the the rod retaliating by wearing red turbans and conclusion that last effort was too soul-inspiring sashes, with blue shee, As in our English also for repetition, he had exhausted himself there, 4- tions, many and rehoment were the arguments used ture could go no further, bie physical powers su to proved the superiority of the colour under which ly would g after that, if his mental ones did not: each bad enlisted. (3i 1" mid an old man of the but not he was apparently merely at the overlare red, to a young woman gaily adorned with a new-he was elaborating and suggesting to you what enekude, Red no best for wour Red ne like was to come. But his time and mousure were all My Ceder, his ow?, his song was a romance, his nocents could lifeblood comb trait from heart {"




we wero equally convincel of the alirul bang a bon file one, and of the impossibility of deception, ns we had been of the trulli and rerumney of what we had seen on the two formet occasions. The replacing, re-covering, v??muitering, wore all peva- rely readied, and after the lapse of half-an-hou the cloth was once more removed, and need wo my that the amazement of the spectatore was con siderably angmontnd, by discovering that the shrub was now clotbed with blossoms and flowers, in sp- pearance resembling thos of the China aver

Dublin University Magazine.

THE ORIGIN OP CLAN TARTANS. Pride of house and name, and the necessity for displaying aroognisable exterior in the hour of baule, might to expected to suggest such a contain al a very early period. It was long to be confined, however, to the Chiefs, and then would dunoandi to their followers It can scarcely be sleubled thit in this simple way hiss spring up the habit of ter tan-wearing among the Cael of Scotland, Nor could it be at any time much more dieu to pro. duce dresses of such, varind lints, then it would have been to have wrought them more plainly. Every chief and clan in deo t?mo hnd their wanter of weavers, who, Jabouring with the materials of the country, both in point of yarn or dyes, soon became export in supplying the peculiar fami- ly attire in regonet, Faargus M'Ivor's houseboli ilor, "Janes of the Noelle," though a fictitious personage, is still copy from the li?n. As to the WoRvers, we fiad Duncan Forbes of Culloden coin. plaining bitterly, so late as the middle of last eru. tury, that the Frasore bad barried and injured a woaver living near him, who was “a general Men- ning to the country." No doubt his loom supple all around Cullodes, with lartans.—History of the Clane.

"THE OWL AND THE MAOPIE. In 1844 a pair of lawwy owls roured and ushered into the world thres hopeful young after having fod them assiduously upon the trees for many works after they bad loft the nest. The food must often have consisted in grant part of worka, snails, and sluge, for the old birds brought it every minste from the ground in the inmediata vicinity of the treas where the young were percbed. This, how- ever, might only be considered as a what to their appetites before dinner; for the parents made re- pasted and persevering attacks upon three or four magpis natis sometimes during half an hour at a time As the defence was spirited and gallat, they were often repulsed ; but, finally, I found die remains of young magpies under the favourite parch of the young uwli, sad one morning the bloody hand and feathers of the old magpie, con spicuods from its size and the want of any cerone skin about the book. This, then, I thought, must have been taken when mosting. In, 1845 the vid owls alone were seen, and they passed the summer in sodato retirement, and seemed to rest from the labourn of propagation: neither did they molest the magpise. But in 1848 they began to be vary, astive early in the spring, and by the beginning of May again had their young swiata out upon the branches. Walking out about nine clock ona evening, I heard a pertinacious attack going on against a pair of magples that had their nest in the top of a rety tall ayoumore. At last, Instead of the frantic chattering of the poor magpies, one of them began to shriek in agony like hare when caughtio Roose, and it was evident the owl was endeavouring to drag it out-the mother birde-by I rao the head from the entrance of the nest.

mould, which was about twelve inches in height, and eighteen inches in diameter. Hulding tha in one hand, and ozhibi?ng what appeared to be an ordinary sood in the other, he handed them round for inspection after the previous fashion ; be then made a cavity in the mould, and placed the aded in it, covering it carefully with the earth; be award sat down the flower-pot where the bowl had previously rested, evered it in like manner with the cloth, and recommenced his multerings, which occupied about ten minutes, after which be Withdrew d?n cloth, and wa beheld a young and tender plant in the flower-pot, shoul two inches a bore the mould; this was of a beautiful bright roan colour, with the leaves folded about the stem, within the other, and apparently a healthy Alant, having all that freshness peculiar to one which has just burst from the parent, but of what

wine. This was handed round by the enchanter, and examined by all, with the same feelings and expressions of surprise, but with no less care and ccuracy, than the water and Bob which had pre- "ajaded it." He sggjo placed it in its previous pos?: slon, overed it with the cloth, and recommenced this incantations, which continued for about twenty pinates; during which period we observed the Bloth gradually rising in a conical form over the pot where it covered the lower-pot, until it had then about a foot and a half, when the cloth was guin withdrawn, and to our increased amazement, we bebald the tender plant grown into a small hrub, regularly formed, clothed with verdure, and Baving its branches covered with bade and lauras; and again, the same examination was resumed


Published by the Shanghal British Chamber of Commerce,

A CHINESE MAGICIAN. The compredare having retirol, the emparne of

the answerel, 'fore bload come an vein blue, red not be welten (unlike all other birda); his untas come after blue." Each individual of these classes were as uncertain as an Eslian harp's; his matomical species we are not in a position to deter hed in sustain a character obosen from the heathen may be grave, or gay; time only could tell. I have mythology; whilat, on the one hand, we beheld hoard Rubini, with his head thrown far back, in a Alers, Bacobus, and Apollo; na the other hand, we whispered falsolto note, when the house was still, 3 times approach the timbra of this bird, but Venus with her cruel arrows, Fame with har glittering Irumpe though not a very musical one, the effort was great-It lasted but for an intent; Trace with her gyldan dores, and Justice with her and I trenblad for his arytenoids. I never had the well poised scaled Thees, with many ather cha like fours in the many hours 1 have listened to the nacters, walked in precession, much sable geddus salon of this favourita; he always seemed to be supported by a countless number of oymphs. I mast singing that he might afterwards have rest; his HOL omit to nation their most excellent majesties mutice were rolled out in such lavish profusion that 1 was present they soomed struggling which shonld first have ut the king and queen of each party. at the coronation of one of the royal personages, teranos.-Sketches of American Life. when, incredible as it may appear, her dress was valued at five or six hundred pounds; and all thie Lank place during the time of slavery; but the mystery will be unravelled when I tell you that the all the jugglors, magicians, neoromancers, and owner of these glavou lant thair ornamente for the acession. The king and queen of the red drove a j cheriot drawn by six bernes, of course the property of some of the white lahabitanta, who willingly leat anything and everything that might add to the magnificence of the procession, or to the pleasure of the slaves. The sailors who were in the harbour, clinging to the colour of their jackets, gave their ellectual aid to the blue party, by desgring on shore

■ good sized schooner, which they rigged like man-of-war, filled up in a style well adapted for the reeption of royalty, their majesties sitting un- der a canopy erected on the deck for their adoin- madation. This vessel was then placed on wheels, Coltons, and the tere need themselves by drawing it about the streets, now and then dring a royal su- ise, which was unawared from a booth or tempo. rary building, erected in the square, and gracefully ornamented with the green bougbe of the cocos- aw tree. When those Fittle armies mat, which they sometimes did, the champion of each rude forward, in the days of land tournament, one throwing down the gauntlet, and leaving it to ble opponent

Lo enter or not on the contest, as he might think proper. I knew not whoose they got their armour,

but one, I remember, wore a dust-of-mail, whilei | Woollens,

the one abone in a complete casement of steel,

uncha was used in the Ume drezurry ti. Sichik.


Grey Shirtings Pieces

White do

Am. Gray Drills ?

Do, Domantica

Dyed Cottons


Vcouver American



Vrow Jobs Cooper Johanne



Jeramluh Durbeit

Total Importe.





While do.






Gray Twilla




? 2,000




860 16900






? 300





















Printed de.

PaDey do.

Cambriasa Muslima,,


Cotton Yato, Pecule


Long Ella






Raw Sugar - PA?N









Elephant's 'Tooth








In the evening, the white inhabitants crowded to. Probitz, the square, to look at the booths, which were re- ally splendidly illuminated, and at the magnificent display of fireworks, which would have duas no discredit to Vazbail 1 cannot describe the con. fused noise occasioned by the mingling soonds of mule that surrounded up on all eldan At Dne line the ear caught the spirit-atirring notes of the mill. tary band; another, the faint swell of voices jollowed by distance, for each proosion sang as


it marched along. Then again we board the shril? Ra-axrouras par Juliane to Hongkong.

Sfe and nolay goomba of the merry John Cross,

who was a sort of harloqu?m, presiding over en la

ferior party, and conosaling his cable features by a

hideous white mask. Torning from this, me DAY,

to Bydney

Am Grey Drille

Grey Shirtlogs

Printed Handkerchiela










Wallen Cloths 600 Piecos 1s

Colton Yarn 210 Poouls,

Iron 2,500 Pooals.

Smalla 34 Casks.

6:20 Pecule.

TOTAL IMPORTS ler Jugy to 81ar Dacauan, 1849.

Grey Twill 6,140 Pea White Tulla Dyed Cotton Fam. Cotton 19,458 do. Celton Velvets 1,809 da. Cotton Flannel Eng. Camista 3,380 de. Datch Comble

Spektar T (Brit) 2,904 Pla B. Ascher

18 No. Chala Cables

Flaciane 1,2 Pl 1,517 Pla, Poppae 4,011 40.


673,000 Pins Whitg?klita?? 151,557 Pa. 144,000 de Am. Dantelor dipro do. 4,110 Deben Mus. & Cambelas 9,830 do. 11,999 do. 1,719 Pl ETI PAMEN I Iron bar and Rod Matale. Bermain,

Wlodangles & Glassware 3,433 Kamen com

109.94 Foul Pla ZATEN PRODuct Raw Bugar

sosted on the ground, an old man, playing on an COTTON African instrument called the "jaw-bone," being literally the jaw bone of a bores, on which he par- formed very skilfully, rattling stick over the WOOLL.BEG. teeth, whilst another acompanied him on the banja, singing the wildest of African alra, to which, in or years, the more refined have adapted the weil-kanwa Degro song,

"Lovely Rose, Sambo come,

Dun't you hear the banja-ium, tam, com 1 ?The Family Sepulchre. ?


How shall decoribe thee, most thoughtful of wachlora! Shelley and Wilson have lone rezabad |


784 do


139 de Ous

180 Pr" Nesta - 554 Paul Indige

Bandal-wed Beche is

White Lead




Orings Peel

138 les Rope Maloss



I do. Elephants' Teath

35 pipes Balipetre

Pla. Sheeps' Skins

B Spars

360 do.

Lakka-wood Cam Olibanun

100 Plugs Palate

11 Pl. Buffalor Maden 134 de.

14 Dia. Tader

Fish Haw

seg No. Gracch

The above is exclusive of the following geode re-exported, vix?

4.750 Pea. Eng. Grey Dalle 3,519 Pas. 10,909 da. Printed Cotton 1944) de

Cotton Yar

1,215 do.

p?n ?n. Fancy Woollene 100 Hz

10 Ne 6,710 Pla.

297 do.


4,740 Pl.

tit do.

111 do.

154 Pk

2,001 Pie Bea-wood


toy Ph


Sharks' Fla

? do.

Hh. Tobacco

10 H

Its do. Prusian Blue

291 Vigu. Glue a

His Pos. Vermillion Be pla, Oluseng 9 10.

Grey Shirting 2,080 pieces. White Shirtings 300 pieces Muslios 500 pieces Velvals 168 pleons. Priated Handkerchiefs 1,229 dozen, Cotton Yarn 402 pecula. Woollen Cloths 779 pieces. Iron $1,060 pecals Bapan Wood 3000 peculs,







5, filand Queen, Macfarlane, from Lookong Is February!

6. Mur, Alton, from Cumsingmoon.

6, Visa, McMordo, from Cursingmoon.

3, Mazeppa, Junusay, from Whampon.


→→→, San Benito [Spanish), Gonzales, from Manila. Jan.


25, Mariposa (Am ), Sandem, from Manila 9th December. 20, Sarah Trotman, Brown, from Sydney 6th November.

down to the spot to preveal the perpetration auch murder, and arrived in time to reperate the combatants by striking against the stem of the tree with a stick," Before the next morning the young of our only pair of rooke bad dimppeared froto the nest, in a situation where nothing but the awa could have injured them. This was too had ; a deeree went forth against the young owls, and

Jan. Wry paid the penalty of thejt vorinus appetites Italus evident that the mangpis's Instinct in arching over her nest is necessary to enable har and her male to defend it againat rapacio birds, Probably the cavon, the buzzard, and the kita, may bell disposed to make unfriendly visits, wherever their new has not been exterminated by pitileno | gamekeeper. But it in evidrot that the taway owl is a formidable enemy. The reluctance of the rook to build out of society may also be better understood, as it cannot defend its open oest against the owl at night; and also one reason why the in stinct of the daw landa it always to seak the shal- ter of a bole, although, as Mr. Waterton remarks, appears to be as hardy a bird as the rook-No- tural History of Tyneside.


Per Angiona-Mr Mitchell.






44 T


|Hongkong| 150 Porter

Dart, schwer Jedorwn, ship (Whaler)

435 Kmith Wampos | 100 The

Angiosa, schander

| Caibacine, baryan

Eagle, brig

Icinde, brig

Babe, barque

|| Awwisps, brig

| Caymania, ship

Amizade, brig

The Prussian Eagle signalized the English ship drabella, in Dampier Straits, Ossores, g on the 20th January.

The China spoke the Nymph, in Ombay Spice.

The Chebar spoke the brig Nymph, in Dampier Straits, on the 7th January.



The figure and face of Thiers are ludicrous enough. He is a little man, somewhat about four feet and a half high, with large bead, and larger spectacles. The expression of his eye is so furtive, that were not known his paros in so well lined as to place him beyond such temptations a casual sportator would immediately button up his pocke on the little tonn's approach. He is a great bater of the English-bastilled Paris chiedy to keep | them at a distance-looked maligally unatterable when he visited them here and sasvin?s on seprei of dignity, meant to be overpowering, bat in reali ly only abound, whenever he comes in kontruaL with the son of perfute Albiam. This haired to England is the chief source of any ichluence he Bow retains with his countrymen ; yet, though the feeling, to a considerable extent, still prevails in France, and his ambitian is unbounded, or unly to be matched by blue con?dence and conceit, we can not believe that it will ever secure him the post of

Jan. president of the republic, to which he aspires. Thiers, it may be added, is a man of great wealth. Independent of his own acquisitons be obtained larga fortune by marriage with the daughter bf a stockbroker, with whom he was in the habit of trafficing in the funds.The Mirror, Mouthly Magazina


lo Ireland there have bees, and there still are, many other races (prositive races, perhaps, of


???? ????????.

8, Scotland, Robie, Whampoa.

8, Surge, Maurice, Bombay.

A, China, Fergusson, Whampoa.

3, Monarca, Duncanson, Whampoa.

3, John Cooper, Were, Whampon.

3, Lord Hardings, Tracey, Whampoa.

3, Rafael, Brown, Singapore.

3, Gazelle, Drued, East Coast.

3, Vine, McMurdo, Cumeingmoon.

3, Schah Jokah, John, Whampoa.

4y, Whyte, Macao and Ningpo.

4, Casbar, Simpson, Whampoa,

8, Bangalore, Martyn, Singapore,

5, Rejaksian, Patterson, Manila.

5, Anglona (Am), Thorp, Whampoa.

6, Denia, King, East Coast.

0, Zephyr, Wilson, Cumeingmoon.

FROM BANORAL. 24, Confucius, Scoll, Liverpool, 24, John Bunyan, Thompson, London. 24, Gitana, Ligertwood, London.

27, Victory, Mullens, London.

whom we know linte or nothing), not 39' extinet; H. M. Bhip Hastings

developed occasionally and unexpretedly among the subsequent waves of other races which have swept over or sejourned on the soil of freland; primitive races ennnected with these Lithunania and Wendes faces of the Black Forest, source f the Danube and shores of the Baltic, ool yet ex- tinct in those countries but influencing by the presence the blood of Central Germany, of Bet- giom, and the Rhine. The Phawician exists In Bouth Ireland, with his fine oval face, blick lift, largo expressiva ayes, and orjental feelings. That distinguishes student, Mr. Percival Lord, who rose on rapidly to reputation in India, was

alive, I think of Cork, but evidently of Phanielun tuor. The Daue, that is the Saxon, seized on Eastern Ireland: the Basque probably had a share in the population of South Ireland; the Celt of the narib western parts of Ireland has, it is said, his peen- harlies. It is in Ireland also, and in boo tract only of Sealand, where we meet those misterios remains, the round towers; "monuments coeval pechap with the pyramide;" What an antiquity,


Brig Columbi

Brig Scout

Brg Arab

Brig Mariner Steamer Fury

Mamer lafaible Boomer Mades

U. C. Bu


Hongkong 14 Gu Foochow 16 Case

10 Gu Whamper 19 (an


10 Glo [flongkong|

C.-Chias ? Ness longkong

Phlegethon Canton

H. M. Ship Alligator

Ship Mindan ADA.

UB, Ship Plymouth


Bhip Proble Carreto La Bayonne


Hongkong. Haapial



Whampoa | 28 |Dane"


10 Ge


Rear Admirali F.A CaDior, Captale 1. W. Mos Commander J. C. D. ar. Commander F. E. Jokossa. Commander TV. Nora. Commander C. M. Machinoc Commander James Willowx. Commander J. C. Hossava.

Commander T. H. Ma

Commander Niblets.

Ucher Bookies.


Water J. Missball.

Commodore D. Geisinger,

|{ Captain T. H. Gedney. Commander James Brea

Capalo La Graviers.

Marquis of Hos?ngo, barque




Augatine Heard and co.


236 Pro

33 Lovelt

170 W

Web sad cu Russell and on.

Felmora sad re.

and on

W. O. Cominck

$7M Pro

317 Henders 634 Eanerbrook

Remell and co.

Jedro Jos? de Birs Loureiro.

Land Francisco d'avessa,

Food Maneal de Jets.

Larengo Marque





PRICE $12 per annum.

TERMS OF BURSCRIPTION the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per farum, 19 Dellars. Se Months. 7 Dollars. Three Monike. 4 Dollars; all paid in advance. Credit Triona, 14 Dollars, sj Dullare, and & Dollars, for the periode of Twelve, Bix, and Threo Mando ripsivaly: Bingle Numbers, to Bubscribers 25 cents each; to Non-Subscribers, 1 Kupas. Parties calling or

to the Office for papan en requested to pay serb OF ADVERTISING.—Ton TERMS

and ander, Dollar; additional, to camisas, Ropadajone one-third of the frat ingetom. Ships-First Insertion, Dollares subsequent insertions 43 cents. Advertise to here written on the face of them, the number of dimes they are required to appair; otherwise they will be published until counteranded. In all butang, those who are not Subscribers, require

to pay in advaDGE.


Ramell and c.

"Bhanghai | 375 Wine

Remet and c

VOL. VIII. No 12.

Kell and on.

Manp, ship

Red and on

Clarendon, skip


James Tail

· Patrol, eshaont





300 P

Jos? Vlorate Janya.

150 dar

350 pre

Nos Seaborn du Lan, brig


Tromeiga, barque

900kr velko

Ara, chor


80 Remedios

T. A. dos Rampedive,

De Amigue, schooner

105 Silva


Amistad, barga



Lord Vicens Jorgt.

Ben Besito, brig


Aurore, schooner


100 Cabada

Jass Vioenie Junge, Jaman Falt

Vrouw Johanos, barque

Cutie Liong, barque Justinu, barque



John Bard and on

Komanly, Macgregor and on

Dear and o

44 ??????


Baltana, barque Pucon

Prussian Eagle, ship


Ann, loroka

Emily, archa

(Store Ships.)

Banjo Horajes, ship Falcon, stap

Fort William, hip

Lady Hayes, barque

Lines, brig

Pea Hors, brig


Warlock, brig

Whamp? 505 Vanderhosen Deni and on,





Hongkong 600 Schatt |Hongkong) 190 Sawell

Hongkong 850 Cen


313 Barley

1914 ler Camoon 379 Langley

Dans and o

Jurdies, Matheo Jardine, Mahamon and co. 3.A.Olding, P.& 0.Com, Agost, Augustine Heard and on Cowagjes Sapootjes Longrean. Pastenice Framjon Camo ani an, Jardian, Mahatos and es. Demand co.

318 Radice, J. B.Rome and co. 917 Withea

Raparoli (Aen.), barque



937 Ma


3 Zabel


Chiho 299 Crawford

Lord Ambert, ship Pathinder, barque Royalist, schooner Harlequin, belg Logies, barges Anita, brig

Muhameden, batque Amases, ship

Black Dog, whooner

Eide, soccer

Emily Jena, sip

Folkmons, ship

Masden, barque

Balpo (Am), brig

Time, schooner

William, brig

Willem Hogbes (Am), bris William IV., barque Hallas, echoener Ternate, barque

141 Browning

973 Woodrow

Foo-500 919 tidy

937 Rompe Woong 442 ubertson

170 Deane

BS Wix


406 Forbes

236 Chape

Das and oo.


ENOLAND, CALOUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY ESSRS SMITH & BRINELOW have jual Drranted some very Prime Bacon which they can highly recommend to their Custompner,

No. 1 & 2 Woman's Buddinge. Victoria, 12th January 1849.



HE Directors of the AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY have informed us that from and after the 10th of October posta finner will ply regularly on the 10th of such month on the direct lins between Tasarra and ALEXANDRIA, 40 4 to sorrespond with the Hon. E per the 25th of November past a Biker will ply 1. COMPANT BOMnay Breanuna; and from and golarly on the 95th of each month on to direct line

Alan, an route to the above, Benson, Punanu, Gatto—Malta, B?u, Asun.

THE PERINOULAR AND ORI ENTAL COMPANY's Steam Bhip MALTA, will leave theme Undersigned offer for Balu a general somet for the above places on Tuesdaymont of 8bip Chandler's Stores, comprising

Prime Me Bool and Park Guilege Flour's Pilot | Cameo will be received on board until Noom, and and Nary Bread; Canvas and Cotton Duck; Bow-ween Triests and Alexandria,eone to morrespond

the 97th of February.


THE FIRM of HAWLE, DUUS & Co, Hong. NOTICP, kong, and of DUIs, IA WLE & Co. Bhang haj, are this day dissolved by mutoul consent. ATI persons having claims, against either fem, will please send their nocodate for adjustment, and those indebted to the firms, will please make payment, to the undersigned,


N. DUL?, Victoria, Hongkong, 1st October, 1848,


COMMON BUSINESS, on the same promisce as TILE undersigned begs to Intimate that he will con- Hage to carry of GENERAL. AQUNCT, and formerly; under the Firm of N, DULB &Co. N. DUUS, Victoria, Hongkong, Jet October, 1848.


Bruoru until 4. m., of the 28th,

For further part?omlara regarding Fantent and ng and Roping Twins; Manils Rope of ali sluts ÷ | ith the P.&O. COMPANY's Breakz from Clalle.

Paints and Pain Oil; Pulat Brushes; Houseline Pamank apply at the P. & O. B. N. Company's Marlins, &o, &c.

The AUSTRIAN Lloyd's Company will have dre Blamere vallable for this Ilno; each of them be Ofico, Hongkong.

Also, reosived per late arrivals, Cheddar and 600 and 700 Tona burthen and of 200 Horse- J. A. OLDING, Agmt. Berkeley Chess; Work and Cumberland Hameswar. They are tied up to a superior style and Hongkong, 2nd February, 1849.

Bootch Oatmeal in Tine ; an assortment of Ollman's English le spoken on Bourd Stores from Crome & Blackwell; Kennedy's Water Crackers; Manila Chocolate; Mocha and Maxila

The number of Barths in each is as under, vig:—

38 First Class, including 16 for Ladies Calibo, &c., do,

20 Becond Clas

I for Females. Merzetti's Bottled Ale and Stout; London Bet- The Fares to be 218, for Find Olass, ?12 for Ba-

nd Clam; fooluding Table money and StewardeURL.A. L?BECK it authorised to sign our

Firma by procuration.

N. DUUS & Co: Victoria, 4th January, 1849.


Jardins, Matheson and an So, air and co.

ply 10%

Pardino, Matheson and o Deat and co

Dant and ev.

Jardine, Matheson Led co.

leo. F. Blubertava.

David Beacon Boondo

Paroor and on.

Deal and

Jardina, Machovom vad so Cowages Bepootjes Langrams,

196 Badoo, W. Augustine Elsard and so,

Pestonje Franjo Cand

133 Baird

Lookong 900 Gol

979 Prima

Gilman and co.

Romell and co.

Lieder and at

Jardine, Matheson and or

Beat and on.


fordine, Matheson & Co Immedi

Gilman Bowman & Co Early



Jukaded Dempsich


Whampoa Angelina

Dent & Co




Blackfriar Scotland Shanghai Constance


Diram, Grey



Gilman & Co.'




Record Whampoa Syria




Comaly mera.




|tiongkong | 371 Bart

Dent and os.

180 Sams

$7 Day

145 Flpher

3:40 g

Ariel, barque Asia, ship Commer Emperar, bap Becer, belg

no Jouht, could we but draco it, belunga iccumsan. Inbly to ?relsus); at all events, to its race!

may it not be that other races are just an ancient 1- Medical Times.


The Journal des Debats, in a leading article, reckone up the enormous eums the overthrow of the monarchy and the proclamation of the Repulic have com the French nation, and the morifices it must make in future in order to uphold the exist-

ing system of Government. The public rury bas already lat 500 DU0,000?. (?20,000,000), and the year 1940 may be expected to leave a similar deficiency was not less than the cost of the invasion of France and its occupation by the allied Armies, Independent of this immerse Inst the city of Paris hi suffered severely. The deficiency of is revenue since the revolution of February amounts to 10,000,000 7. | ?100,000), and it is estimated that the deficiency for the ensuing year will amount to 10,371,748? Besides this mormous deficit, the revolution of February has cost the city, in extraordinary expenses, 8,292,8011. (?250.000) and it is found necessary to vote al present a fur ther sum of 0,000,000 (?360,000) to relieve iba every day increasing

ying inteldi &

Something for ath-Bo various are the appetites of animals that there is scarcely any plant which is mot chamen by some and left by others. The horne given up the water hemlock to the goat; the cow gives up the Jong leaved water hemlock to the sheep the goat given up the monk's bood to the borse, &c.; for that which certain animals grow fat upon, oibers abbor as polson. Hence no plant in sb-olutely poisonous, but only rapeo- urely. Thus the sparge, which is noxious to man, is wholesome to the caterpillar, That solmals may not destroy themselves for want of knowing this law, rach of them is guarded by such a delicacy of taste onil smell, that they can easily distinguish what is pernicious to what a whole wome; sud when li happens that different animals live on the saros planta, still one kind always leaves something for the ather, as the mouths of all

are not equally slapied to lay hold of the gr200m by which means there is feiant food for al),-Stillingdend





8, Chebar, Sinipson, from Bombay 24th October.

telen browart, barque Hindantan, ship

Island Q, schooner

Lady McNagbien, barque

Land O'Lakes, abip

or, whip Musapps, achroner

Queen, barque

Red Rover, barque

Haloplan, barque Swallow, barque ?Vixen, vebeonar

w Indian, barque

Amela, hoor

Amy Packes, schooner Angelina, barqno

A Cropper, chip Belle Barinn, ship Blackfriar, barque Chebar, barqa

Chana, slug Eagle, barque Falcon, barque Harowe, barque

Imbella Blych, barque John Cages, ship

balam, ship Lord Hardings, ship March

Bahah Jahan, ship

land, ship

Bir Herbert Compton, barque

Syria, p

Bir Robert Be, ship

Wellagion, barque

William Browari, ship

Privateer, schlower Zephyr, schooner Royal Racings, brig

Clown, brig

Chaloo, bere


Constanca, barque Corale, brig

Dailies, barque

Daniel Walone, brig

Fital, barque

Jeremiah Garonit, abip



Recurd, barone

Saran Lown, bec

Bunk Tren, barque

Bir Edward Ryan, barque

Torrington, boomer

Walion, barque

Wtribe Wmp, choose Gin, brig

Hanghang, barque

8, Ariel, Buet, fecha Calcutta 13th December and Apy, how

Singapore in January.

8. Schah Jehan, Jolins, from Boinbay 2nd Not.

3, Anglana [Am.], Thorp, from Amoy lat Feb,

Andes, schooMET

Dead, chu OF

Gamle, schooner

Spec, schooner



594 Watt

194 Means

64% Hibbert

495 Gret

17) JAN


STEP. Leydan

9:0 Kaleoblas 345 Anderson ||196|Mahlerde

|Whampan] 145 VaMillan

ordine, Matheson and on,

McBwon and on.

Mecticar and on,

it Duncan.

Thomas Larkin.

Dirom, Gray and 0.

and on

Hecticar and on

Partion Mmband Jardine, Matheson and co

Jarden, Minolta and ce. Sardine, Matheson and co.

, Markson and co.

A Aircle and on.

Thomas Larkin,

Wardian, Muchowow and an,

If wedina, Matheson and en.

Warner and co

Quem and co

Jent and on.

Mercer and ca

liday, Wise and ca Odro, Gray and on.

[Cankin, Rowo


Bing a Calcutta Bombay

w.c. of Amer California

Medila Shanghai

JeremiahCarePlas, Flargreaves & Co Early Dent & Co.

Early Dirom, Gray & Co Early William Stowaniardino, Matheson & Co Parly Shanghai Wako Jardine, Matheson & Co Early Whampoa Vow Johanns Dent & Co.

JEarly Hongkong West Indian Jardins, Malbeson & Com March

Jardine, Matheson & Co Early R, Worthington & Co Early Dent & Co. P. Fremjee Cama & Co Immedi Ina fort

Shanghai Chalco

Sarah Louins Hongkong Arial

Whampoa Sir H. Compton


Sir Robert Sale Amelia

Hongkong Hector Whampon Herman

Macro San Banko Hongkong Leland Queen

First Class American Ship will be A despatched for BL. Francisco early March. For Craight or pamage up.

JOB. W. OSBORNE, or to, RAWLE, DRINKER & Co. Victoria, Brd February, 1849.


THAT Large and Commodious House 1 lately occupied by the floors, Ceylon Etiske Regimenti potessing among other great ad- viagra large Yard and excellent Buabling. Ap p?y 10,


Hongkong, 7th December, 1849.


?? Anc?d, MELVILLE cenard to be a Part- ner in our Firm here and at Any from 31st December 1848,

BYME, MUIR & CO. Victoris, 4th January, 1840.



THE Firm of E. MOORMAN & Co., Colon, Is this day dipsolved. Outstanding Accomala will be sealed by

CONRAD BAUER. Chaten, 30th November, 1848,

NOTICE. TUE Business of the Undersigned will from this date be carried on under the Firm bonwa- MAKH & Co.


Canton, Jol January, 1849. NOTICE

HER WILLIAM DREYER is authorised to sign

our Firm by Prociation.

Lindsay & Co.


Tamer & Co


SCHWEMANN & Co. Canton, fal Jamnary, 1849.

Robert Duncan


Reims & Co


Jos? Vicente Jorgo Dent & Co.


Josh Jan



Augus 25, Aon, 665, Clinch, Shangbai. September 9, Euphrates, 418, Wilson, Whampoa. October 16, Marquis of Bulo, 543, Bannatyns, Hongkong. November 15, Palmyra, 465, Campbell, Hongkong.


May, July

and Do



and co. Bardins, Matheson and es.

80, John Christian, 390, Churchward, Hongkong.

4, Molly Bawn, 884, Robinson, Shangbai.

15, Colchester, 562, Withere, Hongkong. 97, OK England, 623, Fee, Shanghai.


434 Morgun

193 Maria

564 Wand

405 mpen

SM Fargasson


29| Fac


Sardine, Mathosen and co,

Line, Math

and co

404 Tenosy

Livingste and co.


1, Woodstock, 300, Nicholson, Shanghai..



L'ill and co

12 Pesic, 449, Heard, Shengkai,


3:31 Brown

240 B

475 Vellamu


149 Wom 185/5va


Shanghai 397 Brown

166|0 Bamako

172 Repar

105 Walon


stan and co.

Ramell and on.

Cate and o

Imenjen Framje mando

17 day sed

Gray and co.

Jeitos, Malbesos and co.

Jurdina, Mashion and co

Jeanies Bapoarjes Langrene.

inc and co.

[[f, da Silva.

rine, Matheson sad co

September 10, Queen Mab, 304, Rowe, Shanghai.

14, Baghali, 877, Machell, Hongkong. 24, Adder,

October 2, Charles Jones, 369, Cothey, Shanghai.

al, Naomi, 409, Combay, Hongkong.

November 8, Menciur, 509, Robertson, Shanghai.

Loading on the 24th November-Allarton, Bengales, Esther, and Lady Sandyr,


October 29, Canton (atency-rosso)), Jamieson, Hongkong. “

FIOLOALCUTTA, December 12, Heber (Am), 448, Patterson. Loading.-Cowesjoo Family.


November 1, Imbella, 194, Noble, Whempos.

? D. H. Came and on,


Hine, Methason and no.

Fb and ca

3. Bowman and eo,

and co

argreaves and co

Man, Worthingtonandco.

|Maide, Brothers.

Fegawiance Mann and co

| Mathmoa nod co.

447 Daria

450 Paralle


144 R

200 son

101 McKaight


145 i

143 Prost



||Pam Cousi|| 151 |Nollimna

Deat and c



| 195/Lane

Wdijam Darident

133 King

sad oo.

1uir and co.



Jer Matheson and eo,

fatcns, Mother and co


11, Frances Whitney (Am.), 452, Fisk.

24, Bukuos, 1181, Wadga

27, And Martin, Martin.

27, Prince Charlip, Macmillan,

30, Nymph, 270, Bon

December 8, Gilmors, 500, Maw.

7, Robert Small, 8mail.

Landing for China, 10/A Dee-Alecto, Anna Eliza, Chishain, Cumberland, of Wales, Ruby, and Sir H. Hardings. Falcon, Gipay, Hebrides, Lady Montaguo, Lord W. Bentinck, Oriental, Prines


December 24, Sumaten (Dutcb), 275, Vokman.


December 30, Channing (Am., 040, Huuleston, Whampoa


December 18, Lout?, 381, Rosario, Macao and Amoy.

Printed and Published by Jonn Cann, At The Priund of China and Honghung

Gaulle, Printing Ofice, Queen's RoaP, VICTORIA, HONGKONG, 1849.


MR. MARTIN WILHELMY, is authorised to

Sign our Fran by Procuration.

BOUSTEAD & Co. Canton, 20th May, 1848.


HAVING Associated curselves with Mr 9. B.

RAWLS, of the late Firm of BAWLE, DUOS & Co., our Busiares will be conducted in fatu under the Name of RAWLE, DRINKER & Co.


Hongkong, In October, 1848.


R Gronos C. Franzayn is authorleod to sigu


W. IL FRANKLYN. Victoria, 29th December, 1848.


THE Godemigned having takes the premises lately occupied by Mr Coas Buckton, has to commenced besirem as a Ship Chandler and Gene- Jal Borekeeper under the Bem of A H. Farza&Co.


Hongkong, Ist November, 1848.


HR. H. T. DE SILVER is this day admited

led Sherry, Port, and Madeira Wiom,

A. H. FRYER & Cq. Victoria, Jet January, 1848.


OF superior London auko, just received,


Queen's Road, 2nd February, 1849.

JUST LANDED. ASIA, an avortment of Girl's Jvan? Lind's Aos Ditte, ditto young Ladies rising -Ditto ditto Boys and fefanis,-For seio al


The Voyage is expected not to exceed 6 days to dept, and as Quarantine la calculated from the of leaving Alexandria-those vessels being pro vided with Heakh Oors-it follows that with a

bill of health, passengers will get pratique imidiately on arrival at Trieste.

Per letters to England superscribed "ola Trivate" Wa "dversen " eberge is made of 18 Kresizer (about 128) Cu) per Quartae Ca, and half ibis rate for every Manesat & Os. Any one wishing to send letters

and via Tricate many my the overact

El? our hands, sad adires them to the care of the BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Osmision Lloyd's Aginoy at Alexandria—franking Victoria, 2nd Febrany, 1840.

TR8. INESS will continues to reocive every mooth by the Overland Mail her soual sup- ply of



Fruits, and

Jams and Jellies, ka, Hongkong, 22nd January, 1819.


Letters to the European Continent via Trieste ky likewise be addressed to the care of the sald Agency-the franking to Alexandria being attend- ad to--and for these the prepayment of the "over- -non” Postage is not required.

Packages for Egypt, or any part of the Con flada of Europe, or the Levant, should be address do the care of solne one at Sues, as the P. & O. Company de nol

N. DUUS & Co will receive goods on Storage M. in their godowns, at a moderate reti.

Parcels to any

Alan, Receive and forward Goods, part of Europe, India, or to the East Coast of China.

Victoria, Hongkong, 1 October, 1848.


THIE Lorchas EMILY, 60 Tons, and ANN, 120

Toda For particulars, apply to


Victoria, 20th January, 1840,



CONTAMARIAT OFFLOR. for to deliver any thing not

Hongkong, 9th February, 1849. Was Trenait of other Doties most be paid; and toenders med at la mujil

hand that landjae

sight on either the Lords Commissioner of Her Ma-

[RS, INKAS having been appointed Agent forurens much despatch as possibles Bill of Lading 19 o'clock un Wednesday the 21st insinct, for Naked Propene dent for the particolare a value de, abould be sent to the BILL to be drawn by the undersigned at 30 days stention of perlies shipping to California, to her

forwarder at Boez. praten Stock of,

For Passage, or for further particulars, apply to, jesty's Treasury or the Governor-General of India W■. PUSTAU & Co, to the exipot of Event Troviand Pounds Steez- Agents at Canton and Honghongo in exchange for British Money, Rupees, for the Imperial Royal prin. Austrian Mexican and Bouds American Dollars

Lloyd's Steam Narigation Company."


W. C. W. Beef;


Ox Trogues;



Hounds of Beef pickled to order

Bmoked Pige Chenka, da., &?0.


A fery superior sample of Kiln dried Maine, and Hydralio prevod Hay.

1longkong, 22nd Jonunry, 1840.

1.888. IN299 has added novaral novelties to ber already wall assorted slook of Millinery and Drapery in the shape of,


French Flowers and Wronibo;

Biripod Alapated;

Muslin de Lainen;

French Chazous, Habit Shirls, and Collar?; Thread Loo

Children do, and Diaper;

Feather, Ribbons, &o., &a.


A small assortment of Babies Linen,

Hongkong, 22nd January, 1849,


? Ship Chandlers of Manila,

BEG leave to inforto Owwake and CarTATS of

WHALE SHIPS, that the Government of Mas nila has abolished the Tonaan Duno

Mousa Dua berstofaro existing to coat OWN. ing at that Port for refreshments. This regulation. will commence from the 1st of January, 1849 and will afford Whaling Captains the means of eup- plying their vessels with all kinds of Borne at the moet moderato ralo.

Manik, 12th July, 1848, _/



partner in our firm, which will consist from | CODA WATER AND LEMONADE of Buperior

this date of Mr A. H. FAYER and Mr 11, T. Da BILTAR.

A. H.-FRYER & Co. Hongkong, January (st, 1849.



ALL parties having slime against the late Capiais Thomas Lindsey of the Schooner Amalia are requested so sam their sosonate without delay, and all pasting indebted to the said Captain Lindsey are requested to make immediato payment of the same to Messrs Tunnan & Co.

Hongkong, 26 January, 1849.




Macao, at HINNAM'6, China Shopkaspar,

Victoria, 11th June, 1848.


The lenders to be sealed--maskod on the outside "Tender Bills—and to express the rate por

VER. F. DRAKE, will be happy to receive two cent f?t British money, or the sterling rate at which

young Gentlemen no boarders, in addition to each of the other coins may be offered. odo at present under his tuition, to whom would imparted, solid and useful accomplishments, ?mbined with every domestic comfort, and cal slated to ensure success in Mercantile pursuits, Loghor channels in Hife.

MR. GEORGE FRAZAR having given up bla ?s

business, would inform the Marshams" (bad) Residents, that Mr WILLIAM ROSS and Mr GEORGE PERKING will carry on the peme in all its branches on the old Premises, and he is cus- fidant that they will give satisfaction to all who in- tant them with their work.

Mr FRAZAR uakes this opportually before leaving the Colony to present his thanke t? th?) Merchants and others for the kind support he has

SHEATHING Copper, and Naile Apply to bitherto received, and begu leave to recommend his

GIBB, LIVINGSTON& %, Hongkong 26th Janunty, 1849.

atrocessors to their patronage.

Hongkong, tal February, 1840,

Colonial Church,

| Victoria, 28th December, 1848.

HEMI, CHROKOESTER AND WASON-WAUWR, bage to inform the Public, that he has rai prad bin Establishment from Maeso to Shanghai, be has the pleasure of addressing his best thanks Hibe Community of Macao, Canton, and Hoog. Hog for the patronage he has received. Ela hops, deserve in bla new altuation, 5 die exertiona

same support from the public. He la wall Chelied with a variety of Goods.

Shanghai, 15th July, 1848.

"WIELY06-BYRNE, Tation, dio,

Quem's Road, Tictoria,

J. W. SMITH, Assistant Commissary General,

PUBLIC AUCTION. MESSRA. SMITH & BRIMELOW will sell by Paulto Avorion, on Monday ment, 19th instant, at 11 o'clock a. m., at Mesare BIGHAM & Co.'s Store:

A quantity of Household Furniture, Shop Fix. ture, Glass Caret, &o., &c,


60 Barrola of Bottled Beer, to close an account.

THEMA OF BALE-As per Hand-billa. No. 1 & Woomsm's Buildings, - Victoria, 9th February 1840,


Gentlemen to bis Establishment.The Pub. | [] "DUDDELL, is instroated to sell by Publio?

EG8 most respectfully to Invm the attention of

AUCTON, without reserve, on Wednesday

will 6nd it to theft adramiage to have th?c. 14th inat, at noon, at the AvorION MART, Queen's alles made by him, haleed of sonding to London RosSHELLEY'S PARK, Plessantly Bi- | tuated (near "he_ALBANT), and commanding un

The Palot, Wellington Coal, and Rochford extensive view of holachas?r,...... This Property Pooting Chota Bex,so much worn in London eat comprises 7 Acres of Land fanged in, and "most uned to tider swell out and quietantially made of it in a high state of enkiration and the only jelas, unlike the Blopa kiaported into this Country, centrally sitosted agricultural ground in the Co- lony. The Proprietor has expended $7,000 in Hongkong, 6th February, 1840.

levelling, menuring, laying on water fountains, plasting and otherwise improving the Ground. A aite for a residence bes already been cleared and the whole le rented from Government at the lower apest price of Town Land, The Property in open for polos. For further particulars apply at the MART.

Victoria, 6th February, 1849.

TRANFIELD, BOOT AND BOB MARE from Te Londoo, having reosivoj a quantity of Eng- "b_Leather," on Lady McNaghim, and upken 1 Bh?p adjoining the Medical Hall, Groon's Ind, Victoria, bigs to inform the Public that he ?thern mommated Boot and Shoe Making in all (blockmy and trusts by attoution to his Poslans Imoot their Pattonage and support

Vietoria, 7th Fulenarye1840.


R BALE at the Oftes of this paper i— BILLS OF BONANGU.




"for the Peninsular and Osl- ental Company's Bonmars,

COMPRADOR Ondana, in Books.



Mercantile form? and other work priated with badliion at the enstomary roles,

Queen's Road, 9th October, 1848.

An Arkansas hgro was lately convicted of bore stealing, and, when the sentence bad been paad on him, he took a survey of the court-rom, and gave vent to his feelings in the fellowing manner :-- *Well, this is rather the briskest place & over did ste Travelled Geen miles this morning, stood an election, and saunimously voted by tw??vo men to be maintained at the public expense to? years.'


A Simple Answer to a Polite Questio. — ? Can I show you anything more to-day, de l' naked the elvil gentleman behind the counter of his worthy castainer. 'Yes," was the reply,

Will you be good enough to show me the silk umbralia | Jefi here throw week ago 1'


(From the China Mail, February |}

Diplomatic Department. COVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency. Eler Majesty's Plenipotentiary. A., &c., is pleased to direct that the auared Ex- gesels of Communications from the Imperial Com motiver, announcing the punishment of certain culprits engaged in the piratical attack on Mt Meadows, Interpreter in Fler Majesty's Conquinto at Centon, on the night of the 27th November, be published for general information.

By Order.


Victoris, Hongkong. tat February, 1819. Extracts of Communication from the Imperial Commnisser,





THE FRIEND OF china and Hongkong gazetTE.

Wa take the following extract from a Woo- sung shipping list dated 22nd JuneKY,—

"Captain Tudor (of the ship ? Forfarshire") reports having, on sth January-hen of Black Mount- www M. Topazil Schener on shore; hull der water—ails lace —many bosta around her.”

This was no doubt the schooner Omega' sho January; about noou, the Captain, a passenger.. went on abore at 2 o'clock A. M. on the dth of

and the crew attempted to load ; they were al tacked in the water by the Chinese, and the Captain, first officer, the passenger, and nine of the crew either drowned or murdered.

sted 13th January, 1848. "Arcooling to the evidence of the culminal -- heen and other, (fire ja number) they only robbed one Can an onboard the heal. These are ratenation cle- cmstances the eyes of law, and they therefore hot nuder death, but be transported. This is la secondaace with the provisions (of the cute) 13 chapter, page 53.

"The Magistrale now reports, that in Mr Meadows the Juleuterate he has accesively tized the following Junaway criminals :—Lew a kosmg, Lewach, Lemai wang, Woo-a-bing, Le-chin, Yewtww-kwek, z1wing king-pu, Won-s-tieang,—in a.) eight. It wasserrtain?l as a matter of fact, that all these had bounded the hot, and it was likewise fund out, that they had robbed the pachet Baon-san, the tler boat Le-yuk-yang, the pa linker's shop of Levirang borough, and the coine junk of Chinah. Hence it is proved that they have repeated ly committed robberies; these various instances having been bianght bome to them, they have this been me lenced to decapitation, and that their benda be stork up. Being Impartially deal with, in contormslty better ofplanation.

the law, not the least forbearance nor tenity has been

shewn towards relibers"

Opa rendera con compare the following ac


was logg

The cup, which it was originally inter and to of the bombastic eloquence of Sir John Davis. present on parade, is in the shape of

piaropple, and of beautiful workmanship, the designs repre

known autograph of Shakopare in privato lands;



A Portuguese Baroness in Trouble,—Marin Car- lota lues Cabral, a Portuguese berorom, formerly of the Axorem, whore she possessed largo emalar, - and her servant Maria Eloen, wero brought up t the Worship Mrent police office on Friday, for fost ramination, charged with kaying stolen a silver brooch,? quantity of liman, wearing apparel, and other articles, the property of her landlady, Mia Esther Pitman, the proprietres of boarding establishingent for distinguished foreigners in Fin?- Guiry aquare, On behalf of the baroness it was alleged that she was a person of singular and ess centric habits, suffering from mental wankenele ap- prosching to imbellity; but this statement not her ing borne out by evidenes, both the prisoners were committed for trial.


Bea, it will be observed, has adesspared the

It will be recenteret a large and

A Beautiful Hedge The best hedge in the were the Authors of thugs Draantic Compositions | but on coming alongede te durourced it to be a boat way placed at the disposal of the soldiers by river pirates who attacked Mr Mandows on the

and Mr Wieler, of Stratfork, his valuable collec.

United States, says the Generee Farmer, extrodo called Bhakapare, and that D?n Jonson and Blisk. | gigante turtle or tortuise, armed with enormous Messrs Jardine, Matheson & Co.

in which the

of Shakopee camonts and curiosities. We mile on n plantation of 3000 acres, nr Augusts, spere never existed in human form, but that they slate blades, which glittered in the air, and served 27th of November-eight were decapitated on convalescents were in the babit of taking aisire to have mulberry cup, and traite, and coordinat is the Cherokee rose, which is an are spisunt ideas or idole orrcled in the wonkish for the defence of the creature, like the quille apua the 19th of January and five are to be trans- in the evening, and which unfortunately

in full bloom, presenting ? magnificent floral | times-E 8 Dinkann." Tatasing- medley museum, in short, not un

the fretful porcupine the Taifuong of 31st August" was then

'T'he elect was black, and ported. The man wounded by Mr Meadows

spectacle, and Alling the atmosphere with delicious ke the siteactive exbibitions which the Archeolo Wellestitute brought together at Winchester, per sbrough final without wings can get over his wife led a cat and dog bite, and abbiegt play. being the most terrifle sight that be ever beheld. upon," the Correspondent who is furnished

Philophical Calmnert-James Ferguson and

from out thetonof the unruly copillo poked bin was drowned. The most sanguinary dispositions with the particulars, "derided by the ana

enormous head, which Captain. Bais describes na York, Norwich, and Lincoln.

it or ibrough it

alloded to in the philosopher's autobiography. will be satisfied with the punishment awarded, missinned officers and men, with the sanction and

Munificence of Jenny Lindh—We are informed About the your 1750, no evening, while he was Hrs Charles Kran as Viola.—Some years ago and so far it does not appear that You is inclin-approval of their enlonel and officers, in pre

that the net proceeds of the provincial tour of en- stelivoring to a London audience a lecture on an Meera Jardine & Matheson with a small piece of ed to blink offences committed against foreign plate, so a slight lokes of their vivid remembrance

Mrs Ellen Free, after a long absence in Amerion,

pagamento Madile. Lind is at present fulfilling, Itronomy, his wile entered the rouen in a passion. reappeared at the flaymarket Theatre, London, calculated to mount to something near ?6000, and maliciously over-turned several pieces of the ors—at least not when the criminals are no- of kindnak at a time when it was

much needed by them, and of which British soldiers are never

Viola in Shakspert's “Twelfth Night," and torious ladrones—ner are our demands for re-

ake intends to transit to Stockholm, for the com apparatus; when all the notice Ferguson took of Paulin in the domestic drama of The

plotion of the hospital commencol under brt nu the catastrophe was the observation to the an Corgetful" dross less attended to, now that we are deprived

Ra" Reminiscences of that apening were

pices, and by funde raised at a concert she gave demon, “Ladies und gentleman, I have the mistor. awakened on Saturday fast when the same Indy,

In that city when leaving home for England to tune to be married to this woman" now Mre Charles Kenn, was again on the same

Lake her place at ber Majesty's thostre, last season. ge, as the sume Viola and Praline, and a gonini

Consumption of Opium in Englani.—According Bought Loyalty Worthless.—An article in this to commercial alatomenis, it appoirs Heat the quan- wowe of recognition was diffused over the audience The house was deckledly the best of the season month's number of Blockwond's Magnsins, the tity of opium imported into this country is on the With the exception of the one speech," She never organ of the sincere Conservatives, denounces the inarrase. Take the month of May, for instance. tall her love," and the practical drollery of the project for endowing the Roman Catholic priews In 1847, during this month, 3043 pounds were Pet, Viola is not a character that afforde salient | of Ireland, which it anys must and will fall. “Lo- admitted, whilst during the same womit of the pro- opportunities to every body. The fore which fed? yalty (says the writer) is not a thing to be bought; sent your the quantity amounted to 7039 pounds. so the "damask oheek" of Fiola was “wever told,” It is a spontanous feeling, unparchasosble at any | We trust that the progreso inadu ainung the lowe: and can only be understand and interpreted by an price; and if the Irish Carbolic clergy have it not classes in habits of temperaneo, in a grem mesure selors who has a profound sympathy with this now, the must liberal endowment will work no owing le the raloublo aletinenca vocietior, is not mut dekoste creation of the great poet. This change in their polition) feslingu.”

counterbalanced by an increase in the number of pal love is exhibited by Mrs Charles Keen with

An Odcious Inference.An Iows stump orator, persona addicted to that worst of vices, opium est. the most exquisite truthfulnus, Haring no words wishing to describe his opponent en coolless man, 19. This matter deserves Investigation.* --250. by which the may sven hint her passion to the said, "I have heard some parsons bald the opinion, diosi Timat. object of her adoration, there is an eloquence in that just at the precise moment after one human ?Another Monster of the Deep I—The brig fleox Nor pensive eyes, a deep devotion in her looka, being dies another in born, and the sool enters and Adrien, commanded by Captain Bars, has just ne which completely supply the place of language, animates the new-born babe. Now, I have made rived at Eavre; the captain oxys dint on the 27th "The Ranson," which followed Twolfth Night," particular and extensive inquir?an concerning my ult. being in 47 dog. 05 min, west longitudo, ba is well known from the intense feeling with which opponent thar, and I find that for some hours be saw something on his larboard bow very likon Mes Keso performe a character of domestic life

fore he drew breath nobody diod Fellow citizens, whale. He bare up for it, and on approaching it placed in the most harrowing situations. Her 1 love you to draw the Inference."

| thought that it was a largo ship, bottom upwards ; orting is admirable. The call for her at the con- clusion of both pieces was most enthusiastic, and



H. M. 05th Regiment,